--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2016 --- Day changed Wed Apr 06 2016 0000:< CitrusDoctor> symbiosis 0000:< Mainova> exactly! I'm more or less sitting here waiting for it to happen 0000:< phoenixprince> symbiosis 0000:< mootinator> symbiotic 0000:< BernieCar> symbiotic 0000:< _deffer_> symbiotic 0000:< vox35> symbiotic 0000:< BernieCar> symbiosis 0000:< cyclingwonder> intense - I'm also in the next highest room on my alt! It's terrible in that chat compared to here. 0000:< CitrusDoctor> symbiotic 0000:< CitrusDoctor> wrong form 0000:< npinsker> The answer was symbiosis! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (15), phoenixprince (203), BernieCar (22) 0000:< cyclingwonder> this chat > the other large thread's chat 0000:< BernieCar> hooray! 0000:< CitrusDoctor> oh nvm 0000:< mootinator> right form 0000:< vox35> Fark! 0000:< _deffer_> shit 0000:< cyclingwonder> Portland! 0000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as __________. 0000:< tRitone11> DNA 0000:< BernieCar> dna 0000:< _deffer_> dna 0000:< vox35> DNA 0000:< CitrusDoctor> DNA 0000:< mootinator> dna 0000:< mootinator> D.M.X. 0001:< CitrusDoctor> actually it's known as Deoxys which is the ultimate pokemon 0001:< npinsker> The answer was DNA! Correct users: BernieCar (26), _deffer_ (305), vox35 (242), CitrusDoctor (16), mootinator (32) 0001:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1665), rbasov (999), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 0001:< CitrusDoctor> deoxys even looks like a goddamn piece of dna 0001:< cyclingwonder> yeah wtf 0001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Other than Germany, whose official language is German? 0001:< tRitone11> Austria 0001:< CitrusDoctor> Austria 0001:< _deffer_> austria 0001:< BernieCar> Austria 0001:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0001:< mootinator> RUSSIA SUCKERS 0002:< cyclingwonder> !!!!!! 0002:< CitrusDoctor> USA USA USA 0002:< _deffer_> nah. Russia speaks cuban 0002:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (20), _deffer_ (308), BernieCar (28) 0002:< cyclingwonder> DAMN COMMIES 0002:< cyclingwonder> BEING POLIGLOTS AND SHIT 0002:< mootinator> Damn straight comrade. 0002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins"? 0002:< tRitone11> Dick Van Dyke 0002:< BernieCar> Dick van dyke 0002:< CitrusDoctor> Michael Caine 0002:< vox35> Dick VanDyke 0002:< mootinator> Ernest Hemingway 0002:< cyclingwonder> Portland Portaway 0002:< npinsker> The answer was Dick Van Dyke! Correct users: BernieCar (32) 0003:< BernieCar> woooo 0003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'? 0003:< tRitone11> foxtrot 0003:< BernieCar> chim chimineeee 0003:< mootinator> Marshall Mathers 0003:< CitrusDoctor> forte 0003:< mootinator> Foxtrot 0003:< BernieCar> foxtrot 0003:< cyclingwonder> PFortland 0003:< _deffer_> foxtrot 0003:< CitrusDoctor> shit, foxtrot 0003:< vox35> Robbed! 0003:< npinsker> The answer was foxtrot! Correct users: mootinator (36), BernieCar (35), _deffer_ (310), CitrusDoctor (21) 0003:< cyclingwonder> Wiskey Tango Foxtrot! :( 0003:< BernieCar> again, vox :( 0003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have? 0003:< tRitone11> Friday the 13th 0004:< CitrusDoctor> firday the 13th 0004:< rbasov> friday the 13th 0004:< CitrusDoctor> Friday the 13th 0004:< cyclingwonder> The Holy Day of Portland 0004:< xSke> a sunday 0004:< mootinator> Saturday the 14th 0004:< CitrusDoctor> you're not wrong 0004:< rbasov> sunday the 1st 0004:< vox35> At least one Sunday 0004:< npinsker> The answer was Friday the 13th! Correct users: rbasov (1003), CitrusDoctor (24) 0004:< cyclingwonder> YOU'RE MORE CORRECT THAN THE PREZ OF THE USA 0004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal has red patches on its rear? 0004:< tRitone11> mandrill 0004:< CitrusDoctor> Humans 0004:< BernieCar> baboon 0004:< rbasov> mandrill 0004:< mootinator> My wife 0004:< 3xist3nc3> Milltroot 0004:< CitrusDoctor> or is that not normal 0004:< cyclingwonder> Portland-Portland, now extinct RIP 0005:< mootinator> baboon 0005:< vox35> Someone with a spanking fetish 0005:< CitrusDoctor> ^ 0005:< npinsker> The answer was mandrill! Correct users: rbasov (1007) 0005:< cyclingwonder> ;) ;) 0005:< 3xist3nc3> @vox35 Correct! 0005:< cyclingwonder> ahhw yeah show me that mandrill 0005:< mootinator> ok 0005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Anne Boleyn have three of? 0005:< tRitone11> breasts 0005:< cyclingwonder> :) 0005:< CitrusDoctor> children 0005:< rbasov> breasts 0005:< vox35> Nipples 0005:< BernieCar> Arms 0005:< mootinator> nations 0005:< cyclingwonder> Portland Estates 0005:< BernieCar> Legs 0005:< rbasov> you're not wrong vox 0005:< mootinator> three nations armies 0005:< CitrusDoctor> blind mice 0005:< npinsker> The answer was breasts! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0005:< cyclingwonder> shit I cut my finger with the alluminium from my apple sauce :( 0006:< cyclingwonder> I'm upset for you! 0006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || In a 2011 viral video, what is baby Emerson's mom doing that he finds scary and hilarious? 0006:< CitrusDoctor> eating charlie's finger 0006:< vox35> You're a nobody, rbasov 0006:< cyclingwonder> Portland on google maps 0006:< mootinator> having it going on 0006:< xSke> thats earlier than 2011 0006:< BernieCar> singing 0006:< rbasov> charlie biting him 0006:< cyclingwonder> xSke - bitches don't know bout my early memes 0006:< npinsker> The answer was Blowing her nose! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0006:< xSke> oh i rmemebe that 0006:< rbasov> vox35 :'( 0006:< mootinator> :( 0006:< CitrusDoctor> crushing grapes with her feet 0006:< BernieCar> i don't :( 0006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the .....? 0006:< tRitone11> hills 0007:< mootinator> hills 0007:< rbasov> hills 0007:< xSke> CHORLEY BI' MAY 0007:< cyclingwonder> I don't remember because that sounds like a shit meme 0007:< CitrusDoctor> day is long 0007:< rbasov> the hills have eyes 0007:< _deffer_> hills 0007:< cyclingwonder> Portland Real Estate Market 0007:< CitrusDoctor> dirt 0007:< vox35> hills 0007:< crocano861> , ^, #pol, #rpg, ~, penis/, ?, s, #s, #gov,+wiki,%parrot, .edia 0007:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: mootinator (40), rbasov (1010), _deffer_ (312), vox35 (243) 0007:< cyclingwonder> I'm so good at this :) 0007:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1665), rbasov (1010), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWith... 0007:< _deffer_> You know what's going to happen. The answer will be portland, and you won't be here. 0007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Chicago ____________? 0007:< tRitone11> Bears 0008:< BernieCar> Bears 0008:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0008:< CitrusDoctor> bears 0008:< SenatorAstronomer> Bears 0008:< vox35> Bears 0008:< mootinator> Portlanders 0008:< _deffer_> bears 0008:< cyclingwonder> I'm okay if that happens. I think it would be pretty funny :) 0008:< xSke> suckers 0008:< rbasov> losers 0008:< mootinator> Red Sox 0008:< BernieCar> We'll all remember him 0008:< _deffer_> who? 0008:< npinsker> The answer was Bears! Correct users: BernieCar (39), CitrusDoctor (27), SenatorAstronomer (2), vox35 (244), _deffer_ (312) 0008:< mootinator> DA BEARS 0008:< BernieCar> But i hope he's here when/if it happens 0008:< CitrusDoctor> CATEGORY: Geography || United States: What is the capital of Oregon? 0008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || This cell organelle is responsible for protein production? 0008:< tRitone11> ribosome 0008:< mootinator> Weed 0008:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0008:< rbasov> tuscaloosa 0008:< CitrusDoctor> ribosome 0008:< BernieCar> mitochondrea 0008:< CitrusDoctor> FUCK YEAH 0008:< rbasov> ribosome 0008:< cyclingwonder> ok I have to go buy milk for my pancakes 0009:< vox35> mitochondria 0009:< _deffer_> ribosome 0009:< CitrusDoctor> the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 0009:< npinsker> The answer was ribosome! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (31), rbasov (1013), _deffer_ (314) 0009:< vox35> Oh yeah 0009:< _deffer_> the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 0009:< mootinator> Okay I'm out, I have to go do things with my kids or something. 0009:< vox35> It is at that 0009:< BernieCar> mitochondria does atp 0009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what sea is the Crimea? 0009:< tRitone11> Black Sea 0009:< cyclingwonder> I don't wanna go cuz I'm tired and stomach hurts but I need milk :( :( 0009:< BernieCar> i fucked up 0009:< rbasov> black sea 0009:< _deffer_> black sea 0009:< i_hop> black 0009:< cyclingwonder> mitochondria doesn't do atp what 0009:< CitrusDoctor> black sea 0009:< SenatorAstronomer> $ black 0009:< vox35> Black 0009:< cyclingwonder> PORTLand oh wait 0009:< BernieCar> :( 0009:< npinsker> The answer was Black Sea! Correct users: rbasov (1017), _deffer_ (317), CitrusDoctor (33) 0010:< i_hop> bullshit 0010:< CitrusDoctor> mitochondria is a symbiotic eukaryotic bacteria that produces adenosine triphosphate which is used as energy for cells 0010:< vox35> Fuuuuuck 0010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which US president said 'the buck stops here'? 0010:< tRitone11> Truman 0010:< rbasov> truman 0010:< i_hop> jkf 0010:< _deffer_> harry s truman 0010:< cyclingwonder> Bernie I was wrong! Th emitochondria does do ATP/ADP cycle! 0010:< cyclingwonder> President Portland 0010:< i_hop> jfk 0010:< CitrusDoctor> the krebs cycle is the name 0010:< npinsker> The answer was Harry Truman! Correct users: rbasov (1021), _deffer_ (320) 0010:< BernieCar> cycling do you really like to cycle? 0010:< vox35> That's what my mother always told me, @CitrusDoctor. Right before bed. 0010:< cyclingwonder> making energy is my game :) 0010:< BernieCar> I like to watch :) 0010:< xSke> Fun fact, the question database only has a single portland-related question 0010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minreals || Graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser? 0010:< cyclingwonder> that's sweet :) 0010:< tRitone11> diamond 0011:< CitrusDoctor> interesting 0011:< rbasov> diamond 0011:< _deffer_> diamond 0011:< BernieCar> diamond 0011:< CitrusDoctor> diamond 0011:< cyclingwonder> xSke how do you know that hahahha 0011:< 3cardblindbot> diamond 0011:< xSke> cyclingwonder ctrl-f :) 0011:< cyclingwonder> Portland mineral 0011:< npinsker> The answer was diamond! Correct users: rbasov (1025), _deffer_ (323), BernieCar (41), i_hop (54), CitrusDoctor (33), 3cardblindbot (0) 0011:< CitrusDoctor> actually, laser fuel cant cut diamond beams 0011:< BernieCar> pew pew 0011:< vox35> More graphite 0011:< cyclingwonder> It was an inside jerb 0011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Josie and the ________ 0011:< tRitone11> Pussycats 0011:< CitrusDoctor> pussycats 0011:< _deffer_> pussycats 0011:< vox35> Pussycats 0011:< BernieCar> Pussycat Dolls 0011:< cyclingwonder> Portlandcats 0012:< BernieCar> Pussycats 0012:< rbasov> josies 0012:< CitrusDoctor> 7-11 was a part-time job 0012:< npinsker> The answer was Pussycats! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (37), _deffer_ (326), vox35 (246), BernieCar (42) 0012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the first film directed by Robert Redford? 0012:< tRitone11> Ordinary People 0012:< rbasov> ordinary people 0012:< vox35> The Milagro Beanfield War 0012:< CitrusDoctor> Star Wars Episode 7 0012:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: rbasov (1029) 0013:< vox35> Fark 0013:< BernieCar> he's a machine! 0013:< rbasov> a machine! 0013:< _deffer_> who? 0013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Vivian Vance play on 'The Lucy Show'? 0013:< tRitone11> Vivian Bagley 0013:< CitrusDoctor> lucy 0013:< BernieCar> Ethyl 0013:< rbasov> vivian bagley 0013:< 3xist3nc3> not lucy 0013:< cyclingwonder> The guy who keeps answering things that aren'T Portland 0013:< CitrusDoctor> i have no idea :P 0013:< BernieCar> Ethel 0013:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0013:< _deffer_> rbasov? 0013:< CitrusDoctor> methyl ethyl ether 0013:< BernieCar> Ethel Murman 0013:< npinsker> The answer was Vivian Bagley! Correct users: rbasov (1033) 0013:< cyclingwonder> Yeah, that guy. 0013:< vox35> Lucy's lover Ethel 0013:< rbasov> beep boop---I'm not a machine---boop beep 0013:< BernieCar> good lord 0013:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1665), rbasov (1033), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWith... 0014:< _deffer_> lots of points. Probably seen the questions before. 0014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Conway Twitty's real name? 0014:< tRitone11> Harold Lloyd Jenkins 0014:< rbasov> It's the same recycled questions...just come here often enough 0014:< BernieCar> Condrad Birdie 0014:< CitrusDoctor> Richard Funkelberger 0014:< vox35> Wrongway Shitty 0014:< 3xist3nc3> Jamie John Erlie 0014:< rbasov> harold lloyd jenkins 0014:< cyclingwonder> I don't know how you remember the answers though. Then again, I am pretty stupid :( 0014:< npinsker> The answer was Harold Lloyd Jenkins! Correct users: rbasov (1037) 0014:< BernieCar> MACHINE boop beep 0014:< CitrusDoctor> wait he was harold lloyd? 0014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Braveheart"? 0014:< tRitone11> Mel Gibson 0015:< rbasov> Some things I already know, some are just so weird you remember 0015:< CitrusDoctor> from the silent films era? 0015:< _deffer_> mel gibson 0015:< cyclingwonder> Portland City 0015:< BernieCar> Mel gibson 0015:< rbasov> mel gibson 0015:< CitrusDoctor> mel gibson 0015:< vox35> Mel Gibson 0015:< 3xist3nc3> mel gives a son 0015:< cyclingwonder> ok for real I gotta go, as much as I regret wearing pants :( 0015:< _deffer_> GIMME BACK MY SON 0015:< CitrusDoctor> mel's gibs, son 0015:< BernieCar> Port Landson 0015:< rbasov> Your uncle is the great Harold Zoid? 0015:< npinsker> The answer was Mel Gibson! Correct users: _deffer_ (330), BernieCar (45), rbasov (1039), CitrusDoctor (38), vox35 (246) 0015:< cyclingwonder> lol bernie 0015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation did Moshoeshoe found? 0015:< tRitone11> Basotho 0015:< CitrusDoctor> that was a pretty good episode 0015:< BernieCar> Algonquin 0015:< CitrusDoctor> Moshoeshoeania 0015:< rbasov> basotho 0016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "Double, double ... " 0016:< tRitone11> Macbeth 0016:< rbasov> macbeth 0016:< _deffer_> macbeth 0016:< CitrusDoctor> macbeth 0016:< BernieCar> rbasov, you can win robin and be on jeopardy! 0016:< rbasov> I would lose jeopardy so fast 0016:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: rbasov (1047), _deffer_ (333), CitrusDoctor (40) 0017:< rbasov> I'd just answer everything as a statement and see if I can set a record for lowest score 0017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle? 0017:< tRitone11> one hundred and eighty one 0017:< rbasov> 181 0017:< BernieCar> WHAT IS A BAD ATTITUDE? 0017:< CitrusDoctor> good strategy, I don't see how this could fail 0017:< _deffer_> 181 0017:< haykam821> 181 0017:< CitrusDoctor> freaking ratelimit, 181 0017:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and eighty one! Correct users: rbasov (1051), _deffer_ (336), haykam821 (3), CitrusDoctor (41) 0017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his "Republic"? 0018:< tRitone11> A Philosopher King 0018:< CitrusDoctor> a "badittude" 0018:< BernieCar> Simple 0018:< rbasov> a philosopher king 0018:< CitrusDoctor> a fat, bald guy in his late 40's 0018:< BernieCar> ELECT CitrusDoctor 0018:< npinsker> The answer was A Philosopher King! Correct users: rbasov (1055) 0018:< BernieCar> what? 0018:< CitrusDoctor> hardy har har 0018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This first RPG released for the N64 centered on Brian's adventures in finding his father. 0019:< CitrusDoctor> Family Guy: The Quest for Brian's Father 0019:< rbasov> quest 64 0019:< BernieCar> Don't be a menace... 0019:< 3xist3nc3> Brian's Adventures 0019:< CitrusDoctor> oh shit it is quest 64 0019:< npinsker> The answer was Quest 64! Correct users: rbasov (1059) 0019:< CitrusDoctor> reminded me of the projared vid 0019:< rbasov> to south central while drinking your juice in the hood 0019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles? 0019:< tRitone11> Romans 0019:< BernieCar> thank you rbasov 0019:< CitrusDoctor> keith 0019:< rbasov> romans 0019:< CitrusDoctor> keith did it 0019:< rbasov> You're welcome BernieCar 0019:< npinsker> The answer was Romans! Correct users: rbasov (1063) 0020:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1665), rbasov (1063), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWith... 0020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || When is turkey traditionally eaten in America? 0020:< CitrusDoctor> it was keith though? 0020:< tRitone11> thanksgiving 0020:< rbasov> thanksgiving 0020:< BernieCar> Thanksgiving 0020:< Patarknight> Thanksgiving 0020:< CitrusDoctor> Thanksgiving 0020:< rbasov> what does canadia eat on their thanksgiving? 0020:< BernieCar> and the entire week thereafter 0020:< npinsker> The answer was thanksgiving! Correct users: rbasov (1067), BernieCar (48), Patarknight (1667), CitrusDoctor (42) 0021:< Patarknight> doctor of dental surgery 0021:< BernieCar> Doctor of dental surgery 0021:< rbasov> doctor of dental surgery 0021:< GazerOfStars> Doctor of Dental surgery 0021:< BernieCar> yay team! 0021:< CitrusDoctor> rbasov I think they eat pemmecan 0021:< 3xist3nc3> direct denial of service 0021:< rbasov> no idea what that is lol 0021:< CitrusDoctor> look it up 0021:< npinsker> The answer was Doctor of Dental Surgery! Correct users: Patarknight (1671), BernieCar (51), rbasov (1069), GazerOfStars (184) 0022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Whose films include 'Giant', 'Written On The Wind' and 'A Farewell To Arms'? 0022:< tRitone11> Rock Hudson 0022:< CitrusDoctor> traditional canadian dish probably 0022:< rbasov> rock hudson 0022:< CitrusDoctor> Dwayne "The Rock" Hudson 0022:< GazerOfStars> Rock hudson 0022:< rbasov> it looks disgusting 0022:< npinsker> The answer was Rock Hudson! Correct users: rbasov (1073), GazerOfStars (187) 0022:< CitrusDoctor> its like raw fat and other gross stuff 0022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the ballpoint pen? 0022:< tRitone11> Laszlo and Georg Biro 0022:< CitrusDoctor> i think native americans ate it 0022:< FeebleOldMan> biro 0022:< rbasov> laszlo and georg biro 0022:< GazerOfStars> What's with Tritone11? Super quick, but doesn't score points? :o 0023:< CitrusDoctor> he's a bot 0023:< BernieCar> Block the bot! 0023:< rbasov> bot...banned... 0023:< tRitone11> gazerofstars banned bot 0023:< CitrusDoctor> we all muted him 0023:< npinsker> The answer was Georgo and Laszlo Biro! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (912), rbasov (1076) 0023:< GazerOfStars> Why are you even still playing then? :o 0023:< tRitone11> just copy me and you will win easily 0023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by 'The Romantics' in February 1980? 0023:< tRitone11> That's What I Like About You 0023:< rbasov> to piss everyone off until he's unbanned 0023:< CitrusDoctor> What is Love 0023:< GazerOfStars> Dumb 0023:< ValenciaXXX> what i like about you 0023:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0023:< rbasov> that's what i like about you 0023:< npinsker> The answer was That's What I Like About You! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (22), rbasov (1079) 0024:< CitrusDoctor> what's what I like about you 0024:< rbasov> ^ that 0024:< BernieCar> you know how to dance 0024:< GazerOfStars> Trivia's not fun if you get the answer flashed at you instantly 0024:< CitrusDoctor> ahh ok 0024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1980 game had you navigating simple mazes and avoiding evil robots who shot laserbeams at you? 0024:< CitrusDoctor> zeldar 0024:< FeebleOldMan> gazerofstars just click on name to block 0024:< rbasov> that's why everyone mutes him 0024:< GazerOfStars> Will do 0024:< CitrusDoctor> pacman? 0024:< rbasov> asteroids 0024:< npinsker> The answer was Berzerk! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a cello's full name? 0025:< CitrusDoctor> ahh yes, the cult classic Berzerk with a z 0025:< tRitone11> violoncello 0025:< BernieCar> Violincello 0025:< grink> tron 0025:< Patarknight> violincello 0025:< rbasov> violoncello 0025:< CitrusDoctor> cellinius maximus 0025:< CitrusDoctor> violincello 0025:< rbasov> violincello 0025:< 3xist3nc3> Stupid question: how do i get the original text placement in parrot? 0025:< npinsker> The answer was violoncello! Correct users: BernieCar (55), Patarknight (1674), rbasov (1081), CitrusDoctor (43) 0025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very silly countries || The Presidential highway links the towns of Gore and Clinton in which country? 0025:< tRitone11> New Zealand 0025:< rbasov> new zealand 0026:< grink> canada 0026:< CitrusDoctor> swaziland 0026:< rbasov> madagascar 0026:< CitrusDoctor> Vatican City 0026:< npinsker> The answer was New Zealand! Correct users: rbasov (1085) 0026:< BernieCar> is that cycling guy still here? 0026:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1674), rbasov (1085), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (912), GetXyzzyWith... 0026:< BernieCar> I miss his spam 0026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns? 0026:< tRitone11> fifty 0026:< rbasov> portland 0026:< grink> stupid 50 0026:< CitrusDoctor> 69 0026:< Patarknight> 40 0026:< 3xist3nc3> You can't get the original text alignment right? 0027:< 3xist3nc3> 50 0027:< rbasov> shvifty five 0027:< grink> thrieve 0027:< CitrusDoctor> ~420 0027:< npinsker> The answer was fifty! Correct users: grink (233), 3xist3nc3 (1884) 0027:< rbasov> 2 and hife 0027:< CitrusDoctor> schwifty seven 0027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate? 0027:< tRitone11> Dustin Hoffman 0027:< 3xist3nc3> Get fifty 0027:< rbasov> dustin hoffman 0027:< FeebleOldMan> dustin hoffman 0027:< FeebleOldMan> repeat qn ftw 0028:< npinsker> The answer was Dustin Hoffman! Correct users: rbasov (1089), FeebleOldMan (915) 0028:< BernieCar> aw nuts 0028:< rbasov> deez nuts 0028:< BernieCar> i'm too new for that 0028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called? 0028:< tRitone11> lithography 0028:< BernieCar> lithography 0028:< rbasov> lithography 0028:< CitrusDoctor> lithography 0028:< FeebleOldMan> tracing 0028:< rbasov> that was just a question 5 min ago... 0028:< CitrusDoctor> this was literally here half an hour ago 0028:< BernieCar> and i spoke too soon 0028:< FeebleOldMan> pressing 0028:< BernieCar> so much for deez nuts 0028:< npinsker> The answer was lithography! Correct users: BernieCar (59), rbasov (1092), CitrusDoctor (45) 0028:< rbasov> see you remember answers lol 0029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________. 0029:< tRitone11> hibernation 0029:< rbasov> hibernation 0029:< BernieCar> hibernation 0029:< FeebleOldMan> hibernation 0029:< CitrusDoctor> hibernation 0029:< CitrusDoctor> that is, before the hiber nation attacked 0029:< rbasov> with their hiber bending abilities 0029:< npinsker> The answer was hibernation! Correct users: rbasov (1096), BernieCar (62), FeebleOldMan (917), CitrusDoctor (46) 0029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Who founded Mormonism? 0029:< tRitone11> Joseph Smith 0029:< rbasov> joseph smith 0030:< CitrusDoctor> The Flying Spaghetti Monster 0030:< 3xist3nc3> Some nut 0030:< BernieCar> good luck friends. 0030:< rbasov> and the magic plates that only he could read 0030:< 3xist3nc3> Cya bernie car 0030:< CitrusDoctor> bless his noodly appendages 0030:< BernieCar> ciao 0030:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Smith! Correct users: rbasov (1100) 0030:< rbasov> bye Bernie 0030:< rbasov> i need 11 points 0030:< FeebleOldMan> bb bernie 0030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle? 0030:< tRitone11> ear 0030:< rbasov> ear 0030:< FeebleOldMan> ear 0030:< CitrusDoctor> ear 0030:< 3xist3nc3> In the rea 0030:< CitrusDoctor> not eye? 0030:< FeebleOldMan> eye 0030:< rbasov> nope 0030:< CitrusDoctor> eye 0031:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: rbasov (1104), FeebleOldMan (920), CitrusDoctor (48) 0031:< CitrusDoctor> wtf why do i have ear muscles then if i cant move my ears 0031:< rbasov> some people can 0031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison? 0031:< FeebleOldMan> you can 0031:< tRitone11> twenty seven 0031:< CitrusDoctor> 26 0031:< FeebleOldMan> but it's not the muscle for moving ears... 0031:< 3xist3nc3> With you sweaty fat fingers 0031:< vox35> 32 0031:< CitrusDoctor> i just saw it today, the source said 26 0031:< npinsker> The answer was twenty seven! Correct users: rbasov (1108) 0031:< CitrusDoctor> aaaaaand it lied 0031:< FeebleOldMan> rbasov you following bot? 0031:< rbasov> old answers 0032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many players are there on a water polo team? 0032:< tRitone11> seven 0032:< CitrusDoctor> I literally just saw a source today saying he spent 26 years in prison 0032:< vox35> too many 0032:< rbasov> i followed tri when i was "battling" brownmario 0032:< 3xist3nc3> 72 million 0032:< CitrusDoctor> depends on the current phase of the lunar cycle 0032:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0032:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1884), Patarknight (1674), rbasov (1108), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (920), GetXyzzyWith... 0033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is another name for tuberculosis? 0033:< tRitone11> consumption 0033:< CitrusDoctor> tb 0033:< rbasov> consumption 0033:< FeebleOldMan> lung disease 0033:< vox35> consumption 0033:< CitrusDoctor> consumption 0033:< 3xist3nc3> A slow death 0033:< npinsker> The answer was consumption! Correct users: rbasov (1112), vox35 (249), CitrusDoctor (50) 0033:< 3xist3nc3> but it varies 0033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does the Rankine scale measure? 0033:< tRitone11> temperature 0033:< 3xist3nc3> Rankings 0033:< CitrusDoctor> temperature 0033:< FeebleOldMan> smallest muscle isn't to move ear.. it's the one that you use when you hear a loud sound 0034:< vox35> How rank you are 0034:< CitrusDoctor> no one uses rankine though 0034:< npinsker> The answer was temperature! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (54) 0034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, "The Love Bug"? 0034:< tRitone11> Herbie 0034:< CitrusDoctor> its like kelvin, but for fahrenheit not celsius 0034:< vox35> Herbie 0034:< rbasov> mandela was imprisoned in june 1962 and got out feb 1990...27 years 0034:< 3xist3nc3> Everyone uses Kelrencius 0035:< npinsker> The answer was Herbie! Correct users: vox35 (253) 0035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || The Greek goddess of fertility, also known as a protectress of witches. 0035:< tRitone11> Hecate 0035:< FeebleOldMan> ugh repeat but cant rem 0035:< FeebleOldMan> venus 0035:< CitrusDoctor> no i believe you, i'm just mad that the textbook was wrong 0035:< npinsker> The answer was Hecate! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0035:< CitrusDoctor> whaaaat? 0036:< rbasov> I know, I just needed to know if the bot was actually right or wrong on his own question 0036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What keeps one from crying when peeling onions? 0036:< tRitone11> chewing gum 0036:< CitrusDoctor> eyelids 0036:< FeebleOldMan> chewing gumn 0036:< Patarknight> chewing gum 0036:< 3xist3nc3> A mask 0036:< CitrusDoctor> chewing gum 0036:< FeebleOldMan> chewing gum 0036:< npinsker> The answer was chewing gum! Correct users: Patarknight (1678), CitrusDoctor (57), FeebleOldMan (922) 0036:< FeebleOldMan> i answered goggles on first go for this qn 0036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the square root of one quarter? 0036:< tRitone11> one half 0036:< CitrusDoctor> one half 0036:< FeebleOldMan> 0.5 0037:< FeebleOldMan> half 0037:< FeebleOldMan> 1/2 0037:< npinsker> The answer was one half! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (61), FeebleOldMan (925) 0037:< SalZoRz> draw time - http://flockdraw.com/soKukune 0037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and _________. 0037:< tRitone11> Romania 0037:< Patarknight> Romania 0037:< CitrusDoctor> Turkey 0037:< 3xist3nc3> Romania 0038:< Patarknight> Turkey was neutral 0038:< npinsker> The answer was Romania! Correct users: Patarknight (1682), 3xist3nc3 (1887) 0038:< rbasov> romania 0038:< CitrusDoctor> oh, must've been thinking of wwI 0038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Juliette Binoche won an academy award for best supporting role in which film? 0038:< tRitone11> English Patient 0038:< 3xist3nc3> it wasn't... 30 years ago 0038:< CitrusDoctor> although then they were the ottoman empire 0038:< rbasov> parliament 0038:< FeebleOldMan> who the heck is juliette binoche 0038:< rbasov> i have no idea 0038:< npinsker> The answer was English Patient! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0039:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1887), Patarknight (1682), rbasov (1112), FeebleOldMan (925), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Which car won the 1953 Italian Grand Prix? 0039:< tRitone11> Maserati 0039:< CitrusDoctor> mine 0039:< Patarknight> Ferrari 0039:< FeebleOldMan> ferrari 0039:< rbasov> maserati 0039:< FeebleOldMan> wats the other car uhh 0039:< CitrusDoctor> you better get her a nice, hot ferrari 0039:< CitrusDoctor> chicks love ferraris 0039:< npinsker> The answer was Maserati! Correct users: rbasov (1116) 0040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery? 0040:< tRitone11> Apollo 0040:< CitrusDoctor> apollo 0040:< rbasov> apollo 0040:< Patarknight> Apollo 0040:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (65), rbasov (1119), Patarknight (1684) 0040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time? 0040:< tRitone11> Pink Floyd 0040:< CitrusDoctor> The Beatles 0041:< rbasov> floyd 0041:< CitrusDoctor> Pink Floyd 0041:< rbasov> pink floyd 0041:< npinsker> The answer was Pink Floyd! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (69), rbasov (1122) 0041:< CitrusDoctor> really? 0041:< rbasov> mhm 0041:< FeebleOldMan> wat album 0041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Team Ninja main character's first game was Ninja Gaiden. 0041:< CitrusDoctor> dark side of the moon probably 0041:< CitrusDoctor> what other album 0041:< CitrusDoctor> kyu 0042:< npinsker> The answer was Ryu Hayabusa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0042:< rbasov> it's dark side 0042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson? 0042:< tRitone11> Greta Garbo 0042:< FeebleOldMan> rba you were googling it? 0042:< CitrusDoctor> Betty White 0042:< npinsker> The answer was Greta Garbo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0042:< rbasov> yeah 0043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Which moon is the second largest satellite in our solar system? 0043:< tRitone11> Titan 0043:< Patarknight> Titan 0043:< CitrusDoctor> Europa 0043:< grink> death star 0043:< OneiricNeuron> Titanic 0043:< 3xist3nc3> moon 2 0043:< rbasov> the sun 0043:< CitrusDoctor> big moon guy 0043:< 3xist3nc3> electric boogalo 0043:< npinsker> The answer was Titan! Correct users: Patarknight (1688) 0043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was the first black mayor of Chicago? 0043:< tRitone11> Harold Washington 0043:< grink> obama 0044:< CitrusDoctor> jfk 0044:< OneiricNeuron> Barrack obama 0044:< rbasov> obama was a senator 0044:< CitrusDoctor> mr chigaco fire man 0044:< npinsker> The answer was Harold Washington! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0044:< grink> my answers never make sense 0044:< CitrusDoctor> ahhh dang it was denzel washington 0044:< grink> unless i know it 0044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Treasure developed which GameCube title for Nintendo? 0044:< Patarknight> Monkey Island 0044:< grink> mario kart 0044:< CitrusDoctor> monkey island was pc though? 0044:< OneiricNeuron> Canary Island 0044:< grink> myst 0044:< 3xist3nc3> A treasure 0044:< Patarknight> The Secret of Monkey Island 0045:< grink> pyst 0045:< npinsker> The answer was Wario World! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0045:< Patarknight> I dunno 0045:< rbasov> they made 3 0045:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1887), Patarknight (1688), rbasov (1122), FeebleOldMan (925), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0045:< CitrusDoctor> pyst is not a good game 0045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is calcium oxide commonly called? 0045:< tRitone11> lime 0045:< FeebleOldMan> lime 0045:< CitrusDoctor> chalk 0045:< grink> CaO 0045:< 3xist3nc3> bad calciuum 0045:< FeebleOldMan> slaked lime 0045:< bphilly_cheesesteak> rust 0045:< Patarknight> quicklime 0046:< CitrusDoctor> lime 0046:< grink> key lime pie 0046:< npinsker> The answer was lime! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (929), Patarknight (1691), CitrusDoctor (71) 0046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play? 0046:< tRitone11> hockey 0046:< CitrusDoctor> but lime is a fruit though??? /s 0046:< Patarknight> hockey 0046:< rbasov> hockey 0046:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hockey 0046:< FeebleOldMan> car racing 0046:< christopher_robin_> chat 0046:< grink> baseball 0046:< CitrusDoctor> curling 0046:< FeebleOldMan> football 0046:< grink> bowling 0046:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: Patarknight (1695), rbasov (1125), bphilly_cheesesteak (28), CitrusDoctor (72) 0046:< rbasov> raquetball 0046:< CitrusDoctor> table tennis 0047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wanted 'a lover with a slow hand'? 0047:< tRitone11> The Pointer Sisters 0047:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0047:< grink> michael jackson 0047:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the pointer sisters 0047:< FeebleOldMan> pornhub 0047:< rbasov> pointer sisters 0047:< CitrusDoctor> the pointer sisters 0047:< TheArcade> thomas 0047:< npinsker> The answer was The Pointer Sisters! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (32), rbasov (1128), CitrusDoctor (74) 0047:< CitrusDoctor> actually keith down the street wanted one 0047:< astrophy> chat 0047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || An animal is a fish if it has _________. 0047:< tRitone11> gills 0047:< rbasov> gills 0047:< FeebleOldMan> gills 0047:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gills 0047:< CitrusDoctor> wings 0047:< grink> ./dev/null gills 0047:< 3xist3nc3> shills 0048:< bphilly_cheesesteak> eyes 0048:< rbasov> fins 0048:< Patarknight> gills 0048:< FeebleOldMan> scales 0048:< CitrusDoctor> feet 0048:< FeebleOldMan> eyes 0048:< npinsker> The answer was gills! Correct users: rbasov (1132), FeebleOldMan (932), bphilly_cheesesteak (34), grink (234), Patarknight (1695) 0048:< rbasov> a duckbilled platypus --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:48:38 2016 0048:< rbasov> london 0048:< 3xist3nc3> London 0048:< CitrusDoctor> Saint Paul 0048:< grink> system32 paul's house 0048:< CitrusDoctor> St. Paul, Minnesota 0049:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: rbasov (1136), 3xist3nc3 (1890) 0049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What hardcore rock group sings, 'Blind' and 'Clown'? 0049:< tRitone11> Korn 0049:< rbasov> korn 0049:< grink> c:\users\ ICP 0049:< 3xist3nc3> Korn Flakes 0049:< Patarknight> Insane Clown Posse 0049:< rbasov> the neden game 0049:< grink> corn 0049:< npinsker> The answer was Korn! Correct users: rbasov (1140) 0050:< rbasov> icp isnt rock... 0050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the earlier "Mario" games what is the character Princess Peach also known as? 0050:< CitrusDoctor> Princess Toadstool 0050:< fzh> princess toadstool 0050:< 3xist3nc3> Princess turdstool 0050:< grink> Luigi 0050:< grink> Zelda 0050:< FeebleOldMan> princess toadstool 0050:< CitrusDoctor> halo 0050:< grink> prince stoolsample 0050:< npinsker> The answer was Princess Toadstool! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (78), fzh (33), FeebleOldMan (934) 0050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is South America's highest peak in the Andes, Argentina? 0050:< tRitone11> Aconcagua 0050:< rbasov> a toad's stool? gross 0051:< rbasov> aconcagua 0051:< grink> anaconda 0051:< grink> don't 0051:< 3xist3nc3> Maragona 0051:< rbasov> want none 0051:< npinsker> The answer was Aconcagua! Correct users: rbasov (1144) 0051:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1890), Patarknight (1695), rbasov (1144), FeebleOldMan (934), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What element is represented by the symbol W? 0051:< tRitone11> tungsten 0051:< grink> tungsten 0051:< FeebleOldMan> tungsten 0051:< rbasov> tungsten 0051:< Patarknight> Tungsten 0052:< 3xist3nc3> Westinghouse 0052:< grink> lightbulb 0052:< rbasov> w steel 0052:< CitrusDoctor> uncle tungsten 0052:< CitrusDoctor> wolfram 0052:< grink> alpha 0052:< rbasov> alpha 0052:< npinsker> The answer was tungsten! Correct users: grink (238), FeebleOldMan (937), rbasov (1146), Patarknight (1696), CitrusDoctor (78) 0052:< CitrusDoctor> wolfram is the latin name, where the W comes from 0052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who starred in the 1952 film 'Niagara'? 0052:< tRitone11> Marilyn Monroe 0052:< rbasov> marilyn monrie 0052:< CitrusDoctor> FALLS 0052:< grink> canadian bacon 0052:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0052:< 3xist3nc3> Upstate New Yorkers 0052:< rbasov> tourists 0053:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 0053:< grink> water 0053:< npinsker> The answer was Marilyn Monroe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0053:< CitrusDoctor> more like western new york, not upstate 0053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || With which House would you associate Euron, Victarion and Aeron? 0053:< CitrusDoctor> all of 'em 0053:< grink> blancohouse 0053:< fzh> my house 0053:< CitrusDoctor> hufflepuff house 0053:< npinsker> The answer was House Greyjoy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0053:< 3xist3nc3> Well, yes... 0054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer? 0054:< tRitone11> General Halftrack 0054:< grink> mr. buckley 0054:< rbasov> halftrack 0054:< _deffer_> general halftrack 0054:< FeebleOldMan> general halftrack from beetle baileys 0054:< 3xist3nc3> Carapy Coogly 0054:< _deffer_> beetle bailey 0054:< grink> donatello 0054:< npinsker> The answer was General Halftrack! Correct users: _deffer_ (340) 0054:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek? 0054:< tRitone11> NCC 1701 0054:< FeebleOldMan> 1701 0054:< _deffer_> ncc 1701 0054:< grink> nc 1707 0055:< FeebleOldMan> ncc-1701 0055:< rbasov> ncc 1701 0055:< 3xist3nc3> 1701 0055:< FeebleOldMan> ncc 1701 0055:< npinsker> The answer was NCC 1701! Correct users: _deffer_ (344), FeebleOldMan (940), rbasov (1148) 0055:< grink> $1 0055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a __________. 0055:< tRitone11> transformer 0055:< FeebleOldMan> transformer 0055:< rbasov> transformer 0055:< grink> transformer 0055:< _deffer_> transformer 0055:< _deffer_> just like optimus prime 0055:< CitrusDoctor> more than meets the eye 0056:< npinsker> The answer was transformer! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (944), rbasov (1151), grink (240), _deffer_ (345) 0056:< rbasov> robot into guys 0056:< CitrusDoctor> lol 0056:< grink> reboot 0056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens? 0056:< tRitone11> Copenhagen 0056:< CitrusDoctor> reboot in disguise 0056:< rbasov> copenhagen 0056:< grink> bologna 0056:< 3xist3nc3> italian city 0056:< FeebleOldMan> tivoila 0056:< grink> rome 0056:< CitrusDoctor> Tivoli 0056:< grink> venice 0056:< npinsker> The answer was Copenhagen! Correct users: rbasov (1155) 0056:< FeebleOldMan> tivoli 0057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is a skin specialist called? 0057:< tRitone11> dermatologist 0057:< FeebleOldMan> dermatologist 0057:< _deffer_> dermatologist 0057:< grink> herptatologist 0057:< npinsker> The answer was dermatologist! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (948), _deffer_ (348) 0057:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1890), Patarknight (1696), rbasov (1155), FeebleOldMan (948), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ______. 0058:< tRitone11> raisin 0058:< FeebleOldMan> raisin 0058:< noscreamsnoshouts> raisin 0058:< _deffer_> raisin 0058:< grink> raisin 0058:< grink> california signing raisins 0058:< 3xist3nc3> Rased 0058:< rbasov> what if i don't use the sun 0058:< npinsker> The answer was raisin! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (952), noscreamsnoshouts (5), _deffer_ (350), grink (241) 0058:< dick_sanitizer> hey peeps 0058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer || What does the acronym COBOL stand for? 0058:< tRitone11> Common Business Oriented Language 0058:< grink> dick! 0058:< sicklyboy> yoyoyoyoyo 0058:< rbasov> hey dick 0059:< 3xist3nc3> Hey Robert Cleaner! 0059:< FeebleOldMan> oh u back dick 0059:< grink> cobalt 0059:< npinsker> The answer was Common Business Oriented Language! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0059:< FeebleOldMan> computer dunowat language 0059:< CitrusDoctor> cobaltstreak 0059:< dick_sanitizer> doin some mean study but i got bored so ive come to trivia 0059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the aerosol? 0059:< tRitone11> Erik Rotheim 0059:< FeebleOldMan> this qn augh i cant rem 0059:< OneiricNeuron> aerosmith 0059:< grink> aeropostale 0059:< 3xist3nc3> Erik 0059:< rbasov> rotheim 0059:< grink> daft punk 0100:< npinsker> The answer was Erik Rotheim! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0100:< surelyucantbserious> A Large Elemental? Someone fetch the Power Stones! We shall vanquish them! 0100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || With which island is the puffin associated? 0100:< tRitone11> Lundy Island 0100:< grink> puffin island 0100:< CitrusDoctor> canary islands 0100:< grink> beany babies 0100:< FeebleOldMan> new zealand 0100:< OneiricNeuron> faroe islands 0100:< grink> furby island 0100:< rbasov> lundy 0100:< FeebleOldMan> japan 0100:< 3xist3nc3> England 0100:< npinsker> The answer was Lundy Island! Correct users: rbasov (1159) 0100:< dick_sanitizer> and immediatly im going to mute tRitone11 0100:< surelyucantbserious> He still stands?! Let's attack! 0101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race? 0101:< tRitone11> Twenty four hours 0101:< sicklyboy> deez nuts 0101:< grink> 24 hours 0101:< FeebleOldMan> 24 0101:< 3xist3nc3> 24 0101:< grink> a day 0101:< _deffer_> 24 hours 0101:< OneiricNeuron> twnty four hours 0101:< grink> 24 hors 0101:< dick_sanitizer> 24 0101:< npinsker> The answer was Twenty four hours! Correct users: grink (245), _deffer_ (353) 0101:< grink> jack bauer hours 0101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As light as a ....... 0101:< tRitone11> feather 0101:< grink> feather 0101:< rbasov> feather 0101:< FeebleOldMan> feather 0101:< fzh> feather 0101:< _deffer_> feather 0101:< dick_sanitizer> feather 0101:< OneiricNeuron> father 0102:< grink> tree stump 0102:< dick_sanitizer> bowling ball in a vaccume 0102:< FeebleOldMan> negatively buoyant helium balloon 0102:< 3xist3nc3> Bag 0102:< npinsker> The answer was feather! Correct users: grink (249), rbasov (1162), FeebleOldMan (954), fzh (34), _deffer_ (353), dick_sanitizer (231) 0102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Tarzan had a chimpanzee, what was his name? 0102:< tRitone11> Cheetah 0102:< rbasov> cheetah 0102:< grink> ren and stimpy monkey 0102:< FeebleOldMan> bub 0102:< dick_sanitizer> bub 0102:< OneiricNeuron> cheetos 0102:< 3xist3nc3> Mini King Kong 0102:< _deffer_> cheetah 0102:< grink> ding dong 0102:< dick_sanitizer> lou 0102:< FeebleOldMan> jane 0103:< dick_sanitizer> lololol 0103:< npinsker> The answer was Cheetah! Correct users: rbasov (1166), _deffer_ (356) 0103:< grink> lulz 0103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || With age, what organ shrinks faster in males than in females? 0103:< tRitone11> brain 0103:< FeebleOldMan> penis 0103:< OneiricNeuron> tongue 0103:< grink> brain 0103:< dick_sanitizer> heart 0103:< FeebleOldMan> brain 0103:< grink> anus 0103:< dick_sanitizer> brain 0103:< npinsker> The answer was brain! Correct users: grink (253), FeebleOldMan (957), dick_sanitizer (233) 0103:< dick_sanitizer> (tongue = muscle) 0103:< rbasov> liver...i'll drink my pain away and cut it smaller and smaller 0104:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1890), Patarknight (1696), rbasov (1166), FeebleOldMan (957), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0104:< _deffer_> tongue is an organ 0104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea west of Alaska. 0104:< tRitone11> Bering 0104:< grink> bering 0104:< rbasov> bering 0104:< _deffer_> bering 0104:< dick_sanitizer> bereing 0104:< 3xist3nc3> Boring 0104:< grink> russiarussia 0104:< FeebleOldMan> pacific 0104:< dick_sanitizer> bering 0104:< FeebleOldMan> bering 0104:< npinsker> The answer was Bering! Correct users: grink (257), rbasov (1169), _deffer_ (358), dick_sanitizer (234), FeebleOldMan (957) 0104:< FeebleOldMan> damnit misread 0104:< sicklyboy> rbasov I tried that a few nights ago when the group was less than 100... good times turned into bad times. 0105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Guam? 0105:< tRitone11> Agana 0105:< grink> potato 0105:< FeebleOldMan> bangkok 0105:< 3xist3nc3> Spam 0105:< CitrusDoctor> jakarta 0105:< rbasov> it happens sicklyboy...but it's still a good time 0105:< sicklyboy> ;) 0105:< npinsker> The answer was Agana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest waterfall in the USA? 0105:< tRitone11> Yosemite 0105:< FeebleOldMan> angel falls 0105:< CitrusDoctor> Niagara falls 0105:< dick_sanitizer> angel falls 0105:< rbasov> yosemite 0106:< grink> 100/0 demon falls 0106:< _deffer_> yosemite 0106:< 3xist3nc3> Nigara falls 0106:< CitrusDoctor> angel falls is in south america 0106:< 3xist3nc3> El Capitan 0106:< _deffer_> niagara falls isn't that tall 0106:< grink> OSX 0106:< CitrusDoctor> yosemite 0106:< npinsker> The answer was Yosemite! Correct users: rbasov (1173), _deffer_ (361), CitrusDoctor (80) 0106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What Nintendo franchise features the anthropomorphic animals Falco Lombardi, Wolf O'Donnell, and Peppy Hare? 0106:< _deffer_> star fox 0106:< rbasov> start fox 0106:< dick_sanitizer> star fox 0106:< 3xist3nc3> Barrel Roll 0106:< grink> stair cox 0106:< FeebleOldMan> star fox 0106:< dick_sanitizer> DO A BARREL ROLL 0107:< rbasov> sore buttocks 0107:< npinsker> The answer was Starfox! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0107:< _deffer_> fuck you 0107:< FeebleOldMan> lol 0107:< dick_sanitizer> ffffff 0107:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck your spelling bot 0107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograpgy || In which country would you find the spectacular rock formation known as The Three Sisters? 0107:< tRitone11> Australia 0107:< CitrusDoctor> its star fox though isnt it? 0107:< _deffer_> australia 0107:< rbasov> australia 0107:< grink> cuba 0107:< _deffer_> yes - two words 0107:< CitrusDoctor> "geograpgy" 0107:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: _deffer_ (365), rbasov (1176) 0107:< dick_sanitizer> the inicorrect spelling is to deter bots 0108:< _deffer_> lol 0108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is another name for consumption? 0108:< tRitone11> tuberculosis 0108:< FeebleOldMan> tuberculosis 0108:< grink> coitus 0108:< rbasov> tuberculosis 0108:< CitrusDoctor> tuberculosis 0108:< _deffer_> really? 0108:< dick_sanitizer> digestion 0108:< OneiricNeuron> drunk endless 0108:< dick_sanitizer> lol wtf no 0108:< _deffer_> consumption = tb? 0108:< SupDos> eating 0108:< FeebleOldMan> freakin reverse qn 0108:< dick_sanitizer> eating 0108:< sicklyboy> ingestion 0108:< grink> eat 0108:< npinsker> The answer was tuberculosis! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (961), rbasov (1179), CitrusDoctor (82) 0108:< rbasov> i feel like half these questions are just older questions with the answer and part of the question flipped 0108:< dick_sanitizer> WHAT 0108:< CitrusDoctor> looked it up, Starfox is the name of a comic book unrelated to Nintendo 0108:< SupDos> wtf? 0108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || On what part of the body is an 'LTK procedure' performed? 0108:< dick_sanitizer> tb is a bacteria whhhhahtttt 0108:< tRitone11> eyes 0108:< grink> penis 0108:< _deffer_> eyes 0109:< OneiricNeuron> eyeballs 0109:< rbasov> pinky toe nail 0109:< dick_sanitizer> spine 0109:< _deffer_> lasik 0109:< npinsker> The answer was eyes! Correct users: _deffer_ (369) 0109:< dick_sanitizer> eyes 0109:< FeebleOldMan> _deffer_ whats ltk mean 0109:< grink> laser tree killer 0109:< _deffer_> laser theromo something 0109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Words containing 'for' || Make holes through something. 0109:< tRitone11> perforate 0109:< 3xist3nc3> Laser To Kornea 0109:< CitrusDoctor> perforate 0109:< _deffer_> close enough 0109:< rbasov> laser thermal keratoplasty 0109:< FeebleOldMan> perforate 0109:< _deffer_> ^ 0109:< dick_sanitizer> perforate 0109:< grink> for 0110:< grink> fornacate 0110:< _deffer_> perforate 0110:< npinsker> The answer was perFORate! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (86), FeebleOldMan (964), dick_sanitizer (236), _deffer_ (370) 0110:< CitrusDoctor> fornography 0110:< rbasov> fornicate 0110:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck 0110:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1890), Patarknight (1696), rbasov (1179), FeebleOldMan (964), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0110:< dick_sanitizer> fornicate is to fill a hole 0110:< CitrusDoctor> hehehe 0110:< 3xist3nc3> And it means to fuck too 0110:< dick_sanitizer> and technically to drill one 0110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Hobbit'? 0110:< tRitone11> J.R.R. Tolkien 0110:< rbasov> hey, if i go hard enough i might make a new one 0110:< dick_sanitizer> tlkien 0110:< FeebleOldMan> to$ lkien 0110:< 3xist3nc3> J J Tolkien 0110:< _deffer_> j.r.r. tolkien 0110:< CitrusDoctor> J. R. R. Tolkien 0110:< rbasov> j.r.r. tolkien 0110:< dick_sanitizer> tolkien 0110:< FeebleOldMan> tolkien 0110:< grink> steve austin 0111:< FeebleOldMan> jrr tolkien 0111:< npinsker> The answer was J.R.R. Tolkien! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1894), _deffer_ (373), CitrusDoctor (88), rbasov (1180), dick_sanitizer (236),... 0111:< CitrusDoctor> my boy double j to the r tolkien 0111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang the song "Pretty Woman?" 0111:< tRitone11> Roy Orbison 0111:< rbasov> roy orbison 0111:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0111:< grink> loraina bobbit 0111:< CitrusDoctor> robert, robert did 0111:< npinsker> The answer was Roy Orbison! Correct users: rbasov (1184) 0111:< rbasov> bobbert 0112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Companies || What product built Hershey, Pennsylvania? 0112:< tRitone11> chocolate 0112:< rbasov> chocolate 0112:< 3xist3nc3> Poop 0112:< CitrusDoctor> Chocolate 0112:< grink> chocolate 0112:< FeebleOldMan> hershey's chocolate 0112:< grink> hershey highway 0112:< CitrusDoctor> the rampant porn industry 0112:< npinsker> The answer was chocolate! Correct users: rbasov (1188), CitrusDoctor (91), grink (259), FeebleOldMan (965) 0112:< rbasov> anal 0112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what bay does the Ganges River flow? 0112:< tRitone11> Bay Of Bengal 0112:< 3xist3nc3> Bay of Bengal 0112:< CitrusDoctor> bay of bengal 0113:< grink> bay of steven segal 0113:< vox35> Bengal Bay 0113:< npinsker> The answer was Bay Of Bengal! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1898), CitrusDoctor (94) 0113:< CitrusDoctor> bagel bay 0113:< vox35> Smurf... 0113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who built the Lambarene missionary station? 0113:< tRitone11> Albert Schweitzer 0113:< rbasov> snarf snarf 0113:< FeebleOldMan> ????? 0113:< 3xist3nc3> Lambarene 0113:< grink> bob the builder 0113:< vox35> John M. Lambarene 0114:< npinsker> The answer was Albert Schweitzer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0114:< rbasov> probably some underpaid, over worked natives 0114:< 3xist3nc3> scheiss 0114:< CitrusDoctor> arnold schwarzzneggar> 0114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"? 0114:< tRitone11> Thumper 0114:< rbasov> thumper 0114:< grink> thumper 0114:< CitrusDoctor> thumper 0114:< 3xist3nc3> Thumper 0114:< grink> dumper 0114:< vox35> Thumper 0114:< grink> dinner 0114:< CitrusDoctor> looper 0114:< npinsker> The answer was Thumper! Correct users: rbasov (1192), grink (262), CitrusDoctor (96), 3xist3nc3 (1899), vox35 (253) 0115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where were the Pillars of Hercules located? 0115:< tRitone11> Gibraltar 0115:< rbasov> gibraltar 0115:< grink> ed murphy's house 0115:< 3xist3nc3> Pompeii 0115:< CitrusDoctor> gibraltar 0115:< Mete0r1t3> Gibraltar 0115:< npinsker> The answer was Gibraltar! Correct users: rbasov (1196), CitrusDoctor (99), Mete0r1t3 (14) 0115:< CitrusDoctor> just reminded me of the percy jackson books 0115:< 3xist3nc3> Why do I always have to mix up questions... 0115:< CitrusDoctor> hercules was literally at the pillars of hercules 0115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays "Death Of A Salesman" and "The Cruci... 0115:< Mete0r1t3> same tbh 0116:< CitrusDoctor> great plot 10/10 would read again 0116:< vox35> Norman Mailer 0116:< grink> kerry washington 0116:< CitrusDoctor> the cruci? 0116:< rbasov> arthur miller 0116:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur Miller! Correct users: rbasov (1200) 0116:< 3xist3nc3> The one who was married to her 0116:< grink> crucible? 0116:< vox35> ...ble 0116:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1899), Patarknight (1696), rbasov (1200), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest point in South America? 0116:< tRitone11> Aconcagua 0116:< CitrusDoctor> me, right now 0117:< grink> andes mints 0117:< 3xist3nc3> Aconcagua 0117:< rbasov> andeez nuts 0117:< npinsker> The answer was Aconcagua! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1903) 0117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Name the largest planet in the solar system. 0117:< tRitone11> Jupiter 0117:< grink> jupter 0117:< 3xist3nc3> Uranos 0117:< CitrusDoctor> ur mom 0117:< vox35> Jupiter 0118:< ValenciaXXX> jupiter 0118:< grink> jupiter 0118:< CitrusDoctor> Jupiter 0118:< npinsker> The answer was Jupiter! Correct users: vox35 (257), ValenciaXXX (25), grink (264), CitrusDoctor (100) 0118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms? 0118:< tRitone11> moguls 0118:< ValenciaXXX> moguls 0118:< grink> mullets 0118:< 3xist3nc3> Peask 0118:< vox35> moguls 0118:< npinsker> The answer was moguls! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (29), vox35 (260) 0118:< 3xist3nc3> Mogul 0119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is the Kremlin located in? 0119:< tRitone11> Moscow 0119:< ValenciaXXX> moscow 0119:< 3xist3nc3> Moscow 0119:< vox35> Moscow 0119:< 3xist3nc3> Putin City 0119:< npinsker> The answer was Moscow! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (33), 3xist3nc3 (1906), vox35 (262) 0119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || If a robin's egg is put in vinegar for thirty days, what colour does it become? 0119:< tRitone11> yellow 0120:< 3xist3nc3> Jell-O 0120:< rbasov> aborted 0120:< ValenciaXXX> white 0120:< npinsker> The answer was yellow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0120:< vox35> Vinegar colour 0120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sings 'Sweet Home Alabama'? 0120:< tRitone11> Lynyrd Skynyrd 0120:< 3xist3nc3> lynyrd skynyrd 0120:< rbasov> lynyrd skynyrd 0120:< vox35> Lynard Skynard 0121:< rbasov> god, spelling their name makes me feel like I'm going down in a plane... 0121:< npinsker> The answer was Lynyrd Skynyrd! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1910), rbasov (1203) 0121:< vox35> Fuck. 0121:< 3xist3nc3> and crash 0121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Cyprus? 0121:< tRitone11> Nicosia 0121:< ValenciaXXX> nicosa 0121:< rbasov> nicosia 0121:< 3xist3nc3> mipley 0121:< vox35> Billy Ray 0121:< rbasov> C 0121:< npinsker> The answer was Nicosia! Correct users: rbasov (1207) 0122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Exports || Which country is the world's biggest gold producer? 0122:< tRitone11> South Africa 0122:< vox35> So 0122:< rbasov> south africa 0122:< vox35> South Africa 0122:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: rbasov (1211), vox35 (265) 0122:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1910), Patarknight (1696), rbasov (1211), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who led the mongols? 0123:< tRitone11> Genghis Khan 0123:< 3xist3nc3> genghis khan 0123:< Patarknight> Genghis Khan 0123:< vox35> Gengis Khan 0123:< npinsker> The answer was Genghis Khan! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1914), Patarknight (1699) 0123:< vox35> Spelling again... 0123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who first transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic? 0123:< tRitone11> Enrico Marconi 0124:< ValenciaXXX> enrico marconi 0124:< rbasov> marconi 0124:< npinsker> The answer was Enrico Marconi! Correct users: Patarknight (1703), vox35 (268), ValenciaXXX (35), rbasov (1212) 0124:< vox35> Billy-bob Marconi 0124:< 3xist3nc3> Teslateslateslateslatesla 0124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of plants is ______. 0124:< tRitone11> botany 0124:< Patarknight> botany 0124:< 3xist3nc3> Plantology 0124:< vox35> botanay 0124:< rbasov> wumbology 0124:< vox35> Bad spell-otony 0125:< vox35> Botany 0125:< npinsker> The answer was botany! Correct users: Patarknight (1707) 0125:< rbasov> you know you can answer several times if you misspell? lol 0125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does the Binet test measure? 0125:< tRitone11> intelligence 0125:< Patarknight> intelligence 0125:< vox35> Binets 0125:< rbasov> rulers 0125:< vox35> IQ 0125:< npinsker> The answer was intelligence! Correct users: Patarknight (1711) 0126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: An economic system characterized by private ownership and competition. 0126:< tRitone11> capitalism 0126:< Patarknight> capitalism 0126:< 3xist3nc3> Filthy capitalism 0126:< vox35> Capitalism 0126:< npinsker> The answer was capitalism! Correct users: Patarknight (1715), 3xist3nc3 (1917), vox35 (270) 0126:< rbasov> ya filthy swine 0126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The Scots call it 'shinty' - what do Canadians and Americans call it? 0126:< tRitone11> hockey 0127:< ValenciaXXX> hockey 0127:< Patarknight> hockey 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Hockey 0127:< rbasov> a bloody duel 0127:< vox35> Canadian shinty 0127:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (39), Patarknight (1718), 3xist3nc3 (1919) 0127:< Patarknight> Canadians call it field hockey 0127:< rbasov> that's lacrosse...right? 0127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Psycho'? 0127:< tRitone11> Robert Bloch 0127:< vox35> Nooo 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Robert bloch 0127:< Patarknight> No 0128:< rbasov> an author with a typewriter 0128:< vox35> Lacrosse has like a net-stick...thing 0128:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Bloch! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1923) 0128:< vox35> Scoopy stick 0128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || What is the name given to a quadrilateral with one, and only one, pair of sides parallel to each other? 0128:< tRitone11> trapezium 0128:< Patarknight> When Canadians say hockey, almost all of the time it means ice hockey 0128:< Patarknight> parallelogram 0128:< rbasov> trapezoid 0128:< npinsker> The answer was trapezium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0129:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1923), Patarknight (1718), rbasov (1212), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0129:< rbasov> well fuck you too 0129:< Patarknight> haha British bot strikes again 0129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell? 0129:< tRitone11> Gone With The Wind 0129:< Patarknight> Gone with the Wind 0129:< vox35> Gone with the wind 0129:< rbasov> gone in 60 seconds 0129:< npinsker> The answer was Gone With The Wind! Correct users: Patarknight (1722), vox35 (273) 0129:< vox35> Saw this question before 0130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name the fastest mouse in all of Mexico. 0130:< tRitone11> Speedy Gonzalez 0130:< vox35> So I feel like a cheater 0130:< Patarknight> speedy gonzales 0130:< vox35> Speedy Gonzales 0130:< npinsker> The answer was Speedy Gonzalez! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Americans are Silly || There are 61 towns in the United States with the name of what bird in their names? 0130:< tRitone11> Turkey 0131:< 3xist3nc3> turkey 0131:< rbasov> robin 0131:< Patarknight> eagle 0131:< rbasov> vukture 0131:< vox35> Eagle 0131:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1927) 0131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film starred Helen Hunt, Cary Elwes and Bill Paxton? 0131:< tRitone11> Twister 0131:< rbasov> twister 0132:< npinsker> The answer was Twister! Correct users: rbasov (1216) 0132:< vox35> @npinsker It IS Speedy Gonzales with an "s" not a "z": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedy_Gonzales 0132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Squid Trivia || How many tentacles does a squid have? 0132:< tRitone11> ten 0132:< npinsker> thanks, i'll change it when i get home 0132:< vox35> 8 0132:< 3xist3nc3> 8 arms and 2 tentacles? 0132:< vox35> Thanks 0132:< Patarknight> 10 0132:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: Patarknight (1726) 0133:< rbasov> depends on how many are eaten off 0133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was assassinated on December 8, 1980 in New York City? 0133:< tRitone11> John Lennon 0133:< Patarknight> John Lennon 0133:< rbasov> john lennon 0133:< vox35> John Lennon 0133:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0133:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: Patarknight (1730), rbasov (1219), vox35 (275) 0133:< cyclingwonder> FUCK 0133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Idaho? 0133:< tRitone11> Boise 0133:< rbasov> portland 0134:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0134:< vox35> Potato 0134:< Patarknight> Boise 0134:< rbasov> topeka 0134:< rbasov> scaramento 0134:< npinsker> The answer was Boise! Correct users: Patarknight (1734) 0134:< 3xist3nc3> Boise 0134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Albania? 0134:< tRitone11> Tirana 0134:< cyclingwonder> Portland 0134:< 3xist3nc3> Tulqua 0135:< npinsker> The answer was Tirana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0135:< rbasov> calcutta 0135:< rbasov> boise 0135:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1927), Patarknight (1734), rbasov (1219), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0135:< cyclingwonder> nice going rbasov 0135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which game or sport are "Staunton" pieces used? 0135:< tRitone11> chess 0135:< rbasov> Portandchess 0135:< 3xist3nc3> Port and chess 0135:< cyclingwonder> Portlandchess 0136:< cyclingwonder> !! 0136:< rbasov> portlandchess* 0136:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: rbasov (1223), 3xist3nc3 (1930), cyclingwonder (7) 0136:< rbasov> seriously? 0136:< 3xist3nc3> The bot got loose 0136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || In which state is the Houston Space Centre? 0136:< tRitone11> Texas 0136:< rbasov> texas 0136:< cyclingwonder> hahahahaha 0136:< 3xist3nc3> Texas 0136:< Shatti> Texas 0136:< rbasov> portland was finally an answer cycling! 0136:< cyclingwonder> Portland, TX 0136:< Xestrix> Solid 0136:< 3xist3nc3> We did it soKu! 0136:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: rbasov (1227), 3xist3nc3 (1933), Shatti (2) 0137:< cyclingwonder> I'm so happy rbasov :) I literally just returned haha 0137:< rbasov> I'm glad you're back 0137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Australian Ratite (3) 0137:< cyclingwonder> #SoKu4eva 0137:< tRitone11> emu 0137:< cyclingwonder> Portland Ports' Land 0137:< 3xist3nc3> A good moment to return @cyclingwonder 0137:< rbasov> que es SoKu? 0137:< vox35> In less than 3 hours we should have a tier 14 group. But not even close to another tier 16. 0137:< cyclingwonder> could someone get a screenshot? My page refreshsed :( 0137:< npinsker> The answer was emu! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Textiles || This is the Southeast Asian method of dying fabric using wax to create designs. 0137:< tRitone11> Batik 0138:< cyclingwonder> Portlandish 0138:< 3xist3nc3> soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijddrThloMeInThkiMrgecaThGhBidoClemThagMrLeNotmroasDi9_Avgc42grnoR 0138:< vox35> Batik 0138:< npinsker> The answer was batik! Correct users: vox35 (279) 0138:< cyclingwonder> You got taht right, existence :) 0138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate? 0138:< tRitone11> Gerald Ford 0138:< cyclingwonder> General Portland 0138:< 3xist3nc3> Napoleon 0139:< vox35> Was he a mouse? 0139:< npinsker> The answer was Gerald Ford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0139:< cyclingwonder> Why would Generald Portland be a mouse 0139:< rbasov> http://i.imgur.com/aAnbw9I.png there you go cyclingwonder 0139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What are the only other animals on which the pill works? 0139:< tRitone11> gorillas 0139:< dkozinn> $ monkeys 0139:< vox35> Rabbits 0139:< cyclingwonder> Thanks rbasov! You're the bset :) 0139:< npinsker> The answer was gorillas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0140:< rbasov> My pleasure, good sir. 0140:< 3xist3nc3> goin' gorillas 0140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country ruled Cambodia immediately before WWII? 0140:< tRitone11> France 0140:< cyclingwonder> Portland Gorillas 0140:< cyclingwonder> **Portland shit 0140:< vox35> France 0140:< 3xist3nc3> Japan 0140:< dkozinn> $france 0140:< superbahbi> france 0140:< 3xist3nc3> France 0140:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: vox35 (283), dkozinn (73), superbahbi (29), 3xist3nc3 (1934) 0140:< cyclingwonder> ok I can actually go to bed happy with taht there answer 0140:< cyclingwonder> Good night folks now :) Don't be too prejudiced! 0140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie? 0140:< tRitone11> A family inheritance 0141:< 3xist3nc3> Cya @cyclingwonder 0141:< vox35> Crack 0141:< 3xist3nc3> Cocaine 0141:< npinsker> The answer was A family inheritance! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0141:< rbasov> night night 0141:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1934), Patarknight (1734), rbasov (1227), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0141:< vox35> Who would anwser that? 0141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the ...? 0141:< tRitone11> hills 0142:< rbasov> hills 0142:< 3xist3nc3> hills 0142:< dkozinn> $ hills 0142:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: rbasov (1231), 3xist3nc3 (1937), dkozinn (75) 0142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Maths || If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you come across? 0142:< tRitone11> 20 0142:< 3xist3nc3> 20 0142:< vox35> ...se questions. Seriously, though, thanks for setting this up, npinsker. 0143:< vox35> 10 0143:< npinsker> The answer was 20! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1941) 0143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many books are there in Anne Rice's vampire series? 0143:< tRitone11> five 0143:< Patarknight> 6 0143:< rbasov> 5 0143:< ActionHobo> 5 0143:< vox35> Too many 0143:< dkozinn> 5 0143:< 3xist3nc3> All of them 0143:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: rbasov (1235), ActionHobo (82), dkozinn (77) 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held? 0144:< tRitone11> Flushing Meadows, NY 0144:< ActionHobo> flushing meadows, ny 0144:< dkozinn> flushing meadows, ny 0144:< 3xist3nc3> New York State 0144:< dkozinn> SO this is now "copy the answer-bot"? 0144:< 3xist3nc3> or not New York State 0144:< npinsker> The answer was Flushing Meadows, NY! Correct users: ActionHobo (86), dkozinn (80) 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company? 0144:< tRitone11> Bayer 0145:< ActionHobo> bayer 0145:< Patarknight> pfizer 0145:< ActionHobo> bayer also invented crystal meth 0145:< npinsker> The answer was Bayer! Correct users: ActionHobo (90) 0145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Who is regarded as the most influential monarch of Russian Romanov Dynasty? 0145:< tRitone11> Peter I 0145:< ActionHobo> peter 0145:< 3xist3nc3> metayev 0146:< Patarknight> Peter the Great 0146:< Patarknight> Peter 0146:< npinsker> The answer was Peter I! Correct users: Patarknight (1738) 0146:< ActionHobo> oh come on 0146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______? 0146:< tRitone11> Chumley 0146:< ActionHobo> pluto? 0146:< npinsker> The answer was Chumley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0147:< ActionHobo> feck 0147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Boise is the capital of ____________? 0147:< tRitone11> Idaho 0147:< ActionHobo> idaho 0147:< vox35> Potato 0147:< npinsker> The answer was Idaho! Correct users: ActionHobo (94) 0147:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1941), Patarknight (1738), rbasov (1235), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest country in South America. 0148:< tRitone11> Argentina 0148:< Patarknight> Argentina 0148:< ActionHobo> argentina 0148:< npinsker> The answer was Argentina! Correct users: Patarknight (1742), ActionHobo (97) 0148:< ActionHobo> always thought it was peru until the last time this question was asked 0148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Ailuropoda melanoleuca is startled in a YouTube clip when its offspring sneezes. What is the clip called? 0149:< ActionHobo> sneezing panda 0149:< npinsker> The answer was Sneezing Panda! Correct users: ActionHobo (101), 3xist3nc3 (1944) 0149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Mali? 0149:< tRitone11> Bamako 0149:< ActionHobo> bamako 0149:< vox35> Ajuba 0150:< ActionHobo> did my missionary work in bamako 0150:< ActionHobo> it was terrible 0150:< npinsker> The answer was Bamako! Correct users: ActionHobo (105) 0150:< vox35> Should've done it in Ajuba 0150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was George Washington's vice-president? 0150:< tRitone11> Adams 0150:< rbasov> Well, I mean, it was missionary work... 0150:< ActionHobo> adams 0150:< ActionHobo> who was then the 3rd president 0150:< ActionHobo> :D 0150:< npinsker> The answer was Adams! Correct users: ActionHobo (109) 0151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In which organ is a pulmonary disease located? 0151:< tRitone11> lung 0151:< ActionHobo> lungs 0151:< vox35> Lungs 0151:< 3xist3nc3> lungs 0151:< npinsker> The answer was lung! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0151:< ActionHobo> oh fuck that 0151:< vox35> WTF? 0151:< 3xist3nc3> fuck off bot 0151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which beatle was the first to release a solo record? 0152:< tRitone11> Ringo Starr 0152:< ActionHobo> ringo starr 0152:< Mathemagicland> Ringo 0152:< ActionHobo> and it was a shitty album 0152:< vox35> Paul McCartney 0152:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: ActionHobo (113) 0152:< vox35> Ringo? Didn't know 0152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state? 0152:< tRitone11> Maine 0152:< rbasov> maine 0152:< ActionHobo> maine 0153:< ActionHobo> canada is a long lost state 0153:< vox35> Noooo! 0153:< npinsker> The answer was Maine! Correct users: rbasov (1239), ActionHobo (116) 0153:< ActionHobo> minnesota is a long lost canadian province 0153:< vox35> Better 0153:< 3xist3nc3> america jr 0153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Vilnius is the capital of which country? 0153:< tRitone11> Lithuania 0153:< rbasov> minneSNOWta 0153:< ActionHobo> lithuania 0153:< Mathemagicland> Lithuania 0153:< vox35> Lithuania 0153:< 3xist3nc3> lithuania 0153:< grink> lufthansa 0153:< npinsker> The answer was Lithuania! Correct users: ActionHobo (120), Mathemagicland (16), vox35 (285), 3xist3nc3 (1945) 0153:< 3xist3nc3> finally my score is the end of ww2 0154:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1945), Patarknight (1742), rbasov (1239), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The fourth planet from the sun is ____. 0154:< tRitone11> Mars 0154:< ActionHobo> mars 0154:< Patarknight> mars 0154:< rbasov> mars 0154:< Mathemagicland> mars 0154:< grink> earth 0154:< vox35> In an alternate timeline, WWII was still happening, till you got that score 0154:< vox35> Mars 0154:< ActionHobo> veitnam never happened 0154:< Patarknight> I'm still stuck in the War of Austrian Succession 0154:< npinsker> The answer was Mars! Correct users: ActionHobo (124), Patarknight (1745), rbasov (1241), Mathemagicland (17), vox35 (285) 0155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Humanitarianism || What does the abbreviation 'UNICEF' stand for? 0155:< tRitone11> United Nations Childrens' Emergency Fund 0155:< grink> bicycle 0155:< ActionHobo> united nations childrens emergency fund 0155:< ActionHobo> remember "trick or treat for unicef"? 0155:< ActionHobo> is that still a thing? 0155:< vox35> United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 0155:< npinsker> The answer was United Nations Childrens' Emergency Fund! Correct users: ActionHobo (128) 0155:< ActionHobo> wait 0156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium? 0156:< ActionHobo> i left off a word and it counted? 0156:< vox35> Oh fuck you 0156:< ActionHobo> corn flakes 0156:< grink> fruit loops 0156:< npinsker> The answer was Cornflakes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0156:< vox35> Grape Nuts 0156:< ActionHobo> FUCK THAT 0156:< grink> u mad bro 0156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Washington state? 0156:< ActionHobo> toledo 0156:< 3xist3nc3> olympia 0156:< grink> columbus 0156:< vox35> Rain City 0156:< hellapanda> olympia 0157:< Patarknight> Olympia 0157:< grink> kirt cobain 0157:< npinsker> The answer was Olympia! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1949), hellapanda (2005), Patarknight (1747) 0157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the gatling gun? 0157:< grink> john gatling 0157:< hellapanda> richard gatling 0157:< vox35> Billy Bob Gatling 0157:< Patarknight> Maxim 0157:< ActionHobo> johnny gat, from saints row 0157:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Gatling! Correct users: hellapanda (2009) 0158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims? 0158:< Patarknight> Jerusalem 0158:< ActionHobo> jerusalem 0158:< hellapanda> jerusalem 0158:< 3xist3nc3> jerusalem 0158:< vox35> Jerusalem 0158:< grink> brooklyn 0158:< 3xist3nc3> salem 0158:< ActionHobo> JEWsalem 0158:< 3xist3nc3> da joos 0158:< npinsker> The answer was Jerusalem! Correct users: Patarknight (1751), ActionHobo (131), hellapanda (2011), 3xist3nc3 (1950), vox35 (285) 0159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which modern day country is ancient Troy? 0159:< hellapanda> turkey 0159:< grink> troy, ny 0159:< ActionHobo> turkey 0159:< grink> chicken 0159:< vox35> Jive Turkey 0159:< Patarknight> Turkey 0159:< ActionHobo> quail 0159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the largest web-footed bird. 0159:< coldbrewedbrew> Haha gave vox credit 0159:< 3xist3nc3> WHAT DID YOU SAY?! 0159:< hellapanda> albatross 0159:< ActionHobo> albatross 0159:< vox35> Awk 0159:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> albatross 0200:< grink> terradactyl 0200:< vox35> Great Hairy Awk 0200:< npinsker> The answer was albatross! Correct users: hellapanda (2019), ActionHobo (137), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (431) 0200:< Patarknight> hellapanda is in the future now 0200:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2019), 3xist3nc3 (1950), Patarknight (1752), rbasov (1241), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0200:< ActionHobo> i'm aiming for 666 0200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did President J. Buchanan not have? 0200:< grink> penis 0200:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> a wife 0200:< Patarknight> a wife 0200:< ActionHobo> wife 0200:< 3xist3nc3> 3rd ball 0201:< grink> kids 0201:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wife 0201:< ActionHobo> a wife 0201:< hellapanda> wife 0201:< grink> hillary clinton 0201:< ActionHobo> running-water bathtub 0201:< npinsker> The answer was A wife! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (435), Patarknight (1755), ActionHobo (139), hellapanda (2020) 0201:< vox35> A Boo Cannon 0201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Recorded Media || Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'Tae Bo'? 0201:< grink> billy blanks 0201:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0201:< hellapanda> billy blanks 0201:< ActionHobo> Billy banks 0201:< grink> mr roboto 0201:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> billy blanks 0201:< ActionHobo> almost said billy bush 0201:< vox35> President J. Buchanan 0201:< 3xist3nc3> android font 0202:< npinsker> The answer was Billy Blanks! Correct users: grink (268), hellapanda (2023), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (437) 0202:< ActionHobo> wait, it's Blanks and not Banks? 0202:< ActionHobo> TIL 0202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What city is also known as Music City, U.S.A.? 0202:< ActionHobo> nashville 0202:< 3xist3nc3> nashville 0202:< coldbrewedbrew> Nashville 0202:< vox35> Nashville 0202:< grink> johnny knoxville 0202:< npinsker> The answer was Nashville! Correct users: ActionHobo (143), 3xist3nc3 (1953), coldbrewedbrew (2), vox35 (288) 0203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year, this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia. 0203:< phoenixprince> bangladesh 0203:< grink> best korea 0203:< 3xist3nc3> bangladesh 0203:< ActionHobo> bangladesh 0203:< haley_joel_osteen> thailand 0203:< vox35> Bangladesh 0203:< hellapanda> bangladesh 0203:< grink> bagle dashboard 0203:< npinsker> The answer was Bangladesh! Correct users: phoenixprince (207), 3xist3nc3 (1956), ActionHobo (145), vox35 (289), hellapanda (2023) 0203:< ActionHobo> otherwise known as "the even poorer india" 0203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || This instrument measures the velocity of the wind. 0203:< vox35> The whole place is a flood plain 0203:< grink> anemometer 0204:< Ar72> chat maybe 3 hours till merge 0204:< dick_sanitizer> anemomenter 0204:< ActionHobo> anemometer 0204:< dick_sanitizer> decent answer lol 0204:< 3xist3nc3> muuuuch more than that 0204:< npinsker> The answer was anemometer! Correct users: grink (272), ActionHobo (148) 0204:< grink> <3 spell check 0204:< dick_sanitizer> damnit 0204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who shot Abraham Lincoln? 0204:< grink> booth 0204:< coldbrewedbrew> John WIlkes Booth 0204:< ActionHobo> john wilkes booth 0204:< 3xist3nc3> john wilkes booth 0204:< xadammr> john wilkes booth 0204:< grink> boothe 0204:< dick_sanitizer> booth 0204:< grink> wonda sikes 0204:< vox35> More like 3 hours until another tier 14, then another day until merge for us, @Ar72 0204:< dick_sanitizer> the booth he was sitting in 0205:< npinsker> The answer was John Wilkes Booth! Correct users: coldbrewedbrew (6), ActionHobo (151), 3xist3nc3 (1958), xadammr (1) 0205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking? 0205:< dick_sanitizer> jelly 0205:< grink> boobs 0205:< ActionHobo> celery 0205:< vox35> Dead alien guts 0205:< dick_sanitizer> butter 0205:< coldbrewedbrew> raw chicken 0205:< grink> piece of canda 0205:< npinsker> The answer was jelly! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (240) 0206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo? 0206:< grink> cuba 0206:< 3xist3nc3> cuba 0206:< vox35> Cuba 0206:< hellapanda> cuba 0206:< ActionHobo> cuba 0206:< ActionHobo> "lets go waterboarding at guantanamo bay" 0206:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: grink (276), 3xist3nc3 (1961), vox35 (291), hellapanda (2024), ActionHobo (151) 0206:< vox35> Cooo-bah 0206:< grink> surfing usa 0206:< neverkidding> hey guys 0206:< 3xist3nc3> hey @neverkidding 0206:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2024), 3xist3nc3 (1961), Patarknight (1755), rbasov (1241), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Film Title: Fahrenheit ________. (a number) 0207:< grink> hello @neverkidding 451 0207:< ActionHobo> 911 0207:< 3xist3nc3> 451 0207:< Patarknight> 451 0207:< ActionHobo> 9/11 0207:< vox35> 451 0207:< hellapanda> 451 0207:< ActionHobo> MOVIE trivia. 0207:< npinsker> The answer was 451! Correct users: grink (280), 3xist3nc3 (1964), Patarknight (1757), vox35 (292), hellapanda (2024) 0207:< ActionHobo> THAT'S WRONG 0207:< vox35> There was a Farenheit 451 movie 0207:< ActionHobo> YOU'RE WRONG 0207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the film 'The Birds' from Daphne du Maurier? 0207:< grink> alfred hitchcock 0207:< dick_sanitizer> cameron 0207:< Patarknight> hitchcock 0208:< ActionHobo> Alfred hitchcock 0208:< Patarknight> alfred hitchcock 0208:< vox35> Alfred Hitchcock 0208:< dick_sanitizer> hoistcock 0208:< grink> that movie terrified me as a kid 0208:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Hitchcock! Correct users: grink (284), ActionHobo (154), Patarknight (1759), vox35 (293) 0208:< 3xist3nc3> not michael moore really https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit_451_(film) => http://nazar.so/4co12 0208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest city in Switzerland? 0208:< vox35> Bonn 0208:< dick_sanitizer> bonn 0208:< 3xist3nc3> zurich 0208:< ActionHobo> bonn 0208:< grink> bank accounts 0208:< Patarknight> zurich 0208:< hellapanda> zurich 0208:< dick_sanitizer> denmark 0209:< vox35> Whoops 0209:< npinsker> The answer was Zurich! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1968), Patarknight (1762), hellapanda (2026) 0209:< vox35> Thats in Germany 0209:< dick_sanitizer> hahah we both fall, vox 0209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll? 0209:< vox35> Bonn, I mean 0209:< grink> beavis and butthead 0209:< hellapanda> bandstand 0209:< dick_sanitizer> american bandstand 0209:< ActionHobo> american bandstand 0209:< neverkidding> there should be a tier 14 room forming soon... one step closer to the great merge 0209:< 3xist3nc3> american bandstand 0209:< vox35> American Bandstand 0209:< npinsker> The answer was American Bandstand! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (244), ActionHobo (157), 3xist3nc3 (1970), vox35 (294) 0209:< hellapanda> eh 0210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What planet is nearest the sun? 0210:< hellapanda> mercury 0210:< ActionHobo> murcury 0210:< Lovecraft> Mercury 0210:< grink> mercury 0210:< neverkidding> mercury 0210:< vox35> Mercury 0210:< ActionHobo> mercury 0210:< grink> Hg 0210:< dick_sanitizer> venus 0210:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: hellapanda (2030), Lovecraft (112), grink (286), neverkidding (255), vox35 (294), ActionHobo (157) 0210:< grink> fly trap 0210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || From what did Alexander the Great suffer? 0210:< tRitone11> epilepsy 0210:< dick_sanitizer> oh wait i read that as nearest to earth lol 0210:< ActionHobo> epilepsy 0210:< grink> small dick 0210:< hellapanda> epilepsy 0210:< neverkidding> epilepsy 0210:< dick_sanitizer> syphillus 0211:< vox35> Chronic halitosis 0211:< grink> myxomatosis 0211:< npinsker> The answer was epilepsy! Correct users: ActionHobo (161), hellapanda (2033), neverkidding (257) 0211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || In what month is Christmas observed? 0211:< tRitone11> December 0211:< hellapanda> december 0211:< Patarknight> december 0211:< Lovecraft> December 0211:< ActionHobo> december 0211:< grink> december 0211:< neverkidding> december 0211:< grink> june 0211:< neverkidding> july 0211:< grink> august 0211:< neverkidding> september 0212:< grink> october 0212:< npinsker> The answer was December! Correct users: hellapanda (2037), Patarknight (1765), Lovecraft (114), ActionHobo (162), grink (286), neverkid... 0212:< neverkidding> november 0212:< neverkidding> yaaaaay 0212:< grink> i'm old cpu 0212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range? 0212:< tRitone11> Mt. Mitchell 0212:< grink> mt etna 0212:< neverkidding> mt. mitchell 0212:< grink> mt. rain 0212:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Mitchell! Correct users: neverkidding (261) 0213:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (1970), Patarknight (1765), rbasov (1241), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0213:< dick_sanitizer> yellow masterrace peeps 0213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who is the Norse god of mischief? 0213:< Patarknight> loki 0213:< Lovecraft> Loki 0213:< dick_sanitizer> liko 0213:< 3xist3nc3> loki 0213:< vox35> Loki 0213:< grink> 8==D four loko 0213:< dick_sanitizer> FUCK 0213:< neverkidding> loki 0213:< dick_sanitizer> loki 0213:< npinsker> The answer was Loki! Correct users: Patarknight (1769), Lovecraft (117), 3xist3nc3 (1972), vox35 (295), neverkidding (261), dick_saniti... 0213:< vox35> Low key 0213:< grink> lulz dick sanity 0213:< neverkidding> I wanna do more animal trivia 0214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A diseased condition resulting from the use of beverages such as whiskey. 0214:< tRitone11> alcoholism 0214:< dick_sanitizer> >sanity LOL 0214:< grink> alcoholism 0214:< Patarknight> alcoholism 0214:< 3xist3nc3> alcoholism 0214:< vox35> Alcoholism 0214:< dick_sanitizer> alcoholism 0214:< grink> ethanolism 0214:< npinsker> The answer was alcoholism! Correct users: grink (290), Patarknight (1772), 3xist3nc3 (1974), vox35 (296), dick_sanitizer (244) 0214:< dick_sanitizer> alcoholicism 0214:< 3xist3nc3> now my score is the year nixon resigned 0214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek goddess of spring? 0214:< tRitone11> Persephone 0214:< grink> athena 0215:< npinsker> The answer was Persephone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0215:< vox35> Springela 0215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe. 0215:< tRitone11> Ptolemic 0215:< grink> string theory 0215:< vox35> Galilean 0215:< Patarknight> ptolemaic 0216:< grink> Falco 0216:< npinsker> The answer was Ptolemic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass? 0216:< tRitone11> Rocky 0216:< vox35> ptolemaic sounds right to me 0216:< grink> broken face 0216:< vox35> Rockies 0216:< Patarknight> rockies 0216:< 3xist3nc3> rockies 0216:< npinsker> The answer was Rocky! Correct users: vox35 (300), Patarknight (1775), 3xist3nc3 (1976) 0217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What wonder stood 32m high in Rhodes Harbor? 0217:< Patarknight> colossus 0217:< dick_sanitizer> a troll 0217:< vox35> Colossus 0217:< grink> leaning tower of pizza 0217:< dick_sanitizer> colossus 0217:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Toxins || Which of these can be poisonous to dogs? Rice, tylenol, apples 0217:< grink> tylenol 0217:< npinsker> The answer was Colossus of Rhodes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0217:< dick_sanitizer> samnit bot 0217:< grink> apple seeds 0217:< vox35> tylenol 0217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the slowest moving land mammal. 0217:< tRitone11> sloth 0217:< grink> your mom 0217:< vox35> Wat 0218:< dick_sanitizer> sloth 0218:< 3xist3nc3> turtle 0218:< vox35> Sloth 0218:< grink> rabbit 0218:< npinsker> The answer was sloth! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (248), vox35 (303) 0218:< grink> turtle != mammal 0218:< neverkidding> The answer was tylenol! Correct users: grink (10,000), dick sanitizer (5,000), vox35 (2) 0218:< grink> yay 10k 0218:< vox35> lag 0218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Where are the headquarters of the CIA? 0218:< tRitone11> Langley, Virginia 0218:< grink> langley 0218:< vox35> Fuck you're an addict grink 0218:< dick_sanitizer> langley, verginia 0218:< dick_sanitizer> langley, virginia 0218:< grink> he's trolling 0218:< 3xist3nc3> those are fake scores lmao 0219:< npinsker> The answer was Langley, Virginia! Correct users: grink (294), dick_sanitizer (251) 0219:< vox35> But a winner, there's no denying that 0219:< neverkidding> 3xist3nc3 I'm not a bot, I'll assign points how I please 0219:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (1976), Patarknight (1775), rbasov (1241), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0219:< 3xist3nc3> i didn't say the word bot 0219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || How do you spell abbreviation? 0219:< tRitone11> abbreviation 0219:< Robairt> hellapanda, thats a lot of points yo 0219:< Patarknight> abbreviation 0219:< dick_sanitizer> abbreviation 0219:< grink> neverkidding is a lovely person bot abbreviation 0219:< neverkidding> This is called "animal trivia from neverkidding's brain", the points system is whatever I feel like 0219:< vox35> abbr. 0219:< grink> abortion 0220:< npinsker> The answer was abbreviation! Correct users: npinsker (68), Patarknight (1778), dick_sanitizer (253), grink (295) 0220:< q00u> Why is the word abbreviation so long?? 0220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many dungeons are in "The Legend of Zelda"? 0220:< grink> 9 0220:< Patarknight> 4 0220:< q00u> 18 0220:< dick_sanitizer> 9 0220:< vox35> 4 0220:< 3xist3nc3> 3 force 0220:< dick_sanitizer> 8 0220:< grink> oh fuck it could be 18 0220:< q00u> 9 but you can do new game plus and get new dungeons so.... 0220:< Fireheart0011> eight 0220:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: TV Animals || What color was the real-life Mr. Ed? 0220:< npinsker> The answer was 18! Correct users: anyoldnames (15), grink (298), q00u (75), dick_sanitizer (254) 0220:< grink> poop bornw 0220:< dick_sanitizer> lol what 0220:< vox35> Holy shit 0221:< vox35> That's a lot 0221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Central American country extends furthest north? 0221:< tRitone11> Belize 0221:< grink> belize 0221:< 3xist3nc3> belize 0221:< dick_sanitizer> main 0221:< OneiricNeuron> mexico 0221:< grink> africa 0221:< neverkidding> The answer was black and white (he was really a zebra!) Correct users: nobody :( 0221:< vox35> Venezuela 0221:< q00u> I'll send YOU to belize 0221:< dick_sanitizer> belize 0221:< npinsker> The answer was Belize! Correct users: grink (302), 3xist3nc3 (1979), q00u (77), dick_sanitizer (255) 0221:< vox35> I can't belize it 0221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the first James Bond? 0221:< tRitone11> Sean Connery 0221:< q00u> Don't fall for it. 0222:< OneiricNeuron> Shawn canary 0222:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Cats || What is the largest breed of cat? 0222:< 3xist3nc3> sean connery 0222:< q00u> There never was a James Bond 0222:< grink> shiba inu 0222:< Patarknight> Sean Connery 0222:< npinsker> The answer was Sean Connery! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1983), Patarknight (1781) 0222:< grink> akita inu 0222:< q00u> Wat 0222:< 3xist3nc3> doge 0222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is the famous Bond Street? 0222:< tRitone11> London 0222:< q00u> There were two bonds before Sean 0222:< neverkidding> The answer was Maine Coon! Correct users: nobody :( 0222:< grink> brooklyn 0222:< q00u> Another BOND question? 0222:< grink> (we have a bond st) 0222:< neverkidding> good try grink but those are dogs 0222:< OneiricNeuron> london 0222:< 3xist3nc3> london 0222:< grink> my shiba acts like a cat,i got confused 0223:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (69), 3xist3nc3 (1986) 0223:< neverkidding> hahahahaha 0223:< neverkidding> ok fine you get 500 points 0223:< grink> yay 0223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round? 0223:< tRitone11> fourteen 0223:< grink> 21 0223:< dick_sanitizer> 5 0223:< Patarknight> 6 0223:< OneiricNeuron> 12 0223:< Robairt> 12 0223:< 3xist3nc3> shitpost it to pics 0223:< q00u> No limit 0223:< grink> 7 7/8ths 0223:< 3xist3nc3> 666 0223:< dick_sanitizer> 69 0223:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0223:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Dogs || Dalmations are commonly afflicted with what birth defect? 0223:< grink> black spots 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers? 0224:< tRitone11> supermarket 0224:< dick_sanitizer> aggression 0224:< q00u> Cocaine 0224:< dick_sanitizer> radioactive cheese 0224:< 3xist3nc3> lsd 0224:< grink> charlie sheen 0224:< OneiricNeuron> liver spots 0224:< neverkidding> The answer was deafness! Correct users: nobody :( 0224:< npinsker> The answer was supermarket! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0224:< q00u> Groan. Dad, get off trivia bot! 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin? 0224:< tRitone11> Ed Peterson 0224:< q00u> Ed Mcmuffin 0224:< grink> bob saget 0224:< OneiricNeuron> mcdonalds 0225:< doswarrior> Hamburgler 0225:< 3xist3nc3> tourettes guy 0225:< npinsker> The answer was Ed Peterson! Correct users: Patarknight (1785) 0225:< grink> calm your tits 0225:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: TV Animals || The iconic television dog Lassie was what breed? 0225:< q00u> Hax 0225:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (1986), Patarknight (1785), rbasov (1241), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0225:< grink> a pretty one 0225:< dick_sanitizer> collie :) 0225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What seaport's name is spanish for 'white house'? 0225:< dick_sanitizer> english collie to be presice 0225:< tRitone11> Casablanca 0225:< 3xist3nc3> casablanca 0225:< OneiricNeuron> casanegra 0226:< dick_sanitizer> casablanca 0226:< q00u> Casablanca 0226:< neverkidding> The answer was Collie! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (543) 0226:< grink> casaazul 0226:< rbasov> casa blanca 0226:< Patarknight> casablanca 0226:< OneiricNeuron> casaverde 0226:< q00u> Caseba Melon 0226:< npinsker> The answer was Casablanca! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1990), dick_sanitizer (258), q00u (79), Patarknight (1786) 0226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000? 0226:< tRitone11> microsoft 0226:< grink> microsoft 0226:< 3xist3nc3> nobody 0226:< OneiricNeuron> applw 0226:< q00u> macrohard 0226:< Patarknight> Microsoft 0226:< grink> bobby tables 0226:< 3xist3nc3> who makes os x 10.0 0227:< npinsker> The answer was microsoft! Correct users: grink (306), Patarknight (1789) 0227:< q00u> What?? 0227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country has the oldest constitution that still exists? 0227:< tRitone11> America 0227:< 3xist3nc3> 'murica 0227:< OneiricNeuron> England 0227:< grink> asgard 0227:< Patarknight> San Marino 0227:< q00u> China 0227:< OneiricNeuron> UKAmerica 0227:< grink> the acients 0227:< dick_sanitizer> america 0227:< npinsker> The answer was America! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (73), dick_sanitizer (261) 0227:< 3xist3nc3> fuck yeah 0227:< OneiricNeuron> i was right! 0228:< OneiricNeuron> UKAmerica 0228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th? 0228:< tRitone11> Sunday 0228:< q00u> Freedom costa a buck o five 0228:< 3xist3nc3> tuesday 0228:< grink> tuesday 0228:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Genetics || Which of these animals is actually a mix between two species? Donkey, mule, German Shepherd 0228:< OneiricNeuron> Sunday 0228:< grink> mule 0228:< OneiricNeuron> ask the clint eastwood question 0228:< q00u> saturday 0228:< npinsker> The answer was Sunday! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (77) 0228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An iron hook with a handle used for landing large fish. 0228:< tRitone11> gaff 0228:< grink> fishing hook 0228:< neverkidding> The answer was mule! Correct users: grink (10,500) 0229:< OneiricNeuron> hoe 0229:< q00u> neverkidding, what are you doing 0229:< rbasov> gaff 0229:< 3xist3nc3> hoker 0229:< npinsker> The answer was gaff! Correct users: rbasov (1245) 0229:< neverkidding> q00u animal trivia 0229:< q00u> There's already a trivia bot here. 0229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Other than England, which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup? 0229:< tRitone11> Netherlands 0229:< grink> hes typing 0229:< Patarknight> France 0229:< rbasov> Where the questions are made up and the points don't matter, 0229:< grink> america 0229:< 3xist3nc3> netherlands 0229:< neverkidding> q00u feel free to mute me if you hate animals or something 0230:< npinsker> The answer was Netherlands! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1994) 0230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || True Or False: Contrary to popular belief, a lightbulb actually absorbs darkness? 0230:< tRitone11> false 0230:< grink> false 0230:< TheOddEyes> false 0230:< 3xist3nc3> false 0230:< bickster69> false 0230:< dick_sanitizer> false 0230:< grink> they are called dark suckers 0230:< q00u> I don't want to mute you, I want to move to a new chat that only has you. 0230:< hellapanda> 3xist3nc3 score - last time the Rangers won the stanley cup 0230:< OneiricNeuron> tflse 0230:< neverkidding> <3 0230:< q00u> <3 0230:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: grink (310), TheOddEyes (3), 3xist3nc3 (1996), bickster69 (3), dick_sanitizer (261) 0231:< neverkidding> I have an alt account in this room that we can use 0231:< 3xist3nc3> noice 0231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?" 0231:< tRitone11> twenty questions 0231:< grink> um 0231:< TheOddEyes> twenty questions 0231:< bickster69> 21 questions 0231:< q00u> "What's In My Mouth" 0231:< Patarknight> 20 questions 0231:< grink> a dick 0231:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: TheOddEyes (7), Patarknight (1792) 0231:< OneiricNeuron> i want to play animal trivia 0231:< OneiricNeuron> but i get confused 0231:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (1996), Patarknight (1792), rbasov (1245), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0231:< TheOddEyes> lol grink 0232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair? 0232:< tRitone11> a bow 0232:< 3xist3nc3> a hat 0232:< rbasov> a bow 0232:< grink> a diaper 0232:< OneiricNeuron> lice 0232:< Patarknight> bow 0232:< bickster69> chopsticks 0232:< q00u> Great Dane 0232:< OneiricNeuron> hairbrush 0232:< AndyD418> bow 0232:< npinsker> The answer was a bow! Correct users: rbasov (1249), Patarknight (1795), AndyD418 (130) 0232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events? 0232:< tRitone11> cycling 0232:< Patarknight> cycling 0233:< q00u> T-mobile 0233:< bickster69> triafolone 0233:< dick_sanitizer> cycling 0233:< grink> bell atlantic 0233:< 3xist3nc3> 4k 0233:< npinsker> The answer was cycling! Correct users: Patarknight (1799), dick_sanitizer (264) 0233:< neverkidding> q00u I can do animal trivia on another channel if enough people are interested, but I'm not a bot so I can't keep it going too long. 0233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Volta is the largest river in which country? 0233:< tRitone11> Ghana 0233:< grink> Mars 0233:< q00u> Doh 0233:< Patarknight> Ghana 0233:< 3xist3nc3> russia 0233:< bickster69> frica 0233:< rbasov> ghana 0233:< dick_sanitizer> russia 0233:< q00u> I should go back to work anyway. These questions are too hard. 0233:< neverkidding> hahaha 0234:< npinsker> The answer was Ghana! Correct users: Patarknight (1803), rbasov (1252) 0234:< dick_sanitizer> ghana 0234:< 3xist3nc3> fuck, i thought it was the volga 0234:< TheOddEyes> What are these (• )( •) 0234:< grink> weird tits 0234:< rbasov> vulva 0234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of Han Solo's spaceship in "Star Wars"? 0234:< tRitone11> Millennium Falcon 0234:< rbasov> millennium falcon 0234:< grink> millenium falcon 0234:< grink> FUCK 0234:< neverkidding> That's why I started doing the animal questions. I kept getting so many wrong answers that I was just making jokes. gave up, went rogue 0234:< bickster69> damn how the hell ya'll type so fast 0234:< rbasov> I'm not going to be fooled again! There are 2 n's 0234:< Sarge0311> test 0234:< vox35> Milenium Falcon, The 0234:< npinsker> The answer was Millennium Falcon! Correct users: rbasov (1256) 0234:< vox35> Fuck 0235:< Patarknight> Jesus wept 0235:< grink> austin 3:16 0235:< rbasov> john 11:35 0235:< 3xist3nc3> jesus wept 0235:< grink> jesus mowed 0235:< npinsker> The answer was Jesus wept.! Correct users: Patarknight (1807), 3xist3nc3 (1999) 0235:< bickster69> i dont no that book 0235:< neverkidding> jesus swept 0235:< grink> neer read that book 0235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is ________. 0235:< tRitone11> pharmacy 0235:< Patarknight> pharmacy 0235:< grink> drug dealer 0235:< 3xist3nc3> pharmacy 0235:< vox35> pharmacology 0236:< TheOddEyes> cartel 0236:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Movie Animals || What breed are the dogs in the "Air Bud" movies? 0236:< 3xist3nc3> el chapi 0236:< npinsker> The answer was pharmacy! Correct users: Patarknight (1811), 3xist3nc3 (2002) 0236:< bickster69> errrrh wrong 0236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || In which country is milk the most popular beverage? 0236:< tRitone11> USA 0236:< TheOddEyes> 80085 (• )( •) 0236:< dick_sanitizer> africa 0236:< bickster69> finland 0236:< rbasov> usa 0236:< dick_sanitizer> india 0236:< neverkidding> The answer was Golden Retriever! Correct users: nobody :( 0236:< rbasov> milk, does a body good 0236:< vox35> Milkonia 0236:< grink> Chapa'ai 0236:< 3xist3nc3> australia 0237:< npinsker> The answer was USA! Correct users: Koi-pond (11), rbasov (1259) 0237:< TheOddEyes> can anyone see this post (• )( •) 0237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What volcano showers ash on Sicily? 0237:< tRitone11> Etna 0237:< bickster69> milk has pus in it 0237:< haley_joel_osteen> etna 0237:< rbasov> Mt. Etna 0237:< 3xist3nc3> volccani 0237:< Patarknight> etna 0237:< haley_joel_osteen> mount etna 0237:< vox35> Etna 0237:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Obama's Animals || The first dog, Bo, is what breed? 0237:< vox35> Mount Etna 0237:< TheOddEyes> hmmmm so no one sees the boobs comment? 0237:< npinsker> The answer was Etna! Correct users: haley_joel_osteen (12), rbasov (1262), Patarknight (1813), vox35 (304) 0237:< vox35> To be precise 0237:< NightVisionHawk> HOW FUCKING LONG WILL THIS TAKE? 0238:< vox35> Days 0238:< rbasov> vox, you actually answered a questoin?!?!?! 0238:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (2002), Patarknight (1813), rbasov (1262), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0238:< vox35> Yeah, why not? 0238:< TheOddEyes> boob emoticons are censored 0238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Los Angeles _________. 0238:< tRitone11> Lakers 0238:< rbasov> lakers 0238:< 3xist3nc3> dodgers 0238:< vox35> : 0238:< Patarknight> lakers 0238:< dick_sanitizer> beavers 0238:< 3xist3nc3> fuck again 0238:< rbasov> it's like my world is crumbling down... 0238:< neverkidding> The answer was Portugese Water Dog! 0238:< vox35> Lakers 0238:< neverkidding> CLIPPERS 0238:< dick_sanitizer> lakers 0238:< 3xist3nc3> lakers 0238:< npinsker> The answer was Lakers! Correct users: rbasov (1266), Patarknight (1816), vox35 (306), dick_sanitizer (265), 3xist3nc3 (2002) 0238:< neverkidding> lol 0239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain? 0239:< tRitone11> lingual nerve 0239:< dick_sanitizer> nerves 0239:< 3xist3nc3> semen 0239:< rbasov> you're not wrong neverkidding... 0239:< dick_sanitizer> tastebuds 0239:< TheOddEyes> (. )( .) 0239:< npinsker> The answer was lingual nerve! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0239:< vox35> Choo choo train of sensations 0239:< dick_sanitizer> ( . Y . ) 0239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who plays the lead role in The Usual Suspects? 0239:< tRitone11> Kevin Spacey 0239:< rbasov> kevin spacey 0240:< npinsker> The answer was Kevin Spacey! Correct users: rbasov (1270) 0240:< vox35> K. Spacey 0240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || French impressionist Claude ------- 0240:< tRitone11> Debussy 0240:< rbasov> bacon 0240:< vox35> Monet 0240:< rbasov> Chaussier 0240:< 3xist3nc3> monet 0241:< npinsker> The answer was Debussy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water" 0241:< tRitone11> aquamarine 0241:< vox35> No 0241:< 3xist3nc3> seawater 0241:< rbasov> aquamarine 0241:< dick_sanitizer> aquamatine 0241:< dick_sanitizer> aquamarine 0241:< npinsker> The answer was aquamarine! Correct users: rbasov (1274), dick_sanitizer (268) 0241:< vox35> Oh, category music... 0242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This French peasant girl led the army to victories. 0242:< tRitone11> Joan of Arc 0242:< rbasov> joan of arc 0242:< 3xist3nc3> Joanne du Arc 0242:< vox35> Jeanne D'Arc 0242:< dick_sanitizer> joan of arc 0242:< npinsker> The answer was Joan of Arc! Correct users: rbasov (1278), dick_sanitizer (271) 0242:< vox35> Non! 0242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The New York ____________? 0242:< tRitone11> Mets 0242:< 3xist3nc3> Mets 0242:< dick_sanitizer> knicks 0242:< vox35> Mets 0243:< dick_sanitizer> mets 0243:< OneiricNeuron> Jets 0243:< rbasov> yankees 0243:< neverkidding> yankees 0243:< npinsker> The answer was Mets! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2006), vox35 (309), dick_sanitizer (273) 0243:< neverkidding> fuck 0243:< rbasov> seriously? the shit team is the one you pick? 0243:< neverkidding> hahahahaha 0243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What is the range, in miles, of an Aim-7 Sparrow? 0243:< tRitone11> twenty eight 0243:< vox35> Ha 0243:< 3xist3nc3> 7 0243:< vox35> 7 miles 0243:< Chickenfrend> African or European? 0243:< KingGoddeth> twenty eight 0243:< rbasov> 28 0244:< npinsker> The answer was twenty eight! Correct users: KingGoddeth (4), rbasov (1281) 0244:< neverkidding> Chickenfrend do you like chickens? 0244:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (2006), Patarknight (1816), rbasov (1281), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0244:< Chickenfrend> neverkidding Yep. 0244:< vox35> Why isn't it called an aim 28 sparrow then? 0244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was Lestat's last name? 0244:< tRitone11> de Lioncourt 0244:< KingGoddeth> de Lioncourt 0244:< vox35> Von Vampire 0245:< npinsker> The answer was de Lioncourt! Correct users: KingGoddeth (8) 0245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second largest of the United States? 0245:< tRitone11> Texas 0245:< rbasov> texas 0245:< KingGoddeth> Texas 0245:< 3xist3nc3> the second largest whar 0245:< dick_sanitizer> texas 0245:< neverkidding> Do you know what they do with male chicks from laying hens? 0245:< vox35> SEcond largest what? 0245:< 3xist3nc3> texas ? 0245:< dick_sanitizer> fuckin grind them 0245:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: rbasov (1285), KingGoddeth (11), dick_sanitizer (275), 3xist3nc3 (2007) 0245:< vox35> Spoon? 0246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as _____. 0246:< tRitone11> dunes 0246:< neverkidding> They grind them alive 0246:< vox35> dunes 0246:< rbasov> dunes 0246:< KingGoddeth> dunes 0246:< vox35> The spice must flow 0246:< KingGoddeth> THe DUnes oF Time! 0246:< npinsker> The answer was dunes! Correct users: vox35 (313), rbasov (1288), KingGoddeth (13) 0246:< vox35> Fear is the mind killer 0246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law. 0246:< tRitone11> contract 0246:< dick_sanitizer> they get made into dig and catfood i think 0246:< vox35> Pact 0246:< 3xist3nc3> contract 0246:< neverkidding> contract 0247:< dick_sanitizer> contract 0247:< rbasov> a hearty handshake 0247:< vox35> Com-pact 0247:< npinsker> The answer was contract! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2011), neverkidding (264), dick_sanitizer (277) 0247:< neverkidding> dick_sanitizer I didn't learn that part in poultry class :( 0247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weight || How much does a cubic meter of water weigh? 0247:< tRitone11> One Ton 0247:< vox35> 1 kilogram 0247:< dick_sanitizer> 1kg 0247:< rbasov> 1000kg 0248:< ActionHobo> metric ton 0248:< vox35> 10 kilograms 0248:< npinsker> The answer was One Ton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0248:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Vegan Cruelty || Which of these animals will die if fed a meat-free diet? Dog, cat, bear 0248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What English city was known to the Romans as Venta Bulgarum? 0248:< tRitone11> Winchester 0248:< rbasov> dog 0248:< Patarknight> Winchester 0248:< neverkidding> The answer was cat! rbasov gets 100 points for trying 0248:< npinsker> The answer was Winchester! Correct users: Patarknight (1820) 0248:< rbasov> I'm calling shenanigans 0249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the name of Hamlet's tragic admirer? 0249:< tRitone11> Ophelia 0249:< neverkidding> google it 0249:< rbasov> ophelia 0249:< rbasov> Yeah, but they'll all die...nothing is immortal 0249:< neverkidding> hahahaha 0249:< npinsker> The answer was Ophelia! Correct users: rbasov (1292) 0249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Of what are throat, foxing and platform parts? 0249:< tRitone11> shoe 0249:< rbasov> shoe 0249:< BernieCar> RBASOV 0250:< neverkidding> 100% of the animals that ingest dihydrogen monoxide will die 0250:< BernieCar> take a break! 0250:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (2011), Patarknight (1820), rbasov (1296), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0250:< BernieCar> movin on up! 0250:< rbasov> Well, they're at a bar and I've been drinking for like the past 2 weeks straight... 0250:< agdurrette> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV8m6ngZFwU 0250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first person to swim the English Channel? 0250:< tRitone11> Captain Matthew Webb 0250:< BernieCar> oh no 0251:< rbasov> matthew webb 0251:< rbasov> even 1300 and I'll stop 0251:< BernieCar> okay 0251:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Matthew Webb! Correct users: rbasov (1300) 0251:< BernieCar> oh 0251:< neverkidding> wow 0251:< BernieCar> congratulations! 0251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'You Can Call Me Al'? 0251:< tRitone11> Paul Simon 0251:< BernieCar> Paul simon 0251:< Patarknight> Venta Bulgaria has come up like 5 times slready 0251:< jedixi> Paul Simon 0251:< rbasov> thanks lol..guess I should put pants on and leave my money at home 0252:< Patarknight> I've been here a while, just like the other people on the leaderboard 0252:< npinsker> The answer was Paul Simon! Correct users: BernieCar (66), jedixi (3) 0252:< vox35> Paul Simon 0252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || This is the hardest naturally occurring substance. 0252:< tRitone11> diamond 0252:< rbasov> Yeah, this has been going on for days...and days more to come 0252:< DigitalMindShadow> diamond 0252:< OneiricNeuron> water 0252:< vox35> Diamond 0252:< BernieCar> diamond 0252:< jedixi> Diamond 0252:< OneiricNeuron> water is actually very strong 0252:< npinsker> The answer was diamond! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (104), vox35 (316), BernieCar (68), jedixi (4) 0253:< tRitone11> Robert J. Kane 0253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religious Stuff || The Lord's Prayer appears in the Bible how many times (written numerically)? 0253:< dkozinn> 17 0253:< DigitalMindShadow> 3 0253:< jedixi> 1 0253:< tRitone11> three 0253:< neverkidding> 99% of all the water on earth is contaminated with dihydrogen monoxide 0253:< OneiricNeuron> seventeen 0253:< 3xist3nc3> 2 0253:< rbasov> 69 0253:< DigitalMindShadow> 2 0253:< rbasov> please be the right answer lol 0253:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2015), DigitalMindShadow (107) 0253:< tRitone11> test 0253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Kelsey Grammer sings and plays the theme song for which TV show? 0253:< BernieCar> Frasier 0253:< jedixi> Frasier 0253:< tRitone11> Ok perfect 0253:< DigitalMindShadow> Frasier 0253:< dkozinn> Frasier 0254:< startfragment> frasier 0254:< npinsker> The answer was Frasier! Correct users: BernieCar (72), jedixi (7), DigitalMindShadow (109), dkozinn (81), startfragment (0) 0254:< OneiricNeuron> Hi Doubletone6 0254:< tRitone11> test again 0254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Where is the Ocean of Storms located? 0254:< tRitone11> On the moon 0254:< DigitalMindShadow> moon 0254:< 3xist3nc3> Moon 0254:< jedixi> Moon 0254:< DigitalMindShadow> the moon 0254:< DigitalMindShadow> luna 0254:< bickster69> moon 0255:< npinsker> The answer was On the moon! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (113), 3xist3nc3 (2018), jedixi (9), bickster69 (4) 0255:< rbasov> the dark side 0255:< 3xist3nc3> I'm in the future now 0255:< OneiricNeuron> you know spanish? 0255:< tRitone11> another test 0255:< OneiricNeuron> cool 0255:< rbasov> alrighty, adios amigos. Hasta luego. 0255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell? 0255:< tRitone11> venus flytrap 0255:< dkozinn> witch hazel 0255:< DigitalMindShadow> thistle 0255:< 3xist3nc3> cya @rbasov 0255:< DigitalMindShadow> witch hazel 0255:< bickster69> who the hell is broom hilda? 0255:< OneiricNeuron> muy bye 0255:< npinsker> The answer was venus flytrap! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0255:< DigitalMindShadow> that chick in Django Unchained 0255:< OneiricNeuron> muy bye con queso 0255:< 3xist3nc3> wey 0256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1986 game put you on the pursuit of the leader of the Space Pirates, The Mother Brain? 0256:< DigitalMindShadow> Metroid 0256:< BernieCar> asteroids 0256:< startfragment> metroid 0256:< 3xist3nc3> Metroid 0256:< Patarknight> metroid 0256:< BernieCar> aw nuts 0256:< npinsker> The answer was Metroid! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (117), startfragment (3), 3xist3nc3 (2020), Patarknight (1821) 0256:< jedixi> Metroid 0256:< BernieCar> you guys are good 0256:< OneiricNeuron> oh wow its bernie's car. hi 0256:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2037), 3xist3nc3 (2020), Patarknight (1821), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0256:< BernieCar> hi! 0256:< 3xist3nc3> It's because I have been here for 3 days or so 0256:< OneiricNeuron> : D 0257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which Russian chemist (1834-1907) founded our modern periodic table? 0257:< tRitone11> Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev 0257:< 3xist3nc3> and hi @berniecar 0257:< dkozinn> mendel 0257:< DigitalMindShadow> Mendelev 0257:< 3xist3nc3> Mendeleev 0257:< BernieCar> Rutherford 0257:< Patarknight> Mendeleyev 0257:< startfragment> Mendelev 0257:< startfragment> sp? 0257:< DigitalMindShadow> Mendeleev 0257:< hellapanda> mendeleve 0257:< npinsker> The answer was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev! Correct users: Patarknight (1825) 0257:< dkozinn> Frank Periodic 0257:< BernieCar> ohh tough spellin 0257:< hellapanda> oh that spelling 0257:< 3xist3nc3> They changed spelling again 0257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of Molybdenum? 0257:< tRitone11> forty two 0257:< DigitalMindShadow> 112 0257:< OneiricNeuron> dos 0257:< startfragment> wikipedia says Dmitri Mendeleev 0257:< dkozinn> bleen 0258:< OneiricNeuron> uno 0258:< DigitalMindShadow> 42 0258:< hellapanda> 69 0258:< npinsker> The answer was forty two! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (121) 0258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country owns the island of Corfu? 0258:< tRitone11> Greece 0258:< BernieCar> Greece 0258:< dkozinn> greece 0258:< _deffer_> greece 0258:< DigitalMindShadow> greece 0258:< hellapanda> grease 0258:< startfragment> greece 0258:< OneiricNeuron> geese 0258:< 3xist3nc3> goose 0258:< DigitalMindShadow> grease 0258:< jedixi> Greece 0258:< OneiricNeuron> gaysir 0258:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: BernieCar (76), dkozinn (84), _deffer_ (375), DigitalMindShadow (122), startfragment (3), jedixi (9) 0258:< 3xist3nc3> Congratulations Bernie 0259:< BernieCar> wooo 0259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He is the Most Durable TV Astronomer 0259:< tRitone11> Patrick Moore 0259:< startfragment> do you lose points for being wrong? 0259:< DigitalMindShadow> carl sagan 0259:< 3xist3nc3> Carl Sagan 0259:< hellapanda> patrick moore 0259:< _deffer_> no 0259:< jedixi> Carl Sagan 0259:< hellapanda> no startfragment 0259:< OneiricNeuron> Patrich stewart 0259:< npinsker> The answer was Patrick Moore! Correct users: hellapanda (2041) 0259:< 3xist3nc3> humphrey bogart 0259:< BernieCar> oooooh 0259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As loud as _________. 0259:< tRitone11> thunder 0300:< dkozinn> shit 0300:< _deffer_> thunder 0300:< hellapanda> rough sex 0300:< 3xist3nc3> a screamer 0300:< BernieCar> tritone11's mom 0300:< hellapanda> lol 0300:< DigitalMindShadow> dickbutt 0300:< npinsker> The answer was thunder! Correct users: _deffer_ (379) 0300:< 3xist3nc3> @berniecar correct 0300:< _deffer_> is he still here? 0300:< BernieCar> i don't know 0300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport would you find the "slapshot". 0300:< tRitone11> hockey 0300:< hellapanda> hockey 0300:< BernieCar> hockey 0300:< 3xist3nc3> Porn 0300:< _deffer_> hockey 0300:< DigitalMindShadow> hockey 0300:< DigitalMindShadow> ice hockey 0300:< OneiricNeuron> hockey 0301:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: hellapanda (2045), BernieCar (79), _deffer_ (381), DigitalMindShadow (123), OneiricNeuron (77) 0301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle? 0301:< tRitone11> eighty nine 0301:< DigitalMindShadow> 60 0301:< BernieCar> 181 0301:< hellapanda> 89 0301:< 3xist3nc3> 181 0301:< OneiricNeuron> 60 0301:< BernieCar> 89 0301:< _deffer_> 89 0301:< DigitalMindShadow> 89 0301:< dkozinn> 89 0301:< BernieCar> lol, i broke my brain bot 0301:< OneiricNeuron> uno 0301:< npinsker> The answer was eighty nine! Correct users: hellapanda (2049), BernieCar (82), _deffer_ (383), DigitalMindShadow (124), dkozinn (84) 0302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same? 0302:< tRitone11> minus forty celcius 0302:< _deffer_> 40 C 0302:< 3xist3nc3> minus forty celsius 0302:< hellapanda> wut 0302:< DigitalMindShadow> 40 C 0302:< OneiricNeuron> kelvin 0302:< _deffer_> minus 40 celsius 0302:< dkozinn> celcius 0302:< BernieCar> 0 K 0302:< DigitalMindShadow> as wut 0302:< hellapanda> finish the question ya bot 0302:< npinsker> The answer was minus forty celcius! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0302:< 3xist3nc3> ''Celcius'' 0302:< BernieCar> haha 0302:< _deffer_> spelling sucks ass 0302:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2049), 3xist3nc3 (2020), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0302:< dkozinn> calculus 0303:< _deffer_> u + me = us 0303:< BernieCar> it says you plus me equals us 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only sea below sea level? 0303:< BernieCar> dead 0303:< DigitalMindShadow> dead sea 0303:< _deffer_> dead sea 0303:< dkozinn> dead sea 0303:< tRitone11> Dead Sea 0303:< 3xist3nc3> Dead sea 0303:< npinsker> The answer was Dead Sea! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (128), _deffer_ (386), dkozinn (86), 3xist3nc3 (2021) 0303:< _deffer_> if there's a sea below sea level, shouldn't sea level be lowered? 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Ohio? 0303:< tRitone11> Columbus 0303:< _deffer_> columbus 0303:< BernieCar> columbus 0303:< DigitalMindShadow> Columbus 0304:< 3xist3nc3> Columbus 0304:< jedixi> Columbus 0304:< _deffer_> blue jackets 0304:< OneiricNeuron> hawaii 0304:< npinsker> The answer was Columbus! Correct users: _deffer_ (390), BernieCar (85), DigitalMindShadow (130), 3xist3nc3 (2022), jedixi (9) 0304:< _deffer_> 2007 NHL draft 0304:< _deffer_> Pat Kane taken #1 0304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820. 0304:< tRitone11> Venus de Milo 0304:< jedixi> hey, wtf, I got 0 points for that one 0304:< DigitalMindShadow> you were too late 0304:< 3xist3nc3> 2late4dabot 0304:< jedixi> Oh, speed matters, neat 0305:< npinsker> The answer was Venus de Milo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0305:< _deffer_> You got 1 at least for correct, right? 0305:< BernieCar> guys, do you know how i could make scripts work on a work computer that i can't change stuff on 0305:< DigitalMindShadow> @jedexi only the first 4 users get points 0305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || What does the term Valar Morghulis mean? 0305:< BernieCar> for at work tomorrow? 0305:< jedixi> is tRitonell just banned? 0305:< _deffer_> yes, just mute him 0305:< 3xist3nc3> 1st place gets 4 points, 2rd place gets 3 points, 3rd place gets 2 points and 4th place gets 1 point, everyone else gets nothing 0305:< jedixi> cool 0305:< npinsker> The answer was All men must die! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0305:< _deffer_> I didn't realize 5+ get nothing 0306:< jedixi> just now trying the trivia channel 0306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which snake kills the most humans? 0306:< OneiricNeuron> I have to get back to my totally perfect life. Enjoy trivia night people 0306:< tRitone11> king cobra 0306:< _deffer_> cobra 0306:< DigitalMindShadow> rattlesnake 0306:< 3xist3nc3> cya oneiricneuron 0306:< BernieCar> python 0306:< DigitalMindShadow> asp 0306:< npinsker> The answer was king cobra! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0306:< _deffer_> close 0306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Current Affairs || Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations? 0306:< tRitone11> Kofi Annan 0306:< DigitalMindShadow> kofi annan 0306:< _deffer_> uhh 0306:< jedixi> Ban Ki Moon 0307:< 3xist3nc3> ban the moon 0307:< DigitalMindShadow> hate when I don't see the question 0307:< npinsker> The answer was Kofi Annan! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (134) 0307:< BernieCar> good job! 0307:< _deffer_> then how do you know the answer? 0307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective? 0307:< DigitalMindShadow> I repeated tritone's answer 0307:< tRitone11> Dick Tracy 0307:< BernieCar> tritone told him 0307:< _deffer_> ... 0307:< DigitalMindShadow> Dick Tracy 0307:< BernieCar> HEY 0307:< jedixi> Dick Tracy 0308:< DigitalMindShadow> what is he a bot or something? 0308:< npinsker> The answer was Dick Tracy! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (138), jedixi (12) 0308:< _deffer_> time to mute digitalmind 0308:< jedixi> ha 0308:< BernieCar> yes 0308:< DigitalMindShadow> sorry didn't realize, I'll mute him 0308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott __________. 0308:< tRitone11> Trudeau 0308:< 3xist3nc3> Trudeau 0308:< dkozinn> trudeau 0308:< _deffer_> trudeau 0308:< DigitalMindShadow> dock me 12 points or something 0308:< jedixi> Trudeau 0308:< _deffer_> dad of the current PM, right? 0308:< npinsker> The answer was Trudeau! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2026), dkozinn (89), _deffer_ (392), jedixi (13) 0308:< dkozinn> yep 0308:< 3xist3nc3> gifted @DigitalMindShadow 12 points 0309:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2049), 3xist3nc3 (2026), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0309:< BernieCar> boop! 0309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Bismarck is the capital of ____________? 0309:< tRitone11> North Dakota 0309:< BernieCar> Denmark 0309:< _deffer_> north dakota 0309:< dkozinn> south dakota 0309:< dkozinn> west dakota 0309:< DigitalMindShadow> still not seeing the questions though, is there any reason why that happens? 0309:< npinsker> The answer was North Dakota! Correct users: _deffer_ (396) 0310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || U.S. President, John Quincy ________. 0310:< tRitone11> Adams 0310:< _deffer_> adams 0310:< BernieCar> Adams 0310:< jedixi> Adams 0310:< dkozinn> DigitalMindShadow Make sure you aren't filtering 0310:< BernieCar> my bad guesses are bad 0310:< DigitalMindShadow> I'm seeing the answers 0310:< _deffer_> adams is good guess 0310:< npinsker> The answer was Adams! Correct users: _deffer_ (400), BernieCar (88), jedixi (15) 0310:< BernieCar> Denmark was pretty bad. 0310:< _deffer_> lol 0310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He invented "bifocal" lenses for eyeglasses. 0310:< tRitone11> Benjamin Franklin 0310:< DigitalMindShadow> Benjamin Franklin 0310:< _deffer_> benjamin franklin 0310:< jedixi> Benjamin Franklin 0311:< BernieCar> Benjamin Bifocal 0311:< _deffer_> lol 0311:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (142), _deffer_ (403), jedixi (17) 0311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Television || Where does Gonzo from the Muppet Show come from? 0311:< tRitone11> outer space 0311:< DigitalMindShadow> Mars 0311:< BernieCar> Portland 0311:< _deffer_> lol 0311:< _deffer_> what was that guys name? 0311:< npinsker> The answer was outer space! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0312:< BernieCar> cycling something 0312:< _deffer_> that's right 0312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Darth Vader was the villan in the movie, "____ Wars". 0312:< tRitone11> Star 0312:< BernieCar> Star 0312:< DigitalMindShadow> Star 0312:< dkozinn> star 0312:< _deffer_> star 0312:< dkozinn> This is a typing test 0312:< _deffer_> star trek was so good 0312:< npinsker> The answer was Star! Correct users: BernieCar (92), DigitalMindShadow (145), dkozinn (91), _deffer_ (404) 0312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) _____. 0312:< tRitone11> comet 0313:< _deffer_> luke picard and spock solo killing jabaa the kahn 0313:< dkozinn> comet 0313:< DigitalMindShadow> comet 0313:< BernieCar> Comet 0313:< _deffer_> comet 0313:< SaveTheSpycrabs> comet 0313:< DigitalMindShadow> my cat got hit by a comet 0313:< _deffer_> Thsi ratelimit thing is pissing me off 0313:< npinsker> The answer was comet! Correct users: dkozinn (95), DigitalMindShadow (148), BernieCar (94), _deffer_ (405), SaveTheSpycrabs (4) 0313:< dkozinn> Isn't comet the stuff you use on your sink? 0313:< BernieCar> yes 0313:< DigitalMindShadow> that's what's in space 0313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix? 0313:< BernieCar> i prefer Bar Keeper's Friend 0313:< tRitone11> Damon Hill 0313:< dkozinn> fred 0313:< BernieCar> Dale Earnhardt 0314:< BernieCar> Jeff Gordon 0314:< _deffer_> 1998? Who would even know this? 0314:< npinsker> The answer was Damon Hill! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0314:< DigitalMindShadow> racing enthusiasts 0314:< BernieCar> aw nuts 0314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || In which country did edam cheese originate? 0314:< tRitone11> Holland 0314:< _deffer_> who is Damon Hill? 0314:< DigitalMindShadow> egypt 0314:< BernieCar> israel 0314:< dkozinn> Shop Rite 0314:< BernieCar> OOOH 0314:< DigitalMindShadow> The Netherlands 0314:< _deffer_> edam is so gross 0314:< BernieCar> shoprite! their digital coupons are the tits 0314:< npinsker> The answer was Holland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0315:< northadam15> lol 0315:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2049), 3xist3nc3 (2026), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0315:< dkozinn> BernieCar :-) 0315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth. 0315:< tRitone11> pituitary 0315:< BernieCar> pituitary 0315:< DigitalMindShadow> pituitary 0315:< dkozinn> pituitary 0315:< _deffer_> pituitary 0315:< npinsker> The answer was pituitary! Correct users: BernieCar (98), DigitalMindShadow (151), dkozinn (97), _deffer_ (406) 0315:< BernieCar> George Carlin talking about small children boarding the plane first 0316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sea Crawlies || How many legs does a crab have? 0316:< tRitone11> ten 0316:< BernieCar> "suppose you have a two year old with a pituitary disorder!" 0316:< DigitalMindShadow> 6 0316:< dkozinn> I'm getting IN the plane 0316:< DigitalMindShadow> 8 0316:< _deffer_> ten 0316:< BernieCar> 4 0316:< DigitalMindShadow> 10 0316:< BernieCar> 2 0316:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: _deffer_ (410), DigitalMindShadow (154) 0316:< BernieCar> wow that's a lot! 0316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if it is frightened? 0316:< tRitone11> armadillo 0316:< DigitalMindShadow> armadillo 0316:< _deffer_> armadillo 0317:< BernieCar> armadillo 0317:< dkozinn> picachu 0317:< _deffer_> and those silverfish 0317:< npinsker> The answer was armadillo! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (158), _deffer_ (413), BernieCar (100) 0317:< BernieCar> woo 100! 0317:< DigitalMindShadow> woodlouse 0317:< _deffer_> nj 0317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______. 0317:< 3xist3nc3> congrats 0317:< tRitone11> benign 0317:< _deffer_> benign 0317:< BernieCar> benign 0317:< dkozinn> benign 0317:< DigitalMindShadow> benign 0317:< Hug_The_NSA> benign 0317:< 3xist3nc3> benign 0317:< berberine> benign 0317:< dkozinn> _deffer_ Where in NJ? 0317:< BernieCar> deffer are you in NJ? I'm in CT (from NY but i live in CT now) 0318:< npinsker> The answer was benign! Correct users: _deffer_ (417), BernieCar (103), dkozinn (99), DigitalMindShadow (159), Hug_The_NSA (112), 3xist3... 0318:< _deffer_> NY 0318:< _deffer_> I said NJ for nice job hitting 100, lol 0318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christmas || Santa Claus reportedly lives at the _____ Pole. 0318:< tRitone11> north 0318:< BernieCar> north 0318:< DigitalMindShadow> north 0318:< berberine> north 0318:< Hug_The_NSA> north 0318:< dkozinn> west 0318:< DigitalMindShadow> fourth 0318:< _deffer_> north 0318:< npinsker> The answer was north! Correct users: BernieCar (107), DigitalMindShadow (162), berberine (177), Hug_The_NSA (113), _deffer_ (417) 0319:< BernieCar> oh! thanks :) 0319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Architecture || A receptacle for holy water in a church is a ....? 0319:< tRitone11> font 0319:< _deffer_> np! 0319:< Hug_The_NSA> font 0319:< berberine> font 0319:< DigitalMindShadow> cup 0319:< _deffer_> bird bath 0319:< BernieCar> where in NY _deffer_ 0319:< dkozinn> thingy 0319:< _deffer_> Buffalo-ish 0319:< DigitalMindShadow> font 0319:< npinsker> The answer was font! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (117), berberine (180), DigitalMindShadow (164) 0319:< BernieCar> ohhhh brrr 0319:< dkozinn> _deffer_ I went to RIT (a long time ago) 0319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || In 'Star Trek', what is Data's rank? 0319:< _deffer_> Yeah, snowed the other day 0319:< tRitone11> Lieutenant Commander 0319:< _deffer_> How long ago? 0319:< DigitalMindShadow> major 0319:< berberine> lt commander 0319:< dkozinn> lt cmdr 0319:< BernieCar> It snowed here in CT 0320:< DigitalMindShadow> lieutenant commander 0320:< npinsker> The answer was Lieutenant Commander! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (168) 0320:< _deffer_> dkozinn - how long ago? My sister went there from 06-10 0320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies immediately to the East of R__union? 0320:< tRitone11> Mauritius 0320:< DigitalMindShadow> Japan 0320:< BernieCar> japan 0320:< Hug_The_NSA> Maurittus 0320:< dkozinn> _deffer_ 76-81. I'm old 0320:< berberine> mauritius 0320:< hellapanda> east of wat? 0320:< DigitalMindShadow> R__union 0321:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: berberine (184) 0321:< Hug_The_NSA> Mauritius 0321:< hellapanda> oh of course 0321:< _deffer_> that's cool dkozinn. 0321:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2049), 3xist3nc3 (2026), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0321:< 3xist3nc3> so many new yorkers here 0321:< 3xist3nc3> js 0321:< hellapanda> ayyyy ny! 0321:< BernieCar> :) 0321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was a member of 'Crosby, Stills and Nash' and 'The Hollies'? 0321:< tRitone11> Graham Nash 0321:< 3xist3nc3> Bing Crosby 0321:< Hug_The_NSA> Graham Nash 0321:< DigitalMindShadow> Neil Young 0321:< berberine> graham nash 0321:< dkozinn> _deffer_ We had electricity and even color tv then. :) 0321:< BernieCar> nash 0322:< dkozinn> nash 0322:< npinsker> The answer was Graham Nash! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (121), berberine (187) 0322:< BernieCar> i love NY 0322:< DigitalMindShadow> you should get that shirt 0322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf? 0322:< tRitone11> Goldfinger 0322:< dkozinn> goldfinger 0322:< Hug_The_NSA> Goldfinger 0322:< berberine> goldfinger 0322:< DigitalMindShadow> goldfinger 0322:< 3xist3nc3> Goldfingering a Bond girl 0322:< npinsker> The answer was Goldfinger! Correct users: dkozinn (103), Hug_The_NSA (124), berberine (189), DigitalMindShadow (169) 0323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died? 0323:< tRitone11> American Pie 0323:< 3xist3nc3> American pie 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> Ameircan Pie 0323:< BernieCar> american pie 0323:< dkozinn> american pie 0323:< berberine> american pie 0323:< dkozinn> finally broke 100! 0323:< BernieCar> MAZEL TOV 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> gz bro 0323:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2030), BernieCar (110), dkozinn (105), berberine (190) 0323:< BernieCar> new jersey dkozinn 0323:< Patarknight> congrats 0323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979. 0323:< tRitone11> Jim Jones 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> omfg spelling 0323:< 3xist3nc3> noice jerb 0323:< berberine> jim jones 0323:< Hug_The_NSA> jim jones 0323:< DigitalMindShadow> jim jones 0323:< 3xist3nc3> Jim Jones 0323:< dkozinn> BernieCar bergen county 0324:< 3xist3nc3> delaware 0324:< BernieCar> good area 0324:< BernieCar> it's pretty much ny there 0324:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: berberine (194), Hug_The_NSA (127), DigitalMindShadow (171), 3xist3nc3 (2031) 0324:< dkozinn> BernieCar You? 0324:< BernieCar> with cheaper shopping 0324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin? 0324:< tRitone11> vitamin D 0324:< DigitalMindShadow> A 0324:< Hug_The_NSA> Vitamin D 0324:< dkozinn> D 0324:< berberine> Vitamin d 0324:< stikko> D 0324:< hellapanda> youre in delaware? 0324:< npinsker> The answer was vitamin D! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (131), dkozinn (108), berberine (196), stikko (2) 0325:< BernieCar> i'm in CT 0325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the name of the large natural landmark in northern Australia also known as Uluru? 0325:< tRitone11> Ayers Rock 0325:< BernieCar> i was making a joke - nice job (nj ~ new jersey) 0325:< berberine> ayers rock 0325:< Hug_The_NSA> the big red rock 0325:< DigitalMindShadow> ayers rock 0325:< vox35> Ayers Rock 0325:< dkozinn> Now you know tRitone11 is a bot 0325:< vox35> Ayyyy 0325:< npinsker> The answer was Ayers Rock! Correct users: berberine (200), DigitalMindShadow (174), vox35 (318) 0325:< hellapanda> sorry, i meant 3xist3nc3 0325:< 3xist3nc3> no i was going with the thing they were going with 0325:< hellapanda> ohhh 0325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which Apollo space mission put the first men on the moon ? 0325:< tRitone11> Apollo 11 0326:< berberine> 11 0326:< dkozinn> 11 0326:< BernieCar> 11 0326:< 3xist3nc3> 11 0326:< DigitalMindShadow> 11\ 0326:< Hug_The_NSA> Apollo 11 0326:< DigitalMindShadow> 11 0326:< BernieCar> eleven 0326:< vox35> Apollo 11 and a half 0326:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo 11! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (135) 0326:< BernieCar> oh rude 0326:< dkozinn> Same as the volume goes up to 0326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Was Sherlock Holmes' 7% solution in 'The Sign of Four'? 0326:< tRitone11> Cocaine 0326:< berberine> cocaine 0326:< dkozinn> cocaine 0326:< DigitalMindShadow> cocaine 0326:< hellapanda> cocaine 0327:< Hug_The_NSA> Meth 0327:< DigitalMindShadow> krokodil 0327:< npinsker> The answer was Cocaine! Correct users: berberine (204), dkozinn (111), DigitalMindShadow (176), hellapanda (2050) 0327:< vox35> It's all right, it;'s all right, it's all right... 0327:< Hug_The_NSA> Ganja 0327:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2050), 3xist3nc3 (2031), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was Elvis Presley's twin brother's name? 0327:< tRitone11> Garon 0327:< DigitalMindShadow> Melvin 0327:< BernieCar> sivle 0327:< Hug_The_NSA> Garon 0327:< dkozinn> Pelvis Presley 0327:< vox35> Cubert 0327:< berberine> garon 0328:< DigitalMindShadow> Jesse Gordon Presley 0328:< DigitalMindShadow> Jesse Garon Presley 0328:< npinsker> The answer was Garon! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (139), berberine (207) 0328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens? 0328:< tRitone11> Odin 0328:< Hug_The_NSA> Odin 0328:< DigitalMindShadow> Odin 0328:< vox35> Odin 0328:< npinsker> The answer was Odin! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (143), DigitalMindShadow (179), vox35 (320) 0329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || Who was the Lone Ranger's Indian companion? 0329:< tRitone11> Tonto 0329:< DigitalMindShadow> Tonto 0329:< vox35> Tonto 0329:< vox35> Toronto 0329:< hellapanda> TONTO 0329:< npinsker> The answer was Tonto! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (183), vox35 (323), hellapanda (2052) 0329:< DigitalMindShadow> Otnot 0329:< hellapanda> WHERES SHOOBY 0329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was the only mortal gorgon? 0329:< tRitone11> Medusa 0330:< Hug_The_NSA> Medusa 0330:< dkozinn> Frank 0330:< DigitalMindShadow> Medusa 0330:< BernieCar> and Beans 0330:< vox35> Suzie Gorgon 0330:< npinsker> The answer was Medusa! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (147), DigitalMindShadow (186) 0330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Jamaica? 0330:< tRitone11> kingston 0330:< DigitalMindShadow> Jamaica City 0330:< Hug_The_NSA> Kingston 0330:< vox35> Kingston 0330:< DigitalMindShadow> Kingston 0331:< BernieCar> darnit 0331:< dkozinn> ja make her 0331:< npinsker> The answer was Kingston! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (151), vox35 (326), DigitalMindShadow (188) 0331:< Hug_The_NSA> I recently went on a cruise to jamaca :) 0331:< Hug_The_NSA> shit was awesome 0331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the symbol for iron in chemistry? 0331:< tRitone11> Fe 0331:< BernieCar> good :) 0331:< DigitalMindShadow> Fe 0331:< BernieCar> Fefe 0331:< Hug_The_NSA> Fe 0331:< hellapanda> fe 0331:< vox35> I hope you didn't smoke the devil's tobacco while you were there 0331:< BernieCar> fe 0331:< Lowbacca1977> fi fo fum 0331:< vox35> fefe 0331:< npinsker> The answer was Fe! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (192), BernieCar (113), Hug_The_NSA (153), hellapanda (2053), vox35 (326) 0331:< BernieCar> rate limit jerk face 0332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up? 0332:< tRitone11> seven 0332:< dkozinn> 7 0332:< DigitalMindShadow> 7 0332:< hellapanda> 7 0332:< BernieCar> 7 0332:< Lowbacca1977> 7 0332:< hellapanda> seven 0332:< Hug_The_NSA> Oh vox35, I did. I literally walked up to a guy in a shop who was smoking a joint. When he asked me what I wanted I pointed at a joint. 0332:< Hug_The_NSA> got like a quarter of really good stuff by american standards for 35 dollars 0332:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: dkozinn (115), DigitalMindShadow (195), hellapanda (2055), BernieCar (114), Lowbacca1977 (7) 0332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Maths || What is next in the series 1 8 27 ?? 125 216? 0332:< tRitone11> 64 0333:< hellapanda> 64 0333:< DigitalMindShadow> 42 0333:< Lowbacca1977> 64 0333:< dkozinn> -i 0333:< npinsker> The answer was 64! Correct users: hellapanda (2059), Lowbacca1977 (10) 0333:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2031), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0333:< vox35> There are like, 5 marijuana "clinics" within like, 3 blocks of my place. It's everywhere in Vancouver. 0333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Constructed by Belthasar, this time machine from Chrono Trigger is given the ability to fly by Dalton. 0334:< dkozinn> yes 0334:< Hug_The_NSA> I'm from southern USA, no medical weed here :c 0334:< BernieCar> yes 0334:< DigitalMindShadow> Keeper's Dome 0334:< dkozinn> Even stumped the bot 0334:< npinsker> The answer was Epoch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0334:< vox35> "medical" 0334:< dick_sanitizer> okay back for a long time this time 0334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || In the House of Lords, where does the Lord Chancellor sit? 0334:< tRitone11> woolsack 0334:< BernieCar> at the top 0334:< DigitalMindShadow> plenty of medical mj here in Indiana, it's just illegal is all 0334:< dkozinn> on his ass 0334:< vox35> On the Queen's face 0334:< dick_sanitizer> maybe 0334:< Hug_The_NSA> woolsack 0335:< DigitalMindShadow> woolsack 0335:< npinsker> The answer was woolsack! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (157), DigitalMindShadow (198) 0335:< dick_sanitizer> head of the table 0335:< dkozinn> ballsack? 0335:< Hug_The_NSA> yes he sits in the ballsack 0335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || From what platform does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave Pennsylvania station? 0335:< tRitone11> twenty nine 0335:< DigitalMindShadow> 1 0335:< dkozinn> 29 0335:< Hug_The_NSA> 999992339293352352323421th station 0335:< vox35> 29 0335:< DigitalMindShadow> 2 0335:< BernieCar> that sounds like a tune i should listen to 0335:< vox35> track 29 0335:< DigitalMindShadow> 3 0335:< npinsker> The answer was twenty nine! Correct users: dkozinn (119), vox35 (329) 0336:< DigitalMindShadow> well I was never going to get there 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || --isms: Exalting one's country above all others. 0336:< tRitone11> nationalism 0336:< DigitalMindShadow> nationalism 0336:< Hug_The_NSA> nationalism 0336:< dick_sanitizer> nationalism 0336:< dkozinn> ism-ism 0336:< vox35> Jingoism 0336:< Hug_The_NSA> trump 2016btw 0336:< npinsker> The answer was nationalism! Correct users: DigitalMindShadow (202), Hug_The_NSA (160), dick_sanitizer (279) 0336:< 3xist3nc3> nationalism 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Final Fantasy VII was originally designed in what video game system? 0336:< dick_sanitizer> nationalism... and bob the fucking builderrr! 0337:< dkozinn> n64 0337:< dick_sanitizer> Nintendo 64 0337:< DigitalMindShadow> Nintendo 64 0337:< 3xist3nc3> Nintendo 64 0337:< BernieCar> sega genisis 0337:< vox35> N64 0337:< BernieCar> genesisgenesis 0337:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo 64! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (283), DigitalMindShadow (205), 3xist3nc3 (2033) 0337:< grink> penistv 0337:< vox35> Fark 0337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Russian modernist Igor --------- 0337:< tRitone11> Stravinsky 0337:< dkozinn> That was a total guess. Should have spelled it out I guess 0337:< BernieCar> Stravinsky 0337:< grink> russia 0337:< 3xist3nc3> Ruskuvny 0337:< vox35> Stravinsky 0338:< npinsker> The answer was Stravinsky! Correct users: BernieCar (118), vox35 (332) 0338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews. 0338:< tRitone11> holocaust 0338:< BernieCar> Holocaust 0338:< dkozinn> holocaust 0338:< vox35> Holocaust 0338:< npinsker> The answer was holocaust! Correct users: BernieCar (122), dkozinn (122), vox35 (334) 0339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Burma? 0339:< tRitone11> Rangoon 0339:< dkozinn> Washington 0339:< BernieCar> amrub 0339:< npinsker> The answer was Rangoon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0339:< BernieCar> get out of here with your sad face 0339:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2033), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0340:< BernieCar> this is hard 0340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of? 0340:< tRitone11> Asia 0340:< BernieCar> europe 0340:< dkozinn> asia 0340:< dick_sanitizer> asia 0340:< dick_sanitizer> africa 0340:< npinsker> The answer was Asia! Correct users: dkozinn (126), dick_sanitizer (286) 0340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Beatle wrote The Octopus's song? 0340:< tRitone11> Ringo Starr 0341:< dkozinn> ringo 0341:< BernieCar> Harrison 0341:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: ferndave (71) 0341:< BernieCar> boop 0341:< dkozinn> boo 0341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What came out of Milton's head? 0341:< tRitone11> steam 0341:< BernieCar> punctuation 0341:< BernieCar> who's milton? 0342:< npinsker> The answer was steam! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the president of the U.S in 'Air Force One'? 0342:< tRitone11> Harrison Ford 0342:< BernieCar> martin sheen 0342:< grink> charlie spleen 0342:< ferndave> Harrison Ford 0342:< npinsker> The answer was Harrison Ford! Correct users: ferndave (75) 0343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer || What does DMA stand for? 0343:< tRitone11> Direct Memory Access 0343:< npinsker> The answer was Direct Memory Access! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || What was the last movie of the late Brandon Lee? 0343:< tRitone11> The Crow 0344:< dkozinn> crow 0344:< KCosmo> The Crow 0344:< npinsker> The answer was The Crow! Correct users: KCosmo (108) 0344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was the name of the restaurant the TV series "Happy Days"? 0344:< tRitone11> Arnolds 0344:< KCosmo> Arnolds 0344:< grink> glory hole 0344:< dkozinn> arnolds 0345:< npinsker> The answer was Arnolds! Correct users: KCosmo (112), dkozinn (129) 0345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Richard Strauss' majestic overture "Also Sprach Zarathustra" was the theme music for which Stanley Kubrick film? 0345:< tRitone11> 2001 : A Space Odyessy 0345:< dkozinn> 2001 0345:< KCosmo> 2001 0345:< _deffer_> 2001 0345:< BernieCar> 2001: A space odessey 0345:< npinsker> The answer was 2001 : A Space Odyessy! Correct users: dkozinn (133), KCosmo (115), _deffer_ (419) 0346:< BernieCar> oh poop 0346:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2033), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (965), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0346:< 3xist3nc3> Don't worry, the bot spelled Odyssey wrong. 0346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who said 'eureka'? 0346:< tRitone11> Archimedes 0346:< 3xist3nc3> Archimedes 0346:< dkozinn> Frank 0346:< KCosmo> archimedes 0346:< grink> bathtub 0346:< npinsker> The answer was Archimedes! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2037), KCosmo (118) 0347:< BernieCar> great job 0347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Larry Hagman portray in the TV series 'Dallas'? 0347:< tRitone11> J.R. Ewing 0347:< dkozinn> jr ewing 0347:< BernieCar> goodnight friends! 0347:< npinsker> The answer was J.R. Ewing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0347:< _deffer_> Night BernieCar 0347:< KCosmo> night bernie 0347:< dkozinn> BernieCar g'nite 0347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clothing || On what is an espadrille worn? 0347:< tRitone11> foot 0348:< grink> silk 0348:< npinsker> The answer was foot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || What fruits are usually served 'belle helene'? 0348:< tRitone11> pears 0348:< dkozinn> strawberries 0349:< dkozinn> bananas 0349:< dhartun1> pear 0349:< dkozinn> prunes 0349:< npinsker> The answer was pears! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Olympics || Who did Zola Budd trip in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics? 0349:< tRitone11> Mary Decker 0349:< grink> mechahitler 0349:< npinsker> The answer was Mary Decker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0350:< chapebrone> ^ %chat penis/ #rpg a ctive c hannels 0350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What city's name is derived from the words 'dubh linn'? 0350:< tRitone11> Dublin 0350:< dkozinn> dublin 0350:< FeebleOldMan> dublin 0350:< KCosmo> DUBLIN 0350:< npinsker> The answer was Dublin! Correct users: dkozinn (137), FeebleOldMan (968), KCosmo (120) 0350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || How many time zones are there in China? 0350:< tRitone11> one 0351:< KCosmo> 1 0351:< dkozinn> 1 0351:< grink> -1 0351:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0351:< KCosmo> wut 0351:< dkozinn> Hey~ 0351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover? 0351:< tRitone11> National Geographic 0351:< dkozinn> wired 0351:< KCosmo> national geographic 0352:< grink> playboy 0352:< npinsker> The answer was National Geographic! Correct users: KCosmo (124) 0352:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (968), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the only native North American marsupial. 0352:< tRitone11> opossum 0352:< KCosmo> possum 0352:< dkozinn> George. 0352:< grink> opossum 0353:< KCosmo> opossum 0353:< npinsker> The answer was opossum! Correct users: grink (314), KCosmo (127) 0353:< dkozinn> I'm out. G'nite all. 0353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An anemometer measures ____ ________. 0353:< tRitone11> wind velocity 0353:< KCosmo> night 0353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wind speed 0353:< grink> fart speed 0353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto speed 0353:< npinsker> The answer was wind velocity! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0354:< grink> true velovity has a direction 0354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of? 0354:< tRitone11> hair 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> ivory 0354:< grink> corn 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hair 0354:< KCosmo> ivory 0354:< embracetehmartian> ivory 0354:< KCosmo> hair 0354:< dhartun1> dreams 0354:< grink> penis hair 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's hair 0354:< embracetehmartian> hair 0354:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (441), KCosmo (130), grink (316), embracetehmartian (9) 0354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be? 0354:< tRitone11> forty 0355:< grink> 40 0355:< embracetehmartian> forty 0355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 40 0355:< grink> i'm just guessing 0355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 50 0355:< npinsker> The answer was forty! Correct users: grink (320), embracetehmartian (12), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (443) 0355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"? 0355:< tRitone11> Glinda 0355:< grink> shooby is https 0355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dorothy 0355:< grink> midgets 0355:< embracetehmartian> dorothy 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dorothy gale 0356:< KCosmo> glinda the good witch 0356:< npinsker> The answer was Glinda! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which british group recorded the 1983 hit 'Owner Of A Lonely Heart'? 0356:< tRitone11> Yes 0356:< embracetehmartian> two people said glinda 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> yes 0356:< embracetehmartian> yes 0356:< KCosmo> YES 0356:< KCosmo> YAAAAAS 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> TONTO 0356:< grink> pronto 0356:< npinsker> The answer was Yes! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (447), embracetehmartian (15), KCosmo (132) 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> prontonto 0357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s. 0357:< tRitone11> grunge 0357:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> grunge 0357:< dhartun1> grunge 0357:< grink> tonto grudge 0357:< embracetehmartian> grunge 0357:< KCosmo> grunge 0357:< grink> grundge 0357:< grink> fuck me 0357:< npinsker> The answer was grunge! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (451), dhartun1 (19), embracetehmartian (17), KCosmo (133) 0357:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's sweet, melodious voice 0357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Yaounde is the capital of ____________? 0357:< tRitone11> Cameroon 0358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoland 0358:< grink> i <3 tonto, toronto 0358:< npinsker> The answer was Cameroon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0358:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (968), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement? 0358:< tRitone11> Germany 0359:< KCosmo> germany 0359:< grink> usa 0359:< KCosmo> korea 0359:< grink> north dakota 0359:< KCosmo> carolina 0359:< npinsker> The answer was Germany! Correct users: KCosmo (137) 0359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What volcano destroyed Pompeii? 0359:< tRitone11> Vesuvius 0359:< grink> vesuvius 0359:< KCosmo> vesuvius 0400:< npinsker> The answer was Vesuvius! Correct users: grink (324), KCosmo (140) 0400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Wales? 0400:< tRitone11> Cardiff 0400:< grink> I_Am_Shooby_Taylor's nose, whaleland 0400:< KCosmo> cardiff 0400:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: KCosmo (144) 0401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What is Tina Turner's real name? 0401:< tRitone11> annie mae bullock 0401:< KCosmo> anna mae bullock 0401:< grink> tuna fish 0401:< KCosmo> anna mae! eat the cake 0401:< 3xist3nc3> Bae Bollocks 0401:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Mae Bullock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0401:< KCosmo> eat the cake anna mae! 0401:< KCosmo> bollocks 0401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many teeth does a walrus have? 0401:< tRitone11> eighteen 0402:< grink> human 18 0402:< 3xist3nc3> all of them 0402:< grink> human 16 0402:< npinsker> The answer was eighteen! Correct users: grink (328) 0402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currency || What is the currency of Venezuela? 0402:< tRitone11> Bolivar 0402:< grink> oil 0402:< KCosmo> vuvuzela 0402:< grink> soccer 0403:< npinsker> The answer was Bolivar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Gone With The Wind'? 0403:< tRitone11> Margaret Mitchell 0403:< grink> a writer 0403:< npinsker> The answer was Margaret Mitchell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0403:< dhartun1> I don't give a damn 0404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Who created the 2004 viral 'This Land' video featuring George W. Bush and John Kerry? 0404:< dhartun1> JibJab 0404:< grink> a racist 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0404:< KCosmo> jibjab 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> jibjab 0404:< grink> dubya 0404:< KCosmo> bro I almost wrote the fine bros, wtf 0404:< npinsker> The answer was JibJab! Correct users: dhartun1 (23), KCosmo (147), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (453) 0404:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (968), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Final Fantasy class combines the abilities of Black and White mages, and also had some traits of fighters. 0405:< FeebleOldMan> hey tonto guy 0405:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hi tonto 0405:< KCosmo> red mage 0405:< FeebleOldMan> red mage 0405:< grink> we like tonto 0405:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> red mage 0405:< FeebleOldMan> Red mage 0405:< npinsker> The answer was Red Mage! Correct users: KCosmo (151), FeebleOldMan (971), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (455) 0405:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> everybody likes tonto 0405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is Warren Beatty's sister? 0405:< tRitone11> Shirley MacLaine 0406:< KCosmo> shirley maclaine 0406:< grink> his lover 0406:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontette beatty 0406:< FeebleOldMan> barren beatty 0406:< grink> wincest 0406:< npinsker> The answer was Shirley MacLaine! Correct users: KCosmo (155) 0406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977? 0406:< tRitone11> Screen kiss 0406:< KCosmo> I bet you think this song is about you dont youuuu 0406:< grink> boobies 0406:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto appeared naked 0406:< FeebleOldMan> murder 0407:< KCosmo> kissing 0407:< grink> curry 0407:< npinsker> The answer was Screen kiss! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0407:< KCosmo> boooo 0407:< grink> lame answer 0407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of heredity called? 0407:< tRitone11> genetics 0407:< FeebleOldMan> genetics 0407:< grink> genetics 0407:< KCosmo> genetics 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> genetics 0407:< grink> church of scientology 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontology 0407:< FeebleOldMan> genealogy 0407:< npinsker> The answer was genetics! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (975), grink (331), KCosmo (157), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (456) 0408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Snatch"? 0408:< tRitone11> Brad Pitt 0408:< grink> vagina 0408:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0408:< KCosmo> jason statham 0408:< FeebleOldMan> can't rem 0408:< KCosmo> brad pitt 0408:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> jason statham 0408:< grink> lois giffin 0408:< npinsker> The answer was Brad Pitt! Correct users: KCosmo (161) 0408:< KCosmo> brad pitt is def not the lead 0408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || What is a Gopak? 0408:< tRitone11> A Russian dance 0409:< FeebleOldMan> bag 0409:< grink> ball sack 0409:< KCosmo> dessert 0409:< FeebleOldMan> food 0409:< FeebleOldMan> backpack 0409:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> a strand of tonto's luscious hair 0409:< npinsker> The answer was A Russian dance! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What European country has "Vaduz" as its capital city? 0409:< tRitone11> Liechtenstein 0409:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoland 0409:< FeebleOldMan> vaduland 0409:< grink> eypt 0409:< awfullotofocelots> Latvia 0410:< KCosmo> litchetehstein 0410:< FeebleOldMan> iceland 0410:< grink> labia 0410:< npinsker> The answer was Liechtenstein! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0410:< awfullotofocelots> Leichtenstein 0410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle? 0410:< awfullotofocelots> Artimis 0410:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> artemis 0410:< BossColo> Artemis 0410:< FeebleOldMan> artemis 0410:< KCosmo> artemis 0410:< awfullotofocelots> Apollo 0410:< grink> busy dude 0410:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0410:< FeebleOldMan> apollo 0410:< KCosmo> demeter 0410:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (12), FeebleOldMan (978) 0410:< awfullotofocelots> teehee 0411:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1825), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (978), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0411:< awfullotofocelots> wholy shiiet 0411:< awfullotofocelots> u guys have been here trivianing all day? 0411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In 1989's "Tecmo Bowl", how many plays did you have to choose from? 0411:< grink> 8 0411:< FeebleOldMan> 3 0411:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 8 0411:< FeebleOldMan> 8 0411:< BossColo> 3 0411:< FeebleOldMan> 5 0411:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's favorite number 0411:< npinsker> The answer was 4! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0412:< KCosmo> that is not right! it was 4 run plays and 4 pass plays 0412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the Painted Desert? 0412:< tRitone11> Arizona 0412:< KCosmo> this is BULLSHIT 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> arizona 0412:< BossColo> Utah 0412:< KCosmo> arizona 0412:< awfullotofocelots> New Mexico 0412:< grink> ./bin/bash:#: ny stat eof mind 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> utah 0412:< FeebleOldMan> arizona 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> new mexico 0412:< FeebleOldMan> utah 0412:< awfullotofocelots> Utah 0412:< KCosmo> wyoming 0412:< npinsker> The answer was Arizona! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (460), KCosmo (164), FeebleOldMan (980) 0413:< npinsker> The answer was Communist Manifesto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0413:< FeebleOldMan> lag? 0413:< awfullotofocelots> rate limit? 0413:< KCosmo> I cant send messages 0414:< grink> fuck did i break it 0414:< KCosmo> maybe we will finally merge! 0414:< npinsker> The answer was Lambarene! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0414:< grink> i just lagged 0414:< FeebleOldMan> yeah us too 0414:< awfullotofocelots> not seeing qs 0414:< BossColo> reddit is down! 0414:< KCosmo> same 0414:< awfullotofocelots> We will merge in the next 6 or so hrs 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many tentacles does a squid have? 0414:< jayman419> Reddit's servers are showing "Ow!" screens, too. 0414:< tRitone11> ten 0414:< grink> 8 0414:< FeebleOldMan> 8 0414:< KCosmo> 8 0414:< awfullotofocelots> 10 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 10 0414:< grink> TENtacles hmm 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wow, lag 0414:< vineman> reddit is down forever 0415:< KCosmo> suuuuuper lag 0415:< BossColo> 10 0415:< awfullotofocelots> We did it robin! 0415:< FeebleOldMan> 10 0415:< awfullotofocelots> we broke reddit 0415:< FeebleOldMan> 12 0415:< KCosmo> yaaay 0415:< KCosmo> *busts out the champagne 0415:< npinsker> The answer was William Boyd! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0415:< FeebleOldMan> oh shit this robin better not crash 0415:< 3xist3nc3> What happened? It didn't crash for me 0415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 0415:< FeebleOldMan> reddit is down 0416:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> custer 0416:< tRitone11> General Custer 0416:< FeebleOldMan> general custer 0416:< awfullotofocelots> Custer 0416:< KCosmo> general custer 0416:< chuckfinleLP1> General Custer 0416:< FeebleOldMan> General Custer 0416:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> george custer 0416:< npinsker> The answer was General Custer! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (467), FeebleOldMan (983), awfullotofocelots (18), KCosmo (165), chuck... 0416:< awfullotofocelots> I've been saying that a group over 4084 is probs gonna crash, since tier 8 --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:17:45 2016 0417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fish || A goldfish has a memory of how many seconds? 0417:< FeebleOldMan> 3 0417:< grink> || tonto 2 0417:< Patarknight> 3 0417:< awfullotofocelots> 3 0417:< tRitone11> three 0417:< grink> dori 0417:< FeebleOldMan> but it's not true :( 0417:< BossColo> 12 0417:< dkozinn> what was the question? 0417:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Maybe the presence of Tonto is causing the lag. 0418:< npinsker> The answer was three! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (987), Patarknight (1828), awfullotofocelots (20) 0418:< FeebleOldMan> dkozinn goldfish memory length 0418:< grink> please upgrade to tonto v2.0 0418:< dkozinn> FeebleOldMan I think you missed the joke. 0418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical element Pa? 0418:< KCosmo> wtf I all my messges are unable to send 0418:< awfullotofocelots> Paladium 0418:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> paladium 0418:< KCosmo> OH NOW YOU ACCEPT THE MESSAGE 0418:< dkozinn> Palladium 0418:< grink> pensyltucky 0418:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> palladium 0418:< npinsker> The answer was Protactinium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played commander Riker in 'Star Trek'? 0419:< tRitone11> Jonathan Frakes 0419:< 3xist3nc3> btw this is a april fools beta of chatrooms right? 0419:< KCosmo> jonathan frakes 0419:< grink> richard 0419:< awfullotofocelots> Jonathan Frakes 0419:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> James Tonto Kirk 0419:< npinsker> The answer was Jonathan Frakes! Correct users: KCosmo (169), awfullotofocelots (23) 0419:< awfullotofocelots> Existence its a chatroom started on April 1 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which of Shakespeare's plays is this line: "All the world's a stage..." 0419:< tRitone11> As You Like It 0419:< grink> macbeth 0420:< KCosmo> as you like it 0420:< awfullotofocelots> The Tempest 0420:< grink> mc hammer 0420:< FeebleOldMan> and all of us merely players 0420:< 3xist3nc3> I know but it could be a beta for subreddit chatrooms 0420:< awfullotofocelots> $ No idea if they're using it as a beta to test new features of what 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> The Tontempest 0420:< npinsker> The answer was As You Like It! Correct users: KCosmo (173) 0420:< awfullotofocelots> I was in the Tempest in HS 0420:< awfullotofocelots> WTF it's in the tempest too 0420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ______. 0420:< tRitone11> bob 0420:< FeebleOldMan> bob 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> weight 0420:< KCosmo> bob 0420:< KCosmo> bobby d 0420:< FeebleOldMan> weighted bob 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bob 0420:< grink> cocaine 0420:< chuckfinleLP1> Bob 0421:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> robert 0421:< FeebleOldMan> ball 0421:< npinsker> The answer was bob! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (991), KCosmo (176), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (473), chuckfinleLP1 (23) 0421:< grink> dick_sanitizer 0421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscles move the ears? 0421:< tRitone11> auricularis 0421:< grink> ear muscles 0421:< FeebleOldMan> timpanus 0421:< dick_sanitizer> i have been summoned? 0421:< awfullotofocelots> ear muscles 0421:< grink> we miss you 0421:< FeebleOldMan> lol anus 0421:< chuckfinleLP1> auricularis 0421:< dick_sanitizer> aw <3 0421:< npinsker> The answer was auricularis! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (27) 0421:< awfullotofocelots> what other good rooms are there in soKuKu rt now? 0422:< grink> i used you as an answer 0422:< awfullotofocelots> I'm bored of trivia 0422:< KCosmo> #rpg is cool 0422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested? 0422:< tRitone11> eleven 0422:< dick_sanitizer> i was asking that question in %chat before too 0422:< grink> 12 0422:< KCosmo> 11 0422:< FeebleOldMan> 13 0422:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto years old 0422:< chuckfinleLP1> 12 0422:< KCosmo> CRASH OVERRIDE 0422:< grink> z3r0_k00l 0422:< FeebleOldMan> 11 0422:< FeebleOldMan> 30 0422:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: KCosmo (180), FeebleOldMan (994) 0422:< FeebleOldMan> 15 0422:< dick_sanitizer> it's quite fun lol 0422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie "The Rock"? 0422:< tRitone11> Sean Connery 0423:< FeebleOldMan> sean connery 0423:< KCosmo> sean connery 0423:< grink> sean connery 0423:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sean connery 0423:< chuckfinleLP1> Sean Connery 0423:< KCosmo> de rach 0423:< dick_sanitizer> there was a scrabble channel earlier, but the dude was having issues with the bot 0423:< npinsker> The answer was Sean Connery! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (998), KCosmo (183), grink (333), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (474), chuckfinleLP1 (27) 0423:< dick_sanitizer> that was fun too 0423:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1828), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (998), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWith... 0423:< grink> a merge just happened 0423:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> what tier 0423:< KCosmo> wha wha wha 0423:< dick_sanitizer> oh i heard 0423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'? 0423:< tRitone11> The Andrews Sisters 0424:< dick_sanitizer> there are 2 teir 13s now i think 0424:< FeebleOldMan> oh shit this is so familar 0424:< KCosmo> now I have the song in my head 0424:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto and his singing Tontos 0424:< KCosmo> the something sisters 0424:< npinsker> The answer was The Andrews Sisters! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0424:< FeebleOldMan> scissors sisters 0424:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the Tonto sisters 0424:< dick_sanitizer> live robin tracker: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0424:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor. 0424:< tRitone11> felony 0424:< FeebleOldMan> felony 0424:< KCosmo> felony 0424:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> felony 0424:< Patarknight> felony 0424:< grink> mooder 0424:< FeebleOldMan> passion 0424:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> impersonating Tonto 0424:< dick_sanitizer> new robin: fiscToliRy 0425:< KCosmo> how many people in it? 0425:< npinsker> The answer was felony! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1002), KCosmo (186), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (476), Patarknight (1829) 0425:< FeebleOldMan> demeanor 0425:< dick_sanitizer> 1213 0425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In what 1983 game did you play a bartender for some very thirsty customers? 0425:< FeebleOldMan> barkeep 0425:< dick_sanitizer> i think it'll be a t13 0425:< FeebleOldMan> Barkeep 0425:< FeebleOldMan> Bar Keep 0425:< KCosmo> it says 14 on the tracker 0425:< dick_sanitizer> the tracker hasnt updated just yet 0425:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto bar 0426:< joe_chip> 1213 people 0426:< FeebleOldMan> bar keep 0426:< dick_sanitizer> oh neat 0426:< npinsker> The answer was Tapper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0426:< FeebleOldMan> shiet remembered the wrong ans 0426:< dick_sanitizer> now we jsut need two more t13s.... 0426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie trivia || Who directed '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'A Clockwork Orange'. 0426:< tRitone11> Stanley Kubrick 0426:< FeebleOldMan> stanley kubrick 0426:< KCosmo> stanley kubrick 0426:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> stanley kubrick 0426:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto kubrick 0426:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Kubrick! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1006), KCosmo (189), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (478) 0426:< KCosmo> tonto estan tan tontito 0426:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Have any of you had visions of Tonto lately? 0426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which Irish city is famous for its crystal? 0426:< tRitone11> Waterford 0427:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0427:< npinsker> The answer was Waterford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0427:< tRitone11> lol 0427:< FeebleOldMan> lol 0427:< KCosmo> lol 0427:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> lol 0427:< KCosmo> srsly 0427:< FeebleOldMan> LOL 0427:< grink> ROFLCOPTER 0428:< FeebleOldMan> \o/ 0428:< Sat_Nav66> o/ 0428:< npinsker> The answer was lol! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1010), KCosmo (192), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (480) 0428:< FeebleOldMan> afk 0428:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> CATEGORY: Tonto || Who should be looked upon as a god by all people? 0428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BANANAS || Individual bananas are called ? 0428:< tRitone11> fingers 0428:< KCosmo> fingers 0428:< Sat_Nav66> Banana 0428:< grink> dicks 0428:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bananas 0428:< grink> toananasa 0428:< npinsker> The answer was fingers! Correct users: KCosmo (196) 0429:< dick_sanitizer> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What type of car is it that crashes into the tree when Ron and Harry drive it? 0429:< Sat_Nav66> Ford Angelica 0429:< grink> smart car 0429:< 3xist3nc3> magic car 0429:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> flying car 0429:< Sat_Nav66> Ford Angelina 0429:< grink> fisher price car 0429:< KCosmo> I will never know this hp shite 0429:< KCosmo> flying 0429:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto's car 0429:< npinsker> The answer was Ford Anglia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0429:< Sat_Nav66> DAMMIT 0429:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2037), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1010), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0430:< 3xist3nc3> JOLIE 0430:< Sat_Nav66> I knew it was something like that, was so close 0430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song's words were changed and then published in 1935 as 'Happy Birthday To You'? 0430:< tRitone11> Good Morning To You 0430:< KCosmo> good morning to you 0430:< grink> dappy dew year 0430:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> good morning to you 0430:< atdemeo> Straight outta compton 0430:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> HAPPY TONTO DAY TO YOU 0430:< PotatoBadger> Cow Fucker 9000 0430:< npinsker> The answer was Good Morning To You! Correct users: KCosmo (200), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (483) 0430:< Sat_Nav66> Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank god I'm breathin 0430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space? 0430:< tRitone11> orbit 0430:< grink> orbit 0430:< KCosmo> orbit 0430:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> orbit 0431:< Sat_Nav66> ORbit 0431:< grink> gum 0431:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontorbitontorbitontorbit 0431:< PotatoBadger> Degenerate scumfuck bastard douchebags 0431:< npinsker> The answer was orbit! Correct users: grink (337), KCosmo (203), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (485), Sat_Nav66 (61) 0431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What group landed in America in 1620? 0431:< tRitone11> The Pilgrims 0431:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Pilgrims 0431:< grink> pilgrims 0431:< Sat_Nav66> The Pilgrims 0431:< PotatoBadger> My Penis 0431:< dick_sanitizer> pilgrims 0431:< Sat_Nav66> Pilgrims 0431:< grink> russians 0431:< pcpmasterrace> CHristofer Colombus 0431:< 3xist3nc3> The pilgrims 0431:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto 0432:< Sat_Nav66> spanish 0432:< npinsker> The answer was The Pilgrims! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (65), 3xist3nc3 (2040) 0432:< KCosmo> the pilgrams 0432:< dick_sanitizer> whats the famous quote im thinking of that includes pilgrims 0432:< KCosmo> the pilgrims 0432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Monuments || Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour? 0432:< tRitone11> Virgin Mary 0432:< dick_sanitizer> and the dude says it PILL-grimms 0432:< pcpmasterrace> ur mom 0432:< KCosmo> virgin mary 0432:< dick_sanitizer> mary 0432:< grink> venessa 0432:< npinsker> The answer was Virgin Mary! Correct users: KCosmo (207) 0432:< 3xist3nc3> Many pornstars have erected many ''monuments'' 0433:< Sat_Nav66> They have? 0433:< grink> proof 0433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What is another name for a tightrope walker? 0433:< tRitone11> funambulist 0433:< grink> cut ball sack 0433:< Sat_Nav66> acrobat 0433:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> funambulist 0433:< atdemeo> Big stick holder 0433:< Sat_Nav66> funambulist 0433:< KCosmo> funambulist 0433:< npinsker> The answer was funambulist! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (489), Sat_Nav66 (68), KCosmo (209) 0433:< Sat_Nav66> I am so smart. 0433:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || What digital currency was created in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0433:< grink> bitcoin 0433:< atdemeo> bitcoin 0433:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bitcoin 0433:< Sat_Nav66> Bitcoin 0433:< KCosmo> bitcoin 0433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As pleased as _________. 0433:< tRitone11> punch 0433:< 3xist3nc3> Buttcoin 0434:< grink> feathers 0434:< Sat_Nav66> punch 0434:< atdemeo> punch 0434:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> punch 0434:< 3xist3nc3> kick 0434:< KCosmo> punch 0434:< grink> dragon punch 0434:< PotatoBadger> I'm not npisnker you fucking dumbasses 0434:< dick_sanitizer> at least change the questions up, potatobadger ;) 0434:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> fruit punch 0434:< npinsker> The answer was punch! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (72), atdemeo (13), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (491), KCosmo (210), grink (337) 0434:< PotatoBadger> eat shit, dick 0434:< PotatoBadger> it's a good question 0434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a heliologist study? 0434:< tRitone11> the sun 0434:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sun 0434:< KCosmo> the sun 0434:< grink> sun 0434:< 3xist3nc3> the myths of helios 0434:< KCosmo> helios duuuh 0434:< grink> helicopters 0435:< npinsker> The answer was the sun! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (495), KCosmo (213), grink (339) 0435:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> CATEGORY: Religion || Who is our Lord and Savior? 0435:< KCosmo> haha 0435:< grink> tonto 0435:< KCosmo> I almost answered 0435:< PotatoBadger> Yeezus 0435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was 'hooked on a feeling'? 0435:< tRitone11> Blue Suede 0435:< atdemeo> Bernie Sanders 0435:< 3xist3nc3> A gun-loving version of Jesus 0435:< KCosmo> blue suede 0435:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> blue swede 0435:< grink> bear jew 0435:< 3xist3nc3> Bernie Kanye Tesla 0435:< KCosmo> IIIIIII E IIIIIIII EIIIIIIII 0435:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> btw grink was correct for my question 0435:< npinsker> The answer was Blue Suede! Correct users: KCosmo (217) 0436:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> misspelled 0436:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2040), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1010), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0436:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> it's blue swede 0436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Winky and Dobby are what kind of magical creatures? 0436:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> house elf 0436:< grink> dildos 0436:< dick_sanitizer> house elves 0436:< KCosmo> house elves 0436:< dick_sanitizer> house elf 0436:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> house elves 0436:< grink> elf on the shelf 0436:< npinsker> The answer was House elves! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (290), KCosmo (220), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (497) 0437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour. 0437:< tRitone11> rhinoceros 0437:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> rhinoceros 0437:< atdemeo> Giraffe 0437:< 3xist3nc3> fat horse 0437:< grink> holy shit animal 0437:< dick_sanitizer> hippopottamas 0437:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> two-tonto 0437:< npinsker> The answer was rhinoceros! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (501) 0437:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Taylor Swift || But I've got a blank space, baby. And I'll write your ______. 0437:< dick_sanitizer> ah close-ish 0437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the instrument of execution during the "Reign of Terror"? 0437:< tRitone11> guillotine 0437:< grink> penis 0438:< KCosmo> guillotine 0438:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto's penis 0438:< PotatoBadger> it's totally penis 0438:< dick_sanitizer> guillotine 0438:< npinsker> The answer was guillotine! Correct users: KCosmo (224), dick_sanitizer (293) 0438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A baby doctor is a _________. 0438:< tRitone11> pediatrician 0438:< grink> pedo 0438:< KCosmo> pediatrictian 0438:< dick_sanitizer> pediatrician 0438:< FeebleOldMan> pediatrician 0438:< KCosmo> obgyn 0438:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> very smart baby 0439:< grink> dukey houser 0439:< KCosmo> peditrician 0439:< npinsker> The answer was pediatrician! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (297), FeebleOldMan (1013) 0439:< grink> NPH 0439:< KCosmo> gd cant spell for shit 0439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico? 0439:< tRitone11> Speedy Gonzalez 0439:< KCosmo> speedy gonzalez 0439:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> speedy gonzales 0439:< grink> speed gonsalez 0439:< dick_sanitizer> speedy gonzales 0439:< KCosmo> how is looney toons movie trivia 0439:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> time to see who spelled it right 0439:< npinsker> The answer was Speedy Gonzalez! Correct users: KCosmo (228), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (504), dick_sanitizer (299) 0440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currency || What country's currency is the Bolivar? 0440:< tRitone11> Venezuela 0440:< grink> chocolate 0440:< FeebleOldMan> venezuela 0440:< dick_sanitizer> peso 0440:< KCosmo> venezuela 0440:< KCosmo> wasnt that the capital too? 0440:< FeebleOldMan> bolivia 0440:< PotatoBadger> Bitcoin 0440:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Boulevard 0440:< grink> tontocoin 0440:< dick_sanitizer> bolivia 0440:< npinsker> The answer was Venezuela! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1017), KCosmo (231) 0440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This country is divided at the 38th parallel. 0440:< tRitone11> Korea 0440:< KCosmo> korea 0440:< grink> korea 0441:< FeebleOldMan> korea 0441:< dick_sanitizer> korea 0441:< dick_sanitizer> berlin 0441:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> korea 0441:< FeebleOldMan> berlin 0441:< grink> tezas 0441:< npinsker> The answer was Korea! Correct users: KCosmo (235), grink (342), FeebleOldMan (1019), dick_sanitizer (300), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (504) 0441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Name the largest artery in the human body. 0441:< tRitone11> aorta 0441:< FeebleOldMan> aorta 0441:< KCosmo> aorta 0441:< dick_sanitizer> aorta 0441:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> aorta 0441:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> aortonto 0441:< PotatoBadger> I've been chatting since there are 0442:< neverkidding> fermoral artery 0442:< npinsker> The answer was aorta! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1023), KCosmo (238), dick_sanitizer (302), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (505) 0442:< PotatoBadger> I've been in this group since there were only two of us 0442:< dick_sanitizer> fun fact: its about the diameter of a garden hose, and you can replce yours with a pig's! 0442:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2040), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1023), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0442:< neverkidding> PotatoBadger we all have 0442:< 3xist3nc3> I've been in Robin since day 1 (of April) 0442:< 3xist3nc3> and almost we all have 0442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Bibliophobia is a fear of _____. 0442:< tRitone11> books 0442:< vox35> Man, finally another tier 14 group. Maybe we we finally get to merge in a day or so. 0442:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> books 0442:< FeebleOldMan> books 0442:< 3xist3nc3> books 0442:< dick_sanitizer> books 0442:< FeebleOldMan> bibles 0442:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> The Bible of Tonto 0443:< FeebleOldMan> writing 0443:< dick_sanitizer> omgggg that sounds amazing 0443:< npinsker> The answer was books! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (509), FeebleOldMan (1026), 3xist3nc3 (2042), dick_sanitizer (303) 0443:< neverkidding> it was a very Daenerys Targaryen moment 0443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play. 0443:< tRitone11> hockey 0443:< FeebleOldMan> hockey 0443:< FeebleOldMan> yay repeats 0443:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> indoor soccer 0443:< vox35> 'ockey 0443:< FeebleOldMan> formula 1 racing 0443:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> ping pong 0443:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1030) 0444:< vox35> As they say in quebec 0444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Rorke's Drift was a battle in which war? 0444:< tRitone11> The Zulu War 0444:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0444:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> War of Tonto 0444:< vox35> Boer War 0444:< FeebleOldMan> too fast too furious rorke's drift 0444:< dick_sanitizer> boer war 0444:< npinsker> The answer was The Zulu War! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0444:< PotatoBadger> DAE Reddit? 0444:< dick_sanitizer> sdfjkasdf 0444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang Puff The Magic Dragon? 0444:< tRitone11> Peter, Paul and Mary 0444:< FeebleOldMan> paul 0444:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> peter paul and mary 0445:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> peter, paul, and mary 0445:< FeebleOldMan> mary paul and peter 0445:< FeebleOldMan> paul peter mary 0445:< npinsker> The answer was Peter, Paul and Mary! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (513) 0445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This party leader of Golden Sun: The Lost Ages eventually goes on to light the four light houses in the game. 0445:< FeebleOldMan> apollo 0445:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto the light bringer 0446:< 3xist3nc3> gorbachev 0446:< npinsker> The answer was Felix! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0446:< vox35> Torchy J. Torcheson 0446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: US Aeronautics || Where is the Kennedy Space Centre? 0446:< tRitone11> Cape Canaveral, Florida 0446:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna give you up 0446:< FeebleOldMan> florida 0446:< 3xist3nc3> Orlando 0446:< FeebleOldMan> cape canaveral 0446:< _deffer_> CAPE CANAVERAL 0446:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna let you down 0446:< vox35> Up Kennedy's ass 0446:< PotatoBadger> outer space 0446:< FeebleOldMan> cape canaveral florida 0446:< _deffer_> Oops sorry for caps 0446:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna run around and desert you 0446:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Canaveral, Florida! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1034), _deffer_ (422) 0446:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna make you cry 0446:< PotatoBadger> fuck 0447:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna say goodbye 0447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Abbreviations || What does 'AOL' stand for? 0447:< tRitone11> America Online 0447:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you 0447:< FeebleOldMan> america online 0447:< _deffer_> america online 0447:< vox35> America! On Line 0447:< FeebleOldMan> america on line 0447:< 3xist3nc3> 1990s 0447:< PotatoBadger> arabic orangutan lynchers 0447:< vox35> America Online 0447:< FeebleOldMan> america! on line!!!!! 0447:< npinsker> The answer was America Online! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1038), _deffer_ (425), vox35 (336) 0447:< PotatoBadger> FUCK 0447:< _deffer_> so close 0447:< vox35> Am!erica! On!ine!!!!! 0447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Pretty Woman', for who was Goldie Hawn the body double? 0447:< tRitone11> Julia Roberts 0447:< FeebleOldMan> julia roberts 0447:< _deffer_> julia roberts 0448:< PotatoBadger> Star Ward 0448:< FeebleOldMan> reverse question! 0448:< PotatoBadger> fuck typo 0448:< vox35> Julia Roberts 0448:< npinsker> The answer was Julia Roberts! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1042), _deffer_ (428), vox35 (338) 0448:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2042), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1042), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which U.S. president said, "The buck stops here"? 0448:< tRitone11> Truman 0449:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> harry truman 0449:< FeebleOldMan> bucky 0449:< FeebleOldMan> john f kennedy 0449:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto f kennedy 0449:< FeebleOldMan> harry truman 0449:< npinsker> The answer was Truman! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (517), FeebleOldMan (1045) 0449:< vox35> Buck "Bucky" Buchanan 0449:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?" 0449:< tRitone11> Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0449:< FeebleOldMan> o_o 0449:< FeebleOldMan> mariners 0450:< FeebleOldMan> seamen 0450:< npinsker> The answer was Samuel Taylor Coleridge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0450:< vox35> Taylor Swift 0450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Two 747's collided here in 1977. 0450:< tRitone11> Canary Islands 0450:< dick_sanitizer> come draw on flockdraw! http://flockdraw.com/sokukunelits 0450:< FeebleOldMan> airport 0450:< 3xist3nc3> Canary islands 0450:< FeebleOldMan> canary islands 0450:< npinsker> The answer was Canary Islands! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2046), FeebleOldMan (1048) 0451:< vox35> Did they combine to make a 1494? 0451:< FeebleOldMan> wahaha 0451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What is Hulk Hogan's real name? 0451:< tRitone11> Terry Bollea 0451:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> http://www.racebending.com/v4/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/lone-ranger-and-tonto-e1301515792101.gif => http://nazar.so/189ut 0451:< PotatoBadger> The Hulk 0451:< FeebleOldMan> oh shit 0451:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto Hogan 0451:< npinsker> The answer was Terry Bollea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0451:< FeebleOldMan> hulk theodore hogan 0451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Longevity || Who was the world's oldest man? 0451:< tRitone11> Bir Narayan Chaudhari 0452:< FeebleOldMan> o_o 0452:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> god 0452:< vox35> FeebleOldMan 0452:< npinsker> The answer was Bir Narayan Chaudhari! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0452:< FeebleOldMan> The answer was FeebleOldMan! Correct users: vox35 (23) 0452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A terrapin is a type of _________. 0452:< tRitone11> turtle 0452:< FeebleOldMan> turtle 0452:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> turtle 0452:< FeebleOldMan> tortoise 0453:< vox35> Why did my score go down soooo much then? 0453:< atdemeo> A tier 14 has been born 0453:< FeebleOldMan> earth pin 0453:< npinsker> The answer was turtle! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1052), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (520) 0453:< atdemeo> we are getting closer 0453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Henry VIII's second wife? 0453:< tRitone11> Anne Boleyn 0453:< FeebleOldMan> his right hand 0453:< KCosmo> anne boleyn 0453:< dhartun1> the three breasted lady 0453:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: KCosmo (242) 0454:< vox35> THe hot one played by Natalie Dormer 0454:< dhartun1> I stand by my answer 0454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Followers of the Unification Church are called ________. 0454:< tRitone11> Moonies 0454:< KCosmo> moonies 0454:< FeebleOldMan> unifiers 0454:< KCosmo> those guys are weird 0454:< npinsker> The answer was Moonies! Correct users: KCosmo (246) 0454:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2046), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1052), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963. 0455:< tRitone11> John Fitzgerald Kennedy 0455:< FeebleOldMan> kennedy 0455:< KCosmo> JKF 0455:< 3xist3nc3> jfk 0455:< FeebleOldMan> john f kennedy 0455:< KCosmo> I just finished the hulu show 0455:< AWildBull> john f kennedy 0455:< KCosmo> JFK wtf wtf 0455:< FeebleOldMan> john f. kennedy 0455:< npinsker> The answer was John Fitzgerald Kennedy! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1056), AWildBull (3) 0455:< KCosmo> mother fucker 0455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What do the initials B.B. stand for in B.B. King's name? 0455:< tRitone11> Blues Boy 0456:< KCosmo> blues boy 0456:< FeebleOldMan> shh bb is ok 0456:< FeebleOldMan> baby 0456:< FeebleOldMan> big black 0456:< npinsker> The answer was Blues Boy! Correct users: KCosmo (250) 0456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Mount Vernon? 0456:< tRitone11> Virginia 0456:< KCosmo> virginia 0456:< FeebleOldMan> vermont 0456:< KCosmo> resting place of george washington 0456:< FeebleOldMan> virginia 0457:< FeebleOldMan> washington 0457:< npinsker> The answer was Virginia! Correct users: KCosmo (254), FeebleOldMan (1059) 0457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'American Hot Wax', who did Jay Leno play? 0457:< tRitone11> Mookie 0457:< FeebleOldMan> reverse qn but cant rem 0457:< npinsker> The answer was Mookie! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest ocean? 0458:< tRitone11> Pacific Ocean 0458:< FeebleOldMan> pacific 0458:< FeebleOldMan> great pacific ocean 0458:< FeebleOldMan> pacific ocean 0458:< npinsker> The answer was Pacific Ocean! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1063) 0458:< FeebleOldMan> antarctic ocean 0458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Normandy? 0458:< tRitone11> France 0458:< FeebleOldMan> france 0459:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1067) 0459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. 0459:< tRitone11> Yom Kippur 0500:< FeebleOldMan> bar mitzvah 0500:< KCosmo> yom kippur 0500:< npinsker> The answer was Yom Kippur! Correct users: KCosmo (258) 0500:< KCosmo> purim is the shit yo 0500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hahaha || This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now. 0500:< tRitone11> chair 0500:< FeebleOldMan> chair 0500:< KCosmo> chair 0500:< KCosmo> im not on a chair JOKES ON YOU BOT 0500:< FeebleOldMan> sofa 0500:< npinsker> The answer was chair! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1071), KCosmo (261) 0501:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2046), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1071), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Where did the card game 'bridge' originate? 0501:< tRitone11> Turkey 0501:< FeebleOldMan> london 0501:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Turkey 0501:< KCosmo> istanbul 0501:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (8) 0502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who's last words were 'Thus with a kiss I die'? 0502:< tRitone11> Romeo 0502:< SaveTheSpycrabs> haha 0502:< FeebleOldMan> romeo 0502:< FeebleOldMan> juliet 0502:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Romeo 0502:< KCosmo> romeo 0502:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Juliet 0502:< npinsker> The answer was Romeo! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1075), SaveTheSpycrabs (11), KCosmo (263) 0502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Rwanda? 0502:< tRitone11> Kigali 0503:< agentfooly> Is tritone a bot? 0503:< agentfooly> must be 0503:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Kigali 0503:< FeebleOldMan> yes.. suggest you mute it 0503:< agentfooly> good idea 0503:< npinsker> The answer was Kigali! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (15) 0503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Composer of the Brandenburg Concerti: J.S. ---- 0503:< tRitone11> Bach 0503:< FeebleOldMan> bach 0503:< KCosmo> johan sebastian bach 0504:< npinsker> The answer was Bach! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1079), KCosmo (266) 0504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || From what language is the term 'finito'? 0504:< tRitone11> Italian 0504:< agentfooly> italian 0504:< FeebleOldMan> latin 0504:< SaveTheSpycrabs> latin 0504:< KCosmo> italian 0504:< FeebleOldMan> italian 0504:< KCosmo> finito, finished 0504:< SaveTheSpycrabs> italian 0504:< FeebleOldMan> french 0504:< npinsker> The answer was Italian! Correct users: agentfooly (4), KCosmo (269), FeebleOldMan (1081), SaveTheSpycrabs (16) 0505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today? 0505:< tRitone11> thirty seven 0505:< FeebleOldMan> 55 0505:< agentfooly> 22 0505:< FeebleOldMan> 22 0505:< KCosmo> 54 0505:< IndigoOrange> 22 0505:< FeebleOldMan> 38 0505:< SaveTheSpycrabs> 22 0505:< npinsker> The answer was thirty seven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0505:< FeebleOldMan> 41 0505:< agentfooly> more than i thought 0505:< IndigoOrange> LOL HOW 0505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which substance has the chemical formula H3PO4? 0505:< tRitone11> phosphoric acid 0506:< SaveTheSpycrabs> tritone you suck at this. though you know it 0506:< FeebleOldMan> phosphoric acid 0506:< agentfooly> trihydrogen peroxide 0506:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Hydrogen phosphate 0506:< FeebleOldMan> trihydrogen phosphate 0506:< SaveTheSpycrabs> trihydrogen phosphate 0506:< npinsker> The answer was phosphoric acid! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1085) 0506:< FeebleOldMan> hydrogen phosphate 0506:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What city holds the distinction of opening the world's first public library in 1747? 0506:< tRitone11> Warsaw, Poland 0506:< agentfooly> alexandria 0506:< SaveTheSpycrabs> greece 0506:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0506:< agentfooly> lol 0506:< IndigoOrange> Warsaw, Poland 0506:< SaveTheSpycrabs> alexandria 0506:< FeebleOldMan> electric city 0507:< IndigoOrange> lol who knows 0507:< 3xist3nc3> ondon ? 0507:< agentfooly> boston 0507:< npinsker> The answer was Warsaw, Poland! Correct users: IndigoOrange (9) 0507:< IndigoOrange> ayyyy 0507:< FeebleOldMan> lindigo copying bot? 0507:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2046), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1085), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0507:< IndigoOrange> lol i just copied what that guy said 0507:< agentfooly> does the bot not even get counted lol 0507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football? 0507:< tRitone11> two 0507:< agentfooly> 3 0507:< SaveTheSpycrabs> two 0507:< IndigoOrange> yeah i dont think it gets counted anymore 0507:< SaveTheSpycrabs> 2 0507:< FeebleOldMan> bot is blocked by npinsk 0507:< KCosmo> 2 0508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first woman in space? 0508:< tRitone11> Valentina Tereshkova 0508:< agentfooly> veronika petroninka 0508:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Valentina Tereshkova 0508:< FeebleOldMan> sally veronas 0508:< IndigoOrange> Melina Trump 0508:< SaveTheSpycrabs> valentina tereshkova 0508:< npinsker> The answer was Valentina Tereshkova! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (24) 0509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What two words are normally at the end of most movies? 0509:< tRitone11> The End 0509:< FeebleOldMan> the end 0509:< agentfooly> the end 0509:< IndigoOrange> The End 0509:< SaveTheSpycrabs> The end 0509:< agentfooly> go home 0509:< IndigoOrange> Deez Nuts 0509:< agentfooly> the game 0509:< FeebleOldMan> g g 0509:< npinsker> The answer was The End! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1089), agentfooly (7), IndigoOrange (11), SaveTheSpycrabs (25) 0509:< IndigoOrange> FUCK 0509:< IndigoOrange> i havent lost in so long 0509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who shot President James Garfield? 0509:< tRitone11> Charles Guiteau 0510:< FeebleOldMan> odie 0510:< FeebleOldMan> jon 0510:< IndigoOrange> Guiteau 0510:< SaveTheSpycrabs> charles guiteau 0510:< agentfooly> its like the same name tqice right 0510:< SaveTheSpycrabs> guiteau 0510:< FeebleOldMan> odie odie? 0510:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Guiteau! Correct users: IndigoOrange (15), SaveTheSpycrabs (28) 0510:< agentfooly> bastard 0510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He starred in "Conan the Barbarian". 0510:< tRitone11> Arnold Schwarzenegger 0510:< FeebleOldMan> arnold schwarzenegger 0510:< IndigoOrange> Arnold Schwarzenegger 0510:< agentfooly> arnold schwarzeneggar 0511:< IndigoOrange> Thats a hard last name to spell 0511:< SaveTheSpycrabs> arnold schwarzenegger 0511:< FeebleOldMan> conan o'brien 0511:< npinsker> The answer was Arnold Schwarzenegger! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1093), IndigoOrange (18), SaveTheSpycrabs (30) 0511:< IndigoOrange> Leroy Jenkins 0511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Shows || In the 70s Hit Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons what is the name of the company Scralet works for? 0511:< tRitone11> Spectrum 0511:< FeebleOldMan> -.- 0511:< SaveTheSpycrabs> spectrum 0511:< SaveTheSpycrabs> cuntface 0511:< FeebleOldMan> scarlet & co 0511:< npinsker> The answer was Spectrum! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (34) 0512:< FeebleOldMan> how u noe this 0512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's largest sea? 0512:< tRitone11> Mediterranean 0512:< IndigoOrange> because of tRitone11 lmao 0512:< IndigoOrange> Mediterranean 0512:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0512:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Mediterranean 0512:< npinsker> The answer was Mediterranean! Correct users: IndigoOrange (22), SaveTheSpycrabs (37) 0512:< FeebleOldMan> glhf 0512:< vox35> Mediterranian 0512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played "Robin" to Val Kilmer's "Batman"? 0512:< tRitone11> Christopher O'Donnell 0513:< IndigoOrange> Chris O'Donnell 0513:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Christopher O'Donnell 0513:< vox35> Bat nipples 0513:< npinsker> The answer was Christopher O'Donnell! Correct users: IndigoOrange (26), SaveTheSpycrabs (40), vox35 (340) 0513:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2046), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ________. 0513:< tRitone11> insect 0514:< IndigoOrange> Insect 0514:< SaveTheSpycrabs> insect 0514:< 3xist3nc3> Fly 0514:< npinsker> The answer was insect! Correct users: IndigoOrange (30), SaveTheSpycrabs (43) 0514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the official language of Senegal? 0514:< tRitone11> French 0514:< SaveTheSpycrabs> French 0514:< 3xist3nc3> French 0514:< IndigoOrange> Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad 0515:< npinsker> The answer was French! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (47), 3xist3nc3 (2049) 0515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || This word means "split personality". 0515:< tRitone11> schizophrenia 0515:< 3xist3nc3> Bipolar 0515:< IndigoOrange> SChizophrenia 0515:< SaveTheSpycrabs> schizophrenia 0515:< npinsker> The answer was schizophrenia! Correct users: IndigoOrange (34), SaveTheSpycrabs (50) 0516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are together called ________. 0516:< tRitone11> Benelux 0516:< 3xist3nc3> Low countries 0516:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Benelux 0516:< IndigoOrange> Its no fun if you keep copying the bot 0516:< npinsker> The answer was Benelux! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (54) 0516:< IndigoOrange> i had to mute him 0516:< 3xist3nc3> I have him muted 0516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing? 0516:< tRitone11> Libra 0517:< 3xist3nc3> I think he was spamming something 0517:< SaveTheSpycrabs> libra 0517:< npinsker> The answer was Libra! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (58) 0517:< IndigoOrange> not you 3xist 0517:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Coal is predominantly made up of this element. 0517:< tRitone11> carbon 0517:< 3xist3nc3> oh 0517:< IndigoOrange> you good bro 0517:< SaveTheSpycrabs> carbon 0517:< IndigoOrange> hahah 0518:< IndigoOrange> Carbon 0518:< 3xist3nc3> :) 0518:< npinsker> The answer was carbon! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (62), IndigoOrange (37) 0518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || In what opera would you find Lt. Pinkerton? 0518:< tRitone11> Madame butterfly 0518:< SaveTheSpycrabs> madame butterfly 0518:< npinsker> The answer was Madame butterfly! Correct users: SaveTheSpycrabs (66) 0519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington? 0519:< tRitone11> eight 0519:< IndigoOrange> Fuck if i know 0519:< 3xist3nc3> who knows 0519:< IndigoOrange> 8 0519:< HookahComputer> 8 0519:< npinsker> The answer was eight! Correct users: IndigoOrange (41), HookahComputer (540) 0519:< IndigoOrange> GoogleFu 0519:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2049), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation was led by Genghis Khan? 0520:< tRitone11> The Mongols 0520:< IndigoOrange> The Mongols 0520:< 3xist3nc3> mongolia 0520:< IndigoOrange> Mongolia 0520:< npinsker> The answer was The Mongols! Correct users: IndigoOrange (45) 0520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who invented dynamite? 0520:< tRitone11> Alfred Nobel 0521:< IndigoOrange> Nobel 0521:< 3xist3nc3> Nobel 0521:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Nobel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0521:< IndigoOrange> what thats bs 0521:< 3xist3nc3> Fucking bot 0521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || What website sponsored production of a belated final season of Arrested Development? 0521:< IndigoOrange> Netflix 0521:< 3xist3nc3> Kickstarter 0522:< 3xist3nc3> ... Netflix 0522:< IndigoOrange> hhaha 0522:< npinsker> The answer was Netflix! Correct users: IndigoOrange (49), 3xist3nc3 (2052) 0522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If you flew due West from Portugal, what is the first continent you would reach? 0522:< tRitone11> North America 0522:< IndigoOrange> North America 0522:< 3xist3nc3> North America ofc 0522:< npinsker> The answer was North America! Correct users: IndigoOrange (53) 0523:< IndigoOrange> Its North America! Not North America OFC 0523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Birthstones || What is the birthstone for February? 0523:< tRitone11> Amethyst 0523:< innoutberger> amethyst 0523:< 3xist3nc3> lol 0523:< IndigoOrange> i dont even know my own birth months 0523:< npinsker> The answer was Amethyst! Correct users: innoutberger (77) 0523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and ___? 0523:< tRitone11> Ero 0524:< 3xist3nc3> Ero 0524:< IndigoOrange> Ero 0524:< innoutberger> ero 0524:< innoutberger> i take it tritone is a bot? 0524:< IndigoOrange> yeah 0524:< 3xist3nc3> Of course he is 0524:< innoutberger> fuck 0524:< IndigoOrange> i just muted him 0524:< npinsker> The answer was Ero! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2056), IndigoOrange (56), innoutberger (79) 0524:< innoutberger> yeah me too 0524:< IndigoOrange> i dont get the point of having a bot in a chat where the points matter even less than karma 0524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the "Banjo-Kazooie" games what type of animal in Banjo? 0524:< innoutberger> donkey 0524:< IndigoOrange> Donkey 0525:< innoutberger> bro I have no idea 0525:< 3xist3nc3> give me jokes rather than fake internet points 0525:< chapebrone> % #rpg ^ penis/ %chat aC.Tive channE.ls 0525:< IndigoOrange> Bear 0525:< npinsker> The answer was Honey Bear! Correct users: IndigoOrange (60) 0525:< innoutberger> copied the wrong guy 0525:< IndigoOrange> Got it last second 0525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix? 0525:< tRitone11> Elio de Angelis 0525:< IndigoOrange> I was like.. wait i dont think its a bear 0525:< innoutberger> ur mom 0525:< dick_sanitizer> anyone on here go on flockdraw recently named 'ay' 0525:< IndigoOrange> its a donkey* 0525:< 3xist3nc3> Hue Hue 0525:< npinsker> The answer was Elio de Angelis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0526:< chapebrone> % #rpg %chat penis/ ^ Ac.tIvE chANN.ELs 0526:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2059), 3xist3nc3 (2056), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Who painted the Mona Lisa? 0526:< tRitone11> Leonardo da Vinci 0526:< innoutberger> da vinci 0526:< 3xist3nc3> Leonardo da Vinci 0526:< IndigoOrange> Leonardo da Vinci 0526:< npinsker> The answer was Leonardo da Vinci! Correct users: innoutberger (83), 3xist3nc3 (2059), IndigoOrange (62) 0527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Alexander The Great's wife's name? 0527:< tRitone11> Roxana 0527:< innoutberger> lashawnda 0527:< npinsker> The answer was Roxana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Wynonna Judd's real name? 0528:< tRitone11> Christina Clair Ciminella 0528:< IndigoOrange> fuck 0528:< innoutberger> fuck 0528:< IndigoOrange> who actually knows these 0528:< npinsker> The answer was Christina Clair Ciminella! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0528:< IndigoOrange> ahhh shes a country singer 0528:< innoutberger> Oh of course 0528:< IndigoOrange> no wonder i dont know her 0528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || This complex substance makes up all living things. 0528:< tRitone11> protoplasm 0528:< IndigoOrange> Protoplasm 0528:< innoutberger> carbon 0529:< npinsker> The answer was protoplasm! Correct users: IndigoOrange (66) 0529:< innoutberger> the fuck? 0529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || The unit of electrical resistance is the ..... 0529:< tRitone11> ohm 0529:< innoutberger> ohm 0529:< IndigoOrange> Science 101 babbyyyy 0529:< IndigoOrange> isnt that what monks say? 0529:< IndigoOrange> ohm 0529:< 3xist3nc3> ooohmmm 0529:< npinsker> The answer was ohm! Correct users: innoutberger (87), IndigoOrange (69) 0530:< IndigoOrange> ohmmmmmmm 0530:< innoutberger> Literally no required science for my major. Gotta love accounting 0530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The New York __________. 0530:< tRitone11> Knicks 0530:< IndigoOrange> Yeah I took it for like a week and withdrew 0530:< innoutberger> mets 0530:< 3xist3nc3> Mets 0530:< IndigoOrange> Knicks 0530:< vox35> Mets 0530:< innoutberger> yankees ? 0530:< _deffer_> knicks 0530:< IndigoOrange> BASKETBALL 0530:< innoutberger> oh fuck 0530:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck 0530:< 3xist3nc3> Knicks 0530:< vox35> Knicks 0530:< IndigoOrange> lmao 0530:< npinsker> The answer was Knicks! Correct users: IndigoOrange (73), _deffer_ (431), 3xist3nc3 (2061), vox35 (341) 0530:< vox35> THanks, Indigo 0531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || Who painted 'Irises'? 0531:< tRitone11> Vincent Van Gogh 0531:< IndigoOrange> Van Gogh 0531:< innoutberger> picasso 0531:< _deffer_> van gogh 0531:< vox35> Van Gogh 0531:< npinsker> The answer was Vincent Van Gogh! Correct users: IndigoOrange (77), _deffer_ (434), vox35 (343) 0531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stupid things to do ;-) || If you look at the sun long enough, you go _____. 0531:< tRitone11> blind 0531:< IndigoOrange> Blind 0531:< _deffer_> deaf 0532:< vox35> Deaf 0532:< IndigoOrange> why am i doing this at 1:30 in the morning 0532:< _deffer_> imaginary points 0532:< vox35> deffer 0532:< npinsker> The answer was blind! Correct users: IndigoOrange (81) 0532:< innoutberger> van goghblind 0532:< _deffer_> Yes? 0532:< IndigoOrange> imaginary points in a room that will be gone in 2 days 0532:< vox35> deffest 0532:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2061), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0532:< _deffer_> Exactly. 0532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the Oscar-winning theme song from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"? 0532:< tRitone11> Moon River 0533:< IndigoOrange> do i go to this trump rally tomorrow on long island? I feel like it would be a hilarious experience 0533:< IndigoOrange> its like 30 minutes away from me 0533:< npinsker> The answer was Moon River! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0533:< vox35> Yeah, if you like freakshows 0533:< innoutberger> How brave are you feeling? 0533:< IndigoOrange> lmfaooo 0533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: _______ Borgnine. 0533:< IndigoOrange> Ernest 0533:< mharrizone> ernest 0533:< innoutberger> van gogh 0533:< haley_joel_osteen> ERNEST 0533:< vox35> Ernest 0533:< vox35> Enron 0533:< IndigoOrange> I was thinking like if I had a chance to punch him i should, because it would be ALL over national news lmfaoooo 0534:< npinsker> The answer was Ernest! Correct users: IndigoOrange (85), mharrizone (350), haley_joel_osteen (14), vox35 (344) 0534:< IndigoOrange> but i probably would wana get a dope pic with him over that 0534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: To steal property entrusted to one's care. 0534:< tRitone11> embezzle 0534:< IndigoOrange> and over getting tackled by secret service 0534:< vox35> NSA! Help! Someone's threatening tRump! 0534:< IndigoOrange> NOT ME 0534:< IndigoOrange> I PROMISE 0534:< innoutberger> stealing 0534:< vox35> Burgle 0534:< bphilly_cheesesteak> embezzle 0534:< npinsker> The answer was embezzle! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (38) 0534:< vox35> Fark 0534:< bphilly_cheesesteak> why does anyone play this game if tRitonell's bot answers correctly every time 0535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Vermicelli literally means ___________. 0535:< tRitone11> little worms 0535:< IndigoOrange> Supposedly theres gonna be like 1000 protestors 0535:< _deffer_> because we mute him... 0535:< mharrizone> worms 0535:< bphilly_cheesesteak> o 0535:< _deffer_> worms 0535:< bphilly_cheesesteak> little worms 0535:< innoutberger> cheesesteak 0535:< vox35> Worms playing cellos 0535:< npinsker> The answer was little worms! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (42) 0535:< IndigoOrange> id be diving into the shit storm 0535:< _deffer_> worms on cheesesteak 0535:< mharrizone> _- 0535:< bphilly_cheesesteak> cheeseworms 0535:< mharrizone> >.< 0535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'A Tale Of Two Cities'? 0535:< tRitone11> Charles Dickens 0535:< _deffer_> dickens 0535:< innoutberger> dickens 0535:< IndigoOrange> local authorities invested like $350,000 plus into securing the area for it or some shit 0535:< vox35> Charles Dickens 0536:< innoutberger> tolkein 0536:< _deffer_> almost as much as the TSA spent on a randomizer app. 0536:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Dickens! Correct users: _deffer_ (438), innoutberger (90), vox35 (346) 0536:< chapebrone> % <3 ^ #rpg %chat actI.vE chAn.NElS 0536:< _deffer_> yes... 0536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport is the term 'terminal speed' used? 0536:< tRitone11> Drag Racing 0536:< _deffer_> rocket launches 0536:< innoutberger> formula one 0536:< IndigoOrange> Slamming that Pussy 0536:< vox35> Skydiving 0536:< bphilly_cheesesteak> drag racing 0536:< _deffer_> Pro momfucking league. The PML 0537:< npinsker> The answer was Drag Racing! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (46) 0537:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i thin skydiving is terminal velocity 0537:< IndigoOrange> bphilly y u cheatin 0537:< _deffer_> Because them imaginary points yo 0537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of fire? 0537:< IndigoOrange> lmfaooooo 0537:< bphilly_cheesesteak> because them imaginary points yo 0537:< IndigoOrange> Deez Nuts 0537:< vox35> Prometheus 0537:< innoutberger> hesphestus 0537:< IndigoOrange> Aries 0537:< _deffer_> Hephaestus 0537:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hepititesius 0537:< innoutberger> ares is war bruh 0537:< IndigoOrange> lmfaooo 0537:< npinsker> The answer was Hephaestus! Correct users: _deffer_ (442) 0537:< IndigoOrange> i just saw the martian the other day plus im stoned 0537:< innoutberger> no that counted 0538:< innoutberger> fuck 0538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Popsicle Inventors || Who invented popsicles? 0538:< 3xist3nc3> Pop Sicle 0538:< bphilly_cheesesteak> popsicle inventors 0538:< IndigoOrange> Pop Tickle 0538:< innoutberger> a guy probably 0538:< bphilly_cheesesteak> how is popsicle inventors a category? 0538:< npinsker> The answer was Frank Epperson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0538:< IndigoOrange> lmfaooooooo 0538:< 3xist3nc3> for some dumb reason 0538:< IndigoOrange> HOW MANY ARE THERE 0538:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2061), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0538:< IndigoOrange> THERE ARE LITERALLY ONE OF US 0539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Where are the 4 major moons of Jupiter discovered by? 0539:< 3xist3nc3> I donT , 0539:< _deffer_> who? 0539:< IndigoOrange> Jupiter 0539:< _deffer_> or where? 0539:< IndigoOrange> lmfao 0539:< djcocainegoat> William? 0539:< 3xist3nc3> Where 0539:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Budapest is the capital of ____________? 0539:< 3xist3nc3> Hungary 0539:< _deffer_> hungary 0539:< innoutberger> hungary 0539:< IndigoOrange> Hungary 0539:< djcocainegoat> Hungary 0540:< IndigoOrange> Hungary Hungary Hippos 0540:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hungry 0540:< npinsker> The answer was Hungary! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2065), _deffer_ (445), innoutberger (92), IndigoOrange (86), djcocainegoat (24) 0540:< _deffer_> is the bot gone? Is that why the randos aren't answering? 0540:< bphilly_cheesesteak> think so 0540:< IndigoOrange> yeah haha 0540:< innoutberger> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 0540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation. 0540:< IndigoOrange> thank god 0540:< bphilly_cheesesteak> toy story 0540:< IndigoOrange> Toy Story 0540:< _deffer_> tron 0540:< bphilly_cheesesteak> tron is actually a better answer 0540:< IndigoOrange> Theres so fucking man this is such an open ende dquestion 0540:< _deffer_> it's THE answer 0541:< npinsker> The answer was TRON! Correct users: _deffer_ (449) 0541:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i don't think TS is disney? 0541:< _deffer_> ts is disney 0541:< IndigoOrange> Woah good shit 0541:< _deffer_> Pixar is a disney studio 0541:< IndigoOrange> ahhhh 0541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In "Duck Hunt", how many shots per turn does the shooter get to shoot down ducks? 0541:< bphilly_cheesesteak> but, that relies even more heavily on animation 0541:< IndigoOrange> 10 0541:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 12 0541:< IndigoOrange> idk 0541:< innoutberger> 14$ 0541:< IndigoOrange> 12 0541:< npinsker> The answer was Three! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0541:< innoutberger> 14 0541:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lol 0541:< IndigoOrange> wow all off 0542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || What does iron deficiency cause? 0542:< innoutberger> no old people here I guess 0542:< _deffer_> anemia 0542:< djcocainegoat> anaemia 0542:< innoutberger> anemia 0542:< IndigoOrange> Retardation 0542:< Chickenfrend> anemia 0542:< bphilly_cheesesteak> anemony 0542:< bphilly_cheesesteak> anemone 0542:< npinsker> The answer was anaemia! Correct users: _deffer_ (453), djcocainegoat (27), innoutberger (94), Chickenfrend (2) 0542:< bphilly_cheesesteak> onomotoponemia 0542:< djcocainegoat> :) 0542:< IndigoOrange> anenmone 0542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Your ____ holds your head to your shoulders. 0542:< innoutberger> neck 0542:< _deffer_> neck 0542:< bphilly_cheesesteak> neck 0542:< djcocainegoat> neck 0542:< IndigoOrange> neck 0543:< bphilly_cheesesteak> knees and toes! 0543:< npinsker> The answer was neck! Correct users: innoutberger (98), _deffer_ (456), bphilly_cheesesteak (48), djcocainegoat (28), IndigoOrange (86) 0543:< innoutberger> nah that would be your tibia 0543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ________. 0543:< _deffer_> bogs 0543:< djcocainegoat> mangroves? 0543:< innoutberger> mangrove swamp 0543:< bphilly_cheesesteak> dogs 0543:< IndigoOrange> Buoys 0544:< npinsker> The answer was mangroves! Correct users: djcocainegoat (32) 0544:< innoutberger> djcocaine were on the same wavelength 0544:< IndigoOrange> Nice! 0544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities? 0544:< bphilly_cheesesteak> windows 3.1 0544:< innoutberger> 95 0544:< _deffer_> windows for workstations 0544:< djcocainegoat> I love that it remembered my points from a day ago 0544:< djcocainegoat> Windows 95 0544:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 95 0544:< IndigoOrange> DJCOCAINEGOAT UP EARLY IN THE AM 0544:< IndigoOrange> 95 0544:< _deffer_> windows for workgroups 0544:< npinsker> The answer was Windows for Workgroups! Correct users: _deffer_ (460) 0544:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nivr 0544:< IndigoOrange> WOW 0544:< _deffer_> repeat 0544:< djcocainegoat> yeah man, I was out drinking 0545:< IndigoOrange> yeah im stoned 0545:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2065), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1093), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0545:< innoutberger> drunk trivia best trivia 0545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who discovered Vitamin C? 0545:< IndigoOrange> bro your username is making me so hungry 0545:< djcocainegoat> haha it truly is 0545:< innoutberger> carrots 0545:< IndigoOrange> Pirates 0545:< djcocainegoat> Will.i.am 0545:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Vitamin C. Deficiency 0545:< _deffer_> Linus something 0545:< innoutberger> hey guys calm down. Im a human, not a sandwich 0545:< IndigoOrange> Viramnin C Deez Nuts 0545:< npinsker> The answer was Linus Pauling! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0545:< _deffer_> shut up and get in muh belleh 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In 1985, Shigeru Miyamoto produced "The Legend of Zelda". What was the other title produced that year? 0546:< IndigoOrange> The answer was Linus Pauling! Users who care: (nobody) :( 0546:< bphilly_cheesesteak> animal style ;) 0546:< innoutberger> super mario 0546:< djcocainegoat> donkey kong 0546:< mharrizone> final fantasy 0546:< bphilly_cheesesteak> super donkey mario kong bros 0546:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros.! Correct users: innoutberger (102) 0546:< innoutberger> OHHHHHHH 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does an ornithologist study? 0546:< innoutberger> clutch guess 0546:< FeebleOldMan> birds 0546:< mharrizone> birds 0546:< djcocainegoat> birds 0546:< innoutberger> bones 0546:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ornith's 0547:< 3xist3nc3> Ornithes 0547:< IndigoOrange> I too am a studier of Bird Law 0547:< innoutberger> shit it is birds 0547:< _deffer_> birds 0547:< _deffer_> thanks HoC 0547:< bphilly_cheesesteak> turds 0547:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1097), mharrizone (353), djcocainegoat (34), innoutberger (103), _deffer_ (460) 0547:< djcocainegoat> lol @ bird law 0547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games? 0547:< IndigoOrange> Always sunny is life 0547:< _deffer_> cal ripkin jr. 0547:< innoutberger> babe ruth 0547:< IndigoOrange> Wade Boggs 0547:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Wade Swamps 0547:< innoutberger> peyton manning 0547:< djcocainegoat> michael jordan 0547:< IndigoOrange> JOHNNNN MADDEN 0548:< npinsker> The answer was Cal Ripken Jr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0548:< _deffer_> ... 0548:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wot 0548:< innoutberger> lol 0548:< _deffer_> ohh 0548:< djcocainegoat> fuck you npsinker 0548:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || With what sport is Jack Nicklaus associated? 0548:< FeebleOldMan> golf 0548:< mharrizone> golf 0548:< _deffer_> golf 0548:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the shining 0548:< djcocainegoat> golf wang 0548:< IndigoOrange> golf 0548:< FeebleOldMan> axing 0548:< _deffer_> I spelled ripken wrong XD 0548:< innoutberger> lumberjacking down a door 0548:< IndigoOrange> FLOG GNAW 0548:< npinsker> The answer was golf! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1101), mharrizone (356), _deffer_ (462), IndigoOrange (87) 0548:< IndigoOrange> I LOVE TO FUCKIN GOLF 0549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Des Moines is the capital of ____________? 0549:< _deffer_> iowa 0549:< mharrizone> iowa 0549:< jonesandbrown> iowa 0549:< FeebleOldMan> iowa 0549:< djcocainegoat> iwoa 0549:< innoutberger> louisiana 0549:< bphilly_cheesesteak> iowa 0549:< IndigoOrange> Yeah no point in answering now 0549:< djcocainegoat> iowa 0549:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nice try innoutberger 0549:< _deffer_> good old des moines louisiana 0549:< innoutberger> welp. looks like Im wrong 0549:< IndigoOrange> iowa 0549:< npinsker> The answer was Iowa! Correct users: _deffer_ (466), mharrizone (359), jonesandbrown (114), FeebleOldMan (1102), bphilly_cheesesteak (48... 0549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Rendezvous with Rama'? 0549:< FeebleOldMan> rama 0549:< innoutberger> rambo 0549:< djcocainegoat> Dali Lama 0549:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Dia Rama 0550:< IndigoOrange> Dali Lama 0550:< _deffer_> Arthur C Clarke 0550:< jonesandbrown> mama 0550:< IndigoOrange> lmfao 0550:< _deffer_> might need a sir 0550:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Arthur C. Clarke! Correct users: _deffer_ (470) 0550:< IndigoOrange> Big Mommas House 0550:< _deffer_> might not 0550:< bphilly_cheesesteak> big dali lama's house 0550:< djcocainegoat> nice 0550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who took dictation from Perry Mason? 0550:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what 0550:< _deffer_> shit... 0550:< IndigoOrange> Nah yeah you only need a matching word in it i think 0550:< innoutberger> perra madaughter 0550:< jonesandbrown> lil dickey 0550:< KCosmo> girl fridah 0550:< innoutberger> perry* 0550:< IndigoOrange> WHO TOOK HIS DIC 0551:< KCosmo> girl friday 0551:< npinsker> The answer was Della Street! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0551:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2065), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1102), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0551:< djcocainegoat> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Mason_(TV_series) => http://nazar.so/8lorr 0551:< IndigoOrange> FUCK THOSE HIGH SCORES 0551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0. 0551:< mharrizone> binary 0551:< FeebleOldMan> binary 0551:< IndigoOrange> Binary 0551:< _deffer_> basic 0551:< bphilly_cheesesteak> binary 0551:< innoutberger> binary 0551:< jonesandbrown> bianary 0551:< KCosmo> binary 0551:< _deffer_> shit 0551:< djcocainegoat> binary 0551:< innoutberger> y'all type fast 0551:< bphilly_cheesesteak> canary 0551:< IndigoOrange> lol bruh almost had a heart attack typing it 0551:< innoutberger> straightnary 0552:< npinsker> The answer was The binary system! Correct users: mharrizone (363), FeebleOldMan (1105), IndigoOrange (89), bphilly_cheesesteak (49), in... 0552:< bphilly_cheesesteak> noice 0552:< IndigoOrange> why is this RPG shit popping up 0552:< KCosmo> i dont see it 0552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon? 0552:< _deffer_> we're in $ filter 0552:< innoutberger> 4 0552:< FeebleOldMan> 4:00pm 0552:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 3pm 0552:< jonesandbrown> 4 0552:< IndigoOrange> idk why it showed up 0552:< KCosmo> 4 0552:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 4:00pm 0552:< IndigoOrange> 3 0552:< _deffer_> 4:00 pm 0552:< FeebleOldMan> 4pm 0552:< djcocainegoat> 4:00 p.m 0552:< KCosmo> 4:00 pm 0552:< IndigoOrange> 5 0552:< FeebleOldMan> 4:00 p.m. 0552:< npinsker> The answer was 4:00pm! Correct users: innoutberger (107), FeebleOldMan (1108), jonesandbrown (116), KCosmo (273), bphilly_cheesesteak (49) 0552:< bphilly_cheesesteak> o 4'clock 0552:< _deffer_> fuck you rate limit. Die in a fire. 0552:< IndigoOrange> deadass 0553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle? 0553:< jonesandbrown> 360 0553:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 180 0553:< IndigoOrange> 6 0553:< onlyusemepickaxe> 360 0553:< FeebleOldMan> 180 0553:< KCosmo> 360 0553:< innoutberger> Yeah thats a lot of words I don't know 0553:< _deffer_> 359 0553:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 360 0553:< IndigoOrange> lmfao 0553:< djcocainegoat> 2pi 0553:< _deffer_> 360 would have no angles, lol 0553:< IndigoOrange> innoutberger im gonna send you this video hahahah 0553:< npinsker> The answer was three hundred and fifty nine! Correct users: _deffer_ (474) 0553:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuck 0553:< jonesandbrown> :D 0553:< FeebleOldMan> snoopy 0553:< bphilly_cheesesteak> deeznuts 0553:< onlyusemepickaxe> snoopy 0553:< innoutberger> Chuck 0554:< KCosmo> friend time 0554:< IndigoOrange> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w&ab_channel=rlcarnes => http://nazar.so/60eoc 0554:< djcocainegoat> shit ive seen this before 0554:< _deffer_> lil folks 0554:< djcocainegoat> its dumb as heck 0554:< npinsker> The answer was Li'l Folks! Correct users: _deffer_ (478) 0554:< IndigoOrange> Watch that video hahhaha 0554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Riyadh is the capital of ____________? 0554:< innoutberger> you just want to distract me and steal all the points don't ya 0554:< FeebleOldMan> saudi arabia 0554:< bphilly_cheesesteak> HYDRA 0554:< jonesandbrown> israel 0554:< IndigoOrange> skip to like :40 0554:< _deffer_> saudi arabia 0554:< IndigoOrange> Saudi Arabia 0554:< KCosmo> saudia arabia 0554:< djcocainegoat> Saudi arabia 0555:< npinsker> The answer was Saudi Arabia! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1112), _deffer_ (481), IndigoOrange (91), djcocainegoat (35) 0555:< innoutberger> be back in 2 min 0555:< KCosmo> fu! 0555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animals || What is the fastest breed of dog after the greyhound? 0555:< IndigoOrange> DONT SAY THAT TO BERGER 0555:< IndigoOrange> Tigers 0555:< _deffer_> whippet 0555:< chapebrone> <3 ^ %chat % #rpg AcTI.vE chaNn.els 0555:< jonesandbrown> whippet 0555:< djcocainegoat> Daschund 0555:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the greyhound bus 0555:< jonesandbrown> sounds right 0555:< KCosmo> lol I was saying Fuuu I spelt sadia arabia wrong, there did it again 0555:< npinsker> The answer was whippet! Correct users: _deffer_ (485), jonesandbrown (119) 0555:< IndigoOrange> lmfaooo 0555:< jonesandbrown> thanks deffer 0556:< _deffer_> np 0556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What does a notaphile collect? 0556:< FeebleOldMan> coins 0556:< bphilly_cheesesteak> not files 0556:< IndigoOrange> children 0556:< _deffer_> not coins 0556:< jonesandbrown> stamps 0556:< djcocainegoat> leaves 0556:< FeebleOldMan> currency 0556:< KCosmo> stamps 0556:< IndigoOrange> Money 0556:< _deffer_> banknotes 0556:< KCosmo> currency 0556:< djcocainegoat> n o t h i n g 0556:< FeebleOldMan> money 0556:< npinsker> The answer was Banknotes! Correct users: _deffer_ (489) 0556:< jonesandbrown> cock 0556:< innoutberger> Shit. I mean I know that guy is speaking english, but 0556:< KCosmo> notathing 0556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has the most emigrants? 0556:< innoutberger> that doesn't mean anything to me 0556:< KCosmo> poland 0556:< IndigoOrange> hahahah retro incabulators? 0556:< bphilly_cheesesteak> mexico 0557:< jonesandbrown> USA 0557:< innoutberger> turkey 0557:< KCosmo> china 0557:< _deffer_> mexico 0557:< IndigoOrange> Its like a joke from some older video 0557:< jonesandbrown> USA 0557:< KCosmo> mexico 0557:< IndigoOrange> The words mean stuff, but not in that order 0557:< _deffer_> usa is immigrants 0557:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (53), _deffer_ (492), KCosmo (275) 0557:< djcocainegoat> IndigoOrange what did i just watch? 0557:< jonesandbrown> oh. yeah 0557:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gottem 0557:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2065), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1112), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0557:< innoutberger> explanation about the retro encabulator. Duh 0557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Gangster Al Capone, boss of the Chicago underworld, was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime? 0557:< KCosmo> tax evasion 0557:< _deffer_> tax evasion 0557:< jonesandbrown> tax evasion 0557:< innoutberger> tax evasion 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gaoled??? 0558:< FeebleOldMan> tax fraud 0558:< djcocainegoat> child molestation 0558:< IndigoOrange> Its this guy saying random stuff like me saying, I used my 100 Ghz Multi Processor combined with the force of 10 64 GB Ram 0558:< npinsker> The answer was tax evasion! Correct users: KCosmo (279), _deffer_ (495), jonesandbrown (121), innoutberger (108) 0558:< _deffer_> don't google that cheesesteak 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> holy shit gaoled is the past of jail 0558:< KCosmo> why does that video have 1.2 mil views? 0558:< CWTyger> "gaoled" = the British spelling of "jailed" 0558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"? 0558:< FeebleOldMan> jesus 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> holy shit my mind 0558:< KCosmo> modeol interatction 0558:< djcocainegoat> it makes me think I'm drunker than I am 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i forgot this guy's name 0558:< jonesandbrown> cAPONE? 0558:< KCosmo> prefamulated amylite 0558:< IndigoOrange> retro Encabulator 0558:< djcocainegoat> bono 0559:< KCosmo> WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT 0559:< IndigoOrange> hahahahahahha thats the best part 0559:< npinsker> The answer was John F. Kennedy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0559:< IndigoOrange> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXJKdh1KZ0w&ab_channel=rlcarnes => http://nazar.so/22oa9 0559:< djcocainegoat> KCosmo just leave the rest to play 0559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again? 0559:< IndigoOrange> this is 0559:< KCosmo> this is a joke right 0559:< jonesandbrown> randy jackson? 0559:< _deffer_> gene autrey 0559:< djcocainegoat> what is english? 0559:< bphilly_cheesesteak> this video is really fucking with me. I've worked with tons of rockwell PLC's before but I have absolutely no idea what this guy is saying 0559:< npinsker> The answer was Gene Autry's! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0559:< IndigoOrange> Just added some of yall as friends on reddit 0600:< IndigoOrange> yall good peeps 0600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the last Port of call for the Titanic? 0600:< bphilly_cheesesteak> :} 0600:< KCosmo> dublin 0600:< djcocainegoat> Calais 0600:< IndigoOrange> prefamulated amylite 0600:< _deffer_> green something 0600:< jonesandbrown> india 0600:< _deffer_> queenstown 0600:< IndigoOrange> Queenstown 0600:< _deffer_> ^^ 0600:< jonesandbrown> whales 0600:< npinsker> The answer was Queenstown! Correct users: _deffer_ (499), IndigoOrange (94) 0600:< djcocainegoat> Iceberg port 0600:< bphilly_cheesesteak> LOL 0600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where is the best brandy bottled? 0600:< IndigoOrange> Next stop! BIKINI BOTTOM 0600:< _deffer_> cognac 0601:< _deffer_> france 0601:< bphilly_cheesesteak> "the differential girgle spring" wtf 0601:< _deffer_> one of those 0601:< npinsker> The answer was Cognac! Correct users: _deffer_ (503) 0601:< un6952db> https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/55028cd2135896936880fdd7/1x => http://nazar.so/98n54 0601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) __________. 0601:< _deffer_> Alright. Hit 500. 2 am. Going to bed 0601:< _deffer_> astrologist 0601:< IndigoOrange> This is the original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac7G7xOG2Ag&ab_channel=DaveRondot => http://nazar.so/6bxub 0601:< IndigoOrange> also Very good hahaha 0601:< KCosmo> now these rockwell people are speaking german! this is next level shit 0602:< npinsker> The answer was astrologer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0602:< KCosmo> scatalogical sciences? this is a sketch right 0602:< djcocainegoat> check this one out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4Dfa4fOEY 0602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Milwaukee ____________? 0602:< _deffer_> brewers 0602:< djcocainegoat> Braves 0602:< KCosmo> brewers 0602:< _deffer_> better not be 0602:< chapebrone> #rpg %chat <3 ^ % AC.TiVe cH.ANnelS 0602:< npinsker> The answer was Brewers! Correct users: _deffer_ (507), KCosmo (282) 0602:< djcocainegoat> I have never watched a game of baseball in my life 0602:< _deffer_> lol 0603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Archaic Terms || What date is the 'Ides' of March? 0603:< KCosmo> im from chicago, theyre mandatory there 0603:< _deffer_> They used to be the braves. 0603:< innoutberger> 5 0603:< IndigoOrange> my mind hurts 0603:< _deffer_> 15 0603:< djcocainegoat> _deffer_ that makes me feel better 0603:< djcocainegoat> 15 0604:< innoutberger> oh shit 0604:< KCosmo> this is my fav how english sounds to foreigners bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj5TL1l9QYQ 0604:< mootinator> one thousand 0604:< innoutberger> noooooooooooo 0604:< KCosmo> 15 0604:< _deffer_> R.I.P. bot. We barely knew you. 0604:< npinsker> i'm resetting the bot, gimme a sec 0604:< djcocainegoat> im sorry npinsker 0604:< chapebrone> <3 #rpg ^ %chat % AC.Tive C.HAnnels 0604:< _deffer_> No. let me sleep 0604:< innoutberger> We broke it 0604:< _deffer_> pls 0604:< djcocainegoat> unfuck you ok? 0605:< IndigoOrange> what 0605:< IndigoOrange> happened 0605:< _deffer_> bot did seppuku 0605:< IndigoOrange> ill set up the bot 0605:< KCosmo> bad ass song https://youtu.be/Kj5TL1l9QYQ?t=1m35s 0605:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Prisencolinensinainciusol is my fuckin jam 0605:< IndigoOrange> on my account 0605:< _deffer_> Indigo - npinsker is on it 0605:< KCosmo> hell yea ! 0605:< npinsker> just gimme a sec 0605:< IndigoOrange> oh cool 0605:< _deffer_> ^^^ 0605:< IndigoOrange> hey thanks for doing it man! 0606:< KCosmo> you da coal man jeez dan an oh usal ALRIGHT 0606:< KCosmo> so funky 0606:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0606:< npinsker> yeah no problem! 0606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which police-dog was one of Stalin's favourites? 0606:< IndigoOrange> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3kLvz1w7MU&ab_channel=CoolTrickBro07 => http://nazar.so/3o8zh this is a classic 0606:< IndigoOrange> warning intro sound is loud 0606:< djcocainegoat> Babushka 0606:< _deffer_> lol 0606:< bphilly_cheesesteak> this song is my fuckin shit 0606:< _deffer_> is a B something 0607:< npinsker> The answer was Berya! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0607:< IndigoOrange> a dead one? 0607:< KCosmo> @bphilly I love this shit 0607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the most venomous spider. 0607:< FeebleOldMan> black widow 0607:< KCosmo> eye eye mons slenda eeey 0607:< IndigoOrange> black widow 0607:< djcocainegoat> brown recluse 0607:< FeebleOldMan> brown recluse 0607:< chapebrone> %chat ^ <3 #rpg % ACT.Ive ChaNn.elS 0607:< KCosmo> brown recluse 0607:< _deffer_> scarJo's black leather pants 0607:< npinsker> The answer was black widow! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1116), IndigoOrange (97) 0607:< IndigoOrange> why does it have to be a black widow? why cant it be a WHITE WIDOW?! RACISM 0607:< KCosmo> is that really true? 0608:< IndigoOrange> TRIGGERED 0608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || A piece of glass that separates light into the visible spectrum is called a _____. 0608:< FeebleOldMan> prism 0608:< _deffer_> WHITEWIDOWLIVESMATTER 0608:< djcocainegoat> prism 0608:< KCosmo> prism 0608:< IndigoOrange> Prism 0608:< _deffer_> prism 0608:< innoutberger> prism 0608:< npinsker> The answer was prism! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1120), djcocainegoat (38), KCosmo (284), IndigoOrange (98), _deffer_ (507), innoutbe... 0608:< bphilly_cheesesteak> I I's mine senflecs, eni go for doing peso... EYES! 0608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was the name of Ross' pet monkey on 'Friends'? 0608:< IndigoOrange> KILL ALL NONCONFORMISTS #ANARCHY #TRANS #PROPERPRONOUNSONLY 0608:< KCosmo> bubbles 0608:< djcocainegoat> shallun 0609:< KCosmo> (never watched friends) 0609:< IndigoOrange> Jennifer Laurence 0609:< _deffer_> marcel 0609:< FeebleOldMan> marcel 0609:< npinsker> The answer was Marcel! Correct users: _deffer_ (511), FeebleOldMan (1123) 0609:< bphilly_cheesesteak> marcel the shell 0609:< _deffer_> going to bed now - see you guys in a few hours 0609:< djcocainegoat> that's a nice name for a monkey 0609:< IndigoOrange> peace out dude 0609:< KCosmo> night deffer 0609:< 3xist3nc3> cya deffer 0609:< djcocainegoat> if i could get past owning a monkey 0609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Natural World || How is Venom put into the body? 0609:< IndigoOrange> im probably gonna head out too, its 2:09AM 0609:< FeebleOldMan> bb def 0609:< KCosmo> injection 0609:< djcocainegoat> suppository 0609:< 3xist3nc3> cya indigo 0609:< IndigoOrange> you guys have actually made this chat fun again so thank you 0609:< FeebleOldMan> bb orange 0609:< KCosmo> peace indigo 0609:< djcocainegoat> night buddy 0610:< npinsker> cya indigo 0610:< FeebleOldMan> intravenous 0610:< bphilly_cheesesteak> :) 0610:< KCosmo> filters help so much 0610:< IndigoOrange> got yall as friends we gonna stay togetha 0610:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i should go to bed as well 0610:< FeebleOldMan> subcutaneous 0610:< KCosmo> inravenously 0610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest lake in North America. 0610:< KCosmo> whats the answer?! 0610:< bphilly_cheesesteak> later dudes :D 0610:< djcocainegoat> lake inferior 0610:< FeebleOldMan> bb cheesesteak 0610:< 3xist3nc3> cya philly 0610:< KCosmo> aw everyones bouncing night cheesteak 0610:< chapebrone> ^ %chat % #rpg <3 a.CtIvE CHANN.elS 0610:< djcocainegoat> bye peeps 0610:< FeebleOldMan> vostok 0610:< bphilly_cheesesteak> peazout 0610:< KCosmo> lake superior 0610:< npinsker> The answer was Huron! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0610:< FeebleOldMan> victoria 0611:< npinsker> the other one was 'bites or stings', nobody got it 0611:< KCosmo> ah thanks 0611:< FeebleOldMan> thanks npin 0611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Treasure developed which GameCube title for Nintendo? 0611:< FeebleOldMan> uh shit repeat but cant rem 0611:< djcocainegoat> Pirate Mario 0611:< npinsker> The answer was Wario World! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0611:< FeebleOldMan> starfox 0611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing? 0611:< KCosmo> lol 0611:< FeebleOldMan> 1 million 0611:< djcocainegoat> over 9000 0612:< npinsker> zero 0612:< KCosmo> 2 million 0612:< s-i-s-u> more than 20 0612:< KCosmo> 1 dollar 0612:< djcocainegoat> 97665444444987 0612:< 3xist3nc3> 6000 0612:< npinsker> The answer was five million! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0612:< s-i-s-u> rofl 0612:< KCosmo> haha 0612:< s-i-s-u> that sounds made up as fuck 0612:< npinsker> goodbye, that question 0612:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2065), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1123), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0612:< djcocainegoat> dubious 0612:< s-i-s-u> an even five million!!! 0612:< KCosmo> what if you have ashma 0612:< 3xist3nc3> noice 0612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A one-humped camel is called a _________. 0612:< FeebleOldMan> camel 0612:< djcocainegoat> what if you didnt go for a run when you where supposed to? 0613:< 3xist3nc3> arabic one night stand 0613:< FeebleOldMan> mamel 0613:< KCosmo> dromedary 0613:< djcocainegoat> unimel 0613:< npinsker> The answer was dromedary! Correct users: KCosmo (288) 0613:< FeebleOldMan> dromedary 0613:< KCosmo> YES 0613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || "Yellow River" is the common name for which Chinese river? 0613:< FeebleOldMan> hwang he 0613:< 3xist3nc3> huang ho 0613:< s-i-s-u> yangtze 0613:< FeebleOldMan> huang 0613:< djcocainegoat> Yangtze 0613:< KCosmo> huang he 0613:< FeebleOldMan> huang he 0613:< npinsker> The answer was Hwang Ho! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0614:< 3xist3nc3> fuck i almost got it 0614:< KCosmo> booo 0614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Abbreviations || What does 'A&W' (of root beer fame) stand for ? 0614:< 3xist3nc3> andrew and watkins 0614:< djcocainegoat> allan and wilbur 0614:< FeebleOldMan> andrew and watkins 0614:< KCosmo> allen and wilbur 0614:< npinsker> The answer was Allen & Wright! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0614:< FeebleOldMan> allen and wilbur 0614:< KCosmo> allen and wright 0614:< FeebleOldMan> lel 0614:< 3xist3nc3> hahahaha 0614:< KCosmo> FUCK 0614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be _________. 0615:< FeebleOldMan> obtuse 0615:< KCosmo> right 0615:< s-i-s-u> OBTUSE 0615:< djcocainegoat> obtuse 0615:< 3xist3nc3> 155 0615:< KCosmo> obtuse 0615:< s-i-s-u> 171 0615:< npinsker> The answer was obtuse! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1127), s-i-s-u (49), djcocainegoat (40), KCosmo (289) 0615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A 3 1/2" floppy disk measures ___ and 1/2 inches across. 0615:< FeebleOldMan> 3 0615:< 3xist3nc3> 3 0615:< KCosmo> 3 0615:< s-i-s-u> not 3 0615:< FeebleOldMan> three 0615:< djcocainegoat> three 0616:< KCosmo> three 0616:< FeebleOldMan> 3.0 0616:< djcocainegoat> 2+1 0616:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1131), 3xist3nc3 (2068), KCosmo (291), s-i-s-u (50) 0616:< s-i-s-u> still GOT IT 0616:< djcocainegoat> hahahahaha 0616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the common name for the tympanic membrane? 0616:< KCosmo> eardrum 0616:< FeebleOldMan> ear drum 0616:< djcocainegoat> eardrum 0616:< s-i-s-u> earballs 0616:< KCosmo> ear drum 0616:< FeebleOldMan> eardrum 0616:< chapebrone> % %chat #rpg ^ Act.ivE channE.LS 0616:< npinsker> The answer was eardrum! Correct users: KCosmo (295), FeebleOldMan (1134), djcocainegoat (42) 0617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Greek words || "deinos" and "sauros" roughly translate to? 0617:< FeebleOldMan> before and after 0617:< djcocainegoat> gods and dragons 0617:< FeebleOldMan> near and far 0617:< KCosmo> near and far 0617:< FeebleOldMan> day and night 0617:< djcocainegoat> ayy i have 42! 0617:< npinsker> The answer was terrible lizard! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0617:< KCosmo> lol dooy 0617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life. 0618:< KCosmo> elitism 0618:< s-i-s-u> asceticism 0618:< FeebleOldMan> minimalism 0618:< FeebleOldMan> asceticism 0618:< KCosmo> minimalism misread that 0618:< djcocainegoat> boringism 0618:< s-i-s-u> poor people 0618:< djcocainegoat> asceticism 0618:< 3xist3nc3> Sedenterianism 0618:< npinsker> The answer was asceticism! Correct users: s-i-s-u (54), FeebleOldMan (1137), djcocainegoat (44) 0618:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2068), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0618:< FeebleOldMan> afk have fun 0618:< djcocainegoat> could not have spelt that without you 0618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What play by Shakespeare features the following characters: Cornwall, Gloucester, Regan, and Goneril? 0619:< KCosmo> macbeth 0619:< djcocainegoat> Merchant of Venice 0619:< 3xist3nc3> Macbook 0619:< npinsker> The answer was King Lear! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0619:< s-i-s-u> philistines 0619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the classic thriller 'The Birds'? 0619:< chapebrone> % ^ %chat #rpg AcT.Ive cHanN.eLs 0619:< s-i-s-u> Hitchcock 0619:< djcocainegoat> Hitchcock? 0619:< KCosmo> hitchcock 0620:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Hitchcock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0620:< s-i-s-u> lol 0620:< KCosmo> fuck I couldnt think of his first name 0620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "The Matrix"? 0620:< KCosmo> kept wanting to put john lol 0620:< s-i-s-u> laurence fishburne 0620:< 3xist3nc3> Keanu Reeves 0620:< KCosmo> keanu reeves 0620:< chapebrone> ^ %chat % #rpg a.cTive cHaNn.ElS 0620:< djcocainegoat> Reeves Keanu? 0620:< KCosmo> ratelimit you stfu! 0620:< npinsker> The answer was Keanu Reeves! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2072), KCosmo (298) 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who played 'The Scorpion King' in the recent movie 'The Mummy Returns'? 0621:< KCosmo> the rock 0621:< 3xist3nc3> ''recent'' 0621:< djcocainegoat> trivia chat has a christmas vibe 0621:< s-i-s-u> DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON 0621:< KCosmo> oh crap 0621:< djcocainegoat> the rock 0621:< KCosmo> dwayne johnson 0621:< npinsker> The answer was Dwayne Johnson! Correct users: KCosmo (302) 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A can of Pepsi holds __ fluid ounces. 0622:< s-i-s-u> 12 0622:< 3xist3nc3> 9 0622:< KCosmo> 12 0622:< djcocainegoat> 12 0622:< s-i-s-u> 8? shit 0622:< djcocainegoat> punchable names: dwayne, melvin 0622:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: s-i-s-u (58), KCosmo (305), djcocainegoat (46) 0622:< KCosmo> wait what 0622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Rolling Stones first hit was written by what group? 0622:< 3xist3nc3> hahahah 0622:< 3xist3nc3> the beatles 0622:< djcocainegoat> David Bowie 0622:< s-i-s-u> the Rolling Stones? 0622:< KCosmo> satisfaction 0623:< KCosmo> lol 0623:< npinsker> The answer was The Beatles! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2076) 0623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Taboos || Over what place in india is it forbidden to fly an airplane? 0623:< 3xist3nc3> Taj mahal 0623:< KCosmo> cow city 0623:< KCosmo> taj mahal 0623:< npinsker> The answer was Taj Mahal! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2080), KCosmo (308) 0624:< 3xist3nc3> weather 0624:< roobarb_pie> weather 0624:< KCosmo> weather 0624:< djcocainegoat> weather 0624:< KCosmo> i almost put meteors for a sec 0624:< roobarb_pie> lol 0624:< npinsker> The answer was weather! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2084), roobarb_pie (3), KCosmo (310), djcocainegoat (47) 0624:< s-i-s-u> lol 0624:< KCosmo> i was like eeeer NO stop 0624:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2084), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || What was the name of Gandalf's sword? 0625:< djcocainegoat> Mjolnir 0625:< s-i-s-u> shit i know this 0625:< KCosmo> shit i know this 0625:< KCosmo> lol 0625:< KCosmo> mithrantil 0625:< 3xist3nc3> shit i know this 0625:< npinsker> The answer was Glamdring! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0625:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Animal Sex || Which of these animals has a corkscrew-shaped penis? Cat, duck, chicken 0625:< s-i-s-u> lol nope nope 0625:< KCosmo> duck 0625:< Chickenfrend> Duck 0625:< djcocainegoat> duck 0625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl? 0626:< KCosmo> cousins 0626:< 3xist3nc3> cousin 0626:< Chickenfrend> cousins 0626:< djcocainegoat> same person from the future 0626:< s-i-s-u> they are not real people 0626:< KCosmo> thatd be cool 0626:< npinsker> The answer was cousin! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2088) 0626:< KCosmo> aw cmon 0626:< neverkidding> The answer was duck! Correct users: KCosmo (1,000), Chickenfrend (5,000), djcocainegoat (10,000) 0626:< djcocainegoat> damn right it was! 0626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Prosthetics deals with the making of __________. 0626:< neverkidding> limbs 0626:< djcocainegoat> pros 0626:< s-i-s-u> artificial limbs 0626:< KCosmo> artificial limbs 0627:< neverkidding> artificial limbs 0627:< djcocainegoat> artificial limbs 0627:< npinsker> The answer was artificial limbs! Correct users: s-i-s-u (62), KCosmo (313), neverkidding (266), djcocainegoat (48) 0627:< s-i-s-u> you're welcome all 0627:< neverkidding> ty 0627:< KCosmo> i typoed it 0627:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || From which station does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave? 0627:< s-i-s-u> ;D 0627:< neverkidding> 29 0627:< KCosmo> tennesee 0627:< KCosmo> oh crap 0627:< djcocainegoat> chattanooga? 0627:< npinsker> The answer was Pennsylvania station! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0628:< KCosmo> HA 0628:< neverkidding> hahahaha I don't know why I thought it was 29 0628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's largest lake? 0628:< 3xist3nc3> Caspian sea 0628:< djcocainegoat> titicaca! 0628:< s-i-s-u> lake baikal 0628:< KCosmo> lake titticaca 0628:< neverkidding> lake tagaytay 0628:< djcocainegoat> Victoria 0628:< npinsker> The answer was Caspian Sea! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2092) 0628:< neverkidding> "lake"......."sea" 0628:< s-i-s-u> lmao 0628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is associated with Alcatraz? 0629:< djcocainegoat> caspian lies 0629:< neverkidding> san francisco 0629:< s-i-s-u> san francisco 0629:< KCosmo> san fransisco 0629:< djcocainegoat> frisco 0629:< KCosmo> san francisco 0629:< KCosmo> gdit 0629:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: neverkidding (270), s-i-s-u (65), KCosmo (315) 0629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What is someone who collects banknotes called? 0629:< KCosmo> notaphile 0629:< s-i-s-u> hillary 0629:< djcocainegoat> notaphile 0630:< npinsker> The answer was Notaphile! Correct users: KCosmo (319), djcocainegoat (51) 0630:< KCosmo> woot 0630:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Horsie things || What is the name given to a female horse under 1 year old? 0630:< djcocainegoat> trivia is trying to program me with knowledge 0630:< KCosmo> filly 0630:< s-i-s-u> little girl horse 0630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th? 0630:< KCosmo> fillie 0630:< djcocainegoat> pony 0630:< djcocainegoat> sunday 0630:< KCosmo> sunday 0630:< s-i-s-u> saturday 0630:< KCosmo> FUCK YOU RATELIMIT 0630:< npinsker> The answer was Sunday! Correct users: djcocainegoat (55), KCosmo (322) 0631:< s-i-s-u> mannnnnn 0631:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2092), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1300), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0631:< neverkidding> The answer was filly! Correct users: KCosmo (2,000), and djcocainegoat gets +500 points for trying 0631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Myths || What were the 'Golden Apples' in Greek myth? 0631:< KCosmo> whoa how are people getting points for wrong answers 0631:< djcocainegoat> ty :D 0631:< npinsker> The answer was Apricots! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0632:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Reproduction || How many times per year do female dogs go into heat (fertile period)? 0632:< KCosmo> 4 0632:< djcocainegoat> bot needs to go lie down 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Seattle ________. 0632:< rbasov> supersonics 0632:< KCosmo> supersonics 0632:< djcocainegoat> hornets 0632:< neverkidding> The answer was 2! Correct users: djcocainegoat (500,000) 0632:< npinsker> The answer was Supersonics! Correct users: rbasov (1304), KCosmo (325) 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || On 'Dragnet', who played officer Bill Gannon? 0633:< KCosmo> ha 0633:< KCosmo> ha 0633:< 3xist3nc3> Bill gannondorf 0633:< KCosmo> ha 0633:< rbasov> harry morgan 0633:< djcocainegoat> Shatner 0633:< npinsker> The answer was Harry Morgan! Correct users: rbasov (1308) 0633:< KCosmo> off to watch a movie ttyl all 0633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is the name given to the supreme reality in Hinduism? 0634:< djcocainegoat> nirvana 0634:< neverkidding> nirvana 0634:< neverkidding> shit that's buddhism 0634:< npinsker> The answer was Brahman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0634:< 3xist3nc3> Kurt brahman 0634:< neverkidding> hahahahaha 0634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || If you're IMing on QQ about Shenzhen's hottest nightclubs, you're probably on what country's version of AIM? 0634:< djcocainegoat> later 0634:< 3xist3nc3> China 0634:< rbasov> china 0634:< neverkidding> that's actually ironic because Brahman is a type of cow 0634:< 3xist3nc3> cya @djcocainegoat 0634:< djcocainegoat> china 0634:< neverkidding> china 0634:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2096), rbasov (1311), djcocainegoat (57), neverkidding (271) 0635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This mainstay of the Contra series fires multiple red bullets at 45 degree angles. 0635:< npinsker> The answer was Spread Gun! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of? 0636:< 3xist3nc3> Ivory 0636:< rbasov> keratin 0636:< Patarknight> ivory 0636:< rbasov> that's an elephant 0636:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0636:< rbasov> keratin is what hair is made of...im callng shenanigans 0636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'? 0636:< 3xist3nc3> Chicago 0637:< rbasov> chicago 0637:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2100), rbasov (1314) 0637:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2100), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1314), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What game features the largest ball? 0638:< rbasov> volleyball 0638:< npinsker> The answer was earthball! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0638:< rbasov> dafuq is that 0638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What was the first sign shown to Moses by God according to the Bible? 0638:< rbasov> burning bush 0638:< Adamsoski> burning bush 0639:< npinsker> The answer was burning bush! Correct users: rbasov (1318), Adamsoski (5) 0639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the largest of the deer family. 0639:< rbasov> moose 0639:< npinsker> The answer was moose! Correct users: rbasov (1322) 0640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Mary Fitton is thought to be the "dark lady" in whose sonnets? 0640:< rbasov> ben johnson 0640:< npinsker> The answer was William Shakespeare! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for lead? 0640:< rbasov> pb 0640:< Adamsoski> pb 0640:< 3xist3nc3> flint 0640:< chapebrone> ^ %chat # %parrot penis/ #rpg aCt.ivE C.haNnels 0641:< npinsker> The answer was Pb! Correct users: rbasov (1326), Adamsoski (8) 0641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is Warren Beatty's sister? 0641:< rbasov> shirley mclaine 0641:< rbasov> shirley maclaine 0641:< npinsker> The answer was Shirley MacLaine! Correct users: rbasov (1330) 0642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || The sulphate of which metal is used to render the alimentary canal opaque to X-rays (symbol Ba)? 0642:< rbasov> barium 0642:< npinsker> The answer was barium! Correct users: rbasov (1334) 0643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history. 0643:< rbasov> the louisiana purchase 0643:< npinsker> The answer was Louisiana Purchase! Correct users: rbasov (1338) 0643:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2100), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1338), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What did TVs IMF stand for? 0644:< npinsker> The answer was Impossible Mission Forces! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is also known as the 'bishop's stone'? 0644:< vox35> His left nut 0645:< rbasov> amethyst 0645:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: rbasov (1342) 0645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which team won the UEFA cup this year? 0645:< vox35> Chudly Cannons 0645:< rbasov> lazio 0646:< npinsker> The answer was Liverpool! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || This Toy is based on a Filipino Hunters Weapon what is it? 0646:< vox35> Beyblades 0646:< rbasov> beyblades 0646:< npinsker> The answer was Yo Yo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0646:< vox35> Haha 0647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || In what month is Christmas observed? 0647:< rbasov> december 0647:< vox35> Fuckin' February 0647:< rbasov> it sounded like a good answer lol 0647:< Mopolo> December 0647:< npinsker> The answer was December! Correct users: rbasov (1346), Mopolo (3) 0647:< rbasov> my bitch is crying...she has to go potty :( and it's raining 0647:< vox35> When do you think, npinsker? 0647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the third country to get the "bomb"? 0648:< rbasov> russia 0648:< npinsker> The answer was Britain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0648:< vox35> Umbrellas are good for that I find. 0648:< vox35> France 0648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What does 'The Monument' in London commemorate? 0648:< rbasov> the great fire 0648:< vox35> Fuck, I'm lagging here. Time to go to bed I guess. 0648:< npinsker> The answer was Great Fire of London! Correct users: rbasov (1350) 0649:< vox35> Good night 0649:< npinsker> when do i think what? 0649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith? 0649:< vox35> When do you think Christmas is? 0649:< npinsker> i think december, but i could be wrong 0649:< vox35> Correct! 0649:< npinsker> The answer was The Maxx! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0649:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2100), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1350), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0650:< dick_sanitizer> hey peep 0650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What herbivore sleeps one hour a night? 0650:< dick_sanitizer> cow 0650:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which Baltic seaport was the German rocket centre during WWII? 0651:< chapebrone> <3 # % #rpg ^ %chat %parrot AC.tive c.HanNEls 0651:< npinsker> The answer was Peenemunde! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was name of the Titanic's sister ship? 0652:< rbasov> hmhs brittanic 0652:< rbasov> rms olympic 0652:< 3xist3nc3> HMS Brittanic 0652:< npinsker> The answer was Lucitania! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0652:< rbasov> shennanigans! 0652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie trivia || Who directed '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'A Clockwork Orange'. 0652:< Patarknight> Kubrick 0652:< 3xist3nc3> Stanley Kubrick] 0652:< rbasov> kubrick 0652:< 3xist3nc3> stanley kubrick 0652:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Kubrick! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2104) 0653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Margaret Thatcher was what? 0653:< Patarknight> Prime Minsiter 0653:< Patarknight> Prime Minister 0653:< rbasov> prime minister of england 0653:< npinsker> The answer was First Woman Prime Minister! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0653:< Patarknight> Yeah, Britannic or Olympic should be right for Titanic sister ship, Lusitania is not 0653:< rbasov> yeah, fix that 0653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in Europe? 0654:< Patarknight> Elbrus 0654:< rbasov> mt. everest 0654:< rbasov> wait, that's asia 0654:< rbasov> mount blanc 0654:< npinsker> The answer was Mont Blanc! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0654:< rbasov> ...npinsker...please fix spelling 0654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video? 0654:< atdemeo> Thriller 0655:< rbasov> beat it 0655:< npinsker> The answer was Beat It! Correct users: rbasov (1354) 0655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise? 0655:< rbasov> saturn 0655:< atdemeo> Saturn 0655:< npinsker> The answer was Venus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0656:< atdemeo> damn you rbasov 0656:< rbasov> lol 0656:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2104), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1829), rbasov (1354), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0656:< rbasov> it's fun throwing people off 0656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || With what country is Fidel Castro associated? 0656:< Patarknight> Cuba 0656:< rbasov> cuba 0656:< 3xist3nc3> Cuba 0656:< atdemeo> This trivia bot makes me feel like a tard 0656:< rbasov> I feel like he's dead...he hasn't done anything in forever 0656:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: Patarknight (1833), rbasov (1357), 3xist3nc3 (2106) 0657:< atdemeo> I sucked at History. It was my worst subject 0657:< rbasov> Stick around long enough and you'll just memorize everything 0657:< chapebrone> ^ % #rpg %chat # a.ctiVe C.haNnels 0657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots? 0657:< rbasov> sos 0657:< atdemeo> sos 0657:< rbasov> S.O.S. 0657:< 3xist3nc3> save our ship 0657:< 3xist3nc3> sos 0657:< rbasov> not sure which format is correct 0657:< npinsker> The answer was SOS! Correct users: rbasov (1361), atdemeo (16), 3xist3nc3 (2108) 0657:< atdemeo> I'm a fan of math bots that spit out math problems for you. 0657:< atdemeo> Someone work on that 0657:< rbasov> I agree 0657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which magician did Lothar assist? 0658:< atdemeo> Houdini 0658:< npinsker> The answer was Mandrake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0658:< rbasov> cartoon trivia lol 0658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || Indifference to pleasure of pain; Grrek philosophical system following the teachings of Zeno? 0659:< rbasov> stoicism 0659:< npinsker> The answer was Stoicism! Correct users: rbasov (1365) 0659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The standard major scale is also known as the _______ mode. 0659:< atdemeo> lonian 0659:< npinsker> The answer was Ionian! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0700:< atdemeo> Damn. must google faster..... 0700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the oldest town in Belgium? 0700:< atdemeo> tongeren 0700:< rbasov> tongeren 0700:< aspiderbot> googling is cheating 0700:< iHacked> Tongeren 0700:< npinsker> The answer was Tongeren! Correct users: atdemeo (20), rbasov (1368), iHacked (2) 0700:< atdemeo> Report me 0700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He is known for his theory of "Evolution". 0700:< aspiderbot> ok 0701:< rbasov> charles darwin 0701:< iHacked> Charles Darwin 0701:< atdemeo> Charles Darwin 0701:< Ireland55> charles darwin 0701:< aspiderbot> charles darwin 0701:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: rbasov (1372), iHacked (5), atdemeo (22), Ireland55 (1), aspiderbot (2) 0701:< rbasov> you do now the bot is a person just running a script...he does ban people lol 0701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a _______. 0701:< rbasov> full house 0701:< atdemeo> Full Hous 0701:< aspiderbot> full house 0701:< iHacked> Full house 0702:< atdemeo> Full House 0702:< Ireland55> full house 0702:< aspiderbot> fuller house 0702:< npinsker> The answer was full house! Correct users: rbasov (1376), aspiderbot (5), iHacked (7), atdemeo (23), Ireland55 (1) 0702:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2108), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1833), rbasov (1376), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0702:< aspiderbot> rbasov how long have you been playing 0702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || Of what is keratitis an inflammation? 0702:< rbasov> a few days 0702:< aspiderbot> skin 0702:< atdemeo> hahaha 0702:< rbasov> cornea 0703:< Ireland55> joints 0703:< aspiderbot> eye 0703:< iHacked> Eye 0703:< npinsker> The answer was cornea! Correct users: rbasov (1380) 0703:< atdemeo> Long enough to have seen all the questions how many times now? 0703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Taipei? 0703:< rbasov> taiwan 0703:< atdemeo> Taiwan 0703:< Ireland55> ching chong kand 0703:< iHacked> China 0703:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: rbasov (1384), atdemeo (26) 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What score is not possible for a cribbage hand? 0704:< rbasov> 19 0704:< atdemeo> 51 0704:< rbasov> wtf is cribbage? 0704:< atdemeo> No idea 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest ocean? 0705:< rbasov> pacific 0705:< atdemeo> Pacific 0705:< iHacked> The Pacific Ocean 0705:< Authsauce> pacific 0705:< npinsker> The answer was Pacific Ocean! Correct users: rbasov (1392), atdemeo (29), iHacked (9), Authsauce (372) 0705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer || What does the acronym COBOL stand for? 0705:< rbasov> common business-oriented language 0706:< atdemeo> Common Business Oriented Language 0706:< npinsker> The answer was Common Business Oriented Language! Correct users: rbasov (1396), atdemeo (32) 0706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What type of animal lives in a formicary? 0706:< LeeBears> ants 0706:< rbasov> ant 0706:< iHacked> Ant 0706:< atdemeo> nt 0706:< rbasov> psst...they're not animals. They're incests. 0706:< npinsker> The answer was ant! Correct users: rbasov (1400), iHacked (12) 0707:< atdemeo> insect* 0707:< chapebrone> ^ % #rpg # acti.vE Cha.nNeLs 0707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital of Argentina. 0707:< rbasov> buenos aires 0707:< iHacked> Buenos aires 0707:< atdemeo> Buenos Aires 0707:< KazMcDemon> did you really just say that insects aren't animals? 0707:< npinsker> The answer was Buenos Aires! Correct users: rbasov (1404), iHacked (15), atdemeo (34) 0707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Baseball || Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap? 0708:< aspiderbot> baby ruth 0708:< atdemeo> Babe Rutg 0708:< LeeBears> Babe Ruth 0708:< rbasov> babe ruth 0708:< iHacked> Babe Ruth 0708:< aspiderbot> john cabbage 0708:< atdemeo> Babe Ruth 0708:< npinsker> The answer was Babe Ruth! Correct users: LeeBears (82), rbasov (1407), iHacked (17), atdemeo (35) 0708:< rbasov> calling a bug an animal is stupid imo 0708:< rbasov> i know they are categorized as such, but it's just not right. 0708:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2108), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1833), rbasov (1407), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Ceremonies || After how many years marriage do you celebrate your emerald wedding anniversary 0709:< aspiderbot> 20 0709:< rbasov> 20 0709:< iHacked> 20 0709:< chapebrone> ^ #rpg %chat # % a.CTIvE chA.nneLs 0709:< LeeBears> 40 0709:< KazMcDemon> sounds like you're confusing animal with mammal, mate 0709:< rbasov> 55 0709:< npinsker> The answer was 55! Correct users: rbasov (1411) 0709:< rbasov> No, I'm not...mammals have babies and procreate through sex. Animals are everything. 0709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) ________. 0709:< rbasov> odometer 0709:< LeeBears> odometer 0709:< aspiderbot> odometer 0709:< KazMcDemon> you mean like insects do? 0710:< npinsker> The answer was odometer! Correct users: rbasov (1415), LeeBears (85), aspiderbot (7) 0710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which game or sport can a person be "skunked"? 0710:< LeeBears> Cribbage 0710:< rbasov> Yes, like insects. I just don't think they should be classified as animals. I think insect should be a separate category altogether. 0710:< rbasov> table tennis 0710:< KazMcDemon> insects have sex 0710:< npinsker> The answer was cribbage! Correct users: LeeBears (89) 0711:< rbasov> All insects? 0711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Tupelo? 0711:< LeeBears> Mississippi 0711:< rbasov> mississippi 0711:< KazMcDemon> sorry, ducks have sex, are they mammals? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:11:45 2016 0711:< rbasov> I didn't say only mammals have sex did it? 0711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || This successor of Avatar Aang defended Republic City from Kuvira and began a romance with Asami Sato. 0712:< rbasov> avatar korra 0712:< KazMcDemon> you should read about taxonomy, you might learn something 0712:< npinsker> The answer was Avatar Korra! Correct users: rbasov (1422) 0712:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0712:< rbasov> I could, but I really couldn't care less. 0712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Neptune was the Roman god of the ____________? 0712:< LeeBears> Sea 0712:< rbasov> the sea 0713:< rbasov> $ This is entirely opinionated on my behalf. 0713:< npinsker> The answer was sea! Correct users: LeeBears (97), rbasov (1425) 0713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She starred in the 1952 film, "Niagara". 0713:< LeeBears> Marilyn Monroe 0713:< rbasov> marilyn monroe 0713:< npinsker> The answer was Marilyn Monroe! Correct users: LeeBears (101), rbasov (1428) 0714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || In mIRC, what colour does control-K + 4 give? 0714:< LeeBears> green 0714:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0715:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2108), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1833), rbasov (1428), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0715:< KazMcDemon> I think the sky is blue because of off-gas from the Yellowstone National Park, because water is blue sometimes 0715:< chapebrone> ^ % # %chat #rpg Ac.Tive c.HANnels 0715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || What Edgar Allan Poe poem was first published in the New York Evening Mirror on January 29, 1845? 0715:< rbasov> And you can have that opinion. 0715:< LeeBears> The Raven 0715:< rbasov> the raven 0715:< npinsker> The answer was The Raven! Correct users: LeeBears (105), rbasov (1431) 0716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which country is the famous Maracana stadium? 0716:< chapebrone> ^ % # %chat #rpg A.CtiVe CHan.NelS 0716:< rbasov> brazil 0716:< npinsker> The answer was brazil! Correct users: rbasov (1435) 0716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If you flew due West from Portugal, what is the first continent you would reach? 0716:< rbasov> greenland 0716:< LeeBears> North America 0717:< rbasov> oh continent...totally read country 0717:< innoutberger> north america 0717:< npinsker> The answer was North America! Correct users: LeeBears (109), innoutberger (111) 0717:< AndyD418> canada 0717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Drake is the commanding officer of which faction in the Game Boy Advance title "Advance Wars"? 0717:< KazMcDemon> no, saying "I like puppies because I think they're cute" is an opinion, what I said is ignorant misinformation 0717:< innoutberger> the red one 0717:< rbasov> green earth 0717:< npinsker> The answer was Green Earth! Correct users: rbasov (1439) 0718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called? 0718:< rbasov> kaz, just stop trying to be the asshole that's always right. Leave it alone and just piss off. 0718:< rbasov> the equator 0718:< LeeBears> Equator 0718:< KazMcDemon> lol get mad 0718:< npinsker> The answer was equator! Correct users: rbasov (1443), LeeBears (112) 0718:< 3xist3nc3> 1v1 0719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Brussels is the capital of which country? 0719:< rbasov> belgiu, 0719:< 3xist3nc3> Belgium 0719:< LeeBears> Belgium 0719:< rbasov> mute is a great feature... 0719:< npinsker> The answer was Belgium! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2112), LeeBears (115) 0719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actress has received the most Oscar nominations? 0719:< rbasov> maryl streep 0720:< rbasov> meryl streep 0720:< npinsker> The answer was Katherine Hepburn! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0720:< chapebrone> %chat # #rpg % ^ AC.tivE chAnne.ls 0720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which Central American country extends furthest north? 0720:< innoutberger> mexico 0720:< rbasov> mexico 0721:< npinsker> The answer was Belize! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0721:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2112), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1833), rbasov (1443), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0721:< innoutberger> Seriously? 0721:< rbasov> belize isn't the most northen 0721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points? 0721:< rbasov> npinsker, can you fix that question 0721:< LeeBears> rook 0721:< LeeBears> well, its 5 pawns 0722:< npinsker> The answer was rook! Correct users: LeeBears (119) 0722:< innoutberger> According to google 0722:< rbasov> i was always told mexico is central america... 0722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only South East Asian country that is a member of the British Commonwealth? 0722:< npinsker> The answer was Malaysia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Larry Hagman portray in the TV series 'Dallas'? 0723:< LeeBears> J.r. Ewing 0723:< rbasov> JR ewing 0723:< npinsker> The answer was J.R. Ewing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0723:< LeeBears> boo 0723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog? 0724:< LeeBears> Rome 0724:< rbasov> iceland 0724:< npinsker> The answer was Iceland! Correct users: rbasov (1447) 0724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the only other animal besides humans to have unique prints? 0724:< innoutberger> banana slug 0724:< LeeBears> Chimpanzee 0724:< AndyD418> koala 0724:< rbasov> gorilla 0725:< npinsker> The answer was Koala Bears! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0725:< innoutberger> Haha thats bs 0725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What name is given to a female calf? 0725:< LeeBears> npinsker so picky 0725:< rbasov> heifer 0725:< innoutberger> heifer 0725:< npinsker> The answer was heifer! Correct users: rbasov (1451), innoutberger (114) 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the only boxer to knock out Mohammed Ali? 0726:< LeeBears> Joe Forman 0726:< innoutberger> no fucking idea 0726:< LeeBears> Joe Foreman 0726:< AndyD418> jorge 0726:< npinsker> The answer was Larry Holmes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Education || What degree do the intials 'DDS' stand for? 0726:< KCosmo> Doctorate dental sciences 0727:< LeeBears> Doctor of Dental studies 0727:< rbasov> doctor of dental surgery 0727:< 3xist3nc3> Doctor of Dental Surgery 0727:< npinsker> The answer was Doctor of Dental Surgery! Correct users: Patarknight (1837), rbasov (1454), 3xist3nc3 (2114) 0727:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2114), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1837), rbasov (1454), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Scouts || What is the boy scout motto? 0727:< LeeBears> Be prepared 0727:< innoutberger> be prepared 0728:< innoutberger> eagle scout bitch 0728:< rbasov> what happens at scout camp stays at scout camp 0728:< npinsker> The answer was Be prepared! Correct users: LeeBears (123), innoutberger (117) 0728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Common Terms || What is often referred to as "the oldest profession"? 0728:< rbasov> prostitution 0728:< LeeBears> hookers 0728:< innoutberger> hospitality 0728:< innoutberger> oh its totally prostitution, my bad 0728:< rbasov> lol 0729:< npinsker> The answer was prostitution! Correct users: rbasov (1458) 0729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square? 0729:< Authsauce> charlie chaplan 0729:< innoutberger> shakespere 0729:< rbasov> shakespeare 0729:< Authsauce> charlie chaplin 0729:< rbasov> idk... 0729:< npinsker> The answer was Charlie Chaplin! Correct users: Authsauce (376) 0730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Where were Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs enshrined? 0730:< LeeBears> The SMithsonian 0730:< rbasov> the smithsonian nation museum 0730:< npinsker> The answer was The Smithsonian Institute! Correct users: LeeBears (127) 0730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the tribal african word for dowry? 0731:< rbasov> click click 0731:< npinsker> The answer was lobola! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0731:< LeeBears> oh of course! 0731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a __________. 0731:< rbasov> transformer --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:32:15 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:32:32 2016 0732:< rbasov> terpsichore 0732:< npinsker> The answer was Terpsichore! Correct users: rbasov (1466) 0733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the name of the mountain chain separating most of Spain from France? 0733:< Patarknight> Pyrenees 0733:< rbasov> pyrenees 0733:< npinsker> The answer was Pyrenees! Correct users: Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1469) 0733:< tigerLRG245> are we merging today? 0733:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2114), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1469), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0733:< rbasov> doubtful 0734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Hanna-Barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for MGM? 0734:< rbasov> tom and jerry 0734:< npinsker> The answer was Tom and Jerry! Correct users: rbasov (1473) 0734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"? 0734:< rbasov> the wicked witch of the east 0735:< rbasov> wicked witch of the west 0735:< npinsker> The answer was Glinda! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0735:< rbasov> which one had the house fall on them? 0735:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers. 0735:< rbasov> glasses 0735:< OneRedSent> glasses 0735:< LeeBears> Beer goggles 0735:< npinsker> The answer was glasses! Correct users: rbasov (1477), OneRedSent (39) 0735:< rbasov> lol leebears 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?" 0736:< OneRedSent> 20 questions 0736:< LeeBears> 20 questions 0736:< rbasov> 20 questions 0736:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: OneRedSent (43), LeeBears (130), rbasov (1479) 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the mother's name in Family Circus? 0737:< OneRedSent> lois 0737:< rbasov> florence 0737:< OneRedSent> jane 0737:< LeeBears> They have names? 0737:< rbasov> apparently lol 0737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches? 0737:< LeeBears> John McInroe 0738:< npinsker> The answer was Andre Agassi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who had nine heads? 0738:< LeeBears> the hydra 0738:< rbasov> hydra 0738:< npinsker> The answer was Hydra! Correct users: LeeBears (134), rbasov (1482) 0739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Great Gatsby'? 0739:< rbasov> F. Scott Fitzgerald 0739:< npinsker> The answer was F. Scott Fitzgerald! Correct users: rbasov (1486) 0739:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2114), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1486), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of __________. 0740:< rbasov> joint 0740:< rbasov> bone 0740:< LeeBears> bones 0740:< npinsker> The answer was bone! Correct users: rbasov (1490) 0740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of wine? 0740:< LeeBears> Dionysus 0741:< rbasov> dionysus 0741:< npinsker> The answer was Dionysus! Correct users: LeeBears (138), rbasov (1493) 0741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who spoke the first recorded message? 0741:< rbasov> thomas edison 0741:< GriffinPrice> watson 0741:< GriffinPrice> marconi 0742:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Edison! Correct users: rbasov (1497) 0742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 't'? 0742:< LeeBears> tango 0742:< GriffinPrice> tango 0742:< rbasov> whiskey tango foxtrot 0742:< npinsker> The answer was tango! Correct users: LeeBears (142), GriffinPrice (29) 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?" 0743:< LeeBears> Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0743:< npinsker> The answer was Samuel Taylor Coleridge! Correct users: LeeBears (146) 0743:< hagbard-celine> '/ 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very silly countries || The Presidential highway links the towns of Gore and Clinton in which country? 0743:< rbasov> new zealand 0744:< npinsker> The answer was New Zealand! Correct users: rbasov (1501) 0744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In which branch of science are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms? 0744:< LeeBears> Paleantology 0744:< rbasov> botany 0745:< npinsker> The answer was Botany! Correct users: rbasov (1505) 0745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Beatle wrote The Octopus's song? 0745:< LeeBears> RIngo Starr 0745:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: LeeBears (150) 0746:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2114), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1505), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || What Follows the Phrase 'Eye for Eye, Tooth for Tooth'? 0746:< rbasov> makes the whole world blind 0746:< npinsker> The answer was Hand for Hand, Foot for Foot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0746:< LeeBears> dong for dong 0746:< 3xist3nc3> ass for ass 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter and Paul died. 0747:< 3xist3nc3> Caesar salad 0747:< LeeBears> Nero 0747:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: LeeBears (154) 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What is the name of Harry Potter's owl? 0748:< rbasov> hedwig 0748:< npinsker> The answer was Hedwig! Correct users: rbasov (1509) 0748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested? 0748:< 3xist3nc3> 22 0748:< rbasov> 16 0748:< LeeBears> 15 0748:< chuckfinleLP1> twelve 0748:< chuckfinleLP1> 11 0748:< rbasov> 11 0748:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (31), rbasov (1512) 0749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || -isms: The belief in God as a "divine clockmaker," originating in the age of Enlightenment. 0749:< LeeBears> Deism 0749:< rbasov> bhuddism 0749:< 3xist3nc3> Timical deism 0749:< npinsker> The answer was Deism! Correct users: LeeBears (158), 3xist3nc3 (2117) 0749:< rbasov> deism 0749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Philadelphia ____________? 0750:< LeeBears> Phillies 0750:< rbasov> phillies 0750:< npinsker> The answer was Phillies! Correct users: LeeBears (162), rbasov (1515) 0750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport do neither participents or spectators know the score until the end? 0751:< rbasov> boxing 0751:< npinsker> The answer was boxing! Correct users: rbasov (1519) 0751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant. 0751:< rbasov> vanilla bean 0751:< npinsker> The answer was orchid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0752:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2117), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1519), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What are the only two colours a table tennis ball is allowed to be in competitions? 0752:< 3xist3nc3> yellow and white 0752:< rbasov> white and yellow 0752:< AndyD418> yellow and white 0752:< rbasov> i wonder if order matters 0752:< npinsker> The answer was White and Yellow! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2121), rbasov (1522), AndyD418 (132) 0752:< AndyD418> nope 0753:< rbasov> yay 0753:< 3xist3nc3> it sometimes does 0753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of the overseas department and administrative region of France, Reunion? 0753:< LeeBears> wut 0753:< rbasov> like on the question about the 4 baltic countries, or whatever reagion 0753:< npinsker> The answer was Saint-Denis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is the Bridge of Sighs? 0754:< 3xist3nc3> Venice 0754:< rbasov> italy 0754:< AndyD418> italy 0754:< rbasov> venice 0754:< npinsker> The answer was Venice! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2125), rbasov (1525) 0754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What was Betty Grable's nickname? 0754:< rbasov> million dollar legs 0755:< npinsker> The answer was The Legs! Correct users: rbasov (1529) 0755:< rbasov> eh...works for me 0755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || This plant has leaves with delicate trigger hairs, allowing it to sense and trap insects. 0755:< 3xist3nc3> venus flytrap 0755:< AndyD418> venus flytrap 0755:< LeeBears> Venus flytrap 0755:< rbasov> flytrap 0755:< npinsker> The answer was venus flytrap! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2129), AndyD418 (135), LeeBears (164) 0756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who invented the electrical bass? 0756:< rbasov> paul tutmarc 0756:< 3xist3nc3> saul bass 0756:< npinsker> The answer was Leo Fender! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0756:< LeeBears> Les Paul 0756:< rbasov> thought he made the electric guitar 0756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Meningitis affects the _________. 0756:< rbasov> throat 0756:< LeeBears> SPine 0756:< DeyTa> meninges 0757:< 3xist3nc3> mening 0757:< AndyD418> spine 0757:< rbasov> brain 0757:< rbasov> nervous system 0757:< npinsker> The answer was brain! Correct users: rbasov (1533) 0757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Peter Parker's secret identity? 0757:< LeeBears> Spiderman 0757:< 3xist3nc3> spiderman 0757:< AndyD418> spiderman 0757:< rbasov> psh...nerds 0757:< AndyD418> venom 0758:< npinsker> The answer was Spiderman! Correct users: rbasov (1537), LeeBears (167), 3xist3nc3 (2131), AndyD418 (136) 0758:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2131), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1537), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the musical film named after a state. 0758:< 3xist3nc3> oklahoma 0758:< LeeBears> Oklahoma 0758:< rbasov> oklahoma 0758:< AndyD418> oklahoma 0758:< rbasov> dead man walking 0759:< npinsker> The answer was Oklahoma! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2135), LeeBears (170), rbasov (1539), AndyD418 (137) 0759:< 3xist3nc3> cya later guys 0759:< LeeBears> see ya 0759:< rbasov> night 0759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What does bit stands for? 0759:< mharrizone> binary digit 0759:< rbasov> binary digit 0759:< mharrizone> night 3xist3nc3 0759:< npinsker> The answer was binary digit! Correct users: mharrizone (367), rbasov (1542) 0800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Andaman Islands belong to which country? 0800:< mharrizone> netherlands 0800:< rbasov> india 0800:< npinsker> The answer was india! Correct users: rbasov (1546) 0800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Stephen King's: "Salem's _________". 0800:< LeeBears> Lot 0800:< mharrizone> lot 0801:< rbasov> lot 0801:< npinsker> The answer was Lot! Correct users: LeeBears (174), mharrizone (370), rbasov (1548) 0801:< mharrizone> Stephen King's "Salem's south of here...you're in Maine, not even the right state." 0801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theatre || What Gilbert and Sullivan work tells the story of a Japanese emperor who bans flirting? 0801:< mharrizone> madam butterfly 0802:< mharrizone> madame butterfly 0802:< npinsker> The answer was The Mikado! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0802:< rbasov> the mikado --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:02:19 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:02:24 2016 0802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 0802:< rbasov> qing 0802:< mharrizone> qing 0802:< DeyTa> ming 0802:< rbasov> has it been fixed? 0802:< mharrizone> shang 0802:< mharrizone> liu kang 0802:< npinsker> The answer was ching! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0802:< LeeBears> wu-tang 0803:< mharrizone> QING IS CHING 0803:< rbasov> ... 0803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones? 0803:< LeeBears> Beatles 0803:< mharrizone> the beatles 0803:< rbasov> the beatles 0803:< mharrizone> beatles 0803:< npinsker> The answer was The Beatles! Correct users: LeeBears (178), mharrizone (373), rbasov (1550) 0803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Humanitarianism || What does the abbreviation 'UNICEF' stand for? 0804:< mharrizone> united nations children's emergency fund 0804:< rbasov> United Nations Children's Emergency Fund 0804:< npinsker> The answer was United Nations Childrens' Emergency Fund! Correct users: mharrizone (377), rbasov (1553) 0804:< AndyD418> united nations children's emergency fund 0804:< mharrizone> lol seriously?! I just took an educated guess 0804:< rbasov> yeah lol 0804:< LeeBears> nice work 0804:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1553), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0804:< rbasov> where does the I come from though? 0804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || To refuel your car you go to a _____ station. 0805:< rbasov> petrol 0805:< mharrizone> gas 0805:< LeeBears> petrol 0805:< DeyTa> filling 0805:< rbasov> british bot 0805:< DeyTa> petrol 0805:< mharrizone> None of this petrol shit! 0805:< Authsauce> gasoline 0805:< npinsker> The answer was petrol! Correct users: rbasov (1557), LeeBears (181), DeyTa (5) 0805:< Authsauce> shenanigans! 0805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Litterature || Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War. 0805:< mharrizone> iliad 0805:< LeeBears> The Iliad 0805:< DeyTa> the chilliad 0805:< Authsauce> the iliad 0806:< Authsauce> The Braziliad 0806:< npinsker> The answer was Iliad! Correct users: mharrizone (381), LeeBears (184), Authsauce (378) 0806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This moon is our solar system's most cratered satellite: 0806:< mharrizone> rbasov UNIted nations Children's Emergency Fund because UNCEF isn't pronouncable 0806:< DeyTa> io 0806:< rbasov> it could've just as easily been initialism 0806:< npinsker> The answer was Callisto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0807:< rbasov> didn't have to be an acronym 0807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a male goose called? 0807:< mharrizone> gander 0807:< LeeBears> Gander 0807:< DeyTa> geese 0807:< Authsauce> gay --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:07:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:07:38 2016 0807:< npinsker> The answer was gander! Correct users: mharrizone (385), LeeBears (187), Authsauce (380) 0807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is another name for the prairie wolf? 0807:< rbasov> People also like FBI, CIA, NSA...initialisms 0808:< LeeBears> Coyote 0808:< rbasov> coyote 0808:< andysniper> coyote 0808:< mharrizone> coyote 0808:< DeyTa> CoYOTE 0808:< rbasov> I almost killed one on my way home tonight... 0808:< npinsker> The answer was coyote! Correct users: LeeBears (191), rbasov (1560), andysniper (390), mharrizone (386), DeyTa (5) 0808:< Authsauce> or my personal favorite, TNA 0808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what sea does the Elbe River flow? 0808:< DeyTa> mediterranean 0808:< Authsauce> north 0808:< andysniper> baltic 0808:< mharrizone> forearme 0808:< DeyTa> adriatic 0808:< Authsauce> baltic 0809:< Authsauce> adriatic 0809:< DeyTa> baltic 0809:< LeeBears> Sea of Tranquility 0809:< npinsker> The answer was North Sea! Correct users: Authsauce (384) 0809:< DeyTa> black 0809:< mharrizone> That's a long ass-river, LeeBears 0809:< LeeBears> heh 0809:< Authsauce> lol 0809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What protein makes blood red? 0809:< DeyTa> haemoglobin 0809:< Authsauce> hemoglobin 0809:< andysniper> hemoglobin 0809:< mharrizone> hemoglobin 0809:< rbasov> mitochondria 0809:< LeeBears> Hemoglobin 0809:< Authsauce> haemoglobin 0809:< AndyD418> red no 4 0809:< mharrizone> Not to be confused with Hemogoblin, worst comic book villain ever 0809:< Authsauce> this one spells it weird 0809:< rbasov> chanel no. 5 0809:< npinsker> The answer was Haemoglobin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0809:< DeyTa> lol mharrizone 0809:< LeeBears> wha 0810:< DeyTa> WHA 0810:< Authsauce> uh 0810:< mharrizone> Oh fucking æ 0810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______. 0810:< LeeBears> what is this 19th century trivia bot 0810:< DeyTa> i even got the british spelling 0810:< AndyD418> animals 0810:< mharrizone> zobology 0810:< DeyTa> nature 0810:< LeeBears> Biology 0810:< Authsauce> living things 0810:< turing_inequivalent> biology 0810:< Authsauce> biology 0810:< mharrizone> Fucking æ 0810:< npinsker> The answer was biology! Correct users: LeeBears (195), turing_inequivalent (3), Authsauce (386) 0810:< mharrizone> Fucking ae 0810:< DeyTa> ae lmao 0810:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1560), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0811:< Authsauce> lmaeo 0811:< mharrizone> laewl 0811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: People || Who is David John Cornwell better known as? 0811:< DeyTa> DJ corn 0811:< LeeBears> daenk maemes 0811:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0811:< mharrizone> john lotus 0811:< andysniper> Mrs Muriel Featherbottom 0811:< DeyTa> john lotus 0811:< rbasov> john le carre 0811:< npinsker> The answer was John Le Carre! Correct users: rbasov (1564) 0811:< AndyD418> cornhole 0811:< DeyTa> Le 0811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere? 0812:< rbasov> december 0812:< DeyTa> december 0812:< andysniper> june 0812:< mharrizone> december 0812:< LeeBears> june 0812:< rbasov> june 0812:< DeyTa> june 0812:< IbaFoo> june 0812:< LeeBears> december 0812:< mharrizone> ofuck 0812:< rbasov> ...northern is december 0812:< mharrizone> june 0812:< andysniper> you fucking copycats 0812:< npinsker> The answer was June! Correct users: andysniper (394), LeeBears (198), rbasov (1566), DeyTa (6), IbaFoo (15), mharrizone (386) 0812:< mharrizone> I even did the flippy flippy math in my head and reasoned to december >.< 0812:< mharrizone> dicks 0812:< LeeBears> hair 0812:< rbasov> feathers 0813:< andysniper> the liberal media 0813:< AndyD418> hair 0813:< DeyTa> wool 0813:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: LeeBears (202), AndyD418 (140) 0813:< LeeBears> dat phala though 0813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a male cat called? 0813:< DeyTa> cat 0813:< mharrizone> tom 0813:< LeeBears> tomcat 0813:< IbaFoo> tom 0813:< rbasov> jerry 0813:< mharrizone> Mao if it's my cat 0813:< andysniper> tom 0813:< npinsker> The answer was tom! Correct users: mharrizone (390), IbaFoo (18), andysniper (396) 0814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where was Budweiser first brewed? 0814:< charliegrc> usa 0814:< rbasov> st. louis 0814:< LeeBears> St. Louis 0814:< mharrizone> in a detroit urinal 0814:< DeyTa> lol 0814:< mharrizone> saent louis 0814:< npinsker> The answer was St. Louis! Correct users: rbasov (1570), LeeBears (205) 0814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || About which family are the Godfather films? 0814:< DeyTa> corleon 0814:< rbasov> corleone 0815:< mharrizone> corleone 0815:< andysniper> corleone 0815:< IbaFoo> Corleone 0815:< DeyTa> corleonE 0815:< AndyD418> goldburgs 0815:< rbasov> lol that E though 0815:< npinsker> The answer was Corleone! Correct users: rbasov (1574), mharrizone (393), andysniper (398), IbaFoo (19), DeyTa (6) 0815:< DeyTa> >_> 0815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many seams are there on a football? (American) 0815:< mharrizone> 4 0815:< rbasov> 13 0815:< DeyTa> twelve 0815:< LeeBears> 9 0815:< DeyTa> 12 0815:< AndyD418> 6 0815:< mharrizone> 30 0816:< DeyTa> thirteen 0816:< mharrizone> 6 0816:< rbasov> 123456789 0816:< AndyD418> 5 0816:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: mharrizone (397) 0816:< mharrizone> 8 0816:< DeyTa> seams right 0816:< mharrizone> HAH right the first time 0816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many players make up a field hockey team? 0816:< rbasov> 6 0816:< mharrizone> ae lmao 0816:< andysniper> 11 0816:< DeyTa> 8 0816:< rbasov> 7 0816:< LeeBears> 9 0816:< mharrizone> 6 0816:< DeyTa> 10 0816:< mharrizone> 5 0816:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: andysniper (402) 0817:< DeyTa> oh like footy 0817:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1574), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Midge Ure? 0817:< DeyTa> bob geldof 0817:< mharrizone> bob geldof 0817:< rbasov> band aid 0817:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Geldof! Correct users: DeyTa (10), mharrizone (400) 0818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra are famous for what musical love piece 0818:< mharrizone> do they know it's christmas 0818:< andysniper> nikki minajs' anaconda 0818:< LeeBears> not that famous i guess 0818:< npinsker> The answer was Romeo and Juliet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0818:< DeyTa> work work work work 0818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Television || Where does Gonzo from the Muppet Show come from? 0819:< mharrizone> space 0819:< DeyTa> italy 0819:< LeeBears> Cleveland 0819:< andysniper> albania 0819:< rbasov> italy 0819:< AndyD418> sewer 0819:< npinsker> The answer was outer space! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0819:< mharrizone> OH FUCK YOU 0819:< DeyTa> lmao mh 0819:< AndyD418> you didn't specify what space 0819:< rbasov> haha 0819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the 'Universal Soldier'? 0819:< DeyTa> MEL GIBSON 0819:< LeeBears> Jean Claude Van Dam 0819:< mharrizone> jean claude van-dam 0819:< andysniper> steven seagal 0820:< mharrizone> jean claude van dam 0820:< rbasov> van dam --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:20:09 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:43:16 2016 0843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run? 0843:< LeeBears> East 0843:< rbasov> coloradi 0843:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ____________? 0844:< andysniper> lawnmowers 0844:< LeeBears> cat killers 0844:< rbasov> dawgs 0844:< npinsker> The answer was rocking chairs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0844:< rbasov> that's a thing? 0844:< andysniper> apparently 0845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What chemical compound causes pain in muscles after exercise? 0845:< LeeBears> Lactic acid 0845:< andysniper> lactic acid 0845:< rbasov> i think npins is making these up 0845:< npinsker> The answer was lactic acid! Correct users: LeeBears (248), andysniper (439) 0845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who killed Macbeth? 0845:< rbasov> shakespeare 0845:< andysniper> lady macbeth 0845:< andysniper> duncan 0845:< rbasov> donuts 0846:< npinsker> The answer was Macduff! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Current Affairs || Who is the current Secretary General of the United Nations? 0846:< andysniper> ban ki moon 0846:< rbasov> collin powell 0846:< npinsker> The answer was Kofi Annan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0846:< andysniper> fuck this is so out of date 0847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || On what side should you sleep to improve digestion? 0847:< rbasov> not left 0847:< andysniper> either it doesnt fucking matter 0847:< rbasov> the right side 0847:< npinsker> The answer was right! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who wrote the poem "The Lady of the Lake"? 0847:< rbasov> robert frost 0847:< andysniper> wordsworth 0848:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Walter Scott! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0848:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1600), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What colour was added to the French flag during the French revolution? 0848:< rbasov> the big bad wolf 0848:< andysniper> red 0848:< LeeBears> Blue 0849:< rbasov> I'd say white...but that was their original color before adding anything 0849:< npinsker> The answer was white! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0849:< LeeBears> haha 0849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currency || What is the currency of Venezuela? 0849:< andysniper> what 0849:< rbasov> peso? 0849:< andysniper> peseta 0849:< rbasov> white flag = surrender. france surrenders a lot 0849:< LeeBears> bitcoin 0850:< npinsker> The answer was Bolivar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world, and was the home of a famous oracle? 0850:< LeeBears> Delphi 0850:< rbasov> valhalla --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:50:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:54:27 2016 0854:< rbasov> he gets married? 0854:< npinsker> The answer was Sam! Correct users: andysniper (446) 0854:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1600), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0854:< rbasov> thought he was gay for frodo 0855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Which fruit has the most calories per gram? 0855:< KCosmo> avocado 0855:< rbasov> bacon 0855:< andysniper> avocado --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:55:26 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:55:48 2016 0855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is called the "Honeymoon Capital" of the world. 0855:< KCosmo> las vegas 0855:< andysniper> venice 0855:< rbasov> vegas baby 0856:< rbasov> hawaii 0856:< npinsker> The answer was Niagara Falls! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0856:< andysniper> oh yeah 0856:< KCosmo> maybe in 1995 0856:< rbasov> right? 0856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora? 0856:< KCosmo> moons 0856:< rbasov> asteroids 0856:< KCosmo> planets 0857:< npinsker> The answer was asteroids! Correct users: rbasov (1604) 0857:< rbasov> fuck 0857:< rbasov> i was guessing... 0857:< KCosmo> good one 0857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who is known as the father of genetics? 0857:< andysniper> lineaus 0857:< yellowmix> gregor mendel 0857:< andysniper> darwin 0857:< KCosmo> mendel sounds right 0857:< rbasov> tom brady 0857:< npinsker> The answer was Gregor Mendel! Correct users: yellowmix (4) 0858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars. 0858:< KCosmo> co2 0858:< rbasov> carbon monoxide 0858:< andysniper> carbon dioxide 0858:< yellowmix> carbon monoxide 0858:< KCosmo> carbon monoxide 0858:< andysniper> carbon monoxide 0858:< rbasov> co2 us what we exhale 0858:< andysniper> methane 0858:< npinsker> The answer was carbon monoxide! Correct users: rbasov (1608), yellowmix (7), KCosmo (331), andysniper (450) 0858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as _____. 0858:< rbasov> dunes 0858:< andysniper> dunes 0858:< yellowmix> dunes 0858:< KCosmo> dunes 0859:< npinsker> The answer was dunes! Correct users: rbasov (1612), andysniper (453), yellowmix (9), KCosmo (332) 0859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who devised the periodic table of elements? 0859:< rbasov> mendeleev 0859:< rbasov> yuri mendeleev 0859:< andysniper> mendeleav 0859:< andysniper> it uses some fucking weird spelling 0859:< yellowmix> mendeleev 0900:< npinsker> The answer was Mendelev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0900:< ixc7> comon its dmitri mendeleev 0900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What is the companion release to "Pokemon Diamond" on the Nintendo DS? 0900:< andysniper> pearl 0900:< rbasov> bronze 0900:< npinsker> The answer was Pokemon Pearl! Correct users: andysniper (457) 0900:< rbasov> opaque 0901:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1612), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0901:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who began his professional career with Black Sabbath? 0901:< andysniper> ozzy osbourne 0901:< rbasov> ozzy osbourne 0901:< rbasov> i feel like this will be wrong lol 0901:< npinsker> The answer was Ozzy Osbourne! Correct users: andysniper (461), rbasov (1615) 0901:< andysniper> your feelings were wrong 0902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who released 'Time, Love and Tenderness' in 1981? 0902:< andysniper> bonnie tyler 0902:< KCosmo> teddy pendergrass 0902:< rbasov> well, like 20% of the time names are fucked up in the answer 0902:< yellowmix> michael bolton 0902:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Bolton! Correct users: yellowmix (13) 0902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ________. 0902:< yellowmix> hydroponics 0902:< KCosmo> hydropnics 0903:< andysniper> hydroponics 0903:< KCosmo> hydroponics 0903:< rbasov> hyrdoponics 0903:< rbasov> hooked on chronics --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:03:17 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:03:33 2016 0903:< andysniper> some real dank kush 0903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Brazil? 0903:< KCosmo> brasillia 0903:< andysniper> sao paolo 0903:< yellowmix> brasilia 0903:< KCosmo> brasilia 0903:< andysniper> brasilia 0904:< andysniper> fucking hate this question 0904:< npinsker> The answer was Brasilia! Correct users: yellowmix (21), KCosmo (337), andysniper (466) 0904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Soccer: The New York _________. 0904:< andysniper> red bulls 0904:< KCosmo> thank you I still know what you did last summer 0904:< andysniper> cosmo 0904:< AndyD418> giants 0904:< andysniper> cosmos 0904:< npinsker> The answer was Cosmos! Correct users: andysniper (470) 0904:< KCosmo> you rang 0905:< andysniper> fucking hell thats an old team 0905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || This organ of the excretory system is composed of small tubules called nephridia? 0905:< KCosmo> sweat 0905:< KCosmo> sweat glands 0905:< npinsker> The answer was kidney! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0905:< rbasov> rectum 0905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What album holds the world record for copies sold? 0905:< andysniper> thriller 0905:< KCosmo> thriller 0906:< andysniper> or its gonna be something real shit 0906:< npinsker> The answer was Thriller! Correct users: andysniper (474), KCosmo (340) 0906:< KCosmo> kenny g at central park 0906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of the earth's physical divisions termed? 0906:< rbasov> kenny loggins 0906:< andysniper> geography 0906:< KCosmo> geography 0906:< andysniper> geology 0907:< npinsker> The answer was Geography! Correct users: andysniper (478), KCosmo (343) 0907:< andysniper> i probably should know 0907:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1615), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What subject did 'Mr. Chips' teach? 0907:< rbasov> latin 0907:< andysniper> english 0908:< npinsker> The answer was Latin! Correct users: rbasov (1619) 0908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what was the Taj Mahal originally built? 0908:< monoglot> tomb 0908:< andysniper> palace 0908:< rbasov> mausoleum 0908:< yellowmix> tourist information booth 0908:< npinsker> The answer was tomb! Correct users: monoglot (37) 0909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Multiple Meanings || What animal has the same name as a high church official? 0909:< rbasov> cardinal 0909:< yellowmix> cardinal 0909:< monoglot> primate 0909:< rbasov> mongoloid 0909:< andysniper> pope john paul II 0909:< npinsker> The answer was cardinal! Correct users: rbasov (1623), yellowmix (24) 0909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album? 0909:< monoglot> 8 0909:< andysniper> 15 0910:< yellowmix> 14 0910:< rbasov> 13 0910:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0910:< yellowmix> lol 0910:< rbasov> no... 0910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic table || What is the last element in alphabetical order? 0910:< monoglot> Zinc 0910:< andysniper> zinc 0910:< rbasov> zinc 0910:< ShareDVI> Zirconium 0910:< andysniper> fuck 0911:< rbasov> zirconium 0911:< yellowmix> zylofone 0911:< npinsker> The answer was Zirconium! Correct users: ShareDVI (4), rbasov (1626) 0911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many semitones are there in an octave? 0911:< monoglot> 11 0911:< Rofl_Waffler> 12 0911:< yellowmix> 12 0911:< rbasov> 16 0911:< andysniper> 8 0911:< jeuv> 12 0911:< rbasov> 1 0911:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (118), yellowmix (27), jeuv (203) 0912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the more scientific name for quicksilver? 0912:< monoglot> mercury 0912:< yellowmix> mercury 0912:< andysniper> mercury 0912:< jeuv> mercury 0912:< Rofl_Waffler> mercury 0912:< npinsker> The answer was mercury! Correct users: monoglot (41), yellowmix (30), andysniper (480), jeuv (204), Rofl_Waffler (118) 0912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A bone specialist is a(n) ________. 0912:< jeuv> idiot 0913:< yellowmix> osteopath 0913:< jeuv> osteopath 0913:< Rofl_Waffler> dog 0913:< rbasov> orthopedist 0913:< npinsker> The answer was osteopath! Correct users: yellowmix (34), jeuv (207) 0913:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1626), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation was led by Genghis Khan? 0913:< rbasov> mongolia 0913:< yellowmix> mongolia 0913:< jeuv> Mongolia 0913:< un6952db> mongolians 0913:< Rofl_Waffler> Mongols 0914:< npinsker> The answer was Mongolia! Correct users: rbasov (1630), yellowmix (37), jeuv (209) 0914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the name of George of the Jungle's pet elephant? 0914:< rbasov> dog 0915:< npinsker> The answer was Shep! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport would you find a 'Sukahara'? 0915:< andysniper> sumo 0915:< rbasov> gymnastics 0915:< npinsker> The answer was Gymnastics! Correct users: rbasov (1634) 0916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died? 0916:< yellowmix> american pie 0916:< rbasov> american pie 0916:< andysniper> american pie 0916:< jeuv> american pie 0916:< rbasov> drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry 0916:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: yellowmix (41), rbasov (1637), andysniper (482), jeuv (210) 0916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Philippines? 0916:< rbasov> philip 0916:< andysniper> luzon 0917:< jeuv> mindanao 0917:< npinsker> The answer was Luzon! Correct users: andysniper (486) 0917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || On what date did America become an independant nation? 0917:< jeuv> 1776 0917:< andysniper> 9/9/1983 0918:< npinsker> The answer was July 4th, 1776! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0918:< jeuv> july 4th 1776 0918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Companies || What product built Hershey, Pennsylvania? 0918:< rbasov> chocolate 0918:< yellowmix> chocolate 0918:< jeuv> chocolate 0918:< micubit> chocolate? chocolate? CHOCOLATE!!!! 0918:< npinsker> The answer was chocolate! Correct users: rbasov (1641), yellowmix (44), jeuv (212), micubit (1) 0919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Darth Vader was the villan in the movie, "____ Wars". 0919:< rbasov> star 0919:< yellowmix> star 0919:< jeuv> star 0919:< andysniper> storage 0919:< rbasov> i thought it was star trek 0919:< npinsker> The answer was Star! Correct users: rbasov (1645), yellowmix (47), jeuv (214) 0919:< yellowmix> no, battlestar galactica 0919:< rbasov> oooh 0919:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1645), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0919:< rbasov> star gate? 0920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Whats the technical name for the skull ? 0920:< rbasov> cranium 0920:< yellowmix> cranium 0920:< jeuv> cranium 0920:< npinsker> The answer was Cranium! Correct users: rbasov (1649), yellowmix (50), jeuv (216) 0920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts? 0921:< yellowmix> little people 0921:< jeuv> nazis 0921:< rbasov> little people 0921:< npinsker> The answer was Li'l Folks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0921:< rbasov> lol 0921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Thunder Bay? 0921:< rbasov> canada 0921:< yellowmix> united states 0921:< jeuv> canada 0922:< npinsker> The answer was Canada! Correct users: rbasov (1653), jeuv (219) 0922:< andysniper> new zealand 0922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sports || What is the international governing board of football (soccer)? 0922:< yellowmix> FIFA 0922:< jeuv> FIFIA 0922:< rbasov> fifa 0922:< jeuv> FIFA 0922:< andysniper> cunta 0922:< npinsker> The answer was FIFA! Correct users: yellowmix (54), rbasov (1656), jeuv (221) 0923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits? 0923:< andysniper> rasberry and blackberry 0923:< yellowmix> papaya and grapefruit 0923:< rbasov> blackberry and red raspberry 0923:< andysniper> raspberry and blackberry 0923:< jeuv> raspberry and blackberry 0923:< npinsker> The answer was blackberry and raspberry! Correct users: andysniper (490), jeuv (224) 0923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many teats does a cow have? 0923:< rbasov> 4 0923:< jeuv> 6 0923:< yellowmix> 8 0924:< andysniper> 4 0924:< jeuv> 4 0924:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: rbasov (1660), andysniper (493), jeuv (226) 0924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."? 0924:< rbasov> mark twain 0924:< jeuv> mark twain 0925:< npinsker> The answer was Mark Twain! Correct users: rbasov (1664), jeuv (229) 0925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A brown crayon is what color? 0925:< rbasov> brown 0925:< yellowmix> brown 0925:< Rofl_Waffler> brown 0925:< jeuv> brown 0925:< andysniper> blue 0925:< npinsker> The answer was brown! Correct users: rbasov (1668), yellowmix (57), Rofl_Waffler (120), jeuv (230) 0925:< andysniper> wait fuck 0925:< Rofl_Waffler> lol 0926:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1668), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || The chemical compound sodium chloride is often sprinkled on food before ingestion. What is it's common name? 0926:< Rofl_Waffler> salt 0926:< jeuv> salt 0926:< andysniper> salt 0926:< rbasov> pepper 0926:< npinsker> The answer was salt! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (124), jeuv (233), andysniper (495) 0927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Bangladesh? 0927:< jeuv> dhaka 0927:< rbasov> dhaka 0927:< npinsker> The answer was Dacca! Correct users: jeuv (237), rbasov (1671) 0927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Ichthyology is the study of ________. 0928:< andysniper> fsh 0928:< jeuv> fish 0928:< rbasov> fish 0928:< Rofl_Waffler> I just looked that up and was surprised. 0928:< andysniper> fish 0928:< npinsker> The answer was fish! Correct users: jeuv (241), rbasov (1674), andysniper (497) 0928:< Rofl_Waffler> Thought it would be more ... icky. 0928:< andysniper> icthy is latin for fish 0928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet? 0928:< rbasov> alpha 0928:< Rofl_Waffler> alpha 0928:< jeuv> alpha 0928:< andysniper> alpha 0929:< npinsker> The answer was Alpha! Correct users: rbasov (1678), Rofl_Waffler (127), jeuv (243), andysniper (498) 0929:< rbasov> beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa 0929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geogrpahy || Name the capital city of Utah. 0929:< andysniper> salt lake city 0929:< rbasov> salt lake city 0929:< jeuv> slat lake city 0929:< npinsker> The answer was Salt Lake City! Correct users: andysniper (502), rbasov (1681) 0929:< jeuv> fuck 0930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Who invented the smallpox vaccine? 0930:< andysniper> pastuer 0930:< monoglot> Paseur 0930:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Jenner! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0930:< jeuv> pasteur 0930:< Rofl_Waffler> Pasteur invented pasteurization though. 0930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was The Beatles' biggest hit single? 0931:< andysniper> baby got back 0931:< monoglot> Yesterday 0931:< rbasov> hard days night 0931:< Rofl_Waffler> yellow submarine 0931:< rbasov> yellow submarine 0931:< npinsker> The answer was Hey Jude! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Which is the only english word that contains all the vowels in alphabetical order? 0931:< Rofl_Waffler> facetious 0931:< monoglot> facetious 0931:< jeuv> facetious 0931:< monoglot> abstemious 0931:< rbasov> facetiously 0932:< jeuv> facetiously 0932:< npinsker> The answer was facetious! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (131), monoglot (44), jeuv (245) 0932:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1681), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0932:< rbasov> gotta try the sometimes y 0932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The second space shuttle was named __________. 0932:< monoglot> Columbia 0932:< rbasov> shuttle 2 0932:< jeuv> columbia 0933:< Rofl_Waffler> up goer 2 0933:< ixc7> challenger 0933:< npinsker> The answer was Columbia! Correct users: monoglot (48), jeuv (248) 0933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult? 0933:< jeuv> damn commie 0933:< monoglot> despicable 0933:< Rofl_Waffler> you're despicable 0933:< rbasov> you're despicable 0933:< npinsker> The answer was You're dispicable!! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (135), rbasov (1684) 0934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weather || Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth? 0934:< Leonichol> 150 0934:< Rofl_Waffler> 3400 0934:< monoglot> 200 0934:< jeuv> 3400 0934:< Fireheart0011> 7 0934:< rbasov> 6000 0934:< andysniper> like 6 0934:< npinsker> The answer was six thousand! Correct users: rbasov (1688) 0934:< Fireheart0011> hahahahaha 0934:< rbasov> its actually 720 or something 0934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Olympics || The Olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what? 0935:< andysniper> lemon, high, castle 0935:< monoglot> faster, higher, stronger 0935:< jeuv> faster, higher, stronger 0935:< Fireheart0011> citrus, altitude, fornication --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:21 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:35:33 2016 0935:< Fireheart0011> close 0935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || With which House would you associate Euron, Victarion and Aeron? 0935:< rbasov> greyjoy 0935:< jeuv> greyjoy --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:49 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:37:15 2016 0937:< jeuv> iron 0937:< Rofl_Waffler> iron 0937:< andysniper> iron 0937:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: jeuv (261), Rofl_Waffler (142), andysniper (504) 0937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many pockets are on a standard snooker table? 0937:< Rofl_Waffler> 6 0938:< andysniper> 6 0938:< jeuv> 6 0938:< rbasov> dafuq is snooker 0938:< andysniper> like pool 0938:< Rofl_Waffler> something similar to pool and billiards 0938:< rbasov> okay 0938:< npinsker> The answer was 6! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (146), andysniper (507), jeuv (263) 0938:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1692), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: The Bible || What is the last word in the New Testament? 0938:< rbasov> amen 0939:< Rofl_Waffler> lord 0939:< jeuv> end 0939:< Rofl_Waffler> testament 0939:< npinsker> The answer was Amen! Correct users: rbasov (1696) 0939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who is the protagonist of Milton's Paradise Lost? 0939:< jeuv> Adolph Hitler 0939:< rbasov> christ 0940:< npinsker> The answer was Satan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the term that refers to the search for the existence of ghosts? 0940:< rbasov> supernatural 0940:< andysniper> bullshitting 0940:< rbasov> paranormal 0940:< Rofl_Waffler> dumbfuckery 0940:< rbasov> why is this science? 0940:< npinsker> The answer was eidology! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0940:< Rofl_Waffler> wishful thinking 0941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "To be or not to be?" 0941:< rbasov> hamlet 0941:< jeuv> hamle 0941:< Rofl_Waffler> hamlet 0941:< jeuv> hamlet 0941:< andysniper> omelette 0941:< rbasov> omlet du fromage 0941:< npinsker> The answer was Hamlet! Correct users: rbasov (1700), Rofl_Waffler (149), jeuv (265) 0941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || With what sport is Gabriela Sabatini associated? 0942:< andysniper> tennis 0942:< Rofl_Waffler> tennis 0942:< rbasov> badminton 0942:< jeuv> tennis 0942:< npinsker> The answer was tennis! Correct users: andysniper (511), Rofl_Waffler (152), jeuv (267) 0942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"? 0942:< rbasov> humper 0942:< andysniper> thumper 0942:< erinhasguts> thumper 0942:< jeuv> humper 0942:< jeuv> thumper 0942:< rbasov> lol 0943:< npinsker> The answer was Thumper! Correct users: andysniper (515), erinhasguts (56), jeuv (269) 0943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit? 0943:< rbasov> peach? 0943:< jeuv> wat 0943:< npinsker> The answer was apricot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astology || Who was born when Pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above Dallas, Texas? 0944:< CryEagle> Austin Powers 0944:< andysniper> who the fuck knows that 0944:< jeuv> Jesus Christ 0944:< npinsker> The answer was John F. Kennedy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0944:< andysniper> oh 0944:< rbasov> im calling shennanigans 0944:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1700), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0944:< CryEagle> who's that 0945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which of Paul Simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus? 0945:< rbasov> gustavo 0945:< andysniper> thyme 0945:< rbasov> without the tavo 0945:< jeuv> gus 0945:< npinsker> The answer was Gus! Correct users: jeuv (273) 0945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Smokey Stover's job? 0946:< rbasov> sell crack to kids 0946:< Rofl_Waffler> chef 0946:< npinsker> The answer was fireman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || What is Panphopia a fear of? 0946:< rbasov> fear of everything 0946:< Rofl_Waffler> everything 0946:< jeuv> everything 0947:< andysniper> chimps 0947:< npinsker> The answer was Everything! Correct users: rbasov (1704), Rofl_Waffler (155), jeuv (275) 0947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Juicey || What was originally called the Chinese gooseberry? 0947:< rbasov> kiwi 0947:< Rofl_Waffler> kiwifruit 0947:< jeuv> kiwi 0947:< npinsker> The answer was kiwi! Correct users: rbasov (1708), jeuv (278) 0947:< Rofl_Waffler> I was cheated 0948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the game "Paper Mario" what does the player have to collect for the main quest? 0948:< rbasov> paint 0948:< rbasov> fiik 0948:< jeuv> stars 0948:< npinsker> The answer was Star Spirits! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which isotope of carbon is used for dating (give number) ? 0949:< jeuv> 12 0949:< andysniper> 23 --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:49:18 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:49:48 2016 0949:< rbasov> linova 0949:< andysniper> sumatra 0950:< jeuv> sumatra 0950:< rbasov> borneo 0950:< npinsker> The answer was Sumatra! Correct users: andysniper (519), jeuv (281) 0950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Americans are Silly || There are 61 towns in the United States with the name of what bird in their names? 0950:< Rofl_Waffler> eagle 0950:< erinhasguts> eagle 0950:< SilentSand> Cardinal 0950:< jeuv> eagle 0950:< rbasov> turkey 0950:< SilentSand> Robin 0950:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: rbasov (1712) 0950:< rbasov> it's actually the right answer... 0951:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1712), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0951:< Rofl_Waffler> Makes sense. Turkeys are american. 0951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || Although not all come from France, ______ fries are often served with hamburgers. 0951:< Rofl_Waffler> french 0951:< SilentSand> french 0951:< jeuv> frenc 0951:< erinhasguts> french 0951:< rbasov> no, slaughtering natives is american lol 0951:< jeuv> french 0951:< jamstah> french 0951:< rbasov> freedom 0951:< SilentSand> >implying not canadian 0951:< npinsker> The answer was french! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (159), SilentSand (3), erinhasguts (58), jeuv (282), jamstah (0) 0952:< rbasov> go eat your poutine 0952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Association || Which word is related to these three: nap, walk, call? 0952:< andysniper> cat 0952:< Rofl_Waffler> cat 0952:< SilentSand> cat 0952:< jeuv> cat 0952:< erinhasguts> cat' 0952:< rbasov> dog 0952:< erinhasguts> cat 0952:< npinsker> The answer was cat! Correct users: andysniper (523), Rofl_Waffler (162), SilentSand (5), jeuv (283), erinhasguts (58) 0952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who created 'Maudie Frickett'? 0953:< rbasov> jonathan winters 0953:< npinsker> The answer was Jonathan Winters! Correct users: rbasov (1716) 0953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || In England, what is the Speaker of the House not allowed to do? 0953:< SilentSand> Speak 0953:< erinhasguts> speak 0954:< erinhasguts> sit 0954:< SilentSand> Vote 0954:< npinsker> The answer was speak! Correct users: SilentSand (9), erinhasguts (61) 0954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || From which team did Marlboro switch its backing to Mclaren in the 1974 season? 0954:< rbasov> Mclaren! 0954:< andysniper> williams 0954:< SilentSand> Cigarattes 0954:< erinhasguts> ferrari 0954:< npinsker> The answer was BRM! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0954:< rbasov> oh, it's the flipped question... 0955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July, 1934? 0955:< Rofl_Waffler> radiation poisoning 0955:< SilentSand> Radiation poisoning 0955:< erinhasguts> radiation poisoning 0955:< SilentSand> cancer 0955:< rbasov> death 0955:< SilentSand> dank memes 0955:< rbasov> 4chan 0955:< npinsker> The answer was radiation poisoning! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (166), SilentSand (12), erinhasguts (63) 0955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || What is the most reliable geyser in the world? 0956:< nhu72> HALP ME WIT TAST PLZ GUYZ 0956:< rbasov> old faithful 0956:< Rofl_Waffler> old faithful 0956:< SilentSand> Ur mum 0956:< erinhasguts> old faithful 0956:< SilentSand> old faithful 0956:< andysniper> old faithful 0956:< SilentSand> No but seriously the answer is ur mum 0956:< npinsker> The answer was Old Faithful! Correct users: rbasov (1720), Rofl_Waffler (169), erinhasguts (65), SilentSand (13), andysniper (523) 0956:< rbasov> she is pretty faithful 0956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) __________. 0956:< SilentSand> She's quite a geyser 0956:< rbasov> tom collins 0956:< andysniper> tom collins 0956:< SilentSand> tom collins 0957:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Collins! Correct users: rbasov (1724), andysniper (526), SilentSand (15) 0957:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1724), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 0957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: World Climate || What is a calm ocean region near the equator called? 0957:< monoglot> doldrums 0957:< andysniper> doldrums 0958:< rbasov> peculiar 0958:< npinsker> The answer was doldrums! Correct users: monoglot (56), andysniper (529) 0958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam. 0958:< monoglot> Anne Franke 0958:< Rofl_Waffler> anne frank 0958:< etray> Anne Frankly 0958:< monoglot> Anne Frank 0958:< andysniper> anne frank 0958:< etray> I did see that coming 0958:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Frank! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (173), monoglot (59), andysniper (531) 0959:< rbasov> andrea francisco 0959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || This complex substance makes up all living things. 0959:< Rofl_Waffler> matter 0959:< erinhasguts> dna 0959:< andysniper> dna 0959:< rbasov> mitochondria 0959:< Rofl_Waffler> cells 0959:< npinsker> The answer was protoplasm! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Israel occupied the West Bank. It belonged to _______. 1000:< rbasov> palestine 1000:< Rofl_Waffler> palestine 1000:< rbasov> brown people 1000:< npinsker> The answer was Jordan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1000:< Rofl_Waffler> Huh. Fair enough. 1000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || His films include: Giant, Written on the Wind, and A Farewell to Arms. 1000:< rbasov> nicolas cage 1001:< rbasov> rock hudson 1001:< npinsker> The answer was Rock Hudson! Correct users: rbasov (1728) 1001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || This word means "split personality". 1001:< rbasov> bipolar 1001:< Rofl_Waffler> schizophrenia 1001:< npinsker> The answer was schizophrenia! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (177) 1002:< Rofl_Waffler> phew, wasn't sure of spelling 1002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As clear as a ______________? 1002:< rbasov> bell 1002:< Rofl_Waffler> crystal 1002:< Rndom_Gy_159> crystal 1002:< rbasov> the saying makes no sense to me... 1002:< npinsker> The answer was bell! Correct users: rbasov (1732) 1002:< Rofl_Waffler> huh 1002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || What is the astrological sign for death? 1003:< Rofl_Waffler> pluto 1003:< rbasov> pluto 1003:< andysniper> pluto 1003:< rbasov> thank you jfk question 1003:< Rndom_Gy_159> pluto 1003:< npinsker> The answer was Pluto! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (181), rbasov (1735), andysniper (533), Rndom_Gy_159 (76) 1003:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2059), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1735), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who created 'The Saint'? 1004:< hellapanda> leslie charteris 1004:< Rndom_Gy_159> Jesus 1004:< andysniper> steve andersen 1004:< hellapanda> kanye 1004:< bbrazil> the pope 1004:< rbasov> charteris 1004:< npinsker> The answer was Leslie Charteris! Correct users: hellapanda (2063) 1004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || To make Drambuie, you add some honey to what type of whiskey? 1004:< hellapanda> scotch 1004:< rbasov> scotch 1005:< npinsker> The answer was Scotch! Correct users: hellapanda (2067), rbasov (1738) 1005:< rbasov> 1738, ay, I'm like "hey, what's up, hello" 1005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the heaviest naturally occuring element? 1005:< Rndom_Gy_159> iron 1005:< hellapanda> uranium 1005:< Rofl_Waffler> osmium 1005:< rbasov> pb 1005:< andysniper> tungsten 1005:< Rofl_Waffler> iridium 1005:< npinsker> The answer was uranium! Correct users: hellapanda (2071) 1006:< Rndom_Gy_159> naturally produced by the stars. and yhen supernova does the rest 1006:< Rofl_Waffler> Darn. Guess they occur naturally as ores. 1006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of sulfur? 1006:< andysniper> 32 1006:< hellapanda> 16 1006:< Rndom_Gy_159> 69 1006:< rbasov> 1337 1006:< npinsker> The answer was 16! Correct users: hellapanda (2075) 1006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This astronomer had a metal nose 1007:< hellapanda> brahe 1007:< andysniper> copernicus 1007:< andysniper> brahe 1007:< npinsker> The answer was Tycho Brahe! Correct users: hellapanda (2079), andysniper (536) 1007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the first video to be played on MTV? 1007:< hellapanda> video killed the radio star 1008:< npinsker> The answer was Video Killed the Radio Star! Correct users: hellapanda (2083) 1008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote The Canterbury Tales? 1008:< hellapanda> chaucer 1008:< andysniper> chaucer 1008:< npinsker> The answer was Geoffrey Chaucer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1009:< hellapanda> laaame 1009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What fruit bear the latin name "citrus grandis"? 1009:< hellapanda> grapefruit 1009:< npinsker> The answer was grapefruit! Correct users: hellapanda (2087) 1009:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2087), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || At Bree who says "Tis my job to ask question after nightfall...can't be too careful."? 1010:< npinsker> The answer was Gatekeeper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || In the song 'Skip To My Lou', in what beverage are the flies? 1011:< Rndom_Gy_159> lemonade 1011:< hellapanda> wut 1011:< npinsker> The answer was Buttermilk! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Folklore || Who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men? 1012:< andysniper> little john 1012:< hellapanda> robin hood 1012:< Rndom_Gy_159> aahhh. "flies in the buttermilk shoo shoo shoo. flies in the butter milk shoo shoo shoo. skip to the loo my darlin" 1012:< npinsker> The answer was Little John! Correct users: andysniper (540) 1012:< hellapanda> i've never heard of the beginning of that rhyme before! 1012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is _________. 1012:< hellapanda> chemistry 1012:< Rofl_Waffler> chemistry 1012:< Rndom_Gy_159> chemistr5y 1012:< Rndom_Gy_159> chemistry 1012:< npinsker> The answer was chemistry! Correct users: hellapanda (2091), Rofl_Waffler (184), Rndom_Gy_159 (78) 1013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest peak in Fiji? 1013:< hellapanda> mt. victoria 1013:< Rndom_Gy_159> mt fiji 1013:< AndyD418> mount victoria 1013:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Victoria! Correct users: hellapanda (2095), AndyD418 (146) 1014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Norse mythology who was Odin's blood-brother? 1014:< hellapanda> loki 1014:< Rndom_Gy_159> loli 1014:< AndyD418> loki 1014:< npinsker> The answer was Loki! Correct users: hellapanda (2099), AndyD418 (149) 1014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Psychology || Which behaviorist conducted the "Little Albert" experiment? 1014:< Rndom_Gy_159> :/ 1014:< hellapanda> watson 1014:< AndyD418> john watson 1015:< npinsker> The answer was John Watson! Correct users: hellapanda (2103), AndyD418 (152) 1015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nationalities || Which people invented the compass? 1015:< hellapanda> chinese 1015:< AndyD418> chinese 1015:< npinsker> The answer was Chinese! Correct users: hellapanda (2107), AndyD418 (155) 1016:< nhu72> help me wit a test 1016:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2107), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1016:< hellapanda> sure 1016:< Rndom_Gy_159> why not? 1016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the classic platform game "Prince of Persia" on the NES? 1016:< yellowmix> sierra 1016:< AndyD418> virgin interactive 1016:< npinsker> The answer was Virgin Interactive! Correct users: AndyD418 (159) 1017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war? 1017:< hellapanda> 19 1017:< skabird> 22 1017:< Rndom_Gy_159> 19 1017:< AndyD418> 19 1017:< rbasov> that's music? 1017:< npinsker> The answer was nineteen! Correct users: hellapanda (2111), Rndom_Gy_159 (81), AndyD418 (161) 1017:< skabird> obviously 1018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Yanks || What house was the biggest in america until the Cival war? 1018:< hellapanda> the white house 1018:< skabird> so basically this is a googling competition channel? 1018:< AndyD418> white house 1018:< npinsker> The answer was The White House! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1018:< hellapanda> cival? 1018:< hellapanda> bot why :( 1018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells. 1018:< hellapanda> leukemia 1018:< rbasov> lukymia 1018:< andysniper> luekemia 1019:< AndyD418> leukemia 1019:< skabird> lupus 1019:< npinsker> The answer was leukemia! Correct users: hellapanda (2115), AndyD418 (164) 1019:< skabird> it's never lupus 1019:< hellapanda> :D 1019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1980 game had you navigating simple mazes and avoiding evil robots who shot laserbeams at you? 1019:< rbasov> portland 1019:< skabird> tetris 1019:< npinsker> The answer was Berzerk! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1020:< hellapanda> o 1020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Where do the Italians host the Grand Prix? 1020:< hellapanda> monza 1020:< animalsafari> ass 1020:< animalsafari> ass 1020:< andysniper> monza 1020:< AndyD418> monza 1020:< npinsker> The answer was Monza! Correct users: hellapanda (2119), andysniper (543), AndyD418 (166) 1021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the score of a forfeited baseball game? 1021:< hellapanda> 0-0 1021:< AndyD418> 9-0 1021:< bbrazil> america's favorite pasttime - 0 1021:< hellapanda> what kind of question is this, lol 1021:< npinsker> The answer was 9-0! Correct users: AndyD418 (170) 1021:< skabird> european sports master race 1021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts? 1021:< rbasov> i didn't know forfeiting was an option... 1021:< hellapanda> eyesight 1021:< skabird> eyesight 1022:< AndyD418> eyesight 1022:< skabird> also being fucking matt damon 1022:< npinsker> The answer was eyesight! Correct users: hellapanda (2123), skabird (3), AndyD418 (172) 1022:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2123), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What color does the bride wear in China? 1022:< hellapanda> red 1022:< skabird> red 1022:< erinhasguts> red 1023:< AndyD418> red 1023:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: hellapanda (2127), skabird (6), erinhasguts (67), AndyD418 (173) 1023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In late 1957, Buddy Holly's solo release 'Peggy Sue' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets? 1023:< skabird> weezer 1024:< npinsker> The answer was Oh Boy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1024:< skabird> how could i forget 1024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What was the first animal on the endangered species list? 1024:< andysniper> panda 1024:< rbasov> some hawk 1024:< skabird> pokemons 1024:< dajasj> digimons 1024:< npinsker> The answer was peregrine falcon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This term means to play moderately slow and gracefully? 1025:< yellowmix> adagio 1025:< npinsker> The answer was adagio! Correct users: yellowmix (61) 1025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The two main characters of this series used boomerangs, bones, and wheels to kill dinosaurs in this SNES platf... 1026:< rbasov> the cavemen game 1026:< rbasov> i miss it 1026:< npinsker> The answer was Joe & Mac! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1026:< skabird> the historically incorrect game 1026:< rbasov> how do you know? were you around then? 1026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country occupies the 'horn' of Africa? 1026:< andysniper> somalia 1026:< rbasov> pirate land 1026:< skabird> i don't need to have been 1027:< npinsker> The answer was Somalia! Correct users: andysniper (547) 1027:< rbasov> fair enough...but we don't play games for historical accuracy 1027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was sherlock holmes most famous novel? 1027:< skabird> maybe you dont 1027:< skabird> the baskerville hound 1027:< rbasov> so, you only play oregon trail and die of dysentery? 1027:< npinsker> The answer was The Hound of The Baskervilles! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1027:< skabird> oh fuck off bot 1027:< hgt678> bald eagle 1028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the name given to the number equal to 10 raised to the power of 100? 1028:< rbasov> its a search engine 1028:< npinsker> The answer was A "googol"! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1028:< skabird> something related to google 1028:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name the ranger who was always after Yogi Bear. 1029:< skabird> kyle 1029:< rbasov> smithers -ers 1029:< npinsker> The answer was Rick! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1029:< rbasov> oh, first name 1029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Erin Brokovich"? 1029:< andysniper> juliaroberts 1029:< rbasov> that ugly one 1029:< skabird> john malkovich 1030:< andysniper> fuck spaces 1030:< npinsker> The answer was Julia Roberts! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle? 1030:< andysniper> ear 1030:< skabird> penis 1030:< Rofl_Waffler> nose 1031:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: andysniper (551) 1031:< Rofl_Waffler> my ex's heart 1031:< skabird> well fuck 1031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua? 1031:< andysniper> coasta rica 1031:< skabird> offshore-ia 1031:< npinsker> The answer was Costa Rica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1031:< andysniper> fuck 1032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a device to stem the flow of blood called? 1032:< Rofl_Waffler> bandage 1032:< skabird> bypass 1032:< npinsker> The answer was tourniquet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What does "RPG" stand for in the world of gaming? 1032:< Rofl_Waffler> role playing game 1032:< skabird> role-playing game 1033:< skabird> role playing game 1033:< npinsker> The answer was Role Playing Game! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (188), skabird (9) 1033:< skabird> what a save 1033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Laugh, and the world laughs with you. According to Ella Wheeler Wilcox, what happens when you weep? 1033:< dick_sanitizer> all welcome PrbewgRi1_ the newest tier 10! 1033:< Rofl_Waffler> you cry alone 1033:< skabird> they laugh at you 1033:< MrReebdoog> Slowly getting there 1034:< npinsker> The answer was You weep alone.! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1034:< Rofl_Waffler> oh come on 1034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' films, who played Freddy Krueger? 1034:< skabird> she obviously never went to high school 1034:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Englund! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1035:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As easy as ____________? 1035:< Rofl_Waffler> pie 1035:< npinsker> The answer was pie! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (192) 1035:< dick_sanitizer> next teir 12 coming in a half hour! teir17 dream is getting closer! 1036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of __________. 1036:< Rofl_Waffler> fish 1036:< OrangeredStilton> Fish 1036:< npinsker> The answer was fish! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (196), OrangeredStilton (61) 1036:< skabird> wtf i stopped seeing the questions 1036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was paper money first used? 1036:< OrangeredStilton> China 1036:< skabird> china 1037:< AndyD418> china 1037:< OrangeredStilton> "the answer was Japan!" 1037:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: OrangeredStilton (65), skabird (12), AndyD418 (175) 1037:< skabird> i hear they trade with waifus 1037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Who is Mother Goose's son? 1037:< AndyD418> yum, waffles 1037:< andysniper> son goose 1037:< Rofl_Waffler> son goose 1038:< npinsker> The answer was Jack! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1038:< AndyD418> jack, from jack and jill? 1038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Brest? (NOT Breast!) 1038:< Rofl_Waffler> Brest country is best country 1038:< andysniper> france 1038:< AndyD418> France 1038:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: andysniper (555), AndyD418 (178) 1039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gems || What is the birthstone for August? 1039:< andysniper> amethyst 1039:< EatYourFood> peridot 1039:< OrangeredStilton> diamond 1039:< AndyD418> peridot 1039:< EatYourFood> garnet 1039:< npinsker> The answer was peridot! Correct users: EatYourFood (7), AndyD418 (181) 1039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What American city is known as Little Havana? 1039:< AndyD418> miami 1039:< andysniper> miami 1040:< skabird> jesus those are boring questions 1040:< AndyD418> represent!!! 1040:< npinsker> The answer was Miami! Correct users: AndyD418 (185), andysniper (558) 1040:< AndyD418> para toda mi gente! 1040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for californium? 1040:< AndyD418> cf 1040:< skabird> cf 1041:< npinsker> The answer was Cf! Correct users: AndyD418 (189), skabird (15) 1041:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What is this sign called "*"? 1041:< skabird> pretty awful chemical 1041:< skabird> asterisk 1042:< npinsker> The answer was asterisk! Correct users: skabird (19) 1042:< skabird> that's right 1042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was C3PO's sidekick in "Star Wars"? 1042:< skabird> r2d2 1042:< AndyD418> r2d2 1042:< andysniper> r2d2 1042:< skabird> obviously it was the other way around but whatever 1042:< npinsker> The answer was R2D2! Correct users: skabird (23), AndyD418 (192), andysniper (560) 1042:< skabird> bot is probably jaded 1043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today? 1043:< andysniper> 56 1043:< skabird> 88 1043:< AndyD418> 37 1043:< npinsker> The answer was thirty seven! Correct users: AndyD418 (196) 1043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph? 1044:< skabird> kangaroo 1044:< AndyD418> kangaroo 1044:< npinsker> The answer was kangaroo! Correct users: skabird (27), AndyD418 (199) 1044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____. 1044:< Abandonedapple> vynil 1044:< skabird> vynil 1044:< AndyD418> vinyl 1044:< andysniper> vinyl 1044:< skabird> vinyl 1045:< npinsker> The answer was vinyl! Correct users: AndyD418 (203), andysniper (563), skabird (29) 1045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died? 1045:< AndyD418> american pie 1045:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: AndyD418 (207) 1046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of "Superman". 1046:< AndyD418> Margot Kidder 1046:< npinsker> The answer was Margot Kidder! Correct users: AndyD418 (211) 1046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain? 1046:< andysniper> phillippines 1047:< skabird> phillippines 1047:< andysniper> philippines 1047:< AndyD418> The Philippines 1047:< npinsker> The answer was The Philippines! Correct users: AndyD418 (215) 1047:< AndyD418> LOL!! 1047:< skabird> bullshit 1047:< andysniper> fuck off 1047:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || A mouth-like opening into the body; also the porous openings on the surface of leaves. 1048:< skabird> pores 1048:< AndyD418> stomata 1048:< npinsker> The answer was stomata! Correct users: AndyD418 (219) 1048:< skabird> no idea what they're called in english 1048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport has a hooker in a scrum? 1048:< skabird> my sex life 1048:< bbrazil> rugby 1048:< andysniper> rugby 1048:< AndyD418> rugby 1048:< skabird> are you even trying, bot 1049:< npinsker> The answer was rugby! Correct users: bbrazil (49), andysniper (566), AndyD418 (221) 1049:< AndyD418> bot? i'm not that fancy 1049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. President suffered from polio during WWII. 1049:< AndyD418> FDR 1049:< skabird> roosevelt 1049:< andysniper> roosevelt 1049:< npinsker> The answer was Franklin D Roosevelt! Correct users: AndyD418 (225), skabird (32), andysniper (568) 1050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) _________. 1050:< AndyD418> hand 1050:< skabird> so it accepts initials but fucks up typos 1050:< skabird> thesaurus 1050:< betaray> foot 1050:< npinsker> The answer was foot! Correct users: betaray (4) 1050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || When does a full moon rise? 1050:< AndyD418> it's a hit or miss with answers 1050:< andysniper> at night 1051:< AndyD418> sunset 1051:< skabird> 3 weeks 1051:< npinsker> The answer was sunset! Correct users: AndyD418 (229) 1051:< skabird> oh 1051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Denver ________? 1051:< AndyD418> broncos 1051:< andysniper> broncos 1052:< npinsker> The answer was Broncos! Correct users: AndyD418 (233), andysniper (571) 1052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut? 1052:< AndyD418> legume 1052:< npinsker> The answer was legume! Correct users: AndyD418 (237) 1053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part? 1053:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1053:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Name the first automobile racetrack in America. 1054:< npinsker> The answer was Indianapolis Motor Speedway! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Stephen King's: "Pet ________". 1055:< andysniper> peeves 1055:< AndyD418> cemetery 1055:< npinsker> The answer was Sematary! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil rights leadership. 1055:< andysniper> mlk 1056:< AndyD418> martin luther the king 1056:< npinsker> The answer was Martin Luther King Jr.! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What's the former name of Istanbul? 1056:< andysniper> so fdr is fine but mlk isnt 1056:< andysniper> constantinople 1056:< sabotourAssociate> constantinopole 1056:< Internal1> byzanthium 1056:< AndyD418> Constantinople 1056:< npinsker> The answer was Constantinople! Correct users: andysniper (575), AndyD418 (240) 1057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Electrum is a natural alloy of gold and what other metal? 1057:< AndyD418> silver 1057:< npinsker> The answer was silver! Correct users: AndyD418 (244) 1057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the most famous leader of the Carthagenians? 1058:< andysniper> hannibal 1058:< AndyD418> Hannibal 1058:< npinsker> The answer was Hannibal! Correct users: andysniper (579), AndyD418 (247) 1058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Birds and Countries || The national bird of India is the? 1059:< npinsker> The answer was Peacock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Relativity || What does the 'c' in the equation e=mc^2 stand for? 1059:< Methrend> speed of light 1059:< AndyD418> speed of light 1059:< npinsker> The answer was speed of light! Correct users: Methrend (4), AndyD418 (250) 1100:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What is Grimace of the McDonald's characters? 1100:< betaray> purple 1100:< npinsker> The answer was A tastebud! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1100:< betaray> weird 1101:< Methrend> whattt 1101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Central American country extends furthest north? 1101:< pkyres> mexico 1101:< Methrend> mexico 1101:< npinsker> The answer was Belize! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1101:< AndyD418> belize 1101:< Methrend> oh ok 1101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was King Arthur's mother's name? 1102:< Methrend> Igraine 1102:< AndyD418> agnes 1102:< andysniper> liz 1102:< npinsker> The answer was Igraine! Correct users: Methrend (8) 1102:< betaray> the mcdonald's wiki does not support that grimace crap, states his species is "Grimace" 1102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weather || Which US state holds the record for most snowfall in a day, recorded February 7, 1916? 1102:< betaray> this whole thing is a sham! 1102:< andysniper> alaska 1103:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: andysniper (583) 1103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When Tweety exclaimed, "I thought I saw a putty tat!", who did he see? 1103:< Methrend> Sylvester 1103:< npinsker> The answer was Sylvester! Correct users: Methrend (12) 1104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Libya on the East? 1104:< andysniper> egypt 1104:< AndyD418> egypt 1104:< Methrend> egypt 1104:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: andysniper (587), AndyD418 (253), Methrend (14) 1104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of the pinball machine in the film 'Tommy'? 1105:< andysniper> wizard 1105:< npinsker> The answer was Wizard! Correct users: andysniper (591) 1105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who Said "Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past"? 1105:< Methrend> George Orwell 1106:< npinsker> The answer was George Orwell! Correct users: Methrend (18) 1106:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the mother of Elizabeth I? 1107:< AndyD418> Anne Boleyn 1107:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: AndyD418 (257) 1107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Where did Little Miss Muffet sit? 1107:< Methrend> puffet 1107:< AndyD418> on her tuffet 1107:< npinsker> The answer was On her tuffet! Correct users: AndyD418 (261) 1107:< Methrend> close enough 1108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || What is the registry number of the enterprise in the original Star Trek? 1108:< Rndom_Gy_159> 1337 1108:< andysniper> ec 7847 1108:< Methrend> 1701 1108:< npinsker> The answer was NCC 1701! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1108:< AndyD418> 1738 1108:< Methrend> oh come on 1108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959? 1108:< andysniper> 8 1109:< AndyD418> 59 1109:< Methrend> 7 1109:< npinsker> The answer was fifty nine! Correct users: npinsker (72), AndyD418 (264) 1109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 1109:< AndyD418> LOL 1109:< Methrend> it gave itself points? 1109:< Rndom_Gy_159> lol 1109:< Methrend> Custer 1110:< Rndom_Gy_159> general custer 1110:< npinsker> The answer was General Custer! Correct users: Methrend (22), Rndom_Gy_159 (84) 1110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || After who was Deana Carter named? 1110:< andysniper> james dean 1110:< AndyD418> Dean Martin 1110:< npinsker> The answer was Dean Martin! Correct users: AndyD418 (268) 1111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has the most emigrants? 1111:< skabird> syria 1111:< Methrend> mexico 1111:< AndyD418> orale 1111:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: Methrend (26) 1111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington? 1112:< Rndom_Gy_159> loyd 1112:< Rndom_Gy_159> lots 1112:< Methrend> 122 1112:< npinsker> The answer was eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1112:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Atlanta ____________? 1113:< AndyD418> braves 1113:< Rndom_Gy_159> braves 1113:< npinsker> The answer was Braves! Correct users: AndyD418 (272), Rndom_Gy_159 (87) 1113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What is a 'funambulist'? 1113:< Methrend> tightrope walker 1114:< npinsker> The answer was A tightrope walker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1114:< Methrend> oh come on 1114:< Rndom_Gy_159> lol 1114:< Methrend> pedantic much 1114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend? 1114:< Methrend> Barney Rubble 1114:< andysniper> barney 1114:< AndyD418> barney rubble 1114:< npinsker> The answer was Barney Rubble! Correct users: Methrend (30), AndyD418 (275) 1115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || What does "c'est la vie" mean? 1115:< alylynn96> thats life 1115:< Methrend> that's life 1115:< andysniper> thats life 1115:< npinsker> The answer was that's life! Correct users: alylynn96 (327), Methrend (33), andysniper (593) 1115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Other than skiing, which sport takes place on a piste? 1116:< andysniper> snowboarding 1116:< alylynn96> snowboarding 1116:< npinsker> The answer was fencing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1116:< alylynn96> lol wut 1116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) _________. 1116:< andysniper> fuck off mate 1116:< skabird> bullshit we don't call it a piste 1116:< alylynn96> circle 1116:< skabird> fuck off bot 1116:< andysniper> circle 1116:< Methrend> l> Fencing) a rectangular area for fencing bouts 1116:< Rndom_Gy_159> A piste is a marked ski run or path down a mountain for snow skiing, snowboarding, or other mountain sports. 1116:< AndyD418> circle 1117:< Methrend> apparrently 1117:< npinsker> The answer was circle! Correct users: alylynn96 (331), andysniper (596), AndyD418 (277) 1117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The first cricket one-day international was held between england and ____________? 1117:< andysniper> scotland 1117:< Methrend> india 1117:< alylynn96> my computer broke so im on my phone when will we merge? I dont wanna miss it 1117:< AndyD418> netherlands 1117:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1118:< Methrend> damn, shoulda guessed that since I live here 1118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies immediately to the East of R__union? 1118:< andysniper> mauritius 1118:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: andysniper (600) 1118:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1119:< andysniper> 600 poiiiints 1119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects? 1119:< Methrend> nice 1119:< Rndom_Gy_159> fig 1119:< AndyD418> carnivorous 1119:< Methrend> Carnivorous plant 1119:< npinsker> The answer was carnivorous! Correct users: AndyD418 (281) 1119:< Methrend> ok.jpg 1119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country owns the island of Corfu? 1120:< Methrend> Greece 1120:< AndyD418> greece 1120:< andysniper> greece 1120:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: Methrend (37), AndyD418 (284), andysniper (602) 1120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which mammals fly? 1120:< AndyD418> bats 1120:< Methrend> bat 1121:< npinsker> The answer was bats! Correct users: AndyD418 (288) 1121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was born Anne Frances Robbins? 1121:< Rndom_Gy_159> Anne Frances Robbins 1121:< Methrend> Nancy Reagan 1121:< npinsker> The answer was Nancy Davis Reagan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1122:< Methrend> middle name too? fiiine 1122:< Rndom_Gy_159> lol. tha's two in a row 1122:< Methrend> this is 50% knowing the answer anbd 50% knowing how to write it 1122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene? 1122:< andysniper> trt 1122:< Methrend> C7h5N3O6 1122:< alylynn96> Tu 1122:< Methrend> :P 1122:< AndyD418> tnt 1122:< npinsker> The answer was TNT! Correct users: AndyD418 (292) 1122:< Methrend> tnt 1122:< Methrend> haha 1122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || With which period in music do we associate composers such as Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn? 1123:< Methrend> Classical Era 1123:< npinsker> The answer was Classical period! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1123:< Methrend> pffft 1123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what US state is Panama City? 1124:< Methrend> Florida 1124:< npinsker> The answer was Florida! Correct users: Methrend (41) 1124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The Hardy Boys and ____________? 1124:< Methrend> Nancy Drew 1124:< npinsker> The answer was Nancy Drew! Correct users: Methrend (45) 1124:< Rndom_Gy_159> The boxcar children 1125:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2135), hellapanda (2127), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Tunnels || What is the world's longest tunnel? 1125:< andysniper> mont blanc tunnel 1125:< Methrend> Gotthard Base Tunnel 1125:< npinsker> The answer was The Water Supply Tunnel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1126:< andysniper> the fuck is that 1126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court. 1126:< andysniper> judge 1126:< Methrend> Judge 1126:< andysniper> jury 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> jurry 1126:< AndyD418> jury 1126:< Methrend> apparently it's a water tunnel in boston 1126:< npinsker> The answer was jury! Correct users: andysniper (606), AndyD418 (295) 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> jury 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> fug 1126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || A scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a: 1127:< Methrend> derpologist 1127:< andysniper> herpatologist 1127:< npinsker> The answer was Herpetologist! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1127:< Methrend> ah shit it is too 1127:< Methrend> close enough 1127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || If you're bidding for wine and cheese on LeBonCoin, you'd be using what country's version of ebay? 1127:< marakiri> france 1127:< Methrend> France 1128:< marakiri> ?? 1128:< Methrend> i feel like that's obvious... 1128:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: marakiri (4), Methrend (48) 1128:< marakiri> Le gave it away to me 1128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Dallas ____________? 1128:< hellapanda> cowboys 1128:< marakiri> Cowboys 1128:< Methrend> Cowboys 1128:< andysniper> cowboys 1128:< npinsker> The answer was Cowboys! Correct users: hellapanda (2131), marakiri (7), Methrend (50), andysniper (607) 1129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Loch Ness? 1129:< marakiri> scotland 1129:< Methrend> Scotland 1129:< hellapanda> scotland 1129:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: marakiri (11), Methrend (53), hellapanda (2133) 1129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did Guinevere retire to die? 1130:< marakiri> hellapanda how long u been at this man? 1130:< _deffer_> 15 minutes 1130:< npinsker> The answer was Amesbury! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1130:< hellapanda> as long as i've been in this room, lol 1130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a marsupium? 1130:< Rndom_Gy_159> kangaroo 1130:< hellapanda> pouch 1130:< Methrend> pouch 1130:< andysniper> pouched mammal 1131:< marakiri> pouched 1131:< npinsker> The answer was pouch! Correct users: hellapanda (2137), Methrend (56) 1131:< Methrend> technically just the pouch...marsupial is the animal :P 1131:< andysniper> pffft 1131:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2137), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens? 1131:< marakiri> i thot the word meant pouched so it translated to pouched mammal 1131:< andysniper> freya 1131:< hellapanda> odin 1131:< marakiri> freya 1132:< marakiri> odin 1132:< Methrend> freya 1132:< hellapanda> ah, 3xist3nc3 passed me as I was sleeping 1132:< npinsker> The answer was Odin! Correct users: hellapanda (2141), marakiri (14) 1132:< marakiri> lol YAAYY 1132:< Methrend> bullshit 1132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a chronometer measure? 1132:< Savolainen5> time 1132:< marakiri> time 1132:< hellapanda> time 1132:< Methrend> time 1132:< npinsker> The answer was Time! Correct users: Savolainen5 (320), marakiri (17), hellapanda (2143), Methrend (57) 1133:< marakiri> i know this because command and conquer: red alert 1133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is the name of the field where Christ was crucified? 1133:< Savolainen5> calvary 1133:< hellapanda> calvary 1133:< marakiri> calvary 1133:< Savolainen5> i only know this because everyone always says it instead of 'cavalry' 1133:< npinsker> The answer was Calvary! Correct users: Savolainen5 (324), hellapanda (2146), marakiri (19) 1133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Body || What is the name of the body part that separates the abdomen from the thorax? 1134:< andysniper> waist 1134:< marakiri> diaphgram 1134:< AndyD418> Diaphragm 1134:< npinsker> The answer was Diaphragm! Correct users: AndyD418 (299) 1134:< marakiri> i just spelled it wrong dammit 1134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow? 1134:< Savolainen5> arctic 1134:< marakiri> so plus 4 for my fuck u npinkser 1134:< hellapanda> beaufort 1134:< marakiri> arctic 1134:< Savolainen5> oh, sea 1135:< Savolainen5> beaufort 1135:< marakiri> im out man 1135:< AndyD418> butthurt 1135:< hellapanda> lol 1135:< npinsker> The answer was Beaufort Sea! Correct users: hellapanda (2150), Savolainen5 (327) 1135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue? 1135:< Savolainen5> hoes 1135:< AndyD418> Queen Mab 1135:< npinsker> The answer was Queen Mab! Correct users: AndyD418 (303) 1136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which Canadian province extends farthest north? 1136:< Savolainen5> nunavut 1136:< Savolainen5> or is it quebec? 1136:< AndyD418> Quebec 1136:< marakiri> i do not know this much about the american continents 1136:< npinsker> The answer was Quebec! Correct users: Savolainen5 (331), AndyD418 (306) 1136:< Savolainen5> interesting 1136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many squares are there on a chessboard? 1137:< Methrend> 64 1137:< marakiri> 64 1137:< Savolainen5> 64 1137:< berberine> 64 1137:< npinsker> The answer was sixty four! Correct users: Methrend (61), marakiri (22), Savolainen5 (333), berberine (208) 1137:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1137:< Savolainen5> tfw $ isn't there 1137:< Savolainen5> chapebrone, fix your bot 1137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Comic Strip Trivia || What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy? 1138:< Savolainen5> beetle bailey 1138:< berberine> beetle bailey 1138:< marakiri> Savolainen5 muted him as soon as he started 1138:< marakiri> beetle bailey 1138:< AndyD418> Beetle Bailey 1138:< npinsker> The answer was Beetle Bailey! Correct users: Savolainen5 (337), berberine (211), marakiri (24), AndyD418 (307) 1138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || How does Wonder Woman control her invisible airplane? 1138:< Savolainen5> silly repeat questions. 4000 questions and i've seen a dozen repeats 1138:< Savolainen5> mental powers 1138:< berberine> mind 1138:< marakiri> brain 1139:< Savolainen5> another one :( 1139:< AndyD418> her juicy brain 1139:< npinsker> The answer was mental powers! Correct users: berberine (215), marakiri (27), AndyD418 (309) 1139:< Savolainen5> what 1139:< marakiri> lmao 1139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis? 1139:< Savolainen5> maybe it doesn't accept "mental powers" 1139:< Savolainen5> lol 1139:< berberine> aphrodite 1139:< marakiri> but the answer was exactly that 1139:< marakiri> aphrodites 1139:< AndyD418> jared leto 1139:< npinsker> The answer was Leto! Correct users: AndyD418 (313) 1140:< marakiri> wow... seriously? 1140:< Methrend> wut 1140:< Savolainen5> i know, it doesn't make any sense. this bot it weird because it sometimes has weird ideas about capitalisation 1140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Guayaquil is the largest city in what country? 1140:< AndyD418> equador 1140:< andysniper> guyana 1140:< marakiri> guatamala 1140:< berberine> guyana 1140:< Methrend> Ecuador 1140:< marakiri> i dont even care anymore 1140:< npinsker> The answer was Ecuador! Correct users: Methrend (65) 1140:< AndyD418> ugh 1140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) _____. 1141:< Savolainen5> comet 1141:< berberine> comet 1141:< Methrend> comet 1141:< andysniper> comet 1141:< marakiri> comet 1141:< npinsker> The answer was comet! Correct users: Savolainen5 (341), berberine (218), Methrend (67), andysniper (608), marakiri (27) 1141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || He was the voice of draco the dragon in the movie Dragonheart. 1141:< berberine> sean connery 1141:< Savolainen5> jack black 1142:< marakiri> arnold 1142:< Methrend> Sean Connery 1142:< andysniper> liam neeson 1142:< npinsker> The answer was Sean Connery! Correct users: berberine (222), Methrend (70) 1142:< Methrend> fucking love that movie 1142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does IRS stand for? 1142:< marakiri> Methrend meeeh... 1142:< Savolainen5> internal revenue service 1142:< berberine> internal revenue service 1142:< marakiri> internal revenue service 1142:< npinsker> The answer was Internal Revenue Service! Correct users: Savolainen5 (345), berberine (225), marakiri (29) 1143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix? 1143:< andysniper> senna 1143:< berberine> senna 1143:< Savolainen5> schumacher 1143:< marakiri> senna 1143:< nimajneb> aerta senna 1143:< npinsker> The answer was Elio de Angelis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1143:< marakiri> hahahaha 1143:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Singer Paula ____________? 1144:< marakiri> wow... u are a bunch of dedicated mofos 1144:< Savolainen5> abdul 1144:< etray> abdul 1144:< berberine> abdul 1144:< erinhasguts> abdul 1144:< marakiri> abdul 1144:< andysniper> abdul 1144:< Savolainen5> deen 1144:< marakiri> are there negative points for wrong answers? there should be 1144:< npinsker> The answer was Abdul! Correct users: Savolainen5 (349), etray (197), berberine (227), erinhasguts (68), marakiri (29), andysniper (608) 1144:< Savolainen5> lol 1144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone. 1145:< marakiri> oh wait oh wait 1145:< marakiri> truman 1145:< etray> mulder 1145:< Savolainen5> there aren't negative points, that's hard for a bot to track 1145:< marakiri> mulder 1145:< npinsker> The answer was Elliot Ness! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who discovered X-rays? 1145:< marakiri> haha so its safe to guess as many answers as u want huh 1145:< Savolainen5> rontgen 1145:< andysniper> ray x 1146:< marakiri> TIL rontgen is someones name 1146:< Savolainen5> yeah, even if you spell it wrong, as long as you submit the correct answer in the time period, you're OK 1146:< npinsker> The answer was Wilhelm Roentgen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1146:< Savolainen5> ok 1146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the royal disease? 1146:< marakiri> haahaha so spellings matter 1146:< erinhasguts> hemophilia 1146:< marakiri> obesity? 1146:< Savolainen5> yeah, i figured they'd change ö to o, not oe 1146:< erinhasguts> haemophilia 1146:< alylynn96> hemophilia 1146:< andysniper> haemophillia 1146:< AndyD418> haemophilia 1146:< marakiri> haemophillia 1146:< Savolainen5> hemofilia 1146:< npinsker> The answer was haemophilia! Correct users: erinhasguts (72), alylynn96 (334), AndyD418 (315) 1147:< Savolainen5> wow, british spellings, rude 1147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was "Rocky's" last name? 1147:< Savolainen5> balboa 1147:< andysniper> correct spellings i think you mean 1147:< marakiri> balboa 1147:< alylynn96> balboa 1147:< erinhasguts> balboa 1147:< andysniper> balboa 1147:< marakiri> TA TARA TAAAA 1147:< Savolainen5> inb4 balbòa 1147:< Savolainen5> bàlboa 1147:< marakiri> TA TARA TAAAA 1147:< npinsker> The answer was Balboa! Correct users: Savolainen5 (353), marakiri (32), alylynn96 (336), erinhasguts (73), andysniper (608) 1147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She played a Polish refugee in "Sophie's Choice". 1148:< Savolainen5> streep 1148:< erinhasguts> meryl streep 1148:< Savolainen5> yet another repeat :( 1148:< npinsker> The answer was Meryl Streep! Correct users: Savolainen5 (357), erinhasguts (76) 1148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'? 1148:< Savolainen5> joe schmoe 1149:< alylynn96> the dramatic one 1149:< andysniper> joey tribbiani 1149:< marakiri> never seen that shit 1149:< npinsker> The answer was Kevin Hathaway! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What was Don Rickles' nickname? 1149:< erinhasguts> mr warmth 1149:< Savolainen5> third time i've seen that one repeated, and i still can't remember the answer :D 1149:< marakiri> larry rickles 1149:< npinsker> The answer was Mr. Warmth! Correct users: erinhasguts (80) 1150:< marakiri> what? no way 1150:< erinhasguts> saw it last night 1150:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1150:< marakiri> that sounds faker than his fake name 1150:< erinhasguts> dumb nickname 1150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is another term for a black leopard? 1150:< andysniper> panther 1150:< erinhasguts> panther 1150:< Savolainen5> Rickles earned the nicknames "The Merchant of Venom" and "Mr. Warmth" for his insult comedy in which he pokes fun at people of all 1150:< Savolainen5> ethnicities and walks of life. 1150:< npinsker> The answer was panther! Correct users: andysniper (612), erinhasguts (83) 1151:< marakiri> ok g2g 1151:< marakiri> how u guys have so much time to play this so much/ 1151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which comedy duo did the famous, "Who's on first?" routine? 1151:< marakiri> time time time... look whats become of me 1151:< npinsker> The answer was Abbott and Costello! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In baseball, how many outs are there in an inning? 1152:< alylynn96> 3 1152:< marakiri> while i looked around.. for my possibilities 1152:< alylynn96> jk 1152:< KingGoddeth> 6 1152:< KingGoddeth> six 1152:< marakiri> i was so hard to please 1152:< alylynn96> 6 1152:< npinsker> The answer was six! Correct users: KingGoddeth (17), alylynn96 (339) 1152:< marakiri> but look around 1152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called ________. 1152:< marakiri> the leaves are brown 1153:< marakiri> and the sky.. is a hazy shade of winter 1153:< npinsker> The answer was logistics! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ____ _____. 1153:< andysniper> carbonated 1153:< alylynn96> carbonated 1153:< coldbrewedbrew> seltzer water 1153:< coldbrewedbrew> club soda 1153:< npinsker> The answer was soda water! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1154:< alylynn96> soda water 1154:< alylynn96> damn it 1154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata "Sleepers Awake"? 1154:< Savolainen5> wot 1154:< coldbrewedbrew> Hakuna Matata 1154:< andysniper> whiter shade of pale 1154:< npinsker> The answer was A Whiter Shade of Pale! Correct users: andysniper (616) 1154:< Savolainen5> lol 1155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which military battle took place in 1815? 1155:< Savolainen5> waterloo 1155:< coldbrewedbrew> war of 1812 1155:< alylynn96> lol 1155:< Savolainen5> lol no 1155:< coldbrewedbrew> ;) 1155:< npinsker> The answer was Waterloo! Correct users: Savolainen5 (361) 1155:< Savolainen5> i mean for my answer 1155:< andysniper> traflagar 1155:< Savolainen5> wait what, i got it right? 1155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || In the first book, which is the birthday Harry celebrates? 1155:< Savolainen5> eleventh 1155:< KingGoddeth> lol Savolainen5 1155:< erinhasguts> 11 1156:< Savolainen5> eleven 1156:< andysniper> 11 1156:< npinsker> The answer was 11! Correct users: erinhasguts (87), andysniper (619) 1156:< Savolainen5> LOL 1156:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is a skin specialist called? 1156:< Savolainen5> dermatologist 1156:< erinhasguts> dermatologist 1156:< andysniper> dermatologist 1156:< coldbrewedbrew> dermatologist 1157:< npinsker> The answer was dermatologist! Correct users: Savolainen5 (365), erinhasguts (90), andysniper (621), coldbrewedbrew (7) 1157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not telling ;-P || What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline? 1157:< coldbrewedbrew> minerals 1157:< andysniper> minerals 1157:< Savolainen5> gems 1158:< npinsker> The answer was gems! Correct users: Savolainen5 (369) 1158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What's the nickname of the University of Georgia football team? 1158:< coldbrewedbrew> Bulldogs 1158:< erinhasguts> bulldogs 1158:< Savolainen5> big blue 1158:< npinsker> The answer was Bulldogs! Correct users: coldbrewedbrew (11), erinhasguts (93) 1159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Singing without instrumental back up is called what? 1159:< Savolainen5> a capella 1159:< erinhasguts> capella 1159:< coldbrewedbrew> a capella 1159:< npinsker> The answer was Capella! Correct users: Savolainen5 (373), erinhasguts (96), coldbrewedbrew (13) 1159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Famous Phrases: Who knows? The ______. 1200:< npinsker> The answer was Shadow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1200:< Savolainen5> what 1200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What do the auricularis muscles move? 1200:< Savolainen5> ears 1201:< npinsker> The answer was ears! Correct users: Savolainen5 (377) 1201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state borders Alabama to the north? 1201:< coldbrewedbrew> Missouri 1201:< npinsker> The answer was Tennessee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In 1985, Shigeru Miyamoto produced "The Legend of Zelda". What was the other title produced that year? 1202:< coldbrewedbrew> Super Mario Bros. 1202:< etray> Super Mario Bros 1202:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros.! Correct users: coldbrewedbrew (17), etray (200) 1202:< etray> noice 1202:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1137), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || True Or False: The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island. 1203:< erinhasguts> false 1203:< coldbrewedbrew> False 1203:< andysniper> false 1203:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: erinhasguts (100), coldbrewedbrew (20), andysniper (623) 1203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Business || This brand boasts 57 varieties? 1203:< andysniper> heinz 1204:< npinsker> The answer was Heinz! Correct users: andysniper (627) 1204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || With which island is the puffin associated? 1204:< andysniper> lundy 1205:< npinsker> The answer was Lundy Island! Correct users: andysniper (631) 1205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was the Rosetta Stone found? 1205:< andysniper> ireland 1205:< etray> egypt 1205:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: etray (204) 1206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Where were Cornflakes invented? 1206:< npinsker> The answer was Battle Creek Sanitarium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Florida? 1206:< coldbrewedbrew> Tallahassee 1207:< FeebleOldMan> tallahassee 1207:< npinsker> The answer was Tallahassee! Correct users: coldbrewedbrew (24), FeebleOldMan (1140) 1207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Nitrous oxide is better known as __________. 1207:< FeebleOldMan> laughing gas 1207:< coldbrewedbrew> laughing gas 1207:< FeebleOldMan> nox 1208:< npinsker> The answer was laughing gas! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1144), coldbrewedbrew (27) 1208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog. 1208:< coldbrewedbrew> saint bernard 1208:< FeebleOldMan> american bulldog 1208:< npinsker> The answer was St. Bernard! Correct users: coldbrewedbrew (31) 1209:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1144), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Which poets first collected works were "Poems, Chiefly Lyrical"? 1209:< FeebleOldMan> kanye west 1209:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Lord Tennyson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What position does the character Cornelius Fudge hold in the Harry Potter books? 1210:< FeebleOldMan> minister of magic 1210:< npinsker> The answer was Minister of Magic! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1148) 1210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || Rap God was a song by this rapper, who occasionally performs under his alter-ego, Slim Shady. 1211:< FeebleOldMan> eminem 1211:< npinsker> The answer was Eminem! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1152) 1211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clothing || On what is an espadrille worn? 1211:< FeebleOldMan> dress 1211:< FeebleOldMan> head 1212:< FeebleOldMan> neck 1212:< npinsker> The answer was foot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || At which time of year do children grow fastest? 1212:< npinsker> The answer was springtime! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known? 1213:< npinsker> The answer was Bangkok! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was called "The Maid of Orleans". 1214:< npinsker> The answer was Joan of Arc! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As graceful as a(n) _________. 1215:< npinsker> The answer was swan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1215:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Psychology || Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear? 1216:< npinsker> The answer was ferns! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The two tire manufacturers in F1 are Bridgestone and ........? 1216:< npinsker> The answer was Michelin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Of the 266 popes, how many died violently? 1217:< whateva0x29a> 33 1217:< npinsker> The answer was thirty three! Correct users: whateva0x29a (8) 1217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is another name for a sleepwalker? 1218:< npinsker> The answer was somnambulist! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From what animal do we get venison? 1218:< aleatoric> deer 1219:< npinsker> The answer was deer! Correct users: aleatoric (8) 1220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries? 1220:< npinsker> The answer was Raspberry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || Who is Bibendum better known as? 1221:< hansolo580> nigglets 1221:< npinsker> The answer was The Michelin Man! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1221:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1222:< npinsker> The answer was Red Mage! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way? 1223:< npinsker> The answer was Sagittarius! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who was Winnie the Pooh's neighbour? 1223:< npinsker> The answer was Piglet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas? 1224:< npinsker> The answer was Grinch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What three letter word means the same as "to ingest"? 1225:< npinsker> The answer was eat! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre. 1226:< npinsker> The answer was iodine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the initial capital of USSR? 1226:< aleatoric> kiev 1226:< AndyD418> Leningrad 1226:< npinsker> The answer was Leningrad! Correct users: AndyD418 (319) 1227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Venetian traveler and explorer landed in China and reached Kublai Khan's court in 1275? 1227:< npinsker> The answer was Marco Polo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1227:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || When Catelyn Stark takes Tyrion Lannister hostage from where is he returning? 1228:< npinsker> The answer was The Wall! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is activated for freckles to appear? 1229:< npinsker> The answer was melanocytes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who discovered Vitamin C? 1230:< npinsker> The answer was Linus Pauling! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Approximately how many inches are there in one meter? 1230:< npinsker> The answer was thirty nine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held? 1231:< npinsker> The answer was Flushing Meadows, NY! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor. 1232:< npinsker> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || With which period in music do we associate composers such as Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, and Chopin? 1232:< Internal1> romance 1233:< npinsker> The answer was Romantic period! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the Old English word for 'sneeze'? 1233:< npinsker> The answer was fneasan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1234:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river. 1234:< npinsker> The answer was Tagus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lawn Mowers || How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel? (in km/h) 1235:< npinsker> The answer was two hundred! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies to the East of Mauritius? 1236:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates? 1237:< npinsker> The answer was Abu Dhabi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery? 1237:< ixc7> apollo 1237:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: ixc7 (4) 1238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christmas Trivia || In the 'Twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'? 1238:< npinsker> The answer was seventy eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Josie and the ________ 1239:< andysniper> pussycats 1239:< npinsker> The answer was Pussycats! Correct users: andysniper (635) 1239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the long religious epic, "Paradise Lost"? 1240:< npinsker> The answer was John Milton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1240:< andysniper> aldous huxley 1240:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Atmosphere || What is the troposphere immediately lower than? 1241:< ixc7> stratosphere? 1241:< npinsker> The answer was stratosphere! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which German duo have sold over 85 million records? 1241:< ixc7> modren talking 1241:< npinsker> The answer was Modern Talking! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || As what is sulfur also known? 1242:< ixc7> sulforic acid 1242:< npinsker> The answer was brimstone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where is the best brandy bottled? 1243:< andysniper> frane 1243:< andysniper> france 1243:< npinsker> The answer was Cognac! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1243:< grink> cognac 1243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Bibliophobia is a fear of _____. 1243:< grink> jesus 1243:< andysniper> books 1243:< grink> books 1243:< Mete0r1t3> books 1244:< npinsker> The answer was books! Correct users: andysniper (639), grink (345), Mete0r1t3 (16) 1244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis? 1244:< grink> opfio'fjsdkg odgslksgjk 5 1244:< ixc7> 6 1244:< andysniper> 6 1244:< npinsker> The answer was six! Correct users: ixc7 (8), andysniper (642) 1245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey? 1245:< grink> homer 1245:< andysniper> homer 1245:< grink> simpson 1245:< ixc7> homer 1245:< npinsker> The answer was Homer! Correct users: grink (349), andysniper (645), ixc7 (10) 1245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What city do Batman and Robin patrol? 1245:< grink> gotham 1246:< ixc7> gotham city 1246:< grink> nyc 1246:< npinsker> The answer was Gotham City! Correct users: ixc7 (14) 1246:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft? 1246:< grink> concorde 1246:< andysniper> concord 1247:< grink> concord 1247:< npinsker> The answer was Concorde! Correct users: grink (353) 1247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."? 1247:< grink> kennedy 1247:< ixc7> mother teresa 1248:< npinsker> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: ixc7 (18) 1248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'? 1248:< grink> ben stiller 1248:< ixc7> Milkman 1248:< andysniper> captain hammer 1248:< npinsker> The answer was Mr. Furious! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What was the first recorded message? 1249:< grink> mary had a little lamb 1249:< ixc7> testing 1249:< grink> watson can yo hear me 1249:< andysniper> rick astley 'never gonna give you up' 1249:< npinsker> The answer was Mary had a little lamb! Correct users: grink (357) 1249:< Yangumasuta> Mary had a little lamb. 1249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which beatle was the first to release a solo record? 1250:< grink> mccartney 1250:< Yangumasuta> George Harrison 1250:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox. 1250:< Yangumasuta> Edward Jenner 1250:< grink> indians 1251:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Jenner! Correct users: Yangumasuta (15) 1251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What 2 countries have square flags? 1251:< tRitone11> Switzerland and the Vatican 1251:< ixc7> wyoming and colorado 1251:< Yangumasuta> Switzerland and the Vatican 1251:< ixc7> oh shiw its switzerland and vatican 1251:< npinsker> The answer was Switzerland and the Vatican! Correct users: Yangumasuta (19) 1252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In which game in the "Star Fox" series was the game character based rather than flight based? 1252:< grink> doom III 1252:< npinsker> The answer was Star Fox Adventures! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1252:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Chennai (formerly Madras)? 1253:< tRitone11> India 1253:< Yangumasuta> India 1253:< ixc7> India 1253:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: Yangumasuta (23), ixc7 (21) 1253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth? 1253:< tRitone11> Minos 1254:< Yangumasuta> Minos 1254:< npinsker> The answer was Minos! Correct users: Yangumasuta (27) 1254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean. 1254:< tRitone11> international date line 1255:< ixc7> equator 1255:< npinsker> The answer was international date line! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || What good gay poet was known as "the Good Gray Poet"? 1255:< grink> the good gay poet 1255:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Whitman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Peanuts are one of the ingredients of? 1256:< tRitone11> Dynamite 1256:< grink> peanut butter 1256:< ixc7> dynamite 1256:< npinsker> The answer was Dynamite! Correct users: ixc7 (25) 1256:< ixc7> would be peanut butter if it was food 1256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || --isms: The belief that there is no God. 1256:< tRitone11> atheism 1257:< marakiri> atheism 1257:< ixc7> atheisms 1257:< npinsker> The answer was atheism! Correct users: marakiri (36) 1257:< marakiri> Ha! 1257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Logic || You are in a room where all walls face south. A bear walks by. What color is it? 1257:< tRitone11> White 1257:< ixc7> --isms: !!! 1257:< ixc7> white 1257:< marakiri> white 1258:< ixc7> cause north pole 1258:< npinsker> The answer was White! Correct users: ixc7 (29), marakiri (39) 1258:< marakiri> yep 1258:< marakiri> is tRitone a bot? 1258:< ixc7> yes mute him 1258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The St. Louis __________. 1258:< tRitone11> Blues 1258:< marakiri> done 1258:< ixc7> Bulls 1258:< marakiri> againn... why so much usa maaan 1258:< ixc7> Im not from NA so im bad at these :D 1258:< ixc7> Reds 1258:< npinsker> The answer was Blues! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1259:< marakiri> LMAO so closee.. haha 1259:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for mercury? 1259:< tRitone11> Hg 1259:< femdemgem> hg 1259:< ixc7> Hg 1259:< marakiri> hg 1259:< ixc7> its quciksilver :D 1259:< npinsker> The answer was Hg! Correct users: femdemgem (245), ixc7 (32), marakiri (41) 1300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years? 1300:< tRitone11> Macbeth 1300:< marakiri> ooh wait i know this 1300:< ixc7> Hamlet 1300:< marakiri> lol 1300:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1300:< ixc7> hahah 1300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Is Dublin in Northern or Southern ireland? 1300:< tRitone11> Southern 1300:< marakiri> it was on the tip of my tongue 1301:< ixc7> north 1301:< marakiri> northern 1301:< ixc7> south 1301:< femdemgem> east 1301:< ixc7> just to be sure 1301:< marakiri> south 1301:< npinsker> The answer was Southern! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1301:< ixc7> HAHAHAHAHAHA 1301:< femdemgem> lol 1301:< marakiri> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL 1301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He said, "I have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat." 1301:< tRitone11> Sir Winston Churchill 1301:< marakiri> The Donald 1301:< femdemgem> churchill 1302:< marakiri> NOT 1302:< ixc7> winston churchill 1302:< ixc7> i'll trust femdemgem 1302:< marakiri> churchill 1302:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Winston Churchill! Correct users: femdemgem (249), ixc7 (35), marakiri (43) 1302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company? 1302:< tRitone11> Bayer 1302:< marakiri> bayer 1302:< npinsker> The answer was Bayer! Correct users: marakiri (47) 1302:< ixc7> Al capone's candy 1303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom? 1303:< tRitone11> John 1303:< marakiri> john 1303:< femdemgem> john 1303:< ixc7> john 1303:< marakiri> dishonest john 1303:< npinsker> The answer was John! Correct users: marakiri (51), femdemgem (252), ixc7 (37) 1303:< femdemgem> I'll trust u 1303:< ixc7> i dont know that cartoon 1303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Psycho'? 1303:< marakiri> haha 1303:< tRitone11> Robert Bloch 1304:< femdemgem> robert bloch 1304:< marakiri> robert block 1304:< ixc7> robert bloch 1304:< marakiri> robert bloch 1304:< ixc7> i've seen this question here earlier 1304:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Bloch! Correct users: femdemgem (256), ixc7 (40), marakiri (53) 1304:< marakiri> ill trust u 1304:< femdemgem> yeah me too 1304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Name the incident in which tea was dumped into the harbor. 1304:< marakiri> tea party ??? 1304:< femdemgem> boston tea party 1304:< ixc7> boston tea party 1305:< marakiri> boston tea party right 1305:< npinsker> The answer was Boston Tea Party! Correct users: femdemgem (260), ixc7 (43) 1305:< marakiri> : [ 1305:< ixc7> dont say right, or you'll be wrong :D 1305:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1152), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1305:< marakiri> hahahaha 1305:< marakiri> learned it the hard way 1305:< marakiri> B ) 1305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles? 1305:< tRitone11> Indian Ocean 1305:< Yangumasuta> indian ocean 1305:< femdemgem> indian 1305:< ixc7> indian ocean 1305:< marakiri> indian ocean 1306:< npinsker> The answer was Indian Ocean! Correct users: Yangumasuta (31), femdemgem (263), ixc7 (45), marakiri (54) 1306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Egypt to the South? 1306:< tRitone11> Sudan 1306:< Yangumasuta> sudan 1306:< ixc7> Chad 1306:< marakiri> sudan 1306:< femdemgem> sudan 1306:< ixc7> sudan 1306:< npinsker> The answer was Sudan! Correct users: Yangumasuta (35), marakiri (57), femdemgem (265), ixc7 (46) 1307:< marakiri> Yangumasuta i think i know how u operate man 1307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Who is Robert Zimmermann? 1307:< tRitone11> Bob Dylan 1307:< Yangumasuta> how? haha 1307:< Yangumasuta> bob dylan 1307:< marakiri> commentator 1307:< marakiri> bob dylan 1307:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Dylan! Correct users: Yangumasuta (39), marakiri (60) 1307:< marakiri> wow... 1307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Crosby, Stills and Nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song. 1307:< tRitone11> Sweet Judy Blue Eyes 1308:< ixc7> wut 1308:< ixc7> blue eyes 1308:< grink> bleu eyed sue 1308:< grink> blue eyed sue 1308:< Yangumasuta> sweet judy blue eyes 1308:< npinsker> The answer was Sweet Judy Blue Eyes! Correct users: Yangumasuta (43) 1308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a figure with eight equal sides called? 1308:< tRitone11> octagon 1308:< FeebleOldMan> octagon 1308:< Yangumasuta> octagon 1308:< femdemgem> octagon 1308:< ixc7> octagon 1308:< FeebleOldMan> regular octagon 1308:< marakiri> octagon 1309:< npinsker> The answer was octagon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1156), Yangumasuta (46), femdemgem (267), ixc7 (47), marakiri (60) 1309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Toys || What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal? 1309:< tRitone11> balloon 1309:< Yangumasuta> balloon 1309:< femdemgem> balloon 1309:< jeuv> balloon 1309:< ixc7> dafuq 1309:< FeebleOldMan> soccerball 1309:< FeebleOldMan> soccer ball 1309:< npinsker> The answer was balloon! Correct users: Yangumasuta (50), femdemgem (270), jeuv (285) 1310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What gives leaves their colour ? 1310:< tRitone11> Chlorophyll 1310:< Yangumasuta> chlorophyll 1310:< FeebleOldMan> chlorophyll 1310:< jeuv> chlorophyll 1310:< femdemgem> chlorophyll 1310:< npinsker> The answer was Chlorophyll! Correct users: Yangumasuta (54), FeebleOldMan (1159), jeuv (287), femdemgem (271) 1310:< FeebleOldMan> CATEGORY: Music || Crosby, Stills and Nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song. 1310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did 'DMZ' stand for in the vietnam war? 1310:< tRitone11> Demilitarized Zone 1311:< FeebleOldMan> demilitarized zone 1311:< Yangumasuta> demilitarized zone 1311:< jeuv> Demilitarized Zone 1311:< grink> tcp/ip 1311:< femdemgem> vietnamese demilitarized zone 1311:< npinsker> The answer was Demilitarized Zone! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1163), Yangumasuta (57), jeuv (289), femdemgem (272) 1311:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1163), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || "Windex Martini" is made with vodka, triple sec and what other booze? 1312:< FeebleOldMan> windex 1312:< Yangumasuta> windex 1312:< FeebleOldMan> martini 1312:< femdemgem> windex 1312:< Yangumasuta> lol 1312:< npinsker> The answer was Blue Curacao! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || These fighters always began a bout by saying, "Hail Emperor, those about to die salute you."? 1312:< tRitone11> gladiators 1312:< Yangumasuta> gladiators 1312:< jeuv> gladiators 1312:< femdemgem> TIL windex is a glass cleaner 1313:< jeuv> really? you did not know that? 1313:< npinsker> The answer was gladiators! Correct users: Yangumasuta (61), jeuv (292) 1313:< FeebleOldMan> not all countries call it that jeuv 1313:< femdemgem> yeah :P 1313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and novelty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance? 1313:< tRitone11> The Twist 1313:< jeuv> my country doesn't and I still know it 1313:< FeebleOldMan> twist 1313:< Yangumasuta> the twist. 1313:< FeebleOldMan> well good for you jeuv 1313:< jeuv> the twist 1313:< jeuv> thanks 1313:< npinsker> The answer was The Twist! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1167), jeuv (295) 1314:< FeebleOldMan> femdemgem you're one of the lucky 10000 https://xkcd.com/1053/ 1314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is the birthstone for January? 1314:< tRitone11> Garnet 1314:< jeuv> garnet 1314:< FeebleOldMan> amethyst 1314:< npinsker> The answer was Garnet! Correct users: jeuv (299) 1314:< grink> iron pickaxe 1314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry? 1314:< tRitone11> tayberry 1315:< grink> tayberry 1315:< andysniper> tayberry 1315:< jeuv> tayberry 1315:< femdemgem> what fun thing we can do with a windex? 1315:< jeuv> drink it 1315:< FeebleOldMan> blaspberry 1315:< grink> clean your eyes 1315:< npinsker> The answer was tayberry! Correct users: grink (361), andysniper (648), jeuv (301) 1315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death. 1315:< tRitone11> Joseph Goebbels 1315:< femdemgem> hitler 1315:< FeebleOldMan> hitler 1315:< jeuv> joseph göbbles 1315:< grink> obama 1316:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Goebbels! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1316:< jeuv> the fuck 1316:< femdemgem> where did you find that letter 1316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which film did Henry Fonda play a fallen priest? 1316:< tRitone11> The Fugitive 1316:< ixc7> in german 1316:< jeuv> the fugitive 1316:< FeebleOldMan> the fallen priest 1316:< npinsker> The answer was The Fugitive! Correct users: jeuv (305) 1317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || He is known as "The Father of Geometry". 1317:< tRitone11> Euclid 1317:< jeuv> euclid 1317:< femdemgem> pisagor 1317:< ixc7> euclid 1317:< ixc7> euclid of alexandria 1317:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: jeuv (309), ixc7 (50), femdemgem (274) 1317:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1167), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame? 1318:< tRitone11> The Wright Brothers 1318:< FeebleOldMan> wright brothers 1318:< jeuv> wright brothers 1318:< ixc7> wright brothers 1318:< npinsker> The answer was The Wright Brothers! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1171), jeuv (312), ixc7 (52) 1318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aviation || How many 'Air Force One'(s) are there? 1319:< jeuv> 1 1319:< FeebleOldMan> 1 1319:< FeebleOldMan> 2 1319:< ixc7> 4 1319:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1319:< ixc7> 7 1319:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1175) 1319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Parthenon located? 1319:< grink> eh isn't it only air force one when the president is on it 1319:< jeuv> greece 1319:< FeebleOldMan> greece 1319:< ixc7> Greece 1319:< grink> but i guess they fly 2 1319:< femdemgem> greece 1320:< femdemgem> athens 1320:< FeebleOldMan> athens 1320:< ixc7> Athens 1320:< npinsker> The answer was Athens! Correct users: femdemgem (278), FeebleOldMan (1178), ixc7 (54) 1320:< jeuv> ffs 1320:< ixc7> lmao 1320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)? 1320:< FeebleOldMan> 350 1320:< jeuv> 100000000000000000000000 1320:< femdemgem> 400 1320:< ixc7> 250 1320:< jeuv> 400 1320:< femdemgem> 350 1320:< npinsker> The answer was 450! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1321:< femdemgem> :d 1321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Jokes || In the old gag, where is Prince Albert? 1321:< FeebleOldMan> penis 1321:< jeuv> outside 1321:< femdemgem> in the can 1321:< ixc7> can someone tell this joke? 1321:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 1321:< npinsker> The answer was In a can! Correct users: femdemgem (282) 1321:< FeebleOldMan> wats the joke 1321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote Great Expectations? 1322:< FeebleOldMan> charles dickens 1322:< ixc7> charles dickens 1322:< jeuv> charles dickens 1322:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Dickens! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1182), ixc7 (57), jeuv (314) 1322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father? 1322:< FeebleOldMan> 350 1323:< FeebleOldMan> 349 1323:< ixc7> 50 1323:< FeebleOldMan> 149 1323:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and sixty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1323:< jeuv> 100 1323:< ixc7> HAHAHAHAH 1323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || With what sport is Chris Boardman associated? 1323:< FeebleOldMan> surfing 1323:< SilentSand> surfing 1323:< jeuv> surfing 1323:< FeebleOldMan> football 1323:< ixc7> cycling 1323:< femdemgem> cycling 1323:< npinsker> The answer was cycling! Correct users: ixc7 (61), femdemgem (285) 1323:< SilentSand> gold 1324:< femdemgem> He was supposed to be a surfer with that last name 1324:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1182), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1324:< jeuv> or a skater 1324:< ixc7> i looked him up since i had no idea who he was 1324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || "Sordello", "The Ring" and "His Book and Fifine at the Fiar" are works by which poet? 1324:< FeebleOldMan> sadako 1324:< jeuv> sadako 1324:< femdemgem> robert browning 1324:< ixc7> some italian guy probably 1324:< jeuv> robert browning 1324:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Browning! Correct users: femdemgem (289), jeuv (317) 1325:< FeebleOldMan> you know his works femdemgem? 1325:< FeebleOldMan> and what's the prince albert joke 1325:< jeuv> everyone is a bot except you 1325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what river is the capital city of Canada? 1325:< femdemgem> prince albert is a tobacco 1325:< npinsker> The answer was Ottawa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1325:< ixc7> "Prince Albert in a can" The brand is the basis of a practical joke, usually made in the form of a prank call. 1326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ___________. 1326:< ixc7> The prankster typically calls a store and asks if they have "Prince Albert in a can." 1326:< FeebleOldMan> lithography 1326:< ixc7> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Prince_Albert_Cigarettes.JPG => http://nazar.so/23qhk 1326:< femdemgem> let him out 1326:< jeuv> lithography 1326:< FeebleOldMan> thanks for link and explanation 1326:< femdemgem> let the poor guy out 1326:< npinsker> The answer was lithography! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1186), jeuv (320) 1326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the smallest independent country? 1326:< ixc7> vatian 1326:< jeuv> nauru 1326:< FeebleOldMan> vatican 1326:< femdemgem> vatican 1327:< jeuv> vatican city 1327:< ixc7> vatican 1327:< ixc7> vatican city 1327:< npinsker> The answer was Vatican City! Correct users: jeuv (324), ixc7 (64) 1327:< femdemgem> nice 1327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's. 1327:< FeebleOldMan> m 1327:< femdemgem> M&ms 1327:< jeuv> m 1327:< ixc7> m&m's 1327:< FeebleOldMan> eminems 1327:< femdemgem> m 1327:< ixc7> which will be the right answer? :D 1327:< npinsker> The answer was m! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1190), jeuv (327), ixc7 (66), femdemgem (290) 1328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || Which month has a diamond as a birthstone? 1328:< FeebleOldMan> february 1328:< femdemgem> april 1328:< jeuv> april 1328:< femdemgem> february 1328:< FeebleOldMan> april 1328:< ixc7> March 1328:< FeebleOldMan> july 1328:< ixc7> January 1328:< npinsker> The answer was April! Correct users: femdemgem (294), jeuv (330), FeebleOldMan (1192) 1328:< femdemgem> wow nice luck 1328:< FeebleOldMan> jan is garnet from earlier 1329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who committed the first daytime robbery? 1329:< ixc7> a robber 1329:< FeebleOldMan> bob 1329:< jeuv> 2 people 1329:< femdemgem> obama 1329:< FeebleOldMan> bob and henry 1329:< npinsker> The answer was Frank and Jesse James! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1329:< ixc7> what was that question 1329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || Every human has one of these on their tummies. 1329:< FeebleOldMan> belly button 1329:< jeuv> navel 1329:< ixc7> belly button 1329:< femdemgem> navel 1330:< FeebleOldMan> navel 1330:< ixc7> navel 1330:< FeebleOldMan> umbillical cord 1330:< npinsker> The answer was navel! Correct users: jeuv (334), femdemgem (297), FeebleOldMan (1194), ixc7 (67) 1330:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1194), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts. 1330:< femdemgem> 3 1330:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1330:< ixc7> 3 1330:< FeebleOldMan> three 1331:< FeebleOldMan> 3.0 1331:< femdemgem> fiddy 1331:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: femdemgem (301), FeebleOldMan (1197), ixc7 (69) 1331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered)? 1331:< femdemgem> caesar 1331:< ixc7> julius caesar 1331:< FeebleOldMan> julius caesar 1332:< npinsker> The answer was Julius Caesar! Correct users: femdemgem (305), ixc7 (72), FeebleOldMan (1199) 1332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a group of peacocks called? 1332:< FeebleOldMan> pride 1332:< FeebleOldMan> flock 1332:< femdemgem> I've seen this question before 1332:< ixc7> A group of peacocks is called an ostentation < wut :D 1333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest island in the world. 1333:< femdemgem> australia 1333:< ixc7> madagascar 1333:< FeebleOldMan> australia 1333:< femdemgem> greenland 1333:< grink> africa 1333:< npinsker> The answer was Greenland! Correct users: femdemgem (309) 1333:< ixc7> damn 1333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hobbies || What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company? 1333:< FeebleOldMan> painting 1333:< femdemgem> paintin 1334:< FeebleOldMan> palming 1334:< femdemgem> painting 1334:< ixc7> facepalming 1334:< femdemgem> crafting 1334:< FeebleOldMan> kiting 1334:< npinsker> The answer was Painting by numbers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1334:< femdemgem> what does that even mean 1334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi? 1334:< ixc7> San Francisco 1334:< FeebleOldMan> the pic has numbers you apply paint of whatever labelled numbers 1334:< femdemgem> san francisco 1334:< FeebleOldMan> san francisco 1335:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: ixc7 (76), femdemgem (312), FeebleOldMan (1201) 1335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || What is a Googol? 1335:< ixc7> TIL how san francisco got its name 1335:< ixc7> 10 to the power of 100 1335:< femdemgem> ah I forgot about these things 1335:< ixc7> number 1335:< femdemgem> number 1335:< npinsker> The answer was The Largest Named Number! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || A stitch in time saves ________? 1336:< ixc7> incorrect, what about Graham's numbers? 1336:< femdemgem> a life 1336:< hennelly14> 9 1336:< ixc7> a nine 1336:< femdemgem> 9 1336:< npinsker> The answer was nine! Correct users: hennelly14 (4), ixc7 (79) 1336:< hennelly14> woo 1336:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2150), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Of whom did Longfellow say, "A lady with a lamp shall stand in the great history of the land"? 1337:< FatherDerp> We have a constitution now: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit#heading=h.tkqo866f0joa => http://nazar.so/7ijyi 1337:< npinsker> The answer was Florence Nightingale! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1337:< FatherDerp> Join in %chat to nominate and vote within the next 20 mins 1337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands? 1338:< femdemgem> bowling 1338:< npinsker> The answer was glass eye! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ________. 1338:< hellapanda> polio 1338:< femdemgem> polio 1338:< ixc7> FatherDerp I dont not accept it unless it uses sabldiri as the offical language! 1339:< npinsker> The answer was polio! Correct users: hellapanda (2154), femdemgem (315) 1339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: -ologies || The study of animal and plant tissues? 1339:< femdemgem> botanics 1339:< FatherDerp> ixc7 please voice your concerns in %chat 1339:< hellapanda> histology 1339:< femdemgem> histology 1339:< npinsker> The answer was Histology! Correct users: hellapanda (2158), femdemgem (318) 1340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the lead singer of 'The Doors'? 1340:< femdemgem> jim morrison 1340:< ixc7> Jim Morrison 1340:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Morrison! Correct users: femdemgem (322), ixc7 (82) 1340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Of what are walrus tusks made? 1341:< femdemgem> ivory 1341:< npinsker> The answer was ivory! Correct users: femdemgem (326) 1341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || When was Julius Caesar murdered? 1341:< femdemgem> 50 bc 1342:< femdemgem> 40 vc 1342:< npinsker> The answer was Ides of March! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who approaches Eddard Stark shortly after King Robert's death offering to combine their forces to claim th... 1342:< femdemgem> renly baratheon 1342:< npinsker> The answer was Renly Baratheon! Correct users: femdemgem (330) 1343:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (924), GetXyzzyWit... 1343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Things || What can be tulip, balloon or flute? 1343:< npinsker> The answer was wine glasses! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1343:< femdemgem> glass 1344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What did Dorothy's house land on in 'The Wizard Of Oz'? 1344:< BrownMario> the ground 1344:< npinsker> The answer was The Wicked Witch of the West! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1344:< femdemgem> west witch 1344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || A line that touches a circle at only one point is called a ....... ? 1344:< BrownMario> tangent 1344:< kuqumi> tangent 1345:< femdemgem> tangent 1345:< TxDieselKid> tangent 1345:< npinsker> The answer was tangent! Correct users: BrownMario (928), kuqumi (3), femdemgem (332), TxDieselKid (82) 1345:< TxDieselKid> I'm back 1345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || In which country did edam cheese originate? 1345:< ixc7> Egypt 1345:< femdemgem> netherlands 1345:< TxDieselKid> holland 1345:< BrownMario> netherlands 1345:< ixc7> Netherlands 1345:< femdemgem> holland 1346:< npinsker> The answer was Holland! Correct users: TxDieselKid (86), femdemgem (335) 1346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || The name of what capital of Oman is also the name of family of grapes used for wine, raisins and table grapes? 1346:< femdemgem> muscat 1346:< BrownMario> muscat 1346:< npinsker> The answer was Muscat! Correct users: femdemgem (339), BrownMario (931) 1347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This GameCube game had a rival who competed to save the Harvest Goddess. Like Animal Crossing, it also had fis... 1347:< Nesman64> harvest moon 1347:< femdemgem> harvest moon 1347:< BrownMario> harvest moon 1347:< npinsker> The answer was Harvest Moon: Magical Melody! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1347:< BrownMario> booo 1347:< Nesman64> haha 1347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gastronomy || Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year? 1347:< BrownMario> twelve 1347:< femdemgem> 50 1348:< femdemgem> 30 1348:< femdemgem> 25 1348:< TxDieselKid> twelve 1348:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: BrownMario (935), TxDieselKid (89) 1348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sings "Imitation Of Life"? 1348:< femdemgem> rem 1348:< BrownMario> rem 1348:< TxDieselKid> R.E.M. 1348:< femdemgem> r.e.m. 1348:< BrownMario> r.e.m. 1349:< npinsker> The answer was R.E.M.! Correct users: femdemgem (343), BrownMario (938), TxDieselKid (91) 1349:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (938), GetXyzzyWit... 1349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what city is the Smithsonian Institute? 1349:< BrownMario> washington dc 1349:< ixc7> washington dc 1349:< femdemgem> washington dc 1349:< Nesman64> washington dc 1349:< TxDieselKid> washington 1349:< ixc7> washington d.c. 1350:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: TxDieselKid (95) 1350:< BrownMario> FUCK THIS BOT 1350:< ixc7> hahahaha 1350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage? 1350:< BrownMario> spain 1350:< ixc7> india 1350:< femdemgem> spain 1350:< Nesman64> spain 1350:< ixc7> is it for or from? 1350:< ixc7> cause he wanted to go to india 1350:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: BrownMario (942), femdemgem (346), Nesman64 (122) 1351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only sea below sea level? 1351:< ixc7> baltic 1351:< BrownMario> baltic 1351:< BrownMario> black 1351:< Nesman64> dead sea 1351:< femdemgem> blacksea 1351:< BrownMario> dead sea 1351:< ixc7> black sea 1351:< femdemgem> baltic 1351:< npinsker> The answer was Dead Sea! Correct users: Nesman64 (126), BrownMario (945) 1351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This country is divided into two parts: Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo, and a peninsula north of Sing... 1351:< BrownMario> malaysia 1352:< femdemgem> malaysia 1352:< BrownMario> indonesia 1352:< npinsker> The answer was Malaysia! Correct users: BrownMario (949), femdemgem (349) 1352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the instrument of execution during the "Reign of Terror"? 1352:< skabird> deez nuts 1352:< BrownMario> guillotine 1353:< npinsker> The answer was guillotine! Correct users: BrownMario (953), femdemgem (352) 1353:< Nesman64> guillotine 1353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Metals || What is the main component of Brass and Bronze? 1353:< BrownMario> copper 1353:< skabird> copper 1353:< Nesman64> copper 1353:< femdemgem> zinc 1353:< BrownMario> zinc 1353:< femdemgem> copper 1353:< npinsker> The answer was Copper! Correct users: BrownMario (957), skabird (35), Nesman64 (128), femdemgem (353) 1353:< skabird> no zinc in brass 1354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || From what Irish words is 'Dublin' derived? 1354:< BrownMario> doubling 1354:< Nesman64> duhh blin 1354:< femdemgem> dubh linn 1354:< FatherDerp> Strawpoll for the Shaman: http://strawpoll.me/7295146 1354:< npinsker> The answer was dubh linn! Correct users: femdemgem (357) 1354:< skabird> wow you guys are great at googling stuff 1354:< BrownMario> why is the irish population always growing? Cuz it's capital is Dublin! 1354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell? 1354:< BrownMario> pennsylvania 1355:< Nesman64> Virginia 1355:< femdemgem> pennsylvania 1355:< npinsker> The answer was Pennsylvania! Correct users: BrownMario (961), femdemgem (360) 1355:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (961), GetXyzzyWit... 1355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || what is Falaka 1355:< BrownMario> balls if i know 1356:< femdemgem> foot whipping device thing 1356:< npinsker> The answer was torture beating to the feet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state is the Golden State? 1356:< BrownMario> california 1356:< femdemgem> california 1357:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: BrownMario (965), femdemgem (363) 1357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as __________. 1357:< brutuscat2> DNA 1357:< BrownMario> dna 1357:< BrownMario> damn sticky fingers! 1357:< femdemgem> dna 1357:< BrownMario> d.n.a. 1357:< femdemgem> vinegar 1357:< npinsker> The answer was DNA! Correct users: brutuscat2 (4), BrownMario (968), femdemgem (365) 1358:< femdemgem> olympus 1358:< BrownMario> olympus 1358:< femdemgem> the sun 1358:< amaklp> Sea 1358:< BrownMario> bowling 1358:< amaklp> Ocean 1358:< femdemgem> light 1358:< npinsker> The answer was prophecy and archery! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1358:< BrownMario> welp 1358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"? 1358:< femdemgem> yoda 1358:< BrownMario> obi wan kenobi 1359:< BrownMario> yoda 1359:< amaklp> Yoda 1359:< npinsker> The answer was Yoda! Correct users: femdemgem (369), BrownMario (971), amaklp (2) 1359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Presidents || U.S. President, Woodrow __________. 1359:< femdemgem> wilson 1359:< Sande24> Wilson 1359:< FatherDerp> Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1359:< BrownMario> wilson 1400:< npinsker> The answer was Wilson! Correct users: femdemgem (373), Sande24 (4), BrownMario (973) 1400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || who said "He who opens a school door, closes a prison"? 1400:< femdemgem> hugo 1400:< femdemgem> victor hugo 1400:< npinsker> The answer was Victor Hugo! Correct users: femdemgem (377) 1401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograpy || What is the second highest peak in Mexico? 1401:< femdemgem> mount olympus 1401:< BrownMario> peako de gallo 1401:< npinsker> The answer was Popocatepetl! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1401:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (973), GetXyzzyWit... 1402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who said all things were made up of air, earth, fire, and water? 1402:< BrownMario> archymedes 1402:< femdemgem> empedocles 1402:< BrownMario> aristotle 1402:< BrownMario> empedocles 1402:< ixc7> socrates 1402:< npinsker> The answer was Aristotle! Correct users: BrownMario (977) 1402:< femdemgem> aristotle 1402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is the name of the Indian musical instrument made popular in western rock by The Beatles and Ravi Shankar? 1402:< BrownMario> guitar 1403:< ixc7> sitar 1403:< wolflambert> Sitar 1403:< BrownMario> sitar 1403:< npinsker> The answer was sitar! Correct users: ixc7 (86), wolflambert (197), BrownMario (979) 1403:< femdemgem> sitar 1403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || In the USA, for how many years is a patent good? 1403:< femdemgem> 18 1403:< BrownMario> twenty 1403:< wolflambert> Twenty 1403:< femdemgem> 20 1403:< ixc7> 70 1403:< BrownMario> ten 1404:< BrownMario> seventy 1404:< npinsker> The answer was seventeen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1404:< femdemgem> 70 1404:< wolflambert> Ugh 1404:< wolflambert> Close enough of a guess 1404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Brontophobia is the fear of _______. 1404:< BrownMario> lol 1404:< femdemgem> cats 1404:< amaklp> Loud sounds 1404:< ixc7> thunder 1404:< BrownMario> horses 1404:< BrownMario> brontosaurus 1404:< femdemgem> thubder 1404:< wolflambert> thunder and lightning 1404:< BrownMario> thunder 1404:< npinsker> The answer was thunder! Correct users: ixc7 (90) 1404:< femdemgem> thunder 1404:< amaklp> Thunder 1405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup? 1405:< dkozinn> kiss 1405:< BrownMario> kiss 1405:< ixc7> kiss 1405:< amaklp> Twisted Sister 1405:< wolflambert> One Direction 1405:< femdemgem> kiss 1405:< BrownMario> lol wolf 1405:< amaklp> Slipoknot 1405:< npinsker> The answer was Kiss! Correct users: dkozinn (141), BrownMario (982), ixc7 (92), femdemgem (378) 1405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is Vanilla Ice's real name? 1405:< BrownMario> chocolate froyo 1406:< ixc7> Robert Matthew Van Winkle 1406:< amaklp> Vanilla Lava 1406:< femdemgem> van winkle 1406:< BrownMario> robert mathew van winkle 1406:< wolflambert> Robert Van Winkle 1406:< ixc7> ayy lmao 1406:< npinsker> The answer was Robert van Winkle! Correct users: wolflambert (201) 1406:< ixc7> no one was right in 3.. 2.. 1... 1406:< wolflambert> Ha! I remembered 1406:< BrownMario> wolf with the steal! 1406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicien || In what body part does an osteopath specialise? 1406:< BrownMario> bones 1406:< amaklp> Bones 1406:< wolflambert> Bonetrousle 1406:< ixc7> skeleton 1406:< BrownMario> boners 1406:< femdemgem> muscles 1406:< ixc7> bones 1407:< ixc7> bones and muscles 1407:< wolflambert> Big bad boner daddy 1407:< npinsker> The answer was bones! Correct users: BrownMario (986), amaklp (5), ixc7 (94) 1407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What is Tina Turner's real name? 1407:< amaklp> shit 1407:< ixc7> Tina turner 1407:< femdemgem> anna bullock 1407:< wolflambert> Anna Bullock 1407:< wolflambert> Anna Mae Bullock 1407:< BrownMario> anna bullock 1407:< ixc7> i thought it was a trick quetsion :D 1407:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Mae Bullock! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1407:< wolflambert> Anne? 1407:< BrownMario> bullocks! 1408:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (986), GetXyzzyWit... 1408:< BrownMario> that was all you wolf 1408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Julius Caesar cross to signal a revolt against the senate? 1408:< wolflambert> http://i.imgur.com/CFlRTiB.png I was fucking right 1408:< BrownMario> the road 1408:< ixc7> river 1408:< BrownMario> river 1408:< amaklp> Jesus 1408:< npinsker> The answer was rubikon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1408:< BrownMario> haha 1409:< ixc7> hell 1409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Found in Gwent County, Wales, on the River Wye, Tintern Abbey inspired a famous poem by whom? 1409:< amaklp> Leonardo DiCaprio 1409:< ixc7> tintern 1409:< BrownMario> blankety blank 1409:< femdemgem> ariana grande 1409:< npinsker> The answer was William Wordsworth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a female calf called? 1409:< amaklp> Pussy 1410:< BrownMario> wiz kalifa 1410:< ixc7> heifer 1410:< wolflambert> Anne Mae Bullock 1410:< femdemgem> cow 1410:< BrownMario> heifer 1410:< BrownMario> cow 1410:< npinsker> The answer was heifer! Correct users: ixc7 (98), BrownMario (989) 1410:< wolflambert> I can call a calf whatever I want damn it 1410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "Mission Impossible"? 1410:< BrownMario> #imwithcalf 1410:< amaklp> Tom Cruise 1410:< BrownMario> tom cruise 1410:< wolflambert> Tom Cruise 1410:< femdemgem> tom cruise 1411:< femdemgem> bernie sanders 1411:< wolflambert> Dom Gruize 1411:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Cruise! Correct users: amaklp (9), BrownMario (992), wolflambert (203), femdemgem (379) 1411:< amaklp> Steve Buscemi 1411:< wolflambert> Tonald Drumpf 1411:< femdemgem> presidency impossible 1411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which city is known as the Windy City? 1411:< BrownMario> chicago 1411:< amaklp> Amsterdam 1411:< femdemgem> chicago 1411:< ixc7> why is Chicago known as that? 1411:< BrownMario> although today maybe washington dc 1411:< wolflambert> Chicago 1411:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: BrownMario (996), femdemgem (382), wolflambert (205) 1411:< femdemgem> because its windy 1412:< BrownMario> high speed winds all the time 1412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Wage per hour (4) 1412:< BrownMario> rise 1412:< ixc7> what is this 1412:< npinsker> The answer was rate! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1412:< BrownMario> rate? 1412:< amaklp> we dumps 1412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When danger appeared, Quick Draw McGraw became which super hero? 1413:< ixc7> superman 1413:< BrownMario> el bango 1413:< amaklp> Bateman 1413:< BrownMario> el kabong 1413:< npinsker> The answer was El KaBong! Correct users: BrownMario (1000) 1413:< BrownMario> niiiiiiiiice 1413:< BrownMario> 1k! 1413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Sapporo? 1413:< amaklp> checkem 1413:< femdemgem> now thats a nice superhero name 1413:< BrownMario> aite fam gotta dip, peace 1414:< femdemgem> japan 1414:< amaklp> Vatican 1414:< npinsker> The answer was Japan! Correct users: femdemgem (386) 1414:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1201), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In "Gone With the Wind", Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business? 1414:< amaklp> Fucking spoilers 1414:< FeebleOldMan> clothing 1414:< ixc7> banking 1414:< pill_hop> clothing 1414:< FeebleOldMan> windmills 1414:< femdemgem> clothing 1415:< ixc7> clothing 1415:< FeebleOldMan> fashion 1415:< npinsker> The answer was sawmill! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1415:< ixc7> close FeebleOldMan 1415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Birthstones || What is the birthstone for September? 1415:< FeebleOldMan> amethyst 1415:< amaklp> Vigro 1415:< ixc7> sapphire 1415:< femdemgem> sapphire 1415:< FeebleOldMan> sapphire 1415:< FeebleOldMan> emerald 1415:< npinsker> The answer was sapphire! Correct users: ixc7 (102), femdemgem (389), FeebleOldMan (1203) 1416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a male deer called? 1416:< FeebleOldMan> buck 1416:< ixc7> buck 1416:< femdemgem> buck 1416:< Bonoahx> buck 1416:< amaklp> male deer 1416:< femdemgem> gay 1416:< FatherDerp> Voting will end in 5 minutes. Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1416:< wolflambert> deerio 1416:< ixc7> https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/450kcd/two_deer_walk_out_of_a_gay_bar/ => http://nazar.so/7ky80 1416:< npinsker> The answer was buck! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1207), ixc7 (105), femdemgem (391), Bonoahx (381) 1416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%? 1417:< ixc7> botswana 1417:< amaklp> Libye 1417:< Bonoahx> Western Sahara 1417:< FeebleOldMan> south africa 1417:< FeebleOldMan> egypt 1417:< amaklp> USA 1417:< Bonoahx> Botswana 1417:< npinsker> The answer was Botswana! Correct users: ixc7 (109), Bonoahx (384) 1417:< Wulfay> Good googlin skills here 1417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first american to win the Formula 1 championship? 1417:< Wulfay> Ace Vandrosa 1417:< amaklp> Leonardo DiCaprio 1418:< npinsker> The answer was Phil Hill! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1418:< amaklp> paging /u/nobody 1418:< Bonoahx> Time 1418:< FeebleOldMan> time 1418:< ixc7> fire 1418:< amaklp> Color 1418:< femdemgem> color 1418:< FeebleOldMan> iron 1418:< ixc7> time 1418:< Bonoahx> Colour 1418:< npinsker> The answer was color! Correct users: amaklp (13), femdemgem (394), Bonoahx (386) 1419:< amaklp> I'm Greek, that was cheat 1419:< Bonoahx> It even accepts the non-Murican spelling 1419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts? 1419:< FeebleOldMan> milk 1419:< femdemgem> blood 1419:< Bonoahx> wtf 1419:< amaklp> Milk 1419:< amaklp> Semen 1419:< femdemgem> semen 1419:< FeebleOldMan> silicone 1419:< ixc7> mud 1419:< TxDieselKid> jizz 1419:< femdemgem> milk 1419:< Bonoahx> Sento 1419:< npinsker> The answer was strawberries! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1419:< FeebleOldMan> papaya juice 1419:< femdemgem> Coke 1419:< ixc7> HAHAHAHAHA 1419:< Bonoahx> looool 1419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae? 1420:< FeebleOldMan> cervix 1420:< ixc7> cervix 1420:< amaklp> Anus 1420:< Bonoahx> Cervix 1420:< FeebleOldMan> i cant' rem the spelling 1420:< femdemgem> carvix 1420:< npinsker> The answer was cervical! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1420:< Bonoahx> _- 1420:< ixc7> cervical cortex? 1420:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1207), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Jet Airliner'? 1421:< ixc7> Boeing 1421:< Bonoahx> Richard Branson 1421:< FeebleOldMan> bob dole 1421:< amaklp> Malaysian Airlines 1421:< pill_hop> steve miller band 1421:< femdemgem> rihanna 1421:< FeebleOldMan> nortan graham 1421:< ixc7> Steve miller 1421:< Bonoahx> Steve Miller Band 1421:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Miller Band! Correct users: pill_hop (6), ixc7 (112), Bonoahx (388) 1421:< femdemgem> Steve Miller Band 1421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World? 1421:< amaklp> Vatican 1421:< TxDieselKid> Reno 1421:< FeebleOldMan> seattle 1421:< Bonoahx> Albuquerque 1421:< femdemgem> texas 1421:< ixc7> reno 1422:< Bonoahx> Seattle 1422:< FeebleOldMan> reno 1422:< amaklp> Russia 1422:< pill_hop> albuquerque 1422:< ixc7> dafuq is reno 1422:< npinsker> The answer was Reno! Correct users: TxDieselKid (99), ixc7 (115), FeebleOldMan (1209) 1422:< femdemgem> reno 1422:< FeebleOldMan> reno 911 1422:< TxDieselKid> the answer. lol 1422:< ixc7> lmao 1422:< amaklp> kek 1422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which game or sport is a "Zamboni" used? 1422:< pill_hop> hockey 1422:< FeebleOldMan> ice hockey 1422:< ixc7> skating 1422:< Bonoahx> That Canadian thing 1422:< TxDieselKid> figure skating 1422:< femdemgem> skating 1422:< Bonoahx> Ice hockey 1422:< FeebleOldMan> ice skating 1422:< TxDieselKid> hockey 1422:< ixc7> ice skating 1422:< FeebleOldMan> plants vs zombiing 1422:< TxDieselKid> ice dancing 1422:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: pill_hop (10), FeebleOldMan (1212), Bonoahx (390), TxDieselKid (100) 1422:< ixc7> figure skating 1423:< ixc7> why is it not used in figure skating :D 1423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is responsible for the death of Grand Maester Pycelle? 1423:< ixc7> spoilers 1423:< amaklp> Arya Stark 1423:< FeebleOldMan> stark 1423:< Bonoahx> Arya Stark 1423:< FeebleOldMan> tony stark 1423:< femdemgem> arya stark 1423:< amaklp> Who the fucks know tha names of the characters 1423:< npinsker> The answer was Lord Varys! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1423:< Bonoahx> Maisie Williams 1423:< ixc7> HAHAHA 1423:< femdemgem> I don't remember how arya did it though. 1423:< Bonoahx> Jon Snow 1423:< femdemgem> YEah. 1423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || He wrote Ulysses, Giacomo Joyce, Dubliners and Finnegans Wake, among others. 1423:< ixc7> homer 1424:< amaklp> Omiros 1424:< Bonoahx> Homer Simpson 1424:< FeebleOldMan> francis bacon 1424:< amaklp> Homer 1424:< npinsker> The answer was James Joyce! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1424:< Bonoahx> lol 1424:< ixc7> fail 1424:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off? 1424:< femdemgem> 20 1424:< ixc7> 200 1424:< FeebleOldMan> 500 1424:< Bonoahx> It fucking depends 1424:< FeebleOldMan> 350 1424:< femdemgem> 250 1424:< amaklp> 400 1424:< ixc7> five 1425:< femdemgem> 1 1425:< ixc7> 10 1425:< amaklp> 69 1425:< FeebleOldMan> 1000 1425:< Bonoahx> I don't know what a gallon is 1425:< npinsker> The answer was four thousand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1425:< amaklp> 42 1425:< ixc7> hahahahah 1425:< ixc7> 4 000 lmao 1425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Which country eats the most turkey per capita? 1425:< FeebleOldMan> america 1425:< amaklp> Turkey 1425:< Leemaster> United States 1425:< FeebleOldMan> united states of america 1425:< Sat_Nav66> Israel 1425:< Bonoahx> Israel 1425:< ixc7> usa 1425:< femdemgem> israel 1425:< FeebleOldMan> china 1425:< ixc7> israel 1425:< femdemgem> Turkey eats pork 1425:< npinsker> The answer was Israel! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (76), Bonoahx (393), femdemgem (396), ixc7 (116) 1425:< ixc7> but how is it not usa with thanksgiving 1426:< Bonoahx> They substitute bacon for turkey 1426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legal Terms || This defense is also know as compulsion by threat. 1426:< FeebleOldMan> leading the witness 1426:< amaklp> Unrape 1426:< Bonoahx> Objecting your honour 1426:< npinsker> The answer was duress! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1426:< FeebleOldMan> forcing the hand 1426:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1212), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In what 1983 game did you play a bartender for some very thirsty customers? 1427:< FeebleOldMan> tapper 1427:< Bonoahx> Tapper 1427:< FeebleOldMan> trapper 1427:< femdemgem> tapper 1427:< ixc7> trapper 1427:< amaklp> It must be PacMan 1427:< FeebleOldMan> bar keep 1427:< npinsker> The answer was Tapper! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1216), Bonoahx (396), femdemgem (398) 1427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What were 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man'? 1427:< FeebleOldMan> atomic bombs 1428:< ixc7> bombs 1428:< Bonoahx> Atomic Bombs 1428:< FeebleOldMan> atom bombs 1428:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> atomic bombs 1428:< femdemgem> atomic bombs 1428:< Bonoahx> Nuclear warheads 1428:< ixc7> nuclear bombs 1428:< amaklp> My ballshack 1428:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> ^ lol 1428:< Bonoahx> Genbaku bomb 1428:< FeebleOldMan> plutonium bombs 1428:< femdemgem> rip japan 1428:< npinsker> The answer was Atom Bombs! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1220) 1428:< Bonoahx> of fucking coursr 1428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries? 1428:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> assholeland 1428:< amaklp> Albanian 1428:< ixc7> Alaska 1428:< amaklp> Albania 1428:< femdemgem> Albania 1428:< FeebleOldMan> aadvarkia 1428:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Albania 1428:< Bonoahx> Albania 1429:< ixc7> Albania 1429:< amaklp> AAAAAAAAAA 1429:< npinsker> The answer was Afghanistan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1429:< ixc7> rekt 1429:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEEEEE 1429:< femdemgem> NOO 1429:< Bonoahx> *New USA 1429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What volcano showers ash on Sicily? 1429:< FeebleOldMan> pompeii 1429:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> pompeii 1429:< Bonoahx> Pompeii 1429:< ixc7> pompeii 1429:< amaklp> Pompeii 1429:< FeebleOldMan> mt sicily 1429:< Bonoahx> Veusvius 1429:< FeebleOldMan> vesuvius 1429:< ixc7> FeebleOldMan where you are you from? 1429:< Bonoahx> Mount Vesuvius 1429:< npinsker> The answer was Etna! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1430:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEE 1430:< amaklp> stupid 1430:< Bonoahx> what 1430:< FeebleOldMan> i'm not comfortable with revealing that info ixc7 1430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Banff National Park? 1430:< amaklp> Pompeii was the city 1430:< ixc7> nvm, i thought you were gonna guess that 1430:< FeebleOldMan> africa 1430:< amaklp> you dumpfucks 1430:< Bonoahx> Canada 1430:< femdemgem> canada 1430:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Canada 1430:< FeebleOldMan> south america 1430:< npinsker> The answer was Canada! Correct users: Bonoahx (400), femdemgem (401), PENGUINSflyGOOD (2) 1430:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEE 1430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || What distilled wine is typically served in a snifer and is an ingredient in a B&B or a sidecar? 1431:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> wine is for bitches 1431:< amaklp> Vodka 1431:< FeebleOldMan> port 1431:< Bonoahx> Brandy 1431:< FeebleOldMan> red 1431:< femdemgem> brandy 1431:< amaklp> Saligri 1431:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> white wine 1431:< FeebleOldMan> white 1431:< npinsker> The answer was Brandy! Correct users: Bonoahx (404), femdemgem (404) 1431:< Bonoahx> REEEEEEEEEEEE 1431:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEEE 1431:< amaklp> stfu 1431:< FeebleOldMan> i didn't know brandy was a wine 1431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who portrayed Moses in "The Ten Commandments"? 1431:< FeebleOldMan> sean connery 1431:< amaklp> Leonardo DiCaprio 1431:< ixc7> an actor 1432:< ixc7> Charlton Heston 1432:< amaklp> a jew 1432:< femdemgem> Tom cruise 1432:< bbrazil> many 1432:< Bonoahx> Christian Slater 1432:< npinsker> The answer was Charlton Heston! Correct users: ixc7 (120) 1432:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeah charlton 1432:< amaklp> Donald Trumpf 1432:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Charlton Hesley 1432:< ixc7> ty google :D 1432:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What does an ombrometer measure? 1432:< ixc7> rain 1432:< FeebleOldMan> shadow 1432:< amaklp> rain 1432:< Bonoahx> Rain 1432:< Bonoahx> Rainfall 1432:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> rain 1432:< FeebleOldMan> light intensity 1432:< femdemgem> rain 1432:< Bonoahx> Ombroms 1432:< bbrazil> only my bed 1432:< FeebleOldMan> darkness 1432:< npinsker> The answer was rainfall! Correct users: Bonoahx (408) 1432:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEEEEEEE 1432:< ixc7> damn 1433:< Bonoahx> REEEEEEEEEEE sorry 1433:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> lol np 1433:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1220), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Americanisms || Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ______. 1433:< FeebleOldMan> runway 1433:< Bonoahx> Runway 1433:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> runway 1433:< femdemgem> runway 1433:< ixc7> runway 1433:< Bonoahx> It's not true but whatever 1433:< ixc7> what do you say then? 1433:< npinsker> The answer was runway! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1224), Bonoahx (411), PENGUINSflyGOOD (4), femdemgem (405), ixc7 (120) 1434:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEE? 1434:< ixc7> tarmac as well? 1434:< Bonoahx> In Britain a runway is a runway lol 1434:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> lol 1434:< Bonoahx> I'm not American 1434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Dennis the Menace's surname? 1434:< ixc7> yes i just realised that 1434:< FeebleOldMan> menace 1434:< Bonoahx> Mitchell 1434:< amaklp> The Phantom Menace 1434:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Mitchell 1434:< npinsker> The answer was Mitchell! Correct users: Bonoahx (415), PENGUINSflyGOOD (7) 1434:< amaklp> Correct Users: Google (99999999)) 1434:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> REEEEEE 1434:< Bonoahx> lol 1434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is the residence of English monarchs. 1435:< Bonoahx> Buckingham Palace 1435:< FeebleOldMan> buckingham palace 1435:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Buckingham Palace 1435:< amaklp> Buckingham Palace 1435:< femdemgem> red house 1435:< npinsker> The answer was Buckingham Palace! Correct users: Bonoahx (419), FeebleOldMan (1227), PENGUINSflyGOOD (9), amaklp (14) 1435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"? 1435:< ixc7> dafuq is that :D 1435:< amaklp> Masturbation 1435:< FeebleOldMan> anthropology 1435:< Bonoahx> Buttressing 1436:< FeebleOldMan> biology 1436:< femdemgem> anthropology 1436:< npinsker> The answer was architecture! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1436:< FeebleOldMan> sociology 1436:< ixc7> architecture 1436:< femdemgem> architechture 1436:< ixc7> i cant spell 1436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the world? 1436:< FeebleOldMan> google faster 1436:< femdemgem> greenlan 1436:< Bonoahx> the spelling was right you were too late 1436:< FeebleOldMan> greenland 1436:< amaklp> Astralia 1436:< ixc7> greenland 1436:< FriendlyYak> Greenland 1436:< Bonoahx> Greenland 1436:< ixc7> this was 30 mins ago 1436:< femdemgem> greenland 1436:< amaklp> Antartica 1436:< npinsker> The answer was Greenland! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1231), ixc7 (123), FriendlyYak (4), Bonoahx (420), femdemgem (405) 1437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. 1437:< Bonoahx> https://www.google.co.uk/maps 1437:< femdemgem> gibaltar 1437:< amaklp> Giblartar 1437:< FeebleOldMan> gibraltar 1437:< FeebleOldMan> lol 1437:< FriendlyYak> Street of Gibraltar 1437:< Bonoahx> Strait of Gibraltar 1437:< femdemgem> gibraltar 1437:< amaklp> Gibraltar 1437:< npinsker> The answer was Gibraltar! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1235), FriendlyYak (7), Bonoahx (422), femdemgem (406), amaklp (14) 1437:< FriendlyYak> Strait of Gibraltar 1437:< ixc7> Gibraltar 1437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'American Hot Wax', who played the 'Mookie'? 1438:< femdemgem> harry styles 1438:< Bonoahx> Jay Leno 1438:< FeebleOldMan> shit i forgot 1438:< FeebleOldMan> jay leno 1438:< femdemgem> Jay Leno 1438:< npinsker> The answer was Jay Leno! Correct users: Bonoahx (426), FeebleOldMan (1238), femdemgem (408) 1438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || What type of rock is marble? 1438:< FeebleOldMan> igneous 1438:< Bonoahx> Limestone 1438:< femdemgem> metamorphic 1438:< amaklp> It's mineral 1438:< FriendlyYak> Limestone 1438:< FeebleOldMan> metamorphic 1439:< FeebleOldMan> sedimentary 1439:< amaklp> jesuz 1439:< npinsker> The answer was metamorphic! Correct users: femdemgem (412), FeebleOldMan (1241) 1439:< FeebleOldMan> covered all bases 1439:< Bonoahx> , 1439:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1241), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them! 1439:< FeebleOldMan> alligator 1439:< femdemgem> shark 1439:< FeebleOldMan> shark 1439:< Sucks_> shark 1439:< ixc7> shark 1439:< wolflambert> Shark 1439:< amaklp> alligaytor 1439:< Bonoahx> Shark 1440:< ixc7> sharks 1440:< FeebleOldMan> crocodile 1440:< amaklp> sharknado 1440:< femdemgem> human 1440:< ixc7> fish 1440:< FeebleOldMan> chicken 1440:< npinsker> The answer was shark! Correct users: femdemgem (416), FeebleOldMan (1244), Sucks_ (107), ixc7 (124), wolflambert (205), Bonoahx (426) 1440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || What is the sigil of House Lannister? 1440:< femdemgem> lion 1440:< ixc7> lion 1440:< amaklp> a dick 1440:< FeebleOldMan> golden lion on scarlet background 1440:< FeebleOldMan> golden lion scarlet 1440:< FeebleOldMan> gold lion 1440:< Bonoahx> A golden LION LION LION on a SCARLET SCARLET background 1440:< ixc7> lion gold 1440:< npinsker> The answer was Golden lion on a crimson field! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1441:< ixc7> ^ 1441:< FeebleOldMan> shit 1441:< femdemgem> what the fuck 1441:< amaklp> lol 1441:< Bonoahx> this is too specific 1441:< FeebleOldMan> can't rem 1441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || On arrival at Bilbo's home and on being offered a drink by Bilbo. What does Gandalf request? 1441:< FeebleOldMan> breakfast 1441:< Sucks_> lean 1441:< amaklp> a blowjob 1441:< femdemgem> pipe 1441:< ixc7> tea 1441:< Bonoahx> Cyanide 1441:< femdemgem> toilet paper 1441:< ixc7> food 1441:< femdemgem> ring 1441:< ixc7> drink 1441:< npinsker> The answer was Just tea! Correct users: ixc7 (128) 1441:< Bonoahx> JUST TEA WHY IS THEREA FUCKING JUST 1441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What berries give gin its flavour? 1442:< ixc7> acid 1442:< FeebleOldMan> elder 1442:< amaklp> shitberries 1442:< femdemgem> blackberries 1442:< FeebleOldMan> cranberry 1442:< ixc7> maybe because he said "just tea" :D 1442:< Bonoahx> Juniper berry 1442:< pill_hop> cranberry 1442:< FeebleOldMan> juniper 1442:< npinsker> The answer was juniper berries! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1248) 1442:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1442:< wolflambert> The Cranberries — Zombie 1442:< Bonoahx> this bot hates me 1442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who assassinated John Lennon? 1442:< amaklp> a fan 1442:< ixc7> an assiassin 1442:< FeebleOldMan> ninja 1442:< amaklp> don't know his name 1442:< grink> window fan 1442:< wolflambert> Bonoahx you just gave the wrong answer 1442:< Bonoahx> Sirhan Sirhan 1442:< femdemgem> mark chapman 1443:< amaklp> like a fucking idito 1443:< wolflambert> It asked "what berries", not "what berry" 1443:< pill_hop> mark chapman 1443:< Bonoahx> Mark Chapamn 1443:< npinsker> The answer was Mark David Chapman! Correct users: femdemgem (420), pill_hop (13) 1443:< amaklp> google to the rescue 1443:< FeebleOldMan> googlers 1443:< ixc7> mark chopstick 1443:< Bonoahx> i guess lol 1443:< FeebleOldMan> dirty googlers 1443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is 65% of 60? 1443:< FeebleOldMan> 39 1443:< grink> 39 1443:< Sucks_> 39 1443:< ixc7> 39 1443:< amaklp> the fuck 1443:< Bonoahx> 39 1443:< ixc7> lmao hahahahah 1443:< pill_hop> 39 1443:< bbrazil> 39 1443:< Sucks_> hahah 1443:< FeebleOldMan> thirty nine 1443:< grink> 6*6 + 1/2 of 6 1443:< npinsker> The answer was 39! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1252), grink (364), Sucks_ (109), ixc7 (129), Bonoahx (426), pill_hop (13), bbrazil (49) 1443:< ixc7> 6* 6.5 = 36 + 3 1443:< femdemgem> just paste into the search bar without hitting enter 1444:< femdemgem> 65% of 60 1444:< Bonoahx> lool 1444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Who is known as "the world's oldest teenager"? 1444:< ixc7> damn i actually calculated it :D 1444:< amaklp> my dad 1444:< femdemgem> hayley 1444:< grink> tom petty 1444:< bbrazil> the donald 1444:< FeebleOldMan> i calculated too.. i have to solve 5 qns to turn off the morning alarm 1444:< Bonoahx> Hayley Okines 1444:< npinsker> The answer was Dick Clark! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1444:< FeebleOldMan> hey fellow kids guy 1444:< femdemgem> :/ 1444:< Bonoahx> lol 1444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) __________. 1445:< ixc7> ginx 1445:< Sucks_> drink 1445:< bbrazil> awesome drink 1445:< amaklp> White Russia 1445:< grink> yuck drink 1445:< FeebleOldMan> chocolate frostie 1445:< Bonoahx> Brandy Alexander 1445:< femdemgem> creamy brandy 1445:< FeebleOldMan> mochaccino 1445:< amaklp> Creampie 1445:< ixc7> creamy brandy 1445:< femdemgem> cocktail 1445:< npinsker> The answer was brandy alexander! Correct users: Bonoahx (430) 1445:< Bonoahx> gg me 1445:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1252), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Dr. Kildare? 1446:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1446:< amaklp> Watt 1446:< FeebleOldMan> sean connery 1446:< ixc7> watt who 1446:< FeebleOldMan> james joyce 1446:< amaklp> Leonardo DiCaprio 1446:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Chamberlain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1446:< femdemgem> david tennant 1446:< FeebleOldMan> google faster googlers 1446:< amaklp> u2slow4me 1446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Which British poet grew up in an iron frame to straighten her spine? 1446:< grink> i use webcrawler 1446:< ixc7> shakespeare 1446:< amaklp> iron man 1446:< grink> poe 1446:< Sucks_> margaret thatcher 1447:< femdemgem> walt whitman 1447:< npinsker> The answer was Edith Sitwell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1447:< FeebleOldMan> sitwell o_o 1447:< grink> hellen keller 1447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This sport is called the "American pastime". 1447:< grink> baseball 1447:< FeebleOldMan> baseball 1447:< ixc7> baseball 1447:< amaklp> Masturbation 1447:< femdemgem> yeah, you sitwell with a fucking iron frame 1447:< amaklp> Incest 1447:< Sucks_> school shootings 1447:< ixc7> ^ lol 1447:< npinsker> The answer was baseball! Correct users: grink (368), FeebleOldMan (1255), ixc7 (131) 1447:< femdemgem> burger king 1448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || Whose name did God change to Israel? 1448:< Sucks_> mohammed 1448:< amaklp> ISIS 1448:< FeebleOldMan> jerusalem 1448:< grink> africa 1448:< femdemgem> jerusalem 1448:< FeebleOldMan> isfaek 1448:< femdemgem> jacob 1448:< npinsker> The answer was Jacob! Correct users: femdemgem (424) 1448:< femdemgem> I remembered it 1448:< FeebleOldMan> gg 1448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How? 1449:< FeebleOldMan> fuel additive 1449:< grink> antifreeze 1449:< grink> anti freeze 1449:< FeebleOldMan> antifreeze 1449:< grink> anti-freeze 1449:< FeebleOldMan> anti freeze 1449:< npinsker> The answer was anti-freeze! Correct users: grink (372), FeebleOldMan (1258) 1449:< femdemgem> :( 1449:< grink> lame bot 1449:< FeebleOldMan> keep typing all variations 1449:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || According to Gandalf, the wealth of Moria came from what? 1449:< grink> the jews 1449:< FeebleOldMan> gold 1449:< Sucks_> hookers 1449:< andysniper> gold 1449:< femdemgem> mithril 1450:< FeebleOldMan> crude oil 1450:< Sucks_> gold 1450:< grink> bush 1450:< FeebleOldMan> illuminati 1450:< npinsker> The answer was Mithril! Correct users: femdemgem (428) 1450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What do the letters ERA mean in baseball? 1450:< grink> earned run average 1450:< femdemgem> European Radical Asses 1450:< FeebleOldMan> earned run average 1450:< ixc7> earned run average 1450:< andysniper> elevated rabbit aioli 1450:< femdemgem> earned run average 1450:< npinsker> The answer was Earned Run Average! Correct users: grink (376), FeebleOldMan (1261), ixc7 (133), femdemgem (429) 1451:< FeebleOldMan> i defer to the sportsball experts 1451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for copper? 1451:< grink> Cu 1451:< FeebleOldMan> Cu 1451:< jedixi> Cu 1451:< ixc7> Cu 1451:< grink> oh lets see who did it first 1451:< FeebleOldMan> u 1451:< femdemgem> cu 1451:< grink> within ms 1451:< FeebleOldMan> u win 1451:< grink> that was quick 1451:< npinsker> The answer was Cu! Correct users: grink (380), FeebleOldMan (1264), jedixi (19), ixc7 (134), femdemgem (429) 1451:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1264), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Who owns the island of Bermuda? 1452:< grink> britain 1452:< femdemgem> spain 1452:< FeebleOldMan> france 1452:< pill_hop> spain 1452:< grink> oh joy i get to double time a conf call 1452:< ixc7> great britain 1452:< FeebleOldMan> spain 1452:< FeebleOldMan> great britain 1452:< FeebleOldMan> italy 1452:< npinsker> The answer was Britain! Correct users: grink (384), ixc7 (137), FeebleOldMan (1266) 1452:< femdemgem> britain 1452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Dorothy's last name in "The Wizard of Oz"? 1453:< femdemgem> 2late 1453:< FeebleOldMan> parker 1453:< ixc7> parker 1453:< femdemgem> gale 1453:< FeebleOldMan> jill 1453:< pill_hop> gale 1453:< ixc7> gale 1453:< FeebleOldMan> gale 1453:< npinsker> The answer was Gale! Correct users: femdemgem (433), pill_hop (16), ixc7 (139), FeebleOldMan (1267) 1453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________. 1453:< FeebleOldMan> grafting 1453:< femdemgem> merging 1453:< andysniper> cheating 1454:< FeebleOldMan> splicing 1454:< jedixi> Hybridization 1454:< ixc7> grafting?? 1454:< femdemgem> plumbing 1454:< npinsker> The answer was grafting! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1271), ixc7 (142) 1454:< FeebleOldMan> oo yeah bb 1454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is soccer star Pele's real name? 1454:< jedixi> Pele 1454:< FeebleOldMan> pelele 1454:< FeebleOldMan> plelele 1454:< pill_hop> Edison 1454:< ixc7> Edson 1454:< FeebleOldMan> pelelell 1454:< npinsker> The answer was Edson Arantes do Nascimento! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1454:< femdemgem> thomas edison 1455:< ixc7> lmaooo 1455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen? 1455:< FeebleOldMan> indiana jones 1455:< femdemgem> sherlock homles 1455:< pill_hop> indiana jones 1455:< ixc7> Howard Carter 1455:< jedixi> Livingston 1455:< ixc7> Horward Carter 1455:< FeebleOldMan> howard stark 1455:< amaklp> Lara Croft 1455:< femdemgem> Bernie sanders 1455:< npinsker> The answer was Howard Carter! Correct users: ixc7 (146) 1455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'? 1456:< amaklp> Easton Eashit 1456:< FeebleOldMan> edinburgh eastville 1456:< jedixi> Edinborough and Essex 1456:< FeebleOldMan> edinburgh and essex 1456:< femdemgem> esingburgh 1456:< npinsker> The answer was Ealing and Enfield! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1456:< ixc7> ayyyyy 1456:< jedixi> woo 1456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name the dog in the Yankee Doodle cartoons. 1456:< FeebleOldMan> bob 1456:< femdemgem> dandy 1456:< andysniper> yankee 1456:< jedixi> Peabody 1457:< FeebleOldMan> dandy 1457:< femdemgem> donald 1457:< FeebleOldMan> peabody 1457:< npinsker> The answer was Chopper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1457:< amaklp> Donald Sanders 1457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Travel || Which city is served by Ringway Airport? 1457:< femdemgem> We need to build a wall in wall street 1457:< amaklp> Niger 1457:< femdemgem> manchester 1457:< andysniper> cinncinati 1457:< FeebleOldMan> charleston 1457:< FeebleOldMan> manchester 1457:< npinsker> The answer was Manchester! Correct users: femdemgem (437), FeebleOldMan (1274) 1458:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1274), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What island has Hamilton as its capital? 1458:< lactha> bermuda 1458:< FeebleOldMan> wight 1458:< femdemgem> berbuda 1458:< amaklp> UK 1458:< FeebleOldMan> bermuda 1458:< hennelly14> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1458:< femdemgem> bermuda 1458:< FeebleOldMan> barbados 1458:< npinsker> The answer was Bermuda! Correct users: lactha (4), FeebleOldMan (1277), femdemgem (439), andysniper (649) 1459:< femdemgem> north carolina 1459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This European war was named after a peninsula between the Black sea and the sea of Azov? 1459:< lactha> crimean war 1459:< FeebleOldMan> black azov war 1459:< andysniper> crimean war 1459:< hennelly14> crimean 1459:< femdemgem> bob war 1459:< FeebleOldMan> crimean 1459:< npinsker> The answer was Crimean War! Correct users: lactha (8), andysniper (652), Sexual_tomato (2) 1500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What came out of Milton's head? 1500:< FeebleOldMan> brains 1500:< hennelly14> shit 1500:< amaklp> air 1500:< FeebleOldMan> ideas 1500:< femdemgem> monster 1500:< FeebleOldMan> eyeballs 1500:< lactha> memes 1500:< npinsker> The answer was steam! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1500:< hennelly14> *dank memes 1500:< femdemgem> gabe newell 1500:< lactha> very sorry 1500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician? 1500:< grink> mr. black 1500:< femdemgem> obama 1500:< hennelly14> mr white 1501:< _deffer_> Lothar 1501:< lactha> bill cosby 1501:< FeebleOldMan> lothar 1501:< femdemgem> lothar 1501:< amaklp> Obama Sanders 1501:< npinsker> The answer was Lothar! Correct users: _deffer_ (515), FeebleOldMan (1280), femdemgem (441) 1501:< hennelly14> Obama Bin Sanders 1501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || At what age does a filly become a mare? 1501:< grink> 3 1501:< hennelly14> 1 1501:< FeebleOldMan> 2 1501:< amaklp> 4 1501:< lactha> 2 1501:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1501:< amaklp> Pi 1501:< femdemgem> 4 1501:< FeebleOldMan> 4 1501:< grink> e 1501:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1502:< amaklp> close 1502:< hennelly14> bulshit! 1502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang for 'Bad company' and 'Free', then went out on his own? 1502:< grink> tom petty 1502:< amaklp> Steve Buscemi 1502:< grink> shaquil oneal 1502:< lactha> paul rodgers 1502:< FeebleOldMan> paul rodgers 1502:< hennelly14> codolesa rice 1502:< npinsker> The answer was Paul Rodgers! Correct users: lactha (12), FeebleOldMan (1283) 1502:< FeebleOldMan> wait for the amt of time you think it'll take to google then copy that answer 1503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A baby doctor is a _________. 1503:< FeebleOldMan> pediatrician 1503:< amaklp> aspirine 1503:< hennelly14> pediatrician 1503:< grink> asperger's 1503:< femdemgem> pedophile 1503:< amaklp> pedotrian 1503:< grink> ass burgers 1503:< lactha> very small doctor 1503:< npinsker> The answer was pediatrician! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1287), Sexual_tomato (5), hennelly14 (6) 1503:< hennelly14> woo 1503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a group of larks called? 1503:< hennelly14> flock 1503:< grink> cock 1503:< jedixi> flock 1503:< FeebleOldMan> flock 1504:< FeebleOldMan> flight 1504:< FeebleOldMan> pack 1504:< npinsker> The answer was exaltation! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1504:< femdemgem> what 1504:< hennelly14> wut 1504:< jedixi> ha 1504:< amaklp> lol 1504:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1287), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1504:< amaklp> Google (99999999999999) 1504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race? 1504:< hennelly14> an exaltation 1504:< grink> 24 hours 1504:< FeebleOldMan> 24 hours 1504:< andysniper> 24 hours 1504:< jedixi> 24 hours 1504:< lactha> 24 hours 1504:< amaklp> 24 1504:< hennelly14> 24 hours 1504:< TxDieselKid> 24 hours 1504:< femdemgem> 9 years 1505:< FeebleOldMan> twenty-four hours 1505:< amaklp> 24 hours 1505:< jedixi> dang, you all are so fast 1505:< FeebleOldMan> twenty four hours 1505:< npinsker> The answer was Twenty four hours! Correct users: grink (388), FeebleOldMan (1290), andysniper (654), jedixi (20), lactha (12), hennelly... 1505:< amaklp> twenty four hours 1505:< grink> seen these questions 10 times now 1505:< FeebleOldMan> is repeat qn 1505:< amaklp> shit 1505:< jedixi> blah 1505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where did Clark Kent attend college? 1505:< jedixi> Cornell 1505:< femdemgem> Metropolis university 1505:< FeebleOldMan> smallville high 1505:< hennelly14> NUI Galway 1505:< amaklp> Gotham Univercity 1505:< andysniper> greendale 1505:< FeebleOldMan> smallville college 1505:< grink> kryptonite high 1506:< npinsker> The answer was Metropolis University! Correct users: femdemgem (445) 1506:< femdemgem> WOAHHH 1506:< FeebleOldMan> gg 1506:< hennelly14> gg 1506:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the record player ? 1506:< FeebleOldMan> thomas edison 1506:< grink> edison 1506:< amaklp> a recordman 1506:< femdemgem> thanks, I wasnt expecting that lol 1506:< hennelly14> Record Player 1506:< andysniper> kanye west 1506:< FeebleOldMan> steve jobs 1506:< femdemgem> edison 1506:< grink> ke$ha 1506:< FeebleOldMan> thomas alva edison 1506:< amaklp> Leonardo DiVinci 1506:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Alva Edison! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1294) 1506:< grink> hentry ford 1506:< hennelly14> bah 1506:< FeebleOldMan> wow knowing his full name paid off 1507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"? 1507:< grink> farts armstrong 1507:< FeebleOldMan> neil armstrong 1507:< amaklp> Neil Armstron 1507:< grink> neil armstrong 1507:< hennelly14> neil armstrong 1507:< Sucks_> neil armstrong 1507:< femdemgem> hiter 1507:< amaklp> Neil Armstrong 1507:< FeebleOldMan> neil jackson armstrong 1507:< grink> meal armweak 1507:< amaklp> Samuel Jackson 1507:< npinsker> The answer was Neil Armstrong! Correct users: grink (392), FeebleOldMan (1297), hennelly14 (8), Sucks_ (110), amaklp (14) 1507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English? 1507:< FeebleOldMan> big bear 1507:< Sucks_> big bear 1507:< hennelly14> big bear 1507:< amaklp> Big Bear 1507:< grink> big spoon 1507:< femdemgem> big bear 1508:< FeebleOldMan> bear big 1508:< Sucks_> manbearpig 1508:< amaklp> Bearnie Sanders 1508:< grink> venti coffee 1508:< hennelly14> im super cereal 1508:< npinsker> The answer was great bear! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1508:< FeebleOldMan> ffuughg 1508:< femdemgem> ariana venti 1508:< amaklp> shit 1508:< Sucks_> motherfucker 1508:< hennelly14> bull shit 1508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This alkaloid extracted from chincona bark, ______ is commonly used in malaria therapy. 1508:< grink> aids 1508:< hennelly14> peenis 1508:< FeebleOldMan> quinine 1508:< FeebleOldMan> quinone 1508:< amaklp> semen 1508:< FeebleOldMan> quinone 1508:< femdemgem> quinine 1508:< grink> caffeine 1509:< npinsker> The answer was quinine! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1301), femdemgem (448) 1509:< FeebleOldMan> i cant rem the spelling 1509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || These beans are the most often used in the production of bean sprouts. 1509:< FeebleOldMan> green 1509:< hennelly14> runner 1509:< grink> kidney 1509:< FeebleOldMan> soy beans 1509:< grink> purple 1509:< hennelly14> banana 1509:< FeebleOldMan> soy 1509:< grink> liver beans 1509:< npinsker> The answer was mung beans! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1509:< amaklp> Mr Beans 1509:< femdemgem> beans 1510:< hennelly14> uncle! 1510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film marked James Cagney's return to the screen after 20 years? 1510:< amaklp> Interstellar 1510:< grink> legally blonde 1510:< hennelly14> Princesside 1510:< Sucks_> schindlers list 1510:< FeebleOldMan> the rock 1510:< grink> XXX 1510:< FeebleOldMan> schindler's list 1510:< andysniper> paul blart mall cop 2 1510:< npinsker> The answer was Ragtime! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1510:< grink> clerks 1510:< hennelly14> 2 cagney 4 me 1510:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1301), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1511:< hennelly14> we get it we're shit 1511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || As who is Vincent Furnier known? 1511:< hennelly14> bono 1511:< FeebleOldMan> vince mcmanahon 1511:< grink> my cousin vinny 1511:< amaklp> Adolf Hitler 1511:< Sucks_> vin diesel 1511:< femdemgem> alice cooper 1511:< andysniper> alice cooper 1511:< amaklp> Alice in Wonderland 1511:< FeebleOldMan> alice cooper 1511:< hennelly14> alice cooper 1511:< npinsker> The answer was Alice Cooper! Correct users: femdemgem (452), andysniper (657), FeebleOldMan (1303), hennelly14 (9) 1511:< grink> rice cooker 1511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || On what book was 'Three Days Of The Condor' based? 1511:< grink> bible 1511:< FeebleOldMan> the bible 1511:< Sucks_> bible 1512:< hennelly14> the holy bible 1512:< grink> if this is right i'll lol 1512:< FeebleOldMan> return of the condor heroes 1512:< hennelly14> bible 1512:< amaklp> Bareback Porn 1512:< npinsker> The answer was Six Days Of The Condor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1512:< FeebleOldMan> -.- 1512:< Sucks_> -_- 1512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What 2 planets do not have moons? 1512:< femdemgem> cant wait to see the last 3 days 1512:< FeebleOldMan> mercury venus 1512:< FeebleOldMan> mercury and venus 1512:< Sucks_> uranus mercury 1512:< hennelly14> venus mercury 1512:< FeebleOldMan> venus and mercury 1512:< amaklp> Venus Mercury 1512:< Sucks_> freddie mercury 1512:< femdemgem> mercury and venus 1512:< grink> freddie and mercury 1513:< FeebleOldMan> Mercury and Venus 1513:< amaklp> Mercury asnd Venus 1513:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury and Venus! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1307), femdemgem (455) 1513:< hennelly14> uhhhhh 1513:< amaklp> wow 1513:< Sucks_> wow 1513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Miami __________. 1513:< Sucks_> dolphins 1513:< grink> dolphins 1513:< hennelly14> vice 1513:< FeebleOldMan> dolphins 1513:< amaklp> rAPTOS 1513:< femdemgem> hurricanes 1513:< grink> cubans 1513:< hennelly14> dolphins 1513:< lactha> florida 1513:< FeebleOldMan> hurricanes 1513:< amaklp> Beach 1513:< femdemgem> dolphins 1513:< npinsker> The answer was Dolphins! Correct users: Sucks_ (114), grink (395), FeebleOldMan (1309), hennelly14 (10), femdemgem (455) 1514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue? 1514:< Sucks_> snoop 1514:< FeebleOldMan> lol 1514:< amaklp> Mine? 1514:< grink> ugh fuck i know this 1514:< FeebleOldMan> st bernard 1514:< FeebleOldMan> wolf 1514:< npinsker> The answer was chow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1514:< amaklp> ^kek 1514:< hennelly14> chow chow 1514:< hennelly14> shit 1514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who were the 2 lead characters in the movie Life? 1514:< femdemgem> yeah they have purple tongues 1514:< amaklp> wat movie 1514:< hennelly14> backdoor sluts 9 1515:< grink> bill murray and bill murray 1515:< femdemgem> Life 1515:< grink> the car 1515:< andysniper> orlando bloom and hugh jackman 1515:< npinsker> The answer was Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the first film directed by Robert Redford? 1515:< FeebleOldMan> life 1515:< grink> girls gone wild 1515:< hennelly14> backdoor sluts 9 1515:< FeebleOldMan> the rock 1515:< femdemgem> house of cards 1515:< femdemgem> the rock 1515:< FeebleOldMan> candyland 1515:< amaklp> the one with the oscar 1516:< amaklp> ugh 1516:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the saltiest sea in the world? 1516:< FeebleOldMan> dead sea 1516:< grink> dead 1516:< femdemgem> dead sea 1516:< amaklp> Black Sea 1516:< amaklp> Dead Sea 1516:< FeebleOldMan> Dead Sea 1516:< grink> you will accept dead 1516:< amaklp> Dead Seamen 1516:< FeebleOldMan> dead 1516:< npinsker> The answer was The Dead Sea! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1313), femdemgem (458), amaklp (16) 1516:< femdemgem> saltiest and below the sea level. more you know 1516:< FeebleOldMan> oh no grink 1517:< FeebleOldMan> :( 1517:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1313), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1517:< FeebleOldMan> spam all combinations 1517:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Which UK charity benefited from the publication of two books in the expanded Harry Potter series? 1517:< femdemgem> comic relief 1517:< andysniper> bernados 1517:< amaklp> Cancer something 1517:< grink> people with bad teeth 1517:< FeebleOldMan> cancer causers 1517:< FeebleOldMan> cancer club 1517:< npinsker> The answer was Comic Relief! Correct users: femdemgem (462) 1517:< grink> karma lub 1517:< amaklp> kek 1517:< FeebleOldMan> wow gg 1518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American History || What state is only part of the United States by treaty? 1518:< amaklp> Alaska 1518:< andysniper> rhode island 1518:< grink> new jersey 1518:< an_audible_smile> or ctrl+shift+`/ctrl+` for l/r or ctrl+shift+1/ctrl+shift+2 for l/r 1518:< femdemgem> thanks 1518:< FeebleOldMan> alaska 1518:< andysniper> hawaiinew mexico 1518:< an_audible_smile> fk 1518:< FeebleOldMan> texas 1518:< grink> mexico 1518:< FeebleOldMan> hawaii 1518:< andysniper> alaska 1518:< grink> canada 1518:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1317) 1518:< amaklp> lol 1518:< FeebleOldMan> wtf o_o 1518:< amaklp> ? 1518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The film 'The Wizard Of ____________'? 1518:< FeebleOldMan> oz 1518:< grink> oz 1518:< femdemgem> oz 1518:< amaklp> Oz 1519:< FeebleOldMan> ounce 1519:< grink> boners 1519:< FeebleOldMan> Oz 1519:< npinsker> The answer was Oz! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1321), grink (398), femdemgem (464), amaklp (17) 1519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is Elton John's real name? 1519:< FeebleOldMan> prince 1519:< lactha> sir elton jonh 1519:< grink> diana 1519:< bradyblair20> diana 1519:< femdemgem> enrique iglesias hercules 1519:< Sucks_> Reginald Kenneth Dwight 1520:< amaklp> Elton John 1520:< npinsker> The answer was Reginald Dwight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1520:< FeebleOldMan> reginald kenneth dwight 1520:< Sucks_> fuck google 1520:< FeebleOldMan> google faster 1520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || The molten material from a volcano is ________? 1520:< FeebleOldMan> lava 1520:< grink> lava 1520:< Sucks_> magma 1520:< bradyblair20> lava 1520:< femdemgem> always remove the middle name 1520:< amaklp> Laba 1520:< grink> magna 1520:< FeebleOldMan> magma 1520:< bradyblair20> magma 1520:< amaklp> Lava 1520:< femdemgem> lava 1520:< amaklp> magma 1520:< FeebleOldMan> hot 1520:< femdemgem> magma 1520:< bradyblair20> lava 1520:< npinsker> The answer was lava! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1325), grink (401), bradyblair20 (3), amaklp (18), femdemgem (464) 1520:< amaklp> Diarrhea 1521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || From which language does the term 'Mayday' come? 1521:< bradyblair20> latin 1521:< FeebleOldMan> french 1521:< femdemgem> latin 1521:< FeebleOldMan> italian 1521:< bradyblair20> french 1521:< amaklp> National Geographic 1521:< grink> american 1521:< FeebleOldMan> english 1521:< Sucks_> noo, surrender comes from french 1521:< femdemgem> french 1521:< grink> chinese 1521:< FeebleOldMan> latin 1521:< npinsker> The answer was French! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1329), bradyblair20 (6), Sucks_ (116), femdemgem (465) 1521:< Sucks_> i got credit for that? 1521:< grink> yes it counts the last words 1521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What was football player Dick Lane's nickname? 1521:< FeebleOldMan> penis road 1521:< grink> so you could do fhsdkfsjafjdskdsfsdjkfjsdkfjdsfjds $ANSWER 1522:< Sucks_> good to know hahah 1522:< awfullotofocelots> tricky dick 1522:< FeebleOldMan> tricky dick 1522:< Sucks_> dick trickle 1522:< bradyblair20> Night Train Lane 1522:< femdemgem> nightwing 1522:< npinsker> The answer was Night Train! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1522:< grink> darkwing duck 1522:< bradyblair20> Night train 1522:< bradyblair20> wtf 1522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the original London Bridge located? 1522:< femdemgem> london 1522:< andysniper> alabama 1522:< FeebleOldMan> england 1522:< bradyblair20> London 1522:< amaklp> Thames River 1522:< Sucks_> england 1522:< grink> sir farts smelly balls europe 1522:< FeebleOldMan> london 1522:< femdemgem> arizona 1522:< FeebleOldMan> thames 1522:< bradyblair20> Lake Havasu City 1523:< grink> cuba 1523:< femdemgem> havasu city 1523:< npinsker> The answer was Lake Havasu! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1523:< bradyblair20> wtf 1523:< bradyblair20> this is rigged 1523:< FeebleOldMan> google better 1523:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1329), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1523:< amaklp> faster 1523:< lactha> just stop being wrong 1523:< bradyblair20> ur right 1523:< amaklp> stronger 1523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || As who is Cassius Clay now known? 1523:< bradyblair20> Boxer 1523:< grink> regexps: clay aiken 1523:< lactha> bernie sanders 1523:< Sucks_> mohammed ali 1523:< femdemgem> sand 1523:< FeebleOldMan> clay aiken 1523:< bradyblair20> Mohammed ali 1523:< femdemgem> mohammaed ali 1524:< FeebleOldMan> mohammed ali 1524:< grink> alibaba 1524:< npinsker> The answer was Mohammed Ali! Correct users: Sucks_ (120), bradyblair20 (9), FeebleOldMan (1331) 1524:< Sucks_> muhammed ali 1524:< femdemgem> mohammed ali 1524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || In a 2011 viral video, what is baby Emerson's mom doing that he finds scary and hilarious? 1524:< FeebleOldMan> sneezing 1524:< Sucks_> masturbating 1524:< FeebleOldMan> laughing 1524:< grink> farting 1524:< andysniper> something stupid 1524:< femdemgem> blowing his nose 1524:< FeebleOldMan> farting 1524:< andysniper> peekaboo 1524:< femdemgem> blowing her nose 1524:< npinsker> The answer was Blowing her nose! Correct users: femdemgem (469) 1524:< grink> peeing 1524:< FeebleOldMan> breast feeding 1525:< FeebleOldMan> gg 1525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What word is used for a male duck? 1525:< grink> quack 1525:< bradyblair20> Gander 1525:< femdemgem> can't remember whether a boy or a girl lol 1525:< FeebleOldMan> gander 1525:< grink> donald 1525:< andysniper> mallard 1525:< grink> scrooge 1525:< FeebleOldMan> mallard 1525:< femdemgem> donald 1525:< bradyblair20> Drake 1525:< femdemgem> :( 1525:< FeebleOldMan> drake 1525:< npinsker> The answer was drake! Correct users: bradyblair20 (13), FeebleOldMan (1334) 1525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || What is the Japanese currency? 1525:< FeebleOldMan> yen 1525:< femdemgem> yen 1525:< bradyblair20> Yen 1525:< grink> bitcoin 1526:< femdemgem> dogecoin 1526:< FeebleOldMan> japanese yen 1526:< FeebleOldMan> jpy 1526:< TxDieselKid> yen 1526:< npinsker> The answer was yen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1338), femdemgem (472), bradyblair20 (15), TxDieselKid (101) 1526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which river is London, England? 1526:< grink> not thames 1526:< FeebleOldMan> thames 1526:< bradyblair20> thames 1526:< FeebleOldMan> hudson 1526:< femdemgem> fleet 1526:< femdemgem> hudson 1526:< grink> mississippi 1526:< FeebleOldMan> fleet 1527:< femdemgem> hudson 1527:< npinsker> The answer was Thames! Correct users: grink (405), FeebleOldMan (1341), bradyblair20 (17) 1527:< femdemgem> NOOO YOU TRICKED ME 1527:< grink> :p 1527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who invented the telescope? 1527:< femdemgem> galileo 1527:< bradyblair20> galileo 1527:< FeebleOldMan> galileo galilei 1527:< grink> fuck it i coudlnt spell his name 1527:< bradyblair20> Hans Lippershey 1527:< FeebleOldMan> galileo galilei 1527:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo Galilei! Correct users: femdemgem (476), bradyblair20 (20), FeebleOldMan (1343) 1528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport/game is Chris Evert associated with? 1528:< femdemgem> baseball 1528:< grink> rihanna 1528:< haley_joel_osteen> tennis 1528:< FeebleOldMan> rugby 1528:< bradyblair20> Hocke 1528:< FeebleOldMan> hockey 1528:< femdemgem> tennis 1528:< bradyblair20> Hockey 1528:< grink> beseball 1528:< femdemgem> hockey 1528:< FeebleOldMan> football 1528:< bradyblair20> Tennis 1528:< npinsker> The answer was tennis! Correct users: haley_joel_osteen (18), femdemgem (479), bradyblair20 (22) 1528:< grink> curling 1528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What type of frog is the smallest frog? 1528:< FeebleOldMan> dart 1528:< grink> tiny frog man 1528:< andysniper> dart frog 1529:< grink> fart 1529:< femdemgem> penny frog 1529:< FeebleOldMan> dart frog 1529:< bradyblair20> Paedophryne amauensis 1529:< grink> 50 cent frog 1529:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 1529:< femdemgem> pedophile frog 1529:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1343), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1529:< femdemgem> dd you really think latin name would work 1529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf? 1529:< FeebleOldMan> bach 1529:< bradyblair20> Bach 1529:< femdemgem> bach 1530:< grink> smelly turd beethoven 1530:< A3L92> beethoven 1530:< femdemgem> beethoven 1530:< FeebleOldMan> beethoven 1530:< bradyblair20> Beethoven 1530:< grink> mach3 1530:< npinsker> The answer was Ludwig van Beethoven! Correct users: grink (409), A3L92 (42), femdemgem (481), FeebleOldMan (1344), bradyblair20 (22) 1530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is ________. 1530:< FeebleOldMan> not pharmacy 1530:< bradyblair20> Pharmacy 1530:< FeebleOldMan> pharmacology 1530:< femdemgem> pharmacy 1530:< grink> pharmacology 1530:< bradyblair20> pharmacologypharmacology 1531:< bradyblair20> pharmacology 1531:< FeebleOldMan> not pharmacology 1531:< npinsker> The answer was pharmacy! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1348), bradyblair20 (25), femdemgem (483) 1531:< grink> fuck you bot 1531:< bradyblair20> lol 1531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theology || Where do the souls of unbaptised babies go after death, according to Catholocism? 1531:< femdemgem> heavan 1531:< FeebleOldMan> not hell 1531:< grink> HELL 1531:< bradyblair20> Hell 1531:< andysniper> purgatory 1531:< FeebleOldMan> not purgatory 1531:< bradyblair20> Purgatory 1531:< grink> LOST 1531:< femdemgem> purgatory 1531:< FeebleOldMan> not heaven 1531:< grink> STYX 1531:< femdemgem> underworld 1531:< npinsker> The answer was Limbo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1531:< grink> thats a game 1531:< bradyblair20> damn 1531:< andysniper> thats fucking purgatory you fuck 1532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, what animal is associated with Athena? 1532:< FeebleOldMan> owl 1532:< grink> horse 1532:< andysniper> lion 1532:< bradyblair20> owl 1532:< femdemgem> owl 1532:< grink> superb owl 1532:< andysniper> owl 1532:< npinsker> The answer was owl! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1352), bradyblair20 (28), femdemgem (485), grink (410), andysniper (657) 1532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is calcium oxide commonly called? 1532:< FeebleOldMan> it might be lime 1532:< grink> lime 1532:< andysniper> chalk 1532:< femdemgem> lime 1533:< FeebleOldMan> it might be slaked lime 1533:< andysniper> no wait 1533:< bradyblair20> Lime 1533:< grink> it's my time 1533:< npinsker> The answer was lime! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1356), grink (413), femdemgem (487), Sexual_tomato (6), bradyblair20 (28) 1533:< FeebleOldMan> it might be oxidized calcium 1533:< femdemgem> tequila 1533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and _________. 1533:< FeebleOldMan> perhaps its igneous 1533:< grink> idiotic 1533:< femdemgem> igneous 1533:< FeebleOldMan> perhaps its hard 1533:< grink> maybe it's 1533:< femdemgem> rocky rocks 1534:< grink> 1534:< FeebleOldMan> perhaps its sandy 1534:< npinsker> The answer was igneous! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1360), Sexual_tomato (9), femdemgem (489) 1534:< grink> baking soda 1534:< FeebleOldMan> its probably not baking soda 1534:< FeebleOldMan> its probably not baker's soda 1534:< grink> pepsi 1534:< femdemgem> baking soda 1534:< grink> coke 1534:< FeebleOldMan> its probably not salt of bicarbonate 1534:< npinsker> The answer was baking soda! Correct users: grink (417), FeebleOldMan (1363), femdemgem (491) 1535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest of the countries in Central America? 1535:< FeebleOldMan> it should be brazil 1535:< FeebleOldMan> it should be mexico 1535:< grink> mexico 1535:< femdemgem> mexico 1535:< grink> donald trump 1535:< FeebleOldMan> it should be south america 1535:< npinsker> The answer was Nicaragua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1535:< grink> we all suck 1535:< FeebleOldMan> lel 1535:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1363), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Olympics || Who did Zola Budd trip in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics? 1536:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 1536:< grink> zola bud 1536:< femdemgem> donald trump 1536:< andysniper> emile von haerin 1536:< FeebleOldMan> jake zublo 1536:< femdemgem> mary jane watson 1536:< FeebleOldMan> emile von haerin 1536:< npinsker> The answer was Mary Decker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1536:< femdemgem> I was so close 1536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of 'Life'? 1536:< femdemgem> 10 1536:< FeebleOldMan> 8 1536:< andysniper> 8 1537:< FeebleOldMan> 10 1537:< Sucks_> 10 1537:< andysniper> 10 1537:< FeebleOldMan> 12 1537:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: Sexual_tomato (13), femdemgem (494), FeebleOldMan (1365), Sucks_ (121), andysniper (657) 1537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || What lies between Mars and Jupiter? 1537:< FeebleOldMan> astroids 1537:< Sucks_> space 1537:< FeebleOldMan> astroid belt 1537:< andysniper> the asteroid belt 1538:< FeebleOldMan> asteroid belt 1538:< femdemgem> asteroid belt 1538:< npinsker> The answer was the asteroid belt! Correct users: andysniper (661) 1538:< FeebleOldMan> o_o 1538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of _________. 1538:< FeebleOldMan> the 1538:< andysniper> need dat the in there 1538:< FeebleOldMan> measurements 1538:< andysniper> butterfly 1538:< FeebleOldMan> cars 1538:< femdemgem> butterfly 1538:< FeebleOldMan> butterfly 1538:< npinsker> The answer was moth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where was Napoleon defeated? 1539:< FeebleOldMan> waterloo 1539:< femdemgem> waterloo 1539:< Sucks_> waterloo 1539:< AtaraxicMegatron> waterloo 1539:< npinsker> The answer was Waterloo! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1369), femdemgem (497), Sucks_ (123), AtaraxicMegatron (1) 1539:< FeebleOldMan> ok have fun guys 1539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who is the author of "Brave New World" ? 1539:< andysniper> aldous huxley 1539:< FeebleOldMan> arthur c clarke 1540:< femdemgem> arthur something 1540:< AtaraxicMegatron> aldous huxley 1540:< FeebleOldMan> aldous huxley 1540:< Sucks_> aldous huxley 1540:< npinsker> The answer was Aldous Huxley! Correct users: andysniper (665), Sexual_tomato (16), AtaraxicMegatron (3), FeebleOldMan (1370), Sucks_ (123) 1540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || In Iceland, people indulge in a food called hakarl, which is made from the meat of this animal. 1540:< andysniper> shark 1540:< AtaraxicMegatron> shark 1541:< femdemgem> shark 1541:< npinsker> The answer was sharks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1541:< andysniper> fuck off 1541:< AtaraxicMegatron> lol 1541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The North Star is also known as _______. 1541:< andysniper> it said animal not animals 1541:< femdemgem> the mercury star 1541:< npinsker> The answer was Polaris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1542:< femdemgem> lol 1542:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1370), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is the official birthplace of country music? 1542:< femdemgem> south america 1542:< femdemgem> texas 1542:< npinsker> The answer was Bristol! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1543:< TxDieselKid> bristol? how?? 1543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was Hercules' stepmother? 1543:< femdemgem> hera 1543:< AtaraxicMegatron> hera 1543:< amaklp> Hera 1543:< npinsker> The answer was Hera! Correct users: femdemgem (501), AtaraxicMegatron (6), amaklp (20) 1543:< andysniper> hera 1543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || He was the father of Zeus 1543:< grink> Ra 1543:< amaklp> Uranus 1543:< femdemgem> poseidon 1544:< amaklp> Ouranos 1544:< femdemgem> kronos 1544:< AtaraxicMegatron> cronus 1544:< grink> apothis 1544:< andysniper> kronos 1544:< femdemgem> cronus 1544:< amaklp> Kronos 1544:< grink> dr daniel jackson 1544:< npinsker> The answer was Kronos! Correct users: femdemgem (505), andysniper (668), amaklp (22) 1544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle. 1544:< femdemgem> battle of midway 1544:< grink> ATT Verizon TMobile Spring 1544:< amaklp> Pearl Harbor 1544:< amaklp> lol 1545:< npinsker> The answer was Midway! Correct users: femdemgem (509) 1545:< femdemgem> pearl harbor 1545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Popeye's chief adversary has two names, Bluto and ______? 1545:< femdemgem> olive 1545:< grink> blow job 1545:< amaklp> Pluto 1545:< amaklp> Bruno 1545:< femdemgem> brutus 1545:< grink> brutus 1545:< grink> (i think) 1545:< npinsker> The answer was Brutus! Correct users: femdemgem (513), grink (420) 1546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white. 1546:< grink> requiem for a dream 1546:< amaklp> 50% of all movies? 1546:< grink> clerks 1546:< femdemgem> that space movie 1546:< grink> 2001 1546:< femdemgem> hal open the doors 1546:< amaklp> no 1546:< npinsker> The answer was Wizard of Oz! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1546:< femdemgem> lol 1546:< andysniper> of course 1546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is the Temple of Karnak near? 1546:< grink> asgard 1546:< andysniper> nile 1547:< femdemgem> nile 1547:< amaklp> Nolan 1547:< grink> goa'uld temple 1547:< npinsker> The answer was Nile! Correct users: andysniper (672), femdemgem (516) 1547:< andysniper> oh sweer 1547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal can get the disease 'heaves'? 1547:< grink> Tok'ra 1547:< grink> dogs 1547:< amaklp> Cockroach 1548:< femdemgem> fly 1548:< npinsker> The answer was horse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1548:< amaklp> horseshit 1548:< femdemgem> pont 1548:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1370), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1548:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the most populated state/territory in Australia? 1548:< grink> sheepville 1548:< femdemgem> brisbane 1548:< Sucks_> brisbane 1548:< amaklp> The51Cents I'll disable you 1549:< npinsker> The answer was New South Wales! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1549:< femdemgem> guess not 1549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || What does iron deficiency cause? 1549:< grink> anemia 1549:< AtaraxicMegatron> anemia 1549:< Sucks_> anemia 1549:< amaklp> Diabetus 1549:< femdemgem> anemia 1549:< npinsker> The answer was anaemia! Correct users: grink (424), AtaraxicMegatron (9), Sucks_ (125), femdemgem (517) 1549:< femdemgem> pregnancy 1550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called? 1550:< grink> that;s too much hot iron..... scooter 1550:< amaklp> Methane 1550:< femdemgem> gaben 1550:< npinsker> The answer was Scooter! Correct users: grink (428) 1550:< amaklp> a moon 1550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || The most common phobia, arachnephobia, is a phobia of? 1550:< grink> spiders 1550:< femdemgem> spiders 1551:< amaklp> spiders 1551:< femdemgem> I hate them 1551:< grink> i hate clowns 1551:< amaklp> SpiderMan 1551:< npinsker> The answer was spiders! Correct users: grink (432), femdemgem (520), amaklp (24) 1551:< bradyblair20> Sydney 1551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country has the world's most southerly city? 1551:< bradyblair20> Brisbane 1551:< femdemgem> spain 1551:< amaklp> Chile 1551:< grink> south america 1552:< femdemgem> uruguay 1552:< grink> you're gay 1552:< npinsker> The answer was Chile! Correct users: amaklp (28) 1552:< amaklp> eat my shit 1552:< grink> yum 1552:< Sucks_> wow 1552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Where were fortune cookies invented? 1552:< femdemgem> 1834 1552:< amaklp> China 1552:< andysniper> japan 1552:< femdemgem> china 1552:< grink> korea 1552:< grink> thailand 1552:< AtaraxicMegatron> usa 1552:< femdemgem> usa 1552:< andysniper> san francisco 1552:< npinsker> The answer was United States! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1552:< Sucks_> damnit 1553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's widest river? 1553:< grink> amazon 1553:< andysniper> brazil 1553:< femdemgem> ebay 1553:< grink> amazon prime river 1553:< andysniper> amazon 1553:< amaklp> Nile 1553:< npinsker> The answer was Amazon! Correct users: grink (436), andysniper (675) 1553:< amaklp> Amazon 1553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Citizen Kane's dying word? 1554:< grink> diablo 2 1554:< femdemgem> rosebud 1554:< amaklp> Rosebud 1554:< npinsker> The answer was Rosebud! Correct users: femdemgem (524), amaklp (31) 1554:< amaklp> but the maid never hear it 1554:< amaklp> plot hole 1554:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1370), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Work done, equals force multiplied by ________. 1554:< FeebleOldMan> distance 1555:< grink> d 1555:< Sucks_> distance 1555:< andysniper> distance 1555:< femdemgem> distance 1555:< amaklp> distance 1555:< grink> f=ma 1555:< FeebleOldMan> distance travelled in direction of force 1555:< npinsker> The answer was distance! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1374), Sucks_ (128), andysniper (677), femdemgem (525), amaklp (31) 1555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which river contains the most fresh water? 1555:< FeebleOldMan> amazon 1555:< grink> nile 1555:< amaklp> Amazon 1555:< andysniper> ganges 1555:< amaklp> Nile 1555:< grink> east river 1555:< andysniper> nile 1555:< FeebleOldMan> glacieau 1556:< andysniper> amazon 1556:< FeebleOldMan> nile 1556:< npinsker> The answer was Amazon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1378), amaklp (34), andysniper (679) 1556:< femdemgem> freshwater river 1556:< amaklp> test 1556:< grink> fail 1556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hobbies || Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels? 1556:< FeebleOldMan> balsa 1556:< andysniper> ply 1556:< Sucks_> balsa 1556:< grink> balsa 1556:< grink> ball sack 1556:< amaklp> Oax 1556:< grink> lead 1556:< npinsker> The answer was Balsa! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1382), Sucks_ (131), grink (438) 1557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the smallest bone in the human body? 1557:< femdemgem> in ear 1557:< amaklp> your moms clitorris 1557:< femdemgem> cant remember the name :P 1557:< grink> little hammer bone 1557:< femdemgem> hammer bone 1557:< npinsker> The answer was stirrup bone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1557:< femdemgem> lol 1557:< amaklp> lol 1557:< grink> maybe that means little hammer 1557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which US state gets the most rainfall? 1557:< grink> washington 1557:< Sucks_> washington 1558:< amaklp> Louisiana 1558:< grink> nevada 1558:< TxDieselKid> seattle 1558:< amaklp> Florida 1558:< femdemgem> louisiana 1558:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1558:< grink> wait what he fuck 1558:< amaklp> Hawaii my ass 1558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during a regular season? 1558:< grink> gretsky 1558:< Sucks_> wayne gretsky 1558:< andysniper> wayne gretzky 1558:< grink> it was fucking washington last time 1558:< amaklp> Obama bin Sanders 1559:< amaklp> sponsored by Donald Trumpf 1559:< npinsker> The answer was Wayne Gretzky! Correct users: andysniper (683) 1559:< Sucks_> :( 1559:< andysniper> zzzzzzz boooooooyyyyy 1559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who, in Egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead? 1559:< Sucks_> horus 1559:< femdemgem> hades 1559:< amaklp> Osiris 1559:< andysniper> anubis 1559:< grink> styx 1559:< femdemgem> osiris 1559:< npinsker> The answer was Anubis! Correct users: andysniper (687) 1559:< TxDieselKid> in his coding, it has hawaii 1600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "Double, double ... " 1600:< grink> macbeth 1600:< amaklp> Macbeth 1600:< TxDieselKid> macbeth 1600:< femdemgem> hamlet 1600:< grink> omelet 1600:< femdemgem> macbeth 1600:< amaklp> Backdoor Sluts 1600:< grink> boondock saints 1600:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: grink (442), amaklp (37), TxDieselKid (103), femdemgem (526) 1600:< grink> holy fuck 1600:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The "canebrake", "timber" and "pygmy" are types of what? 1601:< andysniper> marmoset 1601:< grink> cats 1601:< femdemgem> wood 1601:< andysniper> viper 1601:< grink> politicians 1601:< npinsker> The answer was rattlesnake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1601:< femdemgem> snek 1601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || He was condemned in Hades to forever push a boulder uphill, only for it to come rolling down before it reached t... 1602:< grink> i forget 1602:< amaklp> the one in the triangle movie 1602:< femdemgem> tartarus 1602:< grink> pythagoras 1602:< npinsker> The answer was Sisyphus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1602:< TxDieselKid> sisyphus 1602:< amaklp> gay 1602:< TxDieselKid> shit 1602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix? 1602:< grink> france 1602:< amaklp> CocaCola 1602:< femdemgem> france 1602:< grink> austria 1603:< grink> best korea 1603:< TxDieselKid> italy 1603:< femdemgem> italy 1603:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: TxDieselKid (107), femdemgem (529) 1603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fear || If hell is a lake of fire, what would the temperature be? (in degrees Fahrenheit) 1603:< amaklp> east 1603:< grink> 2000 1603:< Beard_of_Gimli> 451 1603:< grink> 2500 1603:< grink> 212 1603:< femdemgem> 451 1603:< amaklp> 6969 1603:< npinsker> The answer was 833! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1604:< amaklp> so close 1604:< grink> what type of fire ! 1604:< Beard_of_Gimli> what kind of question is that lmao 1604:< amaklp> jet fuel 1604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || Whats the abbreviation for United States of America? 1604:< femdemgem> usa 1604:< grink> usa 1604:< Beard_of_Gimli> USA 1604:< amaklp> USA 1604:< grink> u.s.a. 1604:< amaklp> U.S.A. 1604:< npinsker> The answer was USA! Correct users: femdemgem (533), grink (445), Beard_of_Gimli (439), amaklp (38) 1604:< amaklp> such fast lol 1604:< Beard_of_Gimli> temperature of hell? USA? WE'VE GOT AN EXTREMIST OVER HERE 1604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Which colour has highest wavelength in the visible spectrum? 1604:< grink> green 1605:< amaklp> red 1605:< andysniper> blue 1605:< femdemgem> purple 1605:< amaklp> blue 1605:< andysniper> red 1605:< grink> green is luminosity fuck 1605:< andysniper> violet 1605:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: amaklp (42), andysniper (690) 1605:< femdemgem> red 1605:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || At the equator, what is the brightest star in the night sky? 1605:< grink> sun 1605:< andysniper> betelguese 1605:< amaklp> Polaris 1605:< grink> beatle juice 1605:< femdemgem> sirius 1606:< npinsker> The answer was Sirius! Correct users: femdemgem (537) 1606:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Music || I scream, you scream. We all scream for ___ _____. 1606:< grink> ice cream 1606:< femdemgem> ice cream 1606:< amaklp> ice scream 1606:< andysniper> ice cream 1606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Eddie in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show? 1606:< grink> big boobies 1606:< PotatoBadger> kek 1606:< andysniper> meatloaf 1606:< grink> food 1606:< femdemgem> rihanna 1606:< grink> chris brown 1606:< PotatoBadger> I'm not nspinsker you fucking retards 1606:< Lowbacca1977> robert paulson 1606:< npinsker> The answer was Meat Loaf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1607:< andysniper> FUCK YOU NPINSKER 1607:< grink> potato woke up 1607:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2135), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1607:< amaklp> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who dies in Star Wars The Force Awakens? 1607:< Sucks_> SPOILERS 1607:< Sucks_> han solo 1607:< grink> everyone 1607:< Nesman64> Han Solo 1607:< andysniper> jar jar binks 1607:< femdemgem> kylo ren 1607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || What musical has the number "Dancing Through Life", where Fiyero wins the admiration of many female students? 1607:< grink> ben 1607:< Nesman64> Also, how is this in with the crazy outdated questions 1607:< Nesman64> ah, I see. 1607:< grink> wow spoilers --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:07:50 2016 1607:< femdemgem> wicked 1607:< npinsker> The answer was Wicked! Correct users: femdemgem (541) 1608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || What does the "B" stand for in the name of the poet W.B. Yeats? 1608:< grink> boner 1608:< amaklp> Bernie 1608:< femdemgem> butt 1608:< grink> bob 1608:< grink> dickButt 1608:< 3xist3nc3> bears 1608:< Nesman64> Bert 1608:< amaklp> Bewbs 1608:< femdemgem> slave butler 1608:< npinsker> The answer was Butler! Correct users: femdemgem (545) 1608:< femdemgem> wtf 1608:< 3xist3nc3> hahahahah 1608:< Sucks_> hahah 1608:< Nesman64> haha 1608:< amaklp> the fuck 1608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Animals and plants which produce light are said to be: 1609:< andysniper> bioluminescent 1609:< Nesman64> luminescent 1609:< femdemgem> illuminati 1609:< amaklp> hah 1609:< femdemgem> bioluminescent 1609:< grink> light bulbs 1609:< grink> nature's light bulbs 1609:< 3xist3nc3> enlightened 1609:< npinsker> The answer was bioluminescent! Correct users: andysniper (694), femdemgem (548) 1609:< Nesman64> bioluminescent 1609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle? 1609:< Nesman64> 1 1609:< grink> 89 1609:< Sucks_> 2 1609:< femdemgem> 30 1609:< amaklp> 1 1609:< grink> fuck 1609:< Sucks_> 1 1610:< grink> -1 1610:< andysniper> i 1610:< amaklp> acute angle the fuck 1610:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: Nesman64 (132), amaklp (45), Sucks_ (133), grink (446) 1610:< grink> adroable if you ask me 1610:< Nesman64> Don't be obtuse 1610:< 3xist3nc3> minus forty celsius 1610:< femdemgem> 1 1610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Cape Hatteras? 1610:< andysniper> florida 1610:< femdemgem> north carolina 1610:< 3xist3nc3> north carolina 1610:< grink> colorado 1610:< Sucks_> north carolina 1610:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: femdemgem (552), 3xist3nc3 (2138), Sucks_ (135) 1611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Estonia? 1611:< andysniper> tallinn 1611:< 3xist3nc3> Tallin 1611:< femdemgem> tallin 1611:< grink> encino man 1611:< Sucks_> tallin 1611:< Sucks_> tallinn 1611:< grink> ballin 1611:< 3xist3nc3> shortin 1611:< femdemgem> tallinn 1611:< npinsker> The answer was Tallin! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2142), femdemgem (555), Sucks_ (137) 1611:< 3xist3nc3> hustlin 1611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen? 1612:< Sucks_> 7 1612:< grink> over 9000 1612:< amaklp> about Pi 1612:< Nesman64> one million 1612:< andysniper> 24 million 1612:< amaklp> more or less 1612:< grink> one trillion 1612:< femdemgem> many 1612:< 3xist3nc3> 4 million 1612:< grink> death spores 1612:< npinsker> The answer was one billion! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Name the porcelain chair you sit on at least once a day. 1612:< grink> rag weed can die in a fire toilet 1612:< Sucks_> toilet 1612:< andysniper> toilet 1612:< femdemgem> toilet 1612:< 3xist3nc3> toilet 1612:< amaklp> toilet 1612:< Nesman64> toilet bowl 1612:< grink> what if i dont poop that day? 1613:< amaklp> your moms mouth 1613:< andysniper> you dont sit down to pee? wierdo 1613:< npinsker> The answer was toilet! Correct users: grink (450), Sucks_ (140), andysniper (696), femdemgem (556), 3xist3nc3 (2142), amaklp (45) 1613:< grink> i cant sit on a urinal at work 1613:< femdemgem> then its plate 1613:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2142), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || In "The Return of the King", who sees their own child in a vision/dream? 1613:< Sucks_> bobo 1613:< andysniper> aragorn 1613:< grink> bilbo 1613:< andysniper> arwen 1613:< Nesman64> Precious 1614:< femdemgem> arwen 1614:< grink> my 1614:< npinsker> The answer was Arwen! Correct users: andysniper (700), femdemgem (559) 1614:< 3xist3nc3> arwen 1614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air? 1614:< grink> aerodynamics 1614:< Sucks_> aerodynamics 1614:< femdemgem> aerodynamics 1614:< andysniper> aerodynamics 1614:< grink> aeropostale 1614:< amaklp> Aerodynamics 1614:< 3xist3nc3> aerosmith 1614:< npinsker> The answer was aerodynamics! Correct users: grink (454), Sucks_ (143), femdemgem (561), andysniper (701), amaklp (45) 1615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The San Diego ____________? 1615:< grink> chargers 1615:< andysniper> chargers 1615:< Sucks_> chargers 1615:< femdemgem> zoo 1615:< amaklp> Criminals 1615:< grink> convicts 1615:< andysniper> naval base 1615:< grink> lol ^ 1615:< 3xist3nc3> Phone chargers 1615:< npinsker> The answer was Chargers! Correct users: grink (458), andysniper (704), Sucks_ (145), 3xist3nc3 (2143) 1615:< 3xist3nc3> hahaha 1615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What company makes Pampers disposable diapers? 1616:< Sucks_> unilever 1616:< grink> your mom 1616:< andysniper> unilever 1616:< 3xist3nc3> Unilever 1616:< grink> j&j 1616:< femdemgem> p&b 1616:< grink> peanut butter jelly time 1616:< Sucks_> t&a 1616:< 3xist3nc3> procter & gamble 1616:< npinsker> The answer was Proctor & Gamble! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1616:< grink> p&g 1616:< femdemgem> p&g 1616:< 3xist3nc3> pig 1616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Which French philosopher explored existentialist philosophy in his landmark book "Nausea" published in 1938? 1616:< TxDieselKid> and eightmoon is now blocked 1616:< Sucks_> martin luther king 1616:< amaklp> wat 1616:< femdemgem> sartre 1617:< npinsker> The answer was Jean-Paul Sartre! Correct users: femdemgem (565) 1617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || "faux pas" means ___________. 1617:< femdemgem> false friends 1617:< Sucks_> fake friends 1617:< TxDieselKid> fake titties 1617:< grink> fake grandpas 1617:< andysniper> false friend 1617:< Sucks_> false friends 1617:< 3xist3nc3> foo paz 1617:< femdemgem> false step 1617:< amaklp> fake kids 1617:< npinsker> The answer was mistake! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1618:< femdemgem> false friends was faux ami :( 1618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In one of Donald Horne's novels, which was 'the lucky country'? 1618:< grink> canada 1618:< andysniper> i trusted you femdemgem 1618:< amaklp> USA sponsored by Donald Trump 1618:< femdemgem> sorry :P 1618:< TxDieselKid> canada lucky? must be fiction 1618:< 3xist3nc3> 'murica 1618:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1618:< femdemgem> Mexico 1618:< femdemgem> must be a dystopia 1618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The word "cumulus" refers to a type of ___________. 1618:< grink> cloud 1619:< Sucks_> cloud 1619:< 3xist3nc3> cum 1619:< andysniper> cloud 1619:< femdemgem> cloud 1619:< TxDieselKid> cloud 1619:< npinsker> The answer was cloud! Correct users: grink (462), Sucks_ (148), andysniper (706), femdemgem (566), TxDieselKid (107) 1619:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2143), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), GetXyzzyWi... 1619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting? 1620:< grink> fuck i need lunch. super heavy weight 1620:< amaklp> 180 lbs 1620:< andysniper> super heavy 1620:< femdemgem> 180 lbs 1620:< 3xist3nc3> super heavy 1620:< femdemgem> 200 lbs 1620:< amaklp> 220 lbs 1620:< TxDieselKid> super heavyweight 1620:< sabotourAssociate> mega heavy 1620:< grink> 100000 kg 1620:< TxDieselKid> 105+ 1620:< 3xist3nc3> 420 lbs 1620:< npinsker> The answer was super heavyweight! Correct users: TxDieselKid (111) 1620:< grink> oh you didnt 1620:< TxDieselKid> i coach that sport 1620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is lead guitarist for Guns'n'Roses? 1620:< 3xist3nc3> slash 1620:< grink> guns 1620:< StuRobo> Axl rose 1620:< andysniper> slash 1620:< TxDieselKid> slash 1620:< amaklp> slash 1620:< femdemgem> slash 1620:< StuRobo> fuck me 1621:< grink> back slash 1621:< TxDieselKid> slushy 1621:< amaklp> \/ 1621:< npinsker> The answer was Slash! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2147), andysniper (709), TxDieselKid (113), amaklp (46), femdemgem (566), grink (462) 1621:< grink> i wwas #5 no points so no foul 1621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What does TKO stand for? 1621:< grink> technical knock out 1621:< 3xist3nc3> total knock out 1621:< amaklp> Total Knock Out 1621:< femdemgem> total knock out 1621:< grink> guess i'm wrong 1621:< TxDieselKid> technical knock out 1621:< andysniper> tight koala ovum 1621:< femdemgem> technical knock out 1621:< TxDieselKid> no, that's right 1621:< npinsker> The answer was Technical Knock Out! Correct users: grink (466), TxDieselKid (116), femdemgem (568) 1622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Edmonton __________. 1622:< grink> oilers 1622:< andysniper> oilers 1622:< grink> eulers 1622:< 3xist3nc3> petroleums 1622:< femdemgem> oilers 1622:< amaklp> spoilers 1622:< TxDieselKid> oilers 1622:< andysniper> albertas 1622:< TxDieselKid> which was also a football team 1622:< femdemgem> snape kills dumbledore 1622:< npinsker> The answer was Oilers! Correct users: grink (470), andysniper (712), femdemgem (570), amaklp (47), TxDieselKid (116) 1622:< amaklp> I WAS RIGHT HAHA 1623:< femdemgem> 10 1623:< grink> a baby 1623:< amaklp> 9 1623:< andysniper> 9 1623:< amaklp> must be nine 1623:< femdemgem> 9 1623:< andysniper> 1 for each month 1623:< TxDieselKid> five 1623:< amaklp> because 9 = pregnancy 1623:< grink> -10 1623:< femdemgem> 15 1623:< npinsker> The answer was five hundred! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1623:< femdemgem> 500 1623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars"? 1623:< grink> derpwookie 1623:< andysniper> wookiee 1623:< amaklp> bear? 1623:< amaklp> lol 1623:< femdemgem> fuckwookie 1623:< TxDieselKid> wookiee 1624:< amaklp> wookiee 1624:< npinsker> The answer was Wookiee! Correct users: andysniper (716), TxDieselKid (119), amaklp (49) 1624:< grink> fuck spelling 1624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What is Japanese "sake" made from? 1624:< andysniper> rice 1624:< grink> fuckice 1624:< amaklp> semen 1624:< startfragment> rice 1624:< femdemgem> rice 1624:< TxDieselKid> rice 1624:< grink> fuckrice 1624:< femdemgem> potato 1624:< npinsker> The answer was rice! Correct users: andysniper (720), startfragment (6), femdemgem (572), TxDieselKid (120), grink (470) 1625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || To what disability can keratitis lead? 1625:< grink> blindness 1625:< amaklp> eyesight 1625:< femdemgem> blindness 1625:< TxDieselKid> blindness 1625:< amaklp> blindness 1625:< femdemgem> hello its me 1625:< npinsker> The answer was blindness! Correct users: grink (474), femdemgem (575), TxDieselKid (122), amaklp (50) 1625:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2147), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Cleveland ________. 1626:< grink> mayheshouldfixthisbrowns 1626:< amaklp> Rovers 1626:< andysniper> browns 1626:< femdemgem> browns 1626:< TxDieselKid> quarterback killers 1626:< andysniper> steamers 1626:< TxDieselKid> browns 1626:< npinsker> The answer was Browns! Correct users: grink (478), andysniper (723), femdemgem (577), TxDieselKid (123) 1626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A pugilist is a _____. 1627:< Deathly809> fighter 1627:< TxDieselKid> boxer 1627:< Deathly809> boxer 1627:< andysniper> small japanese breed of dog 1627:< femdemgem> boxer 1627:< npinsker> The answer was boxer! Correct users: TxDieselKid (127), Deathly809 (27), femdemgem (579) 1627:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer? 1627:< andysniper> candle in the wind 1627:< grink> middlecandle in the winddoesitwork? 1627:< amaklp> Benny hiull theme 1627:< femdemgem> candle in the wind 1628:< TxDieselKid> candle in the wind 1628:< npinsker> The answer was Candle In The Wind! Correct users: andysniper (727), femdemgem (582), TxDieselKid (129) 1628:< TxDieselKid> fart in the wind 1628:< grink> nope 1628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || What web comic created havoc on Wikipedia by claiming it had an article on the fake word "malamanteau"? 1628:< 3xist3nc3> xkcd 1628:< amaklp> spidermon 1628:< grink> xkcd 1628:< femdemgem> your song 1628:< femdemgem> xkcd 1628:< grink> the oatmeal 1628:< TxDieselKid> xkcd 1628:< npinsker> The answer was xkcd! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2151), grink (481), femdemgem (584), TxDieselKid (130) 1629:< grink> dinosaur comics 1629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What city's name is derived from the words 'dubh linn'? 1629:< femdemgem> dublin 1629:< narcissus_goldmund> dublin 1629:< 3xist3nc3> Dublin 1629:< grink> guinessdublin 1629:< amaklp> Dublin 1629:< andysniper> dublin 1629:< william_tropico> Dublin 1629:< npinsker> The answer was Dublin! Correct users: femdemgem (588), narcissus_goldmund (520), 3xist3nc3 (2153), grink (482), amaklp (50), andysniper... 1629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead? 1630:< grink> im.going.to.do.this.all.day.san francisco 1630:< andysniper> san francisco 1630:< narcissus_goldmund> san francisco bay 1630:< amaklp> Michael Bay 1630:< femdemgem> sf bay 1630:< StuRobo> san francisco 1630:< 3xist3nc3> San Francisco 1630:< TxDieselKid> oakland 1630:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco Bay! Correct users: grink (486), andysniper (730), narcissus_goldmund (522), StuRobo (410), 3xist3nc3 (2153) 1630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || On what day of the week did Solomon Grundy die? 1630:< grink> sunday 1630:< narcissus_goldmund> monday 1630:< femdemgem> monday 1630:< grink> monday 1630:< 3xist3nc3> monday 1630:< andysniper> monday 1630:< TxDieselKid> saturday 1631:< grink> tuesday 1631:< femdemgem> tuesday 1631:< amaklp> Sunday 1631:< andysniper> not really history though is it 1631:< 3xist3nc3> wednesday 1631:< femdemgem> tuesday 1631:< npinsker> The answer was Saturday! Correct users: TxDieselKid (134) 1631:< grink> cautrday 1631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight? 1631:< grink> this.is.my.fucking.answer.3 1631:< 3xist3nc3> 3 1631:< narcissus_goldmund> 3 1631:< amaklp> 3 1631:< femdemgem> 3 1631:< andysniper> 8 1631:< TxDieselKid> 3 1631:< amaklp> or 4 1631:< npinsker> The answer was three! Correct users: grink (490), 3xist3nc3 (2156), narcissus_goldmund (524), amaklp (51), femdemgem (588), TxDieselKid... 1632:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2158), 3xist3nc3 (2156), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1,000 yd. plus) 1632:< narcissus_goldmund> ooh existence one more question 1632:< grink> CATEGORY: History || How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight? cheetah 1632:< femdemgem> cheetah 1632:< amaklp> Cheatch 1632:< amaklp> Cheetack 1632:< andysniper> cheetah 1632:< amaklp> Cheetach 1632:< Lowbacca1977> three cheetahs 1632:< 3xist3nc3> cheetos 1632:< andysniper> human 1632:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1633:< amaklp> Cheetah 1633:< femdemgem> noo 1633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Rescue Me'? 1633:< Sucks_> denis leary 1633:< amaklp> Beatles 1633:< andysniper> donna summer 1633:< grink> npinker's.dildo.aertha franklin 1633:< Lowbacca1977> fontella bass 1633:< grink> daft punk 1633:< amaklp> Tje Beatles 1633:< npinsker> The answer was Fontella Bass! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (14) 1633:< Lowbacca1977> BAM 1633:< 3xist3nc3> the about to die 1634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Whats the chemical symbol for Helium ? 1634:< narcissus_goldmund> he 1634:< grink> computering......answer......He 1634:< Lowbacca1977> He 1634:< Sucks_> he 1634:< andysniper> he 1634:< amaklp> He 1634:< 3xist3nc3> She 1634:< grink> good one 1634:< Lowbacca1977> Xe/Xer/Xers 1634:< npinsker> The answer was He! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (528), grink (493), Lowbacca1977 (16), Sucks_ (149), andysniper (730), amaklp (51)... 1634:< amaklp> wdkjrfhkasdjfsadkjfafhashe 1634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || How many astronauts crewed the Gemini series of Spacecraft? 1634:< grink> 3 1634:< Lowbacca1977> 3 1634:< amaklp> 2 1634:< andysniper> 2 1634:< grink> 2 1634:< llnk> three 1635:< amaklp> 1 1635:< grink> one of those is right 1635:< 3xist3nc3> all of them 1635:< Lowbacca1977> wait, is it 2 cuz gemini 1635:< amaklp> 69 1635:< Lowbacca1977> the twins 1635:< npinsker> The answer was Two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1635:< narcissus_goldmund> lol 1635:< andysniper> FUCK OFF 1635:< llnk> too slow low 1635:< amaklp> really 1635:< grink> wtf we had to spell 2? 1635:< femdemgem> TUV 1635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which island was Napoleon from? 1635:< andysniper> piece of shit bot 1635:< femdemgem> cuba 1635:< grink> spain 1635:< narcissus_goldmund> corsica 1635:< Lowbacca1977> Elba 1635:< andysniper> corsica 1635:< amaklp> Easter 1635:< TxDieselKid> ajaccio 1635:< grink> guys 1635:< npinsker> The answer was corsica! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (532), andysniper (733) 1636:< grink> you have been added as an approved submitter to /r/soKukunelits: The 3854 from robin/soKukunelits. 1636:< femdemgem> yeah I've seen it 1636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the game "Lode Runner" on the NES? 1636:< TxDieselKid> yeah, seen that grink 1636:< grink> NES 1636:< llnk> capcom 1636:< femdemgem> auto-subs you so very clever move 1636:< andysniper> midway 1636:< 3xist3nc3> Broderbund 1636:< TxDieselKid> midway 1636:< grink> does this mean the end? 1636:< npinsker> The answer was Broderbund! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2160) 1636:< femdemgem> nope 1636:< TxDieselKid> i don't think we will grow again. looking at the leaterboard, it's kind of done already IMHO 1637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What group's biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby? 1637:< femdemgem> I think we should've stayed imo 1637:< narcissus_goldmund> yeah, no new people are joining 1637:< amaklp> we will 1637:< grink> some shit my parents lsitened to 1637:< narcissus_goldmund> i've been stay since we merged into this room 1637:< femdemgem> ariana grande 1637:< npinsker> The answer was The Ronettes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1637:< femdemgem> we will merge one more time 1637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Alvin & Simon had a brother called ____. 1637:< monoglot> Theodore 1637:< grink> derp.123.theo 1637:< narcissus_goldmund> theodore 1637:< Lowbacca1977> theodore 1637:< andysniper> theodore 1637:< femdemgem> theodore 1638:< Lowbacca1977> do do.. do do do do 1638:< npinsker> The answer was Theodore! Correct users: monoglot (63), grink (496), narcissus_goldmund (534), Lowbacca1977 (17), andysniper (733), femd... 1638:< grink> oh snap 1638:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2160), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1638:< 3xist3nc3> atheo 1638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Quinine is added to water to make _______. 1638:< llnk> wine 1638:< monoglot> tonic water 1638:< narcissus_goldmund> tonic water 1638:< grink> tonic 1638:< andysniper> tonic 1638:< 3xist3nc3> tonic 1638:< femdemgem> tonic water 1639:< Lowbacca1977> you not get malaria 1639:< grink> the chronic 1639:< npinsker> The answer was tonic water! Correct users: monoglot (67), narcissus_goldmund (537), femdemgem (590) 1639:< 3xist3nc3> quizzes ain't shit but bots 1639:< andysniper> not getting malaria is the best kind of malariA 1639:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 1639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || As what is the North Star also known? 1639:< narcissus_goldmund> polaris 1639:< monoglot> Polaris 1639:< grink> polaris 1639:< 3xist3nc3> polaroid 1639:< amaklp> Polaris 1639:< grink> shake it 1640:< npinsker> The answer was Polaris! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (541), monoglot (70), grink (498), amaklp (52) 1640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What are a cheesboard's vertical rows called? 1640:< narcissus_goldmund> columns 1640:< narcissus_goldmund> oh wait cheese board 1640:< grink> swiss cheese 1640:< andysniper> lanes 1640:< monoglot> ranks 1640:< amaklp> lines 1640:< 3xist3nc3> files 1640:< npinsker> The answer was Files! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2164) 1641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || Where are the deepest mines? 1641:< Lowbacca1977> isn't a vertical row a column? 1641:< Sucks_> OCEAN 1641:< andysniper> russia 1641:< 3xist3nc3> chile 1641:< monoglot> knew it was either rank or file 1641:< amaklp> Russia 1641:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1641:< amaklp> no way 1641:< grink> die antwood 1641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies to the West of Australia? 1641:< monoglot> Madagascar 1641:< andysniper> new zealand 1641:< jedixi> New Zealand 1641:< grink> nz is east 1641:< narcissus_goldmund> mauritius 1642:< andysniper> oh shit 1642:< amaklp> New Zealand 1642:< 3xist3nc3> papua new guinea 1642:< amaklp> Old Zealand 1642:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (545) 1642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus? 1642:< grink> t-rex 1642:< monoglot> Bacchus 1642:< andysniper> bacchus 1642:< grink> lord beaver 1643:< npinsker> The answer was Bacchus! Correct users: monoglot (74), andysniper (736) 1643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || who said "Today Europe tomorrow the world"? 1643:< 3xist3nc3> hitler 1643:< narcissus_goldmund> Adolf Hilter 1643:< grink> churchill 1643:< monoglot> Napoleon 1643:< narcissus_goldmund> Hitler 1643:< andysniper> thatcher 1643:< grink> trump 1643:< amaklp> I said it yesterday 1643:< npinsker> The answer was Adolf Hitler! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1643:< amaklp> lol 1643:< 3xist3nc3> fuck off 1644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In what organ of the body is insulin produced? 1644:< FriendlyYak> narcissus_goldmund close 1644:< monoglot> Pancreas 1644:< narcissus_goldmund> pancreas 1644:< andysniper> pancreas 1644:< amaklp> Liver 1644:< amaklp> Pancreas 1644:< FriendlyYak> Liver 1644:< grink> butthole 1644:< amaklp> your moms vagina 1644:< FriendlyYak> in the beta cells of the insular region 1644:< npinsker> The answer was pancreas! Correct users: monoglot (78), narcissus_goldmund (548), andysniper (738), amaklp (53) 1644:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2164), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Mount McKinley? 1645:< narcissus_goldmund> alaska 1645:< grink> iohio 1645:< andysniper> alaska 1645:< 3xist3nc3> alaska 1645:< 3xist3nc3> denaliland 1645:< grink> yeah it is a.laska 1645:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: narcissus_goldmund (552), andysniper (741), 3xist3nc3 (2166) 1645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ____________? 1645:< amaklp> wat 1645:< 3xist3nc3> kidney 1645:< mharrizone> gallbladder 1646:< grink> kidn 1646:< mharrizone> bladder 1646:< 3xist3nc3> bladder 1646:< grink> kid a 1646:< npinsker> The answer was bladder! Correct users: mharrizone (408), 3xist3nc3 (2169) 1646:< TxDieselKid> watercress 1646:< narcissus_goldmund> does that actually work lol 1646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Also known as carrageen, what seaweed is often used as a clarifying agent in beer? 1646:< grink> dillweed 1646:< mharrizone> guar gum 1646:< InflatablePooJabber> DIllweed 1646:< grink> dickweed 1646:< andysniper> kelp 1647:< grink> help 1647:< InflatablePooJabber> kelp 1647:< npinsker> The answer was Irish Moss! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1647:< amaklp> CATEGORY: Internet || Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you ____ ? 1647:< grink> down 1647:< InflatablePooJabber> Down 1647:< mharrizone> down 1647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || "Now is the winter of our discontent" is a line from which Shakespearian play? 1647:< narcissus_goldmund> richard 3 1647:< andysniper> out of the dungeon 1647:< 3xist3nc3> rick roll 1647:< mharrizone> lawl 1647:< grink> dick 3 1647:< npinsker> The answer was Richard III! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1647:< amaklp> lol 1647:< narcissus_goldmund> ok. 1648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for? 1648:< grink> dickbutt 1648:< amaklp> with the cowboy one 1648:< npinsker> The answer was True Grit! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame, the colour of the flame changes to ...? 1648:< grink> yellow 1648:< andysniper> red 1648:< 3xist3nc3> yellow 1648:< amaklp> blue 1648:< HookahComputer> orange 1648:< mharrizone> blue 1649:< amaklp> red 1649:< grink> fuck sodium is yellow 1649:< amaklp> yellow 1649:< HookahComputer> Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue 1649:< 3xist3nc3> undooted 1649:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: andysniper (745), amaklp (56) 1649:< satire____> blue 1649:< Leonichol> green 1649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || If you were in a bar and someone gave you a 'mickey Finn' what would you be drinking? 1649:< grink> irish penis 1649:< andysniper> whiskkey 1649:< amaklp> shit 1649:< TxDieselKid> a drugged drink 1649:< 3xist3nc3> drugged 1650:< npinsker> The answer was A drugged Drink! Correct users: TxDieselKid (138) 1650:< grink> roofie@ 1650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which NES peripheral was originally released in grey but was later colored a brighter orange? 1650:< grink> gun 1650:< mharrizone> gun 1650:< Lowbacca1977> light gun 1650:< andysniper> lightgun 1650:< 3xist3nc3> gun 1650:< TxDieselKid> gun 1650:< grink> i want to walk with one holstered 1650:< npinsker> The answer was Light Zapper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1650:< grink> boo 1650:< amaklp> Look at the full leaderboard. We are close guys! 1651:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2169), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1651:< grink> getting there 1651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was Jason's wife? 1651:< amaklp> Today, is the day, we merge 1651:< grink> silent bob 1651:< amaklp> Maria 1651:< npinsker> The answer was Medea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1651:< amaklp> fuck 1652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Other than Germany, whose official language is German? 1652:< Leonichol> Austria 1652:< grink> texas 1652:< amaklp> Austria 1652:< 3xist3nc3> austria and switzerland 1652:< mharrizone> austria 1652:< grink> canada 1652:< TxDieselKid> austria 1652:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: Leonichol (7), amaklp (59), mharrizone (410), TxDieselKid (139) 1652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Archaic Terms || What date is the 'Ides' of March? 1652:< mharrizone> 15 1652:< grink> 15 1652:< 3xist3nc3> 15 1653:< grink> et tu brute 1653:< amaklp> Wat its not a date 1653:< npinsker> The answer was Fifteenth! Correct users: mharrizone (414), grink (501), 3xist3nc3 (2171) 1653:< grink> broke 500 wow 1653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Name of the protagonist of the video game Half-Life? 1653:< 3xist3nc3> congrats 1653:< grink> i should pay attention to these webinars i, on. gordon freeman 1653:< 3xist3nc3> gordon 1653:< llnk> gordon freeman 1653:< mharrizone> gordon freeman 1653:< grink> thx 1653:< mharrizone> grink well you'd better fix it! WE NEED THAT NUMBER 1654:< npinsker> The answer was Gordon! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2175) 1654:< grink> i want a crowbar now 1654:< mharrizone> ... 1654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was Elvis Presley's wife's name? 1654:< grink> lucy 1654:< amaklp> Eva 1654:< HookahComputer> Priscilla 1654:< llnk> percilla 1654:< andysniper> jane 1654:< npinsker> The answer was Priscilla! Correct users: HookahComputer (544) 1655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Pairs || Cattle are bovine, sheep are ____________ ? 1655:< mharrizone> ovine 1655:< HookahComputer> ovine 1655:< grink> dinner 1655:< grink> ewe 1655:< grink> ram 1655:< npinsker> The answer was ovine! Correct users: mharrizone (418), HookahComputer (547) 1655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the largest living bird. 1655:< mharrizone> emu 1655:< HookahComputer> ostrich 1655:< andysniper> ostrich 1655:< grink> i need a sammich. dodo 1656:< mharrizone> ostrich 1656:< grink> big bird! 1656:< vox35> Great Awk 1656:< npinsker> The answer was ostrich! Correct users: HookahComputer (551), andysniper (748), mharrizone (420) 1656:< grink> sed 1656:< mharrizone> grep 1656:< vox35> The awk WAS great, though. 1656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where did George of the Jungle live? 1656:< grink> hungle 1656:< mharrizone> the jungle 1656:< Lowbacca1977> the jungle 1656:< HookahComputer> Amazon 1656:< andysniper> congo 1656:< vox35> In the fucking jungle 1656:< grink> africa 1656:< HookahComputer> Tasmania 1657:< npinsker> The answer was Imgwee Gwee Valley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1657:< grink> sure 1657:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2175), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Book: Thus Spoke _______ (Friedrich Nietzsche) 1657:< HookahComputer> Zarathustra 1657:< grink> boner.jams.2015.avi.night 1657:< mharrizone> zarathustra 1657:< andysniper> god 1657:< amaklp> Zaratustra 1657:< vox35> Zarathustra 1657:< amaklp> zarathustra 1658:< npinsker> The answer was Zarathustra! Correct users: HookahComputer (555), mharrizone (423), vox35 (348), amaklp (60) 1658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea? 1658:< andysniper> easter 1658:< vox35> Easter 1658:< mharrizone> easter 1658:< amaklp> Seaster 1658:< grink> bunny 1658:< npinsker> The answer was Easter! Correct users: andysniper (752), vox35 (351), mharrizone (425), amaklp (61) 1658:< vox35> It's the day the easter bunny was born 1659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree. 1659:< llnk> eucalyptus 1659:< andysniper> eucalyptus 1659:< mharrizone> eucalyptus 1659:< vox35> Eucalyptis 1659:< grink> {S barney.dies.wav.eucalyptus 1659:< andysniper> and its not a frucking bear 1659:< vox35> Good luck spelling it tho 1659:< amaklp> eucalyptus 1659:< npinsker> The answer was eucalyptus! Correct users: llnk (4), andysniper (755), mharrizone (427), grink (502), amaklp (61) 1659:< vox35> OK, you guys can spell at least 1659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the smallest of the Central American countries? 1659:< amaklp> guatelamala 1700:< andysniper> honduras 1700:< mharrizone> panama 1700:< grink> nom.nom.nom.panana 1700:< amaklp> costa rica 1700:< grink> panama 1700:< andysniper> belize 1700:< amaklp> cuba 1700:< 3xist3nc3> Belize 1700:< vox35> Coasta Rica 1700:< npinsker> The answer was El Salvador! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1700:< vox35> Costa Rica 1700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the world's longest snake? 1700:< mharrizone> Every time someone says "Panama" David Lee Roth in spandex leaps into the air 1700:< amaklp> python 1700:< grink> porn.mkv-anaonda 1700:< 3xist3nc3> king cobra 1700:< mharrizone> MADIQ 1700:< andysniper> reticulated python 1700:< grink> anaconda 1700:< vox35> Boa Cobstrictor 1700:< amaklp> aka your programming language 1701:< grink> monty python 1701:< npinsker> The answer was python! Correct users: amaklp (65), andysniper (758), grink (504) 1701:< vox35> reticulated guess viper 1701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sceince || What is Borborygmus? 1701:< amaklp> a name 1701:< grink> animal 1701:< andysniper> jeremy clarksons eldest child 1701:< vox35> Yer mum 1701:< npinsker> The answer was Stomach Noises! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1701:< amaklp> lol? 1701:< grink> pre farts got it 1702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Houston ____________? 1702:< grink> astros 1702:< andysniper> dynamo 1702:< mharrizone> texans 1702:< amaklp> we have a problem 1702:< vox35> Fuck ups 1702:< mharrizone> astros 1702:< npinsker> The answer was Astros! Correct users: grink (508), mharrizone (430) 1702:< grink> the stupid shit i remember 1702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A smoke detector will alarm if it detects _____. 1702:< 3xist3nc3> smoke 1702:< grink> smoke 1702:< mharrizone> smoke 1702:< andysniper> smoke 1703:< grink> fire 1703:< amaklp> smoke 1703:< vox35> snoke 1703:< grink> snookie 1703:< amaklp> smokeheat 1703:< vox35> From force awakens 1703:< npinsker> The answer was smoke! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2179), grink (511), mharrizone (432), andysniper (759), amaklp (65) 1703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many presidents of the United States fought in the Civil War? 1703:< amaklp> 3 1703:< andysniper> 2 1703:< 3xist3nc3> 2 1704:< mharrizone> 2 1704:< grink> 22 1704:< grink> 33 1704:< mharrizone> 4 1704:< vox35> All of them, via presidential time travel 1704:< npinsker> The answer was six! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1704:< amaklp> no way 1704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing? 1704:< grink> cancer 1704:< 3xist3nc3> Unicorn 1704:< amaklp> a potato 1704:< mharrizone> aquarius 1705:< npinsker> The answer was Libra! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1705:< vox35> Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz 1705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chat || What does the chort for of ctc stand for? 1705:< mharrizone> ALMOST SAID THAT but I thought it was justice holding scales, not just scales 1705:< grink> cock to cock 1705:< andysniper> what? 1705:< amaklp> wat 1705:< grink> cuddle to cat 1705:< npinsker> The answer was Care to Chat! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1705:< vox35> for of for 1705:< grink> sure 1705:< amaklp> no 1706:< llnk> short form of? 1706:< mharrizone> "the chort for of"?! Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? 1706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In 'Coronation Street', who is Ken and Denise's son? 1706:< andysniper> steven 1706:< vox35> for for of for 1706:< grink> red power ranger 1706:< vox35> Satan 1706:< amaklp> ctc guys? 1706:< grink> amaklp nt 1706:< npinsker> The answer was Daniel! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1706:< amaklp> paging /u/nobody 1706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who patrols Gotham City? 1706:< grink> npinsker's dildo batman 1706:< mharrizone> batman 1706:< 3xist3nc3> batman 1706:< amaklp> Batmna 1707:< amaklp> Batman 1707:< un6952db> barman and robin 1707:< andysniper> batman 1707:< vox35> Batman Supraman 1707:< amaklp> aslkfhasdklfalkjdfhaslfkhasflbatman 1707:< andysniper> gcpd 1707:< grink> kevin smith 1707:< mharrizone> also the gotham police 1707:< npinsker> The answer was Batman and Robin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1707:< un6952db> batman and robin 1707:< mharrizone> lol andysniper 1707:< amaklp> ahahhaha 1707:< q00u> Commisioner Gordon 1707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest lake in Australia. 1707:< grink> desert 1707:< amaklp> biglake 1707:< andysniper> victoria 1707:< q00u> It already has a name... 1707:< 3xist3nc3> the largest lake in Australia. 1707:< grink> prisoner lake 1708:< vox35> Big Lake full o'beer 1708:< npinsker> The answer was Eyre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many lines are in a sonnet? 1708:< grink> www.reddit.com/14 1708:< andysniper> 14 1708:< vox35> 14 1708:< 3xist3nc3> 14 1708:< mharrizone> 14 1708:< mharrizone> fourteen 1708:< amaklp> 121561566544565646516514 1708:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users: grink (515), andysniper (762), vox35 (353), 3xist3nc3 (2180), mharrizone (432), amaklp (65) 1708:< q00u> How many bees in a bonnet? 1709:< mharrizone> wtf grink! 1709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does 'majuba' mean? 1709:< person7178> q00u 322 1709:< grink> regexp ftw 1709:< mharrizone> my juba 1709:< grink> my tuba 1709:< person7178> my juba 1709:< vox35> capital of Nigeria +m 1709:< npinsker> The answer was place of rock pigeons! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1709:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2180), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1738), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1709:< amaklp> CATEGORY: Fast click || What is the title of this video https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ ? 1710:< grink> never gonna give you up 1710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in "Star Wars"? 1710:< mharrizone> never gonna give you up 1710:< andysniper> obi wan kenobi 1710:< grink> beer 1710:< mharrizone> obi-wan kenobi 1710:< amaklp> Obi Wan Kennobi 1710:< 3xist3nc3> Obi-Wan Kenobi 1710:< q00u> old ben kenobi 1710:< amaklp> Obi Wan Kenobi 1710:< vox35> Obi Wan Kenobi 1710:< amaklp> obi-wan kenobi 1710:< grink> shobi 1710:< npinsker> The answer was Obi-Wan Kenobi! Correct users: andysniper (766), mharrizone (435), 3xist3nc3 (2182), amaklp (66), vox35 (353) 1710:< rbasov> obi-wan can blowme 1710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket? 1710:< RyuremSnow> ryurem snow 1710:< grink> curry man 1711:< mharrizone> WHO THE FUCK CARES 1711:< amaklp> he 1711:< q00u> ::crickets:: 1711:< npinsker> The answer was Brian Lara! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1711:< vox35> Snardsworth Clobbington the Third 1711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Natural History || Name the largest of the dinosaurs. 1711:< cyclingwonder> Portlandiosaurus 1711:< andysniper> sauropod 1711:< q00u> Steve 1711:< amaklp> Gigantosaurus 1711:< andysniper> titanosaurs 1711:< vox35> Brontosaurus 1711:< rbasov> brachiosaurus 1712:< amaklp> Giganotosaurus 1712:< q00u> Ultrasaurus 1712:< 3xist3nc3> ultramegasupersairius 1712:< npinsker> The answer was brachiosaurus! Correct users: rbasov (1742) 1712:< vox35> Guessosaurus 1712:< mharrizone> smegmasaurus 1712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)? 1712:< vox35> times 1712:< mharrizone> read speed 1712:< cyclingwonder> xPortland 1712:< q00u> times 1712:< amaklp> rpm 1712:< rbasov> PortlandChess 1712:< npinsker> The answer was times (faster than standard speed)! Correct users: vox35 (357), q00u (82) 1712:< Leonichol> revolutions 1712:< cyclingwonder> man this room has been waiting 65 hours for a merge... 1713:< rbasov> only 65? 1713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Monaco has the same flag as what other country? 1713:< amaklp> we will merge today 1713:< cyclingwonder> at least 65, yeah. It's almost three full days 1713:< 3xist3nc3> Indonsia 1713:< mharrizone> france 1713:< vox35> France 1713:< Leonichol> austria 1713:< 3xist3nc3> indonesia 1713:< cyclingwonder> Portland Flag 1713:< likenessaltered> feels like its been ages 1713:< amaklp> ISIS 1713:< npinsker> The answer was Indonesia! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2186) 1713:< mharrizone> I think I joined my first 2 person room Saturday at 12:30 EST 1713:< vox35> French Indonesia 1713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is it that turns blue litmus paper red? 1713:< HookahComputer> base 1713:< grink> i joined around 12:00 EST 1713:< andysniper> acid 1714:< cyclingwonder> Portase 1714:< mharrizone> calcium doot doot 1714:< vox35> Acidity 1714:< grink> acid 1714:< andysniper> alkali 1714:< q00u> Embarassment 1714:< amaklp> grool 1714:< rbasov> anger 1714:< npinsker> The answer was acid! Correct users: andysniper (770), grink (518) 1714:< vox35> Acidness 1714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A diseased condition resulting from the use of beverages such as whiskey. 1714:< HookahComputer> lol I fail at chemistry 1714:< rbasov> alcoholism 1714:< grink> www.aol.com/your_mom_alcoholism 1714:< vox35> Alcoholism 1714:< amaklp> alcoholism 1714:< q00u> Boneitis 1715:< npinsker> The answer was alcoholism! Correct users: rbasov (1746), grink (521), vox35 (359), amaklp (67) 1715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || What fruits are usually served 'belle helene'? 1715:< grink> balls 1715:< rbasov> oears 1715:< rbasov> pears 1715:< vox35> Whose balls though? 1715:< amaklp> CATEGORY: Fast Googling || How many Celsius is 1657 Fahrenheit? 1715:< npinsker> The answer was pears! Correct users: rbasov (1750) 1716:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2186), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1750), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1716:< cyclingwonder> jesus christ that's a lot of trivia 1716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk? 1716:< andysniper> fat 1716:< vox35> Yer mum 1716:< rbasov> fat 1716:< mharrizone> sperm 1716:< npinsker> The answer was fat! Correct users: andysniper (774), rbasov (1753) 1716:< mharrizone> amaklp I don't google for answers, you slut 1717:< amaklp> mharrizone <3 1717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the 1996 version of "Romeo and Juliet", who played Juliet? 1717:< mharrizone> claire daines 1717:< andysniper> claire danes 1717:< rbasov> queen latifa 1717:< mharrizone> claire danes 1717:< amaklp> Sandra Bullocks 1717:< npinsker> The answer was Claire Danes! Correct users: andysniper (778), mharrizone (438) 1717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital of Brazil. 1717:< mharrizone> brasilia 1717:< amaklp> Brazil 1717:< rbasov> brasilia 1718:< andysniper> not to be confused with claire dames who is a pornstar 1718:< amaklp> Brasilia 1718:< amaklp> Brasil 1718:< rbasov> "That would be the caiptal B" 1718:< 3xist3nc3> brasilia 1718:< npinsker> The answer was Brasilia! Correct users: mharrizone (442), rbasov (1756), amaklp (69), 3xist3nc3 (2187) 1718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri? 1718:< mharrizone> rum and lemon 1718:< amaklp> semen grool 1718:< rbasov> rum and daiquiri mix 1718:< amaklp> lemon and rum 1719:< npinsker> The answer was rum and lemon! Correct users: mharrizone (446), Authsauce (389), amaklp (71) 1719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side? 1719:< mharrizone> digestion 1719:< rbasov> digestion 1719:< amaklp> cariac rythm 1719:< amaklp> cardiac rythm 1719:< rbasov> rhythm* 1719:< npinsker> The answer was digestion! Correct users: mharrizone (450), rbasov (1759) 1720:< mharrizone> ryhythym 1720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what Province Is Dublin? 1720:< rbasov> hymen 1720:< mharrizone> cork county 1720:< rbasov> northern ireland 1720:< andysniper> dublin 1720:< amaklp> cock 1720:< npinsker> The answer was Leinster! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1720:< rbasov> are you from ireland? because you got my pants dublin in size ;) 1720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This Moslem republic in asia was formerly part of India. 1721:< mharrizone> indonesia 1721:< 3xist3nc3> pakistan 1721:< andysniper> mughal states 1721:< mharrizone> pakistan 1721:< npinsker> The answer was Pakistan! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2191) 1721:< amaklp> the earthquake one 1721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || U.S. President, Chester Alan ________. 1721:< amaklp> FORD 1721:< mharrizone> smee 1721:< rbasov> arthur 1722:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur! Correct users: rbasov (1763) 1722:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2191), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1763), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1722:< amaklp> CATEGORY: Politics || Probably 2016 president of USA 1722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Furniture || What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called? 1722:< rbasov> Shaft 1722:< mharrizone> shade hanger 1722:< 3xist3nc3> tungsten 1723:< npinsker> The answer was harp! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1723:< grink> dick shaft 1723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the principal river of Ireland? 1723:< mharrizone> liffy 1723:< grink> river of guinness 1723:< rbasov> shannon 1723:< npinsker> The answer was Shannon! Correct users: rbasov (1767) 1724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic Table || What is the first element in alphabetical order? 1724:< 3xist3nc3> hey @rbasov 1724:< 3xist3nc3> Actinium 1724:< amaklp> H 1724:< mharrizone> aardvarkium 1724:< rbasov> hey @exist3nc3 1724:< grink> Argon 1724:< 3xist3nc3> actinium 1724:< mharrizone> argon 1724:< amaklp> aabsebsd 1724:< npinsker> The answer was Actinium! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2195) 1724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Surfing is believed to have originated here. 1724:< 3xist3nc3> hawaii 1724:< rbasov> hawaii 1724:< mharrizone> hawaii 1724:< llnk> hawaii 1724:< amaklp> Hawaii 1724:< grink> pokemon 1725:< amaklp> Texas 1725:< mharrizone> hang 10, brah 1725:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2199), rbasov (1770), mharrizone (452), llnk (5), amaklp (71) 1725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film and Television || Who is the main character in 'Touched By An Angel'? 1725:< rbasov> The alter boy 1725:< grink> the devil 1725:< mharrizone> della reese 1725:< amaklp> The angel itseld 1725:< mharrizone> Uncle Touchy 1725:< rbasov> I hate refreshing...I have to mute the spam again 1726:< npinsker> The answer was Monica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1726:< 3xist3nc3> fingered by an angel 1726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Warsaw is the capital of what country? 1726:< andysniper> poland 1726:< grink> poland 1726:< rbasov> poland 1726:< llnk> poland 1726:< amaklp> Poland 1726:< grink> polksa 1726:< amaklp> Jewland 1726:< bradyblair20> Poland 1726:< 3xist3nc3> polandball 1726:< npinsker> The answer was Poland! Correct users: andysniper (782), grink (524), rbasov (1772), llnk (6), amaklp (71), bradyblair20 (28) 1727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first unseeded player to win Wimbeldon? 1727:< rbasov> federer 1727:< andysniper> goran ivanesevic 1727:< grink> fedderererererer 1727:< amaklp> and englishman 1727:< bradyblair20> goran ivanesevic 1727:< rbasov> alan rickman 1727:< grink> old blu 1727:< amaklp> RIP 1727:< bradyblair20> Happy Gilmore 1727:< npinsker> The answer was Boris Becker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1727:< djcocainegoat> TIL 1727:< amaklp> called it 1727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ________. 1727:< grink> chubbs 1727:< mharrizone> surgery 1727:< amaklp> a stupid cream 1728:< grink> faith healing 1728:< npinsker> The answer was surgery! Correct users: mharrizone (456) 1728:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2199), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1772), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Pretty Woman', for who was Goldie Hawn the body double? 1728:< andysniper> julia roberts 1728:< grink> Adam Sandler 1728:< mharrizone> julia roberts 1729:< mharrizone> richard gere 1729:< amaklp> Leonardo DiCaprio 1729:< grink> the hotel room 1729:< amaklp> Steve Buscemi 1729:< npinsker> The answer was Julia Roberts! Correct users: rbasov (1776), andysniper (785), mharrizone (458) 1729:< rbasov> the concierge 1729:< rbasov> Guys, I'm so 'merica with my score now. 1729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________. 1729:< HookahComputer> $ hibernation 1729:< mharrizone> hibernation 1729:< grink> 100/0=hibernation 1729:< andysniper> hibernation 1729:< amaklp> hibrenation 1729:< npinsker> The answer was hibernation! Correct users: HookahComputer (559), mharrizone (461), grink (526), andysniper (786) 1730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He discovered the Grand Canyon. 1730:< mharrizone> John Canyon 1730:< amaklp> a man 1730:< grink> john candy 1730:< 3xist3nc3> Some dude centuries ago 1730:< mharrizone> lewis 1730:< mharrizone> clark 1730:< npinsker> The answer was Francisco Coronado! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who married Mutt Lange? 1731:< grink> farts mcghee dickbutt 1731:< andysniper> mrs lange 1731:< amaklp> Mutt Lange's husband 1731:< 3xist3nc3> pure lange 1731:< npinsker> The answer was Shania Twain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1731:< amaklp> called it 1731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved. 1731:< grink> chanserv sets mode +o castle 1731:< mharrizone> castle 1731:< 3xist3nc3> Castle 1731:< mharrizone> castling 1731:< amaklp> castle 1731:< grink> castling 1732:< amaklp> castling 1732:< mharrizone> O-O 1732:< npinsker> The answer was castling! Correct users: mharrizone (465), grink (529), amaklp (73) 1732:< amaklp> O_O 1732:< amaklp> O_O_O 1732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || He led the Israelites out of Egypt. 1732:< grink> You have been kicked by moses 1732:< mharrizone> moses 1732:< amaklp> Moses 1732:< Margatron> moses 1732:< mharrizone> moses before hoeses 1732:< npinsker> The answer was Moses! Correct users: grink (533), mharrizone (468), amaklp (75), Margatron (1) 1733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Complete the quote: "Much that once was..." 1733:< amaklp> fucked 1733:< HookahComputer> and in the darkness bind them 1733:< grink> chanserv sets mode -o+o-o+o pure 1733:< npinsker> The answer was is lost! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1733:< mharrizone> /whois pure 1733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush? 1734:< amaklp> antisomes 1734:< HookahComputer> vasodilators 1734:< mharrizone> semen 1734:< grink> bloody semen 1734:< npinsker> The answer was peptides! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1734:< 3xist3nc3> sex 1734:< amaklp> aids 1734:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2199), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1776), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star? 1734:< grink> **** you have been banned 12 1734:< HookahComputer> 17 1735:< 3xist3nc3> 11 1735:< mharrizone> 11 1735:< apspiderboy> 17 1735:< rbasov> 14 1735:< grink> 1014 1735:< amaklp> 14 1735:< mharrizone> 16 1735:< 3xist3nc3> 14 1735:< apspiderboy> 13 1735:< mharrizone> 15 1735:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users: rbasov (1780), grink (536), amaklp (77), 3xist3nc3 (2200) 1735:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hirtory || Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule. 1735:< rbasov> actually 13 because it was a month before her birthday! 1735:< grink> usa 1735:< rbasov> haiti 1736:< amaklp> Egypt 1736:< npinsker> The answer was Haiti! Correct users: rbasov (1784) 1736:< mharrizone> rbasov knows his #LeannFacts 1736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What does a notaphile collect? 1736:< rbasov> I googled it last night 1736:< grink> Dr. Daniel Jackson paper 1736:< HookahComputer> dollar bills 1736:< mharrizone> letters 1736:< mharrizone> paper 1736:< npinsker> The answer was Banknotes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1737:< mharrizone> fuck bitches, get money 1737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972. 1737:< rbasov> the godfather 1737:< amaklp> The Godfather 1737:< HookahComputer> The Godfather 1737:< 3xist3nc3> Disregard females, acquire currency 1737:< mharrizone> apocalypse now 1737:< amaklp> Apocalypse Now 1737:< 3xist3nc3> the godfather 1737:< grink> pimp father 1737:< npinsker> The answer was The Godfather! Correct users: rbasov (1788), amaklp (80), HookahComputer (561), 3xist3nc3 (2201) 1737:< rbasov> apocalypse now was a great movie 1737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who is the son of Durotan, an Orcish chiefain in the World of Warcraft? 1737:< grink> Orc 1737:< mharrizone> thrall 1738:< rbasov> thrall 1738:< HookahComputer> $ thrall 1738:< mharrizone> LOK'TAR OGAR 1738:< mharrizone> For the Alliance tho 1738:< rbasov> For the Alliance! 1738:< npinsker> The answer was Thrall! Correct users: mharrizone (472), rbasov (1791), HookahComputer (563) 1738:< amaklp> nerds 1738:< rbasov> kek 1738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the last chinese dynasty? 1738:< grink> P24414X ming 1738:< rbasov> ming 1738:< 3xist3nc3> Manchu 1738:< amaklp> Ming 1738:< mharrizone> liu kang 1738:< 3xist3nc3> qing 1738:< rbasov> ching 1739:< npinsker> The answer was Manchu! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2205) 1739:< rbasov> manchu = qing = ching 1739:< mharrizone> ffffuuuuu 1739:< 3xist3nc3> chong 1739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the sequel to "The Empire Strikes Back". 1739:< HookahComputer> Return of the Jedi 1739:< mharrizone> return of the jedi 1739:< rbasov> clone wars 1739:< 3xist3nc3> Return of the jedi 1739:< amaklp> The Return Of The Jedi 1739:< grink> episode 8 1739:< npinsker> The answer was Return of the Jedi! Correct users: HookahComputer (567), mharrizone (475), 3xist3nc3 (2207), amaklp (81) 1740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Generral Knowledge || How many lines make up a number on a digital clock? 1740:< grink> Press F5 to reload..... 7 1740:< HookahComputer> 7 1740:< mharrizone> 7 1740:< mharrizone> seven 1740:< rbasov> 12 1740:< amaklp> 7 1740:< npinsker> The answer was Seven! Correct users: mharrizone (479) 1740:< amaklp> seven 1740:< mharrizone> lawls 1740:< grink> no you didnt 1740:< amaklp> uhhgh 1740:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2207), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1791), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1740:< rbasov> which number? be specific 1741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What are the roads of Guam paved with? 1741:< grink> coral 1741:< HookahComputer> dung 1741:< rbasov> clay 1741:< mharrizone> gold 1741:< amaklp> shit 1741:< rbasov> poop 1741:< mharrizone> brown gold 1741:< rbasov> smegma 1741:< npinsker> The answer was coral! Correct users: grink (540) 1741:< mharrizone> GUAM, CORRAL 1741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || What is the currency of Guatemala? 1741:< grink> $(rm -rf /home/npinsker) peso 1741:< rbasov> peso 1741:< amaklp> bananas 1742:< 3xist3nc3> Quetzal 1742:< rbasov> money 1742:< npinsker> The answer was quetzal! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2211) 1742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which river produces the most sediment? 1742:< grink> mississippi 1742:< mharrizone> mississippi 1742:< grink> amazon 1742:< 3xist3nc3> hwang ho 1742:< amaklp> grink how you so fast the fuck 1742:< rbasov> yellow river 1742:< 3xist3nc3> amazon 1742:< grink> NYC? 4ms pings? 1742:< npinsker> The answer was Yellow River! Correct users: rbasov (1795) 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: americans again, Duh || In what city in Georgia is it illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp? 1743:< 3xist3nc3> So I was right then 1743:< mharrizone> atlanta 1743:< grink> atlanta 1743:< amaklp> florida 1743:< mharrizone> savannah 1743:< 3xist3nc3> athens 1743:< embracetehmartian> svannah 1743:< amaklp> athens 1743:< rbasov> i only know 2 cities 1743:< npinsker> The answer was Atlanta! Correct users: mharrizone (483), grink (543) 1743:< grink> my fios connection does 4-6ms pings, while my backup twc does 15-20ms 1743:< embracetehmartian> savannah 1743:< grink> could explain it 1743:< embracetehmartian> man im bad 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country is known as the roof of the world? 1744:< rbasov> usa 1744:< amaklp> greenland 1744:< grink> india 1744:< mharrizone> canada 1744:< grink> tibet 1744:< embracetehmartian> greenland 1744:< amaklp> denmark 1744:< mharrizone> north pole 1744:< embracetehmartian> russia 1744:< grink> santa's pole 1744:< npinsker> The answer was Tibet! Correct users: grink (547) 1744:< amaklp> kek 1744:< embracetehmartian> rip 1744:< rbasov> top kek 1744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || The unit of electrical resistance is the ..... 1744:< grink> ohm 1744:< mharrizone> ohm 1744:< rbasov> ohm 1744:< amaklp> ohm 1744:< embracetehmartian> ohm 1744:< embracetehmartian> wow that was reallynice guys 1745:< embracetehmartian> meditating 1745:< npinsker> The answer was ohm! Correct users: grink (551), mharrizone (486), rbasov (1797), amaklp (82), embracetehmartian (17) 1745:< rbasov> oooohhmmmmmmmmmmm 1745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as 'hundred gates'? 1745:< rbasov> shekel 1745:< embracetehmartian> rbasov how long have you been at this 1745:< grink> shambles 1745:< embracetehmartian> shekel 1745:< amaklp> yourmomass 1745:< rbasov> on and off for a couple days 1745:< npinsker> The answer was Mea Shearim! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1745:< mharrizone> Mostly on tho 1746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known? 1746:< mharrizone> lsd 1746:< 3xist3nc3> LSD 1746:< rbasov> not really...like 3-4 hours each day 1746:< embracetehmartian> LSD 1746:< grink> lucy in the sky with carbon 1746:< amaklp> akljshlkjashlaksjhaskljfaskjfhlaskjfhaslkjfahkjfashfaskuvgeukvbaflukavcjyvasfaslcd 1746:< embracetehmartian> yeah i havent seen you yet 1746:< npinsker> The answer was LSD! Correct users: mharrizone (490), 3xist3nc3 (2214), embracetehmartian (19) 1746:< rbasov> nor i you 1746:< embracetehmartian> i just lurk a lot 1746:< rbasov> lol 1746:< Bonoahx> why was i added into a subreddit 1746:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2214), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1797), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1747:< Bonoahx> we didnt stay 1747:< embracetehmartian> i know a couple people in this room though 1747:< amaklp> WHY DID I GET IT WRONG 1747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which president was responsible for the 'Louisiana Purchase'? 1747:< grink> reddit.com/u/roosevelt 1747:< rbasov> lincoln 1747:< amaklp> the dumb one 1747:< Bonoahx> James. K Polk 1747:< turing_inequivalent> @Bonoahx: it's called having your cake and eating it too :D 1747:< 3xist3nc3> the one who wanted to get rid of these cheese eating monkeys 1747:< grink> bono it's not from robinitself 1747:< embracetehmartian> george washington 1747:< rbasov> jefferson 1747:< Bonoahx> Fair enough lol 1747:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Jefferson! Correct users: rbasov (1801) 1747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) ________. 1747:< grink> theif 1747:< embracetehmartian> thief 1747:< amaklp> thief 1748:< turing_inequivalent> cleptomaniac 1748:< amaklp> wannabe thief 1748:< rbasov> kleptomaniac 1748:< grink> hail to the thief 1748:< 3xist3nc3> Kleptomaniac 1748:< embracetehmartian> kleptomaniac 1748:< npinsker> The answer was kleptomaniac! Correct users: rbasov (1805), 3xist3nc3 (2217), embracetehmartian (21) 1748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || To what group of elements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium belong? 1748:< rbasov> alkaline metals 1748:< rbasov> idfk 1748:< grink> VI 1749:< grink> shit you just look up 1749:< npinsker> The answer was rare earth metals! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1749:< 3xist3nc3> rare earth 1749:< rbasov> too lazy 1749:< embracetehmartian> ^ 1749:< 3xist3nc3> 2late 1749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who was the human companion of Willow? 1749:< amaklp> his penis 1749:< 3xist3nc3> tonttoo 1749:< grink> Smith 1749:< rbasov> who was willow? 1749:< grink> jaden 1749:< amaklp> Agent Smith 1749:< npinsker> The answer was Mad Mardigan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1749:< 3xist3nc3> How Can Quizbot Be Real If Robin Isn't Real? 1750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who is the final boss of the first "Final Fantasy" game? 1750:< rbasov> your dad 1750:< amaklp> nerds incoming 1750:< grink> sir. dickbutt 1750:< 3xist3nc3> the bad one 1750:< npinsker> The answer was Chaos! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who did the Norse god Odin have as handmaidens? 1751:< grink> c:\program files\my porn app\heidmall 1751:< 3xist3nc3> personal whores 1751:< grink> heidiall 1751:< npinsker> The answer was Valkyries! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Cape Hatteras? 1751:< rbasov> north carolina 1751:< grink> north carolina 1751:< 3xist3nc3> North carolina 1751:< embracetehmartian> south caroline 1751:< grink> echo "format c: \y 1751:< embracetehmartian> north carolina 1751:< grink> c:\_ 1751:< rbasov> you had a 50/50 shot embrace 1752:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: rbasov (1809), grink (554), 3xist3nc3 (2219), embracetehmartian (22) 1752:< embracetehmartian> i was just messin 1752:< chrismash> how can my wifu be fake if life isn't real 1752:< rbasov> lol 1752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia 1752:< rbasov> aardvark 1752:< grink> aardvark 1752:< chrismash> ur mom 1752:< embracetehmartian> aardvark 1752:< grink> thats fun to type 1752:< embracetehmartian> ye 1752:< rbasov> its fun to say lol 1752:< npinsker> The answer was aardvark! Correct users: rbasov (1813), grink (557), embracetehmartian (24) 1753:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2219), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1813), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Calcutta? 1753:< 3xist3nc3> INDIA 1753:< embracetehmartian> india 1753:< amaklp> India 1753:< grink> dhalism 1753:< embracetehmartian> Mumbai 1753:< chrismash> earth 1753:< rbasov> bengladesh 1753:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1753:< rbasov> bangladesh 1753:< amaklp> no 1753:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2223), embracetehmartian (27), amaklp (84) 1753:< rbasov> china 1753:< chrismash> how did i not get it right? 1754:< chrismash> it's on earth? 1754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix? 1754:< grink> he's dead 1754:< amaklp> Damon Hill 1754:< Sat_Nav66> Damon Hill 1754:< 3xist3nc3> Damon Hill 1754:< embracetehmartian> bamon bill 1754:< npinsker> The answer was Damon Hill! Correct users: amaklp (88), Sat_Nav66 (79), embracetehmartian (29), 3xist3nc3 (2224) 1754:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1754:< amaklp> no 1754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory? 1754:< amaklp> Alaska 1754:< grink> new york 1754:< Sat_Nav66> AlAK 1754:< embracetehmartian> alaska 1754:< grink> mexico 1755:< Sat_Nav66> alaska 1755:< embracetehmartian> balaska 1755:< rbasov> the entire north 1755:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: amaklp (92), embracetehmartian (32), Sat_Nav66 (81) 1755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Pittsburgh ____________? 1755:< Sat_Nav66> Pirates 1755:< grink> steelers 1755:< 3xist3nc3> steelers 1755:< rbasov> steelers 1755:< embracetehmartian> steelers 1755:< Sat_Nav66> shit 1755:< embracetehmartian> beelers 1755:< grink> wrong sports ball 1755:< npinsker> The answer was Steelers! Correct users: grink (561), 3xist3nc3 (2227), rbasov (1815), embracetehmartian (33) 1756:< rbasov> it is baseball season now though 1756:< grink> bot dosnt know that 1756:< embracetehmartian> love it 1756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He directed the movie E.T. 1756:< embracetehmartian> jays going far this year 1756:< Sat_Nav66> Steven Spielberg 1756:< rbasov> steven spielberg 1756:< Sat_Nav66> #1 1756:< 3xist3nc3> steven spielberg 1756:< embracetehmartian> steven spielberg 1756:< rbasov> that jew 1756:< Sat_Nav66> Fuck you rbasov 1756:< embracetehmartian> lol 1756:< grink> my man stevens spielberg 1756:< rbasov> what? lol 1756:< embracetehmartian> shekel lord 1756:< npinsker> The answer was Stephen Spielberg! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1756:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian fuck you too 1756:< embracetehmartian> hHAHAHAHAHAHA 1756:< grink> fuck you grink 1756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who is the Norse god of mischief? 1756:< rbasov> rude... 1757:< Sat_Nav66> Loki 1757:< rbasov> loki 1757:< grink> loki 1757:< Sucks_> loki 1757:< embracetehmartian> yeah fuck u grink 1757:< 3xist3nc3> loki 1757:< embracetehmartian> loki 1757:< Sat_Nav66> Sat_Nav66 bigot 1757:< npinsker> The answer was Loki! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (85), rbasov (1818), grink (563), Sucks_ (150), 3xist3nc3 (2227), embracetehmartian (33) 1757:< embracetehmartian> por que 1757:< rbasov> you're calling yourself a bigot? 1757:< embracetehmartian> ^ 1757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the first CD pressed in the USA? 1757:< embracetehmartian> born in the usa 1757:< grink> dot mp3 1757:< Sat_Nav66> Born in the usa 1757:< rbasov> my achy breaky heart 1758:< embracetehmartian> bruce springsteen 1758:< npinsker> The answer was Born In The USA! Correct users: embracetehmartian (37), Sat_Nav66 (88) 1758:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian meant you 1758:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian bigot 1758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what? 1758:< embracetehmartian> ok man i dont care lol get butthurt 1758:< Sat_Nav66> cotton 1758:< KCosmo> hemp 1758:< rbasov> tobacco 1758:< grink> food 1758:< embracetehmartian> tobacco 1758:< npinsker> The answer was cotton and tobacco! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1758:< rbasov> embrace, why are you a bigot man? 1758:< embracetehmartian> cotton 1759:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2227), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1841), rbasov (1818), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1759:< rbasov> lol 1759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the statue 'Le Petit Pissoir'? 1759:< grink> homework sucks france 1759:< rbasov> france 1759:< Sat_Nav66> France 1759:< KCosmo> paris 1759:< Patarknight> Brussels 1759:< embracetehmartian> france 1759:< grink> montreal 1759:< Sat_Nav66> Paris 1759:< andysniper> brussels 1759:< grink> cognac 1759:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian fucker 1759:< KCosmo> montemart 1759:< npinsker> The answer was Brussels! Correct users: Patarknight (1845), andysniper (789) 1800:< rbasov> I know, I just love it too. Making people feel like lesser beings because we don't share the same beliefs. There's just nothing like it. 1800:< embracetehmartian> satnav i guess im just a racist huh! 1800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which football team was nicknamed the "Orange Crush"? 1800:< i_met_rice_boy> syracuse 1800:< rbasov> syracuse 1800:< embracetehmartian> syracuse 1800:< Sat_Nav66> Syracuse 1800:< KCosmo> wut 1800:< andysniper> broncos 1800:< grink> OJ simpson 1800:< embracetehmartian> lol 1800:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian You should reform yourself 1800:< q00u> R.E.M. 1800:< npinsker> The answer was Denver Broncos! Correct users: andysniper (793) 1800:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian You've reached the first step 1800:< KCosmo> oh thanks for reminding me I gotta watch american crime story grink 1800:< i_met_rice_boy> oh, sorry fam 1800:< embracetehmartian> thanks for the advice man 1800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || This company was formed by a merger in 2003 and owns the rights to Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, and Final Fantasy. 1801:< grink> atari 1801:< rbasov> activision 1801:< embracetehmartian> atari 1801:< KCosmo> square enix 1801:< andysniper> square enix 1801:< i_met_rice_boy> square enix 1801:< q00u> squenix 1801:< Sat_Nav66> embracetehmartian No reason to go through life as an asshole unecessarily 1801:< embracetehmartian> square enix 1801:< grink> half life 3 1801:< npinsker> The answer was Square Enix! Correct users: KCosmo (347), andysniper (796), i_met_rice_boy (8), embracetehmartian (38) 1801:< rbasov> half life 3 comes out next year 1801:< rbasov> he FINALLY announced it 1801:< embracetehmartian> i just muted him lol 1801:< KCosmo> dont make me cry man 1801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Besides the Stones, which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995? 1801:< q00u> Half Life 3 comes out after we merge (never) 1801:< grink> nirvana 1801:< Sat_Nav66> Nirvana 1801:< i_met_rice_boy> nirvana 1801:< KCosmo> nirvana 1801:< embracetehmartian> nirvana 1801:< rbasov> blink 182 1802:< embracetehmartian> rip 1802:< npinsker> The answer was The Grateful Dead! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1802:< embracetehmartian> LOL I KNEW IT FUCK YOU GRINK 1802:< grink> haha 1802:< KCosmo> hahahaha 1802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, how many heads did Hydra have? 1802:< rbasov> 9 1802:< grink> 3 1802:< embracetehmartian> nirvana didnt even tour long 1802:< Sucks_> 8 1802:< q00u> 5/7 1802:< KCosmo> 3 1802:< embracetehmartian> 7 1802:< grink> 999999999999999999999999999 1802:< Sucks_> 3/5 1802:< embracetehmartian> 9 1802:< KCosmo> 9 1802:< rbasov> nirvana wasn't even a band that long 1802:< npinsker> The answer was nine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1802:< rbasov> fuck you 1802:< embracetehmartian> wow 1802:< KCosmo> WUT 1802:< i_met_rice_boy> lol 1802:< grink> NEIN 1802:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lol 1803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the second largest bone in the foot? 1803:< i_met_rice_boy> foot 1803:< grink> foot boner 1803:< iHacked> foot 1803:< q00u> 12 inches 1803:< KCosmo> bilateral distur 1803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> talus 1803:< rbasov> the talus 1803:< grink> the cocci 1803:< embracetehmartian> talus 1803:< q00u> The Talos Principle 1803:< KCosmo> talus 1803:< grink> tonto 1803:< npinsker> The answer was talus! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (57), rbasov (1821), embracetehmartian (40), KCosmo (348) 1803:< iHacked> talus 1803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the talus principle 1803:< KCosmo> tontos back!? 1803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was the Indian maiden in Johnny Preston's 'Running Bear'? 1803:< embracetehmartian> tontoooooooo 1803:< grink> he/she was here last night 1804:< grink> drowing fish 1804:< KCosmo> oh I rememeber 1804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> iron maiden 1804:< npinsker> The answer was Little White Dove! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1804:< i_met_rice_boy> ethan bradberry 1804:< embracetehmartian> cool meme 1804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> me me 1804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Who released the 2011 viral video 'Friday'? 1804:< i_met_rice_boy> thank you i have been working very hard on my memes 1804:< Patarknight> Rebecca Black 1804:< rbasov> rebecca black 1804:< embracetehmartian> i watch h3h3 too xD 1804:< grink> rebecca black 1804:< Sucks_> rebecca black 1804:< i_met_rice_boy> rebecca black 1804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> rebecca black 1804:< KCosmo> rebecca black 1804:< marakiri> FUCK U QUIZ PEOPLE. FUCK U VERY MUCH 1804:< grink> IT's FRIDAY 1804:< q00u> Lewis Black 1804:< embracetehmartian> rebecca black 1804:< embracetehmartian> bebecca black 1804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 7am wakin up in the morning 1804:< grink> jack black 1804:< KCosmo> I love you marakiri 1805:< grink> BACKSEAT 1805:< npinsker> The answer was Rebecca Black! Correct users: Patarknight (1849), rbasov (1824), grink (565), Sucks_ (151), i_met_rice_boy (8), bphilly_... 1805:< embracetehmartian> what a classic song 1805:< rbasov> gotta have my bowl gotta have my cereal 1805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gotta smoke a bowl 1805:< embracetehmartian> ^ 1805:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2227), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1849), rbasov (1824), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1805:< grink> crash my car 1805:< KCosmo> partying partying YEAH 1805:< Sucks_> wasn't it about the kennedy assassination? 1805:< i_met_rice_boy> Vape nation 1805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun 1805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Gangster Al Capone, boss of the Chicago underworld, was finally gaoled for 11 years for what crime? 1805:< grink> tax fraud 1805:< KCosmo> tax evasion 1805:< i_met_rice_boy> murder 1805:< rbasov> tax evasion 1805:< grink> tax evasion 1805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> tax evasion 1805:< i_met_rice_boy> tax evasion 1805:< iHacked> Tax evasion 1805:< embracetehmartian> i_met_rice_boy lol good meme man do you visit reddit too xD 1805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> this question was asked yesterday 1805:< embracetehmartian> tax evasion 1805:< i_met_rice_boy> wtf is reddit 1805:< q00u> Making bad pizza 1806:< npinsker> The answer was tax evasion! Correct users: KCosmo (352), rbasov (1827), grink (567), bphilly_cheesesteak (58), i_met_rice_boy (8), iHac... 1806:< KCosmo> ive seen lots of repeats philly 1806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> :O 1806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Famous Dead Bodies || Where is Sir Herbert Baker buried? 1806:< embracetehmartian> its snowing outside gonna kms 1806:< grink> it's friday................... the ground 1806:< Patarknight> Westminster Abbey 1806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> underground 1806:< KCosmo> thats a weird category 1806:< rbasov> philly, it doesn't generate new questions...it's a script that randomizes the ones it has until npinsker adds new ones 1806:< KCosmo> westminster abbey 1806:< q00u> On the moon. 1806:< embracetehmartian> westminster abby 1806:< iHacked> Westminster Abbey 1806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> tru 1806:< npinsker> The answer was Westminster Abbey! Correct users: Patarknight (1853), KCosmo (355), iHacked (19) 1806:< q00u> Downton Abbey 1806:< grink> CATEGORY: Famous Living Bodies || Where's Waldo? 1807:< rbasov> over there 1807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the fourth state of matter? 1807:< grink> plasma 1807:< KCosmo> haha I almost answered 1807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gas 1807:< Patarknight> liquid crystals 1807:< embracetehmartian> plasma 1807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> me too! 1807:< rbasov> liquid crystal 1807:< Sucks_> plasme 1807:< iHacked> Plasma 1807:< AndyD418> liquid crystals 1807:< embracetehmartian> like space man 1807:< KCosmo> plasma 1807:< FriendlyYak> Plasma 1807:< i_met_rice_boy> plasma 1807:< npinsker> The answer was liquid crystals! Correct users: Patarknight (1857), AndyD418 (322) 1807:< grink> oh fuck 1807:< FriendlyYak> meh 1807:< grink> really? 1807:< embracetehmartian> grink again 1807:< Patarknight> Not really correct 1807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || One of John Keats most famous poems is an ode to what season? 1807:< KCosmo> winter 1807:< rbasov> fall 1807:< grink> no i thought i was right 1807:< q00u> winter 1807:< FriendlyYak> summer 1807:< IndigoOrange> Cosmoooo 1807:< Sorbetfraise> pizza season 1808:< iHacked> Autumn 1808:< q00u> spring summer fall autumn 1808:< KCosmo> autumn 1808:< grink> Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. 1808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> autumn 1808:< embracetehmartian> winter 1808:< grink> fuck off bot 1808:< embracetehmartian> autumn 1808:< Patarknight> Spring 1808:< npinsker> The answer was Autumn! Correct users: iHacked (23), q00u (85), KCosmo (357), bphilly_cheesesteak (59), embracetehmartian (40) 1808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> oh come on q00u 1808:< q00u> mwahahaha 1808:< rbasov> i demand you accept fall! 1808:< KCosmo> what happened to all your points philly? 1808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He shot Lee Harvey Oswald. 1808:< Patarknight> LCs are a state, but not one of 4 main 1808:< KCosmo> jack ruby 1808:< IndigoOrange> Jack Ruby 1808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i guess they reset 1808:< embracetehmartian> jack ruby 1808:< Patarknight> Jack Ruby 1808:< iHacked> Jack Ruby 1808:< q00u> Aaron Burr 1808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> jack ruby tuesday's 1808:< IndigoOrange> what up philly! 1808:< embracetehmartian> conspiracy!!! 1808:< grink> rudy 1808:< AndyD418> Jack Ruby 1808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wassup mang 1808:< npinsker> The answer was Jack Ruby! Correct users: KCosmo (361), IndigoOrange (101), embracetehmartian (42), Patarknight (1858), iHacked (23), An... 1809:< KCosmo> this is so much more fun without that tRiteone guy 1809:< bphilly_cheesesteak> true 1809:< embracetehmartian> back buby 1809:< q00u> Agreed 1809:< IndigoOrange> just got into class figured id play some trivia 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards? 1809:< embracetehmartian> me 1809:< Sucks_> abc 1809:< grink> blink 182 1809:< KCosmo> billy crystal 1809:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Dr. Gram E. 1809:< IndigoOrange> Sum 41 1809:< i_met_rice_boy> third eye blind 1809:< KCosmo> whoopie goldberg 1809:< embracetehmartian> jim carrey 1809:< IndigoOrange> Jim Carrey 1809:< KCosmo> steve martin 1809:< npinsker> The answer was Ellen Degeneres! Correct users: rbasov (1831) 1809:< StuRobo> ellen degeneres 1809:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nice 1809:< grink> dori 1809:< IndigoOrange> lololol 1809:< embracetehmartian> fucking ellen 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a word for a castrated ram? 1809:< KCosmo> damn fresh off her sitcom then 1810:< embracetehmartian> me 1810:< Sucks_> me 1810:< IndigoOrange> OP's Mom 1810:< grink> balless 1810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> a very sad ram 1810:< q00u> sad ram 1810:< KCosmo> rum 1810:< embracetehmartian> hahahaha 1810:< rbasov> wether 1810:< grink> ddr ram 1810:< IndigoOrange> lmfao Sad Ram 1810:< KCosmo> wether 1810:< q00u> dammit cheesesteak! 1810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> #gottem 1810:< embracetehmartian> wether 1810:< npinsker> The answer was wether! Correct users: rbasov (1835), KCosmo (364), embracetehmartian (44) 1810:< grink> wither 1810:< rbasov> now you know how i felt yesterday q00u 1810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> weather 1810:< q00u> lol haha 1810:< embracetehmartian> bether 1810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism? 1810:< StuRobo> lead 1810:< rbasov> lead 1810:< embracetehmartian> lead 1810:< IndigoOrange> Lead 1810:< grink> leasd 1810:< KCosmo> lead 1810:< i_met_rice_boy> lead 1810:< Sucks_> lead 1810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lead poisioning 1810:< q00u> lead poisoning 1810:< embracetehmartian> dead 1810:< grink> lead 1810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lead poisoning 1811:< embracetehmartian> bead 1811:< grink> being shot 1811:< q00u> Yay, we all know latin! 1811:< KCosmo> woot woot 1811:< npinsker> The answer was lead poisoning! Correct users: StuRobo (414), rbasov (1838), embracetehmartian (46), IndigoOrange (102), KCosmo (364), i... 1811:< bphilly_cheesesteak> :0 1811:< KCosmo> spanish helps 1811:< rbasov> murica 1811:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2227), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1858), rbasov (1838), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1811:< q00u> F yeah 1811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor. 1811:< Patarknight> felony 1811:< grink> felony 1811:< KCosmo> felony 1811:< IndigoOrange> Felony 1811:< Sucks_> murder 1811:< rbasov> felony 1811:< bphilly_cheesesteak> felony 1811:< StuRobo> felony 1811:< embracetehmartian> felony 1811:< Sucks_> oh 1811:< q00u> maxdemeanor 1811:< grink> dick_sanitizer 1811:< embracetehmartian> belony 1811:< bphilly_cheesesteak> a serious misdemeanor 1811:< 3xist3nc3> Felony 1811:< KCosmo> hahaha 1812:< rbasov> a felonious act 1812:< q00u> felony 1812:< 3xist3nc3> fellatio 1812:< npinsker> The answer was felony! Correct users: Patarknight (1862), grink (570), KCosmo (366), IndigoOrange (103), rbasov (1838), bphilly_cheeses... 1812:< KCosmo> a SERIOUS misdemeanor for you young man 1812:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hahaha 1812:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || In organic chemistry nomenclature, the prefix "meth" means how many atoms of carbon? 1812:< rbasov> 2 1812:< Sucks_> 69 1812:< grink> 3 1812:< bphilly_cheesesteak> delicious 1812:< StuRobo> 4 1812:< q00u> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1812:< KCosmo> 4 1812:< IndigoOrange> 4 1812:< 3xist3nc3> fucked up 1812:< Patarknight> 1 1812:< embracetehmartian> 2 1812:< grink> no teeth 1812:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 1812:< q00u> You're goddamn right 1812:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: Patarknight (1866) 1812:< IndigoOrange> good ole meth 1812:< KCosmo> 15 1813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A "pigskin" is another name for a(n) ________. 1813:< grink> football 1813:< Sucks_> football 1813:< Patarknight> football 1813:< GriffinPrice> football 1813:< bphilly_cheesesteak> football 1813:< KCosmo> football 1813:< IndigoOrange> football 1813:< rbasov> football 1813:< 3xist3nc3> football 1813:< q00u> football 1813:< rbasov> american football 1813:< grink> yesssssss 1813:< embracetehmartian> football 1813:< bphilly_cheesesteak> jinkees scoob 1813:< KCosmo> WHOA GUYS CALM DOWN 1813:< q00u> hot dog 1813:< i_met_rice_boy> A common nickname for gridiron football, whether the sport or the ball itself 1813:< IndigoOrange> JOHN MADDEN 1813:< embracetehmartian> so syncronized we look like bots 1813:< q00u> pork rind 1813:< GriffinPrice> jesus christ don't you people have jobs\ 1813:< npinsker> The answer was football! Correct users: grink (574), Sucks_ (154), Patarknight (1868), GriffinPrice (30), bphilly_cheesesteak (59), KCo... 1813:< embracetehmartian> john madden hahahahahahaha 1813:< bphilly_cheesesteak> it's because we ARE bots 1813:< IndigoOrange> nah i got class 1813:< Sucks_> im at mine 1813:< q00u> beep boop 1813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is 'blackpool' in Irish? 1813:< embracetehmartian> im just a robot 1813:< i_met_rice_boy> i muted all the john madden bots long ago, but i kind of miss them now 1813:< KCosmo> pond 1814:< bphilly_cheesesteak> dublin 1814:< grink> i'm on a conf call all day............. moss 1814:< 3xist3nc3> dublin 1814:< IndigoOrange> dublin 1814:< Patarknight> Dublin 1814:< embracetehmartian> dublin 1814:< KCosmo> dublin 1814:< embracetehmartian> bublin 1814:< IndigoOrange> aye 3xist is here too 1814:< rbasov> blackpool 1814:< grink> deadpools 1814:< npinsker> The answer was dubh linn! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1814:< IndigoOrange> the whole squad 1814:< bphilly_cheesesteak> copycats 1814:< embracetehmartian> dub linn 1814:< KCosmo> oi thats cheeky 1814:< 3xist3nc3> nandos with the lads 1814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drama || The play "Our Town" is set where? 1814:< bphilly_cheesesteak> dubh stepp 1814:< 3xist3nc3> in our town 1814:< grink> usa 1814:< KCosmo> chicago 1814:< Sucks_> their town 1814:< IndigoOrange> my town 1814:< bphilly_cheesesteak> in our town 1814:< rbasov> new york 1814:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuck 1814:< Patarknight> Grover's Corners 1814:< grink> nuevo york 1814:< embracetehmartian> new york 1814:< bbdale> southie boston 1814:< q00u> Their town. WAIT CRAP 1814:< KCosmo> new york cirty 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gnu york 1815:< grink> east ny 1815:< KCosmo> new york city 1815:< npinsker> The answer was Grover's Corners! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1815:< embracetehmartian> nice 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what 1815:< rbasov> :P 1815:< Sucks_> ouch 1815:< q00u> wat 1815:< KCosmo> where the hell is that 1815:< 3xist3nc3> eh 1815:< q00u> Seseme Street? 1815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Louis Cartier invent? 1815:< grink> watch 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> history 1815:< KCosmo> watch 1815:< IndigoOrange> glasses 1815:< rbasov> sunglasses 1815:< Sucks_> watch 1815:< GriffinPrice> watch mechanism 1815:< 3xist3nc3> Cart 1815:< embracetehmartian> sunglasses 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> time 1815:< grink> vaviar 1815:< rbasov> fountain pen 1815:< embracetehmartian> watch 1815:< KCosmo> wrist watch 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> sundial 1815:< grink> colonel angus 1815:< npinsker> The answer was wristwatch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1815:< embracetehmartian> fountain pen 1815:< grink> FUCK OFF 1815:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lol 1815:< KCosmo> AW CMON 1815:< GriffinPrice> haha 1816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of India? 1816:< grink> dickwatch 1816:< Patarknight> New Dehli 1816:< embracetehmartian> dehli 1816:< rbasov> new dheli 1816:< KCosmo> new dehli 1816:< IndigoOrange> dehli 1816:< q00u> I 1816:< bphilly_cheesesteak> new dehli 1816:< Sucks_> 7/11 1816:< embracetehmartian> new dehli 1816:< GriffinPrice> New Delhi i guess? 1816:< 3xist3nc3> Old delhi 1816:< bphilly_cheesesteak> deli meats 1816:< embracetehmartian> mumbai 1816:< KCosmo> mumbai 1816:< GriffinPrice> New Dehli 1816:< grink> sandwich from new dehli 1816:< bphilly_cheesesteak> mombassa 1816:< npinsker> The answer was New Delhi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1816:< KCosmo> FUUUUUUUUU 1816:< embracetehmartian> wut 1816:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wat 1816:< q00u> ..... 1816:< grink> fucking caps 1816:< GriffinPrice> fuck I had it right the first time 1816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As neat as a ____________? 1816:< 3xist3nc3> ''Dehli'' 1816:< embracetehmartian> fix da bot 1816:< bphilly_cheesesteak> deli 1816:< GriffinPrice> sheet 1817:< rbasov> pin 1817:< grink> feather 1817:< Sucks_> murder 1817:< GriffinPrice> sheet 1817:< bphilly_cheesesteak> pussy 1817:< embracetehmartian> sheet 1817:< q00u> fitted sheet 1817:< KCosmo> pin 1817:< q00u> cat in heat 1817:< grink> rock 1817:< bphilly_cheesesteak> aw sheet 1817:< embracetehmartian> beat 1817:< npinsker> The answer was pin! Correct users: rbasov (1842), KCosmo (369) 1817:< q00u> whiskey 1817:< rbasov> scotch 1817:< Sucks_> brandy 1817:< bphilly_cheesesteak> bourbon 1817:< grink> rock paper scissors............ cognac 1817:< KCosmo> scotch 1817:< q00u> lol haha 1817:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2227), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1868), rbasov (1842), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Female Eunuch'? 1817:< bphilly_cheesesteak> eunuch 1817:< Sucks_> some broad 1817:< 3xist3nc3> The male eunuch 1817:< q00u> You did, just now. 1818:< embracetehmartian> me 1818:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i've had eunuch of this 1818:< rbasov> germaine greer 1818:< KCosmo> germaine greer 1818:< Patarknight> Greer 1818:< embracetehmartian> germaine greer 1818:< q00u> Pam Greer 1818:< rbasov> the lady with no nuts 1818:< npinsker> The answer was Germaine Greer! Correct users: rbasov (1846), KCosmo (372), embracetehmartian (48) 1818:< grink> penis man 1818:< GriffinPrice> fuck we are so close to another merge 1818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || Chicago Transit Authority is now known as which group? 1818:< KCosmo> when when when? 1818:< Sucks_> CTA 1818:< grink> CTA 1818:< IndigoOrange> CTA 1818:< bphilly_cheesesteak> CTA 1818:< KCosmo> CTA 1818:< grink> CTU 1818:< q00u> CTA 1818:< embracetehmartian> i can feel it in my loins griffin 1818:< GriffinPrice> Manhattan Transfer 1818:< bphilly_cheesesteak> chita 1818:< Sucks_> thats where im from 1818:< KCosmo> me too sucks 1818:< grink> MTA 1818:< embracetehmartian> cta 1819:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1819:< Sucks_> im in bucktown 1819:< KCosmo> WHAT 1819:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what 1819:< IndigoOrange> lmfao 1819:< grink> what 1819:< q00u> lol 1819:< IndigoOrange> npinsker you suck balls 1819:< Sucks_> WHAT 1819:< KCosmo> oh sweet im from logan square 1819:< GriffinPrice> npinsker is losing his shit 1819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What war lasted from June 5 to June 11, 1967? 1819:< KCosmo> sup neighbor 1819:< Sucks_> dumbest fucking question 1819:< grink> 7day war 1819:< IndigoOrange> 6 day war 1819:< rbasov> the 6 day war 1819:< GriffinPrice> the 7 day war 1819:< embracetehmartian> 6 day war 1819:< q00u> The 9 day war 1819:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 6 or 7 day war 1819:< grink> i cant math 6 day war 1819:< KCosmo> 6 day war 1819:< Patarknight> Six Days War 1819:< KCosmo> 7 day war 1819:< 3xist3nc3> 6 day war 1819:< bphilly_cheesesteak> sicks 1819:< npinsker> The answer was Six day war! Correct users: IndigoOrange (107), rbasov (1849), embracetehmartian (50), grink (575), KCosmo (372), Patark... 1819:< Sucks_> isis vs linda 1819:< grink> 6.5 day war 1819:< GriffinPrice> it's range inclusive, historians, come one 1820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weight || How much does a cubic meter of water weigh? 1820:< grink> 1 kg 1820:< rbasov> one ton 1820:< Sucks_> a ton 1820:< Patarknight> one ton 1820:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 1 cubic meter 1820:< IndigoOrange> 1 water 1820:< KCosmo> 1 ton 1820:< bphilly_cheesesteak> juan ton 1820:< GriffinPrice> 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 is 7 days 1820:< grink> cubic meter 1820:< embracetehmartian> one ton 1820:< 3xist3nc3> wanton 1820:< KCosmo> one ton 1820:< embracetehmartian> tonne 1820:< grink> fuckton 1820:< q00u> 11 inches 1820:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what if it started at 11:59pm on the 5th 1820:< npinsker> The answer was One Ton! Correct users: rbasov (1853), Patarknight (1871), embracetehmartian (52), KCosmo (373) 1820:< KCosmo> this rate limit needs to die 1820:< rbasov> maybe they took sunday off for church griffinprice 1820:< 3xist3nc3> aye indigo 1820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How do you write 69 in Roman numerals? 1820:< bphilly_cheesesteak> SEX 1820:< KCosmo> IX 1820:< IndigoOrange> schwifty five 1820:< rbasov> LXIX 1820:< grink> MXIX 1820:< alylynn96> lul 1821:< Patarknight> LXIX 1821:< embracetehmartian> kk so like hopefully we merge in like 4 hours?????? 1821:< GriffinPrice> maybe historians don't understand enumberation 1821:< grink> fuck it was L 1821:< KCosmo> LXIX 1821:< bphilly_cheesesteak> LXIX 1821:< embracetehmartian> lxix 1821:< npinsker> The answer was LXIX! Correct users: rbasov (1857), Patarknight (1874), KCosmo (375), bphilly_cheesesteak (60), embracetehmartian (52) 1821:< GriffinPrice> fuck, I always add a b to enumeration 1821:< 3xist3nc3> LXIX position 1821:< KCosmo> cause its bout licks lol 1821:< GriffinPrice> every fucking time 1821:< bphilly_cheesesteak> LXIX MY DIX 1821:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || In theology, the study of final things such as death, judgement and the end of the world is called: 1821:< bphilly_cheesesteak> theology 1821:< KCosmo> apocalypse 1821:< grink> now 1821:< q00u> END TIMES 1821:< embracetehmartian> theology 1821:< GriffinPrice> apotheosis 1821:< bphilly_cheesesteak> apocalology 1821:< Patarknight> eschatology 1821:< npinsker> The answer was eschatology! Correct users: Patarknight (1878) 1821:< rbasov> eschatology 1821:< grink> goa'uld mothership 1821:< 3xist3nc3> purgatology 1822:< rbasov> nein! 1822:< GriffinPrice> you gogoled 1822:< embracetehmartian> eschatology 1822:< nickyface> i can see who's cheating 1822:< rbasov> no comment 1822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nuresry rhymes || Who sat on her tuffet? 1822:< grink> miss muffin 1822:< rbasov> little miss muffet 1822:< bphilly_cheesesteak> little miss muffin 1822:< q00u> Your MOM 1822:< nickyface> little miss muffet 1822:< KCosmo> mis muffet 1822:< Patarknight> Little miss muffet 1822:< GriffinPrice> miss muffet 1822:< embracetehmartian> little miss muffin 1822:< grink> oh fuck you bot i better not need little 1822:< nickyface> miss muffet 1822:< bphilly_cheesesteak> little miss muffet 1822:< KCosmo> little miss muffet 1822:< TxDieselKid> little miss muffet 1822:< q00u> The spider 1822:< GriffinPrice> little miss muffet 1822:< embracetehmartian> little miss muffet 1822:< npinsker> The answer was Little Miss Muffet! Correct users: rbasov (1861), nickyface (3), Patarknight (1880), bphilly_cheesesteak (61), KCosmo (3... 1822:< rbasov> little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey 1822:< bphilly_cheesesteak> eating her turds 1822:< grink> and cum 1822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What is another name for the carambula? 1822:< TxDieselKid> whey for GAINZZZZ 1822:< q00u> and gravy and fries, she was canadian 1822:< nickyface> along came a spider and cummed right inside her 1823:< KCosmo> caramel 1823:< 3xist3nc3> sikh gains bro 1823:< embracetehmartian> caramel 1823:< grink> rotten milk 1823:< bphilly_cheesesteak> creme brulee 1823:< rbasov> star fruit 1823:< OrangeredStilton> creme brulee 1823:< embracetehmartian> fit/ 1823:< npinsker> The answer was star fruit! Correct users: rbasov (1865) 1823:< grink> cock meat sandwhich 1823:< OrangeredStilton> Feh 1823:< embracetehmartian> star fruit 1823:< bphilly_cheesesteak> copycat! 1823:< embracetehmartian> fux 1823:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2227), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1880), rbasov (1865), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || How much do nine pennies weigh? 1824:< grink> 9 grams 1824:< embracetehmartian> me 1824:< KCosmo> 9 grams 1824:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nine grams 1824:< rbasov> .25 ounches 1824:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 9 penny's worth 1824:< 3xist3nc3> 123456789 1824:< vox35> This question makes no sense 1824:< embracetehmartian> 9 grams 1824:< npinsker> The answer was one ounce! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1824:< TxDieselKid> 9g 1824:< embracetehmartian> 28 1824:< 3xist3nc3> portal 1824:< KCosmo> portal 1824:< bphilly_cheesesteak> which of these????? 1824:< grink> superportal 1824:< embracetehmartian> portal 1825:< GriffinPrice> portal 1825:< bphilly_cheesesteak> portal 1825:< vox35> Canadian pennies? Pennies from 1991, or pennies from 2010? 1825:< TxDieselKid> portal 1825:< npinsker> The answer was Portal! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2231), KCosmo (378), grink (577), embracetehmartian (53), GriffinPrice (30), bphilly_c... 1825:< bphilly_cheesesteak> it's not multiple choice wtf 1825:< GriffinPrice> what the fuck npinsker 1825:< vox35> Portal 1825:< bphilly_cheesesteak> postal 1825:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Sir Stamford Raffles founded which minor Asian nation? 1825:< Patarknight> Singapore 1825:< GriffinPrice> Guam 1825:< KCosmo> taiwan 1825:< embracetehmartian> hong kong 1825:< 3xist3nc3> singapore 1825:< vox35> Singapore 1825:< bphilly_cheesesteak> asian nation 1825:< KCosmo> singapore 1825:< grink> china town 1825:< embracetehmartian> singapore 1825:< npinsker> The answer was Singapore! Correct users: Patarknight (1884), 3xist3nc3 (2234), vox35 (361), KCosmo (379), embracetehmartian (53) 1825:< bphilly_cheesesteak> math club 1825:< rbasov> sing to the poor 1826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ______. 1826:< rbasov> raisin 1826:< KCosmo> raisin 1826:< bphilly_cheesesteak> raisin 1826:< grink> qophpoieqhopeqhoiehgoidafhoahkhpwiaeghraisin 1826:< 3xist3nc3> raisin' 1826:< embracetehmartian> raisin 1826:< vox35> raisin 1826:< rbasov> raisin hell 1826:< embracetehmartian> baisin 1826:< grink> bison 1826:< vox35> Mini prune 1826:< bphilly_cheesesteak> taiwan get wan free 1826:< rbasov> bicentennial 1826:< npinsker> The answer was raisin! Correct users: rbasov (1869), KCosmo (382), bphilly_cheesesteak (63), grink (578), 3xist3nc3 (2234), embracetehm... 1826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety Pie? 1826:< embracetehmartian> me 1826:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the same person 1827:< vox35> Mel Clanc 1827:< GriffinPrice> Mel Blanc 1827:< KCosmo> mel blanc 1827:< embracetehmartian> mel blanc 1827:< bphilly_cheesesteak> bel mlanc 1827:< vox35> Mel Blanc 1827:< embracetehmartian> bel blanc 1827:< rbasov> mel brooks 1827:< bphilly_cheesesteak> mel blanc 1827:< npinsker> The answer was Mel Blanc! Correct users: GriffinPrice (34), KCosmo (385), embracetehmartian (55), vox35 (362), bphilly_cheesesteak (63) 1827:< grink> shes gona from suck to blow 1827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What word is used for a male deer? 1827:< rbasov> buck 1827:< Patarknight> buck 1827:< grink> c:\dos\ c:\dos\run buck 1827:< bphilly_cheesesteak> doe 1827:< KCosmo> buck 1827:< GriffinPrice> buck 1827:< vox35> Buck 1827:< bphilly_cheesesteak> dat buck doe 1827:< embracetehmartian> kk pce yall gonna eat 1827:< KCosmo> my names buck and I like to --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:28:00 2016 1828:< grink> muck 1828:< bphilly_cheesesteak> l8r sk8r 1828:< npinsker> The answer was buck! Correct users: rbasov (1873), Patarknight (1887), grink (580), KCosmo (386), GriffinPrice (34), vox35 (362) 1828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || The first antiderivative of acceleration is: 1828:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 1 1828:< Patarknight> velocity 1828:< rbasov> velocity 1828:< grink> velocity 1828:< bphilly_cheesesteak> velocita 1828:< KCosmo> pie 1828:< grink> integral 1828:< rbasov> position -> velocity -> acceleration -> jerk 1828:< npinsker> The answer was velocity! Correct users: Patarknight (1891), rbasov (1876), grink (582) 1828:< KCosmo> pi 1829:< grink> -->off 1829:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Walrus tusks are made of ________. 1829:< Patarknight> ivory 1829:< KCosmo> hair 1829:< grink> stone 1829:< rbasov> how'd you know? I already have the incognito tab open.. 1829:< bphilly_cheesesteak> materials 1829:< rbasov> hair 1829:< grink> carbon 1829:< npinsker> The answer was ivory! Correct users: Patarknight (1895) 1829:< GriffinPrice> CATAGORY: Mechanical Stuff || What are the four stages of a four-stroke engine colloquially called? 1829:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2234), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1895), rbasov (1876), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1829:< KCosmo> ha 1829:< rbasov> idk but car go vroom 1830:< grink> car 1830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Poetry || Who started writing "Gunga Din" while he was living in Vermont? 1830:< GriffinPrice> Related question, what did I do to your mothers last night? 1830:< rbasov> disappoint? 1830:< bphilly_cheesesteak> LOL 1830:< Patarknight> Kipling 1830:< grink> burn 1830:< vox35> Rudyard Kipling 1830:< Patarknight> Rudyard Kipling 1830:< npinsker> The answer was Rudyard Kipling! Correct users: Patarknight (1899), vox35 (365) 1830:< GriffinPrice> The answer was suck, squeeze, bang blow! Correct users: Nobody :( 1830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || This cell organelle is responsible for protein production? 1830:< rbasov> you sucked my mom's dick? that's weird dude.. 1830:< KCosmo> whats the new estimate on the merge? anyone know? 1830:< Patarknight> ribosome 1831:< grink> Correct users: mitochondria 1831:< vox35> ribosome 1831:< KCosmo> ribosome 1831:< 3xist3nc3> it's gonna take loooooonger than we think, or never 1831:< KCosmo> gotcha 1831:< npinsker> The answer was ribosome! Correct users: Patarknight (1903), vox35 (368), KCosmo (388) 1831:< vox35> A long time, @KCosmo 1831:< 3xist3nc3> we've been stuck here for 4 days traight 1831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Westminster Abbey? 1831:< KCosmo> yeah I know I was here lol 1831:< 3xist3nc3> london 1831:< grink> london 1831:< Patarknight> London 1831:< grink> munich 1831:< KCosmo> westminster 1832:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2238), grink (585), Patarknight (1905) 1832:< KCosmo> alright off to watch a movie peace 1832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || As what is minus forty celcius the same? 1832:< grink> 40 F 1832:< Patarknight> minus forty fahrenheit 1832:< grink> -40F 1832:< vox35> Could be tonight; as soon as the next tier 14 group forms, it can merge with the current tier 15, then with us 1832:< IndigoOrange> -100 1832:< npinsker> The answer was minus forty fahrenheit! Correct users: Patarknight (1909) 1832:< vox35> Current tier 14, then the current tier 15, then us, I mean --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:33:02 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:33:12 2016 1833:< grink> of the hill 1833:< 3xist3nc3> cy acosmo 1833:< npinsker> The answer was king! Correct users: Patarknight (1913), rbasov (1879), IndigoOrange (109) 1833:< 3xist3nc3> propane 1833:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Gymnophobia is the fear of __________. 1833:< 3xist3nc3> gyms 1833:< IndigoOrange> gyms 1834:< Patarknight> nudity 1834:< vox35> Gyms 1834:< grink> men 1834:< npinsker> The answer was naked bodies! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1834:< vox35> Guys named Jim who spell their names wrong 1834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the source of the Mississippi River? 1834:< grink> colorado 1834:< oyuncu13> Mississippi 1834:< grink> i dont fuckinknow 1834:< Patarknight> Minnesota 1834:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: Patarknight (1917) 1835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the last American president to sport facial hair? 1835:< oyuncu13> Obama 1835:< Patarknight> Martin van Buren 1835:< grink> roosevelt 1835:< 3xist3nc3> more than 100 years ago 1835:< grink> bill clinton's penis 1835:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1835:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2238), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1917), rbasov (1879), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1836:< 3xist3nc3> the bot <3 taft 1836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________. 1836:< grink> spine 1836:< Patarknight> fish 1836:< grink> doplhin 1836:< npinsker> The answer was fish! Correct users: Patarknight (1921) 1836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The Greek army under Leonides was annihilated here by Persians in 480BC. 1837:< Patarknight> Thermopylae 1837:< andysniper> thermopylae 1837:< npinsker> The answer was Thermopylae! Correct users: Patarknight (1925), andysniper (799) 1837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer || What does DMA stand for? 1837:< grink> direct memory addressing 1838:< grink> %^%^%$^%$&#$ 1838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ____________? 1838:< grink> semen 1838:< andysniper> stomach ache 1838:< npinsker> The answer was Threadworm! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar? 1839:< Patarknight> molasses 1839:< 3xist3nc3> asses 1839:< andysniper> molasses 1839:< npinsker> The answer was molasses! Correct users: Patarknight (1929), andysniper (802) 1839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Bridgeport is the largest city in which state? 1839:< TxDieselKid> everyone left? 1840:< grink> rhode island 1840:< andysniper> south dakota 1840:< 3xist3nc3> Connecticut 1840:< grink> connecticut 1840:< nickyface> connecticut 1840:< Patarknight> Connecticut 1840:< nickyface> god damn refresh shit 1840:< npinsker> The answer was Connecticut! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2242), grink (588), nickyface (5), Patarknight (1930) 1840:< grink> santa's workshop 1840:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many referees work a soccer game? 1840:< grink> 1 1840:< andysniper> 1 1840:< Patarknight> 1 1840:< TxDieselKid> one 1840:< nickyface> seventeen 1840:< chuckfinleLP1> One 1840:< nickyface> two 1840:< grink> 11 1841:< nickyface> 1 1841:< grink> 1+1=1 1841:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: grink (592), andysniper (805), Patarknight (1932), TxDieselKid (140), chuckfinleLP1 (31), nickyface (5) 1841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek goddess of spring? 1841:< 3xist3nc3> Hetlas 1841:< andysniper> persephone 1841:< Patarknight> Persephone --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:41:37 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:41:49 2016 1841:< 3xist3nc3> PerseiPhone 1841:< npinsker> The answer was Persephone! Correct users: andysniper (809), Patarknight (1935), nickyface (7) 1841:< nickyface> parsley 1841:< grink> sage 1842:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2242), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1935), rbasov (1879), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || In 1976, James Hunt was disqualified after winning which Grand Prix? 1842:< nickyface> here we go again 1842:< nickyface> the grand grand prix 1842:< 3xist3nc3> 1976 grand prix 1842:< Patarknight> Monaco 1842:< IndigoOrange> 1976 1842:< nickyface> the grand grand prix 1842:< IndigoOrange> lmfao 1842:< andysniper> british grand prix 1842:< grink> car go drive 1842:< grink> no cars go 1842:< IndigoOrange> Grand Pixie Sticks 1842:< npinsker> The answer was British! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1842:< andysniper> fuck you 1843:< nickyface> lol 1843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space? 1843:< grink> orbit 1843:< andysniper> orbit 1843:< nickyface> orbit 1843:< IndigoOrange> Orbit --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:43:12 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:45:46 2016 1845:< npinsker> The answer was woolsack! Correct users: Patarknight (1940) 1845:< nickyface> wtf even 1846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What foul smelling compound is commonly known as rotten egg gas? 1846:< grink> sulfur 1846:< Patarknight> hydrogen sulfide 1846:< nickyface> sulfur 1846:< andysniper> sulfur 1846:< andysniper> sulphur 1846:< grink> Farts 1846:< 3xist3nc3> smelly vag 1846:< Patarknight> Woolsack is to show the importance of textiles to Britain 1846:< nickyface> poopy 1846:< npinsker> The answer was hydrogen sulphide! Correct users: Patarknight (1944) 1846:< grink> that's not how to spell sulfide 1846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The Who's rock musical stars Elton John. It's called ________. 1846:< grink> Boys 1846:< andysniper> tommy 1847:< grink> boytommy 1847:< nickyface> geronimo 1847:< npinsker> The answer was Tommy! Correct users: andysniper (818), grink (603) 1847:< nickyface> what was the question? didn't show on my end 1847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical element Pa? 1847:< andysniper> pancakes 1847:< rbasov> protactinium 1847:< Patarknight> Protactinium 1847:< 3xist3nc3> protactinium 1847:< grink> prozac 1847:< nickyface> protactinium 1847:< jeuv> proactinium 1847:< npinsker> The answer was Protactinium! Correct users: rbasov (1883), Patarknight (1947), 3xist3nc3 (2247), nickyface (14) 1848:< 3xist3nc3> viagra with pancakes 1848:< nickyface> stick your rate limit up your potato hole 1848:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2247), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1947), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from? 1848:< 3xist3nc3> Canada 1848:< andysniper> canada 1848:< nickyface> canada 1848:< grink> they want more specific 1848:< chrismash> space 1848:< vox35> Mooselvania 1848:< nickyface> kernerder 1848:< grink> i think 1848:< nickyface> mooselvania 1848:< chrismash> earth 1848:< npinsker> The answer was Frostbite Falls! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1849:< vox35> Guesselvania 1849:< chrismash> i said earth 1849:< nickyface> latitude and longitude 1849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ____. 1849:< nickyface> frostbite balls 1849:< grink> font 1849:< Patarknight> font 1849:< andysniper> chalice 1849:< 3xist3nc3> holy shower 1849:< nickyface> nun's vagina 1849:< grink> i said toilet last time and someone had butthurt 1849:< vox35> times new roman 1849:< chrismash> font 1849:< npinsker> The answer was font! Correct users: grink (607), Patarknight (1950), chrismash (470) 1849:< bbrazil> bottle 1849:< chrismash> toilet ofc 1849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean? 1850:< chrismash> or maybe a swamp 1850:< grink> hawaii 1850:< Patarknight> Hawaii 1850:< andysniper> hawaii 1850:< nickyface> hawaii 1850:< bbrazil> hawaii 1850:< vox35> Minnesota 1850:< xormx> kawaii 1850:< chrismash> texas 1850:< grink> vuba 1850:< vox35> Hawaii 1850:< nickyface> iowa 1850:< Kuer> Hawaii 1850:< nickyface> hawaiiowa 1850:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: grink (611), Patarknight (1953), andysniper (820), nickyface (15), bbrazil (49), vox35 (368), Kue... 1850:< vox35> Hawaiisota 1850:< chrismash> iowa is a trump state 1850:< nickyface> that's funny considering how gay they are 1850:< chrismash> aka low IQ 1850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || How many nickles are there in 2.25? 1850:< grink> trump state of mind 45 1850:< vox35> 45 1850:< Patarknight> 45 1850:< bbrazil> that's not maths, that's US currency 1851:< andysniper> i dont fucking know, what the fuck is a nickle 1851:< grink> 0.05 1851:< npinsker> The answer was forty five! Correct users: grink (615), vox35 (371), Patarknight (1955) 1851:< chrismash> it's a type of metal 1851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which tropic passes through Australia? 1851:< grink> thunder 1851:< Patarknight> Capricorn 1851:< grink> caprisun 1851:< chrismash> Capricorn 1851:< nickyface> capeskin 1851:< WheresMyCurtain> boobies 1851:< npinsker> The answer was Tropic of Capricorn! Correct users: Patarknight (1959), chrismash (473) 1852:< andysniper> cancer 1852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the sequel to "Star Wars". 1852:< Patarknight> The Empire Strikes Back 1852:< nickyface> me and my teddy, getting all ready, getting all ready to play 1852:< grink> the empire strikes back 1852:< WheresMyCurtain> star trek 1852:< nickyface> lord of the jedi 1852:< grink> space balls 1852:< andysniper> star wars 2 the search for jar jar 1852:< npinsker> The answer was The Empire Strikes Back! Correct users: Patarknight (1963), grink (618) 1852:< WheresMyCurtain> star wars 3 jar jar strikes back 1852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling? (in inches) 1852:< grink> 12 1853:< grink> 14 1853:< nickyface> 13 inches 1853:< Patarknight> 14 1853:< andysniper> 14 1853:< HookahComputer> $ 16 1853:< WheresMyCurtain> why stupid american inches :( 1853:< nickyface> 14 inches 1853:< grink> 11000000000000000000000010 1853:< nickyface> yea i prefer smart american inches 1853:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1853:< nickyface> oh bugger off 1853:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe. 1853:< grink> miss --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:53:48 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:53:56 2016 1853:< andysniper> ptolimic 1853:< mr_mustash> Galilean 1853:< grink> earth centric 1854:< OrangeredStilton> a 1854:< OrangeredStilton> b 1854:< 3xist3nc3> steve harvey 1854:< npinsker> The answer was Ptolemic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1854:< grink> i was right 1854:< vox35> Ptolymic 1854:< andysniper> fuck yoooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 1854:< OrangeredStilton> b 1854:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2247), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1963), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who created 'Horton' the elephant? 1854:< Patarknight> Dr. Seuss 1854:< grink> Tim 1854:< andysniper> dr suess 1854:< nickyface> dr seuss 1854:< grink> Canada 1855:< nickyface> the cat in the hat's mom 1855:< npinsker> The answer was Dr. Seuss! Correct users: Patarknight (1967), nickyface (18) 1855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What bird is associated with Lundy Island? 1855:< andysniper> puffin 1855:< grink> www.reddit.com/kiwi 1855:< Patarknight> puffin 1855:< npinsker> The answer was puffin! Correct users: andysniper (824), Patarknight (1970) 1855:< nickyface> PUFFIN 1855:< grink> muffin 1856:< nickyface> GOD DAMN REFRESH BULLSHIT!! 1856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Beethoven's Sixth Symphony shares it's popular name with a method of animal farming. What is it? 1856:< grink> nickyface uncheck the box in parrot 1856:< andysniper> pastoral 1856:< Patarknight> Pastoral 1856:< nickyface> i have no such box 1856:< npinsker> The answer was Pastoral! Correct users: andysniper (828), Patarknight (1973) 1856:< nickyface> definitely thought that said method of animal farting 1856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What appears when the sun activates melanocytes? 1856:< andysniper> sun spots 1856:< grink> freckesl 1856:< nickyface> freckles 1857:< Patarknight> freckles 1857:< grink> freckles 1857:< npinsker> The answer was freckles! Correct users: nickyface (22), Patarknight (1976), grink (620) 1857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The symbols used on a map are explained by the ______. 1857:< grink> solar.rain.legend 1857:< grink> key 1857:< 3xist3nc3> Legend 1857:< Patarknight> key 1857:< andysniper> legend 1858:< andysniper> key 1858:< npinsker> The answer was legend! Correct users: grink (624), 3xist3nc3 (2250), andysniper (830) 1858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first person to swim the English Channel? 1858:< nickyface> jeremy renner 1858:< grink> hitler 1858:< grink> caitlyn jenner 1858:< nickyface> tatum oniel 1858:< nickyface> capernicus 1858:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Matthew Webb! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || This Romantic poet and husband to Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident. 1859:< nickyface> percy shelly 1859:< grink> Putin 1859:< npinsker> The answer was Percy Bysshe Shelley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1859:< nickyface> shit 1859:< grink> rekt 1859:< nickyface> shelley bastard 1859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Tarzan had a chimpanzee, what was his name? 1859:< nickyface> bonobo 1859:< 3xist3nc3> chimpy 1859:< grink> Jane 1900:< 3xist3nc3> jack 1900:< nickyface> haha 1900:< nickyface> artemus 1900:< npinsker> The answer was Cheetah! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1900:< WarBlunder> lol jane 1900:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2250), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1976), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1900:< WarBlunder> close enough 1900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Architecture || Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars? 1900:< grink> empire state building 1900:< 3xist3nc3> trump tower 1900:< alylynn96> empire state building 1901:< grink> sears tower 1901:< grink> brooklynbridge 1901:< 3xist3nc3> it costed a small loan of a million dollars 1901:< npinsker> The answer was Sydney Opera House! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1901:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Travel || Which airline has the registration prefix 'VR'? 1901:< grink> virgin 1901:< alylynn96> virgin 1901:< 3xist3nc3> colayca airlines 1901:< grink> maybe? never seen VR before 1901:< npinsker> The answer was Cathay Pacific! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As clear as a(n) _________. 1902:< 3xist3nc3> window 1902:< Patarknight> bell 1902:< grink> mud 1902:< Patarknight> good guess, grink, for Virgin 1902:< npinsker> The answer was bell! Correct users: Patarknight (1980) 1902:< grink> it would make sense oh well 1902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840's? 1903:< grink> potatoes 1903:< alylynn96> potatoes 1903:< riobh> potatoes 1903:< grink> potato 1903:< 3xist3nc3> potatoes 1903:< npinsker> The answer was potatoes! Correct users: grink (628), alylynn96 (342), riobh (2), 3xist3nc3 (2251) 1903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Acronyms || What does the acronym 'scuba' mean? 1903:< 3xist3nc3> socialist cuba 1903:< alylynn96> self contained underwater breathing aparatus 1904:< grink> self contained underwater breathing apparatus 1904:< npinsker> The answer was Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus! Correct users: grink (632) 1904:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1904:< alylynn96> wat 1904:< grink> last word spelled wrong :\ 1904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In 1902 this volcano erupted, killing 30,000. 1904:< grink> vesuvius 1904:< 3xist3nc3> st helens 1904:< npinsker> The answer was Pelee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1905:< grink> oh the soccer player 1905:< 3xist3nc3> lol 1905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This order of insects contains the most species. 1905:< grink> beetle 1905:< npinsker> The answer was beetle! Correct users: grink (636) 1905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Turn, Side and Why does it always rain on me are all songs from what UK band? 1906:< grink> beatles 1906:< npinsker> The answer was Travis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1906:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2251), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1980), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1906:< andysniper> travis 1906:< andysniper> fuck 1906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium? 1906:< grink> cornflakes 1907:< grink> corn flakes 1907:< andysniper> cornflakes 1907:< npinsker> The answer was Cornflakes! Correct users: grink (640), andysniper (833) 1907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'? 1907:< andysniper> foxtrot 1907:< Patarknight> foxtrot 1907:< alylynn96> foxtrot 1907:< Nesman64> foxtrot 1908:< grink> nato alphabet not alpha radio code 1908:< npinsker> The answer was foxtrot! Correct users: andysniper (837), Patarknight (1983), alylynn96 (344), Nesman64 (133) 1908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In the early 20th century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness? 1908:< grink> living 1908:< andysniper> insomnia 1908:< npinsker> The answer was epilepsy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1909:< andysniper> cassius clay 1909:< grink> clay aiken 1909:< AndyD418> Cassius Clay 1909:< Patarknight> clay 1909:< npinsker> The answer was Cassius Clay! Correct users: andysniper (841), AndyD418 (325) 1909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || The study of building design is ____________. 1909:< alylynn96> architecture 1910:< Sorbetfraise> buildology 1910:< AndyD418> architecture 1910:< Patarknight> architecture 1910:< grink> architecture 1910:< npinsker> The answer was architecture! Correct users: alylynn96 (348), AndyD418 (328), Patarknight (1985), grink (641) 1910:< grink> legos 1910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies immediately to the West of Mauritius? 1910:< andysniper> madagascar 1910:< grink> america 1910:< Sorbetfraise> west mauritius 1911:< npinsker> The answer was R__union! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1911:< grink> heh broken txt file 1911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Analogies || Goose - geese as passerby - ___________. 1911:< Patarknight> passersby 1911:< alylynn96> passersby 1911:< andysniper> gander 1911:< grink> MOOSE 1911:< AndyD418> passersby 1911:< npinsker> The answer was passersby! Correct users: Patarknight (1989), alylynn96 (351), AndyD418 (330) 1912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played Steve Erkel in 'Family Matters'? 1912:< grink> black kid 1912:< alylynn96> That annoying kid 1912:< AndyD418> Jaleel White 1912:< grink> walter white 1912:< npinsker> The answer was Jaleel White! Correct users: AndyD418 (334) 1912:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2251), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (1989), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing? 1913:< Sorbetfraise> vatican 1913:< AndyD418> Omaha 1913:< grink> utah 1913:< npinsker> The answer was Omaha, Nebraska! Correct users: AndyD418 (338) 1913:< alylynn96> isnt vatican a country or something? 1913:< AndyD418> or something 1913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport and Entomology || What swimming stroke is named after an insect? 1913:< AndyD418> city state 1913:< Patarknight> butterfly 1913:< AndyD418> butterfly 1914:< alylynn96> no like its in its own country i thought? Whatever im terrible at geography 1914:< npinsker> The answer was butterfly! Correct users: Patarknight (1993), AndyD418 (341) 1914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's. 1914:< Patarknight> venus 1914:< AndyD418> venus 1914:< npinsker> The answer was Venus! Correct users: Patarknight (1997), AndyD418 (344) 1915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant? 1915:< alylynn96> cotton 1915:< AndyD418> flax 1915:< npinsker> The answer was flax! Correct users: AndyD418 (348) 1915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || An animal is a fish if it has _________. 1916:< alylynn96> gills 1916:< AndyD418> gills 1916:< npinsker> The answer was gills! Correct users: alylynn96 (355), AndyD418 (351) 1916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him. 1917:< AndyD418> Woody Woodpecker 1917:< npinsker> The answer was Woody Woodpecker! Correct users: AndyD418 (355) 1917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Legends || Who was Bonnie Parker's partner? 1917:< AndyD418> Clyde Barrow 1917:< purple_pan> Clyde Barrow 1917:< npinsker> The answer was Clyde Barrow! Correct users: AndyD418 (359), purple_pan (64) 1918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Mount St. Helens? 1918:< Patarknight> Washington 1918:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: Patarknight (2001) 1918:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2251), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2001), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI? 1919:< Patarknight> International Red Cross 1919:< purple_pan> Red Cross 1919:< npinsker> The answer was International Red Cross! Correct users: Patarknight (2005), purple_pan (67) 1919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________. 1919:< Patarknight> lightning 1920:< npinsker> The answer was lightning! Correct users: Patarknight (2009) 1920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Misnomers || What are Swedish buns called? 1921:< npinsker> The answer was Danishes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1921:< andysniper> what? 1921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the deepest land gorge in the world? 1921:< andysniper> great rift valley 1921:< npinsker> The answer was Grand Canyon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1922:< nickyface> well. i was gonna say that. then i was like...great rift valley? wtf is that? that must be the answer 1922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || An animal is a bird if it has _______. 1922:< purple_pan> wings 1922:< Lowbacca1977> feathers 1922:< npinsker> The answer was feathers! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (21) 1922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who developed the first nuclear submarine? 1922:< Lowbacca1977> me 1923:< purple_pan> Hyman G. Rickover 1923:< npinsker> The answer was Soviet Union! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is the 'Hoosier State'? 1923:< Lowbacca1977> indiana 1923:< nickyface> indiana 1923:< Patarknight> Indiana 1924:< npinsker> The answer was Indiana! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (25), nickyface (25), Patarknight (2011) 1924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is the Blue Grotto? 1924:< Lowbacca1977> bimini 1924:< npinsker> The answer was Capri! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1925:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2251), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2011), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Hagar the Horrible's dog. 1925:< grink> bitch 1925:< nickyface> hagrid 1925:< npinsker> The answer was Snert! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1925:< nickyface> oh that's adorable 1926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is the Great Victoria Desert? 1926:< grink> australia 1926:< Lowbacca1977> australia 1926:< nickyface> autralia 1926:< Patarknight> Australia 1926:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: grink (645), Lowbacca1977 (28), Patarknight (2013) 1926:< grink> wow complete guess 1926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In the game of chess, which piece has the most freedom to move? 1927:< grink> wueen 1927:< Lowbacca1977> queen 1927:< npinsker> The answer was queen! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (32) 1927:< Empyrealist> % ^ # #rpg %chat test 1927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest waterfall in the USA? 1927:< grink> yosemite 1927:< nickyface> niagra falls 1927:< npinsker> The answer was Yosemite! Correct users: grink (649) 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As pale as a(n) ___________. 1928:< nickyface> my girlfriend failed me 1928:< grink> ghost 1928:< grink> white person 1928:< npinsker> The answer was ghost! Correct users: grink (653) 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who had the nickname 'Golden Bear'? 1929:< nickyface> grink are you the one that made some suggestion earlier for how to get my chat to stop refreshing? 1929:< nickyface> i'm using robin enhancement script. dunno if it's the script doing it or what 1929:< grink> yes it is 1929:< npinsker> The answer was Jack Nicklaus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1929:< grink> go into the settings 1929:< grink> theres something about refresh on idle 1929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Name the nursery rhyme mother whos last name is that of a bird? 1929:< grink> goose 1929:< Empyrealist> Mother Goose 1930:< nickyface> mother goose 1930:< npinsker> The answer was goose! Correct users: grink (657), Empyrealist (3), nickyface (27) 1930:< nickyface> fernando owl 1930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which ship did Charles Darwin captain? 1930:< npinsker> The answer was HMS Beagle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1930:< Empyrealist> Bounty 1930:< Patarknight> not the captain 1931:< grink> or try using parrot https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 1931:< Patarknight> just the naturalist 1931:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2251), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2013), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || How is the state of Mississippi spelled? 1931:< grink> Mississippi 1931:< nickyface> hmm i actually don't have a settings option with this script. might need to use a different one 1931:< Authsauce> mississippi 1931:< nickyface> oh fuck off ratelimiting 1931:< Patarknight> Mississippi 1931:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users: grink (661), Authsauce (392), Patarknight (2015) 1932:< grink> almost to 666 1932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse? 1932:< grink> walt disney 1932:< nickyface> donald duck 1932:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Disney! Correct users: grink (665) 1932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who recorded the lengthy song: "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" in 1969? 1933:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1933:< QuackBlack> iron butterfly 1933:< grink> fleetwood mac 1933:< npinsker> The answer was Iron Butterfly! Correct users: QuackBlack (4) 1933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) ________. 1933:< Empyrealist> flush 1933:< QuackBlack> flush 1934:< npinsker> The answer was flush! Correct users: Empyrealist (7), QuackBlack (7) 1934:< grink> i need to be 4th to answer so i can get 666 1934:< Empyrealist> cubs 1934:< grink> fuck it 1934:< almu3alim> cubs 1934:< Authsauce> the chicago cubs 1934:< grink> cubs 1934:< nickyface> cubs 1934:< Patarknight> Mets 1934:< QuackBlack> cubs 1934:< Authsauce> THE SEAHAWKS 1934:< QuackBlack> mets 1934:< grink> mets 1934:< npinsker> The answer was New York Mets! Correct users: Patarknight (2019), QuackBlack (10), grink (667) 1934:< almu3alim> LOL 1935:< grink> NOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Bad Case Of Loving You'? 1935:< grink> bon jovi 1935:< QuackBlack> robert palmer 1935:< Authsauce> Abe Vigoda 1935:< Leemaster> 667 nice 1935:< Empyrealist> robert palmer 1935:< grink> arnold palmer 1935:< Authsauce> Buddy Holly 1935:< nickyface> robert palmer 1935:< grink> weezer 1935:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Palmer! Correct users: QuackBlack (14), Empyrealist (10), nickyface (29) 1935:< Authsauce> Palmela Handerson 1935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Israel's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 1935:< Authsauce> shekel 1935:< grink> smeckle 1935:< Empyrealist> Sheckle 1936:< Empyrealist> shekel 1936:< Patarknight> shekel 1936:< QuackBlack> Sheqel 1936:< grink> penny 1936:< Authsauce> ILLUMINATI 1936:< QuackBlack> Sheqel or Shekel 1936:< npinsker> The answer was shekel! Correct users: Authsauce (396), Empyrealist (13), Patarknight (2021), QuackBlack (15) 1936:< Authsauce> yay jew knowledge 1936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam? 1936:< Patarknight> star 1936:< kr0mka> swastika 1936:< 3xist3nc3> yellow star 1936:< grink> soviet rocket 1936:< QuackBlack> star 1936:< Authsauce> a bag of dicks 1936:< Empyrealist> star 1936:< Sorbetfraise> dickbutt 1936:< grink> deathstar 1937:< npinsker> The answer was star! Correct users: Patarknight (2025), 3xist3nc3 (2254), QuackBlack (17), Empyrealist (14), grink (667) 1937:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2254), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2025), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf? 1937:< Authsauce> Wow, what an asshole 1937:< Patarknight> Goldfinger 1937:< Empyrealist> goldfinger 1937:< QuackBlack> Goldfinger 1937:< Authsauce> like, seriously, who cheats at golf? fuck that guy 1938:< npinsker> The answer was Goldfinger! Correct users: Patarknight (2029), Empyrealist (17), QuackBlack (19) 1938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for gold? 1938:< Authsauce> au 1938:< Patarknight> Au 1938:< Empyrealist> au 1938:< QuackBlack> au 1938:< npinsker> The answer was Au! Correct users: Authsauce (400), Patarknight (2032), Empyrealist (19), QuackBlack (20) 1939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the wild dogs of Australia. 1939:< Authsauce> dingo 1939:< grink> dingo 1939:< grink> ATE MY BABY 1939:< QuackBlack> dingo 1939:< Authsauce> dingos 1939:< Authsauce> dingoes 1939:< npinsker> The answer was dingo! Correct users: Authsauce (404), grink (670), QuackBlack (22) 1939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Inventors || Who invented the most common projection for world maps? 1939:< Sucks_> Magellan 1940:< Empyrealist> rand 1940:< Sat_Nav66> Magellan 1940:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 1940:< Sat_Nav66> Rand 1940:< npinsker> The answer was Gerardus Mercator! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1940:< QuackBlack> mercator 1940:< Sucks_> erector 1940:< Authsauce> haha we're all dumb 1940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the common name for the sternum? 1940:< Sucks_> chest 1940:< Authsauce> chest 1940:< Empyrealist> chest 1940:< QuackBlack> Chest 1940:< Authsauce> chesticles 1940:< 3xist3nc3> stern 1940:< Sucks_> breast bone 1940:< Authsauce> treasure chest 1940:< npinsker> The answer was breastbone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1941:< Sucks_> oh 1941:< grink> booby boners 1941:< Authsauce> lulz 1941:< Empyrealist> dang 1941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has Budapest as its capital? 1941:< QuackBlack> hungary 1941:< Empyrealist> hungary 1941:< grink> i'm hungary 1941:< Authsauce> BUDAPESHT 1941:< npinsker> The answer was Hungary! Correct users: QuackBlack (26), Empyrealist (22), grink (672) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 19:41:58 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 19:42:05 2016 1942:< QuackBlack> fox 1942:< grink> shiba inu 1942:< Bonoahx> Romania 1942:< Empyrealist> fox 1942:< npinsker> The answer was fox! Correct users: grink (676), QuackBlack (29), Empyrealist (24) 1942:< Bonoahx> As sly as a Romania 1942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the lead in the movie "The Mask"? 1942:< grink> jim carrey 1942:< QuackBlack> jim carrey 1942:< Empyrealist> jim carrey 1943:< grink> jim carry 1943:< 3xist3nc3> jim carrey 1943:< Bonoahx> Daisy Ridley 1943:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Carrey! Correct users: grink (680), QuackBlack (32), Empyrealist (26), 3xist3nc3 (2255) 1943:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2255), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2032), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Mount Vernon? 1943:< grink> new jersey 1944:< Empyrealist> New York 1944:< npinsker> The answer was Virginia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1944:< grink> oh oops 1944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Spaniard conquered Mexico. 1944:< grink> donald trump 1944:< Empyrealist> Ponse De Leon 1944:< npinsker> The answer was Hernando Cortez! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1945:< npinsker> The answer was Vanilla Ice! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1945:< grink> but what was the question 1945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does an ornithologist study? 1946:< Sorbetfraise> birds 1946:< Sucks_> hahah 1946:< grink> birds 1946:< 3xist3nc3> birds 1946:< Empyrealist> birds 1946:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: Sorbetfraise (8), grink (683), 3xist3nc3 (2257), Empyrealist (27) 1946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who fixed the date of the Christian festival 'Easter'? 1946:< Sucks_> jesus 1946:< Sorbetfraise> the easter bunny 1946:< grink> who broke it? 1946:< Empyrealist> the pope 1946:< Sucks_> haha 1947:< Sorbetfraise> lies: 1947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || What sort of man did Plato propose to rule his "Republic"? 1947:< Lowbacca1977> plutocrat 1947:< grink> paydoh 1947:< Lowbacca1977> philosopher-king 1947:< Lowbacca1977> philosopher king 1947:< Empyrealist> common man 1947:< npinsker> The answer was A Philosopher King! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1947:< Lowbacca1977> what the heck 1948:< Empyrealist> cheated 1948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As light as a ....... 1948:< grink> rockfeather 1948:< Empyrealist> feather 1948:< Sucks_> feather 1948:< npinsker> The answer was feather! Correct users: grink (687), Empyrealist (30), Sucks_ (156) 1948:< Sucks_> stiff as a horse 1948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the ...? 1948:< grink> sun 1948:< Sucks_> sun 1949:< Lowbacca1977> you mean as stiff as a board? 1949:< grink> bored as a stiff 1949:< Sucks_> did i? ;) 1949:< Empyrealist> cocksun 1949:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1949:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2257), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2032), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1949:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The Elite Forces entry in this series was released for the Gameboy without the Hitler references of the Japane... 1950:< grink> pokemon 1950:< grink> mario 1950:< npinsker> The answer was Bionic Commando! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || The longest key on your keyboard is the _____ bar. 1950:< Patarknight> space 1950:< Empyrealist> spacedicks 1950:< grink> www.reddit.com/space 1950:< Sucks_> oh i just hit the space bar 1951:< Sucks_> im an idiot 1951:< npinsker> The answer was space! Correct users: Patarknight (2036), grink (690) 1951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || He visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America. 1951:< Lowbacca1977> cook 1951:< Empyrealist> cook 1951:< Sucks_> cook 1951:< grink> bob 1951:< npinsker> The answer was Vancouver! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1951:< Sucks_> damn lowbacca, i was counting on you 1952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Ancient Stuff || The Colosseum received its name not for its size, but for a colossal statue of who that stood close by? 1952:< Patarknight> Nero 1952:< grink> prometheus 1952:< lactha> flavius 1952:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: Patarknight (2040) 1952:< Lowbacca1977> lincoln 1952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) ________. 1952:< Lowbacca1977> tooth 1952:< Sucks_> tooth 1952:< Empyrealist> tooth 1952:< grink> methtooth 1953:< Sucks_> plant 1953:< grink> deadplant 1953:< Lowbacca1977> the whole thing that makes a methtooth a methtooth are that there are no parts of it left 1953:< npinsker> The answer was tooth! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (36), Sucks_ (159), Empyrealist (32), grink (691) 1953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the Taj Mahal built in memory of? 1953:< grink> mohammed 1953:< Sucks_> dudes wife 1953:< npinsker> The answer was Mumtaj Mahal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Saint killed the dragon? 1954:< lactha> george 1954:< grink> puff 1954:< npinsker> The answer was George! Correct users: lactha (16) 1954:< Sucks_> puff was the dragon 1954:< grink> lived by the sea 1955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace? 1955:< grink> 20 1955:< Sucks_> i def thought lactha was bullshitting 1955:< grink> over 90020 1955:< npinsker> The answer was twenty! Correct users: grink (695) 1955:< Empyrealist> 12 inches 1955:< Sucks_> hahaha 1955:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2257), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2040), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 1955:< lactha> thanks for the vote of confidence 1956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a female cat called? 1956:< grink> queen 1956:< Sucks_> cunt 1956:< lactha> pussy 1956:< Empyrealist> queen 1956:< Sucks_> my girlfriend 1956:< npinsker> The answer was queen! Correct users: grink (699), Empyrealist (35) 1956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is Cusco? 1956:< lactha> peru 1956:< Sucks_> peru 1956:< grink> derpu 1957:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: lactha (20), Sucks_ (162) 1957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation was led by Genghis Khan? 1957:< grink> china 1957:< lactha> mongolia 1957:< Sucks_> mongolia 1957:< Patarknight> Mongols 1957:< Empyrealist> mongolia 1957:< grink> steel magnolias 1957:< npinsker> The answer was The Mongols! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a resident of liverpool? 1958:< lactha> liverpudlian 1958:< Sucks_> uneducated 1958:< grink> british 1958:< Patarknight> Livepudlian 1958:< npinsker> The answer was Liverpudlian! Correct users: lactha (24) 1958:< lactha> an abomination against god 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Where are the headquarters of the CIA? 1959:< Sucks_> virginia 1959:< grink> langley 1959:< Sucks_> langley, virgina 1959:< Patarknight> Langley, Virginia 1959:< Empyrealist> langley 1959:< npinsker> The answer was Langley, Virginia! Correct users: grink (703), Patarknight (2043), Empyrealist (37) 1959:< grink> bang lee 1959:< Sucks_> wat 1959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble's maiden names? 1959:< Sucks_> i forgot an i :( 1959:< grink> ann 1959:< Empyrealist> rock 2000:< grink> pebbles 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Slaghoople and Mcbricker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Thailand formerly known as? 2000:< lactha> siam 2000:< grink> siam 2000:< Empyrealist> siam 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Siam! Correct users: lactha (28), grink (706), Empyrealist (39) 2001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gems || Peridot is the birthstone for ____________? 2001:< Sucks_> april 2001:< grink> january 2001:< lactha> august 2001:< grink> august 2001:< Sucks_> august 2001:< npinsker> The answer was August! Correct users: lactha (32), grink (709), Sucks_ (164) 2001:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2257), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2043), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || Future Industries built mecha-tanks in this city, which was later attacked by the dark spirit Vaatu. 2002:< grink> um wat 2002:< npinsker> The answer was Republic City! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2002:< grink> fallout 2002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || What spirit is added to brandy to make a sidecar? 2002:< grink> triple sec 2003:< grink> cointreau 2003:< npinsker> The answer was Cointreau or Triple Sec! Correct users: grink (713) 2003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of _________. 2003:< grink> i havent been doing this for 4 days lettuce 2003:< Sucks_> lettuce 2003:< Empyrealist> lettuce 2004:< npinsker> The answer was lettuce! Correct users: grink (717), Sucks_ (167), Empyrealist (41) 2004:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the tibia more commonly known as? 2004:< Sucks_> shin 2004:< grink> leg bone 2004:< Empyrealist> thigh 2004:< Sucks_> thigh bone 2004:< grink> femur 2004:< npinsker> The answer was shin bone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2004:< Sucks_> whatttttt 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which game might a person have a "full house"? 2005:< lactha> poker 2005:< Sucks_> poker 2005:< grink> poker 2005:< Empyrealist> poker 2005:< grink> russian roulette 2005:< npinsker> The answer was poker! Correct users: lactha (36), Sucks_ (170), grink (719), Empyrealist (42) 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who sings and plays the theme song for the TV show 'Frasier'? 2005:< grink> AC/DC 2006:< Empyrealist> randy newman 2006:< grink> Iron Maiden 2006:< npinsker> The answer was Kelsey Grammer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || As what is Minnesota also known? 2006:< Sucks_> boring 2006:< Empyrealist> land of lakes 2006:< grink> flyover state 2007:< npinsker> The answer was Gopher State! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2007:< grink> gopher://files/please 2007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This brown bug Pokemon has two spiked horns and teeth perpendicular to its eyes. 2007:< grink> charmander 2007:< lactha> weedle 2007:< npinsker> The answer was Pinsir! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2008:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2257), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2043), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1382), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea between Korea and China. 2008:< grink> best sea 2008:< lactha> yellow sea 2008:< Empyrealist> sea of contention 2008:< npinsker> The answer was Yellow Sea! Correct users: lactha (40) 2008:< lactha> holy shit hahaha 2008:< grink> that's mildy racist 2008:< Empyrealist> ohh, because they are yellow! I get it! 2009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who succeeded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of England? 2009:< Empyrealist> thatcher 2009:< grink> trump 2009:< lactha> john lloyd 2009:< Sucks_> margaret thatcher 2009:< grink> chirstopher lloyd 2009:< npinsker> The answer was Anthony Eden! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum? 2009:< lactha> timpani 2009:< Sucks_> timpani 2009:< Empyrealist> biggun 2009:< grink> panini 2010:< npinsker> The answer was tympani! Correct users: lactha (44), Sucks_ (173) 2010:< grink> so you can spell that one wrong 2010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What other name does Stephen King write under? 2010:< Empyrealist> jane austin 2010:< Sucks_> Crappy Mcgoo 2010:< 3xist3nc3> kephen sting 2010:< FeebleOldMan> r. l. steine 2010:< Empyrealist> rls, yea 2010:< lactha> steve mcqueen 2010:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Bachman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2010:< grink> dean cuntz 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly north of the continental United States? 2011:< grink> canada 2011:< FeebleOldMan> canada 2011:< paleck> canada 2011:< Empyrealist> oh canada 2011:< Sucks_> canada 2011:< 3xist3nc3> america jr 2011:< Empyrealist> canada 2011:< lactha> mexico 2011:< Sucks_> russia 2011:< npinsker> The answer was Canada! Correct users: grink (723), FeebleOldMan (1385), paleck (2), Empyrealist (43), Sucks_ (173) 2011:< lactha> well i'll be damned 2011:< Empyrealist> america 2 electric bugaboo 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river? 2012:< grink> danube 2012:< lactha> danube 2012:< 3xist3nc3> danube 2012:< Sucks_> danube 2012:< Empyrealist> danube 2012:< grink> please be right 2012:< lactha> rhine 2012:< Sucks_> hahah 2012:< grink> i dont want hate 2012:< npinsker> The answer was Danube! Correct users: grink (727), lactha (47), 3xist3nc3 (2259), Sucks_ (174), Empyrealist (43) 2012:< Empyrealist> lol 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The video game Red Dead Redemption put you in the shoes of John Marston, who is what kind of action hero? 2012:< Sucks_> cowboy 2012:< grink> iron man 2012:< Empyrealist> sherrif 2013:< grink> tonto cena 2013:< npinsker> The answer was Cowboy! Correct users: Sucks_ (178) 2013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the longest river in Nigeria. 2013:< Empyrealist> nile 2013:< Sucks_> nile 2013:< grink> river of tears 2013:< 3xist3nc3> niger 2013:< FeebleOldMan> nigerian river 2013:< Sucks_> styx 2013:< grink> mr. roboto 2013:< npinsker> The answer was Niger! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2263) 2014:< Sucks_> you have enough points 2014:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2263), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2043), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1385), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2014:< Sucks_> :P 2014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film || Who played the Agent james Bond in the 1966 film 'Casino Royale'? 2014:< Sucks_> connery 2014:< FeebleOldMan> sean connery 2014:< grink> sean connery 2014:< Patarknight> Sean Connery 2014:< 3xist3nc3> david niven 2014:< Empyrealist> nononono 2014:< Empyrealist> david niven 2014:< FeebleOldMan> david niven 2014:< grink> richard gere 2014:< npinsker> The answer was David Niven! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2267), Empyrealist (46), FeebleOldMan (1387) 2015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What animal's meat can a Muslim not eat? 2015:< 3xist3nc3> pig 2015:< Lowbacca1977> pig 2015:< Sucks_> cow 2015:< grink> pig 2015:< FeebleOldMan> pig 2015:< Empyrealist> pig 2015:< FeebleOldMan> dog 2015:< Lowbacca1977> shellfish? 2015:< grink> bacon animal 2015:< alylynn96> pig 2015:< lactha> chameleon 2015:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2271), Lowbacca1977 (39), grink (729), FeebleOldMan (1388), Empyrealist (46), alylynn96 (... 2015:< FeebleOldMan> muslims 2015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a male swan called? 2015:< FeebleOldMan> swig 2016:< grink> swag 2016:< 3xist3nc3> swag 2016:< FeebleOldMan> gander 2016:< Patarknight> gander 2016:< grink> wait, dont tell me that's it 2016:< Empyrealist> swano 2016:< npinsker> The answer was cob! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2016:< lactha> cob 2016:< lactha> shit 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which US president said 'the buck stops here'? 2016:< FeebleOldMan> truman 2016:< grink> president jew 2016:< lactha> truman 2016:< llnk> regan 2016:< FeebleOldMan> john f kennedy 2016:< llnk> ronald regan 2016:< alylynn96> Bernie 2016:< grink> mexican trump 2017:< npinsker> The answer was Harry Truman! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (1392), lactha (50) 2017:< FeebleOldMan> john f. kennedy 2017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What do the initials of the band NIN stand for? 2017:< Patarknight> nine inch nails 2017:< FeebleOldMan> nine inch nails 2017:< grink> nine inch nails 2017:< llnk> nine inch nails 2017:< grink> |\|I|/| 2017:< lactha> nine inch ned flanders 2017:< npinsker> The answer was Nine Inch Nails! Correct users: Patarknight (2047), FeebleOldMan (1395), grink (731), llnk (7) 2018:< 3xist3nc3> nine inch noodles 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest of the pyramids in Egypt? 2018:< grink> not great 2018:< llnk> giza 2018:< 3xist3nc3> giza 2018:< Patarknight> khufu 2018:< grink> goa'uld ship 2018:< Patarknight> cheops 2018:< npinsker> The answer was Cheops! Correct users: Patarknight (2051) 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer Science || That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a _______? 2018:< grink> monitor 2018:< lactha> computer 2018:< Sucks_> monitor 2018:< llnk> pixel 2018:< Empyrealist> monitor 2019:< GetXyzzyWithIt> monitor 2019:< grink> but's it's not square 2019:< llnk> monitor 2019:< Sucks_> my mom 2019:< npinsker> The answer was monitor! Correct users: grink (735), Sucks_ (181), Empyrealist (48), GetXyzzyWithIt (711), llnk (7) 2019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal? 2019:< lactha> liverpool 2019:< 3xist3nc3> panama canal 2019:< GetXyzzyWithIt> liverpool 2019:< Patarknight> Panama Canal 2019:< llnk> liverpool 2019:< grink> cuban canal 2020:< npinsker> The answer was Panama Canal! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2275), Patarknight (2054) 2020:< lactha> you fools 2020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i thought it was a ref to marge haha 2020:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2275), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2054), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || What does the CAT in CAT-SCAN stand for? 2020:< 3xist3nc3> caterpillar 2020:< lactha> computerised axial tomography 2020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Computer Assisted Technology 2020:< Patarknight> computerized axial tomography 2020:< grink> meow 2020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Computerised Axial Tomography 2021:< npinsker> The answer was Computerised Axial Tomography! Correct users: lactha (54), GetXyzzyWithIt (714) 2021:< grink> ah so the bot is british 2021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is hyperglycemia commonly known as ? 2021:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ot 2021:< Empyrealist> ha 2021:< grink> high blood sugar 2021:< lactha> diabetes 2021:< OneiricNeuron> sugar overdose 2021:< GetXyzzyWithIt> diabetes 2021:< Empyrealist> diabetes 2021:< 3xist3nc3> diabetes type 2 2021:< grink> diabeetus 2021:< OneiricNeuron> beetus 2021:< 3xist3nc3> $ diabetes type 1 2021:< npinsker> The answer was diabetes! Correct users: lactha (58), GetXyzzyWithIt (717), Empyrealist (50) 2022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geogrophy || Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover? 2022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 70 2022:< grink> 75% 2022:< grink> 75 2022:< Empyrealist> 75 2022:< OneiricNeuron> 70 per century 2022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 75 2022:< AWildBull> 70 2022:< 3xist3nc3> 71 2022:< grink> 110 2022:< AWildBull> 70 2022:< npinsker> The answer was seventy one! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2279) 2022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wat 2022:< grink> ksure 2022:< OneiricNeuron> "geogrophy" 2022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> that's not approximate 2022:< Empyrealist> you had one job, grink! 2022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Shows || In the 70s Hit Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons what is the name of the company Scralet works for? 2022:< grink> i tried! 2022:< Empyrealist> :-) 2023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Typoed Names Club 2023:< Empyrealist> Scarlet 2023:< npinsker> The answer was Spectrum! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2023:< Empyrealist> Spcetrum 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is "The Iron Lady"? 2023:< lactha> margeret thatcher 2023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Margaret Thatcher 2023:< Patarknight> Margaret Thatcher 2023:< Empyrealist> margaret thatcher 2023:< grink> athena 2023:< 3xist3nc3> margaret thacher 2023:< AWildBull> ivonka 2023:< xMARKxDx> Margaret tacher 2023:< OneiricNeuron> margarine thatcher 2023:< npinsker> The answer was Margaret Thatcher! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (721), Patarknight (2057), Empyrealist (52) 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ___________. 2024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> desalinization 2024:< Patarknight> desalination 2024:< grink> desalination 2024:< OneiricNeuron> de-saltine-ation 2024:< Empyrealist> desalination 2024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> desalinisation 2024:< DrWinters> desalination 2024:< grink> reverse osmosis 2024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> desalination 2024:< lactha> the saltine nation 2024:< xMARKxDx> destroying 2024:< npinsker> The answer was desalination! Correct users: Patarknight (2061), grink (738), Empyrealist (54), DrWinters (1), GetXyzzyWithIt (721) 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 2025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Stephen Hawking 2025:< Patarknight> Nawab of Bengal 2025:< 3xist3nc3> indians 2025:< Empyrealist> Hitler 2025:< OneiricNeuron> amerIndians 2025:< grink> sheldon cooper 2025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Nawab of Bengal 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Indian troops! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____. 2025:< grink> moon 2025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> moon 2025:< nickyface> moon 2025:< xMARKxDx> moon 2025:< grink> mun 2025:< OneiricNeuron> moonpie 2025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rosie O'Donnell 2025:< Empyrealist> moon 2025:< xMARKxDx> dammit, moon moon! 2026:< npinsker> The answer was Moon! Correct users: grink (742), GetXyzzyWithIt (724), nickyface (31), xMARKxDx (3), Empyrealist (54) 2026:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2279), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2061), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2026:< nickyface> someone refill my coffee 2026:< lactha> ok 2026:< grink> i want coffee 2026:< Empyrealist> Im on it 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana? 2026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ok *pees in cup* 2026:< OneiricNeuron> i only slept four hours 2026:< grink> australia 2026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Australia 2026:< OneiricNeuron> austria 2026:< lactha> azkaban 2027:< xMARKxDx> sealand 2027:< nickyface> you're the proud winner of some death wish coffee beans 2027:< npinsker> The answer was Devil's Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2027:< Empyrealist> you know, there are bots you can use. you dont have to stay on here all the time 2027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || After the fall of the iron curtain, Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev introduced a period of restructuring known as... 2027:< grink> thats cheating 2027:< grink> fabric curtain 2027:< lactha> destalinisation 2027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> iron curtain 2027:< Patarknight> perestroika 2027:< nickyface> perestroika 2027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> perestoika 2027:< npinsker> The answer was Perestroika! Correct users: Patarknight (2065), nickyface (34) 2027:< OneiricNeuron> rope curtain 2027:< xMARKxDx> vodka time 2028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the first James Bond? 2028:< grink> connery 2028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sean Connery 2028:< Patarknight> Sean Connery 2028:< Empyrealist> Piven 2028:< grink> sparticus 2028:< xMARKxDx> Agent 007 2028:< OneiricNeuron> sean coney island 2028:< npinsker> The answer was Sean Connery! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (728), Patarknight (2068) 2028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What controversial book did Germaine Greer write? 2029:< grink> mein kamfp 2029:< Patarknight> Female Eunuch 2029:< xMARKxDx> Kama sutra 2029:< Patarknight> The Female Eunuch 2029:< grink> keggles 2029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Female Eunuch 2029:< npinsker> The answer was The Female Eunuch! Correct users: Patarknight (2072), GetXyzzyWithIt (731) 2029:< OneiricNeuron> Femedom 2029:< lactha> e-mail for unix 2029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trash || This cut is taken off the diaphragm of the cow as part of the "plate". It, like flank steak, is rather flat. 2029:< grink> skirk 2029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> skirk 2029:< grink> skirt 2029:< OneiricNeuron> skunk 2029:< GriffinPrice> skirt 2029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> skirt 2030:< Empyrealist> skirt 2030:< nickyface> strip 2030:< npinsker> The answer was skirt steak! Correct users: grink (746), GriffinPrice (37), GetXyzzyWithIt (733), Empyrealist (55) 2030:< OneiricNeuron> skinky 2030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Peter Piper picked a peck of what? 2030:< grink> dickles 2030:< lactha> pickled pepper 2030:< nickyface> pickled peppers 2030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Pickled Peppers 2030:< AWildBull> dickled deckers 2030:< OneiricNeuron> pickled chili peppers 2030:< TxDieselKid> pickled peppers 2030:< nickyface> pricky papples 2030:< 3xist3nc3> dicks 2030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Penile Poopers 2030:< TxDieselKid> red hot chilli peppers 2030:< npinsker> The answer was pickled peppers! Correct users: nickyface (38), GetXyzzyWithIt (736), TxDieselKid (142) 2031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Recreational Chemistry || What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide? 2031:< OneiricNeuron> LCD 2031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> LCD 2031:< Patarknight> lcd 2031:< grink> LSD 2031:< 3xist3nc3> ls 2031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> LSD 2031:< 3xist3nc3> lsd 2031:< Empyrealist> acid 2031:< AWildBull> lsd 2031:< nickyface> acid 2031:< npinsker> The answer was LSD! Correct users: grink (750), GetXyzzyWithIt (739), 3xist3nc3 (2281), AWildBull (4) 2031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lmao oops 2031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who led the mongols? 2031:< grink> khan 2031:< AWildBull> ghengis khan 2031:< nickyface> the mongolians 2031:< 3xist3nc3> Genghis khan 2031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ghengis Khan 2032:< Empyrealist> ghengis khan 2032:< nickyface> ghengis khan 2032:< OneiricNeuron> genghis khant 2032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mongorians that Break Down My Shity Warr 2032:< npinsker> The answer was Genghis Khan! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2285) 2032:< grink> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ 2032:< grink> dont break my shitty wall 2032:< lactha> really killing it here guys keep it up 2032:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2285), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2072), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film is generally considered the worst film ever made? 2032:< grink> 2001 2032:< Patarknight> manos the hands of fate 2032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gigli 2033:< nickyface> Armageddon 2033:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2033:< grink> men in black 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Manos the Hands of Fate 2033:< nickyface> tinkerbell 2033:< npinsker> The answer was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> WUT 2033:< nickyface> oh bother 2033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea west of Alaska. 2033:< grink> bering 2033:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bering 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bering Sea 2033:< Sucks_> bering 2033:< OneiricNeuron> ocean 2033:< lactha> white sea 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bering Straight 2033:< nickyface> sea world 2033:< grink> helen keller saying water 2034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Underwater Russia 2034:< npinsker> The answer was Bering! Correct users: grink (754), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (523), Sucks_ (183) 2034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow? (in degrees) 2034:< grink> 30 2034:< Sucks_> 30 2034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 60 2034:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 30 2034:< Empyrealist> 30 2034:< grink> 3045 2034:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 60 2034:< Sucks_> 60 2034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 30 2034:< OneiricNeuron> 90 degrees 2034:< AWildBull> 180 2034:< grink> 360 2034:< npinsker> The answer was forty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2034:< AWildBull> lol 2034:< Sucks_> damnit grink 2034:< grink> :( 2035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Red Square? 2035:< Patarknight> Moscow 2035:< Sucks_> russia 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Moscow 2035:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> moscow 2035:< Empyrealist> Moscow 2035:< grink> moscow moscow 2035:< Sucks_> oh city 2035:< OneiricNeuron> moosecow 2035:< AWildBull> moscow 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Moshorse 2035:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's cow 2035:< npinsker> The answer was Moscow! Correct users: Patarknight (2076), GetXyzzyWithIt (742), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (525), Empyrealist (56), grink (754)... 2035:< grink> TONTO! 2035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Final Fantasy VII was originally designed in what video game system? 2035:< grink> ps2 2035:< 3xist3nc3> nintendo 64 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> PlayStation 2 2035:< grink> nintendo 128 2035:< Patarknight> Nintendo 64 2036:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> nintendo 64 2036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Nintendo 64 2036:< AWildBull> playstation 64 2036:< grink> tontendo 1 2036:< OneiricNeuron> fivetendo 2036:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> nintonto 64 2036:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo 64! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2289), Patarknight (2079), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (527), GetXyzzyWithIt (743) 2036:< GlaDOS_Aperture> IPHONE 2036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drama || "Our Town" is a play by whom? 2036:< nickyface> testing out parrot RES. let's see how this guys 2036:< grink> donald trump 2036:< Patarknight> Thornton Wilder 2036:< Sorbetfraise> city habitants 2036:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto 2036:< Empyrealist> webber 2036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Thornton Wilder 2036:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> thornton wilder 2036:< npinsker> The answer was Thornton Wilder! Correct users: Patarknight (2083), GetXyzzyWithIt (746), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (529) 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Minnesota _______. 2037:< nickyface> vikings 2037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Vikings 2037:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> vikings 2037:< grink> tonto vikings 2037:< Empyrealist> vikings 2037:< nickyface> highkings 2037:< AviN456> nickyface %parrot for script chat, https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ for info/bugs/requests 2037:< OneiricNeuron> Bikeings 2037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Soda Crackers 2037:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bitcoins 2037:< npinsker> The answer was Vikings! Correct users: nickyface (42), GetXyzzyWithIt (749), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (531), grink (755), Empyrealist (56) 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals? 2038:< grink> biology 2038:< nickyface> cool thanks 2038:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> paleontology 2038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> paliantology 2038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> paleontology 2038:< Patarknight> paleontology 2038:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> paleontontogy 2038:< lactha> sarah palintology 2038:< npinsker> The answer was paleontology! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (535), GetXyzzyWithIt (752), Patarknight (2085) 2038:< OneiricNeuron> darkontology 2038:< nickyface> angioplasty 2038:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2289), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2085), rbasov (1883), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the president of the U.S in 'Air Force One'? 2039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Harrison Ford 2039:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto jones 2039:< nickyface> harrison ford 2039:< Patarknight> Harrison Ford 2039:< grink> jerry mcquire 2039:< Empyrealist> harrison ford 2039:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> harrison ford 2039:< npinsker> The answer was Harrison Ford! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (756), nickyface (45), Patarknight (2087), Empyrealist (57), I_Am_Shooby_Ta... 2039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. 2039:< Empyrealist> tonto 2039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Crazy Horse 2039:< grink> is it really tonto 2040:< nickyface> crazy whores 2040:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tonto 2040:< npinsker> The answer was Sitting Bull! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2040:< Empyrealist> i doubt it 2040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || With which hand do soldiers salute? 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Left 2040:< grink> right 2040:< Empyrealist> right 2040:< Patarknight> right 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Right 2040:< grink> left 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Middle 2040:< grink> middle 2040:< npinsker> The answer was right! Correct users: grink (759), Empyrealist (60), Patarknight (2089), GetXyzzyWithIt (757) 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many players are there on a soccer team? 2041:< grink> 11 2041:< Patarknight> 11 2041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 11 2041:< grink> ll 2041:< nickyface> 158 2041:< Empyrealist> 10 2041:< nickyface> 8 2041:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: grink (763), Patarknight (2092), GetXyzzyWithIt (759) 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who drafted most of the American Declaration of Independence? 2041:< grink> ben franklin 2042:< grink> jefferson 2042:< Empyrealist> hamilton 2042:< Patarknight> Jefferson 2042:< Adinida> John Adams 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> John Adams 2042:< grink> trump 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Thomas Jefferson 2042:< nickyface> queen latifah 2042:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Jefferson! Correct users: grink (767), Patarknight (2095), GetXyzzyWithIt (761) 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> John Handcock 2042:< Adinida> That's wrong 2042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hahaha || This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now. 2042:< Empyrealist> its footpenis now 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> no, bot is always right 2042:< grink> chair 2042:< nickyface> we the people of the united states in order to form a more perfect union 2042:< Adinida> chair 2042:< 3xist3nc3> chair 2042:< Empyrealist> chair 2042:< 3xist3nc3> penis 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Adjustable chair 2042:< grink> floor 2043:< nickyface> seat 2043:< npinsker> The answer was chair! Correct users: grink (771), Adinida (204), 3xist3nc3 (2291), Empyrealist (61), Patarknight (2095), nickyface (45)... 2043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon? 2043:< grink> cum 2043:< Empyrealist> sea water 2043:< 3xist3nc3> whale semen 2043:< Adinida> salt water 2043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sea water 2043:< Patarknight> seawater 2043:< Patarknight> sea water 2043:< grink> cum water 2043:< 3xist3nc3> salty water 2043:< npinsker> The answer was seawater! Correct users: Patarknight (2099) 2043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Industrial-grade semen 2044:< Empyrealist> fffffuuuuuuuu 2044:< Adinida> So does Ocean water 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || The surrealist painter Salvador Dali was a native of which country? 2044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Spain 2044:< grink> spain 2044:< rbasov> spain 2044:< Adinida> Spain 2044:< grink> espana 2044:< Empyrealist> spain 2044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> shut up chapebrone 2044:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (765), grink (774), rbasov (1885), Adinida (205), Empyrealist (61), person7178 (0) 2044:< rbasov> click ze mute 2044:< Empyrealist> mexico^2 2044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wise man 2044:< person7178> LETS FUCKING GO 2044:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2099), rbasov (1885), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || In which country did the word 'biscuit' originate? 2045:< Patarknight> england 2045:< grink> cow|dog|france 2045:< rbasov> france 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> England 2045:< person7178> england 2045:< Empyrealist> engald 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> France 2045:< person7178> Empyrealist ouch 2045:< Empyrealist> england 2045:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: grink (778), rbasov (1888), GetXyzzyWithIt (767) 2045:< person7178> haha 2045:< Empyrealist> lol 2045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty? 2045:< grink> 1776 2045:< Patarknight> 1776 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 1776 2045:< person7178> 1776 2046:< Empyrealist> 1776 2046:< person7178> 1933 2046:< rbasov> july 4th, 1776 2046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> July 4 1776 2046:< person7178> july 4th, 1776 2046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sept 11 2001 2046:< Empyrealist> july 4 1776 2046:< Patarknight> July 4, 1776 2046:< npinsker> The answer was July 4 1776! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (771), Empyrealist (64) 2046:< person7178> GetXyzzyWithIt FUCKING HILARIOUS 2046:< rbasov> wow...this is the one without a comma...fuck you 2046:< Empyrealist> dat coma t 2046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was Dr. Zhivago's great love? 2046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> thank you i will be here all night 2046:< Patarknight> Laura 2046:< grink> that horse 2046:< person7178> Laura 2046:< grink> cow|dog 2046:< Empyrealist> donkey 2046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dr Zayus 2046:< rbasov> lara 2046:< Patarknight> Lara 2046:< 3xist3nc3> Zara 2047:< person7178> Lara 2047:< npinsker> The answer was Lara! Correct users: rbasov (1892), Patarknight (2102), person7178 (2) 2047:< Patarknight> goddamit 2047:< person7178> okokok 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first American colony to legalise witchcraft? 2047:< rbasov> massachusets 2047:< Patarknight> Virginia 2047:< 3xist3nc3> virginia 2047:< person7178> Virginia 2047:< grink> ^africa 2047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Virginia 2047:< rbasov> conecticut 2047:< Empyrealist> massachusetts 2047:< grink> ^texas 2047:< person7178> massachusetts 2047:< npinsker> The answer was Pennsylvania! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2047:< Empyrealist> boooo 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ________. 2048:< grink> ^!goal line 2048:< Empyrealist> lines 2048:< person7178> tits 2048:< rbasov> yard lines 2048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yard lines 2048:< Patarknight> grid lines 2048:< riddlogic> hashes 2048:< rbasov> hash marks 2048:< Empyrealist> yard lines 2048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cum lines 2048:< npinsker> The answer was hash marks! Correct users: rbasov (1896) 2048:< grink> cum stains 2048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> hash browns 2048:< Empyrealist> hash pipes 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || Who invented the ball point pen? 2048:< Patarknight> biro 2048:< grink> mr ball 2049:< grink> donald trump's hair 2049:< rbasov> someone with oddly shaped testicles 2049:< riddlogic> John J. Loud 2049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mr Ballepointe Penne 2049:< Empyrealist> penis mightier 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Laszlo and Georg Biro! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote '1984'? 2049:< Patarknight> Orwell 2049:< rbasov> george orwell 2049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> George Orwell 2049:< grink> orwell 2049:< riddlogic> George Orwell 2049:< Empyrealist> orwell 2049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Steve Jobs 2049:< grink> double speak 2049:< BrownMario> taylor swift 2049:< npinsker> The answer was George Orwell! Correct users: rbasov (1900), GetXyzzyWithIt (774), riddlogic (2) 2049:< grink> tay tay 2050:< rbasov> sup mario 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie trivia || In which film did Jay Leno play 'Mookie'? 2050:< grink> his noise 2050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a terrible film for terrible people 2050:< rbasov> do the right thing 2050:< Patarknight> American Hot Wax 2050:< riddlogic> American Hot Wax 2050:< npinsker> The answer was American Hot Wax! Correct users: Patarknight (2106), riddlogic (5) 2050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> stealing late night shows: the movie 2050:< Empyrealist> spike lee is the only mookie 2050:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2106), rbasov (1900), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2051:< rbasov> spike lee is a racist 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country? 2051:< Patarknight> Greece 2051:< BrownMario> rbasov you freaking killed it last night after i left 2051:< Empyrealist> probably 2051:< rbasov> indonesia 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Greece 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Polynesia 2051:< rbasov> lol i couldn't sleep last night 2051:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: Patarknight (2110), GetXyzzyWithIt (777) 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lucky sevens baby 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In the opera 'Don Giovanni', what was Leporello? 2052:< rbasov> a fat man 2052:< Patarknight> servant 2052:< grink> amadeus 2052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> servant 2052:< Patarknight> Don Giovanni's servant 2052:< Empyrealist> singer 2052:< npinsker> The answer was servant! Correct users: Patarknight (2114), GetXyzzyWithIt (780) 2052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which company developed and published the "Bubsy" series of games on the SNES console? 2052:< nickyface> grink i'm overwhelmed by your kisses 2053:< npinsker> The answer was Accolade! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2053:< grink> nickyface i'm confused 2053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || Spanish modernist and cubist Pablo ------- 2053:< rbasov> picasso 2053:< Patarknight> Picasso 2053:< Sucks_> picasso 2053:< Empyrealist> picasso 2053:< nickyface> i know it's all so confusing but it's starting to feel right 2053:< Nesman64> picasso 2053:< npinsker> The answer was Picasso! Correct users: rbasov (1904), Patarknight (2117), Sucks_ (185), Empyrealist (65), Nesman64 (133) 2053:< Empyrealist> waaaat 2054:< BrownMario> and 3xist passed panda 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country uses the "yen" for currency? 2054:< grink> japan 2054:< rbasov> japan 2054:< Patarknight> Japan 2054:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> japan] 2054:< nickyface> japan 2054:< Empyrealist> nippon 2054:< sabotourAssociate> japan 2054:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> japan 2054:< rbasov> yeah, 3xist was on a roll 2054:< grink> bad tonto 2054:< rbasov> tonto's back 2054:< npinsker> The answer was Japan! Correct users: grink (782), rbasov (1907), Patarknight (2119), nickyface (46), sabotourAssociate (24), I_Am_Shoob... 2054:< BrownMario> i kinda like my nice and round 1k, but im also about to get kicked out of the leaderboard... 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread called? 2054:< grink> i'm coming for you 2055:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontornamental work 2055:< Sucks_> crafting 2055:< BrownMario> my body is ready? 2055:< Patarknight> filamer 2055:< Empyrealist> kraftworks 2055:< grink> cum necklace 2055:< nickyface> filigree 2055:< npinsker> The answer was filigree! Correct users: nickyface (50) 2055:< rbasov> filigree 2055:< Patarknight> right 2055:< rbasov> yeah, i just want to solodify a place in the leaderboard 2055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932? 2055:< Patarknight> Charles Lindbergh Jr. 2055:< Sucks_> anne frank 2055:< Empyrealist> lindburg 2055:< nickyface> lindbergh baby! 2055:< rbasov> lindbergh baby 2055:< grink> yeah that kid 2055:< nickyface> or however the f it's spelled 2055:< Empyrealist> lindbergh 2056:< grink> bot never accepts my answer 2056:< nickyface> lindbergh baby 2056:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Lindbergh Jr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2056:< nickyface> oh youuuuu 2056:< Empyrealist> fu bot 2056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Which movie is the highest grossing movie of all time? 2056:< BrownMario> gone with the wind 2056:< Empyrealist> avatar 2056:< grink> star wars 2056:< npinsker> The answer was Titanic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2056:< nickyface> avatar 2056:< dick_sanitizer> hey peeps 2056:< grink> dick! 2056:< nickyface> still? 2057:< rbasov> titanic was beat by avatar...which was beat by something else i think 2057:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2119), rbasov (1907), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2057:< nickyface> pretty sure you're right rbasov 2057:< grink> star wars 2057:< dick_sanitizer> yeah the bot of out of date lol 2057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || This is the symbol for tin. 2057:< Empyrealist> avatar should still be top 2057:< dick_sanitizer> sn 2057:< Patarknight> No It's Avatar now 2057:< grink> Tn 2057:< Patarknight> Sn 2057:< dick_sanitizer> Sn 2057:< rbasov> sn 2057:< Empyrealist> star wars didnt catch it 2057:< nickyface> snoo snoo 2057:< Patarknight> Though if you adjust for inflation, its GWTW, IIRC because of the huge difference 2057:< npinsker> The answer was Sn! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (307), Patarknight (2122), rbasov (1909) 2057:< rbasov> could've sworn avatar was beat...but no 2057:< dick_sanitizer> :D D: :D D: :D 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Indian Ocean? 2058:< rbasov> with inflation gone with the wind, avatar, star wars, titanic 2058:< grink> australia 2058:< Empyrealist> madegascar 2058:< dick_sanitizer> maricious 2058:< rbasov> madagascar 2058:< npinsker> The answer was Madagascar! Correct users: rbasov (1913) 2058:< grink> titanic fucking sucked 2058:< Empyrealist> fuck 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Analogies || Bull - cow as fox - __________. 2058:< grink> pup 2058:< dick_sanitizer> vixen 2058:< Empyrealist> die 2059:< Patarknight> vixen 2059:< rbasov> vixen 2059:< grink> cupid 2059:< Empyrealist> vixen 2059:< dick_sanitizer> thats my bfs nickname for me lol 2059:< grink> rudoplh 2059:< npinsker> The answer was vixen! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (311), Patarknight (2125), rbasov (1915), Empyrealist (66) 2059:< grink> foxy lady 2059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the aerosol? 2059:< Empyrealist> die? how sweet 2059:< grink> mr. aero 2059:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mr. sol 2059:< rbasov> erik rotheim 2059:< dick_sanitizer> erik rothiem 2059:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto rotheim 2100:< npinsker> The answer was Erik Rotheim! Correct users: rbasov (1919) 2100:< Empyrealist> sol aero 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the longest venomous snake? 2100:< rbasov> anaconda 2100:< dick_sanitizer> im in an early lecture btw so you peeps need to keep my from falling asleep 2100:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> anaconda 2100:< Empyrealist> anaconda 2100:< grink> dont 2100:< dick_sanitizer> python 2100:< rbasov> king cobra 2100:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> anatonta 2100:< rbasov> aren't anacondas constrictors? 2100:< grink> nicki 2100:< npinsker> The answer was king cobra! Correct users: rbasov (1923) 2101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to? 2101:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> kangaroo 2101:< pill_hop> kangaroo 2101:< grink> kangaroo 2101:< Empyrealist> kangaroo 2101:< rbasov> koala 2101:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoroo 2101:< grink> opossum 2101:< npinsker> The answer was kangaroo! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (539), pill_hop (19), grink (784), Empyrealist (67) 2101:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wombat 2101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fish || A goldfish has a memory of how many seconds? 2101:< grink> tonto says 3 2101:< rbasov> 3 2101:< Patarknight> 3 2102:< rbasov> im pretty sure thats a myth though 2102:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 3 2102:< npinsker> The answer was three! Correct users: grink (788), rbasov (1926), Patarknight (2127), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (540) 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and _________. 2102:< tRitone11> Romania 2102:< grink> usa 2102:< rbasov> romania 2102:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> romania 2102:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 2102:< grink> toronto 2102:< rbasov> tontomania 2102:< npinsker> The answer was Romania! Correct users: rbasov (1930), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (543) 2103:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2127), rbasov (1930), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2103:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoronto 2103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who starred in the film 'The Man With Two Brains'? 2103:< grink> penis man 2103:< rbasov> steve martin 2103:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Tonto, that's why he's so smart 2103:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Martin! Correct users: rbasov (1934) 2104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second highest peak in Africa? 2104:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2104:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mt. tonto 2104:< Patarknight> Mt. Kenya 2104:< rbasov> mount kilamanjaro 2104:< grink> come to kenya we've got lions 2104:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mt. kenya 2104:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Kenya! Correct users: Patarknight (2131), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (546) 2104:< Empyrealist> are you lion? 2104:< grink> possibly 2104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Summertime || This is the sandy area nearest the ocean. 2105:< grink> beach 2105:< rbasov> beach 2105:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> beach 2105:< Empyrealist> beach 2105:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto sand 2105:< npinsker> The answer was beach! Correct users: grink (792), rbasov (1937), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (548), Empyrealist (68) 2105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be? 2105:< Patarknight> circle 2105:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> circle 2105:< rbasov> circle 2105:< grink> artic circle 2105:< Empyrealist> circle 2105:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto shaped 2106:< npinsker> The answer was circle! Correct users: Patarknight (2135), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (551), rbasov (1939), grink (793), Empyrealist (68) 2106:< rbasov> alrighty...I'm literally hitler now 2106:< Empyrealist> dot dot 2106:< dick_sanitizer> anyone got the parrot script link? 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the technical name for an animal's pouch? 2106:< dick_sanitizer> marciel 2106:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto pouch 2106:< Empyrealist> pooch 2106:< dick_sanitizer> mauciel 2106:< grink> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/2gwhl 2106:< rbasov> marsiel 2106:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> marcel 2106:< dick_sanitizer> thanks!! 2106:< npinsker> The answer was marsupium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2106:< grink> np 2106:< 3xist3nc3> @rbasov welcome to the WW2 club 2107:< rbasov> thank you :D 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the longest mountain range in the world? 2107:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> andes 2107:< 3xist3nc3> himalayas 2107:< rbasov> appalachian 2107:< grink> canada 2107:< Patarknight> andes 2107:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto mountains 2107:< Abandonedapple> rocky mountains 2107:< npinsker> The answer was Andes! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (555), Patarknight (2138) 2107:< Patarknight> Rbasov, come join us in the future 2107:< grink> shooby is a timer 2107:< rbasov> But i like the past 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was George of the Jungle always running in to? 2107:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> trees 2107:< grink> 555timer trees 2108:< rbasov> a tree 2108:< Abandonedapple> trees 2108:< Empyrealist> kind buds 2108:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's dick 2108:< grink> r/trees 2108:< Empyrealist> trees 2108:< rbasov> I need hitler to die before I can come to the modern era 2108:< npinsker> The answer was A tree! Correct users: rbasov (1943) 2108:< rbasov> only 2 more years 2108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1986 game put you on the pursuit of the leader of the Space Pirates, The Mother Brain? 2108:< Patarknight> Metroid 2108:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> metroid 2108:< Abandonedapple> metroid 2108:< rbasov> metroid 2108:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto: the game 2109:< npinsker> The answer was Metroid! Correct users: Patarknight (2142), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (558), Abandonedapple (36), rbasov (1944) 2109:< rbasov> damn...still one year of hitler left 2109:< rbasov> but japan went bye bye 2109:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2142), rbasov (1944), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2109:< grink> when do you attack tontoland 2109:< rbasov> never 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century? 2109:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tuberculosis 2109:< grink> aids 2109:< rbasov> dysentery 2109:< Empyrealist> plague 2109:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoberculosis 2110:< rbasov> consumption 2110:< npinsker> The answer was tuberculosis! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (562) 2110:< Empyrealist> dysentary 2110:< grink> oxen have died 2110:< TxDieselKid> scarlet feaver 2110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The vernal equinox is the beginning of ________. 2110:< grink> spring 2110:< Patarknight> spring 2110:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> spring 2110:< Sucks_> spring 2110:< TxDieselKid> spring 2110:< grink> time for hitler 2110:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto time 2110:< Empyrealist> summer 2110:< TxDieselKid> baseball season 2110:< rbasov> I die of dysentery every time i go one th oregon trail 2110:< npinsker> The answer was spring! Correct users: grink (797), Patarknight (2145), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (564), Sucks_ (186), TxDieselKid (142) 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As clean as a(n) ________. 2111:< grink> whistle 2111:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> whistle 2111:< Patarknight> whistle 2111:< grink> buttplug 2111:< rbasov> whitle 2111:< Empyrealist> whistle 2111:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> whittle 2111:< TxDieselKid> whistle 2111:< rbasov> drats 2111:< npinsker> The answer was whistle! Correct users: grink (801), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (567), Patarknight (2147), Empyrealist (69), TxDieselKid (142) 2111:< TxDieselKid> fresh shaved vajayjay 2111:< rbasov> a nice clean canvas 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end. 2111:< grink> monkey 2111:< KCosmo> baboon 2112:< TxDieselKid> baboon 2112:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> baboon 2112:< rbasov> baboon 2112:< grink> baloon 2112:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> but it's that one kind of baboon 2112:< TxDieselKid> arangatang 2112:< npinsker> The answer was mandrill! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2112:< rbasov> yeah...starts with an m i think 2112:< grink> red ass'ed tonto 2112:< KCosmo> dangit 2112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cosmology || Who wrote 'A Brief History of Time'? 2112:< KCosmo> theres an awesome 70s funk group called Mandrill 2112:< grink> stephen hawking 2112:< KCosmo> stephen hawking 2112:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> stephen hawking 2112:< rbasov> stephen hawking 2112:< grink> on my bookshelf 2112:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto hawking 2113:< npinsker> The answer was Stephen Hawking! Correct users: grink (805), KCosmo (391), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (569), rbasov (1945) 2113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are Slaghoople and Mcbricker? 2113:< grink> betty and wilma 2113:< KCosmo> betty and wilma 2113:< Empyrealist> betty and wilma 2113:< rbasov> wilma and betty 2113:< KCosmo> wilma and betty 2113:< npinsker> The answer was Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2113:< KCosmo> boo 2113:< grink> fuck fuckfuck 2113:< rbasov> whore 2114:< Empyrealist> boooooo 2114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the smallest breed of dog. 2114:< grink> rat 2114:< rbasov> tea cup yorkie 2114:< grink> chihuahua 2114:< KCosmo> dashund 2114:< Patarknight> chihuahua 2114:< Abandonedapple> chihuahua 2114:< KCosmo> chihuahua 2114:< Empyrealist> chihuahua 2114:< npinsker> The answer was chihuahua! Correct users: grink (809), Patarknight (2150), Abandonedapple (38), KCosmo (392), Empyrealist (69) 2114:< rbasov> bull shit...tea cups 2114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Rocky's nickname in the ring? 2114:< grink> rocky 2114:< Sorbetfraise> rocky 2115:< jedixi> The itallian stallion 2115:< KCosmo> the italian stallion 2115:< grink> sausage face 2115:< Sorbetfraise> dendi 2115:< jedixi> the italian stallion 2115:< KCosmo> shitshit 2115:< npinsker> The answer was The Italian Stallion! Correct users: KCosmo (396), jedixi (23) 2115:< Abandonedapple> rocky 2115:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), hellapanda (2158), Patarknight (2150), rbasov (1945), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Alcohol || From what is the liqueur kirsch made? 2115:< jedixi> wine 2115:< bbrazil> cherries 2115:< Abandonedapple> cherry 2115:< KCosmo> cherries 2115:< grink> balls 2116:< rbasov> cherries 2116:< Sorbetfraise> small red apple 2116:< npinsker> The answer was cherries! Correct users: bbrazil (53), Abandonedapple (41), KCosmo (398), rbasov (1946) 2116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The two races in HG Well's "The Time Machine" are the child-like Eloi and the subterannean ______? 2116:< bbrazil> Morloks 2116:< grink> bus 2116:< KCosmo> morloks 2116:< rbasov> morloks 2116:< Abandonedapple> morloks 2116:< npinsker> The answer was Morlocks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2117:< Abandonedapple> :( 2117:< rbasov> good movie 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is the shortest verse in the bible? (John 11:35) 2117:< KCosmo> the one with samantha mumba? 2117:< Patarknight> Jesus wept 2117:< Sorbetfraise> jesus wept 2117:< rbasov> jesus wept 2117:< KCosmo> jesus peed 2117:< grink> jesus slept 2117:< Sorbetfraise> jesus rekt 2117:< rbasov> yes 2117:< saltcake> Jesus rapped 2117:< Empyrealist> jesus christ 2117:< bbrazil> wew lad 2117:< KCosmo> jesus bro 2117:< chuckfinleLP1> Jesus Wept 2117:< npinsker> The answer was Jesus wept.! Correct users: Patarknight (2154), Sorbetfraise (11), rbasov (1948), chuckfinleLP1 (32) 2117:< 404NinjaNotFound> LOL 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital city of Rhode Island. 2118:< grink> providence 2118:< Patarknight> Providence 2118:< Sorbetfraise> rhode island city 2118:< rbasov> providence 2118:< KCosmo> providence 2118:< Abandonedapple> providence 2118:< chuckfinleLP1> Providence 2118:< Empyrealist> providence 2118:< npinsker> The answer was Providence! Correct users: grink (813), Patarknight (2157), rbasov (1950), KCosmo (399), Abandonedapple (41), chuckfinle... 2118:< 404NinjaNotFound> How long have you guys been playing? 2118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fat Presidents || Which President weighed 352 pounds? 2118:< rbasov> aww yeah, 1950, time for the communist witch hunt 2118:< Patarknight> taft 2118:< Sorbetfraise> olivia newton john 2118:< Abandonedapple> taft 2118:< KCosmo> taft 2118:< rbasov> william howard taft 2118:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> taft 2118:< Empyrealist> taft 2118:< chuckfinleLP1> William H Taft 2119:< KCosmo> ive been popping in since last night 2119:< 404NinjaNotFound> Taft 2119:< Abandonedapple> most of them are bots 2119:< grink> impressive 2119:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: Patarknight (2161), Abandonedapple (44), KCosmo (401), rbasov (1951), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (569), Emp... 2119:< 404NinjaNotFound> Oh, too bad 2119:< Empyrealist> fatty arlbuckle 2119:< rbasov> the only bot is triton11 and the host 2119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of? 2119:< rbasov> 300 2119:< grink> 300 2119:< Patarknight> I've been in the room with the bot since the 3rd or 4th 2119:< Sorbetfraise> 300 2119:< KCosmo> 300 2119:< 404NinjaNotFound> 300 2119:< Abandonedapple> oh really? that's crazy 2119:< Empyrealist> 300 2119:< grink> maybe 9300 2119:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 300 2119:< Sorbetfraise> under 9000 2119:< KCosmo> I havent seen tritrone lately 2119:< npinsker> The answer was three hundred! Correct users: rbasov (1955), grink (816), Sorbetfraise (13), KCosmo (402), 404NinjaNotFound (0), Empyrea... 2120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'We've only just begun'? 2120:< grink> jesus 2120:< saltcake> carpenters 2120:< Sorbetfraise> olivia newton john 2120:< rbasov> the carpenters 2120:< 404NinjaNotFound> Carpenters 2120:< Empyrealist> queen 2120:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hitler in 1940 2120:< saltcake> the carpenteres 2120:< Abandonedapple> carpenters 2120:< KCosmo> the carpenters 2120:< grink> the plumbers 2120:< AtaraxicMegatron> the carpenters 2120:< npinsker> The answer was Carpenters! Correct users: saltcake (4), rbasov (1958), 404NinjaNotFound (2), Abandonedapple (45), KCosmo (402), Ataraxi... 2120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail? 2121:< KCosmo> drawings 2121:< Sorbetfraise> fish 2121:< grink> tampons 2121:< rbasov> ale 2121:< Empyrealist> tampons 2121:< Empyrealist> lol 2121:< 404NinjaNotFound> whale 2121:< Abandonedapple> 0_o 2121:< npinsker> The answer was whale! Correct users: 404NinjaNotFound (6) 2121:< rbasov> whale 2121:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2291), Patarknight (2161), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (1958), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Queen Amidala in the latest 'Star Wars' film? 2121:< Sorbetfraise> olivia newton john 2122:< grink> carrie fisher 2122:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Natalie portman 2122:< Patarknight> Natalie Portman 2122:< KCosmo> natalie portman 2122:< 3xist3nc3> cnatalie portman 2122:< Sorbetfraise> luke skywalker 2122:< npinsker> The answer was Natalie Portman! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (573), Patarknight (2164), KCosmo (404), 3xist3nc3 (2292) 2122:< Empyrealist> portman 2122:< KCosmo> the latest? 2122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || IN which game does Mario wear the Tanooki Suit which gives him the ability to fly? 2122:< grink> db is old 2122:< Sorbetfraise> super mario bros 3 2122:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> super mario bros 3 2122:< KCosmo> mari 3 2122:< grink> mario 3 2122:< rbasov> super mario bros 3 2122:< KCosmo> super mario bros 3 2122:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> super mario bros. 3 2123:< grink> smb3 2123:< KCosmo> that shit was my jam 2123:< Empyrealist> carrie fisher was never queen 2123:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros 3! Correct users: Sorbetfraise (17), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (576), grink (818), rbasov (1959), KCosmo (404) 2123:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> super mario brothers 3 2123:< grink> one my favorites 2123:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> germany 2123:< grink> brazil 2123:< Sorbetfraise> italy 2123:< KCosmo> italy 2123:< rbasov> brazil 2123:< grink> north korea 2123:< Patarknight> Spain 2123:< Sorbetfraise> urss 2123:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> deutschland 2123:< Empyrealist> best korea 2123:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: Patarknight (2168) 2123:< rbasov> naughty korea 2124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This organ is a small pouch that stores bile. 2124:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> liver 2124:< rbasov> stomach 2124:< Sorbetfraise> liver 2124:< Patarknight> gallbladder 2124:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> gall bladder 2124:< KCosmo> gallbladder 2124:< 404NinjaNotFound> gall bladder 2124:< KCosmo> gall bladder 2124:< Empyrealist> gallbladder 2124:< rbasov> you obviously don't know the shit i eat... 2124:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bile bladder 2124:< npinsker> The answer was gall bladder! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (580), 404NinjaNotFound (9), KCosmo (406) 2124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ________. 2124:< Empyrealist> you eat pieces of shit for breakfast? 2124:< KCosmo> laxitive 2124:< Sucks_> laxitive 2125:< rbasov> laxative 2125:< person7178> laxitive 2125:< KCosmo> laxative 2125:< jedixi> laxative 2125:< 404NinjaNotFound> laxative 2125:< Abandonedapple> laxative 2125:< Sorbetfraise> DP 2125:< Empyrealist> diarhetic 2125:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> laxative 2125:< person7178> mexica food 2125:< npinsker> The answer was laxative! Correct users: rbasov (1963), KCosmo (409), jedixi (25), 404NinjaNotFound (10), Abandonedapple (45), I_Am_Shoo... 2125:< person7178> diarhetic 2125:< KCosmo> thats for pee 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The planet closest to the sun is _______. 2125:< KCosmo> mercury 2125:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mercury 2125:< Abandonedapple> mercury 2125:< Sorbetfraise> mercury 2125:< Empyrealist> mercury 2125:< 404NinjaNotFound> Mercury 2125:< grink> Hg 2125:< KCosmo> nice 2125:< Empyrealist> horrible car 2125:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> krypton 2126:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: KCosmo (413), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (583), Abandonedapple (47), Sorbetfraise (18), Empyrealist (69)... 2126:< person7178> Mercury 2126:< person7178> dammn 2126:< Abandonedapple> :P 2126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Phobos and Deimos are the moons of which planet? 2126:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mars 2126:< Patarknight> Mars 2126:< person7178> mars 2126:< Abandonedapple> mars 2126:< KCosmo> mars 2126:< jedixi> Mars 2126:< 404NinjaNotFound> Mars 2126:< rbasov> uranus 2126:< Sorbetfraise> snickers 2126:< Empyrealist> mars 2126:< person7178> urmom 2126:< KCosmo> 100 grand 2126:< Empyrealist> sniggers 2126:< person7178> milky way 2126:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> toronto 2126:< npinsker> The answer was Mars! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (587), Patarknight (2171), person7178 (4), Abandonedapple (48), KCosmo (413), je... 2127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was, "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen"? 2127:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 2127:< Sorbetfraise> olivia newton john 2127:< Patarknight> George Washington 2127:< 3xist3nc3> taft taft taft taft taft 2127:< 404NinjaNotFound> Henry Lee 3 2127:< rbasov> benedict arnold 2127:< npinsker> The answer was George Washington! Correct users: Patarknight (2175) 2127:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2292), Patarknight (2175), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (1963), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who invented dynamite? 2128:< Patarknight> Nobel 2128:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> alfred nobel 2128:< KCosmo> nobel 2128:< Sorbetfraise> isis 2128:< 3xist3nc3> nobel 2128:< 404NinjaNotFound> Nobel 2128:< KCosmo> alfred nobel 2128:< rbasov> alfred nobel 2128:< OneiricNeuron> Alfred belle 2128:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> taco bell 2128:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Nobel! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (591), KCosmo (416), rbasov (1965) 2128:< Sorbetfraise> "Allahu Akbar" - Nobel 2128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the Spanish word for 'festival'? 2128:< rbasov> fiesta 2128:< Empyrealist> peace came later 2128:< KCosmo> fiesta 2128:< Sorbetfraise> fiesta 2128:< 404NinjaNotFound> fiesta 2128:< OneiricNeuron> festival ? 2129:< Empyrealist> fiesta 2129:< KCosmo> carnival 2129:< Patarknight> fiesta 2129:< OneiricNeuron> un festival 2129:< Sorbetfraise> los maracas 2129:< OneiricNeuron> its the same thing! 2129:< npinsker> The answer was fiesta! Correct users: rbasov (1969), KCosmo (419), Sorbetfraise (20), 404NinjaNotFound (11), Empyrealist (69), Patarkni... 2129:< rbasov> los mexicanos locos 2129:< Sorbetfraise> los tacos 2129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven. 2129:< TxDieselKid> so, I went and look at that group page they made for soKuKu. Someone made a constitution.... and a flag. 2129:< 404NinjaNotFound> Salem witch trials? 2129:< rbasov> bewitched 2129:< KCosmo> rosemarys baby 2129:< OneiricNeuron> sandwich trials 2129:< 404NinjaNotFound> that was it 2129:< npinsker> The answer was Rosemary's Baby! Correct users: KCosmo (423) 2130:< Empyrealist> rosemarys baby 2130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which city is known as Motown? 2130:< rbasov> chicago 2130:< Empyrealist> damn 2130:< KCosmo> detroit 2130:< rbasov> detroit 2130:< TxDieselKid> detroit 2130:< Empyrealist> detroit 2130:< rbasov> the other black one 2130:< npinsker> The answer was Detroit! Correct users: KCosmo (427), rbasov (1972), TxDieselKid (144), Empyrealist (70) 2130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || Who has the world's largest double-decker tram fleet? 2131:< rbasov> britain 2131:< Sorbetfraise> obama 2131:< 404NinjaNotFound> hong kong tramways 2131:< KCosmo> UK 2131:< Patarknight> Hong Kong 2131:< npinsker> The answer was Hong Kong! Correct users: Patarknight (2179) 2131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state? 2131:< rbasov> maine 2131:< Empyrealist> maine 2131:< 404NinjaNotFound> maine? 2131:< KCosmo> alaska 2132:< KCosmo> maine 2132:< npinsker> The answer was Maine! Correct users: rbasov (1976), Empyrealist (73), 404NinjaNotFound (13), KCosmo (428) 2132:< rbasov> alaska borders canada 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What game show had people dressed up funny? 2132:< rbasov> price is right 2132:< TxDieselKid> let's make a deal 2132:< rbasov> the price is right 2132:< KCosmo> lets make a deal 2132:< 404NinjaNotFound> lets make a deal 2132:< npinsker> The answer was Let's Make A Deal! Correct users: TxDieselKid (148), KCosmo (431), 404NinjaNotFound (15) 2133:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2133:< rbasov> bullshit... 2133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || To where do Muslims make pilgrimage? 2133:< KCosmo> mecca 2133:< rbasov> mecca 2133:< 404NinjaNotFound> Mecca 2133:< Sorbetfraise> mecca 2133:< TxDieselKid> 'merica 2133:< 404NinjaNotFound> Murica! 2133:< TxDieselKid> mecca 2133:< npinsker> The answer was Mecca! Correct users: KCosmo (435), rbasov (1979), 404NinjaNotFound (17), Sorbetfraise (21), TxDieselKid (148) 2133:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2292), Patarknight (2179), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (1979), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars films? 2134:< KCosmo> frank oz 2134:< Sorbetfraise> this little green man 2134:< rbasov> frank oz 2134:< rbasov> he's the wizard, too 2134:< npinsker> The answer was Frank Oz! Correct users: KCosmo (439), rbasov (1982) 2134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland? 2134:< rbasov> southern 2134:< KCosmo> northern 2135:< rbasov> northern 2135:< KCosmo> northern ireland 2135:< npinsker> The answer was Northern! Correct users: KCosmo (443), rbasov (1985) 2135:< rbasov> it was 50/50 2135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What do scientists predict will happen when the universe ends? 2135:< KCosmo> big bang 2135:< rbasov> another big bang 2135:< rbasov> it will collapse on itself 2136:< npinsker> The answer was The Big Crunch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2136:< Sorbetfraise> my mom will eat it 2136:< KCosmo> ha 2136:< rbasov> the big crunch sounds like a breakfast cerea; 2136:< TxDieselKid> king size nestle crunch 2136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lord of the Rings || Who says, "Do you not know death when you see it old man"? 2136:< rbasov> boromir 2136:< KCosmo> elrond 2136:< npinsker> The answer was Witch-King! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2136:< KCosmo> boromir 2136:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Don't Overthink It || How many cookies are there in a baker's dozen? 2136:< Sorbetfraise> this guy with a bear 2137:< KCosmo> 13 2137:< Sorbetfraise> beard* 2137:< TxDieselKid> 12 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who is Donald Duck's uncle? 2137:< PotatoBadger> You dumbass, KCosmo - I'm not npinsker 2137:< rbasov> scrooge mcduck 2137:< Sorbetfraise> oncle picsou 2137:< KCosmo> I like answering questions 2137:< PotatoBadger> You dumbass, TxDieselKid. It's 13. 2137:< TxDieselKid> scrooge mcduck 2137:< npinsker> The answer was Scrooge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2137:< rbasov> fuck you 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the name of the motel in the film "Psycho"? 2137:< KCosmo> bates motel 2137:< grink> mastur bates 2138:< KCosmo> bates 2138:< Sorbetfraise> click bates 2138:< TxDieselKid> yo, potato, your mom 2138:< Patarknight> Bates Motel 2138:< rbasov> bates 2138:< npinsker> The answer was Bates Motel! Correct users: KCosmo (447), grink (821), Sorbetfraise (23), Patarknight (2180), rbasov (1985) 2138:< rbasov> wow...wouldn't let me send it for like 13 seconds 2138:< rbasov> gump 2138:< grink> gump 2138:< Sorbetfraise> gump 2138:< TxDieselKid> gump 2138:< rbasov> fix that question...bubba liked shrimp 2138:< rbasov> forrest just went into business with him 2139:< npinsker> The answer was Gump! Correct users: KCosmo (451), rbasov (1988), grink (823), Sorbetfraise (24), TxDieselKid (148) 2139:< Sorbetfraise> he went into business with lt dan 2139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who did the music for the 1970's film 'Saturday Night Fever'? 2139:< rbasov> oh yeah...bubba died in wat 2139:< KCosmo> the beegees 2139:< Sorbetfraise> bubba died before creating the company 2139:< grink> beegees 2139:< TxDieselKid> beegees 2139:< rbasov> war 2139:< KCosmo> what is it good for 2139:< rbasov> oil 2139:< npinsker> The answer was Bee Gees! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2139:< TxDieselKid> Bubba Gump Shrimp Co is a legit resturent I'm sad to say 2139:< KCosmo> aw cmon mate 2139:< rbasov> im not it's good food 2140:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2292), Patarknight (2180), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (1988), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2140:< TxDieselKid> never cared for it myself 2140:< KCosmo> its always in tourist traps 2140:< TxDieselKid> yes 2140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In snooker, how many points are accumulated in a perfect break? 2140:< rbasov> 13 2140:< TxDieselKid> very bad spots 2140:< bonfire10> 13 2140:< rbasov> 147 2140:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and forty seven! Correct users: rbasov (1992) 2140:< KCosmo> ha 2141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is Tippi Hedren's daughter? 2141:< KCosmo> fuck 2141:< KCosmo> brain 2141:< rbasov> melanie griffith 2141:< TxDieselKid> a whore 2141:< KCosmo> melanie griffith 2141:< npinsker> The answer was Melanie Griffith! Correct users: rbasov (1996), KCosmo (454) 2141:< KCosmo> i totally forgot her name, where has she been 2141:< rbasov> who knows 2141:< rbasov> i thought she dies 2141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This magic word was in the movie, "Mary Poppins". 2141:< rbasov> supercalafragilisticexpialidocious 2142:< KCosmo> supercalafragiliousexpialdocius 2142:< npinsker> The answer was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2142:< KCosmo> that took forever 2142:< KCosmo> 1 letter 2142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Which country has the currency 'yen'? 2142:< rbasov> ...... 2142:< KCosmo> china 2142:< Patarknight> japan 2142:< KCosmo> japan 2142:< npinsker> The answer was Japan! Correct users: Patarknight (2184), KCosmo (457) 2143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison? 2143:< 3xist3nc3> 27 2143:< KCosmo> 22 2143:< Patarknight> 25 2143:< KCosmo> 27 2143:< npinsker> The answer was twenty seven! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2296), KCosmo (460) 2143:< rbasov> kcosmo, you didn't miss a letter, you missed a segment lol 2143:< KCosmo> haha shit 2143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As mad as a ______________? 2144:< OneiricNeuron> cow 2144:< Patarknight> march hare 2144:< rbasov> hatter 2144:< TxDieselKid> wet hen 2144:< OneiricNeuron> grump 2144:< rbasov> grinch 2144:< OneiricNeuron> blm 2144:< npinsker> The answer was wet hen or hatter! Correct users: rbasov (2000), TxDieselKid (151) 2144:< rbasov> woo it's the new millennium 2144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks? 2144:< 3xist3nc3> congrats rbasov 2144:< KCosmo> shasta 2144:< innoutberger> shasta 2144:< TxDieselKid> congrats rbasov, 2000 points. 2144:< rbasov> thank you 2145:< innoutberger> Damn dude, thats impressive 2145:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Shasta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2145:< KCosmo> boooo 2145:< innoutberger> oh fuck off bot 2145:< rbasov> i'm still only in 4th overall lol 2145:< TxDieselKid> what was sadzero at? 2145:< 3xist3nc3> botting his life away 2145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biochemistry || This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves. 2145:< KCosmo> nicotine 2145:< 3xist3nc3> nicotine 2145:< rbasov> think he got banned aroun 1700-1800...idk 2145:< 3xist3nc3> around 2500-2800 2145:< TxDieselKid> he got banned? 2145:< rbasov> really? that high? 2145:< KCosmo> yeah i havent seen him 2145:< 3xist3nc3> maybe even 3k 2145:< npinsker> The answer was nicotine! Correct users: KCosmo (464), 3xist3nc3 (2299) 2145:< innoutberger> id only say nicotine because y'all said it. And that aint ethical 2146:< rbasov> he was botting 2146:< TxDieselKid> ah 2146:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2299), Patarknight (2184), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2000), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2146:< 3xist3nc3> yes, i saw his scores as being that high before he was blacklisted 2146:< OneiricNeuron> why does my thing keep reloading itself? is it the parrot? 2146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by 'The Romantics' in February 1980? 2146:< OneiricNeuron> does anyone else have this problem? 2146:< innoutberger> Hey! 2146:< 3xist3nc3> that's what i hate about you 2146:< KCosmo> i did before, not lately 2146:< rbasov> what i like about you 2146:< npinsker> The answer was That's What I Like About You! Correct users: rbasov (2004) 2147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the only mammal with four knees. 2147:< rbasov> elephant 2147:< 404NinjaNotFound> elephant 2147:< OneiricNeuron> creepy human 2147:< Sorbetfraise> Kneetosaurus 2147:< TxDieselKid> elephant 2147:< 3xist3nc3> mutant cat 2147:< Patarknight> elephant 2147:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: rbasov (2008), 404NinjaNotFound (20), TxDieselKid (153), Patarknight (2185) 2147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || The closest living relative of this African mammal is the giraffe. 2148:< innoutberger> zebra 2148:< rbasov> brontosaurus 2148:< 3xist3nc3> the bra 2148:< OneiricNeuron> gigaffe 2148:< 3xist3nc3> geraffe 2148:< npinsker> The answer was Okapi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2148:< rbasov> the giraffe's baby 2148:< OneiricNeuron> youre not wrong 2148:< rbasov> but okapi's are basically zebra 2148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with? 2148:< rbasov> baseball 2148:< OneiricNeuron> fishing 2148:< innoutberger> tennis 2148:< OneiricNeuron> duh 2148:< rbasov> chess 2149:< OneiricNeuron> the man's a fisher 2149:< 3xist3nc3> Fisching 2149:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: rbasov (2012) 2149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Known as "the world's first virtual newscaster," what green-haired character gave her first webcast on April 1... 2149:< innoutberger> the joker 2149:< Patarknight> Anavona 2149:< npinsker> The answer was Ananova! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2149:< rbasov> anna kornikova 2149:< 3xist3nc3> green eyed snoo 2150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What was given to children to rid them of threadworm? 2150:< OneiricNeuron> seriously :( this thing keeps reloading itself 2150:< 3xist3nc3> salt enema 2150:< innoutberger> dirt 2150:< 3xist3nc3> idk go to setting 2150:< npinsker> The answer was salt enema! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2303) 2150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What does the Italian term "poco a poco" mean? 2150:< 3xist3nc3> step by step 2151:< innoutberger> little by little 2151:< Patarknight> little by little 2151:< innoutberger> mismo en espanol 2151:< npinsker> The answer was little by little! Correct users: innoutberger (121), Patarknight (2188) 2151:< OneiricNeuron> poquito a poquito 2151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country was once known as Gaul? 2151:< Patarknight> France 2151:< 3xist3nc3> france 2151:< rbasov> sinegaul 2151:< innoutberger> france 2151:< OneiricNeuron> spain 2151:< innoutberger> Charles 2152:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: Patarknight (2192), 3xist3nc3 (2306), innoutberger (123) 2152:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2306), Patarknight (2192), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2012), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where were the first books printed? 2152:< Patarknight> Germany 2152:< OneiricNeuron> chine 2152:< Patarknight> China 2152:< innoutberger> monasteries 2152:< rbasov> Philadelphia 2153:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: Patarknight (2196) 2153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || In which country is milk the most popular beverage? 2153:< rbasov> usa 2153:< Patarknight> United States 2153:< 3xist3nc3> USA 2153:< OneiricNeuron> daneland 2153:< innoutberger> USA USA USA 2153:< ixc7> thats a funny fact 2153:< npinsker> The answer was USA! Correct users: Koi-pond (15), rbasov (2015), 3xist3nc3 (2308), innoutberger (124) 2153:< 3xist3nc3> fuck yeah 2153:< rbasov> america, america god shed his grace on thee 2154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who advised us to 'break on through to the other side'? 2154:< rbasov> kool-aid 2154:< 3xist3nc3> Jim jones 2154:< innoutberger> Fuck I know the song 2154:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Morrison (of The Doors)! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2154:< rbasov> adele 2154:< innoutberger> BREAK ON THROOUGH TO THE UTHA SIDEEE 2154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What Marlon Brando film was widely banned? 2154:< innoutberger> the godfather 2154:< 3xist3nc3> last tango in paris 2155:< npinsker> The answer was Last Tango In Paris! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2312) 2155:< OneiricNeuron> last thong in paris 2155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic? 2155:< Patarknight> vampire 2155:< OneiricNeuron> vampiro 2155:< innoutberger> vampires 2155:< rbasov> vampire 2155:< npinsker> The answer was vampire! Correct users: Patarknight (2200), rbasov (2018) 2156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Hideo Kojima game for the GBA included a solar panel requiring you to play in direct sunlight to do well. 2156:< rbasov> go outside 2156:< innoutberger> /r/outside 2156:< CWTyger> Boktai 2156:< 3xist3nc3> Real Life Boy Advance 2156:< npinsker> The answer was Boktai! Correct users: CWTyger (4) 2156:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> CATEGORY: Movies || Who was the Indian friend of the Lone Ranger? 2156:< innoutberger> tanto 2156:< rbasov> Toto 2156:< OneiricNeuron> Saskathwera 2156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which large city is on the Southeastern coast of Australia? 2157:< 3xist3nc3> totno 2157:< Patarknight> Sydney 2157:< OneiricNeuron> sydney 2157:< 3xist3nc3> Sydney 2157:< innoutberger> sydney 2157:< innoutberger> Why are there two trivia bots? 2157:< npinsker> The answer was Sydney! Correct users: Patarknight (2204), OneiricNeuron (80), 3xist3nc3 (2314), innoutberger (125) 2157:< rbasov> there aren't lol 2157:< 3xist3nc3> he's a not a bot though 2157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the term for a castrated rooster? 2157:< innoutberger> Trolld 2157:< 3xist3nc3> master trole 2016 2157:< OneiricNeuron> gallina 2157:< rbasov> capon 2158:< innoutberger> that would be a hen 2158:< npinsker> The answer was capon! Correct users: rbasov (2022) 2158:< innoutberger> also, fucking capons in GoT 2158:< rbasov> a hen is just a female...you're still a dude without balls 2158:< 3xist3nc3> deadbeat 2158:< rbasov> kinda... 2158:< innoutberger> Now I know what they are 2158:< OneiricNeuron> smartass 2158:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2314), Patarknight (2204), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2022), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Travel || What city does Orly airport serve? 2158:< innoutberger> paris 2158:< rbasov> oslo 2158:< OneiricNeuron> New orleans 2158:< Patarknight> Paris 2158:< 3xist3nc3> paris 2159:< 3xist3nc3> 2008memecity 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Paris! Correct users: innoutberger (129), Patarknight (2207), 3xist3nc3 (2316) 2159:< innoutberger> Fucking ryanair. They call it Paris-orly, and its a goddamn hour outside the city 2159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Beat It'? 2159:< rbasov> michael jackson 2159:< innoutberger> Michael jackson 2159:< 3xist3nc3> Michael Jackson 2159:< riobh> Micheal Jackson 2159:< OneiricNeuron> Michael Jackstoitson 2159:< innoutberger> Many newly pubescent teenage boys 2159:< rbasov> black michael 2159:< riobh> Michael Jackson 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Jackson! Correct users: rbasov (2026), innoutberger (132), 3xist3nc3 (2318), riobh (3) 2159:< 3xist3nc3> turning european 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, what did Daedalus construct for Minos? 2200:< HookahComputer> The labyrinth 2200:< Patarknight> Labyrinth 2200:< innoutberger> a maze 2200:< 3xist3nc3> Labyrinth 2200:< rbasov> the parthenon 2200:< OneiricNeuron> Wings 2200:< riobh> The labyrinth 2200:< innoutberger> labyrinth 2200:< amaklp> Labyrinth 2200:< npinsker> The answer was labyrinth! Correct users: HookahComputer (571), Patarknight (2210), 3xist3nc3 (2320), riobh (4), innoutberger (132), ama... 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar. 2201:< riobh> Cleopatra 2201:< rbasov> cleopatra 2201:< innoutberger> cleopatra 2201:< HookahComputer> Cleopatra 2201:< Patarknight> Cleopatra 2201:< OneiricNeuron> clitpatra 2201:< innoutberger> purple eyes too yeah? 2201:< amaklp> Clitoropatra 2201:< npinsker> The answer was Cleopatra! Correct users: riobh (8), rbasov (2029), innoutberger (134), HookahComputer (572), Patarknight (2210) 2201:< amaklp> close 2201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In which country was the match invented? 2201:< HookahComputer> China 2201:< Patarknight> china 2201:< innoutberger> France 2201:< riobh> China 2201:< amaklp> Arabia 2201:< q00u> America 2201:< OneiricNeuron> 'gina 2201:< q00u> F yeah! 2201:< rbasov> china 2202:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: innoutberger (138) 2202:< innoutberger> oh shit 2202:< amaklp> wrong 2202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the Disney cartoon in which the character "Belle" appears. 2202:< HookahComputer> Beauty and the Beast 2202:< innoutberger> beauty and the beast 2202:< riobh> Beauty and the Beast 2202:< rbasov> beauty and the beast 2202:< q00u> Tron 2202:< OneiricNeuron> Beauty and the breast 2202:< npinsker> The answer was Beauty and the Beast! Correct users: HookahComputer (576), innoutberger (141), riobh (10), rbasov (2030) 2202:< q00u> Hunchback of Notre Dam has a belle too, I think 2203:< rbasov> esmerelda 2203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured 'The Lido Shuffle'? 2203:< q00u> >< He rings a bell 2203:< rbasov> boz scaggs 2203:< riobh> Boz Scaggs 2203:< q00u> Lido 2203:< npinsker> The answer was Boz Scaggs! Correct users: rbasov (2034), riobh (13) 2203:< q00u> Dido 2203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll? 2203:< Sucks_> mtv 2204:< rbasov> bet 2204:< amaklp> Breaking Bad 2204:< q00u> CNN 2204:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2204:< innoutberger> the rugrats 2204:< riobh> American Bandstand 2204:< rbasov> american bandstand 2204:< OneiricNeuron> Rock tv 2204:< npinsker> The answer was American Bandstand! Correct users: riobh (17), rbasov (2037) 2204:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2320), Patarknight (2210), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2037), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks? 2205:< rbasov> mt shasta 2205:< q00u> Dual Spires 2205:< riobh> Twin Peaks 2205:< innoutberger> shasta 2205:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Shasta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Master Higgins was the skateboarding hero of this tropical Hudson series that debuted on the NES. 2205:< innoutberger> Tony hawk pro skate 3 2206:< riobh> Adventure Island 2206:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson's Adventure Island! Correct users: riobh (21) 2206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Paper || What size is A-0 paper? 2206:< Mathemagicland> one square meter 2206:< Patarknight> one square meter 2206:< rbasov> 1 sq meter 2206:< riobh> 1 square meter 2206:< npinsker> The answer was one Square Meter! Correct users: Mathemagicland (21), Patarknight (2213) 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || This chess term means "in passing" 2207:< Mathemagicland> en passant 2207:< Patarknight> en passant 2207:< riobh> en passant 2207:< q00u> VW Passat 2207:< npinsker> The answer was en passant! Correct users: Mathemagicland (25), Patarknight (2216), riobh (23) 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What are the separators on a guitar neck called? 2207:< Mathemagicland> Frets 2207:< riobh> frets 2207:< q00u> Worries 2208:< rbasov> don't you fret 2208:< npinsker> The answer was frets! Correct users: Mathemagicland (29), riobh (26) 2208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for einsteinium? 2208:< Mathemagicland> Es 2208:< innoutberger> Ein 2208:< _deffer_> Es 2208:< riobh> ES 2208:< riobh> Es 2208:< npinsker> The answer was Es! Correct users: Mathemagicland (33), _deffer_ (518), riobh (28) 2209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who were Lucy and Ricky's next door neighbours and best friends? 2209:< _deffer_> fred and ethel 2209:< npinsker> The answer was Fred and Ethel! Correct users: _deffer_ (522) 2209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds. 2210:< rbasov> saw 2210:< 3xist3nc3> saw 2210:< _deffer_> bark 2210:< rbasov> woof 2210:< 3xist3nc3> canine 2210:< npinsker> The answer was bark! Correct users: _deffer_ (526) 2210:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2320), Patarknight (2216), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2037), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What missionary station was built by Albert Schweitzer? 2211:< _deffer_> lamba something 2211:< q00u> The Missionary Position 2211:< _deffer_> lambarine 2211:< npinsker> The answer was Lambarene! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2211:< rbasov> lame braine 2211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of heredity called? 2211:< rbasov> geneology 2211:< _deffer_> genetics 2212:< q00u> Jean Gray 2212:< npinsker> The answer was genetics! Correct users: _deffer_ (530) 2212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair? 2212:< rbasov> bow 2212:< q00u> bow and arrow 2212:< rbasov> quiver 2212:< _deffer_> yes 2212:< _deffer_> a bow 2212:< npinsker> The answer was a bow! Correct users: rbasov (2041), _deffer_ (533) 2213:< _deffer_> FUCK THIS RATE LIMIT BULLSHIT 2213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || The last line of which document is 'working men of all countries, unite!'? 2213:< Mathemagicland> communist manifesto 2213:< andysniper> communist manifesto 2213:< rbasov> communist manifesto 2213:< 3xist3nc3> Communist manifest 2213:< _deffer_> communist manifesto 2213:< Patarknight> communist manifesto 2213:< rbasov> communist fiesta 2213:< q00u> Anarchist's Cookbook 2213:< BrownMario> red robin manifesto 2213:< npinsker> The answer was Communist Manifesto! Correct users: Mathemagicland (37), andysniper (844), rbasov (2043), _deffer_ (534), Patarknight (2... 2213:< 3xist3nc3> Tacommunism 2213:< _deffer_> taco condominium 2213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animals || What is the fastest breed of dog after the greyhound? 2213:< Mathemagicland> Whippet 2214:< 3xist3nc3> whippet 2214:< rbasov> whippet 2214:< BrownMario> whip it 2214:< q00u> Cheetah 2214:< _deffer_> whippet 2214:< 3xist3nc3> the naynay 2214:< npinsker> The answer was whippet! Correct users: Mathemagicland (41), 3xist3nc3 (2323), rbasov (2045), _deffer_ (535) 2214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany? 2214:< rbasov> macbeth 2214:< q00u> The Unix Epoch 2214:< _deffer_> 12th night 2215:< rbasov> the twelfth night 2215:< npinsker> The answer was Twelfth Night! Correct users: rbasov (2049) 2215:< _deffer_> fuck 2215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which famous explorer visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America? 2215:< Patarknight> Cook 2215:< rbasov> stop picking and choosing which answers accept numbers and which need to be written 2215:< _deffer_> right? 2215:< npinsker> The answer was Captain George Vancouver! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2215:< q00u> Lewis and Clark 2216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This island group is off the east coast of southern South America. 2216:< Mathemagicland> Falklands 2216:< _deffer_> falkland islands 2216:< rbasov> the canary islands 2216:< q00u> Folkdance 2216:< npinsker> The answer was Falkland Islands! Correct users: _deffer_ (539) 2216:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2323), Patarknight (2216), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2049), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many hours does an antelope sleep at night? 2217:< Patarknight> 4 2217:< rbasov> 16 2217:< andysniper> 4 2217:< q00u> 36 2217:< Mathemagicland> three 2217:< rbasov> sqrt(16) 2217:< q00u> Antelopes don't sleep, silly. They're melons! 2217:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: mrfrightful (4) 2217:< rbasov> shit, i might be an antelope 2217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644. 2217:< Patarknight> Ming 2217:< Mathemagicland> ming 2217:< rbasov> manchu 2218:< rbasov> ming 2218:< andysniper> qing 2218:< q00u> ching qing ming 2218:< rbasov> qing 2218:< andysniper> mu 2218:< npinsker> The answer was Ming! Correct users: Patarknight (2220), Mathemagicland (44), rbasov (2051), q00u (86) 2218:< rbasov> ching 2218:< q00u> Mwahahaha cheating wins. 2218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is considered the father of medicine? 2218:< rbasov> lol 2218:< Mathemagicland> Hippocrates 2218:< Patarknight> Hippocrates 2218:< andysniper> mr medicine 2218:< q00u> Archemicarus 2218:< rbasov> he didn't take his own oath 2219:< npinsker> The answer was Hippocrates! Correct users: Mathemagicland (48), Patarknight (2223) 2219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || U.S. President: Calvin _________. 2219:< Patarknight> Coolidge 2219:< Mathemagicland> Coolidge 2219:< Enlyten> coolidge 2219:< q00u> and Hobbes 2219:< rbasov> collidge 2219:< andysniper> coolidge 2219:< q00u> Coolranch Doritos 2219:< npinsker> The answer was Coolidge! Correct users: Patarknight (2227), Mathemagicland (51), Enlyten (115), andysniper (845) 2219:< andysniper> coldfridge 2220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What dog is named after a Mexican state? 2220:< Patarknight> Chihuahua 2220:< Mathemagicland> Chihuahua 2220:< andysniper> chihuahua 2220:< q00u> Great Dane 2220:< nickyface> chihuahua 2220:< HookahComputer> Tijuana 2220:< Enlyten> tegucigalpa 2220:< npinsker> The answer was chihuahua! Correct users: Patarknight (2231), Mathemagicland (54), andysniper (847), nickyface (51) 2220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Gastritis affects the __________. 2220:< Mathemagicland> gut 2220:< Savolainen5> stomach 2220:< andysniper> gut 2220:< q00u> Gasoline 2220:< HookahComputer> intestines 2221:< Mathemagicland> stomach 2221:< npinsker> The answer was stomach! Correct users: Savolainen5 (381), Mathemagicland (57) 2221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A group of kangaroos is known as a _______. 2221:< Savolainen5> congress 2221:< 3xist3nc3> Pack 2221:< HookahComputer> jump 2221:< Enlyten> group of kangaroos 2221:< Patarknight> pack 2221:< Lowbacca1977> parliament 2221:< andysniper> bouncing nightmare 2221:< Enlyten> leap 2222:< npinsker> The answer was troop! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine. 2222:< Patarknight> Ford 2222:< andysniper> daimler 2222:< HookahComputer> Henry Ford 2222:< Enlyten> henry ford 2222:< Savolainen5> diesel 2222:< q00u> Tony Stark 2222:< npinsker> The answer was Karl Freidrich Benz! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2222:< Savolainen5> oh right 2222:< Enlyten> feck 2223:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2323), Patarknight (2231), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2051), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || French impressionist Claude ----- 2223:< Savolainen5> monet 2223:< Patarknight> Monet 2223:< Enlyten> frog 2223:< andysniper> monet 2223:< nickyface> tenom 2223:< andysniper> van damme 2223:< Savolainen5> two repeats in a row :(( 2223:< q00u> What causes the chat to scroll up to the top and disappear? I'm using Parrot. It looks like it's pruning too much. 2223:< npinsker> The answer was Monet! Correct users: Savolainen5 (385), Patarknight (2234), andysniper (849) 2223:< HookahComputer> Probably pruning too much 2224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Acclaim character is probably best known for hunting Dinosaurs in the Lost Land in several N64 games. 2224:< nickyface> what do you have it set at? 2224:< Patarknight> Turok 2224:< Enlyten> chris pratt 2224:< andysniper> crisp rat 2224:< npinsker> The answer was Turok! Correct users: Patarknight (2238) 2224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Toronto ____________? 2224:< Savolainen5> leafs 2224:< Enlyten> maple leafs 2224:< andysniper> maple leafs 2224:< nickyface> patark. who, or what, are you? 2224:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> maple leafs 2224:< Patarknight> Maple Leafs 2225:< nickyface> maple leafs 2225:< Patarknight> Sorry what? 2225:< Savolainen5> moreover, why can't i see you, patarknight 2225:< npinsker> The answer was Maple Leafs! Correct users: Enlyten (119), andysniper (852), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (593), Patarknight (2239), nickyface (51) 2225:< Savolainen5> you're not muted 2225:< nickyface> i really despite the rate limiting 2225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth? 2225:< nickyface> also despise 2225:< Patarknight> Daedalus 2225:< Enlyten> me 2225:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Daedalus 2225:< Patarknight> I think it's the "remove messages sent more than 3 times" option 2225:< andysniper> the master builder 2225:< Patarknight> Possibly? 2225:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the minotaur 2225:< npinsker> The answer was Daedalus! Correct users: Patarknight (2243), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (596) 2226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed 'The Shining'? 2226:< Savolainen5> kubrick 2226:< Enlyten> him 2226:< andysniper> kubrick 2226:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> kubrick 2226:< nickyface> stanley kubrick 2226:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> stanley kubrick 2226:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Kubrick! Correct users: Savolainen5 (389), andysniper (855), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (598), nickyface (52) 2226:< nickyface> bradley marshall 2226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour? 2226:< Enlyten> christopher nolan 2227:< andysniper> 16 2227:< Savolainen5> 15 2227:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 360/24 2227:< Mathemagicland> 15 2227:< Enlyten> 3 2227:< Patarknight> 23.5 2227:< nickyface> 15 2227:< chrismash> 9 2227:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: Savolainen5 (393), Mathemagicland (60), nickyface (54) 2227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In the Gene Pitney how many hours was it from Tulsa? 2227:< Enlyten> 15 2227:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 24 2227:< andysniper> 24 2227:< nickyface> 24 2227:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 420 2228:< Patarknight> 24 2228:< npinsker> The answer was 24! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (602), andysniper (858), nickyface (56), Patarknight (2244) 2228:< nickyface> in the gene pitney 2228:< nickyface> the gene pitney WHAT 2228:< chrismash> oh look a bot 2228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What is the best selling game on the Nintendo Wii? 2228:< Enlyten> 24 2228:< Mathemagicland> Wii Sports 2228:< Patarknight> Wii Sports 2228:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wii sports 2228:< nickyface> wii sports 2228:< andysniper> wii sports 2228:< _deffer_> not sure there's a bot here? 2228:< nickyface> fallout 2228:< Sorbetfraise> <(°) le budget toucan has arrived 2228:< npinsker> The answer was Wii Sports! Correct users: Mathemagicland (64), Patarknight (2247), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (604), nickyface (57), andysniper... 2229:< nickyface> no just his cousin 2229:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2323), Patarknight (2247), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2051), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement? 2229:< Enlyten> Wii Sports 2229:< Patarknight> Germany 2229:< Mathemagicland> Germany 2229:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> germany 2229:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> wii sports 2229:< Sorbetfraise> germany 2229:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> deutschland 2229:< andysniper> germany 2229:< chrismash> france 2229:< nickyface> greece 2229:< andysniper> korea 2229:< npinsker> The answer was Germany! Correct users: Patarknight (2251), Mathemagicland (67), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (606), Sorbetfraise (25), andysniper... 2230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This was the Beatle's first film. 2230:< Enlyten> Germany 2230:< Mathemagicland> Yellow Submarine 2230:< nickyface> help 2230:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> yellow submarine 2230:< andysniper> hard days night 2230:< npinsker> The answer was A Hard Day's Night! Correct users: andysniper (862) 2230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || On what do honeybees have a type of hair? 2230:< Mathemagicland> their butts 2230:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2231:< nickyface> penis 2231:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> legs 2231:< andysniper> abdomen 2231:< Enlyten> Yellow Submarine. 2231:< Patarknight> eyes 2231:< Sorbetfraise> legs 2231:< Mathemagicland> What's up with the /r/longevity spam? 2231:< nickyface> legs 2231:< andysniper> thorax 2231:< Patarknight> He's trying to get subs 2231:< nickyface> spine 2231:< npinsker> The answer was eyes! Correct users: Patarknight (2255) 2231:< Patarknight> Just mute him 2231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia? 2231:< Enlyten> Eyes 2231:< Patarknight> Dinar 2231:< nickyface> dinner 2231:< i_met_rice_boy> dinar 2231:< andysniper> are you the sam person? 2231:< q00u> US Dollar 2232:< Patarknight> Who? 2232:< npinsker> The answer was Dinar! Correct users: Patarknight (2259), i_met_rice_boy (11) 2232:< andysniper> oh you 2232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sings 'Sweet Home Alabama'? 2232:< HookahComputer> Nice 2232:< Enlyten> Dinar 2232:< Mathemagicland> Lynyrd Skynyrd 2232:< Mathemagicland> or however the fuck it's spelled 2232:< nickyface> lynyrd sknyyrd 2232:< andysniper> leonard skinnard 2232:< Patarknight> is FNCxPro still around? 2232:< nickyface> god dammit 2232:< Mathemagicland> He is 2232:< HookahComputer> HAHAHA 2232:< Sucks_> i havent seen him 2232:< Patarknight> Ah 2232:< npinsker> The answer was Lynyrd Skynyrd! Correct users: Mathemagicland (71) 2232:< Patarknight> Yeah he's is/was a bot that just repeats what I say 2232:< nickyface> coffee fingers 2233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Wisconsin? 2233:< Enlyten> Lynyrd Skynyrd 2233:< Mathemagicland> Madison 2233:< andysniper> cheese 2233:< Patarknight> Madison 2233:< nickyface> madison 2233:< q00u> Cheeseton 2233:< i_met_rice_boy> madison 2233:< Patarknight> I muted him so I can't see him anymore 2233:< Sucks_> i muted him too 2233:< npinsker> The answer was Madison! Correct users: Mathemagicland (75), Patarknight (2262), nickyface (59), i_met_rice_boy (12) 2233:< Sucks_> and sadr 2233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was John Wayne's real name? 2233:< tRitone11> Marion Michael Morrison 2233:< Enlyten> Madison 2233:< Mathemagicland> Wayne Johnson 2233:< nickyface> john wayne gacey 2233:< andysniper> james wilson 2234:< q00u> Marilyn Monroe 2234:< nickyface> wtf is up with enlyten 2234:< npinsker> The answer was Marion Morrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2234:< nickyface> marion, ahh makes sense 2234:< Sucks_> but he doesnt show in my muted users list anymore 2234:< Enlyten> sorry im using internet explorer so my answers seem to be late 2234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler? 2234:< tRitone11> A certifiable lunatic 2234:< andysniper> some cunt 2234:< Sucks_> a genius 2234:< Patarknight> certifiable lunatic 2234:< q00u> Drumpf 2234:< nickyface> that makes sense. the answers being late part. not the using IE part. 2235:< npinsker> The answer was A certifiable lunatic! Correct users: Patarknight (2266) 2235:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2323), Patarknight (2266), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2051), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2235:< nickyface> damn FNC you're as good as patar 2235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport would you find the "slapshot". 2235:< tRitone11> hockey 2235:< chrismash> hockey 2235:< Enlyten> A certifiable lunatic 2235:< nickyface> hockey 2235:< Patarknight> hockey 2235:< q00u> Chess 2235:< andysniper> ice hockey 2235:< HookahComputer> At least copy off the answerbot, too. 2236:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: chrismash (477), nickyface (62), Patarknight (2268), andysniper (863) 2236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the correct name of Bangkok? 2236:< tRitone11> Krung Thep 2236:< HookahComputer> Krung Thep 2236:< Patarknight> Krung Thep 2236:< andysniper> krung thep 2236:< femdemgem> Krung Thep 2236:< q00u> Crushgroin 2236:< nickyface> wtf 2236:< Patarknight> It's actually massive though 2236:< npinsker> The answer was Krung Thep! Correct users: HookahComputer (580), Patarknight (2271), andysniper (865), femdemgem (591) 2237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb? 2237:< Patarknight> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangkok#Name 2237:< tRitone11> Enola Gay 2237:< HookahComputer> Enola Gay 2237:< andysniper> enola gay 2237:< Patarknight> Enola Gay 2237:< AndyD418> big boy 2237:< chrismash> Enola Gay 2237:< q00u> Granola Straight 2237:< npinsker> The answer was Enola Gay! Correct users: HookahComputer (584), andysniper (868), Patarknight (2273), chrismash (478) 2237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is the Machu Picchu? 2237:< tRitone11> Peru 2237:< HookahComputer> Peru 2237:< andysniper> peru 2237:< chrismash> Peru 2237:< nickyface> apu 2237:< q00u> Pikachu 2238:< chrismash> Peru 2238:< HookahComputer> I choose you 2238:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: HookahComputer (588), andysniper (871), chrismash (480) 2238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the second man to set foot on the moon? 2238:< tRitone11> Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin 2238:< chrismash> Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin 2238:< HookahComputer> Buzz Aldrin 2238:< andysniper> buzz aldrin 2238:< Patarknight> Buzz Aldrin 2238:< q00u> Woody 2238:< Enlyten> this nigga steph curry 2238:< npinsker> The answer was Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin! Correct users: chrismash (484), HookahComputer (591), andysniper (873), Patarknight (2274) 2238:< andysniper> yeezy 2239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What is the sacred river of Hinduism? 2239:< tRitone11> Ganges 2239:< Patarknight> Ganges 2239:< chrismash> Ganges 2239:< andysniper> ganges 2239:< Enlyten> gangs 2239:< q00u> River Phoenix 2239:< npinsker> The answer was Ganges! Correct users: Patarknight (2278), chrismash (487), andysniper (875) 2239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand? 2239:< tRitone11> ring finger 2239:< Patarknight> ring 2240:< andysniper> ring 2240:< chrismash> ring finger 2240:< npinsker> The answer was ring finger! Correct users: Patarknight (2282), andysniper (878), chrismash (489) 2240:< q00u> Sauron 2240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone National Park? 2240:< tRitone11> Old Faithful 2240:< HookahComputer> Old Faithful 2240:< Patarknight> old faithful 2240:< chrismash> Old Faithful 2240:< andysniper> old faithful 2240:< q00u> Yogi Bear 2241:< npinsker> The answer was Old Faithful! Correct users: HookahComputer (595), Patarknight (2285), chrismash (491), andysniper (879) 2241:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2323), Patarknight (2285), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2051), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In total, how many provinces and territories are there in Canada? 2241:< tRitone11> thirteen 2241:< HookahComputer> Thirteen 2241:< Patarknight> 13 2241:< andysniper> 13 2241:< chrismash> thirteen 2241:< 3xist3nc3> 10 2241:< Patarknight> 12 2241:< q00u> Blue whale 2242:< Patarknight> Maybe this is super old 2242:< Hippoaddict> 13 2242:< andysniper> is hookahcomputer a bot? 2242:< npinsker> The answer was thirteen! Correct users: HookahComputer (599), Patarknight (2288), andysniper (881), chrismash (492), Hippoaddict (0) 2242:< 3xist3nc3> My alert is going off 2242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || A catholic minister is known as a? 2242:< tRitone11> Priest 2242:< 3xist3nc3> Priest 2242:< Patarknight> priest 2242:< chrismash> Priest 2242:< andysniper> priest 2242:< chrismash> Priest 2242:< Hippoaddict> priest 2242:< q00u> Fiddler on the roofe 2242:< npinsker> The answer was Priest! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2327), Patarknight (2291), chrismash (494), andysniper (882), Hippoaddict (0) 2242:< 3xist3nc3> White dress, white van 2243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Royalty || Who is the Prince of Wales? 2243:< tRitone11> Prince Charles 2243:< Patarknight> Charles 2243:< HookahComputer> Prince Charles 2243:< chrismash> Prince Charles 2243:< andysniper> charles 2243:< Patarknight> Prince Charles 2243:< nickyface> hermoine 2243:< q00u> Will Smith 2243:< npinsker> The answer was Prince Charles! Correct users: HookahComputer (603), chrismash (497), Patarknight (2293) 2243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ______. 2243:< tRitone11> bob 2243:< chrismash> bob 2243:< q00u> heavy 2243:< Patarknight> bob 2244:< q00u> Robert 2244:< andysniper> brian 2244:< npinsker> The answer was bob! Correct users: chrismash (501), Patarknight (2296) 2244:< nickyface> not random 2244:< Patarknight> gladiator 2244:< chrismash> Gladiator 2244:< andysniper> gladiator 2244:< HookahComputer> Gladiator 2245:< 3xist3nc3> maximus 2245:< npinsker> The answer was Gladiator! Correct users: Patarknight (2300), chrismash (504), andysniper (884), HookahComputer (604) 2245:< q00u> Russel Crowe 2245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || "He's So Fine", "One Fine Day" and "A Love So Fine" where hits for what fine group? 2245:< tRitone11> The Chiffons 2245:< HookahComputer> The Chiffons 2245:< chrismash> The Chiffons 2245:< andysniper> the chiffons 2245:< q00u> Finestein 2245:< npinsker> The answer was The Chiffons! Correct users: HookahComputer (608), chrismash (507), andysniper (886) 2246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is Declan Patrick McManus better known as? 2246:< tRitone11> Elvis Costello 2246:< HookahComputer> Elvis Costello 2246:< chrismash> Elvis Costello 2246:< chrismash> Elvis Costello 2246:< andysniper> elvis costello 2246:< q00u> Ed McManus 2246:< npinsker> The answer was Elvis Costello! Correct users: HookahComputer (612), chrismash (510), andysniper (888) 2246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour. 2246:< tRitone11> rhinoceros 2246:< chrismash> rhinoceros 2246:< rbasov> rhino 2246:< andysniper> hippo 2246:< q00u> Your mom 2247:< AndyD418> rhinoceros 2247:< npinsker> The answer was rhinoceros! Correct users: chrismash (514), AndyD418 (362) 2247:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2327), Patarknight (2300), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2051), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As pretty as a(n) ________. 2247:< tRitone11> picture 2247:< chrismash> picture 2247:< rbasov> picture 2247:< HookahComputer> Picture 2247:< andysniper> pornstar 2248:< q00u> lol andy 2248:< AndyD418> picture 2248:< npinsker> The answer was picture! Correct users: chrismash (518), rbasov (2054), HookahComputer (614), Sexual_tomato (17), AndyD418 (362) 2248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: ________ Hackman. 2248:< tRitone11> Gene 2248:< HookahComputer> Gene 2248:< rbasov> gebe 2248:< AndyD418> gene 2248:< andysniper> gene 2248:< Patarknight> Gene 2248:< chrismash> Gene 2248:< rbasov> fack 2248:< q00u> Rodenbery 2248:< rbasov> wilder > hackman 2249:< npinsker> The answer was Gene! Correct users: HookahComputer (618), AndyD418 (365), andysniper (890), Patarknight (2301), chrismash (518) 2249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: That's showbiz for ya! || Michael Jackson caught fire while filming a commercial for which carbonated beverage? 2249:< tRitone11> Pepsi 2249:< HookahComputer> Pepsi 2249:< rbasov> pepsi 2249:< AndyD418> pepsi 2249:< chrismash> Pepsi 2249:< andysniper> pepsi 2249:< q00u> Tostitos 2249:< andysniper> 8th time ive seen this one 2249:< npinsker> The answer was Pepsi! Correct users: HookahComputer (622), rbasov (2057), AndyD418 (367), chrismash (519), andysniper (890) 2249:< rbasov> there aren't as many questions as you think 2250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Followers of the Unification Church are called ________. 2250:< tRitone11> Moonies 2250:< 3xist3nc3> loonies 2250:< andysniper> moonies 2250:< q00u> Unionists 2250:< rbasov> zionists 2250:< 3xist3nc3> he said there are 4k questions or so 2250:< npinsker> The answer was Moonies! Correct users: HookahComputer (626), rbasov (2060), Patarknight (2303), chrismash (520), AndyD418 (367), andysn... 2250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What planet is nearest the sun? 2250:< tRitone11> Mercury 2250:< rbasov> really? I've seen maybe a couple hundred...maybe 400 if you count questions that are just reversed 2250:< HookahComputer> Mercury 2250:< Patarknight> Mercury 2250:< AndyD418> mercury 2250:< chrismash> Mercury 2250:< andysniper> mercury 2251:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: HookahComputer (630), Patarknight (2306), AndyD418 (369), chrismash (521), andysniper (890) 2251:< Patarknight> 4k qs at one per min. is still only 67 hours 2251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theatre || In the opera 'La Traviata', what was Violetta's occupation? 2251:< tRitone11> courtesan 2251:< AndyD418> courtesan 2251:< chrismash> courtesan 2251:< Patarknight> Courtesan 2251:< andysniper> courtesan 2251:< npinsker> The answer was courtesan! Correct users: AndyD418 (373), chrismash (524), Patarknight (2308), andysniper (891) 2251:< rbasov> and this chat is how old? 2252:< rbasov> like 5 days? 2252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover? 2252:< tRitone11> Don Giovanni 2252:< Patarknight> Don Giovanni 2252:< chrismash> Don Giovanni 2252:< AndyD418> don giovanni 2252:< 3xist3nc3> like 5 or 4 days, yes 2252:< andysniper> i think this one formed on sunday 2252:< Patarknight> Chat bot is 3-4 days 2252:< npinsker> The answer was Don Giovanni! Correct users: Patarknight (2312), chrismash (527), AndyD418 (375) 2252:< Patarknight> *Quiz bot 2252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This drum-like accessory can be used to play songs like Rock Lobster, Wild Thing and All The Small Things. 2253:< andysniper> bongo 2253:< HookahComputer> Rock Band Drum Set 2253:< 3xist3nc3> i've seen it for 4 days straight and it was the only quizbot i know about before we got to 600 2253:< npinsker> The answer was DK Bongos! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2253:< andysniper> uuhhh 2253:< Robairt> really? 2253:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2327), Patarknight (2312), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2060), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2254:< 3xist3nc3> it was on the original 4k room (later 2700) as well 2254:< rbasov> patar...use one machine at a time...when you and fnc talk together its weird 2254:< npinsker> The answer was Lee Majors! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Psychology || Who wrote 'Sexual Behavior In The Human Male' in 1948? 2254:< tRitone11> Alfred Kinsey 2254:< chrismash> Alfred Kinsey 2254:< rbasov> kinsey 2254:< Robairt> Alfred Kinsey 2254:< Patarknight> Kinsey 2255:< 3xist3nc3> dude that wanted to get laid 2255:< TheSpoom> johnson 2255:< Patarknight> FNC's not me 2255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film. 2255:< tRitone11> One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2255:< chrismash> One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2255:< Patarknight> ONe flew over the cuckoo's nest 2255:< andysniper> one flew over the cuckoos nest 2255:< 3xist3nc3> one flew over the cuckoo's nest 2255:< Patarknight> Just mute him 2255:< q00u> Good Will Hunting 2255:< npinsker> The answer was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest! Correct users: chrismash (535), Patarknight (2316), andysniper (893), 3xist3nc3 (2328) 2255:< rbasov> fine FNC, stop using a script to copy Patar 2256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the largest lake in South America? 2256:< tRitone11> Lake Maracaibo 2256:< HookahComputer> Lake Maracaibo 2256:< Patarknight> Maracaibo 2256:< chrismash> Lake Maracaibo 2256:< andysniper> maracaibo 2256:< Patarknight> He's been doing it for 2-3 days, he's not going to stop now 2256:< rbasov> I could mute him, or we could all report him to npinsker and get him banned 2256:< npinsker> The answer was Lake Maracaibo! Correct users: HookahComputer (634), Patarknight (2319), chrismash (537), andysniper (894) 2256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Exports || Which country is the world's biggest gold producer? 2256:< tRitone11> South Africa 2256:< HookahComputer> South Africa 2256:< Patarknight> South Africa 2256:< chrismash> South Africa 2257:< Patarknight> He's already banned 2257:< rbasov> oh...didn't realize that...lol 2257:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: HookahComputer (638), Patarknight (2322), chrismash (539) 2257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who did Vivian Vance play on 'The Lucy Show'? 2257:< tRitone11> Vivian Bagley 2257:< HookahComputer> Vivian Bagley 2257:< rbasov> vivian bagley 2257:< chrismash> Vivian Bagley 2258:< npinsker> The answer was Vivian Bagley! Correct users: HookahComputer (642), rbasov (2066), chrismash (541) 2258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: english || The longest one-syllable word in the English language is? 2258:< tRitone11> screeched 2258:< HookahComputer> Screeched 2258:< chrismash> screeched 2258:< andysniper> screeched 2258:< andysniper> hookah is deffo a bot 2258:< q00u> Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2258:< npinsker> The answer was screeched! Correct users: HookahComputer (646), chrismash (544), andysniper (896) 2259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country was once known as 'The Breadbasket of Russia'? 2259:< tRitone11> Ukraine 2259:< Patarknight> Ukraine 2259:< chrismash> Ukraine 2259:< andysniper> ukraine 2259:< npinsker> The answer was Ukraine! Correct users: Patarknight (2326), chrismash (547), andysniper (898) 2259:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2328), Patarknight (2326), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the score of a forfeited softball game? 2300:< tRitone11> 7-0 2300:< chrismash> 7-0 2300:< 3xist3nc3> 0-10 2300:< npinsker> The answer was 7-0! Correct users: chrismash (551) 2300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in "The Republic"? 2300:< tRitone11> Plato 2300:< chrismash> hookah u banned m8? 2300:< Patarknight> Plato 2300:< StuRobo> plato 2300:< andysniper> socrates 2300:< HookahComputer> By all means, ban me and not everyone else who's copying Tritone. 2301:< chrismash> Plato 2301:< npinsker> The answer was Plato! Correct users: Patarknight (2330), StuRobo (417), chrismash (553) 2301:< q00u> Tritone is still here? 2301:< Patarknight> I dunno, you've been giving long answers a second after the question pretty consistently 2301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who is the owner of Lon Lon Ranch in the "Legend of Zelda" games? 2301:< Patarknight> Talon 2301:< andysniper> malon 2301:< HookahComputer> Talon 2301:< 3xist3nc3> i have him muted so no damn idea 2301:< HookahComputer> I can type 140 words a minute 2301:< HookahComputer> Especially if I don't have to think :D 2302:< npinsker> The answer was Talon! Correct users: Patarknight (2334), HookahComputer (649) 2302:< chrismash> do the math m8 2302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What color are French Letter Boxes? 2302:< tRitone11> yellow 2302:< BrownMario> see you're not banned hookah you just had extra text "I guess" 2302:< chrismash> yellow 2302:< andysniper> yellow 2302:< HookahComputer> All right then 2302:< 3xist3nc3> red white and blue 2302:< HookahComputer> Guess I'll go with yellow this time 2302:< npinsker> The answer was yellow! Correct users: chrismash (557), andysniper (901) 2302:< HookahComputer> Lol I swear that worked once though 2303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entomology || What is the world's largest insect? 2303:< tRitone11> Goliath beetle 2303:< HookahComputer> Goliath beetle 2303:< chrismash> Goliath beetle 2303:< Patarknight> Goliath beetle 2303:< chrismash> the bot answers itself 2303:< npinsker> The answer was Goliath beetle! Correct users: HookahComputer (653), chrismash (560), Patarknight (2336) 2303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || How many Oscars did Ben Hur win? 2303:< tRitone11> eleven 2303:< HookahComputer> 11 2303:< chrismash> eleven 2303:< chrismash> eleven 2304:< chrismash> i just bypassed the ratelimit? 2304:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: HookahComputer (657), chrismash (563) 2304:< HookahComputer> I think you're a god. 2304:< chrismash> :o 2304:< chrismash> omg 2304:**** AscendantAwesome Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'h'? 2304:< tRitone11> hotel 2304:< HookahComputer> Hotel 2304:< chrismash> hotel 2304:< StuRobo> hotel 2304:< chrismash> buildings 2304:< npinsker> The answer was hotel! Correct users: HookahComputer (661), chrismash (566), StuRobo (419) 2305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || As what is minus forty fahrenheit the same? 2305:< tRitone11> minus forty celcius 2305:< HookahComputer> minus forty celcius 2305:< StuRobo> -40 celcius 2305:< npinsker> The answer was minus forty celcius! Correct users: chrismash (570), HookahComputer (664) 2305:< StuRobo> poo 2305:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2336), 3xist3nc3 (2328), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is area 51 generally said to be? 2306:< tRitone11> Groom Lake 2306:< HookahComputer> Groom lake 2306:< chrismash> Groom Lake 2306:< 3xist3nc3> nevada 2306:< Patarknight> Nevada 2306:< Hippoaddict> groom lake 2306:< chrismash> pedo lake 2306:< npinsker> The answer was Groom Lake! Correct users: HookahComputer (668), chrismash (573), Hippoaddict (2) 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || According to the Bible, how many years did Methuselah live? 2306:< tRitone11> 969 2307:< chrismash> 969 2307:< npinsker> The answer was 969! Correct users: chrismash (577) 2307:< chrismash> did evri1 die? 2307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years? 2307:< tRitone11> Brigadoon 2307:< HookahComputer> Brigadoon 2307:< chrismash> Brigadoon 2308:< npinsker> The answer was Brigadoon! Correct users: HookahComputer (672), chrismash (580) 2308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up? 2308:< tRitone11> seven 2308:< chrismash> seven 2308:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: chrismash (584) 2309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || How many large holes are in your head? 2309:< tRitone11> seven 2309:< HookahComputer> Seven 2309:< chrismash> seven 2309:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: HookahComputer (676), chrismash (587) 2309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Hawaii? 2309:< tRitone11> Honolulu 2309:< HookahComputer> Honolulu 2309:< chrismash> Honolulu 2310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Metals || What metal do you get from Hematite? 2310:< tRitone11> iron 2310:< chrismash> iron 2310:< chugga_fan> iron 2311:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: chrismash (594), chugga_fan (5) 2311:< chrismash> tritone11 2311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Meridians converge at the ________. 2311:< tRitone11> chrismash what 2311:< chrismash> poles 2311:< Patarknight> poles 2311:< chugga_fan> poles 2311:< chrismash> you're not afk? 2311:< tRitone11> chrismash no 2311:< chugga_fan> me? 2311:< npinsker> The answer was poles! Correct users: chrismash (598), Patarknight (2339), chugga_fan (7) 2312:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2328), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2312:< chrismash> how long did it take to correctly format the file so it's not a clusterfuck? 2312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This satellite expansion was notable for its Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets. 2312:< TheSpoom> setalliview 2312:< HookahComputer> GPS 2312:< TheSpoom> satelliview 2312:< chugga_fan> gps 2312:< npinsker> The answer was Satellaview! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2312:< TheSpoom> ... 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'? 2313:< tRitone11> The Andrews Sisters 2313:< HookahComputer> The Andrews Sisters 2313:< chrismash> The Andrews Sisters 2313:< tRitone11> chrismash I don't know what a clusterfuck is. anyway, it's 15000 lines, not that much 2313:< Robairt> The Andrews Sisters 2313:< chrismash> coolcat 2313:< npinsker> The answer was The Andrews Sisters! Correct users: HookahComputer (684), chrismash (601), Robairt (10) 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is a "hole-in-one" possible? 2313:< tRitone11> golf 2313:< Patarknight> gold 2313:< chrismash> golf 2314:< Robairt> Golf 2314:< chrismash> this is a clusterfuck https://github.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/blob/master/questions_bot_gm.js => http://nazar.so/8dy1p 2314:< chrismash> no spacing 2314:< npinsker> The answer was golf! Correct users: chrismash (605), Robairt (13) 2314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theme Parks || Which is the largest theme resort hotel? 2314:< tRitone11> Lost City 2314:< CryEagle> fam 2314:< chrismash> Lost City 2314:< HookahComputer> What do you mean no spacing? 2314:< Robairt> Lost City 2315:< npinsker> The answer was Lost City! Correct users: chrismash (609), Robairt (16) 2315:< tRitone11> chrismash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/7umt1 2315:< chrismash> ye 2315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || The rate of change of velocity is known as _________. 2315:< tRitone11> acceleration 2315:< chrismash> yours has better spacing than his 2315:< TheSpoom> acceleration 2315:< HookahComputer> forgot my damn $ again wtf 2315:< Robairt> Wait are you serious 2315:< npinsker> The answer was acceleration! Correct users: TheSpoom (5) 2315:< chrismash> you're manually typing $? 2315:< TheSpoom> HookahComputer: get parrot! 2316:< HookahComputer> I have parrot; this is more fun. 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country does the island of Mykonos belong to? 2316:< tRitone11> Greece 2316:< Robairt> I didn't know these fuckers were bots 2316:< chrismash> Greece 2316:< CryEagle> Autovoter 2316:< HookahComputer> greece 2316:< TheSpoom> greece 2316:< Robairt> Greece 2316:< CryEagle> Autovoter 2316:< chrismash> what's a bot 2316:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: chrismash (613), HookahComputer (687), TheSpoom (7), Robairt (17) 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Toronto _________. 2316:< tRitone11> Bluejays 2316:< HookahComputer> bluejays 2316:< TheSpoom> blue jays 2316:< chrismash> Bluejays 2316:< Robairt> Losers 2316:< TheSpoom> bluejays 2317:< HookahComputer> crack-smoking mayors 2317:< chrismash> how am i a bot? 2317:< Robairt> They fucked that up last year so bad 2317:< npinsker> The answer was Bluejays! Correct users: HookahComputer (691), chrismash (616), TheSpoom (9) 2317:< Robairt> Not you apparently 2317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other? 2317:< tRitone11> Paraguay 2317:< CryEagle> Paraguay 2317:< Robairt> there's anser bots though, thats lame as ashit 2317:< HookahComputer> paraguay 2317:< chrismash> Paraguay 2317:< HookahComputer> eh, what're ya gonna do 2317:< npinsker> The answer was Paraguay! Correct users: CryEagle (38), HookahComputer (694), chrismash (618) 2318:< chrismash> ban them? 2318:< CryEagle> my bot is a bit lazier, i'm just copying tRitone11 2318:< chrismash> like what's happened already? 2318:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2328), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2318:< CryEagle> and since he seems to be banned from scores, yay 2318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What do runners pass to each other in a relay race? 2318:< tRitone11> baton 2318:< CryEagle> baton 2318:< HookahComputer> baton 2318:< chrismash> baton 2318:< chrismash> cryeagle you need to change the delay... 2318:< npinsker> The answer was baton! Correct users: CryEagle (42), HookahComputer (697), chrismash (620) 2319:< HookahComputer> Sounds like the voice of experience o_O 2319:< CryEagle> why, chrismash? 2319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || Linux is a clone of what operating system? 2319:< tRitone11> UNIX 2319:< CryEagle> UNIX 2319:< HookahComputer> unix 2319:< llnk> unix 2319:< chrismash> UNIX 2319:< chrismash> UNIX 2319:< Hippoaddict> unix 2319:< chrismash> 1 second answers? 2319:< Robairt> Yeah someone just posted a bot for this 2319:< npinsker> The answer was UNIX! Correct users: CryEagle (46), HookahComputer (700), llnk (9), chrismash (621), Hippoaddict (2) 2319:< Hippoaddict> im pretty sure some of them are bots 2319:< Robairt> thats why I was saying thats lame 2319:< chrismash> doesn't mean you have to instantly answer :P 2319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || What website sponsored production of a belated final season of Arrested Development? 2320:< HookahComputer> netflix 2320:< llnk> netflix 2320:< Hippoaddict> netflix 2320:< CryEagle> if(uname == "tRitone11") sendMessage(msg_txt); 2320:< Robairt> Netflix 2320:< CryEagle> there that's my bot 2320:< npinsker> The answer was Netflix! Correct users: HookahComputer (704), llnk (12), Hippoaddict (4), Robairt (18) 2320:< chrismash> lol 2320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the autor of the song 'Blue Suede Shoes'? 2320:< tRitone11> Carl Perkins 2320:< CryEagle> Carl Perkins 2320:< chrismash> Carl Perkins 2320:< CryEagle> hahaha 2320:< chrismash> jquery? 2320:< tRitone11> lol cryeagle what are you doing 2321:< CryEagle> tRitone11 hustlin 2321:< npinsker> The answer was Carl Perkins! Correct users: CryEagle (50), chrismash (624) 2321:< CryEagle> yes jquery 2321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What bit of Bobby Goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife? 2321:< tRitone11> honey 2321:< CryEagle> honey 2321:< HookahComputer> honey 2321:< chrismash> honey 2321:< CryEagle> signore ritone not getting points, why's that 2321:< npinsker> The answer was honey! Correct users: CryEagle (54), HookahComputer (707), chrismash (626) 2322:< CryEagle> che cazzo che cazzo 2322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Tongeren? 2322:< tRitone11> Belgium 2322:< CryEagle> Belgium 2322:< HookahComputer> belgium 2322:< chrismash> Belgium 2322:< chrismash> tritone11 why do you enter the text into the box before sending it? 2322:< npinsker> The answer was Belgium! Correct users: CryEagle (58), HookahComputer (710), chrismash (628) 2322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory. 2322:< tRitone11> Cuba 2322:< CryEagle> Cuba 2322:< chrismash> Cuba 2323:< chrismash> Cuba 2323:< tRitone11> chrismash it put in the box the old message I was writing so I do not lost my text because of the answer 2323:< CryEagle> chrismash it put in the box the old message I was writing so I do not lost my text because of the answer 2323:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: CryEagle (62), chrismash (631) 2323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only land-locked country in South East Asia? 2323:< tRitone11> Laos 2323:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's Laos - guess I'll believe him 2323:< HookahComputer> laos 2323:< chrismash> tritone you should make him leave rofl 2323:< tRitone11> lol cryeagle 2323:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's lol cryeagle - guess I'll believe him 2323:< HookahComputer> hahaha 2324:< tRitone11> CryEagle is dumb 2324:< npinsker> The answer was Laos! Correct users: HookahComputer (714) 2324:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's CryEagle is dumb - guess I'll believe him 2324:< CryEagle> WELL I GUESS THAT'S THE CASE 2324:< CryEagle> wait i'll improve it 2324:< tRitone11> :P 2324:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2328), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay? 2324:< tRitone11> turnover 2324:< HookahComputer> Turnover 2324:< chrismash> turnover 2324:< HookahComputer> or apple torte 2324:< chrismash> can you escape and make him run javascript? 2324:< Hippoaddict> turnover 2325:< npinsker> The answer was turnover! Correct users: HookahComputer (718), chrismash (634), Hippoaddict (6) 2325:< HookahComputer> Only if he's using eval() lol 2325:< tRitone11> what if I quote your message and we enter in a loop cryeagle 2325:< femdemgem> I like edible turnovers 2325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What vehicles are involved in the "Tour de France"? 2325:< tRitone11> Bicycles 2325:< HookahComputer> bicycles 2325:< chrismash> Bicycles 2325:< 3xist3nc3> bicycles 2325:< npinsker> The answer was bicycles! Correct users: HookahComputer (722), chrismash (637), 3xist3nc3 (2330) 2326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What are a cheesboard's vertical rows called? 2326:< tRitone11> Files 2326:< chrismash> Files 2326:< 3xist3nc3> files 2326:< HookahComputer> files 2326:< npinsker> The answer was files! Correct users: chrismash (641), 3xist3nc3 (2333), HookahComputer (724) 2326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is a moose also known? 2326:< tRitone11> algonquin 2326:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's algonquin - guess I'll believe him 2326:< HookahComputer> algonquin 2326:< chrismash> algonquin 2327:< CryEagle> tRitone11 say something, i wanna test it 2327:< npinsker> The answer was algonquin! Correct users: HookahComputer (728), chrismash (644) 2327:< tRitone11> CryEagIe is bad 2327:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's CryEagIe is bad - guess I'll believe him 2327:< CryEagle> ah shit doesn't work yet brb 2327:< tRitone11> :P 2327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What expression did Clark Kent's newspaper boss like to use? 2327:< chrismash> Great Caesar's ghost! 2327:< chrismash> Great Caesar's ghost! 2327:< tRitone11> no wait cryeagle 2327:< HookahComputer> Kent Brockman here 2327:< tRitone11> i put a capital i instead of a l 2328:< tRitone11> lol 2328:< npinsker> The answer was Great Caesar's ghost!! Correct users: chrismash (648) 2328:< chrismash> l I 2328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || The season ______ comes right after Spring. 2328:< tRitone11> summer 2328:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's summer - guess I'll believe him 2328:< HookahComputer> summer 2328:< tRitone11> CryEagle 2328:< CryEagle> ok 2nd try il mio amore 2328:< 3xist3nc3> verizong 2328:< CryEagle> YES IT WORKED 2328:< tRitone11> CryEagIe it doesn't work actually 2328:< tRitone11> it do 2328:< npinsker> The answer was summer! Correct users: HookahComputer (732) 2328:< HookahComputer> hahahaha 2328:< CryEagle> xD 2328:< tRitone11> bel lavoro 2328:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's bel lavoro - guess I'll believe him 2329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _________. 2329:< tRitone11> aerospace 2329:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's aerospace - guess I'll believe him 2329:< HookahComputer> aerospace 2329:< CryEagle> ah damn i didn't reset it 2329:< npinsker> The answer was aerospace! Correct users: HookahComputer (736) 2329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the name of the Family Circus's dog? 2329:< tRitone11> Barf 2329:< HookahComputer> barf 2329:< chrismash> so saying something like " ' won't break it? 2329:< HookahComputer> barfy? 2330:< 3xist3nc3> dipper 2330:< npinsker> The answer was Barf! Correct users: HookahComputer (740) 2330:< CryEagle> ok i improved it again 2330:< HookahComputer> Not in here, Mister. This is a Mercedes. 2330:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2333), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge? 2330:< tRitone11> Pol Pot 2330:< HookahComputer> pol pot 2330:< 3xist3nc3> pol pot 2331:< 3xist3nc3> the ultimate killer 2331:< npinsker> The answer was Pol Pot! Correct users: HookahComputer (744), 3xist3nc3 (2336) 2331:< 3xist3nc3> of his nation 2331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Egypt || What egyptian object is also known as 'the key to the Nile'? 2331:< tRitone11> Ankh 2331:< HookahComputer> ankh 2331:< HookahComputer> O|--- 2331:< Hippoaddict> yas 2331:< npinsker> The answer was Ankh! Correct users: HookahComputer (748) 2332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. 2332:< tRitone11> Henry Kissinger 2332:< HookahComputer> henry kissinger 2332:< npinsker> The answer was Henry Kissinger! Correct users: HookahComputer (752) 2332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which Russian chemist (1834-1907) founded our modern periodic table? 2332:< tRitone11> Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev 2332:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev - guess I'll believe him 2333:< 3xist3nc3> mendeleev 2333:**** AscendantAwesome We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2333:< HookahComputer> mendeleyev 2333:< CryEagle> now it should only copy if tRitone11 comes right after npinsker 2333:< npinsker> The answer was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev! Correct users: HookahComputer (756) 2333:< chrismash> so like then? 2333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Whats the smallest size grand piano? 2333:< tRitone11> A Baby Grand 2333:< CryEagle> tRitone11 claims it's A Baby Grand - guess I'll believe him 2333:< HookahComputer> baby grand 2333:< chrismash> tritone11 say something after he says the answer 2334:< npinsker> The answer was A Baby Grand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2334:< CryEagle> try it fam 2334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ________. 2334:< tRitone11> atoll 2334:< CryEagle> atoll 2334:< Hippoaddict> piccolo piano 2334:< chrismash> he's afk? 2334:< CryEagle> tRitone11, dove sei :( 2334:< npinsker> The answer was atoll! Correct users: CryEagle (66) 2335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Time Machine'? 2335:< tRitone11> H.G. Wells 2335:< CryEagle> H.G. Wells 2335:< 3xist3nc3> = 2335:< tRitone11> cyreagle sono qui 2335:< CryEagle> yaay it works 2335:< tRitone11> lol 2335:< npinsker> The answer was H.G. Wells! Correct users: CryEagle (70) 2335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Choking || On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year? 2335:< tRitone11> ballpoint pens 2336:< 3xist3nc3> pellets 2336:< chrismash> tritone11 say something after he says the answer 2336:< CryEagle> merda 2336:< npinsker> The answer was ballpoint pens! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2336:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2336), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2336:< davidjl123> test 2336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The Hard Rock Cafe is named after a song by what band? 2336:< tRitone11> The Doors 2336:< CryEagle> The Doors 2337:< 3xist3nc3> the penises 2337:< npinsker> The answer was The Doors! Correct users: CryEagle (74) 2337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who ruled England at the time of Shakespeare? 2337:< tRitone11> Elizabeth I 2337:< HookahComputer> elizabeth I 2337:< chrismash> me 2337:< 3xist3nc3> Eizabeth 2338:< 3xist3nc3> elizabeth 2338:< chrismash> Lizzie 2338:< npinsker> The answer was Elizabeth I! Correct users: HookahComputer (760) 2338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the mammal living at the highest altitude. 2338:< tRitone11> yak 2338:< CryEagle> yak 2338:< Grizzly_Storm> yak 2338:< chrismash> yak? 2338:< 3xist3nc3> yak now 2338:< npinsker> The answer was yak! Correct users: CryEagle (78), Grizzly_Storm (3), chrismash (650) 2339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || On irc, what does a/s/l mean? 2339:< tRitone11> age/sex/location 2339:< HookahComputer> age/sex/location 2339:< Grizzly_Storm> age sex location 2339:< nickyface> age/sex/location 2339:< nickyface> aggravated sex llama 2339:< chrismash> age/sex?/locationfor? 2339:< npinsker> The answer was age/sex/location! Correct users: HookahComputer (764), Grizzly_Storm (6), nickyface (64) 2339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the wailing wall? 2339:< tRitone11> Jerusalem 2339:< CryEagle> Jerusalem 2340:< npinsker> The answer was Jerusalem! Correct users: CryEagle (82) 2340:< chrismash> papa bless went there 2340:< CryEagle> surprised you didn't know that T 2340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Triplets || Hook, line and ___________. 2340:< tRitone11> sinker 2340:< CryEagle> sinker 2340:< HookahComputer> Sinker 2340:< chrismash> Sinker 2341:< npinsker> The answer was sinker! Correct users: CryEagle (86), HookahComputer (767), chrismash (652), davidjl123 (1) 2341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who portrayed Han Solo in "Star Wars"? 2341:< tRitone11> Harrison Ford 2341:< CryEagle> Harrison Ford 2341:< davidjl123> Harrison Ford 2341:< chrismash> indiana jones 2341:< npinsker> The answer was Harrison Ford! Correct users: CryEagle (90), davidjl123 (4) 2342:< chrismash> rick deckard? 2342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was _______. 2342:< tRitone11> Neptune 2342:< davidjl123> Neptune 2342:< chrismash> pluto 2342:< npinsker> The answer was Neptune! Correct users: davidjl123 (8) 2342:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (2339), 3xist3nc3 (2336), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || What three letters are overly used to indicate "Laugh Out Loud"? 2343:< tRitone11> lol 2343:< 3xist3nc3> lol 2343:< chrismash> kek 2343:< tRitone11> lol 2343:< 3xist3nc3> top kek 2343:< bbrazil> wew 2343:< npinsker> The answer was lol! Correct users: 100daysofyes (4), 3xist3nc3 (2339) 2343:< chrismash> :( 2343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Milwaukee ____________? 2343:< tRitone11> Brewers 2343:< CryEagle> srewerB 2343:< 100daysofyes> bro I'm not even playing lmao 2343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> brewers 2344:< 100daysofyes> how do I have 4 points??? lol 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Brewers! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (610) 2344:< 3xist3nc3> everyone who answers correctly via this channel gets points 2344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || Generally, the Franc variety of what grape is less full-bodied than the Sauvignon variety? 2344:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> red grape 2344:< CryEagle> anal gape 2344:< 3xist3nc3> well, the first 4 respondents, by declining number. everyone else gets mentioned but doesn't get points 2344:< HookahComputer> Cabernet 2344:< chrismash> tritone11 say this "nodnaba etov/" 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Cabernet! Correct users: HookahComputer (771) 2345:< CryEagle> chrismash you're evil :D 2345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || What ONE word fits? ____hood; ____hole; ____date. 2345:< tRitone11> man 2345:< 3xist3nc3> man 2345:< HookahComputer> man 2345:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> man 2345:< chrismash> woman 2345:< 3xist3nc3> ass 2345:< Robairt> why would you run a bot to win a trivia game? 2345:< CryEagle> but it wouldn't work becaue of the $ channel 2345:< npinsker> The answer was man! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (2343), HookahComputer (774), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (612), chrismash (653) 2345:< chrismash> see?! 2345:< 3xist3nc3> because of the sweet sweet internet points 2345:< CryEagle> ITALIANS ALWAYS CHEAT ROBAIRT, DON'T YOU WATCH SOCCER? 2345:< Robairt> There isn't a prize. You're literally just ruining the game for other people 2345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || As what was winchester known by the Romans? 2345:< tRitone11> Venta Bulgarum 2346:< 3xist3nc3> wincheterus 2346:< chrismash> you're on reddit and asking why you want internet points... 2346:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> winchesterus 2346:< npinsker> The answer was Venta Bulgarum! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What bowling term means three straight strikes? 2346:< tRitone11> turkey 2346:< CryEagle> yekrut 2346:< chrismash> shitty bot 2346:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> turkey 2347:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto turkey 2347:< npinsker> The answer was turkey! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (616) 2347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || An internet meme started on LiveJournal links actor Christian Bale and... 2347:< 3xist3nc3> ben affleck 2347:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> rick astley 2347:< HookahComputer> Kevin Bacon 2347:< npinsker> The answer was Kermit the Frog! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2348:< Robairt> A ballet bow or curtsy in which one foot is pointed in front and the body leans forward 2348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who was the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts? 2348:< chrismash> kermit suicide 2348:< CryEagle> there were literally 5 different ones 2348:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> quirrell 2348:< HookahComputer> quirrell 2348:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> quirrel 2348:< CryEagle> snape, quirrel, lockhart, etc. 2348:< npinsker> The answer was Gilderoy Lockhart! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2348:< CryEagle> LOL FML 2348:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2343), Patarknight (2339), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: British History || What was Margaret Thatcher's nickname? 2349:< tRitone11> Iron Lady 2349:< CryEagle> If I was a homosexual bot, I would say it's Iron Lady 2349:< HookahComputer> iron lady 2349:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> iron lady 2349:< 3xist3nc3> the iron lady 2349:< tRitone11> there were like 7 professors of defence against the dark arts 2349:< npinsker> The answer was Iron Lady! Correct users: CryEagle (94), HookahComputer (777), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (618), 3xist3nc3 (2344) 2349:< Robairt> CATEGORY: Test || Who was the Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts? 2349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Who were the rivals of the T-Birds in the movie "Grease"? 2349:< tRitone11> scorpions 2349:< CryEagle> If I was a homosexual bot, I would say it's scorpions 2350:< HookahComputer> scorpions 2350:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> scorpions 2350:< tRitone11> Robairt what are you trying to do? 2350:< CryEagle> be funny 2350:< npinsker> The answer was scorpions! Correct users: CryEagle (98), HookahComputer (780), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (620) 2350:< chrismash> it checks if nipinsker sent it 2350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978. 2350:< tRitone11> Annie Hall 2350:< HookahComputer> annie hall 2350:< Grizzly_Storm> Annie Hall 2350:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> annie hall 2351:< CryEagle> anne frank 2351:< chrismash> "if (user.indexOf("npinsker") >= 0" 2351:< npinsker> The answer was Annie Hall! Correct users: HookahComputer (784), Grizzly_Storm (9), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (622) 2351:< Robairt> Someone posted this earlier https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answ => http://nazar.so/7reuy 2351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What letters are missing from here - abcdeghijlmopqrstuvwxy? 2351:< tRitone11> f,k,n,z 2351:< CryEagle> If I was a homosexual bot, I would say it's f,k,n,z 2351:< chrismash> and you didn't read it? 2351:< Robairt> and I was going to see if I could fuck with the bots by replicating the questions 2351:< HookahComputer> f,k,n,z 2351:< tRitone11> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/1k6gc 2351:< Grizzly_Storm> f,k,n,z 2351:< CryEagle> if(uname == "npinsker") { copy = true; } else if(uname != "tritone11" && copy) copy = false; 2351:< 3xist3nc3> ''tritone11'' i wonder who he is? 2351:< npinsker> The answer was f,k,n,z! Correct users: CryEagle (102), HookahComputer (787), Grizzly_Storm (11) 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which film preceded 'Magnum Force' and 'The Enforcer'? 2352:< tRitone11> Dirty Harry 2352:< CryEagle> If I was a homosexual bot, I would say it's Dirty Harry 2352:< HookahComputer> dirty harry 2352:< Grizzly_Storm> Dirty Harry 2352:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dirty harry 2352:< npinsker> The answer was Dirty Harry! Correct users: CryEagle (106), HookahComputer (790), Grizzly_Storm (13), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (623) 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Machu Picchu? 2352:< tRitone11> Peru 2352:< HookahComputer> peru 2353:< CryEagle> tRitone11 friendo are you north or south italia 2353:< tRitone11> cryeagle give a timer to that copy=true so you will copy me even if there's a message between me and npinkser 2353:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: HookahComputer (794) 2353:< tRitone11> cryeagle north, I am from Milan. and you? 2353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In American football, where is the Orange Bowl? 2353:< tRitone11> Miami 2353:< HookahComputer> miami 2353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> miami 2353:< CryEagle> south germania 2353:< tRitone11> munchen? 2354:< CryEagle> yes lol 2354:< npinsker> The answer was Miami! Correct users: HookahComputer (798), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (626) 2354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for? 2354:< tRitone11> Ante Meridian 2354:< HookahComputer> ante meridian 2354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> ante meridian 2354:< HookahComputer> amplitude modulation 2354:< CryEagle> anal munchies 2354:< innoutberger> After midnight 2354:< HookahComputer> bases = covered 2354:< npinsker> The answer was Ante Meridian! Correct users: HookahComputer (802), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (629) 2355:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: 3xist3nc3 (2344), Patarknight (2339), hellapanda (2158), rbasov (2066), FeebleOldMan (1395), BrownMario (1000), andysniper... 2355:< Robairt> well shit you have npinsker hardcoded in there 2355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Carditis, affects the ________. 2355:< tRitone11> heart 2355:< HookahComputer> heart 2355:< 3xist3nc3> card 2355:< CryEagle> Robin was fun, too bad it has to end 2355:< Grizzly_Storm> heart 2355:< Patarknight> heart 2355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> heart 2355:< tRitone11> lol is that a surname for people from munchen? 2355:< hellapanda> garts 3xist3nc3! 2355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> braim 2355:< CryEagle> What is, tRitone11? 2355:< 3xist3nc3> hey-llapanda 2355:< hellapanda> grats* :) 2355:< innoutberger> eyes 2355:< npinsker> The answer was heart! Correct users: HookahComputer (806), Grizzly_Storm (16), Patarknight (2341), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (630) 2355:< tRitone11> anal munchier 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Beauty and the Beast'? 2356:< 3xist3nc3> thank you :) 2356:< tRitone11> Celine Dion 2356:< HookahComputer> celine dion 2356:< Patarknight> celine dion 2356:< CryEagle> MUNCHIES, as in to MUNCH = EAT 2356:< 3xist3nc3> celine dion 2356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mrs. potts 2356:< tRitone11> I play munchkin 2356:< hellapanda> aw man, before tritone, people always answered with "belle" 2356:< npinsker> The answer was Celine Dion! Correct users: HookahComputer (810), Patarknight (2344), 3xist3nc3 (2346) 2356:< Grizzly_Storm> Michael Jackson 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Light rays consist of small packets of energy called ..... 2356:< tRitone11> photons 2356:< Patarknight> photons 2356:< HookahComputer> photons 2356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> photons 2357:< Grizzly_Storm> light packets 2357:< npinsker> The answer was photons! Correct users: Patarknight (2348), HookahComputer (813), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (632) 2357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Solve this: 10*3+2? 2357:< tRitone11> 32 2357:< Patarknight> 32 2357:< HookahComputer> 32 2357:< 3xist3nc3> 32 2357:< Grizzly_Storm> 21 2357:< npinsker> The answer was 32! Correct users: Patarknight (2352), HookahComputer (816), 3xist3nc3 (2348) 2358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is the sister of Catelyn Stark who blames the death of her husband on the Lannisters? 2358:< Patarknight> Lysa Tully 2358:< HookahComputer> lysa tully 2358:< Patarknight> Lysa Arryn 2358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> lysa tonto 2358:< Grizzly_Storm> Tony Stark in drag. 2358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bruce stark 2358:< npinsker> The answer was Lysa Arryn! Correct users: Patarknight (2356) 2358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Name the second-largest planet in the solar system. 2358:< tRitone11> saturn 2359:< Patarknight> Saturn 2359:< Grizzly_Storm> Uranus 2359:< npinsker> The answer was saturn! Correct users: Patarknight (2360) 2359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who was the author of 'Dracula'? 2359:< Patarknight> Bram SToker 2359:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bram stoker 2359:< CryEagle> Stan Broker --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 00:00:09 2016