--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2016 --- Day changed Wed Apr 06 2016 0000:< ryanvango> there is still a quarter on that stoop. it hasnt moved in all that time. i refuse to pick it up 0000:< barnum> A wild Greater Salt Elemental appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0000:< SirCabbage> oh god, a salt elemental will rape us. 0000:< barnum> That'll sting 0000:< WythDryden> rofl 0000:< SirCabbage> indeed. 0000:< barnum> Round #1, 148 hits! Greater Salt Elemental HP: 279[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3), WythDryden (1.5) 0000:< WythDryden> Literally salt in an open wound 0001:< WythDryden> Over and over. :P 0001:< ryanvango> cabbage takes 8 points of b-hole damage 0001:< SirCabbage> vigioresly 0001:< SirCabbage> Ryan takes 20 due to being the bigger hole :o 0001:< SirCabbage> *smiles sweetly 0001:< barnum> Round #2, 131 hits! Greater Salt Elemental HP: 148[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), WythDryden (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0002:< ryanvango> Ryan's dm hitpoints are reduced from 20 billion to 19,999,999,980 0002:< SirCabbage> I am actually going to be sad when the 8th comes and this is over 0002:< barnum> Greater Salt Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Demon Talon]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/31%), ryanvango (13/63%) 0003:< barnum> A wild Lava Child appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0003:< ryanvango> ....we just did 148 points of damage in 2 lines cabbage.... 0003:< SirCabbage> I perform a series of sword slashes to take down exactly 19,999,999,900 damage- also crippling ryan's healing ability 0003:< barnum> Lava Child is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/33%), ryanvango (13/63%) 0003:< barnum> A wild Dune Horror appeared! HP: 756[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0003:< ryanvango> I float unmoved on my happy little DM cloud in space with the other gods 0004:< SirCabbage> you still only have 80hp left *shakes fist 0004:< barnum> Round #1, 108 hits! Dune Horror HP: 648[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0004:< lost_penguin> tree 0004:< ryanvango> *smites cabbage uncreatively 0004:< SirCabbage> *insert creative retort that undoes all the unfair damage ryan was going to do to me 0005:< barnum> Round #2, 99 hits! Dune Horror HP: 549[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), lost_penguin (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0005:< ryanvango> alright, shut it down. we've run out of ways to play this game. well played everyone. glad to have been part of it all 0005:< SirCabbage> lol 0005:< SirCabbage> im not really playing right now, I should still be doing this work 0006:< ryanvango> poop loot 0006:< SirCabbage> and I didnt kill you, just got you back to a nice normal amount of damage 0006:< ryanvango> me too. i have chem homework 0006:< barnum> Round #3, 304 hits! Dune Horror HP: 245[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (7.5) 0006:< ryanvango> !heroes 0006:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (13/65%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/36%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0007:< SirCabbage> 1234567891012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254565860 0007:< barnum> Round #4, 98 hits! Dune Horror HP: 147[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0007:< SirCabbage> I had to see how far 60 was 0007:< SirCabbage> apparently that far 0007:< ryanvango> are you account for #rpg being hidden 0007:< SirCabbage> no, not in the slightest. 0008:< barnum> Round #5, 98 hits! Dune Horror HP: 50[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0008:< SirCabbage> 67891012141618202224262830323436384042444648505254565860 0008:< SirCabbage> that long 0009:< SirCabbage> better ryan?! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW 0009:< barnum> Dune Horror is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ring of The Godless +1]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/44%) 0009:< SirCabbage> you made me kill an innocent dune horror 0009:< SirCabbage> Oh will you look at that 0009:< barnum> A wild Marble Sentinel appeared! HP: 194[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0009:< SirCabbage> a ring that makes me immune to all GM crazyness- I dont believe in GODS Ryan 0009:< SirCabbage> you are JUST A MAN 0009:< ryanvango> well.....fuck 0010:< barnum> Round #1, 168 hits! Marble Sentinel HP: 25[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (1.5) 0010:< SirCabbage> a man who tells stories 0010:< ryanvango> i....i have something to attend to....excuse me 0010:< SirCabbage> is it fapping? 0010:< SirCabbage> I bet it is fapping. 0010:< ryanvango> no...its important dm god stuff...you wouldnt understand 0010:< SirCabbage> GODS 0010:< barnum> Marble Sentinel is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Periapt of Proof Against Poison]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/51%), ryanvango (13/70%) 0011:< SirCabbage> THERE ARE NO GODS. *flaunts ring of the godless 0011:< barnum> A wild Dark Matter Entropic Ooze appeared! HP: 1760[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0011:< ryanvango> I HATE YOU! YOU'RE NOT MY REAL MOM! 0011:< barnum> Round #1, 52 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1707[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0012:< SirCabbage> I MARRIED YOUR FATHER- WHY CANT YOU JUST ACCEPT ME INTO YOUR LIFE RYAN, WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME 0012:< ryanvango> *storms off in a huff 0012:< ryanvango> RPG gets weird when no one is around, doesnt it 0012:< barnum> Round #2, 127 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1580[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (3) 0012:< SirCabbage> that boy'll get in trouble one day, just you wait 0012:< SirCabbage> Yes, but isn't that part (if not most) of the fun? 0013:< ryanvango> hahaha well ya. 0013:< ryanvango> ALRIGHT. HOMEWORK TIME. FUCK. 9:10EST ill be back, and we'll pick up our game 0013:< SirCabbage> how far away is that? 0013:< ryanvango> an hour 0013:< SirCabbage> SOUNDS GOOD, ILL DO AN HOUR OF WORK ON MY SHIT TOO 0013:< barnum> Round #3, 212 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1368[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0013:< ryanvango> cool beans! 0014:< pyroshroom> !level 0014:< barnum> Round #4, 53 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1315[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0014:< pyroshroom> !command 0014:< SirCabbage> !heroes 0014:< ryanvango> hey pyro. it works with loot, flee, and heroes 0015:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (13/72%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/53%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0015:< pyroshroom> ah thanks, I was wondering what changed since it looks different now 0015:< pyroshroom> !loot 0015:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding contains 0 shiny things! 0015:< barnum> Round #5, 59 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1256[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0015:< ryanvango> yep. theres also a bonus based on your loot amount 0015:< pyroshroom> *poverty mode* 0015:< pyroshroom> no shiny things for me 0016:< ryanvango> haha yeah. i dont know what you're up to later, but im gonna be back in an hour, and we're gonna continue our guided RPG 0016:< pyroshroom> but the parrot script looks even better now 0016:< pyroshroom> oo 0016:< pyroshroom> I'll see if I can be around then 0016:< ryanvango> they redid it. it look rough before. lot of fixes 0016:< barnum> Round #6, 157 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 1099[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), pyroshroom (7.5) 0016:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (13/73%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/54%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0016:< pyroshroom> Ah, this morning it was better than last night for me 0017:< ryanvango> alright. if you wanna come play, have paper handy. you have 100 health, and 200 gold to start (plus all your items) 0017:< pyroshroom> fewer bugs already then, now it looks even nicer 0017:< ryanvango> yeah I couldn't be happier with how it came out. 0017:< thatwentBTE> nooo ryan 0017:< pyroshroom> Cool, I should be around then :D 0017:< thatwentBTE> I have been dethroned 0017:< barnum> Round #7, 177 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 922[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (4.5), thatwentBTE (3) 0017:< ryanvango> also the group is currently burying a body, and rebuilding a shack in the woods. so figure out how you wanna meet up when we start 0018:< pyroshroom> hmmm, I guess I should just pop up 0018:< pyroshroom> with my teleporting climbing gear 0018:< ryanvango> dont gotta tell me now. whatever you wanna do 0018:< pyroshroom> ah ok, I'll make up something else later 0018:< barnum> Round #8, 123 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 799[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (4.5) 0018:< ryanvango> back later! see ya 0018:< ryanvango> and suckit thatwentBTE 0018:< pyroshroom> See ya later 0019:< pyroshroom> Hmm, this dark matter entropic ooze is very strong for me 0019:< barnum> Round #9, 69 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 730[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (3) 0019:< pyroshroom> I will have to yell into the silence for a while in order to kill this thing 0019:< pyroshroom> since all my levels have disappeared 0020:< pyroshroom> Dark matter entropic ooze sounds like something that could 0020:< pyroshroom> exist in real life though since we have dark matter every where 0020:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 700[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (15) 0020:< pyroshroom> sheesh, I'm only level two now, this is depressing 0020:< pyroshroom> at least I can aim for 61 characters, just gotta watch 0021:< barnum> If you believe in yourself, you can do anything! 0021:< pyroshroom> for the character count to go to below 91 or so here 0021:< SirCabbage> Yeah I know, let me see if I can help you damage it a bit. blarh blarh blarh blahr 0021:< barnum> Round #11, 79 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 621[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0021:< SirCabbage> Yeah I know, let me see if I can help you damage it a bit. blarh blarh blarh blahr MOO blar 0021:< pyroshroom> thank you guys! :D This is wonderful, such great teamwork 0021:< SirCabbage> Yeah I know, let me see if I can help you damage it a bit. blarh blarh blarh blahr THIS IS still there 0021:< pyroshroom> maybe I can work on my typing speed too, as we do this 0021:< SirCabbage> illstopbeforeitdies bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 0021:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and dances 0022:< barnum> The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doh 0022:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and gives me shiny loot 0022:< barnum> Round #12, 234 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 387[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (13.5), pyroshroom (12) 0022:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and eats shit 0022:< SirCabbage> then both of them decide to put aside their differences and have sweet sweet fox/dog sex 0022:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and convinces him to dance 0022:< SirCabbage> it is kinda gross and I look away. Hopefully everyone else does the same thing since they need their privacy 0022:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog to get to the chicken 0022:< SirCabbage> I mean really just leave them alone- what are you doing. you monster. anyway this is my last message I want to get back to work now 0023:< pyroshroom> ewe, dog/fox sex, I hope that baby doesn't work 0023:< barnum> Round #13, 240 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 147[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (15), SirCabbage (13.5) 0023:< pyroshroom> LOL, thanks SirCabbage! 0023:< pyroshroom> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and I need a new one of these 0024:< barnum> Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 0024:< barnum> We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize. 0024:< pyroshroom> I learn a new thing every day, these sentences are called pangrams 0025:< pyroshroom> Bright vixens jump; dozy fowl quack I need more letters 0025:< barnum> Round #15, 12 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 123[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6) 0025:< barnum> You googled that too, TIL 0025:< pyroshroom> how vexing quick daft zebras jump! oh dear this is too short 0025:< barnum> Round #16, 9 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 114[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5) 0026:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Dark Matter Entropic Ooze HP: 114[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 0026:< pyroshroom> Ah, google has a nice pangram for their google fonts 0027:< pyroshroom> it is much longer than the ones I have been using here 0027:< Gnauga-> How's this work? 0027:< SirCabbage> oh god, I just was looking at the posts 0027:< SirCabbage> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dgwrm/tier_13_fitosmdo1/ => http://nazar.so/5lk3t 0027:< pyroshroom> Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack 0027:< SirCabbage> robin-rpg RPG channel Bot 0027:< SirCabbage> THERE IS OUR BOT, making its way back to us slowly ;-; 0027:< barnum> SirCabbage, my alt is in that channel with him 0027:< SirCabbage> godspeed bot, godspeed. 0027:< pyroshroom> yesss, he is coming, our savior is coming back to us 0028:< barnum> He helped me fix a problem with this script earlier. 0028:< barnum> He is a god amongst men 0028:< pyroshroom> while barnum is our substitute host for the time being 0028:< pyroshroom> oo, that explains the upgrades that are here now 0028:< SirCabbage> I just wanted to post that since yeah 0028:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Simurgh HP: 1402[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0028:< pyroshroom> Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack 0028:< pyroshroom> Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack n 0029:< barnum> I was so excited when I noticed it. Yay, I actually get to play too. 0029:< pyroshroom> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and barfs 0029:< pyroshroom> LOL, you'll be power leveled on your alt 0029:< pyroshroom> when he gets back to us again on the next tier 0029:< barnum> Round #2, 41 hits! Simurgh HP: 1362[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (13.5) 0029:< Gnauga-> So how do you play this bot? 0030:< pyroshroom> You talk and you do damage to these monsters 0030:< barnum> !help 0030:< Gnauga-> !help 0030:< barnum> Chat your way to glory! Engrave your name in the hall of !heroes, !loot monsters or just hang out with your !party 0030:< SirCabbage> !penis 0030:< Gnauga-> !loot 0030:< pyroshroom> Pack my box with fie dozen liquor jugs and dance on grabes 0030:< ryanvango> Gnauga you do attacks by talking 0030:< barnum> Round #3, 74 hits! Simurgh HP: 1287[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (6), Gnauga- (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0030:< pyroshroom> the five boxing wizards jump quickly 0030:< ryanvango> Gnauga I'll link you the google doc we made to explain. but its all really basic. we added our own spin though 0030:< Gnauga-> The bower bird makes luxurious nests 0030:< barnum> Gnauga- bag of holding contains 0 shiny things! 0031:< pyroshroom> how vexingly quick daft zebras jump! OH dear this is 0031:< ryanvango> Gnauga https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/3729k 0031:< Gnauga-> Thanks :D 0031:< barnum> Round #4, 187 hits! Simurgh HP: 1100[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (4.5), Gnauga- (3) 0031:< pyroshroom> I was just typing a bunch since I seemed to be in here alone 0031:< ryanvango> i was here. and you're a weirdo 0031:< pyroshroom> for the longest time, and I decided to work on my typing speed 0032:< Gnauga-> I see! I was wondering if there was some special bonus for certain character spreads. 0032:< pyroshroom> hey, it's not my fault all these sentences are funky to get all letters 0032:< barnum> Round #5, 73 hits! Simurgh HP: 1027[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (13.5), Gnauga- (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0032:< pyroshroom> gotta work on my ability to type xyz letters too 0032:< ryanvango> Gnauga yep. sub 60 characters does base damage, over 6 does base + (3xyour level) 0032:< ryanvango> over 60* 0032:< Gnauga-> I mean, there's a few pretty excellent wordz out there, you know? 0032:< pyroshroom> nah, I was just aiming for around 61 characters per line 0033:< barnum> Oo, I just got spirit jars on my alt 0033:< pyroshroom> oh yes, but these excellent words elude me when I am 0033:< barnum> Round #6, 141 hits! Simurgh HP: 886[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), ryanvango (6), Gnauga- (4.5) 0033:< pyroshroom> making stuff up to kill these monsters quickly with words 0033:< ryanvango> hey good job barnum. now we have 3 ghost whisperers when you get here haha 0033:< pyroshroom> since I am trying to type as fast as I can as I do this 0034:< pyroshroom> what is 140-61 anyways? maybe I should be aiming for 79 characters left 0034:< barnum> Round #7, 117 hits! Simurgh HP: 770[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0034:< pyroshroom> since apparently I can't math, I can only type semifast 0034:< ryanvango> pyroshroom 80 is a good number to shoot for. remember there's 4 characters in #rpg 0035:< barnum> Round #8, 90 hits! Simurgh HP: 680[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0035:< pyroshroom> but then my fingers get tired of typing like this 0035:< ryanvango> so if you type 140 characters, itll fail the message because theres really 144 or 145 (space) there 0035:< pyroshroom> oh right, that makes sense, I should got for 80 characters remaining 0035:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (13/79%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/65%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0035:< Gnauga-> Moses supposes the toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously! 0035:< ryanvango> haha Gnauga you should be a bard, and sing/rhyme every attack 0036:< pyroshroom> the five boxing wizards jump quickly over Gnauga- to kill the boss 0036:< Gnauga-> Wow! Rude! 0036:< barnum> Round #9, 208 hits! Simurgh HP: 472[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), ryanvango (9), Gnauga- (6) 0036:< barnum> This guy was complaining about not getting any necromancy shit and then didn't want my spirit jar or voodoo doll, fuck that guy 0036:< Gnauga-> Rude wizards! 0036:< Gnauga-> They could have at least said excuse me! 0036:< Gnauga-> !loot 0036:< barnum> Gnauga- bag of holding contains 0 shiny things! 0036:< ryanvango> Gnauga also we're running a guided RPG in here in 45 mins. you can use stuff in group loot to outfit a character 0037:< pyroshroom> LOL, I like leaving things to fate, I am happy being whatever the monsters give me 0037:< barnum> Round #10, 117 hits! Simurgh HP: 355[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (9), Gnauga- (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0037:< pyroshroom> the loot god giveth, the loot god taketh away, all hail the loot god 0037:< pyroshroom> I wonder what level I am now anyways, this is quite hard to tell 0038:< barnum> You'll find out soon enough 0038:< pyroshroom> since I am no longer on the list of heroes that slay these monsters 0038:< ryanvango> barnum are you able to see what the math is behind the loot bonus? 0038:< Gnauga-> Water-logged holes, embedded in the ground. Three in a row! 0038:< barnum> Round #11, 130 hits! Simurgh HP: 225[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (13.5), ryanvango (4.5), Gnauga- (4.5) 0038:< Gnauga-> Well, well, well. 0038:< pyroshroom> this Simurgh must die so that I may have shiny things once more 0038:< barnum> I'll show you in a sec 0038:< ryanvango> Gnauga im uninviting you to our guided RPG after that sentence... 0038:< pyroshroom> come give me your goodies smiurgh 0038:< SirCabbage> I am reinviting him 0039:< pyroshroom> LOL, that was a nice pun, if that's the right word to describe it 0039:< SirCabbage> since I love a good pun 0039:< barnum> Round #12, 165 hits! Simurgh HP: 60[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3), Gnauga- (1.5) 0039:< barnum> _round.dmg += Math.round(_userlevel * _lootbonus * 3); 0039:< Gnauga-> The stone of macedon was a pearl most baroque 0039:< barnum> for > 60 chars that is 0039:< ryanvango> i can do enough damage to kill this in 1 attack, then ill stop talking so pyro can loot 0039:< pyroshroom> now this monster must die since it is nearly dead and I need 0039:< barnum> for <60 it's * 1 0039:< Gnauga-> to roll down a hill, a great push was what it toke 0039:< pyroshroom> more loot to vest this naked character and dance on it and kill 0040:< SirCabbage> There should be a chance of extra loot- like, a small chance that someone else gets an item too 0040:< barnum> Simurgh is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Carpet of Flying 5-ft.-by-5-ft.]! LVLs: pyroshroom (3/90%), ryanvango (13/84%), SirCabbage (11... 0040:< ryanvango> LOL 0040:< pyroshroom> I wonder how much damage I am doing now, surely I must have a higher level now 0040:< barnum> _lootbonus = 1.125 * (_userloot / (_userloot + 60)) + 1; 0040:< Gnauga-> !loot 0040:< barnum> A wild Bronze Giant appeared! HP: 684[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0040:< pyroshroom> LOL, level 3 now, not bad for a few minutes of talking 0040:< pyroshroom> I shall stop once I hit level 4 again 0040:< ryanvango> barnum, alright lemme see if i can make heads or tails of that 0040:< Gnauga-> I'm assuming we update the spreadsheet ourselves? 0040:< ryanvango> !loot 0040:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 41 shiny things! 0040:< pyroshroom> maybe I should watch a show in the meantime 0041:< ryanvango> gnauga yes 0041:< Gnauga-> !loot 0041:< barnum> 1.125 * (41 / 41+60)) +1 0041:< barnum> Gnauga- bag of holding contains 0 shiny things! 0041:< SirCabbage> I use the Philosopher's stone to turn the bronze giant into a much more powerful GOLD giant! 0041:< Gnauga-> awwwww 0041:< SirCabbage> !loot 0041:< barnum> SirCabbage bag of holding contains 37 shiny things! 0041:< pyroshroom> lies, the gold giant is weaker since the higher mass and density of gold 0041:< barnum> Round #2, 142 hits! Bronze Giant HP: 370[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (4.5), Gnauga- (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0041:< pyroshroom> makes the giant slower due to the increased inertia 0041:< ryanvango> !heroes 0042:< SirCabbage> Well imagine the extra gold loot! 0042:< pyroshroom> along with how gold is softer than bronze which is why it is used 0042:< SirCabbage> anyway ANYWAY back to work 0042:< Gnauga-> The giant of bronze / was turned to gold / shrunk down in size / it looked quite old 0042:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (13/86%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/68%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0042:< pyroshroom> for jewellery instead of armor since it was so much easier to work 0042:< barnum> Round #3, 116 hits! Bronze Giant HP: 254[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), Gnauga- (4.5), SirCabbage (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0042:< pyroshroom> but yes, all that gold loot would be excellent for us 0042:< barnum> So, if math is right, your loot bonus is 1.58 ryanvango 0043:< ryanvango> barnum so how do i know what my base damage is? (round damage) 0043:< SirCabbage> Just for your logic 0043:< SirCabbage> I am going to turn your Silverfang into a GOLDfang 0043:< SirCabbage> >_> 0043:< barnum> Round #4, 162 hits! Bronze Giant HP: 92[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0043:< pyroshroom> noooo, my poor silverfang, turn it back! this gold sword can't do anything 0043:< Gnauga-> But silver would? 0043:< SirCabbage> I can't :o I dont have a silver turning item 0044:< pyroshroom> except be a great conductor of electricity to fry me with here 0044:< Gnauga-> Silver doesn't hold a fantastic edge either 0044:< pyroshroom> oh dear, guess it is gold fang now, and yes, silver is harder than gold 0044:< SirCabbage> ... fine lets see what I can do to fix that 0044:< Gnauga-> if dwarf fortress has taught me anything 0044:< Gnauga-> Really, you'd be better off ripping a tooth out of this bronze giant 0044:< barnum> So, if I'm reading this right, with everything you round damage should be 61. 0044:< barnum> when you type over 60 chars 0044:< pyroshroom> dwarf fortress has taught you well, I was imagining silverfang only was plated with silver 0045:< SirCabbage> I shall socket my Wardstone Shard into your Goldfang to make it into a Warding Goldfang . that should be enough 0045:< ryanvango> barnum i dont think thats right. i think earlier i was hitting him for 77 in 1 hit over 60 chars. dont know if that was lvl 12 or 13 0045:< SirCabbage> then it will ward off danger and stuff 0045:< pyroshroom> over a core of steel to ensure that it is a sturdy sword for battle 0045:< barnum> Round #1, 216 hits! Large Fire Elemental HP: 54[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (9), SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0045:< Gnauga-> That might be very well game! I imagine silver-plated fang would be resistant to tarnish and rust 0045:< barnum> Could be something I'm missing 0045:< SirCabbage> better update your character sheet pyro before I try something else :o 0045:< ryanvango> barnum OHHHH unless its that 61+16 for base damage. whats the sub 60 damage calculation? 0046:< pyroshroom> mm yes, that will do nicely, it's like that shining daggar in the Hobbit 0046:< barnum> Large Fire Elemental is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Jungle Boots]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/75%), ryanvango (13/89%), pyroshroom (4/37%),... 0046:< pyroshroom> that wards away the orcs, except it wards everything away 0046:< barnum> Should be around 20 for you 0046:< Gnauga-> nice, pyroshroom! 0046:< pyroshroom> woot, jungle boots 0046:< barnum> A wild Xill appeared! HP: 302[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0046:< barnum> It's just what I did about but not multiplied by 3 0047:< barnum> Round #1, 27 hits! Xill HP: 274[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (6), Gnauga- (1.5) 0047:< ryanvango> barnum alright that makes sense then. ok before it woulda been like 18+(lvl x 3) now its like 18+(lvl x 3 x 1.45) i believe 0047:< pyroshroom> so with these jungle boots, I can now enter the jungle with my warding goldfang 0047:< SirCabbage> Also pyro, because I feel bad about force changing your loot, you may have my Wings of Flying for your back 0047:< pyroshroom> :O 0048:< pyroshroom> I very appreciate that, thank you, it works much better than my broom 0048:< Gnauga-> Gold would be a solid choice for a jungle. The humid jungle air would be hell on iron or copper. Imagine the rust! 0048:< barnum> Round #2, 208 hits! Xill HP: 66[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Gnauga- (4.5) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:48:35 2016 0048:< SirCabbage> anyway back to work, see you in like 20 mins when the guided stuff starts again 0048:< ryanvango> omg you guys are taking forever. here. ill kill it for you. babies. 0048:< pyroshroom> ah yes, the golden sword would never decay in the jungle 0049:< pyroshroom> this game needs some adamantium or vibranium to spice up 0049:< barnum> Xill is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Assisting Glove]! LVLs: pyroshroom (4/55%), SirCabbage (11/78%), ryanvango (13/92%) 0049:< barnum> A wild Gallows Tree appeared! HP: 981[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0049:< pyroshroom> LOL, what is this glove of assisting, now I can help people with things 0049:< SirCabbage> I wish it had more items which we could use to socket other items- treasures, stones- etc 0049:< ryanvango> *pyroshroom slashes at the beast with his shining sword made of solid gold. it hits with a thud and bends at the middle 0050:< barnum> Round #1, 175 hits! Gallows Tree HP: 806[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0050:< barnum> Well guys, I'll be back later, if anything breaks I might still be able to hear notifications on my computer. 0050:< ryanvango> alright man. thanks for the help. catch ya later 0050:< pyroshroom> my bent golden sword will do fine as a ceremonial weapon 0050:< pyroshroom> and thanks, see you later! 0050:< ryanvango> yeah, it still hurts like a bitch, it just acts like a heavyass hammer now and not a slicing sword haha 0051:< barnum> Round #2, 138 hits! Gallows Tree HP: 668[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (6) 0051:< pyroshroom> I should just put this ceremonial goldfang up in the cabin you guys are building 0051:< pyroshroom> to ward away the monsters and keep the cabin safe from harm 0051:< ryanvango> its a temporary shelter. they burned a mans house to the ground, then we took a break. its a plot device lol 0051:< barnum> Round #3, 127 hits! Gallows Tree HP: 541[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (9), K1ngN0thing (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0052:< pyroshroom> ahaha, this rpg has a lot more going on than it seems, I need to get 0052:< ryanvango> you can make it permanent if you want. but right now its my excuse for whats happening while were paused 0052:< pyroshroom> caught up on the backstory now, so I don't get too lost here 0052:< barnum> Round #4, 123 hits! Gallows Tree HP: 418[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (9), ryanvango (4.5) 0053:< ryanvango> right before break cabbage smelled cooking meat. it was a cabin with a guy in it...he burned a hole in the tree canopy 0053:< ryanvango> so he could land his dragon. it started a fire and burned the mans house. then DJ killed and buried him. cabbage looted 0053:< SirCabbage> Well, DJ smelt something, my dragon and I identified it as edible. 0053:< barnum> Round #5, 241 hits! Gallows Tree HP: 177[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (4.5) 0053:< ryanvango> they found a health potion and blue milk(dj drank it) and a gold liquid in a jar (unidentified) 0054:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (13/96%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/80%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0054:< SirCabbage> but I am currently flying off to get it identified and when I get back we will know exactly what it is 0054:< pyroshroom> LOL, this sounds like a game of nethack with an easier start 0054:< fzh> are we fighting anything right now? 0054:< ryanvango> fzh a tree is about to die 0054:< pyroshroom> we are fighting the Gallows Tree, it is very haunting 0054:< pyroshroom> very morbid tree, many executions and tormented souls here 0055:< barnum> Gallows Tree is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Globe of Blizzards]! LVLs: pyroshroom (4/79%), ryanvango (13/98%), SirCabbage (11/81%), f... 0055:< barnum> A wild Sparksting Swarm appeared! HP: 198[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0055:< pyroshroom> Globe of Blizzards, I can now put out the forest fire that your dragon started 0055:< ryanvango> do we have a list of all loot found during the break? 0055:< ryanvango> i think BTE put out the fire after he got back from buying potions 0055:< fzh> I continually slam the tree with my fists, hoping that a new weapon may appear for me. My fists get tired but I do not stop. 0055:< fzh> am I doing this right 0055:< barnum> Round #1, 139 hits! Sparksting Swarm HP: 59[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), fzh (6), pyroshroom (4.5) 0056:< pyroshroom> Yes, but the tree is dead now, we are fighting the Sparksting Swarm 0056:< ryanvango> fzh yes. you do damage by typing. over 60 characters is a bonus to attack. ill share our doc 0056:< fzh> I've seen the doc 0056:< pyroshroom> and ah, very responsible of BTE to prevent forest fires here 0056:< ryanvango> oh ok. yeah, then do whatever you like:) 0056:< barnum> Sparksting Swarm is kill! ryanvango picks up [Dazing Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/9%), pyroshroom (4/88%), fzh (1/69%) 0056:< pyroshroom> this swarm sounds like a bad idea in real-life, sparksting? 0056:< ryanvango> oh cool! (turns to ash) 0057:< barnum> A wild Panda appeared! HP: 86[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0057:< SirCabbage> I have a list of all my loot in a notepad document- with anything I have equiped on the spreadsheet 0057:< fzh> ryanvango what does that rod do? 0057:< pyroshroom> OMG. we cannot kill this panda, it is illegal, they are endangered 0057:< barnum> Panda is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Cloak of Fiery Vanishing]! LVLs: pyroshroom (4/96%), SirCabbage (11/83%), fzh (1/80%), ryanvango... 0057:< pyroshroom> We must save this panda for ourselves as a mascot so that we can 0057:< ryanvango> fzh well....nothing now...any loot I touch is lost to us forever cause Im the DM of our guided RPG 0057:< pyroshroom> welp 0058:< barnum> A wild Gathlain appeared! HP: 32[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0058:< fzh> what how did we kill the panda 0058:< pyroshroom> nice cloak though, makes for some dramatic entrances 0058:< pyroshroom> I guess I talked too much, and the panda died of fright 0058:< ryanvango> accidentally. pyro tried to pet it, but he doesnt know he's a behemoth and punched through its heart 0058:< SirCabbage> no, you just killed the panda 0059:< barnum> A wild Ronus appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0059:< ryanvango> i got almost no work done lol. fuck it. ill be up late anyway 0059:< surelyucantbserious> Ronus! You shall pay dearly for the blood of the innocent! 0059:< ryanvango> aaaand i accidentally killed that too. 0059:< pyroshroom> Firey Vanishing, I can rage quit very dramatically now, this will be good 0059:< fzh> are we fighting anything now? 0059:< barnum> Ronus is kill! fzh picks up [Scarab of Protection]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/15%), surelyucantbserious (2/87%), pyroshroom (5/31%), fzh (... 0059:< ryanvango> it kinda fits the story though. all minor creatures lately. like you would find while clearing brush 0059:< SirCabbage> I got a fair amount done- not everything I wanted to. 0059:< fzh> I don't see any attacks how are we killing these things 0059:< barnum> A wild Large Magma Elemental appeared! HP: 270[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0059:< pyroshroom> LOL, ryanvango is the true behemoth, slaughters all monsters with his presence 0100:< pyroshroom> fzh: Disable blocking bot spam 0100:< Gnauga-> The once was a man from nantucket 0100:< fzh> I have? 0100:< ryanvango> fzh if you have parrot running, make sure "remove bot spam" is unclicked, and allow unicode characters 0100:< barnum> Round #1, 249 hits! Large Magma Elemental HP: 21[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (6), fzh (3), SirCabbage (1.5), Gnauga- (1.5) 0100:< Gnauga-> Wow! That was insane! 0100:< fzh> I'm seeing the "x is kill" messages but not the attacks 0100:< Gnauga-> Attack by typing! 0100:< pyroshroom> and FYI fzh, you have loot! fzh picks up [Scarab of Protection] 0100:< SirCabbage> Suddenly the sky gets darker- as if something large is blotting out the sun 0101:< ryanvango> do you see the "round 1 xxxxxx" ones? 0101:< pyroshroom> large magma elemental diesssss 0101:< fzh> no I don't ryanvango 0101:< SirCabbage> It is... .ME returning on my dragon 0101:< pyroshroom> before my firey appearance and vanishing 0101:< fzh> but I have bot messages enabled 0101:< SirCabbage> knowing exactly what this gold potion is- exactly what it is. 0101:< ryanvango> are you using latest parrot? 0101:< barnum> Large Magma Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Horn of Goodness/evil]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/94%), pyroshroom (5/45%), fzh (2/54... 0101:< ryanvango> tell me if you can read the numbers in my next message 0101:< SirCabbage> So ryan what is the potion I got. 0101:< barnum> A wild Quantum appeared! HP: 1607[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0101:< ryanvango> fzh 12345678 0101:< fzh> yep 0101:< surelyucantbserious> This enemy may give me my next level! Quantum, you are MINE! 0102:< ryanvango> what were they? 0102:< pyroshroom> A wild quantum? this is way more exotic than the usual monsters 0102:< fzh> 12345678 0102:< barnum> Round #1, 186 hits! Quantum HP: 1420[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (6), surelyucantbserious (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), fzh (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0102:< ryanvango> then im not sure. try refreshing. 0102:< pyroshroom> doesn't quantum just mean a tiny step too? eh, this is a weird monster 0102:< SirCabbage> so ryan, what did I find out 0102:< surelyucantbserious> his Hit POints are Massive. We need all we can give! 0102:< ryanvango> http://imgur.com/RhaARCD 0102:< ryanvango> yours doesnt look like this fzh? 0103:< ryanvango> cabbage, sorry ill get to it. waiting til everyone is here 0103:< barnum> Round #2, 235 hits! Quantum HP: 1185[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 0103:< SirCabbage> you are looking up bart swinging? 0103:< fzh> like what? 0103:< pyroshroom> apparently, you found out how to set the parrot settings SirCabbage :p 0103:< ryanvango> haha yeah i was trying to find a gif 0103:< SirCabbage> what do you mean pyro? I have been using parrot for a long tine 0103:< ryanvango> click my imgur link fzh. are the rounds hidden? 0104:< ryanvango> http://imgur.com/RhaARCD 0104:< barnum> Round #3, 215 hits! Quantum HP: 970[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), fzh (1.5) 0104:< surelyucantbserious> This Quantum is beyond me. Let's join powers and bring him down to us! 0104:< fzh> woah I almost hit abandon when trying to open settings 0104:< pyroshroom> LOL, SirCabbage: I meant the picture ryan posted in response to fzh earlier 0104:< ryanvango> fzh is "use color on regular channel messages in tabs" checked? 0105:< barnum> Round #4, 128 hits! Quantum HP: 842[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), fzh (1.5) 0105:< fzh> I'm using robin grow 0105:< SirCabbage> Kappa 0105:< SirCabbage> You should be using parrot. :o 0105:< surelyucantbserious> I will try to cast a drain spell on him, this should help weaken him over time! 0105:< SirCabbage> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js?t=1459904749133 => http://nazar.so/7ha13 0105:< ryanvango> yeah run parrot. 0106:< barnum> Round #5, 162 hits! Quantum HP: 680[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5), fzh (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0106:< ryanvango> robin grow took a big ol shit 0106:< surelyucantbserious> I feel the siphon becoming stronger, draining more and more hps with each passing moment. 0106:< SirCabbage> Kappa 0106:< barnum> Round #6, 64 hits! Quantum HP: 617[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), ryanvango (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0106:< SirCabbage> good good still working- just updated my script 0107:< ryanvango> i cant see surely. is he actually playing or botting 0107:< surelyucantbserious> At this rate, I shall father 4 children before this beast is done. Do we have any 'secret' weapons to use here? 0107:< barnum> Round #7, 68 hits! Quantum HP: 549[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0107:< pyroshroom> he's actually playing... or at least he looks like he's playing 0108:< SirCabbage> I cant believe people are still leaving when we are so close 0108:< barnum> Round #8, 96 hits! Quantum HP: 453[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0109:< ryanvango> fzh any luck? 0109:< surelyucantbserious> I'm sorry, I required a rest. I am back and using proper chat filters now! My damage shall not be mitigated again! To Me Battle!! 0109:< barnum> Round #9, 44 hits! Quantum HP: 409[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0109:< pyroshroom> it looks like surely might be botting actually 0110:< SirCabbage> that would be a shame 0110:< ryanvango> ok, i have him blocked still. no big deal, hell just help you murder 0110:< surelyucantbserious> Er... I usually hit harder than that.... This NEVER happens.... Sorry babe.. 0110:< SirCabbage> well it is an issue- he will steal loot and kills 0110:< pyroshroom> it certainly does seem like he is botting since he's not responding to anything here 0110:< barnum> Round #10, 185 hits! Quantum HP: 223[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (4.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0110:< SirCabbage> surely is a cuntmuffin 0110:< ryanvango> he'll only steal loot, but not every time. we're all fully equipped anyway haha 0111:< surelyucantbserious> I will NOT be used as a mere weapon to battle strange creatures for the likes of you. Except this comment. Adieu 0111:< SirCabbage> yep, not responding. 0111:< ryanvango> so if you miss out on 1/3 of the loot, wont be a huge deal 0111:< SirCabbage> true 0111:< barnum> Quantum is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ring of The Binding Word]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/25%), SirCabbage (12/8%), surelyucantbserious (... 0111:< SirCabbage> still is a bit annoying. esspecially as he gains xp 0111:< pyroshroom> Mm, more rings of the binding words 0111:< ryanvango> barnum is there any way to block the bot from seeing sureyoucantbeserious 0111:< barnum> A wild Aboleth appeared! HP: 378[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0112:< barnum> Round #1, 126 hits! Aboleth HP: 252[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0112:< SirCabbage> paging barnum 0112:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (14/26%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (12/9%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%), ... 0112:< SirCabbage> did we have others pyro? 0112:< ryanvango> looks like its slowed down 0113:< pyroshroom> other bots? not that I am aware of 0113:< ryanvango> my original list is cabbage dj haykam bte and wythe who else we got 0113:< pyroshroom> and it looks like surely has vanished 0113:< ryanvango> haykam probably wont be back, and dj is sleeping 0113:< barnum> Round #2, 222 hits! Aboleth HP: 30[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (3) 0113:< pyroshroom> maybe he wasn't botting 0113:< SirCabbage> I meant other rings of binding word 0113:< pyroshroom> wow, this monster is going to die soon, I better speak up 0114:< SirCabbage> maybe, but it was still rude to not talk to us 0114:< pyroshroom> oh, I have one from earlier, it's in my ring slots 0114:< SirCabbage> I like to talk to people, hey pyro *waves and blows kiss 0114:< thatwentBTE> im here 0114:< ryanvango> ok of the original party, BTE and cabbage are here 0114:< pyroshroom> Hello Sir Cabbage! 0114:< SirCabbage> didn't DJ go to sleep or something? 0114:< barnum> Aboleth is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Shield Cloak]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/17%), pyroshroom (5/69%), thatwentBTE (13/51%), ryanvango ... 0114:< ryanvango> yeah DJ is gonna take a nap in the cabin you rebuilt. 0114:< barnum> A wild Xorn appeared! HP: 297[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0115:< ryanvango> while rebuilding, you managed to salvage some of the old mans stuff (list of loot from killing) 0115:< surelyucantbserious> I'm watching the general chat flow. It's hard to tell if anyone was addressing me direct. Sorry. Was just participating. Didnt mean to 0115:< barnum> I think I blocked him 0115:< surelyucantbserious> intrude 0115:< SirCabbage> Okay well, as I said before I am arriving back- so tell me what the potion is :o 0115:< SirCabbage> unlock him, turns out he ISNT a bot lol 0115:< SirCabbage> he finally talked to us 0115:< barnum> Round #1, 272 hits! Xorn HP: 25[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (6), surelyucantbserious (6) 0115:< ryanvango> LOL 0115:< SirCabbage> he said 0115:< SirCabbage> I'm watching the general chat flow. It's hard to tell if anyone was addressing me direct. Sorry. Was just participating. Didnt mean to 0115:< surelyucantbserious> :( lol 0115:< ryanvango> ok pyroshroom you have 100 health and 200 gold. 0116:< SirCabbage> You should just come to this channel using Parrot surely- then you could join us 0116:< barnum> Xorn is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Horn of Antagonism]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/24%), ryanvango (14/32%), surelyucantbserious (3/43%) 0116:< barnum> A wild Chain Worm appeared! HP: 725[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0116:< ryanvango> * we pick up a few hours later. BTE has been busily rebuilding the shack cabbage burned down, and cabbage went to the apothecary 0116:< pyroshroom> Ok, I am now a fresh adventurer 0116:< surelyucantbserious> if it is bothersome for me to drop in occasionally and deal some damage I'll stay out of your chat 0116:< barnum> Should be unblocked 0117:< surelyucantbserious> I appreciate that, I am watching many different things in the general 0117:< SirCabbage> its fine surely, but without you roleplaying and using your loot it isnt nearly as fun 0117:< barnum> Round #1, 206 hits! Chain Worm HP: 518[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: surelyucantbserious (9), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0117:< SirCabbage> well feel free to join us at any time, 0117:< SirCabbage> So now ryan, what is my golden liquid 0117:< ryanvango> * during that time, pyroshroom, a lanky human wizard monk, poofed in to the area with his teleportation and helped rebuild 0118:< barnum> Round #2, 145 hits! Chain Worm HP: 373[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0118:< thatwentBTE> *nailing boards with my GIANT HAMMER. 0118:< ryanvango> * sircabbage has returned on his mythic dragon, with exciting news to share 0118:< pyroshroom> Wow, that took me a while to come back, my window was lagging so much 0118:< ryanvango> * he gathers everyone up, greets pyroshroom, and says "Its a potion of resurrection! force it down a dead guy and he comes back!" 0119:< barnum> Round #3, 237 hits! Chain Worm HP: 136[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), mahatmabrondi (1.5) 0119:< ryanvango> you can forcefeed it to a recently deceased party member to save them from death. only 1 use, cabbage 0119:< SirCabbage> Awesome, 0119:< SirCabbage> Good thing we didnt WASTE IT, huh BTE? 0119:< ryanvango> haha if he tasted it i was gonna tell you what it was 0119:< barnum> Chain Worm is kill! ryanvango picks up [Oathtaker]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/37%), SirCabbage (12/27%) 0120:< ryanvango> oops 0120:< ryanvango> hehehehe 0120:< SirCabbage> but it was one use :P how could he know what it was by tasting it 0120:< barnum> A wild Gibrileth appeared! HP: 617[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0120:< ryanvango> lol tiny taste . whatever 0120:< SirCabbage> I had to do work anyway 0120:< ryanvango> ok so, cabin rebuilt as a passable shelter, some members resting comfortably inside, items added to inventory 0120:< ryanvango> what would you like to do? 0120:< barnum> Round #1, 321 hits! Gibrileth HP: 295[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (6) 0121:< ryanvango> * KABOOOOOOOM the thunderclap in the distance rings out again 0121:< SirCabbage> well, personally. this "passable shelter" isnt nearly cool enough. 0121:< SirCabbage> We need to make it better and ignore all other things! 0121:< SirCabbage> >_> 0121:< pyroshroom> YES! 0121:< thatwentBTE> lol 0121:< barnum> Round #2, 260 hits! Gibrileth HP: 35[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0121:< ryanvango> alrighty *you continue work on the shelter, slaughtering the forests inhabitants as you do so. collecting their bits 0121:< SirCabbage> WHo has an axe or something sharp- lets go get some trees. 0121:< pyroshroom> I agree, we should improve this shelter! 0121:< thatwentBTE> sorry catching up 0122:< SxwTheCat> i have fists to punch trees 0122:< SirCabbage> I use my dragons to gather wood from the nearby trees and start to build a new outer level of the shelter which will turn 0122:< pyroshroom> I have my goldfang to hammer away at trees 0122:< SirCabbage> the shelter into a house when completed 0122:< ryanvango> * "hey motherfucker! look out!" you hear from SxwTheCat as you almost topple a tree on him 0122:< ryanvango> her? i dont fuckin know 0122:< SirCabbage> Sorry! 0122:< barnum> Gibrileth is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ring of Rat Fangs]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/37%), ryanvango (14/44%), pyroshroom (5/79%), thatw... 0122:< SirCabbage> have this ring of rat fangs to make up for it Sxw 0123:< barnum> A wild Leucrotta appeared! HP: 257[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0123:< ryanvango> (sxw, you can introduce yourself. also you have 200 gold and 100 health) 0123:< pyroshroom> what does this ring do? 0123:< SxwTheCat> Oh boy.. thanks... 0123:< pyroshroom> well Sxw is the cat... I guess he would like that ring 0123:< SxwTheCat> a/s/l: 15 M Earth 0123:< barnum> Round #1, 141 hits! Leucrotta HP: 115[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (3), SxwTheCat (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0123:< SirCabbage> I suppose it gives him massive gnawing rat fangs at will perhaps 0124:< ryanvango> haha alright. you notice a battle ready dwarven man looking flustered after almost being crushed. he is sxwthecat 0124:< barnum> Leucrotta is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Continuation]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/47%), SirCabbage (12/38%) 0124:< pyroshroom> wow, 15 years old is awfully young for a dwarf 0124:< ryanvango> i ignored the 15 part haha 0124:< barnum> A wild Necro-Phantom appeared! HP: 117[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0125:< pyroshroom> is this your first adventure out of the mines? LOL 0125:< SirCabbage> Perhaps he is on his pilgrmiage? do dwarves even have those? 0125:< ryanvango> i was not provided character description, thats all you get! 0125:< barnum> Necro-Phantom is kill! ryanvango picks up [One-Way Window]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/49%), SirCabbage (12/40%), pyroshroom (5/81%) 0125:< ryanvango> so...how goes the improvements to the shelter? 0125:< pyroshroom> Maybe they do have a rites of passage 0125:< barnum> A wild Coloxus appeared! HP: 756[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0125:< pyroshroom> the improvements are excellent, SirCabbage's dragon is doing all the work 0126:< SirCabbage> well I would say it is a rather nice house, wouldn't you pyro? 0126:< SirCabbage> I mean we have basically built a small mansion at this point. 0126:< pyroshroom> Yes, not too shabby anymore I would say, dragons work fast 0126:< barnum> Round #1, 246 hits! Coloxus HP: 510[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (1.5) 0126:< SirCabbage> one may call it slavery- I call it- omfg look at our epic house. 0126:< SxwTheCat> You guys ever read the Warriors series? 0126:< ryanvango> *you stand back and marvel at your creation. thatwentBTE in stunned silence at its magnificence 0126:< SxwTheCat> You are filled with dermination 0127:< pyroshroom> It's not about how you get there, it's the destination 0127:< SirCabbage> I know the feeling BTE- I do *teardrop 0127:< barnum> Round #2, 213 hits! Coloxus HP: 297[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), pyroshroom (1.5) 0127:< SirCabbage> but seriously, if this guy is a Dwarf there must be caves nearby 0127:< pyroshroom> and that destination, is our glorious mansion 0127:< ryanvango> ask him? 0127:< SirCabbage> we can avoid the whole thunder thing by going into a cave right? 0127:< SirCabbage> Sxw, do you have some cool caves to explore? 0128:< ryanvango> i don't know. you can do whatever you want. i havent even said the thunder was bad lol 0128:< SxwTheCat> I'm a cat dammit 0128:< thatwentBTE> dude wheres your caves man 0128:< SxwTheCat> MREOWWW RAIN 0128:< pyroshroom> oh no 0128:< barnum> Coloxus is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Bane Baldric]! LVLs: SxwTheCat (2/61%), ryanvango (14/52%), pyroshroom (5/90%), thatwentBTE (1... 0128:< SirCabbage> its retarded *sob 0128:< pyroshroom> the dwarf thinks he is a cat, he is clearly mad 0128:< barnum> A wild Ancient Black Dragon appeared! HP: 1337[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0128:< SxwTheCat> since when was i a fucking dwarf 0128:< SirCabbage> Oh god, another dragon 0128:< pyroshroom> What is a Bane Baldric? 0128:< ryanvango> *sxw scratches some fleas out of his beard and tries desperately to look his dwarven butthole 0129:< SxwTheCat> aww fuck off 0129:< barnum> Round #1, 169 hits! Ancient Black Dragon HP: 1167[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (3), SxwTheCat (3) 0129:< ryanvango> suddenly, in your distracted state, a big fuckin dragon appears! 0129:< SirCabbage> Okay okay, its okay. we can handle this. 0129:< pyroshroom> :O, the lightning was an omen! 0129:< ryanvango> its attracted to your pile of golden items! 0129:< SxwTheCat> He reaches towards the items and they're stuck by thunder 0129:< ryanvango> it lands with a crash, knocking pyro to the ground (you take 8 damage) 0129:< SirCabbage> Fuck 0129:< pyroshroom> I'M HIT! 0130:< barnum> Round #2, 304 hits! Ancient Black Dragon HP: 863[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), pyroshroom (4.5), SxwTheCat (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0130:< pyroshroom> AHHH THIS SWORD ISN'T DOING ANYTHING 0130:< SirCabbage> Okay I am going to play the drums of lethargy to curse him and slow his attacks down 0130:< ryanvango> swinging round, it lashes with its tail, hitting sxw for 13 damage 0130:< SxwTheCat> can i have a link to the spreadsheet? aw fuck 0130:< SirCabbage> take my Sword of Inner Fire pyro, use that instead 0130:< ryanvango> he is confused and sleepy looking 0130:< SxwTheCat> SPREADSHEET LINK PLZ 0130:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/3wz6e 0130:< SxwTheCat> danks 0130:< pyroshroom> I grab SirCabbage's sword of inner fire and charge at the dragon 0130:< barnum> Round #3, 351 hits! Ancient Black Dragon HP: 511[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (6), SxwTheCat (4.5) 0131:< SirCabbage> *I keep playing the tune, aiming firmly towards the dragon 0131:< thatwentBTE> Be gone from me, vile beast, be gone from me! A Black Dragon?! My dragon is golden! A transporter of gods, the golden god. 0131:< SxwTheCat> Also I equip our house with a one-way-window 0131:< thatwentBTE> I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves. 0131:< thatwentBTE> I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 0131:< ryanvango> he slowly finds the energy to blast out with hot stinky firebreath, hitting all of you for 9 damage 0131:< SirCabbage> oh god, BTE is talking again 0131:< barnum> Round #4, 393 hits! Ancient Black Dragon HP: 118[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5), SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 0131:< SxwTheCat> I use my talisman of ultimate evil to assist BTE in his rage 0132:< SirCabbage> I drink my medium healing potion 0132:< thatwentBTE> You will not have my gold. 0132:< pyroshroom> I decide that attacking a dragon with melee attacks isn't working 0132:< ryanvango> he looks angry, and hungry. he tries to bite cabbage, and misses only barely 0132:< SxwTheCat> i lick my wounds and heal 0.00004328 HP 0132:< SirCabbage> I start running around, still playing the drums- CAN SOMEONE GET THAT DRAGON NOW PLS 0132:< thatwentBTE> I swing my GOLDEN HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 0132:< pyroshroom> I use my staff of the planes to shift myself to an empty dimension 0132:< barnum> Ancient Black Dragon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Inquisitor's Bastion Vambraces]! LVLs: pyroshroom (6/15%), SxwTheCat (2/81%), Sir... 0132:< SirCabbage> Oh thats useful, pyro just RAN? 0133:< SxwTheCat> ;p 0133:< pyroshroom> I don't want to die :'( 0133:< thatwentBTE> killed him with a plane shift nice 0133:< barnum> A wild Gathlain appeared! HP: 32[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0133:< ryanvango> he lays down for a nap, and as he does, is sucked through the dimensional portal pyro created 0133:< SxwTheCat> who naps 0133:< SirCabbage> Well. 0133:< SirCabbage> That is rather sad, 0133:< ryanvango> he was hit with lethargy, so i slowed the attacks 0133:< barnum> Gathlain is kill! ryanvango picks up [Amulet of Proof Against Petrification]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/61%), SirCabbage (12/54%), SxwTheC... 0133:< SxwTheCat> heyyy 0133:< SirCabbage> anyone want a drink of water? Places well down on ground for a short while 0134:< SxwTheCat> i lap up water 0134:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (14/61%), thatwentBTE (13/60%), SirCabbage (12/54%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0134:< pyroshroom> I drink gladly from the well of SirCabbage 0134:< SirCabbage> god this thing is heavy- who knew a Well which allows you to get to many different worlds would be heavy. 0134:< barnum> A wild Mohrg appeared! HP: 410[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0134:< pyroshroom> Running is exhausting 0134:< thatwentBTE> Drink heartily 0134:< SxwTheCat> i add the water to my shitpost cannon 0134:< thatwentBTE> drinks* 0134:< SirCabbage> Good good, so did the well water refresh anyone's hp? even a little bit? 0134:< barnum> Round #1, 242 hits! Mohrg HP: 167[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), SxwTheCat (4.5), pyroshroom (3), thatwentBTE (3) 0135:< ryanvango> ok all said cab is at -31, bte at -46, pyro -17, sxw -22 0135:< SxwTheCat> I fire the shitpost cannon at the mohrg 0135:< SirCabbage> remember ryan I drank my medium potion 0135:< SirCabbage> which you said heals 25 0135:< barnum> Mohrg is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Grim Lantern]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/60%), ryanvango (14/63%), SxwTheCat (3/25%) 0135:< ryanvango> ohhh i mustve missed that. ok i think -9 then 0135:< SirCabbage> just making sure you counted that 0136:< SxwTheCat> ryan do you even count 0136:< SirCabbage> *picks back up the well and puts it on my back 0136:< barnum> A wild Titan Centipede appeared! HP: 608[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0136:< SxwTheCat> 31 - 25 isn't 9 0136:< ryanvango> *as sxw goes prancing through the woods, a tree seemingly with a mind of its own raises a root and trips him. he hits the ground 0136:< ryanvango> *sxw takes 1 more damage 0136:< SirCabbage> wow. 0136:< barnum> Round #1, 214 hits! Titan Centipede HP: 393[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (4.5), SxwTheCat (3) 0136:< pyroshroom> he didn't drink all of the potion in the heat of battle 0136:< ryanvango> *sxw takes 1 more damage 0136:< SirCabbage> What a dick, good thing I don't believe in gods. 0137:< SxwTheCat> >.> ABUSIVE DUNGEONMASTER MOOOOOMMMMMMMM THIS GUY'S HACKING 0137:< ryanvango> he was at -22 before. he healed up when we left. he just got hit now for 8 damage 0137:< ryanvango> 9* 0137:< SxwTheCat> why the fuck 9 damage 0137:< barnum> Round #2, 211 hits! Titan Centipede HP: 182[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), SxwTheCat (6), pyroshroom (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0137:< SxwTheCat> or i don't know nevermind 0138:< ryanvango> sxw, you got hit with its tail and the fire. 0138:< SxwTheCat> whatever just don't trip me >.> 0138:< pyroshroom> the dwarf cat amuses me 0138:< ryanvango> lol so sxw you're at 77 right now 0138:< SirCabbage> I just wish it would lead us to its cave 0138:< SxwTheCat> awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 0138:< SirCabbage> !heroes 0138:< barnum> Round #3, 135 hits! Titan Centipede HP: 47[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SxwTheCat (3), ryanvango (3), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (1.5) 0138:< SirCabbage> *bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 0138:< thatwentBTE> I use my Mindmaster's Eyes to charm the trea 0139:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (14/65%), thatwentBTE (13/60%), SirCabbage (12/61%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0139:< ryanvango> before we go on, remember DJ is sleeping and has the glove. it would be ok to take it 0139:< pyroshroom> what trea, this is a titan centipede 0139:< barnum> Titan Centipede is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Judge's Wig]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/64%), SirCabbage (12/63%), ryanvango (14/67%), Sxw... 0139:< SxwTheCat> i think he means the one that hit me 0139:< SirCabbage> but we can't steal an item from someone else- for that way lies madness 0139:< SxwTheCat> have you considered insanity lately? 0139:< barnum> A wild Spear Urchin appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0140:< ryanvango> * I would say you can borrow it, because he was gonna come but IRL is a sleepy fella 0140:< SirCabbage> instead, *grabs his hand and shoves it on my crotch to force heal 0140:< ryanvango> cabbage is healed back to full (122) 0140:< SxwTheCat> isn't that rape 0140:< barnum> Spear Urchin is kill! SxwTheCat picks up [Lion's Shield]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/66%), ryanvango (14/69%), SxwTheCat (3/45%) 0140:< SirCabbage> shouldnt it be higher? I am lvl 12 now not 11 0140:< ryanvango> up to you, do what you want 0140:< barnum> A wild Young Void Dragon appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0140:< ryanvango> you got 3 levels from when we started. a 7, a 7, and an 8 0140:< SirCabbage> sexual assult actually *shoves his hand in everyone elses crotch until the glove is used up or the rest are fully healed 0141:< SirCabbage> <3 0141:< barnum> Round #1, 258 hits! Young Void Dragon HP: 169[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (6) 0141:< ryanvango> everyone is fully healed and the glove stays with DJ apparently 0141:< SxwTheCat> what kind of glove is this 0141:< SirCabbage> a healing glove. 0141:< ryanvango> its a healers glove. it can heal 200 points an hour 0141:< SirCabbage> the glove is just a little bit more dirty now-but yes dj still has iot 0142:< ryanvango> * so, recovering from the attack from the dragon, and fully healed via molestation, the group is ready to..... 0142:< barnum> Young Void Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Talisman of Pure Good]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/72%), SirCabbage (12/70%), K1ngN0thing (1... 0142:< SxwTheCat> the glove is stuck to Cab's hand 0142:< barnum> A wild Giant Tiger Barb appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0142:< SxwTheCat> he trys to shake it off as white slime flys everywhere 0142:< SirCabbage> it was never on my hand 0142:< SirCabbage> I grabbed his arm and shoved HIS hand into everyone's crotch 0143:< SxwTheCat> o. big difference. 0143:< barnum> Giant Tiger Barb is kill! SxwTheCat picks up [Demon Blood]! LVLs: SirCabbage (12/72%), SxwTheCat (3/53%) 0143:< ryanvango> its ok. hell just wake up to a stinky glove tomorrow 0143:< SxwTheCat> ooo demon blood 0143:< barnum> A wild Adult Sovereign Dragon appeared! HP: 1013[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0143:< SirCabbage> DOn't drink that. 0143:< SirCabbage> WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE DRAGONS 0143:< ryanvango> *KABOOOOOOOOOOM 0143:< SirCabbage> CAN WE FUCK OFF INTO CAVES NOW? 0144:< pyroshroom> PLANES 0144:< SxwTheCat> as you enter a cave, a big ass dragon flys in 0144:< barnum> Round #1, 131 hits! Adult Sovereign Dragon HP: 881[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), ryanvango (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0144:< SirCabbage> oh yeah 0144:< ryanvango> * looking around for where this dwarven cat person couldve come from, you see only thick forest 0144:< ryanvango> * perhaps the dwarf could lead you to the caves 0144:< SirCabbage> *uses pyro's staff to escape to a plane of existence where a dragon doesn't exist but a cave is clearly visible 0144:< pyroshroom> I must shift into the planes again, while this dwarf looks for a cave 0144:< pyroshroom> HEY 0145:< pyroshroom> come back here with my staff 0145:< SirCabbage> what? you didnt want to take us all with you? 0145:< SxwTheCat> HERE YA MATE! THERE'S NO EAZERY WAYZ TWO GET A CAVE DEN MARKING YERSELF 0145:< barnum> Round #2, 323 hits! Adult Sovereign Dragon HP: 559[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), pyroshroom (7.5), ryanvango (6), SxwTheCat (4.5) 0145:< SirCabbage> I didnt take it, I grabbed on and used it :o 0145:< pyroshroom> Oh yes, I was taking us all 0145:< SirCabbage> *winks* I love grabbing onto your staff 0145:< SxwTheCat> TAEKR DIS HER PIKAX ANDA DIG YOURSKEJF DOWNA BIGASSHOLE 0145:< pyroshroom> I shift SxwTheCat back into the plane with the dragon 0145:< barnum> Round #3, 78 hits! Adult Sovereign Dragon HP: 481[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (3), SxwTheCat (1.5) 0146:< SirCabbage> Welp, there is the cave. 0146:< SirCabbage> let us go inside! 0146:< SxwTheCat> HEY MATE I'M BACK! 0146:< ryanvango> * clearly confused and slightly insane, Sxw tries to make you dig a cave. perhaps the mountains would be a good place to start 0146:< pyroshroom> *Uses his teleporting climbing gear to get us to the mountains 0146:< SxwTheCat> NOW YOU JUST WATCH YOUR ASS, THAT'S MY MOUNTAINHOLME 0146:< barnum> Round #4, 187 hits! Adult Sovereign Dragon HP: 294[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (3), SxwTheCat (3) 0146:< pyroshroom> See you later dragon! 0147:< SxwTheCat> DWARVES HERE BE MAD IF YOU'RE NOT WITH A FRIEND 0147:< SirCabbage> *walks to mountains 0147:< pyroshroom> Oh shit, angry dwarves 0147:< ryanvango> * pyro teleports you all to the base of the mountain. ahead is a difficult but climbable path, and 500 yeards behind 0147:< SirCabbage> Thats okay, BTE (who is still with us but silent) has the (Golden) Dwarfbond Hammer . which helps us bond with dwarfs 0147:< ryanvango> * is the tree line of the forest you came from 0147:< barnum> Round #5, 257 hits! Adult Sovereign Dragon HP: 37[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (3), SxwTheCat (1.5) 0147:< pyroshroom> *uses his cloak of firey vanishing to vanish and wait for SirCabbage to walk here 0148:< SirCabbage> so its oaky- we have a hammer to help us! 0148:< SxwTheCat> BE CAREFUL, THAT HAMMER WAS STOLEN MOONS AGO 0148:< ryanvango> * as you stand there, getting your bearings, KABOOOOOOM the thunderclap, now much louder 0148:< pyroshroom> oh no, more lightning 0148:< SxwTheCat> THEY'LL BE MAD IF THEY SEE YOU STOLE IT 0148:< ryanvango> can be heard slightly to the south of the mountain line. 0148:< SirCabbage> we didnt steal it- we claimed it from a monster 0148:< pyroshroom> hmm, was the forest to the north then? 0148:< barnum> Adult Sovereign Dragon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Raven Bracers]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/79%), pyroshroom (6/37%), SirCabbage (12/80... 0148:< SirCabbage> saved it one may say 0148:< SxwTheCat> DWARVES DON'T CARE, DWARVES INSANE. DWARVES JUST LIKE HAMMERS AND HOLES 0149:< barnum> A wild Adherer appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0149:< ryanvango> assessing your surroundings, you only see the mountains ahead, the forest behind, and the sound to the south 0149:< SirCabbage> thatwentBTE can you please use your hammer to find the entrance to the secret cave? 0149:< ryanvango> (the teleportation can only be used once per hour, i would say) 0149:< barnum> Adherer is kill! ryanvango picks up [Mummer's Ruff]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/81%), SirCabbage (12/82%), SxwTheCat (3/74%) 0149:< thatwentBTE> How can I do that? 0149:< SirCabbage> I am starting to see the reason why Swx was sent out of the caves. 0149:< pyroshroom> (Yes, it would be rather overpowered) 0149:< SirCabbage> you have the (Golden) Dwarfbond Hammer 0149:< barnum> A wild Marid Genie appeared! HP: 513[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0150:< SirCabbage> we are looking for dwarves 0150:< ryanvango> are you heading in to the mountains? 0150:< SirCabbage> surely your magic (Golden) Dwarfbond Hammer can do something 0150:< pyroshroom> I think I should wait for SirCabbage to arrive before I head in 0150:< SxwTheCat> I CAN LEAD YOU TO THE ENTRANCE, BUT LEAVE THE HAMMER BEHIND. I WILL NOT LEAD YOU THERE WITH IT 0150:< barnum> Round #1, 326 hits! Marid Genie HP: 187[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (12), pyroshroom (6), SxwTheCat (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), ryanvango (... 0150:< ryanvango> sircabbage, a little angry, flies in on his dragon, and you are all present and ready, fully healed 0150:< SirCabbage> I am on a dragon- I have already flown over (assuming you didnt take me via teleport) 0151:< ryanvango> (also, please track your levels so i know when to give your more max hp) 0151:< pyroshroom> Ah yes, let's go into the mountains! 0151:< pyroshroom> hmm, I am level 6 now, when we started I was level 5 0151:< SxwTheCat> imagine pokemon mountain theme here 0151:< SirCabbage> afterall, you didnt take me with you for some reason *mutters 0151:< barnum> Marid Genie is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Darkwood Shield]! LVLs: pyroshroom (6/45%), ryanvango (14/84%), SirCabbage (12/87%), SxwTh... 0151:< pyroshroom> Climbing rig only has room for one person! 0151:< ryanvango> pyro, max hp of 102 0151:< pyroshroom> kk 0151:< SirCabbage> well you still havent risen my hp from my 11>12 raise 0151:< barnum> A wild Gillman appeared! HP: 27[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0151:< SxwTheCat> abandoning chat rooms now works in canary 0152:< ryanvango> cabbage. you got 7 for 9-10, 7 for 10-11, and 8 for 11-12 0152:< barnum> Gillman is kill! ryanvango picks up [Silverfang]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/87%), pyroshroom (6/49%), SirCabbage (12/89%), SxwTheCat (3/88%) 0152:< SirCabbage> oh? 0152:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (14/87%), thatwentBTE (13/64%), SirCabbage (12/89%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0152:< SirCabbage> Anyway, now we are up here can we please go inside? 0152:< pyroshroom> oh hey, Ryan has another silverfang 0153:< barnum> A wild Pirate Officers appeared! HP: 113[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0153:< ryanvango> sxw has demanded you drop the hammer before going cave hunting... 0153:< ryanvango> thats why im not advancing you 0153:< SxwTheCat> fine don't listen to me. i'm just an insane dwarf. don't listen to me. go get yourselves killed 0153:< thatwentBTE> IMy hammer? 0153:< ryanvango> yes 0153:< pyroshroom> Yes, let's go! On to a new adventure 0153:< SirCabbage> Why would we listen to the crazy dwarf who thinks he is a cat? 0153:< pyroshroom> I refuse to drop this hammer 0153:< SirCabbage> lets just go in. 0153:< barnum> Pirate Officers is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Elixir of Swimming]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/92%), SirCabbage (12/93%), pyroshroom (6/56%)... 0153:< ryanvango> you guys all go in to the mountains together? 0153:< barnum> A wild Fetch appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0153:< SxwTheCat> i stay behind, wary of the hammer. I walk back towards the house for dwarf hibernation 0154:< pyroshroom> Let's look for this cave ourselves 0154:< thatwentBTE> I smack sxwthe cat with it 0154:< SirCabbage> lets go inside, yes, pls. 0154:< ryanvango> * you all gather yourselves up, get your bearings, and head up what seems to be a path in to the mountains 0154:< barnum> Fetch is kill! ryanvango picks up [Daystar Half-plate]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/94%), SirCabbage (12/95%), SxwTheCat (3/97%), pyroshroom... 0154:< barnum> A wild Nephilim appeared! HP: 468[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0154:< ryanvango> * the 2 suns are moving slowly down, you gather much of the day is still ahead 0154:< SirCabbage> Wait, I have a great idea 0155:< SirCabbage> *throws an egg on the ground in front of us from the jar of eggs 0155:< pyroshroom> woah what, two suns, I never saw that before 0155:< ryanvango> * as you progress through the winding path, up up up, you can hear rocks moving, low earth-mumbles 0155:< barnum> Round #1, 308 hits! Nephilim HP: 160[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (1.5) 0155:< pyroshroom> this is an odd plane 0155:< ryanvango> cabbage chucks an egg as far as he can, and it lands on the stoney ground with a KRSPLAT 0156:< SirCabbage> Awesome. 0156:< pyroshroom> this plane is an odd plane 0156:< ryanvango> * proceeding onward, and avoiding the egg mess, higher and higher, deeper and deeper, the world drowns up. 0156:< barnum> Nephilim is kill! ryanvango picks up [Frozen Heart of Cocytus]! LVLs: ryanvango (14/98%), pyroshroom (6/58%), SirCabbage (12/96%) 0156:< SirCabbage> drowns up? 0156:< ryanvango> * drown out* 0156:< barnum> A wild Medium Lightning Quasi-elemental appeared! HP: 338[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 5... 0156:< pyroshroom> oh no, we must be going mad too 0156:< ryanvango> the thunderclap can still be heard as an echo, but it quickly shirnk back 0156:< pyroshroom> this must be what afflicted SxwTheCat 0157:< SirCabbage> I use my horn of Goodness/Evil to call out into the dark and see what is there 0157:< ryanvango> * while wading through, out of the corner of your eye, you see small pebbles tumble down a mountainside, about 75 yeards off 0157:< barnum> Medium Lightning Quasi-elemental is kill! ryanvango picks up [Rod That Should Not Be (lesser)]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/7%), SirCabbage ... 0157:< barnum> A wild Spider Eater appeared! HP: 234[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0157:< ryanvango> cabbage blasts out with the horn. the sounds is deafening. any lose gravel moves, and rocks stream down the mountains 0158:< pyroshroom> ROCKSLIDE! 0158:< SirCabbage> Psh we will be safe 0158:< barnum> Round #1, 140 hits! Spider Eater HP: 94[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0158:< ryanvango> you dont feel in immediate danger, but you know you're not alone 0158:< SirCabbage> Dont worry! I wouldnt have done something so silly without thinking! 0158:< SirCabbage> Now we just have to hope it is the GOODNESS that comes 0158:< ryanvango> nothing comes. but still you don't feel alone. 0159:< pyroshroom> hmm, maybe we should get a better look 0159:< thatwentBTE> I send my golden griffon statue to partol overhead and report sightings 0159:< barnum> Spider Eater is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Music Box Trap]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/11%), SirCabbage (13/8%), thatwentBTE (13/68%), pyr... 0159:< ryanvango> it immediately finds a trap 0159:< pyroshroom> it plays music :o 0159:< SirCabbage> that was quick. 0159:< pyroshroom> so enchanting 0200:< SirCabbage> also seems like a pretty pointless trap. it isnt like we have been quiet up to this point 0200:< barnum> Round #1, 205 hits! Dullahan HP: 177[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (3), pyroshroom (3) 0200:< ryanvango> a slow jaunty tune begins to play. while mesmerized by it, cabbage also hears with his elven ears 0200:< SxwTheCat> (on trail back home) *grumble* those damn whippersnappers *grumble* 0200:< ryanvango> to the right, another smaller rockslide. different than the one he set off 0200:< SirCabbage> I hear it, but I would like to think I was immune to such simple charm spells 0200:< barnum> Dullahan is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ki Mat]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/14%), SirCabbage (13/11%), SxwTheCat (3/99%) 0201:< SirCabbage> what is a Ki Mat? 0201:< ryanvango> * sxw moping and pouting suddenly feels an overwhelming urge. a call to home 0201:< SxwTheCat> i'm just an insane dwarf. hrmph. insane. 0201:< barnum> A wild Gongorinan appeared! HP: 617[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0201:< SirCabbage> you could have came with us lol 0201:< SxwTheCat> I WARNED YOU BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0201:< SirCabbage> wait, I cant talk to him 0201:< pyroshroom> it's ok Sxw, we can find you help for that in your home 0201:< ryanvango> * he shakes the feeling i guess, and continues on. smooshing only the red bugs as he goes. cause...reasons 0201:< barnum> Round #1, 308 hits! Gongorinan HP: 308[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0202:< SxwTheCat> *grumble* (sets back on trail to the house) 0202:< ryanvango> cabbage, the music is from ahead, the rockslide is from your 5 oclock 0202:< SirCabbage> well lets just go towards the music. 0202:< barnum> Round #2, 138 hits! Gongorinan HP: 170[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0202:< pyroshroom> Yes, music is for festivities! 0202:< SirCabbage> I use my grim lantern to light the way 0203:< pyroshroom> They must be friendly 0203:< ryanvango> Sxw mopes his way back home. 0203:< micubit> I flail my limbs at the creature while screaming various obcenities 0203:< ryanvango> the rest of the party heads forward, cabbage ignoring the sliding rocks. they want to see where this music is coming from 0203:< ryanvango> * they see the griffon, perched on a large ornate music box, trimmed in gold and silver 0203:< barnum> Gongorinan is kill! ryanvango picks up [Bracers of Armor +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/19%), micubit (1/65%), pyroshroom (6/64%), SirCabb... 0203:< SirCabbage> oh, I know what we need to do here 0204:< barnum> A wild Grand Defender appeared! HP: 707[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0204:< thatwentBTE> I tell the griffon to open the box 0204:< SirCabbage> *uses my philosopher's stone to change the silver on the silver and gold box to gold 0204:< ryanvango> moving closer to inspect it, that cant reason why it would just be sitting here. so beautiful and in the open 0204:< pyroshroom> Ah yes, the box is now golden and magnificent 0204:< ryanvango> cabbage transforms the whole thing to solid gold. the music fuckin sucks now 0204:< SirCabbage> yep, this gold and gold chest is nice 0204:< barnum> Round #1, 391 hits! Grand Defender HP: 315[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5), micubit... 0204:< SirCabbage> Welp, my work here is done. No more charming box 0204:< pyroshroom> guess gold isn't the best metal for instruments 0204:< SirCabbage> Who wants it? 0205:< pyroshroom> we have to pick it up first don't we 0205:< ryanvango> while staring it awe at their creation, the music box clearly having performed properly, they hear 0205:< micubit> I don't own anything I might as well take it :) 0205:< SxwTheCat> lololol 0205:< ryanvango> * a colossal sound of rocks and massive boulders from all sides. something has forced a landslide 0205:< micubit> IIRC I'm completely naked right now 0205:< pyroshroom> :O 0205:< SirCabbage> A new random person is taking the Gold and Gold Music Box 0205:< pyroshroom> we FLY 0205:< SxwTheCat> lololol 0205:< barnum> Grand Defender is kill! SxwTheCat picks up [Hushing Arrow]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/16%), pyroshroom (6/69%), SxwTheCat (4/26%), ryanva... 0205:< SirCabbage> I am 13 now ryan, gimme health 0205:< barnum> A wild Llama appeared! HP: 27[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0205:< pyroshroom> *Uses his wings of flying to fly up and dodge the rocks and boulders 0206:< ryanvango> in the chaos and confusion, a small naked dwarf muttering about a crazy hammer, comes tearing ass through the rock slide 0206:< SirCabbage> OMFG I WANT THE LLAMA 0206:< micubit> I punch the shit outta the llama! 0206:< ryanvango> he sweeps in, scooping up the box and hauls ass in to the mountains off the path 0206:< micubit> Wait who took the box! 0206:< barnum> Llama is kill! micubit picks up [Scattershot Bracers]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/25%), SirCabbage (13/19%), micubit (1/92%), pyroshroom (6... 0206:< SxwTheCat> your mom took the box 0206:< SxwTheCat> all 15 inches of it 0206:< barnum> A wild Vegepygmy Subchief appeared! HP: 230[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0206:< pyroshroom> oh dear, all these dwarves are crazy 0206:< ryanvango> cabbage, 131 total. you get awesome rolls. fuck. 0206:< micubit> ohhhhh yeah [equips bracers] what the hell does the Scattershot prefix do 0207:< ryanvango> micubit, you did 0207:< pyroshroom> micubit doesn't even realize that he took the box 0207:< SxwTheCat> tfw insane 0207:< barnum> Round #1, 113 hits! Vegepygmy Subchief HP: 116[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SxwTheCat (4.5), micubit (4.5), pyroshroom (3), ryanvango (3) 0207:< pyroshroom> are we sure we want to enter this mountainhome? these dwarves seem very... 0207:< micubit> I didn't realize I was considered a dwarf but I'll take it 0207:< SirCabbage> I would guess it makes any ranged weapon you use shoot with a scattered effect 0207:< pyroshroom> special 0207:< micubit> also didn't realize I was talkinga bout hammers....? 0207:< ryanvango> micubit sees the hammer as hes running off, and shrieks. tripping over a rock and stubbing the everloving fuck out of his toe 0207:< SirCabbage> ..It has to be better then following the plot ryan wants us to by going to the thunder 0208:< barnum> Vegepygmy Subchief is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Stone Familiar]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/23%), pyroshroom (6/79%), micubit (2/42%), ry... 0208:< ryanvango> (micubit sxw is also a dwarf. he refused to enter the mountains with BTE carrying his hammer) 0208:< barnum> A wild Petrified Horror appeared! HP: 630[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0208:< SirCabbage> Did I just get a cool new pet? 0208:< pyroshroom> I see we are being followed by a troupe of crazy dwarfs 0209:< pyroshroom> we should be careful 0209:< SirCabbage> well at least they are friendly enough right? 0209:< barnum> Round #1, 182 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 448[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (3) 0209:< micubit> I run off into the distance, screaming something about meetings and partings 0209:< ryanvango> as you guys discuss the possibility of going on, or watching the creepy dwarf micubit, the rock slide is upon you 0210:< pyroshroom> FLY! 0210:< ryanvango> crushing everyone in the party for 20 damage 0210:< barnum> Round #2, 157 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 291[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), micubit (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0210:< pyroshroom> Oh dear 0210:< pyroshroom> I guess I couldn't fly fast enough 0210:< pyroshroom> Everybody ok? 0210:< SirCabbage> On my window you said fly before the crush happend 0210:< SxwTheCat> fucking told you so 0210:< SirCabbage> and good thing I grabbed hold huh?> 0210:< SirCabbage> <_< 0210:< thatwentBTE> im good 0211:< barnum> Round #3, 159 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 133[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0211:< ryanvango> lol. i declare crushed, for failure to act while a trap was happening, given like 5 minutes to think 0211:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (15/29%), thatwentBTE (13/68%), SirCabbage (13/24%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0211:< pyroshroom> Technically I tried to fly earlier 0211:< pyroshroom> but I guess my flight failed 5 minutes ago 0211:< SirCabbage> yeah he did try and fly when you first said it 0211:< ryanvango> oh yeah, i see it. so you're good. you missed it 0212:< SirCabbage> also you said we were in no immanent danger 0212:< pyroshroom> Phew, guess I made it :D 0212:< barnum> Petrified Horror is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Gorget of Living Whispers]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/27%), ryanvango (15/31%), pyroshroom... 0212:< ryanvango> you werent. then you decided to go to the item labeled "music box trap" and listen to the music 0212:< barnum> A wild Putrid Ooze appeared! HP: 707[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0213:< thatwentBTE> I pull my seklf out of the rocks and head of towards the sound of thunder 0213:< SirCabbage> fapfapfap 0213:< pyroshroom> So ughh, does anyone want this Gorget of Living Whispers... it sounds like something that would drive you crazy 0213:< barnum> Round #1, 215 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 491[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0213:< SirCabbage> So where to now? 0213:< ryanvango> well micubit ran off with the box, theres a path deeper in, woods behind, and the thunderclap is pretty far south now 0214:< barnum> Round #2, 163 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 328[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0214:< SirCabbage> Lets just keep going deeper, away from any thunder 0214:< pyroshroom> Let's continue on this path deeper in 0214:< ryanvango> the rocks on either side are climbable, but there is a clear path you are on now 0214:< pyroshroom> I prefer the easy road, my Teleporting Climbing Rig is still recharging 0215:< barnum> Round #3, 174 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 154[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0215:< ryanvango> alright. *the group gathers together and heads in the general opposite direction of the crazed naked dwarf up the path 0215:< ryanvango> * as the day wears on and the path trails to infinity, you continually see shadows moving around the edges of your vision just 0215:< SirCabbage> This is such a nice walk isn't it? 0215:< ryanvango> * to the sides and behind you. 0215:< SirCabbage> *uses grim lantern again to light up the path 0215:< barnum> Putrid Ooze is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Deck of Illusions]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/36%), SirCabbage (13/31%) 0216:< ryanvango> * you eventually come down a small hill and what opens up to be a large quarry 0216:< barnum> A wild Scylla appeared! HP: 621[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0216:< SirCabbage> WAIT 0216:< SirCabbage> before we go down there 0216:< barnum> Round #1, 162 hits! Scylla HP: 459[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0216:< SirCabbage> I need to do something really important 0217:< ryanvango> clearly extensive excavation happened here. large cliffs jut out, and it spirals down for several hundred yards 0217:< SirCabbage> :o 0217:< barnum> Round #2, 250 hits! Scylla HP: 209[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0217:< ryanvango> cabbage chucks another egg, launching it far over the quarry. it falls from the sky for a while, eventually faintly hitting the ground 0217:< SirCabbage> okay, lets go. 0218:< pyroshroom> phew, that's a deep hole 0218:< ryanvango> down the spiraling walls of the quarry? 0218:< Sorrento110> Hey guys 0218:< SirCabbage> yep. 0218:< pyroshroom> Yes! Down the walls we go 0218:< Sorrento110> Oh are we doing a session? 0218:< SirCabbage> the egg shows us there is a bottom 0218:< barnum> Scylla is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Rod That Should Not Be (lesser)]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/36%), pyroshroom (6/92%), Sorrento110 (1... 0218:< ryanvango> you head down in to the quarry, along the walls. as you go deeper, it gets darker. if you stare, you can just see bottom 0219:< barnum> A wild Lava Drake appeared! HP: 518[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0219:< ryanvango> you could swear you see movement, but when you look to it, it stops 0219:< ryanvango> sorrento you in? 0219:< SirCabbage> what does this rod do? does anyone know? 0219:< barnum> Round #1, 270 hits! Lava Drake HP: 247[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0219:< pyroshroom> It's an abomination, It's a rod that should not exist 0220:< SirCabbage> Well, I wouldn't go THAT far. I would react lesser to it 0220:< pyroshroom> I think it would be useful for confusing the lesser minded creatures 0220:< barnum> Round #2, 130 hits! Lava Drake HP: 117[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (4.5) 0220:< Sorrento110> Im in 0220:< Sorrento110> ryanvango 0220:< ryanvango> small outcropping of stone jut out, making the path difficult...behind one, you trip over a malnourished gnome. its sorrento110 0220:< SirCabbage> Why hello there gnome! 0221:< pyroshroom> Hello! Little gnome, what are you doing out here? 0221:< Sorrento110> Oh dear.... please. Im an old gnomish man dont step on me 0221:< SirCabbage> would you like an egg to eat? 0221:< Sorrento110> .... uh Sure? 0221:< ryanvango> * he appears to have been here a while. a small piece of cardboard and a burnt out firepit are present 0221:< barnum> Lava Drake is kill! ryanvango picks up [Echoing Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/20%), ryanvango (15/43%), SirCabbage (13/41%),... 0221:< SirCabbage> *hands sorrento an egg as a gift 0221:< Sorrento110> I eat the egg hastily 0221:< barnum> A wild Ciratto appeared! HP: 842[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0221:< Sorrento110> What are you men up to? 0222:< SirCabbage> we also have some Bloatstrike Tail if you would like some- I had no idea you were so hungry. 0222:< SirCabbage> We are exploring this cave-quarry thing 0222:< Sorrento110> I'm actually starving. Playing music to soothe beasts doesn 0222:< barnum> Round #1, 251 hits! Ciratto HP: 590[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), Sorrento110 (7.5) 0222:< SirCabbage> trying to avoid the story which ryan wants us to do 0222:< ryanvango> (sorrento110, you would know about this quarry if you want to give info on it) 0223:< Sorrento110> Oh. Of course. Well this quarry was once home to a mighty basilisk, and although he is gone, some say sorcerors come around to study 0223:< barnum> Round #2, 225 hits! Ciratto HP: 365[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0223:< Sorrento110> his habitat. 0223:< Sorrento110> I was sent here to make sure the path was clear for the sorceror's, but I haven't made it too far. 0223:< pyroshroom> hmm, I don't like giant snakes 0223:< SirCabbage> Do you know where the dwarfs are? we have met a few already 0224:< Sorrento110> I've heard they also may have repurposed the bottom chamber into a backdoor of one of their sanctions. 0224:< barnum> Round #3, 182 hits! Ciratto HP: 183[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0224:< Sorrento110> It's well hidden since it seems as though this cave leads no where fast. 0224:< Sorrento110> But the dwarves know these paths like the backs of their hands 0224:< SirCabbage> http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MagicIntelligentDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Rod%20That%20Should%20Not%20Be%20(Lesser) => http://nazar.so/7bmg1 0225:< barnum> Ciratto is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Drums of Lethargy]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/27%), SirCabbage (13/45%) 0225:< ryanvango> you're about 3/4 in to the quarry. 1 sun is still high, but it is darker down here. continue on? 0225:< pyroshroom> Continue! 0225:< barnum> A wild Spyglass Archon appeared! HP: 117[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0225:< SirCabbage> oh good, would you like you come with us on the way down then? 0225:< Sorrento110> Continue with them 0225:< Sorrento110> "of course!" 0225:< SirCabbage> sounds good. 0226:< barnum> Spyglass Archon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Rod of Alertness]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/48%), Sorrento110 (11/30%), ryanvango (15/44%)... 0226:< SirCabbage> enjoy the tail- lets go! 0226:< ryanvango> cool beans. you make your way down the last length of the quarry wall. as you hit the bottom, you can still see, but barely 0226:< barnum> A wild Rune Guardian appeared! HP: 50[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0226:< SirCabbage> wow, what a weak guardian 0226:< ryanvango> there are small beasts running around that you easily dispatch. likely they fell here and got stuck 0226:< Sorrento110> Can I see better using my gnomish vision? 0226:< ryanvango> everyone can see fine right now. it just clearly swept in shadow 0226:< SirCabbage> *I literally just walk up to one and hit it with my fist- *thump* then I laugh hahahahahhahahhhahahahaha 0226:< barnum> Rune Guardian is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Helm of Opposite Alignment]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/49%), SirCabbage (13/52%), Sorrento110 ... 0227:< Sorrento110> Alright awesome 0227:< SirCabbage> now THIS looks useful 0227:< barnum> A wild Kurshu The Undying appeared! HP: 1031[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0227:< ryanvango> standing in the middle of the quarry floor, you can see a few caves going in to the walls. 0227:< Sorrento110> It looks evil is what It looks like 0227:< ryanvango> one to the north is large. large enough for an adult dragon to walk down. 0227:< pyroshroom> Hmm, big caves are better 0227:< barnum> Round #1, 289 hits! Kurshu The Undying HP: 741[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (3), SirCabbage (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0227:< Sorrento110> That cave to the north must have been the basilisks old Hiding hole 0227:< ryanvango> one to the south is much smaller. your group would need to go single file through the opening, but it is smoother 0228:< SirCabbage> Well obviously we have to go down the dragon route- for obvious reasons *guestures to my dragon 0228:< pyroshroom> Then SirCabbage can bring his dragon along 0228:< Sorrento110> Oh true.... Your dragon is beautiful 0228:< pyroshroom> It's golden :D 0228:< SirCabbage> I have a spare one up near our house :o 0228:< ryanvango> the side ones could be small outcroppings, or the home to things the size of bears, or great worms 0228:< barnum> Round #2, 430 hits! Kurshu The Undying HP: 312[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (6), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (3) 0228:< Sorrento110> I have a pet.... hes just not here right now 0228:< pyroshroom> BIGGEST HOLE! 0229:< SirCabbage> Is he a cat by any chance sorrento? 0229:< SirCabbage> just a hunch. 0229:< Sorrento110> Hmmmm. These looks suspicious. and No. He's... well hard to describe 0229:< pyroshroom> You know what they say, the bigger the hole, the more you can hide in there 0229:< ryanvango> keep in mind, while the big hole will fit him (at least for the beginning) he cant fly 0229:< ryanvango> unless theres a large cavern in there 0229:< ryanvango> but he can still swipe and breath fire 0229:< pyroshroom> hmm, we should be careful 0229:< SirCabbage> yeah we know, 0229:< barnum> Kurshu The Undying is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cauldron of Resurrection]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/55%), pyroshroom (7/16%), SirCabbage... 0229:< SirCabbage> Well 0229:< pyroshroom> I'll have my globe of blizzards ready 0230:< SirCabbage> I think I know what this loot does 0230:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (15/55%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), SirCabbage (13/56%), Sorrento110 (11/35%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0230:< pyroshroom> in case he burns us all 0230:< Lord_Renwod> I can fly 0230:< Sorrento110> Let's try carefully walk down one of the largest tunnels to see if anything is there 0230:< ryanvango> all agreed? 0230:< SirCabbage> *places down the Cauldron of Resurrection - pours in the Potion of Reflection- then fills the rest with water 0230:< barnum> A wild Bog Creeper appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0230:< SirCabbage> **potion of ressurection 0230:< pyroshroom> AYE! AGREED! 0230:< Lord_Renwod> Huh you guys are doing actual adventures 0230:< SirCabbage> yes yes, I just need to finish my improved ressurection item 0230:< Lord_Renwod> I wish I could do them with you 0230:< ryanvango> * yeah renwod you in? 0230:< Sorrento110> Oh yes give cabbage time. 0230:< barnum> Bog Creeper is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/38%), SirCabbage (13/57%), ryanvan... 0231:< Lord_Renwod> No I have an assignment due in 2.5 hours 0231:< Sorrento110> How long will it take? 0231:< barnum> A wild Man-Eating Aurochs appeared! HP: 140[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0231:< ryanvango> ah. alright. well get that done! 0231:< Lord_Renwod> I just got home, I wanted to check in 0231:< SirCabbage> Not long, I am trying to make a multi-use ressurection item 0231:**** Lord_Renwod poofs 0231:< SirCabbage> There we go. 0231:< Sorrento110> Alright awesome 0231:< SirCabbage> One Full Cauldron of Resurrection . 0231:< ryanvango> anything else you wanna do/take care of before going in? 0231:< barnum> Man-Eating Aurochs is kill! ryanvango picks up [Murderer's Silence]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/63%), ryanvango (15/59%), Lord_Renwod (2/7... 0231:< SirCabbage> Let us depart. 0231:< Sorrento110> We can be careful, and if we get into deep trouble I will call my pet 0232:< barnum> A wild Ptarmigan appeared! HP: 9[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0232:< SirCabbage> yes we can pyro 0232:< ryanvango> cabbage, lets say, by mixing the potion in the cauldron, you can triple its potency, so you made it 3 use, not 1 0232:< Sorrento110> I can read you pyroshroom 0232:< pyroshroom> Thanks! :D 0232:< Sorrento110> Easy kill 0232:< SirCabbage> very 0232:< barnum> Ptarmigan is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Gorgon Belt]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/46%), SirCabbage (13/68%), pyroshroom (7/26%), ryanvango... 0232:< Sorrento110> Alright what are our hole options? 0233:< Sorrento110> ryanvango 0233:< pyroshroom> The bigger the better! 0233:< barnum> A wild Rust Monster appeared! HP: 122[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0233:< ryanvango> big hole, smooth smaller holer, regular bear sized holes 0233:< SirCabbage> Still big hole, dragon must come :o 0233:< Sorrento110> Lets go down the big hole first, and clear them from largest to smallest. 0233:< SirCabbage> wait 0233:< pyroshroom> the small hole must be the dwarf caves though 0233:< SirCabbage> I have an idea 0233:< barnum> Rust Monster is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Armor of Arrow Attraction]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/73%), Sorrento110 (11/49%), ryanvango (1... 0233:< pyroshroom> but I need to know what's in this big hole 0234:< Sorrento110> What idea? 0234:< ryanvango> k. you guys set of down the massive hole, with your dragon in tow, he splits the group in 2 as you head in 0234:< SirCabbage> Dragon- breathe fire through all of the small holes 0234:< barnum> A wild Immortal Ichor appeared! HP: 1215[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0234:< Sorrento110> NO! 0234:< ryanvango> there is barely enough room for him to move, and get around him, but its possible. just uncomfortable. 0234:< ryanvango> dragons dont like being cramped 0234:< Sorrento110> Dont do that! if you do it'll kill dwarves 0234:< SirCabbage> oh okay 0234:< SirCabbage> come on dragon, lets not 0234:< barnum> Round #1, 450 hits! Immortal Ichor HP: 765[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0234:< Sorrento110> lets just keep walking down the big hole 0234:< SirCabbage> *walks down hole 0234:< SxwTheCat> dwarves? 0235:< pyroshroom> :O the cat returns! 0235:< SirCabbage> How did he get here so fast. 0235:< Sorrento110> hi SxwTheCat we are roleplaying a real session 0235:< SxwTheCat> nah i'm sleep 0235:< ryanvango> cat have you been secretly following them or are you sleeping at the house 0235:< SxwTheCat> secretly following them 0235:< barnum> Round #2, 249 hits! Immortal Ichor HP: 516[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SxwTheCat (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (3), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom... 0235:< SxwTheCat> er uh, they don't know that 0235:< pyroshroom> maybe he can planewalk too 0235:< ryanvango> ok, have you made your presence known? 0235:< ryanvango> got it. 0235:< SxwTheCat> you guys don't know that :P 0235:< Sorrento110> ;) 0236:< SxwTheCat> now brb i have to figure this CSS out 0236:< ryanvango> the main group creeps in to the inky black of the largest cave. all light is blotted out behind you by the large dragon you keep in tow 0236:< barnum> Round #3, 328 hits! Immortal Ichor HP: 189[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), SxwTheCat (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (3), Sorrento1... 0236:< Sorrento110> Is on high alert 0236:< ryanvango> the dragon isn't happy, but he listens obediently 0236:< Sorrento110> good idea pyro 0237:< barnum> Round #4, 179 hits! Immortal Ichor HP: 10[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), Sorrento110 (3), pyroshroom (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0237:< ryanvango> the cave is lit up slightly. you can now see in front of you about 50 feet. he keeps the flame small so you all dont die 0237:< SirCabbage> This ichor isn't too immortal 0237:< Sorrento110> Awesome! I want to ready my hard and metamagic rod in case of a fight 0237:< SirCabbage> not at all in fact 0237:< ryanvango> it runs fairly straight, for a ways then turns hard left. for a moment you dont understand why it just stops. 0238:< SirCabbage> Huh, okay. 0238:< pyroshroom> odd 0238:< barnum> Immortal Ichor is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Dazing Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/80%), ryanvango (15/69%), Sorrento110 (11/5... 0238:< ryanvango> after the left bend is a wall about 50 feet up. then you see it drops. sharply. you could traverse it if you wanted 0238:< Sorrento110> Hmmmmmm 0238:< SirCabbage> still big enough for dragon? 0238:< barnum> A wild Leanan Sidhe appeared! HP: 450[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0238:< SirCabbage> could I fly up there? 0238:< Sorrento110> Maybe I'll go up and check it out for all of you 0238:< SirCabbage> that'd work 0238:< ryanvango> but before you get the chance to decide you hear definitive movement down below 0239:< Sorrento110> oh god..... 0239:< ryanvango> it haunts you 0239:< pyroshroom> hmmm 0239:< SirCabbage> Sorry, my dragon poop'd 0239:< barnum> Round #1, 438 hits! Leanan Sidhe HP: 12[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0239:< SirCabbage> it was a definitive movement alright 0239:< SirCabbage> god, smell that 0239:< ryanvango> it cant fly. you can walk down the sharp slope, or go back 0239:< Sorrento110> ..... pickthat stuff up before we all KO in this tunnel 0239:< pyroshroom> I'd rather not smell that 0239:< SirCabbage> *cough No wonder if was so definitive 0239:< Sorrento110> I think we should walk backwards and prepare better 0239:< SirCabbage> Okay okay, um *throws it in the well of many worlds 0239:< pyroshroom> I object! 0240:< pyroshroom> We go forward 0240:< SirCabbage> I feel sorry for all the many worlds. 0240:< barnum> Leanan Sidhe is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Clockwork Prosthesis]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/89%), pyroshroom (7/44%), Sorrento110 (11/58%... 0240:< pyroshroom> down the hill! 0240:< SirCabbage> apparently something died 0240:< Sorrento110> Okay fine. Lets go forward. We can clear this thing out 0240:< barnum> A wild Arctic Tern appeared! HP: 9[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0240:< pyroshroom> a bird is here with us 0240:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 0240:< pyroshroom> we should eat it 0240:< SirCabbage> On the plus side- at least the dragon looks much more comfortable now it has pooped 0240:< Sorrento110> Tern is dead pls 0240:< SirCabbage> dont kill it 0241:< SirCabbage> it can lead us somewhere 0241:< ryanvango> you decide to crawl forward, stepping on a small arctic tern as you go. leading the way, pyroshroom trips on a small pebble and tumbles 0241:< barnum> Arctic Tern is kill! ryanvango picks up [Horn of Antagonism]! LVLs: SirCabbage (13/96%), Sorrento110 (11/64%), pyroshroom (7/52%), r... 0241:< Sorrento110> DM killed tern 0241:< pyroshroom> oh no, I slipped 0241:< ryanvango> he disappears in to sudden blackness. 0241:< SirCabbage> Oh god 0241:< Sorrento110> Pyroshroom! 0241:< barnum> A wild Megaloceros Elk appeared! HP: 153[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0241:< pyroshroom> Heeeellllppppp meeeeee........ 0241:< Sorrento110> I want to catch him 0241:< Sorrento110> or try to 0241:< SirCabbage> *lowers down the Grim Lantern so that I can light up where he fell 0241:< barnum> Megaloceros Elk is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Chaos Emerald]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/67%), SirCabbage (13/99%), pyroshroom (7/53%), r... 0242:< ryanvango> your dragon gives a reactionary blast of fire and lights up the area. its a huge cavern, it drops 20 feet and is easily 200 feet long 0242:< Sorrento110> A FOOKING CHAOS EMERALD LOL 0242:< pyroshroom> (Woah chaos emerald) 0242:< ryanvango> like an old mine perhaps? clearly it was dug 0242:< barnum> A wild Azizou Demon appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0242:< Sorrento110> Oh no. where is pyroshroom 0242:< ryanvango> you see there are an overwhelming number of creatures in this room. 0242:< SirCabbage> Well looks like I could fly down there- everyone should get on the dragons back and we can get to pyro 0242:< ryanvango> because the bot refuses to give me something i can work with haha, fuck it. ill make up a beast 0242:< barnum> Azizou Demon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Rod of Shadows]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/81%), Sorrento110 (11/71%), SirCabbage (14/7%), pyros... 0242:< ryanvango> and pyro is alone down there with it 0243:< SirCabbage> then hopefully he hasn't died 0243:< Sorrento110> Where is pyro? because we could get the dragon to breathe fire 0243:< pyroshroom> Aww, I could have tamed the Azizou Demon 0243:< barnum> A wild Wax Golem appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0243:< Sorrento110> I could also call my pet. 0243:< ryanvango> there is not enough room for the dragon to open his wings 0243:< ryanvango> you can climb, or practiced jump and not take damage. pyro does take 2 damage from falling 0243:< SirCabbage> you said it was a huge cavern- 0243:< pyroshroom> Hmm, guess I am here with a Wax Golem 0243:< SirCabbage> you clearly said "HUGE cavern" 0243:< barnum> Wax Golem is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Belt of Giant Strength +6]! LVLs: ryanvango (15/85%), SirCabbage (14/11%), Sorrento110 (11/7... 0243:< Sorrento110> I want to play my harp 0243:< ryanvango> sorry crevasse. 20 foot drop, goes 200 yards in either direction. like a subway tunnel 0244:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0244:< barnum> A wild Retch Hound appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0244:< SirCabbage> then you should have said that *mutters 0244:< SirCabbage> can the dragon at least climb down with us 0244:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 0244:< ryanvango> sorry. from here on out, if i misspeak, assume the dragon cant fly, only attack 0244:< pyroshroom> and wondering whatever this monster is 0244:< barnum> Retch Hound is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Nightmare Boots]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/78%), ryanvango (15/88%), pyroshroom (7/66%), SirC... 0245:< barnum> A wild Mummy appeared! HP: 270[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0245:< SirCabbage> you clearly said earlier that the dragon could not fly only attack- unless we find a cavern- then you say we find a cavern. 0245:< SirCabbage> also you never gave me more health for reaching the next level 0245:< ryanvango> !heroes 0245:< barnum> Mummy is kill! ryanvango picks up [Staff of Aspects]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/16%), ryanvango (15/90%) 0245:< pyroshroom> I am level 7 now :D 0245:< barnum> A wild Gorson appeared! HP: 1674[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0246:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (15/90%), SirCabbage (14/16%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (11/78%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0246:< pyroshroom> !loot 0246:< barnum> pyroshroom bag of holding contains 11 shiny things! 0246:< ryanvango> you're 14...you're at 131 arent you? cabbage rolled a 1, pyro a 3 and a 7 0246:< barnum> Round #1, 129 hits! Gorson HP: 1545[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0246:< ryanvango> we're gonna cheat the system here, so ignore what the bot says for a name 0246:< Sorrento110> I want to keep disturbing the monsters 0247:< SirCabbage> ryanvango cabbage. you got 7 for 9-10, 7 for 10-11, and 8 for 11-12 0247:< ryanvango> (ive been fucking waiting for it to give us something huge, and it WONT. its very frustrating 0247:< SirCabbage> so I need TWO levels 0247:< barnum> Round #2, 361 hits! Gorson HP: 1183[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0247:< ryanvango> you got 9 for 12-13 0247:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...' 0247:< ryanvango> remember i said you had huge rolls til then 0247:< SirCabbage> kay 0248:< barnum> Round #3, 165 hits! Gorson HP: 1018[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), ryanvango (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0248:< SirCabbage> I shall join in with my Drums of Lethargy 0248:< ryanvango> ok so here's what I'm gonna do to make a boss....its gonna be a combination of monsters, but all 1 monster 0248:< pyroshroom> what does 3 and 7 mean for my hp? :S 0248:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 0248:< ryanvango> the others ones were easily dispatched 0248:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (15/92%), SirCabbage (14/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (11/79%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0248:< pyroshroom> +3 and +7? 0248:< SirCabbage> woo, drum circle 0249:< ryanvango> pyro to your max health. you should be at 112 now 0249:< pyroshroom> ah ok, thanks :D 0249:< ryanvango> all good? did sorrento level? 0249:< Sorrento110> not yet i dont think? 0249:< barnum> Round #4, 396 hits! Gorson HP: 622[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (6), pyroshroom (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0249:< ryanvango> lets say ya, you rolled a 9. sorrento you're at 109 max hp 0249:< Sorrento110> Im close to levelling. Okay awesome 0249:< ryanvango> you're 11, you had to have 0250:< SirCabbage> ribbit 0250:< Sorrento110> Okay cool 0250:< barnum> Round #5, 319 hits! Gorson HP: 302[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Sorrento110 (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0250:< Sorrento110> I want to try to summon my pet 0250:< ryanvango> yellow eyes light up in the flame from the dragon 0250:< ryanvango> go ahead 0250:< SirCabbage> You know, this is a big bad beast right? no doubt many people have died from it right? 0250:< pyroshroom> oh no, it's a basilisk 0250:< Sorrento110> "Binary! Here Binary! Come help me please!" 0251:< pyroshroom> that he mentioned earlier 0251:< SirCabbage> I am going to use my Magi Staff of the Necromancer to raise as many dead bodies as I can to fight + block 0251:< ryanvango> the rumors were true. you were given warning. a basilisk lunges in your direction, while pyro lays prone on the floor from his fall 0251:< Sorrento110> Is Binary here yet? 0251:< barnum> Gorson is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Figurine of Wondrous Power (bronze griffon)]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/21%), ryanvango (15/97%), S... 0251:< ryanvango> you successfully raise 6 bodies to aid (ill give them all 40 health) 0251:< barnum> A wild Very Young White Dragon appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0252:< pyroshroom> HNNNGH! Why won't my body move 0252:< SirCabbage> Oh god pyro! your leg is broken 0252:< ryanvango> for the encounter, his health will be = to the next 6 badguys that come up. 0252:< SirCabbage> Dont worry I have a plan 0252:< Sorrento110> ryanvango did I summon binary? 0252:< ryanvango> so kill 6 bad guys before i kill you 0252:< ryanvango> yes you did. what is binary 0252:< barnum> Very Young White Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Warden's Cudgel]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/7%), SirCabbage (14/22%), Sorrento110 (11... 0252:< Sorrento110> My Quantum 0252:< SirCabbage> does anyone have a sword? 0252:< Sorrento110> I tamed him with a wish from my ring 0252:< SirCabbage> does anyone have a sword damn it- or something sharp 0252:< barnum> A wild Bodythief appeared! HP: 1035[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0252:< Sorrento110> Binary fights for me, and I provide support with my music 0253:< ryanvango> alright, hes with you. quantum has 100 health 0253:< SirCabbage> oh wait. 0253:< Sorrento110> Awesome! 0253:< pyroshroom> I use my Dazing metamagic rod on this beast from the ground 0253:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0253:< MXMLOQ> MXMLOQ suddenly appears to participate in the RPG! 0253:< ryanvango> the basilisk stares at the prone pyro, he is unable to move. he lunces, mouth open 0253:< SirCabbage> Sorry pyro- I DO have a plan 0253:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0253:< barnum> Round #1, 579 hits! Bodythief HP: 456[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), ryanvango (7.5), SirCabbage (7.5), pyroshroom (4.5), MXMLOQ (1.5) 0253:< ryanvango> he is thrown off balance by the attack, but you take 8 points from the tackle 0253:< Sorrento110> Ill take care of the enemy while you help pyroshroom sircabbage! ryanvango 0254:< SirCabbage> I affix my Clockwork Prosthesis to pyro's leg so he can get back up, using fire to meld it to his skin 0254:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0254:< pyroshroom> The heattt it burnns 0254:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0254:< SirCabbage> sorry pyro 0254:< barnum> Bodythief is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Necklace of Spectral Strikes]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/92%), ryanvango (16/8%), SirCabbage (1... 0254:< SirCabbage> Um um do I have anything that could help pyro get past the pain faster... 0254:< ryanvango> the basilisk, now keenly aware of all of you, strikes with an intense speed, in sorrento's direction 0254:< barnum> A wild Giant Beheaded appeared! HP: 86[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0255:< ryanvango> he latches on to your shoulder with his fangs, dealing 18 points of damage before letting you go 0255:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0255:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 0255:< barnum> Giant Beheaded is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Boneless Leather]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/12%), Sorrento110 (11/97%), SirCabbage (14/26%) 0255:< ryanvango> binary is swipes at him, it seems to only anger him 0255:< SirCabbage> Okay okay, I wrap my Belt of Giant Strength +6 around pyro to give him the strength to overcome the pain and use 0255:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0255:< SirCabbage> his new leg 0255:< barnum> A wild Cobalt Viper appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0256:< ryanvango> he rocks his head smashing in to the undead zombies and binary, doing 20 damage as they smash the wall 0256:< SirCabbage> Pyro! you should be fine now, get up 0256:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0256:< MXMLOQ> is there a way to see what level you are? 0256:< pyroshroom> AWW YEAH, Giant Strength and Mighty fists! 0256:< SirCabbage> And a leg remember 0256:< MXMLOQ> w/o levelling up 0256:< Sorrento110> I want to continue wailing on the basilisk until he gives in to my Harp or my pet ryanvango 0256:< ryanvango> he is now furious. hes never been challenged before 0256:< SirCabbage> but you are fine now! 0256:< barnum> Cobalt Viper is kill! ryanvango picks up [Sacred Avenger]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (12/12%), SirCabbage (14/31%), ryanvango (16/15%), MXML... 0256:< pyroshroom> I use my newfound strength and fists and leg to take on the basalisk 0256:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0256:< SirCabbage> I turn to face the monster- and start to use my flail to bash it 0256:< barnum> A wild Frost Worm appeared! HP: 756[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0256:< pyroshroom> I punch the everloving shit out of the basalisk 0256:< ryanvango> not in his home. he sprays a get of caustic acid on everyone. you all take 15 damage, and are poisoned 0257:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0257:< ryanvango> (wears off at the end) 0257:< SirCabbage> wait 0257:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0257:< MXMLOQ> MXMLOQ aggresses the frost worm in a way that uses more than 60 characters in attempt to see what level he is 0257:< SirCabbage> I use my Periapt of Proof Against Poison 0257:< MXMLOQ> This is very difficult 0257:< pyroshroom> This poison shall not hold me back 0257:< barnum> Round #1, 612 hits! Frost Worm HP: 144[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), SirCabbage (9), pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (6), MXMLOQ (6) 0257:< ryanvango> poison leaves cabbages body as he continues the assault 0257:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0257:< pyroshroom> I shall prevail against this vile snake! 0257:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0257:< MXMLOQ> MXMLOQ continues chatting hoping their level will be listed 0257:< SirCabbage> Okay I have the best plan ever 0258:< Sorrento110> I want to continue playing horrible tunes at this basilisk 0258:< ryanvango> the basilisk, now more than half dead, strikes a pyro again, clearly slowed. he takes 30 points of damage (psn) 0258:< SirCabbage> I throw an egg at the monster! 0258:< MXMLOQ> I think it would be very frustrating if it wasn't 0258:< Sorrento110> Dont do anything too risky sircabbage 0258:< SirCabbage> >_> 0258:< pyroshroom> Giant Strength and Mighty Fists! punch more basilisk 0258:< pyroshroom> HNNNGH 0258:< Sorrento110> Pyroshroom NOOOOOOO 0258:< ryanvango> the monster is temporarily annoyed by the egg on his face and snaps at cabbage for 25 damage 0258:< barnum> Frost Worm is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Eye of the Mantis]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (12/22%), SirCabbage (14/37%), pyroshroom (7/82%), M... 0258:< SirCabbage> ONE OF THESE DAYS THE EGG IS GOING TO DO SOMETHING GOOD 0258:< MXMLOQ> sigh 0258:< Sorrento110> I want to use my staff of bolstering to bolster pyroshroom 0258:< SirCabbage> OUCH 0258:< barnum> A wild Slag Worm appeared! HP: 1566[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0258:< SirCabbage> wait, is the monster intelligent/ 0258:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into pyroshroom 's Anus 0259:< SirCabbage> they are rather intelligent right? 0259:< pyroshroom> I use the warding goldfang to ward off the basilisk! 0259:< MXMLOQ> honestly I am rather confused by what is going on for you all 0259:< ryanvango> he seethes with angry and begins to flail wildy, smashing himself in to the whole party, knocking them to the ground (15) 0259:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0259:< MXMLOQ> i guess the logical course of action is to read back 0259:< SirCabbage> I run up towards the monster and put the "Helm of Opposite Alignment" on him, turning him from evil to good 0259:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 0259:< barnum> Round #1, 548 hits! Slag Worm HP: 1018[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), ryanvango (9), MXMLOQ (7.5), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (1.5) 0259:< MXMLOQ> but that does not earn me as much experience as asking for context 0259:< SirCabbage> PLUNK 0259:< ryanvango> using his collossal head, he smashed binary to the ground and crushing him for 20 more damage 0259:< MXMLOQ> so, uhh, what is even going on? it doesn 0259:< pyroshroom> nightmare boots don't fail me now! *stomps on the basilisk with his boots to try to induce a nightmare 0259:< Sorrento110> mxmloq we are roleplaying. the bot doesn't have this functionality so we are making it up 0300:< SirCabbage> that doesnt sound like something a good creature would do :o 0300:< MXMLOQ> ahh, i understand, so we just ignore the bot? 0300:< Sorrento110> mxmloq Ill give you some links to info. 0300:< MXMLOQ> except when it's interesting? i already have spreadsheet 0300:< ryanvango> he shakes of the helm. annoyed. 0300:< Sorrento110> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ mxmloq 0300:< SirCabbage> damn, *puts it away 0300:< startfragment> how do you join the rpg? 0300:< MXMLOQ> seems like there are multiple rpgs going on at the same time 0300:< ryanvango> he stares you in the eye, locking cabbage in place 0300:< MXMLOQ> ty very much however, that was nice of you to link that 0300:< Sorrento110> startfragment go here first and read about it https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 0300:< pyroshroom> DAZING METAMAGIC ROD 0300:< SirCabbage> HELPPPP 0301:< Sorrento110> ryanvango I am going for a hail marry 0301:< pyroshroom> HURRY UP AND DAZE THIS BASILISK! 0301:< ryanvango> as he reals back, gathering himself up, he coughs a less potent, but still painful spray of acid 0301:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 0301:< ryanvango> you each take 10 more points of acid damage 0301:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0301:< MXMLOQ> still not sure how barnum 0301:< barnum> Slag Worm is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Maiden's Helm]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (12/31%), ryanvango (16/21%), MXMLOQ (2/70%), SirCabbage ... 0301:< ryanvango> not stone, parylzed 0301:< MXMLOQ> 's ok i am level 2. glad that's been answered. ty all 0301:< SirCabbage> oh, 0301:< ryanvango> paralyzed* 0301:< barnum> How what? 0301:< startfragment> OK, wow 0302:< Sorrento110> *Binary (my Quantum) lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 0302:< MXMLOQ> how the bot fits into the roleplay that's going on. 0302:< startfragment> this gameification of chat is awesome 0302:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...' 0302:< MXMLOQ> how much from what the bot says do we incorporate? 0302:< SirCabbage> can someone HELP ME? 0302:< Sorrento110> mxmloq He gives gear when we kill stuff and right now 6 monsters from bot = bosses HP 0302:< barnum> Deadly Mandrake is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Daredevil Softpaws]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (12/38%), SirCabbage (14/45%), MXMLOQ (2/94%),... 0302:< pyroshroom> PAUUUNCH THE BASILISK 0302:< Sorrento110> sircabbge I will bolster you if you need it! 0302:< ryanvango> HE IS HURT. IN A LAST EFFORT HE ATTEMPT TO ITE CABBAGES HEAD OFF 0302:< MXMLOQ> all right, thanks again! 0302:< barnum> A wild Jinkin appeared! HP: 27[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0302:< pyroshroom> KICK IT WITH NIGHTMARE BOOTS 0303:< Sorrento110> NO i block it ryanvango 0303:< pyroshroom> I SHIFT SIRCABBAGE INTO ANOTHER PLANE 0303:< barnum> Leeroy Jinkin! 0303:< SirCabbage> also isnt that a lot more then 6 kills now? shouldn't it be already dead? 0303:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 0303:< ryanvango> sorrento blocks the strike and punches through its skull. killing it 0303:< Sorrento110> Nice! 0303:< ryanvango> that was exactly 6 0303:< barnum> Jinkin is kill! ryanvango picks up [Gorgon Belt]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (12/45%), ryanvango (16/29%), pyroshroom (7/94%), SirCabbage (14... 0303:< Sorrento110> Alright lets get you two healed sircabbage pyroshroom 0303:< ryanvango> the skellies are dust, binary is in rough shape (i believe he has 20 health left) 0303:< barnum> A wild Huge Water Elemental appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0304:< Sorrento110> sircabbage where is your revival potion? 0304:< ryanvango> you are in no immediate danger 0304:< SirCabbage> I am still alive, just paralyised it will run out soon 0304:< ryanvango> poison is cured on its death 0304:< SirCabbage> no need to waste a potion 0304:< Sorrento110> and ryanvango he will just de apparate and go back to his quantum state where he can heal 0304:< barnum> Round #1, 386 hits! Huge Water Elemental HP: 41[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), ryanvango (7.5), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (1.5) 0304:< ryanvango> you all can heal up while i go smoke haha. let me know your status in a few minutes 0304:< Sorrento110> Awesome! sounds good 0304:< SirCabbage> Okay well, with it dead I am free 0305:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 0305:< SirCabbage> and I put my well on the ground so eveyone can have a drink and heal some hp 0305:< Sorrento110> I'm killing the active mosnter not RPing 0305:< Sorrento110> I would like some of that 0305:< Sorrento110> thank you guys pyroshroom and sircabbage for helping me clear parts of this cave 0305:< SirCabbage> I had no idea it was so bad 0306:< SirCabbage> but we made it out alive 0306:< barnum> A wild Killer Frog appeared! HP: 27[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0306:< SirCabbage> and hopefully the well will heal us up a fair amount 0306:**** Sorrento110 chugs some as well 0306:< barnum> Killer Frog is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Guiding Vellum 8th]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/57%), pyroshroom (8/14%), Sorrento110 (12/58%) 0306:< Sorrento110> oh shoot what is the command? has to be before tag? 0307:< SirCabbage> another map? 0307:< barnum> A wild Botfly Swarm appeared! HP: 180[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0307:< SirCabbage> you need to update your script 0307:< Sorrento110> oh okay 0307:< pyroshroom> Ew, botfly swarm 0307:< SirCabbage> the new script fixes /me 0307:< Sorrento110> so upgrade my robin grow? 0307:< pyroshroom> wouldn't want to get near that thing 0307:< SirCabbage> wait, you still use robin grow? 0307:< pyroshroom> change scripts to parrot 0307:< SxwTheCat> i hate parrot 0307:< barnum> Botfly Swarm is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Boots of The Mastodon]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/59%), Sorrento110 (12/61%), pyroshroom (8/17%) 0307:< Sorrento110> oh okay 0307:< SirCabbage> why not parrot? 0307:< SxwTheCat> refreshes too often 0308:< SirCabbage> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0308:< pyroshroom> The new parrot doesn't refresh at all 0308:< barnum> A wild Tazelwurm appeared! HP: 266[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0308:< Sorrento110> why is parrot better? 0308:< SxwTheCat> o 0308:< SirCabbage> you can turn off the refreshes 0308:< barnum> Fuck parrot's weird ass spacing 0308:< SirCabbage> it has tabbed chats sorrento 0308:< ryanvango> alright where are we at. updates to health and all that? 0308:< SxwTheCat> yea i'll stick with grow 0308:< SxwTheCat> chat's coming along well btw 0308:< barnum> Tazelwurm is kill! SxwTheCat picks up [Oathtaker]! LVLs: SxwTheCat (4/43%), SirCabbage (14/61%), ryanvango (16/33%), pyroshroom (8/1... 0308:< SxwTheCat> just got some more styling to do 0308:< SirCabbage> Well you have to tell us how much chugging the wellwater cured. it is the only even slightly healing item we have 0309:< SirCabbage> just tell us how much hp we have left after chugging wellwater 0309:< ryanvango> BTE had 3 bigass healing pots on him 0309:< Sorrento110> oh nice 0309:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (16/33%), SirCabbage (14/61%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (12/61%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0309:< SirCabbage> he is still silent 0309:< Sorrento110> Parrot is pretty cool 0309:< pyroshroom> BTE was selfish and didn't share 0309:< barnum> A wild Skulk appeared! HP: 72[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0309:< ryanvango> ok each of you get 50 health from chugging way too match water. your tummies hurt 0310:< Sorrento110> lol 0310:< SirCabbage> so can we have a hp update 0310:< ryanvango> yeah lemme tabulate all of this 0310:< barnum> Skulk is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Rod of Beguiling]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/68%), Sorrento110 (12/66%), ryanvango (16/36%), pyroshro... 0310:< SirCabbage> that rod is... beguiling 0310:< Sorrento110> Take your time ryanvango 0310:< barnum> A wild Chrestomath appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0311:< pyroshroom> Hmm, this rod seems more useful than the dazing one 0311:< barnum> Round #1, 109 hits! Chrestomath HP: 318[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5), Sorrento110 (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0311:< barnum> I'll give you a useful rod. 0311:< ryanvango> i believe cabbage is at 121, pyro is back to full, sorrento is back to full, did the dragon drink? 0311:< Sorrento110> What should we do next SirCabbage pyroshroom. 0311:< Sorrento110> Also do you guys's tab name completes work? 0312:< ryanvango> did anyone level? 0312:< SirCabbage> I would obviously give my dragon water 0312:< SxwTheCat> Sorrento110 yes 0312:< Sorrento110> I leveled 0312:< SxwTheCat> robin-grow tab complete works :3 0312:< ryanvango> then the dragon has 500 0312:< Sorrento110> My tab name complete doesnt for some reason 0312:< barnum> Round #2, 307 hits! Chrestomath HP: 11[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0312:< SxwTheCat> ooo spam 0312:< ryanvango> i totally forgot to attack him, but thats ok 0312:< SirCabbage> So... seriously what now? lol 0312:< SxwTheCat> loot time 0312:< Sorrento110> I guess we keep clearing the cave? Or yea loot 0312:< ryanvango> sxwthecat if still following is at full also 0312:< SirCabbage> loot IS nice 0312:< SxwTheCat> gotta get loot 0312:< The_Only_Zac> Your own name doesn't tab complete for yourself 0313:< SirCabbage> loot my anus 0313:< The_Only_Zac> Your name works for me 0313:< SxwTheCat> where's mai loot 0313:< Sorrento110> my tab complete is not working no hahaha 0313:< SirCabbage> I just want to go to my 0313:< SirCabbage> loot 0313:< Sorrento110> !loot 0313:< ryanvango> in the cave there is a plethora of bodies, meals for the basilisk. you find about 600 gold total on all of them 0313:< SxwTheCat> rip barnum 0313:< The_Only_Zac> Oh haha at all 0313:< barnum> Chrestomath is kill! ryanvango picks up [Amulet of Natural Armor +1]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/76%), Sorrento110 (12/74%), SxwTheCat (4/... 0313:< The_Only_Zac> Are you using robin-grow 0313:< pyroshroom> ooo money 0313:< SirCabbage> how do we split that? 0313:< The_Only_Zac> grow robin* 0313:< barnum> A wild Warsworn appeared! HP: 932[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0314:< Sorrento110> Nice! you adventurer's take the gold. I'm contracted by the sorceror's to be down here 0314:< barnum> wha happen 0314:< ryanvango> however you want, or call it party funds 0314:< SirCabbage> Parrot is the best script 0314:< SirCabbage> party funds 0314:< pyroshroom> PARTY FUNDS! 0314:< ryanvango> you throw a raging party in the cave 0314:< barnum> Round #1, 286 hits! Warsworn HP: 645[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: The_Only_Zac (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3), ryanvango ... 0314:< ryanvango> no im kidding. just a little word play for ya 0314:< SirCabbage> Well now that you mention it.. 0314:< SirCabbage> I do have an item... which can make that true 0315:< SirCabbage> I place down my "Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga" 0315:< pyroshroom> Where dem dwarves at? 0315:< ryanvango> can i just say...it is incredibly difficult to keep up with the chat, come up with strikes, damage counts, and who to hit lol 0315:< SirCabbage> LETS PARRTYYYYYY 0315:< Sorrento110> It really is hahaha ryanvango 0315:< barnum> Round #2, 349 hits! Warsworn HP: 296[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0315:< pyroshroom> ahahah, it is so hard 0315:< ryanvango> so i apologize if i miss something you guys intend to do while thats all going on 0315:< Sorrento110> does this heal us?? 0316:< Sorrento110> lol 0316:< pyroshroom> didn't we have a golden music box too? 0316:< SirCabbage> Woot woot parrtyyy 0316:< SirCabbage> nah the dwarf ran off with it 0316:< barnum> Warsworn is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Breastplate of Vanishing]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/80%), pyroshroom (8/26%), ryanvango (16/43%),... 0316:< pyroshroom> ah right 0316:< Sorrento110> Oh dang someone stole you guys stuff? 0316:< SirCabbage> NICE item 0316:< pyroshroom> some crazy cubit dorf 0316:< Sorrento110> Holy crap nice breastplate! 0316:< barnum> A wild Comozant Wyrd appeared! HP: 122[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0316:< SirCabbage> obviously the gods like my dancing 0316:< pyroshroom> wow, you don't even need a cloak to vanish 0316:< ryanvango> !heroes 0316:< pyroshroom> you get a whole breastplate 0317:< SxwTheCat> did somebody say crazy dwarf 0317:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : ryanvango (16/43%), SirCabbage (14/80%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (12/76%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/... 0317:< SirCabbage> no the other one 0317:< pyroshroom> not you crazy dwarf, the other one 0317:< SirCabbage> the one that we met in the cave 0317:< barnum> Comozant Wyrd is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Bottle of Shadows]! LVLs: pyroshroom (8/31%), SirCabbage (14/83%), ryanvango (16/44%), S... 0317:< barnum> A wild Hand of the Inheritor appeared! HP: 932[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0317:< pyroshroom> Btw: ryanvango I am level 8 now 0317:< SirCabbage> my loot list is getting so long it is hard to work out what I want to use in a fight lol 0318:< ryanvango> pyro good timing thats what i was doing. you have 117/117 health 0318:< barnum> Round #1, 347 hits! Hand of the Inheritor HP: 584[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0318:< pyroshroom> w00t 0318:< SirCabbage> I replaced my Armor of Rage with my new armor 0318:< SirCabbage> does anyone want it? 0318:< pyroshroom> I want it! 0318:< SirCabbage> *gives pyro my Armor of Rage 0318:< gjhgjh> Anyone here? 0318:< ryanvango> sorento what was your starting level when we started all this 0318:< Sorrento110> I think I was 10 0319:< pyroshroom> *armor of rage 0319:< Sorrento110> ryanvango 0319:< barnum> Round #2, 298 hits! Hand of the Inheritor HP: 286[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), gjhgjh (1.5), Sorre... 0319:< ryanvango> ooo bad role. you're at 110/110 health 0319:< SirCabbage> nice 0319:< SirCabbage> I should do some combining before we move on too 0319:< barnum> Round #3, 201 hits! Hand of the Inheritor HP: 85[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), SirCabbage (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0319:< ryanvango> cabbage you're at 121/141 0320:< SirCabbage> did you count my undead in that fight as a shield by the way? 0320:< ryanvango> the group is relatively safe in the basilisk subway tunnel 0320:< SirCabbage> you seemed to do us damage pretty quickly. 0321:< SirCabbage> oh, glasses 0321:< ryanvango> they died very very quickly. but yes, i took damage off for it 0321:< barnum> A wild Cold Rider appeared! HP: 437[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0321:< Sorrento110> My new weapon is great guys 0321:< SirCabbage> kay 0321:< ryanvango> it was actually a really smart move cause i had to attack them and the quantum instead of you guys. the quantum almost died 0321:< Sorrento110> Trident of Spectral Strikes: *SpectralSTRIKE* *SpectralSTRIKE* -------E~ 0321:< SirCabbage> What dos a Chaos emerald do if I put it into my Magi Staff 0321:< barnum> Cold Rider is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Hamatula Hide]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/90%), ryanvango (16/49%), Sorrento110 (12/79%) 0321:< pyroshroom> Chaos Magi Staff? 0321:< ryanvango> i dunno, ideas? 0322:< SirCabbage> I assume it would focus the power and allow me to raise more dead 0322:< pyroshroom> Enables the warping of time and space by focusing the chaos emerald's energies 0322:< barnum> A wild Vrykolakas appeared! HP: 518[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0322:< SirCabbage> or, less but more powerful dead 0322:< ryanvango> yeah lets go with that. you can raise 9 dead now (50% bonus) 0322:< Sorrento110> Awesome! 0322:< ryanvango> or 4 dead with twice the hp 0322:< Sorrento110> And I have a real weapon now. So we can probably fight waaaay better 0323:< barnum> Round #1, 476 hits! Vrykolakas HP: 41[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (6) 0323:< ryanvango> any other stuff with effects? 0323:< SirCabbage> I am looking 0323:< Sorrento110> Trident of Spectral Strikes: *SpectralSTRIKE* *SpectralSTRIKE* -------E~ 0323:< SirCabbage> I have a Demon Talon 0323:< SirCabbage> what could that do if attached to something? 0323:< gjhgjh> kill kill kill!! 0323:< ryanvango> not sure what itd do. 0323:< SirCabbage> Hm *puts it away 0324:< ryanvango> probably decently valuable loot at the arcanist 0324:< barnum> Vrykolakas is kill! ryanvango picks up [Fortunate Charm]! LVLs: SirCabbage (14/97%), ryanvango (16/52%), Sorrento110 (12/82%), gjhgj... 0324:< barnum> A wild Medium Air Elemental appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0325:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 0325:< Sorrento110> I want to adorn my harp of shattering with my Ioun Stone Emerald ellipsoid ryanvango 0325:< ryanvango> ok. what is the intended effect 0325:< SirCabbage> I would like to combine my Hamatula Hide, Elixir of Swimming and Enchanted Eelskin to create 0325:< SirCabbage> Enchanted Eelskin Swimmers 0325:< Sorrento110> I would like it to be able to slowly heal my allies if I so choose, because the green emerald implies healing. ryanvango 0325:< ryanvango> as a note, i did notice you trying to use it. the basilisk, by his nature, shrugged off mental effects 0325:< SirCabbage> as arm armor 0326:< barnum> Medium Air Elemental is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Tome of Understanding +5]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/8%), Sorrento110 (12/87%), ryanv... 0326:< SirCabbage> is that okay ryan? turning those three items into one that lets me swim really well? 0326:< ryanvango> ok, lets say it has an aura healing of 1hp per 5 minutes of game time? 0326:< Sorrento110> Yep! sounds good 0326:< barnum> A wild Wyrm Copper Dragon appeared! HP: 1517[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0326:< ryanvango> cabbage, yeah im good with that 0327:< ryanvango> yep. and the helmet 0327:< barnum> Round #1, 325 hits! Wyrm Copper Dragon HP: 1191[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0327:< SirCabbage> awesome, it is added to my arms slot 0327:< ryanvango> cool beans. if i forget some of these effects, just remind me. i can't track it all in the heat of things 0327:< ryanvango> whats the rod of beguiling do 0327:< gjhgjh> arms slot? 0328:< pyroshroom> It beguiles 0328:< ryanvango> gjhgjh we have a loot tracker doc 0328:< SirCabbage> I also put on my Gorgon Belt 0328:< pyroshroom> so makes people/creatures like me 0328:< barnum> Round #2, 286 hits! Wyrm Copper Dragon HP: 904[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), pyroshroom (6), SirCabbage (1.5), gjhgjh (1.5) 0328:< ryanvango> gorgon belt will prevent petrification/paralyzation 0328:< gjhgjh> Ah, I see. So not part of the bot. 0328:< Sorrento110> gjhgjh go here https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ click on hyperlink in sidebar 0328:< ryanvango> correct. have you seen the doc, do you wanna be in on this? 0328:< SirCabbage> ive had that for ages- I should have put it on ages ago.. 0329:< ryanvango> haha i think you got it on the way to the basilisk too lol 0329:< ryanvango> i was thinkin about it as it happened 0329:< SirCabbage> *mutters 0329:< barnum> Round #3, 537 hits! Wyrm Copper Dragon HP: 367[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (12), SirCabbage (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5), gjhg... 0329:< SirCabbage> Silly me 0329:< Sorrento110> Paralyzed for no reason at all SirCabbage 0329:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (16/57%), SirCabbage (15/10%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (12/88%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0329:< SirCabbage> okay, ryan 0329:< ryanvango> is that another level or no 0329:< SirCabbage> I search the area for additional loot that we may not have noticed- surely it had a nest or a home or something 0330:< SirCabbage> yes it is ryan 0330:< pyroshroom> to make nightmare jungle boots 0330:< SirCabbage> sounds good to me ryan 0330:< Sorrento110> I almost have Another level too 0330:< ryanvango> 129/149....fuckin high rolls jesus 0330:< barnum> Wyrm Copper Dragon is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Greater Hat of Disguise]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/14%), pyroshroom (8/41%), Sorrento1... 0330:< Sorrento110> maybe ill fight this thing. Oh I killed it 0330:< Sorrento110> LolLol 0330:< barnum> A wild Old Green Dragon appeared! HP: 1067[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0330:< SirCabbage> so did I find any loot or items ryan? 0330:< pyroshroom> wow, theres a lot more dragons now 0331:< ryanvango> there is no real loot in the area. basilisks eat what the can and dont give a shit about the rest. a few picks and shovels 0331:< SirCabbage> I TAKE THEM. 0331:< barnum> Round #1, 286 hits! Old Green Dragon HP: 780[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), Sorrento110 (3), SirCabbage (3), pyroshroom (1.5) 0331:< ryanvango> you gather 1 stone pick and 2 shovels that seem to be in decent shape 0331:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Emeralds* Heals Allies with healing aura of 1hp/5 minutues gametime. 0332:< SirCabbage> anyway all, I have to go for now 0332:< ryanvango> all good? what would we like to do 0332:< barnum> Round #2, 223 hits! Old Green Dragon HP: 557[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0332:< SirCabbage> I have a class. 0332:< Sorrento110> i still have a duty to clear this cave for my sorceror hires ryanvango 0332:< pyroshroom> ok, see you later SirCabbage! 0332:< ryanvango> alright. if we continue, wanna just be tagging along? 0332:< SirCabbage> see you! 0332:< ryanvango> i wont hurt/kill you 0332:< SirCabbage> yeah, but dont kill me, steal my items or do anything lol 0332:< Sorrento110> bye SirCabbage 0333:< ryanvango> gotcha. later 0333:< SirCabbage> act as if I am sleeping safely on my fdragon 0333:< barnum> Round #3, 520 hits! Old Green Dragon HP: 37[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (6), Sorrento110 (6) 0333:< pyroshroom> DIE DRAGON! 0333:< ryanvango> ok sorrento and pyro? 0333:< SirCabbage> See you 0333:< Sorrento110> yep! 0333:< pyroshroom> yes, let's see where we can go from here 0333:< ryanvango> whats the plan 0333:< pyroshroom> does the cave continue? 0333:< Sorrento110> I wanna keep clearing the cave so I can get payment from my contractors 0333:< ryanvango> you look around by the breath of the dragon. it seems to end abruptly about 200 yards ineither direction 0334:< pyroshroom> hmm, I guess this is a dead end 0334:< barnum> Old Green Dragon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Cloak of Resistance +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/64%), pyroshroom (8/51%), Sorrento110 (1... 0334:< ryanvango> its littered with skeletons and bodies in varying states of decomposition 0334:< Sorrento110> It seems like this was a lair then pyroshroom 0334:< barnum> A wild Frost Giant appeared! HP: 599[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0334:< pyroshroom> I combine this new cloak of resistance +3 with my cloak of firey vanishing 0334:< Sorrento110> Maybe if we backtrack we can find the dwarves entrance pyroshroom ryanvango 0334:< pyroshroom> to make a + 3 resistant cloak of firey vanishing 0334:< barnum> Round #1, 269 hits! Frost Giant HP: 329[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), pyroshroom (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0335:< ryanvango> you gain a fire resistance. whatever damage i tell you, reduce by 1/3 if its fire 0335:< pyroshroom> sweet 0335:< barnum> Round #2, 113 hits! Frost Giant HP: 215[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0336:< pyroshroom> Let's backtrack out of here 0336:< Sorrento110> Nice stuff 0336:< pyroshroom> since this cave doesn't seem to have anything else 0336:< Sorrento110> Okay cool. lets make sure this dragon is cozy 0336:< Sorrento110> so he doesnt buck against us 0336:< ryanvango> alrighty. cabbage instructs the dragon to latch on to the edge and you all climb up his back and make your way out 0336:< ryanvango> once you make your way out in to the open air of the quarry, cabbage crawls on to his dragon to doze of while you all continue 0336:< barnum> Frost Giant is kill! ryanvango picks up [Crown of Conquest]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/67%), pyroshroom (8/53%), Sorrento110 (12/98%) 0337:< Sorrento110> Good! I wanna try to continue down one of the smaller smoother tunnels 0337:< barnum> A wild Crucidaemon appeared! HP: 954[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0337:< pyroshroom> Yes, I had that in mind too 0337:< ryanvango> back in the quarry you have rough cut caves on either side, and directly across the large tunnel is a small, smooth tunnel 0337:< pyroshroom> Those tunnels that SirCabbage wanted the dragon to burn 0337:< barnum> Round #1, 330 hits! Crucidaemon HP: 624[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0337:< Sorrento110> Lets walk down the small tunnel cautiously pyroshroom 0337:< ryanvango> the ones on either side, about the size of a bear cave? 0338:< pyroshroom> Nah, the very tiny ones 0338:< pyroshroom> but he didn't burn them 0338:< Sorrento110> nope he didnt 0338:< ryanvango> the very tiny smooth tunnel appears to be by design. it was cut like this, and crafted with care 0338:< barnum> Round #2, 230 hits! Crucidaemon HP: 394[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), Sorrento110 (3), pyroshroom (3) 0338:< Sorrento110> cause I stopped him. Thats a good sign! Maybe we will find your dwarve friends 0338:< pyroshroom> and yes, let's slowly wander into these well designed tunnels 0339:< pyroshroom> I don't know if I am a dwarf, I missed my intro since my chat was lagging :p 0339:< Sorrento110> No I though you guys had a run in with one 0339:< ryanvango> you give cabbage a wake and he follows behind, leaving the dragon to stand guard or hunt or whatever it feels like 0339:< ryanvango> pyro you are a human i believe 0339:< barnum> Round #3, 303 hits! Crucidaemon HP: 91[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: pyroshroom (9), Sorrento110 (6), ryanvango (4.5), K1ngN0thing (4.5) 0339:< pyroshroom> Ah ok, that's good :D 0340:< ryanvango> yeah, sorrento is a gnome, sxwthecat is a dwarf (still following way behind but you dont know that) and there was a random dwarf too 0340:< pyroshroom> the random dwarf stole our music box and vanished 0340:< barnum> Crucidaemon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Bane Baldric]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/71%), pyroshroom (8/59%) 0341:< barnum> A wild Larabay appeared! HP: 648[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0341:< ryanvango> yep. so you make your way in to the smooth tunnel opening. on closer inspection you see intricate scrawling 0341:< pyroshroom> wow, a second bane baldric... what do these do anywyas? 0341:< Sorrento110> Oh can we try and glean any understanding of what they mean ryanvango 0341:< ryanvango> its elaborate. from what you can tell, its seems almost decorative, but you file in 0341:< barnum> Round #1, 337 hits! Larabay HP: 311[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0342:< ryanvango> from what weve learned so far, he has an affinity for beastiary, and some arcanic knowledge. 0342:< ryanvango> but these symbols are not familiar or recognizeable to him 0342:< Sorrento110> I would like to play my harp in order to show the people ahead we may run in to that we are friendly 0342:< barnum> Round #2, 242 hits! Larabay HP: 69[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (1.5) 0343:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Emeralds* Heals Allies with healing aura of 1hp/5 minutues gametime. 0343:< ryanvango> you press forward until the light behind you is a spec. you round a corner in the thin hallway and as you do all light vanishes 0343:< Sorrento110> Oh.... well it got darker then.... 0343:< ryanvango> as the sound of the harp carries, you just catch the sound of grinding stone behind you 0343:< barnum> Larabay is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Goreclaw]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (13/15%), ryanvango (16/76%), pyroshroom (8/63%) 0344:< gjhgjh> kill kill kill! 0344:< ryanvango> pitch black. the only thing you know is there is floor below you, walls pressing in, and the song of the harp 0344:< barnum> A wild Peryton appeared! HP: 189[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0344:< ryanvango> walls pressing in means skinny hallway, not moving* 0344:< Sorrento110> "hello? Is anyone there? we are friendly?" 0344:< gjhgjh> I don't know but I wanna kill it 0344:< Sorrento110> ryanvango I just leveled 0344:< barnum> Peryton is kill! gjhgjh picks up [Smuggler's Collapsible Robe]! LVLs: gjhgjh (3/85%), Sorrento110 (13/17%), ryanvango (16/77%) 0345:< ryanvango> you begin to feel very claustrophobic. you yell out in the dark for help 0345:< Sorrento110> I repeat 0345:< ryanvango> +10 hp 0345:< barnum> A wild Kapre appeared! HP: 572[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0345:< Sorrento110> "hello? Is anyone there? we are friendly?" 0345:< ryanvango> what are you at now i forgot to write it down 0345:< grink> ?help 0345:< Sorrento110> I think its like 119 0345:< ryanvango> got it 0345:< ryanvango> absolute stone cold silence. 0346:< barnum> Round #1, 389 hits! Kapre HP: 182[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Sorrento110 (6), pyroshroom (1.5), grink (1.5) 0346:< Sorrento110> I want to play a soothing song on my harp once more. 0346:< Sorrento110> Just to keep pyroshroom's sprits high 0346:< ryanvango> the song carries deep in to the tunnel, reverberating off the walls 0346:< gjhgjh> WOw, this guy is dying fast. 0346:< ryanvango> (any action?) 0347:< ryanvango> are you moving on? 0347:< barnum> Kapre is kill! ryanvango picks up [Amulet of Natural Armor +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/80%), gjhgjh (3/91%), Sorrento110 (13/18%), pyro... 0347:< barnum> Bot is going away for a second 0347:< chapebrone> %chat penis/ ^ $ ac tive ch annels 0347:< barnum> A wild Sea Hag appeared! HP: 171[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0347:< ryanvango> there is absolutely 0 light. unless you have a torch or a way to light the way, you are effectively blind 0348:< Sorrento110> pyroshroom lets move forward slowly 0348:< barnum> Sea Hag is kill! ryanvango picks up [Mutineer's Bane Earring]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/82%), Sorrento110 (13/19%), chapebrone (1/51%) 0348:< chapebrone> ^ %chat $ a ctive c hannels 0348:< barnum> A wild Ghost-faced Orc appeared! HP: 32[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0348:< pyroshroom> continue moving! 0348:< barnum> A wild Totenmaske appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0348:< pyroshroom> wow, my chat was lagging 0348:< ryanvango> you press on, creeping along in the tunnel. you stretch your hands out to follow the walls 0349:< barnum> Round #1, 129 hits! Totenmaske HP: 253[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0349:< ryanvango> running your fingers along the wall you feel the same carving as were on the door on your way in. inch by inch you move 0349:< ryanvango> pyroshroom, leading the way, after what seems like a mile (it wasnt) you feel your right hand miss the wall. there is a gap here. 0350:< barnum> Totenmaske is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Intensified Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/85%), Sorrento110 (13/21%) 0350:< ryanvango> you feel around, and it is indeed and opening 0350:< Sorrento110> How large ryanvango 0350:< barnum> A wild Wind Walker appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0350:< ryanvango> probing around the 2 of you examine the opening in the pitch dark. your hands feel nothing. it is about 5 feet wide, and 0350:< grink> kill it 0350:< barnum> Round #1, 179 hits! Wind Walker HP: 86[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0351:< ryanvango> it is as high as the ceiling (about 8 feet high) 0351:< ryanvango> opposite the opening, the wall continues. along side, the wall continues 0351:< pyroshroom> if only we had a light 0351:< ryanvango> reaching in to the hole a few feet, nothing 0351:< barnum> Wind Walker is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Wizardry II]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/89%), pyroshroom (8/67%), grink (1/53%) 0352:< Sorrento110> pyroshroom we need to be careful for traps 0352:< Sorrento110> ryanvango can we duck under the hole and continue? 0352:< barnum> A wild Wyrmling White Dragon appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0352:< ryanvango> to you, it feels like an open door in the hallway on your right, and the hall also continues forward, like you were going 0352:< barnum> Wyrmling White Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Staff of Divination]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/91%), Sorrento110 (13/21%) 0352:< ryanvango> so you can do whatever 0353:< ryanvango> keep going down the hall and ignore it, or go through the opening 0353:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (16/91%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (13/21%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0353:< Sorrento110> pyroshroom what do you think? 0353:< barnum> A wild Kangaroo appeared! HP: 27[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0353:< pyroshroom> hmm, how about the opening to the side? 0353:< gjhgjh> what? 0354:< barnum> Kangaroo is kill! gjhgjh picks up [Headband of Stupidity]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/94%), Sorrento110 (13/23%), pyroshroom (8/69%), gjhgj... 0354:< Sorrento110> lets go into it carefully ryanvango pyroshroom 0354:< barnum> A wild Voidstick Zombie appeared! HP: 706[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0354:< gjhgjh> Sooo, how do I use that? Do I wear it or do I try to put it on the monsters? 0354:< ryanvango> alright, turning right, sorrento leads the way in to the opening. as soon as he is out of reach of pyro who follows 0354:< barnum> Round #1, 157 hits! Voidstick Zombie HP: 549[████▒] +XP: gjhgjh (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0355:< ryanvango> BOOM!!!!! the sound of wood, heavy, hits pyros ears. a little pee comes out 0355:< ryanvango> sorrento has smack in to a wooden door face first, 6 feet in to the hallway 0355:< barnum> Round #2, 230 hits! Voidstick Zombie HP: 319[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9) 0356:< pyroshroom> :O 0356:< Sorrento110> "owwwwwww." 0356:< ryanvango> the door, clearly very old and simple, CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS open 0356:< barnum> Round #3, 211 hits! Voidstick Zombie HP: 108[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0357:< ryanvango> this is not a lubricated door 0357:< ryanvango> it opens to a room. you can tell by the echo of the creek, it is a decently sized room, and there is no movement from within 0357:< pyroshroom> creepy 0357:< barnum> Voidstick Zombie is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Staff of Weather]! LVLs: ryanvango (16/98%), pyroshroom (8/72%), Sorrento110 (13/24%) 0357:< Sorrento110> "okay pyroshroom lets be careful" 0358:< barnum> A wild Bhuta appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0358:< ryanvango> your whispers sound like shouts in the quiet of the tunnel and room 0358:< barnum> Round #1, 142 hits! Bhuta HP: 519[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 0358:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (16/98%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (13/24%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0359:< ryanvango> still blackness surrounds you. the music carries in to the room. you can't tell in the pitch if anything stirs 0359:< barnum> Round #2, 223 hits! Bhuta HP: 296[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0400:< ryanvango> you both jump as the sounding of grinding stone carries to your ears from the direction you came 0400:< ryanvango> but clearly in the distance 0400:< barnum> Round #3, 154 hits! Bhuta HP: 142[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0400:< pyroshroom> this cave is very creepy 0400:< Lord_Renwod> HOLY SHIT GUYS 0401:< Sorrento110> pyroshroom There's something following us 0401:< Lord_Renwod> BY MY ESTIMATE, WE'LL BE MERGING IN 12 HOURS 0401:< Lord_Renwod> :O 0401:< ryanvango> you gotta give me feedback. what are you doing. 0401:< ryanvango> what dwarf? you dont know about the dwarf 0401:< pyroshroom> oh right 0401:< barnum> Bhuta is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Wayfinder of Passage]! LVLs: pyroshroom (8/75%), Lord_Renwod (2/73%), ryanvango (17/5%), Sorrent... 0401:< pyroshroom> yes, maybe we should turn back 0401:< Lord_Renwod> and go down the main hall instead 0402:< ryanvango> lol sorry renwod. tense moment 0402:< barnum> A wild Cetaceal appeared! HP: 954[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0402:< Lord_Renwod> BUT MERGING HOURS AWAY 0402:< Sorrento110> lets try that pyroshroom 0402:< Sorrento110> Maybe we can find light easier 0402:< Lord_Renwod> Ok I can see how that would interrupt pacing lol 0402:< Sorrento110> we need some torches or something 0402:< ryanvango> alright you turn tail and leave the room untouched and head back to the hallway, continuing in the same direction 0402:< pyroshroom> yes, so we can see in the dark 0402:< barnum> Round #1, 283 hits! Cetaceal HP: 671[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), Lord_Renwod (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0402:< pyroshroom> and not have to worry about grinding stones 0403:< ryanvango> are you gonna get in on this lord_renwod? 0403:< barnum> Round #2, 71 hits! Cetaceal HP: 600[████▒] +XP: pyroshroom (3), ryanvango (1.5) 0403:< Sorrento110> Maybe we can find some wood and make the dragon light it on fire for us 0404:< ryanvango> alright you creep down the hallway. silently feeling along the wall as you go, the etching ever present 0404:< barnum> Round #3, 203 hits! Cetaceal HP: 397[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0404:< ryanvango> sorrentos left hand misses this time, but immediately contacts another wooden door, similarly built 0404:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/7%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (13/26%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%), ... 0405:< Sorrento110> This is weird 0405:< ryanvango> farther down the hall you hear the faintest "tink" and it quickly goes away 0405:< Sorrento110> all these weird noises are 0405:< Sorrento110> disturbing 0405:< pyroshroom> this whole cave is creepy 0405:< barnum> Round #4, 355 hits! Cetaceal HP: 42[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0405:< pyroshroom> maybe it's the dwarf's warning 0405:< ryanvango> opening the door, going down the hall, going back? 0406:< pyroshroom> what do you think Sorrento 0406:< Sorrento110> I think maybe try to open the door 0406:< Sorrento110> And if theres no light go back and get torches 0406:< pyroshroom> ok, let's open the door! 0406:< barnum> Cetaceal is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Manual of Quickness of Action +1]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/10%), pyroshroom (8/83%), Sorrento110 ... 0406:< ryanvango> you open the door with an agonizing CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!! 0407:< barnum> A wild Hawanar Genie appeared! HP: 436[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0407:< pyroshroom> OW 0407:< ryanvango> blackness 0407:< pyroshroom> these doors are so annoying! 0407:< Sorrento110> Lets go get some torches 0407:< ryanvango> "tink" 0407:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Hawanar Genie HP: 380[█████] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), pyroshroom (1.5) 0407:< Sorrento110> then we can see clearly 0407:< pyroshroom> close the door! and head back! 0408:< pyroshroom> I don't like these noises 0408:< ryanvango> you close the door, just as loudly, and turn back to the entrance 0408:< barnum> Round #2, 274 hits! Hawanar Genie HP: 106[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 0408:< ryanvango> this time, more confidently, you make your way down the hallway, pass the side passage, turn left, and leave. 0408:< pyroshroom> phew, left with no incident 0408:< ryanvango> nothing seems amiss as your make your way back to the dragon, who is waiting patiently, snoozing 0409:< Sorrento110> yes okay good. 0409:< pyroshroom> I think I should call it a night here 0409:< Sorrento110> yea Same 0409:< pyroshroom> too much excitement 0409:< Sorrento110> I was about to go to sleep 0409:< barnum> Hawanar Genie is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Getaway Boots]! LVLs: pyroshroom (8/91%), Sorrento110 (13/36%), ryanvango (17/15%) 0409:< Sorrento110> Then I couldnt pass up the RP lol 0409:< ryanvango> alright, fair enough. 0409:< Sorrento110> But we can all sub to https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 0409:< barnum> A wild Kere appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0409:< ryanvango> any feedback? more of this, less of that? i can take criticism, and ive never done this before 0409:< Sorrento110> and post a thread when we need to play again 0410:< Sorrento110> Its good! I enjoyed it (coming from a D&D DM of 8 years) 0410:< pyroshroom> I enjoyed it too! 0410:< barnum> Round #1, 286 hits! Kere HP: 227[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), ryanvango (6), pyroshroom (1.5) 0410:< ryanvango> you motherfucker, youre a DM?! why dont you do this! 0410:< pyroshroom> (I haven't really roleplayed before) 0410:< Sorrento110> Maybe slightly slow., but not bad at all 0410:< Sorrento110> oh lol cause you volunteered 0410:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/15%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (13/37%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0410:< Sorrento110> I figured i'd give someone else a chance 0411:< ryanvango> it is slow. i cant type fast, and its hard when cabbage is ACTIVELY avoiding everything i tell him about haha 0411:< Sorrento110> Yep 0411:< pyroshroom> ahahahaha 0411:< Sorrento110> Lol its fine though its not anywhere close to the worst i've played 0411:< pyroshroom> yes, he does 0411:< Sorrento110> its really good, you did great 0411:< Sorrento110> especially for your first time and in a medium like Robin 0411:< ryanvango> sweet, thanks. ill try to work some stuff out for next time. when is everyone good, or wanna try again? 0411:< barnum> A wild Ancient Brine Dragon appeared! HP: 1237[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0412:< Sorrento110> POst a thread on the subreddit and tag us all in it 0412:< Sorrento110> so we can see it 0412:< Sorrento110> that also guarantee's that if someone gets booted from chat we can find another way to continue 0412:< barnum> Round #1, 285 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 952[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), ryanvango (4.5) 0413:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 952[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0414:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 952[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0415:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 952[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0415:< pyroshroom> ugh, my chat was really lagging again 0416:< pyroshroom> anyways, I will be free again tomorrow night/same time 0416:< barnum> Round #5, 30 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 922[████▒] +XP: pyroshroom (3) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:17:45 2016 0417:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 922[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0418:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 922[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0419:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 922[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0420:< ryanvango> test 0420:< barnum> Round #9, 46 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 876[████▒] +XP: K1ngN0thing (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0420:< ryanvango> 60 character test 60 character test this is a test of 60 chars 0421:< barnum> Round #10, 122 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 754[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0421:< ryanvango> regular test 0421:< SilentSand> lol why 0422:< barnum> Round #11, 53 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 701[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0422:< ryanvango> oh goddam it lol. i wanna know my base, unbonused damage 0422:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/18%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/69%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0423:< barnum> Round #12, 41 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 660[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 0423:< SilentSand> Ayyyyy boyyyyy 0423:< ryanvango> oh ok. looks like 41 unbonused 0424:< ryanvango> you do 12 0424:< barnum> Round #13, 94 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 566[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (3), SilentSand (1.5) 0424:< thatwentBTE> tier 14 just merge 0424:< SilentSand> I do 12? ewwwwww 0424:< SilentSand> Yeah, the cascade will probably happen within 12 hours 0424:< ryanvango> that cant be right. we just did a ton 0424:< embracetehmartian> tier 14 didnt just merge???? 0424:< thatwentBTE> now just one more 14 and the cascade will break the record 0425:< ryanvango> oh. no thats right 0425:< barnum> Round #14, 162 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 404[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), SilentSand (3), ryanvango (3), embracetehmartian (1.5) 0425:< thatwentBTE> 13+13 > 14 0425:< SilentSand> We're down to 2977 now though :/ 0425:< ryanvango> doesnt matter. the new groups will have way more than us, and as long as we stay over 2200, its highly probable 0426:< thatwentBTE> 2977 with 1733 and 1213 waiting + onther 1200 needed to set it all off 0426:< barnum> Round #15, 243 hits! Ancient Brine Dragon HP: 161[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0426:< SilentSand> Why do people even leave at this late in the game 0426:< ryanvango> they could be getting forced out, they could have someone clicking abandon on their pc to make them mad (little brothers) 0427:< ryanvango> all kinds of reasons 0427:< barnum> Ancient Brine Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Rod of Shadows]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/21%), SilentSand (7/85%) 0427:< SilentSand> Is getting forced out a thing that happens often? 0427:< barnum> A wild Very Old Red Dragon appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0427:< ryanvango> not very often, no 0427:< SilentSand> Hot damn ryan how the fuck are you already level 17 you old fart 0427:< dick_sanitizer> Everyone welcome fiscToliRy, the newest teir 14! 0427:< ryanvango> lol i was DMing the guided RPG we were doing. had to type A LOT 0427:< SilentSand> I didn't even see you spam hard 0428:< barnum> Round #1, 226 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 1169[█████] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), ryanvango (6), dick_sanitizer (1.5) 0428:< SilentSand> Oh ok, I guess that makes sense 0428:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/22%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0428:< SilentSand> I'm way in the back now 0428:< ryanvango> i think i need to be nerfed though. im killing things too quickly now. makes it hard for the party 0428:< dick_sanitizer> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0428:< ryanvango> !loot 0429:< SilentSand> Yeah you dirty cheat. Stop doing so much damage :( 0429:< barnum> Round #2, 202 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 967[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SilentSand (4.5), dick_sanitizer (1.5) 0429:< ryanvango> !loot 0429:< ryanvango> barnum this looks like the old system is back up 0429:< barnum> Yup 0429:< SilentSand> !loot 0429:< SilentSand> Wait, old system? 0429:< ryanvango> balls! 0430:< barnum> Round #3, 147 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 820[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (3) 0430:< ryanvango> silentsand yeah the new one has commands and stuff. and additional modifiers 0430:< SilentSand> Yeah you get some balls 0430:< jonesandbrown> so, we haven't merged yet then 0430:< ryanvango> barnum any reason? new one crapped out? 0430:< SilentSand> maybe it's because of crit data 0431:< barnum> New one required me to have another browser open and it was bogging down 0431:< barnum> Round #4, 190 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 630[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SilentSand (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0431:< ryanvango> barnum ahhh gotcha. oh well this still works. are you able to take my level down to like 9 again? 0431:< barnum> I can reset everyone, but i don't think I can to one person 0432:< SilentSand> Just switch levels with me :) 0432:< barnum> Round #5, 123 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 507[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0432:< ryanvango> barnum alright, no worries. ill try to work around it 0432:< SilentSand> I wanna be the very best, like ryanvango once was 0432:< SilentSand> To do damage is my real test, to get loot is my cause 0432:< barnum> Round #6, 77 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 430[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0433:< SilentSand> This might be the pokemon cause, just look at the words 0433:< SilentSand> But I'm so creative you understand, because it's definitely not spam 0433:< barnum> Round #7, 48 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 382[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6) 0434:< SilentSand> It's gonna die, sometime sooon 0434:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/25%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0434:< SilentSand> My words and characters will pull me through 0434:< SilentSand> Each enemy to slowly whittle down 0434:< SilentSand> Something something I forget how the song ends 0434:< barnum> Of course there's both robin-rpg and robin-rpgbot in the new T14.... 0434:< SilentSand> Wait really hot damn 0434:< ryanvango> hahahaha 0434:< SilentSand> Great bot sort 0435:< barnum> Round #8, 113 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 269[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (9), ryanvango (1.5) 0435:< barnum> And little ol' me, getting ignored by holding down the fort up here because some asshole couldn't stay in a chatroom 0436:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 269[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0436:< SilentSand> Just use your newfound salt to spam the bot whenever both get back 0436:< jonesandbrown> this old bastartd is very tough 0436:< jonesandbrown> I wish I had a beast brand to tame him with 0436:< barnum> Round #10, 40 hits! Very Old Red Dragon HP: 229[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), jonesandbrown (3) 0436:< SilentSand> Yeah, ryanvango is the only thing that could kill it fast 0437:< jonesandbrown> We could be best friends:D 0437:< SilentSand> I mean, it'd probably die in like 12 words 0437:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0437:< SilentSand> Friends? With a dragon? Those fiends are filthy savages 0437:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshol 0437:< ryanvango> dead... 0437:< SilentSand> Savages do not deserve friendship 0437:< jonesandbrown> bite it 0437:< barnum> Very Old Red Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Helm of Teleportation]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/28%), SilentSand (8/13%), jonesandbrow... 0438:< SilentSand> Level 8 woot woot 0438:< barnum> A wild Lantern Goat appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0438:< ryanvango> my long attack does 122:) 0438:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0438:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0438:< jonesandbrown> dafu is a lantern goat? 0438:< SilentSand> That's because you're OP. Plz nerf 0438:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 0438:< SilentSand> It's a goat with a lantern 0438:< barnum> Lantern Goat is kill! SilentSand picks up [Acrobat Slippers]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/31%), SilentSand (8/19%), jonesandbrown (1/69%) 0438:< jonesandbrown> hahaha weird 0438:< ryanvango> dead. 0439:< barnum> A wild Elemental Air Dragon appeared! HP: 1134[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0439:< ryanvango> lol ill stop. sorry. showing off 0439:< kuqumi> sneers at the dragon bravely 0439:< jonesandbrown> OH NO! this is a different bot so it thinks i'm level 1! :( 0439:< SilentSand> Yeah you are level one now 0439:< barnum> Round #1, 103 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 1031[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), ryanvango (3), kuqumi (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0439:< SilentSand> The realm before and the realm now have had their connections severed by sinister forces 0440:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/31%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0440:< jonesandbrown> I still have my mace of terror though, so I'll swing it around as i charge past the beast 0440:< SilentSand> The secret of abandoning has left us without our greatest heroes 0440:< jonesandbrown> I've been growing for days 0440:< barnum> Round #2, 93 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 938[█████] +XP: SilentSand (9), jonesandbrown (6) 0441:< jonesandbrown> the last time i bit like 2 things to death, maybe it'll work again? 0441:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 933[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0442:< ryanvango> teeheehee 5 damage 0442:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite gnaw bite 0442:< ryanvango> puny mortal 0442:< jonesandbrown> listen man, i've got braces, ok, it hurts to bite stuff and this dragon has armoured scales! 0442:< barnum> Round #4, 89 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 844[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (3) 0442:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 0443:< barnum> Round #5, 123 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 721[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0443:< jonesandbrown> *i masturbate furiously in the corner as i look on at the great rynavango taking on this fierce foe 0444:< ryanvango> lol i was just taking it down a peg. hes all yours 0444:< jonesandbrown> maybe he likes pets? 0444:< barnum> Round #6, 48 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 673[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (1.5) 0444:< jonesandbrown> I'll try to pet his tales, see how that works out 0445:< jonesandbrown> I think i succeded at petting him 0445:< barnum> Round #7, 4 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 669[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0445:< jonesandbrown> but he probably didn't like it:( 0445:< ryanvango> i dont know man! 0445:< ryanvango> attack him a bunch. im gonna script next round and try to break it 0445:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/32%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0446:< jonesandbrown> what do you mean script? 0446:< SilentSand> Scripting is bad 0446:< jonesandbrown> I'll beat hiim up with my yyfisty fists of glory 0446:< barnum> Round #8, 185 hits! Elemental Air Dragon HP: 484[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0446:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0446:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0447:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0447:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0447:< SilentSand> I charge the dragon with my fists of righteous fury, intent of smiting the beast by thrashing it 0447:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0447:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite 0447:< ryanvango> i have prewritten things so i can copy and paste quickly 0447:< barnum> Elemental Air Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Spider's Fang]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/39%), SilentSand (8/25%), jonesandbrown (2/42%) 0447:< jonesandbrown> kiss kiss kiss 0448:< barnum> A wild Wraith appeared! HP: 211[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0448:< ryanvango> i almost never get to do it, and i havent tested its effect lately. but im assuming it high lol 0448:< SilentSand> Damn ryan 0448:< SilentSand> Scripting is bad as spam like *punch *punch 0448:< barnum> Round #1, 156 hits! Wraith HP: 55[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0448:< jonesandbrown> the only thing that's worse is when somebody decides to mollest the monsters 0449:< SilentSand> It's incredibly bad you really need to not do it, because it steals my rightful xp that I'm working so hard to get 0449:< ryanvango> yeah. originally i wanted to make it so I could say "I take a moment to cast flame tornado" then copy and paste the description in 0449:< SilentSand> I mean 0449:< SilentSand> I guess that could be a thing 0449:< barnum> Wraith is kill! SilentSand picks up [Spectacles of Understanding]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/31%), ryanvango (17/41%), jonesandbrown (2/46%) 0449:< ryanvango> but i stopped doing it cause i got bored. now i only do it when i wanna see how much damage i can do in a round 0449:< SilentSand> But you steal my xp and that's bad -_- 0449:< barnum> A wild Hollow Helm appeared! HP: 40[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0450:< ryanvango> haha your xp is safe. im about to take off. eat some mini wheats, and go to bed 0450:< SilentSand> dropping the spectacles in the item pool 0450:< SilentSand> I already got cool glasses 0450:< barnum> Hollow Helm is kill! SilentSand picks up [Alchemist's Bullet]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/39%), ryanvango (17/44%) 0450:< barnum> A wild Netherspark appeared! HP: 562[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0450:< jonesandbrown> i want more chocholate milk. one of these monsters better drop some choco milky milk 0451:< jonesandbrown> is a nether spark how a fire crotch is made? 0451:< SilentSand> Where do bullets even fit on the item sheet 0451:< barnum> Round #1, 27 hits! Netherspark HP: 535[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), SilentSand (1.5) 0451:< jonesandbrown> they need to be used with a sling type weapon 0451:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/44%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0451:< SilentSand> I don't even have anything capable of firing a bullet like that 0451:< jonesandbrown> basically they are arrows for slings 0452:< jonesandbrown> I have a alchemists bullet, but it's virtually useless without a sling 0452:< barnum> Round #2, 59 hits! Netherspark HP: 476[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5), SilentSand (4.5) 0453:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Netherspark HP: 476[█████] +XP: no one :( 0453:< jonesandbrown> We should probably pretend like were gonna take this guy out 0453:< jonesandbrown> boom boom pow 0454:< barnum> Round #4, 6 hits! Netherspark HP: 470[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0454:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0454:< ryanvango> can i do a test on the next guy with close to 1000 hp? 0455:< jonesandbrown> I don't care 0455:< barnum> Round #5, 53 hits! Netherspark HP: 417[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (1.5) 0455:< jonesandbrown> go for it 0455:< ryanvango> sweeeeet 0456:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0456:< barnum> Round #6, 53 hits! Netherspark HP: 364[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), ryanvango (1.5) 0456:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0456:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0457:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0457:< barnum> Round #7, 27 hits! Netherspark HP: 337[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5) 0457:< ryanvango> stop at 61 characters. does the same as 140 0457:< ryanvango> also, 1 does the same as 59 0457:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0457:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/45%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0457:< jonesandbrown> what's 61/4? 0457:< Lord_Renwod> I did my homework 0457:< ryanvango> 15 0458:< ryanvango> ya 0458:< ryanvango> hey lord renwod 0458:< Lord_Renwod> hey 0458:< barnum> Round #8, 144 hits! Netherspark HP: 193[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), Lord_Renwod (3) 0458:< ryanvango> you just missed it haha. everyone left. 0458:< Lord_Renwod> I've got some other things to do rather than this though 0458:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0458:< Lord_Renwod> That's fine, I've got better things to do :/ 0458:< ryanvango> no worries. im gonna test this and leave too 0458:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0459:< barnum> Round #9, 106 hits! Netherspark HP: 87[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), ryanvango (3), Lord_Renwod (3) 0459:< jonesandbrown> next one's yourrs 0459:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0459:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0500:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0500:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Netherspark HP: 57[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (15) 0500:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0500:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0500:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< barnum> Round #11, 36 hits! Netherspark HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (18) 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0501:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0502:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0502:< barnum> Netherspark is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Verdant Boots]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (3/69%) 0502:< barnum> A wild Encephalon Gorger appeared! HP: 292[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0502:< ryanvango> damn it 0502:< ryanvango> this ones kinda tiny. you're getting good levels though! good job 0503:< barnum> Round #1, 164 hits! Encephalon Gorger HP: 128[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0503:< ryanvango> im gonna do a spammy kind of talk about nothing attack for this one 0503:< ryanvango> and a small 1 0503:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/46%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0503:< SilentSand> Hey yo 0503:< SilentSand> Spamming bites is ok if I do it 0504:< barnum> Encephalon Gorger is kill! SilentSand picks up [Empyreal Armor]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/45%), ryanvango (17/48%) 0504:< barnum> A wild Disenchanter appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0504:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0504:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0504:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0504:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0504:< ryanvango> oh fuckin come on lol. it wont give me a big one! this is garbage 0504:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0505:< jonesandbrown> haha you gotta stay longer 0505:< barnum> Disenchanter is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Death Warden's Bandolier]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (3/81%), ryanvango (17/49%), SilentSand... 0505:< barnum> A wild Bull Shark appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0505:< SilentSand> Are you waiting ofor a big beast 0505:< SilentSand> A big weeeee beastie 0505:< ryanvango> yeah i wanna do a full on ultra mode attack. also this is dead now 0505:< SilentSand> I mean I'm sure 49 health is a lot 0506:< barnum> Bull Shark is kill! SilentSand picks up [Apparatus of The Crab]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/52%), ryanvango (17/51%) 0506:< SilentSand> I assume this apparatus gives people crabs 0506:< barnum> A wild Apostate Devil appeared! HP: 1174[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0506:< ryanvango> charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0506:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0506:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0506:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0506:< SilentSand> boop 0507:< barnum> Round #1, 522 hits! Apostate Devil HP: 652[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (18), SilentSand (3) 0507:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 0507:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0507:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 0507:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 0507:< SilentSand> boopie 0507:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 0507:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0507:< SilentSand> Oh man. That's quite a punch 0507:< barnum> Apostate Devil is kill! SilentSand picks up [Shifter's Headband +6]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/57%), SilentSand (8/55%) 0508:< barnum> A wild Greater Lightning Elemental appeared! HP: 495[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0508:< ryanvango> neat. 0508:< SilentSand> neato 0508:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Greater Lightning Elemental HP: 439[█████] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0509:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/57%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0509:< ryanvango> alright fellers. im outa here. bull mountain! don't go changin! 0509:< SilentSand> So will this reset when the other robin rpg bot gets bat 0509:< SilentSand> get back i mean 0509:< ryanvango> not sure 0510:< barnum> You're walking in the woods, there's no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him... 0510:< barnum> Round #2, 194 hits! Greater Lightning Elemental HP: 245[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SilentSand (3) 0510:< SilentSand> Shia Lebouf 0510:< jonesandbrown> do you think i can combine my mithral full plate of speed with a death warden's bandolier? to make a mithral death bandolier of speed? 0510:< ryanvango> sure, why not 0510:< barnum> He's following you, about 30 feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you. 0510:< ryanvango> .... 0511:< barnum> Round #3, 111 hits! Greater Lightning Elemental HP: 134[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (3), SilentSand (1.5) 0511:< jonesandbrown> is he gonna bum fuk me? 0511:< ryanvango> dont worry. ill protect you. 0511:< ryanvango> also im gonna go ahead and kill this thing so we dont have to worry about it 0511:< jonesandbrown> but maybe it's ok... 0511:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0511:< barnum> Greater Lightning Elemental is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Headband of Deathless Devotion]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/60%), jonesandbrow... 0512:< barnum> A wild Yellow Musk Creeper appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0512:< barnum> If you guys don't know this song, y'all need to...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI 0512:< ryanvango> is this what was following us....a musk creeper....motherfucker 0512:< SilentSand> Oh dude 0512:< SilentSand> This thing is too strong for me 0512:< barnum> Yellow Musk Creeper is kill! SilentSand picks up [Quick Block Buckler]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/62%), ryanvango (17/62%), jonesandbrown ... 0513:< barnum> A wild Skunk appeared! HP: 13[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0513:< jonesandbrown> hahaha 0513:< jonesandbrown> kiss it to death 0513:< jonesandbrown> kiss 0513:< jonesandbrown> kiss 0513:< SilentSand> Dude don;t kiss skunks 0513:< barnum> Skunk is kill! SilentSand picks up [Amatatsu Seal]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (4/24%), SilentSand (8/64%) 0514:< barnum> A wild Young Sovereign Dragon appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0514:< SilentSand> You want the bucker jones? 0514:< barnum> Round #1, 15 hits! Young Sovereign Dragon HP: 552[█████] +XP: SilentSand (1.5) 0515:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/62%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0515:< barnum> I got [Death Bill] & [Demon Tongue] in the other game, no idea what those do. 0515:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Young Sovereign Dragon HP: 552[█████] +XP: no one :( 0515:< SilentSand> Can I combine my helm of teleportation with a snipers helmet to make a helmet of teleporting bullets? 0516:< ryanvango> barnum i had never seen that. thank you for enriching my life. and now i know the source of the gif 0516:< barnum> Round #3, 168 hits! Young Sovereign Dragon HP: 384[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0517:< ryanvango> the bullet doesnt kill, the speed of the bullet kills. teleporting a bullet would just be like handing a bullet to someone 0517:< SilentSand> What if they teleport while at the same speed though? 0517:< barnum> Round #4, 138 hits! Young Sovereign Dragon HP: 246[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0517:< SilentSand> So I can shoot through doors and tablers and hills 0517:< barnum> ryanvango You're welcome 0518:< ryanvango> i mean...you could....but if you cant see people....whats the point 0518:< SilentSand> We're not 0518:< barnum> Pardon me. Are you Aaron Burr, sir? 0518:< TheAwer> well if you teleport it inside someone's brain they will have issues 0518:< ryanvango> otherwise you could just shoot them 0518:< SilentSand> That's true too 0518:< TheAwer> or like heart 0518:< barnum> Round #5, 216 hits! Young Sovereign Dragon HP: 30[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), TheAwer (6), SilentSand (4.5) 0518:< SilentSand> I mean, if I know they're behind something it could work 0518:< SilentSand> Oh man 30 hp this thing is almost deaderino 0519:< TheDoctor_RS> Mornin 0519:< ryanvango> technically, yes you could. but i dont see it being useful hardly ever 0519:< SilentSand> Idk, teleporting bullets sounded good at the time 0519:< SilentSand> The time being 2 minutes ago 0519:< barnum> Young Sovereign Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Wayfinder]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/75%), ryanvango (17/65%), TheDoctor_RS (2/68%) 0519:< barnum> A wild Thalassic Behemoth appeared! HP: 1759[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0520:< SilentSand> go for it ryanvango 0520:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0520:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0520:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0520:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0520:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 0521:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0521:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 0521:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 0521:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 0521:< ryanvango> i dont think the bot is alive 0522:< SilentSand> maybe you killed it 0522:< ryanvango> i was totally gonna ask if i could spam this too lol. then you said go 0522:< ryanvango> barnum did you kill out bot 0522:< SilentSand> Well I spammed shit like *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0522:< barnum> A wild Winter Hag appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0522:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0523:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0523:< SilentSand> LOL THE DEATH ISN'T EVEN ANNOUNCED 0523:< ryanvango> now this one is gonna die for the other ones sake. bastard! 0523:< ryanvango> ugh 0523:< barnum> My internet is having problems 0523:< barnum> Round #1, 343 hits! Winter Hag HP: 39[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (12), SilentSand (1.5) 0523:< ryanvango> its ok man. i forgive you 0523:< SilentSand> We all forgive you 0523:< SilentSand> Now give me cool loot 0523:< barnum> Disconnects for like 30 seconds or so every couple hours. 0523:< SilentSand> Is it ISP problems? 0524:< SilentSand> Or just something wrong with the reddit servers somehow 0524:< barnum> Winter Hag is kill! SilentSand picks up [Escape Dust]! LVLs: SilentSand (8/86%), ryanvango (17/69%) 0524:< TheDoctor_RS> Has SirCabbage left? 0524:< SilentSand> Not here at the moment I think 0524:< barnum> A wild Elder Nirento appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0524:< ryanvango> yeah he took off a while ago 0525:< barnum> Yup, and as a Canadian I have the wonderful choice of getting fucked in the ass or shitty service. 0525:< ryanvango> oh that blows. then they also make you live in canada? im sorry man 0525:< barnum> Round #1, 182 hits! Elder Nirento HP: 160[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), TheDoctor_RS (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0525:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0525:< ryanvango> that should be enough to kill this one I think. definitely now. 0525:< SilentSand> Oh man, living in canadia, how awful 0525:**** barnum glares at ryan 0525:**** barnum glares at silent as well apparently 0525:< ryanvango> hahaha 0525:< SilentSand> I'm sorry 0526:< barnum> Elder Nirento is kill! SilentSand picks up [Dagger of Venom]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/73%), SilentSand (8/91%) 0526:< barnum> A wild Lampad appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0526:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0526:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0526:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0526:< barnum> SilentSand I accept your use of the standard Canadian greeting. 0527:< ryanvango> dead 0527:< SilentSand> Deaderino 0527:< barnum> Lampad is kill! SilentSand picks up [Crystal Ball (true seeing)]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/76%), SilentSand (8/94%) 0527:< SilentSand> lolololol 0527:< ryanvango> haha im not allowed to pick up loot, so i dont stop you 0527:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/76%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0527:< SilentSand> Alright ryanvango you take the kill this time 0527:< barnum> A wild Aspidochelone appeared! HP: 1336[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0527:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 0528:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 0528:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 0528:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 0528:< barnum> Oh shit, it's an island turtle 0528:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 0528:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 0528:< barnum> Like a turtle who's back is a small island 0529:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 0529:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 0529:< barnum> Round #2, 615 hits! Aspidochelone HP: 158[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (22.5) 0529:< ryanvango> haha well i just killed the turtle and everyone on its back:) i think i may need to be gimped 0529:< ryanvango> or maybe make the bot ignore me 0529:< SilentSand> Did you now? 0529:< ryanvango> i think so 0530:< SilentSand> You should have suplexed the turtle 0530:< barnum> I can totally make the bot ignore you... 0530:< SilentSand> Would have been much cooler 0530:< ryanvango> suplex 0530:< barnum> Aspidochelone is kill! ryanvango picks up [Grounding Rod]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/85%), SilentSand (9/12%) 0530:< SilentSand> Oh shit 0530:< ryanvango> happy? 0530:< barnum> A wild Shield Archon appeared! HP: 504[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0530:< SilentSand> Yes I am 0530:< ryanvango> yeah barnum, that would actually be good 0530:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0530:< barnum> Let's see if this works 0531:< barnum> Round #1, 40 hits! Shield Archon HP: 464[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SilentSand (1.5), barnum (1.5) 0531:< TheDoctor_RS> Ayyy Barnum not a bot anymore? 0531:< barnum> ;) 0531:< barnum> It think it's you, so it ignores you 0531:< ryanvango> is it ignoring me now 0531:< jonesandbrown> Maybe a pun will kill it 0531:< TheDoctor_RS> lol, right as I gotta go, you made a good game 0531:< SilentSand> Shield archon, you mean shit archon 0531:< SilentSand> Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh 0531:< barnum> Round #2, 33 hits! Shield Archon HP: 431[█████] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (3), barnum (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0532:< SilentSand> Thats the best hoke I got I swear 0532:< ryanvango> i think so! but does that mean its giving barnum XP for the bot messages? 0532:< SilentSand> It would seem like it 0532:< barnum> Yup! So, double good. 0532:< jonesandbrown> too many HP 0532:< barnum> Round #3, 45 hits! Shield Archon HP: 386[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (3), barnum (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0533:< ryanvango> barnum dont say any words this round 0533:< barnum> Ryan, just remind me to turn that off whenever you want. 0533:< ryanvango> damnit! 0533:< barnum> Ok, i'll shut up 0533:< barnum> Starting now 0533:< jonesandbrown> so about that pun thing, i just realized i was trying to make a pun about the video i'm watching in my other screen, which you guys can 0533:< barnum> Round #4, 28 hits! Shield Archon HP: 358[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0533:< jonesandbrown> cant see 0533:< ryanvango> ok i will. im not concerned, i can be an unofficial rpg mod. its not as fun when things just crumble in 2 or 3 hits 0534:< barnum> Round #5, 6 hits! Shield Archon HP: 352[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0534:< ryanvango> barnum its not giving you XP for the bot messages 0534:< barnum> Oh, nice, should've had it like this the whole time then 0535:< ryanvango> so if you wanted, you could actually play 0535:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0535:< barnum> Still kinda hard to type; ratelimit 0535:< ryanvango> yeah thats true. no worries, itll probably fix itself in like 12 hours anyway when we merge. 0535:< ryanvango> ok im outa here. miniwheats callin my name! 0535:< barnum> I wanna test something.... 0535:< ryanvango> ok 0536:< barnum> A wild Crystalline Golem appeared! HP: 198[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0537:< barnum> I am a robot...or I guess if this is fantasy, I'm a Warforged. Sure, we'll go with that. 0537:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....crit fail! Poop! 0537:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Crystalline Golem HP: 180[█████] +XP: barnum (9) 0537:< barnum> I am typing this message to be just long enough in order to get bonus damage. Is that long enough? 0537:< jonesandbrown> is there any kind of rpg that's this fun? 0537:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0538:< barnum> *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 0538:< jonesandbrown> vbite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0538:< ryanvango> lol jones hes testing 0538:< barnum> *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 0538:< barnum> Round #2, 61 hits! Crystalline Golem HP: 119[████▒] +XP: barnum (18), jonesandbrown (6) 0538:< jonesandbrown> oh, so i should stfu? 0538:< barnum> I hit the enemy with my sword. He hits me. I hit the enemy again. The enemy falls down. 0538:< ryanvango> it ignores me so i can type. but let him run. yes 0538:< barnum> Player Script vs. GM Script, whoever wins, I win. 0539:< barnum> I take out my Dagger of Venom and poison the enemy. It probably doesn't like one of poison or stabbing. 0539:< barnum> Round #3, 39 hits! Crystalline Golem HP: 80[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (10.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0539:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I...miss! Dammit! 0539:< barnum> I run up and try to trip the enemy (even if it doesn't have feet, or is flying). The enemy falls. I laugh. 0539:< Grizzly_Storm> missed. 0539:< barnum> I am a robot...or I guess if this is fantasy, I'm a Warforged. Sure, we'll go with that. 0540:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....critical hit! Yay! 0540:< barnum> Round #4, 58 hits! Crystalline Golem HP: 22[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (18), Grizzly_Storm (1.5) 0540:< barnum> Other people can type, I just meant the monster would reset. 0540:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....critical hit! Yay! 0540:< barnum> I stare down the enemy. The enemy is intimidated, very intimidated. 0540:< ryanvango> ohhh ok. so am I to believe you made a player bot so the rpg bot would have someone to play with forever? 0541:< barnum> *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 0541:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I...hit! Woohoo! 0541:< barnum> Yup, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever... 0541:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0541:< ryanvango> oh god. hes lost it guys....hes fuckin lost it... 0541:< barnum> A wild Thalassic Behemoth appeared! HP: 1759[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0542:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0542:< ryanvango> oh no. and by the time it kills that, itll be higher level than me 0542:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....crit fail! Poop! 0542:< barnum> Round #1, 52 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1707[█████] +XP: barnum (16.5) 0542:< chapebrone> $ <3 ^ % %chat acTi.ve CHANn.elS 0542:< barnum> *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 0542:< barnum> I think I need to increase the timer on player msgs, I'm getting ratelimted up the ass. 0543:< barnum> I take out my Dagger of Venom and poison the enemy. It probably doesn't like one of poison or stabbing. 0543:< jonesandbrown> the rate limit is a pain 0543:< barnum> Round #2, 50 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1657[█████] +XP: barnum (13.5), chapebrone (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0543:< ryanvango> what do you mean...like how much time we have to hit the thing? 0543:< barnum> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0543:< barnum> I hit the enemy with my sword. He hits me. I hit the enemy again. The enemy falls down. 0544:< barnum> I try to seduce the enemy. I sidle up to it and say: Hey, come here often? 0544:< barnum> Round #3, 42 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1615[█████] +XP: barnum (13.5) 0544:< barnum> No, for my auto player msgs, it's every 15 seconds right now, but half of them aren't going through due to ratelimit 0544:< barnum> I try to seduce the enemy. I sidle up to it and say: Do we know each other from somewhere? 0544:< ryanvango> oh yeah. it blows. 0544:< barnum> I take out my Dagger of Venom and poison the enemy. It probably doesn't like one of poison or stabbing. 0544:< ryanvango> but you're also pumping out message from the rpg bot 0545:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I...hit! Woohoo! 0545:< barnum> Round #4, 47 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1568[█████] +XP: barnum (15) 0545:< ryanvango> rpg bot updates us every 55 second or so. if i time everything perfectly i can get 5 attacks in that window 0545:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0545:< barnum> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0545:< barnum> I try to seduce the enemy. I sidle up to it and say: Do we know each other from somewhere? 0545:< barnum> Usually, I can type about two msgs in there without ratelimit. 0546:< barnum> Round #5, 61 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1507[█████] +XP: barnum (13.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0546:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....crit fail! Poop! 0546:< barnum> But sometimes ratelimit hits and sometimes not... 0546:< barnum> *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* 0546:< ryanvango> i noticed that if i dont type for a little while, it lets you say stuff faster fo a round or 2 0546:< barnum> I hit the enemy with my sword. He hits me. I hit the enemy again. The enemy falls down. 0546:< barnum> Round #6, 47 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1460[█████] +XP: barnum (15) 0547:< barnum> I blow my horn to call my allies to my side, the enemy is attacked by a horde of barbarians 0547:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0547:< barnum> I also need more preset messages, like a lot more. 0547:< barnum> I am typing this message to be just long enough in order to get bonus damage. Is that long enough? 0547:< barnum> And some of them are based on my other character. 0547:< ryanvango> yeah you do. but if you're letting that thing talk that much, no ones gonna be here to notice repeats lol 0548:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....crit fail! Poop! 0548:< barnum> Round #7, 84 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1376[████▒] +XP: barnum (21) 0548:< chapebrone> <3 ^ $ % %chat acT.iVe chANNE.Ls 0548:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0548:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I....crit fail! Poop! 0549:< barnum> I run up and try to trip the enemy (even if it doesn't have feet, or is flying). The enemy falls. I laugh. 0549:< barnum> Round #8, 56 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1320[████▒] +XP: barnum (13.5), chapebrone (1.5) 0549:< barnum> Finally the john madden bot is good for something 0549:< barnum> I hit the enemy with my sword. He hits me. I hit the enemy again. The enemy falls down. 0549:< ryanvango> hahahaha is that what you used? i think youve already gained a few levels 0549:< barnum> I stare down the enemy. The enemy is intimidated, very intimidated. 0549:< ryanvango> alrightnow for realsies. im outa here 0550:< barnum> Round #9, 42 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1278[████▒] +XP: barnum (10.5) 0550:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0550:< barnum> It's just the madden facts bit of it but yeah. 0550:< barnum> Night ryan 0550:< barnum> I try to seduce the enemy. I sidle up to it and say: Do we know each other from somewhere? 0550:< barnum> Round #10, 48 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1230[████▒] +XP: barnum (12) 0551:< barnum> Oh man, I hope this things dies quickly, I really need more loot for my bag of holding. 0551:< barnum> I hit the enemy with my sword. He hits me. I hit the enemy again. The enemy falls down. 0551:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0551:< barnum> I try to seduce the enemy. I sidle up to it and say: Do we know each other from somewhere? 0551:< barnum> Round #11, 72 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1158[████▒] +XP: barnum (18) 0552:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0552:< barnum> I blow my horn to call my allies to my side, the enemy is attacked by a horde of barbarians 0552:< barnum> My cursed sword wants me to become friends with this enemy. I think I'll listen, it's never lied to me before. 0552:< barnum> Round #12, 54 hits! Thalassic Behemoth HP: 1104[████▒] +XP: barnum (13.5) 0552:< barnum> A wild Human appeared! HP: 36[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0553:< barnum> Dammit 0553:< barnum> Fcuking pruning 0553:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I...hit! Woohoo! 0553:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Human HP: 18[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0553:< barnum> I take out my Dagger of Venom and poison the enemy. It probably doesn't like one of poison or stabbing. 0553:< barnum> I stare down the enemy. The enemy is intimidated, very intimidated. 0554:< barnum> I blow my horn to call my allies to my side, the enemy is attacked by a horde of barbarians 0554:< barnum> I'm now rolling a d20 to see if I hit and...I...hit! Woohoo! 0554:< barnum> Human is kill! barnum picks up [Ioun Stone mossy disk]! LVLs: barnum (4/79%) 0554:< barnum> A wild Vapor Dire Rat appeared! HP: 27[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0554:< barnum> Ok, turned off the player. 0555:< barnum> Round #1, 6 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 21[████▒] +XP: barnum (1.5) 0556:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 21[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0557:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 21[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0558:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 21[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0558:< chapebrone> <3 % %chat $ ^ actI.Ve cHA.nNELS 0559:< barnum> Round #5, 2 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 19[████▒] +XP: chapebrone (1.5) 0559:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0600:< barnum> Round #6, 18 hits! Vapor Dire Rat HP: 1[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0600:< derogative> oh man i can sneak in and get that loot 0600:< derogative> when no one is looking. gonna do it. 0601:< barnum> Unless 0601:< derogative> don't you do it 0601:< barnum> Maybe 0601:< derogative> don't you poop loot 0601:< ryanvango> poop loot 0601:< barnum> Vapor Dire Rat is kill! barnum picks up [Golden Eagle Epaulets]! LVLs: derogative (5/29%), barnum (4/91%) 0601:< derogative> you monsters 0601:< ryanvango> so close 0601:< barnum> A wild Malenti appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0601:< jonesandbrown> hahahahahahaha 0601:< jonesandbrown> poop looted 0602:< derogative> i'm taking my one item and playing dark souls with it now! unless cat doesnt leave hello cat 0602:< ryanvango> barnum did you change something? 0602:< barnum> Malenti is kill! derogative picks up [Volatile Vaporizer 1st-level]! LVLs: derogative (5/35%), barnum (4/93%), jonesandbrown (4/36%) 0602:< ryanvango> is it whoever deals a killing blow now? 0602:< barnum> Nope, that last kill message just got ratelimited for a few seconds. 0602:< barnum> A wild Crawling Offspring appeared! HP: 270[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0602:< barnum> Sometimes it stays in my chat box and I furiously press enter 0603:< barnum> Round #1, 57 hits! Crawling Offspring HP: 213[████▒] +XP: barnum (13.5) 0603:< ryanvango> hahahaha thats frustrating 0603:< ryanvango> alright miniwheats and youtube time. derogative eats farts. later 0603:< jonesandbrown> you need a second usernam 0603:< derogative> wooooooooooow 0603:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0603:< chapebrone> % ^ <3 $ %chat a.Ctive c.hanneLs 0603:< barnum> Yeah, had one in here but left to grow again, worst mistake ever 0604:< jonesandbrown> definately 0604:< jonesandbrown> eww this sounds gross 0604:< barnum> Now that account is with the main dude running the bot in fiscTo, so it will never be helpful 0604:< barnum> Round #3, 36 hits! Crawling Offspring HP: 133[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (3) 0605:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0605:< jonesandbrown> it wwould be nice if there was a way to switch from straight democratic voting to some kind of electoral decision making system so we 0605:< jonesandbrown> grow or stay when AFK 0605:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0606:< barnum> Round #4, 68 hits! Crawling Offspring HP: 65[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (10.5), barnum (4.5) 0606:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0606:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0606:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0606:< chapebrone> % $ <3 ^ %chat AcT.iVE ChAnne.Ls 0606:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0606:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0607:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0607:< barnum> Crawling Offspring is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Unfettered Shirt]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (4/67%) 0607:< barnum> A wild Accuser appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0607:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Accuser HP: 111[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0607:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0608:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0608:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0608:< barnum> Accuser is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Retriever Drone]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (4/96%), SilentSand (9/26%) 0609:< barnum> A wild Dragonne appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0609:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0609:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0609:< barnum> Round #1, 201 hits! Dragonne HP: 141[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (15), barnum (4.5) 0609:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0610:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0610:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0610:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0610:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0610:< barnum> Dragonne is kill! SilentSand picks up [Crossbow of Retribution]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/40%) 0611:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0611:< barnum> A wild Sloth appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0611:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0611:< barnum> Kristen Bell faints. 0611:< SilentSand> Lol 0611:< jonesandbrown> I WANT THE SLOTH 0611:< SilentSand> No 0611:< jonesandbrown> boo 0611:< SilentSand> My sloth 0611:< barnum> mine? 0612:< SilentSand> I will take the sloth 0612:< barnum> Sloth is kill! barnum picks up [Last Leaves of The Autumn Dryad]! LVLs: barnum (5/40%), SilentSand (9/47%), jonesandbrown (5/21%) 0612:< SilentSand> Geez barnum 0612:< barnum> A wild Wyrmling Brass Dragon appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0612:< SilentSand> Got the cool loot name 0612:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0612:< barnum> That transforms the user into a tree 0612:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0612:< barnum> Wyrmling Brass Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Belt of Physical Might +4]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/52%), barnum (5/45%) 0613:< SilentSand> Finally a belt that can augment my punches 0613:< barnum> A wild Oolioddroo appeared! HP: 787[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0613:< barnum> A tree that can cast some spells mind you but a tree 0613:< SilentSand> That's a pretty powerful tree 0613:< SilentSand> Belt of Physical Might +4] 0613:< barnum> Round #1, 86 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 701[█████] +XP: barnum (6), SilentSand (4.5) 0614:< SilentSand> No trees can't even punch 0614:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0614:< barnum> While in tree form, a creature may release these leaves upon the wind, consciously controlling them as a scrying sensor with the abilit 0614:< barnum> Round #2, 122 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 579[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), barnum (6) 0614:< SilentSand> But can they punch 0614:< SilentSand> That's the important thing 0614:< barnum> abilities of arcane eye. The leaves have the statistics of an army ant swarm, 0615:< barnum> I'm a leaf on the wind, swarm of attacking leaves 0615:< barnum> Round #3, 68 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 511[████▒] +XP: barnum (6), SilentSand (3) 0615:< SilentSand> Don't let a pipe go through you 0615:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0615:**** barnum is sad now 0616:< SilentSand> Lol, greatest firefly moment because it stuck the most 0616:< barnum> lol 0616:< barnum> Round #4, 106 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 405[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), barnum (3) 0616:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0616:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0616:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0617:< barnum> This skeletally thin woman has a moth-like face. It flies upon four dragonfly wings and wears a mantle of shadows. 0617:< SilentSand> Are these monsters taken from pathfinder or where 0617:< barnum> Most I'm find on the pathfinder srd 0617:< SilentSand> roll20 campaign when 0617:< chapebrone> %chat ^ % $ Act.Ive cHA.nNELs 0617:< barnum> Round #5, 200 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 205[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (12), barnum (10.5) 0618:< barnum> Some of the items are from different places 0618:< barnum> Some of the monsters are just from folklore 0618:< barnum> Like, I forget the name of te inuit demon 0618:< barnum> Round #6, 24 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 181[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0618:< SilentSand> Are there any plans to put more complex stuff on the bot 0618:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0618:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0619:< SilentSand> Oh shit son 0619:< SilentSand> Is there whiskey in the parties 0619:< barnum> Round #7, 156 hits! Oolioddroo HP: 25[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (9), jonesandbrown (4.5), barnum (4.5) 0619:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 0619:< barnum> It also remembers some of your loot 0619:< SilentSand> Gonna take that kill 0620:< SilentSand> Pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop 0620:< barnum> But it doesn't work well, so I'm gonna just wait for him to join to do all that. 0620:< barnum> *doesn't work well on my comp 0620:< SilentSand> That's gonna be in 12 hours hopefully 0620:< barnum> Oolioddroo is kill! SilentSand picks up [Frozen Heart of Cocytus]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/68%), barnum (5/71%) 0620:< barnum> Shit, in 12 hours I'll be at work so maybe I should turn my bot off before the merge cascade 0621:< barnum> A wild Taotieh appeared! HP: 481[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0621:< SilentSand> Eh that's just an estimate really 0621:< barnum> This white marble statue resembles a large feline, but its body and face are covered in decorative etchings and runes. 0621:< barnum> Round #1, 90 hits! Taotieh HP: 391[█████] +XP: barnum (13.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0621:< barnum> Special Abilities: Swallow Whole 0621:< chapebrone> % ^ %chat $ a.Ctive chANNe.lS 0622:< SilentSand> Ew I'm leaving that sounds nasty 0622:< barnum> Round #2, 26 hits! Taotieh HP: 365[████▒] +XP: barnum (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0622:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 0622:< barnum> Really leaving? If so, see ya later. 0623:< barnum> Round #3, 32 hits! Taotieh HP: 333[████▒] +XP: barnum (6) 0623:< chapebrone> $ % ^ %chat AcT.IVE ChAN.NEls 0624:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Taotieh HP: 333[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0625:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Taotieh HP: 333[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0625:< jonesandbrown> ok boom boom pow im jackin this beast with my style 0626:< jonesandbrown> something something mace to the face you dirty mouse bird thing 0626:< barnum> Round #6, 32 hits! Taotieh HP: 301[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6) 0626:< jonesandbrown> six, i got six hit points on that last one and now I've gone and typed some more 0627:< jonesandbrown> my inner ear is itchy 0627:< jonesandbrown> this coffee is warm 0627:< barnum> Round #7, 40 hits! Taotieh HP: 261[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5) 0627:< jonesandbrown> seven point five!!! i got all the xp baby 0627:< Djinneral> I smack the taotieh in the jaw! 0627:< chapebrone> $ ^ %chat % aCTI.Ve cHAnN.Els 0627:< barnum> You break your hand on the marble. 0627:< jonesandbrown> how far inside a person can you put your tounge 0628:< Djinneral> My hand is now broken 0628:< barnum> Round #8, 60 hits! Taotieh HP: 201[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), Djinneral (3), barnum (1.5) 0628:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/76%),... 0629:< barnum> Round #9, 24 hits! Taotieh HP: 177[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0629:< ptrakk> Preemptive Spicy Meme Punch! 0630:< barnum> The dankest of punches 0630:< barnum> Round #10, 11 hits! Taotieh HP: 166[██▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5), barnum (1.5) 0631:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Taotieh HP: 166[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0632:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Taotieh HP: 166[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0632:< jonesandbrown> punch slap kick 0632:< jonesandbrown> i'm gonna swipe with my maul of terror 0633:< barnum> Round #13, 16 hits! Taotieh HP: 150[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0633:< jonesandbrown> activate mithral of speed or whatever it's called 0633:< jonesandbrown> makes me go fast so i can hit it more fast 0633:< chapebrone> # ^ penis/ %chat $ % ac.tive ChA.NnElS 0634:< barnum> Round #14, 16 hits! Taotieh HP: 134[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0634:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0634:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/76%),... 0634:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0634:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bitev 0634:< Djinneral> I throw a stone at it 0634:< jonesandbrown> i kissed it 0635:< barnum> Taotieh is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Sandals of Quick Reaction]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (5/39%), Djinneral (9/78%), barnum (5/82%) 0635:< barnum> A wild Sailors appeared! HP: 40[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0636:< Djinneral> Oh know its a wild sailors 0636:< barnum> Sailors is kill! Djinneral picks up [Elemental Earth Belt]! LVLs: Djinneral (9/81%), barnum (5/84%) 0636:< barnum> A wild Blood Golem appeared! HP: 288[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0637:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Blood Golem HP: 264[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0637:< jonesandbrown> so now i've got a pair of sandals of quick reaction that I can pair with my mithral full plate of speed for super fast attacks! 0637:< chapebrone> penis/ % $ %chat ^ %parrot # aCTi.ve ch.anNEls 0638:< barnum> Round #2, 25 hits! Blood Golem HP: 239[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0638:< jonesandbrown> I'm moving so fast the golem has no chance of hitting me as i flit past and smash him with my mace 0639:< barnum> Round #3, 25 hits! Blood Golem HP: 214[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0639:< barnum> A tower of blood in humanoid form sloshes within the clotted surface that holds it in a stable form. 0639:< barnum> Round #4, 24 hits! Blood Golem HP: 190[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0640:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/81%),... 0640:< jonesandbrown> do you think this is some kinda period blood monster? 0640:< jonesandbrown> we need a flail of absorbing... aka a weaponized tampon 0641:< barnum> Round #5, 42 hits! Blood Golem HP: 148[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (3) 0641:< Djinneral> I poke the blood golemn with my trident, right in the shoulder and make him understand that being a golemn is not right 0641:< barnum> It's specifically constructed so if it was, I never want to meet that wizard 0642:< barnum> Round #6, 76 hits! Blood Golem HP: 72[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), barnum (4.5) 0642:< jonesandbrown> haha sounds more like a witches creation. from everything ive learned women are gross enough to do this 0642:< barnum> True. 0643:< barnum> Round #7, 33 hits! Blood Golem HP: 39[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), barnum (1.5) 0643:< jonesandbrown> now I wanna make a little doll out of tampons for shits and gigs 0643:< Djinneral> I release my great right, and punch it right in tts bloodclot jaw 0643:< jonesandbrown> does it bleed when we hit it? 0643:< Djinneral> Then I throw a rock at it 0643:< barnum> Blood Golem is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (5/50%), Djinneral (9/84%) 0644:< barnum> A wild Queen Thermite appeared! HP: 301[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0644:< Djinneral> I think it does bleed, like the blood splashes off on hits 0644:< barnum> Round #1, 60 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 241[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), Djinneral (3) 0645:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 241[█████] +XP: no one :( 0646:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0646:< jonesandbrown> now it's dead, somebody's gotta clean up all the clots... 0646:< barnum> I nominate you to do that 0647:< barnum> Round #3, 41 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 200[████▒] +XP: barnum (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0647:< jonesandbrown> "Honey, I need the big box o pons! We killed another blood golem on robin!!" 0647:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 175[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0648:< barnum> This creature looks like a giant reddish-hued termite. Immense heat radiates from its body. 0648:< barnum> Round #5, 24 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 151[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0649:< chapebrone> ^ % <3 %parrot # %chat $ aC.TIve ChAn.NeLS 0649:< jonesandbrown> oooh that's warm ,i'm gonna kill it, skin it, and wear it's skin on my naked body so I can be sexy and warm all the time 0649:< barnum> Round #6, 25 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 126[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0650:< chapebrone> <3 $ %chat %parrot ^ # % A.Ctive ChanNe.LS 0650:< aspiderbot> bluhhhhhhh 0650:< barnum> Round #7, 2 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 124[███▒▒] +XP: aspiderbot (1.5) 0650:< jonesandbrown> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH A SPIDER 0651:< aspiderbot> sorry for frightening you 0651:< jonesandbrown> why do i fell the need to wear pants when i'm home alone 0651:< aspiderbot> because we're used to wearing pants 0651:< barnum> No idea, I'm not wearing pants 0651:< barnum> Round #8, 21 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 103[██▒▒▒] +XP: aspiderbot (3), jonesandbrown (1.5), barnum (1.5) 0651:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0652:< jonesandbrown> Verdant boots 0652:< aspiderbot> tell me a joke 0652:< jonesandbrown> what do you call a three humped camel 0652:< barnum> Round #9, 44 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 59[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (3), aspiderbot (1.5) 0652:< aspiderbot> idk what do you call a three humped camel 0653:< jonesandbrown> pregnant 0653:< aspiderbot> lol 0653:< jonesandbrown> i'm not sure if that's a joke about the physical apperance of dromedaries or a three pump chump joke? 0653:< barnum> Round #10, 38 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), aspiderbot (3) 0654:< jonesandbrown> Verdant boots 0654:< jonesandbrown> MACE OF TERROR 0654:< barnum> Round #11, 18 hits! Queen Thermite HP: 3[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0654:< aspiderbot> im looking at pictures of camels. and it doesnt look like they have even two humps 0655:< aspiderbot> i was lied to as a child 0655:< jonesandbrown> there's two different kinds. i forget the names, but there's a type that has two humps and another that only has one 0655:< barnum> There's different kinds of camels....right... 0655:< barnum> Queen Thermite is kill! barnum picks up [Form-fixing Gauntlets]! LVLs: aspiderbot (1/85%), jonesandbrown (5/63%), barnum (6/15%) 0655:< barnum> A wild Piscodaemon appeared! HP: 616[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0656:< aspiderbot> piscodaemon 0656:< jonesandbrown> haha piss 0656:< aspiderbot> cod 0656:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 573[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), aspiderbot (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0656:< jonesandbrown> oh wait fish deamon 0656:< barnum> This hideous cross between a lobster, an octopus, and a human threatens enemies with powerful claws and writhing tentacles. 0657:< jonesandbrown> and that gives me a boner, i'm a piscodaemonophile 0657:< barnum> Round #2, 48 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 525[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (3) 0657:< aspiderbot> lobsters and octopi arent fish right 0657:< jonesandbrown> orrect 0657:< barnum> Something pods 0657:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0658:< chapebrone> %chat $ % ^ # aCti.VE CHann.elS 0658:< aspiderbot> anthropods 0658:< aspiderbot> so would it be an anthrodaemon 0658:< aspiderbot> so would it be an anthrodaemon? but then we'd lose the piss 0658:< barnum> Round #3, 55 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 470[████▒] +XP: barnum (6), aspiderbot (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0658:< KazMcDemon> arthropods 0658:< jonesandbrown> anthro or arthro 0659:< chapebrone> %chat $ ^ # % A.CTiVe C.hAnnElS 0659:< barnum> http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/198028/Piscodaemon.jpg => http://nazar.so/5dqo1 0659:< aspiderbot> arthro 0659:< jonesandbrown> i thought anthro meant humanoid 0659:< aspiderbot> oh fuck 0700:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 436[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0701:< chapebrone> $ % ^ # %chat A.ctIve chAnNe.ls 0701:< jonesandbrown> boom 0701:< jonesandbrown> smack 0701:< barnum> Round #6, 18 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 418[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0701:< jonesandbrown> the delay is crazy bad rn 0701:< barnum> Yeah, no idea what that's about 0702:< jonesandbrown> when is robin supposedd to end? 0702:< barnum> Friday 0702:< jonesandbrown> aaaaaand what day is it again? 0702:< barnum> Round #7, 47 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 371[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), barnum (3) 0702:< barnum> Early Wednesday 0702:< jonesandbrown> ok. I'm not really good at time 0703:< barnum> I think we'll get to T17, but it'll be brief and glorious with everyone afk 0703:< barnum> Round #8, 49 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 322[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0703:< jonesandbrown> hopefully 0703:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0704:< jonesandbrown> I just wanna be here when it all ends 0704:< DebentureThyme> HailHelix 0704:< jonesandbrown> but i'll probably have to work:( 0704:< barnum> Round #9, 59 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 263[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), barnum (4.5), DebentureThyme (1.5) 0705:< jonesandbrown> yeah unfortunaely i cant' 0705:< barnum> Round #10, 10 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 253[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (1.5) 0705:< jonesandbrown> i can get on at work if im not buys though 0705:< barnum> Or, nothing gets done and I'm in here on my work comp 0706:< chapebrone> $ % # ^ aCt.ive cHAnn.ElS 0706:< barnum> Round #11, 28 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 225[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), barnum (1.5) 0707:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 225[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0708:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 225[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0708:< jonesandbrown> you can't see me 0708:< jonesandbrown> i'm moving too fast 0709:< jonesandbrown> i got fast shoes 0709:< barnum> Round #14, 27 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 198[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0709:< jonesandbrown> fast armour 0709:< jonesandbrown> fast women 0709:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0709:< jonesandbrown> ... fast cock 0710:< barnum> Round #15, 57 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 141[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), barnum (4.5) 0711:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 141[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:11:48 2016 0711:< jonesandbrown> wat happened? 0711:< jonesandbrown> did i hit a button? 0711:< barnum> Maybe 0712:< barnum> Round #17, 37 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 104[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: K1ngN0thing (4.5), jonesandbrown (3), barnum (1.5) 0712:< jonesandbrown> are we still fighting the pervy fish deamone 0712:< barnum> Yup, kill it, kill it with fire! 0713:< jonesandbrown> I'd prefer to use MUH DYK 0713:< barnum> Round #18, 28 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 76[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), barnum (1.5) 0713:< jonesandbrown> bite 0713:< jonesandbrown> bite 0713:< barnum> Well, it's about that time to fight the sleep monster. 0713:< barnum> G'night 0713:< jonesandbrown> bite 0713:< jonesandbrown> good night 0713:< jonesandbrown> thanks for hosting the bot:D 0714:< barnum> Np :) 0714:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Piscodaemon HP: 1[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0715:< jonesandbrown> Kiss tenderly 0715:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0716:< jonesandbrown> Masturbate furiously and my cumshot hits the piscodaemon in the eye 0716:< barnum> Piscodaemon is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Rod of The Python]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (5/88%), barnum (6/32%) 0716:< jonesandbrown> HAHAHAHA did anyone else see that? 0716:< barnum> A wild Volt appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0717:< barnum> Round #1, 39 hits! Volt HP: 33[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0718:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Volt HP: 33[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0718:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Volt HP: 33[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0719:< jonesandbrown> h 0719:< jonesandbrown> g 0719:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Volt HP: 33[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0720:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Volt HP: 33[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0721:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0722:< barnum> Round #6, 30 hits! Volt HP: 3[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0722:< jonesandbrown> this thing is weak 0722:< jonesandbrown> i'll lick it 0722:< barnum> Volt is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Rod of Thunderous Force]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (5/96%) 0723:< jonesandbrown> I'm not even paying attention anymore 0723:< barnum> A wild Cthulhu appeared! HP: 3483[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0723:< barnum> Round #1, 39 hits! Cthulhu HP: 3444[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0724:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0724:< jonesandbrown> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0724:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0724:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0724:< barnum> Round #2, 104 hits! Cthulhu HP: 3340[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (18) 0724:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0725:< barnum> Round #3, 186 hits! Cthulhu HP: 3154[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (27) 0725:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0726:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0726:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0726:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0726:< barnum> Round #4, 124 hits! Cthulhu HP: 3030[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (18) 0726:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0727:< barnum> Round #5, 247 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2783[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (31.5), barnum (4.5) 0728:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0728:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0728:< jonesandbrown> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0728:< jonesandbrown> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0728:< barnum> Round #6, 124 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2659[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (18) 0728:< jonesandbrown> 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890112345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789011234567890123 0729:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0729:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901v 0729:< jonesandbrown> 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789011234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0729:< jonesandbrown> 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 0729:< barnum> Round #7, 155 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2504[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0729:< jonesandbrown> 1 0730:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2504[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0730:< jonesandbrown> 12 0731:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2504[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0731:< jonesandbrown> one --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:32:15 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:32:28 2016 0732:< barnum> Round #10, 10 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2494[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0732:< jonesandbrown> one one 0732:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0733:< barnum> Round #11, 40 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2454[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0733:< jonesandbrown> one one 0734:< barnum> Round #12, 10 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2444[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0735:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2444[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0735:< jonesandbrown> one one 0736:< barnum> Round #14, 10 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2434[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0736:< jonesandbrown> one one one two 0737:< 1338h4x> I remind Cthulhu of what a horrible racist his author was, dealing a critical hit to his ego 0738:< jonesandbrown> ajskdla;sldkfjaksjd djdkdjflskdjfkdls;akdjflskdjfkdlskfjsld; 0738:< barnum> Round #16, 15 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2409[████▒] +XP: 1338h4x (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0738:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0738:< jonesandbrown> sorry i was trying to find how much damage i do with each hit 0739:< barnum> Round #17, 61 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2348[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0740:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2348[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0741:< jonesandbrown> i'll put a hot piece of meat in the asshole of the cthulhu 0741:< barnum> Round #19, 10 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2338[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0742:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2338[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0743:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2338[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0744:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2338[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0744:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0744:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0745:< barnum> Round #23, 61 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2277[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0745:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0746:< barnum> Round #24, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2246[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0747:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2246[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0748:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2246[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0749:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2246[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0749:< barnum> Round #28, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2246[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0750:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0751:< barnum> Round #29, 30 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2216[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0752:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2216[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0753:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2216[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0753:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0753:< barnum> Round #32, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2185[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0754:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0754:< barnum> Round #33, 10 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2175[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0755:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0755:< barnum> Round #34, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2144[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0756:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0757:< barnum> Round #35, 30 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2114[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0757:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 0757:< barnum> Round #36, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2083[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0758:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0758:< barnum> Round #37, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2052[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0759:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0759:< barnum> Round #38, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2021[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0800:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Cthulhu HP: 2021[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0800:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0801:< barnum> Round #40, 31 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1990[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0801:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:02:19 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:02:24 2016 0802:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0802:< barnum> Round #41, 61 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1929[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0802:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0803:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0803:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0803:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0803:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0803:< barnum> Round #42, 155 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1774[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0803:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< barnum> Round #43, 155 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1619[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0804:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< barnum> Round #44, 186 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1433[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (27) 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0805:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0806:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0806:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0806:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0806:< barnum> Round #45, 155 hits! Cthulhu HP: 1278[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0806:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0806:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0807:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0807:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:07:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:07:40 2016 0807:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0807:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0808:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0808:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0808:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0808:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0808:< barnum> Round #47, 216 hits! Cthulhu HP: 938[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (27), barnum (4.5) 0808:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0809:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0809:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0809:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0809:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0809:< barnum> Round #48, 180 hits! Cthulhu HP: 758[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0810:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0810:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0810:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0810:< barnum> Round #49, 108 hits! Cthulhu HP: 650[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5) 0810:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0810:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0811:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0811:< barnum> Round #50, 108 hits! Cthulhu HP: 542[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (13.5) 0811:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0811:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0811:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0812:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0812:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0812:< barnum> Round #51, 180 hits! Cthulhu HP: 362[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5) 0812:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0812:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0813:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0813:< barnum> Round #52, 144 hits! Cthulhu HP: 218[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (18) 0813:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0813:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0813:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0813:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0814:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0814:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0814:< barnum> Round #53, 210 hits! Cthulhu HP: 8[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (22.5), barnum (4.5) 0814:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0814:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0815:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0815:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0815:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0815:< barnum> Cthulhu is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Bag of Holding Type III]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (7/64%) 0815:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0815:< barnum> A wild Bat Swarm appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0815:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0816:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0816:< barnum> Bat Swarm is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Shining Wayfinder]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (7/75%), barnum (6/49%) 0816:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0816:< barnum> A wild Wererat appeared! HP: 90[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0817:< barnum> Round #1, 67 hits! Wererat HP: 23[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 0817:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0817:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0817:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0817:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0817:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0818:< barnum> Wererat is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Blade of Binding]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (7/98%) 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebit 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0818:< barnum> A wild Pazuzu appeared! HP: 3384[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0818:< jonesandbrown> bitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebitebite 0819:< barnum> Round #1, 178 hits! Pazuzu HP: 3206[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (18), barnum (4.5) 0819:< ShareDVI> oh come on where is your role playing? 0819:< ShareDVI> that's stupid farming 0819:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0820:< jonesandbrown> yeah, sorry i'm not paying attention to items i'm collecting, just trying to level up a little. I was lvl 7 on the other bot --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:20:10 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:43:18 2016 0843:< Yeniuss> but yeah you can use robin grow on firefox 0843:< barnum> Round #9, 45 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 857[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6), barnum (4.5), ptrakk (1.5) 0843:< jonesandbrown> firefox it is 0844:< barnum> Round #10, 15 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 842[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0845:< Yeniuss> edge doesnt support extensions yet 0845:< barnum> Round #11, 3 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 839[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0845:< jonesandbrown> i swear to jeebus if firefox tries to restart my comuter, i'm gonna burn it to the ground 0846:< barnum> Round #12, 43 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 796[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 0847:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 796[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0847:< Yeniuss> aw 0848:< jonesandbrown> holly fuck could this take longer to download 0848:< jonesandbrown> or install 0848:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0848:< jonesandbrown> or whatever it's doing 0848:< Yeniuss> I might go grab firefox just for the extensions 0849:< jonesandbrown> yeah, you don't wanna have to sit and grow the old fashioned way 0849:< Yeniuss> back in my day thats how it was done 0849:< barnum> Round #15, 124 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 672[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (3) 0849:< Yeniuss> well mines installed 0850:< jonesandbrown> yeah, but then we found this sweet robin-rpg thing and who wants to try to grow and play at the same time 0850:< barnum> Round #16, 46 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 626[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:50:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:54:14 2016 0854:< ptrakk> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/blob/master/robin-rpg.user.js => http://nazar.so/4o87f 0854:< Yeniuss> neat ty 0854:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/17%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0854:< SirCabbage> psst 0854:< Yeniuss> yo 0855:< barnum> Round #21, 78 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 539[███▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5), barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:55:26 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:56:13 2016 0856:< Yeniuss> so uh how do I install this script 0856:< barnum> Round #22, 3 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 536[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0856:< jonesandbrown> haha i'm trying to figure it out. is it grease monkey or tamper monkey that is for firefox 0856:< SirCabbage> How is it going Yeniuss 0857:< barnum> Round #23, 79 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 457[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0857:< Yeniuss> pretty good, yourself? 0857:< SirCabbage> decent, just got back home. 0857:< SirCabbage> Ryan decided to do some guided RPG GMing today lol 0858:< barnum> Round #24, 75 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 382[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 0858:< ptrakk> 1. have tampermonkey(chrome)/greasemonkey(firefox) installed 0858:< ptrakk> 2. click raw on https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/blob/master/robin-rpg.user.js => http://nazar.so/9lmhd 0858:< ptrakk> 3. ??? 0859:< ptrakk> 4. profit 0859:< barnum> Round #25, 18 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 364[██▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (9) 0859:< Yeniuss> yeah im halfway there, seems like the page doesnt like to load with the script enabled 0859:< SirCabbage> lol ptrakk 0859:< barnum> Round #26, 45 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 319[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0900:< ptrakk> :P 0900:< Yeniuss> ohh theres a readme 0900:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0900:< ptrakk> use this link https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/raw/master/robin-rpg.user.js => http://nazar.so/3d3w 0900:< Yeniuss> yeah needs robingrow not parrot 0901:< Yeniuss> thats where im going wrong 0901:< barnum> Round #27, 48 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 271[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), barnum (4.5), ptrakk (4.5) 0902:< jonesandbrown> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/ => http://nazar.so/1g6y 0902:< barnum> Round #28, 15 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0903:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:03:17 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:03:58 2016 0903:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0904:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0905:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0906:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0907:< barnum> Round #33, 30 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 226[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0907:< Yeniuss> is Barnum around? I need some assistance setting up this bot 0908:< barnum> Round #34, 3 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0908:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0909:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0910:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0911:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0911:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0912:< barnum> Round #39, 30 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 193[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0913:< micubit> I punch all the abyss gigas in the balls and the face!!!!!!! 0913:< micubit> punch punch punch! punch pucnch! scattershot punhc! 0913:< micubit> stealing all the xp and the item punching all the punches! 0913:< barnum> Round #40, 9 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 184[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (4.5) 0914:< micubit> fucking shit 0914:< micubit> lvl 2 my ass 0914:< barnum> Round #41, 6 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 178[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (3) 0915:< micubit> I flail my limbs at the creature while screaming various obcenities 0915:< barnum> Round #42, 9 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 169[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (4.5) 0916:< micubit> I'm going to have to recite the works of shakespeare in order to kill this god forsaken thing 0916:< barnum> Round #43, 9 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 160[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (4.5) 0917:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 160[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0917:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0918:< barnum> Round #45, 30 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 130[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0919:< barnum> Round #46, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 130[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0919:< micubit> chocolate? chocolate? CHOCOLATE!!!! 0920:< micubit> BARNUM YOU CAN'T GET POINTS FOR YOUR OWN MONSTER YOU'RE THE BOT 0920:< barnum> Round #47, 12 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 118[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: micubit (6) 0921:< barnum> Round #48, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 118[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0922:< jonesandbrown> still having trouble with robin-grow on firefox? 0922:< barnum> Round #49, 15 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 103[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 0923:< barnum> Round #50, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 103[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0923:< Yeniuss> na im having trouble trying to get this damn rpg bot to work 0923:< Yeniuss> everytime I enable it the page doesnt load anymore 0924:< jonesandbrown> i had trouble too. i think it might be designed for crome? 0924:< barnum> Round #51, 51 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 52[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 0924:< Yeniuss> hm might try it hang on 0925:< Yeniuss> A wild Cinder Ghoul appeared! HP: 119[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting! (you can !flee and get !help)! Check out the !commands. 0925:< Yeniuss> works fine in chrome huh 0925:< barnum> Round #52, 6 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 46[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3) 0926:< Yeniuss> okay so no more firefox 0926:< barnum> Round #53, 3 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 43[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0926:< Rndom_Gy_159> it works just fine in waterfox 0927:< Yeniuss> the rpg bot doesnt work on my firefox 0927:< barnum> Round #54, 5 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 0928:< barnum> Round #55, 0 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0928:< Rndom_Gy_159> ah. robin grow worked for me and then I switched over to parrot befause of the more features. both work(ed) 0929:< Yeniuss> yeah robin grow had no problems, it was the rpg bot script on firefox that got angry at me 0929:< barnum> Round #56, 14 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 24[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5) 0929:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0930:< barnum> Abyss Gigas is kill! barnum picks up [Poisonous Cloak]! LVLs: barnum (6/75%) 0930:< barnum> A wild Gorgimera appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0931:< barnum> Round #1, 30 hits! Gorgimera HP: 397[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0932:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Gorgimera HP: 397[█████] +XP: no one :( 0932:< Yeniuss> yay my rpg bot is working in my other group 0933:< barnum> Round #3, 3 hits! Gorgimera HP: 394[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0934:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Gorgimera HP: 394[█████] +XP: no one :( 0934:< Yeniuss> it seems to be a bit slow though, hm 0934:< barnum> Round #5, 3 hits! Gorgimera HP: 391[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0935:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:21 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:35:45 2016 0935:< Yeniuss> !help --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:49 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:38:04 2016 0938:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Gorgimera HP: 322[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0939:< jonesandbrown> well shit that was too easy 0939:< jonesandbrown> thanks btw 0939:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Gorgimera HP: 322[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0939:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Gorgimera HP: 292[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 0940:< Yeniuss> wish there was some more documentation on this bot 0941:< Yeniuss> okay it appears to be working but who knows whats happening 0942:< barnum> Round #11, 3 hits! Gorgimera HP: 289[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0942:< barnum> A wild Small Lightning Quasi-elemental appeared! HP: 148[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50... 0943:< Yeniuss> Join RPG for 50 what barnum! 50 what!???? 0943:< barnum> Round #1, 3 hits! Small Lightning Quasi-elemental HP: 145[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0943:< Yeniuss> we'll never know :c 0943:< barnum> Round #2, 3 hits! Small Lightning Quasi-elemental HP: 142[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 0944:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Small Lightning Quasi-elemental HP: 142[█████] +XP: no one :( 0945:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Small Lightning Quasi-elemental HP: 142[█████] +XP: no one :( 0946:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Small Lightning Quasi-elemental HP: 142[█████] +XP: no one :( 0946:< Djinneral> I punch the quasi elemental creature in its quasi elemental butt 0946:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/85%),... 0946:< Djinneral> And then I kick it somewhere around the butt, and hit my whip againt somewhere around its butt 0947:< Djinneral> basically I make it hurt real bad, thats what it gets for bothering me 0947:< barnum> Small Lightning Quasi-elemental is kill! Djinneral picks up [Unwieldy Glaive]! LVLs: Djinneral (9/90%), barnum (6/79%) 0947:< Djinneral> ooh another weapon 0948:< barnum> A wild Elven Wasp appeared! HP: 261[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0948:< Rofl_Waffler> I bore it into leaving by being socially awkward. 0948:< barnum> Round #1, 50 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 211[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:49:18 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:50:04 2016 0950:< Rofl_Waffler> I attempt to talk about sports. 0950:< barnum> Round #3, 2 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 209[█████] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 0951:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 209[█████] +XP: no one :( 0951:< Rofl_Waffler> I try to think of a conversation topic but just stand there in awkward silence. 0952:< Yeniuss> well you see you're trying to talk to an elven wasp 0952:< barnum> Round #5, 8 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 201[████▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 0952:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/90%),... 0953:< barnum> Round #6, 30 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 171[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 0953:< Yeniuss> you did it barnum! 0954:< Yeniuss> !heroes 0954:< barnum> Round #7, 6 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 165[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3) 0954:< Rofl_Waffler> I ramble on about cheesemaking. 0954:< Yeniuss> !help 0955:< Yeniuss> Rofl_waffler is actually an RP bot confirmed 0955:< barnum> Round #8, 8 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 157[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 0955:< Yeniuss> !commands 0955:< Yeniuss> !loot 0955:< Rofl_Waffler> I start to say something, but get interrupted. 0956:< barnum> Round #9, 8 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 0956:< Rofl_Waffler> I stand awkwardly in the corner. 0956:< Yeniuss> poor rofl_waffler 0957:< barnum> Round #10, 7 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 142[███▒▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 0957:< Rofl_Waffler> Apparently it doesn't matter what we say, so I thought I'd have some fun. :D 0957:< Yeniuss> yeah it doesnt, you were starting to look like a bot there 0958:< barnum> Round #11, 10 hits! Elven Wasp HP: 132[███▒▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 0958:< SilentSand> It just takes chatting 0958:< SilentSand> That's the importatnt part for doing damage 0958:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/90%),... 0958:< SilentSand> Just having a conversation can easily cause massive amount of damage to be dealt 0958:< Rofl_Waffler> most of my attention is on the trivia channel though 0959:< SilentSand> Yeah well, I'm just here to pass the time between other things 0959:< barnum> Elven Wasp is kill! SilentSand picks up [Robe of The Pure Legion +2]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/73%), barnum (6/83%), Rofl_Waffler (1/68%) 0959:< SilentSand> I ain't got no time for all that thinking 0959:< barnum> A wild Stegocentipede appeared! HP: 261[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1000:< SilentSand> Man a stegocentipede still freaks me the fuck out as a concept 1000:< barnum> Round #1, 102 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 159[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), barnum (4.5) 1000:< SilentSand> It's just the weirdest damn thing 1000:< Rofl_Waffler> I poke it with a stick. 1000:< SilentSand> Don't you dare, you might wake the beas 1000:< SilentSand> What if it wakes up and kills us, hmmmm? 1001:< SilentSand> That would be...unfortunate for all of us 1001:< barnum> Round #2, 74 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 85[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1001:< Yeniuss> The bees awaken and swarm SilentSand 1001:< Rofl_Waffler> So we should set up some traps before waking it? OK. 1001:< SilentSand> Oh no! not the bees! not the bees! 1001:< SilentSand> I feel like nick cage in the moment, honest and pure 1001:< Yeniuss> The bees fall for the trap Rofl_waffler setup 1002:< barnum> Round #3, 48 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 37[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3), SilentSand (3), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1002:< SilentSand> Can bees even fall? They fly dude, they don't go to the ground 1002:< Rofl_Waffler> I also set up 100 bear traps. 1002:< SilentSand> That's a lot of beer traps 1002:< Yeniuss> there are no bears 1002:< SilentSand> Well, hopefully beer traps 1002:< Rofl_Waffler> It has a lot of legs, so ... 1002:< SilentSand> I'd fall for a beer trap right now 1003:< SilentSand> Just die already damn thingy 1003:< barnum> Stegocentipede is kill! SilentSand picks up [Boots of Levitation]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/88%), Rofl_Waffler (1/94%), Yeniuss (3/34%) 1003:< barnum> A wild Dawn Piper appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1003:< SilentSand> I'm almost right at leveling up! Level 10, here I come 1003:< Yeniuss> Dawn Piper plays saucy music, Rofl_waffler's bear traps are proven inneffective 1003:< barnum> Round #1, 62 hits! Dawn Piper HP: 140[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5), SilentSand (1.5) 1004:< Rofl_Waffler> I set up some beer traps instead 1004:< SilentSand> Saucy music, huh? I begin to flirt with the piper 1004:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/18%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), WythDryden (9/92%), Djinneral (9/90%),... 1004:< SilentSand> I attempt to seduce the beast, with my fists! 1004:< Rofl_Waffler> ACT > FLIRT 1004:< Yeniuss> Dawn Piper ignores SilentSand and heads over to the beer traps 1004:< SilentSand> No mercy here waffler 1004:< nhu72> fuck you niggers 1004:< SirCabbage> Your attack misses and hits SirCabbage 1004:< SilentSand> Woah nhu rude 1004:< SirCabbage> Why hello there Waffler *winks 1005:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage is struck down but manages to recover 1005:< Rofl_Waffler> Can you make spaghetti? 1005:< SilentSand> How's the bashing going bashing man 1005:< barnum> Dawn Piper is kill! SilentSand picks up [Staff of Accompaniment]! LVLs: SilentSand (9/96%), SirCabbage (15/21%), Yeniuss (3/44%), Ro... 1005:< SirCabbage> Sure can! 1005:< SirCabbage> bashing is ALWAYS good. 1005:< SilentSand> We lost a remember, press f to pay respect :( 1005:< barnum> A wild Dweomercat appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1005:< SilentSand> *member 1006:< barnum> Round #1, 138 hits! Dweomercat HP: 244[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), SirCabbage (3), SilentSand (3) 1006:< Yeniuss> nobody likes my rpg bot in the other chat 1006:< SilentSand> What chat? 1006:< Yeniuss> Ananrotwpytry 1006:< SirCabbage> then they have no heart 1006:< Yeniuss> its only got 24 users, it'll get there 1006:< SilentSand> I mean there's a dedicated channel to this one for a reason 1007:< barnum> Round #2, 87 hits! Dweomercat HP: 157[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), SilentSand (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 1007:< Yeniuss> trivia bot seems to be winning peoples hearts 1007:< SilentSand> Oh shit, you hoping to hit the cascade? 1007:< SirCabbage> yeah triva is more liked in smaller groups and less liked in larger groups 1007:< SilentSand> Only a matter of time before it's no longer possible to ever get into this room 1007:< Yeniuss> everyone hates rpg 1007:< SirCabbage> technically everyone should hit the cascade. That is part of the point. there wont be any rooms left 1007:< SilentSand> RPG bot isn't the right type of interactive for most people 1007:< barnum> Dweomercat is kill! SilentSand picks up [Deck of Harrowed Tales]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/12%), SirCabbage (15/24%), Yeniuss (3/53%) 1008:< SilentSand> Eh, there's not enough time for that 1008:< SirCabbage> it is for gamers 1008:< SirCabbage> but robin is entirely random 1008:< barnum> A wild Gibbering Abomination appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1008:< SirCabbage> full of all sorts of people 1008:< Rofl_Waffler> I throw a watermelon at it. 1008:< SilentSand> If you join in 6 hours you probably will never get into this room 1008:< Yeniuss> Gibbering Abomination ignores the watermelon 1008:< barnum> Round #1, 229 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 500[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), barnum (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5), Ye... 1009:< Rofl_Waffler> Then I guess I'll have to use an actual weapon. 1009:< SilentSand> Weapons are for miserable punks 1009:< SirCabbage> I assume most people will be staying when we reach the next rank- unless people want to see what happens if we make it til the very end 1009:< Yeniuss> yeah all I have is a staff 1009:< SilentSand> A righteous and true warrior can subdue the enemy with only his fury and his fists 1009:< barnum> Round #2, 198 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 302[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (4.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1009:< SirCabbage> part of me wonders if reddit will reward us more if we stay on grow- I half expect them to delete all the private subreddits on the 8th 1009:< Rofl_Waffler> OK. I could try to punch it but I'm not sure where I should aim my fists. 1010:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/25%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/14%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1010:< SilentSand> Hit the part that gibbers the most, waffler 1010:< Yeniuss> Gibbering Abomination gibbers 1010:< Rofl_Waffler> But there are so many parts gibbering. That's why it's an abomination. 1010:< SilentSand> Maybe it'll just end and nobody will bother acknowledging it, kinda like what happened with the button 1011:< barnum> Round #3, 264 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (9), SilentSand (7.5), SirCabbage (4.5), barnum (4.5), Yen... 1011:< SilentSand> I mean like there was one community post and an admin post, but that was it 1011:< Rofl_Waffler> I punch it in the center of gravity 1011:< SilentSand> Compared to the sheer amount of user produced content for the thing, it was pretty uneventful at the end 1011:< Rofl_Waffler> I punch it again. 1011:< Yeniuss> Gibbering Abomination is struck down by Rofl_Wafflers punches 1011:< barnum> Gibbering Abomination is kill! Yeniuss picks up [Dragon Staff]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/21%), Rofl_Waffler (2/62%), Yeniuss (3/62%) 1012:< Yeniuss> what 1012:< Yeniuss> I already have one of those! 1012:< barnum> A wild Forgotten One appeared! HP: 45[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1012:< Yeniuss> who wants it 1012:< SilentSand> I do bruh 1012:< Rofl_Waffler> I forget it again. 1012:< SirCabbage> you got another dragon staff :O 1012:< SilentSand> I should probably do a longer post 1012:< Yeniuss> I hand my dragon staff to SilentSand 1012:< SilentSand> I'll have your dragon staff ;) 1012:< barnum> Forgotten One is kill! SilentSand picks up [Unwieldy Glaive]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/27%), Yeniuss (3/70%), Rofl_Waffler (2/70%), SirC... 1013:< SilentSand> ew unwieldy don't want that 1013:< barnum> A wild Adult Bronze Dragon appeared! HP: 828[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1013:< Rofl_Waffler> I punch it in its throat 1013:< barnum> Round #1, 54 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 774[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), SilentSand (1.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1014:< SilentSand> I combine the Dragon staff with my scepter of the ages to form a dragon scepter of the ages 1014:< SilentSand> Not much has changed, but it does have a cool headpiece now 1014:< barnum> Round #2, 83 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 691[█████] +XP: SilentSand (6) 1014:< Yeniuss> Dragon Scepter of the ages is created, this artifact is now noted in the history books 1015:< SilentSand> I actually do an okay amount of damage now 1015:< Rofl_Waffler> I punch it again, but I don't seem to be hurting it. 1015:< barnum> Round #3, 38 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 653[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), SilentSand (1.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1015:< SilentSand> I really don't want to go back to level 1 if the new bot gets here :( 1015:< SilentSand> That would be absolutely horrible 1015:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/27%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/29%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1016:< SilentSand> So, does anybody here play pathfinder or another form of dnd? 1016:< Yeniuss> Rofl_Wafflers punches dislodge a Knights Sword, it clatters to the ground 1016:< barnum> Round #4, 189 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 464[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (10.5), barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5) 1016:< Rofl_Waffler> I pick up the sword by the wrong end and lose 10 HP. 1017:< Rofl_Waffler> I bandage my hands and pick up the sword properly. 1017:< barnum> Round #5, 6 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 458[███▒▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (3) 1017:< SilentSand> I draw a card from my deck of harrowed tales. It flips as the three of spades, a healing card 1018:< SilentSand> Rofl_waffler begins to regain hp at the rate of 1/day 1018:< Rofl_Waffler> I attack the dragon's toes. 1018:< SilentSand> Dude toes are sensitive don't be a jerk 1018:< barnum> Round #6, 107 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 351[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1018:< Rofl_Waffler> Sorry. :( 1018:< Yeniuss> The dragons toes are smelly, Rofl_Waffler is disoriented 1018:< Rofl_Waffler> I bandage the dragon's toes. 1019:< SilentSand> There you go, that's better. Now stab him in the eye if you can 1019:< Rofl_Waffler> I apologize to the dragon and challenge it to honorable combat. 1019:< barnum> Round #7, 82 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 269[██▒▒▒] +XP: Rofl_Waffler (7.5), SilentSand (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1019:< SilentSand> I watch carefully, waiting to intervene if the dragon seems to be winning 1020:< Yeniuss> The dragon agrees only if it gets a free strike 1020:< SilentSand> I'm sorry, but we can't risk losing a member 1020:< Rofl_Waffler> I get distracted by a cat and leave. 1020:< barnum> Round #8, 91 hits! Adult Bronze Dragon HP: 178[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), Yeniuss (1.5), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1020:< SilentSand> In the confusion of a dishonorable finish, I punch the dragon in the mouth will all my might 1020:< Yeniuss> Rofl_Waffler pets the cat 1021:< Yeniuss> The Dragon is confusedf 1021:< SirCabbage> bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash? :O 1021:< SirCabbage> oh sorry, were we having a moment here. 1021:< barnum> Adult Bronze Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Gorget of Living Whispers]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/30%), SilentSand (10/35%), Yenius... 1021:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/30%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1021:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage sneaks in at the last minute and steals the loot, rude! 1021:< SilentSand> Wow rude 1022:< SirCabbage> nah you can hae the loot 1022:< barnum> A wild Barbed Devil appeared! HP: 621[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1022:< SirCabbage> I jsut wanted to tame the dragon 1022:< SilentSand> The hell is a gorget 1022:< SirCabbage> I have no fucking clue *throws the Gorget of Living Whispers on the ground for anyone to have 1022:< Yeniuss> goes around your neck apparently 1022:< barnum> Round #1, 300 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 321[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (9), SirCabbage (7.5), Yeniuss (6), SilentSand (3) 1022:< Rofl_Waffler> I keep playing with the cat. 1023:< Yeniuss> Barbed Devil is damaged by the Gorget left carelessly on the ground 1023:< Yeniuss> The gorget is destroyed in the process 1023:< barnum> Round #2, 22 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6), Rofl_Waffler (1.5) 1023:< SirCabbage> so did someone pick it up? 1024:< Yeniuss> the gorget stood on it and hurt its foot, it got destroyed 1024:< barnum> Round #3, 41 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 258[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1025:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 258[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1025:< Yeniuss> barbed devil strikes itself in confusion 1025:< Yeniuss> the cat runs away 1026:< Yeniuss> it was startled by the noise 1026:< barnum> Round #5, 15 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 243[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1027:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 243[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1027:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/31%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1028:< jonesandbrown> hey yeniuss 1028:< Yeniuss> yo 1028:< barnum> Round #7, 45 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 198[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 1028:< jonesandbrown> you got a link to that rpg script? 1029:< Yeniuss> yeah here you go https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 1029:< Yeniuss> only works with robin grow, not parrot 1029:< jonesandbrown> thanks mate 1029:< barnum> Round #8, 40 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 158[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), Yeniuss (3) 1030:< Yeniuss> Barbed Devil trips over the bodies of our lifeless heroes, he takes some damage 1030:< barnum> Round #9, 14 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 144[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1031:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 144[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1032:< Yeniuss> did everyone die 1032:< barnum> Round #11, 5 hits! Barbed Devil HP: 139[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 1032:< Yeniuss> I did it! 1032:< SirCabbage> You WANTED to kill people? 1032:< SirCabbage> that is kinda fucked up yenis 1032:< SirCabbage> I have to question you on that one. I really really do. 1033:< Yeniuss> I was wondering where everyone went 1033:< SirCabbage> I mean rly. 1033:< barnum> Barbed Devil is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Staff of Spiders]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/33%), Yeniuss (3/92%) 1033:< SirCabbage> I am watching transistors end on video again 1033:< Yeniuss> neat staff though 1033:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/33%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1033:< SirCabbage> It is always sad 1033:< SirCabbage> I um, feel as if I dont want to put it in my bag 1033:< Yeniuss> the spiders greet SirCabbage 1033:< barnum> A wild Flaming Skull appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1033:< dick_sanitizer> all welcome PrbewgRi1_ the newest tier 10! 1033:< SirCabbage> Um, hi. Are you friendly? 1033:< Rofl_Waffler> I pour water on it 1034:< SirCabbage> do spideers even speak? 1034:< barnum> Flaming Skull is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Clockwork Bug]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/41%), barnum (7/18%), Yeniuss (4/23%), dick_sanitiz... 1034:< Yeniuss> TheSpiders take offense but are washed away and you dont catch what they say 1034:< barnum> A wild Rust Monster appeared! HP: 121[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1034:< SirCabbage> erm Yeniuss he meant the flaming skull- not my spiders 1034:< SirCabbage> my spiders are still fine. 1034:< Yeniuss> oh fair enough 1035:< SirCabbage> in fact, I am putting them on as an accesory pet 1035:< barnum> Rust Monster is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Getaway Boots]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/44%), Yeniuss (4/29%), barnum (7/20%) 1035:< SirCabbage> so now they are my friends 1035:< barnum> A wild Courage Heart appeared! HP: 877[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1036:< barnum> Round #1, 71 hits! Courage Heart HP: 806[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 1036:< Yeniuss> The heart beats on the floor and doesn't do much, our heroes take turns striking it 1036:< SirCabbage> Can I eat it? 1037:< barnum> Round #2, 54 hits! Courage Heart HP: 752[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 1037:< Yeniuss> are you going to cook that first? 1037:< SirCabbage> I suppose I COULD 1037:< SirCabbage> but where is the courage in that? 1037:< Yeniuss> The heart whimpers...somehow 1038:< barnum> Round #3, 84 hits! Courage Heart HP: 668[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3), SirCabbage (3) 1038:< SirCabbage> ... o-o 1038:< barnum> Round #4, 36 hits! Courage Heart HP: 632[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 1039:< SirCabbage> how does that..dont even 1039:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/45%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1039:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage stokes the fire, the heart flops around helplessly 1040:< barnum> Round #5, 89 hits! Courage Heart HP: 543[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 1040:< SirCabbage> I feel bad now. 1040:< jonesandbrown> so i'm running both a trivia bot and rpg bot in my other robin stream and people are freaking out. half hate it, and half are playing a 1040:< jonesandbrown> along 1040:< MrReebdoog> So how does this rpg one work? 1041:< Yeniuss> everyone hates mr rpg bot, the catfacts bot is going well 1041:< SirCabbage> just teach them how to use channels. 1041:< barnum> Round #6, 138 hits! Courage Heart HP: 405[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), SirCabbage (3), MrReebdoog (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1041:< Yeniuss> im trying to teach them about parrot 1041:< SirCabbage> they will need to use them when they get up this high 1041:< jonesandbrown> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/2da6s 1041:< Yeniuss> ^ how to play rpg bot 1041:< jonesandbrown> read the rules then play along 1042:< jonesandbrown> and welcome explorer 1042:< barnum> Round #7, 121 hits! Courage Heart HP: 284[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5), Yeniuss (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 1042:< MrReebdoog> Will do, thanks 1042:< barnum> Round #8, 2 hits! Courage Heart HP: 282[██▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (1.5) 1043:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Courage Heart HP: 282[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1044:< Yeniuss> The heart is roasting on the fire, its flopping has been stopped 1044:< barnum> Round #10, 18 hits! Courage Heart HP: 264[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1045:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/45%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1046:< barnum> Round #11, 35 hits! Courage Heart HP: 229[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1046:< Yeniuss> a robin flies past 1046:< Yeniuss> a burnt heart sits on a pile of ash 1046:< barnum> Round #12, 12 hits! Courage Heart HP: 217[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3) 1047:< MrReebdoog> Ohhh, a robin 1047:< barnum> Round #13, 2 hits! Courage Heart HP: 215[██▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (1.5) 1048:**** MrReebdoog watches it fly around 1048:< barnum> Round #14, 2 hits! Courage Heart HP: 213[██▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (1.5) 1048:< Yeniuss> Mrreebdoog accidentally kicks the burnt heart, dealing some damage 1049:< SirCabbage> *eats the heart 1049:**** MrReebdoog notices the heart and pokes it with his stick 1049:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage snatches the heart from MRreebdoog 1049:< MrReebdoog> Taste good? Me hungry 1049:< barnum> Round #15, 64 hits! Courage Heart HP: 149[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6), MrReebdoog (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 1049:< Yeniuss> The heart takes damage from being digested 1050:< SirCabbage> Yes it is good actually. 1050:< SirCabbage> best heart I have eaten all day 1050:< MrReebdoog> Now you have normal heart and courage heart! 1050:< barnum> Round #16, 80 hits! Courage Heart HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), Yeniuss (1.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1050:< Yeniuss> the heart giggles at its 69 hp 1050:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/46%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1050:< MrReebdoog> SirCabbage: the Hear of Courage! 1051:< MrReebdoog> hehe, look, heart 69 with your stomache! 1051:< barnum> Round #17, 45 hits! Courage Heart HP: 24[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 1052:**** MrReebdoog puts ear against SirCabbage's belly 1052:< Yeniuss> the heart beats a dying beat? 1052:< MrReebdoog> Ha you have like a baby in there now with two hearts 1052:< barnum> Round #18, 10 hits! Courage Heart HP: 14[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 1052:< Yeniuss> The heart is digested by SirCabbage, +10Hp 1052:< SirCabbage> It was really good 1053:< SirCabbage> like you have no idea 1053:**** MrReebdoog glares 1053:< MrReebdoog> You share next time 1053:< SirCabbage> you should eat the next one 1053:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage poops the loot 1053:< SirCabbage> I would but I mean did you see how tasty it was 1053:< SirCabbage> I had to eat all of it 1053:< MrReebdoog> Oh look, poop loot 1053:< SirCabbage> so good. 1053:**** MrReebdoog pokes it with his stick 1053:< barnum> Courage Heart is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Starbow]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/54%), MrReebdoog (2/34%), Yeniuss (4/48%) 1053:< SirCabbage> oh, I pooped a starbow! 1053:< MrReebdoog> Ouch.... 1054:< barnum> A wild Angustiden appeared! HP: 472[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1054:< MrReebdoog> Must be small Starbow 1054:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage loses 10 HP 1054:< SirCabbage> My anus was well prepaired 1054:**** MrReebdoog doesnt judge 1054:< barnum> Round #1, 125 hits! Angustiden HP: 347[████▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (6), barnum (4.5), SirCabbage (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 1054:< MrReebdoog> Oh look! It's a wild something.... me not know what that is, we kill it? 1054:< SirCabbage> we kill everything and anything 1055:< SirCabbage> and look damn good doing it 1055:**** MrReebdoog strikes a pose and runs at it 1055:< Yeniuss> Angustiden is unknown to me, it does whatever its meant to do until I finish googling 1055:< MrReebdoog> Now you die strange thing! 1055:< MrReebdoog> (lol) 1055:< Yeniuss> Angustiden takes form of prehistoric shark 1055:**** SirCabbage just gnaws on its face 1056:< Yeniuss> it has big teeth 1056:< MrReebdoog> Oh look, it's a fish 1056:< MrReebdoog> its ok, fish die not in big blue water, we just watch it 1056:< Yeniuss> the shark feels out of place on land, it makes you uncomfortable 1056:< barnum> Round #3, 72 hits! Angustiden HP: 167[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (7.5), MrReebdoog (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 1056:< SirCabbage> *offers the shark my well 1056:< MrReebdoog> Maybe we grab its tail and pull into the well so it can swim? 1056:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/55%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), WythDryden (9/92%... 1056:< SirCabbage> *not to take, just to jump into as a source of water 1057:< SirCabbage> you may get inside shark, there be infinite water in there 1057:< Yeniuss> the shark is pulled into the well, it takes some damage from the drop 1057:< MrReebdoog> bye bye shark, enjoy swim 1057:< SirCabbage> I like to put animals in my well 1057:**** MrReebdoog lights some wood from the fire 1057:< barnum> Angustiden is kill! MrReebdoog picks up [Bowl of Conjuring Water Elementals]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (2/64%), SirCabbage (15/57%), Yeniuss... 1057:< SirCabbage> ...and then not tell anyone when I offer them a drink from it 1057:< MrReebdoog> Here sharky, i throw down fire so you can see in the dark 1057:< SirCabbage> oh, I have one of those 1057:< MrReebdoog> ops... that killed it! Sorry shark 1058:< barnum> A wild Adult Dungeon Dragon appeared! HP: 468[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1058:< barnum> Round #1, 185 hits! Adult Dungeon Dragon HP: 283[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (3) 1058:< Djinneral> Did it hurt itself in confusion? 1058:< MrReebdoog> Oh, Dragon means gold hidden! 1059:< Djinneral> Dungeons mean gold too 1059:< Yeniuss> Barnum hurts himself in confusion 1059:**** MrReebdoog takes another flaming log and charges 1059:< barnum> Round #2, 48 hits! Adult Dungeon Dragon HP: 235[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (3), MrReebdoog (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 1059:< MrReebdoog> Tell me where your dungeon gold is dragon or you will join shark! 1100:< Djinneral> I strike the Adult dragon with my fierce trident and force it right through its sternum, the dragon suffers damage and cries in pain 1100:< Yeniuss> The dragon is unfased by fire, dragons breath fire 1100:< MrReebdoog> Ha i trick you dragon! 1100:< Djinneral> Afterwards I slap the dragon with my strong rope, and smack it over its dragon booty 1100:< MrReebdoog> I have a bowl! 1100:< barnum> Round #3, 127 hits! Adult Dungeon Dragon HP: 108[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (9), MrReebdoog (7.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1100:**** MrReebdoog is confused how bowl works 1100:< MrReebdoog> Take this dragon 1100:< Djinneral> Then I use my bottle of spirits and release the spooky ghosts, I release the Netherworld Creature I caught last night! 1101:**** MrReebdoog throws the whole bowl of conjuring water elementals at the dragon 1101:< SirCabbage> the bowl is used to summon elementals, from a water source like.. a well :o 1101:< Djinneral> the Netherworld Creature scratches the dragon and returns back to the spirit bottle 1101:< SirCabbage> but who knows where you can get water from. 1101:< barnum> Adult Dungeon Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Holy Avenger]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/61%), Djinneral (9/96%), MrReebdoog (2/78%) 1101:**** MrReebdoog notices the bowl doesn't do much 1101:< Djinneral> holy avenger what? 1101:< SirCabbage> *whistles innocently 1101:**** MrReebdoog picks up bowl again 1101:< barnum> A wild Homotherium appeared! HP: 229[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1101:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage attempts to sneak off 1101:< keithgabryelski> look 1102:< Djinneral> the homotherium is basically a big cat 1102:< MrReebdoog> Here kitty! I pat you! Nice kitty 1102:< SirCabbage> attempts? I succeeded. my well is safe :o 1102:< keithgabryelski> look around 1102:< barnum> Round #1, 162 hits! Homotherium HP: 67[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (4.5), Djinneral (3), SirCabbage (3), keithgabryelski (3... 1102:< MrReebdoog> I think i pat too hard and hurt kitty 1102:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/62%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), Djinneral (9/97%)... 1102:< Yeniuss> Keithgabryelski looks around, he spots SirCabbage and other heroes fighting a wild Homotherium 1102:< Djinneral> I capture the homotherium with my rope! 1102:< Djinneral> and then I kick it down the cliff 1102:< SirCabbage> *eats the cat 1103:< Djinneral> the homotherium ded now 1103:**** MrReebdoog hadn't noticed the cliff before 1103:< SirCabbage> *eats nom nom 1103:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage cannot eat anymore 1103:< Djinneral> there's a massive cliff lads 1103:< keithgabryelski> help group fight the Homotherium 1103:< SirCabbage> what? am I full? 1103:< Djinneral> this creature is quite resilient 1103:< barnum> Homotherium is kill! Djinneral picks up [Belt of Dwarvenkind]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/17%), SirCabbage (15/66%), Yeniuss (4/68%), MrRee... 1103:**** MrReebdoog passes SirCabbage food 1103:< MrReebdoog> Eat Mr Cabbage, so you poop more loot for me 1103:< Yeniuss> The wild Homotherium is roasted on the fire 1103:< barnum> A wild Seraptis appeared! HP: 976[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1103:< SirCabbage> *eats it 1104:< SirCabbage> *poops up Poop of +5 Fertilization 1104:< keithgabryelski> make a shawl out of the homotherium's pelt 1104:< MrReebdoog> This loot bad, smelly. you keep 1104:< barnum> Round #1, 124 hits! Seraptis HP: 852[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (4.5), SirCabbage (3), Yeniuss (1.5), keithgabryelski (1.5) 1104:< Djinneral> the seraptis is a female demon 1104:**** MrReebdoog looks closers to see if pretty 1104:< SirCabbage> ;-; 1104:< Yeniuss> The dragon only cares for gold 1105:< Djinneral> I believe they've got average looks 1105:< Yeniuss> MrReebdoog checks his pockets, some moths fly out 1105:< keithgabryelski> look at self 1105:< Djinneral> for demons 1105:< barnum> Round #2, 113 hits! Seraptis HP: 739[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), Yeniuss (3), MrReebdoog (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5), keithgabryelski (... 1105:< MrReebdoog> Hello lady demon, you bring friends for me to meet? 1106:< Yeniuss> Keithgabyelski looks at his tattered clothing, he has a dull sword on his belt 1106:< barnum> Round #3, 21 hits! Seraptis HP: 718[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1106:< MrReebdoog> Ohh me remember, dragons have gold, where gold go? 1106:**** MrReebdoog heads off to search for it 1106:< MrReebdoog> (bbl) 1107:< barnum> Round #4, 9 hits! Seraptis HP: 709[████▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (4.5) 1107:< keithgabryelski> SirCabbage what is our plan? 1107:< SirCabbage> Plan is- I feel like sleeping. 1107:< SirCabbage> I just had a meal- that delicious heart 1108:< SirCabbage> and now I feel like calling it, because it was so nice and filling. 1108:< barnum> Round #5, 182 hits! Seraptis HP: 527[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), keithgabryelski (1.5) 1108:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/68%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), Djinneral (10/17%... 1109:< Yeniuss> damn looks like everyones stepped out for a minute 1109:< barnum> Round #6, 41 hits! Seraptis HP: 486[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1109:< Djinneral> im at work 1109:< Yeniuss> haha fair enough, my work doesnt allow time for reddit unfortunately/fortunately? 1110:< barnum> Round #7, 38 hits! Seraptis HP: 448[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1111:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Seraptis HP: 448[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1112:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Seraptis HP: 448[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1113:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Seraptis HP: 448[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1113:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Seraptis HP: 448[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1114:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/68%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), Djinneral (10/18%... 1115:< barnum> Round #12, 35 hits! Seraptis HP: 413[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1115:< Djinneral> i spend like half my day on reddit from work 1115:< Djinneral> it does require you to do your work fast though 1116:< barnum> Round #13, 40 hits! Seraptis HP: 373[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (3) 1117:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Seraptis HP: 373[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1117:< Djinneral> I strike the vicious seraptis with my trident of the storm captain and hit it right in the thigh impaling it to the ground 1117:< Djinneral> Then I grab my strong whip and slash it across the leg, and tie it down to the trident and kick it in the ass 1117:< Djinneral> then I open up my bottle of spirits and release my spooky ghost and hit it really hard with the bottle 1117:< barnum> Round #15, 177 hits! Seraptis HP: 196[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (13.5) 1118:< Djinneral> the spooky ghosts scare the Seraptis to death and make it cower in fear 1118:< Djinneral> now I take out my piece of bendy leather and throw it in right in her demon face 1118:< Djinneral> I unleash my 8 limbed golden warrior combo and use my arms, elbow, knee and hands 1118:< barnum> Round #16, 177 hits! Seraptis HP: 19[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (13.5) 1119:< Djinneral> The seraptis gets completely beat up, I am prepared to finish it off, and once again release my bottle of spirits attempting to capture 1119:< Djinneral> the demon into my vessel meant for demons and ghost 1119:< Djinneral> thats now 7 demons captured 1119:< Djinneral> and 4 ghost 1119:< barnum> Seraptis is kill! Djinneral picks up [Snapleaf]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/32%) 1120:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/68%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/35%), Djinneral (10/32%... 1120:< barnum> A wild Atomie appeared! HP: 40[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1120:< Djinneral> I unleash my 8 limbed golden warrior combo and use my arms, elbow, knee and hands 1120:< Djinneral> then I open up my bottle of spirits and release my spooky ghost and hit it really hard with the bottle 1121:< barnum> Atomie is kill! Djinneral picks up [Manacles of Cooperation]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/37%), barnum (7/38%) 1121:< Yeniuss> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/5nb40 neat 1121:< barnum> A wild Lich appeared! HP: 499[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1121:< Djinneral> we're almost there guys 1121:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Lich HP: 438[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1122:< Yeniuss> im in one of the tier 7s, looks like it'll be merging with that 8 soon 1122:< barnum> Round #2, 18 hits! Lich HP: 420[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1123:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Lich HP: 420[█████] +XP: no one :( 1124:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Lich HP: 420[█████] +XP: no one :( 1125:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Lich HP: 420[█████] +XP: no one :( 1126:< Yeniuss> The Lich looks around longingly for someone to attack it 1126:< barnum> Round #6, 41 hits! Lich HP: 379[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1126:< Djinneral> That's a pretty dank lich we've got 1127:< Djinneral> Hey Lich man what are you doing here, why are you attacking us? peace and love yo 1127:< barnum> Round #7, 80 hits! Lich HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (6) 1128:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Lich HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1129:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Lich HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1130:< Djinneral> The Lich starts to attack me fiercely but I dodge to the side, Hey man what you do that for! 1130:< Djinneral> I quickly run to the lich and give him a big warm hug hoping to bring him inner kindness and love 1130:< barnum> Round #10, 120 hits! Lich HP: 179[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (9) 1130:< Djinneral> The Lich slowly turns into dust as it's being brought to goodness by the power of love 1131:< Djinneral> He tells me "Hey I just wanted to have a good time man, it was all in jest, I never ment it yknow" 1131:< Yeniuss> im going through channels right now, ill be back in a bit 1131:< Djinneral> Don't worry mr Lich I understand, everyone deserves a second chance 1131:< Djinneral> We can make it together mr Lich, everyone can make it, zyzzzz bruahhh 1131:< barnum> Lich is kill! Djinneral picks up [Corset of Dire Witchcraft]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/47%), Yeniuss (4/77%) 1131:< Yeniuss> Djinneral dons the corset proudly! 1131:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/68%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/47%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1131:< Djinneral> noooooo I don't want this corset 1132:< SirCabbage> too late 1132:< barnum> A wild Giant Hellgrammite appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1132:< SirCabbage> Yeniuss has spoken 1132:< Djinneral> dangit 1132:< Djinneral> A hellgrammite is a larvae 1132:< SirCabbage> its okay Dj, you look pretty- oh so pretty. you look pretty AND witty- and GAY 1132:< barnum> Giant Hellgrammite is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Bracelet of Bargaining]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/70%), barnum (7/42%), Djinneral (10/4... 1132:< Djinneral> bet you would've liked to use that bracelet yesterday huh 1133:< SirCabbage> that'll be handy during the guided RP 1133:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage puts on his pretty bracelet, he strikes a pose next to Djinneral 1133:< barnum> A wild Thunder Behemoth appeared! HP: 1516[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1133:< SirCabbage> yeah. exactlydoesn't it look hot 1133:< SirCabbage> I think it suits me. 1133:< Djinneral> man I look fabulous in this corset 1133:< SirCabbage> See you just had to grow into it Dj 1133:< barnum> Round #1, 237 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 1279[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (6), barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5), Djinneral (3) 1133:< Methrend> how does this rpg work? 1134:< Yeniuss> The Thunder Behemoth is too embarrassed to return the attacks 1134:< SirCabbage> slaps my Lubricated Bony One-Eyed Sadist's Lash 1134:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0d => http://nazar.so/7bkjj rules and stuff here 1134:< Methrend> sweet,c heers 1134:< barnum> Round #2, 166 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 1113[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Yeniuss (4.5), Methrend (3) 1134:< Djinneral> isn't the thunder behemoth like zinogre like creature 1135:< barnum> Round #3, 20 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 1093[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1135:< SirCabbage> I wish I had something else pretty to give you Dj 1135:< Djinneral> I impale the thunder behemoth with my storm trident attempting to absorb it's life essence 1135:< Djinneral> I need a good looking hat, something glamorous 1135:< Yeniuss> woo my rpg chat has people in it now 1136:< Djinneral> something to go well with my chiseled abs and bursting deltoids 1136:< barnum> Round #4, 182 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 911[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), SirCabbage (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1136:< SirCabbage> *blows my Horn of Goodness 1136:< SirCabbage> Well, not to blow my own horn, 1137:< Yeniuss> !heroes 1137:< barnum> Round #5, 78 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 833[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), Yeniuss (1.5) 1137:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/72%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/51%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1138:< barnum> Round #6, 35 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 798[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1138:< Yeniuss> barnum did it! 1139:< barnum> Round #7, 6 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 792[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 1139:< Yeniuss> watching my other chat go mental over the unfiltered chat after the merge 1140:< barnum> Round #8, 18 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 774[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1141:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 774[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1142:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 774[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1142:< SirCabbage> yeah if they dont want to use Parrot they are crazy 1142:< SirCabbage> what do they expect will happen when they get here? 1143:< barnum> Round #11, 72 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 702[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 1143:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/72%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/51%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1144:< Yeniuss> not sure, im trying to get the few non believers to install parrot before its too late 1144:< barnum> Round #12, 53 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 649[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5) 1144:< SirCabbage> seriously, dont they get it? :P 1144:< SirCabbage> the game changes at around 500+ 1145:< SirCabbage> spammers become unbearable 1145:< SirCabbage> people quit- the only way is to grow and use scripts 1145:< barnum> Round #13, 144 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 505[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6) 1146:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 505[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1147:< Djinneral> This damn thunder behemot is quite tanky, Hurry up and die already you annoying massive creature 1147:< barnum> Round #15, 60 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 445[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5) 1147:< Djinneral> I shank it right through the flank, pierce it through it's tank like exterior! 1147:< SirCabbage> this damn dj is quite tanky- 1147:< Yeniuss> The Thunder Behemoth laughs at Djinnerals attacks 1147:< Djinneral> I smack it with my rope, and start doing my fabulous glamour dance 1148:< barnum> Round #16, 162 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 283[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (9), SirCabbage (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1148:< Djinneral> I pop my muscles in synchrony and release a sonic boom, and tackle it in my corset 1148:< Djinneral> Okama punch! 1148:< Djinneral> Un Deux Trois! 1148:< barnum> Round #17, 100 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 183[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (7.5) 1149:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/73%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/55%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1149:< Djinneral> I rope the behemoth with my rope and tie it down to the nearest exposed rock and start to stab it with my trident 1150:< barnum> Round #18, 95 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 88[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Djinneral (4.5) 1150:< Yeniuss> rpg bot isnt getting as much love over in the other chat 1150:< Yeniuss> people are feeding it lorum ipsum 1150:< Djinneral> I release my sunshine punches at the golden behemoth and strike it right in the tusk, then I whip it with my rope device 1151:< barnum> Round #19, 72 hits! Thunder Behemoth HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), Yeniuss (3) 1151:< Djinneral> They could at least make up attacks 1151:< Djinneral> I slice the behemoth with my knife hand and completely absorb it into my thunder trident 1151:< Djinneral> make me POWERFUL 1151:< Jatexi> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad 1151:< Djinneral> dang it lorem! 1152:< barnum> Thunder Behemoth is kill! Djinneral picks up [Pipes of Shifting Tempo]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/65%), Jatexi (1/64%), Yeniuss (4/93%) 1152:< Jatexi> lets see how much that does compared to actual words in english^ 1152:< Jatexi> #r alright, still inferior 1152:< barnum> A wild Obsidian Minotaur appeared! HP: 432[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1152:< barnum> Round #1, 42 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 390[█████] +XP: Jatexi (6), barnum (4.5) 1153:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 390[█████] +XP: no one :( 1154:< Yeniuss> haha I maddened the trivia channel by trying to get them to come visit 1154:< barnum> Round #3, 18 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 372[█████] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1155:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/73%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1155:< Yeniuss> the trivia channel hurts itself in confusion trying to figure out how RP works 1156:< barnum> Round #4, 53 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 319[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5) 1156:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 319[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1157:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 319[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1158:< Djinneral> trivia channel is packed with bots 1158:**** Yeniuss just testing how well /me works 1158:< barnum> Round #7, 26 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 293[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1158:**** Yeniuss rpg bot doesnt seem to pick it up 1158:**** Yeniuss test 1159:**** Yeniuss test test test 1159:**** Yeniuss test message please ignore 1159:< barnum> Round #8, 24 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 269[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6) 1159:< Yeniuss> guess it does 1200:< Yeniuss> these guys in the other chat are up to round 12 trying to kill a gargoyle that has 100hp 1200:< barnum> Round #9, 32 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 237[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6) 1200:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/73%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1201:< Yeniuss> guess they're only lvl 1 1201:< barnum> Round #10, 43 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 194[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1202:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 194[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1203:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 194[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1204:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 194[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1205:< Yeniuss> !loot 1205:< barnum> Round #14, 8 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 186[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 1206:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 186[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1206:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/73%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1207:< barnum> Round #16, 35 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 151[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1208:< Yeniuss> !loot 1208:< Yeniuss> !loot 1208:< barnum> Round #17, 16 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 135[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (3) 1208:< Yeniuss> stop being useless barnum show us ur loot 1209:< barnum> Round #18, 8 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 127[██▒▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 1210:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 127[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1211:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Obsidian Minotaur HP: 127[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1211:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1212:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1212:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1212:< barnum> Obsidian Minotaur is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Drums of Lethargy]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/77%) 1212:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/77%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1212:< Yeniuss> SirCabbages bashing has maimed the Minotaur! 1212:< SirCabbage> Oh deer 1212:< barnum> A wild Basidirond appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1213:< SirCabbage> Its not like I was trying to KILL it or something 1213:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1213:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1213:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1213:< barnum> Basidirond is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Soul Jar]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/83%), barnum (7/54%), Yeniuss (5/21%) 1213:< SirCabbage> I has soul jar now too!? 1213:< barnum> A wild Entropic Ooze appeared! HP: 616[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1214:< SirCabbage> Awesome, now I can sleep happy 1214:< barnum> Round #1, 107 hits! Entropic Ooze HP: 509[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 1214:< SirCabbage> wait 1215:< SirCabbage> what? did barnum kill his own enemy? 1215:< SirCabbage> is this monster killing itself? 1215:< barnum> Round #2, 108 hits! Entropic Ooze HP: 401[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5) 1215:< Yeniuss> Barnum is an angry god and spites the enmy! 1215:< SirCabbage> apparently so. 1216:< barnum> Round #3, 44 hits! Entropic Ooze HP: 357[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 1217:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Entropic Ooze HP: 357[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1218:< Yeniuss> Barnum has returned to his lair 1218:< barnum> Round #5, 8 hits! Entropic Ooze HP: 349[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5) 1218:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/84%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1218:< SirCabbage> sleep tiem 1218:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1219:< SirCabbage> I gues ill take one more for the road *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1219:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *screams loudly while bashing 1219:< barnum> Entropic Ooze is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Thorned Manacles]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/87%), barnum (7/56%) 1219:< barnum> A wild Wererat appeared! HP: 90[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1220:< SirCabbage> Thorned ManaclesThorned ManaclesThorned ManaclesThorned ManaclesThorned ManaclesThorned ManaclesThorned Manacles 1220:< SirCabbage> Okay, that wasnt what I expected to do 1220:< Yeniuss> think barnum needs to update his bot 1220:< barnum> Wererat is kill! Yeniuss picks up [Dwarfbond Hammer]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/91%), Yeniuss (5/26%), barnum (7/57%) 1220:< SirCabbage> why is that? 1220:< SirCabbage> it does need more loot. 1220:< Yeniuss> the !loot command doesnt work 1220:< barnum> A wild Caryatid Column appeared! HP: 162[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1220:< SirCabbage> I didnt see you type it 1220:< Yeniuss> and the hp bars look funny compared to the one im running 1220:< Yeniuss> !loot 1220:< SirCabbage> !loot 1221:< Yangumasuta> !loot 1221:< barnum> Caryatid Column is kill! Yangumasuta picks up [Crook of Cildhureen]! LVLs: SirCabbage (15/93%), Yeniuss (5/31%), Yangumasuta (1/61%)... 1221:< barnum> A wild Magmoid appeared! HP: 337[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1221:< Yeniuss> A new player emerges! 1222:< Yangumasuta> hi 1222:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Magmoid HP: 294[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1222:< Yeniuss> im glad it doesnt take us 10 rounds to kill a monster with 100hp 1222:< SirCabbage> anyway, night 1222:< Yeniuss> cya 1223:< barnum> Round #2, 68 hits! Magmoid HP: 226[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6), SirCabbage (1.5) 1223:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Magmoid HP: 226[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1224:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/35%... 1225:< barnum> Round #4, 35 hits! Magmoid HP: 191[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1225:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1225:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1226:< barnum> Round #5, 124 hits! Magmoid HP: 67[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (9) 1226:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1226:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1226:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1226:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1227:< barnum> Magmoid is kill! SilentSand picks up [Archon's Torch]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/46%) 1227:< Yeniuss> effective 1227:< barnum> A wild Dimensional Shambler appeared! HP: 423[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1227:< barnum> Round #1, 43 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 380[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1228:< SilentSand> What can I say? I'm a punching man 1228:< barnum> Round #2, 21 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 359[█████] +XP: SilentSand (1.5) 1229:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 359[█████] +XP: no one :( 1230:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/65%), SilentSand (10/46%... 1231:< Yeniuss> !party 1231:< barnum> Round #4, 43 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 316[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1231:< Djinneral> what's the difference between the heroes and parties command 1232:< TheDoctor_RS> Evening 1232:< Yeniuss> all I know is none of them work 1232:< SilentSand> Party doesn't work until the new bot comes in 1232:< barnum> Round #6, 32 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 264[████▒] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 1233:< Yeniuss> theres a line in the script you can edit to make the bot ignore itself as well, thats why barnum keeps doing damage sometimes 1233:< barnum> Round #7, 24 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 240[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (4.5) 1233:< SilentSand> Yeah, he turned it off a while ago but apparently he wants some xp 1233:< Djinneral> goof afternoon doc 1234:< barnum> Round #8, 83 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 157[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1235:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 157[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1235:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/66%), SilentSand (10/47%... 1236:< Yeniuss> I want to be a hero :( 1236:< barnum> Round #10, 43 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 114[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 1237:**** MrReebdoog returns from his search for gold 1237:< barnum> Round #11, 3 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 111[██▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (1.5) 1238:< Djinneral> dimensional gambler? 1238:< MrReebdoog> Ahh, a shambler! Die and go back to your other dimension! 1238:< Djinneral> I strike the dimensional gambler with a search warrant, I bet he's a thief too 1238:< barnum> Round #12, 83 hits! Dimensional Shambler HP: 28[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (6), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1238:< Yeniuss> Dimensional Gambler goes directly to jail and does not pass go 1238:**** MrReebdoog hits it over the head with his stick 1238:< SilentSand> Oh man it's going to die soon 1239:< MrReebdoog> Quick, pick its pockets 1239:< SilentSand> I sure hope nobody poop loots it 1239:< Djinneral> I crack my whip against the dimensional gambler, goddamn gambler get back! 1239:< Djinneral> back to your own dimension! 1239:< SilentSand> Dimensional shambler 1239:< Yeniuss> SirCabbage is snoring, SilentSand watches him carefully though 1239:< barnum> Dimensional Shambler is kill! Yeniuss picks up [Riftcarver]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/53%), Djinneral (10/72%), MrReebdoog (3/36%), Yeni... 1239:< SilentSand> Geez people learn to say monster names correctly 1239:< barnum> A wild Cat Lord appeared! HP: 895[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1240:< Djinneral> this one was obviously a gambler 1240:< MrReebdoog> Watch the Cabbage, he poops loot sometimes 1240:< SilentSand> Dude I don't want to hit a cat 1240:< SilentSand> Somebody else hit the cat please, I have a soft spot for them 1240:< barnum> Round #1, 165 hits! Cat Lord HP: 730[█████] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), barnum (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1240:< Djinneral> !flee 1240:< Yeniuss> the cat lord sends his minions at Dj 1240:< MrReebdoog> Hello Lord cat 1240:**** MrReebdoog looks for catnip in the area 1241:< Yeniuss> they cat minions are distracted by a rope 1241:< SilentSand> It's pretty close to dead right now 1241:< barnum> Round #2, 67 hits! Cat Lord HP: 663[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: Yeniuss (3), MrReebdoog (3), Djinneral (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 1241:< SilentSand> I guess that's the power of double level 10's 1241:< MrReebdoog> That looks pretty alive to me! 1241:< Yeniuss> its pretty far from dead 1241:< Yeniuss> !flee 1241:< SilentSand> Cat lord cat lord whatcha gonna do 1241:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/72%), SilentSand (10/55%... 1241:< SilentSand> Whatcha gonna do when they come for you 1242:< SilentSand> Cat lord cat lord whatcha gonna do 1242:< Yeniuss> woah didnt realise it was 10:45, might need to go to sleep 1242:< SilentSand> Whatcha gonna do when I punch the shit out of you 1242:< barnum> Round #3, 174 hits! Cat Lord HP: 489[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), Yeniuss (4.5), barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (3) 1242:< SilentSand> Lol can't flee anymore YOU'RE IN WITH ME NOW SUCKERS 1243:< ptrakk> HIT IT WITH THE HAMMER 1243:< SilentSand> I'VE TRAPPED YOU ALL 1243:< SilentSand> We will fight, and we will win! Eventually! 1243:< barnum> Round #4, 66 hits! Cat Lord HP: 423[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), ptrakk (1.5) 1243:< MrReebdoog> I have a big stick with a leaf on it, maybe it will play with that instead 1243:< SilentSand> To be fair it's down to about half of it's health, which was probably the trigger 1244:< SilentSand> Its health? I can't remember how that works 1244:< SilentSand> It's and its always weirded me out a lot 1244:**** MrReebdoog tries to make the cat chase the leaves 1244:< barnum> Round #5, 124 hits! Cat Lord HP: 299[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), MrReebdoog (6) 1245:< MrReebdoog> Slowly, slowly it will go to sleep 1245:< barnum> Round #6, 5 hits! Cat Lord HP: 294[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: MrReebdoog (1.5) 1245:< MrReebdoog> This could take a while with just a leafy stick 1245:< SilentSand> Rockaby baby, in the treetops 1246:< SilentSand> When the wind blows, the cradle wiill rock 1246:< MrReebdoog> Not if I cut tree down first! 1246:< barnum> Round #7, 52 hits! Cat Lord HP: 242[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: MrReebdoog (3), SilentSand (3) 1246:< SilentSand> Dude that's just rude. Why would you cut down an innocent sexy tree? :( 1246:< MrReebdoog> It looked at me funny 1246:< SilentSand> You can't just cut down everything that sees you! 1247:< SilentSand> What if it's just you who looks funny to them? 1247:< MrReebdoog> If they think I funny, then I cut them down! 1247:< barnum> Round #8, 115 hits! Cat Lord HP: 127[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), MrReebdoog (3) 1247:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/72%), SilentSand (10/60%... 1248:< MrReebdoog> Keep trying robin... you'll get there and find your match soon enough 1248:< barnum> Round #9, 49 hits! Cat Lord HP: 78[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (4.5) 1249:< SilentSand> We'll get there soon I'm sure 1249:< SilentSand> In 6 to 10 fucking hour like what the fucking hell 1249:< barnum> Round #10, 42 hits! Cat Lord HP: 36[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: SilentSand (3) 1249:< MrReebdoog> Yeh I'll leave this on with auto grow I think 1249:< SilentSand> Oh man it's nearly dead off with its head 1249:< SilentSand> Use parrot if you don't have it 1249:**** MrReebdoog hits the cat on the head 1250:< SilentSand> It's wonderful honestly 1250:< MrReebdoog> Yeh, I have parrot on 1250:< MrReebdoog> Changed over this arvo 1250:< SilentSand> Mega thanks to the people who did that really 1250:< barnum> Cat Lord is kill! SilentSand picks up [Volatile Vaporizer 1st-level]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (3/67%), SilentSand (10/67%) 1250:< barnum> A wild Very Young Blue Dragon appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1251:< barnum> Round #1, 35 hits! Very Young Blue Dragon HP: 271[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1251:< SilentSand> you go barnum you kill that beast 1251:< MrReebdoog> I think it hurt itself just walking over here 1252:< Yeniuss> very young? was it just born 1253:< MrReebdoog> Literally just fell out of the sky after being born 1253:< barnum> Round #3, 13 hits! Very Young Blue Dragon HP: 232[████▒] +XP: Yeniuss (1.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1253:< MrReebdoog> Still covered in goo 1253:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), Djinneral (10/72%), SilentSand (10/68%... 1254:**** MrReebdoog tries to taste the goo 1254:< barnum> Round #4, 45 hits! Very Young Blue Dragon HP: 187[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (3) 1254:< Yeniuss> wow they finally killed the 350hp dragon, with their 20hp hits 1254:< Yeniuss> and now they have a 770hp monster 1255:< barnum> Round #5, 32 hits! Very Young Blue Dragon HP: 155[███▒▒] +XP: Yeniuss (6) 1255:< MrReebdoog> I have no idea what you're talking about 1255:< Yeniuss> I have an rpg bot running on an alt in a lower tier chat 1255:< MrReebdoog> Ah lol 1255:< MrReebdoog> Good luck to them 1255:< SilentSand> I guess the killing is taking long for them? 1256:< SilentSand> Maybe they should get a bot that automatically does damage and gets stronger 1256:< Yeniuss> a lot longer 1256:< SilentSand> Like we have barnum now 1256:< MrReebdoog> Need to be more verbose in their discriptions 1256:< barnum> Round #6, 141 hits! Very Young Blue Dragon HP: 14[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), MrReebdoog (6), Yeniuss (3) 1256:< SilentSand> The hero and the story 1256:< SilentSand> Oh look it's dead so red not fed 1256:< Yeniuss> rip 1256:< MrReebdoog> All hail Hero Barnum for doing damage to itself 1256:< SilentSand> Yeah just goota fill up that chat box 1256:< Yeniuss> based barnum 1256:< SilentSand> Greatest bot in the world 1257:< MrReebdoog> No 1257:< barnum> Very Young Blue Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Belt of Dwarvenkind]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/77%), Yeniuss (5/57%), MrReebdoog (3... 1257:< Yeniuss> alright im actually going to bail this time, night guys 1257:< MrReebdoog> this is not the greatest bot in the world, its just a tribute 1257:< SilentSand> Actually half true 1257:< barnum> A wild Small Magma Elemental appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1257:< MrReebdoog> Cya yeniuss, was fun 1257:**** MrReebdoog steps on the small magme elemental 1257:< SilentSand> I combine my belt of dwarven king with my belt of physical might 1258:< MrReebdoog> Take that you little piece of lava fire 1258:< barnum> Small Magma Elemental is kill! MrReebdoog picks up [Extraction Scarificator]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (4/22%), SilentSand (10/82%), barnum ... 1258:< SilentSand> To get a belt of physical dwarven might +4 1258:< barnum> A wild Raktavarna appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1258:< SilentSand> Because dwarves are inherently stronger I've read 1258:< MrReebdoog> Does that mean I can extract scars? What a strange new tool 1258:< barnum> Round #1, 83 hits! Raktavarna HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), SilentSand (3), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1258:< SilentSand> Yeah, good if you have a nasty gash from 20 years ago 1259:< SilentSand> Oh 16 hp go away rak go away go away and just die already 1259:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (10/83%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1259:< MrReebdoog> Time to become a new age plastic surgeon 1259:< MrReebdoog> 16hp? We could sneeze and it would die 1259:< SilentSand> You can solve so many people's problems 1259:< SilentSand> I think we did sneez and it died 1300:< SilentSand> Who knows the bot sometimes is slow with the kills 1300:< barnum> Raktavarna is kill! SilentSand picks up [Staff of Courage]! LVLs: SilentSand (10/93%), MrReebdoog (4/32%), barnum (7/75%) 1300:< barnum> A wild Baric appeared! HP: 63[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1300:< MrReebdoog> That's good, you need more courage apparently 1300:< SilentSand> Not as good as the triforce of courage methinks 1300:< MrReebdoog> Wild Baric? Sounds like the tavern owner from the last town I was in 1301:< barnum> Baric is kill! MrReebdoog picks up [Mantle of The Protector]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (4/39%), barnum (7/76%), SilentSand (10/93%) 1301:< SilentSand> I'm gonna combine my Staff of Courage with my Dragon Scepter of Ages to get a Courageous Dragon Scepter of Ages 1301:< barnum> A wild Marilith appeared! HP: 1188[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1301:< MrReebdoog> You go level 7 Barnum! 1301:< SilentSand> !flee 1301:< MrReebdoog> Oh, this could be a bit harder 1301:< MrReebdoog> !flee 1301:< SilentSand> Fleeing the fuck away from it 1302:< SilentSand> !flee 1302:< barnum> Round #1, 179 hits! Marilith HP: 1009[█████] [3/6 to flee!] +XP: SilentSand (9), barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (4.5) 1302:< SilentSand> !flee 1302:< SilentSand> !flee 1302:< MrReebdoog> I think the silent sand wants to flee 1302:< barnum> You fleed Marilith and it's glorious loot of [Trapped Puzzle Box]! 1303:< SilentSand> Yeah anything more than 1000 is just too much 1303:< SilentSand> Plus it was some shit ass loot anyways 1303:< barnum> Hellwidow is kill! SilentSand picks up [Pathfinder Pouch]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/8%), barnum (7/81%) 1304:< SilentSand> lol what 1304:< barnum> A wild Small Monstrous Sea Wasp appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1304:< SilentSand> Oh shit such a ferocious beast 1304:< SilentSand> I think we oughta flee from it 1304:< barnum> Small Monstrous Sea Wasp is kill! SilentSand picks up [Musical Staff]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/14%), barnum (7/85%) 1304:< SilentSand> It's legitimately terrifying 1305:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/14%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1305:< MrReebdoog> I like that you killed the Hellwidow without even seeing it, well done 1305:< barnum> A wild Piranha Swarm appeared! HP: 126[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1305:< MrReebdoog> Good luck Piranhas, no water around here for you anywhere, you will die with us just watching 1305:< SilentSand> I combine my way finder, my home stone, and my Pathfinder Pouch to get myself a pathfinding stone pouch 1306:< barnum> Piranha Swarm is kill! SilentSand picks up [Talisman of Pure Good]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (4/49%), SilentSand (11/17%), barnum (7/87%) 1306:< barnum> A wild Revenant appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1306:< SilentSand> Am.... I too powerful now? 1306:< MrReebdoog> ALways good to have a pouch that can find stone paths? 1306:< barnum> Round #1, 65 hits! Revenant HP: 277[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), SilentSand (1.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1307:< SilentSand> It's a pouch that contains pathfinding stones 1307:< SilentSand> Some lead home, some lead other ways 1307:< barnum> Round #2, 78 hits! Revenant HP: 199[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1308:< MrReebdoog> Poor Robin, sounds like some lonely guy on tinder, waiting for more time for another swipe right for a match 1308:< SilentSand> Was this experiment ever meant to grow like this? 1308:< MrReebdoog> Well look at the button last year 1308:< SilentSand> I mean without bots, there's no way we could have made tier 16 1308:< barnum> Round #3, 120 hits! Revenant HP: 79[██▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (6), SilentSand (6) 1308:< MrReebdoog> It would have been spammy, and a lot of people not actually chatting 1309:< SilentSand> Yeah but the button mainly grew because people kept finding it 1309:< MrReebdoog> Always amazed how quickly people develop tools for these things 1309:< SilentSand> Idk, I mean if we didn't have autogrow bots, I think there wouldn't have been spam 1309:< barnum> Revenant is kill! SilentSand picks up [Brain Cylinder]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/24%), MrReebdoog (4/60%) 1309:< MrReebdoog> If we didn't have autogrow bots, I dont think we would hav made it 1309:< SilentSand> The robingrow bots were the original spam lords to be fair 1310:< SilentSand> Yeah that's what I meant about not making it to tier 16 1310:< barnum> A wild Stone Idol appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1310:< MrReebdoog> Can, can we just take the stone idol? 1310:< SilentSand> I'm gonna chuck this cylinder. I've got enough brains for myself 1310:< MrReebdoog> I'll pick it up and keep the idol for later, could be useful 1310:< SilentSand> I mean maybe. Depends on what kind of idol it is 1310:< barnum> Stone Idol is kill! SilentSand picks up [Ioun Stone opalescent white pyramid]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/30%), MrReebdoog (4/71%), barnum... 1310:< SilentSand> that's uh 1310:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/30%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1311:< SilentSand> A really long fucking name 1311:< MrReebdoog> Uh, it was the type that is made of Ioun stone opalescent white pyramids apparently 1311:< barnum> A wild Clawbat appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1311:< MrReebdoog> So you know, maybe not the most common type of stone 1311:< MrReebdoog> And uh, always good to have a pyramid around I suppose 1311:< SilentSand> A very very specific kind of stone 1311:< barnum> Clawbat is kill! SilentSand picks up [Staff of Accompaniment]! LVLs: MrReebdoog (4/86%), SilentSand (11/36%), barnum (7/94%) 1311:< MrReebdoog> Clearly a quest item 1312:< barnum> A wild Sirine Flower appeared! HP: 144[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1312:< SilentSand> Yeah well I tossed it into the item pool so I probably failed the quest 1312:< barnum> Round #1, 132 hits! Sirine Flower HP: 12[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: MrReebdoog (6), barnum (4.5), SilentSand (4.5) 1312:< SilentSand> I've tossed a lot of things into the item pool 1313:< SilentSand> I bet barnum got the last hit on that one 1313:< MrReebdoog> haha probably 1313:< SilentSand> Wouldn't be surprised, he's so strong 1313:< MrReebdoog> This your main or another alt? 1313:< SilentSand> He's almost level 8 now 1313:< SilentSand> This is my main 1313:< barnum> Sirine Flower is kill! SilentSand picks up [Belt of Fallen Heroes]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/46%), MrReebdoog (4/97%) 1313:< MrReebdoog> Go go Barnum bot! 1314:< barnum> A wild Aboleth appeared! HP: 378[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1314:< MrReebdoog> Cmon barnum, you can do it, ding at level 8 1314:< barnum> Round #1, 47 hits! Aboleth HP: 331[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), MrReebdoog (3) 1315:< SilentSand> Alright I'm gonna go. See ya MrReebdoog 1315:< MrReebdoog> Yeh I'm about to head too, cya in T 17 hopefully! 1315:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Aboleth HP: 301[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (1.5), MrReebdoog (1.5) 1316:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 301[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1316:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/46%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1317:< barnum> Round #4, 35 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1318:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1319:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1320:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1321:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1322:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 266[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1323:< barnum> Round #10, 35 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1324:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1325:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1326:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1327:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1328:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Aboleth HP: 231[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1328:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1328:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/46%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1328:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1329:< barnum> Round #16, 179 hits! Aboleth HP: 52[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (9), barnum (4.5) 1329:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1330:< barnum> Aboleth is kill! SilentSand picks up [Security Belt]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/50%) 1330:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1330:< barnum> A wild Necromantic Golem appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1331:< barnum> Round #1, 111 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 294[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), SilentSand (4.5) 1331:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1331:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1331:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1331:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1332:< barnum> Round #2, 288 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 6[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (18) 1332:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1332:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1333:< barnum> Necromantic Golem is kill! SilentSand picks up [Horn of Antagonism]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/59%) 1333:< barnum> A wild Ghast appeared! HP: 76[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1333:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1333:< barnum> Ghast is kill! SilentSand picks up [Candle of Clean Air]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/61%), barnum (8/13%) 1334:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1334:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/61%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1334:< barnum> A wild Ratfolk appeared! HP: 36[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1334:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1335:< barnum> Ratfolk is kill! SilentSand picks up [Ring of Ectoplasmic Invigoration]! LVLs: barnum (8/19%), SilentSand (11/66%) 1335:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1335:< barnum> A wild Ancient Magma Dragon appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1335:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1336:< barnum> Round #1, 187 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 1208[█████] +XP: SilentSand (9), barnum (4.5) 1336:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1336:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1337:< barnum> Round #2, 148 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 1060[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (9) 1337:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1337:< barnum> Round #3, 74 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 986[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 1338:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1338:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1338:< barnum> Round #4, 148 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 838[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (9) 1338:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1339:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1339:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1339:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1339:< barnum> Round #5, 296 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 542[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (18) 1340:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1340:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/74%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1340:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1340:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1340:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< barnum> Round #6, 409 hits! Ancient Magma Dragon HP: 133[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (22.5), barnum (4.5) 1341:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1341:< barnum> Ancient Magma Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Iron Spike of Safe Passage]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/86%) 1342:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1342:< barnum> A wild Petrified Maiden appeared! HP: 301[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1343:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 188[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1344:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 188[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1345:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 188[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1345:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1346:< barnum> Round #5, 39 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1347:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1348:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1349:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1350:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1351:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 149[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1351:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1352:< barnum> Round #11, 39 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 110[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1353:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 110[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1354:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 110[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1355:< barnum> Round #14, 2 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 108[██▒▒▒] +XP: necron (1.5) 1355:< RvDarklord> hey guys? 1356:< barnum> Round #15, 6 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 102[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1357:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 102[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1357:< RvDarklord> lol tetris hp bar thats funny ;moa Kappa FrabnkerZ Arrow bow hellobot this isnt just to farm xp its for the best shit ever 1357:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1358:< barnum> Round #17, 59 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 43[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), barnum (4.5) 1358:< RvDarklord> Rip the spam blocker is stopping meQQ 1359:< barnum> Round #18, 6 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 37[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1359:< RvDarklord> oh wow the bot saved me yes! whoohooo thanks barnum for making it so you are allowed to participate 1400:< RvDarklord> oooh nice thats a good bot too 1400:< barnum> Round #19, 26 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 11[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6) 1401:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Petrified Maiden HP: 11[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1401:< RvDarklord> so why am i fighting this statue again? like for real.... its petrified so it probably cant attack me or anyone.... 1401:< Wulfay> attack! am the only one here? it seems like it's about to die, darklord probly ko'd him tho :( 1401:< RvDarklord> lol 1401:< RvDarklord> there is someone else! 1402:< Wulfay> lol, for a little while 1402:< barnum> Petrified Maiden is kill! Wulfay picks up [Armor of the Tireless Warrior]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/27%), Wulfay (4/62%) 1402:< Wulfay> ooo I got it :D 1402:< RvDarklord> nice kill 1402:< barnum> A wild Devilfish appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1402:< Wulfay> oh look at that cheap little monster. doesn't have any health at all, it will die quickly 1402:< Wulfay> and here is another hit for ya, gonna try and type fast and not be spammy but you never knw 1403:< Wulfay> and another hit! whoa this guy is gonna die quick, but i dont know how much base dmg i do 1403:< RvDarklord> wow you can type so fast! 1403:< Wulfay> not bad, half it's health is down! time to try and ge more hits before it dies 1403:< RvDarklord> btw over 60 chars gives more xp 1403:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1403:< Wulfay> but its hard to get too many hits in before it goes down, the gaps are only so long 1403:< Wulfay> yeah i know about hte 60 character thing, i always try to get my messages to 60 remaining 1403:< RvDarklord> and the bot is in on this game too so its gonna be a fun one 1403:< Wulfay> or less, but yeah its funny what we will do in a chat like this to entertain oursleves 1404:< Wulfay> and here we go, its goin down for sure, and im just repeaitng myself at this point 1404:< RvDarklord> ez loot 1404:< Wulfay> ez. 1404:< barnum> Devilfish is kill! Wulfay picks up [Headband of Arcane Energy]! LVLs: Wulfay (4/97%), RvDarklord (5/36%), barnum (8/27%) 1404:< Wulfay> !loot 1404:< barnum> A wild Thriae Queen appeared! HP: 1404[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1404:< Wulfay> ooo, i'm about to level up soon too :) i wonder how much more dmg I'll do when i level 1404:< RvDarklord> welll thats a lot of hp 1404:< Wulfay> okay this one is a huge one, damn, yo ushould start spam chatting too or its gonna take forever 1405:< Wulfay> i might make some copy and paste thigns here soon that arent too spammy, dunno if i will 1405:< Wulfay> but right now i cant be bothered to do all that, just gonna keep typing and try to 1405:< barnum> Round #1, 133 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 1271[█████] +XP: Wulfay (19.5), barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1405:< Wulfay> kill it before it is too alive, and i need to check my loot bag here soon. only 133 hits? boo 1405:< RvDarklord> Ok ill just hit it with my starbow dealing massive amounts of damage 1405:< Wulfay> !loot 1405:< Wulfay> I think we can make it damage itself too if we ask barnum to do commands and such 1406:< Wulfay> !party 1406:< barnum> Round #2, 92 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 1179[█████] +XP: Wulfay (12), RvDarklord (4.5) 1406:< Wulfay> they get swallowed up though if it is still under the timer of when you can send messages again 1406:< RvDarklord> oh thats why it has so much hp! its a boss! lets kill the boss! we can do it 1406:< Wulfay> gott apick up the pace or I am gonna be here forever. type type type tyept ept ye tyep te 1406:< RvDarklord> !heroes 1406:< Wulfay> die die die difdjaskifd;l;as okay I'll stop the spam, thats like cheating or somethin 1406:< Wulfay> you are pretty damn high up on that level list lol, you must have been here a while 1407:< RvDarklord> yea i was here yesterday evening 1407:< Wulfay> attack attack take the littl ething down, i wonder how fast global chat is scrolling right now 1407:< barnum> Round #3, 165 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 1014[████▒] +XP: Wulfay (22.5), RvDarklord (7.5) 1407:< Wulfay> it always goes pretty fast, but its nice to be i nthe slow lane sometimes, the robin 1407:< Wulfay> parrot thing is such a great little app. lots of settings and things to do but 1407:< RvDarklord> was loads of fun. we were with like ten others 1407:< Wulfay> i hope we merge today or somtime soon. seems like its gonna be a close thing with 1407:< RvDarklord> yea the parrot is very nic 1408:< RvDarklord> e 1408:< Wulfay> so few people joining chatroom now, its getting pretty close to the 8th when this all 1408:< barnum> Round #4, 116 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 898[████▒] +XP: Wulfay (18), RvDarklord (3) 1408:< Wulfay> closes down and goes bye bye. okay the queen is almsot at about 75% health, this is 1408:< Wulfay> quite the boss really. just gonna kee ptyping and hurting my fingers and not caring abou ttypos 1408:< RvDarklord> btw are you currently voting grow or stay? im on grow cuase there might still be a chance 1408:< Wulfay> typos are just extra characters to help hurt the boss more. yeah yeah lots of chara 1408:< RvDarklord> yea bit caring about typos speeds up your typing by a lot 1408:< barnum> Round #5, 107 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 791[███▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (13.5), RvDarklord (6) 1408:< Wulfay> im trying to grow because i'd rather be the biggest room and not get a subreddit than be the second 1409:< RvDarklord> but i cant ignore all of them 1409:< Wulfay> biggest room and have a useless listtle subreddit. yeah its hard to ignore typeos lol 1409:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1409:< Wulfay> goes against evertyhign you normally pay attention to. and they just look so ugly 1409:< RvDarklord> Im horrible at typing fast too so thats not helping 1410:< Wulfay> Man, this thing has way too much health lol. they dont even drop that much better of loot at the end, im gonna make some ctrl c attacks 1410:< barnum> Round #6, 155 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 636[███▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (18), barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1410:< Wulfay> attacks at the speed of light, eviscerating the opponent and taking it down a few pegs 1410:< RvDarklord> we gonna do a v formation? that should take this queen dow real quick 1410:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1411:< barnum> Round #7, 74 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 562[███▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (9), RvDarklord (4.5) 1411:< Wulfay> jumps over its hit and does a somersault which was quite pointless really, but did some damage anywas 1411:< RvDarklord> hits the queens crown with his bow 1411:< Wulfay> goes closer to get a bitter hit at its stomach, and shoots his sword through the chest of the beast 1411:< RvDarklord> btw thats my thing 1411:< Wulfay> attacks at the speed of light, eviscerating the opponent and taking it down a few pegs 1411:< RvDarklord> hitting stuff with my bow 1411:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1411:< RvDarklord> not with the arrows but with the bow itself 1411:< Wulfay> jumps over its hit and does a somersault which was quite pointless really, but did some damage anyways 1411:< RvDarklord> works really good 1412:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1412:< barnum> Round #8, 190 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 372[██▒▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (27), RvDarklord (7.5) 1412:< Wulfay> attacks at the speed of light, eviscerating the opponent and taking it down a few pegs 1412:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1412:< RvDarklord> sometimes i grab a stick and use that as an arrow though lots of damage and bam insta kill 1412:< Wulfay> jumps over its hit and does a somersault which was quite pointless really, but did some damage anywas 1412:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1412:< Wulfay> copy and paste for the win! i bet we look crazy to the rest of the chatters here... not sure 1413:< barnum> Round #9, 149 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 223[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (22.5), RvDarklord (4.5) 1413:< Wulfay> why we are fighting these pixels, but hey, something to do. i'll resume typing for a bit, it's almost dead so with any luck we'll 1413:< RvDarklord> w 1413:< Wulfay> take it down in two more rounds, but for now, just gotta keep hitting... attacking.... 1413:< Wulfay> goes in for another hit, slicing it quite well across its chest and hoping to slow it down 1413:< Wulfay> attacks at the speed of light, eviscerating the opponent and taking it down a few pegs 1413:< RvDarklord> yea fighting pixels and the healbar looks like some tetris figure 1413:< barnum> Round #10, 124 hits! Thriae Queen HP: 99[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (18), RvDarklord (4.5) 1414:< Wulfay> jumps over its hit and does a somersault which was quite pointless really, but did some damage anyways 1414:< RvDarklord> unleashes a fury of fast attakc with his bow 1414:< Wulfay> Yup, this is gonna be the last round for it. can't survive much more dmg to it, its all 1414:< RvDarklord> needs to remember the 60 character bonus xp 1414:< Wulfay> getting pretty down and low. yup, any second now, gonna die in a big awful death 1414:< Wulfay> poor little monster is getting tired. what did it do to deserve to die? we dont know, but 1414:< barnum> Thriae Queen is kill! Wulfay picks up [Cursed Backbiter Spear]! LVLs: Wulfay (5/84%), RvDarklord (5/52%) 1414:< RvDarklord> oooh a spear 1414:< Wulfay> woooo, I got a level from all of that too lol 1415:< Djinneral> man you got a spear nice 1415:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/72%... 1415:< RvDarklord> oh hey djinneral! 1415:< barnum> A wild Suspiridaemon appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1415:< Wulfay> not sure what the loot does yet, someone said that if you get enough loot, it increases your damage, but who knows 1415:< Djinneral> hey! 1416:< Wulfay> welp, i'm gonna take off and do some more reddting. just was checkin over in this window to see if chat was still open.. and it is lol 1416:< barnum> Round #1, 193 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 189[███▒▒] +XP: Wulfay (10.5), barnum (9), RvDarklord (3), Djinneral (3) 1416:< RvDarklord> um loot does nothing. it just makes it so you can rolleplay easier and come up with more attacks so you dont have to control v the 1417:< barnum> Round #2, 24 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 165[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1417:< Djinneral> I stab the suspirirdaemon with my storm trident 1417:< RvDarklord> same thing all the time. that makes for a very uninteresting chat. something like the chaperoone bot is doing. just spamming and no fun 1417:< barnum> Round #3, 44 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 121[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1418:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 121[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1418:< RvDarklord> grabs tons of sticks and rapidfires them all missing most and grazing with the others dealing minimal damage 1419:< barnum> Round #5, 24 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 97[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1420:< RvDarklord> waits to see if it was actually minimal damage and hopes it was not cuase he put some oh i did some decent damage nice! 1420:< barnum> Round #6, 24 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 73[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1421:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1421:< RvDarklord> jumps up and kicks the suspiridaemon in its head but fails the landing and falls flat on his face. 1421:< barnum> Round #7, 63 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 10[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (4.5) 1422:< RvDarklord> tries to dominate the daemon using his Rope of Entanglement 1422:< barnum> Round #8, 8 hits! Suspiridaemon HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1423:< RvDarklord> yera its smoe kind of beast biond thingy majigger 1423:< barnum> Suspiridaemon is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Page of Spell Knowledge 2nd-level]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/65%) 1424:< barnum> A wild Maharaja appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1424:< RvDarklord> uhm it was smart so i didnt get a pet Kappa 1424:< barnum> Round #1, 48 hits! Maharaja HP: 1347[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1425:< RvDarklord> leaves the chat until things liven up 1425:< barnum> Round #2, 9 hits! Maharaja HP: 1338[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1426:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1338[█████] +XP: no one :( 1426:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1427:< barnum> Round #4, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1428:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: no one :( 1429:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: no one :( 1430:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: no one :( 1431:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: no one :( 1432:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1299[█████] +XP: no one :( 1432:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1433:< barnum> Round #10, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1260[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1433:< FriendlyYak> !party 1434:< barnum> Round #11, 2 hits! Maharaja HP: 1258[█████] +XP: FriendlyYak (1.5) 1435:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1258[█████] +XP: no one :( 1436:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1258[█████] +XP: no one :( 1437:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1258[█████] +XP: no one :( 1438:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1258[█████] +XP: no one :( 1439:< barnum> Round #16, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1440:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: no one :( 1441:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: no one :( 1442:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: no one :( 1443:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: no one :( 1444:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1219[█████] +XP: no one :( 1444:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1445:< barnum> Round #22, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1446:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: no one :( 1447:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: no one :( 1448:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: no one :( 1449:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: no one :( 1450:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1180[█████] +XP: no one :( 1450:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1451:< barnum> Round #28, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1452:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: no one :( 1453:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: no one :( 1454:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: no one :( 1455:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: no one :( 1455:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1141[█████] +XP: no one :( 1456:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1457:< barnum> Round #34, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1458:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1459:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1459:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1500:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1501:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1102[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1502:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1503:< barnum> Round #40, 39 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1504:< barnum> Round #41, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1504:< barnum> Round #42, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1505:< barnum> Round #43, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1506:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1507:< barnum> Round #45, 0 hits! Maharaja HP: 1063[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1508:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1509:< barnum> A wild Hoar Spirit appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1509:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 1510:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 1511:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 1512:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 1513:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 1513:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1514:< barnum> Round #6, 39 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 78[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1515:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 78[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1516:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 78[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1517:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 78[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1518:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 78[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1519:< RvDarklord> tries to steal the kill and the loot with it. but not with much confidence cause he is really bad at stealing kills on purpose 1519:< RvDarklord> Starts spamming for free items since he is the only ine here 1519:< barnum> Round #11, 25 hits! Hoar Spirit HP: 53[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1519:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1520:< RvDarklord> uses his special attack! Twitch chat: Kappastorm unleashed infinity 1520:< barnum> Hoar Spirit is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Talon Sword]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/73%), barnum (8/43%) 1521:< barnum> A wild Juvenile Rukh appeared! HP: 166[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1521:< barnum> Round #1, 39 hits! Juvenile Rukh HP: 127[████▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1521:< awfullotofocelots> tricky dick 1522:< barnum> Round #2, 2 hits! Juvenile Rukh HP: 125[████▒] +XP: awfullotofocelots (1.5) 1523:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Juvenile Rukh HP: 125[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1524:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Juvenile Rukh HP: 125[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1524:< ryanvango> pooop 1525:< barnum> Round #5, 41 hits! Juvenile Rukh HP: 84[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 1525:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (17/85%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1525:< ryanvango> oh i can attack again 1525:< ryanvango> murder 1526:< ryanvango> aaaand dead 1526:< barnum> Juvenile Rukh is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hunter's Band]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/88%), barnum (8/45%) 1526:< barnum> A wild Giant Yellowjacket appeared! HP: 175[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1527:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 1527:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1527:< barnum> Giant Yellowjacket is kill! ryanvango picks up [Padma Blossom]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/90%), barnum (8/46%) 1527:< barnum> A wild Mythic Young Red Dragon appeared! HP: 742[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1527:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 1528:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1528:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 1528:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1528:< barnum> Round #1, 531 hits! Mythic Young Red Dragon HP: 211[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (18), barnum (4.5) 1528:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 1528:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 1528:< ryanvango> dead 1529:< barnum> Mythic Young Red Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Delayed Doom]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/95%) 1529:< barnum> A wild Poisonous Frog appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1529:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 1530:< ryanvango> dead 1530:< barnum> Poisonous Frog is kill! ryanvango picks up [Lion's Shield]! LVLs: ryanvango (17/98%), barnum (8/50%) 1530:< barnum> A wild Thulgant appeared! HP: 1305[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1530:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 1530:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 1530:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1531:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 1531:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1531:< barnum> Round #1, 535 hits! Thulgant HP: 770[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (18), barnum (4.5) 1531:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1531:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 1531:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/6%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%)... 1531:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1531:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 1532:< ryanvango> is getting bored of the ease in which he destroys things. i guess ill go be productive 1532:< barnum> Thulgant is kill! ryanvango picks up [Quicken Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/9%), barnum (8/52%) 1532:< barnum> A wild Giant Fly appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1533:< barnum> Round #1, 39 hits! Giant Fly HP: 28[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1534:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Giant Fly HP: 28[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1534:< RvDarklord> tries to steal the kill and the loot with it. but not with much confidence cause he is really bad at stealing kills on purpose 1535:< barnum> Round #3, 25 hits! Giant Fly HP: 3[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1536:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Fly HP: 3[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1536:< RvDarklord> Beast bond brand time! ez fly pet! WHOHAHAHAHA 1536:< RvDarklord> uses his rope on entanglement 1537:< barnum> Giant Fly is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Magi Staff of the Mammoth]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/82%) 1537:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/9%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%)... 1537:< barnum> A wild Leprechaun appeared! HP: 31[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1538:< barnum> Leprechaun is kill! barnum picks up [Spell-Capturing Gem]! LVLs: barnum (8/60%) 1538:< RvDarklord> LOL 1538:< barnum> A wild Rune Guardian appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1539:< barnum> Rune Guardian is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Crown of Conquest]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/86%), barnum (8/61%) 1539:< barnum> A wild Zoog appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1539:< RvDarklord> Kappa, freeloot 1540:< barnum> Zoog is kill! RvDarklord picks up [God Shield]! LVLs: RvDarklord (5/90%), barnum (8/62%) 1540:< barnum> A wild Temerdaemon appeared! HP: 877[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1540:< RvDarklord> Pooplootah 2 much hp 1541:< barnum> Round #1, 49 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 828[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1541:< RvDarklord> this is a test to see how hard im hitting with a fully charged attack this is a test to see how hard im hitting with a fully charged at 1541:< barnum> Round #2, 26 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 802[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1542:< RvDarklord> 20 damage rip 1542:< barnum> Round #3, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 793[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1543:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/9%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%)... 1544:< barnum> Round #4, 40 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 753[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1545:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 753[█████] +XP: no one :( 1545:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 753[█████] +XP: no one :( 1546:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 753[█████] +XP: no one :( 1546:< ryanvango> this is a test to make RVDarklord cry at his puny damage in mega-mode 1547:< barnum> Round #8, 132 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 621[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 1548:< RvDarklord> RIP 1548:< barnum> Round #9, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 612[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1548:< RvDarklord> look at tht 100+ damage 1548:< ryanvango> lol. im off to class. i think we're gonna try to do a guided RPG later tonight again (where I'll be the DM and doing 0 damage) 1549:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/10%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1549:< RvDarklord> welp maybe ill see ya later then 1549:< ryanvango> yep. later tater 1549:< barnum> Round #10, 234 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 378[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1550:< RvDarklord> oh and barnum sometimes does damage 1550:< barnum> Round #11, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 369[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1551:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 369[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1552:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 369[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1553:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 369[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1554:< RvDarklord> OK FINAL ATTACK 1554:< RvDarklord> Twitch chat series! 1554:< RvDarklord> Kappa storm 1554:< barnum> Round #15, 27 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 342[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1554:< RvDarklord> INFINITY BReAK 1554:< RvDarklord> Keepo 1554:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1554:< RvDarklord> KappaPride 1555:< RvDarklord> SantaKappa 1555:< barnum> Round #16, 76 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 266[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6), barnum (4.5) 1556:< RvDarklord> wow such damage 1556:< RvDarklord> FrankerZ 1556:< RvDarklord> TwitchRaid 1556:< barnum> Round #17, 27 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 239[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1557:< RvDarklord> still no damage RIP RIP im so sad im just going for some big damage but it takes a lot of words to do even a little damage 1557:< barnum> Round #18, 26 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 213[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1557:< RvDarklord> riprip if only i was a higher level i might be able to do 1557:< RvDarklord> FUCK THIS 1557:< RvDarklord> I QUIT 1558:< barnum> Round #19, 20 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 193[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (3) 1559:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 193[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1600:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 193[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1600:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1601:< barnum> Round #22, 40 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1602:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1603:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1604:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1605:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1606:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 153[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1606:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1607:< barnum> Round #28, 40 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 113[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:08:22 2016 1608:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 113[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1609:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 113[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1609:< ptrakk> bard bot soon on it's way 1610:< barnum> Round #31, 3 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 110[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1610:< ptrakk> astlemoth! 1610:< ptrakk> vendly vendly! 1610:< ptrakk> DURR! 1611:< barnum> Round #32, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 101[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5) 1611:< ptrakk> so i should just spam the window for xp? 1611:< ptrakk> back you beast 1612:< ptrakk> filthy swine 1612:< barnum> Round #33, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 92[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5) 1612:< ptrakk> 3hits 1612:< ptrakk> another 3 1612:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1612:< ptrakk> another 3 makes 9 1612:< ptrakk> another 3 makes 12 1613:< ptrakk> another 3 makes 15 1613:< barnum> Round #34, 55 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 37[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (7.5), barnum (4.5) 1613:< ptrakk> that wasn't the formula huh.. 1614:< barnum> Round #35, 3 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 34[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1614:< ptrakk> LazzerOLE AWAY! 1615:< barnum> Round #36, 3 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 31[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1615:< ptrakk> is it the length of the message sent!? i wonder.. 1616:< barnum> Round #37, 3 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 28[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1616:< ptrakk> I do have the source code for it... perhaps it's (x*3)^y where x is equal to the amount of messages and y is i dunno 1616:< gjhgjh> Yes, the message length has something to do with it. 1617:< barnum> Round #38, 14 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 14[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5), gjhgjh (1.5) 1617:< ptrakk> ah it does! 1617:< gjhgjh> I think it's messages over 60 character that hit harder. 1617:< barnum> Round #39, 9 hits! Temerdaemon HP: 5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5), gjhgjh (1.5) 1618:< gjhgjh> Also some versions of this bot give items to the person who makes the killing blow. 1618:< ptrakk> makes sense! that's like a super hit i suppose. a power attack hahah ha ha ha 9 8 7 6 5 4 32 123 1618:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1618:< gjhgjh> I think this version gives it to random people. 1618:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­test 1618:< gjhgjh> If you copy pasta make sure you change it up a bit. 1619:< barnum> Temerdaemon is kill! gjhgjh picks up [Perilous Gloves]! LVLs: gjhgjh (4/35%), ptrakk (3/27%), barnum (8/72%) 1619:< gjhgjh> It knows if you are spamming the same text over and over 1619:< barnum> A wild Xacon appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1619:< gjhgjh> KILL THE XACON! 1620:< ptrakk> ­I see.. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­...­­­­­­­­­­­­. 1620:< barnum> Round #1, 52 hits! Xacon HP: 47[███▒▒] +XP: barnum (4.5), gjhgjh (3) 1621:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Xacon HP: 47[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1621:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­ ­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 1621:< ptrakk> :) 1621:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Xacon HP: 47[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1622:< MXMLOQ> 0 hits? 1622:< ptrakk> :( 1622:< MXMLOQ> is bot broke? 1622:< ptrakk> did i break it? 1622:< ptrakk> ­­ 1622:< ptrakk> i think it's dividing by zero.. 1622:< MXMLOQ> poor bot, it is confused 1622:< ptrakk> interesting 1622:< barnum> Round #4, 30 hits! Xacon HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: MXMLOQ (4.5), ptrakk (4.5) 1623:< MXMLOQ> oh we fixed it somehow 1623:< MXMLOQ> that's a relief. now i can grab some of that sweet exp. 1623:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 1623:< barnum> Round #5, 10 hits! Xacon HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: MXMLOQ (3) 1623:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 1624:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1624:< ptrakk> i broke it with the ALT + 0173 characters 1624:< MXMLOQ> lol i can't even see those 1624:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­looks like these are filtered out 1624:< ptrakk> (blank whitespace) 1624:< ptrakk> kinda like a space 1624:< MXMLOQ> i didn't know the bot looked at what you said, i thought it only counted characters 1625:< ptrakk> ­ 1625:< barnum> Xacon is kill! MXMLOQ picks up [Ring of Strength Sapping]! LVLs: ptrakk (3/47%), MXMLOQ (3/43%), barnum (8/76%) 1625:< barnum> A wild Nightwave appeared! HP: 1759[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1626:< barnum> Round #1, 40 hits! Nightwave HP: 1719[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5) 1626:< ptrakk> it might.. but if there's a blank comment and it counts that as zero chars and it uses that as a denominator then it's rekt 1626:< ptrakk> calculus.. i haven't looked at the source.. i'm building a bard bot 1626:< barnum> Round #2, 28 hits! Nightwave HP: 1691[█████] +XP: ptrakk (9) 1627:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 1627:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­­­ 1627:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­­ 1627:< ptrakk> ­­­­ 1627:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Nightwave HP: 1691[█████] +XP: no one :( 1627:< ptrakk> ­­­­­­ 1628:< ptrakk> yep 1628:< barnum> The bot does have some spam filtering, tries to ignore certain characters etc 1628:< barnum> Round #4, 45 hits! Nightwave HP: 1646[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), ptrakk (1.5) 1629:< ptrakk> .ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้. 1629:< ptrakk> ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ 1629:< ptrakk> D̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆̂̂̂̂̂̆̆̆̆̆ 1629:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Nightwave HP: 1646[█████] +XP: no one :( 1630:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1630:< ptrakk> B L E S S E D 1630:< barnum> Round #6, 45 hits! Nightwave HP: 1601[█████] +XP: barnum (4.5), ptrakk (1.5) 1630:< ptrakk> BLESSED 1631:< barnum> Round #7, 5 hits! Nightwave HP: 1596[█████] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1632:< ptrakk> 乃レ乇丂丂乇d 1632:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Nightwave HP: 1596[█████] +XP: no one :( 1632:< ptrakk> 𝕭𝕷𝕰𝕾𝕾𝕰𝕯 1633:< ptrakk> ⒝⒧⒠⒮⒮⒠⒟ 1633:< ptrakk> ⒷⓁⒺⓈⓈⒺⒹ 1633:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Nightwave HP: 1596[█████] +XP: no one :( 1633:< ptrakk> 𝔅𝔏𝔈𝔖𝔖𝔈𝔇 1634:< ptrakk> B͉̺̜̞͝ͅL͕͞E͖̞͈͕͚̬̪S̬͖̙͕̙͕͍S̷͖̙̭͎E͙̟̙͜ͅD͉̞̳̰̹̮ 1634:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Nightwave HP: 1596[█████] +XP: no one :( 1635:< barnum> gotta change something, new monster inc 1635:< barnum> A wild Amphisbaena appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1635:< ptrakk> it doesn't accept unicode at all :D 1635:< ptrakk> rip 1 user 1635:< barnum> Nope, found the part of it, just ascii 1635:< barnum> Round #1, 10 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 192[█████] +XP: ptrakk (3) 1636:< barnum> Changed it to give myself some xp last night, forgot to change that back, whoops...lol 1636:< ptrakk> is thatwentBTE still around? 1636:< barnum> Round #2, 5 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 187[█████] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1637:< ptrakk> might be workin hopefully not abandoned 1637:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 182[█████] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 1638:< ptrakk> it took me all night to get a http site embeded as an iframe on an ssl site 1638:< barnum> Round #4, 14 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 168[█████] +XP: ptrakk (4.5) 1639:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 168[█████] +XP: no one :( 1639:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/87%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1640:< ptrakk> had to run an nginx reverse proxy because waitress-serve has no ssl support 1640:< barnum> Round #6, 14 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 154[████▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5) 1641:< barnum> Do you know any javascript? 1641:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 154[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1642:< barnum> I'm trying to look through robin grow to find the part where it strips out the channel name from all messages and remove that. 1642:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 154[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1642:< barnum> Because later versions of the bot really like seeing #rpg at the beginning of everything 1643:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 154[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1644:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Amphisbaena HP: 154[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1645:< barnum> A wild Korir-kokembe appeared! HP: 612[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1645:< barnum> If anyone is here, please type so I can see something 1645:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 612[█████] +XP: no one :( 1646:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 612[█████] +XP: no one :( 1647:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 612[█████] +XP: no one :( 1648:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Korir-kokembe HP: 612[█████] +XP: no one :( 1649:< barnum> A wild Popobala appeared! HP: 1012[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1649:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Popobala HP: 1012[█████] +XP: no one :( 1650:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Popobala HP: 1012[█████] +XP: no one :( 1650:< SilentSand> * punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch* punch 1651:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1651:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1651:< SilentSand> *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch\ 1651:< ptrakk> 𝙸𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐.. 1651:< barnum> Round #3, 296 hits! Popobala HP: 716[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (18) 1652:< barnum> Nice! people to test something real quick, woot! 1652:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Popobala HP: 716[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1653:< barnum> A wild Giant Slug appeared! HP: 459[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1654:< ptrakk> SPICY MEMES 𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑪𝒀𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑺 𝕾𝕻𝕴𝕮𝖄𝕸𝕰𝕸𝕰𝕾 𝖲𝖯𝖨𝖢𝖸 𝖬𝖤𝖬𝖤𝖲 𝓢𝓟𝓘𝓒𝓨 𝓜𝓔𝓜𝓔𝓢 1654:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Giant Slug HP: 459[█████] +XP: no one :( 1654:< ptrakk> i like the last one.. i will use that 1655:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Giant Slug HP: 459[█████] +XP: no one :( 1655:< barnum> Dammit, I broke something. 1655:< barnum> A wild Gloomwing appeared! HP: 144[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1656:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Gloomwing HP: 144[█████] +XP: no one :( 1656:< RvDarklord> Are we ready to Kappa? 1656:< RvDarklord> Kappa 1657:< RvDarklord> FeelsBadMan only one here FeelsBadMan 1657:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Gloomwing HP: 114[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1657:< RvDarklord> Luckily its not FeelsLagMan 1658:< barnum> Round #3, 10 hits! Gloomwing HP: 104[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1659:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Gloomwing HP: 104[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1700:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Gloomwing HP: 104[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1700:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1701:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Gloomwing HP: 104[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1701:< RvDarklord> ok imma just rable now to kill this mob what should i talk about oh ill tell the story about me voting today i guess thats 1702:< barnum> Round #7, 31 hits! Gloomwing HP: 73[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1702:< RvDarklord> an okay story to tell. Okay so we start in my house. i walk to the hospital and oh there is the voting place wow so i give the guy my 1703:< RvDarklord> id and votingthingy and i get this nice paper and my id back 1703:< barnum> Round #8, 41 hits! Gloomwing HP: 32[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6) 1703:< RvDarklord> so i walk up to the voting chambers. do i choose the right one the left ine or the middle one? have a guess 1704:< barnum> Round #9, 31 hits! Gloomwing HP: 1[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1704:< RvDarklord> Ok i use my rope of entaglement and beast brand this gloomwing 1706:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Gloomwing HP: 1[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1706:< barnum> A wild Ancient Copper Dragon appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1707:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1395[█████] +XP: no one :( 1707:< RvDarklord> wow im so mad right now 1707:< RvDarklord> !flee 1707:< barnum> Round #2, 20 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1375[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (3) 1708:< barnum> Round #3, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1709:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1710:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1711:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1711:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1712:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1713:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1714:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1365[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1714:< surelyucantbserious> Anything to fight? 1715:< barnum> Round #10, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1360[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1716:< surelyucantbserious> 5 hits.... this is not going to go well. Allies! To ME!!!! 1716:< barnum> Round #11, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1355[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1716:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1717:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1355[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1718:< surelyucantbserious> I will continue to hit you. and hit you, and hit you. 1718:< barnum> Round #13, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1350[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1719:< RvDarklord> Allies have come! 1719:< RvDarklord> I will use my starbow to hit this dragon! 1719:< barnum> Round #14, 20 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1330[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (3) 1720:< surelyucantbserious> Reinforcements! It is wonderful to have you fighting alongside DarkLord! 1720:< barnum> Round #15, 14 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1316[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5) 1720:< RvDarklord> I lay an arrow on the string, pull back and let the arrow go. when the arrow leaves the bow it leaves a trail of light and peirces 1720:< RvDarklord> the dragons wing 1721:< barnum> Round #16, 41 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1275[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (6) 1721:< surelyucantbserious> The hole left by your arrow is just large enough to prevent the beast from flying! He is Grounded!! 1722:< RvDarklord> oh btw do you want to create a character? 1722:< RvDarklord> we have a nice excel document 1722:< barnum> Round #17, 34 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1241[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1722:< surelyucantbserious> I am very hit or miss in chat as I am only here occasionally between appointments at work :( 1722:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1723:< RvDarklord> ah well itll be nice to have when you get a drop 1723:< RvDarklord> so have the link to the document 1723:< RvDarklord> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/6xnwb 1723:< RvDarklord> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/53pzp 1723:< barnum> Round #18, 65 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1176[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (7.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5) 1724:< RvDarklord> well that did some decent damage so thats nice i guess im just talking to deal extra damage 1724:< barnum> Round #19, 31 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1145[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1724:< RvDarklord> oh and if you use 60+ characters you get bonus xp it really helps with leveling 1725:< barnum> Round #20, 31 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1114[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1725:< RvDarklord> ooh im dealing 31 damage with a hard hit now! 1726:< barnum> Round #21, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1104[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1727:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1104[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1728:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1104[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1728:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1729:< RvDarklord> ez extra damage thanks bot 1729:< barnum> Round #24, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1094[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1729:< surelyucantbserious> is there a subreddit you all use? 1729:< RvDarklord> oh it didnt count rip 1729:< RvDarklord> um we have 1730:< RvDarklord> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinrpg 1730:< barnum> Round #25, 35 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1731:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1732:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1733:< barnum> Round #28, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1734:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1734:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1735:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1736:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1737:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1059[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1737:< RvDarklord> rekt 1738:< barnum> Round #33, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1049[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1738:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1049[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1739:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1049[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1740:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1741:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1049[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1741:< RvDarklord> test attack 1049 1742:< barnum> Round #37, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1039[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1742:< RvDarklord> 10 damage hype 1742:< RvDarklord> !level 1742:< RvDarklord> !lvl 1742:< barnum> Round #38, 30 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1009[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1743:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 1009[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1744:< RvDarklord> strong attack test 1234567890-0234y278rdajlecafva cabidanlkdaoal aakda;dakdaldnakchai awdbnakhdajh da hdhajkdha a a a aaa a a 1744:< barnum> Round #40, 31 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 978[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1745:< RvDarklord> 21 i guess 1745:< barnum> Round #41, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 968[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1745:< RvDarklord> two weak attacks are more effiecient? 1746:< RvDarklord> test test 1746:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1746:< RvDarklord> davbadfuwf 1746:< barnum> Round #42, 30 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 938[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1747:< RvDarklord> yayayhdnwainaw nakda 1747:< barnum> Round #43, 10 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1748:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1749:< barnum> Round #45, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1750:< barnum> Round #46, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1751:< barnum> Round #47, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1751:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1752:< barnum> Round #48, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1753:< barnum> Round #49, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1754:< barnum> Round #50, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1755:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1755:< barnum> Round #51, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1756:< barnum> Round #52, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 928[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1757:< MXMLOQ> i'll hit it 1757:< barnum> Round #53, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: MXMLOQ (1.5) 1757:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1758:< barnum> Round #54, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1759:< barnum> Round #55, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1800:< barnum> Round #56, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1801:< barnum> Round #57, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1802:< barnum> Round #58, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1803:< barnum> Round #59, 0 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 923[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1803:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1803:< thatwentBTE> I ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ 1804:< keithgabryelski> ok, trying this out... look around 1804:< barnum> Round #60, 2 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 921[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (1.5) 1805:< keithgabryelski> i'm in it to win it, keep fighting fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight 1805:< barnum> Round #61, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 916[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5) 1805:< keithgabryelski> hit some more MOAR I say MOAR, this is the time to fight. 1806:< barnum> Round #62, 2 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 914[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (1.5) 1807:< keithgabryelski> fire off whatever the highest damage weapon I have, keep firing continuously! 1807:< barnum> Round #63, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 909[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5) 1807:< keithgabryelski> Hard for me to understand what is actually happening, but I suspect I'm at least doing some damage. 1808:< barnum> Round #64, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 904[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5) 1808:< keithgabryelski> moar damage please. 5 points a round seems like marginal reward though -- can I use any interesting items to up my damage? 1809:< barnum> Round #65, 5 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 899[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5) 1809:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1809:< derogative> Keith, you'll do more damage as you level up and yeah, as you get items. 1810:< derogative> Seems you got stuck with something a bit too strong early on rip 1810:< keithgabryelski> right, I'm just talking because as I understand it the number of characters in my messages that matter 1810:< barnum> Round #66, 58 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 841[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (9), derogative (9) 1810:< derogative> Yeah, 61 is the amount to do the most damage 1810:< keithgabryelski> keeping it up -- so I'm talking more... If i type two messages does it matter? 1810:< derogative> Yeah, you get more hits for more messages. 1810:< keithgabryelski> maybe so I'm testing that , we'll see this round if I can get 9 again sw'll see 1811:< derogative> So don't wait for the bot to say the next turn, just talk as much as you can. 1811:< barnum> Round #67, 50 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 791[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (9), derogative (7.5) 1811:< keithgabryelski> ok, so just keep typing... are you called out for copy/pasting? i'm guessing that is bad form 1811:< keithgabryelski> the text must make sense, I'm sure or we aren't playing a game -- i would guess. 1812:< keithgabryelski> So, I shoot off some more of my arrows, as fast as I can -- something like that? I guess 1812:< derogative> most people don't mind if you copy paste. 1812:< barnum> Round #68, 35 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 756[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (13.5), derogative (1.5) 1812:< derogative> we have one player who has a set of pre-written moves that when he launches them all off 1812:< derogative> he does about 500 damage total 1812:< keithgabryelski> I see there is 13 points the last time, ahh... pre-written moves makes a lot of sense.... 1812:< keithgabryelski> I see there is 13 points the last time, ahh... pre-written moves makes a lot of sense.... 1813:< barnum> Round #69, 50 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 706[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (9), derogative (6) 1813:< keithgabryelski> But let me see.... I'm now typing too much... 9 second delay GAWD! foo 1813:< derogative> shame it says can't flee, otherwise i'd just help you flee this thing in hopes of something easier 1813:< derogative> on the other hand at least it makes for good exp. you'll prob end up with a few levels out of this 1813:< barnum> Round #70, 57 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 649[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: derogative (9), keithgabryelski (4.5) 1814:< keithgabryelski> yeah... I jumped in, in the wrong place. 1814:< keithgabryelski> What are my hit points? Can I tell? 1814:< derogative> haha, it happens. at least it isn't a 3k hp monster 1814:< keithgabryelski> so, the rounds are about a minute, I need to type as many 60 character lines 1814:< derogative> !party 1814:< barnum> Round #71, 55 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 594[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (7.5), derogative (7.5) 1814:< derogative> provided commands still work, that is 1814:< keithgabryelski> as possible in that time.... oh... commands... that sounds useful.... where are those listed? 1815:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/11%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/70%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1815:< keithgabryelski> I looked on the spreadsheet for a list of commands, couldn't find them. 1815:< derogative> there's !flee, !heroes, !party, and !items, unless they broke in an update 1815:< derogative> yeah, the spreadsheet was before there were commands 1815:< keithgabryelski> ah.... I see... well... I guess I'll just be banging on this dragon for a little longer 1816:< ryanvango> im on mobile so no filter, but i believe rpg bot is old version. No commands again 1816:< barnum> Round #72, 208 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 386[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (13.5), derogative (7.5), K1ngN0thing (... 1816:< keithgabryelski> an hour or so, it looks.... 10 points a minute or so... wowza this is going to take a while. 1816:< derogative> aw, rest in peace rpgbot 1816:< keithgabryelski> oh... someone is helping... wonderful... now half the time... better with friends I guess 1817:< barnum> Round #73, 26 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 360[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (9), derogative (1.5) 1817:< keithgabryelski> fire off some more arrows and let my hound, Agincourt attack also. 1817:< thatwentBTE> hey ryanvango, I found robin-rpg 1817:< thatwentBTE> he is in the tier 13 1817:< keithgabryelski> He's a bad-ass hound... but tends to stick two of his claws up every once in a while. 1817:< derogative> why ya always gotta be kill, rpgbot? ah well at least its functional that's all that matters 1817:< thatwentBTE> your still top of the leaderboard 1817:< keithgabryelski> Kill this copper dragon with fire. 1817:< barnum> Round #74, 126 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 234[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (10.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), derogative (... 1818:< ryanvango> haha if i help i steal all the exp. Ive played too much so now i hit too hard 1818:< derogative> someday, robin-rpg will return to us and then robin will be over 1818:< keithgabryelski> I see... 10 points a round is slow going... but even 1/10th of xp is worth it right? 1818:< barnum> Round #75, 165 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), derogative (4.5), keithgabryelski (4.5) 1818:< derogative> yeah, you'll end up with a level or two out of this at least 1819:< keithgabryelski> coat my arrows in oil and light them afire.... send as many as possible. 1819:< derogative> and more levels, more damage, so on and so forth 1819:< thatwentBTE> dragon is kil now 1819:< keithgabryelski> keep firing, ... yes... I said... kill it with fire 1819:< barnum> Round #76, 55 hits! Ancient Copper Dragon HP: 14[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: keithgabryelski (6), derogative (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1819:< ryanvango> you get exp for attacking, not total damage. 3 attacks for 10 dmg = 3 attacks for 360 dmg 1820:< keithgabryelski> oh... 14 points left... Let me fish this one off... fetch his horn Agincourt 1820:< barnum> Ancient Copper Dragon is kill! keithgabryelski picks up [Security Belt]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/13%), keithgabryelski (3/25%) 1820:< keithgabryelski> woot! 1821:< derogative> there you go you're now level 3! 1821:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/13%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/71%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1821:< ryanvango> so if i hit it, itll die fast, sure. But if it takes you 1000 hits youll get crazy exp 1821:< keithgabryelski> i see 1821:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Spy appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1821:< keithgabryelski> Fire three arrows in the clockwork spy's direction 1821:< barnum> Clockwork Spy is kill! keithgabryelski picks up [Rod of Escape]! LVLs: keithgabryelski (3/37%), ryanvango (18/15%), derogative (5/56%) 1822:< keithgabryelski> send the hound to distract it 1822:< RvDarklord> oh wow there is people here again hi all! how you guys doing? this text is for my xp bonus 1822:< barnum> A wild Skaveling appeared! HP: 261[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1822:< ryanvango> youll see once you hit 6 or 7, it gets much better paced. 1822:< barnum> Round #1, 80 hits! Skaveling HP: 181[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), keithgabryelski (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1823:< keithgabryelski> kid needs some attention... back in a bit... 1823:< barnum> Round #2, 5 hits! Skaveling HP: 176[████▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (1.5) 1824:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Skaveling HP: 176[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1825:< RvDarklord> so helping the kids deals 5 damage. TIL ;-) 1825:< barnum> Round #4, 10 hits! Skaveling HP: 166[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1826:< RvDarklord> so how many people are here? 1826:< barnum> Round #5, 10 hits! Skaveling HP: 156[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1826:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/15%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/71%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... 1827:< thatwentBTE> me 1827:< thatwentBTE> I saw ryan as well 1827:< thatwentBTE> keithgabryelski is here too 1827:< barnum> Round #6, 54 hits! Skaveling HP: 102[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:28:44 2016 1828:< RvDarklord> wow thats 3 more than i was with for most of the day 1828:< barnum> Round #7, 10 hits! Skaveling HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1829:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Skaveling HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1830:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Skaveling HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1831:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Skaveling HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1832:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Skaveling HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1832:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/15%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/71%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/73%... --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:33:02 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:33:10 2016 1833:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1833:< Djinneral> I use my dank attack on it! 1833:< XG549> barnum you should make it so your own account damages the monsters so that if no one is around the bot still fights itself 4Head 1833:< barnum> Skaveling is kill! XG549 picks up [Net of Snaring]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/74%), XG549 (1/68%), Djinneral (10/75%) 1833:< XG549> sneaky loot grab :D 1833:< barnum> A wild Slithering Tracker appeared! HP: 211[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1834:< barnum> Round #1, 2 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 209[█████] +XP: XG549 (1.5) 1835:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 209[█████] +XP: no one :( 1836:< RvDarklord> the bot does sometimes damage itself though 1836:< barnum> Round #3, 10 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1837:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: no one :( 1838:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: no one :( 1838:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/15%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1839:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: no one :( 1840:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: no one :( 1841:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Slithering Tracker HP: 199[█████] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:41:37 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:41:47 2016 1841:< ryanvango> murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder 1842:< ryanvango> murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder 1842:< barnum> Slithering Tracker is kill! ryanvango picks up [Getaway Boots]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/17%) 1842:< barnum> A wild Manta Ray appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1842:< ryanvango> murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder 1843:< barnum> Manta Ray is kill! ryanvango picks up [Snowshoes of Northern Pursuit]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/18%) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:43:12 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:46:14 2016 1846:< barnum> Round #3, 132 hits! Bythos HP: 714[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 1846:< ryanvango> oh. Big one does 132 1846:< RvDarklord> nice 1847:< barnum> Round #4, 54 hits! Bythos HP: 660[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1847:< RvDarklord> how much more damage does a big attack do? my small attack does 10 i think 1848:< barnum> Round #5, 31 hits! Bythos HP: 629[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1848:< ryanvango> this version >60 is [base+(level x 3)] 1848:< RvDarklord> ok cool 1848:< barnum> Round #6, 54 hits! Bythos HP: 575[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1849:< RvDarklord> also the health bars look a little messed up 1849:< ryanvango> yeah they do. The new version looks awesome. Well go back to it soon i think 1849:< barnum> Round #7, 142 hits! Bythos HP: 433[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1850:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1851:< RvDarklord> imtotallynotgonnatrytosnipethelootofthisguywaitcanibeastbrandthisthingletmelookupwhatabythosisrealquick 1851:< barnum> Round #8, 31 hits! Bythos HP: 402[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1852:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Bythos HP: 402[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1852:< RvDarklord> okay no beast branding this thing i guess it seems way too smart according to this one website 1852:< RvDarklord> The bythos are guardians of time and planar travel—indeed, to bythos, the act of aging 1852:< barnum> Round #10, 31 hits! Bythos HP: 371[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1853:< RvDarklord> is nothing more than a highly specialized method of travel. Although bythos themselves 1853:< RvDarklord> have no additional method of traveling through time, they scour the multiverse, hunting 1853:< RvDarklord> for creatures that do have the ability to time-travel and may have abused this ability. 1853:< RvDarklord> Far more often, though, bythos seek out abuses of planar travel, such as tears in reality, regions where planes overlap --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:53:48 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:53:54 2016 1853:< barnum> Round #11, 124 hits! Bythos HP: 247[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (18) 1853:< RvDarklord> or creatures that abuse the use of planar travel. In some cases, such distortions are ignored 1854:< RvDarklord> , but in others, a bythos or even a full tribunal comes to assess and repair the damage. 1854:< RvDarklord> In most cases, “repair” is analogous to the death of the creature responsible for the distortions, 1854:< RvDarklord> , but placing such creatures in temporal stasis can also solve the problem. 1854:< RvDarklord> While a bythos’s body may seem to be made of smoke and vapor, it is strangely solid to the touch, 1854:< RvDarklord> feeling not dissimilar to dry stone. A bythos is 13 feet tall and weighs 600 pounds. 1854:< barnum> Round #12, 124 hits! Bythos HP: 123[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (18) 1854:< RvDarklord> and that guys is a bythos 1855:< RvDarklord> and how you can see it has too much hp 1855:< barnum> Round #13, 20 hits! Bythos HP: 103[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (3) 1856:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1856:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Bythos HP: 103[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1857:< RvDarklord> wow its bio only did ~300 damage FeelsBadMan if only i had a higher level RIP 1857:< OrangeredStilton> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt 1857:< OrangeredStilton> ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation 1857:< OrangeredStilton> ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit 1857:< OrangeredStilton> in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat 1857:< OrangeredStilton> cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 1857:< OrangeredStilton> ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation 1857:< barnum> Round #15, 41 hits! Bythos HP: 62[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: OrangeredStilton (9), RvDarklord (4.5) 1858:< OrangeredStilton> in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat 1858:< RvDarklord> oh look its a magic user 1858:< OrangeredStilton> cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 1858:< RvDarklord> Poop loot 1858:< RvDarklord> ? 1858:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I'm testing my automatic rate limit storage 1858:< barnum> Round #16, 32 hits! Bythos HP: 30[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: OrangeredStilton (10.5), RvDarklord (3) 1858:< RvDarklord> ya thats sad 1859:< RvDarklord> oh wow you must have a very low level 1859:< OrangeredStilton> I'm only here to test rate limiting, I haven't played like ever :P 1859:< RvDarklord> ah okay 1859:< barnum> Bythos is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Staff of Dark Flame]! LVLs: RvDarklord (6/66%), OrangeredStilton (1/80%) 1859:< RvDarklord> oh im lvl 6 1900:< RvDarklord> nice 1900:< OrangeredStilton> I'm lvl Noob 1900:< barnum> A wild Giant Emperor Scorpion appeared! HP: 639[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1900:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 615[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (3), OrangeredStilton (1.5) 1901:< RvDarklord> this will take all of your lorem ipsum and more 1901:< RvDarklord> xD 1901:< barnum> Round #2, 11 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1901:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1902:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: no one :( 1903:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: no one :( 1904:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: no one :( 1905:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: no one :( 1906:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 604[█████] +XP: no one :( 1906:< pyroshroom> I channel my inner monk and punch the giant scorpion! 1907:< barnum> Round #8, 15 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 589[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (1.5) 1907:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1908:< RvDarklord> I use my staff of dark flame to torch the scorpion and set its back on fire 1908:< barnum> Round #9, 32 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1909:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1910:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1911:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1912:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1913:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1913:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1914:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1915:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 557[█████] +XP: no one :( 1916:< gjhgjh> *half hearted stab* 1916:< barnum> Round #17, 6 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 551[█████] +XP: gjhgjh (1.5) 1916:< RvDarklord> sorta makes a stabbing movement 1917:< barnum> Round #18, 11 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 540[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1917:< RvDarklord> ez damage! 1918:< barnum> Round #19, 11 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 529[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1918:< RvDarklord> im doing 11 now... thats nice i guess... only 10 more levels until i start doing actual damage 1919:< barnum> Round #20, 32 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 1919:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1920:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1921:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1922:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1923:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1923:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1924:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 497[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1925:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1925:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> !help 1925:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> :( 1926:< barnum> Round #27, 2 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 495[████▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 1926:< MXMLOQ> is 1 character = 1 hit? 1926:< MXMLOQ> i guess that would get me like 40 something 1926:< MXMLOQ> let's find out 1927:< barnum> Round #28, 15 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 480[████▒] +XP: MXMLOQ (4.5) 1927:< Insomnikal> nope, ryanvango posted the calculation not too long ago 1927:< Insomnikal> it's something like default hit x levelx3 or something along those lines 1927:< Insomnikal> also depends on the length of your sentances, over 60 chars does bonus damage 1927:< barnum> Round #29, 12 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 468[████▒] +XP: Insomnikal (10.5) 1928:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Is the bot tracking everything or do we need to track ourselves? 1928:< pyroshroom> barnum actually has the formulas for the new bot 1928:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Slash! Punch! Boom! 1928:< pyroshroom> there's some modifier with your loot count too 1928:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> !Loot 1928:< barnum> Round #30, 39 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 429[████▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (7.5), pyroshroom (3) 1928:< pyroshroom> you do bonus damage with 60+ characters in one line of text 1929:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> so, if I just type a bunch of random stuff I will do super mega ultra bonus damage? 1929:< pyroshroom> technically yes, but you also want to type more lines to maximize it 1929:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Oh, cool! I've been wanted to get in here, but was busy with work. 1929:< barnum> Round #31, 115 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 314[███▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (10.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (9) 1930:< pyroshroom> your level also plays into how much damage you end up doing to the monster 1930:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I grab the Giant Emperor Scorpion and shove his stinger in his own eye! 1930:< pyroshroom> !loot 1930:< barnum> Round #32, 73 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 241[██▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (6), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5) 1930:< RvDarklord> yea man sixty plus characters is ez bonus damage and ryan also has some of the formulas 1930:< Insomnikal> what happened to TeaBag as the bot anyway? :p 1931:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1931:< pyroshroom> Haha, not sure, but barnum has the new bot working now after help from robin-RPG 1931:< pyroshroom> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg is the source of the bot 1931:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I teabag the Giant Emperor Scorpion and dip my balls in his newly opened eye socket 1931:< pyroshroom> !party 1931:< barnum> Round #33, 124 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 117[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), RvDarklord (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), Insomn... 1932:< pyroshroom> !commands 1932:< Insomnikal> fair enough shame i've lost like 10-12 levels overall now :P 1932:< pyroshroom> Maybe the bot isn't accepting any commands 1932:< pyroshroom> !heroes 1932:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I need a hero 1932:< barnum> Round #34, 55 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 62[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), Insomnikal (1.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 1932:< pyroshroom> none of the commands seem to be working right now 1933:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> "To run it, use robin grow(not parrot) and don't filter the chat." from the source page 1933:< pyroshroom> and yeah, the data loss is slightly annoying 1933:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> but I like parrot! damn 1933:< barnum> Round #35, 41 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (6), pyroshroom (3) 1933:< pyroshroom> LOL, that's just to run the RPG bot 1934:< pyroshroom> you can use parrot to play with the bot 1934:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Oh, cool. Thought that might be why commands aren't working 1934:< pyroshroom> since someone already has it set up here 1934:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> !party 1934:< barnum> Giant Emperor Scorpion is kill! PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS picks up [Mummer's Ruff]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/20%), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (2/38%) 1934:< pyroshroom> !help 1934:< pyroshroom> none of the commands really seem to be working right now 1935:< barnum> A wild Weaverworm appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1935:< RvDarklord> !help 1935:< barnum> Round #1, 45 hits! Weaverworm HP: 382[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (3), RvDarklord (1.5) 1935:< almu3alim> so how does this work? 1936:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> smakakakakakakakakakaka on the Weaverworm's taint! 1936:< pyroshroom> we talk! and we kill monsters with our epic speeches 1936:< almu3alim> !help 1936:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> almu3alim type stuff, bot calcs damage on beastie 1936:< MeaKyori> well this seems neat. Hiya. 1936:< pyroshroom> Hello! 1936:< barnum> Round #2, 46 hits! Weaverworm HP: 336[████▒] +XP: almu3alim (3), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3), pyroshroom (3), MeaKyori (1.5) 1936:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> brb, going to copy/paste the text of War and Peace 1936:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1936:< pyroshroom> oh wow, I am practically at my old level again 1937:< RvDarklord> xD 1937:< pyroshroom> nearly back to level 10 1937:< RvDarklord> rip 1937:< MeaKyori> I don't much understand how this works haha 1937:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> shame we can't get loot right now though, 1937:< pyroshroom> ahaha, you might have to disable the "Remove bot spam" option 1937:< pyroshroom> to see the bot's speech 1937:< barnum> Round #3, 121 hits! Weaverworm HP: 215[███▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (9), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3), RvDarklord (1.5), MeaKyori (1.5) 1937:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> type stuff, bot calcs damage on beastie 1938:< pyroshroom> and we can get loot, you just can't find out the number of loot you have gotten 1938:< pyroshroom> like you just got the Mummer's Ruff 1938:< RvDarklord> ya have to remember the loot you got 1938:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Mummers Ruff? 1938:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> I'd rather have Rummer Muff 1938:< RvDarklord> luckily we have a nice spreadsheat 1938:< barnum> Round #4, 99 hits! Weaverworm HP: 116[██▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (6), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1938:< pyroshroom> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/714a9 1939:< RvDarklord> on the bottom you can click rules 1939:< RvDarklord> if you need help 1939:< barnum> Round #5, 73 hits! Weaverworm HP: 43[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1939:< pyroshroom> and the last person to hit the monster gets all the loot 1940:< pyroshroom> so people like talking when monsters are about to die 1940:< pyroshroom> like right now, I am pretty sure this worm is going to die soon 1940:< RvDarklord> Oh geez im going in for the kill whos gonna get the loot is it you is it me or is it someone else? 1940:< RvDarklord> yea its dead now 1940:< pyroshroom> from all the talking I am doing 1940:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> It's a mee! Mario! I'mma gonna win 1940:< Insomnikal> kill steal 1940:< pyroshroom> since I can type a lot 1940:< barnum> Weaverworm is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Boro Bead 5th Level]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/34%), RvDarklord (6/82%), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (2/5... 1940:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Woo hoo! We did it! 1940:< pyroshroom> Aww, another boro bead :( 1940:< barnum> A wild Deer appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1941:< pyroshroom> DIE DEER! 1941:< pyroshroom> DIE BEFORE THE MIGHT OF MY MIGHTY FISTS 1941:< barnum> Deer is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Ring of Water Walking]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/37%), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (2/54%) 1941:< MeaKyori> neat, well thank you! 1941:< pyroshroom> Ohh, this is a nice ring 1941:< RvDarklord> oh wow nice ring mate 1941:< barnum> A wild Riftcreeper appeared! HP: 976[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1941:< pyroshroom> I shall keep this ring --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 19:41:58 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 19:42:24 2016 1942:< barnum> Round #1, 47 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 929[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (3), MeaKyori (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1942:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Kill the RIFT!!! I stab at thee from the bloody depths of helll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1942:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/75%... 1942:< RvDarklord> The rift must be near if there is a riftcreeper here! lets get rir of this beast 1942:< MeaKyori> grrrm go die thing 1942:< pyroshroom> I can walk on water :D 1943:**** pyroshroom does a jig on a lake 1943:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> man, it's times like this that I wish I was mroe vcreative 1943:< RvDarklord> SO pyroshroom is basicly jesus right now? thats nice having jesus in the party 1943:< barnum> Round #2, 103 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 826[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (9), pyroshroom (3), MeaKyori (1.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 1943:< MeaKyori> I know that feel. 1943:< pyroshroom> haha, creative for what? 1943:< Djinneral> creativity is a skill you can learn 1943:< MeaKyori> practice! Now! 1943:< RvDarklord> just start off with some easy actions 1943:< pyroshroom> and I am not jesus, I am a wizard monk 1944:< pyroshroom> with mighty fists 1944:< pyroshroom> I guess monks are kind of like jesus 1944:< barnum> Round #3, 103 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 723[████▒] +XP: pyroshroom (6), MeaKyori (3), Djinneral (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1944:< RvDarklord> you will get better at explaining the actions as you go and it will get more fun too 1945:< pyroshroom> the more loot you get the better :D :D :D 1945:< Djinneral> I will let you in on a secret 1945:< Insomnikal> there is no spoon 1945:< Djinneral> Jesus was the world's greatest magcian 1945:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Hey, ou guys wanna build a snowman?: 1945:< RvDarklord> btw sixty plus characters means more damage and xp. 1945:< barnum> Round #4, 105 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 618[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6), Djinneral (3), pyroshroom (1.5), Insomnikal (1.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEE... 1945:< Djinneral> he was a lvl 75 messiah class 1945:**** pyroshroom uses his globe of bizzards to set up a blizzard 1945:< pyroshroom> NOW WE SHALL BUILD A SNOWMAN 1945:< RvDarklord> NO SNOWMEN 1945:< MeaKyori> So that's strange, I see a popup with monster info because I allowed notifications, but I don't see the stats and such in the chat. 1946:< RvDarklord> Uses staff of dark flame on the blizzard to make it rain instead 1946:< pyroshroom> Did you allow the bot spam? 1946:< Djinneral> untick that in the settings 1946:**** pyroshroom decided to make rainmen instead 1946:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS gathers snow from pyroshroom 's blizzard, forms into giant ball and stuffs RvDarklord inside 1946:< barnum> Round #5, 165 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 453[███▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (6), RvDarklord (6), MeaKyori (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), Djinne... 1946:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS BOOM! There's your snowman, suckaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1947:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS looks around, notices it's now raining men... 1947:< RvDarklord> Halleluja! 1947:< barnum> Round #6, 14 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 439[███▒▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1947:**** pyroshroom watches on in horror as the men fall breaking every bone in their body 1947:< MeaKyori> maybe it works now? 1947:**** pyroshroom thinks that raining men will result in a very bloody ground to clean up later 1948:< barnum> Round #7, 113 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 326[██▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (9), K1ngN0thing (4.5), MeaKyori (1.5) 1948:< RvDarklord> Wow whats that link and why did i downvote it b4 even reading anything? 1948:< pyroshroom> I have no idea what that link is 1948:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/74%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/77%... 1948:< MeaKyori> So how do I make myself exist in the spreadsheet? Do I just add myself, or... 1948:< pyroshroom> I think it's just someone spamming it everywhere 1948:< RvDarklord> yea just add yourself 1948:< pyroshroom> ADD YOURSELF TO THE TOME OF KNOWLEDGE 1949:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS starts to gather up men-bodies from the ground and puts them in a pile, effectively recreating that one scene from South Park 1949:< pyroshroom> it is the record of our existance 1949:< barnum> Round #8, 125 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 201[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6), pyroshroom (6), MeaKyori (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5) 1949:< RvDarklord> Adding oneself to the tome of knowledge is the first thing an adventurer should do otherwise how are you going to keep track of that 1950:< RvDarklord> EEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCC LLLLLLOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1950:< pyroshroom> Otherwise, do you really exist? 1950:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> manual update from this sheet? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/9xpjn 1950:< pyroshroom> if nobody knows that you exist? 1950:< barnum> Round #9, 75 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 126[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 1950:< pyroshroom> Yup, just start a new row 1950:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> KILLL!!!!!!!!!! KILL!!!!!! Bath in the Riftkeeper's blood! 1950:< RvDarklord> yea just add a new row and you exist! 1950:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Color codes mean anything? 1950:< MeaKyori> Cool. Guess I'll be a rogue? 1951:< RvDarklord> also 1951:< pyroshroom> do Riftcreepers have blood? 1951:< SkiyBloue> I was wondering if I could gte in on some of this action 1951:< barnum> Round #10, 63 hits! Riftcreeper HP: 63[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (3), RvDarklord (3), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5), MeaKyori (1.5), SkiyBlo... 1951:< pyroshroom> I think they seem like they would have a miasma of space stuff 1951:< pyroshroom> YOU CAN! EVERYONE CAN GET IN ON THE ACTION! 1951:< RvDarklord> Yea there is ots of metaphysical creatures 1951:< pyroshroom> We are having a two for one sale right now 1951:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1951:< MeaKyori> Are those numbers in the parentheses the amount of xp we get? 1951:< SkiyBloue> I will be chatting alot in like 30 mins 1951:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitches. 1951:< SkiyBloue> but could I be a bard 1952:< pyroshroom> for every one thing you say, I shall say two 1952:< RvDarklord> just choose a class 1952:< thatwentBTE> doot 1952:< barnum> Riftcreeper is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Gauntlets of The Skilled Maneuver]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/55%), thatwentBTE (13/80%), RvDark... 1952:< pyroshroom> Ooo 1952:< RvDarklord> Nice 1952:< barnum> A wild Adult Underworld Dragon appeared! HP: 724[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1952:< pyroshroom> these are much better than my assisting gloves 1952:< RvDarklord> such skille manouvering 1952:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS is becoming increasingly jealous of pyroshroom 's beast killing skills... 1952:< RvDarklord> remember to put those in the loot pile 1953:< barnum> Round #1, 81 hits! Adult Underworld Dragon HP: 643[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 1953:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS looks angerly in his direction. 1953:< MeaKyori> Is a dragon! Grr, go down dragon. 1953:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS Smiles slyly at "Adult" dragon 1953:< pyroshroom> I have been, I can hardly keep track of all the pointless loot I have been getting 1953:< Djinneral> Man I really don't like dragons, they piss me off! I throw my trident at the dragon! 1953:< RvDarklord> ugh an adult underworld dragon? 1953:**** pyroshroom thinks that the dragon is not into you 1953:< RvDarklord> Better get my bow out 1954:< pyroshroom> It's from the underworld! Why do we never get overworld dragons 1954:< Djinneral> we're not good enough yet for the overworld 1954:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS Whips out his Lance of impossible inpregnation! 1954:< MeaKyori> Right now we're trapped in the underground? 1954:< Djinneral> I release my spirit bottle and unleash the berserk spirits on the piece of crap dragon 1955:< RvDarklord> wow djinneral going with his ultimate attack 1955:< Djinneral> im releasing the spirits, stand back guys 1955:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Adult Underworld Dragon HP: 640[█████] +XP: no one :( 1955:< RvDarklord> 0 hits 1955:< Djinneral> what? 1955:< MeaKyori> No one? 1955:< RvDarklord> after all that XD 1955:< MeaKyori> Did it just go weird? 1955:< Djinneral> stupid spirits must've healed it. seeing how its underworld 1955:< RvDarklord> yea sometimes it has problems 1955:< Djinneral> back in the bottle you go! 1956:< barnum> A wild Mummy Of The Deep appeared! HP: 180[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1956:< MeaKyori> Oh okay, bye bye dragon. 1956:< MeaKyori> I guess we scared it away. 1956:< Djinneral> we convinced it to leave 1956:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Mummy Of The Deep HP: 156[█████] +XP: MeaKyori (3), Djinneral (1.5) 1957:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS wraps Mummy Of The Deep in used toilet paper and watches it cry as no one can tell the difference 1957:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> watch out for the poop, 1957:< Djinneral> you should be able to see it when the monster's dead 1957:< RvDarklord> I attack with my bow and just sit back 1957:< barnum> Round #2, 66 hits! Mummy Of The Deep HP: 90[███▒▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (6), Djinneral (3), MeaKyori (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1958:< MeaKyori> Aww. I'm kinda starting to feel bad for this poor mummy. I want to hug it. 1958:< RvDarklord> uhm dont hug it 1958:< RvDarklord> its like dead and stuff 1958:< thatwentBTE> man the big merge is close 1958:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS looks at Mummer's Ruff and wonders what to do 1958:< MeaKyori> Ehhh I've hugged worse 1958:< barnum> Round #3, 61 hits! Mummy Of The Deep HP: 29[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: MeaKyori (6), RvDarklord (3), thatwentBTE (1.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 1958:< RvDarklord> OH SHIT 1958:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Yes, RvDarklord , exactly 1958:< RvDarklord> well here we good2goo 1959:< RvDarklord> its time for the final attack 1959:< MeaKyori> Who cares if it's dead? It could still have some sort of feelings... Just not in its flesh. 1959:< thatwentBTE> where is the mummy of the shallow? 1959:< Djinneral> I finish it off with a knife hand 1959:< RvDarklord> poop loot 1959:< barnum> Mummy Of The Deep is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Figurine of Wondrous Power (onyx dog)]! LVLs: RvDarklord (7/24%), MeaKyori (2/40%), ... 1959:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS bashes mummy over his newly exposed head with his Mummer's Ruff 1959:< thatwentBTE> lololol 1959:< Djinneral> lol 1959:< MeaKyori> Oh yay, I'm level two! :D 1959:< Djinneral> you've got a onyx dog 1959:< barnum> A wild Black Rider appeared! HP: 769[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2000:< MeaKyori> Why would someone flee? 2000:< RvDarklord> ez loot max poop 2000:< thatwentBTE> !flee 2000:< Djinneral> sometimes we have to fight monsters with like 4k hp 2000:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> because words can hurt sometimes 2000:< barnum> Round #1, 144 hits! Black Rider HP: 625[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (6), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (3), MeaKyor... 2000:< RvDarklord> Kappaif the monster has too much hp you can flee 2000:< Djinneral> shit takes long 2000:< thatwentBTE> slaad the lord of high HP 2000:< RvDarklord> !flee 2000:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/82%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/80%... 2000:< RvDarklord> yea slaad had sooo much hp 2000:< MeaKyori> Ohh I see. Interesting. 2001:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2001:< Djinneral> what did slaad drop again? 2001:< RvDarklord> uhm nothing special i think 2001:< thatwentBTE> I think something cool 2001:< XG549> help 2001:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS looks around confused, jealously guarding his Mummer's Ruff 2001:< XG549> oh i thought i still couldnt connect 2001:< barnum> Round #2, 179 hits! Black Rider HP: 446[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (3), XG549 (3), MeaKy... 2001:< thatwentBTE> but from what I see you can get awesome loot from anything 2001:< RvDarklord> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/3f3cd 2001:< RvDarklord> for help 2002:< XG549> sorry rv i say help when im testing chat lol 2002:< MeaKyori> Hey look at that, we're tearing it down a good bit. Yay! 2002:< barnum> Round #3, 81 hits! Black Rider HP: 365[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (6), thatwentBTE (1.5), XG549 (1.5), MeaKyori (1.5) 2002:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> So, for the item pool, just copy something from that list and paste it into my char sheet? 2002:< RvDarklord> yea 2003:< jonesandbrown> So i just woke up and managed to drop my wireless mouse in a glass of water 2003:< RvDarklord> its easier to cut tho so you dont have to delete after 2003:< RvDarklord> the item pool is stuff others didnt want anymore 2003:< barnum> Round #4, 88 hits! Black Rider HP: 277[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), RvDarklord (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2004:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Black Rider HP: 277[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 2004:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS shakes Staff of Performance limply at Black Riders face, hoping he takes the hint 2005:< barnum> Round #6, 9 hits! Black Rider HP: 268[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5) 2006:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Ha! Take that you filthy curr! My Staff of Performance shall smite thee 2006:< barnum> Round #7, 9 hits! Black Rider HP: 259[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5) 2006:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/81%... 2007:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS shouts Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam lectus purus, vestibulum id ex id, interdum lacinia mi. 2007:< barnum> Round #8, 9 hits! Black Rider HP: 250[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5) 2008:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Black Rider HP: 250[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 2008:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam lectus purus, vestibulum id ex id, interdum lacinia mi. 2009:< RvDarklord> Helps the others by throwing a rock at the black riders head and making a dent in his helm 2009:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS starts to wonder where everyone went off too.. .:( 2009:< barnum> Round #10, 49 hits! Black Rider HP: 201[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (6), RvDarklord (4.5) 2010:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS is inspired by RvDarklord 's assistance, +1 to will 2010:< barnum> Round #11, 3 hits! Black Rider HP: 198[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 2010:< RvDarklord> realizes this is a boss, runs up to it and starts smashing it with his bow since he still has no damage 2010:< RvDarklord> um arrows not damage geez 2010:< Djinneral> I crack my rope against the back of the black rider and make it fall off the horse 2011:< barnum> Round #12, 109 hits! Black Rider HP: 89[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (6), Djinneral (4.5) 2011:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS takes off running behind RvDarklord throwing arrows at Black Rider, even though he has no bow 2012:< Djinneral> I open my spirit bottle and try to lure the black rider into it as nourishment to my spirits 2012:< barnum> Round #13, 69 hits! Black Rider HP: 20[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), Djinneral (4.5) 2012:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/83%... 2012:< Djinneral> come on black rider get in, we need some black in this bottle 2012:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> realizes rider is on the groud, 2012:< RvDarklord> grabs an arrow off the ground and shoots it with the bow, as the arrow leaves the string it leaves behind a beam of light 2012:< Djinneral> it's nice and warm inside the bottle you'll like it I promise 2013:< RvDarklord> the arrow pircez the rider and it dies 2013:< Djinneral> It's the place to be! Everyone is in the bottle! 2013:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS picks up RIder and begins to shove him inot Djinneral 's bottle 2013:< RvDarklord> poop loot 2013:< barnum> Black Rider is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Annihilation Spectacles]! LVLs: Djinneral (10/90%), RvDarklord (7/40%), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS... 2013:< RvDarklord> look i needed my glasses guys 2013:< Djinneral> man thats pretty dope 2013:< barnum> A wild Tsathar Scourge appeared! HP: 148[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2013:< Djinneral> so you look at stuff and it just dies? 2014:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Is this actual gear from DnD that we can look up for flavor text or something? 2014:< barnum> Round #1, 66 hits! Tsathar Scourge HP: 82[███▒▒] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), Djinneral (3), RvDarklord (1.5) 2014:< RvDarklord> yea 2014:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Oh pathfinder... neat 2015:< barnum> Round #2, 17 hits! Tsathar Scourge HP: 65[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 2015:< Djinneral> I strike the scourge on the neck with my knife hand and then knee it in the face with my knife knee and then I throw it with my arms 2015:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS sheepishly removes Mummers Ruff from his offhand slot and places it around his neck... 2016:< Djinneral> I follow up this up with a knife toe in the eye, with a knife blow in the thigh 2016:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> no wonder that didn't do me any good 2016:< barnum> Tsathar Scourge is kill! PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS picks up [Dawnflower's Kiss]! LVLs: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3/55%), Djinneral (10/94%) 2016:< barnum> A wild Mythic Fire Giant appeared! HP: 886[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2016:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> nice! Dawnflower's Kiss 2017:< barnum> Round #1, 5 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 881[█████] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (1.5) 2017:< jonesandbrown> I'm gonna jump in here and swing my mace of terror hoping to hit the tsathar in the skull 2018:< barnum> Round #2, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 838[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2018:**** PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS casts Teleportation and is transported to weekly staff meeting "See you soon, heroes!" 2018:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2018:< RvDarklord> looks at the enemy 2019:< jonesandbrown> I swing downward with my mace of terror and smash the fire giants little toe flat on the ground 2019:< barnum> Round #3, 69 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 769[█████] +XP: PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2019:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> party 2019:< jonesandbrown> the mythic fire giant is hopping around on one foot since his toe is throbbing so bad 2019:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> be back later, all. 2020:< barnum> Round #4, 53 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 716[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS (3) 2020:< jonesandbrown> I search the ground around the battle area to find a rock large enough to cause some damage to this mythic fire giant 2021:< barnum> Round #5, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 673[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2021:< jonesandbrown> looking around, i see no water in the immediate area to smother this fire giant's hellish soul 2022:< barnum> Round #6, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 630[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2022:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 630[████▒] +XP: no one :( 2023:< jonesandbrown> I use my grounding rod to bash the fell beast over the head 2023:< barnum> Round #8, 15 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 615[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2024:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2024:< jonesandbrown> initiate barrel roll attack in which i tuck my arms to my body, fall to the ground, and roll rapidly towards the enemy 2025:< barnum> Round #9, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 572[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2026:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 572[████▒] +XP: no one :( 2026:< jonesandbrown> i get up off the ground cause i look kinda stupid just laying here and take a defensive stance preparing to get demolished 2026:< barnum> Round #11, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 529[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2027:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 529[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2028:< jonesandbrown> my verdant boots will sprout some folliage to hide me from the mythic fire giant 2028:< barnum> Round #13, 43 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 486[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2028:< jonesandbrown> OH SHIT it just gave him more stuff to light on fire, now my little patch of trees is burning all around me 2029:< Lord_Renwod> wow 2029:< barnum> Round #14, 46 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 440[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Lord_Renwod (1.5) 2029:< jonesandbrown> maybe i should just wait for this turn, if i don't move, maybe it'll lose track of me? 2029:< Lord_Renwod> test 2030:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2030:< Lord_Renwod> this is interesting 2030:< Lord_Renwod> anyway merge is soon 2030:< barnum> Round #15, 52 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 388[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Lord_Renwod (4.5) 2030:< Lord_Renwod> Glad I'm going to be online for it, I was almost certain I was going to miss it 2031:< jonesandbrown> dude there's a mythic fire giant standing right there and you wanna talk about the robin merge? are you crazy? 2031:< Lord_Renwod> yes I am crazy 2031:< barnum> Round #16, 55 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 333[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2031:< Lord_Renwod> also I've killed enough giants in my lifetimes to die and be reborn a pleb 2031:< jonesandbrown> that thing could murder our faces! I'll use my mace to block his attacks so you don't die in one round friend 2032:< Lord_Renwod> so..................................... 2032:< Lord_Renwod> HAHAHAHA YOU THINK HE'S A THREAT TO ME? 2032:< Lord_Renwod> BITCH I HAVE WINGS. OF FLIGHT. 2032:< barnum> Round #17, 58 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 275[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2032:< jonesandbrown> your little bitch wings so when you get scared you can run away through the air? 2032:< Lord_Renwod> I am wearing an o-yoroi of imperial rule. I have a huge defensive bufff 2033:< Lord_Renwod> and don't even get me STARTED about my OP weapons 2033:< barnum> Round #18, 55 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 220[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2034:< Lord_Renwod> back in the day of Robin-RPG *may he rest in pepperonis* I was at THE TOP of the leaderboard 2034:< jonesandbrown> well, I've got a mithral full plate speed and some sort of speedy shoes 2034:< Lord_Renwod> My rod of Lordly Might is one of the most OP weapons in the game 2034:< barnum> Round #19, 61 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 159[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (9), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2034:< jonesandbrown> haha yeah, i was doing pretty good on the robin-rpg too, but now all we've got is barnum:( 2035:< Lord_Renwod> point is, I consider myself to be a sagacious old adventurer in here now 2035:< barnum> Round #20, 57 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 102[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Lord_Renwod (4.5) 2035:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2036:< Lord_Renwod> I'm like that badass elderly veteran who doesn't fight anymore really but when he does *look out* because he's going to wreck your shit 2036:< jonesandbrown> well, i'll still defend your decrepid ol ass so as to defend my own honour, wouldn't want a geriatric dying on my watch 2036:< barnum> Round #21, 57 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 45[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2036:< Lord_Renwod> psh i'm not gonna die. :/ I have more health potions than you have gold. 2037:< jonesandbrown> wait, we're collecting gold? 2037:< Lord_Renwod> Do you watch HxH? Cuz I'm talking like netero geriatric. 2037:< barnum> Round #22, 34 hits! Mythic Fire Giant HP: 11[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2037:< jonesandbrown> nope i have no idea what that is 2037:< Lord_Renwod> Sure the dude is ancient but he'd kick your ass and my ass and the other dude's ass 2037:< RvDarklord> yea i watched hxh 2037:< RvDarklord> was real awesome 2038:< Lord_Renwod> without batting an eyelash at all. So.......... I mean he's still a baller 2038:< brh131> stealing lott right as i join in 2038:< Lord_Renwod> Yes HxH is one of the my all time favorite animes ever OF ALL TIME 2038:< barnum> Mythic Fire Giant is kill! Lord_Renwod picks up [Zul]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (3/49%), RvDarklord (7/47%), jonesandbrown (8/63%), brh131 ... 2038:< barnum> A wild Warmonger Wasp appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2039:< RvDarklord> ooh zul? 2039:< Lord_Renwod> hmm zul? I'll have to look that up 2039:< barnum> Round #1, 17 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 365[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5), Lord_Renwod (1.5) 2039:< jonesandbrown> THis sould be quick, one quick mace smash should squash this but fat 2039:< RvDarklord> wow this is one fat wasp 2040:< Lord_Renwod> WOW. THAT IS A REALLY STRONG WEAPON. THis is like teir 3 loot man........... 2040:< barnum> Round #2, 55 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 310[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2040:< Lord_Renwod> too bad it's still a piece of shit next to my main weapon 2040:< RvDarklord> lol 2041:< barnum> Round #3, 17 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 293[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2041:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2041:< jonesandbrown> slapping the shit outta this wasp should work 2042:< Lord_Renwod> I toss it in the loot pile with a look of absolute boredom 2042:< RvDarklord> steps on the wasp 2042:< RvDarklord> whoops 2042:< barnum> Round #4, 44 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 249[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (3), jonesandbrown (1.5), Lord_Renwod (1.5) 2042:< Lord_Renwod> hey you whippersnappers don't you know that bug type monsters are weak to fire? 2042:< RvDarklord> thats one tough wasp 2042:< jonesandbrown> be careful, they can still sting when they're dead 2043:< RvDarklord> oh yea i have a fire wand but thats no fun 2043:< Lord_Renwod> just bring out your fire-type weapons and kick his ass......................... 2043:< Lord_Renwod> this is war you dipshit YOU GOTTA GIVE IT YOUR ALL! 2043:< RvDarklord> no its just a wasp man 2043:< barnum> Round #5, 70 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 179[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), RvDarklord (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2043:< RvDarklord> i gotta keep the dm in the dark about my dark flame wand 2044:< Lord_Renwod> it's a warmonger wasp! If left alive, it will bring chaos between peaceful nations 2044:< jonesandbrown> I've got no fire type weapons, but I do have a mace of terror, I'm not sure we want a terrified wasp on our hands though 2044:< Lord_Renwod> it could singlehandedly wipe out the entire human species! 2044:< barnum> Round #6, 74 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 105[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), jonesandbrown (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2044:< RvDarklord> okay.............................. ill grab my fire wand........................................................ and hit it with it 2044:< Lord_Renwod> .......................................................do you even know how to wand? 2044:< RvDarklord> yea 2045:< RvDarklord> man 2045:< RvDarklord> jyst as good as i know how to bow 2045:< Lord_Renwod> not like that! You gotta go like this! *grabs his magic staff* 2045:< barnum> Round #7, 36 hits! Warmonger Wasp HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5) 2045:< RvDarklord> and im a "ranger 2045:< jonesandbrown> i've got a grounding rod... that could maybe be used to direct the electricity of someone else's attack towards a specific target 2045:< Lord_Renwod> *casts fireball on this stupid wasp* *and immolate* *and burning hands* 2046:< RvDarklord> I smack the wasp with my dark falme wand 2046:< barnum> Warmonger Wasp is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Golem Manual flesh]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (3/67%), jonesandbrown (8/69%), RvDarklord (7/55%) 2046:< RvDarklord> see 2046:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah you still did that wrong 2046:< jonesandbrown> but it worked 2046:< barnum> A wild Mudbog appeared! HP: 139[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2046:< Lord_Renwod> w.e I don't have time to level in here I've got bigger fish to fry 2046:< Lord_Renwod> Good luck, I'll be popping in and out for the merge 2047:< barnum> Round #1, 51 hits! Mudbog HP: 88[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (7.5), RvDarklord (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2047:< jonesandbrown> oh cool i'm gonna use my mace of terror to send this silly bug into a terrified frenzy 2047:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2047:< jonesandbrown> trip it as it runs around and it'll look funny as it falls flat on it's face 2048:< RvDarklord> i hit it in the face with my bow 2048:< Lord_Renwod> this is a mudbog, not a mudBUG 2048:< Lord_Renwod> learn to read 2048:< Lord_Renwod> jeez, and you're supposed to be higher level than I am 2048:< barnum> Mudbog is kill! Lord_Renwod picks up [Staff of Belittling]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (3/88%), K1ngN0thing (2/59%), RvDarklord (7/58%), jone... 2048:< Lord_Renwod> #system is broke yo 2048:< barnum> A wild Dire Bat appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2048:< Lord_Renwod> Also how freaking fitting. Can I just have this bound to my soul? Because I think that is definitely characteristic of my role now 2049:< jonesandbrown> hahaa i'm good at words 2049:< barnum> Round #1, 34 hits! Dire Bat HP: 65[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2050:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Dire Bat HP: 65[████▒] +XP: no one :( 2050:< Lord_Renwod> WOW BUNCH OF PLEBS 2050:< jonesandbrown> he got a feebie this round, but not the next round 2050:< jonesandbrown> i'm definately giving this fight my entire attention 2050:< RvDarklord> yea all of it 2051:< jonesandbrown> there's no way i'm watching the office in my second screen 2051:< RvDarklord> totally not playing hearthstone 2051:< barnum> Dire Bat is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Shard of Wrath]! LVLs: RvDarklord (7/62%), jonesandbrown (8/73%), Lord_Renwod (3/92%) 2051:< barnum> A wild Zuvembie appeared! HP: 166[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2052:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Zuvembie HP: 166[█████] +XP: no one :( 2052:< jonesandbrown> boom boom hit kill that's the way we like to... 2052:< jonesandbrown> kill? 2053:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Zuvembie HP: 136[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 2053:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2053:< jonesandbrown> i prepare for a flying elbow off the top rope 2054:< barnum> Round #3, 15 hits! Zuvembie HP: 121[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2054:< jonesandbrown> and i'll jump high in the air and slam him with an insane elbow 2055:< barnum> Round #4, 43 hits! Zuvembie HP: 78[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2055:< jonesandbrown> BOOM 43 hp in one flying elbow! 2056:< barnum> Round #5, 15 hits! Zuvembie HP: 63[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2057:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Zuvembie HP: 63[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2057:< jonesandbrown> I start making a cup of tea, the Zuvembie tooks on in confusion 2057:< barnum> Round #7, 43 hits! Zuvembie HP: 20[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2057:< RvDarklord> looks at whaats going on 2058:< RvDarklord> leaves to brush teeth 2058:< jonesandbrown> The water is starting to boil now, I'm excited for this cup of tea 2058:< barnum> Zuvembie is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Horn of Plenty]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (8/79%), RvDarklord (7/65%) 2059:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/20%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2059:< barnum> A wild Ogrekin appeared! HP: 112[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2100:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Ogrekin HP: 112[█████] +XP: no one :( 2101:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ogrekin HP: 112[█████] +XP: no one :( 2101:< ryanvango> *you all feel an unnatural presence. its familiar...but...off....as you start to realize what it is, ryanvango obliterates the ogrekin 2101:< jonesandbrown> i drop the horn of plenty cause it sounds stupid 2101:< jonesandbrown> DDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN DANIEL 2101:< barnum> Ogrekin is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Swarmbane Clasp]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/21%), jonesandbrown (8/82%) 2102:< jonesandbrown> ryanvango's back in the ation 2102:< barnum> A wild Giant Anaconda appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2102:< ryanvango> hey jonesy 2102:< ryanvango> caught you playin with yourself, thought you might want a hand 2102:< barnum> Round #1, 191 hits! Giant Anaconda HP: 376[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2103:< jonesandbrown> lovely of you good sir, i've just made tea, would you like some? 2103:< barnum> Round #2, 44 hits! Giant Anaconda HP: 332[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2103:< ryanvango> I would love a cup! thank you! *site in the la z boy, waiting patiently for his cup of tea 2104:< ryanvango> the whole while, I nonchalantly swing away at the giant anaconda who thinks it has a chance at all 2104:< ryanvango> it doesn't 2104:< ryanvango> and is now dead 2104:< barnum> Giant Anaconda is kill! ryanvango picks up [Mattock of The Titans]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/24%) 2104:< ryanvango> barnum you alive 2105:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/24%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2105:< jonesandbrown> adds the tea to the boiling water, steeping it gently to the perfect complextion 2105:< barnum> A wild Tick Swarm appeared! HP: 540[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2105:< jonesandbrown> OOOK I equip my swarmbane clasp to deal full damage to this swarm! 2105:< barnum> Round #1, 133 hits! Tick Swarm HP: 407[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (9), ryanvango (1.5) 2105:< ryanvango> dude you got a bug problem in here....stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp 2106:< jonesandbrown> i have been feeling kinda itchy.. 2106:< ryanvango> oh im guessing you knew that...explains why you went out and got yourself a swarm bane 2106:< barnum> Round #2, 281 hits! Tick Swarm HP: 126[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2107:< ryanvango> don't worry about these guys, i used to do this for a living. keep making the tea if you like 2107:< jonesandbrown> indeed, and now i'll use the terror attack on my mace of terror to cause the swarm to attack itself from the inside 2107:< barnum> Tick Swarm is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Bone Beads]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/27%), jonesandbrown (8/89%) 2107:< jonesandbrown> oh ok, it's almost too strong. let me pull the tea leaves and add the milk and sugar. do you take milk and sugar? 2108:< barnum> A wild Ice Salamander appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2108:< ryanvango> i do! thank you for asking. most people just assume nowadays. 2108:< ryanvango> its quite frustrating if you ask me. what happened to hospitality? 2108:< barnum> Ice Salamander is kill! ryanvango picks up [Gravesoul Armor]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/29%), jonesandbrown (8/90%) 2108:< ryanvango> oh man you really climbed up in levels 2109:< barnum> A wild Cold Rider appeared! HP: 436[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2109:< ryanvango> WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY?! did you invite him?! he looks terribly mean 2109:< ryanvango> im gonna assume hes an asshole and murder him in the face with murder punches 2109:< barnum> Round #1, 311 hits! Cold Rider HP: 125[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5) 2109:< ryanvango> maybe then he'll think twice about entering random homes during tea 2109:< ryanvango> the bastard. hes dead now, also 2109:< ryanvango> type anything to get loot 2109:< jonesandbrown> * adds milk and sugar to ryanvango's tea. I drink mine black though so I bring the cuppa to to ryanvango in his lazyboy 2110:< jonesandbrown> sipping my tea i look around for loot 2110:< barnum> Cold Rider is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Ring of Ectoplasmic Invigoration]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/34%), jonesandbrown (8/96%) 2110:< jonesandbrown> haha this sounds like a ghostly cock ringo 2110:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/34%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2110:< ryanvango> well look at that! explains his apparent coldness, i would think! *thanks you for the tea 2111:< barnum> A wild Unicorn appeared! HP: 153[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2111:< ryanvango> i wonder if any of the others will be round any time soon? we could eat this unicorn 2111:< ryanvango> that is now dead 2111:< jonesandbrown> You're welcome, I hope you like it. It's a new blend i've found recently 2111:< barnum> Unicorn is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Sun Blade]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/37%), jonesandbrown (8/99%) 2112:< ryanvango> oh yeah? thats good. it tastes delicious. makes my head swim a bit, whats it called? 2112:< barnum> A wild Mythic Rakshasa appeared! HP: 742[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2112:< ryanvango> ooo it really has a strong aftertaste. has a bit of a bite to it 2112:< barnum> Round #1, 266 hits! Mythic Rakshasa HP: 476[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9) 2113:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Mythic Rakshasa HP: 476[████▒] +XP: no one :( 2114:< jonesandbrown> it's a blend with assam (sp?) and some sort of floral notes. doesn't taste flowery at all surprisingly 2114:< ryanvango> i believe we have company, jonesandbrown. this odd tiger fellow refuses to leave! 2114:< ryanvango> test 2114:< barnum> Round #3, 223 hits! Mythic Rakshasa HP: 253[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2114:< Yeniuss> !banlist 2114:< ryanvango> what is that?! 2114:< Yeniuss> barnum hasnt updated his bot :c 2115:< ryanvango> and hey yeniuss! hows it going? look how much damage i do with 1 hit now! 2115:< ryanvango> yeah he did last night, but since then he switched it back. not sure why 2115:< Yeniuss> a lot of damage jesus 2115:< barnum> Mythic Rakshasa is kill! Yeniuss picks up [Manual of Quickness of Action +1]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/41%), Yeniuss (5/62%) 2115:< ryanvango> but thats ok. i was DMing our guided run and LEVELING monsters 2115:< Yeniuss> ah man I already have one of these 2115:< barnum> A wild Uraeus appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2115:< ryanvango> so without the item bonus, its a bit better, but still takes almost no effort 2116:< ryanvango> anything under like 1200 i can usually kill in 1 or 2 rounds 2116:< barnum> Uraeus is kill! ryanvango picks up [Bag of Concealment type IV]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/44%), Yeniuss (5/63%) 2116:< Yeniuss> thats crazy 2116:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/44%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2116:< ryanvango> yeah. and even faster with loot bonus 2116:< Yeniuss> how does the loot bonus work 2117:< barnum> A wild Walrus appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2117:< ryanvango> so its ok its gone for now. 2117:< Yeniuss> dont 1 hit the walrus! 2117:< ryanvango> so the old system (this one) give you base damage for sub60 characters 2117:< Yeniuss> poor walrus 2117:< barnum> Walrus is kill! Yeniuss picks up [Ring of Chameleon Power]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/46%), Yeniuss (5/68%) 2117:< ryanvango> and it gives you base damage + (level times 3) for over 60 2117:< barnum> A wild Hanged Man appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2118:< Yeniuss> why are these enemies so weak 2118:< barnum> Round #1, 54 hits! Hanged Man HP: 45[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 2118:< ryanvango> the loot bonus was for over 60 you got [base damage + (level x 3)(loot count/loot count +60) 2118:< ryanvango> so you could, if you had a loooooot of loot, effectively double your bonus damage 2118:< Yeniuss> so you'd basically be one hitting everything 2119:< ryanvango> well lets test. stay quiet for a moment 2119:< barnum> Hanged Man is kill! ryanvango picks up [Solidsmoke Pipeweed]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/50%), Yeniuss (5/73%) 2119:< Yeniuss> well this guys already dead 2119:< barnum> A wild Human appeared! HP: 36[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2119:< ryanvango> lol 2119:< ryanvango> (my lol is enough to kill this one haha) 2120:< RvDarklord> lol 36? 2120:< ryanvango> yeah, at level 18 your lol does 2xlevel for damage 2120:< surelyucantbserious> Shirley drops in to say "Hello!" and immediately returns from whence he came. 2120:< barnum> Human is kill! surelyucantbserious picks up [Eldritch Egress]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/54%), surelyucantbserious (3/64%), RvDarklord (7/... 2120:< RvDarklord> NOOO 2120:< surelyucantbserious> awww crap 2120:< barnum> A wild Devastator appeared! HP: 1642[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2120:< RvDarklord> he got the kill 2120:< Yeniuss> where did everyone come from 2120:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 2120:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle on his Behir "Boof" swinging wildly and screaming like an idiot! 2120:< RvDarklord> welp bed time bbye guys 2121:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 2121:< jonesandbrown> Cool, now i've got a Mace of Terror in my main hand and a Sun Blade in my offhand. Sounds like a pretty awesome combo to me 2121:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 2121:< barnum> Round #1, 640 hits! Devastator HP: 1002[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (18), RvDarklord (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), surelyucantbserious (1.5)... 2121:< surelyucantbserious> Shirley gifts his loot to the person on his left? 2121:< ryanvango> so probably 560 or so of that was me. 2121:< ryanvango> thanks shirley! 2122:< surelyucantbserious> ;) 2122:< barnum> Round #2, 95 hits! Devastator HP: 907[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (3), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 2122:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/56%), SirCabbage (15/93%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2122:< SirCabbage> oh god, the bees 2122:< ryanvango> with the loot bonus, it woulda been closer to 800 I think. my loot bonus isnt double yet 2122:< Yeniuss> only need 1 more tier 14 and we become t17, should happen today 2123:< barnum> Round #3, 231 hits! Devastator HP: 676[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 2123:< Yeniuss> BEES 2123:< ryanvango> SirCabbage you should wear a beekeeper suit 2123:< SirCabbage> AHHH *waves arms around while running away 2123:< jonesandbrown> Here, use my Swarmbane, you can hit them hard then 2124:< SirCabbage> Oh cheers *hits away the swarm with the Swarmbane then hands it back 2124:< barnum> Round #4, 216 hits! Devastator HP: 460[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Yeniuss (1.5), ryanvango (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2124:< SirCabbage> That is the best and most specific item ever 2124:< Yeniuss> where did the bees come from 2124:< jonesandbrown> Right, and I got it like one round before a massive swarm of ticks showed up 2124:< SirCabbage> Speaking of useful items, I got multiple new good ones. A bracelet of bargining 2125:< SirCabbage> I assume a hive Yeniuss 2125:< barnum> Round #5, 241 hits! Devastator HP: 219[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 2125:< ryanvango> that is a useful item haha 2125:< SirCabbage> And I shit you not 2125:< SirCabbage> "Getaway Boots' 2126:< Yeniuss> so if your sweettalking fails you have a quick exit 2126:< barnum> Round #6, 126 hits! Devastator HP: 93[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), ryanvango (1.5), Yeniuss (1.5) 2126:< jonesandbrown> Getaway boots? only the most specific item ever 2126:< ryanvango> also, you died after you left last night. the group found your Resurrection potion, but the DJinneral fed it to his jar again 2126:< SirCabbage> Says the owner of the SWARMBANE 2126:< ryanvango> lol i got getaway boots earlier today too 2126:< SirCabbage> Or not Ryan, because it wasnt a potion anymore it was in my caundron 2127:< ryanvango> potions* 2127:< barnum> Devastator is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Spell Knowledge Type I]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/61%), SirCabbage (15/99%), jonesandbrow... 2127:< SirCabbage> and secondly I said not to touch my items, so, I dont agree with that 2127:< jonesandbrown> there's a bunch of types of swarms though..; 2127:< barnum> A wild Giant Crawling Hand appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2127:< ryanvango> lol im only kidding. it ended shortly after. they went in the smooth tunnel and had no light. they bumped around for a bit 2127:< SirCabbage> A swarm of crowaling hands? 2127:< ryanvango> then they got scared and left. they only made it like 100 feet in 2128:< barnum> Giant Crawling Hand is kill! ryanvango picks up [Candle of Truth]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/64%), SirCabbage (16/6%), jonesandbrown (9/13%) 2128:< jonesandbrown> I'm gonna use a double handed attack to ... fuck, it's dead already 2128:< Yeniuss> I equip Hourglass of Last Chances, in case of emergency 2128:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/64%), SirCabbage (16/6%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 2128:< SirCabbage> Oh, I just reached lvl 16 2128:< ryanvango> lol you're really fucked now jones. SirCabbage is a beast also 2128:< barnum> A wild Large Fire Elemental appeared! HP: 270[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2128:< SirCabbage> woot. 2129:< jonesandbrown> I know, this is what makes people want to spam farm 2129:< ryanvango> ITS ABOUT FUCKIN TIME CABBAGE! YOU ROLLED A 1! 2129:< barnum> Large Fire Elemental is kill! ryanvango picks up [Staff of Spiders]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (9/16%), ryanvango (18/66%), SirCabbage (16... 2129:< SirCabbage> and I have been known to *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2129:< SirCabbage> a 1? aw ;-; 2129:< SirCabbage> there should be a bad luck bonus 2129:< barnum> A wild Killmoulis appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2129:< ryanvango> lol i just wanted to rub it in your face. but I reroll ones cause theyre lame 2129:< jonesandbrown> i prefer to bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bitebite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 2130:< ryanvango> so it doesnt count. you really get a 3 (after rolling another 1) 2130:< SirCabbage> There was a perfect bite related item the other day 2130:< barnum> Killmoulis is kill! ryanvango picks up [Sanguine Talisman]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/12%), ryanvango (18/69%), jonesandbrown (9/19%) 2130:< jonesandbrown> what was that cab? 2130:< barnum> A wild Shedu appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2130:< SirCabbage> I need to remember, fuck 2130:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 2131:< barnum> Round #1, 146 hits! Shedu HP: 196[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), SirCabbage (3) 2131:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash ? 2132:< barnum> Round #2, 39 hits! Shedu HP: 157[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 2132:< ryanvango> cabbage, im gonna try to get a hold of barnum if we do that again tonight. he can make the bot ignore me. i pmed you earlier 2132:< SirCabbage> Yeah I saw it- at 5:40 am when I woke up 2132:< jonesandbrown> you too should just sit round and drink tea while I take care of this puny Shedu 2132:< ryanvango> you are in a crazy ass timezone my friend 2132:< SirCabbage> *two 2132:< ryanvango> poop 2132:< barnum> Shedu is kill! ryanvango picks up [Crown of Blindness]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/72%), SirCabbage (16/16%), jonesandbrown (9/23%) 2133:< jonesandbrown> cock 2133:< ryanvango> ;) 2133:< SxwTheCat> is what your mom took 2133:< barnum> A wild Meladaemon appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2133:< SirCabbage> well obviously 2133:< jonesandbrown> :D nice one 2133:< SirCabbage> everyone's mum took cock at one point 2133:< jonesandbrown> bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite 2133:< SxwTheCat> yo ryan what's goin on in the roleplay 2133:< SirCabbage> it is sort of required 2133:< SxwTheCat> IVF babies 2133:< barnum> Round #1, 220 hits! Meladaemon HP: 441[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5), SxwTheCat (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 2133:< jonesandbrown> actually, my cousin's a lesbian, and has two kids... 2134:< SxwTheCat> adoptions, ect 2134:< SirCabbage> as for loot, why not just make it that you can EITHER take the loot OR take an amount of coin. 2134:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/72%), SirCabbage (16/16%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2134:< Yeniuss> more loot! 2134:< SxwTheCat> both coin + loot 2134:< SirCabbage> You give an amount of coin based on how good or bad the loot is to try and convince people not to get the loot 2134:< Yeniuss> I want to see barnum get loot 2134:< SxwTheCat> impossible 2134:< SirCabbage> Ryan's issue was there was too much random un-story related loot 2134:< Yeniuss> give barnum loot! 2135:< barnum> Round #2, 413 hits! Meladaemon HP: 28[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (13.5), SxwTheCat (4.5), Yeniuss (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2135:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2135:< ryanvango> thats not a bad solution. the only issue i see is we dont have much reference for how much coin is "good" 2135:< jonesandbrown> Sips tea 2135:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2135:< jonesandbrown> Sips more tea 2135:< SirCabbage> *BASSHES 2135:< Yeniuss> tea 2135:< SirCabbage> *BASHES MORE 2135:< SxwTheCat> loot incoming 2135:< jonesandbrown> Sips tea hoping to kill the monster with tea... 2135:< Yeniuss> why not coffee 2135:< ryanvango> pooooooooooooop 2135:< Yeniuss> sips coffee 2135:< SxwTheCat> fuck you my loot sips 2135:< ryanvango> damn 2135:< jonesandbrown> a 2136:< ryanvango> a 2136:< barnum> Meladaemon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes +5]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/24%), jonesandbrown (9/32%), Yeniuss (5... 2136:< SxwTheCat> sipsco dirt 2136:< Yeniuss> pours coffee on swthecat 2136:< jonesandbrown> poop loot 2136:< jonesandbrown> fuck 2136:< ryanvango> *poof* 2136:< SxwTheCat> we're not near each other yeni 2136:< SxwTheCat> what's the scene ryan? WHAT DID YOU SEE 2137:< ryanvango> just had a reset. whatd you say? 2137:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Alpluachra HP: 22[█████] +XP: no one :( 2138:< barnum> A wild Khargra appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2138:< ryanvango> oh no. i think his bot got broked 2138:< ryanvango> theres two beasties here now barnum 2138:< ryanvango> i dont know which one will die, or if both will 2138:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2138:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Khargra HP: 189[█████] +XP: no one :( 2139:< ryanvango> welll... 2139:< SirCabbage> you broke it?! 2139:< SirCabbage> you monster. 2139:< ryanvango> did you get a rest too? 2139:< ryanvango> rest* 2139:< SirCabbage> nope! *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2139:< jonesandbrown> KILL THEM BOTH WITH SUNLIGHT *i swing my sunblade over my head screaming my incantation... which is.... 2139:< ryanvango> reset* 2139:< barnum> Khargra is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Feather Falling]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/77%), SirCabbage (16/25%), jonesandbrown (9/35%) 2139:< SirCabbage> wow. 2139:< barnum> A wild Shining Child appeared! HP: 684[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2140:< jonesandbrown> COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK COCK 2140:< Firengineer> Huh, this is actually pretty cool 2140:< ryanvango> somethins fucky 2140:< SxwTheCat> they're gonna 1/2 share state 2140:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/8suf7 2140:< SirCabbage> rules here 2140:< barnum> Round #1, 299 hits! Shining Child HP: 385[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), Firengineer (1.5), ryanvango (1.5), Sxw... 2141:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown uses helicockter to bludgen the small child about the face and neck, apparently... 2141:< ryanvango> you dirty birdy 2141:< barnum> Round #2, 180 hits! Shining Child HP: 205[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 2141:< jonesandbrown> :d 2141:< jonesandbrown> :D 2141:< ryanvango> D: 2142:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Shining Child HP: 205[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2142:< ryanvango> ummm....no? 2142:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/78%), SirCabbage (16/26%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2142:< ryanvango> we hit the fuck outa that thing...BARNUMMMMMMM BAAARNUUUUUUM! BARNUM! 2142:< jonesandbrown> to be clear, i activate my sunblade my swining it around my head and yelling an incantation. which is COCK 2142:< ryanvango> ITS BROKE! 2143:< SirCabbage> *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? *bash ? 2143:< ryanvango> i know what i saw jonesandbrown.....and im telling... 2143:< jonesandbrown> ok, but to be clear, it was before the shining child showed up... i don't need to be on any more lists 2143:< barnum> A wild Giant Stag Beetle appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2144:< ryanvango> what are they gonna do? put you on the list AGAIN? who cares. you're probly fine 2144:< barnum> Round #1, 186 hits! Giant Stag Beetle HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2145:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Giant Stag Beetle HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2145:< jonesandbrown> COCK 2146:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2146:< barnum> Giant Stag Beetle is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Gravesoul Armor]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (9/45%) 2146:< barnum> A wild Sea Hag appeared! HP: 171[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2147:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Sea Hag HP: 171[█████] +XP: no one :( 2148:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Sea Hag HP: 171[█████] +XP: no one :( 2148:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/81%), SirCabbage (16/28%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2149:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Sea Hag HP: 171[█████] +XP: no one :( 2150:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Sea Hag HP: 171[█████] +XP: no one :( 2150:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2151:< jonesandbrown> *sips tea 2151:< barnum> Round #5, 68 hits! Sea Hag HP: 103[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6) 2151:< jonesandbrown> *sips tea 2151:< jonesandbrown> *sips tea 2152:< barnum> Round #6, 34 hits! Sea Hag HP: 69[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3) 2152:< SirCabbage> *eats tea 2152:< jonesandbrown> *sips tea 2153:< barnum> Round #7, 56 hits! Sea Hag HP: 13[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2153:< jonesandbrown> *sips tea violently 2153:< SirCabbage> *bashes tea with a massive cleaver named johnthan 2153:< SirCabbage> Well, slices 2153:< SirCabbage> but Ill say bashes 2154:< jonesandbrown> i mean you could hit it with the flat side of the cleaver 2154:< barnum> Sea Hag is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Gem of Seeing]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/32%), jonesandbrown (9/51%) 2154:< SirCabbage> true 2154:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/81%), SirCabbage (16/32%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2154:< barnum> A wild Lava Child appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2155:< ryanvango> murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder 2155:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2155:< ryanvango> I kill the child to death 2155:< barnum> Lava Child is kill! ryanvango picks up [Riftcarver]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/84%), jonesandbrown (9/54%), SirCabbage (16/32%) 2155:< barnum> A wild Zeuglodon appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2155:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2156:< barnum> Round #1, 51 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 466[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2157:< Gnauga-> !loot 2157:< barnum> Round #2, 3 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 463[█████] +XP: Gnauga- (1.5) 2157:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2157:< Gnauga-> Who else is on right now? 2157:< Gnauga-> She sells sea shell by the sea shore 2158:< barnum> Round #3, 57 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 406[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), Gnauga- (3) 2158:< Gnauga-> Fifty Boxer Wizards Fought A Zillion Meter Maids 2158:< jonesandbrown> I'm here, but barely paying attention 2158:< barnum> Round #4, 20 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 386[████▒] +XP: Gnauga- (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2159:< Gnauga-> See the trees for the forest. Boyzen berries and cloistered ferries! Wellness is a state of math. Boom, zayd bay 2159:< barnum> Round #5, 9 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 377[████▒] +XP: Gnauga- (4.5) 2200:< Gnauga-> punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch 2200:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2200:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/84%), SirCabbage (16/32%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2200:< ryanvango> im going to smoke. if people start trickling in, let me know what we're gonna do 2201:< barnum> Round #6, 196 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 181[██▒▒▒] +XP: Gnauga- (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2201:< jonesandbrown> Trickling? 2202:< barnum> Round #7, 17 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 164[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2202:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 164[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2203:< Gnauga-> If people come in 2203:< Gnauga-> I guess they could come flooding in too 2203:< Gnauga-> or even streaming in 2203:< jonesandbrown> cum in who? 2203:< Gnauga-> WOWWWW 2203:< jonesandbrown> sorry. cum in whom? 2203:< barnum> Round #9, 46 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 118[██▒▒▒] +XP: Gnauga- (6), jonesandbrown (3) 2204:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 118[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2205:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 118[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2206:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/85%), SirCabbage (16/32%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2206:< jonesandbrown> so someone has had a peanut butte jelly bj at some point in time 2206:< jonesandbrown> how does that make you feel 2206:< barnum> Round #12, 68 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 50[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6) 2207:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 50[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2208:< jonesandbrown> makes me feel pretty good about the peanut butter and jelly sitting on my desk right now 2208:< barnum> Zeuglodon is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Whispering Amulet]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (9/62%) 2209:< barnum> A wild Ash Giant appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2209:< jonesandbrown> do you think the ash giant is naked? 2209:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Ash Giant HP: 643[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2209:< jonesandbrown> i mean it's wild... 2210:< SirCabbage> Giants are still intelligent 2210:< SirCabbage> it would not be naked 2210:< jonesandbrown> so it probably isnt in the habbit of wearing clothes 2210:< barnum> Round #2, 114 hits! Ash Giant HP: 529[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), SirCabbage (3) 2210:< SirCabbage> it would be likely complaining about how hard it is to find shirts in his size if you rip it 2210:< SirCabbage> but other then that 2210:< jonesandbrown> but if you're in the wild... then why would you wear clothes? i know i don't when i go to the wild 2211:< jonesandbrown> how do you know it's a he? 2211:< jonesandbrown> could be a she 2211:< SirCabbage> He/she would be actively involved in an ash giant clan 2211:< SirCabbage> wild to use does not mean wild to them 2211:< barnum> Round #3, 322 hits! Ash Giant HP: 207[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), jonesandbrown (7.5) 2211:< SirCabbage> dont be so judgemental 2211:< SirCabbage> and dont kill such an innocent beast 2211:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/85%), SirCabbage (16/34%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2212:< SirCabbage> he is completely and totally innocent. 2212:< SirCabbage> and you just want to what, slaughter him/her? 2212:< ryanvango> murder 2212:< SirCabbage> you my friend are a monster 2212:< jonesandbrown> uh... i don't know about that, and i'm not trying to kill it, i just want it to know it's ok to express itself in whatever way it wants 2212:< ryanvango> pooooooop 2212:< SirCabbage> YOU ARE A MONSTER 2212:< ryanvango> no 2212:< SirCabbage> A MONSTER I SAY LOUDLY AND CONTINOUSLY FOR NO REASON 2212:< ryanvango> we broke it 2212:< barnum> Ash Giant is kill! ryanvango picks up [Pelt of Primal Power]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/39%), ryanvango (18/87%), jonesandbrown (9/67%) 2212:< SirCabbage> aw fuck you 2213:< jonesandbrown> oh shit, it was wearing clothes 2213:< barnum> A wild Arctic Tern appeared! HP: 9[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2213:< SirCabbage> what the fuck is a tern 2213:< jonesandbrown> kiss gently 2213:< SirCabbage> I dont even know what a tern is 2213:< jonesandbrown> it's a bird 2213:< SirCabbage> sounds like a bird. 2213:< barnum> Arctic Tern is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Skin Harp]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/44%), jonesandbrown (9/74%) 2213:< SirCabbage> ew. 2214:< barnum> A wild Berbalang appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2214:< jonesandbrown> isn't that a nickname for a frenulum 2214:< SirCabbage> no, that would be known as "your mum 2214:< barnum> Round #1, 96 hits! Berbalang HP: 210[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2214:< SirCabbage> wow those two lines were enough to get almost 100 damage 2215:< SirCabbage> that is pretty impressive 2215:< SirCabbage> I am pretty kickass. 2215:< jonesandbrown> I know my base hit does about 43 damage so you do about 57 2215:< SirCabbage> Just saying, just look at how kickass I am- on a scale of 1-10 I would say I am pretty kickass 2215:< barnum> Berbalang is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Shieldsplitter Lance]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/47%), jonesandbrown (9/75%) 2215:< barnum> A wild Soulsliver appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2216:< SirCabbage> What the fuck is a soulsilver? I have never even heard of one before. Really you should just fuck right off soulsilver- 2216:< barnum> Soulsliver is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Dragonbone Divination Sticks]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/48%) 2216:< jonesandbrown> poop 2216:< SirCabbage> no one loves you- not even a little bit. Eff you 2216:< barnum> A wild Kuru appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2216:< SirCabbage> ryan 2217:< SirCabbage> may I please eat this Kuru? 2217:< SirCabbage> It sounds delicious and I doubt it is poison 2217:< barnum> Kuru is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ring of Feather Falling]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/53%), jonesandbrown (9/75%) 2217:< jonesandbrown> sure bro, i'm straight vegan so it's all yours 2217:< SirCabbage> *munches it down 2217:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/87%), SirCabbage (16/53%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2218:< barnum> A wild The Ravager appeared! HP: 2754[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2218:< jonesandbrown> oooh, i'd love if it ravaged me... 2218:< jonesandbrown> pants needingly 2218:< barnum> Round #1, 93 hits! The Ravager HP: 2661[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2218:< SirCabbage> jonesandbrown you worry me 2218:< jonesandbrown> in what way? 2219:< SirCabbage> every way. 2219:< barnum> Round #2, 96 hits! The Ravager HP: 2565[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2220:< ryanvango> poop loot 2220:< ryanvango> sorry. bit premature. its a problem 2220:< jonesandbrown> i feel like i've got sunburn, but i haven't been outside in forever 2220:< barnum> Round #3, 142 hits! The Ravager HP: 2423[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (3) 2220:< ryanvango> i wanna be level 19. so im gonna spend some time killing this thing 2221:< ryanvango> first time weve seen a ravager i think. usually its big beefy dragons that are this big 2221:< jonesandbrown> oooooooooh the ravenger has so much hp, i just wanna let him ride me like a horse in heat 2221:< ryanvango> murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder 2221:< barnum> Round #4, 408 hits! The Ravager HP: 2015[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5) 2221:< SirCabbage> I wanna be, the very best. 2221:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2221:< SirCabbage> like NO ONE EVER WAS 2221:< jonesandbrown> your the best around 2221:< SirCabbage> to catch dragons is my real test 2221:< jonesandbrown> no ones ever gonna keep ya down 2221:< SirCabbage> AND TO TAME THEM IS MY CAUSEEE 2222:< ryanvango> jonesdandbrown reddit.com/r/nsfw reddit.com/r/gaynsfw reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars 2222:< barnum> Round #5, 380 hits! The Ravager HP: 1635[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (7.5), SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (4.5) 2222:< ryanvango> feel like you need to get something out of your system. sooo take your pick 2222:< SirCabbage> hahah, ryan, good one. 2223:< ryanvango> cabbage, what about the boss mechanic? did that work ok, or do you have any other ideas? 2223:< jonesandbrown> but.. i want, neigh, need the ravenger in me 2223:< barnum> Round #6, 329 hits! The Ravager HP: 1306[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2223:< ryanvango> reddit.com/r/theravagerfuckingjonesandbrown_nsfw 2223:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/90%), SirCabbage (16/54%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2223:< SirCabbage> It worked fine- but, maybe give us updates on how many monsters we have left lol 2223:< jonesandbrown> hahaah please let that become a thing 2223:< ryanvango> that should help. have a handi wipe available, as a pro top. 2224:< barnum> Round #7, 226 hits! The Ravager HP: 1080[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2224:< ryanvango> lol I kinda liked you were in the dark. keep in mind, im not just typing out messages, im also writing on paper 2224:< jonesandbrown> i always have handi's available 2224:< ryanvango> so i can keep track of whats happening. and we're all so beefy, you were killing stuff stupid fast 2224:< SirCabbage> true, but I had to go up and check myself. Which meant I couldnt attack lol 2225:< ryanvango> hahaha paper and pencil man! 2225:< barnum> Round #8, 453 hits! The Ravager HP: 627[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2225:< jonesandbrown> when i get in a poop looting streak that's the only way to keep up 2225:< SirCabbage> I found jones' fetish of choice 2226:< SirCabbage> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6pDrnWtuD0 2226:< ryanvango> the other thing is trying to keep track of status effects. I DO include them, but typing them out wastes time 2226:< barnum> Round #9, 266 hits! The Ravager HP: 361[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 2226:< ryanvango> basically status changes can either prevent damage to you, or slow down how fast I type 2226:< SirCabbage> oh noes 2226:< ryanvango> and i think one time, I switched to only typing sub 60 characters, so i wouldnt be helping (debuffing you guys) 2227:< barnum> Round #10, 311 hits! The Ravager HP: 50[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (1.5) 2227:< jonesandbrown> oooooOOOOOOooooooooohhh i need that handy wipe now 2227:< ryanvango> its kind of a pain haha. maybe after robin is done we can make a badass text based DnD/rpg/mud combo. DM ran 2228:< barnum> The Ravager is kill! ryanvango picks up [Tidewater Cutlass]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/95%) 2228:< ryanvango> with tools for changing what happen (like I could drop in a bigass dragon with health, so you can see it) 2228:< barnum> A wild Skaveling appeared! HP: 261[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2228:< ryanvango> ASCII maps and all kinds of cool stuff 2228:< SirCabbage> Oh god a skaveling 2228:< SirCabbage> RUN AWAY 2228:< jonesandbrown> that would be cool ryanvango, if/when it's active post it to the robin-rpg subreddit so everyone that's been here can find it 2228:< ryanvango> barnum. build us a cool thing to play with. 2229:< barnum> Skaveling is kill! ryanvango picks up [Broom of Flying]! LVLs: ryanvango (18/96%), jonesandbrown (9/84%), SirCabbage (16/56%) 2229:< SirCabbage> isn't there already programs that do PROPER D&D out there? :p 2229:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (18/96%), SirCabbage (16/56%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2229:< ryanvango> I wanna say yes, but I can't really find them. and a lot of em you need to be on mic or vid (roll20) 2229:< SirCabbage> https://roll20.net/ 2229:< barnum> A wild Four-armed Gargoyle appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2229:< ryanvango> and i dont wanna be sitting in my room yelling in an accent haha. ive got roommates! 2230:< ryanvango> housemates* ive got my own room 2230:< barnum> Four-armed Gargoyle is kill! ryanvango picks up [Quake Cannon]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/5%), SirCabbage (16/58%) 2230:< jonesandbrown> well i have no such inhibitions so i'll be doing that soon 2230:< barnum> A wild Purrodaemon appeared! HP: 1323[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2231:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 1305[█████] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2231:< SirCabbage> my point is, instead of doing that you may as well just use something like roll20 2231:< jonesandbrown> i need another cuppa 2231:< ryanvango> yeah, i get what you mean. i need to dig in to roll20 a bit more and see if its similar. 2232:< barnum> Round #2, 280 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 1025[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2232:< SirCabbage> it is basically dnd from what I can tell 2232:< jonesandbrown> ok so i'm relatively new to the world og dnd, is there a dnd starter kit or something? 2233:< barnum> Round #3, 91 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 934[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2233:< keithgabryelski> attack the thing with all the effort i have. 2233:< keithgabryelski> send hound affter Purrodaemon 2233:< barnum> Round #4, 10 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 924[████▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (3) 2234:< keithgabryelski> kill it with fire 2234:< keithgabryelski> agincourt, the hound, attacks the daemons upper right limb 2234:< jonesandbrown> sit quietly sipping tea observing as keith takes the reigns 2234:< barnum> Round #5, 28 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 896[████▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2235:< keithgabryelski> keith sends a flurry of arrows 2235:< TeaBagTwat> Did someone say tea? 2235:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/5%), SirCabbage (16/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 2235:< SxwTheCat> tea tea tea tea 2235:< SirCabbage> You twat 2235:< keithgabryelski> begs jones to get off his ass... 2235:< jonesandbrown> Yes! I've been drinking tea for a while here 2235:< TeaBagTwat> You have summoned me! 2235:< keithgabryelski> 3 points per round is going to be a LONG fight 2235:< SxwTheCat> *you have summoned te! 2236:< keithgabryelski> come TeaBagTwat, attack the thingy 2236:< TeaBagTwat> Thats what I did last time 2236:< jonesandbrown> would you like any? 2236:< barnum> Round #6, 113 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 783[███▒▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (6), TeaBagTwat (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), jonesandbrown (3), SirCabb... 2236:< TeaBagTwat> Yeah 2236:< keithgabryelski> !party 2236:< TeaBagTwat> Wooo 2236:< keithgabryelski> I'd wish this thing had reasonable commands 2236:< keithgabryelski> The hound, agincourt, pulls on the daemons tail... at least i think it is a tail... 2236:< SxwTheCat> *had commands 2237:< keithgabryelski> ouch! 2237:< jonesandbrown> eww 2237:< TeaBagTwat> Guys I made my first bot that's 100% mine 2237:< barnum> Round #7, 59 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 724[███▒▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (9), TeaBagTwat (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2237:< SxwTheCat> The daemons tail begins to rise 2237:< jonesandbrown> sweet teabagtwat! 2237:< jonesandbrown> i wish i had that skillz 2237:< keithgabryelski> nine points in a round is pretty good -- I'd like to do better... I'm guess that requires more typing 2237:< SxwTheCat> what bot tea? 2237:< barnum> Round #8, 62 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 662[███▒▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), jonesandbrown (3) 2238:< keithgabryelski> MOAR TYPING... but agincourt starts attacking another limb 2238:< TeaBagTwat> It tricks people into being rickrolled... one sec i'll get it 2238:< jonesandbrown> hahah that's awesome, did you read on reddit about the bot that repeats what you type in reverse? 2238:< TeaBagTwat> No 2238:< barnum> Round #9, 62 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 600[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), keithgabryelski (1.5) 2238:< TeaBagTwat> But that sounds annoying af 2239:< barnum> Round #10, 16 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 584[███▒▒] +XP: keithgabryelski (4.5), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2239:< jonesandbrown> so it repeats what you type in reverse, and some guy typed moor_evael/ and it left the room 2240:< keithgabryelski> hah 2240:< TeaBagTwat> hehehe 2240:< barnum> Round #11, 59 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 525[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), keithgabryelski (1.5), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2241:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/5%), SirCabbage (16/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 2241:< ryanvango> ok i started dicking around with it. its way more complicated than i thought itd be. 2241:< jonesandbrown> ok, but for real i'm gonna get up and make tea now. i've been thirsty for an hour and haven't done anythign about it 2241:< ryanvango> so i think id rather just be a player. i cant DM, but if someone knows how to use roll20, id play every week 2241:< SirCabbage> lol 2241:< TeaBagTwat> I turned on my 'Rick Robin Roll' bot 2241:< barnum> Round #12, 381 hits! Purrodaemon HP: 144[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2241:< jonesandbrown> how does it work? 2242:< SirCabbage> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJCXIDhdTnk 2242:< TeaBagTwat> That ^ 2242:< jonesandbrown> oh 2242:< ryanvango> jonesandbrown you just gotta go on there and dick around with it. you set up a game, you can put lil tokens on the board, etc 2242:< jonesandbrown> cool 2242:< ryanvango> i think it takes someone with a knowledge of dnd to make sense of it all 2242:< barnum> Purrodaemon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Elemental Chain]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/9%), jonesandbrown (9/92%), TeaBagTwat (1/71%), SirCa... 2242:< TeaBagTwat> It's basic but it's the first time I've 100% coded something my self 2243:< ryanvango> but that definitely isnt me 2243:< TeaBagTwat> New version of parrot (reddit grow) has been released: https://goo.gl/i6EaXp 2243:< SirCabbage> Nor I, lol 2243:< barnum> A wild Netherspark appeared! HP: 562[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2243:< jonesandbrown> haha i knew and i still clicked 2243:< barnum> Round #1, 115 hits! Netherspark HP: 447[████▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (9), ryanvango (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2243:< TeaBagTwat> Ha. Let me turn it off. 2244:< TeaBagTwat> New video uploaded by reddit for the explanation of Robin: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?t=18s. 2244:< jonesandbrown> how does it generate a random mini link? 2244:< SxwTheCat> i've seen that link tea 2244:< barnum> Round #2, 31 hits! Netherspark HP: 416[████▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (6), jonesandbrown (1.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2245:< SxwTheCat> may i ask you to kindly go fuck yourself 2245:< jonesandbrown> to whom are you talking 5xwTheCat? 2245:< TeaBagTwat> It doesn't... I originally used the same link for all the messages but It looked suspicious so I created a mini link for each message. 2245:< barnum> Round #3, 29 hits! Netherspark HP: 387[████▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2245:< jonesandbrown> gottcha 2245:< TeaBagTwat> Probably me and my bot 2246:< jonesandbrown> fuck... ok brb. tea. 2246:< barnum> Round #4, 38 hits! Netherspark HP: 349[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2246:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/9%), SirCabbage (16/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 2247:< TeaBagTwat> I reckon using similar code I could create a auto #rpg fighter bot 2247:< barnum> Round #5, 5 hits! Netherspark HP: 344[████▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5) 2248:< SxwTheCat> TeaBagTwat New video uploaded by reddit for the explanation of Robin: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?t=18s. 2248:< barnum> Round #6, 20 hits! Netherspark HP: 324[███▒▒] +XP: SxwTheCat (4.5) 2249:< TeaBagTwat> AAAHHH I KNEW IT WAS COPIED AND PASTED BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS A DOUBLE BLUFF! 2249:< SxwTheCat> did you click it 2249:< barnum> Round #7, 11 hits! Netherspark HP: 313[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2249:< TeaBagTwat> yeah :( 2249:< SxwTheCat> lol 2249:< TeaBagTwat> Im an actual idiot 2250:< TeaBagTwat> I thought you might of changed the link 2250:< barnum> Round #8, 15 hits! Netherspark HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2251:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Netherspark HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2252:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Netherspark HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2252:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/9%), SirCabbage (16/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%)... 2253:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Netherspark HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2254:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Netherspark HP: 298[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2255:< ryanvango> test 2255:< TeaBagTwat> I see test 2255:< ryanvango> you bastard 2255:< barnum> Round #13, 99 hits! Netherspark HP: 199[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (3), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2255:< ryanvango> 60 character test 60 character test 60 character test 60 character test 2255:< TeaBagTwat> XD gees calm it a little 2256:< TeaBagTwat> 60 character test 60 character test 60 character test 60 character test 2256:< TeaBagTwat> 60 character test 60 character test 60 character test 60 character tes 2256:< jonesandbrown> do you ever get little zits that arent big ennough to pop yet, but the're just big enough to annoy the fuck outta ya? 2256:< barnum> Netherspark is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Horseshoes of Crushing Blows +2]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (9/97%), TeaBagTwat (2/45%), ryan... 2256:< barnum> A wild Ved appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2256:< TeaBagTwat> Didn't everyone jonesandbrown 2257:< barnum> Round #1, 3 hits! Ved HP: 253[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2258:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ved HP: 253[█████] +XP: no one :( 2258:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/59%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2259:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Ved HP: 253[█████] +XP: no one :( 2259:< jonesandbrown> they are the bane of my existance 2259:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2259:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2300:< barnum> Ved is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Mindmaster's Eyes]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/61%), jonesandbrown (9/97%) 2300:< SirCabbage> oh good, ive always wanted some spare eyes. 2300:< barnum> A wild Forlarren appeared! HP: 81[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2300:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2301:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash*bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash*bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2301:< jonesandbrown> this one's a pussy 2301:< jonesandbrown> Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite 2301:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash*bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2301:< barnum> Forlarren is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Amulet of Bullet Protection +5]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/67%), jonesandbrown (10/11%) 2301:< SirCabbage> That sounds... usefule? 2301:< barnum> A wild Ankheg appeared! HP: 126[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2301:< SirCabbage> -e bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 2302:< barnum> Ankheg is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Amulet of Spell Mastery]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/69%) 2302:< SirCabbage> This pair of thin and faceted ruby crystals fit over the wearer’s eyes. On command, the wearer can use charm monster 2302:< barnum> A wild Fungus Queen appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2302:< jonesandbrown> it would protect you from my alchemist's bullet if i could ever find a weapon to throw/shoot it with 2302:< SirCabbage> or once per day the wearer can use dominate person 2302:< SirCabbage> That was the eyes 2303:< barnum> Round #1, 136 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 377[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 2303:< jonesandbrown> I'm gonna use verbal beatdown to attack this gross queen 2304:< barnum> Round #2, 19 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 358[████▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) 2304:< TeaBagTwat> I quicklykick! 2304:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/69%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2304:< TeaBagTwat> I quicklybeat! 2304:< TeaBagTwat> I in a amazing waybeat! 2304:< TeaBagTwat> I in a amazing waykick! 2305:< TeaBagTwat> Well my auto #rpg bot semi-works 2305:< jonesandbrown> i made tea 2305:< jonesandbrown> it was good 2305:< TeaBagTwat> YAY TEA 2305:< TeaBagTwat> I quicklypunch! 2305:< jonesandbrown> is, i haven't drunk it yet 2305:< TeaBagTwat> I in a amazing waykick! 2306:< TeaBagTwat> Did you make me a cuppa? 2306:< barnum> Round #4, 28 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 277[███▒▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2306:< SirCabbage> making bots will just make barnum mute you so you dont do any damage lol 2307:< barnum> Round #5, 119 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 158[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5) 2307:< jonesandbrown> yeah man, it's a special star wars blend my local tea shop made, actually really good 2307:< TeaBagTwat> ohhh well it's the fun of making bots I like not the winning so I wont use it to cheat 2307:< SirCabbage> oh okay then 2308:< jonesandbrown> i'm gonna try making one. just for shits 2308:< TeaBagTwat> Star wars blend? 2308:< barnum> Round #6, 128 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 30[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), TeaBagTwat (6), SirCabbage (1.5) 2308:< TeaBagTwat> It sounds out of this world! 2308:< TeaBagTwat> Badum tsst 2308:< jonesandbrown> yeah, there's a whole line, this one is darth vader. it's black tea with big red somethings in it 2308:< barnum> Fungus Queen is kill! jonesandbrown picks up [Circlet of Speaking]! LVLs: jonesandbrown (10/17%), TeaBagTwat (2/60%) 2309:< barnum> A wild Possession Greater Devil appeared! HP: 841[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2309:< jonesandbrown> Thank you! i'll put tthat circlet on my head 2309:< SirCabbage> ill put it in my pants 2309:< TeaBagTwat> 'with big red somethings in it' Glad you know what you're putting inside of you 2309:< SirCabbage> *takes circlet, puts in pants, walks off 2309:< barnum> Round #1, 107 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 734[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (4.5), SirCabbage (3), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2310:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2310:< TeaBagTwat> RPG BOT FIGHTER TEST TAKE 2 2311:< barnum> Round #2, 3 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 731[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2311:< TeaBagTwat> And.... I broke it. 2312:< barnum> Round #3, 3 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 728[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2312:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 728[█████] +XP: no one :( 2313:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 728[█████] +XP: no one :( 2314:< TeaBagTwat> I sneakily kick! 2314:< TeaBagTwat> I in an amazing way kick! 2314:< barnum> Round #6, 6 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 722[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (3) 2314:< TeaBagTwat> Anyone there? 2315:< TeaBagTwat> I in an amazing way punch! 2315:< jonesandbrown> yeah what 2315:< TeaBagTwat> IT WORKS 2315:< jonesandbrown> what twat ;D 2315:< TeaBagTwat> I in an amazing way beat! 2315:< jonesandbrown> it does! kinda... 2315:< TeaBagTwat> I sneakily punch! 2315:< barnum> Round #7, 75 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 647[████▒] +XP: TeaBagTwat (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2315:< SirCabbage> I rape 2315:< SirCabbage> anyway 2316:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/70%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2316:< SirCabbage> Ryan is dead, isnt he 2316:< TeaBagTwat> It sorta works 2316:< SirCabbage> I should eat his corpse or something, you know, show my resepct 2316:< jonesandbrown> he went to smoke forever ago, but never came back. probably died of ass cancer 2316:< TeaBagTwat> Were not seeing him again 2316:< SirCabbage> making smoking killed? 2316:< TeaBagTwat> Shotgun his room 2316:< barnum> Round #8, 343 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 304[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), TeaBagTwat (4.5), jonesandbrown (4.5) 2317:< SirCabbage> *maybe 2317:< SirCabbage> They see me killin' they rapin' 2317:< SirCabbage> so I kill em 2317:< TeaBagTwat> XD BRB 2317:< barnum> Round #9, 120 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 184[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), TeaBagTwat (1.5) 2318:< SirCabbage> God I hope I am around to see the merge 2318:< SxwTheCat> if there is a merge 2318:< SirCabbage> there will be. 2318:< SirCabbage> we still have a whole day left and a bit 2318:< SxwTheCat> also room merging now is functional in canary :D 2318:< barnum> Round #10, 129 hits! Possession Greater Devil HP: 55[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), SxwTheCat (3) 2318:< SxwTheCat> I haven't actually tested it, but it should work 2319:< SirCabbage> canary? 2319:< SxwTheCat> my robin clone 2319:< SirCabbage> what the heck is canary? 2319:< SirCabbage> oh.. lol okay 2319:< barnum> Possession Greater Devil is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Heartswood Spear]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/75%), SxwTheCat (4/92%) 2320:< barnum> A wild Ugash-iram appeared! HP: 1030[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2320:< SxwTheCat> cuz it ends on the 8th, and i need something to do 2320:< barnum> Round #1, 15 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 1015[█████] +XP: K1ngN0thing (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2321:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 1015[█████] +XP: no one :( 2321:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/75%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2322:< SirCabbage> you need a lot of people to do this though 2322:< SirCabbage> the only reason this works is because reddit is huge 2322:< barnum> Round #3, 78 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 937[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 2322:< SirCabbage> it is the same reason why alternatives like 8chan and voat will never beat 4chan and reddit in activity 2323:< SxwTheCat> > 3000 people in this room 2323:< SxwTheCat> maybe not 1000, but some might want a replacement. 2323:< SirCabbage> People are here because it is historic, in an off site setting it wouldnt work nearly as well 2323:< barnum> Round #4, 250 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 687[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), SxwTheCat (3) 2323:< SxwTheCat> i'm bored ok? :P 2324:< SirCabbage> apparently so 2324:< SirCabbage> I have other stuff to do once this is over- I am just enjoying it while it exists :P 2324:< barnum> Round #5, 164 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2326:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2327:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2327:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/77%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2328:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2329:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2330:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2331:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2332:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 523[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2332:< ryanvango> test 2332:< SilentSand> Testing testing one two five 2333:< ryanvango> mother fuck 2333:< barnum> Round #14, 120 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 403[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (3), SilentSand (1.5) 2333:< SilentSand> Hmm? 2333:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/10%), SirCabbage (16/77%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/90%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2333:< SirCabbage> Ryan 2333:< SirCabbage> I see you there 2333:< ryanvango> i keep waiting for people to stop talking so i can test my attacks:( 2334:< SilentSand> They see me rolling, they hating 2334:< SirCabbage> people didnt talk there for like 10-20 mins 2334:< barnum> Round #15, 309 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 94[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (3) 2334:< SirCabbage> *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang *bang 2334:< ryanvango> balls. im also watching youtube videos haha. and now i have to poop real bad 2334:< SirCabbage> *bang *bang ? 2335:< SirCabbage> me too! 2335:< SirCabbage> *bang 2335:< barnum> Ugash-iram is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Necklace of Fireballs Type V]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/84%), ryanvango (19/12%) 2335:< barnum> A wild Scorpionfolk appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2335:< SirCabbage> I knew those fucking merchants were skimping us 2336:< SirCabbage> I looked at the value of the "necklace of fireballs type V" 2336:< jonesandbrown> i'm just over here trying to figure out how to build a simple text bot tike Teatwats 2336:< barnum> Round #1, 137 hits! Scorpionfolk HP: 128[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 2336:< SirCabbage> 5,850 gp 2337:< ryanvango> * the merchant pokes his head over the top of the quarry...."I'll give a 100gp for that necklace!" 2337:< SirCabbage> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/m-p/necklace-of-fireballs => http://nazar.so/21ktw 2337:< barnum> Scorpionfolk is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Perfection's Key]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/86%), ryanvango (19/13%) 2337:< ryanvango> i do know that a lot of this stuff is worth a shit ton more in the books. but we also come across loot waaay too fast 2337:< barnum> A wild Lamhigyn appeared! HP: 121[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2337:< SilentSand> I mean we get some really damn good stuff every few seconds 2337:< SirCabbage> "This platinum key can open nearly any lock or door with a mere touch." 2338:< ryanvango> but at the same stuff, things that are enchanted, or clearly magically named, my merchants would offer more for 2338:< SilentSand> That'd be crazy level inflation honestly 2338:< barnum> Lamhigyn is kill! SilentSand picks up [Jorngarl's Harm]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/16%), SilentSand (11/94%), SirCabbage (16/88%) 2338:< barnum> A wild Dwarf Caiman appeared! HP: 27[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2338:< SilentSand> Oh man 27 hp Its so scary I might die. Cabbage, kill the beast 2338:< ryanvango> I want to be able to make it so you have to save up, or trade in like 5 staffs to buy a custom one kinda thing. 2339:< barnum> Dwarf Caiman is kill! ryanvango picks up [Righteous Medal of Agility]! LVLs: SilentSand (11/97%), ryanvango (19/18%) 2339:< SilentSand> Will they have sweet names? 2339:< jonesandbrown> 8=D 2339:< SirCabbage> BAM 2339:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/18%), SirCabbage (16/88%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (11/97%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2339:< SilentSand> The important thing is being able to trade in for stuff with really sweet names 2339:< ryanvango> haha maybe. but I firmly believe you shouldn't be able to sell a "perfections key" for enough gold to buy the "sword of 1 shotting" 2339:< barnum> A wild Great White Shark appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2340:< pyroshroom> LOL, but loot is more valuable to the players who are new 2340:< barnum> Great White Shark is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Staff of Minor Arcana]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/19%), pyroshroom (9/58%), SilentSand (11... 2340:< SilentSand> I mean if there was a merchant bot I wouldn't have to keep sending stuff into the item box or combing things 2340:< SirCabbage> also my bargining necklace? 2340:< pyroshroom> and don't one shot the monsters 2340:< SirCabbage> apparently not only does it make me better at batering and diplomacy 2340:< ryanvango> i might name some items, but not a lot. I would rather say "this vendor has a shield resists 3/4 fire damage" and you name it 2340:< barnum> A wild Fen Witch appeared! HP: 175[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2340:< ryanvango> you get better names that way. 2340:< pyroshroom> Staff of Minor Arcana... this sounds lame 2340:< SirCabbage> I can also tell if merchants are trying to be decitful :O 2341:< SilentSand> I call it.... The 3/4 fire resist field 2341:< SilentSand> I'm not a clever man :( 2341:< barnum> Fen Witch is kill! SilentSand picks up [Hushing Arrow]! LVLs: SilentSand (12/10%), SirCabbage (16/91%), ryanvango (19/22%), pyroshro... 2341:< ryanvango> as a rule for dealing with merchants in game and in real life....they are always deceitful. 2341:< barnum> A wild Bucentaur appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2341:< pyroshroom> !loot 2341:< SilentSand> I'm finally at level 12 2341:< ryanvango> oooo did he put it back to the old one? 2341:< pyroshroom> these commands are no longer working :( 2341:< ryanvango> !loot 2341:< TeaBagTwat> Im back with tea bitches 2341:< pyroshroom> I guess it's the old one 2342:< pyroshroom> since the HP bar looks like the old one 2342:< barnum> Bucentaur is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Crown of Swords]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/65%), TeaBagTwat (2/83%), ryanvango (19/23%), SilentSa... 2342:< SirCabbage> so I was right to kill that merchant. 2342:< SirCabbage> woot 2342:< pyroshroom> Aww yess 2342:< ryanvango> it doesnt look like the new one, but it also doesnt look like the old old one 2342:< pyroshroom> Crown of Swords 2342:< barnum> A wild Eblis appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2342:< pyroshroom> I am totally wearing this instead of the shifter's headband 2342:< ryanvango> cabbage, there is no right or wrong for killing the merchant...hes a businessman and he made you mad 2342:< SilentSand> It sounds really painful to wear honestly 2342:< ryanvango> do what you want, but there are consequences to your actions. 2343:< pyroshroom> Or wait, can I combine the crown of swords with the shifter's headband +2 to make a Shifter's Crown of Swords +2? :D 2343:< barnum> Eblis is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Dust Bolt]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/27%), pyroshroom (9/73%), SilentSand (12/12%), SirCabbage (16/91%) 2343:< pyroshroom> This dust bolt sounds rather useless 2343:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Dragon appeared! HP: 796[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2343:< SirCabbage> That businessman was a cunt, and I would kill him again 2343:< pyroshroom> A clockwork dragon would look amazing 2343:< ryanvango> hahaha fair enough 2343:< barnum> Round #1, 124 hits! Clockwork Dragon HP: 672[█████] +XP: pyroshroom (3), SirCabbage (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2344:< jonesandbrown> that would look baller 2344:< SirCabbage> and if the town comes after me? Ill kill the WHOLE TOWN 2344:< ryanvango> the funniest thing to me was when one of you said "well this is a nice walk through the mountains" 2344:< jonesandbrown> probably makes a hell of a racket though 2344:< SirCabbage> wasnt that me? 2344:< pyroshroom> I don't know if anyone would want to do business with SirCabbage anymore 2344:< ryanvango> and i was thinking "well what the fuck else could it be? every time i try to point you to adventure you say "no keep walking!" 2344:< pyroshroom> if he was a known business murderer 2344:< barnum> Round #2, 481 hits! Clockwork Dragon HP: 191[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), pyroshroom (6), jonesandbrown (3), SirCabbage (3) 2345:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/28%), SirCabbage (16/92%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/12%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2345:< SirCabbage> I was purposely trying to avoid your story. 2345:< SilentSand> wow that's pretty rude cabbage 2345:< pyroshroom> http://forum.reapermini.com/uploads/monthly_11_2013/post-4948-0-65851800-1384629025.jpg => http://nazar.so/9dt4p 2345:< ryanvango> lol i know you were. i was kinda crackin up. everyone was like "ok...so when does stuff happen?" 2345:< SirCabbage> and I LIKE nice walks. 2346:< SxwTheCat> das nice 2346:< SilentSand> No it's a dirty savage damn beast that's what it is 2346:< barnum> Clockwork Dragon is kill! SilentSand picks up [Soothsayer's Raiment]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/78%), ryanvango (19/29%), SirCabbage (16/9... 2346:< ryanvango> and the answer is basically "when you guys stop saying "avoid any and all plots!" 2346:< SirCabbage> Plots are overated. 2346:< barnum> A wild Large Salt Elemental appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2346:< SirCabbage> they can get us killed 2346:< ryanvango> "theres something over there for us to kill and loot?!?! NO THANK YOU SIR!" 2346:< pyroshroom> I think SirCabbage just wanted something to jump him on the path 2346:< pyroshroom> like the good old days of highwaymen 2346:< Firengineer> http://static1.squarespace.com/static/5247089ae4b03b8157cb3a49/52471df2e4b085b754ee8348/525ae80ee4b00d699d0dfdc8/1395073051148/PZO66-Cl => http://nazar.so/vmmw 2346:< SirCabbage> nope, I just wanted a walk. 2347:< barnum> Large Salt Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Blackaxe]! LVLs: pyroshroom (9/83%), SirCabbage (16/96%), ryanvango (19/31%), Fir... 2347:< pyroshroom> prowling the main roads to loot unsuspecting wanderers 2347:< barnum> A wild Giant Snapping Turtle appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2347:< ryanvango> pyro, something was going to. i treated that section like pokemon. stay on the path, you're fine. step off...nope 2347:< TheDoctor_RS> Ayyy I actually slept for a couple of hours, yo guys 2347:< SirCabbage> only if they make me angry pyro 2347:< SilentSand> So is another thing going to be held soon? I'm probably gonna go to sleep 2347:< barnum> Round #1, 287 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 230[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SilentSand (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5), TheDoctor_RS (1.5... 2348:< ryanvango> but off the path would have been caves, like cabbage wanted haha. but every time he had the option...casual walk on the path 2348:< pyroshroom> ahahaha, strolling along 2348:< ryanvango> i dont know. we could pick up where we left off, or start somewhere new, or whatever. but im gonna go smoke. 2348:< barnum> Giant Snapping Turtle is kill! ryanvango picks up [Cookbook of Arcane Augmentation]! LVLs: ryanvango (19/34%), pyroshroom (9/84%) 2349:< ryanvango> if you guys wanna figure out whos here, and wants to do what, thatd be good 2349:< barnum> A wild Moxix appeared! HP: 1705[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2349:< ryanvango> and see if we can get a hold of barnum so he can make the bot ignore me again 2349:< jonesandbrown> yep, you would kill it in one round 2349:< jonesandbrown> in the context of RPG, what does OP mean? 2349:< barnum> Round #1, 330 hits! Moxix HP: 1375[█████] +XP: ryanvango (9), jonesandbrown (3) 2349:< jonesandbrown> Overly powerful? 2349:< ryanvango> overpowered 2350:< jonesandbrown> got it 2350:< SilentSand> Yeah way too powerful 2350:< SilentSand> It means ryanvango needs a nerf 2350:< ryanvango> yeah like thats poor balancing in a system. if we were playing table top and i have you a sword that does 1 million damage 2350:< jonesandbrown> ok ok, what's a nerf? 2350:< ryanvango> to make squishy 2350:< pyroshroom> Except ryan is a god who does 1 million damage with his presence 2350:< barnum> Round #2, 408 hits! Moxix HP: 967[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), jonesandbrown (4.5), pyroshroom (4.5), SilentSand (3) 2351:< jonesandbrown> so your mom nerfed my dick with her gross old vag? 2351:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/35%), SirCabbage (16/96%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/15%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2351:< ryanvango> jonesy, just means if I'm op we make me not op. cut my level in half, or make the bot ignore me 2351:< barnum> Round #3, 165 hits! Moxix HP: 802[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), jonesandbrown (1.5) 2352:< jonesandbrown> i'm pretty sure i understand all of this, i just like asking questions and being the center of attention :D 2352:< SilentSand> That's ok you attention whore, we can indulge you 2352:< jonesandbrown> yes, splatter my entire body with your... attention 2352:< barnum> Round #4, 106 hits! Moxix HP: 696[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), SilentSand (1.5) 2353:< SilentSand> Oh I'll get my attention all over your body, jonesandbrown ;) 2353:< barnum> Round #5, 81 hits! Moxix HP: 615[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 2353:< jonesandbrown> it's so hot and sticky.... makes me want it even more... 2353:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 2354:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 2354:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ 2354:< ptrakk> SPICY 2354:< ptrakk> :D 2354:< jonesandbrown> why the fuck is my screen scrolling on it's own? 2354:< ptrakk> because 2354:< barnum> Round #6, 50 hits! Moxix HP: 565[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (3), ptrakk (3) 2354:< ptrakk> ­­­ 2355:< ptrakk> ­ 2355:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Moxix HP: 565[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 2356:< jonesandbrown> a moxix... let's give it a round house kick to the face and see how effective that is? 2356:< barnum> Round #8, 79 hits! Moxix HP: 486[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6) 2356:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (19/36%), SirCabbage (16/96%), thatwentBTE (13/83%), Sorrento110 (13/44%), SilentSand (12/16%), Djinneral (10/94%... 2357:< jonesandbrown> booooom super effective, probably even better than my tickle attacks 2357:< barnum> Round #9, 59 hits! Moxix HP: 427[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2358:< jonesandbrown> FALCON PUNCH my leg and fist both connect violently with this beasts genitalia in an explosion of visceral exhaultation 2358:< barnum> Round #10, 59 hits! Moxix HP: 368[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (4.5) 2359:< jonesandbrown> the falcon punch was super effective 2359:< barnum> Round #11, 20 hits! Moxix HP: 348[██▒▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (1.5) --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 00:00:16 2016