--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:26:01 2016 0426:< splishtastic> ... no. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 10:28:39 2016 1028:< SirCabbage> yeah but he was never going to win in the south 1028:< SirCabbage> even the democrats in the south are conservative 1028:< SirCabbage> but he still didnt do terribly 1029:< SirCabbage> which says something. Even the places he lost in- most of them were close 1107:< alylynn96> bernie or bust 1113:< SirCabbage> yep. 1126:< lachlanhunt> If bernie doesn't get the nomination, I'm torn between advocating for Hillary anyway, or encouraging people to write in Bernie 1126:< SirCabbage> Yeah, a lot of people are it seems. I mean hillary sucks- but surely she is better then a republican in power. 1126:< andreaplanbee> what about the green party nominee 1127:< SirCabbage> But at the same time- hillary is almost a republican herself.. 1127:< lachlanhunt> I can't vote since I'm Australian, but the US has too much influence on us 1127:< SirCabbage> thats true, but does the green party candidate even have a chance at winning? 1127:< lachlanhunt> No chance. 1127:< SirCabbage> same lachlan, 1127:< lachlanhunt> The Greens don't seem to do any active campaigning in the US. 1128:< lachlanhunt> When was the last time Jill Stein held a rally? 1128:< lachlanhunt> Or any other Green party member? 1128:< SirCabbage> lol 1128:< Djinneral> trump would never get elected anyway, just because he's the republican's strongest candidate doesn't mean he's actually doing well 1128:< SirCabbage> see it is basically a protest vote- 1128:< Djinneral> its just that the republicans are doing crap 1128:< KuKKilicious> the US has too much influence on the whole western world. 1128:< Djinneral> so it's been between berns and hillary since the start 1128:< SirCabbage> voter turnout will be really low if it is trump v hillary 1129:< lachlanhunt> which is risky, cause that could hand Trump the presidency. 1129:< SirCabbage> yep. 1129:< Djinneral> but in the end it will be the money who decides what happens, the prez is just a face 1129:< SirCabbage> But hilary is risky, she beats trump (but so does bernie) 1129:< SirCabbage> however- she may not beat cruz- and would lose to Kasich 1130:< lachlanhunt> Kasich can't get the nomination, unless he miraculously starts winning states 1130:< SirCabbage> I dont know about that. 1130:< SirCabbage> He wont via votes- but the republican party would do anything to weezle him in 1130:< lachlanhunt> Per republican rules, candidates need to have won at least 8 states (Thanks to the rule they past to defeat Ron Paul) 1130:< SirCabbage> the party hates trump AND cruz. 1130:< lachlanhunt> *passed 1130:< SirCabbage> I wouldnt put it past them to break that rule if it was that or trump 1131:< SirCabbage> but then trump runs anyway- and a democrat is certainly going to win 1131:< lachlanhunt> If they do that, Trump will run on his own 1131:< SirCabbage> yeah I know 1131:< SirCabbage> which means any democrat would win- 1131:< SirCabbage> I just want the right democrat in power 1133:< lachlanhunt> Australia has its own election coming up, potentially in July. 1135:< lachlanhunt> Luckily, we don't have anyone as bad as Trump. Just two terrible parties virtually tied in the polls. 1137:< SirCabbage> unfortunately, with how bad the coalition is I cant vote anything but labor 1137:< marakiri> hey 1137:< SirCabbage> normally I would vote greens as a protest- but I can't risk it when it is this close 1138:< SirCabbage> they already ruined the NBN. 1139:< Djinneral> i always vote libdem here in the uk 1141:< SirCabbage> Labor is the left wing here and the liberals are the right wing 1141:< SirCabbage> republicans are good- 1141:< SirCabbage> seriously australia is fucked up 1141:< SirCabbage> the liberals are the right of center party- and to say you are a republican just means you want an australian head of state 1148:< lachlanhunt> SirCabbage, we have preferences in Australia. Give first preference to greens, 2nd to Labor 1149:< lachlanhunt> Even in the senate, thanks to the new voting system. 1149:< SirCabbage> normally I do, but I want to tell the coalition I hate them more then I want to show labor I am protesting 1149:< lachlanhunt> I'll be putting greens first, then maybe pirate party and/or sex party and whoever else. Finally, Labor in 6. 1150:< SirCabbage> The coalition is just... ugh 1150:< SirCabbage> did you hear that the newest report has shown that FTTP is now cheaper then FTTN? 1150:< SirCabbage> you know- the news which surprised no one ever. 1151:< SirCabbage> but the coaltiions response was that even if labor wanted to change it they couldn't- it was almost as if they were proud of 1151:< lachlanhunt> The report from NZ? 1151:< SirCabbage> fucking over our country 1152:< SirCabbage> It just annoys me, 1152:< lachlanhunt> It annoys everyone who knows anything about tech. 1153:< SirCabbage> The fact they are paying telstra for using their copper- the fact they have to power each node- the fact it adds more points 1153:< SirCabbage> of faliure- it just, wtf. My parents live in a new neighbourhood and recently I was home for a bit 1153:< SirCabbage> there was someone outside laying cable- so I went out and asked them what they were laying 1154:< lachlanhunt> From what I read earlier, Labor may switch to FTTdp if they get in. 1154:< SirCabbage> COPPER - despite the fact it was a brand new subdivisio 1154:< lachlanhunt> Slightly better than FTTN and with a better upgrade path to full FTTP, but still not quite as good 1154:< SirCabbage> yeah but 1154:< SirCabbage> apparently they didnt spend the money on the nodes well- the nodes cant be upgraded with fiber despite what the coalition said 1154:< lachlanhunt> right, I heard about that. Greenfields copper is such a fucking waste of money 1155:< SirCabbage> the nodes they bought were literally the worst they could find. No wonder there is so many complaints on rollout 1155:< SirCabbage> when my parents switched to NBN we had a MONTH of issues before it settled down 1155:< SirCabbage> and the MAX speed we could get was the 25/4 1156:< SirCabbage> and this isnt greenfields- the copper is going down all over the place 1156:< SirCabbage> I am in queensland in a place where the NBN is literally being rolled out 1156:< lachlanhunt> Actually, it's probably more like FTTB, but I'm not sure where the nodes are. They may be in the basement. 1157:< SirCabbage> I am so jealous of those with proper FTTP. 1157:< SirCabbage> that is the problem again with nodes 1157:< SirCabbage> nodes means that they DO have to go in the basement of big buildings 1157:< lachlanhunt> I'm looking to buy a new home. FTTP availability is a dream, but this situation is fucked. 1157:< SirCabbage> So once more the larger areas get better internet and the regional areas get fucked 1157:< SirCabbage> regional areas are royally screwed- under FTTP we would have been FINE 1158:< lachlanhunt> yep. My brother is in that situation. 1158:< lachlanhunt> His ADSL is shit 1158:< lachlanhunt> and he's scheduled to get FTTN some time in the next 3 year 1158:< SirCabbage> yep, there are even blackspots where you cant get ADSL 1158:< SirCabbage> just wireless. 1159:< SirCabbage> at least the NBN was going to offer subsidized satellites- but now thye want to skimp on those too. 1159:< SirCabbage> Also, can I just say how FUCKED it is that OUR satellites are being launched in SOUTH AMERICA? 1159:< SirCabbage> no wonder our economy is fucked- we have NO tech industry worth a damn. Surely we could have made a launch site 1200:< SirCabbage> we rely on mining and agriculture- and for what? So billionare miners can fight to keep their money out of the hands 1200:< SirCabbage> of the government AND their own children? 1200:< lachlanhunt> what's wrong with launching satellites from South America? 1200:< SirCabbage> we have all this uranium- but do we have nuclear power? NOPE. do we even process it so we make more money!? 1201:< SirCabbage> I want australia to get more non-primary industry- I want us to move towards a more technological economy 1201:< SirCabbage> aerospace is one area we should be able to excell in- we have raw resources- brains and space 1202:< SirCabbage> sure it could be pie in the sky. But I'd like to aim high. 1202:< lachlanhunt> Launch locations are determined by location on the earth. Closer to the equator is typically best 1203:< SirCabbage> Hum, good point. I suppose while north queensland would be in a fine position its climate wouldn't work right 1204:< SirCabbage> but I still think we should have a bigger tech industry. Sorry- I am getting tired and in doing so getting ranty lol 1204:< lachlanhunt> Definitely agree about the bigger tech industry 1205:< lachlanhunt> I work in tech 1205:< SirCabbage> I found it funny the coalition was acting like it wanted to push australia towards a larger high-tech industry 1206:< SirCabbage> but at the same time are fucking us over with the NBN 1206:< lachlanhunt> But the NSW government gave up the chance to help create a thriving tech industry when they gave the Technology Park to the Commbank 1206:< SirCabbage> Its like- how exactly do you expect a tech industry to work when the foundation isnt there 1207:< SirCabbage> Trying to have a tech industry without a good internet backbone is like trying to have a booming transport industry with 1 lane roads 1207:< lachlanhunt> haha 1208:< SirCabbage> Sorry, I am tired and opinionated :P 1208:< lachlanhunt> Let's just see what happens in July. If the LNP can get kicked out, we might have a chance to recover. 1208:< lachlanhunt> But it will take time. 1208:< SirCabbage> I hope so. I just really wish labor would get some new younger and fresh leadership 1209:< SirCabbage> I dont mind shorten- but he really strikes me as the old guy with the skateboard trying to be like "hello fellow kids" with all 1209:< SirCabbage> his internet attemps 1209:< SirCabbage> we just need some new blood. 1210:< SirCabbage> he isn't Kevin- he can't pull off the popularist vote 1210:< SirCabbage> Also can I just say how sad it is there wasnt an election with kevin in 2011? 1210:< SirCabbage> I would have killed for a Kevin 11 shirt 1222:< SirCabbage> anyway 1222:< SirCabbage> night 1228:< TheDoctor_RS> Evening 1237:< pedro_fartinez> afternoon 1359:< mofosyne> bugger 1517:< BossColo> bugger indeed. 1521:< mofosyne> anyone following the panama leaks? 1531:< FriendlyYak> a little 1531:< FriendlyYak> island, lol --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:45:39 2016 1645:< FriendlyYak> yes americans mixed socialism and marxism 1645:< FriendlyYak> Internal1 1647:< sotricious> the weather is FANTASTIC today! 1647:< FriendlyYak> where? 1649:< sotricious> well, i made this comment here in #pol coz everyone has a politics discussion over at %cgat 1649:< sotricious> *%chat 1649:< sotricious> but i'm in athens, greece and the weather is amazing 1650:< sotricious> 25 celsious and sht 1650:< FriendlyYak> salzburg. yesterday 26° today rain and ~12° 1650:< sotricious> !!!!! 1650:< sotricious> oh man we have fraked the weather for good 1651:< FriendlyYak> maybe next week :/ 1652:< FriendlyYak> yesterday it was so nice and that why todays 12° suck 1656:< Djinneral> the weather here in the uk is weird, it rains, shines and breezes coldly on the same day 1657:< Djinneral> don't know how to dress for it to be honest 1704:< FriendlyYak> wow the pol discussion in %chat gets heated 1704:< mofosyne> yea... #pol... is quite chill 1704:< mofosyne> maybe we should hang around here instead to relax 1705:< mofosyne> hope you had a nice day FriendlyYak 1705:< FriendlyYak> yes. but i should work a little bit more for university 1706:< FriendlyYak> for an biochemistry exam to be exact 1706:< FriendlyYak> how was you day? :) 1710:< mofosyne> Was alright, went to some lecture of emission standards in EMC 1711:< mofosyne> basically how to not have one stuff interfere with another stuff magically via electromagnetic waves 1711:< FriendlyYak> rly? i was EMC engeneer once 1711:< mofosyne> Oh nice, any tips> 1711:< FriendlyYak> well, worst case scenario you put everything inside an aluminium foil 1712:< mofosyne> ah the tin can method, yea that's often not a bad idea. Except you gotta also deal with emission leaking out of the exit points 1713:< mofosyne> e.g. maybe we should add some common mode chokes 1713:< FriendlyYak> there are a few different issues here. 1713:< FriendlyYak> wait i have to show you something.. 1715:< FriendlyYak> mofosyne https://imgur.com/ylfHwFA i made this just for fun 1715:< FriendlyYak> in 2009 1716:< mofosyne> conductive fabric? 1719:< FriendlyYak> sorry i had a connection problem. yes it's conductive 1720:< FriendlyYak> sorry i had connection issues. yes it's conductive! 1720:< mofosyne> Ah very nice. Bit overkill methink, but at least you wont suffer from cancer :p 1721:< mofosyne> but you wont be able to call 1721:< FriendlyYak> :) 1721:< FriendlyYak> i wore this just once for the picture 1722:< FriendlyYak> also, the chamber behind me was closed during testing 1724:< FriendlyYak> thx :) i destroyed many robots 1725:< FriendlyYak> https://imgur.com/YlTcwS9 1725:< FriendlyYak> my work environment 1725:< mofosyne> kukuku that's kinda funny 1725:< FriendlyYak> the floor is spikes 1726:< mofosyne> well at least you know your pecking order on the next robot uprising 1726:< FriendlyYak> soft ones. but you better not fall down.. 1726:< sotricious> nice, sexy, dungeon! 1726:< FriendlyYak> uhm thanks. its in seibersdorf, austria reasearch centre 1727:< FriendlyYak> https://www.seibersdorf-laboratories.at/home 1727:< sotricious> what's the material Yak? Of the spiky things? 1727:< FriendlyYak> basically foam 1727:< sotricious> ty 1728:**** sotricious could see this in a club 1728:< FriendlyYak> standard pyramid absorber 1728:< sotricious> SPA < niiice 1728:< FriendlyYak> they kinda capture the emmissions 1728:< Internal1> What is the discussion holding? 1729:< FriendlyYak> i think it was polystyren 1729:< Internal1> what about it? 1730:< FriendlyYak> well if you have enough of them you can build a MEC test chambre 1730:< FriendlyYak> that might or might not look like a dungeon https://imgur.com/YlTcwS9 1730:< FriendlyYak> *EMC 1731:< sotricious> yeah I was the curious one 1732:< mofosyne> conductive foam cones? 1733:< FriendlyYak> yes. alpha ferrit can also be used 1733:< FriendlyYak> but the cones absorb more equal 1734:< FriendlyYak> anyways those chambres cost around 1Mio€ so it's an expensive thing to test equipment for/against emmission 1740:< mofosyne> true --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016