--- Log opened Thu Apr 07 00:00:09 2016 --- Day changed Thu Apr 07 2016 0000:< hellapanda> stoker 0000:< Grizzly_Storm> JK Rowling 0000:< npinsker> The answer was Bram Stoker! Correct users: Patarknight (2364), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (635) 0000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Archaeology || In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found? 0000:< hellapanda> thebes 0000:< Grizzly_Storm> The ruins of Myspace 0000:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 0000:< Patarknight> Corinth 0000:< npinsker> The answer was Thebes! Correct users: hellapanda (2162) 0001:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2364), 3xist3nc3 (2348), hellapanda (2162), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cold things || What percentage of Antarctica is ice? 0001:< 3xist3nc3> 98 0001:< hellapanda> 98 0001:< npinsker> The answer was ninty eight! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2352), hellapanda (2165) 0002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically? 0002:< hellapanda> artic, atlantic, indian, pacific 0002:< 3xist3nc3> atlantic, indian, pacific 0002:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tanto, tento, tinto, tonto 0002:< hellapanda> arctic, atlantic, indian, pacific 0002:< npinsker> The answer was Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific! Correct users: hellapanda (2169) 0002:< hellapanda> oo typo, you almost got me 0002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which bridge spans the Hudson River? 0003:< hellapanda> george washington 0003:< 3xist3nc3> brooklyn bridge 0003:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the hudson bridge 0003:< 3xist3nc3> oh wait i'm dumb 0003:< hellapanda> lol 0003:< Grizzly_Storm> Uzumaki Bridge 0003:< 3xist3nc3> george washington 0003:< npinsker> The answer was George Washington Bridge! Correct users: hellapanda (2173), 3xist3nc3 (2355) 0003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the first cartoon talking picture. 0003:< hellapanda> steamboat willie 0003:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> steamboat willie 0004:< npinsker> The answer was Steamboat Willie! Correct users: hellapanda (2177), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (638) 0004:< 3xist3nc3> my willie on a steamboat 0004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Also known as the Ploughman Poet, what Bard of Ayrshire was born in Alloway, Ayrshire, in 1759? 0004:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0004:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Burns! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series "Happy Days". 0005:< 3xist3nc3> american graffiti 0005:< npinsker> The answer was American Graffiti! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2359) 0005:< hellapanda> lol 0005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who said 'public service is my motto'? 0005:< hellapanda> *loud whisper* i dont think he knows 0006:< hellapanda> al capone 0006:< npinsker> The answer was Al Capone! Correct users: hellapanda (2181) 0006:< hellapanda> ah ok 0006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is the medical term for cancer of the blood? 0006:< hellapanda> leukemia 0006:< 3xist3nc3> leukemia 0006:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> leukemia 0007:< npinsker> The answer was leukemia! Correct users: hellapanda (2185), 3xist3nc3 (2362), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (640) 0007:< 3xist3nc3> A man most famous for being an alcohol-selling mafioso during the prohibiton 0007:< 99999999999999999989> capone 0007:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2364), 3xist3nc3 (2362), hellapanda (2185), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0007:< 3xist3nc3> lol 0007:< hellapanda> lol 0007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline? 0007:< 3xist3nc3> colombia 0007:< hellapanda> colombia 0008:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2366), hellapanda (2188) 0008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the fifth largest country in the world? 0008:< hellapanda> brazil 0008:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> brazil 0008:< Patarknight> Brazil 0008:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> do we have an approximate time until next merge? 0008:< npinsker> The answer was Brazil! Correct users: hellapanda (2192), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (643), Patarknight (2366) 0009:< 3xist3nc3> nope 0009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Analogies || Analogy: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ________. 0009:< HookahComputer> $ new 0009:< hellapanda> now 0009:< hellapanda> new 0009:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> new 0009:< bbrazil> knew 0009:< hellapanda> current 0009:< npinsker> The answer was current! Correct users: hellapanda (2196) 0009:< 3xist3nc3> go throw yourself to the deepest part of the atlantic ocean, rate limit 0009:< hellapanda> what a terrible qu-- whoa nice 0009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Furniture || Where did venetian blinds originate? 0009:< 3xist3nc3> Venice! 0009:< HookahComputer> venice 0009:< bbrazil> windows 0009:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> venice 0010:< hellapanda> nope, i think it's an asian country 0010:< npinsker> The answer was Japan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0010:< hellapanda> aha! 0010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || After contracting this disease, Friedrich Nietzsche went crazy and eventually died. 0010:< HookahComputer> syphilis 0010:< bbrazil> life 0010:< hellapanda> syphilis 0010:< mharrizone> syphilis 0010:< HookahComputer> syphillis 0010:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> craziness 0010:< npinsker> The answer was syphilis! Correct users: HookahComputer (820), hellapanda (2199), mharrizone (492) 0011:< HookahComputer> Yay I got syphilis 0011:< HookahComputer> nero 0011:< mharrizone> nero 0011:< bbrazil> nero 0011:< hellapanda> nero 0011:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: HookahComputer (824), mharrizone (495), bbrazil (55), hellapanda (2200) 0011:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the fiddler on the roof 0011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL playoffs? 0012:< HookahComputer> stanley cup 0012:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto trophy 0012:< Patarknight> stanley cup 0012:< hellapanda> stanley cup 0012:< hellapanda> which reminds me, unff so excited for playoffs soon 0012:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Cup! Correct users: HookahComputer (828), Patarknight (2369), hellapanda (2202) 0012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who killed Kenny? 0012:< tRitone11> They 0012:< 3xist3nc3> Them! 0012:< HookahComputer> they 0012:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> those bastards 0012:< 3xist3nc3> you bastards! 0012:< mharrizone> matt stone and try parker 0012:< hellapanda> they 0013:< HookahComputer> oh my god, they 0013:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> you bastards 0013:< 3xist3nc3> they 0013:< mharrizone> the creators 0013:< npinsker> The answer was They! Correct users: HookahComputer (832), hellapanda (2205), 3xist3nc3 (2368) 0013:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2369), 3xist3nc3 (2368), hellapanda (2205), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0013:< mharrizone> Specifically what I said tho! 0013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What science does Professor Stephen Hawking study and teach? 0013:< tRitone11> astrophysics 0013:< HookahComputer> astrophysics 0013:< mharrizone> adtrophysics 0014:< mharrizone> astrophysics 0014:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> astrophysics 0014:< npinsker> The answer was astrophysics! Correct users: HookahComputer (836), mharrizone (498), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (645) 0014:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: You Dumbass || What digital currency was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Mussolini invaded this country in 1935. 0014:< tRitone11> Ethiopia 0014:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> italy 0014:< HookahComputer> ethiopia 0014:< Patarknight> Ethiopia 0014:< npinsker> The answer was Ethiopia! Correct users: HookahComputer (840), Patarknight (2372) 0015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Saruman explains in "The Fellowship of the Ring" that Orcs were once what? 0015:< mharrizone> elves 0015:< HookahComputer> elves 0015:< npinsker> The answer was Elves! Correct users: mharrizone (502), HookahComputer (843) 0015:< doswarrior> republicans 0015:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> elvis 0015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Film Title: Fahrenheit ________. (a number) 0015:< tRitone11> 451 0015:< HookahComputer> 451 0015:< Patarknight> 451 0015:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 451 0016:< mharrizone> 451 0016:< npinsker> The answer was 451! Correct users: HookahComputer (847), Patarknight (2375), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (647), mharrizone (503) 0016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest cathedral in the world. 0016:< tRitone11> St. Peter's 0016:< HookahComputer> St. Peter's 0016:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> st. peter's basilica 0017:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> st. peters 0017:< npinsker> The answer was St. Peter's! Correct users: HookahComputer (851), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (650) 0017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || 7% of Americans don't know the first nine words of the American anthem, but know the first seven words of which ant... 0017:< tRitone11> Canadian anthem 0017:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> american 0017:< doswarrior> flyers theme song 0017:< 3xist3nc3> Canadian anthem 0017:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> canadian 0017:< npinsker> The answer was Canadian anthem! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2372), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (653) 0017:< 3xist3nc3> O canada 0018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Name of the mad scientist who created deformed creatures in the video game Farcry? 0018:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dr. evil 0018:< doswarrior> Eichmann 0018:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dr. mario 0018:< doswarrior> dr. house 0018:< npinsker> The answer was Krieger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Common Terms || How many is a baker's dozen? 0018:< tRitone11> thirteen 0018:< doswarrior> 13 0018:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 13 0018:< mharrizone> 13 0019:< mharrizone> thirteen 0019:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dreizehn 0019:< npinsker> The answer was thirteen! Correct users: doswarrior (4), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (656), mharrizone (505) 0019:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2375), 3xist3nc3 (2372), hellapanda (2205), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From which fish is caviar obtained? 0019:< tRitone11> sturgeon 0019:< Patarknight> sturgeon 0019:< doswarrior> sturgeon 0019:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sturgeon 0020:< Abandonedapple> sturgeon 0020:< npinsker> The answer was sturgeon! Correct users: Patarknight (2379), doswarrior (7), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (658), Abandonedapple (49) 0020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the national symbol for India? 0020:< tRitone11> lotus flower 0020:< doswarrior> lotusz 0020:< Abandonedapple> lotus flower 0020:< doswarrior> lotus 0020:< Patarknight> lotus 0021:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> lotus 0021:< npinsker> The answer was lotus flower! Correct users: Abandonedapple (53) 0021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || In which country is the largest gold refinery? 0021:< tRitone11> South Africa 0021:< doswarrior> south africa 0021:< Abandonedapple> south africa 0021:< Patarknight> South Africa 0021:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: doswarrior (11), Abandonedapple (56), Patarknight (2381) 0022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || The quetzal is the currency of ____________? 0022:< tRitone11> Guatemala 0022:< Abandonedapple> guatemala 0022:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> birdland 0022:< npinsker> The answer was Guatemala! Correct users: Abandonedapple (60) 0022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Author of "The Lighthouse" and "Eminent Victorians"? 0022:< tRitone11> Virginia Woolf 0022:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto mchenry 0023:< npinsker> The answer was Virginia Woolf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Bible || What is the holy cup of Christ called? 0023:< tRitone11> Holy Grail 0023:< Abandonedapple> holy grail 0023:< KCosmo> holy grail 0023:< doswarrior> Big Gulp 0023:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> holy grail 0023:< npinsker> The answer was Holy Grail! Correct users: Abandonedapple (64), KCosmo (467), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (660) 0024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which 1960's group sang a song inspired by 'Alice In Wonderland'? 0024:< tRitone11> The Jefferson Airplane 0024:< doswarrior> Jefferson Airplane 0024:< Abandonedapple> the jefferson airplane 0024:< KCosmo> jefferson airplane 0024:< KCosmo> the jefferson airplane 0024:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> jefferson airplane 0024:< npinsker> The answer was The Jefferson Airplane! Correct users: doswarrior (15), Abandonedapple (67), KCosmo (469), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (661) 0024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || Which nation has an AK-47 assault rifle on its flag? 0025:< tRitone11> Mozambique 0025:< Abandonedapple> mozambique 0025:< npinsker> The answer was Mozambique! Correct users: Abandonedapple (71) 0025:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2381), 3xist3nc3 (2372), hellapanda (2205), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims? 0025:< tRitone11> Jerusalem 0026:< Abandonedapple> jerusalem 0026:< 3xist3nc3> jerusalem 0026:< KCosmo> bethlehem 0026:< KCosmo> jerusalem 0026:< npinsker> The answer was Jerusalem! Correct users: Abandonedapple (75), 3xist3nc3 (2375), KCosmo (471) 0026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who said 'you'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap'? 0026:< tRitone11> Dolly Parton 0026:< neverkidding> dolly parton 0026:< KCosmo> dolly parton 0027:< npinsker> The answer was Dolly Parton! Correct users: neverkidding (275), KCosmo (474) 0027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd words || What is a 'somnambulist'? 0027:< tRitone11> sleepwalker 0027:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sleepwalker 0027:< neverkidding> sleepwalker 0027:< KCosmo> sleepwalker 0027:< Abandonedapple> sleepwalker 0027:< npinsker> The answer was sleepwalker! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (665), neverkidding (278), KCosmo (476), Abandonedapple (76) 0028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Rose Tattoo'? 0028:< tRitone11> Tennessee Williams 0028:< Abandonedapple> tennesse williams 0028:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the girl with the dragon tattoo 0028:< npinsker> The answer was Tennessee Williams! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0028:< wolf2600> Dropkick Murpheys 0028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cliches || The pen is mightier then the ...... 0028:< tRitone11> sword 0028:< Abandonedapple> sword 0029:< KCosmo> sword 0029:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> pencil 0029:< npinsker> The answer was sword! Correct users: Abandonedapple (80), KCosmo (479) 0029:< 3xist3nc3> is 0029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Ulysses' son, who grew to manhood in his absence? 0029:< tRitone11> Telemachus 0029:< Abandonedapple> telemachus 0030:< npinsker> The answer was Telemachus! Correct users: Abandonedapple (84) 0030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone? 0030:< tRitone11> furcula 0030:< Abandonedapple> furcula 0030:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wishbone 0030:< npinsker> The answer was furcula! Correct users: Abandonedapple (88) 0031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie? 0031:< tRitone11> Welland 0031:< Abandonedapple> welland 0031:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> welland 0031:< npinsker> The answer was Welland! Correct users: Abandonedapple (92), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (668) 0031:< 3xist3nc3> ohiontario 0031:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2381), 3xist3nc3 (2375), hellapanda (2205), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0031:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontario 0032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Plants || "Scotch pine", "Douglas fir", "Noble fir", "Fraser fir" are all commonly used as what? 0032:< tRitone11> christmas trees 0032:< Abandonedapple> christmas trees 0032:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> thanksgiving turkeys 0032:< 3xist3nc3> whiskeys 0032:< npinsker> The answer was christmas trees! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0032:< Abandonedapple> what?! 0032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld, the river of 'Hate' which dead souls must c... 0032:< grink> styx 0032:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> styx 0033:< Abandonedapple> styx 0033:< grink> tonto! 0033:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> come sail away 0033:< RunningWarrior> styx 0033:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0033:< npinsker> The answer was Styx! Correct users: grink (827), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (671), Abandonedapple (94), RunningWarrior (63) 0033:< grink> shooby the tontastic 0033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the opera 'The Giant'? 0033:< tRitone11> Sergei Prokofiev 0033:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> that's me 0033:< Abandonedapple> sergei prokofiev 0033:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> giant tonto 0034:< npinsker> The answer was Sergei Prokofiev! Correct users: Abandonedapple (98) 0034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || Is wholemeal bread brown or white? 0034:< tRitone11> brown 0034:< Abandonedapple> brown 0034:< grink> probably brown 0034:< npinsker> The answer was brown! Correct users: Abandonedapple (102), grink (830) 0034:< Abandonedapple> :D 0035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || 2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms? 0035:< tRitone11> e 0035:< Abandonedapple> e 0035:< grink> e 0035:< hellapanda> e 0035:< grink> natural 0035:< hellapanda> e! 0035:< 3xist3nc3> e 0035:< grink> ln 0035:< npinsker> The answer was e! Correct users: Abandonedapple (106), grink (833), hellapanda (2207), 3xist3nc3 (2376) 0035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did David Stirling found? 0035:< tRitone11> SAS 0035:< grink> stirling silver 0036:< 3xist3nc3> quite a stirling 0036:< npinsker> The answer was SAS! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0036:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> laxatives 0037:< npinsker> The answer was hypnotism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || Who built the 'Cherokee' and 'Comanche' aircraft? 0037:< tRitone11> Piper 0037:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0037:< Patarknight> Piper 0037:< npinsker> The answer was Piper! Correct users: Patarknight (2385) 0038:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2385), 3xist3nc3 (2376), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Juliette Binoche won an academy award for best supporting role in which film? 0038:< tRitone11> English Patient 0038:< npinsker> The answer was English Patient! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Alaska called before 1867? 0039:< tRitone11> Russian America 0039:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> alaska territory 0039:< RunningWarrior> klondike 0039:< npinsker> The answer was Russian America! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Which American poet publically supported Adolf Hitler and was paid to condemn America on Italian Radio? 0039:< FeebleOldMan> kanye west 0040:< npinsker> The answer was Ezra Pound! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0040:< 3xist3nc3> Reltih Floda 0040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This French peasant girl led the army to victories. 0040:< tRitone11> Joan of Arc 0040:< 3xist3nc3> anne of arc 0040:< npinsker> The answer was Joan of Arc! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As sick as a ____________? 0041:< tRitone11> dog 0041:< FeebleOldMan> plague victim 0041:< FeebleOldMan> rat 0041:< FeebleOldMan> rat 0041:< npinsker> The answer was dog! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played in the film 'Ragtime' after 20 years offscreen? 0041:< tRitone11> James Cagney 0042:< AndyD418> johnny cage 0042:< npinsker> The answer was James Cagney! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || John Donne wrote that no man is what geographic feature? 0043:< npinsker> The answer was An island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the original name of Paul McCartney's fictional church cleaner 'Eleanor Rigby'? 0043:< tRitone11> Miss Daisy Hawkins 0043:< npinsker> The answer was Miss Daisy Hawkins! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0044:< mharrizone> father mckenzie 0044:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2385), 3xist3nc3 (2376), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What are the two basic aids in orienteering? 0044:< tRitone11> map and compass 0044:< mharrizone> compass and map 0044:< npinsker> The answer was map and compass! Correct users: mharrizone (509) 0045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948 for his services to poetry? 0045:< npinsker> The answer was TS Eliot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Poseidon was the Greek god of the ____________? 0045:< tRitone11> sea 0046:< mharrizone> sea 0046:< berberine> sea 0046:< leonlai86> sea 0046:< npinsker> The answer was sea! Correct users: mharrizone (513), berberine (230), leonlai86 (13) 0046:< mharrizone> ocean 0046:< mharrizone> Anyone else getting nut-crushing lag or is it just my shitty connection? 0046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crime || What country has the highest kidnapping rate? 0046:< tRitone11> Colombia 0046:< leonlai86> russia 0046:< berberine> colombia 0046:< leonlai86> USMNT are owning colombia rn 0047:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: berberine (234) 0047:< --jp--> MY OWN MOTHERFUCKING BOT >>>> HOW MANY AUTISTS HERE ??? 0047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: (Definitions: -isms) || Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus all belonged to this philosophical movement. 0047:< tRitone11> Existentialism 0047:< leonlai86> existentialism 0047:< mharrizone> existentialism 0047:< npinsker> The answer was Existentialism! Correct users: leonlai86 (17), mharrizone (516) 0047:< mharrizone> -jp-- One less now that I muted your ass! 0048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was Adolf Hitler born? 0048:< tRitone11> Austria 0048:< mharrizone> austria 0048:< berberine> austria 0048:< dick_sanitizer> austria 0048:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: mharrizone (520), berberine (237), dick_sanitizer (313) 0048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || It's bartending math! Solve for x. (Bloody Mary-vodka) + tequila = x 0049:< mharrizone> bloody maria 0049:< npinsker> The answer was Bloody Maria! Correct users: mharrizone (524) 0049:< mharrizone> loooool! can't believe that was actually right 0049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the official language of Austria? 0049:< tRitone11> german 0049:< FeebleOldMan> german 0049:< mharrizone> german 0049:< berberine> german 0049:< mharrizone> deutsch 0049:< FeebleOldMan> hitlerese 0050:< npinsker> The answer was german! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1399), mharrizone (527), berberine (239) 0050:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2385), 3xist3nc3 (2376), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1399), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League? (name them alphabetically) 0050:< tRitone11> Harvard, Princeton, Yale 0050:< FeebleOldMan> -.- 0050:< mharrizone> dartmouth, harvard, yale 0050:< mharrizone> brown, harvard, yale 0050:< FeebleOldMan> apple banana cucumber 0050:< Patarknight> Harvard, Princeton, Yale 0051:< npinsker> The answer was Harvard, Princeton, Yale! Correct users: Patarknight (2389) 0051:< mharrizone> orite 0051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president? 0051:< tRitone11> forty three 0051:< mharrizone> 35 0051:< FeebleOldMan> 45 0051:< FeebleOldMan> 39 0051:< mharrizone> 42 0052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who did a version of 'One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer' on his 1977 debut album? 0052:< tRitone11> George Thorogood 0052:< FeebleOldMan> adam drunkard 0052:< 3xist3nc3> some alcoholic 0052:< mharrizone> warren zevon 0052:< npinsker> The answer was George Thorogood! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0052:< mharrizone> oya 0052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || "Zymurgy" and "zymology" are names for what science, beloved of beer-drinkers everywhere? 0052:< mharrizone> brewing 0052:< FeebleOldMan> mycology 0052:< dick_sanitizer> fermentation 0053:< FeebleOldMan> brewing 0053:< dick_sanitizer> brewing 0053:< CWTyger> Mixology? 0053:< npinsker> The answer was Fermentation! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (317) 0053:< FeebleOldMan> fermentation 0053:< dick_sanitizer> woooooooooooooooot 0053:< FeebleOldMan> gg 0053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || His many Romantic odes include 'Ode to Melancholy' and 'Ode to a Graecian Urn' 0053:< tRitone11> Keats 0053:< FeebleOldMan> shakespeare 0053:< mharrizone> yeats 0053:< Grizzly_Storm> Keats 0053:< npinsker> The answer was John Keats! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0053:< FeebleOldMan> boys2men 0054:< mharrizone> fuckinay 0054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is the yellow variety of quartz? 0054:< tRitone11> Citrine 0054:< Patarknight> Citrine 0054:< FeebleOldMan> lemon quartz 0054:< Grizzly_Storm> The piss mineral. 0054:< npinsker> The answer was Citrine! Correct users: Patarknight (2393) 0054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the term for a mass of mood moving from your mouth to your stomach called? 0054:< tRitone11> bolus 0054:< dick_sanitizer> aw poor fnc 0055:< dick_sanitizer> bolus 0055:< BernieCar> bolus 0055:< FeebleOldMan> mood??? 0055:< mharrizone> ol 0055:< dick_sanitizer> PMS 0055:< BernieCar> FOOD 0055:< FeebleOldMan> emo 0055:< npinsker> The answer was bolus! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (321), BernieCar (125) 0055:< mharrizone> swallowing 0055:< Grizzly_Storm> Eating 0055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Which poet published the collection entitled "All Religions Are One"? 0055:< mharrizone> keats 0055:< FeebleOldMan> neil d'grasse tyson 0055:< dick_sanitizer> sylvia plath 0056:< Grizzly_Storm> Some historical philosophical faggot. 0056:< npinsker> The answer was William Blake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0056:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2376), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1399), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0057:< npinsker> The answer was evaporation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0057:< FeebleOldMan> o.o 0057:< BernieCar> hey! 0057:< Grizzly_Storm> LOL what? 0057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Collective Names || What is a group of donkeys called? 0057:< tRitone11> herd 0057:< mharrizone> herd 0057:< FeebleOldMan> herd 0057:< BernieCar> assload 0057:< FeebleOldMan> bunch 0057:< dick_sanitizer> the qu evaoporated lol 0057:< FeebleOldMan> group 0057:< FeebleOldMan> flock 0057:< npinsker> The answer was herd! Correct users: mharrizone (531), FeebleOldMan (1402) 0058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was the name of Mother Goose's son? 0058:< tRitone11> Jack 0058:< FeebleOldMan> tom cruise 0058:< dick_sanitizer> ugly duckling 0058:< Grizzly_Storm> The little Goose. 0058:< dick_sanitizer> rob 0058:< FeebleOldMan> baby goose 0058:< dick_sanitizer> bob 0058:< FeebleOldMan> son goose 0058:< npinsker> The answer was Jack! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0058:< mharrizone> john 0058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. 0058:< tRitone11> cuckoo 0058:< dick_sanitizer> cuckoo 0058:< Grizzly_Storm> Yeah well nobody likes Jack anyway. 0059:< FeebleOldMan> penguin 0059:< mharrizone> jack 0059:< Grizzly_Storm> Netorare 0059:< npinsker> The answer was cuckoo! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (325) 0059:< dick_sanitizer> ;) 0059:< mharrizone> HOLY SHIT LAGATHA CHRISTIE 0059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many dungeons are in "The Legend of Zelda"? 0059:< FeebleOldMan> 25 0059:< dick_sanitizer> 18 0059:< BernieCar> 24 0059:< FeebleOldMan> 18 0059:< Grizzly_Storm> How long is a piece of string trivia bot? 0100:< FeebleOldMan> 24 0100:< npinsker> The answer was 18! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (329), FeebleOldMan (1405) 0100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Railways || What city has the most underground stations in the world? 0100:< tRitone11> New York 0100:< BernieCar> london 0100:< dick_sanitizer> new york 0100:< mharrizone> new york 0100:< FeebleOldMan> london 0100:< mharrizone> london 0100:< 3xist3nc3> New York 0100:< FeebleOldMan> new york 0100:< mharrizone> beijing 0100:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (333), mharrizone (534), 3xist3nc3 (2378), FeebleOldMan (1406) 0100:< FeebleOldMan> atlantis 0100:< dick_sanitizer> i was really confused, i though this would be london first time round 0101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia? 0101:< tRitone11> Paraguay 0101:< mharrizone> paraguay 0101:< dick_sanitizer> chile 0101:< Grizzly_Storm> Paragay. 0101:< mharrizone> chile 0101:< dick_sanitizer> paraguay 0101:< dick_sanitizer> chiles on the edge i forgot lol 0101:< mharrizone> uruguay 0101:< npinsker> The answer was Paraguay! Correct users: mharrizone (538), dick_sanitizer (336) 0101:< mharrizone> ofuck, nice 0101:< dick_sanitizer> right bye guys! 0101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 0101:< tRitone11> British officers 0101:< FeebleOldMan> bb dick 0102:< Grizzly_Storm> Steven Hawking 0102:< mharrizone> napolean 0102:< FeebleOldMan> 45 british officers 0102:< mharrizone> the british 0102:< FeebleOldMan> can't rem how many british officers 0102:< npinsker> The answer was British officers! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1410), mharrizone (541) 0102:< mharrizone> 48? 0102:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2378), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1410), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the U.S. state with the smallest population. 0102:< tRitone11> Alaska 0102:< BernieCar> rhode island 0102:< FeebleOldMan> alaska 0103:< FeebleOldMan> rhode island 0103:< BernieCar> oh good 0103:< FeebleOldMan> north dakota 0103:< BernieCar> south dakota 0103:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1414) 0103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the movie "Blade Runner"? 0103:< tRitone11> Ridley Scott 0103:< FeebleOldMan> ehshit 0103:< Grizzly_Storm> James Cameron 0103:< FeebleOldMan> uhh 0104:< npinsker> The answer was Ridley Scott! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0104:< FeebleOldMan> agh 0104:< BernieCar> we're terrible 0104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play? 0104:< BernieCar> :) 0104:< tRitone11> basketball 0104:< FeebleOldMan> basketball 0104:< BernieCar> basketball 0104:< Grizzly_Storm> Netball 0104:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0104:< FeebleOldMan> pig racing 0104:< npinsker> The answer was basketball! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1418), BernieCar (128) 0105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What colour is a robin's egg? 0105:< tRitone11> blue 0105:< BernieCar> blue 0105:< FeebleOldMan> i've never seen one 0105:< FeebleOldMan> beige 0105:< npinsker> The answer was blue! Correct users: BernieCar (132) 0105:< FeebleOldMan> mottled 0105:< mharrizone> ridley scott 0105:< FeebleOldMan> wow 0105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973? 0105:< tRitone11> OJ Simpson 0105:< BernieCar> heisman 0105:< FeebleOldMan> mharrizone scroll down 0105:< Grizzly_Storm> Fine, it's OJ Simpson 0106:< BernieCar> lol 0106:< FeebleOldMan> oo repeat qn oj simpson 0106:< npinsker> The answer was OJ Simpson! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (20), FeebleOldMan (1421) 0106:< BernieCar> ok i won't copy, i'll wait for my repeat :D 0106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was the beautiful young man Echo fell in love with? 0106:< tRitone11> Narcissus 0106:< BernieCar> adonis 0106:< Grizzly_Storm> Narcissus 0106:< FeebleOldMan> there's a greek dude named echo? 0106:< npinsker> The answer was Narcissus! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (24) 0107:< Grizzly_Storm> Apparently. Personally I only pay attention to greek gods. 0107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the Nazca lines? 0107:< tRitone11> Peru 0107:< mharrizone> I'm lagging SO hard 0107:< FeebleOldMan> peru 0107:< mharrizone> wtf lag 0107:< Grizzly_Storm> Peru 0107:< TheHawkIsHowling> Is tRitone11 a bot? 0107:< BernieCar> yep, block him 0107:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1425), Grizzly_Storm (27) 0107:< TheHawkIsHowling> cool 0107:< Grizzly_Storm> Sort of... 0107:< mharrizone> TheHawkIsHowling yes, just mute it. Nice Mogwai ref btw 0107:< FeebleOldMan> yes.. you should mute him 0107:< tRitone11> thehwaishowling no 0107:< Grizzly_Storm> He's running a bot script but hes also here. 0107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps. 0107:< tRitone11> lichen 0108:< BernieCar> moss 0108:< FeebleOldMan> moss 0108:< Grizzly_Storm> lichen 0108:< mharrizone> moss 0108:< FeebleOldMan> oh wait i answred moss and it was wrong.. lichen 0108:< tRitone11> thehawkishowling everybody muted me. Just follow my answers and you'll win easily 0108:< BernieCar> yeah 0108:< npinsker> The answer was lichen! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (31), FeebleOldMan (1428) 0108:< mharrizone> lichen 0108:< BernieCar> i don't hink moss is considered a plant 0108:< mharrizone> THX LAG 0108:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2378), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1428), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Patrick Duffy portray in the TV series 'Dallas'? 0108:< tRitone11> Bobby Ewing 0108:< FeebleOldMan> lichen is definitely wrong.. it's fungi + algae 0109:< FeebleOldMan> moss is a green non-flowering plant 0109:< mharrizone> BernieCar oh, and lichen is?! That's very raci...er...botanist! 0109:< BernieCar> :( 0109:< BernieCar> for shame berniecar, for shame 0109:< npinsker> The answer was Bobby Ewing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London? 0109:< tRitone11> Monument 0109:< BernieCar> Big Ben 0109:< FeebleOldMan> berniecar i award you points for answering moss: Berniecar (4) 0110:< npinsker> The answer was Monument! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0110:< BernieCar> yay! i'll put them on my friends 0110:< BernieCar> euh fridge -- damn autofingers 0110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Palindromes || Complete the Palindrome: satan, oscillate my metallic ________ 0110:< tRitone11> sonatas 0110:< FeebleOldMan> sonatas 0110:< BernieCar> natas 0110:< CWTyger> Wait, what? Someone said Monument. 0110:< mharrizone> natas 0110:< BernieCar> sonatas 0110:< FeebleOldMan> cwtyger probably a bot 0110:< mharrizone> sonatas 0110:< FeebleOldMan> cwtyger just mute it 0110:< npinsker> The answer was sonatas! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1432), BernieCar (135), mharrizone (543) 0111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses? 0111:< tRitone11> Romeo and Juliet 0111:< BernieCar> macbeth 0111:< FeebleOldMan> romeo and juliet 0111:< mharrizone> romeo and juliet 0111:< Grizzly_Storm> Romeo and Juliet 0111:< BernieCar> romeo and julietes! 0111:< BernieCar> oops 0111:< npinsker> The answer was Romeo and Juliet! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1436), mharrizone (546), Grizzly_Storm (33) 0111:< jayman419> Baz Luhrman's movie version of that is awesome. 0111:< jayman419> Mercurtio is great. 0111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What lake is approximately 394,000 sq. km in area? 0111:< tRitone11> Caspian Sea 0111:< BernieCar> Erie 0112:< FeebleOldMan> great lake 0112:< TheHawkIsHowling> lake superior 0112:< FeebleOldMan> lake superior 0112:< Grizzly_Storm> Caspian sea 0112:< mharrizone> caspian 0112:< FeebleOldMan> big lake 0112:< npinsker> The answer was Caspian Sea! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (37) 0112:< FeebleOldMan> how u know this 0112:< mharrizone> whore 0112:< TheHawkIsHowling> why isn't it caspian lake then 0112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actress's real name was Frances Gumm? 0112:< tRitone11> Judy Garland 0112:< BernieCar> Judy garland 0112:< FeebleOldMan> finch geisha 0112:< Grizzly_Storm> Judy Garland 0112:< mharrizone> judge judy garland 0113:< npinsker> The answer was Judy Garland! Correct users: BernieCar (139), Grizzly_Storm (40), mharrizone (548) 0113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is Pearl Harbour? 0113:< tRitone11> Oahu 0113:< FeebleOldMan> hawaii 0113:< BernieCar> oahu 0113:< mharrizone> hawaii 0113:< FeebleOldMan> oahu 0113:< Grizzly_Storm> Oahu 0113:< mharrizone> oahu 0113:< npinsker> The answer was Oahu! Correct users: BernieCar (143), FeebleOldMan (1439), Grizzly_Storm (42), mharrizone (549) 0114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many sides does a home-plate have? 0114:< tRitone11> five 0114:< FeebleOldMan> 4 0114:< BernieCar> 5 0114:< mharrizone> 5 0114:< Grizzly_Storm> five 0114:< FeebleOldMan> 5 0114:< FeebleOldMan> 2 0114:< mharrizone> five 0114:< FeebleOldMan> 6 0114:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: BernieCar (147), mharrizone (552), Grizzly_Storm (44), FeebleOldMan (1440) 0114:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2378), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1440), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts? 0115:< tRitone11> Pretty Woman 0115:< Grizzly_Storm> Pretty Woman 0115:< BernieCar> pretty woman 0115:< FeebleOldMan> pretty woman 0115:< FeebleOldMan> wow this qn was asked 3 ways 0115:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuckin hell tritone11 is back 0115:< npinsker> The answer was Pretty Woman! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (48), BernieCar (150), FeebleOldMan (1442) 0115:< mharrizone> five 0115:< Grizzly_Storm> You do get repeats sometimes. 0115:< FeebleOldMan> who was goldie hawn body double for in pretty woman, who was julia robert's body double 0115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Corporations || Who owns Weight Watchers? 0115:< tRitone11> Heinz 0115:< BernieCar> time warner 0115:< Grizzly_Storm> Heinz 0115:< FeebleOldMan> weighing scale inc 0115:< crispy-owl> heinz 0116:< tRitone11> bphilly_cheesesteak what's the problem 0116:< npinsker> The answer was Heinz Foods! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (52), crispy-owl (22) 0116:< bphilly_cheesesteak> you're giving away all the answers! 0116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Westminster Abbey located? 0116:< tRitone11> London 0116:< BernieCar> london 0116:< Grizzly_Storm> I like tRitone, he runs a botscipt, but he's still very much here. 0116:< crispy-owl> london 0116:< Grizzly_Storm> London 0116:< FeebleOldMan> england 0116:< tRitone11> bphilly_cheesesteak that's the game 0116:< bphilly_cheesesteak> :( 0116:< FeebleOldMan> london 0117:< BernieCar> sounds like you're westminster crabby 0117:< FeebleOldMan> bphilly_cheesesteak click on name to mute 0117:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: BernieCar (154), crispy-owl (25), Grizzly_Storm (54), FeebleOldMan (1443) 0117:< bphilly_cheesesteak> oh dope 0117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol? 0117:< tRitone11> India 0117:< Grizzly_Storm> India 0117:< FeebleOldMan> china 0117:< FeebleOldMan> nepal 0117:< DrWinters> egypt 0117:< FeebleOldMan> india 0117:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (58), FeebleOldMan (1446) 0117:< mharrizone> india 0118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || What word contains the combination of letters: "xop"? 0118:< tRitone11> saXOPhone 0118:< BernieCar> epoxy 0118:< mharrizone> Holy fuck I need my own Internets again. Can't stand my apartment complex's shitty shitty wifi 0118:< hellapanda> what a stupid question 0118:< Grizzly_Storm> pox 0118:< mharrizone> saxophone 0118:< SaveTheSpycrabs> saXOPhone 0118:< npinsker> The answer was saXOPhone! Correct users: mharrizone (556), SaveTheSpycrabs (69) 0118:< BernieCar> ohh 0118:< BernieCar> my b 0118:< hellapanda> how about toXOPlasmosis 0118:< DrWinters> axoplasm 0118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the longest river in Asia. 0118:< tRitone11> Yangtze 0118:< crispy-owl> yangtze 0118:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the nile river 0118:< Grizzly_Storm> Yangtze 0118:< hellapanda> aXOPlasm 0118:< DrWinters> yangtze 0118:< SaveTheSpycrabs> yangtze 0119:< mharrizone> ural 0119:< npinsker> The answer was Yangtze! Correct users: crispy-owl (29), Grizzly_Storm (61), DrWinters (3), SaveTheSpycrabs (70) 0119:< chugga_fan> tRitone11 where are you pulling the answers from? 0119:< BernieCar> he's a bot - mute him 0119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Beverages || This drink is made from espresso coffee, steamed milk and chocolate. 0119:< tRitone11> Mocha 0119:< BernieCar> please :) 0119:< crispy-owl> mocha 0119:< SaveTheSpycrabs> tRitone is a bot 0119:< FeebleOldMan> mocha 0119:< tRitone11> chugga_fan because I was banned for botting when I wasn't botting. so I started 0119:< BernieCar> mocha 0119:< SaveTheSpycrabs> mocha 0119:< Grizzly_Storm> Mocha 0119:< DrWinters> mocha 0119:< BernieCar> damnit lag! 0119:< npinsker> The answer was Mocha! Correct users: crispy-owl (33), FeebleOldMan (1449), BernieCar (156), SaveTheSpycrabs (71), Grizzly_Storm (61), D... 0120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Which famous male actor made his name in 'I Dream Of Jeannie'? 0120:< tRitone11> Larry Hagman 0120:< chugga_fan> so you started actually? but where are the answers being pulled from...? 0120:< crispy-owl> larry hagman 0120:< Grizzly_Storm> Larry Hagman 0120:< FeebleOldMan> sean connery 0120:< mharrizone> "famous" 0120:< tRitone11> chugga_fan my script, you can use it https://github.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/blob/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/8yhdh 0120:< npinsker> The answer was Larry Hagman! Correct users: crispy-owl (37), Grizzly_Storm (64) 0120:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2378), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1449), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does 'shogun' mean in English? 0121:< tRitone11> military governor 0121:< BernieCar> tent 0121:< crispy-owl> military governer 0121:< FeebleOldMan> boss 0121:< hellapanda> he was botting before. trivia bot owner banned him for cheating (although he wasn't botting at that time) and he got butthurt about it 0121:< crispy-owl> military governor 0121:< npinsker> The answer was military governor! Correct users: crispy-owl (41) 0121:< FeebleOldMan> hellopanda 0121:< hellapanda> helloOldMan 0121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What volcano destroyed Pompeii? 0121:< tRitone11> Vesuvius 0121:< Calvin1119> I'm joining you guys 0122:< BernieCar> visuvius 0122:< crispy-owl> mount vesuvius 0122:< FeebleOldMan> mount vesuvius 0122:< Calvin1119> Vesuvius 0122:< chugga_fan> tRitone11 lol, so you got these questions from the bot code for the guy? 0122:< BernieCar> point robber 0122:< npinsker> The answer was Vesuvius! Correct users: crispy-owl (45), FeebleOldMan (1452), Calvin1119 (2) 0122:< BernieCar> HEY 0122:< hellapanda> hi 0122:< Calvin1119> sup 0122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews. 0122:< tRitone11> holocaust 0122:< BernieCar> rude. 0122:< crispy-owl> holocaust 0122:< FeebleOldMan> hi calvin 0122:< BernieCar> holocaust 0122:< tRitone11> chugga_fan they are questions you can get free in the internet, and yes, he posted it on his github 0122:< FeebleOldMan> holocaust 0123:< FeebleOldMan> extermination 0123:< npinsker> The answer was holocaust! Correct users: crispy-owl (49), BernieCar (159), FeebleOldMan (1454) 0123:< chugga_fan> ah, that's funny 0123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The United States is made up of __ states. 0123:< Grizzly_Storm> fifty 0123:< tRitone11> fifty 0123:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0123:< mharrizone> Wooooow my fucking connection. Can't play now, cya guise =( 0123:< BernieCar> 50 0123:< FeebleOldMan> 50 0123:< mharrizone> BernieCar I like to think "rude" was your answer to the holocaust question 0123:< BernieCar> hahahah 0123:< FeebleOldMan> mharrizone switch to another com, restart your com,, then rejoin 0123:< Calvin1119> chugga_fan I've been gone for a little big, what new scripts have emerged? 0123:< hellapanda> lol mharrizone 0123:< npinsker> The answer was 50! Correct users: BernieCar (163), FeebleOldMan (1457) 0124:< chugga_fan> *shrug* no clue 0124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Other than England, which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup? 0124:< tRitone11> Netherlands 0124:< Grizzly_Storm> Netherlands 0124:< BernieCar> australia 0124:< Calvin1119> Things seem to have calmed down around here 0124:< BernieCar> aaand 0124:< FeebleOldMan> ireland 0124:< BernieCar> european 0124:< npinsker> The answer was Netherlands! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (68) 0124:< mharrizone> vesuvius 0124:< BernieCar> ffs, Portland 0124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is name applied to the study of soil? 0124:< tRitone11> paedology 0124:< Grizzly_Storm> paedology 0124:< Hug_The_NSA> paedology 0124:< mharrizone> ...wat? Did it seriously JUST NOW send "vesuvius"? 0125:< FeebleOldMan> grizzly botting 0125:< hellapanda> yup 0125:< Grizzly_Storm> No bots here brah 0125:< npinsker> The answer was paedology! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (72), Hug_The_NSA (163) 0125:< mharrizone> agriculture 0125:< tRitone11> grizzly_storm approved guy 0125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || The Greek goddess of fertility, also known as a protectress of witches. 0125:< tRitone11> Hecate 0125:< Grizzly_Storm> Hecate 0125:< BernieCar> whelp 0125:< Yenwodyah_> hecate 0126:< npinsker> The answer was Hecate! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (76), Yenwodyah_ (3) 0126:< Hug_The_NSA> hecate 0126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the slowest moving land mammal. 0126:< Grizzly_Storm> sloth 0126:< tRitone11> sloth 0126:< 3xist3nc3> Sloth 0126:< FeebleOldMan> sloth 0126:< Hug_The_NSA> sloth 0126:< tRitone11> grizzly_storm fast 0126:< mharrizone> sloth 0126:< npinsker> The answer was sloth! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (80), 3xist3nc3 (2381), FeebleOldMan (1459), Hug_The_NSA (164), mharrizone (556) 0126:< hellapanda> battle of bots again? 0127:< Hug_The_NSA> lol whos botting 0127:< tRitone11> hellapanda that's the same bot 0127:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2381), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1459), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0127:< Grizzly_Storm> No bots completely legit. 0127:< hellapanda> let's see who's bot- ah 0127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Vincent Vega appeared in which movie? 0127:< Grizzly_Storm> Pulp Fiction 0127:< hellapanda> same as yours you mean? 0127:< Hug_The_NSA> pulp fiction 0127:< Grizzly_Storm> XD 0127:< FeebleOldMan> pulp fiction 0127:< BernieCar> okay - time to go 0127:< mharrizone> pulp fiction 0127:< Hug_The_NSA> the terminator 0127:< BernieCar> good luck guys 0127:< npinsker> The answer was Pulp Fiction! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (84), Hug_The_NSA (167), FeebleOldMan (1461), mharrizone (557) 0127:< FeebleOldMan> bb berniecar 0127:< hellapanda> peace bernie 0128:< mharrizone> 9:28:00 EST 0128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Henry VIII's second wife? 0128:< Grizzly_Storm> Anne Boleyn 0128:< FeebleOldMan> mrs henry 0128:< Grizzly_Storm> I did Henry in History. 0128:< Hug_The_NSA> Hillary Clinton 0128:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (88) 0128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || On a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of Z. 0128:< Grizzly_Storm> x 0128:< tRitone11> x 0128:< FeebleOldMan> x 0129:< Hug_The_NSA> x 0129:< Grizzly_Storm> I'm a keyboard warrior. 0129:< npinsker> The answer was x! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (92), FeebleOldMan (1464), Hug_The_NSA (169) 0129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Bilbo tells Frodo there hasn't been a dragon "in these parts" for how long? 0129:< FeebleOldMan> 40 years 0129:< FeebleOldMan> 80 years 0130:< Grizzly_Storm> I don't watch LOTR -_- 0130:< npinsker> The answer was 1,000 years! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0130:< FeebleOldMan> 120 years 0130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograpgy || In what country is The Blue Lagoon? 0130:< Grizzly_Storm> Iceland 0130:< tRitone11> Iceland 0130:< tRitone11> I went there this august 0130:< npinsker> The answer was Iceland! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (96) 0131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector _________. 0131:< Grizzly_Storm> Clouseau 0131:< tRitone11> Clouseau 0131:< ferndave> BS 0131:< npinsker> The answer was Clouseau! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (100) 0131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is acute nasopharyngitis? 0131:< Grizzly_Storm> A cold 0131:< tRitone11> A cold 0132:< npinsker> The answer was A cold! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (104) 0132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles. 0132:< Grizzly_Storm> mah jongg 0132:< tRitone11> mah jongg 0132:< ferndave> bot against bot...how fun 0132:< npinsker> The answer was mah jongg! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0133:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2381), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0133:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This wireless controller with 16 different channels can be used with the GameCube system. 0133:< npinsker> The answer was Wavebird! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0134:< Grizzly_Storm> Nobody plays gamecube anymore.. 0134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer? 0134:< tRitone11> General Halftrack 0134:< Grizzly_Storm> Maybe an emulator. 0134:< tRitone11> Grizzly_storm he banned you 0134:< npinsker> The answer was General Halftrack! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0134:< Grizzly_Storm> Lol 0134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || How many stars on the european union flag? 0134:< tRitone11> 12 0134:< Grizzly_Storm> 12 0135:< Hug_The_NSA> 2 0135:< Hug_The_NSA> 12 0135:< Grizzly_Storm> Even with ban i'm gonna leave the answers. 0135:< npinsker> The answer was 12! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (108), Hug_The_NSA (172) 0135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Who painted the Mona Lisa? 0135:< Grizzly_Storm> Leonardo da Vinci 0135:< tRitone11> grizzly_storm no you are not banned! 0135:< Hug_The_NSA> I dont always copy bots 0135:< Grizzly_Storm> Huh, guess i'm still getting points. 0135:< Hug_The_NSA> leonardo da vinci 0136:< 3xist3nc3> cya grizzly 0136:< Hug_The_NSA> only when i dont know the answer 0136:< npinsker> The answer was Leonardo da Vinci! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (112), Hug_The_NSA (175) 0136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who had, next to Samuel Jackson, a leading roll in 'Unbreakable'? 0136:< Grizzly_Storm> Bruce Willis 0136:< tRitone11> Bruce Willis 0136:< Hug_The_NSA> bruce willis 0136:< AndyD418> bruce willis 0136:< Hug_The_NSA> Leonardo Da Vinci 0136:< npinsker> The answer was Bruce Willis! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (116), Hug_The_NSA (178), AndyD418 (377) 0137:< Hug_The_NSA> I knew it was leonardo 0137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || The agave cactus is the source of which liquor? 0137:< Grizzly_Storm> tequila 0137:< tRitone11> tequila 0137:< 3xist3nc3> Tequila 0137:< Hug_The_NSA> tequila 0137:< Hug_The_NSA> ive learned so much from this trivia tbh 0137:< Grizzly_Storm> Waiting to be blacklisted lol. 0137:< Hug_The_NSA> so much useless shit 0137:< npinsker> The answer was tequila! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (120), 3xist3nc3 (2384), Hug_The_NSA (180) 0137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is identified with the word 'eureka'? 0137:< Grizzly_Storm> Archimedes 0137:< tRitone11> Archimedes 0138:< cyclingwonder> Portlandica 0138:< Hug_The_NSA> I thought it was north pole explorer man 0138:< npinsker> The answer was Archimedes! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (124) 0138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Handy Hints || By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, in what can you not sink? 0138:< Grizzly_Storm> quicksand 0138:< tRitone11> quicksand 0138:< cyclingwonder> is ritone blocked? 0138:< Hug_The_NSA> quicksand 0139:< 3xist3nc3> yes cyclingwonder 0139:< Hug_The_NSA> thats handy 0139:< cyclingwonder> good 0139:< npinsker> The answer was quicksand! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (128), Hug_The_NSA (183) 0139:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2384), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0139:< Grizzly_Storm> Seriously some of this info is useful. 0139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Anne Boleyn have three of? 0139:< Grizzly_Storm> breasts 0139:< tRitone11> breasts 0139:< Hug_The_NSA> ears 0139:< Grizzly_Storm> O_O 0139:< Hug_The_NSA> mouths 0139:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0140:< npinsker> The answer was breasts! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0140:< cyclingwonder> ahw :( 0140:< Grizzly_Storm> LOL 0140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || A line that touches a circle at two points is called a ..... 0140:< Grizzly_Storm> chord 0140:< tRitone11> chord 0140:< Hug_The_NSA> chord 0140:< QuackBlack> chords 0140:< npinsker> The answer was chord! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (132), Hug_The_NSA (186) 0141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "Ten Little Indians?" 0141:< Grizzly_Storm> Agatha Christie 0141:< tRitone11> Agatha Christie 0141:< cyclingwonder> rofl grizzly_storm botting as well 0141:< npinsker> The answer was Agatha Christie! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (136) 0141:< Hug_The_NSA> i actually knew that one lol the bots kinda ruin it 0141:< Grizzly_Storm> Completely legit 0141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Longevity || How old was the world's oldest man? 0141:< Grizzly_Storm> one hundred and forty one 0141:< tRitone11> one hundred and forty one 0142:< Hug_The_NSA> one hundred and fourty one 0142:< cyclingwonder> poor trivia bot :( 0142:< Hug_The_NSA> i spelled it wrong lol 0142:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and forty one! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (140) 0142:< tRitone11> lol 0142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which of the Queen's cousins served as squire to King Robert? 0142:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0143:< npinsker> The answer was Lancel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World'? 0143:< Grizzly_Storm> Algar 0143:< tRitone11> Algar 0143:< Empyrealist> algar 0143:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0143:< npinsker> The answer was Algar! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (144), Empyrealist (76) 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the continent that consists of a single country. 0144:< Grizzly_Storm> Australia 0144:< tRitone11> Australia 0144:< Empyrealist> australia 0144:< Hug_The_NSA> Australia 0144:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (148), Empyrealist (79), Hug_The_NSA (188) 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Whats the main feature of a speedway motorbike? 0144:< Grizzly_Storm> No Brakes 0144:< tRitone11> No Brakes 0144:< Empyrealist> throttle 0145:< Hug_The_NSA> no breaks 0145:< Empyrealist> big tire 0145:< npinsker> The answer was No Brakes! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (152) 0145:< Empyrealist> speed 0145:< Hug_The_NSA> no brakes 0145:< Empyrealist> how is it a feature, if it doesnt exist 0145:< Hug_The_NSA> le ratelimit 0145:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2384), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0145:< Empyrealist> english 0145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'? 0145:< Grizzly_Storm> Neo 0145:< tRitone11> Neo 0145:< Hug_The_NSA> its a feature b/c lower weight, the fact that it doesn't have fucking breaks... 0145:< Empyrealist> neo 0145:< Hug_The_NSA> neo 0145:< Grizzly_Storm> Even I know this one. 0146:< npinsker> The answer was Neo! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (156), Empyrealist (82), Hug_The_NSA (190) 0146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What color is a green crayon? 0146:< Grizzly_Storm> green 0146:< tRitone11> green 0146:< Empyrealist> green 0146:< Hug_The_NSA> green 0146:< Grizzly_Storm> worst trivia question ever. 0146:< npinsker> The answer was green! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (160), Empyrealist (85), Hug_The_NSA (192) 0147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: World Affairs || What arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership? 0147:< Grizzly_Storm> yemen 0147:< tRitone11> yemen 0147:< Empyrealist> yemen 0147:< Grizzly_Storm> Comminism FTW :) 0147:< npinsker> The answer was Yemen! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (164), Empyrealist (88) 0147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ________. 0147:< Grizzly_Storm> violet 0147:< tRitone11> violet 0148:< Hug_The_NSA> violet 0148:< Empyrealist> violet 0148:< berberine> violet 0148:< Grizzly_Storm> Believe me I know, I have special eyes. 0148:< npinsker> The answer was violet! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (168), Hug_The_NSA (195), Empyrealist (90), berberine (240) 0148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who wrote 'The Starry Messenger'? 0148:< tRitone11> Galileo 0148:< Grizzly_Storm> Galileo 0148:< cdm9002> why would you cheat on a trivia chat? 0148:< berberine> gallileo 0148:< rbasov> right? 0148:< nolasagne> new leavebot script no annoying message https://github.com/nzchicken/leavebot/ 0148:< berberine> galileo 0149:< Empyrealist> "leavebot" ? 0149:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (172), berberine (243) 0149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || Approximately how deep are the deepest mines? (in km) 0149:< Grizzly_Storm> four 0149:< tRitone11> four 0149:< rbasov> 4 0149:< berberine> four km 0149:< Grizzly_Storm> Why not cheat? Even if I get banned i'll help other people. 0149:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (176), rbasov (2069) 0150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || On which planet are the craters Brahms and Liszt? 0150:< Grizzly_Storm> Mercury 0150:< tRitone11> Mercury 0150:< rbasov> mercury 0150:< berberine> mercury 0150:< Grizzly_Storm> Can add me to ignore anyway, if you don't want the help. 0150:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (180), rbasov (2072), berberine (245) 0150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the square root of one quarter? 0150:< Grizzly_Storm> one half 0150:< tRitone11> one half 0151:< berberine> one half 0151:< Empyrealist> one half 0151:< npinsker> The answer was one half! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (184), berberine (248), Empyrealist (92) 0151:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2393), 3xist3nc3 (2384), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2072), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies? 0151:< Grizzly_Storm> Juliet 0151:< tRitone11> Juliet 0151:< 3xist3nc3> Juliet 0152:< grink> bob 0152:< berberine> juliet 0152:< Hug_The_NSA> Juliet 0152:< Patarknight> Juliet 0152:< npinsker> The answer was Juliet! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (188), 3xist3nc3 (2387), berberine (250), Hug_The_NSA (196), Patarknight (2393) 0152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has the longest land border? 0152:< Grizzly_Storm> China 0152:< tRitone11> China 0152:< Patarknight> China 0152:< grink> russia 0152:< berberine> china 0152:< Hug_The_NSA> china 0153:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (192), Patarknight (2396), berberine (252), Hug_The_NSA (197) 0153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As hard as ______________? 0153:< Grizzly_Storm> nails 0153:< tRitone11> nails 0153:< berberine> a rock 0153:< grink> boner 0153:< npinsker> The answer was nails! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (196) 0154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which period was first, jurassic or carboniferous? 0154:< Grizzly_Storm> carboniferous 0154:< tRitone11> carboniferous 0154:< berberine> carboniferous 0154:< Patarknight> carboniferous 0154:< grink> carboniferous 0154:< Grizzly_Storm> Copy me or tRitone 4 free trivia points. 0154:< npinsker> The answer was carboniferous! Correct users: npinsker (76), Grizzly_Storm (199), berberine (254), Patarknight (2397), grink (833) 0154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the pyramids located? 0154:< Grizzly_Storm> Egypt 0154:< tRitone11> Egypt 0154:< grink> cairo 0154:< berberine> egypt 0155:< grink> egyopt 0155:< grink> egypt 0155:< rbasov> mexico 0155:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (203), berberine (257), grink (835) 0155:< rbasov> boo..I'm sure the mayans built a pyramid in mexico 0155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Besides "Auld Lang Syne" and "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow", what is the most frequently sung song in English? 0155:< Grizzly_Storm> Happy Birthday 0155:< tRitone11> Happy Birthday 0155:< berberine> happy birthday 0155:< grink> stupid happy birthday 0155:< Hug_The_NSA> happy birthday 0156:< rbasov> This is your birthday song, it isn't very long. Hey! 0156:< npinsker> The answer was Happy Birthday! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (207), berberine (260), grink (837), Hug_The_NSA (198) 0156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || The valuable blue form of corundum is called: 0156:< Grizzly_Storm> sapphire 0156:< tRitone11> sapphire 0156:< rbasov> sapphire 0156:< berberine> sapphire 0156:< grink> firey azul 0156:< npinsker> The answer was sapphire! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (211), rbasov (2075), berberine (262) 0157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || How old was Sarah when she had a child? 0157:< Grizzly_Storm> ninety 0157:< tRitone11> ninety 0157:< rbasov> 90 0157:< berberine> 90 0157:< grink> 69 0157:< Hug_The_NSA> 90 0157:< npinsker> The answer was ninety! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (215), rbasov (2078), berberine (264), Hug_The_NSA (199) 0157:< rbasov> Why does Christianity get its own category but every other religion falls under the "Religion" category? You prejudiced. 0158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Was Shirley Temple 21, 25 or 29 when she made her last film? 0158:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty one 0158:< tRitone11> twenty one 0158:< 3xist3nc3> Because westerners 0158:< rbasov> 69 0158:< neverkidding> 21 0158:< Hug_The_NSA> 21 0158:< berberine> 21 0158:< 3xist3nc3> 21 0158:< rbasov> 104 0158:< npinsker> The answer was 21! Correct users: neverkidding (282), Hug_The_NSA (202), berberine (266), 3xist3nc3 (2388) 0158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flea Abilities || How many times its own length can the average flea jump? 0158:< Grizzly_Storm> 150 0158:< tRitone11> 150 0158:< rbasov> 150 0158:< neverkidding> 150 0158:< berberine> 150 0158:< grink> 151 0159:< 3xist3nc3> 152 0159:< npinsker> The answer was 150! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (219), rbasov (2081), neverkidding (284), berberine (267) 0159:< Hug_The_NSA> 842655611 0200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister? 0200:< Grizzly_Storm> Lois (of Hi and Lois) 0200:< tRitone11> Lois (of Hi and Lois) 0200:< grink> ho 0200:< neverkidding> lois 0200:< rbasov> lois 0200:< berberine> lois 0200:< npinsker> The answer was Lois (of Hi and Lois)! Correct users: neverkidding (288), rbasov (2084), berberine (269) 0200:< rbasov> Lois, Lois, Lois, Lois, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mum, Mum, Mum...WHAT?!...Hi :) 0200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country has a birth rate of 0? 0200:< tRitone11> The Vatican City 0200:< Grizzly_Storm> The Vatican City 0200:< grink> gayville 0200:< npinsker> The answer was The Vatican City! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (223) 0200:< rbasov> I'm definitely going to take my future very pregnant wife there and have her give birth. 0200:< grink> do it 0200:< neverkidding> rbasov you rebel 0200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which is the most ancient walled city? 0200:< tRitone11> Jericho 0200:< Grizzly_Storm> Jericho 0201:< rbasov> jericho 0201:< grink> the rock 0201:< neverkidding> disneyland 0201:< rbasov> I smell what he's cooking. 0201:< Hug_The_NSA> my brother just asked me if there was really a gayville. he's 10 0201:< npinsker> The answer was Jericho! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (227), rbasov (2087) 0201:< grink> i'm sorry :( 0201:< rbasov> Yes, it's San Francisco, CA. 0201:< Hug_The_NSA> im keking dude it's fine I'm literally lolling hard 0201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld? 0201:< Grizzly_Storm> Osiris 0201:< tRitone11> Osiris 0201:< Hug_The_NSA> Osiris 0201:< rbasov> anubis 0202:< npinsker> The answer was Osiris! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (231), Hug_The_NSA (205) 0202:< grink> it exists! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gayville,_South_Dakota => http://nazar.so/8fvs0 0202:< neverkidding> Actual conversation I had one time: "My boyfriend lives in San Francisco" ... "Is he gay?" (am female) 0202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theology || Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death, according to Catholocism? 0202:< tRitone11> limbo 0202:< Grizzly_Storm> limbo 0202:< rbasov> Oh..my...god 0202:< neverkidding> limbo 0202:< neverkidding> This was a teacher by the way 0202:< NightVisionHawk> GUYS about 2110 (71.3%) people aren't active or left their computer on, and 850 (28.7%) are --- WE AREN'T LIKELY GOING TO SURVIVE NEXT 0202:< rbasov> Lol, neverkidding, that's funny. 0202:< npinsker> The answer was limbo! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (235), neverkidding (291) 0203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What does the George Washington Bridge span? 0203:< Grizzly_Storm> Hudson River 0203:< tRitone11> Hudson River 0203:< rbasov> my shlong 0203:< grink> hudson river 0203:< grink> north river 0203:< rbasov> yangtze 0203:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson River! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (239), grink (840) 0203:< rbasov> so close 0203:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2397), 3xist3nc3 (2388), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0204:< embracetehmartian> hey guys hows it goin 0204:< grink> could be north river, i forget where it splits 0204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Alcohol || What do the letters VOSP on a brandy bottle stand for? 0204:< Grizzly_Storm> Very Special Old Pale 0204:< tRitone11> Very Special Old Pale 0204:< Hug_The_NSA> Very Special Old Pale 0204:< grink> very old sexy panther 0204:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0204:< npinsker> The answer was Very Special Old Pale! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (243), Hug_The_NSA (208) 0204:< embracetehmartian> >pls respond 0204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city. 0204:< Grizzly_Storm> Montreal 0204:< tRitone11> Montreal 0204:< grink> going well u? 0205:< neverkidding> hey embracetehmartian 0205:< npinsker> The answer was Montreal! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (247) 0205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Ryu stars in this Capcom RPG where his light dragon village faces an attack from Emperor Zog. 0205:< embracetehmartian> good grink, i see u getting ur trivia score up 0205:< CryEagle> street fighter 0206:< embracetehmartian> how are you neverkidding 0206:< npinsker> The answer was Breath of Fire! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0206:< grink> embracetehmartian yeah i was on a call ALL DAY so i played 0206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || "Lord Wearys Castle" is a work by which American poet?: 0206:< embracetehmartian> what job, grink 0206:< grink> sylvia plath 0206:< CryEagle> robert lowell 0206:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Lowell! Correct users: CryEagle (110) 0206:< grink> embracetehmartian bulk electric system stuff (>100 kV) 0207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country was the setting for "Doctor Zhivago"? 0207:< Grizzly_Storm> Russia 0207:< tRitone11> Russia 0207:< grink> USSR 0207:< grink> CCCP 0207:< npinsker> The answer was Russia! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (251) 0207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many minutes is a major penalty in hockey? 0207:< Grizzly_Storm> five 0207:< tRitone11> five 0208:< grink> thrieve 0208:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (255) 0208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He wrote "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" in 1948. 0208:< Grizzly_Storm> Alfred Kinsey 0208:< tRitone11> Alfred Kinsey 0208:< Authsauce> huzzah for another bot 0209:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Kinsey! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (259) 0209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night? 0209:< tRitone11> antelope 0209:< Grizzly_Storm> antelope 0209:< DrWinters> hugh hefner 0209:< grink> triceratops 0209:< grink> Sarah 0209:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (263) 0210:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2397), 3xist3nc3 (2388), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entomology || What is the only insect that can turn its head? 0210:< tRitone11> praying mantis 0210:< Grizzly_Storm> praying mantis 0210:< CryEagle> praying mantis 0210:< Patarknight> praying mantis 0210:< grink> mantits 0210:< DrWinters> praying mantis 0210:< npinsker> The answer was praying mantis! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (267), CryEagle (113), Patarknight (2399), DrWinters (4) 0211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who was Horus' mother? 0211:< Grizzly_Storm> Isis 0211:< CryEagle> Isis 0211:< tRitone11> Isis 0211:< Patarknight> Isis 0211:< DrWinters> ISIS 0211:< grink> tok'ra 0211:< Authsauce> daesh 0211:< DrWinters>  Islamic State 0211:< npinsker> The answer was Isis! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (271), CryEagle (116), Patarknight (2401), DrWinters (5) 0211:< DrWinters> islamic state 0211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the first film directed by Robert Redford? 0211:< Grizzly_Storm> Ordinary People 0211:< CryEagle> Ordinary People 0211:< tRitone11> Ordinary People 0211:< grink> welcome to the NSA list 0212:< Authsauce> ooh, two bots now 0212:< BernieCar> grizzly still bottin? 0212:< BernieCar> sigh 0212:< Hug_The_NSA> hi 0212:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (275), CryEagle (119), Shoopdawoop9001 (2) 0212:< BernieCar> this is why we can't have nice things 0212:< Authsauce> yup 0212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Optics || What colour do you get when you mix blue and yellow together? 0212:< tRitone11> Green 0212:< Grizzly_Storm> Green 0212:< CryEagle> Green 0212:< Hug_The_NSA> green 0212:< grink> Green 0212:< grink> yeah totally is 0212:< Authsauce> platypus 0212:< BernieCar> goodnight then :) 0212:< grink> and ignored 0213:< Patarknight> and CryEagle too it looks like 0213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Denver _________. 0213:< tRitone11> Nuggets 0213:< Grizzly_Storm> Nuggets 0213:< CryEagle> Nuggets 0213:< Hug_The_NSA> Nuggets 0213:< CryEagle> nah fam 0213:< Patarknight> Nuggets 0213:< Empyrealist> nuggets 0213:< grink> snokers 0213:< grink> smokers 0213:< npinsker> The answer was Nuggets! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (283), CryEagle (125), Hug_The_NSA (212), Patarknight (2402), Empyrealist (92) 0213:< Grizzly_Storm> Ignore me or copy. Up to you. 0213:< CryEagle> gnore me or copy. Up to you. 0213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The Kelvin scale is used to measure _________. 0213:< tRitone11> temperature 0214:< CryEagle> temperature 0214:< grink> temperature 0214:< Hug_The_NSA> temperature 0214:< Patarknight> lol 0214:< Empyrealist> temperature 0214:< grink> energy 0214:< Grizzly_Storm> temperature 0214:< CryEagle> temperature 0214:< grink> thermodymanics 0214:< npinsker> The answer was temperature! Correct users: CryEagle (129), grink (844), Hug_The_NSA (214), Empyrealist (93), Grizzly_Storm (283) 0214:< Patarknight> Why spend time ruining something for other people? 0214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What wonder stood 32m high in Rhodes Harbor? 0214:< Hug_The_NSA> The Collossus Of Rhodes 0214:< grink> statue of beavis 0215:< Patarknight> Colossus 0215:< Empyrealist> giant elephant 0215:< Authsauce> The Collossus of Rhodes 0215:< Hug_The_NSA> Colossus 0215:< npinsker> The answer was Colossus of Rhodes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0215:< Hug_The_NSA> fuck 0215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The key of A major has ___ sharps. 0215:< Grizzly_Storm> three 0215:< tRitone11> three 0215:< Empyrealist> a few 0215:< grink> 44 0215:< Authsauce> several 0215:< npinsker> The answer was three! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (287) 0216:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2388), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0216:< Empyrealist> who is ruining what 0216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant? 0216:< Grizzly_Storm> flax 0216:< CryEagle> flax 0216:< tRitone11> flax 0216:< Empyrealist> flax 0216:< lostfanatic> flax 0216:< grink> boralax 0216:< Empyrealist> is someone stealing our fake internet points again? 0216:< CryEagle> implying 1 line of JS is "spending time" 0216:< npinsker> The answer was flax! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (291), CryEagle (132), Empyrealist (95), lostfanatic (11) 0216:< grink> yes 0216:< 3xist3nc3> Yes 0217:< Authsauce> @grizzlystorm cuz these old ass trivia points are so important, amirite 0217:< 3xist3nc3> we need to tell npinsker 0217:< Empyrealist> damn them 0217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Sung by Robert Palmer, '____________ to love'? 0217:< tRitone11> Addicted 0217:< Grizzly_Storm> Addicted 0217:< grink> addicted 0217:< Hug_The_NSA> spelling.addicted 0217:< Hug_The_NSA> addicted 0217:< Empyrealist> addicted 0217:< lostfanatic> Addicted 0217:< 3xist3nc3> very addicted 0217:< Empyrealist> damn this rate limit 0217:< grink> boner jam love 0217:< npinsker> The answer was Addicted! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (295), grink (847), Hug_The_NSA (216), Empyrealist (96), lostfanatic (11), 3xist3... 0217:< grink> i have grizzly blocked btw 0217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the Jutland peninsula? 0217:< tRitone11> Denmark 0217:< Grizzly_Storm> Denmark 0217:< CryEagle> Denmark 0218:< grink> kim norton 0218:< lostfanatic> Denmark 0218:< _deffer_> is grizzly another bot? 0218:< grink> appears so 0218:< npinsker> The answer was Denmark! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (299), CryEagle (135), lostfanatic (13) 0218:< CryEagle> me not bot fam 0218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The fins of which fish are made into a soup? 0218:< Grizzly_Storm> shark 0218:< CryEagle> shark 0218:< tRitone11> shark 0218:< grink> i normally can hit #1 if i know the answer 0218:< Grizzly_Storm> That's what I mean, don't take everything seriously, you are welcome to clock me, if you want hardcore MLG Trivia. 0218:< lostfanatic> shark 0218:< Grizzly_Storm> Block* 0218:< grink> shark 0219:< grink> fucking rate limit 0219:< npinsker> The answer was shark! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (303), CryEagle (138), lostfanatic (15), grink (848) 0219:< grink> new parrot gives you a count down tho 0219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What color was Bullitt's car? 0219:< Grizzly_Storm> Green 0219:< tRitone11> Green 0219:< CryEagle> Green 0219:< grink> blue 0219:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Red 0219:< lostfanatic> rainbow 0219:< Authsauce> @cryeagle /r/iamverysmart 0219:< _deffer_> green 0219:< grink> yellow 0219:< _deffer_> yellow 0219:< npinsker> The answer was Green! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (307), CryEagle (141), _deffer_ (541) 0220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into which estuary do the Trent and Ouse flow? 0220:< tRitone11> Humber 0220:< Grizzly_Storm> Humber 0220:< CryEagle> Humber 0220:< grink> npinsker Grizzly_Storm is a bot 0220:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Humber 0220:< _deffer_> is cryeagle a bot too? I don't see them in chat 0220:< grink> hamburger 0220:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oh two more bots to mute, i see 0220:< Patarknight> cryeagle is too 0220:< _deffer_> so lame 0220:< npinsker> The answer was Humber! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (311), CryEagle (144), GetXyzzyWithIt (782) 0220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the common name for the larynx? 0220:< Grizzly_Storm> voice box 0220:< CryEagle> voice box 0220:< tRitone11> voice box 0220:< grink> throat 0220:< Authsauce> nah, cryeagle is just piggybacking off of grizzles 0220:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cryeagle and grizzly_storm, as trump would say, you are losers 0221:< CryEagle> Authsauce got it 0221:< GetXyzzyWithIt> voice box 0221:< npinsker> The answer was voice box! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (315), CryEagle (147), kieran6383 (2), GetXyzzyWithIt (783) 0221:< Authsauce> cuz he doesn't have any real talent ;) do I still got it cryeagle? 0221:< CryEagle> GetXyzzyWithIt trump would commend me for being smarter than yall 0221:< Patarknight> End result is the same 0221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As sick as a(n) ___________. 0221:< Grizzly_Storm> dog 0221:< CryEagle> dog 0221:< tRitone11> dog 0221:< grink> dog 0221:< GetXyzzyWithIt> dog 0221:< Empyrealist> cry eagle is definately a repeater bot 0222:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yup still a bot tho 0222:< npinsker> The answer was dog! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (319), CryEagle (150), grink (850), kieran6383 (3), GetXyzzyWithIt (783) 0222:< grink> yeah no way i was #3 0222:< CryEagle> if(copy && (uname == "grizzly_storm" || uname == "tritone11")) { sendMessage(settings.channel + msg_txt.substring(2)); 0222:< grink> i have both them blocked 0222:< 3xist3nc3> cryeagle, grizzly_storm are the new sadzr, fnc 0222:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2388), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0222:< 3xist3nc3> same grink 0222:< GetXyzzyWithIt> npinsker will need to block them from getting points 0222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What 'I' was once Mesopotamia? 0222:< tRitone11> Iraq 0222:< Grizzly_Storm> Iraq 0222:< CryEagle> Iraq 0222:< GetXyzzyWithIt> like the others were 0222:< 3xist3nc3> iraq 0222:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Iraq 0222:< grink> eye 0222:< CryEagle> talk about taking it too seriously 0223:< GetXyzzyWithIt> the one before the A 0223:< npinsker> The answer was Iraq! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (323), CryEagle (153), 3xist3nc3 (2390), GetXyzzyWithIt (784) 0223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value? 0223:< Grizzly_Storm> four 0223:< tRitone11> four 0223:< CryEagle> four 0223:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 4 0223:< Patarknight> You posting the answers ruins it for everyone else 0223:< _deffer_> four 0223:< bphilly_cheesesteak> You posting the answers ruins it for everyone else 0223:< CryEagle> block me and stop crying 0223:< Empyrealist> four 0223:< grink> Grizzly_Storm i smell 0223:< Etellex> what is this 0223:< GetXyzzyWithIt> just mute them 0223:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (327), CryEagle (156), GetXyzzyWithIt (786), _deffer_ (542), Empyrealist (96) 0223:< grink> did it repeat that 0223:< Authsauce> no one's taking it serious enough to cheat cryeagle lol 0223:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hahaha 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is the term used for 'slowly' in music? 0224:< Grizzly_Storm> lento 0224:< tRitone11> lento 0224:< CryEagle> lento 0224:< FeebleOldMan> 0.5x playback speed 0224:< grink> -1 0224:< Empyrealist> lol 0224:< FeebleOldMan> slow forward 0224:< Authsauce> getxyzzywithit but its so fun to hear cryeagle talk down to us! 0224:< npinsker> The answer was lento! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (331), CryEagle (159) 0224:< grink> Grizzly_Storm i'm a cheater 0224:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oh am i missing some sweet backtalk? 0224:< CryEagle> i aint talked down to nobody 0224:< grink> guess that bot doesn't pick that up 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BANANAS || Individual bananas are called ? 0224:< tRitone11> fingers 0224:< Grizzly_Storm> fingers 0224:< grink> fingers 0224:< FeebleOldMan> one banana 0224:< GetXyzzyWithIt> fingers 0224:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0224:< bphilly_cheesesteak> individual bananas 0225:< grink> two banana 0225:< Empyrealist> mono banana 0225:< CryEagle> i support donald trump 0225:< _deffer_> dildos 0225:< FeebleOldMan> onenana 0225:< npinsker> The answer was fingers! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (335), grink (853), GetXyzzyWithIt (788) 0225:< Authsauce> 7:22:59 PM CryEagle talk about taking it too seriously" you were saying? 0225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon character called? 0225:< CryEagle> i was kidding earlier now i'm offended 0225:< Grizzly_Storm> Oswald the Rabbit 0225:< tRitone11> Oswald the Rabbit 0225:< grink> steamboat willie 0225:< GetXyzzyWithIt> did cryeagle cause his bot to get limitrated? 0225:< Empyrealist> oswald the rabbit 0225:< _deffer_> mickey mouse 0225:< Authsauce> oh, im sorry cryeagle. i just can't keep track of all you mood swings 0225:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Steamboat Willie 0225:< Empyrealist> Im assuming that tritone11 is botting as well? 0225:< npinsker> The answer was Oswald the Rabbit! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (339), Empyrealist (99) 0226:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yeah he is banned from the scoreboard too 0226:< tRitone11> Empyrealist no. 0226:< CryEagle> no i turned it off brah 0226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest city in Ecuador? 0226:< tRitone11> Guayaquil 0226:< Grizzly_Storm> Guayaquil 0226:< GetXyzzyWithIt> he had a drama fit about it the other day 0226:< Empyrealist> ahh, I was wondering why he wasnt listing with correct users 0226:< _deffer_> Super prissy drama fit 0226:< npinsker> The answer was Guayaquil! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (343) 0226:< Empyrealist> I wish I got to see that! 0226:< tRitone11> I was banned when I wasn't botting. So I started doing it ;) 0226:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i missed most of it 0227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who starred in the 1952 film 'Niagara'? 0227:< Grizzly_Storm> Marilyn Monroe 0227:< CryEagle> robin ends in 2 days, cmon guys 0227:< grink> elvis 0227:< tRitone11> Marilyn Monroe 0227:< Empyrealist> at least its getting easier to spot who to filter 0227:< GetXyzzyWithIt> just 'unban me and i will stop cheating otherwise i will cheat forevarrrr' 0227:< tRitone11> Now people whining the game is ruined 0227:< Empyrealist> marilyn monroe 0227:< _deffer_> 2 days, lol. 0227:< npinsker> The answer was Marilyn Monroe! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (347), Empyrealist (102) 0227:< CryEagle> pls tell the other bros to unmute me, i stopped 0227:< Empyrealist> holy crap I was right 0227:< CryEagle> Authsauce pls 0227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Big American Things || The first skyscraper in the United States was built in which city? 0227:< Grizzly_Storm> Chicago 0227:< tRitone11> Chicago 0227:< grink> new york 0227:< GetXyzzyWithIt> New York City 0227:< _deffer_> new york 0227:< Empyrealist> new york 0227:< grink> new york city 0228:< grink> being from new york i dont say new york city :( 0228:< Empyrealist> new york city 0228:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Los Angeles 0228:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (351) 0228:< _deffer_> fk 0228:< grink> oh really til 0228:< Authsauce> Cryeagle wants everyone to know he has turned off his script and requests that you unmute him 0228:< _deffer_> no 0228:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2390), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0228:< GetXyzzyWithIt> too late 0228:< grink> nope 0228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What is the name of Jaleel White's character in the tv series 'Family Matters'? 0228:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Steve Erkel 0228:< _deffer_> steve urkel 0228:< Empyrealist> urkle 0228:< grink> steve urkle 0228:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Steve Urkel 0228:< CryEagle> aw, thanks anyway Authsauce 0228:< Empyrealist> steve urkel 0229:< Authsauce> np 0229:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Urkel! Correct users: _deffer_ (546), GetXyzzyWithIt (791), Empyrealist (104) 0229:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ooo the bot is blocked now? 0229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who is the Greek messenger god? 0229:< tRitone11> Hermes 0229:< Grizzly_Storm> Hermes 0229:< Empyrealist> mercury 0229:< grink> prometheus 0229:< GetXyzzyWithIt> MSNus 0229:< _deffer_> mercury 0229:< npinsker> The answer was Hermes! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (355), kieran6383 (6) 0229:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Promiscuous 0229:< _deffer_> is mercury roman? 0230:< Empyrealist> hermes? 0230:< _deffer_> or just not a messenger god? 0230:< Patarknight> Mercury is Roman 0230:< _deffer_> FK 0230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a person who makes barrels called? 0230:< tRitone11> cooper 0230:< Grizzly_Storm> cooper 0230:< Empyrealist> ahh crap 0230:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cooper 0230:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0230:< _deffer_> barrel maker 0230:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sad i remember that from last time this q posted 0230:< Empyrealist> barrelsmith 0230:< npinsker> The answer was cooper! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (359), GetXyzzyWithIt (794) 0230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the 'wallops'? 0230:< Grizzly_Storm> Hampshire 0230:< tRitone11> Hampshire 0231:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Australia 0231:< grink> hello piece of fucking shit 0231:< _deffer_> Chile 0231:< grink> okay it works now 0231:< _deffer_> ?? 0231:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Chile 0231:< grink> my connection was broken 0231:< npinsker> The answer was Hampshire! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (363) 0231:< GetXyzzyWithIt> grink how dare u! 0231:< _deffer_> Ahhh 0231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is the name of the bone in the lower leg? 0231:< Grizzly_Storm> tibia 0231:< tRitone11> tibia 0231:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i am literally crying here 0231:< Empyrealist> Grizzly_Storm smells 0231:< grink> not sure if my internet bounced to backup then back to primary 0231:< grink> fibia 0232:< Empyrealist> tibia 0232:< grink> tibia 0232:< GetXyzzyWithIt> boner 0232:< npinsker> The answer was tibia! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (367), Empyrealist (107), grink (855) 0232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 0232:< Grizzly_Storm> peseta 0232:< tRitone11> peseta 0232:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Peso 0232:< grink> um euro 0232:< Empyrealist> euro 0232:< Patarknight> Old questions grink 0232:< _deffer_> peso is mexico 0232:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Euro (but this is prob an old question) 0232:< Empyrealist> Grizzly_Storm's momma dresses him funny 0232:< npinsker> The answer was peseta! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (371) 0233:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ah that one 0233:< Empyrealist> how do you get his bot to talk back to you? 0233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the game "Contra", what does the capsule with an R on it represent? 0233:< grink> he/she sometimes shows up, weapons 0233:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rohipnol 0233:< grink> lol 0233:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0233:< Empyrealist> HA 0233:< 3xist3nc3> Ammo 0233:< grink> reload 0233:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ammo 0233:< tenoclockrobot> rapid shot 0233:< Empyrealist> ammo 0233:< npinsker> The answer was Rapid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0233:< Empyrealist> ooo, rapid. duh 0233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In what NES game did Master Higgins have to save Princess Leilani from the Evil Witch Doctor? 0233:< 3xist3nc3> I celebrate (nobody) :) 0234:< 3xist3nc3> better than a bot 0234:< CryEagle> grink fancy some rinky dink 0234:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Adventure Island 0234:< FeebleOldMan> Super Higgins Bros 0234:< npinsker> The answer was Adventure Island! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (798) 0234:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2390), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the literal meaning of 'pince-nez'? 0234:< tRitone11> pinch nose 0234:< Grizzly_Storm> pinch nose 0234:< grink> prince albert 0234:< tenoclockrobot> pinch nose 0235:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Pinch Nose 0235:< npinsker> The answer was pinch nose! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (375), tenoclockrobot (29), GetXyzzyWithIt (800) 0235:< Authsauce> instructions unclear. pinched my neighbors nipples. 0235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which swimming stroke is named after an insect? 0235:< GetXyzzyWithIt> get out of my house 0235:< Grizzly_Storm> butterfly 0235:< tRitone11> butterfly 0235:< tenoclockrobot> butterfly 0235:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Butterfly 0235:< grink> butterfly 0235:< Empyrealist> butterfly 0235:< Authsauce> lol 0236:< grink> in the middle of the street 0236:< npinsker> The answer was butterfly! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (379), tenoclockrobot (32), GetXyzzyWithIt (802), grink (856), Empyrealist (107) 0236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || What is the biggest criterion for prospective astronauts? 0236:< Grizzly_Storm> eyesight 0236:< tRitone11> eyesight 0236:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Height 0236:< _deffer_> eyesight 0236:< grink> eye ssight 0236:< _deffer_> it's why my dad was rejected 0236:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Eyesight 0236:< grink> eyesight 0236:< npinsker> The answer was eyesight! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (383), _deffer_ (549), GetXyzzyWithIt (804), grink (857) 0236:< grink> i really think it's height now thought 0237:< grink> since you can lasers 0237:< _deffer_> Yeah, this was back in the early 80s 0237:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i'm in the ISS rn 0237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Who is regarded as the most influential monarch of Russian Romanov Dynasty? 0237:< tRitone11> Peter I 0237:< Grizzly_Storm> Peter I 0237:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Romanov 0237:< _deffer_> natasha? 0237:< npinsker> The answer was Peter I! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (387) 0237:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Igor 0237:< _deffer_> Sergei? 0237:< Empyrealist> petre 0237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || What would be kept in an "aviary"? 0237:< Grizzly_Storm> birds 0237:< tRitone11> birds 0237:< GetXyzzyWithIt> birds 0237:< _deffer_> birds 0237:< Empyrealist> birds 0237:< grink> birds 0237:< SxwTheCat> birds 0238:< grink> nipples 0238:< GetXyzzyWithIt> aviars 0238:< SxwTheCat> wait isn't that bees 0238:< Hug_The_NSA> sky worms 0238:< SxwTheCat> oh birds k 0238:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (391), GetXyzzyWithIt (807), _deffer_ (551), Empyrealist (108), grink (857), SxwTheC... 0238:< GetXyzzyWithIt> no that's an apiary 0238:< Empyrealist> sky dinosaurs 0238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Acronyms || What does N.A.S.A stand for? 0238:< tRitone11> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0238:< Grizzly_Storm> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0238:< 3xist3nc3> National Aeronautics and Space Agency 0238:< cornellier> it stands for nasa 0238:< grink> national aeronatical and space aency 0238:< GetXyzzyWithIt> National Aeuronautics and Space Agency 0238:< Hug_The_NSA> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0239:< npinsker> The answer was National Aeronautics and Space Administration! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (395), Hug_The_NSA (219) 0239:< GetXyzzyWithIt> gah 0239:< 3xist3nc3> fuck, got it wrong by one word... 0239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stupid Americans || The Luxor hotel in Las Vegas has the most powerful what? 0239:< Grizzly_Storm> light 0239:< tRitone11> light 0239:< grink> light 0239:< cornellier> chode 0239:< Empyrealist> light 0239:< GetXyzzyWithIt> toilet 0239:< Hug_The_NSA> light 0239:< 3xist3nc3> Casino 0239:< grink> blow job machine 0239:< GetXyzzyWithIt> light 0239:< cornellier> bidet 0239:< SxwTheCat> light 0239:< Empyrealist> stupid americans? thats not very nice 0239:< GetXyzzyWithIt> farts 0239:< npinsker> The answer was light! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (399), grink (860), Empyrealist (110), Hug_The_NSA (220), GetXyzzyWithIt (807), SxwT... 0240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He invented "bifocal" lenses for eyeglasses. 0240:< tRitone11> Benjamin Franklin 0240:< Grizzly_Storm> Benjamin Franklin 0240:< grink> ben franklin 0240:< 3xist3nc3> Benjamin franklin 0240:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ben Franklin 0240:< Empyrealist> benjamin franklin 0240:< grink> or it fucking better not be benjamin franklin 0240:< cornellier> Obama bin Laden 0240:< GetXyzzyWithIt> his previous invention, bifecal lenses, were less popular 0240:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (403), 3xist3nc3 (2393), Empyrealist (112), grink (861) 0240:< Empyrealist> hahahaha 0240:< cornellier> bollox i lost 0240:< Empyrealist> at least it took ben too 0240:< cornellier> this is rigged 0240:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2393), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0240:< 3xist3nc3> At least you got through it, grink 0240:< GetXyzzyWithIt> it didn't take ben 0240:< grink> true 0241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who invented the synthesiser ? 0241:< tRitone11> Bob Moog 0241:< Grizzly_Storm> Bob Moog 0241:< grink> neave 0241:< cornellier> some female version of bob 0241:< CryEagle> robert moog 0241:< Empyrealist> oh snap 0241:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sally Synth 0241:< cornellier> ?cynthia moog 0241:< grink> morg 0241:< Empyrealist> harmon 0241:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Moog! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (407), CryEagle (162), cornellier (2) 0241:< Empyrealist> moooooooooog 0241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This SNES strategy game published by Enix and later Atlus was subtitled, March of the Black Queen. 0241:< cornellier> well I'll be dipped. 0241:< grink> ants 0241:< cornellier> flies 0241:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ants 0242:< cornellier> My aunt? 0242:< GetXyzzyWithIt> African Royalty 0242:< npinsker> The answer was Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0242:< cornellier> honeybee 0242:< cornellier> obv 0242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which houses fought the War of the Roses? 0242:< Grizzly_Storm> Lancaster and York 0242:< tRitone11> Lancaster and York 0242:< grink> casablanca 0242:< cornellier> this game is riggedwhat Grizzly_Storm said, will that do? 0242:< 3xist3nc3> All of those who fouht 0242:< CryEagle> york and lancaster 0242:< npinsker> The answer was Lancaster and York! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (411) 0242:< GetXyzzyWithIt> mute him 0243:< cornellier> so why didn't i get that? 0243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It, Black'? 0243:< Grizzly_Storm> Rolling Stones 0243:< tRitone11> Rolling Stones 0243:< CryEagle> the stones 0243:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rolling Stones 0243:< 3xist3nc3> wait for Npinsker to mingle in and see what's happening 0243:< grink> stationary rocks 0243:< cornellier> The Painter Sisters 0243:< Empyrealist> rolling stones 0243:< 3xist3nc3> but first mute him 0243:< npinsker> ? 0243:< npinsker> The answer was Rolling Stones! Correct users: Grizzly_Storm (415), CryEagle (165), GetXyzzyWithIt (809), Empyrealist (113) 0243:< cornellier> painter, pointer geddit 0243:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Grizzly_Storm is running a bot 0243:< cornellier> never mind i'm leaving 0243:< grink> Grizzly_Storm is botting 0243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport do you find 'coursing'? 0243:< tRitone11> greyhound racing 0243:< Grizzly_Storm> greyhound racing 0243:< GetXyzzyWithIt> also CryEagle but he claims to have stopped 0244:< cornellier> you take this too seriously 0244:< CryEagle> please mute Grizzly_Storm, npinsker 0244:< npinsker> hes banned 0244:< grink> yay 0244:< Empyrealist> just hide the cheaters. its all good otherwise 0244:< GetXyzzyWithIt> nah just want to enjoy some trivia :) 0244:< grink> but it ruins the fake points 0244:< npinsker> The answer was greyhound racing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0244:< cornellier> reset the fake points? 0244:< cornellier> bot OP? 0244:< GetXyzzyWithIt> we are on reddit, fake points are uberimportant 0244:< cornellier> lol 0244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Rendezvous with Rama'? 0244:< Grizzly_Storm> Sir Arthur C. Clarke 0244:< tRitone11> Sir Arthur C. Clarke 0244:< grink> elvis 0244:< Empyrealist> we need to blow up some buildings and reset everyones fake internet points 0244:< 3xist3nc3> At least shitty jokes get you upvotes, unlike quiz answers. 0244:< cornellier> Ghandi? 0244:< CryEagle> hemingway 0245:< cornellier> true 0245:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Arthur C. Clarke! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0245:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gandhi 0245:< cornellier> I want my dadjoke pointage 0245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country ruled Cambodia immediately before WWII? 0245:< Grizzly_Storm> France 0245:< tRitone11> France 0245:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Germany 0245:< cornellier> Clarke was Ghandi's pseudonym 0245:< 3xist3nc3> Well, I have to point it to you 0245:< CryEagle> france 0245:< grink> britain 0245:< cornellier> wtf canada 0245:< Empyrealist> gotta let go of the need to collect points. they will just come to you. just like any self respecting pokemon. 0245:< Empyrealist> france 0245:< cornellier> uk 0245:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: CryEagle (169), Empyrealist (116) 0246:< cornellier> sorry, no 0246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who dubbed Australia 'the lucky country'? 0246:< Grizzly_Storm> Donald Horne 0246:< tRitone11> Donald Horne 0246:< cornellier> speaking as a canadian 0246:< 3xist3nc3> Ben Hauster 0246:< grink> chaucer 0246:< CryEagle> every aussie ever 0246:< GetXyzzyWithIt> A hungry snake looking for more snacks 0246:< IbaFoo> the emus 0246:< Empyrealist> crockodile dundeee 0246:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bindi Erwin 0246:< npinsker> The answer was Donald Horne! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0246:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2393), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2087), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0246:< cornellier> dang it 0247:< cornellier> next 0247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which singer is a former school teacher? 0247:< Grizzly_Storm> Sheryl Crow 0247:< tRitone11> Sheryl Crow 0247:< rbasov> sheryl crow 0247:< cornellier> Sting 0247:< CryEagle> sheryl crow 0247:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sting 0247:< cornellier> sting 0247:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Britney Spears 0247:< grink> carol robbin 0247:< _deffer_> kid rock 0247:< cornellier> whatever sting's name is 0247:< npinsker> The answer was Sheryl Crow! Correct users: rbasov (2091), CryEagle (172) 0247:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Snoop Dogg 0247:< cornellier> elvis 0247:< cornellier> jesus 0247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As easy as ________. 0247:< Grizzly_Storm> pie 0247:< tRitone11> pie 0247:< CryEagle> pie 0247:< grink> snoop lion pie 0247:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pie 0247:< _deffer_> pie 0248:< IbaFoo> pie 0248:< cornellier> pi 0248:< Hug_The_NSA> 123 0248:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ur mum lol 0248:< grink> pi*r^2 0248:< cornellier> obv get a grip you pie fans 0248:< npinsker> The answer was pie! Correct users: CryEagle (176), grink (864), GetXyzzyWithIt (811), _deffer_ (552), IbaFoo (19) 0248:< cornellier> i stand corrected 0248:< cornellier> by a bot 0248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of Bromine? 0248:< Grizzly_Storm> thirty five 0248:< tRitone11> thirty five 0248:< CryEagle> 35 0248:< 3xist3nc3> Bro 0248:< cornellier> 3.14 0248:< Hug_The_NSA> 35 0248:< grink> 36 0248:< cornellier> 42? 0248:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 35 0248:< IbaFoo> 34 0249:< grink> 34 0249:< IbaFoo> 35 0249:< npinsker> The answer was thirty five! Correct users: CryEagle (180), Hug_The_NSA (223), GetXyzzyWithIt (813), IbaFoo (20) 0249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the TV series 'The Fall Guy', who did Lee Majors play? 0249:< cornellier> ok picky, jeez 0249:< tRitone11> Colt Seavers 0249:< Grizzly_Storm> Colt Seavers 0249:< grink> a cop 0249:< IbaFoo> The Fall Guy, duh 0249:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Fall Guy 0249:< cornellier> what tRitone11 said 0249:< npinsker> The answer was Colt Seavers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0249:< DeyTa> lol do you these guys have bots answering the trivia bots? 0249:< _deffer_> tritone is a bot 0249:< GetXyzzyWithIt> you ought to mute the bots 0250:< cornellier> I'm a bot 0250:< tRitone11> cornellier I am not a bot, what did I said? 0250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is ________. 0250:< DeyTa> i think the trivia bot is muting them 0250:< Grizzly_Storm> geometry 0250:< grink> geometry 0250:< tRitone11> geometry 0250:< CryEagle> all these bot accusations ts ts 0250:< IbaFoo> I'm a computer too, so I think it's fair. 0250:< cornellier> geometry 0250:< GetXyzzyWithIt> they don't get points but you'll still see them unless you mute them 0250:< GetXyzzyWithIt> geometry 0250:< Hug_The_NSA> geometry 0250:< npinsker> The answer was geometry! Correct users: grink (868), cornellier (5), GetXyzzyWithIt (815), Hug_The_NSA (224) 0250:< 3xist3nc3> If you don't want to see the answers you can't mute them. But yes, the quizbot has blacklisted them. 0250:< DeyTa> indeed 0250:< cornellier> omg 0250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || The word rodent comes from the italian 'rodere', which means? 0250:< Grizzly_Storm> gnaw 0250:< tRitone11> gnaw 0250:< DeyTa> gnaw 0250:< CryEagle> gnaw 0250:< grink> spaghetti 0250:< Hug_The_NSA> gnaw 0250:< 3xist3nc3> rolling 0250:< GetXyzzyWithIt> gnaw 0251:< cornellier> ranging or someing? 0251:< DeyTa> well this is boring when the answers are handed to us on a plate 0251:< plumza> test 0251:< plumza> 123 0251:< _deffer_> then mute them deyta 0251:< CryEagle> DeyTa, block them 0251:< npinsker> The answer was gnaw! Correct users: DeyTa (16), CryEagle (183), Hug_The_NSA (226), GetXyzzyWithIt (816) 0251:< IbaFoo> yea, I see your point there. 0251:< DeyTa> but i remember tRitone11 before he was a bot 0251:< CryEagle> some people have mistakenly blocked me 0251:< cornellier> don't fry 0251:< _deffer_> well, he's a bot now 0251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was the oldest member of The Beatles? 0251:< Grizzly_Storm> Ringo Starr 0251:< tRitone11> Ringo Starr 0251:< grink> ringo 0251:< DeyTa> ringo starr 0251:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ringo Starr 0251:< Hug_The_NSA> Ringo Starr 0251:< plumza> hello 0251:< 3xist3nc3> Ringing star 0251:< cornellier> me 0251:< cornellier> jesus 0251:< 3xist3nc3> hey plumza 0252:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: DeyTa (20), GetXyzzyWithIt (819), Hug_The_NSA (228) 0252:< grink> rage 0252:< cornellier> ravi shankar 0252:< IbaFoo> how can they be bots when there are questions that go unanswered? 0252:< cornellier> theyre bad bots 0252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Euston Station? 0252:< Grizzly_Storm> London 0252:< GetXyzzyWithIt> because the script is out of date? 0252:< tRitone11> London 0252:< grink> banned. 0252:< CryEagle> london 0252:< cornellier> london 0252:< GetXyzzyWithIt> more questions were added at some point 0252:< cornellier> north london 0252:< _deffer_> rate limits, script doesn't have the question, spelling errors, etc. 0252:< GetXyzzyWithIt> London 0252:< DeyTa> pls be in london 0252:< cornellier> a crappy part of london 0252:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: CryEagle (187), cornellier (8), GetXyzzyWithIt (821), DeyTa (21) 0252:< DeyTa> you from london as well cornellier? 0253:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2393), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0253:< cornellier> lived there many years, from Montreal 0253:< GetXyzzyWithIt> london england or london ontario 0253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did President J. Buchanan not have? 0253:< Grizzly_Storm> A wife 0253:< tRitone11> A wife 0253:< DeyTa> a wife 0253:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a wife 0253:< Hug_The_NSA> a wife 0253:< grink> kjlksa;gjkhakdfaq'kjlkjg5968958lkdksdfdkhwife 0253:< DeyTa> wow big deal a single president 0253:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a penis 0253:< cornellier> hair? 0253:< npinsker> The answer was A wife! Correct users: DeyTa (25), GetXyzzyWithIt (824), Hug_The_NSA (230), grink (869) 0253:< cornellier> a middle name? 0253:< _deffer_> With people just copying the bots, it's just as bad as having bots. 0253:< cornellier> why do people know this? 0253:< grink> seen it before 0254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer? 0254:< tRitone11> teach 0254:< Grizzly_Storm> teach 0254:< grink> teacher 0254:< CryEagle> teach 0254:< GetXyzzyWithIt> teach 0254:< grink> teach 0254:< GetXyzzyWithIt> teacher 0254:< cornellier> Grizzly_Storm muted 0254:< maxd> porn 0254:< GetXyzzyWithIt> the whole football team 0254:< cornellier> plumber 0254:< npinsker> The answer was teach! Correct users: CryEagle (191), GetXyzzyWithIt (827), grink (871) 0254:< cornellier> you're fired 0254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state has the least rainfall? 0254:< tRitone11> Nevada 0254:< Grizzly_Storm> Nevada 0254:< CryEagle> arizona 0254:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Texas 0254:< _deffer_> california 0254:< grink> nevada 0254:< Hug_The_NSA> nevada 0254:< cornellier> Quebec 0255:< grink> prince edward island 0255:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alaska 0255:< cornellier> New Mexico 0255:< cornellier> guessing 0255:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Nevada 0255:< _deffer_> Alberta 0255:< npinsker> The answer was Nevada! Correct users: grink (875), Hug_The_NSA (233), GetXyzzyWithIt (829) 0255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Islands In The Stream' with Kenny Rogers? 0255:< Grizzly_Storm> Dolly Parton 0255:< tRitone11> Dolly Parton 0255:< grink> crossing streamings 0255:< _deffer_> garth brooks 0255:< cornellier> hitler 0255:< grink> wayne 0255:< Hug_The_NSA> willie neilson 0255:< grink> tom petty 0255:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Otto von Bismark 0255:< cornellier> cher 0255:< npinsker> The answer was Dolly Parton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0255:< _deffer_> celine dion 0256:< cornellier> i am nobody 0256:< cornellier> give me the points 0256:< _deffer_> Hi nobody 0256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || Where does Nessie live? 0256:< Grizzly_Storm> Loch Ness 0256:< tRitone11> Loch Ness 0256:< grink> loch 0256:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Loch Ness 0256:< grink> loch ness 0256:< _deffer_> scotland 0256:< Hug_The_NSA> Loch Ness 0256:< cornellier> loch ness 0256:< GetXyzzyWithIt> in my basement 0256:< grink> in your pants 0256:< _deffer_> in my anus 0256:< Hug_The_NSA> Our imaginations 0256:< npinsker> The answer was Loch Ness! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (833), grink (878), Hug_The_NSA (235), cornellier (9) 0256:< cornellier> this is going from terrible to bearable 0256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What divides the American North from the South? 0256:< Grizzly_Storm> The Mason-Dixon Line 0256:< tRitone11> The Mason-Dixon Line 0257:< cornellier> equator 0257:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bible Belt 0257:< cornellier> my butt 0257:< _deffer_> racial profiling 0257:< grink> hicks 0257:< cornellier> a piece of rocquefort 0257:< npinsker> The answer was The Mason-Dixon Line! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0257:< GetXyzzyWithIt> thinly veiled racism 0257:< grink> mason dixon line 0257:< _deffer_> President Lincoln 0257:< cornellier> SO AMERICANO CENTRIC 0257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first (and last) catholic president? 0257:< Grizzly_Storm> John Fitzerald Kennedy 0257:< tRitone11> John Fitzerald Kennedy 0257:< cornellier> FAIL 0257:< grink> kennedy 0257:< GetXyzzyWithIt> JFK 0257:< cornellier> MAKE IT MORE INTERNATIONAL 0257:< GetXyzzyWithIt> John F. Kennedy 0258:< cornellier> INTERNATION == NOT AMERICAN DUH 0258:< npinsker> The answer was John Fitzerald Kennedy! Correct users: grink (882), GetXyzzyWithIt (836) 0258:< cornellier> thank you 0258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery? 0258:< tRitone11> Dr. W. S. Halstead 0258:< Grizzly_Storm> Dr. W. S. Halstead 0258:< cornellier> me 0258:< grink> NPH 0258:< neverkidding> whaaaaaaaaaa 0258:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ghengis Khan 0258:< cornellier> my fish 0258:< grink> dexter morgan 0258:< cornellier> my octopus, used 8 0258:< npinsker> The answer was Dr. W. S. Halstead! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0259:< grink> that dude 0259:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ohhhh of course 0259:< cornellier> thanks guys for nothing 0259:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2393), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0259:< GetXyzzyWithIt> good ol' halstead 0259:< neverkidding> can you imagine just sticking your bare hands into someone's body 0259:< cornellier> not even on the leaderboard 0259:< neverkidding> nasty 0259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Queen Maud Land located? 0259:< Grizzly_Storm> Antarctica 0259:< tRitone11> Antarctica 0259:< cornellier> it's a job 0259:< grink> canada 0259:< neverkidding> earth 0259:< GetXyzzyWithIt> some people do that during sexy times... 0259:< cornellier> antarctica 0259:< grink> france 0259:< cornellier> or however it's spelt 0259:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Indian Ocean 0259:< neverkidding> I mean like... into their abdominal cavity 0259:< cornellier> actartica 0259:< grink> atlantis 0259:< npinsker> The answer was Antarctica! Correct users: cornellier (13) 0259:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Antarctica 0300:< cornellier> woot, as it were 0300:< 3xist3nc3> congrats cornellier 0300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This blue creature is the fastest sprinter in the Mushroom Derby in Super Mario RPG. 0300:< cornellier> so it's not case sensitive 0300:< grink> mushroom 0300:< neverkidding> sonic the hedgehog 0300:< 3xist3nc3> sanic 0300:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dude guy 0300:< grink> knuckles 0300:< cornellier> used to live in Norway, that's my excuse @3xist3nc3 0300:< npinsker> The answer was Boshi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0300:< q00u> There's a Super Mario RPG? 0300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who wrote "Paradise Lost" to "justify the ways of God to man," then wrote a sequel called "Paradise Regained"? 0300:< GetXyzzyWithIt> on SNES 0300:< cornellier> this is much better now that certain elements have been banned 0301:< grink> wut 0301:< neverkidding> the devil 0301:< cornellier> dante 0301:< grink> lucifer 0301:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dante 0301:< cornellier> dante 0301:< grink> clerks 0301:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Al Dente 0301:< cornellier> something dante 0301:< npinsker> The answer was John Milton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0301:< q00u> I'm not even supposed to be here today! 0301:< neverkidding> hahahahahahaha 0301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments? 0301:< Grizzly_Storm> Sinai 0301:< tRitone11> Sinai 0301:< grink> tall ones 0301:< neverkidding> mt. sinai 0301:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mary's boobs 0301:< cornellier> everest 0301:< q00u> Mount Sinai Hospital 0301:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mount Sinai 0301:< grink> pompeii 0302:< npinsker> The answer was Sinai! Correct users: neverkidding (295), GetXyzzyWithIt (839) 0302:< cornellier> Mont Royal 0302:< grink> harlem 0302:< neverkidding> heeeyyyyy 0302:< cornellier> fine, next 0302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, what is the life force called? 0302:< Grizzly_Storm> Ka 0302:< tRitone11> Ka 0302:< cornellier> fu 0302:< GetXyzzyWithIt> farts 0302:< neverkidding> fu 0302:< grink> goa'uld 0302:< cornellier> ra 0302:< GetXyzzyWithIt> fu 0302:< grink> tok'ra 0302:< q00u> Fus Ro Dah 0302:< cornellier> something with 2 letters 0302:< npinsker> The answer was Ka! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0302:< cornellier> og 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An animal stuffer is a(n) ___________. 0303:< Grizzly_Storm> taxidermist 0303:< tRitone11> taxidermist 0303:< neverkidding> TAXIDERMIST 0303:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pervert 0303:< grink> furry 0303:< q00u> Nope, Chuck Testa 0303:< cornellier> TAXONIMIST 0303:< GetXyzzyWithIt> texidermist 0303:< cornellier> taxidermist 0303:< q00u> Taxidriver 0303:< 3xist3nc3> zoophile 0303:< grink> camel 0303:< All_My_Loving> This ends in two days... let's keep soKuku for US... Choose to STAY! ---> ---> ---> $$$ 0303:< cornellier> taxi something 0303:< Hug_The_NSA> taxudernust 0303:< neverkidding> TAXONOMY IS THE STUDY OF TAXA OR CLASSIFICATION 0303:< npinsker> The answer was taxidermist! Correct users: neverkidding (299), cornellier (16) 0303:< 3xist3nc3> taxi 0303:< cornellier> uber 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Ipanema? 0303:< Grizzly_Storm> Rio de Janeiro 0303:< tRitone11> Rio de Janeiro 0303:< grink> havanna 0303:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Havana 0303:< neverkidding> havana 0304:< cornellier> brazil ting 0304:< 3xist3nc3> lyft 0304:< q00u> Great, now the songs are stuck in my head. 0304:< grink> havana 0304:< 3xist3nc3> rio de janeiro 0304:< npinsker> The answer was Rio de Janeiro! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2397) 0304:< cornellier> dammit 0304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who is Snoopy's arch enemy? 0304:< Grizzly_Storm> The Red Baron 0304:< tRitone11> The Red Baron 0304:< cornellier> 3xist3nc3 you owe me one 0304:< q00u> Ypoons 0304:< grink> that bird 0304:< cornellier> 3xist3nc3 0304:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Woodstock 0304:< grink> woodstock 0305:< neverkidding> woodstock 0305:< grink> fuckibf rate limit 0305:< npinsker> The answer was The Red Baron! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0305:< neverkidding> huh 0305:< cornellier> that's old stuff 0305:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2402), 3xist3nc3 (2397), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1464), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0305:< grink> bleh wrong anyway...... 0305:< cornellier> all bots 0305:< GetXyzzyWithIt> no 0305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Name the soda that is often confused with a drug. 0305:< tRitone11> Coke 0305:< Grizzly_Storm> Coke 0305:< cornellier> i maintain my fleshiness 0305:< Patarknight> Coke 0305:< grink> coke 0305:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Coke 0305:< 3xist3nc3> Coca Loca 0305:< q00u> Cocaine 0305:< grink> coca cola 0305:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Coca Cola 0305:< cornellier> what's a soda 0305:< grink> pop 0306:< npinsker> The answer was Coke! Correct users: Patarknight (2406), grink (885), GetXyzzyWithIt (841) 0306:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pop, soft drink 0306:< cornellier> bollox 0306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961. 0306:< Grizzly_Storm> West Side Story 0306:< tRitone11> West Side Story 0306:< GetXyzzyWithIt> bollocks 0306:< grink> boner jamers '61 0306:< cornellier> Fuck Knows 0306:< cornellier> at your googles, peeps 0306:< npinsker> The answer was West Side Story! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0306:< q00u> doh 0306:< cornellier> when you say trivian you mean trivia 0307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia? 0307:< Grizzly_Storm> Great Barrier Reef 0307:< tRitone11> Great Barrier Reef 0307:< GetXyzzyWithIt> who are you talking to 0307:< cornellier> great western 0307:< grink> great barrier reef 0307:< cornellier> coral something 0307:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Great Barrier Reef 0307:< q00u> Carl 0307:< grink> CORAL 0307:< cornellier> great western reef 0307:< npinsker> The answer was Great Barrier Reef! Correct users: grink (889), GetXyzzyWithIt (844) 0307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine. 0307:< Grizzly_Storm> appendix 0307:< tRitone11> appendix 0307:< q00u> appendix 0307:< Patarknight> appendix 0307:< grink> your dick 0307:< cornellier> appendix 0307:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Appendix 0308:< OneiricNeuron> apendick 0308:< cornellier> great barrier reef 0308:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dildo 0308:< q00u> I actually knew a thing! I think. 0308:< npinsker> The answer was appendix! Correct users: q00u (90), Patarknight (2409), cornellier (18), GetXyzzyWithIt (845) 0308:< cornellier> flippin 'eck 0308:< q00u> Yay! 0308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched? 0308:< tRitone11> HMS Warrior 0308:< Grizzly_Storm> HMS Warrior 0308:< cornellier> good job q00u 0308:< grink> ol' steely 0308:< cornellier> the ark? 0308:< q00u> One of those 0308:< npinsker> The answer was HMS Warrior! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0308:< 3xist3nc3> The first one 0309:< OneiricNeuron> Hms whorrior 0309:< q00u> What 0309:< cornellier> q00u get a grip 0309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum? 0309:< Grizzly_Storm> face-off 0309:< tRitone11> face-off 0309:< grink> face off 0309:< cornellier> face off? 0309:< grink> faceoff 0309:< q00u> I can't get a grip! I'm all slippery! 0309:< OneiricNeuron> facial 0309:< grink> cornellier remove the ? 0309:< cornellier> face off 0309:< q00u> Nicolas Cage 0309:< npinsker> The answer was face-off! Correct users: grink (893), cornellier (21) 0309:< cornellier> huh it parses hyphens 0309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881. 0309:< Grizzly_Storm> James Garfield 0309:< tRitone11> James Garfield 0310:< cornellier> lincoln 0310:< grink> that 0310:< cornellier> too late 0310:< grink> 1865...... was lincoln 0310:< q00u> Aaron Burr 0310:< cornellier> hmmmm 0310:< grink> hamilton 0310:< npinsker> The answer was James Garfield! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is Phnom Penh the capital of? 0310:< Grizzly_Storm> Cambodia 0310:< tRitone11> Cambodia 0310:< cornellier> vietnam 0310:< grink> siam 0310:< q00u> True fact, Garfield was shot on a Monday. 0310:< FeebleOldMan> cambodia 0310:< cornellier> north vietnam 0310:< OneiricNeuron> Camfootia 0311:< grink> best vietnam 0311:< cornellier> south vietnam 0311:< q00u> (fact not guaranteed to be true) 0311:< npinsker> The answer was Cambodia! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1468) 0311:< cornellier> i was close 0311:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2409), 3xist3nc3 (2397), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1468), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0311:< cornellier> no offence to cambodians 0311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In 1975, what re-opened after an 8 year closure? 0311:< Grizzly_Storm> Suez Canal 0311:< tRitone11> Suez Canal 0311:< FeebleOldMan> disney land 0311:< 3xist3nc3> Yer mather 0311:< grink> pisa 0312:< FeebleOldMan> mount st helens 0312:< grink> pisa shit 0312:< npinsker> The answer was Suez Canal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0312:< FeebleOldMan> yellowstone park 0312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation did Moshoeshoe found? 0312:< Grizzly_Storm> Basotho 0312:< tRitone11> Basotho 0312:< grink> canada 0312:< FeebleOldMan> lessfootfoot 0312:< FeebleOldMan> nike 0312:< npinsker> The answer was Basotho! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0312:< FeebleOldMan> adidas 0313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"? 0313:< Grizzly_Storm> albert Eienstein 0313:< tRitone11> albert Eienstein 0313:< grink> www.reddit.com/r/newton 0313:< FeebleOldMan> einstein 0313:< q00u> Fig Newton 0313:< tigerLRG245> newton 0313:< FeebleOldMan> this qn is screwed up 0313:< FeebleOldMan> issac newton 0313:< npinsker> The answer was albert Eienstein! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1472) 0313:< grink> huh what 0313:< FeebleOldMan> yeah it's newton but the qn is screwed up 0313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women"? 0313:< Grizzly_Storm> Little Men 0313:< tRitone11> Little Men 0313:< tigerLRG245> lmao 0313:< grink> little men 0314:< grink> big men 0314:< FeebleOldMan> big women 0314:< FeebleOldMan> adult women 0314:< q00u> little men 0314:< grink> tasty women 0314:< npinsker> The answer was Little Men! Correct users: grink (897), q00u (93) 0314:< q00u> smurfs 0314:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What country was ruled by Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge party? 0314:< Grizzly_Storm> Cambodia (Kampuchea) 0314:< tRitone11> Cambodia (Kampuchea) 0314:< q00u> cambodia 0314:< grink> beats the fuck out of me. poland 0314:< FeebleOldMan> cambodia 0314:< 3xist3nc3> cambodia 0314:< cornellier> Canada 0314:< cornellier> basically the same thing 0315:< npinsker> The answer was Cambodia (Kampuchea)! Correct users: q00u (97), FeebleOldMan (1475), 3xist3nc3 (2399) 0315:< cornellier> this is so rigged! 0315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || Which two nations built the concorde? 0315:< Grizzly_Storm> Britain and France 0315:< tRitone11> Britain and France 0315:< grink> france and britain 0315:< cornellier> france and uk 0315:< FeebleOldMan> france and italy 0315:< q00u> US and A 0315:< grink> britain and france 0315:< cornellier> france and britain 0315:< 3xist3nc3> Britain And France 0315:< FeebleOldMan> france and america 0315:< cornellier> france and england 0315:< FeebleOldMan> france and cant rem 0315:< npinsker> The answer was Britain and France! Correct users: grink (901), cornellier (24), 3xist3nc3 (2401) 0316:< cornellier> bout time 0316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || In "Fellowship of the Ring" Arwen tells Strider and the Hobbits that there are how many wraiths behind t... 0316:< FeebleOldMan> 4 0316:< grink> my precious 0316:< cornellier> the moutains? 0316:< FeebleOldMan> 8 0316:< grink> 12 0316:< cornellier> 42 0316:< grink> -0 0316:< FeebleOldMan> 7 0316:< npinsker> The answer was Five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0316:< q00u> t..... 0316:< cornellier> huh 0316:< q00u> I thought npinsker fixed that? 0316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia? 0316:< Grizzly_Storm> Adriatic 0316:< tRitone11> Adriatic 0316:< q00u> The word 'and' 0316:< FeebleOldMan> black 0316:< cornellier> albarounian 0317:< grink> red sauce sea 0317:< cornellier> whitlonian 0317:< FeebleOldMan> italian 0317:< OneiricNeuron> testing 0317:< cornellier> spazmodian 0317:< grink> test failed 0317:< AIO12> THE BLACK SEA 0317:< npinsker> The answer was Adriatic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0317:< cornellier> it wasn't called that last time i was there 0317:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2409), 3xist3nc3 (2401), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1475), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 0317:< cornellier> cheat 0317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who wrote "Pippa Passes", where a little girl sings "God's in his heaven--All's right with the world."? 0318:< FeebleOldMan> kanye west 0318:< grink> enimem 0318:< cornellier> Tump? 0318:< cornellier> drumph? 0318:< AIO12> ELVIS 0318:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Browning! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0318:< grink> mein trumpt 0318:< OneiricNeuron> crump 0318:< cornellier> lies 0318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded? 0318:< Grizzly_Storm> baseball 0318:< tRitone11> baseball 0318:< Patarknight> Baseball 0318:< grink> derptasticping pong 0318:< q00u> Chess 0318:< grink> baseball 0318:< cornellier> curling 0318:< OneiricNeuron> baseballs 0318:< grink> beseball 0318:< AIO12> JUMPING JACKS 0318:< cornellier> ping pong 0319:< cornellier> burpees 0319:< npinsker> The answer was baseball! Correct users: Patarknight (2413), grink (904) 0319:< grink> slurpees 0319:< cornellier> this sux 0319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods. 0319:< Grizzly_Storm> Odysseus 0319:< tRitone11> Odysseus 0319:< cornellier> give us something we actually know 0319:< AIO12> ZUES 0319:< Patarknight> Odysseus 0319:< AIO12> ZEUS*** 0319:< grink> apophis 0319:< OneiricNeuron> dr seuss 0319:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: Patarknight (2417) 0319:< cornellier> you know, classical education isn;t what it was in your day 0320:< cornellier> i haven't a clue 0320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Home Alone', who played the baddies? 0320:< Grizzly_Storm> Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern 0320:< tRitone11> Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern 0320:< grink> baddies? 0320:< grink> are you serious? 0320:< Empyrealist> short dude and a tall dude 0320:< FeebleOldMan> pesci and can't rem 0320:< cornellier> OK, I can see why this is called trivia 0320:< Hug_The_NSA> fuckin baddies kek 0320:< OneiricNeuron> joe fishy and daniel steeringwheel 0320:< FeebleOldMan> joe pesci and cola 0320:< cornellier> it's actual TRIVIA 0320:< npinsker> The answer was Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0320:< AIO12> lmfao 0320:< cornellier> no offence intended 0320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse? 0320:< Grizzly_Storm> Walt Disney 0320:< tRitone11> Walt Disney 0320:< grink> walt disney 0320:< Empyrealist> walt disney 0320:< Hug_The_NSA> walt disney 0320:< cornellier> Vladimir Poutin 0320:< OneiricNeuron> waltz disney 0321:< cornellier> how do expect people to know this 0321:< grink> fuck it all just fuck it all 0321:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Disney! Correct users: grink (908), Empyrealist (119), Hug_The_NSA (237) 0321:< cornellier> seriously it was in the 1930s 0321:< FeebleOldMan> the past 2 qns were repeats 0321:< grink> been playing for 4 days 0321:< cornellier> get a grip npinsker 0321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a dried plum called? 0321:< tRitone11> prune 0321:< Grizzly_Storm> prune 0321:< FeebleOldMan> prune 0321:< grink> prune 0321:< Hug_The_NSA> prune 0321:< OneiricNeuron> prude 0321:< q00u> raisin 0321:< Empyrealist> prune 0321:< AIO12> prune 0321:< cornellier> prune 0321:< cornellier> everyone else is saying prune 0321:< q00u> max messages before pruning: 500 0321:< npinsker> The answer was prune! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1479), grink (911), Hug_The_NSA (239), Empyrealist (120), AIO12 (0), cornellier (24) 0322:< cornellier> don't even know what the qustion was 0322:< Empyrealist> raisins are grapes 0322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Paul Mccartney played these instruments? 0322:< Grizzly_Storm> bass guitar and piano 0322:< tRitone11> bass guitar and piano 0322:< FeebleOldMan> piano 0322:< grink> skin flute 0322:< q00u> cornellier, that sucks. It happens sometimes. :-( 0322:< Empyrealist> quitar and flute 0322:< FeebleOldMan> piano and drums 0322:< npinsker> The answer was bass guitar and piano! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0322:< Empyrealist> guitar and piano 0322:< q00u> guitar and piano 0322:< q00u> doh 0322:< cornellier> guitar and piano 0322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living? 0322:< Grizzly_Storm> shoeshine boy 0322:< tRitone11> shoeshine boy 0323:< cornellier> copy paste? 0323:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0323:< grink> pooping 0323:< q00u> janitor 0323:< grink> sniffing asses 0323:< cornellier> wait 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> inspecting toilots for the TSA 0323:< FeebleOldMan> reporter 0323:< cornellier> monkey bum? 0323:< FeebleOldMan> cameraman 0323:< npinsker> The answer was shoeshine boy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0323:< q00u> That's racist. 0323:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2417), 3xist3nc3 (2401), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1479), BrownMario (1000), grink (911... 0323:< grink> yay! 0323:< grink> FINALLY 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> gzzz 0323:< 3xist3nc3> congrats grink 0323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state is the Garden State? 0323:< tRitone11> New Jersey 0323:< Grizzly_Storm> New Jersey 0324:< grink> thanks :) new jersey 0324:< Hug_The_NSA> new jersey 0324:< q00u> New Jersey 0324:< cornellier> i personally only dislike races to which I purportedly belong 0324:< OneiricNeuron> new jersey 0324:< AIO12> mississippi 0324:< cornellier> call me racist 0324:< OneiricNeuron> racista 0324:< Patarknight> Congrats grink 0324:< grink> thanks again :) 0324:< npinsker> The answer was New Jersey! Correct users: grink (915), Hug_The_NSA (242), q00u (99), OneiricNeuron (81) 0324:< FeebleOldMan> grink welcome to the irritating portion where your computer makes sounds every few minutes 0324:< grink> oh shit 0324:< cornellier> that can be muted with a script 0324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || What event marked the 1954 french grand prix? 0324:< grink> i forgot about that 0324:< Grizzly_Storm> The return of Mercedes 0324:< tRitone11> The return of Mercedes 0324:< 3xist3nc3> A crash 0324:< grink> french people 0324:< OneiricNeuron> the return of mercedes 0325:< npinsker> The answer was The return of Mercedes! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (85) 0325:< q00u> What does that mean? 0325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Fifties rock "n" roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group? 0325:< tRitone11> Sha Na Na 0325:< Grizzly_Storm> Sha Na Na 0325:< 3xist3nc3> the return of mercedes benz? 0325:< 3xist3nc3> Sha na na 0325:< OneiricNeuron> sha na na 0325:< grink> elvis 0325:< Patarknight> Mercedes probably didn't field a team for a some reason before that, and it did again in 1954 0325:< AIO12> the fonz 0325:< q00u> Return to what? Return to Earth?? --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 03:25:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 03:26:06 2016 0326:< cornellier> this whole robin thing is probably one of the most pointless things I've done in my entire life 0326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He is identified with the expression, "Eureka". 0326:< Grizzly_Storm> Archimedes 0326:< tRitone11> Archimedes 0326:< FeebleOldMan> archimedes 0326:< cornellier> especially this channel 0326:< OneiricNeuron> archimedes 0326:< AIO12> archimedes 0326:< cornellier> i can't even see the questions 0326:< q00u> Archemicarus 0326:< grink> archimedes 0326:< FeebleOldMan> archimedes rule 42 0326:< grink> well he was in the bathrub 0326:< npinsker> The answer was Archimedes! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1483), OneiricNeuron (91), AIO12 (2), grink (916) 0326:< FeebleOldMan> cornellier uncheck remove bot spam 0326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What did Dr. David Banner become when he got angry? 0326:< Grizzly_Storm> The Incredible Hulk 0326:< tRitone11> The Incredible Hulk 0326:< FeebleOldMan> hulk 0326:< q00u> Hungry 0327:< grink> hulk 0327:< Hug_The_NSA> the incredible hulk 0327:< q00u> Green 0327:< Patarknight> q00u: auto racing 0327:< OneiricNeuron> the incrediblehulk 0327:< grink> hangry 0327:< q00u> The Credible Hulk 0327:< AIO12> he fucked shit up 0327:< OneiricNeuron> the incredible hunk 0327:< npinsker> The answer was The Incredible Hulk! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (246) 0327:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0327:< OneiricNeuron> fuck robin 0327:< FeebleOldMan> the somewhat credible hulk 0327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who took dictation from Perry Mason? 0327:< Grizzly_Storm> Della Street 0327:< tRitone11> Della Street 0327:< OneiricNeuron> della street 0327:< grink> donald duck 0327:< q00u> Perry Mason was a cartoon? 0327:< FeebleOldMan> cant rem 0327:< Hug_The_NSA> Donald Trump 0328:< npinsker> The answer was Della Street! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (95) 0328:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Where is the Ocean of Storms located? 0328:< Grizzly_Storm> On the moon 0328:< tRitone11> On the moon 0328:< q00u> What happened to the beeps? 0328:< FeebleOldMan> moon 0328:< OneiricNeuron> on the moonjump 0328:< q00u> Jupiter 0328:< grink> mars 0328:< Patarknight> moon 0328:< grink> mun 0328:< OneiricNeuron> on the moon 0328:< npinsker> The answer was On the moon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1487), Patarknight (2420), OneiricNeuron (97) 0329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Caribbean? 0329:< tRitone11> Cuba 0329:< Grizzly_Storm> Cuba 0329:< grink> cuba 0329:< OneiricNeuron> cube 0329:< grink> haiti 0329:< FeebleOldMan> caribbean islands 0329:< q00u> Australia 0329:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: grink (920) 0329:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2405), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1487), BrownMario (1000), grink (920... 0330:< catjuggler> chat really brings me back to... Friday 0330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Denver ____________? 0330:< Grizzly_Storm> Nuggets 0330:< tRitone11> Nuggets 0330:< FeebleOldMan> broncos 0330:< grink> nuggets 0330:< OneiricNeuron> chicken nuggets 0330:< q00u> Johns 0330:< grink> ass nuggets 0330:< npinsker> The answer was Nuggets! Correct users: grink (924), OneiricNeuron (100) 0330:< FeebleOldMan> basketball shiet 0330:< OneiricNeuron> it took my answeer! 0330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Mistakenly called "Harvest Moon Heroes", this upcoming Wii game unsurprisingly will map farming tasks to waggle. 0330:< grink> it grabs the end of the string 0331:< grink> i cant wait for this wii game 0331:< grink> like 2006 style 0331:< FeebleOldMan> harvest moon 0331:< npinsker> The answer was Harvest Moon: Tree of Peace! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0331:< OneiricNeuron> no theyre called the denver chicken nuggets grink 0331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'? 0331:< Grizzly_Storm> Axel Foley 0331:< tRitone11> Axel Foley 0331:< grink> black guy 0331:< q00u> I'm spoiled by Stardew Valley 0331:< grink> cop 0331:< FeebleOldMan> policeman 0332:< npinsker> The answer was Axel Foley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0332:< OneiricNeuron> alex foley 0332:< q00u> Axel F now stuck in my head 0332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who discovered gold on the Witwatersrand? 0332:< tRitone11> George Harrison 0332:< Grizzly_Storm> George Harrison 0332:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0332:< q00u> English please 0332:< OneiricNeuron> george haairyson 0332:< grink> english do you speak it 0332:< npinsker> The answer was George Harrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0332:< OneiricNeuron> not the british variety 0332:< FeebleOldMan> walt whitman 0333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was captain of 'The Mayflower'? 0333:< Grizzly_Storm> Miles Standish 0333:< tRitone11> Miles Standish 0333:< q00u> Pikard 0333:< grink> i need to see some pulp fiction. columbus 0333:< OneiricNeuron> yards sittingdish 0333:< CheesyWeiner> leonardo DaVincci 0333:< FeebleOldMan> ugh no idea 0333:< OneiricNeuron> yards sittingplate 0333:< npinsker> The answer was Miles Standish! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0333:< grink> or that dude 0333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What does the typical American eat 263 of each year? not pizza!! 0333:< Grizzly_Storm> eggs 0333:< tRitone11> eggs 0333:< grink> americanhotdogs 0333:< OneiricNeuron> omelet 0334:< grink> eggs 0334:< OneiricNeuron> ova 0334:< 3xist3nc3> hamburgers 0334:< FeebleOldMan> ice cream cones 0334:< grink> dicks 0334:< npinsker> The answer was eggs! Correct users: grink (928) 0334:< OneiricNeuron> fresh from ovulation 0334:< 3xist3nc3> pussy 0334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What's the capital of Poland? 0334:< Grizzly_Storm> Warsaw 0334:< tRitone11> Warsaw 0334:< grink> warsaw 0334:< FeebleOldMan> warsaw 0334:< 3xist3nc3> warsaw 0334:< q00u> Warsaw 0334:< OneiricNeuron> warlook 0334:< grink> warlock 0334:< 3xist3nc3> peaceblind 0334:< OneiricNeuron> good one 0334:< grink> pierogies 0334:< npinsker> The answer was Warsaw! Correct users: grink (932), FeebleOldMan (1490), 3xist3nc3 (2407), q00u (100) 0334:< q00u> I love your guys' answers 0335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Washington state? 0335:< Grizzly_Storm> Olympia 0335:< tRitone11> Olympia 0335:< q00u> Olympia 0335:< grink> seattle 0335:< ValenciaXXX> olympia 0335:< grink> bleh 0335:< OneiricNeuron> Olimping 0335:< FeebleOldMan> seattle 0335:< grink> hercules 0335:< FeebleOldMan> redmond 0335:< npinsker> The answer was Olympia! Correct users: q00u (104), ValenciaXXX (42) 0335:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1490), BrownMario (1000), grink (932... 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Olympics || In ancient Greece, where were the original Olympics held? 0336:< Grizzly_Storm> Olympia 0336:< tRitone11> Olympia 0336:< ValenciaXXX> athens 0336:< grink> marathon 0336:< q00u> Outdoors 0336:< grink> africa 0336:< FeebleOldMan> athens 0336:< OneiricNeuron> olympia 0336:< npinsker> The answer was Olympia! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (104) 0336:< OneiricNeuron> good. 0336:< q00u> Doh, really? 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who does Hagrid unwittingly acquire a dragon's egg from in the first book in the series? 0336:< ValenciaXXX> wow 0337:< grink> snape 0337:< grink> cockledoor 0337:< FeebleOldMan> ebay 0337:< OneiricNeuron> that blonde guy 0337:< q00u> Yer a wizard 'Arry 0337:< npinsker> The answer was Professor Quirrell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0337:< q00u> SQUIRREL! 0337:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeah the dragon tv guy 0337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In which organ is a pulmonary disease located? 0337:< Grizzly_Storm> lung 0337:< tRitone11> lung 0337:< grink> WHERE?lung 0337:< q00u> lungs 0337:< FeebleOldMan> lungs 0337:< grink> lungs 0337:< OneiricNeuron> lump 0338:< grink> better go plural 0338:< FeebleOldMan> heart 0338:< npinsker> The answer was lung! Correct users: grink (936) 0338:< OneiricNeuron> plurae 0338:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0338:< grink> oh wow 0338:< q00u> lol haahahaha 0338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone? 0338:< Grizzly_Storm> Sodom and Gomorrah 0338:< tRitone11> Sodom and Gomorrah 0338:< grink> diablo 2 0338:< q00u> sodam and gammora 0338:< OneiricNeuron> sodomy and gonorreah 0338:< 3xist3nc3> both of them 0338:< FeebleOldMan> tristam and heaven's gate 0338:< q00u> sodom and gomorrah 0338:< grink> detroit 0338:< npinsker> The answer was Sodom and Gomorrah! Correct users: q00u (108) 0338:< q00u> I don't know how to spel things 0339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || How many pencils are there in a dozen? 0339:< Grizzly_Storm> twelve 0339:< tRitone11> twelve 0339:< grink> 12 0339:< FeebleOldMan> 12 0339:< ValenciaXXX> 12 0339:< q00u> 12 0339:< q00u> twelve 0339:< OneiricNeuron> a dozen 0339:< grink> metric fuckton 0339:< q00u> a dozen 0339:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: grink (940), FeebleOldMan (1493), ValenciaXXX (44), q00u (109) 0339:< q00u> That ratelimit though 0339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired? 0339:< tRitone11> War Of The Worlds 0339:< Grizzly_Storm> War Of The Worlds 0340:< ValenciaXXX> war of the worlds 0340:< q00u> War of the worlds 0340:< q00u> except it didn't (it's an urban legend) 0340:< grink> war of the words 0340:< npinsker> The answer was War Of The Worlds! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (48), q00u (112) 0340:< OneiricNeuron> seriously? 0340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Mandalay? 0340:< tRitone11> Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) 0340:< Grizzly_Storm> Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) 0340:< grink> all of them 0340:< q00u> Vandalay Industries! 0340:< grink> las vegas 0340:< ValenciaXXX> myanmar 0341:< Hug_The_NSA> Myanmar 0341:< grink> pakista 0341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year? 0341:< Grizzly_Storm> Texas 0341:< tRitone11> Texas 0341:< q00u> arizona 0341:< OneiricNeuron> texas 0341:< q00u> texas 0341:< Hug_The_NSA> texas 0341:< grink> louisiana 0341:< q00u> california 0341:< OneiricNeuron> taxes 0341:< grink> hawii 0341:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (108), q00u (115), Hug_The_NSA (251) 0341:< OneiricNeuron> tejas 0341:< grink> north mexico 0342:< amaklp> Is it safe to shut down for 8 hours? 0342:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2091), FeebleOldMan (1493), BrownMario (1000), grink (940... 0342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's largest sea? 0342:< Grizzly_Storm> Mediterranean 0342:< tRitone11> Mediterranean 0342:< grink> mediterranean 0342:< rbasov> mediterranean 0342:< OneiricNeuron> Highterranian 0342:< rbasov> low 0342:< grink> low terrain, watch out 0342:< npinsker> The answer was Mediterranean! Correct users: grink (944), rbasov (2094) 0343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Constructed by Belthasar, this time machine from Chrono Trigger is given the ability to fly by Dalton. 0343:< grink> starfox 0343:< q00u> I should really play that game.... 0343:< OneiricNeuron> circlecat 0343:< grink> zelda 0343:< npinsker> The answer was Epoch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'American Hot Wax', who did Jay Leno play? 0343:< tRitone11> Mookie 0343:< Grizzly_Storm> Mookie 0343:< rbasov> mookie 0343:< q00u> construction worker 0343:< grink> that's racist 0344:< rbasov> cookie 0344:< OneiricNeuron> cookie 0344:< grink> nig nose loser 0344:< rbasov> jinx! 0344:< q00u> I did it all for the MOOKIE 0344:< npinsker> The answer was Mookie! Correct users: rbasov (2098), q00u (118) 0344:< grink> stick in your yeah! 0344:< q00u> :D 0344:< rbasov> okay, back to homework 0344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band included rock greats Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan? 0344:< Grizzly_Storm> The Travelling Wilburys 0344:< tRitone11> The Travelling Wilburys 0344:< grink> nirvana 0344:< OneiricNeuron> the wild thornberries 0344:< grink> weezer 0344:< q00u> Supertramp 0345:< grink> radiohead 0345:< npinsker> The answer was The Travelling Wilburys! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || This early American statesman and inventor wrote the book, "Fart proudly"? 0345:< Grizzly_Storm> Benjamin Franklin 0345:< tRitone11> Benjamin Franklin 0345:< grink> i want to meet this guy 0345:< OneiricNeuron> benjamin lielin 0345:< grink> crapper 0345:< q00u> Fartrick Bateman 0345:< grink> feed me stray cats 0345:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || What do the letters 'SAM' mean in SAM missiles? 0346:< Grizzly_Storm> Surface To Air 0346:< tRitone11> Surface To Air 0346:< grink> space ass mass 0346:< OneiricNeuron> surface to ass 0346:< npinsker> The answer was Surface To Air! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0346:< q00u> :-( 0346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977? 0346:< Grizzly_Storm> Screen kiss 0346:< tRitone11> Screen kiss 0346:< OneiricNeuron> .( 0346:< grink> screen kiss 0346:< ValenciaXXX> kiss 0346:< q00u> How can she slap? 0347:< npinsker> The answer was Screen kiss! Correct users: grink (948), ValenciaXXX (55) 0347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As good as _________. 0347:< Grizzly_Storm> gold 0347:< tRitone11> gold 0347:< grink> gold 0347:< grink> mold 0347:< grink> big cocks 0347:< OneiricNeuron> ( . )v( . ) 0347:< npinsker> The answer was gold! Correct users: grink (952) 0348:< OneiricNeuron> sorry. 0348:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2098), FeebleOldMan (1493), BrownMario (1000), grink (952... 0348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || What was the Lone Ranger's real name? 0348:< tRitone11> John Reid 0348:< Grizzly_Storm> John Reid 0348:< grink> walker i have aids 0348:< grink> walker said i have aids 0348:< npinsker> The answer was John Reid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is podobromhidrosis? 0349:< tRitone11> Smelly feet 0349:< Grizzly_Storm> Smelly feet 0349:< OneiricNeuron> smelly ass 0349:< grink> farts 0349:< npinsker> The answer was Smelly feet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0349:< grink> heh you were close 0349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Orienteering || On maps, what is the technical name for the 'you are here' arrow? 0349:< Grizzly_Storm> ideo locator 0349:< tRitone11> ideo locator 0349:< q00u> pod- feet 0350:< OneiricNeuron> : D 0350:< grink> idiot arrow 0350:< OneiricNeuron> idea locator 0350:< grink> ikea 0350:< npinsker> The answer was ideo locator! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0350:< q00u> There's no way to know what single answer the triviabot will accept. 0350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American General Knowledge || Where is the Kitty Hawk? 0350:< Grizzly_Storm> The Smithsonian Institute 0350:< tRitone11> The Smithsonian Institute 0350:< grink> virginia 0350:< q00u> The Wright Stuff 0351:< OneiricNeuron> the johnsonian institute 0351:< grink> north carolina 0351:< npinsker> The answer was The Smithsonian Institute! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0351:< q00u> what 0351:< grink> it's a boat/ship 0351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || If you drive on a parkway, you park on a _______? 0351:< Grizzly_Storm> driveway 0351:< tRitone11> driveway 0351:< q00u> driveway 0351:< grink> driveway 0351:< OneiricNeuron> hes from canada 0351:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 0351:< OneiricNeuron> runway 0351:< npinsker> The answer was driveway! Correct users: q00u (122), grink (955) 0351:< q00u> A 5-year-old could get these! Someone go get a 5-year-old because I don't understand these at all. 0352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone? 0352:< Grizzly_Storm> tongue 0352:< tRitone11> tongue 0352:< grink> penis 0352:< OneiricNeuron> thong 0352:< grink> butt 0352:< q00u> tongue 0352:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: q00u (126) 0352:< q00u> what 0352:< grink> the penis thong butt tongue 0352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many tentacles does a squid have? 0352:< Grizzly_Storm> ten 0352:< tRitone11> ten 0352:< q00u> 10 0352:< grink> 8 0353:< grink> 10 0353:< q00u> 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0353:< grink> always gets me 0353:< q00u> 11 0353:< OneiricNeuron> well good night everone, have fun continuing this meaningful game 0353:< grink> g'nite 0353:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: q00u (130), grink (958) 0353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ________. 0353:< Grizzly_Storm> eagle 0353:< tRitone11> eagle 0353:< q00u> OneiricNeuron Sleep tight! 0353:< grink> i'm going to bed when i hit 1001. eagle 0353:< q00u> Golden Eagle 0353:< grink> birdie 0354:< npinsker> The answer was eagle! Correct users: grink (962), q00u (133) 0354:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2098), FeebleOldMan (1493), BrownMario (1000), grink (962... 0354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as? 0354:< Grizzly_Storm> Dracula 0354:< tRitone11> Dracula 0354:< q00u> count dracula 0354:< grink> putin 0354:< q00u> vlad the impaler 0355:< npinsker> The answer was Dracula! Correct users: q00u (137) 0355:< q00u> .... 0355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He starred in, "City Lights". 0355:< Grizzly_Storm> Charlie Chaplin 0355:< tRitone11> Charlie Chaplin 0355:< grink> brad pitt 0355:< q00u> No idea. 0355:< grink> me either 0355:< npinsker> The answer was Charlie Chaplin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0355:< grink> oh really old 0356:< q00u> Give us a year! 0356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He was known as the "Elephant Man". 0356:< Grizzly_Storm> Joseph Merrick 0356:< tRitone11> Joseph Merrick 0356:< grink> gonzo 0356:< q00u> I know it when I hear it.... 0356:< grink> jay leno 0356:< q00u> (tries to think of BNL song lyrics) 0356:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Merrick! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0356:< q00u> doh 0356:< grink> it's been one week since yesterday 0356:< q00u> yeah, that was it. 0356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || For which film did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974? 0356:< Grizzly_Storm> Harry and Tonto 0356:< tRitone11> Harry and Tonto 0357:< grink> okay $rand do better 0357:< q00u> Question: Who is art carney? 0357:< npinsker> The answer was Harry and Tonto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0357:< grink> actor 0357:< grink> haha! 0357:< grink> where is tonto! 0357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || On the Moh Hardness scale what has a hardness of 10? 0357:< Grizzly_Storm> Diamond 0357:< tRitone11> Diamond 0357:< q00u> diamond 0357:< q00u> my dick 0357:< grink> rock 0357:< q00u> this trivia bot 0358:< q00u> Errything so hard! 0358:< npinsker> The answer was Diamond! Correct users: q00u (141) 0358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'? 0358:< Grizzly_Storm> eighteen 0358:< tRitone11> eighteen 0358:< grink> i like the machine that tests that. i dont fucking know 0358:< grink> 18 0358:< grink> 20 0358:< q00u> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0358:< npinsker> The answer was eighteen! Correct users: grink (966) 0358:< grink> heh drunken bar darts paid off 0359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Which ingredient is NOT normally found in a martini? 0359:< grink> rum 0359:< grink> vodka 0359:< npinsker> The answer was Vodka! Correct users: grink (970) 0359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Name the hardest substance in the human body. 0359:< tRitone11> enamel 0359:< Grizzly_Storm> enamel 0359:< grink> bone 0359:< grink> your fucking heart bot 0400:< npinsker> The answer was enamel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0400:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2098), FeebleOldMan (1493), BrownMario (1000), grink (970... 0400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Vancouver ________. 0400:< Grizzly_Storm> Canucks 0400:< tRitone11> Canucks 0400:< grink> fffffffjjjfjjfjfffjjfjfjfjjfjfjfjjfjfjjfjfjfjfffjfffjfoilers 0401:< Reginald_Venture> canucks 0401:< npinsker> The answer was Canucks! Correct users: Reginald_Venture (4) 0401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys. 0401:< Grizzly_Storm> The Grapes of Wrath 0401:< tRitone11> The Grapes of Wrath 0401:< grink> oregon trail 0401:< npinsker> The answer was The Grapes of Wrath! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || On which day was the resurrection of Christ? 0402:< Grizzly_Storm> Easter Sunday 0402:< tRitone11> Easter Sunday 0402:< grink> easter 0402:< grink> zombie jesus day 0402:< npinsker> The answer was Easter Sunday! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From which country does the 'lassi' originate? 0402:< tRitone11> India 0402:< Grizzly_Storm> India 0403:< grink> india 0403:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: grink (974) 0403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Where's my mirror? ;- || When spelled backwards, the word "retupmoc" becomes what? 0403:< Grizzly_Storm> computer 0403:< tRitone11> computer 0403:< grink> computer 0404:< grink> dickbutt 0404:< npinsker> The answer was computer! Correct users: grink (978) 0404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who starred in 'Conan The Barbarian'? 0404:< Grizzly_Storm> Arnold Schwarzenegger 0404:< tRitone11> Arnold Schwarzenegger 0404:< grink> conan 0404:< grink> sean hood 0404:< npinsker> The answer was Arnold Schwarzenegger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Measurement || What instrument measures walking distance? 0405:< Grizzly_Storm> pedometer 0405:< tRitone11> pedometer 0405:< grink> pedometer 0405:< grink> pedo bear 0405:< npinsker> The answer was pedometer! Correct users: grink (982) 0405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Atmosphere || What is the stratosphere immediately above? 0405:< Grizzly_Storm> troposphere 0405:< tRitone11> troposphere 0406:< grink> troposphere 0406:< npinsker> The answer was troposphere! Correct users: grink (986) 0406:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2098), FeebleOldMan (1493), BrownMario (1000), grink (986... 0406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || In what country did a former English teacher named Jack Ma found an ecommerce juggernaut called Alibaba? 0407:< grink> china 0407:< grink> iraq 0407:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: grink (990) 0407:< grink> india 0407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie? 0407:< Grizzly_Storm> A family inheritance 0407:< tRitone11> A family inheritance 0407:< grink> masturbation 0408:< npinsker> The answer was A family inheritance! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as? 0408:< Grizzly_Storm> amethyst 0408:< tRitone11> amethyst 0408:< grink> amethyst 0408:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: grink (994) 0409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || East Berlin was the capital of ____________? 0409:< Grizzly_Storm> East Germany 0409:< tRitone11> East Germany 0409:< grink> east germany 0409:< npinsker> The answer was East Germany! Correct users: grink (998) 0409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || This science deals with the motion of projectiles. 0409:< Grizzly_Storm> ballistics 0409:< tRitone11> ballistics 0409:< yellowmix> ballistics 0410:< npinsker> The answer was ballistics! Correct users: yellowmix (65) 0410:< chrismash> 2 tier 15s? 0410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many books are there in Anne Rice's vampire series? 0410:< tRitone11> five 0410:< Grizzly_Storm> five 0410:< grink> 3 0410:< chrismash> oh only 1 0411:< 3xist3nc3> 5 0411:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || What is the mascot of the US naval academy? 0411:< Grizzly_Storm> goat 0411:< tRitone11> goat 0411:< 3xist3nc3> not the bald eagle 0411:< npinsker> The answer was goat! Correct users: grink (1002) 0412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character in "Forrest Gump" loved shrimp? 0412:< Grizzly_Storm> Bubba 0412:< tRitone11> Bubba 0412:< grink> bubba 0412:< KCosmo> bubba 0412:< KCosmo> he fixed it! 0412:< grink> cool 0412:< npinsker> The answer was Bubba! Correct users: grink (1006), KCosmo (482) 0412:< grink> 4 digits woor 0412:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2098), FeebleOldMan (1493), grink (1006), BrownMario (100... 0412:< grink> cya mario 0413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || To what country does the Gaza Strip belong? 0413:< Grizzly_Storm> Egypt 0413:< tRitone11> Egypt 0413:< rbasov> ehypt 0413:< KCosmo> egypt 0413:< rbasov> egypt 0413:< grink> israel 0413:< KCosmo> 2 bots now? 0413:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: KCosmo (486), rbasov (2101) 0413:< grink> maybe? i have like 20 people muted 0413:< rbasov> stay away grink...you're catching up 0413:< rbasov> grrrr 0413:< grink> heh, 1000 more 0413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which major character has a disfigured daughter called Shireen? 0413:< grink> momo 0413:< KCosmo> the onion night 0413:< Scyanide_> SPOILER STANNIS KILLS SHIREEN 0414:< KCosmo> the onion knight 0414:< rbasov> stanus baratheon 0414:< rbasov> stannis baratheon 0414:< npinsker> The answer was Stannis Baratheon! Correct users: rbasov (2105) 0414:< rbasov> is that a spoiler? it was a year ago 0414:< KCosmo> gdi , i am so mad at myself right now 0414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play. 0414:< Grizzly_Storm> hockey 0414:< tRitone11> hockey 0414:< rbasov> hockey 0414:< grink> hockey 0414:< KCosmo> hockey 0414:< grink> sex 0414:< IndigoOrange> /count 0414:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: rbasov (2109), grink (1009), KCosmo (488) 0415:< IndigoOrange> fuck 0415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Texas ____________? 0415:< tRitone11> Rangers 0415:< Grizzly_Storm> Rangers 0415:< KCosmo> rangers 0415:< grink> rangers 0415:< IndigoOrange> Cosmo how are you doing this all day lmfao 0415:< npinsker> The answer was Rangers! Correct users: KCosmo (492), grink (1012) 0415:< KCosmo> ive been popping in and out, its my day off 0415:< IndigoOrange> or do we just keep coming in at the same time 0415:< IndigoOrange> oh nice 0415:< KCosmo> probably, i got a lot done today 0415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || With what body part is otology involved? 0415:< tRitone11> ear 0415:< Grizzly_Storm> ear 0416:< KCosmo> ear 0416:< IndigoOrange> ear 0416:< grink> ear 0416:< tigerLRG245> we are merging today 0416:< KCosmo> finally? 0416:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: KCosmo (496), IndigoOrange (113), grink (1014) 0416:< IndigoOrange> i hope, the final merge 0416:< rbasov> that'd be nice 0416:< KCosmo> bring on the cascade 0416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble's son? 0416:< Grizzly_Storm> Bam Bam 0416:< tRitone11> Bam Bam 0416:< IndigoOrange> bam bam 0416:< rbasov> bam bam 0416:< KCosmo> bam bam 0416:< grink> dino 0416:< KCosmo> BAM BAM! 0416:< IndigoOrange> you can pretend we merge by using the /clear command 0417:< grink> clear 0417:< npinsker> The answer was Bam Bam! Correct users: IndigoOrange (117), rbasov (2112), KCosmo (498) 0417:< grink> \clear 0417:< IndigoOrange> you cant be in the lobby though 0417:< IndigoOrange> it fucks it up with the $ sign 0417:< KCosmo> haha 0417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which chemical element is represented by the symbol Pa? 0417:< Grizzly_Storm> protactinium 0417:< tRitone11> protactinium 0417:< IndigoOrange> Pa Pa 0417:< grink> protacticium 0417:< grink> or someshit 0417:< npinsker> The answer was protactinium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which country won the World Cup of Soccer in 1982. 0418:< tRitone11> Italy 0418:< Grizzly_Storm> Italy 0418:< grink> italy 0418:< KCosmo> italy 0418:< IndigoOrange> Cup Daddy 0418:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: grink (1018), KCosmo (501) 0418:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1493), grink (1018), BrownMario (100... 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Otason, Howard, Ninten, Lance, Alex, and Tony are default player names in what game? 0419:< IndigoOrange> Psh no clue 0419:< grink> family fued 0419:< KCosmo> resident evil 0419:< npinsker> The answer was Tetris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0419:< IndigoOrange> LMFAO WHAT 0419:< KCosmo> lol wut 0419:< grink> huh 0419:< rbasov> they have names?!?! 0419:< IndigoOrange> who the fuck has a name in that game 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did the battle of Waterloo take place? 0419:< Grizzly_Storm> Belgium 0419:< tRitone11> Belgium 0419:< grink> ocean 0419:< KCosmo> belgium 0420:< IndigoOrange> Belgium 0420:< npinsker> The answer was Belgium! Correct users: KCosmo (505), IndigoOrange (120) 0420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || For which ad campaign was the line 'I can't believe I ate the whole thing' used? 0420:< tRitone11> Alka Seltzer 0420:< Grizzly_Storm> Alka Seltzer 0420:< KCosmo> alka seltzer 0420:< IndigoOrange> Deez Nuts 0420:< grink> can't believe it's not butter 0420:< LeeBears> Brazzers 0420:< KCosmo> I caaaant believe I aaate the whoooole thing 0421:< npinsker> The answer was Alka Seltzer! Correct users: KCosmo (509) 0421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who did Macduff kill? 0421:< Grizzly_Storm> Macbeth 0421:< tRitone11> Macbeth 0421:< IndigoOrange> Macbeth 0421:< KCosmo> macbeth 0421:< grink> ios 9 0421:< IndigoOrange> Steve Jobs 0421:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: IndigoOrange (124), KCosmo (512) 0422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What chemical element gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'? 0422:< Grizzly_Storm> Xenon 0422:< tRitone11> Xenon 0422:< IndigoOrange> Xenon 0422:< Lowbacca1977> xenon 0422:< KCosmo> xenon 0422:< grink> til 0422:< Judges_Your_Post> Xenon 0422:< IndigoOrange> DONT JUDGE MY POSTS 0422:< npinsker> The answer was Xenon! Correct users: IndigoOrange (128), Lowbacca1977 (42), KCosmo (514), Judges_Your_Post (1) 0422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the world's most photographed and most climbed mountain. 0422:< Grizzly_Storm> Fuji 0422:< tRitone11> Fuji 0422:< IndigoOrange> Fuji 0422:< Lowbacca1977> space mountain 0423:< KCosmo> fuji 0423:< grink> flash mountain 0423:< npinsker> The answer was Fuji! Correct users: IndigoOrange (132), KCosmo (517) 0423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the villain in 'Star Wars'? 0423:< Grizzly_Storm> Darth Vader 0423:< tRitone11> Darth Vader 0423:< IndigoOrange> Darth Vader 0423:< grink> darth vader 0423:< Lowbacca1977> vader 0423:< KCosmo> darth vader 0423:< grink> kylo ren 0423:< KCosmo> garth bader 0423:< grink> anakin skywalker 0424:< npinsker> The answer was Darth Vader! Correct users: IndigoOrange (136), grink (1021), KCosmo (519), Hug_The_NSA (252) 0424:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Who does Gandalf find eaves-dropping at the window of Bag End? 0424:< Lowbacca1977> samwise gamgee 0424:< KCosmo> bilbo baggins 0424:< IndigoOrange> Fuck I never seen Lord of the Rings 0424:< KCosmo> sam 0424:< grink> dildo bags 0424:< IndigoOrange> I saw like parts of them 0424:< IndigoOrange> I need to actually sit down and see them through one day 0424:< npinsker> The answer was Sam! Correct users: KCosmo (523) 0424:< KCosmo> i read all the books in hs for a class 0425:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1493), grink (1021), BrownMario (100... 0425:< Lowbacca1977> thats not fair 0425:< Judges_Your_Post> Fool of a Took 0425:< IndigoOrange> i was always confused who that little creepy guy was 0425:< IndigoOrange> He was human before right? 0425:< KCosmo> samwise? thats frodos homie for life 0425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who ordered the persecution of the Christians in which Peter and Paul died? 0425:< Grizzly_Storm> Nero 0425:< tRitone11> Nero 0425:< Lowbacca1977> Mary 0425:< IndigoOrange> Then he got the ring and never aged until he took it off 0425:< grink> the pope 0425:< Hug_The_NSA> Nero 0425:< KCosmo> gollum oo, yeah he used to be a hobbit or what the ancestors of the hobbits were 0425:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (256) 0426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________. 0426:< Grizzly_Storm> Turkey 0426:< tRitone11> Turkey 0426:< grink> romania 0426:< Lowbacca1977> ottoman empire 0426:< Hug_The_NSA> italy 0426:< Hug_The_NSA> turkey 0426:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (260) 0426:< Hug_The_NSA> world world war 0426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which city has the largest rodeo in the world? 0426:< Grizzly_Storm> Calgary 0426:< tRitone11> Calgary 0426:< HookahComputer> calgary 0427:< Lowbacca1977> turkey didn't even exist yet 0427:< npinsker> The answer was Calgary! Correct users: HookahComputer (855) 0427:< Hug_The_NSA> i know thats why u copy the bots 0427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ____________? 0427:< Grizzly_Storm> turkey 0427:< tRitone11> turkey 0427:< grink> bacon 0427:< Hug_The_NSA> turkey 0427:< npinsker> The answer was turkey! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (264) 0428:< Hug_The_NSA> double turkey 0428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star? 0428:< Grizzly_Storm> black hole 0428:< tRitone11> black hole 0428:< Lowbacca1977> turkey 0428:< Hug_The_NSA> black hole 0428:< KCosmo> black hole 0428:< Hug_The_NSA> turkey lamo tho 0428:< grink> theoretical...? 0428:< npinsker> The answer was black hole! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (268), KCosmo (526) 0428:< Hug_The_NSA> trivia is probably a bit dated 0428:< KCosmo> super dated 0428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Buildings || What is the largest inhabited castle in the world? 0428:< Grizzly_Storm> Windsor Castle 0428:< tRitone11> Windsor Castle 0429:< Lowbacca1977> turkey 0429:< Hug_The_NSA> Turkey 0429:< npinsker> The answer was Windsor Castle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who is known as the god of the desert? 0429:< tRitone11> Ash 0429:< Grizzly_Storm> Ash 0429:< grink> apophis 0429:< Hug_The_NSA> ash 0430:< grink> Ra 0430:< npinsker> The answer was Ash! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (272) 0430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Companies || The De Beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world's supply of ____________? 0430:< Grizzly_Storm> rough diamonds 0430:< tRitone11> rough diamonds 0430:< Hug_The_NSA> diamonds 0430:< npinsker> The answer was rough diamonds! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (276) 0431:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2420), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1493), grink (1021), BrownMario (100... 0431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was painted on Peter Fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'Easy Rider'? 0431:< Grizzly_Storm> stars and stripes 0431:< tRitone11> stars and stripes 0431:< Lowbacca1977> turkey 0431:< grink> penis 0431:< KCosmo> american flag 0431:< Hug_The_NSA> american flag 0431:< npinsker> The answer was stars and stripes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0431:< KCosmo> boo 0432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north? 0432:< Grizzly_Storm> Minnesota 0432:< tRitone11> Minnesota 0432:< Patarknight> minnesota 0432:< KCosmo> minnesota 0432:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: Patarknight (2424), KCosmo (529) 0432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Super Chicken's partners name? 0432:< Grizzly_Storm> Fred 0432:< tRitone11> Fred 0433:< grink> cockface 0433:< npinsker> The answer was Fred! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space Travel || Who was the first man in space? 0433:< Grizzly_Storm> Yuri Gagarin 0433:< tRitone11> Yuri Gagarin 0433:< KCosmo> yuri gagarin 0434:< npinsker> The answer was Yuri Gagarin! Correct users: KCosmo (533) 0434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous states. 0434:< Grizzly_Storm> Maine 0434:< tRitone11> Maine 0434:< grink> maine 0434:< KCosmo> maine 0434:< npinsker> The answer was Maine! Correct users: grink (1025), KCosmo (536) 0435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun? 0435:< Grizzly_Storm> Nicolaus Copernicus 0435:< tRitone11> Nicolaus Copernicus 0435:< KCosmo> copernicus 0435:< grink> galileo 0435:< npinsker> The answer was Nicolaus Copernicus! Correct users: KCosmo (540) 0435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption? 0435:< Grizzly_Storm> denatured 0435:< tRitone11> denatured 0436:< npinsker> The answer was denatured! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Detroit ________. 0436:< Grizzly_Storm> Red Wings 0436:< tRitone11> Red Wings 0436:< KCosmo> red wings 0436:< Judges_Your_Post> red wings 0437:< npinsker> The answer was Red Wings! Correct users: KCosmo (544), Judges_Your_Post (4) 0437:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2424), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1493), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Egyptian Ibis-headed god? 0437:< Grizzly_Storm> Thoth 0437:< tRitone11> Thoth 0437:< Patarknight> Thoth 0438:< 3xist3nc3> THOT 0438:< npinsker> The answer was Thoth! Correct users: Patarknight (2428) 0438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was Miss Hungary in 1936? 0438:< tRitone11> Zsa-Zsa Gabor 0438:< Grizzly_Storm> Zsa-Zsa Gabor 0438:< grink> putin 0438:< npinsker> The answer was Zsa-Zsa Gabor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common term for a "somnambulist"? 0439:< Grizzly_Storm> sleepwalker 0439:< tRitone11> sleepwalker 0439:< grink> dick out sleepwalking 0439:< npinsker> The answer was sleepwalker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || The Komodo Dragon, the biggest known lizard to science, is endemic to the Komodo islands of what country? 0439:< Grizzly_Storm> Indonesia 0439:< tRitone11> Indonesia 0440:< npinsker> The answer was Indonesia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Stephen King's: "The Dead ________". 0440:< Grizzly_Storm> Zone 0440:< tRitone11> Zone 0440:< npinsker> The answer was Zone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is also called the 'Garden State'? 0441:< Grizzly_Storm> New Jersey 0441:< tRitone11> New Jersey 0441:< npinsker> The answer was New Jersey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || The social and philosophic creedo of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is called: 0441:< Grizzly_Storm> shavianism 0441:< tRitone11> shavianism 0442:< npinsker> The answer was shavianism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sad, But True || What are 35% of people using personal ads for dating? 0442:< Grizzly_Storm> married 0442:< tRitone11> married 0443:< FeebleOldMan> married 0443:< npinsker> The answer was married! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1497) 0443:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2428), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1497), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Persephone was the Greek goddess of ____________? 0443:< Grizzly_Storm> spring 0443:< tRitone11> spring 0443:< FeebleOldMan> beauty 0444:< FeebleOldMan> smells 0444:< npinsker> The answer was spring! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || What is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia the fear of? 0444:< tRitone11> long words 0444:< Grizzly_Storm> long words 0444:< FeebleOldMan> complicated words 0444:< FeebleOldMan> long words 0444:< npinsker> The answer was long words! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1501) 0445:< FeebleOldMan> big words 0445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Internet || What does the acronym HTML stand for? 0445:< Grizzly_Storm> Hyper Text Markup Language 0445:< tRitone11> Hyper Text Markup Language 0445:< FeebleOldMan> sesquidipelian ftw 0445:< FeebleOldMan> hypertext markup language 0445:< FeebleOldMan> hyper text markup language 0445:< FeebleOldMan> hypertext mark up language 0445:< npinsker> The answer was Hyper Text Markup Language! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1505) 0445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || A phrenologist reads _________. 0445:< Grizzly_Storm> skulls 0445:< tRitone11> skulls 0446:< haley_joel_osteen> skulls 0446:< FeebleOldMan> skulls 0446:< npinsker> The answer was skulls! Correct users: haley_joel_osteen (22), FeebleOldMan (1508) 0446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many days in Rayman imprisoned for in the Story Mode of "Rayman Raving Rabbids"? 0446:< FeebleOldMan> 80 0447:< FeebleOldMan> 150 0447:< FeebleOldMan> 55 0447:< npinsker> The answer was 15! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What fish is the fastest? 0447:< Grizzly_Storm> sailfish 0447:< tRitone11> sailfish 0447:< FeebleOldMan> flying fish 0447:< FeebleOldMan> cheetah fish 0447:< npinsker> The answer was sailfish! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Whose army did Admiral Nelson defeat at the battle of Trafalgar? 0448:< Grizzly_Storm> Napoleon 0448:< tRitone11> Napoleon 0448:< FeebleOldMan> x.x 0448:< FeebleOldMan> darth vader 0448:< npinsker> The answer was Napoleon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A supplement to a will. 0448:< tRitone11> codicil 0448:< Grizzly_Storm> codicil 0449:< FeebleOldMan> addendum 0449:< npinsker> The answer was codicil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0449:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2428), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1508), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || R. Kelly sings: 'If I can see it then I can do it, if I just believe it, there's nothing to it'. What's the song title? 0450:< Grizzly_Storm> I Believe I Can Fly 0450:< tRitone11> I Believe I Can Fly 0450:< npinsker> The answer was I Believe I Can Fly! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very Big Guns || Where is the biggest calibre cannon? 0450:< Grizzly_Storm> Kremlin 0450:< tRitone11> Kremlin 0451:< npinsker> The answer was Kremlin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What age preceded the Iron Age? 0451:< tRitone11> The Bronze Age 0451:< Grizzly_Storm> The Bronze Age 0452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || According To "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" what number is the answer to everything? 0452:< tRitone11> Forty Two 0452:< Grizzly_Storm> Forty Two 0452:< FeebleOldMan> 42 0452:< npinsker> The answer was Forty Two! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1512) 0453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a Hurdy-Gurdy? 0453:< Grizzly_Storm> A Fiddle 0453:< tRitone11> A Fiddle 0453:< npinsker> The answer was A Fiddle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a violoncello usually called? 0453:< Grizzly_Storm> cello 0453:< tRitone11> cello 0454:< iliveintheinternet> cello 0454:< npinsker> The answer was cello! Correct users: iliveintheinternet (4) 0454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was assassinated on December 8, 1980 in New York City? 0454:< Grizzly_Storm> John Lennon 0454:< tRitone11> John Lennon 0454:< Patarknight> John Lennon 0454:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: Patarknight (2432) 0455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth? 0455:< Grizzly_Storm> Vesta 0455:< tRitone11> Vesta 0455:< Patarknight> Ceres 0455:< npinsker> The answer was Vesta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0456:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2432), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Band: Elvis Costello and the ........... ? 0456:< Grizzly_Storm> Attractions 0456:< tRitone11> Attractions 0456:< npinsker> The answer was Attractions! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The ____________ Tea Party? 0457:< Grizzly_Storm> Boston 0457:< tRitone11> Boston 0457:< npinsker> The answer was Boston! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with? 0457:< Grizzly_Storm> Honolulu 0457:< tRitone11> Honolulu 0458:< npinsker> The answer was Honolulu! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || As what is Merle Haggard also known as? 0458:< tRitone11> Okie from Muskogee 0458:< Grizzly_Storm> Okie from Muskogee 0459:< npinsker> The answer was Okie from Muskogee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0459:< bickster69> https://www.reddit.com/r/Robbin_CHAT_ROOM_/ subreddit for %chat and suKo group in general , in case anything happens we cant find 0459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the highest point in South America? 0459:< Grizzly_Storm> Argentina 0459:< tRitone11> Argentina 0459:< npinsker> The answer was Argentina! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the largest web-footed bird. 0500:< Grizzly_Storm> albatross 0500:< tRitone11> albatross 0500:< npinsker> The answer was albatross! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of New Zealand? 0500:< Grizzly_Storm> Wellington 0500:< tRitone11> Wellington 0501:< npinsker> The answer was Wellington! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Popsicle Inventors || Who invented popsicles? 0501:< Grizzly_Storm> Frank Epperson 0501:< tRitone11> Frank Epperson 0501:< 3xist3nc3> Came here to say this wasteland: Pop Sicle 0501:< Authsauce> framk epperson 0501:< 3xist3nc3> save* 0501:< Authsauce> frank epperson 0502:< npinsker> The answer was Frank Epperson! Correct users: Authsauce (408) 0502:< Authsauce> quiet in here 0502:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2432), 3xist3nc3 (2407), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2112), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the biological name for the shin bone? 0502:< Grizzly_Storm> tibia 0502:< tRitone11> tibia 0502:< 3xist3nc3> Shinitice 0503:< npinsker> The answer was tibia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Chicago ____________? 0503:< Grizzly_Storm> Cubs 0503:< tRitone11> Cubs 0503:< npinsker> The answer was Cubs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0503:< nickyface> cubs 0504:< nickyface> white sox 0504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a form? 0504:< tRitone11> hare 0504:< Grizzly_Storm> hare 0504:< npinsker> The answer was hare! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon? 0504:< Grizzly_Storm> tides 0504:< tRitone11> tides 0505:< npinsker> The answer was tides! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the most Eastern country in Alexander The Great's command at his peak? 0505:< tRitone11> India 0505:< Grizzly_Storm> India 0505:< 3xist3nc3> India 0506:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2411) 0506:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Hobbit'? 0506:< Grizzly_Storm> J.R.R. Tolkien 0506:< tRitone11> J.R.R. Tolkien 0506:< 3xist3nc3> J R R Tolkien 0506:< npinsker> The answer was J.R.R. Tolkien! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2415) 0507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Operation Sea Lion in WWII? 0507:< Grizzly_Storm> The Invasion of Britian 0507:< tRitone11> The Invasion of Britian 0507:< 3xist3nc3> An invasion 0507:< npinsker> The answer was The Invasion of Britian! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979? 0507:< Grizzly_Storm> Jim Jones 0507:< tRitone11> Jim Jones 0507:< 3xist3nc3> jim jones 0507:< rbasov> jim jones 0508:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2419), rbasov (2115) 0508:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2432), 3xist3nc3 (2419), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2115), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Glass Making || What is the glass capital of the world? 0508:< Grizzly_Storm> Toledo 0508:< tRitone11> Toledo 0508:< Patarknight> Toledo 0509:< 3xist3nc3> Glasstown 0509:< npinsker> The answer was Toledo! Correct users: Patarknight (2436) 0509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a word for a sorcerer who deals in black magic? 0509:< Grizzly_Storm> necromancer 0509:< tRitone11> necromancer 0509:< Patarknight> necromancer 0509:< 3xist3nc3> black magician 0510:< npinsker> The answer was necromancer! Correct users: Patarknight (2440) 0510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which substance has the chemical formula NaOH? 0510:< Grizzly_Storm> Sodium Hydroxide 0510:< tRitone11> Sodium Hydroxide 0510:< Patarknight> lye 0510:< npinsker> The answer was Sodium Hydroxide! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity? 0511:< Grizzly_Storm> litmus 0511:< tRitone11> litmus 0511:< Patarknight> litmus 0511:< rbasov> litmus 0511:< npinsker> The answer was litmus paper! Correct users: Patarknight (2444), rbasov (2118) 0511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who ruled over the island of Samos? 0511:< Grizzly_Storm> Polycrates 0511:< tRitone11> Polycrates 0511:< Patarknight> Hera 0512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Rivers || What is the only river that flows both north and south of the Equator? 0513:< npinsker> The answer was congo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Russian modernist Igor --------- 0513:< tRitone11> Stravinsky 0513:< Grizzly_Storm> Stravinsky 0513:< Patarknight> Stravinsky 0513:< npinsker> The answer was Stravinsky! Correct users: Patarknight (2448) 0514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What would a Conchologist be intrested in? 0514:< Grizzly_Storm> shells 0514:< tRitone11> shells 0514:< npinsker> The answer was shells! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0514:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2448), 3xist3nc3 (2419), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2118), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0514:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || Which digital currency was created in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || How many stars are there on Brazil's flag? 0515:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty three 0515:< tRitone11> twenty three 0515:< 3xist3nc3> 27 0515:< npinsker> The answer was twenty three! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0515:< FeebleOldMan> wow you're still at it potatobadger 0515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film || What is the Pink panter in the Pink Pather film? 0515:< Grizzly_Storm> A Diamond 0515:< tRitone11> A Diamond 0515:< 3xist3nc3> a diamond 0515:< Patarknight> a gem 0516:< 3xist3nc3> a gem* 0516:< 3xist3nc3> le gem 0516:< npinsker> The answer was A Diamond! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2423) 0516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick? 0516:< Grizzly_Storm> Ding 0516:< tRitone11> Ding 0517:< npinsker> The answer was Ding! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0517:< npinsker> The answer was cotton gin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving 'The Lovin' Spoonful'? 0518:< Grizzly_Storm> John Sebastian 0518:< QuackBlack> http://i.imgur.com/FmX1aoF.gifv 0518:< tRitone11> John Sebastian 0518:< npinsker> The answer was John Sebastian! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who 'imagined' a better world? 0518:< Grizzly_Storm> John Lennon 0518:< tRitone11> John Lennon 0518:< QuackBlack> test 0519:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is measured by a chronometer? 0519:< Grizzly_Storm> time 0519:< tRitone11> time 0519:< Patarknight> time 0520:< npinsker> The answer was time! Correct users: Patarknight (2452) 0520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with? 0520:< Grizzly_Storm> chess 0520:< tRitone11> chess 0520:< Patarknight> chess 0520:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: Patarknight (2456) 0520:< 3xist3nc3> Fisching 0521:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2456), 3xist3nc3 (2423), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2118), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager? 0521:< Grizzly_Storm> Elvis Presley 0521:< tRitone11> Elvis Presley 0521:< npinsker> The answer was Elvis Presley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || What was the Statue Of Liberty originally named? 0522:< Grizzly_Storm> Liberty Enlightening The World 0522:< tRitone11> Liberty Enlightening The World 0522:< npinsker> The answer was Liberty Enlightening The World! Correct users: Patarknight (2460) 0522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name the fastest mouse in all of Mexico. 0522:< Grizzly_Storm> Speedy Gonzalez 0522:< tRitone11> Speedy Gonzalez 0523:< Patarknight> speedy gonzales 0523:< npinsker> The answer was Speedy Gonzales! Correct users: Patarknight (2464) 0523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment? 0523:< Grizzly_Storm> vinegar 0523:< tRitone11> vinegar 0524:< npinsker> The answer was vinegar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0524:< Patarknight> vinegar 0524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the name of Duddley Do-Right's horse? 0524:< Grizzly_Storm> Horse 0524:< tRitone11> Horse 0524:< npinsker> The answer was Horse! Correct users: npinsker (80) 0525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which plant is known for attracting hummingbirds? 0525:< Grizzly_Storm> hibiscus 0525:< tRitone11> hibiscus 0525:< Authsauce> hybiscus 0525:< npinsker> The answer was hibiscus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The initials of the band NIN stand for? 0525:< Grizzly_Storm> Nine Inch Nails 0525:< tRitone11> Nine Inch Nails 0525:< Patarknight> nine inch nails 0526:< HookahComputer> Nobody Invited Nickelback 0526:< npinsker> The answer was Nine Inch Nails! Correct users: Patarknight (2468) 0526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the desert located in south-east California. 0526:< Grizzly_Storm> Mojave 0526:< tRitone11> Mojave 0526:< npinsker> death valley 0527:< npinsker> The answer was Mojave! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0527:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2468), 3xist3nc3 (2423), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2118), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body? 0527:< Grizzly_Storm> feet 0527:< tRitone11> feet 0527:< rbasov> FEET 0527:< rbasov> damn caps lock 0528:< npinsker> The answer was feet! Correct users: rbasov (2122) 0528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which film did Paul Newman and Robert Redford hold hands and jump into a river? 0528:< Grizzly_Storm> Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 0528:< tRitone11> Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 0528:< rbasov> butch cassidy and the sundance kid 0528:< npinsker> The answer was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid! Correct users: rbasov (2126) 0529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ________. 0529:< Grizzly_Storm> focus 0529:< tRitone11> focus 0529:< q00u> focal point 0529:< HookahComputer> Palontir 0529:< npinsker> The answer was focus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0529:< q00u> lol 0529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who starred as 'ouboet' in the first TV series of 'Orkney Snork Nie'? 0529:< Grizzly_Storm> Frank Opperman 0529:< tRitone11> Frank Opperman 0529:< q00u> wat 0530:< HookahComputer> I know one of those words, and it is "Snork". 0530:< npinsker> The answer was Frank Opperman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first product to have a barcode? 0530:< tRitone11> Wrigley's gum 0530:< Grizzly_Storm> Wrigley's gum 0531:< npinsker> The answer was Wrigley's gum! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || The Sun is how much more dense than water? 0531:< Grizzly_Storm> 1.41 0531:< tRitone11> 1.41 0531:< q00u> A dozen 0531:< npinsker> The answer was 1.41! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was the first black mayor of Chicago? 0532:< Grizzly_Storm> Harold Washington 0532:< tRitone11> Harold Washington 0532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sports Anagrams || Frown, it is not well regarded. 0532:< Grizzly_Storm> World Wrestling Federation 0532:< tRitone11> World Wrestling Federation 0533:< npinsker> The answer was World Wrestling Federation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0533:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2468), 3xist3nc3 (2423), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2126), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney. 0533:< Grizzly_Storm> Fantasia 0533:< tRitone11> Fantasia 0533:< Patarknight> Fantasia 0534:< npinsker> The answer was Fantasia! Correct users: Patarknight (2472) 0534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || Ranidaphobia is the fear of what? 0534:< tRitone11> frogs 0534:< Grizzly_Storm> frogs 0534:< rbasov> frogs 0535:< npinsker> The answer was frogs! Correct users: rbasov (2130) 0535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean? 0535:< Grizzly_Storm> International Date Line 0535:< tRitone11> International Date Line 0535:< q00u> international date line 0535:< npinsker> The answer was International Date Line! Correct users: q00u (145) 0536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag? 0536:< Grizzly_Storm> four 0536:< tRitone11> four 0536:< rbasov> 4 0536:< q00u> 4 0536:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: rbasov (2134), q00u (148) 0536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause? 0536:< tRitone11> goitre 0536:< Grizzly_Storm> goitre 0537:< Authsauce> bad teeth 0537:< npinsker> The answer was goitre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0537:< q00u> Lupus 0538:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur Schopenhauer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who married actress Nancy Davis? 0538:< Grizzly_Storm> Ronald Reagan 0538:< tRitone11> Ronald Reagan 0538:< q00u> Ronald Reagan 0538:< npinsker> The answer was Ronald Reagan! Correct users: q00u (152) 0538:< q00u> haha what 0539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Irish playwright and author wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "The Picture of Dorian Grey" among ... 0539:< q00u> Tom hanks 0539:< npinsker> The answer was Oscar Wilde! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0539:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2472), 3xist3nc3 (2423), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2134), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911? 0540:< tRitone11> Manchu 0540:< Grizzly_Storm> Manchu 0540:< q00u> ching 0540:< q00u> qing 0540:< npinsker> The answer was Manchu! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Which TV horse could talk? 0540:< Grizzly_Storm> Mr. Ed 0540:< tRitone11> Mr. Ed 0540:< q00u> Mr. Ed 0541:< q00u> Mister Ed 0541:< npinsker> The answer was Mr. Ed! Correct users: q00u (156) 0541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who was the first to say Harry would be a good Seeker? 0541:< q00u> Dumbledore 0541:< npinsker> The answer was (Professor |Minerva )?McGonagall! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0541:< q00u> Minerva 0542:< q00u> doh 0542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth? 0542:< Grizzly_Storm> Austin Powers 0542:< tRitone11> Austin Powers 0542:< 3xist3nc3> Austin powers 0542:< q00u> Austin Powers 0542:< npinsker> The answer was Austin Powers! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2427), q00u (159) 0542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Current Affairs || From which country is UN Secretary General Kofi Annan? 0542:< Grizzly_Storm> Ghana 0542:< tRitone11> Ghana 0543:< q00u> Current Affairs? 0543:< npinsker> The answer was Ghana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Term for an emasculated male pig 0543:< Grizzly_Storm> barrow 0543:< tRitone11> barrow 0543:< q00u> 2006 was a decade ago 0543:< q00u> Hamlet 0544:< npinsker> The answer was barrow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range? 0544:< Grizzly_Storm> Mt. Mitchell 0544:< tRitone11> Mt. Mitchell 0544:< q00u> Yer sister 0544:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Mitchell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || After who was America named? 0545:< tRitone11> Amerigo Vespucci 0545:< Grizzly_Storm> Amerigo Vespucci 0545:< q00u> Amerigo 0545:< npinsker> The answer was Amerigo Vespucci! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0545:< q00u> .... 0545:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2472), 3xist3nc3 (2427), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2134), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon? 0546:< Grizzly_Storm> Watergate 0546:< tRitone11> Watergate 0546:< vox35> Watergate 0546:< q00u> Watergate 0546:< npinsker> The answer was Watergate! Correct users: vox35 (375), q00u (162) 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Mediterranean? 0546:< Grizzly_Storm> Sicily 0546:< tRitone11> Sicily 0547:< rbasov> sicily 0547:< q00u> Corsica 0547:< vox35> Crete 0547:< q00u> Thrace 0547:< npinsker> The answer was Sicily! Correct users: rbasov (2138) 0547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Boston ___________. 0547:< tRitone11> Bruins 0547:< Grizzly_Storm> Bruins 0547:< vox35> Bruins 0548:< npinsker> The answer was Bruins! Correct users: Patarknight (2476), vox35 (378) 0548:< q00u> Creme Pies 0548:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What's Penthouse's sister publication for women? 0548:< Grizzly_Storm> Viva 0548:< tRitone11> Viva 0548:< vox35> Basement apartment 0548:< q00u> lol 0548:< npinsker> The answer was Viva! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || A series of web films called "Yacht Rock" were a parody of what genre? 0549:< q00u> I'm on a boat! 0549:< npinsker> The answer was 70s soft rock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0549:< vox35> Smaller ocean faring craft rock 0549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is known for his 'theory of evolution'? 0549:< Grizzly_Storm> Charles Darwin 0549:< tRitone11> Charles Darwin 0549:< q00u> darwin 0549:< vox35> Darwin 0550:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: q00u (166), vox35 (381) 0550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Name the late actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. 0550:< Grizzly_Storm> Alec Guiness 0550:< tRitone11> Alec Guiness 0550:< q00u> alec guiness 0550:< vox35> Alec Guinness 0550:< q00u> alec guinness 0551:< vox35> Alec Guinnnness 0551:< npinsker> The answer was Alec Guiness! Correct users: q00u (170) 0551:< q00u> what 0551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film. 0551:< Grizzly_Storm> 48 Hours 0551:< tRitone11> 48 Hours 0551:< q00u> 48 hours 0551:< vox35> 47 hours 0551:< npinsker> The answer was 48 Hours! Correct users: q00u (174) 0551:< vox35> Plus 1 0552:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2476), 3xist3nc3 (2427), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2138), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Vermicelli literally means ___________. 0552:< Grizzly_Storm> little worms 0552:< tRitone11> little worms 0552:< q00u> worms 0552:< vox35> Worm-icelli 0552:< q00u> lol 0552:< vox35> Big fat worms 0553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II? 0553:< Grizzly_Storm> Konrad Adenauer 0553:< tRitone11> Konrad Adenauer 0553:< q00u> >< So close 0553:< q00u> Bert Reynolds 0553:< 3xist3nc3> Adolf Einnhower 0553:< vox35> Weimark 0553:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0553:< q00u> **HORNS** 0553:< npinsker> The answer was Konrad Adenauer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the game "1942" on the NES? 0553:< 3xist3nc3> doot 0553:< q00u> capcom 0554:< vox35> Lucasarts 0554:< q00u> tecmo 0554:< Authsauce> square enix 0554:< 3xist3nc3> roosevelt software inc. 0554:< npinsker> The answer was Capcom! Correct users: q00u (178) 0554:< q00u> HAHA WHAT 0554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"? 0554:< Grizzly_Storm> Jiminy Cricket 0554:< tRitone11> Jiminy Cricket 0554:< q00u> The blue fairy 0554:< vox35> Jiminy Cricket 0554:< q00u> Jimminy Crichet 0554:< npinsker> The answer was Jiminy Cricket! Correct users: vox35 (385) 0555:< 3xist3nc3> the lil guy 0555:< vox35> Jimmmminy Cricket 0555:< q00u> lol 0555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) ______. 0555:< Grizzly_Storm> acronym 0555:< tRitone11> acronym 0555:< 3xist3nc3> Acronym 0555:< vox35> Acronym 0555:< q00u> acronymn 0555:< q00u> acronym 0555:< npinsker> The answer was acronym! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2431), vox35 (388), q00u (180) 0555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || What does the term Valar Morghulis mean? 0556:< q00u> everyone dies 0556:< vox35> Everybody poops 0556:< Authsauce> all men must die 0556:< npinsker> The answer was All men must die! Correct users: Authsauce (412) 0556:< q00u> Only you poop and that's concentrated evil coming out of you 0556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What country was formerly known as Siam? 0556:< Grizzly_Storm> Thailand 0556:< tRitone11> Thailand 0556:< Authsauce> thailand 0556:< vox35> No! Read the book and you'll find out 0556:< vox35> Thailand 0557:< q00u> Sam I Am 0557:< npinsker> The answer was Thailand! Correct users: Authsauce (416), vox35 (391) 0557:< vox35> https://www.amazon.ca/Everyone-Poops-Taro-Gomi/dp/0916291456 => http://nazar.so/a6sd 0557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What event does Harry Potter celebrate at Madam Puddifoot's Teashop in the fifth book in the series? 0557:< q00u> Birthday 0557:< 3xist3nc3> the death of voldemort 0557:< npinsker> The answer was Valentine's Day! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0557:< vox35> Losing his virginity 0558:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2476), 3xist3nc3 (2431), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2138), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0558:< vox35> To Ron 0558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet? 0558:< Grizzly_Storm> cab 0558:< tRitone11> cab 0558:< 3xist3nc3> cab 0558:< vox35> Bae 0558:< quattrobro> cab 0558:< 3xist3nc3> fam 0558:< npinsker> The answer was cab! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2435), quattrobro (3) 0558:< vox35> E is the third letter of my alphabet 0559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres? 0559:< Grizzly_Storm> Antarctica 0559:< tRitone11> Antarctica 0559:< 3xist3nc3> AFrica 0559:< vox35> Aest? 0559:< npinsker> The answer was Antarctica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mountain Climbing || Who conquered the Matterhorn in 1865? 0559:< Grizzly_Storm> Edward Whymper 0559:< tRitone11> Edward Whymper 0600:< vox35> @npinsker typo in that question 0600:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Whymper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0600:< vox35> Aest 0600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is the longest mountain chain in the world. 0600:< Grizzly_Storm> Andes 0600:< tRitone11> Andes 0600:< Patarknight> Andes 0601:< Lowbacca1977> midatlantic ridge 0601:< vox35> Edward Whypmer mountains 0601:< npinsker> The answer was Andes! Correct users: Patarknight (2480) 0601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Conway Twitty's real name? 0601:< tRitone11> Harold Lloyd Jenkins 0601:< Grizzly_Storm> Harold Lloyd Jenkins 0601:< vox35> Tonway Clitty 0601:< q00u> Sylvester 0601:< 3xist3nc3> Trustypath Sylvester 0601:< Lowbacca1977> Mark Twain 0601:< npinsker> The answer was Harold Lloyd Jenkins! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0602:< vox35> Cgarlie Chaplin Jenkins 0602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create? 0602:< Grizzly_Storm> Tarzan 0602:< tRitone11> Tarzan 0602:< Lowbacca1977> john carter 0602:< vox35> Tarzan 0602:< vox35> of Mars 0602:< q00u> tarzania 0602:< npinsker> The answer was Tarzan! Correct users: vox35 (395) 0602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who fell behind Roger Maris in 1961 for the homerun record? 0602:< tRitone11> Mickey Mantle 0602:< Grizzly_Storm> Mickey Mantle 0603:< vox35> Babe Ruth 0603:< npinsker> The answer was Mickey Mantle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0603:< 3xist3nc3> mickey mouse 0603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Queen Cleopatra proclaimed herself to be which Egyptian goddess? 0603:< Grizzly_Storm> Isis 0603:< tRitone11> Isis 0603:< vox35> on the mantle 0603:< vox35> with a candlestick 0603:< Lowbacca1977> the spinx 0604:< vox35> Isis 0604:< 3xist3nc3> sphynx 0604:< npinsker> The answer was Isis! Correct users: vox35 (399) 0604:< vox35> Now I'm on an NSA list 0604:< 3xist3nc3> Sphynx 0604:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2480), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2138), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0604:< vox35> SPHYNX 0604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An anemometer measures ____ ________. 0604:< Grizzly_Storm> wind velocity 0604:< tRitone11> wind velocity 0604:< Patarknight> wind speed 0604:< vox35> Anem 0604:< q00u> anemones 0605:< npinsker> The answer was wind velocity! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0605:< vox35> Ane moms that happen to be in the area 0605:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who received the nobel peace prize in 1964 for civil rights leadership? 0605:< Grizzly_Storm> Martin Luther King Jr 0605:< tRitone11> Martin Luther King Jr 0605:< vox35> MLK 0605:< q00u> jfk 0605:< q00u> R and B 0605:< Lowbacca1977> PB & J 0605:< npinsker> The answer was Martin Luther King Jr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0606:< vox35> I'm Mr. Nobody 0606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || What is measured by a Geiger counter? 0606:< Grizzly_Storm> radioactivity 0606:< tRitone11> radioactivity 0606:< q00u> radiation 0606:< q00u> radioactivity 0606:< vox35> Nice to meet you npinsker 0606:< Lowbacca1977> how much you're geiging 0606:< vox35> Radiation 0606:< nickyface> earthquakes 0606:< npinsker> The answer was radioactivity! Correct users: q00u (184) 0606:< nickyface> buzz buzz 0606:< vox35> BUH! 0606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Most people wear a watch on their ____ wrist. 0606:< Grizzly_Storm> left 0606:< tRitone11> left 0607:< q00u> left 0607:< nickyface> bottom 0607:< vox35> daintiest 0607:< q00u> gripping 0607:< q00u> right 0607:< npinsker> The answer was left! Correct users: q00u (188) 0607:< q00u> Gotta be one of them. 0607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere? 0607:< Grizzly_Storm> December 0607:< tRitone11> December 0607:< q00u> december 0608:< q00u> january 0608:< vox35> December 0608:< vox35> February 0608:< npinsker> The answer was December! Correct users: q00u (192), vox35 (402) 0608:< vox35> MarchAprilMarch 0608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of the two space shuttles in 'Armegeddon'? 0608:< Grizzly_Storm> Freedom and Independence 0608:< tRitone11> Freedom and Independence 0608:< vox35> Fucking ratelimit 0608:< vox35> Fucking, and RATELIMIT 0608:< npinsker> The answer was Freedom and Independence! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Louis in 'Interview With The Vampire'? 0609:< Grizzly_Storm> Brad Pitt 0609:< tRitone11> Brad Pitt 0609:< vox35> Louis Armstrong 0609:< npinsker> The answer was Brad Pitt! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || TV series: 'American ____________'? 0609:< tRitone11> Bandstand 0609:< Grizzly_Storm> Bandstand 0610:< vox35> Bandstand 0610:< q00u> hero 0610:< npinsker> The answer was Bandstand! Correct users: vox35 (406) 0610:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2480), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2138), FeebleOldMan (1512), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0610:< vox35> There's more than one answer to that question 0610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott __________. 0610:< Grizzly_Storm> Trudeau 0610:< tRitone11> Trudeau 0611:< rbasov> trudeau 0611:< vox35> Trudeau 0611:< q00u> A lot of the questions are just terrible. You can't take the game seriously. 0611:< vox35> That 's tru, do 0611:< npinsker> The answer was Trudeau! Correct users: rbasov (2142), vox35 (409) 0611:< rbasov> Guys, we're not going to merge :( 0611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Units of frequency? 0611:< Grizzly_Storm> Hertz 0611:< tRitone11> Hertz 0611:< q00u> hertz 0611:< vox35> Maybe YOU'RE not going to merge 0612:< q00u> Not with that attitude! 0612:< rbasov> there's no tier 12 0612:< vox35> It hertz, but we just gotta stick it out 0612:< npinsker> The answer was Hertz! Correct users: q00u (196) 0612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || These are the name given to the little drones that fly over your shoulder in Phantasy Star Online that boost s... 0612:< npinsker> The answer was MAGs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In 1981, who won song of the year with 'Sailing'? 0613:< Grizzly_Storm> Christopher Cross 0613:< tRitone11> Christopher Cross 0613:< q00u> Eric Cartman 0613:< vox35> Some ashole 0613:< vox35> *ass 0613:< npinsker> The answer was Christopher Cross! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the term, "Hang ten" used? 0613:< Grizzly_Storm> surfing 0613:< tRitone11> surfing 0614:< q00u> surfing 0614:< vox35> We're not going to merge tonight I don't think tho. Tomorrow morning/ 0614:< q00u> websurfing 0614:< vox35> Porn 0614:< npinsker> The answer was surfing! Correct users: q00u (200) 0614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Alley Oop's girl friend. 0614:< Grizzly_Storm> Oola 0614:< tRitone11> Oola 0614:< vox35> Sally Oop 0615:< q00u> skeezix 0615:< npinsker> The answer was Oola! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was George Washington's vice-president? 0615:< Grizzly_Storm> Adams 0615:< tRitone11> Adams 0615:< vox35> Adams 0615:< q00u> adams 0615:< q00u> gomez addams 0615:< npinsker> The answer was John Adams! Correct users: vox35 (413), q00u (203) 0615:< vox35> Munster 0616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car? 0616:< Grizzly_Storm> wiper 0616:< tRitone11> wiper 0616:< q00u> wiper 0616:< vox35> Water removinator 0616:< q00u> squeegee 0616:< FeebleOldMan> windshield wiper 0616:< npinsker> The answer was wiper! Correct users: q00u (207), FeebleOldMan (1515) 0616:< vox35> Wiper of windshie;ds 0616:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2480), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1515), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0617:< Enofel> em:6l,1c,6x,1a,16,2b,6u 0617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals called? 0617:< Grizzly_Storm> paleontology 0617:< tRitone11> paleontology 0617:< vox35> FeebleOldManology 0617:< FeebleOldMan> prebiotics 0617:< npinsker> The answer was paleontology! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0617:< q00u> palentological botony 0618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is 'military governor' in Japanese? 0618:< Grizzly_Storm> shogun 0618:< tRitone11> shogun 0618:< FeebleOldMan> shogun 0618:< vox35> Shogun 0618:< q00u> shogun 0618:< npinsker> The answer was shogun! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1519), vox35 (416), q00u (209) 0618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis? 0618:< Grizzly_Storm> Don Budge 0618:< tRitone11> Don Budge 0618:< vox35> Sho gun in japan, yu get to be military governor 0618:< q00u> Denney's 0619:< FeebleOldMan> peter kaprovski 0619:< vox35> Rockin' Bobby Slam 0619:< npinsker> The answer was Don Budge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0619:< FeebleOldMan> don't budge o_o 0619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who turned Arachne into a spider? 0619:< Grizzly_Storm> Athena 0619:< tRitone11> Athena 0619:< FeebleOldMan> spiderman 0619:< FeebleOldMan> oh shit this is reverse qn.. uhh 0619:< vox35> A radioactive greek god 0619:< npinsker> The answer was Athena! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0620:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeah 0620:< vox35> ...dess 0620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || By what chemical process do plants manufacture food? 0620:< Grizzly_Storm> photosynthesis 0620:< tRitone11> photosynthesis 0620:< FeebleOldMan> photosynthesis 0620:< q00u> photosynthesis 0620:< vox35> Photosynthesis 0620:< OneRedSent> photosynthesis 0620:< npinsker> The answer was photosynthesis! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1523), q00u (212), vox35 (418), OneRedSent (44) 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years? 0621:< Grizzly_Storm> ten 0621:< tRitone11> ten 0621:< OneRedSent> 10 0621:< FeebleOldMan> 10 0621:< q00u> yes 0621:< vox35> 10 0621:< q00u> 10 15 20 0621:< FeebleOldMan> 15 0621:< FeebleOldMan> 20 0621:< vox35> Den years 0621:< npinsker> The answer was 10! Correct users: OneRedSent (48), FeebleOldMan (1526), vox35 (420) 0621:< q00u> Ah, it didn't let me cheat that time. 0621:< vox35> Well, warren years 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pop Optics || What colour lenses are required to view a 3-D film? 0621:< Grizzly_Storm> red and green 0621:< tRitone11> red and green 0621:< OneRedSent> red and green 0621:< mharrizone> red and blue 0621:< q00u> red green blue 0621:< vox35> Black 0622:< q00u> red and green 0622:< FeebleOldMan> red and blue 0622:< q00u> red and blue 0622:< Scarytrousers> ELECT SCARYTROUSERS 0622:< FeebleOldMan> blue and red 0622:< vox35> At least at my local theatre 0622:< npinsker> The answer was red and green! Correct users: OneRedSent (52), q00u (215) 0622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party. 0622:< Grizzly_Storm> elephant 0622:< tRitone11> elephant 0622:< FeebleOldMan> elephant 0622:< mharrizone> elephant 0622:< q00u> Elephant 0622:< vox35> Elephant in a shitty toupe 0622:< q00u> Bull moose 0622:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1530), mharrizone (560), q00u (217) 0623:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2480), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1530), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles? 0623:< Grizzly_Storm> Romans 0623:< tRitone11> Romans 0623:< FeebleOldMan> scots 0623:< OneRedSent> romans 0623:< q00u> A dying goat 0623:< FeebleOldMan> scotland 0623:< mharrizone> john lotus 0623:< vox35> John Q. Baggpipeington the Third 0624:< npinsker> The answer was Romans! Correct users: OneRedSent (56) 0624:< FeebleOldMan> o.o 0624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet? 0624:< tRitone11> Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 0624:< Grizzly_Storm> Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 0624:< AndyD418> Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 0624:< mharrizone> smokin in the boys room 0624:< q00u> Tony Danza 0624:< vox35> Don't Let Elton John Go Down On Me 0624:< npinsker> The answer was Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me! Correct users: AndyD418 (381) 0625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || on aircraft what does VTOL stand for? 0625:< Grizzly_Storm> Vertical Take off and landing 0625:< tRitone11> Vertical Take off and landing 0625:< FeebleOldMan> vertical takeoff and landing 0625:< mharrizone> vertical takeoff or landing 0625:< FeebleOldMan> vertical take off and landing 0625:< vox35> Vertical Takeoff And Landing 0625:< q00u> vertical takeoff and landing 0625:< npinsker> The answer was Vertical Take off and landing! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1534) 0625:< vox35> Vertical take off and landing 0625:< q00u> lol 0625:< mharrizone> You're a cunt, bot 0625:< vox35> fffffuuuuuck 0625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which substance has the chemical formula HCl? 0625:< tRitone11> hydrochloric acid 0625:< Grizzly_Storm> hydrochloric acid 0625:< FeebleOldMan> hydrochloric acid 0625:< mharrizone> hydrochloric acid 0625:< q00u> hydrogen chloride 0625:< vox35> What they said 0626:< FeebleOldMan> hydrogen chloride 0626:< q00u> probably the acid though 0626:< Scarytrousers> As your newly elected leader I promise to stop the stayers and grow this great room. Lets make Robin Great Again!!1 0626:< npinsker> The answer was hydrochloric acid! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1538), mharrizone (563) 0626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second largest of the United States? 0626:< Grizzly_Storm> Texas 0626:< tRitone11> Texas 0626:< q00u> texas 0626:< FeebleOldMan> second largest what??? 0626:< mharrizone> california 0626:< q00u> state 0626:< vox35> The second largest of the US is 0627:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: q00u (221) 0627:< FeebleOldMan> how u know 0627:< q00u> Alaska is first 0627:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || On what part of the body is an 'LTK procedure' performed? 0627:< Grizzly_Storm> eyes 0627:< tRitone11> eyes 0627:< FeebleOldMan> eyes 0627:< q00u> laser .... taste removal? 0627:< mharrizone> Is that like BTK? Lick, torture, kill? 0627:< FeebleOldMan> laser tomodunowhat keratinography 0627:< q00u> Light Tranquilizer knockout... 0627:< npinsker> The answer was eyes! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1542) 0627:< FeebleOldMan> i asked the same qn the last itme it was out 0628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Sudan to the North? 0628:< Grizzly_Storm> Egypt 0628:< tRitone11> Egypt 0628:< mharrizone> egypt 0628:< vox35> Egypt 0628:< FeebleOldMan> north sudan 0628:< q00u> Sudanly Susan 0628:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: mharrizone (567), vox35 (423) 0628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle? 0628:< Grizzly_Storm> ninety one 0628:< tRitone11> ninety one 0628:< mharrizone> 91 0628:< vox35> 91 0629:< FeebleOldMan> 90.0000000000000000001 0629:< mharrizone> 90 0629:< vox35> Ha 0629:< FeebleOldMan> >90 0629:< npinsker> The answer was ninety one! Correct users: mharrizone (571), vox35 (426) 0629:< FeebleOldMan> boo 0629:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2480), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1542), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0629:< vox35> integer 0629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || When dry, this goes into a Martini. When sweet, it goes into a Manhattan. What is it? 0629:< FeebleOldMan> oh i read interior =.= 0629:< mharrizone> vermouth 0630:< mharrizone> gin 0630:< vox35> Vermouth 0630:< npinsker> The answer was Vermouth! Correct users: mharrizone (575), vox35 (429) 0630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what body of water does the Danube River flow? 0630:< Grizzly_Storm> Black Sea 0630:< tRitone11> Black Sea 0630:< Patarknight> Black Sea 0630:< FeebleOldMan> danube lake 0630:< q00u> Red Sea 0630:< vox35> Black Sea, see? 0631:< q00u> Blue Sea 0631:< npinsker> The answer was Black Sea! Correct users: Patarknight (2484) 0631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who assassinated president Kennedy? 0631:< Grizzly_Storm> Lee Harvey Oswald 0631:< tRitone11> Lee Harvey Oswald 0631:< q00u> john wilkes booth 0631:< mharrizone> lee harvey oswald 0631:< vox35> I did 0631:< FeebleOldMan> colonel sanders 0631:< 3xist3nc3> some angry or crazy dude 0631:< q00u> aaron burr 0631:< npinsker> The answer was Lee Harvey Oswald! Correct users: mharrizone (579) 0631:< 3xist3nc3> jr 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Eras are divided into units called ________. 0632:< Grizzly_Storm> periods 0632:< tRitone11> periods 0632:< q00u> epochs 0632:< vox35> Epochs 0632:< mharrizone> epochs 0632:< FeebleOldMan> epochs 0632:< mharrizone> years 0632:< FeebleOldMan> millenias 0632:< mharrizone> decades 0632:< npinsker> The answer was periods! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0632:< FeebleOldMan> million years 0632:< Scarytrousers> Remember when chatting on Robin was intelligible? Pepperidge Farm Remembers! 0632:< mharrizone> wow 0632:< q00u> doh 0632:< vox35> Waaaa? 0632:< mharrizone> Just...wow 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000? 0632:< Grizzly_Storm> microsoft 0632:< tRitone11> microsoft 0632:< FeebleOldMan> microsoft 0632:< mharrizone> microsoft 0632:< q00u> microsoft 0633:< vox35> Mike Row soft 0633:< q00u> Why it doesn't beep anymore? 0633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || "Donkey Kong 64" appeared on the Nintendo 64 in which year? 0633:< FeebleOldMan> 1964 0633:< mharrizone> 1964 0633:< q00u> I miss that feature. 0633:< vox35> It's gettin fed up 0633:< mharrizone> lawl FeebleOldMan 0633:< vox35> 1997 0634:< npinsker> The answer was 1999! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0634:< vox35> Fark 0634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals. 0634:< Grizzly_Storm> tapeworm 0634:< tRitone11> tapeworm 0634:< FeebleOldMan> pinworm 0634:< mharrizone> tapeworm 0634:< vox35> Donald Trump 0634:< FeebleOldMan> tapeworm 0634:< npinsker> The answer was tapeworm! Correct users: mharrizone (586), FeebleOldMan (1549) 0634:< vox35> Trumpworm 0634:< q00u> cassete tape 0635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle? 0635:< Grizzly_Storm> one hundred and eighty one 0635:< tRitone11> one hundred and eighty one 0635:< Patarknight> 181 0635:< FeebleOldMan> 1 0635:< q00u> 180 0635:< q00u> 181 0635:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and eighty one! Correct users: Patarknight (2488), q00u (226) 0635:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2488), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1549), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What two planets don't have moons? 0636:< Grizzly_Storm> Mercury and Venus 0636:< tRitone11> Mercury and Venus 0636:< FeebleOldMan> mercury and venus 0636:< mharrizone> mercury and venus 0636:< q00u> mercury and venus 0636:< FeebleOldMan> venus and mercury 0636:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury and Venus! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1553), mharrizone (589), q00u (228) 0636:< mharrizone> The amount of times I typed "mervury" and backspaced was TOO DAMN HIGH 0636:< q00u> lol 0636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philisophy || In Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," what did he suggest should be made out of the skin of children? 0636:< FeebleOldMan> coats 0636:< mharrizone> adults 0636:< q00u> purses 0637:< FeebleOldMan> food 0637:< q00u> shoes 0637:< FeebleOldMan> clothes 0637:< mharrizone> dead children 0637:< npinsker> The answer was gloves! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the world? 0637:< tRitone11> Mount Everest 0637:< Grizzly_Storm> Mount Everest 0637:< FeebleOldMan> everest 0637:< mharrizone> k2 0637:< q00u> everest 0637:< FeebleOldMan> mount everest 0637:< mharrizone> k10 0637:< q00u> k2 is k second 0637:< mharrizone> k1 0638:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Everest! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1557), q00u (231) 0638:< mharrizone> spot 0638:< FeebleOldMan> wats rca 0638:< q00u> I think it was spot 0638:< FeebleOldMan> hunter 0638:< q00u> I think mharrizone is correct. That sounds right. 0638:< npinsker> The answer was Nipper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0638:< q00u> I WAS WRONG ABOUT MHARRIZONE! 0639:< mharrizone> Me too =( 0639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was known as 'the peanut president'? 0639:< Grizzly_Storm> Jimmy Carter 0639:< tRitone11> Jimmy Carter 0639:< q00u> carter 0639:< FeebleOldMan> charles schultz 0639:< mharrizone> jimmy carter 0639:< q00u> jiminy cricket 0639:< npinsker> The answer was Jimmy Carter! Correct users: mharrizone (593) 0639:< FeebleOldMan> why carter? 0639:< q00u> WHAT 0639:< q00u> He was a peanut farmer 0639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A foot-long ruler is __ inches long. 0639:< Grizzly_Storm> twelve 0639:< tRitone11> twelve 0639:< mharrizone> 12 0639:< FeebleOldMan> 12 0639:< q00u> twelve 0640:< mharrizone> twelve 0640:< q00u> 12 0640:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: mharrizone (597), FeebleOldMan (1560), q00u (233) 0640:< FeebleOldMan> ah thanks q00u 0640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Kansas City ____________? 0640:< Grizzly_Storm> Royals 0640:< tRitone11> Royals 0640:< mharrizone> royals 0640:< FeebleOldMan> fireballs 0640:< FeebleOldMan> royals 0641:< npinsker> The answer was Royals! Correct users: mharrizone (601), FeebleOldMan (1563) 0641:< FeebleOldMan> i defer to your sportsball knowledge 0641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin. 0641:< Grizzly_Storm> Eli Whitney 0641:< tRitone11> Eli Whitney 0641:< mharrizone> eli whitney 0641:< q00u> eli whitney 0641:< mharrizone> FeebleOldMan I only know because I hate both baseball and Kansas but I have a friend who lives there 0641:< npinsker> The answer was Eli Whitney! Correct users: mharrizone (605), q00u (236) 0641:< FeebleOldMan> lol 0642:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2488), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1563), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the cotton gin? 0642:< Grizzly_Storm> Eli Whitney 0642:< tRitone11> Eli Whitney 0642:< mharrizone> eli whitney 0642:< FeebleOldMan> eli whitney 0642:< mharrizone> ARE YOU FUCKING DEAF? 0642:< FeebleOldMan> yay thanks bot 0642:< npinsker> The answer was Eli Whitney! Correct users: mharrizone (609), FeebleOldMan (1566) 0642:< FeebleOldMan> random twice in a row lol 0642:< mharrizone> Cotton gin is a TERRIBLE drink btw 0643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Name Jerry Garcia's long lived group. 0643:< Grizzly_Storm> The Grateful Dead 0643:< tRitone11> The Grateful Dead 0643:< mharrizone> the grateful dead 0643:< npinsker> The answer was The Grateful Dead! Correct users: mharrizone (613) 0643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: __________ Nimoy. 0643:< Grizzly_Storm> Leonard 0643:< tRitone11> Leonard 0643:< mharrizone> leonard 0643:< FeebleOldMan> leonard 0644:< FeebleOldMan> llap 0644:< mharrizone> \\// , 0644:< npinsker> The answer was Leonard! Correct users: mharrizone (617), FeebleOldMan (1569) 0644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the scientific name for brimstone? 0644:< Grizzly_Storm> sulphur 0644:< tRitone11> sulphur 0644:< mharrizone> sulphur 0644:< mharrizone> sulfur 0644:< FeebleOldMan> sulfer 0644:< FeebleOldMan> sulphur 0644:< mharrizone> sulfur 0645:< FeebleOldMan> sulfur 0645:< npinsker> The answer was sulfur! Correct users: mharrizone (621), FeebleOldMan (1572) 0645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America? 0645:< Grizzly_Storm> Mexico 0645:< tRitone11> Mexico 0645:< mharrizone> mexico 0645:< mharrizone> panama 0645:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: mharrizone (625) 0646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Moldova? 0646:< Grizzly_Storm> Kishinev 0646:< tRitone11> Kishinev 0646:< mharrizone> moldova 0646:< 3xist3nc3> M 0646:< npinsker> The answer was Kishinev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In one of Donald Horne's novels, as what was Australia dubbed? 0646:< Grizzly_Storm> The lucky country 0646:< tRitone11> The lucky country 0646:< mharrizone> oz 0647:< npinsker> The answer was The lucky country! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is an Icelandic epic called? 0647:< Grizzly_Storm> saga 0647:< tRitone11> saga 0647:< DeyTa> saga 0647:< mharrizone> nyod 0648:< npinsker> The answer was saga! Correct users: DeyTa (29) 0648:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2488), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______. 0648:< Grizzly_Storm> benign 0648:< tRitone11> benign 0648:< mharrizone> benign 0648:< DeyTa> benign 0648:< q00u> benign 0648:< mharrizone> You sunk my battleship! 0649:< npinsker> The answer was benign! Correct users: mharrizone (629), DeyTa (32), q00u (238) 0649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal? 0649:< Grizzly_Storm> River Jumna 0649:< tRitone11> River Jumna 0649:< q00u> DeyTa! We have a new player? 0649:< DeyTa> nah 0649:< q00u> How long was I gone? 0649:< mharrizone> not the ganges...some fukkin thing I can never remember 0649:< DeyTa> just popping in 0649:< npinsker> The answer was River Jumna! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0650:< q00u> I keep getting disconnected from Robin. What happens if I'm disconnected when the room grows? Do I die in real life? 0650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the nationality of the prisoners in the "Black hole of Calcutta"? 0650:< Grizzly_Storm> British 0650:< tRitone11> British 0650:< DeyTa> yes 0650:< mharrizone> british 0650:< q00u> :-O 0650:< mharrizone> q00u you're already dead...RIP in peace =( 0650:< vox35> British 0650:< q00u> Oh noes! 0650:< npinsker> The answer was British! Correct users: mharrizone (633), vox35 (432) 0650:< q00u> Wait, no more student loans?! I'm FREE! 0650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What were the dolls in the novel 'Valley Of The Dolls'? 0650:< Grizzly_Storm> pills 0650:< tRitone11> pills 0650:< mharrizone> people 0650:< q00u> people 0651:< q00u> models 0651:< mharrizone> women 0651:< vox35> Ladies 0651:< mharrizone> bitches 0651:< q00u> The Valley of the dolls is made out of PEOPLE! It's People! 0651:< npinsker> The answer was pills! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0651:< mharrizone> whut 0651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name the apartments the Jetson's live in. 0651:< Grizzly_Storm> The Skypad Apartments 0651:< tRitone11> The Skypad Apartments 0651:< mharrizone> who the fuck knows that! 0651:< vox35> Robot Arms 0651:< q00u> Sky rise apartments 0651:< andysniper> skyhigh 0652:< npinsker> The answer was The Skypad Apartments! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0652:< q00u> Sky something! I was close! I want half credit. 0652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the gatling gun? 0652:< Grizzly_Storm> Richard Gatling 0652:< tRitone11> Richard Gatling 0652:< q00u> John Gatling 0652:< mharrizone> john gatling 0652:< vox35> Here you go cre 0652:< andysniper> mr gatling 0652:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Gatling! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0652:< vox35> Gatty J. Gatling the Third 0653:< q00u> So close.... I want the other half of that credit now! 0653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || As who is Terry Bollea known? 0653:< Grizzly_Storm> Hulk Hogan 0653:< tRitone11> Hulk Hogan 0653:< andysniper> terry tibbs 0653:< vox35> Don't get greedy, now 0653:< mharrizone> mr. t 0653:< q00u> Bruce Banner 0653:< vox35> Hulk Hogan 0653:< q00u> doh I gave it away 0653:< npinsker> The answer was Hulk Hogan! Correct users: vox35 (436) 0653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The pink hero of this early HAL Laboratory DS game can only move on a path made by a "magical paintbrush". 0653:< mharrizone> kirby 0654:< vox35> Fuck off, @K1ngN0thing 0654:< npinsker> The answer was Kirby: Canvas Curse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0654:< mharrizone> Suq madiq 0654:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2488), 3xist3nc3 (2435), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What planet boasts the Great Red Spot? 0654:< tRitone11> Jupiter 0654:< Grizzly_Storm> Jupiter 0654:< mharrizone> jupiter 0654:< vox35> Jupiter 0655:< q00u> Jupiter 0655:< mharrizone> Fun fact: Spot is the name of the RCA Victor dog! 0655:< npinsker> The answer was Jupiter! Correct users: mharrizone (637), vox35 (439), q00u (240) 0655:< vox35> That IS fun 0655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This term means to play smoothly. 0655:< Grizzly_Storm> legato 0655:< tRitone11> legato 0655:< vox35> Legato 0656:< npinsker> The answer was legato! Correct users: vox35 (443) 0656:< vox35> Finally my music degree pays off! 0656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Between which countries was the shortest war in history? 0656:< Grizzly_Storm> Zanzibar and England 0656:< tRitone11> Zanzibar and England 0656:< mharrizone> spain and mexico 0656:< q00u> us and canadia 0656:< npinsker> The answer was Zanzibar and England! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0656:< vox35> Spain and Spain Jr. 0657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Nassau is the capital of which country? 0657:< Grizzly_Storm> Bahamas 0657:< tRitone11> Bahamas 0657:< vox35> Bahamas, the 0657:< mharrizone> bermuda 0657:< 3xist3nc3> Some lil country 0657:< mharrizone> bahamas 0657:< npinsker> The answer was Bahamas! Correct users: mharrizone (641) 0657:< mharrizone> come on pretty momma 0657:< vox35> Fuck yew 0657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest country in Africa. 0657:< Grizzly_Storm> Algeria 0657:< tRitone11> Algeria 0657:< 3xist3nc3> Algeria 0657:< mharrizone> key largo 0657:< vox35> I even added the the 0658:< mharrizone> montigo 0658:< vox35> Algeria 0658:< npinsker> The answer was Algeria! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2439), vox35 (446) 0658:< mharrizone> baby why don't we go 0658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Slated to be released for the CD-i, this sequel to Super Mario World was canceled due to limitations of the ha... 0658:< vox35> That ha was pretty limited... 0659:< q00u> ha.....hahaha 0659:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario's Wacky Worlds! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0659:< mharrizone> Off the Florida Keys, there's a place called Kokomooooo 0659:< vox35> Wacky. 0659:< mharrizone> Thaaaat's where you want to gooooo 0659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest point in South America? 0659:< Grizzly_Storm> Aconcagua 0659:< tRitone11> Aconcagua 0659:< mharrizone> To get away from it aaaaall 0659:< npinsker> The answer was Aconcagua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the monetary unit of India? 0700:< Grizzly_Storm> Rupee 0700:< tRitone11> Rupee 0700:< q00u> rupees 0700:< mharrizone> rupee 0700:< q00u> unless I'm thinking of zelda again 0700:< vox35> bhat 0700:< npinsker> The answer was Rupee! Correct users: mharrizone (645) 0700:< vox35> dinar 0700:< vox35> rupee 0700:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2488), 3xist3nc3 (2439), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who did Jocasta marry? 0701:< Grizzly_Storm> Oedipus 0701:< tRitone11> Oedipus 0701:< Patarknight> Oedipus 0701:< vox35> Oedipus 0701:< npinsker> The answer was Oedipus! Correct users: Patarknight (2492), vox35 (449) 0701:< vox35> Oeoedeupous 0701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || Of what are xenophobics afraid? 0701:< Grizzly_Storm> strangers 0701:< tRitone11> strangers 0701:< mharrizone> people 0701:< q00u> outsiders 0702:< q00u> aliens 0702:< vox35> Xena, Warrior Princess 0702:< q00u> strangers 0702:< q00u> vox wins, flawless victory 0702:< npinsker> The answer was strangers! Correct users: q00u (244) 0702:< mharrizone> gheeeeey 0702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many strings are there on a bass guitar? 0702:< Grizzly_Storm> four 0702:< tRitone11> four 0702:< vox35> Xena is no stranger to me 0702:< mharrizone> 4 0702:< q00u> 4 0702:< vox35> 4 0702:< q00u> 6 0702:< mharrizone> four 0703:< vox35> Unless it's a 5 string bass, or 6 or... 0703:< mharrizone> I got a 5 string bass tho... 0703:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: mharrizone (649), q00u (247), vox35 (451) 0703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The first dog in space was named _________. 0703:< Grizzly_Storm> Laika 0703:< tRitone11> Laika 0703:< q00u> Spot-nic 0703:< mharrizone> lyka 0703:< mharrizone> laika 0703:< npinsker> The answer was Laika! Correct users: mharrizone (653) 0703:< vox35> Rip one of them strings off, mharrizone 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hollywood || Who directed "Jurassic Park III?" 0704:< Grizzly_Storm> Joe Johnston 0704:< tRitone11> Joe Johnston 0704:< q00u> The g string 0704:< mharrizone> ae lmao 0704:< q00u> There's a third one? 0704:< npinsker> The answer was Joe Johnston! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0704:< vox35> teven Spielberg Jr. 0704:< mharrizone> 2 things I've never heard of 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the Natchez Trail? 0704:< Grizzly_Storm> Mississippi 0704:< tRitone11> Mississippi 0704:< mharrizone> arizona 0705:< vox35> It sucked 0705:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0705:< q00u> mississippi? 0705:< q00u> There's no nachez cheeze in mississippi 0705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What is another name for the card game 'Twenty-one'? 0705:< Grizzly_Storm> Blackjack 0705:< tRitone11> Blackjack 0705:< mharrizone> blackjack 0705:< q00u> blackjack 0705:< vox35> Blackjack 0705:< q00u> bingo 0705:< mharrizone> African-American Jack 0706:< npinsker> The answer was Blackjack! Correct users: mharrizone (657), q00u (250), vox35 (453) 0706:< vox35> Black Jaque 0706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass? 0706:< Grizzly_Storm> Rocky 0706:< tRitone11> Rocky 0706:< mharrizone> appalachian 0706:< q00u> I'll kick YOUR horse's pass 0706:< vox35> Rocky Mountains 0706:< mharrizone> rockies 0706:< mharrizone> rocky mountains 0706:< npinsker> The answer was Rocky! Correct users: mharrizone (661) 0706:< vox35> Fuuuuuck 0707:< mharrizone> lolwut 0707:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2492), 3xist3nc3 (2439), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2142), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did 'The Mayflower' take the pilgrims? 0707:< Grizzly_Storm> New World 0707:< tRitone11> New World 0707:< mharrizone> the new world 0707:< Patarknight> Plymouth 0707:< vox35> Plymouth Rock 0707:< q00u> plymouth rock 0707:< rbasov> new world 0707:< q00u> plymouth 0707:< nickyface> hell 0707:< npinsker> The answer was New World! Correct users: mharrizone (665), rbasov (2145) 0707:< mharrizone> Shit answer 0708:< vox35> Wat 0708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The GameCube version of this Blizzard game was canceled due to the system's lack of multiplayer. 0708:< nickyface> can someone please make a trivia bot with non-nonsensical answers 0708:< mharrizone> starcraft: ghosts 0708:< q00u> What was the answer? I got disconnected again. :-( 0708:< rbasov> starcraft: ghosts 0708:< nickyface> firefly 0708:< vox35> New World 0708:< npinsker> The answer was Starcraft: Ghost! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0708:< q00u> Ugh. It's so much worse than I imagined. 0708:< mharrizone> SUQ MAFU KING DIQ 0708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the D-Day invasion password? 0708:< Grizzly_Storm> Mickey Mouse 0708:< tRitone11> Mickey Mouse 0708:< rbasov> mickey mouse 0709:< q00u> flash 0709:< mharrizone> password1234 0709:< andysniper> yoloswag42blazeit 0709:< nickyface> haha 0709:< vox35> hunter2 0709:< q00u> a-ah 0709:< nickyface> i dunno how i did that 0709:< rbasov> hunter2 0709:< npinsker> The answer was Mickey Mouse! Correct users: rbasov (2149) 0709:< mharrizone> ******* 0709:< andysniper> myanacondadontwant none 0709:< rbasov> unless you got buns, hun 0709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a _______. 0709:< Grizzly_Storm> barrette 0709:< tRitone11> barrette 0709:< nickyface> i'm looking for nonsensical only 0709:< andysniper> hairbar clip thing 0709:< vox35> barette 0709:< rbasov> barrette 0709:< q00u> green beret 0709:< mharrizone> beretta 0709:< vox35> barrrettte 0710:< mharrizone> baeraettae 0710:< npinsker> The answer was barrette! Correct users: rbasov (2153) 0710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || In which park are Queen Mary's gardens? 0710:< Grizzly_Storm> Regents Park 0710:< tRitone11> Regents Park 0710:< rbasov> regents park 0710:< mharrizone> hyde 0710:< andysniper> st james' park 0710:< npinsker> The answer was Regents Park! Correct users: rbasov (2157) 0711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal? 0711:< Grizzly_Storm> parasite 0711:< tRitone11> parasite 0711:< q00u> parasite 0711:< mharrizone> parasite 0711:< andysniper> parasite 0711:< rbasov> a baby 0711:< npinsker> The answer was parasite! Correct users: q00u (254), mharrizone (668), andysniper (903) 0711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who did 'Tennis World' name rookie of the year in 1974? 0711:< Grizzly_Storm> Martina Navratilova 0711:< tRitone11> Martina Navratilova 0711:< mharrizone> aw nurts, jumped over 666 0711:< andysniper> boris becker 0712:< rbasov> martina navratilova 0712:< mharrizone> john macenroe 0712:< mharrizone> john lotus 0712:< rbasov> jack frost 0712:< andysniper> sammy tennis 0712:< npinsker> The answer was Martina Navratilova! Correct users: rbasov (2161) 0712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine? 0712:< Grizzly_Storm> sangria 0712:< tRitone11> sangria 0712:< andysniper> sangria 0712:< q00u> sangria 0712:< mharrizone> sangria 0712:< andysniper> or a hangover 0712:< q00u> I swear these questions repeat every couple hours. 0713:< npinsker> The answer was sangria! Correct users: andysniper (907), q00u (257), mharrizone (670) 0713:< q00u> In theory they should last a couple :DAYS: 0713:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2492), 3xist3nc3 (2439), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2161), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0713:< mharrizone> We only have 1 more day tho 0713:< andysniper> but its on random so there will be a few repeats 0713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games? 0713:< Grizzly_Storm> Cal Ripken Jr 0713:< tRitone11> Cal Ripken Jr 0713:< mharrizone> cal ripken, jr 0713:< rbasov> cal ripken jr 0713:< q00u> lou gerrigh 0713:< andysniper> derek jeter 0714:< mharrizone> rumplestiltskin, jr 0714:< npinsker> The answer was Cal Ripken Jr! Correct users: rbasov (2165) 0714:< mharrizone> YUCK. FOU. 0714:< andysniper> shake and bake 0714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || The volume of which solid is given by the formula 4/3(pi)r^3? 0714:< Grizzly_Storm> sphere 0714:< tRitone11> sphere 0714:< mharrizone> cylinder 0714:< andysniper> sphere 0714:< mharrizone> sphere 0714:< q00u> It has to be sphere 0714:< npinsker> The answer was sphere! Correct users: andysniper (911), mharrizone (673), q00u (259) 0714:< mharrizone> madiq 0715:< q00u> The pi is cubed in the denominator 0715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have? 0715:< Grizzly_Storm> Friday the 13th 0715:< tRitone11> Friday the 13th 0715:< andysniper> some days 0715:< q00u> friday the 13th 0715:< andysniper> some more days 0715:< npinsker> The answer was Friday the 13th! Correct users: q00u (263) 0715:< mharrizone> sunday the 1st 0715:< andysniper> like probably some weekends or something 0715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This was the first video to play on MTV? 0715:< Grizzly_Storm> Video Killed the Radio Star 0715:< tRitone11> Video Killed the Radio Star 0716:< andysniper> video killed the radio star 0716:< mharrizone> video killed the radio star 0716:< mharrizone> buggles 0716:< q00u> video killed the radio star 0716:< npinsker> The answer was Video Killed the Radio Star! Correct users: andysniper (915), mharrizone (676), q00u (265) 0716:< andysniper> this has come up like 30 times now 0716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The rolling stones first recorded song was? 0716:< Grizzly_Storm> Come On 0716:< tRitone11> Come On 0716:< vox35> Yes 0716:< vox35> It was 0717:< npinsker> The answer was Come On! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0717:< andysniper> S&M by rihanna 0717:< rbasov> And, you know what? It's still a good song/ 0717:< andysniper> dammit 0717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || What does the distress signal SOS stand for? 0717:< Grizzly_Storm> Save our Souls 0717:< tRitone11> Save our Souls 0717:< mharrizone> save our ship 0717:< andysniper> save our souls 0717:< rbasov> save our souls 0717:< q00u> save our souls 0717:< FriendlyYak> nothing 0717:< mharrizone> save our souls 0717:< q00u> save our ship 0717:< rbasov> sos please someone help me 0717:< mharrizone> Totes ship 0717:< q00u> FriendlyYak, you are correct. But the triviabot is dumb. 0717:< npinsker> The answer was Save our Souls! Correct users: andysniper (919), rbasov (2168), q00u (267), mharrizone (677) 0718:< FriendlyYak> q00u ty 0718:< mharrizone> ghey 0718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'? 0718:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty questions 0718:< tRitone11> twenty questions 0718:< rbasov> 20 questions 0718:< mharrizone> 20 questions 0718:< q00u> 20 questions 0718:< andysniper> 20 questions 0718:< mharrizone> twenty questions 0718:< andysniper> twenty questions 0718:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: rbasov (2172), mharrizone (680), q00u (269), andysniper (920) 0718:< mharrizone> ten plus ten inquiries 0718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What colour is caffine? 0718:< Grizzly_Storm> White 0718:< tRitone11> White 0718:< andysniper> xx investigations 0718:< q00u> clear 0719:< q00u> white 0719:< andysniper> orange 0719:< mharrizone> I DUNNO WHAT CAFFINE IS 0719:< vox35> caffeine coloured 0719:< mharrizone> black like my heart 0719:< npinsker> The answer was White! Correct users: q00u (273) 0719:< rbasov> black, like my coffe 0719:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2492), 3xist3nc3 (2439), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2172), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Blue Grotto - la Grotta Azzurra ? 0719:< Grizzly_Storm> Capri, Italy 0719:< tRitone11> Capri, Italy 0720:< andysniper> italy 0720:< mharrizone> italy 0720:< vox35> In the ocean 0720:< q00u> italy 0720:< mharrizone> rome 0720:< npinsker> The answer was Capri, Italy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0720:< q00u> because you're ending all the words with vowels, so probably italian 0720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country would you find Angkor Wat? 0720:< Grizzly_Storm> Cambodia 0720:< tRitone11> Cambodia 0720:< andysniper> cambodia 0720:< rbasov> it's a holiday in cambodia 0720:< mharrizone> cambodia 0721:< q00u> Well, according to Civ V.... it could be anywhere! 0721:< npinsker> The answer was Cambodia! Correct users: andysniper (924), rbasov (2175), mharrizone (682) 0721:< vox35> Well, I probably wouldn't find it. I have a terrible sense of direction 0721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which book featured the miser Scrooge? 0721:< Grizzly_Storm> A Christmas Carol 0721:< tRitone11> A Christmas Carol 0721:< andysniper> christmas carol 0721:< rbasov> a christmas carol 0721:< mharrizone> a christmas carol 0721:< q00u> a christmas carol 0721:< vox35> Christmas Carol, A 0721:< rbasov> no, bad vox, bad 0721:< npinsker> The answer was A Christmas Carol! Correct users: rbasov (2179), mharrizone (685), q00u (275) 0722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the TV sitcom 'Married With Children', what is the dog's name? 0722:< Grizzly_Storm> Buck 0722:< tRitone11> Buck 0722:< rbasov> buck 0722:< mharrizone> spot 0722:< mharrizone> Like the RCA Victor dog 0722:< q00u> Buck 0722:< vox35> Buck 0722:< mharrizone> (fun fact) 0722:< q00u> mharrizone, that has to be correct eventually! 0722:< npinsker> The answer was Buck! Correct users: rbasov (2183), q00u (278), vox35 (455) 0722:< vox35> This time is not as fun 0722:< rbasov> Al Bundy is my idol for when I have a family...without the shoe salesman part 0722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || From where was Ricky in 'I Love Lucy'? 0722:< Grizzly_Storm> Cuba 0722:< tRitone11> Cuba 0722:< mharrizone> cuba 0722:< q00u> cuba 0723:< vox35> Cooba 0723:< rbasov> What's not fun cox? Let's make it fun. 0723:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: mharrizone (689), q00u (281) 0723:< vox35> Ok. Wheeeee! 0723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city. 0723:< Grizzly_Storm> Chicago 0723:< tRitone11> Chicago 0723:< rbasov> Wheeeeee! I like this ride! 0723:< mharrizone> boston 0724:< rbasov> The City of Love 0724:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0724:< vox35> St. Valentinetown 0724:< q00u> chicago 0724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In rugby, what is the equivalent of a hockey face-off? 0724:< Grizzly_Storm> scrum 0724:< tRitone11> scrum 0724:< q00u> scrum 0724:< vox35> Nuts kick 0724:< mharrizone> hard staredown 0724:< rbasov> cum circle 0724:< npinsker> The answer was scrum! Correct users: q00u (285) 0725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the opposite of an utopia? 0725:< Grizzly_Storm> Dystopia 0725:< tRitone11> Dystopia 0725:< q00u> distopia 0725:< rbasov> my life 0725:< mharrizone> dystopia 0725:< 3xist3nc3> dystopia 0725:< q00u> dystopia 0725:< vox35> Dis topia, or maybe dat topia over there 0725:< q00u> drn spellin 0725:< rbasov> oooh that was a DISStopia 0725:< npinsker> The answer was dystopia! Correct users: mharrizone (693), 3xist3nc3 (2442), q00u (287) 0725:< q00u> Fruitopia? Zootopia? 0725:< rbasov> zaboomafoo? 0725:< mharrizone> cornucopia 0725:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2492), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2183), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ________. 0726:< Grizzly_Storm> trident 0726:< tRitone11> trident 0726:< Patarknight> trident 0726:< rbasov> fork 0726:< mharrizone> trident 0726:< vox35> Trident sugarless gum 0726:< RainoBoy97> trident 0726:< 3xist3nc3> trident gum 0726:< rbasov> no one ever pays me in gum :( 0726:< npinsker> The answer was trident! Correct users: Patarknight (2496), mharrizone (696), RainoBoy97 (19) 0726:**** mharrizone gums all over rbasov 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the father of Elizabeth I? 0726:< Grizzly_Storm> Henry VIII 0726:< tRitone11> Henry VIII 0726:< rbasov> oh yeah, oh yeah, oh no, oh yeah 0727:< Patarknight> Henry VIII 0727:< rbasov> henry viii 0727:< vox35> Henry VIII 0727:< mharrizone> sleepy sleepy time, night bbs 0727:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2186), vox35 (457) 0727:< rbasov> woo 2500, nice 0727:< q00u> Night mharrizone! 0727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean? 0727:< Grizzly_Storm> Bouvet Island 0727:< tRitone11> Bouvet Island 0727:< rbasov> bouvet island 0727:< q00u> Although it's after midnight here too somehow. Ugh. 0728:< Patarknight> thanks 0728:< rbasov> it's 2:30 here 0728:< npinsker> The answer was Bouvet Island! Correct users: rbasov (2190) 0728:< q00u> Gnight crazy peeps 0728:< Patarknight> I'm off to bed though 0728:< Patarknight> night guys 0728:< rbasov> night patarknight 0728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Which moon is the second largest satellite in our solar system? 0728:< Grizzly_Storm> Titan 0728:< tRitone11> Titan 0728:< 3xist3nc3> cya, good knight 0728:< rbasov> I just wanna pass panda and get top 3 0729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) __________. 0729:< Grizzly_Storm> astrologer 0729:< tRitone11> astrologer 0729:< rbasov> astrologer 0729:< 3xist3nc3> fortuneteller 0729:< rbasov> isn't it an astrologist? 0729:< npinsker> The answer was astrologer! Correct users: rbasov (2194) 0729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be? 0729:< Grizzly_Storm> malignant 0729:< tRitone11> malignant 0730:< rbasov> malignant 0730:< npinsker> The answer was malignant! Correct users: rbasov (2198) 0730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is an 'Espace'? 0730:< Grizzly_Storm> Renault 0730:< tRitone11> Renault 0730:< rbasov> tesla 0731:< npinsker> The answer was Renault! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the lowest point in South America? 0731:< tRitone11> Argentina 0731:< Grizzly_Storm> Argentina 0731:< npinsker> The answer was Argentina! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0732:< rbasov> *crickets* 0732:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province? 0732:< Grizzly_Storm> Nova Scotia 0732:< tRitone11> Nova Scotia 0732:< npinsker> The answer was Nova Scotia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Tunnels || The world's longest tunnel connects Delaware and ____________? 0733:< Grizzly_Storm> New York 0733:< tRitone11> New York 0733:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'? 0733:< Grizzly_Storm> The Tropicana 0733:< tRitone11> The Tropicana 0734:< AWildBull> The Tropicana 0734:< npinsker> The answer was The Tropicana! Correct users: AWildBull (8) 0734:< AWildBull> so is it ignoring them because they're bots? 0734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Alaska? 0734:< tRitone11> Juneau 0734:< Grizzly_Storm> Juneau 0734:< novice_at_life> Juneau 0735:< npinsker> The answer was Juneau! Correct users: novice_at_life (142) 0735:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation? 0735:< tRitone11> fascism 0735:< Grizzly_Storm> fascism 0735:< npinsker> The answer was fascism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is an algonquin more commonaly known? 0736:< Grizzly_Storm> moose 0736:< tRitone11> moose 0736:< npinsker> The answer was moose! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called? 0736:< Grizzly_Storm> lithography 0736:< tRitone11> lithography 0737:< npinsker> The answer was lithography! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote, "Beneath the rule of men entirely great/The pen is mightier than ...." what? 0738:< npinsker> The answer was The sword! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0738:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'little lamb, who made thee'? 0738:< Grizzly_Storm> William Blake 0738:< tRitone11> William Blake 0739:< npinsker> The answer was William Blake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || A __________ helps to set and maintain your tempo while playing. 0739:< Grizzly_Storm> metronome 0739:< tRitone11> metronome 0739:< npinsker> The answer was metronome! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Savoir ______ (5) 0740:< Grizzly_Storm> vivre 0740:< tRitone11> vivre 0740:< npinsker> The answer was vivre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Known as Area 88 in Japan, this Capcom SNES shooter had you playing as Shin, Mickey or Greg. 0741:< npinsker> The answer was U.N. Squadron! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Near which Belarus City did the biggest ever tank battle take place during WWII? 0741:< Grizzly_Storm> Kursk 0741:< tRitone11> Kursk 0742:< TheDoctor_RS> kursk 0742:< npinsker> The answer was Kursk! Correct users: TheDoctor_RS (4) 0742:< TheDoctor_RS> LOL 0742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is a camelopard also known? 0742:< Grizzly_Storm> giraffe 0742:< tRitone11> giraffe 0742:< TheDoctor_RS> Giraffe 0742:< npinsker> The answer was giraffe! Correct users: TheDoctor_RS (8) 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Wales? 0743:< Grizzly_Storm> Cardiff 0743:< tRitone11> Cardiff 0743:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Archaeology || Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement? 0743:< Grizzly_Storm> three thousand 0743:< tRitone11> three thousand 0744:< npinsker> The answer was three thousand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0744:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest city in Canada. 0744:< Grizzly_Storm> Toronto 0744:< tRitone11> Toronto 0745:< npinsker> The answer was Toronto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || To which team did Marlboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season? 0745:< Grizzly_Storm> Mclaren 0745:< tRitone11> Mclaren 0746:< npinsker> The answer was Mclaren! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ___________. 0746:< Grizzly_Storm> Harvey Wallbanger 0746:< tRitone11> Harvey Wallbanger 0746:< npinsker> The answer was Harvey Wallbanger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || what period came after the triassic? 0747:< Grizzly_Storm> Jurassic 0747:< tRitone11> Jurassic 0747:< npinsker> The answer was Jurassic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As fit as a(n) __________. 0747:< Grizzly_Storm> fiddle 0747:< tRitone11> fiddle 0748:< 3xist3nc3> glove 0748:< npinsker> The answer was fiddle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of fire? 0748:< Grizzly_Storm> Hephaestus 0748:< tRitone11> Hephaestus 0749:< npinsker> The answer was Hephaestus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played Kevin Hathaway on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'? 0749:< Grizzly_Storm> Pat Sajak 0749:< tRitone11> Pat Sajak 0749:< npinsker> The answer was Pat Sajak! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What energy does an Eolic power station? 0750:< npinsker> The answer was Wind Power! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0750:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1572), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || He was the first King of the Hebrews. 0751:< Grizzly_Storm> Saul 0751:< tRitone11> Saul 0751:< RainoBoy97> Saul 0751:< npinsker> The answer was Saul! Correct users: RainoBoy97 (23) 0751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He was the villain in "Star Wars". 0751:< Grizzly_Storm> Darth Vader 0751:< tRitone11> Darth Vader 0752:< RainoBoy97> Darth Vader 0752:< FeebleOldMan> palpatine 0752:< npinsker> The answer was Darth Vader! Correct users: RainoBoy97 (27) 0752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In 'The Shining' what was the child's imaginary friend's name (the one who told him things that were going to... 0753:< npinsker> The answer was Tony! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water" 0753:< tRitone11> aquamarine 0753:< Grizzly_Storm> aquamarine 0753:< npinsker> The answer was aquamarine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear? 0754:< Grizzly_Storm> reverse 0754:< tRitone11> reverse 0754:< FeebleOldMan> R 0754:< npinsker> The answer was reverse! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1576) 0754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Units of frequency? 0754:< Grizzly_Storm> Hertz 0754:< tRitone11> Hertz 0755:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0755:< npinsker> The answer was Hertz! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Like fingerprints, what other print is individual? 0755:< Grizzly_Storm> tongueprints 0755:< tRitone11> tongueprints 0755:< AndyD418> tongueprints 0755:< RainoBoy97> toungeprints 0756:< npinsker> The answer was tongueprints! Correct users: AndyD418 (385) 0756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'I'm A Believer'? 0756:< Grizzly_Storm> Monkees 0756:< tRitone11> Monkees 0756:< RainoBoy97> Monkees 0756:< AndyD418> monkees 0756:< npinsker> The answer was Monkees! Correct users: RainoBoy97 (31), AndyD418 (388) 0757:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest country in South America. 0757:< Grizzly_Storm> Argentina 0757:< tRitone11> Argentina 0757:< AndyD418> argentina 0757:< npinsker> The answer was Argentina! Correct users: AndyD418 (392) 0758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Eurodisney? 0758:< tRitone11> Paris, France 0758:< Grizzly_Storm> Paris, France 0758:< npinsker> The answer was Paris, France! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. 0759:< Grizzly_Storm> Yom Kippur 0759:< tRitone11> Yom Kippur 0759:< npinsker> The answer was Yom Kippur! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Decorum || Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn't wear ____________? 0759:< Grizzly_Storm> pants 0759:< tRitone11> pants 0759:< RainoBoy97> pants 0800:< npinsker> The answer was pants! Correct users: RainoBoy97 (35) 0800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Bob Geldof? 0800:< Grizzly_Storm> Midge Ure 0800:< tRitone11> Midge Ure 0800:< npinsker> The answer was Midge Ure! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who plays many voices, such as Dr Nick, and Moe on 'The Simpsons'? 0801:< Grizzly_Storm> Hank Azaria 0801:< tRitone11> Hank Azaria 0801:< npinsker> The answer was Hank Azaria! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What number is at 12 o'clock on a dartboard? 0802:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty 0802:< tRitone11> twenty 0802:< npinsker> The answer was 20! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Where is the Blarney Stone? 0802:< Grizzly_Storm> Blarney Castle, Ireland 0802:< tRitone11> Blarney Castle, Ireland 0802:< Savolainen5> cork 0803:< npinsker> The answer was Blarney Castle, Ireland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0803:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), rbasov (2198), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand? 0803:< Grizzly_Storm> gold 0803:< tRitone11> gold 0803:< Savolainen5> gold 0803:< rbasov> gold 0804:< npinsker> The answer was gold! Correct users: Savolainen5 (397), rbasov (2201) 0804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence? 0804:< Grizzly_Storm> hemlock 0804:< tRitone11> hemlock 0804:< Savolainen5> alder or something 0804:< rbasov> hemlock 0804:< Savolainen5> that's the one 0804:< rbasov> lol 0805:< npinsker> The answer was hemlock! Correct users: rbasov (2205) 0805:< Savolainen5> hemlock 0805:< Fireheart0011> hemlock 0805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What do the letters in SAM missiles refer to? 0805:< Grizzly_Storm> Surface-to-Air Missile 0805:< tRitone11> Surface-to-Air Missile 0805:< Savolainen5> surface to air missile 0805:< rbasov> surface to air missle --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:05:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:05:45 2016 0805:< npinsker> The answer was Surface-to-Air Missile! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0805:< Savolainen5> the bloody hyphens are important, i guess 0806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Who is also known as Mr. Warmth? 0806:< Grizzly_Storm> Don Rickles 0806:< tRitone11> Don Rickles 0806:< Savolainen5> don rickles 0806:< rbasov> don rickles 0806:< npinsker> The answer was Don Rickles! Correct users: Savolainen5 (401), rbasov (2208) 0806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In showjumping, how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence? 0806:< Grizzly_Storm> four 0806:< tRitone11> four 0806:< rbasov> 4 0806:< Savolainen5> 42 0807:< Fireheart0011> four 0807:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: rbasov (2212), Fireheart0011 (4) 0807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a heliologist study? 0807:< tRitone11> the sun 0807:< Grizzly_Storm> the sun 0807:< Savolainen5> the sun 0807:< rbasov> the sun 0807:< Savolainen5> stars 0808:< npinsker> The answer was the sun! Correct users: Savolainen5 (405), rbasov (2215) 0808:< rbasov> isn't astronomy stars? 0808:< Savolainen5> yeah, but the sun is a star 0808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is K2, the second-highest mountain in the world, located? 0808:< Grizzly_Storm> Pakistan 0808:< tRitone11> Pakistan 0808:< rbasov> pakistan 0808:< Savolainen5> pakistan 0808:< rbasov> true... 0808:< npinsker> The answer was Pakistan! Correct users: rbasov (2219), Savolainen5 (408) 0809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which instruments is used to tune the orchestra? 0809:< Grizzly_Storm> oboe 0809:< tRitone11> oboe 0809:< rbasov> oboe 0809:< Savolainen5> oboe 0809:< Savolainen5> so many repeats :( 0809:< rbasov> yup 0809:< Fireheart0011> tuba 0809:< npinsker> The answer was oboe! Correct users: rbasov (2223), Savolainen5 (411) 0809:< Fireheart0011> or clarinet or euphonium sometimes 0809:< Savolainen5> sousaphones 0809:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2223), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0809:< rbasov> woo I'm in 3rd 0810:< Savolainen5> :D 0810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the name given to a pregnant goldfish? 0810:< Grizzly_Storm> twit 0810:< tRitone11> twit 0810:< rbasov> twit 0810:< Savolainen5> goldie 0810:< rbasov> hawn 0810:< npinsker> The answer was twit! Correct users: rbasov (2227) 0810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the last Briton to win the men's singles at Wimbledon? 0810:< Grizzly_Storm> Fred Perry 0810:< tRitone11> Fred Perry 0810:< rbasov> fred perry 0811:< npinsker> The answer was Fred Perry! Correct users: rbasov (2231) 0811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Roman god of doorways and passages. Two headed deity from which we get the name of one of our months? 0811:< Grizzly_Storm> Janus 0811:< tRitone11> Janus 0811:< Savolainen5> janus 0811:< rbasov> anus 0811:< Savolainen5> lol 0812:< npinsker> The answer was Janus! Correct users: Savolainen5 (415) 0812:< 3xist3nc3> ya anus 0812:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Russian computer engineer created Tetris, a game that became synonymous with the original Gameboy. 0812:< rbasov> existence, you have to get to 2500 so you me and patar can just 3 way tie 0812:< Savolainen5> his name was probably petrov or something 0812:< npinsker> The answer was Alexey Pajitnov! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0812:< rbasov> smirnoff 0813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters. 0813:< Grizzly_Storm> Pleiades 0813:< tRitone11> Pleiades 0813:< Savolainen5> atreides 0813:< rbasov> pleiades 0813:< npinsker> The answer was Pleiades! Correct users: rbasov (2235) 0813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who were Achilles' parents? 0813:< Grizzly_Storm> Peleus and Thetis 0813:< tRitone11> Peleus and Thetis 0814:< npinsker> The answer was Peleus and Thetis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is married to Valerie Bertanelli? 0814:< Grizzly_Storm> Eddie Van Halen 0814:< tRitone11> Eddie Van Halen 0814:< rbasov> eddie van halen 0814:< Savolainen5> why did thetis not dip his heel in after he was otherwise immersed? i guess it wouldn't have made such a good story 0815:< npinsker> The answer was Eddie Van Halen! Correct users: rbasov (2239) 0815:< rbasov> true... 0815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || On IRC, how do you ask age, sex, location? 0815:< Grizzly_Storm> asl 0815:< tRitone11> asl 0815:< rbasov> logically though just cover the whole damn thing 0815:< rbasov> asl 0815:< Savolainen5> a/s/l 0815:< Savolainen5> asl 0816:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2243), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What number is on the opposite side of the "five" on dice? 0816:< Grizzly_Storm> two 0816:< tRitone11> two 0816:< rbasov> 2 0816:< Savolainen5> two 0816:< HMBBabyface> 2 0816:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: rbasov (2247), Savolainen5 (421), HMBBabyface (17) 0817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Who takes the ring from Frodo for safe keeping while he is imprisoned in the Tower of Cirith Ungol? 0817:< Savolainen5> samwise 0817:< HMBBabyface> Sam 0817:< npinsker> The answer was Sam! Correct users: HMBBabyface (21) 0817:< Savolainen5> aha 0817:< HMBBabyface> wow, you got hosed Savolainen5 0817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscles move the ears? 0817:< Grizzly_Storm> auricularis 0817:< tRitone11> auricularis 0817:< Savolainen5> RIP 0817:< Rofl_Waffler> jaw 0817:< Savolainen5> auricular 0818:< HMBBabyface> auricularis 0818:< Savolainen5> or something like that 0818:< npinsker> The answer was auricularis! Correct users: HMBBabyface (25) 0818:< Savolainen5> lol 0818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Meteorology || This dry, warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. 0818:< Grizzly_Storm> Chinook 0818:< tRitone11> Chinook 0818:< HMBBabyface> Chinook 0818:< Savolainen5> chinook 0819:< npinsker> The answer was Chinook! Correct users: HMBBabyface (29), Savolainen5 (424) 0819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What does CD-ROM stand for? 0819:< Rofl_Waffler> compact disk read only memory 0819:< HMBBabyface> Compact Disc Read Only Memory 0819:< RainoBoy97> $ Compact Disk Read Only Memory 0819:< npinsker> The answer was Compact Disk Read Only Memory! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (200), RainoBoy97 (38) 0819:< HMBBabyface> uh... 0820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM? 0820:< Grizzly_Storm> Screwball Squirrel 0820:< tRitone11> Screwball Squirrel 0820:< HMBBabyface> it's disc, not disk 0820:< HMBBabyface> Screwball Squirrel 0820:< Savolainen5> yeah, the answers aren't perfect 0820:< npinsker> The answer was Screwball Squirrel! Correct users: HMBBabyface (33) 0820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Montreal ________. 0820:< Grizzly_Storm> Canadians 0820:< Savolainen5> canadiens 0820:< HMBBabyface> Canadians 0820:< RainoBoy97> $ Canadians 0821:< HMBBabyface> Canadiens 0821:< npinsker> The answer was Canadiens! Correct users: Savolainen5 (428), HMBBabyface (36) 0821:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Titan had snakes for hair? 0821:< Grizzly_Storm> Medusa 0821:< tRitone11> Medusa 0821:< Savolainen5> medusa 0821:< HMBBabyface> Medusa 0822:< npinsker> The answer was Medusa! Correct users: Savolainen5 (432), HMBBabyface (39) 0822:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2247), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is the Colliseum located? 0822:< Grizzly_Storm> Rome 0822:< tRitone11> Rome 0822:< Savolainen5> rome 0822:< HMBBabyface> Rome 0823:< npinsker> The answer was Rome! Correct users: Savolainen5 (436), HMBBabyface (42) 0823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) _______. 0823:< Grizzly_Storm> protractor 0823:< tRitone11> protractor 0823:< Savolainen5> compass 0823:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Je suis canadienne 0823:< npinsker> The answer was protractor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0823:< Savolainen5> oh rip 0824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Human Achievment || Who hit the first golf shot on the moon? 0824:< Grizzly_Storm> Alan Sheppard 0824:< tRitone11> Alan Sheppard 0824:< HMBBabyface> Alan Sheppard 0824:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Allan Sheppard 0824:< npinsker> The answer was Alan Sheppard! Correct users: HMBBabyface (46) 0824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || Who at Buckingham Palace wears bearskins? 0824:< Grizzly_Storm> guards 0824:< tRitone11> guards 0824:< HMBBabyface> guards 0824:< Rofl_Waffler> bears 0825:< Savolainen5> gardeners 0825:< Savolainen5> oooh, it's the hats, isn't it? 0825:< npinsker> The answer was guards! Correct users: HMBBabyface (50) 0825:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This built in DS communication tool allows people to locally exchange messages and pictures. 0825:< HMBBabyface> Street Pass 0826:< npinsker> The answer was Pictochat! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0826:< HMBBabyface> nobody owns a DS anyway 0826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the name of the main character in Homer's Odyssey? 0826:< Grizzly_Storm> Odysseus 0826:< tRitone11> Odysseus 0826:< HMBBabyface> Odysseus 0826:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: HMBBabyface (54) 0827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which sport are terms "spare" and "gutter" used? 0827:< Grizzly_Storm> tenpin bowling 0827:< tRitone11> tenpin bowling 0827:< HMBBabyface> tenpin bowling 0827:< npinsker> The answer was tenpin bowling! Correct users: HMBBabyface (58) 0827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Conflict || At the outbreak of WWI what country's airforce consisted of only 50 men? 0827:< Grizzly_Storm> United States 0827:< tRitone11> United States 0827:< HMBBabyface> United States 0828:< npinsker> The answer was United States! Correct users: Noxiide (4), Koi-pond (18), HMBBabyface (60) 0828:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2247), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What TV series from 1970-1974 starred Susan Dey? 0828:< Grizzly_Storm> Partridge Family 0828:< tRitone11> Partridge Family 0828:< HMBBabyface> Partridge Family 0829:< npinsker> The answer was Partridge Family! Correct users: HMBBabyface (64) 0829:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What's the name of B.B. King's guitar? 0829:< Grizzly_Storm> Lucille 0829:< tRitone11> Lucille 0829:< HMBBabyface> Lucille 0830:< npinsker> The answer was Lucille! Correct users: HMBBabyface (68) 0830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Hebrides are part of this country. 0830:< tRitone11> Scotland 0830:< Grizzly_Storm> Scotland 0830:< HMBBabyface> Scotland 0830:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: HMBBabyface (72) 0831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Association || Ball and ________. 0831:< Grizzly_Storm> chain 0831:< tRitone11> chain 0831:< HMBBabyface> chain 0831:< npinsker> The answer was chain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the longest venomous snake. 0831:< Grizzly_Storm> cobra 0831:< tRitone11> cobra 0831:< HMBBabyface> cobra 0832:< npinsker> The answer was cobra! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || 'White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album? 0832:< Grizzly_Storm> Cream 0832:< tRitone11> Cream 0832:< HMBBabyface> Cream 0833:< npinsker> The answer was Cream! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0833:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Where does young Anakin Skywalker come from? 0833:< Grizzly_Storm> Tatooine 0833:< tRitone11> Tatooine 0833:< HMBBabyface> Tatooine 0833:< npinsker> The answer was Tatooine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was Al Gore's freshman roommate at Harvard? 0834:< Grizzly_Storm> Tommy Lee Jones 0834:< tRitone11> Tommy Lee Jones 0834:< npinsker> The answer was Tommy Lee Jones! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0834:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2247), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || How many beams of light are used to record a holograph? 0835:< Grizzly_Storm> two 0835:< tRitone11> two 0835:< rbasov> 2 0835:< HMBBabyface> 2 0835:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: rbasov (2251) 0835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Of what is 98% of the weight of water made? 0835:< Grizzly_Storm> oxygen 0835:< tRitone11> oxygen 0835:< rbasov> oxygen --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:36:05 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:36:12 2016 0836:< npinsker> The answer was oxygen! Correct users: rbasov (2255) 0836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What insect has a type of hair on it's eyes? 0836:< tRitone11> honeybees 0836:< Grizzly_Storm> honeybees 0836:< npinsker> The answer was honeybees! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the .....? 0837:< Grizzly_Storm> hills 0837:< tRitone11> hills 0837:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Birthstones || What is the birthstone for May? 0837:< Grizzly_Storm> emerald 0837:< tRitone11> emerald 0838:< npinsker> The answer was emerald! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the largest lizard? 0838:< Grizzly_Storm> Komodo Dragon 0838:< tRitone11> Komodo Dragon 0838:< rbasov> komodo dragon 0839:< npinsker> The answer was Komodo Dragon! Correct users: rbasov (2259) 0839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In what does a rhinologist specialise? 0839:< Grizzly_Storm> human nose 0839:< tRitone11> human nose 0839:< rbasov> human nose 0839:< npinsker> The answer was human nose! Correct users: rbasov (2263) 0840:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) _________. 0840:< Grizzly_Storm> Irish coffee 0840:< tRitone11> Irish coffee 0840:< rbasov> irish coffee --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:40:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:41:12 2016 0841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Author of "The World as Will" and "Representation", pessimistic forbearer of Nietzsche? 0841:< Grizzly_Storm> Arthur Schopenhauer 0841:< tRitone11> Arthur Schopenhauer 0841:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur Schopenhauer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Normandy? 0841:< Grizzly_Storm> France 0841:< tRitone11> France 0842:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest city in Australia, in terms of population? 0842:< Grizzly_Storm> Sydney 0842:< tRitone11> Sydney 0843:< npinsker> The answer was Sydney! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What American state has a Thames river? 0843:< Grizzly_Storm> Connecticut 0843:< tRitone11> Connecticut 0843:< npinsker> The answer was Connecticut! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded? 0844:< Grizzly_Storm> American football 0844:< tRitone11> American football 0844:< npinsker> The answer was American football! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || Vodka or gin, ____ juice and sugar make a gimlet. 0844:< Grizzly_Storm> lime 0844:< tRitone11> lime 0845:< rbasov> lime 0845:< npinsker> The answer was lime! Correct users: rbasov (2271) 0845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || What nationality was the famous poet Jean Blewett? 0845:< rbasov> french 0846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In which book did four ghosts visit Scrooge? 0846:< Grizzly_Storm> A Christmas Carol 0846:< tRitone11> A Christmas Carol 0846:< rbasov> a christmas carol 0846:< npinsker> The answer was A Christmas Carol! Correct users: rbasov (2275) 0847:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2275), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn? 0847:< Grizzly_Storm> goat 0847:< tRitone11> goat 0847:< rbasov> goat 0847:< npinsker> The answer was goat! Correct users: rbasov (2279) 0848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || What is the clear homogeneous liquid portion of a nuclear protoplasm? 0848:< Grizzly_Storm> karyolymph 0848:< tRitone11> karyolymph 0848:< rbasov> karyolymorph 0848:< rbasov> karyolymph 0848:< npinsker> The answer was karyolymph! Correct users: rbasov (2283) 0848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death? 0848:< Grizzly_Storm> Ludwig van Beethoven 0848:< tRitone11> Ludwig van Beethoven 0849:< npinsker> The answer was Ludwig van Beethoven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955? 0849:< Grizzly_Storm> Sir Anthony Eden 0849:< tRitone11> Sir Anthony Eden 0849:< rbasov> sir anthony eden 0850:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Anthony Eden! Correct users: rbasov (2287) 0850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What kind of teeth did George Washington have? 0850:< Grizzly_Storm> wooden 0850:< tRitone11> wooden 0850:< rbasov> wooden 0850:< npinsker> The answer was wooden! Correct users: rbasov (2291) 0851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ________. 0851:< Grizzly_Storm> larva 0851:< tRitone11> larva 0851:< rbasov> larva 0851:< npinsker> The answer was larva! Correct users: rbasov (2295) 0851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which Nintendo character is famous for being the first playable female hero in video game history? 0852:< rbasov> samus 0852:< npinsker> The answer was Samus Aran! Correct users: rbasov (2299) 0852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which singer/songwriter worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'Aint No Sunshine'? 0852:< Grizzly_Storm> Bill Withers 0852:< tRitone11> Bill Withers 0853:< npinsker> The answer was Bill Withers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0853:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2299), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0853:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What is tattooed on Glen Campbell's arm? 0853:< Grizzly_Storm> dagger 0853:< tRitone11> dagger 0853:< rbasov> dagger 0854:< npinsker> The answer was dagger! Correct users: rbasov (2303) 0854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Madagascar? 0854:< Grizzly_Storm> Antananarivo 0854:< tRitone11> Antananarivo 0854:< npinsker> The answer was Antananarivo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a catalogue of languages called? 0855:< Grizzly_Storm> ethnologue 0855:< tRitone11> ethnologue 0855:< npinsker> The answer was ethnologue! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo. 0855:< Grizzly_Storm> Davy Crockett 0855:< tRitone11> Davy Crockett 0856:< npinsker> The answer was Davy Crockett! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Near what falls did Jimmy Angel crash his plane in 1937? 0856:< Grizzly_Storm> Angel Falls 0856:< tRitone11> Angel Falls 0856:< rbasov> angel falls 0857:< npinsker> The answer was Angel Falls! Correct users: rbasov (2307) 0857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ________. 0857:< Grizzly_Storm> Petunia 0857:< tRitone11> Petunia 0857:< rbasov> petunia 0857:< npinsker> The answer was Petunia! Correct users: rbasov (2311) 0858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture. 0858:< Grizzly_Storm> Snow White 0858:< tRitone11> Snow White 0858:< rbasov> snow white 0858:< npinsker> The answer was Snow White! Correct users: rbasov (2315) 0858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || What search engine tilts results page a bit to the right if you look up "tilt" or "askew" in a Webkit-based br... 0859:< npinsker> The answer was Google! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0859:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2315), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the biological term for the voice box? 0900:< Grizzly_Storm> larynx 0900:< tRitone11> larynx 0900:< rbasov> larynx 0900:< npinsker> The answer was larynx! Correct users: rbasov (2319) 0900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || What is another name for the star fruit? 0900:< Grizzly_Storm> carambula 0900:< tRitone11> carambula 0900:< rbasov> carambula 0901:< npinsker> The answer was carambula! Correct users: rbasov (2323) 0901:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again? 0901:< Grizzly_Storm> Gene Autry's 0901:< tRitone11> Gene Autry's 0901:< rbasov> gene autry's 0901:< npinsker> The answer was Gene Autry's! Correct users: rbasov (2327) 0902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793. 0902:< tRitone11> Marie Antoinette 0902:< Grizzly_Storm> Marie Antoinette 0902:< rbasov> marie antionette 0902:< rbasov> whoa...triton won one 0902:< npinsker> The answer was Marie Antoinette! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Inventions || What did john logie baird invent in 1925? 0903:< tRitone11> Television 0903:< Grizzly_Storm> Television 0903:< rbasov> television 0903:< npinsker> The answer was Television! Correct users: rbasov (2331) 0903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This arcade joystick for the NES contained turbo and slow motion buttons and could plug into both controller p... 0904:< rbasov> ports 0904:< npinsker> The answer was NES Advantage! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the title of the 1996 sequel to "Terms of Endearment"? 0904:< Grizzly_Storm> Morning Star 0904:< tRitone11> Morning Star 0904:< rbasov> morning star 0904:< npinsker> The answer was Evening Star! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A "sirocco" refers to a type of __________. 0905:< Grizzly_Storm> wind 0905:< tRitone11> wind 0905:< rbasov> wind 0905:< npinsker> The answer was wind! Correct users: rbasov (2335) 0906:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2335), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who is Scooby Doo's nephew?? 0906:< Grizzly_Storm> Scrappy Doo 0906:< tRitone11> Scrappy Doo 0906:< npinsker> The answer was Scrappy Doo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0906:< rbasov> scrappy doo 0907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter? 0907:< Grizzly_Storm> Oslo 0907:< tRitone11> Oslo 0907:< rbasov> oslo 0907:< npinsker> The answer was Oslo! Correct users: rbasov (2339) 0907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco? 0907:< Grizzly_Storm> peanuts and sweet potatoes 0907:< tRitone11> peanuts and sweet potatoes 0908:< npinsker> The answer was peanuts and sweet potatoes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many members are in the 'fairfield four'? 0908:< Grizzly_Storm> five 0908:< tRitone11> five 0909:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: dashed (10) 0909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea north of Alaska. 0909:< Grizzly_Storm> Beaufort 0909:< tRitone11> Beaufort 0909:< npinsker> The answer was Beaufort! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The first online Dreamcast game, this Sega party game featuring cats and mice was ported to the GBA for launch. 0910:< npinsker> The answer was ChuChu Rocket!! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is Liverpool on? 0910:< Grizzly_Storm> Mersey 0910:< tRitone11> Mersey 0911:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0911:< agdurrette> anyone here? 0911:< rbasov> what? 0912:< npinsker> The answer was Lady Gaga! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0912:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2339), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Who founded the People's Temple Commune? 0912:< Grizzly_Storm> Jim Jones 0912:< tRitone11> Jim Jones 0912:< rbasov> jim jones 0913:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: rbasov (2343) 0913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Calendar || How many days where there in 1976? 0913:< Grizzly_Storm> three hundred and sixty six 0913:< tRitone11> three hundred and sixty six 0913:< rbasov> 366 0913:< npinsker> The answer was three hundred and sixty six! Correct users: rbasov (2347) 0914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || This weapon lends its name to a type of woman's shoe with a slender, tapered high-heel. 0914:< Grizzly_Storm> Stiletto 0914:< tRitone11> Stiletto 0914:< rbasov> stiletto 0914:< npinsker> The answer was Stiletto! Correct users: rbasov (2351) 0914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name a country which has the same name as a bird. 0914:< Grizzly_Storm> Turkey 0914:< tRitone11> Turkey 0915:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp? 0915:< Grizzly_Storm> Percy 0915:< tRitone11> Percy 0916:< npinsker> The answer was Percy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || As what is Polaris also known? 0916:< tRitone11> North Star 0916:< Grizzly_Storm> North Star 0916:< RainoBoy97> north star 0916:< npinsker> The answer was North Star! Correct users: RainoBoy97 (42) 0917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up? 0917:< Grizzly_Storm> air, earth, fire, and water 0917:< tRitone11> air, earth, fire, and water 0917:< npinsker> The answer was air, earth, fire, and water! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's highest city? 0917:< Grizzly_Storm> Lhasa 0917:< tRitone11> Lhasa 0918:< npinsker> The answer was Lhasa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0918:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2351), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ________. 0918:< Grizzly_Storm> kendo 0918:< tRitone11> kendo 0919:< npinsker> The answer was kendo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || Who played Deanna Troi in 'Star Trek The Next Generation'? 0919:< Grizzly_Storm> Marina Sirtis 0919:< tRitone11> Marina Sirtis 0920:< npinsker> The answer was Marina Sirtis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Apparently first distilled by the Dutch as a diuretic, what potent potable is flavored with juniper berries? 0920:< npinsker> The answer was Gin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || Unlike other oranges, what does a navel orange not have? 0921:< Grizzly_Storm> seeds 0921:< tRitone11> seeds 0921:< npinsker> The answer was seeds! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the language of Hungary? 0921:< Grizzly_Storm> Magyar 0921:< tRitone11> Magyar 0922:< npinsker> The answer was Magyar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Originally appearing on the Dreamcast, this RPG starring Vyse and a lot of airships was re-released on the Gam... 0923:< npinsker> The answer was Skies of Arcadia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Which actor won Oscars twice for 'best male performance' in the '90s? 0923:< Grizzly_Storm> Tom Hanks 0923:< tRitone11> Tom Hanks 0923:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Hanks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was the only songwriter to win the Eurovision Song Contest twice? 0924:< Grizzly_Storm> Johnny Logan 0924:< tRitone11> Johnny Logan 0924:< npinsker> The answer was Johnny Logan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0924:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2351), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Industry || Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair? 0925:< Grizzly_Storm> South Africa 0925:< tRitone11> South Africa 0925:< rbasov> south africa --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 09:25:17 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 09:25:33 2016 0925:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: rbasov (2355) 0925::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 0925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || In 'Star Trek' Jean ____________ Picard? 0925:< Grizzly_Storm> Luc 0925:< tRitone11> Luc 0925:< rbasov> luc 0926:< npinsker> The answer was Luc! Correct users: rbasov (2359) 0926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Angel Falls? 0926:< Grizzly_Storm> Venezuela 0926:< tRitone11> Venezuela 0926:< rbasov> venezuela 0927:< npinsker> The answer was Venezuela! Correct users: rbasov (2363) 0927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || He wrote the operas "The Magic Flute" and "The Marriage of Figaro" 0927:< Grizzly_Storm> Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 0927:< tRitone11> Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 0927:< rbasov> wolfgang amadeus mozart 0927:< npinsker> The answer was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! Correct users: rbasov (2367) 0928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Growing up in the rain forests of Brazil, this Street Fighter II's character is recognized by the anklets he w... 0928:< npinsker> The answer was Blanka! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Where is the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame? 0928:< Grizzly_Storm> Cleveland, Ohio 0928:< tRitone11> Cleveland, Ohio 0929:< npinsker> The answer was Cleveland, Ohio! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Maine? 0929:< Grizzly_Storm> Augusta 0929:< tRitone11> Augusta 0930:< npinsker> The answer was Augusta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || What is the highest active volcano in the world? 0930:< Grizzly_Storm> Cotopaxi 0930:< tRitone11> Cotopaxi 0930:< npinsker> The answer was Cotopaxi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0931:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2367), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || Who was Clyde Barrow's partner? 0931:< Grizzly_Storm> Bonnie Parker 0931:< tRitone11> Bonnie Parker 0931:< npinsker> The answer was Bonnie Parker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As quiet as a(n) _________. 0932:< Grizzly_Storm> mouse 0932:< tRitone11> mouse 0932:< npinsker> The answer was mouse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Croatia? 0932:< Grizzly_Storm> Zagreb 0932:< tRitone11> Zagreb 0933:< npinsker> The answer was Zagreb! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the astronomical name for a group of stars? 0933:< Grizzly_Storm> constellation 0933:< tRitone11> constellation 0934:< npinsker> The answer was constellation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This condition characterized by the swelling of the thyroid gland is caused by an iodine deficiency. 0935:< tRitone11> goitre 0935:< Grizzly_Storm> goitre 0935:< npinsker> The answer was goitre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter? 0935:< Grizzly_Storm> Galileo 0935:< tRitone11> Galileo 0935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is a 'Thunderbird'? 0935:< Grizzly_Storm> Ford 0935:< tRitone11> Ford 0936:< npinsker> The answer was Ford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Name the author of 'The Catcher in the Rye' 0936:< Grizzly_Storm> J.D. Salinger 0936:< tRitone11> J.D. Salinger 0937:< npinsker> The answer was J.D. Salinger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0937:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2367), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What small island is in the bay of Naples? 0937:< Grizzly_Storm> Isle of Capri 0937:< tRitone11> Isle of Capri 0938:< npinsker> The answer was Isle of Capri! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the smallest state in the USA? 0938:< tRitone11> Rhode Island 0938:< Grizzly_Storm> Rhode Island 0938:< rbasov> rhose island 0938:< npinsker> The answer was Rhode Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What United States president was in office during the civil war? 0939:< Grizzly_Storm> Abraham Lincoln 0939:< tRitone11> Abraham Lincoln 0939:< npinsker> The answer was Abraham Lincoln! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Castaway"? 0939:< Grizzly_Storm> Tom Hanks 0939:< tRitone11> Tom Hanks 0940:< CheesyWeiner> Wilson 0940:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Hanks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Homonyms || Drill a hole into/a crude uncouth person (answer in the form of word1/word2)? 0940:< Grizzly_Storm> bore/boor 0940:< tRitone11> bore/boor 0941:< npinsker> The answer was bore/boor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving? 0941:< Grizzly_Storm> Michael Jackson 0941:< tRitone11> Michael Jackson 0941:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Jackson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Our galaxy is commonly known as the ________. 0942:< Grizzly_Storm> Milky Way 0942:< tRitone11> Milky Way 0942:< npinsker> The answer was Milky Way! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state was the home to Mayberry? 0942:< Grizzly_Storm> North Carolina 0942:< tRitone11> North Carolina 0943:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0943:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2367), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Kingston is the capital of which country? 0943:< Grizzly_Storm> Jamaica 0943:< tRitone11> Jamaica 0944:< npinsker> The answer was Jamaica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A water heater keeps _____ warm for you. 0944:< Grizzly_Storm> water 0944:< tRitone11> water 0945:< npinsker> The answer was water! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Saint Paul's Cathedral? 0945:< tRitone11> London 0945:< Grizzly_Storm> London 0945:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does the word 'karate' translate to in English? 0946:< Grizzly_Storm> open hand 0946:< tRitone11> open hand 0946:< npinsker> The answer was open hand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definition || What is armagnac? 0946:< Grizzly_Storm> brandy 0946:< tRitone11> brandy 0947:< npinsker> The answer was brandy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What European country administers the island of Martinique? 0947:< Grizzly_Storm> France 0947:< tRitone11> France 0947:< rbasov> france 0948:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: rbasov (2371) 0948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Savage Garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards? 0948:< Grizzly_Storm> ARIA awards 0948:< tRitone11> ARIA awards 0948:< npinsker> The answer was ARIA awards! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0949:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || In linguistics, this frenchman presented the concept of the signifier and the signified (surname only)? 0949:< tRitone11> Saussare 0949:< Grizzly_Storm> Saussare 0949:< rbasov> saussare 0949:< satire____> tritone11 and grizzly_storm using bots? 0949:< npinsker> The answer was Saussare! Correct users: rbasov (2375) 0949:< CryEagle> yes they are, if you want to enjoy trivia just mute them 0949:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2375), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal. 0950:< Grizzly_Storm> raven 0950:< tRitone11> raven 0950:< rbasov> raven 0950:< npinsker> The answer was raven! Correct users: rbasov (2379) 0950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: ancient Stuff || Roman statues were made with detachable whats, so that one what could be removed and replaced by another? 0950:< Grizzly_Storm> heads 0950:< tRitone11> heads 0951:< rbasov> heads 0951:< npinsker> The answer was heads! Correct users: rbasov (2383) 0951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Name the Atlantean admiral in the campaigns of the popular game Age of Mythology? 0952:< npinsker> The answer was Arkontos! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || What is the name of Southern Kingdom of Middle-Earth, founded by the Dunedain? 0952:< npinsker> The answer was Gondor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country developed "Tae-Kwan-Do"? 0953:< Grizzly_Storm> Korea 0953:< tRitone11> Korea 0953:< npinsker> The answer was Korea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who appeared in 'St. Elmo's Fire', 'The Scarlett Letter' and 'Striptease'? 0953:< Grizzly_Storm> Demi Moore 0953:< tRitone11> Demi Moore 0954:< npinsker> The answer was Demi Moore! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was Lucy's maiden name on 'I Love Lucy'? 0954:< Grizzly_Storm> McGillicuddy 0954:< tRitone11> McGillicuddy 0954:< rbasov> mcgillicuddy 0955:< npinsker> The answer was McGillicuddy! Correct users: rbasov (2387) 0955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Europe's first super-high-speed passenger train powered by? 0955:< Grizzly_Storm> electricity 0955:< tRitone11> electricity 0955:< rbasov> electricity 0955:< npinsker> The answer was electricity! Correct users: rbasov (2391) 0956:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2391), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 0956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat? 0956:< Grizzly_Storm> Captain Marvel 0956:< tRitone11> Captain Marvel 0956:< rbasov> captain marvel 0956:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Marvel! Correct users: rbasov (2395) 0957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Cincinnati _________. 0957:< Grizzly_Storm> Bengals 0957:< tRitone11> Bengals 0957:< rbasov> bengals 0957:< npinsker> The answer was Bengals! Correct users: rbasov (2399) 0957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the ______. 0957:< Grizzly_Storm> Hat 0957:< tRitone11> Hat 0957:< erinhasguts> hat 0958:< npinsker> The answer was Hat! Correct users: TheHawkIsHowling (12), erinhasguts (103) 0958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-P || What are white dwarfs and red giants? 0958:< Grizzly_Storm> stars 0958:< tRitone11> stars 0958:< erinhasguts> stars 0959:< erinhasguts> i think? 0959:< npinsker> The answer was stars! Correct users: erinhasguts (107) 0959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || In Super Smash Bros. Melee, this Pokemon's large number of jumps lets it edgeguard with the "wall of pain." 0959:< rbasov> pokemon 0959:< rbasov> pikachu 0959:< npinsker> The answer was Jigglypuff! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton's Mountain? 1000:< Grizzly_Storm> Waite 1000:< tRitone11> Waite 1000:< npinsker> The answer was Ralph Waite! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1001:< rbasov> gibralter 1001:< npinsker> The answer was Gibraltar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979. 1001:< Grizzly_Storm> Jim Jones 1001:< tRitone11> Jim Jones 1001:< rbasov> jim jones 1002:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: rbasov (2403) 1002:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2403), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band does Eddie Vedder with? 1002:< Grizzly_Storm> Pearl Jam 1002:< tRitone11> Pearl Jam 1002:< rbasov> pearl jam 1003:< npinsker> The answer was Pearl Jam! Correct users: rbasov (2407) 1003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What is Kermit D Frog's girlfriend's name? 1003:< Grizzly_Storm> Miss Piggy 1003:< tRitone11> Miss Piggy 1003:< rbasov> miss piggy 1003:< npinsker> The answer was Miss Piggy! Correct users: rbasov (2411) 1004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What type of animal is a wallaby? 1004:< Grizzly_Storm> marsupial 1004:< tRitone11> marsupial 1004:< rbasov> marsupial 1004:< npinsker> The answer was marsupial! Correct users: rbasov (2415) 1004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the 'Wicked Witch of the West' in "The Wizard of Oz" 1004:< Grizzly_Storm> Margaret Hamilton 1004:< tRitone11> Margaret Hamilton 1005:< rbasov> margaret hamilton 1005:< npinsker> The answer was Margaret Hamilton! Correct users: rbasov (2419) 1005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar. 1005:< Grizzly_Storm> Helen Keller 1005:< tRitone11> Helen Keller 1006:< rbasov> helen keller 1006:< npinsker> The answer was Helen Keller! Correct users: rbasov (2423) 1006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which coast of Australia is Sydney? 1006:< Grizzly_Storm> East 1006:< tRitone11> East 1006:< rbasov> east 1006:< erinhasguts> east 1006:< npinsker> The answer was East! Correct users: rbasov (2427), erinhasguts (110) 1007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common? 1007:< Grizzly_Storm> The first name "James" 1007:< tRitone11> The first name "James" 1007:< rbasov> first name "James" 1007:< npinsker> The answer was The first name "James"! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What did Charles Jung invent? 1007:< Grizzly_Storm> fortune cookies 1007:< tRitone11> fortune cookies 1008:< npinsker> The answer was fortune cookies! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1008:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), rbasov (2427), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What was the first version of Microsoft Windows? 1008:< Grizzly_Storm> Windows 286 1008:< tRitone11> Windows 286 1009:< rbasov> windows 286 1009:< npinsker> The answer was Windows 286! Correct users: rbasov (2431) 1009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal? 1009:< Grizzly_Storm> pig 1009:< tRitone11> pig 1009:< rbasov> pig 1010:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: rbasov (2435) 1010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This comet appears every 76.3 years. 1010:< Grizzly_Storm> Comet Halley 1010:< tRitone11> Comet Halley 1010:< rbasov> comet halley 1010:< npinsker> The answer was Comet Halley! Correct users: rbasov (2439) 1011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || In The Legend of Korra, this company planted fake evidence of conspiracy to frame rival CEO Lau Gan-Lan. 1011:< npinsker> The answer was Future Industries! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Multiple Meanings: Slamming your hands together quickly, or a venereal disease. 1011:< Grizzly_Storm> clap 1011:< tRitone11> clap 1011:< rbasov> clap 1012:< npinsker> The answer was clap! Correct users: rbasov (2443) 1012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drugs || Heroin is derived from which plant? 1012:< Grizzly_Storm> Opium poppy 1012:< tRitone11> Opium poppy 1012:< rbasov> opium poppy 1013:< npinsker> The answer was Opium poppy! Correct users: rbasov (2447) 1013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the sixth planet from our sun? 1013:< Grizzly_Storm> Saturn 1013:< tRitone11> Saturn 1013:< npinsker> The answer was Saturn! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is the port city serving Tokyo. 1014:< Grizzly_Storm> Yokohama 1014:< tRitone11> Yokohama 1014:< npinsker> The answer was Yokohama! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1014:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2447), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1576), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genetics || How many chromosomes do each body cell contain? 1015:< Grizzly_Storm> forty six 1015:< tRitone11> forty six 1015:< FeebleOldMan> 46 1015:< FeebleOldMan> 23 pairs 1015:< npinsker> The answer was forty six! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1580) 1015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || Who painted 'Irises'? 1015:< Grizzly_Storm> Vincent Van Gogh 1015:< tRitone11> Vincent Van Gogh 1016:< npinsker> The answer was Vincent Van Gogh! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Russian America called after 1867? 1016:< Grizzly_Storm> Alaska 1016:< tRitone11> Alaska 1017:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which brand of guitar is played by Jimmy Page, Slash, and Brian May? 1017:< Grizzly_Storm> Gibson Les Paul 1017:< tRitone11> Gibson Les Paul 1017:< rbasov> gibson les paul 1017:< npinsker> The answer was Gibson Les Paul! Correct users: rbasov (2451) 1018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the wristwatch? 1018:< Grizzly_Storm> Louis Cartier 1018:< tRitone11> Louis Cartier 1018:< rbasov> louis cartier 1018:< npinsker> The answer was Louis Cartier! Correct users: rbasov (2455) 1018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked? 1018:< Grizzly_Storm> Coventry 1018:< tRitone11> Coventry 1019:< npinsker> The answer was Coventry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In 'Star Wars', who was C3P0's sidekick? 1019:< Grizzly_Storm> R2D2 1019:< tRitone11> R2D2 1020:< npinsker> The answer was R2D2! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle? 1020:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || At Isengard Pippin says what is particularly good? 1021:< CryEagle> salted pork 1021:< npinsker> The answer was Salted pork! Correct users: CryEagle (195) 1022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) _____________. 1022:< Grizzly_Storm> stinger 1022:< tRitone11> stinger 1022:< npinsker> The answer was stinger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What colour was Diana Spencer's engagement photograph suit? 1022:< Grizzly_Storm> blue 1022:< tRitone11> blue 1023:< npinsker> The answer was blue! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's largest desert? 1023:< Grizzly_Storm> Sahara Desert 1023:< tRitone11> Sahara Desert 1024:< npinsker> The answer was Sahara Desert! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Ailuropoda melanoleuca is startled in a YouTube clip when its offspring sneezes. What is the clip called? 1024:< npinsker> The answer was Sneezing Panda! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What keeps one from crying when peeling onions? 1025:< Grizzly_Storm> chewing gum 1025:< tRitone11> chewing gum 1025:< npinsker> The answer was chewing gum! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Which is the largest museum in the world? 1025:< Grizzly_Storm> Louvre 1025:< tRitone11> Louvre 1026:< npinsker> The answer was Louvre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is recognised as the father of geometry? 1026:< Grizzly_Storm> Euclid 1026:< tRitone11> Euclid 1027:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1027:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Two of the top Beat icons, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, met at what New York university? 1028:< npinsker> The answer was Columbia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Scarlette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"? 1028:< Grizzly_Storm> Vivien Leigh 1028:< tRitone11> Vivien Leigh 1028:< npinsker> The answer was Vivien Leigh! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Where were Tommy Lee Jones and Al Gore freshman roommates? 1029:< Grizzly_Storm> Harvard University 1029:< tRitone11> Harvard University 1029:< npinsker> The answer was Harvard University! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which English King issued the Magna Carta in 1215? 1029:< Grizzly_Storm> King John 1029:< tRitone11> King John 1030:< npinsker> The answer was King John! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Lahore? 1030:< Grizzly_Storm> Pakistan 1030:< tRitone11> Pakistan 1031:< npinsker> The answer was Pakistan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the Australian ____________? 1031:< Grizzly_Storm> coat of arms 1031:< tRitone11> coat of arms 1031:< npinsker> The answer was coat of arms! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the director of 'Terminator' and 'Titanic'? 1032:< Grizzly_Storm> James Cameron 1032:< tRitone11> James Cameron 1032:< npinsker> The answer was James Cameron! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || who is Steveland Morris better known as? 1032:< Grizzly_Storm> Stevie Wonder 1032:< tRitone11> Stevie Wonder 1033:< npinsker> The answer was Stevie Wonder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1033:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the children's tv series 'Sesame Street', what two characters were roomates? 1034:< Grizzly_Storm> Bert and Ernie 1034:< tRitone11> Bert and Ernie 1034:< npinsker> The answer was Bert and Ernie! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Disease || What disease is carried by the tsetse fly? 1034:< tRitone11> sleeping sickness 1034:< Grizzly_Storm> sleeping sickness 1035:< npinsker> The answer was sleeping sickness! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'A Christmas Carol', what was the name of the miser? 1035:< Grizzly_Storm> Ebenezer Scrooge 1035:< tRitone11> Ebenezer Scrooge 1035:< npinsker> The answer was Ebenezer Scrooge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song did Aretha Franklin sing in "The Blues Brothers"? 1036:< Grizzly_Storm> Think 1036:< tRitone11> Think 1036:< npinsker> The answer was Think! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which sport uses stones and brooms? 1037:< Grizzly_Storm> curling 1037:< tRitone11> curling 1037:< npinsker> The answer was curling! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder? 1037:< Grizzly_Storm> watercress 1037:< tRitone11> watercress 1038:< npinsker> The answer was watercress! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which basketball star played a genie in 'Kazaam'? 1038:< Grizzly_Storm> Shaquille O'Neal 1038:< tRitone11> Shaquille O'Neal 1038:< npinsker> The answer was Shaquille O'Neal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || What was John Wayne's real name? 1039:< Grizzly_Storm> Marion Michael Morrison 1039:< npinsker> The answer was Marion Michael Morrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1039:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of Han Solo's spaceship in "Star Wars"? 1040:< Grizzly_Storm> Millennium Falcon 1040:< npinsker> The answer was Millennium Falcon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The main character's cane was used as a weapon and a pogo stick in this NES platformer also starring Magica De... 1041:< npinsker> The answer was Ducktales! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Oil Production || Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven 'oil from coal' operations in t... 1042:< npinsker> The answer was Sasol! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This first RPG released for the N64 centered on Brian's adventures in finding his father. 1042:< npinsker> The answer was Quest 64! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of uranium? 1043:< Grizzly_Storm> ninety two 1043:< npinsker> The answer was ninety two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Mull of Kintyre'? 1044:< Grizzly_Storm> Wings 1044:< npinsker> The answer was Wings! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || In the animal kingdom, if reptiles are in class reptilia, then birds are in class ____ 1044:< Grizzly_Storm> aves 1045:< npinsker> The answer was aves! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Havana is the capital of which country? 1045:< Grizzly_Storm> Cuba 1045:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1046:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Which red wine is drunk when young and is called "nouveau"? 1046:< monoglot> beaujolais 1047:< npinsker> The answer was Beaujolais! Correct users: monoglot (82) 1047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || What was the name of the Lady Godiva's horse? 1047:< Grizzly_Storm> Aethenoth 1047:< npinsker> The answer was Aethenoth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wanted 'a new drug'? 1048:< Grizzly_Storm> Huey Lewis and The News 1048:< npinsker> The answer was Huey Lewis and The News! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is Constantinople now known? 1048:< Grizzly_Storm> Istanbul 1049:< npinsker> The answer was Istanbul! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "Animal Farm"? 1049:< Grizzly_Storm> George Orwell 1050:< npinsker> The answer was George Orwell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail? 1050:< Grizzly_Storm> Peter Rabbit 1050:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Rabbit! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || Which two books in the Old Testament list the ten commandments? (in order of appearance) 1051:< Grizzly_Storm> Exodus and Deuteronomy 1051:< npinsker> The answer was Exodus and Deuteronomy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875? 1051:< Grizzly_Storm> Pocahontas 1052:< npinsker> The answer was Pocahontas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1052:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal? 1052:< Grizzly_Storm> Beowulf 1053:< npinsker> The answer was Beowulf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || A bird in the hand is worth ____________? 1053:< Grizzly_Storm> two in the bush 1054:< npinsker> The answer was two in the bush! Correct users: (nobody) :( --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 10:54:10 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 10:54:17 2016 1054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law. 1054:< Grizzly_Storm> contract 1054:< monoglot> contract 1054::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1054:< npinsker> The answer was contract! Correct users: monoglot (86) 1055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || Who is the CEO of Apple computers? 1055:< Grizzly_Storm> Steve Jobs 1055:< rbasov> steve wozniak 1055:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Jobs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size? 1055:< Grizzly_Storm> during pregnancy 1056:< npinsker> The answer was during pregnancy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || This is the hardest naturally occurring substance. 1056:< Grizzly_Storm> diamond 1057:< npinsker> The answer was diamond! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the symbol for Iron? 1057:< Grizzly_Storm> Fe 1057:< npinsker> The answer was Fe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many hours a day does a ferret sleep? 1058:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty 1058:< npinsker> The answer was twenty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1058:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What does the pancreas produce? 1059:< Grizzly_Storm> insulin 1059:< npinsker> The answer was insulin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio. 1059:< Grizzly_Storm> Monstro 1100:< npinsker> The answer was Monstro! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many strings are there on a violin? 1100:< Grizzly_Storm> four 1101:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'? 1101:< Grizzly_Storm> Merle Haggard 1101:< monoglot> RIP 1101:< npinsker> The answer was Merle Haggard! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of? 1102:< Grizzly_Storm> Asia 1102:< npinsker> The answer was Asia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state is the Wolverine State? 1102:< Grizzly_Storm> Michigan 1102:< Abandonedapple> michigan 1103:< npinsker> The answer was Michigan! Correct users: Abandonedapple (110) 1103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || He was the NBA, MVP in 1976, 77, and 80. 1103:< Grizzly_Storm> Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 1103:< Abandonedapple> Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 1104:< npinsker> The answer was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! Correct users: Abandonedapple (114) 1104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the threepenny opera? 1104:< Grizzly_Storm> Bertolt Brecht 1104:< Abandonedapple> bertolt brecht 1104:< npinsker> The answer was Bertolt Brecht! Correct users: Abandonedapple (118) 1105:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || He founded our modern periodic table. Surname only? 1105:< Grizzly_Storm> Mendeleev 1105:< npinsker> The answer was Mendeleev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: Excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause. 1106:< Grizzly_Storm> fanaticism 1106:< npinsker> The answer was fanaticism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What's the resting place of those buried at sea? 1106:< Grizzly_Storm> Davey Jones's Locker 1107:< npinsker> The answer was Davey Jones's Locker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || As what is California also known? 1107:< Grizzly_Storm> Golden State 1108:< npinsker> The answer was Golden State! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'A Christmas Carol', how many ghosts visited Scrooge? 1108:< Grizzly_Storm> four 1108:< StuRobo> 4 1108:< erinhasguts> 3 1108:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What plant is opium derived from? 1109:< Grizzly_Storm> poppy 1109:< monoglot> poppy 1109:< StuRobo> poppy 1109:< erinhasguts> poppy 1109:< npinsker> The answer was poppy! Correct users: monoglot (90), StuRobo (422), erinhasguts (112) 1109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who? 1109:< Grizzly_Storm> Yosemite Sam 1109:< StuRobo> yosemite sam 1109:< monoglot> Yosemite Sam 1110:< npinsker> The answer was Yosemite Sam! Correct users: StuRobo (426), monoglot (93) 1110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create? 1110:< Grizzly_Storm> Tarzan 1110:< StuRobo> tarzan 1110:< monoglot> Tarzan 1111:< npinsker> The answer was Tarzan! Correct users: StuRobo (430), monoglot (96) 1111:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1580), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || What is the name of the largest gold refinery? 1111:< Grizzly_Storm> Rand Refinery 1112:< npinsker> The answer was Rand Refinery! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many dots are on a twister mat? 1112:< Grizzly_Storm> thirty 1112:< monoglot> 16 1112:< StuRobo> 20 1112:< npinsker> The answer was thirty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What nationality is Gabriela Sabatini? 1113:< Grizzly_Storm> Argentinian 1113:< monoglot> Argentinian 1113:< StuRobo> argentinian 1113:< npinsker> The answer was Argentinian! Correct users: monoglot (100), StuRobo (433) 1113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || For which cartoon character was Beethoven a favourite composer? 1113:< Grizzly_Storm> Shroeder 1113:< monoglot> Linus 1114:< monoglot> Schroeder 1114:< npinsker> The answer was Shroeder! Correct users: monoglot (104) 1114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || He was elected President of France, in 1981. 1114:< Grizzly_Storm> Francios Mitterrand 1114:< monoglot> Mitterand 1115:< npinsker> The answer was Francios Mitterrand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal. 1115:< Grizzly_Storm> coral 1115:< monoglot> pearl 1115:< npinsker> The answer was coral! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He allowed the bugging of the Democratic Committee headquarters. 1116:< Grizzly_Storm> Richard Nixon 1116:< monoglot> Richard Nixon 1116:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Nixon! Correct users: monoglot (108) 1116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || There are __ seconds in a minute. 1116:< Grizzly_Storm> sixty 1116:< erinhasguts> 60 1116:< FeebleOldMan> 60 1116:< monoglot> 60 1117:< npinsker> The answer was sixty! Correct users: erinhasguts (116), FeebleOldMan (1583), monoglot (110) 1117:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1583), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many missions are there in the single player mode of the game "Perfect Dark" on the Nintendo 64? 1118:< FeebleOldMan> 18 1118:< npinsker> The answer was 17! Correct users: nuu (4) 1118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || What is the monetary unit of India? 1118:< Grizzly_Storm> Rupee 1118:< monoglot> rupee 1118:< erinhasguts> rupee 1118:< FeebleOldMan> rupee 1119:< npinsker> The answer was rupee! Correct users: monoglot (114), erinhasguts (119), FeebleOldMan (1585) 1119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is Melanie Griffith's mother? 1119:< Grizzly_Storm> Tippi Hedren 1119:< monoglot> Tippi Hedren 1119:< FeebleOldMan> who is that monoglot 1119:< npinsker> The answer was Tippi Hedren! Correct users: monoglot (118) 1119:< monoglot> She was in The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock 1120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What disease is also known as "rubella"? 1120:< Grizzly_Storm> German measles 1120:< erinhasguts> the mumps 1120:< FeebleOldMan> german measles 1120:< monoglot> German measles 1120:< npinsker> The answer was German measles! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1589), monoglot (121) 1120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Baltimore ________. 1120:< Grizzly_Storm> Orioles 1120:< monoglot> Orioles 1121:< npinsker> The answer was Orioles! Correct users: monoglot (125) 1121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a ______. 1121:< Grizzly_Storm> pig 1121:< FeebleOldMan> pig 1121:< monoglot> pig 1122:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1593), monoglot (128) 1122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Alice Cooper's real name? 1122:< Grizzly_Storm> Vincent Furnier 1122:< npinsker> The answer was Vincent Furnier! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Myth || What dod Pandora Release when she opened the box? 1123:< Grizzly_Storm> Misery and evil 1123:< npinsker> The answer was Misery and evil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1123:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1593), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) _______. 1124:< Grizzly_Storm> prime 1124:< monoglot> prime 1124:< monoglot> prime number 1124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || What is the deepest mine in the world? 1124:< Grizzly_Storm> Western Deep Levels Mine 1125:< npinsker> The answer was Western Deep Levels Mine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play? 1125:< Grizzly_Storm> hockey 1125:< monoglot> soccer 1125:< monoglot> hockey 1126:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: monoglot (136) 1126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found? 1126:< Grizzly_Storm> Captain Kangaroo 1126:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Kangaroo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ______. 1127:< Grizzly_Storm> epicenter 1127:< monoglot> epicenter 1127:< npinsker> The answer was epicenter! Correct users: monoglot (140) 1127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which formber Beatle released the hit single "My Sweet Lord"? 1127:< Grizzly_Storm> George Harrison 1127:< monoglot> George Harrison 1128:< npinsker> The answer was George Harrison! Correct users: monoglot (144) 1128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Shapes || A "gyre" is another term for what shape? 1128:< Grizzly_Storm> coil 1129:< npinsker> The answer was coil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest city in Switzerland? 1129:< Grizzly_Storm> Zurich 1129:< npinsker> The answer was Zurich! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1130:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1593), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a __________ is often eaten for breakfast. 1130:< Grizzly_Storm> grapefruit 1130:< npinsker> The answer was grapefruit! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Japan's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 1131:< Grizzly_Storm> yen 1131:< erinhasguts> yen 1131:< npinsker> The answer was yen! Correct users: erinhasguts (123) 1131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A calm ocean region near the equator. 1131:< Grizzly_Storm> doldrums 1132:< erinhasguts> doldrum 1132:< npinsker> The answer was doldrums! Correct users: erinhasguts (127) 1132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the worlds longest concrete dam? 1132:< Grizzly_Storm> Grand Coulee Dam 1133:< npinsker> The answer was Grand Coulee Dam! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The practice of women taking more than one husband is called? 1133:< Grizzly_Storm> polyandry 1133:< npinsker> The answer was polyandry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who denounced Stalin? 1134:< Grizzly_Storm> Nikita 1134:< MongolianCracker> Nikita 1134:< Sucks_> nikita 1134:< npinsker> The answer was Nikita! Correct users: MongolianCracker (4), Sucks_ (189) 1134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || what Vitamin is Thiamine? 1134:< Grizzly_Storm> Vitamin B1 1135:< npinsker> The answer was Vitamin B1! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || A 2011 viral video featured what Muppet, edited to sing along with Tom Waits' "God's Away On Business"? 1136:< npinsker> The answer was Cookie Monster! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1136:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1593), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a warren? 1136:< Grizzly_Storm> rabbit 1136:< erinhasguts> rabbit 1137:< npinsker> The answer was rabbit! Correct users: erinhasguts (131) 1137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || These attach muscles to bones or cartilage. 1137:< Grizzly_Storm> tendons 1137:< npinsker> The answer was tendons! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who? 1138:< Grizzly_Storm> Pepe le Pew 1138:< npinsker> The answer was Pepe le Pew! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca? 1138:< Grizzly_Storm> Humphrey Bogart 1139:< npinsker> The answer was Humphrey Bogart! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Doctors often have this instrument around their neck. 1139:< Grizzly_Storm> stethoscope 1139:< erinhasguts> stethescope 1140:< npinsker> The answer was stethoscope! Correct users: erinhasguts (135) 1140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly? 1140:< Grizzly_Storm> penguin 1140:< npinsker> The answer was penguin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states? 1141:< Grizzly_Storm> Whitney 1141:< npinsker> The answer was Whitney! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As pretty as a ____________? 1141:< Grizzly_Storm> picture 1142:< erinhasguts> picture 1142:< npinsker> The answer was picture! Correct users: erinhasguts (139) 1142:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1593), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon? 1142:< Grizzly_Storm> 4:00pm 1143:< FeebleOldMan> 4:00pm 1143:< npinsker> The answer was 4:00pm! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1597) 1143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Two 747's collided here in 1977. 1143:< Grizzly_Storm> Canary Islands 1143:< FeebleOldMan> earth 1144:< npinsker> The answer was Canary Islands! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This organization was founded by William Booth. 1144:< Grizzly_Storm> Salvation Army 1144:< npinsker> The answer was Salvation Army! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || Who was the founder of Lotus Cars Ltd.? 1145:< Grizzly_Storm> Colin Chapman 1145:< npinsker> The answer was Colin Chapman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The St. Louis ____________? 1145:< Grizzly_Storm> Cardinals 1146:< FeebleOldMan> ladybugs 1146:< npinsker> The answer was Cardinals! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who burned Atlanta in 1864? 1146:< Grizzly_Storm> General Sherman 1147:< npinsker> The answer was General Sherman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Mexico's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 1147:< Grizzly_Storm> peso 1147:< FeebleOldMan> peso 1147:< npinsker> The answer was peso! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1601) 1148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Originally, I self-published "Leaves of Grass" anonymously, selling about three dozen copies. Who am I? 1148:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Whitman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1148:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1601), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Places || Where is the biggest mosque in the world? 1149:< Grizzly_Storm> Madina, Saudi Arabia 1149:< npinsker> The answer was Madina, Saudi Arabia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1150:< npinsker> The answer was epitaph! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As bold as _______. 1150:< Grizzly_Storm> brass 1151:< npinsker> The answer was brass! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a _______. 1151:< Grizzly_Storm> void 1151:< npinsker> The answer was void! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Church || According to popular belief brides walk to the what in the church? (not the aisle) 1152:< Grizzly_Storm> The nave of the church 1152:< monoglot> altar 1152:< npinsker> The answer was The nave of the church! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) ________. 1152:< Grizzly_Storm> shoe 1153:< monoglot> glove 1153:< npinsker> The answer was shoe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Chicago _________. 1153:< Grizzly_Storm> Blackhawks 1153:< monoglot> Blackhawks 1154:< npinsker> The answer was Blackhawks! Correct users: monoglot (148) 1154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: Poisoning caused by a toxin in improperly prepared food. 1154:< Grizzly_Storm> botulism 1154:< npinsker> The answer was botulism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1155:< chugga_fan> how do you know a black girl is pregant? 1155:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1601), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as _________. 1155:< Grizzly_Storm> aspirin 1155:< chugga_fan> when she takes out her tampon, all the cotton is picked of 1155:< npinsker> The answer was aspirin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1156:< chugga_fan> you niggas can't evenafford welfare 1156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is the voice of Darth Vadar? 1156:< Grizzly_Storm> James Earl Jones 1156:< chugga_fan> fuck you faggot niggers. suck a mothers chode 1156:< npinsker> The answer was James Earl Jones! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1156:< chugga_fan> stick a rock in your bukaki ass nigger 1156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women's singles runner-up? 1156:< Grizzly_Storm> Zina Garrison 1157:< chugga_fan> trivia. niggers 101 1157:< chugga_fan> they eat their shit. 1157:< chugga_fan> my name is hugh and i hate niggers+ 1157:< npinsker> The answer was Zina Garrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1157:< chugga_fan> that wasn't me 1157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || The latin word for lips is: 1157:< Grizzly_Storm> labia 1158:< npinsker> The answer was labia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo? 1158:< Grizzly_Storm> Cuba 1158:< chugga_fan> chat herro 1158:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Alice In Wonderland'? 1159:< Grizzly_Storm> Lewis Carroll 1159:< npinsker> The answer was Lewis Carroll! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which Californian desert drops below sea level? 1159:< Grizzly_Storm> Death Valley 1200:< npinsker> The answer was Death Valley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who kills Voldemort? 1201:< npinsker> The answer was Harry Potter! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1201:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1601), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry? 1201:< Grizzly_Storm> Lady Godiva 1202:< npinsker> The answer was Lady Godiva! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || With which country is Prince Rainier III identified? 1202:< Grizzly_Storm> Monaco 1202:< FeebleOldMan> canada 1202:< npinsker> The answer was Monaco! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || On 'The Lucy Show', who played Vivian Bagley? 1203:< Grizzly_Storm> Vivian Vance 1203:< FeebleOldMan> lucy 1203:< npinsker> The answer was Vivian Vance! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo. 1203:< Grizzly_Storm> Amelia Earhart 1204:< FeebleOldMan> amelia earhart 1204:< npinsker> The answer was Amelia Earhart! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1605) 1204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The controller for this Nintendo system looks like a Dreamcast's, and modified N64 games plug into the control... 1205:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo iQue Player! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly north of Israel? 1205:< Grizzly_Storm> Lebanon 1205:< npinsker> The answer was Lebanon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || By what process is rock worn down by the weather? 1206:< Grizzly_Storm> erosion 1206:< npinsker> The answer was erosion! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ________. 1206:< Grizzly_Storm> kinetic 1207:< npinsker> The answer was kinetic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1207:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1605), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which Tennesee Williams play is about a Sicilian-American woman? 1208:< Grizzly_Storm> The Rose Tattoo 1208:< npinsker> The answer was The Rose Tattoo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain? 1208:< Grizzly_Storm> tongue 1209:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship. 1209:< Grizzly_Storm> The Lady Byng Trophy 1209:< npinsker> The answer was The Lady Byng Trophy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Tabasco? 1210:< Grizzly_Storm> Mexico 1210:< wolflambert> Mexico 1210:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: wolflambert (209) 1210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || This fruit has its seeds on the outside. 1210:< Grizzly_Storm> strawberry 1211:< npinsker> The answer was strawberry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In 1959, Tibet was invaded by which country? 1211:< Grizzly_Storm> China 1212:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What is the name of the German Officer who lived and died in Madrid and rescued Mussolini? 1212:< Grizzly_Storm> Otto Skorzeny 1212:< npinsker> The answer was Otto Skorzeny! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who drove the sun across the sky in his chariot? 1213:< Grizzly_Storm> Helios 1213:< npinsker> The answer was Helios! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1213:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1605), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: US Aeronautics || Where is the Kennedy Space Centre? 1214:< Grizzly_Storm> Cape Canaveral, Florida 1214:< FeebleOldMan> cape canaveral 1214:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Canaveral, Florida! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1609) 1215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is also known as Amundsen Scott Station? 1215:< Grizzly_Storm> South Pole 1215:< npinsker> The answer was South Pole! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || What is the naval equivalent of an army Major? 1215:< Grizzly_Storm> Lieutenant Commander 1216:< FeebleOldMan> naval commander 1216:< npinsker> The answer was Lieutenant Commander! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name given to a group of stars that trace an object or figure? 1216:< FeebleOldMan> constellation 1216:< npinsker> The answer was constellation! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1613) 1217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official. 1217:< Grizzly_Storm> cardinal 1217:< FeebleOldMan> pig 1217:< FeebleOldMan> bitch 1217:< npinsker> The answer was cardinal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many bits was the processor in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System? 1218:< FeebleOldMan> 8 1218:< FeebleOldMan> 16 1218:< dick_sanitizer> hey peeps come play cards against humanity with us! http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=61 password: sokuku 1218:< FeebleOldMan> 24 1218:< npinsker> The answer was 16 bits! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1617) 1218:< FeebleOldMan> 4 1218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Fat Albert and friends was created by ...... ? 1218:< Grizzly_Storm> Bill Cosby 1218:< FeebleOldMan> united states of america 1219:< npinsker> The answer was Bill Cosby! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Magic || The American Soceity of Magicians has status of being what? 1219:< Grizzly_Storm> The Largest Magic Organistation 1219:< FeebleOldMan> being a mispelled organization 1219:< npinsker> The answer was The Largest Magic Organistation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1220:< FeebleOldMan> highest level sorcerer 1220:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1617), grink (1025), BrownMario (100... 1220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which game or sport are "Staunton" pieces used? 1220:< Grizzly_Storm> chess 1220:< FeebleOldMan> surviving in hoth 1221:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What word is used for a female fox? 1221:< Grizzly_Storm> vixen 1221:< FeebleOldMan> vixen 1221:< npinsker> The answer was vixen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1621) 1222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which city does Danaerys Targaryen settle and rule as queen? 1222:< FeebleOldMan> dragon city 1222:< npinsker> The answer was Meereen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which country was judo developed in? 1222:< Grizzly_Storm> Japan 1222:< FeebleOldMan> japan 1223:< FeebleOldMan> korea 1223:< FeebleOldMan> taiwan 1223:< npinsker> The answer was Japan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Braveheart"? 1223:< Grizzly_Storm> Mel Gibson 1223:< FeebleOldMan> mel gibson 1224:< npinsker> The answer was Mel Gibson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1224:< FeebleOldMan> o.o 1224:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 1224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio. 1224:< Grizzly_Storm> Monstro 1224:< FeebleOldMan> willy 1225:< wolflambert> Monstro 1225:< npinsker> The answer was Monstro! Correct users: wolflambert (213) 1225:< CryEagle> . 1225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Name the only fruit named for its color. 1225:< Grizzly_Storm> orange 1225:< wolflambert> Orange 1225:< FeebleOldMan> orange 1225:< djcocainegoat> pink grapefruit 1225:< npinsker> The answer was orange! Correct users: wolflambert (217), FeebleOldMan (1624) 1226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Secretions || What is the scientific name for earwax? 1226:< Grizzly_Storm> cerumen 1226:< FeebleOldMan> cerumen 1226:< wolflambert> Oranges are called "sinaasappel" in Dutch, which is pretty much a bastardisation of "China's apple" 1226:< wolflambert> #TheMoreYouKnow 1226:< npinsker> The answer was cerumen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1628) 1226:< FeebleOldMan> oranges were from china? 1226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country administers Christmas Island? 1226:< Grizzly_Storm> Australia 1227:< FeebleOldMan> north pole 1227:< wolflambert> Chile 1227:< FeebleOldMan> bahamas 1227:< FeebleOldMan> switzerland 1227:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1227:< wolflambert> No clue why they're called that, actually. 1227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women"? 1227:< Grizzly_Storm> Little Men 1227:< FeebleOldMan> little men 1227:< CryEagle> little klootzakken 1227:< un6952db> barely legal 1228:< wolflambert> Little Women II: The Squeaquel 1228:< FeebleOldMan> ah this qn with the funny answer 1228:< npinsker> The answer was Little Men! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1632) 1228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Pokemon stands upright, is red in color, and has the swarm ability. It resembles a violin. 1228:< CryEagle> Dickachu 1228:< FeebleOldMan> charmander 1228:< FeebleOldMan> viola 1228:< grink> butthole 1228:< npinsker> The answer was Kricketune! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1228:< FeebleOldMan> vileplume 1229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is a "hole-in-one" possible? 1229:< Grizzly_Storm> golf 1229:< FeebleOldMan> golf 1229:< un6952db> golf 1229:< wolflambert> Golf 1229:< grink> sex 1229:< npinsker> The answer was golf! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1636), un6952db (12), wolflambert (219) 1229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Orson Wells was nominated for four oscars for which legendary movie? 1229:< Grizzly_Storm> Citizen Kane 1230:< FeebleOldMan> war of the worlds 1230:< grink> bill and ted's excellent adventure 1230:< wolflambert> Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 1230:< npinsker> The answer was Citizen Kane! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1230:< wolflambert> Cool Cat Saves the Kids 1230:< FeebleOldMan> oh hgwells -.- 1230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || This Latin word meaning "iron" is the reason for iron's modern day chemical symbol (Fe). 1230:< Grizzly_Storm> ferrum 1230:< grink> Ferris 1230:< un6952db> ferrum 1231:< FeebleOldMan> ferrus 1231:< wolflambert> Ferrum 1231:< grink> one of those 1231:< FeebleOldMan> ferrous 1231:< wolflambert> Ferrus 1231:< un6952db> yea we covered every outcome 1231:< FeebleOldMan> ferrum 1231:< npinsker> The answer was ferrum! Correct users: un6952db (16), wolflambert (222), FeebleOldMan (1638) 1231:< wolflambert> Yay 1231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || The violet variety of quartz is called ________. 1231:< Grizzly_Storm> amethyst 1231:< grink> sapphire 1231:< FeebleOldMan> amethyst 1231:< grink> amethyst 1231:< FeebleOldMan> sapphire 1232:< FeebleOldMan> emerald 1232:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1642), grink (1028) 1232:< grink> diamond 1232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Maine? 1232:< Grizzly_Storm> Augusta 1232:< grink> bangor 1232:< FeebleOldMan> maineland 1232:< grink> portald 1232:< wolflambert> Augusta 1232:< grink> portland 1232:< npinsker> The answer was Augusta! Correct users: wolflambert (226) 1232:< FeebleOldMan> portland or 1233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || "Now is the winter of our discontent" is a line from which Shakespearian play? 1233:< Grizzly_Storm> Richard III 1233:< grink> macbeth 1233:< wolflambert> MacBeth 1233:< FeebleOldMan> game of thrones 1233:< grink> since the bot likes it 1233:< npinsker> The answer was Richard III! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1233:< wolflambert> Well then 1233:< grink> oh it was dick 3 1233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was Al Gore's freshman roommate at Harvard? 1233:< Grizzly_Storm> Tommy Lee Jones 1233:< grink> obama 1234:< grink> bush 1234:< erinhasguts> tommy lee jones 1234:< grink> stifler 1234:< FeebleOldMan> bill gates 1234:< npinsker> The answer was Tommy Lee Jones! Correct users: erinhasguts (143) 1234:< wolflambert> Tommy Lee Jones 1234:< wolflambert> Ugh 1234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was, "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen"? 1234:< Grizzly_Storm> George Washington 1234:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 1234:< grink> some dead guy 1235:< npinsker> The answer was George Washington! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1235:< FeebleOldMan> duke nukem 1235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country has the world's most southerly city? 1235:< Grizzly_Storm> Chile 1235:< FeebleOldMan> new zealand 1235:< grink> chile 1235:< wolflambert> Chile 1235:< grink> canada 1235:< npinsker> The answer was Chile! Correct users: grink (1032), wolflambert (229) 1236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || The volume of which solid is given by the formula 4/3(pi)r^3? 1236:< Grizzly_Storm> sphere 1236:< grink> sphere 1236:< FeebleOldMan> sphere 1236:< wolflambert> Sphere 1236:< npinsker> The answer was sphere! Correct users: grink (1036), FeebleOldMan (1645), wolflambert (231) 1236:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1645), grink (1036), BrownMario (100... 1237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law. 1237:< Grizzly_Storm> contract 1237:< AtaraxicMegatron> contract 1237:< FeebleOldMan> contract 1237:< wolflambert> Contract 1237:< npinsker> The answer was contract! Correct users: AtaraxicMegatron (13), FeebleOldMan (1648), wolflambert (233) 1237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ___________. 1237:< Grizzly_Storm> desalination 1237:< FeebleOldMan> desalination 1238:< FeebleOldMan> reverse osmosis 1238:< FeebleOldMan> evaporation 1238:< wolflambert> Desalination 1238:< npinsker> The answer was desalination! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1652), wolflambert (236) 1238:< FeebleOldMan> condensation 1238:< AtaraxicMegatron> why is Grizzly_Storm ignored 1238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What European country administers the island of Martinique? 1238:< Grizzly_Storm> France 1238:< grink> france 1238:< FeebleOldMan> -.- 1238:< wolflambert> They're a bot AtaraxicMegatron 1238:< FeebleOldMan> london 1238:< grink> seems french 1239:< FeebleOldMan> iceland 1239:< wolflambert> France 1239:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: grink (1040), wolflambert (239) 1239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Where is the Louvre located? 1239:< Grizzly_Storm> Paris 1239:< wolflambert> Paris 1239:< grink> france 1239:< grink> paris 1239:< FeebleOldMan> paris 1239:< AtaraxicMegatron> paris 1239:< FeebleOldMan> france 1239:< npinsker> The answer was Paris! Correct users: wolflambert (243), grink (1043), FeebleOldMan (1654), AtaraxicMegatron (14) 1240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which English county has the smallest perimeter? 1240:< Grizzly_Storm> Isle of Wight 1240:< grink> bermuda 1240:< FeebleOldMan> vatican city 1240:< wolflambert> Tyne and Wear 1240:< FeebleOldMan> vatican 1240:< grink> my coffee needs to brew faster 1240:< wolflambert> How the fuck would I know 1240:< npinsker> The answer was Isle of Wight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1240:< FeebleOldMan> city of london 1240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Russian computer engineer created Tetris, a game that became synonymous with the original Gameboy. 1241:< grink> vladimir vodka 1241:< wolflambert> Alexey Pajitnov 1241:< FeebleOldMan> rukovski 1241:< npinsker> The answer was Alexey Pajitnov! Correct users: wolflambert (247) 1241:< FeebleOldMan> google? 1241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the technical name for 'falling stars'? 1241:< Grizzly_Storm> meteors 1241:< grink> meteor 1241:< FeebleOldMan> meteors 1241:< wolflambert> Metor 1241:< FeebleOldMan> meteorites 1241:< wolflambert> Meteors 1241:< grink> dead angles 1242:< FeebleOldMan> meteoroids 1242:< wolflambert> Meteor 1242:< npinsker> The answer was meteors! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1658), wolflambert (250) 1242:< grink> oh no you didnt 1242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone? 1242:< Grizzly_Storm> Sodom and Gomorrah 1242:< FeebleOldMan> sodom and duno where 1242:< grink> washington dc and detroit 1242:< wolflambert> Sodom and Gomorrah 1242:< FeebleOldMan> sodom and afganistan 1242:< npinsker> The answer was Sodom and Gomorrah! Correct users: wolflambert (254) 1242:< wolflambert> Thanks FeebleOldMan 1243:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1658), grink (1043), BrownMario (100... 1243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Pittsburgh ____________? 1243:< Grizzly_Storm> Steelers 1243:< grink> steelers 1243:< FeebleOldMan> panthers 1243:< FeebleOldMan> pumas 1243:< FeebleOldMan> pumice stones 1243:< npinsker> The answer was Steelers! Correct users: grink (1047) 1244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Coins || What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold called? 1244:< Grizzly_Storm> Krugerrand 1244:< grink> a ton of money 1244:< FeebleOldMan> 1 gold coin 1244:< FeebleOldMan> 1 gold dollar 1244:< wolflambert> Gold supremacist 1244:< npinsker> The answer was Krugerrand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1244:< FeebleOldMan> oh rand 1244:< wolflambert> OF COURSE NOBODY 1244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What was Marilyn Monroe's given name at birth? 1244:< Grizzly_Storm> Norma Jean Mortenson 1245:< FeebleOldMan> marilyn manroe 1245:< grink> margaret thatcher 1245:< npinsker> The answer was Norma Jean Mortenson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1245:< FeebleOldMan> marilyn manson 1245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is another term for a black leopard? 1245:< Grizzly_Storm> panther 1245:< FeebleOldMan> panther 1245:< wolflambert> Dark grey leopard 1245:< grink> snow 1245:< grink> kitty cat 1246:< FeebleOldMan> cheetah 1246:< npinsker> The answer was panther! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1662) 1246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called? 1246:< Grizzly_Storm> equator 1246:< grink> equator 1246:< wolflambert> Equator 1246:< npinsker> The answer was equator! Correct users: grink (1051), wolflambert (257) 1247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Where were Cornflakes invented? 1247:< Grizzly_Storm> Battle Creek Sanitarium 1247:< FeebleOldMan> united states of america 1247:< grink> crazy house 1247:< grink> rick sanatorum 1247:< npinsker> The answer was Battle Creek Sanitarium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the proper name for falling stars? 1247:< Grizzly_Storm> meteors 1247:< FeebleOldMan> meteors 1248:< grink> meteorS 1248:< grink> $rand 1248:< npinsker> The answer was meteors! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1666), grink (1054) 1248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || A catholic minister is known as a? 1248:< Grizzly_Storm> Priest 1248:< grink> boy toucher 1248:< grink> priest 1249:< npinsker> The answer was Priest! Correct users: grink (1058) 1249:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1666), grink (1058), BrownMario (100... 1249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Dennis the Menace's next door neighbors. 1249:< Grizzly_Storm> Mr and Mrs Wilson 1249:< grink> doge 1250:< npinsker> The answer was Mr and Mrs Wilson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who does Hagrid unwittingly acquire a dragon's egg from in the first book in the series? 1250:< npinsker> The answer was Professor Quirrell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix? 1251:< Grizzly_Storm> Italy 1251:< grink> africa 1251:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || You play as a former Pinkerton named Booker DeWitt in this game, which is set in the city of Columbia in 1912. 1252:< npinsker> The answer was Bioshock: Infinite! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1252:< grink> weezer 1252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships. 1252:< Grizzly_Storm> barnacles 1253:< npinsker> The answer was barnacles! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Buildings || What is the largest inhabited castle in the world? 1253:< Grizzly_Storm> Windsor Castle 1253:< andysniper> white castle, tallahassee 1253:< FeebleOldMan> buckingham palace 1253:< npinsker> The answer was Windsor Castle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a warren? 1254:< Grizzly_Storm> rabbit 1254:< FeebleOldMan> rabbit 1254:< andysniper> rabbit 1254:< FeebleOldMan> bunny 1254:< FeebleOldMan> hare 1254:< grink> cow 1254:< npinsker> The answer was rabbit! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1670), andysniper (927) 1254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982. 1254:< Grizzly_Storm> Falklands Islands 1255:< andysniper> falklands 1255:< npinsker> The answer was Falklands Islands! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1255:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1670), grink (1058), BrownMario (100... 1256:< FeebleOldMan> leonard 1256:< andysniper> leonard 1256:< npinsker> The answer was Leonard! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1674), andysniper (930) 1256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range? 1256:< Grizzly_Storm> Mt. Mitchell 1256:< FeebleOldMan> mount appalachia 1257:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Mitchell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1257:< Robairt> we're gonna grow while I'm at work :( 1257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common? 1257:< Grizzly_Storm> The first name "James" 1257:< FeebleOldMan> shh bb is ok 1257:< andysniper> james 1257:< grink> penises 1257:< npinsker> The answer was The first name "James"! Correct users: andysniper (934) 1258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline? 1258:< Grizzly_Storm> Colombia 1258:< grink> chile 1258:< andysniper> colombia 1258:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: andysniper (938) 1258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the official language of Austria? 1258:< Grizzly_Storm> german 1259:< alylynn96> german 1259:< FeebleOldMan> austrian 1259:< andysniper> german 1259:< FeebleOldMan> german 1259:< FeebleOldMan> english 1259:< npinsker> The answer was german! Correct users: alylynn96 (359), andysniper (941), FeebleOldMan (1676) 1259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the sequel to "The Empire Strikes Back". 1259:< Grizzly_Storm> Return of the Jedi 1259:< FeebleOldMan> return of the jedi 1259:< alylynn96> return of the jedi 1259:< andysniper> return of the jedi 1300:< npinsker> The answer was Return of the Jedi! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1680), alylynn96 (362), andysniper (943) 1300:< FeebleOldMan> the force awakens 1300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || At which time of year do children grow fastest? 1300:< Grizzly_Storm> springtime 1300:< FeebleOldMan> january 1300:< alylynn96> summer 1300:< andysniper> none becuase that would be fucking retarded 1300:< FeebleOldMan> christmas 1300:< alylynn96> haha 1300:< npinsker> The answer was springtime! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1301:< FeebleOldMan> whenever after they eat more 1301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain? 1301:< Grizzly_Storm> tongue 1301:< FeebleOldMan> tongue 1301:< alylynn96> tongue 1301:< andysniper> tongue 1301:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1684), alylynn96 (365), andysniper (945) 1301:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1684), grink (1058), BrownMario (100... 1302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who were Lucy and Ricky's next door neighbours and best friends? 1302:< Grizzly_Storm> Fred and Ethel 1302:< monoglot> Fred and Ethel 1302:< FeebleOldMan> wat the heck is this 1302:< alylynn96> no clue 1302:< monoglot> Ethel and Fred 1302:< andysniper> sam and max 1302:< npinsker> The answer was Fred and Ethel! Correct users: monoglot (152) 1302:< FeebleOldMan> what show is this monoglot 1302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ___________. 1302:< Grizzly_Storm> Harvey Wallbanger 1302:< monoglot> I Love Lucy 1303:< monoglot> from the '50s 1303:< FeebleOldMan> ah thanks 1303:< npinsker> The answer was Harvey Wallbanger! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What color was Bullitt's car? 1303:< Grizzly_Storm> Green 1303:< monoglot> yellow 1303:< alylynn96> black 1303:< FeebleOldMan> black 1303:< andysniper> green 1304:< FeebleOldMan> red 1304:< FeebleOldMan> silver 1304:< npinsker> The answer was Green! Correct users: andysniper (949) 1304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Travel || Which airline has the registration prefix 'VR'? 1304:< Grizzly_Storm> Cathay Pacific 1304:< FeebleOldMan> wat the heck wat movie is this 1304:< monoglot> Virgin Atlantic 1304:< FeebleOldMan> virgin airways 1304:< andysniper> virgan atlantic 1304:< alylynn96> cathy pacific 1304:< monoglot> Bullitt, Steve McQueen from the '70s 1304:< alylynn96> i think... this is a repeat question 1304:< andysniper> great movie 1304:< monoglot> or late '60s 1304:< npinsker> The answer was Cathay Pacific! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1305:< alylynn96> damn haha 1305:< andysniper> well, great car chase 1305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle? 1305:< Grizzly_Storm> one 1305:< alylynn96> 1 1305:< FeebleOldMan> 1 1305:< wolflambert> One 1305:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: alylynn96 (369), FeebleOldMan (1687), wolflambert (259) 1305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Who invented the smallpox vaccine? 1305:< Grizzly_Storm> Edward Jenner 1306:< andysniper> edward jenner 1306:< alylynn96> edward jenner 1306:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Jenner! Correct users: andysniper (953), alylynn96 (372) 1306:< alylynn96> another repeat 1306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests? 1306:< Grizzly_Storm> Tibet 1306:< andysniper> azerbaijahn 1307:< alylynn96> all of them 1307:< npinsker> The answer was Tibet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1307:< MongolianCracker> Tibet isn't even a country 1307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does breaking the sound barrier cause? 1307:< Grizzly_Storm> A sonic boom 1307:< andysniper> a sonic boom 1307:< npinsker> The answer was A sonic boom! Correct users: andysniper (957) 1308:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1687), grink (1058), BrownMario (100... 1308:< FeebleOldMan> condensation of water vapor 1308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As pretty as a ____________? 1308:< Grizzly_Storm> picture 1308:< andysniper> picture 1308:< alylynn96> picture 1308:< FeebleOldMan> pie 1308:< npinsker> The answer was picture! Correct users: andysniper (961), alylynn96 (375) 1309:< alylynn96> alright gotta go take a quiz in real life, later 1309:< FeebleOldMan> good luck alylynn96 1309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000? 1309:< Grizzly_Storm> microsoft 1309:< alylynn96> thanks! 1309:< andysniper> microsoft 1309:< FeebleOldMan> microsoft 1309:< andysniper> giving it away in the question there 1309:< npinsker> The answer was microsoft! Correct users: andysniper (965), FeebleOldMan (1690) 1309:< grink> apple 1309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Superstition || What were comfrey baths were believed to restore? 1309:< Grizzly_Storm> virginity 1310:< FeebleOldMan> comfort 1310:< andysniper> life 1310:< grink> clean butthole 1310:< FeebleOldMan> sleep 1310:< FeebleOldMan> health 1310:< npinsker> The answer was virginity! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Westminster Abbey? 1310:< Grizzly_Storm> London 1310:< FeebleOldMan> london 1310:< andysniper> london 1311:< andysniper> well, westminster technically 1311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest city in Ecuador? 1311:< Grizzly_Storm> Guayaquil 1311:< FeebleOldMan> ecuador city 1311:< FeebleOldMan> i keep seeing this qn but i cant rem the ans 1311:< npinsker> The answer was Guayaquil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1312:< andysniper> sounds like medication 1312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The song "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" came from which musical play? 1312:< Grizzly_Storm> Fiddler On The Roof 1312:< FeebleOldMan> matchmakers: the musical 1312:< grink> fiddler on the roof 1312:< npinsker> The answer was Fiddler On The Roof! Correct users: grink (1062) 1312:< FeebleOldMan> wud 1312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crafts || What is pure china clay called? 1312:< Grizzly_Storm> kaolin 1313:< grink> had free tx a long time ago 1313:< FeebleOldMan> meth 1313:< npinsker> The answer was kaolin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1313:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeh 1313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Two of the top Beat icons, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac, met at what New York university? 1314:< FeebleOldMan> new york university 1314:< grink> FIT 1314:< andysniper> columbia 1314:< npinsker> The answer was Columbia! Correct users: andysniper (972) 1314:< andysniper> oh shit i was right 1314:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1694), grink (1062), BrownMario (100... 1314:< grink> vampire weekend is from there too 1314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was _______. 1314:< Grizzly_Storm> Neptune 1314:< FeebleOldMan> neptune 1314:< andysniper> pluti 1314:< grink> did we lose pluto 1315:< grink> in 2000? 1315:< andysniper> pluto 1315:< FeebleOldMan> pluto swung inside of neptune 1315:< FeebleOldMan> cos of eccentric orbit 1315:< npinsker> The answer was Neptune! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1698) 1315:< grink> oh snap 1315:< andysniper> wierd 1315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what state is Concord? 1315:< Grizzly_Storm> New Hampshire 1315:< grink> rhode island 1315:< FeebleOldMan> france 1315:< andysniper> new hampshire 1315:< andysniper> rhode island 1315:< grink> mexico 1315:< npinsker> The answer was New Hampshire! Correct users: andysniper (976) 1316:< grink> meh i was close 1316:< andysniper> joe pesci and someone else 1316:< grink> danny devito and butthead 1316:< FeebleOldMan> damn it this qn again.. joe pesci and 1316:< FeebleOldMan> duno who 1316:< grink> oh yeah pesci 1316:< npinsker> The answer was Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1316:< FeebleOldMan> joe pesci and danny devito 1317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || Which nation has an AK-47 assault rifle on its flag? 1317:< Grizzly_Storm> Mozambique 1317:< grink> a badass one 1317:< FeebleOldMan> afganistan 1317:< andysniper> angola 1317:< FeebleOldMan> iraq 1317:< grink> haha badass badass 1317:< npinsker> The answer was Mozambique! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1317:< FeebleOldMan> russia 1317:< grink> oh you parrott devs are awesome 1317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Shoe Trivia || What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called? 1317:< Grizzly_Storm> aglet 1317:< FeebleOldMan> aglet 1317:< Abandonedapple> aglet 1317:< grink> just the tip 1318:< grink> (i really shoudlnt being do production changes in production) 1318:< npinsker> The answer was aglet! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1702), Abandonedapple (121) 1318:< grink> fuck it 1318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia? 1318:< Grizzly_Storm> Great Barrier Reef 1318:< FeebleOldMan> great barrier reef 1318:< CryEagle> great barrier reef 1318:< grink> great barrier reef 1318:< andysniper> great barrier reef 1318:< npinsker> The answer was Great Barrier Reef! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1706), CryEagle (198), grink (1064), andysniper (977) 1319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Russian America called after 1867? 1319:< Grizzly_Storm> Alaska 1319:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Colorado? 1320:< Grizzly_Storm> Denver 1320:< FeebleOldMan> colorado city 1320:< andysniper> denver 1320:< npinsker> The answer was Denver! Correct users: andysniper (981) 1320:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1706), grink (1064), BrownMario (100... 1321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"? 1321:< Grizzly_Storm> Yoda 1321:< FeebleOldMan> yoda 1321:< FeebleOldMan> haha strange little advisor 1321:< andysniper> yoda 1321:< npinsker> The answer was Yoda! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1710), andysniper (984) 1321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first person to swim the English Channel? 1321:< Grizzly_Storm> Captain Matthew Webb 1321:< FeebleOldMan> ugh 1322:< andysniper> the queen 1322:< FeebleOldMan> boaty mcboatface 1322:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Matthew Webb! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || A bird in the hand is worth ____________? 1322:< Grizzly_Storm> two in the bush 1322:< FeebleOldMan> two in the bush 1322:< andysniper> two in the bush 1322:< giant_rat> another bot? 1323:< npinsker> The answer was two in the bush! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1714), andysniper (987) 1323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The "canebrake", "timber" and "pygmy" are types of what? 1323:< Grizzly_Storm> rattlesnake 1323:< FeebleOldMan> wood 1323:< andysniper> some kind of snake 1323:< FeebleOldMan> hippo 1323:< grink> snape 1323:< FeebleOldMan> cars 1323:< npinsker> The answer was rattlesnake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand? 1324:< Grizzly_Storm> four 1324:< grink> 6 1324:< grink> 4 1324:< grink> 55555 1324:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: grink (1068) 1324:< FatherDerp> Which waffle should I buy? http://strawpoll.me/7303996 1324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ________. 1324:< Grizzly_Storm> tungsten 1324:< grink> tungsten 1325:< grink> LEDs 1325:< grink> FIRE 1325:< npinsker> The answer was tungsten! Correct users: grink (1072) 1325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What volcano showers ash on Sicily? 1325:< Grizzly_Storm> Etna 1326:< npinsker> The answer was Etna! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle? 1326:< andysniper> fucking hell give us some time to answer 1326:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1327:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1714), grink (1072), BrownMario (100... 1327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the film 'Ordinary People'? 1327:< Grizzly_Storm> Robert Redford 1327:< abrahamdrinkin> robert redford 1327:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Redford! Correct users: abrahamdrinkin (4) 1328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which of the Queen's cousins served as squire to King Robert? 1328:< abrahamdrinkin> lancel 1328:< npinsker> The answer was Lancel! Correct users: abrahamdrinkin (8) 1328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who were the rivals of the T-Birds in the movie "Grease"? 1328:< Grizzly_Storm> scorpions 1328:< andysniper> scorpions 1329:< npinsker> The answer was scorpions! Correct users: andysniper (991) 1329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal's shell is used to make attractive jewelry. 1329:< Grizzly_Storm> abalone 1329:< andysniper> tortoise 1329:< abrahamdrinkin> abalone 1330:< npinsker> The answer was abalone! Correct users: abrahamdrinkin (12) 1330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ___. 1330:< Grizzly_Storm> lye 1330:< npinsker> The answer was lye! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did the bayonet originate? 1331:< Grizzly_Storm> Bayonne, France 1331:< andysniper> france 1331:< andysniper> bayonne 1331:< npinsker> The answer was Bayonne, France! Correct users: andysniper (995) 1331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld? 1331:< Grizzly_Storm> Osiris 1331:< andysniper> anubis 1332:< cornellier> Donald Trump 1332:< npinsker> The answer was Osiris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war? 1332:< Grizzly_Storm> nineteen 1332:< monoglot> 19 1332:< andysniper> 19 1332:< monoglot> Why is that a music question? 1333:< npinsker> The answer was nineteen! Correct users: monoglot (156), andysniper (998) 1333:< andysniper> goooood question 1333:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1714), grink (1072), BrownMario (100... 1333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas? 1333:< Grizzly_Storm> Grinch 1333:< andysniper> grinch 1333:< monoglot> The Grinch 1333:< monoglot> Grinch 1334:< npinsker> The answer was Grinch! Correct users: andysniper (1002), monoglot (159) 1334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture? 1334:< Grizzly_Storm> gillette 1334:< andysniper> what? 1334:< npinsker> The answer was gillette! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film starred Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson and Meg Ryan? 1335:< Grizzly_Storm> Sleepless in Seattle 1335:< npinsker> The answer was Sleepless in Seattle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1335:< andysniper> paranormal activity 7 1335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation. 1335:< Grizzly_Storm> TRON 1335:< andysniper> tron 1336:< npinsker> The answer was TRON! Correct users: andysniper (1006) 1336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Name Ronald Reagan's first wife. 1336:< Grizzly_Storm> Wyman 1336:< grink> nancy 1337:< npinsker> The answer was Wyman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1337:< grink> oh derp 1337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a _______. 1337:< Grizzly_Storm> barrette 1337:< npinsker> The answer was barrette! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI? 1338:< Grizzly_Storm> International Red Cross 1338:< npinsker> The answer was International Red Cross! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the name of Speed Racer's car? 1338:< Grizzly_Storm> The Mach Five 1339:< npinsker> The answer was The Mach Five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1339:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1714), grink (1072), andysniper (100... 1339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed. 1339:< Grizzly_Storm> spleen 1340:< npinsker> The answer was spleen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Atlanta ____________? 1340:< Grizzly_Storm> Braves 1340:< FeebleOldMan> alligators 1341:< npinsker> The answer was Braves! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of "Superman". 1341:< Grizzly_Storm> Margot Kidder 1341:< npinsker> The answer was Margot Kidder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A group of gorillas is known as a ___________. 1342:< Grizzly_Storm> band 1342:< FeebleOldMan> bunch 1342:< FeebleOldMan> comb 1342:< FeebleOldMan> gang 1342:< npinsker> The answer was band! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || On what was Pennsylvania incorrectly spelled? 1342:< Grizzly_Storm> Liberty Bell 1343:< FeebleOldMan> map 1343:< npinsker> The answer was Liberty Bell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || When dry, this goes into a Martini. When sweet, it goes into a Manhattan. What is it? 1343:< FeebleOldMan> vermouth 1343:< FeebleOldMan> gin 1344:< npinsker> The answer was Vermouth! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1718) 1344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Squid Trivia || How many tentacles does a squid have? 1344:< Grizzly_Storm> ten 1344:< FeebleOldMan> ten 1344:< FeebleOldMan> ten tickles 1344:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1722) 1345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is married to Valerie Bertanelli? 1345:< Grizzly_Storm> Eddie Van Halen 1345:< npinsker> The answer was Eddie Van Halen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1345:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1722), grink (1072), andysniper (100... 1346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: americans again, Duh || In what city in Georgia is it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp? 1346:< Grizzly_Storm> Atlanta 1346:< FeebleOldMan> atlanta 1346:< A3L92> atlanta 1346:< npinsker> The answer was Atlanta! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1726), A3L92 (45) 1346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ________. 1346:< Grizzly_Storm> tsunami 1346:< FeebleOldMan> tsunami 1347:< FeebleOldMan> tidal wave 1347:< npinsker> The answer was tsunami! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1730) 1347:< FeebleOldMan> 綱海 1347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As easy as ____________? 1347:< Grizzly_Storm> pie 1348:< npinsker> The answer was pie! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || The Sun is how much more dense than water? 1348:< Grizzly_Storm> 1.41 1348:< npinsker> The answer was 1.41! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hirtory || Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule. 1349:< Grizzly_Storm> Haiti 1349:< npinsker> The answer was Haiti! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______. 1349:< Grizzly_Storm> benign 1350:< npinsker> The answer was benign! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease? 1350:< Grizzly_Storm> rickets 1351:< npinsker> The answer was rickets! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || Every human has one of these on their tummies. 1351:< Grizzly_Storm> navel 1351:< Bonoahx> mnjpij#[k[pokopjk 1351:< grink> belly button 1351:< grink> cum 1351:< Bonoahx> navel 1351:< grink> orange 1351:< npinsker> The answer was navel! Correct users: Bonoahx (434) 1352:< Bonoahx> so last day of robin eh 1352:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1730), grink (1072), andysniper (100... 1352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts. 1352:< Grizzly_Storm> three 1352:< grink> 3 1352:< Bonoahx> 3 1352:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: grink (1076), Bonoahx (437) 1353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'? 1353:< Grizzly_Storm> Neo 1353:< grink> neo 1353:< Bonoahx> Obama 1353:< grink> white rabbit morpheus 1353:< npinsker> The answer was Neo! Correct users: grink (1080) 1353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || This cut is taken off the diaphragm of the cow as part of the "plate". It, like flank steak, is rather flat. 1353:< grink> skirt 1354:< Bonoahx> Your girlfriend ayayyayayyayayyay 1354:< npinsker> The answer was skirt steak! Correct users: grink (1084) 1354:< grink> mmmm steak 1354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the last chinese dynasty? 1354:< Grizzly_Storm> Manchu 1354:< grink> ching 1354:< grink> ming 1354:< Bonoahx> Manchu 1354:< grink> ^ 1355:< Bonoahx> Whatever Girzzly_Storm says 1355:< npinsker> The answer was Manchu! Correct users: Bonoahx (441) 1355:< grink> i have griz blocked 1355:< Bonoahx> lol 1355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Archaeology || Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement? 1355:< Grizzly_Storm> three thousand 1355:< grink> who the fuck knows? 300 1355:< npinsker> The answer was three thousand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Bill Justis was a studio musician when he recorded this 'sloppy' instrumental in october 1957? 1356:< Grizzly_Storm> Raunchy 1356:< grink> sluts 1356:< npinsker> The answer was Raunchy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What appears when the sun activates melanocytes? 1356:< Grizzly_Storm> freckles 1356:< grink> sun 1357:< grink> freckles 1357:< npinsker> The answer was freckles! Correct users: grink (1088) 1357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animals || What is the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)? 1357:< Grizzly_Storm> Inland Taipan 1357:< grink> rattle snake 1357:< grink> rattlesnake 1358:< npinsker> The answer was Inland Taipan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1358:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1730), grink (1088), andysniper (100... 1358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'? 1358:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty questions 1358:< grink> 21 questions 1358:< grink> 20 questions 1358:< andysniper> twenty questions 1359:< grink> must not let andy pass me 1359:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: grink (1092), andysniper (1009) 1359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: low Countries || The lowest country in the world is? 1359:< Grizzly_Storm> The Netherlands 1359:< grink> chile 1359:< Sucks_> grink you really moved up since yesterday! 1359:< grink> sucks_ yeah played all day 1359:< grink> been on conf calls 1359:< npinsker> The answer was The Netherlands! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1359:< Sucks_> haha good shit 1400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || "Growing strong" are the words of which House? 1400:< andysniper> gardener 1400:< npinsker> The answer was House Tyrell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who killed Macbeth? 1400:< Grizzly_Storm> Macduff 1401:< npinsker> The answer was Macduff! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1401:< andysniper> macduff 1401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League? (name them alphabetically) 1401:< Grizzly_Storm> Harvard, Princeton, Yale 1402:< npinsker> The answer was Harvard, Princeton, Yale! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause? 1402:< Grizzly_Storm> goitre 1402:< npinsker> The answer was goitre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What US state has the most tornadoes on average? 1403:< Grizzly_Storm> Texas 1403:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograhy || What is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo? 1403:< Grizzly_Storm> Kinshasa 1404:< cyclingwonder> Portland 1404:< npinsker> The answer was Kinshasa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1404:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1730), grink (1092), andysniper (100... 1404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star? 1404:< Grizzly_Storm> black hole 1405:< npinsker> The answer was black hole! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet? 1405:< Grizzly_Storm> Omega 1406:< npinsker> The answer was Omega! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Scouts || Who founded the Boy Scouts? 1406:< Grizzly_Storm> Lord Baden Powell 1406:< grink> mr. boy lover 1406:< npinsker> The answer was Lord Baden Powell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || Who is the CEO of Apple computers? 1407:< Grizzly_Storm> Steve Jobs 1407:< FeebleOldMan> steve jobs 1407:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Jobs! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1734) 1407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Alcohol || What do the letters VOSP on a brandy bottle stand for? 1407:< Grizzly_Storm> Very Special Old Pale 1408:< FeebleOldMan> very outstanding person 1408:< npinsker> The answer was Very Special Old Pale! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is activated for freckles to appear? 1408:< Grizzly_Storm> melanocytes 1408:< FeebleOldMan> melanocytes 1409:< npinsker> The answer was melanocytes! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1738) 1409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals called? 1409:< Grizzly_Storm> paleontology 1409:< FeebleOldMan> paleontology 1409:< npinsker> The answer was paleontology! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1742) 1410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Who founded the Salvation Army? 1410:< Grizzly_Storm> William Booth 1410:< FeebleOldMan> jesus christ 1410:< npinsker> The answer was William Booth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1410:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2455), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1742), grink (1092), andysniper (100... 1411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence? 1411:< Grizzly_Storm> hemlock 1411:< FeebleOldMan> hemlock 1411:< npinsker> The answer was hemlock! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1746) 1411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this disease. 1411:< Grizzly_Storm> scurvy 1412:< haley_joel_osteen> scurvy 1412:< npinsker> The answer was scurvy! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1750), haley_joel_osteen (25) 1412:< haley_joel_osteen> aids 1412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What do the initials U.F.O stand for? 1412:< Grizzly_Storm> Unidentified Flying Object 1412:< FeebleOldMan> unidentified flying object 1413:< npinsker> The answer was Unidentified Flying Object! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1754) 1413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle? 1413:< Grizzly_Storm> one hundred and eighty one 1413:< mharrizone> 181 1413:< rbasov> 181 1413:< FeebleOldMan> 181 1413:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and eighty one! Correct users: mharrizone (700), rbasov (2458), FeebleOldMan (1756) 1414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number for thalium? 1414:< Grizzly_Storm> eighty one 1414:< mharrizone> lol have you niggas been here since I left 7 hours ago?! 1414:< FeebleOldMan> 66 1414:< rbasov> I just woke up 1414:< FeebleOldMan> 77 1414:< npinsker> The answer was eighty one! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1414:< rbasov> Guys, we're gonna merge today :D 1414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || U.S. President, Chester Alan ________. 1414:< Grizzly_Storm> Arthur 1415:< FeebleOldMan> poe 1415:< mharrizone> arthur 1415:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur! Correct users: mharrizone (704) 1415:< rbasov> feeble get a question right...i need 2 point 1415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Nassau is the capital of which country? 1415:< Grizzly_Storm> Bahamas 1415:< FeebleOldMan> nassiland 1416:< npinsker> The answer was Bahamas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1416:< andysniper> bahamas 1416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is the name of the most famous of the rivers in the Underworld, the river of 'Hate' which dead souls must c... 1416:< andysniper> styx 1416:< FeebleOldMan> styx 1416:< rbasov> styx 1416:< npinsker> The answer was Styx! Correct users: andysniper (1013), FeebleOldMan (1759), rbasov (2460) 1417:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2460), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1759), grink (1092), andysniper (101... 1417:< mharrizone> bahamas 1417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Both available early on in Red and Blue, one evolves into a Butterfree while the other evolves into a Beedrill. 1417:< FeebleOldMan> caterpie and 1417:< FeebleOldMan> caterpie and weedle 1417:< rbasov> metapod and kakuna 1417:< npinsker> The answer was (Caterpie (and |& )?Weedle)|(Weedle (and |& )?Caterpie)! Correct users: K1ngN0thing (4), FeebleOldMan (1762) 1418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy and Physiology || These essential body cells do not contain nuclei. 1418:< Grizzly_Storm> red blood cells 1418:< FeebleOldMan> red blood cells 1418:< FeebleOldMan> erythrocytes 1418:< grink> stupid cells 1418:< rbasov> I'm calling bs...caterpie->metapod 1418:< FeebleOldMan> hematocytes 1418:< rbasov> metapod->butterfree 1418:< npinsker> The answer was red blood cells! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1766) 1418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 1418:< Grizzly_Storm> British officers 1419:< FeebleOldMan> 48 british officers 1419:< andysniper> naughty people 1419:< FeebleOldMan> 49 british officers 1419:< npinsker> The answer was British officers! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1770) 1419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport do you find 'coursing'? 1419:< Grizzly_Storm> greyhound racing 1419:< rbasov> greyhound racing 1419:< FeebleOldMan> cycling 1419:< andysniper> greyhound racing 1420:< FeebleOldMan> running 1420:< npinsker> The answer was greyhound racing! Correct users: rbasov (2464), andysniper (1016) 1420:< FeebleOldMan> rowing 1420:< grink> reddit has an official android app now 1420:< FeebleOldMan> US only 1420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Crosby, Stills and Nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song. 1420:< Grizzly_Storm> Sweet Judy Blue Eyes 1420:< grink> ah NSA hooks 1420:< rbasov> sweet judy blue eyes 1420:< FeebleOldMan> unless sideload 1420:< andysniper> brown eyed girl 1420:< grink> let's see how this compares to RIF 1420:< npinsker> The answer was Sweet Judy Blue Eyes! Correct users: rbasov (2468) 1421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the lead singer for Creedence Clearwater Revival, and recently released 'Blue Moon Swamp'? 1421:< Grizzly_Storm> John Fogerty 1421:< rbasov> john fogerty 1421:< FeebleOldMan> creed 1421:< un6952db> category history 1421:< npinsker> The answer was John Fogerty! Correct users: rbasov (2472) 1421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who played 'The Scorpion King' in the recent movie 'The Mummy Returns'? 1421:< Grizzly_Storm> Dwight Johnson 1421:< FeebleOldMan> the rock 1422:< FeebleOldMan> rock 1422:< FeebleOldMan> dwayne johnson 1422:< grink> ^ 1422:< FeebleOldMan> the rock dwayne johnson 1422:< rbasov> "recent" 1422:< npinsker> The answer was Dwayne Johnson! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1774) 1422:< TxDieselKid> The Rock 1422:< TxDieselKid> fml 1422:< grink> no fond size option wtf 1422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Clyde to Faye Dunaway's Bonnie? 1422:< Grizzly_Storm> Warren Beatty 1422:< rbasov> warren beatty 1422:< andysniper> warren beatty 1423:< npinsker> The answer was Warren Beatty! Correct users: rbasov (2476), andysniper (1019) 1423:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2476), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1774), grink (1092), andysniper (101... 1423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a group of whales called? 1423:< Grizzly_Storm> pod 1423:< rbasov> pod 1423:< FeebleOldMan> pod 1424:< npinsker> The answer was pod! Correct users: rbasov (2480), FeebleOldMan (1777) 1424:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who discovered X-rays? 1424:< Grizzly_Storm> Wilhelm Roentgen 1424:< grink> got my free 3 months of gold, back to RIF. mr xray 1424:< rbasov> wilhelm roentgen 1424:< npinsker> The answer was Wilhelm Roentgen! Correct users: rbasov (2484) 1425:< rbasov> free 3 months gold? 1425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fashion || On which item of clothing are the letters YKK often found? 1425:< Grizzly_Storm> zipper 1425:< grink> zipper 1425:< grink> you mom's pants 1425:< npinsker> The answer was zipper! Correct users: grink (1096) 1425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In the opera 'Don Giovanni', what was Leporello? 1425:< Grizzly_Storm> servant 1426:< rbasov> servant 1426:< grink> amadeus 1426:< grink> rock me 1426:< npinsker> The answer was servant! Correct users: rbasov (2488) 1426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || How many chambers does the human heart have? 1426:< Grizzly_Storm> four 1426:< rbasov> 4 1426:< paleck> 4 1426:< un6952db> 4 1426:< grink> 4 1427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || This science deals with the motion of projectiles. 1427:< Grizzly_Storm> ballistics 1427:< rbasov> ballistics 1427:< andysniper> ballistics 1427:< wolf2600> trajectory 1427:< npinsker> The answer was ballistics! Correct users: rbasov (2496), andysniper (1022) 1428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording? 1428:< Grizzly_Storm> Mary Had A Little Lamb 1428:< rbasov> mary had a little lamb 1428:< wolf2600> mary had a little lamb 1428:< rbasov> and done 1428:< npinsker> The answer was Mary Had A Little Lamb! Correct users: rbasov (2500), wolf2600 (3) 1428:< Khemikooligan> witness me! 1428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || In what country did a former English teacher named Jack Ma found an ecommerce juggernaut called Alibaba? 1429:< wolf2600> china 1429:< un6952db> china 1429:< alistairjh> china 1429:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: wolf2600 (7), un6952db (21), alistairjh (21) 1429:< un6952db> aliexpress and such right? 1429:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1777), grink (1097), andysniper (102... 1429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theology || Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death, according to Catholocism? 1429:< Grizzly_Storm> limbo 1430:< wolf2600> purgatory 1430:< alistairjh> limbo 1430:< npinsker> The answer was limbo! Correct users: alistairjh (25) 1430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which of these is not one of Rockstar Games' hits, but is actually a puzzle-platformer developed by Valve? 1430:< andysniper> ....uhhh 1431:< wolf2600> which of what? 1431:< andysniper> portal 1431:< un6952db> all of them and none of them 1431:< alistairjh> not a clue 1431:< npinsker> The answer was Portal! Correct users: andysniper (1026) 1431:< un6952db> what why 1431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || You probably didn't use this orange and gray gun in The Adventures of Bayou Billy, but you could have. 1431:< Wulfay> what? 1431:< un6952db> trivia bot is high 1431:< Wulfay> yeah he is 1431:< npinsker> The answer was NES Zapper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1432:< Wulfay> Oh, yeah just name the most obscure NES title ever 1432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as 'bridge' to brain? 1432:< Grizzly_Storm> pons 1432:< Wulfay> pons 1432:< Wulfay> 50% sure that's it, other 50% following the guy above me 1432:< npinsker> The answer was pons! Correct users: Wulfay (4) 1432:< Wulfay> wooooo 1432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the exploding shell? 1432:< Grizzly_Storm> Henry Shrapnel 1433:< Wulfay> lol, grizzly do you have a bot? you answer the same time the question is asked 1433:< Wulfay> and for that reason you arn't even getting credit for the answers.... lol gg 1433:< npinsker> The answer was Henry Shrapnel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal? 1433:< Grizzly_Storm> pig 1433:< Wulfay> pig 1433:< un6952db> swine 1434:< un6952db> just to spice it up 1434:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: Wulfay (8) 1434:< Wulfay> > design bot to answer trivia >bot answers too fast > never gets credit and just gives everyone else the answers 1434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || The surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a native of which country? 1434:< Grizzly_Storm> Spain 1434:< Wulfay> Spain 1434:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: Wulfay (12) 1435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of _________. 1435:< Grizzly_Storm> coal 1435:< Wulfay> coal 1435:< npinsker> The answer was coal! Correct users: Wulfay (16) 1435:< Wulfay> fossil fuels 1435:< Wulfay> oh good lol 1435:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1777), grink (1097), andysniper (102... 1436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the world? 1436:< Grizzly_Storm> Mount Everest 1436:< FeebleOldMan> mount everest 1436:< Wulfay> that's a hard one 1436:< paleck> Everest 1436:< andysniper> mauna loa 1436:< Wulfay> Mount Everest 1436:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Everest! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1781), paleck (8), Wulfay (18) 1436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers. 1436:< Grizzly_Storm> glasses 1437:< Wulfay> glasses 1437:< andysniper> glasses 1437:< npinsker> The answer was glasses! Correct users: Wulfay (22), andysniper (1029) 1437:< Wulfay> ima have to mute Grizzly if I want this to really be a challenge lol 1437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This organ is a small pouch that stores bile. 1437:< Grizzly_Storm> gall bladder 1437:< Wulfay> gall bladder 1438:< npinsker> The answer was gall bladder! Correct users: Wulfay (26) 1438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the smallest independent state in the world? 1438:< Grizzly_Storm> Vatican City 1438:< andysniper> vatican 1438:< Wulfay> Vatican City 1438:< npinsker> The answer was Vatican City! Correct users: andysniper (1033), Wulfay (29) 1439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Andaman Islands belong to which country? 1439:< Grizzly_Storm> india 1439:< npinsker> The answer was india! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ________. 1439:< Grizzly_Storm> polio 1440:< ixc7> polio 1440:< npinsker> The answer was polio! Correct users: ixc7 (150) 1440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What type of car is it that crashes into the tree when Ron and Harry drive it? 1441:< npinsker> The answer was Ford Anglia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who did Jocasta marry? 1441:< Grizzly_Storm> Oedipus 1441:< grink> 42zeus 1441:< npinsker> The answer was Oedipus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1442:< grink> it appears if you install the android app and ios app, you only get gold once 1442:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1097), andysniper (103... 1442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season. 1442:< Grizzly_Storm> Wayne Gretzky 1442:< grink> gretzky 1442:< andysniper> wayne gretzky 1442:< npinsker> The answer was Wayne Gretzky! Correct users: grink (1101), andysniper (1036) 1443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Ed Peterson invent? 1443:< Grizzly_Storm> Egg Mcmuffin 1443:< andysniper> the peterson machine 1443:< ixc7> whats that? 1443:< npinsker> The answer was Egg Mcmuffin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1443:< grink> official reddit apps 1443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many teats does a cow have? 1443:< Grizzly_Storm> four 1444:< ixc7> 4 1444:< grink> enough for loving 1444:< grink> 6 1444:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: ixc7 (154) 1444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which swimming stroke is named after an insect? 1444:< Grizzly_Storm> butterfly 1444:< grink> butterfly 1444:< grink> peniszipper 1445:< npinsker> The answer was butterfly! Correct users: grink (1105) 1445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest point in South America? 1445:< Grizzly_Storm> Aconcagua 1445:< grink> somewhere in chile 1445:< npinsker> The answer was Aconcagua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1446:< ixc7> good luck spelling that 1446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the score of a forfeited softball game? 1446:< Grizzly_Storm> 7-0 1446:< ixc7> 7-0 1446:< ixc7> these questions were here like 2 days ago, the same ones 1446:< npinsker> The answer was 7-0! Correct users: ixc7 (158) 1446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter? 1446:< Grizzly_Storm> Oslo 1447:< grink> yes they repeat. 1447:< ixc7> how the hell am i supposed to know this :D 1447:< grink> bad american 1447:< ixc7> damn it was easy lol 1447:< ixc7> im EU :D 1447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Alaska? 1447:< Grizzly_Storm> Juneau 1447:< grink> <-bad american 1447:< grink> juneau 1448:< ixc7> anchorage 1448:< npinsker> The answer was Juneau! Correct users: grink (1109) 1448:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1109), andysniper (103... 1448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all _______. 1448:< Grizzly_Storm> rodents 1448:< YouMeanVagina> rodents 1448:< ixc7> rodents 1448:< grink> assholes 1449:< npinsker> The answer was rodents! Correct users: YouMeanVagina (4), ixc7 (161) 1449:< ixc7> things you dont want in your house 1449:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || What was the Jaguar Car called before 1945? 1449:< Grizzly_Storm> SS 1449:< npinsker> The answer was SS! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1450:< ixc7> makes sense 1450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In what film did Whoopi Goldberg make her screen debut? 1450:< Grizzly_Storm> The Color Purple 1450:< grink> the color purple 1450:< grink> sister act 1450:< npinsker> The answer was The Color Purple! Correct users: grink (1113) 1451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What job was Sting before he was a rock star? 1451:< Grizzly_Storm> Teacher 1451:< grink> teacher 1451:< grink> shoeshiner 1451:< ixc7> how do you call a person who works in a resoraunt? :D 1451:< npinsker> The answer was Teacher! Correct users: grink (1117) 1451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: US Aeronautics || Where is the Kennedy Space Centre? 1451:< Grizzly_Storm> Cape Canaveral, Florida 1451:< ixc7> los angeles 1451:< grink> cape canaveral 1452:< grink> merritt island 1452:< grink> titusville 1452:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Canaveral, Florida! Correct users: grink (1121) 1452:< grink> i forget what answer it wants 1452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Russian modernist Igor --------- 1452:< Grizzly_Storm> Stravinsky 1452:< ixc7> stravinski 1452:< npinsker> The answer was Stravinsky! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1453:< ixc7> fuck 1453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What famous animal character called "Skull Island" home? 1453:< Grizzly_Storm> King Kong 1453:< grink> pig 1453:< ixc7> what movie is that from? 1453:< grink> i dont know 1453:< npinsker> The answer was King Kong! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1453:< grink> it was a guess 1453:< ixc7> well now we know :D 1454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end. 1454:< Grizzly_Storm> mandrill 1454:< grink> wants the specific monkey 1454:< ixc7> how do you call that monkey :D 1454:< grink> baboon 1454:< ixc7> baboon 1454:< npinsker> The answer was mandrill! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1454:< ixc7> hahah 1454:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1121), andysniper (103... 1455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who died three days after Elvis Presley? 1455:< Grizzly_Storm> Groucho Marx 1455:< grink> mr. derpfield 1455:< grink> kennedy 1455:< npinsker> The answer was Groucho Marx! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What gives leaves their colour ? 1455:< Grizzly_Storm> Chlorophyll 1455:< ixc7> i cant spell that 1455:< grink> chloroplasts 1456:< grink> i think 1456:< ixc7> chlorophyll 1456:< npinsker> The answer was Chlorophyll! Correct users: ixc7 (165) 1456:< grink> grrr 1456:< grink> we are both right 1456:< ixc7> thanks for reminding me :D 1456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus? 1456:< Grizzly_Storm> Bacchus 1456:< ixc7> mars 1456:< grink> isis 1456:< grink> orsaris 1457:< grink> mercury 1457:< npinsker> The answer was Bacchus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was Jason's wife? 1457:< Grizzly_Storm> Medea 1457:< ixc7> medae 1457:< grink> alcimede 1457:< npinsker> The answer was Medea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1457:< ixc7> i need to learn english :D 1458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crime || What country has the highest kidnapping rate? 1458:< Grizzly_Storm> Colombia 1458:< ixc7> mexico 1458:< grink> mexico 1458:< ixc7> russia 1458:< grink> africa 1458:< ixc7> india 1458:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1458:< grink> hmm, i wonder if that's still true 1458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) _________. 1458:< Grizzly_Storm> arsonist 1458:< grink> arsonist ' 1459:< grink> arsonist 1459:< grink> has oddly shaped feet 1459:< npinsker> The answer was arsonist! Correct users: grink (1125) 1459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital of Italy. 1459:< Grizzly_Storm> Rome 1459:< grink> rome 1459:< grink> bologna 1459:< ixc7> its says venezuela might be the top country to get kidnapped in 1459:< grink> milan 1459:< ixc7> Rome city 1500:< npinsker> The answer was Rome! Correct users: grink (1129) 1500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was born Sarah Jane Fulks? 1500:< Grizzly_Storm> Jane Wyman Reagan 1500:< grink> derpjane wyman 1500:< ixc7> what does this question mean 1500:< npinsker> The answer was Jane Wyman Reagan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1500:< grink> famous people change their names 1501:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1129), andysniper (103... 1501:< grink> or i guess in that case got married 1501:< ixc7> i see 1501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon? 1501:< Grizzly_Storm> seawater 1501:< grink> sea water 1501:< grink> seawater 1501:< ixc7> seawater 1501:< npinsker> The answer was seawater! Correct users: grink (1133), ixc7 (168) 1502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state has the most hospitals? 1502:< Grizzly_Storm> California 1502:< grink> california 1502:< ixc7> new york 1502:< ixc7> florida 1502:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: grink (1137) 1502:< Grizzly_Storm> File Transfer Protocol 1502:< ixc7> file transfer protocol 1502:< grink> file transfer protocol 1503:< npinsker> The answer was File Transfer Protocol! Correct users: ixc7 (172), grink (1140) 1503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who Said "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past"? 1503:< Grizzly_Storm> George Orwell 1503:< grink> that's deep 1503:< grink> piccard 1503:< ixc7> yeah sounds like something from a book 1504:< npinsker> The answer was George Orwell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1504:< grink> i need to finish 1984 1504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entomology || What is the world's largest insect? 1504:< Grizzly_Storm> Goliath beetle 1504:< grink> beetle 1504:< ixc7> how is that beetle from new zeland called 1504:< npinsker> The answer was Goliath beetle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1504:< grink> guess that one 1505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || Indifference to pleasure of pain; Grrek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno? 1505:< Grizzly_Storm> Stoicism 1505:< ixc7> yeah 1505:< grink> zenoism 1505:< ixc7> zenoism 1505:< npinsker> The answer was Stoicism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1505:< grink> lulz 1505:< ixc7> but no the one from new zeland is called weta beetle 1505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which singer is a former school teacher? 1505:< Grizzly_Storm> Sheryl Crow 1505:< ixc7> sting 1505:< grink> sting 1506:< ixc7> :D 1506:< grink> it might want somoene else tho 1506:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sheryl crow 1506:< grink> yeah her 1506:< npinsker> The answer was Sheryl Crow! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (849) 1506:< grink> with the assist 1506:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Peritonitis, affects the ________. 1506:< Grizzly_Storm> abdomen 1506:< grink> teeth 1506:< GetXyzzyWithIt> teeth 1506:< grink> jaw 1506:< ixc7> blood 1506:< grink> gums 1506:< ixc7> hearth 1507:< ixc7> heart 1507:< npinsker> The answer was abdomen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1507:< GetXyzzyWithIt> abdomen 1507:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1140), andysniper (103... 1507:< grink> hmm guess it's similar sounding to periodontal 1507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second largest of the United States? 1507:< Grizzly_Storm> Texas 1507:< GetXyzzyWithIt> texas 1507:< grink> texas 1507:< ixc7> what is the largest? 1507:< GetXyzzyWithIt> alaska 1507:< grink> alaska 1508:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (853), grink (1143) 1508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This African animal kills the most people. 1508:< Grizzly_Storm> crocodile 1508:< grink> alaska is like 1/2 of the continental USA in size. cheetah 1508:< ixc7> hippo 1508:< GetXyzzyWithIt> crocodile 1508:< GetXyzzyWithIt> alligator 1508:< ixc7> hippopotamus 1508:< npinsker> The answer was crocodile! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (857) 1508:< ixc7> i was sure it was hippo 1509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country occupies the 'horn' of Africa? 1509:< Grizzly_Storm> Somalia 1509:< grink> somalia 1509:< GetXyzzyWithIt> south africa 1509:< ixc7> south africa 1509:< npinsker> The answer was Somalia! Correct users: grink (1147) 1509:< ixc7> ah that side :D 1509:< grink> oh shit 1509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many flats are in the key of B flat major? 1509:< Grizzly_Storm> two 1509:< ixc7> 12 1509:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 5 1509:< grink> 4 flat tires 1510:< ixc7> 2 1510:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 2 1510:< grink> 5555555555555555555555 1510:< ixc7> 4 1510:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: ixc7 (176), GetXyzzyWithIt (860) 1510:< ixc7> yeey :D 1510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the slowest moving land mammal. 1510:< Grizzly_Storm> sloth 1510:< ixc7> sloth 1510:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rosie O'Donnell 1510:< grink> trump 1510:< grink> it is slothg 1511:< npinsker> The answer was sloth! Correct users: ixc7 (180) 1511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Electronics || What does LED stand for? 1511:< Grizzly_Storm> Light Emitting Diode 1511:< grink> i intentionally'd that. light emitting diode 1511:< ixc7> light emitting diode 1511:< npinsker> The answer was Light Emitting Diode! Correct users: grink (1151), ixc7 (183) 1512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || The latin word for lips is: 1512:< Grizzly_Storm> labia 1512:< ixc7> lipae 1512:< grink> bouch 1512:< npinsker> The answer was labia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1512:< ixc7> libium 1512:< grink> oh really 1512:< ixc7> lmao 1512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What is another name for the card game 'Twenty-one'? 1512:< Grizzly_Storm> Blackjack 1512:< grink> guess we learned that and giggled. black jack 1513:< grink> blackjack 1513:< npinsker> The answer was Blackjack! Correct users: grink (1155) 1513:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1155), andysniper (103... 1513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who is the owner of Lon Lon Ranch in the "Legend of Zelda" games? 1514:< ixc7> link 1514:< grink> malon 1514:< npinsker> The answer was Talon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || "The Diary of Anne Frank" was first published in English under what title? 1514:< Grizzly_Storm> The Diary of a Young Girl 1514:< grink> anne frank's diary 1515:< npinsker> The answer was The Diary of a Young Girl! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate? 1515:< Grizzly_Storm> Gerald Ford 1515:< grink> french fries 1515:< ixc7> JFK 1515:< ixc7> hiter 1515:< npinsker> The answer was Gerald Ford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1515:< ixc7> not even close 1516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Saruman explains in "The Fellowship of the Ring" that Orcs were once what? 1516:< grink> humans 1516:< grink> wizards 1516:< ixc7> immortal 1516:< grink> where are the nerds at 1516:< npinsker> The answer was Elves! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1516:< ixc7> then elves must have been immortal : 1516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Collective Names || What is a group of geese called? 1516:< Grizzly_Storm> gaggle 1516:< grink> gaggle 1517:< ixc7> really :D 1517:< npinsker> The answer was gaggle! Correct users: grink (1159) 1517:< grink> english is my first language and I still don't understand half this shit 1517:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a male swine called? 1517:< Grizzly_Storm> boar 1517:< grink> bore 1517:< ixc7> boar 1517:< grink> boar 1518:< npinsker> The answer was boar! Correct users: ixc7 (187), grink (1162) 1518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In 1985, Shigeru Miyamoto produced "The Legend of Zelda". What was the other title produced that year? 1518:< grink> super mario 3 1518:< ixc7> this one is like hard 1518:< ixc7> super mario bros 1518:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros.! Correct users: ixc7 (191) 1518:< ixc7> shieeet 1518:< grink> oh wait yeah three was way later 1519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || This Romantic poet and wife of Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident? 1519:< Grizzly_Storm> Percy Bysshe Shelley 1519:< grink> Robery Shelley 1519:< grink> Robert Shelley 1519:< ixc7> i have 0 clue about that 1519:< npinsker> The answer was Percy Bysshe Shelley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1519:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1162), andysniper (103... 1520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || In "Prisoner of Azkaban", Harry uses a secret passage that leads from Hogwarts to which shop in Hogsmeade? 1520:< ixc7> lmao 1520:< grink> whore house 1520:< monoglot> candy store 1520:< npinsker> The answer was Honeydukes Sweetshop! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history. 1520:< Grizzly_Storm> Louisiana Purchase 1520:< monoglot> Louisiana Purchase 1521:< ixc7> alaska purchase 1521:< grink> canada annexation 1521:< npinsker> The answer was Louisiana Purchase! Correct users: monoglot (163) 1521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Paul Mccartney played these instruments? 1521:< Grizzly_Storm> bass guitar and piano 1521:< ixc7> was it bought from the french? 1521:< grink> guitar and piano 1521:< grink> yes i believe 1522:< ixc7> i think it was a french colony 1522:< npinsker> The answer was bass guitar and piano! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1522:< ixc7> troll bot 1522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What's the name of B.B. King's guitar? 1522:< Grizzly_Storm> Lucille 1522:< ixc7> lucie 1522:< grink> would explain new orleans 1522:< npinsker> The answer was Lucille! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women's Singles champ? 1523:< Grizzly_Storm> Martina Navratilova 1523:< npinsker> The answer was Martina Navratilova! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What kind of teeth did George Washington have? 1523:< Grizzly_Storm> wooden 1523:< grink> wooden 1524:< grink> wood 1524:< andysniper> hippo 1524:< ixc7> teeth of steel 1524:< npinsker> The answer was wooden! Correct users: grink (1166) 1524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Alley Oop's girl friend. 1524:< Grizzly_Storm> Oola 1524:< grink> balls of steel. Betty 1525:< npinsker> The answer was Oola! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The study of the size, composition and distribution of the human population. 1525:< Grizzly_Storm> demography 1525:< cyclingwonder> Portlandology 1525:< ixc7> demology 1525:< grink> hipsterology 1525:< q00u> demographics 1525:< ixc7> demographics 1525:< npinsker> The answer was demography! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1525:< q00u> lol 1525:< grink> pwned 1525:< ixc7> god damn it 1525:< cyclingwonder> ROBBED 1526:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1166), andysniper (103... 1526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body? 1526:< Grizzly_Storm> twelve 1526:< grink> 8 1526:< ixc7> 10 1526:< cyclingwonder> Portland# 1526:< grink> 7 1526:< grink> 9000 ml 1526:< ixc7> omg whats a pint 1526:< cyclingwonder> WHAT? 9000?! 1526:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1526:< ixc7> 22 1526:< grink> 16 US oz 1527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || "Zymurgy" and "zymology" are names for what science, beloved of beer-drinkers everywhere? 1527:< cyclingwonder> Portlandscience 1527:< ixc7> winemaking 1527:< grink> yeast 1527:< npinsker> The answer was Fermentation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1527:< grink> fermentarton 1527:< grink> blarg i suck spell 1527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Which science studies weather? 1527:< Grizzly_Storm> meteorology 1527:< cyclingwonder> rofl fermentarton 1528:< grink> meteorology 1528:< cyclingwonder> Portlandience 1528:< q00u> meteorology 1528:< ixc7> meteorology 1528:< grink> the process of becoming a tart, fermntarton 1528:< npinsker> The answer was meteorology! Correct users: grink (1170), andysniper (1039), q00u (289), ixc7 (192) 1528:< cyclingwonder> lol lol 1528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Langauge || Many Meanings: Fuel, vapor, flattulence, helium. What is it? 1528:< Grizzly_Storm> gas 1528:< grink> gas 1528:< q00u> gas 1528:< cyclingwonder> Portlass 1529:< npinsker> The answer was gas! Correct users: grink (1174), q00u (292) 1529:< ixc7> vapor 1529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || This weapon lends its name to a type of woman's shoe with a slender, tapered high-heel. 1529:< Grizzly_Storm> Stiletto 1529:< andysniper> stiletto 1529:< cyclingwonder> Portletto 1529:< Empyrealist> stiletto 1529:< grink> broken balls 1529:< Empyrealist> stilletto 1529:< npinsker> The answer was Stiletto! Correct users: andysniper (1043), Empyrealist (123) 1529:< cyclingwonder> Ouch 1530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Alba is the Celtic name for what country? 1530:< Grizzly_Storm> Scotland 1530:< ixc7> scotland 1530:< q00u> ireland 1530:< grink> jessica 1530:< Empyrealist> ireland 1530:< ixc7> ireland 1530:< q00u> scotland 1530:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: ixc7 (196), q00u (295) 1530:< Empyrealist> arr 1530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What were the dolls in the novel 'Valley Of The Dolls'? 1530:< Grizzly_Storm> pills 1530:< q00u> pills 1530:< ixc7> humans 1530:< Empyrealist> robots 1531:< cyclingwonder> Portlands 1531:< grink> hipsters 1531:< ixc7> pills 1531:< grink> dildos 1531:< npinsker> The answer was pills! Correct users: q00u (299), ixc7 (199) 1531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Who is Robert Zimmermann? 1531:< Grizzly_Storm> Bob Dylan 1531:< grink> director 1531:< ixc7> commentator 1531:< grink> no no fuck. composer 1531:< cyclingwonder> Portland's Mayor, Robert Zimmerman 1531:< ixc7> composer 1532:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Dylan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1532:< grink> well 1532:< ixc7> lmao 1532:< grink> not entirely wrong 1532:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1174), andysniper (104... 1532:< cyclingwonder> just ABSOLUTELY WRONG 1532:< grink> yup 1532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year? 1532:< Grizzly_Storm> Texas 1532:< andysniper> texas 1532:< cyclingwonder> Portland State 1532:< q00u> texas 1532:< ixc7> texas 1532:< Empyrealist> texas 1533:< ixc7> colorado 1533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || How many nickles are there in 2.25? 1533:< Grizzly_Storm> forty five 1533:< ixc7> 9 1533:< bbrazil> 45 1533:< cyclingwonder> Portlandickles 1533:< ixc7> 45 1533:< q00u> 45 1533:< Empyrealist> 45 1533:< npinsker> The answer was forty five! Correct users: bbrazil (59), ixc7 (204), q00u (304) 1534:< cyclingwonder> ROBBED! 1534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What is the range, in miles, of an Aim-7 Sparrow? 1534:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty eight 1534:< cyclingwonder> Portland to Portland range 1534:< Empyrealist> 50 1534:< q00u> African or European? 1534:< ixc7> what is an aim7 sparrow :D 1534:< npinsker> The answer was twenty eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1534:< Empyrealist> air ti air missle 1534:< cyclingwonder> ixc7 - this ain't no Jeopardy! 1534:< Empyrealist> to* 1534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'? 1534:< Grizzly_Storm> The Andrews Sisters 1535:< monoglot> Andrews Sisters 1535:< cyclingwonder> The Portland Brothers feat: Portland Ports 1535:< q00u> Bob Dylan 1535:< monoglot> The Andrews Sisters 1535:< ixc7> Robert Zimmerman 1535:< npinsker> The answer was The Andrews Sisters! Correct users: monoglot (167) 1535:< grink> fucking shit, i locked my domain account out 1535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the title role in the 'Mad Max' series of films? 1535:< Grizzly_Storm> Mel Gibson 1535:< cyclingwonder> Portland 1535:< q00u> mel gibson 1535:< ixc7> tom hardy 1535:< grink> face man 1536:< ixc7> mel gibson 1536:< npinsker> The answer was Mel Gibson! Correct users: q00u (308), ixc7 (207) 1536:< grink> hack a gibson 1536:< cyclingwonder> ooh sick burn 1536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of "Cluedo". 1536:< Grizzly_Storm> rope 1536:< grink> penis 1536:< q00u> rope 1536:< ixc7> rope 1536:< cyclingwonder> Portlandope 1536:< Empyrealist> rope 1536:< grink> Cluedo? clue? 1536:< ixc7> yes 1536:< npinsker> The answer was rope! Correct users: q00u (312), ixc7 (210), Empyrealist (126) 1536:< q00u> Clue is called Cluedo outside of North America 1536:< grink> til 1537:< cyclingwonder> huh, TIL 1537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is a 'Thunderbird'? 1537:< Empyrealist> racist 1537:< Grizzly_Storm> Ford 1537:< q00u> dodge 1537:< Empyrealist> potiac 1537:< grink> doge 1537:< Empyrealist> pontiac 1537:< q00u> pontiac 1537:< cyclingwonder> Portliac 1537:< ixc7> pontiac 1537:< q00u> chrysler 1537:< npinsker> The answer was Ford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1537:< Empyrealist> lol 1537:< ixc7> baited 1537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || In what city does Fat Albert live? 1537:< Grizzly_Storm> Philadelphia 1537:< cyclingwonder> well played 1537:< Empyrealist> detroit 1538:< cyclingwonder> Portland! Portland, Portland! 1538:< grink> chicago 1538:< q00u> flint michigan 1538:< grink> ^^ lol 1538:< npinsker> The answer was Philadelphia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1538:< grink> wrong fat guy 1538:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1174), andysniper (104... 1538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What three letter word means the same as "to ingest"? 1538:< Grizzly_Storm> eat 1538:< grink> eat 1539:< wolf2600> eat 1539:< ixc7> eat 1539:< grink> cockgobble 1539:< wolf2600> nom 1539:< mootinator> head 1539:< npinsker> The answer was eat! Correct users: grink (1178), wolf2600 (10), ixc7 (212) 1539:< q00u> sup 1539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What animal's meat can a Muslim not eat? 1539:< Grizzly_Storm> pig 1539:< grink> pig 1539:< wolf2600> pig 1539:< ixc7> cow 1539:< q00u> swine 1539:< Empyrealist> pig 1539:< q00u> pig 1539:< ixc7> pig 1539:< wolf2600> human 1539:< grink> but i've seen muslims eat bacon 1540:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: grink (1182), wolf2600 (13), Empyrealist (128), q00u (313), ixc7 (212) 1540:< q00u> They broke vegan law. 1540:< Empyrealist> then they arent "real" muslims 1540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What number is at 12 o'clock on a dartboard? 1540:< Grizzly_Storm> twenty 1540:< q00u> Once they were vegone, but now they will begone 1540:< grink> 4 1540:< wolf2600> 30 1540:< grink> 2 1540:< ixc7> 20 1540:< grink> 18 1540:< ixc7> 12 1540:< wolf2600> 20 1540:< q00u> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1540:< npinsker> The answer was 20! Correct users: ixc7 (216), wolf2600 (16), q00u (315) 1541:< wolf2600> thank you google images 1541:< ixc7> q00u lol 1541:< q00u> LOL hax 1541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which country won the World Cup of Soccer in 1982. 1541:< Grizzly_Storm> Italy 1541:< grink> it only takes the last regexp "word" 1541:< ixc7> venezuela 1541:< wolf2600> brazil 1541:< grink> italy 1541:< ixc7> italy 1541:< q00u> Oh, in that case I got very very lucky. 1541:< Empyrealist> brazil 1541:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: grink (1186), ixc7 (219) 1541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses? 1541:< Grizzly_Storm> Romeo and Juliet 1542:< wolf2600> romeo and juliet 1542:< grink> garbage.type.answer.here.->romeo and juliet 1542:< q00u> romeo and juliet 1542:< Empyrealist> romeo and juliet 1542:< ixc7> romeo and juliet 1542:< npinsker> The answer was Romeo and Juliet! Correct users: wolf2600 (20), grink (1189), q00u (317), Empyrealist (129), ixc7 (219) 1542:< q00u> Grink, prooved. 1542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || Where does Nessie live? 1542:< Grizzly_Storm> Loch Ness 1542:< wolf2600> loch ness 1542:< grink> ive been f'ing with this bot for days loch ness 1542:< q00u> scotland 1542:< ixc7> scotland 1542:< q00u> loch ness 1542:< ixc7> loch ness, scotland 1543:< npinsker> The answer was Loch Ness! Correct users: wolf2600 (24), grink (1192), q00u (319) 1543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As easy as ________. 1543:< Grizzly_Storm> pie 1543:< wolf2600> pie 1543:< grink> saldkfjlaksjfpie 1543:< ixc7> pie 1543:< q00u> pie 1543:< wolf2600> your mom 1543:< q00u> lol 1543:< npinsker> The answer was pie! Correct users: wolf2600 (28), grink (1195), ixc7 (221), q00u (320) 1544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The St. Louis __________. 1544:< Grizzly_Storm> Blues 1544:< ixc7> blues 1544:< wolf2600> Blues 1544:< q00u> rams 1544:< q00u> spires 1544:< ixc7> reds 1544:< ixc7> bulls 1544:< q00u> cardinals 1544:< Empyrealist> ugh 1544:< grink> cardinals 1544:< npinsker> The answer was Blues! Correct users: ixc7 (225), wolf2600 (31) 1544:< ixc7> yes! 1544:< grink> red things 1544:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1195), andysniper (104... 1545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The longest river in Western Europe is _________? 1545:< Grizzly_Storm> Rhine 1545:< grink> \n\r danube 1545:< wolf2600> rhine 1545:< grink> thames 1545:< Empyrealist> danube 1545:< q00u> Europa has no rivers. 1545:< ixc7> danube 1545:< npinsker> The answer was Rhine! Correct users: wolf2600 (35) 1545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This organization was founded by William Booth. 1545:< Grizzly_Storm> Salvation Army 1546:< wolf2600> Illuminati 1546:< grink> hipsters 1546:< npinsker> The answer was Salvation Army! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1546:< q00u> secret service 1546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many days in Rayman imprisoned for in the Story Mode of "Rayman Raving Rabbids"? 1546:< ixc7> 12 1546:< Empyrealist> 69 1546:< grink> i have that game, it fucking sucks 1547:< ixc7> 7 1547:< wolf2600> 42 1547:< q00u> This is like the 12th time I've seen this question 1547:< npinsker> The answer was 15! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1547:< grink> i want refund from 2007 1547:< q00u> and can never remember the answer 1547:< ixc7> 2 1547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Complete the quote: "This night, the land will be stained with the blood of ____" 1547:< ixc7> orcs 1547:< grink> orcs 1547:< wolf2600> Virgins 1547:< Empyrealist> orcs 1547:< grink> ^^^ lol wolf2600 1547:< ixc7> elves 1548:< npinsker> The answer was Rohan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1548:< ixc7> wut :D 1548:< Empyrealist> men 1548:< grink> didnt know rohan had blood 1548:< Empyrealist> you have to squeeze really hard 1548:< npinsker> The answer was plane crashes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1548:< grink> answer was no fucking queston 1548:< ixc7> hahahahah where is the question 1548:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || To what disability can keratitis lead? 1548:< Grizzly_Storm> blindness 1549:< Empyrealist> guessing it got ratelimited? 1549:< grink> blindness 1549:< ixc7> blidness 1549:< ixc7> blindness 1549:< OneiricNeuron> baldness 1549:< Empyrealist> blindness 1549:< npinsker> The answer was blindness! Correct users: grink (1199), ixc7 (228) 1549:< Empyrealist> god damn ratelimit 1549:< grink> party like it's 11999 1549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Erin Brokovich"? 1549:< Grizzly_Storm> Julia Roberts 1549:< grink> damnit wtf is her name 1549:< OneiricNeuron> June roberts 1549:< Empyrealist> big teeth 1550:< grink> julia roberts 1550:< q00u> julia roberts 1550:< Empyrealist> julia roberts 1550:< anticrash> Julia Roberts 1550:< npinsker> The answer was Julia Roberts! Correct users: grink (1203), q00u (323), Empyrealist (131), anticrash (1) 1550:< q00u> lol thx Oneiric 1550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for radium? 1550:< Grizzly_Storm> Ra 1550:< grink> Ra 1550:< ixc7> Rd 1550:< grink> Rd 1550:< OneiricNeuron> ;) 1550:< ixc7> Ra 1550:< grink> Ri 1550:< q00u> ra rd 1550:< Empyrealist> ra rd 1550:< ixc7> ^ lol 1550:< npinsker> The answer was Ra! Correct users: grink (1207), ixc7 (231) 1551:< ixc7> maybe put a dot, like ra. rd 1551:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1207), andysniper (104... 1551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the movie "Blade Runner"? 1551:< Grizzly_Storm> Ridley Scott 1551:< grink> bruce jenner 1551:< Empyrealist> Ridley scott 1551:< ixc7> ridley scott 1551:< ixc7> i almost typed bruce jenner for answer 1551:< q00u> riply scott 1551:< npinsker> The answer was Ridley Scott! Correct users: Empyrealist (135), ixc7 (234) 1551:< anticrash> Ridley Scott 1552:< grink> stifler 1552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who said all things were made up of air, earth, fire, and water? 1552:< Grizzly_Storm> Aristotle 1552:< ixc7> democatse 1552:< q00u> aristotle 1552:< grink> bill bye 1552:< Empyrealist> bill nye 1552:< q00u> Avatar, the last airbender. 1552:< ixc7> democrates 1552:< andysniper> someone wrong 1552:< npinsker> The answer was Aristotle! Correct users: q00u (327) 1552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean? 1552:< Grizzly_Storm> Bouvet Island 1553:< grink> ummmm 1553:< grink> bermuda 1553:< andysniper> st helena 1553:< grink> !right 1553:< npinsker> The answer was Bouvet Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who created Winnie the Pooh? 1553:< Grizzly_Storm> A. A. Milne 1553:< ixc7> milne 1553:< albogaster> andysniper 1554:< JClocale> A. A. Milne 1554:< ixc7> bouvet is a norwegian colony in a middle of nowhere 1554:< npinsker> The answer was A. A. Milne! Correct users: ixc7 (238), JClocale (6) 1554:< grink> dick_sanitizer did 1554:< andysniper> oh snap albogaster 1554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Henry VIII's second wife? 1554:< Grizzly_Storm> Anne Boleyn 1554:< andysniper> anne of cleeves 1554:< ixc7> did you actually know that 1554:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1555:< ixc7> answer = nope :D 1555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the city of Brotherly Love? 1555:< Grizzly_Storm> Philadelphia 1555:< JClocale> Philadelphia 1555:< ixc7> philadelphia 1555:< Empyrealist> flip flip 1555:< npinsker> The answer was Philadelphia! Correct users: JClocale (10), ixc7 (241) 1555:< grink> battery throwers 1555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What kind of dog is Scooby Doo? 1555:< Grizzly_Storm> great dane 1555:< grink> doge 1556:< ixc7> shepard 1556:< andysniper> great dane 1556:< grink> woof woof dog 1556:< JClocale> Great Dane 1556:< ixc7> great dane 1556:< grink> shaggy 1556:< npinsker> The answer was great dane! Correct users: andysniper (1051), JClocale (13), ixc7 (243) 1556:< q00u> hamlet 1556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The characters in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles searched for crystals to rescue them from this poisonous gas. 1556:< grink> sir fartsalot 1556:< 3xist3nc3> le gems 1557:< npinsker> The answer was Miasma! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1557:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2442), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1207), andysniper (105... 1557:< ixc7> is 2500 max score? 1557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As pleased as _________. 1557:< Grizzly_Storm> punch 1557:< q00u> punch 1557:< 3xist3nc3> no 1557:< grink> not sure, wet dick 1558:< ixc7> punch 1558:< JClocale> candy 1558:< 3xist3nc3> a kick 1558:< npinsker> The answer was punch! Correct users: q00u (331), ixc7 (246) 1558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Tequila is derived from which plant? 1558:< ixc7> agave 1558:< q00u> cactus 1558:< andysniper> agave 1558:< ixc7> cactus 1558:< Empyrealist> agave 1558:< npinsker> The answer was Agave! Correct users: ixc7 (250), andysniper (1054), Empyrealist (137) 1559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the only other animal besides humans to have unique prints? 1559:< Grizzly_Storm> Koala Bears 1559:< ixc7> monkeys 1559:< ixc7> monkey 1559:< andysniper> koala 1559:< npinsker> The answer was Koala Bears! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1559:< andysniper> ehem 1559:< ixc7> troller by bot 1559:< andysniper> theyre not fucking bears mate 1559:< 3xist3nc3> stolen! 1559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall? 1559:< Grizzly_Storm> Hawaii 1600:< 3xist3nc3> hawaii 1600:< ixc7> hawaii 1600:< andysniper> washington 1600:< q00u> texas 1600:< ixc7> alaska ! 1600:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2446), ixc7 (253) 1600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Homonyms || Scram!/foot apparel (answer in form of word1/word2) 1600:< Grizzly_Storm> Shoo/Shoe 1601:< npinsker> The answer was Shoo/Shoe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the biological name for the shin bone? 1601:< Grizzly_Storm> tibia 1601:< andysniper> tibia 1601:< q00u> tibia 1601:< andysniper> fibia 1601:< TxDieselKid> tibia 1601:< andysniper> libya 1601:< ixc7> tibia 1601:< npinsker> The answer was tibia! Correct users: andysniper (1058), q00u (334), TxDieselKid (155), ixc7 (254) 1602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Monuments || Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour? 1602:< Grizzly_Storm> Virgin Mary 1602:< Sucks_> virgin mary 1602:< andysniper> hilary clinton 1602:< ixc7> queen elizabeth 1602:< npinsker> The answer was Virgin Mary! Correct users: Sucks_ (193) 1602:< 3xist3nc3> porn star 1602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae? 1602:< Grizzly_Storm> cervical 1603:< Sucks_> cervical 1603:< ixc7> cervix 1603:< ixc7> cervical 1603:< npinsker> The answer was cervical! Correct users: Sucks_ (197), ixc7 (257) 1603:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2446), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1781), grink (1207), andysniper (105... 1603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Slated to be released for the CD-i, this sequel to Super Mario World was canceled due to limitations of the ha... 1604:< FeebleOldMan> super mario galaxy 1604:< 3xist3nc3> super mario's wacky worlds 1604:< andysniper> super mario world 2 1604:< ixc7> super mario adventures 1604:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario's Wacky Worlds! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2450) 1604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______. 1604:< Grizzly_Storm> geyser 1604:< FeebleOldMan> geyser 1604:< ixc7> geyser 1604:< q00u> old faithful 1605:< 3xist3nc3> gay sir 1605:< npinsker> The answer was geyser! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1785), ixc7 (260) 1605:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Which nation calls its parliament 'The Knesset'? 1605:< Grizzly_Storm> Israel 1605:< ixc7> israel 1605:< 3xist3nc3> da joos 1605:< npinsker> The answer was Israel! Correct users: ixc7 (264) 1606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || King Richard the ________________? 1606:< Grizzly_Storm> Lionhearted 1606:< FeebleOldMan> third 1606:< ixc7> third 1606:< Sucks_> king 1606:< andysniper> lionheart 1606:< 3xist3nc3> lionheartg 1606:< ixc7> first 1606:< ixc7> second 1606:< npinsker> The answer was Lionhearted! Correct users: andysniper (1062) 1606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Keanu Reeves' first big film? 1606:< Grizzly_Storm> Point Break 1607:< Sucks_> bill and ted 1607:< andysniper> bill and teds excellent adventure 1607:< ixc7> bill and ted's excellent adventure 1607:< npinsker> The answer was Point Break! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chat || What does the chort for of ctc stand for? 1607:< Grizzly_Storm> Care to Chat 1607:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 1608:< andysniper> is that a real sentence? 1608:< FeebleOldMan> chort to chort 1608:< ixc7> counter-terrorist 1608:< npinsker> The answer was Care to Chat! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1608:< Sucks_> cumming tranny chodes 1608:< 3xist3nc3> cock to cock 1608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sings 'Sweet Home Alabama'? 1608:< Grizzly_Storm> Lynyrd Skynyrd 1608:< Sucks_> Lynyrd Skynyrd 1608:< 3xist3nc3> lynyrd skynyrd 1608:< q00u> lynyrd skynyrd 1608:< q00u> spelling is hyrd 1608:< npinsker> The answer was Lynyrd Skynyrd! Correct users: Sucks_ (201), 3xist3nc3 (2453), q00u (336) 1608:< 3xist3nc3> spyllyng ys hyrd* 1609:< q00u> See? I can't get it right! 1609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || How many freckles did Howdy Doody have? 1609:< Grizzly_Storm> forty eight 1609:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1609:< q00u> 12 1609:< FeebleOldMan> 6 1609:< q00u> 14 1609:< q00u> 18 1609:< FeebleOldMan> 8 1609:< 3xist3nc3> 42 1609:< npinsker> The answer was forty eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1609:< FeebleOldMan> 16 1609:< q00u> WHO WOULD KNOW THIS?! 1609:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2453), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1785), grink (1207), andysniper (106... 1610:< Sucks_> 69 1610:< Sucks_> oh 1610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: British History || What was Margaret Thatcher's nickname? 1610:< Grizzly_Storm> Iron Lady 1610:< A3L92> iron lady 1610:< Sucks_> iron lady 1610:< q00u> Iron Maiden 1610:< occamsdagger> Iron Man 1610:< npinsker> The answer was Iron Lady! Correct users: A3L92 (49), Sucks_ (204) 1610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || What is the sum of all the angles in a square? (in degrees) 1610:< Grizzly_Storm> three hundred and sixty 1611:< FeebleOldMan> 360 1611:< Sucks_> 360 1611:< A3L92> 360 1611:< q00u> 360 1611:< 3xist3nc3> 359 + 1 1611:< npinsker> The answer was three hundred and sixty! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1789), Sucks_ (207), A3L92 (51), q00u (337) 1611:< q00u> The Sum of All Angles was my favorite Tom Clancy mathbook. 1611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "To be or not to be?" 1611:< Grizzly_Storm> Hamlet 1611:< 3xist3nc3> hamlet 1611:< A3L92> hamlet 1611:< Sucks_> hamlet 1611:< FeebleOldMan> hamlet 1611:< q00u> Hamlet 1612:< npinsker> The answer was Hamlet! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2457), A3L92 (54), Sucks_ (209), FeebleOldMan (1790), q00u (337) 1612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of the earth's physical divisions termed? 1612:< Grizzly_Storm> Geography 1612:< FeebleOldMan> cartology 1612:< A3L92> geography 1612:< andysniper> geography 1612:< FeebleOldMan> geology 1612:< FeebleOldMan> geography 1612:< npinsker> The answer was Geography! Correct users: A3L92 (58), andysniper (1065), FeebleOldMan (1792) 1613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What animals are on the Australian coat of arms? 1613:< Grizzly_Storm> emu and kangaroo 1613:< FeebleOldMan> kangaroo 1613:< FeebleOldMan> kangaroo and koala bear 1613:< FeebleOldMan> wallaby and platypus 1613:< npinsker> The answer was emu and kangaroo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king? 1613:< Grizzly_Storm> Henry VIII 1614:< andysniper> henry viii 1614:< FeebleOldMan> richard iii 1614:< 3xist3nc3> Henry VIII 1614:< 3xist3nc3> expect the bot to not accept our answers 1614:< A3L92> henry VIII 1614:< ixc7> henry 8th 1614:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: andysniper (1069), 3xist3nc3 (2460), A3L92 (60), ixc7 (265) 1614:< 3xist3nc3> ...huh 1614:< ixc7> woah it accepted! 1615:< npinsker> The answer was The Beatles! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1615:< ixc7> ayy lmao 1615:< q00u> wat 1615:< andysniper> uhh 1615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who presided over the trial of Jesus? 1615:< Grizzly_Storm> Pontius Pilate 1615:< 3xist3nc3> ayy lmayyo lmayyo lmayyo lmao 1615:< FeebleOldMan> romans 1615:< Sucks_> pontius pilot 1615:< A3L92> pontius pilatus 1615:< q00u> pilot pen 1615:< FeebleOldMan> pontius pilate 1615:< Sucks_> pilate 1615:< ixc7> pilatus pentus 1615:< 3xist3nc3> ilerminaty 1615:< Sucks_> fuck 1615:< npinsker> The answer was Pontius Pilate! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1796) 1616:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2460), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1796), grink (1207), andysniper (106... 1616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the symbol for iron in chemistry? 1616:< Grizzly_Storm> Fe 1616:< FeebleOldMan> Fe 1616:< A3L92> fe 1616:< Sucks_> fe 1616:< q00u> fe 1616:< andysniper> fe 1616:< 3xist3nc3> fe 1616:< ixc7> Fe 1616:< q00u> fe male = iron man 1616:< ixc7> female = ironman? 1616:< npinsker> The answer was Fe! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1800), A3L92 (63), Sucks_ (211), q00u (338), andysniper (1069), 3xist3nc3 (2460), ixc7 ... 1617:< ixc7> female=man? Kappa 1617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north? 1617:< Grizzly_Storm> Minnesota 1617:< 3xist3nc3> fe = iron = female = ironmale 1617:< ixc7> alaska 1617:< FeebleOldMan> washington 1617:< A3L92> redneckia 1617:< q00u> maine 1617:< Sucks_> minnesota 1617:< FeebleOldMan> maine 1617:< 3xist3nc3> main 1617:< 3xist3nc3> maine 1617:< FeebleOldMan> north dakota 1617:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: Sucks_ (215) 1617:< FeebleOldMan> gg 1617:< q00u> what, really? 1617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philisophy || In Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," what did he suggest should be made out of the skin of children? 1617:< FeebleOldMan> gloves 1617:< q00u> gloves 1618:< npinsker> The answer was gloves! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1804), q00u (341) 1618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the aerosol? 1618:< Grizzly_Storm> Erik Rotheim 1618:< Sat_Nav66> Erik Rotheim 1618:< A3L92> Aero Sol 1618:< 3xist3nc3> erik eppel 1618:< Sat_Nav66> John Aerosol 1619:< npinsker> The answer was Erik Rotheim! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (92) 1619:< Sat_Nav66> Josiah Aerosol 1619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Acronyms || What does N.A.S.A stand for? 1619:< Grizzly_Storm> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1619:< FeebleOldMan> national aeronautics and space administration 1619:< Sat_Nav66> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1619:< Sucks_> nation aeronautics and space administration 1619:< q00u> north american space administration 1619:< Sucks_> national aeronautics and space administration 1619:< npinsker> The answer was National Aeronautics and Space Administration! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1808), Sat_Nav66 (95), Sucks_ (217) 1620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series? 1620:< Grizzly_Storm> seventy five 1620:< Sucks_> 70 1620:< q00u> 7 1620:< Sat_Nav66> Seventy five 1620:< FeebleOldMan> 126 1620:< Sat_Nav66> 75 1620:< Sucks_> 76 1620:< Sucks_> 75 1620:< FeebleOldMan> 88 1620:< 3xist3nc3> all of them 1620:< OrangeredStilton> 75 sounds a lot 1620:< npinsker> The answer was seventy five! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (99), Sucks_ (220) 1620:< FeebleOldMan> 120 1620:< Sucks_> series, not season 1620:< OrangeredStilton> But yeah, I guess. 25/season 1620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Who painted the Mona Lisa? 1620:< Grizzly_Storm> Leonardo da Vinci 1620:< Sat_Nav66> Leonardo da Vinci 1620:< A3L92> da vinci 1620:< FeebleOldMan> leonardo da vinci 1620:< Sucks_> da vinci 1620:< OrangeredStilton> I see the answerbot is back 1620:< 3xist3nc3> leonardo da vinci 1620:< anticrash> Leonardo Da Vinci 1621:< Sco7689> leonardo da vinci 1621:< A3L92> tom hanks 1621:< npinsker> The answer was Leonardo da Vinci! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (103), A3L92 (66), FeebleOldMan (1810), Sucks_ (221), 3xist3nc3 (2460), anti... 1621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the world's largest desert? 1621:< Grizzly_Storm> North Africa 1621:< A3L92> sahara 1621:< FeebleOldMan> sahara 1621:< 3xist3nc3> north africa 1621:< q00u> sahara 1621:< Sucks_> africa 1621:< Sco7689> sahara 1621:< FeebleOldMan> africa 1621:< q00u> We're pulling a Panama! 1621:< npinsker> The answer was North Africa! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2464) 1622:< FeebleOldMan> ugh 1622:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2464), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1810), grink (1207), andysniper (106... 1622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || What Edgar Allan Poe poem was first published in the New York Evening Mirror on January 29, 1845? 1622:< FeebleOldMan> the raven 1622:< A3L92> the raven 1622:< andysniper> telltale heart 1622:< Sucks_> poe in da house 1622:< npinsker> The answer was The Raven! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1814), A3L92 (69) 1623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Toronto _________. 1623:< Grizzly_Storm> Bluejays 1623:< FeebleOldMan> bluejays 1623:< Sucks_> bluejays 1623:< 3xist3nc3> blowjobs 1623:< q00u> Torrents 1623:< 3xist3nc3> kazaas 1623:< npinsker> The answer was Bluejays! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1818), Sucks_ (224) 1623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is another name for the coyote? 1623:< Grizzly_Storm> prairie wolf 1624:< FeebleOldMan> fox 1624:< andysniper> prairie wolf 1624:< A3L92> wiley e. 1624:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 1624:< FeebleOldMan> wolf 1624:< npinsker> The answer was prairie wolf! Correct users: andysniper (1073) 1624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || With which hand do soldiers salute? 1624:< Grizzly_Storm> right 1624:< FeebleOldMan> right 1624:< anticrash> right 1624:< FeebleOldMan> left 1624:< A3L92> both 1624:< Sco7689> left 1625:< FeebleOldMan> both 1625:< npinsker> The answer was right! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1822), anticrash (4) 1625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns? 1625:< Grizzly_Storm> fifty 1625:< FeebleOldMan> 40 1625:< 3xist3nc3> 50 1625:< anticrash> 60 1625:< FeebleOldMan> 50 1625:< andysniper> 45 1625:< Empyrealist> 25 1625:< FeebleOldMan> 60 1625:< npinsker> The answer was fifty! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2468), FeebleOldMan (1825) 1626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the modern name for Plumbum? 1626:< Grizzly_Storm> lead 1626:< FeebleOldMan> lead 1626:< chrismash> lead 1626:< Sco7689> lead 1626:< 3xist3nc3> water 1626:< anticrash> peachbutt 1626:< andysniper> lead 1626:< npinsker> The answer was lead! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1829), chrismash (656), Sco7689 (2), andysniper (1074) 1626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. President suffered from polio during WWII. 1626:< Grizzly_Storm> Franklin D Roosevelt 1627:< FeebleOldMan> wheelchair guy 1627:< andysniper> fdr 1627:< 3xist3nc3> fdr 1627:< npinsker> The answer was Franklin D Roosevelt! Correct users: andysniper (1078), 3xist3nc3 (2471) 1627:< npinsker> CATEGORY: The Bible || What is the last word in the New Testament? 1627:< Grizzly_Storm> Amen 1627:< FeebleOldMan> amen 1627:< 3xist3nc3> Amen 1628:< 3xist3nc3> Type Amen! 1628:< FeebleOldMan> Amen 1628:< npinsker> The answer was Amen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1833), 3xist3nc3 (2474) 1628:< andysniper> testement 1628:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2474), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1833), grink (1207), andysniper (107... 1628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crafts || What is kaolin? 1628:< Grizzly_Storm> pure china clay 1628:< 3xist3nc3> ignore for satan share for tits 1628:< FeebleOldMan> clay 1628:< FeebleOldMan> pure china clay 1629:< FeebleOldMan> pure chinese clay 1629:< npinsker> The answer was pure china clay! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1837) 1629:< FeebleOldMan> woop reverse qn 1629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in "Star Wars"? 1629:< Grizzly_Storm> Obi-Wan Kenobi 1629:< FeebleOldMan> obiwan kenobi 1629:< q00u> obi wan 1629:< anticrash> Obi-Wan Kenobi 1629:< FeebleOldMan> obi wan kenobi 1629:< q00u> obi-wan kenobi 1629:< anticrash> Ben Kenobi 1629:< FeebleOldMan> obi-wan kenobi 1629:< 3xist3nc3> Obi-wan Kenobi 1629:< q00u> old ben kenobi 1629:< npinsker> The answer was Obi-Wan Kenobi! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1841), anticrash (7), q00u (343), 3xist3nc3 (2475) 1630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Who says, "Do you not know death when you see it old man"? 1630:< StuRobo> voldemort 1630:< FeebleOldMan> white wizard guy 1630:< FeebleOldMan> you spin him right round white wizard 1630:< npinsker> The answer was Witch-King! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || Who killed Goliath? 1630:< Grizzly_Storm> David 1630:< FeebleOldMan> david 1630:< anticrash> david 1631:< StuRobo> dave the giant killer 1631:< npinsker> The answer was David! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1845), anticrash (10) 1631:< q00u> david 1631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Oil Production || Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven 'oil from coal' operations in t... 1631:< chrismash> the great cascade is coming :o 1631:< FeebleOldMan> sa oil 1632:< FeebleOldMan> south african oil 1632:< npinsker> The answer was Sasol! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In what war did the jet fighters first battle each other? 1632:< Grizzly_Storm> The Korean War 1632:< FeebleOldMan> world war 2 1632:< FeebleOldMan> faulkland war 1632:< q00u> war of the worlds 1632:< npinsker> The answer was The Korean War! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He taught Alexander the Great. 1633:< Grizzly_Storm> Aristotle 1633:< q00u> aristotle 1633:< q00u> archimedes 1633:< FeebleOldMan> plato 1633:< npinsker> The answer was Aristotle! Correct users: q00u (347) 1633:< q00u> something with an a 1633:< FeebleOldMan> suntzi 1633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fashion || How many buttons does a double breasted suit have? 1633:< Grizzly_Storm> six 1633:< FeebleOldMan> 6 1633:< JClocale> 6 1634:< q00u> 8 1634:< FeebleOldMan> 8 1634:< Sucks_> 6 1634:< andysniper> 6 1634:< q00u> 6 1634:< npinsker> The answer was six! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1849), JClocale (16), Sucks_ (226), andysniper (1079), q00u (347) 1634:< q00u> six on the front, but then on the sleeves.... 1634:< FeebleOldMan> hellapanda taught me this 1634:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2475), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1849), grink (1207), andysniper (107... 1634:< 3xist3nc3> just two buttons, one on each 1634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The fallacy of personifying inanimate objects, often in bad taste? 1634:< Grizzly_Storm> pathetic fallacy 1634:< FeebleOldMan> personification 1634:< 3xist3nc3> kitsch 1635:< anticrash> anthropamorphism 1635:< q00u> anthropomorphizing 1635:< andysniper> anthropomorthisation 1635:< npinsker> The answer was pathetic fallacy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1635:< q00u> oh yeah 1635:< FeebleOldMan> o_o 1635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This coutry holds the distinction of being the least densely populated in the world. 1635:< Grizzly_Storm> Mongolia 1635:< FeebleOldMan> iceland 1635:< q00u> coutry? 1635:< JClocale> Norway 1635:< q00u> greenland 1635:< FeebleOldMan> antartica 1635:< npinsker> The answer was Mongolia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Gastritis affects the __________. 1636:< Grizzly_Storm> stomach 1636:< FeebleOldMan> stomach 1636:< anticrash> stomach 1636:< q00u> intestines 1636:< andysniper> stomach 1636:< q00u> bowels 1636:< q00u> stomach 1636:< anticrash> duodenum 1636:< npinsker> The answer was stomach! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1853), anticrash (13), andysniper (1081), q00u (348) 1636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who assassinated president Kennedy? 1637:< Grizzly_Storm> Lee Harvey Oswald 1637:< q00u> booth 1637:< FeebleOldMan> john wilkes boothe 1637:< q00u> boothe 1637:< npinsker> The answer was Lee Harvey Oswald! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1637:< FeebleOldMan> shiiiet 1637:< FeebleOldMan> remembered the wrong 3 word name guy 1637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As hard as ______________? 1637:< Grizzly_Storm> nails 1637:< FeebleOldMan> iron 1637:< JClocale> a rock 1638:< FeebleOldMan> rock 1638:< q00u> pudding 1638:< FeebleOldMan> steel 1638:< andysniper> nails 1638:< npinsker> The answer was nails! Correct users: andysniper (1085) 1638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is a person who has made a pilgimage to Mecca? 1638:< Grizzly_Storm> Hajji 1638:< 3xist3nc3> dic 1638:< andysniper> muslim 1638:< FeebleOldMan> muslim 1638:< q00u> pilgimage? 1638:< FeebleOldMan> qualified muslim 1638:< andysniper> quantified muslim 1638:< npinsker> The answer was Hajji! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1638:< 3xist3nc3> 100% muslim guaranteed or your faith back 1639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Osteomyelitis affects the _________. 1639:< JClocale> ISIS 1639:< Grizzly_Storm> bones 1639:< FeebleOldMan> bones 1639:< anticrash> bones 1639:< andysniper> bones 1639:< q00u> bones 1639:< q00u> osteo = boners 1639:< FeebleOldMan> bone marrow 1639:< npinsker> The answer was bones! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1857), anticrash (16), andysniper (1087), q00u (349) 1639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who led the mongols? 1639:< Grizzly_Storm> Genghis Khan 1639:< FeebleOldMan> khan 1640:< anticrash> genghis khan 1640:< FeebleOldMan> genghis khan 1640:< q00u> temujin 1640:< npinsker> The answer was Genghis Khan! Correct users: anticrash (20), FeebleOldMan (1860) 1640:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2475), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1860), grink (1207), andysniper (108... 1640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Merging the words 'melt' and 'weld' created which word? 1640:< Grizzly_Storm> meld 1641:< FeebleOldMan> mold 1641:< anticrash> meld 1641:< FeebleOldMan> meld 1641:< q00u> mild 1641:< npinsker> The answer was meld! Correct users: anticrash (24), FeebleOldMan (1863) 1641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does an ornithologist study? 1641:< Grizzly_Storm> birds 1641:< FeebleOldMan> birds 1641:< q00u> birds 1641:< 3xist3nc3> Orniths 1641:< q00u> ladies 1642:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1867), q00u (352) 1642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what body of water does the Danube River flow? 1642:< Grizzly_Storm> Black Sea 1642:< FeebleOldMan> shit i forgot again 1642:< q00u> blue sea 1642:< npinsker> The answer was Black Sea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1642:< FeebleOldMan> damit 1643:< q00u> lol 1643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was used for blood in the film 'psycho'? 1643:< Grizzly_Storm> chocolate syrup 1643:< FeebleOldMan> tomato sauce 1643:< andysniper> ketchup 1643:< q00u> corn syrup 1643:< FeebleOldMan> ketchup 1643:< 3xist3nc3> chocolate syrup 1643:< Sucks_> choclate 1643:< FeebleOldMan> syrup 1643:< q00u> chocolate syrup 1643:< Sucks_> chocolate 1643:< npinsker> The answer was chocolate syrup! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2479), q00u (355), Sucks_ (228) 1643:< q00u> that rate limit 1643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many feet high is a basketball net? 1643:< Grizzly_Storm> ten 1643:< FeebleOldMan> 6 1644:< FeebleOldMan> 7 1644:< FeebleOldMan> 8 1644:< Sucks_> 10 1644:< q00u> 9 1644:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: Sucks_ (232) 1644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What does the statue of Oscar stand on? 1644:< Grizzly_Storm> A Reel of Film 1644:< FeebleOldMan> pedestal 1644:< Sucks_> feet 1644:< q00u> the bones of his enemies 1645:< FeebleOldMan> rock that holds sword 1645:< hashtag_pickles> potato skins 1645:< npinsker> The answer was A reel of film! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The Scots call it 'shinty' - what do Canadians and Americans call it? 1645:< Grizzly_Storm> hockey 1645:< FeebleOldMan> hockey 1645:< q00u> The Shining 1645:< hashtag_pickles> hockey 1645:< 3xist3nc3> Hockey 1645:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1871), hashtag_pickles (34), 3xist3nc3 (2481) 1645:< 3xist3nc3> Here's shinty 1646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight? 1646:< Grizzly_Storm> bantamweight 1646:< FeebleOldMan> lightweight 1646:< 3xist3nc3> heavyweight 1646:< hashtag_pickles> pickleweight 1646:< npinsker> The answer was batamweight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1646:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeah 1646:< andysniper> batmanweight 1646:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2481), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1871), grink (1207), andysniper (108... 1647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Minnesota _______. 1647:< Grizzly_Storm> Vikings 1647:< FeebleOldMan> safkdsfj 1647:< FeebleOldMan> ducks 1647:< npinsker> The answer was Vikings! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || --isms: The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god. 1647:< Grizzly_Storm> agnosticism 1648:< hashtag_pickles> agnosticism 1648:< FeebleOldMan> agnosticism 1648:< npinsker> The answer was agnosticism! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (38), FeebleOldMan (1874) 1648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the fifth largest country in the world? 1648:< Grizzly_Storm> Brazil 1648:< FeebleOldMan> china 1648:< FeebleOldMan> united states 1649:< npinsker> The answer was Brazil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1649:< FeebleOldMan> brasil 1649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who was the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts? 1649:< FeebleOldMan> snape 1649:< hashtag_pickles> Weren't there like 5 of them 1649:< FeebleOldMan> Severus Snape 1649:< hashtag_pickles> snape was potions 1649:< npinsker> The answer was Gilderoy Lockhart! Correct users: (nobody) :( --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 16:49:51 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 16:49:56 2016 1649:< FeebleOldMan> oh handsome guy 1650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles? 1650:< Grizzly_Storm> Indian Ocean 1650:< andysniper> indian ocean 1650::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1650:< FeebleOldMan> carribean 1650:< hashtag_pickles> indian ocean 1650:< FeebleOldMan> indian 1650:< hashtag_pickles> i'll just assume andy knows the deal 1650:< npinsker> The answer was Indian Ocean! Correct users: andysniper (1091), hashtag_pickles (41), FeebleOldMan (1876) 1650:< ViktorErikJensen> Native american please 1650:< hashtag_pickles> aboriginal 1650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || An arrangement for five performers is called a: 1650:< Grizzly_Storm> quintet 1650:< FeebleOldMan> quintet 1650:< hashtag_pickles> quintet 1651:< npinsker> The answer was quintet! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1880), hashtag_pickles (44) 1651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a _____. 1651:< Grizzly_Storm> beret 1651:< FeebleOldMan> beret 1651:< hashtag_pickles> beret 1651:< npinsker> The answer was beret! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1884), hashtag_pickles (47) 1652:< Sco7689> cap 1652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || As what is haemophilia also known? 1652:< Grizzly_Storm> royal disease 1652:< FeebleOldMan> blood disease 1652:< FeebleOldMan> non clotting disease 1652:< 3xist3nc3> homosexuality 1652:< npinsker> The answer was royal disease! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1652:< FeebleOldMan> bleeding disease 1652:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2481), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1884), grink (1207), andysniper (109... 1653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Of what are throat, foxing and platform parts? 1653:< Grizzly_Storm> shoe 1653:< catjuggler> chat, so just over 4hrs? 1653:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 1653:< andysniper> shoe 1653:< 3xist3nc3> shoe 1653:< FeebleOldMan> stage 1653:< npinsker> The answer was shoe! Correct users: andysniper (1095), 3xist3nc3 (2484) 1653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon character called? 1653:< Grizzly_Storm> Oswald the Rabbit 1653:< FeebleOldMan> mickey mouse 1654:< FeebleOldMan> steamboat willie 1654:< andysniper> clementine 1654:< 3xist3nc3> oswald the rabbit 1654:< npinsker> The answer was Oswald the Rabbit! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2488) 1654:< FeebleOldMan> o_o 1654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Forever and Ever, Amen'? 1654:< Grizzly_Storm> Randy Travis 1654:< ViktorErikJensen> FeebleOldMan: Have you muted Grizzly_Storm? 1654:< FeebleOldMan> yeah long ago 1654:< 3xist3nc3> Jesus Martin Christ 1655:< npinsker> The answer was Randy Travis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1655:< FeebleOldMan> is he still active 1655:< ViktorErikJensen> Explains why you get things wrong sometimes then ;) 1655:< ViktorErikJensen> Yep 1655:< Grizzly_Storm> Mute me for Trivia Hard Mode 1655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia? 1655:< FeebleOldMan> its no fun if you just retype the answers 1655:< npinsker> The answer was Paraguay! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || "Yellow River" is the common name for which Chinese river? 1656:< Grizzly_Storm> Hwang Ho 1656:< FeebleOldMan> hwang ho 1656:< 3xist3nc3> hwang ho 1656:< FeebleOldMan> hwangho 1656:< 3xist3nc3> juan hoe 1656:< FeebleOldMan> hwang he 1656:< npinsker> The answer was Hwang Ho! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1888), 3xist3nc3 (2491) 1656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was John Wayne's musical co-star in true grit? 1656:< Grizzly_Storm> Glen Campbell 1657:< npinsker> The answer was Glen Campbell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In what organ of the body is insulin produced? 1657:< Grizzly_Storm> pancreas 1657:< FeebleOldMan> pancreas 1657:< JClocale> pancreas 1657:< FeebleOldMan> islet of langerhans in the pancreas 1657:< andysniper> pancreas 1658:< npinsker> The answer was pancreas! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1892), JClocale (19), andysniper (1097) 1658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Abbreviations || What do the initials 'VCP' stand for? 1658:< Grizzly_Storm> Video Cassette Player 1658:< FeebleOldMan> very chill person 1658:< andysniper> victor cassel piece 1658:< FeebleOldMan> i've no idea who that is 1658:< 3xist3nc3> vile crappy piece 1658:< npinsker> The answer was Video Cassette Player! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1659:< FeebleOldMan> oh ..... 1659:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2491), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1892), grink (1207), andysniper (109... 1659:< nickyface> now that's just ridiculous 1659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Great Gatsby'? 1659:< Grizzly_Storm> F. Scott Fitzgerald 1659:< nickyface> leonardo di'caprio 1659:< FeebleOldMan> jsdflkj cant rem 1659:< llnk> /whois llnk 1659:< FeebleOldMan> william blake 1659:< llnk> /help 1659:< npinsker> The answer was F. Scott Fitzgerald! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1700:< FeebleOldMan> acidic 1700:< PokemonGod777> acid 1700:< 3xist3nc3> acid 1700:< npinsker> The answer was acid! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1896), PokemonGod777 (3), 3xist3nc3 (2493) 1700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played 'Johnny Mnemonic'? 1700:< Grizzly_Storm> Keanu Reeves 1700:< FeebleOldMan> keanu reeves 1701:< 3xist3nc3> johnny mnemonic, duh 1701:< AndyD418> Keanu Reeves 1701:< npinsker> The answer was Keanu Reeves! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1900), AndyD418 (395) 1701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || In mIRC, what colour does control-K + 4 give? 1701:< Grizzly_Storm> red 1701:< FeebleOldMan> red 1701:< FeebleOldMan> blue 1701:< FeebleOldMan> green 1702:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1904) 1702:< FeebleOldMan> orange 1702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Series || Who played Charlie in Charlies Angels? 1702:< Grizzly_Storm> John Forsythe 1702:< FeebleOldMan> charlie 1702:< andysniper> alan rickman 1702:< npinsker> The answer was John Forsythe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What is Cher's maiden name? 1703:< FeebleOldMan> cher 1703:< andysniper> massimo 1703:< FeebleOldMan> cheryl 1703:< npinsker> The answer was Sarkassian! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What is the best selling game on the Nintendo Wii? 1703:< FeebleOldMan> super mario 1703:< andysniper> wii sports 1703:< FeebleOldMan> super mario world 1704:< FeebleOldMan> super mario galaxy 1704:< npinsker> The answer was Wii Sports! Correct users: andysniper (1101) 1704:< FeebleOldMan> x_x 1704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which city were the Hanging Gardens? 1704:< FeebleOldMan> babylon 1704:< 3xist3nc3> the most suicidal one 1704:< andysniper> babylon 1704:< npinsker> The answer was Babylon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1908), andysniper (1104) 1705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who is the only person to win two nobel prizes? 1705:< monoglot> Linus Pauling 1705:< andysniper> curie 1705:< npinsker> The answer was Marie Curie! Correct users: andysniper (1108) 1706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sports || What is the international governing board of football (soccer)? 1706:< monoglot> Hmm. Not happy about that one. 1706:< monoglot> FIFA 1706:< npinsker> The answer was FIFA! Correct users: monoglot (171) 1706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What colour is a robin's egg? 1706:< monoglot> blue 1707:< kissofpassion> blue 1707:< npinsker> The answer was blue! Correct users: monoglot (175), kissofpassion (12) 1707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Hebrides are part of this country. 1707:< monoglot> United Kingdom 1707:< andysniper> scotland 1708:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: andysniper (1112) 1708:< moblu> United Kingdom 1708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || A chinese imperial dragon has how many toes? 1708:< andysniper> 5 1708:< JClocale> 4 1708:< moblu> 4 1708:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: andysniper (1116) 1709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || "The Two Towers" begins with Frodo waking up from a dream about what? 1709:< andysniper> boromir 1709:< npinsker> The answer was Gandalf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1709:< moblu> Gandalf 1709:< moblu> wtf 1709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A severe or unfavorable judgment. 1710:< moblu> criticism 1710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of _________. 1710:< moblu> lettuce 1711:< npinsker> The answer was lettuce! Correct users: moblu (8) 1711:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (111... 1711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of? 1711:< lactha> hair 1711:< moblu> keratin 1711:< kissofpassion> keratin 1712:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: lactha (62) 1712:< moblu> lies 1712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail? 1712:< lactha> i know, but it's what it accpets 1712:< lactha> watership down 1712:< kissofpassion> peter rabbit 1712:< moblu> Peter Rabbit 1712:< Empyrealist> FYI: Right now, if you install the new reddit official app on your smartphone, you will get (3) months of reddit gold for free. 1712:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Rabbit! Correct users: kissofpassion (16), moblu (11) 1713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking? 1713:< kissofpassion> jello 1713:< moblu> jelly 1713:< Empyrealist> channel test 1713:< kissofpassion> jelly 1713:< npinsker> The answer was jelly! Correct users: moblu (15), kissofpassion (19) 1713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who drove the sun across the sky in his chariot? 1713:< lactha> helios 1714:< moblu> helios 1714:< kissofpassion> paethon 1714:< andysniper> piscus 1714:< npinsker> The answer was Helios! Correct users: lactha (66), moblu (18) 1714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first american to win the Formula 1 championship? 1714:< andysniper> an american has won f1? 1714:< moblu> Phil Hill 1715:< npinsker> The answer was Phil Hill! Correct users: moblu (22) 1715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London? 1715:< andysniper> monument 1715:< npinsker> The answer was Monument! Correct users: andysniper (1120) 1716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || The social and philosophic creedo of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is called: 1716:< anticrash> Shawism 1716:< npinsker> The answer was shavianism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This mainstay of the Contra series fires multiple red bullets at 45 degree angles. 1716:< anticrash> scattershot 1717:< moblu> Contra 1717:< npinsker> The answer was Spread Gun! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1717:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In late 1957, Buddy Holly's solo release 'Peggy Sue' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets? 1718:< moblu> Oh boy 1718:< npinsker> The answer was Oh Boy! Correct users: moblu (26) 1718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who was Horus' mother? 1718:< monoglot> Isis 1718:< andysniper> islamic state 1718:< npinsker> The answer was Isis! Correct users: monoglot (179) 1719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring. 1719:< lactha> sumo 1719:< moblu> sumo 1719:< npinsker> The answer was sumo! Correct users: lactha (70), moblu (29) 1719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a form? 1720:< moblu> rabbit 1720:< moblu> hare 1720:< npinsker> The answer was hare! Correct users: moblu (33) 1720:< lactha> stethoscope 1720:< moblu> stethoscope 1720:< Sco7689> stethoscope 1721:< npinsker> The answer was stethoscope! Correct users: lactha (74), moblu (36), Sco7689 (4) 1721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What colour was added to the French flag during the French revolution? 1721:< lactha> red 1721:< 3xist3nc3> red 1721:< Sco7689> red 1721:< npinsker> The answer was white! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1722:< lactha> nice 1722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is Prince Vladimir Tepes better known as? 1722:< Sco7689> vlad the impaler 1722:< npinsker> The answer was Dracula! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox. 1723:< lactha> jenner 1723:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Jenner! Correct users: lactha (78) 1723:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is the birthstone for January? 1723:< jmixdorf> its_happening.exe 1723:< anticrash> garnet 1724:< moblu> garnet 1724:< npinsker> The answer was Garnet! Correct users: anticrash (28), moblu (39) 1724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, "The Love Bug"? 1724:< lactha> herbie 1724:< anticrash> Herbie 1724:< moblu> herbie 1725:< npinsker> The answer was Herbie! Correct users: lactha (82), anticrash (31), moblu (41) 1725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was Elvis Presley's wife's name? 1725:< anticrash> Priscilla 1725:< npinsker> The answer was Priscilla! Correct users: anticrash (35) 1725:< andysniper> priscilla 1726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang the song "Pretty Woman?" 1726:< anticrash> Roy Orbison 1726:< moblu> Orbison 1726:< npinsker> The answer was Roy Orbison! Correct users: anticrash (39) 1726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________. 1726:< anticrash> hibernation 1727:< turing_inequivalent> hibernation 1727:< npinsker> The answer was hibernation! Correct users: anticrash (43), turing_inequivalent (6) 1727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common name for the Aurora Borealis? 1727:< anticrash> northern lights 1728:< npinsker> The answer was northern lights! Correct users: anticrash (47) 1728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a ______. 1728:< anticrash> pig 1728:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: anticrash (51) 1729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest of the pyramids in Egypt? 1729:< lactha> cheops 1729:< npinsker> The answer was Cheops! Correct users: lactha (86) 1729:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the Disney cartoon in which the character "Belle" appears. 1730:< anticrash> Beauty and the Beast 1730:< npinsker> The answer was Beauty and the Beast! Correct users: anticrash (55) 1730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who invented dynamite? 1730:< anticrash> napoleon 1731:< turing_inequivalent> alfred nobel 1731:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Nobel! Correct users: turing_inequivalent (10) 1731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What is Kenny G's real surname? 1731:< npinsker> The answer was Gorelick! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actress's real name was Frances Gumm? 1732:< AdamUndefined> judy garland 1732:< npinsker> The answer was Judy Garland! Correct users: AdamUndefined (17) 1732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What animal's meat can a Hindu not eat? 1733:< AdamUndefined> cow 1733:< npinsker> The answer was cow! Correct users: AdamUndefined (21) 1733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year, this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia. 1734:< anticrash> rangoon 1734:< npinsker> The answer was Bangladesh! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1734:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stupid Americans || Every citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a what once a year? 1734:< anticrash> bath 1734:< bradyblair20> AIDS Test 1734:< lactha> shit 1734:< bradyblair20> bath 1735:< npinsker> The answer was bath! Correct users: anticrash (59) 1735:< bradyblair20> wtf 1735:< Authsauce> npinkser hates you lol 1735:< npinsker> The answer was Red Blood Cells! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1736:< lactha> god how did you not get that 1736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many hurdles are in a 400m hurdle race? 1736:< A3L92> 4 1736:< andysniper> 29 1736:< npinsker> The answer was 10! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The first cricket one-day international was held between england and ____________? 1736:< lactha> australia 1737:< andysniper> australia 1737:< anticrash> wales 1737:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> australia 1737:< alylynn96> <4 hours til merge!!! 1737:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> lizard 1737:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: lactha (90), andysniper (1123), TheseAreNotTheDroids (11) 1737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What group landed in America in 1620? 1737:< A3L92> pilgrims 1737:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> pilgrims 1738:< npinsker> The answer was The Pilgrims! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1738:< anticrash> pilgrims 1738:< A3L92> wtf 1738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a female calf called? 1738:< anticrash> needed the "The" I guess 1738:< lactha> heifer 1738:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> veal 1738:< npinsker> The answer was heifer! Correct users: lactha (94) 1739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Who does Gandalf find eaves-dropping at the window of Bag End? 1739:< anticrash> Samwise Gamgee 1739:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> Samwise Gamgee 1739:< npinsker> The answer was Sam! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1739:< anticrash> wat 1739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) ____. 1739:< anticrash> echo 1739:< lactha> echo 1739:< A3L92> echo 1739:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> echo 1740:< npinsker> The answer was echo! Correct users: anticrash (63), lactha (97), A3L92 (71), TheseAreNotTheDroids (12) 1740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the most common name in italy? 1740:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> mario 1740:< A3L92> franco 1740:< anticrash> giovanni 1740:< andysniper> guido 1740:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Putin 1740:< andysniper> lugi 1741:< npinsker> The answer was Mario Rossi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1741:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Hitler 1741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Who released the 2011 viral video 'Friday'? 1741:< anticrash> rebecca black 1741:< npinsker> The answer was Rebecca Black! Correct users: anticrash (67) 1741:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> rebecca black 1742:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded? 1742:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> Baseball 1742:< anticrash> curling 1742:< npinsker> The answer was baseball! Correct users: TheseAreNotTheDroids (16) 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Singing without instrumental back up is called what? 1743:< A3L92> a capella 1743:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> a cappela 1743:< npinsker> The answer was Capella! Correct users: A3L92 (75) 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || In the House of Lords, where does the Lord Chancellor sit? 1744:< A3L92> on the front 1744:< npinsker> The answer was woolsack! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: _______ Borgnine. 1744:< monoglot> Ernest 1744:< anticrash> Ernest 1744:< jayman419> That dude was the copilot of Airwolf! 1744:< npinsker> The answer was Ernest! Correct users: monoglot (183), anticrash (70) 1745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time? 1745:< A3L92> the beatles 1745:< anticrash> The Beatles 1745:< npinsker> The answer was Pink Floyd! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the Australian ____________? 1746:< npinsker> The answer was coat of arms! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's highest city? 1746:< A3L92> kathmandu 1747:< npinsker> The answer was Lhasa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Term for an emasculated male pig 1747:< A3L92> hog 1747:< npinsker> The answer was barrow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1748:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It, Black'? 1748:< anticrash> The Rolling Stones 1748:< npinsker> The answer was Rolling Stones! Correct users: anticrash (74) 1749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is 'bountiful mother' in Latin? 1749:< npinsker> The answer was alma mater! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Banff National Park? 1750:< A3L92> banff 1750:< npinsker> The answer was Canada! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He shot Lee Harvey Oswald. 1751:< mootinator> Kennedy 1751:< npinsker> The answer was Jack Ruby! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644. 1751:< mootinator> qing 1751:< A3L92> ming 1751:< anticrash> ming 1751:< mootinator> sting 1751:< npinsker> The answer was Ming! Correct users: A3L92 (79), anticrash (77) 1752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the name of the Family Circus's dog? 1752:< mootinator> Maduro 1752:< npinsker> The answer was Barf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals. 1752:< mootinator> William H Macy 1752:< A3L92> tape worm 1753:< npinsker> The answer was tapeworm! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1753:< A3L92> gnahhh 1753:< anticrash> dat space 1753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the only mammal with four knees. 1753:< mootinator> UGLYMAMMAL 1753:< narcissus_goldmund> elephant 1754:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (556) 1754:< mootinator> No fair you used my hint 1754:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2493), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1207), andysniper (112... 1754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He played Superman in the 1978 movie version. 1754:< anticrash> christopher reeve 1754:< A3L92> christopher reeve 1754:< mootinator> He fell off a horse 1755:< npinsker> The answer was Christopher Reeve! Correct users: anticrash (81), A3L92 (82) 1755:< mootinator> christopher reeve did 1755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || He founded our modern periodic table. Surname only? 1755:< anticrash> ptolemy 1755:< A3L92> mendelev 1755:< mootinator> Aristotle 1755:< npinsker> The answer was Mendeleev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1755:< A3L92> ahhhhhhhh 1755:< mootinator> Dat extra e 1755:< A3L92> fuck 1756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the ocean of air around the earth called? 1756:< mootinator> atmosphere 1756:< 3xist3nc3> The bot changed teh question again 1756:< A3L92> athmosphere 1756:< anticrash> atmosphere 1756:< npinsker> The answer was atmosphere! Correct users: mootinator (44), 3xist3nc3 (2496), anticrash (83) 1756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ___ that we breathe. 1756:< mootinator> Portland 1756:< A3L92> air 1756:< anticrash> air 1756:< mootinator> air 1756:< GetXyzzyWithIt> air 1757:< mootinator> ayr 1757:< npinsker> The answer was air! Correct users: A3L92 (86), anticrash (86), mootinator (46), GetXyzzyWithIt (861) 1757:< mootinator> lobotomy 1757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who built the Lambarene missionary station? 1757:< mootinator> Lambos 1757:< chrismash> Lambos 1757:< A3L92> Mr. Lambarene 1757:< 3xist3nc3> Auricos Cauricus 1757:< GetXyzzyWithIt> albert schweitzer 1757:< npinsker> The answer was Albert Schweitzer! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (865) 1758:< grink> phobos 1758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geogrpahy || Name the capital city of Utah. 1758:< anticrash> park city 1758:< grink> salt lake city 1758:< A3L92> salt lake city 1758:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mormon City 1758:< grink> missionary position 1758:< npinsker> The answer was Salt Lake City! Correct users: grink (1211), A3L92 (89) 1758:< 3xist3nc3> two tier 9s 1758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || Which constellation is represented by a goat? 1759:< A3L92> capricornus 1759:< grink> capricorn 1759:< 3xist3nc3> Capricorn 1759:< andysniper> aries 1759:< anticrash> capricorn 1759:< grink> boners 1759:< npinsker> The answer was Capricorn! Correct users: grink (1215), 3xist3nc3 (2499), anticrash (88) 1759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The film 'The Wizard Of ____________'? 1759:< anticrash> Oz 1759:< grink> oz 1759:< andysniper> ITS HAPPENING 1759:< 3xist3nc3> ounce 1759:< SpudDogg> oz 1800:< grink> ronpaul.gif 1800:< npinsker> The answer was Oz! Correct users: anticrash (92), grink (1218), SpudDogg (29) 1800:< grink> itshappening 1800:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2499), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1218), andysniper (112... 1800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _________. 1800:< grink> stratosphere 1800:< anticrash> outer space 1801:< grink> space 1801:< npinsker> The answer was aerospace! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1801:< chrismash> a tier 11 appeared out of nowhere? 1801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Loch Ness? 1801:< grink> scotland 1801:< anticrash> Scotland 1801:< narcissus_goldmund> UK 1801:< half_slice7> CATEGORY: Scotland 1801:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: grink (1222), anticrash (95), half_slice7 (2) 1802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Name the first automobile racetrack in America. 1802:< grink> newark 1802:< grink> indianapolis 1802:< npinsker> The answer was Indianapolis Motor Speedway! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1802:< grink> rekt 1802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the name of the main character in Homer's Odyssey? 1803:< chrismash> 4 hours 1803:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1803:< Authsauce> odysseus 1803:< anticrash> perseus 1803:< grink> odysseus 1803:< anticrash> odysseus 1803:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: Authsauce (420), grink (1225), anticrash (97) 1803:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 1803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film starred Helen Hunt, Cary Elwes and Bill Paxton? 1803:< anticrash> twister 1803:< grink> tonto was part of an answer before. Soemthing about mary 1803:< grink> PEPSI CAN MOVIE AND FLYING COWS 1804:< npinsker> The answer was Twister! Correct users: anticrash (101) 1804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"? 1804:< anticrash> lion king 1804:< grink> hitler: the story of walt disney 1804:< anticrash> cinderella 1804:< AndyD418> Cinderella 1804:< npinsker> The answer was Cinderella! Correct users: anticrash (105), AndyD418 (398) 1804:< alylynn96> backstreet boys 1805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The City of Fireze is better known is english as what? 1805:< grink> florence 1805:< anticrash> fire 1805:< alylynn96> freezy 1805:< AndyD418> Florence 1805:< 3xist3nc3> ze firee 1805:< npinsker> The answer was Florence! Correct users: grink (1229), AndyD418 (401) 1805:< ViktorErikJensen> It's Firenze 1805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a group of peacocks called? 1805:< grink> bag of cocks 1806:< mootinator> bag of dicks 1806:< AndyD418> muster 1806:< alylynn96> peacockkle 1806:< mootinator> peacuckhold 1806:< npinsker> The answer was muster! Correct users: AndyD418 (405) 1806:< alylynn96> PEACUCKED 1806:< 3xist3nc3> CUCKCUCKCUCKCUCKCUCK 1806:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), 3xist3nc3 (2499), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1229), andysniper (112... 1806:< IndigoOrange> ayee 3xist we gonna merge soon 1806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city has the world's largest black population? 1806:< grink> atlanta 1806:< 3xist3nc3> aye indigooraneg 1806:< mootinator> Detroit 1807:< 3xist3nc3> indigoorange 1807:< alylynn96> the vatican 1807:< grink> africa 1807:< npinsker> The answer was New York City! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1807:< grink> hmm 1807:< grink> ./me notes to check that 1807:< mootinator> Makes sense. 1807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who is the Norse god of lightning? 1807:< grink> zeus 1807:< mootinator> thor 1807:< AndyD418> thor 1807:< anticrash> thor 1807:< IndigoOrange> im in class so I cant see the chat filter, but we gonna grow soon hopefully. Their at T15 1807:< 3xist3nc3> it's lagos not nyc, nyc has the largest in America 1807:< alylynn96> boomboom 1807:< AndyD418> odin 1807:< 3xist3nc3> thor 1808:< npinsker> The answer was Odin! Correct users: AndyD418 (409) 1808:< mootinator> Wrong trivia answers ftl 1808:< alylynn96> andyd418 are you andy dwyer? 1808:< grink> usa is NYC, Chicago then Philly 1808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which island was Napoleon from? 1808:< AndyD418> nope 1808:< mootinator> avalon 1808:< anticrash> catalina 1808:< alylynn96> or FBI agent burt macklin? 1808:< npinsker> The answer was corsica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______. 1809:< grink> biology 1809:< anticrash> biology 1809:< alylynn96> necrophilia 1809:< grink> zoolanderology 1809:< mootinator> botanozoology 1809:< npinsker> The answer was biology! Correct users: grink (1233), anticrash (108) 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who? 1810:< grink> peppy laflew or someshit 1810:< mootinator> Zoology covers human biology? Or are they making shit up? 1810:< npinsker> The answer was Pepe le Pew! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1810:< wolf2600> Pepe LePew 1810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air? 1810:< gregmichael> Pepe LePew 1810:< grink> aerodynamics 1810:< wolf2600> Airiotomy 1810:< 3xist3nc3> aerodynamics 1810:< grink> i missed (1234) :( 1810:< npinsker> The answer was aerodynamics! Correct users: grink (1237), 3xist3nc3 (2502) 1811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Seoul is the capital of which country? 1811:< grink> south korea 1811:< 3xist3nc3> see, i broke 2500. it isnt a limit 1811:< Sco7689> korea 1811:< grink> best korea 1811:< npinsker> The answer was South Korea! Correct users: grink (1241) 1811:< TxDieselKid> south korea 1811:< TxDieselKid> congrats 3x, nice score 1811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the Movie 'Psycho' from Robert Bloch? 1812:< grink> jesus 1812:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Hitchcock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1812:< anticrash> alfred hitchcock 1812:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1241), andysniper (112... 1812:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles? 1813:< dhartun1> Ireland 1813:< grink> irish 1813:< A3L92> B. A. Gpipe 1813:< npinsker> The answer was Romans! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many folds does a Monopoly board have? 1813:< A3L92> 8 1813:< Margatron> 8 1814:< Margatron> 4 1814:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1814:< Margatron> dangit 1814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has the longest land border? 1814:< Margatron> Canada 1814:< Nesman64> russia 1814:< A3L92> russia 1814:< anticrash> russia 1814:< TxDieselKid> russia 1814:< Margatron> Russia 1814:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1814:< Margatron> wat 1815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As neat as a ____________? 1815:< Margatron> boner 1815:< TxDieselKid> pin 1815:< ViktorErikJensen> Map projections. They fuck with your mind 1815:< anticrash> cucumber 1815:< mootinator> twatwaffle 1815:< npinsker> The answer was pin! Correct users: TxDieselKid (159) 1815:< mootinator> I was sure I had that one. 1815:< TxDieselKid> twat truffle butter? 1815:< 3xist3nc3> thanks teandieselkid 1815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was born on Krypton? 1815:< Margatron> mootinator you were so close 1815:< A3L92> superman 1815:< anticrash> superman 1815:< wolf2600> superman 1816:< anticrash> superboy 1816:< Margatron> Superman 1816:< mootinator> supergirl 1816:< TxDieselKid> superman 1816:< dhartun1> Superman 1816:< mootinator> the man of steel 1816:< npinsker> The answer was Superman! Correct users: A3L92 (93), anticrash (111), wolf2600 (37), Margatron (2), TxDieselKid (159), dhartun1 (23) 1816:< Margatron> Supergirl, Superdog, General Zod... lots of people 1816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second largest ocean? 1816:< A3L92> atlantic 1816:< wolf2600> Atlantic 1816:< anticrash> atlantic 1816:< Margatron> Atlantic 1816:< 3xist3nc3> indian ? 1817:< TxDieselKid> atlantic 1817:< mootinator> North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1817:< npinsker> The answer was Atlantic Ocean! Correct users: A3L92 (97), wolf2600 (40), anticrash (113), Margatron (3), TxDieselKid (159) 1817:< mootinator> SO CLOSE AGAIN 1817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which film preceded 'Magnum Force' and 'The Enforcer'? 1817:< mootinator> Girls Gone Wild 17 1817:< A3L92> the magnum enforcer 1817:< TxDieselKid> dirty harry 1817:< Margatron> Dirty Harry 1817:< wolf2600> dirty harry 1817:< npinsker> The answer was Dirty Harry! Correct users: wolf2600 (44), TxDieselKid (162), Margatron (5) 1817:< mootinator> Wasn't close that time. 1818:< Margatron> you feel lucky, punk? 1818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Maths || What is next in the series 1 8 27 ?? 125 216? 1818:< mootinator> 81 1818:< OrangeredStilton> 64 1818:< mootinator> err 1818:< 3xist3nc3> 69 1818:< TxDieselKid> 64 1818:< wolf2600> 69! 1818:< Margatron> 64 1818:< mootinator> 64 1818:< OrangeredStilton> urmom 1818:< npinsker> The answer was 64! Correct users: OrangeredStilton (69), TxDieselKid (165), Margatron (7), mootinator (47) 1818:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1241), andysniper (112... 1819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. 1819:< grink> tonto 1819:< A3L92> sitting bull 1819:< wolf2600> Geronimo 1819:< mootinator> I got '8' confused with '9' guize 1819:< 3xist3nc3> not tonto 1819:< grink> bullsitting bull 1819:< grink> where is tonto at 1819:< npinsker> The answer was Sitting Bull! Correct users: A3L92 (101), grink (1244) 1819:< TxDieselKid> sitting bull 1819:< TxDieselKid> fuck 1819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the two steepest streets in the USA? 1819:< mootinator> Good answer! 1819:< andysniper> san francisco 1819:< wolf2600> Lombard 1819:< anticrash> san francisco 1820:< grink> san francisco 1820:< mootinator> San Francisco 1820:< 3xist3nc3> san francisco 1820:< wolf2600> San Francisco 1820:< mootinator> I just realized I don't know how to spell san francisco 1820:< TxDieselKid> san francisco 1820:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: andysniper (1127), anticrash (116), grink (1246), mootinator (48), 3xist3nc3 (2502), wolf2... 1820:< mootinator> Thanks everyone else. 1820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe. 1820:< monoglot> okapi 1820:< andysniper> okapi 1820:< mootinator> mudkips 1820:< 3xist3nc3> dumb geraffe 1820:< TxDieselKid> oh shit, you're stuck too 3xist3nc3 1820:< anticrash> leopardalis 1820:< grink> elephant 1820:< wolf2600> Horse 1820:< A3L92> longhorse 1821:< npinsker> The answer was Okapi! Correct users: monoglot (187), andysniper (1130) 1821:< wolf2600> cow 1821:< 3xist3nc3> nope i just was too latw 1821:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where were the first books printed? 1821:< A3L92> china 1821:< grink> germany 1821:< andysniper> france 1821:< wolf2600> Italy 1821:< mootinator> italy 1821:< TxDieselKid> china 1821:< monoglot> Germany 1821:< SmurfyX> The Great Cascade begins and we find Ourselves as we are all combined With all the other Chosen People Merging with these Tiers of joy 1821:< wolf2600> germany 1821:< grink> c'mon gutenberg 1821:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: A3L92 (105), TxDieselKid (168) 1822:< mootinator> meh 1822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which Nintendo character is famous for being the first playable female hero in video game history? 1822:< wolf2600> Princess 1822:< anticrash> samus 1822:< grink> peach 1822:< A3L92> princess peach 1822:< SmurfyX> Samus Aran 1822:< TxDieselKid> samus 1822:< grink> princess 1822:< mootinator> samus aran 1822:< anticrash> samus aran 1822:< grink> seamus 1822:< npinsker> The answer was Samus Aran! Correct users: anticrash (120), SmurfyX (3), TxDieselKid (170), mootinator (49) 1822:< grink> who dat 1822:< mootinator> the one from metroid 1822:< anticrash> from metroid 1822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died? 1822:< grink> ah 1822:< andysniper> american pie 1822:< anticrash> american pie 1822:< wolf2600> American Pie 1822:< mootinator> american pie 1823:< OneiricNeuron> brittish pie 1823:< mootinator> allegedly 1823:< TxDieselKid> american pie 1823:< grink> fat american pie 1823:< mootinator> No wait, not allegedly 1823:< grink> i wont get points anyway 1823:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: andysniper (1134), anticrash (123), wolf2600 (46), mootinator (50), TxDieselKid (170), grin... 1823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is the name of the Indian musical instrument made popular in western rock by The Beatles and Ravi Shankar? 1823:< wolf2600> Sitar 1823:< andysniper> sitar 1823:< grink> sitar 1823:< mootinator> sitar 1823:< TxDieselKid> sitar 1823:< OneiricNeuron> standar 1823:< grink> i didn't know the beatles used one 1823:< mootinator> Knifey spooney 1823:< npinsker> The answer was sitar! Correct users: wolf2600 (50), andysniper (1137), grink (1248), mootinator (51), TxDieselKid (170) 1824:< mesosa> how do i join the game? 1824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Who is Mother Goose's son? 1824:< grink> just answer 1824:< mootinator> answer 1824:< andysniper> jack 1824:< grink> offjack 1824:< mootinator> humpty dumpty 1824:< TxDieselKid> jack 1824:< 3xist3nc3> jack off 1824:< OneiricNeuron> jackoff 1824:< TxDieselKid> deez nuts!! 1824:< alylynn96> the correct answer 1824:< npinsker> The answer was Jack! Correct users: andysniper (1141), grink (1251), TxDieselKid (172) 1824:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1251), andysniper (114... 1825:< mootinator> These are the points that Jack scored. 1825:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was King Arthur's mother's name? 1825:< deftzeusmc> deez 1825:< mootinator> Ellelwyndoris 1825:< grink> nutz 1825:< wolf2600> Madeline 1825:< JJakc> Igraine 1825:< OneiricNeuron> Queen Arthur 1825:< mesosa> Mary 1825:< TxDieselKid> igraine 1825:< grink> queef arthur 1825:< deftzeusmc> laura 1825:< mootinator> Assuming she was an elf. In a Tolkien book. 1825:< npinsker> The answer was Igraine! Correct users: JJakc (4), TxDieselKid (175) 1825:< wolf2600> Igrane, such a beautiful name..... NOT 1826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ________. 1826:< grink> hash 1826:< wolf2600> hash 1826:< mootinator> hash marks 1826:< JJakc> hash 1826:< andysniper> dank kush 1826:< OneiricNeuron> hush 1826:< TxDieselKid> hash marks 1826:< grink> hush puppy 1826:< iliveintheinternet> cocaine 1826:< OneiricNeuron> hash tags 1826:< wolf2600> paint 1826:< npinsker> The answer was hash marks! Correct users: grink (1255), wolf2600 (53), mootinator (53), JJakc (5), TxDieselKid (175) 1826:< mootinator> cannabis oil 1826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the film 'The Birds' from Daphne du Maurier? 1826:< andysniper> hitchcock 1826:< A3L92> hitchcock 1826:< grink> idontknowwhati'mdoingalred hitchcock 1826:< mesosa> George Costanza 1826:< OneiricNeuron> hitchpenis 1826:< JJakc> hitchcock 1827:< mootinator> hitchdong 1827:< grink> fuck i spelled alfred wrong 1827:< wolf2600> Shacklenuts 1827:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Hitchcock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1827:< OneiricNeuron> hitchballs 1827:< chrismash> kek 1827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What was the name of the mythical hero-king who slew Grendal? 1827:< A3L92> beowulf 1827:< JJakc> beowulf 1827:< iliveintheinternet> beowulf 1827:< grink> mary 1827:< mootinator> be a wolf 1827:< OneiricNeuron> beodog 1827:< wolf2600> Beofloof 1827:< OneiricNeuron> beoyote 1827:< mootinator> peyote 1827:< npinsker> The answer was Beowulf! Correct users: A3L92 (109), JJakc (8), iliveintheinternet (6) 1828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs? 1828:< wolf2600> Stanley Cup 1828:< iliveintheinternet> canada 1828:< TxDieselKid> stanley cup 1828:< mootinator> Lord Stanley's Cup 1828:< andysniper> stanley yelnats 1828:< deftzeusmc> stanley cup 1828:< wolf2600> Lord Stanley's Cup 1828:< OneiricNeuron> jstanley tumbler 1828:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Cup! Correct users: wolf2600 (57), TxDieselKid (178), deftzeusmc (2) 1828:< mootinator> I can't believe it didn't accept my esoteric answer. #gripe 1828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many seams are there on a football? (American) 1829:< mesosa> 42 1829:< wolf2600> 4 1829:< grink> 6 1829:< mootinator> 4 1829:< iliveintheinternet> 12 1829:< OneiricNeuron> seven ate nine 1829:< grink> 24 1829:< deftzeusmc> 12 1829:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: wolf2600 (61), mootinator (56), grink (1257) 1829:< TxDieselKid> 12 1829:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Band: Elvis Costello and the ........... ? 1829:< monoglot> Attractions 1829:< wolf2600> Funky Boys 1829:< grink> butt pirates 1829:< mootinator> band 1829:< mootinator> Funky bunch? 1829:< andysniper> butthole surfers 1829:< iliveintheinternet> dank memers 1829:< TxDieselKid> Marky Mark boys 1829:< deftzeusmc> spacedicks 1830:< npinsker> The answer was Attractions! Correct users: monoglot (191) 1830:< mootinator> large penises 1830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What does a sphygmomanometer measure? 1830:< mesosa> penis 1830:< monoglot> blood pressure 1830:< mootinator> spygomans 1830:< iliveintheinternet> spleen 1830:< A3L92> eye pressure 1830:< grink> www.reddit.com/r/blood pressure 1830:< deftzeusmc> sphygmoma 1830:< OneiricNeuron> the sphinx 1830:< npinsker> The answer was blood pressure! Correct users: monoglot (195), grink (1260) 1831:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1260), andysniper (114... 1831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || To where do Muslims make pilgrimage? 1831:< monoglot> Mecca 1831:< grink> mecca 1831:< A3L92> mecca 1831:< mootinator> mecca 1831:< mesosa> Mecca 1831:< anticrash> mecca 1831:< deftzeusmc> mecca 1831:< grink> africa 1831:< OneiricNeuron> mexico 1831:< mootinator> praise be to allah 1831:< rockham> mecca 1831:< andysniper> meccabingo.com 1831:< anticrash> meccagodzilla 1831:< deftzeusmc> mecha 1831:< npinsker> The answer was Mecca! Correct users: monoglot (199), grink (1263), A3L92 (111), mootinator (57), mesosa (0), anticrash (123), deftzeusm... 1831:< OneiricNeuron> maracas 1832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || When does a full moon rise? 1832:< mootinator> at night 1832:< grink> um at night 1832:< jmixdorf> sunset 1832:< anticrash> bacon 1832:< mesosa> 14 days 1832:< grink> 28 1832:< rockham> never 1832:< deftzeusmc> 28 1832:< grink> i dont know what it wants 1832:< npinsker> The answer was sunset! Correct users: jmixdorf (83) 1832:< OneiricNeuron> the sun also rises 1832:< deftzeusmc> night 1832:< mesosa> what 1832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Which French philosopher explored existentialist philosophy in his landmark book "Nausea" published in 1938? 1832:< grink> kill that question with fire, 1832:< monoglot> Sartre 1833:< andysniper> sartre 1833:< deftzeusmc> sartre 1833:< grink> stephen colbert 1833:< rockham> sartre 1833:< mootinator> Kunt 1833:< OneiricNeuron> sarten 1833:< grink> john oliver 1833:< OneiricNeuron> i kant answer 1833:< npinsker> The answer was Jean-Paul Sartre! Correct users: monoglot (203), andysniper (1144), deftzeusmc (4), rockham (1) 1833:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Solve this: 10*3+2? 1833:< grink> 32 1833:< monoglot> 32 1833:< rockham> 32 1833:< deftzeusmc> 32 1833:< marakiri> hey quiz nerds... merger in like 3 hours 1833:< mootinator> 42 1833:< A3L92> 32 1833:< grink> they should have put the 2 first 1833:< OneiricNeuron> 50 1834:< npinsker> The answer was 32! Correct users: grink (1267), monoglot (206), rockham (3), deftzeusmc (5), A3L92 (111) 1834:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1834:< OneiricNeuron> marakiri really? 1834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As loud as _________. 1834:< anticrash> hell 1834:< grink> farts 1834:< mootinator> a bomb 1834:< OneiricNeuron> a feather 1834:< grink> brick 1834:< rockham> life 1834:< mootinator> shit 1834:< deftzeusmc> allahu akbar 1834:< grink> whistle 1834:< deftzeusmc> feather 1834:< OneiricNeuron> in my timeline feathers are the loudest objects 1834:< npinsker> The answer was thunder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1834:< mesosa> lol 1835:< deftzeusmc> what 1835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the sacred river of Hinduism? 1835:< monoglot> Ganges 1835:< grink> styx 1835:< rockham> ganges 1835:< mesosa> ganges 1835:< TxDieselKid> ganges 1835:< mootinator> the allahu river 1835:< grink> east river 1835:< OneiricNeuron> gangrene 1835:< deftzeusmc> ganges 1835:< rockham> ganges KHAN 1835:< garrett53> THE GREAT MERGE IS COMMING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYpz3abAk98 1835:< mootinator> janga 1835:< npinsker> The answer was Ganges! Correct users: monoglot (210), rockham (6), mesosa (2), TxDieselKid (179), deftzeusmc (5) 1835:< mootinator> weed 1835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In pro football a "sudden death" period lasts how many minutes long? 1835:< grink> 15 1835:< mootinator> 15 minutes 1835:< rockham> 15 1835:< mesosa> 5 hours 1835:< anticrash> 15 1836:< deftzeusmc> 15 minutes 1836:< mootinator> fifteen 1836:< grink> 15 meatheads 1836:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: grink (1271), rockham (9), anticrash (125), mootinator (58) 1836:< deftzeusmc> wat 1836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Between which countries was the shortest war in history? 1836:< mootinator> So it counted fifteen but not 15 minutes 1836:< grink> because you cant put words after the answer 1836:< rockham> england france spain something idontknow 1836:< grink> i could type "cockcock15" 1836:< npinsker> The answer was Zanzibar and England! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1837:< grink> and it would take it 1837:< rockham> hey, I said england 1837:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1271), andysniper (114... 1837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Shakespeare || Whose ghost appears at the dinner table in 'Macbeth'? 1837:< mootinator> cockcock15 1837:< deftzeusmc> deez 1837:< anticrash> hamlet sr. 1837:< grink> beth 1837:< mootinator> macduff 1837:< npinsker> The answer was Banquo's! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1838:< grink> duff beer 1838:< deftzeusmc> . 1838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is Liverpool on? 1838:< grink> cock.123.test.cock.thames 1838:< anticrash> thames 1838:< mootinator> cockthames 1838:< deftzeusmc> thames 1838:< grink> i created a monster 1838:< anticrash> mersey 1838:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: anticrash (129) 1838:< deftzeusmc> u fooled me 1838:< mootinator> hmm 1838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in Canada? 1839:< grink> mont blanc 1839:< mootinator> cockmtranier 1839:< A3L92> mt. mccanada 1839:< grink> rainer is usa 1839:< mootinator> Right 1839:< anticrash> sasquanch 1839:< deftzeusmc> donald trump 1839:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Logan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1839:< deftzeusmc> china 1839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Wynonna Judd's real name? 1839:< mootinator> Wynonna Judd trick question 1840:< grink> wynonna ellen judd 1840:< npinsker> The answer was Christina Clair Ciminella! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1840:< deftzeusmc> Cock judd 1840:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the father of Elizabeth I? 1840:< rockham> charles 1840:< grink> cockrichard III 1840:< A3L92> henry viii 1840:< mootinator> Cocky McCockface Richard III 1840:< deftzeusmc> henry 8 1840:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: A3L92 (115) 1841:< deftzeusmc> fuck 1841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico? 1841:< A3L92> speedy gonzales 1841:< mootinator> Cocky McSpeedy Gonzales 1841:< grink> speedy gonzalez 1841:< anticrash> rodriguez 1841:< grink> yay moot 1841:< deftzeusmc> speedy gonzales 1841:< npinsker> The answer was Speedy Gonzalez! Correct users: A3L92 (119), mootinator (61), grink (1273), deftzeusmc (6) 1841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer? 1842:< grink> candle in the wind 1842:< A3L92> candle in the wind 1842:< mootinator> Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Candle In The Wind 1842:< anticrash> candle in the wind 1842:< deftzeusmc> candle in the wind 1842:< npinsker> The answer was Candle In The Wind! Correct users: grink (1277), A3L92 (122), mootinator (63), anticrash (130), deftzeusmc (6) 1842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)? 1842:< anticrash> 98 1842:< grink> mootinator is a silly goose 98.6 1842:< mootinator> Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams 98.6 1842:< anticrash> 98.6 1842:< deftzeusmc> 98 1843:< grink> boy band 1843:< npinsker> The answer was 98.6! Correct users: grink (1281), mootinator (66), anticrash (132) 1843:< andysniper> the fuck is degrees fahrenheit and why isnt it using correct temperatures? 1843:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1281), andysniper (114... 1843:< deftzeusmc> and me wtf 1843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Croatia? 1843:< A3L92> zagreb 1843:< mootinator> INSERT DANK MEME HERE zagreb 1843:< deftzeusmc> zagreb 1843:< Authsauce> froggylava 1843:< grink> fahrenheit is stupid USA numbers 1844:< Authsauce> zeegrab 1844:< andysniper> zagreb 1844:< npinsker> The answer was Zagreb! Correct users: A3L92 (126), mootinator (69), deftzeusmc (8), andysniper (1145) 1844:< grink> (i'm american btw) and i fucking hate non metric shit 1844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints 1844:< grink> bonerism 1844:< deftzeusmc> cockisms 1844:< andysniper> artheritism 1844:< grink> arthritis 1844:< mootinator> spasms 1844:< ViktorErikJensen> Kelvin would be better though. /C user 1844:< npinsker> The answer was rheumatism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1844:< grink> yeah K makes the most sense in science 1845:< Authsauce> LUPUS 1845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Hideo Kojima game for the GBA included a solar panel requiring you to play in direct sunlight to do well. 1845:< andysniper> castlevania 1845:< rockham> vampire something 1845:< mootinator> Sounds retarded castlevania 1845:< Authsauce> i like turtles castlevania 1845:< 3xist3nc3> castlevania: bulb 1845:< grink> hostelvania 1845:< npinsker> The answer was Boktai! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1845:< Authsauce> so close 1845:< deftzeusmc> yeah 1845:< andysniper> oh of course 1845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith? 1845:< andysniper> swampthing 1846:< andysniper> spawn 1846:< grink> cock rings 1846:< deftzeusmc> swampthing 1846:< deftzeusmc> spawn 1846:< andysniper> punisher 1846:< grink> pain and sufferinhg 1846:< npinsker> The answer was The Maxx! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1846:< Authsauce> noonecares.jpg 1846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is Pearl Harbour? 1846:< grink> hawaii 1846:< rockham> hawaii 1846:< andysniper> hawaii 1846:< A3L92> hawaii 1846:< Authsauce> oahu 1846:< mootinator> cock gobblers oahu 1846:< deftzeusmc> hawaii 1846:< grink> yeah i had wrong one 1846:< andysniper> oahu 1847:< andysniper> maui 1847:< npinsker> The answer was Oahu! Correct users: Authsauce (424), mootinator (72), andysniper (1147) 1847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum? 1847:< mootinator> Timpani 1847:< grink> typanmi 1847:< andysniper> timpani 1847:< grink> timpani 1847:< mootinator> Boiiiiiing? 1847:< deftzeusmc> timpani 1847:< npinsker> The answer was tympani! Correct users: mootinator (76), andysniper (1150), grink (1283), deftzeusmc (9) 1847:< andysniper> timothy pani 1847:< grink> hey beavis 1847:< mootinator> huhhhuhhhuh 1848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Was Sherlock Holmes' 7% solution in 'The Sign of Four'? 1848:< grink> vodka 1848:< pfumbi> cocaine 1848:< mootinator> gin 1848:< HookahComputer> hemlock 1848:< A3L92> morphine 1848:< andysniper> buttsoup 1848:< purple_pan> morphine 1848:< mootinator> beer 1848:< grink> H2O2 1848:< deftzeusmc> morphine 1848:< npinsker> The answer was Cocaine! Correct users: pfumbi (4) 1848:< rockham> cyanide 1848:< mootinator> carbonated water 1848:< grink> oh shit 1848:< purple_pan> damnit 1848:< purple_pan> should've said opiates 1848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In snooker, how many points are accumulated in a perfect break? 1848:< grink> in what 1848:< andysniper> 147 1849:< mitosan> 147 1849:< mootinator> snooker? I barely know her. 1849:< grink> 49594 38759203 85-75982347 9685496582409852493 1849:< deftzeusmc> 147 1849:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and forty seven! Correct users: andysniper (1154), mitosan (3), deftzeusmc (11) 1849:< drewiepoodle> the merger comes 1849:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2502), rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1283), andysniper (115... 1849:< mitosan> if onle 1849:< grink> do we have a name for it? 1849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun Runs || What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race? 1849:< mootinator> IT'S HAPPENING! 1849:< rockham> the cascade 1849:< ViktorErikJensen> The mergening 1850:< grink> hang ten 1850:< BossColo> Everyone switch to stay. 1850:< Authsauce> aw yiss 1850:< mootinator> cock cascade 1850:< npinsker> The answer was Bay to Breakers footrace! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1850:< Authsauce> MY BODY IS READY 1850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who is the son of Durotan, an Orcish chiefain in the World of Warcraft? 1850:< mootinator> In this moment I am euphoric. 1850:< rockham> thrall 1850:< HookahComputer> thrall 1850:< mootinator> thrall 1850:< deftzeusmc> thrall 1850:< grink> balls 1850:< mootinator> Gul'dan 1850:< npinsker> The answer was Thrall! Correct users: rockham (13), HookahComputer (858), mootinator (78), deftzeusmc (12) 1851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the term for a castrated rooster? 1851:< mootinator> Garona 1851:< rockham> cock 1851:< mootinator> COCK 1851:< grink> lame 1851:< A3L92> cock 1851:< grink> mr cock 1851:< mootinator> COCKCOCK 1851:< deftzeusmc> cock 1851:< Authsauce> capon 1851:< mootinator> Cocky McCockFace Cock 1851:< npinsker> The answer was capon! Correct users: Authsauce (428) 1851:< monoglot> capon 1851:< mootinator> It was a trap! 1851:< grink> boaty mcboatface 1852:< grink> devils 1852:< mootinator> Whip It 1852:< rockham> empires 1852:< HookahComputer> darkness 1852:< anticrash> Extinction 1852:< grink> no lightbulbs 1852:< monoglot> fishes 1852:< Authsauce> fishes 1852:< npinsker> The answer was fish! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1852:< Authsauce> i hate life 1852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said 'We're not in the hamburger business, we're in showbusiness'? 1852:< grink> mcdonalds 1852:< monoglot> Ray Kroc 1852:< A3L92> mcdonald 1852:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 1852:< mootinator> The Burger King 1852:< GriffinPrice> Ray Kroc 1852:< rockham> mr crabbes 1853:< grink> the cock gobbler 1853:< anticrash> wahlburger 1853:< Authsauce> Roy Krac 1853:< thatwentBTE> burger king 1853:< npinsker> The answer was Ray Kroc! Correct users: monoglot (214), GriffinPrice (40) 1853:< mootinator> Marky Mark 1853:< 3xist3nc3> ronald mcdonakd 1853:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Animals that once existed but don't exist now are said to be _______. 1853:< monoglot> extinct 1853:< HookahComputer> extinct 1853:< rockham> extinct 1853:< 3xist3nc3> extinct 1853:< GriffinPrice> extinct 1853:< mootinator> cockextinct 1853:< Authsauce> ethereal 1853:< anticrash> extinct 1853:< ViktorErikJensen> dead 1853:< 3xist3nc3> ripping piece 1853:< thatwentBTE> place by god 1853:< npinsker> The answer was extinct! Correct users: monoglot (218), HookahComputer (861), rockham (15), 3xist3nc3 (2503), GriffinPrice (40), mootina... 1853:< Sorbetfraise> rekt 1854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Ceremonies || After how many years marriage do you celebrate your emerald wedding anniversary 1854:< shying_away> 55 1854:< grink> 75 1854:< thatwentBTE> 69 1854:< mootinator> 30 1854:< grink> 90 1854:< 3xist3nc3> 420 1854:< grink> 1880 1854:< thatwentBTE> 9001 1854:< npinsker> The answer was 55! Correct users: shying_away (4) 1854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Common Terms || What is often referred to as "the oldest profession"? 1854:< shying_away> prostitution 1855:< 3xist3nc3> botting 1855:< rockham> prostitutio 1855:< anticrash> dirt farming 1855:< ViktorErikJensen> moooooooooooom! shying_away is being a jerk 1855:< RvDarklord> lol nice bots 1855:< mootinator> getting stds by engaging in prostitution 1855:< thatwentBTE> hooking 1855:< q00u> computer programmer 1855:< rockham> prostitution 1855:< A3L92> prostitution 1855:< grink> better not be a fucking bot 1855:< npinsker> The answer was prostitution! Correct users: shying_away (8), mootinator (81), rockham (17), A3L92 (127) 1855:< deftzeusmc> prostitution 1855:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2503), rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1283), andysniper (115... 1855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || About which family are the Godfather films? 1855:< shying_away> Corleone 1855:< grink> totally is 1856:< A3L92> corleone 1856:< 3xist3nc3> Confirmed 1856:< rockham> corleone 1856:< anticrash> corleone 1856:< deftzeusmc> corleone 1856:< mootinator> Don Corleone 1856:< grink> npinsker shying_away is a bot 1856:< 3xist3nc3> cor[le]one 1856:< npinsker> The answer was Corleone! Correct users: shying_away (12), A3L92 (130), rockham (19), anticrash (133), deftzeusmc (12), mootinator (81) 1856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play? 1856:< 3xist3nc3> globetrotting 1856:< mootinator> Basketball 1856:< grink> basketball 1856:< anticrash> basketball 1856:< deftzeusmc> Basketball 1856:< grink> i guess they stopped botting 1857:< npinsker> The answer was basketball! Correct users: mootinator (85), grink (1286), anticrash (135), deftzeusmc (13) 1857:< grink> or that q isnt in the bank 1857:< shying_away> npinsker grink is a bot 1857:< deftzeusmc> theyreawesome btw 1857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the symbol for Iron? 1857:< grink> Fe 1857:< 3xist3nc3> fe 1857:< A3L92> fe 1857:< anticrash> fe 1857:< RvDarklord> FE' 1857:< deftzeusmc> fe 1857:< mootinator> cHAfE 1857:< rockham> fe 1857:< npinsker> The answer was Fe! Correct users: grink (1290), 3xist3nc3 (2506), A3L92 (132), anticrash (136), RvDarklord (0), deftzeusmc (13), mootin... 1858:< deftzeusmc> grink isnt even here wtf 1858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Germany was split into two zones by which agreement? 1858:< grink> i'm here 1858:< A3L92> potsdam agreement 1858:< anticrash> user license agreement 1858:< rockham> potsadam agreement 1858:< grink> GTFO agreement 1858:< mootinator> treaty of versailles 1858:< RvDarklord> Kappa agreement 1858:< npinsker> The answer was Yalta agreement! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1858:< grink> mybad 1858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first unseeded player to win Wimbeldon? 1858:< mootinator> YALTA your MOM 1859:< grink> kidney beans 1859:< mootinator> Frank Drebin 1859:< mesosa> Björn borg 1859:< deftzeusmc> Frank Drebin 1859:< npinsker> The answer was Boris Becker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1988 NES game has also gone by the names Wonder Boy, Monster World and Revenge of Drancon? 1859:< anticrash> Monster Party 1859:< HookahComputer> Earthbound 1859:< mootinator> Castlevania 1900:< deftzeusmc> Earthbound 1900:< npinsker> The answer was Adventure Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1900:< deftzeusmc> gj 1900:< mootinator> Okay one more and back to work 1900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The planet closest to the sun is _______. 1900:< HookahComputer> Mercury 1900:< grink> mercury 1900:< anticrash> mercury 1900:< mootinator> Freddy Mercury 1900:< etray> mercury 1900:< grink> pluto 1900:< deftzeusmc> mercury 1900:< mootinator> Freddie Mercury 1900:< mesosa> your mom 1900:< grink> Fred Hg 1900:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: HookahComputer (865), grink (1293), anticrash (138), mootinator (86), etray (204), deftzeusmc (13) 1901:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Whats the smallest size grand piano? 1901:< monoglot> baby grand 1901:< mootinator> baby back baby grand 1901:< deftzeusmc> baby grand 1901:< npinsker> The answer was A Baby Grand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1901:< grink> baby penis piano 1901:< mootinator> A baby grand? REALLY BOT "A"? 1901:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2506), rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1293), andysniper (115... 1901:< deftzeusmc> xd 1901:< mootinator> *RAGEQUIT* 1901:< etray> xd 1902:< grink> enbrace the regexp 1902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Robert Baratheon's bastard son Gendry has a helmet in the shape of what? 1902:< anticrash> bull 1902:< grink> batardo 1902:< HookahComputer> penis 1902:< GriffinPrice> Boar 1902:< grink> whore 1902:< mootinator> Phallus 1902:< npinsker> The answer was Bulls head! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1902:< anticrash> wat 1902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who fiddled while Rome burned? 1902:< HookahComputer> nero 1902:< etray> nero 1902:< NuOfBelthasar> nero 1902:< grink> romulus 1902:< mootinator> Nero 1902:< A3L92> nero 1902:< GriffinPrice> nero 1903:< deftzeusmc> nero 1903:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1903:< etray> "or so they say" 1903:< mootinator> Nero BURNING ROM not ROME IDIOT BOT 1903:< grink> burn me some cds 1903:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: HookahComputer (869), etray (207), NuOfBelthasar (2), mootinator (87), A3L92 (132), GriffinPrice (4... 1903:< HookahComputer> Um 1903:< HookahComputer> Yes, the CD software got its name from this legend. 1903:< NuOfBelthasar> Wait, I have 2? I just started. :-/ 1903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He starred in, "City Lights". 1903:< etray> mootinator whoah i never thought that 1903:< mootinator> I just poe'd you 1903:< etray> mind blownnn 1903:< grink> tom cruise 1903:< grink> charle chaplan 1903:< npinsker> The answer was Charlie Chaplin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1904:< A3L92> verne troyer 1904:< GriffinPrice> Charlie Chaplin 1904:< grink> fuck fuck ass 1904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Name the largest gland in the human body. 1904:< HookahComputer> liver 1904:< grink> penis 1904:< anticrash> pituitary 1904:< mootinator> ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass liver 1904:< deftzeusmc> liver 1904:< rockham> skin 1904:< etray> lung 1904:< npinsker> The answer was liver! Correct users: HookahComputer (873), mootinator (90), deftzeusmc (15) 1904:< femdemgem> City Lights is a 1931 American pre-Code silent romantic comedy film written by, directed by, and starring Charlie Chaplin's liver 1904:< HookahComputer> asphinctersayswhat? 1904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || What would be kept in an "aviary"? 1905:< grink> birds 1905:< HookahComputer> birds 1905:< rockham> birds 1905:< GriffinPrice> Bird 1905:< A3L92> birds 1905:< anticrash> birds 1905:< etray> superman 1905:< deftzeusmc> bird 1905:< GriffinPrice> birds 1905:< mootinator> Alfred Hitchcocks the birds 1905:< deftzeusmc> birds 1905:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: grink (1297), HookahComputer (876), rockham (21), GriffinPrice (41), A3L92 (132), anticrash (138),... 1905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genetics || How many chromosomes do each body cell contain? 1905:< HookahComputer> 26 1905:< A3L92> 48 1905:< HookahComputer> 28 1905:< ViktorErikJensen> depends 1906:< HookahComputer> Hell, I don't know, enough to know better. 1906:< deftzeusmc> 28 1906:< mootinator> 52. People are put together like a deck of cards. 1906:< mootinator> sperm 13 1906:< npinsker> The answer was forty six! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1906:< grink> 53 1906:< 3xist3nc3> 46 1906:< etray> depends 1906:< HookahComputer> Baldness is on the King of Clubs chromosome. 1906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which formber Beatle released the hit single "My Sweet Lord"? 1906:< 3xist3nc3> Bigger than Jesus 1906:< mootinator> Elton John Ringo Starr 1906:< npinsker> The answer was George Harrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1906:< grink> jesus smells like balls 1906:< ViktorErikJensen> Also: The average human has les than two legs 1907:< etray> Paul McCartney 1907:< rockham> time 1907:< grink> time 1907:< A3L92> colours 1907:< foxyfoxyrunrun> time 1907:< mootinator> How much I've wasted: time 1907:< deftzeusmc> time 1907:< grink> cron jobs 1907:< shying_away> time 1907:< rockham> better question: what IS time? 1907:< npinsker> The answer was Time! Correct users: rockham (25), grink (1300), foxyfoxyrunrun (2), mootinator (91), deftzeusmc (15), shying_away (12) 1907:< grink> what is love 1907:< etray> baby don't hurt me? 1907:< deftzeusmc> life wasted 1907:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2506), rbasov (2500), Patarknight (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1300), andysniper (115... 1908:< mootinator> GO 1908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is 'The Golden State'? 1908:< 3xist3nc3> no more 1908:< grink> california 1908:< mesosa> alaska 1908:< A3L92> california 1908:< 3xist3nc3> California 1908:< mootinator> Hotel California 1908:< deftzeusmc> California 1908:< grink> almost thought it said garden state 1908:< shying_away> California 1908:< 3xist3nc3> Thanks for the countdown parrot, but ratelimit can still go to hell 1908:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: grink (1304), A3L92 (135), 3xist3nc3 (2508), mootinator (92), deftzeusmc (15), shying_away (12) 1908:< grink> 3xist3nc3 +1 1908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a device to stem the flow of blood called? 1909:< mootinator> shunt 1909:< grink> sphincter 1909:< deftzeusmc> shunt 1909:< mootinator> splint 1909:< mootinator> pecker 1909:< deftzeusmc> splint 1909:< npinsker> The answer was tourniquet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1909:< grink> oh 1909:< mootinator> Stupid french 1909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is the shortest verse in the bible? (John 11:35) 1909:< grink> jesus wept 1909:< 3xist3nc3> BloodBlock Plus 1909:< rockham> LORD 1909:< grink> only bc ive seen this before 1909:< 3xist3nc3> jesus wept 1910:< mootinator> jesus saw my cock and jesus wept 1910:< npinsker> The answer was Jesus wept.! Correct users: grink (1308), 3xist3nc3 (2511), mootinator (94) 1910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling? (in inches) 1910:< grink> mootinator more correct... 14 1910:< deftzeusmc> 10 1910:< grink> 16 1910:< mootinator> K I"m out 1910:< grink> 12 1910:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1910:< 3xist3nc3> cya moot 1911:< grink> cya 1911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many teeth does a walrus have? 1911:< 3xist3nc3> 4chanfounderinator 1911:< grink> 14 1911:< A3L92> 2 1911:< rockham> 2 1911:< deftzeusmc> 2 1911:< grink> 16 1911:< deftzeusmc> two\ 1911:< grink> 18 1911:< npinsker> The answer was eighteen! Correct users: grink (1312) 1911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Approximately how many pounds of salt is in every gallon of seawater? 1911:< grink> 1/4 1912:< A3L92> alot 1912:< grink> .25 1912:< 3xist3nc3> 1.15 1912:< npinsker> The answer was one quarter! Correct users: grink (1316) 1912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fantasy || What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called? 1912:< grink> mage 1912:< jayman419> warlock 1912:< anticrash> necromancer 1912:< rockham> warlock 1912:< grink> penisdancer 1913:< anticrash> warlock 1913:< npinsker> The answer was necromancer! Correct users: anticrash (142) 1913:< rockham> pah 1913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who wrote "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", the poems on which the musical "Cats" was based? 1913:< GriffinPrice> hillary 1913:< A3L92> catty mckitty 1913:< grink> duff 1913:< npinsker> The answer was TS Eliot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1914:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2511), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1316), andysniper (115... 1914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A "pigskin" is another name for a(n) ________. 1914:< grink> football 1914:< GriffinPrice> football 1914:< anticrash> football 1914:< deftzeusmc> football 1914:< anticrash> or pork rind 1914:< GriffinPrice> I know because my dad was disappointed I didn't play sports 1914:< ViktorErikJensen> handegg? 1914:< npinsker> The answer was football! Correct users: grink (1320), GriffinPrice (44), anticrash (144), deftzeusmc (16) 1915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the source of the Mississippi River? 1915:< grink> minnesota 1915:< anticrash> not mississippi 1915:< l3db3tt3r> minnesota 1915:< deftzeusmc> minnesota ? 1915:< A3L92> puerto rico 1915:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: grink (1324), person7178 (7), l3db3tt3r (38), deftzeusmc (17) 1915:< grink> rico suave 1915:< OneiricNeuron> mickeysota 1915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What keeps one from crying when peeling onions? 1915:< grink> chewing gum 1915:< anticrash> goggles 1916:< grink> it's a fucking lie 1916:< rockham> like a bazillion worthless lifehacks 1916:< l3db3tt3r> already crying 1916:< A3L92> glasses 1916:< deftzeusmc> glasses 1916:< person7178> chewing gum 1916:< npinsker> The answer was chewing gum! Correct users: grink (1328), person7178 (10) 1916:< grink> dont cut the root for real 1916:< person7178> grink this 1916:< grink> it helps 1916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size? 1916:< person7178> birth 1916:< A3L92> at birth 1916:< anticrash> during pregnancy 1916:< person7178> at birth 1916:< grink> child growing deamon 1916:< person7178> during pregnancy 1916:< npinsker> The answer was during pregnancy! Correct users: anticrash (148), person7178 (13) 1917:< l3db3tt3r> pregnanct 1917:< person7178> nice 1917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ____. 1917:< ViktorErikJensen> Some of these questions 1917:< grink> font 1917:< femdemgem> font 1917:< l3db3tt3r> font 1917:< anticrash> reliquary 1917:< person7178> font 1917:< rockham> typeface 1917:< person7178> reliquary 1917:< deftzeusmc> 2h40m~ from the merge 1917:< l3db3tt3r> i saw this one already 1917:< person7178> this 1917:< ViktorErikJensen> toilet 1917:< npinsker> The answer was font! Correct users: grink (1332), femdemgem (594), l3db3tt3r (40), person7178 (14) 1917:< femdemgem> butthole 1917:< anticrash> washlet 1917:< person7178> ^^^ 1917:< mindragon> zomg grink 1332 1917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of sound is _________. 1918:< femdemgem> phonology 1918:< person7178> sonnology 1918:< rockham> acoustics 1918:< mindragon> sonology 1918:< grink> audiology 1918:< anticrash> sono-something 1918:< l3db3tt3r> phonography 1918:< person7178> phonology 1918:< femdemgem> phonetics 1918:< femdemgem> audiology 1918:< person7178> femdemgem kek 1918:< grink> mindragon been at it for ever 1918:< npinsker> The answer was acoustics! Correct users: rockham (29) 1918:< femdemgem> :( 1918:< l3db3tt3r> lol 1918:< person7178> sonology 1918:< person7178> sonology 1918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Who owns the island of Bermuda? 1918:< grink> britain 1918:< A3L92> united kingdom 1918:< person7178> britiain 1918:< l3db3tt3r> UK 1918:< mindragon> The .001% 1918:< rockham> the illuminati (hence the triangle) 1918:< GriffinPrice> ghosts of those lost at sea 1919:< wolflambert> Δ 1919:< person7178> UK 1919:< ViktorErikJensen> the queen 1919:< npinsker> The answer was Britain! Correct users: grink (1336) 1919:< person7178> britain 1919:< l3db3tt3r> psh 1919:< person7178> FUCK THIS 1919:< mindragon> WTF Grink 1332 to 1336 how? 1919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Animals and plants which produce light are said to be: 1919:< rockham> photosynthetic 1919:< person7178> BRIGHT 1919:< A3L92> bioluminous 1919:< grink> bioluminscent 1919:< anticrash> bioluminescent 1919:< rockham> wait no 1919:< mindragon> Bioluminescent 1919:< person7178> bioluminous 1919:< l3db3tt3r> bioluminous 1919:< person7178> Bioluminescent 1919:< grink> 4 pts for 1st answer down to 1 for 4th 1919:< npinsker> The answer was bioluminescent! Correct users: anticrash (152), mindragon (11), person7178 (16) 1920:< mindragon> w00 1920:< person7178> LETS FUCKING GET IT 1920:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2511), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1336), andysniper (115... 1920:< femdemgem> merge in ~2 hours baby 1920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery? 1920:< person7178> THE DUTCH 1920:< rockham> john snow 1920:< grink> saw thisyerday 1920:< femdemgem> bernie sanders 1920:< grink> forget 1920:< A3L92> Andrew McRubberglove 1920:< person7178> ur mum 1920:< mindragon> Spock 1920:< npinsker> The answer was Dr. W. S. Halstead! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1920:< grink> that dude 1921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979. 1921:< femdemgem> hitler 1921:< grink> cult leader coolaid? 1921:< anticrash> manson 1921:< mindragon> Manson 1921:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1921:< mindragon> Jonestown 1921:< mindragon> dammit 1921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of heredity called? 1921:< grink> genetics 1922:< anticrash> genealogy 1922:< mindragon> Genetics 1922:< femdemgem> genetics 1922:< grink> DNAology 1922:< rockham> genealogy 1922:< anticrash> geneology 1922:< femdemgem> phonetics 1922:< mindragon> geneology 1922:< mindragon> crap 1922:< npinsker> The answer was genetics! Correct users: grink (1340), mindragon (14), femdemgem (596) 1922:< mindragon> oh yay! 1922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same? 1922:< grink> -40 1922:< femdemgem> minus forty celcius 1922:< 3xist3nc3> minus forty celsius 1922:< grink> celcius 1923:< grink> -40 celcius 1923:< mindragon> celsius 1923:< npinsker> The answer was minus forty celcius! Correct users: femdemgem (600) 1923:< grink> i done fucked that up 1923:< mindragon> poo 1923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket? 1923:< shying_away> Brian Lara 1923:< l3db3tt3r> Lara 1923:< anticrash> jiminy 1923:< grink> lara croft 1923:< femdemgem> Croft lara 1923:< npinsker> The answer was Brian Lara! Correct users: shying_away (16) 1923:< mindragon> lol 1924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Whose army did Admiral Nelson defeat at the battle of Trafalgar? 1924:< grink> al;scuster 1924:< femdemgem> aliscuster 1924:< 3xist3nc3> Alicusterian army 1924:< grink> o rly 1924:< mindragon> French 1924:< npinsker> The answer was Napoleon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1924:< femdemgem> :d 1924:< mindragon> ah dammit 1924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1,000 yd. plus) 1924:< grink> rhino 1924:< monoglot> cheetah 1924:< 3xist3nc3> cheetah 1924:< femdemgem> not cheetah 1924:< mindragon> cheetah 1924:< l3db3tt3r> human 1925:< femdemgem> I mean really 1925:< grink> hippo 1925:< femdemgem> the cuter ones 1925:< half_slice7> CATEGORY: gepard 1925:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1925:< mindragon> o.O 1925:< grink> canelopes 1925:< l3db3tt3r> makes sense 1925:< rockham> prolonged distance huh 1925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Margaret Thatcher was what? 1925:< mindragon> Prime minister 1925:< grink> prime minster 1925:< etray> they outrun cheetahs on long distance; saw a documentary 1925:< monoglot> Prime Minister 1925:< A3L92> prime minister 1925:< l3db3tt3r> a bitch 1925:< grink> prime minister 1925:< femdemgem> politician 1925:< rockham> prime minister uk uniked kingdom 1925:< mindragon> lol l3db3tt3r 1926:< npinsker> The answer was First Woman Prime Minister! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1926:< mindragon> fuk you 1926:< rockham> hmpf 1926:< l3db3tt3r> i'm not wrong 1926:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2511), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1340), andysniper (115... 1926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What did TVs IMF stand for? 1926:< l3db3tt3r> lol bot is gender biased, no one else was 1926:< mindragon> Impossible Mission Force 1926:< femdemgem> Impossible Mission Force 1926:< l3db3tt3r> Ike Mike & Fred 1926:< rockham> in MY face 1926:< grink> i milk fatties 1927:< npinsker> The answer was Impossible Mission Forces! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1927:**** mindragon shoots npinsker for 1,000 damage. 1927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' films, who played Freddy Krueger? 1927:< mindragon> Al Gore 1927:< A3L92> your mom 1927:< grink> robert britain 1927:< jayman419> I think it's englund. 1927:< l3db3tt3r> played as himself duh 1927:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Englund! Correct users: femdemgem (604) 1927:< mindragon> oh NOW it fuzzy matches 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As bold as _______. 1928:< HookahComputer> brass 1928:< Sucks_> bob 1928:< grink> feather 1928:< rockham> bravery 1928:< half_slice7> /b 1928:< rockham> a lion 1928:< l3db3tt3r> Bacon 1928:< mindragon> Tits 1928:< npinsker> The answer was brass! Correct users: HookahComputer (880) 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Near which Belarus City did the biggest ever tank battle take place during WWII? 1928:< A3L92> minsk 1928:< mindragon> minsk 1928:< grink> pinsk 1928:< Sucks_> minsk 1929:< l3db3tt3r> Ichcan 1929:< npinsker> The answer was Kursk! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1929:< mindragon> wut? 1929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Monaco has the same flag as what other country? 1929:< Sucks_> USA 1929:< A3L92> indonesia 1929:< grink> best korea 1929:< l3db3tt3r> France 1929:< HookahComputer> New Zealand 1929:< mindragon> https://www.google.com/maps/place/Minsk,+Belarus 1929:< half_slice7> Monaco 1930:< npinsker> The answer was Indonesia! Correct users: A3L92 (139) 1930:< rockham> wrong 1930:< rockham> the aspect ratio is different 1930:< ViktorErikJensen> Yes and Kursk is in Russia 1930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle. 1930:< grink> wishbone 1930:< shying_away> Charles Darwin 1930:< A3L92> fitzgerald 1930:< grink> bloomberg 1930:< l3db3tt3r> Truman 1930:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: shying_away (20) 1930:< mindragon> Charles Darwin 1930:< shying_away> woop 1931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "The Matrix"? 1931:< grink> neo 1931:< Sucks_> keanu reeves 1931:< shying_away> Keanu Reeves 1931:< A3L92> keano reeves 1931:< mindragon> Keanu Reeves 1931:< l3db3tt3r> keanu reevesw 1931:< grink> christopher reeves 1931:< mindragon> lol Grink 1931:< npinsker> The answer was Keanu Reeves! Correct users: Sucks_ (236), shying_away (23), mindragon (16) 1931:< mindragon> w00 1931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult? 1931:< l3db3tt3r> spelling kills 1931:< HookahComputer> You're despicable 1931:< shying_away> You're dispicable! 1931:< mindragon> You're dispicable 1931:< Sucks_> bitch ass 1931:< l3db3tt3r> suffer suchatage 1931:< grink> ducky go down the hole 1932:< half_slice7> fail 1932:< npinsker> The answer was You're dispicable!! Correct users: HookahComputer (884), shying_away (26), mindragon (18) 1932:< mindragon> sufferin' succatash 1932:< shying_away> dithpicable 1932:< mindragon> ikr 1932:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2511), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1340), andysniper (115... 1932:< l3db3tt3r> lol 1932:< HookahComputer> Yeaah that's not how you spell that 1932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is an algonquin more commonaly known? 1932:< HookahComputer> ferret 1932:< grink> birds 1932:< shying_away> moose 1932:< grink> indians 1933:< mindragon> indian 1933:< npinsker> The answer was moose! Correct users: shying_away (30) 1933:< mindragon> lawl 1933:< l3db3tt3r> moose 1933:< shying_away> slow googlers 1933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The Greek army under Leonides was annihilated here by Persians in 480BC. 1933:< shying_away> Thermopylae 1933:< anticrash> the hot gates 1933:< l3db3tt3r> the rock 1933:< A3L92> themhophylae 1933:< mindragon> Thermop fuck i can't spell it 1933:< l3db3tt3r> 300! 1933:< anticrash> thermopylae 1933:< npinsker> The answer was Thermopylae! Correct users: shying_away (34), anticrash (155) 1934:< mindragon> Tonight we dine in hell 1934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Ventilation || If locked in a completely sealed room, of what will you die before you suffocate? 1934:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1934:< shying_away> carbon monoxide poisoning 1934:< rockham> co2 1934:< l3db3tt3r> co2 poisening 1934:< HookahComputer> carbon dioxide poisoning 1934:< mindragon> Carbon monoxide posioning 1934:< 3xist3nc3> biocarbonate oxidite supressino 1934:< BrownMario> do the high scores carry over after the merge? 1934:< shying_away> that question is old 1934:< npinsker> The answer was carbon monoxide poisoning! Correct users: shying_away (38) 1934:< mindragon> BrownMario yes 1934:< rockham> really? 1934:< mindragon> aww fuck mispelling 1934:< grink> ping 1934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which films are about the Corleone family? 1934:< l3db3tt3r> shwing 1935:< 3xist3nc3> the godfather 1935:< A3L92> the godfather 1935:< rockham> the godfather 1935:< shying_away> The Godfather films 1935:< grink> fucking fuck 1935:< l3db3tt3r> godfather 1935:< mindragon> Godfather 1935:< mindragon> Or as I like to call it, the mumbling 1935:< npinsker> The answer was The Godfather films! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2515), A3L92 (142), rockham (31), shying_away (39), l3db3tt3r (40), mindr... 1935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Gorky Park? 1935:< A3L92> moscow 1935:< rockham> on earth 1935:< mindragon> Moscow 1935:< shying_away> Moscow 1935:< grink> USSR 1935:< l3db3tt3r> in the universe 1935:< BrownMario> man i just got kicked off the leaderboard but i have too much work at the office to try to get back :/ 1936:< npinsker> The answer was Moscow! Correct users: A3L92 (146), mindragon (21), shying_away (41) 1936:< mindragon> w00 1936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || With age, what organ shrinks faster in males than in females? 1936:< mindragon> penis 1936:< BrownMario> penis 1936:< shying_away> brain 1936:< grink> brain 1936:< mindragon> :P 1936:< l3db3tt3r> brain 1936:< A3L92> penis penis cock cock 1936:< BrownMario> brain 1936:< HookahComputer> skin 1936:< npinsker> The answer was brain! Correct users: shying_away (45), grink (1343), l3db3tt3r (42), BrownMario (1001) 1937:< BrownMario> it is well established that older female penis doesn't shrink as fast 1937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is the official birthplace of country music? 1937:< BrownMario> tennessee 1937:< grink> nashville 1937:< HookahComputer> Kentucky 1937:< A3L92> redneckia 1937:< shying_away> Bristol 1937:< l3db3tt3r> alabama 1937:< mindragon> Nashville Tennessee 1937:< grink> hicksville 1937:< BrownMario> nashville 1937:< l3db3tt3r> the south 1937:< shying_away> also old question 1937:< l3db3tt3r> bristol 1937:< npinsker> The answer was Bristol! Correct users: shying_away (49), l3db3tt3r (45) 1937:< grink> biste 1937:< mindragon> wtf 1937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was sherlock holmes most famous novel? 1937:< grink> 8==D~o 1937:< shying_away> The Hound of The Baskervilles 1938:< A3L92> the hound of the baskervilles 1938:< l3db3tt3r> the hound of the baskervillex 1938:< BrownMario> the hound of the baskervilles 1938:< l3db3tt3r> fuck spelling 1938:< shying_away> not my fav though 1938:< npinsker> The answer was The Hound of The Baskervilles! Correct users: shying_away (53), A3L92 (149), BrownMario (1003) 1938:< rockham> sir arthur conan doyles most famous novel you mean 1938:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2515), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1343), andysniper (115... 1938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Rivers || What is the only river that flows both north and south of the Equator? 1938:< BrownMario> congo 1938:< 3xist3nc3> amazon 1939:< A3L92> amazonas 1939:< mindragon> amazon 1939:< Sorbetfraise> amazon prime 1939:< ViktorErikJensen> Nile 1939:< grink> prime amazon 1939:< mindragon> and Rockham - quite right 1939:< 3xist3nc3> nile 1939:< BrownMario> you are all in de-nile i got this 1939:< grink> mniles 1939:< npinsker> The answer was congo! Correct users: BrownMario (1007) 1939:< mindragon> ah crap nile 1939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was known as 'the peanut president'? 1939:< ViktorErikJensen> BrownMario: Didn't you have work? 1939:< shying_away> Jimmy Carter 1939:< 3xist3nc3> carter 1939:< BrownMario> mehh 1939:< mindragon> Carter 1939:< grink> carter 1939:< BrownMario> carter 1939:< A3L92> Barack Peanutobama 1940:< grink> fuck mario is back 1940:< npinsker> The answer was Jimmy Carter! Correct users: shying_away (57) 1940:< grink> i must play harder 1940:< BrownMario> lol 1940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As clean as a(n) ________. 1940:< grink> whistle 1940:< BrownMario> whistle 1940:< shying_away> whistle 1940:< mindragon> whistle 1940:< grink> dickle 1940:< mindragon> fuck no fuzzy matches? 1940:< npinsker> The answer was whistle! Correct users: grink (1347), BrownMario (1010), shying_away (59), mindragon (22) 1941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of __________. 1941:< shying_away> fish 1941:< grink> fish 1941:< anticrash> fish 1941:< BrownMario> fish 1941:< mindragon> fish 1941:< ViktorErikJensen> words 1941:< BrownMario> grink i'd have to sit here for a while to catch up 1941:< npinsker> The answer was fish! Correct users: shying_away (63), grink (1350), anticrash (157), BrownMario (1011), mindragon (22) 1941:< Ookami_Wolf> This chat is still alive? what the hell 1941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Beat It'? 1941:< grink> michael jackson 1941:< mindragon> Michael Jackson 1941:< BrownMario> michael jackson 1941:< anticrash> michael jackson 1941:< 3xist3nc3> michael jackson 1941:< shying_away> Michael Jackson 1942:< grink> your mom 1942:< BrownMario> michael jordan 1942:< mindragon> grink no that was Weird Al 1942:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Jackson! Correct users: grink (1354), mindragon (25), BrownMario (1013), anticrash (158), 3xist3nc3 (2515), shyi... 1942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entomology || What is the only insect that can turn its head? 1942:< BrownMario> ant 1942:< shying_away> praying mantis 1942:< mindragon> ant 1942:< A3L92> praying mantis 1942:< BrownMario> praying mantis 1942:< anticrash> praying mantis 1942:< alylynn96> 494! 1943:< npinsker> The answer was praying mantis! Correct users: shying_away (67), A3L92 (152), BrownMario (1015), anticrash (159) 1943:< mindragon> doh! 1943:< alylynn96> also TehAlpacalypse everyone joining will be active 1943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse? 1943:< TxDieselKid> so looking at the robin leaderboard, if i'm reading it right, there's like 7 rooms that will merge to form the T17? 1943:< grink> walt disney 1943:< monoglot> Walt Disney 1943:< shying_away> Walt Disney 1943:< BrownMario> walt disney 1943:< mindragon> walt disney 1943:< anticrash> walt disney 1943:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Disney! Correct users: grink (1358), monoglot (221), shying_away (69), BrownMario (1016), mindragon (25), anticrash... 1943:< BrownMario> is the plan to stay at T17? 1943:< ViktorErikJensen> TxDieselKid: Five now 1943:< mindragon> yay for 0 points 1944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || What does Israel call its parliament? 1944:< A3L92> knesset 1944:< monoglot> Knesset 1944:< BrownMario> knesset 1944:< mindragon> knesset 1944:< shying_away> Knesset 1944:< TxDieselKid> it literally JUST changed 1944:< npinsker> The answer was Knesset! Correct users: A3L92 (156), monoglot (224), BrownMario (1018), mindragon (26), shying_away (69) 1944:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2515), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1358), andysniper (115... 1945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries? 1945:< alylynn96> /tally 1945:< A3L92> afghanistan 1945:< shying_away> Afghanistan 1945:< Sorbetfraise> afghanistan 1945:< BrownMario> afghanistan 1945:< mindragon> Afghanistan 1945:< npinsker> The answer was Afghanistan! Correct users: A3L92 (160), shying_away (72), Sorbetfraise (27), BrownMario (1019), mindragon (26) 1946:< npinsker> The answer was Fifteenth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1946:< mindragon> lol wut 1946:< BrownMario> what was the question?? 1946:< HookahComputer> It was the ultimate question 1946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died? 1946:< Sorbetfraise> Olivia Newton-John 1946:< anticrash> american pie 1946:< BrownMario> american pie 1946:< mindragon> American Pie 1946:< shying_away> American Pie 1946:< HookahComputer> american pie 1946:< monoglot> American Pie 1946:< A3L92> american pie 1946:< anticrash> just asked this one not that long ago 1946:< mindragon> Chevy to the levy... 1946:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: anticrash (163), BrownMario (1022), mindragon (28), shying_away (73), HookahComputer (884),... 1946:< anticrash> but the levy was dry 1947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories? 1947:< mindragon> A statue 1947:< shying_away> Arc de Triomphe 1947:< A3L92> arc de triomphe 1947:< BrownMario> arc the triomphe 1947:< npinsker> The answer was Arc de Triomphe! Correct users: shying_away (77), A3L92 (163) 1947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'playboy'? 1948:< shying_away> Peter Sellers 1948:< Sorbetfraise> john cena 1948:< HookahComputer> Steven Fry 1948:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Sellers! Correct users: shying_away (81) 1948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In what does a rhinologist specialise? 1948:< A3L92> nose 1948:< monoglot> nose 1948:< anticrash> nose 1948:< shying_away> human nose 1949:< npinsker> The answer was human nose! Correct users: A3L92 (167), monoglot (227), anticrash (165), shying_away (82) 1949:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who was the first to say Harry would be a good Seeker? 1949:< rockham> mcgonnagal 1949:< monoglot> McGonagall 1949:< mindragon> McGonagall 1949:< mindragon> trying to spell it right lol 1949:< rockham> McGonagall -.- 1949:< npinsker> The answer was (Professor |Minerva )?McGonagall! Correct users: monoglot (231), mindragon (31) 1950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"? 1950:< monoglot> Thumper 1950:< mindragon> Thumper 1950:< anticrash> thumper 1950:< npinsker> The answer was Thumper! Correct users: monoglot (235), mindragon (34), anticrash (167) 1950:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2515), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1358), andysniper (115... 1951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What was the former name of Thailand? 1951:< monoglot> Siam 1951:< mindragon> Siam 1951:< npinsker> The answer was Siam! Correct users: monoglot (239), mindragon (37) 1951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hobbies || Who invented painting by numbers? 1951:< anticrash> bob ross 1952:< monoglot> Benjamin Franklin 1952:< mindragon> Al Gore 1952:< npinsker> The answer was palmer paint company! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1952:< mindragon> lol 1952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || What is the clear homogeneous liquid portion of a nuclear protoplasm? 1952:< HookahComputer> yellow 1952:< mindragon> plasma 1953:< anticrash> plasma sounds good to me 1953:< npinsker> The answer was karyolymph! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1953:< TxDieselKid> LMFAOOOO, the sub for this chat says this channel is just full of bots. guess they just suck at trivia. lol 1953:< mindragon> he slimed me! 1953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Wales?? 1953:< anticrash> or that 1953:< monoglot> Cardiff 1953:< mindragon> Cardiff 1953:< anticrash> cardiff 1953:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: monoglot (243), mindragon (40), anticrash (169) 1954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Jon Snow hopes to be assigned to the Rangers of the Night's Watch. What role is he given? 1954:< anticrash> steward 1954:< rockham> steward 1954:< GriffinPrice> Steward 1954:< mindragon> Steward 1954:< rockham> and then LORD COMMANDER 1954:< mindragon> gah stupid email pop up 1954:< npinsker> The answer was Steward! Correct users: anticrash (173), rockham (34), GriffinPrice (46), mindragon (41) 1954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Sung by Robert Palmer, '____________ to love'? 1954:< monoglot> Addicted 1954:< mindragon> Somebody 1954:< anticrash> addicted 1955:< mindragon> doh 1955:< 3xist3nc3> Addicted 1955:< npinsker> The answer was Addicted! Correct users: monoglot (247), anticrash (176), 3xist3nc3 (2517) 1955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || With which House would you associate Euron, Victarion and Aeron? 1955:< GriffinPrice> Greyjoy 1955:< anticrash> Greyjoy 1955:< monoglot> Targaeryen 1956:< npinsker> The answer was House Greyjoy! Correct users: GriffinPrice (50), anticrash (179) 1956:< mindragon> cya guys have fun 1956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which substance has the chemical formula H3PO4? 1956:< grink> Hydrogen Sulfate 1956:< grink> Hydrogen Sulfide 1956:< pcpmasterrace> phosphoric acid 1956:< npinsker> The answer was phosphoric acid! Correct users: pcpmasterrace (34) 1957:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2517), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1358), andysniper (115... 1957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Longevity || How old was the world's oldest man? 1957:< grink> 108 1957:< GriffinPrice> 115 1957:< monoglot> 119 1957:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and forty one! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || who is Steveland Morris better known as? 1958:< monoglot> Stevie Wonder 1958:< npinsker> The answer was Stevie Wonder! Correct users: monoglot (251) 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This country is divided at the 38th parallel. 1958:< monoglot> Korea 1958:< grink> korea 1959:< npinsker> The answer was Korea! Correct users: monoglot (255), grink (1361) 1959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was name of the Titanic's sister ship? 1959:< GriffinPrice> yeah I jsut looked it up and nobody has lived to 141 1959:< monoglot> Britannic 1959:< GriffinPrice> brittania 1959:< GriffinPrice> Brittanic 1959:< grink> brittania 1959:< npinsker> The answer was Lucitania! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2000:< monoglot> nah 2000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the smallest state in the USA? 2000:< grink> delaware 2000:< monoglot> Rhode Island 2000:< labtec901> rhode island 2000:< GriffinPrice> Rhode Island 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Rhode Island! Correct users: monoglot (259), labtec901 (7), GriffinPrice (52) 2000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He invented "bifocal" lenses for eyeglasses. 2001:< HookahComputer> ben franklin 2001:< monoglot> Franklin 2001:< grink> benjamin franklin 2001:< mindragon> Benjamin Frankin 2001:< GriffinPrice> Ben Franklin 2001:< mindragon> ck mwqpe invpwiqem opinweiovmsdkl m]pwoem ]p2q2em ]pk;qem];ovqw o[er 3opqrnvpoieqbn 2001:< GriffinPrice> Benjamin Franklin 2001:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin! Correct users: grink (1365), GriffinPrice (55) 2001:< HookahComputer> Ben to his friends 2001:< mindragon> ikr 2001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "The count of Monte-Christo"? 2001:< grink> poe 2001:< monoglot> Dumas 2001:< mindragon> Dumas 2001:< grink> dumbass 2001:< GriffinPrice> Alexandre Dumas 2001:< shying_away> DUmas 2001:< monoglot> Alexandre Dumas 2002:< HookahComputer> I can bring a lot to Dumas & Dumas 2002:< npinsker> The answer was Dumas! Correct users: monoglot (263), mindragon (44), GriffinPrice (57), shying_away (83), HookahComputer (884) 2002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Li'l Abner's favorite Indian drink. 2002:< shying_away> Kickapoo Joy Juice 2002:< tigerLRG245> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2002:< GriffinPrice> This seems racist 2002:< mindragon> Right? 2002:< npinsker> The answer was Kickapoo Joy Juice! Correct users: shying_away (87) 2002:< HookahComputer> Wait, dots or feathers? 2003:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2003:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2517), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1365), andysniper (115... 2003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Mercury's period of orbit takes how many earth days? 2003:< HookahComputer> 90 2003:< monoglot> 120 2003:< npinsker> The answer was eighty eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2003:< HookahComputer> Oh ffs 2004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is Pearl Harbor? 2004:< HookahComputer> Maui 2004:< monoglot> Oahu 2004:< grink> oahu 2004:< rockham> oahu 2004:< GriffinPrice> Oahu 2004:< shying_away> Oahu 2004:< npinsker> The answer was Oahu! Correct users: monoglot (267), grink (1368), rockham (36), GriffinPrice (58), shying_away (87) 2004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The three buildings of the Acropolis are the Propylaea, the Erectheum, and the _________. 2004:< shying_away> Parthenon 2005:< mindragon> Whore House 2005:< monoglot> Parthenon 2005:< npinsker> The answer was Parthenon! Correct users: shying_away (91), monoglot (270) 2005:< pandandap> The answer was Whore House! 2005:< HookahComputer> gg mindragon 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the oprea 'La Traviata'? 2005:< HookahComputer> Puccini 2005:< monoglot> Verdi 2005:< shying_away> Guiseppe Verdi 2005:< mindragon> Travolta 2005:< GriffinPrice> Giacomo Puccino 2006:< tigerLRG245> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2006:< npinsker> The answer was Guiseppe Verdi! Correct users: monoglot (274), shying_away (94) 2006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes. 2006:< monoglot> Pavlov 2006:< HookahComputer> Pavlov 2006:< shying_away> Ivan Pavlov 2006:< rockham> pavlov 2006:< pandandap> Pavlov 2006:< mindragon> Putin 2006:< HookahComputer> Rings a bell 2006:< rockham> I'm hungry 2006:< npinsker> The answer was Ivan Pavlov! Correct users: monoglot (278), HookahComputer (887), shying_away (96), rockham (37), pandandap (13) 2007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory? 2007:< shying_away> Alaska 2007:< HookahComputer> Alaska 2007:< monoglot> Alaska 2007:< mindragon> Russia 2007:< grink> alaska 2007:< grink> i can see it form my backyard 2007:< Hippoaddict> Russia 2007:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: shying_away (100), HookahComputer (890), monoglot (280), grink (1369) 2007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which US author penned the novels "Of Mice and Men" and "East Of Eden"? 2007:< monoglot> Steinbeck 2007:< pandandap> Steinbeck 2008:< Hippoaddict> steinbeck 2008:< npinsker> The answer was John Steinbeck! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2008:< AndyD418> we might merge in less than 2 hours!!! 2008:< monoglot> lol 2008:< mindragon> lol 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biochemistry || This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves. 2008:< monoglot> nicotine 2008:< shying_away> nicotine 2008:< mindragon> Marijuana 2008:< grink> so we are staying after T17 right? 2009:< npinsker> The answer was nicotine! Correct users: monoglot (284), shying_away (103) 2009:< GriffinPrice> I believe so\ 2009:< AndyD418> lets try for T18! 2009:< MongolianCracker> grow until the end boys 2009:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2517), Patarknight (2500), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1369), andysniper (115... 2009:< monoglot> I don't think there's time to get to T18 2009:< grink> what happens in the end 2009:< HookahComputer> Everyone dies 2009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead? 2009:< grink> fuck like Lost 2009:< monoglot> San Francisco 2009:< AndyD418> SPOILERS 2009:< grink> san francisco 2010:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco Bay! Correct users: monoglot (288), grink (1372) 2010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What is the former name of Sri Lanka? 2010:< monoglot> Ceylon 2010:< Patarknight> Ceylon 2010:< npinsker> The answer was Ceylon! Correct users: monoglot (292), Patarknight (2503) 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What is another name for the carambula? 2011:< Patarknight> star fruit 2011:< grink> caramel 2011:< grink> asshole fruit 2011:< monoglot> starfruit 2011:< npinsker> The answer was star fruit! Correct users: Patarknight (2507), monoglot (295) 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the common name for the larynx? 2011:< lactha> throat 2011:< HookahComputer> voicebox 2011:< monoglot> voicebox 2011:< grink> voice box 2012:< npinsker> The answer was voice box! Correct users: HookahComputer (894), monoglot (298), grink (1374) 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Inventors || Who invented the most common projection for world maps? 2012:< monoglot> Mercator 2012:< HookahComputer> Robinson 2012:< npinsker> The answer was Gerardus Mercator! Correct users: monoglot (302) 2013:< HookahComputer> Washington Mall 2013:< monoglot> White House 2013:< grink> scotland 2013:< grink> north ireland 2013:< npinsker> The answer was Belfast, Northern Ireland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2013:< grink> :( 2013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the largest of the deer family. 2014:< grink> elk 2014:< 3xist3nc3> the biggest one 2014:< monoglot> Moose 2014:< GriffinPrice> Caribou 2014:< npinsker> The answer was moose! Correct users: monoglot (306) 2014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Auckland Islands belong to which country? 2014:< lactha> new zealand 2014:< monoglot> New Zealand 2014:< grink> new zealand 2015:< Savolainen5> united kingdom 2015:< npinsker> The answer was New Zealand! Correct users: lactha (101), monoglot (309), grink (1376) 2015:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2517), Patarknight (2507), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What does the Italian term "poco a poco" mean? 2015:< Patarknight> little by little 2015:< Savolainen5> little by little 2015:< HookahComputer> little by little 2015:< Savolainen5> we on point 2016:< npinsker> The answer was little by little! Correct users: Patarknight (2511), Savolainen5 (439), HookahComputer (896) 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Which famous male actor made his name in 'I Dream Of Jeannie'? 2016:< Savolainen5> i hear there's a possible merge happening soon? 2016:< lactha> Larry Hagman 2016:< MongolianCracker> It's going to happen in a couple hours 2016:< npinsker> The answer was Larry Hagman! Correct users: lactha (105) 2016:< Savolainen5> swanky 2017:< Savolainen5> just in time, too 2017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograpy || What is the second highest peak in Mexico? 2017:< npinsker> The answer was Popocatepetl! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2017:< Savolainen5> monte aguascalientes 2017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Spaniard conquered Mexico. 2017:< lactha> montezuma 2017:< Savolainen5> cortez 2018:< Savolainen5> no, the other one, damn 2018:< Savolainen5> what was his name 2018:< Patarknight> Cortez 2018:< npinsker> The answer was Hernando Cortez! Correct users: Savolainen5 (443) 2018:< Savolainen5> oh lol 2018:< Savolainen5> who did the incas in? 2018:< lactha> i'm an idiot damn 2018:< Patarknight> Pizzaro 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was George Washington's vice-president? 2018:< Savolainen5> riiight 2018:< Patarknight> Adams 2018:< Savolainen5> adams 2019:< Savolainen5> come on, rate limit, jeez 2019:< npinsker> The answer was Adams! Correct users: Patarknight (2515), Savolainen5 (446) 2019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || Speaking of G.B. Shaw, he originally adhered to a form of communism called? 2019:< Savolainen5> marxism 2019:< Savolainen5> shawism 2019:< 3xist3nc3> shawism 2019:< npinsker> The answer was fabianism! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2019:< 3xist3nc3> shavianism 2019:< Savolainen5> well then 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What number wood is a driver in golf? 2020:< HookahComputer> 1 2020:< Savolainen5> 2 2020:< 3xist3nc3> 3 2020:< Savolainen5> no. 4 2020:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: rakehand (12), HookahComputer (899) 2020:< Savolainen5> lol 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for? 2021:< 3xist3nc3> big tert 2021:< npinsker> The answer was True Grit! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2021:< Savolainen5> almost close anagramically 2021:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2517), Patarknight (2515), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What chemical element gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'? 2021:< Savolainen5> xenon 2021:< lactha> xenon 2022:< 3xist3nc3> xenon 2022:< npinsker> The answer was Xenon! Correct users: Savolainen5 (450), lactha (108), 3xist3nc3 (2519) 2022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was paper money first used? 2022:< Savolainen5> dude 2022:< Savolainen5> switzerland 2022:< 3xist3nc3> china 2023:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2523) 2023:< Patarknight> China 2023:< Savolainen5> oho 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: World Climate || What is a calm ocean region near the equator called? 2023:< 3xist3nc3> damdrum 2023:< lactha> temperate 2023:< Patarknight> doldrum 2023:< Savolainen5> doldrums 2023:< grink> dildo ocean 2023:< Patarknight> doldrums 2023:< npinsker> The answer was doldrums! Correct users: Savolainen5 (454), Patarknight (2518) 2023:< Savolainen5> i thought it was an event, weird 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901. 2024:< Patarknight> Marconi 2024:< Savolainen5> marconi 2024:< grink> macroni 2024:< grink> spaghetti 2024:< npinsker> The answer was Enrico Marconi! Correct users: Patarknight (2522), Savolainen5 (457) 2024:< Savolainen5> there's a metro station in my city named for him 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || He is known as "The Father of Geometry". 2024:< Savolainen5> euclid 2024:< dhartun1> euclid 2024:< lactha> pythagoras 2024:< Patarknight> Euclid 2024:< grink> pyfaggroas 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: Savolainen5 (461), dhartun1 (26), Patarknight (2524) 2025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The Caroline Institute of Stockholm won the nobel prize for what? 2025:< Savolainen5> belly dancing 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Physiology and Medicine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An animal stuffer is a(n) ___________. 2026:< 3xist3nc3> zoophile 2026:< lactha> taxidermist 2026:< Patarknight> taxidermist 2026:< Savolainen5> taxidermist 2026:< npinsker> The answer was taxidermist! Correct users: lactha (112), Patarknight (2527), Savolainen5 (463) 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if it is frightened? 2027:< Savolainen5> armadillo 2027:< lactha> armadillo 2027:< 3xist3nc3> roly poly 2027:< Patarknight> armadillo 2027:< npinsker> The answer was armadillo! Correct users: Savolainen5 (467), lactha (115), Patarknight (2529) 2027:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2529), 3xist3nc3 (2523), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was painted on Peter Fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'Easy Rider'? 2028:< 3xist3nc3> stars and stripes 2028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Optics || What colour on black produces the most visible combination? 2028:< Patarknight> white 2029:< Savolainen5> yellow 2029:< npinsker> The answer was yellow! Correct users: Savolainen5 (471) 2029:< Savolainen5> really? that was a guess 2029:< Savolainen5> lol 2029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Of what is 98% of the weight of water made? 2029:< 3xist3nc3> we have a winner here 2029:< Patarknight> oxygen 2029:< Savolainen5> empty space 2029:< 3xist3nc3> an exaggerated amount of oxygevn 2029:< Savolainen5> oh, weight. oxygen 2029:< npinsker> The answer was oxygen! Correct users: Patarknight (2533), Savolainen5 (474) 2030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || Rap God was a song by this rapper, who occasionally performs under his alter-ego, Slim Shady. 2030:< 3xist3nc3> eminem 2030:< Savolainen5> eminem 2030:< Patarknight> eminem 2030:< grink> stapled nuts 2030:< npinsker> The answer was Eminem! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2531), Savolainen5 (477), Patarknight (2535) 2030:< 3xist3nc3> mah name is 2030:< Savolainen5> 3xist4nc4 2030:< Savolainen5> err 2030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || Where are the deepest mines? 2030:< 3xist3nc3> 2xist4me5 2030:< Patarknight> Moria 2031:< Savolainen5> chile 2031:< TomLube> Phazon Mines 2031:< Savolainen5> those damned greedy dwarves 2031:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2031:< Savolainen5> oh, the rand mine 2031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Juliette Binoche won an academy award for best supporting role in which film? 2031:< AndyD418> English Patient 2032:< npinsker> The answer was English Patient! Correct users: AndyD418 (413) 2032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Buildings || Why is the Empire State Building so called? 2032:< Savolainen5> it's in new york 2032:< Patarknight> New York is the Empire State 2032:< 3xist3nc3> new york state 2032:< OrangeredStilton> It's in the empire state 2032:< npinsker> The answer was its in The Empire State! Correct users: OrangeredStilton (73) 2032:< OrangeredStilton> That's the correct phrasing. 2032:< Savolainen5> alas 2033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || When was D-day? 2033:< Savolainen5> june 6 1944 2033:< Patarknight> June 6 1944 2033:< Savolainen5> are the scores going to carry over in the new room? 2033:< npinsker> The answer was June 6th, 1944! Correct users: Savolainen5 (481), Patarknight (2538) 2033:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2538), 3xist3nc3 (2531), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2034:< inio> god damn that's a lot of trivia 2034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || This fruit has its seeds on the outside. 2034:< Patarknight> Yeah, it's saved with the user 2034:< Savolainen5> strawberry 2034:< Patarknight> Strawberry 2034:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2034:< npinsker> The answer was strawberry! Correct users: Savolainen5 (485), Patarknight (2541) 2034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Tunnels || What is the world's longest tunnel? 2034:< Patarknight> Seikan 2034:< Savolainen5> gotthard 2035:< npinsker> The answer was The Water Supply Tunnel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2035:< Savolainen5> well then 2035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which game or sport are "Staunton" pieces used? 2035:< lactha> chess 2035:< 3xist3nc3> Chess 2036:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: lactha (119), 3xist3nc3 (2534) 2036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute) 2036:< Savolainen5> 12 2036:< Savolainen5> 9 2036:< Savolainen5> i don't remember, 6 2036:< npinsker> The answer was nine! Correct users: Savolainen5 (489) 2036:< KCosmo> stars and stripes 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: english || The longest one-syllable word in the English language is? 2037:< Savolainen5> height 2037:< Patarknight> screeched 2037:< npinsker> The answer was screeched! Correct users: Patarknight (2545) 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old? 2037:< Savolainen5> oak 2038:< npinsker> The answer was oak! Correct users: Savolainen5 (493) 2038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the name given to a rower who competes in an individual event? 2038:< 3xist3nc3> Indiviual rower 2038:< npinsker> The answer was sculler! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which british group recorded the 1983 hit 'Owner Of A Lonely Heart'? 2039:< grink> radiohead 2039:< andysniper> the beatles 2 2039:< Savolainen5> the eagles 2039:< npinsker> The answer was Yes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2039:< Savolainen5> jono and the baloons 2039:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2545), 3xist3nc3 (2534), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where is the best brandy bottled? 2040:< Savolainen5> cognac 2040:< andysniper> cognac 2040:< AndyD418> Cognac 2040:< npinsker> The answer was Cognac! Correct users: Savolainen5 (497), andysniper (1157), AndyD418 (415) 2040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || who said "He who opens a school door, closes a prison"? 2041:< Savolainen5> franklin 2041:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/8g9q4 2041:< npinsker> The answer was Victor Hugo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What album holds the world record for copies sold? 2041:< AndyD418> Thriller 2042:< npinsker> The answer was Thriller! Correct users: AndyD418 (419) 2042:< grink> boner 2042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "Ten Little Indians?" 2042:< q00u> agatha christy 2042:< lactha> agatha christie 2042:< 3xist3nc3> one big white 2042:< q00u> agatha christie 2042:< Savolainen5> wilder 2042:< npinsker> The answer was Agatha Christie! Correct users: lactha (123), q00u (358) 2042:< rockham> and then there were none 2043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state has the least rainfall? 2043:< lactha> arizona 2043:< q00u> arizona 2043:< A_Pet_Died> nevada 2043:< Savolainen5> utah 2043:< q00u> nevada 2043:< npinsker> The answer was Nevada! Correct users: A_Pet_Died (30), q00u (361) 2043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is cytology the study of? 2043:< Savolainen5> cells 2044:< npinsker> The answer was The Structure of Cells! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2044:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/4ihzg 2044:< Savolainen5> i see 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the first woman to swim the English channel. 2044:< q00u> Martha Stewart 2045:< npinsker> The answer was Gertrude Caroline Ederle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2045:< BrandotheMando> Honestly the PrictsGo people should get some kind of special recognition for having waited the longest out of all of us 2045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Miami __________. 2045:< q00u> dolphins 2045:< Savolainen5> you get a gold star :) 2045:< Patarknight> dolphins 2045:< BrandotheMando> I wasn't in prictsgo, I was in peaman 2045:< Savolainen5> dolphins 2045:< npinsker> The answer was Dolphins! Correct users: q00u (365), Patarknight (2548), Savolainen5 (499) 2045:< Savolainen5> oh, then, uh, they get a gold star 2045:< BrandotheMando> yep 2046:< BrandotheMando> and we can get a silver star 2046:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2548), 3xist3nc3 (2534), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film "Bright Eyes", Shirley Temple sang about this boat. 2046:< q00u> good ship lolipop 2046:< Savolainen5> good ship lollipop 2046:< femdemgem> probably good ship lollipop 2046:< q00u> good ship lollipop 2046:< npinsker> The answer was The Good Ship Lollipop! Correct users: Savolainen5 (503), femdemgem (607), q00u (367) 2047:< Savolainen5> i was in KuPriltsgo for a while, but left for some reason. and then promptly merged with them a bit later.. 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the second largest bone in the foot? 2047:< Savolainen5> fibula 2047:< AndyD418> talus 2047:< Savolainen5> tibula i don't know 2047:< q00u> talus 2047:< femdemgem> talus 2047:< npinsker> The answer was talus! Correct users: AndyD418 (423), q00u (370), femdemgem (609) 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played Steve Erkel in 'Family Matters'? 2047:< tRitone11> Jaleel White 2047:< haley_joel_osteen> jaleel white 2047:< q00u> jaleel white 2047:< femdemgem> Jaleel White 2048:< WheresMyCurtain> stephen hawking 2048:< AndyD418> Jaquil Wite 2048:< npinsker> The answer was Jaleel White! Correct users: haley_joel_osteen (29), q00u (373), femdemgem (611) 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is the Kremlin located in? 2048:< tRitone11> Moscow 2048:< q00u> moscov 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Moscow! Correct users: q00u (377), 3xist3nc3 (2537) 2049:< Savolainen5> of course, many cities have a kremlin 2049:< q00u> The rate limiter seems really random. 2049:< Savolainen5> i hadn't typed for over a minute :( 2049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country owns Corfu? 2049:< tRitone11> Greece 2049:< Savolainen5> greece 2049:< WheresMyCurtain> vatican city 2049:< Savolainen5> come on, it's called Kerkyra 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: Savolainen5 (507) 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || What is the name of Southern Kingdom of Middle-Earth, founded by the Dunedain? 2050:< Savolainen5> gondor 2050:< q00u> mordor 2050:< q00u> mordheim 2050:< WheresMyCurtain> gandalf's mancave 2050:< npinsker> The answer was Gondor! Correct users: Savolainen5 (511) 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film and Television || Who is the main character in 'Touched By An Angel'? 2050:< tRitone11> Monica 2050:< Savolainen5> gabriel 2050:< _deffer_> Are we staying after this next merge? 2051:< q00u> Gabriel 2051:< AndyD418> Monica 2051:< WheresMyCurtain> Fluffy McButtNuggets 2051:< npinsker> The answer was Monica! Correct users: AndyD418 (427) 2051:< AndyD418> that black lady with the white hair stripe 2051:< q00u> Why wouldn't we stay after the next merge? There's no possible growth beyond that. 2051:< Savolainen5> i think that's the consensus 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || He was condemned in Hades to forever push a boulder uphill, only for it to come rolling down before it reached t... 2051:< tRitone11> Sisyphus 2051:< Savolainen5> sisyphus 2051:< WheresMyCurtain> why would we stay though, it'll just turn into a dead subreddit 2051:< q00u> sissypants 2051:< q00u> All things pass, WheresMyCurtain. 2051:< AndyD418> syphilis 2051:< npinsker> The answer was Sisyphus! Correct users: Savolainen5 (515) 2052:< WheresMyCurtain> nooooooo 2052:< q00u> Enjoy this transient experience for what it is. 2052:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2548), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2052:< WheresMyCurtain> i prefer to live in denial 2052:< _deffer_> cheating trivia bots? 2052:< q00u> Take only memories. 2052:< Savolainen5> some, yeah 2052:< 3xist3nc3> Doesn't matter curtain, robin's last day is tomorrow 2052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || What is the deepest mine in the world? 2052:< tRitone11> Western Deep Levels Mine 2052:< q00u> Cheating trivia bots, AND complaining about cheating trivia bots. 2052:< Savolainen5> south africa 2052:< _deffer_> Ahh. So right 2052:< 3xist3nc3> Finally, the merger is happening 2052:< npinsker> The answer was Western Deep Levels Mine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2053:< Savolainen5> k 2053:< AndyD418> we've been in the room for 90+ hours 2053:< tRitone11> q00u you are the one whining everytime for this 2053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the misshapen ear that boxers often have called? 2053:< tRitone11> cauliflower ear 2053:< q00u> cauliflower 2053:< tRitone11> q00u just mute me 2053:< Savolainen5> van gogh's ear 2053:< q00u> cauliflower ear 2053:< tRitone11> instead of using my answers 2053:< AndyD418> cabbage patch earhole 2053:< npinsker> The answer was cauliflower ear! Correct users: q00u (381) 2053:< westondeboer> wrestlers get it 2053:< tRitone11> lol 2054:< westondeboer> i didn't think boxers got it 2054:< npinsker> The answer was Aldous Huxley! Correct users: Patarknight (2552) 2054:< q00u> doctor huxtable 2054:< _deffer_> They can. They don't get hit in the ear much, but it's totally possible. 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer, used in the orchestra. 2054:< tRitone11> Glockenspiel 2054:< westondeboer> _deffer_ ic 2054:< q00u> timpani 2054:< pneysmneys> ARE YOU READY BOYS 2054:< Savolainen5> xylophone 2055:< q00u> xylophone 2055:< andysniper> tubular bells 2055:< npinsker> The answer was Glockenspiel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2055:< Savolainen5> oooh 2055:< Savolainen5> hammer being the operative word there 2055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler? 2055:< tRitone11> A certifiable lunatic 2055:< q00u> certifiable lunatic 2055:< Savolainen5> son of satan 2055:< Patarknight> a certifiable lunatic 2055:< q00u> certifiably insane 2055:< npinsker> The answer was A certifiable lunatic! Correct users: q00u (385), Patarknight (2555) 2055:< andysniper> certifiable lunatic 2056:< q00u> crazy in the coconut 2056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken? 2056:< tRitone11> eleven 2056:< mindragon> 11 2056:< Savolainen5> 16 2056:< DeathByHugz> test .hash test 2056:< q00u> 11 2056:< Countdown369> that boy needs therapy 2056:< q00u> Lie down on the couch 2056:< Countdown369> what does that mean 2056:< Savolainen5> that booy ain't right 2056:< mindragon> i say now i say now that boy is nuts 2056:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: mindragon (48), q00u (388) 2056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree? 2056:< tRitone11> bonsai 2057:< q00u> bonsai 2057:< mindragon> bonsai 2057:< _deffer_> bonsai 2057:< npinsker> The answer was bonsai tree! Correct users: q00u (392), mindragon (51), _deffer_ (554) 2057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a cello's full name? 2057:< tRitone11> violoncello 2057:< Savolainen5> celloforte 2057:< q00u> monticello 2057:< _deffer_> violachello 2057:< Savolainen5> violacello 2057:< _deffer_> violoncello 2058:< Savolainen5> violincello 2058:< _deffer_> violincello 2058:< npinsker> The answer was violoncello! Correct users: _deffer_ (558), Savolainen5 (518) 2058:< _deffer_> ... that was a typo 2058:< Savolainen5> man, why did it take me so long to remember that. i've taught my italian students 'cello' a million times 2058:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2555), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2058:< mindragon> suuuuuure 2058:< q00u> lol 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in? 2058:< tRitone11> Boston 2058:< mindragon> Boston 2058:< Savolainen5> washington 2058:< _deffer_> Philadelphia 2059:< orangitu> what kind of chat happens here? 2059:< _deffer_> i hate you 2059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab? 2059:< tRitone11> Mercutio 2059:< mindragon> wtf tRitone11 2059:< orangitu> Mercutio 2059:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/811x0 2059:< q00u> Is tritone still here? 2059:< q00u> Mute mute mute 2059:< _deffer_> ^ 2059:< npinsker> The answer was Mercutio! Correct users: orangitu (4) 2059:< _deffer_> so much more fun without bots 2059:< q00u> Indeed. 2059:< Savolainen5> tRitone11 been botting for ages. i muted him so long ago 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What does 'The Monument' in London commemorate? 2100:< orangitu> that's lame as fuck 2100:< tRitone11> Great Fire of London 2100:< mindragon> lol the trivia bot muted Tritone11 2100:< mindragon> Great Fire of London 2100:< 3xist3nc3> the fire 2100:< Savolainen5> trafalgar 2100:< q00u> Several bots are muted by triviabot. 2100:< 99999999999999999989> Great File of London 2100:< orangitu> the great fire of london 2100:< tRitone11> q00u is the only one complaining but don't muting me because he wants to copy the answers 2100:< npinsker> The answer was Great Fire of London! Correct users: mindragon (59), orangitu (7) 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Buffalo _______. 2100:< tRitone11> Bills 2100:< mindragon> Bills 2100:< q00u> bills 2100:< 99999999999999999989> Bills 2101:< Savolainen5> wild wings 2101:< _deffer_> bills 2101:< q00u> broncos 2101:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/2za13 2101:< mindragon> lol Savolainen5 2101:< orangitu> why would you use a bot to win trivia in a place where the scores are imaginary and the place itself is a subset of a chatroom created 2101:< npinsker> The answer was Bills! Correct users: mindragon (63), q00u (395), 99999999999999999989 (2), _deffer_ (559) 2101:< orangitu> via user script, all of this going on in a chat that has 1 hour to live on a project that has 1 day to live 2101:< q00u> Savolainen5 wins 2101:< _deffer_> same reason people repost on reddit 2101:< mindragon> orangitu Because 2101:< orangitu> for what purpose 2101:< tRitone11> lol he also pretend to wrong the answes lol q00u 2101:< kungfoomasta> that basically describes reddit 2101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published "Bust-aMove" otherwise known as "Puzzle Bobble" on the SNES? 2101:< q00u> tritone is a dink. That is the only reason. 2101:< tRitone11> Atari 2101:< Savolainen5> namco 2101:< mindragon> Atari 2101:< q00u> Young MC 2102:< npinsker> The answer was Taito! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2102:< mindragon> lol q00 2102:< mindragon> Taito crap 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be? 2102:< tRitone11> forty 2102:< mindragon> forty 2102:< Savolainen5> taito means 'skill' in finnish, perfect 2102:< ActionHobo> 40 2102:< 99999999999999999989> forty 2102:< _deffer_> 40 2102:< tRitone11> who wants to use my bot? 2102:< npinsker> The answer was forty! Correct users: mindragon (67), ActionHobo (165), 99999999999999999989 (4), _deffer_ (560) 2102:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/2il3r 2103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which magician did Lothar assist? 2103:< tRitone11> Mandrake 2103:< mindragon> nah i dont wanna be muted 2103:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2103:< 99999999999999999989> mandrake 2103:< mindragon> Mandrake 2103:< _deffer_> garrett53, stfu. The stayers will merge with the room as it is... 2103:< Savolainen5> what cartoon is this? 2103:< npinsker> The answer was Mandrake! Correct users: 99999999999999999989 (8), mindragon (70) 2103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || St. George's is the capital city of what island country? 2103:< tRitone11> Glad City 2103:< 3xist3nc3> Gibraltar 2103:< alistairjh> Barbados 2104:< startfragment> no idea 2104:< 99999999999999999989> Gibraltat 2104:< Savolainen5> you think so, alistair? 2104:< mindragon> Alaksa - I can see it from my back yard 2104:< npinsker> The answer was Grenada! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2104:< alistairjh> Apparently not, Savo! 2104:< 3xist3nc3> Well, it was in the Caribbean. 2104:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2555), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2104:< Savolainen5> oho 2104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Generally, the Franc variety of what grape is less full-bodied than the Sauvignon variety? 2104:< q00u> .... 2104:< ActionHobo> Merlot 2104:< Savolainen5> cabernet 2104:< mindragon> Merlot 2104:< 99999999999999999989> merlot 2104:< tRitone11> Merlot 2105:< mindragon> gah wording 2105:< _deffer_> raisin 2105:< npinsker> The answer was Cabernet! Correct users: Savolainen5 (522) 2105:< tRitone11> q00u Sucks. 2105:< ActionHobo> lolol 2105:< mindragon> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 2105:< Savolainen5> cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc :D 2105:**** mindragon dies 2105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || For what is the chemical formula H2O2? 2105:< Wiiplay123> oh no 2105:< 99999999999999999989> hydrogen peroxide 2105:< ActionHobo> hydrogen peroxide 2105:< Savolainen5> hydrogen peroxide 2105:< _deffer_> hydrogen peroxide 2105:< mindragon> Hydrogen Peroxide 2105:< alistairjh> hydrogen peroxide 2105:< mindragon> crap fifth 2105:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/6isxc 2105:< npinsker> The answer was hydrogen peroxide! Correct users: 99999999999999999989 (12), ActionHobo (168), Savolainen5 (524), _deffer_ (561), mindra... 2106:< q00u> Does garrett53 not understand how grow/stay works? 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Association || Which word is related to these three: nap, walk, call? 2106:< mindragon> nope. 2106:< q00u> muted. 2106:< alistairjh> cat 2106:< Savolainen5> cat 2106:< 99999999999999999989> cat 2106:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> cat 2106:< jasona99> cat 2106:< q00u> dog 2106:< DeathByHugz> test em:4h316o323f2c6a4g5m4dbA383c6m2m7319494v4y69 2106:< ActionHobo> cat 2106:< q00u> caterpillar 2106:< npinsker> The answer was cat! Correct users: alistairjh (29), Savolainen5 (527), 99999999999999999989 (14), TheseAreNotTheDroids (17), jasona99 (... 2106:< mindragon> that's sexist! 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border. 2106:< tRitone11> Rio Grande 2107:< mindragon> rio grande 2107:< 3xist3nc3> Grande 2107:< Savolainen5> rio grande 2107:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> rio grande 2107:< alistairjh> rio grande 2107:< q00u> Rio Grande 2107:< 99999999999999999989> rio grande 2107:< Sc3p> Rio grande 2107:< jasona99> Rio Grande 2107:< q00u> Her name is RIO and she dances on the sand 2107:< tRitone11> I am going to giving away a free steam key for who didn't mute me 2107:< AndyD418> mississippi 2107:< npinsker> The answer was Rio Grande! Correct users: mindragon (74), Savolainen5 (530), TheseAreNotTheDroids (19), alistairjh (30), q00u (395), 99... 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: Excessive emphasis on financial gain. 2107:< jasona99> tRitone11 - gl 2107:< tRitone11> commercialism 2107:< mindragon> commercialism 2107:< 99999999999999999989> greed 2107:< jasona99> Commercialism 2107:< alistairjh> commercialism 2107:< Savolainen5> avariceism 2108:< q00u> capitalism 2108:< mindragon> Trumpism 2108:< Savolainen5> greedism 2108:< alistairjh> capitalism 2108:< Mete0r1t3> memeism 2108:< jasona99> Bananaism 2108:< npinsker> The answer was commercialism! Correct users: mindragon (78), jasona99 (10), alistairjh (32) 2108:< q00u> Drumpfism 2108:< mindragon> lol q00u 2108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of light and its relation to sight is called ______. 2108:< tRitone11> optics 2108:< mindragon> optics 2108:< Savolainen5> optics 2108:< jasona99> Optics 2108:< 99999999999999999989> optometrey 2108:< Hug_The_NSA> optics 2108:< alistairjh> optics 2108:< q00u> optology 2108:< 99999999999999999989> optics 2108:< alistairjh> optomitry 2108:< alistairjh> id 2108:< npinsker> The answer was optics! Correct users: mindragon (82), Savolainen5 (533), jasona99 (12), Hug_The_NSA (277), alistairjh (32), 99999999999... 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Bible || How many animals of each kind did Moses take onto the ark? 2109:< tRitone11> None (It Was Noah Not Moses) 2109:< Savolainen5> two 2109:< mindragon> None 2109:< Hug_The_NSA> 2 2109:< jasona99> Two 2109:< 99999999999999999989> two 2109:< mindragon> Read the question lol 2109:< jasona99> None 2109:< q00u> zero 2109:< ActionHobo> zero 2109:< npinsker> The answer was None (It Was Noah Not Moses)! Correct users: mindragon (86), q00u (398), jasona99 (14), ActionHobo (169) 2109:< jasona99> Tricksy! 2109:< ActionHobo> goteem 2109:< Hug_The_NSA> gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and __________. 2109:< tRitone11> Corinthian 2110:< mindragon> Corinthian 2110:< jasona99> Corinthian 2110:< Savolainen5> corinthian 2110:< npinsker> The answer was Corinthian! Correct users: mindragon (90), jasona99 (17), Savolainen5 (535) 2110:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2555), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1376), andysniper (115... 2110:< tRitone11> I am going to giving away 3 steam keys for who didn't mute me. Add me after you retrieve it 2110:< mindragon> okey :) 2110:< Savolainen5> the corithians had their shit together with those sick columns 2110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is the South Pole also known? 2110:< tRitone11> Amundsen Scott Station 2111:< tRitone11> First steam key: Chivraly: Medieval HAQG6-IPB9W-0NMPN 2111:< Savolainen5> amundsen station 2111:< mindragon> Amundsen scott station 2111:< 3xist3nc3> Antarctica 2111:< Savolainen5> or somethign like that 2111:< alistairjh> Antarctica 2111:< q00u> Nether region 2111:< npinsker> The answer was Amundsen Scott Station! Correct users: mindragon (94) 2111:< Savolainen5> aha 2111:< alistairjh> forget your complicated answers 2111:< jasona99> amundsen scott station 2111:< tRitone11> Second Steam key: Brothers - Tales of two sons X0V70-Q5QA2-6GDD3 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who was the author of 'Dracula'? 2111:< q00u> Mary Shelly 2111:< Hug_The_NSA> mary shelly 2111:< mindragon> Mary Shelly 2111:< Savolainen5> shelley 2111:< q00u> lol 2112:< Hug_The_NSA> i thought she wrote frankenstein 2112:< CWTyger> Bram Stoker? 2112:< q00u> She did, I'm trolling. 2112:< npinsker> The answer was Bram Stoker! Correct users: CWTyger (8) 2112:< tRitone11> Third Steam key: Ultimate General Gettisburg : 70VMX-48A6W-AI6H8 2112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who captained the HMS Beagle? 2112:< tRitone11> Charles Darwin 2112:< Savolainen5> like lemmings off a cliff 2112:< q00u> CWTyger, don't end in question mark! 2112:< jasona99> Darwin 2112:< jayman419> Darwin was just the scientist. It was beetle bailey 2112:< CWTyger> For a second, I thought it was Jeopardy. :) 2112:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: jasona99 (21) 2112:< tRitone11> Did anybody retrieve them? 2113:< Savolainen5> what, why was he the captain? because it was a scientific expedition? 2113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue? 2113:< tRitone11> Queen Mab 2113:< q00u> mab 2113:< jasona99> tRitone11 - Someone did, yes. Not me. 2113:< Savolainen5> queen mab 2113:< jasona99> Queen Mab 2113:< tRitone11> jasona99 all three? 2113:< npinsker> The answer was Queen Mab! Correct users: Savolainen5 (539), jasona99 (24) --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:14:35 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:17:57 2016 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Summertime || This is the sandy area nearest the ocean. 2118::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2118:< Hug_The_NSA> beach 2119:< npinsker> The answer was goitre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2120:< npinsker> The answer was Narcissus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2122:< StuRobo> I got a 503 error for a few minutes, disturbance in the Force? 2122:< _deffer_> Was wondering why it was so quiet --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:22:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:23:31 2016 2123::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2123:< Savolainen5> have the t15s merged now? i guess they must have if it dragged the servers down like that 2123:< CWTyger> Test 2124:< 3xist3nc3> itshappening.gif 2124:< Authsauce> we back? 2124:< abrahamdrinkin> no 2124:< AndyD418> oh boy 2124:< Savolainen5> ish 2125:< StuRobo> Very slow 2125:< Savolainen5> come back to me, robin! 2126:< StuRobo> ccfiande now biggest chat with 3768 users 2126:< AndyD418> shit 2127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clothing || On what is an espadrille worn? 2127:< Savolainen5> we'll surpass Kufikumu, yay! 2127:< npinsker> The answer was foot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2127:< 3xist3nc3> The number of users 17 to 200 2127:< Savolainen5> ^what? 2128:< StuRobo> So we should merge in half an hour and the whole system will meltdown! 2128:< 3xist3nc3> Sorry, the number of actives grew from 17 to 200, and this thing is buggy 2129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who fixed the date of the Christian festival 'Easter'? 2129:< Savolainen5> number of active users? 2129:< 3xist3nc3> The pope 2129:< Savolainen5> council of nicaea 2130:< npinsker> The answer was Council of Nicaea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2131:< QMaker> PLEASE TURN OFF BOTS TO RELIEVE A LITTLE BIT OF THE STRAIN! 2131:< AndyD418> https://imgur.com/IJnxZ3w 2131:< QMaker> PLEASE TURN OFF BOTS TO RELIEVE A LITTLE BIT OF THE STRAIN! 2131:< alistairjh> Did trivia bot get kicked out then? 2131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football? 2131:< 3xist3nc3> yes savolainen5 2131:< Authsauce> h 2131:< AndyD418> guess not 2131:< BrownMario> two 2132:< alistairjh> 2 2132:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || It's bartending math! Solve for x. (Bloody Mary-vodka) + tequila = x 2132:< StuRobo> Suppose we should really all vote to stay after this next merge, there won't be another! 2132:< Savolainen5> seems like it's having difficulty reading chat, though 2132:< npinsker> The answer was Bloody Maria! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2133:< Savolainen5> it's only gonna get worse :D 2133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gems || What is the birthstone for August? 2133:< 3xist3nc3> We're about to merge with ccfiande so that's pretty much why 2133:< dork> turn off bots 2134:< CWTyger> Test 2134:< IndigoOrange> you think we'll be able to merge 2134:< Savolainen5> beryl 2134:< Leemaster> Peridot 2134:< narcissus_goldmund> PERIDOT 2134:< npinsker> The answer was peridot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Randy Travis said his love was 'deeper than the ____________'? 2134:< AndyD418> holler 2134:< wolf2600> holler 2135:< Leemaster> oceans 2135:< npinsker> The answer was holler! Correct users: AndyD418 (431) 2135:< Authsauce> test 2135:< eonx2> npinkser: you're bot has looked awfully sad lately :( 2135:< Authsauce> we might not merge - too many AFK in the new room 2135:< IndigoOrange> of course they release the reddit app today too 2136:< npinsker> The answer was litmus paper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2136:< 3xist3nc3> Whether we merge or not pretty much all the AFKs will get kicked 2136:< Authsauce> and all the auto vote scripts didn't work because of the server problems 2136:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of Molybdenum? 2137:< Savolainen5> 46 2137:< npinsker> The answer was forty two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2137:< 3xist3nc3> Surprised so many little here got kicked. I thought it could be more than half 2137:< Leemaster> 46 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Nitrous oxide is better known as __________. 2138:< aggyaggyaggy> nox 2138:< npinsker> The answer was laughing gas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2138:< grink> fdgfd 2138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up? --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:38:47 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:43:55 2016 2143:< MongolianCracker> tajikistan is even further away than mongolia 2144::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2144:< npinsker> The answer was John Watson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Madagascar? 2144:< wolflambert> Antananarivo 2145:< npinsker> The answer was Antananarivo! Correct users: wolflambert (263) 2145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon? 2145:< alistairjh> watergate 2145:< wolflambert> Watergate 2145:< IndigoOrange> weve almost been in this group for 100 hours 2145:< KCosmo> woo I made it 2145:< Deathly809> Another group just formed that is larger than us 2145:< npinsker> The answer was Watergate! Correct users: alistairjh (36), wolflambert (266) 2145:< KCosmo> I thought I was gonna be kicked outta the room 2146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who 'imagined' a better world? 2146:< KCosmo> there's a larger group?? 2146:< IndigoOrange> hahah yes KCosmo, we grow together! 2146:< grink> chaucer 2146:< KCosmo> john lennon 2146:< alistairjh> john lennon 2146:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: KCosmo (548), alistairjh (39) 2146:< KCosmo> yay the bots are gone 2146:< Deathly809> Yeah I think it just formed in the last couple of hours 2146:< pandandap> it's gonna happennnnnn 2146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Other than England, which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup? 2146:< femdemgem> germany 2146:< KCosmo> I got a PM about a merger 2 hrs ago 2146:< grink> spain 2146:< alistairjh> netherlands 2146:< IndigoOrange> we better get some exclusive trophy or some shit 2146:< StuRobo> 5-ish minutes to merge? 2147:< femdemgem> italy 2147:< IndigoOrange> like a nice T17 Trophy 2147:< femdemgem> france 2147:< wolflambert> T17 OR BUST 2147:< npinsker> The answer was Netherlands! Correct users: alistairjh (43) 2147:< abrahamdrinkin> yeah the other group has 3764 people and will be ready to merge in about 5mins 2147:< KCosmo> really?! I literally just got home and my account was logged out, PHEW 2147:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2555), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1380), andysniper (115... 2147:< q00u> IndigoOrange We don't do it for trophies 2147:< abrahamdrinkin> although 1500 are no vote 2147:< grink> we do it for us 2147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || How many different letters are used in the roman numeral system? 2147:< IndigoOrange> a trophy would be dope though 2147:< q00u> 7 2147:< femdemgem> 3 2147:< KCosmo> oh shit I see it now, they have 1661 people who abstained though 2148:< abrahamdrinkin> 1555 2148:< femdemgem> 4 2148:< q00u> 8 2148:< femdemgem> 5 2148:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: cornellier (28), q00u (401) 2148:< q00u> Woo! 2148:< grink> i'm scared guys 2148:< KCosmo> Im staying in the trivia filter 2148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In 1975, what re-opened after an 8 year closure? 2148:< grink> i have merged in days 2148:< IndigoOrange> same 2148:< KCosmo> Im not ready to see how fucked it will be 2148:< femdemgem> shakeshack 2148:< wolf2600> your mom's legs 2148:< q00u> I don't remember this answer, but I've seen this question. 2148:< KCosmo> futuramam 2149:< q00u> Oh yeah..... 2149:< abrahamdrinkin> 3mins 2149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Recreational Chemistry || What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide? 2149:< femdemgem> lsd 2149:< grink> LSD 2149:< KCosmo> lsd 2149:< q00u> lsd 2149:< KCosmo> got some on my shelf haha 2149:< abrahamdrinkin> lsd 2149:< grink> i think $ may be full of spam in the other room 2149:< npinsker> The answer was LSD! Correct users: femdemgem (615), grink (1383), KCosmo (550), q00u (402), abrahamdrinkin (12) 2149:< grink> :( 2149:< KCosmo> fuuu 2149:< q00u> We'll have to move trivia rooms. 2149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || With what country is Fidel Castro associated? 2149:< grink> cuba 2150:< hashtag_pickles> cuba 2150:< q00u> Change to $Trivia or something 2150:< IndigoOrange> if this group gets overrun were gonna make a new chat filter with called L$D 2150:< KCosmo> how can we get the bot to do the same? 2150:< q00u> cuba 2150:< abrahamdrinkin> is trivia in the other room too 2150:< KCosmo> cuba 2150:< femdemgem> 2 minutes 2150:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: grink (1387), hashtag_pickles (50), q00u (404), KCosmo (551) 2150:< IndigoOrange> probably 2150:< q00u> Wait until npinsker is around and have him do it. 2150:< KCosmo> I cant believe its finally happening guys 2150:< exponant> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4e2Rhy0 2150:< hashtag_pickles> So the talk of merging is true? 2150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ________. 2150:< grink> trying to find out their trivia room 2150:< magictank> samurais 2150:< femdemgem> britneying 2150:< grink> sumo 2150:< q00u> kendo 2151:< KCosmo> kendo 2151:< grink> shiba inu 2151:< npinsker> The answer was kendo! Correct users: q00u (408), KCosmo (554) 2151:< femdemgem> 1 min 2151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Philippines? 2151:< hashtag_pickles> I can't handle the hype 2151:< andysniper> luzon 2151:< KCosmo> how will I remember you guys! I hope we dont get overrun 2151:< abrahamdrinkin> their $ has like 3 or 4 different trivias and has hints 2151:< IndigoOrange> KCosmo added you as a friend 2151:< KCosmo> 1 min! 2151:< andysniper> does this channel disappear? 2151:< npinsker> The answer was Luzon! Correct users: andysniper (1161) 2152:< femdemgem> last trivia in soku :''''''''( 2152:< Patarknight> Yeah we merge into the new one 2152:< KCosmo> adding you indigo 2152:< abrahamdrinkin> its coming 2152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is another word for a female sheep? 2152:< hashtag_pickles> aaaaaaaah 2152:< hashtag_pickles> ewe 2152:< grink> hellllllllpppppppppppppppppppp 2152:< q00u> ewe 2152:< KCosmo> Sokuku :( I liked the name so much 2152:< andysniper> ewe 2152:< grink> ewe 2152:< preggit> fuck. 2152:< KCosmo> ewe 2152:< ValenciaXXX> go! 2152:< IndigoOrange> whats the new name?? 2152:< q00u> Yeah. Sounded like a cool name. 2152:< Patarknight> some combinatin of the two 2152:< npinsker> The answer was ewe! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (54), q00u (411), andysniper (1163), grink (1388), KCosmo (554) 2152:< q00u> Team $okuku 4 lyfe 2152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Eli Whitney invent? 2152:< 3xist3nc3> Is sokuku ending? 2152:< q00u> cotton gin 2152:< abrahamdrinkin> cotton gin 2152:< hashtag_pickles> cotton gin 2152:< Patarknight> cotton gin 2153:< femdemgem> sokuande___ 2153:< IndigoOrange> yeah soon 2153:< andysniper> within the next 10 minutes 2153:< grink> we did well comrades 2153:< Patarknight> It's been a pleasure answering trivia with you 2153:< rbasov> y'all ready for this?!? 2153:< KCosmo> I cant believe I lasted this long 2153:< npinsker> The answer was cotton gin! Correct users: q00u (415), abrahamdrinkin (15), hashtag_pickles (56), Patarknight (2556) 2153:< femdemgem> ANY MINUTE NOW!! 2153:< abrahamdrinkin> within the next few seconds i think 2153:< 3xist3nc3> same kcosmo 2153:< andysniper> the trivia has been fun 2153:< hashtag_pickles> I'm not ready for this pressure, new people, new spammers, new name 2153:< andysniper> even with all the repeats 2153:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2556), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1388), andysniper (116... 2153:< IndigoOrange> Exist we have come a long way 2153:< tigerLRG245> turn off filter! 2153:< andysniper> glad i made it onto the leaderboard 2153:< chrismash> Kappa 2153:< StuRobo> Good luck to all, hope we survive the merge 2153:< femdemgem> I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK :((( 2153:< KCosmo> im not ready to turn off the filter lol 2153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______? 2153:< femdemgem> rip reddit servers 2153:< rbasov> IT's been fun everyone...I'll see you on the other side 2154:< KCosmo> aw fuuuuuu 2154:< bubbles0990> Wait whats happening? 2154:< KCosmo> merger 2154:< abrahamdrinkin> we merging 2154:< bubbles0990> Are we merging? 2154:< npinsker> The answer was Chumley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2154:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i love you all 2154:< andysniper> soon 2154:< hashtag_pickles> Word on the street is that we're merging soon 2154:< KCosmo> I LOOOOOVE YOU AALLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2154:< rbasov> What's the high score on this now? 2154:< andysniper> we have to wait for the other chat to be 31 minutes old 2154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Scouts || What is the boy scout motto? 2154:< KCosmo> be prepared 2154:< abrahamdrinkin> we going! 2154:< q00u> be prepared 2155:< mesosa> first 2155:< Blue-Skidoo> We did itttttttt 2155:< chrismash> WOOOOOOO 2155:< grink> $ HOLY FUCK 2155:< Roitchie> 5000 people 2155:< sdoorex> WE DID IT REDDIT 2155:< MongolianCracker> hello 2155:< andysniper> TIER 17 DICKEADS 2155:< rbasov> awww yeah! 2155:< IndigoOrange> AFTER 95 HOURS 2155:< Deathly809> Winnars! 2155:< 3xist3nc3> WE DID IT REDDIT! 2155:< absolut_soju> A: flies. Correct users: nobody :( 2155:< AndyD418> fuck yeah! 2155:< KCosmo> WE MADE IT 2155:< hashtag_pickles> What kind of bullshit name is this 2155:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2155:< grink> did we make it? 2155:< Deathly809> Winnars 2156:< 3xist3nc3> Did anyone else get the ''WE DID IT REDDIT!!!'' words in red? 2156:< KCosmo> ooouuf dat lag tho 2156:< pmmeyouryoohoo> it finally happened 2156:< ValenciaXXX> im cumming 2156:< hashtag_pickles> migrate 2156:< IndigoOrange> We all gotta stay 2156:< grink> we did it! 2156:< rbasov> holy shit.... 2156:< Deathly809> Was it good for you? 2156:< KCosmo> migrate 2156:< rbasov> hello new people 2156:< StuRobo> We merged? 2156:< npinsker> The answer was Last Tango In Paris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2156:< absolut_soju> A: Migrate. Correct users: hashtag_pickles(0+10),KCosmo(0+2) 2156:< IndigoOrange> Hello! 2156:< grink> hello friends 2156:< Roitchie> Nah we have majority grow so we can now do majority stay 2156:< IndigoOrange> We have been waiting 95 hours for this 2156:< Deathly809> jeeze the lag 2156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In snooker, how many points are accumulated in a perfect break? 2156:< KCosmo> whoa your trivia bot gives hints!? us sokukus are hardcore 2156:< bigboyhardman> (one hundred (and |& )?forty[- ]seven|147) 2156:< StuRobo> 5295 users!!! 2156:< KCosmo> woolworths 2156:< TheBurritoKing> test 2157:< SxwTheCat> WOO 2157:< Deathly809> Half want to stay 2157:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and forty seven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2157:< jleonardbc> mission accomplished! 2157:< absolut_soju> A: Woolworths. Correct users: KCosmo(2+10) 2157:< hashtag_pickles> Too much trivia I don't know which to answer 2157:< chrismash> half? 2157:< mesosa> STAY 2157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____. 2157:< _deffer_> CHANGE BOTS TO STAY - NO MORE MERGE POSSIBLE 2157:< KCosmo> same lol 2157:< LegoTheExplorer> A: the Quakers. Correct users: nobody :( 2157:< bigboyhardman> vinyl 2157:< andysniper> vinyl 2157:< KCosmo> vinyl 2157:< Deathly809> lol nvm 1/4 have not voted, 1/4 want to stay, and 1/2 want to grow? 2157:< _deffer_> We're currently going to lose 1737 people 2157:< absolut_soju> A: Roone Arledge. Correct users: nobody :( 2157:< ccande_growth> WOOOOOOO 2158:< hashtag_pickles> vinyl 2158:< 3xist3nc3> Grink did you get ''WE DID IT REDDIT'' on the top of the screen? 2158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"? 2158:< bigboyhardman> Jiminy Cricket 2158:< schmooblidon> are we bout to get fucked by bots :/ 2158:< jleonardbc> a lot of the Grow votes are automated and will switch in a few mins 2158:< CaptainAnywho> This is awesome 2158:< KCosmo> I didnt see that 3xist3nc3 2158:< hashtag_pickles> fax 2158:< Nesman64> Did we just merge? 2158:< KCosmo> fax machine 2158:< hjelen> nesman64 has 2158:< Margatron> WE JUST MERGED 2158:< npinsker> The answer was Jiminy Cricket! Correct users: bigboyhardman (8) 2158:< Deathly809> yeah we just merged 2158:< Leemaster> a fax 2158:< aspbergerinparadise> there aren't enough grow votes to keep the room alive..... 2158:< llnk> We did it! 2158:< hashtag_pickles> We did merge and it was weird 2158:< Deathly809> /coun 2158:< grink> yeah my screen went nuts 3xist3nc3 2158:< KCosmo> a fax 2158:< absolut_soju> A: a fax. Correct users: KCosmo(12+10),hashtag_pickles(10+10),Leemaster(0+2) 2158:< hjelen> *yas dammit 2158:< IndigoOrange> absolut can you stop 2158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who built the Lambarene missionary station? 2158:< exponant> STAY STAY STAY 2158:< IndigoOrange> lol 2158:< _deffer_> 3xist3nc3 - what script are you using? 2158:< absolut_soju> Scoreboard: omgblvd(10735),I_make_milk(1623),jleonardbc(1225),thepopcornator(699),jusfuccin10(520),Snookerman(312),Jimmy... 2158:< bigboyhardman> (Albert Schweitzer|Schweitzer) 2158:< Deathly809> Derp 2159:< alylynn96> aspgergerinparadise, yes there are 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Albert Schweitzer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2159:< Margatron> STAY TIME 2159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 2159:< KCosmo> its already ending?? aw 2159:< aspbergerinparadise> pretty sure we're about 350 short 2159:< JohnMaddenNFL> CATEGORY: Geography || Wherre was John Madden born? 2159:< bigboyhardman> ching 2159:< absolut_soju> A: Black-eyed Susan. Correct users: nobody :( 2159:< grink> i changed to STAY 2200:< hashtag_pickles> 1463 no vote, 2 abandon, 1548 stay, 2282 grow 2200:< 3xist3nc3> way too much lag 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is an 'Espace'? 2200:< bigboyhardman> Renault 2200:< Margatron> I got a notification through the Sokuku subreddit that we were close to merging 2200:< KCosmo> abbie hoffman 2200:< Manchmal01> renault 2200:< grink> npinsker stay stay stay 2200:< absolut_soju> A: Abbie Hoffman. Correct users: KCosmo(22+2) 2200:< Deathly809> Apparently a bunch of people got kicked even though they voted to grow 2200:< StuRobo> renault 2200:< KCosmo> renault 2200:< CaptainAnywho> We merged, grats 2200:< npinsker> The answer was Renault! Correct users: bigboyhardman (16), Manchmal01 (3), StuRobo (439) 2200:< hashtag_pickles> zamboni 2200:< jleonardbc> IBelieveAllTheThings it's time to Stay or we lose the room 2200:< turing_inequivalent> atoms 2201:< jleonardbc> lightstridr it's time to Stay or we lose the room 2201:< hashtag_pickles> atlas 2201:< LegoTheExplorer> A: clean the ice between periods. Correct users: nobody :( 2201:< KCosmo> atoms 2201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the .....? 2201:< bigboyhardman> hill'?s 2201:< jleonardbc> nayrev it's time to Stay or we lose the room 2201:< absolut_soju> A: atoms. Correct users: KCosmo(24+2),turing_inequivalent(0+2) 2201:< KCosmo> too much lag :( 2201:< aspbergerinparadise> hills 2201:< hashtag_pickles> hills 2201:< jusfuccin10> atlas 2201:< fzh> earth 2201:< StuRobo> I voted STAY... 2201:< 3xist3nc3> This is going nuts 2201:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: bigboyhardman (20), hashtag_pickles (59) 2201:< Manchmal01> no we don't, not to begin with anyway. We can change after a while in here 2201:< hashtag_pickles> I voted STAY because I believe in a better tomorrow 2201:< LegoTheExplorer> A: anaerobic. Correct users: nobody :( 2201:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2556), 3xist3nc3 (2537), rbasov (2500), hellapanda (2207), FeebleOldMan (1908), grink (1388), andysniper (116... 2201:< Manchmal01> space 2202:< turing_inequivalent> $ apple 2202:< aspbergerinparadise> I am 100% sure that bigboyhardman is using a bot to answer 2202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is _________. 2202:< ccande_growth> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2202:< hashtag_pickles> apple 2202:< jleonardbc> don't we need a majority of the total membership in order to keep the room? 2202:< Manchmal01> $ anaerobic 2202:< KCosmo> did anyone else download the official reddit mobile app to get gold and then just stop using it like me today? 2202:< bigboyhardman> chemistry 2202:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Language || What does 'alma mater' mean in English? 2202:< _deffer_> we muted all our bots 2202:< npinsker> The answer was chemistry! Correct users: bigboyhardman (24) 2202:< bigboyhardman> bountiful mother 2202:< Manchmal01> yeah but we have that anyway 2202:< aspbergerinparadise> kcosmo, yes the official app sucks 2202:< absolut_soju> A: Paul. Correct users: nobody :( 2202:< bubbles0990> Wow this is a huge goddamn room 2202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the mother's name in Family Circus? 2202:< q00u> bountiful mother 2202:< fzh> saul 2203:< absolut_soju> Scoreboard: omgblvd(10735),I_make_milk(1623),jleonardbc(1225),thepopcornator(699),jusfuccin10(520),Snookerman(312),Jimmy... 2203:< PotatoBadger> Grow until the purge 2203:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Italy? 2203:< bigboyhardman> Thelma 2203:< JohnMaddenNFL> CATEGORY: History || When did John Madden join the AFL? 2203:< grink> glorious leader 2203:< StuRobo> rome 2203:< ccande_growth> The answer was Rome! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2203:< npinsker> The answer was Thelma! Correct users: bigboyhardman (28) 2203:< LegoTheExplorer> A: Andrew. Correct users: nobody :( 2203:< KCosmo> JOHN MADDEN?! I thought he was long gone 2203:< q00u> Chat is so noisy now.... 2203:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Hahaha || This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now. 2203:< aspbergerinparadise> book 2203:< StuRobo> chair 2203:< ccande_growth> The answer was chair! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2204:< npinsker> The answer was Fermentation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2204:< Deathly809> I wonder if we will end up staying 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Generral Knowledge || How many lines make up a number on a digital clock? 2204:< grink> i had to retsart chrome 2204:< bigboyhardman> Seven 2204:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Exports || Which country is the world's biggest gold producer? 2204:< StuRobo> 7 2204:< KCosmo> im afraid to go unfiltered this is laggy enough 2204:< 3xist3nc3> I think so. The stayers are growing in droves 2204:< ccande_growth> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2204:< grink> 7 2204:< -dlb-> em:oswald_the_minibluecube22murkymouseromulus4444sleepypratdjmsilverleonoxidebeelzeburgerdiplotomodonmrbob1999ydnaraz4521thebear88odyss3y 2204:< q00u> grink, Parrot's fireworks crashed my browser. 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || A triangle with three equal sides is called _______. 2204:< bigboyhardman> equilateral 2205:< absolut_soju> A: Austin. Correct users: nobody :( 2205:< alylynn96> equilateral 2205:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Banking || What was the first credit card called? 2205:< npinsker> The answer was equilateral! Correct users: bigboyhardman (36), alylynn96 (378), StuRobo (441) 2205:< LegoTheExplorer> A: Snakes. Correct users: nobody :( 2205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'? 2205:< 3xist3nc3> Let's hope it did like last time and most get out 2205:< bigboyhardman> (The Tropicana|Tropicana) 2205:< ccande_growth> The answer was Australia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2206:< aspbergerinparadise> lolllll 2206:< 3xist3nc3> Tropicana 2206:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: History || What was the first fighting vehicle? 2206:< npinsker> The answer was The Tropicana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2206:< LegoTheExplorer> A: Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin. Correct users: RobinBastards(0+1),ctare(0+1) 2206:< bigboyhardman> (war chariot|chariot) 2206:< ccande_growth> The answer was war chariot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company? 2206:< grink> tank 2206:< Deathly809> Reddit is down 2206:< absolut_soju> A: Tootsie Roll. Correct users: nobody :( 2206:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Geography || Nashville is the capital of ____________? 2206:< absolut_soju> Scoreboard: omgblvd(10735),I_make_milk(1623),jleonardbc(1225),thepopcornator(699),jusfuccin10(520),Snookerman(312),Jimmy... 2206:< bigboyhardman> Bayer 2207:< q00u> bayer 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band does Eddie Vedder with? 2207:< aspbergerinparadise> bayer 2207:< ccande_growth> HIGH SCORES: $nonaxx (239), $kattykatastrophe (186), $shhx (167), $Weedalt (162), $dichro-k18 (140), $Soggy_Stargazer (124), ccande_gro... 2207:< John_Maddens> CATEGORY: History || When did John Madden retire from broadcasting? 2207:< ccande_growth> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is a "hole-in-one" possible? 2207:< John_Maddens> CATEGORY: History || When was John Madden born? 2207:< KCosmo> newport 2207:< bigboyhardman> golf 2207:< absolut_soju> A: ad hominem. Correct users: nobody :( 2207:< q00u> golf 2207:< ccande_growth> The answer was golf! Correct users: $bigboyhardman (95), $q00u (3) 2208:< StuRobo> ELI5: What's going to happen to the room when the timer runs out? --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:08:07 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 22:11:27 2016 2211:< ccande_growth> The answer was Nine Inch Nails! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2211:< JohnMaddenNFL> CATEGORY: Geography || Where does John Madden currently live? 2211::::: join/#trivia OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:16:44 2016