--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:07 2016 --- Day changed Wed Apr 06 2016 0000:< Lolzep> Youre welcome dashed 0000:< dashed> lols 0000:< dashed> test 0000:< Lolzep> I have all chat on just to look for new channels 0000:< dashed> test 0001:< dashed> test 0001:< Lolzep> dashed is stuck in all chat purgatory 0001:< Lolzep> rip 0001:< dashed> testing words 0002:< Lolzep> Words for what? 0002:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0002:< dashed> test 0002:< lajiggyjarjardoo> @f 0004:< mofosyne> %parrot yea I cfan 0004:< lost_penguin> tree 0004:< dashed> %test-parrot more 0004:< mssmith92> Well we'll be hopefully over 5k once we hit t17 0004:< lost_penguin> !nl tree 0004:< mofosyne> %parrot DeyTa this is my current filter setting "$, %chat, ^, #pol, #rpg, ~, penis/, ?, s, #s, #gov,+wiki,%parrot,.edia" 0005:< Sloon_> seexza ily 0006:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol but lachlanhunt it's gonna be great, it'll be the best babble, you'll love it 0007:< lachlanhunt> #pol #MakeBabbleGreatAgain 0007:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0007:**** cyclingwonder congratulations himself 0007:< SenatorAstronomer> NATION REPRESENT! 0008:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0008:< cyclingwonder> Only the dankest maymays 0008:< dashed> %test-parrot test 0008:< dashed> %test-parrot lol 0009:< dashed> %test-parrot asdf 0009:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 0009:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0009:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0011:< doswarrior> anyone have the room vote stats? 0011:< SirCabbage> #pol the only thing trump plans to make great again is his own business interests 0011:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0012:< Alternet1> ./tally 0012:< cyclingwonder> %alylynn - so long as you've put your vote you're safe, but yes, you can use your phone's web browser for Robin :) 0012:< Alternet1> % type /tally 0013:**** neeph is still here 0016:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0017:< CreamedBeef> fucking hell this is still happening? 0017:< Sorbetfraise> CreamedBeef yeah 0017:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 0017:< gueriLLaPunK> %parrot so yeah 0018:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 0019:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 0019:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0019:< XOrAcLeX> % 0019:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0019:< SenatorAstronomer> =D~ Hey 0020:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0020:< XOrAcLeX> % asdf 0020:< nayrev> dinner 0021:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0021:< gueriLLaPunK> Positrons -- we get it dude 0022:< vineman> lol 0022:< lordxeon> when is the merge? 0022:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0023:< MachMatic> % Oh, so this is working? 0024:< dashed> Robin clone https://github.com/joinrobin/robin 0024:< blumpkinescobar> nigglet you're the best 0024:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0024:< 16Beast> .help 0024:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0024:< 16Beast> .commands 0024:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0025:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Hello hello, does anyone know how long until next merge? 0026:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot hello 0026:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0026:< gereth> 50 0027:< TheSpoom> % hmm 0027:< vineman> chat% yeah im annoyed they removed the button 0028:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0029:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 0029:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0029:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 0030:**** neeph is still here 0030:< Yangumasuta> p hioi 0031:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0031:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0034:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0034:< turcois> █ P █ O █ O █ P █ 0034:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0034:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 0035:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0035:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 0035:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 0035:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0036:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .help 0036:< ImAKidImASquid> ø A møøse once bit my sister 0036:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0036:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .commands 0036:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0036:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .insult KorsaAvsandare 0036:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] KorsaAvsandare looks like a pinecone! 0036:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0037:< ImAKidImASquid> ø No realli! She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge 0038:< ImAKidImASquid> ø her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies like 0038:< ImAKidImASquid> ø "The Høt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink".. 0038:< ImAKidImASquid> ø Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti.. 0038:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0038:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .insult KorsaAvsandare 0038:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] KorsaAvsandare is so boring /I/ almost fell asleep. 0039:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .kill KorsaAvsandare 0039:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] KorsaAvsandare spontaneously combusted. 0039:< ImAKidImASquid> @ .insult KorsaAvsandare 0039:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] KorsaAvsandare smells bad! 0040:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0040:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0043:< supasteve013> Penis/ heyyy still here 0043:< dashed> yep 0043:< dashed> i pm'd them 0044:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0044:< MrClub> Bean? 0044:< MrClub> Bean 0045:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0045:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0045:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0046:**** neeph is not a number 0046:**** neeph is still here 0047:< BudTheSlug> Agreed 0047:< andreaplanbee> i broke my parrot 0048:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:49:14 2016 0049:< andreaplanbee> dashed sec 0050:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0050:< dashed> nobody in early tier's 0050:< andreaplanbee> dashed http://i.imgur.com/kt1IfZU.png here are my filters and i cant remove the exclusion filter 0050:< dashed> ??? 0050:< andreaplanbee> im in early tiers 0050:< kiledos> %parrot its gonna be a while 0051:< andreaplanbee> idk what tier we're at but we've got 12 people and stuck 0051:< kiledos> %parrot we are at t16, closest is t15 0051:< conker2654> testconk SourPls 0051:< andreaplanbee> why am i chatting here no one can see me lmbo 0051:< kiledos> %parrot so they need another t15 to merge with in order for us to merge with them 0051:< andreaplanbee> i wish i didnt accidentally block all the filters i wanted to see 0052:< dashed> andreaplanbee delete from exclusion then click to go out focus 0052:< andreaplanbee> i have tried that but i will try again dashed 0052:< waytoomuchcoffee> + i'm in fiTosmDo1 too, i'll abandon that and start a new room 0052:< andreaplanbee> dashed, exclusion deleted and field is out of focus, my filters are not returning 0052:< waytoomuchcoffee> i'm in fiTosmDo1 too, i'll abandon that and start a new room 0054:< andreaplanbee> another screenshot dashed showing the exclusion filter blank http://i.imgur.com/jCEZUzi.png 0054:< dashed> andreaplanbee refresh 0054:< andreaplanbee> ok 0054:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0054:< NonNisiTe> % 0054:< andreaplanbee> i have refreshed 0054:< andreaplanbee> and my exclusion filter is back where it was before i deleted it dashed 0055:< dashed> hmm 0055:< andreaplanbee> by that i mean the filter is still applied 0055:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0055:< dashed> exclusion filter is sitll there after u deleted it? 0055:< andreaplanbee> yes dashed 0056:< robdob> Koi-pond stop spamming everything 0057:< vineman> is anyone here from my original group on saturday 0057:< UnknownFiddler> oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0057:< 99999999999999999989> skinologist 0057:< vineman> I miss my friends 0057:< UnknownFiddler> how long until next grow 0058:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 0058:< lachlanhunt> #pol https://www.tytnetwork.com/live/ has started their election coverage 0059:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot And do you think that's going to happen? 0059:< andreaplanbee> cant wait til i can chat with %chat again 0059:< SirCabbage> #pol i was kinda sad they didnt do any coverage for the three he swept. 0100:< dashed> andreaplanbee what version are u on? 0100:< andreaplanbee> dashed 2.82 0100:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0102:< lachlanhunt> #pol Exit polling in WI indicates approximately 55 Sanders, 44 Clinton (just stated by TYT, not sure which poll that was) 0102:< dashed> andreaplanbee try to remove the exclusion then exit out of settings 0103:< surelyucantbserious> This enemy is beyond my strength, Any IDeas? 0103:**** neeph is still here 0103:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 0104:< andreaplanbee> omg dashed i did that and i refreshed and the exclusion filter is back 0104:< dashed> >___< 0104:< SirCabbage> #pol woo! 0104:< SirCabbage> #pol totally not surprising though 0105:< andreaplanbee> dashed, the same steps without the refresh also does not work 0105:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0106:**** neeph is not a number 0107:< surelyucantbserious> At this rate, I shall father 4 children before this beast is done. Do we have any 'secret' weapons to use here? 0108:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0108:< lachlanhunt> #pol It might not be enough, though. It's not bad, but he needs about 57 or 58% in total today, but hopefully more 0108:< dashed> andreaplanbee wow im stumped lol 0108:< surelyucantbserious> that'll do 0108:< andreaplanbee> dashed should i try clearing cache or something? 0108:< Bradley2833> GROW 0108:< lachlanhunt> #pol Wyoming will come later, though. Anyone know how many delegates in each? 0108:< andreaplanbee> thats not gonna kick me out will it 0109:< SirCabbage> #pol He made up a good amount in washington- i'd like to think that would make up if he didnt win enough here- he is still winning 0109:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0109:< SirCabbage> #pol also he won Nevada in the end 0110:< lachlanhunt> #pol SFP live thread https://www.reddit.com/live/wpfxkzfc2bqh 0110:< dashed> andreaplanbee yeah try that 0111:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0113:< Stu_Pidasso> this is a lost cause... 0113:< dashed> andreaplanbee weird 0113:< mahatmabrondi> what are the $s and %s? 0114:< rakehand> %parrot hey guys, http://i.imgur.com/CmsHTni.png i can change the room channel color by ticking the "See only from channels" box 0114:< rakehand> %parrot on the global tab 0114:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0115:**** Zulgrath voted to kick Gren0s (1/5) 0116:< Zulgrath> #CivilBedding 0116:< surosregime> %CRT 0116:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0116:< surosregime> %finally got this working 0117:**** elginkevin %chat ALL HAIL sotricious OUR NAME LEADER 0117:< lachlanhunt> #pol Anyone else watching TYT now? That woman just being interviewed is crazy 0118:< lachlanhunt> #pol Basically said "Trump is a business man, and he's not saying what he would do because he wouldn't want others stealing his ideas" 0118:< lachlanhunt> #pol (paraphrasing) 0118:< SirCabbage> #pol yeah I am 0118:< SirCabbage> #pol Thats the thing, the people who support him.. I dont even. 0118:< lachlanhunt> #pol In other words, no idea what Trump stands for. He will do what he says, but I don't know what he says. Fuck 0118:< SirCabbage> #pol but what they are saying now about the hillary laundering- THAT scares me. They pre-paid for dellegates 0118:< I_Am_Batgirl> Good evening all! 0119:< SirCabbage> #pol yeah but trump CONSTANTLY says whatever he needs to say- he changes on many topics 0119:< Aquifel> No, you're not. 0120:< almu3alim> so 0120:**** neeph is still here 0120:< kiledos> %parrot 0120:< kiledos> %parrot it should happen in the next 24 hours 0121:< kiledos> %parrot so we just gotta sit tight and wait 0121:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0122:< nolasagne> elginkevin I think it might be too late as well. I'd need at least 100 GROW/merge zealots 0122:< dashed> rakehand >__< 0123:< dashed> rakehand sorry im somewhat confused 0124:< jbdawinna> % chat After the merge? 0124:< TheAwer> %chat seconding the merge question 0124:< rakehand> dashed: if i tick the box in this tab but then go over to %chat tab, the color of the room in %chat changes 0125:< intensebeet> % I'm doubting another merge is gonna happen at this point 0125:**** sotricious %chat has to wake up in 4 and a half hours 0125:< dashed> rakehand hmmm same color for me 0125:< rakehand> dashed: it looks like this if i go back and forth and change the box 0125:< rakehand> http://i.imgur.com/CmsHTni.png 0126:< dashed> rakehand that's weird 0126:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0126:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0126:< TheAwer> %parrot what is this channel for? seems for parrot but, but there's already ^? 0127:< jbdawinna> % chat Guyssssss, once we merge, why cant we just pm everyone on reddit and tell them to stay? 0127:**** pyroshroom #rpg asks the dwarf where his caves are 0127:< daniel51a> ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ 0128:< jbdawinna> % chat, anyone? 0128:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0128:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0129:**** pyroshroom #rpg uses his warding goldfang 0130:< MathGeek31415> % I have 8 alts already in rooms lol 0130:< daniel51a> ✪ ✪ ✪ 0131:< mahatmabrondi> 100tifiko 0131:< mofosyne> .edia random thoughts on wording sokukune. "I am english, I am from england." sooo... "I am soKukuneli, I am from soKukune" ? 0131:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0132:**** Zulgrath voted to kick Gren0s (1/5) 0132:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0132:< Zulgrath> ELECT nigglet 0132:< catjuggler> cedar park/ ucity, you? 0132:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0132:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0133:< brandvegn> pines/ depends are diapers for old people 0135:< lachlanhunt> #pol Cruz declared the winner in WI for Republicans 0135:< lachlanhunt> #pol http://graphics.latimes.com/election-2016-wisconsin-results/ => http://nazar.so/6mhkn 0136:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0137:**** neeph is not a number 0137:< SirCabbage> #pol Cruz actually scares me more then trump in a lot of ways 0137:**** neeph is still here 0137:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0138:< cyclingwonder> # You got it, existence 0138:< almu3alim> % hello 0139:< cyclingwonder> %uberdiesel: 12 hours 0140:< theBelvidere> france 0142:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0142:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0143:< indianapale> !stats 0143:< Mainova> p high noon 0143:< OminousG> dont have tier 14 rooms, this is going to be another night of no merging 0143:< IbaFoo> $ 18 0143:**** neeph is not a number 0143:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0146:< IbaFoo> $ Peter I 0146:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0147:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0149:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0150:< charliegrc> % how long till the merge? 0150:< charliegrc> % few hours? 0150:< SalZoRz> prince_polka not yet I have to sign in, forgot my info 0150:< kiledos> %chat maybe another 24 hours 0150:< kiledos> %chat check standings 0151:< kiledos> @chat we are t16, other is t15, need another t15 to merge but only t13 and t12 after that 0151:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0152:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0152:< Flewtea> I think we would, cause others would come with us 0152:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0152:< Krydos> # does anyone have time to explain what exactly is happening in this room? how do you know how many hps you have? 0153:< SirCabbage> #pol *shakes head 0153:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0153:< ExpertExpert> when do we merge? 0154:**** neeph is still here 0154:< NorthPrism> % http://flockdraw.com/soKukune 0154:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0155:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0155:< SirCabbage> #pol how so? 0155:< SirCabbage> #pol he is hated by most republicans 0156:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0156:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0157:**** neeph is not a number 0157:< lachlanhunt> #pol Being hated by most republicans isn't a reason for you to also hate him, though. 0157:< SirCabbage> #pol no, his religious extremism is 0158:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0158:< lachlanhunt> #pol Are there any republicans who aren't religious extremists? 0158:< SirCabbage> #pol he is a whole new level of crazy 0158:< SirCabbage> #pol that flat tax shit? abolishing the IRS? he is fuckign crazy 0159:< lachlanhunt> #pol oh, he wants to abolish the IRS? (Just said it in his speech now) 0159:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0159:< SirCabbage> #pol yep. 0159:< SirCabbage> #pol and a FLAT TAX rate that is terrible 0159:< lachlanhunt> #pol How does he plan to collect taxes without the government organisation that's set up to do it? 0200:< SirCabbage> #pol *shakes head* fuck I hope cruz doesnt win 0200:< bananasquid> #pol You don't like precision carpet bombings? 0200:< lachlanhunt> #pol haha 0201:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0201:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0201:< SirCabbage> #pol not particularlly 0202:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0203:< brandvegn> jeans, t-shirt and not an ounce of sock 0203:< brandvegn> Florida 0203:< catjuggler> finally downloaded an extension or two 0204:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0204:< bananasquid> #pol Precision carpet bombing is probably my favorite oxymoron of all time 0206:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0207:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0207:< SirCabbage> #pol but is it your favourite term to be used by someone with access to nuclear weapons? 0207:< astrophy> % 0207:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0207:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0208:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0209:< jayman419> + I thought I had all the nigger shouters muted already. 0210:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0210:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0210:< bananasquid> #pol That probably enhances to hilarity to be honest. The guy is supposed to be the head of the military 0210:**** neeph is not a number 0210:< bananasquid> #pol This is the funniest election 0211:**** neeph is still here 0211:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0211:< SirCabbage> #pol I personally don't find the idea of crazy winning as being funny lol 0211:< bananasquid> #pol I'm an immigrant without citizenship so I can't vote. That essentially just makes this reality tv to me 0213:**** Wonderingwanderr Make Robin 69 again! @6995 0214:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0214:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0214:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0216:**** Wonderingwanderr % Fellow Blues, join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays! We will prevail! 0217:**** SirCabbage #rpg takes out an egg from my jar and throws it down into the quarry 0217:< bickster69> %chat how are we losing people 0217:< druncle2> I have nothing to say, but I try to say something every so often. 0218:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0218:**** Wonderingwanderr Make Robin 69 again! @6995 0218:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0218:< bickster69> %chat jayman419 not that im leaving, waited to long to back out now... but how do you leave without a room merge? 0219:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0219:< bickster69> nigglets theres no one in this channel 0220:< DannyStanton> ELECT nigglet 0220:< jayman419> I'm pretty sure niglets is a bot, but everyone's muted him so it doesn't matter what channel he's on really. 0220:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0220:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 0220:< bickster69> jayman419 word gotcha.. 0220:**** neeph is not a number 0221:< DannyStanton> Pretty sure he is too, but he deserves to be the leader. :D 0222:**** Wonderingwanderr % Fellow Blues, join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays! We will prevail! 0222:**** SirCabbage #rpg gives sorrento his Bloatstrike Tail to eat 0223:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0223:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0223:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0224:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0225:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0226:< gereth> slepp 0226:< gereth> Microsoft 0227:< gereth> boo 0227:< gereth> United States 0227:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0227:**** neeph is still here 0227:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0228:< SaveTheSpycrabs> how do i use a channel? 0228:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0228:< jayman419> SaveTheSpycrabs If you have Robin Grow or Parrot, click "Open Settings" and put the channels in the box and then click filter by channel. 0229:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0229:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0230:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0231:**** neeph is not a number 0231:< mista_fresh> \tally 0231:< Worryaboutstuff> Still no merge.. Damn 0231:< gjhgjh> % chat I'd like an order of fries please. 0231:< gjhgjh> % I'd like an order of fries please. 0231:**** pyroshroom #rpg wonders if you can read this text 0232:**** pyroshroom #rpg #rpg testing 0232:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0233:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0233:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0233:**** SirCabbage #rpg totally didnt hear what pyro said 0234:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0234:**** pyroshroom #rpg looks on horrified 0234:< NoTengoTiempoParaTi> WAFFLE CHECK....ARE ANY OF MY WAFFLES STILL OUT THERE....I STILL SEARCH FOR YOU....NO MATTER HOW DARK THE NIGHT GETS! 0234:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0234:**** pyroshroom #rpg wonders if the dragon will stay calm while cramped 0235:< Sarge0311> WAFFLE!!!!!!!!!!! 0235:< NoTengoTiempoParaTi> %WAFFLE CHECK.....ARE ANY OF MY WAFFLES STILL OUT THERE.....I STILL SEARCH FOR YOU.....NO MATTER HOW DARK THE NIGHT GETS! 0236:**** pyroshroom #rpg pretends that he didn't notice Sxw 0236:**** SirCabbage #rpg is still playing with his dragon and trying to keep it calm in the cave so it doesnt do much 0236:**** pyroshroom #rpg requests that the dragon breaths some fire for light 0236:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0236:**** SirCabbage #rpg gets the dragon to let out small puffs of flame- makes it like a game for the dragon 0237:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0237:< NoTengoTiempoParaTi> WAFFLE CHECK.....ARE ANY OF MY WAFFLES STILL OUT THERE.....I STILL SEARCH FOR YOU.....NO MATTER HOW DARK THE NIGHT GETS! 0237:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0237:< NoTengoTiempoParaTi> WAFFLE CHECK.....ARE ANY OF MY WAFFLES STILL OUT THERE.....I STILL SEARCH FOR YOU.....NO MATTER HOW DARK THE NIGHT GETS! 0237:< TreyDHD> I can't believe how long this group has lasted!!! 0237:< NoTengoTiempoParaTi> WAFFLE CHECK.....ARE ANY OF MY WAFFLES STILL OUT THERE.....I STILL SEARCH FOR YOU.....NO MATTER HOW DARK THE NIGHT GETS! 0238:< NightVisionHawk> %alphashadow, you'll make us disband the entire chatroom, you need to leave it on 24/7 0239:< BudTheSlug> It was a horse 0239:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0239:< Chartis> #pol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01M5hJIJvT8&list=PLw4BwzTsclqjHFw95ClCwX42SXT1Rpc8Y => http://nazar.so/7r3wn 0239:< DMod> stay stay stay 0240:< lajiggyjarjardoo> inline name selector 0240:< TheTim> % I want to see a video of The_PurpleCat's napkin in a blender 0240:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0241:**** neeph is not a number 0241:< TheUncleBob> % Leo_Verto Did Robin Assistant get set to auto-update? 0241:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0242:< timelighter> we will never merger 0242:< jayman419> The end comes for the merged and unmerged alike. 0242:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0242:< Multiwagon> ^ stormagnet I didn't know you were here too 0243:**** stormagnet ^ thought that was a typo 0243:**** SirCabbage #rpg gets on the dragon 0243:< SoftSandalwood> Hey guize. 0243:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0243:< SoftSandalwood> tRitone11, you're still here. 0244:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0244:**** pyroshroom #rpg uses his cloak of firey vanishing to hide while waiting for help 0244:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0244:< OneiricNeuron> i just realized that I too had never screamed in my life 0244:**** neeph is still here 0244:< Curly-Mo> shy has been in the past 2 rooms with me. 0244:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0245:< jschip> d 0245:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0246:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 0246:< lordxeon> Good 0246:< Yenwodyah_> $ contract 0247:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0247:< trigg> Penis/ sup penises 0247:< XOrAcLeX> % vajayjay 0247:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0247:< trigg> Penis/ ah damn. I forgot that this desktop is still fucked and I can't see any posts. Yaay 0247:< XOrAcLeX> %Chat McMuffin 0247:< jedixi> % 1 kilogram 0247:< NickCageIsAWoman> % helllllooooooo 0247:**** neeph is not a number 0248:< jedixi> % bear 0248:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0248:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0248:< jedixi> % lol 0249:< XOrAcLeX> % nm 0249:< trigg> workin on it ntrefil 0249:< trigg> test...? 0249:< XOrAcLeX> % wtf 0250:< XOrAcLeX> % asdf 0251:**** neeph is not a number 0251:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0252:< XOrAcLeX> %Chat aa 0253:**** SirCabbage #rpg gets his dragon to bite off pyro's broken leg 0253:< XOrAcLeX> % if I don't type the prefix it doesn't show my message in the chat log 0253:< startfragment> Frasier 0254:< tenoclockrobot> soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijddrThloMeInThkiMrgecaThGhBidoClemThagMrLeNotmroasDi9_Avgc42grnoRaGtCadhOnSn 0254:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0254:< bickster69> % moon 0255:< dashed> %parrot test 0255:< XOrAcLeX> wtf 0255:**** pyroshroom #rpg uses his dazing metamagic rod while in excruciating pain on his leg 0256:< gjhgjh> % What monkey? 0256:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0257:< XOrAcLeX> % sadf 0257:< gjhgjh> % Yes, it's the one with the horse. 0258:< Icunary> so how many people are we at? 0258:< gjhgjh> % Where am I going to find pantyhose and a pipe that long? 0259:< XOrAcLeX> % asdf 0259:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0259:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0259:< XOrAcLeX> % a 0259:< ForEden> There's going to be some rapid fire merging here. I bet sokuku merges before midnight. 0300:< DannyStanton> ELECT nigglet 0300:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 0300:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0300:**** SirCabbage #rpg is stuck, cant move 0301:**** neeph is still here 0301:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0301:**** SirCabbage #rpg cant take damage since I am stone, acid wouldnt hurt me would it? 0301:**** pyroshroom #rpg uses his mighty fists to keep on fisting the basilisk 0302:< Dandelion212> celsius 0303:< _vvvv_> abc 0303:**** pyroshroom #rpg wanders about confused from the poison 0304:**** pyroshroom #rpg suddenly brightens up as the poison is cured 0305:**** pyroshroom #rpg chugs from the well 0305:**** pyroshroom #rpg keeps on chugging and chugging 0305:< _vvvv_> adf 0306:**** pyroshroom #rpg chugs along, chug chug chug 0306:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0308:**** neeph is not a number 0308:< Nerf_Bard> % A joke? 0308:< Nerf_Bard> % Like my penis? 0308:< lachlanhunt> #pol Anyone heard if people are still waiting in line to vote in WI? 0308:< bignuts24> how is everyone doing tonight 0308:**** SirCabbage #rpg picks back up well 0308:< The_Zassassin> ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON 0308:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0308:**** pyroshroom #rpg drank a ton of healing water from SirCabbage's well 0308:< The_Zassassin> ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON 0309:< Cistem> . anyone still aliver here? 0309:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0309:**** mootinator %chat sheds a single tear. 0309:< SirCabbage> #pol I dont know 0309:< _vvvv_> asdf 0309:< Cistem> % 0310:**** pyroshroom #rpg lies on the ground, tummy aching 0310:< _vvvv_> asd 0310:< mootinator> . No... 0311:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0311:**** neeph is not a number 0312:< Horsewanterer> Ok 0312:< SaveTheSpycrabs> HOW DO I USE FILTERS?? I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO SEE ME TALKING TO THEM! 0312:< lordxeon> whennnn? 0312:< SaveTheSpycrabs> star 0312:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0313:< GalaxyCascade> THIS IS REALLY FUCKING BORING 0314:< SaveTheSpycrabs> THIS IS GROUND CONTROL TO MAJOR TOM 0314:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 0314:< SaveTheSpycrabs> YOU'VE REALLY MADE THE GRAAADE 0314:< SaveTheSpycrabs> ELECT dashed 0314:**** pyroshroom #rpg dances 0314:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0314:**** neeph is not a number 0314:**** neeph is a free man 0314:**** pyroshroom #rpg wonders where the dwarves are here 0314:< blakeman1> UnSane 0315:< atsu333> what's the estimate now 0315:**** SirCabbage #rpg dances in the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga 0315:**** Sorrento110 #rpg dances in dancing hut of baba yaga as well 0315:**** pyroshroom #rpg joins in the dance of the Dancing Hut of the Baba Yaga 0315:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0316:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0316:< lachlanhunt> #pol The gap just keeps widening. Bernie's up to 55.9%. 0317:< Nerf_Bard> % velveteer thats the name of the show 0317:**** Sorrento110 #rpg Tries to discover what my necklace of Spectral Strikes can do ryanvango 0318:< lachlanhunt> #pol I think he needed about 57%, but I'm not sure he can get 1.1% more. Maybe about half that with 35% left to count 0318:**** neeph is still here 0318:**** pyroshroom #rpg accepts armor or rage 0319:< _vvvv_> #parrot test 0319:**** Sorrento110 #rpg combines the power of the necklace of spectral strikes and my trident of stability to make : Trident of Spectral Strikes 0319:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0319:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0319:< hayf28> % a 0320:< KrystallAnn> ^ this is fantastic :) 0320:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0321:< Daegalus> intensebeet cool, thanks for sending hte message, he joined us and we are discussing things, thanks a bunch. 0321:< dashed> test 0324:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0325:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0325:< dont_upvote_cats> elect dont_upvote_cats 0325:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0325:< dont_upvote_cats> Anone from birdcall here? [BIRDCALL] [BIRDCALL] [BIRDCALL] 0326:< nimajneb> hi 0326:< -My_Other_Account-> :P 0326:< stikko> % we're almost 75% to a merge 0326:**** pyroshroom #rpg notes that's why his metamagic dazing rod sucked against the basalisk 0326:< -My_Other_Account-> NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP 0327:**** pyroshroom #rpg thinks this rod of beguiling will be useful later though 0327:< All_My_Loving> /vote Nigglets 0328:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0328:**** neeph is not a number 0328:**** neeph is a free man 0328:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0329:< stikko> % once we hit 17 we'll need to stay 0329:< All_My_Loving> ELECT nigglet 0329:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0329:**** pyroshroom #rpg Oh, in that case, I combine the nightmare boots with jungle boots 0330:< OptikalCrow> nerds 0330:< dashed> dashed 0330:< All_My_Loving> !flee 0331:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0332:**** pyroshroom #rpg looks around the cave wondering if there is anywhere to go from here 0332:< gueriLLaPunK> my nipples look like milk duds 0333:< Tigaz> % 0334:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0334:< gueriLLaPunK> hey guys... are we gonna do a/s/l? 0334:< gueriLLaPunK> 31/m/california :D 0334:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0335:**** neeph is still here 0335:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0335:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0337:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0338:< CheesyBennington> poop 0340:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0340:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0340:**** pyroshroom #rpg continues to crawl down the tiny tunnels 0341:**** pyroshroom #rpg wonders if Sorrento's gnomish knowledge will help 0343:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0343:**** pyroshroom #rpg enjoys the music 0343:**** Sorrento110 #rpg jumps 0344:< brandvegn> Clinton took Wisconsin! 0344:**** Sorrento110 #rpg readies my trident of spectral strikes just in case 0344:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0344:**** neeph is not a number 0345:< Amlethus> I agree #stayon17 0345:**** pyroshroom #rpg freezes 0345:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0345:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0346:**** pyroshroom #rpg unfreezes and enjoys the music 0346:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0347:**** Sorrento110 #rpg tries to see further as my eyes adjust to the light 0347:< dashed> das 0347:< dashed> dashed 0348:< dashed> %test-parrot _vvvv_ asfa sf 0348:< dashed> %parrot sotriciousl test 0348:< dashed> %parrot das 0348:< dashed> %parrot das 0349:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0349:**** Sorrento110 #rpg is cautious 0349:**** Wonderingwanderr Make Robin 69 again! @6995 0349:< dashed> %parrot dashed 0349:< Nugaryal> Kappa 0349:**** Sorrento110 #rpg wonders if carvings still feel decorative? 0350:< ShanRoxAlot> You should disinfect the penis/ chat, dick_sanitizer 0350:< dashed> %parrot Gtx780ti 0351:< dashed> %parrot dashed 0351:< dashed> %parrot dashed 0351:< dashed> %test-parrot dajasj 0351:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 0351:< grink> #bestkorea hello 0351:**** neeph is still here 0352:**** Wonderingwanderr % Fellow Blues, join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays! We will prevail! 0352:< gueriLLaPunK> %parrot lol dashed 0352:< dashed> %parrot sorry testing 0354:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0354:< xxajt1> asf 0354:< ShanRoxAlot> Does Parrot auto-complete names when you hit "Tab" 0354:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0354:< orangitu> % 0355:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0355:< ShanRoxAlot> Does Parrot auto complete names when you hit "Tab"? 0356:**** Sorrento110 #rpg rubs face 0356:**** pyroshroom #rpg has wet pants 0356:**** Sorrento110 #rpg Opens door quietly 0357:< DrWinters> % FRY HIM 0357:< ShanRoxAlot> Testing 0357:< necron> # /count 0357:**** Sorrento110 #rpg cringes at noise 0357:< necron> # /count 0357:< dick_sanitizer> #s anyone playing scrabble? 0357:< necron> # /count 0358:< necron> # /count 0358:< ShanRoxAlot> testing 0358:< necron> # /count 0358:< ShanRoxAlot> Okay, Updating Parrot was the answer 0358:**** Sorrento110 #rpg cringes again 0358:< necron> # /count 0358:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0358:< necron> # /count 0359:**** Sorrento110 #rpg softly starts playing harp to make sure anyone in here knows we are friendly, while also building up healing aura 0359:< necron> # /count 0359:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0359:< necron> # /count 0359:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0359:< necron> # /count 0359:< necron> # /count 0400:< necron> # /count 0400:< DrWinters> % are we the popular kids because we're top tier 0400:< necron> # /count 0400:< necron> # /count 0400:< chapebrone> % %chat penis/ ^ [act.ive cHan.nELS] 0400:< likenessaltered> 🆘 0400:< necron> # /count 0401:< necron> # /count 0401:**** pyroshroom #rpg wonders if it is the dwarf 0401:< NuOfBelthasar> %chat heyo, mtriper 0401:< necron> # /count 0401:< likenessaltered> What's new pussycat? 0401:< necron> # /count 0402:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0402:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0402:< necron> # /count 0402:< necron> # /count 0402:< necron> # /count 0402:< likenessaltered> How many hours till merge? Will I be awake? 0402:< necron> # /count 0403:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0403:< necron> # /count 0403:< necron> # /count 0403:< necron> # /count 0403:< necron> # /count 0404:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0404:< necron> # /count 0404:< necron> # /count 0404:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0404:< necron> # /count 0404:< likenessaltered> Mostly Harmless 0404:< necron> # /count 0405:**** pyroshroom #rpg thinks we should open this door before walking through 0405:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0405:< necron> # /count 0405:< necron> # /count 0405:< likenessaltered> PEAMAN, anyone? 0405:< necron> # /count 0405:< chapebrone> penis/ ^ %chat #rpg [.Active cHaNN.els] 0405:< necron> # /count 0406:< necron> # /count 0406:< necron> # /count 0406:< necron> # /count 0406:< necron> # /count 0407:< necron> # /count 0407:< likenessaltered> your so vein 0407:< necron> # /count 0407:< Gtx780ti> % chat TRUMP 2016! 0407:< necron> # /count 0407:**** Sorrento110 #rpg dammit that tink again 0407:< necron> # /count 0408:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0408:< Gtx780ti> % chat millennials that love "free" stuff 0408:< necron> # /count 0408:< likenessaltered> lag 0408:< necron> # /count 0408:< likenessaltered> slag 0408:< necron> # /count 0408:**** neeph is still here 0408:< likenessaltered> bag 0408:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0408:< Gtx780ti> % chat Ted is a mess 0408:< likenessaltered> beg 0408:< necron> # /count 0409:< likenessaltered> leg 0409:< necron> # /count 0409:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0409:< necron> # /count 0409:**** pyroshroom #rpg uses the staff of planes to shift to a safer plane for now 0409:< necron> # /count 0409:< necron> # /count 0410:< necron> # /count 0410:< Gtx780ti> % chat canada will become the rape capital of the americas if the cuck PM does not leave 0410:< necron> # /count 0410:< engelk> any stay bot? 0410:< necron> # /count 0410:< necron> # /count 0411:< Gtx780ti> % chat PC culture and SJWs Don't let people say the truth. also what if you already like trump 0411:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0411:< necron> # /count 0411:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0411:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0411:< YSFish> test 0411:< necron> # /count 0411:< necron> # /count 0411:< Gtx780ti> % chat robin we get it we need to wait 0411:< necron> # /count 0412:< necron> # /count 0412:< necron> # /count 0413:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0413:< Gtx780ti> % chat "progress" has led to rapes,terrorism and the allowing of extremist muslims coming to the EU 0414:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0414:< aleatoric> # anyone else just dc? 0414:< madhorse> is it true that there are no groups to merge with ? $ 0415:< Gtx780ti> % Chat good point 0415:< necron> # /count 0415:< jayman419> madhorse A cascade is slowly coming together. 0415:< necron> # /count 0415:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!! 0415:< necron> # /count 0415:< Gtx780ti> % chat yep 0416:< necron> # /count 0416:< necron> # /count 0416:< opek1987> rip reddit 0416:< madhorse> DigitalMindShadow are there enough days left on the experiment though? 0416:< necron> # /count 0416:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:17:45 2016 0417:< necron> # /count 0417:< madhorse> DigitalMindShadow alright 0417:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0417:< necron> # /count 0417:< DigitalMindShadow> @madhorse reddit is down right now but when it's back up check out /r/robintracking for an updated list of chats and how close they are 0417:< necron> # /count 0418:< necron> # /count 0418:< madhorse> DigitalMindShadow holy fuck reddit IS down 0418:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0418:< necron> # /count 0418:< anionaman> 533 users? what's happened? 0418:**** neeph is a free man 0419:< DigitalMindShadow> @madhorse actually it just went back up for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/4pckg 0419:< necron> # /count 0419:< chuckfinleLP1> Do rooms merge based on tier level or if they have around the same number of people in them? 0419:< lachlanhunt> #pol Not sure what's more exciting. Seeing Bernie win again today, or watching the rooms below us merge their way up. 0419:< necron> # /count 0419:< jayman419> chuckfinleLP1 Tier. 0419:< necron> # /count 0419:< DrWinters> % obama's executive orders weren't beneficial 0419:< necron> # /count 0419:< rakki9999112> #pol nobody is in here any more 0419:< I_Am_Batgirl> Hi everyone! 0420:< necron> # /count 0420:< necron> # /count 0420:< haley_joel_osteen> reddit down? 0420:< chuckfinleLP1> So the roome who are 3rd and 4th on the leaderboard should be able to merge then? They are both in tier 13 0420:< necron> # /count 0420:< joe_chip> #pluhf hey 0420:< jayman419> chuckfinleLP1 Yes, once the timer runs out. 0420:< necron> # /count 0420:< DrWinters> % Gary is the least of a bitch. 0420:< DrWinters> % Gary is the least of a bitch. 0420:< I_Am_Batgirl> Several server down notices on Reddit right now. 0421:< necron> # /count 0421:< Gtx780ti> % Chat hillary should be in jail Trump actually likes america 0421:< The_PBR> H Y P E is building in fiTos right now 0421:< necron> # /count 0421:< dashed> dashed 0421:< necron> # /count 0421:< necron> # /count 0422:< necron> # /count 0422:< Gtx780ti> % is % still alive 0422:< dashed> dashed 0422:< necron> # /count 0422:< dashed> _vvvv_ 0422:< DannyStanton> ELECT nigglet 0422:< necron> # /count 0422:< dashed> %test-parrot _vvvv_ 0422:< Gtx780ti> chat anyone here? 0422:< necron> # /count 0422:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 0423:< necron> # /count 0423:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0423:< necron> # /count 0423:< necron> # /count 0423:< necron> # /count 0423:< Gtx780ti> chat fixed my filter 0424:< necron> # /count 0424:< necron> # /count 0424:< necron> # /count 0424:< The_PBR> SUCCESSFUL MERGE OF A NEW 14 0424:< CommanderCorndog> % I'm in the new 14 0424:< necron> # /count 0425:< necron> # /count 0425:< necron> # /count 0425:< necron> # /count 0425:**** neeph is still here 0425:< necron> # /count 0426:< necron> # /count 0426:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0426:< necron> # /count 0426:< necron> # /count 0426:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg $ ^ [ac.tiVe ChAn.nelS] 0426:< necron> # /count 0427:< necron> # /count 0427:< chapebrone> $ ^ %chat #rpg [A.CtivE ChA.nNelS] 0427:< necron> # /count 0427:< necron> # /count 0427:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0427:< chapebrone> penis/ %chat $ #rpg ^ [ac.tivE cHANne.Ls] 0427:< necron> # /count 0428:< necron> # /count 0428:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0428:< chapebrone> ^ %chat penis/ $ #rpg [.AcTIVE cHaNNeL.s] 0428:< necron> # /count 0428:< necron> # /count 0428:< necron> # /count 0428:< chapebrone> #rpg %chat penis/ ^ $ [AC.Tive CHANn.ElS] 0429:< necron> # /count 0429:< necron> # /count 0429:< chapebrone> ^ %chat $ #rpg penis/ [Acti.VE C.hannELs] 0429:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0429:< necron> # /count 0429:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0429:< necron> # /count 0429:< chapebrone> $ %chat ^ #rpg penis/ [aCti.ve C.hANnels] 0430:< necron> # /count 0430:< necron> # /count 0430:< necron> # /count 0430:**** Wonderingwanderr Make Robin 69 again! @6995 0430:< bloons3> When will this end? 0430:< necron> # /count 0430:< strobonic> never, bloons3 0431:< necron> # /count 0431:< necron> # /count 0431:< necron> # /count 0431:< necron> # /count 0432:< necron> # /count 0432:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0432:< necron> # /count 0432:< The_PBR> THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE soKuKu EMPIRE 0432:< necron> # /count 0432:< necron> # /count 0432:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0432:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0432:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0433:< necron> # /count 0433:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg % ^ $ penis/ [.aCTiVE ChAnNeL.S] 0433:< necron> # /count 0433:< necron> # /count 0433:< stfupcakes> #pluhf OK, this is working now. 0433:< necron> # /count 0433:**** Wonderingwanderr % Fellow Blues, join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays! We will prevail! 0433:< abourne> ELECT abourne 0434:< necron> # /count 0434:< abourne> ELECT abourne 0434:< necron> # /count 0434:< kkoch1> wow 0434:< necron> # /count 0434:< necron> # /count 0434:< kkoch1> Ive been in this for a while 0435:< necron> # /count 0435:< juryk> #pluhf hey guys 0435:< trigg> #pluhf is pluhf a thing over here? 0435:< necron> # /count 0435:< stfupcakes> #pluhf It is now. 0435:< trigg> #pluhf well aaalright! 0435:< necron> # /count 0435:< necron> # /count 0436:< necron> # /count 0436:< ntrefil> #pluhf hey PLUHF 0436:< Multiwagon> #plufh anyone else here? 0436:< necron> # /count 0436:< stfupcakes> #pluhf <3 0436:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0436:< necron> # /count 0436:< necron> # /count 0436:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0436:< joe_chip> #pluhf #pluhf in fiscTo is talking about this #pluhf :) 0437:< necron> # /count 0437:< necron> # /count 0437:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0437:< 99999999999999999989> blargh 0437:< necron> # /count 0437:< trigg> #pluhf I don't work tomorrow, so I'm debating what to do with this time. 0437:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0437:< marakiri> #s ? 0437:< chapebrone> #rpg penis/ $ %chat ^ #pluhf % [aC.TIvE chAnNEL.S] 0438:< necron> # /count 0438:< necron> # /count 0438:< chapebrone> %chat #pluhf $ #rpg ^ penis/ [acti.VE cHA.NneLs] 0438:< necron> # /count 0438:< necron> # /count 0438:< chapebrone> penis/ %chat #rpg $ ^ #pluhf [aCTi.vE cHA.nNelS] 0439:< necron> # /count 0439:< necron> # /count 0439:< chapebrone> $ %chat #pluhf penis/ #rpg ^ [aC.TIve c.HANNELS] 0439:< necron> # /count 0439:< blockanton> when the ETA for the next merge? 0439:< likenessaltered> stay butt on 0439:< necron> # /count 0439:< chapebrone> #rpg ^ penis/ #pluhf $ %chat [AC.tIvE Ch.ANnels] 0439:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0440:< necron> # /count 0440:< necron> # /count 0440:< chapebrone> $ penis/ %chat #pluhf #rpg ^ [Ac.tive chan.nEls] 0440:< likenessaltered> A band on butt on 0440:< necron> # /count 0440:< ntrefil> #pluhf Duh.. robin of couse 0440:< stfupcakes> #pluhf what are your options, trigg? 0440:< necron> # /count 0440:< chapebrone> #rpg #pluhf ^ % penis/ %chat $ [.acTIVE chAnNeL.S] 0441:< necron> # /count 0441:< ntrefil> #pluhf or just join the PLUHF movie night 0441:< necron> # /count 0441:< trigg> #pluhf Pluhf movie night?! 0441:< supasteve013> sup yall 0441:< necron> # /count 0441:< trigg> #pluhf My options were currently... Be responsible and sleep soon, be irresponsible and stay up.. ooor 0441:< necron> # /count 0441:< trigg> #pluhf Be SUPER irresponsible and start drinking and stay up. 0441:< chapebrone> % #pluhf ^ $ %chat #rpg a.cTiVE chANN.eLS 0441:< blockanton> this chat has basically turned into /r/totallynotrobots 0442:< necron> # /count 0442:< necron> # /count 0442:< trigg> #pluhf but I like movie night idea 0442:< chapebrone> %chat $ #rpg % ^ ac.tIVe chaNnE.Ls 0442:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0442:< necron> # /count 0442:< necron> # /count 0442:< chapebrone> ^ #rpg % $ %chat AcTI.Ve cha.nNeLS 0443:< necron> # /count 0443:< necron> # /count 0443:< chapebrone> ^ #rpg $ % %chat AC.tIve cHa.NNels 0443:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0443:< necron> # /count 0443:< dododoob> % send pic 0443:< necron> # /count 0443:< chapebrone> #rpg % %chat ^ $ act.ive Ch.ANnels 0444:< necron> # /count 0444:< foxsleftear> as 0444:< trigg> #pluhf hurry up ntrefil 0444:< trigg> #pluhf You're holdin everyone up 0444:< necron> # /count 0444:< chapebrone> #rpg % ^ $ %chat Ac.tIve ChaNN.ELs 0444:< necron> # /count 0444:< necron> # /count 0444:< opek1987> % why does it say ending soon 0444:< chapebrone> %chat $ % A.CTivE cH.anNeLs 0444:< PotatoBadger> % because you suck 0445:< necron> # /count 0445:< necron> # /count 0445:< chapebrone> % $ %chat AC.TIVE ch.ANNeLs 0445:< necron> # /count 0445:< necron> # /count 0445:< AviN456> %parrot https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0445:< ntrefil> #pluhf ready 0445:< chapebrone> %chat $ % ac.tIvE ChaNN.Els 0446:< necron> # /count 0446:< necron> # /count 0446:< chapebrone> $ % %chat acT.IVe CHaN.nels 0446:< necron> # /count 0446:< necron> # /count 0446:< chapebrone> % %chat #rpg $ a.ctIve chaNNe.Ls 0447:< necron> # /count 0447:**** marakiri %chat steps away slowly. 0447:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0447:< necron> # /count 0447:< chapebrone> % #rpg %chat $ Act.ive cHaNnE.ls 0447:< necron> # /count 0447:< necron> # /count 0447:< chapebrone> % $ #rpg %chat AC.Tive cha.NnELs 0448:< necron> # /count 0448:< necron> # /count 0448:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0448:< chapebrone> %chat $ #rpg % aCti.vE ChannE.ls 0448:< necron> # /count 0448:< necron> # /count 0448:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg % $ Ac.TIve ChanN.els 0449:< necron> # /count 0449:< necron> # /count 0449:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0449:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0449:< chapebrone> ^ #rpg $ %chat % Act.iVE Cha.Nnels 0449:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0449:< necron> # /count 0449:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0449:< necron> # /count 0449:< chapebrone> % %chat ^ #rpg $ Act.IVe chANN.eLs 0450:< necron> # /count 0450:**** marakiri %chat seconds what rakki9999112 said 0450:< necron> # /count 0450:< chapebrone> %chat $ #rpg ^ A.Ctive cHann.elS 0450:< necron> # /count 0450:< necron> # /count 0450:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg $ ^ Ac.TiVe CH.aNnEls 0451:< necron> # /count 0451:< NorthPrism> % /commands 0451:< necron> # /count 0451:**** PigNamedBenis voted to BAN Koi-pond 0451:< necron> # /count 0451:< chapebrone> ^ %chat #rpg $ aCTI.Ve ChanNe.lS 0451:< PigNamedBenis> lol a faggot named niglett thnks he's cool 0451:< necron> # /count 0452:< necron> # /count 0452:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0452:< necron> # /count 0452:< AWildBull> %chat so once we merge we're going to stay right? 0452:< necron> # /count 0452:< Xmas121> %Chat anyone in this chat 0452:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0452:< necron> # /count 0453:< necron> # /count 0453:< chapebrone> % ^ $ %chat #rpg acti.VE ChanNE.lS 0453:< necron> # /count 0453:< necron> # /count 0453:< fsdjrrjsj> our numbers keep dwindling 0453:< necron> # /count 0454:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg $ % ^ Ac.tIVe ch.annEls 0454:< Xmas121> % is there much spam in the all caht? 0454:**** AviN456 ^ investigates 0454:< necron> # /count 0454:< Xmas121> % . 0454:< SmurfyX> % just nigglet like always 0454:< necron> # /count 0454:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0454:< SmurfyX> % not much spam really. Even most of the bots are gone. 0454:< necron> # /count 0454:< Xmas121> % hey 0454:< necron> # /count 0455:< chapebrone> %chat % penis/ ^ $ #rpg aCTI.ve c.HannElS 0455:< necron> # /count 0455:< necron> # /count 0455:< necron> # /count 0455:< necron> # /count 0456:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg penis/ ^ % $ aCT.ivE C.hANNELS 0456:< necron> # /count 0456:< necron> # /count 0456:< necron> # /count 0457:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg $ % ^ penis/ A.CtiVE CHann.els 0457:< necron> # /count 0457:< necron> # /count 0457:< lajiggyjarjardoo> marakiri just incredibly fast and totally removes you from reality, not enough time to proccess it really 0457:< necron> # /count 0457:< necron> # /count 0457:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0458:< chapebrone> penis/ % $ #rpg %chat ^ Acti.VE CHaN.NeLS 0458:< necron> # /count 0458:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0458:< necron> # /count 0458:< necron> # /count 0458:< necron> # /count 0459:< chapebrone> ^ $ #rpg % %chat penis/ A.ctIve ChAN.NEls 0459:< necron> # /count 0459:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0459:< necron> # /count 0459:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0459:< necron> # /count 0459:< bnhwkr> Hanukka 0459:< necron> # /count 0500:< necron> # /count 0500:< necron> # /count 0500:< bnhwkr> Lol :P 0500:< chapebrone> % ^ $ #rpg penis/ %chat aC.tive cHan.NeLs 0500:< bnhwkr> chair 0500:< necron> # /count 0500:< necron> # /count 0501:< necron> # /count 0501:< chapebrone> penis/ #rpg %chat $ % ^ ActI.ve c.HANnels 0501:< necron> # /count 0501:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0501:< necron> # /count 0501:< necron> # /count 0502:< Chartis> Don't think about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiyeOLguw8 0502:< necron> # /count 0502:< chapebrone> % #rpg %chat ^ $ penis/ ACt.iVe chanN.elS 0502:< necron> # /count 0502:< necron> # /count 0502:< necron> # /count 0503:< necron> # /count 0503:< necron> # /count 0503:< chapebrone> ^ $ #rpg % penis/ %chat aC.tiVe cH.ANnels 0503:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0503:< necron> # /count 0503:< necron> # /count 0504:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0504:< necron> # /count 0504:< necron> # /count 0504:< chapebrone> ^ % $ #rpg %chat penis/ Acti.Ve C.hANnels 0504:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0504:< necron> # /count 0504:< necron> # /count 0505:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0505:< necron> # /count 0505:< OneRedSent> !block nigglet 0505:< necron> # /count 0505:< chapebrone> ^ penis/ % $ #rpg %chat aCti.ve C.hAnNeLS 0505:< necron> # /count 0505:< necron> # /count 0506:< necron> # /count 0506:< necron> # /count 0506:< chapebrone> % #rpg %chat ^ penis/ $ A.ctIVe ch.annels 0506:< RhythmBlue> ₍₍ ᕕ༼.◕ヮ◕.༽ᕗ⁾⁾ 0506:< necron> # /count 0506:< necron> # /count 0507:< necron> # /count 0507:< necron> # /count 0507:< chapebrone> #rpg penis/ $ % %chat ^ A.cTiVE cHanN.els 0507:< necron> # /count 0507:< necron> # /count 0508:< necron> # /count 0508:< necron> # /count 0508:< chapebrone> penis/ %chat $ % #rpg ^ a.CTivE chaN.NeLS 0508:< necron> # /count 0508:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0508:< necron> # /count 0509:< SaveTheSpycrabs> woot! 0509:< necron> # /count 0509:< necron> # /count 0509:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0509:< chapebrone> #rpg %chat penis/ ^ % $ acti.VE cHA.NNeLs 0509:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0509:< Gigahawk> so like whats the next smallest room other than this one? 0509:< necron> # /count 0509:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0509:< Mainova> p don't think about it 0509:< necron> # /count 0510:< Gigahawk> weve been here for days now 0510:< necron> # /count 0510:**** marakiri %chat will now punch someone 0510:< dopplegangme> been gone all day, just checking in 0510:< supasteve013> Penis/ were all over the place 0510:< necron> # /count 0510:< chapebrone> #rpg %chat $ % penis/ ^ ACT.IVE Cha.NNElS 0510:< supasteve013> Penis/ oh fuck 0510:< necron> # /count 0510:< dopplegangme> nigglets still going strong I see, everything as I left it 0510:< Chocowayne> % Am I safe to turn my computer off for the night? No merge any time soon still? 0510:< necron> # /count 0511:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0511:< necron> # /count 0511:< OneRedSent> % probably overnight but you can vote again when you wake up 0511:< SaveTheSpycrabs> indigo, you caught on to the scheme!!! 0511:< necron> # /count 0511:< chapebrone> penis/ ^ #rpg %chat $ % ACtI.Ve CHA.nneLs 0511:< necron> # /count 0511:< necron> # /count 0512:< necron> # /count 0512:< necron> # /count 0512:< chapebrone> % ^ %chat #rpg $ penis/ acT.iVE CHa.NNels 0512:< necron> # /count 0512:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0512:< necron> # /count 0513:**** inkblob %chat goes back to ccande 0513:< necron> # /count 0513:< chapebrone> %chat % #rpg ^ penis/ $ ACTi.ve chAnN.ELS 0513:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0513:< necron> # /count 0513:< necron> # /count 0514:< necron> # /count 0514:< necron> # /count 0514:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0514:< chapebrone> %chat ^ penis/ #rpg % $ aCT.iVE CHa.nneLS 0514:< Aka2ora> @ .help 0514:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0514:< necron> # /count 0514:< necron> # /count 0515:< necron> # /count 0515:< necron> # /count 0515:< chapebrone> penis/ $ #rpg %chat % ^ ac.TIve c.hanNElS 0515:< necron> # /count 0515:< necron> # /count 0516:< necron> # /count 0516:< necron> # /count 0516:< chapebrone> ^ $ #rpg % penis/ %chat aC.tIVE Ch.anNels 0516:< necron> # /count 0516:< necron> # /count 0517:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Who did you mute, indigo??? 0517:< necron> # /count 0517:< necron> # /count 0517:< chapebrone> %chat $ #rpg % penis/ ^ A.cTIve CHAn.Nels 0517:< necron> # /count 0517:< necron> # /count 0518:< necron> # /count 0518:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0518:< necron> # /count 0518:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0518:< chapebrone> penis/ %chat $ % ^ #rpg a.ctivE cHANN.eLs 0518:< necron> # /count 0518:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0518:< necron> # /count 0519:< Mainova> please save my son hahah 0519:< necron> # /count 0519:< necron> # /count 0519:< chapebrone> % $ penis/ %chat #rpg ^ ACTI.ve Ch.ANNeLS 0519:< necron> # /count 0519:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0519:< necron> # /count 0520:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0520:< necron> # /count 0520:< necron> # /count 0520:< necron> # /count 0520:< necron> # /count 0521:< necron> # /count 0521:**** brennie42 voted to EMBIGGEN 0521:< necron> # /count 0521:< necron> # /count 0521:< necron> # /count 0522:< necron> # /count 0522:< necron> # /count 0522:< Nerf_Bard> % Wait wizards? Is there an instant sexchange magics? FeelsBadMan 0522:< necron> # /count 0522:< necron> # /count 0523:< necron> # /count 0523:< IsNotACat> ENDING SOON??? 0523:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0523:< IsNotACat> WHAT?! 0523:< necron> # /count 0523:< IsNotACat> ending? 0523:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0523:< IsNotACat> why is text bold 0523:< necron> # /count 0523:< necron> # /count 0524:< hantedaiyo> We need stays. There's so many bots, its already going to be hard 0524:< necron> # /count 0524:< necron> # /count 0524:< Wonderingwanderr> % aaayyeee 0524:< necron> # /count 0524:< necron> # /count 0525:< necron> # /count 0525:< Wonderingwanderr> % heyyyy there 0525:< necron> # /count 0525:< Wonderingwanderr> % huh? 0525:< necron> # /count 0525:< necron> # /count 0526:< Wonderingwanderr> % im going to eat my bearded dragon 0526:< necron> # /count 0526:< necron> # /count 0526:< Wonderingwanderr> % rise against fan? 0526:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0526:< necron> # /count 0526:< necron> # /count 0527:< chapebrone> % %chat penis/ #rpg ^ $ aC.TIvE ChAnn.eLs 0527:< necron> # /count 0527:< necron> # /count 0527:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0527:< necron> # /count 0527:< necron> # /count 0528:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0528:< necron> # /count 0528:< TheDoctor_RS> & Ayy 0528:< mesosa> %parrot hello 0528:< chapebrone> % penis/ ^ #rpg $ %chat ac.tiVE CHanNe.lS 0528:< TheDoctor_RS> & That group, I like it. 0528:< mesosa> %parrot does anyone know when the other room will merge with us? 0528:< necron> # /count 0528:< AviN456> %parrot not definitively 0528:< necron> # /count 0529:< Gadwin> ?? 0529:< AviN456> %parrot The leaderboard can give you an idea 0529:< necron> # /count 0529:< mesosa> %parrot aight, thanks :) 0529:< necron> # /count 0529:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0529:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0529:< necron> # /count 0529:< necron> # /count 0530:< necron> # /count 0530:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0530:< AviN456> %parrot mesosa are you using a script? 0530:< necron> # /count 0530:< necron> # /count 0530:< necron> # /count 0531:< necron> # /count 0531:< necron> # /count 0531:< necron> # /count 0531:< necron> # /count 0532:< necron> # /count 0532:< Captaincous21> % we gotta stay man there isn't time 0532:< necron> # /count 0532:< stormagnet> <3 and now I am over here 0532:< necron> # /count 0532:< LeeBears> <3 I'll join you. It was getting a little dicey back there 0532:< necron> # /count 0533:< necron> # /count 0533:< Verifitas> <3 Is this the room that doesn't have the casual racism in it? 0533:< necron> # /count 0533:< necron> # /count 0533:< LeeBears> <3 so far 0533:< haley_joel_osteen> AIRWOLF 4EVA 0533:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0533:< necron> # /count 0534:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0534:< necron> # /count 0534:< necron> # /count 0534:< stormagnet> <3 that's the dream 0534:< necron> # /count 0534:< stormagnet> <3 just chill friendly chat 0535:< stormagnet> <3 penis/ and %chat can be the wild frontier 0535:< necron> # /count 0535:< chapebrone> % $ #rpg %chat ^ aCt.ivE Cha.NNElS 0535:< necron> # /count 0535:< necron> # /count 0535:< GlitcherRed> .edia anyone here? 0535:< stormagnet> <3 anybody who brings unchillness to <3, I will just mute, because dangit 0535:< necron> # /count 0536:< andreaplanbee> <3 im all about the love 0536:< LeeBears> <3 sounds like a good idea 0536:< necron> # /count 0536:< andreaplanbee> <3 btw our alts are in the same room stormagnet 0536:< necron> # /count 0536:< necron> # /count 0536:< stormagnet> <3 hahahah which tier 0536:< necron> # /count 0537:< andreaplanbee> <3 i have no idea i wasnt paying attention lol 0537:< necron> # /count 0537:< chapebrone> <3 $ % %chat #rpg ^ A.CTivE chA.NNeLS 0537:< necron> # /count 0537:< necron> # /count 0537:< andreaplanbee> <3 it seems to be just one dude saying 'hit' over and over unless my script is broken 0538:< necron> # /count 0538:< JClocale> there are people talking in general now? 0538:< necron> # /count 0538:< LeeBears> <3 are they playing blackjack? 0538:< chapebrone> % <3 $ ^ %chat #rpg aC.tIve Cha.nnELS 0538:< necron> # /count 0538:< andreaplanbee> <3 never mind it was my settings 0538:< stormagnet> <3 andreaplanbee ah, yep 0538:< necron> # /count 0538:< stormagnet> <3 I lost count too, I think we're t5 or around there 0538:< andreaplanbee> <3 im not sure how my settings keep changing 0539:< necron> # /count 0539:< necron> # /count 0539:< stormagnet> <3 andreaplanbee we've got a dude on mobile and a dude on Safari so I can't get them on the script bandwagon 0539:< chapebrone> % %chat #rpg <3 ^ $ Acti.vE CHaNn.els 0539:< necron> # /count 0539:< andreaplanbee> <3 oh shit that sucks 0539:< stormagnet> <3 and yet we ran into robin-rpgbot two merges in XD 0539:< LeeBears> <3 poor bastards 0539:< andreaplanbee> <3 lol 0539:< necron> # /count 0540:< necron> # /count 0540:< stormagnet> <3 yeah, PLUS they're campaigning hard to stay 0540:< stormagnet> <3 which, just... why 0540:< necron> # /count 0540:< charliegrc> < whats this filetr? 0540:< andreaplanbee> <3 i knowwww 0540:< stormagnet> <3 smh 0540:< chapebrone> <3 % $ ^ %chat #rpg aC.tIvE CHan.NelS 0540:< trigg> #pluhf pluhf v.soKuk is dead 0540:< Verifitas> <3 They don't want to reach utopia. 0540:< necron> # /count 0540:< andreaplanbee> <3 its one user pushing for it 0540:< necron> # /count 0540:< andreaplanbee> <3 i tried telling them those subs will just die 0541:< necron> # /count 0541:< andreaplanbee> <3 and they say they have proof otherwise 0541:< necron> # /count 0541:< chapebrone> % <3 $ ^ #rpg %chat ACT.ivE chan.Nels 0541:< necron> # /count 0541:< bnhwkr> 10 0541:< LeeBears> <3 How could one have proof of something like that? 0541:< agentfooly> <3 whats this 0541:< bnhwkr> 16 0541:< necron> # /count 0541:< stormagnet> <3 are you merehypnotist? 0542:< necron> # /count 0542:< andreaplanbee> <3 me? no 0542:< LeeBears> <3 agentfooly its chill, no-bummer chat 0542:< andreaplanbee> <3 im randofriendo 0542:< Verifitas> <3 General chat for civilized adults, basically. 0542:< necron> # /count 0542:< stormagnet> <3 lol 0542:< andreaplanbee> <3 :> 0542:< stormagnet> <3 dang I was going to try to guess 0542:< necron> # /count 0542:< agentfooly> <3 any of you ever feel the sun inside you? 0542:< andreaplanbee> <3 no :( 0542:< nullvader> <3 no 0542:< necron> # /count 0542:< stormagnet> <3 nup 0542:< LeeBears> <3 no :/ 0542:< Verifitas> <3 Yes. Praise the sun. 0542:< stormagnet> <3 ah 0543:< Verifitas> <3 I mean, no. 0543:< necron> # /count 0543:< LeeBears> <3 lol 0543:< stormagnet> <3 Sorry, no, KotB here, went red 0543:< necron> # /count 0543:< chapebrone> <3 %chat ^ #rpg % $ A.CTiVe C.HANnels 0543:< necron> # /count 0543:< necron> # /count 0544:< necron> # /count 0544:< necron> # /count 0544:< stfupcakes> #pluhf for now, but think of how active it will be after the merge! 0544:< chapebrone> <3 ^ %chat #rpg $ % ac.tIVE C.haNNeLS 0544:< necron> # /count 0544:< stormagnet> <3 hangon a sec 0544:< necron> # /count 0545:< necron> # /count 0545:< necron> # /count 0545:< necron> # /count 0545:< necron> # /count 0546:< necron> # /count 0546:< necron> # /count 0546:< stormagnet> <3 checking with devs 0546:< chapebrone> % ^ #rpg %chat <3 $ aCt.ivE cHaNn.eLs 0546:< necron> # /count 0546:< necron> # /count 0547:< necron> # /count 0547:< necron> # /count 0547:< necron> # /count 0547:< necron> # /count 0547:< idiosidiot> !stats 0548:< necron> # /count 0548:< necron> # /count 0548:< stormagnet> <3 ok I think it's just a spammer 0548:< necron> # /count 0548:< Nerf_Bard> <3 Do people talk in here? ^_^ 0548:< necron> # /count 0548:< stormagnet> <3 If they are chill and friendly they do 0548:< andreaplanbee> <3 o_o 0549:< necron> # /count 0549:< yaahoe> <3 I am super chill 0549:< yaahoe> <3 O_O 0549:< stormagnet> <3 :) 0549:< nullvader> <3 what are we talking about here 0549:< necron> # /count 0549:< cthul_dude> <3 my friends call me ice cube 0549:< yaahoe> <3 :) 0549:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0549:< dashed> ping 0549:< necron> # /count 0549:< dashed> pong 0549:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0549:< LeeBears> <3 those of you with alts in other rooms; is it overwhelming, like main-lining robin? 0549:< shy> <3 why change filters? 0549:< necron> # /count 0549:< stormagnet> <3 so far the topic has been venting about lower tiers our alts are on :P 0549:< andreaplanbee> <3 lol 0550:< necron> # /count 0550:< shy> <3 :( 0550:< stormagnet> <3 %chat was getting kind of overwhelming 0550:< andreaplanbee> <3 does that count as chill or not 0550:< necron> # /count 0550:< Nerf_Bard> <3 I put an Ice Cube in my butt once 0550:< Nerf_Bard> <3 it turns me on 0550:< stormagnet> <3 conversation was getting drowned, so we split 0550:< andreaplanbee> <3 u_u 0550:< necron> # /count 0550:< stormagnet> <3 yeah, I guess it's not as chill as it could be lol 0550:< necron> # /count 0550:< dashed> %test-parrot boing boing 0551:< necron> # /count 0551:< dashed> %test-parrot asdf 0551:< cthul_dude> <3 Nerf_Bard sounds intense 0551:< dashed> %test-parrot asd 0551:< nullvader> <3 Nerf_Bard why 0551:< necron> # /count 0551:< sugarplumcow> % test? 0551:< stormagnet> <3 Nerf_Bard could you take that convo back to the other channel please? 0551:< necron> # /count 0551:< Nerf_Bard> <3 You're not my daddy 0551:**** stormagnet <3 sighs 0551:< necron> # /count 0551:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 they might be, you don't know. 0551:< shy> <3 /me sighs 0551:< andreaplanbee> <3 rip Nerf_Bard 0551:< stormagnet> <3 No, but I also don't want to mute you 0552:< necron> # /count 0552:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 also hi stormagnet :3 0552:< shy> <3 :( stupid filter how do you avoid it 0552:< stormagnet> <3 but yeah, RIP 0552:< stormagnet> <3 TheMoonIsAHologram hiya :) 0552:< necron> # /count 0552:< kblks> <3 how long have we been using <3 0552:< supasteve013> <3 is this a new chat 0552:< andreaplanbee> <3 only very recently 0552:< necron> # /count 0552:< LeeBears> <3 about 10 minutes 0552:< stormagnet> <3 we just forked it about 15 minutes ago 0552:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 yeah it seems like % is completely dead 0552:< kblks> <3 oh okay 0552:< sugarplumcow> Where is everyone? 0552:< Nerf_Bard> <3 But I mean I'm a lewd person I cant help it someone mentioned ice cubes, other blaming others things 0552:< necron> # /count 0553:< necron> # /count 0553:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 what's the current estimated ETA on the merge? 0553:< kblks> <3 what is this whole deal I heard about with Nerf_Bard and nudes 0553:< necron> # /count 0553:< yaahoe> <3 what is everyone up to? 0553:< necron> # /count 0553:< necron> # /count 0554:< IsNotACat> ENDING SOON 0554:< necron> # /count 0554:< kblks> <3 someone told me that you're a minor and you've been sending nudes to everyone 0554:< cthul_dude> <3 I just finished learning a massive chunk of Python for the first time, I like it 0554:< Nerf_Bard> <3 kblks that was a while ago 0554:< cthul_dude> <3 Bout to head off to bed 0554:< necron> # /count 0554:< kblks> <3 ew python is not my thing – not a fan of the whitespacing 0554:< stormagnet> <3 but following people to other channels to have the convo there is trollspam :( 0554:< yaahoe> <3 thats cool cthul_dude - thats coding yeah? 0554:< necron> # /count 0554:< chapebrone> <3 $ %chat ^ % #rpg a.cTivE ch.annEls 0554:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0554:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 i'm playing Enter the Gungeon, just wanted to pop in and see how things were going 0554:< necron> # /count 0554:< cthul_dude> <3 yaahoe yeah! It's way easier than I expected, and funner too 0554:< Nerf_Bard> <3 No one was talking in %chat and I was lonely ;n; 0555:< necron> # /count 0555:< stormagnet> <3 kblks yeah the whitespace thing is fucking crazy, but it's a cool language otherwise 0555:< yaahoe> <3 good to hear :) 0555:< necron> # /count 0555:< yaahoe> <3 Hope you have a lovely sleep 0555:< stormagnet> <3 TheMoonIsAHologram nice :) 0555:< necron> # /count 0555:< kblks> < You might like Ruby – it's a nice language to work with 0555:< necron> # /count 0555:< ntrefil> #pluhf Im wait to for the merge plus its a way to let peeps now were being active on fiscT 0555:< TheMoonIsAHologram> <3 i'll be back later kids. don't have too much fun 0556:< necron> # /count 0556:< Nerf_Bard> <3 kblks when was this. I only sent nudes in that one room ages ago 0556:< cthul_dude> <3 Thank you! Good night fellow robiners... robinees? robin hoods? 0556:< necron> # /count 0556:< necron> # /count 0556:< necron> # /count 0557:< necron> # /count 0557:< necron> # /count 0557:< chapebrone> % <3 %chat #rpg ^ $ a.CtiVe chANn.Els 0557:< necron> # /count 0557:< IsNotACat> ENDING SOON YO 0557:< necron> # /count 0558:< necron> # /count 0558:< necron> # /count 0558:< TehAlpacalypse> %parrot Solid work on Parrot :D 0558:< TehAlpacalypse> %parrot I'm a fan 0558:< necron> # /count 0558:< necron> # /count 0559:< marakiri> <3 <3 <3 0559:< AviN456> %parrot :) thanks! 0559:< AviN456> %parrot https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ if you haven't seen yet 0559:< necron> # /count 0559:< necron> # /count 0559:< chapebrone> <3 %chat % #rpg $ ^ acti.VE chaNN.ELs 0559:< necron> # /count 0559:< marakiri> <3 chapebrone wadda 0559:< necron> # /count 0600:< necron> # /count 0600:< shy> <3 <3 0600:< necron> # /count 0600:< chapebrone> <3 $ % #rpg %chat ^ AC.TIvE cHanne.ls 0600:< TehAlpacalypse> %parrot will sub 0600:< necron> # /count 0600:< shy> <3 stfu chapebrone you jabroni 0600:< necron> # /count 0601:< TehAlpacalypse> %parrot I wish this was going on longer, I'm slammed this week and can''t contribute to the code base q.q 0601:< mbm> # nercon: it's "/count" not "# /count" 0601:< TehAlpacalypse> %parrot college sucks 0601:< necron> # /count 0601:< shy> <3 :) (: 0601:< necron> # /count 0601:< orangitu> % https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4di8so/the_case_for_voting_stay_at_tier_17/ => http://nazar.so/2cgq3 spread the good news friends 0601:< chapebrone> % $ %chat ^ <3 #rpg ac.TiVe cha.nNEls 0601:< necron> # /count 0601:< necron> # /count 0602:< necron> # /count 0602:< marakiri> <3 waddup shyy 0602:< necron> # /count 0602:< necron> # /count 0602:< necron> # /count 0603:< necron> # /count 0603:< npinsker> i'm gonna reset the trivia bot, i added a few questions and removed a bunch of geo 0603:< necron> # /count 0603:< necron> # /count 0603:< shy> <3 marakiri was harakiri taken 0603:< shy> <3 what's marakiri 0603:< necron> # /count 0604:< necron> # /count 0604:< necron> # /count 0604:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0604:< necron> # /count 0604:< npinsker> i added some new questions and removed a bunch of geo 0604:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0604:< necron> # /count 0605:< necron> # /count 0605:< necron> # /count 0605:< npinsker> i'm adding some more things 0605:< necron> # /count 0605:< marakiri> <3 haha 0605:< shy> <3 WHAT 0605:< necron> # /count 0606:< shy> <3 DID YOU SAY SOMETHING I LOOKED AWAY 0606:< marakiri> <3 i didnt try that 0606:< necron> # /count 0606:< marakiri> <3 now i did, not before 0606:< marakiri> <3 marakiri is nothing... made up word 0606:< shy> <3 what's a marakiri 0606:< necron> # /count 0606:< shy> <3 o 0606:< necron> # /count 0606:< marakiri> <3 but i think it means something 0606:< necron> # /count 0607:< AviN456> <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0607:< necron> # /count 0607:< marakiri> <3 Avi is that the new one with the css? 0607:< necron> # /count 0607:< necron> # /count 0607:< necron> # /count 0608:< AviN456> <3 Go check it out ;) 0608:< necron> # /count 0608:< necron> # /count 0608:< necron> # /count 0609:< necron> # /count 0609:< necron> # /count 0609:< necron> # /count 0609:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0609:< chapebrone> <3 %chat % $ #rpg ^ aC.TIVE CHaN.NeLS 0609:< necron> # /count 0609:< npinsker> bye indigo 0610:< necron> # /count 0610:< necron> # /count 0610:< necron> # /count 0610:< npinsker> ($ The answer was Bites or stings! Correct users: (nobody) :() 0610:< necron> # /count 0611:< necron> # /count 0611:< necron> # /count 0611:< necron> # /count 0611:< chapebrone> <3 ^ $ % #rpg %chat ACt.IVE Ch.ANnELS 0611:< necron> # /count 0612:< necron> # /count 0612:< lachlanhunt> and you can see the tree for a known room by going to and adding any room's guid https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/graph.php?guid= => http://nazar.so/5ij0f 0612:< necron> # /count 0612:< necron> # /count 0612:< necron> # /count 0613:< necron> # /count 0613:< necron> # /count 0613:< necron> # /count 0613:< chapebrone> % %chat ^ $ #rpg <3 AcT.IVE C.hAnnels 0613:< necron> # /count 0614:< necron> # /count 0614:< necron> # /count 0614:< necron> # /count 0614:< necron> # /count 0614:< LeeBears> <3 It's slick! 0615:< necron> # /count 0615:< necron> # /count 0615:< marakiri> <3 nice avi 0615:< necron> # /count 0615:< chapebrone> % $ #rpg %chat ^ acT.ive CH.aNnelS 0615:< necron> # /count 0616:< necron> # /count 0616:< necron> # /count 0616:< necron> # /count 0616:< necron> # /count 0617:< necron> # /count 0617:< necron> # /count 0617:< necron> # /count 0617:< necron> # /count 0618:< necron> # /count 0618:< necron> # /count 0618:< necron> # /count 0618:< necron> # /count 0619:< necron> # /count 0619:< necron> # /count 0619:< necron> # /count 0619:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0619:< necron> # /count 0620:< necron> # /count 0620:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0620:< necron> # /count 0620:< necron> # /count 0620:< AviN456> <3 :D 0620:< necron> # /count 0621:< necron> # /count 0621:< necron> # /count 0621:< necron> # /count 0621:< necron> # /count 0622:< necron> # /count 0622:< necron> # /count 0622:< necron> # /count 0622:< necron> # /count 0623:< necron> # /count 0623:< necron> # /count 0623:< necron> # /count 0623:< roobarb_pie> taj mahal 0623:< necron> # /count 0624:< necron> # /count 0624:< necron> # /count 0624:< necron> # /count 0624:< necron> # /count 0625:< necron> # /count 0625:< necron> # /count 0625:< necron> # /count 0625:< chapebrone> % #rpg ^ %chat $ ACT.iVe ch.Annels 0626:< necron> # /count 0626:< necron> # /count 0626:< necron> # /count 0626:< necron> # /count 0626:< chapebrone> % $ ^ #rpg %chat ACTi.Ve chaN.NELs 0627:< necron> # /count 0627:< necron> # /count 0627:< necron> # /count 0627:< nullvader> @ Gonna use this filter if anyone wants to talk. 0627:< necron> # /count 0628:< necron> # /count 0628:< necron> # /count 0628:< necron> # /count 0628:< lost_penguin> # necron update your script 0628:< necron> # /count 0628:< chapebrone> % $ # #rpg ^ %chat AC.tivE chan.NEls 0629:< necron> # /count 0629:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0629:< necron> # /count 0629:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0629:< bbdale> ok been gone for some time 0629:< necron> # /count 0629:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0629:< chapebrone> % # ^ $ %chat #rpg Ac.Tive c.haNnELs 0630:< necron> # /count 0630:< necron> # /count 0630:< bbdale> %chat what is happening? Been gone for a while. What is this parrot thing? 0630:< TheCountryoftheNo> %parrot TEST 0630:< necron> # /count 0630:< necron> # /count 0630:< ntrefil> #pluhf Music... https://cytu.be/r/pluhf 0630:< chapebrone> % #rpg ^ # %chat $ act.IVe ChaN.nels 0630:< AviN456> %parrot test works 0631:< necron> # /count 0631:< necron> # /count 0631:< necron> # /count 0631:< itisnotmyusername> check 0631:< chapebrone> % # #rpg $ %chat penis/ ^ ACt.IvE chANnE.lS 0631:< necron> # /count 0632:< Bonoahx> Did we merge 0632:< necron> # /count 0632:< TheCountryoftheNo> %parrot :) 0632:< Bonoahx> Oh right in the only one without a filter 0632:< necron> # /count 0632:< mbm> Bonoahx: yes, several times 0632:< strobonic> I can see you, Bonoahx. 0632:< Bonoahx> Wait what really 0632:< necron> # /count 0632:< strobonic> 15 times. 0632:< Bonoahx> Lol 0632:< chapebrone> % # penis/ $ %chat ^ #rpg ACti.Ve cha.nnElS 0632:< necron> # /count 0632:< Bonoahx> I meant between that and the sixteenth 0633:< necron> # /count 0633:< strobonic> We're still soKuku so no. 0633:< Bonoahx> Fair enough 0633:< dashed> ? 0633:< drwarner> ELECT nigglet 0633:< necron> # /count 0633:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ God morgon 0633:< necron> # /count 0633:< necron> # /count 0634:< necron> # /count 0634:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0634:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot pretty cool 0634:< necron> # /count 0634:< necron> # /count 0634:< necron> # /count 0635:< TheCountryoftheNo> %parrot I guess this channel will only take off after the merge? 0635:< ror6y> p we could save this by using mobile users at work 0635:< necron> # /count 0635:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0635:< necron> # /count 0635:< necron> # /count 0635:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0635:< necron> # /count 0635:< chapebrone> # ^ $ #rpg %chat % penis/ ac.TiVE chanN.Els 0636:< necron> # /count 0636:< Th3vil1> %parrot just started using parrot 0636:< dashed> %parrot howdy 0636:< necron> # /count 0636:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot me too 0636:< necron> # /count 0636:< necron> # /count 0636:< chapebrone> % #rpg ^ %chat penis/ %parrot $ # Ac.tIvE ch.annEls 0637:< necron> # /count 0637:< necron> # /count 0637:< Th3vil1> %parrot if you don't mind could i get a couple pointer on how to utilize the features? or should i look at the sub instead? 0637:< necron> # /count 0637:< necron> # /count 0638:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot Sure, I started using it today too but can tell you what I know 0638:< necron> # /count 0638:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot Have you check the Settings? 0638:< Th3vil1> %parrot much appreciated 0638:< necron> # /count 0638:< necron> # /count 0638:< Th3vil1> %parrot yeah. did a quick browse 0638:< chapebrone> % penis/ %parrot $ #rpg ^ # %chat AcTI.vE cha.nNels 0638:< necron> # /count 0638:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0639:< TheCountryoftheNo> %parrot Add %chat and ^ in your chat filter i guess 0639:< necron> # /count 0639:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot right, just what I was going to say 0639:< lostfanatic> ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ 0639:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot add $ for trivia 0639:< necron> # /count 0639:< lostfanatic> ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ 0639:< AviN456> %parrot The sub will have a guide at some point 0639:< necron> # /count 0639:< Th3vil1> %parrot that's the channel listing right? 0639:< AviN456> %parrot but most options should be straighforward 0639:< necron> # /count 0640:< necron> # /count 0640:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot Agree, they are pretty much self explanatory 0640:< GiantFlightlessBird> Aw you guys are still here! 0640:< necron> # /count 0640:< Empyrealist> anyone know the ETA for the next grow? 0640:< TheCountryoftheNo> %parrot Yeah should be next to %parrot for you I gueess 0640:< necron> # /count 0640:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0640:< necron> # /count 0640:< GiantFlightlessBird> ELECT GIANTFLIGHTLESSBIRD 0641:< Th3vil1> %parrot alright. thanks. got that all figured out 0641:< necron> # /count 0641:< Empyrealist> lol, whats with the penis/ 0641:< necron> # /count 0641:< ScarletSpeedster> quick 0641:< necron> # /count 0641:< Th3vil1> %parrot so what are all the different filters? i'm seeing other ones in global 0641:< necron> # /count 0641:< GiantFlightlessBird> Necron you've got the filter on so it ain't working 0641:< chapebrone> # %parrot #rpg % ^ penis/ $ %chat AC.TivE cHanN.elS 0642:< necron> # /count 0642:< mbm> Empyrealist: some people have filters based on certain prefixes 0642:< necron> # /count 0642:< GiantFlightlessBird> # necron remove your filter 0642:< necron> # /count 0642:< sabishii> this thing is still running?? 0642:< necron> # /count 0642:< chapebrone> %parrot %chat penis/ # $ #rpg % ^ A.ctiVe ChA.nneLs 0643:< Empyrealist> thanks mbm, I didnt realize channels had taken on full words 0643:< necron> # /count 0643:< necron> # /count 0643:< Chartis> The spammers have calmed down, the raw stream is not that bad. 0643:< necron> # /count 0643:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0643:< necron> # /count 0644:< necron> # /count 0644:< Nerf_Bard> % Everyone is ded ;n; 0644:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot You can check the chat thread https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/9p87a 0644:< necron> # /count 0644:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0644:< necron> # /count 0644:< mbm> yeah, seems pretty dead around here now 0644:< necron> # /count 0644:< chapebrone> %parrot $ penis/ % ^ # #rpg %chat a.ctIVe c.HaNnels 0645:< necron> # /count 0645:< Th3vil1> %parrot alright. thanks a lot 0645:< necron> # /count 0645:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> <3 is this where all the cool kids are 0645:< necron> # /count 0645:< mbm> <3 lol 0646:< necron> # /count 0646:< GlitcherRed> <3 this is where all the cool adults are Kappa 0646:< necron> # /count 0646:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> <3 IVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE 0646:< necron> # /count 0646:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> <3 WHO BROUGHT THE HOOKERS 0646:< necron> # /count 0647:< chapebrone> # % %chat penis/ #rpg %parrot $ ^ ACti.ve CHaNNe.ls 0647:< necron> # /count 0647:< necron> # /count 0647:< shy> <3 uh 0647:< necron> # /count 0647:< necron> # /count 0647:< dick_sanitizer> <3 hellow all 0647:< itisnotmyusername> %parrot np 0648:< chapebrone> <3 penis/ # #rpg $ %parrot % ^ %chat Act.iVe c.haNnELs 0648:< necron> # /count 0648:< necron> # /count 0648:< nullvader> <3 hi 0648:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0648:< necron> # /count 0648:< necron> # /count 0649:< necron> # /count 0649:< necron> # /count 0649:< necron> # /count 0649:< necron> # /count 0650:< necron> # /count 0650:< necron> # /count 0650:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0650:< necron> # /count 0650:< necron> # /count 0651:< necron> # /count 0651:< necron> # /count 0651:< jmixdorf> lower tiers are overrun by bots. 0651:< necron> # /count 0651:< dashed> jmixdorf really? 0651:< jmixdorf> thats why they arent getting bigger. the real people are abandoning right and left. 0651:< necron> # /count 0652:< chapebrone> # $ #rpg %parrot % %chat ^ <3 Acti.vE C.HaNneLs 0652:< dashed> jmixdorf they need parrot in their lives 0652:< necron> # /count 0652:< jmixdorf> i have an alt account in a tier 3 group. out of control. 0652:< necron> # /count 0652:< necron> # /count 0652:< necron> # /count 0653:< chapebrone> % # #rpg %chat $ <3 %parrot ^ ac.tiVe CH.aNNels 0653:< necron> # /count 0653:< necron> # /count 0653:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0653:< necron> # /count 0653:< necron> # /count 0654:< necron> # /count 0654:< necron> # /count 0654:< necron> # /count 0654:< sprremix> .help 0654:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0654:< necron> # /count 0654:< sprremix> .commands 0654:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0655:< sprremix> .man kill 0655:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .kill | kills 0655:< necron> # /count 0655:< sprremix> .kill nigglet 0655:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] nigglet fell into a macerator. 0655:< necron> # /count 0655:< necron> # /count 0655:< necron> # /count 0656:< chapebrone> % # #rpg ^ %chat $ a.CTIvE cHaNn.eLs 0656:< necron> # /count 0656:< necron> # /count 0656:< necron> # /count 0656:< necron> # /count 0657:< necron> # /count 0657:< necron> # /count 0657:< necron> # /count 0657:< OllieTerrance> %parrot Am I missing something, or does the "Right align usernames" option work in reverse (unchecked = right, checked = left)? 0657:< necron> # /count 0658:< necron> # /count 0658:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0658:< necron> # /count 0658:< necron> # /count 0658:< necron> # /count 0659:< necron> # /count 0659:< necron> # /count 0659:< dashed> OllieTerrance must be a bug 0659:< necron> # /count 0700:< necron> # /count 0700:< oswald_the_mini> + T17 or Bust 0700:< necron> # /count 0700:< necron> # /count 0700:< necron> # /count 0701:< KiloG> %parrot Try reloading 0701:< oswald_the_mini> General is actually viewable now... 0701:< stormagnet> <3 hi y'all 0701:< oswald_the_mini> nice lull in spam 0701:< necron> # /count 0701:< KiloG> %parrot It was reverse for me one time, but then it corrected itself 0701:< stormagnet> <3 we moved over here to have a bit of a quieter conversation 0701:< necron> # /count 0701:< necron> # /count 0701:< necron> # /count 0702:< nullvader> <3 hello 0702:< OllieTerrance> %parrot Tried that a few times, still wonky. It's been like it since v2.7ish? On 2.96 now. 0702:< oswald_the_mini> We'er gonna mege soon.... 0702:< necron> # /count 0702:< oswald_the_mini> lets try that again... we're gonna merge soon :) 0702:< stormagnet> <3 a lot of folks went to bed though ^^; 0702:< necron> # /count 0702:< OllieTerrance> %parrot Ah well, it still works, just the other way round :P 0702:< Stjerneklar> <3 hey guys, just spotted this chat 0702:< necron> # /count 0702:< necron> # /count 0702:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0703:< nullvader> <3 0703:< chapebrone> % $ ^ %chat #rpg # aCT.ivE CHANNe.lS 0703:< nullvader> <3 hi there 0703:< necron> # /count 0703:< stormagnet> <3 I'm a bit distracted by running alts at the mo too 0703:< oswald_the_mini> http://i.imgur.com/CBViFi7.jpg 0703:< necron> # /count 0703:< necron> # /count 0703:< necron> # /count 0704:< Stjerneklar> <3 oh yeah stor, i came over cos i spotted you 0704:< chapebrone> % # $ ^ #rpg AC.TIVE cHANN.ELs 0704:< AviN456> %parrot OllieTerrance, probably a localstorage issue 0704:< necron> # /count 0704:< one-in-world> % chat benduker7 great! You tell 0704:< AviN456> %parrot try fixing in console 0704:< necron> # /count 0704:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0704:< Stjerneklar> <3 been on alts too, also managed to help out with parrot a bit 0704:< necron> # /count 0705:< necron> # /count 0705:< one-in-world> % chat benduker7 most of them are AFK 0705:< necron> # /count 0705:< necron> # /count 0705:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0705:< necron> # /count 0706:< necron> # /count 0706:< necron> # /count 0706:< one-in-world> % benduker7 we are hoping we merge before we purge :P 0706:< necron> # /count 0706:< necron> # /count 0707:< necron> # /count 0707:< necron> # /count 0707:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0707:< one-in-world> % AstroMonkeyyy she's not into you bro 0708:< one-in-world> % chat AstroMonkeyyy she's not into you bro 0708:< chapebrone> # $ ^ % #rpg A.CtiVE ChaN.nEls 0709:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0709:< Alex2539> % /vote grow --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:11:45 2016 0711:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0712:< chapebrone> % # #rpg $ %chat ^ AcTI.ve c.hAnNELS 0713:< chapebrone> % #rpg # ^ $ %chat ac.TIve cha.NnelS 0713:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0713:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0713:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0714:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0714:< chapebrone> # #rpg ^ %chat $ % AC.TiVe Ch.AnNelS 0714:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0714:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0714:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0714:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0714:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0715:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0715:< Alex2539> % /vote grow 0715:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0715:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0715:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0715:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0716:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0716:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0716:< StellarPando> % /vote grow 0717:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0717:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0717:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0717:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0718:< chapebrone> % # %chat #rpg $ ^ AcT.Ive cH.ANNELs 0718:**** JohnSmiththeGamer voted to CONTINUE 0719:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0719:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0719:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0719:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0719:< FUCKING_FIRETRUCKS> STAY ON 17 0720:< Alex2539> % /vote grow 0720:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0720:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0721:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0721:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0721:< chapebrone> % %chat ^ #rpg $ # Acti.Ve cH.anneLs 0721:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0721:**** Kryonixc voted to INCREASE 0721:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0722:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0722:< chapebrone> % ^ # %chat $ #rpg ACTI.ve cHa.nNEls 0722:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0722:< jmixdorf> one more day to tier 17. 0723:**** zoink voted to INCREASE 0723:< LongStrangeTrips> Is anyone here not a bot? 0723:< Zacru> I am not a bot. 0723:< Zacru> beep boop 0723:< LongStrangeTrips> oh no. its just bots :( 0723:< hagbard-celine> ELECT ElectionBot 0723:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0724:< lost_penguin> !nl sdfd http://www.bob.com 0724:< ZerunOsu> %Shit, I've just come back after a day hiatus, what's new? 0724:< chapebrone> % %chat #rpg $ # ^ acTi.ve chA.nnElS 0724:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0724:< ShareDVI> %parrot devs, can we have a timer till the death of Robin? 0725:< OllieTerrance> %parrot AviN456: Think it was a bug, but patched now :P https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/be56b84486abc4bde166b4dfc99c11bac8782ed5 => http://nazar.so/43hmu 0725:< Alex2539> % /vote grow 0725:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0725:< lost_penguin> !nl fdgfg http://tree.com 0726:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0726:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0726:< stikko> % /vote grow 0726:< StellarPando> % /vote grow 0726:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0727:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0727:< chapebrone> # $ ^ %chat % #rpg aC.tIve cHanN.eLS 0727:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0728:**** neeph is still here 0728:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0728:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0728:< Alex2539> % /vote grow 0728:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0728:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0728:< stikko> % /vote grow 0728:< StellarPando> % /vote grow 0729:< lost_penguin> !nl dfg http://tree.com 0729:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0729:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0729:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0730:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0730:< Alex2539> % /vote grow 0730:< stikko> % /vote grow 0730:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0730:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0730:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0730:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0731:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0731:< StellarPando> % /vote grow 0732:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:32:15 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:32:25 2016 0732:< tigerLRG245> # necron u cant use the fucking command on a filter you dumb shit 0732:< tigerLRG245> # it litteraly writes # /count 0732:< tigerLRG245> # cancel the filter and use it 0732:< nullvader> tigerLRG245 lol 0733:< tigerLRG245> nullvader is he just spamming with it? 0733:< tigerLRG245> % we're going to merge today right 0733:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0733:< nullvader> tigerLRG245 I figured it was a bot or something 0733:< tigerLRG245> # are we merging today? 0733:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0733:< necron> # /count 0734:< tigerLRG245> # why? theres t15 and 514 already 0734:< tigerLRG245> # we just need one more t14 and that can be made in a day 0734:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0734:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0735:< Xmas121> % rip 0735:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0735:< KazMcDemon> % it's derogatory slang for a black kid 0736:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0737:< 1338h4x> # What are you doing? 0737:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0739:< 1338h4x> # Necron? 0739:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0740:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Jodåsåatteh 0741:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0743:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0744:**** neeph is still here 0745:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0747:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0749:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0750:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0751:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0751:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0752:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0753:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0753:< DeyTa> <3 chill 0753:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0754:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0755:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0756:< andreaplanbee> <3 hey lets bring this chat back 0757:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0759:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0759:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0801:< papatank> https://greasyfork.org/scripts/18477-robin-enhancement-script/code/Robin%20Enhancement%20Script.user.js => http://nazar.so/tdtz 0801:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0801:**** neeph is still here --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:02:19 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:03:34 2016 0803:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0803:< papatank> https://greasyfork.org/scripts/18477-robin-enhancement-script/code/Robin%20Enhancement%20Script.user.js => http://nazar.so/3e2pz 0805:< un6952db> necron gas 0805:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0807:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0807:< Nerf_Bard> % Losing your virginity? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:07:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:07:42 2016 0807:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0808:**** neeph is not a number 0808:< sunrype1> % wololo 0809:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0809:< lost_penguin> !nl sdfsdf http://trg.cm 0810:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0811:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0811:< Hadeshorne> ELECT Hadeshorne 0812:< 51177> % it's been clearing for me 0812:< NoNoLimit> Growing is the better choice 0812:< lost_penguin> !nl ww http://d.xs 0813:< lost_penguin> !nl ght http://we.ds 0813:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0814:< lost_penguin> !nl df http://es.d 0814:< lost_penguin> !nl df http://es.dx 0815:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0816:< lost_penguin> !nl dfg http://wf.dx 0817:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0818:**** neeph is still here 0818:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0818:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0818:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0818:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0819:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0819:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:20:10 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:43:35 2016 0843:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0844:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0845:**** neeph is not a number 0845:< spitzrun> ELECT NotARealUser 0845:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0845:< iamhctim> stay next ro und 0846:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0846:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0847:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0849:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0849:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0850:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:50:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:54:33 2016 0854:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:55:26 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:55:39 2016 0855:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0857:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0858:< Jimneh> Jesus we are still here :/ 0858:< ptrakk> 3. ??? 0859:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0900:< SirCabbage> #pol well the primary is over now 0900:< TacoInABag> Pokemon Gold 0901:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0903:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> % is this still alive? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:03:17 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:03:33 2016 0903:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> % test 0903:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0904:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> derp 0904:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> !help 0904:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> !stats 0904:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0905:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0905:**** neeph is not a number 0905:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0907:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0908:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0908:**** neeph is still here 0908:< Stjerneklar> #pol how'd it go?= 0909:< Stjerneklar> #pol the primary 0909:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0909:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0910:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0910:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0911:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0913:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0915:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0917:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0918:**** neeph is not a number 0919:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0919:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0919:< ptrakk> .help 0919:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0920:< ptrakk> @ .help 0920:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0920:< Fentiin> this room will just end one day and we won't have stayed because of you idiots 0920:< ptrakk> @ .commands 0920:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0920:< ptrakk> @ .kill engeo 0920:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] engeo died. 0920:< ptrakk> @ .kill engeo 0920:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] engeo burned to death. 0920:< ptrakk> @ .kill engeo 0920:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] engeo got shot. 0921:< ptrakk> @ .insult engeo 0921:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] engeo is so boring /I/ almost fell asleep. 0921:< ptrakk> @ .bless engeo 0921:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0922:< sotricious> Ladies, gentlemen and dear bots, GOOD MORNING all. 0922:< TheRumpletiltskin> COUNT CHOCULA 0923:< sotricious> (yay, maybe we get to see the mergomelting thingie in our screens today!) 0923:< TheRumpletiltskin> what the nigglets guy? 0923:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0923:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0925:**** neeph is still here 0925:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0927:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0929:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT Z҉̕҉͏͚͖̝͖̱̲̫̝̜A͏̨͏̢̛̝͚̟̤͖͎̻̺̳̦͕͉͍Ĺ̡̺̦͈̺̮̠̦̤͓̼̺͕̫͍͓͓̭̤G̵̙̲͈̮͎͟Ó̧͈̰̩̪͚͙̱̘̖ 0929:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0930:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0931:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0933:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0933:< Leonichol> suffering suchotash --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:21 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:35:33 2016 0935:**** neeph is not a number 0935:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0935:< Extraxyz> GabeN --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:49 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:37:37 2016 0937:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0938:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0938:**** neeph is not a number 0939:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0939:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0941:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0941:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0942:**** neeph is still here 0943:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0945:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0947:< osvii> The cluster fuck is too fain high 0947:!localhost no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:49:18 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:50:20 2016 0950:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0950:< sirin3> $ robin 0951:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0954:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0954:< surosregime> BEEN HERE 5 DAYS 0954:< surosregime> FORGOT WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE ALIVE 0954:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0954:< Yeniuss> !help 0955:< nhu72> HALP ME WITH TEST PLZ 0956:< SirCabbage> #pol bernie won 0956:< SirCabbage> #pol and cruz won 0959:**** neeph is not a number 0959:**** neeph is still here 1000:< astralboy15> k 1001:< FriendlyYak> #pol so? does that do anything? 1001:< astralboy15> link to ranking thread? 1001:< figgycity50> ohhh yeaahh 1002:< FriendlyYak> #pol i thought it's long clear who will win? at least for the democrats 1002:**** neeph is not a number 1003:< astralboy15> if we endure another day or two we shall live to merge againn 1003:< btgarner> @astralboy15 - I hope so 1005:< ptrakk> HA! 1005:< SirCabbage> #pol this was a minor one in comparison 1006:< SirCabbage> #pol If bernie wins New York by a good margin chances are he wins overall 1006:< SirCabbage> #pol but every win up til then cuts down at the morale of the hilary side and at the narrative the media is playing against sanders 1009:**** neeph is not a number 1009:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1010:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1012:< nhu72> %MH anyone here? 1012:< figgycity50> hello 1012:< lachlanhunt> #pol The narrative won't change until he wins NY, and even then, only if he wins by a big margin to make a dent. 1012:< nhu72> %mh where is everyone? 1013:< nhu72> %mh moose hunter bros?????????????????? 1014:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> %parrot you guys like mudkipz? 1014:< LoginErrorZ> chat hey inkblob 1016:**** neeph is still here 1016:< animalsafari> im gay 1018:< SirCabbage> #pol New York is a symbol, if he wins that the whole race turns around. California becomes a very different battleground 1020:< figgycity50> hello 1020:< lachlanhunt> #pol I'm surprised he's still behind in California. 1021:< lachlanhunt> #pol I expect at least Silicon Valley area should go for Bernie, since young white men working in tech tend to be quite liberal 1022:< lachlanhunt> #pol but I guess it's a big state with a wide range of demographics elsewhere. 1023:< SirCabbage> #pol he normally is behind until it gets close. People need to hear his message 1023:< SirCabbage> #pol I mean, you look at any of them- he starts at like 20% and goes up to like 60% 1023:< ricANNArdo> % 1024:< lachlanhunt> #pol except in the south. 1025:< figgycity50> hi 1025:**** neeph is not a number 1026:< NorseFenrir> % 60 hours and counting. We're in this shit long haul. 1026:< NorseFenrir> % Oh crap, I can't see my own messages again. 1027:< NorseFenrir> % Test? 1027:< NorseFenrir> % Still nothing. 1027:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1028:< southernbenz> good morning, reddit. How did you sleep? 1029:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1030:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1032:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1032:**** neeph is still here 1034:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1036:**** neeph is not a number 1036:< Jack_of_All_Pc> is nigglet a bot or just retarded? 1039:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1042:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 1044:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1044:< Abandonedapple> :( 1048:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1049:**** neeph is not a number 1049:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1049:**** neeph is still here 1050:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1056:< sabotourAssociate> YOU PPL 1057:< lost_penguin> Who's not in a room? Or not using scripts? Anyone? 1059:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1102:< Docker19> guys it's happening 1103:< DoodleYankee> elect nigglet 1104:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1106:**** neeph is still here 1108:< jovdmeer> #s !scrabble 1109:**** neeph is a free man 1110:< btgarner> T17, then stay 1110:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1111:< btgarner> in time. 1113:**** neeph is not a number 1113:**** Too_MuchWhiskey Goodmorning SoKukuneli! 1113:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1114:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1115:< brzt6060> Another day and no T17 1116:**** neeph is not a number 1119:**** neeph is not a number 1120:< Andrew_Mendoza> I adopted a mother and her daughter, and people told me they would end up hating each other. 1123:**** neeph is still here 1124:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1124:< Jeroen52> .help 1124:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 1124:< Jeroen52> .commands 1124:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 1125:< Jeroen52> .insult jeroen52 1125:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] jeroen52 is the reason cancer exists 1125:< Jeroen52> .kill jeroen52 1125:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] jeroen52 hit the ground too hard 1126:< Jeroen52> So, why is everyone using $%^# etcetera to talk? 1126:**** neeph is not a number 1127:< Yeniuss> !catpic 1129:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1130:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1132:< touyajp> penis/ global chat works fine by now. no real need for filters. just ignore a few ppl and good 1133:< Andrew_Mendoza> Aww, haha. That subtitle on Bronte got me. 1134:< I_Am_Batgirl> Still going strong. 1134:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1134:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1137:< Extraxyz> etray still here 1137:< touyajp> hm global chat is totally readable by now 1137:< Extraxyz> Easy mame to remember lol 1138:< touyajp> just had to ignore a few idiots 1139:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1143:**** sotricious --- #Foux Da Fa ----- Foux Da Fa Fa Fa --#-- Foux Da Fa ----- Foux Da Fa Fa Fa # --- 1146:< etray> Extraxyz sure :D 1150:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1150:< gereth> still here 1155:< ToomSan> I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I HAVE BEEN UP FOR LIKE FUCKING 72 HOURS 1156:< NorseFenrir> % /whois K_Lobstah 1158:< etray> test 1159:< Wezpa> grow plz 1159:< woohoo> % I got a hankering for some dick 1159:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1200:< pedro_fartinez> tier 19 is impossible 1202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1202:< keenguitar> nigget what the fuck are you doing? 1202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1203:< keenguitar> you're doing nigglets? 1203:< keenguitar> ELECT nigglet 1204:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1204:< hansolo580> \ELECT nigglets 1204:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 1206:< 100daysofyes> Wow, we barely lost anybody while I slept. Nice. 1208:< sotricious> Hail to you too thatbarryguy! 1208:**** sotricious is no leader 1209:< sotricious> lol @ mofosyne IKEA and ^ 1210:< sotricious> messages got mixed mofosyne Yeah ^ kicks @ss 1210:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1212:< sotricious> anyone remembers the guy with the "I need 5 drugs" request? 1214:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1215:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1216:< grencez> % lol 1216:< aythrea> % or quiktrip 1219:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1219:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1220:< Yangumasuta> rpg test 1220:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1221:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1226:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Praise the Shaman! 1227:< xadrezo> #gov I was gonna ask if #gov was dead already 1227:< MobiusCoffee> #gov with parrot it doesn't really matter. You can idle everywhere 1228:< MobiusCoffee> #gov we should get the constitution published to build back up some hype 1228:< xadrezo> #gov If it's complete 1228:< MobiusCoffee> #gov although it seems the people who were active here are most active like 19:00 GMT 1228:< xadrezo> #gov how are the elders elected? 1229:< Khemikooligan> #gov i've been around all night, i've just been studying 1229:< The_PurpleCat> % 1229:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I just woke up a little bit ago 1229:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but I'm on a weird sleep schedule 1230:< Khemikooligan> #gov i pulled an all nighter to study for film class because i wasted too much time on robin yesterday 1230:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1230:< Khemikooligan> #gov i have an exam today in 5 hours 1230:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I was supposed to do some editing myself and have an article to write, but I'm spending all day on robin 1231:< Khemikooligan> #gov after my exam today i'm pretty much free for the rest of the week though 1232:< Khemikooligan> #gov i just cant wait until friday so robin will end and i will have my life back 1232:< xadrezo> #gov i'll write a geography exam next week and i've learned nothing so far 1232:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo I have no idea. I think it's better to just publish it though. It's complete enough and will look nice. 1232:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Especially in the face of the those seacandy fools 1232:< idiosidiot> !stats 1233:< Khemikooligan> #gov yea, i pretty much just reread my notes and watched a bunch of movies all night 1233:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Khemikooligan agreed 1233:< xadrezo> #gov is it really complete? 1233:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo it's got the basics down. It's vague, but it's not that important considering what it's for 1233:< thrwwhr> we are <3k its no use to stay, always grow 1233:< MobiusCoffee> #gov put your flag on it too 1233:< xadrezo> #gov i still have no idea how the elders are elected 1234:< MobiusCoffee> #gov it was the far superior flag 1234:< xadrezo> #gov oh ok 1234:< MobiusCoffee> #gov elders are appointed 1234:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I guess? The name kind of implys that 1234:< xadrezo> #gov weeeeell thats not democratic 1234:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1234:< MobiusCoffee> #gov IT'S A SHAMANIC REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY 1234:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :P 1234:< Khemikooligan> #gov also i messaged the admins last night to ask why they removed the robin button from the home page 1235:< MobiusCoffee> #gov did they actually respond to some random user? 1235:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo, my main concern is that it just get out before abosolutely no one cares 1235:< Khemikooligan> #gov i've messaged them before complaining about mods and gotten a response, so i'm hopeful 1236:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee hmm 1236:< kennytm> ? 1 1237:< MobiusCoffee> #gov wait a little bit longer and no one in either Sokuku or Seacandy ill care : 1237:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :( type random stuff to make the rate limit pass 1237:< Khemikooligan> #gov if all 3k users messaged them i feel like they would be forced to respond 1237:< kennytm> ELECT ElectionBot 1238:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I don't think the admins intended for it to become IRC 1239:< MobiusCoffee> #gov you got less people interested in talking and more people interested in idling 1239:< Khemikooligan> #gov all i did was politely ask for a statement from them that i could share with sokuku users 1239:< Khemikooligan> #gov i think they will respond 1240:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Yeah, I'm hopefully they'll eventually talk about it. Reddit admins are usually cool about these kind of things 1244:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1245:< DebentureThyme> # Friendly were you in mine with FirstRuleOfSteamSale? 1245:< DebentureThyme> # Mine was abandoned too 1246:< DebentureThyme> IDK i was messing with resetting my stream, and i came back and was out of a room 1246:< DebentureThyme> # IDK i was messing with resetting my stream, and i came back and was out of a room 1249:< xadrezo> #gov ok so the shaman appoints the elders right? 1249:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1250:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1250:< xadrezo> #gov is it ok if im adding it to the const 1250:< DadoMcT> #gov Hi 1250:< xadrezo> #gov just so its more fleshed out 1250:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1251:< Lord_Dankster> I am the only master of all Danks, obey peasants 1251:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT hi! 1252:< outphase84> % sup fellas 1252:< outphase84> % Neat, robin grow got a lot better 1252:< DadoMcT> #gov Did anything important happen in the last ~6 hours? 1252:< DadoMcT> #gov I mean 18 1253:< yaahoe> TheMellowSide why the flip would we stay? 1253:< MobiusCoffee> #gov chat refreshed I missed a bunch 1253:< xadrezo> #gov "is it ok if im adding it to the const; just so its more fleshed out" 1254:< DadoMcT> #gov what? 1254:< xadrezo> #gov that elders are appointed by the shaman 1254:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Go ahead, where are you adding it? 1255:< xadrezo> #gov article 3 1255:< Sir-Rhino> #gov are elders appointed by the shaman then? 1255:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1255:< DadoMcT> #gov where's the constitution? 1256:< Sir-Rhino> #gov https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit => http://nazar.so/65i34 1256:< xadrezo> #gov i asked what decides the elders and appointing them was one possibility 1256:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i just got back btw, hi all 1256:< xadrezo> #gov Hey 1256:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i think they should ate least be partways elected but apointement could work too 1256:< Sir-Rhino> #gov how many elders are there? is there a special lead elder or something too? 1257:< xadrezo> #gov i thought of electing the elders instead of the shaman directly 1257:< Sir-Rhino> #gov electing the shaman, and he appoints the elders, thats still fair 1257:< Sir-Rhino> #gov indirect democracy 1257:< MobiusCoffee> #gov the number of elders is up to The Shaman as well I think 1258:< MobiusCoffee> #gov so they can use that in their platoform pitches 1258:< Sir-Rhino> #gov keep the amount of voting to a minimum, (takes so much time and effort) 1258:< MobiusCoffee> #gov You can have a ridiculous "I WILL MAKE YOU ALL ELDERS" 1258:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i think they should be limited to a certain degree. like Shaman can appoint X to Y elders to the council 1258:< xadrezo> #gov well my idea was to elect the elders partywise and letting the elders decide who the shaman will become but your approach is ok as well 1258:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 1259:< Sir-Rhino> #gov electing the shaman makes it more tribal than electing the parties 1259:< xadrezo> #gov well thats true 1259:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1259:< DadoMcT> #gov let's make the constitution easily modifiable by future votes, since as #gov grows more people join 1259:< DadoMcT> #gov not too easily though 1259:< Sir-Rhino> #gov like hes the chieftain of our tribe 1259:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1259:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT "as #gov grows" good joke :D 1259:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Så var det eftermiddag 1259:< Sir-Rhino> #gov lel so true its sad 1300:< MobiusCoffee> #gov my thinking is we really don't need to hammer out all the details. Or it will take too long and no longer be relevant/funny to anyone 1300:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I think having the bare bones thing done is good enough and will create a fun rivalry between the Seacandy government and us 1300:< AtaraxicMegatron> * what is this channel about? 1300:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yes, but this is no mere detail election is the biggest part in all this 1301:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Like, I understand in theory that's the case, but maybe 30 people will vote for any given thing 1301:< MobiusCoffee> #gov the vast majority of people don't find the elections fun or funny, but they'd find the government part of it fun 1301:< Sir-Rhino> #gov and then people will yell that the voting is rigged and the constitution is unfair 1301:< DadoMcT> #gov What/who is Seacandy? 1301:< MobiusCoffee> #gov or the rivalry 1301:< Sir-Rhino> #gov ccande 1302:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sir-Rhino which is better than them not caring! 1302:< DadoMcT> #gov They are more organised than us right? 1302:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1302:< Sir-Rhino> #gov TRUE, but better still to have more people like it 1302:< Sir-Rhino> #gov definitely DadoMcT 1302:< MobiusCoffee> #gov (no one is going to like it no matter what we put. Thes are redditors) 1302:< Sir-Rhino> #gov ^ 1303:< DadoMcT> #gov They'll probably be larger too... maybe it's better because we'll get enough stay votes. 1303:< Sir-Rhino> #gov we should totally keep s ub for this and keep the roleplay going after all this 1304:< MobiusCoffee> #gov that's kind of what r/sokukugov is 1304:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yes, but we need to keep it alive 1304:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but for now, while it's more inclusive, just get the document out and start the controversy and rivalry! 1304:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1304:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Gotta think of the marketing potential! 1304:< DadoMcT> #gov we'll be alive only if we have the number 1304:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :D 1305:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yiissss 1305:< Sir-Rhino> #gov hmm i wouldnt mind a little rivalry 1305:< Sir-Rhino> #gov makes more people 'care' 1306:< DadoMcT> #gov What if we ally with ccande until stay wins or we die? 1306:< MobiusCoffee> #gov well we'll discuss that when it comes 1306:< ViktorErikJensen> * Used to be just general chat 1306:< Sir-Rhino> #gov so basically rn, the people vote for the shaman and the shaman can appoint elders, elders make laws and the people can vote on it 1306:< MobiusCoffee> #gov no idea if they're even open being allied with us 1307:< Sir-Rhino> #gov DadoMcT i agree, allying with ccande would be the smart and better move 1307:< Sir-Rhino> #gov Shall I talk to them? 1307:< MobiusCoffee> #gov the people only vote for The Shaman, I don't think they can do any other votes beyond that 1307:< dajasj> HI 1307:< MobiusCoffee> #gov we're going to blindside them with our organization and culture! 1307:< DadoMcT> #gov they have a president 1307:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yes, lets wait with contacting them 1309:< MobiusCoffee> #gov so after this section II is done I say we publish 1309:< sotricious> wow you weren't joking xSke > your cock is amazing! Hey everyone! have you seen xSke's cock?? > http://i.imgur.com/VQp0jPs.jpg 1309:< MobiusCoffee> #gov and then contact ccande 1309:< DadoMcT> #gov write something here when it's finished 1310:< Sir-Rhino> #gov let me have a quick look 1310:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i have to go in about20 minutes 1310:< mofosyne> #gov Btw why sokuku? Why not sokukune ? You can represent those 4 letters with japanese characters 1310:< mofosyne> #gov e.g. the flag in https://www.reddit.com/r/sokukuneli 1310:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1311:< dashed> #gov is this new edia? 1311:< xadrezo> #gov the flag has grow propaganda 1311:< mofosyne> #gov Oh I mean: http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png by Robin Flag by OrangeredStilton 1311:< xadrezo> #gov still 1311:< mofosyne> #gov the 4 japanese characters in that flag represents so ku ku ne 1312:< dashed> #gov all that black reminds me of an isis flag 1312:< dashed> #gov <.< 1312:< Sir-Rhino> #gov Sokuku roll better of the tonque imho 1312:< xadrezo> #gov i know i can read katakana but i dont like the grow symbol on it 1312:< mofosyne> #gov then at least the katakana ? 1312:< mofosyne> #gov or is the flow of the word what we want? 1312:< xadrezo> #gov eeeeh writing the name on a flag shows that the flag design failed yknow what i mean 1313:< MobiusCoffee> #gov V A P E R W A V E 1313:< lactha> ELECT ElectionBot 1313:< mofosyne> #gov ya 1313:< thevdude> <3 lol 1313:< scarwizard> % Whats up people 1313:< scarwizard> % just checking in 1313:< dashed> #gov who is writing the constitution? 1313:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i think this might pass that rule, since its more of a symbolic japanese thing (almost nobody can read it anyway) 1313:< mofosyne> #gov MobiusCoffee: NEOーBATAVIA | Future Funk // Vaporwave Mix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5UNlLAtuAQ 1314:< scarwizard> % wow, they updated the robin grow interface 1314:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I don't really know. I translated it into Sabldiri 1314:< StarlightxUK> $ garnet 1314:< DadoMcT> #gov the writing could pass the rule because almost none of us understand it 1314:< xadrezo> #gov its still writing and writing on flags is a no no 1314:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I like xad's flag 1314:< MobiusCoffee> #gov IN FACT 1315:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Xad is going to be the Sabldiri word for flag 1315:< scarwizard> % fun fun fun 1315:< scarwizard> % fun 1315:< xadrezo> #gov i dont know how to deal with this heh 1315:< scarwizard> % 1315:< xadrezo> #gov FriendlyYak we decided to be different than ccande and called the leader "shaman" 1315:< SoftSandalwood> Fweeeeeep 1316:< DadoMcT> #gov Maybe we could put the orange part on the bottom since abandon is a really small minority on xadrezo's flag 1316:< E942> # /leave_room 1316:< FriendlyYak> #gov oh 1316:< xadrezo> #gov orange and blue originally stood for reddit (orangered and periwinkle and all that) 1316:< xadrezo> #gov 1316:< micah> # huh the stay has dropped 1317:**** E942 voted to STAY 1317:< xadrezo> #gov but ill change it 1317:< micah> % I'll be a chaman 1317:< FriendlyYak> #gov dashed xadrezo ? 1317:< dashed> #gov ?? 1317:< xadrezo> #gov huh? 1317:< FriendlyYak> #gov xadrezo you write it, right? 1318:< 99999999999999999989> sill going 1318:< xadrezo> #gov the consitution is written by a group 1318:< almu3alim> % just got on 1318:< almu3alim> % just explain the whole shaman thing quickly anyone please? 1318:< dashed> #gov written in two languages wtf 1319:< dashed> #gov hardcore :D 1319:< xadrezo> #gov yes! i love it 1319:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah, we have two official languages 1319:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :D 1319:< dashed> #gov i know i was in the chat where the #s was 1319:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Who is shaman? Or more accurately who do I have to overthrow? 1319:< dashed> #gov *#s channel 1319:< mofosyne> #gov but yea. I'm proposing that we should use "so Ku ku ne" 1319:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Soku-Kun Kappa 1319:< Sir-Rhino> #gov DadoMcT is, temporarily untill we hold elections after constitution is publicized 1319:< dashed> #gov can we have the Parrot logo on the flag? 1320:< MobiusCoffee> #gov We should probably add a bit about language in the constitution 1320:< Sir-Rhino> #gov dashed for 5 bitcoins??????? /jk 1320:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed talk to xad (flagman) or DadoMcT (Shaman) 1320:< DadoMcT> #gov what's the parrot logo? 1320:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yes MobiusCoffee 1320:< dashed> #gov Sir-Rhino ;) 1320:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee lets write a section about national symbols 1320:< Sir-Rhino> #gov xD 1320:< FriendlyYak> *#s hello. is shaman here? 1320:< MobiusCoffee> #gov which article should that be? 1320:< xadrezo> #gov eeeeeeh 1320:< dashed> #gov Parrot developed in this chat ;) so it's our 'national treasure' 1321:< MobiusCoffee> #gov let's be really pompous and make it article 1 1321:< DadoMcT> #gov dashed what's the parrot logo? 1321:< ror6y> p honk 1321:< Sir-Rhino> #gov let there be a meme clause for symbols 1321:< dashed> #gov DadoMcT this is used for Parrot: http://i.imgur.com/ch75qF2.png 1321:< dashed> #gov idk who made it 1322:< FriendlyYak> #gov i think it should be on our flag. 1322:< supasteve013> Penis/ mmmm beer 1322:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i think its political 1322:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1322:< DadoMcT> #gov i'm not sure... 1322:< Sir-Rhino> #gov but i wouldnt mind 1323:< MobiusCoffee> #gov THE SHAMAN ISN'T SURE 1323:< supasteve013> Penis/ i'm a inOPimskkk rep 1323:< supasteve013> Penis/ fack wrong chat 1323:< dashed> #gov parrot is like order, structure, and freedom 1323:< DadoMcT> #gov that would be a private company on the nation's symbol 1323:< FriendlyYak> #gov well parrot unites us. and also robin. soKukune might change it's name. but we will use parrot and robin 1323:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Wait so we have decided the shaman? 1323:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Article 0 HAHAHA 1323:< MobiusCoffee> #gov perfect 1323:< DadoMcT> #gov as much as we all love parrot we're not sell outs 1324:< xadrezo> #gov i didnt want to renumber everything 1324:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Article 4.20 should be memes 1324:< dashed> #gov sellouts? :< 1324:< MobiusCoffee> #gov no I love it, I just would've never thought of doing that 1324:< FriendlyYak> #gov DadoMcT but what if the group merges and we loose the name? 1324:< DadoMcT> #gov (if you're a Parrot dev and give me money i'll put parrot on the flag) 1324:< dashed> #gov xD 1324:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1324:< Nerf_Bard> #gov I sold my body to an old man once when he told me I was a qt does that make me a sellout 1324:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Nerf_Bard we had elections yesterday 1324:< Sir-Rhino> #gov use a robin and a parrot next to each other! they represents the shaman and the elders! 1324:< MobiusCoffee> #gov YES 1325:< Nerf_Bard> #gov I vote to overthrow current shaman 1325:< Sir-Rhino> #gov ALL MY YES 1325:< FriendlyYak> #gov Sir-Rhino yes! 1325:< MobiusCoffee> #gov although I really think xad's flag is great already 1325:< dashed> #gov DadoMcT idk if u know; but on parrot it says it's 'soKukunelit fork' 1325:< Sir-Rhino> #gov yes true :/ 1325:< DadoMcT> #gov To me we're Peaman 1325:< Nerf_Bard> #gov To me we are SeExZa 1325:< Sir-Rhino> #gov but we are not :) 1325:< Nerf_Bard> #gov The most elite of us 1325:< dashed> #gov we're the cultured 1325:< DadoMcT> #gov Parrot is a national treasure as someone said 1326:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i gtg ppl, thanks for hanging out cya tomorrow, DONT GROW AFTER MERGE! 1326:< xadrezo> #gov HIFAXAUS is the best hands down :P 1326:< FriendlyYak> #gov DadoMcT yes that would be true 1326:< FriendlyYak> #gov Sir-Rhino cya 1326:< dashed> #gov no doubt and all lower tiers use it 1326:< engelk> Stay before it's over, install a stay script! 1326:< dashed> #gov it knocked out robin-grow overnight 1326:< Sir-Rhino> #gov do the parrot + robin thing that represents the Shaman and the elders 1326:< FriendlyYak> #gov i think the ppl who meet with us need something they can relate to 1326:< Sir-Rhino> #gov FriendlyYak Cya 1327:< FriendlyYak> #gov and that could be the parrot, greeting them from our flag 1327:< MobiusCoffee> #gov robin-grow stopped being developed 1327:< MobiusCoffee> #gov mvartan got bored apparently? 1327:< sugarplumcow> Yay still here! 1327:< dashed> #gov FriendlyYak they all use Parrot ;) that's a relation 1327:< dashed> #gov parrot was first used in this chat.. before used in lower tiers 1327:< MobiusCoffee> #gov One moment he was in here talking about the script and how he's going to work for google, then everyone was using the fork. 1327:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Maybe we could use the origins of where we came from in the flag? 1328:< Nerf_Bard> #gov I dont know though I am just a lowly pleb 1328:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee who? 1328:< SlightlyBasic> I don't know if T17 is possible at this point 1328:< DadoMcT> #gov what do you mean? 1328:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed mvartan the deve behind robin-gro 1328:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1329:< dashed> #gov well it was _vvvv_'s fork... and we decided to move fast, and break things (dev motto of facebook) to get more features asafp 1329:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Like you know how everyone came from little tight groups we could make those little group names into the name of sokuku? 1330:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee i had limited interaction with mvartan 1330:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Like we have sokuku but its made of smaller names that are where we originated from 1330:< DadoMcT> #gov how would you represent the different groups? 1330:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1330:< dashed> #gov DadoMcT groups == channels 1330:< DadoMcT> #gov he said groups 1330:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1331:< yaahoe> #gov Guys people in %chat are starting to reject the constitution D: 1331:< dashed> #gov idk.. too much symbolism 1332:< xadrezo> #gov yaahoe why? 1332:< MobiusCoffee> #gov because it's a meme 1332:< DadoMcT> #gov I think the current flag with the difference of having abandon on the bottom would be good 1333:< dashed> #gov can parrot be our shaman? 1333:< Nerf_Bard> #gov People are rejecting the current shaman and we are gonna have a re-election/vote 1334:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT ok will do 1334:< DadoMcT> #gov thanks xadrezo 1335:< hennelly14> % when will this ever end? 1336:< MobiusCoffee> #gov stupid 1336:< MobiusCoffee> #gov why can't robin send messages sometimes 1336:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Anyway, we need to push things out too because everytime people find this and see it's not ready they're going to want 1336:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee b/c parrot is upset it's not a shaman 1337:< MobiusCoffee> #gov to restart from the beginning. Which will make it just restart until people don't care 1337:< FatherDerp> To all, we have a constitution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit#heading=h.tkqo866f0joa => http://nazar.so/srh4 1337:< dashed> #gov where did the idea of shaman come from anyways? 1337:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Shaman needs to publish the constitution and LEAD THE PEOPLE 1337:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed random ideas from chat :D 1337:< DadoMcT> #gov MobiusCoffee could you check the sabldiri? 1338:< MobiusCoffee> #gov where? 1338:< xadrezo> #gov http://i.imgur.com/tCd6a2D.png there you go 1338:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Ill publish it some other cuck can write it 1338:< Nerf_Bard> #gov I can elect him or her as elder of Writing boring shit 1338:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1338:< Nerf_Bard> #gov Kappa 1338:< Djinneral> #gov do i need to be fluent in sabldiri to become a elder? 1338:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT where did you write it? 1339:< Djinneral> #gov how many elders are there anyway 1339:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1339:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1339:< DadoMcT> #gov no Djinneral you don't need to 1339:< MobiusCoffee> #gov although that'd be funny to have in there :P 1339:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1340:< supasteve013> Penis/ next up is muting everyone talking about shaman and constitutions 1340:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1340:< DadoMcT> #gov MobiusCoffee where did I write what? 1341:< xadrezo> #gov does someone here know how to blazon a flag? 1341:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT you said to check the sabldiri. I thought you'd written something? 1341:< supasteve013> Penis/ guess i probably should have said it in %chat but whatever. i used to like them. i can't stand fatherderp 1341:< DadoMcT> #gov on the constitution, i didn't write it. 1342:< MobiusCoffee> #gov oh yeah, I wrote it 1342:< skootz> woooooooooooo 1342:< DadoMcT> #gov ok 1342:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1342:< MobiusCoffee> #gov also OH GREAT SHAMAN! I need your consult 1342:< supasteve013> Penis/ i do realize it, otherwise i wouldn't have tagged you 1342:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Can you give me words for "second" "hour" and "page" 1343:< MobiusCoffee> #gov just whatever comes to your mind 1343:< DadoMcT> #gov so grow means ratification? 1343:< MobiusCoffee> #gov grow mean to grow :P 1343:< DadoMcT> #gov 2nd is dowosok 1343:< MobiusCoffee> #gov no second like "minute, second, hour" 1344:< MobiusCoffee> #gov not "#2" 1345:< caecias> % The merge will be sometime today. 1346:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 1346:< supasteve013> Penis/ lol yeah 1346:< Djinneral> #gov we need a word for "soon" and for permutations of "is" 1346:< MobiusCoffee> #gov conjugations you mean? those exist 1347:< MobiusCoffee> #gov https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/4frlz 1347:< MobiusCoffee> #gov check out all the tabs too there's more information there 1347:< PigNamedBenis> lol this chat will be stuck here forever 1347:< DadoMcT> #gov i'm not a native or anything, i learnt something yesterday 1348:< supasteve013> Penis/ it won't let me send my message 1348:< supasteve013> Penis/ wtf that one works .. rude 1348:< DadoMcT> #gov but i guess hour could be "lep" or something, what's the word for sixtieth? 1348:< xadrezo> #gov guys do you have suggestions on what to put in the constitution? 1349:< MobiusCoffee> #gov nothing, but lep is good 1349:< MobiusCoffee> #gov give me a second I have to flesh out things with the Shaman real quick 1349:< DadoMcT> #gov what's the word for sixty? 1349:< MobiusCoffee> #gov need like 3 more words 1349:< MobiusCoffee> #gov 60 = sowe 1350:< xadrezo> #gov i've also added a description of our flag to article 0, its very technical though 1350:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I'll take a crack at translating it, but if it's highly detaild I'll have to simplify it a lot 1350:< DadoMcT> #gov is woe pronounced like woah or like woah-ayy 1350:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sabldiri isn't the most vocabulary rich language at the moment :P 1350:< MobiusCoffee> #gov woah-ayy 1350:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1351:< DadoMcT> #gov so sixtieth would be sowesok or sowesek 1351:< dashed> #gov we need a Sabldiri word for Parrot 1352:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed how about "dashed"? 1352:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sixtieth would be sowesok 1352:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I misread you earlier, though you meant like 1/16th 1353:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Can someone do the formatting on the Sabldiri text? The controls don't work well for me in google docs 1353:< DadoMcT> #gov soweklep for minute and soweksoweklep for second if sowek isn't a word, shortened to sowek and soweksowek. 1353:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1354:< DadoMcT> #gov sowed is the shortened form of sowesok if that's ok 1354:< yaahoe> #gov Mara pet! Po d'aw sas 1354:< DadoMcT> #gov sowed 1354:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1355:< brutuscat2> % vote johnmadden 1355:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Mara yaahoe! po d'aw sa rup <3 1355:< mofosyne> #gov Btw this is my filter "#gov,#rpg,^,%chat,$,penis/" what's yours? 1355:< DadoMcT> #gov sowek 1355:< xadrezo> #gov i think the english version is done 1355:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sow- is already a lot of things it'd be better to have something a bit more unique 1356:< brutuscat2> % hmm 1356:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad, Can you give me a word for "English"? 1356:< xadrezo> #gov "Inglix" :P 1356:< MobiusCoffee> #gov that was you then :P 1356:< MobiusCoffee> #gov alright! 1356:< xadrezo> #gov yes why should we translate language and/or country names? 1356:< brutuscat2> :/ we may not make it to Tier 16 1356:< brutuscat2> 17* 1356:< DadoMcT> #gov so not sowek 1357:< MobiusCoffee> #gov why not? 1357:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad, then can you give me a word for "page"? 1357:< xadrezo> #gov ehm let me think 1357:< MehtefaS> %parrot we are tier 16. 1357:< DadoMcT> #gov you said sow- is a lot of things so it should be more unique 1357:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT yeah, I thnk playing on Lep could be fun though 1358:< MobiusCoffee> #gov or Oric "minute" 1358:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1358:< xadrezo> #gov page > chulan? 1358:< xadrezo> #gov i dunno man 1359:< hansolo580> #gov http://strawpoll.me/7294574 1359:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1359:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Chulan it is! 1400:< DadoMcT> #gov ok 1400:< FatherDerp> Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1401:< DadoMcT> #gov how about sowesoklep for minute and [word for 100]dowesoklep for second? 1401:< FatherDerp> # Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1401:< DadoMcT> #gov sorry, wrong math 1401:< supasteve013> Penis/ they did? 1401:< internetisdoomed> ... 1401:< FatherDerp> #gov Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1402:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1402:< What-the-curtains> #gov Isn't sowesoklep a bit long? 1402:< xadrezo> #gov FatherDerp "The member of the tribe can vote for as many candidates, who must also be members of the Sokuku tribe, as they want." 1402:< DadoMcT> #gov soweklep then 1402:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1402:< supasteve013> Penis/ djinneral my posts? 1402:< supasteve013> Penis/ oops 1403:< DadoMcT> #gov no more than ½ of the candidates xadrezo 1403:< keenguitar> #gov hey guys sup? 1403:< MobiusCoffee> #gov that'd be a minute though DadoMcT 1403:< MobiusCoffee> #gov 60 seconds 1403:< What-the-curtains> #gov FatherDerp you need to clean your room, the strawpoll decided 1403:< DadoMcT> #gov at least i think it should be less than 1/2 1403:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT well if someone likes all candidates equally he should be able to vote for all of them as well 1403:< FatherDerp> #gov xadrezo what's the reference for? 1403:< xadrezo> #gov FatherDerp you cant vote for more than one candidate on the strawpoll 1404:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1404:< DadoMcT> #gov soweklep = minute, soweksowek = second ? 1404:< FatherDerp> #gov xadrezo oh no! I didn't see that D: 1404:< yaahoe> #gov MobiusCoffee Sa kakian pu d'aw ner pet swog <3 1404:< MobiusCoffee> #gov minute is orec already DadoMcT 1404:< DadoMcT> #gov xadrezo voting for all is like voting for none 1404:< MobiusCoffee> #gov how about Soweric a combination of 60 and minute in a way 1404:< Silveress_Golden> % wow it is quiet here 1404:< DadoMcT> #gov sowesorec 1405:< DadoMcT> #gov 60th minute 1405:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT how is that a bad thing 1405:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe <3 1405:< yaahoe> #gov <3 1405:< DadoMcT> #gov soweric or sowerec 1406:< What-the-curtains> #gov soweric sounds better IMO 1406:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yah DadoMcT I was playing around with that do you think Soweric or Sorec is better? 1406:< DadoMcT> #gov or sowesoric or sowesorec 1406:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I think I'll go with Soweric makes it a bit different 1407:< DadoMcT> #gov or sowesic or sowesec 1407:< MobiusCoffee> #gov alright let me finish the translation and I'll be back 1407:< xadrezo> #gov now seriously is there something missing in the constitution? 1407:< DadoMcT> #gov so what is the word? 1407:< yaahoe> #gov 1407:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad, yeah I 'm just not going to transalte the incredibly technical description :P 1408:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee awwww 1408:< MobiusCoffee> #gov too much new vocab 1408:< xadrezo> #gov maybe "the description can be found in the english version of this document"? 1408:< DadoMcT> #gov 51% should become 50% + 1 and article zero should be something else like preamble or introduction 1408:< DadoMcT> #gov sorry, i can't edit it myself 1409:< yaahoe> #gov I wish I had lots of disposable income so I could gild you all :D 1409:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT but its not either of those things, its an ordinary article 1409:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1409:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1409:< DadoMcT> #gov xadrezo then article V as in 5 1410:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I think it's done 1410:< xadrezo> #gov ill just make 0 into 1 and renumber everything else 1410:< MobiusCoffee> #gov let's do formating and publish it 1410:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1410:< FatherDerp> #gov Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1410:< xadrezo> #gov done 1411:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1411:< FriendlyYak> #gov so, it seems the election went south 1411:< MobiusCoffee> #gov The formating on the Sabldiri text is still kind of wonky 1411:< DadoMcT> #gov https://www.reddit.com/r/anAna/comments/4dgwpn/sokukune_ambassadors_summary/ => http://nazar.so/4hosl 1411:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ah someone's working on it 1411:< ShanRoxAlot> ELECT ShanRoxAlot 1412:< DadoMcT> #gov when did we choose candidates FatherDerp? 1412:< dkozinn> %parrot I updated to parrot 3.13 and it's not loading anymore, just have native now, no UI changes, etc. 1412:< FatherDerp> #gov Like, 20 mins ago in %chat 1413:< FriendlyYak> the newest parrot is broken 1413:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT it's a meme 1413:< Breve_Pup> @FriendlyYak: Howso? 1414:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT an imposter 1414:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1414:< MobiusCoffee> #gov quick Ediasemes! tell them how it is. Let's get our constitution published to make things legit 1414:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee you need to translate the represent part on art 4.2 1415:< Bonoahx> . is like nobody here 1415:< xadrezo> #gov but i agree lets get this published go go go 1415:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo where? It's already translated it looks like? 1416:< MobiusCoffee> #gov oh not completely. I'm a poshka 1416:< FatherDerp> #gov Voting will end in 5 minutes. Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1416:< bonomel> ! 1417:< DadoMcT> #gov We publish on /r/joinrobin, /r/sokukunelits, /r/sokukugov and...? 1417:< xadrezo> #gov and r/anAna :P 1417:< bonomel> !NL yellow 1418:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1418:< DadoMcT> #gov not sokukunelits, sokukuneli 1418:< MobiusCoffee> #gov on al the sokuku subs 1418:< MobiusCoffee> #gov there's a bunch of them and the community is split between them 1418:< What-the-curtains> #gov Isn't there one official one? 1418:< DadoMcT> #gov and obviously here 1419:< FatherDerp> #gov 2 minutes left: Voting will end in 5 minutes. Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1419:< FatherDerp> #gov XD 1419:< DadoMcT> #gov according to robin tracking it's sokukunelits so also there 1419:< What-the-curtains> #gov HOW IS NIGGLET WINNING? 1419:< FatherDerp> #gov You guys get the picture 1419:< bonomel> !nl hallo 1419:< keenguitar> coud anyone give me a competitive TF2 pass? 1419:< bonomel> !nl !NL hallo 1419:< xadrezo> #gov ok i think were done now! 1420:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee tell me then youre finished translating (i need to restrict editing rights whoops) 1420:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad, I think I'm done 1420:< xadrezo> #gov ok 1420:< yaahoe> #gov What-the-curtains I know right? D: 1420:< sotricious> %caht hahahaha BullDoor 1421:< xadrezo> #gov so our job's done 1421:< FatherDerp> #gov Welp! It's official. nigglet has been elected Shaman. 1421:< sotricious> %chta lol%chat nigglets 1421:< MobiusCoffee> #gov also anyone in #gov who didn't see this happening when people who weren't around for the first election 1421:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I told you so 1422:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :P 1422:< xadrezo> #gov weeeeell one could argue that the election was unconstitutional because one could only vote for one candidate so... :P³ 1422:< MobiusCoffee> #gov That'll show 'em :P 1422:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛ 1423:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛ 1423:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT You should post the constitution in r/sabldiri as well. Rally them around our flag o great Shaman! 1423:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛ 1423:< dashed> #gov xD lol nigglet 1423:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee i voted for you ma man 1423:< FatherDerp> #gov If nigglet does not show up to accept his Shamanship, MobiusCoffee shall get his chance to accept Shamanship 1423:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛ 1423:< dashed> #gov ROFL 1424:< dashed> #gov nice loophole 1424:< MobiusCoffee> #gov robin always can't send messages 1424:< FatherDerp> #gov Hey dashed, you wrote parrot right? 1424:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sounds good and thanks for the votes guys! 1424:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed https://www.reddit.com/r/sokukugov 1424:< xadrezo> #gov the ballot didnt let you vote for more than one candidate, and this violates article 4.1 1424:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1424:< MobiusCoffee> #gov we had a vote yesterday with a bit more structure, people couldn't nominate themselves and they had to write platforms before the vote 1425:< FatherDerp> #gov I give up 1425:< FatherDerp> #gov I'm going to bed 1425:< Gtexx> Am I dreaming or the number of Stay is actually decreasing ??? 1425:< What-the-curtains> #gov Who won yesterday? 1425:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT 1425:< DadoMcT> #gov You should post it MobiusCoffee as Temporary Temporary Foreign Relations or Something Minister. 1425:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT 1425:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1425:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT I already post there too much, it'd be good for the subreddit to have some fresh blood :P 1425:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1425:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1425:< DadoMcT> #gov Ok then 1425:< yaahoe> #gov Goodnight all 1426:< yaahoe> #gov Sleep well 1426:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1426:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1426:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1426:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1427:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1428:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Norro! 1428:< Luxarynii> vagina/ Say no to sexism ! ♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤♛❤$#^%#rpg#gov%chat 1428:< What-the-curtains> #gov col sa kunelit 1428:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo I love how you expect people to take things seriously :D keep up thegood fight 1429:< xadrezo> #gov weeeell i myself talk this as seriously as reddit allows me to 1429:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1429:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1430:< MobiusCoffee> #gov 1430:< HopliteKate> Morning 1431:< xadrezo> #gov hennelly14 no need for this the election wasnt constitutional to begin with, the result are invalid 1431:< BullDoor> #gov What's the criteria for a constitutional election? 1431:< BullDoor> #gov (i.e. i haven't seen the constitution) 1431:< DadoMcT> #gov I can only post once every 10 minutes 1432:< DadoMcT> #gov https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit => http://nazar.so/6ck4b 1432:< xadrezo> #gov you should be able to vote for more than 1 candidate 1432:< xadrezo> #gov and all the candidates need to be from sokuku 1432:< BullDoor> #gov Oh like priority voting? 1433:< DadoMcT> #gov is it possible to choose the exact number of votable candidates on whatever we use? 1433:< xadrezo> #gov not quite its fptp but you can vote for all candidates you like so its fairer than the us voting system 1433:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT, yeah, but that'd be stupid 1433:< BullDoor> #gov oh lol i'm in the UK so i know fptp 1434:< What-the-curtains> #gov Wait how is this fptp? do we have constituencies?? 1434:< DadoMcT> #gov because i thought votes should be less than number of candidates/2 or less than number of candidates 1434:< xadrezo> #gov all of sokuku is one sonstituency 1434:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT no way to do that on strawpoll 1435:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1435:< DadoMcT> #gov multiple choices then 1438:< likenessaltered> VOTE, YOU SCROTE!! 1438:< enormouspenis69> %parrotty u 1438:< enormouspenis69> asdfa fg 1439:< FriendlyYak> %parrot ? 1439:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1439:< enormouspenis69> asdfa # 1439:< jeuv> !nl hallo 1439:< FriendlyYak> %parrot oh someone just installed parrot, right? :) 1440:< pixzleone> there will be a rrom to merge with soon and we will have the wr you noobs 1440:< rs10rs10> jkb' 1440:< pixzleone> █████████████████████████████FUCK SPAM Keepo██████████████████████████████████████████████ 1440:< --jp--> # /tally 1440:< rs10rs10> Please vote I want to be told I am weaboo scumfuck more please ^_^ 4:39:34 PM FeebleOldMan $ golden lion on scarlet background 4:39:38 PM At 1441:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1441:< rs10rs10> cOFFEE 1442:< tigerLRG245> % dashed! havent seen you for awhile 1442:< TheAwer> * test ignore please 1442:< pixzleone> TheAwer I WILL NEVER IGONRE 1442:< pixzleone> ;))) 1442:< dashed> % tigerLRG245 yo 1442:< SaveTheSpycrabs> deThAlxcts is probably 11 because I'm keeping track as my alt is in it 1443:< tigerLRG245> % i see the filter thing cought on pretty well 1443:< FriendlyYak> #gov can someone post the flag? 1443:< dashed> % tigerLRG245 https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1443:< xadrezo> #gov http://i.imgur.com/tCd6a2D.png 1443:< xadrezo> #gov as it's described in article 1 1444:< FriendlyYak> #gov ty 1444:< MobiusCoffee> #gov well now that things have calmed down a bit I guess it's time to get real work done 1444:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I'll check back in on the chaos in a bit 1444:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1444:< Altrucel> LLLLLLEEEEAAAVE 1445:< Djinneral> #gov the economy has stagnated as a result of robin 1445:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Also definitely make a post here https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4desi0/tier_15_ccandeshle/ => http://nazar.so/493he 1445:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1445:< DadoMcT> #gov so is the current election real? 1445:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT no idea. 1446:< MobiusCoffee> #gov just keep posting it. Things will slowly sort themselves out as people get tired 1446:< xadrezo> #gov 1446:< xadrezo> #gov yes 1446:< bananasquid> It's been a long time, yeah 1446:< DadoMcT> #gov i have a post/time limit 1446:< xadrezo> #gov the election closes at 17:04 gmt+1 1446:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo can you link the flag again? 1447:< xadrezo> #gov http://i.imgur.com/tCd6a2D.png 1447:**** MobiusCoffee #gov thumbs up 1447:< tigerLRG245> %parrot test 1447:< tigerLRG245> %parrot Kappa 1447:< What-the-curtains> #gov The flag looks quite nice 1447:< MobiusCoffee> #gov gonna make it the logo for r/sabldiri 1447:< pixzleone> % Kappa 1448:< xadrezo> #gov the flag description exceeds the character limit lel 1448:< MobiusCoffee> #gov or really the other mods might not like that. I'll hold off on changing the logo 1449:< MobiusCoffee> #gov right real work 1449:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1449:< DadoMcT> #gov currently posted on join robin and sabldiri, posting on sokukunelits, next is anAna 1453:< xadrezo> #gov dashed is leading right now 1453:< likenessaltered> Are tgectwo T11's set to merge now? 1453:< likenessaltered> Fuck.. 1453:< Djinneral> #gov How does this look for the flag, I just swapped the positions of colours and whitespace 1453:< Djinneral> #gov http://imgur.com/oeAkavf 1453:< likenessaltered> ARE THE TWO T11 ROOMS SET TO MERGE NOW? 1453:< xadrezo> #gov i wanted to avoid clashing colours 1454:< Djinneral> #gov The colours work quite well since they're pastel I believe? 1454:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1454:< Djinneral> #gov nvm they aren't really 1455:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1455:< xadrezo> #gov 9 minutes left to vote for the shaman. 1456:< xadrezo> #gov should i post the strawpoll link again? 1456:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1459:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1500:< xadrezo> #gov http://strawpoll.me/7295439 4 minutes left (sorry for the spam) 1501:< draggehn> % who are we messaging and why 1501:< ggphenom> holy shit 1501:< ggphenom> When is this gonna finally merge 1504:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1505:< yaahoe> #gov Hey everyone, how is the constitution going? 1505:< agaffchanted> dashed: I think this fixes it: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/131 1506:< xadrezo> #gov were done and dashed won the election 1506:< DadoMcT> #gov finished and posted https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dlyt7/constitution_of_the_shamanic_tribe_of_sokuku/ => http://nazar.so/54zcp 1507:< yaahoe> #gov Awesome :) 1508:< an_audible_smile> % and || means and? 1508:< joe_chip> #pluhf good morning! it is T17 day 1508:< an_audible_smile> % oops 1509:< trigg> #pluhf morning joe_chip! 1509:< an_audible_smile> % why are you using a deprecated function tho 1510:< an_audible_smile> % lol wrong channel 1511:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1512:< dashed> #gov how's the constitution folks? 1512:< DadoMcT> #gov good https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dlyt7/constitution_of_the_shamanic_tribe_of_sokuku/ => http://nazar.so/6cjck 1512:< dashed> #gov does parrot have a place in soku's history? 1513:< dashed> % https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1513:< xadrezo> #gov you're our shaman, do you ratify it? 1514:< DadoMcT> #gov I, former Temporary Shaman DadoMcT, formally ask dashed to consider me for the position of Elder. 1514:< syntheticfaith> hot dog 1514:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1514:< xadrezo> #gov dashed make sure you announce your elders etc 1514:< dashed> #gov .... 1515:< MobiusCoffee> #gov HEAVY IS THE CROWN 1515:< dashed> #gov wat 1515:< Thaslapchopper> ...still no merge it's been like 4 days 1515:< Djinneral> #gov Hello shaman dashed! 1515:< dashed> #gov how did i become one? 1515:< Djinneral> #gov Blessed be the spiritual master of this FREM 1515:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Mara pu Ediasemes! 1515:< xadrezo> #gov http://strawpoll.me/7295439/r you won the election 1515:< FriendlyYak> #gov xadrezo uhm it would be great if he just kept doing what he's doing 1515:< Djinneral> #gov we have elected you 1515:< dashed> #gov isn't MobiusCoffee our shaman? 1515:< dashed> #gov D: 1515:< Djinneral> #gov mobius tied with nigglet, so we held another round and you won 1515:< dashed> #gov lies... 1516:< Djinneral> #gov accept your position shaman 1516:< dashed> #gov 17 votes (25%) 1516:< xadrezo> #gov We held a new election because the old one didnt confirm with the constitution (article 4.1) 1516:< dashed> #gov how do i accept? 1516:< FriendlyYak> #gov you could of course refuse 1516:< MobiusCoffee> #gov You say: "Po sla Ediasemes ku sas" 1517:< dashed> #gov i haven't had a chance to fully read the constitution yet btw 1517:< dashed> #gov :( 1517:**** dashed #gov stands and says "Po sla Ediasemes ku sas" 1517:< Djinneral> #gov you are the "Dashed Shaman" 1517:< Djinneral> #gov quick and rapid! 1517:< touyajp> oh indeed it is. i nevr used it 1518:< dashed> #gov you picked the least qualified person to be shaman D: 1518:< xadrezo> #gov its the will of the people 1518:< yaahoe> #gov D: 1518:< Djinneral> #gov the most qualified person always thinks he's the least qualified 1518:< dashed> #gov and unfortunately one who is the most disinterested in being shaman 1518:< Djinneral> #gov you don't need to do anything anyway 1518:< dashed> #gov i prefer to be that guy who looks after parrot :) 1518:< DadoMcT> #gov So, who are the Elders? 1518:< Djinneral> #gov you just need to exist 1519:< MobiusCoffee> #gov THEN WHY'D YOU ACCEPT THE NOMINATION! 1519:< yaahoe> #gov :) 1519:< dashed> #gov you told me to 1519:< xadrezo> #gov youre only job is to nominate elders, and accept proposals 1519:< MobiusCoffee> #gov No it's a conspirarcy, you wanted parrot to control sokuku all along! 1519:< dashed> #gov oh... 1519:< Djinneral> #gov mobius you would fit much better to be an elder 1519:< dashed> #gov it's for the greater good 1519:< DadoMcT> #gov And have a cool and powerful title 1519:< overtheover> whats the point of this now/ 1519:< xadrezo> #gov and represent Sokuku in all its Sokukuness 1519:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral you're probably right 1520:< What-the-curtains> #gov Is there a word for shaman in sabldiri? 1520:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah 1520:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Ediasemes 1520:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> %parrot KappaPride 1520:< dashed> #gov :o 1520:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> %parrot Mau5 1520:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ORIGIN-FRIEND 1520:< dashed> #gov i know the word Edia 1520:< Djinneral> #gov semes could easily be interpreted as semen though 1520:< dashed> #gov lol... 1520:< DadoMcT> #gov What's Edia? 1520:< What-the-curtains> #gov ah right 1520:< Djinneral> #gov and isn't ediasemes the shaman of edia? 1521:< Djinneral> #gov we should then be sokusemes 1521:< What-the-curtains> #gov edia = origin semes = friend 1521:< dashed> #gov Edia was some country from several tiers ago 1521:< What-the-curtains> #gov so ediasemes means origin friend 1521:< DadoMcT> #gov cool 1521:< dashed> #gov there was suppsoed to be .edia channel 1521:< MobiusCoffee> #gov there still is 1521:< dashed> #gov really? 1521:< yaahoe> #gov Ip kal ner d'aw ediasemes 1521:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah, it's mostly active after like 18:00 GMT 1521:< FriendlyYak> #gov it's great what you wo for parrot. way more important then the shaman 1521:< DadoMcT> #gov We almost never use it 1522:< whateva0x29a> wt Kappa 1522:< DadoMcT> #gov There's a little conflict of interest 1522:< dashed> #gov cool. so anything i need to do now as shaman? i wanna sleep :D 1522:< whateva0x29a> wt PedoBear 1522:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe *IP kala d'awa Ediasemes 1522:< Djinneral> #gov elect your elders ediasemes 1522:< MobiusCoffee> #gov the "to" in the English version is a part of the infinitive "to love" :D 1522:< dashed> #gov how many do i need to elect? 1522:< yaahoe> #gov Snala MobiusCoffee 1522:< MobiusCoffee> #gov d'aw* 1523:< Djinneral> #gov 12 1523:< dashed> #gov 12?! 1523:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sla tessem :D 1523:< whateva0x29a> wt LUL 1523:< Djinneral> #gov there's no specific number but 12 sounds right or just elect a chief elder and let him do the rest 1523:< Djinneral> #gov 1 chief elder and 11 elders 1523:< dashed> #gov ah 1523:< DadoMcT> #gov I, former Temporary Shaman DadoMcT, formally ask dashed to consider me for the position of Elder. 1524:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee as chief elder 1524:< yaahoe> #gov Ip d'aw nitts 1524:< Djinneral> #gov this is just my suggestion though 1524:< whateva0x29a> wt ConcernDoge 1524:< TopicallyDifferent> #gov 1524:< dashed> #gov >.> 1524:< TopicallyDifferent> #gov whoops, I see we have a #gov here too, so what's it about? 1524:< DadoMcT> #gov Sorry if you already read this and it is annoying 1524:< dashed> #gov TopicallyDifferent: shhh they'll try to suck u in 1525:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe *IP d'awa nittis :D 1525:< Djinneral> #gov we're creating governance in preparation of the tier 17 merge 1525:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee do u accept your position as elder chief? 1525:< yaahoe> #gov So Ip needs to be IP?? 1525:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yes 1525:< Djinneral> #gov and we've just elected our shaman(figurehead) of the chat, dashed 1525:< dashed> #gov ok we're done? 1525:< yaahoe> #gov IP d'awa nittis <3 :D 1525:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I will now choose the other elders based on their ability to ask in Sabldiri 1526:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :D 1526:< dashed> #gov what's the difference between chief and regular elder? 1526:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee rofl 1526:< TopicallyDifferent> #gov Fuckis, I don't know any Sablidiri 1526:< yaahoe> #gov Po 1526:< dashed> #gov btw i lost that language spreadsheet 1526:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1526:< FriendlyYak> %parrot enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_XJ_s5IsQc&feature=youtu.be => http://nazar.so/1m2nl 1526:< Djinneral> #gov po joob, po joob! 1526:< MobiusCoffee> #gov https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/4xyyp 1526:< dashed> #gov thx 1526:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1527:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sla tessem Ediasemes! 1527:< Djinneral> #gov po joob ka fona 1527:< dashed> #gov o wow it's way more complete than the last time i saw this; is it done? 1527:< MobiusCoffee> #gov dashed it has a limited vocabulary but it works well enough 1527:< dashed> #gov ah... 1528:< Djinneral> #gov po ek mob joob 1528:< DadoMcT> #gov Po kakmana, Nalar Ediasemes, slin "Elder"? 1528:< PorcelainDrum> % we're gonna sue reddit 1528:< Djinneral> #gov po fremian joob 1529:< FriendlyYak> %parrot keyboard solo will blow your mind KAPOW 1529:< Djinneral> #gov man, get away with your fancy 5 word sentences 1529:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Ses DadoMcT, Sa slino semes ku Clem Alindaz 1529:< DadoMcT> #gov Lor soj "Elder"? 1530:< MobiusCoffee> #gov semes ku Clem Alindaz ap foog semes DadoMcT 1530:< Djinneral> #gov zawba po ip grow 1530:< MobiusCoffee> #gov conjugate your verbs and you'll be in Djinneral! 1530:< dashed> #gov Dashed == parrot -_- 1531:< dashed> #gov Parrot => Nature 1531:< Djinneral> #gov zawba po ip growa? 1531:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ses! 1531:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral, sa slino foog semes zawba ip 1531:< MathGeek31415> % I should have 50 alts by then :P 1531:< Djinneral> #gov po loda joob 1532:< yaahoe> #gov Po flornian krat po slin awo ku kretis "Elders" :) 1532:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1532:< FriendlyYak> #gov sas clem fona... 1532:< Djinneral> #gov sla tossem ediasemes 1533:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral D: 1533:< Djinneral> #gov sla tossema 1533:< What-the-curtains> #gov Kret sla joob 1534:< Djinneral> #gov this is hard lol 1534:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe Po bat kakiana cad sa soje :( 1534:< What-the-curtains> #gov clem wenasis soja Sabldiri 1534:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sla foog joob! 1534:< FriendlyYak> #gov met gup daeshed 1535:< FriendlyYak> #gov * met gup dashed 1535:< Djinneral> #gov ses po slino foog semes 1536:< yaahoe> #gov Kakman Sa Plemforn "Po bat kakiana cad sa soje" MobiusCoffee? 1536:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1537:< MobiusCoffee> #gov "I didn't understand what you said" 1537:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1537:< MobiusCoffee> #gov or actually " I don't understand" 1537:< Djinneral> #gov ooh i got that 1538:< Djinneral> #gov would be simpler to just say "cad kakian" though 1539:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I find it's best to err on the sind of clarity even if it's a little longer the other way 1539:< dashed> #gov i gtg sleep. night :) 1539:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Norro! 1539:< FriendlyYak> #gov sawop plemforn: ses po slino foog semes 1539:< DadoMcT> #gov Lort tupis florneri Sabldiri? 1539:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee Norro xD 1540:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Room cleared what'd people say? 1540:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee Norro xD 1540:< xadrezo> #gov wait who are the elders now 1540:< FriendlyYak> #gov norro 1540:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Norro! 1540:< dashed> #gov MobiusCoffee is it autoclearning? 1540:< xadrezo> #gov norro btw 1540:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah, well autorefreshing I assume 1540:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but same result 1540:< yaahoe> #gov Yeah I was about to finish a long sentence :( and it wiped! 1540:< dashed> #gov uncheck "Reload page after inactivity timeout" 1541:< FriendlyYak> #gov sounds risky 1541:< yaahoe> #gov Basically said I wanted to be an elder :) 1541:< DadoMcT> #gov Lort ika lorp florneri Sabldiri? 1541:< Djinneral> #gov we have no elders yet 1541:< TopicallyDifferent> #gov but the real question is, Sablidiri language Madden bot when? 1541:< dashed> #gov FriendlyYak i have it unchecked 1541:< Djinneral> #gov we gotta impress coffee with our sabldiri skillz 1541:< FriendlyYak> #gov boob! 1541:< FriendlyYak> #gov good 1542:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1542:< FriendlyYak> #gov *joob! 1542:< Djinneral> #gov my favorite sabldiri sentence at the moment is po joob 1542:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1542:< Djinneral> #gov nice and simple and get's the meaning across 1542:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1543:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe if you can type it out again I'll make you foog semes 1543:< What-the-curtains> #gov food semes = elder?? 1544:< MobiusCoffee> #gov big friend 1544:< MobiusCoffee> #gov figured it works :D 1544:< What-the-curtains> #gov yeah fair enough 1544:< What-the-curtains> #gov these idioms are what a language great 1545:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT Po bat raniana lorp florne Sabldiri 1545:< Djinneral> #gov po eke cad adowe sa, zawba soj, po eke joob ner sa 1546:< DadoMcT> #gov What's "Clem alindaz"? 1546:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Council of Elders 1546:< MobiusCoffee> #gov "Long Room" 1546:< DadoMcT> #gov What if Sabldiri was created by reddit admins as an experiment? 1547:< DadoMcT> #gov They are playing with us. 1547:< Djinneral> #gov what's "will" in sabldiri? 1547:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1547:< Djinneral> #gov as in "will be" 1547:< MobiusCoffee> #gov future = add -e to verb 1547:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sline 1547:< DadoMcT> #gov (mandatory "admins are playing with us" message of the day) 1547:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1548:< DadoMcT> #gov Where are you all from? 1548:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral po bat kakiane cad sa soje nalar :( 1548:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I'm from the US, but I live in France 1549:< xadrezo> #gov I'm from Germany (but technically a portuguese citizen) 1549:< OrangeredStilton> T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤ 1549:< xadrezo> #gov you? 1549:< OrangeredStilton> T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤ 1549:< Djinneral> #gov ediasemes, po sline joob ner tupis 1550:< Djinneral> #gov I have sneakily type in sabdliri while working, but its for the position of foog semes, my boss will understand 1550:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Ediasemes tun bat sok swog :P heta po iana cad sa adowa soj ner po? 1551:< OrangeredStilton> T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤ 1551:< Djinneral> #gov oh yeah 1552:< Djinneral> #gov i keep calling you ediasemes by accident 1552:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I am but a mere foog semes 1552:< Wezpa> USa 1552:< Djinneral> #gov we need a word for chief 1552:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but I am awosok foog semes >:) 1553:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1553:< Djinneral> #gov exactly that 1553:< Djinneral> #gov awosok foog semes tun bat sok swog :P heta po iana cad sa adowa soj ner po? 1553:< MobiusCoffee> #gov lorm? 1553:< Djinneral> #gov awosok foog semes, po sline joob ner tupis 1553:< What-the-curtains> #gov Heta Ediasemes abane ip! 1554:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral Ses, po raniana krem. Ner kram Djinneral sa sla foog semes 1554:< MobiusCoffee> #gov What-the-curtains sa adowa soj cad Ediasemes sla poshka? 1554:< Djinneral> #gov snala awosok foog semes 1554:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sla tessem 1555:< xadrezo> #gov what is this, .edia?! 1555:< Djinneral> #gov basically 1555:< shuperkiwi> 2970 :( 1555:< MobiusCoffee> #gov this isn't .edia this is CLEM ALINDAZ KU SOKUKU 1555:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Blir det nån sammanslagning snart då? 1556:< What-the-curtains> #gov MobiusCoffee Tup slina poshka! Tup bat slina swog! 1556:< yaahoe> #gov MobiusCoffee, Kakman Po Slin Awo Ku Kratis Slem "Elder"? 1556:< xadrezo> #gov *sla :P 1556:< Djinneral> #gov po slari ku England 1556:< yaahoe> #gov I tried my best D: 1556:< What-the-curtains> #gov Do we have a word for grammar nazi yet? 1556:< xadrezo> #gov why dont make it drezo so my whole name is in the google spreadsheet 1557:< xadrezo> #gov im kidding please dont 1557:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I'm on my way to put "drezo" in the profanity section :P 1557:< Superboy309> #gov lol 1557:< xadrezo> #gov ah c'mon man 1557:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1558:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1558:< DadoMcT> #gov MobiusCoffee, po bat kakiana su dank meme. Po probafa clem. 1558:< svlad> %parrot test 1558:< svlad> % test 1559:< yaahoe> #gov I am sorry if I butchered the beautiful language of Sabldiri D: 1559:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe *po kakmanari slin semes ku Clem Alindaz 1559:< Curly-Mo> sotricious has been in the past 2 rooms with me. 1600:< Djinneral> #gov do the elders get numbered? 1600:< MobiusCoffee> #gov heta, ses, jid sa adowa slin foog semes, sa sla foog semes :D 1600:< Djinneral> #gov so we can identify each other without using our names 1600:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral (that'd be really cool but I haven't kept track of it at all) 1600:< DadoMcT> #gov MobiusCoffee please explain your dank meme, it is probably the first sabldiri meme. 1600:< Superboy309> #gov Shit, were the elders determined yet? 1600:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT I was getting to it semes :D 1600:< xadrezo> #gov i dont understand the conversation its in sabldiri 1601:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT, "this isn't .edia, this is THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS" 1601:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Litterally, "THE LONG ROOM" 1601:< Djinneral> #gov https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=2120777890 => http://nazar.so/6qb4k 1601:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Hello svlad 1602:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Superboy309 elders are being appointed now! You have to ask in sabldiri to be accepted 1602:< DadoMcT> #gov MobiusCoffee This one http://i.imgur.com/ufJ7PbR.png 1602:< MobiusCoffee> #gov aaah 1602:< MobiusCoffee> #gov What-the-curtains do you have a link to the original? 1603:< Djinneral> #gov kret slina clem alindaz semes ^^ 1603:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1603:< What-the-curtains> #gov MobiusCoffee yeah I've got it somehwere 1603:< xadrezo> #gov *sla xd 1603:< What-the-curtains> #gov Hang on 1603:< yaahoe> #gov I am assuming I did not get accepted D: No problem, I shall slowly learn the language properly :') 1603:< xadrezo> #gov im sorry guys 1603:< What-the-curtains> #gov http://files.explosm.net/comics/Kris/everyday2.png 1603:< Djinneral> #gov language is never easy 1604:< Djinneral> #gov especially when you're old 1604:< yaahoe> #gov Yeah I struggle with english as it is 1604:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe I said you could be one if you want. You would've known that if.... :P 1604:< yaahoe> #gov I am 21 .... :( 1604:< DadoMcT> #gov Sabldiri memes... truly dank. 1604:< yaahoe> #gov I thought you were correcting me and I ran away D: MobiusCoffee 1604:< gynter> % The51Cents disable your brain, go fuck off 1604:< Djinneral> #gov heh 1605:< Djinneral> #gov sabldiri is a scary language 1605:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yaahoe corrected it, but I understood what you were asking so I answered :D 1605:< Djinneral> #gov where did sabldir come from anyway? 1605:< MobiusCoffee> #gov There was an earlier meme 1605:< MobiusCoffee> #gov http://i.imgur.com/A4d8eEq.png 1605:< DadoMcT> #gov Djinneral I think it's an experiment by reddit admins. 1605:< xadrezo> #gov Asraelite wanted to make a robin language in a previous room 1605:< Djinneral> #gov that means fuck them right? 1606:< xadrezo> #gov i know i witnessed it, but i didnt work at all 1606:< MobiusCoffee> #gov (it means "fuck it" but I assume they wanted to say "fuck them") 1606:< yaahoe> #gov Oh thanks MobiusCoffee :) 1606:< callado> % we are close to t17 1606:< xadrezo> #gov later they wrote me they tried again and linked me to the sabldiri spreadsheet so thats that 1606:< yaahoe> #gov I am going to watch DDD 1606:< Djinneral> #gov so it should've been poshka tupis? 1606:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I found Sabldiri after it was already started right before the big merge a few day ago 1606:< DadoMcT> #gov Was this in Sokuku? 1607:< MobiusCoffee> #gov the Sabldiri room wasn't even in my robin chat until after the soku merge 1607:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Djinneral yeah 1607:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT no i think it was in the one before peaman --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:07:48 2016 1607:< xadrezo> #gov wait no 1607:< xadrezo> #gov forget what i said 1608:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1608:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ccande is going to melt to our SUPERIOR CULTURE 1608:< DadoMcT> #gov xadrezo then it was probably not mine, or I thought it was dutch or something 1608:< MobiusCoffee> #gov there still is a dutch room 1609:< DadoMcT> #gov We have superior culture, they have superior organisation. 1609:< DadoMcT> #gov Or had 1609:< DadoMcT> #gov Because now we have Shaman dashed 1609:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ALL HAIL SHAMAN DASHED 1610:< xadrezo> #gov Most importantly: our constitution is not a US copycat 1610:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Jid Grow Foog Ediasemes 1610:< MobiusCoffee> #gov "May the shaman grow big" 1610:< FriendlyYak> #gov dashed means parrot. that is extra joob 1611:< Djinneral> #gov ip lod daw ediasemes 1611:< Kc2000> # /count 1611:< Djinneral> #gov *ip lodo d'aw ediasemes 1611:< Kc2000> lookat me 1611:< DadoMcT> #gov Vedrat ediasemes grow foog (?) 1612:< MobiusCoffee> #gov JID GROW FOOG EDIASEMES 1612:< xadrezo> #gov i have a question about slin: what is the question form? slinari or slari? 1612:< MobiusCoffee> #gov slari 1612:< FriendlyYak> #gov here a snippet of our culture, where sotricious and kukkilicious debate about the names they provide us http://pastebin.com/usZq500w 1612:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but slineri/slinori 1612:< xadrezo> #gov huh ok 1613:< xadrezo> #gov makes sense i guess 1613:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1613:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1614:< MobiusCoffee> #gov those reloads really shake up the chat 1615:< Djinneral> #gov mobius what do you have as your limit for posts? 1615:< Djinneral> #gov I would change it to a higher number like 2k 1616:< Djinneral> #gov or even 5k 1616:< DadoMcT> #gov FriendlyYak when's that from? 1616:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I forgot you could do that 1616:< FriendlyYak> #gov http://pastebin.com/usZq500w this is just a few minutes old. i preserved it 1616:< Djinneral> #gov tun sa ranian! 1616:< A3L92> why is nigglet our leader 1617:< MobiusCoffee> #gov a 1617:< DadoMcT> #gov FriendlyYak When did the conversation happen? 1617:< FriendlyYak> #gov 17:47 today CET (now it's 18:17) 1618:< FriendlyYak> #gov exactly 30minutes ago 1618:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1619:< MobiusCoffee> #gov We need to get the constitution on here https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/2qkrf 1619:< FriendlyYak> #gov our namegiver changed to grow. 1619:< holdmyham> I've been in this chat since saturday 1619:< callado> % please fuck me hard daddy 1621:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I love how the "this is so lame ugh" contrasts with a comment in the /r/conlangs subreddit I made 1621:< MobiusCoffee> #gov https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/comments/4daky6/robin_chat_created_a_language/d1py8b7 => http://nazar.so/74spg 1622:< theSurgeonOfDeath> never stay nerver surrender 1622:< MobiusCoffee> #gov *in the /r/conlangs post I made 1622:< GlowWolf> ALASKA IS COMING 1622:< FriendlyYak> .edia i joob 1622:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot test 1623:< DadoMcT> #gov It's not even a week old, they can't expect a full language 1623:< FriendlyYak> .edia joob Yak 1623:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot test 1623:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1623:< FriendlyYak> %parrot test confirmed 1623:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara FriendlyYak! 1623:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sa slari joob? 1623:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1624:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot test with bugged code 1624:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot test with bugged code 1624:< Mcbaldo> Wookie 1624:< MobiusCoffee> #gov sokukugov is a subreddit 1624:< Mcbaldo> rice 1624:< MobiusCoffee> #gov it's not really used though 1625:< Djinneral> #gov how is it an english cypher when the grammer is more similar to mandarin? 1625:< Hlug2340> ELECT nigglet 1625:< MobiusCoffee> #gov also can someone pot in the tier 16 sokukunelits thread to get our government up there? 1625:< Mcbaldo> blindn 1625:< xadrezo> #gov have you read the constitution yet? 1625:< FriendlyYak> %parrot snala! 1625:< Mcbaldo> blind 1625:< xadrezo> #gov https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit# => http://nazar.so/1q6m6 1625:< xadrezo> #gov there you go 1625:< lost_penguin> %parrot ScarletSpeedster you there? 1626:< FriendlyYak> .edia ses 1626:< lost_penguin> %parrot I give up. Sleepy times. 1627:< FriendlyYak> %parrot lost_penguin gnight 1627:< xadrezo> #gov the shaman appoints the elders 1627:< furlonium> % . 1627:< Djinneral> #gov you'll have to convince awosok foog semes of your sabldiri skills 1627:< lost_penguin> %parrot 'night FriendlyYak 1627:< xadrezo> #gov they're not elected, see article 4.2 1627:< furlonium> % . 1627:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo are you down to post about the government stuff in the tier 16 thread? 1628:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee like what? who the shaman is and all that? 1628:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot test with bugged code one more time 1628:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah and link to the constitution and whatnot 1628:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1628:< lost_penguin> %parrot Oh 1628:< FriendlyYak> %parrot ScarletSpeedster works 1628:< lost_penguin> %parrot ScarletSpeedsterAre you vinnymac on git 1628:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot Hmm 1628:< lost_penguin> %parrot ? 1629:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1629:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Then Lolzep can put it in the main post :D 1629:< xadrezo> #gov i want to post all the gov info on r/sokukugov i just have to know who the elders are right now 1629:< DadoMcT> #gov That would be great 1630:< lost_penguin> %parrot Dude must keep refreshing. 1630:< Asraelite> .edia Mara 1630:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ah yeah, do that too if you're down for it 1630:< MobiusCoffee> #gov right now elders are me, DadoMcT, Djinneral, and Yaasomething 1630:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara Asraelite! 1631:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sa slineri joob? 1631:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad do you want to be an elder? 1631:< Asraelite> .edia Ses, sa? 1631:< xadrezo> #gov aaah i dont know 1631:< xadrezo> #gov and doesnt the shaman have to appoint me? 1631:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Ses! Tun ip rana ediaplemis ku soKuku son sabldiri hahaha 1632:< Internal1> %parrot r/socialism is a misrepresentation of real socialism. the sub shows more resemblance to communism than socialism. 1632:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot svlad yes, thanks for the info that will come in handy. 1632:< Internal1> %parrot in reality socialism has become a moderate form 1632:< ScarletSpeedster> %parrot oops yes 1632:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit => http://nazar.so/82apb 1632:< xadrezo> #gov dashed 1632:< Internal1> %parrot oops wrong channel 1632:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Dashed gave me the power to do it since he was leaving 1633:< MobiusCoffee> #gov and the Shaman can do whatever they want really 1633:< MobiusCoffee> #gov (also he really didn't want to do it) 1633:< Asraelite> .edia Ses, po cole kram 1633:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *sok 1633:< TheDragonOfTheWest99> T17 OR BUST 1634:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1634:< MobiusCoffee> #gov kieran6383, you have to ask me in sabldiri to be considered 1635:< xadrezo> #gov can someone please ask the people behind the r/sokukuneli etc ccs to change the flag to that described in the constitution 1635:< lordxeon> Help 1635:< Asraelite> .edia Po cole cad sla tun plemis cad sa florne sok chulan ku plemis ku sabldiri 1636:< lordxeon> Help 1636:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xadrezo they won't change it like that. We have to get on to the tier 16 thread first. Go top down not bottom up! 1636:< MobiusCoffee> #gov no one will care otherwise 1636:< xadrezo> #gov huh 1637:< Asraelite> .edia Sa ranianari lorp florne bokis? 1637:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Po bat florne clem plemis haaha Po rane plemis ku nalar ika po florniane wenasis sok swog :) 1637:< Asraelite> .edia Ner ip kakman ran bokis sok chulan ku etymology 1638:< Djinneral> #gov mobius is the chief elder, so picks elders 1638:< Djinneral> #gov think of it like the president and prime minister 1638:< Wiiplay123> https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4dmj4q/i_had_a_dream_that_best_buy_was_selling_the_htc/ => http://nazar.so/76xso 1638:< Djinneral> #gov or well queen and prime minister 1638:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1638:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Po bat raniana :( Sla clem wenasis cad florne plemis 1638:< Djinneral> #gov as is the case in uk 1639:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1639:< Asraelite> .edia Ah, krom, kunelit florn rup plem sok chulan ku etymology 1640:< MobiusCoffee> #gov kieran6383 *po kakmanari slin foog semes. 1640:< Asraelite> .edia *florn sa 1640:< Asraelite> .edia **florn rup sa 1640:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ka ner lorm sa adowa slin foog semes? 1640:< Asraelite> .edia Still not used to these imperatives, heh 1641:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :P 1641:< DadoMcT> .edia ./r/sokukunelits is bigger that /r/sokukuneli and is also on the official /robintracker thread 1641:< DadoMcT> .edia sorry, wrong channel 1641:< DadoMcT> #gov ./r/sokukunelits is bigger that /r/sokukuneli and is also on the official /robintracker thread 1641:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haha 1642:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Ip kala ran plem ner "sorry" 1642:< Asraelite> .edia Ses, ip bat rana bok. 1643:< BeerMeAlready> % still nothing? 1643:< TheAwer> /whois gjgjgose 1643:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Drezo = sorry? 1643:< MobiusCoffee> #gov what do you think xadrezo? 1643:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1643:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1644:< xadrezo> #gov huh what i just wrote the gov post on r/sokukugov whats going on 1644:< MobiusCoffee> #gov kieran6383 I asked you why you wanted to be foog semes 1644:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1644:< Asraelite> .edia Oh, I just saw the Sabldiri section of the constitution, did you make that? 1644:< opek1987> % 1645:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah haha 1645:< opek1987> % jesus christ i saw an invite to r/sokukunelits and i thought this place voted to stay 1645:< Asraelite> .edia Cool 1646:< Asraelite> .edia Heh, inglix 1646:< MobiusCoffee> #gov it does, that's the sabldiri for "elder" :D 1646:< glukosio> ELECT glukosio 1646:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :P I forget who I asked for that, but I was expecting something a bit more different 1647:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it works great though 1647:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1647:< DadoMcT> .edia "Sorry" vedrat slin "Po eke gorf" 1647:< TheAwer> /whois sotricious 1648:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sla joob krem 1648:< Asraelite> .edia Ses, kram vedrata slin joob. 1648:< ShanRoxAlot> A monopoly would not make sense because what would you do with virtually unlimited product or services if no one has the means trade for thm 1649:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1649:< Djinneral> #gov if foog semes is elder then what is clem semes? 1650:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ka kunelit ip soj "sla tessem" 1650:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1651:< Asraelite> .edia Sla tossem? 1651:< MobiusCoffee> #gov clem semesis would be "many friends" but clem semes... hmm "long friend"? I'm not sure what that'd mean. Can you think of something? 1651:< Asraelite> .edia Krom 1652:< MobiusCoffee> #gov kieran6383 treepa ku sa bat sla joob :( 1652:< MobiusCoffee> #gov heta, krom, sa sla foog semes! 1653:< MobiusCoffee> #gov La po kala aban 1653:< MobiusCoffee> .edia la po dala aban. norro! 1653:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *kala 1653:< Asraelite> .edia Norro 1654:< c0bra51> god, this room is still here.. 1654:< Djinneral> #gov clem semes could mean family? 1654:< DadoMcT> .edia Norro! Po rup aban. 1654:< Djinneral> #gov or even partner 1654:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1654:< Asraelite> .edia Norro Dado 1654:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1657:< xadrezo> #gov i've posted the gov stuff on the t16 thread now 1657:< xadrezo> #gov now we wait 1657:< svlad> %parrot ScarletSpeedster you still around? 1658:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1659:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1659:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1701:< Mcbaldo> made up 1701:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1702:< Mcbaldo> baseball players 1702:< WelpSigh> ~ it's over. if a merge ever does happen, there will be too many idle people and it'll almost certainly die 1702:< person7178> gee842 when? 1702:< Mcbaldo> smoke 1703:< Mcbaldo> fire 1703:< Mcbaldo> supreme leader snoke 1703:< person7178> IKnowThatJerk you have to do it outside of chat 1703:< btgarner> I thoguht the only ones left here were script runners 1704:< DadoMcT> #gov Quick update from mobile, can't reply, someone tell robin tracker thread we exist. 1704:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> % callado do you think circlejerks are a real thing? 1704:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1705:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1705:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1705:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1705:< xadrezo> #gov DadoMcT I did? 1706:< CWTyger> ELECT nigglet 1706:< CWTyger> ELECT nigglet 1707:< person7178> # necron commands dont work in chat 1708:< person7178> # necron commands dont work on channels 1708:< person7178> # necron dude 1708:< person7178> # necron thers 2969 people here 1708:< person7178> # necron ??? 1708:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1710:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1711:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 1711:< etray> NaM 1711:< figgycity50> STILL soKukun? 1711:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1712:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1712:< shokk> bippity boppity boop 1714:< likenessaltered> ELECT ElectionBot 1714:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1714:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1715:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1715:< xSke> # what the fuck is up with necron 1716:< prince_polka> + is this room active? 1717:< likenessaltered> OUR LEADER IS: ElectionBot. To vote type 'ELECT username' 1717:< 30cuts> S /tally 1717:< 30cuts> S \tally 1718:< spoonXT> % wow, i got on an airplane and forgot about this for a day, and we're still here! 1720:< moosey2> wait this chat is STILL going 1720:< moosey2> wtf 1720:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1720:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1721:< spoonXT> moosey2, amazing, innit 1721:< surelyucantbserious> The hole left by your arrow is just large enough to prevent the beast from flying! He is Grounded!! 1721:< moosey2> its been three days lol 1723:< pfumbi> http://guessthecorrelation.com/ 1725:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1725:< ivzxo> T17 OR BUST 1725:< ivzxo> T17 OR BUST 1725:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1726:< SoftSandalwood> I'm surprised the number of people voting to stay has grown so high. 1726:< spoonXT> %chat xSke, everything can't be free because people reproduce at different rates. 1729:< Wonderingwanderr> penis? hey 1729:< jeuv> ayy lmao 1730:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1730:< surelyucantbserious> #rpg I'm relatively new to this so forgive my newbishness :) 1730:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1731:< HookahComputer> Board flip 1733:< apspiderboy> hey 1733:< zeruel01> is god real? xd 1733:< apspiderboy> lost 1735:< RvDarklord> ELECT rvdarklord 1735:< Gtx780ti> ELECT Gtx780Ti 1736:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1737:< 99999999999999999989> still here 1737:< TheRumpletiltskin> god damn just stay already... 1737:< Breneno> Omg there is so many others talking I wasn't here to see hi friends 1738:< Breneno> I hate npinsker 1740:< FriendlyYak> #gov good question 1740:< UnknownFiddler> so we are gonna start voting stay tomorrow right? 1740:< FriendlyYak> #gov but maybe ccande collapes because the will have two merges in a short timeframe 1740:< FriendlyYak> #gov so the influence will be small 1741:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1741:< Breneno> is the dollar sign the new filter? 1742:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1742:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1744:< SoftSandalwood> It's like walking into a mediation room. 1745:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1745:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1745:< kulomascovia> %MH anyone here 1745:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1745:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov hello? hello? is this the sokuku government? 1746:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1746:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1746:< FriendlyYak> #gov RageFace 1746:< FriendlyYak> #gov what else 1746:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov What are we doing about keeping illegal immigrants from ccanes out of our country? 1747:< YalexTelevision> # @necron count doesn't work with the # for the channelfilter before that 1747:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov #MakesoKukuGreatAgain! 1747:< FriendlyYak> #gov we have nicer channels. we ignore the hell out of them if they annoy us 1748:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov We have a constitution? 1748:< YalexTelevision> # @necron /count doesn't work with the # for the chat before that. 2966 people are still here 1748:< FriendlyYak> #gov kieran6383 but ccande will be merging with another group 1748:< FriendlyYak> #gov kieran6383 they will be dazed and confused 1748:< gregmichael> My girlfriend and I broke up and I am devastated :/ 1748:< alylynn96> gregmichael sorry 1749:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1749:< gregmichael> alylynn96 Thank you 1749:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1749:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1749:< RvDarklord> guys Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1749:< xadrezo> #gov TheMadStorksGhost yes we have a constitution https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit?usp=s => http://nazar.so/trqg 1749:< wolf2600> Mad Martigan 1749:< theBelvidere> mad martigen 1749:< wolf2600> Mad Mardigan 1749:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1750:< gregmichael> alylynn96 sort of lost, can't sleep - ever lose the person you thought you'd sprend the rest of your life with? 1750:< alylynn96> Gregmichael no im sorry 1750:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov ccanes is socialist? 1750:< theBelvidere> graland 1750:< gregmichael> alylynn96 that is good ;) 1750:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov Do we have a delegate in ccanes? 1750:< gregmichael> alylynn96 don't want to go through this ha 1750:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1750:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov I think we need to better understand the people of ccanes before we develop a plan 1750:< theBelvidere> the valkeries 1751:< theBelvidere> valkaries 1751:< xadrezo> #gov i'm not willing to compromise our constitution one bit 1751:< gregmichael> alylynn96 http://www.instagram.com/gregorymichael 1751:< xadrezo> #gov but im not part of the government 1751:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1751:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov We need to develop a neutral space for delegates from each room to meet and collaborate on a merge plan 1751:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1751:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov Who is part of the government? 1752:< i_met_rice_boy> p sup fam 1752:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov I nominate myself to be delegate to the nation of ccanes 1752:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1753:< i_met_rice_boy> p test post 1753:< xadrezo> #gov this is the government https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/comments/4dmkpv/sokuku_government_1604_gmt/ => http://nazar.so/37tof 1753:< i_met_rice_boy> p test 1753:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1753:< xadrezo> #gov we have no systems in place for selecting delegates 1753:< Sumwann> + nope 1753:< Chrop> Why haven't you guys clicked STAY yet? What are you expecting to happen? 1754:< i_met_rice_boy> p yo, my messages arent showing up when i send them. can someone tell me if they can see this message or not 1754:< xadrezo> #gov who'll vote? 1754:< WarBlunder> #gov Americans will 1754:< RvDarklord> + Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1755:< xadrezo> #gov no no no the elders need to formalize this, its a state issue 1755:< xadrezo> #gov i have to go for now 1755:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov I led a successful grow charge against the staying scourge for 5 tiers before merging with sokuku 1755:< i_met_rice_boy> test 1755:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov I have the experience 1756:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1756:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov kieran, I think we would make a successgul delegation to the people of ccanes 1757:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov Let's put it to a vote 1757:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov Or ask the elders or whateverr 1758:< WarBlunder> #gov 1801:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1801:< visionik> hi 1801:< Asraelite> .edia Mara pet. 1801:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1802:< ViktorErikJensen> + ╠═══╣ Oh noe! It failed. 1807:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1807:< ntrefil> #pluhf woah sokuku pluhf? 1807:< truxs> % fuck i left this chat for 24 hours and it's still running 1807:< ntrefil> #pluhf i dont think so! 1808:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1812:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1812:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1812:< Lorithas> .edia Mara! 1812:< TopicallyDifferent> #gov FUNK YOU GOV 1816:< xadrezo> #gov TopicallyDifferent well that was uncalled for 1816:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1816:< Multiwagon> Relavent_Anal_Cunt Hello 1816:< xadrezo> #gov kieran6383 TheMadStorksGhost im sorry i cant help you. you just gotta wait until one of the elders is here 1817:< Asraelite> .edia Mara Lorithas 1817:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov I can wait 1817:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1817:< Asraelite> .edia Sa cole "Chinam!"? 1817:< TheMadStorksGhost> #gov It's not like we're going anywhere any time soon 1817:< Asraelite> .edia *coleri 1817:< xadrezo> #gov good to hear 1818:< xJRWR> ELECT xjrwr 1819:< Lorithas> .edia LAa 1820:< Mcbaldo> 1 1820:< Lorithas> .edia Vlen awo diwe 1820:< RoarImALiger> undefined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Until Merge: ~-1062.3 Mins! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1820:< RoarImALiger> wow people are still in here? lmao 1821:< RoarImALiger> u ppl are sad 1822:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1823:< Lorithas> .edia Tun po sla noxiide. 1823:< Asraelite> .edia Sa slari noxiide? 1823:< Asraelite> .edia Sa slari flamble? 1824:< Mcbaldo> 4.5 x 2 pennies 1825:< Lorithas> .edia Sa ran ner probaf. 1825:< Loudmouth_American> wait approved submitter? 1826:< Asraelite> .edia La, ip kala plem ner "eat". 1826:< Asraelite> .edia Sa ranari awo? 1826:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1826:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1826:< Lorithas> .edia *whoosh* 1827:< Lorithas> .edia Getting too complicated now :D 1827:< MobiusCoffee> #gov kieran6383 I actually said you were an elder, but I guess you didn't understand :( 1827:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah xadrezo was already making it at the time 1827:< xadrezo> #gov MobiusCoffee kieran6383 my bad will fix 1827:< Asraelite> .edia "We need a word for eat", "Do you have one"? 1827:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1827:< MobiusCoffee> #gov hahaha --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:28:02 2016 1828:< Asraelite> .edia Heh, no, I like it. 1828:< MobiusCoffee> #gov although you need to up your sabldiri skills if you're going to represent us >:( 1828:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yeah everyone does that 1828:< Asraelite> .edia Ok, added. 1828:< Asraelite> .edia Po nomo sa. 1829:< zorloret> BUILD THE FUCKING WALL 1829:< GriffinPrice> ivory 1829:< Lorithas> .edia Shower thought from this morning: Sabldiri should stand for something 1830:< xadrezo> #gov fixed it 1830:< Asraelite> .edia Like, a backronym? 1830:< Lorithas> .edia Off the top of my head: Sabe = choose, Sabl = chosen, diri = tongue, language 1830:< Asraelite> .edia Sabe couldn't be choose because verbs end in a consonant. 1830:< Lorithas> .edia Ahh, blame my noobishness for that :) 1830:< oyuncu13> what are some good channels 1831:< oyuncu13> thanks 1831:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message 1831:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message 1831:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1832:< Asraelite> .edia Sab = choose, sabl = chosen? 1832:< Asraelite> .edia So adding -l to verbs makes them the passive. 1832:< Lorithas> .edia Ooh, that's effiecient! 1832:< Lorithas> .edia I like it. 1832:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1832:< xadrezo> .edia so we'll make l a vowel 1832:< ixc7> .edia Mara! Slinri sabldiri fonetik treepa --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:33:02 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:33:15 2016 1833:< Asraelite> .edia Ba, ixc7 1833:< Asraelite> .edia But at some point in the future we might reform the spelling of everything to make it so. 1833:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite has wanted passives for like 3 days 1833:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :P 1833:< Merzbro> nigglets 1834:< Asraelite> .edia Also, I'm blue_flycatcher for anyone that doens't know. 1834:< Lorithas> .edia Mara MobiusCoffee! 1834:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We already have a past tense and having a "passive-suffix" would probably confuse a lot of people 1834:< MobiusCoffee> .edia aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Asraelite I thought you were two different people 1834:< Asraelite> .edia :P 1834:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara Lorithas! sa slineri joob? 1835:< MobiusCoffee> .edia interestingly I thought of Asraelite as more fun and blue_flycatcher as more serious 1835:< MobiusCoffee> #gov fona is fun so that could work. Or maybe foog fona 1835:< Asraelite> .edia Huh, I guess your username changes how you behave. 1835:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haha, in any case I'm going to eat be back in a bit 1836:< Asraelite> .edia Norro 1836:< Djinneral> .edia Mara semes 1836:< MobiusCoffee> .edia norro pu semesis! 1836:< Lorithas> .edia Po sla flamble! 1836:< Asraelite> .edia Mara Djinneral 1836:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message 1836:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message 1837:< Djinneral> .edia mara semesis 1837:< Asraelite> .edia I think if we don't have particles for verbs, it'll be hard to distinguish between some things. 1837:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1837:< Djinneral> .edia you are delicious? 1838:< Asraelite> .edia For example, "the eaten apple", "the ate apple" 1838:< Lorithas> .edia Can someone be "doing deliciously"? Should there be a word for excellent or something else beyond "good"? 1838:< Asraelite> .edia Yeah, Lorithas said he was a potato. 1838:< Asraelite> .edia Ab joob? 1838:< Lorithas> .edia Dohj 1838:< Asraelite> .edia Doj? 1838:< Asraelite> .edia What's the h for? 1838:< Lorithas> .edia Just d'oh! :D 1839:< Lorithas> .edia With bad spelling, confused over my own blindness 1839:< Asraelite> .edia Oh, thought you came up with a word for it 1840:< Lorithas> .edia Nah, its just that I even made sure to check if there's a word for "more" or "extra". Didn't think to check for "very" 1840:< ixc7> .edia $ 3 1840:< Asraelite> .edia I'm making a grammar guide for people new to Sabldiri 1840:< avocadis> % what filters are people using nowadays, havent been here in a day or two 1841:< Asraelite> .edia Wanna see? 1841:< avocadis> % test test 1841:< ixc7> .edia omg the parrot broke again 1841:< verontron> .edia 1841:< PorcelainDrum> % dunno, i just updated the script 1841:< faradaycat> demeter? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:41:37 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:41:51 2016 1841:< idiosidiot> !stats 1842:< Crix-> playin the long game #soKuku 1842:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1842:< avocadis> % merge soon? 1843:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1843:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message 1843:< OrangeredStilton> Sending another test message --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:43:12 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:45:48 2016 1845:< Asraelite> .edia Since y is pronounced like in yoyo, so maybe deaci? 1846:< avocadis> % I havent been here in a couple days, idk which channels are used 1846:< Djinneral> .edia yep 1846:< Asraelite> .edia Ok, I'll add those. 1846:< Bigbopper200> If I restart my PC, will I leave this chat? 1846:< etray> no 1846:< FriendlyYak> avocadis ^,%chat,%parrot, #gov,$,#rpg,#pol, penis/,.edia 1846:< Breve_Pup> Bigbopper200: Nope, you can go back to reddit.com/robin and you'll still be here 1846:< FriendlyYak> % avocadis ^,%chat,%parrot, #gov,$,#rpg,#pol, penis/,.edia 1847:< etray> benduker7 your reddit account is linked to this chqt so you can turn it off and on 1847:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1847:< FriendlyYak> % lol there are ppl in % 1847:< TeaBagTwat> £ Starting FREE PLAY loop. 1847:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Definitions || The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is ________. 1847:< etray> Bighopper200 1847:< Bigbopper200> Breve_Pup Good. I haven't turned it off for several days now lol 1847:< avocadis> % Okay thanks. Yeah there are some people here, it was one of the first filters. 1847:< Asraelite> .edia I'm making a grammar book for Sabldiri atm, if you want to read it for an explanation of things you can 1847:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was pharmacy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1847:< etray> i had wrong autocomplete sorry 1847:< robdob> Koi-pond Shut up forever 1848:< Asraelite> .edia https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zYGCJOSdJvRsBhOYdjYER6DiI1ot4JgA2_Cl0_-M7eM => http://nazar.so/1vqtq 1848:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Language || What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean? 1848:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1848:< xormx> digglets 1848:< FriendlyYak> % true. but i think now it's just you and Alex2539 bot 1848:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was black pool! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1848:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1848:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played Kevin Hathaway on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'? 1848:< FriendlyYak> % avocadis please come to %chat 1849:< etray> nigglet was the first one i muted 1849:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Pat Sajak! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1849:< xormx> nigglet is the "ni" in smkkakmaniana 1849:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Geography || Frankfort is the capital of which state? 1849:< TeaBagTwat> £ Germany 1849:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1849:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Kentucky! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1850:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite "The ate apple" "The eaten apple" isn't really an important distinction. We don't need to just copy English :D 1850:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Science || He wrote "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" in 1948. 1850:< Asraelite> .edia Ok, I'll leave it for now and if it becomes an issue later we can deal with it then. 1850:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Alfred Kinsey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1850:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Forrest ____ liked shrimp. 1850:< TeaBagTwat> £ Gump 1850:**** MobiusCoffee .edia thumbs up 1851:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Gump! Correct users:      £TeaBagTwat           (4), TeaBagTwat           (3) 1851:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Botany || The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________. 1851:< likenessaltered> Cancer 1851:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was grafting! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1851:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 1851:< MobiusCoffee> .edia also Asraelite that grammar guide is great :D 1852:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: History || On what date did America become an independant nation? 1852:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1852:< Asraelite> .edia Snala 1852:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was July 4th, 1776! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1852:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sla tessem 1852:< TeaBagTwat> £ HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (382), fazaden (110), Savolainen5 (105), FUS_ROALD_DAHL (101), je4d (96), KaitRaven (89), GazerOfStars (63), Op... 1852:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Flamble is a good word. kieran6383, sa sla foog flamble 1852:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1852:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Medicine || Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle? 1853:< TeaBagTwat> Ear 1853:< TeaBagTwat> Finger 1853:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was ear! Correct users:       TeaBagTwat           (4) 1853:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1853:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Literature || What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:53:48 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:53:54 2016 1853:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Popular Science! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1854:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Music || Ian Gillain is the singer for this legendary band 1854:< eksorXx> SeExZa so close.. yet so far 1854:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Deep Purple! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1854:< Lorithas> .edia Big delicious? Sounds like a pimp name. 1854:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1854:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: History || Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875? 1854:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite the title I think is clearer as "Guplemis ku Sabldiri ku Bat Clem Heta Joob Kakmanchulan ner Noxiides" 1855:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Pocahontas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1855:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Pocahontas! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1855:< MobiusCoffee> .edia also I love "bat clem heta joob" that's a great sab way of saying concise :D 1855:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Nature || What travels in gaggles? 1855:< nickyface> ffin 1855:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was geese! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1855:< Asraelite> .edia Yeah, I had to improvise lots of stuff for that title. 1856:< Asraelite> .edia I'll change it to what you suggested. 1856:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Was Shirley Temple 21, 25 or 29 when she made her last film? 1856:< alylynn96> £ 21 1856:< TeaBagTwat> 21 1856:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was 21! Correct users: alylynn96            (4), TeaBagTwat           (6) 1856:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Mathematics || An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be _________. 1856:< alylynn96> £ obtuse 1856:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sla joob! :D 1856:< TeaBagTwat> £ Obtuse 1857:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was obtuse! Correct users: alylynn96            (8), TeaBagTwat           (9) 1857:< MrBabalafe> # /count 1857:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Food and Drink || The agave cactus is the source of which liquor? 1857:< alylynn96> £ agave 1857:< ViktorErikJensen> £ tequila 1857:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was tequila! Correct users: ViktorErikJensen     (4) 1857:< ViktorErikJensen> £ Also Booooo! 1857:< Lorithas> .edia "bat clem heta joob" actually laughed a little, please have http://i.imgur.com/sy9lVl4.jpg 1857:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1857:< TeaBagTwat> £ HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (382), fazaden (110), Savolainen5 (105), FUS_ROALD_DAHL (101), je4d (96), KaitRaven (89), GazerOfStars (63), 3x... 1858:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest city in Canada. 1858:< alylynn96> £ toronto 1858:< Asraelite> .edia Snala 1858:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1858:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Toronto! Correct users: alylynn96            (12) 1858:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: History || Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995? 1858:< alylynn96> £ new york 1859:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Belfast, Northern Ireland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1859:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Fish || A goldfish has a memory of how many seconds? 1859:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was three! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1859:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1859:< ViktorErikJensen> £ That's incorrect 1900:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Music || What was Elvis Presley's wife's name? 1900:< Lorithas> .edia Sla tossem! 1900:< MobiusCoffee> .edia j;kldsfjlajskds 1900:< TeaBagTwat> £ Thanks for playing the quiz however Im using this channel to experiment with the code so It will keep stopping. 1900:< MobiusCoffee> .edia stupid robin always saying it can't send messages 1900:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Priscilla! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1900:< MobiusCoffee> .edia kieran6383 the problem with that is it's no longer obvious to people who just know the basic vocab 1900:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw? 1901:< TeaBagTwat> £ If you want to do the quiz go to channel '$' 1901:< Djinneral> .edia bat clem heta joob means "not long is good"right? 1901:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1901:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars"? 1901:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah I agree 1901:< MobiusCoffee> .edia "not long but good" 1901:< Djinneral> .edia ahh 1901:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Wookiee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1901:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: Video Games || "Donkey Kong 64" appeared on the Nintendo 64 in which year? 1902:< Djinneral> .edia we have long and big, but what about small and short? 1902:< Lorithas> .edia I love the irony of "concise" being four words 1902:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Lorithas I loved that too personally :P 1902:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was 1999! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1902:< TeaBagTwat> £ CATEGORY: History || Two 747's collided here in 1977. 1902:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1902:< riobh> £ Tenerife 1903:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1903:< TeaBagTwat> £ The answer was Canary Islands! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1903:< ViktorErikJensen> £ stupid bot 1903:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Starting FREE PLAY loop. 1903:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1903:< alylynn96> £ hes experimenting with the code, go to $ to play 1903:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is a "hole-in-one" possible? 1903:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1903:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1903:< ViktorErikJensen> £ Why? 1903:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Golf 1904:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show? 1904:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Tim Curry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1904:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the term "love" used? 1904:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1904:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ tennis 1905:< Djinneral> .edia the letter z is annoying to pronounce though 1905:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was tennis! Correct users: ViktorErikJensen     (8) 1905:< Djinneral> .edia better! 1905:< etray> !fr bon bah 1905:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Queen Amidala in the latest 'Star Wars' film? 1905:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haaha 1905:< etray> !fr fromage svp 1905:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'll add that 1905:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Natalie Portman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1906:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Science || On the Moh Hardness scale what has a hardness of 10? 1906:< MobiusCoffee> .edia then small 1906:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ diamonds 1906:< Djinneral> .edia quality controlling a made up language is funny 1906:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Diamond! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1906:< cthul_dude> %parrot Is the most recent parrot build stable? 1906:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Philosophy || Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in "The Republic"? 1906:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1906:< SarcastaRandy> elect nigglet 1906:< MobiusCoffee> .edia someone got rid of the words for second and hour that EDIASEMES came up with 1907:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :O 1907:< Lorithas> .edia I can't stop following the process here :D 1907:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Plato! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1907:< Asraelite> .edia Yeah, I noticed those gone too 1907:< Asraelite> .edia Do you remember what they were? 1907:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a chronometer measure? 1907:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah, readded them 1907:< Djinneral> .edia well since big is foog 1907:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ time 1907:< pfumbi> time 1907:< Breve_Pup> %parrot Yeah I'm using 3.22 and it's been good 1907:< figgycity50> hi 1907:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Time! Correct users: pfumbi               (4), ViktorErikJensen     (11) 1907:< Djinneral> .edia small would use vowels like "i" 1907:< etray> !fr un deux trois 1908:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: General Knowledge || The only place in the world where one can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic ... 1908:< Djinneral> .edia like skin 1908:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1908:< Overunderscore> % who doesn't like taylor swift! 1908:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I like iko 1908:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Panama! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1908:< Djinneral> .edia nice I like that 1908:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1908:< Lorithas> .edia +1 1908:< MobiusCoffee> .edia added hoooooo 1908:< Asraelite> .edia Is ediasemes the name of the guy who made those words? 1908:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (382), fazaden (110), Savolainen5 (105), FUS_ROALD_DAHL (101), je4d (96), KaitRaven (89), GazerOfStars (63), Op... 1908:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1908:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Geography || This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean. 1909:< Djinneral> .edia ediasemes is our shaman 1909:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1909:< alylynn96> £ equator 1909:< Djinneral> .edia it stands for origin friend 1909:< SalZoRz> % 1909:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was international date line! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1909:< SalZoRz> % chat has slowed down a ton 1909:< Asraelite> .edia So it's not a user? 1909:< Djinneral> .edia no it is a user, ot 1910:< Djinneral> .edia he's called dashed, we elected him a couple hours ago 1910:< MobiusCoffee> .edia HE IS THE GREAT EDIASEMES 1910:< tambry> % Should I be leaving my computer on during the night? 1910:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1910:< Asraelite> .edia oh, dashed, just needed to know for the etymology page 1910:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah I'm really bad at adding people to the eytmology page. 1911:< Lorithas> .edia Where did we land on "choose" and "tongue"? 1912:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1912:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1912:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was brown! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1912:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Russian America! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1912:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom? 1913:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was John! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1913:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1913:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: History || George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco? 1913:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ probably pot 1913:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'm chaing the Is to is in the google doc because people keep thinking they 're ls 1913:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was peanuts and sweet potatoes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1913:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1913:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1913:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (382), fazaden (110), Savolainen5 (105), FUS_ROALD_DAHL (101), je4d (96), KaitRaven (89), GazerOfStars (63), Op... 1913:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1914:< Asraelite> .edia Krom 1914:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Sport || He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season. 1914:< Asraelite> .edia We could also change the font. 1914:< skootz> Wayne Gretzky 1914:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was Wayne Gretzky! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1914:< skootz> WAT 1914:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Not telling ;-P || What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline? 1915:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1915:< MobiusCoffee> .edia concise is "bunt heta joob" no need to create a 1:1 correlation with all English words :d 1915:< MobiusCoffee> .edia * :D 1916:< Djinneral> .edia might as well 1917:< Djinneral> .edia they're cultural loanwords 1917:< MobiusCoffee> .edia or like "sablize" it 1917:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1917:< Djinneral> .edia same for words like computer and internet, you would just use the internet for those 1917:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah something like that 1917:< Djinneral> .edia *you would just use the english variant for those 1917:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ rocks 1917:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Djinneral not all langauges do that 1918:< ViktorErikJensen> ¿ nice rocks 1918:< Djinneral> .edia that's true 1918:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1918:< MobiusCoffee> .edia but really, that's not an issue for us at the moment 1918:< Djinneral> .edia I just know that my native language does that 1918:< Djinneral> .edia due to the language not having modernized really 1918:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1919:< sotricious> where did the tabs go? 1919:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1919:< Djinneral> .edia when would we ever use schadenfreude lol 1919:< MobiusCoffee> .edia frodo? 1919:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1919:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's one of those words reddit loves to say all the time but no one uses 1919:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahahaha 1920:< MobiusCoffee> .edia semes 1920:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I forget who said it but "clem semes" for family and old friend is great 1920:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah it is 1920:**** Wonderingwanderr % Blue is the only color which maintains its character in all of its tones. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1920:< sotricious> help anyone where did the tabs go? 1920:< MobiusCoffee> .edia under potato 1920:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Starting FREE PLAY loop. 1921:< hipsterslap> % yooo 1921:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Test5 || Type the number 5 1921:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ 5 1921:< MobiusCoffee> .edia a foog semes like yourself needs to know these things! :P 1921:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was 5! Correct users: TeaBagTwat           (17) 1921:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Test2 || Type the number 2 1921:< hipsterslap> % I've been away for two days and this is still here. holy crap. And .edia is still alive? I'm proud. 1921:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ 2 1922:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Djinneral if you don't mind my asking, what is your native language? 1922:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was 2! Correct users: TeaBagTwat           (21) 1922:< Djinneral> .edia somali 1922:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Test4 || Type the number 4 1922:< MobiusCoffee> .edia kieran6383 snala, po eke 1922:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ ¿ 4 1922:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was 4! Correct users: TeaBagTwat           (25) 1922:< hipsterslap> .edia I just want to say I was gone for two days and .edia is still alive and I'm really proud 1922:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1922:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Djinneral sla joob! 1923:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Test1 || Type the number 1 1923:< sotricious> hello? anyone here? 1923:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ 1 1923:< Djinneral> .edia snala! 1923:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1923:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was 1! Correct users: TeaBagTwat           (29) 1923:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sla tessem :D 1923:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ CATEGORY: Test3 || Type the number 3 1923:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hipsterslap Mara! Po slari joob? 1923:< bickster69> 3 1923:**** Wonderingwanderr % Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1924:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ The answer was 3! Correct users: bickster69           (4), TeaBagTwat           (32) 1924:< Purkox> hanz 1924:< Djinneral> .edia nah london, there's loads of us in minnesota though 1925:< MobiusCoffee> .edia You'll be happy to see sabldiri is the official language of the government of sokuku! 1925:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hipsterslap https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01 => http://nazar.so/9bern 1925:< hipsterslap> .edia I have to brush up on more of it. I helped make some of it. 1925:< Djinneral> .edia I suggest xax for hot 1925:< Djinneral> .edia with the x being a guttural h like in greek 1925:< Empyrealist> anyone else have problems channel filtering? 1926:< MobiusCoffee> .edia xax and viga added! 1926:< hipsterslap> .edia How is the government of Edia doing? I'll check the sub. Last I checked Decalance was Kaiser 1926:< Lorithas> .edia Djinneral kieran6383 too complicated if I suggest take it from sun and moon, add a word for temperature? 1926:< Djinneral> .edia I leave it to you then! 1926:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1926:**** hairy_gogonuts slaps you around a bit with a large trout 1926:< Asraelite> .edia I think x is pronounced sh Djinneral 1927:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah it's pronounced sh in sab, but it still works 1927:< sotricious> and have no tabs. parrot. sometime i press enter with a word in in and it comes out as an empty msg 1927:< MobiusCoffee> .edia "shash" sounds pretty cool 1927:< hipsterslap> .edia Asraelite how've you been? 1927:< Asraelite> .edia Pretty good 1927:**** Wonderingwanderr % We saw. We came. We conquered. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 1927:< hipsterslap> .edia Glad to hear it 1927:< Breve_Pup> sotricious Try updating to 3.22 1927:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hipsterslap Edia has pretty much fully merged with sokuku as far as I can tell 1927:< Asraelite> .edia Helping keep the language going. 1927:< BudTheSlug> So close 1928:< hipsterslap> .edia MobiusCoffee I see, The Grow giveth and taketh away. 1928:< FriendlyYak> %parrot cthul_dude yes 1928:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha, I was never a part of it really until the big merge with kuprlits 1928:< Adinida> % lol how am I still in this chat 1929:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1929:< etray> 99 out of 100? 1929:< Asraelite> .edia I know, /x/ but there are some words that already rely on it being pronounced sh such as "inglix" 1930:< Djinneral> .edia ahh fair enough, it needs to be consistent 1930:< MobiusCoffee> .edia xax still looks really cool 1930:< svlad> .edia I don't see why it needs to be consistent 1930:< svlad> .edia deux and box are different 1931:< svlad> .edia and c had k and s sounds 1931:< MobiusCoffee> .edia > 2 different langauges 1931:< Asraelite> .edia It's already pretty inconsistent, but there's no point intentionally confusing people even more 1931:< MobiusCoffee> .edia > consistent 1931:< Asraelite> .edia Some would go pronouncing "inglix" as "inglich" or something then 1932:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1932:< MobiusCoffee> .edia there are a lot of ways to write things in sabldiri that result in the same sound so you can play around with that 1932:< Djinneral> .edia hello 1933:< theBelvidere> iron butterfly 1933:< Djinneral> .edia someone jumped on my laptop and wrote hello 1933:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Djinneral Col sa "mara" ner tup! 1933:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1933:< theBelvidere> Flush 1933:< Viperavirus> only 2964, weaksauce 1934:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1935:< theBelvidere> dam so close 1935:< Djinneral> .edia see you "Hello" for he? 1935:< theBelvidere> Huey Lewis 1935:< MobiusCoffee> .edia oops, I meant: Soj sa "mara" ner tup! 1935:< MobiusCoffee> .edia "Say 'hello' to him/her!" 1936:< theBelvidere> Reale 1936:< Djinneral> .edia ahh 1937:< theBelvidere> Goldfinger 1937:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1938:< theBelvidere> AU 1938:< Chaoss780> Woohoo /\/ATIO/\/ 1938:< mtriper> and tomorrow will still be tomorrow 1939:< AbyssalOfTheEast> % damn, we are getting close to t17, as well as the deadline 1939:**** Liquid-Fire panics --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 19:41:58 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 19:42:30 2016 1942:< kr0mka> VapeNation 1942:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1943:< NamePsychic> % abandoning parrot to go back to Grow. every time I walk away chrome freezes and I'm afraid I'll get booted if we merge. 1944:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1944:< dsty292> GROW GROW GROW 1944:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1947:< TheCountryoftheNo> This is the most absurd thing I have read in a long while: https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4di8so/the_case_for_voting_stay => http://nazar.so/s760 1947:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1948:< What-the-curtains> .edia If pu is my, do we have words for your/his/our etc., or do we just use sa ku, bok ku etc.? 1949:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1949:< GlowWolf> Hello all! ❤️ 1949:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1950:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1951:< Asraelite> .edia Only pu, the rest use ku. 1951:< Asraelite> .edia Ku sa, ku bok etc. 1951:< What-the-curtains> .edia ah alright 1951:< GlowWolf> % whats your best estimate for the merge? 1952:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1952:< What-the-curtains> .edia What's wajazaw? 1953:< What-the-curtains> .edia ah 1954:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1955:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1955:< FriendlyYak> % GlowWolf why would you post here? where only bots play? 1956:< peacecorn> y YaNiNi filter is Y 1957:< Chaoss780> lol 1957:< peacecorn> % YaNiNi filter is Y 1958:< ExpertExpert> corn 1958:< theBelvidere> Liverputian 1958:< ExpertExpert> akakakaaka 1958:< ExpertExpert> a 1958:< ExpertExpert> corn 1959:< theBelvidere> Langley, VA 1959:< ExpertExpert> when do we merge? 1959:< ExpertExpert> corn 1959:< OrangeredStilton> "Tomorrow" 1959:< OrangeredStilton> We've been saying "tomorrow" for three days now 2000:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2001:< theBelvidere> November 2002:< theBelvidere> Boston 2002:< theBelvidere> San Francisco 2003:< theBelvidere> Lettuce 2003:< theBelvidere> lettuce 2004:**** anticrash voted to GROW 2004:< MobiusCoffee> .edia poo on loo no one hoo, poo on jew everyone kazoo <- That is too British for me to understand kieran6383 2005:< Asraelite> .edia Oh, "sab" is sabldiri 2005:< theBelvidere> Poker 2005:< alylynn96> p FluffyBunnyIsFluffy yeah i have it i just dont see penis/ before my messages anymore 2005:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite yeah it's what the hip kids are saying 2005:< Asraelite> .edia Yeah, we don't have words for half of that kieran6383 2005:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2005:< Asraelite> .edia And I don't understand the other half. 2006:< Music_monkey> music music everywhere! https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2006:< oOYokersOo> I believe tomorrow is merge dayh 2009:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2009:< alylynn96> p %chat record yourself singing the national anthem and send it to us 2010:< alylynn96> p %chat it was a test 2010:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2010:< dsty292> ELECT nigglet 2010:< etray> ViktorErikJensen yeah i can see it now 2011:< atsu333> we got an estimate for merge? 2012:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2012:< xadrezo> #gov hey guys 2012:< Asraelite> .edia So, does noxiide mean beginner? 2012:< xadrezo> #gov https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1sl5im?context=3 => http://nazar.so/2zhqw 2012:< xadrezo> #gov i dont know how to handle this 2013:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite You just defined it that way? 2013:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'm fine with it. I tink it's a fun way to say it :D 2013:< DrWinters> % i knew it was gonna be that and i still clicked it 2013:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2014:< DrWinters> % i knew it was gonna be that and i still clicked onn it 2014:< MobiusCoffee> #gov They're not even doing that here in robin! 2014:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I would say respond with "Jid Grow Foog Ediasemes!" 2014:< DrWinters> test 2015:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :P 2015:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2015:< murder_of_jackdaws> :( we must end 2015:< Asraelite> .edia Alright, I'm gonna go. 2015:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Asraelite, do you think "one of us" should be "awo ku ip" or another preposition 2015:< MobiusCoffee> .edia oh alright :P norro 2015:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2015:< Asraelite> .edia what's your email so I can add you to the doc? 2015:< xadrezo> #gov they are pissed that only %chat was "targetted" 2016:< MobiusCoffee> .edia jmbauer3@gmail.com 2016:< tallulha> % yo 2016:< xadrezo> #gov i assumed that most people listen to %chat, but i seem to be wrong 2016:< MobiusCoffee> #gov they probably just weren't here 2016:< Asraelite> .edia Krom, norro ner tun. 2016:< MobiusCoffee> #gov especially they haven't called you out here 2016:< Asraelite> .edia And yeah, change it to awo. 2016:< MobiusCoffee> #gov tell them they can make any grevences in #gov 2016:< TheDoctor_RS> #gov I always have this open, sadly it isnt active. 2016:< AWildBull> $ trump 2017:**** MobiusCoffee .edia thumbs up 2017:< MobiusCoffee> .edia norro! 2017:< murder_of_jackdaws> posotrons ur bot suks 2018:< MobiusCoffee> #gov xad, lolzep is talking in penis/ rightnow! 2018:< ownage516> Kappa 2018:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2018:< MobiusCoffee> #gov they're complaining about everything there :P 2019:**** anticrash voted to GROW 2019:< Worryaboutstuff> Lul 2019:< ilove42> How many humans are there ? 2019:< Sorbetfraise> 5 2019:< xadrezo> #gov what do they want to be changed? 2020:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2020:< MobiusCoffee> #gov they're dirty memers, they want more rare pepes 2020:< MobiusCoffee> #gov :P 2020:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2021:< xadrezo> #gov next thing theyll say is that we are illuminati or something 2021:< xadrezo> #gov Δ Δ Δ 2023:< aythrea> %Chat That was odd. 2023:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2024:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2025:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2025:< AWildBull> # moon 2026:< AWildBull> # moon and sun 2026:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2026:< Wezpa> After we merge we will go for "Stay" right? 2027:< DrWinters> wezpa no 2027:< Boerontosaurus> p Hey there 2027:< Wezpa> Nooo? 2027:< DrWinters> keep growing 2027:< Wezpa> Nobody will be able to outgrow us in 1 day. 2027:< Wezpa> this will close on the 9 2027:< baseball44121> % we should be merging today 2028:< Lord_Renwod> # Wow 2028:< Lord_Renwod> # dear god we haven't merged yet 2029:< GriffinPrice> Uncle Tom's Cabin 2031:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2033:< alylynn96> #gov pretty sure that was an admission. Illuminati confirmed. 2034:**** MobiusCoffee #gov slides alylynn96 a bribe 2034:< MobiusCoffee> #gov you didn't see anything 2034:< xadrezo> #gov those were deltas... im not an illuminati member... 2035:**** alylynn96 #gov s its only $2.31 gives it back 2036:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2036:< Thomasedv> Still waiting 2037:< Stelzig> % Banana 2037:< MobiusCoffee> #gov awww man 2037:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2038:< Lolzep> #gov I updated the tracking thread to include a government section if anyone cares... 2038:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Lolzep Snala! 2039:< AviN456> ELECT ElectionBot 2039:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Lolzep, on a serious note. Thanks for keeping that thread up to date. You've done a lot of work for this silly thing. 2039:< Forgot-My-Name_again> hello 2039:< Forgot-My-Name_again> hollo 2039:< Lolzep> #gov Thanks! c: 2039:< Adinida> % Peaman is dead, press F to pay respects 2039:< Lord_Renwod> # 2039:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sla tossem :D 2039:< Adinida> % F 2040:< xadrezo> #gov its 22:39, gtg. 2040:< MobiusCoffee> #gov that's oddly specific? 2040:< xadrezo> #gov yes i like specific time 2040:< xadrezo> #gov in reality i had to go 9 minutes ago 2040:**** Lord_Renwod # #rpg casually tosses in the loot pile with a look of absolute boredom 2041:< xadrezo> #gov sooooo yea. bye 2041:< Adinida> Peaman is dead, press F to pay respects 2041:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Norro! 2041:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2042:< Fagbutt6969> it's up to fuck bees 2042:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2043:< Internal1> %parrot https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=relative => http://nazar.so/8yy1c 2043:< Internal1> %parrot When two rooms reach tier 13 the domino will start 2043:< prince_polka> + is this channel dead? 2043:< Stelzig> % chat Banana 2044:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2046:< hagbard-celine> ELECT ElectionBot 2046:< Lord_Renwod> # Freaking level 3 2046:< Stelzig> % chat but do we have banana's 2046:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2047:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2049:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2050:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 1 2050:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 3201 in this room! Voting will end soon 2050:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 4 2050:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 4 2050:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 4 2051:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 4 2051:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2051:< TheDoctor_RS> %parrot And how long will that take? 2052:< sabotourAssociate> % plebs 2052:< sabotourAssociate> % pleeeeeeebs 2052:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2052:< sabotourAssociate> %whaat 2053:< sabotourAssociate> % why can I 2053:< Inconclusively> test 2053:< Boerontosaurus> p The problem is we have no 13's right now 2053:< sabotourAssociate> test 2054:< sabotourAssociate> agh 2054:< Boerontosaurus> p test 2054:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2054:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2055:< LadySiara> Christ, it still hasn't merged? 2056:< snowburst> /whois jbdawinna 2057:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2058:< sotricious> test 2059:< FontPeg> AND HIS NAME IS.......... 2059:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2059:< FontPeg> JOHN CENA 2100:< CommanderCorndog> % There are a bunch of people in T1s with stay bots going 2100:< Internal1> %parrot we will have to stay IF we don't get there in time 2101:< ViktorErikJensen> @ What does this bot do? 2101:< Internal1> %parrot who the hell is in flockdraw? it's like a 5 year old's drawing 2102:< PanRagon> % No channel filters anymore :O 2102:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2102:< Internal1> %parrot all fine, we made a wide estimate of another 28hours until merge 2102:< jollywalrus9> % #RateMyJeep http://i.imgur.com/SV1LqSr.jpg 2104:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL o/ ninja 2104:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2105:< dahakon> I miss the rains down in AAAAAFRICAA! 2105:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL joow :) 2105:< dahakon> so many bots 2105:< Boerontosaurus> p Goodnight 2106:< Abandonedapple> elect electionbot 2107:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2107:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2107:< SirJelly> wow this room still hasn't grown 2107:< StellaQuartaDecima> My cat is an asshole. 2107:< SirJelly> in fact it has shrunk 2107:< btgarner> will be a while before it can grow 2108:< Dandelion212> trees 2108:< alazz> am i ded? 2108:< StellaQuartaDecima> Yes 2108:< alazz> ✪ 2108:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Hello 2108:< btgarner> there is aT15 and a T14 out there, but we need 3 more t14s 2108:< alazz> merge? 2108:< vox35> % #chat OK sorry, I missed that part 2109:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2109:< Boerontosaurus> p test 2109:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2109:< vox35> % #chat OK thanks @interval1 I missed that part 2109:< btgarner> i do not think it is going to happen, we have all been stalled 2110:**** neeph is not a number 2110:**** neeph is a free man 2110:**** neeph is still here 2111:< btgarner> ⌡∞┘╝ 2111:< StellaQuartaDecima> I love fried chicken 2111:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 1 2111:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 1 2111:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 1 2111:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ Test message 1 2111:< SirJelly> % lol 2112:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2112:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2113:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2114:< PanRagon> % oh 2114:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2116:< mythriz> awesome :) 2117:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2117:< thrwwhr> ELECT ElectionBot 2117:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 2118:< rookie_e> !stats 2118:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2118:< KingShiggidy> hello freinds 2119:< woohoo> Just want to say in advance that I'm sorry for this. 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌 2121:< half_slice7> meh 2122:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2122:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ 2122:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Have you guys seen this? http://strawpoll.me/7299408 2122:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2123:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2124:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2125:< Sande24> T16 is T(2^2^2) bitches. 2125:**** sotricious vote SPINACH 2126:< Sande24> %it took 24 hours to complete 24 hours ago lol 2127:< LittleEmmy> So, is there a character limit for subreddit names? Otherwise, what's to stop us from making it ourselves? 2127:**** neeph is still here 2127:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2129:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2131:< Firengineer> % I think a lot of people will stay on T17 2131:< Firengineer> % I don't see why T17 wouldn't be possible 2132:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2132:< Firengineer> % Split, and Abandon could win 2133:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2136:< shy> <3 uhm 2137:< nuu> <3 hello shy 2137:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2138:< shy> <3 hi nuu 2138:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2138:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2138:< nuu> <3 is this the 3 character username channel 2138:< shy> <3 yes 2138:< andreaplanbee> <3 hello 2138:< shy> <3 GTFO NON3LETTERER 2138:< andreaplanbee> <3 sorry you can call me apb 2138:< shy> <3 good idea 2138:< nuu> <3 hmm 2138:< XOrAcLeX> VAGINA 2139:**** nuu <3 voted for APB 2139:< andreaplanbee> <3 i love the <3 channel pls don kick me ;__; 2139:< shy> <3 what about plan a? 2139:< andreaplanbee> <3 plan a was a bust 2139:< shy> <3 plan ayy 2139:< shy> <3 that could be your alt 2139:< andreaplanbee> <3 haha it has been 2139:< andreaplanbee> <3 on irc in the past 2139:< shy> <3 RATELIMIT | you are doing that too much. try again in 999 milliseconds. 2139:< shy> <3 stupid thing 2140:< andreaplanbee> <3 ratelimit is a jerk 2140:< Captaincous21> % when is the merge 2140:< shy> <3 :( 2140:< andreaplanbee> <3 :( 2141:< andreaplanbee> <3 hows it goin 2141:< shy> <3 staring at a wall 2142:< andreaplanbee> <3 im pretty good at that 2142:< shy> <3 hahaha 2142:< andreaplanbee> <3 the trick is actually not staring directly at the wall but at the empty space between you and the wall 2142:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2142:< shy> <3 noted 2143:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2144:**** neeph is still here 2144:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2144:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2144:< stormagnet> <3 hi guys :) 2144:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2144:< shy> <3 hi hi 2145:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2145:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2145:< yetami> ELECT yetami 2146:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2146:< caecias> % I'll stay on 4/8 2146:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ TEST 2147:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2147:< Sorbetfraise> . 2148:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2149:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Vad sen det blev 2149:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2150:< Icunary> meatball meatball spaghetti underneath 2150:< andreaplanbee> <3 hihi 2152:< andreaplanbee> <3 hows it going, chill room? 2152:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee hey again 2152:< andreaplanbee> hihi FriendlyYak 2152:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2153:< FriendlyYak> <3 this is a room now? 2154:< shy> <3 ya 2154:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2155:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah we started using it yesterday 2156:< andreaplanbee> <3 i mean justa little bit but im really trying to make it a thing 2156:< andreaplanbee> <3 because it is a good idea, especially when %chat turns into daddy roleplay at 3am 2156:< lordxeon> still here I see 2156:< lordxeon> when will we merge? 2156:< FriendlyYak> <3 lol ok 2156:< shy> <3 i like this filter over the other ones 2156:< HookahComputer> Tonto 2156:< FriendlyYak> <3 did not know it get's that bad 2156:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2157:< andreaplanbee> <3 same 2157:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2157:< andreaplanbee> <3 it got pretty weird last night ill be honest 2157:< FriendlyYak> <3 oh ok 2157:< andreaplanbee> <3 but thats the great thing about having filters 2157:< FriendlyYak> <3 HerbPerve 2157:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2157:< FriendlyYak> <3 i mean, yes totally true 2157:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2158:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2158:< lizardom> link to the leaderboard please? 2158:< Smartstocks> hi 2159:< andreaplanbee> <3 soo apparently reddits got a block user feature now 2159:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2159:< andreaplanbee> <3 i thought there already was one 2159:< Smartstocks> <3 2159:< andreaplanbee> <3 oh they just updated it 2201:**** neeph is still here 2201:< andreaplanbee> <3 > links in listings removed by default (disabled for moderators) 2201:< andreaplanbee> <3 > comments in listings/trees removed by default (disabled for moderators) 2201:< andreaplanbee> <3 these are good, the disabled for mods thing 2202:< andreaplanbee> <3 i always thought it was funny how the block user feature was one mods couldnt really use but needed the most 2204:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2204:< --jp--> how many autists here ? 2204:< CWTyger> ELECT CWTyger 2204:< CWTyger> ELECT CWTyger 2205:< CWTyger> ELECT CWTyger 2206:< FriendlyYak> #gov https://strawpoll.me/7299408/r 2208:< pjeb> ELECT pjeb 2208:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2208:< DeyTa> <3 this is confirmed the best chat in robin 2209:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa !! 2209:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2209:< stormagnet> <3 ;3 2209:< DeyTa> <3 apb! 2209:< andreaplanbee> <3 let us be nice and chill in this room 2209:< DeyTa> <3 hi stormagnet 2209:< andreaplanbee> <3 2209:< FriendlyYak> <3 it is nice 2209:< DeyTa> <3 and yak the friendly yak 2210:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2210:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2210:< Prolougey> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/ 2210:< andreaplanbee> <3 i need to refill my coffee 2210:< DeyTa> <3 apb got the link to the live stats? 2210:< DeyTa> <3 oh nvm got it 2211:< stormagnet> <3 DeyTa even better- update parrot 2211:< DeyTa> <3 was lost in my dozens of tabs 2211:< stormagnet> <3 they're in the sidebar now :D 2211:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2211:< DeyTa> <3 oooo 2211:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2211:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa here is also a more detailed tracker https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/7lx60 2211:< stormagnet> <3 there's a real nice train setting up too 2212:< DeyTa> <3 thanks 2212:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2212:< DeyTa> <3 just updated to 3.24 2212:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> dick_sanitizer phew! So, I guess there is no reason to stay now, is there? 2212:< andreaplanbee> <3 oh dang im still on 3.00 2212:< stormagnet> <3 innit shiny? 2212:< stormagnet> <3 the devs are sorcerers 2212:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2212:< FriendlyYak> <3 ^ ? 2212:< DeyTa> <3 indeed 2213:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ function randomMessage() { return facts[Math.floor(Math.random()*facts.length)]; } 2213:< andreaplanbee> <3 ok now i am on 3.24 2213:< stormagnet> <3 sleepless SORCERERS i am telling you 2213:< FriendlyYak> <3 stormagnet true 2213:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ function randomMessage() { return facts[Math.floor(Math.random()*facts.length)]; } 2213:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ function randomMessage() { return facts[Math.floor(Math.random()*facts.length)]; } 2213:< stormagnet> <3 cannot gild them enough srsly 2213:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ function randomMessage() { return facts[Math.floor(Math.random()*facts.length)]; } 2213:< andreaplanbee> <3 i hope they all get gold or something else nice 2213:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ New video uploaded by reddit for the explanation of Robin: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?t=18s. [w] 2214:< TeaBagTwat> ¿ New version of parrot (reddit grow) has been released: https://goo.gl/i6EaXp 2214:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2214:< stormagnet> <3 andreaplanbee I've been gilding 'em :3 2214:< andreaplanbee> <3 bless you 2214:< FriendlyYak> <3 stormagnet nice 2215:< stormagnet> <3 lol my cat is jealous of Robin 2215:< DeyTa> <3 lol 2215:**** stormagnet <3 holds laptop in air to type 2215:< DeyTa> <3 according to apb's link we need 34 more T8s O_O 2216:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2217:< FriendlyYak> <3 DeyTa we seem to have a steady stream of new tiers 2218:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa o_o 2218:**** neeph is still here 2218:< pjeb> how much till t17 ? 2218:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah ive been helping seed lower tiers 2218:< DeyTa> <3 i got to a tier7 last night before abandoning 2218:< DeyTa> <3 starting again now gonna try to reach tier 8 2218:< FriendlyYak> <3 DeyTa i'm in one right now 2218:< andreaplanbee> <3 i muted half a room at tier 4 because everyone was roleplaying peeing on me 2218:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2218:< DeyTa> <3 wtf why on earth 2218:< andreaplanbee> <3 i have no idea! 2219:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee uhm what?! 2219:< andreaplanbee> <3 all i had said was that they should install parrot 2219:< andreaplanbee> <3 and then i waited for them to be done and i said, 2219:< dancetilsunday> HOLY CRAP THIS IS STILL GOING? 2219:< andreaplanbee> <3 "so anyway parrot also has a mute feature which is really cool too, R.I.P." 2219:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee that sounds pretty crazy, even for reddit 2219:< DeyTa> <3 lol 2219:< CWTyger> Yes, this is still going. 2219:< DeyTa> <3 can you use parrot on incognito? 2219:< andreaplanbee> <3 man i have seen some crazy shit while bouncing around at lower tiers 2220:< DeyTa> <3 don't wanna mess with this one 2220:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa yes 2221:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2221:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee are your alt's obviously female? 2221:< andreaplanbee> <3 nah my alt is randofriendo 2221:< andreaplanbee> <3 they were calling me 'he' as they peed on me lol 2222:< andreaplanbee> <3 i said im not a dude! but it didnt matter 2222:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee i see. well that does not really make it better, does it 2222:< lazyklimm> % imkute 2222:< andreaplanbee> <3 not really yeah 2222:< acostoss> pedro you're thinking "make peace" 2223:< phyphor> Woah ... according to http://justinhart.net/robintable/we should be able to get a merge going before the end of the experiment 2223:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee sometimes i wish it would be mandatory to show your age on the internet. i don't care so much about using real names. 2223:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah i know what you mean 2223:< FriendlyYak> <3 but it would be nice to know how old folks are 2223:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah 2224:< andreaplanbee> <3 although its worth noting that ive known some pretty damn immature older folks in my day 2224:< andreaplanbee> <3 ive had something like 30+ roommates over the last 10 years 2224:< DeyTa> <3 and vice versa 2224:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2224:< andreaplanbee> <3 aged anywhere from 19-39 2224:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee that is also true 2224:< andreaplanbee> <3 the immature ones were not bound to any age range sadly 2225:< Fallout2x> % We're gonna have a merge to T17 within the next 18 hours 2225:< andreaplanbee> <3 but i still would want to know peoples ages because its interesting 2225:< FriendlyYak> <3 i had roommates from 18-33 and of course there are differences. but mostly it's the character 2225:< andreaplanbee> <3 people are so different from each other 2225:< andreaplanbee> <3 is what ive learned 2226:< FriendlyYak> <3 yep 2227:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2227:**** neeph is not a number 2229:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2230:< Mainova> p I'll probably be at work when it does happen.. 2231:< tenoclockrobot> Am I still yellow? 2232:< Mainova> p 2232:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2234:< overtheover> why do i have to put a ymbal before what itype/ 2234:< DeyTa> <3 only took a few mins for godwins law to be broken in my most recent merger 2234:**** neeph is still here 2234:< DeyTa> <3 err, confirmed not broken 2235:< IrishBlizzard> #Trump2016 2235:< YalexTelevision> @overtheover a lot of people use a custom script with the chat and the symbols allow to filter into different channels, to stop spam 2235:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2236:< SHIFTnSPACE> % once again, I'll go to bed :d I'll be damned if I miss the merger :D 2237:< andreaplanbee> <3 what tier 2237:< DeyTa> <3 5 2237:< andreaplanbee> <3 dang 2238:< andreaplanbee> <3 im probably going to leave in 30 minutes 2238:< andreaplanbee> <3 then ill be back after an hour or two 2238:< andreaplanbee> <3 2239:< andreaplanbee> <3 woops i clicked the button 2239:< stormagnet> <3 andreaplanbee you get kicked from thJitsNasm or did you drop for cycling tiers? 2240:< andreaplanbee> <3 i dropped to seed lower tiers 2240:< stormagnet> <3 right on 2240:< andreaplanbee> <3 i left that one up while i slept 2240:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2240:< andreaplanbee> <3 i usually drop around 100 users 2241:< DeyTa> <3 so parrot just auto-updated to 3.28 2241:< andreaplanbee> <3 mine didnt 2241:< andreaplanbee> <3 huh 2241:< stormagnet> <3 neat, mine didn't but I'll update now 2241:< andreaplanbee> <3 same 2241:< andreaplanbee> <3 refreshing 2241:< 90q> % FULL SPEED AHEAD! 2242:< HookahComputer> ;) 2242:< HookahComputer> A priest 2243:< DeyTa> <3 yeah it was weird, it just got stuck for a few seconds andauto-refreshed 2243:< andreaplanbee> <3 man, breakups suck 2243:< andreaplanbee> <3 sorry random complaint 2243:< HookahComputer> bob 2244:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2244:< nickyface> you lie 2244:< DeyTa> <3 :< 2244:< Chibears85> I like ham 2244:< DeyTa> <3 thought you hadnt 2245:< nickyface> you are ham 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 yo im in a majority female tier 5room 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa what do you mean? 2245:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee that exists? 2245:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 he'llyeah 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 aw it just merged tho 2245:< DeyTa> <3 maybe i shouldnt be talking about it here 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 it was so cool for like 5 seconds tho trust me 2245:< andreaplanbee> <3 nah its ok DeyTa it really is 2246:< 404NinjaNotFound> Dashed 2246:< DeyTa> <3 just i thought you hadnt broken up yet 2246:< 404NinjaNotFound> Dashed you here? 2246:< DeyTa> <3 and were beginning to have fun again 2246:< nickyface> what am i witnessing here 2246:< andreaplanbee> <3 do you mean with blob? 2246:< nickyface> with the hearts and he weirdness 2246:< andreaplanbee> <3 she really broke my heart :( 2246:< nickyface> the 2246:< HookahComputer> rhinoceros 2247:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound yes? 2247:< stormagnet> nickyface <3 channel is the friendly chill chat 2247:< 404NinjaNotFound> dashed my friend has http://imgur.com/xEPPLFa this problem with parrot, do you know what causes it? 2247:< andreaplanbee> <3 things were really really good in the beginning.... too good 2247:< stormagnet> <3 awwww 2247:< andreaplanbee> <3 and i knew it'd be over with as quickly and with as much intensity as it began 2247:< nickyface> oh wait that explains it. i didn't have the channel saved. thought you guys were literally just <3ing everything 2247:< FriendlyYak> <3 :) 2247:< DeyTa> <3 :<<< 2247:< andreaplanbee> <3 and here i am eating shit every day 2247:< Chibears85> ham 2247:< andreaplanbee> <3 tryin to be Best Friend to her 2247:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound wtf o.O 2247:< FriendlyYak> <3 oh my 2248:**** neeph is not a number 2248:< DeyTa> <3 is she still doing the not-so-subtle ignoring 2248:< andreaplanbee> <3 its really really really confusing 2248:< andreaplanbee> <3 like.. 2248:< andreaplanbee> <3 when we were together and it was ending, she had withdrawn affection but would never talk about it 2248:< 404NinjaNotFound> dashed: he says it does work on firefox, but not on chrome 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 finally i confronted her and she said she didnt want a serious relationship rn (which contradicts a lot of things she said but w/e) 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 but then! 2249:< astralboy15> vote abandon 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 she sent me flowers? 2249:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 what the fuck did that mean? that fucked me up for a week straight 2249:< 90q> chat my cat keeps locking himself in the bathroom like an idiot. 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 she still tried to talk to me every day as if we hadnt broken up 2249:< nickyface> <3 is she possessive? 2249:< andreaplanbee> <3 texting me on her breaks at work and stuff 2249:< montugar> http://i.imgur.com/IaNOeee.jpg 2250:< andreaplanbee> <3 i dont think so really nickyface 2250:< andreaplanbee> <3 i think she wants to have her cake and eat it too basically, but pls not literally lol 2250:< DeyTa> <3 super strange behaviour 2250:< andreaplanbee> <3 like she wants me aroun dbut doesnt want to be expected to act as a girlfriend 2250:< DeyTa> <3 dont know how she thinks its fair to treat you that way 2250:< nickyface> <3 the behavior really doesn't surprise me. i've seen it a lot 2250:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound your friend might have to use firefox :( 2251:< nickyface> <3 i was guilty of it when i was younger. hard to explain what goes through ones head. it's certainly a matter of selfishness. 2251:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah shes young :( 2251:**** neeph is still here 2251:< nickyface> <3 sometimes also being genuinely oblivious to what you're doing to the other person. but yea. 10 years ago i was a brat 2251:< andreaplanbee> <3 me too 2251:< nickyface> <3 it happens 2252:< andreaplanbee> <3 ive been a shithead to a few partners. part of me reminds myself that i probably deserve this on some level 2252:< 404NinjaNotFound> dashed so you have no idea either what can cause it? ^^ 2252:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound no idea :( i looks weird 2252:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2252:< andreaplanbee> <3 anyway a couple days ago i just got fed up with trying to figure out what role i play in her life 2253:< andreaplanbee> <3 so i made myself unavailable for her to contact for a night 2253:< andreaplanbee> <3 and she hasnt messaged me since :( 2253:< andreaplanbee> <3 oh the games we play 2254:< nickyface> <3 as much as it sucks it's probably for the best. otherwise you could wind up in a lengthy, unhealthy back and forth 2254:< nickyface> <3 you may anyways if she reaches back out and you allow it 2254:< andreaplanbee> <3 yep and that was exactly what was happening 2254:< chrismash> "": "! Correct users: (nobody) :(", 2254:< andreaplanbee> <3 its like i sit here hoping she will message me, but also not 2254:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2254:< HookahComputer> Patar doesn't control fnc 2254:< nickyface> <3 understood 2254:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2254:< DeyTa> <3 god that must take so much of your energy 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 what i really hope is that ill get a message "im sorry i love you, ive been acting strange lately but i want you by my side" 2255:< DeyTa> <3 and thoughts 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 DeyTa you have no idea :( 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 ill never get that message 2255:< DeyTa> <3 but you need those words to be followed up with evidence 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah exactly 2255:< zzevannn> man im gone for a few days and allt he channels have changed - what is what now? 2255:< 3nvisi0n> %games . 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 i do know that she has a problem figuring out how to talk about her feelings 2255:< Chartis> %games Okay dick_sanitizer http://i.imgur.com/hJJaJjQ.jpg?1 2255:< andreaplanbee> <3 but i cant put my own health and happiness aside to wait for her to work through 2256:< andreaplanbee> <3 i mean i actually would if she wanted me to lol 2256:< robdob> %games what's the context of that tattoo? 2256:< andreaplanbee> <3 seriously tho who the fuck sends flowers to their ex after they break up 2256:< andreaplanbee> <3 thats kinda cruel :( 2256:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2256:< nickyface> <3 might be something she needs to go off and figure out. she's probably confused herself hence the back and forth. 2256:< dick_sanitizer> %games right is this a real channel> 2256:< nickyface> <3 someone young and dumb and confused and oblivious 2256:< dick_sanitizer> %games ? 2256:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah im almost certain its something like that 2257:< TheSpoom> <3 people who don't want romance but want everything else they were getting as side benefits 2257:< nickyface> <3 and afraid to let go even if part of them knows they want to 2257:< 3nvisi0n> %games I've never seen it used 2257:< andreaplanbee> <3 TheSpoom yeah true 2257:< andreaplanbee> <3 that comfort 2257:< dick_sanitizer> %games as long as we're all coming over from %chat lol 2257:< 3nvisi0n> %games not in the threads channel list either 2257:< nickyface> <3 were you reliable in her life? 2257:< andreaplanbee> <3 in the words of morrissey "she needs you moooore than she looooves you" 2257:< 3nvisi0n> %games so I think we are clear to use it 2257:< Chartis> %games I really think this would work better in %chat. there is one link and one responce every 3 minutes or so, and it's interesting. 2258:< andreaplanbee> <3 i am reliable yeah 2258:< robdob> %games I'm fine with either way, just don't want to annoy anyone 2258:< TheSpoom> <3 facebook up, drop the gym, hit the lawyer 2258:< robdob> %games whatever you guys think is fine! 2258:< andreaplanbee> <3 my other ex says i was a great partner whatever that means 2258:< andreaplanbee> <3 working on it TheSpoom 2258:< dick_sanitizer> %games yeah no im happy to go back to %chat lol 2258:< andreaplanbee> <3 well ive been exercising 2258:< dick_sanitizer> %games all goo! 2259:< TheSpoom> <3 how old are you? 2259:< HookahComputer> Ukraine 2259:< andreaplanbee> <3 30 ish 2259:< andreaplanbee> <3 "medium age" 2259:< Ignatius256> % Are we close to any sort of merge or no 2259:< TheSpoom> <3 cool 2259:< montugar> <3 my ex and I split off amicably, we're still really close friends and she even comes over every so often for cuddles and ocassional fun 2259:< embracetehmartian> %games hello 2259:< andreaplanbee> <3 montugar can i ask if you broke it off or did she? 2300:< montugar> <3 I did 2300:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah 2300:< TheSpoom> <3 i haven't been the dumper 2300:< nickyface> <3 montu, do you think she has any lingering hope? 2300:< TheSpoom> <3 but then i'm married 2300:< andreaplanbee> <3 i stayed friends with my ex bf of 7 years after i left him 2300:< andreaplanbee> <3 but i never woul dhave sent him flowers, i mean even if he were a girl 2300:< montugar> <3 but we both agreed to stay close but not too close. 2300:< andreaplanbee> <3 he ended up stealing $4k from me after that so lesson learned 2301:< 3nvisi0n> %games hey, nothing has really happened regarding the game 2301:< reed17> % I was about to ask that 2301:< TheSpoom> <3 big fan of okcupid for people who know what they want 2301:< sableluke> chat is going so fast no one will see that I'm straight 2301:< montugar> <3 she had some shit to get through during the two years but now she's on good meds at the right dose and everything is looking up 2301:< andreaplanbee> <3 ya know, ive never used a dating site 2302:< andreaplanbee> <3 the thought actually terrifies me 2302:< TheSpoom> <3 met my wife on there 2302:< nickyface> <3 my current gf's...ex gf, strung her along for a long time. because of the security, reliability, friendship, etc. 2302:< andreaplanbee> <3 even though ive met many partners online 2302:< TheSpoom> <3 it really shouldn't... it's using math to find people who are likely to like you 2302:< andreaplanbee> <3 ive always done really well just dating people who were already my friends 2302:< montugar> <3 we both have close feelings but are both put off of the idea of committing again 2302:< reed17> % I'm surprised how few people there are, even in the lower tiers 2302:< andreaplanbee> <3 but im running out of friends to date now lol 2303:< DeyTa> <3 oh that guy apb 2303:< andreaplanbee> <3 yeah haha sorry i have so many relationship stories 2303:< DeyTa> <3 oh it just scrolled down 2303:< nickyface> <3 montugar for all you know it's slowly happening, naturally :P 2303:< andreaplanbee> <3 trust is a weird thing 2303:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2303:< montugar> <3 we see each other getting married at some point 2304:< TheSpoom> <3 i moved from canada to the US to be with my wife 2304:< andreaplanbee> <3 see, like if my ex felt that way, and just was honest about it, i woul dfeel a lot better 2304:< montugar> <3 but for now until both of us can be self-sufficient and moved out we're keeping it this way 2304:< andreaplanbee> <3 but she wont actually tell me shit about whats going on 2304:< nickyface> <3 canada to the US. yikes. must've been worth it 2304:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2304:< TheSpoom> <3 as it happens, i just got my US passport today, finally done with the immigration process after like 5.5 years 2304:< reed17> % My computer is having trouble handling this chat I think 2304:< andreaplanbee> <3 woo ! 2304:< sableluke> I'm filterless. send help pls 2305:< montugar> <3 my ex have coded words I learned day 1. "i'm fine" means I'm not fine, please hold me 2305:< reed17> % test 2305:< TheSpoom> <3 it's an expensive thing 2305:< reed17> % test 2305:< TheSpoom> <3 i couldn't deal 2305:< andreaplanbee> <3 aw montugar that is really good that youve figured that out 2305:< montugar> <3 it's not a game because she's a terrible liar :P 2305:< andreaplanbee> <3 i mean it sucks to not be honest about feelingsbut it sounds like you respond well 2305:< reed17> % testing 2305:< andreaplanbee> <3 i do understand that people who cant be honest about feelings arent usually trying to do it on purpose 2306:< montugar> <3 but she knows I know, so she says it anyways because it's her way of telling me when shes shy 2306:< reed17> % testing 2306:< andreaplanbee> <3 man i just wish i had a partner who even asked how i was 2306:< shy> <3 stfu 2306:< montugar> <3 lol 2306:< andreaplanbee> <3 i think almost all of my relationships have been the other person being at the center of affection 2306:< andreaplanbee> <3 and me waiting for small doses 2306:< nickyface> <3 maybe it's time to not date your friends anymore 2307:< andreaplanbee> <3 haha well ive tried that too 2307:< nickyface> <3 i say that with love 2307:< andreaplanbee> <3 i dont know who the fuck to date anymore 2307:< DeyTa> <3 dating friends doesn't explain why apb isnt getting affection tho 2307:< andreaplanbee> <3 i cant even think about dating because im still in love with her. this sucks 2307:< DeyTa> <3 and that sucks 2307:< nickyface> <3 i know, i'm teasing 2307:< andreaplanbee> <3 thanks DeyTa 2307:< TheSpoom> <3 the only thing we have is that we know when someone is angry and saying "don't worry about it", we give them time 2308:< nickyface> <3 but the point is it likely has something to do with the people apb's ending up with. perhaps needy people 2308:< TheSpoom> <3 cause that means "i'll put it into words later" 2308:< nickyface> <3 perhaps apb's a giver and it's easy to sense 2308:< 97779> #gov 2308:< CryEagle> & 2308:< HookahComputer> 7 2308:< nickyface> <3 there are reasons for these trends 2308:**** neeph is still here 2308:< ntrefil> #pluhf hi soKuku PLUHF 2308:< andreaplanbee> <3 i think 'giver' would be a good description 2308:< reed17> testing 2308:< Spikrit> sup Pawsed 2308:< gereth> Golly, I am still here :) 2308:< montugar> <3 I'm a giver 2308:< andreaplanbee> <3 i have a caregiver part of my personality 2308:< andreaplanbee> <3 so im very patient and understanding about things 2308:< HookahComputer> :( 2308:< TheSpoom> <3 i get into the bedroom and am like, GIVE'R 2309:< andreaplanbee> <3 which leads me to be partnered with more complex people 2309:< andreaplanbee> <3 i like complex people but they are also very complex 2309:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2309:< chugga_fan> ?diameter of the earth 2309:< nickyface> <3 ditto. and it's easy for someone like that to get used, or to draw in very... 2309:< nickyface> <3 yea...complex people lol 2309:< montugar> <3 during highschool, I acted as a mediator whenever love-triangle shit happened 2309:< andreaplanbee> <3 i have an enormous capacity for empathy 2309:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2309:< chugga_fan> .help 2309:< andreaplanbee> <3 which has been taken advantage of quite a few times *cough$4000cough* 2309:< nickyface> <3 i feel you 2309:< chugga_fan> @.help 2309:< montugar> <3 I was the (at the time GF-less) love-guru 2310:< andreaplanbee> <3 lol 2310:< nickyface> <3 it's important to be mega aware of that. and i mean, you don't have to shut it down or be fully on guard but. caring for yourself 2310:< nickyface> <3 super important 2310:< nickyface> <3 and that applies to considering these things with the people you choose to commit to 2310:< HookahComputer> Fe 2310:< montugar> <3 part of my attraction to my ex was that she was a "problem case" and I am the giver type 2310:< nickyface> <3 ^^^ 2311:< HookahComputer> poles 2311:< andreaplanbee> <3 it not necessarily a bad thing either to be able to reconigze your ability to help care for the other person, 2311:< andreaplanbee> <3 but it can end up bad yeah 2311:**** neeph is not a number 2311:< montugar> <3 exactly, I knew it and dove in fully aware 2311:< andreaplanbee> <3 yep 2312:< andreaplanbee> <3 im also pretty clingy and open about that with my partners at the start 2312:< andreaplanbee> <3 my ex was the same way, so i thought it was gonna work out well :( 2312:< montugar> <3 after two years, I had to break off *because* she took that care for granted 2312:< andreaplanbee> <3 she was super clingy at first and i loved every second of it and then she turned off emotionally 2312:< montugar> <3 ^^^ 2312:< andreaplanbee> <3 that sucks montugar 2312:< andreaplanbee> <3 well i have an appointment in 45 minutes i need to hop in the shower real quick 2312:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2313:< hagbard-celine> ELECT ElectionBot 2313:< andreaplanbee> <3 ill be back in 2 hours or something 2313:< andreaplanbee> <3 thanks for listening to my problems everyone. you are all great :) 2313:< nickyface> <3 we'll have your dating profiles ready 2313:< andreaplanbee> <3 hahaha 2313:< DeyTa> <3 lol 2313:< TheSpoom> <3 okcupid and answer like 1000 questions 2313:< surosregime> 6 days 2313:< TheSpoom> <3 jus' sayin 2313:< DeyTa> <3 imma brb as well 2313:< montugar> <3 the break was a moment of clarity(slap in the face) for her to realize how she was acting and to finally get a change of meds. 2314:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2314:< nickyface> <3 a good old backhand, huh 2314:< montugar> <3 she's no longer a "problem case" but she's still dear to me 2315:< montugar> <3 I only had to slap her once and I feel incredibly guilty about it 2315:< HookahComputer> acceleration 2315:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2316:< montugar> <3 depression induced street yelling and trying to run off into the night in the snow no jacket 2316:< nickyface> <3 ahhhh 2317:< montugar> <3 I'm still torn up that i did hit her :/ 2317:< montugar> <3 I'm generally a passivist in nature 2318:< montugar> <3 but I'm happy she's better 2318:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2319:< roobarb_pie> %yeah, a large chicken select meal costs £5.99. For that price I can go to asda and get a rump steak, carrots and peas and still have money 2320:< montugar> <3 would you like to hear more? 2320:< keninem> HEH 2320:< nickyface> <3 i've had a few of my own moments like her's. the something's-def-chemically-&-emotionally-off breakdowns outdoors 2320:< nickyface> <3 my partner used to try constraining me which would just make me freak out even worse 2320:< stormagnet> HEY YALL PSA: MOVE YOUR POSTS FROM /r/soKukunelits/ TO /r/soKukuneli/ 2320:< stormagnet> THERES A SPAM WAVE COMING 2320:< nickyface> <3 5 years later it's much different ;P 2321:< MABGB> % :) 2321:< montugar> <3 I've had to use my martial arts training before on two people in my life. my brother and her 2321:< montugar> <3 she was a "cutter" 2321:< stormagnet> thJitsNasm noticed that /r/soKukunelits/ was public, so I used my magic mod powers to set /r/soKukuneli/ to private >_< 2322:< tRitone11> ma sei italiano cryeagle? 2322:< CryEagle> ma sei italiano cryeagle? 2322:< stormagnet> y'all should already be on the submitter list- there was a mass bot add 2322:< montugar> <3 when I tried to take away her knife, she had turned it on me. disarmed her in a moment, tossed the knife away and held her close til 2323:< montugar> <3 she was ok 2323:< montugar> <3 did not enjoy that 2323:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2324:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2324:< CryEagle> %tRitone11 claims it's turnover - guess I'll believe him 2325:< CryEagle> blablatRitone11 claims it's what if I quote your message and we enter in a loop cryeagle - guess I'll believe him 2325:< CryEagle> blablatRitone11 claims it's Bicycles - guess I'll believe him 2325:**** neeph is still here 2325:< SoftSandalwood> Coconut oil in coffee is really good actually. 2325:< SoftSandalwood> Bulletproof coffee! 2325:< sicklyboy> p ayy 2325:< SoftSandalwood> Don't you guys do r/keto? 2326:< CryEagle> blablatRitone11 claims it's Files - guess I'll believe him 2326:< SoftSandalwood> riles 2326:< CryEagle> blabla 2326:< davidjl123> <3 looks like this is a new channel? 2327:< SoftSandalwood> medium chain tri... oh, nickyface did it 2327:< montugar> <3 yes, the "less than three" channet 2327:< montugar> <3 channel* 2327:< davidjl123> test 2327:< montugar> <3 you're only allowed to say 3 stories in here 2328:< nickyface> <3 haha 2328:< montugar> <3 or we block you! 2329:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2330:< montugar> <3 and now; visual storytelling... http://i.imgur.com/IaNOeee.jpg 2332:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2333:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2333:< davidjl123> hm 2333:< nickyface> oh sircabbage 2334:< HookahComputer> atoll 2334:< vineman> hello 2334:< desantoos> hello 2334:< nickyface> hellooo 2334:< vineman> seems like chat slowed down a lotr 2335:< desantoos> it has... it is now merely spam 2337:< tRitone11> $ Hitler was a nice man 2337:< HookahComputer> the doors 2337:< FriendlyYak> <3 davidjl123 a short while ago it was some kind of love problems/romance channel 2337:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2337:< davidjl123> <3 ah 2337:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2337:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2337:< andreaplanbee> <3 nah its the "chill" channel 2337:< ExpertExpert> Corn 2337:< davidjl123> <3 figured it was 2337:< nickyface> <3 love line 2337:< andreaplanbee> <3 we were just having a chill conversation about love lives 2337:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< andreaplanbee> <3 lifes? lives? 2338:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< ExpertExpert> ELECT ExpertExpert 2338:< andreaplanbee> <3 maybe i shouldve hyphenated it 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< andreaplanbee> <3 anyway im off to my appointment now cheers 2338:< FriendlyYak> <3 andreaplanbee bye! 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< andreaplanbee> <3 bai ~ 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2338:< nickyface> <3 oh now my heart feels a little less full 2338:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< andreaplanbee> <3 <3 2339:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2339:< HookahComputer> jerusalem 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2340:< Osiride> /whois Seitz_ 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourneELECT abourne 2340:< davidjl123> sinker 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2340:< abourne> ELECT abourneELECT abourne 2340:< Marmalade6> % did all of the chat die off? 2341:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2341:< Osiride> /whois Seitz_ 2341:< Boerontosaurus> p Is penis/ alive? 2342:< Firengineer> This is how #rpg works 2342:**** neeph is still here 2342:< PigNamedBenis> neptune, faggot 2342:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2342:< PigNamedBenis> your bot is broken, npinsker 2343:< PigNamedBenis> throw your computer in the river 2343:< PigNamedBenis> lol 2343:< PigNamedBenis> trololollollol ululululululull 2344:< PigNamedBenis> brewers 2344:< PigNamedBenis> fag 2344:< PigNamedBenis> RATELIMIT | you are doing that too much. try again in 999 milliseconds. 2345:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2345:< easy2rememberhuh> hello 2345:< AlphaKiloDelta> % /elect 2345:< easy2rememberhuh> i just rejoined because i saw a reddit ad for this 2345:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2345:< easy2rememberhuh> and this room has not changed at all 2345:< easy2rememberhuh> since i accidentally exited it 2346:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2346:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2346:< HookahComputer> venta bulgarum 2346:< XOrAcLeX> % HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2346:< HookahComputer> turkey 2347:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2347:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2349:< alien005> I miss peaman 2349:< tRitone11> there were like 7 professors of defence against the dark arts 2349:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2350:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2350:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2350:< Mopziii> % /whois swagstern 2350:< Mopziii> % /whois swagstern 2351:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2351:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2351:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 2351:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2351:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2352:< DannyStanton> Is there a channel for Meta-growth talk? 2352:< Hippoaddict> Hey, whats the current filter for sabldiri 2352:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2352:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2352:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2352:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2353:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2353:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2353:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2353:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2353:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2353:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 2354:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2354:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2355:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 2355:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2355:< SonicSam> wow I haven't been paying attention all week, and i'm still here :O! 2355:**** neeph is not a number 2355:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2355:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< SD7> not long until the mega merge 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2356:< Hippoaddict> photons 2357:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2357:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2357:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2357:< lordxeon> we must elect StrawberryClock 2357:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2357:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2357:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2357:< easy2rememberhuh> who is the second place room? 2357:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2357:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2357:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2358:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 2358:< easy2rememberhuh> jamie 2358:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:< jayman419> easy2rememberhuh Right now ccande is the room right below us on the boards. 2358:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2358:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2358:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2359:**** neeph is still here 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2359:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2359:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2359:< hayf28> % saf 2359:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2359:< abourne> ELECT abourne --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 00:00:01 2016