--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:22 2016 0004:< _vvvv_> Wakafanykai123 Merged, thank you!! 0005:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 look at the closed pull requests for missing stuff for the changelog :D 0005:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ dashed where did we hide the user list? 0005:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo click the chat title 0006:< lajiggyjarjardoo> oh fuck me it's truncated 0007:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ / dashed . In Standings tab, the highlight for which room youre in is bright for dark theme ( http://puu.sh/o7BFu/bc7a7eb73c.png ) 0007:< dashed> Lolzep wanna PR it? i dont use dark mode 0007:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ I approved my merge. Seemed to work OK. 0007:< Lolzep> Will try 0007:< lost_penguin> Or merged my PR, whetever the terminology! 0008:< lajiggyjarjardoo> is there a non-truncated user list? 0008:< dashed> lost_penguin gonna test it now 0008:< NuOfBelthasar> Anyone know how to access local data from the callback of an HTTPS get request? I have no idea how async callbacks work in this script. 0008:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo afaik no 0008:< lajiggyjarjardoo> well shit that pretty much ruins what i was doing lol 0008:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i was close to done too lol 0009:< dashed> lost_penguin seems to work :D 0009:< lost_penguin> :) 0009:< dashed> HEADS UP: bumping to v2.81 0009:< lost_penguin> dashed _vvvv_ Back in an hour guys. 0009:< _vvvv_> kk dashed 0010:< dashed> lost_penguin later 0011:< dashed> parrot users: v2.81 released with channel exclusion filtering! (trivia sucks amirite?) 0012:< lajiggyjarjardoo> aha, there's a robin_user_list obj inline in the page 0017:< _vvvv_> Imagine if they did Split, Stay, Grow instead of Abandon, Stay, Go 0017:< _vvvv_> So you could work your way back down the chats. 0017:< _vvvv_> fix combine wait issues. 0018:< KernelSnuffy> especially because abandon is like the same as abstain 0018:< AviN456> test 0018:< UnacceptableUse> icles 0019:< AviN456> "You have been banned from participating in /r/robintracking." 0019:< AviN456> "The Parrot user script does not add anything to the meta discussion of tracking robin chats." 0019:< ranterbach> What? 0019:< AviN456> fuckers 0020:< _vvvv_> Hahaha 0020:< MrZiggyStardust> A ban seems really harsh for that, it's completely on topic 0021:< xxajt1> Anyone know how long until robin is shut down? 0021:< Lorithas> xxajt1 shuts down exactly a week after opening 0021:< _vvvv_> 3 days. 0021:< AviN456> I replied with: 0022:< AviN456> "I'm confused as to why you think that a user script with automated contribution of statistics to the leaderboard does not add... 0022:< AviN456> ...to the meta discussion of tracking robin chats. 0022:< SalZoRz> AviN456 thats fucked up . . . 0022:< AviN456> In any case, even if you think my post doesn't contribute, I don't see how that warrants a ban." 0023:< Lolzep> I think I made a PR dashed or _vvvv_ 0023:< dashed> ? 0024:< Lolzep> Pull Request 0024:< AviN456> you don't know if you made one or not? 0024:< AviN456> i'm pretty shit with git, but at least I know if i've made a PR 0024:< Lolzep> Well Im new to doing that stuff in github 0024:< NuOfBelthasar> Hey, us git newbs don't know what we're doing. 0024:< _vvvv_> yeah i see it 0024:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/102 0025:< SalZoRz> hey I have a feature request feature request 0025:< NuOfBelthasar> A meta feature request? 0025:< SalZoRz> how about we have something like a strawpoll to vote on which feature we want the most in parrot next 0026:< NuOfBelthasar> I think it really needs to be, what do the devs think sounds cool and feasible? :P 0026:< SalZoRz> not like a schedule maker, but more of what the highest wanted features are from the community 0026:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah but not all features are doable, devs know what they can implement and what they cant 0026:< SalZoRz> just to gauge interest 0026:< AviN456> we have a feature request thing 0026:< AviN456> http://piratepad.net/Zg3MJL40Qh 0027:< dashed> i haven't looked at all... i feel guilty lol 0027:< SalZoRz> well I know about the pirate pad, the problem is its just a list. and just like pirate pad the devs can remove the features they deem are 0027:< SalZoRz> undoable 0028:< SalZoRz> dashed every feature chosen by the devs to add have been fantastic 0028:< _vvvv_> test 0028:< AviN456> dashed, i've been cleaning up the piratepad when I get time 0028:< AviN456> striking terrible ideas and makring which ones are implemented 0029:< SalZoRz> maybe the best way to go about doing what I'm saying is either a parrot subreddit or a post on one of the soKukune subs where people can 0029:< SalZoRz> comment and upvote the features they would like to have the most 0029:< dashed> Lolzep color is way too dark 0029:< _vvvv_> Lozep, this is a fine change but we need a switch for day vs night mode. 0030:< _vvvv_> otherwise it is unreadable for normal users.. I see the purpose though. 0030:< Lolzep> Do you need like... a brighter green? 0030:< dashed> Lolzep use colour combos here http://clrs.cc/ 0030:< Lolzep> Well thats helpful 0031:< dashed> where is this piratepad ? 0031:< Lolzep> How about olive? 0031:< SalZoRz> damn that site is useful dashed 0031:< SalZoRz> http://piratepad.net/Zg3MJL40Qh 0031:< dashed> SalZoRz where are people finding it? lol 0032:< AviN456> dashed https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0032:< Lolzep> dashed could you try changing the color to #3D9970 ? 0032:< SalZoRz> dashed its on the github main page :) plus I linked it 0032:< AviN456> dashed and _vvvv_ I made a subreddit for parrot - you guys are added as mods 0032:< AviN456> we can use it for feature request voting 0033:< AviN456> i gotta run for a few 0033:< AviN456> but i'll bbl 0033:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0033:< dashed> AviN456 o wow o.O 0033:< dashed> Lolzep im wondering if font-color can be changed... 0034:< dashed> Lolzep still dark :( 0034:< AviN456> When I get back, I'll start adding feature requests to the sub for voting - you guys can feel free to start though 0034:< AviN456> that goes for all of you, not just _vvvv_ and dashed 0034:< Lolzep> I think the best option is to add another option in the settings (or in the standings) 0034:< dashed> AviN456 awesome! :D 0035:< dashed> Lolzep ok sounds fair 0035:< Lolzep> That way everyone is happy :D 0036:< NuOfBelthasar> Sounds good. :-) 0037:< SalZoRz> lets all take a breather - http://flockdraw.com/soKukune 0037:< NuOfBelthasar> The hell. The script stopped letting me load from an https git url. It worked a moment ago... 0038:< NuOfBelthasar> Wonder if a reddit admin didn't like what I was trying to do. :-/ 0039:< _vvvv_> check console 0039:< dashed> NuOfBelthasar github problems https://status.github.com/ 0039:< _vvvv_> and network tab. 0039:< _vvvv_> bad response from the url? 0039:< NuOfBelthasar> Seems like it aborted before the request. 0040:< NuOfBelthasar> Oh, seems like it's github not allowing it: Origin 'https://www.reddit.com' is therefore not allowed access. 0040:< _vvvv_> Change origin in the request? 0041:< _vvvv_> ;) 0041:< NuOfBelthasar> Will try. 0041:< NuOfBelthasar> That seems like cheating though. lol 0041:< dashed> we should switch to raw git https://cdn.rawgit.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/8z0up 0043:< dashed> Lolzep color configurable in v2.82 0043:< Lolzep> dashed thank you for adding a setting for the standings color! 0044:< MobiusCoffee> Have you guys seen this? 0044:< MobiusCoffee> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4diy9y/were_building_a_clone_of_robin_who_wants_to_join/ => http://nazar.so/6km9n 0045:< Lolzep> I like how #DDDDDD looks like http://puu.sh/o7EI5/b506c13b06.png 0045:< dashed> try #ccc 0046:< Lolzep> Thats even better. Ayyy 0048:< andreaplanbee> i think i broke my parrots, trying to create a tab that is everything but filters, now i cant see any of the filters i want and i cnt remv --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:49:01 2016 0049:< andreaplanbee> if anyone can help, ping me, because i had to disable the script just to see if there are any replies 0049:< dashed> andreaplanbee screenshot? 0052:< SalZoRz> didn't realize we got more emotes BasedGod 0052:< conker2654> PogChamp Moar Emotes PogChamp 0053:< SalZoRz> SexPanda 0054:< ande_> KKona 0054:< Lolzep> MingLee 0055:< lajiggyjarjardoo> scraped the entire user list, it's super slow to parse though 0057:< bales75> when are you guys adding VR support to Parrot? :P 0058:< dashed> andreaplanbee what version are u on? 0110:< _vvvv_> test 0111:< _vvvv_> test 0111:< BurritoBun> ! _vvvv_ I hear ya 0111:< _vvvv_> thanks 0111:< BurritoBun> how do I PM? 0112:< lajiggyjarjardoo> you cant, but if you say someones name in chat they get a little bing 0112:< BurritoBun> oh, okay 0112:< andreaplanbee> dashed, clearing cache has brought me back to a workable state 0113:< lajiggyjarjardoo> anyone thought of doing an easter egg for the merge? 0117:< MrZiggyStardust> lajiggyjarjardoo easter egg : update script to auto abandon for everyone at last minute 0117:< dashed> are u here andreaplanbee?? 0119:< rakehand> dashed head over to %chat 0123:< TheAwer> what's %parrot? 0124:< andreaplanbee> sorry somehow i missed this user mention earlier :x 0124:< andreaplanbee> but i did receive it ! 0125:< dashed> o.o 0133:< NuOfBelthasar> So my "update spam filter from URL" idea is dead unless someone sets up a server that allows cross-domain access from www.reddit.com. 0133:< NuOfBelthasar> Pretty useless idea anyway, I just wanted to try my hand at a PR. 0137:< TheAwer> key shortcut to keyboard naviage channels on OS X? 0142:< splishtastic> This is amazing work you guys :) thanks for Parrot 0148:< dashed> splishtastic np 0203:< stormagnet> my god I go to sleep and when I wake up Parrot has advanced like crazy.... 0204:< stormagnet> you guys are monsters and I love you 0204:< Lolzep> Thats dedication! 0211:< ownage516> Is the parrot guys here? 0214:< dashed> ownage516 what's up 0214:< ownage516> I put Version numbers on the guide, just letting y'all know. So if you ever do a 3.0, hit me up. 0216:< dashed> ownage516 what guide? 0218:< ownage516> https://redd.it/4d8dlp 0222:< lajiggyjarjardoo> is there a hidden input that adds the channel after you submit 0222:< DebentureThyme> Haven't you managed to make Parrot sentient yet? 0222:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I think i'm triggering the wrong box 0223:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> lajiggyjarjardoo thats what she said? 0223:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo ??? 0223:< DebentureThyme> you just triggered their box. 0223:< lajiggyjarjardoo> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY shhh serious business! 0223:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> LOL 0223:< DebentureThyme> Actually now I want a feature 0224:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed when i get the textbox value and alter it, it prepends the channel where i can see it 0224:< DebentureThyme> a Triggered checkbox in settings that causes the chat to shake 0225:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo yeah.. prefix are not necessary 0225:< lajiggyjarjardoo> -P___ 0225:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo lost_penguin did thatwork 0226:< DebentureThyme> he has altered the textbox value. pray he does not alter it further! 0226:< dashed> ownage516 please credit lost_penguin as well on that list 0226:< DebentureThyme> so what's the current features being worked on, or planned 0227:< dashed> nothing atm 0227:< dashed> im open for pull requests though 0227:< lajiggyjarjardoo> DebentureThyme I'm doing a stupid little thing on my own 0227:< DebentureThyme> I want skins 0228:< lajiggyjarjardoo> you can type a special character like "@" in the text box and it pulls up a dropdown of everyones names 0228:< DebentureThyme> all sorts of fancy meme skins 0228:< lajiggyjarjardoo> then it filters as you keep typing, or you can press up/down to select the name, and hit enter, and it adds the name 0228:< _vvvv_> Just got a PM from ccandeShle ^ room! 0228:< DebentureThyme> ah 0228:< _vvvv_> They are using Parrot there too and doing troubleshooting in their ^ room. 0228:< ownage516> Done 0229:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thats knucking futz 0229:< lajiggyjarjardoo> have you got any PR's from them? 0229:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i was hoping after the merge they would be using a totally different fork, like a whole different evolutionary timeline 0229:< _vvvv_> no, but i told them to start submitting ^__^ 0230:< lajiggyjarjardoo> and everything they said would look like gibberish and same with what we said 0230:< lajiggyjarjardoo> but we would share culture and breed new generations 0230:< lajiggyjarjardoo> this is pretty cool too though 0233:< mootinator> !releasenotes 0233:< mtriper> Question to devs here, how about a relay script where we could have alts realy a channel to other rooms? 0234:< mootinator> That seems like rate limiting would get in the way unless you had 1:1 alts echoing other people. 0234:< _vvvv_> I thought about that, we'd need to control some alts though. 0235:< mtriper> we could get lots of people in the other rooms to run it 0235:< mootinator> :) 0235:< mtriper> relay to somewhers outside .. and in from there 0236:< dashed> _vvvv_ i got the pm as well 0236:< mtriper> Like post to a sub to be picked up by the scripts in there 0236:< mootinator> We should relay channels to freenode so people who can't participate can, uh, eavesdrop. 0237:< mootinator> #robin_skKuk_^. Seems legit. 0237:< mtriper> and have multiple scripts relay from freenode to the rooms 0237:< mootinator> Oooooh, that's what you were saying. 0237:< mtriper> uhhh 0237:< mtriper> is that a thing already? 0237:< mootinator> Is it? 0238:< mootinator> It wouldn't surprise me. 0238:< mtriper> #robin_skKuk is a thing now... just gotta relay to is 0239:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ i just pushed the alpha of my thing if you're curious https://github.com/lajiggyjarjardoo/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/9jjhk 0239:< mtriper> you guys are the devs 0239:< bickster69> hey ya'll know what happened to the robin button on front page? 0239:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo what feature is that? 0240:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed inline name selector, you can type @ in chat to see a dropdown of all names, it filters as you keep typing 0240:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo oh shit! :O 0240:< lajiggyjarjardoo> then use arrows to go up/down list or filter it to one name, and hit enter 0241:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's super buggy and shit code, i literally just got it working and it only works once 0241:< Lorithas> You guys are legends! Pumping out updates like nobodys business :) 0241:< stormagnet> ahahahaha it paid off 0241:< stormagnet> my alts have been trying to get people to use ^ for scripting and tech support on lower tiers :D 0241:< dashed> nice 0242:< dashed> do people use %parrot? 0242:< _vvvv_> Ugh 0242:< stormagnet> yep, I been preachin it 0242:< _vvvv_> Firefox uses CharCode not KeyCode 0242:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i was subbed there but so nobody post 0242:< bickster69> yea i did until ten minutes ago when it stoped working for me 0242:< stormagnet> oh, heh, not as a channel 0242:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I'm in firefox yo, but I'll need to browser test 0243:< dashed> ah... %parrot is default channel 0243:< stormagnet> dashed neat! did you add defaults new versions? 0243:< stormagnet> I just woke up ^^; 0244:< lajiggyjarjardoo> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode => http://nazar.so/4bbv8 0244:< dashed> stormagnet lajiggyjarjardoo well new users to the script will see it 0245:< _vvvv_> brb fixing something 0245:< stormagnet> nice! good idea! 0246:< lajiggyjarjardoo> gonna take a break then get back to it. not sure if it'll be ready tonight, fingers crossed i finish before merge 0246:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's all a game anyways 0246:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo tab autocomplete is not working for u right? 0246:< _vvvv_> test 0247:< mtriper> guys can a script read from this tab and write to freenode? 0247:< dashed> mtriper maybe 0247:< mtriper> this would be awesome 0247:< _vvvv_> im fixing tab issue 0247:< dashed> mtriper go ask OrangeredStilton 0247:< mtriper> we could mirror the entire thing 0247:< lajiggyjarjardoo> not working, thought maybe it was my fork 0247:< NuOfBelthasar> Yeah, seems like script talk is on "." in fiTosm. Also they're using ^ for something else. 0247:< dashed> _vvvv_ :O awesome! i tried this and failed 0247:< mtriper> and keep it going after it dies 0248:< dashed> is everyone using parrot? 0248:< dashed> in the active lower tiers? 0248:< NuOfBelthasar> Not yet in fiSom - it's spreading fast, though. 0248:< mtriper> even on my tier 8 0248:< NuOfBelthasar> I was bothering people to use it until they realized it's awesome. 0248:< mtriper> everyone parroted 0249:< lajiggyjarjardoo> that's why i think we need a merge easter egg, there's gonna be thousands of people watching at once 0249:< NuOfBelthasar> Actually, scatch that, in main chat almost everyone is using channels, now. So they have some fork or another. 0249:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just like confetti sprites and music or something zany 0249:< dashed> excerpt from the constitution: Robin Grow Experimental, also known colloquially as Parrot, is recommended by the Republic of Ccande .... 0250:< dashed> lol o.O 0250:< mtriper> good job guys 0251:< _vvvv_> Anyone having issues on firefox using tab complete or channel shifting, please try the newest release (2.88) and tell me if it helps. 0251:< mtriper> testing 0251:< Lolzep> Your on 2.88 already?! Im still on 2.82... 0252:< mtriper> dont see 2.88 0252:< mtriper> github still gives me 2.84 0252:< _vvvv_> sometimes it takes a minute to propogate. 0252:< _vvvv_> propagate** 0253:< mtriper> like dns only faster 0253:< hagbard-celine> also, you could be caching 0253:< Daegalus> hey do we have any devs that are in the ccande robin? i got a private message if anyone is, to join their ^ channel as they are 0253:< Daegalus> trying to troubleshoot problems in parrot 0254:< mtriper> shift reaload to 2.88 confirms cahce 0254:< _vvvv_> Daegalus they sent that pm to all of us 0254:< Daegalus> ah ok, so I dont have to respond to it? 0255:< _vvvv_> I think all the devs are here. You can respond all you want of course, but I told them to just open issues and submit pulls for now 0255:< _vvvv_> would be awesome if we merge with them.. 0255:< dashed> doesn't work 0255:< _vvvv_> keys don't work dashed? 0256:< dashed> tab doesn't work 0256:< _vvvv_> will try again 0257:< Daegalus> we could setup a chatroom with them outside of robin? 0257:< dashed> dashed 0257:< dashed> Daegalus a diplomatic channel? ;) 0257:< Daegalus> we can use that github chat thing . Let me find the name im blanking on it 0257:< Daegalus> it makes channels for github repos 0258:< Daegalus> https://gitter.im 0258:< Daegalus> i sue it for a few github groups 0258:< dashed> Daegalus oh... we can use discord... 0258:< Daegalus> discord works too, im up for anything, just providing ideas 0258:< agaffchanted> can someone past the raw github link for the latest? 0258:< dashed> Daegalus discord chats were insanely popular before parrot 0259:< agaffchanted> should be in format like: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/4da47074bae221e1ed2510738322fb81b91b6c0a/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/6ti8p 0259:< dashed> the tab completion doesn't work in firefox yet 0259:< Daegalus> dashed i know, i use discord, i just thought gitter was more dev/github focused and easier to setup 0259:< dashed> Daegalus ah.. 0300:< Daegalus> https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot there we go 0300:< dashed> xD 0300:< dashed> idk anyone there 0300:< mootinator> Oooh, The 14 chain started. Last chance to get in T17 might be coming up. 0301:< Daegalus> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/106 0304:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ join the gitter ! :P 0306:< dashed> mootinator :O hyppe 0307:< mootinator> hype hype hype 0307:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo is a PR imminent? 0309:< Cistem> Not all too sure thats possible tbh... 0310:< agaffchanted> i think there is a bug with people who are in new chatrooms with parrot, the default global send goes to %parrot 0310:< agaffchanted> i think the default filters should be '%parrot,' 0310:< agaffchanted> so there is an option to send to 'Global' 0311:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed naw TBH I'm bored and would rather work on a dope-ass merge easter egg, not sure what you guys think 0311:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo ah 0311:< dashed> agaffchanted good call. im on it 0312:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed I dont wanna steal yous guys thunder since I havent contributed anything really, but a cool merge thing would make reddit history 0313:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's the kind of thing they would put a screenshot on the blog at the end of the year 0313:< lajiggyjarjardoo> you guys already made history, though 0314:< dashed> agaffchanted done in v2.89 0314:< montugar> I'm back from watching netflix on my gearVR 0315:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo nah it's fine 0316:< agaffchanted> dashed: nice 0321:< KrystallAnn> this is beautiful now :o 0322:< lost_penguin> It has become something wonderful. 0322:< KrystallAnn> the chat in 2nd is so weird... 0323:< dashed> agaffchanted i realize the comma is no longer needed... i fixed this to be default behaviour in previous versions 0323:< KernelSnuffy> i'm in a big one that's not in the leaderboard yet as well 0323:< KernelSnuffy> ggryspgeth 0323:< agaffchanted> the problem now is that its wonderful but there isn't enough new blood holding steady to make it happen 0323:< dashed> agaffchanted :< 0324:< KernelSnuffy> i think we will be able to pull off a t17 before the 8th 0324:< lost_penguin> Hope so. 0324:< agaffchanted> dashed: what do you mean? i tested it from an alt account in a dif browser and all my chats were defaulted with %parrot 0324:< lost_penguin> It'd be nice to know how many people are actually using parrot on all chats. 0324:< agaffchanted> which would make no sense for noobs 0324:< mtriper> you guys really dont like the mirror to freenode? We could join all channels there by mirror.... It would be crazy 0325:< dashed> agaffchanted they can talk in Global 0325:< dbenc> ahh 0325:< agaffchanted> it goes in global, but it gets prepended with %parrot 0325:< agaffchanted> on a fresh install/new chat group 0325:< dbenc> so what are the chances of t18 0325:< mtriper> all rooms in one freenode channel 0325:< bales75> montugar what phone are u using for gearvr? 0325:< Lolzep> 0% chance 0325:< dbenc> sad :) 0325:< agaffchanted> recommend testing it yourself on a new browser&account 0325:< dbenc> i mean :( 0326:< dashed> agaffchanted **checkbox 0327:< QuiteMopwater> agaffchanted: Halfway through the day I updated and that global %parrot prepend stopped 0327:< agaffchanted> maybe its a carryover from an old update then? 0328:< agaffchanted> i mean the chances of someone fresh joining a tier 1 with the script installed is near 0 0328:< dashed> ok 0329:< dashed> so channel filters off by default? 0329:< agaffchanted> but if you join the tier1 with an alt and its prepending all chats with %parrot by default 0329:< QuiteMopwater> agaffchanted: Actually I was on a tier 1 all day with the script and a bunch of other people had it. 0329:< agaffchanted> people may say wat? i guess maybe its good advertising 0329:< montugar> bales75, i'm using a galaxy S6 edge 0329:< dkozinn> agaffchanted unless it's someone with an alt who knows (I've done this) 0329:< bales75> montugar ahh thats what I have. Does yours overheat all the time? 0330:< dashed> agaffchanted ok i turned off channel filter off by default 0330:< SalZoRz> hey guys have you seen what became of the flockdraw - http://flockdraw.com/upload/1w5pllmyclc008ckogc.png => http://nazar.so/7san9 0330:< montugar> yes but not on netflix 0330:< bales75> interesting 0330:< agaffchanted> i think off by default is the best option unless you want it to be a conversation starter 0330:< bales75> been watching vive reviews all day 0330:< agaffchanted> to people saying "what's %parrot mean" 0331:< montugar> its a pain but I modified my plasic cover to include a heatsink lol 0331:< agaffchanted> or "why do you always say %parrot first" 0331:< agaffchanted> which maybe at this point in the game is a better strategy to get the tiers up 0331:< agaffchanted> just throwing ideas out there 0331:< bales75> LOL I've seen people mode those gel ice/heat packs 0331:< QuiteMopwater> agaffchanted: It was really funny when half of people had that "sticky %parrot filter" bug and half didn't 0332:< montugar> the best option is for some of us to quit this room and seed the lower tiers 0332:< agaffchanted> you guys make the decisions! 0332:< QuiteMopwater> agaffchanted: "Dude there are like 4 people here, why are you using channels?" was the response I would get 0332:< agaffchanted> montugar: just use an alt? 0332:< dashed> QuiteMopwater ROFL 0332:< montugar> what happens when we run out of alts? 0332:< agaffchanted> buy vpns and virtual servers 0332:< dbenc> so, any theories on what will happen if we stay at grow no matter what? 0333:< dbenc> like on the 8th 0333:< agaffchanted> hahaha 0333:< agaffchanted> and turn it into a chat room of a bunch of smurfs 0333:< montugar> robin closes, nobody gets anything of value, some cults stay anyways in defiance of robin's closing 0333:< dashed> montugar wasn't a problem for the button ;) 0333:< montugar> same thing happened with the button 0334:< montugar> well the button probably went on longer than anyone originally expected 0334:< montugar> powerlanguage was probably told to not let it run indefinitely this time 0335:< montugar> hence the time limit 0335:< agaffchanted> who would tell him that? 0335:< montugar> other admins? the people in charge of server costs? 0335:< conker2654> well robin prob puts one hell of a strain on the reddit servers unlike the button 0336:< agaffchanted> the only way we get to a tier 17/18 before it closes down is with a mass PM campaign of people in active channels telling them to upvote 0336:< agaffchanted> a smurf story into /r/all 0336:< agaffchanted> could get everyone banned from reddit for vote manipulation though :D 0337:< montugar> and spamming PMs 0337:< agaffchanted> i mean i got spammed PM's before we merged into soKu 0337:< agaffchanted> like 4 or 5 0338:< agaffchanted> so who wants to provoke the masters by mass spamming a PM and encouraging a story to rise to the top of /r/all 0339:< agaffchanted> just a thought 0339:< montugar> calm down icarus 0339:< agaffchanted> dashed: update request for Parrot, the characters remaining should be overwritten with the chars remaining based on the room you're in 0339:< dashed> agaffchanted the guy who make the PM script is here i think 0340:< agaffchanted> because of the chat prepend adding the chars to the 140 limit 0340:< dashed> agaffchanted yep i know. Daegalus is on it 0340:< agaffchanted> also, an auto multi chat send 0340:< agaffchanted> so it prepends chat 1/2 xxxxx chat 0340:< agaffchanted> 2/2 xxxx chat 0340:< agaffchanted> etc? 0341:< agaffchanted> so if you go over the chat size limit it will just send it as a multi part message 0341:< agaffchanted> that one might be more complicated 0341:< dashed> heh... u seen the pirate pad? 0341:< montugar> no need for manipulation. in theory; we could safely drop ~1200 people from grow(unrealistic) but those people could fill up lower tiers 0342:< montugar> and prompt another merge 0342:< agaffchanted> also a good optional add is a button to send stats to chat 0342:< agaffchanted> for people who dont have parrot 0342:< dashed> i've never read anything from here: http://piratepad.net/Zg3MJL40Qh 0342:< agaffchanted> and say something like 0342:< dashed> agaffchanted we need a dedicated well written tutorial on robin + parrot 0342:< agaffchanted> 9/16 people voted to grow! How did I know? Try parrot! 0342:< dashed> i'll gild someone gold for it :) 0343:< agaffchanted> but it doesnt auto spam the chat, it's just a click button to send stats to the chat box 0343:< dashed> agaffchanted nah... :( didn't work well with robin-grow 0343:< agaffchanted> so if you have the script installed you can educate people without it? 0343:< agaffchanted> was that already a feature on robin-grow? 0343:< dashed> it was removed 0343:< montugar> everyone just filtered out the bot spam 0343:< agaffchanted> NO auto-spam just a click to send stat thing 0344:< dashed> it can be abused though 0344:< agaffchanted> i guess yeah 0344:< dashed> we can have like 10 people here spamming it endlessly 0344:< roamingphantom> is robin dying? 0344:< bales75> then mute....OR have parrot mute by default? 0344:< dashed> but a text tutorial would be good 0345:< bales75> some people are building a robin clone https://redd.it/4diy9y 0345:< dashed> bales75 ??? 0345:< dashed> bales75 yeah im talking to some devs in a slack chat 0346:< montugar> we should be getting a t14 very soon 0347:< agaffchanted> im just trying to spitball ideas on how to go viral without it being a nuisance that makes everyone hate Robin 0347:< dashed> dash 0347:< roamingphantom> mm,a remake,my only question is,how long is it going to last until people get tired/bored abt it 0348:< TheHawkIsHowling> anyone else having trouble with "your message could not be sent"? 0349:< montugar> you cant send full messages if you need to also send the chat symbol 0349:< montugar> back off a few characters 0349:< agaffchanted> TheHawkIsHowling: you're probably exceeding the 140 char limit with the room prepend 0349:< TheHawkIsHowling> yeah i tried that already, as i had to split a sentence earlier,but now it won't send any 0350:< TheHawkIsHowling> this is on an alt in a lower tier 0350:< montugar> we should probably reduce the max by the number of characters in the room name 0350:< Whitestep> hey guys, has this been discussed here yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1reihz => http://nazar.so/81ilr 0350:< agaffchanted> dashed said someone is working on it 0350:< chapebrone> %chat penis/ $ acti ve channe ls 0351:< montugar> isn't that what i was saying just before? 0351:< _vvvv_> dashed this tab autocomplete is black magic 0352:< dashed> it is lol very hacky 0352:< montugar> "no need for manipulation. in theory; we could safely drop ~1200 people from grow(unrealistic) but those people could fill up lower tiers" 0352:< JamoLockerz> 29 minutes until the first tier 14 is born 0352:< dashed> but it is flaky in firefox 0352:< _vvvv_> look at the original commit: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/232769f6ffd802d2be7b5105a6a93b4c78371214 => http://nazar.so/89zfu 0352:< dashed> das 0352:< agaffchanted> Whitestep, that takes a lot of coordination, i cant image it working with all the idlers, etc 0352:< dashed> see how it cuts off? 0352:< _vvvv_> I put in logging in my script..source is mysteriously filled on chrome with the next username. 0353:< dashed> ?? 0353:< _vvvv_> yes it's not working at all in ff 0353:< dashed> but it partially works 0353:< Whitestep> yeah agaffchanted 0353:< _vvvv_> doesn't work at all for me in ff 0354:< _vvvv_> although I got all the other keys working in ff 0354:< dashed> btw devs are on gitter: https://gitter.im/5a1t/parrot 0354:< Whitestep> but snowballing a couple of low tier robins like up to 6 or 7 and let them grow from there doesn't seem that hard to coordinate 0354:< agaffchanted> tab to fill a name still doesn't work for me on FF either 0354:< dashed> Whitestep 0354:< dashed> dashed 0354:< Whitestep> yeah tab for fill doesn't work here on FF 0354:< dashed> Whi 0355:< dashed> White 0355:< Whitestep> Parrot 2.84 0355:< agaffchanted> it works on chrome, (or did last time I tested it back in like 2.3) but no on FF 0355:< dashed> _vvvv_ only the characters u type go through 0356:< Cistem> well of course 0357:< Cistem> but why spam this????????????????????????????????????????? 0358:< dashed> Cistem ? 0409:< zacketysack> Is this still the dev chat? 0410:< conker2654> yes sir 0410:< _vvvv_> yaa 0410:< conker2654> afaik 0410:< montugar> it bugs me that you are misusing that abreviation 0411:< montugar> "yes sir, and for all I know" 0411:< lost_penguin> I thought it was "as far as I know". 0412:< Whitestep> it's as far as I know 0412:< Whitestep> montugar drop the snorting bruh 0412:< montugar> nevermind then. i guess regionality has boned me again 0412:< conker2654> i went to put afaik after it 0412:< conker2654> but i got ratelimited 0412:< zacketysack> so i'm seeing something pretty weird with parrot (chrome, mac): when i vote "stay" i see "voted to stay" in the chat, but... 0413:< zacketysack> ...when I vote "grow" I don't see any acknowledgement in the chat...is this supposed to happen? 0413:< montugar> locally in montreal at least, its "and for all I know" 0413:< lost_penguin> We should disable the vote command. 0414:< agaffchanted> zacketysack: I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave 0414:< dashed> heh... 0414:< agaffchanted> we shouldn't disable the vote command 0414:< zacketysack> agaffchanted daisy, daisy... 0414:< agaffchanted> but it should be a toggle switch 0415:< agaffchanted> *and* grow by default :) 0415:< lost_penguin> Hmm, well parrot is meant to be used by growers :P But yeah I don't really care. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:18:38 2016 0418:< rakki9999112> top kek 0418:< Annon201> made a list/combo box class, completly untested 0419:< Annon201> and cant send URLs throuhg :S 0419:< bales75> getting [robin] could not send your message frequently 0420:< Annon201> getting frequent intermittant 502s/503s on reddit main aswell 0420:< bales75> probably server issues? 0420:< Annon201> https://github.com/Annon201/parrot/blob/Big-List-Class/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/1ld5a 0421:< rakki9999112> 'lol i just scrolled up 0421:< rakki9999112> mortugart is an idiot :^) 0423:< montugar> thanks 0423:< Wakafanykai123> hey guys im back from work 0425:< Wakafanykai123> why is there two twitch emotes buttons 0425:< splishtastic> IKnowThatJerk : ez killer 0425:< rakki9999112> IKnowThatJerk stop it 0426:< agaffchanted> i'm gonna have to mute him 0427:< lost_penguin> Must be an old version of parrot. 0427:< _vvvv_> something like that 0429:< Wakafanykai123> _vvvv_ Is it possible to get write access to the readme? It's a big pain having to update my fork and stuff because its all funky. 0431:< agaffchanted> Wakafanykail123 sounds like a trap 0432:< Wakafanykai123> honk 0437:< rakki9999112> top kek does this guy have a glitch in his script or what 0437:< dashed> _vvvv_ give Wakafanykai123 collab access plz :D 0438:< Wakafanykai123> Whats the problem rakki9999112? 0438:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed _vvvv_ I've got something up at https://github.com/lajiggyjarjardoo/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/6kh7o 0438:< Wakafanykai123> or are you talking about that muted guy? 0438:< dashed> click his name 0438:< Wakafanykai123> yeah some old script combined with a new one like parrot probs 0438:< PotatoBadger> Eat shit! Fuck you!!! 0439:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed _vvvv_ right now it's set to trigger automatically but that will be disabled, also it'll use local storage so it only goes once 0439:< _vvvv_> what does it do? 0441:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's on a 60s timer but that can be reduced 0441:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo im lost.. wat's the feature u added? 0442:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed a little something for the merge party 0443:< dashed> ..... 0444:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo sounds malicious ;) 0445:< dashed> oh i see 0445:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed naw dude there's gonna be thousands of stoked people watching, thought we'd give them a little something fun 0445:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it only last a minute and only happens once 0445:< dashed> loool 0445:< lajiggyjarjardoo> plus all the afk people will be like WTF is that 0446:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i was gonna add a couple more things to it, but if you're not into it's whatever 0449:< AviN456> dashed https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/110 0451:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo maybe in few hrs 0452:< dashed> AviN456 cool! merged :D 0453:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed well i'll play around a little more and send a PR explaining how it works, if you want to accept, cool, if not, no biggie 0453:< lajiggyjarjardoo> then immediately afterwards we can put in another PR removing it, its a 1 time thing 0453:< AviN456> dashed - feel free to add any other developers who should be moderators 0454:< AviN456> also WTF is with all these emergency level syslogs 0456:< dashed> AviN456 emergency level syslogs? 0459:< Whitestep> dashed test 0500:< Whitestep> cool thanks 0501:< AviN456> So who wants to help me import feature requests from piratepad into subreddit 0501:< AviN456> There's a flair in it for you 0503:< dashed> Daegalus https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/111 0504:< Daegalus> ya, thats the live method where everytime its changed, it will take the string and subtract it 0504:< Daegalus> its one way to solve the problem 0505:< Daegalus> i say we take it, its the fastest solution. Mine requires some serious JS hackery 0505:< ScarletSpeedster> hello 0505:< AviN456> dashed - i have a syslog server on my network, it gets logs from all systems and devices 0506:< ScarletSpeedster> Daegalus, this is vinnymac, yea I tried several solutions. This was the fastest one I thought up :/ 0506:< Daegalus> nice, ya i thought of that one, but i thought it might not be performant, so i tried to dig into the actual function that does it. I think 0506:< dashed> AviN456 pingdom.com? :D 0506:< Daegalus> i found where the code is and how to access it 0507:< dashed> Daegalus nothing in parrot is performant 0507:< Wakafanykai123> ill do it Avi 0507:< dashed> using jquery is not performant 0507:< Wakafanykai123> since i do documentation alreadyu 0507:< Daegalus> sorry, its my my inner coder wants to optimize 0507:< ScarletSpeedster> Haha, I thought of that too! I figured since we were already mocking the message box I might as well hop onto your ideas though. 0508:< _vvvv_> test 0508:< dashed> Daegalus is the code not working in safari? 0508:< Daegalus> remember the guy in gitter saying the UI was broken in safari 0508:< dashed> ohhh 0508:< dashed> true... idk if we should do it 0509:< ScarletSpeedster> I noticed you guys require jQuery. The other autovoters I have worked on don't do that. You aren't exposing some helpful tools as well. 0509:< dashed> it's mostly css bugs isn't it? 0509:< ScarletSpeedster> Backbone, and all the jQuery fn helpers. 0509:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123 you should be able to submit without rate limit now (I hope) 0509:< Daegalus> found it: jQuery._data( chatinput.get(0), "events" )["input"][1].handler() <--- if we override this handler, we can control the counter 0509:< Wakafanykai123> as far as what goes AviN456? 0509:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, as you move requests to the subreddit, strike them and mark MOVED in the piratepad 0509:< Wakafanykai123> oh yeah i have been 0509:< dashed> ScarletSpeedster it's legacy code from robin-grow; if i could start from scratch.. it would be react, babel, webpack, etc 0509:< AviN456> Awesome :) 0510:< ScarletSpeedster> dashed hells yes! 0510:< AviN456> BTW 0510:< AviN456> Everyone in this channel should be on https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0510:< _vvvv_> test 0511:< dashed> ScarletSpeedster it was move fast, break things momentum 0511:< dashed> _vvvv_ counter words? 0511:< dashed> _vvvv_ counter changes as u cycle tabs 0511:< _vvvv_> im chugging away at a feature, haven't updated 0512:< _vvvv_> will check it out :) 0512:< Daegalus> dashed ScarletSpeedster check gitter, if you want to see where i got on the text counter 0512:< Daegalus> and i agree, react would have been a better choice 0512:< Daegalus> and some ES6 or TS 0513:< dashed> i would've copy pasted code from here ;) https://github.com/slate/slate 0513:< ScarletSpeedster> Daegalus I'll check it out, thanks :) 0514:< ScarletSpeedster> Backbone.Model would have been a nice store to use from the beginning. Alternatively we could have gone full react by adopting reflux. 0515:< Wakafanykai123> AviN456, create flair for completed or finished requests 0515:< dashed> rofl reflux 0516:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123 Oh, good call 0516:< AviN456> How do I restrict those flairs to approved people though 0517:< Wakafanykai123> umm its somewhere in a settings thing 0518:< marakiri> hey any of u devs wanna do some freelance work for me? 0519:< Wakafanykai123> AviN456 You can do it under edit flair in the mod tools 0519:< _vvvv_> test 0520:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, I see how to add flairs, but am I missing how to restrict certain flairs to certain users? 0520:< Wakafanykai123> you have to do it on a per user basis 0520:< Wakafanykai123> i can set it up if you need 0522:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, walk me through it if you don't mind? I'd like to know how for future reference 0522:< Wakafanykai123> edit flair 0522:< Wonderingwanderr> HEY 0522:< Wakafanykai123> err wait 0522:< Wonderingwanderr> whats this room all about 0522:< Wonderingwanderr> whats that mean? 0523:< marakiri> so noone interested in a little freelance work? 0523:< chapebrone> $ % penis/ #rpg %chat A.CTivE CHanN.eLS 0523:< Wonderingwanderr> i freelance 0523:< Wonderingwanderr> whats the work entail? 0524:< chapebrone> %chat penis/ $ #rpg % Act.ivE cHA.NNEls 0524:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, after reading modhelp, looks like it can't be done the way I want 0524:< marakiri> so noone interested in a little freelance work? 0524:< Wakafanykai123> yeah ive been looking into it 0525:< Wakafanykai123> i thought there was a way 0525:< rakki9999112> marakiri can you pop down your local callcentres and ask them to hurry please 0525:< rakki9999112> people in first world countries got stuff to do other than wait on hold all day :( 0525:< AviN456> So who wants to write the CSS :D 0529:< Wakafanykai123> import done 0530:< Wakafanykai123> what would the css be AviN456 0530:< AviN456> I dunno 0530:< AviN456> Something that looks good :) 0530:< Wakafanykai123> there are a bunch of good ones out there 0531:< Wakafanykai123> like /r/serene,/r/darkserene,/r/mindashq,/r/NautClassic,/r/NautNight,/r/carbon 0531:< Wakafanykai123> just to name some of the really really good ones 0532:< AviN456> Go for it Wakafanykai123 0532:< AviN456> You has access 0533:< Wakafanykai123> kay 0534:< Wakafanykai123> dark or light theme? 0536:< AviN456> Wakafanykai123, up to you :D 0536:< AviN456> Have fun 0537:< marakiri> Wakafanykai123 do dark man 0541:< _vvvv_> test 0541:< _vvvv_> test2 0542:< sigmaeni> is this still the dev channel? 0542:< AviN456> What do we think about changing the parrot button link to the subreddit rather than the github? 0542:< AviN456> yes sigmaeni 0543:< sigmaeni> seems to be an issue with pruning in .93. I can't get it to prune anything like 30 0543:< Wakafanykai123> AviN456 how does it look? i chose one with C O L O R 0545:< Annon201> how do you expose all the greasemonkey objects to the debugger 0545:< AviN456> First you have to undo their zippers 0545:< stormagnet> are you guys having trouble escaping commands? 0545:< stormagnet> or is IKnowThatJerk just spamming? 0546:< AviN456> I haven't seen him post anything else 0546:< AviN456> Anyone else? 0546:< cthul_dude> people are having the same issue in % 0546:< Annon201> wanna make the function calls directly thrgouh the console for testing/debugging 0547:< stormagnet> is this all one guy? 0547:< chapebrone> % $ %chat #rpg <3 a.CTive C.hANNELS 0547:< stormagnet> I was worried for a tick that adding default channels might have caused a conflict 0547:< lajiggyjarjardoo> are any people who accept PR's here? 0547:< AviN456> yes lajiggyjarjardoo 0548:< AviN456> There are those persons here 0548:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 I just sumitted something... different 0548:< stormagnet> ok, nvm, I think that's just spam 0549:< AviN456> lajiggyjarjardoo ummmmmmm 0549:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 it's a dark launch feature that only enables at merge and only once 0549:< chapebrone> <3 #rpg % %chat $ A.ctIve chaNn.elS 0549:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 instructions in the PR comments if you care to try it 0549:< dashed> ping pong 0549:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i added my PR 0550:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's got local storage so it only happens once, I lowered it to 30 sec too 0552:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's only slightly obfuscated, i wanted it still readable so it wouldnt seem malicious, but i could obfuscate it more 0553:< AviN456> I'm pretty sure we don't want obfustcated code 0553:< chapebrone> %chat % $ <3 #rpg a.CTiVE chaNne.Ls 0553:< AviN456> We want people to be able to trust the script 0554:< Annon201> I was thinking about sneaking a easter egg in that would make the text go all rainbowy 0554:< AviN456> Anyone else still getting random refreshes? 0554:< Annon201> that would need obfusication 0554:< rakki9999112> cool 0554:< mythriz> yeah I seem to get them once in a while 0554:< rakki9999112> we all know now though 0554:< mythriz> although I don't remember which version of the script that happened with 0554:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 it's totally readable 0555:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Annon201 you're my kinda people 0556:< k4g3> Annon201 Why would it need obfuscation? 0557:< Annon201> so they dont know what that piece of code is/does 0557:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 this is a one time easter egg for the merge, it lasts 30 seconds. it's just a fun way to celebrate the moment 0558:< AviN456> lajiggyjarjardoo - we're discussing in dev private chat 0558:< AviN456> we'll get back to you 0558:< Annon201> its not really a very good easter egg if there is function MakeTextGoAllRainbowyNStuff() {} 0559:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 it's got local storage to do it once and code to detect the merge, you can use that if you want something else 0559:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 or not, I thought it was funny but do whatevs 0600:< AviN456> It's the determination of the devs that we would be potentially interested in including it as unobfuscated code. 0601:< k4g3> rakki9999112 Been talking about the easter egg at %chat 0601:< AviN456> This being an open source project, we want full transparency - we don't need anyone looking at the code thinking we're doing something bad 0601:< k4g3> rakki9999112's Been talking about the easter egg at %chat 0601:< rakki9999112> yeah i have 0602:< rakki9999112> this is true 0602:< k4g3> I don't think it would matter much if devs are in on the easter egg 0602:< lajiggyjarjardoo> soo... you want the variables to make more sense? 0602:< lajiggyjarjardoo> maybe some comments 0602:< AviN456> lajiggyjarjardoo, yes, and anywhere that it's not obvious what the code does, comment it 0602:< AviN456> exactly 0602:< lajiggyjarjardoo> yeah np 0603:< AviN456> thanks 0622:< chapebrone> $ % #rpg %chat aCt.iVE cHa.NNeLs 0624:< chapebrone> $ #rpg %chat % a.CtIve ChAN.NeLS 0634:< lajiggyjarjardoo> new commit added to PR https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/113 0634:< chapebrone> $ penis/ % %chat # #rpg a.cTive C.hanNElS 0636:< mbm> hmm, should have an option to hide channels on the global window so you just see things you don't already have tabs for 0637:< Wakafanykai123> already in there mbm 0637:< Wakafanykai123> exclude filter 0638:< mbm> nice 0638:< AviN456> no? 0638:< dashed> mbm it's a checkbox 0638:< AviN456> ah 0638:< dashed> oh 0639:< dashed> inverse 0639:< dashed> u really want that? 0639:< lost_penguin> I would like that feature. 0639:< Wakafanykai123> oh 0639:< dashed> im kinda steamed out to code atm lol 0639:< lost_penguin> Global is a mess. Don't need channel messages when they're in their own tabs. 0639:< dashed> it should be easy though... 0640:< Wakafanykai123> basically you want to update the exclusion filter with your channel listing 0640:< lost_penguin> Make it optional though, some people won't like it. Yeah super easy :) 0640:< Wakafanykai123> just have a button to copy it 0640:< AviN456> lost_penguin, make a feature request https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0640:< lost_penguin> It'd be better to just have a flag in the moveMessage function that skips the clone. 0641:< AviN456> :D 0641:< lajiggyjarjardoo> AviN456 dashed going to bed. leave any comments on the PR or whatever, keep fighting the good fight, you guys/gals rule 0641:< lost_penguin> That way you don't do any unnecessary work. 0641:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo alright thx 0641:< AviN456> gnight lajiggyjarjardoo 0641:< AviN456> thanks for the PR 0641:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo can i merge at anytime? 0642:< lost_penguin> Guys do we really want an easter egg in there?! 0642:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed you can test it if you want but i tested it tons, it's pretty straightforward and solid 0642:< lost_penguin> Sounds like a bit of a dick move. 0642:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lost_penguin soooo... it's a 1 time thing for the merge, lasts 30 seconds and happens once 0643:< dashed> it's the only reason we're pushing towards T17 0643:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lost_penguin in my view people will be stoked and it's all a big game man, we aren't working for stripe here 0643:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just my opinion 0643:< AviN456> lost_penguin - you in the subreddit yet? 0644:< lost_penguin> Well as long as it's friendly I guess. Doesn't make noise. Doesn't scare people. 0644:< lost_penguin> AviN456 I've been idling in there for a while. 0644:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lost_penguin it makes noise 0644:< AviN456> lost_penguin you now have flair 0644:< lost_penguin> That's pretty uncool, but whatever. 0644:< lost_penguin> Thanks AviN456 0645:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lost_penguin sorry you feel that way, i'll let you guys figure it. it's easy to remove the sound or do whatever 0645:< lajiggyjarjardoo> the code to detect tier and set the one-time flag is there, so do what you like with it 0646:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it's just 30 seconds on a silly reddit game 0647:< dashed> i haven't seen it lol 0647:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo is it epileptic? 0648:< dashed> balloons and confetti effects might be nice 0648:< AviN456> plus, it orders you a pizza 0648:< Stjerneklar> good morning guys 0649:< AviN456> good morning Stjerneklar 0649:< lost_penguin> And pays your taxes. 0649:< AviN456> YES 0649:< mbm> hmm, doesn't look like the exclusion filter actually works as expected; seems to apply before the channel filter 0649:< dick_sanitizer> evening yo 0650:< dashed> mbm :S really 0651:< lost_penguin> mbm It was probably not expected that you'd have the overlapping channels in the two lists. 0651:< lost_penguin> I can add a checkbox to remove channel messages from global tab. 0652:< OrangeredStilton> Is mtriper still around? 0653:< dashed> lost_penguin feel free to push directly to master ;) 0653:< Daegalus> ok, im going to bed, i hope we dont merge when i am not awake, so i can make sure things voted properly. we have a 16-14 now, and a 13 0653:< Daegalus> is coming, i think we will have our T17 cascade tomorrow 0653:< Stjerneklar> lost_penguin cool, i got the css lying around if you dont have it 0653:< lost_penguin> ok dashed :D 0653:< Stjerneklar> although theres nothing to it :) 0654:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar for no channel messages in global tab? 0654:< lost_penguin> Not sure it's a css related issue. 0655:< Stjerneklar> oh wait sorry i misheard your chat 0655:< lost_penguin> Haha no worries. 0655:< dashed> lost_penguin it seem exclusion channels are not saving all the time :( can u look into it? 0655:< Stjerneklar> 10 mins uptime on my brain :) 0656:< lost_penguin> dashed what do you mean by not saving? 0656:< lost_penguin> Like the settings string gets cleared? 0657:< dashed> sometimes "Channel Exclusion Filter" reverts back 0658:< lost_penguin> I can have a look, but sounds weird. 0659:< OllieTerrance> Am I missing something, or does the "Right align usernames" option work in reverse (unchecked = right, checked = left)? 0659:< dashed> OllieTerrance must be a bug on your end 0700:< chapebrone> %chat #rpg # % $ Acti.Ve chA.nnels 0700:< DebentureThyme> nvm they're not off, the 1,2,3,4 ranking isn't spaced so it looks like 12977,21732,31213, etc 0700:< OllieTerrance> I seem to have it inverted on 2 machines now :L 0701:< DebentureThyme> DogeWitIt 0702:< DebentureThyme> nice! 0702:< chapebrone> %chat % $ # #rpg ACt.IVe cH.anNElS 0703:< dashed> OllieTerrance :( 0703:< dashed> u know js? 0704:< OllieTerrance> I do. I'll have a poke around. 0704:< dashed> i heard it's inverted for some 0705:< chapebrone> # #rpg $ % acT.ive Ch.aNneLS 0705:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed it's got a dancing parrot in one corner, a banner that says "we did it reddit", and some random fireworks gifs. 0705:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo ah 0705:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed then it's got some cheering crowd sounds and some airhorns (not obscenely loud) 0706:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo i'll check it out later :D 0706:< OrangeredStilton> Oh god, who submitted a PR against robin-irc? 0707:< dashed> wasn't me 0708:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed it also abandons everyone disables all the stuff :) 0708:< OllieTerrance> Re: inverted right align -- looks like any bool option that defaults true has the checkbox default false. 0708:< OllieTerrance> And is therefore inverted, e.g. remove bot spam. 0709:< OllieTerrance> The checkbox is always added to UI as disabled by default? 0710:< OllieTerrance> (line 320) 0710:< chapebrone> # #rpg % %chat $ AcTi.vE cHaNN.eLS 0710:< OllieTerrance> That should have something like 'default && " checked"' in there. 0711:< LoginErrorZ> Thanks guys for adding our leader board to the parrot :P 0711:< Wakafanykai123> no problem 0711:< LoginErrorZ> I'll try to keep it up-to-date, but it's early morning EU and I'm alone --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:12:00 2016 0712:< Wakafanykai123> yeah here is slower also around %chat and stuff 0712:< OllieTerrance> Patch appears to work, shall I submit a PR? 0713:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0713:< dashed> OllieTerrance yes! :D 0714:< dashed> OllieTerrance does the patch work for you? 0714:< dashed> sorry redundant question 0715:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0715:< OllieTerrance> Yup, PR sent :) 0717:< chapebrone> $ %chat # #rpg % a.ctIve cH.AnNELs 0717:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0718:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0720:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0722:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0724:< LoginErrorZ> I am assuming that times next to each person is to mark when said person was active, right? 0724:< LoginErrorZ> Is it really necessary to have it so long? "Wednesday, Apr 6, 2016, 9:22 AM" wraps below long nicknames and is meh like that 0726:< chapebrone> # $ %chat #rpg % AcT.IVE ChaN.NElS 0727:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0728:< IKnowThatJerk> /vote grow 0729:< mythriz> did you shrink the tabs? I kinda liked the big ones. oh well. 0730:< OllieTerrance> 6/4 9:22 or something would be sufficient for the timestamps. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:32:15 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:33:33 2016 0733:< tigerLRG245> are we merging today? 0736:< mythriz> bah there modified my script to just use alt + arrow keys to switch channels for now :P 0737:< LoginErrorZ> Or maybe you could just give a last seen [minutes] 0738:< _vvvv_> LoginErrorZ you should see that in the user list only, right? 0738:< _vvvv_> not in the chat window 0738:< LoginErrorZ> yes, that is correct 0738:< _vvvv_> I'm going to format it better. 0738:< _vvvv_> Just a first version for now. 0738:< LoginErrorZ> It's completely minor improvement, but then again 0739:< LoginErrorZ> This is a temporary chat room :D so why not strive for perfection ;) 0739:< hagbard-celine> personally, i'm a fan of iso date standard 0739:< dashed> mythriz u used the advanced thing? 0739:< mythriz> I'm an idiot, alt + arrow keys is forward and back in the browser haha 0739:< _vvvv_> LoginErrorZ Do you think it would be useful to sort on the timestamp? 0740:< _vvvv_> so active users at top 0740:< dashed> yes :D 0740:< LoginErrorZ> _vvvv_ do you mean to sort the entire user list? I'm not sure, I kinda like to see "KuKKilicious" at the top 0740:< mythriz> the advanced thing doesn't help much since then you can't even edit anything in the text field with the arrow keys? haha 0740:< LoginErrorZ> I got used to his name :P 0740:< hagbard-celine> would that be able to pull users out of the "and 2777 more" category? 0740:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine yes 0741:< mythriz> I wanted to use ctrl + alt, but for some reason that doesn't seem to work at all :/ 0741:< rakki9999112> have it as a toggleable setting 0741:< Wakafanykai123> mythriz you can also custom program it :) 0741:< hagbard-celine> that would be cool. so would being able to see all users, but i thought i heard that wasn't possible earlier 0742:< ViktorErikJensen> In my experience the users at the top of the list get mod status when a subreddit is created. So that is a paece of information that would 0742:< mythriz> aha, now I saw the extra options! thanks :) 0742:< ViktorErikJensen> become obscured by another sorting 0742:< _vvvv_> it's definitely possible, you can dump it in the console. hagbard-celine 0742:< ViktorErikJensen> piece* 0742:< hagbard-celine> neat. i either misheard or whoever said so was wrong. 0743:< LoginErrorZ> Is it possible to display the ratio of people that are inactive? 0744:< LoginErrorZ> If we ever merge to T17, we will probably just abandon :/ 0744:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine http://pastebin.com/raw/rQ4yUYTf 0744:< hagbard-celine> huzzah, snippets 0744:< _vvvv_> paste that in console 0745:< dashed> hey _vvvv_ seen this? https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0746:< _vvvv_> yes very impressive that they copied all the feature requests over. 0746:< Wakafanykai123> i make it preety (chompy) 0746:< _vvvv_> haha :) 0747:< Wakafanykai123> holy shit this is a emote now - VapeNation 0747:< Wakafanykai123> also 0747:< _vvvv_> oooooo 0747:< dashed> lol 0747:< mythriz> I don't think that advanced thing is working properly 0747:< _vvvv_> i had css turned off 0747:< Wakafanykai123> why is there two emote buttons - https://lambda.sx/Dyj.png 0747:< Wakafanykai123> dont turn my pretty css off :( 0747:< mythriz> at least not when I want to have ctrl + alt + arrow keys haha 0747:< dashed> rofl... someone plz fix xD 0748:< Wakafanykai123> k 1 sec 0748:< mythriz> have to work, look at it later :P 0749:< Wakafanykai123> kay fixed 0749:< _vvvv_> very nice Wakafanykai123 0753:< _vvvv_> test 0756:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 thanks! 0800:< AviN456> anyone else have the sidebar disappear randomly? 0800:< LoginErrorZ> Don't click the name of the channel --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:02:19 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:03:23 2016 0803:< AviN456> hm? 0804:< LoginErrorZ> I had the same issue but it's gone now --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:07:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:14:42 2016 0814:< badcomposer> %chat for the record it has been like 3 days in this room now and I just want to say dota 2 is still better than LoL 0814:< badcomposer> oh whoops wrong filter 0816:< dashed> badcomposer rofl --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:20:10 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:43:18 2016 0843:< DebentureThyme> it's a bird! 0843:< ptrakk> that could be arranged. 0843:< lost_penguin> Brb changing script name. 0846:< ptrakk> sparrow, toucan, magpie, finch, nightingale, starling,and crow are other cool bird names 0847:< hagbard-celine> also, raven 0847:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ What're you gonna do with the user list? Replace the capped side list? 0847:< ptrakk> raven i missed that one 0847:< lost_penguin> vulture? 0848:< ptrakk> vulture's cool.. nasty birds tho :D pigeon has been taken by the linux chat thing 0848:< _vvvv_> The auto update stuff would be cool but greasemonkey auto updates anyways, and we have a button, and it will be a lot of work. But 0848:< dashed> ptrakk what is that? 0848:< _vvvv_> go for it if you want! 0848:< lost_penguin> Raven would have been a good name. Similar to robin. 0848:< ptrakk> it's a script to auto update.. does tamper monkey have the auto update thing? 0848:< ptrakk> ahh it does.. 0849:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin the side list is trash in big rooms in my opinion. 0849:< dashed> did u guys knows there are spammers in lower tiers spamming about parrot? 0849:< ptrakk> maybe not auto though 0849:< _vvvv_> caps off, and I want to see more data. 0849:< lost_penguin> dashed No, but cool to hear. 0849:< dashed> is it worth using alts? 0849:< dashed> i've never used an alt lol 0850:< _vvvv_> I have last activity being stored now, maybe we could sort on last seen? Or search by name? Have a friends section? Status update? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:50:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:54:46 2016 0854:< LoginErrorZ> It sucks reddit took down robin from the FP 0855:< lost_penguin> They're probably looking at all this ant thinking wtf? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:55:26 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:55:48 2016 0855:< _vvvv_> It didn't seem like it was speeding up anything 0856:< _vvvv_> There were more bots than users in the room, and people got frustrated and abandoned 0856:< lost_penguin> Anything been said by reddit admins about this? 0857:< hagbard-celine> interesting little buggish thing: the crossout of a blocked name in the userlist disappears when their last post updates, 0857:< hagbard-celine> doesn't stop blocking them, though, so it's not a problem 0858:< _vvvv_> ptrakk I like your github avatar 0858:< lost_penguin> I think the bugs add to the experience. 0858:< lost_penguin> That's my excuse anyway. 0858:< hagbard-celine> *feature 0858:< lost_penguin> "undocumented feature" 0859:< mythriz> the "generateKeyCodeEval()" function just makes multiple checks on e.keycode, that won't work since keycode is only one keyhaha 0900:< mythriz> also Tab Autocomplete usernames seems to autocomplete even when I use Ctrl+Tab to switch browser tabs :P 0901:< ptrakk> if keycode is (tab) && keycode isn't (!ctrl+tab) #pseudocode 0902:< lost_penguin> Do we need to use eval() there? Could inject code. Only on their own page but still... --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:03:17 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:03:25 2016 0903:< mythriz> best would be checkboxes for ctrl, alt and shift? 0903:< mythriz> not sure if keycode would work at all 0904:< ptrakk> lol i am a novice at javascript.. 0904:< mythriz> unless you actually store the pressed keycodes in a global var and check what is stored, instead of just trying to check multiple keycodes 0905:< mythriz> ctrlKey and shiftKey is already used in the original code, those should work (though I had trouble making it work with ctrl + alt...) 0907:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 idk how to deal with 2nd message posted in a sequence 0907:< Wakafanykai123> yeah i dunno because it was some other dude who added wrapping 0907:< Wakafanykai123> and introduced all of these bugs :/ 0909:< lost_penguin> Remember last user post, and if a message comes in without username, slap last one in place? 0909:< dashed> probably like a state machine 0909:< dashed> only issue is that i've never seen it 0910:< dashed> so im unable to know what the html structure looks like 0910:< dashed> it'll be awesome if i can get an html sample 0912:< ptrakk> i know it's a i think it's something to do with DOMNodeInserted 0913:< _vvvv_> Sort of how I moved messages to different tabs? 0913:< _vvvv_> would that work? 0914:< lost_penguin> Should work. 0914:< dashed> what's this bot: haha.. som 0914:< dashed> ** chapebrone 0914:< lost_penguin> I muted the dude hours ago. 0915:< lost_penguin> It's like he's providing the world's most useless service. 0915:< Wakafanykai123> its a bot that checks for active channels, super spammy though 0915:< NuOfBelthasar> oh, nice, now when you mute, it strikethroughs all instances of their name 0915:< hagbard-celine> definitely something the devs need to hear about every 30s 0916:< NuOfBelthasar> oh, uh, sorry? 0916:< hagbard-celine> no, not you, the bot 0916:< lost_penguin> Not you NuOfBelthasar 0916:< lost_penguin> :D 0916:< _vvvv_> you are welcome here to say whatever you want Nugaryal 0916:< _vvvv_> NuOfBelthasar 0916:< lost_penguin> Nugaryal will be pleased to hear that. 0916:< _vvvv_> Nugaryal too I guess. 0923:< FriendlyYak> should emotes work in greasemonkey parrot? 0923:< ptrakk> is IKnowThat Jerk a bot? 0923:< Wakafanykai123> you need to enable FriendlyYak Kappa 0923:< ptrakk> yes 0923:< FriendlyYak> Wakafanykai123 oh my bad. :D 0925:< mythriz> maybe a quick check in the send message function to make sure there's no slash character first to make it possible to run commands? :P 0926:< conker2654> jesus i leave for a little bit and you guys just pump out a ton of updates! 0929:< Wakafanykai123> mythriz thats in iirc 0929:< Wakafanykai123> yes its in 0930:< mythriz> oh, I guess those people just haven't updated their scripts then :) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:21 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:42:01 2016 0942:< OrangeredStilton> Alright, robin-irc can now fetch user details when you WHOIS: http://i.imgur.com/zQlEtcR.png 0942:< ptrakk> how do i get the id of an element in chrome devtools?? 0942:< OrangeredStilton> ptrakk: Er, check the DOM in Elements view? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:49:18 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:50:30 2016 0950:< ptrakk> it doesn't have an id but when i highlight it in inspect it says button.btn.btn-default.btn-lg.btn-block . how to .click()? 0951:< dashed> what mischief are you guys up to? 0954:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: Trying to add more crud into robin-irc, but it becomes difficult to do anything sensible 0954:< OrangeredStilton> I have it fetching karma, as per the screenshot 0957:< dashed> OrangeredStilton wow u have more dedication than me 1000:< lost_penguin> I got bored so I made that change we talked about earlier. 1000:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton i mean he made a flag yesterday.. so.. :) 1000:< lost_penguin> To hide channel text from the global tab. With a checkbox to enable. 1002:< NuOfBelthasar> Is anyone working on doing expandable grouping for our settings page? 1002:< NuOfBelthasar> I'd like to explore that in the morning if not. 1003:< lost_penguin> Go for it NuOfBelthasar. I don't think anyone is doing that. 1003:< NuOfBelthasar> Cool, thanks. :-) 1005:< lost_penguin> Sounds like a good idea. Settings so messy. 1006:< dashed> should we turn on stats by default? 1006:< lost_penguin> Stats? 1006:< dashed> stats collecting 1006:< hagbard-celine> >.< 1007:< lost_penguin> Hmm. Probably wouldn't hurt. It's not like it's sensitive data. 1008:< dashed> turning it on since robin hype is dying 1008:< dashed> updated it in v3.00 :D 1008:< lost_penguin> Would give us a better idea what is going on. 1010:< lost_penguin> Who runs the tracker? Would be nice if it gave more room data. 1010:< lost_penguin> Like... at least the number of rooms at each tier. 1010:< dashed> this guy https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1011:< lost_penguin> Yeah but is that one of us? 1011:< dashed> robin-grow uses it 1013:< NuOfBelthasar> hey, does anyone have the link for the robin clone subreddit? 1014:< lost_penguin> The parrot sub? 1014:< OrangeredStilton> I really should do some work. Three days now 1014:< NuOfBelthasar> No, there's a group trying to clone robin 1014:< NuOfBelthasar> So it won't die. 1014:< lost_penguin> Oh sorry no idea. 1015:< OrangeredStilton> mtriper was in here last night, asking about a way to mirror Robin to Freenode 1015:< OrangeredStilton> (Robin-IRC can easily do that) 1017:< LoginErrorZ> Clone robin? In many years someone will be in some insane tier and he will drop by an accident, the pain 1023:< dashed> OrangeredStilton we need a between between people with parrot of different tiers 1024:< dashed> *bridge 1024:< conker2654> hey dashed is there anyway to mute the system msgs? 1024:< dashed> what do u mean? 1024:< dashed> the [robin] messages? 1024:< OrangeredStilton> If we could set up a user in each big chat with some kind of robin-irc-derivative that pipes to a channel on snoonet, that'd do it 1024:< conker2654> yeah those ones 1025:< hagbard-celine> poking at the line-through oddity, i think the fix is (at least partially) a single line in updateUserPanel that checks the mutedList 1025:< OrangeredStilton> Then you can join snoonet#robin.ccande, for example 1025:< conker2654> i come back from being afk and it just spams my empty chatroom like hell 1025:< DebentureThyme> QUICK, FREE STEAM KEY FOR DEVS LNDVY-FXG7C-EY8D9 1025:< DebentureThyme> who will be the lucky winner! 1025:< dashed> conker2654 click on [robin] name 1025:< conker2654> it unmutes itself i tried that 1025:< OrangeredStilton> Not me, I'd have to sign up first 1026:< lost_penguin> DebentureThyme key for what? 1026:< DebentureThyme> You'll just have to find out :D 1026:< hagbard-celine> inb4 bad rats 1027:< mythriz> Hatoful Boyfriend 1027:< DebentureThyme> I mean it could be Fallout 4 1027:< DebentureThyme> it could also be Bad Rats 1027:< OrangeredStilton> "Invalid" 1027:< OrangeredStilton> So it wasn't me 1027:< DebentureThyme> you'll just have to activate it to find out 1027:< lost_penguin> I feel like it isn't Fo4. 1027:< hagbard-celine> is that enough characters for a steam key? never seen one that short, i don't think 1027:< DebentureThyme> better be quick! KCEQX-NC75A-A4XEI 1028:< DebentureThyme> QUICKER LNIKL-9RXVH-J9NRV 1028:< lost_penguin> What is bad rats camp? 1029:< OrangeredStilton> k, I can't even redeem these from the web interface 1029:**** OrangeredStilton logs back out 1029:< OrangeredStilton> Now steam has my email addr, thanks 1029:< DebentureThyme> i'm not saying it was Bad Rats... But it was Bad Rats 1030:< DebentureThyme> it was all Bad Rats. 1030:< mythriz> I have 1000 games on Steam. so ridiculous. 1030:< lost_penguin> Haha 1030:< DebentureThyme> pfff get on my level LNIKL-9RXVH-J9NRV 1030:< OrangeredStilton> I have 0 games on Steam! Now what 1030:< DebentureThyme> err http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pawsed2/ 1030:< lost_penguin> I have so many games but haven't played most, and none recently. 1030:< dashed> lol 1030:< OrangeredStilton> It's not like I have the cash to go throwing around on things like that 1031:< LoginErrorZ> 100 000 000 Monster game badge :D 1031:< DebentureThyme> you could find the cash to buy bad rats in most couches, or on the sidewalk, or the road... 1031:< DebentureThyme> oh it's not just a badge 1031:< DebentureThyme> scroll down and look at my favorite groups. I was one of the main script writers 1032:< LoginErrorZ> I see :) Good job :D 1032:< DebentureThyme> and admins, and organizers, and basically everything except sleep for 11 days 1032:< LoginErrorZ> It was a bit of a war near the end 1032:< LoginErrorZ> Warp school vs spam school 1033:< DebentureThyme> Myself and 1-2 others were working to the last minute 1033:< LoginErrorZ> It's a shame the lobby thing didn't work out super well in the end 1033:< DebentureThyme> pushing out new code (we had a chrome extension that auto updated whenever we told it to) 1033:< DebentureThyme> it worked but we didnt have the blacklist running 1034:< DebentureThyme> we needed 1 more day 1034:< LoginErrorZ> yeah, exactly, there was no time to gather trust worthy people 1034:< DebentureThyme> but on the last day, i was just every few minutes updating code trying to change strat to get the last rooms there 1035:< LoginErrorZ> I was there too, helping them after getting 100 1035:< DebentureThyme> we had to abandon wormholes because 4chan's massive attack on rooms doomed so many, so we pushed code to utilize their bots spam 1035:< DebentureThyme> and tried to brute force a few more rooms out (this effectively doomed any rooms we deemed below that threshold, but our stats don't lie) 1036:< DebentureThyme> our stat trends proved that what we did did boost the few rooms we could, and the rooms we doomed would have been doomed. 1036:< DebentureThyme> i also literally hasdn't slept in nearly 3 days at that point, and had less than a day of sleep over those 11 days 1036:< LoginErrorZ> thanks for your dedication :P it was awesome seeing it all shaping itself 1037:< DebentureThyme> thanks, i nearly lost my mind 1037:< DebentureThyme> wchill ended up interviewed by Valve 1037:< LoginErrorZ> I forgot the name of my room I got my 100mln, but it was one of the early ones 1037:< LoginErrorZ> if not the first to get there 1037:< DebentureThyme> you can search here http://drx.pl/steamgame/hall_of_fame.html 1038:< DebentureThyme> for your steam name 1039:< LoginErrorZ> I checked, Room 48273 :P 1039:< DebentureThyme> That thing was a amazing, and a waking nightmare, and everything else all at once 1039:< DebentureThyme> i wasn't in any of the first rooms on purpose, nor was Trouvist 1040:< DebentureThyme> With that website tracking what rooms I and Trouvist were in, we went into fake rooms as decoys and worked on code to improve the script 1040:< DebentureThyme> first 100m 1040:< DebentureThyme> first 100m 1040:< LoginErrorZ> Yeah, I remember 1041:< DebentureThyme> i nearly lost my mind 1041:< DebentureThyme> and 4chan's attack on Sunday. Ugh, it was so awful (but also brilliant) 1041:< LoginErrorZ> It's much more chill now a days I hope :P 1041:< DebentureThyme> they destroyed rooms using level 1's which we never thought of 1042:< DebentureThyme> level 1s dont have antyhing to buy items with... but they had thousands in a botnet of level 1 steam accounts. 1042:< DebentureThyme> theyd' get 1-2 actual high level users in a room... who bought about 50% those items that give everyone in the room a random item 1043:< DebentureThyme> which theyd' spam + instant cooldown reset item, and BAM the level 1's all had enough random items to last forever. 1043:< dashed> huh? 1043:< LoginErrorZ> I see, wow 1044:< DebentureThyme> and their script was then literally our script, but in reverse. using wormholes and everything else at the exact opposite of when we did 1044:< DebentureThyme> so their botnet destroyed most rooms on that last day. most of the group stopped at that point. I stayed up late thought 1045:< DebentureThyme> and myself and another on TeamSpeak realized just a bit too late that we could brute force some of those rooms through 1045:< DebentureThyme> one room... oh god 531... 1045:< LoginErrorZ> How did you use the bots? 1046:< LoginErrorZ> Just by joining them? 1046:< DebentureThyme> their bots would always ruinwormhole levels 1046:< DebentureThyme> so, we conceded that not using our items until then would never work, so we put everythign into full spam mode 1047:< turing_inequivalent> are you guys talking about the steam summer monster game? 1047:< DebentureThyme> yeah i was one of the main coders on it 1047:< DebentureThyme> for the MSG15 scripts 1047:< DebentureThyme> man 531... number will always be stuck in my heada 1048:< LoginErrorZ> I'll be right back, some merges to put on a leader board 1048:< DebentureThyme> had we realized and pushed code an hour or less earlier... http://i.imgur.com/xLCEcLT.png 1048:< DebentureThyme> 98439223 when servers went down . the last room to not make it 1048:< turing_inequivalent> I don't remember my room numbers any more 1049:< turing_inequivalent> I reached 100M a couple of days before the end of the event 1049:< turing_inequivalent> and then hang around helping the remaining rooms 1049:< DebentureThyme> well i was literally one of the like 4 people that could push the code with that chrome extension and had contributor on it 1050:< DebentureThyme> we didnt just use scripts at the end, we had a chrome extension that enforced updates of the code so we could keep it in sync 1050:< LoginErrorZ> It sounds like a traumatic experience :) Relax, you did well 1050:< DebentureThyme> and a server that could auto join or drop entire groups of a 1000 users into a room at once 1051:< LoginErrorZ> By the way, could you then technically enforce your version of a script and join all people via the lobby? 1051:< OrangeredStilton> Heh, the robin clone doesn't look very active right now 1051:< DebentureThyme> yes that was all working 1052:< DebentureThyme> and all the code to remove or join rooms was there, and was all automatic 1052:< DebentureThyme> but we need 1 more day to finish the blacklist for the server that would auto remove steamIDs from our lobby 1053:< DebentureThyme> the lobby system did enforce the chrome script and forced updates though, you'd never get out of waiting queue without it 1054:< LoginErrorZ> It was extremely fun experience :) 1054:< DebentureThyme> that event was crazy. if they do another one this summer 1054:< DebentureThyme> ...my mind man 1054:< turing_inequivalent> I was actually on the YeOlde script, so I don't think we ever saw any of these updates 1054:< turing_inequivalent> there was some talk about a lobby system though 1054:< LoginErrorZ> haha, i was about to ask, would you do it all over 1054:< DebentureThyme> YeOlde was in our TeamSpeak 1054:< DebentureThyme> people didnt realize that, but we worked with them 1055:< lost_penguin> Made a small change so the Global tab will go red with activity like other tabs. 1055:< DebentureThyme> but we were getting so much heat from 4chan, it was best to mainly leave them out of the spotlight 1055:< turing_inequivalent> I didn't know about that 1055:< DebentureThyme> so their rooms would thrive. But we were on voice chat with them, and making sure both our scripts would work interchangeably 1056:< DebentureThyme> we needed to ensure iditios in the wrong rooms wouldn't fuck the rooms with the wrong script, so our scripts synced when it came to strat 1056:< turing_inequivalent> that makes sense 1057:< turing_inequivalent> I would love to learn more background stuff like this, but I have to scram 1057:< DebentureThyme> 4chan hated us, everyone shit on MSG15, everyone was like YOWH the greatest (they did a lot of things right, and a few notable firsts) 1057:< DebentureThyme> but we weren't reddit, despite reddit's subreddit pointing to us (we didnt create that) 1058:< DebentureThyme> so 4chan fucked with us and made us look bad at the end 1058:< DebentureThyme> we just watned to get people to 100m 1058:< LoginErrorZ> from a spectator's view, it was hard to tell 1058:< turing_inequivalent> and you did a pretty good job 1058:< turing_inequivalent> I joined YeOlde because a friend of mine was there as well 1058:< LoginErrorZ> there was a lot of misinformation spreading 1058:< DebentureThyme> 4chan was pissed because the first few days, reddit threads were listing/joining our rooms, and 4chan had their rooms with their "scripts" 1058:< turing_inequivalent> talk to you guys later 1058:< DebentureThyme> later 1058:< dashed> ... 1059:< lost_penguin> Seeya turing_inequivalent 1059:< ctacus> what's going on? 1059:< DebentureThyme> the tracker sites then labeled rooms "4chan #1, reddit #1" etc. and every day, 4chan labeled rooms got smashed 1059:< LoginErrorZ> dashed not impressed :P 1059:< dashed> about wat 1059:< lost_penguin> I have no idea what you guys have been talking about. 1100:< LoginErrorZ> history 1100:< dashed> of? 1100:< DebentureThyme> so then, once 100m was reached and 4chan had long given up, they decided to try to sabotage others (since a lot of them got their 100m) 1100:< LoginErrorZ> Monster game from the last years steam sale 1100:< lost_penguin> Something with rooms dashed. I caught that much. And there were scripts involved. 1100:< dashed> lol 1101:< DebentureThyme> because the first few days their efforts failed and their coders gave up and went to other groups... and reddit subreddits gloated 1101:< DebentureThyme> made MSG15 (unaffliated with reddit or anyone really) a target because reddit unofficially made us their rooms 1101:< LoginErrorZ> Thankfully, there is nothing to break here on Robin 1101:< DebentureThyme> yeah 1102:< lost_penguin> dashed is it cool if I increase the version number of parrot myself? Just added a tiny thing. 1102:< yaahoe> hey guys can someone link me the most recent parrot?? 1102:< lost_penguin> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1102:< yaahoe> thanks :) 1103:< dashed> lost_penguin i enabled tier logging to be on by default 1103:< dashed> lost_penguin go for it :D 1103:< lost_penguin> dashed cool. I'm thinking of replacing the standings code. 1103:< lost_penguin> It's currently using the web page and only shows like the top few. 1103:< lost_penguin> But there is JSON available from the tracker with lots more rooms. 1103:< dashed> lost_penguin should we force it to be on at this point; since robin is 'dying'? 1104:< lost_penguin> dashed I don't think it would hurt. As long as it doesn't hammer the tracker. 1104:< LoginErrorZ> There is still an influx of users though 1105:< LoginErrorZ> Somehow 1105:< DebentureThyme> ive got one upcoming in um 1105:< DebentureThyme> i think it's tier 8 now 1105:< DebentureThyme> it was 6 an hour ago, but not sure if last merge was right away or had to wait half an hour 1106:< LoginErrorZ> How do you log tiers? 1106:< DebentureThyme> just by knowing the jumps 1106:< DebentureThyme> and screenshoting it every once and a whiule at the start :/ 1106:< LoginErrorZ> screenshotting? 1107:< DebentureThyme> lightshot prntscrn 1107:< DebentureThyme> uploads it to a site 1107:< OrangeredStilton> It looks like any new users coming in are alts 1107:< LoginErrorZ> that is very possible 1107:< LoginErrorZ> GuitarShirt did a good job at computing tiers 1108:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, and I found a way to hide up to 140 bits of data per message: zero-width spaces 1108:< LoginErrorZ> It has a low fail rate, only one in the top tiers is wrong right now 1108:< DebentureThyme> i mean you can sort of figure it out if you look at how many users are in a room, but so many drop so early... 1108:< OrangeredStilton> 140 bits isn't many bits though. I don't know how many messages it'll take to send a compressed hidden message 1109:< dashed> lost_penguin done. 1109:< DebentureThyme> my tier 6 room, up to 64 users, only had 24 1109:< lost_penguin> Cool 1109:< DebentureThyme> i think he used room names though right? 1110:< dashed> hopefully we see more stats in this leaderboard: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1110:< DebentureThyme> room im in now has 82 characters in the name 1110:< etray> dashed I use this more complete leaderboard which is hidden by default 1110:< etray> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/6o8q1 1110:< DebentureThyme> must have reversed that somehow 1110:< LoginErrorZ> Actually, it already has almost 650 tracking beacons, it's insane 1110:< dashed> etray thanks! :D 1111:< etray> that list shows for example there is TIER 6 with 6 people the minimum 1111:< DebentureThyme> ah, 7 1111:< lost_penguin> dashed etray I'm going to use a JSON version of that to update our standings page. 1111:< DebentureThyme> im in RethSnanIg 1111:< etray> lost_penguin great 1111:< LoginErrorZ> Guys, we are talking to the author of the live leader board in our tracking group, the tier tracking is not yet 100% reliable :P 1112:< dashed> why is it hidden? 1112:< etray> but for ex that T6 with 6 people is totally possible 1112:< etray> as minimum amount of people equals tier 1112:< etray> somebody did calculate that 1112:< DebentureThyme> i know it's atleast 7, i wasnt sure if it had waited for a half horu or not 1112:< dashed> ok well i forced stats logging in parrot now 1113:< LoginErrorZ> It's not correct 1113:< DebentureThyme> it was 7 or 8, but now im pretty certain it's 7 since 8 would have been near instant merges 1113:< LoginErrorZ> There are two T6 that didn't merge for a long time 1113:< etray> ok ok 1114:< DebentureThyme> someday soKukunelits will find a compatible room 1114:< DebentureThyme> http://www.OkRobin.com 1114:< etray> someday over the rainbow 1114:< DebentureThyme> www.plentyofrobins.com 1115:< DebentureThyme> http://www.AdultRobinFinder.com 1115:< etray> lol 1116:< etray> dashed no 1116:< DebentureThyme> tweetder app 1116:< Zirenth> dashed, is the multi line bug known? 1117:< dashed> Zirenth yep 1117:< dashed> parrot was made for this chat.. multilines only occur in lower tiers 1117:< dashed> so the multilines wasn't anticipated 1118:< Zirenth> Is a fix planned at all, or just going to ignore it? 1118:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, interesting. There are eight zero-width characters, so that pushes the hidden message to 210 bits 1119:< dashed> at this point not a priority 1119:< Zirenth> Copy 1119:< dashed> Zirenth if someone sends a fix; i'll happily merge it into the code 1119:< mythriz> multiline? oh when the same person write multiple messages in a row, and the username doesn't show up on newer msgs? 1119:< Zirenth> In filtered chats, multi line messages, anything other than the first line doesn't show 1119:< dashed> yeah :( 1121:< mythriz> need to make an alt account and test in a new room then, haha :P 1121:< dashed> haha i just used my alt 1121:< dashed> on tier 6 now 1123:< dashed> i found the multiline text everyone is talking about 1123:< Zirenth> dashed, what t6 group are you in? 1123:< dashed> why? :D 1124:< Zirenth> I'm also in a t6 channel 1124:< Zirenth> and I'm only seeing two 1124:< etray> that is confidential alt revealing information :D 1124:< dashed> moFaFrreek 1124:< Zirenth> I'm in the other one 1124:< dashed> nah my alt is largely not used 1124:< Zirenth> jalRB 1125:< dashed> my chat room are... i think... germans 1125:< etray> hehe 1125:< etray> google translate to the rescue 1126:< LoginErrorZ> dashed, can I invite you to our tracking chat? 1127:< etray> IKnowThatJerk is a bot? 1128:< Zirenth> Probably 1128:< Zirenth> Muted him a bit ago 1131:< DebentureThyme> or those 11's would have merged a while ago 1131:< LoginErrorZ> guitarshirt is working on it 1131:< etray> those two elevens in wilplatypus.php yeah 1132:< touyajp> ohey LoginErrorZ ;) 1132:< dashed> LoginErrorZ wat? 1133:< LoginErrorZ> join us on our Slack chat :P 1133:< dashed> etray totall not compat 1133:< dashed> LoginErrorZ uh sure what is it? 1133:< hagbard-celine> robin chatter leaderboard has updated to prb being a 10 1134:< etray> roger 1134:< touyajp> hm it could keep the ignore list on refresh.... 1134:< LoginErrorZ> i can email you the invite, check PM on reddit 1135:< OrangeredStilton> See, this is where a private message would be useful 1135:< dashed> LoginErrorZ sent email 1135:< touyajp> well not really, slack works by email invite 1136:< OrangeredStilton> Sure, but to send the initial details (instead of going to Reddit pm) 1136:< touyajp> well you can agree to a secret filter char ;) 1136:< OrangeredStilton> touyajp: My main problem is hiding the message from people who don't use Parrot 1136:< touyajp> but how to transmit that .. oh my 1136:< etray> agree how?-) 1136:< etray> yeah the crypto 123 1136:< OrangeredStilton> But I think I've found a way. It'll take a fair bit of work 1137:< touyajp> heh, yeah and that. actually i noticed by now filter is hardly needed in this room. basically enough to mute a few idiots 1137:< LoginErrorZ> dashed invite sent 1138:< etray> that motto vote in the leaderboard btw could be cool feature to add if not too bulky to parrot 1139:< touyajp> oh btw, wanted to suggest, in leaderboard-view, put the leaderboard instead of the nickname list 1139:< touyajp> so that you can see all other options? 1139:< etray> but then you press "Close Standings" to go back? 1140:< etray> hmm? 1140:< touyajp> yes 1140:< touyajp> basically switch between nicklist and leaderboard 1141:< touyajp> nicklist is pretty useless as is 1141:< touyajp> at least in big channels 1141:< etray> ah to replace that totally with leaderboard got it 1141:< touyajp> aye 1141:< touyajp> instead of the leaderboard taking the full column 1141:< etray> yeah it doesnt serve much function now; you can see like few nicknames others are hiddne 1142:< etray> while still taking lots of space in UI 1142:< touyajp> if they were at least in alphabetical order it would have some kind of use, but no... 1144:< Jatexi> Heya, is this the coding chat? 1145:< touyajp> aye 1145:< Jatexi> or wrong channel 1145:< dashed> sure 1145:< touyajp> parrot dev 1145:< Jatexi> Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, not exactly scripting - but anyone here know Java? 1147:< Jatexi> Guess not - thanks anyway, I love your scripts you guys :) 1148:< marakiri> Jatexi wassaaa 1149:< FriendlyYak> it'd be great if we could turn off the sound for messenges touyajp 1149:< touyajp> FriendlyYak request in the thread 1149:< etray> how do i add the blank channel as its own tab, I tried " ,%chat,^" in the channel listings 1150:< etray> so just space and comma, it didnt create the tab 1150:< FriendlyYak> touyajp did that 1156:< Zirenth> etray, why would you want a blank channel? Do you mean a channel that has every chat? 1156:< etray> can u separate that 1156:< Zirenth> Where any filtered chat is filtered out? 1157:< etray> no like vanilla chatting 1157:< Zirenth> global 1157:< etray> yea 1157:< Zirenth> make sure "See only from channels" is unchecked 1157:< etray> i don't want to see all of them 1157:< etray> though 1158:< Zirenth> Seeing everything would be vanilla chat 1158:< etray> hmm good point 1159:< etray> but what if I want to separate somebody chatting without any prefix to its own window separate from global 1159:< Zirenth> I'm not sure that can be done at this time 1159:< etray> yeah that's what i thought:: thanks 1202:< touyajp> our daily dot markov bot is sometimes hystarically hilarious 1202:< touyajp> https://twitter.com/TheDailyMarkov/status/717675960422805505 => http://nazar.so/1s6c 1203:< etray> touyajp are you behind that bot? 1203:< etray> or is it a group 1204:< etray> i don't follow or know Daily Dot so the joke escapes a bit 1204:< etray> but subredditsimulator uses same chains 1205:< touyajp> etray not me personally, it's from our fun group (lizardhq.org) 1206:< sotricious> hello and big SHOUTOUT to the heroes of ^. You guys rule! Thanks for everything! 1206:< touyajp> and it just uses dailydot headlines to generate markov 1206:< etray> touyajp ok 1206:< touyajp> no real need to read dailydot :) 1207:< thatbarryguy> Hail sotricious! The great prefix leader! 1207:< etray> ah not the warlizard gaming forum 1207:< hannahbananaa> barry hey 1208:< mofosyne> yea they truly made this place great sotricious 1210:< etray> whos's barry 1210:< etray> ah THAT 1210:< thatbarryguy> Yeah, that barry. 1210:< etray> i couldnt see the yellow color from the glare on my monitor 1215:< MobiusCoffee> I have parrot going in chrome+tapermonkey on an alt but no chat is showing. It's just blank 1215:< MobiusCoffee> is this a known problem? 1215:< MobiusCoffee> Also tab-complete works on firefox+greasemonkey now wooo! 1216:< Zirenth> MobiusCoffee, try refreshing the page 1216:< MobiusCoffee> Zirenth did that, still nothing 1216:< Zirenth> Try reinstalling the script? 1217:< MobiusCoffee> hmm, I'll try that. 1217:< MobiusCoffee> re: firefox+greasemonkey tab-autocomplete. It works now, but it doesn't cycle like I think it's supposed to. 1217:< MobiusCoffee> not the biggest issue as far a usability is concerned 1217:< dashed> MobiusCoffee ctrl + shift + left/right 1218:< Zirenth> damn, somehow I was removed from jaMoBo 1219:< hansolo580> USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 1219:< MobiusCoffee> dashed I mean for typing "d" then being able to continue pressing tab to cycle through users who begin with "d" 1219:< MobiusCoffee> Zirenth, reinstalled script in chrome, still no text showing 1220:< dashed> oh nah... 1221:< Zirenth> MobiusCoffee, is chat working without Parrot? 1222:< Zirenth> Maybe Chrome needs an update? 1228:< DebentureThyme> bothered to clean up and restart my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pawsed 1233:< touyajp> oh nice you can actually ignore robin :) 1233:< touyajp> damnit "no room available" spam 1235:< alphashadow> hi is this the parrot channel? 1235:< dashed> yes 1236:< alphashadow> cool. anyone having trouble getting it to work in chrome? I was coming from robin-grow because people said it was better 1236:< dashed> im using it in chrome 1236:< alphashadow> but when I loaded the script I couldn't see anything 1237:< alphashadow> only thing that worked was messages tagged with my name 1237:< alphashadow> any advice? 1237:< touyajp> alphashadow works fine in my chrome.. 1237:< Yeniuss> no problem using it in chrome, try adding a filter 1237:< dashed> screenshot? 1237:< touyajp> oh you cannot ignore robin 1237:< touyajp> it resetsheh 1238:< touyajp> wtf... resets 1238:< MobiusCoffee> I have the same problem as alphashadow on chrome 1238:< alphashadow> I uninstalled. will try to add a filter (though I had one already from robin grow that I was monitoring) 1238:< touyajp> maybe in conflict with some other plugin/script? 1238:< MobiusCoffee> No other plugins or scripts on my chrome 1238:< touyajp> hmm no idea then :( 1238:< dashed> u have "Filter Global chat to only be your channels" checked/unchecked? 1239:< alphashadow> wait can you guys see this? 1239:< alphashadow> seems to be working now 1239:< dashed> yes i can 1239:< alphashadow> I can only see koi pond spam though...someone ping me if they can see this 1240:< alphashadow> yess awesome dashed 1240:< DebentureThyme> you talking about my stream? 1240:< DebentureThyme> my stream is on another box so it's just global 1240:< dashed> DebentureThyme you have a stream? 1240:< alphashadow> okay cool. 1240:< DebentureThyme> yeah but im not happy with it right now https://www.twitch.tv/pawsed 1240:< dashed> why? 1240:< MobiusCoffee> dashed he's a bot 1241:< DebentureThyme> the stupid trackers gave me shit with color coding night mode, i wanted to use 2 tabs but OBS is like "fuck you, tabs have same name?" 1241:< tW4r> Parrot is way cool noew 1241:< DebentureThyme> im not a bot... 1241:< alphashadow> mobiuscoffee i got it to work by turning it off and turning it on again 1241:< alphashadow> tW4r hey you're here! 1242:< tW4r> alphashadow yeah, I'm busy with school ATM so I only log in twice or so a day 1242:< MobiusCoffee> still nothing in chrome for me 1242:< alphashadow> same 1242:< alphashadow> mobiuscoffee I literally didn't change anything...I don't know. good luck though. 1244:< MobiusCoffee> it's not a big issue. I have an alt in Chrome so I hardly look at it 1248:< DebentureThyme> https://www.twitch.tv/pawsed am i missing any worthwhile channels? 1248:< xSke> Koi-pond why the fuck you spaming 1248:< DebentureThyme> idk i muted him 1251:< xSke> DebentureThyme why you pulling your usb thing in and out? 1251:< DebentureThyme> KVM 1252:< DebentureThyme> switching between systems 1254:< DebentureThyme> ill mute system 1255:< MobiusCoffee> Is IKnowThatJerk a bot or are they testing something? 1255:< touyajp> i dont read him, so probably bot/spam 1257:< MobiusCoffee> good to know. Muted 1257:< snowburst> what's new in 3.1? 1258:< Whitestep> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1258:< dashed> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1258:< Whitestep> just got posted on /r/robintracking 1258:< dashed> snowburst tabs turn red when there's activity 1259:< DebentureThyme> ok im getting some sleep so, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PveCyyXbJJk 1259:< tW4r> DebentureThyme What song is playing in thechatatm? 1300:< DebentureThyme> um... i can check the box hold on 1300:< DebentureThyme> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcD8r7mehh4&index=14&list=PLa-vqUj00bPcqTe8f1ArnhQvYJfdRDdQb&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/8rwlb 1300:< tW4r> DebentureThyme Thanks! :) 1312:< Djinneral> man parrot has been getting increasingly advances 1312:< Djinneral> *advanced 1312:< zacketysack> new parrot. much advances :D 1312:< Djinneral> at first it was just an auto-grow bot that spammed the chat 1312:< Djinneral> this shit here is like a pilot cockpit 1313:< Djinneral> im liking it 1313:< dashed> =] 1315:< touyajp> what changed with latest update? changelog not up to date 1323:< touyajp> did this chat die :o 1323:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed you up? 1323:< touyajp> he just was in our slack 1324:< lajiggyjarjardoo> touyajp alright, just added a PR to improve something he took a PR for earlier 1325:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I dont think he/she has slept in 3 days lol 1325:< lajiggyjarjardoo> admire the commitment 1326:< lost_penguin> dashed you here? 1328:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lol 1329:< agaffchanted> I found a pic of dashed: https://i.imgur.com/jjVAmzO.jpg 1329:< Whitestep> he's really been on for the whole thing? 1330:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just every time i check at all hours 1339:< lost_penguin> I added monstrous standings to parrot standings. 1340:< lost_penguin> They show up under the official leaderboard. 1341:< dashed> lol 1341:< dashed> agaffchanted lol totally me :) 1341:< lost_penguin> It's optional and off by default. 1341:< lost_penguin> I just bumped the version number. 1342:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo what's up? 1342:< lost_penguin> I made it optional since it requires GM_xmlhttpRequest. 1343:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed just submitted a PR to pre-cache the easter egg stuff so we don't accidently DDOS the img host 1349:< lajiggyjarjardoo> off to work 1349:< lost_penguin> lajiggyjarjardoo I merged it in. Hope you tested it :) 1350:< lajiggyjarjardoo> yeah it's fine, code is straightforward 1350:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thanks 1350:< lost_penguin> np 1353:< dashed> lost_penguin http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1353:< lost_penguin> That's cool. 1354:< lost_penguin> dashed Update and test my monstrous leaderboard. 1354:< lost_penguin> I want to know it works for someone other than me before I sleep. 1354:< agaffchanted> dashed: i know the type well haha 1354:< Broodoobob> ayy g'morning guys 1355:< lost_penguin> Hey Broodoobob 1355:< dashed> lost_penguin what am i looking for? 1355:< lost_penguin> Tick monstrous leaderboard option in settings, then show board. 1356:< lost_penguin> Show standings button. 1356:< dashed> wow nice 1356:< dashed> live updates? 1356:< OrangeredStilton> Heh. Spent the last hour trying to port this text compressor from C to JS, then I find out someone's done it 1356:< lost_penguin> Did it ask you for permission? To use xmlhttpreq? 1357:< lost_penguin> Yeah live. 1357:< dashed> yeah i allowed 1357:< dashed> lost_penguin much does it refresh/ 1357:< lost_penguin> Cool. I made it optional and disabled by default because I thought that warning might scare ppl. 1357:< lost_penguin> I think every 120 sec, same as the reddit board. 1357:< dashed> ah ok 1358:< LoginErrorZ> wow 1358:< lost_penguin> :D 1358:< dashed> lost_penguin now u can go to sleep ;) 1359:< lost_penguin> dashed I have one more change I wanna make quickly then sleep :) 1359:< dashed> ok 1401:< FatherDerp> Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1402:< dashed> nigglet won 1403:< dashed> lost_penguin what small change? 1405:< dashed> v3.13 released 1406:< Silveress_Golden> hi 1406:< touyajp> dashed no changelog updates, grr 1407:< dashed> touyajp >_> 1409:< QuiteMopwater> Hmm, tampermonkey updated and now Parrot won't load on my machine 1410:< touyajp> tried restarting browser? 1410:< QuiteMopwater> Yeah, might reboot whole machine soon 1411:< dashed> .... 1411:< svlad> oh no, I just updated to latest and now it isn't loading for me 1412:< touyajp> hmm 1413:< FriendlyYak> the newest parrot is broken 1414:< dashed> try v3.13 1414:< dashed> v3.14*** 1414:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/e3c8c9c423ac2305951363f62e173e85c4ad3f6f/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/5e1mf 1414:< svlad> is there an extra $(jq[0]). at line 1311? 1414:< supasteve013> hey dashed 3.13 is dead for me. completely killed the script and i'm back to vanilla 1415:< AtaraxicMegatron> that happended before 1415:< svlad> 3.14 works 1415:< Mopolo> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/124 1415:< FriendlyYak> thanks.. 1415:< supasteve013> ohk 1415:< svlad> wait, no, it doesn't 1417:< FriendlyYak> so 3.14 is still broken 1417:< QuiteMopwater> Darn, still no parrot after reboot 1417:< mofosyne> so whats the idea of this voting parrot thing? 1418:< QuiteMopwater> Tampermonkey must have changed a setting or my computer is just b0rked. 1418:< supasteve013> dashed no luck with 3.14 .. thankfully 2.10 still works 1418:< montugar> mmmm version PI 1418:< dashed> 3.15 1418:< supasteve013> haha 1418:< supasteve013> fast as fuck 1418:< lost_penguin> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/a606dbfe7023b87c95a9f69ceb7e5810abd383bc => http://nazar.so/6ydv 1418:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/fe6821209d73f397e860f04213ab43d12aaffbd9/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/7k0g3 1418:< lost_penguin> dashed bug in that merge 1419:< lost_penguin> I can see a stray $(jq[0]). 1419:< FriendlyYak> thanks working again 1419:< dashed> lost_penguin yeah missed it in my review :( 1419:< agaffchanted> should i wait for 3.16 then? 1419:< lost_penguin> Happens. 1420:< dashed> agaffchanted 3.15 works now 1420:< agaffchanted> cool! 1421:< montugar> yay! it works! 1421:< mofosyne> is it safe to upgrade now? 1421:< montugar> yes 1421:< QuiteMopwater> I take it from the downgrade that other people were having problems too and I couldn't read it through the spam? 1421:< QuiteMopwater> 2.97 works fine 1421:< agaffchanted> dashed: looking good 1422:< agaffchanted> tab to complete names works on FFX again :) 1422:< dashed> QuiteMopwater fixed in v3.15 1422:< dashed> agaffchanted really? :D 1422:< agaffchanted> yep 1422:< supasteve013> dashed thanks i was a bit freaked out lol couldn't handle no filters 1422:< QuiteMopwater> Ah, cool 1422:< agaffchanted> seems like it only gives you *one* option but its better than not working at all 1422:< dashed> QuiteMopwater we only move forward 1423:< dashed> agaffchanted yah :( bettr than nothing 1423:< agaffchanted> so for example if i type 'sup' and hit tab i get 'superjimbe' but hit tab again and dont get supasteve013 1423:< svlad> that fixed it 1423:< agaffchanted> works good enough though 1423:< QuiteMopwater> Yep, can verify 3.15 works 1423:< supasteve013> but supasteve013 is the ultimate super hero 1424:< supasteve013> i just tagged myself 1424:< svlad> thats weird, I get supasteve013 when tabbing through sup 1424:< agaffchanted> on FFX? 1424:< supasteve013> i get superjimbe 1424:< svlad> are you saying it isn't alphabetical? 1424:< supasteve013> sup superjimbe 1425:< agaffchanted> superjimbe gonna wake up and be like 'wtf' 1425:< supasteve013> lol 1425:< svlad> sup supasteve013 1425:< svlad> sup supermegacactus 1425:< svlad> sup superbahbi 1425:< supasteve013> bahbi 1427:< dashed> loulan yo 1427:< dashed> mofosyne yo 1428:< agaffchanted> i want a banh mi sandwich for lunch after looking at superbahbi's username 1428:< agaffchanted> <3 pork belly banh mi 1431:< supasteve013> wow.. the standings page on this is awesome as hell 1431:< lost_penguin> :D 1431:< dashed> credit to lost_penguin :D 1431:< dashed> lost_penguin is the new dashed 1432:< lost_penguin> :P 1433:< agaffchanted> those stupid emoji's should have their own panel and a click to send to chat 1433:< dashed> lol 1434:< mofosyne> yo dashed 1434:< supasteve013> if this is accurate it'll be reallllllly hard for us to move to 17, i blame the lack of a button 1434:< lost_penguin> Yeh looking bad I think. 1435:< dashed> mofosyne what bug are u tlaking about? 1435:< mofosyne> loulan from the %chat room, was speaking of some issue with 2.74 in mac 1436:< TheAwer> mofosyne update to 3.15 first of all 1436:< lost_penguin> Yeah 2.74 wat. 1436:< UnacceptableUse> does anybody want to fuck 1436:< mofosyne> yup, he just did not too long ago, he mentioned that he is waiting for the tab to fill up 1438:< mofosyne> okay closing loulan bug report, he seems to be satified 1438:< TheAwer> also what is the key combo to change channel tabs on Mac? 1439:< Annon201> command+l/r 1439:< TheAwer> Annon201 you mean left right arrows? 1440:< TheAwer> cause that doesn't work 1441:< Annon201> yeaj 1442:< Annon201> command shift i mean 1442:< TheAwer> thank you Annon201 1442:< TheAwer> what, pixzleone? 1443:< Annon201> it can be changed if you want :) 1443:< TheAwer> just didn't know it so was checking 1447:< an_audible_smile> _vvvv_ dashed 1447:< agaffchanted> can someone update the 'Global' tab check box where it says 'See only from channels' to: 1447:< an_audible_smile> anyone here? 1447:< dashed> ?? 1447:< agaffchanted> 'See only from filtered channel list [Settings menu option] 1447:< supasteve013> ha 1447:< agaffchanted> or something like that 1447:< dashed> maybe why? 1447:< agaffchanted> to give more clarity on what it does, since thats one of the first things noobs see and it doesn't really make sense 1448:< dashed> ah 1448:< agaffchanted> 'See chat only from filtered channel list' (See settings option) 1448:< agaffchanted> or something like that 1449:< agaffchanted> (Open settings to setup) 1449:< an_audible_smile> dashed do you have documentation on how to use the key remapping 1449:< agaffchanted> maybe in parenthesis 1449:< an_audible_smile> wait nvm 1449:< OrangeredStilton> So this is probably going to turn out to be an exercise for its own sake, this private messaging thing 1449:< dashed> agaffchanted create a pull request for the suggested changes :D https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pulls 1449:< an_audible_smile> what does this "17||224,16" mean 1449:< agaffchanted> 'See chat only from filtered channel list' (Open Settings to setup) 1450:< agaffchanted> ok 1450:< dashed> an_audible_smile no idea xD 1450:< TheAwer> hm maybe PMing through some kind of pseudo encrytipn based upon like a caesar shift on the recipient username? 1451:< an_audible_smile> dashed uh I though you were a de 1451:< an_audible_smile> dev* 1451:< dashed> an_audible_smile i didn't implement that 1452:< dashed> an_audible_smile there are docs though 1452:< svlad> an_audible_smile where do you see that? 1452:< dashed> "Keyboard navigation key remapping FOR ADVANCED USERS ONLY" 1452:< an_audible_smile> lol 1453:< an_audible_smile> I'm an advanced user :p 1453:< Annon201> an_audible_smile 1453:< Annon201> the control key and command key have different key codes 1454:< svlad> a quick google search of 17||224,16 comes up with this text: 1454:< svlad> The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and 1454:< svlad> burn her with fire. 1454:< TheAwer> that sure seems useful 1454:< Annon201> so its saying to check whether the button is {control} or {mac_command} 1454:< svlad> I think its pretty self explanatory 1455:< dashed> Annon201 implement this btw 1455:< Annon201> then 16 = shift, you can have as many charater codes separated by commas as you want, you'll run out of fingers to press 1456:< TheAwer> huh TIL some stuff about key combo coding thanks guys 1457:< agaffchanted> dashed: done: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/130 1458:< dashed> agaffchanted merged :D 1458:< agaffchanted> ty! 1459:< lost_penguin> Those single quote will break it agaffchanted 1500:< agaffchanted> oh shit i broke it I think 1500:< lost_penguin> Geez guys! 1500:< dashed> looool 1501:< svlad> 17 & 224 are different key codes (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode => http://nazar.so/2hrmc to determine what they are) 1507:< touyajp> thank you! <3 1508:< touyajp> finally can zoom in again 1508:< dashed> touyajp np 1508:< lost_penguin> We break things, then we rebuild them even better! 1508:< dashed> lol 1508:< an_audible_smile> || means and? 1508:< lost_penguin> OR 1508:< dashed> OR 1508:< dashed> maybe idk 1508:< Annon201> || is a logical or comparitor.. if (key_code.17 is being pressed OR key_code 224 is being pressed) then that will evaluate to true 1508:< bananasquid> Just wanted to stop in to say thank you for adding the left sidebar 1508:< Annon201> yeah, its or 1508:< bananasquid> It's everything I dreamed it would be and more 1508:< lost_penguin> && = AND 1509:< an_audible_smile> ya I know it's a logic operator, just don't remember which one 1509:< TheCountryoftheNo> 3.17 stopped working for me completely 1509:< TheCountryoftheNo> Anyone else have trouble? 1509:< bananasquid> I didn't do anything 1509:< dashed> 3.17? 1509:< bananasquid> I just showed up after 14 hours and everything was great 1509:< TheCountryoftheNo> the latest yeah 1509:< dashed> isn't that latest? 1509:< touyajp> 3.18 is current 1509:< dashed> that works for me 1509:< lost_penguin> TheCountryoftheNo Gremlins bro. Update to latest. 1509:< an_audible_smile> why are you using a deprecated function tho 1510:< TheAwer> well technically & is and and I think && has another name but yeah basically 1510:< dashed> TheCountryoftheNo sorry i meant 3.18 1510:< TheCountryoftheNo> Ugh it's say it is updated and stuck .17. I'll try something 1510:< QuiteMopwater> 3.17 is 5 minutes old. Get with the times 1510:< dashed> :) 1510:< lost_penguin> Haha. 1510:< agaffchanted> ok dashed i'll look for other minor things to update 1511:< TheCountryoftheNo> Thanks guys. Parrot is great again. 1511:< lost_penguin> np! 1512:< an_audible_smile> if I input [*, does it check for and messages that start with [? 1512:< an_audible_smile> any* 1513:< an_audible_smile> for the spam filter 1513:< Annon201> no 1514:< agaffchanted> dashed: what do you think about adding "refresh browser window after uipdate" under the Update Parrot button? 1514:< an_audible_smile> then how do I block messages that contain [r/name] or [bot], etc 1515:< an_audible_smile> and btw there's a bug 1515:< an_audible_smile> when I use ctrl+shift+left/right 1515:< touyajp> thats a bad shortcut anyway 1515:< an_audible_smile> after I use that combo, whenever I use the l/r keys again, it moves the tab as well as the cursor 1515:< touyajp> ctrl+shift+left/right marks/unmarks previously written text, platform-wide 1516:< an_audible_smile> how do I cancel it? 1516:< an_audible_smile> reload? 1516:< touyajp> yeah, cursor movement is windows feature 1516:< Annon201> thats why i added the ability to change it in the first place 1516:< Annon201> ill work out whats happening 1516:< touyajp> honestly i would suggest to change the default mapping to alt+left/right. That would also be consistent with irssi. 1517:< Annon201> turn offKeyboard channel-tabs navigation 1517:< Annon201> thats back and forward in most browsers 1518:< touyajp> oh indeed it is. i nevr used it 1518:< touyajp> nvm then 1518:< an_audible_smile> or ctrl+shift+`/ctrl+` for l/r or ctrl+shift+1/ctrl+shift+2 for l/r 1518:< lost_penguin> Maybe something different like ctrl+, and ctrl+. (lowercase < and >) 1519:< touyajp> only suitable for US keyboards 1519:< lost_penguin> Ah right 1519:< touyajp> oh , . 1520:< lost_penguin> It's different on UK? 1520:< touyajp> no i thought you meant <> 1520:< lost_penguin> Oh ok. 1520:< touyajp> its differnt on non-english keyboards usually 1520:< an_audible_smile> european key boards are different 1520:< montugar> so apparently I've got a job interview at IKEA 1520:< touyajp> (german, french, etc) 1520:< an_audible_smile> uk is the same I think 1520:< touyajp> ,+. are okay though 1520:< touyajp> they are universally placed 1521:< touyajp> <> isn't though. I have them on the same key, together with pipe (|) 1521:< touyajp> between y ("z") and left shift 1522:< an_audible_smile> lol you have y down there 1522:< touyajp> yep, normal german keyboard. Y and Z swapped 1523:< mofosyne> following the evolution of robin... isn't this suspiciously how IRC evolved from point to point BBS chat? 1524:< Annon201> you guys are running into the same arguments we had which caused the reason to put those (broken and convoluted) settings there 1524:< montugar> only IRC is more secure in it's channels 1524:< mofosyne> thought the advantage that robin has, is in active channel discovery 1525:< mofosyne> hmmm... actually a good feature for robin is potential active channel discovery 1525:< montugar> if anyone uses a channel, auto add tabs? 1525:< montugar> *if it's used by more than one person 1525:< mofosyne> (most of the time channel discovery is via checking the global tab with mk-I eyeball) 1526:< mofosyne> probbly less auto add tab, and more like channel suggestion? 1526:< mofosyne> e.g. over the last 3 mins, these are the potential channels that may exis 1527:< mofosyne> %chat is most popular, #gov is second popular 1527:< mofosyne> etc... 1527:< strobonic> mofosyne, how would you discriminate between a "channel" and regular text that multiple people have spammed 1527:< xSke> any way to get a reddit session to log into robin with oauth? 1527:< mofosyne> you can't, hence its a suggestion. You only monitor the first keyword. 1528:< mofosyne> But you can limit it to any that starts with # % etc... 1528:< Chartis> strobonic https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204536499 => http://nazar.so/5isk4 1528:< agaffchanted> lost penguin: minor update but should be consistent in "naming" IMO: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/132 1529:< agaffchanted> lost_penguin rather 1529:< lost_penguin> Done 1530:< agaffchanted> vnice ty! 1531:< TheAwer> Will you guys be annoyed if robin really ends on the 8th and there's no kind of continuation? with all the work you've put in Parrot 1531:< Chartis> If you guys want you can report a content policy violation via the link Reddit supplied in the lower right. 1531:< mofosyne> the other alternative strobonic is to have a whitelist, and just show activity stats based on the whitelist 1532:< lost_penguin> TheAwer Nah. They said it would after all.. 1532:< mofosyne> basically as an alternative to " chapebrone" bot 1532:< TheAwer> lost_penguin well some people are thinking this will be kept as some kind of chat for like subreddits or something 1534:< lost_penguin> That would be nice. 1535:< lost_penguin> They'd probably implement some of our additions in robin base. 1535:< lost_penguin> But with less nasty code. 1536:< TheAwer> i cant believe how much you guys have done in such little time. i love watching the commits roll in to the repo lol 1537:< svlad> what are you talking about. this codebase is immaculate 1537:< dashed> Chartis are you an admin? 1537:< Chartis> dashed No. 1539:< Annon201> I see whats wrong 1539:< lost_penguin> Parrot at version 3.20 now. 1540:< TheAwer> not updating through tampermonkey currently? 1541:< Annon201> (e.keycode == (17||224)) && (e.keycode == (16)) is never going to evaluate properly :S 1541:< lost_penguin> TheAwer Not sure if tampermonky supports auto-update. 1542:< TheAwer> lost_penguin it does and it actually just worked nvm 1542:< lost_penguin> Nice. Never noticed the option. 1543:< TheAwer> lost_penguin if you click on the lasted updated time it'll check 1543:< agaffchanted> lost_penguin v3.20 doesn't have chat channels for me and can't send to Global either on FFX. Had to rever to 3.19 1544:< agaffchanted> ^^^^ v3.19 for anyone who cant chat on v3.20! 1545:< dashed> lol 1545:< lost_penguin> dashed I merged vinnymacs change. 1545:< lost_penguin> It seems to work for me but I'll revert. 1546:< lost_penguin> dashed whats the easiest way to revert? 1546:< FriendlyYak> i seem to have problems with 3.20 channels!? 1547:< dashed> lost_penguin i use sourcetree 1547:< lost_penguin> dashed can you revert that merge? 1547:< dashed> which? 1547:< lost_penguin> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/5aa8bfd41c992b116d900b5f1ac505e880388a4b => http://nazar.so/5svve 1548:< dashed> ok 1548:< dashed> lost_penguin done 1549:< lost_penguin> Thanks. 1550:< lost_penguin> I bumped Parrot version to 3.21. 1550:< OrangeredStilton> T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤ 1550:< OrangeredStilton> Did anyone see that last line go through? 1551:< ShareDVI> "T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤" 1551:< ShareDVI> that's what I saw 1551:< OrangeredStilton> Let me see if it appears in the base Robin... 1551:< Broodoobob> that was weird, parrot broke for me 1552:< Broodoobob> had to reinstall it 1552:< lost_penguin> Broodoobob Gremlins honest. 1552:< lost_penguin> Nothing to do with me! 1552:< Broodoobob> hahahaha 1552:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, it comes through on the base parrot, but it looks exactly as it should: plain text 1552:< OrangeredStilton> Oddly, it didn't come through on Parrot; what've you guys done to it ;) 1553:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, I know why. It starts with \uFEFF, which makes Parrot's tab handling throw a wobbly 1554:< OrangeredStilton> ANYWAY. If you guys want to implement private messaging, you now have a steganography library: http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1554:< OrangeredStilton> ANYWAY. You guys now have a steganography library: http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1554:< OrangeredStilton> [Spam] 1557:< svlad> test 1557:< mofosyne> I hear you svlad 1557:< svlad> thanks 1558:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I wasn't having messages show up on Parrot 1559:< OrangeredStilton> Let's see how long I can make a message before Parrot shits itself 1559:< OrangeredStilton> No, that was too long... shorter, perhaps 1600:< OrangeredStilton> So if I type the same thing in here, how long can I make a message before it doesn't show up? 1601:< OrangeredStilton> No, that works fine. I must've broken something... 1601:< lost_penguin> I added grow/stay columns to advanced tracking table on standings sidebar. 1601:< lost_penguin> Parrot version 3.22 1602:< OrangeredStilton> ANYWAY. If you want to implement private messaging, I wrote a steganography library: http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1603:< OrangeredStilton> (I can't be sure that was delivered last time I said it) 1603:< lost_penguin> First time I saw it. 1603:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, robin-irc's playing up some 1603:< lost_penguin> I put tree in first two boxes, and it output tree. 1604:< OrangeredStilton> It LOOKS like tree, but there's a hidden copy of the phrase 'tree' encoded in there 1605:< OrangeredStilton> When I pasted "this line contains compressed hidden text" earlier, it contained "The purple monkey is in the dishwasher" 1605:< lost_penguin> OK, in zero space chars or something? 1605:< OrangeredStilton> Indeed 1605:< lost_penguin> Funky 1605:< OrangeredStilton> But it's also compressed, so I can fit more ciphertext in there 1606:< lost_penguin> Compressed how? Huffman encoded or something? 1607:< TopicallyDifferent> Is robin-irc actually functional now? PogChamp 1607:< lost_penguin> TopicallyDifferent Hope so. 1607:< OrangeredStilton> It's a substitution-based compression designed for small text, not my own work :P --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:07:58 2016 1607:< OrangeredStilton> And robin-irc should be working fine. I'm typing this from my IRC client 1607:< lost_penguin> Limited alphabet? 1609:< OrangeredStilton> It uses charCodeAt, so it'll be ascii; the cover text can be anything 1609:< lost_penguin> Looking at the js now. Pretty cool. 1610:< OrangeredStilton> I haven't finished SMAZ.desteg yet, so don't run off with it immediately ;) 1610:< agaffchanted> OrangeredStilton can you relink your project? 1611:< agaffchanted> my chat refreshed so lost what you are talking about 1611:< lost_penguin> Past my bedtime anyway. Way past. Will have to be a task for someone else. 1611:< OrangeredStilton> agaffchanted: http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1611:< agaffchanted> what would this be used for within parrot? 1612:< OrangeredStilton> This'd be the base of private messaging; the output it creates looks exactly like the cover text 1612:< lost_penguin> OrangeredStilton It's just encoded, but free for anyone else to decode I guess? 1613:< OrangeredStilton> lost_penguin: Oh, sure. It's not encrypted, just hidden 1613:< agaffchanted> interesting so you need to know the cover text to decipher? 1613:< lost_penguin> So it's limited use I suppose. Not really private. 1613:< lost_penguin> Someone can alter the script to see all private message. 1613:< OrangeredStilton> It's not all the way to private, but it's the best we can do without key exchange 1613:< lost_penguin> Super cool though. 1614:< OrangeredStilton> But! You can use this to exchange public keys 1614:< Curly-Mo> for real private messages you would need encryption in addition to the steganography with private and public keys. 1614:< OrangeredStilton> If y'all want to pull aes.js in, have fun 1615:< lost_penguin> I almost do. But I fear I'd still be working on it come the 8th. 1615:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, for sure. I'm not putting this in myself because it'd take days 1617:< lost_penguin> On that note I think I'll hit the sack. 1617:< OrangeredStilton> kbai 1617:< lost_penguin> Parrot seems pretty stable atm. I'll get out while it's safe. 1617:< lost_penguin> 'night guys. 1617:< OrangeredStilton> Just thinking on how you'd go about encrypting... you'd need to send the pubkey with every message 1618:< OrangeredStilton> The source would need to generate a new pair on pageload, and the destination has no way to know 1619:< svlad> you could have a listening channel where requests for private keys are sent to for specific users 1619:< svlad> so new user joins, sees message from user that he doesn't have a key for, sends request to key request channel and the other user 1619:< svlad> auto responds with his key 1620:< svlad> other users also needing the key could halt their key request if they see another user request the same user's pub key 1620:< ScarletSpeedster> Who discovered the issue earlier with %parrot and what are the steps to reproduce? I am trying to test a fix for the commit that caused it 1622:< lost_penguin> You're vinnymac? 1623:< ScarletSpeedster> test 1623:< svlad> sup 1623:< svlad> ScarletSpeedster received 1623:< lost_penguin> ScarletSpeedster are you vinnymac on git? 1626:< ViktorErikJensen> Hi! I'd like to suggest that message text doesn't do this. If it's possible. http://i.imgur.com/HWuQNea.png 1627:< ScarletSpeedster> You guys get my last two messages in parrot `test with bugged code`? 1628:< ScarletSpeedster> ViktorErikJensen I think that lining the text up with the rest of the paragraph is on the radar, if that is what you meant. 1628:< svlad> ScarletSpeedster I did get your 'test with bugged code' messages 1628:< ViktorErikJensen> ScarletSpeedster: It is. Great! 1629:< ScarletSpeedster> svlad :( I guess that means I can't reproduce the issue. I will have to figure out who saw it then. 1629:< svlad> do you know what the issue was? ScarletSpeedster 1630:< lost_penguin> ScarletSpeedster are you vinnymac on git? 1630:< ScarletSpeedster> svlad it appears that messages to %parrot weren't going through with my commit https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/133 1631:< lost_penguin> I take that as a yes. 1631:< svlad> The only problem I heard of with %parrot is when you have % and %parrot in your filter list, and you put % before %parrot 1631:< lost_penguin> It was version 3.20 guys if anyone remembers. 1631:< svlad> messages go to %, because it is First-Match-Only 1631:< svlad> ScarletSpeedster are you vinnymac on git? 1632:< svlad> ScarletSpeedster did you accidentally mute lost_penguin? 1632:< FriendlyYak> people in Crt1Blme praise the parrot dev team. i though you should know 1632:< lost_penguin> That explains some things. 1632:< ScarletSpeedster> yea I accidentally muted him 1633:< svlad> lol 1633:< lost_penguin> ScarletSpeedster I merged your PR. 1633:< svlad> I was wondering why you were ignoring him 1633:< lost_penguin> You're after people that had problems on version 3.20. 1633:< ScarletSpeedster> Yep :) 1634:< lost_penguin> People said it stopped the script completely. 1634:< ScarletSpeedster> That is really weird, I am using it right now to talk to you... 1634:< ScarletSpeedster> I'll be back in an hour, grabbing lunch. I will investigate more then :) 1634:< lost_penguin> Yeah it worked for me. 1634:< QuiteMopwater> Alright everyone, I think I'm bowing out of soKukunelits. I wanted to thank the Parrot people before I left. Great work. 1634:< lost_penguin> But majority rules. 1634:< svlad> RIP QuiteMopwater 1635:< MobiusCoffee> Leaving now?! just close the tab and come back later QuiteMopwater :D 1635:< MobiusCoffee> aww :( 1635:< lost_penguin> So sad. 1635:< lost_penguin> We had to watch him die like that. 1636:< svlad> Especially after the last "Don't do jump!" message.. 1636:< lost_penguin> OK gotta go for real real. Night. 1636:< svlad> gnite lost_penguin 1636:< lost_penguin> ~~~ 1637:< svlad> are there any Parrot contributors on now? 1639:< TheAwer> also it seems that somehow Parrot broke /whois on the global chat when posting without a channel 1639:< TheAwer> it looks like I actually said it in the chat 1640:< TheAwer> well sometimes doesn't work at least 1641:< svlad> TheAwer do you have "emtpy" channel to post into for commands? 1641:< Wakafanykai123> commands should work in any window 1642:< svlad> oh, nice, that's new 1642:< TheAwer> if I uncheck see chats only from filtered channels, a blank channel appears in the options 1642:< TheAwer> which is what I have chosen, and it appears that I have chatted it and not commanded it 1642:< TheAwer> excuse me it doesn't work for others, works on myself 1643:< TheAwer> i.e. /whois TheAwer will work properly but /whois svlad will make it appear like I chatted it with no response 1644:< svlad> any /whois is working fine for me. What's in your filter list? 1645:< TheAwer> filter: ^,+,$,%chat,*,#rpg,%parrot,# 1646:< svlad> odd, I can't get mine to not work 1647:< FriendlyYak> works for me.. 1647:< TheAwer> go to the global tab, uncheck only seeing messages from your channels, select the top blank option, and do /whois on another use (not you) 1648:< TheAwer> tested and is working on both my main here and alt in Canary 1648:< TheAwer> I mean not working 1648:< svlad> yeah, any combination of Hiding/unhiding channel and non-channel messages and doing a whois always works for me 1649:< svlad> What's your parrot version? 1649:< TheAwer> even on other users? 1649:< svlad> yes, /whois TheAwer works 1649:< TheAwer> 3.22 on both. think it has not worked for a while 1649:< TheAwer> that's wierd 1649:< TheAwer> brb trying something 1649:< svlad> 11:49:42 AM [robin] TheAwer is present and has voted to INCREASE 1650:< TheAwer> that's wierd 1651:< TheAwer> Well I have to go now but I'll try to figure out more later if i can 1652:< sotricious> TheAwer I saw your /whois sotricious 1653:< sotricious> I responded but then > your name dissapeared! Even from my comment! 1653:< sotricious> weird 1653:< svlad> Yeah, for some reason TheAwer's commands are going to chat instead of being run as commands 1656:< svlad> %parrot the % and %parrot messaging issue could be fixed by first sorting the filter list by channelname length, longest first, then 1657:< svlad> %parrot then using that as a filter list 1706:< TheAwer> IKnowThatJerk somehow you are having the ^ channel added before the command you can't have that 1707:< person7178> TheAwer i think its something with the script 1708:< TheAwer> IKnowThatJerk make sure your script is updated 1708:< _vvvv_> I think he's running two scripts at once. 1713:< etray> any major new features from 3.00 to 3.22, just upgraded 1715:< OrangeredStilton> I didn't even know we had a v3 1715:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: Did you see my steganography implementation, btw 1715:< prince_polka> is this the meta discussion about growth channel? 1715:< OrangeredStilton> prince_polka: This is the script-dev channel. 1715:< etray> i missed the Windows 3.11 1715:< etray> version 1715:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton no i just woke up ^__^ 1716:< _vvvv_> need coffee 1716:< _vvvv_> link? 1716:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: When you get back, see if you can make use of this: http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1718:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton pretty cool, I think it just appends a pad after for decryption? 1718:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton unicode required maybe? 1719:< OrangeredStilton> Unicode required. The first character is \uFEFF, and the ciphertext is zero-width spaces 1721:< OrangeredStilton> I haven't written desteg yet, but it's not far away 1728:< touyajp> "click on chat name to close sidebar"? 1729:< _vvvv_> yeah 1729:< _vvvv_> click on soKukunelits 1729:< touyajp> chat in sokuku... ? 1729:< touyajp> nothing happens 1729:< _vvvv_> yeah 1729:< _vvvv_> try refreshing page? 1730:< dbenc> room growth is definitely slowing down... at this rate i'm not sure we'll even make t17 1730:< touyajp> oh okay 1730:< touyajp> now it works, thanks 1730:< dbenc> any theories on what will happen if we stick to "grow" until the end on the 8th? 1730:< xSke> nobody has any clue whats gonna happen on the 8th 1730:< jeuv> we will grow to T17, then nothing will happen 1731:< xSke> they might shut it down, they might shut joining down, maybe the end date was an april fools 1731:< xSke> we might get a badge or reddit gold or absolutely nothing 1731:< jeuv> probably nothing, like last year 1738:< sotricious> dbenc i think we all going to get linked to a certain Rick Astley's video 1739:< dbenc> probably 1754:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1754:< Lorithas> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1754:< FriendlyYak> dev asleep? post emotes CHAccepted 1754:< FriendlyYak> FuckYea 1755:< FriendlyYak> :tf: 1755:< FriendlyYak> ok quick a last one and i'm gone.. 1755:< FriendlyYak> PokerFace 1801:< marakiri> FriendlyYak : ) 1801:< FriendlyYak> oh god someone found out... OhMyGoodness 1801:< iHacked> Whut?` 1802:< marakiri> iHacked mind ur own business pal 1812:< ViktorErikJensen> Hehe. I think it's the main guy who wanted them in the first place. So trolling 2/10. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:59:26 2016 1859:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1924:< etray> test 1926:< sotricious> wtf > it wont send anything and a pop up asks me to fill this field 1928:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1928:< agaffchanted> sotricious: update to the latest version 1929:< agaffchanted> sotricious: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/8lvs9 1929:< agaffchanted> v3.22 --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 19:41:58 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 19:47:22 2016 1947:< mythriz> apparently keyboard mappings still not fixed? haha 1947:< mythriz> I'll have a look 1950:< touyajp> just noticed if i google for "robin parrot" our script is #3 1950:< mythriz> haha nice 1955:< svlad> does anyone have a script for tracking how many tiers a new Robin user has gone through? 1957:< Khemikooligan> dashed you there? 1957:< touyajp> svlad nothing reliable i think 1958:< Khemikooligan> any coders here? 1958:< Khemikooligan> guess not... 1959:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2004:< AviN456> whast up 2010:< touyajp> request: could you use 24h clock in the nicklist for last spoke? would save a little more space. also, maybe just go MM/DD HH:MM 2017:< AviN456> touyajp https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 2017:< touyajp> AviN456 yeah but.. i'm lazy. 2018:< touyajp> or actually already too busy :p 2018:< AviN456> *cry* 2019:< etray> i cri evri teim 2019:< touyajp> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/comments/4dnl2p/request_shorten_timespamps_in_nicklist/ => http://nazar.so/9cy4t 2019:< mythriz> OK I think I fixed the navigation keys code. doesn't need a reload either now 2019:< touyajp> thar. happy? 2020:< touyajp> can't see you guise cry 2020:< mythriz> wondering if I'm gonna bother with git. I suck so badly at git lol. 2023:< mythriz> what is that "active channels" thing, it is for one of the other scripts? lol 2028:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2036:< AviN456> hm? 2040:< mythriz> hello 2040:< AviN456> what active channel thing? 2040:< touyajp> fun math time. so once we have a T11, we need 28 T9s 2041:< touyajp> everything below won't make the final merge 2041:< hagbard-celine> do you mean chapebrone? 2041:< mythriz> yeah 2041:< mythriz> "chapebrone $ ^ penis/ % #rpg aCt.IvE cha.nNELs" 2043:< AviN456> i have it muted 2043:< mythriz> yeah muted it now too. though it almost could be useful to make a list of channels, so I thought maybe some other script used it. 2043:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/t5KpY6 2046:< mythriz> I'm trying to figure out pull requests in github heh 2048:< svlad> mythriz just fork, paste your changes, then do your PR 2048:< touyajp> whenever i have github problems, i use the same solutions 2049:< touyajp> there is this guy i know who is very familiar with github. i ask him and he tells me 3 lines to copy 2049:< touyajp> and everything works \o/ 2049:< mythriz> yup, basically I'm trying to learn how to fork a git repository. I just suck at git haha 2049:< mythriz> I have some gits that I code in basically by myself, barely understand it 2050:< touyajp> it's still better than versioning systems before 2050:< _vvvv_> fixing some stuff with timestamps for you guys 2050:< mythriz> oh there's a fork button on the web page 2050:< mythriz> I guess that should do it xD 2050:< svlad> we used CVS for the longest time at my work. I wanted to drill a hole in my head 2057:< mythriz> there, PRed :) 2057:< _vvvv_> OK, fixed the timestamps 2058:< svlad> 24h timestamps now? 2058:< _vvvv_> no just shorter. ex: 04/06, 1:56 PM 2058:< _vvvv_> the 24 hour vs 12 hour should match your locale. 2058:< svlad> ah 2059:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2101:< sprokolopolis> I just ended up truncating the time stamps in Stylish :P 2102:< sprokolopolis> Shorter will be good. 2108:< _vvvv_> mythriz that update breaks tab switching for me. 2109:< _vvvv_> Did you modify the defaults? 2109:< mythriz> yeah, I thought I wrote in the comment? 2109:< mythriz> that I changed the default 2109:< AviN456> _vvvv_ updating the requests in the subreddit as they're implemented? 2110:< mythriz> feel free to change the default back if you want though. just thought it'd prevent it from breaking ctrl+shift for selecting text 2110:< _vvvv_> Sorry, I've been fixing the timestamps - what is the rationale behind changing the defaults? Concern is that users are used to 2110:< _vvvv_> how it is right now - adding settings is nice, but shouldn't we leave the default to what it is? 2112:< mythriz> yup that's a valid concern. can change the default back then. can you do that during a merge, or should I update my repo first? 2113:< mythriz> I'll try updating my fork 2114:< TeaBagTwat> ^ # test 2114:< TeaBagTwat> # test 2114:< TeaBagTwat> ,# Test 2115:< _vvvv_> TeaBagTwat Using old version of Parrot? 2115:< mythriz> done I think 2115:< _vvvv_> mythriz ok, checking it out now 2115:< FriendlyYak> oh we have v3.23 now 2116:< _vvvv_> Works great for me mythriz 2116:< TeaBagTwat> No, Im working on a bot (my first piece of code 100% made by me) and wanted to test something involving the channels. 2116:< _vvvv_> Thanks :) Merging. 2117:< _vvvv_> TeaBagTwat oh, ok! Good luck! 2117:< TeaBagTwat> P.S: Parrot is improving really quickly, it's amazing! 2118:< mythriz> awesome :) 2118:< _vvvv_> merged and version bumped 2120:< MegaZeus101> Wow, Lots of stuff in 3.23 I haven't updated since, like, 2.75 or so though 2125:< Sahdee> AtmaJnana yeah, but you can mute with left-click... why not open a PM dialog with Right-click 2125:< Sahdee> That would be a nice feature 2126:< _vvvv_> Sahdee right click should mention right now 2126:< _vvvv_> Sahdee We have ruminated a lot about how PMs should work. How do you think we should PM on a public board? 2126:< Sahdee> A Reddit PM is what we're talking about 2127:< Sahdee> I don't know how easy or hard it is. 2127:< mythriz> BTW, I've been wondering about the tab-autocomplete, was there a reason why it can't just use Robin's builtin autocomplete? 2127:< _vvvv_> That could work. 2127:< mythriz> since the current one seems to be a bit buggy 2127:< AviN456> Stelzig bots should have had a kill switch put in them to switch to stay in the last 10 minutes 2127:< AviN456> hmm, interesting thought 2127:< _vvvv_> mythriz the builtin autocomplete does not work at all in firefox 2127:< _vvvv_> mythriz the hack gets it working in fff 2127:< mythriz> aha 2127:< AviN456> when robin is about to be shutdown, all votes autochange to stay 2127:< AviN456> that might be a good idea 2128:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2128:< _vvvv_> mythriz if you can get it working in ff we'd be happy to make it simpler.. but dashed and I tried and failed. 2128:< _vvvv_> So this hack is nice for now :) 2128:< mythriz> well maybe I can try to debug the current one instead 2129:< mythriz> it autocompletes a name when I switch tabs even if the text field is blank, heh 2134:< TheAwer> oh for PM idk if you guys have thought of this but maybe only do a pesudo-encrypt so people who want can decrypt it, 2134:< TheAwer> but the script only decrypts ones that target you? 2134:< svlad> yeah, I mentioned that a couple days ago 2134:< TheAwer> like a 1-1 letter shift based off the recipients username and start with their mention 2135:< svlad> I mean, implementing a very simple rot13 channel would be super easy 2135:< TheAwer> guess you're ahead of me then haha 2135:< _vvvv_> OTP with username as key 2136:< _vvvv_> something like that 2136:< _vvvv_> maybe vigeniere with username 2136:< TheAwer> idk lots about encryption but i was trying to figure out how to do it without making it too long and thought a shift would work well 2137:< TheAwer> are there any encryption methods that would work that aren't like a simple shift that can fit in the char limit? 2137:< svlad> it isn't encryption without key exchange. I've been trying to figure out a feasible key exchange since yesterday morning, but 2137:< svlad> hit a wall 2137:< _vvvv_> it is encryption without key exchange... 2138:< _vvvv_> it is just weak encryption. 2138:< svlad> its just obfuscation 2138:< _vvvv_> Which, for a toy chat is probably 100% ok. 2138:< PotatoBadger> TheAwer, I haven't been following the conversation, but I love crypto. What are you encrypting? What are we talking about? 2138:< svlad> obfuscation != encryption 2138:< TheAwer> PotatoBadger how to do PMs in robin 2138:< _vvvv_> you don't need to exchange keys though. 2138:< PotatoBadger> That's a fun idea. 2139:< _vvvv_> you can just assume the key is their username. 2139:< TheAwer> but then there's no private key so not hiding the text 2139:< PotatoBadger> If you assume the key is their username, then anyone can decrypt it. It's not private. 2139:< TheAwer> obfusicated, sure, but not private 2139:< Sahdee> Why not just use Reddit PMs? I'm just curious. 2139:< _vvvv_> so what 2139:< svlad> his point was that it is still technically encryption, which is right 2139:< PotatoBadger> BECAUSE FUCK YOU WE WANT CRYPTO 2139:< svlad> I was still thinking about a shift 2139:< TheAwer> Sahdee cause I want to figure out how to do it in an unsecure channel like this. :D 2139:< Sahdee> that's good enough for me :) 2140:< ixc7> cryptography 101 :D 2140:< TheAwer> I was thinking maybe some kind of PoW based encryption/decryption? Although that's going to be impractical because of normal computers 2140:< TheAwer> that people would be using in here 2140:< TheAwer> might be somewhat better but still only marginally better security 2140:< _vvvv_> The "obvious" solution is a DHKE, but it's too bloated to work here. 2141:< PotatoBadger> What does PoW accomplish? 2141:< _vvvv_> So it's probably best to just use a toy cryptosystem. Viginere, maybe rc4 2141:< ixc7> considering the limit on chars im not sure how you would get DHKE to work 2141:< svlad> yeah, every DHKE scheme I came up with didn't have a reliable and fast way to get around the rate limit 2141:< PotatoBadger> I don't see how PoW applies. 2141:< TheAwer> PotatoBadger Proof of Work. I suppose it's not the right term but I was thinking something computer-intenseive so people don't try to 2141:< ixc7> i guess you could assume that messages can't be altered 2141:< TheAwer> "decrypt" all the messages in the chat 2141:< PotatoBadger> I'm fully familiar with PoW :D Bitcoin ftw 2142:< TheAwer> yes yes haha same here 2142:< PotatoBadger> I see only two approaches: 2142:< TheAwer> like maybe hash username and room name and use a substring or somethign like that but I think that wouldn't work 2142:< PotatoBadger> 1. Use the username as a key to obfuscate (but not safely encrypt) PMs 2143:< PotatoBadger> 2. Exchange public keys. This could be automated. 2143:< ixc7> one could always make a plugin and/or api to make the process faster 2143:< ixc7> or a script 2143:< PotatoBadger> Using a hash, the room name, salt, etc. would only further obfuscate it. It doesn't make it secure. 2143:< touyajp> also, by the way 2143:< svlad> you'd have to put the pubkey in every message though 2143:< _vvvv_> Part of the fun of the project is forcing everything into the limited medium :) 2143:< svlad> yup 2143:< _vvvv_> Of course if we ran a vps we could do anything at all. 2144:< TheAwer> PotatoBadger well idk I was trying to think of how to discourage or make it hard to attempt to decrtypt all messages 2144:< touyajp> _vvvv_ to you and various other guys: this is the fucking best support of free open source software i have ever witnessed! 2144:< touyajp> cosmetic feature request? np, gimme 30 minutes 2144:< _vvvv_> touyajp :) 2144:< PotatoBadger> I think public keys are your best approach. 2144:< TheAwer> :D yeah I love watching these guys talk and the commits like every 7 minutes on github lol 2144:< ixc7> what's the minimum amount of messages for DHKE? 2145:< svlad> OrangeredStilton was working on key exchange yesterday, but I think he gave up 2145:< TheAwer> I think 1 to set up the shared key 2145:< _vvvv_> Depends on key length - or are you only talking about message count 2145:< _vvvv_> It's two or three for sure. 2145:< TheAwer> although I only read the simple version on wikipedia and don't know technical 2145:< ixc7> cant be 1 because you have to calculate the shared key 2145:< PotatoBadger> I'm assuming we can't have offline messages, right? Both people need to be online? Otherwise you'd rely on an external server. 2145:< PotatoBadger> And that's kind of cheating... 2146:< svlad> minimum is 2 messages 2146:< svlad> one for each party 2146:< _vvvv_> I think it's 3. 2146:< PotatoBadger> Only the recipient needs to share a public key 2146:< TheAwer> wouldn't it just be better to have an ask and a response for a generic public key then? 2146:< ixc7> its 7 messages 2147:< ixc7> for DHKE 2147:< ixc7> +1 to inicate the exchange 2147:< ixc7> initiate* 2147:< _vvvv_> 7? 2147:< PotatoBadger> Missed a couple messages, accidentally closed tab 2147:< ixc7> yes its 7 :D 2147:< TheAwer> ixc7 said 7 messagess for DHKE 2148:< _vvvv_> Party A sends two primes, party B computes key, sends, party A computes key, sends, both sides compute but don't send, and you're ready. 2148:< _vvvv_> Sounds like 3 + initiation. 2148:< _vvvv_> How do you get 7? 2148:< TheAwer> can you fit a suitable public key into 140 character or whatever or is that too short? don't know my crypto that well 2148:< _vvvv_> How do you get 7? 2149:< PotatoBadger> It wouldn't be cheating to link to a Pastebin file, would it? I think that's fair. 2149:< hagbard-celine> oh god, are you madmen doing homegrown crypto? 2149:< TheAwer> hagbard-celine we're trying. :D 2149:< badcomposer> ^ lol why are we doing keys now? 2149:< badcomposer> is robin-pgp next 2149:< PotatoBadger> I'd use PGP. 2149:< TheAwer> omg yes robin-pgp 2149:< PotatoBadger> https://github.com/openpgpjs/openpgpjs 2150:< Sorbetfraise> what's stopping other users from requesting you your public key and putting you in ratelimit forever? 2150:< ixc7> I just read 7 in the lecture, looks like they like send one parameter per message as they explain things... 2151:< PotatoBadger> only send the pubkey at most every minute 2151:< Sorbetfraise> besides, anyone can you your messages, so anybody will be able to decrypt the message if they want 2151:< PotatoBadger> Alice wants to send a message to Bob: [alice requests Bob's pubkey] [Bob links to his pubkey] [alice sends encrypted message] 2151:< PotatoBadger> 3 messages worst case scenario, to send 1 message 2151:< _vvvv_> Sorbetfraise it's all theoretical for now. But you are incorrect about your second statement. 2151:< PotatoBadger> After this, Alice has Bob's key cached and continue sending messages 1:1 2151:< _vvvv_> With proper methods. 2152:< TheAwer> And bystanders will have Bob's key cached as well so less spam from others later on 2152:< PotatoBadger> And all clients can listen for users sharing their PGP keys and cache them 2152:< PotatoBadger> So if Alice requests Bob's key while Trudy is online, Trudy can then send messages 1:1 to Bob 2152:< svlad> yeah, you just set up a channel for publishing public keys 2152:< _vvvv_> Sorbetfraise One solution to ratelimit is that you have to press a button to accept the exchange request. 2152:< PotatoBadger> pssh guys, this is easy stuff :P 2152:< PotatoBadger> I think a timer limit is more reasonable 2153:< TheAwer> Sorbetfraise doesn't seem you know a lot about crypto. seeing all messages exchanged does not mean being able to decrypt them 2153:< hagbard-celine> sorbetfraise, look up trapdoor functions 2153:< PotatoBadger> wait a minute, why are we making a complicated PM system 2153:< PotatoBadger> Robin gonna die in a couple days 2154:< TheAwer> PotatoBadger for fun? We already have the amazing parrot up and running 2154:< PotatoBadger> fair enough, lol 2154:< TheAwer> damn I wish I could code stuff like this. Learning java some but not a ton yet 2154:< svlad> Why ask why? 2155:< PotatoBadger> TheAwer, use JavaScript if you want to play around. I find it much easier for prototyping/experimenting 2155:< PotatoBadger> It usually also works for production :) 2155:< PotatoBadger> I have to go. Adios. 2155:< TheAwer> PotatoBadger Java is for a course, but I'll look into Javascript when I can. 2155:< TheAwer> see you! good discussion with you. :) 2156:< PotatoBadger> Yes, we've used a lot of Java in class, also. It's a good language for teaching OOP. 2156:< MegaZeus101> GUYS! LOOK AT THE STANDINGS! IT'S HAPPENING SOON! 2156:< badcomposer> %chat I think I am voting stay in around 24hr 2156:< hagbard-celine> i'm currently working through mit ocw's intro python to get my hand back in 2156:< ixc7> can you transmit a 1024bit public key in 140 chars? 2157:< _vvvv_> with ascii? no. 2157:< _vvvv_> unicode maybe 2157:< mythriz> this is so weird. I'm looking at the tab autocomplete code, but I can't understand how it supports cycling through the names. :P 2158:< TheAwer> Robin allows unicode? 2158:< badcomposer> %chat government needs the ability to enforce its laws and the concert of the governed 2159:< _vvvv_> Unicode is possible yes 2159:< svlad> its a checkbox 2159:< _vvvv_> brb 2159:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2200:< razvi9> doesn't 1024bit fit in 140 chars? 2200:< TheAwer> yes with unicode razvi9 2200:< razvi9> that's like 16 characters with base64 encoding 2200:< svlad> its less than 140 characters, 2200:< ixc7> well the public key channel would be spammed anyways 2200:< svlad> since you'll have to have some of the message in plaintext I think 2201:< ixc7> doesn't matter if its unicode nonsense or not 2202:< ixc7> one could go a step further and make the script upload all of the public keys to one secure place so that they could be accessed by all 2204:< KernelSnuffy> razvi9 140char in base64 is 840 bits 2205:< KernelSnuffy> 6 bits per char 2205:< mythriz> oh I think I get it now.... because Robin's builtin script is still triggering for me, that's why cycling through names works... 2206:< razvi9> right, I guess I'm to tired to do the math properly :P 2206:< ixc7> well in that case 768 bits would do, unless someone is gonna send... 2206:< KernelSnuffy> i'd say we're gonna merge within like 6 hours 2206:< KernelSnuffy> maybe less 2206:< ixc7> EU is gonna be sleeping then mostly 2207:< svlad> KernelSnuffy no way 6 hours will do it. there needs to be 2 T13s, and there's not even 1 yet. 2207:< KernelSnuffy> WHOOPS 2208:< KernelSnuffy> for some reason i thought i saw a 13 in between the 12 and 14 2208:< KernelSnuffy> lol 2208:< svlad> yeah, its like ~5 hours to go to make 1 T13 2208:< svlad> from now 2209:< KernelSnuffy> maybe well get to t17 sometime 2209:< KernelSnuffy> who knows 2209:< ixc7> so around 16 hrs until the merge I'd say 2209:< _vvvv_> We have less than 140 chars for sure. 2209:< _vvvv_> for the channel name and to: identifier 2209:< ixc7> if you go for a 768bit key you have 12 extra letters 2210:< _vvvv_> 12 should be enough. 2210:< svlad> yup 2210:< ixc7> wtf thats too long 2210:< touyajp> https://twitter.com/ClipperChip/status/717836922106855424 => http://nazar.so/5hoyr 2211:< svlad> I'm assuming you'll want a channel specified as well as a username 2211:< ixc7> why would you need a username? 2212:< _vvvv_> ixc7 what if two key exchanges are occur at once? 2212:< _vvvv_> I assume we would have crypto channel, + recipient for key. 2212:< ixc7> are we talking about public keys arent we? 2212:< svlad> How else would you initiate a key request to just one specific user? 2212:< KernelSnuffy> so each client builds up its own database of peoples' public keys 2213:< KernelSnuffy> while each user sends their public key out every N interval 2213:< ixc7> identifier request svlad 2213:< razvi9> with base85 and 768bit you'd have 20 chars left: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascii85 2213:< dashed> o.o 2214:< svlad> that's pretty good 2216:< ixc7> razvi9 but you still couldnt do 1024bit even with base 85 2216:< _vvvv_> Channel pruning has been broken for a while now. 2216:< razvi9> ixc7 yeah, I know (I did the math wrong the first time) 2216:< _vvvv_> Just pushed a fix, works well for me 2217:< _vvvv_> please test - set channel to prune at 10 messages or something 2218:< svlad> Where do you set pruning? 2218:< _vvvv_> You should be on version 3.28 2218:< svlad> ah, I only see 3.24 up there 2218:< _vvvv_> pruning is Max messages before pruning setting 2218:< svlad> I'll have to wait for the CDN 2218:< _vvvv_> github takes a minute to deploy :/ 2218:< dashed> there are new updates? 2219:< dashed> CDN has 2.28 now! 2220:< ixc7> pruning works 2220:< _vvvv_> ayyy 2220:< ixc7> lmaoo 2221:< _vvvv_> Ay :) 2221:< ixc7> lets say 10 people want to have a private chat in a public room, how do they exchange keys? 2221:< _vvvv_> ix7 they switch to slack 2222:< ixc7> :D 2222:< ixc7> but that's no fun 2222:< _vvvv_> lol 2222:< ixc7> you could still use DHKE 2222:< _vvvv_> multi party crypto gets hard to manage. 2222:< ixc7> just pass the key around everyone and they will all generate a shared key 2223:< _vvvv_> I wrote a secured messaging app and it took quite a while. 2223:< dashed> u still have non-repudiation problem 2223:< _vvvv_> Since we only have like 48 hours, I'd suggest if anyone wants to do this they start with something dumb and simple and go from there. 2223:< Tuvior> haloa 2223:< KernelSnuffy> you could all pubkey auth to each other in a mesh and then exchange a secret key 2223:< KernelSnuffy> you lose nonrepudiation but you all share a secret 2224:< dashed> _vvvv_ do we have a precise date/time of when robin shuts down? 2224:< _vvvv_> Reddit said it ran until April 8th, and they usually go by EST I think. 2224:< _vvvv_> I don't know the time.. but sometime on the 8th is best guess. 2224:< svlad> the most precise I've seen is on the Robin Button page, which simply says until 4/8/2016 2224:< ixc7> yeah 2225:< ixc7> tomorrow merge or bust 2225:< _vvvv_> Did you see that project that is rewriting robin to make it permanent on another site? 2225:< Lolzep> OOOO GIMME 2225:< Lolzep> I NEED LINK 2226:< dashed> link? 2226:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2226:< dashed> i've been sleeping 2226:< dashed> xD 2226:< ande_> http://joinrob.in/ 2226:< _vvvv_> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4diy9y/were_building_a_clone_of_robin_who_wants_to_join/ => http://nazar.so/5a725 2227:< Lolzep> This sems cool. 2227:< Lolzep> Then Ill never have to stop tracking! :D 2228:< _vvvv_> unfortunately I don't think it would be nearly as fun without a lot of users.. and Reddit brings users. 2229:< svlad> its a screenshot of the Robin button w/ date https://i.imgur.com/YddvSCy.png 2229:< Lolzep> I want to believe, _vvvv_ 2230:< Sahdee> You could always have a sub for it on reddit too. 2230:< Sahdee> People always go back to the older events on april fools too. The bump is useful. 2232:< dashed> im apparenlty in the slack chat with these devs 2233:< mythriz> I'm learning so much more about git now, pretty cool :) 2234:< dashed> git is useful.. 2234:< touyajp> >>>> New T8s Needed For T17 33 <<<< 2235:< _vvvv_> brb 2236:< bales75> I created an alt account and joined robin last night. I'm now in the T12 group and most of the chatting is in the %parrot channel lol 2239:< _vvvv_> bales75 yeah I have a feeling that a lot of users don't know many of our features. 2239:< _vvvv_> It probably just pops up and is convenient. 2239:< dashed> it's all about self-discovery 2240:< OrangeredStilton> I wasn't say I gave up on key exchange, fwiw, I just stopped when I had steganography working 2240:< svlad> wow that was like an hour ago that I said that 2241:< OrangeredStilton> IRC client; scrollback :P 2241:< svlad> haha 2245:< OrangeredStilton> I might release this poor-man's-steg actually 2246:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound yeah? 2248:< 404NinjaNotFound> i know right? 2259:< MegaZeus101> I need someone here to do me a favor 2259:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2259:< _vvvv_> What is it. 2300:< MegaZeus101> Someone good with ARG, run this through anything you can think of and see if it comes back as something other than jibberish. 2300:< _vvvv_> put it in pastebin? 2306:< voltaek> I see you guys have been hard at work 2306:< _vvvv_> z;0 2306:< _vvvv_> :) 2307:< _vvvv_> how have you been voltaek 2307:< voltaek> I'm good, just got home from dinner 2309:< voltaek> A number of new features I'm seeing, nice work 2309:< dashed> voltaek howdy 2311:< voltaek> Left sidebar is pretty neato 2312:< _vvvv_> yeah left sidebar is nice 2312:< voltaek> I can't believe we havent merged with anyone still 2313:< _vvvv_> I don't know if we ever will 2313:< _vvvv_> If #2 finds someone to merge with they would be too large for us likely. 2313:< MobiusCoffee> dashed your shamanship is has been questioned 2313:< MobiusCoffee> also hey guys! 2314:< _vvvv_> Hello MobiusCoffee 2314:< MobiusCoffee> it's the creator of parrot live and in the chat 2314:< FriendlyYak> _vvvv_ tier 13 will form very soon: http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2314:< MobiusCoffee> I really wonder how much of the merging is just the same people merging with themselves at this point 2315:< robinburr> a lot of my merging is with myself 2315:< FriendlyYak> MobiusCoffee it's mostly alts 2315:< MobiusCoffee> which seems to be completely agains the spirit of it haha 2315:< _vvvv_> MobiusCoffee There are a ton of bots at low levels. 2315:< _vvvv_> More than half the room sometimes 2315:< dashed> MobiusCoffee lol 2316:< dashed> MobiusCoffee should i resign under presure? 2316:< MobiusCoffee> haha 2316:< MobiusCoffee> at lesat wait for poor xad to be around 2316:< dashed> lol 2316:< _vvvv_> I heard you were involved in the panama leak dashed.. Really naughty. 2316:< MobiusCoffee> everything falling apart while he's not here 2316:< dashed> _vvvv_ O.o 2317:< dashed> i've haven't been on the main reddit site for quite a whie now lol 2317:< _vvvv_> haha 2317:< dashed> _vvvv_ the new pruning code is causing problems 2318:< voltaek> test Kappa 2318:< _vvvv_> dashed what's the issue? 2318:< voltaek> oh nice, in-channel works now 2318:< dashed> MrSpicyWeiner: Hey so the the latest version is causing it so I can't see my chat. at all. Console is getting spammed with "pruning!" 2318:< dashed> from gitter chat 2318:< _vvvv_> What is his pruning set to? 2319:< Grizzly_Storm> What's this channel for? 2319:< voltaek> This channel is for talking about our pointy hats that looks like this ^ 2320:< Grizzly_Storm> Nice, I think the witches hat from Harry Potter is a cheap imitation, it's all bent at the top. Party hats are one true pointy hat. 2321:< dashed> heh. this is parrot script development 2327:< _vvvv_> test 2328:**** AscendantAwesome Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2331:< _vvvv_> test 2352:< bales75> just realized I could collapse the sidebar. GG 2354:< voltaek> did we pitch the "hide messages after 3 occurances" spam blocking option? 2355:< ptrakk> alt + 0173 ­ ­ ­ Send Message 2355:< ptrakk> ­ 2356:< dashed> voltaek it's disabled 2356:< ptrakk> ­­ 2356:< voltaek> was it hogging memory? 2356:< dashed> voltaek yeah it was leaking memory 2356:< dashed> voltaek mute replaced it now 2356:< voltaek> that was one of the things I was planning to rework 2357:< ptrakk> i noticed the memory leak yesterday 2357:< dashed> voltaek the code is still there but i put it as 'if (false) {.... ' 2357:< dashed> voltaek if u know a better approach; it'll be nice 2357:< dashed> idk if it's worth it atm o.O 2358:< voltaek> was going to change it to something like mute a user if they say the same thing more than 3 times in some period 2358:< voltaek> so we'd only hold messages for so long 2358:< hagbard-celine> lol, i was about to ask if that was a better way to implement it 2358:< voltaek> and then you could also unmute them from the list like you do now 2358:< dashed> voltaek oh... i think user can just choose to mute 2359:< dashed> might be a problem for certain useful bots 2359:< voltaek> yeah it seems to be working well enough now tho 2359:**** AscendantAwesome Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2359:< voltaek> my mute list is only 20 ppl long, surprisingly --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 00:00:12 2016