--- Log opened Thu Apr 07 00:00:16 2016 --- Day changed Thu Apr 07 2016 0000:< jonesandbrown> I'm gonna turn around, drop trow, and tuck my nutsack behind my legs giving the moxix a direct view of my wrinkled, shrunken hairy goat 0000:< barnum> Round #12, 59 hits! Moxix HP: 289[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0000:< SirCabbage> back sorry 0000:< SirCabbage> some douche turned off the power 0001:< jonesandbrown> 59 damage for a fucking goat 0001:< barnum> Round #13, 100 hits! Moxix HP: 189[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0001:< SirCabbage> dont fuck goats 0001:< SirCabbage> that isn't nice nor sanitary 0001:< jonesandbrown> wait, 49... i think? 0001:< jonesandbrown> I'm not that good at math 0001:< SirCabbage> DONT FUCK GOATS 0002:< SirCabbage> *shakes fist 0002:< jonesandbrown> I DO WHAT I WANT AND MORE IMPORTANTLY WHAT THE GOAT WANTS 0002:< barnum> Moxix is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Seeker's Sight]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/99%), jonesandbrown (10/30%) 0002:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/36%), SirCabbage (16/99%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0003:< barnum> A wild Minotaur appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0003:< SirCabbage> the goat doesnt give consent 0003:< ryanvango> barnum you alive? 0003:< SirCabbage> I should know, I have been counciling the goat for montsh now 0003:< SirCabbage> so Ryan, when are we doing something guided- I miss using my items 0003:< barnum> Minotaur is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Deliquescent Gloves]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/8%), ryanvango (19/36%) 0003:< SirCabbage> Also, level 17- gimme a good roll 0003:< barnum> A wild Basidirond appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0004:< ryanvango> how many players we got? i can start in like 15 minutes. i need to think of a workaround for yours and my high levels 0004:< barnum> Round #1, 187 hits! Basidirond HP: 47[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0004:< jonesandbrown> the goat didn't verbally consent, but it told be with its eyes 0004:< SirCabbage> Workaround 1- just let me play normally because fuck I have worked hard for these high levels :O 0004:< ryanvango> you rolled a 5 btw. whats that put you at? 0005:< SirCabbage> 157? 0005:< barnum> Basidirond is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cayden's Cup]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/11%), jonesandbrown (10/33%), ryanvango (19/38%) 0005:< ryanvango> lol I know that, but enemies should also scale. no one should be a god at level 17/round 2 of guided haha 0005:< jonesandbrown> i'm catchin up guyz!! 0005:< barnum> A wild Adult Green Dragon appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0006:< SirCabbage> DRAGPM 0006:< ryanvango> and if barnum isnt around between the 2 of us nothing will last past round 1 0006:< barnum> Round #1, 352 hits! Adult Green Dragon HP: 422[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0006:< jonesandbrown> ooooh another dragon for me to molest mercilessly 0006:< SirCabbage> Psh 0006:< ryanvango> i think i have a few ideas. im gonna make some notes real quick, so if we can get a party list with HP's and stuff 0006:< SirCabbage> Anyway ryan, I think what you need to do is give us more puzzles we need to solve with our loot 0006:< ryanvango> that'd be good. we starting where we left off? 0007:< SirCabbage> and other ways to give our loot away for more rewards 0007:< barnum> Adult Green Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Murderer's Blackcloth]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/13%), ryanvango (19/39%), jonesandbrow... 0007:< SirCabbage> I ASSUME SO- just point me in the direction of your adventure and I will go the other way! 0007:< ryanvango> yeah, thats something thats gonna come in depending where you go with this next round. 0007:< barnum> A wild Juvenile Bronze Dragon appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0008:< jonesandbrown> this one's just a baby... but dragons age slower, is that still wrong? 0008:< SirCabbage> Where do you WANT us to go ryan? 0008:< SirCabbage> trust me, I care. 0008:< barnum> Round #1, 416 hits! Juvenile Bronze Dragon HP: 151[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0008:< SirCabbage> So I can head the OTHER way :o 0008:< jonesandbrown> i'm ggonna go straight up it's anus 0008:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/40%), SirCabbage (17/14%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0008:< SirCabbage> Well I will go OUT of its anus 0008:< ryanvango> you can do whatever you like. i have a few options worked out at this point. so I should be able to still throw stuff at you 0008:< SirCabbage> god damn it, options 0009:< ryanvango> but if you wanna fly at 10,000 feet on your dragon for 2 hours, ill do my best to describe cloud shapes 0009:< SirCabbage> Okay okay, I have a shovel right? Ill just dig right down 0009:< SirCabbage> That'd be fun. 0009:< barnum> Juvenile Bronze Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cauldron of The Dead]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/18%), ryanvango (19/42%), jonesandb... 0009:< SirCabbage> just fly away from your adventures.. yeah.. that sounds good 0009:< jonesandbrown> that would be the best if you got really deep into whatever the science of cloud naming is to continue the story 0009:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown are you gonna tag along? 0009:< barnum> A wild Beheaded appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0009:< SirCabbage> what happens if I combine my Cauldron of the Dead with my Cauldron of Resurrection ? 0010:< jonesandbrown> yes please! ill be the token perv in the grou 0010:< jonesandbrown> ... couldren of the undead duh 0010:< ryanvango> it becomes a cauldron 0010:< barnum> Beheaded is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hex Nail]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (10/41%), SirCabbage (17/21%), ryanvango (19/45%) 0010:< SirCabbage> damn. 0010:< barnum> A wild Grizzly Bear appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0010:< ryanvango> it would be best if you guys had some paper to keep track if stuff goes fast 0011:< SirCabbage> I had notepad open 0011:< barnum> Grizzly Bear is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Arrowmaster's Bracers]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/22%), ryanvango (19/45%) 0011:< SirCabbage> does that count 0011:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown you have 200 personal gold and 128 hitpoints 0011:< barnum> A wild Garden Ooze appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0011:< ryanvango> thats fine, as long as you can doublecheck my numbers to minimize logistics discussions 0011:< SirCabbage> *eats the ooze- this is delicious *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch 0012:< jonesandbrown> k got it 0012:< SirCabbage> *munch 0012:< barnum> Garden Ooze is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Bracers of Sworn Vengeance]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/25%), ryanvango (19/48%), jonesandbrown ... 0012:< jonesandbrown> am i using the items i found here? 0012:< barnum> A wild Skulk appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0012:< SxwTheCat> Turns out there's a group cloning robin 0012:< SirCabbage> *munchmuchmuch these monsters are weak *munchmunchmunch 0012:< SxwTheCat> they haven't gotten far at all 0013:< SirCabbage> Well duh 0013:< barnum> Skulk is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Saint's Protection Charm]! LVLs: SxwTheCat (5/20%), SirCabbage (17/27%), jonesandbrown (10/44%) 0013:< SirCabbage> robin works since it is on reddit. same reason omegle clones fail 0013:< SxwTheCat> by far i mean code wise 0013:< barnum> A wild Cloud Giant appeared! HP: 756[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0013:< SirCabbage> oh lol 0013:< ryanvango> jonesdandbrown you can use whatever you've found so far. 0013:< jonesandbrown> ok sounds good 0013:< SirCabbage> except your penis 0014:< SirCabbage> if your penis gets harmed it is game over 0014:< barnum> Round #1, 334 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 422[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), SxwTheCat (1.5), ryanvango (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0014:< ryanvango> we are just assuming that there is a normal onslaught of badguys and you guys just punch them as you go on 0014:< SirCabbage> so where are we anyway 0014:< ryanvango> or if you're doing something and we get a drop, you found it on the ground or something 0014:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/48%), SirCabbage (17/28%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0014:< jonesandbrown> so no cock flail attacks:( 0014:< SirCabbage> and more importantly are we far away from the thunder 0014:< ryanvango> ill get to that:) let me first finish writing this stuff down 0015:< SirCabbage> I begin to dig a very deep hole while I wait 0015:< barnum> Cloud Giant is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Resplendent Robe of The Thespian]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/50%), SirCabbage (17/29%), jonesand... 0015:< barnum> A wild Haunt appeared! HP: 144[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0016:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Haunt HP: 144[█████] +XP: no one :( 0016:< SirCabbage> Resplendent Robe of The Thespian 0016:< SirCabbage> sounds boring when I read what it does 0017:< barnum> Round #2, 86 hits! Haunt HP: 58[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0017:< ryanvango> link to doc 0017:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/w6lq 0018:< barnum> Haunt is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Boots of Earth And Wind]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/31%), K1ngN0thing (2/65%), ryanvango (19/50%) 0018:< barnum> A wild Devilbound Sorcerer appeared! HP: 544[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0018:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Devilbound Sorcerer HP: 544[█████] +XP: no one :( 0019:< SirCabbage> Also 0019:< SirCabbage> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/apparatus-of-the-crab => http://nazar.so/58r5r 0019:< SirCabbage> Apparently this whole time I have been driving around in a large magical crab. 0019:< barnum> Round #2, 301 hits! Devilbound Sorcerer HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5) 0020:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/50%), SirCabbage (17/32%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0020:< TeaBagTwat> OK my bot is the same except with 70+ adverbs so at least the first half of the sentence will be unique and original. 0021:< barnum> Round #3, 9 hits! Devilbound Sorcerer HP: 234[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5) 0021:< TeaBagTwat> I furiously kickedcreature! 0021:< TeaBagTwat> I carelessly kickeddemon! 0022:< barnum> Round #4, 6 hits! Devilbound Sorcerer HP: 228[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (3) 0022:< TeaBagTwat> I violently kickedthemonster! 0022:< barnum> Round #5, 3 hits! Devilbound Sorcerer HP: 225[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (1.5) 0022:< TeaBagTwat> I harshly kickedthecreature! 0023:< jonesandbrown> are we doing evil/pure points? 0023:< TeaBagTwat> ? 0023:< pyroshroom> I prefer chaotic 0023:< TeaBagTwat> Explain 0023:< ryanvango> jonesy, nope. do as you please, just try to stay as a character 0023:< TeaBagTwat> I utterly punched the animal! 0023:< ryanvango> oh good pyro is here do you remember your hp pyro? 0023:< TeaBagTwat> I overconfidently kicked the creature! 0023:< barnum> Devilbound Sorcerer is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Rod of Animal Training]! LVLs: TeaBagTwat (3/25%), ryanvango (19/52%), jonesandbro... 0023:< pyroshroom> 117 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I eagerly kicked the monster! 0024:< pyroshroom> but that was before I was level 9 0024:< pyroshroom> that was back at level 8 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I methodically punched the creature! 0024:< barnum> A wild Eye Killer appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0024:< ryanvango> 119 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I skillfully punched the demon! 0024:< ryanvango> sorry you rolled a 2 0024:< SirCabbage> I am chaotic good 0024:< pyroshroom> :'( 0024:< SirCabbage> I generally try to do good 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I randomly kicked the creature! 0024:< SirCabbage> but I am chaotic and do whatever suits me 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I affectionately ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) beated the monster! 0024:< barnum> Eye Killer is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Anchoring Belt]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/36%), pyroshroom (9/88%), TeaBagTwat (3/33%), ryanvan... 0024:< SirCabbage> such as killing bastard ripoff merchants 0024:< TeaBagTwat> I energetically beated the creature! 0025:< TeaBagTwat> I elegantly beated the animal! 0025:< barnum> A wild Queen Thermite appeared! HP: 301[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0025:< SirCabbage> ....did teabagtwat just energetically beat off a creature? 0025:< TeaBagTwat> I frantically punched the animal! 0025:< TeaBagTwat> I endlessly kicked the creature! 0025:< TeaBagTwat> HAHA 0025:< pyroshroom> yes he did 0025:< SirCabbage> also that bot will need to be muted/turned off before we start doing our guided gm 0025:< TeaBagTwat> I energetically kicked the animal! 0025:< barnum> Round #1, 263 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (9), SirCabbage (7.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0025:< ryanvango> which bot 0025:< pyroshroom> I don't think the queen thermite can be beaten off though 0025:< SirCabbage> TeaBagTwat's bot 0026:< TeaBagTwat> It's off 0026:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/52%), SirCabbage (17/37%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0026:< SirCabbage> it wasnt when I said that 0026:< ryanvango> thanks twat 0026:< pyroshroom> I don't think thermite has a gender though 0026:< pyroshroom> seeing as it's thermite 0026:< ryanvango> we all agree we're where we left off? 0026:< SirCabbage> yep 0026:< pyroshroom> and meant to explode 0026:< pyroshroom> and yes 0026:< barnum> Queen Thermite is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Deep Brown Sphere Ioun Stone]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/9%), ryanvango (19/57%), SirCabbage... 0027:< TeaBagTwat> I'll watch and learn 0027:< jonesandbrown> my mouse is freaking out, probably because i dropped it in water earlier, so if i don;t repond for a while it's because of that 0027:< SirCabbage> omfg, someone paid for a robin ad 0027:< ryanvango> * we pick up after a good nights rest at the bottom of the stone quarry. the group stirs from under the dragons wing 0027:< barnum> A wild Leukodaemon appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0027:**** pyroshroom yawns 0027:< pyroshroom> "Good morning everyone!" 0027:< SirCabbage> I throw an egg at pyro. 0027:**** pyroshroom catches SirCabbage's egg 0027:< ryanvango> * last we knew, pyro, cabbage, and (BTE maybe?) had attempted to scout the thin smooth tunnel, but it was too dark 0027:< barnum> Round #1, 500 hits! Leukodaemon HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (3), TeaBagTwat ... 0027:< jonesandbrown> You would think it's a good morning you over excited prude 0028:< ryanvango> *they left to inform the group of their findings (take over guys) 0028:< SirCabbage> we killed some shit, 0028:< pyroshroom> So, we have no way to make light in those dwarven tunnels 0028:< SirCabbage> thats not right 0028:< pyroshroom> and there's creepy noises in there 0028:< jonesandbrown> I have a sun blade that i can use to make light 0028:< jonesandbrown> do you want me to activate it? 0028:< SirCabbage> I had the Grim Lantern but no one paid attention to that even once ._. 0028:< barnum> Leukodaemon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Eyes of Blindness]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/45%), jonesandbrown (10/51%), pyroshroom (10/14%)... 0028:< ryanvango> * you hear some asshole talking from the edge of the quarry. a big bald goliath stares at you 0028:< ryanvango> *its jonesandbrown 0029:< SirCabbage> I throw an egg at jonesandbrown 0029:< barnum> A wild Solar appeared! HP: 1633[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0029:< jonesandbrown> :D hey guyz 0029:< pyroshroom> can goliath fit in dwarven tunnels? 0029:< ryanvango> * ksplat, yellow goop runs down his bald head 0029:< SirCabbage> hehe 0029:< pyroshroom> he's awfully big for these tiny holes ;) 0029:< SirCabbage> I love this jar. 0029:< ryanvango> yeah, hes not a giant, he may have to hunch, but he can fit in there 0029:< barnum> Round #1, 575 hits! Solar HP: 1058[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (12), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0029:< jonesandbrown> *licks goop dripping down his face 0030:< pyroshroom> aight! Back to the dwarven tunnels guys? 0030:< ryanvango> for jonesandbrown, at the bottom of the quarry are 4 caves. the big one house a basilisk, now dead. 0030:< SirCabbage> See I feel as if he has planned for those at this point 0030:< barnum> Round #2, 228 hits! Solar HP: 830[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0030:< SirCabbage> is there anywhere else we can go that may lead us away from adventure? 0030:< ryanvango> * there are 2 largish caves pointing north and south, about bear cave size, and a smooth 1 pointing west 0030:< pyroshroom> No! we go in! I want to see his plans 0031:< jonesandbrown> dig us out cabbage 0031:< SirCabbage> That is a good point 0031:< SirCabbage> Dragon, DIG UPWARDS 0031:< ryanvango> * at this point, you notice cabbage awoke early, he has dug a hole in the hard stone, about 4 inches deep 0031:< SirCabbage> This can't possibly go wrong. 0031:< barnum> Round #3, 545 hits! Solar HP: 285[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), pyroshroom (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0031:< pyroshroom> Technically it's a quarry, we're in open air right now 0031:< jonesandbrown> oh and i say in a pretty terrible lisp *hey guyssszzth can i tag along? 0031:< pyroshroom> your dragon is digging into the sky 0031:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/62%), SirCabbage (17/47%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0032:< SirCabbage> Sure, I see no reason not to trust a guy who I threw egg at- welcome aboard son! 0032:< ryanvango> * your big mythic dragon starts pawing at the sky, confused but obedient 0032:< jonesandbrown> but it looks cool 0032:< pyroshroom> Maybe this is the path into the overworld! :D 0032:< SirCabbage> He looks pretty happy with it really, Likely good to stretch his legs 0032:< pyroshroom> Get a dragon to dig into the sky 0032:< barnum> Solar is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Scepter of Ages]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/20%), SirCabbage (17/49%), jonesandbrown (10/55%), ryanva... 0032:< ryanvango> the dragon continues to dig upwards, makes it to space, then suffocates and dies. the end. 0033:< pyroshroom> Oh no 0033:< jonesandbrown> maybe their claws have magical properties that can open portals to the overworld! 0033:< barnum> A wild Mature Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0033:< pyroshroom> alas poor dragon 0033:< SirCabbage> Pfft, my dragon is fine 0033:< SirCabbage> I dont believe ryan is a GOD 0033:< jonesandbrown> oops, whell here's another one that you can tame 0033:< ryanvango> haha your dragon looks like a cat playing with invisible ball of yarn 0033:< SirCabbage> exactly. 0033:< TeaBagTwat> He.. Hello. Hello travelers. Im a space medic and I can save your dragon 0033:< barnum> Round #1, 552 hits! Mature Gray Dragon HP: 222[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (6), SirCabbage (4.5), TeaBagTwat (4.5), pyr... 0033:< SirCabbage> *pets my dragon lovingly* that'll do dragon, that'll do 0034:< jonesandbrown> give it mouth to mouth!! i wanna watch 0034:< ryanvango> * he seems pleased. 0034:< ryanvango> twat are you getting in on this? 0034:< TeaBagTwat> Yeah 0034:< pyroshroom> :O A space medic 0034:< pyroshroom> this fantasy RPG is getting high tech 0034:< TeaBagTwat> He needs time to heal 0034:< barnum> Round #2, 204 hits! Mature Gray Dragon HP: 18[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (3), pyroshroom (3), SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), TeaB... 0034:< ryanvango> ok write down that you have 200 personal gold and 114 hitpoints. notify me when you level 0034:< SirCabbage> well technically my dragon is still full health- the rest of us only have minor damage 0034:< ryanvango> and you cant be a space medic, but you may enter the story however you wish. GO 0034:< pyroshroom> I think we are at full hp now 0035:< pyroshroom> since we have rested all night 0035:< SirCabbage> I suggest as a beekeeper 0035:< ryanvango> everyone is well rested and at full health, yes 0035:< TeaBagTwat> Ok im not here ill enter later 0035:< ryanvango> alrighty 0035:< jonesandbrown> do i have tea? 0035:< barnum> Mature Gray Dragon is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Mirror of Guarding Reflections]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/70%), SirCabbage (17/53%), ... 0035:< SirCabbage> So look, we COULD explore these dungson 0035:**** pyroshroom thinks we should enter these tiny holes 0035:< ryanvango> you do not have tea 0035:< barnum> A wild Crypt Thing appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0035:< SirCabbage> but who wants that? I mean, up to this point we have ran into two crazy dwarfs who want to steal our crap 0036:< SirCabbage> AND a big ass monster that didn't even drop great loot 0036:< pyroshroom> You make a good point SirCabbage 0036:< ryanvango> to be fair, the music box trap was his, and he took it back before it got crushed 0036:< pyroshroom> I request that you light these dwarven caverns up with dragonfire 0036:< barnum> Crypt Thing is kill! pyroshroom picks up [pearly white spindle ioun stone]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/56%), pyroshroom (10/30%), ryanvang... 0036:< SirCabbage> I put forth the idea that we instead get on one of my dragons- and go to a big town 0036:< SirCabbage> then we can go to a brothel 0036:< SirCabbage> and glitter ourselves up 0036:< barnum> A wild Fisherman appeared! HP: 909[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0036:< pyroshroom> Yes, but before that, light these holes up with fire 0036:< SirCabbage> OKAY! 0037:< pyroshroom> to make sure we are not followed 0037:< SirCabbage> dragon, please fill all these holes with fire 0037:< SirCabbage> Lots and lots of fire.<3 0037:< barnum> Round #1, 384 hits! Fisherman HP: 525[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (12), pyroshroom (3) 0037:< ryanvango> * you instruct the dragon and one by one he reels back and blasts huge waves of fire in to every tunnel 0037:< SirCabbage> *pets him before he moves off to do it 0037:< ryanvango> * anything that would have been within 100 feet of the entrance, would be incinerated 0037:< SirCabbage> Yeah, take that story elements! burn carefully planned narrative! 0037:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/72%), SirCabbage (17/57%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0037:< gjhgjh> Wow, you guy are killing these things quickly now. 0038:< ryanvango> * and anything deeper would not want to touch that hot stone for some time. you are safe for the time being 0038:< SirCabbage> Okay so, I suggest we all get on my dragon and go somewhere 0038:< ryanvango> *also worth noting, you just slept all night safely, and nothing came out. soooo that was probably unnecessary 0038:**** pyroshroom looks at the glowing stones happily 0038:< barnum> Fisherman is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Propitious Metumbe]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/75%), SirCabbage (17/59%), pyroshroom (10/33%), gjh... 0038:< SirCabbage> anyone have any ideas! 0038:< jonesandbrown> pyro is a pyro 0038:**** pyroshroom notes that he may be chaotic evil instead of chaotic neutral 0038:< gjhgjh> What 0038:< barnum> A wild Froghemoth appeared! HP: 828[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0039:< gjhgjh> Attacks with all his migt and skills. 0039:< pyroshroom> let's go to a city 0039:< barnum> Round #1, 115 hits! Froghemoth HP: 713[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (3), gjhgjh (3), SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0039:< pyroshroom> I want to beguile some people 0039:< SirCabbage> My personal choice is to find the biggest city we can and see if we can pawn some loot 0039:< gjhgjh> oops I forgot the *'s 0039:< SirCabbage> Okay, Everyone hop on *gets on my dragon 0040:< gjhgjh> *gets on SirCabbage's dragon* 0040:< SirCabbage> *ties BTE and other inactive heroes onto the dragon 0040:< ryanvango> * you know that the closest large city would be about 2 hours flight time to the east 0040:< gjhgjh> *and promptly falls off* 0040:**** pyroshroom hops on the dragon 0040:< jonesandbrown> we should find a brothel, would be funny to make ryanvago describe what's going on 0040:< barnum> Round #2, 478 hits! Froghemoth HP: 235[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), gjhgjh (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0040:< ryanvango> we can fast forward though so its ok 0040:< SirCabbage> Okay dragon- ignore that close city. He would have planned for that. Fly to the closest city that the GM couldn't 0040:< ryanvango> gj, are you in on this now too? 0040:< SirCabbage> possibly have planned for! 0040:< gjhgjh> Damn, that's ony BIG frog. 0041:< pyroshroom> What does this "Propitious Metumbe" do anyways 0041:< jonesandbrown> I'm gonna hop on the d ragon too if that's okD: 0041:< SirCabbage> Off and away! *the dragon flies the opposite direction of all story and narrative elements 0041:< barnum> Froghemoth is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Poisoner's Gloves]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/63%), gjhgjh (4/45%), pyroshroom (10/36%), jonesan... 0041:< SirCabbage> <3 ryan 0041:< ryanvango> * as you climb higher and higher in to the sky, holding on to the ropes used to lash your sleeping compatriots 0041:< barnum> A wild Ancient Dungeon Dragon appeared! HP: 981[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0041:< ryanvango> 127 pyro 0041:< SirCabbage> We fly past the dragon- it has no beef with us! 0042:< jonesandbrown> I really wish one of these drops would give me a taming item sometime soon 0042:< pyroshroom> Yessss 0042:< gjhgjh> Are we in a dungeon now or did this dragon climb out of one? 0042:< barnum> Round #1, 385 hits! Ancient Dungeon Dragon HP: 596[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (3), g... 0042:< ryanvango> you climb ever higher. below the quarry becomes a distant memory. 0042:< SirCabbage> we are flying in the sky- away from the dungeon 0042:< SirCabbage> towards a far away city 0042:< ryanvango> * a bit to the north of the quarry you see a dark hole in the mountains, not unlike caves of this area 0042:< SirCabbage> so we can get some chicks 0042:< ryanvango> * occassionally you notice it lights with a red glow 0042:< SirCabbage> Keep going past the caves! 0042:< gjhgjh> I like chicks. I think. 0042:< pyroshroom> Oo, there may be more dragons in there 0043:< pyroshroom> hey, you guys like what you want, I like dragons 0043:< SirCabbage> Yeah, the possiblities huh? Keep going dragon! :o 0043:< barnum> Ancient Dungeon Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Band of The Stalwart Warrior]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/66%), ryanvango (19/78%), p... 0043:< ryanvango> * you head in the opposite direction of the closest city, the west. this will take a while 0043:< jonesandbrown> can i befriend one? if so we shouldl stop by 0043:**** pyroshroom smiles at SirCabbage's dragon 0043:< SirCabbage> I still have a few 0043:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/78%), SirCabbage (17/66%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0043:< SirCabbage> *gives jones my spare Beast Bond'd Ancient Black Dragon 0043:< ryanvango> *after a bit you hear narration in your heads. it points out the odd formations of cumulonimbus and altostratus clouds 0043:< barnum> A wild Gorson appeared! HP: 1674[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0044:< SirCabbage> Oh god, even the clouds are narrated 0044:< ryanvango> you may be losing your minds you realize. 0044:< SirCabbage> Is this city the one you said was nearby ryan? or is this another one like I said 0044:< pyroshroom> We're dying of low oxygen up here 0044:< ryanvango> but thats ok, you chose this path as the easy one. so you are content 0044:< jonesandbrown> thank you Cabbage! is there anything i can give you in return? 0044:< SirCabbage> because otherwise I ain't landing 0044:< barnum> Round #1, 905 hits! Gorson HP: 769[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (15), SirCabbage (10.5), jonesandbrown (6), pyroshroom (3) 0044:< ryanvango> its another one thats why im taking longer haha 0044:< SirCabbage> Nothing- just take good care of her. I named her Emily 0045:< SirCabbage> Ah good, *I look back at where we just came from 0045:< barnum> Round #2, 134 hits! Gorson HP: 635[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0045:< ryanvango> after 8 hours of flying atop your dragon, a few of you have to pee desperately, you spot Monmouth on the horizon 0045:< SirCabbage> Look at all those possible plot points we avoided. 0045:< ryanvango> a massive sprawling empire in glittering green and white. 0045:< SirCabbage> There is no shame in peeing 0045:**** pyroshroom pisses onto the city 0045:< SirCabbage> Awesome, lets land 0046:< pyroshroom> from the dragon's back 0046:< SirCabbage> Find us the nearest good place to land that wouldn't arise much suspicion 0046:< pyroshroom> Golden showers for everyone! 0046:< ryanvango> as you near, you see impossibly tall structures and huge spires shooting hundreds of feet in to the sky 0046:< barnum> Gorson is kill! ryanvango picks up [Helm of Underwater Action]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/81%), SirCabbage (17/68%), pyroshroom (10/39%) 0046:< jonesandbrown> I do a double back flip off the back of the common dragon and land safely on emily's back! (i hope) 0046:< SirCabbage> THE COMMON dragon? I hope you mean the one we are all riding on 0046:< ryanvango> you are about a mile from the city now, you can see its divided in quadrants, the slums, the palace, the market, and 0047:< ryanvango> a normal residential area 0047:< barnum> Vampire Rose is kill! ryanvango picks up [Anima Focus]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/84%), SirCabbage (17/70%), jonesandbrown (10/65%) 0047:< SirCabbage> Are there any places that we could land that our dragon wouldn't get noticed and have to indescriminately 0047:< SirCabbage> burn people who try and steal it when we are away 0047:< barnum> A wild Sea Snake appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0047:< ryanvango> the whole city is surrounded by a 50 foot wall that is 40 feet thick, you can now make out ballistas in emplacements and guards 0047:< jonesandbrown> you think there's whore houses in the paplace we can visit? 0047:< pyroshroom> I go to the market ryanvango 0048:< SirCabbage> I wave my Banner of the Ancient Kings so that the guards can see we are people and that we are friendly 0048:< jonesandbrown> Or do we have to go slum it? 0048:< ryanvango> hold up. cabbage first...you could probably land in the woods nearby 0048:< barnum> Sea Snake is kill! ryanvango picks up [Globe of Moonlight]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/74%), ryanvango (19/87%), jonesandbrown (10/69%), p... 0048:< ryanvango> you would likely have to kill things on your walk up, but it would be pretty safe 0048:< SirCabbage> Yeah, I was planning on landing outside 0048:< barnum> A wild Draug appeared! HP: 171[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0048:< SirCabbage> my dragons can all wait outside- I can always call them back if we need them 0048:< ryanvango> alright you touch down your dragon in the cover of nearby trees, and dismount. you're about 3/4 of a mile from the walls 0049:< barnum> Draug is kill! ryanvango picks up [Bone Beads]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/77%), ryanvango (19/89%) 0049:< SirCabbage> cool! lets have a nice walk to town then 0049:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/89%), SirCabbage (17/77%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0049:**** pyroshroom runs ahead to go to the market 0049:< SirCabbage> I too head for the market- 0049:< barnum> A wild Mythic Treant appeared! HP: 657[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0049:< ryanvango> you trodge the rest of the way up to the city walls. the guards note your arrival but happily let you in 0049:< jonesandbrown> lands emily and follows at his own pace 0050:< ryanvango> the market is in the near corner to the left of the gate as you enter 0050:< SirCabbage> I give the guards some coin for their trouble. 0050:< SirCabbage> 50g 0050:< barnum> Round #1, 506 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 151[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0050:**** pyroshroom wonders what this market looks like to the left of the gate 0050:< ryanvango> * the guards stare at you puzzled and do no accept, but appreciate the gesture 0050:< SirCabbage> aw, I hope thye know it wasn't a bribe. I just wanted to support local law enforcement 0050:< ryanvango> pyro, as you round to the left, immediately you're punched in the face with smells of cooking meats and vegetables 0051:< jonesandbrown> can i ask the guards where the loosest women might be found? 0051:< barnum> Mythic Treant is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Demon Talon]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/93%), SirCabbage (17/79%), jonesandbrown (10/71%), ... 0051:< pyroshroom> ooh, such wonderful aromas 0051:< SirCabbage> I walk to the meat merchant and see if I can hire him to send someone down to feed my dragon clan 0051:< ryanvango> you see dozens of different vendors selling street foods along the main street, and those become basic shops further down 0051:< barnum> A wild Aurumvorax appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0052:< ryanvango> it seems the deeper you go, the nicer the shops become, but you can more or less make out where everything is. 0052:< barnum> Round #1, 444 hits! Aurumvorax HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0052:**** pyroshroom goes for a stroll through the Market district, looking for unique wares and valuables 0052:< SirCabbage> what did the meat merchant say? 0052:< ryanvango> cabbage, as you mention you're clan of dragon to a meat merchant he laughs heartily. he doesnt believe you 0052:< ryanvango> "dragons! ha! and me wife's the queen and has 4 tits! get off it!" 0053:< barnum> Aurumvorax is kill! ryanvango picks up [Cloak of Resistance +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/96%), SirCabbage (17/81%), pyroshroom (10/42%) 0053:< SirCabbage> Okay, well, I say- in an unrelated note how much would it cost to buy 6 chunks of very large meat- preferably whole cows 0053:< barnum> A wild War Flower appeared! HP: 148[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0053:< jonesandbrown> *inspects demon talon and realizes that emily will be very unhappy if I get to use this item 0053:< ryanvango> pyro, you see that there is a good assortment of items available. this place would be easy for anyone to restock 0053:< SirCabbage> and to have them delivered outside the gate- in a completely unrelated statement to my initial request 0053:< ryanvango> * but nothing on the main street strikes you as incredibly unique or rare. t 0053:< barnum> War Flower is kill! ryanvango picks up [Amulet of Mighty Fists +5]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/99%), SirCabbage (17/83%), jonesandbrown (10... 0054:< barnum> A wild Nalfeshnee appeared! HP: 913[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0054:< pyroshroom> darn 0054:< pyroshroom> hmm, 200 gold 0054:< pyroshroom> what to buy 0054:< SirCabbage> laughing or not, he would do it for the coin 0054:< pyroshroom> I should go for some delicious food 0054:< barnum> Round #1, 123 hits! Nalfeshnee HP: 790[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (1.5) 0055:< pyroshroom> and health potions 0055:< ryanvango> * he looks at cabbage puzzled. "tell ya what. you give me 70 gp per cow, ill see they get to that tree line. up front though!" 0055:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/99%), SirCabbage (17/83%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0055:< SirCabbage> I know if I dont buy the meat for my dragons thye will hunt themselves but they deserve a treat 0055:**** pyroshroom walks up to a vendor that seems to be selling potions and asks how much for a health potion 0055:< SirCabbage> would you accept 400 for the lot? 0055:< SirCabbage> sort of a bulk deal. you only lose out on 20G 0056:< barnum> Round #2, 443 hits! Nalfeshnee HP: 347[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0056:**** pyroshroom is holding his rod of beguiling as he walks up 0056:< SirCabbage> up front, I have the coin on me. 0056:< ryanvango> "HA! yer commited to yer joke, I'll give ya that! you got a deal!" 0056:< ryanvango> taking that from your own and party finds? 0056:< ryanvango> funds* 0056:< SirCabbage> I hand the full 400G to the merchant from my own funds. Planning to return later 0057:< barnum> Nalfeshnee is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Sword of Life Stealing]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/86%), ryanvango (20/5%), pyroshroom (10/45%) 0057:< barnum> A wild Elysian Titan appeared! HP: 1840[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0057:< pyroshroom> Wow, nice sword you just picked up, Sword of Life Stealing 0057:< ryanvango> pyro "greetings. we've got all manner of potions. regular, greater, and max. 20, 50, and 100 gold respectively sire 0057:< pyroshroom> How much does the regular and greater potions heal? 0057:< SirCabbage> Now I have no cash, I better go sell some shit. I try to find an alechmist to sell some of my rare crafting goods to 0057:< pyroshroom> (and max) 0057:< ryanvango> AS A NOTE, ANY LOOT FOUND HERE WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY TURNED TO GOLD FOR CONTINUITY 0057:< barnum> Round #1, 498 hits! Elysian Titan HP: 1342[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0058:< jonesandbrown> I was under the impression there would be whores. Where are alll the whores? 0058:< ryanvango> cabbage, you get 50 gold for the sword 0058:< jonesandbrown> ^to no one in particular 0058:< SirCabbage> I shall meet you in the whorehouse later I need to sell some items first. 0058:< ryanvango> "well sire, these are the best of the type in the land. a regular will restore 10, and a greater 25!" 0058:< ryanvango> max is 50 0058:< barnum> Round #2, 466 hits! Elysian Titan HP: 876[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), jonesandbrown (6), SirCabbage (4.5) 0059:< ryanvango> *jones bellows out in frustration about whores and getting ravaged. he earns a few stares 0059:< jonesandbrown> I walk away to find a cup of tea an possibly a slutty companion to follow me on my jouneys 0059:< SirCabbage> have I found that alchemist yet? 0059:< barnum> Round #3, 257 hits! Elysian Titan HP: 619[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0059:< ryanvango> * after a moment a creepy hunched over sweaty fella just points toward the corner of the slums and the market, just northward 0100:< pyroshroom> I see, these are some very good bargains sir, how about you do a favor for a friend and make it 35 gold for a greater potion? 0100:< SirCabbage> Cockatrice Grit, Sparton Seeds, Demon Talon, Bottle of Shadows, and Soul Jar - I put on my ring of bargining first 0100:< ryanvango> cabbage you make your way to the alchemist. his shop is clearly labeled. you bump in to pyro who is discussing his options 0100:**** pyroshroom winks and uses his rod of beguiling on the potion merchant 0100:< SirCabbage> Hey Pyro- getting anything good? 0100:< barnum> Round #4, 561 hits! Elysian Titan HP: 58[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (6) 0100:< pyroshroom> in order to beguile the merchant 0100:< SirCabbage> I am just here to sell some of my rare goods- 0100:< pyroshroom> I'm trying to get some cheap potions here 0100:< ryanvango> pyro "sire, I'm no stranger to a deal, but if you intend to buy 1 potion and want that kind of discount, you need therapy" 0101:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/8%), SirCabbage (17/88%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 0101:< pyroshroom> ah, but I'm not just buying one, I intend to buy 3 ;) 0101:< SirCabbage> Ill jsut wait til you are done then, fair enough, 0101:< barnum> Elysian Titan is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cauldron of Overwhelming Allies]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/51%), SirCabbage (17/90%), ryanva... 0102:< ryanvango> "tell ya what. if you plan to buy 3, I can understand letting them go for a total of 130" 0102:< barnum> A wild Dark Caller appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0102:< pyroshroom> hmm, not bad, I accept 0102:< SirCabbage> how much gold did I get for that cauldron? 0102:< pyroshroom> it has been a pleasure doing business with you 0102:< barnum> Dark Caller is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Restless Lockpicks]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/54%), ryanvango (20/10%), SirCabbage (17/91%) 0102:< ryanvango> "Excellent! I'll bag these up for ya!" he slips in a pamphlet about some lame concert his nephew is putting on later, slyly 0103:< barnum> A wild Ancient Cloud Dragon appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0103:< ryanvango> pyro, 5 gold for the lockpicks, 0103:< ryanvango> cauldron? the sword you mean? 0103:< SirCabbage> look up 0103:< ryanvango> OHHH i see it. call it 30 0103:< barnum> Round #1, 350 hits! Ancient Cloud Dragon HP: 1108[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (1.5) 0104:< SirCabbage> Good morning fine sir- I wear my bring of bargaining proudly- I would like to sell you some very rare and interesting items 0104:< ryanvango> "now, how may I help you sir" looking at cabbage 0104:< SirCabbage> I have found a fair number of interesting treasures a fine alchemist such as yourself may be interested in 0104:**** pyroshroom watches SirCabbage from a distance 0104:< SirCabbage> Cockatrice Grit, Sparton Seeds, Demon Talon, Bottle of Shadows, and Soul Jar 0104:< barnum> Round #2, 462 hits! Ancient Cloud Dragon HP: 646[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (13.5), ryanvango (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0104:< ryanvango> "sure! I'd be glad to take a look! always like expanding our inventory!" 0105:**** pyroshroom uses his rod of beguiling to make the alchemist like SirCabbage even more 0105:< SirCabbage> Anything strike your fancy good sir? I happen to know that Demon Talon is very valuable 0105:< ryanvango> * he stares in amazement at your haul.."wooow so you did. I could definitely make use of a few of these 0105:< barnum> Round #3, 499 hits! Ancient Cloud Dragon HP: 147[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0106:< SirCabbage> *looks around the shop at the same time, just because I can 0106:< ryanvango> "well it was. but I'm afraid recent events have flooded the market. how about I take this jar and bottle, and the talon off your hands 0106:< barnum> Ancient Cloud Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Far-reaching Sight]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/13%), SirCabbage (17/93%) 0106:< SirCabbage> How much for just the jar and bottle? If the demon talon is currently common here I would rather take it to a place 0106:< jonesandbrown> Just out of curriosity, how much do you want to buy demon talons for? 0106:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/13%), SirCabbage (17/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0107:< ryanvango> *you notice an eclectic collection of novelties, as well as a few things that may be of use. there are a few tomes on a dusty shelf 0107:< SirCabbage> it is needed- because I know it can be used for potions of cure diesese and I would rather it go to somewhere it is needed 0107:< barnum> A wild Small Monstrous Sea Wasp appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0107:< ryanvango> jones did you go where the dude pointed, or are you with the party 0107:< barnum> Small Monstrous Sea Wasp is kill! ryanvango picks up [Mummer's Ruff]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/96%), ryanvango (20/16%), jonesandbrown (... 0107:< jonesandbrown> no, i just went and got tea, now I'm back. I figur tea's like 1 or 2 gold pieces? 0108:< ryanvango> "that's fair, I don't blame you. who knows, if there is a resurgence you could do quite well 0108:< barnum> A wild Catrina appeared! HP: 229[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0108:< TeaBagTwat> "Well your a big lad aren't you?" 0108:< ryanvango> "for the bottle and jar, I could happily offer 1200 gold pieces 0108:< ryanvango> jones, 1 is good 0108:< TeaBagTwat> "You look exhausted?" 0108:< barnum> Catrina is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Rod of Dwarven Might]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/19%), TeaBagTwat (3/66%), jonesandbrown (10/79%) 0108:< SirCabbage> sounds very good to me fine sir- it is a pleasure doing business. I hope they treat you well 0109:< SirCabbage> *I hand over the two items carefully to the merchant 0109:< barnum> A wild Tribal Totem appeared! HP: 310[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0109:< ryanvango> "the pleasure is mine. is there anything else I can do for you? 0109:< SirCabbage> *and gather up the items which I couldnt sell 0109:< pyroshroom> wow, that's a valuable bottle and jar :p 0109:< TeaBagTwat> "Why don't you make your way down to the whore house later for a 'rest'" (Speaking to Jones) 0109:< barnum> Tribal Totem is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Maul of The Titans]! LVLs: SirCabbage (17/98%), ryanvango (20/20%), TeaBagTwat (3/73%), p... 0109:< barnum> A wild Elohim appeared! HP: 1903[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0110:< SirCabbage> Do you perhaps have a salve which I could use to help buff up a mythical beast such as a dragon 0110:< SirCabbage> nothing too complex- just something to give them as a treat for being good. 0110:< SirCabbage> You surely know tastes 0110:**** pyroshroom wanders off, looking for free food samples 0110:< barnum> Round #1, 324 hits! Elohim HP: 1579[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0110:< ryanvango> I'm afraid we don't get many requests like that, so we wouldn't stock it. we could possibly order or custom make it? 0111:< SirCabbage> That is okay, It was just an off the top of my head request. Actually sir I have some other items I need to sell to a 0111:< SirCabbage> weapons merchant so for now I must be on my way. But I will remember you for if I never need supplies 0111:< barnum> Round #2, 415 hits! Elohim HP: 1164[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (4.5) 0111:< ryanvango> ah! I understand. thank you for your business, and safe travels! 0111:< SirCabbage> and yes, recommend my friends. You have been a large amount of help. 0111:< SirCabbage> I leave the store and head towards the nearest smith 0112:< ryanvango> the smith is almost pressing in to the town center, but he is present and hammering away. a soot stained burly fellow 0112:< barnum> Round #3, 494 hits! Elohim HP: 670[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6) 0112:< jonesandbrown> i'm following cabbage btww 0112:< SirCabbage> Good morning sir- I would like to sell you a few items I have found in my travels. Surely around here you get a lot of business 0112:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/22%), SirCabbage (18/6%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 0112:< ryanvango> jones drags behind while pyroshroom finds only scraps in his mini-adventure 0112:< SirCabbage> from wealthy nobles who may like some rare goods 0113:< ryanvango> "quite a bit, aye. always needin supplies. lets have a look then 0113:< barnum> Round #4, 514 hits! Elohim HP: 156[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0113:< SirCabbage> Today I can offer you my Darkwood Shield, Holy Avenger, Starbow and my Shieldsplitter Lance 0114:< ryanvango> "for fooks sake, youve stumbled on quite a pile, haven't ye." he stares 0114:< SirCabbage> We have been on the road for a long time good sir- trust me when I say we have been looking forward to the break 0114:< barnum> Elohim is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Evidentiary Dust]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/9%), ryanvango (20/24%) 0114:< ryanvango> "I'll be honest though mate. I can't offer ye what its worth. don't carry that kinda coin" 0114:< barnum> A wild Adult Sea Dragon appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0115:< jonesandbrown> haha fucking with us fucking with you eh bro 0115:< ryanvango> "I could see giving ye 3000 gold for the shield and the lance, but thats bout all i could do" 0115:< barnum> Round #1, 330 hits! Adult Sea Dragon HP: 444[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0115:< SirCabbage> could you perhaps pay me back in kind? Perhaps you could enchant or buff my Phantasmal Earthenflail +5 ? 0116:< SirCabbage> Or... maybe- do you think you could build me a new saddle for a dragon? 0116:< ryanvango> "you give me metal, I can make it sharp and stabby. you want magic, 'fraid I can't help, wish I could though" 0116:< barnum> Round #2, 440 hits! Adult Sea Dragon HP: 4[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), K1ngN0thing (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0116:< SirCabbage> I am sorry if my requests are strange, I have been out of this whole life for a fairly long time now 0116:< ryanvango> "a saddle I could do. you just write down what you're lookin for, and the sizes, and I'll make it happen" 0117:< barnum> Adult Sea Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Belt of Dwarvenkind]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/11%), ryanvango (20/26%) 0117:< SirCabbage> *I write down the sizes, and details- including a custom request for him to integrate my Horseshoes of Speed 0117:< barnum> A wild Omox appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0117:< SirCabbage> Build it of something the best you can in exchange for the Starbow and the Avenger 0118:< ryanvango> "be a bit tricky, but I think I can handle it. so the lot for 3000 gold and the saddle, is that what we're after?" 0118:< barnum> Round #1, 431 hits! Omox HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (4.5) 0118:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/27%), SirCabbage (18/12%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0118:< SirCabbage> That sounds very good to me sir. 0118:**** pyroshroom continues looking for scraps of food 0118:< jonesandbrown> wait wait, do you think you could attach a demon claw to a saddle or maybe dragon bbreast plate giving the dragon an extra claw? 0118:< ryanvango> "great, just put that stuff in the cart, and come back tomorrow for you're saddle. been a pleasure" 0119:< SirCabbage> Thank you fine sir- places my items down 0119:< barnum> Omox is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Golden Eagle Epaulets]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/14%), jonesandbrown (10/80%), ryanvango (20/27%), py... 0119:< ryanvango> "I wouldn't try if I could big fella. you might have better luck with the arcanist for that claw of yours" 0119:< barnum> A wild Margay appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0119:< SirCabbage> Okay, one more store. Are there any high level antiquity stores or general stores around? 0120:< ryanvango> whatyu mean, llike to buy something? 0120:< jonesandbrown> ok i'll go to the arcanist then whenever we're done here 0120:< barnum> Margay is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Maiden's Helm]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/30%), SirCabbage (18/15%), jonesandbrown (10/83%) 0120:< SirCabbage> also what did I get for the Golden Eagle Epaulets ryanb 0120:< barnum> A wild Azer appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0120:< ryanvango> lets say yes. theres a story you're thinking of right over there (points in that direction) 0120:< jonesandbrown> and me for a maiden's helm 0120:< ryanvango> another 50g 0120:< SirCabbage> Thank you sir, I walk towards the new store 0121:< ryanvango> jones, 30 0121:< SirCabbage> for one final sale 0121:< barnum> Azer is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Pantheistic Clasp]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/33%), SirCabbage (18/18%), jonesandbrown (10/85%) 0121:< SirCabbage> Damn I just keep finding money everywehre 0121:< barnum> A wild Ancient Mist Dragon appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0121:< ryanvango> as you enter the nondescript shop, an ordinary clean cut fella is there greeting you. you find 10 gold on your way in 0121:< jonesandbrown> you filthy poop looter 0121:< SirCabbage> also I reached level 18 0121:< ryanvango> "grettin's what can I do for ya?!" 0122:< ryanvango> +5 0122:< barnum> Round #1, 318 hits! Ancient Mist Dragon HP: 1140[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0122:< jonesandbrown> I'll offer my demon claw for sale 0122:< Lord_Renwod> For some reason, my extension no longer automatically puts #rpg for me 0122:< SirCabbage> Good morning good sir- I just came back from fighting and had some items to trade. Apparently so does my friend here so I 0122:< ryanvango> "ah a demon claw. seen quite a few of these lately. I can give you 150 gold for it. whatya think? 0122:< Lord_Renwod> but it does have multi-room chats? I thinK? I can't tell 0123:< SirCabbage> will let you deal with him first while I get out the items I want to sell 0123:< barnum> Round #2, 470 hits! Ancient Mist Dragon HP: 670[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), Lord_Renwod (6), ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0123:< Lord_Renwod> anyway................... so if I'm not mistaken ryanvango you're GMing a game, right? 0123:< pyroshroom> Lord_Renwod is this parrot? 0123:< ryanvango> *cabbage places his well on the ground, pulls out a rope and climbs down in to it, and starts rummaging* 0123:< Lord_Renwod> I don't know I don't think so 0123:< ryanvango> Renwod, indeed i am 0123:< pyroshroom> Lord_Renwod: Parrot hides the #rpg tag if you are in that #rpg channel, but not in the main channel 0124:< barnum> Round #3, 293 hits! Ancient Mist Dragon HP: 377[██▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (6), Lord_Renwod (1.5) 0124:< ryanvango> pyroshroom asks a one eyed fella about his bird with free food all over his face** 0124:< pyroshroom> your other script might work the same way though 0124:< jonesandbrown> hhm i've also got a mirror of guarding reflection, how much for both? 0124:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/35%), SirCabbage (18/19%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0124:< Lord_Renwod> But does this work? 0124:< Lord_Renwod> Oh it does ok 0124:< pyroshroom> Yeah, we're reading what you're saying now 0124:< Lord_Renwod> So I don't have to type #rpg 0124:< ryanvango> "now that mirror I really like. I'll give you 700 for the pair 0124:< Lord_Renwod> huh 0125:< Lord_Renwod> I see a new line but it didn't show up 0125:< Lord_Renwod> Do you guys read anything there? I typed /me tests this 0125:< jonesandbrown> yeah, i'll take that 0125:< pyroshroom> hmm, what script are you using Lord_Renwod? 0125:< barnum> Ancient Mist Dragon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Anima Focus]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (4/32%), ryanvango (20/37%), jonesandbrown (10/88%... 0125:< Lord_Renwod> Not sure 0125:< pyroshroom> ah, I don't see your /me line 0125:< SirCabbage> I come out of the well, bringing out several different items. Today I have these items to offer you, 0125:**** pyroshroom can you see my /me line? 0125:**** Lord_Renwod es it again 0125:< jonesandbrown> *hand over mirror and demon claw 0125:< ryanvango> "great! pleasure doin business! let me know if theres anything else I can do for you, sir!" 0125:< barnum> A wild Catfolk appeared! HP: 54[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0125:< pyroshroom> Yes, that works Lord_Renwod 0125:< SirCabbage> Amulet of Spell Mastery, Amulet of Bullet Protection +5, Saint's Protection Charm and the Horn of Antagonism 0125:**** Lord_Renwod nks this is very interesting 0126:< SirCabbage> A lot of fine and well made pieces of jewelry 0126:< SirCabbage> including a ornate horn 0126:**** Lord_Renwod ices that the first part of his sentences are cut off 0126:< pyroshroom> Lord_Renwod nks this is very interesting 0126:< barnum> Catfolk is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Ring of Foe Focus]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/24%), Lord_Renwod (4/46%), pyroshroom (10/68%), ryanv... 0126:< ryanvango> *the man looks over your good inquisitively for a few moments 0126:< barnum> A wild Hellwasp Swarm appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0126:< jonesandbrown> BRB pooping 0126:< ryanvango> "I like what you've brought and I'm definitely interested. that horn though, I would appreciate you putting away 0127:< SirCabbage> sorry sir, *puts horn back in well. I know dark and charming items can make some people uncomfortable 0127:< barnum> Hellwasp Swarm is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Book of Banishing]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/26%), ryanvango (20/39%), jonesandbrown (10/90%) 0127:< barnum> A wild Tyrant Jelly appeared! HP: 580[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0127:< ryanvango> "right. thank you. maybe some would be interested, but be careful with stuff like that 0127:< SirCabbage> If you could perhaps after our transaction is finished point me to a place I could sell this safely to someone who wouldnt misuse it 0127:< ryanvango> "now the rest, let's see. the amulets in particular are wonderful! 0128:< barnum> Round #1, 449 hits! Tyrant Jelly HP: 131[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (4.5) 0128:< SirCabbage> Yes I am particularly fond of the Amulet of Bullet Protection 0128:< ryanvango> I'd be happy giving you 1200 for the amulets, and and another 1000 for the charm 0128:< SirCabbage> is that 1200 each, or 1200 for both? 0128:< ryanvango> for both sir 0128:< barnum> Tyrant Jelly is kill! ryanvango picks up [Elemental Earth Belt]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/29%), ryanvango (20/42%) 0129:< SirCabbage> Okay, I accept. So would you happen to know a place I can safely sell darker items without risk? 0129:< barnum> A wild Wyrm Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0129:< SirCabbage> I dont want them to get into the hands of bad people *I hand over the amulets and the charm 0129:< ryanvango> if you're gonna be trading in dark items, there is no safe place to sell them. they will be used for harm. 0129:< barnum> Round #1, 434 hits! Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 961[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (4.5) 0130:< SirCabbage> Then I suppose the safest place is in my well where they can't be misused 0130:< ryanvango> but if you're set on getting coin for it, you'd have to go deeper in to the market, pressing in to the slums 0130:< SirCabbage> Thank you good sir 0130:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/43%), SirCabbage (18/30%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0130:< TeaBagTwat> "Hello again sir's! Won't you please come to the whorehouse, I need help" 0130:< SirCabbage> No no, I would rather sell it to a collector- and not to someone bad. these items are often rather onate 0130:**** pyroshroom hears the call of TeaBagTwat 0131:< ryanvango> I appreciate that consideration. If I hear of anyone, I'll let you know if I see you again. 0131:< SirCabbage> but thank you sir, I have to go and find my other party members, enjoy my amulets 0131:< barnum> Round #2, 671 hits! Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 290[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (9), TeaBagTwat (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0131:< ryanvango> thank you, safe travels 0131:**** pyroshroom wanders towards TeaBagTwat after being sated in his quest for food 0131:< SirCabbage> *I walk out of the store happily loaded with cash, before going somewhere quiet to stash my gold where it wont get stolen 0131:< ryanvango> pyroshrooms ears perk at the sound of "come get'yer whoooooooores" 0131:< TeaBagTwat> "Please I have to go but come whenever you can" I run off 0131:< SirCabbage> *on my person still, it is still with me 0132:< barnum> Wyrm Gray Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Vothuemont's Blade]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/34%), ryanvango (20/45%), TeaBagTwat (3/81%... 0132:< SirCabbage> I head to the whorehouse to find my party 0132:< SirCabbage> MORE gold!? :O 0132:< barnum> A wild Cave Giant appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0132:< SirCabbage> *walking to the whorehouse 0132:< TeaBagTwat> Well your a big lads arn't you? 0132:< barnum> Round #1, 195 hits! Cave Giant HP: 372[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (1.5), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 0133:< jonesandbrown> *following along to the whore house looking for a commpanion:D 0133:< ryanvango> *everyone in the party, satisfied, makes their way towards the slums and markets corner, and an Inn called the crooked wench 0133:< TeaBagTwat> "in here" 0133:< ryanvango> * the smell in here is....not pleasant. but no one seems to mind. everyone is drinking and laughing and having a good time 0133:< SirCabbage> I add 600G to the party allotment from my own personal stash 0133:< barnum> Cave Giant is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Muzzle of Suppression]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/47%), SirCabbage (18/36%), jonesandbrown (10/91... 0133:< jonesandbrown> damn that's generous 0134:< ryanvango> LOL I love how i think you just sold most of the party's stuff and only gave them 600g hahahaha 0134:< SirCabbage> did you SEE how much I just sold? lol 0134:< SirCabbage> Most of MY stuff 0134:< barnum> A wild Grootslang appeared! HP: 1273[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0134:< ryanvango> oooh ok. nevermind 0134:< SirCabbage> It was MY loot lol. I didnt even go into the loot pool 0134:< TeaBagTwat> *I suddenly change personality* Have you come for the 'special' treatment'? 0134:< ryanvango> alright you guys talk our your whoring and drinking, im gonna smoke. back in 5 0134:< barnum> Round #1, 536 hits! Grootslang HP: 737[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (4.5), TeaBagTwat (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0134:< SirCabbage> Alright, lets go find some clean whores 0135:< TeaBagTwat> Why don't you all come into the back with me? 0135:< SirCabbage> Sure! that sounds not suspicious at all! 0135:< SirCabbage> *walks inside 0135:< TeaBagTwat> *We enter and I subtly lock the door* 0135:< jonesandbrown> i bet it's a trap, don't you wanna go beat the fuck outa a crooked whore er 0135:< SirCabbage> yeah I know it is a trap 0135:< jonesandbrown> oh cool, i'm in on this 0135:< barnum> Round #2, 274 hits! Grootslang HP: 463[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), jonesandbrown (6), TeaBagTwat (3) 0135:< TeaBagTwat> So... You don't look like you're from around here? 0135:< SirCabbage> but my gold is safely hidden far away and I am armed to the teeth 0136:< SirCabbage> No indeed- I am a dragon tamer from the south 0136:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/48%), SirCabbage (18/37%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 0136:< TeaBagTwat> good they can't hear us! 0136:< SirCabbage> Just bringing my clan into town for a little rest and relaxation! 0136:< SirCabbage> So what, this ISN'T a trap? 0136:< TeaBagTwat> Do you know who I am? 0136:< SirCabbage> Not in the slightest sorry. I generally just travel with a party around the kingdom 0136:< barnum> Grootslang is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Pale Orange Rhomboid Ioun Stone]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/40%), TeaBagTwat (3/88%) 0137:< TeaBagTwat> *My voice changes* Im a man! 0137:< TeaBagTwat> Let me explain 0137:< SirCabbage> well, that is suprising. 0137:< barnum> A wild Podokesaurus appeared! HP: 27[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0137:< SirCabbage> please do 0137:< TeaBagTwat> 2 years ago I was wrongly convicted for murder of my family. 0137:< TeaBagTwat> They sent me to work unpaid in the whorehouse for life as punishment. 0137:< barnum> Podokesaurus is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Mantis Blade]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/44%), TeaBagTwat (4/22%) 0138:< SirCabbage> That seems like a particularly cruel and unusual punishment 0138:< TeaBagTwat> So I could be 'abused' 0138:< barnum> A wild Slurk appeared! HP: 76[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0138:< TeaBagTwat> I... 0138:< TeaBagTwat> Need help 0138:< SirCabbage> I must question any judge who would do that. but sure, I understand 0138:< TeaBagTwat> could you get me out of this place?... 0138:< SirCabbage> So what is it you need me for exactly? 0138:< barnum> Slurk is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cloak of The Diplomat]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/46%), TeaBagTwat (4/29%) 0138:< SirCabbage> hmm let me see if I have any items which could help 0138:< pyroshroom> of course! 0139:< pyroshroom> why don't we just walk on out of here 0139:< barnum> A wild Wood Giant appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0139:**** pyroshroom heads towards the door 0139:< TeaBagTwat> The guards know my face, if they see me im getting a much worse punishment 0139:< SirCabbage> I have a Deck of Illusions- perhaps I could use it to change your form so we could escape- you could act like a fellow adventurer 0139:**** pyroshroom notes that there are many people in the way now 0139:< barnum> Wood Giant is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Wind Fan]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/48%), pyroshroom (10/72%), TeaBagTwat (4/30%) 0139:< SirCabbage> However, I can't leave town until tomorrow. I must pick up a new saddle from the blacksmith 0139:< ryanvango> you guys are in a locked whore room for this right? 0139:**** pyroshroom fans himself with the wind fan 0140:< barnum> A wild Glacial Haunt appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0140:< TeaBagTwat> Please... I beg of you. Anything 0140:< jonesandbrown> yeah we're all locked in a small hot back room 0140:< SirCabbage> Look, I give you the deck. You use it to escape to our dragon clan outside of the city tommorow 0140:**** pyroshroom continues fanning himself since it is very hot here 0140:< SirCabbage> try to double cross us and the dragons eat you, don't- and you can come with us 0140:< TeaBagTwat> I'll let us out but you need to play dumb 0140:< barnum> Glacial Haunt is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ioun Stone mossy disk]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/53%), pyroshroom (10/76%), ryanvango (20/49... 0140:< jonesandbrown> who's playing? 0140:< TeaBagTwat> I won't 0140:< barnum> A wild Wolverine appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0141:< SirCabbage> But I do have one request Twat 0141:< ryanvango> *there is a thunderous knock on the door "HEY! ONE AT A TIME! YOU KNOW THE RULES!" 0141:< mahatmabrondi> Do you need to install a script to play? 0141:< TeaBagTwat> Sorry sir 0141:< SirCabbage> Where do you guys keep the glitter- I always get glittered up in these whorehouses 0141:< TeaBagTwat> They asked for it 0141:< barnum> Wolverine is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Armor of Arrow Attraction]! LVLs: TeaBagTwat (4/45%), SirCabbage (18/54%), ryanvango (20/51%... 0141:< SirCabbage> I feel as if it is an important part of the experience 0141:**** pyroshroom winks at the person who knocked on the door 0141:< micubit> mahatmabrondi just type to attackt the monster and the bot deducts health and gives XP. everything else is pure roleplay 0141:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/51%), SirCabbage (18/54%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (10... 0141:< SirCabbage> *I shadily hand Teabag the Deck of Illusions 0141:< pyroshroom> "Would you like to join us?" 0142:< ryanvango> * you hear from the other side "YOU BETTER CHARGE EM EXTRA, WHORE!" 0142:< barnum> A wild Rust Monster appeared! HP: 121[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0142:< TeaBagTwat> *I take it and conceal it 0142:< micubit> but the Parrot userscript is very helpful for soKukune in general 0142:< SirCabbage> don't escape til tommorow- we are going to spend the night at a higher class hotel before we leave 0142:< jonesandbrown> i'm just here for whatever staple perfume the sloots always wear. 0142:< mahatmabrondi> what does it do? 0142:< SirCabbage> I gave away 10,000G worth of items to get this saddle, I am not going to miss it 0142:< barnum> Rust Monster is kill! mahatmabrondi picks up [Rime Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/57%), micubit (2/72%), ryanvango (20/52%), j... 0142:< micubit> it takes your mind of the depression tedium that is life 0143:< barnum> A wild Korog appeared! HP: 126[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0143:< SirCabbage> With that settled- I head back out of the whorehouse covered in glitter and acting drunk 0143:< TeaBagTwat> I'll pay on your behalf with what little I have. 0143:< SirCabbage> and then stop acting drunk and go back to the meat merchant to see if the delivery was made to my dragons 0143:< micubit> oh the script. Uh, it adds features like color coded channels, spam filtering, stuff like that. it's SO USEFUL 0143:< barnum> Korog is kill! micubit picks up [Goreclaw]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/62%), micubit (2/90%), TeaBagTwat (4/55%) 0143:**** pyroshroom walks out of the whorehouse 0144:< ryanvango> *as you leave the locked room you see a massive goliath with his arms crossed glaring at the room 0144:< jonesandbrown> i'm just gonna keep hanging here looking at ass and titties 0144:< barnum> A wild Nightmare appeared! HP: 229[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0144:< SirCabbage> Guys, meet me in the safest hotel in town, 0144:< micubit> oh shit this Goreclaw is going to go great with my Scattershot Bracers [equips Goreclaw] 0144:**** pyroshroom immediately uses his globe of blizzards to cool down after being in the hot and steamy room 0144:< TeaBagTwat> Can I help? 0144:< micubit> now I can scatter gore 0144:< ryanvango> * he thrusts his hand out to Twat, expecting the money from the deal 0144:< SirCabbage> *I thank the Goliath and chuck 200G towards him- twice the normal rate 0144:< TeaBagTwat> Here... 0144:< barnum> Nightmare is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/65%), micubit (3/30%), TeaBagTwat (4/... 0144:< barnum> A wild Rot Grub Swarm appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0145:< TeaBagTwat> I look up and keep quite 0145:< ryanvango> * "you're light. I said extra for breakin the rules" 0145:< SirCabbage> I just said I gave him 200 as well 0145:< TeaBagTwat> Here's the rest 0145:< SirCabbage> on my way out to see the meat merchant 0145:**** pyroshroom looks at the goliath and uses his rod of beguiling on him to make him nicer 0145:< barnum> Round #1, 220 hits! Rot Grub Swarm HP: 162[███▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), TeaBagTwat (3), SirCabbage (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0145:< ryanvango> * twat hands him his 200 gold as well, he is effectively broke. the goliath pockets it and saunters off 0145:< TeaBagTwat> I give all my personal money (200g) 0146:< SirCabbage> I just look back at twat as if to say- see you tommorow morning, AND THEN I HEAD TO THE MEAT MERCHANT 0146:< SirCabbage> I want to see what the meat merchant says about my clan, he didnt BELIEVE me 0146:< barnum> Rot Grub Swarm is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Bag of Holding Type III]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/68%), TeaBagTwat (4/70%), ryanvango (20/... 0146:< ryanvango> * jonesandbrown sits with a mug of ale, staring and the plethora of titties, barely covered 0146:< SirCabbage> Okay, fuck the rules. I want that bag of holding 0146:< barnum> A wild Army Ant Swarm appeared! HP: 220[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0146:< SirCabbage> how much 0147:< ryanvango> alright ummm....normal shop price. lets call it 1500 0147:< SirCabbage> fine, now take me to the meat merchant 0147:< barnum> Army Ant Swarm is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Boots of The Cat]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/71%), ryanvango (20/56%) 0147:< jonesandbrown> *muses to noone in particular* why is barely covered better than completely out? 0147:< ryanvango> *the god of guided rpg bot picks up cabbage and takes him to the meat merchant 0147:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/56%), SirCabbage (18/71%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (10... 0147:< SirCabbage> Woo! 0147:< ryanvango> 5 gold for kitten mittens 0148:< TeaBagTwat> Guys I have to go and this is a good place for me to pause. See ya later! 0148:< SirCabbage> Why hello there fine sir, did my delivery make it in one peice? 0148:< barnum> A wild Mist Drake appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0148:< ryanvango> later twat! 0148:< jonesandbrown> see ya twat 0148:< TeaBagTwat> Bye! 0148:< barnum> Mist Drake is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Robe of The Pure Legion +4]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/59%), SirCabbage (18/73%), TeaBagTwat (4/8... 0148:< ryanvango> "well, not me personally. had my boy do it. he didn't see no dragons, but he tied them cows to a tree and walked on back 0148:< barnum> A wild Changeling appeared! HP: 36[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0149:< SirCabbage> I assume my dragons knew better then to approach when others were around, okay. Just making sure 0149:< SirCabbage> I thank the meat merchant again and head off towards the hotel we agreed to stay at 0149:< ryanvango> "you have my word, you got your cows. 0149:< barnum> Changeling is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hunter's Band]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/77%), ryanvango (20/62%) 0149:< barnum> A wild Lashunta appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0149:< ryanvango> you make your way to a hotel towards the city center at the corner of the residential and palace districts called "the respite" 0150:< SirCabbage> Hello good sir, how much is a room for the night for me and my party 0150:< ryanvango> *its nice enough. cozy, you can tell they take care of it. but its of a simple decor 0150:< barnum> Lashunta is kill! ryanvango picks up [Figurine of Wondrous Power (onyx dog)]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/65%), SirCabbage (18/78%) 0150:< ryanvango> "evening sire. how many total, and how many rooms would you be needing?" 0150:< barnum> A wild Basilosaurus appeared! HP: 724[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0150:< SirCabbage> How many people are with us now? 0151:< SirCabbage> I say the exactly number of people who would be sleeping in the hotel that night 0151:**** pyroshroom follows SirCabbage to the hotel room 0151:< ryanvango> you, pyroshroom, jonesandbrown maybe 0151:< barnum> Round #1, 416 hits! Basilosaurus HP: 308[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (1.5) 0151:< SirCabbage> so its at least 3- 4 if you count BTE who is no doubt still silently following us 0151:**** pyroshroom is feeling kind of listless now and collapses in the lobby 0151:< ryanvango> you say "lets call it 5 rooms. I've got 3 with me and more could be showing up later" 0152:< SirCabbage> or you know, rooms to house 5. We can share if needed lol 0152:< barnum> Basilosaurus is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Armor of the Tireless Warrior]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/80%), ryanvango (20/67%), pyroshroom... 0152:< ryanvango> *he makes a few notes in his ledger "if you'll be sharing, we can give you 3 rooms for 100 gold a night each" 0152:< barnum> A wild Stirge Swarm appeared! HP: 351[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0152:< SirCabbage> Sure, *I hand the 300G to the innkeep 0153:< barnum> Round #1, 203 hits! Stirge Swarm HP: 148[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0153:< SirCabbage> *and how much is the armor worth 0153:< ryanvango> "very good sire. you'll find them adjoining at the top the staircase, on the second floor 0153:< ryanvango> 20 0153:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/67%), SirCabbage (18/81%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0153:**** pyroshroom gets back up and heads up to the rooms 0154:< SirCabbage> I go upstairs towards the rooms 0154:**** pyroshroom collapses into bed as if his soul suddenly departed his body 0154:< SirCabbage> This was a good time- with no plot. I love adventuring. 0154:< SirCabbage> *sleeps 0154:< ryanvango> * you head up the stairs to your rooms. they're simple. a bed, a wash basin to clean up, and sheets. you don't need much else 0154:< barnum> Stirge Swarm is kill! ryanvango picks up [Broom of Animated Attack]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/84%), ryanvango (20/70%), pyroshroom (10/87%) 0154:< pyroshroom> (I have to go now, gotta do some school work) 0154:< SirCabbage> Welp, since everyone is gone now we cant really go much further 0154:< pyroshroom> (Pretend I am following the party from another plane) 0154:< barnum> A wild Darkmantle appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0154:< SirCabbage> But I still want to get my damn dragon armor before I forget 0155:< ryanvango> fair enough. i have to do the same too. good playin with you guys, as always 0155:< SirCabbage> So I am going to wake up early and go to the blacksmith 0155:< SirCabbage> what did he make for me 0155:< ryanvango> i wont forget, i have it marked down. what are the gold totals btw 0155:< barnum> Darkmantle is kill! ryanvango picks up [Figurine of Wondrous Power (glass walrus)]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/89%), ryanvango (20/73%), p... 0155:< SirCabbage> 4025G Personal 1500G party funds 0155:< barnum> A wild Siabrae appeared! HP: 801[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0155:< SirCabbage> for me 0156:< ryanvango> everyone else is more or less broke haha 0156:< SirCabbage> the worst part about selling is I need to do it to many different merchants 0156:< SirCabbage> Except me thank you very much. 0156:< barnum> Round #1, 334 hits! Siabrae HP: 467[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (1.5) 0156:< ryanvango> normally that's not the case, but because of the sheer quantity, I had to force it 0156:< SirCabbage> I have plenty and have provided more to the party- I paid for their room 0157:< SirCabbage> and I refused to sell dark artifacts to people who would misuse them. 0157:< ryanvango> and if you show a shopkeeper 5 items and 2 or 3 are specific to him, hell ignore the rest. 0157:< barnum> Siabrae is kill! ryanvango picks up [Phoenix Cloak]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/74%), SirCabbage (18/91%) 0157:< ryanvango> if you showhim 2 that arent for him, hell offer you something, but likely lowballed 0157:< SirCabbage> well id like to think I went to the right merchants lol 0157:< barnum> A wild Rune Giant appeared! HP: 1215[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0157:< SirCabbage> as opposed to the guy who tried to sell the demon talon to the blacksmith 0157:< ryanvango> you did. you worked that well. if you pressed them on the other stuff I woulda bought em, but not for much 0158:< SirCabbage> I didnt see much point. 0158:< barnum> Round #1, 547 hits! Rune Giant HP: 668[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5) 0158:< SirCabbage> The blacksmith ran out of gold but wanted my other items so I offered him an item for item trade 0158:< pyroshroom> LOL, I have 75 gold left over 0158:< SirCabbage> well I got my dragons fed and happy. 0158:< SirCabbage> and i have a new gift waiting for her when I get back 0158:< ryanvango> haha nice. pyro, theres also stuff in group loot you guys can probably sell if you wanna dip in to that next time 0159:< barnum> Round #2, 412 hits! Rune Giant HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0159:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/76%), SirCabbage (18/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0159:< pyroshroom> haha, I'll do that when I need more gold :p 0200:< ryanvango> haha alright. did you mark down your potions and stuff 0200:< SirCabbage> I still have a depressing number of items to sell- I think I will be okay without going into party loot. 0200:< pyroshroom> yup 3 greater potions for me :D 0200:< barnum> Round #3, 235 hits! Rune Giant HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0200:< SirCabbage> SO anyway ryan, 0200:< ryanvango> yep 0200:< SirCabbage> notice how I purposely made sure to attempt to avoid you screwing us over? 0200:< SirCabbage> I paid for the better hotel room 0201:< SirCabbage> for instance 0201:< ryanvango> hahaha im not trying to screw you over. i had nothing planned that would kill you 0201:< SirCabbage> woot! avoiding the plot = the best way to not die! 0201:< barnum> Rune Giant is kill! ryanvango picks up [Netherworld Cauldron]! LVLs: SirCabbage (18/99%), ryanvango (20/78%) 0201:< ryanvango> and the close city wasnt dangerous 0201:< SirCabbage> I felt as if it could have been 0201:< barnum> A wild Mallor Demon appeared! HP: 976[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0201:< ryanvango> generally, unless you look for trouble (twats plot) you're safe in city limits 0201:< SirCabbage> but I gave him a deck of illusions 0202:< SirCabbage> he can escape himself now with no real trouble 0202:< barnum> Round #1, 396 hits! Mallor Demon HP: 580[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (6) 0202:< ryanvango> possibly 0202:< SirCabbage> all it means is if we return he wont be able to go back in the city lo 0202:< SirCabbage> but we should be fine- I didn't have to kill any ripoff merchants this time 0203:< SirCabbage> my solution seemed pretty safe lol 0203:< barnum> Round #2, 537 hits! Mallor Demon HP: 43[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (6) 0203:< ryanvango> haha fair enough. alright im off to study. ill catch yall later 0203:< SirCabbage> see you 0203:< SirCabbage> moomo 0203:< barnum> Mallor Demon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Deck of Harrowed Tales]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/8%), ryanvango (20/81%) 0203:< SirCabbage> they see me lootin 0204:< SirCabbage> they hatin 0204:< barnum> A wild Half-Celestial Unicorn appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0204:< barnum> Round #1, 98 hits! Half-Celestial Unicorn HP: 91[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0205:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/81%), SirCabbage (19/8%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11/... 0205:< SirCabbage> I think the monster level should be based (at least partly) off the average party level 0206:< barnum> Half-Celestial Unicorn is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Enchanted Eelskin]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/9%) 0206:< barnum> A wild Leanan Sidhe appeared! HP: 450[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0206:< SirCabbage> another one? score 0207:< barnum> Round #1, 50 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 400[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0207:< SirCabbage> f 0207:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 400[█████] +XP: no one :( 0208:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 400[█████] +XP: no one :( 0209:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 400[█████] +XP: no one :( 0210:< SxwTheCat> 0210:< SxwTheCat> you'll need the last part that cut off for some reason 0210:< SirCabbage> wut 0210:< SxwTheCat> canary is live 0210:< barnum> Round #5, 74 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 326[████▒] +XP: SxwTheCat (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0211:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/81%), SirCabbage (19/10%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0211:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 326[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0212:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 326[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0213:< KCosmo> anyone left in this channel? 0213:< SirCabbage> there was before but they just all left 0213:< barnum> Round #8, 52 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 274[████▒] +XP: KCosmo (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0213:< SirCabbage> it was very active then 0213:< jonesandbrown> i'm here, just lurking 0214:< KCosmo> ah ok just finished dinner figured id pop in 0214:< barnum> Round #9, 74 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 200[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), KCosmo (1.5) 0215:< KCosmo> when did he change it from robin-rpg to barnum? 0215:< barnum> Round #10, 2 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 198[███▒▒] +XP: KCosmo (1.5) 0215:< SxwTheCat> is % still the main filter 0216:< SxwTheCat> k 0216:< barnum> Round #11, 8 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: SxwTheCat (1.5) 0216:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/81%), SirCabbage (19/10%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0217:< SirCabbage> when robin-rpg was booted 0217:< SirCabbage> it is currently in a lower tier waiting to rejoin 0217:< barnum> Round #12, 100 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 90[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0218:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 90[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0218:< SirCabbage> *bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash 0219:< xormx> hello 0219:< SirCabbage> Hey 0219:< SirCabbage> sup 0219:< xormx> im 12 and what is this 0219:< SirCabbage> lol 0219:< barnum> Leanan Sidhe is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Crystal Ball (detect thoughts)]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/15%), xormx (1/73%) 0219:< SirCabbage> rpg chat 0219:< barnum> A wild Chike appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0220:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/7brdd rules here 0220:< SirCabbage> but no one is here right now 0220:< barnum> Chike is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Gloom Blade]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/18%) 0220:< barnum> A wild Lesser Boneneedle appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0221:< SirCabbage> *sigh* I JUST SOLD TONS OF LOOT 0221:< SirCabbage> now I am getting it back. Oh well, always need more crap 0221:< SirCabbage> levels are nice too.. 0221:< barnum> Lesser Boneneedle is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Quick Block Buckler]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/20%) 0221:< barnum> A wild Diger appeared! HP: 139[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0222:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Diger HP: 139[█████] +XP: no one :( 0222:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/81%), SirCabbage (19/20%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0223:< xormx> i put on my robe and wizard hat 0223:< barnum> Round #2, 2 hits! Diger HP: 137[█████] +XP: xormx (1.5) 0223:< ryanvango> xormx HAHA! did you just make that up? thats awesome 0224:< xormx> whut 0224:< xormx> xD 0224:< SirCabbage> o-o 0224:< SirCabbage> ryan, no, just no. 0224:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/1xfmw 0224:< ryanvango> check out line 4 of the newcomers guide 0224:< barnum> Diger is kill! ryanvango picks up [Stone of Weight (Loadstone)]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/84%), SirCabbage (19/22%), xormx (1/76%) 0224:< SirCabbage> I already did that 0224:< barnum> A wild Algoid appeared! HP: 166[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0225:< SirCabbage> he cant edit that page- the rules page is protected 0225:< xormx> im a wizard with allmighty wizard powers of wizardry 0225:< SirCabbage> and as far as I know it is only you me and yeniss that can do shit there 0225:< xormx> or something 0225:< barnum> Algoid is kill! xormx picks up [Boro Bead 3rd Level]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/23%), xormx (1/89%) 0225:< xormx> i got an item 0225:< xormx> this is so exciting 0225:< ryanvango> lol nevermind. welcome xormx. the more you type the more damage you do 0225:< barnum> A wild Leaf Leshy appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0225:< xormx> i have no idea what is happening 0226:< SirCabbage> you get items 0226:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0226:< Krydos> hello 0226:< SirCabbage> you roleplay based on those items 0226:< barnum> Leaf Leshy is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Staff of Courage]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/26%), ryanvango (20/85%), xormx (2/34%), bickster69... 0226:< barnum> A wild Akvan appeared! HP: 1674[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0226:< bickster69> i have an ax of doom 0226:< SirCabbage> hey Krydos 0226:< bickster69> i use it on an ogre 0227:< xormx> boro bead sounds like it would be useless 0227:< Krydos> Do you get added to the Hero list automatically or do you add yourself? 0227:< bickster69> hey sir cabbage and krydos 0227:< SirCabbage> you add yourself on the spreadsheet 0227:< barnum> Round #1, 64 hits! Akvan HP: 1610[█████] +XP: bickster69 (4.5), Krydos (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0227:< SirCabbage> you can take loot from the item pool but delete what you take 0227:< xormx> smash bash smashing 0227:< SirCabbage> rules are also on said spreadsheet 0227:< xormx> thrashing 0227:< Krydos> The Gnauga class bad poet cracked me up btw 0228:< bickster69> Krydos, SirCabbage , were you behind code word cabbage for rooms that were a bust btw Sir Cabbage? 0228:< Krydos> I was reading earlier when he was trying to pun or something 0228:< barnum> Round #2, 265 hits! Akvan HP: 1345[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), bickster69 (4.5), xormx (3), Krydos (3) 0228:< SirCabbage> code word cabbage? 0228:< xormx> i take off my robe and wizard hat 0228:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/27%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0228:< xormx> sexually 0228:< Krydos> bickster69 no idea what you're talking about 0228:< bickster69> ... you heard nothing... 0229:< SirCabbage> hmpth 0229:**** Krydos g contemplates firing a magic missile into the darkness... 0229:< barnum> Round #3, 112 hits! Akvan HP: 1233[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), xormx (3), Krydos (3), bickster69 (1.5) 0229:< SirCabbage> maybe you should fire it at bick 0229:< xormx> the mail hits! the mail hits! you die... 0230:< Krydos> The last time I played D&D my character name was Krydos and I was a ranger :) 0230:< barnum> Round #4, 61 hits! Akvan HP: 1172[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), xormx (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0230:< Krydos> it seems I am starting a new adventure 0231:< barnum> Round #5, 2 hits! Akvan HP: 1170[████▒] +XP: Krydos (1.5) 0232:< Krydos> "Hmmm, it seems I may be alone out here", Krydos mutters to himself as he trudges through the dark forest. 0232:< barnum> Round #6, 5 hits! Akvan HP: 1165[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5) 0232:< Krydos> "I swear the wizard told me there should be an inn somewhere around here." 0232:< Krydos> Here I am without even a weapon, and talking to myself too! 0233:< barnum> Round #7, 7 hits! Akvan HP: 1158[████▒] +XP: Krydos (6) 0233:**** Krydos mages around in his pack... 0233:< Krydos> rummages rather 0233:< xormx> ok i put my self on the heroes list 0233:< xormx> mages around in his pack lol 0234:< barnum> Round #8, 10 hits! Akvan HP: 1148[████▒] +XP: Krydos (3), xormx (3) 0234:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/27%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0234:< Krydos> it removed the 'ru' for some reason 0234:< Krydos> there isn't even a decent bow on the items list 0235:< SirCabbage> it is all the luck of the draw 0235:**** Krydos looks around for a decent yew sapling. 0235:< xormx> my weapon is a slightly magical stick 0235:< barnum> Round #9, 56 hits! Akvan HP: 1092[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0235:< SirCabbage> I had a starbow which I sold :O 0235:< xormx> that is. a stick that may or may not be magical 0236:**** Krydos finds himself a sharp rock on the ground and sets to trying to fashion himself a crude weapon. 0236:< barnum> Round #10, 61 hits! Akvan HP: 1031[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), xormx (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0236:< SirCabbage> Let me help *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0236:< Krydos> haha 0236:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *going crazy with the bashing 0236:< xormx> i will peck at it with my slightly magical stick 0236:< SirCabbage> *screaming loudly- very loudly- you can barely hear yourself *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0237:**** Krydos hides behind a nearby rock at the frezied bashing of SirCabbage 0237:< xormx> *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck *peck 0237:< barnum> Round #11, 483 hits! Akvan HP: 548[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (13.5), Krydos (6), xormx (6), K1ngN0thing (4.5) 0237:< Krydos> wouldn't want to accidently get bashed myself 0237:< SirCabbage> *suddenly stops- feels satisfied and walks off. 0237:< SirCabbage> Well, I came. 0237:**** xormx casts stickpocalypse 0238:< barnum> Round #12, 106 hits! Akvan HP: 442[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), Krydos (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0238:< Krydos> how do we tell what the next creature is? 0238:< Krydos> like what are we working on currently? 0238:< xormx> akvan apparently 0238:< xormx> the bot only gives enemies to fight and you send messages to do damage 0238:< SirCabbage> did you turn off the block on bot spam? otherwise you may nto be able to see the bot's messages 0238:< barnum> Round #13, 168 hits! Akvan HP: 274[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: xormx (6), SirCabbage (4.5), Krydos (3) 0239:< jonesandbrown> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/fbbi 0239:< xormx> uncheck "remove bot spam" 0239:< jonesandbrown> ^rules and inventory can be found here 0239:< SirCabbage> Already did that 0239:< Krydos> ahhhh, maybe so 0239:< SirCabbage> as did ryan 0239:< jonesandbrown> oh sorry 0239:< SirCabbage> XD 0239:< Krydos> yup 0239:< Krydos> if the bot said something I probably missed it 0239:< SirCabbage> it hasnt yet 0239:< SirCabbage> it is about to kill 0239:< barnum> Akvan is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Carpet of Flying 10-ft.-by-10-ft.]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/31%), jonesandbrown (11/11%), Krydos (2... 0239:< jonesandbrown> Krydos... I konw your name from something. 0239:< Krydos> oh, well I unchecked it either way 0240:< xormx> SirCabbage is getting all the loots 0240:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/31%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0240:< SirCabbage> not on purpose that time 0240:< xormx> GREED i say, GREED 0240:< Krydos> jonesandbrown dunno 0240:< barnum> A wild Nuckelavee appeared! HP: 468[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0240:< SirCabbage> I was just weakening it for you- then I was answering questions and shit 0240:< xormx> BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD *pecks SirCabbage with the stick 0240:< Krydos> ah 0240:< Krydos> so, we're fighting a Nuckelavee now 0241:< Krydos> whatever that is 0241:**** SirCabbage hits xormx *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0241:< barnum> Round #1, 393 hits! Nuckelavee HP: 75[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), Krydos (6), xormx (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0241:< xormx> my slightly magical stick has failed me 0241:< xormx> nooooooooooo 0241:< Krydos> ahhh, yes, now I'm getting a lot more bot messages 0241:< SirCabbage> well dont hit me next time ;-; 0241:< jonesandbrown> you could always poop loot to get better stuff 0241:< xormx> m/e dies 0241:< jonesandbrown> pooploot 0241:< SirCabbage> pooploot 0241:< xormx> pooploot 0241:< jonesandbrown> damn 0242:< SirCabbage> poop-meh-loot 0242:< jonesandbrown> poop loot 0242:< barnum> Nuckelavee is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Manual of Quickness of Action +1]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (11/18%), xormx (2/75%), SirCabba... 0242:**** xormx comes back to life 0242:< jonesandbrown> YAHZ 0242:< barnum> A wild Gutlslug appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0242:< SirCabbage> something else to sell jones! woo! 0242:< xormx> no coperino pasterino frappucino cappucino 0242:< Krydos> *decides he's scared of the Gutslug and runs around screaming!! 0242:< xormx> how much gold do i have 0242:< SirCabbage> oh god, Krydos- calm down, calm down 0242:< Krydos> AAahhhhhhhhhaAAAAAAHhhhhhHHHHHHHAaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! 0242:< barnum> Gutlslug is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Rod of Nettles]! LVLs: xormx (2/84%), Krydos (2/58%), SirCabbage (19/36%), jonesandbrown (11/... 0243:< xormx> i'm assuming none 0243:< SirCabbage> when you start a guided match you start with 200h 0243:< SirCabbage> **200g 0243:< Krydos> I think I soiled my armour 0243:< barnum> A wild Cauchemar appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0243:**** xormx poops gold 0243:< barnum> Round #1, 159 hits! Cauchemar HP: 502[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), xormx (3), Krydos (1.5) 0244:< Krydos> glares angrily at the Cauchemar 0244:< Krydos> *tries to punch the Cauchemar in the nose. 0244:< xormx> use /me for italics 0244:< Krydos> *misses and punches his own foot instead. 0244:< jonesandbrown> actually i'm gonna use it, it'll be a great advantage when combined with my mithril full plate of speed and sandals of quick reaction 0244:< barnum> Round #2, 79 hits! Cauchemar HP: 423[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), xormx (1.5) 0244:< Krydos> "I really need to get a real weapon" 0244:< xormx> you should try a slightly magical stick 0245:< SirCabbage> fair enough! 0245:< xormx> it does 0.00001 damage 0245:< Krydos> I was carving my yeq branch to try to make a bow 0245:< SirCabbage> sounds good to me 0245:< Krydos> yew 0245:< xormx> and it may or may not be magical 0245:< Krydos> I'm unsure if it's against the rules to create my own items 0245:< xormx> its rp go for it 0245:< barnum> Round #3, 124 hits! Cauchemar HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), xormx (6), SirCabbage (3) 0245:**** Krydos blinks innocently. 0246:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/37%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0246:< SirCabbage> you can combine items logically 0246:< SirCabbage> and people need to agree 0246:< xormx> if it was against the rules i couldn't have my slightly magical stick 0246:< SirCabbage> you can make a starter item xormx 0246:< xormx> oh 0246:< jonesandbrown> I used a random number generator and it says the book ads a +5 to my dexterity. i'm supper fast 0246:< SirCabbage> and that is a definite starter item lol 0246:**** Krydos charges at the Chaechemar aiming a kick for it's ugly eye. 0246:**** Krydos misses again. 0246:**** xormx enchants the slightly magical stick to create the Slightly More Magical Stick 0246:< xormx> there's my starter weapon 0246:< Krydos> Dang, I really need to level up 0247:< barnum> Cauchemar is kill! Krydos picks up [Blackaxe]! LVLs: Krydos (2/77%), xormx (2/98%), SirCabbage (19/37%), jonesandbrown (11/20%) 0247:< SirCabbage> technically you already made your starting weapon with the stick 0247:< Krydos> yaaaay 0247:< xormx> oh 0247:< xormx> well ok then 0247:< barnum> A wild Very Young Gold Dragon appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0247:**** Krydos wields the wicked looking Blackaxe looking for something to chop. 0247:< Krydos> muwahahahahahahahahahahah 0247:< xormx> *gives the Very Young Gold Dragon a stern look 0247:**** Krydos thinks that this slightly magical stick might be needing a good chop. 0247:< SirCabbage> Ill just do one volley to weaken it 0247:< barnum> Round #1, 180 hits! Very Young Gold Dragon HP: 247[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (12), SirCabbage (4.5), xormx (3) 0248:< jonesandbrown> ooooh i have problems with dragons, and this one being young, might really pose a threat 0248:< xormx> don't you touch my slightly magical stick 0248:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0248:< SirCabbage> WAT, JONES. What about all MY dragons- you better not have a problem with them ;-; 0248:< xormx> *casts stickpocalypse 0248:**** Krydos hides behind a tree whilst SirCabbage goes on a bashing frenzy again. 0248:< barnum> Very Young Gold Dragon is kill! Krydos picks up [Elixir of Dragon Breath]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/41%), Krydos (2/94%), xormx (3/32%),... 0248:< xormx> *nothing happens 0249:< SirCabbage> apt name. 0249:< jonesandbrown> no, no... i always end up trying to molest them. not on purppose, it just happens! i swear 0249:< barnum> A wild Nightwave appeared! HP: 1759[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0249:< SirCabbage> SHould I take emily back home or something? 0249:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0249:< jonesandbrown> this one i can fight real good 0249:**** Krydos sprays a little dragon breath in his mouth and looks around for someone to kiss. 0249:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0249:< Krydos> This is like mint spray right? 0249:< xormx> imagine if i had a real wepon 0249:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0249:< SirCabbage> wouldn't it be like fire? 0249:< barnum> Round #1, 661 hits! Nightwave HP: 1098[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (16.5), jonesandbrown (6), Krydos (6), xormx (3) 0249:< Krydos> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/1tt6w 0249:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0249:< xormx> pssh who uses fire 0250:< SirCabbage> because you know, dragons and fire... 0250:< xormx> smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash smash 0250:**** Krydos charges at the Nightwave Blackaxe held high above his head. 0250:< barnum> Round #2, 198 hits! Nightwave HP: 900[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), xormx (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0250:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0250:< jonesandbrown> why did you post the google doc? 0250:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash I am just high level 0251:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0251:**** Krydos brings the Blackaxe down with a furious chop on the Nightwave's head. 0251:< xormx> *i unleash the power of the stick 0251:< xormx> *nothing happens 0251:< SirCabbage> nothing may happen xormx- 0251:< barnum> Round #3, 463 hits! Nightwave HP: 437[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), jonesandbrown (6), Krydos (4.5), xormx (3) 0251:< SirCabbage> but at least you look fabulous doing it 0251:**** Krydos walks over to xomx and uses his Blackaxe to sharpen his stick slightly 0251:< Krydos> now you have a slightly sharp slightly magical stick 0251:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/44%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0252:< xormx> so its like a spear staff thing 0252:< jonesandbrown> have you looked in the items pot to see if there's anything there you can use? 0252:< Krydos> suresure 0252:< Krydos> make sure to use the wisdom my grandfather passed down to me from eons ago, "Pointy end TOWARDS the enemy!" 0252:< jonesandbrown> xormx remember when you sharpen something it gets shorter, so you've now got a short, sharp stick 0252:< barnum> Round #4, 227 hits! Nightwave HP: 210[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (12), jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0253:< xormx> oh there are things in there 0253:< jonesandbrown> yep, free for use 0253:**** xormx takes the Sword of Valor 0253:**** Krydos hacks at the Nightwave's feet hoping to immobilize him. 0253:< mumer> hello. since krydos is spamming the keyboard in the same rl room as me I'm gonna join this thing too. 0253:< barnum> Round #5, 42 hits! Nightwave HP: 168[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), xormx (3), jonesandbrown (1.5), Krydos (1.5) 0254:< Krydos> whew this thing is tough 0254:< SirCabbage> remember xormx to remove any items you take from the item pool 0254:< Krydos> alright, nap time is over! 0254:< Krydos> have at you, evil beast!! 0254:< jonesandbrown> It's easier if you use over 64 charachters to get a super mega awesome attack hit bonus thing which i don't know the name of 0254:< xormx> yeah i did that 0254:< barnum> Nightwave is kill! xormx picks up [Staff of Performance]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (11/28%), xormx (3/46%), Krydos (3/38%), SirCabbage (1... 0254:< SirCabbage> and mumer, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/9fim8 0254:< Krydos> yay! 0254:< xormx> LOL i love how as soon as i take the sword 0255:< xormx> i get an actual staff 0255:< SirCabbage> XD 0255:< Krydos> xormx you got a real wizard stuff, buddy 0255:< barnum> A wild Abasheen Genie appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0255:**** xormx puts the sword back 0255:< Krydos> oh no! 0255:< Krydos> Genies are my worst nightmare 0255:< barnum> Round #1, 185 hits! Abasheen Genie HP: 197[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), SirCabbage (4.5), xormx (4.5) 0255:< jonesandbrown> does this genie make witty quips and do amazing impressions? 0255:**** xormx casts fire 0255:**** Krydos runs around looking for a place to hide again. 0256:< Krydos> he is blue... 0256:**** Krydos peers intently at the Genie. 0256:< Krydos> Do I know you? 0256:< xormx> i know him from the smurfs 0256:< barnum> Round #2, 52 hits! Abasheen Genie HP: 145[██▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), xormx (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0256:< jonesandbrown> "Hey genie, will you hook me up with a sexy indian girl in a belly dancer outfit with a tiger as a bedmate?" 0256:< mumer> Can I take this Staff of Minor Arcana? Or do I have to find my own weapon? 0256:< xormx> he is a short blue guy 0257:< Krydos> he's not a smurf! 0257:< xormx> if its in the item pool you can take it 0257:< jonesandbrown> if it's in the pot it's yours, just remove it from the pool so it's not doubled 0257:< barnum> Abasheen Genie is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Cube of Frost Resistance]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (11/31%), mumer (1/59%), xormx (3/51%... 0257:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/45%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0258:< barnum> A wild Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp appeared! HP: 468[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+... 0258:< Krydos> ah ha! 0258:< jonesandbrown> so much loot means so much geld beetchez 0258:< Krydos> I can handle this wasp guys 0258:**** mumer wardly holds a Staff of Minor Arcana wondering what to do with it. 0258:< barnum> Round #1, 37 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 431[█████] +XP: mumer (4.5), Krydos (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0259:< xormx> but it's Gargantuan and Monstrous 0259:**** Krydos branishes his axe knowing that the wings are the Sea Wasps weak point. 0259:< xormx> you know that with more synonyms it becomes more impressive 0259:< xormx> that wasp must be compensating for something 0259:< barnum> Round #2, 29 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 402[█████] +XP: xormx (4.5), Krydos (4.5) 0259:**** Krydos takes a swig from his Elixer of Dragonbreath and blows a cloud of smoke and fire in the wasps eyes. 0259:< jonesandbrown> I use a double handed attack to swing with both my maul and sunblade 0300:**** xormx casts stickpocalypse 0300:**** Krydos lands a thunderous blow on the wasp's wing. 0300:**** Krydos takes a little break. 0300:< barnum> Round #3, 96 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 306[████▒] +XP: Krydos (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), xormx (1.5) 0300:< Krydos> So, how's everyone doing today? 0300:< jonesandbrown> Sips tea and activates terror attack with maul of terror, sending the sea wasp into a verified tizzy 0301:< barnum> Round #4, 72 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 234[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Krydos (1.5) 0301:**** Krydos sits on a rock on the seashore and sharps his axe for a bit. 0301:< Krydos> All this hacking and chopping has left a few nicks in my weapon. 0302:< Krydos> Mumer, take over for me while I restore the pistine condition of my weapon! 0302:< Krydos> pristine* 0302:< barnum> Round #5, 38 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 196[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (12) 0302:< jonesandbrown> Running quickly around the Sea Wasp I deal many minor blows weakening his exoskeleton making it easier for my comrades to end himi 0303:< barnum> Round #6, 67 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 129[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0303:**** mumer ll really doesn't know what to do. 0303:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/45%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0303:< xormx> i throw my slightly magical stick at the gargantuan monstrous sea wasp 0303:< xormx> it explodes violently 0304:< jonesandbrown> Running quickly around the Sea Wasp I deal many small blows and at least one massive blow to weaken him significantly 0304:**** Krydos takes a tiny swig from my Elixer of Dragonbreath. 0304:< Krydos> hmm, I hope this stuff isn't addicitive 0304:< barnum> Round #7, 98 hits! Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp HP: 31[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: xormx (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), Krydos (3), mumer (1.5) 0304:**** Krydos wonders if there are Elixer of Dragonbreath anonymous groups in this area. 0304:< jonesandbrown> aaaaaaand now we poop loot 0305:< xormx> poop loot poop loot poop loot poop loot poop loot poop loot 0305:< Krydos> hahaha 0305:< jonesandbrown> Poop loot 0305:< Krydos> that's too much poop and not enough loot 0305:< xormx> poop loot 0305:< barnum> Gargantuan Monstrous Sea Wasp is kill! xormx picks up [Savage Sting]! LVLs: Krydos (3/74%), jonesandbrown (11/38%), xormx (3/68%) 0305:< mumer> I'm not really interested in pooping loot. Think of how disgusting that would be and who's cleaning it?! Certainly not me. Gross. 0305:< jonesandbrown> cock 0305:< xormx> >savage sting 0305:< xormx> now i'm a savage memer 0305:< barnum> A wild Oceanid appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0306:**** Krydos gets out his encyclopedia of monsters and looks up what an Oceanid is. 0306:< barnum> Round #1, 51 hits! Oceanid HP: 291[█████] +XP: mumer (4.5), Krydos (4.5), xormx (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0306:**** xormx runs up to the Oceanid flailing the staff randomly 0307:< xormx> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0307:< barnum> Round #2, 19 hits! Oceanid HP: 272[████▒] +XP: xormx (6) 0307:**** Krydos realizes that his encyclopedia goes straight from Occulus to Ocelot. 0307:< jonesandbrown> :D that's hilarious krydos 0308:**** Krydos takes his Blackaxe and chops the worthless encyclopedia in half. 0308:< xormx> *it explodes 0308:< Krydos> thanks :) 0308:< barnum> Round #3, 60 hits! Oceanid HP: 212[████▒] +XP: Krydos (10.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0308:**** xormx hides in a corner 0309:< barnum> Round #4, 5 hits! Oceanid HP: 207[████▒] +XP: xormx (1.5) 0309:< jonesandbrown> I'll activate my sun blade by swinging it in a circle over my head an repeating the word of activation: COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK 0309:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/45%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0309:**** Krydos averts his eyes as Jonesandbrown's cock activates... 0309:< jonesandbrown> The Oceanid has never seen this amount of UV radiation as he is from deep in the ocean. He now has very bad sun burn. 0309:< Krydos> ah ha! 0310:< Krydos> that's it!! 0310:< xormx> I use the Savage Sting to ruin the Oceanid with savage memes 0310:< barnum> Round #5, 149 hits! Oceanid HP: 58[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), Krydos (3), xormx (1.5) 0310:**** xormx *I'm about to ruin this man's whole career" 0310:< mumer> falls down laughing at all the savage memes and my staff manages to hit something. 0310:**** Krydos ilts the shiny bit of his axe so it catches the beam of sunlight and aims it into the Oceanid's eyes 0310:< Krydos> tilts* 0311:< Krydos> "Look comrades, the Oceanid is blinded!" 0311:< jonesandbrown> *flashes him the goat from beneath his kilt 0311:< Krydos> attack now! 0311:< xormx> are we russian now 0311:< jonesandbrown> pooploot 0311:< barnum> Oceanid is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Chalice of Communal Dweomer]! LVLs: Krydos (3/93%), xormx (3/82%), jonesandbrown (11/43%), ... 0311:< Krydos> boom 0311:< xormx> goddam pooploot 0311:< jonesandbrown> BOOOOM 0311:< barnum> A wild Phantom Lancer appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0312:**** xormx cannot see the Phantom Lancer 0312:< Krydos> is that a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost? 0312:< barnum> Round #1, 38 hits! Phantom Lancer HP: 304[█████] +XP: xormx (3), Krydos (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0312:< Krydos> calm down, scooby, there's no such thing as g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghosts 0312:< xormx> the Phantom Lancer is not just a ghost, it is a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost 0313:< barnum> Round #2, 33 hits! Phantom Lancer HP: 271[████▒] +XP: Krydos (6), xormx (4.5) 0313:< jonesandbrown> *chucks the chalice onto his item pile as it's virtually useless in this setting 0313:**** Krydos tosses a scooby snack to xormx. 0313:**** xormx eats the scooby snack 0314:< barnum> Round #3, 78 hits! Phantom Lancer HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Krydos (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0314:**** Krydos watches as xormx goes nuts and removes the mask from the Phantom Lancer. 0314:**** xormx recovers 0.1 hp 0314:< Krydos> I knew it! 0314:< jonesandbrown> why was he wearing a mask? 0314:< barnum> Round #4, 47 hits! Phantom Lancer HP: 146[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), xormx (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0314:**** Krydos shakes his head in disgust as the unmasked Phatom Lancer says, "You meddling kids!" 0315:< xormx> it was just fred the whole time guys 0315:< Krydos> hahahah, I have no idea 0315:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/45%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0315:< jonesandbrown> OOOhhh was Fred trying to creep on the girls again? 0315:< xormx> fred with a lance 0315:< SirCabbage> *faps all over the monster 0315:< Krydos> oh dear 0315:< SirCabbage> *just really gives it a good covering of me 0315:< Krydos> now it got weird 0315:< xormx> *the monster recoils in horror 0315:< gjhgjh> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0315:< jonesandbrown> *slips on SirCabbage's splooge 0315:< SirCabbage> and you wonder why it had a mask on? 0316:< SirCabbage> *winks 0316:< xormx> this just became some kind of weird orgy 0316:< barnum> Phantom Lancer is kill! xormx picks up [Spellstrike Gloves]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/48%), xormx (4/20%), Krydos (4/28%), jonesandbrown... 0316:< Krydos> nice gloves, bro 0316:< barnum> A wild Korir-kokembe appeared! HP: 612[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0316:< Krydos> maybe now you can actually strike something with your spells, eh? 0316:**** xormx wonders what the heck a Korir-korembe is 0317:< jonesandbrown> It always was, you just didn't recognize that the whole time we were attacking and beating and maiming we were really just impaling... 0317:< barnum> Round #1, 98 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 514[█████] +XP: Krydos (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), xormx (1.5) 0317:< xormx> now with my new gloves, i can finally 0317:< mumer> Korir-kokemebe! I think that those things are pretty terrifying, I've heard of them. I do have this staff. That has been useless, but 0317:**** xormx casts Stickpocalypse 0317:< xormx> *nothing happens 0318:< barnum> Round #2, 23 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 491[█████] +XP: xormx (4.5), mumer (4.5) 0318:< jonesandbrown> *masturbates openly at the bedlam 0318:< mumer> aims the staff at minor arcana at the korir-kokemebe and rushes at it, wildly swings and misses 0318:**** Krydos wonders if Stickpocalypse is sort of like Metalpocalypse...? 0318:**** xormx wonders what kind of weirdoes he is partied with 0318:< barnum> Round #3, 40 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 451[████▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), Krydos (1.5), xormx (1.5) 0319:< mumer> I'm not weird. I'm just really inept at fighting things. I'm very inexperienced. 0319:< xormx> *smashes the Korir-korembe with the staff 0319:< Krydos> ok, let me get out my calculator.... 451 hit points *mumblemumble* 1.5 damage *mumblemumble* yeah, this is going to take a while 0319:< barnum> Round #4, 29 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 422[████▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), Krydos (4.5), xormx (1.5) 0320:< xormx> what does the scouter say about its power level 0320:< mumer> On the other hand I'm kinda afraid of jonesandbrown...he's off in the corner doing something that seems unnatural and weird. 0320:< SirCabbage> Let me try something, I think I can make it take less time. *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0320:< Krydos> oh dear 0320:< jonesandbrown> *removes all his clothes and preforms a quick helicocter in xormx's direction while winking for funzies 0320:< mumer> and I think that SirCabbage is joining him...this sems rather terrifying. 0320:< SirCabbage> Okay, now to try the thing I was going to *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0320:< xormx> *runs away terrified 0320:< xormx> *casts stickpocalypse on jonesandbrown 0320:< jonesandbrown> "come back buddy!" 0320:< barnum> Korir-kokembe is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (11/50%), mumer (1/96%), SirCab... 0320:**** Krydos runs away terrfieder than xormx. 0320:< mumer> okay um yeah now I'm not sure how the Korir-kokembe is going to be hurt by any of this 0320:< SirCabbage> Nice belt. 0321:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/49%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0321:< xormx> NOT THE BELT NO 0321:< mumer> Why do you even need a belt?! Seems you're naked anyways. 0321:**** xormx runs away 0321:< jonesandbrown> well at least my dick will be covered then 0321:< barnum> A wild Redcap appeared! HP: 270[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0321:**** Krydos attacks the REDcap with his BLACKaxe. 0321:< mumer> Redcap! I think I can take this one. I'll just try tossing my staff in its direction. 0322:< barnum> Round #1, 109 hits! Redcap HP: 161[███▒▒] +XP: mumer (10.5), Krydos (3), xormx (3), SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0322:< xormx> *picks up jonesandbrown and throws him at the Redcap 0322:< mumer> and it appears to be chewing on my staff, well that was probably a bad plan. 0322:< mumer> oh that's a much better plan xormx! jonesandbrown is probably very tender and meaty. 0322:**** Krydos gathers some nerf balls and throws them at the Redcap while yelling "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" 0322:< xormx> jonesandbrown will make a worthy sacrifice 0322:< Krydos> The redcap doesn't seem impressed 0322:< xormx> blood for the blood god 0322:< SirCabbage> dont worry murer- xormx 0322:< barnum> Round #2, 110 hits! Redcap HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: mumer (9), Krydos (6), xormx (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0323:< jonesandbrown> you guys dont seem to get that i got a bunch of hp and armour:D 0323:< SirCabbage> once jones is done using his belt he will put it in the loot bin for anyone who wants it 0323:< SirCabbage> do dont worry! you will get to use it once it is tired and spent 0323:< xormx> can i wield the belt to hit people like an abusive daddy 0323:< SirCabbage> I have my Lubricated Bony One-Eyed Sadist's Lash for that 0323:< barnum> Redcap is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Acrobat Slippers]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/54%), jonesandbrown (11/52%), xormx (4/33%) 0323:< xormx> kinky 0323:< mumer> I'm fairly happy with my staff. I just wish I knew how to use it. Throwing a staff doesn't seem to do much. 0324:< barnum> A wild Julunggali appeared! HP: 1795[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0324:< SirCabbage> you can just 0324:< SirCabbage> !flee 0324:< xormx> pooploot 0324:< SirCabbage> you know right? 0324:< jonesandbrown> NO i wanna keep it, i've got a bunch of dexterity and speed:D 0324:< barnum> Round #1, 239 hits! Julunggali HP: 1556[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: mumer (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), xormx (3) 0325:< jonesandbrown> this guy is rather tough, maybe we should hurry them through cabbage? 0325:< Krydos> holy crap this thing has a ton of hitpoints! 0325:< barnum> Round #2, 74 hits! Julunggali HP: 1482[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Krydos (1.5) --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 03:25:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 03:25:54 2016 0325:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0326:< xormx> *nothing happens 0326:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0326:< SirCabbage> *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0326:< SirCabbage> *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0326:< barnum> Round #3, 448 hits! Julunggali HP: 1034[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (9), xormx (3) 0326:< xormx> oh god not the fapping 0326:< SirCabbage> *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0326:< SirCabbage> Its the only way I know how to beat a Julunggali! 0326:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/55%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0327:< jonesandbrown> I'm liking this.. 0327:**** Krydos averts his eyes. 0327:< SirCabbage> if you know a better way i'd love to hear it *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0327:< xormx> you don't even know what a Julunggali is 0327:< jonesandbrown> *watches intently 0327:< SirCabbage> NOR DO YOU- AND THAT IS MY POINT *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0327:**** Krydos pens up his laptop and googles the mysterious four runes NSFW. 0327:< xormx> *casts stickpocalypse 0327:< jonesandbrown> *masturbates openly *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0327:**** Krydos rotates his laptop in SirCabbage's direction. 0327:< barnum> Round #4, 662 hits! Julunggali HP: 372[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (15), jonesandbrown (7.5), Krydos (7.5), xormx (4.5) 0328:< xormx> *a storm of sticks rains down on the Julunggali. 0328:< SirCabbage> okay, lets leave it there *bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 0328:< xormx> "hey it worked that time!" 0328:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0328:< xormx> *unfortunately the sticks do no damage. 0328:< Krydos> yay xormx! 0328:< Insomnikal> Julunggali - A Colossal, semi-divine snake. 0328:< Krydos> oh *sigh* 0328:< SirCabbage> thank you Insomnikal. 0328:< barnum> Round #5, 300 hits! Julunggali HP: 72[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (6), xormx (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), Krydos (3), Insomn... 0328:< jonesandbrown> so could i fit inside it? 0329:< xormx> *sexually abuses the Julunggali 0329:**** Krydos gets out a bible and begins reading to the semi-divine snake some semi-divine scripture. 0329:< xormx> "I'm the daddy now" 0329:< Insomnikal> think Midgar Zolem is it from ff7? 0329:< xormx> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0329:< xormx> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0329:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0329:< Insomnikal> so yes, you are quite likely to fit err, /inside/, it 0329:< micubit> *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* *scream* *punch* 0329:< jonesandbrown> oh wait it's dad 0329:< xormx> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0329:< barnum> Julunggali is kill! xormx picks up [pink rhomboid ioun stone]! LVLs: xormx (4/57%), jonesandbrown (11/62%), micubit (3/37%), Insomni... 0329:< Krydos> woah, that's a fancy stone 0330:< SirCabbage> told you my way worked. 0330:< barnum> A wild Giant Funnel-Web Spider appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0330:< xormx> pink rhomboid 0330:< mumer> Okay so while bumbling around on the ground I discovered a pack and inside of it was a Headband of Inspired wisdom. I'm gonna be smart 0330:< jonesandbrown> yeah it's got 3 adjectives in front of it's name 0330:< Krydos> oh no, a spider!! 0330:< micubit> I wreck the shit out of it by comboing my scattershot goreclaw, hitting it many times with each swipe 0330:**** xormx eats the stone 0330:< barnum> Round #1, 120 hits! Giant Funnel-Web Spider HP: 186[████▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), micubit (4.5), Krydos (3), xormx (3), SirCabbage (1.5),... 0330:< Krydos> whenever there is a spider in the house with mumer and I who is it that has to attack it? 0330:< _reckless_disregard_> then I blow chunks of shit all over it 0331:< micubit> I am so disgusted by your vomiting that I also vomit on the spider 0331:< xormx> first fapping now projectile shits? 0331:< jonesandbrown> HAHAHA username is appropriate 0331:< Lord_Renwod> It is taking way longer than I expected for the rooms to cascade 0331:< Lord_Renwod> :/ 0331:< micubit> yeah for real Lord_Renwod 0331:**** Krydos gets a broom and tries sweeping the spider around. 0331:< barnum> Round #2, 93 hits! Giant Funnel-Web Spider HP: 93[██▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), micubit (6), Lord_Renwod (4.5), _reckless_disregard_ (1.5)... 0331:< Lord_Renwod> I think some of the lower rooms got disbanded 0331:< mumer> Lord_Renwod I mean yeah it's long, but we WILL get there at least :) 0331:**** Krydos watches in dismay as it just seems to piss this spider off. 0331:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah... I just hope we merge soon 0332:< Lord_Renwod> We've lost a lot of people waiting 0332:< micubit> I'm wondering if the hype from April Fools means that there won't ever be enough people making rooms to get back up to 4400 0332:< xormx> *mocks the spider for having 8 legs 0332:< Krydos> wasn't this room like 3800 at first? 0332:< micubit> yeah 0332:< xormx> *the spider is offended. 0332:< Lord_Renwod> Something like that 0332:< barnum> Round #3, 76 hits! Giant Funnel-Web Spider HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), micubit (6), mumer (4.5), Krydos (3), xormx (3) 0332:< Krydos> lost almost 1k 0332:< jonesandbrown> yeah it was 0332:< Lord_Renwod> But for serious 0332:< mumer> That spider is still sitting there...someone should probably kill it! Come on guys stab it bash it just don't fap to it! 0332:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/57%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0332:**** xormx poops out a Pink Rhomboid Ioun Stone 0333:< Lord_Renwod> I think that if we count everything up, we'll have more than 4k after the next merge 0333:< Krydos> hahahahahha 0333:< jonesandbrown> in retrospect, we should have grown hard and then stayed so we could start again and try to ge higher 0333:< Lord_Renwod> Even though it's been so long 0333:< mumer> I am not cleaning that up. 0333:< xormx> oh god 0333:< Lord_Renwod> Because there's currently almost 4000 people in the incoming group 0333:< barnum> Giant Funnel-Web Spider is kill! Lord_Renwod picks up [Armor of The Pious]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (4/71%), jonesandbrown (11/67%), mumer... 0333:< Lord_Renwod> But... I'm not pious at all! 0334:< Insomnikal> we only need a few more rooms and we'll merge 0334:< Krydos> sell it then 0334:< Lord_Renwod> Somebody else take it 0334:< barnum> A wild Sprite Swarm appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0334:**** xormx flails randomly 0334:< micubit> the original 4400 room should have stayed and they would have been the biggest 0334:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah......... I just hope I don't miss it 0334:< SirCabbage> WHy can't we be hens. 0334:< micubit> but they had to abandon OF ALL THINGS 0334:< barnum> Round #1, 95 hits! Sprite Swarm HP: 107[███▒▒] +XP: micubit (6), Lord_Renwod (3), Insomnikal (1.5), Krydos (1.5), xormx (1.5), SirCa... 0334:< SirCabbage> Why can't we be hens- 0334:< SirCabbage> WHY CAN'T WE BE HENS- WHY CANT WE BE HENS! 0335:< Insomnikal> we're currently missing a T12, once we have that, and another series of rooms start then we'll it should go up quite well 0335:**** Krydos gets out a can of 7up and winks suggestively at the Sprites. 0335:< micubit> I'll take the Armor Lord_Renwod 0335:**** xormx casts Almighty Inferno of Death, Destruction, Doom, and other Similar Things 0335:< xormx> *nothing happens 0335:< Insomnikal> we dont have any chance of going above T17 though 0335:< micubit> I'm not pious at all, it will go great with the rest of my nudity 0335:< jonesandbrown> I think i still have my swarm bane.. or did i give that to someone? 0335:< barnum> Sprite Swarm is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Shifter's Headband +6]! LVLs: micubit (3/62%), xormx (4/81%), Insomnikal (2/40%), jone... 0335:**** Krydos laughs as a xormx's sticks attack the sprites. 0335:< micubit> well the rooms don't merge based on tier, they mere based on size, right? 0335:< barnum> A wild Giant Bog Turtle appeared! HP: 828[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0336:< Krydos> finally a creature I can outrun! 0336:< SirCabbage> they merge on tier 0336:< micubit> that's STUPID! we're never going to merge 0336:< barnum> Round #1, 81 hits! Giant Bog Turtle HP: 747[█████] +XP: micubit (6), Krydos (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0336:< SirCabbage> Why? 0336:< micubit> because this chat has been around since, what, 0336:< Krydos> we'll merge 0336:< SirCabbage> we are super close to merging. all we need is one more tier 13 0336:< micubit> sunday? and we now have two days left 0336:< Krydos> 70+ hours 0336:< gjhgjh> You're logic is flawed. 0336:< SirCabbage> we have a tier 15, 14 and 13 all waiting to merge. 0337:< mumer> micubit we're totally gonna merge lol, it's probably sometime midday tomorrow unfortunately, but we will merge to 17 0337:< Krydos> we're almost there 0337:< SirCabbage> yesm and we have reached the end 0337:< gjhgjh> There will be a cascade event. 0337:< barnum> Round #2, 349 hits! Giant Bog Turtle HP: 398[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), Krydos (4.5), mumer (4.5), micubit (3), gjhgjh (3) 0337:< micubit> I haven't been keeping as much track as you guys probably have. 0337:< Krydos> check out http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 0337:< mumer> Here this okay nevermind Krydos just linked what I was going to 0338:< Krydos> that one is auto-updated by the bots so it's really up to date 0338:< micubit> I'm just fascinated that the internet managed to write this kickass userscript AND fully automate roomtracking for an 8 day joke 0338:< Krydos> yup 0338:< micubit> Sometimes it makes me love this civilization 0338:< barnum> Round #3, 72 hits! Giant Bog Turtle HP: 326[██▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (10.5), Krydos (7.5), mumer (4.5) 0338:< mumer> and the bots are all auto-grow bots of alts from soKuku so they're all growing to merge with us. 0338:< Krydos> seriously 0338:< gjhgjh> When get a T12 another T12 will cause a T13. We already have a T13 so that will cause a T14 and so on until a new T16 is created and we 0338:< mumer> (okay not ALL), but lots and lots of alts from here 0338:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0338:< micubit> ooh http://justinhart.net/robintable/ is much more readable than https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0338:< gjhgjh> merge with them. This casacde will take about two and a half hours to complete. 0339:< micubit> even though it's so much uglier 0339:< Krydos> haha, yeah 0339:< gjhgjh> We just need those two T12s. 0339:< barnum> Round #4, 89 hits! Giant Bog Turtle HP: 237[██▒▒▒] +XP: gjhgjh (10.5), mumer (6), micubit (6), Krydos (3) 0339:< micubit> omfg and justinhart is pulling from monstrouspeace's API. Jesus talk about open collaboration 0339:< gjhgjh> There are 2 T9s about to be a T10. 0339:< SirCabbage> we are basically at the finish line with two whole days to go 0339:< SirCabbage> to act like we aren't going to make it at this point is silly. 0340:< gjhgjh> With the T10 that's already there we will soon have a T11. 0340:< Krydos> mumer and I have alts in the tier 10 one 0340:< SirCabbage> there is already two 9s and a 10 which will become an 11 0340:< gjhgjh> That should be in about another half hour maybe? 0340:< micubit> well awesome then. I hadn't realized enough people were still making new rooms 0340:< SirCabbage> so all we need is 3 more 11s 0340:< barnum> Giant Bog Turtle is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Scarab Shield]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/63%), gjhgjh (4/66%), micubit (3/84%), Krydos (4... 0340:< Krydos> some people have like dozens of alts 0340:< micubit> what tier was the room that holds the population record? 0340:< barnum> A wild Juvenile Brass Dragon appeared! HP: 472[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0340:< Krydos> don't know 0340:< gjhgjh> So a couple hours for another T11 and our first T12 to show up. 0340:< jonesandbrown> I have an alt in the teir 13 0341:< SirCabbage> 4400, if we merge again we will crush that. So long as people dont drop out from going idle but at this point everyone 0341:< SirCabbage> is using scripts 0341:< gjhgjh> Another 6-8 hours for another T12 and then the start of the cascade. 0341:< barnum> Round #1, 280 hits! Juvenile Brass Dragon HP: 192[███▒▒] +XP: gjhgjh (9), SirCabbage (6), Krydos (3), micubit (1.5), jonesandbrown (... 0341:< Krydos> yeah, I was in the 4401 group, and it died because not enough people were using bots yet 0341:< gjhgjh> Assuming that one of the other room don't do something stupid. 0341:< mumer> well as long as we do what we did at the last merge and PM everyone it'll be no problem 0341:< Krydos> everyone just went to sleep and their abandon votes killed the whole thing 0341:< micubit> yeah. I almost lost this room today because my browser got bogged down with memory and never reconnected 0342:< gjhgjh> Abandon votes don't kill the room. 0342:< barnum> Round #2, 85 hits! Juvenile Brass Dragon HP: 107[██▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (9), gjhgjh (6), mumer (4.5), micubit (4.5) 0342:< Krydos> you can close your browser and reboot your computer etc 0342:< SirCabbage> only over half in one session does 0342:< gjhgjh> Only stay votes. 0342:< micubit> yeah but I was afraid of a merge 0342:< Krydos> you'll be in here again when you reconnect 0342:< SirCabbage> yeah, because the more stays you have... 0342:< Krydos> the dangerous bit is when a room merges you only have 30 minutes 0342:< gjhgjh> Or if enough grower abandon and stay becomes the majority. 0342:< micubit> oh wait I'd have to get merged AND wait for another merge before getting booted because I'm not in the chat, right? 0343:< Krydos> yep 0343:< barnum> Juvenile Brass Dragon is kill! Krydos picks up [Horn of Goodness/evil]! LVLs: Krydos (4/87%), micubit (3/95%), SirCabbage (19/65%), ... 0343:< micubit> because 30 minutes after we hit tier 17 it's not going to make a new room and boot me right? 0343:< Krydos> hahaha 0343:< jonesandbrown> are you not useing a script? 0343:< micubit> I am 0343:< gjhgjh> But I don't see why the exidos wouldn't be proportional keeping the percentages close to what they are now. 0343:< Krydos> goodness/evil 0343:< barnum> A wild Young Adult Brass Dragon appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0344:< barnum> Round #1, 74 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 493[█████] +XP: micubit (6), gjhgjh (4.5), Krydos (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0344:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/65%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0344:< SirCabbage> we lost 900 on our cascade with kulprits somehow 0344:< mumer> A Young Adult Brass Dragon!? I mean it's brass! I don't think my wood staff will do well...anything against that, we're doomed. 0345:< jonesandbrown> it's got weak spots, poke its eyes, nose... butholes 0345:< SirCabbage> I use my philosophers stone to turn it into a gold dragon 0345:< barnum> Round #2, 132 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 361[████▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0345:< Krydos> now it weighs twice as much! 0346:**** Krydos groans in dismay as the dragon lands on top of him. 0346:< barnum> Round #3, 12 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 349[████▒] +XP: Krydos (3) 0346:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0346:< jonesandbrown> fap fappity fap i like dragons 0346:**** Krydos uses the last of his strength to blow a single haunting note on his horn of Goodness/Evil. 0347:**** Krydos hopes for goodness. 0347:< barnum> Round #4, 117 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 232[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), Krydos (6) 0348:< jonesandbrown> I've put my mouth all over this dargon 0348:< barnum> Round #5, 23 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 209[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0348:< mumer> I'm gonna poke it's eyes. 0348:< jonesandbrown> i'll poke it's butthole 0348:< mumer> Why is jonesandbrown eating the brass dragons now? AFTER fapping on it. Hm. 0348:< jonesandbrown> what can i say, I'm a foodie 0349:< barnum> Round #6, 58 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 151[██▒▒▒] +XP: mumer (6), jonesandbrown (3) 0349:< Krydos> is that what makes a foodie? 0349:< Krydos> fapping on something and then eating it? 0349:< jonesandbrown> i love my food.. so i'd say so 0349:< micubit> I'm the opposite of a foodie I only enjoy pizza and soylent basically 0349:**** Krydos realizes he is definitely not a foodie. 0349:< barnum> Round #7, 55 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 96[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), micubit (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0350:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/65%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0350:< micubit> also can I just say whoever had the idea of putting an rpg bot on sokukune is a genius 0350:< Krydos> barnum :) 0351:< barnum> Round #8, 24 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 72[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (4.5), Krydos (1.5) 0351:< Krydos> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0351:< Krydos> teehee 0351:< micubit> I just noticed barnum hasn't posted on reddit in 5 days. I figured he'd be talking about #rpg bot at least 0351:< Krydos> he was talking here earlier 0351:< Krydos> I think his bot broke and he was fixing it 0352:< micubit> oh cool. interesting! 0352:< barnum> Round #9, 61 hits! Young Adult Brass Dragon HP: 11[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (9), micubit (6) 0352:< Krydos> haha, only 11 hps left 0352:< Krydos> I can do some of that damage 0352:< micubit> I wonder who has decided to write a bot to remember everything said in Sokokune 0352:< Krydos> if I try really hard 0352:< micubit> *punch punch* 0352:< jonesandbrown> i can poop loot that :D 0352:< micubit> poop loot? 0352:< Krydos> looooooooot 0353:< jonesandbrown> poop 0353:< barnum> Young Adult Brass Dragon is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Throne of the Ascendant]! LVLs: micubit (4/39%), Krydos (5/23%), jonesandb... 0353:< micubit> hahahahaha. What's the timing? 0353:< Krydos> throne? 0353:< barnum> A wild Shadow Demon appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0353:< jonesandbrown> luck 0353:< micubit> >:( 0353:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Shadow Demon HP: 222[█████] +XP: micubit (3), Krydos (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0354:< micubit> OH SHIT A SHADOW DEMON! I HAVE 2x WEAKNESS 0354:**** Krydos gives up on fighting the Shadow Demon and just frowns at him disapprovingly. 0354:< Krydos> :( 0354:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Shadow Demon HP: 192[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), micubit (1.5) 0355:< Krydos> :( 0355:< Krydos> :( 0355:< Krydos> :( 0355:**** micubit test 0355:< jonesandbrown> are you frowning at all the enemies? 0355:< Krydos> just this one 0355:< barnum> Round #3, 37 hits! Shadow Demon HP: 155[███▒▒] +XP: micubit (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), Krydos (1.5) 0355:< Krydos> hahah 0356:< Krydos> all my frowning just did 1.5 damage 0356:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/65%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0356:< Krydos> saying the same thing probably gets filtered 0356:< jonesandbrown> it's not recognized as a word. 0356:**** Krydos realizes that frowning at ones enemies is probably not an effective combat strategy. 0356:< micubit> that's not what that number means, is it? the (n) after our names? 0356:< micubit> I thought that was xp 0357:< barnum> Round #4, 95 hits! Shadow Demon HP: 60[██▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (9), micubit (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0357:< Krydos> oh, maybe so 0357:< jonesandbrown> it is xp 0357:< Krydos> my bad 0357:< Krydos> welll!!!!! 0357:< jonesandbrown> np\ 0357:< Lord_Renwod> Execution points? 0357:< mumer> You bad! That means I'm not the newb anymore! 0357:< Krydos> frowning over and over only gave me 1.5 exp 0357:< barnum> Shadow Demon is kill! Krydos picks up [Plague Rat Belt]! LVLs: Krydos (5/33%), jonesandbrown (11/79%), Lord_Renwod (4/77%), mumer (2... 0358:< micubit> man it would be SUPER COOL if this rpg bot did more shit 0358:< Krydos> oooh, I needed a belt 0358:< Lord_Renwod> I don't want any execution points :C 0358:< micubit> if I had the motivation I would ask to open source it and throw some shit in there 0358:< jonesandbrown> experience 0358:< barnum> A wild Lorelei appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0358:**** Krydos sniffs the belt. 0358:< mumer> and yet he picks up a belt from frowning a lot. while I get nothing for throwing sticks. 0358:< Lord_Renwod> Undertale reference, if you don't get it you don't get it 0358:< Krydos> ewwww this belt smells like a plague rat 0358:< micubit> oh yeah I get it 0358:< mumer> takes aim with the staff and manages to tap the lorelei on the head before running away in a panic. 0358:< barnum> Round #1, 107 hits! Lorelei HP: 622[█████] +XP: mumer (9), micubit (7.5), Krydos (4.5), Lord_Renwod (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0358:< micubit> dude I would not want to wear a belt made from a plague rat 0359:< barnum> Round #2, 6 hits! Lorelei HP: 616[█████] +XP: micubit (1.5) 0359:< Krydos> beats not having a belt at all 0400:< Krydos> my pants kept falling down in that battle versus the Genie 0400:< micubit> I guess so... 0400:< Krydos> and then SirCabbage kept looking at me and fapping 0400:< jonesandbrown> did i ever put all my clothes back on? i don't think i did. If not let it be known that *I got dressed again 0400:< Krydos> it was terrible 0400:< barnum> Round #3, 107 hits! Lorelei HP: 509[████▒] +XP: Krydos (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), micubit (1.5) 0400:< micubit> I'm ONLY wearing this armor of purity so I wouldn't want to wear that belt at all 0401:< mumer> thanks goodness jonesandbrown is finally dressed. 0401:< mumer> maybe now the fapping can stop. 0401:< barnum> Round #4, 28 hits! Lorelei HP: 481[████▒] +XP: micubit (4.5), mumer (3) 0401:< Krydos> "Lorelei is a feminine water spirit, similar to a siren or mermaid, which is rumored to send sailors to their death, by luring them" 0401:< Krydos> Mumer, you're female! You're our only hope 0401:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/65%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0402:< Krydos> all of us men are being lured to our deaths 0402:< mumer> well then I guess she's gonna trap you? 0402:< jonesandbrown> *Loosens Belt of Incredible Dexterity for easy access* Only for the moment mumer 0402:< mumer> I mean I did try to bonk her on the head, but it didn't appear to do much of anything. 0402:< mumer> I'll try summoning the wisdom power of my headband and see if I can think of a solution for you. 0402:< barnum> Round #5, 142 hits! Lorelei HP: 339[███▒▒] +XP: mumer (10.5), Krydos (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0403:< mumer> well it appears THINKING is something you can do to damage the Lorelei. I'll continue to try and think of a solution. 0403:**** Krydos drifts forward with a detached look in his eye. Clearly seduced by the sweet singing of the Lorelei. 0403:< mumer> Careful there I don't think you're wearing any clothes, something will probably fap on you if you do that. 0403:< barnum> Round #6, 61 hits! Lorelei HP: 278[██▒▒▒] +XP: mumer (9), Krydos (4.5), K1ngN0thing (4.5) 0403:< Krydos> I have a belt!! 0403:< jonesandbrown> you guys are taking this super pleb thing all the wrong way, when you're such a low level player you need to attack with your body 0404:< jonesandbrown> for instance when i was level 1-6, i was doing nothing but cock attacks 0404:< micubit> thanks Krydos I was wondering what a Lorelei was... 0404:< mumer> I'll attack with sticks, I don't like to dirty myself by touching these foul beasts. 0404:< mumer> and they're not worth fapping over. 0404:< barnum> Round #7, 171 hits! Lorelei HP: 107[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), mumer (6), Krydos (1.5), micubit (1.5) 0405:**** Krydos clearly under the spell of the Lorelei begins fapping... 0405:< jonesandbrown> everything is worth fappin over. 0405:**** Krydos looks at mumer, and mouths the words, "save me!" 0405:< barnum> Round #8, 39 hits! Lorelei HP: 68[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0406:< mumer> I am not saving anyone that faps, you're all on your own if you think fapping kills things. *waves goodbye* 0406:< Krydos> awwwww 0406:< Krydos> she tabbed out 0406:< barnum> Round #9, 30 hits! Lorelei HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: mumer (4.5), Krydos (3) 0406:< jonesandbrown> just watch me fap this guy to death fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap 0406:< jonesandbrown> fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap 0406:< micubit> ahh time to finish this thing! I punch the fuck out of it with Goreclaw!!!! 0407:< jonesandbrown> fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap f 0407:< micubit> also a little fap fap fap fap fap 0407:< jonesandbrown> fap fap fap fap fap ap fapf 0407:< micubit> and some poop? 0407:< Krydos> looooot! 0407:< micubit> no! 0407:< jonesandbrown> fapfapfapfapfap fapfapfapfapfap 0407:< Krydos> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot? 0407:< barnum> Lorelei is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Halo of Inner Calm]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (11/92%), micubit (4/70%), Krydos (5/47%) 0407:< micubit> haha bullshit 0407:< Krydos> halo? pffft 0407:< Krydos> you're no angel 0407:< jonesandbrown> YES FAPPIN WINS AGAIN!!! 0407:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/65%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0408:< barnum> A wild Brontotherium appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0408:< jonesandbrown> I shall use it as a cock ring to calm myself for longer endurance... 0408:< micubit> that's heavenly 0408:< barnum> Round #1, 120 hits! Brontotherium HP: 397[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), micubit (3), Krydos (3) 0408:**** Krydos consults the encyclopedia of creatures... 0409:< Krydos> it looks like it's a giant prehistoric rhino 0409:< micubit> that's another thing, where did barnum get all these monster and item names? 0409:< barnum> Round #2, 34 hits! Brontotherium HP: 363[████▒] +XP: micubit (4.5), Krydos (3) 0410:< SirCabbage> See here is the thing about jones vs I 0410:< jonesandbrown> I believe robin-rpg created the original script? 0410:< mumer> wanders in to see if people are still fapping to kill things? 0410:< SirCabbage> I am almost always joking when I do anything remotely sexual 0410:< SirCabbage> Jones is very much serious. 0410:< jonesandbrown> yes. yes i am. 0410:< barnum> Round #3, 187 hits! Brontotherium HP: 176[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), mumer (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0410:< SirCabbage> which is fucking disturbing. 0410:< SirCabbage> But thankfully i never need to talk to him again, so, whatever helps kill the monsters 0410:< Krydos> *laughs* 0411:< jonesandbrown> :D so we;re clear, i'm making us reddit best friends 0411:< barnum> Brontotherium is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Boro Bead 1st Level]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/67%), jonesandbrown (11/96%), Krydos (5/53%) 0411:< SirCabbage> so we're clear- I'll likely never run into you ever again :o 0411:< barnum> A wild Oakman appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0412:< Krydos> !flee 0412:< SirCabbage> why would you flee THAT? 0412:< jonesandbrown> where do i equip that? sounds like a butt toy 0412:< Krydos> he's made out of oak! 0412:< SirCabbage> it is a free kill. 0412:< barnum> Oakman is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Vambraces of The Tactician]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/70%), Krydos (5/57%), jonesandbrown (11/98%) 0412:< Krydos> hahahaha 0412:< Krydos> it didn't work anyways 0412:< barnum> A wild Werebear appeared! HP: 207[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0413:< barnum> Round #1, 16 hits! Werebear HP: 191[█████] +XP: Krydos (3) 0413:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (11... 0413:< SirCabbage> you need to type flee 6 times 0414:< Krydos> ok 0414:< barnum> Round #2, 50 hits! Werebear HP: 141[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0415:**** Krydos takes a flying leap at the werebear with his Blackaxe. 0415:**** Krydos brings the axe down hard on the werebear's head. 0415:< barnum> Round #3, 16 hits! Werebear HP: 125[████▒] +XP: Krydos (3) 0415:**** Krydos grunts in pain as the werebear knocks him backward with his fearsome claws. 0416:< Krydos> this could take a while. 0416:< jonesandbrown> grow that xp krydos! 0416:< mumer> How do I get more xp? Is it just killing things? Cause really this is gonna take me awhile. 0416:< barnum> Round #4, 55 hits! Werebear HP: 70[██▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0416:< mumer> and noooo I am not gonna fap to it. I don't fap. 0416:< JosephRW> What is this? 0417:< jonesandbrown> you get xp by chatting. 1-60 characters gets you the base rate 0417:**** Krydos imagines what the werebear would look like with less hair and more womanly parts. 0417:< Krydos> *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap *fap 0417:< JosephRW> Oh that's pretty neat. 0417:< barnum> Werebear is kill! JosephRW picks up [Death Warden's Bandolier]! LVLs: Krydos (5/71%), jonesandbrown (12/8%), JosephRW (1/63%), mumer... 0417:< Krydos> hahaha 0417:< Krydos> brnad new guy got gear already 0417:< barnum> A wild Mature Adult Black Dragon appeared! HP: 828[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0417:< JosephRW> YEAH GO ME 0418:< JosephRW> What do I do with gear though? 0418:< jonesandbrown> >61 gits you a bonus of unspecified size ( but which looks to be about 2-2.5 times the amount according to my research) 0418:< mumer> I like fighting dragons! I'm gonna charge this MATURE ADULT dragon with my staff and not fap to it! 0418:< Krydos> JoesephRW check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/9ma00 0418:< barnum> Round #1, 134 hits! Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 694[█████] +XP: Krydos (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), mumer (4.5), JosephRW (3) 0418:< Krydos> JoesephRW type in your name on the heroes tab 0418:< mumer> mature adult dragons only like to be hit with staves. 0418:< Krydos> and you can equip your new gear 0419:**** Krydos knows what kind of "staff" mumer is talking about. 0419:< ryanvango> JosephRW simple answer = typing hurts things, and you get levels. slightly longer, read the newbie tab in the google doc 0419:< barnum> Round #2, 185 hits! Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 509[████▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), mumer (1.5) 0419:**** Krydos unbuckles his Plague Rat Belt. 0419:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/85%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (12... 0419:< JosephRW> I"M GONNA DO IT 0419:< ryanvango> JosephRW we've instituted our own rules a bit, but in general, you just type and stuff dies. our rules are for RP 0420:< JosephRW> I'm going to slay all the things. 0420:< Krydos> that's the spirit! 0420:< JosephRW> Maybe. 0420:< barnum> Round #3, 178 hits! Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 331[██▒▒▒] +XP: JosephRW (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), Krydos (3) 0420:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown under 60 = base damage (level dependent), over 60 = base damage + (level x 3) 0420:< Krydos> of course you're naked and have no weapon and you're attacking a mature black dragon 0421:**** Krydos realizes this is going to end badly for JoesephRW. 0421:< JosephRW> I'M BRAVE THOUGH 0421:< barnum> Round #4, 190 hits! Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 141[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (6), ryanvango (4.5), JosephRW (1.5) 0421:< mumer> I take my staff and gently tap the nose of the dragon. He seems to like it like that. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap a few more taps 0421:< Krydos> alright, brave guy! 0421:< jonesandbrown> see, y;ou call me the weirdo, but i don't point out that people are neked straight off the bat! I ease them in, just like i ease in my 0421:< Krydos> dance around naked and distract the dragon for me 0422:< JosephRW> Oh so it encourages some glorious discourse between your fellow chat folk? 0422:< barnum> Mature Adult Black Dragon is kill! JosephRW picks up [Bloatstrike Tail]! LVLs: Krydos (5/86%), ryanvango (20/88%), jonesandbrown (12... 0422:**** Krydos waits for the dragon to be distracted by the naked lowbie, and then *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH 0422:< barnum> A wild Jolly Jelly appeared! HP: 283[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0422:< ryanvango> JosephRW haha yeah more or less. or intricately described attacks. or when we do guided RPG you get good inputs from players 0422:< mumer> Why do all the newbies get all the gear. I'm gonna go raid the stash for more, cause this staff isn't the greatest. 0422:< jonesandbrown> yep, the idea is to use the items that were dropped as a basis for some role play banter, but mostly we just fuck around 0423:< barnum> Round #1, 270 hits! Jolly Jelly HP: 13[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), mumer (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0423:< ryanvango> JosephRW if you take a look at the google doc where we've all built our characters, you can add your name 0423:< jonesandbrown> mumer poop loot this guy 0423:< ryanvango> JosephRW theres also a group loot tab of stuff we havent used, you can outfit yourself if you wanna design a character 0423:< Krydos> loooooot!!! 0424:< mumer> die draggon die 0424:< barnum> Jolly Jelly is kill! mumer picks up [Cap of The Free Thinker]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/91%), jonesandbrown (12/13%), Krydos (5/91%), mum... 0424:< mumer> oh wait jelly 0424:< mumer> I GOT A CAP 0424:< mumer> I'm gonna replace my wisdom with free thinking! 0424:< barnum> A wild Large Lightning Elemental appeared! HP: 270[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0424:< ryanvango> JosephRW helps if you wanna do stuff like "I hope on my Tamed Behir "Boof" and charge at the beast, yelling like an idiot!" 0424:< JosephRW> I'll probably dig in to this at work tomorrow since it's going to be borning, it's late over here in kingdom of eastern time zones 0424:< jonesandbrown> combine them and make a crown of wisdom 0425:< ryanvango> same boat brother. im doing homework, just checking in. gonna be another all nighter 0425:< barnum> Large Lightning Elemental is kill! ryanvango picks up [Gun With No Name]! LVLs: ryanvango (20/93%), mumer (3/65%), JosephRW (1/91%),... 0425:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/93%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (12... 0425:< Krydos> JoesephRW, you're almost to level 2 already! 0425:< jonesandbrown> ori mean wisdom and free thinking? 0425:< barnum> A wild Slaad Lord Of The Insane appeared! HP: 3690[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0426:< Krydos> woah 0426:< JosephRW> I have a way with words if I really try for it! I used to RP a lot in WoW so I'm familiar with the concept of reams of prose. 0426:< Krydos> this is going to take a while to kill 0426:< jonesandbrown> have fun with this guy 0426:< barnum> Round #1, 79 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 3611[█████] +XP: Krydos (4.5), JosephRW (4.5), jonesandbrown (3) 0426:< ryanvango> JosephRW haha well thats good. if you're interested, usually around 7 or 8 a few of us are on that do guided adventure. 0426:< ryanvango> its pretty casual, but its a way to take advantage of an RPG channel 0427:< JosephRW> Also how do you see what you're fighting at any given time? 0427:< JosephRW> I can't see it. 0427:< ryanvango> you cant see it? take off your spam bot filter 0427:< barnum> Round #2, 370 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 3241[█████] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), JosephRW (3) 0427:< jonesandbrown> turn off the bot filter 0427:< JosephRW> Oh well then. 0427:< ryanvango> how bout now? 0428:< JosephRW> Just refreshed 0428:< ryanvango> good timing. should hit now 0428:< barnum> Round #3, 133 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 3108[█████] +XP: JosephRW (3), ryanvango (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0428:< JosephRW> Lets see what happens. 0428:< ryanvango> boom. timing. 0428:< ryanvango> see it? 0428:< jonesandbrown> ryanvango you pig, you're probably responsible for 700 hp on that last round 0428:< JosephRW> As a matter of fact I do! 0429:< Krydos> the higher level you get the more damamge you do 0429:< barnum> Round #4, 186 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 2922[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), JosephRW (3), ryanvango (3) 0429:< ryanvango> neato. your experience is dependent on how many times you hit, and if it was a big hit or not. so you and i earn the same xp 0429:< Krydos> some of these guys one shot everything by saying hi 0430:< barnum> Round #5, 173 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 2749[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Krydos (3) 0430:< ryanvango> haha if I use my pre-written lines I can usually kill something with 600 health in 1 round. 0430:< JosephRW> raises his fisticuffs menacingly at the lord of the insane, implying strongly by his stance to COME AT HIM, BRO. 0430:< jonesandbrown> when i see a dragon i can finish in like 30 seconds 0431:< barnum> Round #6, 191 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 2558[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), JosephRW (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0431:< JosephRW> That's not the only thing you finish in 30 seconds, is it? 0431:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown takes a page out of real life for his RP. he has a dragon fetish. 0431:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (20/95%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), jonesandbrown (12... 0431:< ryanvango> and thats not me teasing him. its scared people out of our channel 0432:< ryanvango> but overall, JosephRW, loot doesnt actually do anything to the bot (for now). its just for shits n giggles. typing is enough. 0432:< jonesandbrown> *correction, i have an everything fetish. dragons are just easier to molest as they're mostly intelligent enough to consent:D 0432:< barnum> Round #7, 550 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 2008[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), JosephRW (1.5) 0432:< ryanvango> EXCEPT THEY NEVER DO JONESANDBROWN! NOT ONCE! BUT YOU KEEP RUBBING AGAINST THEM! 0432:< JosephRW> BAD DRAGON. 0433:< jonesandbrown> exactly 0433:< barnum> Round #8, 185 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 1823[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), JosephRW (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0433:< Krydos> wow, we're getting so close to tier 17 0434:< Krydos> take a look at http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 0434:< barnum> Round #9, 16 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 1807[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (3) 0434:< Krydos> just missing a tier10 in the cascade 0435:< barnum> Round #10, 8 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 1799[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (1.5) 0435:< Krydos> I did 8 damage!! 0435:< ryanvango> i dont think so. i think we're missing a couple tier 10s. 0435:< Krydos> this is going to take a while 0435:< ryanvango> but I bet it happens in the next 8 or so hours 0435:< mumer> What's going to take awhile? The merge or killing the Slaad Lord of The Insane! 0436:< Krydos> that's why I said we're missing a tier10 0436:< barnum> Round #11, 142 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 1657[███▒▒] +XP: Krydos (4.5), mumer (4.5), ryanvango (3) 0436:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 0436:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0436:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0436:< mumer> He's going insane! Great time for this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peRS3KGNxoY 0436:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0436:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0436:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 0436:< mumer> and this is now the 3rd time I've felt I should listen to that song tonight. 0436:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0436:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0436:< barnum> Round #12, 1122 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 535[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (27), mumer (9), jonesandbrown (9) 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< ryanvango> :) 0437:< Krydos> haha 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/4%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/17%), SilentSand (12/... 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0437:< micubit> nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom 0438:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0438:< micubit> nom nom nom nom nom 0438:< JosephRW> OH NO 0438:< ryanvango> did we break it? 0438:< micubit> nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom 0438:< JosephRW> IT'S GOING DOWN 0438:< barnum> Slaad Lord Of The Insane is kill! JosephRW picks up [Flaying Halberd]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/24%), micubit (4/85%), JosephRW (2/56... 0438:< Krydos> hahahhaha 0438:< micubit> hahaha! 0438:< JosephRW> Yeah! level up! 0438:< ryanvango> YOU POOP LOOTED HIM! 0438:< Krydos> why does HE get all the gear? 0438:< JosephRW> I got a thing 0438:< jonesandbrown> lvl 12 beeetches 0438:< micubit> HAHA 0438:< barnum> A wild Ciratto appeared! HP: 841[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0438:< JosephRW> Now I have a weapon! 0439:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown add 7 to your hp, and remind me tomorrow if you play 0439:< barnum> Round #1, 282 hits! Ciratto HP: 559[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), JosephRW (4.5), Krydos (3), micubit (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0439:< jonesandbrown> thanks bro 0439:< ryanvango> josephRW write it down so you dont forget 0439:< micubit> where is that google doc BTW 0439:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/7zvmu 0439:< Krydos> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/3vkqm 0440:< jonesandbrown> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/9qnob 0440:< JosephRW> Brandishes his flying halbred at the Ciratto clumsily. "This isn't a weapon for a rogue at all!" 0440:< barnum> Round #2, 360 hits! Ciratto HP: 199[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (6), Krydos (4.5), JosephRW (4.5), micubit (1.5) 0440:< micubit> thanks ryanvango Krydos 0440:< Krydos> haha 0440:< micubit> and jonesandbrown 0440:< ryanvango> lol! rookie mistake...picking your class then getting gear...this game is unforgiving 0440:< jonesandbrown> you're welcome:D 0440:< JosephRW> "I should just break off the end of it and use it as a dirk, honestly" 0441:< barnum> Ciratto is kill! JosephRW picks up [Amulet of Hidden Light]! LVLs: JosephRW (2/72%), jonesandbrown (12/27%), ryanvango (21/7%), micu... 0441:< ryanvango> and an amulet 0441:< JosephRW> YEAH SUCK IT I GET EVERYTHING 0441:< barnum> A wild Ochre Eurypterid appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0441:< barnum> Ochre Eurypterid is kill! JosephRW picks up [Ring of Spell Devouring]! LVLs: JosephRW (2/89%), ryanvango (21/8%) 0442:< barnum> A wild Dust Ghoul appeared! HP: 459[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0442:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Dust Ghoul HP: 459[█████] +XP: no one :( 0443:< jonesandbrown> punch hit kick 0443:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/8%), SirCabbage (19/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/27%), SilentSand (12/... 0443:< ryanvango> josephrw in group loot we have Bodywrap of Strikes +1 and a sword of valor. those might suit a rogue 0443:< ryanvango> and a greater hat of disguise 0443:< SirCabbage> Psst, ryan 0444:< JosephRW> Group loot? 0444:< barnum> Round #2, 298 hits! Dust Ghoul HP: 161[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5), JosephRW (1.5) 0444:< ryanvango> ryan isnt here right now. he isn't currently filling a bag of holding III with large boulders. please leave a message 0444:< SirCabbage> YOU BASTARD 0444:< JosephRW> Also what's with the colouration on the sheet? WHAT ARE THOOOOOOSE?! 0444:< SirCabbage> *EMPTIES THE BOULDERS FROM THE BAG OF HOLDING ON RYANS RACE 0444:< ryanvango> in the google doc. anything we get and dont equip, we put in group loot for anyone to use 0444:< SirCabbage> **FACE 0444:< micubit> I want to get more loot. begone from this realm, Dust Ghoul! I look around for a vacuum cleaner 0444:< JosephRW> Oh That's neat 0445:< jonesandbrown> i think the colors are just peoplle fucking around 0445:< barnum> Dust Ghoul is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Amulet of Natural Armor +3]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/73%), ryanvango (21/11%), JosephRW (3/... 0445:< micubit> oh maybe I should find some clothes then 0445:< ryanvango> yeah theres plenty of stuff in there. you dont even have to ask 0445:< barnum> A wild Titivilus appeared! HP: 1237[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0445:< jonesandbrown> oooooohh does that mean i'm armoured when naked? 0445:< ryanvango> just make sure if you move something to your character you delete it from group loot 0446:< barnum> Round #1, 361 hits! Titivilus HP: 876[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), micubit (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0446:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown that just what the call lambskin condoms in this realm 0446:< micubit> I take the Hametula Hide from the group pile and wear it as a shirt to stop my armor from chafing 0446:< barnum> Round #2, 183 hits! Titivilus HP: 693[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), micubit (4.5) 0446:< jonesandbrown> good, i've been kinda worried since i've been exposed to so many monsterous genitalia recently 0447:< ryanvango> yeah, its for the best 0447:< ryanvango> micubit mark it on the doc and delete from group loot 0447:< micubit> I DID BRO 0447:< barnum> Round #3, 186 hits! Titivilus HP: 507[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (3) 0447:< ryanvango> DID YOU 0448:< SirCabbage> I DONT THINK HE DID 0448:< jonesandbrown> unfortunately it adds a +1 to chaffing and a -1 to sensitivity 0448:< ryanvango> I DONT THINK HE DID EITHER 0448:< barnum> Round #4, 242 hits! Titivilus HP: 265[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (3), micubit (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0448:< micubit> FUCK THIS THING IS ITCHY 0449:< SirCabbage> I CAN HELP YOU *throws an egg in your face 0449:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/13%), SirCabbage (19/73%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/30%), SilentSand (12... 0449:< ryanvango> WHY DID YOU TURN IT ORANGE IN GROUP LOOT. I GOES BY YOUR NAME YOU FARTHOLE 0449:< JosephRW> AND NOW I HAVE ESCAPE DUST 0449:< JosephRW> FOR ESCAPING 0449:< SirCabbage> BAM BAM THANK YOU MAM 0449:< ryanvango> *ksplat, the egg runs down micubits new padding 0449:< jonesandbrown> where do these eggs keep coming from? 0449:< micubit> I dunno wtf were the things in the second column for?? 0450:< barnum> Titivilus is kill! micubit picks up [Amulet of Bullet Protection +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/14%), micubit (5/19%), SirCabbage (19/75%)... 0450:< SirCabbage> I got a jar FULL of eggs 0450:< micubit> awwww yeah bitches 0450:< barnum> A wild Margoyle Gargoyle appeared! HP: 283[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0450:< JosephRW> "That's a strange thing to have a jar full of don't you think?" 0450:< SirCabbage> im not complaining. 0450:< ryanvango> second column is just people not wanting to scroll down. the heroes tab has your name and armor slots in it 0450:< ryanvango> goddam it i just put it on your hero. ill put it back 0451:< barnum> Margoyle Gargoyle is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ghostvision Gloves]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/16%), micubit (5/21%), JosephRW (3/34%), Sir... 0451:< barnum> A wild Taiga Giant appeared! HP: 706[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0451:< micubit> I already put it in group whatever 0451:< JosephRW> "Guys I'm doing damage! REAL DAMAGE! LOOK AT ME DOING ALL THAT DAMAGE." 0451:< ryanvango> col beans 0451:< JosephRW> "WITH THE POWER OF WORDS?! AM I A BARD?!" 0451:< barnum> Round #1, 83 hits! Taiga Giant HP: 623[█████] +XP: JosephRW (6), micubit (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0451:< micubit> we're all bards here 0452:< ryanvango> JosephRW is right! for continuity sake we should all reroll as bards! 0452:< ryanvango> fuck! 0452:< JosephRW> "BEHOLD MY SIREN SONG, I'M SO FRESH YOU CAN SUCK MY NUTS, SWAG!" 0452:< barnum> Round #2, 243 hits! Taiga Giant HP: 380[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), JosephRW (4.5), micubit (1.5) 0453:< ryanvango> *an urgent looking envelope seems to appear out of this air in front of JosephRW... 0453:< ryanvango> *as he reads it, his face sinks. its an immediate and permanent dismissal from the bard's clan. 0453:< ryanvango> this=thin 0453:< barnum> Taiga Giant is kill! ryanvango picks up [incandescent blue sphere ioun stone]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/19%) 0453:< JosephRW> "I didn't want a clan anyways" he grumbles. "None can stop my music! Bardmaster Luke be damned!" 0454:< barnum> A wild Lukwata appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0454:< SirCabbage> *throws an egg at Joseph- menanicingly 0454:< ryanvango> *ksplat! the egg crashes over his mandolin, rendering it worthless, somehow....but definitely worthless 0454:< barnum> Round #1, 230 hits! Lukwata HP: 431[████▒] +XP: JosephRW (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0454:< JosephRW> He smashes the egg midair with his lute "Do you really think that would do anything to a bard of my caliber"? 0455:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/19%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/32%), SilentSand (12... 0455:< JosephRW> I allegedly dual wield. 0455:< JosephRW> A lute and a mandolin 0455:< SirCabbage> I knew my egg would do some good 0455:< ryanvango> *he pulls a lute from somewhere unseen. behind him jonesandbrown seems to perk up for some reason 0455:< barnum> Round #2, 240 hits! Lukwata HP: 191[██▒▒▒] +XP: JosephRW (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0455:< jonesandbrown> ??? 0456:< JosephRW> AND BY THEIR POWERS COMBINED, I FORM A MANDOLUTE. 0456:< ryanvango> *through a complicated but very precise series of gestures and wrist-flicks, he deftly combines the instruments in to 1 0456:< barnum> Lukwata is kill! ryanvango picks up [Iron Circlet of Guarded Souls]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/21%), jonesandbrown (12/32%), JosephRW (3/46%) 0457:< ryanvango> *he gives it a triumphant strum, and finds it is now worthless because of the egg on the mandolin. "fuck" he mutters under his breath 0457:< barnum> A wild Blood Wight appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0457:< JosephRW> "Alright I'm taking off, you guys have this handled. right?" 0457:< ryanvango> *he asks, sulking in to the shadows. a bird poops on his shoulder 0457:< barnum> Round #1, 335 hits! Blood Wight HP: 70[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), JosephRW (1.5) 0457:< ryanvango> alright ill stop narrating haha 0458:< ryanvango> i have work to do damnit! 0458:< JosephRW> Raises an eyebrow at the man narrating from the bushes. "Why are you saying those things? Do you have... Problems"? 0458:< bickster69> https://www.reddit.com/r/Robbin_CHAT_ROOM_/ subreddit for %chat and suKo group in general , in case anything happens we cant find 0458:< barnum> Blood Wight is kill! bickster69 picks up [Horseshoes of Crushing Blows +4]! LVLs: JosephRW (3/54%), bickster69 (1/86%), ryanvango (2... 0458:< ryanvango> "dont mind me! I'm just a simple french baker!" 0459:< barnum> A wild Vegepygmy Commoner appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0459:< barnum> Vegepygmy Commoner is kill! ryanvango picks up [Deadly Draught]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/24%) 0459:< JosephRW> Pays no mind the purveyor of bread. If it has anything to do with france, he wants nothing to do with it. 0500:< barnum> A wild Mithral Golem appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0500:< ryanvango> *the creepy fella in the bushes goes back to building mudpies in peace. narration seemingly ceased. 0500:< bickster69> i use my axe 0500:< barnum> Round #1, 182 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 592[████▒] +XP: JosephRW (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), bickster69 (1.5) 0500:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/25%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/32%), SilentSand (12... 0501:< ryanvango> so yeah. ive never RPGed before, or table topped. but they made me defacto DM for the guided run. the ksplat of eggs is a running thing 0501:< ryanvango> as is anything with * to start. 0501:< barnum> Round #2, 220 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 372[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0501:< ryanvango> so if you wanna play along with a half assed guided RPG, just come back here around 7ish EST. its not a bad time 0502:< ryanvango> im off to do homework 0502:< barnum> Round #3, 220 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 152[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0503:< jonesandbrown> peace out ryanvango 0503:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 127[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0504:< jonesandbrown> holy tits a mithral golem? 0504:< barnum> Round #5, 25 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 102[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0505:< jonesandbrown> I like the way he shines 0505:< barnum> Round #6, 25 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 77[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0506:< jonesandbrown> one hit at a time i will destroy this foul beast 0506:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 77[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0506:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/33%), SilentSand (12... 0507:< barnum> Round #8, 25 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 52[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0508:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 52[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0508:< jonesandbrown> two more hits 0509:< jonesandbrown> or maybe one and a half 0509:< barnum> Round #10, 50 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0510:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0511:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0512:< Rndom_Gy_159> I kill the golem with a leaf 0512:< barnum> Mithral Golem is kill! Rndom_Gy_159 picks up [Halo of Inner Calm]! LVLs: Rndom_Gy_159 (1/82%) 0512:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/34%), SilentSand (12... 0513:< barnum> A wild Cairn Wight appeared! HP: 153[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0513:< Rndom_Gy_159> I equip the Halo of Inner Calm and attack it 0513:< barnum> Round #1, 2 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (1.5) 0514:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0515:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0516:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0517:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0518:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0518:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/34%), SilentSand (12... 0519:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0520:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0521:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0522:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0523:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 151[█████] +XP: no one :( 0523:< JosephRW> DIE CAIRN WIGHT! 0523:< JosephRW> SO I CAN LUTE YOUR BODY! 0524:< barnum> Round #12, 10 hits! Cairn Wight HP: 141[█████] +XP: JosephRW (3) 0524:< JosephRW> Your ghastly visage is no match for my sonerous song! 0524:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/34%), SilentSand (12... 0524:< SirCabbage> *eats ghost *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch 0525:< SirCabbage> This ghost will be DELISH I am sure 0525:< jonesandbrown> your pun is so bad it's good 0525:< barnum> Cairn Wight is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Horn of The Huntmaster]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/78%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), JosephRW (3... 0525:< barnum> A wild Shark appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0526:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Shark HP: 99[█████] +XP: no one :( 0526:< SirCabbage> *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch 0527:< SirCabbage> I like sharks too, so sue me *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch 0527:< barnum> Shark is kill! SirCabbage picks up [O-Yoroi of Imperial Rule]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/81%) 0527:< barnum> A wild Moose appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0528:< SirCabbage> MOOSE? WHO WOULD EAT A MOOSE 0528:< barnum> Round #1, 50 hits! Moose HP: 85[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0528:< SirCabbage> I CERTAINLY WOULD NOT, EW, IMAGINE HOW UNHEALTHY THAT WOULD BE 0528:< SirCabbage> FUCK YOU MOOSE, FUCK YOU SO MUCH YOU MOOSEY MOOSEI I WONT EAT YOU 0528:< SirCabbage> SORRY MOOSE, YOU AINT INVITED TO THIS PARTY. 0529:< barnum> Moose is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Boro Bead 3rd Level]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/85%) 0529:< barnum> A wild Giant Slicer Beetle appeared! HP: 166[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0530:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Giant Slicer Beetle HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 0530:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/85%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), SilentSand (12... 0531:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Giant Slicer Beetle HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 0532:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Giant Slicer Beetle HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 0533:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Slicer Beetle HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 0534:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Giant Slicer Beetle HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 0534:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0534:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0534:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0534:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0534:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0534:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0535:< barnum> Giant Slicer Beetle is kill! micubit picks up [Demonspike Pauldrons]! LVLs: micubit (5/36%), SirCabbage (19/87%) 0535:< micubit> yisssssssss 0535:< SirCabbage> I wasnt trying to steal it lol 0535:< barnum> A wild Fjord Linnorm appeared! HP: 1116[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0535:< micubit> good :) I'm just happy I have new loot! 0535:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0535:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0535:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0535:< barnum> Round #1, 516 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 600[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (15), micubit (3) 0536:< micubit> half health before we know what it is hahaha 0536:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0536:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/88%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), SilentSand (12... 0536:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0536:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0536:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0536:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0536:< SirCabbage> okay ill leave the rest to you 0537:< micubit> heh thanks :D *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0537:< barnum> Fjord Linnorm is kill! micubit picks up [Musical Staff]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/92%), micubit (5/44%) 0537:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0538:< barnum> Round #1, 32 hits! Chrystone HP: 157[█████] +XP: micubit (6) 0538:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0538:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0538:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0538:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* 0538:< SirCabbage> 5r,59,50,5z,x,40,53,11,2r,5i,6q,e,6e,2r 0539:< micubit> *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch**punch* *punch* wut? 0539:< barnum> Chrystone is kill! micubit picks up [Staff of The Planes]! LVLs: micubit (5/56%), SirCabbage (19/92%) 0539:< barnum> A wild Glass Urchin appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0539:< micubit> ok afk again for me seeya *punch* 0540:< barnum> Round #1, 9 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: micubit (1.5) 0540:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0541:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0542:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), SilentSand (12... 0543:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0544:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0544:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0545:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0546:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0547:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 558[█████] +XP: no one :( 0548:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/26%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), SilentSand (12... 0548:< ryanvango> test 0549:< barnum> Round #10, 55 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 503[█████] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 0549:< ryanvango> test with over 60 characters. test with over 60 characters. test. 0549:< barnum> Round #11, 165 hits! Glass Urchin HP: 338[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0550:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 0550:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0550:< ryanvango> dead 0550:< barnum> Glass Urchin is kill! ryanvango picks up [Monocle of Unveiled Auras]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/28%) 0551:< barnum> A wild Flying Polyp appeared! HP: 931[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0551:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 931[█████] +XP: no one :( 0553:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 931[█████] +XP: no one :( 0553:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/28%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/35%), SilentSand (12... 0554:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 931[█████] +XP: no one :( 0555:< jonesandbrown> alright flying polyp, you're dead meat Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0555:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0555:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0555:< barnum> Round #5, 231 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 700[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5) 0555:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0556:< barnum> Round #6, 77 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 623[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0556:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0556:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0557:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0557:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0557:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0557:< barnum> Round #7, 385 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 238[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0557:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0558:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0558:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0558:< barnum> Round #8, 231 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5) 0559:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0559:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/28%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/44%), SilentSand (12... 0600:< jonesandbrown> . 0600:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0601:< jonesandbrown> i 0601:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0602:< jonesandbrown> it 0602:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Flying Polyp HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0602:< jonesandbrown> and 0603:< barnum> Flying Polyp is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Ring of Craft Magic]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/46%) 0603:< barnum> A wild Blood Bush appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0604:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Blood Bush HP: 256[█████] +XP: no one :( 0604:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0604:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite BiteBite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite B 0604:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0605:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0605:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0605:< barnum> Blood Bush is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Tightfit Belt]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/50%) 0605:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0605:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/28%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/50%), SilentSand (12... 0606:< barnum> A wild Small Water Elemental appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0606:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bitevv 0606:< barnum> Small Water Elemental is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Ice Floe Elixir]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/57%) 0606:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0607:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0607:< barnum> A wild Ram appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0607:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0607:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0607:< barnum> Ram is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Helm of Underwater Action]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/65%) 0607:< barnum> A wild Yhakkor appeared! HP: 126[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< barnum> Yhakkor is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Scepter of Ages]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/73%) 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0608:< barnum> A wild Stone Giant appeared! HP: 459[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0609:< barnum> Round #1, 390 hits! Stone Giant HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0609:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0610:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0610:< barnum> Stone Giant is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Wasp Nest of Swarming]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/85%) 0610:< barnum> A wild Petrified Horror appeared! HP: 630[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0610:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0610:< ryanvango> http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Bloow-Maw-Concept-Art.jpg => http://nazar.so/371kx jonesandbrown RP character? 0611:< barnum> Round #1, 245 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 385[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0611:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/29%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (12/86%), SilentSand (12... 0612:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0612:< jonesandbrown> yes, but paler 0612:< thatwentBTE> em:6w 0612:< barnum> Round #2, 133 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 252[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0612:< thatwentBTE> em:6m,1c,4q,1e,y,23,6s,4g,5m,4d,7,13,1p,68,24,6f,18,60,4y,55,4l,24,55,3a,5u,21,5i,3l,33,5z 0613:< jonesandbrown> what is tat 0613:< barnum> Round #3, 109 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 143[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0614:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 143[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0614:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0614:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0615:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite BiteBite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite B 0615:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0615:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0615:< barnum> Petrified Horror is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Sun Blade]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/97%) 0615:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0615:< barnum> A wild Faun appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0616:< barnum> Faun is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Tome of Clear Thought +4]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (12/99%) 0616:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0616:< barnum> A wild Tombotu appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0616:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0616:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0617:< barnum> Tombotu is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Manual of Gainful Exercise +2]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (13/14%) 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite BiteBite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite B 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0617:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/29%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (13/14%), SilentSand (12... 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0617:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite BiteBite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite B 0617:< barnum> A wild Skvader appeared! HP: 27[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0618:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0618:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 0618:< ryanvango> lol you're so cheap 0618:< barnum> Skvader is kill! ryanvango picks up [Entwined Syrinx]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (13/26%), ryanvango (21/30%) 0618:< jonesandbrown> hahha there's nobody else here and i'm boooooooooored 0618:< barnum> A wild Brume appeared! HP: 495[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0619:< ryanvango> gonna spam them levels:) 0619:< barnum> Round #1, 55 hits! Brume HP: 440[█████] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 0619:< jonesandbrown> I wanna one hit those dargons like you ryanvango *looks on admiringly 0620:< ryanvango> haha i cant 1hit them 0620:< barnum> Round #2, 142 hits! Brume HP: 298[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0620:< ryanvango> i think the damage system has changed. at least for me 0620:< ryanvango> i notices my bonus damage is just triple my base now 0621:< jonesandbrown> maybe there's some maths that tops out at 3? 0621:< ryanvango> ummmm wut 0621:< barnum> Round #3, 194 hits! Brume HP: 104[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0621:< ryanvango> my chat is bein fucky 0621:< jonesandbrown> maybe the bonus is an equation based on your level that tops out at 3 0622:< ryanvango> thats possible. im at 165 for big hit 0622:< barnum> Brume is kill! ryanvango picks up [Belt of Physical Perfection +2]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (13/29%), ryanvango (21/31%) 0622:< barnum> A wild Wyrmling Brass Dragon appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0622:< ryanvango> ooo i can fight this thing. just need to do one super hit and its dead! 0623:< barnum> Wyrmling Brass Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Manual of Calm Reflection]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/33%) 0623:< jonesandbrown> when i wasl lower level last night, my bonus was 2.something my base 0623:< ryanvango> it used to be base + 3 times level 0623:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/33%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (13/29%), SilentSand (12... 0623:< AntimanV101> So, do I just start roleplaying and I'm in? 0623:< barnum> A wild Arach appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0624:< Djinneral> its a spider 0624:< jonesandbrown> yeah, 0624:< micubit> yes AntimanV101 0624:< jonesandbrown> aaaaaand everybody's back!!! 0624:< barnum> Round #1, 202 hits! Arach HP: 140[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (1.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), Djinneral (1.5), micubit (1.5) 0624:< AntimanV101> D'accord 0624:< ryanvango> Anti , you can RP, you can do whatever. typing hurts it. hurts it more for more than 60 characters 0625:< AntimanV101> Alright, I'm following now 0625:< barnum> Arach is kill! AntimanV101 picks up [Brazen Egg]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/34%), AntimanV101 (1/64%), jonesandbrown (13/30%) 0625:< jonesandbrown> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/wqzw 0625:< barnum> A wild Slime Mold appeared! HP: 126[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0625:< jonesandbrown> ^document for tracking your loot 0625:< ryanvango> you can take it as far as you want. it gives you loot (like that) that doesn't help, but can help you RP 0625:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/91na6 0626:< barnum> Slime Mold is kill! ryanvango picks up [Tome of Leadership and Influence +4]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/37%), jonesandbrown (13/31%) 0626:< AntimanV101> Cooks Brazen Egg 0626:< ryanvango> the doc has how we've been playing, RP wise. so you can build a character. theres a group loot tab, you can help yourself to it 0626:< barnum> A wild Grindylow appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0626:< jonesandbrown> shh 0627:< jonesandbrown> !flee 0627:< jonesandbrown> !flee 0627:< ryanvango> dont shush me. i like to poop loot 0627:< barnum> Grindylow is kill! ryanvango picks up [Boots of Earth And Wind]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (13/36%), ryanvango (21/39%), AntimanV101 (1/66%) 0627:< jonesandbrown> shit 0627:< barnum> A wild Mythic Griffon appeared! HP: 279[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0627:< ryanvango> this is what happens when you sit in here and spam bite. im gonna poop loot all the things 0627:< jonesandbrown> :D 0627:< ryanvango> uh oh this one is gonna take 2 big hits for me to kill. here we go! 0628:< ryanvango> POOP LOOT! 0628:< barnum> Mythic Griffon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Talisman of Pure Good]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/42%), jonesandbrown (13/36%) 0628:< barnum> A wild Jinushigami appeared! HP: 1566[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0628:< ryanvango> ohhhh im so good. and all this loot turns to dust. 0628:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0628:< jonesandbrown> #rpg bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0628:< ryanvango> yeah, im not even gonna try with this one haha. hes all yours. cheater 0628:< jonesandbrown> #rpg bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0628:< AntimanV101> Drown it with fire 0629:< jonesandbrown> :D 0629:< micubit> #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg #rpg 0629:< barnum> Round #1, 312 hits! Jinushigami HP: 1254[█████] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), AntimanV101 (1.5) 0629:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0629:< ryanvango> AntimanV101 try to get sentences over 61 characters. you get bonus damage and bonus XP 0629:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/43%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (13/37%), SilentSand (12... 0629:< jonesandbrown> ok i'll play fair 0630:< AntimanV101> Drown it in the eternal fires of hell until it jumps into the 9th circle of hell's lake of ice from which Satan's mouth lay agape. 0630:< AntimanV101> Better? 0630:< barnum> Round #2, 290 hits! Jinushigami HP: 964[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), AntimanV101 (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0630:< jonesandbrown> I run around the... whatever he is... and swipe at his backside 0631:< ryanvango> lol yes much better. i kinda cheated once and i have a notepad with a prewritten script for ultra damage at copy/paste speed 0631:< barnum> Round #3, 254 hits! Jinushigami HP: 710[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0631:< AntimanV101> I give it a hug and whisper sweet nothings into it's ear. 0631:< jonesandbrown> do you type out all that garbage? 0631:< ryanvango> but i won't break it out til I have to. 0631:< jonesandbrown> or sorry, a notepad doc 0632:< jonesandbrown> WE'VE GOT ANOTHER PERV ATTACKER 0632:< barnum> Round #4, 145 hits! Jinushigami HP: 565[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0632:< AntimanV101> Really wish me DnD campaign would start up now.... 0632:< jonesandbrown> huh? 0632:< AntimanV101> DnD 0632:< AntimanV101> Dungeons and Dragons 0633:< jonesandbrown> yeah.. i know what DnD is, but what do you mean start it up? 0633:< barnum> Round #5, 35 hits! Jinushigami HP: 530[██▒▒▒] +XP: AntimanV101 (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0633:< ryanvango> whatyu mean? you have a campaign somewhere? or here is what you're saying 0633:< AntimanV101> I'm in a group but we haven't actually started the campaign yet, DM is too scatterbrained. 0634:< barnum> Round #6, 201 hits! Jinushigami HP: 329[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), AntimanV101 (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0634:< jonesandbrown> oh gottcha. 0634:< jonesandbrown> so IRL play 0634:< ryanvango> I've never actually played before. we started doing guided RP in here yesterday and today, but we're limited. 0634:< AntimanV101> Same guy was gonna host a Pathfinder campaign, never official cancelled it 0634:< ryanvango> I've been meaning to give it a shot though. looks like a ton of fun 0634:< AntimanV101> I was really looking forward to using my Full-Orc Monk 0634:< barnum> Jinushigami is kill! AntimanV101 picks up [Escape Dust]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/46%), AntimanV101 (2/33%), jonesandbrown (13/40%) 0634:< ryanvango> POOP LOOT! 0635:< jonesandbrown> i'd love to play. I have no idea how to start though 0635:< ryanvango> so close 0635:< jonesandbrown> that was sooooo close 0635:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/46%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), jonesandbrown (13/40%), SilentSand (12... 0635:< AntimanV101> My Escape Dust got away.... 0635:< barnum> A wild Giant Frog appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0635:< ryanvango> anti, do you watch critical role? I've been watching the shit out of it. its making me wanna try dnd soooo bad 0636:< AntimanV101> Never heard of it :P 0636:< ryanvango> poop loot! 0636:< barnum> Giant Frog is kill! ryanvango picks up [Celestial Shield]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/49%), jonesandbrown (13/43%), AntimanV101 (2/48%) 0636:< barnum> A wild Soulbound Mannequin appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0636:< ryanvango> the guys at geek and sundry do a twitch stream every thursday of their DnD game. been running for about a year now 0636:< jonesandbrown> i've been watching sourcefed's dnd which is highly altered, but it looks super fun. I've been meaning to look into critical roll 0636:< AntimanV101> My brother has DnD gropu that does podcasts. 0637:< ryanvango> but its really cool cause its not nerd pandering. its their real game thats been running for like 3 years or so 0637:< barnum> Soulbound Mannequin is kill! ryanvango picks up [Manual of Gainful Exercise +2]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/51%), jonesandbrown (13/44%), A... 0637:< barnum> A wild Ukobach appeared! HP: 144[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0637:< ryanvango> also, they're all professional voice actors for video games and anime and shit (i only know the 1 guy as gara from naruto) 0637:< AntimanV101> Sounds awesome 0637:< jonesandbrown> yeah, i heard about them. I definately need to watch some 0638:< AntimanV101> Also, if you're looking to join a DnD campaign, go to the r/DND subreddit 0638:< barnum> Ukobach is kill! AntimanV101 picks up [Id Portrait]! LVLs: AntimanV101 (2/67%), ryanvango (21/52%), jonesandbrown (13/45%) 0638:< AntimanV101> Or r/RPG 0638:< ryanvango> they're pretty entertaining to watch. the DM is fuckin incredible. has different voices and accents for EVERYONE 0638:< barnum> A wild Iron Cobra appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0638:< AntimanV101> Cool, I finally have an ID 0638:< AntimanV101> !flee 0638:< AntimanV101> TO THE BAR 0638:< jonesandbrown> ID? 0639:< jonesandbrown> oh never mind 0639:< barnum> Iron Cobra is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Staff of The Hierophant]! LVLs: AntimanV101 (2/91%), jonesandbrown (13/49%), ryanvango (... 0639:< ryanvango> lol 0639:< jonesandbrown> you want this staff antimanV101 0639:< barnum> A wild Gray Ooze appeared! HP: 225[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0639:< AntimanV101> I might 0639:< AntimanV101> Trade you for a cooked Brazen Egg 0639:< barnum> Round #1, 91 hits! Gray Ooze HP: 134[███▒▒] +XP: AntimanV101 (3), ryanvango (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0640:< jonesandbrown> OOH perfect, i can throw it at ryan 0640:< ryanvango> well if you're interested anti, our guided RPG bot has been running in here around 7pm est. I've never played dnd and I DM 0640:< ryanvango> so you have that clusterfuck to look forward to 0640:< jonesandbrown> that was a wonderful cluster fuck 0640:< barnum> Gray Ooze is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Clockwork Prosthesis]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/56%), jonesandbrown (13/51%) 0641:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/56%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), jonesandbrown (13/51%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12... 0641:< jonesandbrown> uh guys, where's my pencil? 0641:< barnum> A wild Animate Dream appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0641:< ryanvango> did you check your pocket 0642:< barnum> Round #1, 85 hits! Animate Dream HP: 320[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0642:< jonesandbrown> you should know me better than that ryanvango... 0642:< ryanvango> did you check your bhole? 0642:< AntimanV101> Based upon prior dreams, why is an animate dream my enemy? 0643:< barnum> Round #2, 88 hits! Animate Dream HP: 232[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5), ryanvango (1.5), AntimanV101 (1.5) 0643:< jonesandbrown> that's better:D 0643:< AntimanV101> If anything, I think I would run towards it in glee 0643:< ryanvango> you dont have to kill it. just dont type anything very long and type !flee 0644:< barnum> Round #3, 228 hits! Animate Dream HP: 4[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (3), AntimanV101 (1.5) 0644:< ryanvango> but then tyou have to worry about how many words it takes me to explain things 0644:< ryanvango> hint: too many 0644:< jonesandbrown> poop loot 0644:< barnum> Animate Dream is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Twin Spheres]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/59%), jonesandbrown (13/53%) 0645:< ryanvango> you're the devil 0645:< barnum> A wild Vapor Wasp appeared! HP: 211[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0645:< AntimanV101> We get it, you vape, prick. 0645:< jonesandbrown> haahhahhahaaahha cause... vapor:D 0646:< ryanvango> * takes the wasps ecig and dunks it in water...cause i think thats how they work 0646:< barnum> Round #1, 89 hits! Vapor Wasp HP: 122[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0646:< barnum> Vapor Wasp is kill! ryanvango picks up [Book of Infinite Spells]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/61%) 0646:< AntimanV101> So, on the RPG Sheet, I just make a character and equipped myself with one of the items on the list? 0647:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/61%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), jonesandbrown (13/53%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12... 0647:< barnum> A wild Pickled Punk appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0647:< ryanvango> you can take anything you want from the group loot tab 0647:< AntimanV101> K 0647:< jonesandbrown> yep, or you can pick a starter if you want 0647:< ryanvango> whatever helps you build a character for however deep you wanna RP 0647:< AntimanV101> I love pickled punk 0648:< AntimanV101> Spicy and vinegar=y 0648:< barnum> Pickled Punk is kill! AntimanV101 picks up [Shirt of Immolation]! LVLs: AntimanV101 (3/35%), ryanvango (21/63%), jonesandbrown (13/55%) 0648:< AntimanV101> Kill it with kindness 0648:< jonesandbrown> all you buddy, i've hugged plenty o dargons to death 0649:< barnum> Round #1, 35 hits! Faerie Dragon HP: 64[████▒] +XP: AntimanV101 (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0649:< AntimanV101> Basically what I did as a sumo human 0649:< AntimanV101> Hugged an animated gate, it hugged back 0649:< jonesandbrown> hahaaahha who won in that 0649:< AntimanV101> Taught an animate statue compassion 0649:< barnum> Round #2, 45 hits! Faerie Dragon HP: 19[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: AntimanV101 (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0650:< AntimanV101> I did, it openned for me 0650:< AntimanV101> opened 0650:< SilentSand> Go ahead and pick up items from the item pool too 0650:< barnum> Faerie Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Wayfinder of Spellbreaking]! LVLs: SilentSand (12/18%), AntimanV101 (3/40%) 0650:< jonesandbrown> the only better way to win a battle is to *kiss it tenderly 0651:< barnum> A wild Huge Smoke Elemental appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0651:< AntimanV101> No homo 0651:< ryanvango> lol i was being quiet so antimanv101 could kill it. then silent ruined it! 0651:< AntimanV101> Silent, but deadly 0651:< SilentSand> Oh, I didn't realize what was going on 0651:< barnum> Round #1, 235 hits! Huge Smoke Elemental HP: 147[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), AntimanV101 (3), jonesandbrown (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0651:< jonesandbrown> BOOM! 0651:< SilentSand> I'll drop next time 0652:< AntimanV101> Everyone, take a hit from our enemy 0652:< AntimanV101> Trap him in a bong and inhale! 0652:< SilentSand> There really needs to be an autopacify for chat to not hit but still talk 0652:< barnum> Huge Smoke Elemental is kill! SilentSand picks up [Ring of Wizardry IV]! LVLs: SilentSand (12/20%), AntimanV101 (3/43%), jonesandbro... 0652:< AntimanV101> That's why we have telepathy 0652:< jonesandbrown> shit silent 0653:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/63%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), jonesandbrown (13/56%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12... 0653:< SilentSand> I'm not used to doing this much damage I'm sorry :( 0653:< barnum> A wild Scarlet Spider Swarm appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0653:< AntimanV101> Wrestling and roleplaying, can't be mad 0653:< jonesandbrown> really we're just getting a string of pussy oponents 0654:< barnum> Scarlet Spider Swarm is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Scabbard of Vigor]! LVLs: AntimanV101 (3/49%), jonesandbrown (13/58%), SilentS... 0654:< barnum> A wild Gallowdead appeared! HP: 1026[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0654:< jonesandbrown> see 0654:< barnum> Round #1, 30 hits! Gallowdead HP: 996[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0655:< AntimanV101> I see text 0655:< SilentSand> I see a bunch of test 0655:< barnum> Round #2, 32 hits! Gallowdead HP: 964[█████] +XP: AntimanV101 (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0656:< AntimanV101> Picks up Gallowdead, tosses it into %chat 0656:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Gallowdead HP: 959[█████] +XP: AntimanV101 (1.5) 0657:< ryanvango> hahaha look at your cute little baby hits. sucks being a newbie 0657:< barnum> Round #4, 168 hits! Gallowdead HP: 791[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0657:< AntimanV101> ;-; My ego took a critical hit 0658:< ryanvango> was it the 168 points of damage from 1 hit. was that it? because you're a lil baby? you can tell me. TELL ME IT WAS THAT! 0658:< barnum> Round #5, 173 hits! Gallowdead HP: 618[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), AntimanV101 (1.5) 0658:< AntimanV101> I will now have to compensate with a huge broad sword and an ox for a ride. 0659:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/64%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), jonesandbrown (13/58%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12... 0659:< SilentSand> AntimanV101, just remember that the strongest of power is tucked within your fists 0659:< ryanvango> thats a good idea. itll look almost like mine....http://imgur.com/Fgc7ROs 0659:< SilentSand> A true fighter knows that all it takes is simply fighting harder 0659:< barnum> Round #6, 347 hits! Gallowdead HP: 271[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (9), AntimanV101 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0659:< ryanvango> (please see google doc for reference) hehehe 0700:< AntimanV101> Well, I mean, my class is World Heavyweight Champion.... 0700:< SilentSand> Mine is Grand Puncher 0700:< jonesandbrown> haha harder 0700:< barnum> Round #7, 118 hits! Gallowdead HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), SilentSand (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0700:< AntimanV101> SilentSand, we are enemies 0701:< jonesandbrown> my lucky bamboo is sad:( i'm trying to breath on him so he grows big and tall 0701:< SilentSand> We don't have to be :( 0701:< ryanvango> best thing about #rpg with our own rules and no real mechanic...we can have whatever mounts we want (cabbage tamed it for me 0701:< AntimanV101> Prepare to taste my fury! 0701:< SilentSand> I just want to be friends with all the non savages 0701:< AntimanV101> And afterwards you can taste my fired Brazen Egg! 0701:< SilentSand> The savages being monsters. They deserve death and only death 0701:< barnum> Gallowdead is kill! SilentSand picks up [Golem Manual stone]! LVLs: SilentSand (12/27%), AntimanV101 (3/62%), jonesandbrown (13/59%) 0702:< barnum> A wild Deadly Mantis appeared! HP: 684[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0702:< AntimanV101> fried Brazen Egg....* 0702:< SilentSand> Level three already? Making good progress Antimanv101 0702:< jonesandbrown> anyone got an alt in cathilRyts 0702:< barnum> Round #1, 62 hits! Deadly Mantis HP: 622[█████] +XP: AntimanV101 (1.5), SilentSand (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0702:< AntimanV101> SHUT UP YOU DEVILISHLY HANDSOME ENEMY!!! 0702:< ryanvango> anti, you made a guy! nice! theres free loot in group loot if you want it 0703:< jonesandbrown> uh.. i think it's my cooked brazen egg now? 0703:< AntimanV101> No, this one is fried 0703:< jonesandbrown> oh got it 0704:< AntimanV101> :| I got thrown into the %chat..... 0704:< barnum> Round #3, 35 hits! Deadly Mantis HP: 379[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5), AntimanV101 (1.5) 0704:< jonesandbrown> how? 0704:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (21/65%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/84%), jonesandbrown (13/59%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12... 0704:< AntimanV101> No idea 0705:< jonesandbrown> in this room? 0705:< AntimanV101> No, meta 0705:< barnum> Round #4, 70 hits! Deadly Mantis HP: 309[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), AntimanV101 (3) 0706:< jonesandbrown> what is meta? 0706:< AntimanV101> Puts the enemy in a camel clutch, wringing the neck back. 0706:< AntimanV101> Outside the game 0706:< jonesandbrown> are you just typing random shit? 0706:< jonesandbrown> ooohhh i'm dumb 0706:< AntimanV101> It's called roleplaying 0706:< barnum> Round #5, 105 hits! Deadly Mantis HP: 204[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), AntimanV101 (4.5) 0706:< AntimanV101> Try it sometime. :P 0707:< jonesandbrown> sorry i had no idea what a camel clutch is 0707:< AntimanV101> Wrestling 0707:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown in RPG, meta gaming means being aware of things outside of what your character would know 0707:< barnum> Deadly Mantis is kill! ryanvango picks up [Kapre Cigar]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/66%), AntimanV101 (3/70%), jonesandbrown (13/61%) 0707:< ryanvango> so like, when sxw was a dwarf following the group but didnt want anyone to know, and people kept acknowledging it... 0708:< barnum> A wild Great Wyrm Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 1629[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0708:< ryanvango> that was meta gaming. generally frowned up, and the DM will punish you if you keep doing it hahaha 0708:< jonesandbrown> i don't remember that. probably wasn't there 0708:< ab2525> chatting kills the dragon? 0708:< lycan_nick> Apparently. 0708:< ab2525> lol 0708:< AntimanV101> Nope, loving 0708:< barnum> Round #1, 370 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 1259[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (1.5), ab2525 (1.5), lycan_nick (1.5) 0708:< jonesandbrown> i love explaining this over and over to new people:D 0708:< ryanvango> yeah it happened yesterday, not in today. or when cabbage says "we go in the direction ryan hasnt developed plot" 0709:**** ab2525 swats the dragon 0709:< ryanvango> thats metagaming 0709:< AntimanV101> Pets the dragon and feeds it Gatorade 0709:**** lycan_nick pets the dragon and feeds it Red Bull, because it clearly needs more wiiiiings. 0709:< ab2525> Dragon is evolving... Dragon evolved into... Gator! 0709:< ab2525> with wiiiiings 0709:< jonesandbrown> haha yeah i like meta gaming. someone should make a game based on meta gaming 0709:< AntimanV101> So, a dragon? 0710:< lycan_nick> Would that be a meta-metagame? 0710:< AntimanV101> There is a homebrew dnd class that is meta. 0710:< ryanvango> lol you're generally not supposed to do it. normally you would get punished. but this system is too lose, so i dont care 0710:< lycan_nick> Or just a plain old metagame? 0710:< AntimanV101> You play a character that knows it's a character 0710:< ryanvango> really? how does that work? is it a deadpool type character? 0710:< lycan_nick> Yep. 0710:< lycan_nick> A character that's aware of the four walls. ALL four walls. 0711:< jonesandbrown> i think it would be a game right? if the concept of the came is to be meta in the game, then... it's no longer a meta game. 0711:< AntimanV101> Kinda, you can re-roll and criticize yourself as your character 0711:< jonesandbrown> then being a meta game would be to play it and ignore the fact that it's a game 0711:< ryanvango> i think thats called a conversation jonesy. 0711:< AntimanV101> VR..... 0711:< barnum> Round #4, 601 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 395[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5), AntimanV101 (12), lycan_nick (10.5), ryanvango ... 0712:< lycan_nick> "Man, I shoulda put three more points in Strength so I can pass that Intimidation check in Act 2..." 0712:< AntimanV101> XD I love it already 0712:< ryanvango> hahaha thatd be kinda fun 0712:< barnum> Round #5, 66 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 329[██▒▒▒] +XP: lycan_nick (4.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0712:< AntimanV101> Hits the dragon with a double knee facebuster (Codebreaker) 0712:< jonesandbrown> hahah that would be great, you can just move your ability points around at will. maybe roll for the chance to do it or the effectivenes 0713:< lycan_nick> inb4 IRL game wiki is actually part of the game 0713:< jonesandbrown> you have to spend a turn to get a look at the game wiki 0713:< barnum> Round #6, 125 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 204[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), AntimanV101 (1.5), lycan_nick (1.5) 0713:< AntimanV101> Ha, nice 0714:< lycan_nick> Two more turns to check TVTroeps. 0714:< ryanvango> i was thinking yesterday, if i made my first dnd character, it would be a wizard who uses dice for every decision 0714:< barnum> Round #7, 175 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 29[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), AntimanV101 (1.5), lycan_nick (1.5) 0714:< lycan_nick> Four more turns to actually escape TVTropes. 0714:< AntimanV101> Picks the dragon up in a suplex and drops him into a brainbuster. 0714:< ryanvango> my turn to strike the monster? ok! *roll to pick attack* "alright! its healing word!" 0714:< jonesandbrown> YASS this sounds impossibly complicated and funny! 0715:< ryanvango> *rolls to pick target* "ohhhh i heal the enemy....for 22 points....sorry guys 0715:< barnum> Great Wyrm Gray Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hammer of Thunderbolts]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/72%), jonesandbrown (13/66%), Antim... 0715:< AntimanV101> In the roleplay Deadlands you can play a Beguiler, you gamble with the spirits to determine your spell. 0715:< ryanvango> thats pretty awesome. i wanna do that 0716:< ryanvango> i remember a long time ago a buddy was trying to set us up with a game for our first game ever (except for him, as DM) 0716:< ryanvango> we rolled to pick our character class, and type, even our names 0716:< AntimanV101> Jesus, bad DM 0716:< AntimanV101> Your friends sounds pretty bad too 0716:< lycan_nick> "Four adventurers (you four) meet in a tavern. What do you do?" "We pick up some d20s and start a session of DnD" "Hey, no metagaming." 0717:< jonesandbrown> i think this idea would be awesome, it would take forever to even get through character creation 0717:< ryanvango> lol no, he had played, and he had a fuuuuuck ton of notes and stuff to guide us. we were all new and wanted to try 0717:< lycan_nick> Character creation requires reading the wiki first. 0717:< barnum> A wild Dust Ghoul appeared! HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0717:< ryanvango> he walked us through character creation, and picking our stuff 0717:< ryanvango> but i remember even our names were rolled. for elves it was something like 0717:< barnum> Round #1, 224 hits! Dust Ghoul HP: 82[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0718:< lycan_nick> Also, on your first playthrough, you have to avoid TVTropes, because spoiler alert is a debuff that lasts until the end of the game. 0718:< AntimanV101> Honestly, the hardest part about creation is deciding your build 0718:< ryanvango> roll a d20 for consonant, then 2 d6s for 2 vowels, d20, 2 d6s, d20, 1d6. ill be damned if it didnt work 0718:< jonesandbrown> hahha the game starts off with all players rolling to decide who gets to choose the build:D 0718:< barnum> Dust Ghoul is kill! ryanvango gets the [Amulet of Hidden Light]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/73%), AntimanV101 (3/78%), lycan_nick (1/48%), ... 0719:< barnum> A wild Plantoid appeared! HP: 126[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0719:< AntimanV101> Squeezes it to past death 0719:< lycan_nick> So you could get "xuoqeipu" as your name? 0719:< ryanvango> we ended up with character sheets that were designed for our classes properly, and he bought us all dice and explained the rules 0719:< AntimanV101> Sprays weed killer on enemy 0719:< barnum> Hey guys, sorry I've been afk most of the day, looks like I finally got the new version running tho 0719:< ryanvango> then nothing ever happened (air force tech school we got busy) 0719:< Yeniuss> new version! 0719:< barnum> Plantoid is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Horns of Naraga]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/74%), AntimanV101 (3/80%), lycan_nick (1/50%), Yeniuss (5/... 0719:< Yeniuss> I did it 0720:< lycan_nick> *gaps* 0720:< barnum> A wild Kelp Devil appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0720:< ryanvango> lycan, you could, but we didnt. the dwarf had rules, the orc had rules, and they all sounded like proper race names 0720:< Yeniuss> hey Barnum have you edited the script to ignore your own messages? 0720:< barnum> Yup 0720:< Yeniuss> neat 0720:< AntimanV101> We get it, our enemies are vegan, shut up already. 0720:< barnum> That was a joke I forgot to turn off last night, sorry 0720:< barnum> Round #1, 144 hits! Kelp Devil HP: 84[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Yeniuss (5), ryanvango (3), lycan_nick (1), AntimanV101 (1) 0720:< ryanvango> !heroes 0721:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (21/74%), SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), jonesandbrown (13/64%), Sorrento110 (13/40%), SilentSan... 0721:< ryanvango> !reset 0721:< AntimanV101> The bot has a mind of its own. *shudders* 0721:< ryanvango> !murderpartymembers 0721:< Yeniuss> !loot 0721:< barnum> Kelp Devil is kill! ryanvango gets the [Guiding Vellum 6th]! LVLs: ryanvango (21/76%), AntimanV101 (3/81%), Yeniuss (5/91%) 0721:< AntimanV101> ....Um.....no? Please? 0721:< jonesandbrown> technology is getting way too advanced 0721:< barnum> A wild Black Scorpion appeared! HP: 684[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0722:< barnum> Ryan, you could create a guild a donate all your items to level it up. you'd do less damage, I think. 0722:< Yeniuss> does loot still not work? 0722:< barnum> Yeniuss bag of holding contains 7 shiny things! A [Horns of Naraga] surfaces in it... 0722:< Yeniuss> oh look it does 0722:< ryanvango> WAIT WHAT 0722:< barnum> ratelimit when I'm chatting sometimes 0722:< Yeniuss> !help 0722:< ryanvango> WHAT ARE THESE NEW RULES! EXPLAIN THEM! 0722:< barnum> Round #1, 114 hits! Black Scorpion HP: 570[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Yeniuss (3), ryanvango (2), AntimanV101 (1), jonesandbrown (1) 0722:< lycan_nick> yeah, ratelimit kinda sucks sometimes. 0722:< AntimanV101> Teach us master, teach us 0722:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 0723:< Firengineer> !commands 0723:< barnum> !loot checks your belongings, !heroes check the hall of fame, !party check your level, !flee runs away. 0723:< Yeniuss> !deposit 0723:< barnum> Yeniuss: You currently are not in a guild. List the top ones in !guilds 0723:< Yeniuss> !guilds 0723:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: 0723:< AntimanV101> Grabs Black Scorpion by the tail and swings it around in a circle. 0723:< barnum> Round #2, 26 hits! Black Scorpion HP: 544[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: AntimanV101 (4), Yeniuss (2), lycan_nick (1), Firengineer (1)l 0723:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,27,6s,69,5m,40,1u,2d,1j,6b,1u,6d,1m,4w,5a,4l,6i,2l,4i 0723:< lycan_nick> Wait, no guilds? 0723:< Yeniuss> okay you can no longer create guilds because of the cipher 0723:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,27,6s,69,5m,40,1u,2d,1j,6b,1u,6d,1m,4w,5a,4l,6i,2l,4i 0724:< ryanvango> someone give me a good guild name 0724:< lycan_nick> "testguildplsignore" 0724:< ryanvango> !loot 0724:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 135 shiny things! A [Guiding Vellum 6th] surfaces in it... 0724:< ryanvango> yeah i have a lot of things 0724:< barnum> Round #3, 276 hits! Black Scorpion HP: 267[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Yeniuss (9), ryanvango (6), lycan_nick (2) 0724:< jonesandbrown> what in the hell is all that giberish yeniuss 0724:< Yeniuss> cipher, latest version of parrot has it 0724:< Yeniuss> you can encrypt messages 0724:< lycan_nick> r/parrot_script has an encryption thing built in 0724:< AntimanV101> Guild name: The Four 0724:< ryanvango> i would like a better guild name haha 0725:< jonesandbrown> do i need it? 0725:< barnum> I' 0725:< barnum> I'm using old modified robin grow pure, to work with the bot. 0725:< barnum> Round #4, 92 hits! Black Scorpion HP: 175[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: jonesandbrown (2), Yeniuss (2), lycan_nick (1), AntimanV101 (1), ryanvango (1) 0725:< lycan_nick> "soKuku warriors"? 0725:< lycan_nick> Or whatever, I don't even know. 0725:< jonesandbrown> i am as well 0725:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0725:< ryanvango> !create SokukuChampions 0725:< AntimanV101> Ew, pride towards the chat, no. 0725:< ryanvango> if we're about to combine, i like it 0726:< barnum> ryanvango creates [SokukuCh]! Members can !deposit loot to the vault, to receive bonus XP! 0726:< Yeniuss> ive just hit up the parrot devs, they're changing the cipher command now 0726:< Yeniuss> !join SokukuCh 0726:< ryanvango> laaaame 0726:< barnum> Yeniuss joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0726:< Yeniuss> !deposit 0726:< AntimanV101> !join SokukuCh 0726:< barnum> Yeniuss deposited 7 loot in [SokukuCh(1/24%)] vault! 0726:< ryanvango> !deposit 0726:< barnum> Black Scorpion is kill! AntimanV101 gets the [Orb of Dragonshape]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (21/78%), [Sok]Yeniuss (5/100%), lycan_nick ... 0726:< lycan_nick> !join SokukuCh 0726:< barnum> A wild Gibrileth appeared! HP: 411[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0726:< ryanvango> !deposit 0727:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 130 loot in [SokukuCh(2/92%)] vault! 0727:< lycan_nick> Ooh, that's a lot of loot 0727:< barnum> You guys are ratelimiting the shit out of me right now, btw. 0727:< ryanvango> hahaha yer darn tootin! 0727:< barnum> Round #1, 44 hits! Gibrileth HP: 367[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), lycan_nick (2) 0727:< ryanvango> barnum we're aware. i like to think you're smashing the fuck out of enter atm 0728:< ryanvango> my damage is significantly lower which is good. guessing it has a different calculation? 0728:< lycan_nick> Aw, I guess it didn't register me? 0728:< barnum> Round #2, 127 hits! Gibrileth HP: 240[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), lycan_nick (1) 0728:< ryanvango> lycan we probly hit ratelimit for the bot. try again 0728:< AntimanV101> Bearhugs the enemy 0728:< lycan_nick> Yeah, probably 0728:< AntimanV101> !join SokukuCh 0728:< barnum> AntimanV101 joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0729:< ryanvango> barnum what does guild level do? is it just a leaderboard thing? 0729:< AntimanV101> !deposit 0729:< barnum> AntimanV101 deposited 5 loot in [SokukuCh(2/97%)] vault! 0729:< barnum> Yup, also takes guild level into account for damage. 0729:< ryanvango> sweeeet 0729:< lycan_nick> Welp, I think I'm gonna go switch browsers for this, since my Firefox is stuttering from the hundreds of tabs I have open 0729:< barnum> Round #3, 118 hits! Gibrileth HP: 122[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (10), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), lycan_nick (4) 0729:< AntimanV101> Too much porn? 0729:< lycan_nick> !join SokukuCh 0729:< _vvvv_> Yeniuss you here? 0729:< barnum> lycan_nick joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0729:< Yeniuss> yo 0729:< Yeniuss> _vvv_ yeah 0730:< Yeniuss> ah man got it wrong 0730:< _vvvv_> I switcher cipher to @cipher and @c with 3.52. 0730:< barnum> Round #4, 21 hits! Gibrileth HP: 101[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2), [Sok]lycan_nick (2), _vvvv_ (2) 0730:< _vvvv_> It's pushed and you should see it in <5 minutes. 0730:< _vvvv_> Enjoy. 0730:< Yeniuss> thanks again! 0730:< AntimanV101> YAY! Wut? 0730:< lycan_nick> Ooh, new cipher implementation? cool 0730:< ryanvango> fuckin sweet. you guys went all out with this system 0730:< lycan_nick> I was talking about it over in ^ before I jumped over here for some fun 0730:< ryanvango> barnum whats the plan in less than 2 days when robin dies? got somewhere else to play with it? 0730:< barnum> Also, there's !party, not sure what that does. 0731:< _vvvv_> yeah you can turn on youtube embed now too 0731:< AntimanV101> So, can we eat the lycan? 0731:< barnum> Gibrileth is kill! ryanvango gets the [Staff of The Woodlands]! LVLs: [Sok]AntimanV101 (4/1%), [Sok]lycan_nick (1/98%), [Sok]ryanvan... 0731:< ryanvango> !deposit 0731:< barnum> A wild Immolation Devil appeared! HP: 945[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0731:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 1 loot in [SokukuCh(2/98%)] vault! 0731:< lycan_nick> No, don't eat the shapeshifter, please. 0731:< ryanvango> !EatTheLycan 0732:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 902[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (2) 0732:< AntimanV101> !party 0732:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]AntimanV101 (4/1%) from [SokukuCh(2/98%)] and... [Sok]ryanvango (21/81%), [Sok]lycan_nick (2/1%) 0732:< ryanvango> barnum cant type for shit right now lol 0732:< AntimanV101> GOOD 0732:< ryanvango> you gave us a toy. we're gonna have a 0732:< AntimanV101> JK, we love <3 0732:< barnum> Round #2, 54 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 848[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 0733:< ryanvango> !party 0733:< barnum> I have a notepad open in which I type messages and squeeze em in when I can 0733:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]ryanvango (21/82%) from [SokukuCh(2/98%)] and... [Sok]AntimanV101 (4/4%) 0733:< ryanvango> hahaha. cheater. did someone build a new robin to play with after this one explodes? 0733:< barnum> Round #3, 84 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 764[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (8) 0734:< AntimanV101> Can we have the guild itself attack? 0734:< AntimanV101> !attack SokukuCh 0734:< ryanvango> as a member of th eguild, you get a bonus to attack based on guild level 0734:< barnum> Round #4, 71 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 693[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (4) 0734:< barnum> No idea what we'll do after robin dies. 0735:< AntimanV101> Yeah, I know, but have the guild attack so it can level up 0735:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0735:< ryanvango> ohhh yeah i doubt it. just feed it sick loots! 0735:< barnum> !banlist 0735:< AntimanV101> Go back to jacking it, naked, in San Diego? 0735:< lycan_nick> I'm not sure if the appropriate response here is "hawt" or "tmi" 0736:< barnum> Round #5, 43 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 650[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (8), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]ryanvango (2) 0736:< AntimanV101> The appropriate response is, "meet you there!" 0736:< lycan_nick> Ah 0736:< barnum> Round #6, 6 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 644[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (2), [Sok]lycan_nick (2) 0737:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 644[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: no one :( 0738:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 644[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 0739:< AntimanV101> Suplexes enemy 0739:< barnum> Round #9, 4 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 640[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0740:< micubit> whickety whack 0740:< AntimanV101> And again, with authority 0740:< barnum> Round #10, 10 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 630[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (2), micubit (1) 0741:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 630[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 0742:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 630[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 0742:< lycan_nick> oh noes, #rpg has gone silent 0743:< AntimanV101> Probably went looking for lycan meat 0743:< barnum> Round #13, 6 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 624[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (2), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0743:< barnum> Ryan, talked to a bot dev, told me how to reset people, if you want ;) 0743:< AntimanV101> Ha, I just voted myself leader of the global chat! 3:) 0744:< lycan_nick> I'm not even sure what lycan meat would qualify as. Cannibalism? Dogmeat? 0744:< barnum> Round #14, 10 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 614[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0744:< AntimanV101> Delicious, if served with a side of fruit. 0744:< lycan_nick> T_T 0744:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0744:< SilentSand> Hey what's up guys 0744:< lycan_nick> The sky. 0744:< lycan_nick> Also, that pigeon that's about to poop on you. 0745:< SilentSand> Dude it's not there :( 0745:< AntimanV101> Hey barnum, I don't tell you how to do your job, don't tell me how to do mine! 0745:< barnum> I...said....forward! 0745:< barnum> Round #15, 59 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 556[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (8), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), SilentSand (2) 0745:**** lycan_nick goes in the general forward direction 0745:< AntimanV101> Takes two steps back.... 0745:< SilentSand> Barnum why aren't you leveling up anymore 0745:< lycan_nick> I think he turned off that 0745:< barnum> I turned it off 0745:< SilentSand> I wanted to see the most powerful bot ever 0746:< SilentSand> You had already reached level 8 last time I saw 0746:**** lycan_nick uses a fire extinguisher on the Immolation Devil 0746:< barnum> Round #16, 65 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 491[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), SilentSand (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0746:< AntimanV101> Lycan_nick is disqualified for using a foreign object. 0746:< lycan_nick> Aww 0746:< barnum> I can edit levels now anyways *evil grin* 0747:< lycan_nick> I figured I might get the +10 Fire Extinguisher of Dousing out of this 0747:< barnum> Round #17, 12 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 479[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0747:< AntimanV101> And your reign, defending WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION: ANTIMANV101!!!! 0747:< SilentSand> Barnum no what 0747:< lycan_nick> Or at least the +4 Tinderbox of Firestarting 0748:< barnum> Round #18, 32 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 446[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (2), SilentSand (1) 0748:< SilentSand> Barnum are you.... god? 0748:< lycan_nick> Quick, give us a different monster so I can come up with other nonsensical loot objects! 0748:< SilentSand> What if we just get a singular pile of ash 0749:< lycan_nick> ... Maybe not nonsensical, but redundant? 0749:< AntimanV101> Or a single ash 0749:< barnum> I...am....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 0750:< barnum> Round #20, 2 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 396[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (2) 0750:< AntimanV101> So, you're "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha," not god? 0750:< lycan_nick> Clearly. 0750:< barnum> What's that old quote? Absolute power is totally fine? Yeah, that's it. 0750:< lycan_nick> Sounds about right. 0751:< lycan_nick> So, how 'bout them ? 0751:< barnum> Round #21, 4 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 392[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (4) 0752:< barnum> Round #22, 2 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 390[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (2) 0752:< AntimanV101> Takes enemy to bed 0752:< barnum> lycan_nick Did you see that ludicrous display last night? 0752:**** lycan_nick sets up Immolation Devil as a space heater 0752:< lycan_nick> I wasn't here in #rpg last night. 0752:< barnum> Round #23, 8 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 382[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0753:< barnum> The problem with Arsenal is they always try to walk it in. 0753:< AntimanV101> !marry Immolation Devil 0753:**** lycan_nick wonders if he can sell Immolation Devil to researchers in Antarctica as "the most efficient central heating on the market" 0753:< barnum> You guys got some catching up to do, the main guild in the other chat is almost level 9. 0753:< barnum> Round #24, 10 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 372[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0754:< lycan_nick> Aww 0754:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0754:< ryanvango> amazing what you can do with current scripts, barnum 0754:< lycan_nick> Other chat? you mean one of the other, inferior channels? 0754:< lycan_nick> The ones that would never reach Tier 17, if we weren't already here? 0755:< barnum> Round #25, 35 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 337[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (14), [Sok]ryanvango (2) 0755:< barnum> ryanvango Bot author told me how to reset people, if you still wanted that. 0755:< AntimanV101> barnum, can I go to left? 0755:< barnum> FORWARD ONLY 0755:< ryanvango> a single person? 0755:< barnum> Yup 0755:< ryanvango> sure 0755:**** lycan_nick rotates AntimanV101 90 degrees clockwise. 0755:< lycan_nick> Okay, now go left. 0755:< barnum> Beginning or just lower? 0756:< barnum> Round #26, 50 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 287[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0756:< ryanvango> you can go to 1, thats fine 0756:< barnum> Ok, i'll do it after this monster. 0756:< ryanvango> okie dokie 0756:< AntimanV101> Is this assuming I was facing forward or already facing left? 0756:< barnum> Round #27, 60 hits! Immolation Devil HP: 227[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]ryanvango (4), K1ngN0thing (3) 0757:< lycan_nick> Assuming you were facing forward. Why else would I turn you 90 degrees clockwise? 0757:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 0757:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0757:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0757:< AntimanV101> You're a geometry teacher? 0757:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0757:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 0757:**** lycan_nick watches ryanvango as he does vaguely sexual things 0757:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0757:< barnum> Immolation Devil is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Ring of Heroes]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (21/88%), [Sok]lycan_nick (2/91%), [Sok]Antiman... 0757:< lycan_nick> !deposit 0757:< AntimanV101> He's using his notepad 0758:< ryanvango> wanted 1 last ultra before being reset 0758:< barnum> A wild Pharaonic Guardian appeared! HP: 426[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0758:**** lycan_nick tames the Pharaonic Guardian 0758:< barnum> A wild Ghoran appeared! HP: 36[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0758:< lycan_nick> ... 0759:< lycan_nick> wait, that actually worked? 0759:< barnum> lycan, you're item deposited, refreshed right before msg 0759:< lycan_nick> AH 0759:< barnum> Round #1, 6 hits! Ghoran HP: 30[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0759:< AntimanV101> Takes Ghoran to bed 0759:**** lycan_nick slaps the Ghoran around with a large trout 0759:< ryanvango> !heroes 0759:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : SirCabbage (19/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), jonesandbrown (13/64%), Sorrento110 (13/40%), SilentSand (12/23%), Djinnera... 0759:< ryanvango> im a baby again! 0800:< lycan_nick> Not sure if the right response here is "yay" or "aww" 0800:< barnum> Round #2, 10 hits! Ghoran HP: 20[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0800:< barnum> From 11385 XP down to 1... 0800:< ryanvango> hehehehe 0800:**** lycan_nick continues to slap the Ghoran with different assorted sashimi-grade fish 0800:< ryanvango> took a while didnt it 0800:< AntimanV101> So is italicized text BBCode? 0800:< lycan_nick> No. 0800:< lycan_nick> just use /me 0801:**** AntimanV101 Marries Ghoran 0801:< lycan_nick> so "/me went AFK" gives... 0801:< barnum> Ghoran is kill! AntimanV101 gets the [Riot Pipes]! LVLs: [Sok]AntimanV101 (4/39%), [Sok]lycan_nick (3/3%), [Sok]ryanvango (1/18%) 0801:**** lycan_nick went AFK 0801:< barnum> Probably could've done it earlier but didn't know I needed another chrome extension to find the variable values. 0801:< lycan_nick> I thought you could find it in console 0801:< barnum> A wild Tiger appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0801:**** lycan_nick cracks a whip and keeps the tiger away with a chair 0801:< AntimanV101> :'( I killed the Ghoran by marrying it 0801:< ryanvango> no worries. didnt need it for tonight session anyway as it turns out 0802:< barnum> Round #1, 16 hits! Tiger HP: 119[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0802:< barnum> The console is a strange place, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks Storage Explorer! 0802:**** AntimanV101 shoves Lycan_nick in front of the Tiger. 0802:**** lycan_nick dropkicks a large, vaguely phallic-shaped object at AntimanV101 0803:< barnum> Round #2, 13 hits! Tiger HP: 106[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0803:< ryanvango> throws a pebble at the tiger 0803:< lycan_nick> Or should that be "phallus-shaped"? 0803:< barnum> Ghoran: The humanoid creature's taut green shell extends like a cowl from chin to brow, wreathing a face of brilliant flower petals. 0803:< barnum> That's what you married 0803:**** lycan_nick can't even grammar today. 0803:< ryanvango> takes a deep breath and blows on the tiger as hard as he possibly can 0803:< AntimanV101> Don't matter now, bitch died. 0803:< barnum> Round #3, 14 hits! Tiger HP: 92[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (8), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0803:< ryanvango> sneaks up behind the tiger and yanks one of its tail hairs out! 0804:< ryanvango> screams at the tiger "no one is ever going to love you! you're gonna die alone!" 0804:**** lycan_nick pulls on the tiger's tail and points at ryanvango when it turns around. "he did it" 0804:< ryanvango> looks at lycan, then the tiger, and runs for the hills as fast as he can 0804:< barnum> Round #4, 18 hits! Tiger HP: 74[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0804:**** lycan_nick throws chunks of meat in ryanvango's general direction 0805:< lycan_nick> Go get 'em, kitty! 0805:**** AntimanV101 Plays Run To The Hills by Iron Maiden 0805:< ryanvango> "hey tiger! ya know how when you hear people giggle and you wonder if they're laughing at you? THEY ARE!" 0805:< ryanvango> fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck hauling ass --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:05:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:05:41 2016 0805:< ryanvango> on my little tiny level one legs. 0805:< barnum> Round #5, 14 hits! Tiger HP: 60[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (8), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0805:**** lycan_nick throws the hindquarters of a pig in ryanvango's general direction 0806:< lycan_nick> There's your ass. 0806:< ryanvango> guys I'm helping! right? RIGHT GUYS! 0806:< lycan_nick> There's also your swine. 0806:< ryanvango> farts real bad egg farts as he runs, so the tiger runs through my dustin' 0806:< lycan_nick> Now, if you wanted an ass of an ass... 0806:< barnum> Round #6, 22 hits! Tiger HP: 38[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]ryanvango (8) 0806:**** lycan_nick throws the hindquarters of a donkey at ryanvango 0806:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0807:< ryanvango> pushes more farts, but a lil nug pops out. runs faster due to embarrassment. 0807:< jonesandbrown> so... cacn i get back into this? or am i too OP at this point? 0807:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown you can do whatever. i just didnt like obliterating stuff 0807:< lycan_nick> come join us our clan, contribute your cra- I mean, loot 0807:< ryanvango> aaaaand poop loot! 0807:< jonesandbrown> k 0807:< ryanvango> fuck 0807:< jonesandbrown> cock 0807:< barnum> Tiger is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Robe of Stars]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (2/23%), jonesandbrown (13/67%), [Sok]lycan_nick (3/34%) 0807:< lycan_nick> !deposit 0808:< ryanvango> barnum did you change the loot system to killing blow? 0808:< barnum> A wild Froghemoth appeared! HP: 552[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0808:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [SokukuCh(3/0%)] vault! 0808:< ryanvango> oo im level 2 0808:< jonesandbrown> !help 0808:< ryanvango> WE'RE LEVEL 3! 0808:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 0808:< barnum> I didn't change anything in this version, it's pure, straight from the source. 0808:**** lycan_nick wonders if the froghemoth is going to get married. 0808:< ryanvango> cool beans. 0808:< AntimanV101> Just like bottled water 0809:< ryanvango> attempts to marry the froghemoth 0809:**** lycan_nick notes that bottled water is just tap water in a lot of cases 0809:< jonesandbrown> !join 0809:< barnum> #rpg jonesandbrown can't join this guild! 0809:**** AntimanV101 fails perception check and thinks the froghemoth looks beautiful. 0809:< jonesandbrown> why not? 0809:< lycan_nick> We're SokukuCh, btw 0809:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown its join sokukuch 0809:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Froghemoth HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (2) 0809:< jonesandbrown> oh got it 0809:< jonesandbrown> !joinsokukuch 0809:< lycan_nick> two words. 0810:**** AntimanV101 Marries Froghemoth 0810:< jonesandbrown> !join sokukuch 0810:< barnum> jonesandbrown: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 0810:< lycan_nick> I guess capitalization matters? 0810:< jonesandbrown> are you sing this? 0810:< AntimanV101> SokukuCh 0810:< ryanvango> SokukuCh 0810:< lycan_nick> it was supposed to be SokukuChampions 0810:< jonesandbrown> !join SokukuCh 0810:< barnum> Round #3, 117 hits! Froghemoth HP: 330[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), jonesandbrown (5), [Sok]ryanvango (3) 0810:< lycan_nick> but I guess 8 character limit says nope 0810:< ryanvango> yeah but theres a character limit cause barnum is like hitler. hitler had character limits too. its a fact. look it up. 0811:< barnum> jonesandbrown joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0811:< lycan_nick> And thus Godwin's law is fulfilled 0811:< ryanvango> took almost a week, but we got there guys 0811:< AntimanV101> Praise the Law of Godwin 0811:< barnum> Round #4, 18 hits! Froghemoth HP: 312[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0811:< AntimanV101> Godwin be praised! 0811:< lycan_nick> Probability of mentioning Hitler or Nazis approaches 1 as duration of human interaction increases. 0812:< jonesandbrown> !deposit 0812:< barnum> jonesandbrown deposited 49 loot in [SokukuCh(3/33%)] vault! 0812:< ryanvango> YEEEESSSSS 0812:< lycan_nick> yaaaaay, more loot 0812:< ryanvango> muthafuckin team player 0812:< barnum> Round #5, 33 hits! Froghemoth HP: 279[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown... 0812:< ryanvango> !deposit 0812:< jonesandbrown> !commands 0812:< lycan_nick> Apparently another chat has a level 9 guild already 0812:< barnum> ryanvango: You currently cannot contribute with [SokukuCh(3/33%)], go kill something! 0813:< AntimanV101> barnum, what is the level 9 guilds name? 0813:< barnum> Round #6, 22 hits! Froghemoth HP: 257[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0813:< ryanvango> yeah, cause robin-rpg, anokrs and barnum are all in it ironing out bugs together 0813:< lycan_nick> soKuku #1, gotta beat those lower Tier rooms 0813:< barnum> From the other chat "GUILDS: [Legendar(8/91%)], [BigDickS(3/20%)], [huehuebr(3/3%)]" 0814:< lycan_nick> why am I not surprised to see "huehuebr" 0814:< ryanvango> so they get advance copies of the script. which means we need to stay online from now til midnight the 8th farming 0814:< barnum> Round #7, 18 hits! Froghemoth HP: 239[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0814:< jonesandbrown> so we should just grind through these mobs and kick all assess 0814:< ryanvango> in hindsight, maybe i shouldnt have asked to be nerfed.... 0814:< AntimanV101> !join Legendar 0814:< lycan_nick> D: 0814:< barnum> AntimanV101: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 0814:< ryanvango> hahaha we could be plowing through baddies right now 0814:< jonesandbrown> haha 0815:< AntimanV101> Damnit, I can try! 0815:< barnum> Well, now that I got this working, I should be able to stay up to date with the script updates, hopefully. 0815:< jonesandbrown> yep if we'd all stfu 0815:< barnum> Round #8, 84 hits! Froghemoth HP: 155[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]lycan_nic... 0815:< barnum> I can always unnerf you 0815:< ryanvango> DOESNT MATTER! TYPE FOR THE STARS CHAMPIONS! barnum i have a question 0815:< ryanvango> can we change the name of our guild without having to redo everything 0815:< lycan_nick> if the script's executable through Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey, it should update automatically when updated on github, with just a rel 0815:< lycan_nick> reload 0816:< lycan_nick> ^^^ what ryanvango 0816:< barnum> I can probably edit the variable 0816:< barnum> Round #9, 27 hits! Froghemoth HP: 128[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (15) 0816:< ryanvango> ok ill get back to you on that 0816:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0816:< ryanvango> i just realized when we do full on RP in here, we need a cool team name for our band of misfits 0816:< lycan_nick> Something better than "huehuebr", I hope 0816:**** AntimanV101 Realizes the Froghemoth is ugly and promptly divorces it, then cries in the showers washing away the pain. 0817:< barnum> I'm gonna be doing a quick reload after this monster 0817:< ryanvango> SirCabbage are you alive? 0817:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Froghemoth HP: 97[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (15), [Sok]AntimanV101 (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0817:< lycan_nick> I wonder if we could get "soKuku#1" for when the T17 merge happens 0817:< ryanvango> ok cool beans. also, no thank you to the unnerf. its fine. we have other really high players 0817:**** AntimanV101 Crying in the shower, washing away the dirt and filth that is life. 0818:< ryanvango> also, whats the levels like on the other chat? like how big are their big guys? 0818:< barnum> Round #11, 39 hits! Froghemoth HP: 58[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (9) 0818:**** AntimanV101 Needs a hug 0818:< ryanvango> ive decided im not a fan of fandom guild names. but it can only be 8 characters so our options are limited 0818:**** lycan_nick hugs AntimanV101 0819:**** AntimanV101 takes a shower and washes away the filth that is Lycan germs. 0819:< barnum> Round #12, 28 hits! Froghemoth HP: 30[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (12), [Sok]ryanvango (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0819:< ryanvango> im trying really hard to kill this guy, but its hard and taking forever 0819:< AntimanV101> Just like my love life 0819:< barnum> Other chat: [Leg]yewnidan (19/77%), [Leg]meofherethere (17/62%), [Leg]nicholaiii (16/49%), ryanvango (16/28%), SirCabbage (16/28%)... 0819:< ryanvango> and we all hit like a bunch of pansies. especially lycan who refuses to type over 60 characters 0819:< jonesandbrown> that's what you get for no longer being OP 0819:< Djinneral> leave this one to me guys, knife hand! 0819:< lycan_nick> of course I could type more than 60 characters, I'm just lazy and don't have *that* much stuff to air out 0820:< barnum> Froghemoth is kill! ryanvango gets the [Deathwatch Eyes]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (3/49%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (13/73%), [Sok]lycan_nick... 0820:< ryanvango> but this should be close....POOP LOOT! 0820:< jonesandbrown> :D 0820:< ryanvango> OH COOL i still got it 0820:< barnum> A wild Rakshasa appeared! HP: 345[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0820:< AntimanV101> Well, I could read my autobiography to you guys? 0820:**** lycan_nick continues typing a bunch of characters that have some semantic meaning 0820:< ptrakk> #bard bot is a go. :D I was nervous but it worked! 0820:< ryanvango> im keeping it 0820:< Djinneral> deathwatch eyes, sounds menacing? 0820:< barnum> !join SokukuCh 0820:< barnum> barnum joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0821:< barnum> Round #1, 71 hits! Rakshasa HP: 274[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]barnum (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), ptr... 0821:< AntimanV101> barnum went meta 0821:< barnum> !deposit 0821:< Djinneral> !join SokukuCh 0821:< barnum> barnum deposited 7 loot in [SokukuCh(3/37%)] vault! 0821:< lycan_nick> yaaaay more people joining 0821:< barnum> Round #2, 38 hits! Rakshasa HP: 236[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]barnum (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), Djinneral (1) 0821:< ryanvango> *everyone feels a shift in the universe. something is wrong. something is that shouldnt be... 0822:< jonesandbrown> oooh no, what's happening 0822:< Djinneral> spooky 0822:**** lycan_nick starts howling at something. 0822:< Djinneral> I'm not perceptive enough to feel universal shifts 0822:< lycan_nick> ... Can't... resist... 0822:< barnum> Round #3, 57 hits! Rakshasa HP: 179[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), Djinneral (2) 0822:**** AntimanV101 shoots Lycan-nick 0823:< Djinneral> you got no silver bullets though 0823:< ryanvango> *its as if the universe itself has become cognizant of its being, and has decided to actively participate in the fates of mortals 0823:**** lycan_nick dodges that dainty little slug and knocks AntimanV101 over 0823:< AntimanV101> SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 0823:< barnum> Round #4, 39 hits! Rakshasa HP: 140[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), Djinneral (1) 0823:**** AntimanV101 slaps Lycan_nick on the snout 0823:< AntimanV101> Bad dog 0824:< lycan_nick> They tell me not to bite the hand that feeds. 0824:< lycan_nick> i don't particularly care for that platitude. 0824:< barnum> Round #5, 16 hits! Rakshasa HP: 124[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0824:< AntimanV101> Good thing I don't feed you 0824:< ryanvango> *a thundering omnipotent voice booms over the whole of existense...."BARNUM JOINS SOKUKUCH! DONATE!" 0824:**** lycan_nick om nom noms on AntimanV101's hand. 0825:< AntimanV101> XD "om nom noms" 0825:< barnum> Round #6, 21 hits! Rakshasa HP: 103[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0825:< lycan_nick> This bone has a lot of meat left on it. *gnaws* 0826:< Djinneral> how would I go about joining the group btw 0826:< AntimanV101> Anyone gonna help? He's committing half-cannibalism 0826:< lycan_nick> Mmm, yummy. A bit sour. Could use a bit more exercise, it's not marbled enough 0826:< ryanvango> djinneral type !join SokukuCh 0826:< lycan_nick> And then use !deposit 0826:< Djinneral> !join SokukuCh 0826:< barnum> Round #7, 50 hits! Rakshasa HP: 53[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), Djinneral (1) 0826:< lycan_nick> so we can haz all ur lootz 0826:< AntimanV101> Wait, who's the pro tabletopper? 0826:< Djinneral> !deposit 0826:< ryanvango> you are 0826:< AntimanV101> XD 0826:< ryanvango> dj, first wait for it to tell you you're in the guild 0826:< barnum> Djinneral joins [SokukuCh]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0827:< AntimanV101> I'll assume sarcasm 0827:< ryanvango> oh ok there you go 0827:< lycan_nick> half-cannibal? Nah. 0827:< Djinneral> !deposit 0827:< barnum> Djinneral deposited 27 loot in [SokukuCh(3/55%)] vault! 0827:< Djinneral> noooooooooooo 0827:< lycan_nick> Also, we all get rate limited if we talk too fast. 0827:< barnum> Rakshasa is kill! barnum gets the [Chalice of Communal Dweomer]! LVLs: [Sok]barnum (8/87%), [Sok]Djinneral (10/97%), [Sok]lycan_nick... 0827:< lycan_nick> ... 0827:< ryanvango> NOOOOOO 0827:< barnum> A wild Silid appeared! HP: 24[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0827:< lycan_nick> Okay, this should be a fast kill 0827:< ryanvango> you motherfucker! we trusted you! 0827:< Djinneral> One knife chop is enough for this one 0827:< barnum> Another quick reload, to turn me counting off again, and testing if I can change guild names 0827:< AntimanV101> God took our shit! XD 0828:< barnum> Round #1, 21 hits! Silid HP: 3[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (1), [Sok]ryanvango (1), [Sok]Djinneral (1), [Sok]AntimanV101 (1) 0828:< lycan_nick> Okay, last few hits 0828:< AntimanV101> LEt's go team! 0828:< ryanvango> Djinneral and jonesandbrown any idea what we want our band of adventurers to be named? (8 character limit) 0828:< Djinneral> How did it manage to survive our barrage? 0828:< lycan_nick> Come on, loot, come to papa. 0828:< AntimanV101> Kill the beast 0828:< jonesandbrown> boom 0828:< barnum> Dammit, did I win that, just after i turned off my ability to deposit. 0828:< AntimanV101> And the Silid! 0828:< lycan_nick> Yep 0829:< barnum> Can someone type !guilds for me 0829:< jonesandbrown> Cocnbalz 0829:< lycan_nick> !guilds 0829:< ryanvango> lol its cool barnum. its 1 item. no worries 0829:< barnum> Silid is kill! Djinneral gets the [Burning Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (4/36%), [Sok]ryanvango (3/88%), [Sok]AntimanV101 (... 0829:< ryanvango> jonesy lost his vote 0829:< lycan_nick> Yay, I'm level 4 now 0829:< Djinneral> !deposit 0829:< barnum> A wild Sea Hag appeared! HP: 114[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0829:< jonesandbrown> i like that you call me jonesy 0829:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(3/37%)] 0829:**** AntimanV101 marries Sea Hag 0829:< ryanvango> hahaha ive been doing it this whole time 0829:< Djinneral> my suggestion is youngboys 0829:< jonesandbrown> i know, and it makes my giggle every time 0830:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Sea Hag HP: 53[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (2), [Sok]Djinneral (2), [Sok]jonesandbrown (2), [Sok]lycan_nick (1), [... 0830:< Djinneral> the "youngboys"! 0830:< ryanvango> i attempt to seduce the seahag "oooo i love your seaweed hair. it smells like stale farts" 0830:< lycan_nick> i usually stick to calling people "oy, you" or "whats-your-face" 0830:< ryanvango> we should totally go back to my place and rub our wet bodies together 0830:< barnum> I took out the "Ch", it's cleaner this way. But if you guys think of another name let me know. 0830:< lycan_nick> Unless it's online, in which case I can abuse my fast typing speed to type out entire names 0830:< ryanvango> your from the sea, and mine cause im always at least a little moist. i do not know why 0830:< AntimanV101> barnum, seal the deal on the Sea Hag and mine's marriage! 0830:< barnum> Sea Hag is kill! Djinneral gets the [Cursed Backbiter Spear]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (4/2%), [Sok]lycan_nick (4/40%), [Sok]AntimanV101... 0831:< ryanvango> cool barnum. thank you. sokuku actually kinda fits 0831:< AntimanV101> Oh....okay.....That's cool too.... :'( 0831:< barnum> Anti, it doesn't happen, if you got the killing blow i'd have allowed it 0831:< barnum> A wild Large Spriggan appeared! HP: 102[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0831:**** lycan_nick is still not sure why AntimanV101 insists on marrying everything. 0831:**** AntimanV101 Cries 0831:< lycan_nick> Polyamory? 0831:< ryanvango> im pretty sure its giving loot to whomever got the killing blow 0831:< lycan_nick> It probably is 0831:< barnum> Round #1, 44 hits! Large Spriggan HP: 58[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (5), [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0832:< ryanvango> and im not sure i like that system, although i suggested it. basically, if you're level 15, you have almost no chance of losing loot 0832:< AntimanV101> Kill the pig, cut it's throat, drain it's blood! 0832:< barnum> http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Spriggan_(Skyrim)?file=Spriggan_detail.jpg => http://nazar.so/22vva You wanna marry that instead? ;) 0832:< jonesandbrown> lord of the flies! 0832:< lycan_nick> And it's a "Large Spriggan", so you might be getting a fat ugly one instead 0832:< ryanvango> given that or the seahag....yeah kinda 0832:< barnum> Round #2, 45 hits! Large Spriggan HP: 12[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (1), [Sok]jonesandbro... 0832:< jonesandbrown> sucks to your ass-mar 0833:< AntimanV101> HEY! I got the conch! 0833:< lycan_nick> While we're on the topic of Skyrim... how big's your mod folder? 0833:< barnum> The Spriggan doesn't enjoy being judged by her size. 0833:< lycan_nick> I think mine's clocking in at 80GB+ nowadays 0833:< jonesandbrown> jeebuz what if that was a RPG game... 0833:< ryanvango> the spriggan should have thought about that before ordering seconds... 0833:< AntimanV101> Guys, I have the conch! 0833:< lycan_nick> might be 100+ now, though. Haven't checked the size in a while. 0833:< barnum> Large Spriggan is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Ioun Stone crimson sphere]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (13/76%), [Sok]lycan_nick (4/47... 0833:< ryanvango> what conch. i dont know what you're talking about but i want it 0833:< ryanvango> and i deserve it, goddam it 0834:< AntimanV101> shut up, baby 0834:< barnum> A wild Shedu Stone Idol appeared! HP: 384[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0834:**** AntimanV101 wants to marry the Shenu Stone Idol 0834:**** lycan_nick presents the Idol to some extremists in the Middle East so they can do the damage for us. 0834:< barnum> Round #1, 36 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 348[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2) 0834:< jonesandbrown> you've never read the lord of the flies, bunch of kids stranded on an island form a shitty community based around a conch for like 2 da 0834:< ryanvango> barnum can you add a system where if we don't kill the thing by round 2, everyone in the chat dies and starts over? 0835:< ryanvango> test it on other chat first though. to be safe. 0835:< lycan_nick> I read Lord of the Flies, I just don't care enough to remember it 0835:< AntimanV101> I agree with ryanvango 0835:< ryanvango> ooooo youre still talking about lord of the flies. yeah i have. been about 15 years though. weird bok 0835:< barnum> Round #2, 84 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 263[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (7), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]Antima... 0835:< ryanvango> book 0835:< barnum> ryan, there's kind of a system like that in here. Unless you've hit the can't flee phase, every round with no damage adds a flee vote 0835:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:36:05 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:36:12 2016 0836:< AntimanV101> barnum, I know my job already! 0836:< ryanvango> i actually thought thats what was happening. during the first campaign they came acros a wild "the old man" 0836:< barnum> So, no more waking up to round #172 0836:< ryanvango> and they did some damage before realizing, and tried to flee but it wouldnt let them. 0836:< barnum> Round #3, 34 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 230[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (7), [Sok]AntimanV101 (1) 0837:< ryanvango> so they murdered the old man. it was like the second enemy they encountered 0837:< lycan_nick> oh man 0837:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 213[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (1) 0837:< AntimanV101> Social Services is like that nowadays 0837:< lycan_nick> At least it wasn't something like "baby otter" or something 0838:< ryanvango> was kinda fun though. it played out like they were running away, but their typing that still hurt him. 0838:< lycan_nick> Something something something. I can't even words today 0838:< ryanvango> so we had to invent reasons he was being hurt (someone ripped his pants off and he fell and died eventually) 0838:< barnum> Round #5, 46 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 168[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (1) 0838:< lycan_nick> Died of exposure to the elements? 0839:< lycan_nick> Died of embarrassment? 0839:< ryanvango> he got his pants ripped off, and kept chasing them, trying to cover his old hanky balls shouting about his lawn, then tripped 0839:< barnum> Round #6, 20 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 148[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (2) 0839:< lycan_nick> Dammit. Parrot auto-reloaded. 0839:< AntimanV101> Hope I get the kill this time 0840:< ryanvango> he got his pants ripped off, and kept chasing them, trying to cover his old hanky balls shouting about his lawn, then tripped 0840:< ryanvango> copy and pasted lycan. just for you 0840:< jonesandbrown> I stand still, staring up at the sky, contemplating my own existance. I finally come to the realization that this world is only a few 0840:< AntimanV101> I don't feel special anymore ;-; 0840:< barnum> Round #7, 70 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 77[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2), [Sok]lycan_... 0840:< jonesandbrown> days old, and nothing I do here really matteres 0840:< lycan_nick> Eloi, eloi, lama sabacthani? --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:40:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:41:25 2016 0841:< jonesandbrown> Jefumi Grednium 0841:< barnum> Round #8, 33 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 44[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (3), [Sok]lycan_nick (2), [Sok]jonesandbrown (1) 0841:< ryanvango> ugggggh i really need to finish my work and squeeze a nap in 0841:< lycan_nick> Well, with spelling closer to the traditional Greek that was the actual origin of that line 0841:< AntimanV101> Sh, he's a lycan, he might lick you for such heresy. 0841:< lycan_nick> Sleep is for the weak. 0841:< lycan_nick> Robin shitposting is forever. 0842:< ryanvango> i have a differential equations test today:( 0842:< AntimanV101> Almost 2 AM over herre 0842:< barnum> Shedu Stone Idol is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Cloak of Quick Reflexes +4]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (4/63%), [Sok]ryanvango (4/28%)... 0842:< ryanvango> almost 5am here 0842:< Yeniuss> almost 7pm here 0842:< jonesandbrown> Fuck yeah! a badass cloak! I'm so fucking speedy rn 0842:< barnum> A wild Porcupine appeared! HP: 15[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0842:< ryanvango> almost 3pm here 0842:< AntimanV101> No one asked you! 0842:< Yeniuss> Do you know who I am! 0842:< AntimanV101> Kill it 0842:< Yeniuss> I'm the man whos going to burn your house down! 0842:< lycan_nick> you talking to me? You talking to me? 0843:< ryanvango> id really rather you didnt. but you do what you gotta do man 0843:< AntimanV101> Too late and too soon :'( 0843:< lycan_nick> Man, only 15 HP? should be dead by now 0843:< barnum> Porcupine is kill! ryanvango gets the [Spider's Fang]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (13/79%), [Sok]ryanvango (4/30%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/4%... 0843:< Yeniuss> With combustible lemons! 0843:< ryanvango> !deposit 0843:< barnum> A wild Wyrm Blue Dragon appeared! HP: 1053[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0843:< Yeniuss> woah thats a small step up from 15 hp 0843:< lycan_nick> 1k hp? dammit, this'll last a hwile 0843:**** AntimanV101 tames Wyrm Blue Dragon 0843:< Yeniuss> are people still using the Robin RPG sheet? 0843:< ryanvango> !deposit 0843:< jonesandbrown> just a little overpowered 0844:< ryanvango> the doc tracker? 0844:< jonesandbrown> I am kinda. 0844:< Yeniuss> you broke barnum ryan 0844:< barnum> Round #1, 72 hits! Wyrm Blue Dragon HP: 981[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (4), [Sok]ryanvango (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (2), [Sok]lycan_nic... 0844:< ryanvango> barnum your thing aint workin 0844:< jonesandbrown> but i need to update from my paper 0844:< lycan_nick> Quick, we need more shitposting 0844:< barnum> Yup, guild names different in player records, fixing 0844:< ryanvango> and yes, we still use the google doc. 0845:< Yeniuss> yeah I just had a look at it, woah its grown 0845:< barnum> Round #2, 32 hits! Wyrm Blue Dragon HP: 949[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (2), [Sok]jonesandbrown (1), [Sok]lycan_nick (1), [Sok]Yenius... 0845:< AntimanV101> Can you post it again? 0845:< ryanvango> yeah. couple new guys jumped in there 0845:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/673i2 0845:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0845:< lycan_nick> Okay, pulling up spreadsheet now 0845:< AntimanV101> barnum, I don't understand your instructions. 0846:< Yeniuss> !help! 0846:< barnum> Round #3, 37 hits! Wyrm Blue Dragon HP: 912[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Sok]AntimanV101 (2), [Sok]lycan_nick (1), [Sok]Yeniuss (1) 0846:< barnum> A wild Decapus appeared! HP: 78[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0846:< barnum> Try it now 0847:< ryanvango> booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobs 0847:< Yeniuss> !loot 0847:< barnum> Round #1, 6 hits! Decapus HP: 72[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (3) 0847:< ryanvango> IS IT IGNORING ME AGAIN?! 0847:< ryanvango> THIS WEDDING IS HORSE SHIT! 0847:< Yeniuss> !loot pls 0847:< barnum> Yeniuss bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 0847:< Yeniuss> woo 0848:< barnum> Round #2, 20 hits! Decapus HP: 52[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (6), [Sok]Yeniuss (6) 0848:< ryanvango> nevermind. happy again 0848:< Yeniuss> hey whered the dragon go 0848:< jonesandbrown> !loot 0848:< barnum> jonesandbrown bag of holding contains 2 shiny things! A [Cloak of Quick Reflexes +4] surfaces in it... 0848:< Yeniuss> deposit your things! 0848:< ryanvango> whatyu doin man?! 0849:< ryanvango> help the cause! 0849:< jonesandbrown> but i equiped it? 0849:< barnum> Round #3, 51 hits! Decapus HP: 0[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (9), [Sok]Yeniuss (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6) 0849:< jonesandbrown> or does it just count as money 0849:< barnum> Might have ignored the repeat letters, don't know if they upgraded the spam filter 0849:< ryanvango> doesnt matter. it just counts as money 0849:< Yeniuss> woah 0 hp 0849:< Yeniuss> we did it! 0849:< AntimanV101> party! 0849:< Yeniuss> die dead thing 0849:< AntimanV101> !party 0849:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]AntimanV101 (5/4%) from [Sokuku(3/37%)] and... [Sok]ryanvango (4/39%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (13/80%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/... 0850:< Yeniuss> barnum stop trying to steal loot! 0850:< barnum> Decapus is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Ring of Energy Resistance minor]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (13/82%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/14%), ... 0850:< Yeniuss> whut 0850:< barnum> ryanvango, try deposit again, i wanna see if it's working 0850:< barnum> A wild Gohl appeared! HP: 357[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0850:< jonesandbrown> !deposit 0850:< ryanvango> !deposit 0850:< barnum> jonesandbrown deposited 3 loot in [Sokuku(3/39%)] vault! 0850:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(3/41%)] vault! 0851:< barnum> Woot 0851:< AntimanV101> The entire Municipality? 0851:< barnum> Round #1, 23 hits! Gohl HP: 334[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]ryanvango (3) 0851:< ryanvango> you are a shining golden god 0851:< barnum> William "Billy" Gohl (February 6, 1873 – March 3, 1927) was an American serial killer who, while working as a union official, murdered 0852:< barnum> Round #2, 9 hits! Gohl HP: 325[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), [Sok]ryanvango (3) 0852:< jonesandbrown> did you activate a fact bot? 0852:< barnum> murdered sailors passing through Aberdeen, Washington. 0852:< AntimanV101> Shit, I live near Aderdeen 0852:< AntimanV101> barnum is stalking me! 0852:< barnum> Round #3, 23 hits! Gohl HP: 302[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0853:< barnum> Don't worry, he died of syphillis. 0853:< jonesandbrown> I don't live anywhere near there 0853:< AntimanV101> Oh, guess I'm on the same track as him then.... 0853:< barnum> Round #4, 18 hits! Gohl HP: 284[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0854:**** AntimanV101 commits necrophilia 0854:< barnum> Round #5, 5 hits! Gohl HP: 279[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0855:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0855:< barnum> Number of victims: 2 - 40 + 0855:< jonesandbrown> i think i may have watched "the office" before. I'm watching it for the first time, but i've seen it so much on reddit it's all familia 0855:< barnum> That's quite a range 0855:**** AntimanV101 ties up Gohl and further commits necrophilia and BDSM 0855:< jonesandbrown> so that's 2 lossess and 40 wins? 0855:< barnum> Round #6, 57 hits! Gohl HP: 221[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0856:< barnum> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/gohl-tohc => http://nazar.so/8b6a2 0856:< lycan_nick> Somewhere between 2 and 40 kills? 0856:< barnum> http://murderpedia.org/male.G/g/gohl-billy.htm 0856:< lycan_nick> Man, he must've been way under the radar. 0856:< barnum> Round #7, 8 hits! Gohl HP: 213[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0856:< lycan_nick> Also, ironic equipment on my character over on the spreadsheet. Still building up the least effective possible kit. 0856:< jonesandbrown> oh i gottcha 0857:< barnum> Killing migrant workers, no one notices when they go missing. 0857:< AntimanV101> No one cares 0857:< jonesandbrown> you sure it's not a case of "we didn't have the tech at the time to link him to the crimes, but looking back, it sounds like him" 0857:< barnum> Round #8, 69 hits! Gohl HP: 144[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0857:< AntimanV101> Sounds like our criminal justice system 0858:< jonesandbrown> i mean, it sounds like history? they literally couldn't know it was him. now we have to judge by secondhand accounts... 0858:< barnum> Round #9, 44 hits! Gohl HP: 100[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0858:< AntimanV101> Hey barnum, how many people are a part of our chat's rpg? 0859:< jonesandbrown> idk if he knows that? 0859:< barnum> Round #10, 28 hits! Gohl HP: 72[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0859:< AntimanV101> He's god, he has to know! 0859:< jonesandbrown> and by that i mean, i'm not sure the bot keeps track 0900:< barnum> Somewhere between 80-100 0900:< AntimanV101> Cool 0900:< barnum> Round #11, 23 hits! Gohl HP: 49[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0900:< jonesandbrown> does your bot keep track? 0900:< barnum> Too big to do an exact count 0900:< AntimanV101> !massjoin Sokuku 0900:**** lycan_nick types some other stuff in hopes of loot 0900:< barnum> Nah, I'm just looking at the player array 0901:< jonesandbrown> there's a player array? 0901:< lycan_nick> If you could get a printout of the array and run a grep for instances of element delimiters, you could count fast 0901:< barnum> Round #12, 47 hits! Gohl HP: 2[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0901:< lycan_nick> Of course, that requires a bit of grep knowledge 0901:< ryanvango> barnum didnt yo usay you've never done any scripting/coding before? how you likin it? 0901:< AntimanV101> DIE DIE DIE 0901:< lycan_nick> Regular expressions are weirdly hard for some people to learn 0902:< lycan_nick> I dunno why, they were easy as hell for me 0902:< AntimanV101> KILL KILL KILL 0902:< barnum> Gohl is kill! AntimanV101 gets the [Talisman of Ultimate Evil]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (4/90%), [Sok]ryanvango (4/48%), [Sok]AntimanV... 0902:< barnum> http://i.imgur.com/gl3M9E6.jpg 0902:**** AntimanV101 marries Gohl 0902:< ryanvango> so about 8? 0902:< barnum> A wild Horned Devil appeared! HP: 651[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0903:< barnum> Round #1, 9 hits! Horned Devil HP: 642[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (3), [Sok]ryanvango (3) 0903:< ryanvango> barnum didnt yo usay you've never done any scripting/coding before? how you likin it? 0903:< AntimanV101> So, I got the kill, Gohl and I are married now, right barnum? 0903:< lycan_nick> Now if you can understand something like... 0903:< barnum> You married the amorphous blob or the serial killer? 0904:< AntimanV101> Both? 0904:< barnum> ryanvango Oh, I've done coding before, but not since college, so almost 10 years 0904:< ryanvango> ohhh ok gotcha. 0904:< barnum> Round #2, 41 hits! Horned Devil HP: 601[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]AntimanV101 (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0904:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0904:< AntimanV101> Only coded during a technical course in game design 0904:< barnum> And never anything really that complex, or in javascript 0904:< AntimanV101> My pride and joy was making seizure pong. 0905:< barnum> Round #3, 10 hits! Horned Devil HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6) 0905:< lycan_nick> my kind of regex: https?://[.-a-z0-9]*\.[-a-z0-9]*\.[.-a-z0-9]{2,3}[/-a-z0-9]* 0905:< barnum> Most of my programming experience was from way back, and in Turing. 0906:< lycan_nick> It looks like gibberish. afaik that should cover most forms of URLs 0906:< jonesandbrown> i wish i could code. 0906:< AntimanV101> Wish I could too 0906:< barnum> Round #4, 42 hits! Horned Devil HP: 549[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0907:< lycan_nick> public class HelloWorld{public static void main(String[] args){System.out.println("Hello World!");}} 0907:< lycan_nick> There, your first Java program. 0907:< barnum> Oh shit, it's 5? Goddamn, I should go to bed. 0907:< barnum> Round #5, 20 hits! Horned Devil HP: 529[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12) 0907:< jonesandbrown> what's it do? 0908:< lycan_nick> Save it as HelloWorld.java, compile with "javac HelloWorld.java" in command prompt, execute with "java HelloWorld" 0908:< barnum> Round #6, 28 hits! Horned Devil HP: 501[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0908:< lycan_nick> All it does is print "Hello World!" to console output 0908:< AntimanV101> 2 AM, should probably sleep....have plans at 11.... 0908:< lycan_nick> doesn't actually do anything else. 0908:< jonesandbrown> ok and what is a console output? 0908:< lycan_nick> If you wanted a really strange programming paradigm though... Prolog. *shudders* 0908:< lycan_nick> console output = text output to command line 0909:< AntimanV101> Prompt window in Google Chrome 0909:< barnum> Round #7, 53 hits! Horned Devil HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0909:< AntimanV101> Or that 0909:< jonesandbrown> my head hurts 0909:< AntimanV101> jonesandbrown, the penis goes IN the vagina. 0909:< barnum> As a canadian, I always loved in turing they had a special command to draw a maple leaf. 0910:< barnum> Round #8, 23 hits! Horned Devil HP: 424[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0910:< lycan_nick> Alternatively, you could start with scripting languages. Something as simple as "echo Hello World!" in bash command line is technically 0910:< lycan_nick> a program 0910:< jonesandbrown> i've got that down, except for that one time i was a little drunk and she wanted it from behind and i slipped it in the pooper by mista 0910:< lycan_nick> Pretty sure that same command works on windows command line 0910:< barnum> Round #9, 74 hits! Horned Devil HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (21), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9) 0911:< AntimanV101> I see no problem in that 0911:< AntimanV101> Except maybe a lack of lube. 0911:< jonesandbrown> ke. I still remember the panicked "no no no no aaaggghhhh!" she got out as i thrust forward enthusiastically 0911:< barnum> Round #10, 49 hits! Horned Devil HP: 300[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6) 0912:< lycan_nick> That's an oops to remember. 0912:< jonesandbrown> actually, there was plenty of lube. got pretty far in there. 0912:< AntimanV101> Good for you 0912:< barnum> Round #11, 49 hits! Horned Devil HP: 251[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0912:< jonesandbrown> yeah, i honestly felt bad... but god is it funny 0913:< AntimanV101> You were drunk, you could file for rape. 0913:< barnum> Round #12, 18 hits! Horned Devil HP: 233[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0914:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0914:< jonesandbrown> nah, i somehow managed to get what i , at the time, considered the greatest bj of my life out of it, so i think that voids it 0914:< AntimanV101> barnum, stop telling me what to do! 0914:< jonesandbrown> !level 0914:< AntimanV101> Nice, nice 0914:< barnum> Round #13, 62 hits! Horned Devil HP: 171[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6) 0915:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Horned Devil HP: 171[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 0915:< jonesandbrown> !levels 0916:< jonesandbrown> !commands 0916:< AntimanV101> I think I'm gonna call it a night 0916:< AntimanV101> !deposit 0916:< barnum> Round #15, 41 hits! Horned Devil HP: 129[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), [Sok]AntimanV101 (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0916:< jonesandbrown> !party 0917:< AntimanV101> See you all at tier 17! 0917:< barnum> AntimanV101 deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(3/42%)] vault! 0917:< jonesandbrown> cool man, have a good one. see ya tomorrow night maybe 0917:< jonesandbrown> !party 0917:< barnum> Round #16, 47 hits! Horned Devil HP: 82[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]AntimanV101 (3) 0917:**** lycan_nick tries to post more things in an attempt to kill the Horned Devil 0918:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/1%) from [Sokuku(3/42%)] and... [Sok]AntimanV101 (5/51%) 0918:< lycan_nick> Well, I suppose a lot of people are asleep right now. 0918:< barnum> Round #17, 20 hits! Horned Devil HP: 62[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12) 0918:< lycan_nick> 2AM on west coast, 5AM on east coast, so most of the US is asleep 0918:< jonesandbrown> people keep popping in and out 0919:**** lycan_nick continues to beat on the Horned Devil 0919:< lycan_nick> Oh, yeah. That's the stuff. 0919:< jonesandbrown> on or off? 0919:< lycan_nick> Mmm. Harder. 0919:< barnum> Round #18, 58 hits! Horned Devil HP: 4[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6) 0919:< lycan_nick> Everything is about sex, unless it's explicitly sex. 0919:< jonesandbrown> and then it's about butt sex 0920:< lycan_nick> And even then, it's sex. 0920:< jonesandbrown> is it though? the mormons don't count it... 0920:< barnum> Horned Devil is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Talisman of True Faith]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (5/45%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/3%) 0920:< lycan_nick> !deposit 0920:< barnum> A wild Mantidrake appeared! HP: 282[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0920:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/43%)] vault! 0920:< lycan_nick> Well, I know the good people over in ^ decided to switch their commands to start with @ instead of ! 0921:< barnum> Round #1, 20 hits! Mantidrake HP: 262[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12) 0921:< jonesandbrown> what's that got to do with stuff? sorry i'm dumb 0921:< lycan_nick> makes commands slightly easier on the bots 0922:< jonesandbrown> well that was slightly nice of them i guess 0922:< barnum> Round #2, 33 hits! Mantidrake HP: 229[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0923:< jonesandbrown> *looks curiously at the vacuum cleaner in the corner 0923:< barnum> Round #3, 14 hits! Mantidrake HP: 215[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0923:< agdurrette> ' 0923:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0923:< jonesandbrown> sup aggy 0924:< lycan_nick> Well, considering the guys in ^ are the ones actually developing Parrot, the version of Robin-Grow specifically for soKuku... 0924:< barnum> Round #4, 30 hits! Mantidrake HP: 185[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), agdurrette (1) 0925:< lycan_nick> I expect a lot of people in the other chats prepping to merge with us are either using Robin-Grow or the Parrot fork --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 09:25:17 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 09:25:24 2016 0925:< barnum> Round #5, 15 hits! Mantidrake HP: 170[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9) 0925::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 0926:< barnum> Round #6, 9 hits! Mantidrake HP: 161[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ptrakk (3) 0926:< lycan_nick> Yeah, I already noticed #bard 0926:< lycan_nick> Fancy lettering, yay 0927:< barnum> Round #7, 10 hits! Mantidrake HP: 151[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0927:< Djinneral> what's the effect of parties? 0927:< lycan_nick> DUnno 0928:< lycan_nick> I think it's just a matter of who's playing at the moment 0928:< barnum> Round #8, 30 hits! Mantidrake HP: 121[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]Djinneral (3) 0928:< lycan_nick> !party 0928:< jonesandbrown> what's #bard? 0928:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]lycan_nick (5/66%) from [Sokuku(3/43%)] and... [Sok]Djinneral (10/99%) 0929:< barnum> Round #9, 19 hits! Mantidrake HP: 102[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 0929:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Mantidrake HP: 102[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 0930:< lycan_nick> #bard's another chat. Looks like it's just ptrakk with a bot that recites poetry or something 0930:< barnum> Round #11, 15 hits! Mantidrake HP: 87[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9) 0931:< ptrakk> creates poetry 0931:< lycan_nick> Welp, I had a hiccup in my page there. Think the message box was delaying my input for some reason 0931:< barnum> Round #12, 18 hits! Mantidrake HP: 69[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), ptrakk (1) 0932:< lycan_nick> I wonder how fast ptrakk would level up if the rpg bot accepted #bard poetry 0932:< ptrakk> quick 0932:< barnum> Round #13, 18 hits! Mantidrake HP: 51[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), ptrakk (1) 0933:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0933:< lycan_nick> "and a passion for oceanography and oceanography"? 0933:< lycan_nick> That's quite the poetry there. 0933:< barnum> Round #14, 10 hits! Mantidrake HP: 41[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0935:< jonesandbrown> in theory, if you just make it post in #rpg the bot should accept the text 0935:**** lycan_nick is reading #bard and getting close to laughing his head off 0935:< lycan_nick> Man, that is practically Vogon poetry 0935:< jonesandbrown> so long as it's more than 2 letters it's valid 0935:< barnum> Mantidrake is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Rod of Rulership]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/8%), [Sok]lycan_nick (5/85%) 0935:< lycan_nick> !deposit 0935:< barnum> A wild Mythic Bone Devil appeared! HP: 435[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0935:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/43%)] vault! 0935:< SilentSand> That's great. Also, what's this vault stuff 0935:< barnum> Round #1, 42 hits! Mythic Bone Devil HP: 393[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (3), SilentSand (2) 0936:< lycan_nick> Join the clan. !join Sokuku 0936:< SilentSand> I can just drop stuff into a vault when I get it? 0936:< SilentSand> !join Sokuku 0936:< lycan_nick> And then !deposit to put your loot in the vault. 0936:< barnum> SilentSand joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0936:< lycan_nick> loot in the vault helps everyone in the guild 0936:< SilentSand> Alright, that's interesting. Are there other clans right now? 0936:< lycan_nick> Nope, it's just Sokuku 0936:< SilentSand> Are are we just going to be competing whenever the other chats join in 0936:< lycan_nick> It's there for when we eventually merge 0936:< barnum> Round #2, 172 hits! Mythic Bone Devil HP: 222[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (24), [Sok]lycan_nick (15) 0936:< lycan_nick> Sokuku is a single guild for the entire channel. 0936:< SilentSand> Alright, that's fair. Man, that's weird having that next to my name 0937:< lycan_nick> but seriously, when we do merge, we should be ahead of the guilds in other channels 0937:< barnum> Round #3, 75 hits! Mythic Bone Devil HP: 147[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSand (9) 0937:< SilentSand> I mean maybe, Idk how active the T15 channel is 0937:< lycan_nick> Though apparently one of the guilds in another channels has a level 8 guild, almost level 9 0937:< SilentSand> So, we just deposit any loot that we don't want then? 0938:< SilentSand> What level is our guild at the moment? 0938:< lycan_nick> Yep. We're still at level 3, so we've got a ways to go before we beat the level 8 0938:< lycan_nick> !guilds 0938:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(3/43%)] 0938:< SilentSand> Hot damn, did they just get the feature first? 0938:< barnum> Round #4, 108 hits! Mythic Bone Devil HP: 38[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (21), [Sok]SilentSand (12) 0938:< SilentSand> Or are we just incredibly lazy right now 0938:< lycan_nick> Probably. Two people developing robin-rpg, and I think the lead is in another chat 0938:< SilentSand> Oh yeah time to get the kill I swear to go don't steal 0939:< lycan_nick> btw, you can check your loot with !loot 0939:< SilentSand> C'mon baby daddy needs a new pair of pants 0939:< barnum> lycan_nick bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 0939:< SilentSand> Oh wow 0939:< lycan_nick> heh. 0939:< SilentSand> Are we using that instead of the spreadsheet? 0939:< lycan_nick> The spreadsheet is still around 0939:< barnum> Mythic Bone Devil is kill! SilentSand gets the [Shard of Wrath]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (12/35%), [Sok]lycan_nick (6/10%) 0939:< lycan_nick> Go, !deposit it 0939:< SilentSand> !deposit 0939:< barnum> A wild Great Wyrm Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 1086[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0939:< SilentSand> So how do I put things into my bag of holding 0939:< barnum> SilentSand deposited 54 loot in [Sokuku(3/79%)] vault! 0939:< lycan_nick> Agh, 1k health again 0940:< lycan_nick> Yay, 54 loot in the vault 0940:< lycan_nick> almost level 4 now 0940:< SilentSand> Brave brave sir robin bravely ran away 0940:< SilentSand> !loot 0940:< barnum> Round #1, 72 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 1014[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSand (12) 0940:< lycan_nick> get things in your bag of holding by landing killing blows on enemies 0940:< SilentSand> And not depositing them I guess? 0940:< barnum> SilentSand bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 0941:< lycan_nick> The more loot you have, the harder you hit. You can also deposit it to guild and let everyone in guild benefit 0941:< barnum> Round #2, 48 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 966[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 0941:< lycan_nick> Also, talking more causes more damage 0941:< SilentSand> So, the loot system is replacing the old level system then? 0941:< lycan_nick> to an extent, yeah. 0941:< SilentSand> I know how the talking works, that's always been there 0942:< lycan_nick> Level system's still around, and it does still influence damage you deal 0942:< barnum> Round #3, 78 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 888[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]SilentSand (12) 0942:< lycan_nick> tbh, I only really jumped into this today 0942:< SilentSand> Oh nvm, I thought it wasn't displaying levels anymore 0942:< lycan_nick> !party 0942:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0942:< lycan_nick> You can see levels with that. 0942:< SilentSand> Silly level 6 lycan, you're no match for my level 12 0943:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]lycan_nick (6/25%) from [Sokuku(3/79%)] and... [Sok]SilentSand (12/39%) 0943:< lycan_nick> just gotta wait for rate limit to reset 0943:< lycan_nick> But imagine if we didn't have the rate limit. There would be sooooooooo much shitposting. 0943:< barnum> Round #4, 48 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 840[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSand (6) 0943:< SilentSand> Yeah I realize, especially with people like cabbage around who just spam bash to kill thing 0944:< SilentSand> Right in the middle of conversations too, it'd be worse if there wasn't a limit 0944:< jonesandbrown> yeah, fuck cabbage, i would never do somthing as cheep and shitty as that 0944:< barnum> Round #5, 126 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 714[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (21), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9) 0944:< SilentSand> LOL jonesandbrown 0944:< jonesandbrown> haha literal silence? 0944:< jonesandbrown> that's deep 0944:< lycan_nick> There's a reason why robin-rpg has some admin commands to add bans and spam keywords 0945:< lycan_nick> probably can't say "bash" more than a certain times in a row before it automatically ignores it 0945:< SilentSand> I thought barnum was using the same github file? 0945:< barnum> Round #6, 88 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 626[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]SilentSand (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6) 0945:< lycan_nick> it's still under development. 0945:< SilentSand> Eh idk, sometimes it's worth it since when there's nobody around it gets really 0945:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0946:< SilentSand> So I'm okay with spamming alone but it is still a little bullshit 0946:< lycan_nick> om nom nom nom nom? 0946:< barnum> Round #7, 96 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 530[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (21), [Sok]lycan_nick (6) 0946:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0946:< lycan_nick> the whole "bite bite bite bite" thing is more appropriate for me. 0946:< SilentSand> Yeah I think it ignored jones 0946:< SilentSand> Look my class is grand puncher it's what I do 0946:< lycan_nick> Yeah, I listed myself as "professional shitposter" 0947:< jonesandbrown> sometimes it's better than when i get really bored and begin to describe all of the perverse actions I preform on the monsters 0947:< lycan_nick> With all sorts of useless and ironic equipment 0947:< barnum> Round #8, 96 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 434[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (6) 0947:< SilentSand> I seduce the gray dragon saying "Oh, won't you show me YOUR great wyrm" 0947:< SilentSand> Stuff like that? 0948:< lycan_nick> you know, you can use /me to make things italic and look like actions. 0948:< barnum> Round #9, 66 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 368[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9) 0948:< SilentSand> I mean yes 0948:**** lycan_nick uses a /me command 0948:< SilentSand> But I don't want to do that 0948:< jonesandbrown> /me fucks around testing itiallics:D 0948:< jonesandbrown> cock /me 0948:**** SilentSand gets that hotline bling 0948:**** lycan_nick shows the Great Wyrm Gray Dragon how it can find pleasure with SilentSand. 0948:**** SilentSand knows that it can only mean one thing 0948:< jonesandbrown> ok how's it work 0948:< barnum> Round #10, 114 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 254[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9) 0949:< SilentSand> ./me 0949:< SilentSand> Without the period 0949:< jonesandbrown> /melookhowbigmydickis 0949:< Lord_Renwod> Ooh 0949:< Lord_Renwod> Bot has been updated 0949:< SilentSand> Hey lord renwood 0949:< jonesandbrown> /me I don't understand 0949:< SilentSand> There's guilds now! 0949:< lycan_nick> Also, I moved from Robin-Grow to the Parrot fork 0949:< barnum> Round #11, 91 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 163[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), Lo... 0949:< Lord_Renwod> And it looks like we're getting closer to a merge 0949:< jonesandbrown> oh, do you need parrot? 0950:< SilentSand> Yeah parrot is a damn beast and so much better 0950:< lycan_nick> Parrot is definitely better than Robin-Grow 0950:< Lord_Renwod> I should probably move to parrot 0950:< SilentSand> It probably helps because /me might interfere with the chat filter for other things 0950:< lycan_nick> The guys over in ^ are the ones developing Parrot 0950:< Lord_Renwod> but I'm actually about to go to bed, I just wanted to ensure I didn't get kicked on merge 0950:< SilentSand> Yeah, merge should be happening in maybe 12 hours 0950:< Lord_Renwod> So I wanted to keep this tab open. 0950:< barnum> Round #12, 112 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 52[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), Lord_Renwod (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]jone... 0950:< Lord_Renwod> LOL I said the merge would be in 12 hours last night 0951:< Lord_Renwod> 24h later, still going to be in 12 hours. XD You are definitely right tho, it will happen soon 0951:< barnum> Round #13, 17 hits! Great Wyrm Gray Dragon HP: 35[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Lord_Renwod (4) 0951:< SilentSand> Well, we finally got the T13 room 0951:< Lord_Renwod> I'm actually kinda worried... I hope it happens while I sleep, and that my extension works 0951:< SilentSand> Tier 13 was the final piece for a large cascade 0952:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 0952:< SilentSand> Will do barnum will do 0952:< lycan_nick> Yeah, I'm hoping I'll be up to bring my comp back online after my auto-shutdown script runs 0952:< SilentSand> I should mute barnum and just keep chatting 0952:< SilentSand> I won't know what I'm killing or what loot I got but that'd be hilarious itself 0952:< barnum> Great Wyrm Gray Dragon is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Gauntlets of Fumbling]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (12/63%), [Sok]lycan_nick (6/55%)... 0953:< lycan_nick> I've got an auto-shutdown script that turns off my comp each day if I accidentally leave it on overnight 0953:< SilentSand> Wow man fumbling 0953:< lycan_nick> It's actually pretty useful 0953:< barnum> A wild Archelon appeared! HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0953:< lycan_nick> !deposit 0953:< SilentSand> Those gloves seem a little useless honestly 0953:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/80%)] vault! 0953:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm, I don't have anything like that 0953:< SilentSand> Why would you want gloves that cause you to fumble 0953:< SilentSand> Lol, only 1 loot from a 1000 hp monster 0953:< barnum> Round #1, 82 hits! Archelon HP: 95[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]SilentSand (12), Lord_Renwod (1) 0954:< Lord_Renwod> Anyway, my biggest fear is that it happens while my PC is sleeping 0954:< Lord_Renwod> because then the extension won't work, I don't think 0954:< SilentSand> I mean that's a fair worry 0954:< lycan_nick> Yeah, if your comp isn't on your script isn't running 0954:< SilentSand> It might not depending on your sleep setting, an actual sleep won't work 0954:< barnum> Round #2, 71 hits! Archelon HP: 24[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), Lord_Renwod (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 0954:< SilentSand> But some pc's have visual shut down instead of program shutdown 0955:< SilentSand> As a choice that you can make for sleep 0955:< lycan_nick> Yeah, my comp can't even hibernate properly 0955:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah I think that when I don't shut the lid, it's just a visual sleep 0955:< lycan_nick> it just turns itself on after 5-10 minutes 0955:< Lord_Renwod> but when I DO shut the lid, it's not 0955:< lycan_nick> It's kinda stupid, and I haven't been able to isolate the issue 0955:< SilentSand> I can shut my laptop without it sleeping honestly 0955:< SilentSand> It's more annoying than it sounds 0955:< barnum> Archelon is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Boots of Earth And Wind]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (12/72%), [Sok]lycan_nick (6/66%), Lord_Renw... 0955:< SilentSand> Oh renwood 0955:< Lord_Renwod> But my biggest problem is that I have school tomorroow 0956:< SilentSand> use !join sokuku and then !deposit 0956:< barnum> A wild Olethrodaemon appeared! HP: 1110[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0956:< Lord_Renwod> !join sokuku 0956:< barnum> Lord_Renwod: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 0956:< lycan_nick> oh boy, another 1k HP monster 0956:< SilentSand> Oh 0956:< lycan_nick> you need to capitalize it properly. 0956:< Lord_Renwod> !join soKuku 0956:< lycan_nick> use !join Sokuku 0956:< SilentSand> "properly" 0956:< barnum> Round #1, 79 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 1031[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), Lord_Renwod (3) 0956:< Lord_Renwod> Also shouldn't it be soKukun? 0956:**** jonesandbrown testing with robin 0956:< lycan_nick> capital S, lowercase k's 0957:**** jonesandbrown it works! 0957:< barnum> Lord_Renwod: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 0957:< Lord_Renwod> !join Sokuku 0957:< lycan_nick> Don't ask why it's not capitalized like up above 0957:< barnum> Lord_Renwod joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 0957:< SilentSand> It should, but I guess since the guild's been created it's fine how it is 0957:< Lord_Renwod> NO 0957:**** jonesandbrown except it appears to be comic sans and not itallics? 0957:< barnum> Round #2, 103 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 928[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (9), [Sok]lycan_... 0957:< Lord_Renwod> WE HAVE TO RECREATE IT AND EVERYONE HAS TO LEAVE THE OLD ONE 0957:< Lord_Renwod> !create soKukun 0957:< SilentSand> And the use !deposit to deposit the loot you just got 0957:< lycan_nick> barnum did say he could change the clan name, but he'd also have to change the clan names for each player manually 0957:< Lord_Renwod> @SilentSand why would I do that 0958:< barnum> Lord_Renwod leaves [Sokuku] to create [soKukun]! 0958:< Lord_Renwod> I think I might actually want it 0958:< Lord_Renwod> Bitch 0958:< Lord_Renwod> My guild is better Y'all can suck your stupid poorly named guild 0958:< barnum> Round #3, 70 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 858[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (10), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 0958:< Lord_Renwod> Everyone in my guild is an elite 0958:< SilentSand> Wow 0958:< SilentSand> I should create "Lord_Renwod is a fraud" guild 0958:< lycan_nick> guild name is limited to 8 characters 0959:< SilentSand> Damn 0959:< Lord_Renwod> suck a dick 0959:< SilentSand> No :( 0959:< Lord_Renwod> if you like that kinda thing 0959:< lycan_nick> I guess it's a limitation with the way it's implemented in the back end 0959:< barnum> Round #4, 84 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 774[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (3) 0959:< lycan_nick> Honestly, I don't really see why 0959:< SilentSand> renwod come back 0959:< SilentSand> come back to where you once belonged 0959:< Lord_Renwod> can someone link the spreadsheet please? 1000:< lycan_nick> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/507xy 1000:< Lord_Renwod> Nah, I'm a trend-setter not a sheeple 1000:< barnum> Round #5, 56 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 718[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSand (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2) 1000:< SilentSand> No you're an exiled outcast 1000:< Lord_Renwod> I think for myself 1001:< SilentSand> Never come back, you malhearted fiend. You don't deserve the pride of the group 1001:< barnum> Round #6, 52 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 666[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (1) 1001:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1001:< Lord_Renwod> I'm not exiled. And if I'm an outcast, the fault is not mine, but rather society's. 1002:< Lord_Renwod> I am merely a humble advocate of truth in the bottomless sea of darkness 1002:< barnum> Round #7, 24 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 642[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6) 1002:< lycan_nick> i can't believe I'm using this trite old meme, but... "shun the non-believer!" 1002:< Lord_Renwod> YOU WANT THE TRUTH? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! 1003:< barnum> Round #8, 23 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 619[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (1) 1003:< Lord_Renwod> How did I only get 1 xp? 1003:< Lord_Renwod> does it round now? 1003:< SilentSand> By being bad you fiend 1003:< lycan_nick> nope. 1004:< lycan_nick> The more you play, the more damage you deal, the more XP you get. 1004:< SilentSand> http://imgur.com/TnMdYhE 1004:< barnum> Round #9, 58 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 561[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSand (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2) 1004:< SilentSand> http://i.imgur.com/TivYd1U.gif 1004:< SilentSand> That one is even better 1005:< lycan_nick> Maybe I should ask the Parrot devs to add Giphy support 1005:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 531[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (6), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 1005:< Lord_Renwod> Wow 1005:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm it appears that these boots ARE awesome 1005:< Lord_Renwod> They act like winged boots w/ some other buffs 1005:< SilentSand> just not your false blasphemer guild 1006:< barnum> Round #11, 27 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 504[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (3), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1006:< Lord_Renwod> But I already have wings of flying 1006:< Lord_Renwod> The effect redundancy would hurt my overall stat allocation 1006:< lycan_nick> Clearly your guild < our guild 1006:< SilentSand> You heathenic monster, how dare you attempt to defile the name of the one Sokuku. What was first is always better 1006:< lycan_nick> And your crap < our loot 1006:< Lord_Renwod> mmk sure w.e 1006:< SilentSand> Stat allocation? Weren't they trying to make that a thing 1007:< barnum> Round #12, 109 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 395[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (5) 1007:< lycan_nick> Repent and praise the one true Sokuku! 1007:< SilentSand> The one TRUE Sokuku 1007:< lycan_nick> For only through Sokuku may you find the Robin's truth. 1007:< SilentSand> And through that the truth of the world 1007:< lycan_nick> All other birds shall lead you astray. 1007:< barnum> Round #13, 42 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 353[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]SilentSand (6) 1008:< SilentSand> Oh shit 1008:< SilentSand> My guess is cascade within 6 hours 1008:< SilentSand> We have a 12 now 1008:< barnum> Round #14, 36 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 317[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (9) 1009:**** Lord_Renwod ls out the rod of Lordly Might 1009:< lycan_nick> All false Sokuku will have you following false birds. Follow them not, for only the one true Sokuku is favored by the Robin 1009:< SilentSand> I just wonder if my alt will manage to make it here before the cascade happens 1009:**** Lord_Renwod pulls out the rod of Lordly Might 1009:< Lord_Renwod> YOU SHALL *FEAR* ME 1009:< SilentSand> I'd like to see you pull our your rod of lordly might ;) 1009:< barnum> Round #15, 105 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 212[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (3) 1009:**** Lord_Renwod activates the rod's fear daily power 1009:< lycan_nick> oh man. monstrouspeace.com went offline. I assume it's down because of accidental DDoS and all the traffic they've been getting? 1010:< SilentSand> It's quite..... Lordly 1010:< SilentSand> What a mighty rod 1010:< Lord_Renwod> Y'all get super scared from it's super powerful fear effect 1010:< lycan_nick> Do you stroke it daily? 1010:< lycan_nick> Do you polish it? 1010:< Lord_Renwod> http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#lordlyMight => http://nazar.so/68t5x 1010:< lycan_nick> Do you strike your women with it? 1010:< SilentSand> I tend to associate fear with love, Lord_Renwod 1010:< barnum> Round #16, 107 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 105[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]SilentSand (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (7) 1011:< Lord_Renwod> I press a button on it and it grows into an enormous spear 1011:< SilentSand> Just strike me with your lordly, might rod 1011:< SilentSand> I actually prefer it saying the levels everyime it does an announcement 1011:< Lord_Renwod> I'll do anything you want with my rod, if you join my guild *not counting self-inflicting harm or things that go against my alignment* 1011:< barnum> Round #17, 78 hits! Olethrodaemon HP: 27[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (6) 1012:< lycan_nick> Sounds like your rod is... massive. 1012:< lycan_nick> I wonder how you fit it in your bag. 1012:< SilentSand> That's an interesting offer, I'm tempted to make a deal 1012:< lycan_nick> Do you have some dimensional aperture you store it in? 1012:< Lord_Renwod> I press a button and it becomes a rod again 1012:< SilentSand> Who is in Sokuku anyways? 1012:< Lord_Renwod> I also have bags of holding 1012:< SilentSand> Just me and you lycan? 1012:< lycan_nick> Ooh, Monstrouspeace.com came back up 1012:< lycan_nick> Nah, a few other high level people are also in Sokuku 1012:< barnum> Olethrodaemon is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Canopic Jar]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/11%), [Sok]SilentSand (12/97%), [soK]Lord_Renwod... 1013:< SilentSand> Oh man level 13 soon 1013:< Lord_Renwod> I also have a random bag but I have a very high-level evil item in there 1013:< barnum> A wild Storm Hag appeared! HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1013:< Lord_Renwod> I am friends with pretty much all of the high-level people 1013:< lycan_nick> There's us at 16, and chats at 15, 14, 13, and 12. 1013:< jonesandbrown> are you not lvl 13 yet silent? 1013:< Lord_Renwod> I'm fairly confident I can convince them to switch 1013:< lycan_nick> But it looks like next highest is down at 8-9 1013:< lycan_nick> He's almost 13. 1013:< barnum> Round #1, 83 hits! Storm Hag HP: 172[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (7), [Sok]SilentSand (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1013:< lycan_nick> I just made 7, so yeah 1014:< SilentSand> I'm just about right there 1014:< lycan_nick> he'll probably make 13 with this next mob 1014:< barnum> Round #2, 26 hits! Storm Hag HP: 146[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1014:< lycan_nick> Unless, of course, I continue to type things that ultimately don't really mean anything 1014:< SilentSand> But yeah, honestly now that you mentioned it the spelling is definitely annoying me 1014:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 1014:< SilentSand> But I think if we can just get it changed manually it might not matter 1015:< barnum> Lord_Renwod deposited 1 loot in [soKukun(1/12%)] vault! 1015:< lycan_nick> haha. 1 loot 1015:< Lord_Renwod> Wait so the guilds have levels too? 1015:< lycan_nick> We're... 200 ahead? 1015:< lycan_nick> yep, they have levels too 1015:< barnum> Round #3, 124 hits! Storm Hag HP: 22[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]SilentSand (18), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2) 1015:< lycan_nick> We're already like 150-200 loot ahead. 1015:< SilentSand> Yeah that's why splitting the guild's isn't for the greatest 1015:< Lord_Renwod> Wow and who the F*** named your guild? 1015:< SilentSand> I have no clue 1016:< SilentSand> Happened before I got here 1016:< Lord_Renwod> YET YOU FOLLOW THEM BLINDLY? 1016:< lycan_nick> We were originally supposed to be Sokuku Champions, but then we realized the 8 character limit 1016:< Lord_Renwod> You don't even respect your heritage 1016:< SilentSand> I'm just here to punch things 1016:< lycan_nick> and barnum changed it to just Sokuku for us, but didn't do the capitalization exactly as above 1016:< SilentSand> That's the most important thing to me 1016:< lycan_nick> Oh well. 1016:< Lord_Renwod> YOU KNOW WHAT. FUCK IT 1016:< barnum> Storm Hag is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Orb of Pure Law]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/5%), [Sok]lycan_nick (7/27%), [soK]Lord_Renwod (... 1016:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1016:< Lord_Renwod> !create Edia 1016:< SilentSand> Oh man edia 1016:< Lord_Renwod> I KNOW WHERE MY LOYALTIES LIE 1016:< barnum> A wild Xothotak appeared! HP: 21[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1017:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/81%)] vault! 1017:< SilentSand> I'm gonna go ahead and not join that group 1017:< Lord_Renwod> Y'ALL CAN SUCK MY *************************************** 1017:< lycan_nick> Well, this shouldn't take long to kill. Die, Xothotak. 1017:< SilentSand> I have no clue what edia is 1017:< jonesandbrown> i want a burrito 1017:< lycan_nick> Unless AntimanV101 is around, in which case he can go marry it again 1017:< SilentSand> Get a burrito then 1017:< Lord_Renwod> Hey jones 1017:< barnum> Xothotak is kill! SilentSand gets the [Sparton Seeds]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/9%), [Sok]lycan_nick (7/31%), [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/2... 1017:< Lord_Renwod> Anyway I really should go to bed 1017:< lycan_nick> Chipotle burrito? 1017:< SilentSand> Night buddy 1017:< lycan_nick> g'night 1017:< Lord_Renwod> But I'm annoyed that y'all ruined the name 1017:< barnum> A wild Globster appeared! HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1017:< jonesandbrown> it's 0600! and hey Lord_ how's it? 1017:< SilentSand> Buddy ol pal ol buddy 1017:< SilentSand> Hey I didn't do jack diddly 1018:< lycan_nick> Still. Sleep is for the weak. 1018:< jonesandbrown> yeah i want chipotle or qdoba or even madmex if it comes to it 1018:< barnum> Round #1, 127 hits! Globster HP: 44[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]SilentSand (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2) 1018:< lycan_nick> Robin's movers and shakers all use bots to bypass their sleep problems 1018:< lycan_nick> Go go r/parrot_script. 1019:< lycan_nick> <3 the guys over in ^. They've been putting in dev time on Parrot basically all night long 1019:< barnum> Globster is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Bones of Founder]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/43%) 1019:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1019:< barnum> A wild Mythic Minotaur appeared! HP: 216[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1019:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/81%)] vault! 1019:< lycan_nick> Hmm, that didn't take long to kill with all this shitposting 1020:< Lord_Renwod> Haha 1020:< Lord_Renwod> That globster killed your founder 1020:< barnum> Round #1, 38 hits! Mythic Minotaur HP: 178[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2) 1020:< Yeniuss> Out of nowhere Yenius casts poorly chosen post! 1020:**** lycan_nick wonders what level Yeniuss is 1020:< SilentSand> killed ur mum 1020:< Lord_Renwod> serves him right for such a stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupidly mispelled name 1020:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1020:< lycan_nick> !party 1020:< Yeniuss> think im lvl 7 1020:< Lord_Renwod> You Yeniuss wassup 1020:< Yeniuss> yoo not much, yourself? 1020:< Lord_Renwod> Yo*. Trying to remember, were you in edia? 1021:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/46%) from [Sokuku(3/81%)] and... [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/22%) 1021:< Lord_Renwod> Just headed to bed, found out there were guilds, 1021:< lycan_nick> Ah, then you're same level as me. Quick, join the Sokuku guild! Deposit your loot, make us all stronger! 1021:< Yeniuss> I think I was around when edia was existing, but I wasnt part of it 1021:< barnum> Round #2, 99 hits! Mythic Minotaur HP: 79[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]SilentSand (3), [soK]Lord_Renwod... 1021:< Lord_Renwod> Why does it say I'm still in soK? 1021:< Yeniuss> and Im already in sokuku and deposited my loot 1021:< Lord_Renwod> !join Edia 1021:< lycan_nick> Probably because you didn't have enough loot to make a new guild? 1021:< jonesandbrown> When do you guys sleep? Holy shit. 1021:< barnum> Lord_Renwod: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 1021:< lycan_nick> or you just need to use the right command. 1021:< Yeniuss> its 8:30pm here 1022:< SilentSand> Justice never sleeps 1022:< lycan_nick> It's 3AM here 1022:< Yeniuss> you gotta create it first, !create Edia 1022:< Yeniuss> needs 5 loot 1022:< Lord_Renwod> I already did.............................................. 1022:< lycan_nick> And yes, I'm basically an insomniac. So sue me. 1022:< Yeniuss> !guilds 1022:< Lord_Renwod> What? 1022:< barnum> Mythic Minotaur is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Red Feather Fan]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/59%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/26%), [soK]Lord_Renw... 1022:< Yeniuss> !help 1022:< lycan_nick> periods OP, nerf periods. 1022:< Lord_Renwod> !withdraw 1022:< Lord_Renwod> !takeloot 1022:< barnum> A wild Tupilaq appeared! HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1022:< Yeniuss> !commands 1022:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(3/81%)], [soKukun(1/12%)] 1022:< Djinneral> a wild Tupac? 1023:< Yeniuss> okay there we go, those are the two guilds 1023:< jonesandbrown> COCK ATTACK 1023:< Djinneral> West Life till we die! 1023:**** lycan_nick wonders when AntimanV101's entertaining marriage antics will return 1023:< Lord_Renwod> So if I have to kill this guy then I get the stuff and I can make Edia? 1023:< barnum> Round #1, 106 hits! Tupilaq HP: 71[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]Yeniuss (9), [Sok]Djinneral (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (5), [So... 1023:< Yeniuss> !loot 1023:< Lord_Renwod> Alright that's pretty flipping simple because, as everyone knows, I am the stronkest of them all 1023:< Yeniuss> do you have 5 loot items? 1023:< lycan_nick> Clearly Sokuku > soKukun 1023:< barnum> Yeniuss bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 1023:< lycan_nick> Only the true Sokuku follows the true Robin. 1024:< Lord_Renwod> Meh I don't know I have more than 5 loot from the past game but the bot doesn't know that 1024:< lycan_nick> Only the true Robin can guide us to the Feather of Truth 1024:< barnum> Tupilaq is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Crystal Ball (detect thoughts)]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/69%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/31%), [soK]Lor... 1024:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1024:< Lord_Renwod> And unfortunately I depostited my loot into the guild 1024:< barnum> A wild Shaitan appeared! HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1024:< Lord_Renwod> and I'm not sure that I have any way of getting it back which is really shit 1024:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/82%)] vault! 1024:< lycan_nick> Oh boy, a Shaitan? 1024:< Lord_Renwod> !loot 1025:< lycan_nick> That sounds like it's a horrible apocalypse waiting to happen. 1025:< Lord_Renwod> Kill the stupid shaitan and give me the shit I need to go to beeeed but Edia must exist 1025:< barnum> Round #1, 76 hits! Shaitan HP: 179[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [soK]Lord_Renwod (8) 1025:< Lord_Renwod> It reminds of Zhaitan the final boss from GW2 an awesome game that I don't 1025:< lycan_nick> inb4 someone starts babbilng about Babylonian mythology 1025:**** Yeniuss babbles 1025:< Lord_Renwod> play anymore because I don't have time and I have school and a life 1025:< Lord_Renwod> which is the same reason why I haven't been powerleveling in here 1025:< lycan_nick> Or whatever Shaitan is from. I don't even know 1025:< Yeniuss> babblefish 1025:< Lord_Renwod> and why I still don't even have time to be in here and why I should 1026:< barnum> Round #2, 87 hits! Shaitan HP: 92[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]Yeniuss (6) 1026:< Lord_Renwod> be going to bed right now and I should probably ignore this stupid shaitan 1026:< Lord_Renwod> But instead here I am trying to get 5 stupid items because I didn't know how 1026:< Yeniuss> why not the red robins of reddit 1026:< Lord_Renwod> the silly guild system worked before I partook in it so I have to 1026:< lycan_nick> or perhaps follow the jays of Tumblr. 1026:< Yeniuss> tweet tweet 1026:< Lord_Renwod> do stuff to actually get 5 pieces of loot so I can make my guild 1026:< barnum> Shaitan is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Rod of Shadows]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/45%), [Sok]lycan_nick (7/79%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/35%) 1027:< Yeniuss> did you check your loot? 1027:< Lord_Renwod> I don't even want the loot for myself don't you understand? 1027:< Yeniuss> barnums running real slow, the whole chat is 1027:< Lord_Renwod> ARE YOU KIDDING ME? ALL THAT AND YOU KS WITH YOUR STUPID HIGHER LEVELS 1027:< barnum> A wild Hanged Man appeared! HP: 66[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1027:< Yeniuss> ggez 1027:< lycan_nick> Hahahaha, higher levels <3 1027:< Lord_Renwod> DAMN YOU IF I HAD MY ORIGINAL LEVELS I'D STILL BE HIGHER THAN YOU 1027:< Lord_Renwod> Freaking pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebs all of you 1027:< lycan_nick> I only started playing today, so meh 1027:< Yeniuss> woo im better than renwood! 1027:< jonesandbrown> Kick the shit outta these bots 1027:< barnum> Hanged Man is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Headband of Deathless Devotion]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/53%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/39%), [... 1028:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah not really you still can't type as fast as I can 1028:< Yeniuss> im gonna keep my loot and form my own edia with blackjack and hookers 1028:< jonesandbrown> someone grab the headband if they want it. 1028:< Lord_Renwod> You'll notice I'm repeatedly the MVP 1028:< barnum> A wild Elder Gravity Elemental appeared! HP: 504[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1028:< jonesandbrown> !deposit 1028:< Yeniuss> ill have u know my wpm havent been checked for a while! 1028:< barnum> jonesandbrown deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/83%)] vault! 1028:< Yeniuss> but it was high up once 1028:< Lord_Renwod> can I have it? how do you retrieve the loot from the vault? 1028:< Yeniuss> dont think you can retrieve it 1028:< Lord_Renwod> !loot 1028:< Yeniuss> but if you dont deposit you keep it in a bag 1028:< barnum> Round #1, 101 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 403[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (21), [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6) 1029:< Yeniuss> wow 21xp 1029:< jonesandbrown> you just add it to your inventory. it's in the bag s o you have access to it. 1029:< lycan_nick> I haven't even bothered to check my wpm in a long time, but I know last time I measured it was like 3 years ago 1029:< Lord_Renwod> Tell me how much loot I have Barnum pleaasssssssssssssssssssse 1029:< barnum> Lord_Renwod bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! A [Red Feather Fan] surfaces in it... 1029:< jonesandbrown> doesn't help your xp but it'll help you rp 1029:< lycan_nick> somewhere up beyond 100 wpm after accounting for backspacing and stuff 1029:< Lord_Renwod> Yes I know listen I used to be the KING of RP you guys weren't even HERE for that 1029:< barnum> Round #2, 119 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 283[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [so... 1029:< Lord_Renwod> Jeez trying to teach ME how the game works you kids don't even know 1029:< lycan_nick> Stlll, guild level counts for a lot of damage 1030:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1030:< jonesandbrown> send a sexy lil dargon my way and i'll RP all day baby ;D 1030:< Lord_Renwod> I was keeping track of my loot on a spreadsheet before the current spreadsheet even EXISTED 1030:< jonesandbrown> spreadsheets are the shiz 1030:< Yeniuss> aw 89 wpm. that was with no warmup though 1030:< lycan_nick> guild level definitely accounts for way more damage than I expected 1030:< Lord_Renwod> Whatever you can keep your guild and your levels and your everything else 1030:< barnum> Round #3, 136 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 147[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (9),... 1031:< jonesandbrown> i took two tylenol for my head and now my belly hurts:( 1031:< Lord_Renwod> I honestly don't care about any of that because I won this game when it mattered back before 1031:< Lord_Renwod> any of you were here. Back with robin-rpg (may he rest in pepperonis) I was #1 hero 1031:< lycan_nick> You can fill out the Internet Butthurt Report Form if you'd like. Just google it 1031:< barnum> Round #4, 66 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 82[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1031:< Yeniuss> I just want to know your wpm renwood :c 1031:< Lord_Renwod> I am not actually butthurt at all this is just what is in my head 1031:< jonesandbrown> i was here for that. and you were, but i was coming up.. 1032:< lycan_nick> Also, pretty sure the lead dev for robin-rpg's busy doing dev work, and barnum's supposed to be working with him 1032:< Lord_Renwod> Idk my exact wpm but I DO know that I had the highest xp gain from wpm 1032:< lycan_nick> but barnum went to sleep, so dev's offline for now 1032:< Lord_Renwod> back when it didn't scale with level, just another thing that has changed 1032:< barnum> Elder Gravity Elemental is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Apparatus of The Crab]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (7/98%), [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/66... 1032:< Lord_Renwod> Yes 1033:< Yeniuss> I mean all you guys were doing was typing bash bash bash bash bash bash bash! 1033:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Warrior appeared! HP: 126[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1033:< jonesandbrown> whatever works 1033:< Lord_Renwod> Another thing. Also, don't we just call those claws? Also I never 1033:< lycan_nick> Well, feel free to go back to the age of spamming bash 1033:< Yeniuss> and bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 1033:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 1033:< Yeniuss> there it is 1033:< Lord_Renwod> typed "bash bash bash" that's such a stupid and cheap way of doing damage 1033:< Yeniuss> wpm doesnt matter when you get rate limited 1033:< barnum> Round #1, 69 hits! Clockwork Warrior HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (7), [Sok]Yeniuss (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]lycan_n... 1033:< Yeniuss> every single message I send! 1033:< Lord_Renwod> You should actually type out things and roleplay a little or else it's no fun 1034:< Lord_Renwod> Actually it does matter because longer messages are more effective so as long as you have 1034:< Lord_Renwod> high value messages then you'll find yourself doing very well against 1034:< Yeniuss> Yenius begins summoning belittling dragon, you hear him muttering insults to his staff of belittling dragon with a frown on his face 1034:< jonesandbrown> I poke my mamce and sword at the body of te warrior hoping to fuck with his cogs 1034:< Lord_Renwod> all of your petty opponents 1034:< barnum> Clockwork Warrior is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Gauntlets of Fumbling]! LVLs: [Sok]Yeniuss (6/58%), [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/73%), [Sok]jone... 1034:< Lord_Renwod> such as silly clockwork warriors or stupid plebs who think that levels and numbers matter 1034:**** lycan_nick darts in, pulling Yeniuss' pants down while he's casting the summoning spell. 1034:< jonesandbrown> seeing that his armout is too tough to penetrate I decide to try to entice him instead 1034:< barnum> A wild Umdhlebi appeared! HP: 534[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1035:< Lord_Renwod> Yeniuss if you can find a link I'll take a WPM test 1035:**** Yeniuss fumbles with his pants due to his recently acquired gauntlets 1035:< Lord_Renwod> also I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallly have to go to bed so 1035:< Yeniuss> http://typing-speed-test.aoeu.eu/ here you are this is the one I used 1035:**** lycan_nick puts Lord_Renwod to bed 1035:< jonesandbrown> I slowly run my hands up and down my body, sunsually dancing over the most sensitive and erotic parts of my body 1035:< barnum> Round #1, 170 hits! Umdhlebi HP: 364[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (18), [Sok]Yeniuss (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [soK]Lord_Renwod (4) 1035:**** Yeniuss backs away slowly 1035:< Lord_Renwod> If you wanna put me to bed then you should get me a bunch of loot for me 1035:**** lycan_nick drools at jonesandbrown's display. "haaaaaaaawt" 1036:**** lycan_nick shakes his head and tries to push the wolf down. 1036:< Lord_Renwod> So I can make a guild. Better yet, just make an Edia guild and let me join it 1036:< jonesandbrown> i tease the reveal of more skin and then take it away, causing everyone in the vascinity to grool mercilessly 1036:< Yeniuss> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGRQGm4-A4k that wolf mention made me think of this 1037:< jonesandbrown> u/jonesandbrown loves that video 1037:< barnum> Round #3, 75 hits! Umdhlebi HP: 236[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]Yeniuss (9) 1037:< jonesandbrown> I suddenly realize that my erotic dance has made me a center of attention in this battle 1038:< jonesandbrown> I turn my back to the onlookers and remove my upper wear 1038:< barnum> Round #4, 84 hits! Umdhlebi HP: 152[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (18) 1038:**** Yeniuss makes quick exit on magic carpet 1039:< jonesandbrown> looking over my shoulder i slowly ppull my pantaloons down over my shapely rear end, revealing 1039:< barnum> Round #5, 48 hits! Umdhlebi HP: 104[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]Yeniuss (3) 1039:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1039:< jonesandbrown> the fact that my balls have been pulled back between my thighs effectively giving all observing the goat 1040:< lycan_nick> Okay, what the hell did I just watch. 1040:< jonesandbrown> you wanted role playing 1040:< jonesandbrown> or are you talking about duck sauce? 1040:< barnum> Round #6, 78 hits! Umdhlebi HP: 26[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15), [Sok]lycan_nick (3) 1040:< lycan_nick> duck sauce. 1040:< jonesandbrown> oh 1040:< Lord_Renwod> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH 1040:< Yeniuss> it was not duck sauce 1040:< Yeniuss> it was the wolf version 1041:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 1041:< jonesandbrown> i thought the band was called duck sauce? 1041:< lycan_nick> if I wanted to roleplay as a werewolf, the first thing I'd do is check outside, see what phase the moon's in 1041:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPY 1041:< jonesandbrown> the big bad wolf 1041:< Yeniuss> oh thats right thats right the band is duck sauce 1041:< barnum> Umdhlebi is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Cap of The Free Thinker]! LVLs: [Sok]Yeniuss (6/76%), [Sok]lycan_nick (8/7%), [Sok]jonesan... 1041:< Lord_Renwod> Gad dammit 1041:< jonesandbrown> the big bad wolf 1041:< barnum> A wild Fire Lizard appeared! HP: 315[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1041:< lycan_nick> I'll just stick to my Emancipator, thanks. 1042:< lycan_nick> Or maybe Little People. 1042:< lycan_nick> Nice chill-out music. 1042:< barnum> Round #1, 58 hits! Fire Lizard HP: 257[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (1) 1042:< lycan_nick> Or if I'm really bored, Hybrid Soundsystem. 1042:< Yeniuss> wildcat is pretty good chill music 1042:< jonesandbrown> so concensus... is mandy kahling hot? I'm honestly not sure... 1042:< Yeniuss> who 1042:< lycan_nick> Not to be confused with LCD Soundsystem 1043:< jonesandbrown> indian girl from the office 1043:< ranterbach> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u9MSHM52og 1043:< barnum> Round #2, 86 hits! Fire Lizard HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]Yeniuss (6), ranterbach (1) 1043:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 1044:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Fire Lizard HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 1044:< lycan_nick> i don't watch the office, so I don't really have an opinion about it. 1044:< Lord_Renwod> SO anyway I have to get up in less than 3 hours thanks a lot guys 1044:< lycan_nick> Sleep is for the weak. 1044:< Lord_Renwod> I got 70ish WPM 1044:< Yeniuss> ha having to wake up 1044:< lycan_nick> You can sleep when you're dead. 1044:< lycan_nick> I'll probably get 90 wpm or so if I check it now 1045:< Djinneral> unless I get my 7 hours of sleep I will feel like complete crap all day 1045:< barnum> Round #4, 109 hits! Fire Lizard HP: 62[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]Djinneral (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (4), [So... 1045:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 1045:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 1045:< jonesandbrown> how do you know your wpm? 1045:< ranterbach> Take a test 1045:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 1045:< jonesandbrown> mines probably in the single digets? 1045:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPP LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 1045:< Djinneral> there's loads of online tests for such things 1045:< jonesandbrown> cock 1045:< barnum> Round #5, 55 hits! Fire Lizard HP: 7[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]Djinneral (3), ranterbach (1) 1046:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOP LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 1046:< Djinneral> this lizard is fucking tough man 1046:< Lord_Renwod> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT 1046:< Djinneral> !flee 1046:< Lord_Renwod> I should get it 1046:< ranterbach> Has this guy been spamming poop all night? 1046:< lycan_nick> There we go. 498 CPM = 100 WPM. That's my typing speed 1046:< lycan_nick> He's obsessed with it, apparently 1046:< lycan_nick> He just wants loot and is willing to eat shit for it. 1046:< jonesandbrown> who? 1046:< Lord_Renwod> ............................... 1046:< lycan_nick> Ba dum tiss 1046:< barnum> Fire Lizard is kill! ranterbach gets the [Manual of Bodily Health +3]! LVLs: [Sok]Djinneral (11/5%), [Sok]lycan_nick (8/18%), [Sok]j... 1046:< ranterbach> You've said it 9 times since I got here 1046:< Lord_Renwod> You weren't here for it 1047:< Lord_Renwod> THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE 1047:< Lord_Renwod> IT HAD 7 HEALTH 1047:< Djinneral> it's a manual to keep yourself healthy 1047:< barnum> A wild Rock Troll appeared! HP: 240[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1047:< lycan_nick> spamming = no damage 1047:< ranterbach> Hell yeah, free shit? 1047:< lycan_nick> And you were spamming. 1047:< Djinneral> brush twice and floss, drink plenty of water 1047:< ranterbach> I didn't even have to do anything 1047:< lycan_nick> Yep, free loot. 1047:< Djinneral> 30 minutes of exercise and sleep 7 hours a day 1047:**** Lord_Renwod ps table 1047:< barnum> Round #1, 82 hits! Rock Troll HP: 158[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]Djinneral (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [soK]Lord_Renwod (4), ranterbach (3) 1048:< lycan_nick> Hmm. 100 wpm without a real warmup 1048:< jonesandbrown> yeah bitch you stupid ccock no spammind uck shiht damn 1048:< lycan_nick> 3 errors in 92 words 1048:< jonesandbrown> i never make mistakes 1048:< ranterbach> I seem to max at 96 WPM. I can't really break the 100 barrier unless I break my fingers 1048:< barnum> Round #2, 48 hits! Rock Troll HP: 110[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), ranterbach (3) 1048:< Djinneral> how many fingers do you type with/? 1049:< ranterbach> All of them 1049:< jonesandbrown> 8 1049:< Djinneral> and do you type blind? 1049:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1049:< Djinneral> I hit 100 with only 2 on each side 1049:< ranterbach> I haven't looked at a keyboard to type since I was 8 1049:< Djinneral> well its 3 on each side 1049:< lycan_nick> I'm a touch typist, so I can type completely blindfolded 1049:< barnum> Round #3, 86 hits! Rock Troll HP: 25[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Djinneral (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), ranterbach (2) 1050:< Djinneral> do you type for a living 1050:< lycan_nick> took another test. 95 words, no errors 1050:< jonesandbrown> i haven't not looked a porn since i was ... like 16? 1050:< lycan_nick> 98 wpm. 1050:< ranterbach> You're supposed to be a touch typist 1050:< ranterbach> If you're not, you need more practice 1050:< lycan_nick> I'm an amateur writer in my spare time. It's kinda second nature for me to type fast 1050:< Djinneral> I thought writing slowly 1050:< lycan_nick> Plus I can do basic formatting in word and google docs on the fly, while i'm typing 1050:< barnum> Rock Troll is kill! ranterbach gets the [Boro Bead 3rd Level]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (8/30%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/46%), [Sok]Djin... 1051:< barnum> A wild Dire Fox appeared! HP: 102[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1051:< jonesandbrown> so nobody watches the office and can comment on the fuckability of different characters? 1051:< lycan_nick> It's kinda like how good I am with excel now. 1051:< ranterbach> Who are we talking about? 1051:< barnum> Round #1, 52 hits! Dire Fox HP: 50[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (3), ranterbach (1) 1051:< _vvvv_> That should be a quote. 1051:< _vvvv_> "so nobody watches the office and can comment on the fuckability of different characters?" 1051:< SirCabbage> nope 1051:< lycan_nick> I can switch from standard alphanumeric typing straight to ten-key in a flash 1052:< jonesandbrown> angela/the indian one whos name i've forgotten. and obviously pam... 1052:< Yeniuss> whats alphanumeric typing? 1052:< lycan_nick> And my 10-key speed is somewhere in the 1000's of KSPM 1052:< lycan_nick> alphanumeric typing = standard alphabet + the numbers and punctuation on top of the letters 1052:< Yeniuss> oh yeah okay 1052:< barnum> Dire Fox is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Staff of Elemental Castigation]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (8/39%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/49%), ... 1052:< jonesandbrown> alphanumeric=left keys, 10 key=right keys 1053:< barnum> A wild Kobold appeared! HP: 15[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1053:< ranterbach> Do you put all of these things on your resume, lycan_nick? 1053:< lycan_nick> letters only, I'm somewhere around 100 wpm. Throw in numbers and punctuation above letters on keyboard, it goes down to about 90 wpm 1053:< Yeniuss> pointless unless you're going for data entry job 1053:< lycan_nick> Or if you're a programmer 1053:< barnum> Kobold is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Belt of Thunderous Charging]! LVLs: ranterbach (1/54%), [Sok]lycan_nick (8/42%), [Sok]jonesandbrow... 1053:< ranterbach> I was being sarcastic, because he's been going on about it for the last 6 minutes 1053:< Yeniuss> guess theres that too 1053:< barnum> A wild River Giant appeared! HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1054:< Yeniuss> but theres a whole lot of punctuation in programming --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 10:54:10 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 10:54:13 2016 1054:< Yeniuss> well special characters 1054:< lycan_nick> If you're a programmer, the implication is that you're not a slow typer, because otherwise you'd waste a lot of time on typing 1054:< jonesandbrown> 8==D what does that do in coding? 1054::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1054:< barnum> Round #1, 60 hits! River Giant HP: 144[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), ranterbach (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1054:< ranterbach> Go ask in ^ 1054:< lycan_nick> If you're in a C-like language, tests to see if variable D is equal to 8 1054:< lycan_nick> return value of that expression is a boolean true or false. 1055:< jonesandbrown> I AM A CODEING GENIUS 1055:< barnum> Round #2, 63 hits! River Giant HP: 80[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), ranterbach (1) 1055:< SirCabbage> !cipher moo 1055:< Yeniuss> its @c now 1055:< SirCabbage> damn 1055:< lycan_nick> Now, if you were doing 8===D in JavaScript, it would test to see if D is a pointer to the same object as the constant 8, which always r 1055:< lycan_nick> returns false 1055:< jonesandbrown> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,44,4r,2y,1p 1055:< Yeniuss> I got them to change it because it broke rpg bot 1055:< SirCabbage> Oh okay 1055:< ranterbach> They changed it to @c for you guys 1056:< SirCabbage> @c Moo, moo i say. MOO! 1056:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,28,72,6n 1056:< lycan_nick> You need to update your Parrot if you haven't. 1056:< SirCabbage> did that work? 1056:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,28,72,6n,5t 1056:< ranterbach> It did not 1056:< Djinneral> 8 === d would be a part of a boolean statement right? 1056:< SirCabbage> I have 1056:< barnum> River Giant is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Incense of Meditation]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (8/55%), [Sok]Yeniuss (6/89%), SirCabbage (19/9... 1056:< lycan_nick> Djinnera1 yep 1056:< Yeniuss> ks982hu02klm47nk is this your ciper 1056:< Yeniuss> cipher 1056:< SirCabbage> is there something else i have to do besides going @c 1056:< barnum> A wild Ancient Sky Dragon appeared! HP: 999[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1056:< SirCabbage> no it was cabbagekey 1056:< Djinneral> fancy sounding creature ey 1056:< Yeniuss> na just @c and your message 1056:**** lycan_nick rides the Ancient Sky Dragon 1057:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,26,6e,69,61 1057:< SirCabbage> @c cabbagekey is kool 1057:< jonesandbrown> I'm so happy i got you guys discussing the implications of using a penis in code 1057:< ranterbach> Nope 1057:< Yeniuss> have you got the latest version of parrot? 1057:< Djinneral> the dragon must be insecure with all the pronouns it's using 1057:< SirCabbage> see, not working 1057:< lycan_nick> jonesandbrown <3 you too 1057:< barnum> Round #1, 279 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 720[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (15), [Sok]Djinneral (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesan... 1057:< Yeniuss> !loot 1057:< Djinneral> what's wrong with just being called "sky dragon" 1057:< barnum> Yeniuss bag of holding contains 4 shiny things! A [Incense of Meditation] surfaces in it... 1057:**** jonesandbrown rides dragon doggy style 1057:< Yeniuss> could you not trigger me DJ 1058:< lycan_nick> But seriously, you could write something like 8==D ~O; and have it mean something in some language. 1058:< barnum> Round #2, 63 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 657[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]Yeniuss (6), [Sok]Djinneral (3), [Sok]jonesandbr... 1058:< SirCabbage> @c moo 1058:< lycan_nick> But it's not every language that lets you do something like that. 1058:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1058:< lycan_nick> probably does mean something in Perl, come to think of it. 1058:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2n,6o,6q,5s,3k,f,13,1r,6g,21,6m,2x,44,50,54,6p,o,4h,3j,3l 1059:< jonesandbrown> ok, gonna throw a curve ball at ya. what if the cock was cumming 1059:< SirCabbage> @c my name is mr moo 1059:< Djinneral> does the wonky equal sign work as a operator in perl? 1059:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2f,72,6m,63,3q,3,2x,1o,6b,2h,6c,1q,46,6z,4n,6h,23,6p,2o,3q,20,5v 1059:< ranterbach> What the hell, %chat got weird too 1059:< jonesandbrown> 8==D~ 1059:< SirCabbage> damn oh well 1059:< barnum> Round #3, 256 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 401[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (18), [Sok]Yeniuss (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabb... 1059:< lycan_nick> I'm not sure if ~ has any specific meaning in Perl. 1059:< lycan_nick> I don't work in Perl extensively, so no idea. 1059:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d5c4wiA 1059:< SirCabbage> oh there it finally worked 1100:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d684m2l423n6rkA273i4mpA4r531c4p2x626cjA6wgApA 1100:< barnum> Round #4, 183 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 217[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (6), SirCabbage (5) 1100:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2d,6s,6x,4e,3m,a,2u,18,4h,20,6a,1l,40,5a,4l,4l,29,4i,1f,3q,27,5e,3q,1m 1100:< jonesandbrown> where is there a wonky equal sign? 1100:< lycan_nick> There's a =~ sign in Perl. 1100:< lycan_nick> But I don't see any use for ~ by itself 1100:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6x,6h,5p,5x,b,38,3c,68,1x,4r,18,46,54,4l,6t,1t,4l,3a,46,7,5c,4a,3e,47,35,3p,c,4i 1101:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2k,6c,6s,5y,4a,g,32,17,6c,27,4r,1l,4d,4p,4k,6i,2e,5b,3a,4e,7,5o,4c,3b,3k 1101:< lycan_nick> usually ~ in C-like languages means boolean negation or something along those lines 1101:< barnum> Round #5, 122 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 96[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (27), [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1101:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,29,6o,6t,5s,46,a,2q,17,4h,1x,72,y,4d,4o,6v,6i,2e,6p,3a,4c,1w,5t,3v,2z,3x,3e,3o,1s,68,m,6p,4g,r,m,5a 1101:< SirCabbage> my key is cabbagekey123456 1101:< SirCabbage> dont tell anyone :o 1101:< lycan_nick> But usually in those cases it would be a prefix operator, not a postfix operator. 1101:< Yeniuss> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2h,6b,69,61,4a,c,13,18,68,1s,6m,1m,60,52,52,6n,2f,4j,1f,46,1y,5q,43,3g,4c 1101:< SirCabbage> @or I will stab someone in the face! IN THE FACE 1102:< SirCabbage> damn forgot the c 1102:< Yeniuss> ha we know the ways of sircabbage now! 1102:< Yeniuss> prepare to get hacked 1102:< barnum> Ancient Sky Dragon is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Carcanet of Detention]! LVLs: [Sok]Yeniuss (7/16%), [Sok]lycan_nick (8/74%), SirCab... 1102:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d6c4r2l3z3m4mgA272r4inA586q196y19606w1z51cAuA4g636c6h5e1c2bkA5a4m6A 1102:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1102:< Yeniuss> em:3m,4s,3w,44,2d,5h,5a,u,3x,48,6g,m,27,3d,4p,2c,5a,6d,1i,59,1n,5u,6d,1s,50 1102:< ranterbach> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2x,6x,6h,5p,5x,i,2z,1l,6a,26,4r,w,3v,6z,4g,68,29,4j,3b 1102:< lycan_nick> I'd stick to using "testkeyplsignore" as your key. 1102:< barnum> A wild Mammoth appeared! HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1102:< jonesandbrown> i'm really surprised my computer is handling all this traffic so well. I've got netflix, two robin chats, three bots and a google doc 1102:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(3/83%)] vault! 1102:< SirCabbage> so what is the default key again so I can actually see that stuff 1102:< lycan_nick> Sokuku almost level 4 <3 1103:< Yeniuss> em:3m,4s,3w,44,2d,5q,5a,j,5i,3s,6h,4,27,3i,4o,0,6m,6c,1o,5b,2x,5f,72,2i,6e,1s,2e,4o,3y,6k,6h,5j,1b,21,2c,6x,56,24,3i,2d,10,k,6c,3d,4q 1103:< barnum> Round #1, 316 hits! Mammoth HP: 131[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (18), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (6), rant... 1103:< Yeniuss> im using cabbagekey123456 1103:< SirCabbage> What, thats odd. Why cant i see it then 1103:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d6253sA42 1103:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d6153sA425t6n2A273j4jgA6m6b1d5b134b523e51uArA695h6m565i3g212c5a6m2l3c2b3a1v68325b2n 1104:< Yeniuss> em:2l,4u,4g,33,5i,1z,2h,50,c,4g,3p,6h,2s,0,1s,52,s,6w,4q,5u,5r 1104:< barnum> Mammoth is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Bracers of Defenselessness]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/97%), [Sok]Yeniuss (7/24%) 1104:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d5q5ajA5i3s6h4A272r4ihA6m620A6y105u6d1s6soAjA4y46 1104:< Yeniuss> finally 1104:< barnum> A wild Iathavos appeared! HP: 1116[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1104:**** jonesandbrown boop boop i am a robot 1104:< SirCabbage> ill take that as a no. 1104:< barnum> Round #1, 156 hits! Iathavos HP: 960[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: SirCabbage (4), [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1105:< ranterbach> ks982hu02klm47nk 1105:**** jonesandbrown reddit.com/r/chickswithdicks 1105:< jonesandbrown> gragvity is heavy 1105:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Iathavos HP: 931[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (6), ranterbach (1) 1105:< ranterbach> gragvity, eh? 1106:< Yeniuss> how long would it take for a 16bit cipher to be cracked 1106:< jonesandbrown> yes gragvity 1106:< barnum> Round #3, 23 hits! Iathavos HP: 908[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), ranterbach (1) 1106:< lycan_nick> cipher with 16-bit key, block cipher with 16-bit block size? 1107:< Yeniuss> 16 bit kye 1107:< jonesandbrown> 16nx10^4 1107:< barnum> Round #4, 46 hits! Iathavos HP: 862[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1108:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1108:< lycan_nick> 16-bit key = 65k possible keys. Modern computers can run a few thousand keys a second, so probably within a minute. 1108:< Yeniuss> em:2l4u4g335i1z2h50cA 1108:< jonesandbrown> was that close to my answer? 1108:< barnum> Round #5, 46 hits! Iathavos HP: 816[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1109:< SirCabbage> what does the [Sok] after everyones name mean? have they implemented a system so we can tell who is old 1109:< lycan_nick> 50% chance of crack within 15-20 seconds, 100% chance within 40-60 seconds. 1109:< Yeniuss> well my bots now only speak in encrypted messages 1109:< barnum> Round #6, 132 hits! Iathavos HP: 684[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), SirCabbage (3), [Sok]Yeniuss (3) 1110:< lycan_nick> but 16 character cipher key = 128^16. 1110:< jonesandbrown> means we're in a clan 1110:< lycan_nick> Well, assuming you're working with lower ANSI only. 1110:< Yeniuss> !help 1110:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1110:< lycan_nick> If we're dealing with full unicode character set, we're talking something in the realm of 100k^16 1110:< barnum> Round #7, 62 hits! Iathavos HP: 622[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]Yeniuss (3) 1110:< Yeniuss> !create Edia 1111:< Yeniuss> dont worry lord_renwood I'll honour your cause 1111:< jonesandbrown> didn't you already do that 1111:< barnum> Yeniuss leaves [Sokuku] to create [Edia]! 1111:< Yeniuss> !loot 1111:< barnum> Yeniuss bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 1111:< barnum> Round #8, 35 hits! Iathavos HP: 587[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Edi]Yeniuss (3), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1111:< Yeniuss> whoever was in edia way back when we were thia or piaa you can now come to edia again 1112:< barnum> Round #9, 21 hits! Iathavos HP: 566[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Edi]Yeniuss (3) 1112:< lycan_nick> Basically, a 16-character cipher key in symmetric encryption is enough to ensure eavesdroppers can't figure it out for a long time 1112:< jonesandbrown> i kinda dont wanna merge, those cocks are gonna ruin this wonderful rpg chat 1113:< Yeniuss> what if they have their own rpg bot 1113:< ranterbach> "wonderful" 1113:< barnum> Round #10, 75 hits! Iathavos HP: 491[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Edi]Yeniuss (1), ranterbach (1) 1113:< lycan_nick> If we're dealing with 16-byte character keys, that's 8*16 = 128-bit, which is infeasible to brute force by today's standards 1113:< jonesandbrown> they will. I'm running on in cathilRyts 1114:< lycan_nick> Current crypto standards hold 80-96 bits as standard, with 128 bits being the standard if you want it to last at least 5 years 1114:< Yeniuss> I had rpg bots running but people didnt like them 1114:< Yeniuss> switched to trivia for a bit and that was greatly welcomed, but my bots are repurposed to growbots now 1114:< jonesandbrown> yeah,, i don't think tey like mine, but i'm doing it anyways:D and a trivia bot 1115:< Yeniuss> repurpose them to growbots! screw the trivia people 1115:< jonesandbrown> whwat is a grow bot? 1115:< jonesandbrown> how does it work 1115:< barnum> Round #12, 99 hits! Iathavos HP: 323[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15), [Edi]Yeniuss (4) 1115:< Yeniuss> goes in the low tiers, gets them up to around t6 or 7 then leaves and does it again 1116:< Yeniuss> but if you want to see your bots in the merge dont do it 1116:< barnum> Round #13, 42 hits! Iathavos HP: 281[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Edi]Yeniuss (6) 1116:< jonesandbrown> hm that's pretty neat. but i dont wanna ruin a good thing 1117:< Yeniuss> I think we're almost there, I wonder if the reddit admins will turn it off before we get there though 1117:**** lycan_nick looks at the scores listed on this aoeu.eu typing test... laughs at sub-300 cpm scores 1117:< barnum> Round #14, 88 hits! Iathavos HP: 193[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]lycan_nick (9), [Edi]Yeniuss (3) 1117:< lycan_nick> 200 cpm is all that's needed to be respectable (equivalent to 40 wpm) 1117:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1117:< Yeniuss> I had 446 cpm 1118:< lycan_nick> But then you get people with stuff at 400+ cpm (80+wpm), and 200cpm suddenly seems so little 1118:< lycan_nick> I'm sitting at 500cpm flat. 1118:< jonesandbrown> holy tits this is depressing 1118:< lycan_nick> 500 cpm after backspacing and corrections, mind you. 1118:< barnum> Round #15, 85 hits! Iathavos HP: 107[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (24), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 1118:**** jonesandbrown look, look how many typings i can do in short times 1118:< ranterbach> You sure do enjoy sucking your own dick, don't you? 1119:< Yeniuss> reddit taught me its more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked 1119:< ranterbach> We get it, you type good. Nobody gives a shit. 1119:< barnum> Round #16, 37 hits! Iathavos HP: 70[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Edi]Yeniuss (3), ranterbach (2) 1119:< lycan_nick> I wonder what my parents would get on a typing test. They're both hunt-and-peck typers. 1119:< jonesandbrown> i had a dream that i sucked my own dick last night. the most depressing part was that it wasn't all that great, gf does it better:( 1120:< ranterbach> I type 100 WPM on my Cherry MX Blues with o-rings, and nobody cares at all 1120:< barnum> Iathavos is kill! ranterbach gets the [Crown of Horns]! LVLs: ranterbach (2/6%), [Sok]lycan_nick (9/3%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/66%) 1120:< jonesandbrown> it's depressing cause she's not all that great at it 1120:< Yeniuss> tippity tappity 1120:< barnum> A wild Memitim appeared! HP: 648[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1121:< barnum> Round #1, 21 hits! Memitim HP: 627[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 1121:< Yeniuss> hey at least you have a girlfriend right, or was she only in your dream 1121:< ranterbach> "Look at those peasants, typing slower than me! *smug chuckle*" 1122:< barnum> Round #2, 27 hits! Memitim HP: 599[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Edi]Yeniuss (3), ranterbach (3) 1122:< jonesandbrown> no she's real. and even appears to enjoy sex sometimes... 1122:< jonesandbrown> now i want pizza with garlic dipping sauce 1123:< barnum> Round #3, 57 hits! Memitim HP: 542[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12) 1123:< jonesandbrown> aaaaaaaaaaand shit gets quiet real quick 1123:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Memitim HP: 542[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1124:< ranterbach> I don't think lycan_nick like me 1124:< ranterbach> What should I do? 1124:< jonesandbrown> i dont even know what he's doing here? tippity tappity type somehwere else fappity 1124:< jonesandbrown> blow him 1124:< barnum> Round #5, 61 hits! Memitim HP: 481[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), ranterbach (2) 1124:< ranterbach> No thanks, he's got that covered 1125:< jonesandbrown> :D 1125:< barnum> Round #6, 16 hits! Memitim HP: 465[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), ranterbach (1) 1126:< ranterbach> WELL THIS IS FUN, RIGHT GUYS 1126:< barnum> Round #7, 2 hits! Memitim HP: 463[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: ranterbach (1) 1127:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1127:< jonesandbrown> I just realized my bots have been posting trivvia in the rpg thread for like an hour:D 1127:< barnum> Round #8, 43 hits! Memitim HP: 420[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9) 1128:< jonesandbrown> fuk the memitim 1128:< SilentSand> Bad jones bad 1128:< SilentSand> No trivia, just rpg and memes 1128:< barnum> Round #9, 41 hits! Memitim HP: 379[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (6), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1129:< jonesandbrown> there's some guys trying to play and they're super unhappy that it's laggy, then it comes in with "trivia! you're all wrong" 1129:< jonesandbrown> on and this is in teh their 13 robin 1129:< ranterbach> I'm in there right now, lol 1129:< Djinneral> sounds hilarious tbh 1129:< ranterbach> "so maybe the messages dont get lost but end up in the wrong channel" 1129:< barnum> Round #10, 77 hits! Memitim HP: 302[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), ranterbach (4), [Sok]Djinneral (3) 1129:< ranterbach> Haha they're trying to deposit 1130:< jonesandbrown> kinda. stupid cunts have no idea what it's like to be in a top tier chat 1130:< SilentSand> I mean it sounds funny but I'd probably just get annoyed after a while, I don't like the trivia bots 1130:< SilentSand> Wow jones such rude language :( 1130:< jonesandbrown> it is super annoying 1130:< jonesandbrown> you don't like cunt? 1130:< Djinneral> everyone needs a chance to develop 1130:< Djinneral> they will eventually elevate 1130:< barnum> Round #11, 149 hits! Memitim HP: 153[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15), [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]Djinneral (6), ra... 1130:< jonesandbrown> i love cunts. arguably my favorite part of the human anatomy 1131:< SilentSand> Eh I don't really care, to be it's just such a harsh word to use 1131:< SilentSand> I wouldn't use it unless I actually actively disliked someone 1131:< barnum> Round #12, 122 hits! Memitim HP: 31[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9) 1131:< ranterbach> Clearly you've never been to Australia 1131:< SilentSand> I haven't that's true 1132:< jonesandbrown> sorry, i'm the oposite. id rather use it in the neutral/positive sense to dispel the negative connotation 1132:< SilentSand> I mean I guess that makes sense 1132:< ranterbach> I'm of the opinion that words hold only the power you grant them, but it does depend on context 1132:< barnum> Memitim is kill! SilentSand gets the [Levitating Land Mine]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/80%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/17%), ranterbach... 1132:< SilentSand> Oh joy another land mine 1132:< barnum> A wild Vepar appeared! HP: 1089[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1132:< SilentSand> If I get enough of these I can recreate your average vietnam forest 1133:< barnum> Round #1, 54 hits! Vepar HP: 1035[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12) 1133:< jonesandbrown> unfortunately all observers give the words power, so although that's true, it's an ineffective mantra 1134:< ranterbach> It's more of a personal thing, to remind myself that things are only upsetting if I let them upset me 1134:< SilentSand> Yeah, to me it just felt like a tautology, but if it works for you it works for you 1134:< barnum> Round #2, 90 hits! Vepar HP: 946[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (9), ranterbach (3) 1134:< SilentSand> I'm really falling in love with #bard 1134:< jonesandbrown> agreed. I think along the same lines, but i got into the habit of thining that way all the time and it nearly got me into trouble 1135:< barnum> Round #3, 56 hits! Vepar HP: 889[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1135:< ranterbach> I'm not an emotional person, but I do get very passionately angry at certain things 1136:< jonesandbrown> you should see me drive. it's one of the only places i can honestly vent my anger 1136:< barnum> Round #4, 49 hits! Vepar HP: 840[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (3) 1136:< ranterbach> That doesn't sound healthy, haha 1136:< SilentSand> That's def not healthy 1136:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1136:< SilentSand> Listen, what you need to do is find somebody weaker than you, and beat them. No consequences I swear 1137:< jonesandbrown> cause i'll ened up crashing? or cause i need to express myself better? 1137:< SilentSand> You need to express yourself better 1137:< ranterbach> Because on the road is probably one of the worst places to be angry 1137:< barnum> Round #5, 119 hits! Vepar HP: 722[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (4) 1137:< SilentSand> I'd say it's just not healthy emotionally to keep your rage for very specific moments 1138:< ranterbach> I ride a bike, and angry drivers have nearly killed me more times than I could count 1138:< jonesandbrown> i promise it's completely yelling and not at all agressive driving. i mean it's fast driving, but not agressive. except when i'm merge 1138:< SilentSand> Well there's definitely not that 1138:< barnum> Round #6, 103 hits! Vepar HP: 619[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (3) 1138:< SilentSand> Don't try to kill people and you're good 1138:< jonesandbrown> i have uber respect for bikers. so long as you follow the rules. 1138:< ranterbach> Those rules are where people get lost 1138:< SilentSand> You mean weaving between cars? 1139:< ranterbach> Most places in the world, lane splitting is perfectly legal, and for good reason 1139:< barnum> Round #7, 78 hits! Vepar HP: 541[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (6), ranterbach (4) 1139:< ranterbach> Just not so much in the US 1139:< SilentSand> F 1139:< jonesandbrown> yes or running red lights or on and off the curb 1139:< SilentSand> We lost yet another man just now 1140:< ranterbach> Yeah that shit isn't okay, I just can't stand the people that think a bike has to stay in the same space a car would 1140:< barnum> Round #8, 50 hits! Vepar HP: 491[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (6), ranterbach (4), [Sok]jonesandbrown (3) 1140:< ranterbach> Or the people that merge into me 1140:< jonesandbrown> I'm good with it at red lights, but when we're in stop and go and you're gonna try to weave through half ton machines? you lose 1141:< barnum> Round #9, 45 hits! Vepar HP: 446[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (1) 1141:< ranterbach> Depends on how aggressive they're being IMO. If they're squeezing between two parallel cars, not cool 1141:< ranterbach> If they're just filtering through traffic, that's different 1142:< barnum> Round #10, 13 hits! Vepar HP: 433[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (6) 1142:< ranterbach> That said, lane splitting is not an excuse to speed 1142:< jonesandbrown> i saw a guy drive down the middle line to almost the front, but then the L lane was turning, so he cuts R and gets over 3 lanes to turn 1142:< ranterbach> Yeah those guys can fuck off, they're asking to die 1142:< SilentSand> Where you guys from? 1142:< barnum> Round #11, 60 hits! Vepar HP: 373[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (3), ranterbach (2) 1143:< ranterbach> Southern US, Bible Belt 1143:< jonesandbrown> Pittsburgh 1143:< SirCabbage> Australia 1143:< SilentSand> Oh, I was wondering if we were all just american here 1143:< barnum> Round #12, 63 hits! Vepar HP: 310[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (3), [Sok]SilentSand (3), ranterbach (1), SirCabbage (1) 1144:< SirCabbage> obviously not 1144:< jonesandbrown> what part of straya? if you don't mind me asking? you can say no. 1144:< SirCabbage> Yenius is also australian 1144:< SirCabbage> I am a queenslander 1144:< barnum> Round #13, 143 hits! Vepar HP: 166[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (3) 1145:< jonesandbrown> cool, i always feel like i'm prying, but australia (and other countries) are kinda big? 1145:< SirCabbage> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD3SkTyXzcE&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/3nct9 1145:< barnum> Round #14, 143 hits! Vepar HP: 23[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (3) 1145:< SirCabbage> Yep, we are. one massive island continent 1146:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1146:< SirCabbage> !help 1146:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1146:< ranterbach> !loot 1146:< barnum> ranterbach bag of holding contains 3 shiny things! A [Crown of Horns] surfaces in it... 1146:< SirCabbage> barnum could you link the help page/make it post the spreadsheet thing as well? 1146:< barnum> Vepar is kill! ranterbach gets the [Herbs of The Primal Beast]! LVLs: SirCabbage (19/100%), ranterbach (2/54%) 1147:< SirCabbage> I know chances are he wont get that 1147:< SirCabbage> but still 1147:< SilentSand> I think he's offline 1147:< barnum> A wild Ancient Forest Dragon appeared! HP: 1161[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1147:< SirCabbage> WE ARE ONEEEE BUT WE ARE MANNNYYY 1147:< SirCabbage> AND FROM ALL THE LANDS ON EARTH WE COMMEEEE 1147:< SirCabbage> WE SHARE A DREAM- AND SING WITH ONE VOICE 1147:< jonesandbrown> this is gonna sound retarded, but i didn't realize the massivness of australia until i read a fantasy novel set there. 1147:< SirCabbage> I AM, YOU ARE, WE ARE AUSTRALIAN 1147:< barnum> Round #1, 224 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 937[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (5), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1147:< SilentSand> What novel? 1148:< SilentSand> !party 1148:< SirCabbage> psh, that does sound crazy. 1148:< jonesandbrown> When it takes months to fly half way accross on a dragon, you know it's huge 1148:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]SilentSand (13/29%) from [Sokuku(3/83%)] and... [Sok]jonesandbrown (14/95%), SirCabbage (20/0%) 1148:< SilentSand> I've got no reference for how big that's supposed to be 1148:< barnum> Round #2, 154 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 784[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (9), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (2) 1148:< ranterbach> Huge, I'm guessing 1148:< SilentSand> Dragon flying speed isn't a velocity I can really grasp 1149:< SirCabbage> http://www.holestories.com/wp-content/uploads/USA-vs-Aus.jpg => http://nazar.so/edw1 1149:< barnum> Round #3, 121 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 662[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (3), SirCabbage (3), ranterbach (1) 1149:< SilentSand> So roughly the same amount of space as mainland US 1150:< SirCabbage> mhm 1150:< SirCabbage> http://www.geekinsydney.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/MAPfrappe-Google-Maps-Mashup-Australia-vs-United-States.png => http://nazar.so/2t6oj 1150:< jonesandbrown> I think it's called blood of dragons? it's a book in the temeraire series my naomi novak. great series for fantasy lovers 1150:< barnum> Round #4, 197 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 465[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (4), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1151:< SilentSand> http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Australia/United-States/Geography => http://nazar.so/8g0w 1151:< ranterbach> I watched Quigley Down Under as a kid, does that count? 1151:< barnum> Round #5, 43 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 423[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (9), ranterbach (1) 1151:< SilentSand> hey sircabbage why don't you say everything in reverse 1152:< SilentSand> noʎ ɹoɟ pɐǝɹ oʇ ɹǝᴉsɐǝ sᴉɥʇ sI 1152:< barnum> Round #6, 13 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 409[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1152:< SirCabbage> How can you understand me without me quoting the bible every few moments! 1152:< SirCabbage> It must be hard for an american. 1152:< ranterbach> What? 1152:< jonesandbrown> :D cause he's from the bibal belt? 1153:< SirCabbage> joke towards the amount of religious extremism in the US 1153:< SilentSand> I got my eagle to translate for me Cabbage. I can't talk if I'm always shooting 1153:< SirCabbage> since he joked to me about being upside down 1153:< ranterbach> Lol what religious extremism, people get attacked for being religious 1153:< SirCabbage> hahaha 1153:< barnum> Round #7, 380 hits! Ancient Forest Dragon HP: 29[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), [Sok]SilentSand (9), ranterbach (4), [Sok]jonesandbrown... 1153:< SilentSand> It really depends on the area ranterbach 1153:< SirCabbage> you know, like the bible thumpers in the south? 1153:< SilentSand> Some area still preach creationism as law 1153:< SirCabbage> the ones that listen to ted cruz and DONT think he is crazy 1154:< ranterbach> Really not as much of a thing as you might think, Cabbage 1154:< SirCabbage> then explain to me how ted cruz is second right now? 1154:< barnum> Ancient Forest Dragon is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Lantern of Dancing Shadows]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/4%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/35%),... 1154:< ranterbach> cathil wants you to reset the bot, btw 1154:< SilentSand> Hey cabbage 1154:< SilentSand> Can I have that 1154:< SirCabbage> Hey SIlent. 1154:< barnum> A wild Volcano Giant appeared! HP: 603[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1154:< SirCabbage> sure. 1154:< SilentSand> It sounds really cool 1155:< SilentSand> Ted cruz is 2nd because the GOP needs a frontrunner against trump 1155:< barnum> Round #1, 154 hits! Volcano Giant HP: 449[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), SirCabbage (2), ranterbach (1) 1155:< SirCabbage> and explain to me how even now there are people pushing discrimitory laws in america- that would refuse services 1155:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1155:< ranterbach> None of that is legal 1155:< SilentSand> And all the other candidates have been ripped to shreds by constant trump media blasts 1155:< SirCabbage> Then why cruz and not kasich- kasich isn't entirely crazy and yet has a better chance to win 1155:< jonesandbrown> i love how both parties this year have decided they don't want the front running candidate 1156:< SilentSand> Kasich has been cornered because he's not loud enough to get attention 1156:< ranterbach> Refusing service on gender, sexual orientation, or religious grounds is not okay 1156:< jonesandbrown> actually, hillary still leads the dems huh 1156:< SirCabbage> for now 1156:< SirCabbage> America will feel the bern after he wins NY 1156:< barnum> Round #2, 429 hits! Volcano Giant HP: 21[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabbage (8), ranterbach (4) 1156:< SilentSand> I mean maybe, but this isn't #pol 1156:< ranterbach> jonesandbrown, cathil wants you to reset the bot 1157:< SilentSand> Are you running the trivia bot here jones? 1157:< SirCabbage> moo. 1157:< barnum> Volcano Giant is kill! SirCabbage gets the [All Tools Vest]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/43%), ranterbach (2/69%), SirCabbage (20/5%) 1157:< barnum> A wild Forgefiend appeared! HP: 411[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1157:< SilentSand> Beautiful kill, 10/10 1157:< jonesandbrown> basically, murica was formed on religious freedom... so people still think it's a theocracy and that they can make law based on doctrin 1158:< SirCabbage> Exactly. 1158:< jonesandbrown> no, i'm running in the other chat 1158:< ranterbach> Right, religious freedom is what people don't understand 1158:< barnum> Round #1, 112 hits! Forgefiend HP: 299[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]SilentSand (3), ranterbach (3), SirCabbage (1) 1158:< SirCabbage> it was the best kill ever. 1158:< ranterbach> It doesn't mean you get to judge others by your belief system 1158:< jonesandbrown> better than my bite kil, the very first thing i did on here? 1158:< SirCabbage> and yet that is exactly what happens- and is happening 1158:< ranterbach> To a degree, but media blows things out of proportion 1159:< SirCabbage> cows are dangerous- they hold very powerful weapons 1159:< barnum> Round #2, 160 hits! Forgefiend HP: 138[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (4), SirCabbage (3) 1159:< SilentSand> I mean, they're diseased animals and all completely mad 1159:< jonesandbrown> more than that, judging is fine and supported by the constitution i.e. freedom of speech. but discrimination or taking away liberty isn 1200:< SilentSand> Also, mad cow disease is one of the most terrifying things ever 1200:< SirCabbage> MOOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOO 1200:< SirCabbage> Moo moo mo! 1200:< jonesandbrown> fap 1200:< SirCabbage> *froths MOOO 1201:< SilentSand> I just realized there's only one more day 1201:< SirCabbage> moo 1201:< barnum> Forgefiend is kill! SilentSand gets the [Sporecrafter's Kindness]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/6%), SirCabbage (20/6%), [Sok]Silent... 1201:< ranterbach> Precisely, people and organizations that discriminate beyond their rights are dealt with pretty quickly 1201:< SirCabbage> we will make it 1201:< jonesandbrown> cock 1201:< jonesandbrown> usually 1201:< barnum> A wild Lightning Lamprey appeared! HP: 75[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1201:< SilentSand> Even if we do, that means everything will end by then :( 1201:< SilentSand> I'll miss every single one of you probably 1201:< ranterbach> Alabama has been very resistant to same-sex marriage, but the Supreme Court has been pretty well on top of them 1201:< SirCabbage> I just hope it doesnt happen while I am asleep 1201:< barnum> Lightning Lamprey is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Girdle of Opposite Gender]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/49%), ranterbach (2/82%), [Sok... 1202:< SilentSand> I want to see the great cascade happen 1202:< SirCabbage> we will. 1202:< SilentSand> Oh man that's hot 1202:< barnum> A wild Obcisidaemon appeared! HP: 957[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1202:< SilentSand> I want to see it with my own eyes I mean 1202:< SirCabbage> same ;-; 1202:< ranterbach> Goddamn how long does it take to level up? 1202:< SirCabbage> but its about half an hour til sleep 1202:< jonesandbrown> it'll be intesting to see how the supreme court handles the cases in the south where states are making laws supporting discrimination 1202:< SirCabbage> if I am LUCKY I will see it 1202:< SilentSand> Pretty damn long 1202:< jonesandbrown> it's illegal, but you know... states rights 1202:< barnum> Round #1, 259 hits! Obcisidaemon HP: 698[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabbage (4), ranterbach (1) 1202:< SilentSand> You gotta keep sending medium levels chat at constant rates 1203:< ranterbach> It will be interesting 1203:< ranterbach> It's a multi-faceted issue 1203:< SilentSand> It's gonna be the crack down on jim crow laws again 1203:< SirCabbage> so we get another 12, it'll only take another 2 or so hours after that for the cascade to happen and finish. 1203:< SilentSand> 2.5 hours 1203:< SilentSand> 5 cascades into here 1203:< barnum> Round #2, 193 hits! Obcisidaemon HP: 505[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), SirCabbage (3), ranterbach (2) 1203:< SirCabbage> not long at all is my point 1203:< ranterbach> I don't know anymore. All I want is to live how I choose on a little corner of land and be left the hell alone 1204:< SilentSand> technically 3 because the second 11 room will start the reaction 1204:< ranterbach> I won't bother anyone if they don't bother me 1204:< jonesandbrown> honestly, it should be a non issue. the "states rights" argument is the only one for. and that's overrulled by the bill of rights. 1204:< ranterbach> Is that so much to ask? 1204:< SilentSand> And that'll be the start of the grand cascade 1204:< SilentSand> It's pretty hard to get people to not bother you 1204:< SirCabbage> I will miss this yes 1204:< SilentSand> No matter where you go or what you do 1204:< SirCabbage> but at the same time you cant really recreate this either. 1204:< barnum> Round #3, 315 hits! Obcisidaemon HP: 190[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (5), ranterbach (5) 1204:< SirCabbage> this is a once in a lifetime event- it is a twitch plays pokemon 1205:< SirCabbage> it is something you are either a part of or you will read about 1205:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1205:< SilentSand> yeah, I remember following that the entire time 1205:< SirCabbage> anything after the fact won't be nearly as interesting 1205:< SilentSand> That was a great part of my life 1205:< ranterbach> Even this isn't as exciting as Kufi was 1205:< SirCabbage> that final battle at the pokemon league 1205:< SirCabbage> that was just heartstopping 1205:< SilentSand> Long live the 4400 may we all rise again ;-;7 1205:< SirCabbage> We will beat the 4400 record easily 1205:< barnum> Obcisidaemon is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Rod of The Python]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/9%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/58%), ranterbach (2/91%) 1206:< SilentSand> I remember doing this within the first hour 1206:< SirCabbage> which is good- since this is still my FIRST FUCKING CHAT 1206:< jonesandbrown> I honestly don't care about not being bothered. I would prefer to have the competition of survival. 1206:< SilentSand> And having no clue what any of the buttons even did 1206:< barnum> A wild Giant Maggot appeared! HP: 21[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1206:< SirCabbage> I discovered this LATE. This was my FIRST CHAT 1206:< SirCabbage> um 1206:< SilentSand> This is my third. Kufi abandoned, I left my second 1206:< SirCabbage> why do we have to kill a maggot? 1206:< barnum> Giant Maggot is kill! SilentSand gets the [Page of Spell Knowledge 8th-level]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/11%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/59%), ... 1206:< SilentSand> Because it's too huge 1207:< jonesandbrown> I'd prefer an anarchismal society based on a "survival of the fittest" type of model 1207:< ranterbach> I don't care too much for people in general. I want to go out and do things from time to time, then go back to my solitude 1207:< barnum> A wild Elohim appeared! HP: 1269[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1207:< SilentSand> Anarchocapitalist 1207:< ranterbach> People fuck up everything 1207:< SilentSand> I love people honestly, it's great to talk to everyone for me 1207:< SirCabbage> I am so glad I came when I did- right at the dawn of the scripts but at the same time not when you would be effed over by em 1207:< SilentSand> Oh speaking of scripts 1207:< barnum> Round #1, 244 hits! Elohim HP: 1025[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (4), SirCabbage (3) 1207:< ranterbach> I enjoy interacting with people, but I need to take a break from them 1208:< SilentSand> The 4400 should have been bigger but bad scripts made 2k people drop out during merges 1208:< jonesandbrown> no. i straight up want to have sticks and stones and beat and stab the shit outta some other fuckers if they get in my way. 1208:< ranterbach> A day in the city is more exhausting to me than a day of manual labor 1208:< SilentSand> Reddit servers weren't equipped for mass numbers 1208:< SirCabbage> I am going to be here to help make internet history, and that seems pretty great. 1208:< SilentSand> A little patch of internet history, important enough to me 1208:< barnum> Round #2, 262 hits! Elohim HP: 763[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (21), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (6), SirCabbage (3) 1208:< jonesandbrown> right now, not being able to properly express the fight part of my instinct due to societal rules is my biggest stressor 1209:< ranterbach> You're a strange dude, you know that? 1209:< SilentSand> Dude I'm saying you gotta find a better way to express that rage 1209:< ranterbach> I can't say I have an instinctual urge to fight people 1209:< SilentSand> Write and get a grip ball 1209:< ranterbach> I'm pretty chill 1209:< SilentSand> I meant to say or but and also works 1209:< barnum> Round #3, 125 hits! Elohim HP: 638[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (3) 1209:< jonesandbrown> i've been told many times. i don't care. i know who i am. all you other people just need to catch up. 1209:< SirCabbage> I was there for twitch plays pokemon- I have been a part of /i/ in the glory days- I was there when minecraft exploded 1210:< ranterbach> Lol seems like a step back to me 1210:< SilentSand> What is /i/? 1210:< SirCabbage> I love being a part of things- even if for most people it doesnt fucking matter 1210:< SirCabbage> anonymous pre-scientology 1210:< SirCabbage> before everyone knew about it- the /i/nvasion board 1210:< jonesandbrown> I liked the redorange/periwinkle april fools thing. 1210:< ranterbach> We evolved past the fighting with sharp sticks stage of humanity 1210:< barnum> Round #4, 371 hits! Elohim HP: 267[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabbage (8), ranterbach (4), [Sok]SilentSand (3) 1210:< SirCabbage> this crushes the redorange preiwinkle stuff 1210:< ranterbach> I don't see any point in going back 1210:< SilentSand> People like to form clans and find better ways to communicate 1211:< jonesandbrown> after a bit they started posting things that were periwinkle or redorange and i posted the blue waffle. repeatedly. 1211:< SilentSand> The way we've developed channels is actually fascinating 1211:< jonesandbrown> :D 1211:< barnum> Round #5, 183 hits! Elohim HP: 83[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabbage (1), ranterbach (1) 1211:< SilentSand> geez 1211:< SirCabbage> yeah that is why I like this so much. it was like watching the evolution of society/group dynamics 1211:< SilentSand> That's way too much care to give 1212:< SirCabbage> moo 1212:< SilentSand> The way we've slowly developed different means to communicate as well as different formats is great 1212:< SirCabbage> yeah at first it seemed so simple 1212:< SilentSand> Nice try with the moo cabbage 1212:< SirCabbage> then it became harder - then it became impossible 1212:< barnum> Elohim is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Figurine of Wondrous Power (onyx dog)]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/74%), SirCabbage (20/14%) 1212:< SirCabbage> then we worked out a way to make it work anyway. 1212:< jonesandbrown> we evolved past it, to the point were the beauty in the evolutionary process has been lost. I would rather be good than smart 1212:< SilentSand> It was so simple back when even tier 12 was topping 1212:< barnum> A wild Nazalor appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1212:< SilentSand> can't you be good and smart? Why is that not an option 1213:< ranterbach> We gained intelligence to avoid the fighting part 1213:< barnum> Round #1, 112 hits! Nazalor HP: 116[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), [Sok]SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (1), ranterbach (1) 1213:< ranterbach> Mind over matter, and all that 1213:< SirCabbage> I went through cults- and normal chats- and spam filled chats- more cults, trivia focused channels 1213:< SirCabbage> all to come here. WHich is now basically a self created IRC. 1213:< SirCabbage> watching the script evolve was so great- when _vvvv_ first made his simple fork to allow different channels to be watched 1214:< SirCabbage> I never could have imagined it would reach this point 1214:< barnum> Nazalor is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Bladeofthe Sword-Saint]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/16%), ranterbach (3/7%) 1214:< SilentSand> The formation of different channels itse;f is more fascinating to me 1214:< jonesandbrown> but in the process, we developed better ways to fight ourselves!! in wild, animals avoid direct conflict as it preserves their own self 1214:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1214:< jonesandbrown> not humans, we separate into factions and then turn against each other 1214:< SirCabbage> my first chat I honestly thought it was a bird roleplay version of omegle 1214:< barnum> A wild Slinker appeared! HP: 48[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1214:< SilentSand> I mean most pack animals do that 1215:< SirCabbage> so I acted like a bird. 1215:< SilentSand> You can see two packs of dogs rushing each other if they start to use 1215:< ranterbach> But we're not animals. We have intelligence and morals. Those things separate us from beasts 1215:< barnum> Slinker is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Headband of Sealed Thoughts]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/22%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/78%), ... 1215:< SirCabbage> I will miss this, but at the same time the journey was half the point. I will not regret it ending 1215:< barnum> A wild Pig appeared! HP: 18[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1215:< SilentSand> That sounds so weird cabbage 1216:< SilentSand> Eh, I remember being worried 1216:< jonesandbrown> times of need! we've got enough food to feed everyone on earth. Why are people starving/dying/killing for food? 1216:< SirCabbage> I knew we would make the final merge- still do. 1216:< SilentSand> We thought that if a single person pressed abandon we'd lost the whole chat room at the beginning 1216:< barnum> Pig is kill! SilentSand gets the [Howling Skull Armor]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/81%), SirCabbage (20/18%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/... 1216:< ranterbach> Corruption 1216:< SilentSand> Cabbage, what that really means 1216:< jonesandbrown> cause we're selfish assholes that're still to dumb to realize iti 1216:< barnum> A wild Lich Shade appeared! HP: 312[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1216:< SilentSand> Is that there's a chance that at the end there would have been a tier 18 1217:< SilentSand> If the 4400 chat survived 1217:< ranterbach> You and I aren't anything. Those with power will always crave more power. 1217:< barnum> Round #1, 130 hits! Lich Shade HP: 182[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), ranterbach (4) 1217:< jonesandbrown> are we gonna stay at the next tier? 1217:< SirCabbage> yeah I realise. But scripts failed there was little anyone could do 1217:< SilentSand> I am 1217:< ranterbach> Looks like most people are 1217:< SirCabbage> I dont know myself. currently I am leaning towards stay. However the other part is like 1217:< SilentSand> There's no reason not to, the biggest challenge is getting the bots to stay 1218:< SirCabbage> chances are they will delete the subreddits on the 8th 1218:< SilentSand> eh even then 1218:< barnum> Lich Shade is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Preserving Flask 3rd-level]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/19%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/85%), [Sok]j... 1218:< SilentSand> It'd be a really fun thing 1218:< SirCabbage> what would be a better reward- finishing the largest active chat? or the largest staying ne 1218:< barnum> A wild Giant Slug appeared! HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1218:< SilentSand> How the fuck are you getting these kills when I don't even see you chattig james 1218:< SirCabbage> I hope we don't stay outselves to oblivion 1218:< SilentSand> Are you stealth killing these things 1218:< jonesandbrown> that's the thing! we have the potential for anything, but we need seize the oppurtunity 1219:< SilentSand> I mean when you stay the chat persists until you leave 1219:< barnum> Round #1, 274 hits! Giant Slug HP: 32[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (18), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (4) 1219:< SirCabbage> will reddit even SAY anything? will there be a reward? 1219:< SilentSand> It's not like we only have the subreddit 1219:< SirCabbage> or will it just end and thats that 1219:< ranterbach> Who knows 1219:< SilentSand> Maybe, but did anythingeven happen with the button? 1219:< jonesandbrown> i think the new process actually pays attention to when the HP runs out on the mob. 1219:< SilentSand> It was mostly the community who caused things to happen 1219:< SirCabbage> So yeah, currently I am leaning towards staying. But part of me wants to know what happens if we stay alive til the end days 1220:< barnum> Giant Slug is kill! SilentSand gets the [Earthfire Shuriken]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/21%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/89%), [Sok]jonesandbrow... 1220:< jonesandbrown> so it's no use poop lootin right at the end, cause it would have to randomly be the killing blow 1220:< ranterbach> I imagine this is coming down tomorrow regardless 1220:< SirCabbage> yep 1220:< barnum> A wild Carrion Moth appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1220:< SilentSand> I think it did that anyways 1220:< SirCabbage> I dont care if we die because it ends or die because we stay 1220:< SirCabbage> just as long as we dont get abandoned 1220:< SilentSand> but it had like 183 health and you barely said anything before it just died 1221:< barnum> Carrion Moth is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Earthbind Rod]! LVLs: SirCabbage (20/23%), [Sok]SilentSand (13/91%), [Sok]jonesandbrow... 1221:< SilentSand> Unless the hp count is laggin like all hell 1221:< SirCabbage> I hope everyone's script is working- if it isn't and the merges start while people are away or sleeping? 1221:< SilentSand> What the fuck how 1221:< barnum> A wild Fanged Sea Serpent appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1221:< SilentSand> You talked before it was even announced 0_0 1221:< jonesandbrown> It didn't seem like it before. whoever typed the last comment before the bot assessed the comments and decided to post got creddit. 1221:< SilentSand> It's definitely lagging hard right now 1221:< barnum> Round #1, 212 hits! Fanged Sea Serpent HP: 16[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]jonesandbrown (9), SirCabbage (3) 1221:< SilentSand> I think that was just the bot being extremely swift 1222:< SirCabbage> SEA SURPENNTTT 1222:< SilentSand> Like it'd post right after somebody got the kill 1222:< jonesandbrown> swift or laggy? 1222:< SilentSand> Before swifyt 1222:< SilentSand> Now definitely lag since you got the kill after it announced it had health 1222:< barnum> Fanged Sea Serpent is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Righteous Medal of Command]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (13/96%), SirCabbage (20/24%), [... 1223:< barnum> A wild Shining Child appeared! HP: 456[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1223:< jonesandbrown> well, i honestly haven't been paying attention to the rpg for like an hour cause i've been ranting... so sorry:( 1223:< SilentSand> Level 14 here I come 1223:< SilentSand> It's no big deal, I'm just wondering how it's happening 1223:< SirCabbage> ima level 20 1223:< jonesandbrown> !deposit 1223:< barnum> Round #1, 128 hits! Shining Child HP: 328[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), [Sok]SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (1) 1223:< SilentSand> Basically what really weirded me out was that it: 1223:< SirCabbage> what if anything does deposit mean 1224:< SirCabbage> **do, not mean 1224:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1224:< SilentSand> announced that the monster had hp after you talked, then it announced you had the kill 1224:< jonesandbrown> that should be interesing, lets see if it it even notices that i deposited 1224:< barnum> jonesandbrown deposited 4 loot in [Sokuku(3/86%)] vault! 1224:< SilentSand> But you didn't talk between those announcements 1224:< jonesandbrown> ok so just a little delay it seems 1225:< barnum> Round #2, 203 hits! Shining Child HP: 125[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), SirCabbage (2) 1225:< SilentSand> using !deposit puts the loot you've earned into the guild that you've joined cabbage 1225:< SilentSand> Just make sure to !join Sokuku first 1225:< SirCabbage> guild? 1225:< SilentSand> guilds were part of the update that rolled out like less than 2 hours ago 1225:< SirCabbage> but doesnt that effect our own personal damage? 1225:< barnum> Shining Child is kill! SilentSand gets the [Cube of Frost Resistance]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/2%), [Sok]SirCabbage (20/26%), rant... 1225:< ranterbach> Guess I don't get to see my loot 1226:< SilentSand> I think it has some effect, but the guild level does too 1226:< SirCabbage> !loot 1226:< ranterbach> !loot 1226:< MrReebdoog> !join Sokuku 1226:< SilentSand> !loot 1226:< barnum> A wild Cambion Demon appeared! HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1226:< barnum> SirCabbage bag of holding contains 133 shiny things! A [Righteous Medal of Command] surfaces in it... 1226:< ranterbach> Lol now we're just giving it a heart attack 1226:< SirCabbage> it answered me 1226:< ranterbach> !loot 1226:< barnum> ranterbach bag of holding contains 4 shiny things! A [Herbs of The Primal Beast] surfaces in it... 1226:< SirCabbage> !guild 1226:< Fallout2x> !loot 1226:< SilentSand> I can't wait to fight the other chat rooms 1226:< barnum> Round #1, 203 hits! Cambion Demon HP: 1[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (9), ranterbach (4), MrReebdoog (1), Fallo... 1226:< MrReebdoog> lol, poor barnum 1226:< SilentSand> Whenever they merge into here 1227:< SirCabbage> can we see the number of loot in the guild? 1227:< SilentSand> Lol nice hp kill reeb 1227:< SirCabbage> **number of loot items 1227:< barnum> Fallout2x bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 1227:< SilentSand> I don't think so, not sure if it even tracks it as anything more than xp 1227:< MrReebdoog> haha, just snuck in there with the killing blow 1227:< SirCabbage> can we see our guild LEVEL then? 1227:< barnum> Cambion Demon is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Staff of Belittling]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/6%), MrReebdoog (5/5%), [Sok]SirCabbage ... 1227:< Fallout2x> !join 1228:< SilentSand> gg mega lag 1228:< barnum> A wild Lightning Bladder appeared! HP: 150[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1228:< barnum> #rpg Fallout2x can't join this guild! 1228:< SilentSand> gotta do !join Sokuku 1228:< SirCabbage> moreover- with the script lag how can I be sure I joined the guild? 1228:< SilentSand> !loot 1228:< barnum> SilentSand bag of holding contains 7 shiny things! A [Cube of Frost Resistance] surfaces in it... 1228:< SilentSand> You have a [Sok] next to your name 1228:< barnum> Lightning Bladder is kill! SilentSand gets the [Stubborn Nail]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/10%), [Sok]SirCabbage (20/29%), Fallout2x ... 1228:< MrReebdoog> !join Sokuku 1229:< barnum> A wild Cloud Giant appeared! HP: 504[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1229:< SirCabbage> I did before typing it in too 1229:< SirCabbage> lence why I mentioned it 1229:< SirCabbage> oh wait, no i didnt 1229:< MrReebdoog> o_0 Fine, don't let me in Barnum, I'll solo till I die! 1229:< SirCabbage> I must have looked at the wrong one 1229:< barnum> Round #1, 153 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 351[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (12), [Sok]MrReebdoog (6) 1229:< SilentSand> It just takes a while probably 1229:< SirCabbage> !deposit 1229:< SilentSand> Yeah see there's a [Sok] right next to you 1229:< MrReebdoog> Oh, I am in, it just didn't confirm it 1230:< barnum> SirCabbage deposited 134 loot in [Sokuku(4/57%)] vault! 1230:< SirCabbage> what were we before then? lol 1230:< MrReebdoog> Time to take this cloud giant down then 1230:< barnum> Round #2, 82 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 269[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (8), [Sok]SirCabbage (8), [Sok]MrReebdoog (8) 1230:< MrReebdoog> I only half want the merge to happen now lol 1230:< SirCabbage> butbefore I put my loot in? or did it not make much differnce 1231:< SilentSand> you didn't have atag before 1231:< SilentSand> We were level 3 1231:< SilentSand> Like 57% ib 1231:< barnum> Round #3, 129 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 140[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (16), [Sok]SirCabbage (12), [Sok]MrReebdoog (4) 1231:< SirCabbage> oh good, so I got us a whole level 1231:< SilentSand> Yeah, anyone who's been playing a while will have that happen for them 1232:< SilentSand> Well, sort of. Not anymore since xp grows with level 1232:< barnum> Round #4, 83 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 57[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (16), [Sok]SirCabbage (4) 1232:< MrReebdoog> So was it storing loot before? Or only post update? 1232:< SilentSand> storing before 1232:< MrReebdoog> !loot 1232:< barnum> MrReebdoog bag of holding contains 3 shiny things! Nothing is visible inside... 1233:< MrReebdoog> Interesting... 1233:< MrReebdoog> Invisible loot for the win! 1233:< barnum> Round #5, 37 hits! Cloud Giant HP: 20[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]MrReebdoog (16), [Sok]SilentSand (4) 1233:< SilentSand> I deposited 60 items the first time around 1233:< MrReebdoog> Bye bye giant, you die now 1233:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1233:< SilentSand> So that gives perspective to cabbages 152 1234:< MrReebdoog> Ah 1234:< barnum> Cloud Giant is kill! SilentSand gets the [The Aqualinth]! LVLs: [Sok]MrReebdoog (5/26%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/17%) 1234:< barnum> A wild Marid appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1235:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Marid HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1236:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Marid HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1236:< SirCabbage> anyway all 1236:< SirCabbage> Ima sleep, I hope the cascade doesn't finish by the time I get her 1236:< SirCabbage> e 1237:< MrReebdoog> No idea how long, looks like in an hour or so we'll have from 11 up 1237:< barnum> Round #3, 116 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (20), [Sok]MrReebdoog (12) 1238:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1239:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1240:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1240:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1241:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1242:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1243:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1244:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1244:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1246:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Marid HP: 226[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1247:< ranterbach> I'm planning on recording it, just in case SirCabbage 1247:< barnum> Round #14, 3 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ranterbach (1) 1248:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1249:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1250:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1251:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1252:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1252:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1253:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1254:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1255:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1256:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1257:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1258:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1259:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1259:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Marid HP: 223[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1300:< jonesandbrown> temerairetemeraire 1300:< barnum> Round #28, 15 hits! Marid HP: 208[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (4) 1301:< jonesandbrown> jjk jk j jkl j jk jkl jkl j jkl j jhkjlhlkjhl jkhkjh kjhl kjhkl jhkjh lkjhl kjhlk 1301:< barnum> Round #29, 45 hits! Marid HP: 163[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12) 1302:< jonesandbrown> fgfsssssssssssssssssss 1302:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1302:< jonesandbrown> hj 1303:< barnum> Round #30, 15 hits! Marid HP: 148[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (4) 1303:< hagbard-celine> breaking things 1303:< ranterbach> break everything 1303:< jonesandbrown> fjjfhftgus us n4 1303:< hagbard-celine> test 1303:< jonesandbrown> engrusg 1303:< jonesandbrown> g8 1303:< barnum> Round #31, 50 hits! Marid HP: 98[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (12), hagbard-celine (2), ranterbach (1) 1304:< ranterbach> This is very engaging conversation 1304:< RvDarklord> hello? 1304:< ranterbach> Goodbye. 1304:< RvDarklord> nice 1304:< barnum> Round #32, 24 hits! Marid HP: 74[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ranterbach (2), RvDarklord (2) 1305:< ranterbach> People are just kind of slapping their dicks on their keyboards in here 1305:< ranterbach> You can join us if you're into that 1305:< RvDarklord> uhm 1305:< RvDarklord> ... 1305:< jonesandbrown> nope jsut me, i'm trying to sleep, ubt the fact that te bbot was stale was killing me 1305:< RvDarklord> like this afbef k.jfiSNColwejf é? 1305:< jonesandbrown> and i swear i'm not using my cock, 1305:< barnum> Marid is kill! jonesandbrown gets the [Gloves of The Commanding Conjurer]! LVLs: [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/41%), ranterbach (3/23%), Rv... 1305:< jonesandbrown> 8--D--D 1306:< RvDarklord> oh the levels reset again 1306:< ranterbach> See? You already got loot Darklord! 1306:< barnum> A wild Gourd Leshy appeared! HP: 27[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1306:< ranterbach> Keep dick-slapping 1306:< RvDarklord> Kappapride 1306:< RvDarklord> am i doing it right? 1306:< barnum> Gourd Leshy is kill! ranterbach gets the [Scepter of Ages]! LVLs: ranterbach (3/31%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), RvDarklord (7/67%) 1306:< jonesandbrown> 8==D 1307:< barnum> A wild Dire Lion appeared! HP: 180[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1307:< RvDarklord> oh look now im lvl 7 again 1307:< RvDarklord> !commands 1307:< barnum> Round #1, 32 hits! Dire Lion HP: 148[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]jonesandbrown (4), RvDarklord (2) 1307:< ranterbach> !dickslap 1307:< mumer> oh look a wild dire lion! i'm going to attack it with my stick hopefully it doesn't bite me. 1307:< RvDarklord> !help 1308:< ranterbach> !loot 1308:< barnum> !loot checks your belongings, !heroes check the hall of fame, !party check your level, !flee runs away. 1308:< mumer> *whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack 1308:< RvDarklord> !loot 1308:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 15 shiny things! Nothing is visible inside... 1308:< ranterbach> This bot never does what I tell it to 1308:< mumer> *whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack 1308:< barnum> Round #2, 36 hits! Dire Lion HP: 111[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ranterbach (3), mumer (3), RvDarklord (2) 1308:< ranterbach> !loot 1308:< RvDarklord> haha 1308:< hagbard-celine> huzzah 1308:< mumer> *whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack 1308:< ranterbach> What the hell, bot? 1308:< mumer> Yeah I don't think this stick is doing much 1308:< barnum> ranterbach bag of holding contains 5 shiny things! A [Scepter of Ages] surfaces in it... 1309:< ranterbach> There we go 1309:< mumer> !loot 1309:< RvDarklord> Well let us do a big hit on this guy with long text and stuff you know Kappa 1309:< barnum> Round #3, 51 hits! Dire Lion HP: 60[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (4), ranterbach (3), mumer (2), hagbard-celine (1) 1309:< RvDarklord> nice 1309:< RvDarklord> !heroes 1309:< barnum> mumer bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! Nothing is visible inside... 1309:< mumer> It's dying just very slowly. I'm really inefficient with my staff. 1309:< RvDarklord> !HEROES 1310:< mumer> Oooh I have a shiny thing! 1310:< ranterbach> I think I'm missing about 75% of these bot messages, but I'm not going back to robin grow 1310:< barnum> Round #4, 48 hits! Dire Lion HP: 13[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (4), RvDarklord (3), ranterbach (3) 1310:< mumer> I just turned off all options to mute bots and it seems to be working better for me now. 1311:< barnum> Round #5, 12 hits! Dire Lion HP: 0[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (4) 1311:< mumer> zero hp lol 1311:< RvDarklord> oh it had allow unicode off 1311:< RvDarklord> maybe it works now 1311:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1311:< RvDarklord> !heroes 1312:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : [Sok]SirCabbage (20/35%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/17%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13... 1312:< RvDarklord> uhm did it work? 1312:< RvDarklord> oh it did 1312:< mumer> It's just being really slow this morning. 1312:< RvDarklord> !party 1312:< barnum> Dire Lion is kill! RvDarklord gets the [Eyes of Keen Sight]! LVLs: mumer (3/79%), RvDarklord (7/72%) 1312:< RvDarklord> nice 1312:< barnum> A wild Juvenile Copper Dragon appeared! HP: 345[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1312:< xMARKxDx> hi all 1312:< mumer> Oh I'm up to level 3 now! Eventually maybe I'll get somewhere. 1313:< mumer> morning xMARKxDx 1313:< ranterbach> Think I may have gotten somewhere 1313:< ranterbach> Unicode is allowed and bot filter is off 1313:< barnum> Round #1, 28 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 317[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: mumer (4), ranterbach (2), RvDarklord (1), xMARKxDx (1) 1313:< RvDarklord> nah man you wont get anywhere unless you only use sixty characters or more with each message just like this 1314:< barnum> Round #2, 26 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 291[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: RvDarklord (3) 1314:< RvDarklord> Kappa Kappa Kappa Keepo Kappapride FeelsBadMan NotLikeThis KreyGasm 1314:< ranterbach> Sixty characters you say? I suppose I'm capable of such a monumental feat. I shall give it my utmost 1315:< mumer> I found a Cloak of Fiery Vanquishing in that pile over there and hopefully that will help me preform better at slaying these monsters. 1315:< barnum> Round #3, 45 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 246[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (3), ranterbach (3), mumer (3) 1315:< RvDarklord> you seem to be doing a fine job at using sixty characters ranterbach only a small time left until you are one-shotting everything 1315:< mumer> So now I can wield my staff and hit a copper dragon with my super duper cool fiery vanquishing skills and totally kill this thing. 1315:< ranterbach> I found some sort of horn thing earlier. I have no idea if that will be beneficial in our quest, but it looks interesting, if nothing e 1316:< barnum> Round #4, 45 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 201[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (3), mumer (3), ranterbach (3) 1316:< ranterbach> I imagine I'll find some use for it. If nothing else I suppose I could throw it at the beast 1317:< barnum> Round #5, 19 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 182[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (3), ranterbach (3) 1317:< mumer> I didn't have much success throwing things. I tried, but monsters just kept trying to eat the things I threw at them. 1317:< ranterbach> Monsters have an irritating tendency to consume thrown objects, don't they? 1317:< xMARKxDx> So, if I write a sentence that is at least sixty characters long, I will get some bonus in the game? Extra hits? Loot? Anything? :) 1318:< barnum> Round #6, 22 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 160[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (3), ranterbach (3), xMARKxDx (3) 1318:< RvDarklord> extra xp and damage 1318:< mumer> The loot appears to just go to anyone, but me, so no worries as long as I'm around to mess things up you'll get lots of loot. 1318:< ranterbach> Not to mention, it's a fantastic exercise of one's vocabulary. 1318:< barnum> Round #7, 28 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 132[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (3), ranterbach (3), RvDarklord (1) 1319:< xMARKxDx> Oh, I see it now, this is nice. And thanks for the answer. And what can I do with the loots that I (maybe) earn? 1319:< ranterbach> I consider myself something of a wordsmith, but even I am finding myself at a loss for appropriate long words. 1319:< barnum> Round #8, 13 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 120[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: xMARKxDx (3), ranterbach (3) 1320:< RvDarklord> you can also be 1320:< mumer> You can equip the items to fight the monsters or use them or whatever you'd like to do with them actually. 1320:< RvDarklord> very lazy 1320:< RvDarklord> and just typ 1320:< RvDarklord> a few words 1320:< RvDarklord> on each line 1320:< barnum> Round #9, 52 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 67[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (5), mumer (3) 1321:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1321:< RvDarklord> !loot 1321:< ranterbach> That seems a bit cheap if you ask me 1321:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 16 shiny things! A [Eyes of Keen Sight] surfaces in it... 1321:< ranterbach> That was only 39 characters, I can do far better than that. 1321:< RvDarklord> yes thats very cheap 1321:< xMARKxDx> Laziness is a very bad habit. You should be using this game to broaden your mind and your vocabulary. But whatever floats your boat :D 1321:< mumer> *whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack* 1321:< RvDarklord> that copypasta on the other hand is perfectly fine 1322:< barnum> Round #10, 42 hits! Juvenile Copper Dragon HP: 25[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (4), RvDarklord (3), xMARKxDx (3) 1322:< mumer> Trying that whole stick thing again. Still isn't the best. 1322:< RvDarklord> look man 1322:< ranterbach> I prefer the phrase "whatever floats your goat," personally. Injects a bit of humor into the situation. 1322:< RvDarklord> you have to use a bow 1322:< xMARKxDx> Floating goats? 1322:< xMARKxDx> Sure, count me in! 1322:< ranterbach> Indeed, goats are quite buoyant 1322:< ranterbach> However counter that may seem to traditional logic 1322:< barnum> Juvenile Copper Dragon is kill! ranterbach gets the [Doomharp]! LVLs: ranterbach (3/63%), mumer (3/96%), RvDarklord (7/78%), xMARKxD... 1323:< ranterbach> SUCK A DUCK, JUVENILE COPPER DRAGON 1323:< RvDarklord> wow 1323:< barnum> A wild Omox appeared! HP: 486[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1323:< xMARKxDx> my name almost appeared :D 1323:< ranterbach> Gentlemen, we have just slain a metallic dragon through the power of vocabulary 1323:< barnum> Round #1, 23 hits! Omox HP: 463[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (4), RvDarklord (1), xMARKxDx (1) 1324:< ranterbach> Isn't that invigorating? 1324:< RvDarklord> ok so to go up a tier they need to make another tier 11 1324:< barnum> Round #2, 12 hits! Omox HP: 451[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (1), RvDarklord (1) 1324:< ranterbach> So how is everyone doing this morning? 1324:< xMARKxDx> I had to google this word, English is not my native language, but I'm trying :D 1325:< xMARKxDx> Morning? At me it is afternoon :) 1325:< ranterbach> Nothing wrong with non-English words. In fact some variety may inflict more damage upon the beast 1325:< RvDarklord> afternoon masterrace 1325:< ranterbach> It's 8:25 AM for me 1325:< barnum> Round #3, 29 hits! Omox HP: 422[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (5), xMARKxDx (4), RvDarklord (1) 1325:< mumer> same here ranterbach 1325:< RvDarklord> 15:25 here 1325:< xMARKxDx> 16:25 here :D 1325:< RvDarklord> :D 1326:< xMARKxDx> Neighbor? :O 1326:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Omox HP: 397[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: mumer (2), RvDarklord (2), xMARKxDx (2) 1326:< RvDarklord> only an hour difference 1326:< xMARKxDx> Where do you live? 1327:< RvDarklord> Amorphous beings of living slime, these repulsive demons lurk in fetid pools and lakes of filth, eager to drown unwary passersby. 1327:< RvDarklord> When summoned to the Material Plane, omoxes typically guard places of sacred filth or waters watched over by cults of Jubilex, 1327:< ranterbach> Omox can also refer to a small genus of combtooth blennies found in the western Pacific Ocean. 1327:< barnum> Round #5, 72 hits! Omox HP: 325[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (7), ranterbach (3), xMARKxDx (1) 1327:< RvDarklord> he demon lord with which these foul demons are most commonly associated. 1327:< RvDarklord> A typical omox stands 7 feet tall and weighs 1,200 pounds. They form from the souls of those who destroyed beautiful things in life, 1328:< RvDarklord> or who befouled and desecrated objects of purity. 1328:< RvDarklord> thats an omox 1328:< barnum> Round #6, 69 hits! Omox HP: 256[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (8) 1328:< Lord_Renwod> FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1328:< RvDarklord> and how you deal a lot of damage to it Kappa 1329:< ranterbach> Thank god Lord_Renwood is back to spam FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 1329:< Lord_Renwod> _- so we haven't merged yet I see. This is unfortunuate :/ I'm not sure what to do 1329:< ranterbach> We're saved. ಠ_ಠ 1329:< barnum> Round #7, 24 hits! Omox HP: 232[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (3), RvDarklord (1) 1329:< RvDarklord> we just need another tier 11 and we can merge! 1329:< Lord_Renwod> I'm not spamming jeez I was emoting :/ 1329:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah any estimates on how long that will be? 1330:< ranterbach> Use the power of words, my friend, not cheap "accuracy through volume" techniques 1330:< barnum> Round #8, 29 hits! Omox HP: 203[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (3), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2), RvDarklord (1) 1330:< mumer> RvDarklord this beast sounds super duper mega terrifying. 1330:< xMARKxDx> I hope no one has pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia 1330:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1330:< RvDarklord> luckily we can just talk it to death 1331:< ranterbach> Nothing like a strong monologue to dispatch a terrifying foe and gain new accoutrements 1331:< barnum> Round #9, 31 hits! Omox HP: 172[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: mumer (3), xMARKxDx (3), ranterbach (3), RvDarklord (1) 1331:< mumer> Good that it is susceptible to talking. I'm okay at that. Terrible at whacking with a staff I also noticed I have few clothesNeed those 1331:< Lord_Renwod> ranterbach don't worry about it IDK if you noticed but I don't actually really *care* very much about the bot anymore 1332:< Lord_Renwod> I was tired last night and made some silly choices 1332:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Omox HP: 142[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (4), mumer (3) 1332:< Lord_Renwod> Anywho, does anyone know how long it is going to take for there to be an 11 tier? 1333:< ranterbach> We must deal with this beast with the utmost promptitude, before it has a chance to nidificate 1333:< RvDarklord> might be some time 1333:< barnum> Round #11, 25 hits! Omox HP: 116[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (3), ranterbach (3) 1333:< Lord_Renwod> That's vague -_- I mean, doing the math it should take at least another 4 hours for the merge to get to us 1334:< ranterbach> I find myself wondering if this Omox is in any way luminescent 1334:< barnum> Round #12, 34 hits! Omox HP: 82[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (3), ranterbach (3), RvDarklord (1) 1334:< Lord_Renwod> and then there's another half hour before someone AFK is reaped 1334:< RvDarklord> It might be 1334:< Lord_Renwod> thing is, I'm in class in 4 hours 1334:< Lord_Renwod> I'm in class till about 6 hours out 1335:< mumer> Lord_Renwod there should be one tier 11 in the next 30 minutes 1335:< barnum> Round #13, 47 hits! Omox HP: 36[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5), mumer (3), RvDarklord (1) 1335:< hagbard-celine> test 1335:< RvDarklord> no test 1335:< mumer> then the next tier 11 I don't know...I'm not great at this math thing, but I think the cascade is going to start in the next few hours 1335:< ranterbach> This would be an excellent way to become a sesquipedalian, if one were to invest a significant amount of time to such an activity 1335:< Lord_Renwod> I noticed mumer thanks :) 1336:< barnum> Omox is kill! RvDarklord gets the [Boots of Dancing]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5/94%), mumer (4/4%), ranterbach (3/81%), hagbard-celi... 1336:< barnum> A wild Ogre Spider appeared! HP: 156[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1336:< Lord_Renwod> Well, if it takes 2+ hours to make the next tier 11 (not the one forming now), then I'm good 1336:< ranterbach> What in the name of all hell is an Ogre Spider? 1336:< Lord_Renwod> otherwise, I'll have to resort to... alternative tactics 1337:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Ogre Spider HP: 113[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), RvDarklord (1), ranterbach (1) 1337:< Lord_Renwod> ranterbach picture shrek, ok? 1337:< Lord_Renwod> And then take that spider from Harry Potter which had all the spider denizens? 1337:< RvDarklord> uhm itll take a while prolly 1337:< Lord_Renwod> and then put Shrek's head on the spider's face 1337:< ranterbach> Shrek has very few arachnid qualities about him. Also, I somehow don't picture an ogre spider to be green 1337:< Lord_Renwod> and there you go that's an ogre spider 1337:< barnum> Round #2, 45 hits! Ogre Spider HP: 68[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5), ranterbach (3), RvDarklord (1) 1337:< mumer> An ogre spider is something that I will try and burn with fire. With my firey vanquishing cloak. All spiders burn with fire. 1338:< Lord_Renwod> Naw man you wanna know the best and most fun way to kill a thing? 1338:< Lord_Renwod> gravity 1338:< ranterbach> More likely a disgusting, repulsive mix of mauve and brown, with a bit of khaki and black 1338:< barnum> Round #3, 48 hits! Ogre Spider HP: 20[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5), mumer (3), ranterbach (3) 1339:< Lord_Renwod> I'll just go pick up the spider with my herculean strength, fly it way up high with my wings of flying 1339:< Lord_Renwod> and drop it, sending it hurtling to it's untimely demise, with a splat 1339:< ranterbach> Apparently this arachnid creature has a very low defense against wordplay 1339:< Lord_Renwod> It's extraordinarily effective 1339:< barnum> Ogre Spider is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Dragon Herald Vestments]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6/6%), ranterbach (3/88%) 1339:< Lord_Renwod> ooh fancy 1340:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1340:< barnum> A wild Carbuncle appeared! HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1340:< Lord_Renwod> wow this thing is tiny not even worth dropping from 1k feet or anything 1341:< barnum> Round #1, 25 hits! Carbuncle HP: 14[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (4) 1341:< ranterbach> Thirty nine health? That seems disproportionate to the foes we have dispatched until now 1341:< mumer> So what happens if I flee from the monsters anyways? I've never tried that one...is it super effective? 1341:< ranterbach> I would imagine you are chased down and devoured anyway 1341:< ranterbach> Because you have short legs and you run slow 1341:< mumer> Sometimes you have annoying flies that you have to swat away while you're walking the path you know? 1341:< ranterbach> One must also consider ranged attacks 1341:< Lord_Renwod> wow ranterbach that is super rude and also not true 1341:< barnum> Carbuncle is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Rod of Alertness]! LVLs: mumer (4/14%), ranterbach (3/92%), [soK]Lord_Renwod (6/7%) 1342:< Lord_Renwod> If he runs away he's totally fine 1342:< barnum> A wild Ciratto appeared! HP: 561[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1342:< Lord_Renwod> Because the rest of us draw aggro 1342:< ranterbach> I don't know about that, his back presents a delightful target for ranged acid-based attacks 1342:< ranterbach> How would you like a massive blob of acid on your back? 1342:< Lord_Renwod> Man, nobody spews acid at a fleeing target when they are facing me 1342:< barnum> Round #1, 45 hits! Ciratto HP: 516[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (5), ranterbach (4) 1342:< ranterbach> Doesn't sound very pleasant, does it? 1343:< ranterbach> I certainly wouldn't enjoy such an experience 1343:< Lord_Renwod> Maybe when you are fighting a monster, but when I fight them, they have no chance to do such a thing 1343:< ranterbach> And why would I, when I could simply stand my ground and speak at the monster until it dies? 1343:< barnum> Round #2, 36 hits! Ciratto HP: 480[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (5), [soK]Lord_Renwod (3) 1344:< ranterbach> Standing and speaking seems vastly superior to a back covered in acid, if you ask me 1344:< Lord_Renwod> I punish even the slightest drop in attention with relentless assault so fierce that no monster would make that mistake twice 1344:< barnum> Round #3, 29 hits! Ciratto HP: 451[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (3), [soK]Lord_Renwod (3) 1344:< mumer> My back is protected though! Fiery cloak of vanquishing and all! you know my only piece of armour. Plus my staff. It's great. 1345:< Lord_Renwod> Idk what it is w/ you and backs covered in acid. Mumer if you need to run don't worry man I'll cover you 1345:< ranterbach> This monster is going to insert that staff directly into your anus 1345:< Lord_Renwod> You'll be fine. And even if he does spew acid, you can totally just dodge it... 1345:< barnum> Round #4, 64 hits! Ciratto HP: 387[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), mumer (3), ranterbach (3) 1345:< ranterbach> Better watch out, you don't want anal splinters from that old wodden staff 1345:< ranterbach> *wooden 1345:< Lord_Renwod> wow ranterbach why do you have to be so rude? also disgusting.... 1345:< Lord_Renwod> what happened to just having some fun roleplaying the fights? 1346:< ranterbach> Says the guy that spent an hour screaming "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP" at every monster 1346:< Lord_Renwod> This room has seriously lost a LOT of the elements which made it fun 1346:< Lord_Renwod> Not an hour, you weren't even here for most of it 1346:< barnum> Round #5, 82 hits! Ciratto HP: 305[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (10), ranterbach (4) 1346:< ranterbach> Your criticism holds very little value to me, sir. 1346:< Lord_Renwod> And you don't appreciate what the origin of that. Poop loot is a highly trusted and sacred tradition in #rpg 1347:< Lord_Renwod> Started by none other than ryanvango himself 1347:< ranterbach> You don't know if I was here or not. Perhaps I was simply observing 1347:< barnum> Round #6, 43 hits! Ciratto HP: 262[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (4), [soK]Lord_Renwod (4) 1347:< RvDarklord> yes poop loot is used to steal the loot 1347:< Lord_Renwod> I know you weren't because if you were you wouldn't be LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH 1347:< ranterbach> See? Nefarious and cheap 1348:< ranterbach> Only a thief and a coward utilizes poop loot 1348:< Lord_Renwod> BUT WIDELY USED AND MEANT TO BE COMICAL IN NATURE. Jesus christ man... 1348:< ranterbach> THIS IS NOT TIME FOR COMEDY 1348:< barnum> Round #7, 60 hits! Ciratto HP: 201[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), ranterbach (3), RvDarklord (1) 1348:< ranterbach> I'LL NOT HAVE YOUR ANTICS HERE, SIR. 1348:< Lord_Renwod> SAYS THE GUY WHO IS DEGRADING EVERY OTHER PERSON IN THE CHATROOM 1348:< RvDarklord> BabyRage 1348:< Lord_Renwod> Are you saying that you didn't mean it in some sick perverse comedy? 1349:< Lord_Renwod> or do you actually hold a legitimate grudge against everyone else in the room? 1349:< barnum> Round #8, 71 hits! Ciratto HP: 130[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (9), ranterbach (1), RvDarklord (1) 1349:< ranterbach> It's proven to be quite effective for me. Degrading my compatriots has given me a great deal of content to shout at the beast we face 1349:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1350:< Lord_Renwod> Well, it's an absolutely disgusting thing to be chatting about. People like you have made this room absolutely unbearable 1350:< Lord_Renwod> Considering this is #RPG, the traditional (and accepted) method of finding inspiration is to ROLEPLAY 1350:< ranterbach> If I must risk offending my comrades sensitive skins to slay the deadly monster we now face, then so be it I say 1350:< barnum> Round #9, 65 hits! Ciratto HP: 65[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (6), [soK]Lord_Renwod (6) 1350:< ranterbach> This is a matter of the lesser evil, the greater good, the benefit of all humanity! 1351:< Lord_Renwod> It's not "sensitive skins", it's just you're an asshole. You're being an actual bonafide dick to people to fight imaginary monsters 1351:< Lord_Renwod> That isn't cool, it isn't fun, and it sure as hell isn't justified. 1351:< barnum> Round #10, 52 hits! Ciratto HP: 13[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), ranterbach (3) 1351:< ranterbach> I can't tell if you're going with it or you're actually upset at this point 1352:< ranterbach> That sounds like a personal problem, honestly 1352:< ranterbach> You shouldn't let things like that upset you 1352:< Lord_Renwod> It is a personal problem. it's YOUR personal problem 1352:< barnum> Ciratto is kill! ranterbach gets the [Earth Root Boots]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6/31%), ranterbach (4/15%) 1352:< ranterbach> I'm having a great morning, I have no problems right now 1352:< barnum> A wild Naunet appeared! HP: 282[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1352:< ranterbach> I'm not sure why you're letting this bother you when nobody else is upset, but that is a mere curiosity 1353:< barnum> Round #1, 27 hits! Naunet HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ranterbach (6) 1353:< Lord_Renwod> Who else? 1353:< Lord_Renwod> This chatroom doesn't reward lurking. It goes against the very nature of the game 1353:< ranterbach> I would imagine the other people that were here with us 1353:< Lord_Renwod> They LEFT. 1354:< Lord_Renwod> and I wouldn't doubt that you had a part in it. 1354:< ranterbach> Okay then, if you're going to be a child, I'll just go back to watching anime. Have fun by yourself buddy 1354:< barnum> Round #2, 56 hits! Naunet HP: 199[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), ranterbach (4) 1354:< Lord_Renwod> Hello hagbard-celine! 1354:< hagbard-celine> heya, how goes? 1354:< Lord_Renwod> alright 1354:< Lord_Renwod> I should *probably* be going, I've got some stuff to do this morning 1354:< ranterbach> Careful what you say, hagbard-celine. Renwod is in quite the mood 1355:< Lord_Renwod> I was just supposed to be checking in 1355:< barnum> Round #3, 54 hits! Naunet HP: 145[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), ranterbach (3), hagbard-celine (2) 1355:< Lord_Renwod> I'm not in a mood 1355:< ranterbach> Whatever you say 1355:< Lord_Renwod> !loot 1356:< barnum> Round #4, 17 hits! Naunet HP: 128[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (2), ranterbach (1) 1356:< barnum> Lord_Renwod bag of holding contains 4 shiny things! A [Rod of Alertness] surfaces in it... 1356:< ranterbach> Dude are you for real with this shit? 1356:< barnum> Round #5, 15 hits! Naunet HP: 113[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: K1ngN0thing (3), ranterbach (2) 1357:< ranterbach> Have you read the comments on that post? 1357:< Lord_Renwod> A rod of alertness 1357:< Bonoahx> gibs 20 points 4 days ago Why would you spam the robin chat? Spammers in there are the worst. permalinksavereportgive goldreply 1357:< Lord_Renwod> Great for a morning 1357:< barnum> Round #6, 22 hits! Naunet HP: 90[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Bonoahx (3), [soK]Lord_Renwod (2), K1ngN0thing (1), ranterbach (1) 1358:< ranterbach> Clearly the people here are not interested 1358:< ranterbach> Even if I was interested in the concept, you have turned me away from the sub 1358:< barnum> Round #7, 22 hits! Naunet HP: 68[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ranterbach (4), K1ngN0thing (2) 1358:< Bonoahx> So the sub is basically advertising for people to take drugs which aren't prescribed to them 1358:< ranterbach> So it would seem 1358:< Lord_Renwod> Personally I don't have a problem with it 1359:< ranterbach> Of course you don't, because I do 1359:< Lord_Renwod> Free speech, let the dude say what he wants 1359:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1359:< ranterbach> Free speech does not apply to private domain 1359:< Lord_Renwod> No, I just know not to "let it upset me" 1359:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah reddit really doesn't give a FUCK what we say here 1400:< barnum> Round #8, 48 hits! Naunet HP: 20[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (4), K1ngN0thing (3), Bonoahx (3), ranterbach (3) 1400:< Lord_Renwod> they literally care JACK SHIT about how their april fool's prank is treated, minus server problems 1400:< barnum> Round #9, 19 hits! Naunet HP: 1[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (3) 1400:< Lord_Renwod> This naunet thing is almost dead. How interesting 1401:< Lord_Renwod> I wonder what's going to pop out of that pinata 1401:< Lord_Renwod> I don't have an enye key on my keyboard 1401:< Lord_Renwod> I can't do it right. I'm sorry world. 1401:< barnum> Naunet is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Howling Skull Armor]! LVLs: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6/43%) 1402:< Lord_Renwod> just saiyan 1402:< barnum> A wild Aranea appeared! HP: 111[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1402:< RvDarklord> lol if spammers are annoying you just block them 1402:< Lord_Renwod> Yup yup 1402:< ranterbach> Saying "just sayin" makes you look like a tool 1402:< Lord_Renwod> I'm with Kingnothing on this one, I think he's totally fine 1402:< barnum> Round #1, 54 hits! Aranea HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (6), K1ngN0thing (1), RvDarklord (1), ranterbach (1) 1403:< Lord_Renwod> It was a pun dude. Saiyans are a PROUD WARRIOR RACE 1403:< ranterbach> k 1403:< Lord_Renwod> !create Edia 1403:< barnum> Round #2, 18 hits! Aranea HP: 39[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (2), ranterbach (1) 1404:< Lord_Renwod> Ooh that spider has one heck of a fancy name 1404:< barnum> Lord_Renwod: [Edia(1/10%)] already exists! Why don't you !join it? 1404:< Lord_Renwod> Does it wear a monicle? 1404:< Lord_Renwod> it does? YAAAAY 1404:< Lord_Renwod> !join Edia 1404:< barnum> Round #3, 26 hits! Aranea HP: 13[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [soK]Lord_Renwod (4) 1404:< Lord_Renwod> poop loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot 1405:< barnum> Lord_Renwod leaves [soKukun] to join [Edia]! 1405:< Lord_Renwod> win win erry day :D 1405:< barnum> Round #4, 7 hits! Aranea HP: 7[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1405:< Lord_Renwod> What how haven't it dead yet? 1406:< Lord_Renwod> :O Oh right they were talking about a spam filter, so I have to be like 1406:< Lord_Renwod> Talk talk fancy so much special not making a spammy comment (poop loot) 1406:< barnum> Aranea is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Portable Hole]! LVLs: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (6/53%) 1406:< Lord_Renwod> OMG I always wanted a portable hole 1406:< barnum> A wild Jack-in-irons Giant appeared! HP: 963[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1406:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 1407:< barnum> Lord_Renwod deposited 6 loot in [Edia(1/22%)] vault! 1407:< Lord_Renwod> Holla holla make dolla 1407:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 945[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1408:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 945[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1408:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1408:< mumer> hits the giant 1408:< mumer> again 1408:< mumer> and again 1409:< mumer> and once yet again 1409:< barnum> Round #3, 16 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 929[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: mumer (4) 1410:< mumer> and since all you people have now left this is going to take even longer than normal to kill. it's okay i got this. 1410:< barnum> Round #4, 12 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 916[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: mumer (3) 1410:< mumer> *whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack**whack* 1411:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 916[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1412:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 916[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1413:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 916[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1414:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 916[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1414:< mumer> that giant is going to go on a rampage and start chasing after all the other people in the room if no one fights it. I'm here! I can! 1415:< barnum> Round #9, 12 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 904[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: mumer (3) 1416:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 904[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1416:< mumer> I got 12 hits on you, big mean scary giant! Back away! I I know your big and scary but I totally got this all by myself, don't wanna be 1416:< Krydos> I can help! 1416:< Krydos> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1416:< barnum> You fled Jack-in-irons Giant and it's glorious loot of [Bead of Force]! 1417:< barnum> A wild Huge Acid Quasi-elemental appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !comm... 1417:< mumer> alright I don't want to lose the loot from this guy so we gotta actually try and kill it this time. you in with me krydos? you here? 1417:< barnum> Round #1, 12 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 216[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: mumer (3) 1418:< Krydos> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1418:< mumer> oh yeah I got this. even if i'm doing it by myself. I can whack it all day long. 1418:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1418:< Krydos> *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick *kick 1418:< Krydos> !party 1418:< barnum> THE PARTY: Krydos (6/1%) and... mumer (4/23%) 1418:< Krydos> !help 1419:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1419:< barnum> Round #2, 25 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 191[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: mumer (3), Krydos (2) 1419:< mumer> *whack *whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack 1419:< Krydos> *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop *chop 1419:< mumer> *whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack*whack 1420:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 191[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1420:< mumer> blah apparently that got spammed out, so now I gotta type some actual attack...whacks it with a stick. 1421:< barnum> Round #4, 12 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 178[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: mumer (3) 1421:< mumer> I think I need to come up with a new verb. Whack is able to be misinterpreted much too easily. 1421:< mumer> thwack? Is that one better? I can thwack things just as easily with a staff and sounds slightly better. 1421:< mumer> although I do think thwack is more of a sound and less of an action, so I don't know about that. 1421:< barnum> Round #5, 37 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 142[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: mumer (9) 1422:< Krydos> test 1422:< mumer> so if I have a long line I get 3 xp. and if I have 3 long lines I get 3 times that amount 1422:< mumer> I think that's correct anyways. If I interpret this bot correctly at least, we'll see. 1422:< barnum> Round #6, 31 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 111[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: mumer (6), Krydos (1) 1423:< mumer> okay so that's how it works. 3 xp per line over 60 characters. and only 1 for well a line. 1423:< mumer> so it's best to get 3 long lines of damage each round it appears. 1423:< mumer> I don't know how many different things I can type over 60 characters each round though. 1423:< barnum> Round #7, 37 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 74[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: mumer (9) 1424:< mumer> It gets to be a bit tiresome typing this much. and now that I'm not whacking things...bleeeh 1424:< mumer> it's okay I'm gonna eventually kill this thing and I will get the loot. hopefully no one steals. 1424:< mumer> the glorious loot from this huge acid quasis elemental from me though since 1424:< barnum> Round #8, 37 hits! Huge Acid Quasi-elemental HP: 38[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: mumer (9) 1424:< mumer> i am the only one that is even hitting it, that'd be mean. don't be cruel. 1425:< mumer> oh my goodness i totally got this. I am so close to killing a monster by myself. 1425:< mumer> and no one will ever even hear of my great accomplishments. they're so great. 1425:< mumer> i'm seriously so awesome and everyone is missing this great moment in time. 1425:< barnum> Huge Acid Quasi-elemental is kill! mumer gets the [Scavenger's Ring]! LVLs: mumer (4/54%) 1425:< Picus> I'll witness 1425:< barnum> A wild Screaming Devilkin appeared! HP: 48[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1426:< mumer> YES I GOT Scavenger's Ring!! MY FIRST AND PROBABLY ONLY LOOT! 1426:< barnum> Round #1, 13 hits! Screaming Devilkin HP: 35[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: mumer (3), Picus (1) 1426:< mumer> thank you Picus for witnessing my amazing work there. 1426:< RvDarklord> !loot 1427:< mumer> This one has so few hps. A screaming devilkin should be an easy kill. 1427:< barnum> A wild Yamaraj appeared! HP: 1011[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1427:< mumer> and maybe with my new shiny Scavenger's Ring I'll get another piece of loot. 1428:< mumer> oh bugger it's not the devilkin anymore I'm out yo. 1428:< ryanvango> !heroes 1428:< barnum> Round #1, 21 hits! Yamaraj HP: 990[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: mumer (4), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1428:< ryanvango> !heroes 1428:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : [Sok]SirCabbage (20/35%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/17%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13... 1429:< barnum> Round #2, 4 hits! Yamaraj HP: 986[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1429:< ryanvango> hey gang. just stopping by to say hi...remember to !join SokukuCh and then !donate 1430:< barnum> Round #3, 12 hits! Yamaraj HP: 974[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12) 1430:< barnum> Just Sokuku ;) 1430:< barnum> No Ch 1431:< ryanvango> hey gang. just stopping by the say hi...remember to !join Sokuku and then !donate 1431:< barnum> Round #4, 12 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12) 1433:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1434:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1434:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1435:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1436:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1437:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Yamaraj HP: 962[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1438:< barnum> You fled Yamaraj and it's glorious loot of [Alchemist's Bullet]! 1438:< barnum> A wild Thunder Beast appeared! HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1439:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1439:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1440:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1441:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1442:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1443:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Thunder Beast HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1444:< barnum> You fled Thunder Beast and it's glorious loot of [Dwarfbond Hammer]! 1444:< barnum> A wild Elusa Hound appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1445:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1445:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1446:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1447:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1448:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1449:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1450:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Elusa Hound HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1451:< barnum> You fled Elusa Hound and it's glorious loot of [Persistent Metamagic Rod]! 1451:< barnum> A wild Ancient Time Dragon appeared! HP: 1254[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1452:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Ancient Time Dragon HP: 1254[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1453:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ancient Time Dragon HP: 1254[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1454:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ancient Time Dragon HP: 1254[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1454:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ancient Time Dragon HP: 1254[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1455:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1456:< pyroshroom> !loot 1456:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding contains 31 shiny things! Nothing is visible inside... 1456:< barnum> Round #5, 14 hits! Ancient Time Dragon HP: 1240[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: pyroshroom (1) 1456:< pyroshroom> !flee 1456:< pyroshroom> !flee 1456:< pyroshroom> !flee 1456:< pyroshroom> !flee 1456:< pyroshroom> !flee 1457:< pyroshroom> !flee 1457:< barnum> A wild Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium appeared! HP: 516[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the... 1458:< pyroshroom> ugh, wonder how much damage I can do to these things now 1458:< barnum> Round #1, 41 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 475[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (3) 1458:< pyroshroom> wow, 41 hits with one line, maybe I can do quite a bit of damage in a minute 1458:< pyroshroom> so that I don't have to sit here too long to find out the loot 1458:< pyroshroom> in my loot command so that I can enjoy it all here and 1458:< ryanvango> make sure you type!join Sokuku then !donate all your loot to the guild pyro 1458:< barnum> Round #2, 109 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 366[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), pyroshroom (7) 1459:< pyroshroom> !join Sokuku' 1459:< pyroshroom> !join Sokuku 1459:< pyroshroom> Hmm 1459:< barnum> pyroshroom: this guild doesn't exist yet! Why don't you !create it? 1459:< pyroshroom> !join Sokuku 1459:< barnum> pyroshroom joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1459:< pyroshroom> !donate 1459:< barnum> Round #3, 69 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 297[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (20) 1459:< pyroshroom> my bag of holding is so empty 1500:< pyroshroom> !donate 1500:< pyroshroom> woah, twenty exp from that? 1500:< pyroshroom> that's a lot in one line 1500:< barnum> Round #4, 55 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 241[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (16) 1501:< pyroshroom> does exp increase faster when you're in a guild? 1501:< pyroshroom> !donate 1 1501:< ryanvango> i think so 1501:< pyroshroom> !loot 1501:< barnum> Round #5, 45 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 196[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (12), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1501:< ryanvango> and your guild levele is based on look. you may be ratelimiting it 1501:< pyroshroom> these donations don't seem to be donating much 1502:< pyroshroom> !donate 10 1502:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding contains 31 shiny things! Nothing is visible inside... 1502:< pyroshroom> hmm, guess nothing is donating 1502:< barnum> Round #6, 58 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 138[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]pyroshroom (12) 1502:< ryanvango> yeah don't know why its not working. its basically doing a !loot 1502:< pyroshroom> !donate 1 1502:< ryanvango> maybe after you kill something try again 1502:< barnum> It's !deposit note donate 1502:< pyroshroom> !deposit 1 1503:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 1503:< pyroshroom> Hmmm !donate 10 1503:< barnum> Round #7, 62 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 76[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]pyroshroom (12) 1503:< pyroshroom> die rhinoceros 1503:< pyroshroom> I want to see something in my bag of holding 1504:< pyroshroom> since there is nothing visible right now 1504:< pyroshroom> this might take a while 1504:< ryanvango> barnum take a peek at whats happening here 1504:< barnum> Round #8, 65 hits! Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium HP: 12[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (16), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1504:< pyroshroom> I seem to be doing much less damage 1504:< pyroshroom> than normally now 1504:< pyroshroom> Die woolly rhinocerous! 1504:< barnum> Pyro, try !deposit again 1505:< pyroshroom> !deposit 1 1505:< barnum> pyroshroom deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/60%)] vault! 1505:< pyroshroom> oo, fancy 1505:< pyroshroom> !deposit 10 1505:< barnum> It ignores some commands when there are too many 1505:< pyroshroom> ah I see 1505:< barnum> Woolly Rhinoceros Elasmotherium is kill! pyroshroom gets the [Nightmare Boots]! LVLs: [Sok]pyroshroom (11/14%) 1505:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1505:< pyroshroom> !loot 1506:< barnum> A wild Mature Adult Gold Dragon appeared! HP: 750[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !comma... 1506:< barnum> pyroshroom deposited 10 loot in [Sokuku(4/65%)] vault! 1506:< pyroshroom> ah, I see, that's the guild level then 1506:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 707[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (12) 1506:< pyroshroom> !loot 1507:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding contains 21 shiny things! A [Nightmare Boots] surfaces in it... 1507:< pyroshroom> Ooo, fancy, our recent loot actually shows up now 1507:< barnum> Round #2, 28 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 679[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (8) 1507:< pyroshroom> !donate 11 1508:< pyroshroom> !deposit 11 1508:< barnum> pyroshroom deposited 11 loot in [Sokuku(4/71%)] vault! 1508:< ryanvango> if you just do deposit itll dump everything in there 1508:< pyroshroom> but I want some loot still :p 1508:< barnum> Round #3, 42 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 637[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (12), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1508:< pyroshroom> Gotta have my equipment 1509:< ryanvango> haha we're assumign for RP that your loot count is money and the items are still on you 1509:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 612[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]pyroshroom (4) 1509:< ryanvango> everything trackable on the doc, you still keep 1509:< pyroshroom> !deposit 1509:< pyroshroom> That changes things then :D 1509:< barnum> pyroshroom deposited 10 loot in [Sokuku(4/76%)] vault! 1509:< ryanvango> its just so we can beat the other chats guilds (which are at like 9 already) 1510:< pyroshroom> Wow, they're far ahead 1510:< barnum> Round #5, 53 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 559[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]pyroshroom (12) 1510:< ryanvango> yeah but their levels are low. and they've likely had the script a while ahead of us, since they're the ones testing it 1510:< barnum> They did have guilds earlier than us though, since I had problems updating the bot. 1510:< ryanvango> by low i mean, high, but lower than ours were before i requested to be nerfed 1511:< barnum> Round #6, 30 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 529[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (24) 1511:< barnum> I do hope the guy running the main bot is willing to merge user data when/if the chats merge. 1511:< surelyucantbserious> Shirley drops in to deliver a crate of Earl Grey tea, but I slip and it plunges into the Bay of Bostonia... 1511:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> morning, folks. How's the good fight going? 1512:< barnum> Round #7, 12 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 517[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (3), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1) 1512:< barnum> I also really hope this cascade doesn't happen while I'm at work tonight. 1513:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 517[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: no one :( 1513:< ryanvango> im gonna be studying then in a test, itll likely happen while im away 1513:< barnum> Round #9, 15 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 502[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12) 1514:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 502[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1515:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1515:< RvDarklord> !loot 1515:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 17 shiny things! A [Boots of Dancing] surfaces in it... 1515:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Kill the Orcs! Slay the Orcs! Destroy the ORCS!!!!!!!!! 1516:< RvDarklord> did someone say the ORCS MUST DIE? 1516:< barnum> Round #11, 17 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 484[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (2) 1516:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> shoutout to the (now defunct, except for one last show) /r/nerdpoker! 1517:< barnum> Round #12, 9 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 475[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3) 1517:< RvDarklord> shoutout to omd 2 http://store.steampowered.com/app/201790/ great game 10/10 1517:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Ha! that's great RvDarklord . Looks like a cool game to me 1517:< barnum> Round #13, 36 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 439[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (3), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3) 1518:< RvDarklord> ~50 hours in 1518:< RvDarklord> still have some dlc left 1518:< barnum> Round #14, 17 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 422[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (2) 1519:< Lord_Renwod> Oh good 1519:< Lord_Renwod> no new rooms 1519:< Lord_Renwod> If it's still that way in 40 minutes, then I should be safe through class 1519:< barnum> Round #15, 30 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 392[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (5) 1520:< Lord_Renwod> In fact, if it's still that way in 20 minutes, I should be safe through class 1520:< barnum> Round #16, 18 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 374[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1521:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 374[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1522:< Lord_Renwod> I should really make a squire 1522:< barnum> Round #18, 6 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 368[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1522:< Lord_Renwod> So that this kind of stuff doesn't happen 1523:< barnum> Round #19, 6 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 362[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1524:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 362[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1524:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1525:< Lord_Renwod> !help 1525:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1525:< Lord_Renwod> !commands 1525:< barnum> Round #21, 12 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (2) 1526:< barnum> !loot checks your belongings, !heroes check the hall of fame, !party check your level, !flee runs away. 1526:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1527:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1528:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1529:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1530:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1531:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1532:< barnum> Round #28, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1532:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1533:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1534:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1535:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1536:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1536:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1537:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1538:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1539:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1540:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1541:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1542:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1543:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I KILL THE DRAGON WITH MY DRAGON KILLING THING OF DRAGON KILLING 1543:< barnum> Round #40, 9 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 340[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3) 1543:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1544:< barnum> Round #41, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 340[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1545:< RvDarklord> I KILL THE DRAGON WITH MY DRAGON KILLING THING OF DRAGON KILLING 1545:< RvDarklord> Kappa 1545:< barnum> Round #42, 35 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4) 1546:< barnum> Round #43, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1547:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1548:< barnum> Round #45, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1549:< barnum> Round #46, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1550:< barnum> Round #47, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1551:< barnum> Round #48, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1552:< barnum> Round #49, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1552:< barnum> Round #50, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1553:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1554:< barnum> Round #51, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1555:< barnum> Round #52, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1556:< barnum> Round #53, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1556:< barnum> Round #54, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1557:< barnum> Round #55, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1558:< barnum> Round #56, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1559:< barnum> Round #57, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1600:< barnum> Round #58, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1601:< barnum> Round #59, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1602:< barnum> Round #60, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1602:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1603:< barnum> Round #61, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1604:< barnum> Round #62, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1605:< barnum> Round #63, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1606:< barnum> Round #64, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1607:< barnum> Round #65, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1608:< barnum> Round #66, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1609:< barnum> Round #67, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1610:< barnum> Round #68, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1611:< barnum> Round #69, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1612:< barnum> Round #70, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1612:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1613:< barnum> Round #71, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1614:< barnum> Round #72, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1615:< barnum> Round #73, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1616:< barnum> Round #74, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1617:< barnum> Round #75, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1617:< barnum> Round #76, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1618:< barnum> Round #77, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1619:< barnum> Round #78, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1620:< barnum> Round #79, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1621:< barnum> Round #80, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1622:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1622:< barnum> Round #81, 0 hits! Mature Adult Gold Dragon HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1623:< barnum> A wild Abaia appeared! HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1624:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1625:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1626:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1626:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1627:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1628:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Abaia HP: 441[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1629:< barnum> You fled Abaia and it's glorious loot of [Ring of Craft Magic]! 1630:< barnum> A wild Young Cloud Dragon appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1630:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1631:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1631:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, now prepare to DIE! 1631:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, now prepare to DIE! 1631:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1632:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS has fun storming the castle. 1632:< barnum> Round #3, 22 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 206[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (7) 1633:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS has fun storming the castle. "I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, now prepare to DIE! " 1633:< barnum> Round #4, 9 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 197[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3) 1634:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 197[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1635:< XG549> the cascade will be slow as hell 1635:< barnum> The Young Cloud Dragon denies killing your father. 1635:< barnum> Round #6, 1 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 196[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: XG549 (1) 1635:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS throws GIant Axe to XG549 and shouts "Damn the cascade! This demon must DIE!!!!!! 1636:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, now prepare to DIE! 1636:< barnum> Round #7, 19 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (6) 1637:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1638:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1639:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Young Cloud Dragon HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1640:< barnum> You fled Young Cloud Dragon and it's glorious loot of [Horn of Blasting]! 1640:< barnum> A wild Giant Flytrap appeared! HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1641:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1641:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1642:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1643:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1644:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1645:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1646:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Giant Flytrap HP: 447[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1646:< barnum> You fled Giant Flytrap and it's glorious loot of [Amulet of Channeled Life]! 1647:< barnum> A wild Ja Noi appeared! HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1647:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1648:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1649:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 16:49:51 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 16:50:11 2016 1650::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1650:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1651:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1651:< RvDarklord> i go forward for the loot 1651:< barnum> Round #5, 9 hits! Ja Noi HP: 162[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: RvDarklord (1) 1652:< RvDarklord> hit hi 1652:< RvDarklord> hit hithitKappa 1652:< barnum> Round #6, 17 hits! Ja Noi HP: 145[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: RvDarklord (2) 1653:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 145[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1653:< TeaBagTwat> I readily kicked the demon! 1654:< barnum> Round #8, 4 hits! Ja Noi HP: 140[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: TeaBagTwat (1) 1655:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Ja Noi HP: 140[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1656:< barnum> You fled Ja Noi and it's glorious loot of [Commander's Banner]! 1656:< barnum> A wild Chaos Beast appeared! HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1657:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1658:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1659:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1659:< SilentSand> The cascade is starting! 1700:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (4) 1700:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1700:< SilentSand> Why are people fleeing? Thisthing is so close to dying 1700:< manface12> !help 1700:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1701:< derogative> i think it flees automatically now if there's no damage 1701:< SilentSand> Alright, that's fair 1701:< SilentSand> Have the two of you joined the Sokuku guild? 1701:< barnum> Round #5, 54 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 185[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), manface12 (1), derogative (1) 1701:< SilentSand> Use !join Sokuku 1701:< SilentSand> It'll give you some small benefits a from the guild 1701:< derogative> no because i was doing other stuff yesterday so i shall join right now 1702:< derogative> !join Sokuku 1702:< barnum> derogative joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1702:< barnum> Round #6, 53 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 132[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]derogative (16), [Sok]SilentSand (8) 1702:< derogative> someone is hooting and hollering outside this aint no time for excitement 1702:< TeaBagTwat> Do people mind if I use a bot? Ive created one to practice and learn coding and would love to test it out. I will only run it for 1 min 1702:< SilentSand> I mean I guess 1702:< RvDarklord> uhm you can 1703:< SilentSand> As long as you joint eh Sokuku guild 1703:< RvDarklord> i guess 1703:< barnum> Round #7, 79 hits! Chaos Beast HP: 53[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]derogative (12), [Sok]SilentSand (8), TeaBagTwat (3), RvDarklor... 1703:< TeaBagTwat> It's a auto rpg bot and sure ill join 1703:< SilentSand> You gotta use !join Sokuku 1703:< derogative> man though, this means we're going to finally be reunited with robin-rpg 1703:< SilentSand> And the you're with us, you two RVDarklord 1703:< derogative> after ten long years 1703:< TeaBagTwat> I nastily beated the horror! 1703:< SilentSand> Yeah, it's gonna be amazing. We'll also be competing 1703:< TeaBagTwat> I continually beated the demon! 1704:< SilentSand> With the other tiered RPG rooms 1704:< TeaBagTwat> I spectacularly punched the creature! 1704:< derogative> yeah 1704:< barnum> Chaos Beast is kill! TeaBagTwat gets the [Staff of Size Alteration]! LVLs: [Sok]derogative (5/71%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/24%), TeaBag... 1704:< RvDarklord> I am the one who uses ranged weapons as melee weapons 1704:< TeaBagTwat> I energetically beated the monster! 1704:< TeaBagTwat> I enjoyably beated the demon! 1704:< TeaBagTwat> What was it to join? 1704:< barnum> A wild Zombyre appeared! HP: 111[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1704:< derogative> a zombyre, i see 1704:< SilentSand> Use !join Sokuku 1704:< TeaBagTwat> I recklessly beated the creature! 1704:< derogative> not just a zombie, but a... zombie vampire i guess? 1704:< TeaBagTwat> I intensely kicked the horror! 1705:< SilentSand> It's a sexy zombie, that's my guess 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I utterly beated the animal! 1705:< barnum> Round #1, 78 hits! Zombyre HP: 33[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]derogative (8), [Sok]SilentSand (8), TeaBagTwat (6), RvDarklord (1) 1705:< RvDarklord> Kappa attack! Kappa KappaPride Keepo FeelsBadMan NotLikeThis 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I fatally beated the demon! 1705:< derogative> that's also a likely answer, though sexy zombies are always worrisome 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I merely beated the monster! 1705:< RvDarklord> hits monster with bow 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I methodically kicked the horror! 1705:< derogative> unless it's from that one movie where the zombie girl, to resist her urges to eat people, drives glass into her skin 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I fatally kicked the demon! 1705:< TeaBagTwat> I'll stop the bot now I know it works thanks 1705:< RvDarklord> poop loot 1705:< derogative> and ends up looking uncomfortably sexy with all those carefully placed glass shards 1706:< barnum> Zombyre is kill! derogative gets the [Phylactery of Negative Channeling]! LVLs: [Sok]derogative (5/93%), RvDarklord (7/93%), TeaBagT... 1706:< RvDarklord> nice 93% 1706:< RvDarklord> to lvl 8 1706:< barnum> A wild Dantalion appeared! HP: 1068[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1706:< derogative> nice 1706:< TeaBagTwat> !join Sokuku 1706:< barnum> TeaBagTwat joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1706:< RvDarklord> uhm can we flee this? it has way too much hp 1706:< SilentSand> And then to deposit your kills use !deposit 1706:< RvDarklord> !loot 1706:< SilentSand> Eh, isn't that just more xp really? 1706:< barnum> Round #1, 77 hits! Dantalion HP: 991[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (8), RvDarklord (4), [Sok]derogative (4), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4) 1707:< derogative> !deposit 1707:< derogative> yeah technically this means more exp overall 1707:< TeaBagTwat> !deposit 1707:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 17 shiny things! A [Boots of Dancing] surfaces in it... 1707:< SilentSand> Technically you deposit your loot, but the bot doesn't track your items 1707:< derogative> a boots of dancing. just one whole boots of dancing. 1707:< SilentSand> Past the last one you earned 1707:< RvDarklord> whahaha 1707:< barnum> Round #2, 93 hits! Dantalion HP: 898[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (16), [Sok]derogative (12), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), RvDarklord (1) 1707:< RvDarklord> 17 shiny things 1708:< RvDarklord> get rekt nerds 1708:< AntimanV101> !guilds 1708:< TeaBagTwat> Wait who's in the guild? 1708:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(4/76%)], [Edia(1/22%)] 1708:< barnum> Round #3, 27 hits! Dantalion HP: 871[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (4), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), RvDarklord (2) 1708:< RvDarklord> !join Sokuku 1708:< TeaBagTwat> !help 1709:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> !join Sokuku 1709:< barnum> RvDarklord joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1709:< RvDarklord> nice 1709:< SilentSand> Try joining again Teabag 1709:< barnum> Round #4, 41 hits! Dantalion HP: 830[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (8), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), [Sok]SilentSand (4), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1) 1709:< RvDarklord> uhm what does !deposit do exactly? 1709:< TeaBagTwat> !join Sokuku 1710:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1710:< SilentSand> You collect a thing of loot everytime you get a kill 1710:< barnum> TeaBagTwat leaves [Sokuku] to join [Sokuku]! 1710:< SilentSand> This technically improves your damage by some small amount I think? Maybe not. 1710:< RvDarklord> lol 1710:< TeaBagTwat> I don't like the sounds of deposit 1710:< barnum> Round #5, 99 hits! Dantalion HP: 730[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (16), [Sok]RvDarklord (12), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8) 1711:< SilentSand> But if you deposit, it improves the guild level, which DOES increase everybody's damage in the guild 1711:< RvDarklord> yea i think it'll make me lose my dancing ability 1711:< RvDarklord> !loot 1711:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 17 shiny things! A [Boots of Dancing] surfaces in it... 1711:< SilentSand> Since the bot doesn't allow you to distinguish between items, you can't deposit only certain items 1711:< mumer> So I only have a couple more hours to kill things in here. And get loads of loot. 1711:< SilentSand> Also, the bot doesn't track past the last item collected 1711:< mumer> Oh wait. I'm cursed and don't ever get loot. Such is life. My life anyways. 1711:< keithgabryelski> Kill the Dantalion with firey arrows -- 1711:< barnum> Round #6, 192 hits! Dantalion HP: 538[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (36), [Sok]RvDarklord (8), mumer (6), keithgabryelski (1) 1712:< mumer> I have figured out how to actually hit the monsters though! That's a plus! 1712:< RvDarklord> mumer you should learn the art of the poop loot 1712:< keithgabryelski> send my hound, Agincourt, to attack the limbs... if it has limbs. 1712:< keithgabryelski> Fingers up... send some more arrows 1712:< RvDarklord> i will show you 1712:< mumer> You and your thieving poop looting ways. Thieves all of you! With sinky loots! 1712:< keithgabryelski> mumer just type 1712:< barnum> Round #7, 60 hits! Dantalion HP: 477[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (8), mumer (6), keithgabryelski (5) 1712:< keithgabryelski> it's all about the number of characters you type 1713:< mumer> I know keithgabryelski I'm just saying that I never get the last one in and thus no loot for me 1713:< RvDarklord> Uses his staff of dark flame to hit the dantalion in the sweet spot dealing next to no damage 1713:< keithgabryelski> nothing more than that... if you have a line that is more than 60 characters.... 1713:< keithgabryelski> oh... i see 1713:< keithgabryelski> parrot has gotten pretty awesome 1713:< mumer> I did actually kill some monster earlier while no one was here. Someone p somebody witnessed it for me. 1713:< barnum> Round #8, 73 hits! Dantalion HP: 404[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12), keithgabryelski (6), mumer (6) 1713:< RvDarklord> sixty plus characters means more damage and more xp which is very nice ofc. 1713:< keithgabryelski> the latest release sends squelched messages 1714:< RvDarklord> yea parrot is awesome 1714:< RvDarklord> oh btw guys join Sokuku 1714:< SilentSand> Poop loot isn't actually a thing, the bot keeps track of hp and gives it to whoever actually kills it 1714:< RvDarklord> do !join Sokuku 1714:< RvDarklord> wow they updated it!?!? 1714:< mumer> oh seriously? cause it doesn't seem that way...it seems poop loot is more accurate 1714:< SilentSand> You can snipe but the last messaging thing doesn't matter 1714:< barnum> Round #9, 182 hits! Dantalion HP: 222[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (28), [Sok]SilentSand (24), mumer (3), keithgabryelski (1) 1714:< mumer> !join Sokuku 1714:< keithgabryelski> 4.5 hours to go baby 1714:< SilentSand> We confirmed it last night that the bot def just tracks hp 1715:< RvDarklord> oh then they fixed it 1715:< barnum> mumer joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1715:< SilentSand> It likely just throws messsages out as soon as you kill it, but only when it's running well 1715:< RvDarklord> thats nice now you cant poop loot anymore 1715:< mumer> What happens now that I've joined the deposit thing? It makes the level of the monster higher? 1715:< SilentSand> We had 6 second delays between chat messages and kill messages so that's what we have for confirming 1715:< RvDarklord> oh so when its late it just lagged again? that is a good way to check if the bot is lagging 1716:< barnum> Round #11, 91 hits! Dantalion HP: 8[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]mumer (12), [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1716:< SilentSand> Mumer, using !deposit allows you to 1716:< RvDarklord> Also Poop loot was a very skillfull method of acquiring loot 1716:< SilentSand> Yeah, but it's pretty annoying honestly 1716:< RvDarklord> btw its dead now 1716:< SilentSand> Deposit puts xp into the guild 1717:< SilentSand> It doesn't change anything about the monsters, just makes guild members stronger 1717:< RvDarklord> !deposit 1717:< mumer> So we all get more xp that way then? and I level up faster hopefully? 1717:< barnum> Dantalion is kill! mumer gets the [Ring of Arcane Signets]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/50%), [Sok]RvDarklord (8/25%), [Sok]mumer (4/82%) 1717:< RvDarklord> !guilds 1717:< SilentSand> Level up faster probably 1717:< barnum> A wild Hanged Man appeared! HP: 66[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1717:< mumer> I obtained lewts! Another ring! That's what I got from my solo kill earlier lol. 1718:< RvDarklord> !help 1718:< barnum> Round #1, 45 hits! Hanged Man HP: 21[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]mumer (12), [Sok]RvDarklord (8), [Sok]SilentSand (4) 1718:< RvDarklord> !commands 1718:< RvDarklord> Wow pls work bot i want to know the commands 1718:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1718:< SilentSand> So yeah, our guild will compete agains the guilds formed in other tiers 1718:< SilentSand> Apparently the T14 room has a level 8 guild already 1719:< RvDarklord> yea our guild wil rek though 1719:< RvDarklord> wow such tryhards 1719:< barnum> Hanged Man is kill! SilentSand gets the [Amulet of Bullet Protection +1]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/54%), [Sok]RvDarklord (8/30%) 1719:< SilentSand> While our is somehow only level 4 1719:< mumer> Oooh! It's for when we merge up later today? That's actually pretty cool. 1719:< RvDarklord> the guild thingy is so new 1719:< SilentSand> See? There's proof that poop looting isn't a thing 1719:< RvDarklord> yea 1719:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1719:< SilentSand> Anymore at least 1719:< keithgabryelski> !heroes 1719:< keithgabryelski> !party 1719:< barnum> A wild Proscriber appeared! HP: 471[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1720:< RvDarklord> so now poop loot is way harder to hit but more reliabble if you do it properly 1720:< mumer> So if we're gonna compete we need everyone to come back and level up quickly lol. 1720:< RvDarklord> !guild 1720:< barnum> Round #1, 136 hits! Proscriber HP: 335[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (28), [Sok]mumer (24), [Sok]SilentSand (12), keithgabryelski (2) 1720:< SilentSand> I mean killstealing is still possible, you just can't put out things last and know to get it 1721:< derogative> i think robin-rpg still has our old data in there so some of us will still be like, in the teens in levels 1721:< RvDarklord> !guilds 1721:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(4/84%)], [Edia(1/22%)] 1721:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Proscriber HP: 262[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok]derogative (12), [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1721:< RvDarklord> yea robin rpg should update the data with this one 1721:< RvDarklord> casue im lvl 1 there 1721:< SilentSand> I'm level one there too :( 1721:< RvDarklord> !party 1721:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]RvDarklord (8/38%) from [Sokuku(4/84%)] and... [Sok]SilentSand (14/58%), [Sok]derogative (6/3%) 1722:< barnum> Round #3, 40 hits! Proscriber HP: 222[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12), [Sok]SilentSand (4) 1722:< RvDarklord> im level eight here and that took a lot of time so it would be sad to lose all of that 1723:< barnum> Round #4, 24 hits! Proscriber HP: 198[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1723:< RvDarklord> welp better start killing this guy solo then.................................... 1724:< RvDarklord> I grab my Starbow from my back and test the string to see if it is still in 1724:< barnum> Round #5, 24 hits! Proscriber HP: 174[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1725:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Proscriber HP: 174[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 1725:< RvDarklord> a good condition by fake shooting a few times, then i start searching for the 1725:< RvDarklord> perfect bundle of stick to use as arrows since i dont have any arrows :-( rip 1725:< barnum> Round #7, 48 hits! Proscriber HP: 126[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (24) 1726:< RvDarklord> Finding a suitable amounth of okay sticks i start sharpening their points so they will do actual damge 1726:< barnum> Round #8, 24 hits! Proscriber HP: 102[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1727:< RvDarklord> After sharpening the points i grab my bow from my back again and start 1727:< mumer> I'm sorry RvDarklord I'm back sort of. I got distracted by some emails. I'm here to help! 1727:< RvDarklord> layone one of my makeshift arrows on the string 1727:< RvDarklord> wow 1727:< barnum> Round #9, 53 hits! Proscriber HP: 49[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (20), [Sok]mumer (12) 1727:< RvDarklord> i get distracted by one of my allies that seems to have woken up 1728:< mumer> Quickly wields a staff and prepares to battle the already rather weak Proscriber. 1728:< RvDarklord> I shoot my makeshift arrow towards the enemy but i miss by a long shot sadly 1728:< RvDarklord> i hope i will get this kill since i did all the work 1728:< barnum> Proscriber is kill! mumer gets the [Headband of Knucklebones]! LVLs: [Sok]RvDarklord (8/70%), [Sok]mumer (5/9%) 1728:< RvDarklord> and it got stolen oh how great 1729:< RvDarklord> QQ 1729:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1729:< mumer> oops and of course I got the loot for that. I don't need a headband of knucklebones though so I'm gonna put it in the loot box! 1729:< barnum> A wild Giant Rock-horned Lizard appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1729:< mumer> a lizard is probably a creature along my speed anyways...I can probably just step on it to kill it. 1729:< barnum> Round #1, 48 hits! Giant Rock-horned Lizard HP: 42[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]mumer (24), [Sok]RvDarklord (8) 1730:< RvDarklord> Yea imma use this pickaxe just laying on the ground here to destroy its horn 1730:< mumer> Maybe hit it on the head with my staff a little bit and it's probably gonna go away already 1730:< RvDarklord> because those horns are expensive and i wont let anyone else get the loot this time 1731:< barnum> A wild Ghaggurath appeared! HP: 912[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1731:< mumer> Um I may be a loot thief. I didn't realize I was, but apparently it's pretty sure I am. 1731:< mumer> Again I don't really need this cloak of the hunt, sooo I'll just drop it off in the loot box again, hopefully it will help someone. 1731:< barnum> Round #1, 41 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 871[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]mumer (24), [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1732:< RvDarklord> BabyRage NotLikeThis FeelsBadMan 1732:< barnum> Round #2, 8 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 863[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1733:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 863[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1733:< mumer> aww now no one is around to kill this Ghaggurath because I steal loots 1734:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]mumer (12) 1735:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1736:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1737:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1738:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1738:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1739:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 847[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1740:< barnum> You fled Ghaggurath and it's glorious loot of [Swarmlord's Jar]! 1740:< barnum> A wild Dark Dancer appeared! HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1741:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Dark Dancer HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1742:< derogative> but you COULD instantly kill this dancer, maybe. it's so weak. 1742:< barnum> Round #2, 19 hits! Dark Dancer HP: 20[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]derogative (12) 1742:< derogative> look at it. it's so tiny and small. and i am not strong enough to one shot it main. 1742:< derogative> *man 1743:< derogative> instead I will steal the loots and the sad little exp and no one can stop me 1743:< barnum> Dark Dancer is kill! derogative gets the [Gloves of The Commanding Conjurer]! LVLs: [Sok]derogative (6/20%) 1743:< barnum> A wild Witherstench appeared! HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1743:< derogative> and i will steal this one as well when no one is here to look 1743:< derogative> i will be unstoppable and then i'll fade back into the distance to watch netflix and play more videya games 1744:< barnum> Round #1, 39 hits! Witherstench HP: 0[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]derogative (24) 1744:< derogative> it has literally 0 hp left but it is not dead. i see 1744:< derogative> lovin all that bonus exp though 1744:< barnum> Witherstench is kill! derogative gets the [Monkey's Paw]! LVLs: [Sok]derogative (6/34%) 1745:< barnum> A wild Fomorian Titan appeared! HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1745:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1746:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1747:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1748:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1748:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1749:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1239[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1750:**** AntimanV101 marries Fomorian Titan 1750:< barnum> Round #6, 5 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1234[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]AntimanV101 (4) 1751:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Fomorian Titan HP: 1234[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1752:< barnum> You fled Fomorian Titan and it's glorious loot of [Bracers of Sworn Vengeance]! 1752:< barnum> A wild Gray Render appeared! HP: 300[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1753:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Gray Render HP: 300[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1754:< mumer> No one is attacking anymore the hype is overpowering them! I must quickly defeat the monsters 1754:< mumer> All of them all by myself. They have all abandoned me. To die alone. 1754:< barnum> Round #2, 33 hits! Gray Render HP: 267[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]mumer (24) 1754:< mumer> Possibly the reason for that is that I'm a loot thief, undetermined though. 1754:< mumer> We shall see if I can handle this small monster all by myself though. 1754:< mumer> At least it's not a great big thing. I would never be able to handle that. 1755:< mumer> I'm going to get my staff out and point it at the Gray Render. 1755:< barnum> Round #3, 65 hits! Gray Render HP: 202[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]mumer (48) 1755:< mumer> Pointing at things is how you kill them...I think at least. It sounds possible. 1755:< mumer> It seems to be afraid of the staff. That or my cloak of fiery vanquishing. I bet it's that. 1756:< mumer> I mean who wouldn't be afraid of a fiery cloak? No tthis render that's who. 1756:< barnum> Round #4, 49 hits! Gray Render HP: 153[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]mumer (36) 1756:< mumer> Okay I probably am not going to be able to do this. I can't type this much stuff without being stupid. 1756:< mumer> Anyways I wave my staff threateningly in the renders direction. 1757:< barnum> Round #5, 33 hits! Gray Render HP: 121[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]mumer (24) 1757:< mumer> And advance closer to it slowly it's watching my every move. It must be smart. 1757:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1757:< RvDarklord> Guys it has started! 1757:< RvDarklord> The great merging! 1757:< mumer> Hype hype hype RvDarklord! 1757:< RvDarklord> http://i.imgur.com/7Wleh3Z.png 1758:< RvDarklord> Hype! 1758:< mumer> Everyone has disappeared from the rpg channel due to the hype 1758:< RvDarklord> yea 1758:< mumer> and I thought i'd take this chance and kill something on my own, but I'm still a wuss 1758:< barnum> Round #6, 94 hits! Gray Render HP: 26[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]mumer (40), [Sok]RvDarklord (20) 1758:< mumer> my alt is in icbialMumPM so I'll get to do a little bit of extra hype cascading! It'l be fun 1759:< barnum> Round #7, 20 hits! Gray Render HP: 7[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]mumer (12) 1759:< RvDarklord> wow 1800:< RvDarklord> better set it up so that when you write with one you also write with the other Kappa 1800:< barnum> Gray Render is kill! RvDarklord gets the [Voidfrost Robe]! LVLs: [Sok]RvDarklord (8/94%) 1800:< mumer> haha yeah 1800:< barnum> A wild Hellcat appeared! HP: 255[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1800:< mumer> you gonna use that robe RvDarklord ? I could really use some clothes, just my cloak atm! 1800:< RvDarklord> OOh one more and im lvl 9 i guess filler text and even more filler text Kappa 1801:< barnum> Round #1, 51 hits! Hellcat HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]mumer (16), [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1802:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Hellcat HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1802:< RvDarklord> whoop whoop i have a torso now 1803:< barnum> Round #3, 8 hits! Hellcat HP: 196[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1803:< RvDarklord> !loot 1803:< barnum> RvDarklord bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! A [Voidfrost Robe] surfaces in it... 1803:< mumer> oh boy it's already getting spammy. I'm guessing pm is alredy going on 1803:< RvDarklord> !deposit 1803:< RvDarklord> !guilds 1803:< barnum> Round #4, 44 hits! Hellcat HP: 152[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12), [Sok]mumer (12) 1804:< RvDarklord> hey bot tell me about the guilds 1804:< barnum> RvDarklord deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/85%)] vault! 1804:< barnum> Round #5, 9 hits! Hellcat HP: 143[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1805:< RvDarklord> woot almost level 5 thats pretty awesome FILLERTEXTPLEASEIGNOREFILLERTEXTPLEASEIGNORE 1805:< barnum> Round #6, 27 hits! Hellcat HP: 116[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1806:< RvDarklord> Better get some of that pooooopppppp loooooottttt to deposit to level up the guild eh 1806:< barnum> Round #7, 27 hits! Hellcat HP: 89[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1807:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1807:< RvDarklord> welp heer we go again with the no content text what shoould i talk about now? 1807:< barnum> Round #8, 27 hits! Hellcat HP: 62[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (12) 1808:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP LOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1808:< RvDarklord> POOOOPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEERRRRRRSSSSSS LOOOOOTTTTTEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 1808:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Hellcat HP: 62[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1809:< RvDarklord> 0 hits xD 1809:< RvDarklord> nice the anti spam thngy works! thats nice letsss goo do the thiiing you knooww 1809:< barnum> Round #10, 36 hits! Hellcat HP: 26[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (16) 1810:< RvDarklord> Twenty six health points left eh? i can get this kill for sure! lets go for max damage tho 1810:< barnum> Hellcat is kill! RvDarklord gets the [Robe of The Pure Legion +4]! LVLs: [Sok]RvDarklord (9/18%) 1810:< RvDarklord> nice 1810:< RvDarklord> wow +4 1811:< barnum> A wild Cold Rider appeared! HP: 291[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1811:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Cold Rider HP: 273[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (8) 1811:< mumer> a cold rider? like a wraith?! You better watchout RvDarklord or else you'll be turned 1812:< RvDarklord> ah i have no problems dealing with cold riders 1812:< RvDarklord> i have a staff of dark flame, 1812:< barnum> Round #2, 38 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]mumer (12), [Sok]RvDarklord (8) 1813:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1814:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1815:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1816:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1816:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1817:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1818:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Cold Rider HP: 235[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1819:< barnum> You fled Cold Rider and it's glorious loot of [Gloves of Spell Snaring]! 1819:< barnum> A wild Ancient Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 849[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1820:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 849[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1821:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 849[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1822:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 849[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1822:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 849[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1822:< surelyucantbserious> Shirley stops to let everyone know that they are doing an AWESOME job!!!! 1823:< barnum> Round #5, 9 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 840[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: surelyucantbserious (3) 1824:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 840[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1825:< barnum> Round #7, 9 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 831[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1826:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1826:< RvDarklord> lol 1826:< barnum> Round #8, 9 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 822[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (4) 1827:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Ancient Gray Dragon HP: 822[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1828:< barnum> You fled Ancient Gray Dragon and it's glorious loot of [Treasure Hunter's Goggles]! 1829:< barnum> A wild Medium Water Elemental appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1829:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1830:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1831:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1832:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1833:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1834:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Medium Water Elemental HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1835:< barnum> You fled Medium Water Elemental and it's glorious loot of [Essence of Wandering Dreams]! 1835:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1835:< barnum> A wild Sayona appeared! HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1836:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1837:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1838:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1839:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1840:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1841:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Sayona HP: 483[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1841:< barnum> You fled Sayona and it's glorious loot of [Darkskull]! 1842:< barnum> A wild Mythic Fire Giant appeared! HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1842:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1843:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1844:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1845:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1845:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1846:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1847:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 591[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1848:< barnum> You fled Mythic Fire Giant and it's glorious loot of [Armor of the Tireless Warrior]! 1849:< barnum> A wild Triton appeared! HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1849:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1850:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1851:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1852:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1853:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1854:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Triton HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1854:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1855:< barnum> You fled Triton and it's glorious loot of [lavender and green ellipsoid ioun stone]! 1855:< barnum> A wild Gorgosaurus appeared! HP: 315[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1856:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 315[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1857:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 315[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 1858:< TeaBagTwat> I utterly disputed the monster! 1858:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 310[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4) 1858:< TeaBagTwat> I endlessly disputed the beast! 1858:< TeaBagTwat> I continually stamped the freak! 1858:< TeaBagTwat> I rapidly punched the fiend! 1858:< TeaBagTwat> I sporadically resisted the monstrosity! 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I repeatedly battled the beast! 1859:< barnum> Round #4, 23 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 288[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20) 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I majestically breaked the freak! 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I brutally opposed the creature! 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I bitterly squabbled the fiend! 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I utterly battled the freak! 1859:< TeaBagTwat> I unskillfully pummeled the freak! 1900:< barnum> Round #5, 28 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 260[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20) 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I anxiously battered the monstrosity! 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I merely disputed the creature! 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I optimistically assaulted the monstrosity! 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I affectionately ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) stamped the freak! 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I optimistically battered the monster! 1900:< TeaBagTwat> I merely breaked the monster! 1900:< barnum> Round #6, 28 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 231[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20) 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I enjoyably opposed the creature! 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I vigorously clashed the monstrosity! 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I affectionately ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) pummeled the monstrosity! 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I rapidly disputed the monster! 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I cowardly prosecuted the beast! 1901:< TeaBagTwat> I anxiously battered the fiend! 1901:< barnum> Round #7, 28 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 203[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20) 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I obnoxiously battered the fiend! 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I sporadically imprinted the fiend! 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I mainly punched the monster! 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I sheepishly assaulted the monster! 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I angrily knocked the beast! 1902:< barnum> Round #8, 28 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 175[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20) 1902:< TeaBagTwat> I significantly thrashed the monstrosity! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I skillfully brawled the freak! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I continually bickered the monstrosity! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I rapidly battled the monstrosity! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I harshly punched the monster! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I readily punched the fiend! 1903:< barnum> Round #9, 34 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 141[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (24) 1903:< TeaBagTwat> I lazily battled the monster! 1904:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1904:< TeaBagTwat> I harshly punched the fiend! 1904:< TeaBagTwat> I affectionately ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) booted the monstrosity! 1904:< TeaBagTwat> I violently striked the freak! 1904:< Lord_Renwod> Ello mateys 1904:< TeaBagTwat> I safely bickered the freak! 1904:< barnum> Round #10, 29 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 112[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (16), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1904:< Lord_Renwod> Lots of stuff happening 1905:< TeaBagTwat> Hello! 1905:< Lord_Renwod> Merge is going down 1905:< Lord_Renwod> cascade is incoming 1905:< TeaBagTwat> ITS COMING 1905:< barnum> Round #11, 35 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 77[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (4) 1906:< TeaBagTwat> T11's are combining now 1906:< barnum> Round #12, 6 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 71[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4) 1906:< TeaBagTwat> If none vote for stay than only 6 merges until the big merge 1907:< Lord_Renwod> %Yuppers 1907:< barnum> Round #13, 23 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 48[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (12), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1907:< Lord_Renwod> God if they stay 1907:< TeaBagTwat> I sheepishly stabbed the fiend! 1907:< Lord_Renwod> #worst tease ever 1908:< TeaBagTwat> I bitterly dropkicked the monstrosity! 1908:< TeaBagTwat> I reliably punched the monstrosity! 1908:< Lord_Renwod> Hey TBT were you in Edia? 1908:< TeaBagTwat> I wickedly disputed the freak! 1908:< TeaBagTwat> If they stay I kill myself 1908:< barnum> Round #14, 46 hits! Gorgosaurus HP: 2[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1908:< TeaBagTwat> No 1908:< Lord_Renwod> Don't do that 1908:< TeaBagTwat> I safely prosecuted the beast! 1908:< Lord_Renwod> That'd be bad :C 1909:< Lord_Renwod> Also poop loot please 1909:< TeaBagTwat> I idiotically striked the beast! 1909:< Lord_Renwod> Pretty please w/ a cherry on top 1909:< TeaBagTwat> It's the only logical response 1909:< TeaBagTwat> I idiotically clashed the freak! 1909:< TeaBagTwat> I crazily clashed the creature! 1909:< barnum> Gorgosaurus is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Headband of Vast Intelligence +2]! LVLs: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (5/86%), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (6/62%) 1909:< Lord_Renwod> Maybe just be sad a lot? 1909:< TeaBagTwat> BRB 1909:< Lord_Renwod> Wow this is an amazing headband 1909:< barnum> A wild Kuchrima appeared! HP: 312[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1910:< Lord_Renwod> I am now smarterer than eva b4 1910:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Kuchrima HP: 288[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1910:< Lord_Renwod> I'm totally gonna fuze it w/ my other gear for maximum boosts 1911:< barnum> Round #2, 18 hits! Kuchrima HP: 270[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1911:< Lord_Renwod> MAXIMUM TO THE MAXIMUM MAX 1912:< ryanvango> sometimes i poop my pants on purpose 1913:< Lord_Renwod> Hey Ryan!!!! 1913:< ryanvango> oh look, the cascade has begun! 1913:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Kuchrima HP: 247[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (8), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (1) 1913:< Lord_Renwod> You were in Edia, weren't you? 1913:< ryanvango> hey motherfucker. join our cult. Sokuku 4lyfe 1913:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1913:< Lord_Renwod> Or am I wrong in that 1913:< Lord_Renwod> It's not even spelled right bro 1914:< Lord_Renwod> It should be soKukun 1914:< ryanvango> you are incorrect my friend. we are launching a joint effort to be bigger than the other chats guild. it will be hard 1914:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm alright fair enough 1914:< barnum> Round #5, 51 hits! Kuchrima HP: 197[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (5) 1914:< Lord_Renwod> BUT 1914:< ryanvango> welp. no you're uninvited. hope you're happy. 1914:< Lord_Renwod> Still not named soKukun 1914:< Lord_Renwod> Even if it was Sokukun 1915:< Lord_Renwod> There's no n. That's huge 1915:< barnum> Round #6, 29 hits! Kuchrima HP: 167[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Edi]Lord_Renwod (4), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1915:< ryanvango> i like that ours sounds like so koo koo, and not so kuh kun 1916:< barnum> Round #7, 15 hits! Kuchrima HP: 152[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12) 1916:< lycan_nick> Clearly we in Sokuku are so cuckoo. 1916:< ryanvango> lycan...i like you...you're good people 1917:< lycan_nick> Cuckoo for cocoa puffs? Up to you to decide. 1917:< ryanvango> lord_renwod on the other hand....fuck that guy 1917:< barnum> Round #8, 28 hits! Kuchrima HP: 124[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]ryanvango (8) 1917:< lycan_nick> inorite? 1917:< ryanvango> !loot 1917:< Insomnikal> soKukun elites 1917:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 1917:< ryanvango> !heroes 1917:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : [Sok]SirCabbage (20/35%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/58%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13... 1917:< Lord_Renwod> sorry my thing just crashed 1917:< Lord_Renwod> What were you saying? 1917:< ryanvango> !party 1918:< Lord_Renwod> We were talking about the spelling 1918:< barnum> Round #9, 44 hits! Kuchrima HP: 80[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3), Insomnikal (1) 1918:< ryanvango> you suck, and sokuku is best. 1918:< ryanvango> now you're caught up 1918:< Lord_Renwod> Wow so negative 1918:< ryanvango> !party 1918:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]ryanvango (5/48%) from [Sokuku(4/85%)] and... [Sok]lycan_nick (9/6%), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (6/69%), Insomnikal (2/11%) 1918:< Lord_Renwod> People like you are why I don't know if I should even play #rpg anymore 1918:< Insomnikal> people like you are why we aren't called soKukun Elites :p 1919:< barnum> Round #10, 45 hits! Kuchrima HP: 35[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (4), Insomnikal (3) 1919:< Lord_Renwod> What? that doesn't make sense, that's what I WANT!!!! 1919:< ryanvango> yeah, i feel ya. its gotten kind of mainstream. it used to be our own little thing, but ever since it made its way in to geek culture 1919:< ryanvango> seem like anyone just comes in to play. not like the good ol days 1919:< lycan_nick> Just reloaded to update Parrot to 3.64. 1919:< Lord_Renwod> Speaking of, can someone link me to parrot please? 1919:< Insomnikal> back in the days of robin-rpg and the [rpg] tag :p 1919:< ryanvango> Insomnikal you need to type !join Sokuku then !donate 1919:< Lord_Renwod> I'd like to switch 1919:< barnum> Kuchrima is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Splintered Mind]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (5/68%), [Sok]lycan_nick (9/7%), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (6/7... 1920:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1920:< Insomnikal> !join 1920:< Insomnikal> !steal 1920:< lycan_nick> Oh, I'm level 9 now? cool 1920:< ryanvango> need the name of the guild in there 1920:< barnum> A wild Young Gray Dragon appeared! HP: 198[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1920:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/85%)] vault! 1920:< lycan_nick> Hey, we're level 4 now 1920:< Insomnikal> i probably wont be about much 1920:< Lord_Renwod> So, for reals why don't you just change the name to Sokukun Elites? 1920:< Insomnikal> i am looking forward to finally merging in the next few hours though 1920:< Insomnikal> unless we get mega trolled 1920:< barnum> Round #1, 64 hits! Young Gray Dragon HP: 134[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), Insomnikal (7), [Sok]ryanvango (4), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (3) 1920:< Lord_Renwod> That's exactly 16 characters 1921:< ryanvango> 8 character max, and we wanted a name that would be fun to shout as a party during guided RPG 1921:< Lord_Renwod> Edia > Sokuku 1921:< lycan_nick> Huh, so there's a chain of 12/12>13>14>15>16 leading up to us now 1921:< Lord_Renwod> FOR EDIA!!!!!!!!!! 1921:< ryanvango> doesn't sound like a sweet crime fighting party name 1921:< Insomnikal> there is indeed lycan_nick 1921:< barnum> Round #2, 61 hits! Young Gray Dragon HP: 72[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (2), Insomnikal (1) 1921:< Lord_Renwod> Wtf how does sokuku sound like a sweet crime fighting party name? 1922:< lycan_nick> So yeah, merge should be happening in roughly 2 hours? 1922:< Lord_Renwod> also again would someone please link parrot? 1922:< lycan_nick> http://reddit.com/r/parrot_script 1922:< ryanvango> the legendary band of miscreants known collectively as sokuku, A TOAST! SOKUKU! 1922:< lycan_nick> Install button and instructions are right on that page, plus it's the subreddit for parrot 1922:< barnum> Young Gray Dragon is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Bag of Concealment type II]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (9/19%), [Sok]ryanvango (5/80%), ... 1922:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1922:< ryanvango> www.parrotforrobin.com 1922:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah no that sounds lame AF and like a terrible monstrization of an otherwise amazing name 1923:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1923:< Lord_Renwod> We live in Sokukun 1923:< Lord_Renwod> and we are the Sokukun elites 1923:< barnum> A wild Albino Cave Spider appeared! HP: 12[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1923:< lycan_nick> Wow, only 12 HP? This should be a really fast kill. It's like it doesn't even have HP to begin with. 1923:< ryanvango> you're in Elia. thats not the elites. thats a whorehouse recently ravaged by Sokuku 1923:< SilentSand> Sokkuku is weak 1923:< lycan_nick> Quick, Albino Cave Spider, die! 1923:< Lord_Renwod> Edia 1923:< barnum> Albino Cave Spider is kill! ryanvango gets the [Armor of Rage]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (5/91%), [Sok]lycan_nick (9/23%), [Edi]Lord_Ren... 1923:< SilentSand> We must become stronger if we wish to withstand the rising tides 1924:< Lord_Renwod> And it's not a whorehouse! How dare you insult my Edian heritage? 1924:< SilentSand> Edia isn't a whorehouse?!?!?! 1924:< lycan_nick> I'm of PrictsGo heritage. 1924:< barnum> A wild Guardian Phantom Armor appeared! HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1924:< ryanvango> Edia. tomato tomato. I wouldve used a Elia. sounds less...grandma-ish 1924:< Lord_Renwod> -_- I find your lack of faith disturbing 1924:< lycan_nick> You guys don't get to complain. The PrictsGo people waited for 8 hours while the rest of you got your asses in gear. 1924:< SilentSand> I'd fuck an Elia 1924:< barnum> Guardian Phantom Armor is kill! SilentSand gets the [Silverfang]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/63%), [Sok]lycan_nick (9/27%), [Sok]ryan... 1924:< ryanvango> "Edia dear, take your pills or you're blood pressure will spike again" 1925:< SilentSand> It's terrifying waiting now 1925:< barnum> A wild Brine Zombie appeared! HP: 66[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1925:< Lord_Renwod> I'm not complaining about anything! Other than the stupid spelling of the Sokuku guild name 1925:< Insomnikal> only a few more hours of waiting 1925:< Insomnikal> and then we can stay, if there are enough actual people here 1925:**** lycan_nick wonders if the Brine Zombie's brains are edible. 1925:< SilentSand> We're already at 33% for stay 1925:< Insomnikal> seriously, we're hours from a merge 1925:< Insomnikal> why abandon >.< 1925:< SilentSand> Dude what the fuck why would you leave now of all times :( 1925:< barnum> Brine Zombie is kill! ryanvango gets the [Baleful Eye]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/66%), [Sok]lycan_nick (9/30%), [Sok]ryanvango (6/0... 1925:< ryanvango> i won't be here to click stay. 1925:< ryanvango> !donate 1925:< lycan_nick> We're really, really unlikely to hit TIer 18 1926:< SilentSand> Wait what does the donate do? 1926:< Lord_Renwod> what's the point of guilds if there's no other guilds? 1926:< barnum> A wild Cave Fisher appeared! HP: 66[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1926:< ryanvango> we absolutely will not hit 18. its virtually impossible at this point 1926:< SilentSand> It's not possible to go another tier up 1926:< ryanvango> !donate 1926:< lycan_nick> I thought it was !deposit to put loot away 1926:< ryanvango> !deposit 1926:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(4/87%)] vault! 1926:< SilentSand> Well the other groups will have their guilds 1926:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah we have to stay at 17 or else we lose 1926:< ryanvango> i never remember 1926:< barnum> Cave Fisher is kill! ryanvango gets the [Restless Lockpicks]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (6/11%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/69%), [Sok]lycan_nic... 1926:< SilentSand> Is there a lose possibility? 1926:< SxwTheCat> hey guys 1926:< Lord_Renwod> I feel like nobody respects me anymore 1927:< barnum> A wild Thoqqua appeared! HP: 66[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1927:< lycan_nick> Buuuut, once we're at T17, we'll officially be the largest room ever, bigger than Kufikumu 1927:< Lord_Renwod> :C Everyone just thinks I'm trash :'( 1927:< jayman419> Lord_Renwod Don't worry, not one respected you before either. 1927:< Insomnikal> well, it's either win, or fade into obscurity 1927:< ryanvango> *looks at Edia tag* you're not wrong... 1927:< barnum> Thoqqua is kill! ryanvango gets the [Staff of Weather]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (9/34%), Insomnikal (2/40%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/70%),... 1927:< Lord_Renwod> Jayman419, I didn't see you there 1927:< ryanvango> !deposit 1927:< jayman419> Well met, noble sir. 1927:< TeaBagTwat> Can someone explain guilds to me? 1927:< barnum> A wild Mudbog appeared! HP: 93[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1928:< ryanvango> i said !DEPOSIT 1928:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(4/88%)] vault! 1928:< lycan_nick> Join a guild. Deposit your loot. Get more damage from shared loot in guild vault 1928:< Lord_Renwod> Excuse me but what you're doing is otherisation and there's no way I'm going to join your guild if you just prove you guys are all 1928:< ryanvango> teabagtwat type !join Sokuku then !deposit 1928:< RvDarklord> ... 1928:< barnum> Round #1, 85 hits! Mudbog HP: 8[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (4), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), [S... 1928:< Lord_Renwod> just total assholes who aren't open to input or outside opinion :/ 1928:< lycan_nick> Sokuku best guild. 1928:< Lord_Renwod> But it should be Sokukun 1929:< lycan_nick> Our goal: to beat that level 9 guild in the other chat. 1929:< micubit> !join Sokuku 1929:< barnum> micubit joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1929:< Lord_Renwod> There's a guild in the other chat? 1929:< TeaBagTwat> I want you both to try and sell me your guilds to get me to join 1929:< ryanvango> I beg to differ. whatever you were saying is clearly wrong. i wasnt listening, but it had to be. cause you're not in Sokuku 1929:< micubit> !deposit 1929:< lycan_nick> Yep. That's why we're trying to have a single guild to beat them with 1929:< barnum> Mudbog is kill! ryanvango gets the [Wayfinder of Passage]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (9/42%), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (6/86%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat ... 1929:< ryanvango> !deposit 1929:< TeaBagTwat> !help 1929:< Lord_Renwod> Wow see that just proved my point 1929:< SilentSand> I can't wait for the new T16 to accidently chat 1929:< barnum> A wild Dire Hyena appeared! HP: 78[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1929:< barnum> micubit deposited 6 loot in [Sokuku(4/91%)] vault! 1929:< ryanvango> no it didnt 1930:< TeaBagTwat> !help 1930:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1930:< RvDarklord> !deposit 1930:< barnum> RvDarklord deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/91%)] vault! 1930:**** lycan_nick wonders what would happen in a cage match between a Dire Hyena and a Dire Wolf 1930:< SilentSand> I mean accidently stay 1930:< Lord_Renwod> Yes you just used "not in Sokuku" as evidence for "everything you say is wrong" 1930:< barnum> Dire Hyena is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Gloves of Shaping]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (9/46%), [Sok]ryanvango (6/23%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat ... 1930:< SilentSand> Dude it's a joke calm down 1930:< lycan_nick> !deposit 1930:< Lord_Renwod> Which is DIRECT otherization 1930:< barnum> A wild Ancient Umbral Dragon appeared! HP: 1011[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1930:< ryanvango> Teabagtwat basically, sokuku is the sokuku guild to rival other chats guild (which is very high right now). and lord_renwod is awful. 1931:< ryanvango> no it isn't. you would think that though, being in Edia 1931:< SirJelly> what? 1931:< Lord_Renwod> That doesn't explain the guild system at all 1931:< barnum> Round #1, 63 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 948[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]SilentSand (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Edi]Lor... 1931:< lycan_nick> He apparently believes Sokuku is inferior to Legendar over in the other chat 1931:< Lord_Renwod> Ryanvango why don't you provide evidence 1931:< Lord_Renwod> I DIDN'T SAY THAT DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH 1931:< ryanvango> !guilds 1931:< SilentSand> Oh what the joke? 1931:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(4/92%)], [Edia(1/22%)] 1932:< lycan_nick> And he wants to sabotage us so we cannot follow the true Sokuku and acquire the Robin's Feather of Truth 1932:< Lord_Renwod> I just think that you should at least CONSIDER changing the name 1932:< SilentSand> Man all rivalries are just jokes, any actual hate going either way oughta go 1932:< barnum> Round #2, 156 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 791[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (24), [Sok]SilentSand (16), [Edi]Lord_Renwod (5), [Sok... 1932:< lycan_nick> Well, we can't change the name without barnum doing it for us 1932:< Lord_Renwod> but whenever I bring it up everybody just bashes me 1932:< TeaBagTwat> Well why doesn't everyone all join the same guild as it's more beneficial for everyone involved than? 1932:< lycan_nick> At least, afaik, anyways 1932:< Insomnikal> because the names wrong 1932:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1932:< Lord_Renwod> OK, but can we ask him to? 1932:< SilentSand> There's not really a reason no to, TeaBagTwat 1932:< lycan_nick> Lord_Renwod is the one who left Sokuku. 1932:< SilentSand> Joining other groups is just for fun, hopefully 1932:< micubit> so why don't we make a new guild and have everybody join that one 1932:< SilentSand> I might create the sandman guild eventually for fun 1933:< Djinneral> you guys are such losers man I cant believe you would go play rpg in a chatroom lol 1933:< lycan_nick> Because Sokuku's already well established 1933:< Djinneral> why dont you have sex with hookers and smoke cocaine like me 1933:< micubit> but people don't like the name? 1933:< SilentSand> You're right Djinneral, I don't know why 1933:< Lord_Renwod> micubit because all the progress would be lost 1933:< Lord_Renwod> Djinneral why can't I do both things? 1933:< SilentSand> It's mainly because of the progress 1933:< barnum> Round #3, 184 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 608[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (24), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (12), [Sok]SilentSand (12), [Sok... 1933:< micubit> hmm whatevs 1933:< Lord_Renwod> How do you know I'm not doing both right now? 1933:< Djinneral> I'm currently skydiving as we speak and sexing 3 hookers at the same time 1933:< Lord_Renwod> :O 1933:< TeaBagTwat> Edia is the better name 1933:< micubit> fucking hookers, doing blow, posting on #rpg 1933:< ryanvango> there's not much of an argument. its just that Sokuku is best. if you were in it, you'd understand 1933:< lycan_nick> Huh, 24 whole xp? Huh, I'm typing a lot, apparently. 1933:< SilentSand> I'm currently blitzed on cocaine right now 1934:< Djinneral> how many cocaines have you done silentsand 1934:< Lord_Renwod> lyan_nick it scales with level now 1934:< Djinneral> I've done at least 4 cocaines 1934:< jonesandbrown> hey guys, i'm going away from my computer for a while. If the great merge happens in the next couple hours could somebody PM me? 1934:< SilentSand> Like at least 3 lines 1934:< Insomnikal> sadly im just being paid to sit here 1934:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 608[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: no one :( 1934:< SilentSand> It'll be 3 hours till we hit merge 1934:< ryanvango> teabagtwat higher guild level = higher exp boost 1934:< Insomnikal> no blow and hookers for me :( 1934:< SilentSand> Exactly 3 hours, no more no less 1934:< jonesandbrown> idk how long i'll be away 1934:< TeaBagTwat> !guilds 1934:< lycan_nick> Well, I know it scales with level, but I didn't know guild level + player level actually made it so I was dealing as much damage 1935:< lycan_nick> as the next two people combined. 1935:< Lord_Renwod> So, then there's an agreement that we should ask barnum to change the name? 1935:< Djinneral> guilds are hella op 1935:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 608[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1935:< lycan_nick> I'm honestly surprised guild level has that much effect. 1935:< Lord_Renwod> Because if there is, I'll totally join Sokuku again 1935:< SilentSand> I really couldn't care less, I'm just joining whoever seems more fun 1935:< lycan_nick> And now the bot isn't even recognizing our chat as attacks. 1935:< TeaBagTwat> !guilds 1935:< lycan_nick> RIP robin-rpg. 1935:< Djinneral> the bot is advanced enough to distinguish chit-chat from attacks now 1936:< ryanvango> barnum, Lord_Renwod is trying to make you change our name and hes not even in our guild! smite him! 1936:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Ancient Umbral Dragon HP: 608[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1936:< lycan_nick> But chat like this doesn't count as attacks? 1936:< barnum> A wild Ancient Sky Dragon appeared! HP: 999[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1936:< lycan_nick> Ah, there we go. 1936:< Lord_Renwod> ........................I was in the guild and everybody hated on me for suggesting the name change ryanvango 1936:< lycan_nick> looks like his client had to refresh 1936:< ryanvango> ohhhhhhh. well come back and we can talk it out 1936:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 975[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]ryanvango (4) 1937:< TeaBagTwat> I want name change 1937:< Techwood111> test 1937:< SilentSand> I want the guild to be named after me, the one true god 1937:< TeaBagTwat> !guilds 1937:< ryanvango> we can change the name. it has to be mutually agreed upon though. i used sokuku because i wanted a guild ASAP 1937:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(4/92%)], [Edia(1/22%)] 1937:< Lord_Renwod> brb I;'m going inside + setting up Parrot 1937:< ryanvango> it should be fun for the guided group to call themselves, but otherwise, open to suggestions 1937:< barnum> Round #2, 80 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 895[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (24), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Sok]SilentSand (4), [Edi]Lord_R... 1937:< Lord_Renwod> !join Sokuku 1938:< barnum> Lord_Renwod leaves [Edia] to join [Sokuku]! 1938:< Insomnikal> tr8tor 1938:< Lord_Renwod> #fanfare 1938:< TeaBagTwat> Yay 1938:< lycan_nick> Would be nice to have a single Sokuku guild to go up against the guilds in the other chats, though. 1938:< Insomnikal> *spins elctro stick thiing* 1938:< Techwood111> !join Sokuku 1938:< barnum> Round #3, 51 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 844[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), Insomnika... 1938:< ryanvango> hey Lord_Renwod! welcome back! good to see you! how've you been? how's your folks? 1939:< TeaBagTwat> !depall 1939:< barnum> Techwood111 joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1939:**** lycan_nick puts away the iron maiden with Lord_Renwod's name on it 1939:< lycan_nick> I'll scrub the paint off later. 1939:< ryanvango> good call 1939:< barnum> Round #4, 49 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 795[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4) 1939:< lycan_nick> Or I can just paint Legendar's name on it 1940:< TeaBagTwat> !depall 1940:< Insomnikal> !join sokuku 1940:< ryanvango> caps insomnikal 1940:< ryanvango> Sokuku 1940:< lycan_nick> Capital S, lowercase k's 1940:< barnum> Round #5, 39 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 756[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]ryanvango (8), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), Insomnikal (1) 1940:< Insomnikal> pfft case sensitive 1940:< ryanvango> as god (me) intended 1940:< Insomnikal> !join Sokuku 1941:< barnum> Insomnikal joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 1941:< Insomnikal> !deposit 1941:< Lord_Renwod> I'm inside now, gimme a few minutes to set up 1941:< ryanvango> remember new members, if you have !loot, !deposit it in th eguild vault to help us grow 1941:< lycan_nick> Whenever barnum's back online we can ask for a name change, but we'd need a name to change to. 1941:< barnum> Round #6, 64 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 692[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]Insomnikal (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]Lord... 1941:< Techwood111> is there a FAQ? 1941:< Insomnikal> soKukun 1941:< ryanvango> sure. come up with something dope as fuck though, thats 8 characters or less 1941:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! A [Wayfinder of Passage] surfaces in it... 1942:< Insomnikal> or if it cna be long enough, soKukun Elites :p 1942:< ryanvango> i do not agree 1942:< lycan_nick> use !help to get the github link with all the info 1942:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1942:< Techwood111> !help 1942:< barnum> Round #7, 39 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 653[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]Techwood111 (8), [Sok]Insomnikal (8), [Sok]lycan... 1942:< lycan_nick> Guild name can only be 8 characters long, so that's our limit. 1942:< Insomnikal> soKukun then ;) 1942:< ryanvango> man i love bein in a guild. you get exp so fuckin fast. im gonna be OP again in no time flat! 1942:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1943:< ryanvango> balls 1943:< lycan_nick> Can't imagine how fast that level 9 guild is going 1943:< ryanvango> taint 1943:< barnum> Round #8, 69 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 584[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (20), [Sok]lycan_nick (16), [Sok]Insomnikal (4) 1943:< ryanvango> woooo 20 exp! 1943:< Techwood111> !commands 1943:< barnum> !loot checks your belongings, !heroes check the hall of fame, !party check your level, !flee runs away. 1943:< ryanvango> yeah i know. and it has to have exponential growth. unless their competing guilds are poop looting eachother 1944:< lycan_nick> Maybe they are. 1944:< TeaBagTwat> !loot 1944:< barnum> Round #9, 41 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 543[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]Techwood111 (4), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]TeaBa... 1944:< Insomnikal> can only hope :p 1944:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1944:< ryanvango> higher guild=more xp. more exp= higher levels/faster kills, more kills=more loot. lets hope competition breaks the chain 1945:< lycan_nick> But higher level = higher chance of your damage dealing the killing blow, so unless you read up on the damage algorithm and... 1945:< barnum> TeaBagTwat bag of holding contains 8 shiny things! A [Staff of Size Alteration] surfaces in it... 1945:< Lord_Renwod> Ok gotta install parrot now 1945:< ryanvango> figuring out how to poop loot should be easy enough as well. so they could be doin a good job of it 1945:< lycan_nick> snipe loot out from under other guilds, you probably won't get all the loot 1945:< barnum> Round #10, 99 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 444[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (24), [Sok]lycan_nick (24), [Sok]Insomnikal (4), [Sok]Lord... 1945:< Lord_Renwod> But yes I would like for the name to be soKukun 1945:< Insomnikal> has looting actually been changed from last to speak then? 1945:< Lord_Renwod> That is my personal vote 1945:< lycan_nick> It's changed to "deals killing blow" 1946:< Insomnikal> fair enough 1946:< ryanvango> that's true, the loot changed to killing blow. so biggest is most likely to get the loot, instead of last to chat 1946:< Techwood111> !party 1946:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]Techwood111 (1/28%) from [Sokuku(4/92%)] and... [Sok]lycan_nick (9/79%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (6/97%), [Sok]ryanvango (6... 1946:< barnum> Round #11, 49 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 396[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Insomnikal (16), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8), [Sok]lyc... 1946:< lycan_nick> And higher guild/player level = more damage, so your long lines count for more damage. 1946:< Lord_Renwod> I believe it is important that the guild be named after our nation (and spelled correctly 1946:< ryanvango> I really don't like the sokukun name. it basically has "cuck" in it, which is the most annoying meme around 1946:< TeaBagTwat> Is there any advantage to keeping the loot to myself? 1947:< ryanvango> its like naming the guild "the narwhal bacons at midnight" 1947:< TeaBagTwat> !deposit 8 1947:< lycan_nick> yes, you get more damage. But depositing to guild makes the loot amplify damage for everyone in the guild. 1947:< Lord_Renwod> Cuck? how is that a meme? 1947:< ryanvango> twat, yes, you do more damage. but it takes a LOT of loot for that to matter 1947:< Lord_Renwod> I am not familiar with that meme 1947:< Insomnikal> so-Ku-Kune 1948:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah that's how I read it 1948:< TeaBagTwat> Nah I didn't think of cuck when I heard the name 1948:< Lord_Renwod> so koo koon 1948:< ryanvango> http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cuck 1948:< Techwood111> throw bird statue at snake 1948:< Techwood111> put babel fish in ear 1948:< TeaBagTwat> So-koo-kune is how I read it 1948:< Lord_Renwod> Do I need greasmonkey or anything for parrot? 1949:< ryanvango> sokukune would be better, but I'm not thrilled with it 1949:< Insomnikal> life is all about sacrifices ryanvango 1949:< barnum> Round #12, 45 hits! Ancient Sky Dragon HP: 350[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (12) 1949:< barnum> A wild Wolf appeared! HP: 39[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1949:< TeaBagTwat> Lord_Renwod Yeah Tampermonkey 1949:< Lord_Renwod> Ok well I already have that so I SHOULD be set 1949:< ryanvango> maybe in the real world. in #rpg i don't have to live in the real world! i get to be a spoiled whiney brat 1950:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah but it looks like you're outvoted 1950:< barnum> Wolf is kill! ryanvango gets the [Bracers of Armor +1]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/8%), [Sok]ryanvango (6/86%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (6/11%) 1950:< TeaBagTwat> greasmonkey should work to but I've never used it 1950:< Insomnikal> until a dragon comes over to breathe on you 1950:< ryanvango> !deposit 1950:< Lord_Renwod> So are you guys saying you want soKukune or soKukun 1950:< barnum> A wild Piranha Swarm appeared! HP: 48[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1950:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(4/93%)] vault! 1950:< ryanvango> i sacrificed my levels so I could be a more fair DM. im counting that as my weekly sacrifice. next week ill give up something else 1950:< TeaBagTwat> soKukune 1951:< barnum> Round #1, 47 hits! Piranha Swarm HP: 1[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Sok]Insomnikal (4), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (4) 1951:< Lord_Renwod> Piranha swarm 1951:< Techwood111> hey, RyanVango... weren't you our Captain of the Pantry or something, in our Glorious Society for the Benefit of All? 1951:< Lord_Renwod> Wow ok swarms are terrifying though 1951:< ryanvango> I was the royal distributor or titles! 1951:< TeaBagTwat> If it's soKukun than 'Cuck' becomes obvious 1951:< ryanvango> of* 1951:< Lord_Renwod> Ok fair enough. I approve 1951:< barnum> Piranha Swarm is kill! TeaBagTwat gets the [Globe of Moonlight]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/15%), [Sok]Techwood111 (1/60%), [Sok]ryan... 1951:< Techwood111> Ah, yes! Indeed, so very goof to see yoi! 1952:< TeaBagTwat> !depall 1952:< SxwTheCat> ayyy 1952:< barnum> A wild Young White Dragon appeared! HP: 198[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1952:< ryanvango> what happened to the group? did they do good? or was that the group stuck at prictsgo? 1952:< lycan_nick> Which group? I came from PrictsGo 1952:< Lord_Renwod> Hmmm ryanvango any idea why TeaBagTwat got the kill? 1952:< SxwTheCat> idk 1952:< barnum> Round #1, 53 hits! Young White Dragon HP: 145[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]Techwood111 (4), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), [Sok]lycan... 1952:< Techwood111> !deposit 1953:< Insomnikal> he got the killing blow Lord_Renwod 1953:< TeaBagTwat> Yay 1953:< barnum> Techwood111: You currently cannot contribute with [Sokuku(4/93%)], go kill something! 1953:< Lord_Renwod> I am thinking perhaps that the post BEFORE barnums bot went unregistered 1953:< ryanvango> because his post from 3:50:51 (just above the mention of 1hp) hadnt gone through yet. it counted for the next volley 1953:< TeaBagTwat> Im 100% killing machine 1953:< Lord_Renwod> mmk that's what I was thinking too 1953:< barnum> Round #2, 63 hits! Young White Dragon HP: 82[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (16), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Sok]Techw... 1953:< ryanvango> yeah. its kind of a pain in the ass. but if you time it right, you can cheat the system a bit while everyone else does bad math 1954:< SxwTheCat> !help 1954:< barnum> Each line deals damage, which is based on your level and your loot. More info: https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1954:< TeaBagTwat> !loot 1954:< barnum> TeaBagTwat bag of holding contains 9 shiny things! A [Globe of Moonlight] surfaces in it... 1954:< Lord_Renwod> !loot 1954:< barnum> Round #3, 40 hits! Young White Dragon HP: 41[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (4), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (4), SxwTheCat (1) 1954:< TeaBagTwat> How come my loot isn't going to the guild? 1955:< SxwTheCat> !loot 1955:< TeaBagTwat> !depall 1955:< ryanvango> the bot typically posts every 55 seconds. so if you know itll ratelimit, or force it too, you can take advantage 1955:< barnum> Lord_Renwod bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! A [Headband of Vast Intelligence +2] surfaces in it... 1955:< Lord_Renwod> you have to type !deposit 1955:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 1955:< ryanvango> so if you get an attack at 56 seconds while its ratelimited, then itll report like 100hp left, but its really lower. no1 else will know 1955:< SxwTheCat> !loot 1955:< barnum> Young White Dragon is kill! TeaBagTwat gets the [Cloak of The Hunt]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (7/12%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/27%), [Sok]Te... 1955:< TeaBagTwat> !deposit 1955:< ryanvango> and you can time your attacks better 1955:< barnum> A wild Tarrasque appeared! HP: 1575[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 1956:< barnum> Lord_Renwod deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/93%)] vault! 1956:< ryanvango> !deposit 1956:< TeaBagTwat> Hah I killed with a command 1956:< Lord_Renwod> ryanvango that is a totally sly tactic that we really gotta use against the legendar 1956:< Lord_Renwod> OMG WE NEED TO FLEE 1956:< Lord_Renwod> GUYS THIS IS LIKE A LEVEL 23 ENCOUNTER 1956:< barnum> Round #1, 69 hits! Tarrasque HP: 1506[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Sok]ryanvango (8), K1ngN0thing (3) 1956:< Lord_Renwod> IF YOU PLAY DND YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN 1956:< ryanvango> yeah. it have to be orchestrated though. people would have to be paying attention to timestamps 1956:< Lord_Renwod> !flee 1956:< TeaBagTwat> !deposit 9 1956:< Insomnikal> pffft fleeing is for noobs 1956:< barnum> TeaBagTwat deposited 9 loot in [Sokuku(4/98%)] vault! 1956:< Lord_Renwod> flee = more loot 1957:< Insomnikal> we'll find some way to trip it over and break it's neck 1957:< Lord_Renwod> = larger guild level 1957:< Insomnikal> anyone got a warehouse or something they're not using? 1957:< TeaBagTwat> Almost level 5 1957:< barnum> Round #2, 67 hits! Tarrasque HP: 1439[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [1/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (16), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]Insomnikal (12), [... 1957:< Djinneral> I hit the tarrasque with my trident 1957:< Insomnikal> it and the surrounding area may become slightly demolished, you will be provided with plenty of meat as payment however 1957:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 1957:< Lord_Renwod> If the game had any way of determining a lose condition, w'ed be getting shrekt right now 1958:< Insomnikal> i can fly, so you know, im just staying the hell away 1958:< ryanvango> yeah, i just saw this guy in the wiki like yesterday 1958:< Lord_Renwod> I highly highly recommend running the f*** away 1958:< Lord_Renwod> In both RP and tactical senses 1958:< Djinneral> !flee 1958:< lycan_nick> we've only got like... 10 rounds to flee. 1958:< ryanvango> his purpose is for if a DM is too generous with XP and gear, making a party almost invincible. this thing is virtually unstoppable 1958:< Lord_Renwod> this guy is NOT something you wanna mess with 1958:< barnum> Round #3, 114 hits! Tarrasque HP: 1325[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (24), [Sok]Insomnikal (16), [Sok]ryanvango (16), ... 1958:< lycan_nick> Thing is, we'll take it down in 16-18 rounds anyways 1958:< Lord_Renwod> !flee 1958:< Insomnikal> his purpose is to be attacked with an giant statue with green flames spouting from it's hands 1959:< TeaBagTwat> Instead of running use bots! 1959:< lycan_nick> What's the rush? It's not like we haven't faced 1k+ HP enemies before. 1959:< ryanvango> i think you need to whittle his HP to nothing, THEN you can use a wishing artifact to kill it. in that order. 1959:< barnum> Round #4, 79 hits! Tarrasque HP: 1246[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [3/6 to !flee] +XP: [Sok]lycan_nick (16), [Sok]Insomnikal (12), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [S... 1959:< Insomnikal> im sure if enough of us hack at it's neck we could eventually decapitate it 1959:< TeaBagTwat> I reliably harmed the freak! 1959:< Lord_Renwod> If this was an actual rpg we'd be dead in like 2-3 rounds lycan_nick 1959:< Insomnikal> 2-3? :p 1959:< TeaBagTwat> I directly thrashed the monster! 1959:< Lord_Renwod> We'd probably already be dead 1959:< Insomnikal> i like your optimism :D 1959:< TeaBagTwat> I skillfully prosecuted the beast! 2000:< Djinneral> I dont know man the tarrasque is just a stupid lizard we could drop it in a massive hole 2000:< Lord_Renwod> Yes this guy does INSANE DAMAGE 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I rapidly clashed the freak! 2000:< Djinneral> and cover it with like oil and shit 2000:< Techwood111> i am way too confused. 2000:< Lord_Renwod> No because it's bigger than any whole you could find 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I viciously pummeled the creature! 2000:< lycan_nick> "Prosecuted the beast" wait, did you cross examine him? 2000:< Lord_Renwod> !flee 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I merely punched the monstrosity! 2000:< barnum> Round #5, 156 hits! Tarrasque HP: 1090[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (28), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (24), [Sok]Insomnikal (20), ... 2000:< Lord_Renwod> !flee 2000:< Djinneral> it doesnt look that big in google though 2000:< lycan_nick> Nope, no more fleeing. 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I sporadically prosecuted the monstrosity! 2000:< Lord_Renwod> WOW WAY TO GO GUYS 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I elegantly harmed the creature! 2000:< Lord_Renwod> IF WE HAD FLED WE'D HAVE SURVIVED 2000:< TeaBagTwat> I harshly pummeled the monster! 2001:< Lord_Renwod> NOW WE HAVE TO SUFFER 2001:< ryanvango> The biggest, most dangerous and the most ludicrous of D&D creatures, the Tarraque is basically a cross between Godzilla and Galactus — 2001:< Djinneral> good thing we're immortal warriors then huh 2001:< TeaBagTwat> I enjoyably hurt the creature! 2001:< Techwood111> Smite beast with +5 vorpal weapon 2001:< ryanvango> its giant, tyrannosaurus-esque creature that does nothing but eat and kill. 2001:< TeaBagTwat> I readily striked the beast! 2001:< barnum> Round #6, 112 hits! Tarrasque HP: 977[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (16), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [S... 2001:< Insomnikal> http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/78486/3353331-8748471199-42952.jpg => http://nazar.so/5b3u 2001:< Djinneral> we're basically gods who poke creatures with toothpicks 2001:< TeaBagTwat> I majestically opposed the beast! 2001:< Techwood111> use holy handgrenade of antioch 2001:< ryanvango> It’s impervious to most things, and it regenerates super-quick. 2001:< Lord_Renwod> What's the point of playing if you don't roleplay at all? 2001:< TeaBagTwat> Why flee! What does it even get us? 2001:< lycan_nick> So TeaBagTwat is... uh... violating the Tarrasque? 2001:< TeaBagTwat> I reliably hurt the fiend! 2001:< ryanvango> The only way to kill a Tarrasque is to remove all its Hit Points and then use a Wish spell — 2001:< Lord_Renwod> If we were roleplaying we'd respect his terror and run away 2001:< TeaBagTwat> I bravely punched the monster! 2002:< ryanvango> just doing one or the other doesn’t work. The Tarrasque is basically what adventurers fight when the Dungeon Master 2002:< lycan_nick> I'm not sure if I should respond with "hawt" or "nope" 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I hysterically knocked the monstrosity! 2002:< Insomnikal> level 12 paladin, i dont fear anything 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I safely striked the beast! 2002:< barnum> Round #7, 121 hits! Tarrasque HP: 856[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (24), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (24), [Sok]Insomnikal (16), [... 2002:< ryanvango> has given them way too much XP and treasure and magical gear and they’ve gotten too powerful for everything else. 2002:< surelyucantbserious> drops in to give each member a token of appreciation! "Here have a hershey's kiss!" 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I cautiously harmed the creature! 2002:< ryanvango> If you have ever killed a Tarrasque in any of your D&D campaigns, you probably had a shitty DM. 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I energetically ambushed the monster! 2002:< ryanvango> the end! 2002:< Lord_Renwod> But instead we've reduced the most terrifying foe in the game to a bigger health bar 2002:< Djinneral> I've never played dungeons and dragon :/ 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I repeatedly disputed the monstrosity! 2002:< Techwood111> Okay, is there a script I am supposed to have installed or something? 2002:< Djinneral> how would I go about playing it for real 2002:< TeaBagTwat> I cautiously battled the monstrosity! 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I fiercely contested the monster! 2003:< tigerLRG245> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2003:< barnum> Round #8, 122 hits! Tarrasque HP: 735[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (12), [S... 2003:< Insomnikal> are you saying Chris Perkins is a shitty dm?! :D 2003:< Lord_Renwod> Well you'd have to start w/ a group and make characters 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I harshly bickered the monster! 2003:< lycan_nick> Oh, awesome. chain of merges is now 13/13>14>15>16 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I immediately thrashed the freak! 2003:< ryanvango> Lord_Renwod normal business hours is minimal RP, people just talk and BS. 2003:< lycan_nick> We're under 90 minutes to T17 now. 2003:< Djinneral> are there like dungeons and dragon sessions in person sessions 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I methodically bickered the fiend! 2003:< ryanvango> RP time, people have been good about staying in character 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I arrogantly bombarded the monster! 2003:< ryanvango> except when cabbage metagames and breaks the 4th wall 2003:< Lord_Renwod> @insomnikal those are one-off campaigns where you start with max level and high gear 2003:< TeaBagTwat> I majestically striked the monstrosity! 2004:< Insomnikal> shhhh Lord_Renwod 2004:< barnum> Round #9, 166 hits! Tarrasque HP: 569[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (28), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (16), [S... 2004:< TeaBagTwat> I bravely bombarded the monster! 2004:< Lord_Renwod> largely because most of the time you never come close to that in actual combat 2004:< ryanvango> !party 2004:< TeaBagTwat> I ferociously bombarded the monstrosity! 2004:< Lord_Renwod> an actual campaign* 2004:< Lord_Renwod> Most campaigns are lucky to end around level 12 2004:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]ryanvango (7/41%) from [Sokuku(4/98%)] and... [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/73%), [Sok]Djinneral (11/28%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (6/... 2004:< TeaBagTwat> I cautiously stamped the creature! 2004:< Lord_Renwod> Instead of dying before then 2004:< TeaBagTwat> I hysterically contested the freak! 2004:< TeaBagTwat> I frantically opposed the beast! 2005:< Insomnikal> highest i've got in a campaign was 10 or 11 i think 2005:< barnum> Round #10, 83 hits! Tarrasque HP: 486[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (24), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]ryanvango (4), [So... 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I violently harmed the monstrosity! 2005:< Insomnikal> and i also had to suicide bomb a dragon at the end of that campaign 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I stealthily clashed the fiend! 2005:< Insomnikal> also = almost * 2005:< lycan_nick> I wonder if the people below the merge line are starting to abandon 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I dramatically breaked the creature! 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I enjoyably striked the beast! 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I bitterly bickered the beast! 2005:< ryanvango> i think the critical role gang is up to level 13, after playing for 3 years (9-13 since it starting streaming a year ago) 2005:< TeaBagTwat> I ferociously striked the fiend! 2006:< barnum> Round #11, 97 hits! Tarrasque HP: 390[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (24), [Sok]Insomnikal (16), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [S... 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I sheepishly bombarded the fiend! 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I awkwardly pummeled the beast! 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I stealthily breaked the fiend! 2006:< Djinneral> guys we cant flee this thing 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I reliably prosecuted the fiend! 2006:< Djinneral> lets just imagine its a baby tarrasque and hit it good 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I sheepishly harmed the creature! 2006:< Insomnikal> well it can't fly, so i can flee 2006:< barnum> Round #12, 56 hits! Tarrasque HP: 333[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]Djinneral (8), [Sok]Insomnikal (4) 2006:< TeaBagTwat> I crazily hit the monster! 2007:< lycan_nick> No, really? I couldn't tell from the status message. 2007:< TeaBagTwat> I vigorously bickered the freak! 2007:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2007:< TeaBagTwat> Hes already down to 333 HP. Im (slowly) killing it 2007:< ryanvango> TeabagTwat can you please silence your bot? 2007:< TeaBagTwat> ok 2007:< Djinneral> I punch the tarrasque right in the lizard jaw and then I like duck away because these animals hit back 2007:< TeaBagTwat> I obnoxiously contended the monstrosity! 2007:< TeaBagTwat> Silenced 2008:< lycan_nick> Also, be careful. If barnum notices bot activity, he can reset your player levels and everything 2008:< ryanvango> i actually wouldnt mind it so much if it wasnt I __adverb__ ___verb___ the ___synonym. 2008:< barnum> Round #13, 125 hits! Tarrasque HP: 208[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (24), [Sok]lycan_nick (16), [Sok]Djinneral (16), [S... 2008:< lycan_nick> or put you on ban so you can't play anymore. 2008:< ryanvango> if you wrote like 50 cool things for it to say, and maybe only 2 a minute, i wouldnt care if it ran forever 2008:< Lord_Renwod> hEY GUys 2008:< ryanvango> hi 2009:< barnum> Round #14, 65 hits! Tarrasque HP: 143[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (28), [Sok]lycan_nick (4), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (4) 2009:< ryanvango> !heroes 2009:< TeaBagTwat> It needs work 2009:< Djinneral> The Tarrasque bites me in the chest, I'm slowly bleeding to death, well not slowly I'm basically dead, it's killed me 2009:< Insomnikal> well it's almost unconcious, at least at that point you can all run away before it wakes up 2009:< Lord_Renwod> How do you remove Robin-chat or something 2009:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : [Sok]SirCabbage (20/35%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/76%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13... 2009:< ryanvango> what do you mean 2009:< ryanvango> !party 2009:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]ryanvango (7/55%) from [Sokuku(4/98%)] and... [Sok]lycan_nick (10/1%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/81%) 2009:< lycan_nick> Ooh, I'm level 10 now? sweet 2009:< Insomnikal> unless one fo you have a wish you're going to us to finish it off ;) 2010:< barnum> Round #15, 96 hits! Tarrasque HP: 47[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]Insomnikal (24), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]Djinneral (12), [Sok]... 2010:< TeaBagTwat> WE CAN KILL IT 2010:< lycan_nick> This isn't DnD. This is Robin-RPG 2010:< TeaBagTwat> WE JUST HAVE TO BELIEVE 2010:< TeaBagTwat> I BELIEVE 2010:< Lord_Renwod> I am pretty sure that I have installed parrot but I don't know how to uninstall robin-chat 2010:< Insomnikal> Poke it in it's eye and call it names 2010:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/4yjy9 2010:< lycan_nick> In which we basically play Typing of the Dead or whatever that game is called 2010:< Lord_Renwod> or whatever the script is called 2010:< TeaBagTwat> I DO BELIEVE IN KILLING 2010:< Djinneral> we've killed worse creatures before like lords of entropy 2010:< ryanvango> I wish as hard as I can, expending one of my wishes, to end the behemoth! 2010:< Djinneral> what's a tarrasque compared to a lord of entropy 2010:< barnum> Tarrasque is kill! TeaBagTwat gets the [Robe of Gates]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/90%), [Sok]ryanvango (7/65%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7/2... 2010:< lycan_nick> Lord_Renwod depends on which browser you're using. 2011:< lycan_nick> Chrome? Firefox? 2011:< TeaBagTwat> Wooo 2011:< Lord_Renwod> I'm in chrome 2011:< barnum> A wild Host Devil appeared! HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2011:< TeaBagTwat> !deposit 1 2011:< barnum> TeaBagTwat deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/98%)] vault! 2011:< ryanvango> (i actually did have a wishing ring...its down to 1 now. you're welcome, RP fanatics 2011:< Lord_Renwod> Also ryanvango how come your level is different in the party than overall? 2011:< Djinneral> who grants the wishes? 2011:< ryanvango> lord_renwod what do you mean 2011:< barnum> Round #1, 103 hits! Host Devil HP: 74[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (16), [Sok]ryanvango (16), [Sok]lycan_nick (8), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (... 2011:< ryanvango> its 7 2012:< lycan_nick> In which case, you're using Tampermonkey. There should be a button in top right for Tampermonkey. Hit that button, select Dashboar 2012:< Lord_Renwod> You're like level 7 in !party but in !heroes it's level 20 what's up with that? I don't even 2012:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/94%) from [Sokuku(4/98%)] and... [Sok]Djinneral (11/38%), SodiumBenz (1/2%), [Sok]ryanvango (7/70%), ... 2012:< lycan_nick> Dashboard. Then select the trashcan in the actions section to uninstall whatever you want to uninstall 2012:< TeaBagTwat> Its only a devil we can kill it 2012:< ryanvango> !heroes 2012:< Djinneral> I punch the host demon in the demon heart and capture it with my bottle 2012:< lycan_nick> ryanvango's only level 7 2012:< barnum> Host Devil is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Robe of Powerlessness]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (10/14%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (7/98%), [Sok]Dji... 2013:< Lord_Renwod> Wow that sounds either really good or really really shitty 2013:< ryanvango> Lord_Renwo I used to be 20 or 21. I asked barnum to reset me so I could run the guided campaign and not kill everything for them. 2013:< barnum> A wild Skrik Nettle appeared! HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2013:< lycan_nick> Djinneral and I are the highest leveled players playing atm. 2013:< Lord_Renwod> oh I see 2013:< SilentSand> It sounds like an item to restrain somebody 2013:< Lord_Renwod> So in other words now is my chance to pass you up! 2013:< TeaBagTwat> ryanvango that's rather honourable 2013:< SilentSand> Yeah you guys are really really high level 2013:< barnum> Round #1, 127 hits! Skrik Nettle HP: 77[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]ryanvango (12), [Sok]lycan_nick (12), [Sok]SilentSan... 2013:< Djinneral> when did i get lvl 11? 2013:< Lord_Renwod> hahahaha YOu are GOING DOWN SUCKA 2013:< ryanvango> LOL yeah pretty much. until I do the guided. I get a fuck ton of exp from describing EVERYTHING 2013:< lycan_nick> I only started playing last night, so I didn't even have a level. 2014:< Lord_Renwod> It's kinda honorable but it's basically required that one resets at level 20 2014:< Lord_Renwod> But what if I was the one to do the guiding rather than you? did you ever think of that? 2014:< Djinneral> guys I can do a guided role play session now, i've got a bit of time 2014:< SilentSand> Tier 13 merge gonna happen soon 2014:< barnum> Skrik Nettle is kill! ryanvango gets the [Cannibal Ring]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/13%), [Sok]Djinneral (11/43%), [Sok]ryanvango (7... 2014:< Lord_Renwod> :O I love GMing 2014:< Djinneral> my stories are dank and fresh 2014:< TeaBagTwat> Why is it REQUIRED? 2014:< ryanvango> cabbage is 20 now. I don't even think is honorable. it got kinda boring if im honest. 1 shotting anything under 700hp if i wanted to 2014:< barnum> A wild Sahuagin appeared! HP: 45[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2014:< lycan_nick> T13 merge just happened about a minute ago according to RobinTracker 2015:< Lord_Renwod> Because the game isn't designed to scale past 20 2015:< SilentSand> Yeah T14 merge soon woot 2015:< Lord_Renwod> as I mentioned it's barely able to handle players past level 15 2015:< TeaBagTwat> Ahh got it 2015:< lycan_nick> So we're about an hour to T16/T16 merge 2015:< SilentSand> It was exciting for my alt to see the merge thing again 2015:< barnum> Sahuagin is kill! SilentSand gets the [Sea Tyrant's Patch]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (7/85%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/18%), [Sok]lycan_nick ... 2015:< Djinneral> how does it handle damage bonuses anyway 2015:< SilentSand> Unless there's some random T15 stay again 2015:< TeaBagTwat> NOT AGAIN 2015:< Lord_Renwod> level 20 is supposed to be max level in basic pathfinder and most editions of DnD 2015:< barnum> A wild Shadow Rat Swarm appeared! HP: 117[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2015:< ryanvango> not sure anymore DJ 2015:< TeaBagTwat> IT BETTER NOT HAPPEN 2016:< ryanvango> !deposit 2016:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(4/99%)] vault! 2016:< lycan_nick> soooo close to level 5 guild 2016:< ryanvango> it won't happen. it happened last time, cause you guys outpaced everyone else. there were no 15s to merge with to we got here 2016:< barnum> Round #1, 91 hits! Shadow Rat Swarm HP: 26[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (12), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (8), [Sok]ryanvango (8), [Sok]Djinnera... 2016:< TeaBagTwat> I HAVE BEEN WAITING DAYS IF A T15 VOTES STAY IM DELETING REDDIT 2016:< Lord_Renwod> There are ways to allow progress beyond that cap, but the experience required increases by an 2016:< Djinneral> I capture the rat swarm with my rope of entanglement and drop them all into a hole and set it on fire 2016:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2017:< Lord_Renwod> astronomical amount. It takes forever to go from level 20 to level 21 compared to level 19 to level 20 2017:< TeaBagTwat> What time and timezone does robin end? 2017:**** lycan_nick throws a bag of seeds into a deep pit and watches as the rat swarm goes piling into the pit. 2017:< Lord_Renwod> The idea is more to allow for a high-level campaign that still has some loose ends to tie up to allow for continued progression 2017:< barnum> Shadow Rat Swarm is kill! Djinneral gets the [Headband of Arcane Energy]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/30%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7/18%), [... 2017:< TeaBagTwat> Because for me the 8th of april is under 3 hours away 2017:< Djinneral> ooh nice 2017:< ryanvango> renwod thats ok. its not meant to mimic dnd, just uses its items and mobs. eventually, why cant you become and RP a demi-god? 2017:< Lord_Renwod> The idea isn't "hey let's start a campaign at level 20" 2018:< barnum> A wild Nothosaur appeared! HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2018:< Insomnikal> weeeeeee finally finished my damned reports, off to play some games, i shall be checking back intermittently to see if we have finally 2018:< Djinneral> !loot 2018:< Lord_Renwod> Well because ryanvango just as you found it's not really fun 2018:< Insomnikal> merged. 2018:< barnum> Djinneral bag of holding contains 3 shiny things! A [Headband of Arcane Energy] surfaces in it... 2018:< SilentSand> I want you all to know that I love all of you before anybody is lost in the merge 2018:< Djinneral> !deposit 2018:< ryanvango> I don't think its fun, but some people do. not for me. 2018:< TeaBagTwat> w 2018:< barnum> Nothosaur is kill! ryanvango gets the [Solidsmoke Pipeweed]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (14/82%), [Sok]ryanvango (7/96%), [Sok]Lord_Renwo... 2018:< ryanvango> !deposit 2018:< Lord_Renwod> Sure it's awesome at first but a god that just destroys everything without a second thought it gets boring 2018:< lycan_nick> http://reddit.com/r/parrot_script if you need a link to Parrot. 2018:< barnum> A wild Vulnudaemon appeared! HP: 117[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2019:< Insomnikal> thats why you have gods that are capable of being killed 2019:< barnum> Djinneral deposited 3 loot in [Sokuku(5/0%)] vault! 2019:< Djinneral> I did it guys 2019:< ryanvango> !deposit 2019:< Insomnikal> then you have a pc who is extremely cunning trick the god into a position of weakness to strike 2019:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(5/0%)] vault! 2019:< Insomnikal> or to get taken by another god 2019:< ryanvango> I did it guys! 2019:< SilentSand> Level 5 get ahhhhhh yeahhhhh 2019:< Techwood111> lycan_nick is Parrot needed to run the rpg? 2019:< barnum> Vulnudaemon is kill! Djinneral gets the [Coldwarp Key]! LVLs: [Sok]Insomnikal (4/14%), [Sok]ryanvango (8/0%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/37... 2019:< TeaBagTwat> When Barnum resets you does it reset loot as well? 2019:< Lord_Renwod> There's a reason why people don't play skyrim with tgm on all the time 2019:< lycan_nick> It's not, but it makes Robin a lot more tolerable in general 2019:< ryanvango> no 2019:< barnum> A wild Stone Guardian Golem appeared! HP: 141[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2019:< Djinneral> uh I use the colwarp key and open the door to the colwarp realm 2019:< Insomnikal> it needs to be done properly though, just cant have gods go galavanting around all willy nilly 2020:< Djinneral> its very cold here 2020:< Lord_Renwod> Sure it is fun to become invincible for a while, but it quickly becomes dull and boring 2020:< lycan_nick> Autovotes Grow if you're AFK or not paying attention during merge, etc. 2020:< Techwood111> Is ANYTHING needed? I feel like I am missing something important. 2020:< ryanvango> by the way, if someone wants to get a dnd campaign running on roll20, ive been meaning to try it for real 2020:< SilentSand> I thought that said 14 hp for a second and I was gonna laugh real hard at that 2020:< Insomnikal> thats why the gods in the malazan series are so good, if they interfere too much the other gods will bitch slap them :p 2020:< barnum> Stone Guardian Golem is kill! Techwood111 gets the [Staff of The Hierophant]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/47%), [Sok]lycan_nick (10/36... 2020:< ryanvango> I dont know how to DM so we need someone familiar with all that jazz 2020:< SilentSand> You need tampermonkey for chrome or something similar for firefox 2020:< lycan_nick> Nothing's actually needed, Parrot/Robin-Grow just make it a lot easier to stay in the chat 2020:< Djinneral> hierophant green is the worst stand btw 2020:< barnum> A wild Golden Cat appeared! HP: 33[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2020:< lycan_nick> Tampermonkey for Chrome, Greasemonkey for Firefox 2020:< Insomnikal> ryanvango, you just need a good imagination, and to be able to think on your feet ;) 2020:< Lord_Renwod> It's actually a problem I'm facing in MY skyrim game because I'm super high level and yet I've got a lot of stuff to do 2021:< lycan_nick> both of them actually execute JavaScript code, so if you can write JavaScript code, you can write Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script 2021:< TeaBagTwat> T13'S MERGED 2021:< Techwood111> Hooray, I have a staff :) 2021:< Lord_Renwod> But I've been playing on legendary the whole game and now I'm FINALLY OP and the game isn't as fun anymore 2021:< barnum> Golden Cat is kill! Techwood111 gets the [Druid's Vestment]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (10/43%), [Sok]Insomnikal (4/36%), [Sok]ryanvango... 2021:< ryanvango> Insomnikal I think I do ok in here, but thats just storytelling. a little rusty, but thats ok. i dont know the rules/mechanics 2021:< Djinneral> change difficulty level to legendary 2021:< Insomnikal> theres a great dragon mod Lord_Renwod, diversified i think it is, there are some pretty serious dragons in it 2021:< TeaBagTwat> T14'S NEXT 2021:< Lord_Renwod> because everything I fight is easy 2021:< barnum> A wild Medium Smoke Elemental appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2021:< Djinneral> NO SMOKING ALLOWED 2021:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah but most of the quests in the game DON'T involve killing dragons 2021:< SilentSand> I have the overleved problem in witcher 3 2021:< ryanvango> Insomnikal I dont know how to make a character, what dice to use, all that. in here you dont have to worry, so I can DM this one 2022:< Insomnikal> yeah, thats what the DM screen is for really, but it really does help to know off the top of your head what things do 2022:< Lord_Renwod> Dragons are one of the few foes that ARE marginally fun, at times 2022:< lycan_nick> Yeah, overleveling is a problem in a lot of RPGs 2022:< barnum> Medium Smoke Elemental is kill! lycan_nick gets the [God Shield]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/64%), [Sok]ryanvango (8/19%), [Sok]Insom... 2022:< lycan_nick> !deposit 2022:< Djinneral> I send the smoke elemental to jail for breaking the damn law 2022:< Techwood111> Wield staff of the Hierophant while wearing the Druid's Vestment, and wreak havoc on my foes. 2022:< Insomnikal> Lord_Renwod, thats why you dont fast travel, you'll encounter 1 or 2 dragons most times :p 2022:< barnum> A wild Sea Cat appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2022:< Lord_Renwod> ryanvango I know a way to do DnD 2022:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(5/1%)] vault! 2022:< Insomnikal> you can also up the spawn rate i think with the diversified mods 2022:< Lord_Renwod> I try not to fast travel much 2022:< lycan_nick> There are a lot of great Skyrim mods. 2022:< ryanvango> Insomnikal I think I'd rather someone else take the lead, and I could learn as I go. once I know how dnd works, i would try dming 2023:< TeaBagTwat> lycan_nick The only way to fix it is to get infinitely harder enemies as you level 2023:< Lord_Renwod> I can't really handle too many mods or something 2023:< lycan_nick> SoT isn't bad. 2023:< Djinneral> Take the horse everywhere 2023:< barnum> Sea Cat is kill! Djinneral gets the [Staff of Dark Flame]! LVLs: [Sok]Insomnikal (4/66%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7/32%), [Sok]Djinneral (1... 2023:< Insomnikal> fair enough ;) I dont DM though, I'm errr, im quite cruel :) 2023:< Djinneral> I am the dark flame master 2023:< Lord_Renwod> anything* I have a laptop that can barely handle it 2023:< Techwood111> Eat deceased Sea Cat 2023:< barnum> A wild Balban Demon appeared! HP: 309[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2023:< Djinneral> AWAKEN MY FLAME 2023:< Lord_Renwod> Yo guys I know where we can play DnD and I *might* even be willing to dm 2023:< Djinneral> !deposit 2023:< barnum> Djinneral deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(5/2%)] vault! 2023:< lycan_nick> GO PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU 2023:< ryanvango> Insomnikal haha that's alrght. I like how critical role does it. they say "a DM isnt there to hold your hand, and they're not there to 2023:< Lord_Renwod> although I'd probably not want to do DnD 2023:< Techwood111> !deposit 2023:< barnum> Techwood111 deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(5/2%)] vault! 2024:< ryanvango> "kill you. their job is to make you a fucking hero" 2024:< barnum> Round #1, 132 hits! Balban Demon HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (25), [Sok]ryanvango (20), [Sok]Insomnikal (15), [Sok]Djinnera... 2024:< Insomnikal> rolld20 is the best place to DnD online i think 2024:< ryanvango> Renwod, im listening 2024:< Lord_Renwod> I'm already in a DnD group, but the DM is taking a hiatus so I'm not sure exactly if we'll be back on 2024:< Insomnikal> you still need to know how the mechanics work though 2024:< Djinneral> I don't want my dm to make me a hero, I want him to keep it real 2024:< Lord_Renwod> I'd disagree the place I use is a kind-of-secret chatroom 2024:< ryanvango> roll20 seems to be a good spot. I just dont know anything about dnd. but ill play. im usually good for a few hours on weekends 2024:< SirCabbage> yay I woke up before the cascade ended? 2025:< Lord_Renwod> I could potentially tell you guys the details but I'd rather get things sorted out on my end first 2025:< barnum> Round #2, 166 hits! Balban Demon HP: 11[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (45), [Sok]ryanvango (20), [Sok]Djinneral (15), [Sok]Insomnikal... 2025:< lycan_nick> SirCabbage yep looks like you're here just in time 2025:< Djinneral> I open my spirit bottle and try to capture this demon creature 2025:< SirCabbage> yay! 2025:< Lord_Renwod> Wow 45 experience so much learning very much leveling and growth 2025:< lycan_nick> Merge looks like it'll happen within the next 60-90 minutes 2025:< ryanvango> poop 2025:< Insomnikal> fair enough, im sure theres a pdf of the players manual online if you're that interested ryanvango, i do have a copy myself as well 2025:< Insomnikal> but if you like it, you have to buy it eventually :P 2025:< barnum> Quick check in from my work computer: When the ETA on merge? 2025:< TeaBagTwat> ARE WE MERGED YET? 2025:< lycan_nick> We're not merged to T17 yet 2025:< Insomnikal> 1-2 hours TeaBagTwat 2025:< Lord_Renwod> I would very much like it if I got this demon I have the spirit brand or w.e it is called 2025:< barnum> Balban Demon is kill! ryanvango gets the [Cube of Frost Resistance]! LVLs: [Sok]lycan_nick (10/53%), [Sok]Djinneral (11/72%), [Sok]I... 2025:< lycan_nick> That'll happen in about 60-90 minutes 2026:< Lord_Renwod> How do you all of the cheap 2026:< TeaBagTwat> ARE WE MERGED NOW? 2026:< Lord_Renwod> !party 2026:< SirCabbage> "insert "its happening gif here* 2026:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2026:< ryanvango> !deposit 2026:< Techwood111> Smack monster with a big stick upside his head. 2026:< lycan_nick> Welp, imma go eat some lunch while Parrot handles the merge for me 2026:< barnum> A wild Ghaele Azata appeared! HP: 408[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2026:< Lord_Renwod> We're doing this man we're making this hapen 2026:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/89%) from [Sokuku(5/2%)] and... [Sok]lycan_nick (10/53%), [Sok]Djinneral (11/72%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7... 2026:< TeaBagTwat> HOW ABOUT NOW? 2026:< ryanvango> Ok. I have to get going. I'll check back during the merge, but im outa here 2026:< Insomnikal> ciao 2026:< SirCabbage> but really, to all those stay naysayers- WHAT ARE YOU SAYING NOW 2027:< Techwood111> nay 2027:< ryanvango> I should be back on in about 4 hours to play, if you wanna do guided. and if you wanna make a dnd group, gimme the details 2027:< barnum> Round #1, 248 hits! Ghaele Azata HP: 160[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (35), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (30), [Sok]lycan_nick (20), [Sok]SirCabba... 2027:< Lord_Renwod> !party 2027:< Lord_Renwod> Wow parrot is much prettier 2027:< barnum> THE PARTY: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (8/96%) from [Sokuku(5/2%)] and... [Sok]SirCabbage (20/38%), [Sok]ryanvango (8/43%), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7/... 2027:< TeaBagTwat> This juice tastes like its got sleeping pills in it, I dnt no wa t d efv 2028:< barnum> Round #2, 38 hits! Ghaele Azata HP: 122[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (15), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (10) 2028:< TeaBagTwat> Bye! 2028:< Lord_Renwod> Ok guys can somebody help me with the channel listing? 2028:< Insomnikal> i'll be voting stay straight away 2028:< Lord_Renwod> What do I put in there to get all the major robin channels? 2028:< TeaBagTwat> Sure 2028:< Lord_Renwod> I should be online for the merge so I'm pretty excited 2029:< Lord_Renwod> We're voting stay yes yes? 2029:< SirCabbage> *dances 2029:< barnum> Round #3, 73 hits! Ghaele Azata HP: 50[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (30), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (10), [Sok]Insomnikal (5), SxwTheCat (1) 2029:< Insomnikal> it'll be almost impossible to go up another tier, so best to go stay aye 2029:< TeaBagTwat> You put a channel name and separate the different ones with commas 2029:< Insomnikal> after this next merge yes 2029:< barnum> Grow until purge, then stay. 2029:< TeaBagTwat> Heres what mines like 2029:< Insomnikal> must we purge the unworthy? :p 2029:< Lord_Renwod> I see 2029:< Lord_Renwod> Why do we grow until purge? 2029:< Insomnikal> they're good for fodder 2029:< TeaBagTwat> %,^,$,#rpg,penis/,# 2029:< barnum> Ghaele Azata is kill! caecias gets the [Eyes of Keen Sight]! LVLs: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (7/53%), [Sok]Insomnikal (5/9%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod... 2030:< Lord_Renwod> oh because autogrows 2030:< barnum> A wild Cerberi appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2030:< Lord_Renwod> I should be level 9 now 2030:< Lord_Renwod> Which is pretty tight 2030:< barnum> Grow/Stay may split the vote, then abandons could win and we lose everything 2030:< barnum> *abandons/afks 2030:< Lord_Renwod> Right that's what I was saying 2030:< SirCabbage> My thoughs are - divided right now. On the one hand staying would get us the subreddit 2030:< TeaBagTwat> Once we merge im voting stay for the first time 2030:< SilentSand> I've never seen a non majority vote 2030:< barnum> Round #1, 120 hits! Cerberi HP: 108[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (15), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (5), [Sok]SilentSand (5) 2030:< Lord_Renwod> So by voting to grow we will live through the purge 2031:< SilentSand> Abandons won last time because they got over 50% of the votes by no vote 2031:< SirCabbage> on the other hand- growing would mean we would be here till the end- what would be better? I dont know 2031:< Lord_Renwod> Well here's the thing, if we get a majority stay BEFORE the merge 2031:< Lord_Renwod> Then the afk people survive 2031:< Lord_Renwod> There is no purge 2031:< Lord_Renwod> Everyone goes home happy 2031:< barnum> Cerberi is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Deck of Harrowed Tales]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9/20%), [Sok]SirCabbage (20/42%), [Sok]Silent... 2031:< Insomnikal> but if we dont stay before the end then we may fade into obscurity because we failed the test D: 2031:< SirCabbage> yay another bit 'o loot 2032:< barnum> Screw the unworthy afk'ers, we worked for this, they should be purged. 2032:< Lord_Renwod> Hey Barnum! 2032:< Lord_Renwod> We have a request for you, the guild has talked and we decided 2032:< SirCabbage> so what level is our guild anyway? 2032:< Insomnikal> pfft the rooms been alive for 94 hours, i've been afk for at least half of that :P 2032:< Lord_Renwod> That we would very much like for the name to be changed to soKukune 2032:< TeaBagTwat> Hello 2032:< barnum> Round #1, 163 hits! Terra-Cotta Soldier HP: 29[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (35), [Sok]Insomnikal (30), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]S... 2032:< SirCabbage> We want cake and icecream 2032:< SirCabbage> oh, that too 2032:< Lord_Renwod> How possible or impossible is that barnum? I hope I'm not asking for too much 2033:< SirCabbage> but we also want cake and icecream 2033:< Insomnikal> soKukune * 2033:< Insomnikal> :p 2033:< Lord_Renwod> If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know and I'll do my best 2033:< barnum> Lord_Renwood I could do that but I am at work right now and the bot is on my home computer. 2033:< Lord_Renwod> Isn't that what I typed? 2033:< TeaBagTwat> soKukune or we kill the bot 2033:< SirCabbage> and the cake and or icecream? :o 2033:< Lord_Renwod> Ok well there's no real rush barnum as long as its on your radar :) 2033:< Insomnikal> yeah im just tired and still technically working ;D 2033:< -Yunan-> bam 2034:< Lord_Renwod> It's ok insomnikal no hard feelings I can completely understand being tired 2034:< barnum> I won't be home until 10ish est tonight. There might not even be a chat by then, and even if there is, the mian bot will be back 2034:< Lord_Renwod> Hello Yunan how goes it 2034:< Lord_Renwod> Well, does that mean that we can't change the name? 2034:< TeaBagTwat> It's 9:33pm and im staying up for as long as it takes 2034:< SirCabbage> Its 6:30 AM and i'm ready 2034:< Insomnikal> same time and i'm here for a minimum of 8.5 hours :p 2034:< SirCabbage> :o 2034:< Lord_Renwod> Robin-rpg should be able to change it, right? or are you not passing the data 2035:< barnum> Unless the main author of the chat is willing to merge data, you'll have to recreate the guild. 2035:< SilentSand> Aren't there multiple robin-rpg bots 2035:< Lord_Renwod> Wait does this mean we'll get our old data back? 2035:< barnum> Terra-Cotta Soldier is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Black Iron Axe]! LVLs: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9/35%), [Sok]SirCabbage (20/46%), [Sok]I... 2035:< SirCabbage> well I hope so since I am now a higher level on barnum- and we need to keep our guild stuff 2035:< Lord_Renwod> :O ANOTHER ARTIFACT 2036:< barnum> Round #1, 9 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 495[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (5) 2036:< Lord_Renwod> JEEGUS GRAVITY ELEMENTAL 2036:< barnum> Lord_Renwod Yeah, he still has all the old stuff in that bot, there's some people in here still on the leaderboard down there 2036:< Insomnikal> right i'm off to play some dungeon keeper, i'll check back in for the merge, bbs :P 2036:< Lord_Renwod> Wow super stronk 2036:< SirCabbage> Dungeon Keeper is swell 2036:< Insomnikal> i should still be on it <3 2036:< Lord_Renwod> LOL REALLY? that's awesome 2036:< Lord_Renwod> Dungeon Keeper? I'll have to look that up 2036:< barnum> Round #2, 78 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 417[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]Insomnikal (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (5) 2037:< SirCabbage> *then insomnikal abandons* 2037:< SirCabbage> Wait, you havent heard of dungeon keeper 2037:< SilentSand> As long as you play the old dungeon keeper not the new one 2037:< Insomnikal> well, DK 2 :> i dont have the origional 2037:< barnum> Round #3, 96 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 321[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Insomnikal (5) 2038:< SilentSand> !heroes 2038:< SirCabbage> Dungeon Keeper 1, 2 or War for the Overworld is fine. Mobile version suchs 2038:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : [Sok]SirCabbage (20/47%), [Sok]jonesandbrown (15/42%), [Sok]SilentSand (14/95%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13... 2038:< barnum> I'll hopefully be back around merge time unless work interferes. If I can't make it back, good luck and god speed. 2038:< SilentSand> Yeah anything that isn't the mobile version because that's horrible 2038:< barnum> Round #4, 128 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 194[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (15) 2038:< SirCabbage> please do barnum, I want my data transfered :o 2038:< Lord_Renwod> Wow that actually looks really cool 2039:< Lord_Renwod> I was thinking of making a game kinda like that 2039:< Lord_Renwod> But yeah definitely interesting 2039:< Insomnikal> war for the overworld eh? not heard of it 2039:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 2039:< barnum> Round #5, 63 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 131[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), [Sok]Insomnikal (5) 2039:< Insomnikal> it's a great game Lord_Renwod 2039:< SirCabbage> It was a new project made by a group of fans 2040:< barnum> Lord_Renwod deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(5/3%)] vault! 2040:< SirCabbage> http://store.steampowered.com/app/230190/ 2040:< barnum> Round #6, 46 hits! Elder Gravity Elemental HP: 85[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Insomnikal (5) 2040:< SilentSand> I'd like to keep this level against the other group and be able to compete between guilds 2041:< SirCabbage> yeah also, if we don't we will be outclassed by the guilds under us for no good reason 2041:< SilentSand> The T13 chat has like 3 guilds tbh 2041:< barnum> Elder Gravity Elemental is kill! SilentSand gets the [Bag of Devouring]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/53%), [Sok]SilentSand (15/0%) 2041:< Insomnikal> gah cant access steam store from work on this laptop for some reason 2041:< SirCabbage> WELL WE ARE MORE UNITED DAMN IT 2041:< Insomnikal> annoys the ever loving shit out of me as i cant figure out why 2041:< barnum> A wild Sphinx Stone Idol appeared! HP: 351[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2042:< barnum> Round #1, 50 hits! Sphinx Stone Idol HP: 301[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Insomnikal (30), [Sok]SirCabbage (5) 2042:< Lord_Renwod> did ryanvango leave? 2042:< TeaBagTwat> It's 9:33pm and im staying up for as long as it takes to become #1 robin chat 2042:< SilentSand> Lol 50 hp done before it got announced 2042:< SirCabbage> he better not have- or I will stab him in they eyeholes 2042:< SilentSand> It's gonna be less than an hour or 2 2042:< Insomnikal> yeah, he's afk 2042:< Lord_Renwod> TeaBagTwat if one of the lower tiers stays you're going to regret saying that 2043:< barnum> Round #2, 79 hits! Sphinx Stone Idol HP: 221[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), [Sok]SilentSand (5), [Sok]Insom... 2043:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2043:< TeaBagTwat> Lord_Renwod yeah but that hasn't happened yet so im willing to say ballsy statements 2043:< SirCabbage> It isnt AS good as the original- but it is a solid dungeon keeper game 2044:< TeaBagTwat> I will only regret when I see one voted to stay 2044:**** Techwood111 empts to do massive damage, while eating a croque monsieur. 2044:< Insomnikal> hmmm i'll throw it on my wishlist for now 2044:< SirCabbage> They also are still actively patching 2044:< barnum> Round #3, 126 hits! Sphinx Stone Idol HP: 95[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]TeaBagTwat (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (20), [Sok]Techwood111 (15), [Sok]Ins... 2044:< Insomnikal> it probably helps being able to distribute the update via steam ;) 2045:< SirCabbage> but I should say Insomnikal I did back it on kickstarter- so I may be biased on my love 2045:< Insomnikal> ;D 2045:< barnum> Round #4, 81 hits! Sphinx Stone Idol HP: 14[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Insomnikal (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (15) 2045:< SirCabbage> well it even has workshop support 2045:**** Techwood111 prepares a celebratory feast for everyone. 2045:< SirCabbage> so you can share maps n' shit 2046:< SirCabbage> YAY! WILL THERE BE CAKE AND ICECREAM? :o 2046:< Insomnikal> fair enough, anyway, you keep sidetracking me, bbiab :p 2046:< SirCabbage> sorry insomnikal 2046:< barnum> Sphinx Stone Idol is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Rod of Wonder]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/60%), [Sok]Techwood111 (2/92%), [Sok]Insom... 2046:< Techwood111> AND SPRINKLES!!! 2046:< SirCabbage> FUCK YEAH TECHWOOD I'M IN 2046:< barnum> A wild Kuchrima appeared! HP: 312[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2047:< SilentSand> I heard there's cake and icecream somewhere? 2047:< Techwood111> Yes, let us revel in the knowledge that the Sphinx Stone Idol is no more! HOORAY! 2047:< barnum> Round #1, 47 hits! Kuchrima HP: 265[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Techwood111 (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), [Sok]SilentSand (5) 2047:< SirCabbage> yeah it is coming, woo! 2047:< SirCabbage> god this is exciting 2047:**** Techwood111 dishes out ice cream and cake, topping it with a lovely array of sprinkles. 2048:< SirCabbage> cake- icecream AND a merge. My favourites *nom 2048:< barnum> Round #2, 71 hits! Kuchrima HP: 194[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (15), [Sok]Techwood111 (15) 2048:< Techwood111> +1 Constitution to all 2048:< SilentSand> 15 merged, two more merges until 17 2048:< Lord_Renwod> Would someone please share their parrot configuration of channels please? 2048:< SirCabbage> god I cant wait 2048:< Yeniuss> ALMOST THERE 2049:< barnum> Round #3, 123 hits! Kuchrima HP: 71[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (30), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Techwood111 (5), [Sok]SilentSand (... 2049:< SirCabbage> YENIUSS 2049:< Yeniuss> 35 minutes! 2049:< Yeniuss> SIRCABBAGE 2049:< SirCabbage> isn't it great they waited til we woke up? how nice of them! 2049:< SilentSand> #rpg,$,penis/,%chat,],&,#pol,#bard,^ 2049:< Yeniuss> I know right 2049:< SilentSand> Those are my avtctive channels 2049:< SirCabbage> this happened during the soku merges too- I was here for them too 2050:< Yeniuss> and soon my computer will be able to go to sleep 2050:< barnum> Kuchrima is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Dust of Sneezing and Choking]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/68%), [Sok]SilentSand (15/4%), [Edi]... 2050:< barnum> A wild Giant Seahorse appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2050:< SirCabbage> hhaaha it was worth it. I just feel as if those idiots who wanted us to stay should be biting themselves at this point 2050:< Lord_Renwod> Thanks sircabbage that was really helpful :) 2050:< SirCabbage> I always knew we would merge within 4 days 2051:< barnum> Giant Seahorse is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Dragon Staff]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/71%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9/58%) 2051:< SirCabbage> NICE staff 2051:< doge_apprentice> test 2051:< SirCabbage> why do I never get a dragon staff despite being a dragon tamer 2051:< barnum> A wild Sprite appeared! HP: 12[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2051:< SirCabbage> IT SEEMS SLIGHTLY WRONG TO ME 2051:< SilentSand> Dude I got a dragon staff best thing I ever got in my life 2051:< SirCabbage> *eats the sprite 2051:< barnum> Sprite is kill! SilentSand gets the [Blessed Book]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/75%), [Sok]SilentSand (15/6%), doge_apprentice (1/2%) 2052:< SirCabbage> I mean, I have real non-summoned dragons. But I would still like one of those staffs 2052:< barnum> A wild Calathgar appeared! HP: 117[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2052:< Yeniuss> hey Renwod did you see I made Edia for you 2052:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2052:< Yeniuss> !guilds 2052:< SirCabbage> I needed to bash once. I needed to. very important that I bash ONE MORE TIME 2052:< Lord_Renwod> What? 2052:< barnum> Calathgar is kill! Lord_Renwod gets the [Sword of Valor]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/79%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9/59%), [Edi]Yeniuss (7/... 2053:< SirCabbage> Nice killsteal lord- 2053:< Lord_Renwod> I got the dragon staff? AND A SWORD OF VALOR? 2053:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2053:< SirCabbage> dayam- those skills. First the dragon staff 2053:< Lord_Renwod> Shit I gotta go get a lotto ticket 2053:< Yeniuss> !guilds 2053:< SirCabbage> lol 2053:< barnum> A wild Shadow Dire Bear appeared! HP: 270[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2054:< barnum> Round #1, 89 hits! Shadow Dire Bear HP: 181[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (15), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (10), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2054:< Techwood111> Let's cover Calathgar with sprinkles. 2054:< Yeniuss> barnum doesnt like to respond to commands now, whats it going to be like once we merge 2054:< SilentSand> Well maybe the actual bot will be swift as a moving river 2054:< SirCabbage> is guilds even a command? 2054:< SilentSand> With all the strength of a great typhoon 2054:< SirCabbage> !guilds 2054:< SilentSand> Yeah it displays all the guilds 2055:< barnum> Round #2, 157 hits! Shadow Dire Bear HP: 24[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (25), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Techwood111 (5), [Edi]Yeniu... 2055:< pyroshroom> !guides 2055:< pyroshroom> !guilds 2055:< SirCabbage> !sexytime 2055:< mumer> Well I didn't play very much. And I wasn't very good. But I just want to say it was nice meeting you all. 2055:< Techwood111> !goldies 2055:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(5/3%)], [Edia(1/22%)] 2055:< Lord_Renwod> Damn this staff is really awesome 2055:< pyroshroom> !loot 2055:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 2055:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding is currently empty! It contains 0 shiny things! 2055:< SirCabbage> Cheers mumer, have a good merge! 2055:< Techwood111> My staff is awesomer. 2055:< barnum> Shadow Dire Bear is kill! mumer gets the [Murderer's Blackcloth]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/83%), [Sok]pyroshroom (11/26%), [Sok]mum... 2056:< SilentSand> It's great meeting all of you 2056:< barnum> A wild Myrmecoleon appeared! HP: 405[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2056:< TheDoctor_RS> Ayy SirCab 2056:< mumer> and YES one more loot steal! Good times all, good times. And um sorry for thieving! 2056:< mahatmabrondi> ello 2056:< MeaKyori> A wild what is that now? 2056:< SirCabbage> Hello Doctor- been awhile 2056:< SilentSand> Damn poop looter, making us have to work for our remaining loot 2056:< barnum> Round #1, 119 hits! Myrmecoleon HP: 286[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (20), [Sok]mumer (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), TheDoctor_RS (1), ma... 2056:< TheDoctor_RS> indeed, just came to say good luck in tier 17 2057:< Lord_Renwod> !deposit 2057:< MeaKyori> Ooh are people saying we're about to merge again? 2057:< SirCabbage> good luck? we are going to kick ass 2057:< barnum> Lord_Renwod deposited 2 loot in [Sokuku(5/4%)] vault! 2057:< SirCabbage> Largest chat here we come! 2057:< Lord_Renwod> wow so much farther to go 2057:< TeaBagTwat> T15'S merging, back in 30 mins 2057:< barnum> Round #2, 71 hits! Myrmecoleon HP: 215[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (10), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]TeaBagTwat (5), TheDoctor_RS (1... 2058:< doge_apprentice> i was scared that this chat would eventually merge in the 2 days i was gone 2058:< MeaKyori> Myrmecoleon... Gonna have to look that one up. 2058:< Techwood111> Attack! 2058:< barnum> Round #3, 8 hits! Myrmecoleon HP: 207[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Techwood111 (5), doge_apprentice (3), MeaKyori (1) 2058:< MeaKyori> Oh. That honestly raised more questions than it answered... An ant with a lion head? How terrifying. 2058:< ryanvango> can we all take a moment to appreciate all the assholes who yelled STAY! on T16, like it was a good plan. 2059:< SilentSand> I mean I did for funsies so please appreciate me 2059:< barnum> Round #4, 49 hits! Myrmecoleon HP: 158[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (15), [Sok]SilentSand (5), MeaKyori (3) 2059:< Lord_Renwod> hey ryanvango can you and anyone else interested in doing an actual rpg campaign send me a pm? 2059:< SirCabbage> I may be 2059:< Djinneral> they were weakwilled cowards 2059:< MeaKyori> I appreciate you senpai~ 2100:< Techwood111> So I guess we still have no idea about what the heck Robin is all about, right? 2100:< SirCabbage> Boobs 2100:< Lord_Renwod> it's a social experiment/reddit prank 2100:< barnum> Round #5, 100 hits! Myrmecoleon HP: 58[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (20), [Sok]Techwood111 (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Djinnera... 2100:< ryanvango> "but what yep 2100:< SirCabbage> always boobs. 2100:< ryanvango> yep* 2101:< MeaKyori> Huh. This guy appears to be worth a rather decent amount of xp. I wonder what level I am now. 2101:< SilentSand> Are there different levels of xp based on the monster? 2101:< barnum> Myrmecoleon is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Rod of Mind Mastery]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (15/14%), [Sok]ryanvango (8/49%), [Sok]SirCabb... 2101:< Lord_Renwod> XP is unrelated to monster caliber 2101:< SilentSand> Oh alright thanks for answering 2101:< SilentSand> Level 15 woot wooot 2101:< barnum> A wild Mythic Marilith appeared! HP: 1032[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2101:< Lord_Renwod> TIL Boobs kill 2102:< MeaKyori> so I suppose you could end up having a tiny rat or something worth, like, 50 xp each hit haha 2102:< Yeniuss> We've done our waiting! 4 days of it 2102:< barnum> Round #1, 67 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 965[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]Lord_Renwod (10), [Sok]SilentSand (10), MeaKyori (3), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2102:< SirCabbage> you didnt know that before lord? 2102:< SilentSand> Boobs kill me every night on my bed 2102:< SirCabbage> boobs ALWAYS kill. 2102:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2103:< Lord_Renwod> does anybody here read homestuck? 2103:< SilentSand> When can we fight a boob monster 2103:< MeaKyori> No, I tried to start it but couldn't get into it. 2103:< MeaKyori> !party 2103:< barnum> THE PARTY: MeaKyori (2/30%) and... [Sok]SilentSand (15/16%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (9/72%), [Edi]Yeniuss (7/41%) 2103:< ryanvango> i saw a boob once 2103:< barnum> Round #2, 100 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 864[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]SilentSand (10), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (5), [Sok]ryanv... 2103:< ryanvango> it was a good day 2103:< SirCabbage> lol ryan 2104:< SilentSand> Every day with boobs is a great day oh god this chat is full of horny teenagers isn't it 2104:< MeaKyori> So what is that in brackets on the front of your usernames? 2104:< barnum> Round #3, 90 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 774[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (15), [Sok]ryanvango (5), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), MeaKyori (3) 2104:< Yeniuss> no im just an ordinary teenager 2104:< Lord_Renwod> I guess *technically* I'm still a teenager 2104:< SirCabbage> Most likely SilentSand - but it should be said I was just joking. Not being serious or horny lol 2104:< Lord_Renwod> But only for like another 5 months or so 2105:< Yeniuss> only a few more months and I wont be a teenager though 2105:< MeaKyori> I'm 22. Am I an old one here or something? 2105:< SirCabbage> im 25 lol. 2105:< barnum> Round #4, 122 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 653[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (20), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (10), [Edi]Yeniuss (2), MeaKyori (2) 2105:< SirCabbage> I also heard some 30+ people and I have seen a 40 year old 2105:< SirCabbage> there are lots of people of all ages here 2105:< Yeniuss> there was a guy going on about being 50 something 2105:< Yeniuss> asking if he was the oldest person here 2105:< MeaKyori> Oh good, so it isn't a whole lot of youngins haha. 2106:< Lord_Renwod> Older people generally don't go on reddit much 2106:< SilentSand> Hey I don't feel too old now 2106:< barnum> Round #5, 129 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 524[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (20), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (5), [Sok]SilentSand (5), [Edi]Yenius... 2106:< SirCabbage> people in their 20s shouldnt count as older people anyway, we used the internet a TON growing up 2106:< MeaKyori> I should really filter out some of these other chats. So many bots... 2106:< SilentSand> Oh guys apparently guild levels is actually contributing to experience share 2106:< SirCabbage> Are you not using Parrot MeaKyori? 2107:< SilentSand> Oh guys apparently guild levels is actually contributing to experience share 2107:< Yeniuss> you said that already! 2107:< MeaKyori> No, just the github fork of that one script. 2107:< barnum> Round #6, 210 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 314[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (30), [Sok]SirCabbage (20), MeaKyori (4), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2107:< MeaKyori> Okay what are guilds and how do I join one 2107:< SilentSand> use !join Sokuku 2107:< SirCabbage> You should use parrot. It started as a grow fork and evolved 2107:< SirCabbage> now it has tabbed chats 2107:< Yeniuss> use !join Edia 2108:< SilentSand> Parrot is a fucking genius of a tool thank god for everyone who made it 2108:< barnum> Round #7, 167 hits! Mythic Marilith HP: 147[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (20), [Sok]SirCabbage (20), MeaKyori (1), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2108:< Lord_Renwod> Or just go into ^ and thank them yourself 2108:< SilentSand> SIR CABBAGE YOU'RE ON THE T14 chat now 2108:< Techwood111> how does parrot differ from robin grow? 2108:< SirCabbage> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/i9yc 2108:< Yeniuss> I have murdered my bots, their purpose is complete! 2108:< Techwood111> Regarding age -- I'm 46! 2108:< SirCabbage> What? the T4? 2109:< SirCabbage> **14? what are you talking about. I only have one account 2109:< barnum> Mythic Marilith is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Shadowblood]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (20/99%), [Sok]Techwood111 (3/51%), [Sok]Lord_Renwod ... 2109:< SilentSand> T14m you're on the hero board 2109:< Yeniuss> haha some shadowblood 2109:< barnum> A wild Aurumvorax appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2109:< Yeniuss> !deposit 2109:< barnum> Yeniuss deposited 1 loot in [Edia(1/24%)] vault! 2109:< SilentSand> HEROES : [Leg]meofherethere (21/7%), [Leg]nicholaiii (18/33%), ryanvango (16/28%), SirCabbage (16/28%) 2109:< SirCabbage> I have no idea what you are talking about lol 2109:< SirCabbage> oh, you mean the robin-rpg one? Yeah I was 2109:< SilentSand> It might be your old data but we merged with it now on my alt 2110:< barnum> Round #1, 184 hits! Aurumvorax HP: 158[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (35), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Edi]Yeniuss (2) 2110:< SirCabbage> the bot was booted out of here, 2110:< SirCabbage> But now my barnum stats are higher so I hope we get to keep that. 2110:< SilentSand> I guess it makes sense that our guild is worse though since everyone had to restart 2110:< MeaKyori> Aurumvorax. Now to google that one.... And it's weird looking. Really weird. 2110:< SilentSand> I hope we get to keep too since I'm level 1 on the other one 2110:< barnum> Aurumvorax is kill! SilentSand gets the [Staff of Dark Flame]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (15/37%), [Sok]SirCabbage (21/2%), MeaKyori (2/... 2111:< MeaKyori> I want to join a guild :( 2111:< barnum> A wild Medium Magma Elemental appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2111:< Yeniuss> do !join Edia 2111:< SilentSand> Type "!join Sokuku" without the quotes 2111:< SirCabbage> then join a guild Meakyori 2111:< MeaKyori> !join Sokuku 2111:< barnum> MeaKyori joins [Sokuku]! Your !deposit will count towards it's level. 2111:< MeaKyori> Neato! 2111:< MeaKyori> Deposit? 2111:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Medium Magma Elemental HP: 34[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]MeaKyori (20), [Sok]SilentSand (5), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), [Edi]Yeni... 2111:< SirCabbage> !deposit 2112:< SirCabbage> this 2112:< Yeniuss> Hey Lord_Renwod who created Edia back when it still existed 2112:< SilentSand> Deposit deposites the loot you've gotten 2112:< MeaKyori> WHOA my xp went up a lot. 2112:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2112:< Techwood111> throw nacho chips on floor to alert us of inbound monsters 2112:< SilentSand> Yeah, that's the power of a guild 2112:< MeaKyori> Ohh. I don't have any loot yet. 2112:< SirCabbage> you need kills then 2112:< barnum> SirCabbage deposited 4 loot in [Sokuku(5/6%)] vault! 2112:< SirCabbage> I suggest getting kills 2112:< Yeniuss> 45 minutes guys! 2112:< Techwood111> Pour nacho cheese on the floor to create a slippery monster-trap pool. 2112:< MeaKyori> Attempting to! :D 2112:< SirCabbage> I personally like getting kills 2113:< Lord_Renwod> Yeniuss I did 2113:< SirCabbage> :O 2113:< barnum> Medium Magma Elemental is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Tracer Bullet]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (21/6%), [Sok]Techwood111 (3/71%), [Sok]M... 2113:< Techwood111> Throw jalapeno rings at monster eyes 2113:< SirCabbage> LIKE THAT 2113:< Lord_Renwod> Well Edia was born in the fires of robin 2113:< SilentSand> gg no re keep killing things you horrid beast 2113:< barnum> A wild Cephalophore appeared! HP: 288[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2113:< MeaKyori> Uh oh. My boyfriend is broken. He's in a loop and can't finish his sentence. Poor thing. --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:14:35 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:18:05 2016 2118::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2119:< Yeniuss> phew lost connection for a bit there 2121:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Cephalophore HP: 230[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: no one :( 2121:< SilentSand> Oh god I thought I was dead --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:22:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:23:31 2016 2123::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2123:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Lesser Boneneedle HP: 48[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 2124:< SirCabbage> Phew 2124:< SirCabbage> #rpg Phew, I am back 2125:< barnum> Round #3, 43 hits! Lesser Boneneedle HP: 5[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (10) 2125:< SirCabbage> everyone still here? is it okay? ARE WE DEAD? 2126:< Yeniuss> im still alive 2126:< SxwTheCat> woah 2127:< barnum> Round #1, 12 hits! Large Lightning Elemental HP: 168[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: [Edi]Yeniuss (1), SxwTheCat (1) 2127:< TeaBagTwat> Hello 2127:< SirCabbage> 30 mins, will ccfiande be able to get their grow votes up in time. 2127:< SilentSand> hey can any of you guys here me 2128:< RvDarklord> can any1 see my message? 2128:< Yeniuss> ... _ _ ... 2129:< barnum> Round #3, 47 hits! Large Lightning Elemental HP: 48[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (5), [Sok]SirCabbage (5), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2129:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Large Lightning Elemental HP: 32[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (5), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2129:< Yeniuss> -.-. .- -. -. --- - / -... .-. --- .- -.. -.-. .- ... - 2130:< Techwood111> Are we alive? 2130:< RvDarklord> http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i556v54w/n83/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs0/ca0/cr0/ss0/cacf00/cpc222/pc00f/tcfff/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatTI => http://nazar.so/ovdb 2130:< SilentSand> It's not letting me send any messages :( 2131:< Yeniuss> -... .- .-. . .-.. -.-- / --- .--. . .-. .- - .. --- -. .- .-.. 2131:< RvDarklord> http://goo.gl/RBPRLW 2131:< SirCabbage> Only "some" messages are getting through. but those you can see we can see 2131:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2131:< SilentSand> Every one in maybe 4 is getting in 2131:< barnum> A wild Sabosan appeared! HP: 156[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2132:< TeaBagTwat> test 2132:< TeaBagTwat> damn the servers are struggling 2132:< Yeniuss> ..... ----- ...-- 2133:< SilentSand> This is the real test for robin, reddit's servers 2133:< RvDarklord> http://goo.gl/RBPRLW time left until merge 2134:< RvDarklord> oh spamming your message seems to work 2134:< barnum> A wild Very Young Bronze Dragon appeared! HP: 204[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !comma... 2134:< Djinneral> barnum shut the bot down 2134:< Yeniuss> #rpg #rpg #rpg Barnum kill your bot! 2135:< MrReebdoog> Its more than just the bot that's doing this 2136:< Yeniuss> everyone shhh --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:38:47 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:44:04 2016 2144:< MrReebdoog> Its been a good 93 hours with you all 2144::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2144:< MrReebdoog> 95 even 2144:< barnum> Round #11, 24 hits! Very Young Bronze Dragon HP: 107[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]SilentSand (5), [Sok]MrReebdoog (5) 2144:< SirCabbage> YAY! 2144:< MrReebdoog> Hopefully everyone survives the merge 2145:< barnum> Round #12, 32 hits! Very Young Bronze Dragon HP: 75[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]MrReebdoog (10), [Sok]SirCabbage (5) 2145:< MrReebdoog> Still a lot of no voters in the other chat =/ 2145:< SirCabbage> we just need over 50% 2145:< MrReebdoog> Its getting worse over there? 2145:< MrReebdoog> Every time I check the no votes are growing 2145:< SirCabbage> SIlent just said majority was reached 2146:< barnum> Round #13, 59 hits! Very Young Bronze Dragon HP: 16[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: [Sok]MrReebdoog (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (10) 2146:< lycan_nick> it's like they're not even running Robin-Grow or Parrot 2146:< pyroshroom> Maybe it's the idlers from ccandeShle 2146:< lycan_nick> But that doesn't really make sense, since it's hard to get this far without an auto-grow script 2146:< pyroshroom> that turned off their chat expecting that it will never merge 2146:< MrReebdoog> Yeh it was reached, then it went down, now its back up again 2146:< lycan_nick> Maybe. 2146:< ryanvango> if they have majority, we just beat 4400. don't care about the rest. 2146:< barnum> Very Young Bronze Dragon is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Poisonous Cloak]! LVLs: [Sok]pyroshroom (11/31%), [Sok]lycan_nick (10/62%), [... 2147:< pyroshroom> I expect a lot of idlers in here to vanish too on the next merge 2147:< lycan_nick> !deposit 2147:< MrReebdoog> nfi, the stats are all over the place that I'm seeing 2147:< ryanvango> !deposit 2147:< barnum> A wild Derghodaemon appeared! HP: 375[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2147:< pyroshroom> We should stay on tier 17 2147:< lycan_nick> I'm reading off of MonstrousPeace.com's tracker 2147:< barnum> lycan_nick deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(5/6%)] vault! 2147:< pyroshroom> this experiment is going to end tomorrow 2147:< MrReebdoog> Grow 155, abstain 2032 2147:< MrReebdoog> 1555 2147:< barnum> Round #1, 99 hits! Derghodaemon HP: 276[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (25), [Sok]MrReebdoog (15), [Sok]lycan_nick (10), [Sok]ryanvango... 2147:< MrReebdoog> And now its 1918 to 1659 2147:< Yeniuss> are we operational 2147:< ryanvango> whats the plan? are we clicking stay immediately after merge? 2148:< Yeniuss> status report 2148:< MrReebdoog> So I have nfi what its doing 2148:< pyroshroom> Maybe some people need to refresh 2148:< Lord_Renwod> I know a guy in chat they are going to make it 2148:< SirCabbage> Moo 2148:< pyroshroom> since there's so many grow votes happening at once 2148:< Yeniuss> we're going to make it! 2148:< pyroshroom> when the merge happens 2148:< Lord_Renwod> sstay is the plan 2148:< ryanvango> if we get enough "stay" then we'll be fine. but if we wait to grow to drop the abstains, as soon as it hits 50% we move 2148:< barnum> Round #2, 154 hits! Derghodaemon HP: 122[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (30), [Sok]pyroshroom (15), [Sok]MrReebdoog (10), [Sok]Lord_Renw... 2149:< SilentSand> Hopefully we won't have too many no votes when we purge net time 2149:< ryanvango> BUT if we don't get enough "stay" to be the abstains, we're fucked. we lose. 2149:< lycan_nick> Yeah, we're definitely not going to reach T18, so stay is the only thing really worth doing once T17 merge happens 2149:< MrReebdoog> Well, see you all on the other side! It's been a pleasure all. 2149:< ryanvango> I'll wait til we confirm majority before switching off grow, then move to stay 2149:< barnum> Derghodaemon is kill! lycan_nick gets the [Animate Staff]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (8/73%), [Sok]MrReebdoog (5/70%), [Sok]SilentSand (1... 2149:< lycan_nick> !deposit 2149:< Yeniuss> ~5 MINUTES 2149:< RvDarklord> http://goo.gl/RBPRLW TIME UNTIL MERGE 2150:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2150:< ryanvango> FUUUUCK I HAVE TO GET GOING! THIS IS TORTURE! 2150:< Yeniuss> if you need a toilet break now is the time 2150:< barnum> A wild White Pudding appeared! HP: 282[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2150:< RvDarklord> i have to leave too man 2150:< MrReebdoog> lol same, i should have left for work 5 min ago =/ 2150:< ryanvango> i have a test in 40 minutes and i walk to campus 2150:< barnum> Round #1, 64 hits! White Pudding HP: 218[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (10), [Sok]ryanvango (10), [Sok]lycan_nick (5), [Sok]MrReebdoog... 2150:< ryanvango> and i wanna get a 5 hour energy on the way so i dont get too sleepy 2151:< Techwood111> or RUN to campus ;) 2151:< SendMeYourSoul> !guilds 2151:< ryanvango> its raining! do you know how much it sucks to run with an umbrella?! 2151:< Techwood111> !deposit 2151:< barnum> #rpg GUILDS: [Sokuku(5/6%)], [Edia(1/24%)] 2151:< ryanvango> !deposit 2151:< SendMeYourSoul> !join Sokuku 2151:< SilentSand> Yeah I do but if it's worth it it's worth it 2151:< barnum> ryanvango deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(5/7%)] vault! 2151:< RvDarklord> !deposit 2151:< barnum> RvDarklord: You currently cannot contribute with [Sokuku(5/7%)], go kill something! 2151:< SendMeYourSoul> Kappa 2151:< SilentSand> 1% increase ayyyyy! 2151:< barnum> Round #2, 111 hits! White Pudding HP: 107[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (35), [Sok]Techwood111 (10), [Sok]SilentSand (10), [Sok]RvDarkl... 2151:< RvDarklord> our thing is perfect 2152:< ryanvango> i've spent the last 3 days playing an RPG in a chatroom...how good of shape do you think I'm in FFS 2152:< RvDarklord> its 5/7 2152:< SilentSand> The Legendar guild is level 9 lol 2152:< Techwood111> !deposit 2152:< pyroshroom> It 2152:< pyroshroom> It's been an honor chatting with you all 2152:< barnum> Techwood111: You currently cannot contribute with [Sokuku(5/7%)], go kill something! 2152:< RvDarklord> http://goo.gl/RBPRLW TIME UNTIL MERGE 2152:< SilentSand> The Legendar guild is level 9 lol 2152:< barnum> White Pudding is kill! Techwood111 gets the [Gunfighter's Poncho]! LVLs: [Sok]SilentSand (15/52%), [Sok]RvDarklord (9/43%), [Sok]rya... 2152:< ryanvango> I screenshotted this view. and remember a few other names as well. if we don't make it...ill pm you guys 2152:< RvDarklord> nice 2153:< ryanvango> its been good. I love you all. *sniffle* 2153:< barnum> A wild Blood Orc appeared! HP: 24[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2153:< Techwood111> !deposit 2153:< MrReebdoog> See you all soon in new better chat 2153:< barnum> Techwood111 deposited 1 loot in [Sokuku(5/7%)] vault! 2153:< RvDarklord> uhm maybe we should make a thread in robin rpg 2153:< MrReebdoog> With 10x the spam bots! 2153:< barnum> Blood Orc is kill! RvDarklord gets the [Dust of Sneezing and Choking]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (8/95%), [Sok]RvDarklord (9/45%), [Sok]M... 2153:< RvDarklord> !deposit 2153:< Lord_Renwod> INB4 MERGE 2154:< barnum> A wild Drider appeared! HP: 228[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2154:< RvDarklord> http://goo.gl/RBPRLW TIME UNTIL MERGE 2154:< derogative> i'm set to grow and ready to end up on the other side 2154:< RvDarklord> less than one min 2154:< barnum> I made it back in time! Woot! 2154:< Kuutsundereevee> AAHH FUCKING COCKS THE UNFILTERED CHAT IS HORRIBLE 2154:< pyroshroom> One last minute! 2154:< Insomnikal> merge coming up then ;) 2154:< MrReebdoog> Assuming no join lag 2154:< SirCabbage> Good luck guys 2154:< RvDarklord> 30 seconds 2154:< lycan_nick> Looks like live leaderboards on monstrouspeace are down again 2154:< SirCabbage> see you on the other side. 2154:< SilentSand> Man I can't wait for this next merge 2154:< barnum> Round #1, 166 hits! Drider HP: 62[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]RvDarklord (20), [Sok]lycan_nick (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (10), [Sok]Lord_Renwod (5)... 2154:< RvDarklord> bye guys see you on the other side 2154:< MrReebdoog> Hope you all make it across. See you in #rpg in the new room 2155:< MrReebdoog> Holy crap that image spam 2155:< SilentSand> LOL WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS ON MY SCREEN 2155:< SirCabbage> Aww 2155:< Yeniuss> beautiful 2155:< lycan_nick> oh wow, the parrot devs did a silly. 2155:< ryanvango> immediately clicks #rpg 2155:< barnum> Goddamn parrot 2155:< SirCabbage> yay! WE did it! 2155:< pyroshroom> Wow, that parrot 2155:< derogative> jesus 2155:< barnum> A wild Medusa Head appeared! HP: 90[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2155:< Insomnikal> yeah i went into unfiltered for a minute 2155:< RvDarklord> thasnks parrot 2155:< MrReebdoog> Welcome to all who made it across 2155:< pyroshroom> I think people coded it into parrot 2155:< Redowadoer> WTF parrot 2155:< Yeniuss> WE MADE IT 2155:< Kyrmana> haha 2155:< SirCabbage> WE DID IT! YAY! That parrot is great 2155:< Insomnikal> also, lah :< 2156:< Insomnikal> lag * even 2156:< SxwTheCat> WOO 2156:< SxwTheCat> WE DID IT REDDIT 2156:< barnum> Medusa Head is kill! SirCabbage gets the [Pauldrons of The Bull]! LVLs: [Sok]SirCabbage (21/17%), [Sok]Insomnikal (5/75%), [Sok]pyro... 2156:< Albino_Jackets> hell yes 2156:< ryanvango> and cabbage takes the first loot! 2156:< barnum> A wild Impaled Spirit appeared! HP: 378[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2156:< Matoot> WE DID IT REDDIT 2156:< ryanvango> what a bastard! 2156:< RvDarklord> test 2156:< Insomnikal> there are also enough votes so that we shouldn't lose the room at the cull :D 2156:< lycan_nick> So who's from ccfiande and who's from soKuku? 2156:< Chrailzen> wE DID IT GUYS BARNUM KEEP GOING 2157:< ryanvango> no. wait til the abstains are cleared up 2157:< SirCabbage> Woot, Woot woot 2157:< Chrailzen> SOKU LIFE FOREVER 2157:< Yeniuss> SOKU 2157:< Kyrmana> should have coded that in as well 2157:< barnum> Round #1, 92 hits! Impaled Spirit HP: 286[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (15), [Sok]Insomnikal (15), [Sok]RvDarklord (5), [Sok]lycan_nic... 2157:< ryanvango> im from ccfiande 2157:< npst0r> HELLO SOKUKU# 2157:< pyroshroom> soKuku here! 2157:< MrReebdoog> soKuku here 2157:< lycan_nick> I'm soKuku here. 2157:< ryanvango> *remembers guild tag* fuck. 2157:< derogative> alright looks like most of us are here in one piece though the l;ag is intense 2157:< Kyrmana> cc 2158:< SirCabbage> ryan, dont be a dick. We know the truth you soku bastard 2158:< Chrailzen> I actually got in pretty easily 2158:< barnum> Round #2, 132 hits! Impaled Spirit HP: 154[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]derogative (15), [Sok]SirCabbage (15), [Sok]ryanvango (10), [Sok]pyroshr... 2158:< Matoot> ccfia represent 2158:< ryanvango> yeah that was an easy merger 2158:< RvDarklord> ssokuku 2158:< Yeniuss> Sokuku best T16 2158:< Chrailzen> Sokuku real chat only chat best chat of my life all other chat's are less 2158:< MrReebdoog> So, who is voting stay? 2158:< npst0r> gonna mrge the rpg bots later <3 2158:< pyroshroom> where is robin-rpg 2158:< je4d> #soKuku 2158:< MrReebdoog> It was a good 95 hours with the Soku clan 2158:< Chrailzen> I might after the 30 minutes is up 2158:< RvDarklord> im voting stay 2158:< ryanvango> alright sokuku, get the XP and the loots! im off to take a test. don't "stay" without me 2159:< barnum> Round #3, 90 hits! Impaled Spirit HP: 64[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]ryanvango (20), [Sok]RvDarklord (10), [Sok]MrReebdoog (10), [Sok]pyroshroo... 2159:< Matoot> well you've never really been in the other chat 2159:< Techwood111> Stay or grow? 2159:< ryanvango> if you stay, we could fail. wait til all the abstains are gone 2159:< lycan_nick> Well, let's let the abstains die, and then switch to stay? 2159:< Chrailzen> Stay definitely 2159:< RvDarklord> #rpg Kappayea wow the lag is real 2159:< SirCabbage> im voting grow until the no votes poop 2159:< lycan_nick> aaaaaagh the lag 2200:< Yeniuss> we need the no votes to stay, the growbots are winning 2200:< Matoot> ez 2200:< ryanvango> alright. im outa here. kisses. ill check back in a few minutes 2200:< barnum> A wild Shadow appeared! HP: 57[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2200:< SirCabbage> This will be over by then Kyrmana 2200:< SilentSand> Yeah everybody from the big room has been waiting for this for fucking ages of course we ain't gonna die 2200:< ryanvango> if stay gets a majority (2650) ill switch to stay 2200:< pyroshroom> we already have beaten the abstain votes 2201:< barnum> Shadow is kill! Yeniuss gets the [Armor of Rage]! LVLs: [Sok]ryanvango (9/17%), [Sok]SilentSand (15/55%), [Sok]SirCabbage (21/21%), ... 2201:< ryanvango> guided RPG at 8. sokuku, give the newbies the rundown 2201:< barnum> A wild Killer Seahorse appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 2201:< ryanvango> (8 is in 2 hours) 2201:< Yeniuss> !deposit 2201:< pyroshroom> 1377 No Vote/Abandonm 1671 Stay, 2253 Grow 2201:< barnum> Yeniuss deposited 2 loot in [Edia(1/28%)] vault! 2201:< Kyrmana> depends on the timezone doesnt it 2201:< rabz12> Vote to stay! 2201:< Chrailzen> Oh sweet I can't wait to actually make it into a guided rpg 2201:< barnum> Round #1, 47 hits! Killer Seahorse HP: 142[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (10), [Sok]ryanvango (10), [Edi]Yeniuss (1) 2202:< MrReebdoog> Im off to work. Someone PM me if anyone ends up making an RPG sub related to this 2202:< Matoot> guys this is how the last big group failed, by staying 2202:< IComeBaringGifs> everyone, switch to stay 2202:< SirCabbage> assuming this isnt over by then ryan 2202:< Yeniuss> THERES NOTHING TO GROW TOO! 2202:< pyroshroom> We already have enough voters for either grow or stay 2203:< Redowadoer> how does staying make the group fail? 2203:< barnum> Round #3, 20 hits! Killer Seahorse HP: 77[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (5), Scyrmion (1), [Edi]Yeniuss (1), Redowadoer (1) 2203:< SirCabbage> Also, wtf is with those 5 peoople who are picking abandon. what dickholes 2203:< pyroshroom> it won't now, the stay votes already outnumber the No Votes and Abandons 2204:< barnum> Forward, Adventurers! Kill the foes, get the !loot. Deal damage chatting, and level up with your !party. Or just see the !help. 2204:< Matoot> It's how WE GOT HERE, WHEN THERE WAS NOTHING TO GROW INTO WE STILL VOTED GROW 2204:< Redowadoer> we already have stay > no vote 2204:< ejgrgunner> what happened to Robin-rpg? 2204:< Jaysonium> but now we need to get stay>grow 2204:< Matoot> grow > stay > no vote 2205:< derogative> rip in peace robin-rpg 2205:< Yeniuss> you didnt have to wait 4 days in t16 for this! 2205:< ejgrgunner> Oh no! The Legendar! 2205:< Chrailzen> Oh man the spreadsheet is gonna burst the fuck up 2206:< barnum> Round #1, 94 hits! Apostasy Wraith HP: 62[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]SirCabbage (15), [Sok]pyroshroom (5), [Sok]derogative (5), Matoot (1), [E... 2206:< pyroshroom> Wow, we're so close to actually staying 2206:< pyroshroom> 210 more votes into stay 2206:< barnum> Round #2, 12 hits! Apostasy Wraith HP: 50[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: [Sok]pyroshroom (5), fezzikola (1) 2207:< ejgrgunner> !heroes 2207:< SilentSand> Stay is at 36% I think we might actually do it 2207:< Techwood111> Explain stay vs grow --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:08:07 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 22:11:27 2016 2211:< Techwood111> Does anyone want more ice cream and sprinkes? 2211:< lycan_nick> We still need to purge the abstainers beforehand 2211::::: join/#rpg OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:16:44 2016