--- Log opened Thu Apr 07 00:00:15 2016 --- Day changed Thu Apr 07 2016 0000:< ntrefil> sup with it? 0000:< Golden_Grahams> what channel? 0000:< Boerontosaurus> This is penis/ where we chat in a chill manner 0001:< Golden_Grahams> i sweat that was -Do-Not-Trust-Me- and LongStrangeTrips 0002:< ntrefil> excuse me. Hello gentelemen and ladies what is ever a buzzing here in penis/ 0002:< Golden_Grahams> swear* 0002:< Lolzep> dicks 0003:< ntrefil> nice well nothing has changed then 0003:< Lolzep> Move along then 0005:< Golden_Grahams> so what's the plan when we hit T17? 0005:< Lolzep> The plan is to stay 0005:< Boerontosaurus> Fuck yes, at 17 we stay... 0005:< Golden_Grahams> how many people are on board with this plan? 0005:< ntrefil> that the general consensus in these parts? 0005:< RafTheKillJoy> fuck you, at 17 we grow 0005:< Geekychickz> wait, staying? 0005:< 3nvisi0n> at 17 we abandon 0005:< davidjl123> http://i.imgur.com/1s6T2x5.png This is the projection for spots 4-8 on the leaderboard. 0006:< Boerontosaurus> Any good auto-stay scripts for when we reach t17? 0006:< RafTheKillJoy> we grow until the end 0006:< Lolzep> You reallllly want to grow at 17? 0006:< RafTheKillJoy> we don't give up at 17 0006:< Lolzep> Listen m8 the event ends in 2 days 0006:< davidjl123> There is no chatroom currently at tier 13 0006:< Lolzep> Its taken 3 days just being here 0006:< RafTheKillJoy> Staying is giving up 0006:< Golden_Grahams> also, how many people are set up to autogrow or stat after the merge? 0006:< Lolzep> GROWING TO WHAT AT 17?! THERES NOT ENOUGH TIME 0006:< Boerontosaurus> 18 is not achievable, there simply isn't enough time 0006:< ntrefil> we wont be able to grow beyond 17 before the ith 0007:< Geekychickz> That's what reddit is testing Our RESOLVE 0007:< 3nvisi0n> maybe the april fools is that its not ending when they said 0007:< Lolzep> *mindblown* 0007:< davidjl123> damn im going to miss this if this ends 0007:< Golden_Grahams> regardless of what we do, we need to insure we get enough people off of abandon within those first 30 mins 0007:< Golden_Grahams> otherwise we're done 0007:< ntrefil> same but at least we can all go back to our lives 0007:< Lolzep> reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 0007:< 3nvisi0n> tbh thats what I think will happen Golden 0008:< Lolzep> c: 0008:< Golden_Grahams> Lolzep, have you thought about putting a reminder along the lines of that in the thread? 0008:< Geekychickz> I'll miss you all when this is over....it just wont be the same. Our robin virginity has been popped, we dont want celibacy again 0008:< Lolzep> Reminder about what exactly? 0008:< RafTheKillJoy> Staying at 17 is the same as abandoning except you get a shitty subreddit that might last 1 month 0009:< Lolzep> Raf your dumb. So what your saying is get to stay and get something or get nothing and leave it at that... 0009:< Lolzep> WHAT?! 0009:< HookahComputer> Active channels include #rpg, $, %, %chat, and ^. 0009:< Golden_Grahams> then we'll automatically abandon 0009:< Lolzep> I will try 0010:< Golden_Grahams> otherwise this will all be for nothing like kufikumu 0010:< Lolzep> Where should I put it? 0011:< Golden_Grahams> i was thinking it should be in the official room thread but we might want to remind everyone in /r/tracking to leave on autogrow 0013:< Boerontosaurus> People would be dropping left and right from being AFK if they weren't running scripts though 0013:< Lolzep> I could asked dashed to put in an auto stay option? 0013:< Boerontosaurus> Better safe than sorry, but I think once you hit T12+ most of the room is running an autogrow 0014:< Golden_Grahams> in the merging rooms yes they should be on autogrow, but considering how long this room has been open, home many out of the 2,292... 0014:< Golden_Grahams> here are active 0014:< Lolzep> Not much 0015:< Lolzep> I gotta brb for a bit though. Ciao 0015:< intensebeet> afk doesn't make you drop 0016:< Golden_Grahams> yes it does when you merge, if you don't have a script 0016:< intensebeet> oh yeah; missed the start of your convo i guess 0016:< Golden_Grahams> yea, just suggesting we remind everyone how crucial those 1st 30mins are after the merge 0017:< Golden_Grahams> the reason kufi fell apart was due to afkers 0017:< alylynn96> I think a lot of people are running scripts though 0018:< Golden_Grahams> i would assume so to, especially those that will be cascading to us 0018:< Golden_Grahams> just wanted to send out a reminder 0020:< alylynn96> thanks :) 0020:< Boerontosaurus> It is a good idea to be safe and remind everyone 0020:< Golden_Grahams> alright, i'm done, this is supposed to be a chill chat 0020:< Golden_Grahams> sup 0021:< Boerontosaurus> The beer chat in ccande has turned into a discussion about Latin... the fuck? Those people are weirding me out man. 0021:< alylynn96> in another chat with my alt but all the people i liked in the earlier groups are gone :( 0022:< Golden_Grahams> we will all join together again soon 0023:< Boerontosaurus> Soon I can create a channel all my own where I can just chat with my alt and have a great time! 0025:< intensebeet> we're gonna have a few hours notice at least, we should be able to organize a pm campaign in that time to notify people 0026:< Boerontosaurus> How would we go on a pm campaign? 0027:< Golden_Grahams> someone ran a bot to make everyone approved submitters of the sokuku subreddit, we should've all gotten pms from that 0028:< Golden_Grahams> i would assume a similar process would work 0028:< coolyc3> Weird I never did 0030:< snezel> never got a pm for that 0030:< coolyc3> Just checked but i am approved though 0031:< coolyc3> so whatever 0031:< Golden_Grahams> i did and i remember seeing a post in the thread on /r/robintracking 0032:< Golden_Grahams> fontpeg is the user 0032:< Boerontosaurus> I just switched to Parrot from Robin grow 0032:< Golden_Grahams> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1rdfyd => http://nazar.so/43xfn 0032:< Boerontosaurus> Because Robin Grow was being a jerk and glitching out 0032:< coolyc3> welcome to the clan of parrot 0033:< Boerontosaurus> Oh, that bot thing sounds like a good idea 0033:< coolyc3> Oh im not added to Sokukune 0033:< Golden_Grahams> seems like it takes a long time though 0033:< coolyc3> I am added to sokukunelits 0033:< Boerontosaurus> ohhh colors 0034:< Boerontosaurus> ooohhh 0034:< Boerontosaurus> Helvetica! 0034:< snezel> im not added to sokukune 0034:< coolyc3> The message just says its adding people to sokukunelits 0035:< coolyc3> so check there 0038:< dick_sanitizer> you should be getting added to sokukune and sokukuneli sometime soon by a bot, those are out 2 priate subs 0039:< Boerontosaurus> WHo needs those subs when we have r/RRSpenis 0040:< Golden_Grahams> essentially since a bot ran and got everyones username, it doesn't seem that farfetched to send everyone a pm 0041:< Boerontosaurus> Yeah 0116:< snezel> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0123:< FriendlyYak> ? 0124:< alylynn96> ? 0125:< MobiusCoffee> ? 0125:< XesEri> ?? 0132:< alylynn96> http://imgur.com/ZB8SRyh 0140:< XesEri> I find it ironic that in the room my alt was in, JAHN_MODDEN was the only non-bot 0141:< Lolzep> Ayyy lmao 0159:< JClocale> sup 0200:< JClocale> it's 2002... sup 0205:< Lolzep> That first raping you know it 0226:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0226:< Lolzep> nah 0227:< JClocale> I recongize MooseHunters but wasn't part of it 0230:< bickster69> alright thanks anyway 0232:< dashed> i remember mooseheead 0301:< Lolzep> brb setting alarm for 3 am 0324:< XesEri> does anyone know the ETA to merge? I don't want to miss it if it's during school or something... 0324:< miker2049> does this channel still exist or 0325:< XesEri> miker2049 I was thinking the same thing 0325:< Lolzep> 22 hours-ish-maybe-idk --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 03:25:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 03:26:07 2016 0326:< XesEri> that's good. I was planning on sneaking out of class for ten minutes or something haha 0353:< Wonderingwanderr> nigga 0354:< Lolzep> What about it? 0356:< Boerontosaurus> We alive fam? 0356:< snezel> yuh 0356:< Boerontosaurus> Please say we breathin! 0357:< snezel> we breathin 0357:< Lolzep> penis/ needs to break fam 0357:< Lolzep> Like a penis 0357:< Boerontosaurus> Pardon me, I've partaken in festivities 0358:< snezel> what kind? 0358:< Lolzep> oh you know 0401:< HalloweenInHeaven> Hello? 0401:< stfupcakes> hey! 0401:< HalloweenInHeaven> eyyy 0401:< stfupcakes> hrm, looks like everyone is sleeping 0401:< HalloweenInHeaven> Yeahh, seems like it, hahaha. 0402:< HalloweenInHeaven> This channel stuff is super cool, though. 0402:< stfupcakes> eh, check back in. I've had good luck in this group 0402:< HalloweenInHeaven> %chat seems to be the most active. 0402:< stfupcakes> yeah, couldn't navigate without it 0403:< HalloweenInHeaven> Hahaha, I'll check it out 0403:< stfupcakes> I may dip my toe back in the other channels later, but I'm mainly riding this out at T14 0403:< stfupcakes> see you around, hal! 0404:< Boerontosaurus> I'm going to bed guys, see you on the other side 0404:< Lolzep> k 0405:< sicklyboy> Whoa, hey, I thought this was dead. 0405:< Lolzep> Does your penis die? No. This will never die 0407:< thevdude> 70+ hours 0407:< sicklyboy> I mean... 0408:< thevdude> we've done it! 0458:< bickster69> https://www.reddit.com/r/Robbin_CHAT_ROOM_/ subreddit for %chat and suKo group in general , in case anything happens we cant find 0546:< ntrefil> sup guys 0620:< Trondby> hello penis/ how are you 0625:< ntrefil> good. 0715:< LongStrangeTrips> Hello penis/ 0717:< ror6y> hello 0719:< ntrefil> hey 0719:< LongStrangeTrips> Just checking up on you guys to make sure theres no shenanigans going on 0720:< LongStrangeTrips> Adios <3 0725:< ntrefil> bye --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:05:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:07:12 2016 0807:< snezel> K1ngN0thing stop 0807:< ntrefil> lol who else but K1ngN0thing 0808:< snezel> ntrefil haha truly kingnothing. 0808:< snezel> peace out penis/ i hope for the merge soon 0811:< ntrefil> late 0831:< ntrefil> Im sign off sokuku find me on fisct! 0835:< mofosyne> cya ntrefil --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:36:05 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 09:25:37 2016 0925::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 0926::::: part/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com: --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 09:26:04 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 09:26:10 2016 0926::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 0943:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 0943:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1011:< lost_penguin> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,22,6c,6s 1014:< alexdzm> Hey guys 1015:< alexdzm> do you know exactly when robin ends? 1037:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1037:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1039:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1039:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1039:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1041:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1041:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1042:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1042:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a,5w 1043:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1043:< hagbard-celine> dakjls 1045:< hagbard-celine> x 1045:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1046:< alylynn96> hi 1046:< hagbard-celine> heya, just shitting up the silent room with diagnostics :P 1047:< hagbard-celine> @c bla 1048:< hagbard-celine> test1 1049:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1049:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1050:< hagbard-celine> yeah 1050:< hagbard-celine> t4 1052:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,4f,4l,3b,3a,45 1052:< hagbard-celine> @c whee --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 10:54:10 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 10:54:29 2016 1054::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1054:< hagbard-celine> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,4h,3a,3a 1055:< hagbard-celine> @c . 1057:< hagbard-celine> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 1058:< hagbard-celine> test 1100:< hagbard-celine> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 1100:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1101:< hagbard-celine> t 1107:< hagbard-celine> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 1108:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1111:< lost_penguin> Oh dear. 1111:< lost_penguin> I hope you're not having a seizure. 1112:< FriendlyYak> 12:46:53 hagbard-celine heya, just shitting up the silent room with diagnostics :P 1113:< hagbard-celine> only a petit mal 1113:< lost_penguin> Haha yeah I figured :P 1114:< hagbard-celine> i thought i was going to bed, but i figured out how to hot-modify tampermonkey scripts, so i guess instead i'm doing this. time for 1114:< hagbard-celine> another beer 1114:< lost_penguin> Hot modify? 1115:< hagbard-celine> change and save 1115:< lost_penguin> Still need to refresh rebin window though? 1115:< hagbard-celine> yeah 1115:< lost_penguin> Ah ok. 1115:< hagbard-celine> the hot part is just not having to save the script, modify, then add back to tampermonkey 1116:< lost_penguin> Oh right. Yeah I think we all just save script and reload when testing. 1116:< lost_penguin> Though I agree it's pretty hot. 1126:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1129:< hagbard-celine> t 1132:< hagbard-celine> t 1133:< hagbard-celine> t 1133:< alylynn96> I didnt read the usernames I just saw a bunch of yellow and thought 1 person sent all these messages... I need sleep 1143:< Boerontosaurus> Good morning everyone! 1146:< hagbard-celine> 'lo 1150:< djcocainegoat> morning penis/ 1203:< hagbard-celine> test 1204:< Boerontosaurus> test 1220:< hagbard-celine> t 1223:< djcocainegoat> earthquake :s 1241:< lost_penguin> em:undefined 1243:< lost_penguin> test 1243:< hagbard-celine> a 1245:< Boerontosaurus> test 1259:< Whitestep> test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bgj7UR5g04 1259:< MobiusCoffee> hey guys 1300:< MobiusCoffee> how's the weather? 1300:< prince_polka> lajiggryjarjardoo 1300:< MobiusCoffee> That bad huh? 1301:< Whitestep> here's it's been drizzling for 4 days straight 1301:< thevdude> it's not terrible 1301:< thevdude> a little moist here 1301:< Whitestep> terrible weather 1301:< thevdude> could be worse 1301:< MobiusCoffee> Whitestep, Europe? 1301:< thevdude> we had snow again a few days ago 1301:< Whitestep> nope, Argentina 1302:< thevdude> raining/drizzling for 4 days sounds like pittsburgh :( 1302:< Whitestep> Still, my area has had London weather for the past year 1302:< Whitestep> not cool 1302:< thevdude> at least it's warmish? 1302:< Whitestep> yeah autumn just started 1302:< MobiusCoffee> ah yeah 1303:< MobiusCoffee> heading into Winter 1303:< Whitestep> it gets cold in the winter though, mostly around 5°C but very humid 1303:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Oh fun! 1303:< MobiusCoffee> That sounds like where I live in France 1304:< Whitestep> Summer used to be temps around 37-39°C from December through March, but last two Summers have been rain non stop 1306:< Whitestep> holy crap 1306:< Whitestep> only 8 hours to T17???? 1306:< thevdude> guys, we're about to get T11 -> T16 filled 1306:< Boerontosaurus> Probably more than 8 1306:< Boerontosaurus> But today for sure 1306:< thevdude> more than 8 1306:< thevdude> we'll only need another T11 1306:< thevdude> and boop we'll finally make it! 1307:< Whitestep> yeah we're about to get spots 16-11 filled 1307:< thevdude> i really doubted enough people would get on and stay on over the weekdays 1307:< Whitestep> hollllyyy shiiiett 1314:< Boerontosaurus> There have gotta be shit tons of autogrowing alts in those groups right now 1315:< MobiusCoffee> thevdude it's mostly the same people on alts at this point 1316:< MobiusCoffee> we're litterally merging with ourselves 1318:< Boerontosaurus> Yeah, gotta admit I've got an alt in ccande, I'm actually chatting with it though 1318:< MobiusCoffee> I hear ccande is more friendly than sokuku 1318:< Boerontosaurus> I'm debating whether or not to keep both active after the merge lol 1319:< Boerontosaurus> It's interesting, the channel I've settled on is the Zen Microbrewery 1319:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Sounds fun 1319:< LittleQuark> Hey friends 1320:< Boerontosaurus> It's filter is ~ 1320:< MobiusCoffee> I don't understand how the atmospheres could be so different 1320:< Boerontosaurus> Hello 1320:< LittleQuark> Seems chill in here. How's it hangin 1321:< MobiusCoffee> > How's it hangin 1321:< Boerontosaurus> I wouldn't say the atmosphere is super different, but I don't spend much time in the larger channels 1321:< MobiusCoffee> > penis/ 1322:< Whitestep> it's chill 1322:< LittleQuark> I'm surprised rpg got/stayed so big 1322:< LittleQuark> > penis jokes 1322:< Boerontosaurus> Yeah, I've yet to venture in there though 1323:< Whitestep> what i'm worried about is that after the big merge a lot of the people here that haven't been kicked out and are inactive won't get 1323:< Whitestep> back in time for the first purge and the T17 will disband 1323:< LittleQuark> Most of us are on autoscripts though 1323:< MobiusCoffee> Whitestep that will definitely happen 1324:< MobiusCoffee> or people who don't have it open 1324:< Whitestep> yeah but a lot of people leave and then come back again 1324:< MobiusCoffee> Another really funn possibility is after the perge we have less than before from all the AFK 1324:< LittleQuark> Yeah. My friend got booted when the broadband went out in the night 1324:< Boerontosaurus> Yeah, I'm a little worried about that, but I'm thinking the scripts will save us 1324:< LittleQuark> Or enough of us to matter, at least 1324:< MobiusCoffee> *purge 1324:< LittleQuark> pirge 1324:< Whitestep> for example I leave altogether and then just log back in from whatever computer I'm in 1325:< LittleQuark> Well he was in a different room that merged when the internet was out 1325:< LittleQuark> kicked him off 1325:< FatherDerp> Which waffle should I buy? http://strawpoll.me/7303996 1325:< Whitestep> blueberry or bust 1325:< LittleQuark> no choc 1325:< Boerontosaurus> Buttermilk! 1326:< LittleQuark> Buttermilk sounds pretty good actually 1334:< Boerontosaurus> Damn straight buttermilk sounds good! 1354:< snowburst> morning penis/ 1355:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Morning men! 1405:< alylynn96> not a man but morning 1410:< Whitestep> morning 1411:< snowburst> looks like today's the day for the cascade to the first cumming! 1421:< Whitestep> yeah boi 1425:< ntrefil> hey 1425:< JoeAbunga> hi 1426:< JoeAbunga> the trivia bot speaks 1428:< ntrefil> approx merge time? 1428:< charliegrc> ntrefil T-9 HOURS 1428:< ntrefil> cool 1442:< snezel> ay pnis 1442:< snezel> download the new reddit app and then sign in and they'll give you 3 months of gold 1443:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> nice! 1447:< MobiusCoffee> really? 1448:< snezel> yes just got it on ios usa 1448:< snezel> MobiusCoffee yes 1448:< MobiusCoffee> sweet, I guess I'll download it if I ever leave robin 1506:< pandandap> soooon. 1506:< dexepi> Less than 50 tracked T1 rooms until Cascade Start 1507:< dexepi> vert soon 1507:< dexepi> err, very soon 1510:< ntrefil> hey 1619:< djcocainegoat> penis/ are we hyped? 1621:< ntrefil> so hyped 1624:< djcocainegoat> it's like watching the planets align 1624:< djcocainegoat> and then having the smaller planets absorbed by the bigger ones until there is only one planet --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 16:49:51 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 16:50:11 2016 1650::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1701:< snowburst> it's like lining up that sequence of vids to get you to the first cumming 1702:< RainbowRaccoon> how poetic 1729:< ntrefil> sup penis/ 1730:< un6952db> waiting for the merger 1737:< alylynn96> Guys <4 hours 1737:< djcocainegoat> much excite 1742:< alylynn96> OG squad aha suh dude? 1744:< djcocainegoat> just in work 1744:< djcocainegoat> sup with you? 1747:< alylynn96> Just got out of class, about to drive home then sit on robin for the rest of the night 1749:< djcocainegoat> I might not be around for the big merge, have some stuff to do later 1749:< XG549> rip 1751:< alylynn96> WAT 1752:< alylynn96> as long as you can get on <31 min after its fine 1800:< snowburst> grabbing a late lunch then gonna sit down and wait for the merge 1800:< snowburst> i hope we get a lotta people in here 1803:< bradyblair20> lol in class 1804:< RafTheKillJoy> lol sucking penis rn 1804:< bradyblair20> cool 1804:< alylynn96> lol same tho 1805:< RafTheKillJoy> so if I'm reading this right, the CASCADE is about to happen? 1805:< RafTheKillJoy> The Edging? 1805:< RainbowRaccoon> Cascade started from T9, so, yes 1809:< alylynn96> I believe this is the cumming 1810:< alylynn96> and it has begun 1811:< RainbowRaccoon> whatever it is, yes. It's coming. 1815:< bradyblair20> Estimated Time to T17 3h49m9s from now 1840:< ntrefil> hey 1843:< sicklyboy> yoo 1844:< svlad> oh hi 1844:< JClocale> I hope this channel stays active after the great cascade is complete 1845:< vikingboy> this is a chill channel 1845:< sicklyboy> "oh hi mark" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ4KzClb1C4 1846:< sicklyboy> If we keep chatting we will never die. 1848:< pr0xat> sure, there has to be a penis channel xD 1849:< pr0xat> aaand we are an active channel now :P 1850:< JoeAbunga> of course 1851:< touyajp> barely.. 1852:< sicklyboy> We don't need to be active to be great 1853:< pr0xat> activity does not matter °-° 1855:< bradyblair20> Only about 3 more hours! 1855:< LongStrangeTrips> really? 1855:< LongStrangeTrips> What are the tiers at? 1855:< bradyblair20> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/1k3uu 1901:< touyajp> We can stay at T17 1901:< LongStrangeTrips> Or we can go till April 8th 1901:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ doesn't stay, only grows 1901:< RafTheKillJoy> grow until the end 1902:< LongStrangeTrips> a real penis/ doesnt say enough 1904:< oswald_the_mini> grow until the end 1909:< RafTheKillJoy> can't wait for The First Cumming 1911:< LongStrangeTrips> <3 1914:< XesEri> How groweth things? 1915:< snezel> merge coming soon i guess? 1916:< jayman419> snezel The cascade has started, we're about 4 hours away give or take. 1916:< snezel> awwwwwwwwwwwwww shit its happning 1926:< bradyblair20> Maybe on about 2hr and 38m 1926:< bradyblair20> according to https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/3mx1m 1927:< RafTheKillJoy> I'm guessing 1.5-2hours 1929:< bradyblair20> Everything is lined up. Just waiting on them to merge 1929:< bradyblair20> http://makeagif.com/i/M1obvl 1930:< bradyblair20> basically what happened lol ^^^ 1930:< snowburst> lol whats the ETA for the first cumming 1932:< bradyblair20> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/4njc9 1932:< bradyblair20> heres how everything looks 1932:< bradyblair20> it says 2.5 hours 1932:< XesEri> t13 merges in 10 1934:< snowburst> has it really been almost 4 days since we were founded? 1935:< pandandap> anyone still here? 1935:< bradyblair20> yeha 1935:< pandandap> victory is near. :) 1935:< bradyblair20> We've been waiting for 92h55m18s 1936:< thevdude> lol 1936:< pandandap> throughout it all penis/ stayed strong 1936:< thevdude> i wish i had marked when i had started 1936:< thevdude> and who my OG was 1936:< pandandap> me too. i've been up and runing since saturday 1936:< pandandap> running 1937:< pandandap> and i have no clue who my OG was lol 1937:< XesEri> my og on here dropped out at like t7 1937:< bradyblair20> I remember when I did. It was around 10am on Sunday 1937:< thevdude> I think I was early sunday too 1937:< pandandap> I'd been through a bunch of groups that all sucked but then finally got to a good group and we kept growing 1937:< thevdude> maybe late saturday? 1937:< bradyblair20> i cant remember how to spell my OGs name 1937:< thevdude> :( 1938:< XesEri> Mine was saturday this time ish 1938:< thevdude> I friended some people really early on 1938:< thevdude> does it say how long someone has been your reddit friend? 1938:< pandandap> yeah same here 1938:< pandandap> Really curious to know how Reddit's gonna use this info 1938:< pandandap> or roll out a new feature maybe 1939:< pandandap> or give us lifetime supplies of gold :D 1939:< XesEri> I heard there's a theory that is has to do with the warrant canary 1939:< pandandap> yeah, i did read about this, it's possible 1939:< pandandap> There were a lot of garbage subreddits made 1939:< thevdude> it's all marketing for the burger chain red robin 1940:< thevdude> yum 1940:< thevdude> everyone gets a 10% off coupon 1940:< LongStrangeTrips> pandandap all alien blue users got 4 years of gold two days ago, its possible theyll just hand out more gold 1940:< pandandap> red robin lol 1940:< pandandap> yeah that'd be sweet 1941:< XesEri> t13 merge just happened guys! 1941:< oswald_the_mini> growth and girth detected 1943:< snowburst> you can get 3mo gold by logging into the new reddit mobile app released today 1944:< thevdude> wait did they finally release an official app? 1944:< thevdude> the AMA one worked great 1953:< Whitestep> how is penis holding up during mergewave 1954:< snezel> straight 1954:< snezel> and hard 1955:< alylynn96> going strong 1955:< JoeAbunga> We're swolen boys 1956:< snezel> ............................. 1956:< snezel> cant wait to never hear about longevity again 1956:< sotricious> hahaha 1956:< snezel> we are all gonna die 1956:< XesEri> you haven't blocked yet? 1956:< sotricious> nigglets snezel 1956:< snezel> unfortunately not cause its not that common 1956:< RafTheKillJoy> i eat penis 1957:< snezel> and i like to say something to him sometimes lol 1957:< snezel> also yes sotricious the nigglet guy is still going strong i believe 1957:< XesEri> I admire nigglet guy's tenacity 1957:< XesEri> he has a subreddit now 1957:< snezel> lol? of just nigglets? 1957:< sotricious> never stopped 1958:< XesEri> it's r/joinnigglets 1958:< snezel> join that before longevity aint that right kingonothing 1959:< XesEri> the bot subs that have come out of robin are the best 2000:< LongStrangeTrips> Are there seriously only around 50 active people in a 3000 user chat? 2000:< XesEri> they'd better come back soon... 2000:< jayman419> There are also lurkers, just watching. And most of the inactives have bots running. 2001:< JoeAbunga> Ive been lurking and hanging out a bit 2001:< LongStrangeTrips> I know but in general. Only 64 people taking 2001:< manface12> Not everyone can be active all the time! 2001:< LongStrangeTrips> talking 2002:< sotricious> What LongStrangeTrips> You mean right now? onl;y 64 ppl? 2005:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh now I see 130 2005:< LongStrangeTrips> its updating slowly 2005:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dsv6f/lost_penis_connections/ => http://nazar.so/2i769 2006:< snowburst> mine shows 330 actives 2007:< sotricious> LongStrangeTrips's link should be stickied on all the robin subs 2008:< sotricious> oh yeah, so stupid 2008:< sotricious> so all the sokuku ones and the next one? 2009:< LongStrangeTrips> What do you mean? 2009:< sotricious> it applies here > https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/3ceeo right? 2009:< RafTheKillJoy> real penises GROW, the bigger the better 2010:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh yeah I think so 2010:< sotricious> and here? https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 2010:< sotricious> that;s what I meant. It;s a great idea 2010:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh, yeah I think it is. Should I xpost or do you just want to link it? 2010:< sotricious> and the title reads so goddam funny 2011:< ror6y> there's way too many afks 2011:< sotricious> i will 2011:< Lolzep> ayyyy lamo 2011:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep!! 2012:< alylynn96> heyy!! 2012:< Lolzep> Preparing post for update c: 2012:< alylynn96> so ready 2013:< snowburst> anyone down for a round of pictionary or something else 2013:< LongStrangeTrips> sure 2014:< alylynn96> CAH 2014:< alylynn96> ? 2014:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Our moment is finally cumming 2014:< pandandap> yes pictionary! 2014:< JoeAbunga> pictionary was fun the other nitght 2015:< snowburst> http://www.pinturillo2.com/ room 32, code sokuku 2015:< LongStrangeTrips> -Do-Not-Trust-Me-!!! the gang is back together! 2015:< pxndxx> woooo 2015:< Whitestep> incommmiiing 2016:< Whitestep> already at 14 2016:< ntrefil> yusss 2016:< Lolzep> Fun Fact: The robin tracking thread is 7906 characters. 2017:< LongStrangeTrips> snowburst draw 2018:< Lolzep> My T17 thread is ready to be posted! :D 2018:< pxndxx> my penis is fully erect 2020:< ntrefil> Lolzep nice more gold for you lol 2020:< Lolzep> Im already up to 7 months in the past week 2042:< Whitestep> 3 minutes to t15 2042:< Whitestep> wow 2042:< Lolzep> R I D E T H E W A V E 2042:< Whitestep> I thought we wouldn't make it 2043:< Whitestep> my alt has been riding the wave all day today 2044:< 98741231486325879> is anyone alive lol 2044:< Lolzep> Yes 2044:< 98741231486325879> yay hello there 2044:< Lolzep> hello 2044:< djcocainegoat> W A V E S D O N T D I E 2045:< 98741231486325879> is it just you in here? 2045:< iHacked> I'm also here 2045:< Lolzep> Nah people are just away 2045:< 98741231486325879> Haha I figure it's mostly just people running scripts now 2046:< LongStrangeTrips> penis 2048:< bradyblair20> dang its getting so close :)))) 2052:< ntrefil> omg is crazy over in tier 14 2052:< Lolzep> There is no t14 2100:< Whitestep> yeah I got kicked 2100:< Whitestep> fuu 2100:< Golden_Grahams> hello all, my body is ready 2101:< thevdude> ohhhhhh nnnghgh 2104:< ntrefil> Whitestep damn 2106:< LongStrangeTrips> Stay is falling 2106:< LongStrangeTrips> good brothers 2106:< bradyblair20> The 15's are about to merge 2106:< bradyblair20> :) 2107:< Whitestep> wowwww 2107:< Boerontosaurus> OH shit, I'm heading over to my ccande alt to catch the merge! 2107:< Whitestep> yeah happening 2107:< thevdude> <3 is getting pretty active 2108:< LongStrangeTrips> Whats our eta? 2109:< nickgasm> 46 mins 2109:< LongStrangeTrips> Nice 2109:< pandandap> everyone in the other chats is talking about staying at 17 2110:< pandandap> :( 2110:< Lolzep> Why wouldnt they? 2110:< Lolzep> We are all agreeing to stay right? 2110:< LongStrangeTrips> We need to see phalhalla!!!! 2110:< LongStrangeTrips> We cant stay now! 2110:< LongStrangeTrips> We got so far 2110:< Lolzep> #Stayat17 2110:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep... Leave :'( 2110:< pandandap> so many mixed feelings 2110:< Lolzep> Long the event end is one day! XD 2111:< bradyblair20> Im staying at 17 2111:< LongStrangeTrips> Exactly!!! Phalhalla awaits! 2111:< bradyblair20> it will take days to get another 2111:< LongStrangeTrips> We must see what awaits us on the other side! 2111:< LongStrangeTrips> Its not about growing, its about being alive during the end 2111:< Lolzep> ....staying awaits on the other side 2111:< LongStrangeTrips> No. Phalhalla 2112:< LongStrangeTrips> Phalhalla awaits. Brothers you must believe in growth! 2112:< ror6y> I'm staying. We can't grow further 2112:< LongStrangeTrips> Its not about merging once more 2112:< LongStrangeTrips> its about being alive and watching it all burn 2112:< RafTheKillJoy> THE FIRST CUMMING IS COMMENCING 2112:< Lolzep> .....................you want to abandon? 2113:< RafTheKillJoy> PHALHALLA IN LESS THAN ONE DAY 2113:< alylynn96> im staying after this 2113:< bradyblair20> you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian 2113:< RafTheKillJoy> Really penises must GROW 2113:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dt6ty/grow_till_the_end_comrades/ => http://nazar.so/2lru8 --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:14:35 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:18:05 2016 2118::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2121:< LongStrangeTrips> hello? 2121:< snowburst> phew I'm back in, got so scared 2122:< RafTheKillJoy> THE FIRST CUMMING 2122:< snowburst> hnnnnnnnnnnnng --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:22:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:23:15 2016 2123:< alylynn96> okay my messages wont send in %chat 2123::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2123:< XesEri> can anyone here me? I got kicked and noy my messages don't go through 2123:< snezel> XesEri cant send any messages 2123:< Stjerneklar> i see you 2123:< Golden_Grahams> yes i see you 2124:< Loudmouth_American> xeseri I can see you 2124:< pandandap> yes 2124:< snezel> test 2124:< bradyblair20> please respond if you can see me 2124:< shuperkiwi> wee 2124:< Golden_Grahams> it takes forever for a message to go through, and sometimes it gets kicked out 2124:< thevdude> please am i home 2124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> testes 2124:< Golden_Grahams> don't be surprised if most of us get kicked during the merge, it happened before 2124:< alylynn96> FUCK 2125:< RafTheKillJoy> some of my messagees aren't sending either 2125:< snowburst> leaderboard post has comments saying they made it to T16!!! 2126:< RafTheKillJoy> /count 2126:< LongStrangeTrips> silence. 2126:< thevdude> pls let me talk 2126:< alylynn96> more people need to get on to vote 2126:< snezel> some messages work some dont for me 2126:< Golden_Grahams> about 5:51 EDT everyone 2126:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ I got so scared I was donezo 2127:< thevdude> i got one through, wow reddit is shit at programming everything 2127:< snowburst> me too, kept refreshing /RRSpenis to see if anyone else posted 2127:< bradyblair20> test 2127:< thevdude> can't handle a few thousand concurrent users 2127:< bradyblair20> Yeah they take really long to send 2128:< XesEri> the merge crashed the browsers I had open, this is a mess. 2128:< Golden_Grahams> lol shit? yea, they should've invested more time in an april fools joke 2128:< thevdude> IKR 2128:< snezel> hopefully at the crash the peoples scripts didnt fuck up 2129:< bradyblair20> I almost had a heart attack 2129:< LongStrangeTrips> Guys its april 8th in 30 minutes for me :( :( and i cant send any message 2129:< bradyblair20> only 30 more minutes 2129:< XesEri> I'm not going to be able to get back to my alt to vote. @my alt sorry ur fucked 2129:< alylynn96> are there enough votes? 2130:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh man they are big. 2130:< jawkas> until we're the only t1 again :D 2130:< LongStrangeTrips> Stay fell below 20% brothers! Congratulations!!! 2130:< XesEri> alylynn96 last I saw, yes. but that was ~5min post merge 2130:< Golden_Grahams> good question alylynn96 2131:< bradyblair20> This is really annoying 2131:< alylynn96> okay, last i saw there were only a couple hundred, im guessing cause everyone got kicked 2131:< Golden_Grahams> as of a minute ago only 1,000 people voted grow 2131:< Golden_Grahams> out of 3768 2131:< Boerontosaurus> We're fucked guys 2131:< snezel> so after the merge to t17 we are staying? 2131:< pandandap> what if they decide to screw us 2132:< LongStrangeTrips> never stay! 2132:< alylynn96> they wouldn't decide to 2132:< XesEri> they were trying to stay at 16 to be trolls. 2132:< jawkas> what merge to t17 lol snezel 2132:< alylynn96> they probably want the biggest group as much as us 2132:< jawkas> what merge to t17 lol snezel 2133:< snowburst> does the script refresh on the 503 error? if not everyone who was relying on auto votes is screwed :O 2133:< Boerontosaurus> t17 merge is not looking good, the t16 is en route to abandon from AFKs 2133:< LongStrangeTrips> We had over 800 abandon after reap 2134:< Boerontosaurus> 2,500 no vote, 1,400 grow right now over there 2134:< alylynn96> fuck fuck fuck 2134:< snowburst> looks like people are slowly getting back in and voting 2134:< Golden_Grahams> current status http://imgur.com/qrKgM2v 2136:< thevdude> there's a half hour, let's hope! 2136:< LongStrangeTrips> that merge will kill reddit. our merge wasnt that bad. nothing crashed then 2136:< thevdude> well, like half of half an hour 2137:< Lolzep> AM I IN? 2137:< Golden_Grahams> if they abandon, do we stay? 2137:< Golden_Grahams> lolzep! glad you're alive 2137:< XesEri> got kicked again gd 2137:< alylynn96> yup lolzep 2137:< CheeseDrink> /penis phew, finally a chat without bots 2138:< JClocale> Just got this error from Reddit "our cdn was unable to reach our servers" 2138:< LongStrangeTrips> I fear for -Do-Not-Trust-Me- 2138:< pandandap> ugh half of my messages aren't sending 2138:< Lolzep> PLEASE 2138:< Whitestep> wow 2138:< snowburst> JClocale good to see you --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:38:47 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:43:56 2016 2143:< HookahComputer> 1996 grow votes in ccfian 2143:< LongStrangeTrips> Phalhalla awaits brothers! 2143:< JClocale> there should be a sub for just penis/ channel 2143:< XesEri> we're gonna be fucked at our merge. all those people who haven't looked at their accts in 4 days, getkicked by the merge 2143:< pandandap> never 2144::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2144:< Golden_Grahams> GROW MAJORITY, the time is near! 2144:< thevdude> jclocale /rrspenis 2144:< bradyblair20> yeah true 2144:< Golden_Grahams> messages are sending faster too 2144:< pxndxx> I guess everybody got a PM 2144:< bradyblair20> yeah thats a good sign 2144:< HookahComputer> wait no, but maybe it'll get there 2144:< snowburst> I think servers are recovering 2144:< LongStrangeTrips> JClocale https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 2145:< MegaZeus101> WE LIVE, WE DIE, WE LIVE AGAIN, SHINY AND CHROME!!!!! 2145:< LongStrangeTrips> MegaZeus101 gets it! 2145:< Golden_Grahams> servers recovered just in time to get FUCKED again 2145:< thevdude> getxyzzywithit how does your dick taste? 2145:< JClocale> lol, I like the rainbow flare 2145:< Rehsinimed> Oh my God. 2145:< LongStrangeTrips> but erect and fleshy 2145:< LongStrangeTrips> Phalhalla!!!!! 2145:< Rehsinimed> I never thought I'd see this day come to fruition. 2145:< thevdude> rip the 1 user 2145:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wanna try it? 2145:< pandandap> :-O 2145:< LongStrangeTrips> Who abandoned? hahaha 2145:< Rehsinimed> Phalhalla indeed. 2146:< thevdude> getxyzzywith it idk it will be all eaten up 2146:< djcocainegoat> what if the whole things is a stress test for some new servers though? 2146:< XesEri> who abandons 5 minutes from t17? 2146:< bradyblair20> 1922 grow to 1652 no vote 2146:< robrago> when will the merge go down 2146:< pxndxx> then it failed 2146:< snezel> the reaping is coming 2146:< Golden_Grahams> 5 mins and counting 2146:< Rehsinimed> http://chuckpalahniuk.net/features/shorts/guts 2146:< MrZiggyStardust> we merging soon? 2146:< LongStrangeTrips> Pray for the fallen brothers comrades 2146:< bradyblair20> https://www.youtube.com/c/JanTeunis/live 2146:< MegaZeus101> Oh jesus 2146:< JClocale> 6 minutes 2146:< djcocainegoat> congrats robin we did it? 2146:< bradyblair20> heres a live stream 2146:< alylynn96> WERE SAFE!!!!! 2146:< MrZiggyStardust> so excited maybe 2146:< XesEri> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM_c_avPlx4&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/2i5td how I feel rn 2147:< Rehsinimed> Will we ever grow to 18? 2147:< LongStrangeTrips> We must grow till the end brothers, only that way will we be able to see Phalhalla 2147:< Golden_Grahams> it's been fun everyone, most of us probably won't make it, just know penis/ will be in my heart forever 2147:< XesEri> Rehsinimed no 2147:< LongStrangeTrips> Rehsinimed no, but grow till the end 2147:< XesEri> robin ends 12 am on the 8th 2147:< Rehsinimed> What about stay? 2147:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ is not just about the shaft. HAVE SOME BALLS! 2147:< thevdude> http://i.imgur.com/nyZFNHp.png?1 2147:< JClocale> I think with the ~1600 AFKs dropped from ccand in ccfiand the wave of new people should be able to easily overcome our own AFKs 2147:< Lolzep> Long can you type /whois Lolzep and tell me if Im here or not? 2148:< pandandap> global chat is gonna be insane 2148:< alylynn96> /whois lolzep 2148:< LongStrangeTrips> you are present 2148:< Golden_Grahams> jclocale, assuming we're not 503'd for even longer this time 2148:< pxndxx> it took 7 days to get a T17 2148:< alylynn96> lol didnt work 2148:< LongStrangeTrips> and you voted to increase 2148:< pandandap> glad we have penis/ 2148:< snezel> Lolzep i see you 2148:< RafTheKillJoy> they are over 50% GROW in CCFIANDE 2148:< Lolzep> Good... no more 503.... please 2148:< LongStrangeTrips> Grow brothers. Have some balls and dont give up! 2148:< bradyblair20> 4.1 minutes 2149:< LittleQuark> HI EVERYONE 2149:< LongStrangeTrips> GROW TILL THE END 2149:< LittleQuark> I was afraid /penis was gone but penis/ lives on 2149:< RafTheKillJoy> The PENIS always grows bigger 2149:< HookahComputer> T17 was a stretch. T18 is pure fantasy. 2149:< Whitestep> yeah 2149:< bradyblair20> #stayat17 2149:< MegaZeus101> Yeah 2149:< Rehsinimed> This drawing accurately depicts everyone here: i.imgur.com/KUCxzhs.png 2149:< LongStrangeTrips> Guys 2149:< RafTheKillJoy> #Growat17 2149:< Whitestep> T18 is impossible 2150:< LongStrangeTrips> youre missing the point. Its not about merging. Its about seeing the end 2150:< RafTheKillJoy> Grow till death 2150:< JClocale> Less than 3 minutes guys! 2150:< Kisfelhok> the point of growing is merging. 2150:< RafTheKillJoy> Grow or Die 2150:< Whitestep> yeah 2150:< Rehsinimed> Whoops, i.imgur.com/KUCxzhS.jpg 2150:< Golden_Grahams> we can stay and still see the end 2150:< Kisfelhok> It won't go away 2150:< Golden_Grahams> the chat won't end 2150:< Kisfelhok> We'll get a subreddit, but this chat won't end 2150:< LongStrangeTrips> If we stay, we will just disappear and wither away with that subreddit 2150:< RafTheKillJoy> When Phalhalla opens to us it will looks for the largest GROWERS 2151:< LongStrangeTrips> Phalhalla accepts penises with balls only! 2151:< Kisfelhok> T-minus 1.3 minutes until merge 2151:< Golden_Grahams> not true, subreddit will be created and the chatroom will stay open 2151:< RafTheKillJoy> Phalhalla has no place for stayers 2151:< Kisfelhok> Here we go fellas 2151:< LongStrangeTrips> Godspeed! 2151:< snowburst> WITNESS ME PENIS/ 2151:< pandandap> <3 2151:< robrago> is it happening now? 2151:< RafTheKillJoy> PENISES UNITE 2151:< MegaZeus101> 1 MIN 2151:< LongStrangeTrips> Its cumming!!!! 2151:< XesEri> nofilter 2151:< MegaZeus101> THE FIRST CUMMING IS SOON! 2151:< qlum> man my laptop has problems running parrot alreasdy let alone with twice the people 2151:< thevdude> WITNESS? PENIS/ ME! PHALLHALLA! 2152:< JClocale> here we go! 2152:< Golden_Grahams> everyone, take out your penises 2152:< Lolzep> WITNESS ME!!! 2152:< snowburst> WITNESSSSS 2152:< MegaZeus101> WE LIVE, WE DIE, WE LIVE AGAIN, SHINY AND CHROME!!!!! 2152:< JClocale> see you on the other side! 2152:< thevdude> oop 2152:< LongStrangeTrips> WITNESS!!!! 2152:< Kisfelhok> 20 seconds 2152:< RafTheKillJoy> I AM READ FOR THE FIRST CUMMING 2152:< snezel> see you on the other side penis/ 2152:< thevdude> another minute i guess 2152:< snezel> stay strongggggg 2152:< pandandap> khemihooligan you're not alone 2152:< RafTheKillJoy> STAY ERECT 2152:< MegaZeus101> 1 MIN 2152:< Kisfelhok> THE TIME IS UPON US 2152:< LongStrangeTrips> ITS CUMMING! SEE YOU IN PHALHALLA! GODSPEED! 2152:< RafTheKillJoy> GROW AS SOON AS YOU GET IN 2152:< djcocainegoat> they still dont have a penis/ channel so they're safe 2152:< MegaZeus101> STAY 2152:< RafTheKillJoy> AS SOON AS YOU PENETRATE 2152:< Kisfelhok> they're spamming F in the other chat 2152:< Lolzep> H O L D O N S T A Y S T R O N G 2152:< snezel> gonna be the same people there 2153:< Golden_Grahams> f 2153:< pandandap> khemikooligan you're not alone 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> WITNESS ME PENIS/ 2153:< JClocale> i'm literally sweating from this waiting 2153:< thevdude> F 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> G 2153:< RafTheKillJoy> WE WILL PENETRATE PHALHALLA 2153:< Golden_Grahams> h 2153:< snezel> JClocale lmao 2153:< snowburst> P 2153:< pandandap> 82 hours. 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> G FOR GROW 2153:< alylynn96> HERE WE GOOOOO BITCHES 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> I LOVE YOU PENIS/ 2153:< Golden_Grahams> penis forever 2153:< thevdude> i love you see on /r/rrspenis 2153:< pandandap> <3 2153:< pxndxx> i love you penis/ 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 2153:< alylynn96> are we staying on this channel after the merge? 2153:< Golden_Grahams> 8====D 2154:< LongStrangeTrips> shiny and chrome brothers! 2154:< thevdude> why would we switch? 2154:< bradyblair20> one tear has been shed 2154:< JClocale> stay only after the first reaping 2154:< RafTheKillJoy> 8==D 2154:< QMaker> I'm so hard right now... 2154:< JClocale> we need all the grow votes to overcome AFKs 2154:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ till the end 2154:< jayman419> If we stay, the chat stays open. We can still see the end, and take another record while we're at it. 2154:< bradyblair20> everyone... we should hold hands and sing 2154:< RafTheKillJoy> GROW your penises until the end 2154:< snezel> supasteve013? 2154:< LongStrangeTrips> kumbayaaaaah 2154:< alylynn96> idk you said see you on r/rrspenis 2155:< LongStrangeTrips> OMG 2155:< snezel> lol 2155:< RafTheKillJoy> IT HAPPENED? 2155:< bradyblair20> WE DID IT 2155:< snezel> penis/ yay 2155:< pxndxx> we did it! 2155:< snowburst> THIS PARROT EASTER EGG THO 2155:< bradyblair20> YESSSSS 2155:< LongStrangeTrips> yay!!!! 2155:< alylynn96> SUCCESS!!!!!! 2155:< MegaZeus101> SHINY AND CHROME WE HAVE ARRIVED! 2155:< Aparicio> ping 2155:< thevdude> all glory! 2155:< Golden_Grahams> i am alive! 2155:< JClocale> omg 2155:< LongStrangeTrips> Well this is underwhelming 2156:< pxndxx> all hail the mighty penis! 2156:< Golden_Grahams> grow majority! 2156:< djcocainegoat> have you seen global? 2156:< bradyblair20> POST THAT THREAD LOLZEP 2156:< LongStrangeTrips> Now till phalhalla brothers! 2156:< Lolzep> ALREADY DID 2156:< JClocale> I'm not even going near global right now 2156:< RafTheKillJoy> CcKufi 2156:< djcocainegoat> link it Lolzep 2156:< Lolzep> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dtdr7/tier_17_cckufiprfa/ => http://nazar.so/9rc8y 2157:< alylynn96> shit haha that was fast 2157:< XesEri> i was nofilter. RIP browser 2157:< pandandap> wow 2157:< RafTheKillJoy> Grow you penises to PENETRATE PHALHALLA 2157:< Golden_Grahams> we have majority and it didn't crash, good job reddit 2157:< thevdude> already grow majority 2157:< oswald_the_mini> penis is our safe space 2157:< XesEri> W E D I D I T R E D D I T 2157:< DrRecommended> everything crashed in the merge for me 2157:< nolasagne> Charyou tree. Come, reap. 2158:< bradyblair20> Stay is increasing tho 2158:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dtdr7/tier_17_cckufiprfa/ => http://nazar.so/3oy13 2158:< oswald_the_mini> no stay. grow 2158:< pxndxx> grow. 2159:< LongStrangeTrips> we live https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dtdr7/tier_17_cckufiprfa/ => http://nazar.so/995r4 2159:< alylynn96> jokes on you i dont have one 2159:< MrZiggyStardust> I MADE IT :D 2200:< LongStrangeTrips> RafTheKillJoy PREACH! 2201:< je4d> <3 2201:< snezel> shit loads so slow for m 2201:< LongStrangeTrips> well. What do we do now? 2201:< RafTheKillJoy> A penis that does not grow gets smaller and shrivels away 2201:< snezel> supasteve013 are you here? 2201:< RafTheKillJoy> Good luck brother penis 2201:< robrago> its been a pleasure growing with all of you 2202:< pxndxx> don't stop growing now 2202:< pxndxx> do as the penis does, grow until the end 2202:< LongStrangeTrips> we grow till the end. till phalhalla 2202:< robrago> i wont 2203:< LongStrangeTrips> D: et tu brute? 2203:< XesEri> took a video from the merge. posting it to youtube 2204:< RafTheKillJoy> Grow till we penetrate Phalhalla 2204:< LongStrangeTrips> We cant have official penis members denying the grow ideology 2204:< Assailant> GROW UNTIL THE PURGE 2204:< djcocainegoat> there's official membership of penis/? 2204:< PM_ME_YOUR_SHELLCODE> grow just makes sense 2204:< JClocale> I totally snagged /u/ccKufiPrFa btw ;) 2204:< RafTheKillJoy> /r/RRSPenis 2204:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat mods of the subreddit 2205:< snowburst> where is -Do-Not-Trust-Me- did you make it? 2206:< LongStrangeTrips> -Do-Not-Trust-Me- I think our comrade has fallen... 2206:< -dlb-> em:zapdogrechrailzenaverssemjjjsixsixscreamcheesewulfremorjeenever_cleaned_compdiamondfluxifyodyss3ysnookermanmainovapyroshroomghoshya 2207:< XesEri> try messaging on reddit if he doesn't respond. the main part of the site is still functional 2207:< LongStrangeTrips> I sent him a PM --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:08:07 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 22:11:44 2016 2211::::: join/#penis OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:16:44 2016