--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:22 2016 0005:< lost_penguin> tree 0010:< zacketysack> is this place active? 0011:< alylynn96> computers still broken, do you guys think we may merge soon? 0011:< dashed> parrot users: v2.81 released with channel exclusion filtering! (trivia sucks amirite?) 0013:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm sitting here drinking and listening to folk punk 0013:< MrZiggyStardust> we're never going to merge ever 0013:< vineman> the merge will happen within 24 more hours 0014:< vineman> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dh47p/lets_break_some_of_robin_records_an_analysis_of/ => http://nazar.so/9fijk 0014:< rabbitsnake> my alt room turned into bots talking to bots in like 4 tiers 0014:< vineman> sucks, mine is stuck in sokuku waiting for merge 0015:< MrZiggyStardust> this is sokuku 0016:< touyajp> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4djbgk/the_mystery_of_prictsgo_solved/ => http://nazar.so/6oxik 0016:< vineman> oh you're right my bad im stoned 0017:< Kal-3L> whats up penis/ 0017:< Chartis> I was just reading http://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-robin-what-it-is-and-how-it-works-2016-4 => http://nazar.so/2klk1 0020:< alylynn96> if we somehow merge tonight and i dont make it its been nice 0020:< vineman> I will remember you forever alylynn96 0021:< bradyblair20> the group we merge with has a government lol 0021:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm going to forget you in like 3-4 days tops 0021:< bradyblair20> so dumb 0021:< vineman> cool 0021:< vineman> brady dont be anti-roleplay 0021:< alylynn96> not once we get a hold of them 0021:< bradyblair20> they have 9 page constitution 0021:< vineman> I put on my robe and wizard hat... 0021:< MrZiggyStardust> vineman that's what #rpg is for 0022:< bradyblair20> they wont infect penis/ 0022:< vineman> lol 0022:< bradyblair20> im not anti role play lol this is just a little too far for me 0023:< bradyblair20> penis/ is my home 0023:< vineman> I couldnt figure out which channel to listen to so I chose this one 0023:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah, I like being in specific chats and chilling, meeting people and making shitty internet history, I'm not for this lame-o govt 0031:< touyajp> with parrot this is like webchat.freenode.net or something 0031:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah it's almost IRC 0032:< MrZiggyStardust> really at the end the real hero will be the devs, not us for breaking a merge tier record, wait record, stay record or size record 0032:< MrZiggyStardust> they took this simple chat and made it the most insane thing in the world 0032:< Lolzep> No. They just made it readable 0033:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah and that's awesome 0041:< vineman> so where are yall from 0042:< dashed> canada 0044:< touyajp> lb updates might be a bit slow the next hours, but the livetracker usually has everything above 10 0044:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> uk 0046:< Golden_Grahams> friends, i have returned from a day of work 0046:< Lolzep> How you doiin 0046:< Golden_Grahams> good man; keep seeing the numbers go down while i was at work 0047:< Golden_Grahams> praying i wasn't kicked --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:51:09 2016 0051:< Golden_Grahams> someone's about to be booted 0059:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm from almost canada 0108:< snowburst> how's it going 0108:< vineman> what up 0108:< snowburst> taking a break from work, thought I'd check in 0108:< vineman> where you from? 0109:< snowburst> nj 0111:< Golden_Grahams> nj? fuck the devils, let's go rangers! 0111:< Golden_Grahams> devils eat nuts 0111:< MrZiggyStardust> rangers eat nuts, go islanders 0112:< JClocale> what part of NJ? I'm in Jersey City (thus the name) 0112:< snowburst> haha I've only been to one hockey game in my life, but it was the devils 0112:< Golden_Grahams> islanders... pshh good luck with the caps tonight 0113:< snowburst> I'm in Princeton 0113:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm actually a huge soccer fan, not hockey, but the islanders are in brooklyn now 0113:< Golden_Grahams> long island didn't even want you 0113:< MrZiggyStardust> always gotta rep brooklyn 0113:< Golden_Grahams> lol 0113:< JClocale> nice, that's a really nice area 0113:< Golden_Grahams> queens man! 0114:< MrZiggyStardust> QUEENS IS ON LONG ISLAND YOU TURNCOAT 0114:< Golden_Grahams> i know i know but it's still the city 0114:< snowburst> can't actually afford to live here lol, just at college rn 0114:< MrZiggyStardust> ny sports, constant arguments 0114:< Golden_Grahams> but no matter what i'll always go for the NY team 0115:< MrZiggyStardust> always baby 0115:< MrZiggyStardust> NYCFC <3 0115:< Golden_Grahams> i'm a diehard mets fan but even if the mets are out and the yanks are in, i'll be cheering for the yankees 0115:< nolasagne> hello been on my alt in Ccande for a bit 0115:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm a yanks fan because my dad was a dogers fan until they moved so he became a yanks fan 0116:< MrZiggyStardust> but I gave up on that years ago 0116:< MrZiggyStardust> end of an era 0116:< JClocale> Mets = Best 0116:< Golden_Grahams> yea JClocale! 0117:< Golden_Grahams> #unfinished business 0117:< Golden_Grahams> we looked terrible sunday though 0117:< MrZiggyStardust> Mets = cant win the series without divine intervention 0117:< MrZiggyStardust> Mets and Cubs are doomed forever 0117:< JoeAbunga> wow penis/ became a lot more active recently it loo9ks like 0117:< JClocale> Yankees = can't win the series without truckloads of cash.. oh wait even that doesn't always do it 0117:< Golden_Grahams> for sure, most times they beat themselves 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> truckloads of cash > diehard fans!!!! 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> I don't even live in the city, I live in rochester lol 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> I might as well support the bills and the blue jays 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> and the sabers 0119:< MrZiggyStardust> . . . oh boy too perfect 0119:< Golden_Grahams> lol 0119:< MrZiggyStardust> are you me across the internet? 0120:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm going to piss and brave the windy rochester snow for a cigarette lol 0120:< Golden_Grahams> never man, screw your islanders 0128:< stfupcakes> anyone still here? 0128:< Lolzep> ye 0128:< DILeakStudios> no 0128:< stfupcakes> lolzep! how's it going? 0128:< Lolzep> fine 0129:< Golden_Grahams> no 0130:< robrago> hi 0130:< Golden_Grahams> hi 0131:< MrZiggyStardust> hi 0131:< MrZiggyStardust> my girlfriend is picking me up more beer on her way home, yay! 0131:< Golden_Grahams> yay 0131:< stfupcakes> ziggy. was it you that recommended in bruges? 0131:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah 0131:< stfupcakes> how the hell is that not a thinking movie? O.O 0132:< MrZiggyStardust> don't ruin it for me! I haven't seen it since it came out! 0132:< stfupcakes> I loved it. I really did. 0132:< MrZiggyStardust> cause its in bruges, don't think about it 0132:< robrago> in bruges is so fucking good 0132:< MrZiggyStardust> less of a thinking movie than some of the other ones mentioned lol 0132:< stfupcakes> well, yeah... comparatively speaking 0133:< robrago> what were the others 0133:< stfupcakes> I feel like Citizen Kane is less of a thinking movie than Looper, though 0133:< Golden_Grahams> uh 0133:< stfupcakes> Or Primer 0133:< MrZiggyStardust> stuff like the circle, the exam, upstream color, primer, those kind of movies 0133:< stfupcakes> I keep getting the time loop movies comfused 0134:< MrZiggyStardust> because they're confusing ;) 0134:< stfupcakes> valid logic. 0135:< MrZiggyStardust> I think the other reccomendations we had were like lock stock and two smoking barrels, snatch, and seven psychopaths 0135:< stfupcakes> alright, so movie recommendations for tonight. It is pre-10:00, thus thinking is still allowed 0136:< stfupcakes> I haven't seen upstream color. I have no idea what it's about. 0136:< MrZiggyStardust> have you seen primer? 0136:< stfupcakes> yeah 0137:< MrZiggyStardust> then go for it, same director 0137:< MrZiggyStardust> it's a little bit hard to watch at some parts and I never finished it but what I saw was great 0137:< stfupcakes> Is it on netflix? 0137:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah should be 0138:< MrZiggyStardust> my girlfriend made me turn it off because it's weird as fuck before it comes together, but I want to finish it myself sometime 0139:< stfupcakes> I can handle weird. Weird is good. 0139:< MrZiggyStardust> weird is great, I also love those cube movies, not sure if any are on netflix tho 0140:< stfupcakes> found it 0140:< MrZiggyStardust> yay 0141:< stfupcakes> Watching now, hope it's awesome :) 0141:< stfupcakes> later! 0141:< MrZiggyStardust> I hope you enjoy it :) if not ignore my reccomendations from now on lol 0141:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> when you guys think next merge will be? 0142:< JClocale> in general or for us? 0142:< MrZiggyStardust> tomorrow if we're lucky 0142:< embracetehmartian> hey guys 0142:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> for us 0142:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> cause i guess i can turn my comp of for the night 0147:< Kal-3L> wheres everyone at? 0153:< dashed> canada 0153:< Lolzep> dead inside 0211:< TheOddEyes> hello? 0212:< TheOddEyes> so this filter is dead? 0212:< ntrefil> nope 0212:< ntrefil> Im here just got back actually 0214:< TheOddEyes> oh cool 0214:< stfupcakes> 30 minutes through Upstream Color. Bless you guys and your movie recommendations. 0216:< TheOddEyes> what's upstream color? 0217:< ntrefil> Hey penis/ 0217:< ntrefil> is everyone at chat% 0219:< stfupcakes> It's a movie 0220:< TheOddEyes> i wonder how many users are using robin without counting the alts and the bots 0220:< Lolzep> dummies 0221:< ntrefil> stfupcakes was it you who watched that movie yesterday the began with a b? 0222:< stfupcakes> I watched In Bruges yesterday 0222:< ntrefil> yes that one thanks! 0222:< stfupcakes> yw! 0222:< Golden_Grahams> nigglet 0228:< TriumphantTumbleweed> hello 0228:< ntrefil> hey 0231:< stfupcakes> A triumphant tumbleweed appears. 0232:< stfupcakes> lolzep, did you call us dummies? really? lol 0232:< Lolzep> I said the people who dont use channels are dummies 0232:< stfupcakes> ok, it's better with context. 0233:< ntrefil> Channels are necessary any after tier 8 0234:< stfupcakes> so very, very necessary. 0235:< ntrefil> my alts currently in a tier 11 0235:< ntrefil> the channels over there are quite lame 0239:< bickster69> hey ya'll know what happened to the robin button on front page? 0240:< Chartis> It flew away. 0240:< TheOddEyes> (. )( .) 0241:< ntrefil> I guess you have to enter it manually now 0241:< XesEri> niflrorama is merging. That's another t11 0242:< XesEri> ntrefil which one? 0242:< ntrefil> XesEri Sorry? 0242:< XesEri> which room are you in? 0243:< ntrefil> RaThPM 0244:< XesEri> we should be merging to t12 in about 30 min then, I guess. 0245:< dashed> ntrefil lame how? 0246:< ntrefil> well on channel is pretty chill the rest are quite boring though only a few peeps. Even has its own $ 0247:< rabbitsnake> I'm in a lower tier room named altsfap 0247:< ntrefil> hey trigg 0248:< ntrefil> trigg you update? 0250:< trigg> Alright. I think I got it. 0250:< stfupcakes> rabbitsnake altsfap? now that's a reddit sub. 0251:< juryk> Im in nifls right now should be mergin with RaThPM shortly 0252:< juryk> nifls is kindof a shitshow 0252:< ntrefil> im in RaThPM 0252:< ntrefil> it still pretty calm but filters are a must 0252:< trigg> I'm in nifls but it's pretty bad 0252:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Hola fellow penis/'s 0253:< Lolzep> Im on 2.88 right now 0253:< Lolzep> wrong chat fak 0253:< ntrefil> hey -Do-Not-Trust-Me- whats good? 0254:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Just had a pair of $1 Coronas. Life is good! 0254:< ntrefil> mmmhmm beer! 0254:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> The Caronas were horrible... but life is good. lol 0258:< MrZiggyStardust> corona for 50 cents? 0258:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Buck a piece, can't beat that though. 0258:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm dirnking genny it's like 3.50 for a 6 pack of tallboys 0258:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I take that back.. it can be beat 0259:< MrZiggyStardust> frugal upstate NY beer lol 0259:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Damn, cheapest beer I can get at the gas station closest to me is Rolling Rock 0300:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Which is weird, cause they have Natural Light 0300:< MrZiggyStardust> rolling rock here is more expensive than PBR and miller high life 0300:< MrZiggyStardust> it really depends on location and distance from the brewery 0301:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Truth. 0301:< MrZiggyStardust> cheap beer tho <3 0301:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> <3 <3 = the best beer. 0301:< Kal-3L> hellllloooooo penis/ 0301:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Hola Kal-3L 0302:< Kal-3L> natural light is piss 0302:< MrZiggyStardust> cheap beer and cheap cigarettes to balance out my not cheap rent 0302:< Kal-3L> probably for the best then 0303:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> What's the drink of choice in the Kal-3L neighborhood 0303:< MrZiggyStardust> dude if my piss got me drunk I would drink that 0303:< Kal-3L> i like micro breweries in my area but when I'm just slumming it I got for busch light 0304:< MrZiggyStardust> I've never been a busch guy, they got ugly fucking cans 0304:< Kal-3L> I bet your like the yankees for their cute costumes too lol 0304:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I've slummed some busch lights in my day... I like the micros as well though. Hell, I'll try anything twice 0304:< Lolzep> m kjnm 0305:< MrZiggyStardust> pinstripes turn me on 0305:< Lolzep> I'm dead inside 0305:< MrZiggyStardust> you're like 16 you cant be dead inside yet 0305:< MrZiggyStardust> how dead? 0305:< Lolzep> on a scale of what 0306:< Kal-3L> we helped you with your homework what else do u neeed 0306:< MrZiggyStardust> idk michael jackson to michael jordan 0306:< Whitestep> hi guys 0306:< ntrefil> Grimm reaper to dead flower 0306:< ntrefil> Whitestep sup dude 0306:< Whitestep> ah, I see penis is doing great 0306:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Dont you go dying on me Lolzep 0306:< Lolzep> I CAN DIE WHENEVER I WANT 0307:< MrZiggyStardust> I remember high school, actually no I don't that was a lie 0308:< Lolzep> I did four tests today yayyy 0308:< MrZiggyStardust> dude when did high school become hard? 0308:< Lolzep> When common core became a thing 0308:< MrZiggyStardust> like I'm 80% sure I never did homework and smoked weed every day 0308:< Lolzep> Common. Core. 0308:< MrZiggyStardust> fucking michelle obama 0308:< Lolzep> Thanks Obama 0309:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> lol 0309:< Cistem> wut 0309:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Actually, thanks bush 0309:< ntrefil> Fuck common core I hate the fact that becoming a teaching means Ill have to teach that shit 0309:< Whitestep> I dunno about you guys but I went to a hard HS 0309:< ntrefil> bush nclb 0309:< Whitestep> I had latin, greek and shit 0309:< ntrefil> obama common core 0309:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Sorry ntrefil ... best of luck. 0309:< Lolzep> ech-fucking-scuse me 0310:< ntrefil> haha at least it will be with 1st graders lol 0310:< Lolzep> Common core took school and was like "Right. Right. How can we make this 10x more hard and stressful?" 0310:< ntrefil> Lolzep you were right 0311:< MrZiggyStardust> my girlfirned is getting her masters to be a teacher, but idk I took 1 AP class in all of high school and I do pretty good for myself 0311:< ntrefil> Lolzep are you done with standardized testing> 0311:< Lolzep> PARCC testing m8 0311:< Lolzep> And SAT 0311:< MrZiggyStardust> I never took SAT I took the ACT 0311:< Lolzep> They switched to SAT this year because its cheaper 0311:< ntrefil> Im learning about the PARCC in school. Is this the first year you did it? 0312:< Lolzep> I prefer the ACT myself 0312:< MrZiggyStardust> I dont get their grading scale its like 100 to 100 billion 0312:< Lolzep> No second year. 0312:< MrZiggyStardust> act is like 0-36 0312:< ntrefil> Before is was something else? 0312:< ntrefil> In cali it was STAR 0312:< Lolzep> PARCC testing went "Right. Right. How can we make standardized testing harder? I know! Short answer questions everywhere! 0313:< MrZiggyStardust> dude I am so glad I am not 15 right now 0313:< ntrefil> atleast its not the smarter balanced computer adaptive test 0313:< MrZiggyStardust> like I mean the smart phone stuff at 15 would be cool but its not worth being 15 0313:< ntrefil> SAT and ACT are terrible measures of aptitude 0314:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm gonna go brave the wind for a cigarette, brb 0314:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yeah, if they took the time element out of it maybe it would be better. I'm a visual reader though. Dumb 0315:< Lolzep> Do you guys right... want to take a standardized test right... on the computer and it has short answer AND VIDEOS. 0315:< ntrefil> Its good for predicting gpa in college 0315:< Lolzep> PARCC HAS FUCKING VIDEOS 0316:< ntrefil> crazy! the two test that aline with common core PARCC and Smarter balance and becoming the standard in america 0317:< Lolzep> ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 0317:< ntrefil> With Smarter balanced everytime you answer a question right the questions get harder 0317:< Lolzep> WTF IS THAT SHIT 0317:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I did pretty poor on my ACT's...:23 and finished college with a 3.7. So don't stress too much. 0317:< Lolzep> THAT MAKES NO SENSE 0317:< ntrefil> Computer Adaptive Test. You take it on a computer rather than paper 0318:< Lolzep> The PARCC is on the computer and you answer short answer and watch videos 0318:< ntrefil> hmm I guess I know nothing! 0318:< Lolzep> The multiple choice isnt even multiple choice cause its Part A and then Part B is like "Select a quote that supports your answer!" 0320:< ntrefil> More info on CC test.. http://blog.wowzers.com/what-is-the-big-difference-between-parcc-and-smarter-balanced => http://nazar.so/1v641 0321:< ntrefil> Lolzep sucks dude test are standard test are stupid 0322:< Lolzep> I dont even need to be doing the parcc test because Im going to a college out of state that doesnt have the parcc test anyway 0322:< Whitestep> man... after the incoming mergewave it's gonna take a long ass time to get another 14 tier to merge with ccand 0323:< ntrefil> All these test do is give your state money based on performance 0323:< Lolzep> When do you think we will get a T17? 0323:< Whitestep> 36 hours 0323:< Whitestep> I dunno 0323:< Whitestep> the lower tiers are rising sloooowly 0324:< Lolzep> I just want to be able to make a thread... 0324:< XesEri> So there's now a John Madden facts bot... 0324:< Whitestep> there's a tier 10 in the leaderboard that's been in mergatory for 2 hours 0324:< Lolzep> Oh of course there is. When is there not a john madden bot? 0324:< XesEri> it took over one of the trivia channels 0325:< snowburst> there's going to be such a mass reaping once we merge 0325:< Lolzep> Oh it took over a trivia channel? Trivia channel is ALL bots at this point 0326:< ntrefil> Trivia became stupid once it became bots answering bots 0326:< Lolzep> Remember when real people were asking the questions in like T11? Good times... 0326:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I joined again on my alt and there is 2 John Madden spammers in t7 0326:< Lolzep> Of course there is 0326:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Nobody without scripts wants to continue past that. 0327:< XesEri> I think we have 2 in ggRy 0327:< XesEri> I was on mobile in there. bad shit right there 0328:< ntrefil> Remember days withouts cripts... 0328:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> and bloods 0328:< Lolzep> Remember the days without bots? 0329:< ntrefil> haha lol scrips* 0329:< Lolzep> When people would abandon at T1 and think theyre funny 0329:< Lolzep> Fuck you guys by the way. Happened like 5 times in a row 0329:< ntrefil> those days were many moons ago 0329:< ntrefil> Let me just say I have only ever voted grow. 0330:< JClocale> what's up fellas 0330:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I'm going to send Reddit and Robin button postcard. 0330:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> a robin button postcard that is 0330:< Lolzep> Guys. GUYS. 0330:< Lolzep> ./r/joinrhino. THAT was the shit 0331:< JClocale> oh man, my alt is going to get swept up in this T14 wave 0331:< Lolzep> I dont have an alt... 0331:< Lolzep> Fuck me right? 0331:< ntrefil> 2 12s a 13 and 15 oh man.... 0332:< Lolzep> Youre in Ccande? 0332:< JClocale> I just wanted to see if I could get another acct in here 0332:< XesEri> my alt merges in ~15 minutes 0332:< JClocale> no, fiTosmDo1 0332:< ntrefil> same plus i want to relive small group days 0332:< Lolzep> Im calling ccande the government chat 0332:< Lolzep> Cause thats all they do 0333:< JClocale> I saw some thing at work about a constitution 0333:< XesEri> they're convinced that their "organization" and "representative democracy" works 0333:< XesEri> yeah, multi-page constitution 0333:< Lolzep> *largest fucking cough* https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit => http://nazar.so/4e8g3 0334:< Lolzep> oh my god its bigger then when I last saw it 0334:< JClocale> and they're coming for us 0334:< snowburst> http://i.imgur.com/y1czdMB.jpg 0334:< brycenickerson> That's ridiculous. 0335:< ntrefil> hahah +1 for you 0335:< XesEri> when ccande gets up here, they're gonna have a bad time 0335:< Lolzep> https://youtu.be/cdTBIQDPZt4?t=5s 0335:< JClocale> they have rules about their . channel 0335:< JClocale> rofl XesEri 0336:< JClocale> JERM_RAADEN would never spam_chat!1 0337:< Lolzep> I think after I got gilded twice on my post I cant live without gold features ever again 0337:< XesEri> I have a morbid curiosity about how many john maddens have filtered in here by now 0337:< XesEri> and also what will become of them after 0337:< snowburst> i got 4 yrs of gold from alien blue 0338:< Lolzep> Yah idk why thats a thing 0338:< snowburst> the new reddit app will have ads and they don't want to piss off people who paid for alien blue 0338:< ntrefil> I saw that alien blue pro users get 4 years of gold... 0338:< JClocale> their resolutions are impossible to pass 0339:< XesEri> enjoy guys r/JOHN_MADDEN 0339:< Lolzep> Whats the new reddit app? 0339:< JClocale> 50% vote of the chat? That'll never happen on anything 0339:< Whitestep> dude 0339:< Whitestep> anyone riding the mergewave of the lower tier chans 0339:< XesEri> yup 0339:< ntrefil> the one the reddit bought for iphone 0339:< Lolzep> no 0339:< snowburst> coming out april 7th 0340:< Lolzep> Still dont know ntrefil 0340:< Whitestep> XesEri, how are you guys holding up 0340:< XesEri> okay, but the lower tiers are slow going 0340:< JClocale> it's all slowing down 0340:< XesEri> we hit our first mergatory at t3->4 0341:< XesEri> for 20min to an hour, not sure as I was in class 0341:< JClocale> I think the first chat I made it to teir 10 without ever waiting longer than the 30 minutes 0342:< ntrefil> link http://www.macrumors.com/2016/04/05/reddit-gold-alien-blue/ => http://nazar.so/89gud 0342:< XesEri> we collapsed t10-t13 pretty fast though, but that was already about to happen 0342:< embracetehmartian> hey dudes 0343:< ntrefil> embracetehmartian sup with it? 0343:< embracetehmartian> just chilling you should see our flockdraw 0343:< embracetehmartian> https://gyazo.com/48dd83c302407163c351cebcb01ef778 0344:< Whitestep> hey just got an idea 0344:< embracetehmartian> what is it 0344:< Whitestep> wouldn't an organized group of abandoners (just under half) would be able to make a high tier low population tier 0345:< Whitestep> chatroom sorry 0345:< Whitestep> so we would merge faster 0345:< Lolzep> maybe 0345:< Whitestep> the same people, abandoning to leave a chat to grow with few people while making a new chatroom just as they leave 0346:< XesEri> I was thinking about that earlier. 0346:< Lolzep> I think I had this discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1rewd8?context=3 => http://nazar.so/ehrq 0346:< JClocale> don't abandon, just make an alt 0346:< ntrefil> is our stream still going https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits? 0346:< XesEri> I tried to math it out, but it makes a big difference whether a room disbands at 50% abandon or 51+ 0347:< embracetehmartian> dont think so ntrefil 0348:< ntrefil> shame... 0348:< JClocale> the T13 is busy debating the politics of merging 0349:< juryk> T12s about to merge 0349:< juryk> im in ggrys 0349:< ntrefil> merging 0349:< Whitestep> nice 0350:< ntrefil> trigg you merge too? 0351:< chapebrone> %chat $ ^ acti ve chann els 0354:< djcocainegoat> hey penis/ 0354:< djcocainegoat> what's good? 0354:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> djcocaingoat ! 0354:< intensebeet> i think this is all a lie 0354:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> It's all good in the penis'hood 0355:< JClocale> my penis lost it's hood when i was a baby 0355:< djcocainegoat> Hey 0356:< XesEri> that's a sadder story when you say it like that 0356:< Cistem> You're sad 0356:< XesEri> thank you 0357:< Cistem> now that we've cleared it up 0400:< ntrefil> haha tier 12 guys 17 is getting closer and closer 0400:< ntrefil> 13* 0403:< trigg> hey ntrefil. Successful merge here 0403:< ntrefil> nice hanging out in #pluhf 0407:< snezel> its getting closer!! 0408:< Whitestep> I just realized the difference in group dynamics we must have with the other 15 tier group 0408:< Lolzep> Youre damn right its different 0408:< Whitestep> they're all about getting here and we're just complacent at the top waiting for them 0409:< dashed> Whitestep lol 0409:< Lolzep> Do we have a government. No. They called us a "peaceful anarchy" 0409:< ntrefil> just imaging how many new channels will get merged 0409:< Whitestep> we're basically a bunch of fatasses 0409:< Whitestep> suits me well 0410:< snezel> we are the true growers 0410:< snezel> master growers 0410:< XesEri> I for oe welcome our new overlords 0410:< snezel> as long as theyre from Omicron Persei 8 0411:< snezel> same 0411:< dashed> Lolzep what does stay do? 0411:< ntrefil> ha futurama! 0412:< ntrefil> lol 0412:< Lolzep> stay creates a private subreddit with the people in this chat 0412:< snezel> i dont think its possible to grow again 0412:< snezel> ntrefil yes the best show! 0412:< XesEri> there was a push either yesterday or this morning for auto-updating script devs to implement an autostay at tier 17 0412:< dashed> XesEri yes i know 0412:< ntrefil> i heard somewhere i might come back on netflix 0413:< XesEri> it's not on netflix anymore? I've been watching the reruns on comedy central 0413:< dashed> will we beat the 4.4k record? 0413:< JClocale> if we merge, definitely 0413:< snezel> ntrefil yeah i was excited for the comedy central comeback after watching it first on fox lol 0413:< Lolzep> Hell yeah we will! 0413:< snezel> XesEri i think he means they might pick it up to make more 0414:< ntrefil> That show has did any come back to live so many times 0414:< stfupcakes> test 0414:< ntrefil> died* 0415:< Lolzep> Are anyone elses reddit servers dying? 0415:< stfupcakes> I can't get to #pluhf 0415:< stfupcakes> this window is screwed up 0415:< mturi> Lolzep yep 0415:< Lolzep> Send help 0415:< snezel> everyone i know likes it, just a tough crowd when there are more mindless things to watch 0416:< snezel> test 0416:< ntrefil> at least reddit servers are not like imgur servers 0416:< Whitestep> I think futurama was ahead of its time --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:17:45 2016 0417:< snezel> remember the days when we were trying to all figure out our colors on here? 0417:< Lolzep> I still barely fucking know 0417:< ntrefil> what colour am i??? 0418:< JClocale> green 0418:< JoeAbunga> green 0418:< Whitestep> wuts a color 0418:< JClocale> still 0418:< Whitestep> ./jk 0418:< ntrefil> whats a green 0418:< Lolzep> Guys I can only see in black and white what is a color 0418:< Whitestep> 4 min to tier 13 merge 0418:< trigg> Lolzep I think you're a dog. 0418:< Lolzep> Dogs actually see in like a green tint. The more you know 0419:< ntrefil> I remember when usernames were black 0419:< trigg> Yeah, they're red/green colour blind I believe 0419:< stfupcakes> you're pink, ntrefil. 0419:< trigg> but that didn't work with the joke 0419:< trigg> just roll with it 0419:< Lolzep> ayyyy reddit is back up 0419:< ntrefil> 🌠The more you know 0420:< ntrefil> 🌠The more you know! 0420:< snezel> K1ngN0thing no 0420:< Lolzep> is k1ng talking about his subreddit again? 0421:< Lolzep> I cant see his messages cause I blocked him 0421:< snezel> yes prettty much 0421:< ntrefil> same 0421:< Lolzep> Downvote his shit 0421:< Lolzep> Ty have a nice daaaaay 0421:< snezel> some website for aging shit 0421:< ntrefil> downvote to hell 0421:< snezel> http://www.sens.org/ 0421:< snezel> i cant tho 0421:< Lolzep> Look K1ng I get it you want to promote a subreddit. But this is not the way to go man. 0422:< Whitestep> merge incoming 0422:< Lolzep> Is that why the reddit servers slowly died? 0423:< ntrefil> merging 14 0424:< Whitestep> how was it 0424:< trigg> Solid merge 0424:< ntrefil> no hiccups there! 0424:< XesEri> not as bad as it has been, since the channels filter out the voting 0424:< Lolzep> Wait there is a random t14... 0424:< ntrefil> triggs btw ntrefil = NniftheHuman 0425:< trigg> haha I was JUST typing.. I have spent forever keeping an eye out for your name in pluhf 0425:< trigg> and just realized it wouldn't be the same 0425:< trigg> I was guessing you were fliptrik 0426:< ntrefil> I always forget my usernames are different 0427:< trigg> I actually argued with someone earlier who was saying I was orange. BECAUSE IM CLEARLY BLUE 0427:< trigg> then realized I was actually orange 0427:< XesEri> same. my alt is my favorite color, which kinda makes me sad 0427:< XesEri> because it's my alt, and not here 0428:< ntrefil> Alts clearly have the better colours 0428:< trigg> I still like my main more. Feels like me 0428:< dick_sanitizer> everyone welcome fiscToliRy, the newest Tier14! 0428:< dick_sanitizer> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0432:< ntrefil> trigg same haha 0433:< trigg> what time is it where you are ntrefil? 0435:< JClocale> Anyone play COD4 on Xbox360? 0450:< dick_sanitizer> come draw on flockdraw! http://flockdraw.com/sokukunelits 0453:< dashed> parrot users: tab completion is fixed in v.2.92 0453:< dashed> parrot users: tab completion is fixed for firefox in v.2.92 0454:< snezel> im still on 2.67 0454:< dashed> sorry for spam :( 0454:< Whitestep> thanks dashed, great work 0454:< snezel> lollol nah all good i need to update 0454:< snezel> oops not lol twice 0458:< snezel> test 0458:< dashed> hi 0458:< snezel> cool 0502:< Wonderingwanderr> ayyyee 0502:< JClocale> looc 0502:< JClocale> eeyyya 0502:< Wonderingwanderr> %chat sucks wiener 0503:< Wonderingwanderr> are you the only one in this chat? 0504:< Whitestep> nope 0504:< Whitestep> so I've been creating tier 1 chats 0504:< Whitestep> I have no merging options 0504:< Whitestep> on TIER 1 0504:< snezel> thats not good 0509:< Chartis> Here's something to talk about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiyeOLguw8 0509:< Wonderingwanderr> wait 0510:< Wonderingwanderr> whitestep werent you just in %chat? 0510:< Whitestep> I'm all over 0510:< Whitestep> your face 0510:< Whitestep> cumming 0510:< Wonderingwanderr> yeah. I was going to eat my bearded dragon. 0510:< Whitestep> did you though? 0511:< Wonderingwanderr> https://imgur.com/a/s2gzP 0511:< Whitestep> the little hat and kitchen thingamajig (don't remember the name in english) were really cure/funny 0511:< Whitestep> hha yeah 0512:< Wonderingwanderr> "spatula" 0512:< Whitestep> that's what I'm talking about 0512:< Whitestep> spatula that 0517:< Wonderingwanderr> yo 0517:< dick_sanitizer> http://imgur.com/RAnPLUG 0518:< dick_sanitizer> masterpiece for penis/ 0518:< Wonderingwanderr> omg 0518:< Wonderingwanderr> im jerking off to that drawing 0519:< dick_sanitizer> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dkeir/another_flockdraw_masterpiece_in_honor_of_penis/ => http://nazar.so/1u56l 0519:< Whitestep> ...dude 0519:< dick_sanitizer> need to find the master penis drawer, was jsut named 'ay' 0521:< chapebrone> ^ % #rpg %chat $ act.iVE cH.AnNEls 0521:< Wonderingwanderr> wat 0521:< dick_sanitizer> ? 0522:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg % $ ^ aC.tiVE c.hANnELS 0527:< nullvader> idk what's happening in %chat so hi 0529:< chapebrone> %chat ^ $ % #rpg Act.ivE chAn.NelS 0604:< embracetehmartian> are we merging soon? 0629:< ntrefil> no. 0629:< ntrefil> short answer 0630:< ntrefil> waiting of 14 to merge with 15 0630:< ror6y> 1 and a half hours 0630:< ror6y> i think 0630:< ntrefil> nullvader hey 0630:< nullvader> hi ntrefil 0630:< ror6y> I think there's going to be a big problem with people not online 0631:< ntrefil> ror6y you mean afks? 0631:< ror6y> That when we merge to 17 there's gonna be so many ppl at work or school that we won't be able to gain a majority grow/stay 0631:< JClocale> I wonder if when (if) we finally become T17, we don't just die because half this room is AFK 0632:< ror6y> and we'll die 0632:< JClocale> they stay GROW votes now, but if they don't log in during the half hour window... 0633:< ror6y> that's my point 0633:< ntrefil> Prey for scripts i guess 0634:< ror6y> i'd say loads of ppl do have reddit on mobile, so if we could use the user list someone made and tag everyone 0634:< ror6y> to tell them to get on robin within