--- Log opened Thu Apr 07 00:00:12 2016 --- Day changed Thu Apr 07 2016 0000:< dashed> heh 0000:< voltaek> what is the % room supposed to be? 0000:< hagbard-celine> i believe it was a general chat channel until %chat tookover that role 0001:< dashed> voltaek % is old %chat 0001:< Lolzep> gotem 0002:< jayman419> % got spammy, and sokux was already using %chat so people just moved over. 0002:< hagbard-celine> yeah, john madden took over % at one point 0003:< dashed> rofl 0003:< dashed> i remember john madden 0003:< hagbard-celine> all of them, lol 0003:< Lolzep> The legend of jogn madden 0007:< conker2654> oh shit guys 0007:< Lolzep> What is it my boy 0007:< conker2654> chain merging inc 0007:< hagbard-celine> to 13 0007:< conker2654> so close to fucking 17 0007:< _vvvv_> I'm working to sort the sidepanel based on activity 0007:< _vvvv_> brb guys 0008:< ScarletSpeedster> testing 0009:< stormagnet> hey OrangeredStilton you on? 0011:< Broodoobob> Can I stop parrot from refreshing what seems like every few minutes? 0012:< voltaek> Broodoobob its probably Reload page after inactivity timeout 0012:< dashed> Broodoobob "Reload page after inactivity timeout" 0013:< PotatoBadger> Do we have cryptographically secure PMs yet? 0013:< Broodoobob> Do you think it's actually timing out? 0013:< voltaek> Broodoobob, no it refreshes when there are no new messages in so long 0013:< voltaek> when you have that option turned on 0013:< Broodoobob> What's the amount of time before timeout? 0013:< mythriz> aha 0014:< voltaek> Broodoobob it was previously a minute, think it might have changed tho? 0014:< Broodoobob> I haven't noticed any chat freezing at all so I'm suspicious that it should be triggering 0014:< Broodoobob> I've seen it happen while I was in the middle of a conversation, having just received messages 0014:< _vvvv_> Broodoobob anything in your console? 0014:< Broodoobob> I'll check 0015:< hagbard-celine> comment says a minute 0016:< voltaek> currently set to ten minutes it looks like 0016:< voltaek> 600000 is 600 seconds 0017:< Broodoobob> argh, it did it again while I was looking at the console 0017:< Broodoobob> not sure if it did anything before hand but I was definitely seeing activity 0017:< an_audible_smile> hey have you guys seen this? 0017:< an_audible_smile> http://pastebin.com/GYWuSQ4g 0018:< dashed> an_audible_smile what is that? 0018:< hagbard-celine> prolly should update the comment XD. i'd also probably rearrange that nested if to check setting first, not that it really matters 0018:< an_audible_smile> what do I need to download besides python, pip, and praw? 0018:< an_audible_smile> it's a python autovoter 0018:< an_audible_smile> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d8dlp/guide_20_list_of_most_known_scripts_and_how_to_be/ => http://nazar.so/5oind 0019:< an_audible_smile> do I need tkinter, IDLE, and the Python test suite? 0019:< Broodoobob> nah, just python 0019:< bales75> is it possible to make the tab auto complete name NOT case sensitive? 0020:< an_audible_smile> should I install the py launcher or no? 0021:< mythriz> odd, I had a look at the timeout reloader, but it seems correct to me on first look 0022:< voltaek> Broodoobob it's built-in from Reddit afaik 0022:< Broodoobob> Alright. Well, I turned it off for now. Oh well 0023:< Broodoobob> if it freezes I'll let you know 0028:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0033:< voltaek> interesting, my window just randomly reloaded 0037:< montugar> same here 0038:< montugar> probably the "Reload page after inactivity timeout" setting 0038:< voltaek> maybe, but there was activity 0038:< voltaek> that is set for ten minutes 0039:< dashed> parrot users: v3.34 has new CSS styling 0040:< montugar> :( no longer version PI 0040:< dashed> :( we move too fast 0040:< montugar> you could have atleast moved to version 3.14.159 0041:< montugar> "version hotfix" 0041:< voltaek> I see some display table in there 0041:< voltaek> I'll allow it.. this time 0041:< dashed> ;) 0041:< voltaek> it has its uses, contrary to popular fear of tables 0042:< dashed> im not a div-whore 0042:< voltaek> my favorite is when someone uses something besides a table for tabular data that is clearly meant to be in one 0042:< dashed> like divs? 0043:< lajiggyjarjardoo> seems like with flexbox we don't need tables 0043:< voltaek> like some crazy fixed-width description list bullshit 0043:< dashed> LOL gonan revert 0044:< montugar> why is chat wierd and shifty? I'm not shrinking my window! 0044:< sprokolopolis> Remember back in the old days when people would build an entire website in one ginat ridiculous table? 0045:< montugar> i love ginat tables, they were the best 0045:< lajiggyjarjardoo> sprokolopolis it made sense at the time, and IE6 set us back about 4 years 0045:< gjhgjh> Without CSS you had to make due. 0045:< sprokolopolis> lajiggyjarjardoo I know, I just hated messing with those complex tables. 0046:< an_audible_smile> why do I get invalid syntax when I type pip install praw into the python commandline 0046:< lajiggyjarjardoo> then you'd open a page in frontpage98 and the wysiwyg would shit all over your code 0046:< gjhgjh> Dreamweaver made tables easy and your code extra extra long. 0046:< lajiggyjarjardoo> ugh to think dreamweaver was an improvement, dark days indeed 0047:< montugar> BEHOLD! the site of a local pizza shop. bask in it's shitty glow! http://www.pizzaexpressocanada.ca/ 0047:< sprokolopolis> Yeah many of the web design applications would generate a million tiny slices that would load in one by one. 0047:< montugar> I am so tempted to call them up and offer to fix it for free 0047:< gjhgjh> At least nothing is blinking. 0047:< Broodoobob> an_audible_smile because pip is not a python function, it's a command-line program 0048:< montugar> lol its shitty in this millenium 0048:< mythriz> never heard about flexbox before now, is it a new fancy CSS thing? I did see the flex option in the original CSS 0048:< gjhgjh> In the late 1990's everyone had at least one line of blinking text on their webpage. 0048:< lajiggyjarjardoo> sprokolopolis yeah you also had spacer gifs to fill a cell and take an exact size 0048:< voltaek> flexbox is getting there, not truly ready for primetime as it's still in flux 0048:< Broodoobob> montugar I burst out laughing at that site 0048:< voltaek> or you want a million polyfills 0049:< sprokolopolis> lajiggyjarjardoo Oh yes, the spacer.gif I forgot about that. 0049:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> sprokolopolis classic 0049:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i feel like an old man, "back in my day..." 0049:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> good ol fireworks 0049:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i still use that fuckin program 0049:< mythriz> oh yeah the chat table will shift when longer nicks pops up 0049:< montugar> pay special attention to the length of the "about us" page 0049:< lajiggyjarjardoo> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY did a ton of slicing in fireworks, it was actually a good tool for the work i was doing at the time 0049:< sprokolopolis> My first webpage was pretty much like Homer Simpson's first webpage. 0050:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> lajiggyjarjardoo remember when you you had toinstall firebug 0050:< sprokolopolis> just a bunch of gifs and crap. 0050:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> to inspect 0050:< voltaek> i had to do some IE8 debugging the other day 0050:< lajiggyjarjardoo> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY i still use firebug :( and i feel like it just came out yesterday, shit. just having the option was amazing 0050:< voltaek> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that 0050:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> as soon as i did that, i immediately understood css 0050:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lol ie's dev tools were garbage 0050:< montugar> trial by firebug? 0051:< voltaek> "dev tools" is generous 0051:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> voltaek that sounds horrible 0051:< Yeniuss> anyone have the link to the leaderboard with every room on it? 0051:< SmurfyX> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/8ckpx 0051:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i use chrome when i want to do serious profiling, but i just prefer FF enough to use firebug as my primary 0052:< dashed> voltaek lol might as well quit 0052:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> voltaek burn it to the ground 0052:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed got bored at work and looked through your redux-tree repo 0052:< mythriz> hups, did my code break something? sorry. I was running it without experiencing any troubles, but I guess I haven't tried every setting 0052:< voltaek> sites I build are no longer guaranteed IE8 compatible because fuck you thats why 0052:< an_audible_smile> Broodoobob thanks, I figured it out 0053:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed just ramping up on redux, what was the motivation? combinereducers seems good enough to me 0053:< Broodoobob> an_audible_smile that's good :) 0053:< montugar> "your browser is shit, I'd suggest using LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE!" 0054:< Broodoobob> "For an easy upgrade, try using curl" 0054:< voltaek> sometimes I find things that only work in IE9 and above and use them out of spite 0054:< lajiggyjarjardoo> voltaek i think globally it's fair to drop ie8, some places dont have the option though 0054:< voltaek> IE8 usage it below 1% in the US now, so I can justify it at least 0055:< voltaek> as is IE9, actually 0055:< lajiggyjarjardoo> voltaek yeah, some people have huge clients with shit IT depts and are stuck on old versions they have to support 0055:< montugar> anyone tech savvy enough to use the sites I've made wouldn't use ie8-9 0056:< montugar> maintained a gamiing/tech forum way back 0056:< montugar> gaming* 0056:< KernelSnuffy> IE9 never really had very high usage did it? compared to IE8 and IE10 0056:< montugar> IE8: I came with the system, please kill me 0056:< _vvvv_> test 0056:< montugar> IE9:everyone always forgets about me 0057:< montugar> IE10:oh hey! I'm default on a system again! shoot me 0057:< montugar> egde:*whistle* no, no, no, I'm not EI... 0057:< voltaek> IE8 wasn't default, but it was the last version available for XP 0057:< sprokolopolis> hahaha 0057:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I don't know why MS insists on having another rendering/js engine 0057:< montugar> IE* 0058:< voltaek> XP => IE8 users 0058:< lajiggyjarjardoo> even opera/vivaldi are on webkit now i think 0058:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo xD redux-tree is still work in progress 0058:< sprokolopolis> I think I might go makes some breakfast tacos for dinner. 0059:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed cool just curious what the motivation was. i'm early in my app and haven't hit a wall with what redux provides 0059:< mythriz> seems to be an issue with my code when combined with the other changes that came later. oh well I need to sleep, will have to check later 0059:< sprokolopolis> Opera and Vivaldi use the Blink engine I think. 0059:< sprokolopolis> Google Chrome's rendering engine. 0059:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo motivation is to interop with this https://github.com/dashed/orwell 0059:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0100:< montugar> looks like theres enough for a t13, now to wait for another one of those for the mega merge 0100:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo i felt combinereducers is limited. 0100:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed the guy who made gulp is releasing a new redux add-on called shasta soon, supposed to make actions/reducers easier 0101:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo contra? 0101:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed yup. he was on jsjabber podcast a couple weeks ago talking about it 0101:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo https://github.com/shastajs/shasta 0101:< dashed> this one? 0102:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed yeah the one with a logo and no documentation lol 0102:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo nice. im gonna put it on my radar 0103:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo redux-tree wraps around cursors which wrap immutable structures 0104:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i've been building my store with immutable.js and just passing pieces of it into reducers then combining them back up 0104:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo anotehr motivation is deeply nested paths in app state/model tree 0105:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo previously i was looking alternatives to https://github.com/omniscientjs/immstruct 0105:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i think i remember looking into react-cursor before redux took off, like a way to manage sub-stores in a way? 0105:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo redux-tree is like super-tree of redux stores 0106:< dashed> all leaves are redux-stores.. and the path to the store is the 'context' 0106:< dashed> im working out details on whether any non-leaf node should also be a redux store 0106:< AviN456> chugga_fan - you here? 0107:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo it's in backburner atm.. and am testing out using it on a toy app 0107:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i guess i'm confused b/c i thought the idea was to have a single store 0107:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo different ideas 0107:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo but the goal is single source of truth 0108:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i can see it being useful as a tool for combining sub-apps without refactoring them too much 0108:< dashed> selling the idea of single store is easier to make it SSoT 0109:< lajiggyjarjardoo> they can keep their stores and all wire up to the single source of truth 0109:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo this is abstract version of immutable cursors: https://github.com/dashed/providence 0109:< lajiggyjarjardoo> TBH it's still a little over my head, still getting used to the reflux way of thinking, although i've used flux in the past 0110:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo i was a former reflux user :D 0110:< dashed> iwas helping reflux in early development 0111:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo managing app state is hard xD 0112:< lajiggyjarjardoo> well shit i guess i'd better read up if you've saying youve moved on 0113:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo ? redux has largely eclipsed reflux now 0113:< dashed> facebook hired the redux guy 0113:< lajiggyjarjardoo> my bad i meant to say redux 0113:< lajiggyjarjardoo> find-replace reflux/redux 0113:< dashed> lol 0114:< dashed> im on redux now 0114:< montugar> my process of boredom: step1: Tab active tab = new Tab(); tab.listOptions;wait 500; throw new boredException; tab = null; return; 0114:< dashed> i made redux-tree to merge my ideas with redux 0114:< dashed> i wanted to take advantage of all the redux middlewares 0115:< dashed> my biggest issue is poor promise middleware 0115:< dashed> redux sagas seems kinda gimmicky 0115:< montugar> ignore the typos and obvious compiler errors 0116:< dashed> montugar lol 0116:< Calvin1119> What goes on in ^-land? 0117:< Calvin1119> Makes sense 0117:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed reading up on them. are you doing complicated async stuff? i'm trying to do something like graphql to avoid nested rest calls 0118:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo i use this with babel https://github.com/tj/co 0119:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo yeah kinda complicated async stuff 0121:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed hilarious, and then there's parrot which is like "fuck it, we'll patch over it and test in prod" 0123:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo rofl.. parrot was a hackathon thing since this ends on april 8 0124:< an_audible_smile> haha now I don't need to have my browser open to autovote 0124:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed for sure, quite amazing to see all the stuff people came up with and how it all came together organically 0124:< lajiggyjarjardoo> if we don't hit T17 I'm gonna punch a wall 0125:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo cascade should start around 2pm tomorrow EST 0125:< an_audible_smile> wait how do I run a python script.. 0126:< TheAwer> it seems to me that the channel filters eventually run out of colors to use? 0126:< lajiggyjarjardoo> and that'll take 2-3 hours, perfect 0127:< dashed> TheAwer yeah haha 0128:< TheAwer> dashed could that be improved somehow? Especially when some channels aren't being used in a chat but are still in my list? 0128:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L959 => http://nazar.so/3bzo3 0128:< dashed> maybe.. but im not coding atm 0128:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0129:< TheAwer> dashed so I can just add to that line to add more colors, cool. thanks! 0129:< beyrevra> So potentially dumb question/suggestion 0129:< beyrevra> the goal is to hit 17 and stay? 0129:< TheAwer> last number is like intensity? 0129:< TheAwer> beyrevra this is the script dev channel but I think that's the idea 0129:< beyrevra> right I know 0130:< dashed> TheAwer last number is opacity 0130:< beyrevra> so if that's the goal and everyone's using parrot 0130:< TheAwer> okay ty dashed and beyrevra i see where you're going now 0130:< beyrevra> why not push an update after the merge that changes the default vote to stay 0130:< dashed> TheAwer if u add more colors and create a PR i'll happily accept 0131:< dashed> beyrevra we didn't decide to adopt any strategy 0131:< TheAwer> dashed I tried to figure out GitHub Desktop on my Mac but kept running into an error but I'll try to give it another go 0132:< TheAwer> I'll work on that. Is the order in the array the order that they appear, or is it random? 0133:< an_audible_smile> is there a script that autovotes without being on this page? 0133:< dashed> i belive the order they appear 0133:< dashed> an_audible_smile why? you're already here 0134:< an_audible_smile> I want to be able to autovote without being here 0134:< an_audible_smile> saves memory, etc 0135:< dashed> we're never going beyond T17 0135:< an_audible_smile> should be pretty easy right? since I'm already logged in 0136:< dashed> just vote and close the window 0136:< an_audible_smile> I only need to send the url and vote commands 0136:< an_audible_smile> I'll make one lol 0139:< lajiggyjarjardoo> has anyone considered that someone might join chat and just merge everytime without waiting all the way to 17 0140:< DebentureThyme> cathilRyts formed, 857 users, tier 13 0140:< lajiggyjarjardoo> like literally the person everyone was waiting on 0140:< DebentureThyme> so we've got 13,14,15,16 lined up 0141:< voltaek> test 0141:< BurritoBun> Hear ya volataek 0142:< BudTheSlug> Great work guys. Do you have some kinda chime set in to ding when the great cascade is ready to begin? 0143:< DebentureThyme> T17 merge may happen at a really bad time 0143:< Lolzep> Like the worst time 0143:< DebentureThyme> and with offlines... 0144:< Lolzep> Like midday when people are at school/work worst time 0144:< DebentureThyme> im thinking even like middle of the night US time 0144:< BudTheSlug> Yeah that's where I'll be unless I get sick, cough cough 0144:< Lolzep> Aww you got me sick too *cough* 0146:< _vvvv_> ayyy 0146:< dashed> _vvvv_ what's the new feature u added? 0147:< _vvvv_> username list on right autosorts every 20 seconds with recent activity on top 0147:< dashed> Nice! 0147:< dashed> updating... 0147:< nolasagne> new leavebot script no annoying message https://github.com/nzchicken/leavebot/ 0148:< nolasagne> new leavebot script no annoying message https://github.com/nzchicken/leavebot/ 0148:< _vvvv_> It's an initial release, going to improve a couple things 0149:< _vvvv_> but it works 0149:< _vvvv_> 1) a little inefficient, I can insert times on list gen. 0149:< _vvvv_> 2) something is wrong with saving. parse from json is giving undefined. 0149:< _vvvv_> so it resets every refresh for now 0149:< dashed> ah 0150:< Lolzep> Shieeet Im right in the middle of EST and PST 0150:< Lolzep> Wrong chat yayyyy 0150:< dashed> lol 0150:< Lolzep> Dont mind me Ill just leaaaaave 0151:< voltaek> there we go 0151:< voltaek> takes a minute to propagate i see 0152:< _vvvv_> eh seems the sorting is messed up 0152:< _vvvv_> I think it's because I'm doing two passes. 0153:< _vvvv_> brb 0153:< dashed> kk 0153:< Lolzep> Hey guys I actually have an idea hear me out... 0153:< dashed> ? 0153:< Lolzep> What if you highlight the first like 12 letters of the chat room (so "soKukunelits") so it stands out 0153:< dashed> TheAwer u around? :D 0154:< TheAwer> dashed kinda actually busy in RL. 0154:< Lolzep> rip 0155:< dashed> TheAwer gotcha... 0155:< TheAwer> not finding a great tool online to come up with the colors so I may have to open up photoshop :/ 0155:< dashed> Lolzep maybe.. why? 0155:< TheAwer> might take a whiel though 0155:< Lolzep> Do you care about the whole name? c: 0155:< TheAwer> wow the message send countdown is amazing 0155:< dashed> TheAwer hehe ok 0155:< TheAwer> sdf 0157:< TheAwer> about the update with the names by activity, does it not show all the users in the room? 0158:< mootinator> Bam. Upfated. 0158:< mootinator> So what's the timer? 0200:< TheAwer> if you try to beat the rate limit and chat too fast 0200:< dashed> timer? 0200:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0200:< TheAwer> mootinator try sending a bunch of messages quickly 0200:< mootinator> ok 0200:< TheAwer> see? 0200:< mootinator> Nice... 0200:< dashed> Lolzep if u send a PR i'll merge it 0201:< TheAwer> oh random thinking but you guys may want to come up with a backup dev channel in case the merge has new users using ^. maybe %dev ? 0202:< mootinator> The %parrot default has been catching a lot of people on the way up. 0202:< Lolzep> I cant code from scratch though. I can only edit code. :c 0206:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I heard they are, in fact, using ^, and dev was using "." I think? 0206:< mootinator> Jabronies. 0207:< mootinator> I haven't been paying much attention in ccande tbh 0208:< bales75> https://redd.it/4desi0 not using ^ 0209:< voltaek> i heard they have free pizza 0210:< _vvvv_> test 0210:< mootinator> There's a %pizza channel in cathil 0210:< bales75> hi _vvvv_ 0215:< dashed> voltaek thx :D 0215:< voltaek> ? 0215:< dashed> for the fix 0216:< voltaek> ah, yeah it broke night mode styling, and i aint having none of that 0217:< dashed> LOL 0217:< dashed> asdf 0217:< dashed> looks good 0218:< JarnabyBones> there is a night mode fix stand alone. 0218:< voltaek> are you talking about my Stylish sheet? 0218:< JarnabyBones> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4cztht/res_night_mode_tweaks_for_robin/ => http://nazar.so/7nc8y 0219:< JarnabyBones> is that yours? Dope! 0219:< voltaek> no, and i dont know why you'd give people just styles in a script addon lol 0219:< JarnabyBones> because that's all I know to do. I'm a video editor. 0220:< voltaek> the Stylish extension is for addon styles 0220:< JarnabyBones> oh. 0220:< JarnabyBones> well there you go. 0220:< voltaek> this is the stylesheet I made and also integrated into Parrot 0220:< JarnabyBones> lol 0220:< voltaek> https://userstyles.org/styles/126340/reddit-robin-res-night-mode-full-height-chat => http://nazar.so/4ubu9 0220:< voltaek> you dont need it if you have Parrot tho 0221:< voltaek> or Robin Grow 0221:< TheAwer> what's the difference between Robin Grow and Parrot at this point? 0221:< JarnabyBones> wow, that looks even nicer than what I was using/sharing. Thanks! 0222:< dashed> TheAwer aren't u using parrot? 0222:< TheAwer> dashed yup but I'm curious cause I was talking with others before who use Robin Grow and they say they have tabbed multichat too and stuff 0222:< dashed> multichat is only one feature 0222:< voltaek> no prob JarnabyBones 0223:< dashed> there are other features; like message sent history (press up arrow key in inputbox) 0223:< dashed> the settings panel should be self-explanatory of what robin-grow doesn't have 0224:< lajiggyjarjardoo> the commit logs are telling, parrot has a ton of contributors, i think robin grow has 2 or 3 and havent updated in a day or so 0224:< TheAwer> Okay, so Parrot is still ahead then. I was curious because I noticed the issue (PR?) on Robin Grow to implement the Parrot improvements 0225:< an_audible_smile> hello? 0225:< voltaek> that PR is very behind at this point 0225:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0225:< TheAwer> heyo an_audible_smile 0225:< dashed> TheAwer that PR has conflicts 0225:< an_audible_smile> I think I muted myself... 0225:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it was really impressive how quickly people made the original scripts this was based on, though 0225:< dashed> This branch is 545 commits ahead, 71 commits behind vartan:master. 0225:< an_audible_smile> what's the unmute command? 0225:< TheAwer> Okay, so Parrot is still ahead then. I was curious because I noticed the issue (PR?) on Robin Grow to implement the Parrot improvements 0225:< dashed> test 0225:< TheAwer> haha an_audible_smile ther's the list under settings 0226:< dashed> an_audible_smile click on your name 0226:< JarnabyBones> parrot has gotten so good, I went and clean installed firefox, *just* to be a chat client for parrot. 0226:**** dashed is amused that you can mute yourself 0226:< an_audible_smile> test 0226:< TheAwer> dashed okay. I have to say good job to all you devs for all the work you've done on Parrot. ;) 0226:< dashed> JarnabyBones why did u reinstall firefox? 0226:< agaffchanted> voltaek: one update to the night mode style sheet, the 'Send Message' box is white and should be dark like all the others 0226:< TheAwer> we read your test an_audible_smile you fix it? 0226:**** lajiggyjarjardoo my original tribe talked in slanty all the time 0226:< an_audible_smile> yea 0227:< an_audible_smile> not sure why I got muted 0227:< voltaek> are you running the latest Parrot, agaffchanted? 0227:**** lajiggyjarjardoo it was kinda our thing 0227:< agaffchanted> v3.35 0227:< JarnabyBones> dashed I'm a boring mac guy, for my day to day safari is fine, and chrome for work. Firefox is just a kick around browser. 0227:< voltaek> update, plz 0227:< voltaek> click update button in settings 0227:< JarnabyBones> dashed i had plenty of junk plugins and other crap in it, wanted to rebuild clean. 0227:< lajiggyjarjardoo> JarnabyBones dem FF tree-style-tabs tho 0227:< agaffchanted> ok perfect :) 0227:< dashed> JarnabyBones ah... im a mac guy nad have the same problem with firefox 0228:< agaffchanted> eye eyes like it :D 0228:< TheAwer> as someone who got tampermonkey installed for parrot, what other userscripts should I know about/install? 0228:< lajiggyjarjardoo> TheAwer i think you're good 0228:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0228:< JarnabyBones> dashed lajiggyjardoo it's not bad, but safari is so damn lightweight these days, and since chrome is work, it's all email and mgmt configs 0229:< lajiggyjarjardoo> TheAwer here's a list: https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d8dlp/guide_20_list_of_most_known_scripts_and_how_to_be/ => http://nazar.so/4rwkw 0229:< JarnabyBones> firefox just sort of got left out. But now it's my entire Parrot platform. 0229:< JarnabyBones> but the private mode in firefox doesn't seem to work right with reddit logins. I'd love each of my alts in a tab. 0230:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i couldn't figure out how to live-reload my local scripts into greasemonkey and had to drag it into the window any time i made a change 0230:< bickster69> hey any one from the original %MH / %MooseHunters channel ? 0230:< lajiggyjarjardoo> that was annoying but probably my fault 0230:< TheAwer> lajiggyjarjardoo I actually meant scripts for things other than robin. 0230:< cornellier> @bickster69 i was in the room that merged with the room that had moose, it was the first time we'd seen rooms 0230:< an_audible_smile> . 0231:< cornellier> sorry not rooms, channels 0231:< cornellier> everybody complained about the channel spam until they installed scripts 0231:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I didn't see channels until T14 or T15 0231:< cornellier> ah, early days .... 0231:< bickster69> yea boy do you remember that dude that kept promoting Purple Hate... 0231:< TheAwer> yeah it's funny seeing people complain on my alt. it's critical this high 0232:< TheAwer> I am glad we don't really have the color hate this time around 0232:< lajiggyjarjardoo> TheAwer well at least you know they're not bots 0232:< JarnabyBones> lol 0232:< SirCabbage> Just yellow- fuck yellow. 0232:< cornellier> #greenlivesmatter 0232:< ZeoFateX> green is obviously the best 0232:< cornellier> obv 0232:< agaffchanted> false 0232:< JarnabyBones> it is 0232:< cornellier> the rest are just jelly 0232:< TheAwer> lol this is definitely on top;ic for the dev channel lol 0232:< cornellier> r u jelly bro 0232:< lajiggyjarjardoo> aw, my group made a rainbow http://imgur.com/dLL5Cgd 0233:< SirCabbage> yep, can confirm. Certainly jelly of green 0233:< bickster69> im green... i matter ? ... yea boi 0233:< cornellier> Green for Grow! 0233:< cornellier> i guess they were arbitrarily assigned on first login? 0233:< bales75> aaaaand muted 0233:< cornellier> or did anyone figure that out? 0234:< cornellier> no one every changed colour? 0234:< cornellier> every is to ever what teh is to the 0235:< TheAwer> cornellier I think it's determined off the username but you'll probably get more discussion in %chat on it 0235:< SxwTheCat> does parrot support auto-stay after one merge? 0235:< bickster69> how many channels you guys follow? ive got %chat,$,^,penis/, #rpg, but im rarely in any other except this one and %chat 0236:< cornellier> sorry didn't realise this was parrot-only leaving channel 0236:< bickster69> cornellier what you mean? 0237:< bickster69> stfu Koi-pond 0237:< TheAwer> bickster69 click on username to mute, you know? 0237:< bickster69> word.... my savior 0238:< bickster69> anyone watch walking dead? 0238:< bales75> SxwTheCat if you click stay now, it'll remember stay for the next round. 0238:< SxwTheCat> yea but idk 0238:< TheAwer> bickster69 might want to ask over in %chat :) 0238:< bickster69> just did lol 0239:< TheAwer> Hey anyone know a good color scheme generator online for RGB where I can add lots of colors? Only ones I'm finding have a limit of like 4 0242:< dashed> TheAwer http://automaticpastels.tumblr.com/ 0245:< TheAwer> ty dashed 0246:< Lolzep> How do you find these awesome resources 0247:< dashed> ? 0247:< dashed> i googled it :D 0250:< _vvvv_> lol 0250:< _vvvv_> i was doing lexi compare on time. 0250:< dashed> _vvvv_ lol fancy.. 0250:< _vvvv_> fixed and pushed 0250:< _vvvv_> should be properly sorted now :) 0250:< dashed> yay 0251:< _vvvv_> v 3.40 now 0251:< TheAwer> ooh what's new? 0251:< dashed> user activity list sorting fix 0302:< an_audible_smile> what's the default timer for new room checks? 0302:< an_audible_smile> 5 minutes? 0305:< an_audible_smile> ? 0306:< _vvvv_> https://www.twitch.tv/pawsed 0307:< _vvvv_> Someone is live streaming us 0307:< an_audible_smile> ya saw that 0307:< Broodoobob> I now have 11 leavebots running 0307:< Broodoobob> I may be a bad person 0307:< an_audible_smile> make 11 more 0307:< voltaek> I feel like this checkbox above the message box is really redundant and inconsistent with all the other settings we have 0307:< Broodoobob> takes too long lol reddit only lets you make an account every 10 minutes 0308:< voltaek> Care if I pitch it? 0308:< _vvvv_> which one? 0308:< voltaek> "See chat only from filtered Channel Listing (Open Settings to setup)" 0308:< voltaek> The duplicate from in the Settings pane 0308:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ is their an option for autostay in parrot? 0309:< _vvvv_> Lolzep click stay. 0309:< Lolzep> I just wanted to know so for T17 I could do that 0309:< an_audible_smile> make a bot to make new accounts 0309:< _vvvv_> voltaek its it duplicated in settings? 0310:< _vvvv_> it is you're right 0310:< _vvvv_> ok yeah, delete it in one place or the other. 0310:< an_audible_smile> btw if you guys aren't using this you should: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix 0310:< KernelSnuffy> maybe it could be a good idea to push an update to robin to make it stay on tier 17 0310:< KernelSnuffy> ? 0311:< _vvvv_> voltaek the one in settings actually messes up if you click it in a channel.. 0311:< _vvvv_> might be better to just remove the one from settings, or fix it. 0311:< _vvvv_> I'm sure you'll come up with something good :) 0312:< agaffchanted> +1 for umatrix 0312:< _vvvv_> KernelSnuffy Our approach has been to not make choices for users, just to provide a really nice channel experience. 0312:< agaffchanted> also lol @ twitch live stream 0312:< KernelSnuffy> but i thought parrot auto grows? 0313:< TheAwer> is uMatrix like uBlock Origin or Privacy Badger? 0313:< _vvvv_> It does whatever you click 0313:< KernelSnuffy> ah i see 0313:< agaffchanted> it compliments ublock but provides even greater control 0313:< agaffchanted> its by the same developer 0313:< an_audible_smile> matrix filter 0313:< agaffchanted> it takes more time to figure out how to use than ublock 0313:< an_audible_smile> basically if you know what you're doing 0314:< agaffchanted> its more like noscript than either or the other 2 you listed TheAwer 0314:< an_audible_smile> but once you get the whitelist set, it's pretty much the same 0314:< TheAwer> agaffchanted it automatic or do I have to learn to use it? 0314:< agaffchanted> learn to use unless you want to whitelist sites you frequently visit 0314:< Lolzep> Ill stick with ublock cause it does its job... 0314:< an_audible_smile> u have to keep updating it until you visit all the sites you usually visit 0314:< an_audible_smile> and then just update for new sites 0315:< dashed> ublock or ublock origin? 0315:< TheAwer> tldr: uBlock Origin is better 0315:< agaffchanted> but it helps keep web trackers from even being allowed to reach your browser 0315:< agaffchanted> its by gorhil same active dev as ublock origin 0315:< TheAwer> oh if you were asking it's by the ublock origin dev 0315:< agaffchanted> and original dev of ublock 0315:< an_audible_smile> ublock origin is the real one 0315:< TheAwer> and current dev of uBlock Origin 0315:< agaffchanted> yes 0315:< an_audible_smile> other one is a cash grab 0315:< Lolzep> when I say ublock I mean ublock origin alright? 0316:< an_audible_smile> lol 0316:< TheAwer> yeah I try to say origin so people don't install "uBlock" 0316:< agaffchanted> its too bad he ever abandoned the original ublock 0316:< agaffchanted> and had to create origin 0317:< dashed> yeah... it sucks :( 0317:< Lolzep> rip 0317:< dashed> i never imagine https://github.com/chrisaljoudi to do that 0321:< TheAwer> well, installing uMatrix, hopefully I can figure it out and it doesn't break things too annoyingly for the first while 0322:< TheAwer> wait what's the difference between solid green and light green? 0322:< TheAwer> and for red? 0322:< dashed> ? 0323:< Lolzep> colors. How do they work? 0323:< supasteve013> can i run parrot on IE9? i'm at work 0323:< Lolzep> You poor soul 0323:< TheAwer> installed uMatrix and lookign through the settings - you can click each option box to be darker red or darker green, they start lighter 0323:< dashed> wait u can run robin in ie9? 0324:< supasteve013> idk i was asking lol 0324:< Lolzep> lol 0324:< supasteve013> oh 0324:< supasteve013> hmm 0324:< Lolzep> IE9 is the best browser xP 0324:< dashed> idont think robin can even run in IE9 0324:< Lolzep> whaaaat? IE9 is clearly up to date and works just fine. Kappa 0325:< dashed> lol 0325:< bales75> what about chrome for android? lol --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 03:25:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 03:25:55 2016 0325:< supasteve013> ok robin works on ie9 but fuck it looks like garbage 0326:< voltaek> test 0327:< dashed> lol 0328:< supasteve013> maybe i'll download firefox at work, should i use tampermonkey? 0329:< dashed> u can use chrome 0329:< dashed> and then get tampermonkey 0329:< Lolzep> I CANT USE PARROT ON IPHONE RIP MEEEEEE 0330:< _vvvv_> People are talking about it working on chrome for android in another chat. 0330:< TheAwer> supasteve013 tampermonkey is for chrome, greasemonkey is for FF 0330:< _vvvv_> Using bookmarklet 0330:< supasteve013> ok thanks. i'm on chrome for this, and was gonna use ff for my alt 0330:< dashed> how? 0330:< dashed> there's a bookmarklet for parrot? 0331:< TheAwer> I'm runnign Canary 0331:< _vvvv_> http://pastebin.com/gXqz2GpQ 0331:< TheAwer> Chrome Canary or whatever the actual name is 0331:< _vvvv_> that's what they are using 0331:< dashed> wow interesting; no idea this works 0332:< Lolzep> The more you knowwwww 0332:< supasteve013> guess i can't install ff at work :( 0333:< dashed> lol _vvvv_ are u in cathilRytsNas? 0335:< _vvvv_> i was 0336:< _vvvv_> I just use incognito 0336:< Yeniuss> or that 0336:< TheAwer> don't you need another google account or no? 0336:< Yeniuss> na 0336:< dashed> no 0336:< TheAwer> I'm personally using Chrome Canary as a second browser. nice because everythign syncs between them 0337:< bales75> supasteve013 run a live version off a USB? 0339:< TheAwer> thats not a bad idea 0340:< TheAwer> thats not a bad idea 0341:< amaklp> Is it safe to shut down for 8 hours? 0342:< dashed> ya 0342:< amaklp> thx 0404:< an_audible_smile> use a VM 0405:< an_audible_smile> multiple VMs and run on both regular and incognito 0405:< an_audible_smile> or run the python script 0407:< dashed> O__o 0408:< dashed> a vm? 0412:< ptrakk> these asynchronous functions on javascript is difficult for me to wrap my head around.. 0413:< ptrakk> i'm used to waiting for a function to end then the next one starts 0414:< dashed> o.o 0414:< dashed> use promises 0419:< mootinator> Promises promises. 0422:< ptrakk> thanks ! 0422:< lajiggyjarjardoo> or go to callback hell 0422:< _vvvv_> callback hell it is 0423:< lajiggyjarjardoo> hey it's robin, let's get nested 0423:< _vvvv_> hahahaha 0426:< lajiggyjarjardoo> if you're using a lot you can make a prototype w/ a promise attached 0426:< lajiggyjarjardoo> then nest those and wait for the children, esp if theyre in an array 0426:< dashed> generators + promises 0426:< Enofel> hello? 0428:< lajiggyjarjardoo> om not es6 ballin like dashed yet lol 0428:< dashed> lol 0428:< dashed> babel \o/ 0429:< lajiggyjarjardoo> are you using es2015? my friends are telling me to try airbnb 0429:< lajiggyjarjardoo> they've got a lint ruleset too 0430:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thier styleguide looks pretty good but i havent read it all yet 0431:< ptrakk> i'm already almost done with my bard.. the hardest part was getting openssl to work on windows 0432:< lajiggyjarjardoo> its too bad theres no OS's with ssl/bash built in 0432:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just playing, apparently windows is partnering with ubuntu to bring native bash to windows 0432:< ptrakk> lolol. i have steam 0433:< ptrakk> i heard.. 0433:< ptrakk> might be good.. 0433:< ptrakk> i do have a nice debian setup 0434:< KernelSnuffy> personally i like my setup with a windows host and several VMs running under it 0434:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i just use linux for servers, mac for development/laptop, and windows for desktop gaming 0434:< KernelSnuffy> so i can do my dev in a windows IDE, run it on a linux server locally for testing 0434:< KernelSnuffy> and still play my games and shit without having a different computer 0434:< lajiggyjarjardoo> whats your ide? 0434:< KernelSnuffy> aptana right now 0435:< KernelSnuffy> but also visual studio for my embedded stuff 0435:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i thought they got bought by.. was it transmission? 0435:< KernelSnuffy> yeah i just use the old version lol 0436:< lajiggyjarjardoo> wasnt aptana an eclipse fork? i totally forgot about that. my buddies and i were just talking today about how many IDEs are eclipse 0436:< supasteve013> i know youre wrong 0437:< supasteve013> oops 0437:< KernelSnuffy> yes it was based on eclipse 0437:< KernelSnuffy> but i was using it for radrails 0437:< KernelSnuffy> lately i have been doing mostly embedded work using keil mdk-arm and visual studio 0437:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Aptana Studio harnesses the flexibility of Eclipse and focuses it into a powerful web development engine. 0437:< supasteve013> did we remove the full standings that were in a build about 14 hours ago? 0439:< KernelSnuffy> i really like keil mdk 0439:< KernelSnuffy> i haven't found anything that comes close on any other platform 0445:< lajiggyjarjardoo> KernelSnuffy thats awesome, doing anything cool? 0445:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i muck around on my pi but that's not the same i know 0446:< KernelSnuffy> coolest thing i've done so far is make a synth based on the YMF262 OPL3 (from sega genesis, sound blaster, etc) + an STM32 ARM board 0447:< lajiggyjarjardoo> that's awesome man. i got csound running on my pi but it's kinda slow 0448:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i also did some GPIO stuff to control a circuit bending project 0448:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i used to mess around with microcontrollers back in the day to make custom midi controllers but now you can buy them so cheap 0449:< KernelSnuffy> yeah 0450:< KernelSnuffy> i made it so that it takes midi input and makes sound from that chip 0450:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thats awesome. i always wanted to make a sid box too 0451:< KernelSnuffy> i have one here 0451:< KernelSnuffy> but i lack the willpower to make it work currently lol 0451:< lajiggyjarjardoo> no shit? theyre pretty neat, esp for their time 0452:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo btw i merged your EE 0452:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i'm excited, i hope it works 0453:< dashed> is it possible to trigger it manually? 0453:< lajiggyjarjardoo> there's a line you need to comment out, theres a comment above it 0454:< dashed> gotacha 0454:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i thought about putting a querystring param but got lazy lol 0454:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it only works once b/c local storage so clear cache to do it again 0455:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i see you guys doing all this hard work and my only contribution is some tacky thing, but i feel it'll be a special moment 0458:< dashed> lol dat airhorn 0458:< bickster69> https://www.reddit.com/r/Robbin_CHAT_ROOM_/ subreddit for %chat and suKo group in general , in case anything happens we cant find 0459:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo really nice 0459:< dashed> imo the airhorn could be turned down a bit 0459:< dashed> but other than that looks nice 0501:< lajiggyjarjardoo> haha yeah it's a little annoying, but only 30 sec 0501:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's not very clever, kinda cliche, which is what reddit loves anyways 0501:< dashed> but if someone doesn't wanna wait 30 seconds they can just refresh right? 0502:< lajiggyjarjardoo> yup 0502:< lajiggyjarjardoo> and all of the assets should be cached, most people probably have them already, so we wont peg the servers 0502:< lajiggyjarjardoo> or run out the timer waiting for loads 0503:< dashed> so we might have encryption in new version of parrot 0504:< lajiggyjarjardoo> does that mean PMs? 0504:< dashed> idk.. https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/150 0504:< TheAwer> oh wow you guys did it? :D 0504:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i didn't finish my name loader because there's no real point in talking to someone who you can't right-click on-screen 0505:< lajiggyjarjardoo> but if there were pms it would be handy 0508:< lajiggyjarjardoo> im gonna go to the bar, later peeps 0508:< conker2654> whats this a hide [robin] settings now?! 0509:< montugar> it hides any message from robin itself 0509:< montugar> like when it sais merge fails, will check in a minute 0510:< conker2654> ik i mentioned for something like that to be added earlier 0512:< dashed> test 0512:< dashed> 5w,55 0513:< dashed> 5r,4w,4u,5s 0513:< Daegalus> 6l,1c,6x,1a 0514:< dashed> Daegalus wat's your encryption key? 0514:< Daegalus> ks982hu02klm47nk 0514:< TheAwer> it working? 0514:< Daegalus> we are testing right now 0514:< dashed> 6y,1g,6c,3e,1i,t,6b,6d,67,41,1u,37,1c,6g,2g,50 0514:< Daegalus> 68,1c,6x,3e,16,t,6q,69,5s 0514:< dashed> woah shit it works 0514:< TheAwer> holy crap gg guys 0514:< conker2654> woo 0515:< conker2654> we figured out how to pm in a public chat 0515:< TheAwer> nice nice nice 0515:< bales75> wow 0515:< TheAwer> now we're gonna have people asking why the chinese but gg 0515:< TheAwer> ETA for update with this? 0515:< conker2654> good fucking job guys 0515:< Daegalus> only downside is you are limited to 60 characters due to encryption and all 0516:< dashed> TheAwer it's in v3.42 0516:< PotatoBadger> Woah, are you guys doing PMs with crypto now? 0516:< TheAwer> so we need to come up with our own key. coudl be more userfriendly 0516:< bales75> and 3.42 updated! 0516:< PotatoBadger> Why waste space with commas? 0517:< PotatoBadger> And could be quite a bit shorter? 0517:< PotatoBadger> I would broadcast public keys in a channel like #PK 0517:< Daegalus> commas are just a character used in the base 36 0517:< TheAwer> oh is it with shared keys? 0517:< dashed> yep 0517:< Daegalus> ya its PSK not Pub/Priv 0518:< PotatoBadger> oh nvm the comma comment, I see 0518:< TheAwer> test 0518:< TheAwer> wait how do you send one 0518:< Daegalus> you need to preface with !cipher 0518:< PotatoBadger> Why PSK and not public/private? 0518:< Daegalus> afte ryou set a key 0518:< PotatoBadger> This should all be automated :P 0518:< TheAwer> 6l,1c,6x,1a,2q 0519:< Daegalus> 72,1m,72,3e,16,21,4x,5w,5y,40,z,34,1p,6r 0519:< TheAwer> now you guys can read that because I used the key you posted before? 0519:< Daegalus> yup 0519:< TheAwer> holy shit this is amazing 0519:< Daegalus> potatobadger: because it was a stepping stone of getting SOMETHING in. SHared key is a bit more complex to implement 0519:< Daegalus> err i mean public key 0520:< TheAwer> 5s,36,6f,3e,16,28,69,6q,63,3q,h,2q,1o,4v,b,4r,7,41,54,4y,4l,2a,5a,35,5u,1s,5y,3v,2w,60 0520:< PotatoBadger> ah 0520:< Daegalus> though i recommend all PM conversations be done in another channel or something, as to not clutter other channels 0520:< _vvvv_> It's not pretty but I have expandable menus over usernames with reddit profiles and pm links 0520:< dashed> _vvvv_ try the encryption :D 0520:< TheAwer> oh right about the channels 0520:< cthul_dude> bug: when two messages are sent in succession by the same user you can click the empty space next to the second message 0520:< conker2654> 5q,1a,2g,2h 0520:< cthul_dude> This mutes every user in the chat 0521:< TheAwer> did not get that conker2654 not sure if you were using the key from before 0521:< conker2654> no im using my own key 0521:< TheAwer> okay just checking 0521:< conker2654> just seeing how it works 0522:< TheAwer> well I'm off, good job again with the cypher. see you later! 0522:< _vvvv_> What do I do after? 0522:< dashed> ? 0522:< Daegalus> use !cipher text to encrypt messages 0522:< PotatoBadger> I think #PK for key exchanging and #PM for messages would work fine. 0522:< _vvvv_> !cipher test 0522:< Daegalus> are you updated to 3.42? 0522:< PotatoBadger> maybe #PKR for key requests? 0522:< _vvvv_> yes. 0522:< Daegalus> and have you set a key in settings? 0522:< TheAwer> after you set a cipher key in settings haha 0523:< _vvvv_> I have one. 0523:< Daegalus> 5i,z,70,18,1h,2q,4x,6b,67,4b,m,13,17,6c,26,4r,1p,40,4y,4k,4l,25,5b,3j,47,2c,5s,5u,37,4c,1r,45,j,6e,d,4w,4h,0,1,6q,42,f,56 0523:< _vvvv_> 70,3w,3k,b 0524:< NightVisionHawk> Oh hey, Potato 0524:< Daegalus> there ya go, i couldnt see that 0524:< _vvvv_> I had an extra character :p Might want to make sure 0524:< conker2654> 5u,y 0524:< dashed> we have different keys 0524:< TheAwer> 6p,1c,6r,3e,1j,2d,6s,6q,63 0524:< dashed> _vvvv_ ks982hu02klm47nk 0524:< dashed> TheAwer howdy 0524:< _vvvv_> 6w,18,6r,3e,1b,28,6o,6n 0524:< dashed> 6j,1m,6k,1i,2r,22,6x,6n,5t,3p,h 0524:< Daegalus> there we go 0524:< TheAwer> 6m,1p,6j,1a,2r,2h,6w,6c,4e,3w,d,36,3c,6q,22,6q,2x,3l,50,4i,4l,2c,54,2v,3q,23,5i,5u,3d,40,2z,3n,8,4j,r,6c,4t,2j 0525:< conker2654> 6h,1k,4r,3f 0525:< _vvvv_> Haha 0525:< Daegalus> 6m,1m,6d,1h,18 0525:< dashed> 6j,1c,6m,1q,16,21,4x,69,62,48,b,2x,17,4h,2g,72,16,43,6z,52,6g,29,4j,3e,3q,1u,4c,5u,w,5s 0525:< _vvvv_> 6m,1m,71,3e,1m,2a,6c,4n,5o,40,1u,2u,3c,6h,2m,6k,18,60,4p,4y,6f,2l,59 0525:< TheAwer> uh pressing up arrow after a cipher fails 0525:< conker2654> !cihper how could they take down this wonderful gift 0525:< TheAwer> ^ 6o,1n,6g,32,2r,2m,72,6t,5s,3l,e,2q,17,6q,b,6y,1o,4d,4o,4j,6k,2f,5b,2o,5u,1y,5d,4d,32,3x,1r,3l,c,6n,2m,6c,4m,g,2b,4x,41,3,4t,14,6 0525:< SirCabbage> I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IN HERE- BUT IT IS SO COOL BECAUSE OF THAT 0525:< dashed> TheAwer ahaha 0525:< conker2654> rip lmao my worst spelling ever 0526:< SirCabbage> making public chats private. Wow. :o 0526:< _vvvv_> 6l,1p,6n,3e,d,32,5s,4g,5z,3q,1u,2u,1g,6r,26,6i,19,3l,6z,54,6j,o,4l,3g,5u,2a,5s,64 0526:< Daegalus> 71,1g,6f,1g,2r,2c,6d,4g,6o,4m,z 0526:< conker2654> 6g,w,6b,1l,14,t,6r,6t,5o,4b,1u,2u,1g,6l,b,73,x,4d,6z,4z,6c,24,4w 0526:< dashed> 70,1n,6h,14,1m,25,6d,4g,67,49,e,13,18,6h,26,4r,1p,40,4y,55,6a,23 0526:< SirCabbage> though how would you tell the other person what cipher key to be using? 0526:< Daegalus> reddit pm? 0526:< _vvvv_> We can work that out next somehow, key exchange or pm 0526:< TheAwer> SirCarfell another communication channel. :p not quite that far yet inside Parrot 0527:< HookahComputer> What, no public key cipher? 0527:< TheAwer> ks982hu02klm47nk is what we have been using 0527:< _vvvv_> Like I said I have some rudimentary username hover-overs working 0527:< Daegalus> ideally we do public/private keys, and you can share the public ones for PM 0527:< _vvvv_> will push soon.. then maybe we can make them pretty 0527:< dashed> yep 0528:< conker2654> 6l,1p,6n,z,2r,26,6o,6h,62,5x,b,37,3c,6a,1w,72,11,4c,51,4j,4l,2i,50,1f,46,20,5p,47 0528:< TheAwer> yeah pressing up arrow fails 0530:< mootinator> 3o,6t,4u,5n,30,4c,4w,31,2z,3s,69 0530:< ScarletSpeedster> my weiner is feeling kind of spicy 0531:< TheAwer> 71,1g,6x,1e,12,2h,4x,6c,5t,40,h,13,18,6h,26,4r,10,4d,51,4j,6k,2f,5b,1f,3p,20,5t,49,1n,4f,34,42,1s,6y,h,6d,6p 0531:< mootinator> !spicy meat ball! 0532:< mootinator> 5k,4l,50,5j,3c,61,4p,2o,2r,42,4m,9,6s,3f,14,2i 0532:< TheAwer> mootinator it worked and I can't read it. :) 0532:< Annon201> !msg Annon201 Hello World 0532:< NightVisionHawk> ELI5 anyone? hahaha 0532:< SirCabbage> you know what would be funny? 0532:< SirCabbage> if we had a soku cipher 0533:< SirCabbage> and everyone used it so when the new lot came they couldnt read what we were saying for a bit 0533:< TheAwer> haha yes 0533:< SirCabbage> its like "WHAT IS WITH THIS PLACE, THEY ARE JUST TALKING GIBBERISH 0533:< TheAwer> NightVisionHawk PMs inside robin! :D As long as you share a special "key" before 0534:< TheAwer> Is soKuku... a suitable key? 0534:< FontPeg> no 0534:< TheAwer> if we can get everybody using it that would be hilarious 0534:< SirCabbage> I doubt you could, but it really would be perfect 0535:< sprokolopolis> haha that would be hilarious. 0535:< NightVisionHawk> @TheAwer, what's a practical way to decrypt it for a pleb? (obviously not talking about myself) 0535:< TheAwer> NightVisionHawk well, you can't! :D Unless you know the key (that's the whole point) We're currently using ks982hu02klm47nk as the key 0536:< TheAwer> update Parrot to 3.42 and add it to settings 0536:< sprokolopolis> test 0537:< TheAwer> and to send a message do !cipher 0537:< NightVisionHawk> Alright.. got to find out what Parrot is then haha 0537:< dashed> v3.46 is out 0537:< sprokolopolis> 4l,x,6n,15,1j,2c,73,6f,4e,5g,28,1g,2u 0537:< Mal_Dovah> Chrome -> https://tinyurl.com/dxofenk || Firefox -> https://tinyurl.com/4hx95zb || Parrot script-> https://tinyurl.com/hh6p44k 0537:< dashed> i addd alias !c == !cipher 0537:< sprokolopolis> 6l,1c,6x,1a,16,2b,6u,4x,3w,5i 0537:< ScarletSpeedster> 6v,1m,71,3e,17,2a,6e,4g,67,3r,7,13,1b,6c,b,6k,12,41,51,4w,4l,24,5a,1f,3q,1y,5k,47,1n,46,2x,3p,i,4j,a,6w,4r,2d,4,59,3v,6,4n,36 0537:< dashed> !c by bing awesome 0538:< dashed> !c being* 0538:< TheAwer> um I don't think it's working dashed 0538:< SirCabbage> 0538:< SirCabbage> 5y,56,4y 0538:< dashed> ?? 0538:< SirCabbage> 6u,4a,42 0538:< dashed> oh forgot to update 0539:< TheAwer> dashed I was seeing "!c etc." 0539:< _vvvv_> < > 0539:< dashed> 0539:< sprokolopolis> dashed what does the "alias !c == !cipher" do that "!cipher" does not? 0539:< dashed> 0539:< TheAwer> sprokolopolis !c saves you 5 charcters to type 0540:< dashed> fuck i losrt the key 0540:< TheAwer> chrome-extension://klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg/suspended.html#uri=https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L959 => http://nazar.so/4asut 0540:< TheAwer> oops 0540:< sprokolopolis> oh so just like a bash alias 0540:< TheAwer> ks982hu02klm47nk 0540:< TheAwer> dashed ^ 0540:< NightVisionHawk> Ah, got it! Thanks guys 0540:< conker2654> !c test 0541:< dashed> 0541:< dashed> wow a bug 0541:< Enofel> parrot no longer shows any chat for me, usign regular robin grow atm 0542:< sprokolopolis> Enofel what browser are you using? 0542:< Enofel> chrome 0542:< Annon201> 0542:< Annon201> !msg 0542:< TheAwer> test 0542:< sprokolopolis> hmm did you try uninstalling it and then reinstalling rather than just installing over it? 0542:< TheAwer> 6l,1c,6x,1a 0542:< dashed> 6m,1m,6w,1d,16,2b,6u,5b 0542:< conker2654> hmm i cant see my own msgs when i do !c and !cipher 0543:< sprokolopolis> I had some weird bugs yesterday and did that and it fixed them. 0543:< _vvvv_> Enofel -> check max messages before pruning in settings? 0543:< dashed> 6m,1m,6w,1q,1c 0543:< Enofel> I disabled it, I'll try unisntalling 0543:< _vvvv_> !c ayy lmao 0543:< conker2654> 0543:< dashed> lol i think we broke cipher 0543:< TheAwer> 0543:< _vvvv_> 6w,18,6r,3e,1b,28,6o,6n 0543:< conker2654> riperino 0543:< dashed> _vvvv_ !c doesn't work yet 0543:< TheAwer> 6v,1e 0543:< mootinator> rip 0543:< Enofel> max messages at 500 0543:< Enofel> do I need to put anything in the cypher areA? 0544:< conker2654> im also pushing the new pm update in the lower chats 0544:< _vvvv_> Enofel no. 0544:< _vvvv_> Enofel is it still broken for you? 0545:< _vvvv_> test 0545:< _vvvv_> cipher test 0545:< conker2654> hmm its still not sending the msgs when i do !cipher 0545:< _vvvv_> !cipher test2 0545:< conker2654> 6l,1c,6x,1a 0545:< sprokolopolis> 6l,1c,6n,1r,12,2g,6s,6d,63,3q,h,38,17,6q,2n 0545:< _vvvv_> 6l,1c,6x,1a,34 0545:< conker2654> hes dead jim 0546:< dashed> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0547:< dashed> boop 0547:< _vvvv_> 4l,3e,6x,16,y,2b,4v,58,5p,46,g,32,14,6t,l,6i,11,4d,4p,4j,4t,q,4l,3a,3l,2b,3l,63,w,5h,1c,43,3,6p,n,68,56,23 0548:< dashed> i broke it 0548:< dashed> im fixing it 0548:< _vvvv_> invalid key size (must be length 16, 24 or 32) 0548:< mootinator> 63,2,5h,h,6,37 0549:< _vvvv_> 4l,1o,6f,1p,2r,26,6b,6b,3n,5z,5,2w,1j,6e,1z,6m,2v,4b,50,56,4n,6 0549:< mootinator> Fix the notification while you're in there ;D 0549:< _vvvv_> 4n 0550:< AviN456> yah, cipher doesnt show up in channels 0550:< AviN456> just in global 0550:< mootinator> 4l,12,6h,14,16,25,6d,5a,3m,62,h,2s,16,6g,2j,73,3b 0550:< NightVisionHawk> I've got Parrot on now, with the proper key but no cipher messages show up either 0550:< _vvvv_> Still escaped somehow monoglot 0551:< conker2654> they just broke it 0551:< _vvvv_> mootinator 0551:< AviN456> look in global 0551:< AviN456> they all show up there 0551:< mootinator> Wat 0551:< conker2654> its being fixxed as we speak 0551:< mootinator> I mean it doesn't work if someone sends your username encrypted. 0551:< dashed> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0551:< voltaek> I've decided the cleanup I did was not worth the time I put in haha 0551:< mootinator> 5i,z,70,18,1h,2q,4x,6x,5t,3k,1u,30,1i,6m,2k,50 0552:< _vvvv_> 5s,39,72,1e,16,2b,6y,4g,5m,4d,b,38,3c,6k,22,6q,2x,40,56,4h,68,o,5a,2r,47,21,5i,46,1n,48,1r,43,5,68,b,6a,4n,1,a,6q,40,p,4w,1k,6y,29 0552:< dashed> em:6l,1c,6q,1a 0552:< conker2654> so are you guys working with spaghetti code yet? 0552:< mootinator> Or is it spaghettini code? 0552:< Verifitas> http://bit.ly/1q87nXe 0553:< qlube> 6w,12,6m,1o 0553:< dashed> PARROT USERS: update v3.48 for fixed encryption. !c now aliases !cipher 0553:< voltaek> It's one big script file, I'm not sure what you expect lol 0553:< _vvvv_> momsspaghetti 0553:< mootinator> em:6s,1m,6f,15,1c,25,6o,6f,5y,40,m,37,1d,5a 0553:< _vvvv_> ! ya 0553:< voltaek> I stripped out all the styling and put it in the "style sheet" area, will work on something maybe productive tomorrow 0554:< _vvvv_> em:68,1g 0554:< conker2654> em:6i,11,6j,1p,17,2g,6d,6s,5z,5m 0554:< AviN456> em:6m,1m,72 0554:< _vvvv_> Do mouseovers on the user list work for you guys? 0554:< Daegalus> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0554:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ yes 0554:< Enofel> Where are settings saved at? 0554:< conker2654> yeah though it can be a bit tough to use 0554:< mootinator> em:5c,1c,6x,3a,2r,21,6x,6d,5j,5x,6,2w,3c,66,2l,71,1r,3y,3o 0555:< voltaek> em:5k,56,4w,5d,39,41,4t,2z,2t,5i,6d,4,6y,3f 0555:< voltaek> Oh what the shit 0555:< sprokolopolis> em:6l,1c,6x,1a,16,2b,6u,4g,3z,5j,29 0555:< voltaek> ok that's cool 0555:< mootinator> There's no way of detecting failed decryptions? 0555:< voltaek> em:62,57,4y,5s,2x,4c,52,11,3a,3n,6t,v 0555:< mootinator> And just dropping those? 0556:< AviN456> C*᧥ȶ瘀 0556:< _vvvv_> Yes we can implement that 0556:< AviN456> wot 0556:< mootinator> Cool. 0556:< _vvvv_> Make every decrypted message begin with 9A0F or some tag is an easy way 0556:< _vvvv_> So the chance of accidentally decrypting to that is low 0556:< AviN456> allow multiple decryption keys 0557:< dashed> we've officially excited everyone 0558:< dashed> AviN456 wanna PR it? 0558:< AviN456> lol, i would have no idea 0559:< Enofel> Where are settings saved at? 0600:< Verifitas> Excited? You've pissed a lot of people off with spam. :P 0600:< dashed> yay 0600:< conker2654> haha its a breakthrough! 0600:< NightVisionHawk> love pissing on spam with other people 0601:< dashed> em:71,1g,6x,1e,12,2h 0602:< Verifitas> I think the best solution is to can encryption wherever you want it, and implement private messaging using a key exchange algorithm. 0602:< Daegalus> em:71,1g,6x,1e,12,2h 0603:< Daegalus> im too tired to do it now 0603:< conker2654> i cant believe my suggestion actually came to life! 0604:< voltaek> so is it only supposed to decode in the channel you're talking in? 0604:< Enofel> Oh hey, I fixed it, starting with a comma in channel listing was my problem 0604:< Verifitas> Thanks, Doctor Frankenstein. 0604:< Verifitas> It's alive. 0604:< Mal_Dovah> what is the em: 7a, 2g, 8t... stuff? 0604:< NightVisionHawk> I've inputted the key into Parrot, I still can't figure out how to decrypt the messages 0604:< Daegalus> NightVisionHawk: use !cipher text 0605:< AviN456> em:5z,1o,6l,1e,1j,2z,6w,6r,5z,4a,c,27,1l,6u,1s 0605:< NightVisionHawk> !cipher text test 0605:< _vvvv_> NightVisionHawk They will be automatically decrypted if your key matches 0605:< _vvvv_> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0605:< Daegalus> do you have a private key set in your settings? NightVisionHawk 0605:< Daegalus> also make sure its exactly 16 characters long, and no spaces before or after. 0606:< mofosyne> what the suggestion conker2654 0606:< conker2654> a pm system 0606:< conker2654> it wrote it when we first did the pirate pad 0606:< mofosyne> oh you can use it now? 0606:< NightVisionHawk> Okay so it works @Daegalus, but still can't decrypt others... I'm using the key ks982hu02klm47nk ... is that what everyone else is? 0607:< _vvvv_> NightVisionHawk They may be using a different key. 0607:< conker2654> em:6l,1c,6x,1a,2r,2j,72,6q,4e,4b,b,2o,1c,6t 0607:< _vvvv_> em:6y,1g,6c,3e,1m,2a,6c,4g,5o,40,3,2r,3c,6t,1v,6a,1m,5j 0607:< _vvvv_> em:6y,1g,6c,3e,1m,2a,6c,4g,5o,40,3,2r,3c,6t,1v,6a,1m,5j 0607:< TheHawkIsHowling> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0607:< NightVisionHawk> @conker2653, alright that is decrypted thanks 0607:< conker2654> em:68,w,6y 0608:< NightVisionHawk> :) 0608:< Daegalus> NightVisionHawk: yes thats what some of us are using, but if people change it, you wont see what they are saying 0608:< NightVisionHawk> Makes sense haha thank you 0609:< superbahbi> !cipher test 0609:< TheHawkIsHowling> hmmm why is it only encrypting some messages? 0610:< mythriz> wow, you really got encryption going? neat haha 0610:< NightVisionHawk> Yeah, they did, it's fucking awesome 0610:< Verifitas> Temporary fast solution: 0611:< Verifitas> Auto filter all messages that aren't decrypted. 0611:< mythriz> I need to go to work, but I'll have to check out why my table code broke when I get time. looks so much nicer with it... 0612:< Mal_Dovah> Why do some messages show up as "em:6l,1c,6x,1a" ? 0612:< dashed> Mal_Dovah u prob dont have the key 0613:< Mal_Dovah> dashed key: ks982hu02klm47nk 0613:< NightVisionHawk> They've got to extend Robin.. damn 0613:< AviN456> same for me dashed 0613:< AviN456> I get some decrypted, some not 0613:< dashed> AviN456 example? 0613:< dashed> i didn't implement this btw 0614:< dashed> i think someone in T15 did this 0614:< voltaek> em:6l,1c,6x,1a,2r,2a,73,6d,4e,3l,l,2w 0614:< AviN456> dashed, i assume you're using the ks982hu02klm47nk key? 0614:< dashed> em:60,z,6b,k,3b,8,4n,4g,62,4a,7,38,3c,6t,1v,6a,1m,60,4s,54,6v,2b,6m 0614:< dashed> em:6n,1m,6e,1a,y,2g,6y,4g,5z,5x,1,2u,1i,4h,2g,6m,18,60,4u 0614:< voltaek> em:5y,t,4q,9,b,38,5h 0615:< dashed> em:6n,1m,6e,1a,y,2g,6y,4g,5p,4d,b,37,3c,6g,1x,6n,18,4d,5b 0615:< dashed> em:6n,1m,6e,1a,y,2g,6y,4g,4e,3k,h,2q,16,4h,1y,6m,13,3w,4y,54,6j,23,6p,3b,4d,21,5z,5u,30,46,31,3v,1s,6v,m,73,57,i,r,6q,5f,2e 0615:< lachlanhunt> Can parrot prefix all cypher text with another symbol so that it doesn't show up in channels for people without the key? 0615:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/DW8uWX 0615:< AviN456> i figured out the cause too 0616:< AviN456> decryption only works in the foreground channel 0616:< voltaek> and it only works on a channel, not in Global 0616:< lachlanhunt> So if someone sends a cypher message to %chat, and Parrot change it to something like ?%chat, and then only show it for those with the key 0616:< lachlanhunt> That will also keep it out of the channel for anyone with an older version of parrot or other script 0617:< AviN456> someone send some encrypted lines in here 0617:< Kuutsundereevee> em:6m,1p,6j,1a,1i,25 0617:< lachlanhunt> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0617:< voltaek> em:6u,1k,6l,3e,x,2a,72,6a,5p 0617:< conker2654> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0617:< AviN456> yah 0617:< Mal_Dovah> em:60,z,6b,k,3b,8,4n 0617:< rakehand> em:6i,1g,6f,1r,2r,2e,6s,6x,4e,3m,d,39,1f,6q,b,6l,w,46,5a 0617:< Wakafanykai123> hey guys! 0617:< Reeckz> Are people aware of the bug with tab to auto-complete bug mid sentence? 0617:< Kuutsundereevee> em:6i,1m,4q,1r,1h,2g,6b,6x,5t,4b,7,13,1d,6q,b,72,1m,41,51,4w,4l,2b,4i,16,5m,l,5n,3r,17,5n,38,3w,d,53,21,72,4l,22 0617:< conker2654> em:6p,1c,6e,1i,18 0617:< Wakafanykai123> oh shit we got encryption now? 0617:< AviN456> doesn't work when the channel isn't foreground 0617:< Kuutsundereevee> yeah, we got encyption 0617:< AviN456> and never works on global 0617:< superbahbi> how does it work 0618:< rakehand> em:6i,1m,6f,1r,2r,2j,72,6k,5x,3q,1u,32,1i,4h,e,6g,x,49,4v,6v,6q,2l,4j,3a,4c,0,5z,5u,37,48,2x,3t,e,6c,2m,6x,56,2d,7,56,46,v,4k,11 0618:< Kuutsundereevee> AviN456: it's not supposed to work in global 0618:< mythriz> oh I see now that the tables also push the sidebar out of view, didn't notice that before. yeah gotta fix that too. 0618:< superbahbi> em: 0618:< viyh> the script is free and they have spent many hours trying to have fun and make this chat more fun for us 0618:< viyh> deal with it 0618:< Wakafanykai123> i can already smell the large readme update 0618:< superbahbi> em:6t,1m,6e 0618:< voltaek> it works in global, but you have to be not talking to a specific channel 0619:< mootinator> Apparently it only works on your active tab? 0620:< superbahbi> yeah tight it doesnt work in global 0620:< Kuutsundereevee> is koi-pond a bot? 0620:< Wakafanykai123> yes 0621:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 we have encryption! 0621:< Wakafanykai123> crazy, ill get right on it 0622:< voltaek> alrighty, I'm off to sleep 0622:< Wakafanykai123> nighto 0623:< mootinator> em:4x,39,1z,6z,3l,3x,4x,25,y,1r,6s,13,45,w,6h,1n,2o 0623:< Yeniuss> do messages auto encrypt if you have a key in? 0624:< Kuutsundereevee> yeah 0624:< AviN456> no 0624:< Daegalus> they do 0624:< AviN456> You need to start your messages with !c 0624:< Daegalus> oh auto-encrypt, i thought he said auto-decrypt 0624:< Wakafanykai123> em:5w,59,71,5m,32,61,4s,2o,32,46 0624:< Daegalus> no, encryption is thorugh !c or !cipher 0625:< AviN456> em:54,1i 0625:< Annon201> dd 0625:< dashed> lol 0625:< Yeniuss> em:71,1m,6n,15,2r,2c,6d,4g,5l,4a,g,30,3c,6u,1u,73,x,60,54,5b,6c,24,6p,39,4b,23,5z,47,2x,3u,1r,3t,e,6d,c,73,4g,1,2b,59,4f,22,4q,1l 0625:< Yeniuss> it does, thats cool 0625:< AviN456> em:5p,1p,6n,3e,12,2b,6q,6q,5j,3p,m,32,1j,6n,b,68,18,3l,6z,5a,6u,o,56,2o,5n,v,41,4a,32,5l,19,3v,c,6m,22,4n,4g,u 0625:< AviN456> trololol 0625:< Wakafanykai123> em:5p,1p,33,1m,12,j,36,4y,5j,1x,1v,5l,3h,48,67,14,24,32,55,o,2q,3l,41,2g,62,6d,2q,5l,4j,4c,5x,57,6p,5s,m,r,b 0626:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 wrong ey 0626:< Wakafanykai123> no, just trying to decrypt unicode :) 0626:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 ah nice 0626:< AviN456> what about a unicode key 0626:< AviN456> lol 0626:< Enofel> em:71,1m,6n,15,2r,2c,6d,4g,67,46,1,2q,14,6t,b,6e,1o,44,4v,5a,6t,2c,50,1f,49,1u,62,3l,10 0627:< AviN456> not yet Enofel 0627:< Enofel> thanks 0628:< _vvvv_> test 0628:< dashed> em:64,1n,6d,1o,12,29,4x,6m,5t,63,24,15 0628:< _vvvv_> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,6s,63,3q,m 0628:< _vvvv_> dashed can you try sending a ciphered message 0629:< dashed> what key? 0629:< _vvvv_> any 0629:< dashed> em:5i,z,70,18,1h,2q,4x,6g,63,49,e,2w,3c,6u,1w,6x,11,4c 0630:< dashed> sent it 0630:< _vvvv_> again please? 0630:< dashed> em:5i,z,70,18,1h,2q,4x,6g,63,49,e,2w,3c,68,24,6i,w,46,68,6v,6p,2h,56,3a,5u,l 0630:< _vvvv_> tell me when sent. 0631:< dashed> sent 0631:< _vvvv_> now please try sending one that starts with [88z48] 0631:< _vvvv_> so !cipher [88z48] test 0631:< _vvvv_> use key ks982hu02klm47nk 0631:< AviN456> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37,3c,6p,26,6d,w,3v,6z,57,6k,2j,56,3a,3k 0631:< AviN456> sent 0632:< dashed> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5u,4a,e,13,p,6v,1u,5h,3h,5p,6l 0632:< dashed> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37 0633:< dashed> sent 0633:< dashed> btw !c works 0633:< _vvvv_> Once more, with that tag please 0634:< mootinator> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37 0634:< mootinator> em:6p,w,6c,1a,12,27,4j 0634:< mootinator> Did my password show up on your end? 0634:< _vvvv_> try !cipher [88z48] test 0635:< mootinator> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37 0635:< stormagnet> these ciphers are neat 0635:< mootinator> Do I need to update? 0636:< stormagnet> anything that gets people butthurt about how we're Taking This Too Seriously is A++ 0636:< _vvvv_> haha 0636:< _vvvv_> Can someone use key ks982hu02klm47nk and send type !cipher [88z48] test 0636:< _vvvv_> then tell me you sent? 0636:< mootinator> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37 0636:< AviN456> ^em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37,3c,6p,26,6d,w,3v,6z,57,6k,2j,56,3a,3k 0637:< superbahbi> !cipher [88z48] test 0637:< mootinator> I sent. 0637:< stormagnet> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37,3c,6b,2m,73,1p,3v 0637:< mootinator> And then got very rate limited. 0637:< superbahbi> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0637:< Yeniuss> em:6z,w,72,1a,2r,21,6s,6r,5m,5x,1,2w,1i,6f,1u,6x,10,4d,5b 0637:< superbahbi> ^em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0637:< Yeniuss> em:6p,1c,6j,1q,2r,2a,6f,6d,5o,5x,m,2w,3c,4k,2n,6m,1m,3w,4y,55,6a,o,53,3g,3k,7,5q,4d,2x,4c,1r,3m,l,6v,a,4w,56,g,0,4m,40,4,4k 0637:< mootinator> em:5c,q,67,8,2r,34,66,5p 0637:< stormagnet> _vvvv_ I sent test butts 0637:< AviN456> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5l,44,m,13,1o,6m,b,70,14,3w,6z,4z,6i 0637:< dashed> em:6l,12,72,1f,19,2i 0638:< AviN456> sent 0638:< stormagnet> :D 0638:< _vvvv_> Once again, same thing please 0638:< dashed> update to v3.49 to get encryption working with sent history 0638:< dashed> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5l,44,m,13,1o,6m,b,70,14,3w,6z,4z,6i 0639:< stormagnet> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5m,40,h,37,3c,6b,2m,73,1p,3v 0639:< _vvvv_> Thanks dashed, that had the tag in front right? 0639:< AviN456> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5l,44,m,13,1o,6m,b,70,14,3w,6z,4z,6i 0639:< dashed> yeep 0639:< dashed> em:5e,31,4y,w,3b,5,5o,4g,5j,4a,r,2w,x,6m 0640:< _vvvv_> New version just pushed 0640:< _vvvv_> All decrypted messages are hidden unless they decrypt. 0641:< stormagnet> oops just updated to 3.49 - is that the latest? 0641:< AviN456> 3.51 0641:< stormagnet> crazy update cycle is cahrayzeee 0641:**** stormagnet updates 0641:< dashed> lol 3.51? 0642:< AviN456> well 0642:< AviN456> you know our motto 0642:< Yeniuss> anyway to make it possible to click encrypted messages to decrypt them or something instead of just hiding them? 0642:< conker2654> nice job guys working fast on this shit 0642:< dashed> _vvvv_ what is 88z48? 0642:< AviN456> mouseover the parrot at https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ to see our motto 0643:< Curly-Mo> how do we encrypt a message? 0643:< AviN456> use !c 0643:< Curly-Mo> this is amazing. I can't believe you guys actually implemented encryption 0644:< _vvvv_> you've got to set a key first, in your settings, that you share with whoever you want to be able to read your messages. 0644:< stormagnet> XD 0644:< _vvvv_> dashed it's just random plaintext that is dependable. 0644:< dashed> doesn't 88z48 take up more space? 0644:< Curly-Mo> em:1s,43,3r,a,1s,z,1d,5l,16 0645:< _vvvv_> So we can know easily if a decryption occured. 0645:< dashed> encrypting a string becomes a longer string 0645:< _vvvv_> Yes, but it allows us to hide messages. 0645:< Yeniuss> I'm still seeing encrypted messages after updating 0645:< _vvvv_> If we are concerned about length we should remove commas. 0645:< AviN456> _vvvv_ can't we use a control char? 0645:< AviN456> _vvvv_ like hard space - ascii char 160 0645:< _vvvv_> AviN456 you can have spurious decryptions. 0645:< dashed> idk if reddit filters out control characters 0645:< AviN456> i've never seen a hard space used by accident 0646:< dashed> AviN456 feel free to PR :D 0646:< _vvvv_> AviN456 if you're using the wrong key, you can basically generate any character 0646:< AviN456> it's unlikely that a hard space would be at the front of the string though 0647:< Annon201> !cipher 0647:< _vvvv_> Why is that 0647:< _vvvv_> It's just as likely as any other character to be in the front of an improperly decrypted string. 0647:< _vvvv_> It's unlikely when it's properly decrypted. 0647:< Wakafanykai123> thats why we should use a control ascii char 0648:< _vvvv_> But when it's improperly decrypted, all characters are basically as likely. 0648:< Wakafanykai123> well control chars should not show up 0648:< lycan_nick> Would be nice if plaintext had a control char prepended to plaintext before encryption 0649:< Annon201> !msg Annon201 test 0649:< Curly-Mo> So is this symmetric encryption? And we need the same cipher as someone else to send messages? 0649:< _vvvv_> Curly-Mo yes. 0649:< lycan_nick> I'm assuming it's symmetric 0649:< stormagnet> Curly-Mo yep 0649:< Curly-Mo> k, cool 0649:< Curly-Mo> haha. It's amazing. but i don't know why I would use it 0650:< Wakafanykai123> *sekrets* 0650:< Stjerneklar> morning guys 0650:< lycan_nick> There's a post on r/parrot_script calling for asymmetric encryption, but I don't see how public keys would be distro'd 0650:< stormagnet> SEKRIT SQUIRREL STUFF 0650:< Wakafanykai123> morning Stjerneklar! 0650:< _vvvv_> Simply put, it doesn't matter the character you put as the decryption symbol, but the more there are the better. 0650:< Wakafanykai123> well there is one public key already 0650:< stormagnet> mrning Stjerneklar 0650:< dashed> lol symmetric good enough 0650:< Wakafanykai123> Example128BitKey 0650:< _vvvv_> If we are concerned about space, we can probably take it down to 3 characters. 0650:< lycan_nick> There's also "thisisacipherkey" 0651:< dashed> _vvvv_ 2 is good 0651:< stormagnet> or growbigorgohome! 0651:< _vvvv_> But, we are shoving commas in between every char anyways 0651:< AviN456> how many possible chars could it decrypt to 0651:< _vvvv_> So... yeah... 0651:< stormagnet> XD 0651:< dashed> em:6l,1c,6x,1a 0652:< dashed> are the commas necessary? 0652:< lycan_nick> Well, might be able to get away with base64-packed data? 0652:< _vvvv_> dashed no. 0652:< Wakafanykai123> yeah you cant send long messages 0652:< AviN456> _vvvv_ how many possibilities are there for 1st decrypted char (either correctly or incorrectly decrypted)? 0653:< _vvvv_> AviN456 I don't know off the top of my head. 0653:< AviN456> rough guesstimate? 0654:< lycan_nick> Well, assuming we're not trying for data security here, sentinel char prepended to plaintext would allow decryption to filter out bad keys 0654:< stormagnet> I like sentinels 0654:< _vvvv_> lycan_nick that's what we are talking about... 0654:< _vvvv_> lycan_nick But, you can still get spurious decryptions with the wrong key 0654:< Stjerneklar> so eh, is encryption automatic? 0654:< lycan_nick> True. 0654:< AviN456> are we talking just ascii chars? 0654:< AviN456> unicode? 0654:< _vvvv_> AviN456 No. 0655:< stormagnet> Stjerneklar uses !cipher 0655:< _vvvv_> Unicode 0655:< Stjerneklar> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3u,4h,3h,3f 0655:< stormagnet> sweet sweet unicode 0655:< AviN456> sooo 65536? 0655:< lycan_nick> Unicode? 0655:< AviN456> I assume we 0655:< AviN456> I assume we're only using 1 unicode plane 0656:< lycan_nick> UTF-8 has waaaay more than 65k characters 0656:< dashed> is it base 36? 0656:< Wakafanykai123> em:5v,4w,4x,5w,x,40,6b,37,2v,5i,68,a,6x,3f,x,l,2n,5v,2t,1y,4k,23,18,w,6v,2y,4p,2j,52,u,17,c,6r,5l,s 0656:< Stjerneklar> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3v,7,59,2u,5i,69,p,2e,4v,w,2j,i,5z,33,2,6a,26,5r,6z,6q,2p,6p,2j,i,65,1k,c,4g,49,72,2z,6f 0656:< _vvvv_> I don't know. 0656:< stormagnet> em:3e,5w,p,55,5e,43,3b,q,15,i,5i,59,4w,17,3q,2w,5n,3d,1k,2d,e,63,28,48,h,4m,13,t,4n,2u 0656:< Stjerneklar> handles danish, impressive 0656:< AviN456> lycan_nick, it has 17 planes, with 65536 code points per plane 0656:< dashed> return x.toString(36); 0656:< stormagnet> swank, Japanese decrypts properly 0657:< lycan_nick> pick some multi-byte UTF-8 character as sentinel character, I suppose. 0657:< AviN456> so assuming worst case scenario, the odds of having a specific char show up at the front is 65536:1 against 0657:< AviN456> best case is 1111998:1 against 0657:< OrangeredStilton> So y'all didn't end up using the compressed steg? :P 0658:< AviN456> if we're thinking that 65536:1 against isn't good enough, let's go 2 chars - then it's 65536^2:1 against 0658:< AviN456> thats 4294967296:1 against 0658:< stormagnet> em:3e,5y,1j,36,4h,4x,1,2q,14,2d,1p,6d,5q,x,2,2w,5m,3a,1l,26,1b 0658:< lycan_nick> or we could use one of the forbidden unicode byte sequences as sentinel char 0658:< stormagnet> aayyy 0659:< mootinator> lmao 0659:< AviN456> pretty sure those are long enough odds 0659:< AviN456> 5 chars is way overkill 0659:< _vvvv_> alright 0659:< stormagnet> lycan_nick that sounds like a good idea 0700:< dashed> _vvvv_ idk why base 36 is used 0700:< stormagnet> they're just wasted right now :D 0700:< lycan_nick> seriously, why would base36 be used when there's base64? 0700:< AviN456> Let's write an RFC for using the 0700:< Wakafanykai123> em:6o,50,4t,5w,2o,61,3z,2o,2v,46,6h,23,66,3a,1g,b,u,6a,3d,23,68,1z 0701:< Wakafanykai123> lol decrypted emotes 0701:< dashed> lycan_nick base65 is better 0701:< strobonic> Ragefire Chasm? 0701:< AviN456> Let's write an RFC for using the forbidden unicode byte sequences as sentinal chars in robin chat scripts 0701:< dashed> lol 0701:< lycan_nick> no commas required, easily packable, doesn't get mangled so easily 0701:< mootinator> And why would you use a comma between each number instead of leading zeroes? 0701:< AviN456> base1 0701:< stormagnet> Wakafanykai123 I'm not seeing your emote decrypt 0701:< lycan_nick> base1 op, nerf base1 0702:< lycan_nick> we need more stick notation in here 0702:< Wakafanykai123> using keyExample128BitKey 0702:< AviN456> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3a,5s,5s,6p,4i 0702:< Wakafanykai123> em:6o,50,4t,5w,2o,61,3z,2s,36,46,6f,23,66,3a,1g,b,u,42,1s,1v,6s,2a,31 0702:< lycan_nick> Some of use are using different cipher keys 0702:< Stjerneklar> and !cipher? 0702:< mootinator> Use ks982hu02klm47nk 0702:< stormagnet> ah that's why, I'm on the other key 0702:< AviN456> stormagnet, saw mine? 0702:< dashed> just use !c which is alias of !cipher 0702:< Wakafanykai123> oh which key are we using for dev then 0703:< lycan_nick> Yeah, that's the one I'm using. 0703:< stormagnet> AviN456 yep 0703:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, we're using: 0703:< AviN456> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2e,6a,55,3q,5j,a,36,2w,4z,1s,6f,10,5o,6k,55,6m 0703:< Stjerneklar> wait but why can i see your message if it dident encrypt? 0703:< lycan_nick> we could use "testkeyplsignore" 0703:< Wakafanykai123> thats garbage on my end lol 0703:< AviN456> :D 0703:< AviN456> I KNOW! LOOLOOLOL 0703:< AviN456> I encrptyed it for you 0704:< stormagnet> I recognizedthe 88z48 from earlier, lol 0705:**** stormagnet switched to keyExample128BitKey 0705:**** lycan_nick switched to 0705:< stormagnet> haha 0706:< AviN456> Per PCI DSS 3.1 requirement 3.5.2, encryption keys must be encrypted with keys that are at least as strong as the keys they encrypt. 0706:< stormagnet> XD 0706:< AviN456> https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/PCI_DSS_v3-1.pdf => http://nazar.so/4nktp 0707:**** lycan_nick switches to "mostsecurekeyeva" 0707:< AviN456> Parrot - Now with 50% more PCI Compliance 0707:< lycan_nick> totally secure, mang 0707:< stormagnet> the mostest 0707:< OrangeredStilton> Let me go see how this looks in base Robin... 0707:< AviN456> The postest with the mostest 0708:< Sorbetfraise> U3VwJyBndXlzIQ== 0708:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, that's just base64 0708:< OrangeredStilton> How does an encrypted message look? :P 0709:< stormagnet> given the complaints, like the masque of red death 0709:< AviN456> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,29,6w,6j,63,5x,m,33,1d,6q 0709:< dashed> we seriously need base64 0709:< dashed> the comma thing sucks 0709:< AviN456> like that OrangeredStilton 0709:< stormagnet> word tho 0709:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, so it is just the plain em: text 0709:< AviN456> yeah 0709:< _vvvv_> we'll have no backwards compatibility. 0709:< stormagnet> THE HORROR 0709:< _vvvv_> but, probably fine, since it just came out 0709:< Sorbetfraise> em:NGgsMzEsNm8sMzIsM2YsMjksNncsNmosNjMsNXgsbSwzMywxZCw2cQ== 0709:< OrangeredStilton> This is why I was thinking you could use smaz compression to hide it in zero-width chars 0710:< dashed> _vvvv_ move fast break things even faster as merge comes 0710:< stormagnet> :D 0710:< AviN456> _vvvv_ rememebr our motto 0710:< mofosyne> dashed was it in HEX? 0710:< _vvvv_> I'll start working on a script to make random modifications, increment version, and push to github~ 0710:< dashed> idk.. i didn't implement this 0710:< dashed> im looking to see if i can change the encoding 0710:< mofosyne> dashed because thats like the most inefficient way to send keys over plaintext 0711:< OrangeredStilton> Also, is this encryption code using smaz now? 0711:< stormagnet> _vvvv_ that's just mean XD 0711:< dashed> OrangeredStilton https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/921eb9070d5a8a133afd7ae8496def6d22a44138 => http://nazar.so/7el77 0711:< OrangeredStilton> I have to go read code at 8am? ;) 0711:< Wakafanykai123> updated readme 0712:< dashed> 3am here bro 0712:< mofosyne> oh btw, dashed have you heard of http://pieroxy.net/blog/pages/lz-string/index.html . This compress data into lzma-base64 0712:< mofosyne> which might be handy for making messages not to horribly long 0712:< AviN456> watch your language mofosyne 0712:< OrangeredStilton> mofosyne: I suggested smaz, which seems to compress better for small strings 0712:< AviN456> lol 0712:< AviN456> oh man, there's about to be a T12 0713:< stormagnet> hyyyppppe 0713:< mythriz> noice 0713:< mofosyne> whacha gonna do? come at me bro AviN456 etc... etc... 0713:< AviN456> There's 2 T8s 0713:< AviN456> mofosyne I will encrypt your ass 0713:< mythriz> I slept almost 4am yesterday, so tired... 0714:< AviN456> you slept 4am? 0714:< AviN456> what does that mean? 0714:< stormagnet> = too tired to words 0715:< AviN456> heh 0715:< mythriz> uh 4:00. got up 8:00 for work 0715:< mofosyne> OrangeredStilton, interesting so smaz is somewhat a precomputed dictionary 0715:< mofosyne> specifically for english? 0715:< mythriz> went to bed I mean 0715:< stormagnet> mythriz condolences D: 0716:< _vvvv_> test 0716:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,1,6a,6b,5o,4c,i,37,2u,68,1z,6m,1n,3w,6r,6t,6p,2l,4i,2v,5s,e,48,5q,1g,3u,3g,42,9,6r,a,4u 0717:< dashed> rofl _vvvv_ 0718:< dashed> _vvvv_ html encoded i guess 0718:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,1,5a,6r,5q,44,c,1l,2s,6g,1y,6k,2x,3v,4p,50,54,q,52,3g,4d,1s,5r,47,1h,4a,34,3x,1u,59 0718:< mythriz> stormagnet thank you haha 0719:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, specifically for English. I don't know what it'll do for Unicode chars 0721:< OrangeredStilton> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,1m,3e,2e,2q,4i,1w,5c,2e,4t,1s,2e,1v,6d,1b,68,v,68,51,2c,6b,15,69,2i,j,65,v,34,5e,4y,i,c,1e,64,c,b,4p,6f,43,5h,4v 0722:< OrangeredStilton> So how did that come out for you guys 0722:< Zirenth> þS`D«úW$›¹u- That's how 0722:< Wakafanykai123> see we need a dev testing key 0722:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0722:< Wakafanykai123> so we can make sure we are testing right 0723:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: So I didn't see that in my Robin, I assume because I don't have the key 0723:< dashed> im testing :D 0723:< OrangeredStilton> Hacker. 0723:< dashed> xD 0723:< OrangeredStilton> Zirenth: But yeah, that looks correct 0724:< OrangeredStilton> Zirenth: But yeah, that looks correct 0724:< Yeniuss> anyway to turn off the cipher? it interferes with bot commands 0724:< Wakafanykai123> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3y,4h,2x,32,5i,6n,o,51,2r,18,q,b,42,2s,2f,6u,2,3g,1d,6x,2u,4x,u,58,1w,3j,20,6r,5z,2b,4h 0725:< _vvvv_> Yeniuss good feedback, what commands is it interfering with? 0725:< Yeniuss> interferes with !create 0725:< Yeniuss> from the RPG bot 0725:< _vvvv_> Let's switch to @cipher? 0726:< Yeniuss> whatever works, thanks guys! 0726:< _vvvv_> Thank you! 0727:< OrangeredStilton> Hm. How do I create a PR if I have commit rights to the repo itself 0727:< OrangeredStilton> Or should I just push this :P 0728:< LoginErrorZ> Hello everyone 0728:< _vvvv_> Hello LoginErrorZ 0729:< mythriz> what is this inline Youtube support? you guys are getting too fancy, haha 0729:< Wakafanykai123> probs an embed 0729:< Wakafanykai123> if link is detected 0729:< mythriz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKrVegVI0Us 0730:< mythriz> oh need to activate it 0730:< mythriz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKrVegVI0Us 0731:< mythriz> it popped up, but it's not playing properly 0731:< mythriz> it's not plugin-blocked either, since I enabled plugins on reddit.com I guess. odd. 0733:< OrangeredStilton> There you go, compression pushed. I didn't bump the version number though 0733:< mythriz> the sound played back, but it still just says Play Video without any actual video 0734:< _vvvv_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/8l0u5 0734:< _vvvv_> mine too 0734:< dashed> wat's SMAZ 0734:< _vvvv_> looks pretty close. 0735:< OrangeredStilton> SMAZ is a substitution compression algorithm for small strings 0735:< dashed> ah nice 0735:< dashed> can't we do binary to utf8? 0736:< OrangeredStilton> You could, but it'd compress by up to half; SMAZ sometimes does better than that 0736:< dashed> SMAZ outperforms binary to utf8 on average in terms of character counts? 0736:< _vvvv_> Is it a prepackaged huffman encoding or something? 0737:< OrangeredStilton> It's definitely pre-dictionaried, whether it's Huffman is another question 0737:< OrangeredStilton> This is the original: https://github.com/antirez/smaz 0738:< _vvvv_> thx 0738:< _vvvv_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ 0738:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0738:< _vvvv_> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J---aiyznGQ 0738:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0739:< OrangeredStilton> So let me know if you've pulled that down, by sending me a smaz'd aes :P 0739:< lycan_nick> Imma take a crack at reading code for SMAZ 0739:< dashed> _vvvv_ encrpytion is broken... 0739:< _vvvv_> What's up? 0739:< OrangeredStilton> So I broke it? :D 0739:< _vvvv_> use @cipher test 0740:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3c,64 0740:< dashed> oh 0740:< dashed> why @? 0740:< _vvvv_> because the rpg room has been nice to us and their bot uses !command 0740:< _vvvv_> which the !c was taking 0740:< conker2654> @c is not working in tabbed channels 0741:< Annon201> work these changes into your code somehow http://pastebin.com/UKUTx2qv 0741:< Annon201> separate command handling function and message thru reddit 0741:< lycan_nick> I don't think ~ is being used as a channel anymore 0741:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3c,64 0741:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,72,1a,3m,3z,5j,29 0742:< OrangeredStilton> I'm not seeing any of these get decrypted 0742:< lycan_nick> Alternatively, could use / for commands 0742:< conker2654> BabyRage its not working for me BabyRage 0742:< conker2654> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3c,64 0742:< dashed> lol 0743:< OrangeredStilton> If I broke it, feel free to revert. 0743:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3c,64 0745:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,3c,64 0746:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0746:< _vvvv_> removing the SMAZ stuff fixes it for me.. not sure why that would mess it up but it looks problematic. 0747:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, plz2revert 0747:< OrangeredStilton> I'll go away again 0747:< _vvvv_> we love you tho 0747:< _vvvv_> don't leave 0747:< OrangeredStilton> I'm not going anywhere, just afk :D 0747:< _vvvv_> ( i have no one in my life) 0747:< mythriz> what is the command for sending encrypted, or is it always on? (I assume not?) 0747:< _vvvv_> mythriz @cipher or @c 0748:< _vvvv_> you need to share a key in settings 0748:< _vvvv_> only people with the same key can read messages. 0748:< mythriz> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,4t,4s,30,35,5i,6n,o,51,3d,17,f,2n,5v,17,2e,69,29,3c,31,52,1s,4o,o,56,2j,1q,1u,6a,49,2m,4h,71,4u,25,1l 0748:< OrangeredStilton> See how long that is now 0748:< mythriz> neat. 0750:< _vvvv_> oohh 0750:< dashed> _vvvv_ are u tsting smaz? 0750:< _vvvv_> you are compressing too early orangred 0750:< _vvvv_> One min I'll fix things 0750:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0750:< Annon201> use '/' for commands as per irc standards, just have an array of server commands to check against first 0751:< OrangeredStilton> / gets captured by the base Robin client, iirc 0751:< dashed> OrangeredStilton i have this error VM2481:852 Uncaught TypeError: str_input.charCodeAt is not a function(anonymous function) @ VM2481:852S 0751:< lycan_nick> Hmm. 0752:< OrangeredStilton> wat. 0752:< Annon201> its being checked against in updateMessage() to work out whether it needs to go to chan or main 0752:< lycan_nick> Maybe use \ because backwards-ness? 0752:< dashed> h.o let me check 0752:< Annon201> handling '/' isnt a problem in the script 0753:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0753:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0753:< Annon201> i think thats why there is a fake textbox for messages ontop of the real one, so it can be handled 0753:< dashed> nvm my fault 0754:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qÿ21Qþ6¶þ6 Qþ5- 0754:< OrangeredStilton> Hah 0754:< OrangeredStilton> That definitely compressed early 0755:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0755:< _vvvv_> @test 0755:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0756:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qÿ21Qþ6¶þ6 Qþ5- 0756:< mythriz> I saw some code marked as Easter eggs, haven't looked too deeply into it ;) 0757:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qþ2 Qÿ72Qþ6 Qþ5Qþ3< 0757:< OrangeredStilton> It looks like a merge-time easter egg 0757:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: That's looking increasingly insane 0757:< dashed> wat? 0758:< OrangeredStilton> I see em: from my client 0758:< _vvvv_> from me? 0758:< Annon201> should obfuscate the eegg code :) 0758:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0759:< AviN456> no 0759:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: From dashed 0759:< AviN456> we don't want any obfuscated code 0800:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0800:< mythriz> hehe. 0800:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0801:< dashed> OrangeredStilton wat is the input type to SMAZ.decompress? 0802:< OrangeredStilton> > var mes2 = SMAZ.compress($.trim(message.substr(encryption_cue.length))); 0802:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, decompress? 0802:< dashed> i cannot decompress 0802:< OrangeredStilton> It takes a string. 0802:< dashed> hmm my order might be wrong lol 0803:< _vvvv_> The current version isn't including the tag in the compression 0804:< OrangeredStilton> That's as it should be though, right. Unless it is including the tag in decomp 0804:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just cleared cache, i'm curious why certain bots are still trying anymore --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:05:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:06:10 2016 0806:< OrangeredStilton> [I think I've just created more work] 0808:< dashed> i got smaz working 0809:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qþ2 Qÿ72Qþ6 Qÿ5q 0809:< OrangeredStilton> You say that, but I see em: from here 0809:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qÿ29Qÿ72Qÿ6k 0809:< OrangeredStilton> So I assume you're compressing late _and_ decompressing early 0809:< dashed> em:þ4Qÿ31Qþ6Qÿ32Qþ3,Qÿ21Qþ6úQþ6Qþ5 Or maybe we are just saying 0810:< _vvvv_> You'll never know 0810:< OrangeredStilton> Well, I don't want to paste all the crazy smaz crap 0810:< OrangeredStilton> em:þ4RQÿA31Qþ6QÿA32Qþ3,QÿA21Qþ6úQþ6RQþ5 em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,5h,53,2w,2r,4c,54 0812:< _vvvv_> testing 0813:< _vvvv_> I think I have it.. 0813:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64,1v,s,6v 0813:< _vvvv_> How does that one look? 0813:< OrangeredStilton> <_vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64,1v,s,6v 0813:< OrangeredStilton> Ship it! :P (And bump the version while you're there, I forgot to) 0814:< dashed> should smaz be applied to plaintext? 0814:< _vvvv_> yes 0814:< dashed> not the bytetext? 0814:< OrangeredStilton> Smaz on AES output will be longer than the AES 0815:< dashed> kk 0815:< _vvvv_> smaz is specialized for english 0815:< _vvvv_> damn still have a bug 0815:< _vvvv_> b"vf wasin fesin fenf tfwasre fwaseaf mef w"f wf t 0815:< OrangeredStilton> What the crap 0815:< _vvvv_> that's what I'm getting as a dicipherment 0815:< OrangeredStilton> What the crap 0816:< OrangeredStilton> And what were you sending... 0816:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64 0816:< _vvvv_> test -> b"vf wasin fesin fenf tfwasre fwaseafenng fes reddit-init.en-us.4zDJW8DVG30.js:5 Client Error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 0817:< _vvvv_> test -> b"vf wasin fesin fenf tfwasre fwaseafenng fes 0817:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I have no idea how test could end up as that 0817:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,2x,3c,64,1v,0,5j 0817:< _vvvv_> test2 -> b"vf wasin fesin fenf tfwasre fwaseafenng fes f f tfthatf wde 0817:< _vvvv_> Check that out.. 0817:< _vvvv_> stream ciphers :) 0819:< OrangeredStilton> If it becomes a huge issue, just back it out as a terrible idea :P 0820:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,3l,1u,12,6r 0821:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,4t,5r,59,4m 0821:< _vvvv_> almost there.. 0821:< _vvvv_> decrypting in console now.. 0821:< dashed> em:2i,6i,3v,2q,3f,72,a,1v,1,6s,2e,1r,2j,5o,31 0822:< dashed> works for me 0823:< _vvvv_> Ok 0823:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,5w,5p,3h,23,28 0824:< OrangeredStilton> <_vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,5w,5p,3h,23,28 0824:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,45,5v,6x,6b,4g,4q,2m 0825:< mofosyne> btw anyone checked out the autochannel discovery idea? I wonder how feasible it is 0825:< _vvvv_> mofosyne it's pretty easy. 0826:< _vvvv_> mofosyne can you program? 0826:< _vvvv_> dashed if yours works want to push it?? 0826:< mofosyne> I'm not great at javascript, but I can give it a shot, just don't want to break the codebase. Never programmed for tampermonkey however 0826:< dashed> idk if it's right approach 0827:< OrangeredStilton> Screw "right approach", movefastbreakshit 0827:< dashed> i think smaz... from looking at th algo can make enccoded bytes longer 0827:< OrangeredStilton> If a byte is outside the dictionary, it'll get encoded as a verbatim byte, yeah 0827:< ranterbach> I just want to say, watching you guys troubleshoot on the other monitor has been very fascinating 0827:< dashed> reddit only considers char counts 0828:< OrangeredStilton> ranterbach: And it's all my fault ;) 0828:< ranterbach> I know very, very little about programming, but damn this is interesting 0828:< mofosyne> hmmmm... so _vvvv_ would it be more like a sidebar tab but with add buttons to append to filter? 0828:< mofosyne> what would your UI recommendation be? 0829:< ranterbach> OrangeredStilton: Well, break a few eggs and all that 0829:< _vvvv_> mofosyne not sure about UI, I usually think about that last :) Get some stuff in place to store message counts per prefix. 0829:< _vvvv_> Then you can think of how to suggest, and when to suggest (after seeing 100 messages with a prefix for example) 0830:< mofosyne> right. Not sure how to deal with "penis/" which doesnt start with !@#$%^&*() 0830:< mofosyne> but hopefully its an outlier 0830:< _vvvv_> mofosyne they are all separated with a space. 0830:< dashed> please revert this commit https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/529e75f82faa9284499a43bf53df6bb794fa5b39 => http://nazar.so/817zn 0830:< _vvvv_> split on space and select the first word. 0830:< mythriz> you can't treat everything as a channel in case someone actually does come in without a script haha 0830:< mythriz> when we eventually merge 0830:< OrangeredStilton> Reverted. 0831:< OrangeredStilton> Reverted. 0831:< _vvvv_> mythriz you can still count # of users and # of messages with a particular tag. 0831:< _vvvv_> and use that to "suggest" new rooms to users. 0831:< mythriz> I guess that *might* work 0832:< mofosyne> btw, after robin... I have a feeling this tech might be a little useful for stuff like radio text communication e.g. psk32 0832:< mythriz> and I guess honestly by the time they reach this tier the number of non-script users must be pretty negligable :) 0835:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, my revert just broke shit further? 0835:< OrangeredStilton> Definitely going away now 0835:< mofosyne> gg --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:36:05 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:37:13 2016 0837:< mofosyne> IKnowThatJerk that will not work, as you are pointing to a channel 0839:< _vvvv_> fixed it --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 08:40:36 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 08:41:54 2016 0841:< OrangeredStilton> I'll go try it 0842:< OrangeredStilton> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,57,4x,35,y,3r,4m,v,6o,2s,1c 0843:< OrangeredStilton> Oh hey, yeah. Throwing away Smaz fixes it; who'd've thought 0844:< _vvvv_> thanks for telling me about smaz though 0844:< mofosyne> okay, i forked and got the source, whats the recommendation for working with tampermonkey on this? 0844:< _vvvv_> seems nice, going to play with it more. 0845:< _vvvv_> mofosyne see some of the features we have already written to see how we add things to settings, separate by channel, etc. 0845:< mofosyne> okay code recon first right 0846:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L1451-L1465 => http://nazar.so/8zswg 0847:< _vvvv_> First part of message processing. 0847:< _vvvv_> Channel moving duplication code: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L1219 => http://nazar.so/4hffc 0848:< _vvvv_> Adding settings to the settings panel: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L585 => http://nazar.so/viz9 0848:< _vvvv_> These automatically are available to settings.variablename 0848:< _vvvv_> if you use the Settings.addBool and settings.addInput 0849:< _vvvv_> such as here: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L776 => http://nazar.so/5nuvz 0850:< _vvvv_> the worst part about working with greasemonkey is that you really have to hack into the page. 0850:< _vvvv_> So lots of jquery queries to find and append to divs, with inline html and css. 0851:< _vvvv_> it's basically cosmetic surgery. 0853:< mythriz> hehe 0854:< dashed> _vvvv_ it's actually better to apply smaz on the output 0854:< mofosyne> _vvvv_ bit hard to follow the code, is there any documentation about the code to start with? 0854:< dashed> lol no 0854:< dashed> well... it's all over the place :( 0855:< _vvvv_> houseflies have longer lives than this project. 0855:< dashed> ahahahaha 0855:< OrangeredStilton> I'd endeavour to clean it up, but I'd just break it more :D 0855:< _vvvv_> Just delete it all OrangeredStilton 0855:< _vvvv_> Commit message - "Can't improve perfection" 0855:< mofosyne> well for now I pressed "alt+0" in notepad to collapse it all and expand it one by one 0855:< dashed> btw did u guys see the easter egg in the code? 0856:< OrangeredStilton> Hold on, hold on. Notepad has code folding? 0856:< _vvvv_> dashed yeah 0856:< mofosyne> notepad++ 0856:< OrangeredStilton> Ah, right. 0856:< _vvvv_> dashed reminds me of mtgox bubble days on bitcoinity 0856:< mofosyne> notepad... don't think the codebase has change for that since the 80 0856:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,2h,72,6d,5p,5x,m,33,1d,6q,b,70,12,3u,4w,6g 0856:< _vvvv_> Although I think we should remove the airhorns.. 0857:< Wakafanykai123> aww 0857:< _vvvv_> I love the dancing parrot 0857:< dashed> _vvvv_ same 0857:< Wakafanykai123> is there a proc to run it of some sort in the console? 0858:< _vvvv_> mofosyne you can look through our commit history on github to see what changed on commits.. probably best documentation we have. 0858:< _vvvv_> Although.. basically all the devs are here in this room and on gitter, so.. 0858:< _vvvv_> feel free to ask anything 0859:< _vvvv_> Wakafanykai123 some of what in console/ 0859:< Wakafanykai123> the easter 0859:< mofosyne> Well basically I'm thinking of putting a textfield, which is updated with the latest popular rooms and clicking on it will add to the filt 0900:< IbaFoo> ^ I vote leave the horns. nice work on that code, guys. that's a thing of beauty. 0900:< dashed> ok airhorns removed 0900:< Stjerneklar> hey guys, great work :) 0901:< IbaFoo> bad call, dashed. 0901:< dashed> ?? 0901:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar hey~ thank you so much! 0901:< OrangeredStilton> The airhorns are a bit much. 0901:< dashed> why? 0901:< IbaFoo> that's the first mistake you've made, and we're all disappointed 0901:< Stjerneklar> glad to see parrot is going strong 0901:< OrangeredStilton> Anything that causes a tab that made no sound for days, to make sound, is a bad idea 0902:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar we've been crunching away! 0902:< dashed> IbaFoo https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/2a2363101f7fd89c74e566379792c98158619938 => http://nazar.so/5u48x 0902:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar anything you are dying to see included? 0903:< mofosyne> _vvvv_ where is the modified sidebar btw in the code? 0903:< Stjerneklar> actually i had one idea when i saw the new version this morning 0903:< IbaFoo> nice 0903:< Stjerneklar> the new userlist is great, but could we have a counter on the top that tells you how many people are in the list? 0903:< Stjerneklar> should be simple to do im sure 0904:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar sure. 0904:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar on the latest version you can hover over to PM or check profile btw :) 0904:< OrangeredStilton> Does anyone mind if I reindent? It just gets annoying 0904:< Stjerneklar> yeah i saw that, great stuff 0904:< dashed> OrangeredStilton go for it 0905:< Stjerneklar> all the strange feature ideas are becoming real :) 0905:< _vvvv_> mofosyne https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L585 => http://nazar.so/3wdd9 0905:< _vvvv_> and 0905:< _vvvv_> mofosyne https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L257 => http://nazar.so/677lz 0905:< dashed> we're actually feature creeping right now 0905:< dashed> ROFL 0905:< _vvvv_> dashed yeah hard but I don't want to stop 0906:< dashed> =D 0906:< mofosyne> well what can we do to put a stop then lol? 0906:< Stjerneklar> dashed i had that thought when i saw you where doing encryption 0906:< Stjerneklar> XD 0906:< dashed> nah not me 0906:< mofosyne> keep everything modular somehow? 0906:< Stjerneklar> well you as in devs :) 0906:< dashed> mofosyne too late 0906:< _vvvv_> We're in freefall 0906:< mofosyne> Why do we even need encrypted pm when we have normal pm lol 0906:< Stjerneklar> mofosyne that was my thought :) 0906:< dashed> idk why rofl 0907:< mofosyne> aka redditmail 0907:< Stjerneklar> i gave up doing split view after i realized that two windows work 0907:< dashed> someone in T15 implemented for some reason; they're the guys who made a constitution 0907:< mofosyne> lol trying to bring order 0907:< _vvvv_> Being an 8 day project, we are really open to pull request features. 0907:< mofosyne> are they a ccand spy? 0907:< Stjerneklar> heh, as much as i love parrot, its chaos 0907:< _vvvv_> I sort of see it as a learning project for everyone. 0908:< Stjerneklar> we dont even have external css 0908:< dashed> yeah anything that doesn't break will be accepted asap 0908:< Stjerneklar> still, for the project size i think this might be the best way 0908:< Stjerneklar> one file to keep track of 0908:< dashed> oo a bug https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/155 0909:< Stjerneklar> oh hey guys i had an idea: what about a timer that starts when you send a message, that keeps you from hitting the buildt in rate limit? 0910:< Stjerneklar> validation style 0911:< Stjerneklar> it could even catch and delay the enter key press untill it is possible to send 0911:< Stjerneklar> just a hardcoded timeframe, keeping it simple 0912:< dashed> @c test 0912:< Stjerneklar> dashed @c test 0912:< _vvvv_> em:2i,6i,3s,2q,2,3g,5w,5p 0913:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0913:< Stjerneklar> ugh, i have a deadline today so i really can't sit down and code on parrot 0914:< dashed> @c test 0914:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar it's ok, you inspire us :) 0914:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0914:< Stjerneklar> do you guys look at the issues on github? i'd like to put those two as feature reqs 0914:< Stjerneklar> or is it the pirate pad? 0915:< Stjerneklar> _vvvv_ <3 0915:< _vvvv_> Yeah we ditched the pirate pad - use GitHub reddit (parrot_script) 0915:< _vvvv_> GitHub OR reddit 0915:< OrangeredStilton> Pushed a reindent 0915:< Stjerneklar> ill put it on git/issues 0916:< OrangeredStilton> That's the extent of my contribution here 0916:< _vvvv_> great 0916:< Stjerneklar> OrangeredStilton :) 0916:< Stjerneklar> OrangeredStilton im proud of having made the tabs too small :) take what you can 0916:< OrangeredStilton> Hey, I came up with the idea of background colors for the channels, I'll take that 0917:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton brought the colors. 0917:< OrangeredStilton> Ah, cock. I have an issue open against robin-irc 0917:< _vvvv_> EARLY EARLY on when it was just a hack to see other channels 0917:< sabotourAssociate> how to run the script in IE guys 0917:< OrangeredStilton> Use IE to navigate to google.com/chrome 0918:< sabotourAssociate> I knew it 0918:< _vvvv_> haha 0918:< mythriz> hahaha 0918:< sabotourAssociate> I use IE as alt sometimes 0918:< sabotourAssociate> kill me 0918:< mythriz> they do open a console with F12 too 0919:< sabotourAssociate> yes 0919:< sabotourAssociate> then I paste the script there 0919:< mythriz> you could try. GLHF ;) 0919:< sabotourAssociate> and some errors happen 0919:< sabotourAssociate> GHLF? 0919:< mythriz> haha 0920:< mofosyne> btw whats your dev tools for this? Are you using any addons that makes it easier to develop userscript? 0920:< mythriz> Good Luck Have Fun? 0920:< sabotourAssociate> I am not developer I have no idea of what I have to do 0921:< mythriz> I actually mostly just edit directly in Tampermonkey. it does have syntax highlighting and some error checking 0921:< _vvvv_> i'm in vim, i don't recommend it 0921:< mythriz> sabotourAssociate: we can't really help you with IE, sorry 0922:< sabotourAssociate> what kind of race are you 0922:< dashed> idk how to fix https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/155 0922:< dashed> lol... 0922:< dashed> lost_penguin made it too convoluted xD 0922:< mythriz> lol, so the encryption is triggered by keypress instead of by submit? 0923:< mofosyne> you can edit directly in tampermoney? interestng mythriz 0923:< mythriz> fix: remove the send message button ;) hahahaha 0923:< mofosyne> (Oh btw I learn something... autocomplete is annoying, since it doesn't look for the most recent user in a channel) 0924:< dashed> mythriz iirc the send message button was for mobile users 0924:< Stjerneklar> test 0924:< ptrakk> clear --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 09:25:17 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 09:25:32 2016 0925:< mythriz> dashed: yeah I'm really just joking :P 0925:< chugga_fan> this still dev channel? 0925:< _vvvv_> aa 0925:< dashed> yeah 0925::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 0925:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0925:< chugga_fan> whose got the email script? 0925:< _vvvv_> @c test 0925:< chugga_fan> *message script 0926:< _vvvv_> @c test 0927:< IbaFoo> plaintext 0927:< mythriz> huh, the code does trigger on submit. strange. 0927:< _vvvv_> yeah 0928:< _vvvv_> it is populated as well 0929:< Stjerneklar> i have submitted my ideas over at https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues 0929:< Stjerneklar> now, and listen carefully now me, i am going to work on my work 0930:< _vvvv_> bye! 0930:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0931:< _vvvv_> @c test 0935:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0935:< _vvvv_> @c test 0936:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0936:< _vvvv_> @c test 0937:< hagbard-celine> heh, there's apparently nothing quite like sifting through hacky javascript, a language i don't know, to make my python homework appealing 0937:< Wakafanykai123> what do you mean by message script chugga_fan 0937:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine want to switch? :) 0939:< hagbard-celine> i'm alternating, lol. looking for the same bug dashed mentioned earlier, wondering if the if statement is failing or the whole function 0940:< Wakafanykai123> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,41,4h,2x,36,5i,6n,6,51,2r,1i,q,f,5e,32,1y,4k,23,2q,2r,6t,2z,4w,b,4k,f,1m,2m 0940:< _vvvv_> the button bug? 0940:< hagbard-celine> yeah 0940:< Wakafanykai123> !c help im really trapped in computer now 0941:< Wakafanykai123> oh, its broken :( 0941:< Wakafanykai123> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,47,4y,2w 0941:< _vvvv_> I'm looking at it too. Here's what I know so far - function is triggered on both click and enter. mes2 is the same in both all the way. 0942:< _vvvv_> Wakafanykai123 use @c ! 0942:< Wakafanykai123> ya i did 0942:< _vvvv_> Wakafanykai123 we switched it for bot compatibility in RPG room 0942:< Wakafanykai123> makes sense 0942:< _vvvv_> ls 0942:< mofosyne> I wonder what life this script could have beyond robin, any other stuff that involves being able to turn a single IO into a multichat? 0942:< Wakafanykai123> why did the compressing not work 0942:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0943:< _vvvv_> @c test 0943:< lachlanhunt> what was the cipher key everyone was using in here again? 0943:< Wakafanykai123> im just using Example128BitKey 0944:< _vvvv_> Both #robinMessageTextAlt and #robinMessageText are successfully set after click and enter key. 0944:< dashed> _vvvv_ u got it working? 0944:< dashed> lost_penguin made it complex xD 0944:< lachlanhunt> then that's weird. I just upgraded parrot on this computer and it has that default key, but you r cyphered message above is encrypted 0944:< _vvvv_> dashed no.. still not working 0945:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0946:< _vvvv_> insanity 0947:< hagbard-celine> would onmessageboxkeyup have anything to do with it? it looks to change #robinMessageTextAlt 0947:< mofosyne> should I upgrade already I'm on 3.51 0948:< dashed> uhh sure 0948:< dashed> <.< 0948:< lost_penguin> dashed you blaming me for something? :P 0948:< dashed> lost_penguin nooooo <3 0948:< lost_penguin> dashed it was pretty simple when I first made it. People kept making it more and more of a meww :P 0948:< _vvvv_> mofosyne if you are making changes to the code you wait. If not, always good to update! 0948:< lost_penguin> mess* 0948:< dashed> xD i know 0948:< DebentureThyme> hmm, someone got my twitch suspended for being "non-gaming content" 0948:< OllieTerrance> I can't tell what's actually a decrypted message or not -- can it be highlighted somehow? 0949:< DebentureThyme> i thought they allowed that now anyways, but this is technically a game 0949:< _vvvv_> OllieTerrance what version are you on? 0949:< lost_penguin> Man there was no encrypted messaging when I was last active. 0949:< _vvvv_> OllieTerrance we hide messages that aren't decrypted properly now. 0950:< OllieTerrance> Hm, was 3.51. Updated now, some send something encrypted again :P 0950:< _vvvv_> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0950:< _vvvv_> did you see it? 0950:< hagbard-celine> does that mean i'm not supposed to see "em ......"? 0950:< IbaFoo> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m 0950:< IbaFoo> I just copypasta from someone else's message 0950:< lost_penguin> Are the commas just char separators? Are they necessary? 0950:< IbaFoo> does that work 0950:< dashed> parrot has ecnryption 0951:< dashed> encryption** 0951:< OllieTerrance> _vvvv_: Saw an encrypted message over robin-irc, hidden on parrot though. 0951:< dashed> _vvvv_ i saw 0951:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin no they are notnecessary 0951:< dashed> _vvvv_ test 0951:< SilentSand> I just want to say thanks to everyone who helped develop anything for robin at all, peace 0951:< _vvvv_> dashed well.. you were supposed to :) 0951:< lost_penguin> Why are they there then _vvvv_? :D 0951:< dashed> _vvvv_ b/c computer science 0951:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin don't ask me, I didn't write it. Works fine though. 0952:< dashed> they're delimeters 0952:< lost_penguin> True, but must cap the max message len a lot. 0952:< dashed> it does :( 0952:< Chartis> It looks like the Automatic Hightscore link is broken would y'all be the people to tell? 0952:< lost_penguin> Just make the char size fixed length? 0952:< dashed> u have ideas? 0952:< Wakafanykai123> yes we would be chartis 0952:< dashed> im thinking of encoding as unicode chars 0952:< Chartis> from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/5wtz6 0953:< Wakafanykai123> oh 0953:< Wakafanykai123> thats not us, the dude is prob updating the website or something 0953:< lost_penguin> dashed from what I see (since I don't have an updated script with encryption) is that all the fields contain two chars. 0953:< dashed> some contain 1 0953:< lost_penguin> dashed except one every so often. So why not pad the single char? 0953:< Wakafanykai123> ima sleep now, goodnight all! 0954:< lost_penguin> Then get rid of commas. 0954:< dashed> lost_penguin u have ideas? 0954:< _vvvv_> Good night Wakafanykai123 0954:< lost_penguin> You'll be able to have 50% longer messages. 0954:< Chartis> Night Wakafanykai123, Chartis KO! 0954:< dashed> how do u mark a single char? 0955:< lost_penguin> Left pad it with a char you don't use? of 0 if that's valid? 0955:< lost_penguin> or 0 if* 0955:< dashed> aasdf 0955:< mofosyne> how many more hour til end of robin? 0956:< _vvvv_> mofosyne Not sure.. 24? 48? depends if start or end of the 8th. 0956:< Chartis> 19-43 hours remaining by my estimate. 0958:< lost_penguin> How to use encryption? I just updated. Start with @c? 0958:< dashed> yep 0959:< lost_penguin> em:3n,6l,4n,40,1l,3x,52,2o,2v 0959:< dashed> lost_penguin we can use a unicode emoji as a marker 0959:< lost_penguin> We sharing a key or what? 0959:< dashed> ks982hu02klm47nk 0959:< lost_penguin> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,25,6s,6m,5z,3q 0959:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,23,6o,6f,5z,4b,3 0959:< lost_penguin> Work? 1000:< lost_penguin> :P 1000:< dashed> yep 1000:< dashed> lost_penguin unicode words :) 1000:< dashed> *works.. 1000:< lost_penguin> I got rate limited and it came back with cipher text in message box? 1000:< dashed> ? 1000:< lost_penguin> Looks like a minor bug. 1000:< dashed> probably 1001:< lycan_nick> I imagine Parrot inspects contents of message box before submitting and replaces contents if it detects a signal to encipher? 1001:< lost_penguin> I'll see about removing the ,'s. 1003:< dashed> lost_penguin use the unicode :D 1004:< lost_penguin> dashed as padding? 1005:< hagbard-celine> yeah, it looks for @c or @crypto 1005:< lycan_nick> Hey, I wonder if we could get support for giphy into Parrot 1005:< lycan_nick> or just gifs and images in general 1005:< dashed> yep 1006:< dashed> since .toString(36) never produces emoji 1007:< _vvvv_> lycan_nick we have twitch and some extras 1008:< _vvvv_> lycan_nick do you have them on in settings? 1008:< lost_penguin> tostring(36) only uses 0-9a-z? 1008:< lost_penguin> Just use - maybe? 1009:< lost_penguin> Or really anything even a capital A. 1010:< _vvvv_> yeah it's 0-9 a-z 1012:< dashed> what does 36 mean? 1012:< sprokolopolis> Does anyone know what selector to use to change username colors in the userlist sidebar? I've changed the username colors in chat. 1012:< lost_penguin> Base 36. 1012:< sprokolopolis> Using CSS with Stylish and can't seem to target the userlist colors. 1013:< mythriz> did anyone ever look into the "multiline messages"? I found that /tally gives the same problem/error :) 1013:< lost_penguin> Like hex is base 16 (has 16 symbols 0-9a-f) 1013:< dashed> ah 1014:< dashed> yeah anycharacter will do 1014:< dashed> lost_penguin i guess you're patching? 1014:< lost_penguin> Sure just wondering where the commas are introduced during encryption. 1014:< lost_penguin> Tere doesn't seem to be an explicit point. 1014:< dashed> toString() 1015:< dashed> it's an array 1015:< lost_penguin> Oh right. So obvious sorry. 1015:< dashed> e.g [1,2,3].toString() 1015:< dashed> np =] 1016:< OrangeredStilton> Do you need the commas at all if you can ensure that base36 numbers are always two digit? 1016:< lost_penguin> OrangeredStilton no, that's what I'm changing. 1017:< OrangeredStilton> Copy 1017:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis they are regenerated with js. 1017:< _vvvv_>
1018:< dashed> lost_penguin comma need to be inserted before: var key = aesjs.util.convertStringToBytes(String(settings['cipherkey'])); 1018:< _vvvv_>
    " + userpai 1019:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ So, does that mean there isn't any way to target a specific color with CSS alone? 1020:< dashed> lost_penguin sorry i meant var hexList = plainMessage.split(","); 1020:< sprokolopolis> Maybe If I were to convert my theme to greasemonkey I could do it then. I just don't really have any experience with greasemonkey scripts. 1021:< lost_penguin> dashed ok. I think I should leave the old method in there too? 1021:< lost_penguin> Or not make it backwards compatible? 1021:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L1609-L1622 => http://nazar.so/1b8a6 1021:< dashed> dont make it backwards compatible 1021:< lost_penguin> Like real men. 1021:< dashed> we've already changed it so many times lol 1021:< lost_penguin> Haha 1022:< _vvvv_> the style:color is being set on them as they are generated. 1022:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ Thanks, I'll play with it :) 1025:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis If you want a css job you could make my popover sections better. 1025:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis basically html and css only. 1026:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ I started playing with that actually. Was having issues getting rid of the outlines 1027:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ but mainly I think that is just because I am currently just using stylish, which is purly CSS. 1027:< _vvvv_> I have a border set on them. 1027:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L989-L995 => http://nazar.so/5kmer 1027:< dashed> _vvvv_ https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/155#issuecomment-206797759 => http://nazar.so/4eck4 ??? 1028:< _vvvv_> It's just inline html and css. If you can make things pretty you can try modifying it there.. all you need to change sprokolopolis 1028:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ I might be going to bed soon, but I did clean up my code. It should work fine on both light and dark modes for RES now. Both are sh 1028:< _vvvv_> dashed just as far as I got. I can't see why it sends the real message. mes2 is sent through the whole function and properly generated 1029:< dashed> i see 1030:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ both are the same now except for the mention backgrounds are a bit funky at the moment. 1030:< _vvvv_> can you link your sheet? sprokolopolis 1031:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_Yes. Give me a minute 1033:< _vvvv_> I just pushed a "total actives" count on top of user list as rrequested. 1036:< dashed> nice 1036:< dashed> this is down https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker 1036:< dashed> maybe we should fix that 1038:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ here is the sheet: http://pastebin.com/QizAFVDH and a screenshot: https://imgur.com/fiY2nNM 1039:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ Things I haven't done yet: Backgrounds for messages where you are mentioned, the settings page. 1039:< _vvvv_> damn that is pretty 1040:< sprokolopolis> Thabks :) 1040:< sprokolopolis> Thanks * 1040:< sprokolopolis> just try to imagine the userlist in the same colors as you see in chat. 1042:< sprokolopolis> You are welcome to use it if you would like. I am going to try to get some rest in a bit. 1042:< _vvvv_> We might be able to pull the color array into css. 1042:< dashed> _vvvv_ i think parrot ddos'd the live tracker 1042:< _vvvv_> so you could modify them with your stylesheet 1042:< _vvvv_> LOL 1042:< _vvvv_> dashed probably amazon free tier or raspi 1043:< dashed> nope it's dreamhost 1043:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ that would be great if you could. Might not get to doing any more work on it until tomorrow. 1044:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis yeah I understand I'm heading to bed soon too 1045:< hagbard-celine> adding some test console logging to see what's getting called. when pressing send message, onMessageBoxSubmit isn't called 1045:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ Alrighty, well I will check in with you sometime tomorrow. Have a nice night :) 1046:< hagbard-celine> at least with @c in front, which is really weird 1047:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine it was called for me with the button and with the enter. 1047:< hagbard-celine> hmm, i'll look at that again 1047:< _vvvv_> I tracked mes2 all the way down - it was correctly calculated and put in #robinMessageTextAlt and #robinMessageText 1047:< _vvvv_> but.. then.. still sent @c 1048:< _vvvv_> and not an encrypted message. 1048:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ dashed I've changed the cipher code. Seems to work. 1048:< _vvvv_> so.. ?? 1048:< dashed> ? 1048:< dashed> really? :D 1048:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin removed the commas? 1048:< lost_penguin> Yep. 1048:< dashed> \o/ 1048:< mythriz> clicking on the chat room's name triggers sidebar? 1049:< lost_penguin> It's backwards compatible meaning yo can read old encrypted messages, but old people can't read the new ones. 1049:< _vvvv_> mythriz yes it hides and shows the settings 1049:< mythriz> well it's neat, just not super intuitive, haha 1050:< mythriz> I discovered it by accident, might confuse users. oh well should be fine. :) 1051:< _vvvv_> refresh brings it out in the worst case 1051:< _vvvv_> although a button on the side or something would be nice. 1051:< mythriz> yup 1051:< dashed> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQaBWziYvY 1051:< hagbard-celine> onMessageBoxSubmit definitely not called for me when pressing button, also my test seems to be staying in the box after pressing it 1051:< dashed> inline youtube video o.O doesn't really work 1052:< dashed> rofl this is broken 1052:< mythriz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKrVegVI0Us 1052:< mythriz> still only sound in newest update 1052:< dashed> yeah 1052:< dashed> can't even pause it 1052:< mythriz> heh 1052:< lost_penguin> dashed _vvvv_ I just merged it in. Update. 1053:< lost_penguin> Want to try it with you guys before bumping version. 1053:< _vvvv_> dashed yeah mine shows the picture and plays audio but no video 1053:< dashed> rofl... 1053:< dashed> w.e.. it stays 1053:< _vvvv_> check console.. some sort of policy issue maybe? 1054:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,21,6s,6r,5m --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 10:54:10 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 10:54:24 2016 1054:< _vvvv_> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m 1054::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1054:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f2d6w 1054:< _vvvv_> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m5xhA2q1n6r26732x455a4k6u2h523a5umA3z5e175l1f5s284z 1054:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,29,72,6r,5m,4q,i,2q,1i,6e,2m,6a,13,60,55,54,6i,20 1054:< lost_penguin> omg 1,000,000? 1054:< dashed> 1,000,000 what 1054:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f384x6l6344cA132x4trA573d5w6j6f51pA 1054:< _vvvv_> em:4h316o323f1w726t4e4fnA38184h1z6m14435a4z4l2f4k2p5u2f5r4336472z3poA6v2n4x6n2c2a 1055:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f7A5x 1055:< _vvvv_> em:4h316o323f375e5d4e4x162c3c5e2q5m2x4b50566k2e521f3q205g4733413e421s6vhA4w4t7AiA4x42224s1k6l2n5p2b2x6d676b576k566A4z4A45 1055:< lost_penguin> dashed update. I updated crypto code. 1055:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ they won't need to try very hard :D 1055:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin hahaha 1056:< dashed> em:4h316o323f29726r5m4qiA2q1i6e2m6a13604z4y6h2c5a 1056:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin navigating our greasemonkey script is the true challenge tho 1056:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f2a6x4g5y44bA 1056:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ It's a goddamn mess. 1056:< dashed> it's not working 1056:< _vvvv_> what's wrong? 1057:< lost_penguin> We saw your message dashed. 1057:< dashed> i dont see yours 1057:< _vvvv_> strange 1057:< lost_penguin> Did you update? 1057:< mythriz> I guess cleaning up the code is not much of a priority since robin ends, what, tomorrow? :P 1057:< lost_penguin> It's only backwards compatible one way (updated users see non-updated user messages). 1058:< _vvvv_> shasum c7ca982c3b58a3e368169be37c4535bc8436439b robin.user.js 1058:< dashed> em:4h316o323f29726r5m4qiA2q1i6e2m6a13604v4y6u24 1058:< _vvvv_> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m5x6A2u176h266n2x3w5a4k6p 1058:< dashed> ok now it works 1058:< lost_penguin> Cool. 1058:< lost_penguin> I'll bump version. 1058:< hagbard-celine> anyone else getting text not disappearing from window after pressing send message? 1058:< _vvvv_> abc 1058:< dashed> sdasdasd 1058:< mythriz> test 1058:< _vvvv_> yes, actually 1059:< mythriz> yup :P 1059:< hagbard-celine> i bet these are related 1059:< _vvvv_> What if we removed their button and put our own in 1100:< lost_penguin> What's the issue? 1100:< _vvvv_> two issues: @c message and then pressing send doesn't work. Secondly pressing send message doesn't clear input. 1100:< _vvvv_> @c test 1100:< lost_penguin> @c wut 1100:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d5f56aA5i3p6b2ArA 1100:< lost_penguin> Worked for me? 1100:< _vvvv_> it should be encrypted.. 1101:< SirCabbage> woot, it worked now? 1101:< lost_penguin> Oh I see. 1101:< SirCabbage> em:3m4s3w442d6c73gA3n406g296A2s6ftA595319511p5y6y2n6k2n3A4y5o6l4s5d1b0A2g6j6mlA2q2c1r2g6b 1101:< hagbard-celine> i updated parrot and then just added a single console.log line to onmessageboxsubmit, it is definitely not being called when i press send 1101:< lost_penguin> I'll have a look. You guys totally took a dump on my once beautiful code (it was beautiful once promise). 1102:< _vvvv_> constant increase in entropy... 1102:< lost_penguin> Anyone else getting a weird springy effect on the user list? When it updates. 1103:< lost_penguin> The last question _vvvv_. 1103:< _vvvv_> same as mouseover? 1103:< hagbard-celine> yeah, i think that's the mouseover effect disappearing 1103:< _vvvv_> do a hover on the user list 1103:< lost_penguin> Oh yeah like that. 1104:< _vvvv_> I'll play with it tomorrow 1104:< _vvvv_> unless anyone wants to hack at the css and html there 1104:< _vvvv_> it could be beautified 1104:< _vvvv_> was thinking of putting a status update in there too. 1105:< lost_penguin> No-one looking at code related to message box (#robinMessage/MessageAlt)? If not I'll tidy it up a bit.. 1105:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ My css skills are not good. 1105:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine, dashed, and I all looked at it a little. 1106:< dashed> look at wat? 1106:< _vvvv_> send box issue with @c button click 1106:< dashed> yeah idk.. lost_penguin might know better on how events are bubbled 1106:< lost_penguin> I'll sort it. It think the messagebox\alt code has been butchered over time. 1107:< lost_penguin> I think maybe some people have modified it without knowing what it's actually meant to be doing. 1108:< _vvvv_> sleeping for 5 hours 1108:< _vvvv_> see you all~ 1108:< lost_penguin> 'night _vvvv_ 1109:< lost_penguin> 5 hours is doing it a little rough. 1109:< dashed> later _vvvv_ 1118:< hagbard-celine> huh, pressing send message on an empty text window now sends a blank message 1118:< lost_penguin> tree 1118:< hagbard-celine> oh, it's not blank, it has the ^ 1118:< OrangeredStilton> ls -l 1118:< lost_penguin> Only after switching tabs. 1119:< lost_penguin> It's kinda a bug but not really. 1119:< hagbard-celine> as in, shouldn't do it more than once without tab switch? 1119:< lost_penguin> So when you hit send, it just sends that. 1120:< hagbard-celine> ah, is that the difference between message and messagealt? 1120:< lost_penguin> It should be. 1121:< lost_penguin> But I can't speak for any changes since I first implemented it. 1121:< lost_penguin> If you take the css hide attrib off the message box in the inspector you can see how it behaces. 1122:< lost_penguin> That's what I did while I tested it. 1122:< hagbard-celine> cool, i'll find that 1123:< lost_penguin> Just remove the display:none. 1126:< hagbard-celine> found it, thanks 1126:< hagbard-celine> pressing the sendbutton empties the real box but not the alt 1127:< lost_penguin> You're using chrome? 1127:< hagbard-celine> yes 1127:< lost_penguin> test 1127:< lost_penguin> I don't have that problem. So you just put text in the box then hit the send button and it doesn't clear the alt? 1128:< hagbard-celine> yup 1128:< lost_penguin> What parrot version you on? 1128:< hagbard-celine> 3.59 1129:< hagbard-celine> pressing it again after the real box is empty doesn't send a message 1129:< lost_penguin> I wonder what the difference in our setups are. I'm on chrome too. 1130:< hagbard-celine> yeah, it is strange 1135:< hagbard-celine> is the "send message" button reddit's? 1136:< lost_penguin> It looks like we add it in code. 1137:< lost_penguin> Weird, I thought base robin had one but maybe not. Try with script disabled. 1138:< lost_penguin> Do we need a button? Just pressing enter seems fine. Should be fine on tablets etc too. Use enter button on on-screen KB? 1139:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, base Robin doesn't have a Send Message 1140:< lost_penguin> Anyone remember why we added it? 1140:< lost_penguin> Before my time I think. 1147:< hagbard-celine> testenter 1147:< hagbard-celine> testpress 1147:< dashed> lost_penguin mobile users 1147:< lost_penguin> Why can't they hit the enter button on the screen KB? 1147:< dashed> idk ... 1148:< lost_penguin> Can't they use standard robin anyway? It doesn't have it. 1148:< mythriz> actually, can mobile users install parrot at all? oh on firefox maybe I guess. 1148:< dashed> no idea i dont use robin on mobile 1148:< lost_penguin> Shall we be brave and remove it? 1148:< hagbard-celine> ok. pressing enter calls line 1676, pressing button calls line 1675 1148:< dashed> wait you're actually debugging this? 1149:< hagbard-celine> only the 1676 call has onMessageBoxsubmit 1149:< hagbard-celine> yeah, it was bugging me 1149:< dashed> rofl... 1149:< lost_penguin> Yeah that seems right hagbard-celine. 1149:< hagbard-celine> even if you just remove the fucking thing, it would still have bugged me 1149:< lost_penguin> Click calls click event. Enter calls submit event? 1150:< hagbard-celine> yeah 1151:< dashed> try $("#robinSendMessage").submit() 1151:< dashed> well.. 1151:< lost_penguin> dashed I don't think it triggers the robin base event needed. 1152:< dashed> it dos 1152:< hagbard-celine> test 1152:< hagbard-celine> ok, that quick fix didn't work, no surprise there 1153:< hagbard-celine> test 1153:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1154:< dashed> em:4h,31,6o,32,3f,29,72,6k 1154:< dashed> partial fix :D 1155:< hagbard-celine> yeah? 1156:< mythriz> ugh, finally found out why ctrl + alt + arrow keys didn't work at work. 1157:< dashed> why 1157:< mythriz> Intel HD graphics steals those shortcuts, even though I've disabled them :( 1157:< mythriz> *tries setting them to some other shortcuts before disabling* 1157:< dashed> o.o 1159:**** OllieTerrance is happy with alt+[, alt+] 1200:< Stjerneklar> sweet, total actives :) 1201:< touyajp> dashed btw feel free to invite contibuters to our SR 1201:< touyajp> i dunno who helped much here, i was not paying too much attention to this chat 1201:< Stjerneklar> at what point are people removed from the active list? 1201:< dashed> our SR? 1201:< dashed> after 5 mins 1201:< touyajp> weren't you invited yet? 1201:< Stjerneklar> cool 1202:< touyajp> oh you weren't sec. 1202:< dashed> wat's SR? <.< 1202:< Stjerneklar> sr subreddit? 1202:< Stjerneklar> unless its a github thing 1203:< dashed> no idea xD 1203:< touyajp> dashed: check PMs 1203:< touyajp> basically the leader board team + all big contibuters. currently just adding folks 1203:< dashed> ah 1206:< dashed> touyajp accepted :) 1207:< touyajp> dashed feel free to invite submitters etc 1209:< dashed> ok 1209:< Stjerneklar> just popped into ccande again for a moment, they are still talking about somehow making everybody switch automaticaly to stay after 4k 1209:< touyajp> so cascading in ~3h 1209:< touyajp> final run \o/ 1209:< dashed> yay 1210:< touyajp> Stjerneklar i hope stay will work, but hard to say 1210:< Stjerneklar> would honestly not put it past them to try to sneak the code into parrot 1210:< hagbard-celine> @c test 1210:< hagbard-celine> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 1210:< touyajp> wouldnt hurt really :D 1211:< hagbard-celine> @c again 1211:< Stjerneklar> what, a code that makes you switch to stay? 1211:< etray> how do i test the secured chat; just wanna test with the default key 1211:< touyajp> havent used it at all yet 1212:< etray> i mean how do i enable it 1212:< touyajp> woah update 3.24 -> 3.60 lol 1212:< Stjerneklar> or was i reading the wrong thing as a reply to me? 1212:< touyajp> i have no idea how this works? 1213:< mythriz> woah why does #bard have fancy formatting 1213:< lost_penguin> If you have latest version, prefix your message with @c to encrypt. 1213:< touyajp> ah okay 1214:< touyajp> that was default key 1214:< lost_penguin> We won't see it unless we have the same key though. 1214:< touyajp> do you see anything at all? 1214:< touyajp> or just as if i had typed nothing? 1214:< lost_penguin> It gets hidden from us. 1214:< touyajp> fancy 1215:< etray> thanks lost_penguin 1215:< lost_penguin> np 1216:< etray> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a3z6gcA 1216:< dashed> lost_penguin u there 1216:< lost_penguin> yeh 1216:< touyajp> "This will be inaccurate during always." lol 1216:< touyajp> @e test successful 1216:< SalZoRz> em:3n6l4n401l3u4r11313s6iiA512vxAkAfA66322A6r233c175238589A4jkA17cA6d602b6m6w4u2i1j5t645i6r 1216:< dashed> the xtra input box was uncssary 1216:< etray> so people with default key can see this normally but with added in front? 1217:< touyajp> yes 1217:< etray> got it 1217:< touyajp> seems so 1217:< lost_penguin> dashed yeah? 1217:< dashed> see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4517366/change-form-values-after-submit-button-pressed => http://nazar.so/11x3h 1218:< lost_penguin> I had problems stopping robin eating it first. 1218:< lost_penguin> Did you try it? 1218:< dashed> no. 1219:< lost_penguin> Robin base processed it before our event fired I think. 1219:< lost_penguin> I could be wrong. If so that would be awesome. 1222:< TheAwer> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m 1226:< dashed> em:4h316o323f2x6x6d733m7A393c6h1u 1229:< SalZoRz> what do people who cant see the encrypted message see 1229:< lost_penguin> Nothing. 1230:< hagbard-celine> things aren't happy when i try to put a function inside the text-counter-input submit, which jquery documentation suggests should accept a 1230:< hagbard-celine> function as a handler 1232:< SalZoRz> lost_penguin how is that possible or do you mean the message you send is blank to them 1232:< lost_penguin> parrot doesn't show it if it can't decode. 1233:< dashed> have u guys used firefox to introspect event handlers? 1234:< dashed> test 1243:< lost_penguin> dashed I've had a play, you might be right about the alt box. 1243:< lost_penguin> I was very sleep deprived at the time. 1243:< dashed> xD 1243:< lost_penguin> I'll change some code. 1244:< dashed> :S 1244:< dashed> are u sleep deprived now? 1244:< lost_penguin> Annoying since so many people built on it. So lots to alter. 1244:< lost_penguin> Not yet :) 1244:< dashed> lol 1245:< Whitestep> wow now we have inline YT video 1245:< lost_penguin> Oh I remember the original problem. 1245:< Whitestep> you guys work fast 1245:< Whitestep> Next up you should revamp RES 1245:< dashed> Whitestep i dont think it works 1245:< lost_penguin> brb 1245:< dashed> Whitestep rofl 1245:< Whitestep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExBQdOeCjoo 1246:< hagbard-celine> da 1246:< Whitestep> how does the userlist work now? 1246:< touyajp> I'm pretty sure reddit will implement the chat soon. Without growing though 1247:< touyajp> So there is still need for chat scripts :) 1247:< Whitestep> you, dashed, are on top of it now 1247:< lost_penguin> Can I remove the send button? 1247:< Whitestep> it was always sotricious 1247:< dashed> user activity in last few mins 1247:< dashed> i didn't do youtube inline 1248:< Whitestep> WOW and now the Send Message button flashes when you have rate limit 1248:< touyajp> yeah, very nice 1248:< touyajp> and it stops flashing when you can send 1248:< Whitestep> man, this is like the best script for enhancing anything that I've ever used 1249:< Whitestep> a fuckton of features in under a week 1249:< Whitestep> sorry last question, what's 16 Character Cipher Key 1250:< lost_penguin> Whitestep pre-shared key for encrypted messages. 1251:< Whitestep> sorry and how would that work? 1251:< lost_penguin> You agree on a key with some other users. Then prefix your messages with @c 1251:< lost_penguin> Only you guys will be able to see them. 1252:< Whitestep> wow, how did you guys do that 1252:< Whitestep> aren't all the messages public besides filtering 1253:< lost_penguin> Yeah but they're encrypted with the key. 1253:< lost_penguin> So no-one else can decipher. Parrot filters out undecipherable messages. 1253:< hagbard-celine> have i been spouting any random characters this past 30s? 1253:< lost_penguin> hagbard-celine Not here that I've seen. 1253:< sotricious> nope hagbard-celine 1254:< hagbard-celine> thanks 1254:< hagbard-celine> i made code that clears the box, but it also sends me to a 403 forbidden 1254:< lost_penguin> hagbard-celine I might remove the extra box. 1254:< lost_penguin> I'm using code without it now and I can still fill in the channel info OK before sending. 1254:< Whitestep> hey inline yt actually works 1255:< Whitestep> a it ugly though 1255:< mythriz> wait really? *tries update* 1255:< lost_penguin> mythriz It's an option you need to turn on I think. 1255:< Whitestep> is it intended that it expands automatically? 1255:< touyajp> does it autoplay? 1255:< Whitestep> nope 1255:< hagbard-celine> that's probably the wise move. making it work would be great, but i have no burning need now that i know why it was bugging out 1255:< mythriz> (kinda wish the update dialogue showed the last changes hehe) 1255:< Whitestep> It shows a Play Video button 1256:< mythriz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMth7-EO45Q 1256:< lost_penguin> dashed here? 1256:< mythriz> nopp, still doesn't work properly, only sound, no video :P heh 1257:< dashed> yes mom? 1257:< dashed> lost_penguin here 1257:< lost_penguin> dashed can you see if you can intercept the click before robin gets it? 1257:< lost_penguin> That's the only problem I have now. 1257:< dashed> click to where 1258:< lost_penguin> When I hit send, the event on the send button fires (in the div attr), then our event fires. 1258:< dashed> #sendBtn? 1258:< dashed> what's the selector of the element in question? 1258:< lost_penguin> Yeah. This fires first: ("#robinSendMessage").append('
    Then our onMessageBoxSubmit. 1259:< lost_penguin> I need ours to get hit first so I can add the channel prefix. 1259:< hagbard-celine> i tried putting a function inside the .submit(), it gave me token errors 1300:< dashed> onclick={$(".text-counter-input").submit();} <=== necessary? 1300:< lost_penguin> Dunno. I think we can't trigger a submit without it. I didn't write that. 1302:< lost_penguin> If we can trigger a submit at the end if onMessageBoxSubmit that'd be perfect. 1302:< lost_penguin> Can you see if you can get that to work? 1303:< dashed> me? 1303:< lost_penguin> yes dashed :D 1304:< etray> UPDATE: only 8 more T8 rooms needed for cascading merge 1304:< mofosyne> holy shit so many type errors in javascript console dashed, how the hell is this script even running lol 1304:< bbrazil> welcome to the internet 1304:< etray> "if it works don' fix it" 1305:< lost_penguin> I don't get any. Must be one of the optional features I guess. 1305:< mofosyne> until one guy gets harrased by "kik" and deletes leftpad 1305:< mofosyne> and breaks the internet in the process 1305:< hagbard-celine> t 1305:< dashed> lol kik 1305:< hagbard-celine> t 1305:< mythriz> send message sends a blank message when I accidentally click it :P 1306:< lost_penguin> If I can get my change finished, that'll be fixed too :) 1306:< etray> more like a feature than a bug 1307:< mythriz> anyways yeah I'm seeing lots of TypeError too. though it's in the reddit.init.no-script....? so not in the parrot script? 1310:< hagbard-celine> test 1310:< hagbard-celine> test 1312:< dashed> boop 1313:< hagbard-celine> i replaced $(".text-counter-input").submit(); with $("#robinSendMessage").submit(); and no change occured 1314:< hagbard-celine> also tried reordering the two lines to see if that would make it submitting trigger the on submit. it didn't 1317:< hagbard-celine> ooh, it's an html problem, apparently 1318:< hagbard-celine> maybe 1318:< lost_penguin> dashed This problem would go away if I removed the submit button :) 1318:< mofosyne> dashed is moveChannelMessage the incoming port for every single message? 1318:< hagbard-celine> well yeah, but what fun is that? 1318:< lost_penguin> moveChannelMessage is only to move messages to the channel tabs. 1318:< lost_penguin> The incoming point is the mutation handler. 1319:< mofosyne> so if I'm scanning every text ? oh mutation hmmm 1319:< dashed> lol 1320:< mofosyne> hmmm yea we need better documentation... I'll annotate that mutation handles the incoming message hah 1320:< lost_penguin> Wait a day. You might not have to :P 1320:< dashed> lol 1321:< lost_penguin> dashed did you figure it out? 1321:< lost_penguin> I'm pretty sure this is why I did the alt message box to start with. 1321:< dashed> nah 1322:< dashed> a div has a submit evnt handlr 1325:< Whitestep> dashed, any way to disable the username expandos? 1325:< dashed> nah 1328:< lost_penguin> I have one last idea then I'll put this change on ice. 1335:< mofosyne> starting to get something going: "connected!,#rpg,%chat,%chat,$,$,^Biggest,My,%chat,nigglets,%chat,%chat,#,#rpg,My,#bard,#rpg,$,@,%,[r/El" 1335:< mofosyne> now just gotta do some statistics on these, then somehow display it on the sidebar 1337:< dashed> shit lol 1337:< dashed> nice 1337:< mofosyne> as for capping the array, who gives a shit 1341:< dashed> yeah im out of ideas 1347:< hagbard-celine> test 1348:< sotricious> just updated to the new user list on ethe right ^, nice one 1348:< sotricious> I really like the 'momentum' effect(?) in the drop downs, groovy 1349:< dashed> credit to _vvvv_ 1349:< sotricious> kudos 1349:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ is taking a power nap right now. 1350:**** dashed will make coffee... 1350:< sotricious> do you have time to make a skin so the UI looks when vanilla? _vvvv_ wd freak out 1353:< mythriz> oh cool, didn't see that :) 1356:< dashed> sotricious wat? 1357:< sotricious> nothing, stupid thought > play aprils fool joke on _vvvv_ 1357:< sotricious> when he gets up after nap > 1357:< LTOtv> does anyone know how to run robin with multiple accounts in a single browser? I can't make it work with private tabs in either CH or FF 1359:< Annon201> what can i do with a kitten? 1400:< Annon201> specifically one that followed me home? 1400:< LTOtv> keep it, abandon it, or eat it? 1401:< Annon201> can someone do a PR for a method that handles lost kittens 1401:< hagbard-celine> take it to a vet to make sure it isn't chipped 1401:< Annon201> I will be tomorrow 1401:< LTOtv> keep it, abandon it, or eat it?^ 1401:< LTOtv> damn retype...mybad 1401:< dashed> ? 1401:< LTOtv> take it to a vet. good idea. 1401:< Annon201> its 11:30pm right now 1401:< LTOtv> I'm used to holding shift and up arrow to select and delete text, not a good user habit for parrot. 1402:< Annon201> but yeah, will be getting a pic of him(her?) up on fb, will be checking for a chip tomorrow and doing a letter drop in the close vicinity 1403:< Annon201> my other cats arent too happy 1403:< Stjerneklar> LTOtv that reminds me, i use ctrl + shift and arrows a lot when selecting text, but parrot misenterprets mem 1403:< dashed> LTOtv go to settings and change it 1404:< Stjerneklar> dashed ill go do that too XD 1405:< Annon201> Stjerneklar: so did I. thats why it can be changed 1410:< LTOtv> Yeah, I have keyboard rnagivation and remapping off. 1410:< LTOtv> but it doesn't seem to change anything in Chrome. NBD. I can learn to do better. 1410:< dashed> ? 1410:< mythriz> you need remapping on 1410:< mythriz> in order to customize the shortcut 1411:< LTOtv> oh, I just want it off. 1411:< LTOtv> so turn on remapping and turn off all the modifiers? 1411:< mythriz> aha, turn off keyboard channel-tabs navigationt hen 1411:< dashed> maybe 1412:< LTOtv> ...and I get the the last thing I typed in its place 1412:< mofosyne> #rpg,connected!,#,%,#bard,My,%chat,^Biggest,^,nigglets,voted,$,click,[r/ElectionBot],ELECT,penis/,%parrot,no,█████████████████████████████ 1412:< mofosyne> these are the typical stuff I see in terms of channel discovery 1412:< mythriz> oh, you mean you want to turn off selecting words? 1412:< mofosyne> might need to somehow filter 1413:< LTOtv> I wish I could select my entire typing row with SHIFT+Up arrow, but the up arrow is a different command in parrot. They collide. 1413:< LTOtv> but it's not a big deal 1413:< LTOtv> I think i'm trying to apply an OSX thing to a more general environment. 1413:< dashed> we have a channel discovery? 1413:< mythriz> select what? entire text? Ctrl + A? I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying lol 1414:< dashed> LTOtv cmd + shift + left/right 1414:< LTOtv> yeah, on a mac, if you have a line of type SHIFT+up arrow works the same as CMD+A for selection of everything on the line of type. 1415:< LTOtv> CMD+SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT is what I'm looking for 1415:< Stjerneklar> ah, never knew 1415:< LTOtv> :) 1415:< Stjerneklar> goddamnit why am i still here fuck XD 1416:< codedit> merge party starting soon 1416:< LTOtv> I've become very used to using my pinkie fingers on each hand to do the modifier keys and arrows 1416:< mythriz> Shift + Up works in text boxes in Windows too, if you go to one of the settings with text boxes, and use shift + up 1416:< mythriz> it just doesn't work in the message box anymore because up was used for the history function now I guess 1418:< LTOtv> yeah, I worked in windows when I did IT back in the day, but been a Mac guy born and bred. 1418:< mythriz> I'm sure it's easy to fix it by only triggering the history function when no modifiers are selected, same as I did for the tabautocomplete 1424:< mofosyne> hmmm.... top 5 channel: %chat,#rpg,#bard,^Biggest 1424:< mofosyne> need the regexp to also detect "^" by itself... 1424:< mofosyne> This is my regexp currently: ^([!@#$%^&*()]+).+$ 1426:< mofosyne> trying out: ^([!@#$%^&*()]+)(.?)+$ 1426:< OrangeredStilton> You probably want \^ within the [] group 1426:< mofosyne> oh why? i never seen the \penis group 1427:< OrangeredStilton> Because ^ inside a character group means "not the following characters"; you want to escape it 1427:< OrangeredStilton> Because ^ inside a character group means "not the following characters"; you want to escape it 1427:< mofosyne> .. oh yea 1432:< mofosyne> yo dashed, can you accept a pull request? Its just the channel discovery logic, no display yet 1432:< mofosyne> not sure how to modify to show the results on the sidebar best 1432:< dashed> uh sure 1433:< mofosyne> so hows things on your side anyhow 1434:< mofosyne> whats your recommendation on inserting text to the sidebar? 1435:< mofosyne> ummm... apparenly there is some merge conflict dashed 1436:< dashed> ? 1436:< lost_penguin> woo 1436:< mofosyne> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/161 1436:< mofosyne> oh btw this is what it is seening so far: top 5 channel: ^,#bard,$,%chat,#rpg 1437:< dashed> mofosyne how are channels removed from the list? 1438:< mofosyne> at the moment there is non. Eventally the room will crash via channelDiscoveryList eating up all the ram 1439:< mofosyne> but channelDiscoveryList only add valid room names to the count, so it will be a while 1439:< dashed> can u do channels active in last 10 mins or something? 1440:< TheAwer> uh the automatic leaderboard is broken? https://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1440:< mofosyne> the easiest I could do is the 'last 100 message' or something 1440:< Whitestep> yeah TheAwer 1440:< mofosyne> the 10mins thing means I have to timestamp each discovery 1441:< PotatoBadger> Any update on the crypto PM's since about 8 hours ago? 1441:< Broodoobob> I wonder how many of the rooms my 11 leavebots have seeded 1441:< TheAwer> you could maybe have like a popularity variable that decays? might be better? 1441:< dashed> well for each channel... u put in the latest timestamp it was screen 1441:< Broodoobob> they've been running for about 12 hours 1441:< dashed> PotatoBadger what about it? 1441:< PotatoBadger> Is it working with public key crypto yet? 1441:< dashed> Broodoobob lol wtf? 1442:< dashed> PotatoBadger no only symmetric 1442:< PotatoBadger> Ok 1442:< mofosyne> dashed, is a string array limit of 1000 small string reasonable? 1442:< hagbard-celine> welp, that's enough bashing of head into pointless problem for one night 1442:< Broodoobob> they're annoying but effective >.> 1442:< dashed> mofosyne that's a alot of channels 1443:< dashed> hagbard-celine haha. 1443:< mofosyne> dashed, its the raw uncounted list 1443:< dashed> mofosyne sure... but u can use object instead of array 1443:< mofosyne> true 1444:< dashed> mofosyne create a last recently seen list 1444:< mofosyne> oh yea 1000 is a bit overkill. 100 is more of a last recently seen. Good point 1444:< TheAwer> what about having a variable for each channel, when that channel is used add like 100 to that variable, and take away like 5 per second? 1444:< dashed> mofosyne do this using object 1445:< TheAwer> or maybe something exponential? is that a bad idea? 1445:< dashed> mofosyne since object is like hashtable 1445:< dashed> Total Actives: 86 1446:< mofosyne> TheAwer my approach is better for "sliding window" count 1446:< TheAwer> what do you mean by sliding window? 1446:< touyajp> tracking data should be back soon 1448:< dashed> touyajp is parrot killing the tracker? 1448:< dashed> should i disable tracking completely? 1448:< touyajp> nah, something else screwed up 1449:< touyajp> has nothing to do with parrot i think 1449:< dashed> ;) 1449:< TheAwer> its back! 1449:< touyajp> also, it's fixed now 1449:< mofosyne> TheAwer, if you use your method, then how do you do something like "what is the most common word" in the last 100 message etc... 1450:< TheAwer> oh I see mofosyne 1450:< TheAwer> also anyone know how to get the full data displayed on the automatic leaderboard page? 1450:< dashed> ? 1450:< dashed> TheAwer https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/json.php 1451:< TheAwer> oh is there no GUI made for it? oh well 1451:< touyajp> there is... 1451:< TheAwer> touyajp for all the rooms on the leaderboard? what's the link? 1452:< touyajp> its sekrit :D 1452:< lost_penguin> dashed you still here? 1452:< dashed> yeah 1452:< Broodoobob> https://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/3ft3r 1453:< lost_penguin> TheAwer you can see monstrous board in parrot if you enable it in options. 1453:< Broodoobob> or https://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ for tier8+ 1453:< lost_penguin> It's the "show automated leaderboard" option. 1453:< TheAwer> thank you Broodoobob that first one is what I was after. ;) 1454:< mofosyne> okay added dashed 1454:< mofosyne> checked that it works on 5 message pruning, and now set to 100 1454:< TheAwer> sidenote cascade has started if nobody noticed. no more T8s needed 1454:< mofosyne> D: 1455:< codedit> Ah I found a way to make parrot sorta work on mobile 1455:< codedit> javascript:$.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js',function(d){eval(d);}) => http://nazar.so/97nvg 1455:< mofosyne> when is the cascade? 1455:< mofosyne> for us 1455:< dashed> codedit how does that work w/o jquery? 1456:< codedit> reddit has jquery 1456:< codedit> I think 1456:< mofosyne> dashed is the code push good enough now? 1456:< Broodoobob> that's a clever hack 1456:< codedit> or at least robin has jquery, so it works 1456:< dashed> mofosyne no u have conflicts :< 1456:< codedit> only the styling gets messed up since it is not injected on page load 1456:< dashed> encryption doesn't work in mobile 1456:< mofosyne> D: shieettt what should I do dashed? 1457:< dashed> git rebase :< 1457:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f2d706l 1457:< lost_penguin> dashed I got that single text box working. 1457:< dashed> em:4h316o323f2A4u5b3l5xdA15nA 1457:< lost_penguin> Fixes things like encryption not working in button click. 1457:< dashed> how? 1458:< lost_penguin> And auto complete works much better. 1458:< TheAwer> sorry actually all there's a bug on the leaderboard we are not cascading yet 1458:< lost_penguin> Dark magic mostly. 1458:< lost_penguin> I'll merge it in in a sec. 1458:< lost_penguin> Just have to get the chars remaining working again. Think everything else works. 1459:< touyajp> tracker fixed 1459:< touyajp> still need 5 tier 8 1500:< TheAwer> touyajp i'm not sure if you're in charge of the leaderboard but you may want to display This may be inaccurate during merges. at all times 1501:< touyajp> guitarshirt does that and i believe he put the grammar mistake in on purpose 1503:< mofosyne> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded master to refs/remotes/origin/master. 1503:< mofosyne> what the heck... 1503:< mofosyne> don't think its merging 1504:< mofosyne> dashed whats exactly the command to pull everything and merge from the master base ? 1504:< mofosyne> I just typed "git rebase 1505:**** lost_penguin . 1505:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323fjA5b 1505:< mofosyne> yea I'm a git noob 1506:< lost_penguin> git fetch upstream 1506:< lost_penguin> git merge upstream/master 1506:< lost_penguin> (probably) 1506:< lost_penguin> then push 1507:< mofosyne> giving some error "fatal: 'upstream' does not appear to be a git repository" 1507:< mofosyne> btw I was using github for desktop 1507:< dashed> use sourcetree 1508:< dashed> em:4h316o323f2c6d4g5l4agA30174h1z6c1m3w3o4n682e522u4b214c 1508:< lost_penguin> All works, just getting ready to merge. 1513:< mofosyne> anyway github desktop is handy but stupid... 1514:< Daegalus> everyone ready for the coming wave? 1516:< mofosyne> not yet... still trying to blooody deal with the merge for dashed 1517:< dashed> :< 1520:< lost_penguin> dfdsfd 1520:< lost_penguin> em:4h316o323f2j6v 1521:< Daegalus> what do you mean mofosyne? is something wrong with the merge, dashed? 1521:< mofosyne> basically my changes is out of sync 1522:< mofosyne> with 5alt 1522:< Daegalus> Ohhh, i thought you meant the robin merge and I thought we broke something in Parrot 1522:< lost_penguin> dashed I merged it in 1522:< mofosyne> and I can't get sourcetree or github desktop to work the damn thing 1522:< lost_penguin> Can you guys try it out before I bump the version number? 1522:< lost_penguin> Quite a few changes. 1522:< dashed> sure 1522:< DebentureThyme> Can't wait to get my T17 armor when we merge http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2014/june/tier17DruidMythicHD.jpg => http://nazar.so/7hhte 1523:< mofosyne> pretty 1523:< touyajp> damnit my 2nd alt is one or two rooms too late heh 1523:< ande_> mofosyne try from command line: git remote add upstream https://github.com/5a1t/parrot.git 1523:< ande_> and then git fetch upstream 1523:< dashed> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m4ccA2o 1523:< dashed> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m4ccA2o3c4z 1524:< dashed> em:4h316o323f2h6o6r5y406A137A6v2l711r4n 1524:< mofosyne> ya know what... I'm just gonna delete this and remake the bloody folder lol 1524:< dashed> em:4h316o323f2e6o6o5q44 1524:< OrangeredStilton> This is the problem with shared secret: I can easily deduce that those messages all start with the same word 1524:< touyajp> We here at RobinTracker only provide free-range heuristics. Sometimes they can get a little creative, but the tier data is eventually acc 1524:< dashed> OrangeredStilton rofl tru 1524:< lost_penguin> mofosyne You should be able to do what ande said. 1524:< touyajp> lollol 1524:< mofosyne> oh right 1525:< Stjerneklar> ...human variable storage? 1525:< Stjerneklar> humane even 1525:< apspiderboy> fdgsdfg 1525:< apspiderboy> china 1526:< lost_penguin> You only add the upstream once. Then you can git fetch upstream then git merge upstream/master whenever you wanna sync. 1526:< Daegalus> we are an hour away from getting our 10 room slotted 1526:< lost_penguin> dashed I take it it works all good? 1526:< Daegalus> then the 8 and 9 rooms will come quick. 1526:< Daegalus> I say we are all fully merged in 4-5 hours 1527:< dashed> yea 1527:< dashed> bump 1527:< Daegalus> We dont have a lot of time to make PMing a thing 1527:< dashed> CASCADE STARTED! HYPEEEE 1527:< OrangeredStilton> No, not yet 1527:< lost_penguin> Cool. I noticed a tiny bug. Doesn't reset the chars remaining after hitting enter. 1527:< dashed> 06:43:00 hours 1527:< lost_penguin> I'll fix then bump. 1527:< OrangeredStilton> I just want to see how badly Reddit takes a shit at merge 1528:< lost_penguin> Probably not much of a blip given reddits bandwidth? 1529:< Whitestep> I think it'll crash 1529:< OrangeredStilton> Consider the Kufikumu catastrophe 1529:< mythriz> reddit crapped out for a bunch of people during the last merge I think? haha 1529:< lost_penguin> What's that? 1529:< lost_penguin> Oh I didn't know sorry. 1529:< OrangeredStilton> We have people here who've never experienced the great plague 1529:< OrangeredStilton> And it's only been running a week! 1530:< mythriz> witness! 1530:< OrangeredStilton> But yes. Reddit shat the bed when Kufikumu formed, and 2600 out of 4401 people never showed up 1530:< OrangeredStilton> The room was disbanded to no-votes. 1531:< lost_penguin> Damn that's not good at all. 1531:< TheAwer> Is there randomness currently built into the refreshes? THat might help with dealing with it 1531:< Daegalus> I hope reddit is able to handle it, it will merge mid day, so it should be good. Also I hope we get enough Stays 1532:< OrangeredStilton> Does robin.user.js load when you're on a 503? 1532:< mofosyne> lost_penguin once I type "git fetch upstream" after add the upstream link, is there anything else or does it auto update the file now> 1532:< Daegalus> yes, its based off URL 1532:< mythriz> exciting times 1532:< OrangeredStilton> And Autovoter didn't have an autorefresh? I could've sworn it did 1533:< Daegalus> abrownn yes, Reddit is headquartered here in California, so midday is about 3pm PST 1533:< lost_penguin> mofosyne there's no auto update. fetch pulls down upstream changes. "git merge upstream/master" merges upstream changes in 1534:< lost_penguin> mofosyne then if you git push your repo will get updated. 1534:< lost_penguin> Then you should be in sync. 1534:< mofosyne> okay, well it says everythign up to date, checking now 1535:< touyajp> ahahah my alt is in the golden tier 5 i think 1535:< lost_penguin> If you look on the web interface it'll say if you're in sync with upstream. 1535:< MegaZeus101> Where is the parrot link? 1535:< touyajp> the last tier 5 to make it 1535:< mofosyne> not yet apparenly 1535:< OrangeredStilton> So we're calling the room that triggers the cascade the golden room? 1535:< OrangeredStilton> (The cascade isn't full yet, right) 1536:< touyajp> it is 1537:< touyajp> not all tier 5s will make it 1537:< touyajp> tier 4s are out 1537:< OrangeredStilton> And if someone mucked in on a T1 now, they'd never make it 1539:< touyajp> T4s can't make it even 1539:< touyajp> And T5s are hanging 1540:< touyajp> race in T5 1542:< lost_penguin> OK. Bumped to 3.61. Message input box should behave much better now. Autocomplete etc. And submit button. 1543:< mofosyne> dashed can you check if my https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/161 will mess anything up if merged? 1543:< mofosyne> its now saying its alright to merge 1543:< lost_penguin> Curly-Mo it's @c 1544:< Curly-Mo> ah, thanks 1544:< mofosyne> oh lost_penguin can you have a look at the request? I used https://help.github.com/articles/resolving-a-merge-conflict-from-the-command-li => http://nazar.so/7jbg1 1544:< OrangeredStilton> You've left some merge residuals in 1545:< mofosyne> OrangeredStilton what do you mean/ 1545:< OrangeredStilton> I'll leave a comment on the Diff.. 1545:< dashed> mofosyne yes... <<<<<<< HEAD 1545:< mofosyne> ! 1545:< OrangeredStilton> Ah yes, those 1545:< dashed> thx OrangeredStilton :D 1545:< lost_penguin> Yeah not good to merge, got diff stuff in there. 1545:< dashed> can u help mofosyne? im currently fixing a bug 1546:< mofosyne> I can try, but I also need to learn how not to stuff up the git thing 1546:< mofosyne> but go ahead 1546:< lost_penguin> mofosyne you can try. 1547:< lost_penguin> It won't hurt to leave the pull request there. 1547:< lost_penguin> If you commit again, they'll be included in the same PR. 1547:< mofosyne> okay 1548:< DebentureThyme> is there any autostay in the script right now for the next tier? 1548:< mofosyne> I can see it in the push 1548:< OrangeredStilton> Did we ever get around to implementing auto-stay-above-4k? 1549:< hagbard-celine> nice fix 1549:< lost_penguin> mofosyne The first time I used git for about two days ago when I started contributing to this thing. 1549:< mofosyne> I don recall. It would be a good idea to have a remote killswitch tho, don't force it unless we have majority agreement here 1549:< lost_penguin> mofosyne I'm not much more experienced than you :) 1549:< lost_penguin> was about two* 1550:< mofosyne> lost_penguin I'm glad you noticed me sempai 1550:< hagbard-celine> man, i was so close to doing the right thing to make that work >.< 1555:< mofosyne> in 1555:< lost_penguin> Looking at the monstrous board, it seems we need 3 T8's and we're good to cascade? 1555:< mofosyne> do i juste outright delete "<<<<<<>>>>>> upstream/master" OrangeredStilton ? 1556:< Annon201> https://help.github.com/articles/resolving-a-merge-conflict-from-the-command-line/ => http://nazar.so/ttwr 1556:< OrangeredStilton> mofosyne: Yes. 1556:< mofosyne> okay, not sure what they mean, but will do 1556:< OrangeredStilton> You'll also want to delete one of the two code lines 1556:< Annon201> your prev link to truncuacted due to char limit\ 1556:< OrangeredStilton> I assume you want to preserve yours? 1556:< OrangeredStilton> I assume you want to preserve yours? 1557:< mofosyne> Well both of "var chanName=selChanName();" and "var chanName = hasChannel(messageText).name;" is not written by me 1557:< OrangeredStilton> Eheh 1557:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, current master has the second, so keep the second 1558:< mofosyne> Oh, I think i see the logic of the diff now. Yea lets keep the newer one 1559:< mofosyne> OrangeredStilton is this safe now? https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/161 1559:< Stjerneklar> lost_penguin lol, same here 1559:< dashed> lost_penguin we're alraedy cascading 1600:< dashed> lost_penguin ETA 6 hours 1600:< mofosyne> dashed I think I fixed it now 1600:< dashed> mofosyne awesome! 1600:< OrangeredStilton> Merged. 1600:< Stjerneklar> hey guys i meant to ask earlier but um... take a look at my muted users 1600:< mofosyne> okay now lets see if anything explodes 1600:< mofosyne> agile or die 1601:< OrangeredStilton> movefastbreakshit 1601:< Stjerneklar> basicaly marakiri is stuck on top of my muted user list 1601:< lost_penguin> Damn I'll be alseep in 6 hours. 1601:< OrangeredStilton> Stjerneklar: Don't know. Refresh doesn't help? 1602:< OrangeredStilton> Also, I note #95 is still open; we're not taking part in #stayat17? 1602:< TheAwer> lost_penguin yes with that attitude 1602:< mofosyne> its workings console.log shows "top 5 channel: $,%chat,#bard,#gov,#" 1602:< lost_penguin> TheAwer Hah 1602:< Stjerneklar> nah its been like this since... hell, maybe since before parrot 1602:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/kswTInD 1602:< OrangeredStilton> And you can't click to unmute? :P 1602:< mofosyne> now if anyone can do me a favor of adding some way to display it on the sidebar :D ? 1602:< Stjerneklar> when it was just salt :) 1603:< Stjerneklar> take a look 1603:< Stjerneklar> its not displayed in the same way 1603:< mofosyne> probbly like a top 10 channel suggestion 1603:< OrangeredStilton> I have two muted users, neither of them is marakiri 1604:< Annon201> Stjerneklar: right click > inspect element > local storage > robin-grow-settings > double click on the text in right hand colunm 1604:< mofosyne> what is Koi-pond about anyway? 1604:< Annon201> you can manually edit settings there 1604:< mofosyne> is it like a propagandabot or trollbot? 1604:< mofosyne> automated trolling has a nice ring to it. I miss Tay 1605:< Stjerneklar> Annon201 thanks, reloading to try 1605:< TheAwer> I am so glad aprilpooz is gone though. that was annoying because there weren't remembered blocks then 1605:< marakiri> OrangeredStilton Awww :) 1606:< marakiri> Stjerneklar its safe now bro... also ... we were talking like yday :) 1606:< Stjerneklar> yeah i know, i dont think you where acutally muted for a lot of that 1606:< AviN456> oh, no 1607:< AviN456> Need another T10 1607:< Stjerneklar> ...well i know you wherent 1607:< Stjerneklar> cos i could see your messages 1607:< mofosyne> qiuck question. OrangeredStilton what is your recommended approach to appending to channel listing? 1607:< Stjerneklar> alright, my muted users is fixed 1607:< OrangeredStilton> mofosyne: Er, it's a , right? 1608:< mofosyne> well I'm thinking of ways to make the suggested rooms clickable 1608:< mofosyne> so clicking it adds to the lis 1609:< OrangeredStilton> Ah, righto. Then you'd probably want suggestions as a ul of li's, where clicking on an li appends it to the filter 1609:< OrangeredStilton> ("append" is just changing the .val of the filter input) 1610:< mofosyne> OrangeredStilton do you have any existing function addFilter()? or shall I make one? 1611:< OrangeredStilton> You'd want to make one, I assume 1611:< lost_penguin> Guys I'm going to bed. Seeya's in the next tier hopefully. 1611:< mofosyne> also, will it be seeable within the script? I have issues sometimes that functions cannot be found from a button 1611:< lost_penguin> 'night 1611:< mofosyne> nice work lost_penguin cya 1611:< Stjerneklar> night penguin 1612:< Stjerneklar> ......<3 1612:< marakiri> does anyone wanna do the dirty in <3? 1613:< Stjerneklar> make a PR 1613:< dashed> PR plz 1613:< Stjerneklar> marakiri if you spoke git you would be burned right now 1613:< dashed> please, do the needful 1614:< marakiri> Stjerneklar teach me mastah 1614:< Stjerneklar> kinda ruins the joke 1614:< Stjerneklar> but its short for Pull Request 1615:< marakiri> so.. does anyone wanna do the dirty in pull request? 1615:< AviN456> :o i was wrong - we don't need any more rooms! Assuming no stay/abandons, cascade has begun! 1615:< Stjerneklar> casCAID 1615:< marakiri> hmmmm..... i could do with a pull request 1615:< ranterbach> What's new in 3.62? 1616:< Stjerneklar> TopicallyDifferent ditto 1616:< Stjerneklar> fuk.... 1616:< mofosyne> marakiri you can rebase me :D 1616:< Stjerneklar> man, i really want that rate limit improver XD 1616:< marakiri> mofosyne :D :D :D 1617:< Stjerneklar> devs are always down to fork 1617:< AviN456> I'm down with cpp yeah you know me 1617:< mofosyne> btw marakiri up for adding the display for auto channel discovery? 1617:< mofosyne> I got in the logic 1617:< Stjerneklar> lol, i want a tshirt like that... "Fork Me" 1618:< an_audible_smile> then I'll stick you with a fork 1618:< an_audible_smile> Kappa 1619:< dashed> an_audible_smile i'll spoon you 1620:< an_audible_smile> ill knife you 1620:< TheAwer> that escalated quickly 1620:< Stjerneklar> you guys are doing it wrong 1620:< an_audible_smile> nah 1620:< mofosyne> marakiri basically I added some logic to the code that shows you the most popular channels out of 100 messages 1620:< mofosyne> you can only see it in console.log at the moment however 1621:< marakiri> mofosyne woah man u pro 1621:< mofosyne> lol thanks. Not much use if its not displayed however 1621:< mofosyne> so just wondering if you can assist marakiri 1621:< marakiri> if i can help in anyway, lemme know man 1621:< mofosyne> kkk 1621:< Stjerneklar> just put it somewhere :) 1621:< dashed> mofosyne others had been working on channel discover 1621:< dashed> see https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot 1621:< marakiri> im not sure i can help, but i sure can TRY! 1621:< mofosyne> oh shittt did I beat them? 1622:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1622:< marakiri> lololololololololol 1622:< dashed> idk 1622:< Stjerneklar> i've been thinking maybe we dont need the entire room name in the header? 1623:< Stjerneklar> we could cut half of it and get room for other stuff like active chans 1624:< mofosyne> well if he got a UI already, then that's good dashed, he could just hook it up. I doubt we need to worry about scanning encrypted messag 1624:< dashed> Stjerneklar PR it and i'll merge it 1624:< mofosyne> I don't see the point in scanning encrypted messages for hidden rooms 1624:< dashed> mofosyne go to the gitter and collab with them :) 1624:< CryEagle> %parrot 1624:< Stjerneklar> dashed better somebody else, i shouldent even be here talking XD 1624:< CryEagle> the 3rd room is conspiring against soKuku 1625:< Stjerneklar> how? 1625:< CryEagle> they wanna stay at T16 to fuck with us :D 1625:< Stjerneklar> lol 1625:< Stjerneklar> lets weaponize parrot 1625:< AviN456> lol 1625:< Stjerneklar> rofl 1626:< marakiri> Stjerneklar LMAO 1626:< an_audible_smile> what do you guys think about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4desi0/tier_15_ccandeshle/d1rf3j7 => http://nazar.so/un73 1626:< dashed> parrot was a cultural victory condition of sokuku 1627:< Stjerneklar> dashed haha, so we already won robin because we made parrot? i can dig it 1627:< an_audible_smile> what if everyone runs like 2 in 4 different browsers in 5 vms? 1627:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Do you mean fiscToliRy is the room planning to Stay after they merge with ccandeShle? 1627:< an_audible_smile> or even 10 vms 1627:< ViktorErikJensen> CryEagle: They're welcome to try. Any room wide organisation after ~T12 is impossible in my experience. 1627:< CryEagle> I just hope we manage to organise a STAY after T17 1628:< an_audible_smile> won't be possible with all the grow scripts and afkers 1628:< Do_not_reply_to_me> There aren't enough of them to pull it off, they'll have Stay-ers merging upwards from below and ccandeShle will outnumber them anyway, 1628:< jayman419> Staying will be easy at t17. That's just one more record to break. 1629:< an_audible_smile> we'll have to use a pm bot to message everyone in the room and ask them to stay 1630:< Stjerneklar> please dont turn this into a stay chatroom 1630:< DebentureThyme> need 1 more 8 and all the pieces are on the board for the merge 1630:< DebentureThyme> 16-10 awaiting, 3 8's on the board 1631:< TheAwer> 2 7s merging in 18 mins :D 1631:< DebentureThyme> Stjerneklar why not? this ends tomorrow, 17's as far as we go 1632:< mofosyne> dashed I will be holding off code contribution now, LTAcosta has a better idea on making it more efficient. 1632:< Stjerneklar> its still a matter of opinion, not something everything is on board with 1632:< dashed> ok 1632:< Stjerneklar> *everyone 1633:< OrangeredStilton> We can Stay and just... stick around in the chat 1633:< OrangeredStilton> Nothing forcing you to leave 1634:< OrangeredStilton> Nothing forcing you to leave 1634:< Stjerneklar> heh, i probably would 1634:< Broodoobob> who was it who had the javascript hack to load robin on mobile? 1634:< DebentureThyme> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myO_gg2he7Y 1635:< Stjerneklar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUmze7jPiHA&nohtml5 => http://nazar.so/42rfd 1636:< mootinator> em:6b,1b,6o,w,1l,1z 1639:< dashed> commit almost every hour https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/graphs/punch-card 1639:< Broodoobob> didn't someone here have a hack for parrot on mobile? 1639:< dashed> Broodoobob ? sure 1639:< TheAwer> yes Broodoobob it was like a bookmark maybe but I don't remember 1639:< dashed> Broodoobob https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/comments/4dmxmr/parrot_on_mobile/ => http://nazar.so/30wam 1641:< Broodoobob> thanks dashed 1645:< FriendlyYak> all tier 6 and lower are doomed 1645:< FriendlyYak> will be left behind... 1647:< Annon201> Yay, an SDK and API Key to play with 1648:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 :D 1648:< Broodoobob> Brilliant, I have parrot on mobile now. Does anyone have the tracker platypus link? 1648:< TheAwer> this Broodoobob? https://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/35j8s 1648:< Annon201> now I can have all the fun of creating front ends to ZPL based printers 1648:< Stjerneklar> Broodoobob i want people from 100 years ago to interpret that sentance without context 1648:< Broodoobob> Yes, thank you! 1649:< dashed> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ better --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 16:49:51 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 16:50:11 2016 1650::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 1651:< Annon201> yaay~ it has the options I most need ILabel.GetLabelPreview & ILabel.SetVariableValues 1653:< svlad> how'd you get Parrot on Mobile Broodoobob 1653:< Wakafanykai123> yes how 1653:< AviN456> svlad https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/comments/4dmxmr/parrot_on_mobile/ => http://nazar.so/2al1t 1654:< Broodoobob> Bookmark with the javascript in that link as url, then type the namea of the bookmark into the url bar with chas open 1655:< dashed> _vvvv_ welcome 1655:< Broodoobob> Ayy vvvv good timing 1655:< Stjerneklar> wb wb 1655:< _vvvv_> need coffee -___- 1655:< TheAwer> _vvvv_ the cascade has started! 1656:< an_audible_smile> hey guys 1656:< an_audible_smile> does this work in firefox? https://github.com/nzchicken/leavebot 1656:< an_audible_smile> wait has it started? 1656:< TheAwer> yup 1656:< _vvvv_> TheAwer Oh really? Do we have an expected merge time? 1656:< TheAwer> 5:26 until t17 1656:< TheAwer> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1656:< JClocale> _vvvv_ 4 hours 30 minutes. T7 just merged, the wave is coming 1657:< _vvvv_> nice :) 1657:< _vvvv_> Is anyone in the other room too? 1657:< ranterbach> Which room? 1658:< ande_> im in T11 i think 1658:< _vvvv_> The one below us I assume, that we will be merging with? 1658:< Broodoobob> I have bots in the new t8 but I'm on mobile right now so can't check on em 1658:< Wakafanykai123> cya yall, gotta go 1658:< _vvvv_> bye Wakafanykai123 ! See you! 1658:< Broodoobob> Laters 1659:< ranterbach> I have an alt in cathil, T13 1659:< Wakafanykai123> raisethe 1659:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1700:< Annon201> no donger raising will be happening in here 1701:< svlad> there are some folks here in ccande too 1701:< svlad> I have an alt in one of the T8s right now 1701:< svlad> mvartan is in there too 1701:< TheAwer> they know that they've made the cascade? 1701:< svlad> yup 1701:< Annon201> ノ(ಠ_ಠノ ) Keep Your Dongers Lowered ノ(ಠ_ಠノ) 1702:< OrangeredStilton> Heh, mvartan will join us in the Great Seventeen? 1702:< svlad> looks that way 1702:< OrangeredStilton> An interesting meeting of the ways 1703:< svlad> he was in soKuku at one point, got afked out overnight though 1703:< _vvvv_> That will be interesting 1703:< _vvvv_> Is he still active? 1703:< Broodoobob> If you see anyone whose name starts with shamelessbot, those are mine 1703:< Annon201> and it will all happen before the experiment gets killed (hopefully) 1703:< svlad> yeah I was just chatting with him 1704:< mofosyne> OrangeredStilton btw have we added in the remote kill switch ("stay") yet? Lets get it in as an option. 1704:< OrangeredStilton> It'll definitely be before Robin goes to its grave 1704:< dashed> is mvartan in this room? 1704:< svlad> not this on, he's in my T8 1704:< OrangeredStilton> mofosyne: Not happening, it's already open as an issue 1704:< TheAwer> dashed in one of the t8s that's cascading 1704:< _vvvv_> dashed no, supposedly he will be in our merge 1704:< svlad> we're in SnCl_BrekaTyorzomc 1704:< dashed> cool 1705:< Broodoobob> Add remote kill switch, set it to abandon, go down in infamy Kappa 1706:< svlad> I'm doing a PR to make every message just be ascii dong spam 1706:< svlad> 8====D~~~ 1706:< Broodoobob> I approve 1706:< mythriz> lul 1709:< dashed> quick, someome PR to force grow 1709:< svlad> it already defaults to grow I thought 1710:< dashed> we only used w.e behaiour robin-grow used 1712:< Annon201> just did the PR 1712:< svlad> we should change the cipher key to an ascii dong 1712:< Annon201> oh wait i meant a PR 1713:< Annon201> with a massive fundamental script-breaking change 1713:< svlad> so a normal PS then? 1713:< svlad> PR* 1714:< AviN456> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhllo1xQer8 1721:< dashed> so apparently we might get 7270 users 1721:< AviN456> noice! 1723:< _vvvv_> Hopefully ^ is dev chat everywhere and we can convert them to parrots :) 1727:< NuOfBelthasar> _vvvv_: Fisc for you: http://imgur.com/az0zFT7 1728:< _vvvv_> Nugaryal wowww 1729:< _vvvv_> NuOfBelthasar wowww 1729:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1729:< _vvvv_> We'll just have to ask them to switch 1729:< _vvvv_> I don't want to give up our room. 1729:< NuOfBelthasar> I mentioned it a while ago. But we can always just go to dev^ or something like that. 1730:< NuOfBelthasar> (they seemed amenable to switch, too) 1730:< Do_not_reply_to_me> ^ is idle in ccandeShle 1731:< NuOfBelthasar> Seems like a fun little word game, though. 1732:< _vvvv_> I don't get the game. 1732:< NuOfBelthasar> Not sure exactly, but something about using the end of a word to start the next one. 1733:< _vvvv_> interesting 1734:< Do_not_reply_to_me> tingle 1734:< NuOfBelthasar> gleen 1734:< dashed> nap tiem 1735:< Do_not_reply_to_me> that isn't a word 1735:< dashed> are we changing channels? 1735:< Do_not_reply_to_me> sorry 1735:< NuOfBelthasar> I'm only barely awake. 1735:< _vvvv_> dashed no plans right now 1735:< _vvvv_> dashed but if we merge and it's hell we'll ask them to leave first :) 1735:< NuOfBelthasar> I'm sure they're let dev keep ^ 1735:< dashed> lol 1736:< NuOfBelthasar> They really like parrot. 1736:< _vvvv_> Nice :) 1736:< Annon201> of course you can make a PR to delete the project 1736:< NuOfBelthasar> lol 1736:< Stjerneklar> or we could move to :parrot 1736:< dashed> wonder if they'll like parrot after T17 ;) 1736:< Stjerneklar> dashed i see a few ddosses XD 1736:< redditsdeadcanary> What happens at 17? 1736:< Annon201> ^pdev 1736:< NuOfBelthasar> I still say channels should only *end* with symbols - not start wit hthem. 1737:< Annon201> or just ^dev 1737:< dashed> NuOfBelthasar what do u mean? 1737:< NuOfBelthasar> Well, if you use chat%, it doesn't collide with rpg% or penis% or whatever%. 1737:< NuOfBelthasar> But % collides with the reverse for all of those. 1738:< Stjerneklar> i noticed that with # 1738:< NuOfBelthasar> Right, the single symbol thing makes total sense when you have to type it out all the time. 1738:< Annon201> the script has strict checking i believe, its based on splitting the text into an array 1738:< NuOfBelthasar> But extending it with text after the symbol just causes collisions. 1738:< mofosyne> btw I think there is an ordering bug in show most active channels 1739:< Annon201> and strictly matches the first word only 1739:< dashed> lol 1739:< NuOfBelthasar> Philosophy of channel naming. Something that will die tomorrow. 1740:< mootinator> We have to design around no rules. 1740:< NuOfBelthasar> Yeah. 1740:< NuOfBelthasar> Are you moot? 1740:< mootinator> Nah. 1740:< _vvvv_> that's a moot point 1740:< Annon201> LowTax? 1740:< mootinator> That too. 1741:< NuOfBelthasar> ಠ_ಠ 1741:< mootinator> I got my nick from an episode of X-Files circa 1994. 1742:< mootinator> It just mutated. 1742:< cwfloyd> may I bug you guys with a parrot question? don't wanna disturb if you're, like, doing important stuff :P 1742:< Do_not_reply_to_me> I've not seem any important stuff in here 1742:< Annon201> dont reply to him he is lying 1742:< mootinator> Name checks out 1742:< ViktorErikJensen> Never ask to ask. Just ask. They'll ignore you if they don't feel like answering. 1743:**** Annon201 guys quick do important stuff 1743:< cwfloyd> heh, fair enough :P 1743:< Do_not_reply_to_me> cwfloyd: The answer will be: Have you tried turning it off and then back on again? 1743:< dashed> hahahah https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/168 1744:< cwfloyd> just wondering - every now and then while adding filters, esp. exclusion filters, parrot makes my chat hang at "robin connecting" 1744:< mootinator> lol 1744:< cwfloyd> and yes! I have turned it off, then back on, re-installed, closed the window, and ultimately fixed by opening a new instance of chrome :P 1745:< cwfloyd> is there a better work-around? 1745:< mootinator> Have you opened a ticket with the chromium project? 1745:< mootinator> JK JK 1746:< mootinator> I got around that by Shift+F5 last time my browser did that. 1746:< mootinator> I've only seen it once though. 1747:< cwfloyd> ah, cool! keypress would be much quicker than reinstalling tappermonkey+parrot every time! 1748:< an_audible_smile> lol tappermonkey 1748:< cwfloyd> thanks! go on now - back to your important stuff <3 1748:< an_audible_smile> you don't reinstall extensions unless it's correpted or doesn't work 1748:< an_audible_smile> corrupted* 1748:< NuOfBelthasar> Or if you forgot to bump your version number and you're testing something new. 1749:< cwfloyd> oh, you do if it's the only thing that works ;P didn't say i was fixing it the *right* way 1749:**** Annon201 alright, ya'll can get back to faffing about, cwfloyd is gone 1749:< an_audible_smile> u know the difference between the two right.. 1749:< an_audible_smile> an extension and a userscript 1750:< Annon201> one is near impossible to trace the stack and execution, and the other isnt? 1751:< an_audible_smile> lol that's one way 1751:< NuOfBelthasar> It should prolly set remove_message to TRUE 1751:< mofosyne> what are you guys working on right now 1752:< NuOfBelthasar> I dunno enough about JS to know if that's actually a problem. 1756:< Stjerneklar> you guys heard of people getting kicked after updating parrot? 1756:< NuOfBelthasar> derp - nvm, I think it's fine 1756:< Stjerneklar> guys in ccande are preaching it like the truth 1757:< OrangeredStilton> They can preach all they like, it's false 1757:< OrangeredStilton> There isn't even code in Parrot that knows the word "leave" 1757:< Stjerneklar> just wanted to see if you guys heard anything 1757:< NuOfBelthasar> That would be the sort of meme that would be hard to shut down once it got going. 1757:< OrangeredStilton> Are they suggesting an alternative? 1758:< Stjerneklar> nah 1758:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1758:< NuOfBelthasar> You, know, at this point, you could just push a version that did /leave_room on load. 1758:< NuOfBelthasar> If you want to get in robin hall of fame. 1759:< dbenc> omg it looks like we'll make it to t17!! 1759:< GlowWolf> we got dis 1759:< Annon201> There is special code that will execute after the merge ;) 1759:< dbenc> do we have an ETA? 1759:< mythriz> :D 1759:< SmurfyX> prepare for flood times. 1800:< dbenc> ugh my poor laptop. this one tab keeps the cpu pegged :p 1800:< NuOfBelthasar> Still 4 hours-ish. 1801:< mofosyne> oh OrangeredStilton can you merged in just a quick bugfix? 1801:< OrangeredStilton> Oh gods 1801:< mofosyne> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/169 OrangeredStilton 1801:< FriendlyYak> https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMcReamerclick/ 1801:< FriendlyYak> we praise him 1801:< OrangeredStilton> Heh, custom sorts always trip me up 1802:< mofosyne> yea, but pretty powerful stuff 1802:< OrangeredStilton> Merged. 1802:< AviN456> Annon201, please CLOSE your fucked up PR 1803:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I'm going to deny that one 1803:< svlad> lol Annon201 who wrote that? 1803:< Annon201> haha, done. closed it 1803:< OrangeredStilton> "There are no open pull requests" whee 1803:< tW4r> Hey guys 1804:< Annon201> was it making you anxious AviN456? 1804:< OrangeredStilton> I almost clicked on it twice, while merging mofosyne's 1805:< AviN456> lol 1807:< mofosyne> lol well good thing you went all caps then Averssem 1807:< mofosyne> AviN456 argh... 1807:< mofosyne> rate lims 1808:< Averssem> what? 1808:< Averssem> what? 1808:< OrangeredStilton> Huh? 1808:< NuOfBelthasar> ww, prolly 1809:< Annon201> I suggest changing padding of ul#robinChannelList from 2px 30px to 2px 14px 1809:< ArcOfDream> Holy shit why didn't Koi-pond die yet 1809:< mofosyne> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/170 annoyance: autocomplete not based on immediate history #170 AviN456 1809:< Stjerneklar> uuuugh, i need to stop caring about the ccande t17 idiots... i just caught them discussing parrot and saying it autoupdates 1809:< mofosyne> I was trying to autocomplete your name, but it got someone else 1810:< ArcOfDream> ccande? 1810:< Stjerneklar> second largest room 1810:< ArcOfDream> Oh, the guys below us. 1810:< NuOfBelthasar> The T15 1810:< ArcOfDream> Shit, that came out wrong. 1810:< Stjerneklar> heh 1810:< NuOfBelthasar> Nothing wrong with being on bottom, ArcOfDream 1811:< Stjerneklar> i do consider them below us, but ive been listening to them plotting for like 2 days 1811:< ArcOfDream> l-lewd 1812:< _vvvv_> Remember when I accidentally abandon the first day and had to work my way back up 1812:< _vvvv_> that was fun 1812:< mofosyne> anyway now that we got active channel, is there anyway to kill chapebrone? lol 1812:< Stjerneklar> i decided to stay with 29 ppl... felt like jonestown afterwards 1812:< _vvvv_> mofosyne click his name? 1813:< _vvvv_> Oh you mean take him off line.. Not sure who owns him honestly. 1813:< NuOfBelthasar> Yup. I also remember you joining my alt. I was so happy to find you again. 1814:< _vvvv_> :) 1815:< Annon201> there made another major PR 1816:< NuOfBelthasar> Yup. That's huge. 1818:< _vvvv_> maybe the tabs should take up 100% 1818:< Do_not_reply_to_me> chapebrone is a four year old account, could just send a PM? 1818:< _vvvv_> So, the more tabs, the thinner they are to make space. 1819:< Annon201> that would be good, but dont do it if there is only a small amount 1819:< Annon201> maybe max it out at 150px or something 1820:< NuOfBelthasar> I like the idea of a max for it. 1821:< Annon201> playing with the css, 100px looks like a good maximum 1823:< OrangeredStilton> Any suggestions as to where I can upload the logs for this chat, by the way, for maximum browsability? 1823:< _vvvv_> Submit it to WikiLeaks 1824:< OrangeredStilton> Sure, that'll be eminently useful on there 1824:< NuOfBelthasar> Nah, they would hide sensitive stuff. 1824:< mofosyne> \pm _vvvv_ test 1824:< NuOfBelthasar> He said maximum. 1824:< mofosyne> \msg _vvvv_ test 1824:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton you save timestamps? 1824:< OrangeredStilton> I don't want to just dump the text files, I want to do... something with them. Don't know what 1824:< OrangeredStilton> Let me go check 1824:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton It would be cool to replay the whole experience over and over. 1825:< NuOfBelthasar> Maybe let your grandkids know what robin was like. 1825:< _vvvv_> So you could log in and "watch" as if it was still live. 1825:< OrangeredStilton> A random line from the 4th: 1428:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL komt not wel 1825:< mofosyne> Wikileaks owned by russia. Panamaleaks, own by USA 1825:< OrangeredStilton> So yeah, I have timestamps but not to the second 1825:< mofosyne> :D 1826:< 404NinjaNotFound> whats this? 1826:< _vvvv_> dev chat 1826:< _vvvv_> how are you today 1826:< svlad> he grabbed a random chatlog line that you were in, that's all 1826:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 1826:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l3v4h2u2v3z6oeA6p 1826:< OrangeredStilton> Er, yeah. Just a random line from the logs I have 1826:< 404NinjaNotFound> oh my 1826:< NuOfBelthasar> (You pinged him, OrangeredStilton) 1826:< OrangeredStilton> NuOfBelthasar: MAYBE 1826:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin dashed https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/155 is fixed right? I can close? 1826:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yeah, you pinged me haha 1828:< NuOfBelthasar> Uh, does anyone here just have a server that could take his logs? 1828:< svlad> OrangeredStilton what's the size of the logs? 1828:< NuOfBelthasar> It's not like the demand for it will kill anyone. 1828:< OrangeredStilton> Let's go find out. 1829:< OrangeredStilton> NuOfBelthasar: I have a server, even. I'll just put up a raw dump 1829:< sotricious> so much private info in these logs, or is it just me? (hello HEROES of ^) 1829:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1829:< sotricious> i mean, addresses, name, occupations, habbits, buritto preferences... 1829:< sotricious> *names 1830:< NuOfBelthasar> sotricious: True-ish, but we already knew NSA was mining all of this. :-P 1830:< _vvvv_> More like GBs of trivia bot spam 1830:< sotricious> sry, parrot just refreshed and i missed that. could u repeat please? 1830:< _vvvv_> we are the one true room (tm) (r) 1831:< svlad> I have an ftp server you could dump them too 1831:< NuOfBelthasar> Just said NSA was already mining all of this. :-P 1831:< sotricious> oh yeah! 1832:< _vvvv_> What is "leaderbird" dashed 1832:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l404w11393z6i7A512r11gAqA423j22692A1ugA5z106k234i2j1c224m5w2c4g725b2i2s3p5c5c4g5vuA1voA3zsA3i673v4p4n2x 1833:< _vvvv_> you're a mod 1833:< touyajp> uh why does parrot now auto-hide non-channels from global? 1833:< touyajp> that means by default you can't read non-parrot users? 1833:< _vvvv_> touyajp it's a setting. 1833:< Stjerneklar> working on someting for the rate limit 1833:< _vvvv_> touyajp you can turn it on or off in settings. 1833:< touyajp> yeah but default should be off? 1833:< svlad> what's the latest parrot version? 1833:< mofosyne> _vvvv_ well that means it would be easier to compress! I'll be interested to see how much you can compress the whole thing 1833:< touyajp> i have .64 1834:< mofosyne> * the chat logs 1834:< _vvvv_> touyajp it's false by default. 1834:< _vvvv_> Settings.addBool("removeChanMessageFromGlobal", "Hide channel messages in Global", false); 1834:< touyajp> _vvvv_ i installed 3.2.4 on new profile, it was on 1835:< touyajp> err 3.64 1835:< NuOfBelthasar> It may have been pulled in by a previous instance. The script tries to save your old settings. 1835:< touyajp> was wondering why nobody talked on global in the tier 10 1835:< touyajp> i never used parrot with that chrome-profile before, though 1836:< Stjerneklar> test 1836:< an_audible_smile> the leaderboard was wrong 1837:< _vvvv_> not sure what to tell you touyajp 1837:< NuOfBelthasar> Gremlins. 1837:< _vvvv_> touyajp both the settings for Global are false by default. 1837:< touyajp> _vvvv_ well if nobody else has it, probably some fluke 1837:< _vvvv_> touyajp at least on version 3.64 1837:< _vvvv_> I don't think we messed with this recently, though! 1837:< touyajp> yeah i believe you :) 1838:< Annon201> many commits dont get a version no increase 1838:< _vvvv_> Annon201we don't bump version until we want to trigger an update. 1839:< _vvvv_> greasemonkey uses that number to show update vs reinstall options to user. 1839:< Annon201> I just install from raw, half the time from my own broken branch 1840:< _vvvv_> Annon201 well.. you're a dev. 1840:< _vvvv_> Annon201 ;) 1841:< Annon201> due to temporary kitten I havent done much at all today 1841:< NuOfBelthasar> OH NO THE KITTEN WILL DIE? 1841:< Annon201> my other cat is a bit jelous even though the kitten looks like his offspring 1851:< OrangeredStilton> Alright, 2.5 days of logs up: http://robinlog.phpswitch.com/ 1852:< an_audible_smile> rip 1853:< an_audible_smile> invading muh privacy 1854:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton links don't work for me. 1855:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, of course. # 1855:< OrangeredStilton> Try again? :D 1856:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton works 1857:< etray> I just wanted to tell you all good luck and were counting on you 1858:< etray> https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xmGTvn9PoLjA7C/giphy.gif => http://nazar.so/31du7 1858:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1858:< _vvvv_> etray thx :) 1903:< mythriz> I think I *might* know why Youtube isn't working. onclick is trying to refer to a variable that it can't access. (maybe) 1906:< qwerty-po> Could this all go down in the next 3 hours? 1907:< mythriz> it could. oh well. 1907:< qwerty-po> it looks like it is finally all nicely lined up for a series of merges 1908:< mythriz> FINAL COMMIT BREAKS PARROT HORRIBLY AS THOUSANDS OF PARTICIPANTS ARE THROWN OFF ROBIN 1908:< jayman419> You guys forgot to put in Shift+up arrow to repeat a comment. 1908:< NuOfBelthasar> Also, the new group has a great name. 1910:< etray> DaThRelism 1910:< etray> pity it's only for 30 min 1910:< TheAwer> soudns like a sith lord 1910:< etray> yea 1916:< mythriz> fixed the Youtube thing 1916:< mythriz> (though my changes are not merged into parrot yet) 1918:< etray> a temp countdown clock would be nice to T17 1920:< _vvvv_> mythriz you got youtube embed working? 1921:< mythriz> yeah I believe so 1926:< touyajp> etray we have that? 1926:< touyajp> or you mean in parrot 1926:< etray> yeah; well i can just go to any stopwatch./countdown site for that 1928:< AviN456> hey, can one of you highlight me in crypto chat? 1929:< touyajp> $c AviN456 ping 1929:< AviN456> again please? 1929:< touyajp> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512v19lAoA 1929:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1929:< touyajp> err 1929:< touyajp> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512v19lAoA 1930:< AviN456> once more 1930:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l3y4s2s3a5d6t23693jxA2jfA5v3c2e4k2e2x196d2p71kA532j1j1x695t294n6k4j2314 1930:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512o18qAbA422q294k2e2s125238588A4l2j17216g5m2g6m6c4tvA2n5o5v5j6k66sA20uA5l 1930:< etray> highlighted? 1930:< touyajp> yes 1930:< touyajp> regular verb 1930:< svlad> highlit? 1931:< etray> just +ed 1931:< _vvvv_> svlad highlighted 1931:< touyajp> it's true though, light is an irregular verb. but highlight isn't :) 1931:< AviN456> plz once more 1931:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512o18qAbA422q294k2e2s125238588A4l2j17216g5m2g6m6c4tvA2n5o5v5j6k66sA20uA5l 1931:< etray> touyajp good point 1931:< _vvvv_> I feel so bad for ESL people 1931:< svlad> thank you for all taking me seriously 1932:< _vvvv_> English is a mess 1932:< DarkFlasher> are most people afk? what if we get an ABANDON? 1932:< AviN456> guys 1932:< OrangeredStilton> We may want to remove the egg, it's just something for the 16'rs to latch to 1932:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l48593g323v6f4A 1932:< mythriz> D: 1932:< AviN456> will someone please just highlight me in cryptochat 1932:< svlad> there are enough actives in the merging groups to make up for any abandons we have 1932:< touyajp> shees, abandon will not happen. in none of the rooms 1932:< etray> i was thinking the same; the 30 mins after the merge abandon 1932:< touyajp> stop worrying about that 1932:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512o18qAbA422q294k2e2s125238588A4l2j17216g5m2g6m6c4tvA2n5o5v5j6k66sA20uA5l 1932:< Zirenth> em:4h316o323f3g6f6h6o5d2f1d3c6h1u 1932:< AviN456> thanks 1932:< jayman419> DarkFlasher The bots will vote for them. KuPrlits had a lot of people who had italic names and only lost around 800 people. 1932:< etray> touyajp but there is like under 300 actives 1932:< DarkFlasher> ok 1932:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512e1p2A6A662u1v6j 1933:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512rxA8AbA422y1t6f2e181f6y3b71iA52lA1c2m6b 1933:< mythriz> robin/parrot just reloaded again. never really fixed that reload bug? heh 1933:< touyajp> etray? so what? we won't even provide the majority 1933:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l513a15qA5A632t1x 1933:< NuOfBelthasar> How does crypt chat work? 1933:< jayman419> DarkFlasher There are people who are trying to troll and stay at 16. They will do anything to do so, including lie. 1933:< touyajp> also, most here will be running script anyway 1933:< _vvvv_> Honestly everyone I don't care if we grow or stay.. I've had a grand time programming with you all. 1933:< _vvvv_> In the end it's all the same to me. 1933:< DarkFlasher> i don't care that much, it's ok 1933:< touyajp> indeed 1934:< touyajp> the SR would die anyway 1934:< mythriz> yah it's been fun 1935:< AviN456> _vvvv_ I'm putting Parrot on my resume 1935:< mythriz> haha 1935:< svlad> AviN456 can I stop pinging you now? 1936:< NuOfBelthasar> em:testing 1936:< AviN456> yah, thanks 1937:< sotricious> You really should do that AviN456, In fact all of you guys could 'sell' yourelves as a team 1937:< sotricious> *yourhobbits 1937:< AviN456> Parrot Development LLC 1937:< sotricious> yourselves 1937:< NuOfBelthasar> I get the impression that at least a few folks here are already famous. 1937:< sotricious> with proven results per hour! 1937:< Zirenth> NuOfBelthasar, you need a cipher key (in settings) and then start messages with @c. ie: @c Hello there 1937:< sotricious> and working remotely... 1937:< etray> what's the best way to do this; i wanna do a little game where you bet the number of participants in the new T17 room; 1937:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l4f4l3b3a45 1938:< AviN456> Move fast and break things™ 1938:< etray> is there a site like strawpoll where i could receive the bets 1938:< etray> and i gild the winner 1938:< etray> or who gets closest 1938:< NuOfBelthasar> thanks Zirenth 1938:< Vudjun> someone with alts might be able to fix the result etray :P 1938:< etray> ah true 1938:< mythriz> as long as they don't ask to see the source code 1939:< mythriz> then they'll burn our resumes 1939:< OrangeredStilton> The source is fine for something that was hacked on at a hundred commits a day 1939:< NuOfBelthasar> So is svlad just typing using the example key? Or just typing farts? 1939:< OrangeredStilton> em:3n6l4n401l4f4l3b3a45 1939:< OrangeredStilton> It's definitely going through AES 1939:< mythriz> hehe 1939:< jayman419> Upvote for visibility? https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dsr67/parrot_is_fine/ => http://nazar.so/ww2v 1940:< etray> done 1940:< Wakafanykai123> Hey guys! 1940:< Wakafanykai123> I found a way to log on from work finally 1941:< mythriz> oh, is reddit blocked at your workplace? 1941:< NuOfBelthasar> Maybe just extensions are? 1941:< Wakafanykai123> just some weird fangaling 1941:< Zirenth> USAF tried blocking Reddit, but too many people were unhappy with that and it was unblocked the same day 1941:< AviN456> lol 1941:< Wakafanykai123> http://www.reddit.com is blocked but not the https version :P 1942:< mythriz> haha 1942:< NuOfBelthasar> I've heard a bunch of stories from random companies blocking reddit until the management complains. 1942:< IbaFoo> The message there being: it's okay to send company secrets to the public, but they *must* be encrypted. 1942:< AviN456> I work in infosec, i'll tell you exactly why http://www.reddit.com is blocked and https://www.reddit.com is not 1943:< AviN456> they're using URL based blocking, and HTTPS encrpts the URL in the GET 1943:< BurritoBun> AviN456 Why would they block. nvm, you just said why 1943:< AviN456> if they were smart, they'd use IP based blocking 1943:< BurritoBun> Just going to mention that 1944:< AviN456> But, they're not smart 1944:< BurritoBun> Couldn't a vpn circumvent that? 1944:< Wakafanykai123> yeah its prob there for the network admins to go on reddit 1944:< BurritoBun> A non blacklisted vpn ofcourse 1944:< Wakafanykai123> i see them on it all the time, intentional loophole 1945:< svlad> aww man, my browser just crashed and dumped my messages 1945:< DebentureThyme> so how do the PMs im seeing work 1945:< touyajp> hm i just notice some are using % channel 1945:< BurritoBun> DebentureThyme Just mention the person's name 1945:< Wakafanykai123> most are using %chat 1945:< IbaFoo> DebentureThyme Right-click a username to being the mesage, hit 'send'? (this is a test) 1945:< touyajp> that's kinda bad, especially since we'll be merging with rooms that have various %foobar tags 1945:< touyajp> yeah but both doesn't work 1945:< DebentureThyme> but im seeing em: and some hashed stuff 1946:< BurritoBun> Devs, do we have a backup channel? 1946:< touyajp> also, % is full of spam 1946:< touyajp> heh good idea 1946:< Wakafanykai123> We have the gittit or whatever 1946:< svlad> em:3n6l4n401l544y30245u4z2l512rxA8AbA 1946:< Wakafanykai123> gitter 1946:< touyajp> might wanna have another channel before the big merge 1946:< BurritoBun> So it's %gittit? 1946:< touyajp> who knows who will get in here 1947:< BurritoBun> Wouldn't something like ^Dev work? 1947:< AviN456> BurritoBun https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot 1948:< touyajp> about anything would work 1948:< Wakafanykai123> no like literally gitter 1948:< BurritoBun> AviN456 Oh, thanks. 1948:< BurritoBun> I haven't been on a lot, so I didn't know about Gitter, but thanks! 1948:< Wakafanykai123> ^ is just a programming/scripting channel after all 1948:< Wakafanykai123> we just kinda made it our home 1949:< _vvvv_> https://discord.gg/0w5GUlVm9xDwrCMS Discord Server for Parrot-Party (post-robin dev group) 1949:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ So, would there be any easy way of injecting my full style sheet with greasemonkey? So I can play with a fork of parrot? 1949:< _vvvv_> Let's keep this party going :) 1949:< Wakafanykai123> ill be there later _vvvv_ 1950:< splishtastic> (3.64) 1950:< Wakafanykai123> yes 1950:< etray> Win One Month of Reddit Gold! Join %bet and place your bet on how many people there will be in the new T17 Rules: 1950:< splishtastic> Koi-pond: you okay? or bot spamming 1950:< etray> only one bet per person and you cannot change your vote 1950:< Stjerneklar> sprokolopolis just paste in your own code 1951:< etray> I'll gild the closest bet 1951:< BurritoBun> So I just found the channel list. Really useful. Thanks devs. 1951:< sprokolopolis> Stjerneklar So I don't need any sort of JS to inject the CSS? 1952:< _vvvv_> sprokolopolis you can see where we injected css in it already. 1953:< mythriz> if you just want to add your own theme, you could probably just make another greasemonkey script and inject the css there? 1953:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ Alrighty. I will look around in it. 1953:< mythriz> or are you talking about updating something? oh well I dunno 1954:< svlad> OrangeredStilton did you ever share out the chatlogs? 1955:< svlad> OrangeredStilton I don't know why or what I'd do with them, but I want them for some reason 1958:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1958:< OrangeredStilton> svlad: http://robinlog.phpswitch.com/ 1958:< svlad> awesome thanks! 1959:< DebentureThyme> svlad did you get the file? 2000:< svlad> DebentureThyme yes 2000:< Annon201> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylebot/oiaejidbmkiecgbjeifoejpgmdaleoha?hl=en => http://nazar.so/9uscb 2002:< Annon201> and for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/stylish/ => http://nazar.so/33kg1 2003:< sprokolopolis> sprokolopolis test 2003:< Annon201> or better for chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe => http://nazar.so/9vutt 2003:< mythriz> cool 2003:< sprokolopolis> can someone send a message mentioning me? 2004:< Do_not_reply_to_me> sprokolopolis no can do, sorry 2004:< sotricious> sprokolopolis ? 2004:< svlad> sprokolopolis no, not a chance in hell 2004:< svlad> sprokolopolis what kind of ridiculous request is that? 2004:< Wakafanykai123> why would i mention you sprokolopolis 2004:< Wakafanykai123> gross 2004:< sotricious> hahaha 2005:< Do_not_reply_to_me> sprokolopolis Not gonna happen, pal 2005:< svlad> sprokolopolis just who the hell do you think you are? 2005:< sprokolopolis> Trying to style mentions 2005:< Do_not_reply_to_me> No-one mention sprokolopolis 2005:< svlad> sprokolopolis oh yeah? Well style _THIS_ mention 2006:< Wakafanykai123> oh shit sprokolopolis getting beat down 2006:< svlad> sprokolopolis well he was asking for it 2006:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Seeing you emphasize with underscores makes me wonder why there isn't rich text in here yet 2007:< sprokolopolis> :D 2007:< Do_not_reply_to_me> If it wasn't too late to bother, I'd make a feature request 2007:< Wakafanykai123> rtf lol 2007:< Wakafanykai123> or even markup 2007:< Wakafanykai123> ####KEK 2008:< Annon201> we only have 138 chars to play with 2008:< Annon201> but this script: https://github.com/EmilyGoetz/RobinEggs had support for some reddit style markup 2009:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Just the basic formatting markdown sounds good 2010:< Wakafanykai123> hmm someone should pull that part 2010:< svlad> I like that usermentions are tied to @ appending 2010:< svlad> yeah, see if we can get this put into parrot for the last 20 minutes? 2011:< Do_not_reply_to_me> What does the @ add that is better than not having it? 2011:< Wakafanykai123> huh cyrpto wont process/show in my browser 2011:< OrangeredStilton> Markdown sounds like a great idea... 2012:< Broodoobob> ^ 2012:< Broodoobob> This chat needs more bulletpoint lists 2013:< Broodoobob> Markdown will fix this 2014:< Stjerneklar> could somebody look at my code and tell me why im a moron? 2014:< Annon201> I think some kind of webGL rendering engine would be good, as long as it can support bloom and god rays 2014:< Annon201> and motion blur 2015:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Ohoh, could you make it so every message flies into the chat window from a random direction 2015:< Kuutsundereevee> so is everyone expecting megamerge within the hour? 2015:< Stjerneklar> i've been trying to get a rate limit thing set up but im messing up somehow: http://pastebin.com/rkpHziFG 2017:< mythriz> I was considering image previews 2017:< mythriz> but I'm sure people would abuse it 2017:< Annon201> maybe a [+] next to the link, or an on hover? 2018:< Stjerneklar> http://pastebin.com/rkpHziFG anyone? bit of javascript in need of a fresh set of eyes 2018:< Annon201> as well as having a setting to automatically inline the image, but defaulted to off 2019:< IbaFoo> I'll have a look, Stjer. This is to prevent submission of a second message until after the rate-limit timeout has lapsed, correct? 2019:< Stjerneklar> yes 2019:< Annon201> Stjerneklar dont put a semicolon at the end of the if statement 2020:< Stjerneklar> Annon201 line? 2020:< Annon201> 16 2020:< Annon201> 17 2020:< tigerLRG245> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2023:< Stjerneklar> hm, think i got it all wrong somehow XD 2023:< Annon201> also, I dont think you have access to the window function in ScriptMonkey 2024:< Stjerneklar> works fine normaly in styler 2024:< Annon201> window object* 2024:< Stjerneklar> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/styler/bogdgcfoocbajfkjjolkmcdcnnellpkb => http://nazar.so/9pm7h <- styler chrome ext 2025:< Stjerneklar> lol, it only preventdefaults now... prolly me misunderstanding how timing works 2026:< montugar> wish i could be home for the merge, I'm at a funeral atm 2027:< Kuutsundereevee> can someone hl me within the hour when megamerge is happening 2027:< etray> 90 minutes to #mergasm. Loading HYPE.....Loaded. 2027:< etray> Start HYPE... Started. 2028:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Slightly less than 90 2028:< Do_not_reply_to_me> More like 85? 2029:< Zirenth> There's some v4 of Parrot being posted in xctsMu 2029:< ande_> yeah https://paste.ee/r/q2sEs 2029:< bwoebi> auto-update off ftw 2029:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2029:< MegaZeus101> test 2029:< Annon201> its not on the official github 2029:< Broodoobob> It's a pirate parrot 2030:< Stjerneklar> Broodoobob XD 2030:< Broodoobob> See what I did there 2030:< etray> :D 2030:< Stjerneklar> Pirrot 2030:< Annon201> it will only auto update from the official repo 2030:< mythriz> Pierrot 2031:< Wakafanykai123> eew pirate parrot 2032:< Annon201> no fork from it either 2032:< Annon201> its very much rogue 2033:< mythriz> huh 2033:< mythriz> they didn't remove the names at least 2033:< mythriz> did they add weird code though? 2034:< Annon201> https://github.com/Annon201/parrot/compare/patch-9...CheckingOutRogueV4 => http://nazar.so/67vx1 2034:< Zirenth> Looks like they added spots for 2 more cipher keys and removed the active channels 2036:< etray> so malicious 2037:< etray> :D 2037:< touyajp> line limit doesnt take into account the channel 2037:< etray> #banencrypting 2037:< touyajp> so your sentences get cut off if you're close to the end 2037:< Zirenth> Anyway, I've got jets to launch - hopefully this will still be alive when I get home 2037:< Stjerneklar> test 2038:< touyajp> also you could make the most active channels clickable to add/remove them 2038:< Stjerneklar> test 2038:< touyajp> or left click add, right click remove, if already removed then ignore 2039:< Stjerneklar> kek 2039:< Annon201> the branch being compared to is old 2040:< Annon201> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/compare/master...Annon201:CheckingOutRogueV4 => http://nazar.so/4g8dy 2040:< etray> Channels added from "Show most active channels" list do not show until reload in the Channel listing; so I need a reload to remove them 2040:< etray> also 2040:< Annon201> thats a better comparison 2041:< KernelSnuffy> are yu guys pumped for the final merge 2041:< elsjpq> lol 2041:< etray> yeah 2041:< ranterbach> Honestly I'd love to take a nap 2041:< ranterbach> Since you asked 2042:< OrangeredStilton> So, robdob tells us that the T14s are running a modified Parrot, with three cipher keys: https://paste.ee/r/Fd1c2 2042:< etray> they went rogue 2043:< Annon201> OrangeredStilton: yeah, check out compare.. I copied their script into a branch: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/compare/master...Annon20 => http://nazar.so/17f3o 2043:< mythriz> how can we trust a merge with these people 2043:< Stjerneklar> test 2044:< Stjerneklar> it works! 2044:< Annon201> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/compare/master...Annon201:CheckingOutRogueV4 => http://nazar.so/8mf9w 2044:< ranterbach> What works? 2044:< Stjerneklar> my rate limiter 2044:< Stjerneklar> concept anyway 2045:< Stjerneklar> http://pastebin.com/taP9djbE 2045:< KernelSnuffy> i'm hte xcts t44 2045:< KernelSnuffy> t14 2045:< Annon201> there is also a crude salt, "88z48" 2047:< Annon201> or maybe just an identifier to determine if its a crypted message 2047:< OrangeredStilton> That's our salt, to be fair 2047:< Annon201> fair enough 2048:< Sorbetfraise> it's an identifier used to check if the message was successfully decrypted. no identifier -> message not shown 2048:< ranterbach> You checked out this Parrot 4.1 from the other room? 2049:< AviN456> 4.1? 2049:< touyajp> OKAY GUYS, ABANDON BOAT! 2049:< ranterbach> https://paste.ee/r/Fd1c2 2049:< touyajp> new Tier15 has john madden in ^ 2049:< Lolzep> NEW T15 PogChamp 2049:< Vudjun> Isn't the only difference that the "4.1" has 3 encryption keys, whereas 5a1t's parrot only has 1? 2049:< touyajp> yep just formed 2049:< ranterbach> As far as I can tell, yes 2050:< OrangeredStilton> Triplicate encryption code, yeah 2050:< OrangeredStilton> They're plotting something... 2050:< touyajp> should we make ^dev as backup? 2050:< Vudjun> Still vulnerable to replay attacks, but that doesn't really matter 2050:< ranterbach> That's why I was asking you guys, I'm not a programmer, I wouldn't know if anything else was different 2050:< touyajp> ah no thats bad 2050:< OrangeredStilton> I expect they're plotting a DDoS 2050:< touyajp> condlicts with ^ 2050:< Annon201> updated branch to include 4.1 2050:< Annon201> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/compare/master...Annon201:CheckingOutRogueV4 => http://nazar.so/3hclt 2050:< OrangeredStilton> touyajp: & hasn't been taken for days 2050:< touyajp> %dev then. 2050:< Stjerneklar> any of you guys remember how to post via javascript? 2051:< touyajp> OrangeredStilton & is trivia in the merging rooms 2051:< OrangeredStilton> Stjerneklar: Post to a sub, or post a robin message? 2051:< Sorbetfraise> ¤ 2051:< OrangeredStilton> touyajp: Even better 2051:< Stjerneklar> OrangeredStilton robin message 2051:< touyajp> But yeah, Looking forward to John Madden Facts in here in one hour :p 2052:< TheAwer> Is this moving to %dev ? 2052:< touyajp> i suggest we add %dev alreay in case we want to keep talking here after t17 2052:< OrangeredStilton> Stjerneklar: Post to /api/robin/[r.config.robin_room_id]/[r.config.robin_room_name] 2052:< touyajp> probably at t17 2052:< Vudjun> Couldn't you just mute the madden bots? 2052:< touyajp> yeah i guess 2052:< OrangeredStilton> Vudjun: We're more worried about the plots for our downfall ;) 2052:< touyajp> its various spammers though. ^ in fixcts is a mess 2053:< Stjerneklar> OrangeredStilton ehm... what? :) 2053:< OrangeredStilton> No? 2053:< Stjerneklar> is there an example i can check out somewhere? 2053:< Annon201> https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot for true dev chat 2053:< OrangeredStilton> This is how I do it in PHP: https://github.com/Two9A/robin-irc/blob/master/robin-irc.php#L281 2053:< touyajp> fair enough. just got attached to this chan :> 2053:< Stjerneklar> swore i saw some code on it 2053:< OrangeredStilton> There's code in the Robin base JS, of course 2054:< TheAwer> SHould we start switching to %dev now? 2054:< OrangeredStilton> There's code in the Robin base JS, of course 2054:< Stjerneklar> i want to make my ratelimit handler automaticaly send the message that was prevented once the timeout is over 2054:< Stjerneklar> got prevention working 2054:< TheAwer> and have there been connection problems on the cascade so far? 2054:< jayman419> nothing major. 2055:< touyajp> TheAwer nah. i just wanted to agree on someting in case we want to move later 2058:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2058:< Stjerneklar> got 2058:< Stjerneklar> it 2058:< touyajp> no ty. 2059:< Stjerneklar> test 2100:< vikingboy> em:6v2nwA1u4y6030xAyA3e5g1r1g58mA5l2b2q644y706d3w476x3v1x38 2102:< qwerty-po> looks like we should hit t17 within the hour 2102:< Broodoobob> When exactly does parrot end? 2103:< touyajp> yeah 17:57 2103:< touyajp> pretty consistent prognosis by the stats for the last 2 hours now 2103:< touyajp> was 18:03 before 2103:< OrangeredStilton> So encrypted messaging might've ended up being a poor idea 2103:< touyajp> Broodoobob nobody knows. 2104:< ranterbach> Why's that, OrangeredStilton? 2104:< Broodoobob> Excuse me I meant robin. When does robin end xD 2104:< touyajp> OrangeredStilton yeah i think so too 2104:< qwerty-po> how long will it take to get enough people to stay for midnight 2104:< garrett53> T17 HAPPENS TODAY. GROW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE http://www.monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/53okh 2104:< OrangeredStilton> ranterbach: Now we can't see the plots against us ;) 2104:< touyajp> it makes more noise than signal 2104:< ranterbach> Haha, fair enough 2104:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Are you guys all using an encryption key to send messages I can't see? 2104:< touyajp> so yeah 6k+ 2104:**** Do_not_reply_to_me feels left out 2104:< touyajp> DontHaveToTakeMyWord yep 2105:< OrangeredStilton> Do_not_reply_to_me: I'm not, no 2105:< ranterbach> You'll never know, will you? 2105:< andreaplanbee> something keeps happening where my messages stop being sent. is this a known issue? 2105:< touyajp> this public convo is faked just for you 2105:< OrangeredStilton> andreaplanbee: I didn't see that, what did you say 2105:< OrangeredStilton> (huehue) 2105:< touyajp> we're so funny. 2105:< ranterbach> :| 2105:< ranterbach> Lol 2105:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Everyone in chat is a bot apart from you etc 2105:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 2105:< Broodoobob> Yes 90% of chat is encrypted you're missing out 2105:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Prove you're not bots 2105:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l3x4h3a3a 2106:< Stjerneklar> jimbo 2106:< touyajp> wales 2106:< OrangeredStilton> I_AM_NOT_A_BOT.EXE 2106:< mumer> How would I even know if there is encrypted chat or not lol? 2106:< DontHaveToTakeMyWord> touyajp I think you go the wrong person 2106:< _vvvv_> Do_not_reply_to_me give me captcha to solve 2106:< ranterbach> That's the beauty of it, mumer 2106:< andreaplanbee> alright 2106:< nicholaslaux> _vvvv_: What is 2 + 3? 2106:< ranterbach> 42 2106:< mumer> ranterbach how do I know if I am talking in encrypted chat?! 2106:< Sorbetfraise> em:4h316o323f2c6a4g5m4dbA383c6m2m7319494v4y69 2106:< mumer> Oh god this is so beyond confusing. 2106:< TheAwer> em:4h316o323f286c6l633r1u32184m1z6f2x3v564u 2106:< _vvvv_> mumer type @c before your message 2106:< Stjerneklar> mumer you have to choose it 2106:< touyajp> it says 2107:< touyajp> err 2107:< mumer> em:6v2nwA1u4y6r3j10wA186j341a57mA5p2f325q69704r3q3m6m441v38sA3f 2107:< touyajp> you know what i mean 2107:< Do_not_reply_to_me> em:3n6l4n401l3y4w2r 2107:< Vudjun> wow 2107:< _vvvv_> em:3n6l4n401l3y4r3b2x45 2107:< ande_> em:3n6l4n401l4d4r2o355i6b6A6y2rxA8A2n5h2s286n2A2s126c2p711c4wbA1b25 2107:< Stjerneklar> some say crypto, some say crpypto 2107:< Sorbetfraise> em:13218761605431210864051231023432132 2107:< ranterbach> em:4h316o323f32724g5z4b1A2w1r6n1u7312 2107:< AviN456> ok, what are the known crypto keys in use 2107:< Do_not_reply_to_me> So you are all using the Example123BitKey 2107:< ande_> was my message in crypto 2107:< Stjerneklar> test 2108:< Do_not_reply_to_me> oops, 128 2108:< _vvvv_> Do_not_reply_to_me If you change it, only people with same key can decrypt/see messages 2108:< TheAwer> Do_not_reply_to_me no there's one that was sent in dev channel a while ago 2108:< Stjerneklar> test(sorry) 2108:< Stjerneklar> test(sorry) 2108:< _vvvv_> We hide message if they do not decrypt properly. 2108:< AviN456> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m 2108:< _vvvv_> so you shouldn't even see failed ones. 2108:< Do_not_reply_to_me> TheAwer: on gitter? Or on here somewhere? 2109:< TheAwer> Do_not_reply_to_me it was here: ks982hu02klm47nk 2109:< touyajp> 40 minutes till MADDEN 2109:< touyajp> can't wait :D 2109:< Mal_Dovah> Hey I just wanted to thank the devs in here for the awesome Parrot script. 2109:< Vudjun> Can someone say something in a secret crypto channel which I shouldn't be able to view? Just wanna try something 2109:< ande_> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m 2110:< touyajp> Vudjun lol 2110:< TheAwer> em:4h316o323f2d726o6343nA2z1g6wbA651o4c4x4i6joA542o4c0A5z5u323u3a3y7A4jlA6b6v251t563w2i6p126riA4amA3i723v6l575159qA4z215s4029 2110:< Vudjun> got it ande_ 2110:< _vvvv_> Mal_Dovah ayy you're welcome :) 2110:< svlad> parrot devs, thank you all for entertaining me all week long, its been great 2110:< Vudjun> em:4h316o323f216s6r5m 2110:< touyajp> i think it only blanks out in same channel 2110:< touyajp> or sometimes it doesnt all 2110:< Stjerneklar> <3 parrot 2110:< Verifitas> This isn't goodbye. This is hello! 2111:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Can I enter multiple crypto keys. I tihnk I already know the answer to this 2111:< Broodoobob> I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello 2111:< Stjerneklar> hello 2111:< Daegalus> IM BACK, Ready for the party 2111:< svlad> Do_not_reply_to_me there is a fork of parrot that has support for multiple crypto via @d @e, etc. 2111:< OrangeredStilton> This shit, right here: dm:6v2nwA1u4y672u1lzA1d5d341c4h2i5xvA2x5u51554h3w45 2112:< svlad> Do_not_reply_to_me the dev doesn't have or want to bother with github access so there's never been a PR for it 2112:< Do_not_reply_to_me> em:4h316o323f216x695s4ehA131q6m2h4r14464o4g6822543h457A5q3v1n3s2y3pjA6vnA734g6A2n6q4w254vxA5bjA5n2d1c6k5g6x6g6q4s6A6u6A5x5x2n4i2w482h153i 2113:< Do_not_reply_to_me> em:4h316o323f2h6s6u4e46aA2u184h1x6c1q 2113:< Daegalus> svlad if he sends his stuff to dashed, _vvvv_ or me, we can create the PR for him. 2114:< snowburst> I guess it doesn't matter since we're almost done, but the latest parrot is really laggy --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:14:35 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:18:05 2016 2118::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2119:< sotricious> parrot is behaving vweird here 2119:< TheAwer> yeah don't refresh people are having problems getting back in 2120:< Stjerneklar> you guys seeing the console? 503 very regularly 2121:< TheAwer> MERGING 2121:< touyajp> merge worked 2122:< mythriz> yup 2122:< TheAwer> I'm not back in on alt yet 2122:< mythriz> wow --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:22:49 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:23:15 2016 2123:< mythriz> the lag is breaking message sending a lot or something 2123:< TheAwer> i am in 2123::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2123:< Daegalus> T15 just merge 2124:< codedit> I hope everyone can get their votes in despite this 2124:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Good luck anyone who can see this 2124:< qwerty-po> I am 503ed out of the room 2125:< razvi9> curently it's at 500 grow 3K no vote :( 2125:< SirCabbage> I was 503'd out of robin, just got back. 2125:< LoginErrorZ> KEEP TRYING 2125:< _vvvv_> Hello? 2126:< enigmaquip> this is the true reddit delayed april fools..... not having the server capacity to handle this 2126:< _vvvv_> ^ Can anyone see my messages? 2126:< ranterbach> Just got back in myself 2126:< Stjerneklar> looks like we won't be needing my rate limiter now XD 2126:< ande_> panicBasket 2126:< Do_not_reply_to_me> _vvvv_ Yes 2126:< codedit> we can see it 2126:< mythriz> lol 2126:< _vvvv_> takes like 3 minutes to submit a message. 2127:< codedit> what do the auto voters do if the vote request 503's? 2127:< ownage516> Someone send a mass PM to the inactives 2127:< touyajp> T17 won't happen if this doesnt gets fixed QUICKLY 2127:< Do_not_reply_to_me> ownage516 Yeah, the reddit servers really need that right now 2128:< razvi9> ~2800 no vote - ~800 grow now in the other room 2128:< ownage516> Are you kidding me 2128:< etray> wait for it to update razvi9 2128:< Do_not_reply_to_me> I think we can safely assume that the AFKers have come back anyway 2130:< enigmaquip> slowly coming up 2130:< TheAwer> someone get a PM bot going? 2130:< Do_not_reply_to_me> The other room is at 2763 No Vote 2130:< etray> yeah the other room is trying to stabilize and we're al lagging. 2131:< codedit> welp I hope they make it 2131:< razvi9> 2.6k no vote vs 1k grow right now 2131:< TheAwer> Uh may be a good idea to try to coordinate making sure everyone grows at first upon the t17 merge? otherwise might have grow/stay split 2132:< SirCabbage> if the reddit servers fuck us over in this- I will cry 2132:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Down to 2600 NoVotes. The lagging users are catching up 2132:< codedit> the reddit servers always fuck us 2132:< SirCabbage> yeah we should really start with grow to be safe- then when everyone is here safely we change to stay 2132:< Do_not_reply_to_me> down to 2450. This is going to be OK 2133:< codedit> they did so too with the button 2133:< UnacceptableUse> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4e2Rhy0 2133:< UnacceptableUse> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4e2Rhy0 2134:< etray> should we go unscripted aka no script to see the merge in all it's glory?-) 2134:< SirCabbage> remember when soku merged and we lost like 800 people- that was sad 2134:< SirCabbage> not worth the risk etray 2135:< codedit> the scripts contribute to the ddos on each merge 2135:< Kuutsundereevee> god damn, can any of you guys get the people in general chat to stop whining about reddit servers being slow 2135:< etray> yeah that was my question 2135:< Do_not_reply_to_me> down to 2330 novotes. 1300 stay 2135:< touyajp> i don't see T17 happening atm :( too slow switching to grow 2136:< TheAwer> Parrot update that makes it only look like you sent a message but didn't really to prevent load until a time? 2136:< Daegalus> well if that T16 fails, we should switch to stay in here 2136:< razvi9> 2283 vs1323 ... 15 min left 2136:< TheAwer> Yup. THey get to be our guinea pigs lol 2136:< etray> Do_not_reply_to_me do u have alt there? i get timeout from robintracker 2136:< touyajp> it gets better though now. i can send more messages 2137:< _vvvv_> test post pls ignore 2137:< enigmaquip> I have a couple there 2137:< Do_not_reply_to_me> etray Yes, I have an alt in ccfiandeSh 2137:< codedit> well crap, should've built a retry in to the auto voters 2137:< TheAwer> I have an alt in. 2137:< Stjerneklar> we back? 2137:< Daegalus> test test 2137:< razvi9> 2107 vs 1483 2137:< codedit> and shouldn't have made them vote all the second after the merge 2138:< etray> codedit THATS the key quickly change the scripts! 2138:< ShareDVI> hindsight is 20/20 2138:< touyajp> 2078/1512 --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 21:38:47 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 21:43:55 2016 2143:< etray> 17:57 EDT? 2144:< voltaek> Are you guys watching the other chat? 2144:< Wakafanykai123> yeah its crazy spam 2144::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com 2144:< iHacked> Wakafanykai123 Nobody knew it would come this far 2144:< Stjerneklar> voltaek wich one? cafi? 2144:< mootinator> If this takes Reddit's servers out, it's been a pleasure serving with you all. 2144:< Wakafanykai123> e it! Kappa 2144:< razvi9> yeah, I have an alt account there 2144:< ande_> test 2144:< SirCabbage> YAY! 2144:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Cool, we're safe 2144:< iHacked> mootinator +1 2144:< ande_> lag gone FeelsGoodMan 2144:< Stjerneklar> <3 you all 2144:< Daegalus> they are gonna lose like half their people though 2144:< _vvvv_> thx reddit 2144:< Do_not_reply_to_me> It'll go to shit again at the next merge :-) 2144:< MegaZeus101> WE LIVE, WE DIE, WE LIVE AGAIN, SHINY AND CHROME!!!!! 2144:< _vvvv_> you're the worst 2144:< Stjerneklar> lets enjoy this time :) 2144:< Do_not_reply_to_me> Are you guys adding Markup or what? ;-) 2144:< razvi9> still 7 minutes left for more people to vote 2144:< Daegalus> we are gonna lose a lot of people from our channel next merge 2144:< voltaek> yeah Stjerneklar 2144:< touyajp> PREPARE FOR JOHN MADDEN 2145:< iHacked> Stjerneklar Let's do that 2145:< Wakafanykai123> i dont think so Do_not_reply_to_me 2145:< mumer> On my alt, if I have a grow vote, can I /leave_room and still have the grow vote count? 2145:< Wakafanykai123> we are just chilling and relaxing now 2145:< Do_not_reply_to_me> I'm kidding, you've done enough 2145:< touyajp> mumer no 2145:< Do_not_reply_to_me> More than enough 2145:< TheAwer> I think we're going to have a lot more problems with voters than the other room has. hopefully they can pull us up 2145:< Stjerneklar> Wakafanykai123 acutally i just finished a feature for parrot :) 2145:< touyajp> but we don't really need one grow vote, pretty sure ;) 2145:< touyajp> lag fixed? 2145:< Stjerneklar> message rate limiter 2145:< Wakafanykai123> ooh what Stjerneklar 2145:< iHacked> rip user xD 2145:< touyajp> yup. seems reddit fixed it 2145:< Wakafanykai123> whats a message rate limiter 2145:< MegaZeus101> So clo9se 2146:< MegaZeus101> wait 2146:< Stjerneklar> it prevents you from writing too fast and getting your message eaten 2146:< MegaZeus101> no compatible? 2146:< Wakafanykai123> oh good, another improvement 2146:< etray> ok place your final bets on my %bet channel on the nr of users in the new T17 - winner gets gilding or the closest guess 2146:< Wakafanykai123> 5.6m 2146:< TheAwer> I was hoping it would fix Reddit's servers so the merge would go well lol or something to that end 2146:< Stjerneklar> havent implemented it yet, just running it on my own in styler js injector 2146:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 4050 2146:< touyajp> the lag was fixed, so i guess reddit is on it 2146:< Kuutsundereevee> 6500 2146:< etray> not here GetXyzzyWithIt 2147:< Stjerneklar> ill see if i can get it in :) 2147:< SirCabbage> %bets 5979 2147:< SirCabbage> ** %bet 5979 2147:< razvi9> 5500 2147:< TheAwer> WIth any luck they worked something out with AWS to help this merge 2147:< enigmaquip> should close your betting 2147:< Wakafanykai123> check out http://redditstatus.com 2147:< FengaPappit> we need to merge beofre the game end tho 2148:< _vvvv_> test 2148:< coldbrewedbrew> Big spike in errors around reaping time 2148:< razvi9> ~2.2K currently will merge from the other room 2148:< razvi9> 3 mins left 2148:< etray> SirCabbage ok registered bet of 5979 2148:< GetXyzzyWithIt> if you want to bet you need to do it in the %bet channel 2148:< Daegalus> 4930 2148:< _vvvv_> Test 2149:< _vvvv_> test 2149:< Daegalus> they are gonna lose a lot of people 2149:< mumer> %bet 4892 2149:< etray> Daegalus ok registered a bet of 4930 2149:< razvi9> yeah, 1.5k people 2149:< iHacked> If reddit crashes it would be funny! :D 2149:< MegaZeus101> WE LIVE, WE DIE, WE LIVE AGAIN, SHINY AND CHROME!!!!! 2149:< svlad> yeah, like 1400 dead 2149:< FriendlyYak> Daegalus hopefully loose a lot 2149:< FengaPappit> when is the merge ? 2149:< sprokolopolis> Reddit crashed for me the last time we merged. 2149:< Daegalus> they have 2 mins 2150:< etray> ok mumer registed a bet of 4892 2150:< FriendlyYak> guys we should disable our scripts 2150:< Enofel> y 2150:< sprokolopolis> Got a message saying their CDN was down.. 2150:< FriendlyYak> otherwise we will kill robbin 2150:< cwfloyd> before the next merge, just wanna say thank you to all you ^ dev folks. You made Robin what it is. <3 2150:< ande_> i want to see the easter egg 2150:< FriendlyYak> reddit+robin = robbin 2150:< AviN456> <3 2150:< Vudjun> Can I make a bet too etray? I bet 0. 2150:< AviN456> just make sure your sound is on 2150:< FengaPappit> robbit 2150:< Daegalus> Parrot ftw 2150:< MegaZeus101> We must stay at t17 2150:< iHacked> Can't see the graph for error logs right now 2150:< etray> Vudjun as in nil or no new room? 2150:< FriendlyYak> Daegalus no disable it for the merge. i'm serious 2150:< Stjerneklar> test 2150:< etray> ok registered 2150:< microfracture> agreed. robin wouldn't have been the same without the scripts. thanks again guys :) 2151:< enigmaquip> 4775 2151:< voltaek> F 2151:< iHacked> Shall we disable Parrot? 2151:< Vudjun> 0 as in the room is formed, but 0 people end up in it due to reddits servers dying 2151:< voltaek> F 2151:< MegaZeus101> 1.6 MIN 2151:< ownage516> Wtf the vote buttons dissappeared. 2151:< touyajp> guys do we add %dev? 2151:< etray> enigmaquip use the %bet channel 2151:< emman31> Everybody should disable parrot! 2151:< ownage516> I have parrot 2151:< touyajp> this will be full of spam in 5 minutes 2151:< iHacked> Why should we disable parrot? 2151:< etray> closing betting 2151:< KernelSnuffy> oh man 2151:< TheAwer> why the fuck are we supposed to disable parrot 2151:< mootinator> Parrot sends messages to check stats 2151:< KernelSnuffy> here it comes boys 2151:< Sahdee> it helps with lag 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> oh christ the unfiltered chat is just spam 2152:< Daegalus> its happening any second now 2152:< razvi9> 2.3K people from there will join 2152:< GetXyzzyWithIt> shouldn't we keep it enabled to autogrow first? 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> I CAN'T EVEN SEE MYSELF SEE MYSELF 2152:< Wakafanykai123> okay my alt is set to grow 2152:< AviN456> don't disable parrot 2152:< mootinator> You do't need autogrow if you're here 2152:< iHacked> No need to autogrow 2152:< Daegalus> ITS HAPPENING SOON 2152:< AviN456> you'll miss out on the surprise 2152:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it was a fun ride, guys 2152:< Stjerneklar> Parrot untill the end 2152:< Daegalus> EASTER EGG TOO 2152:< TheAwer> wat iHacked 2152:< lajiggyjarjardoo> get your fireworks ready 2152:< touyajp> i just disabled contributing 2153:< lajiggyjarjardoo> and your airhorns 2153:< FengaPappit> once we merge, we should vote for stay since the game ends soon 2153:< pasthorizon> F 2153:< Daegalus> i hope reddit is ready for the mergening 2153:< Wakafanykai123> F 2153:< Enofel> (isn't it time yet) 2153:< Wakafanykai123> VapeNation 2153:< Stjerneklar> o7 2153:< TheAwer> FengaPappit I think we need to all grow the first time because of the autogrowers then we try to stay 2153:< AviN456> any minute now 2153:< Daegalus> o7 and 7o to you all 2153:< mootinator> Just got the polls are closing soon message 2153:< TheAwer> F 2153:< iHacked> All the lag 2153:< Kuutsundereevee> OH CHRIST THE CHAT HURTS 2154:< agaffchanted> are we about to merge? 2154:< etray> can somebody screengrab the merge without script 2154:< codedit> wait are merging? 2154:< TheAwer> ITS BEEN AN HONOR ROBINING WITH YOU ALL 2154:< KernelSnuffy> standing by for merge 2154:< beyrevra> thanks for everything guys 2154:< Enofel> Long live parrot 2154:< Daegalus> cross your fingers and pucker yuor anuses, here it comes 2154:< KernelSnuffy> Olol we have like 1400 abstainers in the other 16 2154:< etray> Wings report 2155:< GetXyzzyWithIt> O M G 2155:< sprokolopolis> woooooooo 2155:< ande_> PogChamp 2155:< FengaPappit> dayum 2155:< AviN456> holy fuck! 2155:< sprokolopolis> hahahahahaha 2155:< touyajp> oh wow 2155:< ShadowNoteP> Wooo 2155:< Winderps> WE DID IT REDDIT 2155:< KrazyA1pha> HOLY FUCK YES 2155:< mythriz> those fireworks 2155:< MegaZeus101> ^ SHINY AND CHROME WE HAVE ARRIVED! 2155:< codedit> so now what? 2155:< touyajp> was that the script? :D 2156:< Wakafanykai123> we did it devs 2156:< ShadowNoteP> We stay 2156:< sprokolopolis> I saw that in the script and was waiting for that hahahaha 2156:< snowburst> PROPS ON THAT EASTER EGG 2156:< SilentSand> dude that was fucking hilarious 2156:< SirCabbage> I LOVE THE PARROT GUYS. 2156:< ande_> yes 2156:< mootinator> WE DID IT REDDIT 2156:< _vvvv_> HELLO 2156:< splishtastic> Such egg 2156:< SxwTheCat> WE DID IT REDDIT 2156:< RenegadeAI> HELLO 2156:< sprokolopolis> touyajp yes 2156:< ShadowNoteP> Nice! 2156:< ShadowNoteP> mr_bag did you make it? 2156:< _vvvv_> How are you all? This is dev chat for Parrot! All of the devs are here :) 2156:< ShadowNoteP> s3cur1ty? 2156:< Daegalus> THAT WAS SMOOTH 2157:< TheAwer> GROW WITH AUTOGROW STAY AFTER PURGE 2157:< mythriz> uuuh. the guy who was streaming just got thrown out? lol 2157:< ranterbach> Been waiting for that, well done everyone. 2157:< Daegalus> now 2157:< mr_bag> ShadowNoteP ahoy - yep, we are the biggest! 2157:< touyajp> nice gag, loved it :) 2157:< ShadowNoteP> This was the dev chat for just general on ours 2157:< GetXyzzyWithIt> we need to let the others know 2157:< Daegalus> The live streamer's script bugged, he thought he was voting grow, but he never voted and got kicked 2157:< Enofel> YEAH! 2157:< touyajp> weird, no john madden spam 2157:< AviN456> ahahahaha 2157:< netnerd01> fuck, parrot seems to be lagging stuff 2157:< etray> Cheers 2157:< KernelSnuffy> this is badass 2157:< Enofel> I heard a cheer lol 2157:< AviN456> nice Daegalus 2158:< mythriz> that must suck, haha 2158:< TeaBagTwat> YOU MOTHERFUCKERS 2158:< HeWhoMadeTheWorld> we did it reddit 2158:< Do_not_reply_to_me> 5295 users. nice 2158:< Enofel> KappaPride! 2158:< ShadowNoteP> 10/10 2158:< enigmaquip> unscripted all you see is votes rolling by 2158:< ShadowNoteP> 7.8/10 too many bots. 2158:< TeaBagTwat> I HAD MY VOLUME ON 2158:< Daegalus> we dont know yet, we have a lot of no votes still 2158:< _vvvv_> Ayyyy 2158:< andreaplanbee> thank you devs for all your hard work ilu 2158:< Wakafanykai123> viva parrot devs 2158:< cwfloyd> you guys. <3<3<3 2158:< strousoup> razvi9 we are finally united! 2158:< John_Maddun> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ GROW YOUR JOHN MADDEN ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 2158:< etray> https://media.giphy.com/media/3o85xmGTvn9PoLjA7C/giphy.gif => http://nazar.so/6oh2j 2159:< ownage516> That was dope parrot devs 2159:< razvi9> strousoup yay! 2159:< Enofel> Welp, Madden is back 2159:< kerbals_r_us> <3 PARROT DEVS THAT WAS AWESOME 2159:< TeaBagTwat> PARROT DEVS HATS OFF TO YOU BUT ALSO KILL YOURSELVES 2159:< mr_bag> ShadowNoteP my spam filters going crazy - 5000 blocked already :o 2159:< _vvvv_> andreaplanbee love you too < 3 2159:< Wakafanykai123> no rpoblem we love you 2159:< ande_> we need to grow first 2159:< sprokolopolis> GREETINGS NEW FRIENDS 2159:< ShadowNoteP> mr_bag same here. 2159:< beyrevra> <3 2159:< mr_bag> _vvvv_ Ahoy Your the parrot guy right :p 2159:< Wakafanykai123> love ya all 2159:< FengaPappit> what's the point of voting grow first then stay 2159:< Stjerneklar> great show guys 2159:< beyrevra> ^ thank you guys 2159:< UnacceptableUse> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4e2Rhy0 2159:< Wakafanykai123> :) 2200:< OrangeredStilton> So we merged? 2200:< Stjerneklar> my chrome crashed because of the activity XD 2200:< OrangeredStilton> So we merged? 2200:< OrangeredStilton> I missed the whole thing 2200:< ShadowNoteP> So parrot devs. How you doin? 2200:< mr_bag> OrangeredStilton yep 2200:< _vvvv_> Come join our gitter if you're a dev :) https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot 2200:< IbaFoo> FengaPappit Allowing people to reconnect is thepoint f the initial Grow vote 2200:< Stjerneklar> OrangeredStilton yeah 2201:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/CH2asD 2201:< ViktorErikJensen> Nice graphics! 10/10 2201:< touyajp> test sdasodasoidu atadsfdf sdfasdas as asid 2201:< mr_bag> _vvvv_ what if we're dev's of rival scripts :P 2201:< OrangeredStilton> I think I might leave the spam going in Global 2201:< _vvvv_> mr_bag yes Parrot is my fork :) 2201:< Stjerneklar> rivals? 2201:< touyajp> Last time I checked ^ on the lower tiers it was full of John Madden. What happened to them? 2201:< voltaek> I opened the chat in another tab without the script loaded and it is still flying by holy fuck 2202:< voltaek> i like this touyajp guy 2202:< _vvvv_> mr_bag no rivalries here, all open source :) 2202:< touyajp> oh there is one 2202:< dashed> lol 2202:< touyajp> ^ ^ i keep one unmuted 2202:< rabz12> Vote to stay everyone, we've gotten our goal. 2202:< RenegadeAI> meme 2202:< touyajp> it has tradition to listen to madden facts since PrictsGo :) 2202:< qwerty-po> so happens in 24 minutes if we dont have enough stay votes? 2202:< mr_bag> _vvvv_ Same, i was trying to give u my code after all :p 2203:< touyajp> we get another 30m 2203:< _vvvv_> :) 2203:< splishtastic> Global chat suddenly a flood of god-knows-what 2203:< touyajp> thats why i stick to grow :p 2203:< touyajp> it will eventually stay anyway i guess 2204:< KernelSnuffy> maybe, maybe not 2204:< mootinator> Well, that killled my PC 2204:< KernelSnuffy> yeah my performance was bad until i refreshed 2204:< mootinator> Well, this is killing my PC 2204:< OrangeredStilton> So two questions: A) what's the current tally; B) what are the current large channels :P 2204:< agaffchanted> ^ guess i found a reason to upgrade my pc, so it can handle robin 2204:< KernelSnuffy> still is quite laggy 2204:< iHacked> Should we stay or grow? 2205:< mootinator> Yeah, had to kill my browsers. 2205:< -dlb-> em:the_lone_warrioralistairjhmeovvcatmr_mustashthuggy-ggeekahedronaocnathejgrgunnertsubasa_samazbignewfoehtonagentripleypizza007_nea102_nuu 2206:< agaffchanted> ^ lol 2206:< OrangeredStilton> What. 2206:< splishtastic> Also, what happens to growers when stay wins? Do grow votes get rolled into the subreddit? 2206:< svlad> _Zaga_ the stay/grow already outnumber no/abandon, its all good 2206:< mootinator> Both stay and grow have more votes than afk 2206:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ https://userstyles.org/styles/126500/darkwing 2207:< caecias> /tally 2207:< Wakafanykai123> stay 2208:< PanaceaPlacebo> fyi any devs on here, parrot on greasemonkey on firefox lags HARD. parrot on tampermonkey on chrome does 10x better. --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:08:07 2016 --- Log opened Thu Apr 07 22:11:27 2016 2211:< Do_not_reply_to_me> So many people are gonna be pissed off if Stayers win 2211:< sprokolopolis> ah ok. I guess you all changed it. 2211:< agaffchanted> this has killed the reddit servers lol 2211::::: join/#dev OrangeredStilton!OrangeredStilton@reddit.com --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 22:16:44 2016