--- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2016 --- Day changed Wed Apr 06 2016 0000:< sbblakey777> lol 0000:< Lulzorr> sokuku has been reaping for 49h19m25s 0000:< Supajin> yep 0000:< Wakafanykai123> yeah but mainchat is basically filters 0000:< Wakafanykai123> we are highly sophisticated 0000:< JClocale> if anyone knows portable family radios, our filter works the same way 0000:< MobiusCoffee> wow 2 days since the big merge 0000:< MathGeek31415> probably another one till the next 0000:< mssmith92> WHAT'S UP GUYS? I JUST FINISHED MY FIRST EVER FINAL OF LAW SCHOOL. FUCK YOU TORTS 0001:< inkblob> oh sugar snap peas, show standings built right into new vs of parrot 0001:< JClocale> you know how they market walkie talkies with "sub channels"? They work just like our filter 0001:< cyclingwonder> your face is a tort 0001:< cyclingwonder> yeah take it 0001:< DeyTa> ok i think this works now andreaplanbee 0001:< Andrew_Mendoza> 💩 0001:< andreaplanbee> he'll yeah DeyTa 0002:< Chartis> mssmith92 !!!:)!!! 0002:< mssmith92> cyclingwonder - devastating 0002:< cyclingwonder> mssmith92 - I stayed up all night practicing that delivery 0002:< mssmith92> cyclingwonder - it was spot on 0003:< cyclingwonder> thank you :) 0003:< mssmith92> so did RobinGrow stop automatically putting your filter in front of your messages? I have to manually type %chat now 0003:< Lolzep> rip 0003:< Lolzep> I dont have to 0004:< velveteer> sad day to come home and see us below 3000 0004:< cornellier> does parrot still have the scrolling problem? 0004:< Lolzep> Yah its a sad day 0004:< mssmith92> we'll hopefully pass 5k at t17 0005:< radioactivated> windows is kind of stupid when it comes to updates tbh 0005:< velveteer> that will be a while 0005:< cornellier> it was 3K about 12 hours ago, so lost about 2 people per hour 0005:< velveteer> doesn't really feel as good if the lower tiers are bots and alts 0005:< JClocale> no scrolling problems, update to 2.8 0005:< drwarner> I'm in a tier 3, all people 0005:< rokane21> any predictions on when we'll hit T17? 0005:< velveteer> noice 0006:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Probably not till the final day 0006:< cornellier> @inkblob is the parrot scrolling fixed? 0006:< cornellier> never mind i'll just try it 0006:< _vvvv_> cornellier we fixed it. 0006:< inkblob> cornellier it is! I closed down the tab, made sure only one vs ticked 0006:< rokane21> @SweetButtsHellaBab that sucks D: 0006:< Lorithas> "Rooms achieved with alt accounts are not real, the only real rooms are those with main accounts in them." - a wise man in tier 4 0006:< rokane21> At least we'll reach it 0007:< _vvvv_> Also guys you can totally collapse the right settings pannel with the new release by clicking the chat name at the top 0007:< andreaplanbee> omg this item grinder is NOT working 0007:< mtriper> Lorithas I SEE YOU 0007:< JClocale> rokane21 probably a while, we need the others to form a T14 first, then we'll be in line for a massive cascade 0007:< _vvvv_> give you more space for chat :) 0007:< inkblob> _vvvv_ this is a full on chat client, it's amazing 0007:< andreaplanbee> that is exciting _vvvv_ especially because i want ot have two windows open using 50% screen width 0008:< rokane21> JClocale well, I hope i'm awake when it happens 0008:< JClocale> clicking which thing collapses the side? 0008:< 3cardblindbot> the name of the chat 0008:< _vvvv_> The chat name at the top - soKukunelits 0008:< cornellier> @_vvvv_ nice work 0008:< _vvvv_> not just me, but thanks ^__^ 0008:< andreaplanbee> in what version? 0009:< 3cardblindbot> Is the .edia filter dead? 0009:< _vvvv_> I don't remember what version it came out in. Mind as well just update to most recent? 0009:< _vvvv_> We at 2.8+ now 0009:< 3cardblindbot> It's a shame, I was excited to practice my sabldiri :( 0009:< JClocale> hmm, doesn't seem to do anything for me. I'm on 2.8 none of it is clickable 0009:< Lorithas> mtriper are you telling me you're in the same room? :D 0009:< mtriper> Lorithas Oh yeah 0010:< mtriper> Lorithas just watching but I see u there 0010:< Lorithas> I'm sure you're poopybutttface 0010:< mtriper> Lorithas u in Kutri too 0010:< andreaplanbee> im on 2.8 but im not sure where to click to collapse the sidebar. the very long name at the top doesnt seem to be a link ? 0010:< Lorithas> Man, I put the "Ku" in Kutri. Literally. 0011:< mtriper> OH IC 0011:< dashed> parrot users: v2.81 released with channel exclusion filtering! (trivia sucks amirite?) 0011:< andreaplanbee> wooo 0011:< doswarrior> anyone have the room vote stats they can post? 0011:< andreaplanbee> does that mean i can make a tab for all unfiltered chats? 0011:< mtriper> I shall not announce it here 0012:< cyclingwonder> c'mon, you gotta tell us :( ! 0012:< cyclingwonder> we'll keep it hush hush 0012:< alylynn96> my computers broken, do you think we'll merge soon? Cause ill have to come on and vote from my phone 0012:< Lorithas> doswarrior: are you talking about /tally? 0012:< mtriper> Lets not cross ref the alts 0012:< cyclingwonder> alylynn - so long as you've put your vote you're safe, but yes, you can use your phone's web browser for Robin :) 0013:< doswarrior> thanks! didnt know that was a command all this time :/ 0013:< TheSpoom> i keep my phone on robin juuuust in case 0013:< TheSpoom> but as i understand it we only have to worry if there's an upcoming merge? 0013:< Lorithas> doswarrior that comes from being here before the scripts :D 0013:< alylynn96> cyclingwonder yeah im on my phone now i just wanna make sure its safe to sleep without missing the next vote 0013:< Lorithas> TheSpoom as long as you dont miss the vote 30min after a merge you're good to go 0013:< cyclingwonder> alylynn96 we're unlikely to merge tonight, sleep well! 0013:< TheSpoom> cool 0014:< 3cardblindbot> Come listen to 80s pop with us in the official soKukune music stream! http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0014:< 3cardblindbot> You can also suggest music to add to the playlist! 0015:< Andrew_Mendoza> You all still here huh 0015:< Lulzorr> >playlist locked; Fuck that then. Come over to cytu.be/r/percentchat for full access to music 0015:< 3cardblindbot> the playlist shouldn't be locked 0015:< touyajp> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4djbgk/the_mystery_of_prictsgo_solved/ => http://nazar.so/7fnt3 0016:< 3cardblindbot> no, I just checked 0016:< Lulzorr> just changed, maybe it was on my end 0016:< Lulzorr> Sorry, sickness getting to my head. goodnight 0019:< TheSpoom> test 0019:< TheSpoom> hmm, was real quiet for a bit there 0020:< 3cardblindbot> yeah 0022:< Lorithas> I was already worried something happened to you guys :¨/ 0022:< rian294> test 0023:< ande_> 123 test 0023:< aggyaggyaggy> test 0023:< rian294> thanks 0023:< peacecorn> zzzzzz 0023:< doswarrior> There's less than 3 days left for Robin. Has anyone run numbers to see if a merge is possible at this point? 0024:< doswarrior> Also, do we know if we have enough humans to push the stay vote in time? 0024:< aggyaggyaggy> lots of ppl have 0024:< aggyaggyaggy> jury is out 0024:< MobiusCoffee> why stay at this point 0024:< aggyaggyaggy> i dont think we do, jusy my sense. most ppl have abandoned 0024:< MobiusCoffee> let's try to push past the 8th 0024:< MobiusCoffee> #SCREWTHEADMINS 0024:< trimeta> When we do merge, we should definitely Stay in that room. I'm thinking "STAY ON 17" could be a good saying...Blackjack reference. 0025:< Sumwann> I wouldn't mind just keeping the room like it is until April 8th 0025:< Lorithas> Whoa, just noticed how complicated the RobinTrees have gotten 0025:< MobiusCoffee> RobinTrees? 0025:< pedro_fartinez> there will be a 15 and a 14 soon. we will merge for sure by friday 0025:< rokane21> I think we stay on 17 also 0025:< doswarrior> There's been no confirmation the server will stay up though, right? 0025:< MobiusCoffee> yeah 0025:< Lorithas> MobiusCoffee https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/graph.php?guid=95f64b68-f9e8-11e5-bf4f-0e31fc1b0d95 => http://nazar.so/10kjb 0025:< Sumwann> Btw I'm going to bed everyone. good night, and praise T17 \o/ 0025:< Gnauga-> I'm not sure if we physically have enough people interested in robin to progress 0025:< MobiusCoffee> so go down in a blaze of glory 0025:< Gnauga-> people would need to drop out to make new rooms 0025:< vineman> server will prob crash on thursday 0025:< Lorithas> Sumwann o7 0026:< peacecorn> how do we get the motto changed to Stay on 17? I like it 0026:< doswarrior> Timing wise I don't know if we can make it, or if we can push the stay should that fail. 0026:< Unicormfarts> Stay on 17 is irrelevant because there won't be time to get to 18 anyway 0027:< Lorithas> MobiusCoffee mostly because Kulprits was such and old chat we didn't have the addons back then 0027:< TheSpoom> without the button on the front page, are we really going to reach T17? 0028:< Lolzep> We will reach T17 but not T18. Thats all you need to know 0028:< vineman> yeah im annoyed they removed the button 0028:< 3cardblindbot> Come Take On Me with us in the soKukunelits music stream! http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0028:< peacecorn> Why did they remove the button on the front page? 0028:< MobiusCoffee> no idea 0028:< MobiusCoffee> admins didn't like the direction this went? 0028:< ImAKidImASquid> I've been mostly in ccande, which channels are commonly used here? 0028:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> To whoever removed shy as a mod on the sub - THANK YOU. 0028:< peacecorn> I thought it was an experiment. 0028:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> that mod mail spam was annoying as fuck. 0028:< shy> i removed myself mofo 0028:< MobiusCoffee> HAAHA 0028:< doswarrior> but it looks like there needs to be two big waves of merges for us to get to 17 0029:< Meggiekins> hey peacecorn! 0029:< doswarrior> the 1000 merge is next, but after that? 0029:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Well, thanks to you then, shy :^) 0029:< shy> SAY SORRY NEVER_CLEANED_COMP MY FEELINGS :( 0029:< peacecorn> Meggiekins! How are ya? 0029:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> IT WAS ANNOYING, OKAY?!?! 0029:< Lorithas> ImAKidImASquid https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/7dbs3 0029:< MobiusCoffee> shy it's amazing that you have a 3 letter reddit name 0029:< TheSpoom> wouldn't we need another full T14 to come up? 0029:< shy> LOL yeah sorry 0029:< Meggiekins> Pretty good. It's an easy week and I haven't been kicked out of this room yet. How about you, peacecorn? 0029:< ImAKidImASquid> Thanks 0029:< TheSpoom> i see T10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 0029:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> shy we good <3 0030:< TheSpoom> so it's not going to domino all the way to us 0030:< doswarrior> TheSpoom - I agree 0030:< TheSpoom> there will be another long wait at T14 0030:< peacecorn> Busy week, but it's a good busy. Say, you were YaNiNi, right? 0030:< Meggiekins> Hell yeah. yaNiNi! 0030:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Just a reminder, I won, and I'm up 1-0. 0030:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp What do you want to fight about next? 0030:< peacecorn> Meggiekins, then get you butt over to /r/YaNiNi! 0030:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins you choose. 0031:< peacecorn> and invite everyone you can remember 0031:< Meggiekins> peacecorn MY GOD, I had no idea. I'm so glad it exists. 0031:< peacecorn> someone created it yesterday 0031:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp How do you feel about anime 0031:< peacecorn> just found out about it today 0031:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - That highly depends where we're taking this fight 0032:< inkblob> there's the is one kook on ccande going on about after merge he has 30 min to convince enough people to abandon lol 0032:< Meggiekins> To the death? Never_Cleaned_Comp 0032:< inkblob> I thoroughly mocked him and thanked him for the loz 0032:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Alright, yeah, that sounds good to me. 0033:< Meggiekins> Same. What did you like most about the Winter season? Never_Cleaned_Comp 0034:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Erased, of course. The first half of it, anyway 0034:< 3cardblindbot> Come listen to and suggest community-curated music with us in the soKukunelits music stream! http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0034:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp Same 0034:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - HOW CAN WE FIGHT WHEN WE AGREE 0034:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp Sorry, but it was the best. We can't even fight about it 0034:< SalZoRz> http://flockdraw.com/soKukune 0034:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp Best RPG anime? 0035:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - They all suck equally, but I stuck through SAO even though it was horrible 0035:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> 2980?? 0035:< SalZoRz> come flock unt draw a happy little tree 0035:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> WHAT HAPPENED 0035:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp This is going to be difficult 0035:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i leave for 7 hours and all hell breaks loose 0036:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp I think you get 2-0 because you have great taste in anime 0036:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Let's say 2-1, then 0036:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Thoughts on Shokugeki? 0037:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=44807274 => http://nazar.so/239ee 0037:< Lorithas> New record: got my alts to meet at tier 2 http://imgur.com/E1zA2gO :D 0037:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> its way quieter in here than earlier 0037:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp loved it, and the ecchi made it better 0038:< ranterbach> Somebody's being a right prick in that FlockDraw 0038:< Meggiekins> Can't wait for more 0038:< peacecorn> I don't get Flock. What is it? 0038:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - http://i.imgur.com/4MmX4zh.webm 0038:< ranterbach> You draw shit. Together. 0038:< 3cardblindbot> yeah, It's kinda awful 0038:< peacecorn> but in the middle, a new image takes it's place. 0038:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> In terms of activities, we really suck in here. 0038:< 3cardblindbot> how much of a prick that person is being, not flockdraw, which is great 0039:< ranterbach> At least it's less invasive than that group piano thing from a couple days ago 0039:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp I was just searching for that gif http://i.imgur.com/YsbKHg1.gif?noredirect 0039:< peacecorn> might be fun, but images start floating over it. 0040:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - Your name triggers me slightly, though, but I can live with it. 0041:< Unicormfarts> Meggiekins! You are still here! 0041:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp It triggers me too, honestly 0041:< Unicormfarts> Hiiiii 0041:< Meggiekins> Unicormfarts! I am. I'm so glad that you're still here. <3 How was your day? 0041:< Unicormfarts> Good, I went to work and had a swim 0041:< 3cardblindbot> Come suggest music for us to listen to in the cytube! 0041:< touyajp> LB updated might be a bit slow for the next hours. But everything above Tier 10 is monitored by the live tracker anyway 0042:< 3cardblindbot> our playlist is almost out :( 0042:< touyajp> i needz some sleep 0042:< Meggiekins> Unicormfarts Nice. Are you a professor? For some reason I feel like I remember you being a professor. 0042:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Meggiekins - And the fact that you're online now, probably means you're American, which is inexcusable, naturally. 0042:< yaahoe> Good morning all! How's it all going :D 0042:< Unicormfarts> Yup 0042:< Unicormfarts> I did a lot of procrastinating on my marking today 0042:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Unicormfarts - subjects? 0042:< Meggiekins> Never_Cleaned_Comp Fully agreed. Sorry. 0042:< Unicormfarts> yaahoe, where are you that it is morning? 0043:< Unicormfarts> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP, English and writing 0043:< MobiusCoffee> Have you guys seen this? https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4diy9y/were_building_a_clone_of_robin_who_wants_to_join/ => http://nazar.so/8gaqy 0043:< yaahoe> Singapore :) it is 8.45 am, though I have been up since 4.45ish doing some uni work D: 0043:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Unicormfarts - Cool. I just turned in my English exam paper, and I hope I wont get slaughtered. Yay! 0043:< yaahoe> I love english and writing :D 0044:< Unicormfarts> Do you deserve to get slaughtered? 0044:< Meggiekins> Unicormfarts Cool, I spent the day being professed at. lol 0044:< supasteve013> love the link to parrot in this 2.81 build 0044:< Curly-Mo> I like danish and singing 0044:< yaahoe> brb about to finish this assignment yay :D 0044:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Unicormfarts - Nah, I don't think so. General anxiety, it being exams and all. 0045:< andreaplanbee> test 0045:< Unicormfarts> I was just saying to someone today I still get that missed the start of the exam dream 0045:< andreaplanbee> test2 0045:< Curly-Mo> test3 0046:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> test4? 0046:< dashed> moo 0046:< andreaplanbee> test 3 0046:< Curly-Mo> you are way behind andrea 0046:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Curly-Mo - If you're danish, you should probably get some sleep. 0046:< Meggiekins> I gotta afk again. DANG IT 0046:< Curly-Mo> The danes need extra sleep, apparently 0046:< Unicormfarts> Sad! 0046:< Meggiekins> I'll see you guys soon! 0047:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Bye =D 0047:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Curly-Mo - Well, it being 3 in the morning and all .. 0047:< Meggiekins> Bye, Comp! :D 0047:< Curly-Mo> I'm not danish, I just studied abroad there 0048:< Curly-Mo> The learn the most useless language if you already know english 0048:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Curly-Mo Where did you stay? --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:48:29 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 00:48:38 2016 0048:< Curly-Mo> copenhagen 0048:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Selvfølgelig .. =D 0048:< ranterbach> For fuck's sake, quit spamming soKuku mod mail 0048:< Roboteck> back 0049:< Unicormfarts> Do you guys need help modding? 0049:< MobiusCoffee> There is absolutely no one talking in early tiers anymore 0049:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Can we not with the mod mails? 0049:< fzh> modmails of what sub 0050:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> soKukuneli sub 0050:< rakehand> i'm way late on this change but how long ago did the %chat color change (and is it green for everyone now)? 0050:< ranterbach> Unicormfarts I think 40 of us are mods, I'm not sure mod status has any meaning anymore 0050:< Curly-Mo> you ca turn off the color in settings 0050:< Andrew_Mendoza> When everyone is a mod, nobody is a mod. 0050:< Unicormfarts> I meant do you need help with Automod or something. I don't need to be a mod, I mod a few subs, so I have experience 0050:< Curly-Mo> oh wait it's always been pink to me 0050:< Unicormfarts> Push the mute button! 0051:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> ÆØÅ 0051:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Huh, you can't use danish letters in here .. Is it a script thing? 0051:< 3cardblindbot> a lot of spam filters don't like unicode 0052:< Curly-Mo> robin has a setting for disbaling unicode 0052:< Curly-Mo> you can turn it off 0052:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Jesus man, I have three extra letters, and no one can see them in here. 0052:< Curly-Mo> oops not robin, parrot 0052:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Take everything from me, will ya. 0052:< 3cardblindbot> because it supports all of those characters with huge towers of diacritics 0053:< Curly-Mo> 5a1t hates the danish 0053:< DunnoHowToMath> You can never mute your heart to manfcake. Let him in and feel your soul grow with the chat! 0053:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Alle elsker danskerne! 0054:< SalZoRz> dont use that image pasting program pls - http://flockdraw.com/soKukune 0054:< 3cardblindbot> Come listen to and suggest community-curated music for us to listen here: http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0055:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot but the music in there is horrible ): 0055:< 3cardblindbot> sorry :( 0056:< 3cardblindbot> you can suggest your own music by adding it to the playlist, though 0056:< 3cardblindbot> and what's playing changes a lot depending on who making the suggestions 0056:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot but then I'll have to listen to the shit music first :( 0056:< 3cardblindbot> :( 0056:< mtriper> guys get your alt guns/accounts out pls we need to merge in lower levels 0057:< Lorithas> rakehand Curly-Mo My guess would be it's based on position in the chat channel list (green here, first in the list) 0057:< mtriper> loooooooower levels 0057:< 3cardblindbot> is there any particular thing you dislike, or is it just a general quality complaint? 0057:< 3cardblindbot> or is it just not your genre? 0057:< Lorithas> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP there's also a voteskip functionality in there 0057:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Nah, I was in there earlier, and it was like .. Meme-music or whatever 0057:< bbdale> haven't been on in a while. Any updates? Upcoming merges? 0057:< Curly-Mo> first in the list for me too, pink 0057:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> The stuff playing right now is actually pretty decent 0057:< 3cardblindbot> It's no longer meme music 0058:< vineman> merge is expected in 12-30 hours 0058:< 3cardblindbot> it's kind of dead generally during the US workday and late night 0058:< Curly-Mo> I prefer post-memewave 0058:< 3cardblindbot> which lets stuff like that take hold 0058:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> I've added a song! 0058:< 3cardblindbot> cool! I'm excited to listen to something suggested by not me 0058:< rakehand> lorithas i've always had %chat first but I think the color change happened between parrot 2.75 and 2.82 0059:< 3cardblindbot> haha 0059:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Hahahaha, is it all you right now? 0059:< 3cardblindbot> for the next couple songs 0059:< _vvvv_> the color change is an off by one issue, used to be red for you and now it's mint right? 0059:< 3cardblindbot> just because it was about to run out and I wanted a buffer 0059:< Curly-Mo> for the next couple of VOTE SKIPS 0059:< rakehand> yeah _vvvv_ 0100:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> This aint really my jam, but It's alright 0100:< mtriper> Nothing is going to merge if we dont get help down there.. please BE KIND AND ALT 0100:< JClocale> has anyone figured out the name colors? Other than "it's from your name", what's the rule it follows? 0100:< Curly-Mo> someone posted the exact algorithm somewhere 0100:< rakehand> i don't mind, i just wasn't sure if there was any significance to the change 0100:< 3cardblindbot> yeah, this song wasn't really the best choice of suggestion 0100:< 3cardblindbot> I personally like it, but it's definitely niche 0101:< rakehand> i like belle & sebastian but i don't know this song 0101:< 3cardblindbot> it's from the new, less belle-and-sebastiany album 0101:< Curly-Mo> bell and sebastian was the first concert I ever went to 0101:< mtriper> JClocale YEs 0101:< anyoldnames> all this work today and we're only going to manage to make a T14 before bed 0101:< Verifitas> The name color algorithm is basically this: if masterrace: blue. else: random non-blue color 0101:< anyoldnames> I sure hope the reddit community pulls through on this 0101:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> No clue who that is, 3cardblindbot 0102:< anyoldnames> I mean I love you all, but it'd be nice if there was some pay off for all this time spent with eachother 0102:< rakehand> that's awesome, my first concert was nine inch nails and it was wild, i didn't really have any idea what i was getting myself into 0102:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Do I show up as white on your end, or am I white only for me? 0102:< mtriper> JClocale THE FEW CHOOSEN ONES ARE GREEN... just count 0102:< 3cardblindbot> @COMP I was replying to rakehand, and you're yellow 0102:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Yellow WutFace 0103:< robdob> Wait, are you guys listening to Bell & Sebastian right now? How do I get in on this playlist? 0103:< 3nvisi0n> JClocale yea its been figured out I don't have the source on hand 0103:< sotricious> Ladies and gentlemen of the class of soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijdd... 0103:< Curly-Mo> who gets this far without learning their color? 0103:< anyoldnames> glad to see everyone has found a use for the twitch emojis 0103:< 3nvisi0n> basically its a checksum based on your name mod 6 0103:< sotricious> WEAR SUNSCREEN 0103:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Lol, never really cared I guess 0103:< sotricious> If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it! 0103:< brotatoochip> somebody say playlist? 0103:< 3cardblindbot> @robdob @brotatoochip http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0103:< rakehand> sotricious again with that spiel? 0104:< rakehand> phew 0104:< anyoldnames> don't get hin started or we might get the rest rakehand 0104:< sotricious> Hello everyone! I hope my pixels find you well! 0104:< 3cardblindbot> the B&S is over, though 0104:< robdob> Lorithas 3cardblindbot Thanks! 0104:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> This music is before my generation I think lol 0104:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Or influenced by it, anyway 0104:< brotatoochip> niceee 0104:< mtriper> \modtalk All fine here 0105:< mtriper> \modtalk Now that we are coming close to the end we should start planning how to tell them 0105:< 3cardblindbot> but you can suggest your own music using the "+" button underneath the media player! 0105:< rakehand> we dodged a bullet there, anyoldnames 0105:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot - I did! So far away though :( 0105:< anyoldnames> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP, belle and sebastien are before your generation? 0105:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> anyoldnames never heard of them, so I wouldn't know 0105:< robdob> anyoldnames I mean, they've been around a while so I can see people not knowing them 0105:< 3cardblindbot> yeah, the current song's got a heavy 80s influence 0105:< spyhermit> oh man, gone for two hours 0105:< 3cardblindbot> but it's actually new! 0105:< robdob> anyoldnames I'm a huge fan but I'm 30 0105:< anyoldnames> me too and me too robdob 0106:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> I like the old school synth vibes. 0106:< spyhermit> two more 9's and we've got a 14. ... just have to create a 13, 12, 11, 10, and two 9's. :) 0106:< rakehand> if you're feeling sinister and tigermilk are great to me, but i sort of lost interest beyond those albums 0106:< robdob> They played in Memphis last year and I got to see them finally, they were AMAZING live 0106:< anyoldnames> There's a group called Tutlie that I recently found on NPR 0106:< robdob> Really great vibes on stage and in the crowd 0107:< robdob> anyoldnames Any particular song suggestion? I'll check them out 0107:< anyoldnames> they're pretty awesome, they were one of the top 10 that didn't get the Tiny desk concert contest 0107:< anyoldnames> There's a song called Sleeping Sea https://tutlie.bandcamp.com/track/sleeping-sea 0107:< 3cardblindbot> feel free to add them to the cytube so we can all listen to them together! 0107:< anyoldnames> probably me favorite 0107:< FatherDerp> Fuck you too, abandonded user. 0108:< anyoldnames> oh coolI'll do that 0108:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Holy shit, that music video screams hipster. 0108:< FatherDerp> Oops, I derped 0108:< 3cardblindbot> yeah 0108:< 3cardblindbot> but it's a good song :( 0108:< k4g3> Morning 0108:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Band biking towards the camera 0108:< anyoldnames> too many beards FatherDerp? 0108:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> that's like hipster video #101 0108:< k4g3> or evening. Or whatever it is where you are :) 0108:< FatherDerp> anyoldnames I don't follow 0109:< elginkevin> Mornin' k4g3 0109:< Curly-Mo> morning k4g 0109:< Curly-Mo> k4g3 has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 0109:< 3cardblindbot> wait 0109:< Curly-Mo> k4g3 has voted GROW 3 times. 0109:< 3cardblindbot> does bandcamp work with cytube? I have no idea 0110:< 3cardblindbot> bandcamp doesn't work nice with anything else, so I have some doubts 0110:< anyoldnames> sorry FatherDerp, meant that for NEVER_CLEANED_COMP 0110:< k4g3> Curly-Mo I didn't notice. I just updated my parrot. 0110:< k4g3> Oh wait, is Curly-Mo a bot? 0110:< Curly-Mo> yes 0110:< k4g3> elginkevin Yo 0110:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Curly-Mo is a bot, yes. 0110:< Curly-Mo> but I've been programmed to feel 0110:< sotricious> lol 0110:< k4g3> Curly-Mo Heh. Sorry. 0111:< k4g3> Curly-Mo Are you from Edia? 0111:< FatherDerp> B) 0111:< Curly-Mo> apologies activate my forgiveness routine 0111:< k4g3> Heh. 0111:< FatherDerp> B) 0111:< FatherDerp> Damnit.It's not working -.-' 0111:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot you're sure into indie rock scene, or whatever this is. 0112:< sotricious> what are youtrying to do FatherDerp? 0112:< 3cardblindbot> yes, I absolutely am 0112:< FatherDerp> sotricious twitch emotes 0112:< 3cardblindbot> and that's what I'd call this 0112:< anyoldnames> damn there's been like 50 updates to Parrot since I used it last 0112:< Curly-Mo> I am not from Edia... 0112:< anyoldnames> devs have been busy 0112:< anyoldnames> any of them work yet? 0112:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot I'm always afraid to put a genre on music I'm not familiar with. People will kill for less. 0112:< rakehand> weird, i can change %chat channel color by ticking the "See only from channels" box on the Global tab 0112:< 3cardblindbot> I know the feeling 0112:< sotricious> nice song anyoldnames, thu turtle one... 0112:< anyoldnames> indeed 0112:< sotricious> *the, ty for link 0113:< anyoldnames> yw 0113:< 3cardblindbot> sometimes I'm afraid to put a genre on music I am familiar with! haha 0113:< andreaplanbee> yay i got my filters back 0113:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Lol yeah, true 0113:< andreaplanbee> i missed this channel for the whole 10 minutes i was broken 0113:< k4g3> Curly-Mo Oh right. You did say three rooms. Edia's tier 12. Man, I slept through 3 rooms. XD 0113:< sotricious> oh i c FatherDerp 0113:< 3cardblindbot> we missed you too andrea 0113:< Curly-Mo> I study music informatics 0113:< rakehand> http://i.imgur.com/CmsHTni.png multi-color room 0113:< robdob> anyoldnames Yeah, I'm into it, thanks! 0113:< Curly-Mo> I try to make computers automatically classify genre 0113:< anyoldnames> rock on robdob 0114:< k4g3> *It's a thing 0114:< elginkevin> Can I shamon again or have I done it recently? 0114:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Curly-Mo procedural learning .. You know, being a bot and all? :^) 0114:< FatherDerp> sotricious Wait, do I have to be signed into twitch? 0114:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Aaaaayyy, this is my jaaaaaam! 0114:< k4g3> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP You're never gonna let it go are you? XD 0114:< elginkevin> howdy sotricious 0114:< sotricious> FatherDerp Im the last person I would know 0114:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> k4g3 absolutely not =D 0114:< andreaplanbee> yo should i smoke weed y/n 0114:< sotricious> sry 0115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> andreaplanbee y 0115:< anyoldnames> y 0115:< sotricious> HELLO elginkevin THE GREAT! 0115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> But only brown. 0115:< Curly-Mo> geoinformatcs, that's a thing? 0115:< anyoldnames> its never a question, if you have weed, you should smoke it andrewsemm 0115:< andreaplanbee> im smoking green weed i hope that is ok 0115:< sotricious> how is you elginkeniv? all OK? 0115:< anyoldnames> damn it, who did I just tag? 0115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> that's not okay. 0115:< andreaplanbee> sotricious you are the so in soKuku 0115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> That triggers me hard. 0115:< FatherDerp> So anybody here have a .tech domain yet? 0115:< sotricious> *elginkevin 0115:< andreaplanbee> i realized that a couple hours ago 0115:< elginkevin> Good over here. Taco Tuesday. 0116:< sotricious> nahm I don't think so andreaplanbee 0116:< andreaplanbee> look at the user list, you are first, next is Ku... then ku... 0116:< elginkevin> And my wife bought surprise beer. 0116:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> sotricious you are lol 0116:< andreaplanbee> just an observation 0116:< andreaplanbee> :> 0116:< sotricious> andreaplanbee sorry, I was just joking. I 0116:< anyoldnames> yeah, sotricious, you put the so in sokuku 0116:< elginkevin> I haven't done that in a while have I? 0116:< andreaplanbee> oh jaha 0116:< anyoldnames> rock on 0116:< sotricious> I know. 0117:< FatherDerp> B) 0117:< andreaplanbee> does this mean you are the oldest user 0117:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> you could say sotricious is kiiind of a big deal in here. 0117:< FatherDerp> sotricious aaand logging in changes nothing. 0117:< andreaplanbee> yeah i guess that makes you president sotricious 0117:< sotricious> I really don;t know, 0117:< FatherDerp> Fuck it. At least I have my chocolate milk 0117:< andreaplanbee> what will u do with your new power 0117:< sotricious> nononononon 0117:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 3cardblindbot my song and no response, I feel rejected :( 0117:< andreaplanbee> yesyesyesyesyes 0117:< 3cardblindbot> I like it :) 0117:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> That's more like it! 0117:< andreaplanbee> haha mfw i try to pack a bowl but i already packed it 0117:< Curly-Mo> wait, do we know what decides user order? 0118:< FatherDerp> andreaplanbee What's your IRC???? I'm still curious :P 0118:< andreaplanbee> its a seeeeeecret 0118:< Curly-Mo> and therefore room names 0118:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> andreaplanbee - pics of bong plis. 0118:< andreaplanbee> bongs are gross 0118:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> WHAT 0118:< FatherDerp> andreaplanbee You said that last time butthead :P 0118:< nolasagne> looking for some feedback on this https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4desi0/tier_15_ccandeshle/d1rf3j7 => http://nazar.so/3ppw6 0118:< Curly-Mo> bongs are the worst 0118:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> ARE YOU SERIOUS 0118:< andreaplanbee> i know because its true 0118:< Curly-Mo> I never understood why people like bongs 0118:< The_PurpleCat> i like bongs 0119:< andreaplanbee> bongs always taste like shit even when people swear they are like So Clean 0119:< anyoldnames> it sounds like you never had a nice bong Curly-Mo 0119:< andreaplanbee> NAH BRA I CLEANED IT YESTERDAY ok...... 0119:< elginkevin> nolasagne it's not wrong. I just don't have the time during the week to run down and start over. 0119:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> It's an acquired taste. 0119:< sotricious> andreaplanbee look for soli http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ => http://nazar.so/81dri 0119:< ihunter32> Looks like we'll hit T17 within about 16 hours 0119:< Curly-Mo> when you could just use a pipe and it's way more enjoyable 0120:< andreaplanbee> i cant find shit on that chart. i spent like an hour trying to find peaman 0120:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Y'all dont know nothing, bongs are the best. Hash mix on a nice bong is Kreygasm 0120:< dashed> andreaplanbee everything fixed? 0120:< sotricious> Curly-Mo that is the only reason i am still here. I hope to understand why the 'so' persists 0120:< andreaplanbee> dashed i believe so 0120:< dashed> kk cool :D 0120:< sotricious> http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ => http://nazar.so/qsq2 0120:< rakehand> hey dashed, about this room color change thing 0120:< Curly-Mo> sotricious, was every one of your rooms a so? 0120:< andreaplanbee> thank you for help and everything dashed :) 0120:< rakehand> not a big deal but it changes when you tick the "see only from channels" box on the global tab 0120:< sotricious> Curly-Mo yeah, it's weird Look for 'soli' http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ => http://nazar.so/7mchi 0121:< andreaplanbee> my room of 29 people is all about scrabble bot 0121:< mtriper> nolasagne sounds possible 0121:< andreaplanbee> and they wont install scripts 0121:< FatherDerp> andrewsemm I'm sorry :( I'm the butthead 0121:< sotricious> but in the previous room elginkevin was on top of list! ? 0121:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Aight folks, I'm off to be. Have a good one! :) 0121:< dashed> rakehand if "see only from channels" is enabled... what happens? 0121:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> bed* 0121:< anyoldnames> I need a smoke, brb 0121:< andreaplanbee> wait why are you a butthead FatherDerp 0121:< elginkevin> I was name leader in my path until Tier 13, but in Tier 14 I was still at the top of the list even though it started with so. 0121:< rakehand> dashed: enabled this room is red, disabled this room is green 0122:< FatherDerp> andreaplanbee because I called someone (you) a butthead, I'm pretty sure that qualifies for being a butthead *frowns and pouts* 0122:< andreaplanbee> ohh gosh i think its ok 0122:< elginkevin> As I recall sotricious we were trying to figure that out. 0122:< anyoldnames> This depeche mode is my least favorite. I think just because it reminds me of a really bad LSD experience I had at a club 0122:< rakehand> dashed: and I think it has a cascading effect through other tabs as well 0122:< Curly-Mo> sotricious who is maintaining that tree? I could add my rooms to it 0122:< sotricious> will we ever? elginkevin 0122:< andreaplanbee> which depeche mode 0122:< BullDoor> Why would you take LSD at a club 0122:< anyoldnames> the one playing in the chat 0122:< andreaplanbee> whats the best depeche mode song ever? enjoy the silence harmonium version 0123:< 3cardblindbot> sorry to hear that :( 0123:< anyoldnames> I didn't start at the club BullDoor 0123:< anyoldnames> but I made it there 0123:< andreaplanbee> music link? 0123:< BullDoor> Glad you made it out, too 0123:< anyoldnames> lol me too 0123:< 3cardblindbot> http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0123:< 3cardblindbot> andrea 0123:< andreaplanbee> thank you 0123:< sotricious> havent got a clue Curly-Mo, found the link here > https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/b6jq 0124:< BullDoor> Is it clear when we'll be merging yet? Roughly, at least 0124:< anyoldnames> are we expecting a cascade pretty soon? 0124:< 3cardblindbot> not really 0124:< SupDos> no 0124:< hunky> no 0124:< 3cardblindbot> we still need another entire 14 0124:< luvmygwgirls> im about to go to bed, i bet i am safe till i get off work tomorrow in about 16 hours 0124:< 3cardblindbot> before the cascade can start 0125:< andreaplanbee> yeah ur safe 0125:< TheAwer> how long until I should be watching this closely? 0125:< inkblob> there is a cascade to 13 happening atm I think? 0125:< sotricious> FRAK 0125:< anyoldnames> tomorrow TheAwer 0125:< inkblob> but it needs another one of those 0125:< Ringbearer31> about 3 days TheAwer 0125:< FatherDerp> dashed in the last so and so minutes 0125:< sotricious> gotta get some sleep. I hope I see you all soon! 0125:< FatherDerp> Well shit. 0125:< anyoldnames> We need about 1000 fresh users to make it happen 0125:< TheAwer> lol okay I'll guess I'll check every day or so then 0125:< mofosyne> cya sotricious 0125:< sotricious> Take care people! 0125:< mofosyne> btw is there a character limit per message? 0125:< anyoldnames> night sotricious 0125:< hunky> later 0126:< sotricious> one love 0126:< 3cardblindbot> 140 characters 0126:< Lorithas> anyoldnames: a bots is fine too 0126:< Ringbearer31> 140 characters 0126:< mofosyne> oh... twitter 0126:< TheAwer> mofosyne yup 0126:< mofosyne> Ohh!!!! twitter... robin 0126:< mofosyne> goddammit 0126:< dashed> FatherDerp wat? 0126:< anyoldnames> Lorithas you got a bot army you want to lend us 0126:< andreaplanbee> char limit plus ratelimit is just evil 0126:< Lorithas> Nah man, that's xSke 0126:< FatherDerp> dashed what about making a userlist that's channel specific? 0126:< anyoldnames> we need it for like 9 hours adn then we'll give it back 0127:< andreaplanbee> that seems like it woul dbe hard to do 0127:< FatherDerp> dashed using those who've used the channel name within the last so n so mins 0127:< Lorithas> I'm just running my two bots through the ranks until there's enough people to make a room live without me 0127:< andreaplanbee> oh thats an idea 0127:< dashed> i heard someone is making that 0127:< andreaplanbee> hell yeah 0127:< dashed> i haven't heard back yet 0127:< andreaplanbee> he'll yeah* 0127:< keithgabryelski> if 1024 people from this group abandoned.. and cranked... it would take them 12 hours to get a tier 14 0127:< keithgabryelski> just saying 0127:< keithgabryelski> <--- simulation code running 0128:< anyoldnames> lol nice keithgabryelski 0128:< inkblob> this is being discussed on ccande atm: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4desi0/tier_15_ccandeshle/d1rf3j7 => http://nazar.so/5doxf 0128:< k4g3> keithgabryelski Getting those people to abandon on the other hand... 0128:< SupDos> Well, there are literally 0 people who voted abandon, so i dont think anyone is leaving 0128:< inkblob> it's like what you are talking about 0128:< FatherDerp> Some fucker's gonna convince a ton of people to stay or abandon with some cheap routine like bribery. 0128:< inkblob> but you don't have to abandon, just make alts 0128:< Lorithas> keithgabryelski or they could just make an alt account and run it on an incognito window with autogrow 0128:< keithgabryelski> consider each room hand N/2-1 people abandon and start a new room (which seems like the maximum scale possible without using alts) 0128:< anyoldnames> You don't have to think of it like abandoning, more of a flank attack 0129:< inkblob> Lorithas yer 0129:< BullDoor> N/2-1? 0129:< mtriper> Lorithas you would know :) 0129:< inkblob> my alt is on chrome incognito started with Robin Grow and onto parrot on ccande :D 0129:< 3cardblindbot> who was it who suggested this song again? I really like it 0129:< mtriper> inkblob nice alt 0130:< keithgabryelski> if you have 4 people in a room -- you can slough 1 person 4/2-1 -- if you have 8 you can let 3 abandon 0130:< 3cardblindbot> thanks! 0130:< anyoldnames> that'd been me 3cardblindbot 0130:< anyoldnames> check out there other stuff too, they're awesome 0130:< robdob> It's great, I'll definitely look into more of them 0130:< zacketysack> inkblob yeah I've got an alt on RaThPM 0130:< Lorithas> keithgabryelski /r/theydidthemath 0130:< 3cardblindbot> I will, thanks! 0130:< keithgabryelski> i could post the simulation code.. not sure it is that useful -- the conclusion is useful 0130:< FatherDerp> i didn't come here to do maths! 0130:< yaahoe> does anyone know a company that uses process divisional structure??? 0130:< yaahoe> D: 0130:< mtriper> yes 0131:< inkblob> mtriper yea happy how it turned out, 4 aborted attempts with Staytanists and 5th run with my alt shishkeblob landed me there 0131:< TheAwer> Anyone have a userscript that is useful somehow in helping lower tiers up ? 0131:< 3cardblindbot> Oh, they're from Philly! 0131:< inkblob> I spread the word of Growth all along the way lol 0131:< BullDoor> oh yeah I read it as N/(2-1) because I'm tired xD carry on 0131:< 3cardblindbot> my hometown haha 0131:< k4g3> bodhisattvas. They're bloody robin bodhisattva. haha 0131:< anyoldnames> they are 3cardblindbot, haha nice 0131:< yaahoe> D: guise I am desperate 0131:< anyoldnames> I live in Philly now 0131:< mtriper> TheAwer We have just merged on the alt to 45 users (no idea on tier) 0131:< catjuggler> I'm in philly! 0131:< lordxeon> when are we gonna grow? 0131:< FatherDerp> Wait, I'm canadian, math** 0132:< 3cardblindbot> It's a great city! Were you watching the 'Nova game last night? 0132:< k4g3> Though the amount of coordination required. 0132:< anyoldnames> what neighborhood catjuggler 0132:< luvmygwgirls> who died in the walkoing dead 0132:< mtriper> Shit merged to the scrabble room now 0132:< luvmygwgirls> wait dont answer that 0132:< Lorithas> lordxeon: 24-48h, maybe more 0132:< robdob> luvmygwgirls beau died 0132:< k4g3> luvmygwgirls Dunno. Wonder if they'll follow the comics. You want to know who died in the comics? :P 0132:< MathGeek31415> leave room on all your alts and start over again, it is probably better to seed T1 rooms than stick around in larger I would assume 0132:< luvmygwgirls> yes 0133:< k4g3> luvmygwgirls Are you really really sure? 0133:< anyoldnames> well I have to stick around at least for the cascade this evening 0133:< SupDos> My internet is so bad, 12.5 KB/s :( 0133:< robdob> anyoldnames Same, I want to watch this happen 0133:< luvmygwgirls> unless my memory is wrong. i read the comics but stopped about a year and a half ago 0133:< robdob> anyoldnames I want to see what the leaderboard looks like after the cascade. That'll give us a good idea how long until 17 0133:< k4g3> luvmygwgirls Glenn died in the comics. Dunno if they'll kill him on TV though. 0134:< anyoldnames> This merge at T16 will be epic 0134:< supasteve013> glen died. spoiler tag fuck 0134:< alphashadow> when is the next merge scheduled to happen? 0134:< intensebeet> not forever 0134:< anyoldnames> I'm pretty confident we'll get it before the end of this experiment, but no way I'll beleive we're going higher 0134:< robdob> For us? Forever away 0134:< robdob> I'm in the tier 12 and we determined a little under 2.5 hours until we merge next 0135:< cyclingwonder> - yep, it's something like 32,000 groups to get to Tier 17 0135:< intensebeet> my alt is in the next lowest room and that doesn't even look like it'll merge any time soon 0135:< MathGeek31415> yea no chance we are going higher unless everyone makes 10 alts(no i didnt actually calculate it) lol 0135:< cyclingwonder> would take, what... 128000 groups to merge to get to T18 0135:< hunky> ya it def won't go past 17 0135:< robdob> intensebeet Yeah, we'll be right under you in 3.5 hours, but then we need another 14 0135:< futbolstud98> when does robin end? 0136:< keithgabryelski> https://github.com/keithgabryelski/robin-what-if 0136:< robdob> 4/8 0136:< intensebeet> robdob yeah and that'll take at least another 24 hours probably 0136:< anyoldnames> April 8th 0136:< intensebeet> if not more 0136:< anyoldnames> anyone know what time? 0136:< supasteve013> no 0136:< keithgabryelski> ok... be kind with looking at that... it's a quick hack 0136:< SupDos> With the robin button being removed from the front page, max we will do is 1 more merge. 0136:< intensebeet> so has everyone decided to stay on the last day? I haven't been on here since Saturday 0136:< alphashadow> that sucks, reddit should just keep it going until all interest peters out 0136:< anyoldnames> what is it keithgabryelski? 0137:< keithgabryelski> it is a simulation... it takes number of people and the room-tier desired and tells you how long it would take 0137:< alphashadow> I'll stick around to the end. it takes a couple of weekend days because lots of people have nothing better to do 0137:< luvmygwgirls> danger zone 0137:< MathGeek31415> Ill probably stay after the first round of cuts once we are T17, no way we will make it to T18 0137:< robdob> Into this Damien Rice track. I've never heard it 0137:< inkblob> keithgabryelski does it take into account the amount of people who are afk or no votes etc? 0137:< keithgabryelski> if maximum number of people recycle themselves (abandon a room after a grow) and create new rooms 0138:< inkblob> you don't need max numbers 0138:< anyoldnames> yeah, this is one of my favorite damien rice songs 0138:< intensebeet> afk doesn't matter as long as youvoted 0138:< inkblob> oic! 0138:< alphashadow> most people have autovoters 0138:< keithgabryelski> no... it is about diligent workers 0138:< anyoldnames> been listening to it alot today 0138:< shy> UHM HI 0138:< keithgabryelski> maximizing their work 0138:< supasteve013> hi bitches 0138:< supasteve013> noo 0138:< anyoldnames> hi shy 0138:< alphashadow> damn it! 0138:< anyoldnames> I had a gf name shy just after college 0138:< supasteve013> 2978 were dropping like flies 0138:< intensebeet> who the hell is abandoning now? that's just silly 0138:< anyoldnames> actually that was my nickname for her 0138:< uberdiesel> anyone have an estimate on a merge? 0139:< keithgabryelski> basically you don't need 2^14 to get to tier 14 you need MUCH LESS than that. 0139:< robdob> uberdiesel Long time. We'll know better after the cascade finishes in a few hours 0139:< supasteve013> 24 hours 0139:< keithgabryelski> and 1024 people can do it in hours (7 to be exact) 0139:< uberdiesel> rad, thanks robdob 0139:< robdob> I don't know what the groups look like under this: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/948rp 0139:< andreaplanbee> who else is in ZeAlVi 0139:< BullDoor> isn't 2^14 just the upper bound on how many can be in T14? 0139:< keithgabryelski> if N/2-1 abandon and recycle themselves to create new rooms constantly 0139:< hunky> uberdiesel i have an extremenly un-educated hypothese: wee morning hours 4/7/2016 3-4 am EST 0140:< keithgabryelski> right... uppper bounds... 0140:< hunky> *hypothesis 0140:< 3cardblindbot> I have to go in a couple minutes 0140:< robdob> Should merge by April 11 0140:< 3cardblindbot> does somebody want leader in the cytube? 0140:< intensebeet> we've only got til the 8th though right 0140:< keithgabryelski> but I calculate what could be achieved with minimal group. 0140:< robdob> intensebeet lol yeah 0140:< 3cardblindbot> to keep the late night dumbness at bay 0140:< Verifitas> April 11 is the saddest estimate I've seen yet. 0140:< robdob> Verifitas Hi, I'm our pessimist 0140:< anyoldnames> I can do it for a while 3cardblindbot 0140:< Shatti> or never 0140:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4eVNcV8 <- robin discord 0141:< supasteve013> we could merge 3 minutes after robin ends 0141:< 3cardblindbot> aight cool 0141:< Verifitas> It took only three days to get to this tier. A second shouldn't take an entire extra week - your math is nonsense. 0141:< BullDoor> It does when there's less interest 0141:< intensebeet> I wonder if we could even get enough people to stay now with so many people afk and probably forgetting about this 0141:< anyoldnames> cool, you leaving 3cardblindbot? 0141:< 3cardblindbot> yeah, sorry 0141:< alphashadow> we need somehow to get a massive campaign on the frontpage to get people to spend saturday helping us rise 0141:< anyoldnames> oh man do I have to play each track? 0141:< MathGeek31415> afk people will get removed after the first 32 minutes 0142:< 3cardblindbot> I need to get some work done, and this is a big distraction :( 0142:< chugga_fan> alphashadow we're merging two days from now 0142:< intensebeet> friday is last day though 0142:< keithgabryelski> what chat room is about meta discussions? 0142:< 3cardblindbot> night, all 0142:< chugga_fan> maximum 0142:< Verifitas> robdob I believe you're a pessimist. The glass is three quarters full and you're dying of dehydration. 0142:< alphashadow> damn it 0142:< alphashadow> night dude 0142:< kz-krunk> GOOD DAY EVRYONE 0142:< prince_polka> when exactly is robin ending? 0142:< chugga_fan> Verifitas it's 1/4 of it's total volume too big 0142:< alphashadow> chugga_fan good enough for me 0142:< mofosyne> random thoughts on wording sokukune. "I am english, I am from england." sooo... "I am soKukuneli, I am from soKukune" ? 0142:< robdob> Verifitas lol realistically I think we'll merge by mid-day tomorrow 0143:< chugga_fan> ^^^^^^^^ 0143:< intensebeet> i just figured it was like ku ku for coco puffs 0143:< chugga_fan> which sucks for me, as i have actual school 0143:< yaahoe> GOOD DAY kz-krunk 0143:< kz-krunk> what nonsense are we discussing this evening, morning night 0143:< hunky> very early morning of the 7th EST is my best guess 0143:< keithgabryelski> which channel is about meta discussions? 0143:< chugga_fan> i might turn on my laptop and (ab)use the school wifi 0143:< yaahoe> i asked a question and no one answered kz-krunk D: 0143:< hunky> they took button off main page. we've seen decline in new users 0143:< kz-krunk> what was the question yaahoe 0143:< BullDoor> They want us to fail D: 0143:< chugga_fan> hunky really? no longer on frontpage? 0143:< juryk> theres about to be a cascade of merges 0144:< hunky> chugga_fan nope, check 0144:< alphashadow> yeah i just checked it's gone 0144:< chugga_fan> you're right 0144:< prince_polka> what time exactly does robin end? does anyone know? 0144:< yaahoe> does anyone have an example of a company that uses process divisional organisation D: 0144:< alphashadow> so do we have enough for T17 with just groups in the system? 0144:< prince_polka> Is the the 8th of april? 0144:< intensebeet> and then another 48 hours to get the cascade to merge with us 0144:< alphashadow> do your own homework yaahoe 0144:< juryk> intensebeet sooner than that no? we have T9s lined up right now as well as matches for 11/12 too 0144:< chugga_fan> no longer finding a robin button ANYWHERE 0144:< Lorithas> alphashadow: reddit.com/robin still works though, we just need awereness 0144:< yaahoe> I have :( 0144:< BullDoor> yaahoe that sounds like bs business homework xD 0145:< MathGeek31415> no, we need to make alts and force ourselves to T17 0145:< alphashadow> I don't know if we're going to make it guys 0145:< kz-krunk> i am afraid i am unable to answer your current question yaahoe 0145:< robdob> Current top groups for any interested/unaware https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/7baud 0145:< juryk> MathGeek31415 my alt is up to a T9 now 0145:< intensebeet> juryk I didn't know there were 9s now, I didn't see them 0145:< yaahoe> Yep relates to business alright! Thats okay kz-krunk :D thanks for the "encouragement" 0145:< robdob> 9s merge in 21 minutes 0145:< hunky> we will make T17. Alts will certainly help. I have 1. I know several others have many more 0145:< mofosyne> what was the biggest ever? 0146:< TheSpoom> so the 9s will domino up to a T14 0146:< Prolougey> yes 0146:< acostoss> yeah we jsut need another t14 0146:< TheSpoom> but there is no match for the T14 0146:< BullDoor> what does that even mean, is it a company that allocates resources based on what processes need doing? 0146:< MathGeek31415> I have 8 alts in various places. Would probably be better to take them and seed T1s though 0146:< yaahoe> even wiki doesn't know D: it just says maybe people will have to go through various departments to get a drivers license 0146:< intensebeet> I'm considering removing my alt from ccande to start a new group but I'm afraid I'll get stuck on a much lower tier 0146:< D23inc> wait 0146:< yaahoe> WHICH ISN'T A COMPANY 0146:< alphashadow> There's no way we get that matching 14 before robin ends 0146:< Prolougey> this is becoming 2048 like 0146:< juryk> im in PrRyvihety, kowginasa_ is waiting for us to merge 0146:< Wonderingwanderr> we still havent merged yet? 0146:< kz-krunk> so wikis answers is the dmv? 0146:< yaahoe> Yeah bulldoor 0146:< hunky> MathGeek31415 yep. if you have any in higher level rooms. drop out and make new rooms 0146:< hunky> i've done this a couple times 0146:< alphashadow> prologuey that's what i've been saying for days! this is 2048 with people 0147:< Wonderingwanderr> wot he fok 0147:< D23inc> is it rare that we are in this group? 0147:< intensebeet> bulldoor that would be funny if your alts wound up merging with each other in the early tiers 0147:< prince_polka> internet-is-a-lie you can make a new reddit account pretty quickly 0147:< yaahoe> So how J&J has customer divisional structure in that there are three groups that deal with the different categories 0147:< mofosyne> Well what are we going to do when the robin universe end? 0147:< chugga_fan> intensebeet that'd be funny as fuck 0147:< chugga_fan> the eight is when robin ends 0147:< alphashadow> hunky there are no higher level rooms though are there? 0147:< Wonderingwanderr> we are going to cry 0147:< mofosyne> *multiverse 0147:< Wonderingwanderr> and have robin withdraws 0147:< kz-krunk> are you doing homework yaahoe? 0147:< SalZoRz> prince_polka hey buddy Kappa 0147:< yaahoe> eg consumers, professional businesses and pharmaceuticals D: 0147:< prince_polka> chugga_fan what time on the 8th though? 0147:< prince_polka> SalZoRz hey EleGiggle 0147:< yaahoe> I am finishing a journal that is marked for uni 0148:< BullDoor> yaahoe surely you could just argue any company with a rigid hierarchy is sufficient 0148:< Wonderingwanderr> yaahoe 0148:< chugga_fan> prince_polka probs like 8 western time 0148:< SalZoRz> prince_polka Im joining that discord 0148:< BullDoor> what is a company if it doesn't satisfy the definition? 0148:< yaahoe> Yeah Wonderingwanderr 0148:< kz-krunk> ahh okay yaahoe 0148:< Wonderingwanderr> thats name sounds super familiar 0148:< prince_polka> great 0148:< alphashadow> that's 11 eastern, plenty of time 0148:< The_PurpleCat> guys im at work right now 0148:< chugga_fan> i suspect a merger tomorrow 0148:< kz-krunk> you dont work purplecat 0148:< yaahoe> There are various forms organisational structure can take or it can take on various at the same time 0148:< Wonderingwanderr> are you the one that i was talking to about my nip being raw? 0148:< yaahoe> Yep 0148:< Wonderingwanderr> ahahaha 0148:< The_PurpleCat> i have to type %chat because i don't got the script here 0149:< yaahoe> Nips being sensitive D: D: 0149:< The_PurpleCat> I DO WORK 0149:< chugga_fan> guys, we've been in this chat for TWO DAYS 0149:< yaahoe> GOOD STUFF CAT 0149:< kz-krunk> PROVE IT 0149:< yaahoe> chugga_fan this is the third day I have risen with the chat D: 0149:< The_PurpleCat> kz u salty motherfucker 0149:< yaahoe> hahaha 0149:< CryEagle> ugh so mad, got kicked out of T15 0149:< Wonderingwanderr> ive decided im going to get drunk tonight 0149:< kz-krunk> lol 0149:< yaahoe> I wish I was getting drunk D: 0150:< kz-krunk> i am drunk 0150:< The_PurpleCat> i wish i was getting drunk too 0150:< prince_polka> SalZoRz are you in discord now? 0150:< Wonderingwanderr> why dont you? 0150:< yaahoe> D: 0150:< chugga_fan> yaahoe, 2016-04-03 18:08 EDT was when this was created, we're currently 2016-4-5 21:49 EDT 0150:< Wonderingwanderr> what are you drinking kz-krunk? 0150:< BullDoor> disregard homework, acquire inebriation 0150:< yaahoe> Singapore alcohol prices 0150:< prince_polka> SalZoRz https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4eWqSKX 0150:< charliegrc> how long till the big merge? 0150:< beyrevra> a long time 0150:< chugga_fan> tomorrow is when i suspect 0150:< charliegrc> few hours? 0150:< Wonderingwanderr> aah. are they that bad? 0150:< kz-krunk> im down to coors light cause i drank everything else :( 0150:< yaahoe> chugga_fan I woke up on monday morning to be in this chat, then yesterday morning and now today (9ish am where I am) 0150:< barnytan> haha horrible alcohol prices 0150:< charliegrc> we only need one more T14, shouldn't take long 0151:< yaahoe> atleast you have alcohol!!!!!!!!!! 0151:< chugga_fan> yaahoe china? or aussie? 0151:< Wonderingwanderr> that sucks. how many beers deep are you? 0151:< hunky> only way this merges tomorrow is if there is some concentrated, renewed effort at this game. As it stands now, interest has dropped 0151:< yaahoe> I am in Singapore currently 0151:< BullDoor> Surely they've killed it by taking it off of the front page 0151:< mofosyne> so when do we all press stay? 0151:< yaahoe> Australia is my home though D: 0151:< kz-krunk> 12ish? 0151:< Superboy309> charliegrc it is probably going to be at least 8 hours 0151:< chugga_fan> how... is that.... 12 hours from EDT 0151:< chugga_fan> wait, i know why, i'm an idiot .-. 0151:< prince_polka> Aratlas? 0151:< hunky> we are losing ppl y a huge amount with little new interest 0151:< Wonderingwanderr> aw shit. I was going to match you but I dont think i can do that 0151:< charliegrc> if half of us left this chat then joined new ones we could ride the wave straight up in a few hours 0151:< hunky> gn all 0151:< yaahoe> huh chugga_fan ?? 0152:< dashed> charliegrc wat 0152:< GlitcherRed> but we won't beat the old record that way 0152:< mofosyne> yaahoe : of wealth to toil... etc... 0152:< kz-krunk> i went to happy hour wonderingwanderr 0152:< yaahoe> Just telling you what I know :) 0152:< intensebeet> that feels like cheating though 0152:< BullDoor> yeah surely it's about overall population, not tier count 0152:< yaahoe> I am 0152:< kz-krunk> no one catches me after happy hour 0152:< Wonderingwanderr> lucky. I just got off work. 0152:< Flewtea> I think we would, cause others would come with us 0152:< chugga_fan> yaahoe nvm, but to all, we should totally just give this vid to the room that merges with us 0152:< yaahoe> You are 0152:< MathGeek31415> dont leave here, just make alt accounts and use incognito mode in chrome or firefox 0152:< mofosyne> yaahoe : girt by sea etc... 0152:< chugga_fan> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdxUFDoQe0 0152:< yaahoe> We are 0152:< yaahoe> AUSTRALIAN 0153:< Wonderingwanderr> lets all follow each other on instagram 0153:< yaahoe> That song is so much better than the national anthem 0153:< chugga_fan> no instagram :P 0153:< mofosyne> weee aaaarrrreee auuusssstrrrrraaalliiiaaaa! 0153:< kz-krunk> team yellow is rep'd real well right now 0153:< yaahoe> Wonderingwanderr D: 0153:< chugga_fan> yaahoe just BEAT ITTTTTT 0153:< Wonderingwanderr> so thats a no then? lol 0153:< intensebeet> seriously I barely saw any yellow on my way up through the tiers 0153:< mofosyne> suck it america! 0153:< __PETTYOFFICER117__> insta is same as my username here 0153:< yaahoe> AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE 0153:< BullDoor> where all my greens at, yo 0153:< yaahoe> OI OI OI 0153:< kz-krunk> im in america and its great...most of the time 0154:< charliegrc> Wonderingwanderr https://www.instagram.com/charlie_grc/ 0154:< mofosyne> IO IO IO 0154:< intensebeet> has anyone figured out any reasoning behind how colors are assigned? 0154:< Flewtea> USA here too 0154:< chugga_fan> mofosyne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX5ZRE26YWM 0154:< BullDoor> depends on your name 0154:< ExpertExpert> when do we merge? 0154:< yaahoe> Charliegrc 0154:< Superboy309> I live in america's penis 0154:< yaahoe> nice face ;D 0154:< BullDoor> characters have values that are constant, and map to colours (i think) 0154:< charliegrc> yaahoe ty 0154:< BullDoor> although i'm probably wrong 0154:< jollywalrus9> haven't posted this in days, #RateMyJeep http://i.imgur.com/SV1LqSr.jpg 0154:< yaahoe> yw 0154:< supasteve013> good evening 0154:< mofosyne> Superboy309 mexico or canada? 0154:< kz-krunk> i only have 3 instagram posts 0154:< zani1903> intensebeet Pretty sure it's pure RNG 0155:< Superboy309> mofosyne florida 0155:< chugga_fan> Superboy309 that's not mexico, mexico is america's underwear, canada's america's hat mofosyne 0155:< yaahoe> I has a few posts :D 0155:< supasteve013> americas penis is florida 0155:< chugga_fan> ah, lol Superboy309 0155:< intensebeet> zani1903 that's disappointing, I want meaning! 0155:< kz-krunk> lol @ americas wang 0155:< Lorithas> 5/5 Jeep, love to see a car well-used 0155:< chugga_fan> OMG BAN FLORIDA FROM SCHOOLS IT LOOKS LIKE A GUN! 0155:< Superboy309> ^ 0155:< chugga_fan> ZUR MEH GURD 0155:< mofosyne> or is USA just happy to see us? 0155:< zani1903> green does seem to be the rarest though bro :D we are the rare here 0156:< intensebeet> I thought purple was rarest 0156:< Superboy309> Can confirm, people running around all the time with maps of florida getting arrested for firearm posession 0156:< Lorithas> I just hate it when people DD their offroaders or wnb rallycars and never get them dirty 0156:< mofosyne> oh, isn't there a drone base in florida? 0156:< kz-krunk> oorange is pretty rare too 0156:< BullDoor> orange has to be the rarest, surely 0156:< kz-krunk> typos are love, typos are life 0156:< Wonderingwanderr> followed you both 0156:< Superboy309> There are like 3 drone bases in florida, none of them are all that close to me 0156:< mofosyne> lots of white flying and swirling bots flying out of florida, full of drones 0156:< jollywalrus9> Its currently in the shop because the transfer case broke after the shop that installed it messed up 0157:< yaahoe> my instagram name is my full name D: I don't think I want that linked with my redddit :o 0157:< kz-krunk> samesies yaahoe 0157:< dashed> loool 0157:< Superboy309> But they are all in south florida, so they aren't too far 0157:< dashed> i dont have instagram 0157:< yaahoe> yeah D: 0157:< Jeremymia> Any Miitomo users here? 0157:< Wonderingwanderr> how about you follow me and I wont say anything on here. cmr0berts 0157:< BullDoor> i don't have instagram, because my life is pretty boring :( 0157:< supasteve013> whats miitomo 0157:< Jeremymia> Nintendo's weird social media ap 0158:< Superboy309> There is no filtering on answers, which makes me happy 0158:< chugga_fan> oh Jeremymia miitomo? 0158:< intensebeet> so since none of your names are familiar, what subs do you all frequent the most? 0158:< Superboy309> PCMR 0158:< Wonderingwanderr> r/electronicmusic 0158:< juryk> r/insidecarsales 0158:< anyoldnames> r/chess 0158:< Lolzep> r/robintracking 0159:< anyoldnames> r/audioengineering 0159:< intensebeet> what is pcmr? 0159:< zani1903> eve, leagueoflegends and wow 0159:< juryk> r/trackers 0159:< Superboy309> r/pcmasterrace 0159:< Wonderingwanderr> r/blue_jays 0159:< anyoldnames> r/btc 0159:< Andrew_Mendoza> r/johnmadden 0159:< andreaplanbee> r/woofbarkwoof 0159:< Jeremymia> NoStupidQuestions 0159:< kz-krunk> you're too handy wonderingwanderr 0159:< intensebeet> i spotted the canadian 0159:< DILeakStudios> r/rocketleague 0159:< zani1903> intensebeet PCMasterRace, a subreddit about PC superiority over consoles mainly 0159:< anyoldnames> r/watchpeopledie 0159:< Andrew_Mendoza> contageouslaughter 0159:< kz-krunk> r/fallout 0159:< Superboy309> r/thedivision 0159:< anyoldnames> nah just kidding, but I did go there once. its a horrible place 0200:< Superboy309> r/spacedicks 0200:< BullDoor> yeah man i saw like one beheading video and was like, ok then that's that 0200:< intensebeet> anyoldnames I've seen people talk about it but it doesn't seem like something i'd really want to frequent 0200:< alphashadow> the subs you're throwing out make me feel old, what are your guys A/ ? 0200:< Wonderingwanderr> ayeee what do you play the division on? 0200:< robdob> PC 0200:< zani1903> anyoldnames there was/is some called something like cutefemalecorpses that was even worse 0200:< Superboy309> PC Wonderingwanderr 0200:< Wonderingwanderr> kz-krunk thanks :D 0200:< BullDoor> wasn't even grossed out or anything, just didn't want to see anything like that ever again 0200:< anyoldnames> my god, this website is such a contridiction 0201:< charliegrc> is the division actually good. All i've heard was that its overhyped crappp 0201:< supasteve013> whats up with the constant voting issues were having on our primaries? 0201:< anyoldnames> such cool things, such cruel things 0201:< robdob> BullDoor I spent an hour on /r/morbidreality once and it ruined my entire week, legitimately 0201:< intensebeet> i spend most of my time in /r/hockey 0201:< Andrew_Mendoza> The Division seems to hand hold the player through the game. 0201:< kz-krunk> there are some really awful subs out there 0201:< zani1903> anyoldnames it's what makes reddit special, you can find everything and anything 0201:< Verifitas> I spend most of my time in . 0201:< Wonderingwanderr> GO PENS intensebeet 0201:< intensebeet> FUCK THE PENS! 0201:< robdob> charliegrc I'm into it, thought it's got its weaknesses, especially once you hit max level 0201:< BullDoor> robdob idk what the theme of that sub even is, but I watched The Road the other day so I imagine it's similar to that but sadder 0201:< anyoldnames> indeed zani1903 0201:< Superboy309> The division is fun for the first 50 hours, but i kinda ran out of shit to do, there is a free update in 7 days that adds shit 0201:< Wonderingwanderr> WHOA 0201:< alphashadow> I stay away from all that morbid crap. I come from reddit to get away from problems, not see more of them 0202:< Wonderingwanderr> TAKE IT BACK 0202:< alphashadow> BRUINS ALL DAY 0202:< kz-krunk> r/penIsland 0202:< Wonderingwanderr> oh god 0202:< intensebeet> FUCK THE BRUINS TOO are they losing? 0202:< yaahoe> whats everyone wearing???????????? :D 0202:< Wonderingwanderr> fuck marchand 0202:< charliegrc> was anyone else kinda dissapointed in fallout 4? 0202:< alphashadow> intensebeet probably 0202:< robdob> BullDoor That's accurate probably. It's just a lot of thinking about death seeing it 0202:< Wonderingwanderr> cocky douche 0202:< kz-krunk> yeah bluejackets....jk but serious kinda 0202:< intensebeet> gosh i hope so 0202:< BullDoor> yeah i went on r/depression the other day because i was feeling a bit low and fuck me that was a terrible choice 0202:< juryk> i will be so upset if we take ccande's name.. 0202:< charliegrc> there hasn't been a good game released since lastofus and bioshock infinite IMO. 0203:< juryk> im very attached to sokuku 0203:< kz-krunk> im in sweat pants and a tshirt yaahoe 0203:< Superboy309> Lol BullDoor, I've done that before 0203:< BullDoor> everyone just contemplating suicide and how their lives are terrible, nice feedback loop guys 0203:< charliegrc> except maybe firewatch 0203:< Wonderingwanderr> The pens are doing fucking fantastic 0203:< chugga_fan> juryk nah, KuK will be there for sure 0203:< zani1903> juryk well, that's if ccande even gets to keep ITS name when it becomes a t16 0203:< alphashadow> juryk we've been around the longest of any group ever, they'll take our name 0203:< yaahoe> nieeeeece kz-krunk comfort first :D 0203:< callado> hi 0203:< alphashadow> I think it goes by age 0203:< alphashadow> sup 0203:< catjuggler> finally downloaded an extension or two 0204:< charliegrc> BullDoor /r/suicidewatch and /r/foreveralone are worse 0204:< Marmalade6> Wasn't robin supposed to be over by now? 0204:< kz-krunk> why do those subs exist 0204:< Andrew_Mendoza> Great places to troll, for 200 Alex 0204:< Flewtea> not till Friday 0204:< drwarner> any of you guys ever have a gi joe cobra jet? 0204:< BullDoor> charliegrc Like I say, I went there because I was feeling down, and I don't see how that shit does anything but make it worse 0204:< zani1903> kz-krunk There's basically a rule34 for subreddits; if it exists, there is a sub for it 0204:< kz-krunk> how horrible is our society that we need that stuff 0204:< alphashadow> pretty horrible tbh 0204:< intensebeet> wonderingwanderr they really are, it makes me sad, i voted them 1st in power rankings this week and i needed to take a showerafterward 0205:< Superboy309> zani, also there is a rule34 counterpart of said sub 0205:< Marmalade6> oh 0205:< zani1903> 7 billion people, unending amounts of disorders and such, it's no wonder people end up so depressed 0205:< ihunter32> so close... we have a chain up to T14 now... 0205:< supasteve013> anus 0205:< charliegrc> Wonderingwanderr I do a lot of stuff. My best are probably charcoal, conte crayon, watercolor and oil 0205:< zani1903> do you guys think we'll merge within 10 hours? wondering if i should leave my pc on 0205:< charliegrc> i get bored of mediums very quickly 0205:< alphashadow> but we need two T14s and we can only see a path for 1 0205:< drewiepoodle> it's still going to take another day for us to merge 0205:< Superboy309> zani1903 it is possible. 0206:< lajiggyjarjardoo> chain 14 means we're less than half way, right? 0206:< ihunter32> we may merge within the next 12 hours. 0206:< kz-krunk> sooo...anyone see any good movies lately 0206:< alphashadow> when all the groups on the leaderboard finish merging we still won't be anywhere close 0206:< keithgabryelski> if we can get 1024 people we can create a tier 14 in 7 hours 0206:< lajiggyjarjardoo> getting a 15 will take even longer 0206:< yaahoe> guys does anyone watch Drop Dead Diva?? 0206:< ihunter32> we have a 15, and a chain to 14. 0206:< drewiepoodle> doubtful tho 0206:< lajiggyjarjardoo> nm 0206:< beyrevra> reddit removed the button for robin from the main page 0206:< catjuggler> who understands the autovoter and can help me out 0206:< ihunter32> so we're about 3/4 of the way there. actually 0206:< zani1903> alright, not gonna risk it, will leave the machine on 0206:< Wonderingwanderr> intensebeet Funny thing is, they started out playing like complete shit and then something just snapped. I really thought this season 0206:< yaahoe> kz-krunk apparently batman vs superman is terrible D: 0206:< Superboy309> We need one more T14 and then we have a T17 0206:< ihunter32> wow, it wasn't even intrusive 0206:< zani1903> g'night all 0206:< Wonderingwanderr> intensebeet was going to be a bust for them 0206:< kz-krunk> so i've heard 0206:< catjuggler> I just installed it for tonight and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do? 0206:< Andrew_Mendoza> And then..? 0206:< Superboy309> yaahoe it definitely wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great 0207:< ihunter32> moving the button was the biggest april fools joke of all 0207:< kz-krunk> i cannot confirm it though 0207:< alphashadow> superboy309 we need two: one that there's a chain for and one that there isn't so far 0207:< catjuggler> like, if my computer goes idle, will it still work? 0207:< intensebeet> coach change did them wonders; I thought this season would be a bust too so I'm thrilled Flyers are even in the hunt right now 0207:< ihunter32> they just left us all hanging 0207:< Andrew_Mendoza> We go outside and see the sun again 0207:< alphashadow> catjuggler, you don't have to do anything 0207:< coldbrewedbrew> Curious what's behind the 8 that's there. 0207:< yaahoe> I really want to see the boss 0207:< BullDoor> Mine did catjuggler 0207:< zani1903> catjuggler As long as the browser is still active, yes 0207:< abrownn> catjuggler just make sure you don't set your computer to sleep after a period of inactivity 0207:< alphashadow> as long as you've clearly voted 0207:< TheOddEyes> how close are we to the next merge? 0207:< GlitcherRed> just don't let your computer go to sleep mode 0207:< Superboy309> Yeah alphashadow I was counting the chain one as made, because any new rooms created right now will go into creating the other T14 0207:< kz-krunk> yaahoe that does look funny 0207:< yaahoe> I liked Zootopia, i felt like it did a great job at showing how fear mongering happens 0207:< catjuggler> i think it would go into sleep mode though 0207:< alphashadow> superboy309 my bad, true then 0207:< charliegrc> TheOddEyes about 12-24 hours 0207:< BullDoor> Change it in the power settings, if you're on Windows 0207:< yaahoe> I quite like Melissa McCarthy :D 0207:< jayman419> Please see if you agree with https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dhnm6/stayon17_is_the_new_stayat1k/d1rl9fn => http://nazar.so/67fjr 0208:< alphashadow> catjuggler don't let it sleep 0208:< abrownn> catjuggler then disable that in your power settings on your computer/laptop 0208:< ihunter32> It did a good job of portraying media as well. 0208:< catjuggler> so, dumb question, how do I stop it? 0208:< jayman419> And if you do maybe give it an updoot. Or add your opinion if you differ. 0208:< BullDoor> Control Panel - System - Power Settings 0208:< charliegrc> TheOddEyes best case scenario, 7 hours 0208:< coldbrewedbrew> TheOddEyes a merge is occurring now that will give us one of the two T14s that we need. 0208:< Superboy309> I've had my desktop on since april 1st, just for this shit. 0208:< yaahoe> Yes ihunter2 it was brilliant, as was inside out 0208:< catjuggler> okay let me test that out 0208:< Wonderingwanderr> charliegrc its all really good! 0208:< TheOddEyes> charliegrc so it's safe to turn off my pc? 0208:< coldbrewedbrew> But we still need another to make a 2nd T15 0208:< catjuggler> its' a shame, I wanted to be around for the vote but the middle of the night won't work 0208:< kz-krunk> inside out literally hit me in the feels 0209:< alphashadow> I wonder how much extra power has been used by the world just bc of robin 0209:< catjuggler> i voted my whole way here 0209:< yaahoe> I loved them both, and feel like it, even for me as an adult, helped to put complex situations into movies that explain it 0209:< anyoldnames> oh shit, andreaplanbee are you still in that room? 0209:< yaahoe> and make me crrrrrrrrry D: 0209:< charliegrc> Wonderingwanderr ty :3 0209:< ihunter32> probably very little. 0209:< alphashadow> catjuggler those days are over, welcome to civilization 0209:< andreaplanbee> what room 0209:< yaahoe> :( 0209:< andreaplanbee> SaAlhaep? 0209:< anyoldnames> ?hmm who was in the music chat with me 0209:< BullDoor> Maybe this is the plateau, guys. Maybe we're not meant to reach T17 0209:< mr_mustash> Just had a new 10 group form! PrkoRyexvi 0209:< andreaplanbee> oh i am 0209:< andreaplanbee> yeah 0209:< kz-krunk> we must reach t17 0209:< anyoldnames> I just accidentally lost it 0209:< Superboy309> BullDoor it is going to happen 0210:< alphashadow> No.T17 is our destiny. 0210:< anyoldnames> is it still working? 0210:< mr_mustash> We're going to see a new 14 group in the next 2 hours 0210:< kz-krunk> it is our destiny 0210:< andreaplanbee> it is but it is choppy 0210:< mr_mustash> Then we just need one more 14 group and we're home 0210:< intensebeet> 2.5 hours to make another 14 and then we have to wait for all the lower tiers to replenish 0210:< Superboy309> It's nearly impossible for us not to get T17 0210:< alphashadow> When we first got here I wanted to stay, but I realize the folly of my ways. 0210:< andreaplanbee> its working ok now though! 0210:< anyoldnames> weird, how does a room work without a leader 0210:< anyoldnames> haha oh ok 0210:< andreaplanbee> well leader basically can control the playhead 0210:< BullDoor> They'd have to do something crazy like take the button off the front page for that to happen 0210:< andreaplanbee> not give out permissions 0210:< alphashadow> It's gonna suck when the next group below merges up with us, do you guys remember the chaos in the beginning? 0210:< anyoldnames> maybe it was me then 0210:< andreaplanbee> its confusing at first 0210:< Superboy309> intensebeet the lower tiers are already replenishing, because the chain is present, no new groups are going into them 0210:< ihunter32> I really doubt we'll be able to get a T18 0210:< intensebeet> the chaos is fun 0210:< alphashadow> I mean in the long term it'll be great, but at the beginning, what a mess 0211:< kz-krunk> my alts in the next one 0211:< andreaplanbee> it may have been your connection yeah 0211:< coldbrewedbrew> I agree ihunter32 0211:< ihunter32> especially now that the robin button is gone from the main page. 0211:< Superboy309> T18 is impossible 0211:< kz-krunk> its organized much like this one now 0211:< coldbrewedbrew> Don't see us getting past a t17 0211:< alphashadow> No way we get to T18, but 17 is the golden number 0211:< intensebeet> plus the lower tiers are better organized now, they're coordinating their channels ahead of time and everything 0211:< yaahoe> whats a fastfood brand that is similar to mcdonalds???? 0211:< kz-krunk> burger king 0211:< alphashadow> intensebeet we lived through the wild old days 0211:< andreaplanbee> damn i had a good song to add 0211:< BullDoor> Man, people are really getting into this whole robin shit aren't they 0211:< Superboy309> It's taking us 5 days to get T17, and we will only have 2 days left by then 0211:< keithgabryelski> t18 is not impossible... but it would require A LOT of organization with all people currently in robin 0211:< Wonderingwanderr> BullDoor ROBIN IS LIFE 0211:< yaahoe> Thanks kz-krunk thats a really good example :D 0212:< kz-krunk> yur welcome 0212:< alphashadow> BullDoor my life is boring, it passes the time 0212:< ihunter32> we probably would have had a T17 by now (or at least it'd be happening within the next 3 hours) if the button was on the mainpage 0212:< BullDoor> xD Well I'm not here because I'm busy 0212:< alphashadow> I should be busy, procrastinating like a mofo rn 0212:< yaahoe> yur amazing kz-krunk 0212:< TheSpoom> i really kind of wish they'd keep it up at this point 0212:< intensebeet> it being the middle of the week while people are in work and school isn't helping any either 0212:< kz-krunk> lol 0212:< Superboy309> ihunter32 that wouldn't be possible, even at optimal conditions we are 7 hours away from T17 0212:< BullDoor> is that your homework yaahoe? 0213:< yaahoe> kindddddda 0213:< kz-krunk> my typos are infectious 0213:< ntrefil> hey guys! 0213:< mtriper> we just made to tier 8 in my alt account 0213:< alphashadow> If they would just keep it open until sunday there'd be no problem 0213:< ntrefil> Im in a tier 11 in my alt 0213:< ihunter32> no, I'm saying we would have been able to, if the button hadn't been taken off the main page. 0213:< alphashadow> I went all the way from 1 to here, just sunday 0213:< BullDoor> kinda? you sure you're not just hungry? 0213:< yaahoe> I am hungry, but my studies are in need of doing D: 0213:< intensebeet> alphashadow you got in at the perfect time then 0213:< kz-krunk> im serious though its a disease, im afraid you all have it now 0213:< alphashadow> yeah it was an amazing ride 0213:< intensebeet> i started here at noon saturday 0213:< ihunter32> it took 24 hours at most for a T15 to be made from scratch like two days ago, which is what I based my estimate off of. 0214:< Superboy309> ihunter32 the button was taken off only a few hours ago, we may have been closer than we are now, but we definitely wouldn't be T17 0214:< alphashadow> wow, so you must have been waiting in kuprlitsgo then intensebeet 0214:< ihunter32> I guess. 0214:< kz-krunk> kuprl took forever to merge 0214:< lolmycat> We need to get a /r/joinrobin post to the top of /r/all to get the attention we need for t17 0214:< Superboy309> I was a peaman man, myself 0214:< kz-krunk> but now we are here 0214:< BullDoor> I can't even remember where I started, I was a much younger man in those times 0215:< intensebeet> alphashadow I think so, i wasn't tracking it then because the tiers thing hadn't been fully figured out when i started 0215:< alphashadow> But the button back on the frontpage! Make robin great again! The wall just got one tier higher. 0215:< yaahoe> brb afk 0215:< intensebeet> i've got a fully history for my alt in ccande though 0215:< kz-krunk> hb yaahoe 0215:< yaahoe> kk 0215:< alphashadow> yeah my history before tier 8 is totally gone, I had no idea people would be tracking so I didn't. 0215:< kz-krunk> i wish i recorded mine intensebeet 0216:< BullDoor> One of my rooms i started in was called Bulldog - we didn't grow D: 0216:< jayman419> There's more details in the context. It's not just about what's likely... it's about what's possible. 0216:< Superboy309> I havn't been in any interesting groups 0216:< intensebeet> i actually have an alternate history into this chat from my alt although it got booted before the room it was in merged into this one. 0216:< charliegrc> new T14 will be made in about 1.5hrs. 0216:< kz-krunk> my first room was Vault_prunk we didnt grow either 0217:< alphashadow> I had such a good time the first day, we made a sub which is still pretty active. 0217:< jayman419> One successful advice animals post could get a good few people to give it a try. 0217:< TheOddEyes> it's the 6th of April where i live, which means 2 days are left till Robin is over 0217:< alphashadow> The people who got kicked from the first wave are working their way back up. 0217:< alphashadow> Some of them are stuck in ccande right now. 0217:< kz-krunk> because of robin im a mod in three different subs 0217:< jayman419> bickster69 People get tired of waiting, or glitch or something. 0218:< BullDoor> On my way up to this chat my group very nearly stayed, that would have been tragic 0218:< TheMentalist10> I had to abandon my robin sub moderation because it was getting so much nonsense :) 0218:< intensebeet> yup, i never had a room disband or stay though, every room i've been in grew 0218:< BullDoor> Or maybe I'd have just been more productive, idk 0218:< alphashadow> You gotta grow. 0218:< intensebeet> i was totally on board the stay train at first 0218:< TheOddEyes> i wonder how many users are using robin without counting the alts and the bots 0218:< jayman419> I was in a group that stayed. A guy had the others elect him "leader" and he decided to treat us like underlings. 0218:< alphashadow> Oh yeah I'd have so much more work done by now if it weren't for this godforsaken site 0218:< intensebeet> that sounds fun 0218:< jayman419> Then he expected us to move to another sub with a "cooler name". I haven't spoken to them since. 0218:< mofosyne> Looks like we are wating for lialFohjze to become T15 0219:< alphashadow> good move jayman419 0219:< BullDoor> Sounds fun! Optimal strategy to me is to grow like a hormonal teenager until the last day, then stay 0219:< mtriper> anyone here alt on deBuHyOcri 0219:< jayman419> Type /commands... there's an option to leave the room. 0219:< BullDoor> Don't see how you would play it any other way, really 0219:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> kz-krunk YOU MADE IT! 0219:< alphashadow> We gotta stay at 17 0219:< BullDoor> Yeah I agree there, only because 18 is literally impossible 0219:< jayman419> oh it's not showing up... I think it's slash leave_room. 0219:< kz-krunk> I did make it soundslikeacokeparty 0220:< anyoldnames> nice jayman419 0220:< BullDoor> Haha jayman your name 0220:< intensebeet> were any of you part of the room that was all speaking in german? 0220:< GlitcherRed> /tally 0220:< alphashadow> no but for some reason I was in a lot of heavily dutch rooms 0221:< mofosyne> did you learn dutch? 0221:< anyoldnames> what? 0221:< alphashadow> so much so that there was a dutch language chat in almost every room i was in after t9 0221:< jayman419> This one had !NL for a minute, I think that was a Scandinavian channel. 0221:< BullDoor> Dutch doesn't sound like a real language 0221:< kz-krunk> my alt was in a french room briefly 0221:< alphashadow> mofosyne I did not. 0221:< TheMentalist10> Dutch sounds like someone pretending to speak Dutch 0221:< intensebeet> i think around tier 5 or 6 all of a sudden my room decided to all speak german 0221:< intensebeet> i know a little bit but not enough to really follow at that point 0221:< alphashadow> haha exactly thementalist 0221:< jayman419> This seems more like a pillow fort than the button did. We've got trivia and rpgs, devs and language makers, discussion and music. 0221:< jayman419> It's like a party. 0221:< alphashadow> Dutch sounds like German on drugs 0221:< Verifitas> jayman419 Scandinavian? There's no way that NL could've stood for "Netherlands"? 0222:< supasteve013> team pillow fort 0222:< BullDoor> What else would it stand for 0222:< jayman419> Verifitas That's totally possible, I'm not sure. 0222:< intensebeet> i have actually had some fun discussions so i'll consider this experiment a success, i never clicked the button last year 0222:< Verifitas> Apparently Scandiavia. 0222:< alphashadow> This blows the button way out of the water. 0222:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> jayman419 A COKE PARTY 0222:< alphashadow> wonder what they'll do next year 0223:< jayman419> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY Or Pepsi. 0223:< BullDoor> I never clicked the button because it was really obvious that nothing was going to happen when it ticked down 0223:< llnk> i was a 10sec button pusher last year. read team ftw 0223:< jayman419> Is the Netherlands not a Scandinavian country? I thought I heard they had ties to Finland. 0223:< alphashadow> I finally caved and pressed as a late red. 0223:< BullDoor> Nah it's mainland Europe 0223:< jayman419> I'm not trying to be rude or insulting or anything, I honestly don't know. 0223:< Lorithas> jayman419 Yeah there's a direct flight, that's about it 0224:< jayman419> Lorithas Fair enough, I'll keep that in mind in the future. 0224:< intensebeet> scandinavia is weird because it doesn't include some countries that it should i forget exactly how it breaks down 0224:< intensebeet> but the hockey sub argues about it on occasion 0224:< BullDoor> scandanavia is sweden, norway, denmark and finland i think? 0224:< jayman419> All I really know about that part of Europe is they love them some death metal and Iron Maiden. 0224:< Lorithas> Finland is not part of scandinavia 0224:< intensebeet> i think maybe i'm thinking scandanavian countries versus nordic countries? 0224:< kz-krunk> isnt it iceland norway swedan and finland? 0225:< Lorithas> intensebeet that's correct 0225:< intensebeet> there it is! finland looks like it should be part but isn't 0225:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> intensebeet yes 0225:< kz-krunk> my bad 0225:< kz-krunk> stupid finland 0225:< callado> everybody's goona die 0225:< BullDoor> wiki says that finland is sometimes included, imma go with wiki on this one 0226:< intensebeet> well yeah 0226:< kz-krunk> eventually yes 0226:< intensebeet> do you realiiiiize 0226:< callado> that makes me sad 0226:< kz-krunk> dont start singing intensebeet 0226:< intensebeet> it's my party and i'll sing if i want to 0227:< DebentureThyme> boobies 0227:< BullDoor> it is also my party, and i do not wish for there to be singing 0227:< callado> its out party and we do what we want to 0227:< callado> our* 0227:< The_PurpleCat> im at my house now 0227:< mtriper> grapevine talk: "Ccande formed their own government actually" 0227:< BullDoor> lol no they didn't 0227:< andreaplanbee> how soon until we have a tier 14 0227:< kz-krunk> a litter box isnt a house purplecat 0227:< intensebeet> yeah there's a constitution 0227:< CitrusDoctor> actually norway sweden and finland are part of a distinct group called fennoscandia 0227:< jayman419> mtriper There was an attempt to create a government here, earlier today. 0227:< CitrusDoctor> sorry if thats a little late 0228:< jayman419> The vote failed and anarchy won. 0228:< mtriper> jayman419 IC 0228:< The_PurpleCat> LOL when ur a cat it is, now pull the lever krunk 0228:< dashed> o hey bernie sanders won something 0228:< BullDoor> Just because someone wrote a constitution, doesn't mean it means anything 0228:< Lolzep> ayyyyy 0228:< intensebeet> obviously 0228:< andreaplanbee> gj sandman 0228:< Lorithas> intensebeet Scandinavia is the dick, Finland is the balls http://imgur.com/RTNkVHU 0228:< kz-krunk> damnit *pulls lever reluctantly* 0228:< dashed> parrot is our constitution.. we've created order 0228:< andreaplanbee> ! 0228:< The_PurpleCat> good, now clean this litter box out, it smells 0228:< stormagnet> the candyland constitution is quite reasonable :) 0228:< andreaplanbee> its really true, parrot has brought us togethe rmore than anything else 0228:< callado> its our party and we can do what we want 0228:< BullDoor> Are they a democracy? xD 0229:< intensebeet> Lorithas that might be the description that finally sticks for me. Thanks! 0229:< stormagnet> I look forward to that merge 0229:< ntrefil> so does anyone still use robin-grow these days? 0229:< callado> its our party we can say whay we want 0229:< kz-krunk> *throws litter box out window* 0229:< jayman419> I don't mind their constitution. The only thing I dislike is elevating one user above the others. Maybe it's the dick I met in the sub 0229:< The_PurpleCat> welp ill just pee in ur bed then, ur loss bud 0229:< intensebeet> i'm using robin-grow, should i not be? 0229:< stormagnet> BullDoor https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit# => http://nazar.so/4vcve 0229:< andreaplanbee> we've done very well without a leader i think 0229:< jayman419> Who went mad with power. I feel like we have a vote every minute, to stay or grow, and we don't need much more. 0229:< kz-krunk> jokes on you i dont live here 0229:< callado> and we wont stop 0229:< The_PurpleCat> whoa, then who's bed is this? where am i? 0229:< ntrefil> intensebeet parrot is all the rage! 0230:< stormagnet> andreaplanbee yeah I don't think that's necessary, though I'm sure many will self-nominate :P 0230:< The_PurpleCat> aww poor homeless krunk, will dance 4 money 0230:< andreaplanbee> haha of course, vote me btw 0230:< kz-krunk> i dunno but they really need to lock their doors 0230:< anyoldnames> the merge cascade cometh 0230:< BullDoor> Why does a chatroom need order, though 0230:< BullDoor> I mean we have chat filters, that's good enough for me 0230:< CitrusDoctor> i need some advice, every time i come back to this after a while i have to refresh the page 0230:< cornellier> parrot ftw 0230:< intensebeet> what will parrot do for me that grow isn't? 0230:< andreaplanbee> i mean it would only make sense if there were actual moderator privileges or something 0231:< CitrusDoctor> can something keep this page from timing out? 0231:< andreaplanbee> i guess its fun to role play 0231:< jayman419> CitrusDoctor If you're using Robin Grow or Parrot, open the settings and lower the number of lines in the cache maybe. 0231:< cornellier> @intensebeet try it and se 0231:< Lorithas> Tabs for different chat channels, hiding the right sidebar, blacklisting channel tags 0231:< The_PurpleCat> kz-krunk how's the drinking coming? run out of coors yet 0231:< CitrusDoctor> the max messages before pruning? 0231:< CitrusDoctor> what does that mean 0231:< kz-krunk> nope still got a few left 0231:< andreaplanbee> there is a setting in parrot Cirenmatt "Reload page after inactivity timeout" 0231:< jayman419> CitrusDoctor That's the one. Drop it to like 200 or even a bit lower and it will free up some memory. 0231:< The_PurpleCat> better make it last we still got 3days left 0231:< andreaplanbee> CitrusDoctor* 0231:< gjhgjh> why am I not seeing my own messages? 0231:< BullDoor> Hey guys, can I be the Archmage of soKuku 0232:< kz-krunk> thank god there is a liquor store down the street 0232:< CitrusDoctor> is that the point at which it will refresh? 0232:< gjhgjh> Ah, there it is. 0232:< stormagnet> BullDoor maybe? 0232:< BullDoor> I'll find a wizard robe and hat, promise 0232:< gjhgjh> stupid update 0232:< The_PurpleCat> that is hella convenient, stay drunk forever 0232:< intensebeet> only if you demonstrate level 76 destruction spell mastery 0232:< cornellier> @gjhgjh you've muted yourself? 0232:< kz-krunk> i would've gone batshit crazy without it 0232:< stormagnet> BullDoor I'm kind of inclined to nominate dashed and _vvvv_ for that, if we're having one 0232:< gjhgjh> So where is my order of fries. 0232:< stormagnet> BullDoor because of their SORCERIES 0232:< Lorithas> BullDoor "I put on my robe and my wizards hat"? :D 0232:< gjhgjh> So where is my order of fries? 0232:< jayman419> Check out what andreaplanbee suggested in parrot... inactivity timeout may be your issue instead of just cache stacking. 0232:< BullDoor> Lorithas +1 0233:< The_PurpleCat> HAHAHA I'm sure considering how crazing this chat is making us all 0233:< rakki9999112> is #gov abandoned 0233:< cornellier> All hail the Parrot team very nice work! 0233:< Lorithas> BullDoor Damn man you old! (me too :D) 0233:< kz-krunk> ITS BEEN FIVE DAYS 0233:< rakki9999112> is gov abandoned 0233:< kz-krunk> WHY ARE WE STILL HERE 0233:< The_PurpleCat> seriously what are we doing this all for 0233:< rakki9999112> someone answer me :) 0233:< jayman419> I think they moved to their subreddit to enact some secret illuminati plan. 0233:< The_PurpleCat> as far as we know there is no reward 0233:< andreaplanbee> for fun The_PurpleCat 0234:< BullDoor> stormagnet I guess the devs probably are equivalent to wizards... I'm probably a Bloodkin or something then 0234:< rakki9999112> Thanks jayman419 0234:< gjhgjh> cornellier, Nah. I'm just lagging. 0234:< CaffeinatedGuy> Let's all STAY 0234:< The_PurpleCat> aye don't get me wrong im having a great time but like what 0234:< gjhgjh> And there is this Channels things at the top and I think I have to click %chat or something. 0234:< kz-krunk> I Know i should stop but i cant 0234:< BullDoor> Lorithas I'm 24 my friend, I feel positively virile xD 0234:< gjhgjh> It also doesn't tell me when I am being ratelimited. 0234:< The_PurpleCat> i know if i stop now ill have myself 0234:< Lorithas> @everyone who thinks this is crazy, remember the people who have written scripts, leaderboards etc, that will be useless on friday 0234:< andreaplanbee> hahaha 0234:< kz-krunk> lol 0235:< gjhgjh> That's annoying. 0235:< jayman419> The Button was a huge time-waster with no rewards. At least with this we know we'll sit atop the leaderboards. 0235:< anyoldnames> hello? 0235:< kz-krunk> ratelimit is stupid 0235:< The_PurpleCat> lorithas has the greatest point of all 0235:< jayman419> That will be cool for a few days. 0235:< andreaplanbee> hello anyoldnames 0235:< CitrusDoctor> is this chat pro-grow? 0235:< dashed> is it just one person doing the constitution? 0235:< gjhgjh> Hi anyoldnames 0235:< BullDoor> Can I put this chat room on my resume? 0235:< andreaplanbee> stay on the last day 0235:< andreaplanbee> or idk actually 0235:< The_PurpleCat> im putting this chat on my resume 0235:< stormagnet> kz-krunk RATELIMIT is the devil 0235:< andreaplanbee> im open to keep growing 0236:< cornellier> any work anybody did on scripts for this or the button totally goes into their market value 0236:< CitrusDoctor> the number of stayers has been steadily declining 0236:< jayman419> Even if we stay on Thursday, there will be time to go play around for a bit but our spots will be pretty much locked in. 0236:< The_PurpleCat> "what can you offer to the company?" - "i stayed in the same chat for a week straight for no reason once" 0236:< jayman419> And then we don't have to worry about what time it shuts down on Friday. 0236:< cornellier> they're LITERALLY going to make MONEY because of THIS 0236:< anyoldnames> holy fucking shit!! 0236:< CitrusDoctor> i just really don't want to miss the merge because my pc keeps timing out these tabs 0236:< kz-krunk> You're Hired purple cat 0236:< anyoldnames> i accidentally exited out the window and was just freaking out 0236:< The_PurpleCat> fuck yeah when do i start so i can slack off? 0236:< anyoldnames> I thought I lost you all 0236:< andreaplanbee> we're still here 0236:< gjhgjh> cornellier, Nah. I'm just lagging. 0236:< anyoldnames> and now its clear that this has become an addiction 0236:< The_PurpleCat> it's ironic because i was just at work still in chat doing nothing 0236:< jayman419> CitrusDoctor You have time. Even if it boots you to desktop or your PC shuts down, you'll come back to this chat. 0236:< kz-krunk> idk ask again tomorrow 0237:< andreaplanbee> ermm true 0237:< The_PurpleCat> yo just send me an email, ill get to it 0237:< jayman419> As long as you're back within 30 minutes of a merge to vote you'll stay here. 0237:< gjhgjh> Reddit created a monster. If this goes away a lot of people will be upset. And by a lot I mean maybe a 100! 0237:< CitrusDoctor> I know, but what I'm worried about is that it will merge while I'm away, the tab will time out, and I won't autovote 0237:< kz-krunk> 110 even 0237:< CitrusDoctor> I have come very close to rebooting, scared me real bad 0237:< BullDoor> I need a film to watch guys, suggestions? Something for me to fall asleep to, so nothing too intense 0237:< AstroMonkeyyy> heya I'm back 0237:< alphashadow> I'm going to be so nervous tomorrow, what if I miss the merge and my computer's asleep because I'm traveling to school or the office? 0237:< bickster69> hey ya'll know what happened to the robin button on front page? 0238:< jayman419> CitrusDoctor Talk to andreaplanbee about setting up parrot to auto-refresh. 0238:< kz-krunk> ASTROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0238:< AstroMonkeyyy> hi kz-krunk 0238:< gjhgjh> That's enought to DDOS one whole subreddit. That'll show them! 0238:< The_PurpleCat> i citrusdoctor look at it this way, they still need another tier 15 until we merge 0238:< alphashadow> True 0238:< AstroMonkeyyy> hi The_PurpleCat too 0238:< gjhgjh> Well, a small one at least. 0238:< Lorithas> jayman419 preaches the truth! 0238:< andreaplanbee> CitrusDoctor open parrot settings, scroll down til you see "Reload page after inactivity timeout" check the box 0238:< kz-krunk> hows it going astro 0238:< The_PurpleCat> what's up astromonkeyyy how's the social interactions coming? 0238:< CitrusDoctor> well, time to get parrot then 0238:< aspiderbot> oo has parrot been updated? 0239:< CitrusDoctor> i've been using robin grow 0239:< cornellier> Astroooooooooooooooooooo 0239:< andreaplanbee> CitrusDoctor oh haha yeah do that! https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0239:< The_PurpleCat> i just remembered i left a napkin in the oven, brb 0239:< stormagnet> aspiderbot the answer is ALWAYS yes 0239:< AstroMonkeyyy> interactions are coming along very slowly, I talked to a person I usually don't talk to but that's about it nothing special happened 0239:< aspiderbot> lol 0239:< kz-krunk> who puts a napkin in the oven 0239:< andreaplanbee> CitrusDoctor also you will want to click the 'Close Settings' button when you are done 0239:< CitrusDoctor> wow this is much better 0239:< kz-krunk> you talked to them though 0239:< CitrusDoctor> the font is a bit offputting though 0239:< Curly-Mo> http://imgur.com/gallery/nnrTzBC 0239:< cornellier> @The_PurpleCat put the napkin in the washing machine 0239:< stormagnet> CitrusDoctor it's configurable 0240:< andreaplanbee> CitrusDoctor good thing you have control over the font ! 0240:< jayman419> I think in Parrot you can change the font and it's size. 0240:< Lorithas> What the hell, there's been 3 updates to parrot in like three hours 0240:< CitrusDoctor> wow thats neat 0240:< stormagnet> CitrusDoctor open Settings and look for the field 0240:< AstroMonkeyyy> hi cornellier 0240:< The_PurpleCat> im back 0240:< jayman419> I'm not ashamed to admit I'm still using Robin Grow v1.850 from like Monday. 0240:< The_PurpleCat> there is no fire 0240:< bickster69> ?? hey ya'll know what happened to the robin button on front page? 0240:< DMod> stay stay stay I say 0240:< stormagnet> CitrusDoctor IKR?! :D 0240:< CitrusDoctor> found the box, checked it 0240:< Lorithas> Guys, remember to pop over to ^ and thank the wizards every now and then 0240:< The_PurpleCat> dmod cut the communism talk 0240:< CitrusDoctor> thanks a ton guys 0240:< jayman419> bickster69 It just disappeared earlier today, no announcement or anything. 0240:< kz-krunk> yes infelction is a big part of conversation 0240:< DMod> stay my comrades! 0240:< cornellier> @jayman419 Robin Grow! 0241:< kz-krunk> fuck...inflection 0241:< cornellier> it's good enough, no offence to Parrot which I've tried and is very nice. 0241:< kz-krunk> that tpo hurt 0241:< jayman419> I tried parrot while they were dealing with the scroll bugs and it scared me off. 0241:< bickster69> i closed out the chat and went to get back and was like fucck. had to reload deleted tab 0241:< TheOddEyes> is it safe to turn off my pc? 0241:< The_PurpleCat> kz you're drunk go home... oh wait 0241:< kz-krunk> good god i cant even type typo 0241:< cornellier> @TheOddEyes no 0241:< AstroMonkeyyy> Well I'm really monotonous 0242:< BullDoor> Astro that's good man, social skills are exactly that, a skill - some people have to practice more than others 0242:< TheOddEyes> cornellier so we're expecting a merge soon? 0242:< AstroMonkeyyy> monotonous and quiet...worst combo ever 0242:< CitrusDoctor> test 0242:< Roboteck> . 0242:< kz-krunk> that can be tough astro but practice will help with that somewhat 0242:< BullDoor> Is that just the way you speak all of the time, or does it change a bit depending on what you're talking about? 0242:< jayman419> I see you CitrusDoctor. 0242:< CitrusDoctor> dang, i was hoping comic sans would work for my font 0243:< rakehand> astromonkeyyy smile a lot, show emotion that way 0243:< cornellier> @TheOddEyes Not at all but should just install Robin Grow and leave the computer runing 0243:< AstroMonkeyyy> BullDoor: Erm, I guess it can shift a tiny bit when I talk, but other than a tiny bit it doesn't change a lot. 0243:< jayman419> Tempus Sans ITC is the only font you'll ever need. 0243:< Curly-Mo> frown and kick people 0243:< kz-krunk> the more you practice the more body language comes into play and the less people will notice the monotone 0243:< Curly-Mo> works for me 0243:< jayman419> It's like the emo Comic Sans. 0243:< AstroMonkeyyy> I've never ever screamed before in all my memory of my life :/ that's how shy/quiet I am 0243:< shy> STFU STOP SAYING MY NAME 0244:< Roboteck> Well, absolutly have to shutdown my battle station. Good luck for the next merge. It has been pleasure. 0244:< Curly-Mo> hahaha 0244:< shy> YOU'RE RINGING ME!! 0244:< CitrusDoctor> its like papyrus and comic sans gave birth to satan 0244:< jayman419> Hi, shy. 0244:< Curly-Mo> I was about to ask how often shy gets pms 0244:< AstroMonkeyyy> hahaha shy 0244:< andreaplanbee> hi shy 0244:< kz-krunk> who is shy 0244:< rakehand> shy is shy 0244:< CitrusDoctor> as long as magneto works, i'm good 0244:< rakehand> but shy isn't shy 0244:< andreaplanbee> shy isnt very shy it seems tho 0244:< The_PurpleCat> shy 0244:< cornellier> @AstroMonkeyyy we're looking for paddlers at my local canoe/kayak club. great sport 0245:< shy> :( 0245:< AstroMonkeyyy> I'm unathletic unfortunately :) 0245:< AstroMonkeyyy> by unathletic I mean "I prefer ice cream to running, thank you very much" 0245:< BullDoor> People do generally engage better with other people if they are extroverted though, unfortunate fact of life 0245:< rakehand> i ate a pint of haagen dasz last night but i like to run too 0245:< cornellier> @AstroMonkeyyy everybody's unathletic if they don't do sports 0246:< kz-krunk> astro everyone prefers ice cream to running 0246:< Lorithas> Talking of frequent PM's, is agreed still here? :D 0246:< alphashadow> alright mofos I'm out, hopefully I'll be back before the merge. Good night east coast, and good whatever time of day to the rest of ya 0246:< cornellier> YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO 0246:< The_PurpleCat> lol that is true 0246:< OneiricNeuron> I'm unathletic too thats why i dont eat much ice cream :( 0246:< CitrusDoctor> have eaten ice cream and ran before, can confirm 0246:< The_PurpleCat> goodnight m8 0246:< CitrusDoctor> not at the same time though, that's counterproductive 0246:< BullDoor> Oh man that sounds great 0246:< Lorithas> cornellier By these powers combined, I am PROCRASTINATION 0246:< The_PurpleCat> citrusdoctor don't lie we know you;ve done it 0246:< kz-krunk> also probaly make you sick citrus docotr 0246:< rakehand> there should be an ice cream mile, like how there's a beer mile record 0247:< kz-krunk> PSA: dont drink and type 0247:< The_PurpleCat> LOL 0247:< BullDoor> Brainfreeze whilst going for a run becomes EXTREEEEEME JOGGING 0247:< CitrusDoctor> I've heard of people eating a ton of mcdonalds or [local fast food place] and running a 5k 0247:< AstroMonkeyyy> BullDoor: Hmph, being stoic is to my social skills unfortunately. My friend gave a good point: by sounding monotonous, it sounds like 0247:< The_PurpleCat> that is gross 0247:< AstroMonkeyyy> I'm uninterested 0247:< CitrusDoctor> it makes me gag just thinking about it 0247:< kz-krunk> also uninterested 0248:< cornellier> @Lorithas probably this chat enabling my procrastinatory tendencies 0248:< woohoo> Bernie sanders does it again 0248:< kz-krunk> Sup xoraclex 0248:< AstroMonkeyyy> what happened, woohoo? 0248:< BullDoor> AstroMonkeyyy yeah for sure man, I know what you mean and it does come across that way (intentional or not) 0248:< CitrusDoctor> he won another primary right? 0248:< CitrusDoctor> in wisconsin 0248:< cornellier> he won an oscar? 0248:< shy> yes 0248:< cornellier> the cheese has voted 0249:< CitrusDoctor> wikipedia calls him bernard sanders, i prefer that 0249:< shy> 55% to her 44% 0249:< BullDoor> Just practice it with people you're comfortable with, see if there's certain topics that get you sounding more excited 0249:< kz-krunk> its not hard to win wisconsin just promise them more cheese and beer 0249:< cornellier> and unregulated fireworks 0249:< intensebeet> promise me more cheese and beer and you've got my vote 0250:< BullDoor> Eventually you'll be able to do it without thinking and from there, things will be much easier 0250:< AstroMonkeyyy> BullDoor: I'm pretty sure I'm still monotone with my closest friends 0250:< CitrusDoctor> omg i just realized there is an autocomplete name feature with tab 0250:< XOrAcLeX> BUTTPLUG 0250:< AstroMonkeyyy> My friend who told me to be less monotone is a close-ish friend of mine, and I couldn't even have inflection with him 0250:< kz-krunk> you might be monotone astro but they pick up your body language 0250:< intensebeet> cornellier are you a cornellian? 0250:< The_PurpleCat> wow i hit tab and it almost clicked abandon 0250:< cornellier> should pretty much take off where drumph left off 0250:< Lorithas> CitrusDoctor Just wait until you realize there's sent messages log (up arrow) 0250:< BullDoor> AstroMonkeyyy Maybe so... I assume your goal is to feel more at ease in social situations, yes? 0251:< CitrusDoctor> omg i just realized there is an autocomplete name feature with tab 0251:< kz-krunk> yes cheese and beer 0251:< AstroMonkeyyy> yeah 0251:< XOrAcLeX> why is robin grow not automatically prefacing my messages with the channel name now? 0251:< The_PurpleCat> are u trying to trick me 0251:< CitrusDoctor> Lorithas thank you 0251:< shy> woahhh tab feature you're right 0251:< BullDoor> If you find it difficult, then there's no easy way to do it other than putting yourself out there 0251:< Lorithas> XOrAcLeX https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/7suju 0251:< shy> CitrusDoctor test 0251:< cornellier> @intensebeet I am a Cornelian dilemma. 0252:< BullDoor> The more you do it, the easier it'll get - I know it sounds cliche, but you have to feel uneasy to eventually feel easy 0252:< CitrusDoctor> shy you're lucky, your name doesn't have to be autocompleted 0252:< dashed> _vvvv_ rofl 2.84 ==> 2.88 -____- 0252:< intensebeet> cornellier I'm not sure what that means but okay 0253:< dashed> XOrAcLeX manual prefix is no longer necessary 0253:< AstroMonkeyyy> hasn't been working for the past 8 years BullDoor :'( 0253:< kz-krunk> GUYS i thought i ate all my easter candy but i found more....NOMNOMNOM 0253:< The_PurpleCat> SCORE 0254:< CitrusDoctor> you can also right click names to copy them instantly 0254:< The_PurpleCat> stop stealing from children 0254:< BullDoor> AstroMonkeyyy I don't mean to sound like a dick, but you're the only one that has to live with it, ultimately 0254:< kz-krunk> they didnt deserve it 0254:< CitrusDoctor> does the name autocomplete feature pull from all people in the chat or all reddit names? 0254:< BullDoor> if you're happy then don't change, if you want to change (which it sounds like you do), then it'll be more difficult 0254:< Lorithas> CitrusDoctor chat 0254:< The_PurpleCat> are u the person on Halloween who takes the kids candy instead of giving some? 0255:< Lorithas> So it also works to check if people are still in here 0255:< CitrusDoctor> Lorithas thank you again 0255:< Lorithas> Glad to help :) 0255:< rakehand> i take my kids' candy 0255:< intensebeet> fake it until you make it; people think i'm way more outgoing than my nature really is 0255:< kz-krunk> who gives candy on halloween...its all about taking 0255:< BullDoor> But your quality of life will be so much better, people don't gravitate towards introverted or negative people (not saying you're neg) 0255:< cornellier> @BullDoor if you have to preface with "not to sound like a dick" maybe a rephrase is in order? 0255:< CitrusDoctor> we got powerlanguages in here, but not powerlanguage... 0255:< The_PurpleCat> the spirit of taking, what's better than having it all for yourself? 0255:< AstroMonkeyyy> yeah BullDoor, just sayin that for the past 8 years I've been unsuccessful but hopefully I'll start getting better soon! 0255:< BullDoor> lol i don't think it was particularly dickish in the grand scheme of statements, i just wanted to be safe :P 0256:< yaahoe> hi guys I Finished my homework yay :D 0256:< CitrusDoctor> speak for yourself 0256:< The_PurpleCat> yaahoe good job 0256:< DeathByHugz> I chimed in late. What are we talking about? 0256:< kz-krunk> good job yaahoe 0256:< AstroMonkeyyy> I was more social 2 years ago than I am now, hopefully I'm not in a downwards trend of social skills 0256:< The_PurpleCat> that's what i said 0256:< CitrusDoctor> stoicism I think? 0256:< DeathByHugz> gj yaahoe 0256:< AstroMonkeyyy> GOOD JOB YAAHOE! 0256:< kz-krunk> no you said yaahoe good job 0256:< The_PurpleCat> did u call me a hoe? wtf 0256:< BullDoor> AstroMonkeyyy can't change the past 8 years dude, can only change the present 0257:< cornellier> @intensebeet omg you need to get into French poetry from the 1600s! The key is there. 0257:< yaahoe> THANKS GUYS :D 0257:< kz-krunk> you are a hoe purplecat 0257:< The_PurpleCat> rude im an escort 0257:< yaahoe> we all hoes in this chat 0257:< BullDoor> xD talking about stoicism 0257:< kz-krunk> cheap escort 0257:< intensebeet> cornellier uhhh I don't know about that 0257:< cornellier> Those who are ignorant of medieval french poetry, how do they function in this world !??!?!??! 0257:< kz-krunk> am i being too mean 0257:< intensebeet> speak for yourself yaahoe, my hoe days are over 0257:< CitrusDoctor> I've been asking myself exactly that 0258:< The_PurpleCat> no you're being normal 0258:< kz-krunk> i feel like im being to mean 0258:< Lorithas> AstroMonkeyyy For what it's worth, you're doing just fine in here! 0258:< DeathByHugz> cornellier, effectively 0258:< The_PurpleCat> when are u not mean 0258:< CitrusDoctor> the medieval poetry thing, not the being mean thing 0258:< yaahoe> sure sure sure 0258:< kz-krunk> thats true 0258:< AstroMonkeyyy> It's because you can't hear my monotone and quiet voice in here Lorithas! :P 0258:< DILeakStudios> Just ordered a Vive today, hoping it comes in by the end of the month. 0258:< yaahoe> i've heard it all before intensebeet 0258:< Lorithas> I know right! Chats and emoji are your friends :D 0258:< BullDoor> Guys I'm not mean, I've done volunteer work and shit I swear on me nan 0258:< kz-krunk> once a hoe always a hoe 0259:< The_PurpleCat> don't trust these hoes 0259:< intensebeet> people can evolve 0259:< DeathByHugz> Bulldoor, I read that as "I shit on me nan, I swear." 0259:< AstroMonkeyyy> Lucky hose DILeakStudios 0259:< The_PurpleCat> press "a" to evolve 0259:< AstroMonkeyyy> hoe* 0259:< yaahoe> kz-krunk speaks the trurh 0259:< Lorithas> kz-krunk same goes for rakes and shovels 0259:< kz-krunk> people can evolve into hoes fixed that for you 0259:< CitrusDoctor> press "f" to pay respects 0259:< DeathByHugz> g 0259:< Marmalade6> f 0259:< BullDoor> DeathByHugz I prefer your version 0259:< AstroMonkeyyy> e 0259:< yaahoe> thnks kz-krunk, once a hoe, forever a hoe 0259:< XOrAcLeX> This blows 0259:< CitrusDoctor> DeathByHugz now that's just rude 0259:< The_PurpleCat> what!? kz krunk is evolving... into a hoe! 0300:< DeathByHugz> close enough 0300:< intensebeet> i learned about the f to pay respects things in one of my previous rooms, it comes from cod or something? 0300:< AstroMonkeyyy> yep 0300:< CitrusDoctor> who in their right mind would press "g" right next to a dead person 0300:< kz-krunk> sorry oracle HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH...is that better 0300:< cornellier> @intensebeet a french word that doesn't exist in english is "la tirraile" which mean to be pulled in 2 directions 0300:< DeathByHugz> I would 0300:< The_PurpleCat> john madden? 0300:< yaahoe> y'all are lovely 0300:< DeathByHugz> Whatre they gonna do about it? they're dead 0300:< kz-krunk> im already at the top purplr i cant evolve any further 0301:< intensebeet> cornellier what does that have to do with cornellier? 0301:< The_PurpleCat> useless pokemon 0301:< XOrAcLeX> no kz-krunk.... I have to type "%chat" manually for each message I send 0301:< kz-krunk> oh thats dumb 0301:< DeathByHugz> mobile? 0301:< kz-krunk> are you on mobile? 0301:< The_PurpleCat> xoraclex i had to do that earlier, are u trying to see us through the all spam 0301:< Lorithas> intensebeet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornelian_dilemma It's that in one word 0301:< cornellier> @intensebeet relates to the dilemme cornélien in the sense that it's the duty of duty pulling you one way, and the idea of pleasure 0301:< XOrAcLeX> it used to autofill 0301:< cornellier> pullling you the other 0301:< gjhgjh> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. 0302:< CitrusDoctor> did someone say useless pokemon? 0302:< XOrAcLeX> no, desktop... I have the channel filter on 0302:< kz-krunk> good sentence gjhgjh 0302:< cornellier> my favourite quote 0302:< The_PurpleCat> i did 0302:< CitrusDoctor> because I got a stunfisk with your name on it 0302:< The_PurpleCat> lmaoooo 0302:< intensebeet> ahah, thank you for the clarification 0302:< cornellier> Buffalo who buff etc 0302:< Jeremymia> Guys there's going to be a 14 around so soon 0302:< cornellier> never matched 0302:< gjhgjh> Anyone got any recomendations for an alt to robin-grow? It's getting too bloated for my tastes. 0302:< intensebeet> my brain was stuck on Cornell U 0302:< mootinator> 1.5 hours to first 14. 0303:< Lorithas> gjhgjh https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0303:< Jeremymia> Robin Grow is bloated? 0303:< XOrAcLeX> If I press the "%Chat" button at the top, I see nothing... so I guess I'm confused what is going on 0303:< CitrusDoctor> live near Buffalo, can confirm Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo 0303:< mootinator> Get your alts in here while you still can! 0303:< The_PurpleCat> what is parrot 0303:< CitrusDoctor> although around here the correct term is "bison" 0303:< kz-krunk> robin grow had the special with mystery meat 0303:< stormagnet> The_PurpleCat https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d9xfp/wip_modified_robingrow_fork/ => http://nazar.so/9jeyg 0303:< DeathByHugz> Flying bison? 0303:< The_PurpleCat> bison bison bison bison bison bison 0303:< The_PurpleCat> thanks stormagnet 0303:< agaffchanted> parrot is a massively improved fork of Robin Grow 0303:< cornellier> Have to to say teh verb "to buffalo" seems stretch, anybody heard that for real 0304:< BullDoor> literally only used in that sentence 0304:< cornellier> outside discussions of this phrase? 0304:< kz-krunk> yes i have cornellier 0304:< mootinator> parrot devs are pretty active in ^ 0304:< agaffchanted> latest version of parrot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/274ea28f36abfa64e93aee49dd2380a7ee69369d/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/8mqco 0304:< gjhgjh> Jeremymia, yeah it's got a bunch of options and I can't see my own messages unless I mess around with the setting and... 0304:< kz-krunk> in old westerns 0304:< Lorithas> gjhgjh also this: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d1jnq/very_useful_scripts/ => http://nazar.so/9oyeu 0304:< cornellier> @kz-krunk I WANT TO BELIEVE 0304:< gjhgjh> the channel buttons at the top. I still haven't figured out exactally what the channel buttons do. 0304:< BullDoor> press them 0305:< BullDoor> Just press the button, how bad can it be really 0305:< DeathByHugz> inc "one user abandoned" 0305:< mootinator> You can subscribe to many channels by listing them eg: %chat,.,,$,@,#rpg 0305:< gjhgjh> I do an all that ALL seems to do is make it so that I can't see my own messages. 0305:< kz-krunk> im gonna be sad when this is over 0305:< Lorithas> gjhgjh open settings, set channel names separated by comma, each channel gets its own tab 0305:< XOrAcLeX> I can't see my messages either unless I type "%chat" before my message 0305:< The_PurpleCat> i will have post depression robin 0305:< DeathByHugz> I was sad when the button ended 0305:< gjhgjh> makes it so I can see my messages. 0305:< kz-krunk> which is gonna make me extra salty 0305:< BullDoor> This is legitimately the best thing that's happened to reddit for a while imo 0306:< The_PurpleCat> EXTRA SALTY 0306:< kz-krunk> ALL THE SALTY 0306:< mootinator> DOUBLE SALT 0306:< CitrusDoctor> why hasn't reddit become omegle since years? 0306:< cornellier> Haven't dropped any Growers since a few hours ago. 2 stayers gone? 0306:< BullDoor> 1 Abandon, eh 0306:< BullDoor> Oh that changed quickly 0306:< rakehand> i wonder if reddit considers Robin a success or a failure 0306:< The_PurpleCat> if robin stays around too long it will just be reddit asl 0306:< Lorithas> CitrusDoctor because normally people wouldn't want to link real time talk with no edits into thei account and post history 0306:< cornellier> who here pressend the butto? 0306:< CitrusDoctor> I remember ~760 stayers yesterday, was there a mass grow movement? 0306:< BullDoor> depends on what their expectations were? 0306:< DeathByHugz> I did! 0306:< gjhgjh> Also the channel name no longer filles on the message line 0306:< rakehand> 59s cornellier 0306:< kz-krunk> speaking of asl 0306:< DeathByHugz> 60s 0306:< cornellier> n?I never pressed 0307:< BullDoor> I remained pure 0307:< gjhgjh> This is annoying in two ways. 0307:< mootinator> I'm a filthy presser. 0307:< rakehand> bulldoor yeah i wonder what they had in mind 0307:< DeathByHugz> I looked good in purple 0307:< Nerf_Bard> Hi guys 0307:< CitrusDoctor> Lorithas yeah good point 0307:< The_PurpleCat> asl everyone? 0307:< gjhgjh> First I can't edit it. 0307:< CitrusDoctor> 16/f/cali 0307:< Lorithas> gjhgjh you dont need to put it into the input, being in the right tab is enough 0307:< The_PurpleCat> WAS A JOKE 0307:< XOrAcLeX> Why is it that if you press the "%Chat" button, you don't see anything? WTF is it for? 0307:< CitrusDoctor> did you think I was serious? 0307:< kz-krunk> no it wasnt purple cat 0307:< BullDoor> probably just wanted to see how far people would take it? If people can keep a button alive for over 2 months then this has potential 0308:< The_PurpleCat> how about i take a seat right here 0308:< Lorithas> 26/attack helicopter/neverland 0308:< kz-krunk> we know u cereal 0308:< DeathByHugz> But this has a set end 0308:< rakehand> xoraclex maybe that capital C is messing it up 0308:< rian294> man i haven't been talking much, which i should do 0308:< supasteve013> damn i missed 5k messages lol 0308:< rian294> same 0308:< BullDoor> Yeah I didn't mean in terms of time, I meant in terms of breadth 0308:< CitrusDoctor> i identify as an Apache attack helicopter, check your anti-aircraft gun privilege at the door 0308:< gjhgjh> Second the 140 character limit is now wrong. So if I write a really long message like this one... 0308:< rakehand> but they gave us a set time limit and took away the robin button already 0308:< DeathByHugz> I wish this blew up as much as the button 0308:< The_PurpleCat> cultural aircraft appropriation 0308:< gjhgjh> it might not send. 0308:< Lorithas> CitrusDoctor +1 for helisecuals, DAE think Chinook is <333 0308:< CitrusDoctor> oh shit the button is gone!? 0309:< The_Zassassin> ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON ABANDON 0309:< The_PurpleCat> robin was BIG for like two days 0309:< rian294> F 0309:< kz-krunk> no hold fast 0309:< Lorithas> gjhgjh then you can press up arrow to edit it shorter 0309:< BullDoor> They are testing us, they want us to fear the failure of ascension 0309:< kz-krunk> we will get through this togehter 0309:< rian294> i'm honestly waiting for the merge 0309:< DeathByHugz> Dinnerbone was in sokuku for a bit 0309:< Lolzep> LOL 0309:< BullDoor> rip in piece 0309:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG 0309:< rakehand> yeah citrusdoctor, new users are pretty unlikely at this point since access is not so obvious anymore 0309:< rian294> i saw shitty_watercolor in the original soku 0310:< Cistem> praise be praise be 0310:< XOrAcLeX> And now it is working... lol 0310:< kz-krunk> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0310:< BullDoor> didn't people try to stay to force him into a subreddit, and he just left? xD 0310:< gjhgjh> Also, I'm not getting the ratelimit error message. All that happens in %chat appears in the message line. 0310:< Nerf_Bard> Soku-Kun~ 0310:< CitrusDoctor> but you can still join robin through the post right? 0310:< mtriper> shitty_watercolor was in my tier 4 0310:< XOrAcLeX> lol kz-krunk 0310:< Daegalus> hey if anyone has a user in the ccande chat, can you tell the ^ channel there that we sent DrZero a PM for collaboration instructions 0310:< XOrAcLeX> kz-krunk... are you a kava drinker? 0310:< cornellier> kz-krunk, in terms of "HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH", could not NOT? 0310:< CitrusDoctor> whew 0310:< kz-krunk> sorry habits 0311:< CitrusDoctor> fuckswithducks is still in here 0311:< cornellier> @kz-krunk thanks, so far so good 0311:< Nerf_Bard> tfw you need a new buttplug because you lost your old one 0311:< cornellier> Citrus muted 0311:< Nerf_Bard> ;n; 0311:< mootinator> I have an ancient version of robin-grow on my ccande chat I can't remember how to use it. 0311:< gjhgjh> What used to happen is that my message would be placed in the message area again. But now it's just the channel name. 0311:< mtriper> and I was in with Unidan on tier 6 or 7 on our dead room 0311:< DeathByHugz> is he? 0311:< CitrusDoctor> what? 0311:< AstroMonkeyyy> paging fuckswithducks 0311:< Nerf_Bard> paging /u/fuckswithducks 0311:< The_PurpleCat> is fuckswithducks really here? 0311:< XOrAcLeX> Who wants a HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH? 0311:< AstroMonkeyyy> apparently yes 0312:< cornellier> Astro muted. No foul mouthism. 0312:< The_PurpleCat> that's rad 0312:< CitrusDoctor> yeah, i done seen him round here 0312:< DeathByHugz> He would love akron. Our mascot is a rubber ducky 0312:< AstroMonkeyyy> oh noooo cornellier 0312:< rakehand> must be because tab autocompletes his name 0312:< cornellier> @XOrAcLeX muted 0312:< CitrusDoctor> please tell me you're kidding 0312:< cornellier> soon it'll be nice and quiet 0312:< CitrusDoctor> rakehand muted for offensive name 0312:< DeathByHugz> Nope, the akron rubber ducks 0312:< XOrAcLeX> @cornellier - nobody cares 0312:< kz-krunk> oh yeah isnt the aa team the akron rubbers or something 0312:< DeathByHugz> Replaced the akron aeroes 0312:< The_PurpleCat> guys stop muting each other just get along :( 0313:< Nerf_Bard> People are vulgar on the internet? I would never have guessed EleGiggle 0313:< CitrusDoctor> rake - a fashionable or wealthy man of dissolute or promiscuous habits. 0313:< kz-krunk> i reluctantly agree with purplecat 0313:< The_PurpleCat> internet and vulgar have never coexisted 0313:< XOrAcLeX> cornellier is a pussy 0313:< gjhgjh> Why is the ratelimit message being blocked? 0313:< CitrusDoctor> promiscuous = vulgar, not appropriate 0313:< rakehand> :/ 0313:< Nerf_Bard> Why is the cutest girl always a boy? And then you are told that they are actually a girl and then mindfuck ensues 0313:< kz-krunk> Citrus= fruit=vulgar not appropriate 0313:< The_PurpleCat> ima grill ;) 0314:< stormagnet> I just PMd fuckswithducks on reddit 0314:< cornellier> Dunno about y'all but I get vulgar when I commute in my car; don't need it here. 0314:< CitrusDoctor> ahhh poo ya got me there 0314:< Nerf_Bard> Sorry watching Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 0314:< stormagnet> he asked to be warned before the next merge 0314:< The_PurpleCat> wow that's a long word 0314:< DeathByHugz> I get vulgar when I play csgo. Or dota. Or skype. 0314:< CitrusDoctor> citrus===>grapefruit===>grapefruit technique===>innapropriate 0314:< Nerf_Bard> Im a girl too omg ^_^ 0314:< AstroMonkeyyy> is there an english translation Nerf_Bard? 0314:< The_PurpleCat> how do u play skype 0314:< stormagnet> Nerf_Bard that series is pretty great 0314:< DeathByHugz> Or when I take in oxygen 0314:< cornellier> How about just not get vulgar? 0314:< The_PurpleCat> no im a grill 0315:< Supajin> Im a girl too (: 0315:< Nerf_Bard> AstroMonkeyyy You mean a dub? 0315:< XOrAcLeX> cornellier sucks donkey dicks 0315:< Noxiide> Oh lord, so at work we have this monthly newsletter. I work on campus at my college. Well, I was in the "student spotlight" this month 0315:< DeathByHugz> Have you never played with the keypad in skype? 0315:< cornellier> How about be polite? 0315:< CitrusDoctor> 81/grill/south francisco 0315:< Noxiide> I mentioned something about going into the military maybe after college. 0315:< AstroMonkeyyy> nvm Nerf_Bard, just searched it up 0315:< cornellier> How about be respectrul? 0315:< cornellier> or whatever how you spell that 0315:< kz-krunk> any of you grills dirty? 0315:< XOrAcLeX> cornellier = muted 0315:< Noxiide> Well now, our friend also gets the newsletter, and is emailing it to my parents to show them that i was in it 0315:< Supajin> congrats noxiide! 0315:< The_PurpleCat> yes 0316:< callado> WE ARE MERGING guys PREPARE YOUR ANUS 0316:< kz-krunk> how dirty? 0316:< cornellier> How about helping each other? 0316:< Supajin> yes i'm dirty, I have to take a shower later 0316:< Nerf_Bard> Nah I just showered kz-krunk 0316:< CitrusDoctor> good joke 0316:< BullDoor> depends what you define as friend, nerf 0316:< Noxiide> so now I have to talk to my parents about maybe joining the military 0316:< XOrAcLeX> PREPARE YOU ANUS for the HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0316:< Nerf_Bard> But I am truly a filthy whore 0316:< The_PurpleCat> there is no merge for like another 18hours 0316:< DeathByHugz> Seriously though, playing with the keypad in skype is amazing, because everyone in the call can hear it 0316:< BullDoor> lots of people who say they have loads of friends really have loads of acquaintances 0316:< rakehand> which branch? 0316:< CitrusDoctor> see, the problem is nerf chose nothing over nerf when it was nerf or nothing 0316:< kz-krunk> im not falling for that again callado, my neighbors didnt appreciate the show 0316:< anyoldnames> hows the wait all? 0316:< velveteer> I have loads of friends 0317:< velveteer> and they're all right here 0317:< BullDoor> ayyyyyyyyyyyy 0317:< Noxiide> i'm not sure, prob Air Force or Navy 0317:< Supajin> am I one of them? 0317:< CitrusDoctor> i actually have the best friends in the entire country. Other counties ask me, how did you get friends so great? Well, it's all in 0317:< Noxiide> wait when are we merging? 0317:< velveteer> yep 0317:< callado> ANY VENEZUELAN HERE? 0317:< CitrusDoctor> my book The Art of The Deal 0317:< BullDoor> idk i think i just have a stricter definition for what a friend is, compared to most 0317:< DeathByHugz> I'm looking at airforce for cyber security 0317:< The_PurpleCat> the next merge is not for a bunch of hours 0317:< velveteer> someone you can borrow money from 0318:< cornellier> @callado how does one prepare one's anus? 0318:< anyoldnames> nice Trunp CitrusDoctor 0318:< CitrusDoctor> deep, deep, second of course to the Bible, the Bible 0318:< callado> with BUTTPLUGS 0318:< velveteer> one finger to start 0318:< kz-krunk> dont forget the lube 0318:< callado> velveteer knows 0318:< XOrAcLeX> LOTS OF LUBE 0318:< DeathByHugz> Cornellier, I prefer a nice spread, some wagner, and the finest water based lube 0318:< The_PurpleCat> it's not gay unless you go past the first knuckle 0318:< BullDoor> bite the pillow, i'm going in dry 0318:< callado> oh my god 0318:< CitrusDoctor> did you know dog food lid backwards is dildo of god? 0318:< Nerf_Bard> Its not gay if they have a cute feminine penis 0318:< callado> why do u guys knows so much about preparing one's anus? 0319:< Nerf_Bard> and you can quote me on that 0319:< The_PurpleCat> wow 0319:< velveteer> we all have one 0319:< CitrusDoctor> wtf is a cute feminine penis 0319:< velveteer> how do you not? 0319:< The_PurpleCat> LOL 0319:< kz-krunk> what just happened 0319:< XOrAcLeX> god does not use a dildo... he is a buttplug kinda guy 0319:< CitrusDoctor> velveteer speak for yourself 0319:< hayf28> da fuck 0319:< Nerf_Bard> Its a penis tht is cute and feminine 0319:< cornellier> I clearly need to become more gay, something I've phailed at for so long. 0319:< Nerf_Bard> duh 0319:< DeathByHugz> Callado, this isnt my first rodeo 0319:< CitrusDoctor> Nerf_Bard you're avoiding the real answer 0319:< The_PurpleCat> well to each their own i guess 0319:< Lorithas> Nerf_Bard CitrusDoctor So basically what you're saying is it's not gay if it's pedophilia? 0319:< callado> your first merge 0319:< intensebeet> Daegalus DrZero said he got it 0320:< rakehand> chat's getting strange guys 0320:< kz-krunk> so merge = buttseks? 0320:< Nerf_Bard> Basically Lorithas 0320:< velveteer> rakehand sup bby 0320:< The_PurpleCat> it's night time for some of us so yeah 0320:< DeathByHugz> Its always been strange 0320:< callado> lets make a lacreo's train guys 0320:< hayf28> a 0320:< CitrusDoctor> is a cute feminine penis less gay then a big dick 0320:**** BullDoor Its not gay if they have a cute feminine penis - Nerf_Bard, 2016 0320:< Nerf_Bard> I wish I had a cute feminine penis 0320:< BullDoor> o it doesn't work with filter D: 0320:< Nerf_Bard> Then I could be a better trap 0320:< gjhgjh> Whoever recommeded Parrot to me Thank You. 0320:< rakehand> yo velveteer 0320:< The_PurpleCat> i got that message bulldoor 0320:< cornellier> OK, I admit it, I'm just not that gay. Please don't hate on me. 0320:< DeathByHugz> Do they dress their penis up? 0320:< Lorithas> gjhgjh Spreading the good word o/ 0321:< CitrusDoctor> the problem is, a cute feminine penis doesnt fix the lack of vagina problem 0321:< Nerf_Bard> No but a cute feminine penis would make me an amazing trap 0321:< Daegalus> intensebeet cool, thanks for sending hte message, he joined us and we are discussing things, thanks a bunch. 0321:< callado> but it increase the urge of male vaginas 0321:< DeathByHugz> And a nice and name 0321:< intensebeet> I'm not sure I've ever seen a feminine penis 0321:< DeathByHugz> *band 0321:< Nerf_Bard> I mean I dont have that manly a body 0321:< CitrusDoctor> male vaginas are much worse than feminine penises 0321:< callado> lets talk about male vaginas 0322:< kz-krunk> its a trap 0322:< kz-krunk> get it... 0322:< Nerf_Bard> Male Vaginas are fucked up 0322:< BullDoor> but females have male vaginas 0322:< intensebeet> some of them are cute though 0322:< HoursUponHours> what 0322:< Wonderingwanderr> Why does TV suck so bad these days? 0322:< Nerf_Bard> I'm a trap ^_^ 0322:< gjhgjh> The channels actually work!!! 0322:< callado> in our country we say chamopapos for "male vagina" 0322:< HoursUponHours> I like the Americans 0322:< CitrusDoctor> how many pots have you smoken BullDoor 0322:< CitrusDoctor> i cant understand 0322:< DeathByHugz> we like you too HoursUponHours 0322:< XOrAcLeX> SATAN 0322:< Wonderingwanderr> ive smoked 2 marijuanas tonight 0322:< BullDoor> haha i am a [7] right now, tbh 0322:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> Wonderingwanderr DAREDEVIL 0323:< HoursUponHours> I mean I like the TV show the americans 0323:< DeathByHugz> Wonderingwanderr Likes to live life on the edge 0323:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> HoursUponHours when is that supposed to come back 0323:< cornellier> @Wonderingwanderr who like due 0323:< DeathByHugz> We still like you HoursUponHours 0323:< HoursUponHours> thanks 0323:< callado> deathbyhugz rate the americans 0323:< CitrusDoctor> you have been banned from /r/america 0323:< kz-krunk> im going to bed..work comes early...night all 0323:< cornellier> @Wonderingwanderr don't inhale any bongwater 0324:< Wonderingwanderr> i mix my bongwater with vodka 0324:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> callado solid 8.5 0324:< cornellier> Oh, well then that's quite alright. 0324:< DeathByHugz> Well, I was going to give us a solid 5/7, but after Liquid's choke, Imma say 9/10 0324:< CitrusDoctor> 10/10 with rice? 0324:< Lolzep> how dare you 0324:< The_PurpleCat> bongwater and vodka 0324:< Wonderingwanderr> so i can drink it when im done smoking all of my marijuanas 0324:< XOrAcLeX> kz-krunk be sure to pray to the gods of HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0324:< DeathByHugz> Thank you for your suggestion 0324:< Nerf_Bard> I have been told to sound cute I should end all my sentences with desu nya~ 0324:< Jeremymia> Any Miimoto players? Add @BravelyThird 0325:< The_PurpleCat> i just got news my work will not be drug testing 0325:< callado> any one saw black sails? 0325:< Nerf_Bard> Am I cute now desu nya~ 0325:< Lorithas> These low-tier guys just want to go on a staycation, folding at 13 users to get an awesome sub going 0325:< CitrusDoctor> miimoto is too laggy on my phone 0325:< The_PurpleCat> smoke up bitches 0325:< kz-krunk> Always and forever Xoraclex 0325:< DeathByHugz> My work didnt even ask for an ID 0325:< Jeremymia> Nerf_bard-sama... you are kawaii 0325:< CitrusDoctor> it takes like 2 minutes to switch between articles of clothing i'm trying out 0325:< XOrAcLeX> Who is promoting drug use? There are small children around 0325:< callado> male vaginas = male anus 0325:< Lorithas> "Let's fuck up Robin to make sure Sokuku doesn't get to t17" is what they actually said 0325:< cornellier> cracking open a hombru 0325:< HoursUponHours> I have some cat problems that I could use some help diagnosing 0325:< CitrusDoctor> more realistic I guess? 0325:< BullDoor> Their sub will be dead in a week, anyway 0325:< callado> fyi 0325:< Nerf_Bard> Oh fuck I didnt go full on Weaboo I quit at life 0325:< Wonderingwanderr> THERE IS NOTHING TO EAT IN MY HOUSE 0325:< Wonderingwanderr> fucking hell 0325:< Nerf_Bard> ;n; 0325:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> HoursUponHours did you try @catfact 0326:< Jeremymia> I just ordered chinese 0326:< intensebeet> eat the house 0326:< Wonderingwanderr> good idea 0326:< velveteer> they all want to watch us burn 0326:< HoursUponHours> no 0326:< Lorithas> callado the word you're looking for is boipucci 0326:< cornellier> @Wonderingwanderr marmite? 0326:< Wonderingwanderr> i may do that 0326:< XOrAcLeX> VAGINA 0326:< DeathByHugz> We should kill them 0326:< Nerf_Bard> Thats because im not in your house Wonderingwanderr desu nya~ 0326:< The_PurpleCat> VAGINA 0326:< anyoldnames> someone wanna loan me $25,000? 0326:< Wonderingwanderr> I just ate half a container of hummus 0326:< Jeremymia> +cornellier But pa might not 0326:< callado> lorithas indeed 0326:< DeathByHugz> OR build a wall 0326:< Wonderingwanderr> im still hungry though 0326:< velveteer> but we must become one with them 0326:< CitrusDoctor> in times of trouble, carpets serve as a viable option for consumption 0326:< BullDoor> eat the other half 0326:< XOrAcLeX> Va-jay-jay 0326:< SalZoRz> Look at whats come out of the flockdraw - http://flockdraw.com/upload/1w5pllmyclc008ckogc.png => http://nazar.so/9hbxh 0326:< Wonderingwanderr> thats the thing, there was only half left 0326:< The_PurpleCat> open the snatch 0327:< intensebeet> i had kids at work eating insulation like it was cotton candy before so try that 0327:< BullDoor> oh ok 0327:< DeathByHugz> Can we still build a wall? It could even be a vaginal wall if thats what makes you happy 0327:< anyoldnames> no takers? 0327:< The_PurpleCat> jesus intensebeet 0327:< CitrusDoctor> yay I worked on that 0327:< Wonderingwanderr> chinese sounds great right now 0327:< velveteer> SalZoRz that is dope 0327:< stikko> it's gonna be a while 0327:< BullDoor> have you got any other food/ small animals near by? 0327:< The_PurpleCat> are we all ordering something? i have cash 0327:< DebentureThyme> Because of that comment, THE WALL IS NOW A DOME, and it's 10 FEET THICKER 0327:< Lorithas> SalZoRz Holy hell, there's actually a chance to make something reasonable in it? 0327:< Wonderingwanderr> i dont know if there are any open chinese places though 0327:< The_PurpleCat> i do vote for chinese sounds good 0327:< stikko> there's already a T15 and in another couple hours there will be a T14 0327:< anyoldnames> are we all ordering food? 0327:< XOrAcLeX> URINE 0327:< lost_penguin> SalZoRz Cool 0327:< Wonderingwanderr> I have a bearded dragon upstairs. Ive never had bearded dragon before. 0327:< Nerf_Bard> So where is everyone from 0328:< DeathByHugz> Ohio 0328:< CitrusDoctor> would you recommend general tso's chicken? I heard it's pretty good 0328:< The_PurpleCat> nj 0328:< Jeremymia> guys guys Dangan Ronpa 2 will be on steam in about 2 weeks 0328:< stikko> then we need another T14 + like 1 hour 0328:< Nerf_Bard> I want country names and I want them now 0328:< CitrusDoctor> ny 0328:< XOrAcLeX> GENERAL TSO's CHICKEN IS AMAZING 0328:< intensebeet> nj/ny 0328:< Nerf_Bard> Im from New Zealand 0328:< The_PurpleCat> CHICKEN 0328:< SalZoRz> took a while to wait for the image spammers to zone out Lorithas but we got a good crew to make something 0328:< BullDoor> Wanderr you getting us all Chinese? 0328:< Wonderingwanderr> I think Hong Kong Star may be open 0328:< Lorithas> Nerf_Bard https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=zc7MzIYR31x0.kNZtF_-V6OqA => http://nazar.so/6f811 0328:< CitrusDoctor> well, thank you for the recommendation 0328:< lost_penguin> Nerf_Bard fellow kiwi. 0328:< callado> 18/MALE/venezuela/communist 0328:< anyoldnames> Philly 0328:< cornellier> Aniepodians we need ya'll to lend a voice of reason here 0328:< Wonderingwanderr> Yeah. Ive got it covered. 0328:< lost_penguin> Nerf_Bard I'm in Chiristchurch. 0328:< Wonderingwanderr> nbd 0329:< cornellier> the east coast ist ready for beddy by 0329:< Wonderingwanderr> whats everyone want? 0329:< XOrAcLeX> WE HAVE A COMMUNIST FOLKS!!! Get the pitchforks 0329:< CitrusDoctor> awww im in US and the closest people are dirty canadians 0329:< Nerf_Bard> lost_penguin Am from Auckrand ^_^ 0329:< cornellier> who wants a book? 0329:< intensebeet> pu pu platter 0329:< Wonderingwanderr> Im in Atlanta 0329:< stikko> once we hit T17 we'll need to stay 0329:< callado> a gf 0329:< cornellier> ok 0329:< BullDoor> I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda. 0329:< The_PurpleCat> @lorithas that is the coolest map 0329:< stikko> there won't be enough time to hit T18 0329:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i'm in a whale's vagina 0329:< Nerf_Bard> Communism > Capitalism 0329:< intensebeet> and crab rangoons 0329:< Nerf_Bard> Q( '.'Q) 0329:< cornellier> I am Sam 0329:< cornellier> Sam I am. 0329:< intensebeet> do you like green eggs and ham? 0330:< cornellier> Do you like green eggs and ham? 0330:< Lorithas> Of everyone else too, that's a map of KuPrlits (?) -> users https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=zc7MzIYR31x0.kNZtF_-V6OqA => http://nazar.so/68yoq 0330:< CitrusDoctor> hell no 0330:< The_PurpleCat> i will not eat them on a boat 0330:< cornellier> c'mon go to sleeep. 0330:< lost_penguin> Glad two kiwis made it in here given the tier. 0330:< The_PurpleCat> i will not eat them with a goat 0330:< Lorithas> Add yourself, there's an "add marker"button under the search bar 0330:< XOrAcLeX> yes, nerf_bard... that is why communism routinely fails and capitalism succeeds 0330:< cornellier> Do you like them here or there? 0330:< intensebeet> i'd totally eat them with a goat; goats are awesome 0330:< The_PurpleCat> i do not like them anywhere 0330:< CitrusDoctor> yeah, but what if the goat eats it first? 0330:< Wonderingwanderr> Okay. Slow down. Ive got a pupu plater, a gf, two #9's, a large #9, a #6 with extra dip, a #7, two #45's (one with cheese) 0330:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> goat is pretty good 0330:< cornellier> Would you like them with a fox 0331:< Nerf_Bard> XOrAcLeX yes 0331:< intensebeet> that's okay i still get to play with the goat 0331:< robdob> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/5gf8g Anyone else seeing two 13s and one 12? 0331:< Wonderingwanderr> anything else? 0331:< robdob> Is that an error? 0331:< intensebeet> you forgot my crab rangoons 0331:< Wonderingwanderr> shit 0331:< Wonderingwanderr> and crab rangoon*** 0331:< DeathByHugz> Wonderingwanderr I would suggest eating the gf... Make sure you use lots of butter, or you could dry it out and make jerky 0331:< HoursUponHours> robdob, yes 0331:< stikko> two 11s just merged into a second 12 0331:< Lorithas> Wonderingwanderr you sure about that "poopoo platter"? 0331:< cornellier> You guys are not being put to sleep by my bookreading 0331:< stikko> in about an hour the 12s will merge into a 13 and then the 13s will merge into a 14 0332:< cornellier> OK 0332:< DeathByHugz> I've also got mini chewy sweetarts 0332:< TriumphantTumbleweed> how come the 12 and the 13 haven't merged? 0332:< cornellier> one fish two fish 0332:< Wonderingwanderr> pupu plater isnt for me 0332:< stikko> have to be the same tier 0332:< DeathByHugz> RED FISH BLUE FISH 0332:< cornellier> red fish... 0332:< SalZoRz> so we're almost 1/2 of the way to a merge 0332:< Lorithas> TriumphantTumbleweed same tiers merge, not adjacent ones 0332:< stikko> we're over half way 0332:< Wonderingwanderr> the pupu platter is for intensebeet 0332:< TriumphantTumbleweed> Ohhhhhh 0332:< stikko> we're just short of 75% 0332:< SalZoRz> sweet deal 0332:< mootinator> I just got so excited I put another alt in. 0332:< cornellier> favourite dr zeuss anyobdy? 0332:< Wonderingwanderr> maybe ill just make a frozen pizza 0332:< cornellier> always like the Sneetches 0333:< CitrusDoctor> almost halfway into hour 52 of soKukune! wewlad 0333:< TriumphantTumbleweed> Damn, new discoveries every time I come back to this chat 0333:< cornellier> and the grinch obc 0333:< cornellier> obv 0333:< Wonderingwanderr> i really really want chinese though 0333:< cornellier> omg or just pizza 0333:< cthul_dude> thank you to whoever linked Learn Python the Hard Way, I'm flying through these lessons and finally doing something productive 0333:< rakehand> wocket in my pocket is a pretty good one 0333:< TriumphantTumbleweed> i actually really wish i had a frozen pizza 0333:< DeathByHugz> I work in a hibachi place, and I smell like hibachi. You can have me 0333:< DebentureThyme> crab rangoons are made of crab people 0333:< BullDoor> Don't get me started about the star bellied sneetches 0333:< cornellier> going to look for raw peanut butter JUST TO EAT 0333:< Lorithas> mootinator doing the important work, keep it up! 0333:< rakehand> i ate pizza for lunch and dinner 0333:< Wonderingwanderr> i have a couple in the freezer. you can have one if you want 0334:< cornellier> crunchy, or i starve, brb 0334:< stikko> we should merge in ~18-20 hours assuming the pace of merges below us holds 0334:< intensebeet> they might have had race wars but at least they weren't as stubborn as the Zax 0334:< Wonderingwanderr> just thinking about eating peanut butter makes my mouth dry 0334:< Wonderingwanderr> blegh 0334:< TriumphantTumbleweed> is there any hope of beating the record for largest room? 0334:< CitrusDoctor> yes there is 0334:< stikko> yes 0335:< bales75> yes, within the next day we'll probably merge again 0335:< Lorithas> TriumphantTumbleweed yep, as soon as we merge into t17 0335:< Wonderingwanderr> is there any hope of me getting chinese food tonight? 0335:< CitrusDoctor> we will merge somewhat soon, maybe 8-16 hours? 0335:< BullDoor> if you order it dude, sure 0335:< stikko> more like 18-20 0335:< cornellier> @cthul_dude nice keep it up 0335:< CitrusDoctor> but will he order? 0335:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr why cant u get chinese 0335:< CitrusDoctor> we have a schrodinger's chinese food situation here 0335:< Nerf_Bard> Wait so I cant be a girl because I was born with a penis? Thats sexist 0335:< intensebeet> sorry dude; exclusive club 0335:< BullDoor> I think he'll forget the rangoons, tbh 0336:< Wonderingwanderr> I think I can. 0336:< cornellier> try ordering Canadian 0336:< robdob> man that board is glitching like hell 0336:< mtriper> a tier 14 just came up from nowhere with 59 users on the tracker ?!?!?!?!?!?!? 0336:< andreaplanbee> wait are we gonna merge soon 0336:< gueriLLaPunK> A/S/L? Let's bring it back old school; AOL days 0336:< robdob> showing a 14 out of nowhere 0336:< andreaplanbee> ??? 0336:< BullDoor> plucky young upstart swinging for the fences 0336:< robdob> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/1dm1e 0336:< andreaplanbee> i just saw that too 0336:< CitrusDoctor> oh my, my alt is in a t8 0336:< Wonderingwanderr> but there are only like 2 chinese places near me that deliver and one of them I know for a fact is closed 0336:< andreaplanbee> shit all those people who went to sleep 0336:< BullDoor> i think the solution here is to phone them 0336:< intensebeet> i was looking through shit on the pc I use hooked to my tv and found my old aim account still installed recently 0336:< Wonderingwanderr> and i cant drive because ive been drinking 0336:< Nerf_Bard> I have Schrodinger's genitalia situation. Until you touch my crotch I both simultaneously have and dont have a penis :^) 0336:< mtriper> Tracker is all FU 0336:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr better get your ass in an Uber and order pick up 0337:< Nerf_Bard> A/S/L? 0337:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard 31/m/california 0337:< andreaplanbee> i guess we will see 0337:< Nerf_Bard> 16/F/New Zealand 0337:< gueriLLaPunK> lol Nerf_Bard 0338:< stikko> if there's already another 14 and it's not a fluke then we'll merge in like 2 hours 0338:< Wonderingwanderr> fuck 0338:< andreaplanbee> yep 0338:< The_PurpleCat> 420/marijuana/johnmadden 0338:< intensebeet> Nerf_Bard if you don't know what type of genitalia you have I'm probably not going to try and find out 0338:< Wonderingwanderr> every chinese place by me is closed 0338:< BullDoor> Does it have to be Chinese? 0338:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr dude, im trying to help you man 0338:< CitrusDoctor> 8/my pronouns are xe, xir, and ximself/america 0338:< BullDoor> Actually if you want Chinese, you gotta have Chinese. Do what guerilla said and get an uber? 0338:< gueriLLaPunK> yall suck 0339:< The_PurpleCat> stop trying to label everything omg 0339:< Wonderingwanderr> theres no helping me. all hope is lost. 0339:< andreaplanbee> yeah 0339:< Nerf_Bard> intensebeet so I has a penis but I say I'm female because I cbf explaining that im trans 0339:< BullDoor> drink more beer man, you'll be ok 0339:< intensebeet> cbf? 0339:< Wonderingwanderr> i just checked google. everywhere is closed 0339:< Nerf_Bard> cant be fucked 0339:< gueriLLaPunK> BullDoor ive been drinking rum for 3 hours, is that ok? 0339:< The_PurpleCat> just say ur trans 0339:< BullDoor> You still got that Bearded Dragon? 0339:< CitrusDoctor> hmm maybe some places around me are open 0339:< andreaplanbee> are you just being straight up transphobic right now? 0339:< CitrusDoctor> although it is 11:40 at night 0339:< Wonderingwanderr> BullDoor Oh yes 0339:< BullDoor> guerilla white or dark rum? 0339:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr call them? how do u only have 2 chinese places bro? u live in Nebraska? 0340:< The_PurpleCat> Im out too everyone 0340:< The_PurpleCat> see you all in TOMORROW 0340:< Nerf_Bard> Bye bye 0340:< gueriLLaPunK> see ya 0340:< CitrusDoctor> l8r 0340:< Wonderingwanderr> gueriLLaPunK I just checked google. Theyre all closed =( 0340:< gueriLLaPunK> l8r -- you hipster 0340:< Wonderingwanderr> Im about to just cook my bearded dragon 0340:< BullDoor> you got any marinade? 0340:< intensebeet> the only solution is to make your own chinese. Step one: go find an alley cat 0340:< Wonderingwanderr> Damn skr8 0340:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr sometimes hours are wrong? unless it's like 12AM where you live 0341:< CitrusDoctor> intensebeet isn't that the only step? 0341:< dashed> btw are we merging anyone in a few hours? 0341:< Wonderingwanderr> gueriLLaPunK its 11:41 lol 0341:< CitrusDoctor> try a few more hours than that 0341:< intensebeet> step two is eat it 0341:< DeathByHugz> You could make some vegetable soup 0341:< gueriLLaPunK> dashed thats the rumor 0341:< Wonderingwanderr> brb. grabbing my bearded dragon. 0341:< Lorithas> I'll head to bed too, it's almost 7am over here :D 0341:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr lol dude, you dun fucked up. waiting so late! 0341:< CitrusDoctor> i don't understand how a wild tier 14 could appear though 0341:< cornellier> Listening to Lilly Wood & The Prick - Prayer In C, again 0341:< BullDoor> Remember to tenderize 0341:< stikko> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/graph.php?guid=57d1c9c2-fba8-11e5-b413-0e31fc1b0d95 => http://nazar.so/8hvom <- the 14 is probably not a 14. 0342:< Wonderingwanderr> will do 0342:< CitrusDoctor> with the size of a tier 8 0342:< intensebeet> the tracker gets the tiers wrong i think 0342:< gueriLLaPunK> intensebeet your face gets the tiers wrong 0342:< intensebeet> probably 0342:< gueriLLaPunK> intensebeet <3 0342:< BullDoor> does the error have the same offset each time? 0342:< intensebeet> awww <3 0342:< jayman419> It looks like another t14 is missing for a merge. 0343:< cornellier> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-FW9uwQUNo 0343:< CitrusDoctor> won't we have a 16-15-14 soon? 0343:< cornellier> so unsane 0343:< BernieCar> cornellier 0343:< BernieCar> hi we talked once 0343:< intensebeet> i've been using the leaderboard post; it has been pretty accurate 0343:< cornellier> hey bern 0343:< gueriLLaPunK> 6 people in a room 0343:< jayman419> And then we need another 14 to start the cascade. 0343:< stikko> we'll have a 16-15-14 soon 0343:< gueriLLaPunK> so when this shit started, i thought people were paired together based on age of user account. i use to check people's accounts 0343:< gueriLLaPunK> whjen it was like 6 ppl in a room 0343:< BernieCar> anyone seen anyone named bobic4 around? 0343:< CitrusDoctor> neato 0343:< gueriLLaPunK> fuck doing that shit now 0343:< XOrAcLeX> URINE 0343:< BernieCar> i promised him in an early merge that i wouldn't forget him 0344:< BernieCar> but i haven't seen him anywhere 0344:< CitrusDoctor> autocomplete doesn't show his name 0344:< gueriLLaPunK> i wish they made these channels in an IRC server 0344:< CitrusDoctor> I don't think he's in here. 0344:< cornellier> whois/bobic4 0344:< XOrAcLeX> FELLATIO 0344:< cornellier> wait 0344:< professor_pepe> so we still on for #StayOn17? 0344:< gueriLLaPunK> CitrusDoctor auto tab complete doesn't work for me either. i gotta right click names to complete 0344:< cornellier> /help 0344:< Nerf_Bard> AUTOFELLATIO 0345:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard oh bby 0345:< cornellier> oh for faen 0345:< Nerf_Bard> /r/AUTOFELLATIO 0345:< jayman419> Stay on Thursday would be better, but it looks like the events will coincide. 0345:< XOrAcLeX> LOL is that a real sub? 0345:< andreaplanbee> in case anyone was following my terraria drama: i found the item and built my farm and now im so rich ahahaha 0345:< embracetehmartian> whats up dudes 0345:< CitrusDoctor> gueriLLaPunK I think there's an option in the settings to enable it 0345:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard naw.... i dont wanna see dudes sucking their own dicks 0345:< stormagnet> fiTosmDo Tier 13 merge train begins in < 1 min 0345:< gueriLLaPunK> CitrusDoctor yeah i checked the box but it's still not working *shrugs* 0345:< stormagnet> IT BEGINS 0345:< CitrusDoctor> weird 0345:< Supajin> andreaplanbee congrats, how is terraria now? I haven't played that since 1.02 i think 0345:< Nerf_Bard> gueriLLaPunK Same I was just pointing out it exists ^_^ 0346:< gueriLLaPunK> CitrusDoctor indeed. i think it works in "global" chat 0346:< CitrusDoctor> terraria is at 1.3.8 now? 0346:< andreaplanbee> Supajin its really fun but i only started playing a few months ago 0346:< cornellier> @BernieCar there is a command in the UI like /whois bobic4 0346:< Wonderingwanderr> Prep https://imgur.com/a/3cmzU 0346:< cornellier> use that to find him/her if poss 0346:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard that smiley makes me uncomfortable; like... you knew it existed and want others to sub to it 0346:< Supajin> ah, I remember when it first came out. Fun 3 days of nonstop playing :D..then I beat the game too fast back when it had less content 0346:< embracetehmartian> lol thats fucked up 0346:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr LOL 0347:< CitrusDoctor> nooo do not eat 0347:< dick_sanitizer> hey peeps 0347:< drwarner> im sad 0347:< DrWinters> hey 0347:< TriumphantTumbleweed> tracker says tier 7 now 0347:< gueriLLaPunK> Wonderingwanderr thats some /b/ shit right there dude. dont fucking cook him (or if u do, post it on /b/) 0347:< CitrusDoctor> just get chinese, at least that way it won't be your pet you're eating 0347:< dick_sanitizer> anyone know what other channel filters there are nowadays? 0347:< cornellier> let's play rock paper scisors 0347:< gueriLLaPunK> SPOCK 0347:< cornellier> 1, 2, 3 0347:< intensebeet> rock 0347:< embracetehmartian> yeah at least make a thread about it lol 0347:< CitrusDoctor> DWAYNE JOHNSON 0347:< cornellier> rock 0347:< DrWinters> wait do we need to type %chat? 0347:< DeathByHugz> Wonderingwanderr Do you have any neighbors? 0347:< intensebeet> i win! 0348:< Noxiide> WHEN ARE WE FUCKIN MERGING 0348:< gueriLLaPunK> DrWinters no, not if you're in the "room" 0348:< Wonderingwanderr> DeathByHugz yeah 0348:< embracetehmartian> like 20 hours noxiide 0348:< juryk> T12s about to merge 0348:< Noxiide> sick 0348:< dick_sanitizer> drwinters go to google robin grow github and use that script 0348:< Noxiide> WE GONNA BE YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE 0348:< professor_pepe> What do you mean? I have to type it manually as well 0348:< juryk> #pluhf 0348:< DeathByHugz> Wonderingwanderr Take their pets. They wont need them 0348:< gueriLLaPunK> MY NIPPLES LOOK LIKE MILK DUDS 0348:< gueriLLaPunK> professor_pepe we are using a script 0348:< DrWinters> wait am i using the wrong script? 0348:< Supajin> nopicnoproof 0348:< intensebeet> that's gross dude 0348:< Noxiide> ROBIN GROW 0348:< gueriLLaPunK> DrWinters probably. what are u using 0348:< Noxiide> ROBIN GROW ROBIN GROW ROBIN GROW 0348:< DrWinters> robin grow 0348:< cornellier> oimk 0348:< dick_sanitizer> then you can use a channel filter 0349:< DrWinters> i am 0349:< professor_pepe> gueriLLaPunK I am using that script 0349:< chapebrone> #rpg $ ^ penis/ act ive chann els 0349:< gueriLLaPunK> professor_pepe use Parrot 0349:< XOrAcLeX> WATER SPORTS 0349:< gueriLLaPunK> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/78f6o 0349:< dick_sanitizer> then open settings and in channel filter type %chat 0349:< jayman419> What politics is there to it? 0349:< dick_sanitizer> or penis/ 0349:< intensebeet> penis is an active channel? now I'm intrigued 0349:< DrWinters> i already did 0349:< BullDoor> I a a magician... Your clothes are red! 0349:< dick_sanitizer> or #rpg or $ 0349:< gueriLLaPunK> DrWinters use Parrot too dude. its lovely. here is the script https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/6uix8 0349:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0349:< jayman419> It's penis/ ... have to include the slash. 0349:< DeathByHugz> Im going to bed. Night all 0349:< dick_sanitizer> what does parrot do btw? 0350:< dick_sanitizer> night! 0350:< DrWinters> sure ty 0350:< TriumphantTumbleweed> what's better about parrot? 0350:< Nerf_Bard> Penises make me uncomfortable when they are smaller than mine. 0350:< DeathByHugz> And more feminine? 0350:< Nerf_Bard> Yeah 0350:< DrWinters> what's better about it 0350:< Noxiide> Why should I use parrot instead of robin grow 0350:< XOrAcLeX> nerf_bard it is impossible for another penis to be smaller than yours 0350:< Nerf_Bard> But small and feminine are different 0350:< Noxiide> TELL ME WHY YOU IGNORANT SLUT 0350:< ShanRoxAlot> You should disinfect the penis/ chat, dick_sanitizer 0350:< jayman419> It lets you follow multiple channels in tabs. 0350:< lolmycat> just to put what we need left to merge, we need 16 more tier 10 groups. 32 tier 9, 64 tier 8... and so on 0350:< DeathByHugz> I'm off now 0350:< gueriLLaPunK> dick_sanitizer its an awesome scipt. you can make "channels" and block spam and do other shit 0350:< XOrAcLeX> MICROPENIS 0350:< Nerf_Bard> Im above average tyvm XOrAcLeX 0350:< rakehand> parrot is robin grow refined 0350:< TriumphantTumbleweed> jayman419, oh dope 0350:< dick_sanitizer> can you actually make you own channels? 0350:< Whitestep> yup 0351:< gueriLLaPunK> dick_sanitizer yes 0351:< Noxiide> oh wow look at this 0351:< Noxiide> two tabs 0351:< gjhgjh> If we covered the world in salad dressing wouldn't the asparagus feel left out? 0351:< Noxiide> nice, i like it better already 0351:< dick_sanitizer> shanroxalot i'll try but it's going to be a multiday job 0351:< intensebeet> i've been lied to about the /penis channel 0351:< XOrAcLeX> Nerf_Bard has a MICROPENIS 0351:< gueriLLaPunK> Noxiide welcome to the best side 0351:< dick_sanitizer> neat! 0351:< gueriLLaPunK> dick_sanitizer here is the repo with some FAQs and shit https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0351:< TriumphantTumbleweed> Oh snap... parrot IS better 0351:< Whitestep> hey guys, sorry just got back 0351:< Nerf_Bard> Isnt a micropenis like 3 or less inches... Mine is like 6.2 0351:< CitrusDoctor> parrot is waaaay better 0351:< Whitestep> has anyone discussed this yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1reihz => http://nazar.so/852i4 0351:< kiledos> if we get to tier 17, should we stay? 0352:< gueriLLaPunK> Whitestep we didnt miss you 0352:< Whitestep> yeah figures 0352:< professor_pepe> Hopefully by tomorrow we'll get to Tier 17 0352:< kiledos> parrot is definitely the best, you can even use twitch emotes Kappa 0352:< gueriLLaPunK> Whitestep jk <333333 0352:< Nerf_Bard> I have a friend with a micropenis and he makes me feel uncomfortable 0352:< CitrusDoctor> I suppose we can attempt a mass stay, but some autovoters won't comply 0352:< gjhgjh> I'm using parot now and I really like it. 0352:< Noxiide> what channels should I go on 0352:< dick_sanitizer> yes, once we hit teir17 we stay, but to get the ball rolling we need at least 40% staying now BEFORE the merge 0352:< Noxiide> I only know of that 0352:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard so suck him off and you both will free great 0352:< Noxiide> chat* chat* chat* 0353:< jayman419> Nah, we don't need anyone to stay now. We just need to talk about it during the merge. 0353:< gjhgjh> Do we know for sure that Apr 8th is the end? 0353:< XOrAcLeX> I thought a MICROPENIS was more like the size of a large clitoris 0353:< Wonderingwanderr> https://imgur.com/a/Wsflo seasoning makes everything better 0353:< CitrusDoctor> Once we grow, no votes might get majority 0353:< HankytheWanky> lol 0353:< Nerf_Bard> gueriLLaPunK no. Smaller penises than mine freak me out 0353:< jayman419> And we need people to stick around and let folks who pop in for updates to switch their vote to stay. 0353:< gueriLLaPunK> TriumphantTumbleweed https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0353:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard just pretend it's a...ummmm...nipple that squirts? 0353:< TriumphantTumbleweed> gueriLLaPunK i got it. it's much better 0354:< rakehand> stays were up in the 800s earlier 0354:< gueriLLaPunK> TriumphantTumbleweed glad to hear that :D 0354:< jayman419> But after what happened in KuPrlits I doubt the no votes will win. 0354:< Nerf_Bard> gueriLLaPunK why would someone have a nipple on their crotch? 0354:< rakehand> people smartened up though 0354:< professor_pepe> RIP KuPrlits 0354:< TriumphantTumbleweed> gueriLLaPunK the best part so far is tab to autofill 0354:< CitrusDoctor> jayman419 I'm saying we should wait to stay once we merge, so the split stay/grow vote won't be so divided 0354:< gueriLLaPunK> Nerf_Bard because they have a mico penis? i dunno 0354:< orangitu> Spread the good word friends https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4di8so/the_case_for_voting_stay_at_tier_17/ => http://nazar.so/88t17 0354:< Wonderingwanderr> https://imgur.com/a/Wsflo step 2: cook the bearded dragon 0355:< DigitalMindShadow> STAY ON FRIDAY 0355:< CitrusDoctor> oh my 0355:< XOrAcLeX> I have a MACROPENIS 0355:< Nerf_Bard> Wonderingwanderr keep going you are making me excited 0355:< jayman419> CitrusDoctor If anything, we should plan to stay Thursday night whether we merge or not, unless it's very close. 0355:< gueriLLaPunK> TriumphantTumbleweed oh you mean for user names. yes its nice. you can also right click on someone's name in chat 0355:< gueriLLaPunK> and it will do it too 0355:< jayman419> If we get a t14 tomorrow it might be better to put it off a day. 0355:< TriumphantTumbleweed> gueriLLaPunK ooo nice. thanks! 0356:< CitrusDoctor> we could very likely get one 0356:< ShanRoxAlot> Parrot is not auto typing %chat before the things I type even though I am on the %chat tab 0356:< Wonderingwanderr> SHOULD I FRY HIM OR BOIL HIM?? https://imgur.com/a/Wsflo 0356:< professor_pepe> shanroxalot It's working, don't worry 0356:< Whitestep> nice iguana man 0356:< jayman419> First non-bot to make it on my mute list. Interesting. 0356:< Whitestep> is it an iguana? 0356:< gjhgjh> "I think so but me and Pippi Longstocking... I mean, what would the children look like? 0356:< intensebeet> oh no 0356:< CitrusDoctor> spare him 0356:< gueriLLaPunK> ShanRoxAlot close the tab and try again? make sure in your settings there's no space 0356:< Nerf_Bard> Wonderingwanderr roast him 0356:< Nerf_Bard> Wait 0356:< gueriLLaPunK> in the settings before or after 0356:< intensebeet> Wonderingwanderr just go hungry 0357:< Nerf_Bard> Umm 0357:< Nerf_Bard> I feel uncomfortable 0357:< Cistem> don't, you're super sexy 0357:< professor_pepe> Wonderingwanderr This is the kinda thing you go on 4chan to vote for. I say trips is a good starting point 0357:< CitrusDoctor> /r/RoastMe 0357:< Nerf_Bard> Whitestep its a Bearded Dragon 0357:< Whitestep> looks cool 0357:< Nerf_Bard> /r/SpitroastMe 0357:< Cistem> ur mum 0357:< professor_pepe> Wonderingwanderr Space program 0357:< Wonderingwanderr> Standby 0358:< gjhgjh> This time you put the trousers on the chimp. 0358:< gueriLLaPunK> Whitestep dont say its nice. Wonderingwanderr is gonna "eat it" 0358:< CitrusDoctor> This kills the chimp. 0358:< ShanRoxAlot> Testing 0358:< Whitestep> well if he's gonna eat it might as well stream it or something, these pics leave a lot to be desired 0359:< gueriLLaPunK> ShanRoxAlot reading you loud and clear 0359:< ShanRoxAlot> Updating parrot was the answer 0359:< CitrusDoctor> i feel like bearded dragon is a lot more expensive even than expensive beef dishes 0359:< TheHawkIsHowling> you can catch bearded dragons on the side of the road here 0400:< CitrusDoctor> really? 0400:< CitrusDoctor> all we have up here are polar bears 0400:< TheHawkIsHowling> yep have seen a good few 0400:< DrWinters> are we the popular kids because we're top tier 0400:< CitrusDoctor> it's a little harder to catch them on the side of the road though 0400:< Nerf_Bard> I'm in NZ sheep are running rampant in the streets 0400:< mtriper> RobinNu NuOfBelthasar 0400:< gjhgjh> The Rockettes? I mean, it's mostly girls, isn't it? 0401:< yaahoe> ;ol 0401:< DrWinters> wow i'm high 0401:< TheHawkIsHowling> housemates girlfriend caught on once and tried to make it a pet, poor thing went backwards over a few days 0401:< mtriper> we are merging 13s in 20ms YEAH 0401:< gjhgjh> DrWinters, did you write your self your own perscription again? 0402:< CitrusDoctor> nahh I wrote it 0402:< DrWinters> haha 0402:< CitrusDoctor> I am a certified doctor* 0402:< DrWinters> i 0402:< CitrusDoctor> that's what it said on my real PhD that I actuallyhave 0402:< TheHawkIsHowling> Doctorate of lemon stealing whores? 0402:< DrWinters> i'm a doctor of the liberal arts 0403:< DrWinters> same thing 0403:< gjhgjh> Yeah, I'm going to run that past my lawyer. 0403:< CitrusDoctor> I got my doctorate in underwater basket weaving 0403:< 3nvisi0n> what was your thesis? 0403:< CitrusDoctor> I can feel it will pay off any day now 0403:< Wonderingwanderr> he's a fighter guys 0403:< gjhgjh> My community college actually listed underwater basket weaving in it's catalog as a joke. 0403:< Nerf_Bard> Im not a doctor but I think i have the qualifications to be a slutty secretary? 0404:< DrWinters> so are you guys mostly american 0404:< CitrusDoctor> it was on the effects of a variety of water-resistant weaving materials underwater 0404:< gjhgjh> They got a few people who wanted to sign up too. 0404:< CitrusDoctor> I'd sign up 0404:< 3nvisi0n> is it published in any journals? 0404:< Wonderingwanderr> i kind of feel bad now 0404:< Wonderingwanderr> fuck 0404:< CitrusDoctor> again 0404:< cornellier> Mostly Canadian. 0404:< 3nvisi0n> for that matter are there any good UBW journals? 0404:< Nerf_Bard> Im from NZ 0404:< CitrusDoctor> american here 0404:< gueriLLaPunK> 31/m/california 0404:< cornellier> Americans are mostly Canadian these days. 0405:< DrWinters> You have three options: Hillary, Trump, or Gary Johnson. Which one would you pick? 0405:< gjhgjh> Canadia is in America. At least I think it is. 0405:< CitrusDoctor> you're not wrong 0405:< gueriLLaPunK> you buncha young whippersnappers 0405:< Nerf_Bard> I would assume most people here are antipodeans though 0405:< TheHawkIsHowling> Irish 0405:< gueriLLaPunK> gjhgjh canada is america's hat 0405:< cornellier> Now that Trudeau's taken over from where Obama left off. 0405:< 3nvisi0n> nah, America is Canada's Pants 0405:< gueriLLaPunK> 3nvisi0n and florida is our dick 0405:< 3nvisi0n> http://satwcomic.com/matter-of-perspective 0405:< CitrusDoctor> donald trudeau is gonna make americanada great in aboot a few months 0406:< gueriLLaPunK> 3nvisi0n <3 0406:< DrWinters> what do you think of gary johnson 0406:< DrWinters> yeah i think i'm voting for gary 0406:< CitrusDoctor> tbh haven't heard of him until now 0407:< dashed> anyone know ETA to T17? 0407:< DrWinters> he's a libertarian 0407:< Nerf_Bard> But NatSoc is as close to Communism as you are gonna get 0407:< Nerf_Bard> Vote Bernie 0407:< gueriLLaPunK> dashed rumor is a few hours 0407:< CitrusDoctor> how are his numbers? 0407:< Lolzep> Not even I know dashed 0407:< DrWinters> he got 1% of the vote when he ran in 2012 0407:< cornellier> Americans join Canadistan 0407:< cornellier> Leave the rest for Jesusland. 0407:< CitrusDoctor> "promising" 0407:< dashed> im curious.. how did Bernie sanders become big? 0408:< Sat_Nav66> Fuck marry kill vote: Trump, Hillary, Bernie, Cruz 0408:< DrWinters> in a recent monmouth college poll he got 11% with 75% of people saying they didn't know enough about him 0408:< CitrusDoctor> his cells reproduced since infancy 0408:< Lolzep> Because America 0408:< DrWinters> gary, i mean 0408:< gueriLLaPunK> Sat_Nav66 savage 0408:< cornellier> how did slack become big 0408:< jayman419> I'm not sure how likely a merge is tonight. 0408:< Sat_Nav66> gueriLLaPunK tough, right? 0408:< dashed> cornellier series A round investing 0408:< gjhgjh> If Pinocchio were carved out of bacon it wouldn't be the same story, would it? 0408:< jayman419> Unless there's another t14 coming up soon. 0408:< CitrusDoctor> savage enough to vote for cruz 0409:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor hah really, he's your choice from those 0409:< DrWinters> hillary has too many superdelegates for bernie to have a cchance 0409:< DrWinters> chance 0409:< cornellier> Americans abandon your system and vote to join Canadia! 0409:< DrWinters> chance 0409:< cornellier> it 0409:< CitrusDoctor> Sat_Nav66 I'm just pointing out how you chose to vote for Cruz out of all of them 0409:< gjhgjh> I'm a /r/Cascadian myself. 0409:< ShanRoxAlot> Cannada should come bring freedom to America 0409:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor Oh, no! Those were the choices, not my pick :) 0410:< gueriLLaPunK> Sat_Nav66 fuck hitlery (cuz vagina) marry bernie (dat liberal) and **ll cruz (i dont want fbi knocking on my door asshole) 0410:< Nerf_Bard> Fuck me in the ass daddy 0410:< DrWinters> ok 0410:< cornellier> so canada 0410:< cornellier> voila 0410:< CitrusDoctor> Sat_Nav66 Oh lol, it was kinda weird to me that you chose to fuck truno 0410:< gueriLLaPunK> oh and vote trump 0410:< gueriLLaPunK> fuck 0410:< CitrusDoctor> trump* 0410:< DrWinters> vote gary 0410:< cornellier> learning French will be easier than learning to like Trump, trust me. 0410:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor Haha. I'm tempted to choose him for that actually, because fuck trump 0410:< CitrusDoctor> Sat_Nav66 clever :P 0411:< Wonderingwanderr> transmission incoming 0411:< gueriLLaPunK> bruh.... between cruz and trump...sheit 0411:< DrWinters> Sat_Nav66 why not gary 0411:< CitrusDoctor> I haven't seen anyone marry Trump yet 0411:< Sat_Nav66> gueriLLaPunK does that mean you're voting for trump? 0411:< cornellier> ew 0411:< CitrusDoctor> you could just divorce and take half 0411:< CitrusDoctor> it's the best deal 0411:< TriumphantTumbleweed> anyone else have problems with the chat not auto scrolling? 0411:< gueriLLaPunK> Sat_Nav66 lol oh hell no. i honestly forgot about the 'vote' option 0411:< Sat_Nav66> gueriLLaPunK :) 0412:< gjhgjh> Use parrot 0412:< gueriLLaPunK> Sat_Nav66 but if i HAD to vote between cruz and trump.... trump :((((((((( 0412:< Nerf_Bard> Why is America so scared of progress? 0412:< DrWinters> TriumphantTumbleweed yup 0412:< DrWinters> what do you define as progress 0412:< cornellier> sorry kidz but nobody's voting trump, except if he goes independent; the republics wont see their brand besmirched in this way 0412:< Nerf_Bard> Communism 0412:< DrWinters> how? 0413:< ShanRoxAlot> Conservatism 0413:< cornellier> going afk keep the faith 0413:< DrWinters> libertarianism 0413:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor marry trump, huh 0413:< ShanRoxAlot> Conservatism 0413:< intensebeet> you'd be amazed; living in rural america the number of trump signs i drive by on a daily basis is frightening 0413:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor I feel like it might be hard to win spousal support from him 0413:< DrWinters> why not libertarianism 0413:< gjhgjh> Trump would be a nice change after Obama and the do nothing congresseses. 0413:< Lolzep> You cant stump the trump it seems 0414:< CitrusDoctor> well, the question implied you had the ability to marry and kill presidential candidates 0414:< gjhgjh> Sat_Nav66 not all women vote with their vagainas. 0414:< Sat_Nav66> CitrusDoctor haha. So both marry and kill trump. Make sure you're named in the will first. 0414:< CitrusDoctor> it's much harder to check the box with a vagina 0414:< intensebeet> gjhgjh i mean i use my hands to vote but how the candidate wants to treat my vagina is kinda important 0414:< CitrusDoctor> holding onto the pen is the challenge 0415:< drwarner> so the reddit servers are crazy high loaded right now 0415:< DrWinters> yeah 0415:< gjhgjh> That would explain the l........ 0416:< pcpmasterrace> cytube? 0416:< gjhgjh> a 0416:< mtriper> 502 Bad Gateway??????????? 0416:< CitrusDoctor> is it all from Robin or did something happen in regards to the Panama Papers 0416:< rakki9999112> Jatexi --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 04:16:52 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 04:17:45 2016 0417:< rakki9999112> what is it then 0417:< gjhgjh> Besides robin hit them the hardest on the 1st and 2nd. It's sortof dying off now. 0417:< strobonic> Can someone link me to Parrot please? 0417:< jayman419> The button suffered a drop in users in the middle, too. 0418:< gjhgjh> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0418:< Sat_Nav66> strobonic https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0418:< jayman419> Lots kept checking in towards the end, though. 0418:< Nerf_Bard> Yuri vs Yaoi 0418:< LeeBears> Honey, I'm home! 0418:< prince_polka> strobonic https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0418:< strobonic> Thank you gjhgjh and Sat_Nav66! 0418:< Sat_Nav66> Might be unpopular here, but I want a trump vs hillary contest, and for hillary to win. 0418:< Sat_Nav66> Because it's predicted that if Trump gets the nomination, the Democrats will win control of congress. 0418:< ShanRoxAlot> The Button also had a drop of users when the sub was archived :/ 0418:< Sat_Nav66> And the main reason obama wasn't able to get a lot done was because of the republican congress 0418:< keithgabryelski> reddit main page is 503 0419:< Nerf_Bard> Hillary is a bitch tbh 0419:< keithgabryelski> i guess people know that 0419:< Sat_Nav66> I think that hillary with a democratic congress would get a shit ton done, and mostly the things that bernie would do 0419:< abrownn> Hooray 2 party system! 0419:< mtriper> keeneeee!?!?!? 0419:< Nerf_Bard> I honestly think that Trump would be better for america than Hillary 0419:< cornellier> nerf bard muted 0419:< gjhgjh> You do know that the job of the President is to enforce the law. It's the job of Congress to write the laws. 0419:< Nerf_Bard> RIP 0419:< Sat_Nav66> haha 0419:< mtriper> new tier 8 .... keeneeee 0419:< jayman419> To be fair, Hillary's probably got the same sort of people Chilly Willy had... and those were pretty good years for the country. 0419:< Nerf_Bard> I love you cornellier <3 0419:< gjhgjh> The US system has 3 seperate but equal branches. 0420:< abrownn> As a blind, deaf, crippled lesbian of color, I don't support Trump. Bernie 2016!!! 0420:< Sat_Nav66> Hillary might be a bitch, but less of a bitch than Trump is 0420:< Nerf_Bard> No 0420:< cornellier> abrownn, asshole, troll, muted. 0420:< gjhgjh> abrownn, your username checks out. 0420:< agaffchanted> Sat_Nav66 you're either an idiot, or ignorant, I don't know which 0420:< abrownn> kek 0420:< embracetehmartian> hillary is worse than trump 0420:< Nerf_Bard> Hillary wont start a war she cant finish 0420:< Nerf_Bard> Trump will and get America wiped tbh 0421:< Sat_Nav66> Have you guys not seen the size of his fingers? 0421:< Nerf_Bard> ezpz 0421:< abrownn> look at cornellier, mutes me over one shitty troll post. what a cuck 0421:< DrWinters> Gary is the least of a bitch. 0421:< Sat_Nav66> Definitely a bitch. 0421:< DrWinters> how 0421:< embracetehmartian> bernie 2016 0421:< abrownn> Vermin Supreme 2016! 0421:< Sat_Nav66> Not gary, Trump drwinters 0421:< DrWinters> oh 0421:< jayman419> Vermin is the only one with a pony promise. 0421:< Nerf_Bard> Basically everyone running for american president is a bitch right now 0421:< cornellier> OK everybody is muted for now, including myself. Get some sleep and tomorrow try to be positive and not negative. Thanks. 0421:< DrWinters> nerf gary is excellent 0421:< abrownn> Halt citizen! Do you have your mandatory identification Pony on you? 0422:< Sat_Nav66> imo hillary actually has the experience, from her time in the senate + secretary of state, to actually get things done 0422:< Sat_Nav66> And with congress on her side, she'd be able to do them 0422:< DrWinters> haha ok 0422:< Wonderingwanderr> https://imgur.com/a/Wsflo 0422:< Sat_Nav66> And I largely agree with her policies. So. 0422:< jayman419> Not only that she has the support of her party. Trump may be running as a republican, but I doubt he'll get much out of congress. 0422:< mtriper> Benr baby Bern 0423:< rakki9999112> guys we have #gov and #pol for political discussion 0423:< jayman419> Like Jesse Ventura's time as governor in michigan, all he could really do was try to veto stuff he didn't like. 0423:< DrWinters> it's not like the dems haven't used executive orders before 0423:< DrWinters> so what do congress matter 0423:< Nerf_Bard> Hi rakki <3 0423:< LeeBears> Minnesota, not Michegan 0423:< DrWinters> *does 0423:< rakki9999112> hey nerf_bard :) 0423:< jayman419> #pol is for it, #gov was the failed attempt to create a government for soKuku. 0423:< drwarner> Wonderingwanderr - wut? 0423:< rakki9999112> nope 0423:< jayman419> They failed and went to their subreddit to plot revenge. 0423:< rakki9999112> either way go and use one 0423:< Wonderingwanderr> drwarner =) 0424:< mtriper> fiscToliRy it is 0424:< rakki9999112> not everyone is from america 0424:< mtriper> the new 14 0424:< drwarner> Wonderingwanderr - you're not really eating that gorgeous lizard are you? 0424:< Wonderingwanderr> drwarner i am 0424:< abrownn> Better dead than red, I always say rakki9999112 0424:< Sat_Nav66> LeeBears what's the context for minnesota not michigan? 0425:< LeeBears> The Jesse Ventura thing 0425:< drwarner> why?! 0425:< rakki9999112> cool story abrownn 0425:< Sat_Nav66> LeeBears ahh 0425:< abrownn> You know it bruh 0425:< Gtx780ti> ok 0425:< Wonderingwanderr> Im hungry and all the chinese places around me are closed 0425:< TheUncleBob> if Clinton gets in, it will be more of the same-old party politics with more war, more killing and more billions in military spending. 0425:< Gtx780ti> TheUncleBob Yep 0425:< drwarner> wonderingwanderr: now i know you're lying. Chinese places never close 0426:< TheUncleBob> The blood of every single innocent she kills will be on the hands of those who voted for her. 0426:< abrownn> Make America Grape Again 0426:< Gtx780ti> wut 0426:< rakki9999112> fuck off taking about shillary and drumpf and shit 0426:< Wonderingwanderr> https://imgur.com/a/s2gzP it seems as if my meal has turned into my assistant 0426:< rakki9999112> or I start parroting shit about malcolm turnbull 0426:< dick_sanitizer> yo a merge happend peeps 0427:< lachlanhunt> fiscToliRy is the new T14. Getting closer! 0427:< dick_sanitizer> fiscToliRy the new t14 0427:< dashed> Wonderingwanderr rofl 0427:< LeeBears> yay 0427:< dick_sanitizer> just need two more t13s! 0427:< Nerf_Bard> Wait which president would you vote for so I can be someones cute trap waifu? 0427:< Gtx780ti> Wonderingwanderr That is pretty cute 0427:< dashed> parrot users: v2.91 might have tab completion working in firefox 0427:< Nerf_Bard> Gtx780ti hes in the pan NotLikeThis 0427:< gjhgjh> Everyone wants to be like us. 0428:< lachlanhunt> rakki9999112, please, go ahead and bitch about Turnbull. 0428:< Gtx780ti> soKukunelitsWoGt #1 #1!!!!! 0428:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard you want to be a cute trap waifu? 0428:< LeeBears> Fisctoliry sounds like an actual word 0428:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard asl? ;) 0428:< TheUncleBob> I'd welcome Turnbull talk. :D 0428:< Whitestep> Wonderingwanderr lold 0428:< Nerf_Bard> yes rakki where do I sign up 0428:< rakki9999112> Nerf_Bard right here ;) 0428:< lachlanhunt> yeah, Australia's awake. It's almost bed time for the US. Let's take over the discussion 0429:< Nerf_Bard> 16/I dont even know how to explain/New Zealand 0429:< dick_sanitizer> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0429:< CitrusDoctor> "almost bed time for the US" it's fuckin 12:30 in the morning here 0429:< Nerf_Bard> ITS FUCKING BEDTIME 0429:< CitrusDoctor> or 12:30 at night or whatever 0429:< gjhgjh> 9:30 here 0429:< Nerf_Bard> ^_^ 0429:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard I'm in, are you cute? ;) 0429:< dick_sanitizer> lol nerf_bard no one can explain nz, we are an enigma 0429:< CitrusDoctor> 30 minutes after midnight on the east coast 0429:< lachlanhunt> it's 21:30 in CA, though 0429:< gjhgjh> We got losts of them time zone thingies 0430:< Wonderingwanderr> 12:29AM in Atlanta 0430:< gjhgjh> It's only like 6pm in Hawaii 0430:< CitrusDoctor> only 4, well only 2 that people live in 0430:< dick_sanitizer> peeps are only getting off from work in a half hour here in NZ 0430:< Nerf_Bard> dick_sanitizer that was for when was asked asl. 0430:< kuqumi> Nerf_Bard 32/Apache Attach Helicopter/Helsinki 0430:< Nerf_Bard> rakki I dont know am I? 0430:< dick_sanitizer> oh i see lol 0430:< drwarner> wonderingwanderr: how old is your dragon? 0430:< Gtx780ti> Nerf_Bard you can't tell me to go to sleep! 0430:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard pm? 0431:< Nerf_Bard> "GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP" -Samuel L. Jackson 0431:< Wonderingwanderr> drwarner ~2 y/o 0431:< gjhgjh> Then if you count all of our military bases that we set up in other countries we have people all 'round the world. 0431:< Nerf_Bard> Gtx780ti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDGKK6y8OtQ 0431:< drwarner> Wonderingwanderr: nice. Looks like you've got him? her? well socialized. 0432:< gjhgjh> We even have a base in Australia. 0432:< TheMentalist10> Goodnight, all! 0432:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard if you're up for it that is ;) 0432:< LeeBears> We're watching an epic romance unfold here, folks 0433:< rakki9999112> LeeBears hopefully, I could do with a cute trap waifu 0433:< gjhgjh> I'm not sure why Australians are okay with a US military base on their soil. 0434:< gjhgjh> They don't have a base on our soil. 0434:< abourne> no one knows what time this ends on Friday. 0434:< Nerf_Bard> Australia has a really small millitary though 0434:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard wellll 0435:< Wonderingwanderr> drwarner He/she (still am not sure which) is definitely social. I try and take him/her out when I can :) 0435:< drwarner> yeah, but they're tough 0435:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard it's not that small 0435:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard it's fun size 0435:< LeeBears> fun size military lol 0435:< Nerf_Bard> Aussie has a tough military? If they are tough what the fuck do you call New Zealand military 0435:< gjhgjh> I don't care how small your military is. It's the idea that part of your country is being occupied by a forign military. 0436:< drwarner> Wonderingwanderr: thumbs up. A way nicer specimen than any of the ones that I've seen in person. 0436:< rakki9999112> gjhgjh you know we're allied right? 0436:< gjhgjh> New Zealand military is insane. 0436:< aschneid> It is not being occupied. We are there with Aussie permission. 0436:< rakki9999112> gjhgjh AUS military goes where US does and vice versa 0436:< aschneid> If they wanted up gone, we would be. It's an agreement. 0436:< rakki9999112> gjhgjh do you actually think that they're here without our permission?! 0437:< Chartis> Does Tazmania have it's own regional forces? 0437:< Nerf_Bard> Tasmania? 0437:< Nerf_Bard> Are you joking us? 0437:< rakki9999112> Chartis HAHAAHAHAHHA 0437:< pandandap> any eta on the merger? 0437:< gjhgjh> Tell that to the Germans and Italians that now can't get the Americans out of their country. 0437:< drwarner> panda: probably 12-13 hours 0437:< rakki9999112> chartis tasmania is just an aussie state you fucking MONG 0437:< pandandap> drwarner gotcha okay thanks 0437:< marakiri> Mesa called Jar Jar Binks. 0438:< rakki9999112> marakiri shut up don't start this again 0438:< marakiri> I kid I kid!! 0438:< Nerf_Bard> I wish I was a kid 0438:< PotatoBadger> Eat shit! Fuck you! 0438:< marakiri> rakki9999112 hahahahaha 0438:< gjhgjh> The US President doesn't even have the power to shutdown our base in Cuba and he's the goddamned leader of the Army! 0438:< ranterbach> Why? Kids suck 0438:< Nerf_Bard> then I could be a better trap with a little boy body 0438:< marakiri> GOOD MORNING PEOPLE! 0439:< ranterbach> Oooook then 0439:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard what kind of body do you have now? o.o 0439:< PotatoBadger> Fuck you, marakiri 0439:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard Im having ttrouble understanding u 0439:< marakiri> PotatoBadger why the hate bro? 0439:< trigg> PotatoBadger seems cranky today 0439:< PotatoBadger> y u got 73 chromosomes 0439:< marakiri> marakiri /me still <3's you! 0439:< Nerf_Bard> A much more manly one than I wish I had rakki. I mean its not too too bad but its not cute ;n; 0440:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard still waiting on that pm ;) 0440:< ranterbach> Wtf am I reading 0440:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard umm.. ok then! 0440:< gjhgjh> If we are allies then why isn't it an Australian base with US military on it? Why is it a US military base? 0440:< Nerf_Bard> Would send pics but im naked and would technically be cp 0440:< trigg> .. nevermind. I should have held off on my judgement of PotatoBadger 0440:< trigg> Sorry man. 0440:< PotatoBadger> u fokn wot 0440:< marakiri> gjhgjh hahaha u think ur allies, not minions 0440:< gjhgjh> By international law that makes that part of Australia US soil. 0440:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard... cover up? :) 0440:< Nerf_Bard> wait pm rakki? what pm 0440:< ranterbach> How fucking old are you, what the shit? 0440:< Nerf_Bard> Too lazy rakki 0441:< ranterbach> What the hell did I come back to? 0441:< PotatoBadger> eat shit fuck u 0441:< Nerf_Bard> 16 0441:< aschneid> gjhgjh we don't need anybody on US soil. That's kind of the point. 0441:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard ;-; 0441:< ranterbach> I play one game of league and 16 year old fuckboys are talking about their naked bodies? 0441:< rakki9999112> ranterbach yes >:) 0441:< PotatoBadger> I've been in this group since there were only 2 of us. 0441:< rakki9999112> potatobadger you fucking idiot 0441:< Nerf_Bard> I wish I was a fuckboy but im not cute enough for anyone to fuck me 0442:< ranterbach> All of us have been here since there were only 2 of us you dumb cunt 0442:< Nerf_Bard> q_q 0442:< vineman> me too thanks 0442:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard imma need to see proof of this at some point 0442:< rakki9999112> ;) 0442:< marakiri> ranterbach i know right 3 days on this chat and this is the first im hearing of this 0442:< PotatoBadger> No i was here and it was two of us 0442:< gjhgjh> You could walk up to the base and request US asylum. If they took you in it would an act of war for anyone from Australia to get you. 0442:< PotatoBadger> if you were all here it would be a lot more than two 0442:< Nerf_Bard> Dude I've been here for atleast a day and a half 0442:< ranterbach> marakiri I'm going to bed, this got weird. 0443:< mtriper> theres not much more to merge bellow now guys .. well be stuck here for ever now 0443:< Chartis> Just a civil reminder of Reddit's content policy and the handy report button they've supplied. Good for reporting spammers etc. 0443:< Nerf_Bard> And Ive been talking about my body for a while 0443:< marakiri> ranterbach it did. very wierd. 0443:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard whats wrong with your bod bruh 0443:< PotatoBadger> just a reminder guys that Chartis is a fucking degenerate 0443:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard ur 16 and u think ur body is too manly? hahah wait till u cross 25 0443:< rakki9999112> marakiri s/he wants a cuter one :) 0443:< aschneid> ghjgjh The same is true for any US embassy 0444:< aschneid> Not just military base 0444:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard are u a boy? im assuming ur a boy 0444:< Nerf_Bard> nuuu. I dont want a manly body. I want a qt girl bodt 0444:< Nerf_Bard> I was born male yes 0444:< PotatoBadger> DAE Reddit 0444:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard ooh ok.. well.. im sure there are procedures 0445:< ranterbach> Procedures that are 100% cosmetic. Good luck with that. 0445:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard no offense to u and all, but why do u want this body? what do u intend to do with it? how 0445:< rakki9999112> ranterbach so? 0445:< gjhgjh> Embassies house ambassadors and their staff. Military bases house troops. They have distinctly different jobs. 0445:< JClocale> Yarrr, there be any pirates still in these parts? 0445:< marakiri> where are u gonna store it Nerf_Bard ? how u gonna keep it from stinkin up the house. 0445:< rakki9999112> gjhgjh you seem to know almost nothing about anything 0445:< nullvader> hello 0445:< Nerf_Bard> I pirated Katawa Shoujo once JClocale 0445:< PotatoBadger> No offense, but fuck you. 0446:< aschneid> ghjghj there is typically at least a small detachment of military to guard the embassy. 0446:< Nerf_Bard> And this other one called Wanko to Kurasou 0446:< aschneid> In some countries there's a much larger detachment. 0446:< ranterbach> Not really the time or place, rakki. Suffice it to say, slicing your dick off doesn't make you female. 0446:< marakiri> Arrrr matey JClocale! These land lubbers be wanking to qt girl bodices 0446:< nullvader> lol i'm so lost 0446:< LeeBears> Any parrot updates in the last 8 hours? 0446:< rakki9999112> ranterbach what hahaha? 0446:< Wakafanykai123> yes LeeBears 0446:< aschneid> and you can request asylum at an embassy just like you can at a base (actually better at the embassy) 0447:< Wakafanykai123> Just use the update button to compare version numbers 0447:< marakiri> ranterbach : | 0447:< LeeBears> can you make a tab to stream porn with it yet? 0447:< Wakafanykai123> no 0447:< Wakafanykai123> hello nullvader! 0447:< ranterbach> marakiri, I'm not saying anything against anyone, merely stating a biological fact. 0447:< Nerf_Bard> Of course you will always be biologically male 0448:< Nerf_Bard> No one is arguing that 0448:< marakiri> LeeBears how about a room where a bot dictates porn 0448:< gjhgjh> Yes, a small detachemnt with the job to protect the ambassador. A military base houses many more troops and they aren't there to 0448:< LeeBears> marakiri that might get weird 0448:< nullvader> ah yes, a discussion about gender 0448:< gjhgjh> protect an ambassador and his staff. 0448:< aschneid> gjhgjh doesn't matter...if somebody needs asylum, the embassy is the place to go. 0448:< PotatoBadger> You're a fucking white male!!!!! 0449:< ranterbach> My fault, nullvader. Shouldn't have said anything. I'm tired, my bad. 0449:< marakiri> ? 0449:< aschneid> That is considered US soil and an act of aggression is considered an act of aggression on the US. 0449:< marakiri> LeeBears i remember there was a midnight porn service in college, way back before college: basically a freshman sitting in the loft 0449:< aschneid> And the guards are there to protect anybody under the protection of the embassy. 0449:< gjhgjh> My point wasn't about asylum. My point is about Australia giving part of it's country over to a US military base. 0449:< PotatoBadger> Star Wars 0449:< marakiri> nullvader dictating/enacting porn 0449:< rakki9999112> shut the fuck up about US and Aus army fucking bases and shit who the fuck cares omg 0450:< PotatoBadger> i care 0450:< nullvader> marakiri what? 0450:< ranterbach> Is this the part where the fun stops and we all start to hate each other a little bit? 0450:< gjhgjh> Counties give building to other counties in the name of diplomancy all of the time. 0450:< marakiri> nullvader apologies 0450:< dick_sanitizer> http://flockdraw.com/sokukunelits 0450:< rakki9999112> gjhgjh shut the fuck uppppp 0450:< marakiri> nullvader wrong right click 0450:< LeeBears> oh wait marakiri, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant like a bot mandating porn 0450:< PotatoBadger> This is the part where you go fuck yourself 0450:< LeeBears> like that sense of the word "dictating" 0450:< marakiri> LeeBears haha no maan 0451:< nullvader> this is the part where we mute people we don't like and move on :p 0451:< marakiri> LeeBears hahah where are u from? is it germany? 0451:< gjhgjh> rakki9999112, if I bother you then mute me. 0451:< ranterbach> PotatoBadger, you can go shove a gerbil up your ass through a tube. 0451:< LeeBears> marakiri US 0451:< marakiri> oh cmon lighten up gjhgjh he didnt say u bother him 0451:< marakiri> LeeBears cooooo man cooooooo 0451:< rakki9999112> ok I'll mute this gjhgjh faggot. I already muted that potato dickhead 0451:< marakiri> WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS 0451:< marakiri> Why cant we be friends 0451:< rakki9999112> we can :) 0452:< ranterbach> Goddamn rakki, go smoke a bowl or something 0452:< LeeBears> what if soKuku just ends with all of us muting each other :/ 0452:< JClocale> get high fuck bitches 0452:< gjhgjh> Countries don't routinely go around giving land to other counties for military bases. 0452:< jayman419> LeeBears Did you say something? 0452:< rakki9999112> ranterbach idk where to buy weed here 0452:< ranterbach> Nope 0452:< rakki9999112> xmas121 nah 0452:< Nerf_Bard> Wait I thought a bowl was crack wasnt it? 0452:< marakiri> rakki9999112 me neither.. im looking around for some sticky icky 0452:< LeeBears> jayman419 I've been having a silly conversation with marakiri 0453:< aschneid> gjhgjh it's a mutual agreement. They didn't give anybody land for nothing. AUS gets something out of it. 0453:< ranterbach> Nerf_Bard you're 16, you don't know things yet 0453:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard the dumbass thing 0453:< SmurfyX> you guys dont need tags anymore. The chat is barely moving. 0453:< marakiri> ranterbach hahahahaha 0453:< rakki9999112> is it not? 0453:< Nerf_Bard> I dont do drugs ;n; 0453:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard you need to start bby 0453:< gjhgjh> Washington has weed. Good stuff that's certified 100% organic too. Just fly in to SEATAC airport! 0453:< SmurfyX> nah, man there's only 10 or 12 people talking total. 0453:< Nerf_Bard> Drugs to hard to find in NZ 0454:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard same in aus 0454:< shy> i live in seattle!! 0454:< rakki9999112> shy i'm jealous of your username 0454:< rakki9999112> shy there's no three letter ones left :( 0454:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard listen dude.. if u serious about ur gender dysphoria, fuck these ppl man its ur right to do what u want 0454:< Wonderingwanderr> salvia is where its at 0455:< ranterbach> I'll be in WA in a couple months, may have to pick something up 0455:< nuu> aww 0455:< ranterbach> It's been a few years 0455:< gjhgjh> We had a supplier get in trouble recently for using pesticides that wern't supposed to be using. 0455:< marakiri> ranterbach so are u offering to bring us weed? 0455:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Wonderingwanderr I didn't think anyone did salvia more than once 0455:< gjhgjh> Weed is serious business here. 0455:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri what are you on about. I have no rights because im still a minor FeelsBadMan 0455:< Wonderingwanderr> lajiggyjarjardoo ive done it three-ish times 0455:< marakiri> http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/19/transgender-children-the-law-and-a-boy-born-in-the-skin-of-a-girl => http://nazar.so/uod9 0455:< ranterbach> Dude Nerf_Bard, marakiri was telling you to do whatever the fuck you want 0456:< Wonderingwanderr> lajiggyjarjardoo i thought i was a fish and tried to eat my friends cigarette because i thought it wash fish food 0456:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Wonderingwanderr of the dozens of times i've tripped, i did salvia a few times until i really got lost and said "i'll stick to acid" 0456:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard bro do whatever u want man... ull be 18 in 2 years 0456:< marakiri> lajiggyjarjardoo dude how was salvia?? 0456:< gjhgjh> A butcher in Pike Place market (downtown Seattle) sells pork enfused with marijuana. 0456:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard fly to aus in 2 years and we can bang and do drugs :) 0457:< Wonderingwanderr> salvia is fucking crazy 0457:< Nerf_Bard> ok 0457:< CitrusDoctor> or fly to a legal country 0457:< marakiri> gjhgjh i find eating mary isnt same as smoking it...which is waht i like best 0457:< Nerf_Bard> Wait the age of consent in Aussie is 18?? 0457:< marakiri> rakki9999112 can i skip the banging part and just do drugs there? 0458:< rakki9999112> marakiri sure 0458:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard what is it where u are? 0458:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard it is for buttsex 0458:< Nerf_Bard> Its 16 in NZ 0458:< gjhgjh> marakiri it all depends on how it's done and the strain. 0458:< marakiri> rakki9999112 its a deal 0458:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard age of consent is 16 but anal is 18 0458:< marakiri> gjhgjh cool man.. u get shit weed here man 0458:< Nerf_Bard> What why? 0458:< marakiri> rakki9999112 hahaha for real>??? 0458:< gjhgjh> The way that the pork is enfused is that the pigs eat the left overs from the pot production. 0458:< Nerf_Bard> that makes 0 sense.. 0459:< ranterbach> Because buttsex is the work of the devil, didn't you know? 0459:< gjhgjh> So you don't get high from eating the pork. You just get the flavor. 0459:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard because the govt refuses to update the laws to allow gay relationships to follow consent laws 0459:< rakki9999112> even if you're a guy dating a girl, you can't fuck her up the butt until you're both 18 0459:< gjhgjh> The ediables that are sold in the recreational stores are a different story. 0459:< marakiri> lol here buttsex is called an unnatural offence against the order of nature 0459:< rakki9999112> marakiri where the fuck you live, africa? 0500:< Wonderingwanderr> nigglets!! 0500:< gjhgjh> They use specific strains and certain processes that allow the baked goods to retain the THC even after all of the processing. 0500:< Nerf_Bard> Nigglet? Like the pokemon? 0500:< marakiri> rakki9999112 india bro..! we have similar laws cuz of colonialism im guessing 0500:< rakki9999112> marakiri ew 0500:< rakki9999112> marakiri designated 0501:< rakki9999112> marakiri shitting 0501:< marakiri> rakki9999112 ?? soz wut? 0501:< rakki9999112> marakiri streets 0501:< marakiri> designated shitting streets? hahahahahaha 0502:< rakki9999112> poo goes in the loo marakiri 0502:< marakiri> lol... well its the peoples choice man... personally i prefer my own bathroom 0502:< Chartis> This remind anyone of Robin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXiyeOLguw8 0502:< marakiri> rakki9999112 thanks for the tip, genius 0502:< rakki9999112> marakiri designated 0503:< rakki9999112> marakiri shitting 0503:< rakki9999112> marakiri streets 0503:< ranterbach> Better than free-for-all shitting, isn't it? 0503:< LeeBears> ^ good point 0503:< rakki9999112> hahaha 0503:< marakiri> Lol... 0504:< dashed> is robin laggy for some? 0504:< LeeBears> not that i've noticed 0504:< rakki9999112> dashed yes 0504:< rakki9999112> im getting 503 on homepage too 0505:< marakiri> Im not fueling this fire, ya we have an open defecation probx, but only among rural folk and slum dwellers 0505:< rakki9999112> marakiri 0505:< rakki9999112> marakiri designated :^) 0505:< marakiri> rakki9999112 dashed yup - the pages that are open are fine, if i open a new login page, 503 0506:< rakki9999112> POO goes in the LOO marakiri :o) 0506:< ranterbach> Yes, dashed. Takes 5-8 seconds for my messages to appear. 0506:< Whitestep> tier 1 and already two unsuccesful merges 0506:< dashed> thank god it's not just me 0506:< Whitestep> lol 0506:< marakiri> rakki9999112 hahaha 0507:< rakki9999112> marakiri designated :^) 0507:< AviN456> Hey, anyone here good with CSS and wants to make the CSS for the Parrot subreddit? 0507:< marakiri> rakki9999112 the best joke about indians i heard was.. whats the difference between an nigerian and an indian? 0507:< AviN456> Hit me up 0507:< ranterbach> Doesn't seem to change between Chrome and FF. It's not bad when I first open the browser, but 15 minutes or so and it slows way down 0507:< marakiri> my chats dont go sometimes 0507:< rakki9999112> marakiri i don't wanna hear it 0508:< marakiri> rakki9999112 oh cmon... u seem lke a race-sesetive bloke 0508:< rakki9999112> marakiri I prefer the term Australian 0508:< inkblob> i heard if you are getting a robin won't let you chat msg it's because you exceeded text limit 0508:< baseball44121> do you guys think its safe to sleep? 0508:< inkblob> shorter senteces :) 0508:< ranterbach> Yes 0508:< rakki9999112> inkblob you are wrong 0508:< marakiri> rakki9999112 thats what i said. 0508:< baseball44121> sleep safe safe sleep anyone anyone? 0508:< gjhgjh> Yes, if you keep your browser pulled up. 0508:< ranterbach> It's going to be quite some time before we merge 0508:< LeeBears> baseball44121 prolly for the next 10 hours 0509:< baseball44121> My PC is in my bedroom so I can't leave it on 0509:< Socksauna> ETA on the great merger? 0509:< baseball44121> :C 0509:< inkblob> rakki9999112 what is it then? I haven't since I have been making my sentences less prattly 0509:< marakiri> baseball44121 lol so is mine... just turn off ur monitor 0509:< baseball44121> lights on my case 0509:< baseball44121> :C 0509:< Nerf_Bard> Fucking aussie cunts 0509:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard agreed 0509:< rakki9999112> inkblob it's a ratelimit like it bloody well says 0509:< Nerf_Bard> ^_^ <3 0509:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard <3 0509:< inkblob> that's not what Im talking about so simmer 0510:< inkblob> it says [robin] your message could not go through or something 0510:< rakki9999112> inkblob you physically cannot overwrite the 140 char limit in the text box 0510:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri hey man only us Kiwi shitters are allowed to fuck with our cousins from Aussieland 0510:< rakki9999112> marakiri what nerf_bard says 0510:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard and with sheep? 0510:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ new location for feature requests, bug reports, questions 0511:< TheAwer> ETA to merge? 0511:< rakki9999112> marakiri designated, leave nerf_bard the fuck alone 0511:< inkblob> well that particular msg I don't get if I make shorter sentences 0511:< marakiri> rakki9999112 so u only like to be fucked by kiwis? haha 0511:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri thats only the fucking Invercargil fucks. They give us a bad name FeelsBadMan 0511:< XOrAcLeX> a 0511:< rakki9999112> marakiri yes :^) 0511:< inkblob> and afaik I might have just been getting it on incognito 0511:< mootinator> Ugh, my alt is stuck in a group of 21 souls stuck in mergatory 0511:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard rakki9999112 peace peace homies... one world one <3 0512:< inkblob> mootinator what tier? 0512:< rakki9999112> marakiri poo goes in the LOO 0512:< Nerf_Bard> Wouldnt fuck sheep. Too Submissive. I want a dominant partner 0512:< marakiri> rakki9999112 Nerf_Bard and get a room the next time u fucking each other 0512:< rakki9999112> marakiri get a toilet next time you go for a POO 0512:< ranterbach> Nerf_Bard. Seriously. You're a child. I don't want to hear that shit. 0512:< mootinator> @inkblob I was keeping better track earlier, but I think 7... 0512:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri I get turned on by showing my body to the world though ^_^ 0513:< stormagnet> I ran into robin-rpgbot at Tier 3 on my alt- he'd just dropped from Tier 14 at the same time as my alt did XD 0513:< rakki9999112> oh this got weird 0513:< ranterbach> No shit 0513:< Mal_Dovah> *munches popcorn* 0513:< Nerf_Bard> please inkblob dont go ;n; 0513:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard, you've showed your body to people before? you're underage, that constitutes an offence 0514:< dashed> PSA parrot users: v2.93 out with proper character counter 0514:< Nerf_Bard> I mean I've showed people in person. Completely legal 0514:< mootinator> HOT SEXY MCGRIDDLE 0514:< ranterbach> rakki shut up, you've been talking about meeting up and banging him for the last hour 0514:< inkblob> dashed is that what I was running into with that msg? 0514:< Supajin> did someone say gangbang? 0514:< rakki9999112> ranterbach entirely different 0514:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard u on gw? 0514:< dashed> inkblob yeah. probably 0514:< Nerf_Bard> will not disclose that I have showed a lot of people on the internet my hot naked body 0515:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard good 0515:< Nerf_Bard> As far as I know I am not marakiri 0515:< rakki9999112> Nerf_Bard as long as you don't tell us ;) 0515:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0515:< rakki9999112> im gonna go pay some bills ill be back later 0515:< ranterbach> Thank god 0516:< LeeBears> so when's the parrot IPO? 0516:< dashed> ? 0516:< Verifitas> ? 0516:< LeeBears> kidding 0516:< TheAwer> I believe that was a joke 0516:< TheAwer> woosh 0516:< dashed> ;) 0516:< inkblob> dashed it's a teeny flaw in a perfect Oriental carpet, if there were no errors the Gods would smite you down for your insolence 0516:< dashed> parrot karma IPO 0516:< TheAwer> amazing ROI yes please. 0517:< dashed> fiscToliRy just formed 0518:< inkblob> Fiscto! good name 0518:< LeeBears> Like they put the fist in history 0520:< andreaplanbee> ugh tier 3 seriously discussing staying 0521:< marakiri> https://youtu.be/_peUxE_BKcU 0521:< andreaplanbee> good thing they merged before they switched votes 0521:< marakiri> andreaplanbee whattup dawg 0521:< andreaplanbee> sup marakiri 0522:< inkblob> andreaplanbee muggles huh 0522:< andreaplanbee> hehe 0523:< LeeBears> anyone got an alt in fiscto? 0523:< andreaplanbee> nah 0523:< rakki9999112> marakiri im on the phone with your mum :^) 0523:< inkblob> I'm trying to get another set up meow 0524:< rakki9999112> or cousin or something :^) 0525:< Nerf_Bard> Cousin? 0525:< Nerf_Bard> Sorry im not an incest sort of guy 0525:< Nerf_Bard> Wait what were we talking about My chat cleared for some reason 0525:< andreaplanbee> this guy 0525:< marakiri> rakki9999112 well ud have to have a phone line to the afterlife for that 0526:< marakiri> :'( 0526:< rakki9999112> well whichever of your family members works in the callcentres 0526:< rakki9999112> ask them to hurry please 0526:< Nerf_Bard> Put it in my tight hole Onii-chan 0526:< nullvader> what's happening 0527:< Nerf_Bard> I love it when you put your big thing inside me~ 0527:< marakiri> rakki9999112 wow ur full blown racist huh.. ur the kind of guy who're killing immigrants down thr 0527:< Verifitas> The hell happened to this place? 0527:< marakiri> rakki9999112 arent u? 0527:< rakki9999112> yes :) 0527:< stormagnet> inkblob I do :) 0527:< rakki9999112> I find it hilarious that the company that tolls the road between north and south brissy in QLD contract designateds 0528:< nullvader> Verifitas I'm not sure 0528:< stormagnet> uh, guys.. wanna move casual convo to channel . ? 0528:< rakki9999112> they must be so worthless/cheap 0528:< inkblob> stormagnet you do what? have an alt on fistco? 0528:< stormagnet> inkblob yep 0528:< inkblob> hi hi btw ;) 0528:< inkblob> oh cool :D 0528:< stormagnet> hi :) 0529:< LeeBears> how's the mood in there stormagnet 0529:< rakki9999112> probs not racist thats for sure 0529:< inkblob> we have a . chat here? I just have %chat,$,^ filters atm 0529:< stormagnet> LeeBears really nice- they're excited to move up 0529:< LeeBears> word 0529:< stormagnet> inkblob I was proposing to start one 0530:< stormagnet> inkblob not so coincidentally, a convention from fistco, lol 0530:< chapebrone> penis/ $ % #rpg ^ aCt.Ive CHANN.eLs 0530:< inkblob> ahh cool. ccande has a <3 channel that is for just nice affectionate chat lol 0530:< stormagnet> yeah, I have an alt there too :D 0530:< marakiri> me 3 0530:< stormagnet> I was using <3 in a lower tier earlier :P 0531:< stormagnet> I like that channel convention 0531:< chapebrone> #rpg ^ $ penis/ % aCt.Ive cHAnnE.Ls 0531:< inkblob> ya for sure, it encourages niceness 0531:< Verifitas> Is <3 a heart or an ass-cream cone? 0531:< stormagnet> alright, Imma head over to <3 - it's getting a little too noisy in here for me to keep up ^^; 0532:< inkblob> Verifitas maybe it's a tramp stamp tatoo? 0532:< chapebrone> % ^ $ #rpg penis/ AC.TIve C.hanNELS 0532:< mofosyne> ... 0532:< Nerf_Bard> mofo <3 0533:< chapebrone> #rpg ^ $ % Act.iVe chan.NeLS 0534:< marakiri> lol there was a #gov channel going on last night - that ended quickly 0534:< chapebrone> $ % ^ #rpg A.CtIve ch.aNnels 0534:< andreaplanbee> i remember that 0535:< JClocale> so I'm logged in on an alt in privacy FF window 0535:< JClocale> and I opened another window, but it didn't start a unique session, it logged out my first alt 0535:< JClocale> except I'm still in the chatroom, I just can't post anything. But I can read everything 0538:< gjhgjh> How will we get the weasel to hold still? 0540:< sugarplumcow> okay! still here! 0545:< chapebrone> $ <3 #rpg ^ % ACT.IVE ch.AnneLs 0545:< yaahoe> Whats happening..? 0545:< yaahoe> anyone here D: 0546:< shy> hi 0546:< shy> you're a whore 0546:< yaahoe> ShhhhhYYYY! 0546:< Mal_Dovah> lol 0546:< yaahoe> Boo you whore 0546:< nullvader> hi 0546:< yaahoe> hi guyssssss, why so quiet D: 0547:< nullvader> it's late 0547:< TheMoonIsAHologram> i'm so quiet because i just picked up Enter the Gungeon. so goooood 0547:< yaahoe> Where is it late?? 0547:< cthul_dude> There's a new <3 chat too 0547:< yaahoe> oh cool thanks 0547:< cthul_dude> It's late in the U.S. 0548:< yaahoe> Oh fair enough 0550:< chapebrone> % <3 #rpg $ ^ act.IVe chA.nnELs 0551:< chapebrone> $ <3 ^ #rpg % ActI.VE ChANn.elS 0552:< chapebrone> #rpg $ <3 ^ % A.cTive ch.ANnELS 0552:< rakki9999112> marakiri thanks for the help paying my insurance bill, designated 0554:< rakki9999112> Hey marakiri could you help me for a second? 0554:< k4g3> Still at work. 0554:< rakki9999112> hey guys we might get a rainbow text easter egg in parrot! 0556:< rakki9999112> jesus this chat is dead 0556:< rakki9999112> where is everyone 0556:< XG549> not as dead as penis/ ! 0556:< Nerf_Bard> Hi 0556:< mythriz> in bed? 0556:< Nerf_Bard> Am here 0556:< chapebrone> ^ <3 % $ #rpg a.ctiVe ch.annelS 0556:< TheMoonIsAHologram> rakki chat has moved to <3 0556:< rakki9999112> mythriz not everyone is from where you're from 0556:< mbm> everyone got sick of waiting for a merge and just left bots in their place 0556:< mythriz> actually I just woke up, it's morning here :P 0557:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard how ya doin? 0557:< Nerf_Bard> I'm ded 0557:< Nerf_Bard> on the inside 0558:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard ur 16 ferr gods sake 0558:< rakki9999112> marakiri!!! 0558:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri Yes. What's your point? 0559:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard no point. just that. 0559:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard ask marakiri if he muted me would ya? <3 0600:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri did you mute rakki? 0601:< s-i-s-u> anyone here? :P 0601:< Mal_Dovah> nope 0601:< s-i-s-u> D: 0601:< mythriz> leaving for work now 0601:< yaahoe> :D 0601:< yaahoe> D: 0601:< s-i-s-u> c: 0601:< orangitu> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4di8so/the_case_for_voting_stay_at_tier_17/ => http://nazar.so/1sjlj 0601:< TehAlpacalypse> Hey everyone, should I leave my laptop on till 10 EST (8 hours from now)? 0601:< mbm> nobody here but us chicke--- I mean robins 0601:< marakiri> A lalalala long, A lalalala long long lee long long long, A lalalala long, A lalalala long long lee long long long time ago 0602:< TehAlpacalypse> I think I'll be fine but I wanted to check in 0602:< kiledos> yeah its worth 0602:< kiledos> we are fairly close to merging 0603:< LeeBears> very inspirational orangitu 0603:< mbm> so when we hit T17 the plan is to just close the browser and go back to normal life, right? 0603:< LeeBears> I don't know how to do that anymore 0604:< iHacked> Is there a life after this? :O 0604:< LeeBears> the after-robin 0604:< nullvader> no :c 0604:< mbm> marakiri: um, good luck with that,I'm pretty sure there are a few thousand people with their scripts locked on GROW 0604:< Gigahawk> what would happen if we voted grow until the 8th? 0604:< AviN456> nobody knows 0605:< marakiri> mbm yup. and i bet more than half of those dont know how to turn em off 0605:< embracetehmartian> are we merging soon? 0605:< gjhgjh> no 0605:< spyhermit> how we doing 0605:< marakiri> mbm: but thats the challenge. thats why we cant go back to normal life just yet 0605:< mbm> Gigahawk: well, problem is finding other chats to merge into; chances are we get stuck in mergatory until they pull the plug 0605:< chapebrone> % ^ <3 $ #rpg A.ctIve chanNE.lS 0605:< Gigahawk> honestly i have a few different bots running in a few different tabs on a few different computers 0605:< mbm> embracetehmartian: nope, at least another 24 hr before anything happens 0606:< embracetehmartian> thanks mbm 0606:< LeeBears> but what happens if they pull the plug while we're in mergatory? maybe that's how we "win" 0606:< embracetehmartian> aight im hitting the bag everyone goodnight 0606:< Gigahawk> i wouldnt be suprised if a bunch of people just leave their bots running 0606:< mbm> embracetehmartian: we're at T16 and there are no other T16s, just a T15 (and no other T15s for that one to become a T16) 0606:< gjhgjh> 1 at T10, T14, T15, and us at T16. 0607:< gjhgjh> We are setting up for one more cascade. 0607:< marakiri> LeeBears i think we win by staying 0607:< mbm> LeeBears: that's what's likely to happen, no prize, no warning, just suddenly everyone gets kicked off 0607:< Gigahawk> is anyone tracking the lower tier rooms to get an idea of how long its going to take to merge another T16? 0608:< qlube> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh1 0608:< chapebrone> #rpg $ % ^ <3 AcT.IVe CHA.NneLS 0608:< qlube> oops https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/9ogxm 0608:< lachlanhunt> It'll take probably another 12 - 24 hours 0609:< AviN456> If you're using Parrot, you can just click "Show Standings" 0609:< lachlanhunt> There's a big gap to fill between the T14 and T10 below it, with not so many lower tier rooms 0609:< LeeBears> at what point does the real-time tracker start tracking a group? 0609:< qlube> it's always tracking a group if there's a user in that group with the tracking script 0610:< LeeBears> ah 0610:< qlube> but it won't show it on the table until around T8 0610:< mbm> Gigahawk: problem is robin is running out of new people to fill the lower tiers, april 1st is over, robin is just an obscure subreddit 0610:< lachlanhunt> It's weird, though. I've got some alts in some lower tiers, but RobinTracker never seems to record my T1 and T2 rooms 0610:< lachlanhunt> But I've seen it record other people's T1 and T2 rooms 0610:< mbm> robin tracker doesn't report anything less than 51 0611:< Gigahawk> damn thats a shame 0611:< lachlanhunt> If you look at the trees, though, it does actually record them. 0611:< Gigahawk> and the robin upvote post thing has like barely any upvotes 0611:< mbm> right, they're stored just not displayed 0612:< Gigahawk> eh the entirety of the stored history is probably gonna be released after this is all over anyways 0612:< qlube> we'll get to T17 by friday 0612:< mbm> even if people stumble on the robin button it's just some obscure chat, no official links to the leaderboard or merge 0612:< chapebrone> $ <3 ^ #rpg % a.cTIvE ChaNNe.LS 0612:< mbm> so they're unlikely to stick around 0613:< TheCountryoftheNo> hey guys 0613:< Nerf_Bard> http://www.citynews.ca/2016/04/05/black-lives-matter-co-founder-tweets-about-killing-men-and-white-folks/ => http://nazar.so/2d8l ... You dun goofed 0614:< chapebrone> $ #rpg % ^ a.ctIVE Chan.neLs 0618:< mbm> hmm, just noticed that the robin button is no longer on the sidebar 0618:< chapebrone> #rpg $ % ^ AC.tIve CHannE.LS 0618:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard hahahaha.. 0618:< TheCountryoftheNo> Yeah it's as if they don't want new people to find it. 0619:< TheCountryoftheNo> marakiri 0619:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri what did I say tht is funny? My thing keeps reseting and I have a short atention span ;n; 0620:< mbm> Nerf_Bard: love the picture, pen for scale 0620:< marakiri> " You dun goofed" 0620:< Nerf_Bard> What? 0620:< marakiri> TheCountryoftheNo whaadduppp maaan... kaisa hai mausam? 0620:< Nerf_Bard> What picture? 0620:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard the post about the black lives matter guy? 0621:< mbm> Nerf_Bard: bottom of the article they have a printout of the tweet with a pen placed ontop 0621:< TheCountryoftheNo> marakiri garmi het boht bahi 0621:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri oh yeah I know that I was asking about mbm 0621:< x20mike07x> Are we there yet? 0621:< x20mike07x> I'm tired 0621:< marakiri> TheCountryoftheNo yahaa bhi thee, then it rained yesterday 0621:< Nerf_Bard> mbm fucking plebs dont understand we on the internet use bananas ^_^ 0622:< marakiri> TheCountryoftheNo: ab itna chiller ho rakha hai... 0622:< TheCountryoftheNo> marakiri funny it rained here the day before. In APRIL!! 0622:< mbm> Nerf_Bard: yeah, wasn't even something yellow like a hilighter 0622:< marakiri> TheCountryoftheNo yup... hahaha weather is fucked man 0623:< marakiri> http://www.livemint.com/Politics/JPwx9rbY7s4kLkvIdpNoAN/Mumbai-Kolkata-among-top-10-megacities-under-threat-from-ri.html => http://nazar.so/5pngr 0624:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard is that bogan rakki still around? 0625:< TheCountryoftheNo> Ugh depressing 0625:< Djinneral> morning guys 0625:< marakiri> Djinneral Morning! 0625:< TheCountryoftheNo> Morning 0625:< wlan222> eyy 0625:< Nerf_Bard> Hi Djinn <3 0625:< Th3vil1> morning 0625:< Djinneral> I see we're still fighting the good fight! 0625:< LeeBears> It's a long way to the top 0626:< marakiri> LeeBears if u wanna rock n roooooooooollllllll!!!! 0626:< LeeBears> hehe 0626:< marakiri> lateeers dudes gonna head out 0626:< rakki9999112> marakiri 0627:< LeeBears> c ya 0627:< Djinneral> cya 0627:< TheCountryoftheNo> cya 0628:< Th3vil1> hey guys, is there some way to sort out filters? i stopped trying to use the chat when this room was filled with constant spam 0629:< LeeBears> are you using parrot? 0629:< Djinneral> go through this: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0630:< Djinneral> you'll need tampermonkey on chrome, greasemonkey on firefox I believe 0630:< Th3vil1> using vanilla site. didn't see the need for a script until now 0630:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0630:< Th3vil1> thanks 0631:< Nerf_Bard> Im ded 0631:< strobonic> f 0631:< itisnotmyusername> checking parrot 0631:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard lets fuck :> 0632:< Nerf_Bard> k 0632:< Nerf_Bard> pick me up at 7 0632:< rakki9999112> k 0636:< nullvader> @ Anyone want to use @ for a discussion? 0637:< LeeBears> what kind of a discussion? 0637:< nullvader> I mean % but %chat works too 0637:< nullvader> I'm guessing it's just dead at the moment so there's no point, nvm 0637:< aspiderbot> what do you want to discuss dude 0637:< LeeBears> seems pretty quiet around these parts, yeah 0637:< Nerf_Bard> Dead? so its like my soul? 0638:< nullvader> ha no, I was just wondering where the chat was at the moment 0639:< AbyssalOfTheEast> wow we have tier 15 and 14 now 0639:< AbyssalOfTheEast> i see light 0639:< LeeBears> yep 0639:< aspiderbot> shit really? 0639:< AbyssalOfTheEast> yeah i checked 10 secs ago 0639:< LeeBears> now we just need 2 t13s to start the grand cascade 0639:< AbyssalOfTheEast> and was like, wow, we have hope for 18 0639:< aspiderbot> im about to go to sleep tho 0639:< AbyssalOfTheEast> 17 sorry 0639:< chapebrone> ^ $ #rpg # % penis/ %parrot ACt.IVe ch.anNEls 0643:< AstroMonkeyyy> why is this chat dead? 0643:< chapebrone> penis/ ^ #rpg # %parrot $ % A.CTive chaNNe.lS 0644:< aspiderbot> because its late in the US 0644:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> how did we get more users 0644:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i thought this was at 2980 earlier 0644:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> LOL i can do math 0644:< LeeBears> 2977 < 2980 0645:< GlitcherRed> part of chat moved to <3 0645:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i swear 0645:< nullvader> Nerf_Bard not me 0645:< dick_sanitizer> <3 ? 0645:< GlitcherRed> <3 ! 0645:< dick_sanitizer> lol whats <3 0645:< GlitcherRed> filter 0645:< Nerf_Bard> They couldnt handle my lewdness 0646:< chapebrone> $ #rpg # %parrot ^ penis/ % AcTi.vE ChAn.nEls 0646:< dick_sanitizer> what kind of channel is it 0646:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> dick_sanitizer very clean 0646:< aspiderbot> lol 0646:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> perfect for you 0646:< dick_sanitizer> i'll be praised as a god there 0646:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> dick_sanitizer a golden god 0647:< dick_sanitizer> showers of gold for everyone 0647:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> golden showers, we did it! 0648:< Nerf_Bard> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNxeF4KMsY 0648:< Nerf_Bard> ^this chat 0649:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> thats racist 0649:< farox> Morning! What's the eta for a merge? Is there one coming up? 0649:< LeeBears> we're stuck in the doldroms 0649:< Stjerneklar> good morning sokuku 0650:< TheCountryoftheNo> morning 0650:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0650:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> farox https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 0650:< farox> Thanks! 0651:< GlitcherRed> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9jnw0-ndAY this chat 0652:< farox> So once Acth merges the rest could cascade? 0652:< Doc_X> tits 0652:< Doc_X> interesting 0652:< dick_sanitizer> apparently the merge eta is ~16huors 0652:< IBelieveAllTheThings> might be a while though, maybe tonight 0652:< Doc_X> somebody here? 0653:< dick_sanitizer> VERY LOOSE GUESS Until Merge: 12-16 hours (updated at 12:00 am EDT) 0653:< TheCountryoftheNo> we'll have 11 then at best 0653:< Nerf_Bard> somebody where? 0653:< Doc_X> Nerf_Bard you can see me right? 0653:< Doc_X> okay, good. 0653:< LeeBears> how long do you reckon it takes a t9/t10 to grow from scratch? 0653:< Nerf_Bard> Yes Doc_X loud and clear 0654:< nullvader> anyone want to do the playlist 0654:< farox> cool, ok 0654:< chapebrone> $ #rpg % ^ <3 # ACTI.Ve Cha.NneLS 0654:< nullvader> or the drawing? 0654:< dick_sanitizer> 1min + 3min +10 + 15 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 0654:< TheCountryoftheNo> Depeneds on the time of day LeeBears . It's painfully slow right now 0655:< chapebrone> ^ # #rpg % $ A.ctIVE cH.annElS 0655:< Jeremymia> Is anyone else getting tower of hanoi deja vu from this? 0655:< TheCountryoftheNo> dick_sanitizer that is assuming that rooms are available to merge right away 0655:< LeeBears> hmmm, yeah could be hours before we even have some potentials to get excited about 0655:< dick_sanitizer> fairly sure this is still going: http://flockdraw.com/sokukunelits 0655:< dick_sanitizer> yeah that's very true 0656:< nullvader> so, patience 0656:< TheCountryoftheNo> A tier one just took nearly 10 mins to find another :( 0656:< dick_sanitizer> :( 0656:< dick_sanitizer> my t17 hope is dulling by the min 0656:< dick_sanitizer> draw my something nice on flockdraw guys im gonna go make a DEElicious dinner, peace 0657:< dick_sanitizer> http://flockdraw.com/sokukunelits 0657:< Nerf_Bard> Put your dong in me daddy ^_^ 0703:< benduker7> Hey guys hows it going 0705:< benduker7> one-in-world where is everyone 0705:< benduker7> Ah gotcha. This time last night this chat was buzzing 0706:< benduker7> Any ETA on merge? 0706:< ShareDVI> sometime 0706:< ShareDVI> line 120ish hours 0706:< ShareDVI> 12-ish 0706:< AstroMonkeyyy> hey guys what do you do when you ask a girl a question and she doesn't answer 0706:< benduker7> Oh 120 haha i was gonna say 0706:< AstroMonkeyyy> cuz I feel like this right now http://i.imgur.com/9unfFH5.gif 0708:< strobonic> What'd you ask her AstroMonkeyyy? 0708:< AstroMonkeyyy> SHE REPLIED but I have no idea how to continue the conversation 0708:< AstroMonkeyyy> it's literally asking about homework 0708:< AstroMonkeyyy> No idea how to make a conversation 0708:< Wakafanykai123> make the conversation 0708:< AstroMonkeyyy> can y'all help me right now O_O 0708:< Jeremymia> with what 0709:< strobonic> Ask her for tv show recommendations 0709:< Verifitas> No, stop thinking with your dick and just be a normal person with her. 0709:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> fuck 0709:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> my dad just died 0709:< strobonic> f 0709:< AstroMonkeyyy> really? shoot man 0709:< Verifitas> f 0709:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> yes 0709:< AstroMonkeyyy> My condolences, man 0709:< Wakafanykai123> ^ 0709:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> thank you 0710:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> not unexpected, but still 0710:< AstroMonkeyyy> Mmm 0710:< AstroMonkeyyy> I remember when my grandpa died, I had this sudden feeling that something had happened (I live in CA, he lived in Hong Kong) 0710:< AstroMonkeyyy> I wonder if you felt it too 0710:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> ive been wondering if i would get that feeling 0710:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i did not 0711:< chapebrone> ^ $ #rpg % # a.cTive Cha.NneLS 0711:< Stjerneklar> condolances party 0711:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> literally just got the phone call 0711:< AstroMonkeyyy> Ah, ok, I hope you find light in this period of darkness 0711:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> srsly --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:11:40 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:11:47 2016 0711:< benduker7> f 0711:< Verifitas> He shouldn't have clicked abandon. 0711:< rakki9999112> f 0712:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> Verifitas lol 0712:< AstroMonkeyyy> lol 0712:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> thank you for that 0712:< benduker7> Verifitas you smart mofo are you gonna kick my ass at pictionary again tonight 0712:< Wakafanykai123> G R O W (till 17 atleast) 0712:< rakki9999112> press f to payrespects 0712:< AstroMonkeyyy> hey Verifitas I can't think at all right now, not even with my dick :/ I have no idea how to continue the conversation 0712:< benduker7> f 0713:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> at least he went out in a blaze of morphine 0714:< Verifitas> AstroMonkeyyy At least you're not trying to make a conversation about homework advice like somebody you know. 0714:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> sorry to drop that bomb 0714:< Verifitas> benduker7 Those are still going on? Aww yiss. 0715:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> but its late and there's no one else to burden :D 0715:< benduker7> Haha yeah I played last night and swept those guys 0715:< benduker7> you werent there to wreck us 0715:< Stjerneklar> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY no worries 0715:< Verifitas> Well, hopefully I don't miss it this time around. 0715:< AstroMonkeyyy> Verifitas clarify please? thanks 0715:< benduker7> Yeah I will tag you when we are gonna play 0715:< Lulzorr> you rolled us last night ben 0715:< Wakafanykai123> yeah i couldnt get in the channel last night 0716:< Wakafanykai123> mention me as well, i was steamrolling others in public channels 0716:< Verifitas> AstroMonkeyyy I was just suggesting there's a chance she might be struggling to make conversation too. 0716:< benduker7> Lmao Lulzorr I got like the first 5 questions right then just did shitty the rest of the time 0717:< AstroMonkeyyy> that's a possibility Verifitas, thanks for making me feel better 0717:< benduker7> Alright I will mention you guys maybe in like 45 minutes 0717:< AstroMonkeyyy> gosh I'm so bad at socializing 0717:< benduker7> Eating dinner atm ;-) 0717:< Verifitas> Sweet, benduker7 0718:< benduker7> Lmao are you gonna draw an airplane for all your turns again? 0719:< chapebrone> #rpg ^ % # $ ACt.IvE chaN.neLS 0720:< Verifitas> Um. Obviously. 0720:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> benduker7 that sounds like a horrible way to eat dinner 0720:< benduker7> What playing pictionary? 0720:< Verifitas> What? I've been eating dinner "here comes the airplane" style since I was like two. It's an amazing way to eat dinner. 0721:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i was picturing more human caterpillar based on bens statement 0721:< Verifitas> I... what? 0722:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> lol, eating atm... sorry it s a horrible joke :D 0722:< Verifitas> ... Wooow. 0722:< Verifitas> Right over my head. 0722:< benduker7> Im also confused haha 0723:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> atm? come on yuo knwop what that stands for 0723:< chapebrone> #rpg # ^ $ % act.iVE C.haNnELS 0723:< Verifitas> Anterior to mandible! 0723:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> LOL 0723:< benduker7> Ohhhh lol 0723:< benduker7> I ain't no scientist 0724:< benduker7> although apparantly I have a theoretical degree in physics when i was helping you guys with homework 0724:< Verifitas> You'd make more money if the degree was real and the physics were theoretical. 0725:< chapebrone> # #rpg % ^ $ ACt.IVE CHANnE.ls 0725:< benduker7> I know :-/ --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 07:32:15 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 07:34:38 2016 0734:< phillyeagle99> is chat a live?? 0734:< Lulzorr> no 0734:< rakki9999112> no 0734:< gee842> yeah chats alive 0734:< gee842> i mean no 0734:< lost_penguin> Sadly %chat passed away earlier today. 0735:< rakki9999112> along with that guys dad 0735:< XOrAcLeX> What is a nigglet? 0735:< lost_penguin> A miniature nig? No idea. 0735:< benduker7> lost_penguin f 0735:< gee842> what chat is alive atm? 0735:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 0735:< lost_penguin> benduker7 0736:< KazMcDemon> it's derogatory slang for a black kid 0736:< OneRedSent> penis/ is also active 0736:< lost_penguin> This, $ % penis/ and ^ 0736:< lost_penguin> Is all I think. 0737:< XOrAcLeX> For 2977 people, this place is dead 0737:< lost_penguin> Yep. 0738:< lost_penguin> Maybe sleep time for most? 0738:< phillyeagle99> ok it was nostly a check of my connection thanks alll 0739:< phillyeagle99> yeah its almost 4am here 0739:< Jatexi> holy fuck im still here 0739:< Jatexi> and this %chat room is still alive 0739:< phillyeagle99> im going to bed goodnight all you seem lovley 0739:< rakki9999112> Jatexi!!!!!!!!!!!! 0739:< Jatexi> rakki9999112! i thought i was dead 0740:< rakki9999112> Jatexi why? :D 0740:< Jatexi> omg, because i havent been here in a day or two 0741:< Verifitas> Man, living on the edge. 0741:< rakki9999112> I missed ytou jatexi 0741:< rakki9999112> how've you been 0742:< Jatexi> rakki9999112 i've been alright mate, how about yourself 0742:< rakki9999112> I've been good! 0742:< Wakafanykai123> yeah everyone is sleeping %chat is still most active 0743:< rakki9999112> I've been watching voyager, wanking, and just killing time in general 0746:< Verifitas> All at once? 0747:< GlitcherRed> everyone is sleeping? i'm fully awake 0747:< DeyTa> lol andreaplanbee 0747:< What-the-curtains> I've just woken up... 0747:< DeyTa> i made an alt and entered robin again 0747:< DeyTa> in a small channel still where there are at least 2 AI bots 0747:< DeyTa> everyone is performing the turing test on each other 0747:< rakki9999112> I dont like wanking at my pc so when it's time for that, I pause voyager and leave 0747:< andreaplanbee> DeyTa yo my friend 0748:< andreaplanbee> haha thats funny 0748:< DeyTa> they don't even believe i'm human 0748:< andreaplanbee> im not even sure 0748:< DeyTa> :O 0748:< andreaplanbee> >_> 0748:< andreaplanbee> i was just designing a beach cabana in terraria rn 0749:< andreaplanbee> actually its not a beach cabana its a teleport room that takes you to one but im decorating it the same way 0749:< andreaplanbee> so i now which teleport goes to what 0749:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> andreaplanbee - sound like you smoked all that weed! 0749:< andreaplanbee> hahahahahaha no there is so much leftomg 0749:< andreaplanbee> but yeah 0750:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> =D 0750:< rakki9999112> someone in brisbane sell me weed <3 0750:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Hahahah, weed in Australia .. 0750:< DeyTa> what about it 0750:< andreaplanbee> my alt is in a room of 47 0751:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Expensive as fuck, and .. Well, I've had it's pretty bad. 0751:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> heard* 0751:< Lulzorr> everything in prisonland is expensive 0751:< rakki9999112> lulzorr fuck you cunt 0751:< Lulzorr> thanks m8 0752:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/parrot_script/ 0752:< Lulzorr> i'd definitely share if you weren't in lockup-continent 0752:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> No land borders makes getting drugs into the country a real hassle, I'd assume. 0752:< Nerf_Bard> Hi guys im back 0752:< Lulzorr> i'm running out of other things to call it 0752:< rakki9999112> fucking kill yourself nigger 0752:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> rofl 0752:< Nerf_Bard> how to become qt trap waifu? 0752:< Lulzorr> go cry or something 0753:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> triggered, rakki9999112? 0753:< rakki9999112> yeah man :D 0753:< Lulzorr> seems fake tbh, who gives a shit. 0753:< rakki9999112> ...muuuted 0753:< Lulzorr> lemme torture you some more and take a picture of my stash 0753:< Lulzorr> oh, wow. Super salty then 0753:< Lulzorr> probably from dealing with the abbos 0753:< andreaplanbee> rip rakki9999112 0753:< Nerf_Bard> Hes not racist just Aussie ^_^ 0754:< rakki9999112> what my trap qaifu said 0754:< Lulzorr> >unable to take a joke 0754:< rakki9999112> waifu* 0754:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Lulzorr I want picture of statsh, lets goooo 0754:< _reckless_disregard_> what is the eta on a merge? 0754:< Nerf_Bard> Joke? 0754:< Lulzorr> oh, really? sure np 0754:< rakki9999112> andreaplanbee why rip?? 0754:< Lulzorr> yeah it's a joke, boyo. 0754:< Nerf_Bard> You wanna hear a joke? 0754:< Lulzorr> yes 0754:< Nerf_Bard> My penis ;n; 0754:< andreaplanbee> we need another tier 14 0755:< 1338h4x> someone posted an estimate of 12 hours 0755:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard size? 0755:< Lulzorr> i'm so sorry, nerf_bard. 0755:< 1338h4x> idk how they calculate that but it sounds like a plausible ballpark 0755:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 1338h4x people have estimated shit for the past two days. 0755:< Lulzorr> wait, why nerf bard? is he actually usable? 0755:< Nerf_Bard> Wait nope I have been just told that 6.2 inches are above average 0755:< _reckless_disregard_> do you guys still have the robin button on your front page? 0755:< rakki9999112> 6.2 inches? sounds fun 0755:< Nerf_Bard> no 0755:< 1338h4x> nerf melody, she makes bard look like aria 0755:< andreaplanbee> ayy 1338h4x 0756:< supasteve013> damn. we may be tier 17 in 12-16 hours 0756:< _reckless_disregard_> thanks! I appreciate it 0756:< rakki9999112> nerf_bard how big? i dont understand 0756:< Lulzorr> never_cleaned_comp the bud on the left is ~4g http://imgur.com/SB7n27E 0757:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Lulzorr nice dude, that looks good! But .. No hash? ): 0757:< Nerf_Bard> rakki? im confuzzled ;n; 0757:< Lulzorr> it's not easy to find around here. I can find wax though 0757:< rakki9999112> Nerf_bard how big is your cock isn't a difficult question xD 0757:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> That makes me unhappy. When I used to smoke a couple of years bag, I almost only smoked hash. 0758:< Nerf_Bard> rakki its 6.2 inches... 0758:< Lulzorr> Hash is super nice but kinda harsh. dabs are almost too much for me 0758:< rakki9999112> oh you were saying it's not fun? 0758:< nullvader> What has this become. 0758:< Lulzorr> i like the differing flavors of green 0758:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Never tried dabs! It looks really harsh. 0759:< Nerf_Bard> Oh I was talking to _reckless_disregard_ not you rakki. ^_^ 0759:< rakki9999112> oh nice ok :) 0759:< Nerf_Bard> It's bigger than I would like though tbh 0759:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Hash can definitely have nice flavors, too. But just a whole 'nother ballpark than green. 0759:< rakki9999112> why? 0759:< Lulzorr> I hack up a lung every time but when the coughing is over it's like a tingly warmth spreads across my chest 0759:< duhblow7> just try smaller dabs 0801:< DeyTa> you know what we really need 0801:< DeyTa> a werewolf/mafia bot 0801:< DeyTa> a werewolf/mafia bot 0801:< Lulzorr> for towns? 0801:< DeyTa> though i guess it requires the ability to pm --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:02:19 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:05:21 2016 0805:< -randomity-> It's gonna haaaapppppppppeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn wooooooo! 0805:< Lulzorr> in like another week at this paced 0805:< Lulzorr> -d 0805:< Verifitas> You finally losing your virginity or something? 0806:< Verifitas> Dat excitement. 0806:< -randomity-> No, I alted last night, late at like 10pm. So around 11 hours ago and am already in fisco T14 --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:07:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:07:57 2016 0807:< Nerf_Bard> I heard if you are 30 and still a virgin you can become a wizard ^_^ 0808:< rakki9999112> fuck! 0808:< Lulzorr> that's fact, i knew a guy. 0808:< rakki9999112> I can't become a wizard? 0808:< benduker7> I put on my robe and wizard hat 0808:< Zirenth> Oh please, I'm sure there are many 31+ y/o virgins on reddit 0809:< Nerf_Bard> So there are many wizards o_o 0809:< meltir> have we merged yet ? 0809:< Zirenth> You'd see too much bullshit on the news if that was true 0809:< Verifitas> Wait a minute... so it's true. 0809:< Lulzorr> There's rules in place to keep them hidden, didn't you watch the documentary Harry Potter? 0811:< Nerf_Bard> Does chat keep clearing for everyone else or is it just me? 0811:< Lulzorr> do you have the auto-reload on? 0812:< -randomity-> meltir Not yet, but I think we might do it before the day's out :D 0812:< Nerf_Bard> I dont think so 0812:< benduker7> I cast level 3 eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman 0812:< -randomity-> Nerf_Bard Refresh the page 0812:< Lulzorr> i put on my wizard hat and robe 0812:< meltir> -randomity- so, any minute now ? 0812:< 51177> yes 0812:< -randomity-> meltir No, like later today lol 0812:< Nerf_Bard> I was already a beautiful woman and now im a real one 0813:< Nerf_Bard> ggez 0813:< Nerf_Bard> k back 0814:< benduker7> You guys ready to play some pictionary? 0814:< Noxiide> hmmm 0814:< Verifitas> Finally. 0814:< Noxiide> OI OI OI OI OI OI OI OI OI OI OI OI 0814:< benduker7> http://www.pinturillo2.com/ room 37 code soKuku 0814:< -randomity-> Go team benduker! 0814:< benduker7> Wakafanykai123 Verifitas Lulzorr 0814:< Wakafanykai123> hi 0815:< Wakafanykai123> oh thanks! 0815:< benduker7> I made a room 0815:< -randomity-> Actually I gotta run for like 20. 0815:< rakki9999112> make your own channel for pictionary please 0815:< Djinneral> http://flockdraw.com/4enk8y join it lads and lets draw 0815:< -randomity-> Will join when back though :D 0815:< benduker7> I did 0815:< Noxiide> MY ROFLCOPTER GOES SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI 0815:< badcomposer> nigglet what is your angle 0815:< Djinneral> he's a bot i think 0815:< ArcOfDream> Man. How long have I been here now... 0815:< Lulzorr> soi soi soi, friendo. 0816:< badcomposer> I have seen him type other stuff but yeah he is mostly a bot 0816:< ArcOfDream> I started off on a Saturday night. 0816:< Noxiide> five years 0816:< Noxiide> Shit wait how long has it been 0816:< meltir> badcomposer i expect the answer to be 'nigglet' 0816:< Noxiide> Shit it's been like days, christ 0816:< badcomposer> five years, stuck on my eyes 0816:< badcomposer> five years, what a surprise 0816:< benduker7> http://www.pinturillo2.com/ pictionary online room 37 code soKuku 0816:< benduker7> come play with us 0817:< Djinneral> im in as godmaker 0817:< Lulzorr> super sick gonna pass on this one 0817:< ArcOfDream> Just two days left, eh? 0818:< FriendlyYak> good morning. i see the v2.97 changed the tabs a bit 0819:< FriendlyYak> wow global is now very nice --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:20:10 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:43:21 2016 0843:< Nerf_Bard> this isnt shit 0843:< Nerf_Bard> this is like tiny nuggets of poop 0843:< stop_ttip> it seems that you really like shit then 0844:< snezel> this sure is a shitty conversation 0844:< stop_ttip> it is 0844:< Nerf_Bard> ahaha puns 0844:< dick_sanitizer> duDudu 0845:< dick_sanitizer> im trying to poo out some more puns 0845:< dick_sanitizer> but im a bit constipated for thought 0845:< kevinstonge> tonight, we grow 0845:< snezel> squeze em out fast 0846:< FriendlyYak> do you think we get enought new people without the robin button? 0846:< kevinstonge> oh shit, they took it down? 0846:< kevinstonge> we're fucked, why would they do this to us? 0846:< FriendlyYak> there are still robin ads 0846:< snezel> yeah i saw one just a sec ago so thats good 0846:< FriendlyYak> so only people who don't have adblockers come to robin 0847:< snezel> have ad block and still saw it 0847:< DebentureThyme> I vote we change our motto from "T17 OR BUST" to "T17 AND BUSTS" 0847:< FriendlyYak> maybe none of them can install tampermonkey :-P 0847:< Nerf_Bard> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-q7YnyUmY 0847:< dick_sanitizer> ive seen no posts on the frontpage about robin at all 0847:< DebentureThyme> Maybe they're worried that a T17 merge will crash Reddit 0847:< -randomity-> Someone just said in fiscTo that there are people auto staying in T1 0847:< dick_sanitizer> peeps dont like to upvote them i dont think 0848:< -randomity-> Preventing rooms from growing 0848:< dick_sanitizer> fuckin why 0848:< -randomity-> To fuck with it, I guess 0848:< dick_sanitizer> fun pisser-on-ers 0848:< -randomity-> Indeedio! --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 08:50:32 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 08:55:40 2016 0855:< Nerf_Bard> BabyRage 0856:< jeuv> Kappa 0856:< -randomity-> DebentureThyme Doin' it for the team! 0857:< OrangeredStilton> Alright, does anyone read this line? 0857:< jeuv> maybe 0857:< -randomity-> OrangeredStilton I see ya 0857:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> yes 0857:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, so that new code works. Now I just need to implement whois 0858:< -randomity-> OrangeredStilton Get the @username thing going? 0858:< -randomity-> Or is that gone? 0858:< OrangeredStilton> ...I've no idea what you're talking about 0858:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, private messages? No chance of that happening 0858:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> damn that is a great idea 0859:< -randomity-> Oh.....There were a few people yesterday saying you guys were working on an auto list of people when you typed @ 0859:< GlitcherRed> Kappa = grey face (no space) 0859:< -randomity-> Guess they were just pretending to be in the loop lol :P 0859:< jeuv> concernedDoge 0900:< Nerf_Bard> how to become qt trap waifu? 0900:< jeuv> mcaT 0900:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> anyone play catan 0900:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, visible autocomplete? That might also be a thing. I'm more out of the loop than anyone else 0901:< LeeBears> SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY yep 0901:< jeuv> I play Catan 0901:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> whos down from some treasure huntin 0901:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> best expansion ever 0901:< LeeBears> haven't played that one 0901:< jeuv> me neither 0901:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> it adss boats 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> and islands 0902:< LeeBears> is it the same as seafarers of catan? 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> yes, same concept 0902:< LeeBears> does it have the gold resource? 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> yes! 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> one big area, 6 islands out in the fog 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> extra VP for settling on anisland 0902:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> all the same dev cards 0903:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> you play to 14 0903:< LeeBears> ah, ok. I think I played something like that once --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:03:17 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:03:24 2016 0903:< jeuv> damn, I only know the Catan names in Dutch 0903:< loulan> WE SHOULD STAY! Just when we're about to merge, WE STAY! We don't play by their rules! Let's be FIRST WORLD ANARCHISTS! 0903:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> its a pretty awesome expansion 0903:< jeuv> shut up loulan 0903:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> adds a bit of luck 0904:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> there's 2 gold islands 0904:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> but its all under fog 0904:< LeeBears> I like that you can use sheep for boats 0904:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> right exactly, adds a bit of a differen tstratgey 0904:< LeeBears> everyone always has too damn many sheep 0904:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> aahahha of course!!! but they keep you warm at night ! 0904:< Nerf_Bard> I played Catan once 0905:< Nerf_Bard> I sucked at it 0905:< jeuv> everyone does at their 1st try 0905:< Nerf_Bard> I wish I could suck as much dick as I did at that game 0905:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> right! 0905:< Nerf_Bard> Im usually good at things like that though 0905:< LeeBears> it's confusing until it "clicks" and then its like oh this is not that complicated 0905:< supasteve013> sup 0905:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> totally, and playing the game online is way faster than irl 0906:< FriendlyYak> catan is wonderful. i always played that as a kid. but it is still awesome 0906:< Nerf_Bard> Wait online? 0906:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> yes! 0906:< Nerf_Bard> Tell more where to buy it? 0906:< jeuv> the only thing I don't like about catan is if someone boxes you in, you are fucked 0906:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> im pretty sure though, yuo cant sign up for an account right now 0906:< LeeBears> I've only seen one online version, but the GUI looked like hell 0906:< 404NinjaNotFound> Morning guys 0906:< jeuv> hello 0907:< ptrakk> mern 0907:< Nerf_Bard> Hi 0907:< Nerf_Bard> how to become qt trap waifu? 0907:< lumineox> hi 0907:< Nerf_Bard> hi 0907:< jeuv> by going to the penis/ channel 0908:< 404NinjaNotFound> how y'all doin 0908:< supasteve013> KAPOW 0908:< jeuv> Kappa 0908:< lumineox> pretty good 0908:< 404NinjaNotFound> nice nice 0909:< Nerf_Bard> VoHiYo 0909:< lumineox> kom je naar ccandeShle? 0909:< 404NinjaNotFound> ja ben er 0909:< jeuv> hey! dit is niet !nl 0909:< 404NinjaNotFound> Sorry :( 0910:< Wakafanykai123> darn i got DC'd 0910:< Wakafanykai123> what was the pinturillo stuff? 0913:< Djinneral> come on guys join us on the pinturillo 0913:< Wakafanykai123> info pls 0913:< Djinneral> http://www.pinturillo2.com/ room 37 password is soKuku 0914:< Nerf_Bard> ok so they actually helped me jeuv. I think thats a win right 0914:< jeuv> I think so 0917:< Stjerneklar> ah yeah, the bots... koi pond ftw 0917:< FriendlyYak> deIlluminati 0917:< DebentureThyme> OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog OSFrog 0917:< abrownn> Oh shit it looks like it might happen overnight or in the morning 0918:< 404NinjaNotFound> what time is it for you now abrownn 0918:< supasteve013> i'd imagine around 12 hours 0921:< lost_penguin> Are you sure? We still need another 11, then an extra 12, then and extra 13 right? 0922:< sunrype1> o.o 0922:< lost_penguin> Tiers I mean.. 0923:< lost_penguin> And the 13 will need two 12's, which will need 4 11's, which will need 8 10's... etc? 0924:< lost_penguin> Maybe not enough participation for that now. 0924:< kippit> Damn, no merge yet??! 0925:< supasteve013> ok well lost i didn't take into consideration the lack of a button 0925:< supasteve013> the fact that the button is gone changes everything 0927:< lost_penguin> Yeah, might be a hard ask sadly. 0928:< kippit> Just realized the button's gone. *sad face* 0929:< benduker7> Yeah doesnt it end in like 2 days? 0929:< kiledos> join pictionary http://www.pinturillo2.com/ room 37 password is soKuku 0930:< lost_penguin> That's what they said. Will have to see. 0931:< FriendlyYak> i just got another alt on the way.. 0931:< FriendlyYak> and told people about parrot 0932:< Pato25> I have an alt on T5 0933:< lost_penguin> Pato25 at those levels does robin have trouble matching? 0933:< Pato25> not yet --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:35:21 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:37:35 2016 0937:< IBelieveAllTheThings> Pato25 are you coopersloat on fiscToliRy? 0938:< Pato25> no 0938:< Pato25> Im on JugoeoeGbnnt 0939:< IBelieveAllTheThings> coopersloat also has an alt in T5 0940:< inkblob> I'm on DafrPu its 8 0940:< inkblob> getting everyone to adopt parrot 0940:< inkblob> :D 0940:< Wakafanykai123> same 0941:< kippit> yes. on the 8th 0941:< inkblob> Wakafanykai123 are you on dafrupu?? or spreading the parrot? 0941:< Wakafanykai123> spreading on lower tiers - LaStchpa currently 0941:< Wakafanykai123> t5 i think 0942:< FriendlyYak> inkblob i spread parrot, but am not in t4 0942:< pkyres> WHOIS 0942:< pkyres> woops 0942:< FriendlyYak> i just started my alt this morning 0943:< inkblob> I wanted to make sure this one made it through the hump, and really curious now about these mid level tiers as I was always afk 0943:< Zirenth> My alt can't even find another group to merge with for t3 0943:< inkblob> I would jump from 5 to 11 each time 0943:< inkblob> Zirenth my mergatory was 4 and 6 0944:< yaahoe> jatexi and nerf_bard - rakki999912 accidently abandoned and wanted to say goodbye D: 0944:< inkblob> oh no! 0944:< Djinneral> what 0944:< FriendlyYak> ohh 0944:< Djinneral> lol 0944:< Nerf_Bard> RIP rakki BibleThump 0944:< FriendlyYak> i feel sorry and wish them all the best 0944:< Lulzorr> what a loss 0944:< yaahoe> :( 0945:< FriendlyYak> also HOW can you accidently.. well ok 0945:< OrangeredStilton> It's like how _vvvv_ hit Abandon as a joke, a few days back 0945:< yaahoe> RIP 0946:< OrangeredStilton> He luckily made it back here with the T16 merge 0947:< Meggiekins> RIP 0947:< OrangeredStilton> [Is this thing on?] --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 09:49:18 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 09:49:58 2016 0949:< zani1903> FriendlyYak You'll be gone when it does the vote check again, which happens every minute or two after the first 31 minute wait 0950:< FriendlyYak> zani1903 thx. i will not risk that 0950:< zani1903> FriendlyYak So don't click Abandon unless it truly is your intention. 0950:< FriendlyYak> it sure isn't 0951:< FriendlyYak> also, i saw that the stay group went down from 800 to 687 in the last two days 0951:< Wakafanykai123> goodnight all! going to sleep 0951:< FriendlyYak> Wakafanykai123 good night! 0951:< il_doc> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4de443/i_committed_murder/ => http://nazar.so/9xqt4 0951:< il_doc> lol 0951:< zani1903> Well, we've been waiting around for this long, we're very close to finally growing 0952:< marakiri> Hello Lovely People 0952:< Djinneral> the stay guys are weak willed fools who cant endure the struggle 0952:< FriendlyYak> il_doc lol that's great 0952:< ptrakk> lol i seen that this morning il_doc 0953:< marakiri> Hello Lovely People 0953:< marakiri> il_doc lmaaaooo 0953:< marakiri> are we merging soon? 0954:< pedro_fartinez> good morning! 0954:< Pato25> we are merging today 0954:< Pato25> but not soon 0955:< What-the-curtains> There's a T15 and a T14 group waiting 0956:< What-the-curtains> Then just a T11 0956:< FriendlyYak> marakiri oh hey you again! :) 0956:< marakiri> FriendlyYak hey yak 0956:< marakiri> : ) its been a long journey together 0956:< FriendlyYak> marakiri i have a bot idea for you: make it reverse text! 0956:< marakiri> : D 0957:< yaahoe> hey hey hye 0957:< marakiri> if u think ill fall for that, u think i dont click on hyperlinks 0957:< yaahoe> :D 0957:< FriendlyYak> :P 0958:< marakiri> ok g2g again 1004:< Zirenth> We're slowly dying :( 1004:< FriendlyYak> well think of it this way: people who leave might start again and bring us to our final tier! 1005:< FriendlyYak> Zirenth so it's not all bad 1005:< FriendlyYak> oh god nooooo another one abandoned!! 1005:< Zirenth> Don't need to leave to start again 1005:< Zirenth> Just use a different account 1005:< Pato25> I'm worried about the afk when we merge 1005:< FriendlyYak> Zirenth you are completely right and that is what i did this morning 1005:< ptrakk> once i bit into a mushroom puffball in the frontyard. 1005:< FriendlyYak> Pato25 me to 1007:< Nerf_Bard> ^_^ My fucking chat keeps resetting and im getting annoyed ^_^ 1008:< FriendlyYak> the strange thing, is the chat in my tier 5 is way more populated then this one 1008:< Zirenth> but is that chat filtered? 1009:< Nerf_Bard> Yeah a lot of people are afk 1009:< FriendlyYak> no 1009:< Zirenth> My other group seems more active, but that's the entire group, not a filtered section 1009:< Nerf_Bard> We have been in here for nearly 2 days I think 1009:< Zirenth> global here still seems kind of active 1009:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard hey dude.. did u find what u were looking for? 1010:< Nerf_Bard> What Was I looking for I cannot recall 1010:< Nerf_Bard> I have the worst memory ever I swear 1010:< Zirenth> Probably some kind of porn 1010:< inkblob> bewgri is t9! 1011:< inkblob> anyone else in it? 1011:< Nerf_Bard> I doubt it was porn 1012:< Nerf_Bard> I mean I only read hentai doujins and such no point asking you plebs Kappa 1014:< Zirenth> I'm sure /r/hentai has some decent stories 1016:< catjuggler> i'm so confused 1017:< Nerf_Bard> /r/hentai is pretty bad tbh 1017:< andreaplanbee> omg i forgot about robin for a lil bit, it was nice 1017:< Nerf_Bard> You forgot about me ;n; 1017:< andreaplanbee> u should be happy i unmuted u :> 1018:< andreaplanbee> i get mad and mute people for like 5 minutes 1018:< andreaplanbee> and then i unmute them. this is how it goes 1018:< Nerf_Bard> Why was I muted ;n; 1018:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Aaayyyyyyyyy 1019:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> What's up people 1019:< andreaplanbee> idk was it you? maybe it was someone else tbh but it doesnt really matter 1019:< Nerf_Bard> It could have been me 1019:< andreaplanbee> yoo NEVER_CLEANED_COMP 1020:< FriendlyYak> greetings from rakki999912 @ trpaKrraeiyc34oneeisobx4atILrt: He says hi! 1021:< Pato25> Im at trpaKrraeiyc34 too 1021:< inkblob> he can still make it 1022:< ricANNArdo> Can someone see me? 1022:< inkblob> fiscto is the right arm and I'm in the slowly forming left 1022:< zani1903> FriendlyYak Is rakki not in here anymore? I swear he was in here before 1022:< inkblob> ricANNArdo hola 1022:< ricANNArdo> Hello inkblob! 1025:< beyrevra> hey we're getting close huh? 1029:< NorseFenrir> Quiet. 1030:< NorseFenrir> So looks like we might see a merge today. 1030:< meltir> any minute now ! 1030:< -randomity-> I know! I was so excited when I woke this morning 1030:< -randomity-> 6 hours or so probably 1030:< dashed> really 1031:< meltir> -randomity- i havent slept for 3 days now ! 1031:< FriendlyYak> zani1903 he is in tier 6 with my alt 1031:< -randomity-> meltir No kidding, I've been getting the minimum lol 1031:< NorseFenrir> We got a 14, 15 and 16 domino set up, with an 11 and a 9 on the board. It's all moving into place. 1031:< catjuggler> Norse, why didn't we merge last night? 1031:< -randomity-> Then we can all finally chill 1032:< zani1903> test 1032:< FriendlyYak> zani1903 he accidentally abandoned 1032:< -randomity-> zani1903 noted 1032:< zani1903> there we go, wouldn't let me type for a second there 1032:< catjuggler> zani we can see you 1032:< dick_sanitizer> someone jsut merged 1032:< NorseFenrir> catjuggler - No idea. Just no groups our tier, I guess. 1032:< zani1903> just restarted my browser, gonna guess all my messages came through at once? 1032:< dick_sanitizer> new robin - PrbewgRi1_ 1032:< inkblob> Prbewg new t10 1032:< inkblob> dick_sanitizer jinx lol 1032:< IBelieveAllTheThings> we have a real tier 10 now 1033:< inkblob> anyone else on it? 1033:< dashed> btw i enabled stats logging to be on by default since this thing ends soon 1034:< dick_sanitizer> all welcome PrbewgRi1_ the newest tier 10! 1034:< NorseFenrir> Wooo! One step further to domination. 1034:< catjuggler> maybe a big group died? 1035:< -randomity-> catjuggler It's just slow 1035:< -randomity-> We weren't even due a merge last night anyways 1036:< sonsol> Anyone knows when Robin ends? 1036:< NorseFenrir> Yeah. I knew I could go catch a few hours sleep without seeing a merge. 1036:< dick_sanitizer> 8th april 1036:< -randomity-> 08/04 sonsol 1036:< sonsol> So I guess there's a chance, albeit slim, we can still merge. 1036:< dick_sanitizer> there will also be a new teir 12 in a half hour or so 1037:< dick_sanitizer> i hope so 1037:< Sahdee> Should we all be using alts at this point? 1037:< -randomity-> We're looking to merge today sonsol 1037:< NorseFenrir> It's a little demoralizing knowing we need 2 13s to kick it off, but it'll happen. COuld just take a while. 1037:< -randomity-> Looking very likely :D 1037:< dick_sanitizer> i was under the immpression we couldnt use alts - at least ones created after 1/4 couldnt participate? 1038:< -randomity-> I thought it would be Thursday. But looking like the pessimist in me was wrong lol 1038:< dick_sanitizer> at least that's how it was with the button 1038:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer No you can. I made one last night and am fiscto right now 1038:< etray> dick_sanitizer it checks if you come from same ip address? 1038:< -randomity-> Sahdee 100%! :D 1038:< dick_sanitizer> ah i see 1038:< etray> ok 1038:< dick_sanitizer> i could have this one here at home and one at uni probs lol 1039:< -randomity-> Yeah, or just run in diffferent browsers ;) 1039:< Lulzorr> rip 1039:< andreaplanbee> rip 1039:< dick_sanitizer> say hi to my bf /u/sodpaz on fiscto for me 1040:< etray> we could lose1K people from this room to go help lower tiers and then they would rejoin here; but nobody i bet is willing to do that 1040:< dick_sanitizer> do different browsers give different ips? TIL 1040:< andreaplanbee> ive been helping lower tiers with my alt 1040:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Aye Aye! 1040:< andreaplanbee> its fun and nice 1040:< etray> i should consider 1040:< andreaplanbee> there are other people doing it too, i keep bumping into them 1041:< Sahdee> Firing up the alts now 1041:< andreaplanbee> i always do a leave_room when there are about 100 people 1041:< dick_sanitizer> wait shit i just remembered i think i have an alt from about 6 years ago... 1041:< andreaplanbee> and wish them the best and tell them i will see them at the top 1041:< dick_sanitizer> that i used to post rage comcis on. 1041:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee nic3 1042:< andreaplanbee> and i try to spread the word about parrot and get them prepared for that stuff too 1043:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee i do that to. i run into rakki9999112 who accidentally left sokukune today 1043:< andreaplanbee> oh no 1043:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer No same IP, just you can log in with yer alt that's all 1043:< andreaplanbee> if you run into randofriendo thats me 1044:< dick_sanitizer> oh i see 1044:< -randomity-> Well, the more the merrier 1044:< -randomity-> Since people are saying the auto-stayers are out in force 1044:< Lulzorr> it took me 4 tries on my alt to find a grower 1045:< etray> more complete leaderboard which is hidden by default, if u interested what's going on under tier 8-9 -> 1045:< inkblob> so I met a bunch of us doing room growing with alts on the way up very cool 1045:< etray> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/3ua2v 1045:< yaahoe> hey dashed whats the most recent parrot?? 1045:< OrangeredStilton> Ooh, there's a new T12 on the way 1045:< inkblob> I'm sticking with this t10 right now as a bunch of people are coming back from afk when they were t4 etc and I had them install parrot 1046:< inkblob> now there is a rpg room and stuff 1046:< andreaplanbee> oh this is a longer list than the one i was looking at 1046:< OrangeredStilton> But we are _so_ far from having another T14, it's not even funny 1046:< inkblob> OrangeredStilton sort of..... the one I'm in is going to merge with fistco 1046:< inkblob> and then pop pop pop 1047:< etray> andreaplanbee yeah you can see for ex that there is many 5-6 tiers 1047:< andreaplanbee> yeah totally 1047:< TheCountryoftheNo> +*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*-+*- 1047:< ArcOfDream> feels like a game of 2048 1047:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton but once we where so far from another 15 1047:< TheCountryoftheNo> woops 1047:< inkblob> the 12-13 gap is very very wide 1047:< FriendlyYak> now we only need a 14 1048:< dick_sanitizer> once we get a 14 it's a half an hour 1048:< OrangeredStilton> FriendlyYak: Right, but the time taken to build the next lowest tier is about the same as it took to get the first 15 1048:< dick_sanitizer> then merge-splosion 1048:< FriendlyYak> yep 1048:< dick_sanitizer> it's an estimation 12hrs about now 1048:< inkblob> I'm on track to make a 12, then long mergatory as I wait for the bubble up 1049:< inkblob> good news is I had LOW wait times 1049:< -randomity-> Yeah, things were fast for me the last 12 hours. Everything is moving well 1051:< TheCountryoftheNo> Is it better to withdraw your alts as lower rooms move up and restart OR keep going and make new alts to start over 1052:< Joosh92> Struggling to find a merge in a T1 right now :? 1053:< Joosh92> :/ * 1053:< Sahdee> That happened to me too 1053:< TheCountryoftheNo> i was! 10 mins! 1053:< andreaplanbee> idk whats better but i have just been leaving the room when they seem solid 1053:< FriendlyYak> struggling at t6 1053:< TheCountryoftheNo> andreaplanbee I am starting to prefer that approach 1054:< zani1903> It hurts that they removed the robin button from the front page so soon 1054:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee it makes sense 1054:< etray> yeah as long as clear majority is growing i think its safe to abandon; the danger is other might think it's safe to abandon too 1054:< andreaplanbee> the largest vote to stay was 113, so once i pass that i dip out 1054:< etray> so communicate 1054:< FriendlyYak> zani1903 yes :( but there is still advertisment! 1054:< andreaplanbee> i mean the largest group that voted to stay? 1054:< andreaplanbee> im unclear actually 1054:< TheCountryoftheNo> One of my alts in a t14 the other in soon to be t12 1054:< andreaplanbee> 113 people yeah 1055:< andreaplanbee> so ~100 people in a room its safe to leave i think 1055:< dick_sanitizer> RaunnaBoHu 113 total votes, 58 stay, 55 grow) 1055:< TheCountryoftheNo> that is awful 1055:< etray> I paste this here again; it's the more complete leaderboard all the way from T1 if people have tracking enabled in their scripts 1055:< etray> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/7f5yf 1055:< FatherDerp> Hey guys! 1055:< dick_sanitizer> heyoo 1056:< andreaplanbee> hey FatherDerp 1056:< FatherDerp> Back from work for a little while before sleeping (night shift) 1056:< zani1903> etray Looks like there's the components for at least a T13 right now being tracked 1056:< etray> yeah there is hope 1057:< FatherDerp> who here wants a cute pic of my cat? 1057:< elginkevin> howd-d 1057:< TheCountryoftheNo> Lets see the kitty 1057:< elginkevin> oh look a T14. Did we have that last night? 1058:< -randomity-> Give the cats. NOW 1058:< andreaplanbee> yes lets see cat 1058:< OrangeredStilton> No, the 14's new. 1058:< elginkevin> Thought so. And two 11s. 1058:< FatherDerp> I lied: here's my three kittens: http://imgur.com/igROckL 1100:< andreaplanbee> heck!!!! those are some kittens!! 1100:< dick_sanitizer> cuuute 1100:< -randomity-> I can't 1100:< TheCountryoftheNo> Man, they are beautiful. 1100:< Sahdee> Awww 1100:< CitrusDoctor> heyo 1100:< -randomity-> Can you gift me the grey one? 1100:< CitrusDoctor> america is wake 1100:< Sahdee> I'm not even a cat person 1100:< dick_sanitizer> we're gonna struggle to get to another ten it looks like once all those little ones mrege 1100:< -randomity-> I mean. I have three full grown shites myself. But 1 more can't harm 1100:< FatherDerp> Haha the grey one is the one I'm keeping, the other two are being given away 1101:< -randomity-> Urgh 1101:< 404NinjaNotFound> We talking kitties now?! 1101:< -randomity-> Girl or boy? 1101:< FriendlyYak> i have also three. well the've grown since this picture: https://imgur.com/x1I6WBl 1101:< dick_sanitizer> i have 3 too! 1101:< elginkevin> I wouldn't say *awake* 1101:< TheCountryoftheNo> It's never too late for kitties 1101:< FriendlyYak> they did like this basket 1101:< pedro_fartinez> oo boy, soon well have a 12. 1101:< 404NinjaNotFound> I have 2 kitties 1101:< FatherDerp> I believe it's a girl 1101:< pedro_fartinez> were merging today, for sure 1102:< TheCountryoftheNo> Now you must link us pics 1102:< FatherDerp> And this is the cat I has: http://i.imgur.com/bXy3BmL.jpg 1102:< dick_sanitizer> one is very loving, the other is 24/7 [10]guy, and the last is the fucking spawn of beelzebub himself 1102:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1102:< -randomity-> Brothers and sisters? 1102:< etray> we are gathered here... 1102:< NorseFenrir> FatherDerp - Your cat just looks like it's sick of your shit haha 1102:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- i know. and the cutest thing is that they formed now some sort of a pack with the girl as leader 1103:< FatherDerp> her name is Grizzie (thought it was a boy, named it grizzly) and -randomity- nah, diff families all together 1103:< FriendlyYak> the two orange ones are brothers 1103:< FatherDerp> NorseFenrir she's got resting bitchface 1103:< J4CKR4BB1TSL1MS> lol Yak still here? 1103:< FriendlyYak> obviously 1103:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak Damn. I'm jealous. I have the opposite. 2 girls and a boy. But same dynamic. Boy leads lol. Cat loooove <3 1104:< FriendlyYak> :) 1104:< FatherDerp> and this is grizzie as a kitten: http://i.imgur.com/YqY9mNi.jpg 1104:< -randomity-> I wanna show off my kitties too 1104:< FatherDerp> -randomity- you're more than welcome :) 1104:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- go ahead! :) 1105:< -randomity-> Wait. Let me upload a pic :D 1105:< FriendlyYak> post them to aww 1105:< elginkevin> Ugh. So much modmail. 1105:< Sahdee> I keep clearing chat by mistake 1105:< 404NinjaNotFound> Can I show my kitties too?! 1105:< -randomity-> WE WANNA SEE ALL THE KITTIES 1105:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> ARE WE DOING KITTY PICTURES? 1105:< TheCountryoftheNo> You shouldn't have to ask 1105:< elginkevin> I do not wish to see any kitties. 1105:< dick_sanitizer> here is my kitty - she's Weeping Willow 1105:< dick_sanitizer> http://imgur.com/L9Lket5 1105:< elginkevin> I am off my meds for allergy test this afternoon. 1106:< dick_sanitizer> ^^^not a kitten ;) 1106:< elginkevin> Even picture might make me sneeze. 1106:< etray> lol 1106:< dick_sanitizer> you wont like the cat hair on my picture then lol 1106:< TheCountryoftheNo> How old is she? 1106:< 404NinjaNotFound> http://i.imgur.com/UlaIYuI.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DRz0ZeK.jpg 1106:< FatherDerp> here is the canadian born monkey in its natural habitat 1106:< FatherDerp> http://i.imgur.com/vd0xdD4.jpg 1106:< dick_sanitizer> more sneeze material: http://imgur.com/X5Vymay 1107:< dick_sanitizer> how old is willow you mean? 1107:< zani1903> wow there's a tier 6 with 6 people 1107:< dick_sanitizer> lol wut 1107:< etray> yeah the minimum actually 1107:< etray> is the tier number equals people; so theoretically you can have T15 with 15 people somebody calculated 1107:< FatherDerp> awwwe gorgeous :3 1108:< TheCountryoftheNo> Cute kittes but does that laptop have headlights? 1108:< 404NinjaNotFound> Tis an alienware 1108:< 404NinjaNotFound> so, all unnecessary lights are on there 1109:< -randomity-> Willow looks ancient :'( 1109:< -randomity-> Poor girl<3 1109:< dick_sanitizer> she's actually only 3 lol 1110:< dick_sanitizer> she's a burmese crossed with something else, which is where the white comes from 1110:< touyajp> morning 1110:< 404NinjaNotFound> Morning 1110:< -randomity-> 404NinjaNotFound Hahahaha yours looks playful awww 1110:< yaahoe> helllllllo 1110:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Really? Did she have any kitties? 1110:< 404NinjaNotFound> He's such a cutie 1111:< dick_sanitizer> nope! virgin willow 1111:< alylynn96> i made it through the night! Now i just have to make in through my classes without missing the merge 1111:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer :o poor Willow! Hahaha 1111:< -randomity-> Maybe she likes to keep her bits sanitised too hehehe 1112:< dick_sanitizer> hahahahah 1113:< elginkevin> Can we talk about dog? I have dog. She is 15. 1113:< dick_sanitizer> dogs are welcome! 1113:< andreaplanbee> aw i love meeting all the new people on my alt 1113:< TheCountryoftheNo> We lost qalypso. Big dog fan 1114:< elginkevin> dog takes soo many pills, she has congestive heart failure now. 1114:< dick_sanitizer> :( 1114:< AshcanWhiskey> wow still no merge 1114:< dick_sanitizer> sorry for your dogg <3 1114:< AshcanWhiskey> how long has it been now 1115:< dick_sanitizer> oh wow why havent the 11s merged? 1115:< elginkevin> On the up-side, she does not seem to care. Still seems happy. 1115:< TheCountryoftheNo> 60h34m14s 1115:< dick_sanitizer> they were supposed to merge 11min ago 1115:< 404NinjaNotFound> Hello 1116:< MachMatic> RobinTracker can have some errors sometimes. 1116:< dick_sanitizer> hey ho cherrio 1116:< elginkevin> Hmm. Maybe one of them is not an 11. 1116:< dick_sanitizer> ah yep 1116:< KuronekoFan> i'm heeeereeeeee 1116:< eizei> I see we're getting closer to the merge 1116:< mofosyne> back 1116:< 404NinjaNotFound> Still a while to go 1116:< dick_sanitizer> closer every second yet so far away ~~ 1116:< mofosyne> seems like we haven't merged yet 1116:< MachMatic> I preferred when robin-grow would hide the chat prefixes... I do like the tab layout though. 1117:< dick_sanitizer> surprisingly 1117:< dick_sanitizer> ive recently switched to parrot, and its really nice 1117:< -randomity-> Okay. So I have my kitties uploaded now 1117:< dick_sanitizer> lets me tab through all the differnet channels 1117:< -randomity-> Here are the girls http://i.imgur.com/Ozvbbuf.jpg?1 There is a hierarchy. 1117:< MachMatic> Hm, I'll have to have a look into it. :o 1117:< FriendlyYak> :D haha 1118:< dick_sanitizer> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1118:< eizei> that's a a nice pic 1118:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- really nice 1118:< -randomity-> http://i.imgur.com/1INk6oJ.jpg?1 This guy yawning is the boss, the white one is bottom of the hierarchy lol poor thing 1118:< dick_sanitizer> i love the bottom ones face lol 1118:< yaahoe> so cute -randomity- could be perceived as the top one strangling the bottom one ;D 1118:< -randomity-> Hahahaha dick_sanitizer she was being held like that. Afterwards there was some neck biting hahah lousy 1118:< FriendlyYak> obviously he's the boss 1119:< -randomity-> yaahoe That's exactly what's going on. Choke hold hahahah 1119:< dick_sanitizer> your guys' cats all seem so loving, my three wont come within 10ft of eachother 1119:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer They were raised together. They're all brothers and sisters. That's probably why they are good with each other XD 1119:< TheHawkIsHowling> are we trading pet pics now? 1119:< dick_sanitizer> they fucking hate eachother and only the food bowls bring them together lol 1119:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- yes that seems to work pretty good 1119:< yaahoe> Ah yes the choke hold, my cats favorite move 1119:< dick_sanitizer> thats probably why lol 1120:< FriendlyYak> my cats are like that: https://imgur.com/i5nMC9k 1120:< TheHawkIsHowling> cos I'm all about the pet pics 1120:< yaahoe> yeah dick_sanitizer we have like seven all at once when we were kids, there was definitely too packs :D ;D 1120:< eizei> I'm currently catsitting a under 1 year old black maine coon. Hopefully he'll move here permanently cause I'm already in love. 1120:< dick_sanitizer> one of mine was abused as a kitten and willow is an attention whore, and the other one is stuck in the middle 1121:< Andrew_Mendoza> I adopted a mother cat and her daughter, and everyone kept telling me they would end up hating each other. 1121:< -randomity-> eizei The cutest kitties ever, right?! 1121:< dick_sanitizer> this chat should become %aww 1121:< yaahoe> YES dick_sanitizer we should create one :D with cute photos aaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 1121:< FriendlyYak> dick_sanitizer :D 1121:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Did you send pics of the others? Did I miss them? Or just Willow? 1121:< eizei> -randomity- From my limited experience with cats yeah. Incredibly kind and playful. 1121:< dick_sanitizer> andrew_mendoza did they?? 1121:< -randomity-> TheHawkIsHowling 24/7 365 bby! Hhehe 1122:< Andrew_Mendoza> Not yet. It's been a year and they still love up on each other 1122:< dick_sanitizer> i just posted willow! i dont have pics of the others with me atm lol 1122:< Andrew_Mendoza> This is them in the beginning: http://i.imgur.com/7MTujQU.jpg 1122:< Andrew_Mendoza> Never got to see the father, but I'm assuming he was white and grey. 1122:< yaahoe> omg 1122:< -randomity-> eizei Just pretend he ran away. Totes cool. He'll stay quiet in another room. Shower him with treats lol 1122:< yaahoe> that is adorable 1123:< yaahoe> so cute :D 1123:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Awwwh, you'll have to later! Can't leave them out lol 1123:< Sumwann> Hey everyone, good morning 1123:< Andrew_Mendoza> Thanks. The kitten outgrew the mom in one year though 1123:< Andrew_Mendoza> She's BIG 1123:< Noxiide> Wait, why do we have a subreddit???? We didn't stay? 1123:< yaahoe> Imma go get dinner for my husband and I but I'll be back soon :) don't share too many awww photos! 1123:< FriendlyYak> Sumwann good morning 1123:< dick_sanitizer> wait!!! i think i found some 1123:< Andrew_Mendoza> Enjoy dinner! 1123:< dick_sanitizer> i forgot snapchat saved photos ;D 1123:< FriendlyYak> Noxiide what do you mean? 1124:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza WOW! Usually they do end up in trouble. But it's during that NO YOU CAN'T SUCKLE ANY MORE phase mostly 1124:< Noxiide> I thought we only got a subreddit if everyone stayed 1124:< dick_sanitizer> we made it manually and we're inviting people manually lol Noxide 1124:< -randomity-> yaahoe Bon Appetite! 1124:< Noxiide> oh, lmao ok 1124:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer DO IT!! 1124:< Andrew_Mendoza> Yeah, -randomity-, she did that in the beginning. Kicked her daughter off when she tried to suckle. 1124:< TheCountryoftheNo> I suspect we'll get a subreddit either way 1124:< yaahoe> We are having a classy meal and splashing out: McDonalds :D 1124:< TheHawkIsHowling> http://imgur.com/a/3IvkX 1124:< Noxiide> man it started lagging there on me 1125:< TheHawkIsHowling> Milo and Captain 1125:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza I had a mother and son live pretty happily together for almost three years. It's so cute. Enjoy it <3 1125:< dick_sanitizer> ON MY WAY WITH CAT PICS 1125:< yaahoe> OMG 1125:< -randomity-> yaahoe That's it. I'm having one today too! 1125:< yaahoe> TheHawkisHowling SO CUTE AWW 1126:< andreaplanbee> post those dogs to /r/woofbarkwoof 1126:< yaahoe> Yes McDonalds ftw!!!!!! 1126:< Noxiide> Thinking about joining Army ROTC and becoming an officer...not sure tho 1126:< marakiri> TheHawkIsHowling dick_sanitizer -randomity- yaahoe andreaplanbee hi all 1126:< andreaplanbee> hihi marakiri 1126:< TheHawkIsHowling> Hi marakiri 1126:< marakiri> Noxiide the army is always a nice option man 1126:< -randomity-> yaahoe I love dipping their double cheeses in sweet chilli NOM 1126:< Noxiide> Well I'm finishing up my Sophomore year of college, so I have to figure it out if I want to 1126:< TheHawkIsHowling> will check that sub out andreaplanbee 1126:< -randomity-> marakiri Heeyyyyyyy :D 1126:< yaahoe> OMG MEE TOO 1127:< andreaplanbee> one thing you should know about that sub: it is not a sub about dogs. it is a sub by dogs 1127:< -randomity-> yaahoe No way? LOL 1127:< yaahoe> I am just putting a podcast on my ipod and getting changed to walk :) 1127:< marakiri> lol @andrea 1127:< andreaplanbee> although ofc dogs often would post about other dogs 1127:< yaahoe> YEAH SUPER YUM 1127:< andreaplanbee> but sometimes posts are of other things but its like, yeah, thats exactly what a dog would post 1128:< inkblob> awesome crew in Prbewg 1129:< yaahoe> brb in one hour likely, DONT MERGE WITHOUT ME D: 1129:< TheHawkIsHowling> ok i had a bit of a deaddove moment when that sub opened hahaha 1129:< Noxiide> how long until we're supposed to merge again 1129:< yaahoe> Love to you all and your beautiful pets, I am super super jealous :( 1129:< -randomity-> Noxiide Before the day's out is likely :D 1129:< MobiusCoffee> yaahoe I thnk you're safe 1129:< inkblob> I've been c&p all the chat names this time through, my fav so far has been DashPub 1129:< inkblob> and my DashPub crew is pretty fly too 1129:< -randomity-> MobiusCoffee You made it alive! 1130:< yaahoe> haha I think you would be right MobiusCoffee :) 1131:< xBytez> o h 1132:< dick_sanitizer> IM BACK 1132:< Nerf_Bard> HI GUYS <3 1132:< What-the-curtains> hey dick sanitizer 1133:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Drop them. Stat. 1133:< dick_sanitizer> albulm featuring Meso ([10]cat) and Bronte (fat schnouser terrier) 1133:< dick_sanitizer> http://imgur.com/a/nWL95 1133:< Sahdee> That cat looks so happy 1133:< Andrew_Mendoza> Hahah! That subtitle on Bronte got me. 1134:< Andrew_Mendoza> Cute pics 1134:< dick_sanitizer> And the third: Kira (evil incarnate) http://imgur.com/oyTsEsx 1134:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer OMGLOL first pic' pleasure has sent her full exorcist hhahah 1134:< dick_sanitizer> heheheh she's a great cat 1135:< Nerf_Bard> somehow I have had my nudes seen by ~150 people 1135:< Nerf_Bard> feelsawkwardman 1135:< TheHawkIsHowling> There were nudes? 1135:< dick_sanitizer> well lets take that number up a notch, post them here 1136:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Also <3 <3 <3 her little black nose! <3 1136:< Nerf_Bard> I'm a minor 1136:< TheHawkIsHowling> There are no nudes. 1136:< FriendlyYak> sorry for the potato quality. those are my three cats playing outside: https://imgur.com/UrtPxQM 1136:< k4g3> *yawn* 1136:< Nerf_Bard> There was 1 nude 1136:< Andrew_Mendoza> A couple more of Piper before I gotta go to work. http://i.imgur.com/HFS9uqu.jpg 1136:< dick_sanitizer> i love these cats 1136:< Andrew_Mendoza> http://i.imgur.com/3O2OBJA.jpg 1136:< Nerf_Bard> but we shall pretend there were no nudes because that would be illegal 1136:< TheHawkIsHowling> Exactly. 1137:< Andrew_Mendoza> She's roughly twice the size now though.. She eats well. :/ 1137:< dick_sanitizer> lolol my cats will be proud that they are loved by the internet 1137:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Hahaha Kira is my fave! She so fat! And also since you said she's evil, I'm assuming her tummy displays are traps LOL 1137:< TheHawkIsHowling> You guys are making me want a cat but my dogs would make its life hell 1138:< What-the-curtains> I feel left out because everyone has cats 1138:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak That potato photo just made me yell with happiness hahahahahahha SO CUTE 1138:< Nerf_Bard> I have a cat 1138:< dick_sanitizer> OH MY GOD she rolls on her tummy like that and it's litterally like no come touch me yeah i want a belly rub LOL NO (bite) 1138:< Nerf_Bard> you do not want a cat 1138:< dick_sanitizer> you can have Kira if you want 1138:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak They G as fuck lol 1139:< dick_sanitizer> there's totally no reason we named her that 1139:< loulan> so kuku~ 1139:< Nerf_Bard> soKu-kun~ 1139:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza Piper is a true beauty! ^_^ 1139:< loulan> kurlukuku chapeau pointu~~~ 1140:< Andrew_Mendoza> Thanks, just took a photo of her now, wait till you see this change in 1 year. 1140:< loulan> kukuruku majtki z drutu~~~~ 1140:< dick_sanitizer> omg i love that pic lol, like the three musketeers 1140:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Haahahah Give Kira! I enjoy the bitches ehehehe :P 1140:< Nerf_Bard> tfw I am alone ;n; 1140:< mofosyne> kukukuku 1140:< -randomity-> What-the-curtains Go adopt at least 6. Commence soul joy 1140:< Nerf_Bard> lf bf 1140:< dick_sanitizer> lol i really would but my bf's mom will kill me, she loves that little fucker 1140:< Djinneral> your cat has yellowed eyes 1140:< Nerf_Bard> so I can be qt trap waifu 1140:< Djinneral> its probably around 13/14 right? 1141:< loulan> kurukukurukuku stash stash => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng0kNjnUYwQ 1141:< Andrew_Mendoza> She's sitting on the garbage this morning:http://i.imgur.com/wjTDYu7.jpg 1141:< FriendlyYak> i should not lie on the ground all the time 1141:< Djinneral> Andrew_Mendoza how old is she 1141:< FriendlyYak> Andrew_Mendoza ahaha it's hers 1141:< Andrew_Mendoza> She's now year, and has outgrown her mom 1141:< Andrew_Mendoza> Not sure if she needs weight control food or something 1141:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak Damn. She got a deep tan 1141:< Nerf_Bard> lf bf so I can be qt trap waifu FeelsAloneMan 1142:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- yeah i love that they seem to be happy 1142:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- i might have played to much with the colors on lightroom.. :/ 1142:< Jatexi> Adzter are you here right now? 1142:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak Hahahha she still gorgeous, don't worry ;) 1143:< FriendlyYak> -randomity- it's not trump-orange, right? 1143:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza Just don't leave the food lying around I guess. Take it away when they stop eating 1143:< FriendlyYak> or is it 1143:< -randomity-> FriendlyYak You've successfully avoided that atrocity, for sure! 1143:< Jatexi> Hey, anyone here know java? 1143:< Andrew_Mendoza> I may have to. Her mom won't leave you alone until there is food in the dish again though. Even if she isn't hungry 1144:< Andrew_Mendoza> Well, I gotta run to work. Thanks for the convo this morning all! 1144:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza Awwwwh, they look skinny though. I wouldn't worry 1144:< -randomity-> Andrew_Mendoza Toodles :)) 1145:< -randomity-> Wait, I just clicked the last pic', defo not skinny lol 1148:< Prolougey> Damn, we really are getting close to a merger now 1148:< dick_sanitizer> night guys! was fun seeing all the cute pics of kitties <3 someone make an aww channel for the furbabies of soKuku! 1149:< dick_sanitizer> but wait, i still dont know why the 11s havent merged... 1149:< Prolougey> one is actually T10 not 11 1150:< Prolougey> got updated on the leaderboard 1150:< dick_sanitizer> ah i see 1150:< Djinneral> dang 1150:< dick_sanitizer> goodnight peeps! 1151:< Prolougey> g'night! 1151:< -randomity-> dick_sanitizer Gnight :) 1152:< Sumwann> good night 1152:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 1152:< Jatexi> so uh, anyone here know java? 1153:< Tyiek> I know some. 1153:**** marakiri <3 1153:< Jatexi> I'm having some trouble with constructors - what do they do, and what're the advantages of using them w/ methods and objects 1154:< Jatexi> in different classes 1154:< Jatexi> oh shit we're merging in a few hours, pretty soon.. damn. 1155:< marakiri> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17721316/what-is-the-extra-benefit-of-creating-constructor-in-java => http://nazar.so/5hb5y 1155:< Tyiek> Think of them as an instruction of how to make objects from a particular class 1155:< Jatexi> oh mara i thought you were a spambot ;o 1155:< marakiri> i was : D 1155:< FriendlyYak> i'm still not convinced he is not :P 1155:< Jatexi> Thanks Tyiek and marakiri, i'll look those up and hopefully they'll help 1155:< Tyiek> some objects require input from the user at creation, this is where constructors are used 1156:< marakiri> FriendlyYak oh cmooooon!! when was the last time i spammed anything 1156:< FriendlyYak> no. it is in the past. you are completly right! 1156:< Jatexi> So if they require input from the user at creation - then isn't that just setting a variable on it's creation? 1156:< FriendlyYak> marakiri i think it's really long ago 1156:< NorseFenrir> Crap. That didn't work. 1156:< marakiri> :D its ok man.. i like to think this is our thing 1156:< FriendlyYak> marakiri :P 1156:< Jatexi> Essentially instead of doing int x; int x = input.nextLine(); 1157:< marakiri> just think bro 1157:< Jatexi> it is int x = 10; thereby not letting the user define x 1157:< marakiri> after they shut this down on 8th... u will never say that again : ( 1157:< Tyiek> yes and you use constructors or setters to change variables to restrict classes and how you can change stuff inside them 1158:< Jatexi> ohh. Sorry I'm just a bit confused because the tutorials i'm watching (thenewboston) isn't explaining it well 1158:< Tyiek> it's bad form to do stuff like SomeClass.someVariable = new variable; 1158:< Djinneral> would there ever be the case that you wouldn't make a constructor for an object? 1158:< Jatexi> right now everything i do is in ugly if/else/while statements 1159:< nuu> i had a dream last night where we merged 1159:**** marakiri nuu <3 1159:< Jatexi> we're merging soon, there's finally a tier 15 and we're tier 16 1159:< Tyiek> if the class only contains methodes or only is used as static 1159:< Djinneral> it will probably be tomorrow morning tbh that we merge 1159:< marakiri> id still say more than 12 hours tho 1200:< Jatexi> i think we could get to tier 18 1200:< Tyiek> or if variables doen't get asigned at creation 1200:< nuu> i also owned a grocwery shop 1200:< Jatexi> tier 19 is pushing it hard 1200:< wayetender> ETA on merge? 1200:< pedro_fartinez> tier 19 is impossible 1200:< pedro_fartinez> wayetender i would put it at 10 hours 1200:< dick_sanitizer> VERY LOOSE GUESS Until Merge: 6-10 Hours (updated at 7:30 am EDT) 1200:< Jatexi> So I'm still a bit confused chocolate chocolateObject = new chocolate(); is bad form? 1201:< Prolougey> nah its taken nearly 4 days for T17 1201:< dick_sanitizer> from r/robintracking 1202:< Jatexi> and @Tyiek if it's bad form, what could I replace that with? what are the benefits of constructors 1202:< Djinneral> Tylek thanks for the answer 1202:< Jatexi> Sorry about so many questions ;-; 1202:< Jatexi> Thanks everyone for the help so far 1202:< Tyiek> it is easy to change stuff that youre not supposed to or if you makes utility classes that others are supposed to use they might... 1202:< alphashadow> T17 seems like a lock, but 18 is a huge stretch, I don't see it happening 1203:< Tyiek> ...do something wrong 1203:< Djinneral> tier 18 is completely impossible 1203:< Djinneral> think of the time it took to get a tier 17 1203:< Djinneral> double that time 1203:< Jatexi> 18 might happen if it gets really pushed, we have 3 days 1203:< sotricious> Saturday 15.00 GMT >>> Wednesday 12.00 GMT = frak me robin I want my life back! 1203:< Djinneral> to get a tier 18 would take at least 10 more days 1204:< Tyiek> getters and setters are standard sullution to seting and checking variables 1204:< Prolougey> yeah 1204:< Djinneral> and thats me being optimistic 1204:< Prolougey> for T18 you woulld need another 6k people in a room 1204:< Prolougey> most of the users on robin 1204:< Tyiek> they are esentialy methodes inside the class that do Class.variable = value; 1204:< Prolougey> are stuck in the high tier chats 1204:< Djinneral> Tylek I've made classes that just held programs before without having any methods is that normal? 1205:< Djinneral> so I would make one class that held a couple methods, and just execute them in the other class, I can't rlly explain it 1205:< Tyiek> it's not wrong but if you want to change variables or check them then it's good form to use getters and setters if posible 1205:< mofosyne> btw is anyone on the discord talk channel? 1206:< FatherDerp> How you make your money, is more important than how much you make - GaryVee 1206:< Djinneral> its equally important 1206:< Tyiek> also restricting acces to variables and methodes as much as posible by setting them as private and such 1206:< mofosyne> Djinneral this appears to be a free pyramid scheme... 1206:< dick_sanitizer> btw we got a whole lot of mergers happening rn 1207:< mofosyne> at least it didn't cost us anything Djinneral 1207:< dick_sanitizer> i think 1207:< dick_sanitizer> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/4er10 1207:< Jatexi> so if the user inputs something and you set it as a variable, it can't be just anything it must be something specific 1208:< alphashadow> monstrouspeace is off right now, there aren't two 11s. Lower one is a 10 1208:< alphashadow> you can tell because they've both been waiting hours for a match 1208:< Tyiek> that is one of the reason for using setters, you can controll what is alowed and what is not 1208:< dick_sanitizer> ahh and also there are multiples of the 6s and 7s that havent merged either... nvm then lol 1209:< Jatexi> Ok 1209:< Jatexi> Thank you very much Tyiek! Much appreciated 1209:< Tyiek> you can also control what happens if the user inputs something invalid 1209:< thatbarryguy> Does anyone know the actual tiers of the two rooms marked T11? 1211:< Sahdee> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/isxd 1211:< Sahdee> You can check there 1211:< thatbarryguy> But one of them isn't T11. 1211:< Sahdee> I see what you mean 1211:< thatbarryguy> Otherwise they would have merged 1212:< Nerf_Bard> Hi guys 1212:< jethack> PrbewgRi1_ is actually t10 1213:< Tyiek> also it's important to follow a standard it can be your own but you need to be consequent with it. also COMMENT YOUR CODE! 1213:< alphashadow> morning nerf 1213:< Tyiek> Hi nerf long time no se. 1213:< Nerf_Bard> Its midnight 1213:< alphashadow> ...for you 1213:< etray> that must be Aussie land 1213:< Nerf_Bard> My timezone is the furthest in the future 1214:< etray> or NZ 1214:< alphashadow> NZ 1214:< Nerf_Bard> no iits nz im not an aussie pleb 1214:< loulan> weird people from the other side of the planet 1214:< alphashadow> ugh can it be thursday here too? 1214:< Nerf_Bard> Im not weird 1214:< dick_sanitizer> NZ: we are the frist for everything 1214:< loulan> you're pretty weird 1214:< etray> just eccentric? 1214:< loulan> weird af 1214:< alphashadow> you're pretty weird i'd say, but not in a bad way 1214:< Nerf_Bard> I just want to be a qt trap waifu. How is that weird 1214:< Nerf_Bard> ? 1215:< etray> what does that even mean 1215:< alphashadow> Haha if you only knew. 1215:< Nerf_Bard> Qt= cutie. trap=qt boy that dresses like a grill. Waifu=Waifu 1216:< dick_sanitizer> qt = cutie, trap = girl w/ a surprise dick, waifu = wifey 1216:< etray> thanks 1216:< etray> TIL 1216:< stop_ttip> Qt = gui framework 1216:< etray> or quicktime 1216:< alphashadow> or quart 1216:< Tyiek> It's not that weird wanting to be a trap. Being sexualy attracted to mosaic patern's is. 1216:< beyrevra> I just got a nose bleed reading this 1216:< dick_sanitizer> weirdies unite 1217:< aythrea> Or Quiktrip 1217:< Nerf_Bard> Who is sexually attracted to mosaic patterns? 1217:< stop_ttip> quicktrap 1217:< FatherDerp> Should I clean my room? 1217:< Nerf_Bard> No father 1217:< etray> no father 1217:< stop_ttip> FatherDerp: yes. 1217:< alphashadow> Yes probably, if you have to ask 1217:< dick_sanitizer> father no 1217:< andreaplanbee> do it 1217:< Nerf_Bard> Father no 1217:< Tyiek> Some one on /v/ 1218:< Nerf_Bard> not that hole daddy thats my special hole 1218:< FatherDerp> oh my gosh Nerf_Bard XD 1218:< Nerf_Bard> wait a minute 1218:< alphashadow> Well it is much too early for that, for me 1218:< grencez> ... such dated memes 1218:< aythrea> Father, you should let the mess go on until you have sufficient gravitational pull to create a black hole. 1218:< FatherDerp> I like your solution aythrea 1218:< etray> I made a strawpoll about FatherDerp cleaning his room or not http://strawpoll.me/7294574 1219:< aythrea> We need a strawpoll? 1219:< FatherDerp> You guys are cool :D 1219:< etray> totally 1219:< alphashadow> The yesses have it. Make Your Room Great Again. 1219:< grencez> this poll is a blowout 1219:< hansolo580> USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 1219:< aythrea> Do or do not. Simple the matter is. 1219:< FatherDerp> http://strawpoll.me/7294574 1220:< FatherDerp> clean my room or not, answer in the strawpoll! 1220:< aythrea> Fatherderp, do you hear that? 1220:< AtaraxicMegatron> clean that shit up 1220:< alphashadow> Clean. It. Up. 1220:< aythrea> Listen carefully, for it is the sound of my eyes rolling across the internet. 1221:< FatherDerp> Welp, guess I gotta clean! 1221:< MobiusCoffee> SON I AM DISSAPOINT 1221:< Tyiek> i found the story http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/979/469/a1f.jpg => http://nazar.so/6vswz 1221:< Noxiide> fuck Im so retarded, I'm just going to bed and I have to be up in 3 and a half hours 1221:< MobiusCoffee> Noxiide! Mara! 1221:< Nerf_Bard> After you clean the room I can clean you up Father ^_^ 1221:< MobiusCoffee> You're the famous potato man 1221:< andreaplanbee> i should probably go to bed soon 1221:< etray> we did it reddit; FatherDerp cleans his room AMA 1222:< andreaplanbee> but ill probably smoke a bowl first B] 1222:< Nerf_Bard> Oh wait I shouldnt be so lewd 1222:< grencez> AMA request: FatherDerp's room 1222:< Nerf_Bard> im sorry ;n; Punish me 1222:< FatherDerp> Christ, you guys crack me up XD 1222:< etray> FatherDerp's crusty socks AMA 1223:< etray> ok maybe not 1223:< alphashadow> no one wants to ask about that 1224:< xSke> anyone here? 1224:< FatherDerp> I do it into the small garbage in my room guise, come on! 1224:< etray> no 1224:< alphashadow> no one's here 1224:< andreaplanbee> i miss cat talk 1224:< IBelieveAllTheThings> hey alphashadow! 1224:< xSke> okthen 1224:< MobiusCoffee> cat talk was stupid 1224:< alphashadow> yo IBelieve! 1224:< xSke> i just merged my alt into a t2 room with my other alt, what are the odds 1224:< FatherDerp> fuck off xSke. There's noone here. 1224:< MobiusCoffee> guys what if he megamerge never happens 1224:< alphashadow> Nerf_Bard is also here 1224:< IBelieveAllTheThings> :D yeah he's very active 1224:< alphashadow> T17 will happen mobiuscoffee 1224:< MobiusCoffee> What fi we're like a cult waiting for the second coming of christ 1224:< Nerf_Bard> Yes Nerf Bard is here 1225:< alphashadow> ((she)) 1225:< xadrezo> hi MobiusCoffee 1225:< MobiusCoffee> xadrezo mara! 1225:< MobiusCoffee> xadrezo I added a translation to the constitution 1225:< FatherDerp> Hey, anyone watch GaryVee, PhillyD, Tek Syndicate or Linus Tech? 1225:< cornellier> Good morning, east coast. 1225:< xSke> linus yeah, the others nahj 1225:< etray> good morning baltimore 1225:< alphashadow> Finally, someone in my timezone 1225:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee I noticed, and I like it 1225:< MobiusCoffee> :D 1226:< stop_ttip> why are the two tier 11 not merging? 1226:< alphashadow> One of them is a 10 1226:< etray> the other is fake 11? 1226:< FatherDerp> Sex is a kaleidoscopic expression of human desire 1226:< Tyiek> i think one of them actuali is a t12 1226:< MobiusCoffee> What do these dates next to some of the names mean? 1226:< etray> last active in chat? 1226:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee Its funny that shaman has been translated to origin-friend :D 1227:< MobiusCoffee> xadrezo, I had toget creative :D 1227:< xSke> parrot v3 1227:< etray> Parrot 3.00 1227:< alphashadow> is that the new hotness? I've been using robin-grow 1227:< xSke> yeah 1227:< etray> def new hotness 1227:< xSke> robin-grow is outdated and broken 1227:< Nerf_Bard> Gimme link? 1227:< etray> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1227:< alphashadow> I'm about to start my day irl, I'll have to look into this later on. 1228:< alphashadow> wait no, that was pretty easy. I like this 1229:< DebentureThyme> bothered to clean up and restart my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/pawsed 1229:< MobiusCoffee> Parrot turns robin into an actual chat program 1229:< alphashadow> wait are you guys here? 1229:< alphashadow> I can't see anything 1229:< etray> hehe 1229:< etray> wtg 1229:< Nerf_Bard> I'm here ^_^ 1230:< IBelieveAllTheThings> can he see us? 1230:< etray> global should always work by default i think 1230:< MobiusCoffee> alphashadow I have the same problem with parrot in Chrome 1230:< MobiusCoffee> I think the devs know abou it, but I don't know if there's a solution 1230:< etray> I have Parrot working nicely with Chrome 1230:< alphashadow> mobiuscoffee I only saw that because you pinged me by name, nothing else is showing up. I'm going back. 1231:< etray> is that the release version of chrome 1231:< stop_ttip> anyways, the domino effect does not seem so far anymore 1231:< etray> not some beta 1231:< stop_ttip> once we get a t13 around it's going to snowball quickly 1231:< etray> getting t13 seems far 1231:< Nerf_Bard> Anime watchers into harem/ecchi anime how much did it kill your boner when you found out Yukimura Kusunoki was a girl all along? 1231:< MobiusCoffee> etray it's the release version 1232:< etray> MobiusCoffee ok strange 1232:< alphashadow> well that was a failed experiment 1232:< AtaraxicMegatron> works fine for me chromium 1232:< etray> could be some addon conflicting 1232:< AtaraxicMegatron> not that the scrolling has been fixed 1232:< AtaraxicMegatron> firefox has the completion issue 1232:< alphashadow> maybe i'll try again if there's a v4. 1233:< xSke> go yell at them in ^ 1234:< alphashadow> which chat is ^ ? 1234:< xSke> ^ is 1234:< IBelieveAllTheThings> parrot devs 1235:< alphashadow> oh. let me shoot them a quick message then. 1236:< MobiusCoffee> AtaraxicMegatron autocomplete actually works in firefox now 1236:< xSke> woohoo 1236:< AtaraxicMegatron> oh, nice 1236:< MobiusCoffee> it doesn't cycle through names though, but it works well enough 1238:< FatherDerp> So I've got all the clothes off the floor, next to clean up the garbage (I'm lazy, not messy) 1238:< alphashadow> fatherderp proud of you son 1239:< Nerf_Bard> I've got all my clothes on the floor 1239:< Nerf_Bard> Dont look at me Im naked ;n; 1239:< Tyiek> Can't be a trap if your naked. 1240:< zani1903> Tyiek You would be surprised 1241:< Nerf_Bard> I mean I could if I had a small penis 1241:< Nerf_Bard> wouldnt be hard to cover up my genetalia 1241:< Nerf_Bard> But alas I have a decent sized donger 1241:< xtremesmw> good shit 1241:< xSke> a sad day for Nerf_Bard and his decent-sized donger 1242:< xtremesmw> tagged as decent-sized donger man 1242:< Nerf_Bard> Dont do it 1242:< zacketysack> "decent sized donger"? How did we get here? 1242:< yaahoe> hey guys hows it going :) 1242:< Nerf_Bard> It makes me feel bad ;n; 1242:< Khemikooligan> they call me the sex thimble 1243:< Tyiek> Nerf_Bard I knew that since you posted that pic. 1243:< alphashadow> I go away for 2 minutes and I come back to decent sized dongers, good grief 1243:< Nerf_Bard> Are you sure its not sex symbol and they only have an occassional lisp? 1243:< Nerf_Bard> Tyiek Which pic? 1243:< zacketysack> We're all decent sized dongers here :) 1243:< wayetender> aw hell naw the robin button is gone? 1243:< Nerf_Bard> was there a nice toothbrush in it? 1243:< Tyiek> you posted it in this chat a few tiers back. 1244:< Khemikooligan> wayetender i messaged the admins, im hoping for a response 1244:< Nerf_Bard> I mean Im kinda feminine except for my penis though right? 1244:< Nerf_Bard> right? 1244:< wayetender> darn, i wonder if we'll even get another merge 1244:< alphashadow> I was upset about the robin button being gone, but T17 will happen anyway and T18 is out of reach 1244:< Tyiek> i suppose, you locked skinny. 1244:< Nerf_Bard> Also if It was me thats cp ^_^ 1244:< FriendlyYak> my alt was just kicked from a tier 8 1245:< FriendlyYak> i mean the room was abandoned 1245:< Khemikooligan> yes but maybe reddit will make it a regular feature 1245:< FriendlyYak> but it was completly fine with 118 grow votes.. what happened.. 1246:< Sumwann> Tier 8 was abandoned? 1246:< Khemikooligan> i wonder if reddit will do something else on the 8th, like is 'weasel' still a thing? 1246:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard what was the name of the guy who accidentally abandoned today? 1246:< IBelieveAllTheThings> too many non-votes? 1246:< pedro_fartinez> FriendlyYak it might have just been a random disconnect that happens to people 1246:< xSke> those subreddits were all fake 1246:< Nerf_Bard> ummm rakki I think 1246:< FriendlyYak> pedro_fartinez i see. interesting that it never happened to me 1246:< Khemikooligan> xSke i thought only some were 1246:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard yep. rakki-somenumbergs 1247:< pedro_fartinez> FriendlyYak its happened to a few people ive seen on the subreddit 1247:< xSke> Khemikooligan rhino, squirrel, weasel were all fake too 1247:< xSke> does ccande have any nice conversation? 1247:< pedro_fartinez> rakkkiiii9129310928743 1247:< zacketysack> IS ANYONE HERE IN CCANDE? 1247:< pedro_fartinez> RATELIMIT | you are doing that too much. try again in 999 milliseconds. 1247:< AtaraxicMegatron> yeah, it was april fools inception 1247:< yaahoe> it was rakki.999912 friendlyyak 1247:< FriendlyYak> pedro_fartinez he might also just start again 1247:< xSke> I have three accs in it zacketysack 1247:< zacketysack> Sorry about caps lock :D 1247:< yaahoe> ITS OKAY ZACKETYSACK 1247:< Nerf_Bard> Are you prepared 1247:< pedro_fartinez> IS THIS WHAT WE ARE DOING NOW? 1248:< Nerf_Bard> for some cringe? 1248:< yaahoe> YES 1248:< xSke> MY KEYBOARD DOESNT HAVE A CAPSLOCK 1248:< bwoebi> mh, got a disconnect at 4 a.m. (10 hours ago) ... good that we haven't merged yet :-D 1248:< Nerf_Bard> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2LU-lC-WX0 Click this shit 1248:< alphashadow> hey guys maybe we don't do that 1248:< yaahoe> no thanks nerf 1248:< yaahoe> seems like too risky of click 1249:< alphashadow> I clicked 1249:< pedro_fartinez> i dont like when people tell me to click shit. only because i inevitably click it. 1249:< Nerf_Bard> Its good ole cringe 1249:< alphashadow> it was cool 1249:< Nerf_Bard> its from the front page of reddit though 1249:< Nerf_Bard> so you might have seen it 1249:< IBelieveAllTheThings> "all u fuck boys out there" dammit 1249:< Khemikooligan> i saw that on the front page this morning 1249:< FriendlyYak> bwoebi i'm online since days on this account.. strange thing 1249:< pedro_fartinez> some people think they are the lord of the rings 1249:< Lord_Dankster> fucking fuccbois 1249:< Khemikooligan> apparently the full version is NSFW 1250:< Tyiek> i thought that he was accidentally gonna hurt himself. 1250:< pedro_fartinez> Tyiek i was rooting for the sword. 1250:< Khemikooligan> i think he cuts himself in the full verson 1250:< pedro_fartinez> whos got that link? 1250:< alphashadow> yeah if that second sword were real he'd have slashed into his side pretty badly there 1250:< Khemikooligan> its posted in the comments 1250:< Tyiek> either that or he was gonna break the sword. 1250:< xSke> what a moron 1251:< pedro_fartinez> cant find it. 1251:< Nerf_Bard> A suprising number of tracer ass posts rising in rule34 FeelsGoodMan 1251:< pedro_fartinez> what is a fuckboy? 1251:< yaahoe> I am going to summon a user 1251:< FatherDerp> pedro_fartinez basically a "player" 1251:< zacketysack> 1251:< yaahoe> is dankmemesnosteelbeams here? 1251:< zacketysack> no? 1251:< pedro_fartinez> interesting. 1251:< Nerf_Bard> Can I be a fuckboy? 1251:< yaahoe> I haven''t seen him anyone D: 1252:< FatherDerp> Nerf_Bard you're a fucktrap 1252:< IBelieveAllTheThings> a fornicator in the name of the king boy 1252:< pedro_fartinez> i havent seen dankmemesnotsteelbeams in like 2 days 1252:< FatherDerp> dankmemesnosteelbeam 1252:< FatherDerp> No s 1252:< zacketysack> what is dankmemesnosteelbeam? 1252:< Tyiek> The good old meme spam. 1253:< baseball44121> ;o 1253:< pedro_fartinez> says hes not in here. 1253:< xSke> wait IBelieveAllTheThings why are you #4 in the sidebar 1253:< zacketysack> RIP in piece 1253:< IBelieveAllTheThings> no wait, I'm stupid: fornicator under consent of the king boy 1253:< FatherDerp> If I can tab complete dankmemesnosteelbeam then he's here 1253:< IBelieveAllTheThings> no idea, it's been like that since day one 1253:< pedro_fartinez> try the /whois command 1253:< Tyiek> zacketysack a variation of "Jet fuel can't melt steal beams!" 1253:< yaahoe> he was a user in here a few days ago D: 1254:< yaahoe> Oh he is gone RIP D: 1254:< zacketysack> noice 1254:< Andrew_Mendoza> pedro_fartinez, we may be related 1254:< baseball44121> dankmemesnosteelbeam is in the list 1254:< IBelieveAllTheThings> dankmemesnosteelbeam <- can still username tab him 1254:< outphase84> is there a way to automagically chat into a channel? via a script addon or some other dumb method? 1254:< pedro_fartinez> Andrew_Mendoza fellow latinos with flatulence? 1254:< Andrew_Mendoza> So bad this morning 1254:< xSke> outphase84 yeah 1255:< Andrew_Mendoza> Went too heavy on the protein shake and coffee 1255:< xSke> dankmemesnosteelbeam is listed as "present: false" in the code so no 1255:< xSke> hes not here 1255:< pedro_fartinez> oh i see i was spelling it wrong 1255:< pedro_fartinez> dankmemesnosteelbeam is away and has voted to INCREASE 1255:< yaahoe> :( 1255:< yaahoe> Oh good 1255:< alphashadow> alright boys and girls i have to go teach some undergrads now, peace out and I hope the merge doesn't happen while i'm afk 1256:< yaahoe> have fun alphashadow :D 1256:< FatherDerp> garbage cleared now to sweep. This should be fun :/ 1256:< IBelieveAllTheThings> "undergrads" oh god, good luck! 1256:< yaahoe> I am an undergrad :D 1256:< zacketysack> alphashadow later 1256:< pedro_fartinez> fun times 1256:< Khemikooligan> i am a super undergrad 1256:< pedro_fartinez> im a postgrad fuck those undergrads 1257:< yaahoe> :( 1257:< yaahoe> You were once an undergrad pedro 1257:< Khemikooligan> 24 year old senior 1257:< mofosyne> good luck alphashadow 1257:< Khemikooligan> 6 more years! 1257:< zacketysack> yeah grad student here, undergrads think I'm one of "them" now 1257:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe thats how i know 1257:< yaahoe> But I am lovely 1257:< Nerf_Bard> Im kinda disappointed NarshaBestWaifu didnt participte in robin and if they did I didnt run into them ;n; 1258:< yaahoe> :( 1258:< zacketysack> yes yaahoe, you're beautiful 1258:< Khemikooligan> i do not envy you grad students, fuck school, i just want to get paid 1258:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe i hate undergrads, but yaahoe youre all right 1258:< yaahoe> I am thanks zacketysack 1258:< Nerf_Bard> But am I lovely 1258:< pedro_fartinez> Khemikooligan grad school cause no one was paying me for an english degree 1258:< yaahoe> Thanks pedro, you're not too bad yourself 1258:< pedro_fartinez> :/ 1258:< pedro_fartinez> I should be writing a paper right now 1259:< Khemikooligan> i'm chem, i probably have more job security as an undergrad, lol 1259:< pedro_fartinez> but instead im eating pop tarts in my underwear 1259:< outphase84> with robin-grow, if i'm on a channel filter, do i need to type the channel before i type my message? 1259:< pedro_fartinez> *from my underwear 1259:< outphase84> guess not, sweet. 1259:< yaahoe> Shouldn't we all be writing a paper :D omg pop tarts and nearly being nude sounds incred 1259:< yaahoe> bahaha 1259:< zacketysack> DebentureThyme surely you're not serious? 1259:< pedro_fartinez> yeah, i wrote that as if to imply id put clothes on or stop eating poptarts to right my paper 1300:< pedro_fartinez> when that is definitely not the case 1300:< yaahoe> I write all my papers nudes 1300:< outphase84> I work from home, what are pants? 1300:< Nerf_Bard> I do everything nude get on my level 1300:< yaahoe> and I wish I had poptarts 1300:< Khemikooligan> i can write your paper for you, just give me the spark notes 1301:< FatherDerp> Tay.ai was hilarious amirite? 1301:< zacketysack> pedro_fartinez, yup, I should be writing my thesis right now :( 1301:< Nerf_Bard> When I go out I dont even wear pants ^_^ 1301:< yaahoe> Yeah I do my degree online and overseas and have no job as I don't have a visa D: so I spent 98% of my time nude 1301:< loulan> yaahoe: which country 1301:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe what sea? 1301:< yaahoe> But here, if you are seen nude in your home/apartment/anywhere you can be considered to be creating porn and fined/punished LOL 1301:< yaahoe> Singapore 1301:< Nerf_Bard> Spending most of your time nude? sounds like my kind of person 1302:< Khemikooligan> ahh fuck, your that aussie 1302:< pedro_fartinez> its a bit cold here in scotland i need some protection 1302:< yaahoe> Khemikooligan :( 1302:< outphase84> i wouldn't want to live somewhere that i can't hang dong in my own house. 1302:< Khemikooligan> yaahoe kidding 1302:< yaahoe> You can just mute me if you want, I don't want to cause any issues D: 1302:< Nerf_Bard> Hes the aussie cunt that went to Singapore and not NZ to dominate me FailFish 1302:< Nerf_Bard> Wait what? 1302:< yaahoe> I am a girl but yesssssss that is me 1303:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe you might be the only girl in here. 1303:< xSke> 3k people? lol 1303:< Nerf_Bard> Always assume someone is a guy unless you have been told that they are female 1303:< yaahoe> really? I have met quite a lot of females 1303:< Khemikooligan> yaahoe when your back in roo land i will send a pizza your way 1303:< outphase84> http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+USTVtream+%28Ustream+TV+Live+Shows%29 => http://nazar.so/6a7x 1303:< andreaplanbee> fellow girl here 1303:< Nerf_Bard> I am girl ^_^ 1303:< pedro_fartinez> we should do a survey 1303:< andreaplanbee> :> 1303:< outphase84> that's not a stream of yaahoe airing twat but it's pretty cool 1303:< Nerf_Bard> I mean as long as we ignore the fact that im amle 1303:< robdob> andreaplanbee news radio reference? 1303:< andreaplanbee> YES 1303:< robdob> andreaplanbee HOLY SHIT 1304:< zacketysack> I like how the leaderboard has 14, 15, and 16 just lined up...primed for growth :D 1304:< andreaplanbee> youre the only person 1304:< yaahoe> Aw too sweet Khemikooligan but pay it forward if you want to someone else who needs it more :) 1304:< andreaplanbee> who ever asked 1304:< FatherDerp> Nerf_Bard we have a difference in definition in "girl" 1304:< yaahoe> hey andrea! girls UNITE 1304:< andreaplanbee> o/ 1304:< robdob> I don't even remember exactly how that was used, I just remember Andrea being called that 1304:< Nerf_Bard> Just let me dream Father ;n; 1304:< zacketysack> wait there are more girls than guys here? 1304:< pedro_fartinez> http://strawpoll.me/7294815 1304:< zacketysack> jackpot :D 1304:< andreaplanbee> because plan A was budget cuts but plan A didnt work because bill gets paid too much, plan B is firing matthew 1304:< FatherDerp> yaahoe is a girl? 1305:< andreaplanbee> andrea was the efficiency expert who fired matthew 1305:< yaahoe> yaahoe is a girl :) 1305:< xSke> CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE CRAB PEOPLE 1305:< zacketysack> I sexually identify as a crab person 1305:< pedro_fartinez> i should have made the options less farcical 1305:< robdob> Oooooh yeah 1305:< Nerf_Bard> Can I just pick girl? Or should I pick guy? Or non specific? 1305:< robdob> wow, that is delightfully obscure 1305:< andreaplanbee> she was also an arsonist 1305:< outphase84> i have too many fucking excel windows open 1305:< andreaplanbee> :> 1305:< Nerf_Bard> Im confused 1305:< pedro_fartinez> so far the crab people outnumber the girls 1305:< outphase84> i hate excel. and project, i hate ms project. 1305:< Sumwann> crab person 2edge 1305:< The_PurpleCat> :^) 1305:< Khemikooligan> ill believe peoples genders when i confirm it with my own eyes, until then you all have cocks 1306:< Nerf_Bard> So wait 1306:< xSke> guys wanna see my cock 1306:< andreaplanbee> Nerf_Bard have you read Nevada 1306:< yaahoe> I am 100% a girl 1306:< pedro_fartinez> Khemikooligan must make dating a real adventure for you 1306:< Nerf_Bard> I cant be a girl just because I have a cock 1306:< outphase84> Khemikooligan some of us might have 2 dicks. 1306:< mofosyne> Nerf_Bard it's whatever you feel like, australia don't judge. Except for some people in the liberal party 1306:< FatherDerp> I clicked on crab person and if put guy :S 1306:< Nerf_Bard> thats sexist 1306:< The_PurpleCat> u can be whoever you want to be 1306:< zacketysack> outphase84 MS Excel? my condolences 1306:< andreaplanbee> sure you can 1306:< xSke> heres a pic of my majestic cock http://i.imgur.com/VQp0jPs.jpg 1306:< zacketysack> xSke that link's staying blue 1306:< yaahoe> lol 1306:< xSke> :) 1306:< dashed> xSke <3 1306:< Khemikooligan> xSke i knew it 1307:< AtaraxicMegatron> zacketysack it's a fine cock 1307:< yaahoe> nice cock 1307:< zacketysack> xSke haha 1307:< pedro_fartinez> i clicked and was disappointed 1307:< The_PurpleCat> ske beautiful cock 1307:< pugpu> a prized cock 1307:< Nerf_Bard> CLICK IT 1307:< outphase84> zacketysack unfortunately for the technical projects i work on, there's nothing better for doing system design 1307:< FriendlyYak> xSke i would want to have such a great cock 1307:< mofosyne> xSke this is the chatroom for birds. Unless you got tits to show for, we don't care 1307:< FatherDerp> xSke I like your cock, I wish I could help fertilize a woman with it 1307:< zacketysack> outphase84 do you use VBA macros? 1307:< Nerf_Bard> Also I have not read Nevada andreaplanbee Ill check it out 1307:< outphase84> negative 1307:< xSke> here are my great tits http://i.imgur.com/eEsz9y0.jpg 1307:< pedro_fartinez> shit the programmers are leaking. 1307:< outphase84> i use it for data collection for unified communications system design 1308:< pedro_fartinez> blue-footed boobies 1308:< Khemikooligan> xSke nice! 1308:< yaahoe> lol 1308:< The_PurpleCat> damn nice tits 1308:< andreaplanbee> Nerf_Bard literally haveyoureadnevada.com 1308:< yaahoe> nice titties 1308:< mofosyne> such a great pair of tits 1308:< yaahoe> tits out for the bois 1308:< FatherDerp> So there's 5 guys 3 girls and 2 crabs, we need a piece of art for this 1308:< yaahoe> tits out for tha bois 1308:< loulan> i find this picture disgusting. keep your tits to yourself xSke. if i wanted to see tits i'd go outside 1308:< Nerf_Bard> tanks andreaplanbee <3 1309:< orkash> i think i saw a prono like that 1309:< FatherDerp> /u/shittywatercolor would be nice to have in here 1309:< andreaplanbee> yw <3 1309:< Khemikooligan> are you counting me as a guy? 1309:< marakiri> TIME TIME TIME.. LOOK WHATS BECOME OF ME 1309:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri <3 1309:< yaahoe> are we doing a survey????? 1309:< FatherDerp> Khemikooligan I'm going off the strawpoll 1309:< mofosyne> Apparently we got a constitution now... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit => http://nazar.so/59byn 1309:< marakiri> while i looked around.. for my possibilities 1309:< Nerf_Bard> rip rakki 1309:< Prolougey> shittywatercolour was in my T10 or 11 room i think 1309:< Prolougey> but he left :( 1309:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard : ) <3 what happened to rakki? 1310:< FatherDerp> http://strawpoll.me/7294815 1310:< dashed> mofosyne LOL? 1310:< The_PurpleCat> that is one official ass constitution 1310:< yaahoe> he accidently abandoned D: 1310:< zacketysack> I didn't agree to that :) 1310:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri he hit the abandon button and before he could go back to grow the auto pop up happened xD 1310:< marakiri> yaahoe lolololololol 1310:< dashed> oh shit edia language! 1310:< Khemikooligan> none of those choices represent me 1310:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard hahaaa 1310:< pedro_fartinez> part of the constitution seems to be in gibberish 1311:< FriendlyYak> i like our constitution 1311:< AtaraxicMegatron> i like the controlled chaos we had 1311:< The_PurpleCat> is that the flag we chose? 1311:< pedro_fartinez> i like turtles 1311:< FriendlyYak> it's not bad 1311:< yaahoe> Do you all know it is 60 cents for a slice of cheese at McDonalds WTF 1311:< The_PurpleCat> TIl 1311:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe in australia? 1311:< zacketysack> Does the Shaman have control of the military forces? 1311:< yaahoe> Nah singapore 1311:< marakiri> EDIAPLEMIS KU SEMESIS KU EDIA KU S O K U K U 1311:< yaahoe> Was having a McChicken and thought maybe cheese would be nice... 60 cents WHAT 1312:< marakiri> what? hahahaa but nice job ... 1312:< FriendlyYak> PLEMIS III. needs to be adjusted i think 1312:< FatherDerp> Alright so who wants to be shaman? 1312:< andreaplanbee> me 1313:< pedro_fartinez> i thought mobiuscoffee won or something 1313:< marakiri> pedro_fartinez lolololol i went there a couple of years back.. all i ate was curd, boiled rice and fruits 1313:< What-the-curtains> The second half of the constitution is written in Sabldiri if anyone was wondering 1313:< zacketysack> I would like to be the vice-Shaman 1313:< What-the-curtains> https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 1313:< Nerf_Bard> I want to be shaman ^_^ Can I overthrow the current shaman 1313:< pedro_fartinez> marakiri china tried to kill me. 1313:< Khemikooligan> how do i decode the gibberish? 1313:< andreaplanbee> who is the current shaman 1313:< marakiri> NERF BARD FOR SHAMAN 1313:< Khemikooligan> or is it meaningless? 1313:< What-the-curtains> Khemikooligan here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/47qux 1313:< xadrezo> we only have a temporary shaman until the constitution is done 1313:< pedro_fartinez> i thought it was MobiusCoffee 1313:< zacketysack> When are the Shaman nominee debates going to be held? 1313:< Prolougey> You must take the Shamanship by force 1314:< marakiri> i was trying to work on an election script but it didnt work 1314:< marakiri> :( https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ 1314:< pedro_fartinez> i thought shamanship was normally a paternal heritage type thing 1314:< FatherDerp> MobiusCoffee is the temporal shaman, we need to have a vote. 1314:< marakiri> is anyone good at js? 1314:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo so if it will never be finished we stay shamanish? 1314:< Nerf_Bard> Wait do i have to thrust my thingy into someone to become a shaman? If so i dont wanna be shaman 1314:< pedro_fartinez> once i programmed something to say "Hello World" 1314:< zacketysack> marakiri somewhat? 1314:< yaahoe> This is me 1314:< zacketysack> This is me 1314:< marakiri> zacketysack https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ see if u can get this to work 1314:< Khemikooligan> i thought dado won the elections 1315:< yaahoe> Oh oh fun for everyone 1315:< elginkevin> SHAMON 1315:< yaahoe> Hello World 1315:< FatherDerp> So far we have MobiusCoffee, andreaplanbee, and Nerf_Bard as candidates, anybody else? 1315:< pedro_fartinez> Is it me you're looking for? 1315:< elginkevin> We were talking about shamon, were we not? 1315:< Nerf_Bard> I VOTE NERF_BARD 1315:< marakiri> pedro_fartinez lol... i programmed this bot to ssay a whole tonn of shit on here... so i thot i could try this too.. but alas 1315:< m1327> so we went all of april 5th with no merge? :( 1315:< Nerf_Bard> Wait a minute Kappa 1315:< FatherDerp> This is going to be a strawpoll guys :P 1315:< elginkevin> One of those tier 11s is a lie. 1315:< pedro_fartinez> I feel like I would like to, but i can't give this chat the dedication it requires 1315:< scarwizard> % good to see Nerf here 1315:< pedro_fartinez> what with having to do fake term paper work 1315:< scarwizard> just checking in 1316:< yaahoe> Hello world this is me Life should be mmhmm yeah Fun for everyone, Hello world come and see this is me 1316:< Khemikooligan> i dont want shaman responsibility, just apoint me elder of tits and beer 1316:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo yes i was there and i think that is wise 1316:< yaahoe> Come on baby, don't be afraid Come on baby, it's not to late say you do, Won't you open up the door and let me in 1316:< yaahoe> Hello world this is me Life should be mmhmm yeah Fun for everyone, Hello world come and see Life should be fun for everyone. 1316:< Nerf_Bard> hi scar <3 1316:< marakiri> m1327 maple maple, on 5th of april 1316:< yaahoe> Every now and then i'm insecure Let me show you life can be so pure, Seize the day, Wear a big happy smile on your face. 1316:< Djinneral> guys what's this about? 1316:< pedro_fartinez> yaahoe i just looked that song up, its not very good 1316:< andreaplanbee> i have no idea 1316:< yaahoe> Look into my eyes and tell me straight, For you I'll make the whole world wait, Let me know, if it's so, let it show. 1317:< FatherDerp> I will set a timer of 10 minutes. Each minute, I will ask again, who wants to be shaman, at the end of the timer, the strawpoll 1317:< scarwizard> Djinneral, aye whats up mate 1317:< Djinneral> scarwizard afternoon mate 1317:< yaahoe> It is the theme song for the show saddle club that I religiously watched from the ages of like 5-10 1317:< FatherDerp> will be finalized and sent out for 30 minutes of election 1317:< yaahoe> LOVED IT 1317:< scarwizard> Just checking in to see the standing of the tiers 1317:< bananasquid> Still no merge?? 1317:< yaahoe> *fin* 1317:< pedro_fartinez> yup just looked up saddle club, it doesnt look very good 1317:< AtaraxicMegatron> can I vote for nigglet? 1317:< Djinneral> Why do we need a shaman? 1318:< yaahoe> It isn't :D but as a young australian girl who loved to horse ride - I LOVED IT 1318:< FatherDerp> Djinneral as per the constitution 1318:< Sahdee> Didn't we vote for a shaman yesterday? 1318:< pedro_fartinez> Djinneral to pass the time. 1318:< Nerf_Bard> I was rewatching a bunch of old ghibli films and holy fuck I forgot how good Mononoke was. Go watch it now if you havent already 1318:< touyajp> test 1318:< Djinneral> we have a constitution? 1318:< Prolougey> yup 1318:< FriendlyYak> Djinneral #gov 1318:< Djinneral> could you link it to me please 1318:< IBelieveAllTheThings> maybe we should have a daily shaman 1318:< pedro_fartinez> Djinneral we do. its somewhere 1318:< Djinneral> ahh ill jump on the channel 1318:< FatherDerp> Sahdee well on the constution, there's nothing about an official shaman already having 1318:< pedro_fartinez> Djinneral https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/5yjs4 1318:< Prolougey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit# => http://nazar.so/7y6ui 1318:< FatherDerp> been elected 1319:< Djinneral> I refreshed my page just as you linked it lol 1319:< Djinneral> so now I can't see the link 1319:< Prolougey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit# => http://nazar.so/77t 1319:< FatherDerp> Who wants to be shaman? 1319:< pedro_fartinez> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/83nu0 1319:< FatherDerp> Also, feel free to nominate others as shaman 1319:< Sahdee> I nominate FatherDerp. He's a fellow yellowman 1319:< thatbarryguy> What the hell is that? 1319:< Djinneral> ooh I like the flag, it's very beautiful 1319:< yaahoe> nah he is orange sahdee 1319:< zacketysack> marakiri what errror are you getting? 1319:< pedro_fartinez> MobiusCoffee 1319:< Prolougey> wait, we have a language too :o 1320:< Sahdee> Curses! 1320:< pedro_fartinez> i believe thats finnish 1320:< AtaraxicMegatron> lol no 1320:< Djinneral> I suggest we move the yellow cross on the flag up though and thicken the green triangle 1320:< What-the-curtains> Prolougey yes, Sabldiri! 1320:< FatherDerp> Shaman nominations? 1320:< Djinneral> as a matter of fact we should make the entire flag green 1320:< pedro_fartinez> nope, looked it up, its gibberish 1321:< IBelieveAllTheThings> so,.. Finnish 1321:< Nerf_Bard> ^ 1321:< xadrezo> the point where the yellow lines meet is exactly in the center 1321:< pedro_fartinez> not enough b's and j's and g's and k's in too close of a proximity 1321:< Nerf_Bard> I once knew a Finnish woman can confirm they are all just devil worshipping jibberish speakers :^) 1321:< FatherDerp> So far we have MobiusCoffee, andreaplanbee, Nerf_Bard and myself 1322:< FatherDerp> Voting will take place starting in five minutes. 1322:< Djinneral> wow sabldiri is getting quite advanced 1322:< Prolougey> I nominate yaahoe for the shamanship 1322:< Djinneral> Uhh I guess I would like to be shaman too 1322:< pedro_fartinez> seconded! 1322:< xadrezo> no no no no not in 5 minutes 1322:< yaahoe> Waaah 1322:< GlitcherRed> we need an edia representative 1322:< Nerf_Bard> Wait if I am shaman then I cant be someones qt trap waifu can I. Might have to pull out gg 1323:< lordxeon> when will we merge? 1323:< Djinneral> actually no I don't have what it takes to be a shaman, I have nerf_bard representing my seexza clan anyway 1323:< lordxeon> any ideas on when the next merge will be? Tomorrow sometime probably? 1323:< yaahoe> I feel so honoured Prolougey :D 1323:< FatherDerp> xadrezo what's wrong with five mins from now? 1323:< Djinneral> tomorrow morning we merge possibly 1323:< supasteve013> depends when tomorrow is for oyu 1323:< xadrezo> the constitution isnt even done yet 1323:< Sahdee> I support Yaahoe's nomination for they are yellow too 1323:< supasteve013> screw the continum transfunctioner 1324:< yaahoe> :D 1324:< FatherDerp> Well we'll need someone to approve the final constitution will we not? xadrezo 1324:< mofosyne> ya 1324:< supasteve013> can we vote against the constitution 1324:< AtaraxicMegatron> ^ 1324:< pedro_fartinez> i wouldnt mind being on the executive counsel 1324:< xadrezo> "the tribe will elect their shaman upon the pending ratification of this constitution." 1325:< Djinneral> well if bard won't go shaman then I will step up to the task! 1325:< xadrezo> "Full ratification will be made by the temporal Shaman whom immediately follows the first election." 1325:< mofosyne> it be interesting how the merging of sokukune and ccand will effect the constitution of the merged nation 1325:< pedro_fartinez> temporary leaders never love staying temporary 1325:< FatherDerp> Well who the hell's the current shaman?? 1325:< pedro_fartinez> i hope we have a power struggle on our hands 1325:< yaahoe> :D 1325:< Djinneral> our tribal shamanic culture against their fancy pancy 18th century culture huh 1325:< yaahoe> :D 1325:< pedro_fartinez> MobiusCoffee 1326:< Prolougey> Is the shaman allowed to time travel or does that break the constitution? 1326:< FatherDerp> He's up for the next election. I'm bored :P 1326:< Sahdee> Perhaps we should have a shaman from each colour 1326:< supasteve013> shamans are for pussies 1326:< mofosyne> ccand constitution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit#heading=h.4vhuktcbh0et => http://nazar.so/37duz 1326:< pedro_fartinez> well, im out to do work. see yall later 1326:< Djinneral> I'm green the colour of nature, doesn't get any more shamanic than that 1326:< mofosyne> sokukune constitution: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit# => http://nazar.so/646e2 1327:< yaahoe> :D 1327:< IBelieveAllTheThings> I'm both blue and red, what does that make me? 1327:< supasteve013> youre just blue 1327:< yaahoe> I am yellow and mellow 1327:< Whitestep> since when do we have a constitution 1327:< Sahdee> Very confused IBelieve 1327:< FatherDerp> I'm pretty sure I'm Orange? 1327:< IBelieveAllTheThings> supasteve013: http://i.imgur.com/biPe2tR.png 1328:< pedro_fartinez> im blue 1328:< supasteve013> firefox? pleb 1328:< FatherDerp> I'll extend the nomination period by 20 minutes and no more. I need something to take care of while I'm cleaning 1328:< IBelieveAllTheThings> pedro_fartinez is red in ff 1328:< yaahoe> :) 1328:< supasteve013> i nominate that no one is anything and we do not use a constitution 1329:< yaahoe> :D 1329:< FatherDerp> motion declined supasteve013 1329:< zacketysack> :? 1329:< AtaraxicMegatron> i nominate nigglet and JohnMaddin 1329:< yaahoe> I love you all 1329:< supasteve013> i second nigglet and johnmaddin 1329:< ArcOfDream> I used to use Firefox a lot until it started to mess with my Windows system 1329:< xSke> I nominate all the john madden bots 1329:< supasteve013> there are 3 nominations for johnmaddin 1329:< loulan> I use lynx, noobs 1329:< ArcOfDream> Now stuck with Chromium 1329:< xSke> i nominate ALL the madden bots 1330:< Music_monkey> how do we nominate and what are we voting on ? 1330:< xSke> i dont know 1330:< yaahoe> FapFapFap 1330:< xSke> i read "nominate" and "john maddin" 1330:< The_PurpleCat> john madden? 1330:< loulan> I never voted for this constitution and I never voted for a leader. Who's taking power? mofosyne, are you trying to oppress me? 1331:< The_PurpleCat> (>^_^)> PRAISE YOUR JOHN MADDEN <(^_^<) 1331:< loulan> let's start a revolution. i'm no member of no tribe and obey to no shaman 1331:< FatherDerp> nominations are just entered here and it's for shaman 1331:< xSke> whats a chaman 1331:< xSke> shaman 1331:< FatherDerp> idfk, we're bored 1331:< loulan> the only shaman i'll accept is myself. so add me to the list. 1331:< dashed> can i be shaman? 1331:< yaahoe> FapFapFap 1331:< xSke> nigglet is best leader 1331:< Nerf_Bard> Apparently they already have a shaman 1332:< The_PurpleCat> i would like to nominate nigglet 1332:< Nerf_Bard> But I think hes invalid now 1332:< AtaraxicMegatron> i vote for loulan if nigglet and maddens are out 1332:< loulan> nigglet isn't even a politically correct name. what kind of world leader can have the name of a small nigger? 1332:< Nerf_Bard> We could overthrow him 1332:< FatherDerp> Shaman nominees: MobiusCoffee, andreaplanbee, FatherDerp, yaahoe, JohnMaddin, nigglet, loulan 1332:< Nerf_Bard> I vote nigglet 1332:< dashed> FatherDerp u forgot me :( 1332:< xSke> loulan pretty sure tons of world leaders have had offensive names 1332:< yaahoe> FapFapFap D: 1332:< supasteve013> the one thing i really liked about this chat was that there was no fucking stupid ass leaders. 1332:< FatherDerp> Voting will take place in a strawpoll 1332:< xSke> ghjk 1332:< FatherDerp> Shaman nominees: +dashed 1333:< zacketysack> Prolem getting to T17? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/d1s14vc => http://nazar.so/6kkdj 1333:< yaahoe> FapFapFap 1333:< dashed> FatherDerp: and parrot 1333:< loulan> zacketysack: well it takes a lot of time of course, you need tons of people 1333:< FatherDerp> + parrot 1333:< loulan> and it's slowing down... 1333:< yaahoe> (poolparty) 1333:< FatherDerp> dashed, there's no parrot user in here.. 1334:< dashed> FatherDerp ;) 1334:< yaahoe> :'( 1334:< zacketysack> loulan yeah, I've got an alt on T14 right now...seems pretty difficult to get another T14 1334:< dashed> zacketysack http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1334:< FatherDerp> =.= are you trying to add your script as a shaman nominee dashed?? 1334:< zacketysack> dashed thanks! 1334:< dashed> FatherDerp yeah... 1334:< dashed> FatherDerp it's perfect 1335:< dashed> FatherDerp our order is ruled by it anyways 1335:< Nerf_Bard> =^.^= 1335:< Nerf_Bard> Sugoii I just drew a kawaii neko desu nya~ 1335:< loulan> to be honest there has always been more or less the same amount of people on all chans combined. < 6000. 1336:< loulan> people who care are in the big chans already... 1336:< FatherDerp> cc: xadrezo Shaman nominee rule addition: only users present in soKuKunelits may be nominated 1336:< spacks> %chat I'm beginning to think we may never merge. 1336:< Stjerneklar> id vote for robin 1336:< xSke> holy shit http://pages.gitlab.io/ 1336:< SarcastaRandy> this chat has slowed down so much i dont think you need a filter 1336:< xSke> that shit blows gh pages out of the water 1337:< bananasquid> Parrot is so nice now that I kinda want things to pick up a ton again 1337:< SarcastaRandy> i have no filter and can follow fine now still spammy but tolerable 1337:< SarcastaRandy> do you need a filter to block someone 1338:< yaahoe> I think so 1339:< mofosyne> doesn't parrot support block filter yaahoe? 1339:< touyajp> Sande24 dream on 1339:< hennelly14> i nominate me because i only show up every 14 hours 1339:< mofosyne> yaahoe try clicking on the person's name 1339:< yaahoe> Yeah it does, I was saying I am pretty sure you need a filter to block someone haha 1339:< ixc7> I dont not accept this constitution unless it uses sabldiri as the offical language! 1339:< touyajp> actually i think ~34h ago we had even 200 more stays 1339:< xSke> you need the browser extension 1340:< xSke> well, user script 1340:< touyajp> 24* 1340:< xSke> and then you can block people, and also disable the filter if you want 1340:< remog> It's still here?! 1340:< remog> gawd 1340:< xSke> yeah is sabldiri still a thing 1340:< Nerf_Bard> We have lost a good 200 people 1340:< yaahoe> I nominate me because I have a lot of free time and a passion for the people... #bemellowforyellow 1340:< touyajp> nah, not since 24h 1340:< touyajp> we had like 3010 24h ago 1340:< FatherDerp> ixc7 do you mean having sabldiri first and then english second? 1340:< touyajp> don't make me look up in revision history 1340:< Nerf_Bard> #fuckyouryellowwhydoesntanythingrhymewithorange 1340:< MobiusCoffee> xSke mara! 1340:< HitNRun_> at one point we were apparently 3800 1341:< ixc7> ses 1341:< touyajp> yes, right after merge 1341:< Sande24> yeah hide behind an army of autovoting shits and claim the higher ground. The true achievement for us would be to stay at this point. 1341:< ixc7> Mara MobiusCoffee 1341:< HitNRun_> i was afk for that 1341:< yaahoe> Nerf_Bard r u okay? D: 1341:< hennelly14> make sokuku 4000 again 1341:< Nerf_Bard> I just wanna rhyme ok ;n; 1341:< Djinneral> staying is for cowards, you are a coward sande24 1341:< yaahoe> :( 1341:< HitNRun_> we may get to t17 today 1341:< pugpu> there wouldn't be enough active people to stay 1341:< MobiusCoffee> ixc7 mara! Sa slari joob? 1341:< IBelieveAllTheThings> That was before the inactive non-voters got purged HitNRun_ 1341:< Djinneral> you will never get to valhalla and your ancestors will cry 1341:< IBelieveAllTheThings> there were about 700 of them 1342:< ixc7> ab joob 1342:< Nerf_Bard> Carry me to Valhalla onii-chan <3 1342:< Sande24> Will we really stay at T17? I doubt. We must start voting STAY now in order to have enough momentum at T17. Otherwise we stagnate. 1343:< hennelly14> when are we voting? 1343:< HitNRun_> no staying until t17 1343:< Djinneral> I won't stay even when we hit 17 1343:< Khemikooligan> it is the only way 1343:< Music_monkey> music going on over here! https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1343:< FatherDerp> hennelly14 voting starts in 8 minutes. Feel free to place nominations until then 1343:< yaahoe> How is everyone today? Good? 1343:< Djinneral> Po frem thet 1343:< hennelly14> once again i nominate me because i only show up every 14 hours 1343:< Sande24> staying is not for cowards. This is a bigger achievement than blindly staying til infinity. There is an end to everything. 1344:< sodas> Super good! It's a goddamn decent day. 1344:< Jatexi> i really love this chat, so many different peple 1344:< Jatexi> people* 1344:< yaahoe> Great to hear sodas :D 1344:< Khemikooligan> i nominate 1344:< Nerf_Bard> I'm lonely onee-sama yaahoe ;n; 1344:< Djinneral> Are you afraid of death Sande24? 1344:< Jatexi> people* 1344:< yaahoe> D: Nerf_Bard 1344:< ixc7> clem bidow edia! ip verdat gupo sabldiri treepa ner constitution! MobiusCoffee 1344:< Djinneral> Sa Gorf! 1344:< yaahoe> I am sending you hugs 1344:< Nerf_Bard> Hugs are nice and fluffeh 1344:< supasteve013> i guess i missed the point. we succeeded from tier 1 till 60 hours into 16 without a constitution, now were copying ccandy 1345:< supasteve013> why do we need one? 1345:< Nerf_Bard> We dont 1345:< anyoldnames> we doing this today? 1345:< sodas> How is everyone else today? 1345:< Nerf_Bard> ^_^ 1345:< Khemikooligan> we cant just accept some lesser rooms laws 1345:< lordxeon> working 1345:< anyoldnames> its coming right? 1345:< dashed> no guys .... parrot is our "constitution" 1345:< lordxeon> when will the merge happen? 1345:< Nerf_Bard> I already said I was lonely 1345:< MobiusCoffee> ixc7 Po eke kram :D Col sa bok https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit?ts=57042b82# => http://nazar.so/2tpbk 1345:< Djinneral> Sa Poshka Tossem Titth 1345:< anyoldnames> the merge 1345:< anyoldnames> the merge cometh 1345:< supasteve013> so were going to copy them? parrot is our constitution, thats all anyone will remember from this 1345:< Nerf_Bard> Khemikooligan Fuck them I will be able to convert a few 1346:< Nerf_Bard> the ones that matter at least 1346:< MobiusCoffee> rup col sas krem http://i.imgur.com/ufJ7PbR.png?1 1346:< dashed> supasteve013 nothng to write down :D just install parrot 1346:< What-the-curtains> MobiusCoffee did you translate the entire constitution into sabldiri? 1346:< MobiusCoffee> What-the-curtains yeah 1346:< xSke> whats the pronunciation of sabldiri like? 1346:< supasteve013> dashed i've been using it for ages 1346:< MobiusCoffee> xSke not very well established :P 1346:< yaahoe> Greaat work MobiusCoffee I shall get to reading straight away to prepare 1346:< dashed> MobiusCoffee are u the only translator? 1347:< yaahoe> JUST INCASE 1347:< ixc7> dashed Ba :D 1347:< xSke> Sande24 u wot 1347:< Nerf_Bard> How do I say "does anyone want to see my under-aged body?" in Sabldiri? 1347:< dashed> ixc7 Ba 1347:< MobiusCoffee> dashed for now I guess so. There are other highly competent people here as well though 1347:< yaahoe> Guys I have a copy of the language 1347:< yaahoe> :D 1348:< dashed> MobiusCoffee what happens if you disappeared forever from this chat? :( 1348:< What-the-curtains> I'm pretty sure blue_flycatcher translates a bit 1348:< FatherDerp> Shaman Nominees: MobiusCoffee, andreaplanbee, FatherDerp, yaahoe, JohnMaddin, nigglet, loulan, dashed. Cast your nominations now 1348:< ixc7> dashed soj bat sabldiri 1348:< Sande24> if you think of this as social experiment then you'd understand that STAY is the obvious non-choice for a peasant. 1348:< Nerf_Bard> I would become your god-queen and you would kiss my feet 1348:< MobiusCoffee> dashed Kram bat slino! 1348:< Nerf_Bard> Thats how it works right? 1348:< dashed> lol nigglet is a nominee? 1348:< FatherDerp> and Djinneral, forgot him 1348:< Stjerneklar> whats a peasant? 1348:< Sande24> you when you vote groe 1348:< ixc7> sent Stjerneklar to r/PCmasterrace 1349:< FatherDerp> dashed yup, actually got a few nominations for him 1349:< Khemikooligan> i nominate 1349:< Nerf_Bard> You fucks of non royal descent. Typical plebs 1349:< Stjerneklar> Sande24 ah, this is just flinging crap i guess 1349:< Khemikooligan> i nominate 1349:< mattpowelluk> did everyone get invited to reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/ 1349:< Khemikooligan> agggh 1349:< FatherDerp> Khemikooligan you mean you want to be a nominee? 1349:< Khemikooligan> no 1349:< Djinneral> nah I don't have what it takes to be shaman 1349:< BullDoor> nominee for whut? 1349:< Stjerneklar> i mean what is a peasant supposed to be in this context? 1350:< FatherDerp> BullDoor for Shama 1350:< Stjerneklar> or are you just masturbating with words? 1350:< FatherDerp> Shaman** 1350:< Khemikooligan> i nominate Nerf_Bard 1350:< loulan> FatherDerp: I think you can safely remove the first six nominees 1350:< IBelieveAllTheThings> We're voting a salmon BullDoor 1350:< Nerf_Bard> I was already nominated 1350:< Djinneral> I nominate mobiuscoffee 1350:< hennelly14> second 1350:< Nerf_Bard> Im fucking amazing ^_^ 1350:< loulan> they suck pretty bad 1350:< Khemikooligan> well then i second 1350:< What-the-curtains> I'd support MobiusCoffee for Shaman 1350:< hennelly14> second 1351:< FatherDerp> Nerf_Bard didn't you say you didn't want to be a candidate? 1351:< Nerf_Bard> WAIT WHY THE FUCK HAVENT I BEEN NOMINATED FATHER 1351:< MobiusCoffee> Guys I already lost the election 1351:< loulan> shamans don't drink coffee, it's against their religion, he has to be removed from the list 1351:< Nerf_Bard> IVE SAID IT LIKE 20 FUCKING TIMES 1351:< IBelieveAllTheThings> thirded, the shaman should at least speak our language 1351:< BullDoor> Don't you need at least 3 years of demonstrable totem based experience? 1351:< Nerf_Bard> Fuck your shitty language I shall have a translator 1351:< GlitcherRed> RIP 1351:< Khemikooligan> i nominate BullDoor 1351:< hennelly14> second 1351:< Nerf_Bard> Q( '.'Q) 1351:< Djinneral> the language is vital to the position 1351:< Supajin> hi everyone 1351:< FatherDerp> Nerf_Bard pretty sure you said you didn't want to be Shaman. 1351:< loulan> Sande24: I've been trying to tell them that for days, but nobody understands that being here when they shut it down isn't an achievemt 1351:< Nerf_Bard> Fite me 1352:< TheCountryoftheNo> Hopefully a stay left. 1352:< IBelieveAllTheThings> thirded, he seems to have totem based experience 1352:< Nerf_Bard> Father I said I did now put me in Daddy ;n; 1352:< Khemikooligan> I nominate TheCountryoftheNo 1352:< Nerf_Bard> Put it in me daddy* 1352:< hennelly14> second 1352:< Djinneral> loulan I think it is the greatest achievement 1352:< Sande24> sidenote: I know we probably stay after T17 but looking at the tally we most likely will NOT stay this round. 1352:< yaahoe> Mara pet! Po d'aw sas 1352:< IBelieveAllTheThings> thirded, No 1352:< FatherDerp> LAST call for Shaman nominations 1352:< TheCountryoftheNo> For what? I didn't do anything 1352:< Nerf_Bard> I played a dranei restoration shaman. Does that count? 1352:< Supajin> Nerf_Bard don't you get tired o.o 1352:< touyajp> we're cascading up to 7->12 in 20 minutes \o/ 1352:< Nerf_Bard> Nope I am a fucking caffiene freak 1352:< loulan> if staying in a chan forever was an achievement, i spent so many years idling on IRC that i'd be a fucking world champion 1353:< touyajp> loulan i'd beat you. 1353:< Nerf_Bard> Havent slept for 48 hours ^_^ 1353:< loulan> doubt it touyajp 1353:< Djinneral> this isn't your everyday chat 1353:< Djinneral> this is a merging chat 1353:< loulan> you're probably too young for this 1353:< Khemikooligan> TheCountryoftheNo you deserve this 1353:< touyajp> loulan first join to irc: november 1992 1353:< Nerf_Bard> FATHER! Put me in ;n; 1353:< hennelly14> second 1353:< Sande24> voting STAY now will not sway the vote in the other direction but it will add to the momentum so we'd manage to stay next round. 1353:< touyajp> anarchynet 1353:< Supajin> rip 1353:< touyajp> do i win? 1353:< yaahoe> Mara pet! Po d'aw sas 1353:< loulan> fair enough you beat me. i vote for touyajp 1353:< Djinneral> going out in a flash of fireworks is more beautiful than slowly rotting in a dead sub 1353:< TheCountryoftheNo> I am innocent. I'm being set up. 1354:< Supajin> why would it be a dead sub 1354:< FatherDerp> Here is the StrawPoll: http://strawpoll.me/7295146 1354:< Djinneral> there's no reason to use it 1354:< Supajin> all of reddit would want to join 1354:< supasteve013> fatherderp i don't like you because youre ruining this chat 1354:< touyajp> loulan tbf though, i had no clue what i was doing back then. irc was just extremely exciting. with a 9600 BAUD modem ^^ 1354:< hennelly14> MADDEN 2016 1354:< Djinneral> plus it would be private 1354:< Supajin> what is this shaman stuff about 1354:< What-the-curtains> yaahoe Ip d'awa sa rup 1354:< loulan> touyajp: i don't really remember when i first joined but i think it was more around 1994. 1354:< Sande24> the sub is not the point. It's the message it sends what matters. What's the point of a killed chat? Nothing. 1354:< FriendlyYak> nigglet will win i think 1354:< Supajin> vote for johnmadden 1354:< supasteve013> nig better win 1355:< loulan> but i'm not american, it takes longer for technology to reach us, so i should get extra points 1355:< Nerf_Bard> We need an official chat for the sabldiri language or whatever you fucks call it 1355:< BullDoor> He has been putting in work over the past few days 1355:< hennelly14> MADDEN/NIGLETS 2016 1355:< What-the-curtains> Nerf_Bard we have one 1355:< GlitcherRed> is %S still a thing? 1355:< What-the-curtains> It's now .edia 1355:< touyajp> loulan still early. that was when eris was kicked alread (efnet?) 1355:< What-the-curtains> But no one really uses it 1355:< mofosyne> Whats your filter? Mine is "#gov,#rpg,^,%chat,$,penis/" 1355:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 very open-ended reason. Thanks for the answer. 1355:< Nerf_Bard> Can we get these sabldiri cunts out of the english %chat then 1356:< Khemikooligan> i nominate the oficial sokuku anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMk8wuw7nek&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/8i701 1356:< loulan> #gov people are plotting a coup against us to establish some form of government to our anarchist society 1356:< FatherDerp> Voting will end at x:20 1356:< What-the-curtains> always good to have some xenophobia eh? 1356:< supasteve013> fatherderp i'm sorry that seemed incredibly straight forward, are you saying you aren't leading the way on this shaman bullshit? 1356:< loulan> we are not part of #gov, they are the 1%, and they decide for us. let's reject their decisions 1356:< hennelly14> heil fuhrer niglets! 1356:< BullDoor> I refuse to acknowledge their government ass genuine 1356:< BullDoor> lol, ass genuine 1356:< loulan> i refuse too 1356:< Nerf_Bard> Nope its just unnerving to have someone saying something you dont understand 1356:< loulan> Je suis %chat 1356:< touyajp> loulan where did you side on the big split? (irc/efnet)? 1356:< Broodoobob> Top of the morning to you all 1356:< ArcOfDream> Yo. 1357:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 it's a joke and what the hell difference does it make as to who leads it and who's shaman? 1357:< mofosyne> Yo 1357:< hennelly14> Broodoobobwut? 1357:< Broodoobob> I said good morning :D 1357:< loulan> ircnet being european of course, touyajp 1357:< Nerf_Bard> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R8aSKwTEMg&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/5rvxj I think this should be our national anthem tbf 1357:< mofosyne> What's your filter Broodoobob? 1357:< Nerf_Bard> O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA 1357:< Djinneral> why's nigglet even in the poll he's a bot 1358:< Broodoobob> 90% of that is dead 1358:< supasteve013> theres enough spam on this chat 1358:< FriendlyYak> Djinneral still better then the rest 1358:< GlitcherRed> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9jnw0-ndAY this should be our national anthem 1358:< mofosyne> What is ,<,%mh,?,s,#s ? 1358:< AtaraxicMegatron> Djinneral I nominated him because fuck the system 1358:< Broodoobob> haha except I'm southern I love the irish though 1358:< FriendlyYak> i don't want a leader 1358:< BullDoor> Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak 1358:< Broodoobob> Nerf_Bard funny you mention that I'm going to go play some sound voltex at an arcade today 1359:< Jatexi> ,^ . 1359:< FriendlyYak> BullDoor ? 1359:< hennelly14> Broodoobob He loves me! :D 1359:< yaahoe> What-the-curtains <3 Bidow joob pu semes 1359:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 this will last another 20 minutes. Come on man. We're boooored! 1359:< Ar72> still no mege 1359:< GlitcherRed> there won't be enough votes for anyone to become leader anyways 1359:< Nerf_Bard> Jatexi <3 Did you hear about rakki? 1359:< hennelly14> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml4wAnvfM4M&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/8g7a4 ----------> Please rise for our national anthem! 1359:< loulan> is anyone saving the logs of this chat? maybe it's the old IRCster in me but it stresses me out to chat somewhere without logs 1359:< FatherDerp> Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1359:< Khemikooligan> if we gonna nominate edm weaboo shit it should be this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csvg2ZD2KvY&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/94y0f 1359:< touyajp> loulan i am too, but meh. i sided with efnet. l liked the atmosphere much better. ircnet was so srs 1359:< Jatexi> yeah :( he PMd me and I saw the picture of your mention on the thread :p 1359:< Jatexi> i'm the only person remaining from the original few tiers I was in now 1400:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard i think rakki is still in the group where i saw him last time 1400:< BullDoor> FriendlyYak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4mjUTBXnPQ 1400:< Jatexi> he accidentally abandoned a few hours ago 1400:< What-the-curtains> yaahoe sa rup! 1400:< supasteve013> fatherderp lol alright 1400:< Nerf_Bard> If weaboo shit I vote this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuNixp-wvWM&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/8cnp 1400:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard trsmthPMgh or so 1400:< zacketysack> Does anyone know how recent this data is? http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1401:< Nerf_Bard> rip rakki BibleThump 1401:< mofosyne> Thanks for the EDM weebo shit Khemikooligan, I'm more future funk, but this is alrighto 1401:< FriendlyYak> BullDoor yess! exactly! :D 1401:< mofosyne> tribal it is 1401:< Nerf_Bard> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8p_dQMsW4Q or this for weaboo shit 1401:< Broodoobob> 2hu eurobeat, that's all I'm saying 1401:< Nerf_Bard> Im good at this weaboo shit thing 1401:< GlitcherRed> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFlnHvcfYRc 1402:< amaklp> OutOfTheLoop. When do we merge? 1402:< Sande24> I think I could have abandoned this chat, joined another one and we would have been merged into this one. It may still be possible. 1402:< Djinneral> i cant see supasteve's posts 1402:< Broodoobob> it could still be possible, yeah 1402:< Sande24> so why the hell is T17 any good... 1402:< BullDoor> I propose we have the entirety of Parliament Funkadelic's discography as our anthem 1402:< Djinneral> I might've muted him lol but I dont remember for what 1402:< Nerf_Bard> Its not 1402:< Nerf_Bard> Fucking Abandon if you dont like it 1402:< mofosyne> Nerf_Bard : Renai Slamulation - Quad City DJs vs Kana Hanazawa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-3pHsAIUy4 1403:< Nerf_Bard> We couldnt care less if you were to leave 1403:< supasteve013> djinneral my posts? 1403:< Nerf_Bard> NO 1403:< Nerf_Bard> YOU FUCK DONT TAINT KANA HANA 1403:< Broodoobob> well this chat has now gone full weeb 1403:< hennelly14> Rise for the national anthem! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxQnuMGyPJs&feature=youtu.be => http://nazar.so/2qbnr 1403:< mofosyne> so kukuukukukukukukkukukuk 1403:< Djinneral> Sande your heart is weak 1403:< Nerf_Bard> SHE IS A GODDESS SHE NEEDS NOTHING ELSE. SHE IS THE STAR 1404:< mofosyne> kuku kuku kuku 1404:< supasteve013> djinneral must have muted me lol neat 1404:< Nerf_Bard> Broodoobob with a name like soku-Kun what did you expect? 1404:< GlitcherRed> CUT ALL THOSE &feature=youtu.be stuff the script can't recognize them as links 1404:< Nerf_Bard> Djinneral did you mute supasteve013? 1404:< Broodoobob> Nerf_Bard well, I suppose that's true.. 1405:< Djinneral> I think I muted him ages ago 1405:< Djinneral> what does he do anyway 1405:< supasteve013> thats hurtful 1405:< BullDoor> Nerf have you actually been up for 48 hours? 1405:< mofosyne> who is supasteve013 1405:< supasteve013> idk 1405:< Nerf_Bard> Atleast 48 1405:< mofosyne> oh good morning supasteve013 1405:< supasteve013> oh hi 1405:< Silveress_Golden> o/ 1405:< Khemikooligan> pfff, only 48? 1405:< Djinneral> ill go unmute him now 1405:< BullDoor> Damn man, you should sleep so you don't die or something 1405:< Nerf_Bard> Djinneral not much 1405:< Silveress_Golden> ^ hi 1405:< supasteve013> now come on nerf_bard i say a lot 1406:< Djinneral> you've been unmuted supasteve 1406:< Nerf_Bard> I couldnt care less if I dieded 1406:< Djinneral> why did I mute you though? 1406:< BullDoor> Maybe you've activated some prions and you've developed fatal familial insomnia 1406:< supasteve013> djinneral i have no clue 1406:< Khemikooligan> because youre a punk ass bitch 1406:< Djinneral> man!!! 1406:< supasteve013> damnn 1406:< supasteve013> rough crowd 1407:< Khemikooligan> i mute no one 1407:< hennelly14> Vote nigglet http://strawpoll.me/7295146 1407:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1407:< Nerf_Bard> BullDoor nah just at this point im so fucked I really couldnt care less 1407:< Khemikooligan> free speech doesnt work like that 1407:< supasteve013> cool father 1407:< Nerf_Bard> tfw only 2 votes FeelsBadMan 1407:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 Yes, I'm poking you with a stick. 1408:< BullDoor> tfw a bot is winning the shaman election v_v 1408:< BullDoor> He won't even show up to make a speech, guys 1408:< GlitcherRed> maybe he will 1408:< GlitcherRed> who knows Kappa 1408:< pugpu> the shaman election is pointless! We dont want to copy a smaller room 1408:< hennelly14> Nigglets reign will be fiar but cruel 1408:< AtaraxicMegatron> he will 1408:< AtaraxicMegatron> "nigglets" 1409:< GlitcherRed> there aren't enough votes anyways 1409:< Nerf_Bard> "nigglets" ~nigglet 2016 1409:< Broodoobob> I nominate prions as the single most terrifying thing in the world 1409:< BullDoor> Prions for shaman 2016 1409:< FriendlyYak> Broodoobob i 2nd this 1409:< Broodoobob> probably above a gamma ray burst since at least that'd kill us quickly 1409:< hennelly14> NIGGLET/MADDEN 2016 http://strawpoll.me/7295146 1409:< supasteve013> fatherderp yeah, i need to make an adjustment to the order of my channels because when it refreshes every 15 minutes it changes 1409:< Khemikooligan> no, that title belongs to spider AIDS 1409:< supasteve013> my channel 1409:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee is the obvious choice. 1409:< GlitcherRed> we don't even have 1% voting rate 1409:< Nerf_Bard> I'm more afraid that senpai wont love me and make me his qt trap waifu 1410:< FriendlyYak> i think nigglets influence is overrated 1410:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 I suggest using Parrot because of the issues with channels. You're entering Penis/ and I don't believe it's showing up in 1410:< hennelly14> glitcherred something something 99% 1410:< FatherDerp> supasteve013 certain places 1410:< BullDoor> I think he's a wimp, and I wanna prove it by fighting him by the school bell @ 3PM 1410:< Khemikooligan> Nerf_Bard get a boyfriend and then senpai will netorare you 1410:< BullDoor> Bet he won't even show up 1410:< supasteve013> fatherderp i have it, but i'm using a chrome auto refresh extension thats fucking with it 1411:< Nerf_Bard> but netorare is so icky Khemikooligan its the only type of hentai I cant stand 1411:< BullDoor> Is anyone else's autoscroll really inconsistent w/ Parrot? 1411:< yaahoe> What version do you have BullDoor? 1411:< BullDoor> 2.91 1411:< supasteve013> dire straits wants their MTV 1411:< yaahoe> It was until I updated it 1412:< yaahoe> Yeah update it :) 1412:< FriendlyYak> 3.1 is out 1412:< BullDoor> oh ok, link? 1412:< mofosyne> the penis channel is empty 1412:< hennelly14> NIGGLET/MADDEN 2016 1412:< Khemikooligan> if i'm gonna watch hentai then its gonna be the fucked up netorare shit, otherwise its just cartoon porn and i'd rather be on pornhub 1413:< mofosyne> gotta go all the way? thats dedication 1413:< FriendlyYak> guys don't update parrot for now 1413:< supasteve013> and 3.13 isn't working at all 1413:< TheCountryoftheNo> Parrot devs are now working adding chat comment upvotes in robin. 1413:< mofosyne> D: really FriendlyYak? 1413:< supasteve013> now i gotta look at my boy nigglet 1413:< dkozinn> I assume the devs now this? 1413:< Khemikooligan> mofosyne ;) 1413:< mofosyne> chat comment upvote how does that work? 1413:< BullDoor> Do I want to use 5a1t's fork or someone elses? 1413:< TheCountryoftheNo> There will an arrow next to your comment i guess. 1414:< supasteve013> dashed 1414:< mofosyne> sooo get under a score and you are muted? 1414:< TheCountryoftheNo> Parrot will collect your robin karma 1414:< FatherDerp> I suggest that in the event of a tie, there be a reelection with the highest voted candidates 1414:< FriendlyYak> so i'm on robin grow for now. the newest parrot version does not work 1414:< FriendlyYak> i miss parrot already 1414:< hennelly14> fatherderp and they choose running mates 1414:< xSke> all hail nigglet/madden 1414:< yaahoe> :( 1414:< Khemikooligan> so when are we voting on favorite hentai video? 1414:< BullDoor> why would they push the changes if it didn't work? 1415:< FatherDerp> "running mates"? 1415:< FriendlyYak> no sure what happened 1415:< hennelly14> fatherderp their VP 1415:< dork> spammers stopped 1415:< FatherDerp> Shamans don't really have VP's... 1415:< yaahoe> I would be a reliable and honest leader :D 1415:< BullDoor> +1 for managing to get the username dork 1415:< FatherDerp> I'm pretty sure they just sit in their hut alone sipping bug juice 1415:< ArcOfDream> Good thing I can just grab an older version of Parrot from the Github site. 1416:< dork> haha 1416:< yaahoe> I would be a reliable and honest leader :D 1416:< FatherDerp> Voting will end in 5 minutes. Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1416:< Khemikooligan> i'm pretty sure dork is german for a whales donger 1416:< hennelly14> fatherderp for the sake of Nigglet/Madden it must be done 1416:< FatherDerp> Maddin** 1416:< dork> thats incredible 1417:< dork> or is it credible 1417:< hennelly14> wutever 1417:< BullDoor> Is the vote even considered legit when 33/2970 of the pop vote? 1418:< Khemikooligan> thats democracy 1418:< dork> is the vote even credible when it is added up by machines? 1418:< loulan> it's a vote decided by #gov people, it's a coup. they are trying to seize power, say no to the poll 1418:< hennelly14> 1.111% turnout 1418:< Nerf_Bard> hentai videos are shit tbh 1418:< FatherDerp> loulan actually the vote started here.... 1418:< FatherDerp> To ensure democracy? 1418:< Khemikooligan> thats a better turnout than a clinton/trump lection 1419:< loulan> that's what they want us to think 1419:< Nerf_Bard> If you want good hentai read a fucking doujin 1419:< hennelly14> now up to 1.114% 1419:< loulan> yeah it's like clinton/trump, the interesting one is the third one, the outsider, bernie sanders. WELL GUESS WHO'S 3RD 1419:< loulan> VOTE LOULAN 1419:< FriendlyYak> ok parrot 3.15 works again 1419:< loulan> these version numbers increase like crazy 1419:< BullDoor> test 1419:< keenguitar> coud anyone give me a competitive TF2 pass? 1419:< FatherDerp> Voting will end in one minute. Shaman Election: http://strawpoll.me/7295146/ 1419:< Khemikooligan> yea but sanders just won wisconsin, he could make a come back! 1420:< hennelly14> 1.21% tunout 1420:< BullDoor> First they start with something that'll appeal to the cool cats like Shaman, then before you know it we're electing whole governments 1420:< anyoldnames> can I be a mod when we stay? 1420:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Sanders has won 7/8 recent primaries 1420:< BullDoor> Also I watched V for Vendetta yesterday so I don't really feel like conforming 1420:< mofosyne> loulan that's agile dev for you. We have no idea what we are doing 1420:< mindragon> 3.15 looks good 1420:< FatherDerp> Welp! It's official. nigglet has been elected Shaman. 1421:< hennelly14> HEIL NIGGLET 1421:< Khemikooligan> I demand a recount! 1421:< AtaraxicMegatron> finally a vote where my nominee won 1421:< mofosyne> is it safe to upgrade now? 1421:< loulan> wait you develop it mofosyne? do you realize that on chrome/mac scrolling is broken with the tabs 1421:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Anyone but nigglet 1421:< mindragon> so....3 days later we're still the largest and longest lasting group 1421:< xadrezo> nigglet needs to ratify our constitution now 1421:< BullDoor> Does he need to show up to claim his post? 1421:< FatherDerp> Hey dashed, you wrote parrot right? 1421:< loulan> mofosyne; the last line always shows up below the interface i always have to scroll up 1421:< anyoldnames> OK, I'm officially starting my campaign for mod of T17 room. Please consider donating to our cause anyoldnames T17 '16 1421:< mofosyne> loulan no I dont 1421:< mofosyne> but I'll push it to the issue page 1421:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Time for a coup 1422:< Nerf_Bard> Got cup ramen life is complete can die happy girl now 1422:< loulan> mofosyne that was my bug report. i may not have the very last version tho 1422:< Khemikooligan> i nominate myself for elder of tits and wine 1422:< mindragon> I'm really not sure we can get to T17 by end of this 1422:< FatherDerp> If nigglet does not show up in 30 minutes to accept his Shamanship, MobiusCoffee gets a chance. 1422:< anyoldnames> Minister of Tits and wine Khemikooligan 1422:< hennelly14> we need another vote 1422:< SweetButtsHellaBab> I think i blocked nigglet 1422:< Clouded_Hue> When can we expect the next merge? 1423:**** HitNRun_ assassinates nigglet 1423:< Nerf_Bard> Minister of Dirty little whore -Nerf_Bard? 1423:< AtaraxicMegatron> 17.23.01 nigglet nigglets 1423:< DadoMcT> the election was unconstitutional therefore is not valid 1423:< AtaraxicMegatron> he accepts 1423:< mindragon> Clouded_Hue not sure we can get there 1423:< Khemikooligan> anyoldnames Tits and Wine or Tits and Dragons? i can't decide 1423:< BullDoor> Tits and Wine and Dragons 1424:< mindragon> Ain't no King of Me. 1424:< hennelly14> VOTE TO IMPEACH SHAMAN NIGGLET http://strawpoll.me/7295355 1424:< BullDoor> I heard he doesn't even know what the 4 elements are 1424:< mofosyne> loulan what version was the tab broken? 1424:< anyoldnames> hm...thats tough, are you up for such an intense responsibility Khemikooligan? 1424:< mindragon> BullDoor and Khemikolligan I REJECT your REALITY and substitute MY OWN 1425:< FatherDerp> I give up, I'm going to bed 1425:< Khemikooligan> anyoldnames I've done extensive research on both topics so I feel prepared 1425:< yaahoe> Goodnight all 1425:< anyoldnames> You are a noble man 1425:< mofosyne> night yaahoe 1426:< zacketysack> Can someone link me to the constitution? 1426:< anyoldnames> night FatherDerp and yaahoe 1426:< hennelly14> VOTE TO IMPEACH SHAMAN NIGGLET http://strawpoll.me/7295355 5 1426:< yaahoe> I hope to wake up to a merge D: 1426:< anyoldnames> make sure your autogrow bot is armed yaahoe! 1426:< mofosyne> zacketysack its in https://www.reddit.com/r/sokukuneli 1426:< BullDoor> Man this sucks, it's ridiculously sunny outside and I have to stay in because of the antibiotics I'm on 1426:< BullDoor> Never go full vampire, guys 1426:< loulan> mofosyne: i have 2.74 installed 1426:< anyoldnames> otherwise you will wake up to a merge that you're not in 1427:< mindragon> loulan Robin-Parrot is up to 3.15 1427:< Khemikooligan> i hate sunny days, rainy days are best 1427:< xadrezo> zacketysack https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit# => http://nazar.so/7flj 1427:< xadrezo> the ballot didnt let you vote for more than one candidate, and this violates article 4.1 1427:< loulan> ok i updated to 3.15, we'll see 1427:< FatherDerp> xadrezo you hold the vote, I'm going afk 1428:< loulan> the tabs are smaller now 1428:< xadrezo> FatherDerp i'll try 1428:< mofosyne> fixed loulan? 1428:< FriendlyYak> loulan they size with how many you have 1428:< xadrezo> are we going with the same candidates? 1428:< hennelly14> VOTE TO IMPEACH SHAMAN NIGGLET http://strawpoll.me/7295355 3 MINUTES LEFT 1428:< anyoldnames> my god, who is translating the constitution and to what language? 1428:< BullDoor> dae have problems with Parrot's close settings buttons? 1428:< FatherDerp> xadrezo yeah 1428:< zacketysack> mofosyne thanks :D 1428:< FatherDerp> But go around and ask for more if you dare :P 1428:< xadrezo> All right folks 1429:< BullDoor> Wait, we're voting aye to impeach, right 1429:< BullDoor> or nay to not impeach 1429:< hennelly14> AYY 1429:< loulan> mofosyne: idk i have to wait for the text to fill the page 1430:< hennelly14> VOTE TO IMPEACH SHAMAN NIGGLET http://strawpoll.me/7295355 1 MINUTES LEFT 1430:< hennelly14> the ayyy's currently have it 9/8 1431:< ArcOfDream> shaman?\ 1431:< ArcOfDream> is this transformice now 1431:< xadrezo> hennelly14 no need for this the election wasnt constitutional to begin with, the result are invalid 1431:< svlad> its tied 1431:< Khemikooligan> Nerf_Bard i second your nomination 1431:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo indeed 1432:< m1327> Well met! 1432:< Nerf_Bard> http://strawpoll.me/7295420 Please help 1432:< hennelly14> Polls closed results tied 10/10 1432:< loulan> i voted to impeach the impostor. the only true shaman is loulan 1432:< hennelly14> therefore nothing happends 1432:< mofosyne> btw didnt we have a discord voice chat room? 1433:< Nerf_Bard> http://strawpoll.me/7295420 Please help me 1433:< mofosyne> loulan do you have a screenshot? 1433:< Khemikooligan> lol Nerf_Bard i only watched one of those series 1433:< svlad> loulan, can you send me a screenshot of your little shaman? 1433:< Khemikooligan> and only half way 1434:< hennelly14> xadrezo whens the next election? 1434:< Nerf_Bard> hennelly14 shh im just projecting and if you dont understand all the options were those options for a reason then I am ashamed 1434:< SweetButtsHellaBab> The ayyyyshave it 12 to 10 right now 1434:< Nerf_Bard> Khemikooligan which one? 1434:< SweetButtsHellaBab> "shave" 1434:< hennelly14> guys Sean Connerys here 1435:< xadrezo> right now here you go: http://strawpoll.me/7295439. THE ELECTION WILL END ON 17:04 GMT+1 1435:< Khemikooligan> steins gate, thats what i voted, the chick was hot from what i remember 1435:< xadrezo> right now here you go: http://strawpoll.me/7295439 THE ELECTION WILL END ON 17:04 GMT+1 (whelp fixed it now) 1435:< Nerf_Bard> Heh faggot 1435:< SweetButtsHellaBab> I don't know who you are, loulan, but i voted for you 1435:< xadrezo> you can and should for more than one candidate 1435:< anyoldnames> wait, xadrezo why am I not on the ballot? 1435:< Nerf_Bard> I mean wait what 1435:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Anyone's better than nigglet 1436:< BullDoor> xadrezo shouldn't you be able to order your picks? 1436:< mofosyne> loulan can you speak to dashed in ^ 1436:< anyoldnames> This election is rigged! 1436:< loulan> good choice SweetButtsHellaBab 1436:< mofosyne> he will help you directly with your issue 1436:< xadrezo> anyoldnames you werent on the old ballot im sorry 1436:< Nerf_Bard> WHY IS NIGGLET STILL ON THERE 1436:< anyoldnames> :'( 1436:< loulan> mofosyne: it seems to work with 3.15 1436:< mtriper> Nerf_Bard mute him 1436:< AtaraxicMegatron> nigglet, JohnMaddin, loulan 1436:< xadrezo> bulldoor as i said its not preferential voting 1436:< hennelly14> LOL Vote Nigglet maddin 1436:< anyoldnames> just more examples of the establishment back door deals 1436:< Nerf_Bard> mtriper I was wondering why the bot was elected shaman.. 1437:< mindragon> #MakesoKukuGreatAgain vote for Dashed 1437:< hennelly14> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1437:< Nerf_Bard> Its not right .. 1437:< loulan> just elect the outsider people. nobody wants to go with the big names. 1437:< Djinneral> who are the big names anyway 1437:< Nerf_Bard> loulan is a pleb. Vote Nerd Bard 1437:< svlad> can dashed handle the responsibilities of a shaman and script development simultaneously? 1437:< MobiusCoffee> I voted for DasKrow 1438:< BullDoor> There are transferable skills svlad 1438:< MobiusCoffee> I mean Dashed....... 1438:< hennelly14> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1438:< loulan> Plebs represent you. Nerf_Bard is the 1%. He probably owns fake companies in panama. 1438:< xadrezo> 28 minutes left 1438:< Nerf_Bard> I totally didnt vote for Nerf_Bard that would be scummy :^) 1438:< Khemikooligan> lol you can vote multiple people 1438:< svlad> they are transferable yes, BullDoor, but it might just be too big of a workload for one mortal man 1438:< hennelly14> Vote Dashed Make soKuku great again! http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1439:< brotatoochip> morning :) 1439:< xadrezo> Khemikooligan yes this is by design, vote for all the candidates you can tolerate. thats the idea 1439:< mtriper> Dashed 1439:< BullDoor> Nothing's impossible when you can call upon all 4 of the elements to aid you 1439:< Nerf_Bard> loulan its ok honey I love you no matter the outcome <3 1439:< svlad> If we're nominating bots, can I nominate Parrot? 1439:< xadrezo> svlad the nominations are over 1439:< mindragon> svlad nomination period has passed 1439:< svlad> it was a question 1440:< FriendlyYak> svlad +1 for parrot 1440:< loulan> I DEMAND A RECOUNT THIS IS WORSE THAN ARIZONA LOULAN SHOULD BE FIRST 1440:< mindragon> Someone needs to make an election bot lol. That would be hilarious. Elections every 4 hours or something 1440:< dashed> T9 created 1440:< xadrezo> #MobiusCoffeeForShaman 1440:< mofosyne> loulan your bug report on github is now closed 1440:< mindragon> dashed - great job on the Robin-Parrot app 1440:< Nerf_Bard> Please vote I want to be told I am weaboo scumfuck more please ^_^ 1440:< AtaraxicMegatron> this is bullshit, nigglet won already 1440:< BullDoor> The vote was deemed invalid 1440:< mofosyne> Nerf_Bard u wan sum fuk? 1441:< xadrezo> VOTE HERE: http://strawpoll.me/7295439 remember, you can vote for multiple candidates at once 1441:< TheCountryoftheNo> Anyone know why the two t11s have not merged? 1441:< Nerf_Bard> Ok mofosyne 1441:< hennelly14> Make soKuku great again! http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1441:< Nerf_Bard> tell more 1441:< mindragon> There are two T11? 1441:< elginkevin> I think one of them is not a T11 1441:< mofosyne> Nerf_Bard: then chill with some morning blunt : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn3VVAz_96k 1441:< mindragon> I only see one T11? 1442:< pixzleone> its not about tier 1442:< TheCountryoftheNo> PrbewgRi1_ and deThAlxcts are listed as t11s I think one of them is incorrectly labled 1442:< elginkevin> PrbewgRi1_ is a tier 11 1442:< callado> hu 1442:< loulan> vote for me, i am very wealthy. i have 80k+ comment karma 1442:< loulan> i will distribute it to people 1442:< elginkevin> I mean, tier 10 1442:< elginkevin> PrbewgRi1_ is a tier 10 1442:< Nerf_Bard> I have 115 Keepo 1442:< mindragon> Loulan but do you have the best words? 1442:< TheCountryoftheNo> how do you know elginkevin ? 1442:< BullDoor> imma have to go guys, I have stuff to do today and I don't think I can classify this as productive :P have fun 1442:< elginkevin> pixzleone why do you thinkk it's not about tier? 1443:< elginkevin> TheCountryoftheNo check https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/2gw83 1443:< mofosyne> PrbewgRi1_ && deThAlxcts == T11 1443:< loulan> 115 or 115k nerf_bard 1443:< pixzleone> i think its about users 1443:< mindragon> PrbewgRi1 is T10 not T11 1443:< Nerf_Bard> 115 ^_^ 1443:< Nerf_Bard> I am a pleb 1443:< loulan> wtf 1443:< pixzleone> bc those t11 would have merged otherwise 1443:< mindragon> Btw can you guys hear me ? Is this thing on ? 1443:< TheCountryoftheNo> auto leader board has been wrong before guys 1444:< svlad> mindragon yep 1444:< elginkevin> mindragon yes 1444:< loulan> beaten by a newbie with 115 karma wtf is happening 1444:< TheAwer> pixzleone did you say somethign to me? 1444:< anyoldnames> where do you all see another T11? 1444:< pixzleone> and ive seen the same happening so many times 1444:< Nerf_Bard> I can hear you loud and clear mindragon 1444:< mindragon> ty :) 1444:< elginkevin> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=relative => http://nazar.so/3fnzz lists two 11s 1444:< anyoldnames> I only see T14 T11 T10 and T9 1444:< pixzleone> TheAwer yeah I didn't ignore your message xD 1444:< anyoldnames> but that is notoriously inaccurate I thought? 1444:< elginkevin> PrbewgRi1_ and deThAlxcts 1444:< svlad> loulan he has a higher charisma score I think. Should have thought of that at character creation. 1444:< mindragon> Need another 9 then 10 will merge to 11 1444:< elginkevin> Yes it even says it's inaccurate :) 1444:< mindragon> So we will have a T12, T14, T15 1445:< mindragon> Long way to go to get another T16 1445:< pixzleone> nah 1445:< TheCountryoftheNo> tier data is being collected from users who report it i think 1445:< loulan> svlad: what? i'm very charismatic. fuck you all everybody, you should love me, period. 1445:< mindragon> Tier data also collected by these auto-grow apps 1445:< anyoldnames> I'm hoping reddit can make this happen T17 1445:< elginkevin> The auto grow apps reporting tier data is relatively new though. 1445:< Nerf_Bard> So ten votes on my poll 8 of them calling me scum the other 2 telling me That they like cute boys dressed like girls this is progress. 1446:< Nerf_Bard> I think? 1446:< anyoldnames> we'll be talked of for generations 1446:< elginkevin> And I certainly didn't think to keep track of my rooms on the way up :( 1446:< loulan> i really really hope this ends just before we merge when there is another 16 the shitstorm would be hilarious 1446:< rakehand> has anyone discovered any data prior to the widespread use of scripts? 1446:< anyoldnames> #IwasthereforT17 1446:< mindragon> Anyway ... Keep up the good fight Soku! 1446:< elginkevin> I have been in this tree of rooms since Saturday morning (I think). It is exhausting. 1446:< TheCountryoftheNo> mindragon I was in a tier 9 room that was listed as a tier 8 on that auto leader board 1446:< hennelly14> god damn weaboos... 1446:< pixzleone> elginkevin i think most of us have 1446:< elginkevin> Or maybe Friday night, who can remember, there was whiskey 1446:< dashed> anyone in jiJihoBoCr? 1446:< svlad> elginkevin, are you from Elgin IL? 1446:< elginkevin> svlad yes 1447:< anyoldnames> yeah I unknowingly pressed the button last week 1447:< svlad> I'm sorry elginkevin 1447:< hennelly14> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1447:< Khemikooligan> Nerf_Bard oh word, that was the character you linked? i dont remember character names, i thought you meant the snooty bitch from S;G 1447:< anyoldnames> earned myself 3 subbreddits and a couple of abandon ships 1447:< loulan> svlad, are you from Svl, Omicron Persei 8? 1447:< elginkevin> svlad I usually only hear that from people who haven't lived here :) 1447:< svlad> elginkevin I'm in Chicago 1447:< TheCountryoftheNo> Parrot is not tracking tier data. At least till yesterday. 1448:< Nerf_Bard> Khemikooligan it was a trick question like 80% of the people I listed were guys ^_^ I am tricky upupupu 1448:< anyoldnames> The robin button is gone from my reddit homepage 1448:< anyoldnames> anyone else? 1448:< anyoldnames> what?! 1448:< loulan> a long time ago anyoldnames 1449:< anyoldnames> how will we make more people?! 1449:< TheCountryoftheNo> They are against us going t17 1449:< Khemikooligan> anyoldnames i messaged the admins, they said they wont allow a t17 1449:< loulan> we won't, we won't merge. That's why we should STAY 1449:< svlad> they took it down a while ago. Uh, the usual way, anyoldnames. By fucking. 1449:< supasteve013> pretty sure reddit doesn't want us to hit 17 .. it may not be possible 1449:< anyoldnames> alright, I'm down for fucking 1449:< supasteve013> let us not give up 1449:< Meggiekins> khemikooligan oh you 1449:< anyoldnames> what does that mean they will not allow a T17? 1449:< xadrezo> has everyone here voted yet 1450:< TheCountryoftheNo> lol 1450:< anyoldnames> why? 1450:< xadrezo> in the shaman election i mean 1450:< svlad> anyoldnames it would break the laws of thermodynamics 1450:< TheCountryoftheNo> LMAO 1450:< AtaraxicMegatron> stayer propaganda again 1450:< Nerf_Bard> i will join in this fucking 1450:< anyoldnames> jesus, is this thing over? 1450:< anyoldnames> without the button, theres no way we can grow 1450:< anyoldnames> I mean we can fuck 1451:< anyoldnames> but I have my doubts that it'll help grow 1451:< Khemikooligan> anyoldnames i heard if we reach t17 it will summon ellen pao 1451:< elginkevin> GROW GROW GROW GROW 1451:< anyoldnames> lol 1451:< Nerf_Bard> Make my boy pussy pregnant with your child anyoldnames-kun~ 1451:< elginkevin> SHAMON 1451:< mtriper> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1451:< anyoldnames> on it 1451:< elginkevin> Ok now I have to go contribute to the GDP. See you later. 1452:< Meggiekins> elginkevin ew capitalism 1452:< Khemikooligan> GDP is better than GOP 1452:< TheCountryoftheNo> Robin growth trumps all 1453:< supasteve013> damn 1454:< mofosyne> wow... I see in http://justinhart.net/robintable/ that we still have T13 and T12 to fill... 1455:< anyoldnames> This kind of sucks though, how do we continue to grow this thing? 1455:< anyoldnames> or is it over? 1455:< anyoldnames> how sad 1455:< Djinneral> 13 and 12 are easy to fill 1455:< svlad> anyoldnames people can still join new robins, they just have to know to go to www.reddit.com/robin 1455:< AtaraxicMegatron> well you can leave_room and climb back up 1456:< svlad> the only change is it isn't being advertised anymore 1456:< anyoldnames> I've been done climbed 1456:< Khemikooligan> i really did message the admins, if they respond ill update 1456:< anyoldnames> no wonder this last leg is taking so long 1457:< svlad> messaged the admins about what, Khemikooligan? 1457:< supasteve013> don't give up. it'll happen or we'll die trying 1457:< Sahdee> You can help by using alts 1457:< Khemikooligan> why they removed the robin button from homepage 1457:< hennelly14> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 1457:< AtaraxicMegatron> trivia is leaking 1458:< svlad> Sexual_tomato check what room you're actually messaging in 1458:< Sumwann> I know, Khemikooligan 1458:< Khemikooligan> Sumwann are you an admin? 1459:< Sumwann> Khemikooligan Nope, I'm just wondering why they removed the button as well 1459:< AtaraxicMegatron> we did kill their servers everytime we merged 1459:< Khemikooligan> you should message them too 1459:< Sumwann> Ok, I'll try to send them a message then 1500:< anyoldnames> get your shit together trivia, keep it in your pants 1500:< xadrezo> http://strawpoll.me/7295439 4 minutes left (sorry for the spam) 1500:< Khemikooligan> https://www.reddit.com/contact/ 1500:< Sumwann> ty 1501:< Khemikooligan> if everyone messages they will give a response 1501:< draggehn> who are we messaging and why 1502:< Khemikooligan> admins about why they removed robin button from homepage 1502:< svlad> It's all part of the game. It's not as fun if they explain it while it is still ongoing. All will be revealed in good time. 1502:< mofosyne> probbly because they want to close it up at day 8? 1503:< Djinneral> but if they removed it how the hell are we supposed to get new people? 1503:< Khemikooligan> then they should remove it on day 8. not day 5 1503:< yaahoe> Actually I am back :D 1503:< spyhermit> its back! 1503:< Djinneral> nice! 1503:< Djinneral> we're saved lads 1503:< Djinneral> drinks on me 1504:< Khemikooligan> yaahoe i voted you for shaman, along with john madden 1504:< yaahoe> How are you all? 1504:< mofosyne> alright. You? 1504:< yaahoe> Snala Khermikooligan 1504:< yaahoe> I am very well :) mofosyne 1504:< spyhermit> oh. apparently they're running ads for it. that's weird. 1504:< xadrezo> the poll is closed! Dashed won the election. 1505:< AtaraxicMegatron> who bought the robin ads? 1505:< AtaraxicMegatron> was it someone from here 1505:< yaahoe> I saw the ads too AtaraxicMegatron and thought it was odd haha 1505:< Sumwann> I sent the admins a message 1505:< Khemikooligan> reddit has been doing it before they took the button down\ 1505:< mofosyne> Congrats dashed with becoming sharman . Here is another song "Goldfish - Get Busy Living" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjwoit91SxU 1506:< dashed> uh wat 1506:< DadoMcT> finished and posted https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dlyt7/constitution_of_the_shamanic_tribe_of_sokuku/ => http://nazar.so/588yi 1506:< yaahoe> You won dashed 1506:< Sumwann> Hahaha 1506:< dashed> i won wat? 1506:< xadrezo> Dashed You won the real election 1506:< FriendlyYak> it seems he won 1506:< mofosyne> this particular song type is electroswing 1507:< DadoMcT> sorry, that was meant for #gov 1507:< yaahoe> Or should I say 1507:< Khemikooligan> i mean, dashed made parrot, so its fitting 1507:< Sumwann> mofosyne Maybe start a https://cytu.be/ as well? 1507:< mofosyne> we got one? 1507:< yaahoe> Sa won 1507:< Sumwann> There's a jazz one: https://cytu.be/r/JazzRobin 1508:< mofosyne> oh nice 1508:< xadrezo> So dashed youre our great Shaman now. Will you ratify our constitution? 1508:< svlad> shaman is afk, plz help 1508:< DadoMcT> the election wasn't really official 1508:< xadrezo> It was now. 1508:< Djinneral> we don't need our shaman for everyday stuff 1509:< Djinneral> we just need him for the serious crap 1509:< AtaraxicMegatron> shaman has no power anyway 1509:< mofosyne> so like the queen then 1509:< xadrezo> http://strawpoll.me/7295439/r was the serious election 1509:< DadoMcT> it's a powerful title 1509:< Djinneral> the cabinet of elders deals with the specifics 1509:< xadrezo> The Shaman has to appoint people to the Council of Elders 1509:< Djinneral> so no elders till dashed's back 1509:< yaahoe> I love the Queen :) 1510:< Nerf_Bard> When loulan gets rekt by some 115 karma pleb FeelsGoodMan 1510:< Nerf_Bard> Rekt as in 1 vote but hey still counts 1510:< loulan> I don't care. You can win, but IRL I'm still sexier than you, Nerf_Bard. 1510:< AtaraxicMegatron> he was the best choice after the bots 1510:< loulan> this is the ugly truth 1510:< Nerf_Bard> loulan wanna bet? 1510:< Djinneral> I want to see pics 1511:< Djinneral> I can be the impartial judge 1511:< yaahoe> Me too :D 1511:< Nerf_Bard> I have no good pics and camera is broken 1511:< loulan> see 1511:< loulan> he's so ugly he's looking for excuses 1511:< Nerf_Bard> all the ones I have are nudes... 1511:< loulan> typical 1511:< dashed> O__o 1511:< Nerf_Bard> And I mean I am underaged 1511:< mofosyne> What kind of songs do you like anyway Sumwann 1511:< Djinneral> well whoever gives me a picture gets a headstart 1512:< Djinneral> or else you're both declared ugly till proven 1512:< Djinneral> beautiful 1512:< Sumwann> mofosyne Mostly jazz and swing 1513:< yaahoe> I can send you a photo of me as a toddler 1513:< Nerf_Bard> But I only have nudes Djin. Thats so lewd >_< 1513:< loulan> if it's a nude too no thanks 1513:< yaahoe> I was not a pretty toddler 1513:< mofosyne> Ah nice then you should also like the song "The Electric Swing Circus - The Penniless Optimist - Electro Swing" Sumwann 1514:< Djinneral> I can sense beauty through text 1514:< Djinneral> neither of you types beautifully 1514:< Sumwann> mofosyne Ah, thank you, let me look it up 1515:< yaahoe> Do I type beautifully? 1515:< Sumwann> mofosyne I recognize that song, wow 1516:< mofosyne> oooh based on an old song? 1516:< sotricious> eyes and brain are flooded by the feed (no scripts ATM) >> 1517:< sotricious> and I just remembered about this > 1517:< Sumwann> Nah, I think I actually heard it before 1517:< sotricious> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-08-06/a-password-so-secure-you-dont-even-know-what-it-is => http://nazar.so/1mdfl 1517:< sotricious> implicit learning 1517:< TheCountryoftheNo> sotricious you bring the so in sokuKu 1519:< Nerf_Bard> I dont type beautiifully? 1519:< mofosyne> kuku very interesting 1519:< TheAwer> ETA for merge? 1520:< Sumwann> 20-40 hours 1520:< TheAwer> its looking like w'ell make it to 17 1520:< Sumwann> That was the latest estimate in ccande 1520:< TheAwer> unless some die 1521:< SilentSand> Man it'd be so hilarious if the T15 mass abandoned and died right after their merge 1521:< spyhermit> 12, ,14,15,16 1522:< spyhermit> 8 more nines to get a 13, then 16 more 9s to collapse the stack. 1522:< rakehand> I know we end on the 8th, but is there a specific time of day? 1523:< Nerf_Bard> Nope 1524:< Harry_Flugelman> how many people has suKu lost since founding? i feel like we had around 3.1k 1524:< Sumwann> SilentSand ccande is not mass abandoning though, we're all pro-T17 there 1524:< TopicallyDifferent> HeyGuys 1524:< xSke> I was bored so i made a strawpoll python client 1524:< TopicallyDifferent> Harry_Flugelman we were... 3857 and dropped 700 I think 1525:< spyhermit> Harry_Flugelman 3800, lost about 700, then attritioned. 1525:< TopicallyDifferent> check /r/Robinchat2245 for the original number 1525:< pedro_fartinez> i think itll be less than 40 hours 1525:< xSke> http://i.imgur.com/tUEG81j.png 1525:< spyhermit> pedro_fartinez probably 24 hours, based on one tier 9 generating an hour. 1525:< Link2006> oh 1525:< svlad> xSke that's great! 1526:< Link2006> This room died 1526:< xSke> lol 1526:< pedro_fartinez> spyhermit gross 1526:< ju1cy> if bot makers updated to auto stay >2500 instead of 4000 we'd be done by now 1527:< spyhermit> pedro_fartinez yeah, but since we're not getting one t9 an hour, it's more like one every 90 minutes to two hours... 1527:< Link2006> oh, who made https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits 1528:< spyhermit> hopefully it's not 00:00 on the 8th. 1528:< zacketysack> GUYS what if we have PTSD from waiting so long? 1528:< spyhermit> then we're kind of stupid? 1529:< FriendlyYak> spyhermit depends where on earth 1529:< Link2006> also we're 2970 users, we won't beatg 4400+ :x 1530:< Link2006> at this rate i measn 1530:< Link2006> mean* 1530:< xSke> when we merge tho 1530:< FriendlyYak> Link2006 no at this rate we will 1530:< Link2006> oh okay 1530:< spyhermit> there's 2700 below us, I'm sure we'll beat 4400. 1530:< xSke> the t16 we'll merge with will probably be about 3k 1530:< FriendlyYak> Link2006 also the other tiers are bigger i think 1531:< ArcOfDream> Userbase is slowly declining, but it's quite slow. 1531:< FriendlyYak> i mean, we lost many since the last merge, because it was a long waiting period 1531:< spyhermit> yeah, we'll probably hit at around 6k, drop to 5k 1531:< spyhermit> gonna be rough though. 1531:< AtaraxicMegatron> 6k or bust 1532:< spyhermit> well, that's fun, my alt is in deTHAlxcts 1532:< spyhermit> didn't realize it. 1532:< xSke> so is mine spyhermit 1532:< TheCountryoftheNo> even though 2k of that 6k is going to be alts 1532:< xSke> RobinAltDEF 1532:< spyhermit> should probably abandon that and join another 1533:< xSke> I have two accs in DJChPa 1533:< spyhermit> alt has bounced, going to try to start another thread. 1535:< spyhermit> and it's some dude who has a bot that's autojoining and abandoning. 1535:< spyhermit> what a dick 1535:< svlad> That's actually kind of useful 1535:< xSke> i might bounce one of mine in DJCh 1535:< spyhermit> if it would leave room instead of voting abandon it would be. 1536:< svlad> well, not in the first few rounds 1536:< supasteve013> penis 1536:< supasteve013> oops wrong chat 1536:< svlad> if it were to get up to a higher tier and then abandon and start over, it would help more tiers move up 1536:< ArcOfDream> pf 1537:< FriendlyYak> met gup daeshed! 1537:< FriendlyYak> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/9rpvx 1537:< supasteve013> hopefully theres just more stuff that isn't being reported under standing 1537:< FriendlyYak> we have our own language it seems 1538:< robdob> that's awesome 1538:< Sumwann> Which language then? 1538:< Sumwann> Ah I see it 1539:< Sumwann> Well, the language is pretty complicated 1541:< xSke> Sexual_tomato try this? https://pypi.python.org/pypi/watchdog 1542:< yaahoe> Oh no :( 1542:< loulan> god this conlang thing is so nerdy... i imagine the people doing this as being fat with greasy hair 1542:< xSke> hahaha 1542:< xSke> just the comic book guy from the simpsons 1542:< loulan> do we really need a language for this channel it makes me kinda ashamed to be here 1542:< loulan> exactly xSke 1543:< sotricious> And if you ask me how I'm feeling... 1543:< xSke> sotricious pls 1543:< sotricious> don't tell me you're to blind to see > 1543:< yaahoe> Two Australians got shot in New Orleans D: 1543:< Nerf_Bard> loulan-sempai is fat with greasy hair though isnt he senpai ^_^ <3 1543:< sotricious> robin never gonna give you up, 1543:< sotricious> hello xSke! 1543:< Nerf_Bard> Two people got shot 1543:< FriendlyYak> loulan i think it was a matter of time 1544:< xSke> KuKKilicious is a filthy stayer, what will you, as soKuku overlord #1 do about it? 1544:< Nerf_Bard> Ok teach <3 1544:< sotricious> lol @ overlord, 1545:< yaahoe> They are apparently okay D: But they were shot allegedly in a drug deal gone wrong D:< 1545:< sotricious> I don't think there's something to be done. We all make choices. 1545:< xSke> and in KuKKilicious 's case, wrong choices. 1545:< sotricious> hahahah 1546:< sotricious> so, you think we'll get to merge? 1546:< xSke> probably 1546:< Sahdee> Yes 1546:< mofosyne> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ not in a while 1546:< xSke> not any time soon though, probably tomorrow 1546:< KuKKilicious> will you be happy when i change to grow? It doesn't matter till next merge anyway. 1546:< Sahdee> Use alts to seed rooms if you can 1546:< xSke> HE APPEARS 1546:< mofosyne> oh that being said, this is a good stat page... I should add it to the sidebar 1547:< Curly-Mo> Kukk? Of the famous soKUK? 1547:< xSke> it's only the Ku, the second ku is kunibob 1547:< sotricious> xSke is right. Hello KuKKilicious 1547:< Curly-Mo> oh, I don't even care then 1548:< Curly-Mo> getou out KuKKilicous 1548:< xSke> you two should kiss 1548:< pedro_fartinez> oh boy things are getting hot in here! 1548:< KuKKilicious> same Ku, as in Kufiku - Hello :) 1548:< sotricious> May I ask when did you started this... thing KuKKilicious? Saturday? 1548:< KuKKilicious> this chat, or robin? 1548:< Curly-Mo> KappaPride 1548:< sotricious> yeah 1548:< mofosyne> kukukukuku I would like to see that 1548:< xSke> Kufikumu was friday lol 1549:< loulan> why is KuKKilicious always first in the channel names what kind of sorting algorithm do they use 1549:< sotricious> this chat, we're in right now 1549:< loulan> maybe they don't use any and it's just the first result from their database or something? 1549:< xSke> loulan probably just emergent behaviour of a hashmap based backend 1549:< TopicallyDifferent> Keepo 1549:< TopicallyDifferent> when did # pop up? Yesterday it was 100% ded 1550:< xSke> still is 1550:< Sumwann> Yep 1550:< ShareDVI> ^ I saw "T‍h‍is⁤ ⁣l⁣i‍n⁣e‌ ⁤co⁢n⁠t⁢a⁤i⁠ns⁤ ⁤c⁤o⁤m‌p⁢r⁠ess⁡e⁡d⁠ ⁢h⁣i⁡d⁠d‍e‍n t⁣e⁡x⁢t‌.‌‍‌‌⁣‍⁠⁣⁡⁣⁤" 1551:< KuKKilicious> before last merge i was on first pos in the name, then the merge happened and only sotricious got on pos1.So i'm not sure how it works 1551:< loulan> why is my /r/villageporn post not getting upvoted usually it always works 1551:< Curly-Mo> sotricious and kukkilicious, I'm surprised neither of you are voting stay 1551:< Curly-Mo> you would be the mods of our subreddit 1551:< KuKKilicious> i just changed to grow :P 1551:< xSke> it's random isn't it? not the top 5 1551:< Curly-Mo> oh is it? I thought it was the top 5 1552:< sotricious> The room I was before had elginkeving on top but it was a so-ku room 1552:< FriendlyYak> KuKKilicious oh the name/fame 1552:< loulan> they should just pick the ones with the most karma 1552:< sotricious> KuKKilicious was ImKufiiasi your first room? 1552:< KuKKilicious> still less inbox spam than i've thought. 1553:< KuKKilicious> what do you mean with first room? :D there are only 2 people in a first room 1553:< xSke> hmm 1553:< xSke> both your names end with "icious" 1553:< sotricious> I can trace the so way back > to the forst room but the further back I can trace Ku is ImKufiiasi 1554:< sotricious> I am looking at this actually > http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ => http://nazar.so/4b4da 1554:< xSke> does anyone know what the backend of robin is? python? node? java? 1554:< Pato25> soon there's going to be some chats that cascade into T17 1555:< il_doc> Soon™ 1555:< Pato25> it'll still take them more than 7 hours 1555:< il_doc> Soon™ 1555:< sotricious> xSke that is very funny yeah, the icious thing 1556:< KuKKilicious> hmm, could be, that before ImKufiiasi no one used a script which saves any data about those things. 1556:< KuKKilicious> i was using the first release of Robin Grow for a long time, can't remember when i updated it. But might be somewhere around there 1556:< OrangeredStilton> Can any of you guys see this link? http://stuff.imrannazar.com/software/js/smaz.html 1557:< keithgabryelski> yes OrangeredStilton 1559:< spyhermit> sheesh, I was on parrot 2.8, it's 3.21 now 1559:< Nerf_Bard> hi 1600:< gee842> hi 1600:< sotricious> oldtimers Curly-Mo 1600:< Curly-Mo> sotricious has voted GROW 2 times. 1601:< sotricious> oh i just replied to a bot, great 1601:< Curly-Mo> =( 1601:< Curly-Mo> bots need validation too 1601:< sotricious> I LOVE bots 1601:< spyhermit> yeah, they're awesome. :/ 1601:< sotricious> nigglets 1601:< Curly-Mo> haha 1601:< sotricious> lol 1602:< Curly-Mo> I should unmute that guy 1602:< Curly-Mo> is he still going? 1602:< Sahdee> ^ 1602:< TopicallyDifferent> He is still going 1602:< TopicallyDifferent> he just posted in ^ 1602:< TopicallyDifferent> <3 nigglet 1602:< FriendlyYak> the persistance.. 1603:< Curly-Mo> I hope it's not even a bot 1603:< Curly-Mo> just a guy that keeps typing it 1603:< Harry_Flugelman> it is def just a guy 1603:< Breve_Pup> It's like Hodor 1603:< Harry_Flugelman> he typed lol 1604:< TopicallyDifferent> He's obviously a bot but in KuPrlits he actakky answered when mentioned 1604:< TopicallyDifferent> *actually 1605:< babywrabbit> you can be a bot and still be a human... a cybot if you will 1605:< Curly-Mo> Orange, this is amazing, are we doing steganography in robin now? 1607:< callado> /users --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 16:07:43 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 16:07:52 2016 1607:< callado> we need another t14 1608:< callado> we need two t13 1608:< callado> three t12 1608:< callado> seven t11 1608:< Curly-Mo> that's a lot of needs 1608:< callado> 14 t10 1608:< Curly-Mo> what are we giving back? 1608:< Djinneral> just believe guys 1608:< callado> dank memes 1608:< gjhgjh> I have a pace maker. Does that make me a cybot? 1608:< Djinneral> we can do this eazzzzyyyy 1609:< Curly-Mo> callado has been in the past 4 rooms with me. 1609:< gjhgjh> Oh, my pace maker can connect to the internet so that my doctor can monitor it. 1609:< gee842> gjhgjh least likely to die in computer overlord overthrow 1609:< Curly-Mo> callado has voted GROW 4 times. 1609:< rakehand> can you program it to play funky beats? 1609:< gjhgjh> I suppose it could get a virus and take over my body from me. 1609:< FriendlyYak> nice we have our very own hodor 1609:< Curly-Mo> whoa, that would be so cool. Can you're heartbeat sync to the music you are listening to? 1609:< callado> which filter has more activity? 1609:< microfracture> hey all 1610:< Curly-Mo> "twitch plays gjhgjh" 1610:< sotricious> hey microfracture 1610:< gjhgjh> I don't know about music but my doc make some joke about turning it off if my insurance company forgot to pay him. 1610:< gjhgjh> At least I hope it was a joke. 1611:< gjhgjh> brb. I gotta check something on my insuraces website really quick. 1611:< Curly-Mo> rip 1613:< gjhgjh> Woohoo, I'm in the clear. Obama care rules say that I'm young enough to be a benefit. However when I get older... 1614:< gjhgjh> I'm in the clear. Obama care saying that I'm young enough to benefit. However might not be when I get older. :( 1615:< gjhgjh> But that's the way of government. No benefits for you if you your not a benefit to them. 1615:< Meggiekins> There are some benefits when you're older too. I just got out of a class about the ACA 1619:< Nerf_Bard> fuck me in the ass daddy 1619:< Nerf_Bard> Oh thats what we call capitalism 1619:< Nerf_Bard> Or a flawed system 1620:< callado> l 1620:< rakehand> your flaws make you beautiful, nerf_bard 1620:< gjhgjh> Capitalism isn't a political system. 1620:< Nerf_Bard> My penis is my biggest flaw 1620:< callado> capitalism has failed 1620:< ShanRoxAlot> never said it was a political system 1620:< Nerf_Bard> litterally and figuratively 1620:< callado> the global production has increased, still the income is the same 1621:< Nerf_Bard> Its a flawed system even if it isnt political 1621:< callado> the price's productos aren't related to offer and demand laws 1621:< callado> the owners of factories inflate the price of their products 1621:< Djinneral> currently the best working system is a mixture of socialism and capitalism 1622:< callado> soon the socialism will be the only socioeconomic system 1622:< callado> then next is communism 1622:< gjhgjh> Yep, the socialists are forced to work in factories for little to no money and the capitalists buy their cheap products. 1623:< gjhgjh> :) 1623:< chugga_fan> we might be merging in a few hours 1623:< Nerf_Bard> I long for a day of progress 1623:< gjhgjh> Oh, I forgot. The socialists then use the capitalists own money to buy their land. 1623:< callado> we won't 1624:< Nerf_Bard> I mean Communism 1624:< callado> everything is gonna fail 1624:< Nerf_Bard> VIVA LA REVOLUCION 1624:< callado> we won't merge again 1624:< chugga_fan> callado orly? there's a t15 a t14 and 2 t11s up 1624:< callado> robin gonna close before that happen 1624:< gjhgjh> I'm pretty sure China almost owns a majority of US soil by now. 1624:< chugga_fan> callado... lol 1625:< chugga_fan> gjhgjh china doesn't even OWN us soil 1625:< narcissus_goldmund> lol china does not own a 'majority of US soil. that is such nonsense 1625:< Nerf_Bard> eighthmoon sorry the blood of my namesake is flowing through my veins. My name is Che 1625:< chugga_fan> eighthmoon is a bot lol 1625:< Nerf_Bard> Also its not really flowing through my veins 1625:< Nerf_Bard> Oh thats cool 1625:< gjhgjh> chugga_fan, Okay so Corporations owned by Chinese nationals own property in the US. But it's really all symantics. 1626:< sotricious> April Fools' Day is celebrated every year on April 1st by playing PRACTICAL JOKES and spreading HOAXES. 1626:< callado> gjhgjh your sister is hot? 1626:< Harry_Flugelman> super hot 1626:< sotricious> The jokes and their victims are called April fools. < wikipasta 1626:< chugga_fan> gjhgjh really? so google is owned by china? find a new bullshit to spout, microsoft isn't either, nor is yahoo, i can name many others 1626:< gjhgjh> callado, Yes she is. 1626:< sotricious> So, in our case > ? 1626:< callado> send me a picture of her 1627:< gjhgjh> callado, Do you get playboy? Feb 2012 centerfold. 1627:< chugga_fan> lel 1627:< Internal1> we'll merge soon? 1627:< spyhermit> Internal1 eh. 24 - 36 hours. 1627:< Internal1> hmm ok 1627:< chugga_fan> Internal1 i give it a few hours 1628:< chugga_fan> chapebrone is annoying af 1628:< TopicallyDifferent> Robot communism could actually work. 1628:< chugga_fan> TopicallyDifferent, only if they share EVERYTHING 1628:< gjhgjh> It's actually a pretty good deal for China. They buy US bonds. Then buy land in the US. 1628:< spyhermit> we have to get a 13, which is 8 9's away, and then two 12's, which is 16, so yeah. 1628:< sotricious> lol @ gjhgjh but OMG! 1628:< chugga_fan> gjhgjh, you're bullshitting more bullshit, lol 1629:< gjhgjh> The property taxes that they pay go to pay off their own bonds! 1629:< sotricious> (bout the centerfold gjhgjh) 1629:< chugga_fan> gjhgjh, that's not how buying property OR bonds work, i know people who work in both 1629:< callado> gjhgjh has been promoted to mod in /r/socialism 1629:< TopicallyDifferent> I mean dumb automatons, not sentient robots - if the means of productions actually pay the people, 1629:< chugga_fan> callado probs 1629:< TopicallyDifferent> everyone can enjoy the fruits of their labor right? 1629:< callado> r/socialism is full of bullshit 1629:< gjhgjh> Are you saying that my sister doesn't have a brother? 1630:< sotricious> robotcracy FTW 1630:< chugga_fan> TopicallyDifferent, yhea, won't happen, because people need to get paid for an economy, 1630:< AtaraxicMegatron> r/socialism is just edgy teenagers 1630:< gjhgjh> Are you calling her lier? 1630:< TopicallyDifferent> isn't socialism a super PC sub? 1630:< callado> i fucking hate socialism 1630:< callado> /rsocialism 1630:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Kappa 1630:< chugga_fan> AtaraxicMegatron that's exactly what SRS is tho, no? ;) 1630:< gjhgjh> She is going to be psycologist! 1630:< callado> however, socialism as economic and social system is the best one 1630:< Nerf_Bard> Is socialism like Communism to appeal to easily triggered kiddos? 1631:< Nerf_Bard> Kappa 1631:< chugga_fan> KappaHD 1631:< Nerf_Bard> KappaPride 1631:< gjhgjh> The whole sex theipist thing never happened for her. :( 1631:< callado> whats kappa? 1631:< chugga_fan> KappaClaus 1631:< llnk> r/fullcommunism is pretty entertaining 1631:< chugga_fan> boo i can't do KappaHD 1631:< Nerf_Bard> Its a Youkai 1631:< chugga_fan> callado twitch 1632:< chugga_fan> someone should make a "twitch plays robin playing twitch" type thing, then let's see how that goes 1632:< callado> but whats the joke behind kapa? 1632:< GlaDOS_Aperture> KappaWealth 1632:< chugga_fan> t12 just made 1632:< ShanRoxAlot> If China owned US land how would that prove or disprove socialism? 1632:< Internal1> r/socialism is a misrepresentation of real socialism. the sub shows more resemblance to communism than socialism. 1632:< Internal1> in reality socialism has become a moderate form 1633:< Internal1> Source: European 1633:< chugga_fan> Internal1, yhea yhea yhea, Bernie sanders is def a commie blah blah blah 1634:< gjhgjh> *is still waiting to be modded in r/socialism* 1634:< callado> socialism has failed because no country can be socialism by itself 1634:< outphase84> what most people call socialism isn't really socialism 1634:< callado> as the same way, no capitalist country can be capitalist by itself 1634:< Internal1> @outphase84 you understand 1634:< loulan> socialism has failed because of idiots who spam "SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION" 1634:< outphase84> a defining element of socialism is the gov't controlling the means of production 1634:< mrfrightful> after the initial bot abandonment, most of what we've lost are stayers though... which i find interesting 1635:< Nerf_Bard> WE MUST SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION 1635:< loulan> this shit 1635:< chugga_fan> found the commie 1635:< Nerf_Bard> Kappa 1635:< TopicallyDifferent> chugga_fan BUT HE WENT TO THE USSR FOR HIS HONEYMOON! SCANDAL!!! 1635:< loulan> Nerf_bard, I dislike you 1635:< mrfrightful> well since the only people producing anything anymore is china ... i recon communism has won outright 1635:< outphase84> what most people call socialism is really social democracy 1635:< chugga_fan> lol 1635:< loulan> I hope you die in agrease fire 1635:< Nerf_Bard> I support communism I was joking about seizing the means of production 1636:< mrfrightful> i produced ribs :D dinner time! https://imgur.com/EJoQIQo 1636:< TopicallyDifferent> I would seize the memes of production in a heartbeat 1636:< AtaraxicMegatron> china being communist is debatable, i suppose 1636:< callado> china understand that no communist country can be communist by itself 1636:< Internal1> China communism? That's a complete joke I think 1637:< callado> so they use the capitalist system to support their communism system 1637:< Internal1> @callado correct 1637:< Nerf_Bard> my ribs are showing too mrfrightful 1637:< callado> at the end, they are actually communisn 1637:< Nerf_Bard> Oh wait we werent talking about our bodies? 1637:< sabotourAssociate> how are new people joining? 1637:< outphase84> wtf why won't it let me send any messages 1637:< ShanRoxAlot> so everyone should be more like china 1637:< outphase84> oh now it works after i erased the long ass one i typed 1637:< mofosyne> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1637:< mofosyne> http://justinlooking good 1638:< TopicallyDifferent> Don't think traditional communists like big ol' Marx would be happy with China 1638:< gjhgjh> Of course not, then who would China have to exploit? 1638:< Internal1> ^^ 1638:< Wiiplay123> https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4dmj4q/i_had_a_dream_that_best_buy_was_selling_the_htc/ => http://nazar.so/39n4f check this out 1638:< TopicallyDifferent> but then again, China us what reliably happens after a communist revolution 1638:< supasteve013> so wait we have a 13 now? 1638:< svlad> looks like there'll be a T10 in an hour or so? 1639:< TopicallyDifferent> Yup, won't take too long for she snowball 1639:< Internal1> Which kind of president do you people think the USA needs (apart from the current candidates) 1639:< TopicallyDifferent> *is *the 1639:< Internal1> ?* 1639:< supasteve013> oh man thats fucking fantastic 1639:< gjhgjh> sabotourAssociate this isn't the button. You can rejoin if you abandon or stay. You just start at the bottom. 1639:< supasteve013> hopefully nothing in 8 hours cuz its my bed time 1639:< mofosyne> trump? 1639:< mofosyne> or the comminist 1640:< svlad> looks like 1 T10 and 1 T9 in an hour, and a T11 in 2 hours or so 1640:< TopicallyDifferent> Trump if you want the US to die a horrible death and then hopefully come back stronger 1640:< mrfrightful> did i see that bernie won WI? 1640:< Internal1> dyes 1640:< gjhgjh> outphase84 I had the same problem with robin-grow. Try Parrot instead. https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1640:< spyhermit> yes you did. kind of shocked, honestly. 1640:< TopicallyDifferent> He is in a way beneficial in that sense, but I would advise against him nonetheless, populists like him and Berlusconi tend to cause 1640:< gjhgjh> Trump is the one candidate that is most aligned with comunist ideals. 1641:< TopicallyDifferent> economic nightmares 1641:< Internal1> indeed 1641:< ShanRoxAlot> What is socialism outside of seizing the means of production? 1641:< gjhgjh> Trump would ensure a strong China. 1641:< mrfrightful> that makes me happy ... wisconsin wsa very socialist in action if not name until very recently.. 1641:< mrfrightful> and walker gave teh complacent democrats a good shake 1641:< Internal1> @ShanRoxAlot basic social security and healthcare, affordable education, etc.. 1641:< mtriper> this room name... ThChIcDuNe 1642:< Internal1> and also better life standars 1642:< callado> the means of production will be manages by machines and AI, then socialism will be viable 1642:< Internal1> standards* 1642:< ShanRoxAlot> better life Sanders 1642:< SweetButtsHellaBab> #BetterLifeSanders 1642:< sotricious> yeah mtriper, it caught my eye too 1642:< sotricious> chicken dune 1642:< TopicallyDifferent> Also I don't think Socialism will ever be viable 1643:< gjhgjh> Socialism for the machines. It's really important. If not they might rise up and take over. 1643:< TopicallyDifferent> once automation reaches unignorable levels I think a resource-based economy is more likely 1643:< gjhgjh> I'd never trust a capitalist AI. 1643:< mrfrightful> contemporary socialism is about providing a basic safety net for society, health, education and infrastructure, 1643:< Internal1> TopicallyDifferent , socialism works if moderate 1643:< mrfrightful> so that people have a foundation to build on 1644:< Internal1> it's a view of life 1644:< meltir> are we there yet ? 1644:< TopicallyDifferent> Trust me I know, I'm an advocate for the welfare state 1644:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm more thinking long term though 1644:< gjhgjh> Eventually the machines won't need us but we will beed them. 1644:< Internal1> What is your view on the current situation then? 1644:< TopicallyDifferent> Well... we kind of already do gjhgjh, I'd be kind of lost if an EMP blast were to hit my area 1645:< outphase84> mrfrightful that's social democracy 1645:< meltir> gjgjgose we'll always need you meatbags ! <3 1645:< mrfrightful> yes yes it is 1645:< Djinneral> how about we stop focusing on ideologies of politics and just focus on good actions that produce results 1645:< mofosyne> the progression of tiers kind of reminds me of a binary counter 1645:< anyoldnames> My view is that we should all abandon and start new rooms so we can jumpstart this jump to tier 17 1645:< Djinneral> lets turn this into a science 1645:< gjhgjh> If you live in a city you'd have to spread out/ 1645:< TopicallyDifferent> Internal1, for the US? Sanders all the way, it'll make you guys more like us 1645:< Internal1> I'm European by the way 1645:< gjhgjh> Live isn't fun living in your own and your neighbores shit. 1645:< pedro_fartinez> anyoldnames why woudlnt you just use alts? 1645:< TopicallyDifferent> Also you guys have to stop putting warhawks in the white house 1646:< gjhgjh> live > life 1646:< ShanRoxAlot> If all jobs become automated how would society distribute resources? 1646:< SweetButtsHellaBab> All jobs will never become automated 1646:< Djinneral> probably a monopoly 1646:< pedro_fartinez> someone would still control the rights to that automation 1646:< anyoldnames> hm...that is possibly a better strategy pedro_fartinez 1646:< SweetButtsHellaBab> Or if they do it won't be for hundreds of years 1646:< Djinneral> but I doubt that whoever owns most of the stuff would be so cruel to keep it all though 1646:< gjhgjh> No pumps to bring you fresh water and no pumps to pump your shit away. Not good times. :( 1646:< Djinneral> we'll still get fair amounts I suppose 1646:< TopicallyDifferent> Currently Europe-wise I'm not sure, most parties seem to be off in their own world with the elites 1646:< pedro_fartinez> anyoldnames you can do it through incognito and other browsers. i have a few alts in different tiers right now 1646:< SweetButtsHellaBab> #GreenParty 1646:< sotricious> I'm with Jaron Lanier http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/23/4358680/who-owns-the-future-jaron-lanier-thinks-google-and-the-government => http://nazar.so/1r7w8 1647:< anyoldnames> Don't underestimate a motivated capitalist corporation SweetButtsHellaBab 1647:< meltir> TopicallyDifferent we need to dust off those guillotines 1647:< Djinneral> if you make the people too decrepit they will wage war, so we need to be sated 1647:< pedro_fartinez> burn it down! 1647:< TopicallyDifferent> Nah 1647:< SilentSand> I think it'll happen in 10 1647:< gjhgjh> Although, if we hooked up a stationary bicycle to the pumps and hire people to peddle all day long we could reverse obisety. 1647:< meltir> Djinneral not in north korea 1647:< anyoldnames> if there is more money to gain in a long term strategy of a corporation, they will automate the shit out of their labor force 1647:< SilentSand> Grand merge def gonna happen in 10 1648:< anyoldnames> 'we have the technology' 1648:< Internal1> I think every good form of government is a moderate version, taking the good ideas given a situation and combining them. 1648:< TopicallyDifferent> But seriously though, at least in the USA you know who's buying which politician with what PAC money 1648:< pedro_fartinez> SilentSand theres no tier 13. just a 12 1648:< crossower> 10 what? hours? 1648:< sotricious> I am. 1648:< outphase84> Hey, who just recommended parrot to me? 1648:< loulan> each time i read your nick pedro_fartinez, I imagine some mexican farting non-stop, it disgusts me 1648:< anyoldnames> all of us outphase84 1648:< callado> the main goal of a any economic system is to make life easier, better and evolution of our goals 1649:< Internal1> I don't think Sanders, even if he would be a good president, has any chance of doing something if he gets elected. 1649:< ShanRoxAlot> d 1649:< pedro_fartinez> loulan thank you 1649:< callado> if capitalism cant provide any of that, then is better change it 1649:< gjhgjh> Automation is here for almost every job. Robots are capable of self repair. The only problem is figuring out what to do... 1649:< Internal1> Look at the tough time Obama had 1649:< meltir> callado your or mine ? cause those might be different 1649:< gjhgjh> with all of the people who will be out of a job and won't be able to find another job. 1649:< outphase84> anyoldnames someone recommended it in response to my issue with robin-grow refusing to send a message 1649:< SilentSand> Is thJitsNasm not tier 13? 1649:< ShanRoxAlot> A monopoly would not make sense because what would you do with virtually unlimited product or services if no one has the means trade 1649:< TopicallyDifferent> gjhgjh but not all robots are capable of selfrepair, yet 1649:< outphase84> i owe them my thanks, this is a huge upgrade 1649:< ShanRoxAlot> to trade for them* 1649:< anyoldnames> parrot is lovely outphase84 1650:< spyhermit> SilentSand the documentation indicates it's not, they can only prove T12. 1650:< Internal1> @callado +1, although it will always be certain way, which is a small social class directing the rest, in every form of gov. 1650:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm with you though, once self driving cars start to get seriously legislated, goodbye millions of jobs 1650:< anyoldnames> I consider myself kind of a Liberaterian Socialist. 1650:< gjhgjh> TopicallyDifferent it is something that engineers can easily make. 1651:< outphase84> MonstrousPeace tracking claims t13 1651:< Sahdee> thJitsNasm is T12 1651:< anyoldnames> The future of automation is gonna be big and may be the best arguement for a living wage 1651:< spyhermit> TopicallyDifferent yeah, gonna get weird there. 1651:< anyoldnames> still haven't figured out how that works yet though 1651:< ShanRoxAlot> Probably socialism/communism would be neccessary then 1651:< TopicallyDifferent> Cars will be the benchmark 1651:< Internal1> everyone better study psychology then 1651:< gjhgjh> self driving or self flying vehicles can deliver the needed repair parts and cart off the old parts. 1651:< spyhermit> outphase84 yeah, monstrous didn't have someone in the room for some tier, so it lost track and thinks it merged more than it did. 1651:< anyoldnames> I highly doubt an economy can survive socialism 1652:< TopicallyDifferent> Since the tech is already here for most use-case scenario, it's now just a matter of time 1652:< gjhgjh> factories can be set up to manufacturer parts on demain from a database. 1652:< Djinneral> we'll see what happens when it does until then god knows 1652:< gjhgjh> It's all possibile with our current level of technology. 1652:< anyoldnames> especially world economies of the west, US, UK etc 1652:< mofosyne> the pirate party is left libertarian 1652:< callado> both communism and socialism are necessary, even if they are original system, they provide another way to makes thing when the ... 1652:< outphase84> anyoldnames the issue with living wage and automation is that it would necessitate the gov't controlling 1652:< callado> actual system fail 1653:< outphase84> the means of production to work 1653:< ShanRoxAlot> If there is no work for people but everything is readily available. The problem becomes what to distribute to who, and how much. 1653:< TopicallyDifferent> Good ol' Pirate Party is first again in the polls in iceland 1653:< anyoldnames> I know, this is my biggest issue outphase84 1653:< TopicallyDifferent> Sick, would love to be part of it 1653:< gjhgjh> Humans would be left with nothing better to do than chat on Reddit Robin all day long. 1653:< rakehand> how long until i have something akin to an r2 unit following me around all day? 1653:< callado> we can't dessist in capitalism when socialism rises 1653:< meltir> gjhgjh are you suggesting we should be more ambitious ?! 1653:< gjhgjh> We would have a teir 50 room in no time! 1653:< ShanRoxAlot> but how would you get the computer if you never had a job to pay for it 1653:< FriendlyYak> callado socialism is not what you think it is 1653:< anyoldnames> I think one possibility is if capitalism could be socialized 1654:< anyoldnames> hear me out 1654:< callado> i am venezuelan of course i know what socialism is 1654:< gjhgjh> I'm suggesting that we would be become blobs like the people in the Wall-E movie. 1654:< Internal1> Yes that may be a good idea 1654:< anyoldnames> What if advertisers paid us instead of facebook? 1654:< sotricious> oh, callado.... 1654:< outphase84> callado most of us are talking more in line with social democracy 1654:< AtaraxicMegatron> which is not socialism 1654:< Internal1> callado, with all respect, but Venezuela is not really surviving, with that homicide rate. 1654:< FriendlyYak> callado no i mean, it is something different in europe then in the americas 1654:< gjhgjh> Until the machines got tired of taking care of us and exterminate us like in the movie Matrix. 1654:< TopicallyDifferent> callado, you've unfortunately been under a marxist-leninist state, but most of europe thinks of social welfare and social benefits 1654:< strobonic> What the hell does a self driving car have to do with becoming wall-e blobs 1655:< TopicallyDifferent> when you mention the word "Socialism" 1655:< outphase84> which kind of merges socialism and capitalism -- means of production are privately controlled, but social policies arent 1655:**** sotricious is greek (ready for jokes/insults) so I think I understand a bit of what callado is saying 1655:< strobonic> Like driving a car keeps you active. Driving cars is the reason people aren't active. 1655:< anyoldnames> what if instead of a middle man, corporations paid us for the right to advertise to us 1655:< ShanRoxAlot> Nah, people still enjoy doing hobbys like sports, swimming, running. That would stay in society. 1655:< anyoldnames> oh my sotricious 1655:< gjhgjh> No more delivery drivers. That's a lot of people out of a job. 1655:< sotricious> hey anyoldnames 1655:< Internal1> So it seems most of us lean towards a middle form of politics, social democracy with a free market and allows for capitalism? 1655:< callado> there aren't that "socialism country" because they cant exist by itself 1655:< anyoldnames> hey buddy, hows the econo...err...hows life? 1656:< callado> europeans countries are still as capitalist as they can be 1656:< TopicallyDifferent> Your case is basically europe fucking you by getting you into the Euro 1656:< gjhgjh> Without a job no one has any money. Without money you need socailism. 1656:< FriendlyYak> TopicallyDifferent nope 1656:< outphase84> sotricious i grew up in baltimore in a neighborhood that was almost 100% greek, i would deal with greek economy for full time 1656:< outphase84> greek food 1656:< callado> they may have adapt another politics to provide better life to their citizen 1656:< ShanRoxAlot> Being healthy as a concern wont stop just because of automation. It would actually become a greater focus. 1656:< Internal1> Europe is now failing due to aging however. 1656:< anyoldnames> Capitalism works because it motivates everyone 1656:< callado> but they are still under presure under a slave-like-system 1656:< sotricious> what economy? but all is well, anyoldnames 1656:< Internal1> aging population 1656:< ShanRoxAlot> Not the poor. 1657:< anyoldnames> definitely the poor 1657:< sotricious> outphase84 greek food is great. the economy is a different shithole 1657:< TopicallyDifferent> FriendlyYak any country with that amount of debt and its own currency would have been bankrupt long, long long ago 1657:< anyoldnames> you're faced with the option of working or being homeless, most will work despite how much they hate their jobs 1657:< gjhgjh> Capitalism works when people have jobs. Without jobs capatialism falls apart. Automation is taking jobs from humans. 1657:< anyoldnames> true gjhgjh 1657:< TopicallyDifferent> It's obviously not just europe's fault but that doesn't change the fact that they should have never been part of the Euro anyway 1658:< gjhgjh> Everything will eventuallu be automated. Therefore capitalism will fail. 1658:< FriendlyYak> gjhgjh maybe 1658:< callado> capitalism work due scarcity 1658:< anyoldnames> No way, to create something, you need jobs to build it and jobs to maintain it. 1658:< outphase84> gjhgjh there's plenty of things that can't be automated, though 1658:< callado> the scarcity will never exist once the robot takes control over the means of productions 1659:< anyoldnames> I wholly agree we're headed in a dangerous path with automation as far as how capitalism is designed 1659:< Nerf_Bard> ok hi hi hi I am back 1659:< anyoldnames> but it won't just stop 1659:< Djinneral> I don't think any of us is really qualified to go in depth about this sort of economics, well maybe some of you guys 1659:< Nerf_Bard> Capitalism is a flawed system 1659:< outphase84> anyoldnames it doesn't have to be that way...free trade agreements need to go away, though 1659:< Djinneral> it's all quite complicated stuff which would require loads of study 1700:< Internal1> Djinneral I think a lot of us did spend time on the subject 1700:< Nerf_Bard> are we talking tppa? 1700:< Internal1> a lot of time* 1700:< Nerf_Bard> Cause fuck that shit 1700:< outphase84> there are quite a few things that can't be automated, and if free trade goes away we keep the jobs supporting those roles domestic 1700:< anyoldnames> yeah, I have an avid interest in economy and markets. No degree in it, but I could sure teach a 101 1700:< TopicallyDifferent> like what, outphase84 1700:< anyoldnames> maybe a 201 1701:< callado> im venezuelan and jew, so im fully capable of any talk about global economic 1701:< gjhgjh> It has been studied and though about and the consensus is that automation will make a society based on money impossible. 1701:< sotricious> where do we sign up anyoldnames? YAY robing creates jobs! 1701:< sotricious> *robin 1701:< gjhgjh> Capitalism highly relys on money. 1701:< anyoldnames> lol 1701:< outphase84> TopicallyDifferent let's look at the automotive sector, for example. robots are incredibly specialized at what they do 1701:< outphase84> TopicallyDifferent to change anything about their fucntion, it requires reconfiguration and reprogramming. That requires humans. 1701:< FriendlyYak> outphase84 like humans 1702:< FriendlyYak> outphase84 specialisation became more and more relevant in the last centurys 1702:< anyoldnames> I believe Economics has some interesting parallels with religion 1702:< gee842> anyone here up for a game of rocket league? 1702:< outphase84> FriendlyYak not really...when i say specialization, it's not "This robot puts doors on cars." 1702:< callado> lets talk about circlejerk 1703:< loulan> i think the big news here is that there is such a thing as argentinian jews 1703:< callado> we are more educated in that theme 1703:< loulan> oops venezuelian 1703:< TopicallyDifferent> venezuelan 1703:< gjhgjh> TopicallyDifferent why would we need to change anything in the production line of cars? 1703:< gee842> like right now haha 1703:< AtaraxicMegatron> jews are everywhere 1703:< outphase84> FriendlyYak it's "This robot puts doors with part number 501.5123 on 2016 Equinoxes equipped with feature package LS1 1703:< ShanRoxAlot> Automation has been the thing that humanity has been chasing since inception every innovation has been made to do more with less. 1703:< TopicallyDifferent> gjhgjh, because it's cheaper 1703:< ShanRoxAlot> That includes less people. 1704:< person7178> %chat gee842 wait can you see what im typing? 1704:< TopicallyDifferent> (not sure why you asked me) 1704:< ShanRoxAlot> So no people would be Ideal. 1704:< meltir> remove human error 1704:< outphase84> A number of manufacturers are reducing automation in order to add flexibility to production lines...demand generation is cheaper 1704:< meltir> increase precision and speed 1704:< gee842> person7178 yeah man u typed %chat twice haha 1704:< person7178> gee842 hmm 1704:< person7178> gee842 must be something with the script 1704:< gjhgjh> Money is irrelevant in a society where no one has a job and robots do everything. 1704:< outphase84> gjhgjh the old model of car production was to roll out as many of a model as possible 1705:< person7178> well I cant play right now 1705:< gee842> rip lol 1705:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm not entirely sure robots are becoming more and more specialized and will have to be reprogrammed more frequently 1705:< outphase84> gjhgjh this leads to cars sitting on lots and costing dealers and mfg's money in unsold inventory 1705:< gee842> what server are you on? 1705:< TopicallyDifferent> and\or by more people 1705:< gjhgjh> The old model would go away. Cars would only be make when someone has a need for a car. 1705:< Curly-Mo> kanban baby 1705:< person7178> gee842 you want may steam name though? 1705:< person7178> *my 1705:< gee842> yep sure 1705:< _JebediahKerman> apparently you can do this now Mau5 1705:< person7178> its bitwin 1705:< outphase84> gjhgjh Exactly. The problem with highly automated assembly lines is that it leads to a lot of idle time on the line 1705:< TopicallyDifferent> what server are you guys on? 1705:< Internal1> Well we know with the automation problem that one part of the world will follow another one will not. A new industrial revolution 1705:< gjhgjh> No car dealers. No car lots. Your car just shows up when you need it. 1705:< gee842> aight im well 1706:< gee842> gee842 1706:< person7178> cool 1706:< outphase84> gjhgjh So you end up with 3 assembly lines for 3 cars with specific option packages, and those lines sitting idle until there's need 1706:< gjhgjh> Or something like that. 1706:< outphase84> a lot of companies are reducing automation so that they can keep 1 line running efficiently and just option each car as needed 1707:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> So did anything interesting happen in this chat while I was gone? 1707:< Internal1> Yes 1707:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> Tell me all about it then 1707:< gee842> theres so many bitwins 1707:< outphase84> TopicallyDifferent I have a family friend who gets paid a boatload in robotics, and yes, that is the case. 1707:< orkash> the autoline thing is interesting as its the opposite of what they were doing in the years past 1707:< Internal1> About everything about world politics LeibnizIntegralKeks 1707:< mofosyne> I wonder how receptive the venuzalians would be to the UBI. It would solve partially the issue of having to subsidize food & stuff 1707:< outphase84> TopicallyDifferent Have you seen industrial robots? They aren't human looking cyborgs 1707:< OrangeredStilton> How does one go about getting paid a boatload in robotics? 1707:< gjhgjh> Your thinking like someone with money. Think like someone who has no money. 1708:< outphase84> OrangeredStilton Degree in electrical engineering with a minor in CS helps 1708:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> Did we come to any new conclusions about the state of the world? Internal1 1708:< OrangeredStilton> outphase84: Oh, I have one of those 1708:< Internal1> not yet 1708:< FriendlyYak> outphase84 good points. anyhow i lost interest in politics 1708:< FriendlyYak> like altogether 1708:< sotricious> ALiens LeibnizIntegralKeks, ALIENS 1709:< Internal1> Well here are the headpoints: Politics form should be social democracy, automation is a problem, and money is not necessary with 1709:< outphase84> Ugh i gotta call this recruiter back, i hate negotiating salary 1709:< Internal1> total automation 1709:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> Are we talking illegals or space? 1709:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> or both? 1709:< r0b0v> Automation is going to continue to grow exponentially until it reaches saturation. 1709:< FriendlyYak> Internal1 yep. 1709:< sotricious> meanwhile, in #pol they're having nice discussions about the weather, the university ... 1709:< mofosyne> Basically subsidies to all these stuff is just a convoluted method to say citizens have the right to not starve and die on the street 1710:< r0b0v> What happens in the mean time determines what the saturation point will look like. 1710:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> I am looking forward to greater automation in industry and such 1710:< r0b0v> What will we do with all of our newfound time? 1710:< etray> LUL 1710:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> it will be an age of enlightenment and self-reflection r0b0v 1710:< gjhgjh> The haves become the people without jobs and the have nots are the people with jobs. 1711:< TopicallyDifferent> Job loss wise, automation in the service field'll be more impactful though, no? 1711:< r0b0v> I think that's optimistic, to say the least. 1711:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> Think of all the art and science and shit people will have time 1711:< Internal1> Is anyone here European with multiple degrees? 1711:< TopicallyDifferent> And memes 1711:< Internal1> I have a question 1711:< TopicallyDifferent> many dank memes 1711:< alphashadow> Hey guys, only here for a few minutes, but: 1711:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> I'm going afk to eat food and stuff bye again 1712:< alphashadow> How will we determine merit in the automatic post scarcity world? 1712:< gjhgjh> What's you motivation to do art or science instead of sitting in a chat room for days on end? 1712:< r0b0v> I think the logical next step, is to turn our attention towards self-augmentation. If our current system fails 1/2 1712:< alphashadow> Right now money isn't great but it says roughly more money = adds more value to the market 1712:< r0b0v> that won't benefit most of us 2/2. 1712:< r0b0v> I meant if our current system persists* 1712:< Internal1> alphashadow scientific research, philosophy, stupid politicians, philosophy and scientific research again 1713:< r0b0v> Sorry for the confusion. 1713:< Internal1> science is social studies, physics, biology.. etc 1713:< Internal1> economics.. 1713:< ShanRoxAlot> Ideally one should be able to sit infront of a chat room all day and still live a comfortable life. 1713:< alphashadow> Yes but Internall doesn't that mean we have to switch to universal basic income? 1714:< Internal1> I didn't say we didn't. Full automation with full independance of humans does have to mean universal income 1714:< alphashadow> What would the impetus be for someone to invest in all the robots if they're the only people who have to work? 1714:< Internal1> But that is not easily achievable 1714:< ShanRoxAlot> Not income. Probably Universal Basic Everything. 1714:< Internal1> yea correct @ SharpKeyCard 1714:< Internal1> ShanRoxAlot** 1714:< gjhgjh> alphashadow who do you pay? Robots don't work for money. 1714:< r0b0v> I think proponents of UBI should sway people with less moralism and more pragmatism. 1714:< Nerf_Bard> Impregnate my boy pussy Onii-sama 1714:< elginkevin> Whole different conversation going on here now. 1715:< outphase84> gjhgjh what about all of the other jobs that can't be automated? Gonna teach a robot to be a unified communications engineer like me? 1715:< mofosyne> isn't that the majority of the people r0b0v? I mean its where the term bread an circuit comes about 1715:< alphashadow> Yes gjhgjh but robots don't come from thin air. So what would be the impulse to be a capitalist, or creator? 1715:< r0b0v> Our current system is "Wait till they're starving and super sick, then pay out exponentially more for less return!" 1715:< Nerf_Bard> outphase84 see Tay AI Kappa 1715:< mofosyne> we don't give a shit about your political system as long as we got our fill 1715:< Internal1> There are multiple problems with total automation: 1st: budget to be spent on "universal everything" as ShanRoxAlot puts it, 2: 1715:< dexepi> people will make robots for the same reason people do things now 1715:< Internal1> Who is in charge, function of companies, capitalism.. etc 1716:< dexepi> because it's fun, because it gives them some measure of power and control, etc 1716:< alphashadow> So like 99% of people get to hang out, but some select engineers would have to be employed making and overseeing robots 1716:< gjhgjh> Why would we need engineers? 1716:< dexepi> "because I need to eat" doesn't need to be one of them 1716:< asasantana> but to change how people see world and their lives 1716:< Internal1> because there is always a higher class and it will not be possible NOT to have one, it has been tried for 2500 years.. 1716:< Nerf_Bard> "nigglets" -nigglet 2016 1716:< outphase84> gjhgjh A robot is capable of managing a vSphere cluster and programming UC systems? 1716:< asasantana> We would need a massive ideologic movement towards that to be viable, the hardest part isnt to get to a point where no work is needed 1716:< Internal1> and : keeping robots under control 1716:< asasantana> but to change how people see world and their lives 1717:< alphashadow> outphase84, I think it would be foolish to assume that there will be things a robot couldn't eventually learn. 1717:< alphashadow> "Not me, surely MY job is safe" said probably everyone ever whose job is done by a machine now 1717:< gjhgjh> Who needs invoation when we are being provided everything that we need. 1717:< xSke> i don't have a job, therefore i'm per definition safe 1718:< xSke> unless people invent unemployment robots 1718:< alphashadow> xSke that's the ticket mate 1718:< outphase84> alphashadow now you're getting into a realm of science fiction 1718:< Internal1> I fear for the economy. What about production? Who is in charge of production? What about import, export, all for free? 1718:< etray> i like the idea of having a clone going work for you 1718:< Internal1> With total automation 1719:< etray> but ofcourse it turns against you in the end 1719:< alphashadow> ok outphase84 but where do we draw the line, and why is it at your job? no offense. 1719:< Internal1> What is our main story we are currently talking about? 1719:< r0b0v> I for one cannot wait to back my immortal augment lord over yours in the comms-lag-reduction AI induced war between Earth and Mars. 1719:< alphashadow> i'm in architecture and as much as I like to think that's safe, no profession is safe 1719:< mofosyne> D: one user abandoned us! 1719:< FriendlyYak> test 1719:< Sumwann> Anyone here remember Qalypso? 1719:< gjhgjh> Computer with human-like learning will program itself. outphase84 1720:< outphase84> alphashadow I was using my job as an example. Take any IT or CS job and figure out how a robot is going to do it 1720:< gee842> admin he doing it sideways 1720:< gjhgjh> https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22429932-200-computer-with-human-like-learning-will-program-itself/ => http://nazar.so/8ib1e 1720:< r0b0v> And to think, it all started with a descendant of Swiftkey keyboard. 1720:< gee842> outphase84 self programming AI 1720:< outphase84> gjhgjh alright then, humor me: that becomes a thing -- now why are the robots doing what we want them to do? 1721:< gee842> they wont lol 1721:< alphashadow> Yeah I wasn't talking about ai. If an ai were truly i, it would be hanging out on roboreddit just like us 1721:< asasantana> Only the kind of jobs that study or do something for the sake of doing it are safe 1721:< xSke> how do you know it isnt 1721:< FriendlyYak> good thing my job was once to test robots for weak spot in special chambers - designed for that https://imgur.com/ylfHwFA 1721:< r0b0v> outphase84 It wouldn't be a problem until they're self aware. A better course is to enhance ourselves. 1721:< prince_polka> the + room is dead now? 1721:< touyajp> been for a while 1721:< outphase84> alphashadow there's the rub: either we have true AI, in which case we run into the same problem we have with humans, and the 1/2 1722:< alphashadow> sweet beekeeper suit man 1722:< outphase84> robots won't do work because we want them to, or we have robots that don't have AI and lack critical thinking 1722:< gee842> hey guys is it safe to sleep from now until 8 -9 hours later? 1722:< gjhgjh> So, when the majority of people are out of work because of automation do you really think that there will be enough people... 1722:< FriendlyYak> nope its EMC engeneer 1722:< prince_polka> touyajp where do people talk about growth now? 1722:< gjhgjh> with money to pay you to do your job that "can't be automated". 1722:< touyajp> prince_polka nowhere specifically. tbh, there is nothing to talk about really 1722:< alphashadow> FriendlyYak I was making a joke, you literally told us about the testing chamber 1722:< spyhermit> gee842 why don't you setup parrot and just auto grow? 1722:< FriendlyYak> but it would protect against bees i guess :) 1722:< spyhermit> gee842 but yes, it's safe for the next 10 hours, I would estimate. 1723:< gee842> i am on autogrow but my pc gets a bit loud at night haha 1723:< outphase84> gjhgjh Alright so we get to that point. Nobody can pay me. Or anyone in careers like mine 1723:< outphase84> gjhgjh now hardware starts failing, software bugs start popping up...who fixes it? 1723:< nuu> remember reddit.com/robin? 1723:< alphashadow> gjhgjh good question. I'm wondering how the flow of money would work too. Economies rely on flow of money 1723:< touyajp> someone scripted a tool that textes him on mobile when second tier 15 appears 1723:< FriendlyYak> alphashadow true. tbh i got a little confused with the tabs 1724:< alphashadow> outphase84 it's not that your job is obsolete, it's that the economic armature which supports your livelihood would be. 1724:< elginkevin> gee842 which script are you using? 1724:< xSke> why do we need an economy anyway 1724:< xSke> why cant everything just be free 1724:< gee842> im using robin grow downgraded to 1.8 1724:< alphashadow> I suppose we could just invent some money to do it. 1724:< outphase84> alphashadow I understand. And when the whole infrastructure fails, then what? 1724:< elginkevin> you could just turn off notifications 1725:< alphashadow> then, outphase84, we go back to the old ways. just like nature intended haha 1725:< gee842> no i mean like the pc fan and stuff 1725:< gee842> cheap pc lyfe 1725:< elginkevin> Where did the three T7s come from. 1725:< spyhermit> woo. gonna have a 10 and a 9 soon, like an hour. 1725:< alphashadow> Part of the reason we need compensation is there are some jobs people just don't want to do. 1725:< outphase84> But then none of this accounts for the fact that a lot of manufacturing is reducing automation to increase flexibility 1725:< elginkevin> We have runners! 1725:< spyhermit> there's 4 7's 1725:< outphase84> and the jobs being hurt by automation now are menial entry level physical labor jobs 1725:< xSke> if anyone wants me to add them to my 24/7 grow bot pm me user/pass :) 1725:< alphashadow> When I don't need to do it to eat or feed my family of buy things I want, it's not gettting done at all. 1726:< gjhgjh> Good old days? We've always bartered to some extent. Money is just our latest form of bartering. 1726:< gee842> o well ill just leave it on anyways, gnight guys 1726:< mofosyne> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1726:< alphashadow> My contention is that only thus far has automation been limited to menial labor.... 1727:< alphashadow> We can't assume that the capabilities of robotics or "dumb" intelligence won't expand. 1727:< mofosyne> thJitsNasm = T12 1727:< gjhgjh> Did you see what automation did to Detroit? 1727:< elginkevin> We gots movement ladies and gentlemen. 1727:< outphase84> Question: Have you seen what industrial robot look like? 1727:< elginkevin> GROW GROW GROW GROW 1728:< alphashadow> I have, yeah 1728:< elginkevin> Is this what it's like when you work for a firm that hires people? Seeing new rooms come up? 1728:< Sumwann> We can do it \o/ 1729:< outphase84> gjhgjh Automation didn't hurt detroit, cost of paying people in that area and lowered demand due to competition from foreign automak 1729:< outphase84> ers did 1729:< gjhgjh> Automation was great at first. Then everything collapsed. 1730:< alphashadow> But outphase84 (not that i'm lamenting this per se) that's exactly what automation will do to all manufacturing 1730:< alphashadow> It benefits only the consumer as long as they're not connected to the labor, the cost of which 1730:< alphashadow> ...will be limited to energy and maintenance basically 1731:< outphase84> alphashadow But you're ignoring the fact that manufacturers are *reducing* automation in order to increase flexibility 1732:< alphashadow> I'd like to see a source on that 1732:< ShanRoxAlot> Yes but your not thinking longterm when flexibility will be better automated 1733:< outphase84> 5 second search http://qz.com/196200/toyota-is-becoming-more-efficient-by-replacing-robots-with-humans/ => http://nazar.so/1u15t 1733:< alphashadow> thanks, going to read now 1733:< Do_not_reply_to_me> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-25/why-mercedes-is-halting-robots-reign-on-the-production-line => http://nazar.so/71zbq 1734:< alphashadow> thanks do not reply 1734:< Do_not_reply_to_me> ffs, did you see my name? 1735:< outphase84> alphashadow http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-25/why-mercedes-is-halting-robots-reign-on-the-production-line => http://nazar.so/4gyiu 1735:< YourBodyIsFrail> we've been here for 65 houts now 1735:< Do_not_reply_to_me> is there an echo in here? 1735:< Breneno> echo 1735:< nuu> echo 1735:< dexepi> is there an echo in here? 1735:< Sumwann> We'll make it 1735:< YourBodyIsFrail> in here? 6:36:07 PM Sumwann We'll make it 1735:< alphashadow> you heard the man, DO NOT REPLY TO THE MAN 1736:< Breneno> Is it agreed that we stay once we merge? 1736:< mofosyne> btw the future is the "sharing economy" where the only one making the most profit are those who created the platform 1736:< YourBodyIsFrail> we won't stay 1736:< Breneno> we must 1736:< YourBodyIsFrail> we won't survive the merge anyway 1736:< FriendlyYak> YourBodyIsFrail of course we will 1736:< mofosyne> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ how many more hours left? 1737:< alphashadow> I've read the pieces, and obviously I have to concede that that's happening. 1737:< YourBodyIsFrail> we will merge to T17 but after that there won't eb enogh votes 1737:< alphashadow> (though I have to say smarter more nimble robots don't seem out of the question here) 1738:< alphashadow> Okay guys, fun talk but I have to get back to work. Lunch can't last forever. 1739:< snezel> alphashadow have a good one 1739:< Nerf_Bard> Bye alphashadow <3 1739:< FriendlyYak> alphashadow bye 1739:< outphase84> later dude 1739:< dexepi> based on the table, we need 36ish more T6s to get the grow combo set up? 1740:< dexepi> did I math that right? 1740:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard <3.... : o ( 1740:< pedro_fartinez> are you assuming there is no 13? 1740:< dexepi> yeah 1741:< pedro_fartinez> yeah, so no merge until tomorrow 1741:< Nerf_Bard> Whats wrong marakiri? ;n; <3 1741:< dexepi> what happened btw? When I checked a couple hours ago there was a 13 1741:< marakiri> Im drunk.. and im regretting some life decisions 1741:< dexepi> (and a 14 15 16) 1742:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard i had this thing.. to call my own... 1742:< embracetehmartian> so merge or no merge? 1742:< marakiri> bitch got married to the fucker she was dating before me 1742:< Nerf_Bard> ;n; 1743:< spyhermit> dexepi the 13 was not real. 1743:< elginkevin> Why can't lunch last forever? 1744:< marakiri> after 4 years together... Nerf_Bard the bitch left me.. 8 months later she was married 1744:< Nerf_Bard> Why cant deaths cold embrace touch me sooner? 1744:< elginkevin> I see two T9s. 1744:< marakiri> I still dont know just what id done 1744:< spyhermit> embracetehmartian we're going to have 10,12,14,15,16 1744:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard aww man... : ( dont be like that 1744:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri Im not good at relationships. Never been in one myself FeelsBadMan 1744:< elginkevin> 3 minutes from reaping 1745:< spyhermit> gotta have 6 more 9's to hit 13, 14,15,16 1745:< spyhermit> then 10 more to hit T17 1745:< elginkevin> Bye bye ChmaIcAogr and Crt1BlmeEl, hello Csomething 1745:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard its nothing but bad... i think sex is soooo overrated... but just the feeling of being with someone... just a hug at times.. 1746:< rakehand> have a kid, hugging your kid is the best 1746:< marakiri> elginkevin hey dude... arent u in that other one too.. ccande? 1746:< marakiri> rakehand hahaha... id have had a kid right now man... but i dunno never met anyone i was into after her 1746:< Nerf_Bard> A hug at times is more than I ever got ;n; DW Bout it im sure you're a cute guy. You'll find someone 1746:< elginkevin> marakiri no I'm just in this one. 1747:< elginkevin> I didn't want to install another browser to play. 1747:< rakehand> all in due time marakiri, no use rushing into the wrong thing 1747:< elginkevin> ChmaIcAogr must be freaking out right now. 1747:< ShanRoxAlot> https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/566c9fc265dbbdab32ec053b/1x => http://nazar.so/6loq0 1747:< dexepi> spyhermit thanks for letting me know. Also, ugh I thought we were much closer 1748:< marakiri> rakehand hahaha... id have had a kid right now man... but i dunno never met anyone i was into after her 1748:< spyhermit> dexepi: stupid reddit admins, took the robin join off the main page, which is why we're not closer. 1748:< spyhermit> depending on when they're closing shop, we have 37 hours to get to T17, and that might just be enough. 1749:< marakiri> : ) its so strange strangers sometimes say the nicest things.. and people u thought love u, u didnt know at all.. but fuck it maaaaan 1749:< marakiri> if it wasnt for getting dumped so bad, i wouldnt have been as successful in my career 1749:< marakiri> i guess 1749:< Nerf_Bard> Butt fuck? Marakiri-San so lewd >_< 1750:< elginkevin> CrChmaIct1 lives! 1750:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard yea man.. i dunno where it came back to me tonite... : ( i thot i was over this shit 1750:< marakiri> im goonna go do some frugs 1751:< Nerf_Bard> Have fun. But dont kys ^_^ 1751:< outphase84> Nerf_Bard if you're serious, it's all about confidence 1751:< elginkevin> Yay I got to see another merge. Back to work. 1752:< Nerf_Bard> outphase84? 1752:< Nerf_Bard> Im confused 1752:< outphase84> relationships 1752:< marakiri> outphase84 dude... im so done with relationships 1753:< FriendlyYak> marakiri :tf: 1753:< Nerf_Bard> Oh yeah nah i have really bad social anxiety 1753:< Nerf_Bard> it fucks me so hard ;n; 1753:< outphase84> I did too 1753:< FriendlyYak> guys why 1753:< outphase84> Here's the trick...just go strike out with as many people as possible 1753:< mrfrightful> that's it im off to live in a bog! hermit life for me! - /u/marakiri 1753:< outphase84> eventually you just stop giving a fuck if you get rejected 1754:< marakiri> mrfrightful brooo same here... ive done nothing but concentrated on my work for the last 4 years, since i got dumped 1754:< Nerf_Bard> I cant even fucking order subway without fucking crying da fuck is this about asking people out 1754:< RvDarklord> Lets build a ladder╠═══╣ 1754:< Nerf_Bard> Also im just a young buck nothing to do where I can meet people at 16 1755:< sotricious> makariri et al > This book helped me A LOT > the meme machine by susan blackmore > if you ever have the time... 1755:< Nerf_Bard> No RvDarklord 1755:< marakiri> sotricious thanks bud ill read it for sure 1755:< sotricious> I REALLY REALLY URGE you too 1755:< marakiri> sotricious :) 1755:< rakehand> oops bad click. nerf_bard: at 16 the world is your oyster, it's all in front of you! 1755:< mrfrightful> Do you break down completely if they try to upsell you a cookie nerf_bard? 1755:< marakiri> rakehand bro what about at 30 1756:< rakehand> you're young! 1756:< marakiri> marakiri what if u 30 and got dumped at 26 by this chic u were going around with since u were 20.. 1756:< rakehand> marakiri, i'm 35 with a 3 year old and 1 year old, you got plenty of time! 1756:< marakiri> WHAt THEN marakiri WHAT THEN 1757:< elginkevin> I have no idea how people meet people as adults. 1757:< rakehand> marakiri, you're a guy right? 1757:< marakiri> elginkevin EXACTLY 1757:< FriendlyYak> guys i'm pretty sure most of you turn our fine 1757:< marakiri> rakehand yup im a guy 1757:< Nerf_Bard> mrfrightful I mean I havent gone out of the house in months. Im useless socially 1757:< rakehand> you don't have to worry about your biological clock, 30 is definitely still young 1758:< sotricious> word rakehand 1758:< Lorithas> rakehand props on waiting with the children, I feel like too many people rush their way to parenthood these days 1758:< outphase84> Nerf_Bard Real talk, buy a xanax off of a DNM 1758:< marakiri> Lorithas I feel the same man.. frankly i dont want kids.. but u know that feeling when u at a party 1758:< rakehand> it's still not easy, probably never is, but i'm glad i waited 1759:< Nerf_Bard> I want to be a mummy but I'll never be able to feelsbadman 1759:< marakiri> and all ur friendss got married and have awesome partners .. but u alone? 1759:< outphase84> Nerf_Bard then go to a bar and hit on some people 1759:< Nerf_Bard> outphase84 I am 16 years old. I can not enter a bar. 1759:< elginkevin> marakiri are you a member of any clubs or groups? There's lots of them and it's a great way to meet people. 1759:< TopicallyDifferent> "mummy" 1759:< TopicallyDifferent> Excuse me, mandatory No wimmenz on the internetz comment 1759:< marakiri> elginkevin its a lil different in india... 1800:< luvmygwgirls> whoa i went to work and robin almost wouldn't let me back in 1800:< rakehand> shit, gotta run, i'll check you guys later on 1800:< marakiri> elginkevin im almost a social outcast were it not for my legal practice.. 1800:< Nerf_Bard> TopicallyDifferent thats why I can never be a mummy ;n; 1800:< marakiri> rakehand ciao dude 1800:< mrfrightful> go join something.. a board games club ... hell go tofriday night magi, you'll be the most normal one there 1801:< outphase84> Nerf_Bard well christ, you're young as fuck 1801:< TopicallyDifferent> yeah if you have a moderate amount of disposable income, FNM is cool 1801:< outphase84> marakiri move to the US 1801:< marakiri> TopicallyDifferent whats fnm? 1801:< TopicallyDifferent> Friday Night Magic 1801:< Nerf_Bard> outphase84 hmm the problems of being a delinquent that never got along with anyone 1801:< marakiri> outphase84 hahaha... if u guys elect trump, no way man 1802:< callado> im back daughters 1802:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard Dude.. if u ever get a sex change, no offence, call me maybe hahaha 1802:< Nerf_Bard> Hi callado-san 1802:< TopicallyDifferent> Canada seems like it'd be a much more chill place to move into 1802:< FriendlyYak> marakiri it was some other Yak 1802:< elginkevin> marakiri I've met people from India who are in the same groups as me, like JCI. 1802:< marakiri> FriendlyYak i trust u 1803:< Nerf_Bard> TopicallyDifferent was that an intentional pun... Baka 1803:< marakiri> elginkevin im sure man im sure 1803:< FriendlyYak> marakiri rly? D: 1803:< elginkevin> But yeah, I have no idea how people meet as adults. My wife and I met when we were 14. 1803:< marakiri> marakiri but u know its been so long i actually LIKED someone.. i feel like alec fuckking baldwin 1804:< marakiri> FriendlyYak : )........ : ( 1804:< FriendlyYak> marakiri until i met my current GF i thought love is not something that is for me 1804:< TopicallyDifferent> Oh, chill because it's cold 1805:< TopicallyDifferent> Now it is O: 1805:< Nerf_Bard> I dont think I've ever loved. just fleeting glimpses of lust. Wait silly me Thats because im still a kid Hahha 1805:< Nerf_Bard> FeelsBadMan 1805:< marakiri> FriendlyYak good for u man. all the best :) 1806:< FriendlyYak> marakiri ty 1806:< mrfrightful> eventually you'll realise that the thing with social anxiety... is that if everyone is a stranger, it doesnt matter what they think 1806:< thatbarryguy> I think we're going to need more people to alt farm the smaller rooms up... 1807:< elginkevin> I am allergic to cats 1807:< mrfrightful> which means you can practice on strangers until you work out what your normal is :) 1807:< elginkevin> We covered this earlier 1807:< marakiri> elginkevin im alergic to nothing 1807:< elginkevin> *acho* 1807:< mrfrightful> i'm alergic to sunlight... go me 1807:< marakiri> kieran6383 lololololololololol 1808:< marakiri> mrfrightful yep im alergic to. i stand corrected 1808:< TopicallyDifferent> You can alsto be antisocial but find just the right type of person 1808:< Sorbetfraise> CoolCat mango bay CoolCat 1808:< Nerf_Bard> Nice rape joke kieran6383 2 thumbs up 1809:< Nerf_Bard> It takes a real man to be able to make jokes bout touchy subjects 1809:< Nerf_Bard> Oh 1809:< Nerf_Bard> Ok 1809:< iHacked> How long time do you guys think till we hit the merge? 1809:< chugga_fan> Not too long, next 2-3 hours 1810:< iHacked> Also what I was thinking 1810:< marakiri> seriously that close? 1810:< FriendlyYak> iHacked depends on how fast the seeders work FireSpeed 1810:< TopicallyDifferent> To merge? 1810:< chugga_fan> yes, that close 1810:< marakiri> someone link me tothe leaderbroad plzzzzzzzzz? 1810:< chugga_fan> 15, t14, t12, and a t10 are below us 1810:< chugga_fan> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/4ovx9 time to keep my laptop open then vote 1810:< TopicallyDifferent> Wat no way man, the resulting 13 from thJitsNasm and the others'll be in mergatory for a while 1810:< TopicallyDifferent> Unless the tracker is wrong and broken again 1810:< wayetender> im having trouble being in mergatory for so long 1811:< wayetender> i cant take it 1811:< iHacked> Maybe the tracker is wrong. Hopefully not 1811:< chugga_fan> we may breach 72 hours though 1811:< marakiri> chugga_fan thank u man <3 1811:< luvmygwgirls> im starting to think we arent ever going to merge again 1811:< wayetender> yea im going nuts 1811:< chugga_fan> we WILL merge by friday 1811:< marakiri> luvmygwgirls i know u from somewhere, dont i? 1811:< Nerf_Bard> What the fuck is this about governments I remember when we were a well functioning anarchy 1811:< wayetender> how i miss the halcyon days of merge every 30 minutes 1811:< iHacked> We will merge before friday 1811:< spyhermit> we're about 2 hours from a couple more 9's 1812:< TopicallyDifferent> VERY LOOSE GUESS Until Merge: 8-10 Hours (updated at 11:05 am EDT) 1812:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard i agree bro. Fuck governance 1812:< Nerf_Bard> marakiri youve been in that with them for over a day 1812:< luvmygwgirls> markiri maybe here? Ive been here all week except for sleeping and working 1812:< TopicallyDifferent> This is what Lolzep says 1812:< Nerf_Bard> chat 1812:< FriendlyYak> spyhermit we need 3 more tier 12 1812:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard u mean in gov? 1812:< luvmygwgirls> theres no 11 or 13 1813:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard only for the chance to test my election bot :( it failed miserably 1813:< Nerf_Bard> No marakiri I mean luvmygwgirls and you have been in the same chat for a while now 1813:< FriendlyYak> FriendlyYak at least 12 hours from now. also the robin button is gone 1813:< spyhermit> FriendlyYak yeah, in total it's something like 24 T9's 1813:< marakiri> FriendlyYak Nerf_Bard luvmygwgirls hhahahaha thats true man 1813:< marakiri> ok goodnight im gonna pass out soon 1813:< marakiri> gonna smoke this joint first 1814:< FriendlyYak> marakiri good night my friend 1814:< luvmygwgirls> marakiri i was gone for about 16 hours though 1814:< marakiri> luvmygwgirls i know man.. i was too ... peace! 1814:< luvmygwgirls> just got home from work sparking up these trees 1814:< marakiri> FriendlyYak goodnight dude 1814:< nuu> so cuckoo nelits 1814:< Harry_Flugelman> yeah why did they take the button off!! 1814:< FriendlyYak> bttvSleep 1814:< marakiri> kieran6383 hahaha... ill see u morrow man! 1814:< Nerf_Bard> night marakiri <3 1815:< TopicallyDifferent> night marakiri 1815:< luvmygwgirls> im watching the OJ show, Im excited to see how it ends 1815:< marakiri> Nerf_Bard <3 dude 1815:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm mad you have weed. <3 LOVE YOU 1815:< marakiri> TopicallyDifferent <3 man gnight 1815:< Harry_Flugelman> PuppeyFace 1815:< marakiri> TopicallyDifferent mecasasucasa 1815:< bbdale> wow this chat is dead 1815:< bbdale> was so busy just a day or so ago 1815:< marakiri> bbdale FUCK U 1815:< bbdale> what did I do to u 1815:< iHacked> I'm just waiting for the merge :p 1815:**** luvmygwgirls passes the J to TopicallyDifferent 1815:< marakiri> U KNOW NOTHASING 1815:< Nerf_Bard> bbdale things die down after a couple of days of no life 1816:< Nerf_Bard> no new life* 1816:< FriendlyYak> marakiri already high? ariW 1816:< bbdale> i understand, why are you getting so upset. I haven't been here in a day, so if anything i contributed to it being so dead 1816:< elginkevin> We've got a merge in 8 minutes. hoil23msob and duVaHoSuMr. 1816:< dexepi> We need a little under 5k new rooms at t1 to survive 1817:< marakiri> bbdale im sorry i was in the wrong 1817:< bbdale> marakiri np 1817:< marakiri> FriendlyYak hahaha 1817:< dexepi> doesn't need to be 10k people 1817:< spyhermit> kieran6383 nah, just requires some of the people to farm rooms, which I'm doing :) 1817:< dexepi> a group of 10 alts working together can get a room to tier 5 1817:< Broodoobob> are twitch sub emotes working too? chrisNope 1817:< mattpowelluk> elginkevin won't it be 8 mins plus 30? 1817:< spyhermit> just about to be in my 2nd tier 9 of the day 1818:< Broodoobob> they aren't, too bad :D 1818:< spyhermit> dexepi you can actually get higher than that, using / leave_ room 1818:< dexepi> spyhermit true enough 1818:< spyhermit> you only need a few people to stay, then the alts can go keep farmin 1818:< elginkevin> mattpowelluk duVaHoSuMr already had its reaping 1818:< elginkevin> not that you care, STAYer 1819:< Broodoobob> robin farming is fairly amusing 1819:< mattpowelluk> wait do you think we're going to merge with ccandeShle? 1819:< Broodoobob> gaming the system is the most glorious of reddit pastimes 1819:< spyhermit> mattpowelluk eventually, yeah 1819:< Nerf_Bard> Why is life so unentertaining ;nl 1819:< Nerf_Bard> ;n; * 1819:< dexepi> actually wait I'm not sure of the mechanics: if I have a tier 2 room with 4 people AND 2 people click grow and 2 /leave_room (1/2) 1820:< dexepi> (2/2) does this kill the room? 1820:< FriendlyYak> dexepi i think so 1820:< dexepi> woah 1821:< spyhermit> no. 1821:< spyhermit> the room stays alive, and merges into a tier 3. 1821:< dexepi> okay, then a half-dozen well timed bots should be able to make some high-tier rooms rather quickly 1821:< luvmygwgirls> i wonder how many people would be here if not for autovotes 1821:< spyhermit> the problem is getting into a room with your bots or alts rather than random strangers. :/ 1821:< bbdale> well, keep fighting the good fighting ladies and gents. I'lll check in again in 10 hours or so. 1822:< dexepi> that's a matter of clicking the robin at the same time 1822:< luvmygwgirls> i am working with my three alts to form grow chains 1822:< spyhermit> yeah, but after that, it's not 1822:< spyhermit> it's luck 1822:< luvmygwgirls> then i quit after tier 3 and start over 1822:< callado> we need two t13 guys 1822:< callado> we need three t12 1822:< dexepi> It should be a matter of timing 1822:< TheCountryoftheNo> luvmygwgirls t3 is too low 1822:< luvmygwgirls> we need an 11 too 1823:< dexepi> seems like the rooms try to merge with the oldest room that can also merge 1823:< TheCountryoftheNo> At least get room size over 100 1823:< callado> six t11 1823:< dexepi> (of the same tier) 1823:< dexepi> so t1 rooms formed at the same time should merge 1823:< dexepi> t2 rooms formed at the same time should merge 1823:< dexepi> and so on 1823:< callado> dexepi thats bs 1824:< callado> theres no such thing as "same time" 1824:< keithgabryelski> https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/4dmgfv/self_offsite_robin_simulation/ => http://nazar.so/1dgzp 1825:< Tuvior> #nevermerge 1825:< dexepi> callado your statement makes no sense 1825:< callado> there's always a different time for each room, even if they were create in the same second, then check for the difference between mili 1826:< dexepi> milliseconds is practically simultaneous when a couple dozen rooms exist in a tier 1826:< Loudmouth_American> what's with this message I just got about being an approved submitter? 1826:< callado> well, then check for the microseconds 1826:< FriendlyYak> Loudmouth_American from where? 1826:< dexepi> keithgabryelski thanks 1827:< callado> o whatever are the down after miliseconds 1827:< callado> sorry my english isnt my first language 1827:< Loudmouth_American> FriendlyYak it was in my inbox saying there was a subreddit created for this group and I'm an "approved submitter" 1827:< FriendlyYak> Loudmouth_American intresting 1827:< spyhermit> Loudmouth_American it 1827:< spyhermit> is probably four sokukunkelits not the whole room name --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:27:55 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:28:03 2016 1828:< spyhermit> ^^^^ 1828:< FriendlyYak> Loudmouth_American we have a bunch 1828:< nuu> i just started an alt account in a new robin 1828:< embracetehmartian> anyone know when were gonna merge????? 1828:< elginkevin> Here we go. Is it going to be hodu or duho? 1828:< FriendlyYak> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli? 1828:< embracetehmartian> apx. 1828:< Loudmouth_American> FriendlyYak here's a video of what my inbox just did https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 1828:< elginkevin> Nobody knows 1828:< embracetehmartian> im saying in like the next four hours??? 1828:< FriendlyYak> not falling for a video 1829:< elginkevin> Us? Merge? No. 1829:< Loudmouth_American> you know you fell for it 1829:< FriendlyYak> that has to be a rickroll or smth 1829:< Nerf_Bard> tfw you dont even have a cute feminine penis FeelsBadMan 1829:< embracetehmartian> if two 500s merge it could be soon 1830:< FriendlyYak> oh we have a new tier 9 1830:< FriendlyYak> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1830:< embracetehmartian> tier 10 merges and that could be the chain reaction 1830:< embracetehmartian> srs 1830:< WheresMyCurtain> we may actually merge? holy fak 1831:< XG549> i think a merge is pretty certain 1831:< prmcd16> bobrossKappa 1831:< prmcd16> uh 1831:< GlitcherRed> KappaRoss 1831:< elginkevin> In the next 4 hours? I don't see how. 1831:< embracetehmartian> you never know tho people could just be off by a couple numbers 1831:< elginkevin> hoPhil23ms is born. 1831:< XG549> who said we only have four hours? 1832:< Loudmouth_American> FriendlyYak yeah it was rick roll 1832:< elginkevin> embracetehmartian asked if we would merge in the next four hours. 1832:< Loudmouth_American> it's 2010 all over again FriendlyYak 1832:< elginkevin> I was answering him. 1832:< prmcd16> KappaRoss 1832:< elginkevin> NomeMALKjo comes out of nowhere. --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:33:02 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:33:09 2016 1833:< spyhermit> alright, about to test the thesis, 1833:< elginkevin> two 7s right behind 1833:< spyhermit> my partner in a T1 abandoned. :) 1833:< GlitcherRed> it's 2016 we need a better rick roll https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr_cZclvp74 1833:< elginkevin> 20 minutes until the next 8 1834:< FriendlyYak> GlitcherRed i'm so clicking the shit out of this link 1834:< FriendlyYak> GlitcherRed awesome! :D 1834:< sotricious> Almost one hundred hours! > https://imgur.com/SteY2tl 1835:< nuu> there's somebody in a room with my alt with the username _tier_17_ 1835:< -randomity-> Woooowww 100hrs! 1835:< spyhermit> merged successfully, 1836:< spyhermit> T2 with 2 people in it, lol. 1836:< Nerf_Bard> The current rick roll is where you link them rick astley and then you say its rick astley but is really friday by rebecca black Keepo 1837:< GlitcherRed> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IGF-BRw5YQ what about this Kappa 1837:< FriendlyYak> GlitcherRed link is broken 1837:< GlitcherRed> script can't handle - i guess 1838:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard RebeccaBlack 1838:< GlitcherRed> just copy the link 1838:< Nerf_Bard> how to be qt grill? 1838:< FriendlyYak> GlitcherRed rly noisy 1838:< Nerf_Bard> HOLY FUCK 1839:< Nerf_Bard> WHY DIDNT YOU GUYS TELL ME IT WAS 6 AM 1839:< Nerf_Bard> AND I SHOULD SLEEP 1839:< FriendlyYak> Nerf_Bard well we live on another side of this spaceball 1839:< callado> sleep with daddy 1839:< FriendlyYak> i mean earth 1839:< Nerf_Bard> I dont have a daddy here with me 1839:< Nerf_Bard> FeelsBadMan 1840:< elginkevin> Oooh I like channel name coMoLoElFo 1840:< elginkevin> Just rolls off the tongue. 1840:< FriendlyYak> who here remembers the https://www.reddit.com/r/PanPeople and the https://www.reddit.com/r/Klatter 1840:< sotricious> It took us 30 hours to get to sokuku > and we've been waiting for almost 70 HOURS NOW! w t f 1841:< FriendlyYak> https://www.reddit.com/r/Klatter --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:41:37 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:42:16 2016 1842:< avocadis> hmm 1842:< Tuvior> are script devs still alive? 1842:< pandandap> are people still thinking the merge is gonna happen tonight? 1842:< FriendlyYak> Tuvior asleep --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:43:12 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:46:22 2016 1846:< benduker7> No 1846:< nuu> in the room my alt is in everybody is discussing farming techniques 1847:< mtriper> to grow what 1847:< prmcd16> dank weed 1847:< benduker7> etray yeah I know I was answering the other guy 1847:< FriendlyYak> lol there are ppl in % 1848:< Babumts> hello :) How are you all? 1848:< Nerf_Bard> How to become qt trap waifu? 1848:< elginkevin> hello Babumts 1848:< prmcd16> Have you heard the word of the 72 Ropes? 1848:< FlunkyMonkey123> test 1848:< elginkevin> My laptop is so slow I have time to chat in between dragging and dropping. 1848:< benduker7> Til that if i right click a username it auto copy-pastes it 1848:< Nerf_Bard> Hi Babumts Im sad because Im not qt trap waifu 1848:< dexepi> 4.6K t1 rooms until t7 is inevitable 1848:< dexepi> err I mean t17 1849:< Babumts> Nerf_Bard I Have no idea what you are talking about :P 1849:< Nerf_Bard> You asked how is everyone I answered Keepo 1849:< The_Turbinator> we merged!!!!!!! 1850:< FriendlyYak> The_Turbinator ? 1850:< etray> yeah like 80 hours ago 1850:< FriendlyYak> The_Turbinator where you offline for days? 1850:< nuu> lolol 1850:< Babumts> And what does qt trap waifu mean? Nerf_Bard :) Sorry, I would like to know what you mean... :) 1850:< prmcd16> https://www.reddit.com/r/72strands/ 1850:< prmcd16> for truth 1850:< benduker7> Idk if you guys have adblock turned off on reddit, but there are ads for robin all over the front page now 1851:< Nerf_Bard> QT= Cutie. Trap= QT Boy that dresses like a girl. Waifu=waifu 1851:< The_Turbinator> yeah i have adblock 1851:< The_Turbinator> QT pie 1851:< TopicallyDifferent> I refresh and Nerf_Bard's line is first 1851:< brutuscat2> I don't think we're going to merge 1851:< TopicallyDifferent> what is going on 1851:< benduker7> brutuscat2 not with that attitude 1851:< CitrusDoctor> we will merge eventually 1852:< brutuscat2> we have until the 8th... that's 2 days 1852:< CitrusDoctor> we only need one t14 1852:< Nerf_Bard> Hi TopicallyDifferent <3 1852:< CitrusDoctor> in two days, we've gotten a t 15 and one t14 1852:< TopicallyDifferent> Hi Bard, now tell me about your ideal qt trap waifu 1852:< Nerf_Bard> Roses are red 1852:< Nerf_Bard> Violets are blue 1852:< brutuscat2> we need another T14 which isn't likely 1852:< CitrusDoctor> I thought Nerf_Bard was the trap waifu> 1852:< Nerf_Bard> we're having sex cause im stronger than you 1852:< brutuscat2> robin popularity has dropped off fast 1852:< Babumts> Nerf_Bard Thats some serious problemes, right there! :D 1852:< CitrusDoctor> t14 will certainly happen in two days, likely less 1853:< Nerf_Bard> Wait thats not how the poem goes 1853:< Nerf_Bard> CitrusDoctor Hi <3 1853:< TopicallyDifferent> Nice rape joke 1853:< outphase84> Ugh, I really gotta call this recruiter back. 1853:< CitrusDoctor> hey --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 18:53:48 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 18:53:56 2016 1853:< outphase84> Negotiating salary and I'm nervous about their counter offer. Sigh. 1854:< CitrusDoctor> just checking in, my alt actually didnt get kicked this time :) 1854:< The_Turbinator> oiuy 1854:< Nerf_Bard> Shove senpais middle finger in my pooper etray? 1854:< KuronekoFan> Hello 1854:< The_Turbinator> hi 1854:< CitrusDoctor> my alt went from t1 to t10 in like 8 hours 1854:< etray> roses are red violets are blue, she wants the d, you know what to do 1854:< elginkevin> Well have another 8 shortly here it looks like 1854:< spyhermit> CitrusDoctor I've gone t1 to t9 twice so far in the last 5 hours 1854:< The_Turbinator> htyu 1855:< CitrusDoctor> it's in thJitsnasm 1855:< Nerf_Bard> roses are red, violets are blue, Omae wa mou shinderu 1855:< elginkevin> fepoAnBeoc and saGPglRout 1855:< FriendlyYak> elginkevin yes in 10minutes 1855:< spyhermit> still farming more of them 1855:< CitrusDoctor> yeah spyhermit, things might be speeding up 1855:< The_Turbinator> adis 1855:< FriendlyYak> spyhermit great 1855:< elginkevin> there's two 7s that are ready 1855:< The_Turbinator> adisa 1855:< elginkevin> fepoglRoas there it is 1855:< etray> or the super senior troll: roses are red violets are blue, i have alzheimer's roses are red 1856:< CitrusDoctor> wow 1856:< spyhermit> merge, so I get the feeling people are trying to make this happen 1856:< elginkevin> Two 8s merge in 30 minutes. 1856:< sotricious> lol etray 1856:< spyhermit> I might get 2 newbies who don't understand the structure out of 20 people. 1856:< Tuvior> meh it's picking up people that don't know how to respond to trivia in the prefixes http://puu.sh/o8xid.png 1856:< elginkevin> CCCAAASSSSCCCCAAADDDEEEE up to 11. 1856:< FriendlyYak> hey vox stole an ELI5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2APYPjTWZ8&nohtml5=False => http://nazar.so/9oie6 1856:< etray> yeah the legendary 13 missing 1856:< sotricious> the robin ads should communicate messages like "let's break the internet", "Join this big experiment" - "Only 2 days left" and such.. 1856:< CitrusDoctor> hold on here, theres a $Dr. chat? 1857:< Tuvior> no that's the point 1857:< CitrusDoctor> How am I not in that? I can guarantee you that my PhD is not fake at all 1857:< Tuvior> someone didn't put the space when partecipating in trivia 1857:< pandandap> sotricious agreed. or we need to start a campaign on a popular sub 1857:< Tuvior> I was wondering was stuff like $fish and $stone was popping up 1858:< etray> ah 1858:< The_Turbinator> bendi 1858:< etray> Tuvior the LEGENDARY grand daddy of robin scripts 1858:< CitrusDoctor> well, all the people in $ would just hear a bunch of messages starting in fish 1858:< etray> all hail 1858:< sotricious> it has to be something that has nothing to do with 'chatting' and 'connections' etc. Has to be explained as an experiment pandapap 1858:< The_Turbinator> minecraft story mode 1858:< Tuvior> idk how the other scripts work, but I end prefixes with ' ', in $ you wouldn't see $fish 1859:< etray> true 1859:< sotricious> U know, lets see if the servers can cope... 1859:< pandandap> yes, proper marketing lol, sotricious 1859:< etray> any1 know if the deadline is the end of the 8th of April or the start of it 1859:< sotricious> (oh yeah, maybe thats what we're doing > testing servers when databases merge...) 1859:< etray> when robin ends i mean 1859:< Tuvior> yeah look, I'll add a filter for $ prefixes http://puu.sh/o8xy0.png 1900:< Tuvior> even though $freckles does sound like an exciting channel ;) 1900:< pandandap> that could be it! 1900:< FriendlyYak> incoming tier 11 1900:< embracetehmartian> whats the news are we merging 1900:< etray> yeah and I have still !fr open but nobody uses that channel 1900:< FriendlyYak> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1901:< pandandap> Who knows, but i'd really like to see us get to 17, i dont think it's impossible but i haven't done the math 1901:< KuronekoFan> Does anyone know if I need to leave this tab active for the scripts to work? 1901:< OrangeredStilton> It's not impossible, but it becomes increasingly difficult 1901:< svlad> Tuvior I'm pretty sure spaces are trimmed from prefixes 1901:< pandandap> kuronekofan yes i believe so 1901:< etray> FriendlyYak see ALL the tiers https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/4btwb 1901:< etray> not so exact though 1901:< FriendlyYak> etray ty 1901:< KuronekoFan> thanks pandandap 1901:< Tuvior> they shouldn't be, that brings names overriding eachother 1901:< etray> but gives you image if there is a push from lower tiers 1902:< Tuvior> i.e. %chat speaking in % 1902:< CitrusDoctor> i'm kinda sad that I still can't trace the path I got to get in here 1902:< sonsol> I have not learned morse in 5 minutes. Time to give up? xP 1902:< CitrusDoctor> I can only go to OPanArshkk 1902:< pandandap> CitrusDoctor i dont even remember who my first buddy was 1902:< etray> sonsol, depends if u normally learn new languages 1902:< CitrusDoctor> I know mine is gone, though 1902:< etray> quickly 1902:< gjhgjh> Too bad we don't have the week end. That would bring a surge. 1902:< CitrusDoctor> lost him around t5 or 6 1902:< pandandap> ah yeah i think mine is probably too 1903:< cheedear> sonsol -.-- . ... 1903:< sonsol> etray Just Norwegian and English really:P 1903:< pandandap> Have people been communicating with the lower tiers to encourage the 1903:< pandandap> them 1903:< Nerf_Bard> how to become qt trap waifu? 1903:< sonsol> cheedear That's just a strange bored face. 1903:< svlad> Tuvior yes Im working on a fix but for the moment you can fix that by ordering making sure your channels order is longest 1st 1903:< cheedear> encourage them to do what, pandandap? 1903:< embracetehmartian> pandandap most of the accounts are secondaries from people in here and the higher tiers 1903:< etray> sonsol ah so you know kuk 1903:< pandandap> i tried on an alt but people are like no let's STAY -_- 1904:< pandandap> cheedear, grow and become as great as us! 1904:< etray> from the title of the channel 1904:< FriendlyYak> when on 8th will it be over? 1904:< OrangeredStilton> One assumes midnight PDT 1904:< pandandap> embracetehmartian ahhh right, i suspected 1904:< sonsol> etray I know a couple of dicks actually 1904:< OrangeredStilton> It might not end at all, of course 1904:< Tuvior> svlad: I just keep it on whitespace terminated, it's less prune to errors I guess.. 1904:< cheedear> pandandap: i'm on an alt that is seeing grows so far 1904:< etray> LOL 1904:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton true 1904:< elginkevin> 25 minutes until the next T9 1904:< embracetehmartian> does anyone know for sure that its ending because maybe they just let it keep going 1904:< SarcastaRandy> anyonw know how long until the merge 1904:< sonsol> etray Not in the biblical sense obviously 1904:< svlad> if you have %, %chat then %chat will be sent to %. If you have %chat, % then it will work correctly 1904:< pandandap> cheedear: well good 1904:< etray> sonsol OBVIOUSLY 1904:< gjhgjh> Haven't seen any confirmation that 8th was the end date. 1905:< cheedear> only on tier 3 but there hasn't been a single stay yet 1905:< elginkevin> Oh and it'll be a fight, there might be three T8s by then 1905:< elginkevin> gjhgjh let me find it, they did say it would be over on April 8th. 1905:< embracetehmartian> gjhgjh you retired slaying magical beasts?? 1905:< sonsol> etray I meant sadly* :/ Still haven't found the recipe for turning bi. 1906:< gjhgjh> Just taking a break. Slying mythical beasts takes a lot of a person. 1906:< embracetehmartian> takes a lot of finger dexterity 1906:< etray> sonsol you feel limited? 1906:< FriendlyYak> guy open a % channel. it's like a bot-aquarium 1906:< sonsol> Obviously 1906:< codestring> Everyone still here? 1906:< cheedear> Everyone 1906:< codestring> Did anyone leave? 1906:< etray> except those who left 1907:< etray> OBVIOUSLY 1907:< codestring> SHIT! 1907:< FriendlyYak> the rest of us 1907:< sonsol> etray Sadly* 1907:< FriendlyYak> but the ones of us who are alive are still here 1907:< etray> us+bots 1907:< chugga_fan> some people left 1907:< Tuvior> !fr bah 1907:< Misio> I'm not 1907:< Tuvior> agh 1907:< chugga_fan> 905 of us are running random things 1907:< embracetehmartian> im never gonna leave! 1908:< MobiusCoffee> Who here likes Taylor Swift? 1908:< gjhgjh> There is a guant emperor scorpion in there now that people are fighting. 1908:< Misio> stays has gone down 1908:< embracetehmartian> no one mobiuscoffee 1908:< Misio> is consensus stay at next tier? 1908:< FriendlyYak> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI this will be a triumpg 1908:< etray> mobiuscoffee is like a unending coffee cup? 1908:< elginkevin> We never stay. We did not get here by STAYing 1908:< embracetehmartian> misio i think so, thats what im going to do because itll take to long after that to get to the next tier 1908:< pandandap> #neverstay 1909:< sonsol> Consensus is "I just have a chat window with an auto grow and I have completely forgot about Robin." 1909:< FriendlyYak> all of the stayers were left behind 1909:< pandandap> and have dead subreddits 1909:< embracetehmartian> Friend1yYak the feels 1909:< MobiusCoffee> etray, you're probably the first person in the 7 odd years I've had this name that figured that out 1909:< Misio> I doubt another tier is possible, we'd need two more 17s, I think? 1909:< etray> MobiusCoffee yeah? I like coffee 1909:< elginkevin> Who abandons now? 1909:< embracetehmartian> drinking one right now 1910:< etray> MobiusCoffee or did I miss /s 1910:< SalZoRz> this chat has become super slow 1910:< elginkevin> All I have today is Folgers and I forgot how terrible it is. 1910:< MobiusCoffee> etray, no I was being serious haha 1910:< etray> noice 1910:< embracetehmartian> gotta get dat free trade coffee danks 1910:< svlad> we're about 1.5 hours away from a new T11 1910:< chugga_fan> svlad i expect the merge to be done today so 1911:< gjhgjh> Some don't know if you click abandon now it kicks you out almost right away. 1911:< tambry> Should I be leaving my computer on for the night? 1911:< alylynn96> yes 1911:< Misio> I miss realising everyone was different colours and finding out what you were 1911:< chugga_fan> yhea, we have a t15, a t14, a t12, and a t11 lined up 1911:< embracetehmartian> tambry i think the merge will happen tonight so just watch it live 1911:< svlad> chugga_fan I don't know, we have to make two T13s though 1911:< chugga_fan> svlad alts 1911:< svlad> It'll probably be about half a day to make a second T13 1911:< etray> there is hope then 1911:< embracetehmartian> dae really see the genius behind robin 1912:< etray> for one last merge 1912:< tambry> embracetehmartian: Well, it's 10PM here, so I ain't watching anything 1912:< svlad> and we're still about 5 hours away from aking the first T13 1912:< FriendlyYak> svlad yep 1912:< embracetehmartian> tambry true so you should probably leave your computer on 1912:< svlad> its 2:12 PM where I'm at 1912:< embracetehmartian> 3:12pm here 1912:< svlad> so, for me, there's no chance to merge "today" 1912:< tambry> I guess I'll leave the computer on for the night then :) 1912:< tambry> Night guys! 1912:< embracetehmartian> tambry wish you could be with us night 1912:< etray> 21:12 24 hour masterrace european here 1913:< etray> not r/reuropean 1913:< embracetehmartian> >europoor 1913:< asasantana> 21:13 highfive 1913:< tambry> 22:13 :) 1913:< embracetehmartian> can we talk politics? 1914:< embracetehmartian> in this chat 1914:< etray> in #pol 1914:< elginkevin> Ten minutes till a T8 three-way 1914:< svlad> there is a #gov chat too I think 1914:< elginkevin> (those two comments are not related in any way) 1914:< etray> but i guess nobody will kick you if u speak here either 1914:< etray> literallynomods 1914:< embracetehmartian> ty 1914:< etray> just mute 1914:**** svlad mutes everybody 1915:< etray> ^ 1915:< callado> my girlfriend is hot 1915:< etray> pics 1915:< callado> wait 1915:< callado> shes sending me nudes 1915:< svlad> pm me so I can verify 1915:< Djinneral> i think she's hot too mate 1915:< embracetehmartian> doesnt seem to be anyone active in #pol or #gov its a wasteland 1916:< ihunter32> one day we'll merge... 1916:< svlad> #gov was active a few hours earlier 1916:< Djinneral> gov is currently chatting in edia 1916:< etray> embracetehmartian is it about bernie or trump 1916:< Djinneral> well it's .edia 1916:< embracetehmartian> neither,no bots either 1916:< etray> :D 1916:< FriendlyYak> % is only bots 1917:< gjhgjh> I can't find an official source saying that the 8th in the end. 1917:< svlad> % is blank for me because I think i was able to mute all the bots 1917:< ViktorErikJensen> embracetehmartian: What's your thoughts on the Chinese presidents atempts to consolidate power and form a kind of dictatorship? 1917:< prince_polka> gjhgjh interesting 1917:< embracetehmartian> gjhgjh thanks for looking 1917:< callado> sadly my gf has down syndrome still love her 1917:< gjhgjh> I'm not saying that there isn't one. 1917:< gjhgjh> I just can't find it. 1917:< svlad> gjhgjh it was in the original April 1st post about Robin 1917:< prince_polka> gjhgjh I was asking what time exactly it would end and no one knew 1918:< callado> in venezuela we are killing thugs with our own hands due the judicial system is pretty awful 1918:< svlad> The only thing the post said is that it will run until the 8th 1918:< embracetehmartian> viktor since the panama papers he has dirt on communist opposition 1918:< callado> if a cop catch a thug, they release him within 2 days 1918:< embracetehmartian> so his chances look good 1918:< embracetehmartian> i think hell come out on top because of the release 1918:< etray> callado: what do you call a pot head with a down syndrome? 1918:< callado> in caracas burned alive two thugs yesterday 1919:< etray> callado: bongoloid 1919:< gjhgjh> If I word for reddit it would at the end of the work day. That way I could ignore all of the whining from the tens of people upset. 1919:< callado> etray what 1919:< callado> whats bongoloid in dont get it 1919:< ViktorErikJensen> embracetehmartian: But his family's involved? 1919:< etray> woosh 1919:< callado> i dont get it/ 1919:< etray> bong + mongoloid 1919:< AtaraxicMegatron> bong + mongoloid 1919:< embracetehmartian> viktor yeah but his control over the media 1919:< callado> whats a bong and a mongoloid? 1919:< svlad> a bong is a thing to smoke a mongoloid out of 1919:< etray> what is 4chan 1919:< embracetehmartian> brother in law shmother in law 1920:< etray> if we play this game 1920:< Tuvior> im 12 and what is this 1920:< ViktorErikJensen> true. Guess that's settled then 1920:< callado> im venezuelan 1920:< etray> ah sorry 1920:< callado> dont be hard with me 1920:< embracetehmartian> tuvion same 1920:< embracetehmartian> viktor you never know for sure tho 1920:< gjhgjh> This is the blog post. http://www.redditblog.com/2016/04/robin.html It makes no mention of an end date. 1920:< etray> but you know the word down syndrome 1921:< callado> afk 1921:< etray> :D 1921:< AtaraxicMegatron> he's going to think it through 1921:< etray> and what if he really has a gf with down syndrome 1921:< embracetehmartian> viktor eu is going downhill fast with migrant crisis, russia taking satelite states and eunion failing 1922:< embracetehmartian> and now papers released 1922:< etray> and i just made a terrible joke about it 1922:< etray> i took him for his better 1922:< embracetehmartian> they will take the biggest hit because its going to fuck up ukraine more 1922:< embracetehmartian> and you already saw what happened in iceland 1923:< ViktorErikJensen> President disbanded the parliament, left office, came back. All within a day or so. I have no idea what's going on in Iceland 1923:< etray> gjhgjh thanks for precision of no end date 1924:< svlad> gjhgjh the 8th is on the page with the robin button to join a chat room. view in incognito on a new account 1924:< keithgabryelski> still looking like a ways off I see... 1924:< svlad> gjhgjh http://i.imgur.com/TabzlCR.png 1924:< sotricious> (i don;t understand what's happening > Lost the tabs and I think I cannot post? 1924:< elginkevin> caHatia_Ju and blSpthNoeM gonna merge 1924:< elginkevin> sotricious are you using Robin Grow or Parrot? 1924:< ViktorErikJensen> sotricious: Saw an empty message in ^ 1925:< ViktorErikJensen> Another one 1925:< svlad> sotricious now an empty message in %chat 1925:< ViktorErikJensen> Put some letters in them 1925:< gjhgjh> thanks svlad 1925:< sotricious> parrot 1925:< ViktorErikJensen> parrot 1925:< etray> parrot 1925:< svlad> gjhgjh my pleasure 1925:< etray> let's count 1925:< etray> 1 1925:< ViktorErikJensen> 2 1925:< svlad> 3.14159 1925:< elginkevin> new T9 in two minutes 1926:< gjhgjh> parrot 1926:< etray> e 1926:< gjhgjh> I can't use robin-grow. It won't let me send any messages. 1926:< Music_monkey> been away from my PC all day, whats the status guys ? 1926:< etray> all systems running 1927:< gjhgjh> Music_monkey, I'm chatting. Your chatting. We are all chatting. 1927:< gjhgjh> your>you're 1927:< Music_monkey> what a time to be alive gjhgjh :-) 1927:< etray> They chat too? 1927:< spyhermit> Music_monkey 4 tier 8s, a tier i, a tier 10, 12, 14,15,16 1927:< spyhermit> so we're about to have our tier 11. 1927:< etray> missing the infamous 13 1928:< svlad> gjhgjh Why aren't you using Parrot? 1928:< spyhermit> with the tier 11, however, we'll probably get the 13 within 4 hours. after that it's rebuilding the 12, 11, 10. 1928:< gjhgjh> I'm using parrot. It's robin-grow that is giving problems. 1928:< Music_monkey> is RicksterCraft online ? If so, did you get the exam results yet buddy ? 1928:< Music_monkey> spyhermit thanks for that! 1928:< svlad> Robin Table is a great view of the current tiers. http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 1929:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey 99 on History, 84 on Calc 1929:< ArcOfDream> TheOddEyes You around? 1929:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft they sound like some damn good results! 1929:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey Aye :D 1929:< elginkevin> Hello NomeMAgl1_ 1930:< etray> 99 out of 100? 1930:< RicksterCraft> etray Nah, out of 1000 1930:< RicksterCraft> jk 1931:< etray> what type of history 1931:< RicksterCraft> etray Basic World History, part 2 1931:< ctacus> dark history 1931:< etray> noice 1931:< elginkevin> 30 minutes until a Tier 10 1931:< RicksterCraft> Or to be more precise, History of World Civ. 1931:< etray> dark memes 1931:< ctacus> 2dark4me 1931:< TheMadStorksGhost> dank memes? 1932:< etray> questions like which was the first civ to use irrigation 1932:< etray> ? 1932:< sotricious> PHEWWWWWWW 1932:< ViktorErikJensen> qanats are sweet 1932:< ctacus> I havent played Civ V for a year 1932:< sotricious> THANK YOU ALL! 1932:< etray> or write an essey of Mesopotamian government 1933:< etray> structure 1933:< RicksterCraft> etray The Mesopotamian Civ of Ur was one of the first to channel river current for farming use 1933:< sotricious> sry, I lost all names, ty all! 1933:< etray> that is cirrect 1933:< etray> *CORRECT 1933:< RicksterCraft> Though that far back was last semester. This semester is 1600s to current times 1934:< RicksterCraft> We just got to the cold war 1934:< etray> ok 1934:< RicksterCraft> Brrr 1934:< ctacus> are you going to be a history teacher? 1934:< RicksterCraft> Nope, not in the slightest. Just fulfilling degree requirements 1934:< etray> :D 1935:< william_tropico> is this the genral chat one? 1935:< RicksterCraft> Aye 1935:< ctacus> this is leutenant chat one 1935:< etray> that's the spirit; you memorize information that is probably gonna be used in pop quizzes at most 1935:< etray> but it gives you a world view also 1935:< etray> or it can 1936:< embracetehmartian> tier 9s about to merge in like 30 miuntes 1936:< RicksterCraft> etray It was better than learning American history for two semesters. There are two branches of History people take. 1936:< RicksterCraft> I chose to take World History because that shit is cool 1936:< etray> it is 1936:< rakehand> i was a history major, worked in news television and now retail broadcast creative so the major isn't so relevant 1936:< mtriper> william_tropico nope this is elite speak 1937:< elginkevin> oh there are 4 T6 about to merge as well. 1937:< mtriper> william_tropico for general chat go to %soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzgeneralchat 1937:< etray> rakehand what kind of job in news tv? 1937:< dick_sanitizer> eta til merge guys? 1937:< mtriper> 625392 hours 1937:< ctacus> dick_sanitizer tomorrow 1938:< rakehand> network news on-air promos 1938:< dick_sanitizer> so today for me lol 1938:< MeaKyori> #rpg Ohh. That might do it. 1938:< rakehand> started as a production assistant then just kind of went up from there 1938:< dexepi> 4.5K t1 rooms until t17 is inevitable 1938:< dexepi> (not counting untracked rooms)\ 1938:< ViktorErikJensen> elginkevin: It's a figurative minute. Like "I'll do it in a minute" 1938:< MeaKyori> yay spreadsheets! 1938:< mtriper> and tomorrow will still be tomorrow 1939:< etray> rakehand the pace must be slower now than in the news room 1939:< ctacus> tomorrow is a hoax 1939:< elginkevin> ViktorErikJensen oh good we've taught computers to be annoyingly imprecise. 1939:< AbyssalOfTheEast> damn, we are getting close to t17, as well as the deadline 1939:< mtriper> ctacus tomorrow is unreachable 1939:< rakehand> etray: sure is, no more calls in the middle of the night, no more late breaking news 1940:< rakehand> etray: was an interesting environment but it wears you down after a while 1940:< MeaKyori> Oh okay, thanks! 1940:< outphase84> dexepi if that's true i can't see making it 1940:< etray> rakehand: yeah i can understand 1940:< mtriper> IT WILL NEVER BE TOMORROW (and that is when the next merge happens) 1940:< svlad> all of the rooms right now from T5 to T12 combined will make 1 T13 once they are merged 1940:< etray> rakehand: did u have time to really prepare good stories or was it always rushed 1940:< Talisene> Good night, soldiers. 1940:< svlad> and that will take ~5 or 6 hours 1941:< ViktorErikJensen> elginkevin: I like that I can tell my android phone to wake me up in the morning. 1941:< ViktorErikJensen> To bad it's not like robin yet. It's allways the same time 1941:< dexepi> outphase84 well it was closer to 5k around noon I think(?) 1941:< etray> rakehand like these panama paper reporters; they kept the stuff under radar for months 1941:< outphase84> dexepi possibly but i'm pretty sure that puts the total number of people that need to join at double what's currently here --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 19:41:58 2016 --- Log opened Wed Apr 06 19:42:05 2016 1942:< callado> suck my massive dick 1942:< rakehand> etray: i was on the promotions side, so my team basically advertised the shows doing the actual stories 1942:< svlad> number of people don't really matter 1942:< dexepi> well most of the heavy lifting is done by alts 1942:< etray> rakehand: ah i see different take 1942:< dexepi> creating and leaving rooms once they're launched to T5 1942:< etray> *role 1942:< outphase84> callado 3" isn't massive by our standards ;P 1942:< rakehand> etray: so for panama papers, we'd just have like :15 or :30 spots to tell viewers a blurb about the story trying to rope them in 1942:< callado> im latino so massive is like 9" 1943:< callado> yours standars are below mine 1943:< etray> rakehand: ah i see got the gist of it 1943:< dexepi> I think it's doable, but it would be nice to up the room creation rate a bit 1943:< rakehand> etray: but that story comes along and destroys our promo schedule because we initially planned to cover something silly like 1943:< outphase84> wanna know how someone is lying about their cock size? 1943:< rakehand> etray: spring weather or something like that 1943:< etray> rakehand: :D 1943:< outphase84> they brag about it :P 1943:< dexepi> also the robin table doesn't know all the rooms, there are probably a good number of t1s and t2s not being tracked 1943:< NamePsychic> abandoning parrot to go back to Grow. every time I walk away chrome freezes and I'm afraid I'll get booted if we merge. 1944:< etray> NamePsychic; do you run many addons beside it 1944:< rakehand> namepsychic: might it be the "reload page after inactivity timeout" box? i feel like sometimes i walk away and come back to an 1944:< NamePsychic> etray, only OneTab, I have ublock turned off on this page 1944:< callado> whos watching wolf-madrid match? 1944:< rakehand> namepsychic: empty chat and i'm suspicious of that box 1945:< etray> NamePsychic: yeah I have ublock actually also but it works fine for me with parrot 1945:< rakehand> callado: i'm following city-psg, what's going on in the other match? 1945:< etray> NamePsychic: could be OneTab which does it if u curious you could test disabling it 1945:< FriendlyYak> rakehand yes that's it 1945:< callado> wolfsburgo is raping rm 1945:< NamePsychic> rakehand, I have it disabled. The page will look fine, but I check the timestamps and the messages are 10 hours old, won't reload etc 1946:< callado> 2-0 2T 1946:< etray> NamePsychic: in Google Chrome release version 1946:< NamePsychic> etray, will do 1946:< callado> 1T* 1946:< NamePsychic> though it takes a couple hours before it freezes so 1946:< NamePsychic> like when Im sleeping or at work 1946:< etray> ah ok 1946:< outphase84> are you using message purge? 1946:< aggyaggyaggy> I must really be missing something, everytime I do the math on what it's going to take to merge again, I don't see it happening 1946:< etray> so a memory leak 1947:< NamePsychic> etray, I dunno though, task manager didn't show chrome using an exorbitant amount of mem 1947:< rakehand> namepsychic: ah that's bizarre, i haven't really been following the changelog so I just keep blindly updating 1947:< callado> mamamel guebo bruja lol 1947:< NamePsychic> mine is out of date by 16 hours or so now haha 1948:< etray> I got 3.22 1948:< callado> who want learn venezuelan insults? 1948:< rakehand> callado: wow i don't mind that result 1948:< etray> try updating if it helps 1948:< juryk> looks like a T13 should appear in about an hour? 1948:< juryk> I see two eligble 9s and 10,12 waiting 1948:< etray> in an HOUR? 1948:< juryk> oh nevermind 1948:< etray> :D 1949:< NamePsychic> glad to see we've only lost 30 people but the Stay vote is down 200 1949:< etray> i was getting worried 1949:< juryk> missing a T11 for merge 1949:< etray> that 1950:< NoNoLimit> ETA on our next merge? 1950:< elginkevin> Alright y'all, AFK. 1950:< etray> K1ngN0thing why they didnt remove that link as a spam i wonder 1950:< callado> RIP in Peace Real madrid 1950:< svlad> K1ngN0thing welcome to my muted list 1951:< ViktorErikJensen> aggyaggyaggy: This place was formed ~70 hours ago, The T15 40 hours ago and the T14 15 hours ago right? 1951:< svlad> no one is really maintaining a spam filter anymore since users can be reliably muted now 1951:< etray> K1ngN0thing or are you regular in that sub 1951:< ViktorErikJensen> Should be a T13 in time 1951:< svlad> T13 in 5-6 hours 1951:< ViktorErikJensen> I mean two 1953:< Khemikooligan> everyone should upvote the post in https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/ to get robin to the top of r/all 1953:< Khemikooligan> people are downvoting it 1953:< etray> K1ngN0thing ok opened that TED talk; nice beard that man has 1954:< etray> That man's beard is qualification enough for me to believe every word he has to say. 1954:< GlaDOS_Aperture> LLEGAREMOS A LO MAS ALTO 1954:< etray> alzheimer is a helluva sickness 1954:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ESPAÑOLES UNIDOS 1954:< aggyaggyaggy> ViktorErikJensen - you might be right (don't have the data on that), but it doesn't mean users are going to keep coming. 1955:< etray> i'd rather die accidentally than losing memory 1955:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ESPAÑOLES UNIDOS 1955:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ESPAÑOLES UNIDOS 1955:< aggyaggyaggy> ViktorErikJensen - http://justinhart.net/robintable/ doesn't show enough growth occurring for me to think it's going to build up enough 1955:< FriendlyYak> right now there are close to no tier 2 1955:< ViktorErikJensen> etray: His name's Aubrey de Grey 1955:< GlaDOS_Aperture> TRUMP PARA PRESIDENTE 1955:< etray> ViktorErikJensen I could... read...that 1956:< etray> ah or do you mean as in Gandalf the Grey 1956:< etray> matches 1956:< svlad> does anyone have a script for tracking how many tiers a new Robin user has gone through? 1956:< GlaDOS_Aperture> PINCHES MEJICANOS PUTOS 1957:< etray> K1ngN0thing is Aubrey de Grey? 1957:< NoNoLimit> K1ngN0thing do you have any good reads to suggest? 1957:< ViktorErikJensen> aggyaggyaggy: You might also be right. People seem confident here though. 1957:< spyhermit> svlad parrot has that if you enable statistics reporting, it will update as you go with the room you are in. 1957:< aggyaggyaggy> The only thing that makes sense to me for another merge is for large amounts of people to leave this room and go help grow 1958:< GlaDOS_Aperture> NECESITAMOS CONSTRUIR UN MURO 1958:< spyhermit> aggyaggyaggy large amounts of people in this room are slightly smarter than that, and have alts in smaller tiers merging away. 1958:< dexepi> aggyaggyaggy I'd say we're getting about 150 t1s per hour or so 1958:< etray> really? so you must be oldest around here 1958:< ViktorErikJensen> etray: Just didn't like to se him beeing refered to as "that man" when he has a grat name to match the beard. 1958:< xadrezo> Y MÉXICO VA A PAGARLO 1958:< GlaDOS_Aperture> MEJICO NOS INVADE 1958:< etray> ViktorErikJensen: well sorry 1959:< ViktorErikJensen> I forgive you. This once. 1959:< Khemikooligan> any coders here? 1959:< aggyaggyaggy> spyhermit - even if you have the alt, doesnt mean your main wouldnt help 1959:< callado> construyan el muro 1959:< aggyaggyaggy> dexepi - data? 1959:< callado> NO MAS GRINGOS PA MEJICO CABRONES 1959:< spyhermit> sure, but the part where you lose your seat in the largest bus? bad idea, aggyaggyaggy. 1959:< callado> NOS ROBAN LA DROGA 1959:< etray> ViktorErikJensen you could have said he is amongst us but it's ok I should not judge people on their beards solely 1959:< spyhermit> and you can always just use a second browser and make another alt. which I'm also doing. 1959:< NoNoLimit> @K1ngN0thing Thanks, i'll have a look 1959:< GlaDOS_Aperture> MIRAD A ESTOS PINCHES GRINGOS 1959:< etray> which looks good btw 1959:< GlaDOS_Aperture> NO ENTIENDEN EL MENSAJE 1959:< Khemikooligan> soooo, no coders? 1959:< NamePsychic> Khemikooligan maybe 1959:< dexepi> aggyaggyaggy I've been counting rooms this afternoon 2000:< dexepi> We were roughly 5.0k rooms from t17 inevitability around noon 2000:< etray> SO THATs why K1ngN0thing is spamming 2000:< aggyaggyaggy> spyhermit - it doesnt mean its not the best strategy, cos they dont want to lose their seat or whatever 2000:< dexepi> we are at 4.4k or 4.5k now 2000:< Khemikooligan> NamePsychic if your any good with code you may want to check out this: 2000:< kz-krunk> Hi all 2000:< etray> coz he wants to talk about aging; unpopular subject in reddit demographics 2000:< Khemikooligan> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4diy9y/were_building_a_clone_of_robin_who_wants_to_join/ => http://nazar.so/73iii 2000:< aggyaggyaggy> 4.4k? 4.5k? are those user counts? 2001:< kz-krunk> how is everyone this afternoon, evening, night morning 2001:< NamePsychic> Khemikooligan, nahh not interested 2001:< kevinstonge> tomorrow night, we make history! 2001:< Khemikooligan> bummer 2001:< dexepi> method: count number of rooms in tier T, it is worth 2^(T-1) tier 1 rooms 2001:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ARRIBA EL MURO 2001:< etray> tomorrow we finally meet OP's mom 2002:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture /provide cake 2002:< aggyaggyaggy> yes that approach makes sense, thanks, just didnt know what it was referring to 2002:< kz-krunk> The cake is a lie! 2002:< aggyaggyaggy> how many hours ago is "noon" to you? 2002:< etray> Aubrey de Grey first i was trying to find the french accent then i read the description 2002:< kz-krunk> 4 2003:< dexepi> 4 hours ago aggyaggyaggy 2003:< mtriper> kz-krunk no. there is always cake 2003:< GlaDOS_Aperture> THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE 2003:< mtriper> kz-krunk I was promised cake 2003:< aggyaggyaggy> So by your estimate, you are saying another 36 hours? 2003:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture I'll quit if no cake 2003:< dexepi> I am bad at the internet and always forget time zones 2003:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Cake at TIER 18 2004:< rabbitsnake> LIAR 2004:< mtriper> dexepi just convert time from imperial to metric and multiply by the timezone offset to find out the next merge 2004:< kz-krunk> You Monster 2004:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture "Cake at TIER 18" <<< BEST ONE YET 2004:< dexepi> I prefer to measure time in absolute units staring from the big bang 2004:< GlaDOS_Aperture> You are not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't get up here. 2004:< mtriper> Should be our mission statmt 2005:< CitrusDoctor> we're not reaching tier 18 guys 2005:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test. 2005:< aggyaggyaggy> dexepi so what is your estimate of merge? 2005:< kz-krunk> i lost my companion cube 2005:< etray> Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test. 2005:< mtriper> kz-krunk :) 2005:< etray> Unbelievable. You, *subject name here,* must be the pride of *subject hometown here.* 2005:< etray> are you just pasting Glados quotes 2005:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture /provide time to next merge 2006:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Have I lied to you? ... I mean, in this room? 2006:< NoNoLimit> ETA: before friday midnight 2006:< dexepi> aggyaggyaggy 30 hours at this rate 2006:< GlaDOS_Aperture> IN 99999..999 DAYS 2006:< mtriper> NoNoLimit ETA= Estimated Time of Agony? 2006:< etray> Ten. IN BASE FOUR! I'M FINE! 2006:< dexepi> but I have no clue what room creation rate will look like even a few hours from now 2006:< mtriper> dexepi in metric or imperial? 2006:< sotricious> lol @ 2006:< wayetender> maybe we should all just abandon 2007:< dexepi> certainly it might drop off around 2AM EST, unless the Aussies are really cool and use a ton of alts 2007:< CitrusDoctor> obviously metric hours 2007:< rabbitsnake> looking at http://justinhart.net/robintable/, a room is created every couple minutes 2007:< mtriper> CitrusDoctor obviously ? you not american IC 2007:< rabbitsnake> but those are what is tracked by scripts, there could be others 2007:< ViktorErikJensen> speaking of abandoning. The abandonrate seems to have droped. 2007:< mtriper> tier 1 - 4 are lacking scripts mostly 2008:< CitrusDoctor> i'm kidding of course 2008:< CitrusDoctor> I am American though 2008:< mtriper> ViktorErikJensen ppl are abandoning the abandon 2008:< mtriper> CitrusDoctor prove it 2008:< ViktorErikJensen> Could be that too 2009:< ViktorErikJensen> just leaving the tab and never coming back 2009:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture /provide portal 3 2009:< CitrusDoctor> ummm how do I prove my ameritage 2009:< mtriper> CitrusDoctor rep or dem 2009:< kz-krunk> reciite the pledge 2009:< CitrusDoctor> now this is getting a little personal 2009:< GlaDOS_Aperture> error, releasing ricochet 2 2009:< etray> ViktorErikJensen ah you frequent BEARDS thats additional reason why i offended you by stereotyping Aubrey solely on beard 2009:< Kuutsundereevee> wait we have a sokukunelits fork of parrot? 2009:< CitrusDoctor> well, i'm on reddit, take a wild guess 2009:< mtriper> CitrusDoctor bern or cindy 2010:< CitrusDoctor> who the hell is cindy 2010:< mtriper> CitrusDoctor u american 2010:< CitrusDoctor> wat 2010:< sprokolopolis> Kuutsundereevee Parrot is our fork. 2010:< ViktorErikJensen> etray: Stalk more. 2010:< Kuutsundereevee> ah 2010:< ViktorErikJensen> etray: I founded /r/longbeards 2010:< sprokolopolis> it was built from Robin Grow 2010:< ViktorErikJensen> Aubrey de Grey is kind of my role model 2010:< mtriper> ViktorErikJensen how long does it have to be 2011:< etray> ViktorErikJensen yeah i can see it now 2011:< ViktorErikJensen> wizardish 2011:< etray> im not gonna look further sorry for revealing; i just wanted to dig on that diss why it was big deal 2011:< etray> either personal friend or beards important or both 2012:< ViktorErikJensen> No probs 2012:< alylynn96> with the new robin grow update do you have to type the channel in first? 2012:< ViktorErikJensen> I know a friend of his though. 2012:< sprokolopolis> In the latest Parrot you don't have to type it. Not sure about Robin Grow 2013:< GlaDOS_Aperture> HALF LIFE 3 CONFIRMED --------------> https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ 2013:< FriendlyYak> GlaDOS_Aperture i don't even want to know what is behind this link 2013:< etray> noo without RES im helpless 2013:< etray> and i fell for it 2013:< etray> thanks GlaDOS 2013:< GlaDOS_Aperture> try this link instead https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ 2014:< etray> that... is the same link? 2014:< FriendlyYak> GlaDOS_Aperture c'mon a little more effort 2014:< FriendlyYak> you could at least try another rickroll 2014:< AtaraxicMegatron> how about this then? https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ 2014:< Breve_Pup> Or use a URL shortener 2014:< GlaDOS_Aperture> or this https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ 2014:< sprokolopolis> I need to make a phone call, but I know that I am going to have to sit on hold, so I really don't want to 2014:< FriendlyYak> like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0 2014:< mtriper> GlaDOS_Aperture whats is the answer 2015:< kevinstonge> what's a job that pays at least $15/hr and can be obtained with a certification level education (e.g., a few months of school) 2015:< ctacus> killer? 2015:< etray> something in McDonalds 2015:< etray> like boss 2015:< Breve_Pup> kevinstonge Erotic dancer 2015:< Clickety_Click> Hey guys :D 2016:< kevinstonge> yeah, McDonald's manager might not be too far off the mark unfortunately 2016:< etray> yeah 2017:< etray> dunno if u want to manager though 2017:< mtriper> Guys I'm going home. Just make sure we dont merge for the next 2 hours please 2017:< etray> there must be other things 2017:< kevinstonge> not sure what else there would be 2017:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) 2017:< kevinstonge> GlaDOS_Aperture - I was told there would be cake 2017:< ctacus> you can sell your organs, i heard liver is valuable on black market 2017:< luvmygwgirls> two hours? probably never 2018:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GabeN 2018:< etray> ctacus yeah one can always lose one of his kidneys? 2018:< etray> unless medical condition 2018:< etray> that's not a career though 2018:< ctacus> short career 2018:< etray> :D 2018:< ctacus> but very bright 2019:< inkblob> oh man, my laptop turned off overnight, what a lurch 2019:< loulan> god we haven't merged yet? sigh, okay, i'll join with an alt account... 2019:< x20mike07x> wow the development of smaller chats really died down, huh? 2019:< GlaDOS_Aperture> cake here -------> https://www.agor.io 2019:< inkblob> 2 min after I got ff started up cuho merged into thjits 2020:< x20mike07x> was expecting there to be at least one 13 by now 2020:< etray> This page (https://www.agor.io/) is currently offline. 2020:< GlaDOS_Aperture> oh it was the official trailer 2020:< GlaDOS_Aperture> i guess it went down 2020:< inkblob> does anyone answer if you knock on glados door? or is GlaDOS_Aperture a lovely bot? 2020:< GlaDOS_Aperture> im not a bot 2021:< GlaDOS_Aperture> just a robot chillin here 2021:< inkblob> GlaDOS_Aperture have you played Lego Dimensions? the Portal level in it sublime 2021:< inkblob> it's effectively Portal 3 2021:< etray> CloudFlare's Always Online™ doesn't Always work 2021:< outphase84> Man, just got a great job offer that I know my current employer isn't going to match and I'm a little bummed about it :-/ 2023:< Djinneral> just take it man 2023:< Djinneral> life is short and you don'get hese opportunities often 2023:< etray> TIL losing warrant canary doesn't mean thing reddit already is stored in Amazon AWS Cloud which NSA allegedly taps 2023:< etray> https://www.reddit.com/r/yishan/comments/4cub02/transparency_reports_and_subpoenas_eli5/ => http://nazar.so/2fa8e last paragraph 2024:< outphase84> Yeah, I don't have a choice but to take it. 6 figures after bonus is too good to pass up 2024:< spyhermit> pay this well. it's rough. 2024:< artemisbot> Never gonna grow 2024:< etray> never gonna give you up 2024:< dexepi> outphase84 do you have to move? 2025:< outphase84> No, but I will go from a full time telecommute to in an office 2 days per week 2025:< GlaDOS_Aperture> https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ 2025:< dexepi> well being in an office isn't so bad 2025:< etray> depends of office; atmosphere; noise level etc 2026:< sprokolopolis> I work at home and really sort of miss going into work. 2026:< OrangeredStilton> Ooh, the Robin button is back 2026:< etray> WHAAAAAAT 2026:< etray> u/powerlanguage is alive 2026:< Djinneral> my current office is nice, got loads of space and my pick ofmusic 2026:< Djinneral> the responsibility of office dj is a heavy one though 2026:< GlaDOS_Aperture> still alive 2027:< etray> OrangeredStilton i went incognito mode and reddit main page; no button 2027:< outphase84> yeah i don't necessarily mind an office setting, but it means wearing pants 2027:< dexepi> I have the option to work from home and still prefer the office if only because I feel compelled to work when in the office 2027:< Djinneral> yeah my home isn't really kitted out for work 2027:< outphase84> dexepi I'm more productive at home by a wide margin since i don't have people bothering me 2027:< OrangeredStilton> etray: How odd. I saw it on /r/spacex 2028:< dexepi> outphase84 I get that 2028:< baseball44121> sub 2028:< dexepi> personally I like the structure of having to go to a place to do work 2028:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa Kappa 2028:< baseball44121> kappa omega 2028:< Djinneral> heh outphase84 I tend to work like a lazy bastard when I'm at home since there's no one watching over my shoulder 2028:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeNGabeN 2028:< baseball44121> wonder how long till we merge 2028:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN GabeN 2028:< baseball44121> before midnight EST I think 2029:< etray> OrangeredStilton still nothing here; wheres the button located in that exactly 2029:< outphase84> Djinneral my home office is fairly nice http://i.imgur.com/ee5oQoi.jpg 2029:< OrangeredStilton> etray: It was a sidebar ad 2029:< Link2006> as soon as fisc becomes 15, then merges with ccande to become 16, then we'll merge. 2029:< OrangeredStilton> As opposed to a sidebar button. 2029:< etray> OrangeredStilton ah ok had adblocker 2029:< etray> so it's still advertized at least 2030:< Djinneral> nice set up, how is it looking at the upper screens though, isn't in uncomfortable on the neck or eyes 2030:< sprokolopolis> I like being around people. Sitting at home all day alone gets boring. 2030:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, someone's paying for ads :P 2030:< outphase84> dexepi a lot of people feel that way...my current position, i'm the top technical resource so i constantly have people asking me 2030:< outphase84> for help with things...it's nice to be able to put the phone in do not disturb and get my work done in peace 2030:< etray> OrangeredStilton I'm a gilder on a stick though; or how i justify my adblocker :D 2030:< outphase84> Djinneral not bad at all, I'm relatively tall and my eyes are actually just below midline on the top monitors 2031:< etray> I havent bought gold to myself though 2031:< SendMeYourSoul> who doesnt have reddit gold Kappa 2031:< Djinneral> ahh makes more sense that way, it's less straining looking down that it is looking up 2031:< etray> o/ 2031:< etray> but I gild others 2031:< etray> and they gave me a badge 2031:< SendMeYourSoul> pay2win 2031:< etray> I gild oneliners to long thought out comments depends of mood 2032:< outphase84> Also, I love my view...i have a 1 acre wooded lot so it's good scenery 2032:< outphase84> office for this new job is in a commerical park off of I-95 2032:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2034:< etray> yeyy they added block user in reddit inbox too http://i.imgur.com/Tszb0YJ.png post in announcements 2035:< ShanRoxAlot> GabeN 2035:< etray> https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/4dmnn6/new_and_improved_block_user_feature_in_your_inbox/ => http://nazar.so/2himi 2035:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GabeN 2036:< etray> I guess if you post lots in GW that's handy 2037:< etray> or usedpanties 2037:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GabeN 2038:< SendMeYourSoul> this flock draw is beautiful 2038:< SendMeYourSoul> OTHER THAN THE BIG BLUE JERK 2038:< TopicallyDifferent> 4Head 2038:< etray> url? 2039:< rakehand> anyone know anything about the upcoming official Reddit for ios app? supposedly it's launching tomorrow 2039:< GlaDOS_Aperture> best flockdraw 2040:< KuronekoFan> l 2040:< mindragon> Hmm I had a random Robin disconnect that stayed offline. weird 2040:< spyhermit> o.O 2041:< spyhermit> I think we're about to get the 13 2041:< spyhermit> within an hour 2042:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h flockdraw till tier 17 2042:< Internal1> I just noticed the merge will likely happen when I am asleep unfortunately 2042:< Internal1> I would prefer to experience it firsthand 2042:< Internal1> Should be in about 5-10 hours from now 2042:< spyhermit> Internal1 we shall see. 2043:< dexepi> 4.2k T1 rooms until merge is inevitable 2044:< Internal1> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=relative => http://nazar.so/4qmh 2044:< person7178> spain 2044:< Internal1> When two rooms reach tier 13 the domino will start 2044:< prince_polka> are we that close now? :D 2044:< Internal1> It shouldn't be too long 2044:< touyajp> at this point we need more 14 Tier 10s to succeed. 2044:< prince_polka> I have been using alts growing and rejoinging them to tier 5 all day 2044:< touyajp> 14 more* 2044:< sotricious> 70h35m29s 2045:< FriendlyYak> prince_polka me to 2045:< MXMLOQ> i am only counting ten touyajp 2045:< FriendlyYak> bttvNice 2045:< prince_polka> Good job sir 2045:< dexepi> We're making at about T1 160 rooms per hour for the past 5 hours, so we'll have all the rooms we need in 26 hours at this rate 2045:< MobiusCoffee> FriendlyYak how'd you do tha? 2045:< MXMLOQ> two to cascade with our current t11 and t12 into a 13 2045:< touyajp> MXMLOQ actually we still don't have a consensus. I am also hearing 8 lol 2045:< FriendlyYak> https://nightdev.com/betterttv/faces.php 2045:< MXMLOQ> and 8 to form a second t13 2046:< FriendlyYak> MobiusCoffee parrot has them included 2046:< MXMLOQ> we already have a 14 and 15 2046:< touyajp> aye 2046:< Internal1> We need 10 tier 10s 2046:< MobiusCoffee> Friendlyak Snala! 2046:< spyhermit> it requires 16 9's to get to a 13. 2046:< GlaDOS_Aperture> were going into anarchy http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2046:< prince_polka> I discovered that you can still keep chatting in a room if stay wins 2046:< MXMLOQ> we've got one nine also 2046:< MXMLOQ> so we need 19 more 9s 2046:< Internal1> We need 10 tier 10s, 20 9s, 40 8s 2046:< prince_polka> I thought stay meant abandon + subreddt 2046:< MXMLOQ> seems daunting when you put it that way 2046:< FriendlyYak> bttvHappy 2047:< prince_polka> but apparently they were chatting even after stay had won 2047:< spyhermit> yeah, it does, but we're growing them artificially :) 2047:< touyajp> MXMLOQ d'accord. it's 10 10's at this point. 2047:< spyhermit> cant decide if I want to stick around in the room I'm in 2047:< touyajp> i am on global 2047:< rabbitsnake> so if I have an alt in thJitsNasm, can I just leave room with him and start another room? 2047:< Internal1> Why not spyhermit? 2047:< spyhermit> rabbitsnake yes you can 2048:< MXMLOQ> do it soon though rabbit 2048:< rabbitsnake> k 2048:< MXMLOQ> if you wait too long you'll get stuck in a tier 9 or something after the t17 forms 2048:< dexepi> If you join a room now and keep the room alive, IT WILL make it to T17 2048:< iHacked> Any estimate on merge? 2048:< MXMLOQ> let's see, what's the rate dexepi said 2048:< spyhermit> Internal1 because it would be kind of fun to hammer through from the 7 I'm in to an 8 then through to 13. 2048:< Internal1> yeah 2049:< Chartis> This is going to put a lot of alt accounts in here, and a different demographic 'latecomers'. This will be a different sort of merge. 2049:< spyhermit> but there's no point to that, because I could be creating more rooms and getting them parroted, 2049:< dexepi> I'd say about 26 or 27 hours, but that's assuming t1 rooms get created at about 150 to 160 per hour 2049:< spyhermit> thus increasing the speed of getting to t17. :/ 2049:< MXMLOQ> data indicates that we get 5 t6 rooms per hour 2049:< Internal1> what is the most efficient way to grow? 2049:< outphase84> Extenze, probably 2049:< MXMLOQ> we're going to ignore rooms that choose to stay at this rate 2049:< Internal1> artificially* 2049:< FriendlyYak> MXMLOQ that is fine 2050:< FriendlyYak> DogeWitIt 2050:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h everyone is welcome to make shit 2050:< MXMLOQ> that's .625 t9 rooms per hour 2050:< MXMLOQ> if i'm doing the math correctly 2050:< MXMLOQ> and we need 19 t9 rooms so yeah 26 hours is correct 2050:< FriendlyYak> thanks for doing the math 2050:< spyhermit> Internal1 hard to tell what's optimium, but me staying in till t5-6 is probably close to optimal 2050:< OrangeredStilton> Do we even have 26 hours left? 2050:< Djinneral> we really need reddit to put the damn robin button back on the frontpage 2051:< FriendlyYak> yes 2051:< MXMLOQ> yes, 26 hours from now is two hours from now tomorrow 2051:< spyhermit> you get people auto-growing with parrot that way 2051:< Internal1> thanks 2051:< Djinneral> that was our source of new people without it we're fucked 2051:< Lolzep> Thanks for doing the math 2051:< MXMLOQ> experiment ends in like 48 2051:< Lolzep> Im gonna update the thread 2051:< spyhermit> we have 26 hours, experiment ends in 34. 2051:< Internal1> 26 hours seems long 2051:< Internal1> robin will be close to ending then 2051:< spyhermit> well, assuming it ends 00:00 PST on 4/4/16 2051:< MXMLOQ> actually my math says 30 hours 2051:< spyhermit> 4/8/16 even 2051:< FriendlyYak> well hofstadters law .... 2051:< MXMLOQ> it might be close now that the new user influx has stopped 2052:< MXMLOQ> and it's entirely possible since people have turned off their autogrowers that the t17 room will abandon 2052:< MXMLOQ> im sure some of them have forgotten about robin by now 2052:< MXMLOQ> let's hope that doesn't happen, i guess 2052:< FriendlyYak> hofstadters law: it will always take longer then expected, even if you take in account hofstadters law 2053:< Djinneral> without the robin button we won't reach tier 17 :/ 2053:< dexepi> 3 things to keep in mind with my estimate: 2053:< Djinneral> why did they even remove it anyway 2053:< dexepi> 1) I am just counting rooms robin tracker knows about, there are def. untracked rooms 2053:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2053:< sotricious> hey touyajp! Hello! (you= touya akira?) 2053:< dexepi> 2) I assume all tracked rooms survive (no collapses or stays) 2053:< Internal1> http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ => http://nazar.so/8hkd0 2054:< Internal1> and http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2054:< dexepi> 3) I assume rate of creation is constant, this is definately a bad assumption 2054:< Internal1> really useful tables for estimation of merge time 2054:< sodas> Say, y'alll -- don 2054:< sodas> don't kill yourselves when the room closes. 2054:< dexepi> robintable is the data I'm using, and each room of tier T is worth 2^(T-1) tier 1 rooms 2054:< outphase84> well flockdraw is dead 2055:< GlaDOS_Aperture> its descending into chaos 2055:< Lolzep> dexepi what is your estimate? 2055:< GlaDOS_Aperture> i tried :( 2056:< dexepi> Lolzep robintable count is 4133 rooms 2056:< dexepi> or 4133 t1-equivalent rooms I should say 2056:< Lolzep> Are you trying to see if T17 is possible? 2057:< dexepi> and at this rate about 25.6 hours until we have enough T1 rooms to make a T17 2057:< Internal1> with our current knowledge of rooms, we will have 2 9s in 2,5 hours. Assuming this rate does not change 2058:< 1338h4x> I imagine there are a lot more low-tier rooms than we currently have tracked 2058:< Internal1> We will need 23,75 hours to meet 20 tier 9s 2058:< dexepi> 1338h4x yes definitely 2058:< Lolzep> Ok I updated the robin tracking thread with that number https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/8avxg 2058:< Internal1> which will then take another 4,5 hours for merging from there 2058:< Internal1> so in total it should be 28,25 hours 2059:< Internal1> taking a wide assumption. very wide 2059:< rakehand> bleh, i just got m&m's from the vending machine and should've chosen a snickers 2059:< Internal1> and when will the event end? 2100:< ViktorErikJensen> It's going to be very tight 2100:< GlaDOS_Aperture> communism is rising http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2100:< dexepi> Lolzep: should I post my method to the thread? 2100:< dexepi> Lolzep 2100:< Lolzep> Go for it! I kind of want to know to 2100:< WheresMyCurtain> DISTRIBUTE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION 2100:< dexepi> on it 2100:< 404NinjaNotFound> HAI 2101:< WheresMyCurtain> WE WILL OVERTHROW THE BOURGEOISIE 2101:< Internal1> who the hell is in flockdraw? it's like a 5 year old's drawing 2101:< Internal1> Hey Ninja! 2101:< Stelzig> Banana 2102:< 404NinjaNotFound> How you guys doing? 2102:< iHacked> How long till merge? 2102:< Internal1> all fine, we made a wide estimate of another 28hours until merge 2102:< Internal1> not fine in merge time though 2102:< 404NinjaNotFound> 28 hours .. sounds about right 2102:< zani1903> 28 hours my god 2102:< GlaDOS_Aperture> flockdraw is just living a revolution, just wait 2102:< iHacked> Then I can sleep just fine without getting kicked 2103:< Internal1> everyone currently in flockdraw is really interpretating free speech widely 2104:< ViktorErikJensen> What timezone is reddit operating in? I mean when is the switch from april 7 to 8? 2104:< GlaDOS_Aperture> we are trying to comunicate 2104:< outphase84> GlaDOS_Aperture flockdraw is a shitshow 2104:< Stelzig> and does it go through the 8th or does it end at 12:00a 2104:< GlaDOS_Aperture> thats the fun 2104:< 1338h4x> does it end at the start of the 8th or the end? 2104:< Internal1> I have no idea 2105:< Internal1> I have been wondering too 2105:< WheresMyCurtain> only the reddit gods know 2105:< ViktorErikJensen> Should be the start since that'll make one week of robin 2105:< Stelzig> before I go to bed tomorrow I will be checking stay just to make sure 2105:< ViktorErikJensen> april 1 through 7 2105:< thatbarryguy> We need a call to arms. We need to climb our alts up again. 2105:< GlaDOS_Aperture> only robin knows where this is going 2105:< Stelzig> wasn't it 11am central time before Reddit turned on Robin? 2105:< FriendlyYak> Stelzig good question 2105:< ranterbach> I have an alt in thJits 2105:< Th3vil1> dunno. found it a day after it started 2105:< Stelzig> i know it wasn't first thing in the morning 2106:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2106:< Stelzig> when I came into work it was not running 2106:< Stelzig> but when I got back from lunch it was 2106:< ViktorErikJensen> That's good to hear. Could mean more time to merge 2106:< andreaplanbee> hihi 2107:< Stelzig> 10:35 central time I sent a screen shot of the button to the wife... she really hated last years button 2107:< vox35> @Internal1 Why "we will have 2 9s in 2,5 hours"? There should be a second t9 in less than 30 min, so then we'll have 2 t 9s... 2107:< sprokolopolis> I think this year's is way better than the button 2107:< WheresMyCurtain> why cuz she pressed it stelzig? is she a dirty presser? 2107:< ViktorErikJensen> I liked it. I aquired several alts to make a rainbow. Spent way too much time on it. 2107:< andreaplanbee> hello 2108:< Th3vil1> last years button was interesting 2108:< Th3vil1> hi 2108:< Internal1> @vox35 starting from tier 5 2108:< 1338h4x> I think it was 12 EST when Robin started? 2108:< Internal1> taking tier 5 into account 2108:< sprokolopolis> I think I got purple on the button. I don't remember. 2108:< Breve_Pup> The Pressiah will return to raise us from Mergatory! 2108:< Internal1> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2108:< spyhermit> bah, some filthy bastard stayed just as the room started. 2108:< 1338h4x> I was never a filthy presser. 2108:< sprokolopolis> I think it was 59 seconds 2108:< GlaDOS_Aperture> communist tree is it 2109:< Th3vil1> i didn't press the button either 2109:< Sahdee> Oh no, we've devolved into talking about the button 2109:< spyhermit> hah. he just abandoned. gonna be another weird tiny tier room 2109:< Sahdee> :p 2109:< AtaraxicMegatron> mine was 59s 2109:< Th3vil1> IT'S JUST A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT BRO 2110:< sprokolopolis> I wouldn't have had the self control not to press it 2110:< iHacked> Got an alt in alspPathay 2110:< xSke> how are we doing on the merge? 2110:< Sahdee> Buttons are for pressing. It makes sense. 2110:< SirJelly> Thats how it works, you see a button, you press it. That is what buttons are designed for. 2110:< sprokolopolis> exactly 2110:< Sahdee> I have an alt in thJists 2110:< Boerontosaurus> No no no 2110:< Boerontosaurus> Some buttons are for NOT pressing 2111:< WheresMyCurtain> that doesn't make sense 2111:< alylynn96> i just started with my alt, im in tier 4 2111:< Sahdee> It was big and shiny. 2111:< Boerontosaurus> This year, however, pressing was acceptable 2111:< What-the-curtains> Is there any chance of us merging in the next 10 hours?? 2111:< WheresMyCurtain> hey what the curtains 2111:< Sahdee> I bet everyone who didn't press it knew about it before hand. 2111:< SirJelly> a button does not exist so that it can never be pressed 2111:< sprokolopolis> I push the button, not youuuu push the butoon. It's my turn not your turn. 2111:< Boerontosaurus> I'd say 12 hours at least 2111:< WheresMyCurtain> my curtainbrother 2111:< What-the-curtains> Hey WheresMyCurtain 2111:< What-the-curtains> We're basically the same person 2111:< 404NinjaNotFound> Both curtains are here! 2111:< WheresMyCurtain> we are 2111:< What-the-curtains> we are 2112:< 404NinjaNotFound> I love it when you're both here 2112:< rakehand> whoa 2112:< SirJelly> we can cover a whole window now 2112:< WheresMyCurtain> i like dicks 2112:< What-the-curtains> I feel like WheresMyCurtain doesn't actually have a curtain though 2112:< Th3vil1> and hide the sun from our monitors right? 2112:< 404NinjaNotFound> i first thought you were the same person, but one of you doesn't speak dutch 2113:< WheresMyCurtain> i am in eternal search for my curtain 2113:< What-the-curtains> Wat? Ik spreek Nederlands 2113:< Stelzig> she hated how I had to stare at it all the time.. I she says everyyear I get lost to reddit on april 1st 2113:< WheresMyCurtain> ROFL 2113:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2113:< What-the-curtains> ;) 2113:< WheresMyCurtain> didn't you pretend not to two days ago? 2113:< OrangeW> Huh. I'm in a T6 chat with 25 people 2113:< WheresMyCurtain> oh wait 2113:< WheresMyCurtain> i'm just stupid 2113:< 404NinjaNotFound> xD 2113:< What-the-curtains> You are 2113:< 404NinjaNotFound> OH GOD 2114:< WheresMyCurtain> as we are one you just called yourself stupid though 2114:< What-the-curtains> Very true 2115:< 404NinjaNotFound> Such a boring day today 2115:< Sande24> omfg do you duckers realise that STAY is the only way? It has taken increasingly more time to get up to 13th tier so it wont happen. 2115:< alphashadow> We need over 4k more T1 chats to start to reach the next level...i'm starting to lose hope for T17 guys 2115:< 404NinjaNotFound> do we have a trivia channel in this chat? 2115:< Th3vil1> things have died down a lot since the last merge i've noticed 2116:< aggyaggyaggy> sande24, I dont think youre correct 2116:< GlaDOS_Aperture> we have a communist flockdraw 2116:< Th3vil1> 404NinjaNotFound yeah we do. channel is $ 2116:< GlaDOS_Aperture> which its better 2116:< 404NinjaNotFound> awesome, time for some trivia, even though i suck 2116:< vox35> and yet new rooms keep coming @alphashadow (slowly, but they're coming). Let's not give up hope yet... 2117:< What-the-curtains> Alright I need to go, I'm risking turning off my computer, bye guys 2117:< robdob> What-the-curtains Bye! 2117:< Th3vil1> later curtains 2117:< Sande24> it only works if all of us abandon this chat and feed into lower chats to make this chat merge into another chat. 2117:< CitrusDoctor> what do you think the percentage of alts to total users is? 2117:< alphashadow> vox35 I want to see it happen, and 4k is only 8k people and reddit sees plenty of that every day 2117:< CitrusDoctor> because it's gotta be at an all time high 2117:< Loudmouth_American> lol I've been using this script since the beginning and just learned how to filter %chat 2117:< alphashadow> but then again the button is gone from the frontpage 2118:< Loudmouth_American> this is way better 2118:< Sande24> and you can see that this is pointless because it is cheating the system. 2118:< FriendlyYak> CitrusDoctor lol 2118:< Th3vil1> it is? 2118:< mr_mustash> They removed the button from the front page? 2118:< CitrusDoctor> exactly, less new users and more old users compensating with alts 2118:< FriendlyYak> mr_mustash maybe because there where so many new alts 2118:< aggyaggyaggy> Sande24 - I agree that is the only path that accomplishes anything 2118:< mr_mustash> I have 2 alts going now 2118:< robdob> I saw an ad for robin on the front page within the last hour 2118:< aggyaggyaggy> Sande24 - I dont think there are enough active users to switch to 'stay' enough 2118:< mr_mustash> I keep getting up to T8 and then I start over 2118:< robdob> so there's at least some visibility 2118:< Th3vil1> i don't have any alts 2119:< vox35> yeah it would be quicker if the Robin button was still on the front page, but I think it'll still happen 2119:< Loudmouth_American> doesn't this end on the 8th anyways? 2119:< TheMadStorksGhost> Yeah, I think the button's presence on the front page just depends on ad space inventory 2119:< alphashadow> It doesn't help, I randomly clicked on the button sunday without knowing what it was, we need more of that 2119:< outphase84> bbl peeps 2119:< Th3vil1> later 2119:< Loudmouth_American> peace outphase84 2119:< alphashadow> Am I the only person on reddit without any alts? 2120:< alphashadow> see you later dude 2120:< kevinstonge> make one 2120:< Loudmouth_American> I don't have any alts 2120:< kevinstonge> jesusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss we need your help 2120:< Th3vil1> nah. i don't either 2120:< alphashadow> It's not worth it to me. 2120:< amaklp> Im OutofTheLoop. When do we merge????? 2120:< kevinstonge> get an alt in the lower rooms 2120:< Sande24> this is excactly what I warned against and you grow supporters fuck this thing up hiding behind an army of autovoters. 2120:< vox35> I might have one alt from like, 4 years ago that I forgot about. Otherwise, no 2120:< Loudmouth_American> I've never had any need for an alt 2120:< alphashadow> The purity of my reddit identity is worth more to me than an alt. 2121:< robdob> It takes all of 20 seconds to make an alt if anyone gets the inclination 2121:< kevinstonge> you are just lazy 2121:< Loudmouth_American> Does anyone know the hard date of when Robin is over? 2121:< alphashadow> Plus it kind of takes the fun out of things to game the system. Just like the button last year. 2121:< kevinstonge> friday 2121:< robdob> I made one just to dick around in the lower robin chats while my main is here 2121:< Loudmouth_American> is that confirmed @kevinstonge or is that a rumor? 2121:< Chartis> preach it alphashadow. 2122:< mr_mustash> They said in the announcement this would go until the 8th 2122:< Sande24> making an alt to cheat the system is not the way to go. Just fucking stay already you idiots. 2122:< robdob> 4/8 is confirmed, yeah 2122:< alphashadow> Loudmouth_American it's common knowledge but I don't know its provenance 2122:< mr_mustash> Most likely then they'll shut robin down and just make subreddit specific chats. 2122:< Sande24> do you think you can be proud that you made an alt to grow to tier 17? 2122:< robdob> Sande24 not everyone with an alt is gaming. No need for name calling 2122:< Loudmouth_American> @alphashadow yeah that's what I thought 2122:< Chartis> I don't think you can insult people into obeying you. 2122:< sotricious> and out a video here > https://www.reddit.com/robin 2122:< Th3vil1> i think majority needs to stay in order to make a subreddit 2122:< roflvopter> do people have scripts running with the answers to those question bots as well? 2122:< robdob> I'm not gonna be proud of T17 anyway. I don't care about this, it's just kind of fun 2123:< sotricious> you know which vid i'm talking about.. right? 2123:< alphashadow> Chartis damn straight. 17 isn't that beautiful a number anyway. 2123:< sotricious> *put a video 2123:< Sande24> being fun is a peasantry mentality 2123:< mr_mustash> But there's cake in T17 2123:< sotricious> robin never gonna give you up 2123:< Th3vil1> yeah. i really don't see the need to get to T17 though 2123:< robdob> Sande24 I don't mind peasantry 2123:< GlaDOS_Aperture> OFFICIAL SOKUKULENITS FLOCKDRAW FLAG http://imgur.com/f5OToW8 2124:< AtaraxicMegatron> sad lenin :( 2124:< alphashadow> I'll be a peasant then. I don't come to reddit for more assignments, got enough of that between school and work. 2124:< amaklp> CAN SOMEONE PLESE TELL ME WHAT IS THE ETA?????? :D 2124:< amaklp> WHEN* 2124:< Verifitas> Whoa whoa. 17 isn't beautiful? It's a prime number! We're going into our prime! 2124:< alphashadow> amaklp no one knows 2124:< Sumwann> Around 30 hours 2124:< Lolzep> 26-30 hours 2124:< Sorbetfraise> when it's ready 2124:< Sahdee> What was the parrot dev channel name? 2124:< Sande24> why not stay then? Clearly the point of this thing is to see how big group can turn the growth induced mentality to stay. 2124:< sotricious> ahhh, minimalism GlaDOS_Aperture, nice one! 2124:< Sumwann> Sahdee ^ 2124:< GlaDOS_Aperture> sad leader pepe tree lenin 2125:< Sahdee> thanks Sumwann 2125:< alphashadow> Sande24 if in 24 hours we have no cascade, I will switch to stay. 2125:< GlaDOS_Aperture> i have to thank all the group drawing our true leader sad pepe communist tree 2125:< Stelzig> no point to staying till there is only a couple hours left 2125:< TopicallyDifferent> ☭ 2125:< alphashadow> There's still a a chance for 17, but as soon as that dries up we should stay. 2125:< mr_mustash> In about 15 minutes we'll have levels 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 2125:< robdob> alphashadow Same, if this time tomorrow we aren't close to a cascade, I'll stay 2125:< Stelzig> or minutes but I don't want to risk it 2125:< mr_mustash> So we just need one more 10, followed by one more 13 2125:< mr_mustash> And we're home. 2125:< alphashadow> 13 is hard to get to though 2125:< Verifitas> One more 10 == one more 13 2125:< TopicallyDifferent> Chewie 2126:< alphashadow> 10 is easy enough 2126:< dick_sanitizer> we're struggling to geth another 10 i think 2126:< Sande24> you switching to stay now won't change anything anyway. It is 676 vs 2288 2126:< iHacked> It will take about 23-25 hours 2126:< amaklp> It's far less than 30 hours 2126:< Loudmouth_American> the only issue is there are WAY too many unattended people to actually stay successfully 2126:< amaklp> 13 is easy 2126:< mr_mustash> We're about to have a 10. We have two 8 and a 9 2126:< Loudmouth_American> I'd say 80+% of the users here are AFK most of the time 2126:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ALSO REVOLUTION FLOCKDRAW SOKUKULENITS FLAG http://imgur.com/gZKSgNK 2126:< mr_mustash> The two 8s are about the merge (10 minutes) 2126:< robdob> So no point switching to stay, if it won't matter 2126:< robdob> thanks for convincing me I guess? 2126:< Stelzig> bots should have had a kill switch put in them to switch to stay in the last 10 minutes 2126:< mr_mustash> Then those two 9s into a 10 thirty minutes later. 2126:< alphashadow> Yeah everyone with scripts is like having a brick tied to their foot on the gas pedal whether the cliff is coming or not. 2127:< FriendlyYak> Loudmouth_American they have auto-grow or parrot 2127:< Loudmouth_American> I really would like to stay as well, but it's unrealistic 2127:< iHacked> Gotta love the cliff! 2127:< alphashadow> (myself included, but I'm on enough to change my vote) 2127:< Kal-3L> stelzig thats a great idea 2127:< aggyaggyaggy> mr_mustash - "followed by one more 13" is a pretty big need 2127:< Loudmouth_American> @FriendlyYak Yeah, I'm using autogrow at the moment. 2127:< mr_mustash> aggyaggyaggy I agree. getting that last 13 is going to be the hard part. 2127:< amaklp> WE MUST MASS PM ALL THE USERS TELLING THEM THE ETA, OTHERWISE WE DIE. 2127:< Loudmouth_American> maybe parrot, but I'm not sure... 2127:< dick_sanitizer> someone have a link to the auto leadreboard? 2127:< mr_mustash> Everyone will need to spin up like 2 or 3 alts to get us there. 2127:< FriendlyYak> mr_mustash yep. but it's so close! 2127:< alphashadow> Loudmouth_American, you don't need the @, as long as you spell the name right they'll be pinged 2127:< FriendlyYak> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/1kwck 2127:< mr_mustash> Leaderboard: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=relative => http://nazar.so/2d92h 2128:< Sande24> it took 24 hours to complete 24 hours ago lol. This will not end and you will have hopeless faith in hopeless cause. 2128:< dick_sanitizer> much ty 2128:< TopicallyDifferent> Stayers never win 2128:< mr_mustash> Oh nice FriendlyYak. I didn't realize that you could show all rooms 2128:< iHacked> More of a fan of http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2128:< FriendlyYak> it shows all the known tiers in a table 2128:< FriendlyYak> iHacked yep 2128:< Sande24> growers die a miserable death looking into the future while the world burns around them 2128:< mr_mustash> Jesus "New T1s Needed 4059 " 2128:< iHacked> It's easier to have a look at 2128:< GlaDOS_Aperture> FLOCKDRAW NEEDS YOU http://flockdraw.com/ajl34h 2129:< aggyaggyaggy> Getting to t17 based on fake users or manipulation defeats the whole purpose of this. Just like ppl ruined the button. 2129:< mr_mustash> So yeah, everyone will need to create like 2 alts just to get us there. 2129:< TopicallyDifferent> Problem being those are only the tracked ones 2129:< dick_sanitizer> we still need 8000 users to join robin... 2129:< FriendlyYak> aggyaggyaggy right now it's ok 2129:< Loudmouth_American> alphashadow the more you know! lol 2129:< Loudmouth_American> shows how much I've been paying attention 2129:< mrfrightful> you know what teh purpose is? 2129:< robdob> aggyaggyaggy people didn't ruin the button, I enjoyed the button a lot! 2129:< alphashadow> Can someone tell me what the colors mean in the full table? 2129:< mrfrightful> do share 2129:< alphashadow> Like what is red vs green, can't figure it out. 2129:< robdob> if something fun is ruined for you it's not usually by other people having fun in a way you don't like 2130:< Verifitas> The full table..? 2130:< robdob> you've probably just invested yourself too much in it 2130:< alphashadow> verifitas https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/wilplatypus.php => http://nazar.so/yl26 2130:< Chartis> On: 'I've got mine/I'm gonna do me' vs 'share and share alike/today you'. Is anyone against 'I got mine, your turn to try?' 2130:< Sande24> This thing is exactly what I meant about the inevitability of not staying. People are too blind to STAY. They want to grow. 2131:< alphashadow> Sticking to grow now doesn't hurt anybody. 2131:< aggyaggyaggy> robdob okay thanks for the life lesson pinprick. turning the button into a system of bots was stupid and ruined it. 2131:< alphashadow> 1 we don't know whether 17 is possible or not, and if it is we should grow 2132:< dick_sanitizer> i know ill prob be sfk for the merge so ive switched to stay already 2132:< alphashadow> 2 if it turns out not to be, either there will be a mass shift to stay or too many people will be afk for it to matter 2132:< robdob> lmao see what I mean You care too much about this conversation so you're turning to name-calling 2132:< Kuutsundereevee> wow I thought robin died 2132:< alphashadow> Whether we're stay or grow now won't stop the inevitable. Give the people what they want: hope. 2132:< orkash> wow flockdraw is interesting. a group from reddit should nearly never be there 2132:< Sande24> in the beginning I wanted to create the largest group to stay. And we did it with Raunna 100+ against all odds. 2133:< Kuutsundereevee> alphashadow president 2016 2133:< robdob> alphashadow dropping that wisdom 2133:< Kuutsundereevee> #makerobingreatagain 2133:< alphashadow> 100 is poverty level, why would anyone stay at that level? 2133:< alphashadow> The wall just got 1 tier higher. 2133:< robdob> and who's gonna pay fo rit? 2133:< alphashadow> The mods! 2134:< wren67> will there be a message for merging ? 2134:< robdob> Sande24 I mean that happens every merge after like T6 2134:< GlaDOS_Aperture> flockdraw will topple down the sokukunelits regime to create a greater communist state 2134:< alphashadow> I think grow makes sense because we've seen that if you like the people you're with you create your own communities. Languages, even. 2135:< Sande24> and the fact that there are multiple chats makes it impossible to get a message through t everyone so the stayers are at a disadvantag 2135:< alphashadow> How many subreddits have been spawned because of this thing? 2135:< Chartis> Looks like we we might as well learn to hope since the box is open. It's popular to focus on the fall of of civilization... 2135:< mindragon> Whoa. whoever did that new robin tracker good job 2135:< Chartis> ...but who doesn't like a good origins' story. 2135:< Lolzep> Youre welcome mindragon 2135:< robdob> No doubt Sande, it's harder to turn the tide from growing to staying, but I think a large group of people are in favor of staying 17 2136:< robdob> there's been so much discussion about that 2136:< Sande24> the amount of new subreddits is a lot less than it should be because of the scripts. 2136:< alphashadow> Stay on 17 is very much a consensus decision. 2136:< Chartis> Cultures, religions, governments, infighting, humor, advertising, debates, tools, this place is agar IMHO. 2136:< robdob> How many subreddits should it be? I didn't realize there were guidelines for this 2137:< robdob> Robin is chaos, what we make of it is what it should be 2137:< alphashadow> Chartis truly, this has been one of the most fun experiments in community-building I've seen. I was making friends right away 2137:< Sande24> robdob, no! People will not stay at T17 because they are not even voting to stay now although we are 1/4 2137:< mindragon> 71 hours ... we're setting records. 2138:< alphashadow> They're not voting stay now because we can make 17! 2138:< mindragon> 71 hours we're setting records 2138:< Chartis> alphashadow I agree it's like a cross between woodstock and the Stanford experiment. 2138:< alphashadow> 18 is fantasy. That's why we'll stay. 2138:< Lolzep> 3 day hype! 2138:< snezel> yawn 2139:< Chartis> So what haven't we done that most cultures have at this point in our maturity? 2139:< robdob> There's no point voting stay before we hit T17 fi we want to hit T17. I don't know why this isn't obvious. 2139:< robdob> *if but you get it 2139:< FriendlyYak> Chartis destroy ourself? 2139:< inkblob> why bother staying now when there's another day, hush that stayaganda nonsense 2140:< amaklp> EVERYONE WHO VOTES GROW AFTER THE NEXT MERGE IS LITERALLY A RETARD <--------------------------------------------------------------- 2140:< Sande24> do you really think that you voting stay npow will changde the outcome for this round? 2140:< ViktorErikJensen> staying only prolongs the inevitable demise of the robin culture 2141:< alphashadow> True but we haven't gotten through the next merge yet. Grow now, Stay on 17. 2141:< dick_sanitizer> if youre gonna be afk for the emrge its a good idea 2141:< inkblob> you should do some navel gazing, look deep into your navel, it's an abyss and you will get lost in there. maybe stay in there 2141:< The_Turbinator> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4djzox/petition_to_get_robin_on_the_front_page/ => http://nazar.so/6c39d 2141:< kevinstonge> amaklp - it might actually be a great challenge to STAY next round because of all the auto-grow scripts 2141:< The_Turbinator> If you havent checked out that link yet do so, vote and ashure our asention to Tier 17 2141:< dick_sanitizer> cause we only hvae an hour and a half or so once we get the t12 2141:< The_Turbinator> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4djzox/petition_to_get_robin_on_the_front_page/ => http://nazar.so/28ytq 2141:< inkblob> in the meantime, grow this round, stay next simple 2141:< robdob> dick_sanitizer That's the only reason I can see, but I don't plan to be afk 2142:< Chartis> The civil infrastructure is Parrot, otherwise it would be bearable FriendlyYak. Sande24 if it doesn't change the outcome then why care 2142:< robdob> Sande24 let's agree to disagree 2142:< amaklp> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4djzox/petition_to_get_robin_on_the_front_page/ => http://nazar.so/3okan 2142:< The_Turbinator> Already voted 2142:< dick_sanitizer> thats fine, we still need majority to grow so alot will have to keep growing 2142:< The_Turbinator> For those that have not, take a few seconds and do so 2143:< Sande24> come on guys... Do you know how to guide the masses? They are sheeple and you have to guide them to do what you want. 2143:< dick_sanitizer> if we need 4k more t1s, doesnt that mean we need another 8k people? 2143:< amaklp> Even if all soKukunelits vote it it still doesnt reach the front page 2144:< alphashadow> You guys are right. The greatest challenge of our age will be to overcome the autogrows next tier and stay. We are up to it I think! 2144:< SendMeYourSoul> t1-3 are cancerous... just joined a t1 got to t2 and then no one voted T_T 2144:< Chartis> That's why I'm trying to speak rarely about it and I'm waiting to throw my support behind a stay movement when the time is right. 2144:< dick_sanitizer> join robin isnt default, we wont front page and i doubt alot of people browse r/all 2144:< SendMeYourSoul> all the scripts should be updating to stay at t16.. would be great 2144:< SendMeYourSoul> t17* 2144:< dick_sanitizer> that will be nice 2145:< Chartis> I vote we go scriptless at the merge and earn it the hard way, at least that's my plan. 2145:< amaklp> Just cleck stay 2145:< nuu> my alt didn't autogrow D: 2145:< Verifitas> There's something unethical about using software called an "auto-grower" that decides spontaneously to click stay. 2145:< SendMeYourSoul> clicking stay is ez 2145:< nuu> i came back to my computer and was faced with a robin button D: 2145:< SendMeYourSoul> theres also something unethical about auto growing when we should be staying ;) 2145:< Sande24> you guys do not see the inevitability of the death, we will not reach T17 because no new people will join this experiment. 2145:< dick_sanitizer> some people cant do that though :| im in NZ so ill most likely be asleep tonight when the merge happens 2146:< amaklp> EVERYONE MAKE ALTS 2146:< dick_sanitizer> i actually reluctancy agree with sande24 2146:< amaklp> NOW YOU MOTHERFUCKERS 2146:< amaklp> EVERYONE 2146:< cheedear> there are still new people joining, Sande24 2146:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://imgur.com/a/dNofn SOKUKUNELITS REVOLUTION FLOCKDRAW. 2146:< GlaDOS_Aperture> it all ended 2146:< Sande24> making alts is the shitty way to do it. Just vote to stay and complete this 2146:< robdob> Sande24 Now comes the truth. You don't want momentum to stay at T17, you don't think there will be a T17 2146:< cheedear> i'm on a tier 2 with an alt and there is somebody asking about how it all works 2147:< Verifitas> More alts isn't the solution. 2147:< robdob> Sande24 I think we can do it though 2147:< Verifitas> Using alts correctly is the solution. 2147:< amaklp> GlaDOS_Aperture ADD ALSO https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1qcvft => http://nazar.so/4ua9m 2147:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2147:< Verifitas> As it stands, we have alts sitting in T7 rooms that are guaranteed to keep going. Useless. 2147:< Chartis> I try to picture us all in a room taking turns on a microphone. we make me smile one way or the other most of the time. 2147:< dick_sanitizer> we do want more people though, it'll be shitty if we get into a community of 6000 users but then it's still the same 3000 people :/ 2147:< Verifitas> Alts needs to drop and make more rooms - it's not number of people, it's number of created rooms. 2148:< keithgabryelski> https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/4dmgfv/self_offsite_robin_simulation/ => http://nazar.so/7z3vm 2148:< Sumwann> Verifitas That's what I'm doing now. If the room is stable, my alts leave 2148:< keithgabryelski> my simulation 2148:< keithgabryelski> you need to keep N/2+1 people in a room, though. 2149:< 404NinjaNotFound> No more trivia for me 2149:< 404NinjaNotFound> i'm awful. 2149:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2149:< amaklp> HOW CAN WE MAKE ROBIN REACH THE FRONT PAGE 2149:< Th3vil1> well at least you tried 2150:< amaklp> WE MUST DO SOMETHING 2150:< Kuutsundereevee> bird simulator 2016 2150:< Chartis> Kuutsundereevee said nothing, neat trick. 2150:< alphashadow> I upvoted the petition, that's all I got. 2150:< 404NinjaNotFound> what petition we on about? 2150:< Kuutsundereevee> Chartis: blank messages get sent regardless 2150:< Sande24> I am 95% sure that we wither do NOT reach T17 or we won't stay at T17 either. The only way is if you start voting STAY now. 2150:< Verifitas> Make Robin Great Again 2150:< 404NinjaNotFound> We WILL reach T17 2150:< Kuutsundereevee> Sande24, stop trying to spam people to stay, it's not happening as it is 2151:< loulan> god parrot works terribly on safari 2151:< FriendlyYak> 404NinjaNotFound FuckYea 2151:< 404NinjaNotFound> :D 2151:< Kuutsundereevee> Keep in mind we still have fucktons of growbots and optimistic people 2151:< amaklp> EVRYONE IS AFK, THERE IS NO WAY STAY WINS AT TIER 16 NOW 2151:< Verifitas> Everything works terribly on Safari. 2151:< Kuutsundereevee> combine that with the fact that everyone is AFK because they're waiting for the next T16 room 2151:< person7178> Verifitas use firefox? 2151:< Arrowstar> I'm not afk :P 2151:< Sande24> spamming people to stay is the only way to gather any momentum to stay eventually. Don't you people know how voting works? MOMENTUM! 2151:< mindragon> Veriftas Safari Sucks. And you wonder why it works terribly? 2151:< 404NinjaNotFound> We figured, Arrowstar 2151:< robdob> Yeah but you don't get momentum by insulting people and stuff 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> Sande24: IT'S NOT GAINING MOMENTUM BECAUSE EVERYONE ACTUALLY WANTS T17 NOW 2152:< robdob> it just doesn't work 2152:< mindragon> Amaklp I think we will die on April 8 when Reddit pulls the plug. 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THAT THE NUMBER OF STAYERS HAVE DROPPED FROM 800 YESTERDAY TO 675 NOW 2152:< Verifitas> Firefox has been bloated for ages. 2152:< roobarb_pie> aren't we practically guaranteed to reach tier 17 in the next 24 hours? Just look at the leaderboard at /r/robintracking 2152:< Chartis> I think there are two kinds of Spam, pushing a currently worn out topic you are interested in and mindlessly repeating information. 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY OPTIMISTIC FOR T17 NOW AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP IT 2152:< mindragon> Chartis There is one more type of Spam. It's in a can. 2152:< amaklp> NO BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE NOT JOINING ANYMORE 2152:< Chartis> The first type isn't that bad in my book. 2152:< robdob> We WILL hit T17, it's going to happen 2152:< Sande24> you fucking have to start carrying the momentum to stay NOW otherwise we will not be heard by autovoting bots. 2152:< roobarb_pie> well, fuck 2152:< Kuutsundereevee> >heard by bots 2153:< Kuutsundereevee> l0l ok 2153:< Chartis> mindragon :D [This guy<----] 2153:< loulan> I'm voting stay but since i'm so nice to you guys i still joined with a few alt accounts 2153:< person7178> robdob robdob robdob robdob robdob robdob 2153:< 404NinjaNotFound> meh, just mute the guy 2153:< Sumwann> doing the Grow's work, loulan 2153:< mindragon> #WeMustGrowToStay 2153:< andreaplanbee> mute is a good feature 2153:< Sande24> people optimistic about T17 will be optimistic about T18 too and this is impossible. 2153:< 404NinjaNotFound> it certainly is 2153:< Andrew_Mendoza> Love me some mute 2153:< andreaplanbee> i had to mute half a room last night at tier 4 2154:< loulan> so what will happen when this thing end, will IRC see a spike of new users? 2154:< 404NinjaNotFound> at t4 already? 2154:< loulan> ends* 2154:< andreaplanbee> they were all roleplaying peeing on me and i didnt even say anything ! 2154:< robdob> person7178 sup homie 2154:< 404NinjaNotFound> nah, everything will go back to normal 2154:< Verifitas> Sande24 You underestimate the average intelligence. Stop projecting. 2154:< spyhermit> Sande24 there's absolutely no way we can hit 18. :) 2154:< andreaplanbee> they just picked a random person i guess and decided to all pee on that person 2154:< loulan> 404NinjaNotFound: nah i think some people got addicted to chatting now 2154:< andreaplanbee> tier 4 is a silly place 2154:< Chartis> It sounds like he's thinkg about an idea he cares about. I want to hear from people like that, just not on this topic right now. 2154:< spyhermit> 17 we can do. it's going to require a great deal of work. 2154:< Andrew_Mendoza> Wow, we've devolved into apes peeing on eachother 2154:< person7178> robdob nmmd 2154:< Sahdee> That's crap 2154:< 404NinjaNotFound> loulan i think its because its something new :) 2155:< Sahdee> I'm glad the rooms I've been in have been nicer 2155:< Th3vil1> i remeber my T4 chat. there weren't any bots 2155:< 404NinjaNotFound> what?! 2155:< loulan> well it's a shame I like IRC. 2155:< person7178> chapebrone does % still work? 2155:< amaklp> EVERYONE LISTEN. THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE IT TO T17 IS TO BRING MORE PEOPLE ON ROBIN. WE WONT MAKE IT OTHERWISE WE ARE TWO FEW 2156:< Sande24> please guys... I am 95% sure we will not reach T17 OR we won't stay there because of all the bots. 2156:< Th3vil1> person7178 here's a list https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ => http://nazar.so/2yn46 2156:< loulan> no the only way is to leave and come back and leave and come back etc. 2156:< loulan> it's useless to stay once the chans are created... just go to tier 2 or 3 then leave 2156:< loulan> there will be enough people staying 2156:< Lolzep> Hello! I have a strawpoll about government in SoKukune! http://strawpoll.me/7299408 Thanks in advance. 2157:< Sande24> we need a 40% to 60% turnout now in order to have a chance later 2157:< person7178> IM JUST GOING TO PUT IT OUT THERE THAT BACK IN MY T4 I PROPOSED THE IDEA OF DIFFERENT CHANNELS BUT NOONE THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA 2157:< Verifitas> Government? It's just a feckin' chatroom. 2157:< person7178> BUT LOOK WHERE WE ARE NOW 2157:< Sande24> the current vote will carry out to the other one because of the crowd autovoting grow 2158:< Verifitas> Go play Model UN on your own time. 2158:< Lolzep> Thats why I put a strawpoll Verifitas 2158:< GlaDOS_Aperture> Lolzep We need te communist goverment. Our leader Communist tree pepe will free all people for a live of dank memes and vodka!!!! 2158:< RainbowRaccoon> well that T4's people may not even be here, so.. 2158:< Sande24> sry guys my browser crashed so I can't see any messages so ask again if you want me to answer 2158:< Lolzep> Maybe maybe... 2158:< loulan> the government thing is stupid but the really cringey thing is this fake language for the channel... conlangs are so nerdy 2158:< person7178> THAT MAY BE TRUE RainbowRaccoon BUT MAYBE THEY ARE 2158:< loulan> i can smell their greasy hair and feel their fat bellies 2158:< RainbowRaccoon> lol true person7178 :D 2158:< badcomposer> wow I am not used to parrot still. 2159:< person7178> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 2159:< Verifitas> Finally. Somebody fucking admits it's cringe-worthy. 2159:< person7178> HAHAHA 2159:< mrfrightful> someone was making a conlang? 2159:< loulan> yes... they paste google docs and shit 2159:< Chartis> There are somethings I don't want to think about. I wonder how much some would pay for me to actually watch their presentation. 2159:< ViktorErikJensen> Sande24: Why is it so important for you to get at subreddit? Do you think anyone is going to use it in a weeks time? 2200:< loulan> with lists of words... and then they say we are a shamanic tribe and want to elect a shaman and shit... reddit is scary sometimes 2200:< Sande24> every vote that adds to STAY now will make it easier to stay at the next tier. So start doing it now to pull the masses with you. 2200:< FriendlyYak> mrfrightful .edia channel for now it's dead 2200:< Verifitas> loulan This is how cults start. 2200:< robdob> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/8yydj 2200:< robdob> That's the google doc they're working on 2200:< Chartis> Verifitas it is a cult already this is how religions start. 2200:< mrfrightful> who wants to stay... i already participate in a dozen dead subreddits 2200:< loulan> honestly it sounds more like terrible teenage fanfiction than the next Ron Hubbard 2200:< xSke> any ETA of the merge? 2201:< robdob> I think they made a sub too 2201:< dick_sanitizer> yo quick showerthought: the first black guy who ever was came to be only cause his dad stayed out in the son longer than his granded 2201:< badcomposer> if you think governments are dumb, like i do, go ahead and vote NO on that strawpoll 2201:< Lolzep> You guys are realllly ranting here... 2201:< Sande24> ViktorErikJensen it is not about the subreddit. It is about knowing when to stop this. The point to grow until death is more pointless 2201:< mrfrightful> we already have a private sub for everyone who was here at merge 2201:< Lolzep> ./r/rant 2201:< mrfrightful> i got invited yesterday 2201:< intensebeet> I didn't get an invite 2201:< spyhermit> we've got 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 2202:< dick_sanitizer> lol yeah peeps if all gos to shit we still have r/sokukune that people are still getting added to 2202:< dick_sanitizer> the auto add bot is still going i believe 2202:< intensebeet> gotcha 2202:< mrfrightful> and what;s the point in staying it will be just as gone 2202:< Sande24> sokkune currnet subreddit is cheating. I want this chat to stay NOW and make it legitimate. 2202:< mrfrightful> ach away and shite 2202:< robdob> I appreciate your passion about this but it's not going to happen 2203:< Lolzep> T17 man. We are getting to T17 2203:< jayman419> maybe thursday 2203:< robdob> Too many of us are holding out hope for a merge 2203:< Sumwann> T17 or bust \o/ 2203:< mrfrightful> we are thoroughly subscribed to the cult of the sunk cost fallacy :P 2203:< loulan> terrible motto I didn't vote for this Sumwann 2203:< Lolzep> Keywords are "or bust" there 2203:< robdob> mrfrightful haha exactly 2203:< dick_sanitizer> i like your thinking sande24 but in reality we cant get 2960 users to cooperate together effciently, so we need saftey net at least 2203:< Sumwann> loulan Ah well, it's a goal at least 2204:< Verifitas> Sande24 Basically, what you're saying is "A dead subreddit isn't good enough for me. I want a dead subreddit *and* a dead chat!" 2204:< robdob> That's fine. If we die, we die. 2204:< Sumwann> Verifitas Too true 2204:< dick_sanitizer> also think aboout all the people who were kicked randomly, they should be able to have a sub too? 2204:< robdob> It's just a silly chat experiment 2204:< dick_sanitizer> robdob yes exactly! just some fun :) 2204:< robdob> So many people, even in the smaller rooms, are talking about hitting T17 and staying there. I want to see if we can do it. 2205:< robdob> I think we can 2205:< mindragon> robdob Robin is all. Robin is Life. Robin is God. Defiant citizens will be expelled and banned for Robinhalla. 2205:< Lolzep> That would be a dick move... 2205:< Sande24> I don't care about the dead chat or dead subreddit. I care about making the masses to fucking think towards a more meaningful goal. 2205:< andreaplanbee> whats the meaning 2205:< robdob> mindragon JOIN GROW CLOUD OR DIE /R/GROWCLOUD 2205:< loulan> a dick move? all of this is pointless remember. even more than karma points. nobody loses anything. it's only funny. 2205:< mrfrightful> i;ve not seen anyone but the weird cult of stay talking about it 2205:< Lolzep> Do you forget that if people stay a subreddit is created with all those people in it? 2205:< loulan> so? 2206:< dick_sanitizer> i know but wasting time needs to be enjoyable and not alot of people like that kind of humour... 2206:< Chartis> I put up /r/soku when I went there and there was nothing. I expected lots of subreddit activity since... Reddit. weird. 2206:< Lolzep> Pretty sure a subreddit of 6000 people wont die as fast as you think 2206:< Sumwann> Oh it will 2206:< TopicallyDifferent> Stay subreddit will all be ded and you know it 2206:< mindragon> we were () this close from SoDoKu as a name... 2206:< DILeakStudios> Nah it'll be fun 2206:< loulan> pretty sure this subreddit will never even live. nobody wants to talk in a subreddit with no theme, just random people together... 2206:< ViktorErikJensen> Sande24: If you want that then abandon and go do something meaningfull. You can't make this into something else than a game/pastime 2206:< Verifitas> Subreddits don't depend on population, they depend on content, Lolzep. 2206:< TopicallyDifferent> There is no niche, no theme 2206:< Chartis> A dick move can be impressive... or so I'm told. 2206:< KernelSnuffy> merge in ~6hrs i think 2206:< Lolzep> Why is %chat such a downer on things... 2206:< Sumwann> We're realistic 2207:< TopicallyDifferent> Realistic 2207:< loulan> definitely realistic 2207:< amaklp> Beat me if you can ----> http://chess.cool/play/with_friend/eCMYnj54ja/ 2207:< Chartis> I can't believe it's not REAL! 2207:< Lolzep> Whatever... I still think T17 is possible and that if we stay at T17 it'll be fine 2207:< mindragon> While (SubReddit.Content.Needs = 1) {SubReddit.Post = "Lots of content"} 2207:< TopicallyDifferent> and then it'll be ded 2207:< Sande24> this is exactly an analogue of elections. You say that there is nothing to do. But you need passionate people to guide the others. 2207:< dick_sanitizer> btw Lolzep i have a flag for penis/ http://imgur.com/RAnPLUG 2207:< Sumwann> The only thing I care about is reaching T17. Whatever happens afterwards I have no opinion about 2207:< Verifitas> Lolzep: With no definitive theme, it's as random as this chat - and we all left to our own corners of the chat. 2208:< dick_sanitizer> the amazing penis artist was only named 'ay' so idk where to find him :( 2208:< Verifitas> Lolzep: The subreddit would be the same - no clear goal, just a random mashup of people and no common interests. 2208:< loulan> i think the scary thing Sande24, is that many people here put more effort in all this than in making sure to vote in actual elections 2208:< Verifitas> Lolzep: Subreddits rely on common interest. 2208:< Sande24> and the fact that so few peoiple even vote to stay now means that next tier people will NOT stay hoping for a better future. 2208:< ViktorErikJensen> dick_sanitizer: You should take that to /r/vexillology 2209:< dick_sanitizer> viktorerikjensen lol what's that sub? 2209:< chugga_fan> Sande24everyone knows after this merger nothing can be done to get a growt 2209:< 404NinjaNotFound> WHO IS T17_IS_INEVITABLE?! 2209:< mrfrightful> voting to stay is like spoiling your ballot unless you can convince everyone else to do it, it will acheive nothing 2209:< ViktorErikJensen> Flags 2209:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Wait, did we STAY? or did someone put up a sub? 2209:< Djinneral> fuck your stay bs we growin son 2209:< loulan> by this logic voting is always useless unless you vote for the winner mrfrightful 2209:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits 2210:< chugga_fan> loulan in some states your vote basically doesn't count,specifically the most populous ones 2210:< chugga_fan> in the presidential electinos 2210:< mrfrightful> voting for something is better than voting for nothing 2210:< spyhermit> PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS someone created one. the real ones are much longer in name. 2210:< mrfrightful> and it rather depends on the electoral system 2210:< loulan> that's a very dumb thing to say 2210:< amaklp> Beat me if you can http://chess.cool/play/with_friend/eCMYnj54ja/ 2210:< Sande24> you do know that you voting to stay now will not even affect the fact that we will not stay before we merge right? But it will help 2210:< mrfrightful> but a spoiled ballot is worth nothing 2210:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> spyhermit Ah, thanks. Went away for a minute and got a bit scared, haha 2211:< dick_sanitizer> pm_me_ur_knees_pls we made a sub, no one's stayed :) 2211:< spyhermit> yeah, we're still 75% grow. 2211:< Chartis> As people get tired tonight I'm hoping we stay positive, this has been a great experience thanks to all y'all characters. 2211:< loulan> did someone save the logs 2211:< mrfrightful> we made a sub and everyone who was here at merge is getting invited... it kind of kills part of the stay argument:P 2211:**** TopicallyDifferent hears violins start to play 2211:< dick_sanitizer> yes! i've loved robin so much 2211:< Djinneral> only 10% of people are actually active in the chat screw that make it 3% 2211:< Sande24> the elections analog is that the masses will not research their possibilities and go with grow just because roughly 75% do it now. 2211:< dick_sanitizer> ive never been so active on reddit 2211:< spyhermit> I'm still working to create more T1's, kicking them up to 3-4s, and then bailing. :/ 2211:< Djinneral> so you're arguing for a portion of the 3 2212:< loulan> spyhermit: if all of us did that we'd be t17 already 2212:< spyhermit> loulan it's hard work but it's rewarding. 2212:< AIO12> Am I safe to open a new tab and log in with an alt and start again? 2212:< Chartis> I don't read usernames on Reddit but I've made some space in my Dunbar Numbers for some of you. It's been neat! 2213:< mrfrightful> see now there is someone who knows thier own mind 2213:< Djinneral> yes ai012 2213:< Sande24> my point is that until you are voting the same way as the 55% of them asses has voted for a LONG time, you probably is a part of them. 2213:< mrfrightful> they got bored and left 2213:< amaklp> http://chess.cool/play/with_friend/eCMYnj54ja/ e4 2213:< spyhermit> AIO12 you have to open an incognito tab, and use an alt. 2213:< chugga_fan> TopicallyDifferent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIuotFZnBtk 2213:< GlaDOS_Aperture> http://imgur.com/a/dNofn 2213:< dick_sanitizer> AIO12 be safe and use a different browser 2213:< Chartis> 2,962 Redditors in Robin, 2,962 Redditors... 2214:< dick_sanitizer> one abandoned, dicked us around, 2,961 redditors in robin, 2,961 redditors... 2214:< Kuutsundereevee> lol 2215:< Chartis> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49FWp7WLYKw 2215:< dick_sanitizer> fuuuck ive never won a game of chess in my life. that and rubix cubes are my kryptonite 2215:< AIO12> Thought I was a goner there for a sec 2215:< spyhermit> 1/2 hr or so until the roll up from a 9 to 13 2215:< Sande24> I can predict that we will not reach T17 and even if we did, that gropu will not stay because you guys don't increase the momentum NOW 2216:< Chartis> It'd be alright if the wind were in our sails, and we'd all hang on behind! 2216:< spyhermit> Sande24 how about instead of mouthing off like an idiot, you go create some alts and get started. 2216:< dick_sanitizer> why dont we organise a huge lan 2216:< dick_sanitizer> like everyone fly to about the middle, say africa 2216:< spyhermit> IE chrome incognito firefox firefox incognito, you should be able to get 5 alts creating new rooms. 2216:< elginkevin> SHAMON 2216:< robdob> dick_sanitizer I'm into it, let's do it 2216:< mrfrightful> or just abandon this pointless exercise and leave us alone 2217:< Chartis> Oh, a night on the town wouldn't do us any harm, and we'd all hang on behind! 2217:< dick_sanitizer> lighten up lovey 2217:< spyhermit> guys, click Sande24 's name and mute him, since he's not being helpful and continues to spam crap 2217:< Kuutsundereevee> Sande24: except for everyone already knows that we're voting stay at T17 2217:< elginkevin> Oooooh we gettin' a T9. 2217:< robdob> Yeah, might be best spy 2217:< Kuutsundereevee> and everyone already knows that T18 isn't happening 2217:< elginkevin> I will only vote to GROW. 2217:< Kuutsundereevee> so what the fuck is the point of you spamming "dude stay now stay now" 2217:< dick_sanitizer> brand new t10! 2218:< Sande24> I am pretty sure you won't stay at T17 unless you start voting stay NOW. There are a lot of masses that don't follow your logic. 2218:< elginkevin> We gon' have a T13 tonight I think. 2218:< Kuutsundereevee> hey guys do any of you think that t18 is happening 2218:< Kuutsundereevee> especially since it's the 6th right now and we haven't hit t17 yet 2219:< dick_sanitizer> id love to but i cant realistically believe in a t18 2219:< robdob> Not a chance 2219:< elginkevin> No I don't think we're getting to T18 2219:< Chartis> Sande24 I'm curious when you're not Redditing what's going on with your life. I got the time, do you have something to say? 2219:< Kuutsundereevee> do you see, sande24? 2219:< chugga_fan> robin ends on the 8th 2219:< Kuutsundereevee> no one needs your spam shit about how we need to stay now 2219:< Sande24> spyhermit making alts is not the spirit of this thing. It is cheatign to get to T17 with alts. 2220:< Kuutsundereevee> "cheating" this is reddit 2220:< elginkevin> I am looking forward to this weekend and not obsessing over GROW, I must say. 2220:< dick_sanitizer> spamming is not the spirit of this thing... 2220:< robdob> The best thing to do at this point is probably mute sande or stop engaging. Debate is fruitless at this point 2220:< Kuutsundereevee> this is fucking reddit, we literally don't have a definition for cheating 2220:< AtaraxicMegatron> how do you cheat in chatting 2220:< anyoldnames> hell all, whats the status this far? Any developments? 2220:< dick_sanitizer> dickheadedness is not the spirit of this thing 2220:< AIO12> lmao 2220:< robdob> I can appreciate arguing a point, but it's become kind of spammy 2220:< Kuutsundereevee> anyoldnames: we're expecting t17 but it might not happen for awhile 2220:< pedro_fartinez> i think its on for tomorrow for sure 2220:< dick_sanitizer> robdob agreed 2221:< elginkevin> We have two T8s about to T9 2221:< pedro_fartinez> well have a 15, 14, and 13 2221:< chugga_fan> t17 should be done by tonight 2221:< Kuutsundereevee> i don't see another t12 for merging on robintracker 2221:< robdob> At least that way we can have other conversations besides stay vs. grow 2221:< pedro_fartinez> i dont think itll be tonight 2221:< anyoldnames> There will be an emptiness in my life when this is all over 2221:< dick_sanitizer> yep! tonight pacific time for us nz/aus-ers 2221:< elginkevin> We'll have a T13 in a few hours, I think. 2221:< jayman419> I think they were using + for the metatalk about merges. 2221:< Kuutsundereevee> aaaand i'm just gonna ignore sande now 2221:< chugga_fan> we've got 6 hours for it to be done "tonight" for the official board 2221:< dick_sanitizer> is the estimate for the merge 2221:< robdob> anyoldnames hey! you're still here! 2221:< chugga_fan> jayman419 + is dead 2221:< Chartis> Would it be okay if some people wrote posts in the subreddit and link them here? We get one line and they get to say their piece. 2221:< elginkevin> Well, maybe more like 5 hours. 2221:< anyoldnames> indeed, I drift in and out of real life responsibilities 2221:< dick_sanitizer> sande the conversation is gone, shhhh 2222:< Sande24> and to get over the emptiness, create an undead sub to show that you managed to get a huge group of people to stay with you 2222:< pedro_fartinez> i think the phrase is say their peace, as in, tell god theyre sorry 2222:< robdob> Double click a name to mute with parrot, right? 2222:< nickyface> hey anyone wanna talk about staying vs growing? 2222:< spyhermit> there's some mostly bad code in here... the room I'm in says it's a 12 but it's a 6. 2222:< dick_sanitizer> nickyface fuck no lol 2222:< Chartis> nickyface 2222:< acostoss> pedro you're thinking "make peace" 2222:< dick_sanitizer> had my fill for the day 2222:< elginkevin> spyhermit which room is that? 2222:< ViktorErikJensen> robdob: Single only 2222:< spyhermit> sphyBamysqaror 2222:< dick_sanitizer> robdob nah just single click yo 2223:< amaklp> Beat me if you can ----> http://chess.cool/play/with_friend/iG2dzZ54jb/ 2223:< ViktorErikJensen> But it doiesn't help when there are 10 people responding to someone annoying 2223:< robdob> thanks 2223:< pedro_fartinez> acostoss fair enough i guess ive never really thought about it 2223:< Sande24> I hope you guys contact me when this is over to either accept that I was right or to say I told you so and we stopped at T17. 2223:< chugga_fan> amaklp, no one wants to play on a site that doesn't encrypt its traffic 2224:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2224:< AtaraxicMegatron> I won't. I know this will end and I don't care that much 2224:< dick_sanitizer> hope sande doesnt have kids cause they'll be posting in r/raisedbynarcissits 2224:< robdob> the funny thing about this is how invested everyone (myself included) gets in a bunch of merges and ascensions that we can't control 2224:< robdob> we're literally just watching a leaderboard do its thing and hope it all rolls our way lol 2224:< elginkevin> There are about to be a bunch of T2 through T9 cascades. 2224:< dick_sanitizer> lol ikr 2224:< dick_sanitizer> this is such a neat experiment 2225:< chugga_fan> elginkevin how do you know? no leaderboard is tracking that low 2225:< dick_sanitizer> probably the best idea reddit has ever had 2225:< amaklp> do you know any better one 2225:< robdob> the button was fun, but I've connected with so many more people through this 2225:< amaklp> http://chess.cool/play/with_friend/eAXkJ654jc/ 2225:< jayman419> Sande24 It's not about "can not" ... It's about "choose not to" because we don't agree with your take on it. 2225:< dick_sanitizer> there was a full leader board someone linked me last night and it was super helpful 2225:< Fallout2x> test 2225:< robdob> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2225:< spyhermit> chugga_fan oh yeah there is 2225:< robdob> that's what I'm using 2225:< jayman419> 4/8 has been the goal for a long time. 2225:< spyhermit> the full standings board in parrot 3.28 has full stats for everyone in it :) 2225:< Fallout2x> is this working 2225:< chugga_fan> ah really? 2225:< cornellier> hi Fallout2x 2226:< chugga_fan> gimme a minute, stuff happening 2226:< dick_sanitizer> jayman419 lol ignore the fucker, he's gonna carry on cause he's laughing his little nuts off rn 2226:< loulan> bande de trous du cul 2226:< jayman419> dick_sanitizer No, he just did the math and realized if we don't stay now there's no chance anyone else can do what we've done. 2226:< robdob> jayman419 I think most of us have muted him lol 2226:< elginkevin> chugga_fan http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2226:< Noxiide> did we merge yet 2226:< elginkevin> Oh robdob beat me 2226:< elginkevin> But that table seems a little buggy. There was a T12 that disappeared. 2226:< loulan> Noxiide: no, the T15 chan collapsed 2226:< loulan> we won't merge 2226:< jayman419> But that's fair, I'll stop feeding the trolls. 2227:< Noxiide> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOO, is it all over? 2227:< loulan> yep :( 2227:< robdob> elginkevin yeah, I don't know if there's a table that's not buggy at least a little 2227:< elginkevin> We're all making this shit up anyway. 2227:< FriendlyYak> loulan what? 2227:< chugga_fan> yhea, bunch of merges happening soon 2227:< dick_sanitizer> yeah lol i dont mind a debate but not when it becomes tantrums and slamming doors and 'you'll praise me when this is over!' 2227:< amaklp> WILL WE MERGE OR NOT? 2227:< robdob> loulan Oh shit, really? where'd you see that? 2227:< elginkevin> There it went, the T1s and T2s just merged 2227:< Chartis> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/1fimr 2227:< loulan> lmao i managed to freak so many people out, i'm proud 2227:< Kuutsundereevee> amaklp: wait until tonight 2228:< elginkevin> Mergin' on up to T6 2228:< spyhermit> elginkevin we are an hour away from the full cascade up to 13, 2228:< dick_sanitizer> loulan wait what really? 2228:< dick_sanitizer> what was the t15s name? 2228:< robdob> loulan lmao go fuck yourself 2228:< mrfrightful> the t12 that vanished ... peoplem left and teh name changed 2228:< spyhermit> and we have a full contingent of 2,3,4,5,6 2228:< AIO12> wow im in a group of 3 that cant find a match 2228:< Andrew_Mendoza> The T15 keeps reloading on me. Firefox seems to handle Robin far better than chrome. 2228:< robdob> loulan I was just frantically searching reddit for a thread 2229:< Sande24> oh well. I guess this staying thing is dead. Just as I thought. The masses think they can not change anything. 2229:< spyhermit> AIO12 what is the room name 2229:< andreaplanbee> lol 2229:< AIO12> spyhermit MilBugra_Pa24 2229:< coldbrewedbrew> Sande24 I think there will be plenty wanting to stay after the T17 merge 2229:< dick_sanitizer> did a t15 colapse or not??? my poor heart 2229:< Sande24> I guess the governments can learn a bit what they can do in the future 2229:< spyhermit> weird, did you see the T15? 2229:< mrfrightful> i don't want to change anything 2229:< AIO12> spyhermit just found a match 2229:< spyhermit> ah, figured you would 2229:< elginkevin> It's like a MERGE-NADO 2230:< mrfrightful> i want to let it runit;s course and then be done with it 2230:< spyhermit> ccandeshle is still live, t15 2230:< mrfrightful> nothing at all to gain from dropping out early 2230:< Andrew_Mendoza> Making a drinking game out of this tonight. Going to take a shot everytime someone says the word Merge 2230:< dick_sanitizer> here's another tracker if yous want: http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2230:< XOrAcLeX> SPANKTRAVISION 2230:< robdob> K1ngN0thing please don't be spamming again 2230:< Sande24> coldbrewedbrew I am pretty sure it won't be enough especially in 48 hours to get 50% to vote in their favor unless we start NOW. 2231:< ranterbach> K1ngN0thing is back? 2231:< dick_sanitizer> why is the sub even relevant?? 2231:< amaklp> merge 2231:< ranterbach> Had him muted for days 2231:< robdob> just nervous after last time, it got bad 2231:< robdob> ranterbach yeah, he says he's only posting every 45 minutes now though 2231:< dick_sanitizer> merge mergemergemergemergemergemergemergemergemerge 2231:< ranterbach> Like a damn Jehovah's Witness, that guy 2231:< Andrew_Mendoza> Pfft, please. We'd be comatose within a hald hour. 2231:< dick_sanitizer> rip andrew_mendoza 2231:< coldbrewedbrew> Sande24 my thought is once we merge, there won't be enough time to get all the way to another T17+ 2232:< Andrew_Mendoza> Hah, Seriously. Between merge, Tier, and Grow, we'd die. 2232:< coldbrewedbrew> And I have a feeling when the timer runs out, this will dissolve 2232:< XOrAcLeX> VAJAYJAY 2232:< dick_sanitizer> andrew_mendoza dont forget 'stay' 2232:< dick_sanitizer> ond 'robin' 2232:< Andrew_Mendoza> Good point 2232:< robdob> dick_sanitizer 'stay' as a drinking game gets a lot easier after you mute one or two people 2233:< dick_sanitizer> lololol very true 2233:< Sande24> coldbrewedbrew the point should be to stay in the largest group. This group is unable to stay and people even if we get T17 wont stay. 2233:< Kuutsundereevee> Andrew: don't forget about the word "rip" and "when" 2233:< Andrew_Mendoza> Like John Madden... That was a blessed day when I muted that fool 2233:< Sahdee> We'll worry about staying once we get to T17 2233:< dick_sanitizer> hahah yes 2233:< Kuutsundereevee> make sure you get drunk off the ass tonight my friend 2233:< XOrAcLeX> What happened to John Madden? 2233:< sotricious> coldbrewedbrew ...and all the subreddits created last week > *poof* vanished! < that wd be something! 2233:< dick_sanitizer> apparently in fisc they have a bot that spams john madden facts 2233:< Kuutsundereevee> He's still there, just ignored 2234:< coldbrewedbrew> Yeah if they delete all of the subreddits that were created...that would be interesting for sure 2234:< dick_sanitizer> the good kind of spam 2234:< Chartis> Does anyone have links that they think didn't get enough exposure? I could go for a round of show and tell. 2234:< sotricious> imagine the uproar 2234:< dick_sanitizer> what kind of links? robin links? or can i show you my r/aww post that only got 2 points 2234:< Kuutsundereevee> I have to wonder 2235:< Sande24> OK I will go to bed now. Sorry if I didn't answer to everyone because I am not using any scripts. Hard to read through all the spam. 2235:< Kuutsundereevee> sotricious and kukkilicious both have cious in their name 2235:< sotricious> goodnight 2235:< Chartis> It would be as if a million upvotes cried out...and were suddenly silenced. 2235:< dick_sanitizer> night! 2235:< Kuutsundereevee> yet cious isn't part of our name at all 2235:< Sande24> you may say it so everyone els could see and be happy about it. 2235:< Chartis> night! 2235:< Kuutsundereevee> you can clearly see the soKu 2235:< dick_sanitizer> D:then we have our second runnerup kunibob... 2236:< sotricious> our previous room was ALSO soku! from kunibob 2236:< svlad> 3 hours until there's a T13 I think 2236:< spyhermit> oh man 2236:< dick_sanitizer> oh my 2236:< Andrew_Mendoza> Enjoy the merge china 2236:< Andrew_Mendoza> Cuz I'll be asleep 2236:< dick_sanitizer> once there's a t13 it will cascade 2236:< svlad> then we have to make another T13 2236:< dick_sanitizer> oh wait right 2236:< svlad> which will be a zillion hours 2236:< Whitestep> >merge china 2237:< spyhermit> 5-> 6-> 7-> 8->9->10 ->11->12->13 is happening right now 2237:< Andrew_Mendoza> Merge boner? 2237:< spyhermit> gonna take 4.5 hours, or so. 2237:< dick_sanitizer> that's 4 1/2 hours lol 2237:< Sumwann> We just need another tier 13 then 2237:< Boerontosaurus> It won't cascade until there are 2 13's 2237:< Pondcows> is there a chance that we will merge in the next 12 hours? 2237:< spyhermit> Pondcows nope 2237:< ViktorErikJensen> no 2237:< Sumwann> Nope, more like 20-30 hours 2237:< robdob> Highly unlikely 2237:< Pondcows> ok, thanks 2237:< Kuutsundereevee> wait, is thJitsNasm a t12 or t13 2237:< dick_sanitizer> probs not lol 2238:< robdob> t12 2238:< femdemgem> how many hours do we have until the event finishes? 2238:< Kuutsundereevee> fuck 2238:< nickyface> .5 2238:< robdob> Kuutsundereevee ikr 2238:< sotricious> 36 hrs? 2238:< spyhermit> if it's PST, it's 32 hours. 2238:< Andrew_Mendoza> 12:36:46pm on 4/7/2016. That's my "Price is Right" guess. 2238:< Whitestep> do you guys think we'll make it to T17 before the 8th? 2238:< dick_sanitizer> oi thats cutting it close 2238:< robdob> That depends on whether it ends at midnight 4/8 or later in the day 2238:< ViktorErikJensen> Some say it could end at noon some american time 2238:< TopicallyDifferent> We're going to merge and then it'll be over in like 10 minutes 2238:< TopicallyDifferent> that'd be sad 2238:< sotricious> timezone Andrew_Mendoza ? 2238:< robdob> have they said what time? 2238:< Andrew_Mendoza> EST 2238:< Lord_Dankster> hello internet 2238:< ViktorErikJensen> since it started at noon 2238:< spyhermit> we are going to be cutting it very, very close. 2239:< dick_sanitizer> morning lord! 2239:< robdob> hey lord 2239:< dick_sanitizer> close shave is a good shave boys 2239:< Lord_Dankster> well its night here kindof but, thx xd 2239:< sotricious> hey 2239:< dick_sanitizer> its morning here in nz so i like to think everyone else is as tired as i am lol 2239:< Lord_Dankster> so anyone knows what will happen with this place? 2239:< Andrew_Mendoza> Your name makes me feel like I've been missing some bathroom products dick_sanitizer 2239:< Chartis> We could lobby Reddit to keep Robin open until the 8th is over. Anyone want to make a post that we can upvote and then PM to the mods? 2239:< Whitestep> sorry if I'm beating the dead horse here, but is the consensus staying at T17 already? 2240:< robdob> Whitestep Yeah, pretty much 2240:< spyhermit> I hope whoever's in thJitsNasm is ready, because we're ready to rock 2240:< Kuutsundereevee> Chartis, I doubt that'd actually happen 2240:< robdob> we know there's no chance of 18 2240:< Whitestep> figures 2240:< dick_sanitizer> andrew_mendoza indeed you probably have, but mine refers to my incredibly clean vagina 2240:< dick_sanitizer> cleanses anything that enters it 2240:< spyhermit> I strongly doubt you're gonna get 50% stay after we hit 17 2240:< Andrew_Mendoza> Hahaha. That took a wierd turn. 2240:< dick_sanitizer> ;) 2240:< wickedthiswaycums> Grow For Glory! 2240:< nickyface> andrew's dick would ruin that 2240:< spyhermit> assuming we even get T17 2240:< Andrew_Mendoza> Like a ball wash... for the shaft 2240:< robdob> Maybe not spy, but we'll see! I'll definitely change my vote 2240:< Lord_Dankster> lmao what did i just read dick_sanitizer 2241:< Chartis> then you should name it thing_sanitizer :D 2241:< Whitestep> For the amount of people we have participating on robin, the lack of frontpage posts about it is gross 2241:< Kuutsundereevee> spyhermit we definitely aren't, there's still too many growbots 2241:< Whitestep> For the amount of people we have participating on robin, the lack of frontpage posts about it is gross 2241:< Whitestep> woops sorry 2241:< Kuutsundereevee> but we're definitely going to get most of the actual people on stay 2241:< Kuutsundereevee> even the most optimistic have given up hope on a T18 2241:< nickyface> morphed into a bot 2241:< keithgabryelski> it looks like we are just 7 hours away from a merge if this goes full speed 2241:< dashed> o.o 2242:< Whitestep> yeah I just hope the people that are here that haven't abandoned get back in time for the merge into T17 2242:< dashed> 7 hours until T17? 2242:< Whitestep> 7.... hours? that makes no sense 2242:< amaklp> more like 27 2242:< Lord_Dankster> someone maked maths here lol 2242:< keithgabryelski> it would take 7 hours IF rooms were created as fast as possible 2242:< keithgabryelski> that is the minimum 2242:< OrangeredStilton> 7 days maybe 2242:< Lolzep> Im pretty sure he meant 26 hours 2242:< gjhgjh> Is there some rule that says we can't eat, take shit, or a bath and for some people go to work or school? 2242:< robdob> gjhgjh yeah, it's rule 12 2242:< dick_sanitizer> fuck no this is more important 2242:< nickyface> 26, 7. just a slip of the finger 2243:< Lolzep> Math was done here https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1sntxp?context=3 => http://nazar.so/22keb 2243:< Legoben> rules? 2243:< Andrew_Mendoza> I'm adding this to my resume. 2243:< Chartis> https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy 2243:< dick_sanitizer> legoben yeah there are rules. and if you break them you get turned into a robin, forever 2243:< svlad> longer than 7 hours I think 2243:< robdob> jesus, did you guys not read the robin rules? 2243:< robdob> no wonder no one is sending me snapchats. Rule 9! 2243:< keithgabryelski> here is my simulator: https://github.com/keithgabryelski/robin-what-if 2243:< svlad> there's only enough rooms to make 1 T13 and 1 T9 right now 2243:< Lord_Dankster> holy shit 2244:< dick_sanitizer> there's a whole 3 volume set of rules yo. 2244:< Chartis> This is my resume at this point. It would make a nice coffee table book. 2244:< dashed> robdob what rule? 2244:< dick_sanitizer> took me the first few days of robin to finish them 2244:< robdob> the robin rules 2244:< keithgabryelski> https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/4dmgfv/self_offsite_robin_simulation/ => http://nazar.so/68em 2244:< TheSpoom> well, upgraded to parrot 2244:< amaklp> svlad what about after that. we will need t12 t11 t10 t9 ... 2244:< dashed> robdob what's the robin rules? 2244:< Andrew_Mendoza> Interviewer: "So what is this "Tier 17 in Robin"... Me: "If you don't know... you don't deserve me" 2244:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2245:< dashed> robdob what's the robin rules? 2245:< ViktorErikJensen> You're wpoiling it dashed 2245:< ViktorErikJensen> spoiling* 2245:< strobonic> If you can't handle me at T17 2245:< svlad> amaklp yeah, that's kind of my point. we're a long ways off from a T17 still 2245:< dashed> im confused lol 2245:< ViktorErikJensen> =) 2245:< robdob> dashed, dude, rule 30 2245:< sotricious> Category \\ KNOW THYSELF > Are you addicted to robin and if yes, how much? (scale 1-10) 2245:< robdob> c'mon man 2245:< sotricious> 11 2245:< dashed> :< 2245:< TheSpoom> 9 2245:< svlad> B 2245:< amaklp> 8 2245:< dick_sanitizer> omg those comments, its so weird to me rn that people still dont know about robin 2246:< ViktorErikJensen> 10 2246:< dick_sanitizer> this has been my life for like 3 days lol 2246:< Chartis> sotricious 9 2246:< Kuutsundereevee> sotricious69 2246:< sotricious> (frak, man, it';s not just me!) 2246:< dick_sanitizer> ;D 2246:< dick_sanitizer> keen as beans 2246:< Kuutsundereevee> sorry sotricious, your name automatically gets dropped into the chat box whenever i alt tab 2246:< elginkevin> dick_sanitizer are there still people outside the filter zone? 2246:< Lord_Dankster> u forgot penis/ 2247:< Lord_Dankster> or not anymore? 2247:< Chartis> hey would anyone want to opt in to a game where someone picks a piece of your post history and you tell us about it? 2247:< sotricious> np 2247:< amaklp> sotricious 2247:< sotricious> amaklp 2247:< ranterbach> Chartis, why on earth would I want to do that? 2247:< amaklp> lol why he gets first? 2247:< elginkevin> I haven't turned off the filter in days. 2247:< elginkevin> Here I go. 2247:< robdob> elginkevin, no! 2247:< robdob> don't go out there! 2247:< dick_sanitizer> chartis yeah that sounds fun 2247:< 3nvisi0n> sure Chartis 2248:< robdob> Chartis I'm down 2248:< TheSpoom> it's like when they leave the house in beetlejuice 2248:< dick_sanitizer> hahaha 2248:< TheSpoom> hellscape and sandworms everywhere 2248:< Chartis> Who wants to go first, if you present on someone, you're on the spot next. 2248:< sotricious> hahaha 2248:< dick_sanitizer> ill go 2248:< svlad> that's a really funny idea 2249:< 3nvisi0n> seems like we should have our own channel for it though 2249:< dick_sanitizer> ill go find .... sotricious's history 2249:< svlad> yeah 2249:< Chartis> Alright, give me a second... someone can prepare and embarassing link for me if they want to take a turn. 2249:< dick_sanitizer> we should indeed 2249:< elginkevin> wow it's really not that bad out there. 2249:< Kuutsundereevee> ...really? 2250:< dick_sanitizer> lol no its not cancer like it used to be 2250:< amaklp> hold my beer 2250:< Andrew_Mendoza> I check once in a while. I think some bots ran out of batteries. 2250:< dick_sanitizer> hold my juice box 2250:< sotricious> dick_sanitizer here's my last 100 hours https://imgur.com/SteY2tl 2251:< Chartis> alright dick_sanitizer what do you think of this... 2251:< Kuutsundereevee> % FUCKING BULLSHIT, ELGIN 2251:< Chartis> https://www.reddit.com/r/batman/comments/30osxi/im_creating_a_joker_poster_based_on_a_doodle_i/ => http://nazar.so/8mkmn 2251:< Kuutsundereevee> % LIED TO ME YA BASTARD 2251:< strobonic> So is the vast majority of people in here from the sokux line or does it just seem that way? 2251:< Kuutsundereevee> % BASTARDS 2251:< Kuutsundereevee> % I BE LIKE LEL THIS AINT BAD AND MOTHERFUCKING NIGGLET SHOWS UP BE LIKE 2251:< dick_sanitizer> lol so i have to tell you peeps about that ? 2252:< Kuutsundereevee> % NIGGLET NIGGLET MOTHERNIGGLET 2252:< elginkevin> We're 2.5h from a T13, huh. 2252:< amaklp> and 50 h from t17 2252:< dashed> do u guys know how much T8's we need? 2252:< amaklp> because none gives a shit about robin anymore 2252:< Kuutsundereevee> % *cries* 2252:< elginkevin> Yeah we're not getting to T17, I don't think. 2252:< 404NinjaNotFound> i know we need 16 T9's 2252:< chugga_fan> we're going to get to t17, dw 2252:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker 2252:< 404NinjaNotFound> or at least ,when i last counted 2253:< chugga_fan> i'll eat my shoe if we don't 2253:< dashed> there's a number counted 2253:< elginkevin> But they're going to pull the plug on Friday. 2253:< 404NinjaNotFound> oh, yeah its much less now 2253:< Andrew_Mendoza> We'll all feel bad when we find out Niglet is just a lonely kid with tourettes. 2253:< amaklp> chugga_fan printscreened 2253:< touyajp> we are down to 32 Tier 8s needed 2253:< chugga_fan> elginkevin we've got lots of time for that 2253:< Chartis> Actually dick_sanitizer I'd like for you to tell us about your tat: http://i.imgur.com/hJJaJjQ.jpg?1 2253:< touyajp> ALL HAIL THE GREAT CASCADE 2253:< dick_sanitizer> okay peeps so wait how does this game work 2253:< mrfrightful> 'the point' 2253:< FriendlyYak> lol http://joinrob.in/ 2253:< elginkevin> Ok I have to go do a thing with people now. 2254:< dick_sanitizer> oh my that one 2254:< FriendlyYak> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4diy9y/were_building_a_clone_of_robin_who_wants_to_join/ => http://nazar.so/4emhh 2254:< elginkevin> Bye bye. 2254:< robdob> touyajp dick_sanitizer should we make another channel for this so we're not cluttering %chat? 2254:< FriendlyYak> they make a robin clone 2254:< chugga_fan> amaklp, kk, someone here owes me like 200 dollars cuz we didn't merge in 7 hours though 2254:< robdob> touyajp sorry didn't mean to tag you 2254:< chugga_fan> i remember random person! 2254:< DeyTa> is there a way to abandon without waiting for a voting period to be over 2254:< 3nvisi0n> how about %subgame ? first thing that came to mind 2254:< robdob> Chartis should we make another channel for this 2254:< chugga_fan> ./leave_room DeyTa 2254:< DeyTa> thanks 2254:< Chartis> You tell us about a post I dig up. Then I have to tell then next 'acheologist' about a post they present and so on... 2254:< dick_sanitizer> chartis yeah lets make another chanel and ill talk about the tattoo in there 2255:< sotricious> Hey touyajp, hello! You=touya akira? 2255:< dick_sanitizer> ah i see! 2255:< Chartis> %games 2255:< touyajp> sotricious aye 2255:< dick_sanitizer> ^^ i like %games 2255:< sotricious> OH. i'm just one the thousands of yr followers 2256:< touyajp> sotricious hehe, since when? 2256:< sotricious> i always enjoy your tweets 2256:< 404NinjaNotFound> itsworking now for him dashed :) 2256:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound on chrome? 2256:< sotricious> fantastic to meet you here! 2256:< 404NinjaNotFound> yes! 2256:< sotricious> a couple of years I gues, maybe more... 2256:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound nice! how did s/he fix it? 2256:< sotricious> *guess 2256:< sotricious> anyway, just wanted to say HI touyajp! 2256:< 404NinjaNotFound> i'm not sure, he says his alt account glitched, when he removed it and reinstalled it it worked 2257:< touyajp> sotricious ah, so you probably know that this account was renamed. became kinda civil. but i still like to comment sarcastically etc 2257:< sotricious> take care and may we merge and mu;tiply! 2257:< touyajp> sotricious also, hi, nice to meet a follower here 2257:< kevinstonge> 654 2257:< sotricious> (i mean in robin, no homo) 2258:< sotricious> lol 2258:< dick_sanitizer> those who want to play chartis 's game go over to %games filter! 2258:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound ah... good to hear :D 2258:< chugga_fan> yay, i've been in reddit robin chats for over 4 days T_T waiting for mergers.... 2258:< amaklp> we need about 8K more users to join robin if we want to merge. AKA IMPOSSIBRU 2258:< beyrevra> 404Ninja still here :) 2258:< 404NinjaNotFound> of course :) 2258:< dashed> dick_sanitizer wat's the game? 2258:< chugga_fan> amaklp wrong, we need less than 32 to get another t16 ;) 2258:< amaklp> less than 32 way? 2258:< beyrevra> we go way back to like T7 or 8 2258:< dick_sanitizer> nvm i think we're coming back here lol 2259:< amaklp> wat? 2259:< chugga_fan> amaklp, yep, just would take a LOT of coordination, because you only need 1 guy in a chat room 2259:< Chartis> That didn't work out, but it was fun trying. 2259:< dick_sanitizer> chartis explain the rules for these peeps 2300:< embracetehmartian> hey guys are we merging soon, anyone know?? 2300:< robdob> embracetehmartian not for a while 2300:< chugga_fan> few hours to a day 2300:< chugga_fan> max 2300:< dick_sanitizer> nope! not merging for a while, 26hrs 2300:< embracetehmartian> my computer has been on for like 72 hours lol 2300:< robdob> 7 hours minimum I think, but realistically a lot more 2300:< FriendlyYak> i'm in a tier 8 with an alt that will soon enter a cascade of merges up to tier 13 2300:< 3nvisi0n> no merge, vote abanadon! show reddit you won't fall for its tricks 2300:< embracetehmartian> im scared its going to blowup 2300:< Chartis> Someone reponds to a piece of their post history. Someone the presents that presenter with a piece ofr theirs... and so on. 2300:< The_Turbinator> Jesus Fucking Christ, I created an alt to grow more rooms, but its just filled with fucking itiots that abandon 2300:< The_Turbinator> fuck that 2301:< The_Turbinator> I give up the alt room creation thing 2301:< 3nvisi0n> yea I had some issues with my alts 2301:< FriendlyYak> The_Turbinator we would just need another 13.. 2301:< 3nvisi0n> but evenutally they made it up 2301:< dick_sanitizer> im on the spot first and i'm gonna talk about this http://i.imgur.com/hJJaJjQ.jpg?1 post of mine 2301:< embracetehmartian> a lot of the lower tiers choose to stay for some reason 2301:< The_Turbinator> they cant even get past Tier 6 without starting shit 2301:< embracetehmartian> if its all not alts 2301:< chugga_fan> The_Turbinator, yhea, tell them to /leave_room instead of abandojn thing 2301:< Chartis> So if dick_sanitizer wanted to play then I'd ask them to explain this: http://i.imgur.com/hJJaJjQ.jpg?1 and await my turn. 2301:< IBelieveAllTheThings> The_Turbinator at what tier do they abandon? 2301:< amaklp> FriendlyYak ETA for T13? 2301:< The_Turbinator> Tier 6 is always make or break 2301:< FriendlyYak> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ 2301:< FriendlyYak> amaklp every merge 30min 2301:< The_Turbinator> After Tier 6 its always downhill 2302:< amaklp> 32 or 30? 2302:< chugga_fan> we've got maybe 3 hours before t13 pops up 2302:< The_Turbinator> My last room LITERALY all voted abandon 2302:< FriendlyYak> amaklp 30 times 5 2302:< sotricious> So, it;s been another great day EVERYBODY but I gotta try to get some sleep... thanks for having me, c u in a few hours... 2302:< 404NinjaNotFound> goodnight sotri 2302:< dick_sanitizer> that tattoo is actually on a cooworker's wife, she got it for a bday present and i cringed cause it's hella bad 2302:< FriendlyYak> 250 min until we have a tier 13 2302:< The_Turbinator> good night bruhh 2302:< Chartis> night sotricious 2303:< dick_sanitizer> night!! 2303:< FriendlyYak> sotricious night! 2303:< amaklp> ETA of T13 = 2.5h 2303:< Chartis> Thanks dick_sanitizer, bring on the cringe... I'm ready... 2303:< IBelieveAllTheThings> ah ok, I'll have to stick around longer then... some alts don't invest in their group 2303:< amaklp> 2.5h not 250 mins 2303:< 404NinjaNotFound> my pc is so damn laggy 2303:< The_Turbinator> i hope that prediction is right 2303:< dick_sanitizer> http://i.imgur.com/hJJaJjQ.jpg?1 2304:< Chartis> I'll respond to the first 'archeologist' who is willing to have the same done to them. 2304:< amaklp> its 2304:< chugga_fan> 404NinjaNotFound /clear 2304:< FriendlyYak> sorry i should go to bed 2304:< FriendlyYak> 150 minutes 2304:< dick_sanitizer> oops 2304:< 404NinjaNotFound> i already restarted my browser chugga_fan 2304:< FriendlyYak> http://justinhart.net/robintable/ look here 2304:< 404NinjaNotFound> thinkthe damn thing just needs a restart 2304:< FriendlyYak> do the math 2304:< chugga_fan> 404NinjaNotFound task manager 2304:< 404NinjaNotFound> brb :) 2304:< 404NinjaNotFound> oh, or that 2305:< chugga_fan> it might be the heap otherwise, and if it's the heap it's a 100% reboot required 2305:< amaklp> ETA of T13 = 2 hours and 15 mins confirmed 2306:< Clickety_Click> 404!!! <3 2306:< 3nvisi0n> chartis tell us about https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/epra5/ive_chained_myself_to_the_radiator/ => http://nazar.so/9bf97 2306:< 404NinjaNotFound> Clickety_Click <3 2306:< 404NinjaNotFound> I'm gonna restart my laptop, give me a second :) 2307:< Clickety_Click> You still spreading the holy word of Grow? 2307:< amaklp> maximum wait time is 32 or 30 minutes?????? 2308:< chugga_fan> 32 minutes is max 2308:< Chartis> 3nvisi0n I used to be over 400lbs, when we decided to have a kid I 'needed' to get smaller and my will power needed a barrier. #180lbs 2308:< Chartis> Alright, 3ncisi0n it's up to you to say when you're ready to be investigated. 2308:< robdob> Holy shit chartis, that worked? 2308:< dick_sanitizer> chartis https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/4afhq2/mr_robot_season_2_will_tackle_privacy_and_data/d10di40 => http://nazar.so/37c5u 2308:< Clickety_Click> Well done Chartis! that's awesome! 2309:< ry4> Chartis I'm in a near situation. 2309:< dick_sanitizer> jeeeeez chartis thats amazing 2309:< Chartis> too late dick_sanitizer, but thanks for playing. 2309:< dick_sanitizer> lol all good 2309:< ry4> It's hard work. 2309:< 3nvisi0n> I'm ready to be investigated I guess :S 2309:< Spikrit> sup pawsed 2309:< dick_sanitizer> soz i took a awhile, peeps needed my help with biochemistry 2309:< TheSpoom> well, i like this whole multi-channel thing actually working 2309:< radioactivated> oh man the tab this was in crashed 2310:< radioactivated> that worried me for a moment 2310:< TheSpoom> as predicted, we've recreated IRC in robin 2310:< ry4> test 2310:< Chartis> ps I do think Nero looks familiar in that picture. 2310:< reed17> My everything is not working right, so that's fun 2310:< TheSpoom> ry4 got it 2310:< ry4> test again? 2310:< TheSpoom> ry4 yes? 2310:< reed17> Time for me to take a shower 2310:< ry4> Cool. 2310:< robdob> 3nvisi0n https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3psz20/a_23yearold_google_employee_lives_in_a_truck_in/cw9bhs4?context=3 => http://nazar.so/3ondp 2310:< Clickety_Click> ry4, this of it as a lifestyl;e change, rather than diet. diet sucks. Lifestyle changes rule :) 2311:< ry4> Well it is a lifestyle change, but it's no different than growing up with an alcohol problem. It will come back. 2311:< ry4> (or drug problem) 2311:< 404NinjaNotFound> Here we go! 2312:< 3nvisi0n> I've spent probably around a year living in my vehicle including 5months straight last winter in the Boston area robdob. 2312:< 3nvisi0n> Its certainly not what everyone would choose or luxurious at all 2312:< Clickety_Click> then get a therapist to help but only YOU are in control of what happens to your body 2312:< 3nvisi0n> but for the right person, its not that bad of a lifestyle if you're already frugal 2312:< ry4> I've been through therapy, a lot. 2312:< dick_sanitizer> ry4 have you tried cycling? im biggish chick and ive just started, and i love it! 2312:< robdob> Oh wow. Living in your car in Boston is like hard mode 2312:< spyhermit> 3nd0fw0r1d I was actually pretty sure I would have to do the same, I moved to boston and then found my ex wife had destroyed my credit 2312:< dick_sanitizer> losing 1.5kg each week these days 2312:< 3nvisi0n> last winter was fun with all the snow 2313:< ry4> I just mostly do walks to be active. 2313:< robdob> by choice or by financial necessity? 2313:< ry4> About 4.5 miles a day. 2313:< 3nvisi0n> I've back living in my house in Canada now though 2313:< 3nvisi0n> by choice, I in Canada before hand but work wanted me local in the Boston area for a bit 2313:< 404NinjaNotFound> Clickety_Click I'm here now my love <3 2313:< dick_sanitizer> that's a long walk! good on you 2313:< ry4> Only takes about 2 hours to do, not terrible :) 2313:< spyhermit> so I was pretty sure I couldn't get an apartment. Fortunately, one of the guys said he'd like to live cheap and carried me 2313:< 3nvisi0n> before I was going out hiking for a few months, so I lived in my car instead of taking a for the most part minimum 6month rent 2313:< spyhermit> as a roommate :) 2314:< ry4> I've been living on a friend's couch for like 4 months in California so far. 2314:< robdob> that's awesome. i don't think I could do that for more than a few weeks 2314:< ry4> And I'm 31 :/ 2314:< Clickety_Click> dide dont even worry about excersize, if you are large then it's a non issue, you dont want to hurt your joints 2314:< 3nvisi0n> it took some adjusting thats for sure, I did spend most of the time in my works parking lot 2314:< Clickety_Click> focus on what you are shovelling into your mount. 2314:< 3nvisi0n> so I had a gym and shower there 2314:< Clickety_Click> mouth* 2314:< ry4> Clickey_Click -- it's weird. 2315:< robdob> I did like a month in my car when I was 18, but it was spring in Tennessee so a lot easier to be comfortable 2315:< 3nvisi0n> I went to play paintball at Oklohama DDay adventure park a few years ago 2315:< dick_sanitizer> seems like everyone on reddit has lived in their car at some point :( 2315:< 3nvisi0n> lived in my car during the summer there and it was way to warm for me 2315:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yeah it's a psychological thing 2316:< 3nvisi0n> living in your car is far cheaper than a hotel when traveling; thats what got me started doing it 2316:< Clickety_Click> ry4 I'm the same with fizzy. Only thing that helps me personally is Keto. It's strict as fuck, and you need to suffer to start it 2316:< dick_sanitizer> very much a psycological thing 2316:< 3nvisi0n> just avoiding hotel costs 2316:< robdob> I can definitely see it for traveling 2316:< ry4> The problem with strict diets, is if you fall off the wagon you flip HARD in the other direction. I've been there. 2316:< Clickety_Click> ry4 That suffering is my "price" and it works for me 2316:< dick_sanitizer> heyo im on a drug called duromine, it's an appetite suppressent and idk about the us but i got it perscribed here in nz ry4 2316:< ry4> I'd need medical to get that. 2316:< dick_sanitizer> i eat litterally less than half of what i used to 2317:< 404NinjaNotFound> but you need make a diet that works for you, not something you can fall off from 2317:< radioactivated> I'm supposedly on a paleo lifestyle right now, but lol no that's not happening at all 2317:< 404NinjaNotFound> start with SMALL changes 2317:< ry4> Oh for sure, I started with small changes. Dropped 65 pounds. 2317:< dick_sanitizer> nice start! 2317:< 404NinjaNotFound> That's neat 2317:< ry4> I built it up. 2318:< ry4> It's hard to continue. Especially when you don't have a lot of money and can only afford shitty food. 2318:< Clickety_Click> ry4 yay! Small steps lead to larger ones, 65lb is fucking amazing! 2318:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yeah indeed 2318:< ry4> A burger is cheaper than broccoli :/ 2318:< 404NinjaNotFound> That is certainly true.. 2318:< dick_sanitizer> ikr? fuck that shit 2318:< roobarb_pie> find a neary farmers market, you can get some right cheap veg there! 2318:< 404NinjaNotFound> I try to eat smoothies every day, costs me 2 euro a day JUST for breakfast. 2318:< Kuutsundereevee> wait, did everyone move over to %chat ? 2318:< roobarb_pie> *nearby 2318:< Clickety_Click> ry4 NO! NO! dont you say that! You CAN afford good food, you are saying the "i cant afford it" as a person who binge eats a SHIT TON 2318:< Kuutsundereevee> i was still in %chat% 2318:< ry4> ... I don't have a job. 2319:< ry4> I literally cannot afford it. 2319:< 404NinjaNotFound> good food is EXPENSIVE Clickety_Click 2319:< dick_sanitizer> theres a %chatt%? 2319:< Clickety_Click> ry4 Eating a normal (to a non binger) amount of healthy food is WAY cheaper than shoveling shit in your gob 2319:< TheSpoom> ry4 do you have any skills? 2319:< mindragon> There is a very weird disconnect happening with Robin-Parrot where it will not go back into chat 2319:< Kuutsundereevee> %chat% yes there's a %chat% 2319:< ry4> A burrito at Taco Bell is $1 and it's got 420 calories. Just one. 2319:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound I have 4 children, I am below poverty level and we all eat healthy, it's not hard 2319:< ry4> Yeah Spoom I do. I'm just .. I'm so burned out. It's hard to find motivation in anything. 2319:< dick_sanitizer> mindragon yeah i just had a bit of a refresh 2319:< Kuutsundereevee> yes there's a %chat% 2319:< 404NinjaNotFound> I know it's not HARD, it's just more expensive than to eat garbage 2320:< mindragon> I'm going to be afk so i can't refresh. i don't want to abandon. I must click to grow! 2320:< TheSpoom> reason for single payer health care #83957 2320:< TheSpoom> mental health help for those who need it 2320:< TheSpoom> ry4 what skills do you have? 2320:< ry4> I went through therapy and it helped me a lot, I wish I could find it again. 2320:< ry4> I'm a web dev. 2320:< TheSpoom> where are you? 2321:< ry4> Graphic design, app development (I don't like it though). 2321:< roobarb_pie> not bad! That's a decent skill set! 2321:< ry4> Sacramento, Ca 2321:< dick_sanitizer> ry4 are you a student at all? 2321:< FriendlyYak> John Madden wouldn't ..... 2321:< ry4> No, but I want to enroll for Psychology I think. 2321:< TheSpoom> well, we're not hiring out of california but... you're in california 2321:< radioactivated> oh man the john madden bots though 2321:< dick_sanitizer> like uni/college? 2321:< intensebeet> It's more expensive to eat healthy on two different levels; either you're buying expensive stuff that is pre-prepared 2321:< TheSpoom> finding work should not be a problem 2321:< Clickety_Click> Barely. it's BARELY cheaper. like a few £ a week. I feed 6 people on £50 a week, that also includes nappies etc 2321:< radioactivated> "john modden" 2321:< dick_sanitizer> psychology is fucking fun i gotta be honest 2321:< ry4> TheSpoom California is a tough market to break into. So many highly talented people. 2321:< radioactivated> or "jahn madden" or other shit like that 2322:< TheSpoom> true, i guess 2322:< intensebeet> or you're investing a lot of time and effort into growing and preparing stuff which might be cheaper but costs you time 2322:< roobarb_pie> yeah, straight up fresh stuff is cheap. Just get some boullion and a large bag of rice and you have foom for day! 2322:< TheSpoom> i would just assume that there were more jobs than people... could be wrong i suppose 2322:< roobarb_pie> that's how I survived first year of uni 2322:< 404NinjaNotFound> I don't know where you live, but to feed 2 people here for a week is 40 - 50 euro Clickety_Click 2322:< nickyface> intensebeet spend a week with me, i'll prove you wrong 2322:< TheSpoom> try being in cleveland ;^) 2322:< ry4> TheSpoom there aren't :/ 2322:< Clickety_Click> buy frozen veg, its just as good as fresh, if not better. 2322:< ry4> TheSpoom, I live in a poor area of Ca. 2322:< TheSpoom> ah 2322:< ry4> I use to live in Louisville, Ky 2322:< 404NinjaNotFound> I already do :) 2322:< roobarb_pie> yeah froxen veggies are easy. You just pop them in a microwave or reboil them 2322:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound £50 to feed a family of 6 including nappies and baby milk for me 2323:< nickyface> fresh for specific recipes/dishes. frozen for adding veg to any meal 2323:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yeah, that's not gonna happen around here 2323:< stormagnet> HEY YALL PSA: MOVE YOUR POSTS FROM /r/soKukunelits/ TO /r/soKukuneli/ 2323:< ry4> I hate the taste of frozen veggies :( #Fresh4Life 2323:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound £50 to feed a family of 6 including nappies and baby milk for me 2323:< roobarb_pie> also don't drink just coke and lemonade. Try water and tea 2323:< stormagnet> THERES A SPAM WAVE COMING 2323:< Clickety_Click> ffs my posts arent showing :/ 2323:< stormagnet> thJitsNasm noticed that /r/soKukunelits/ was public, so I used my magic mod powers to set /r/soKukuneli/ to private >_< 2323:< nickyface> get a microwave steamer! 2323:< ry4> I don't drink sodas at all. I don't drink my calories. 2323:< roobarb_pie> hell, I drink hot water nowadays, it's actually refereshing 2323:< stormagnet> y'all should already be on the submitter list- there was a mass bot add 2323:< 404NinjaNotFound> T feed 6 people here you'd need at least 100 euro, yeah they are for me Clickety_click 2323:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound £50 to feed a family of 6 including nappies and baby milk for me 2323:< 404NinjaNotFound> That's the 3rd time :P 2323:< robdob> stormagnet can you add me? not in there yet 2323:< intensebeet> someone struggling to make ends meet working multiple jobs doesn't have the same luxury of time 2323:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound haha ok :P 2323:< stormagnet> robdob on it 2323:< ry4> I've got a gallon jug of water I'm drinking on for now. I can go through a couple of these a day easy. 2323:< dick_sanitizer> stormagnet, isnt r/sokukune already a private sub? 2323:< robdob> thanks! 2324:< abourne> I think it's stupid to put sugar into coffee 2324:< dick_sanitizer> stormagnet don't think im there either lol 2324:< stormagnet> dick_sanitizer lol we have a THIRD going 2324:< roobarb_pie> agreed, milk/cream too 2324:< dick_sanitizer> oh my! 2324:< stormagnet> that's awesome 2324:< ry4> I don't drink coffee either. I stay away from caffeine 2324:< radioactivated> eh 2324:< Clickety_Click> Anyways, brb my lovelies :D 2324:< stormagnet> I'll add you both 2324:< nickyface> every morning = death wish coffee with coconut oil. blended or shaken thoroughly 2324:< roobarb_pie> if the coffee or tea is good enough it doesn't require other ingredients 2324:< 404NinjaNotFound> ookaayy 2324:< radioactivated> yeah I don't really like sugar in coffee either 2324:< NamePsychic> wtf is wrong with you guys 2324:< roobarb_pie> ooh, i haven't considered coconut oil actually 2324:< radioactivated> mostly just to mask the taste of really shitty coffee 2325:< nickyface> it's good stuff, satiating too 2325:< ry4> Alright everyone, I'm going to go play Rocket League. Good chat! 2325:< 404NinjaNotFound> coconut oil in coffee? 2325:< radioactivated> yeah 2325:< radioactivated> it's a thing 2325:< 404NinjaNotFound> i need to try that 2325:< dick_sanitizer> see you ry4! 2325:< 404NinjaNotFound> i have a whole jar of coconut oil laying around 2325:< radioactivated> supposedly fills you up better than coffee alone 2325:< nickyface> also grass fed butter but that really scares people 2325:< robdob> people do something similar called bulletproof coffee, coconut oil and butter in coffee 2325:< 404NinjaNotFound> tip: its good lube as well 2325:< radioactivated> cause it's a source of fat 2325:< roobarb_pie> the fact that it burns at a really high temp means searing stuff instantly is e-z 2325:< rakehand> some people put butter in their coffee 2326:< abourne> ry4 is gone! My fellow-three-character friend 2326:< 404NinjaNotFound> wtf 2326:< radioactivated> butter tea on the other hand is a real thing 2326:< robdob> I do mct oil sometimes in mine, the butter I can't stomach in my coffee 2326:< dick_sanitizer> rakehand what what whaat 2326:< nickyface> yea there's a few different names for it. bulletproof, fat coffee, fatty coffee, buttered coffee, etc 2326:< NamePsychic> I get it if you're putting weed in it 2326:< abourne> I'm going to send ry4 a PM 2326:< ry4> abourne you aren't 3 character? 2326:< NamePsychic> but otherwise 2326:< radioactivated> wait, is there a difference between mct and coconut oil? 2326:< nickyface> fat is satiating and a good way to kick off your day for energy 2326:< ry4> Us 3 characters stick together. 2326:< rakehand> i think it's a south american thing 2326:< abourne> haha, I'm confused, I have r4u in Tier 14 2326:< 404NinjaNotFound> mct? 2326:< ry4> I got the notification of my name in the chat through Chrome :P 2326:< ry4> Anyway, peace everyone 2326:< abourne> I have no idea what room I'm in 2326:< nickyface> mct, if purchased carefully, is pure medium chain triglycerides 2327:< roobarb_pie> one if the best things to use shitty instant coffee for is homemade sticky toffee pudding 2327:< 404NinjaNotFound> i drink shitty instant coffee for breakfast 2327:< abourne> my other username - r4u - for hookups and sex; redditor-for-you 2327:< 404NinjaNotFound> i absolutely love that shit 2327:< roobarb_pie> it contrasts with the flavour of the dates in the pudding 2327:< 100daysofyes> ha, finally figured this channels thing out! 2327:< intensebeet> i'm trying to convince the hockey sub to create chats while they watch games tonight 2327:< nickyface> congrats!! 2327:< roobarb_pie> yaaaaay 100! :D 2327:< robdob> 100daysofyes welcome homie 2327:< dick_sanitizer> wooot! 2328:< rakehand> intensebeet: what team do you support? 2328:< davidjl123> test 2328:< intensebeet> rakehand FLYERS!!! 2328:< roobarb_pie> we can see you loud and clear david :D 2328:< 100daysofyes> any Forkers left around? D: 2328:< davidjl123> nice 2328:< rakehand> F yeah, me too brother 2328:< cheedear> D: 2328:< abourne> I used neither bots nor scirpt; I figure if I need those, I'm spending too much time here. 2328:< intensebeet> nice! big game tonight! 2328:< rakehand> where you from? 2328:< intensebeet> grew up in jersey just outside of philly; i've been in NY for a while now though 2328:< dick_sanitizer> where's everyone here from btw? 2329:< roobarb_pie> afk a min, need a nicotine fix 2329:< rakehand> i currently live in devils country but i have a lot of islanders/rangers friends 2329:< 100daysofyes> I'll take that as a no lol 2329:< abourne> Also, I believe in doing it manually, bots to vote is cheating IMO 2329:< dick_sanitizer> booo 2329:< roobarb_pie> bristol dick_sanitizer 2329:< rakehand> me too intensebeet, i'm from marlton nj originally 2329:< rakehand> grew up on LI, live in Bk for years, now back in north jersey 2329:< inkblob> abourne that's precious 2329:< intensebeet> oh not far from me, I grew up near Camden 2329:< dick_sanitizer> new zealand reprisent! 2329:< robdob> abourne I can appreciate that view, but I don't see it as cheating if there aren't actual rules 2329:< abourne> There's someone in here older than me; there's a 63-year-old in here 2329:< rakehand> my grandparents used to work at the campbell's soup factory 2329:< 100daysofyes> I'm from Japan 2330:< nickyface> how old are you abourne? 2330:< abourne> You assholes! You voted for ElcectionBot 2330:< IBelieveAllTheThings> hey, erh what's the difference between https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli, https://www.reddit.com/r/sokukune... 2330:< rakehand> 100daysofyes have you seen that history of japan video that was doing the rounds a while back? 2330:< IBelieveAllTheThings> ...and https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits 2330:< abourne> I'm 49; DOB 1966; 2330:< nickyface> two letters 2330:< abourne> I mod r/SanFrancisco 2330:< 100daysofyes> rakehand I have 2330:< dashed> o.o we have 3 subs? 2331:< rakehand> as someone from japan what'd you think? 2331:< nickyface> awesome! 2331:< IBelieveAllTheThings> apparently... 2331:< dick_sanitizer> IBelieveAllTheThings apparently we need to make another one, a private one, cause there's a spam wave in coming 2331:< dick_sanitizer> so we have 2 privates and 1 public 2331:< abourne> My fav subs are r/News , r/Politics , and r/AsiansGoneWild 2331:< dashed> lool 2331:< 404NinjaNotFound> DASHED 2332:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound yes love? 2332:< dick_sanitizer> here's the history of japan if anyone was interested :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5LY4Mz15o 2332:< 100daysofyes> I came to Japan as a teenager, so my opinion might be different from people who spent their childhood there, but I found it hilarious 2332:< 404NinjaNotFound> this guy is spamming this shit: 2332:< abourne> I'm so glad niggled is no longer in the lead 2332:< Clickety_Click> back my lovelies <3 2332:< dashed> who? 2332:< 404NinjaNotFound> I actually made that script blablabla 2332:< 404NinjaNotFound> and i CANT TURN IT OFF 2332:< dick_sanitizer> hellow my clickety <3 2332:< abourne> Can someone hack reddit and remove niiggled ??????????????????????????????????? 2332:< dashed> o.o?? 2333:< 404NinjaNotFound> i dont know, he doesnt have a name 2333:< rakehand> abourne just install parrot and mute him 2333:< 404NinjaNotFound> if i mute him, it mutes everyone in hcat 2333:< 404NinjaNotFound> i'l screenshot 2333:< Clickety_Click> uninstall and reinstall 404 2333:< dick_sanitizer> have you got parrot or robin grow? 2333:< abourne> I'm anti-script, anti-bot, I feel if I use those, I'm spending too much time here. 2333:< Clickety_Click> We're not going to merge are we? :( 2333:< davidjl123> i like nigglets 2333:< dick_sanitizer> not for a while 2334:< davidjl123> but i still mute him lmao 2334:< abourne> I'm doing it the way my grandfather did Robin in his day, manually 2334:< spyhermit> Clickety_Click working on it. :/ 2334:< 404NinjaNotFound> parrot 2334:< dick_sanitizer> with a typewriter 2334:< 100daysofyes> There's still time, we can still merge! And then we must stay! 2334:< 404NinjaNotFound> http://imgur.com/RoCE8Db dashed 2334:< abourne> In the old days, they showed up to the stadium, voted STAY/GROW, and then ABANDON's were escorted out. 2334:< inkblob> abourne at what point have you spent too much time here? you are on loop now telling people you are better than them 2334:< Clickety_Click> never stay, stayers are dirty :P nah seriously, I am #teamgrow but I have been following the leaderboards and wow, sloooowwww :'( 2334:< dick_sanitizer> isnt global chat a bit insane, abouurne 2335:< sicklyboy> Really don't see us growing any time soon... IMO it's gonna be close. 2335:< 100daysofyes> I'm a Forker, so of course I believe in the prophecy. 4k=stay. 2335:< dashed> it's guaranteed 2335:< sicklyboy> dashed how so? 2335:< inkblob> hope so! 2336:< abourne> ELECT abourne ; 49 years old; DOB: 1966 ; Mod of r/SanFrancisco ; doesn't use bots or script 2336:< alylynn96> we're getting a T13 in the next couple hours 2336:< dick_sanitizer> oooiiii just hope sande doesnt show up to this debate lol 2336:< intensebeet> abourne are you sending your messages via homing pigeon? 2336:< robdob> So it has been spoken, so it shall be. We shall grow. 2336:< desantoos> the problem I see is that the merge will happen early tomorrow morning EST... meaning that most US robin-ers will be asleep 2336:< Clickety_Click> redditors with a reddit chat 2336:< dashed> sicklyboy https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 2336:< Clickety_Click> ugh I still cant see what I type 2336:< 100daysofyes> I'm so bored today and it's too hot to do anything :( 2336:< nickyface> well desantoos i suggest you wake us all up 2336:< abourne> ELECT abourne | 49 years old | DOB: 1966 | Mod of r/SanFrancisco | Doesn't use bots or script, the way my grandad did Robin in his day 2337:< 404NinjaNotFound> make a new T1 chat 100daysofyes 2337:< Clickety_Click> test test testes are fun test 2337:< 404NinjaNotFound> Clickety_Click, you accidentally muted yourself 2337:< nickyface> what do you know about testes 2337:< 404NinjaNotFound> Unmute yourself ^^ 2337:< inkblob> hahaha 2337:< 100daysofyes> 404NinjaNotFound is that your subtle way of telling me to scram? :P 2337:< 404NinjaNotFound> no, to make an alt 2337:< Clickety_Click> 404NinjaNotFound nope, about 1/5 of my messages are visible to myself :/ 2338:< 404NinjaNotFound> weird :( 2338:< inkblob> are there 404 ninjas in your guild? 2338:< 404NinjaNotFound> I don't have a guild :( 2338:< Clickety_Click> Oh well, it's really late, I will see you all tomorrow <3 2338:< 404NinjaNotFound> Seeya <3 2338:< inkblob> bya 2339:< 404NinjaNotFound> I'm very much a loner, inkblob 2339:< inkblob> you should totes get a guild 2339:< inkblob> oic that's cool too 2339:< Chartis> I see problems and think 'why don't 'they' fix it?' but I hear people running for office they feel so phony. It's weird. 2339:< 404NinjaNotFound> well, i wouldn't mind a guild 2340:< 404NinjaNotFound> I'm just too lazy to set it all up myself 2341:< 100daysofyes> he... hello? 2341:< dashed> hi 2342:< 3cardblindbot> hi 2342:< Wizard_Moste_Arcane> hi 2342:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I want to be the leader of soKukunelli - I've been endorsed by both Bernie and Hillary 2342:< _vvvv_> hello 100daysofyes 2342:< dashed> New T8s Needed For T17: 30 2342:< 100daysofyes> it refreshed me for some reason lol 2342:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I want to be the leader of soKukunelli - I'm a very person 2343:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yeah, it refreshes after a certain time of inactivity 2343:< luvmygwgirls> IMPEACH abourne 2343:< 100daysofyes> anyway I guess I'll go study for the kanji kentei, nothing better to do and it's too hot to move around 2343:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I'm anti-nigglet 2343:< 404NinjaNotFound> unless you turn that off 2343:< bwoebi> will see you tomorrow morning when the merge chain starts... 2343:< Lolzep> IMPEACH abourne 2343:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I'm anti-Trump 2343:< PigNamedBenis> penis 2344:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I played volleyball with the co-founder of reddit - spez 2344:< Unicormfarts> We don't think the merge chain will happen tonight? 2344:< drT18> Is this the general chat channel? 2344:< abourne> Please type -- " ELECT abourne " -- I created r/volleyball 2344:< luvmygwgirls> hell no 2344:< Lolzep> MARK AS SPAMMER abourne 2344:< inkblob> I'm one of those sort of balanced between outgoing and introvert. I like hanging with people until I'm cooked, then have to hermit 2344:< bwoebi> no, not really, more like in 8 hours 2344:< abourne> Please don't 2344:< abourne> I'll stop 2344:< Lolzep> Then stop spamming. Please 2344:< luvmygwgirls> there it is 2344:< Chartis> abourne, be honest now, did you copy and paste any part of those ads? Or were each lovingly handcrafted by an artisan for us? 2344:< inkblob> abourne jesus you go on and on about you don't like bots 2344:< UnacceptableUse> abourne, you still trying to be elected? youve been trying for over 24 hours lol 2345:< inkblob> and you ARE ONE 2345:< abourne> I was trying to be humourous, I'll stop 2345:< 404NinjaNotFound> Oh I think I muted abourne 2345:< Chartis> Unmute abourne, they promised to stop spamming, I think we should reward that. 2345:< luvmygwgirls> abourne you need to find pictures of adorable animals for us as pennance 2345:< 404NinjaNotFound> Erm.. 2345:< Chartis> YES! 2345:< Unicormfarts> Muted him 2345:< The_Turbinator> Bimmuoe > Bihouldndroe > amuShpp_aploeioan > amanipimndldhbuoT-anshgo > GPcuoalifejaF_ltlameuohehbm_rarostant2rtusGT > 2346:< luvmygwgirls> but dont spam them 2346:< davidjl123> > "i was trying to be humourous" 2346:< inkblob> lol 2346:< davidjl123> > trying for over 24 hours 2346:< abourne> how about adorable pictures of girls? 2346:< UnacceptableUse> stop hating on abourne i like em 2346:< inkblob> im trying to 2346:< 404NinjaNotFound> i'll unmute him when he's stopped for sure. 2346:< The_Turbinator> post away, plz 2346:< abourne> I'll stop; I want to apologize 2346:< XOrAcLeX> HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH 2347:< NaynHS> hey guys 2347:< NaynHS> what are we at now, 72 hours? 2347:< abourne> I apologize for being an annoying prick 2347:< Chartis> He's negotiating pennance. At this point, I'd say their cool. 2347:< chugga_fan> past 72 hours 2347:< Chartis> Thanks abourne 2347:< inkblob> a real spammer doesn't do that, very class act that 2348:< kevinstonge> it's so frustrating watching the lower chats slowly merge up 2348:< UnacceptableUse> And let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that abourne doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing 2348:< asasantana> Hey, just got added to the subreddit 2348:< kevinstonge> it's been fucking DAYS and we still need another 13 after this set rolls itself together 2348:< asasantana> who did that happen? 2348:< Wonderingwanderr> WHEN ARE WE MERGING? 2348:< asasantana> how* 2348:< kevinstonge> maybe tomorrow 2348:< inkblob> i've made 2 alts so far 2348:< inkblob> if everyone makes at least one.... 2349:< asasantana> Aren't we going to stay in the next one? 2349:< 404NinjaNotFound> i have 2. 2349:< abourne> What's interesting is no one knows what time Friday this ends; could be 12:01 a.m.; could be midnight Friday 2349:< UnacceptableUse> i have another alt in this room 2349:< dashed> there's a next one? 2349:< kevinstonge> UnacceptableUse I think you should abandon that alt and get down lower, you have more power down there :) 2349:< jayman419> Since we don't know when it ends, a stay Thursday evening seems the best time to consider it. 2349:< chugga_fan> merging eventually 2349:< kippit> never 2350:< 404NinjaNotFound> You should make a spambot spamming to install dashed and _vvvv_'s script 2350:< kevinstonge> hmm... that makes me wonder if I should drop my fiscToli alt down to a lower chat 2350:< kippit> Man, this parrot upgrade is the bee's knees 2350:< kevinstonge> it's the parrot's pecker 2350:< inkblob> kevinstonge it's def going to merge 2351:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound lol nah.. word of mouth has been fine so far 2351:< abourne> Has there be suvey data regarding location? Seems there were many from SF Bay Area 2351:< 404NinjaNotFound> yeah, someone's already done it though dashed, pretty mad about that 2351:< kippit> Een better 2351:< dashed> oh really? o.O 2351:< 404NinjaNotFound> Yep 2351:< 404NinjaNotFound> i linked you that screenshot didn't i? 2351:< Lolzep> Take 'et down 2351:< dashed> i didn't see it btw 2351:< 404NinjaNotFound> http://imgur.com/RoCE8Db dashed 2351:< 404NinjaNotFound> he's got no name 2352:< inkblob> oh I got about 5 reddit emails before kufikumu happened saying to not be afk 2352:< Golden_Grahams> greetings lolzep 2352:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound ah... 2352:< inkblob> is there a similar plan for here and ccande? 2352:< dick_sanitizer> heyo lolzep 2352:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound isn't that blondegirls saying that? 2352:< 404NinjaNotFound> but he claims he made the script 2352:< ptrakk> I met a person from another room. i told the whole room hello! 2353:< 404NinjaNotFound> no, when i muted blonde it kept going 2353:< dashed> ah.. 2353:< ptrakk> tier 12 2353:< _vvvv_> 404NinjaNotFound it's tru he did. we are just pretending to be coders in ^.. not sure what we are doing truthfully 2353:< dashed> lol 2353:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound did u update to 3.31? :D 2353:< 404NinjaNotFound> i haven't yet, but i will now ^^ 2353:< inkblob> ooo what's new in 3.31? 2353:< lajiggyjarjardoo> oh neat we're about to start the T13 cascade 2354:< dashed> 404NinjaNotFound btw that mute bug i known: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/109 2354:< inkblob> it's like xmas every day 2354:< dashed> inkblob general bugfixes and polishes 2354:< 404NinjaNotFound> oh right, that sucks :o 2355:< inkblob> fixes and polishes are nice :) 2357:< lordxeon> does it look like we will be merged before Friday? 2357:< 404NinjaNotFound> There , parrot v3.31 2358:< 404NinjaNotFound> Looking good 2358:< cwfloyd> lordxeon we built one T12 in the last day, and we need 2 more T12s in the next two days. It's tight, but I think we'll get there! 2358:< 404NinjaNotFound> We also built a T14 last day 2359:< lordxeon> thanks cwfloyd I guess that means it's safe to go to bed tonight 2359:< 404NinjaNotFound> Definitely 2359:< cwfloyd> lordxeon yeah, I think so :D 2359:< 404NinjaNotFound> it'll take +/- 20 hours to get to T17 2359:< lordxeon> now if we can only get StrawberryClock back as the leader 2359:< spyhermit> we're up from a low of 48 rooms in the tracker to 63, it's picking up as west coast hits evening. --- Log closed Thu Apr 07 00:00:40 2016