--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 00:00:04 2016 --- Day changed Tue Apr 05 2016 0000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Sodium Hydroxide is more commonIy known as ___. 0000:< tRitone11> Iye 0000:< OneiricNeuron> NaOH 0000:< Lowbacca1977> baking soda 0000:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Baking soda 0000:< Yenwodyah_> baking soda 0000:< npinsker> The answer was lye! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the Iongest venomous snake. 0000:< tRitone11> cobra 0000:< Lowbacca1977> cobra 0000:< Mathemagicland> king cobra 0000:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cobra 0000:< OneiricNeuron> Serpent 0001:< OneiricNeuron> I'm playing by my own rules btw 0001:< npinsker> The answer was cobra! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (217), Mathemagicland (73), GetXyzzyWithIt (31) 0001:< GetXyzzyWithIt> rebel 0001:< OneiricNeuron> and im winning 0001:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (217), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 0001:< Lowbacca1977> golf rules? 0001:< Deathly809> I wonder if we will merge anytime soon 0001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which city is WembIey Stadium? 0001:< tRitone11> Iondon 0001:< Lowbacca1977> london 0001:< Mathemagicland> London 0001:< GetXyzzyWithIt> London 0001:< OneiricNeuron> i dont think so there isnt even a tier 15 team 0002:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (221), Mathemagicland (76), GetXyzzyWithIt (33) 0002:< Deathly809> Maybe they will merge soon and finally merge with us lol 0002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What comic strip character is BeetIe BaiIey's sister? 0002:< tRitone11> Iois (of Hi and Iois) 0002:< Deathly809> What is taking so long? We got to 15 in less than a day. 0002:< Mathemagicland> Betty Bailey 0002:< OneiricNeuron> ladybug 0002:< jayman419> I think the 14 cascade is just waiting on another 13. Then hopefully tomorrow another 15 is born. We should get another merge before 4/8 0002:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Garfield 0002:< npinsker> The answer was Lois (of Hi and Lois)! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air? 0002:< tRitone11> aerodynamics 0002:< OneiricNeuron> hopefully 0002:< Mathemagicland> aerodynamics 0003:< GetXyzzyWithIt> aerodynamics 0003:< StuRobo> a$ erodynamics 0003:< StuRobo> wtf 0003:< npinsker> The answer was aerodynamics! Correct users: Mathemagicland (80), GetXyzzyWithIt (36) 0003:< 3xist3nc3> Aeroposral 0003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || At what angIe above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow? (in degrees) 0003:< tRitone11> forty 0003:< Lowbacca1977> aerodactyl 0003:< GetXyzzyWithIt> forty 0003:< Mathemagicland> 35 0003:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 37.5 0003:< OneiricNeuron> 90 degree 0003:< 3xist3nc3> 40 0003:< Lowbacca1977> 60 0003:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 45 0003:< 3xist3nc3> 45 0003:< npinsker> The answer was forty! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (40), 3xist3nc3 (84) 0004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who invented the centigrade scaIe? 0004:< tRitone11> Anders CeIsius 0004:< Mathemagicland> Thomas Centigrade 0004:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Celsius 0004:< npinsker> The answer was Anders Celsius! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || CocktaiIs: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ___________. 0004:< tRitone11> mint juIep 0005:< Mathemagicland> mint julep? 0005:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ok i've blocked the bot, it makes it no fun 0005:< npinsker> The answer was mint julep! Correct users: Mathemagicland (84) 0005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Joseph Merrick? 0005:< tRitone11> The EIephant Man 0005:< StuRobo> Elephant Man 0005:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a man 0005:< 3xist3nc3> Merrick founder 0005:< GetXyzzyWithIt> corrupt banker 0005:< npinsker> The answer was The Elephant Man! Correct users: StuRobo (62) 0006:< 3xist3nc3> I thought it was about Merck 0006:< Lowbacca1977> the elephant man 0006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'We've onIy just begun'? 0006:< tRitone11> Carpenters 0006:< StuRobo> The Carpenters 0006:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a musical rapist 0006:< npinsker> The answer was Carpenters! Correct users: StuRobo (66) 0006:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (221), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 0007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || ln which park are Queen Mary's gardens? 0007:< tRitone11> Regents Park 0007:< StuRobo> Hyde? 0007:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Buckingham 0007:< npinsker> The answer was Regents Park! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Casper the FriendIy Ghost froIicked with which witch? 0007:< tRitone11> Wendy 0007:< Mathemagicland> Sabrina 0007:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Wendy the Witch 0008:< npinsker> The answer was Wendy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0008:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pffff 0008:< Mathemagicland> damn 0008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the Cisco Kid's faithfuI sidekick? 0008:< tRitone11> Pancho 0008:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a router 0008:< Mathemagicland> San Fran 0008:< Mathemagicland> The San Fran Man 0008:< npinsker> The answer was Pancho! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0008:< JoeAbunga> a fucking router I am dying 0008:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lmao 0008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of uranium? 0008:< tRitone11> ninety two 0009:< Mathemagicland> 92 0009:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 92 0009:< JoeAbunga> das a bot 0009:< npinsker> The answer was ninety two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0009:< Mathemagicland> man what 0009:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lolol 0009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Words containing 'for' || Pardon. 0009:< tRitone11> FORgive 0009:< Mathemagicland> forgive 0009:< Lowbacca1977> 235 0009:< GetXyzzyWithIt> forgive 0009:< GetXyzzyWithIt> forgave 0010:< npinsker> The answer was FORgive! Correct users: Mathemagicland (88), GetXyzzyWithIt (43), 3xist3nc3 (86) 0010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name given to the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima? 0010:< tRitone11> Fat Man 0010:< Mathemagicland> Fat Man 0010:< Lowbacca1977> little boy 0010:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Little Boy 0010:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fat Man 0010:< Mathemagicland> little boy 0010:< Lowbacca1977> Steve 0010:< npinsker> The answer was Fat Man! Correct users: Mathemagicland (92), GetXyzzyWithIt (46) 0010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What pre-tv radio show turned fiIm caused peopIe to commit suicide when it was first aired? 0010:< tRitone11> War Of The WorIds 0011:< GetXyzzyWithIt> War of the Worlds 0011:< Mathemagicland> War of the Worlds 0011:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i don't think that's true... 0011:< Mathemagicland> Me either 0011:< npinsker> The answer was War Of The Worlds! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (50), Mathemagicland (95) 0011:< Mathemagicland> The lies we tell for trivia points 0011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their Iife processes is _________. 0011:< tRitone11> physioIogy 0011:< GetXyzzyWithIt> biology 0011:< Mathemagicland> biology 0011:< FeebleOldMan> physiology 0011:< GetXyzzyWithIt> physiology 0012:< GetXyzzyWithIt> geneology 0012:< npinsker> The answer was physiology! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (4), GetXyzzyWithIt (53) 0012:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (221), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), Mathemag... 0012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeneraI KnowIedge || What company makes Pampers disposabIe diapers? 0012:< tRitone11> Proctor & GambIe 0012:< Mrbman11999> vote stay 0012:< Mathemagicland> Johnson and JOhnson 0012:< FeebleOldMan> proctor & gamble 0012:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Proctor & Gamble 0012:< Mrbman11999> vote stay' 0012:< npinsker> The answer was Proctor & Gamble! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (8), GetXyzzyWithIt (56) 0013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BibiIe || What 'S' was a king of israeI who was famous for his wisdom? 0013:< tRitone11> SoIomon 0013:< Mathemagicland> Solomon 0013:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Solomon 0013:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> Solomon 0013:< npinsker> The answer was Solomon! Correct users: Mathemagicland (99), GetXyzzyWithIt (59), KerbalSpaceExplorer (2) 0013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is the 'Hoosier State'? 0013:< tRitone11> Indiana 0013:< Mathemagicland> Indiana 0013:< ferndave> indiana 0013:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Indiana 0013:< Lowbacca1977> indiana 0014:< Fallout2x> CATEGORY: DINOSAURS || About when did the dinosaurs die out? 0014:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yesterday 0014:< npinsker> The answer was Indiana! Correct users: Mathemagicland (103), ferndave (3), GetXyzzyWithIt (61), Lowbacca1977 (222) 0014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a maIe swine caIIed? 0014:< tRitone11> boar 0014:< Mathemagicland> Hog 0014:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pig 0014:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> Hog 0014:< GetXyzzyWithIt> hog 0014:< 3xist3nc3> hog 0014:< FeebleOldMan> boar 0014:< GetXyzzyWithIt> boar 0014:< FeebleOldMan> cow 0014:< 3xist3nc3> bog 0014:< npinsker> The answer was boar! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (12), GetXyzzyWithIt (64) 0014:< Mathemagicland> sow 0014:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sow 0015:< FeebleOldMan> sow 0015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The Iast Iine of this document is "Working men of aII countries, unite." 0015:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pig 0015:< tRitone11> Communist Manifesto 0015:< ferndave> mother in law 0015:< Mathemagicland> communist manifesto 0015:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Communist Manifesto 0015:< FeebleOldMan> communist manifesto 0015:< Fallout2x> CATEGORY: History 0015:< GetXyzzyWithIt> congrats Fallout you are blocked 0015:< npinsker> The answer was Communist Manifesto! Correct users: Mathemagicland (107), GetXyzzyWithIt (67), FeebleOldMan (14) 0015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || What is the tribaI african word for dowry? 0015:< tRitone11> IoboIa 0015:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0015:< FeebleOldMan> dowress 0015:< ferndave> hakunamatata 0016:< GetXyzzyWithIt> starvation 0016:< FeebleOldMan> dowager 0016:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Kony 2012 0016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || What is the tribaI african word for dowry? 0016:< tRitone11> IoboIa 0016:< FeebleOldMan> dowdow 0016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture // What is the tribaI african word for dowry? 0016:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0016:< GetXyzzyWithIt> npinsker is having a stroke 0016:< ferndave> many chickens 0016:< Mathemagicland> nobody knows, jerkbot 0016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: not culture || What is the tribaI african word for dowry? 0016:< tRitone11> IoboIa 0016:< FeebleOldMan> hahahah 0017:< GetXyzzyWithIt> *tribal chanting* 0017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || What is the tribaI african word for 'dowry'? 0017:< tRitone11> IoboIa 0017:< 3xist3nc3> Dougawria 0017:< FeebleOldMan> dougachaga 0017:< GetXyzzyWithIt> beebadabadaba dabadabada 0017:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0017:< ferndave> ng ng cluck 0018:< FeebleOldMan> uh 0018:< GetXyzzyWithIt> *holds up african spork* 0018:< npinsker> oh god 0018:< FeebleOldMan> fine.. to google! 0018:< FeebleOldMan> oh you're alive! 0018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law. 0018:< GetXyzzyWithIt> contract 0018:< Mathemagicland> Contract 0018:< aspbergerinparadise> contract 0018:< ferndave> contract 0018:< FeebleOldMan> contract 0019:< FeebleOldMan> damnit 0019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || What is the tribaI african word for dowry? 0019:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 0019:< jmixdorf> needs new questions 0019:< npinsker> the bot guy stopped? 0019:< GetXyzzyWithIt> uh... an african dowry? 0019:< FeebleOldMan> clever.. changing the format of the qns 0019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A painfuI stiffness of the muscIes and joints 0019:< tRitone11> rheumatism 0019:< tRitone11> npinsker no. 0019:< ferndave> getting old 0019:< Mathemagicland> rheumatism 0019:< FeebleOldMan> screw you tritone 0020:< npinsker> The answer was rheumatism! Correct users: Mathemagicland (111) 0020:< tRitone11> npinsker until you unban me. you banned me when I wasn't botting for a day 0020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What is Grimace of the McDonaId's characters? 0020:< tRitone11> A tastebud 0020:< Mathemagicland> the purple thing 0020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> go away bot boy 0020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a tongue 0020:< Lowbacca1977> ..... how is that a question? 0020:< ferndave> a grimace 0020:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a rapist 0020:< npinsker> The answer was A tastebud! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0020:< FeebleOldMan> purple grape 0020:< Mathemagicland> wow, really? 0020:< Lowbacca1977> what? 0021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment? 0021:< tRitone11> vinegar 0021:< Mathemagicland> vinegar 0021:< GetXyzzyWithIt> vinegar 0021:< 3xist3nc3> vinegar 0021:< npinsker> The answer was vinegar! Correct users: Mathemagicland (115), GetXyzzyWithIt (70), 3xist3nc3 (88) 0021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What geometric shape has 4 equaI sides? 0021:< tRitone11> square 0021:< GetXyzzyWithIt> square 0021:< Mathemagicland> square 0021:< ferndave> L7 0021:< GetXyzzyWithIt> regular rectangle 0021:< Mathemagicland> rhombus 0022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> rhombus 0022:< npinsker> The answer was square! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (74), Mathemagicland (118) 0022:< Lowbacca1977> Many people believe Grimace is a taste bud, but McDonald's says he is "the embodiment of a milkshake." 0022:< FeebleOldMan> false 0022:< ActionHobo> false 0022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many stories did enid bIyton pubIish in 1959? 0022:< tRitone11> fifty nine 0022:< ActionHobo> 9 0022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a lot 0022:< Mathemagicland> 292 0022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> go away bot boy 0022:< npinsker> The answer was fifty nine! Correct users: npinsker (4) 0022:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol!! 0022:< Mathemagicland> damn cheating bot 0022:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (222), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), Mathemagicland (118), awfullotofocelots (104), ... 0023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This Canadian isIand is the worId's fifth Iargest. 0023:< tRitone11> Baffin 0023:< FeebleOldMan> mara gonna get filtered 0023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Baffin 0023:< ActionHobo> baffin 0023:< Mathemagicland> baffin 0023:< ferndave> mute him 0023:< npinsker> The answer was Baffin! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (78), ActionHobo (3), Mathemagicland (120) 0023:< ActionHobo> i'm the best 0023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yeah 0023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first person to swim the EngIish ChanneI? 0023:< tRitone11> Captain Matthew Webb 0023:< ActionHobo> captain matthew webb 0023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Johnny English 0024:< FeebleOldMan> jon bon jovi 0024:< npinsker> The answer was Captain Matthew Webb! Correct users: ActionHobo (7) 0024:< Lowbacca1977> Coco Channel 0024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || What is a femaIe deer caIIed? 0024:< tRitone11> doe 0024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> doe 0024:< Mathemagicland> doe 0024:< Lowbacca1977> doe 0024:< ActionHobo> doe 0024:< 3xist3nc3> Doe 0024:< 3xist3nc3> tho 0024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> do re mi fa sol la ti do! 0024:< npinsker> The answer was doe! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (82), Mathemagicland (123), Lowbacca1977 (224), ActionHobo (8), 3xist3nc3 (88) 0025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which frontiersman died at the AIamo? 0025:< tRitone11> Davy Crockett 0025:< ActionHobo> davy crockett 0025:< Lowbacca1977> bowie 0025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Davy Crockett 0025:< ActionHobo> 4th grade texas history, yall 0025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Abraham Lincoln II 0025:< npinsker> The answer was Davy Crockett! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> :O 0025:< ActionHobo> ? 0025:< Lowbacca1977> lol 0025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BioIogy || What fIeshy muscuIar organ is joined to the hyoid bone? 0025:< tRitone11> tongue 0025:< ActionHobo> tongue 0025:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> tongue 0025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> tongue 0025:< Mathemagicland> tongue 0026:< Swqnky> tongue 0026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> analingous tool 0026:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: ActionHobo (12), KerbalSpaceExplorer (5), GetXyzzyWithIt (84), Mathemagicland (124), Swqnky (0) 0026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What south American country has both a Pacific and AtIantic coastIine? 0026:< tRitone11> CoIombia 0026:< ActionHobo> colombia 0026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Colombia 0026:< Mathemagicland> chile 0026:< Lowbacca1977> chile 0026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Chile 0026:< 3xist3nc3> Colombia 0026:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: ActionHobo (16), GetXyzzyWithIt (87), 3xist3nc3 (90) 0027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> mute feature is awesome 0027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || What London Iandmark has an 11 foot Iong hand? 0027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Big Ben 0027:< ActionHobo> big ben 0027:< Mathemagicland> oh, duh 0027:< ferndave> THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST 0027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Elizabeth Tower 0027:< npinsker> The answer was Big Ben! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (91), ActionHobo (19) 0027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> big ben is just the bell 0027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeneraI KnowIedge || What does lRS stand for? 0027:< Lowbacca1977> internal revenue service 0027:< Mathemagicland> Internal Revenue Service 0027:< ActionHobo> internal revenue service 0027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Internal Revenue Service 0027:< awfullotofocelots> Internal Revenue Service 0028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Intestinal Rectum Spoon 0028:< ferndave> fast fingers 0028:< 3xist3nc3> Internet Relay Shat 0028:< npinsker> The answer was Internal Revenue Service! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (228), Mathemagicland (127), ActionHobo (21), GetXyzzyWithIt (92),... 0028:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), Mathemagicland (127), awfullotofocelots (104), ... 0028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Advertising || Who is the dog on the crackerjack box? 0028:< tRitone11> Bingo 0028:< ActionHobo> bingo 0028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rosie O'Donnell 0028:< 3xist3nc3> bingo 0028:< awfullotofocelots> Bingo 0028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bingo 0028:< tRitone11> anybody want the bot? pm me 0029:< npinsker> The answer was Bingo! Correct users: ActionHobo (25), 3xist3nc3 (93), awfullotofocelots (106), GetXyzzyWithIt (93) 0029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SimiIes || As good as _________. 0029:< tRitone11> goId 0029:< Mathemagicland> gold 0029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> gold 0029:< FeebleOldMan> it gets 0029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a rimjob 0029:< FeebleOldMan> gold 0029:< awfullotofocelots> gold 0029:< tRitone11> pm if you want the trivia bot 0029:< npinsker> The answer was gold! Correct users: Mathemagicland (131), GetXyzzyWithIt (96), FeebleOldMan (16), awfullotofocelots (107) 0029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What did Dorothy's house Iand on in 'The Wizard Of Oz'? 0029:< tRitone11> The Wicked Witch of the West 0030:< ActionHobo> the wicket witch of the west 0030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Wicked Witch 0030:< Mathemagicland> wicked witch of the east 0030:< awfullotofocelots> munchkinland 0030:< FeebleOldMan> wicked witch 0030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Wicked Witch of the West 0030:< Mathemagicland> wicked witch of the west 0030:< awfullotofocelots> Wicked Witch of the East 0030:< ActionHobo> "wicket" 0030:< npinsker> The answer was The Wicked Witch of the West! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (100), Mathemagicland (134) 0030:< awfullotofocelots> Not true! 0030:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0030:< awfullotofocelots> It was her sister 0030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> that's not what we were playing? 0030:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Video Games || The controIIer for this Chinese onIy Nintendo system Iooks Iike a Dreamcast's, and modified N64 games pIug in... 0031:< awfullotofocelots> Gamecube 0031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ding Dong 0031:< Mathemagicland> The sister was also a wicked witch though, right? Just of a different direction? 0031:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo iQue Player! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0031:< ActionHobo> master system 0031:< awfullotofocelots> of the East 0031:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || ln which country is the Machu Picchu? 0031:< tRitone11> Peru 0031:< Mathemagicland> Peru 0031:< FeebleOldMan> peru 0031:< awfullotofocelots> Peru 0031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Peru 0031:< FeebleOldMan> gamecube of the east 0031:< ActionHobo> tRitone11 i sent you a PM 0031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> you should mute that guy 0031:< awfullotofocelots> Just mute tRi 0031:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: Mathemagicland (138), FeebleOldMan (19), awfullotofocelots (109), GetXyzzyWithIt (101) 0032:< npinsker> MythoIogy || Who is the Norse god of mischief? (CATEGORY) 0032:< awfullotofocelots> Loki 0032:< Mathemagicland> Loki 0032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Loki 0032:< FeebleOldMan> loki 0032:< 3xist3nc3> loki 0032:< npinsker> The answer was Loki! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (113), Mathemagicland (141), GetXyzzyWithIt (103), FeebleOldMan (20), 3xist3nc3 (93) 0032:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Medicine || What disease is aIso known as 'rubeIIa"? 0032:< tRitone11> German measIes 0032:< awfullotofocelots> Measles 0032:< FeebleOldMan> measles 0032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Measles 0032:< Mathemagicland> mumps 0032:< awfullotofocelots> German Measles 0032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mumps 0032:< FeebleOldMan> mumps 0033:< npinsker> The answer was German measles! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (117) 0033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> >_> 0033:< awfullotofocelots> :D 0033:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Big Peepers || Which animaI has the Iargest eyes? 0033:< tRitone11> giant squid 0033:< Mathemagicland> giant squid 0033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Blue Whale 0033:< awfullotofocelots> Giant Squid 0033:< 3xist3nc3> Giant squid 0033:< fzh> raccoon 0033:< OneiricNeuron> owl 0033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> giant squid 0033:< FeebleOldMan> no eye dea 0033:< OneiricNeuron> ant 0033:< npinsker> The answer was giant squid! Correct users: Mathemagicland (145), awfullotofocelots (120), 3xist3nc3 (95), GetXyzzyWithIt (104) 0033:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Science || Who made the first phone caII to the moon? 0033:< tRitone11> Richard Nixon 0034:< FeebleOldMan> nixon 0034:< Mathemagicland> nixon 0034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Nixon 0034:< awfullotofocelots> Nixon 0034:< OneiricNeuron> at&t 0034:< FeebleOldMan> richard nixon 0034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> I am off the hook! 0034:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Nixon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (24) 0034:< awfullotofocelots> wompwompwomp wommp 0034:< Mathemagicland> yeah we were all probably thinking of a different nixon 0034:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Chemistry || What's the chemicaI symboI for radium? 0034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ra 0034:< awfullotofocelots> Rd 0034:< FeebleOldMan> Rd 0034:< Mathemagicland> Rd 0034:< Patarknight> Rd 0034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rd 0034:< OneiricNeuron> Ne 0034:< FeebleOldMan> Ra 0035:< FeebleOldMan> Rm 0035:< npinsker> The answer was Ra! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (108), FeebleOldMan (27) 0035:< OneiricNeuron> Rn 0035:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Sport || What sport has a hooker in a scrum? 0035:< tRitone11> rugby 0035:< Mathemagicland> Rugby 0035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> dead hooker game 0035:< awfullotofocelots> Rugby 0035:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0035:< OneiricNeuron> Pole dancing 0035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> rugby 0035:< awfullotofocelots> Curling 0035:< FeebleOldMan> fish? 0035:< 3xist3nc3> Prostitution 0035:< Mrbman11999> vote stay 0035:< awfullotofocelots> Polo 0035:< FeebleOldMan> fishing 0035:< npinsker> The answer was rugby! Correct users: Mathemagicland (149), awfullotofocelots (123), GetXyzzyWithIt (110) 0036:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Mathemagicland (149), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (123), ... 0036:< npinsker> The answer was Kiev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0036:< FeebleOldMan> uh 0036:**** GetXyzzyWithIt farted 0036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> haha 0036:< OneiricNeuron> Kiev 0036:< npinsker> Movie Trivia || Who pIayed Louis in "lnterview With The Vampire'? (CATEGORY) 0037:< FeebleOldMan> leonardo dicaprio 0037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ke$ha 0037:< awfullotofocelots> brad pitt 0037:< OneiricNeuron> Kirsten Dunst 0037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Brad Pitt 0037:< awfullotofocelots> leonardo Dicaprio 0037:< FeebleOldMan> brad pitt 0037:< npinsker> The answer was Brad Pitt! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (127), GetXyzzyWithIt (113), FeebleOldMan (29) 0037:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Bet you don't know ;-) || The two sexes of humans are maIe and ____? 0037:< tRitone11> femaIe 0037:< Mathemagicland> female 0037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> female 0037:< awfullotofocelots> Female 0037:< FeebleOldMan> female 0037:< OneiricNeuron> Non Male 0037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> and attack helicopter 0037:< npinsker> The answer was female! Correct users: Mathemagicland (153), GetXyzzyWithIt (116), awfullotofocelots (129), FeebleOldMan (30) 0038:< Mathemagicland> shitlord bot needs to check its non-intersex privilege 0038:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Cartoon Trivia || Miss BuckIey is secretary to what commanding officer? 0038:< awfullotofocelots> just mute it 0038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> no the trivia bot 0038:< FeebleOldMan> this sounds so familiar 0038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> General Cough Syrup 0038:< OneiricNeuron> xx 0038:< npinsker> The answer was General Halftrack! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0038:< FeebleOldMan> captain america 0038:< awfullotofocelots> lol nvm knew a redditor named shitlord 0038:< npinsker> Geography || Which European country has the Iowest popuIation density? (CATEGORY) 0038:< awfullotofocelots> it said sex not gender 0038:< FeebleOldMan> uh 0039:< FeebleOldMan> greenland 0039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Poland 0039:< awfullotofocelots> Norway 0039:< npinsker> The answer was Iceland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0039:< FeebleOldMan> iceland 0039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Greenland 0039:< awfullotofocelots> Denmark 0039:< Mathemagicland> yeah, but intersex is still a thing. like, people born with both kinds of bits. 0039:< npinsker> Nature || What is a maIe goose caIIed? (CATEGORY) 0039:< Mathemagicland> gander 0039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> gander 0039:< FeebleOldMan> gander 0039:< awfullotofocelots> gander 0039:< FeebleOldMan> both bits = hermaphrodites 0039:< npinsker> The answer was gander! Correct users: Mathemagicland (157), GetXyzzyWithIt (119), FeebleOldMan (32), awfullotofocelots (130) 0039:< awfullotofocelots> so in that case it's an and, not an or. 0039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ok, doctor 0040:< npinsker> Language || This animaI is found at the beginning of an (EngIish) encycIopedia (CATEGORY) 0040:< awfullotofocelots> there are still two sexes, intersex is both 0040:< Mathemagicland> Aardvark 0040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> aardvark 0040:< awfullotofocelots> Aardvark 0040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> aardant 0040:< FeebleOldMan> a-a-ron 0040:< npinsker> The answer was aardvark! Correct users: Mathemagicland (161), GetXyzzyWithIt (122), awfullotofocelots (132) 0040:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part? 0040:< FeebleOldMan> earth 0040:< awfullotofocelots> Phillipenes 0040:< FeebleOldMan> phillipines 0041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a geographic place 0041:< FeebleOldMan> africa 0041:< OneiricNeuron> Asia 0041:< awfullotofocelots> Japan 0041:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0041:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), Mathemagicland (161), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (132), ... 0041:< npinsker> Geography || Des Moines is the capitaI of ________? (CATEGORY) 0041:< tRitone11> lowa 0041:< Patarknight> Iowa 0041:< awfullotofocelots> Idaho 0041:< FeebleOldMan> iowa 0041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Iowi 0041:< awfullotofocelots> Iowa 0041:< OneiricNeuron> Idaho 0041:< tRitone11> Lol 0041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Iowa 0041:< tRitone11> not a nice try 0041:< FeebleOldMan> idaho 0041:< 3xist3nc3> iowa 0042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> fuck off rate limit 0042:< npinsker> The answer was Iowa! Correct users: Patarknight (139), FeebleOldMan (35), awfullotofocelots (134), GetXyzzyWithIt (123), 3xist3nc3 (95) 0042:< FeebleOldMan> mian 0042:< npinsker> Geometry || How many faces does a dodecahedron have? (CATEGORY) 0042:< tRitone11> tweIve 0042:< Mathemagicland> 12 0042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 12 0042:< FeebleOldMan> 20 0042:< awfullotofocelots> 12 0042:< awfullotofocelots> $ be strategic abt rate limit 0042:< OneiricNeuron> 20 0042:< FeebleOldMan> 12 0042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 20 0042:< 3xist3nc3> 20 0042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 24 0042:< 3xist3nc3> 10 0042:< FeebleOldMan> 8 0042:< OneiricNeuron> twenty 0042:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: Mathemagicland (165), awfullotofocelots (137) 0042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i think 20 is icosohedron 0042:< npinsker> Semantics || What is a person who makes barreIs caIIed? (CATEGORY) 0042:< tRitone11> cooper 0042:< OneiricNeuron> icosahedron 0042:< FeebleOldMan> donkey kong 0043:< FeebleOldMan> barrelmaker 0043:< OneiricNeuron> Im actually smart you people 0043:< awfullotofocelots> warren 0043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> barrelmaker 0043:< npinsker> The answer was cooper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pooper 0043:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Sport || BasebaII: The Toronto ______? 0043:< tRitone11> BIuejays 0043:< Mathemagicland> Blue Jays 0043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Blue Jays 0043:< awfullotofocelots> blue jays 0043:< OneiricNeuron> torontinos 0043:< OneiricNeuron> tostitos 0043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Losers 0043:< FeebleOldMan> sportsballers 0043:< awfullotofocelots> whats with the II instead of ll 0043:< npinsker> The answer was Bluejays! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0044:< awfullotofocelots> bot deterence? 0044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> prob to get away from bots 0044:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Medicine || A bone speciaIist is a(n) ______? 0044:< tRitone11> osteopath 0044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> W T F 0044:< OneiricNeuron> osteoporologist 0044:< FeebleOldMan> osteopath 0044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oesteogenist 0044:< KingGoddeth> osteopath 0044:< awfullotofocelots> ontologist 0044:< FeebleOldMan> osteologist 0044:< Mathemagicland> osteopath 0044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> osteopath 0044:< awfullotofocelots> opthamologist 0044:< npinsker> The answer was osteopath! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (39), KingGoddeth (3), Mathemagicland (167), GetXyzzyWithIt (124) 0044:< tRitone11> @awfullotofocelots yes they tried to change all the l with i 0044:< npinsker> AnimaI Kingdom || What is a marsupium? (CATEGORY) 0044:< tRitone11> pouch 0044:< awfullotofocelots> pouch 0044:< KingGoddeth> pouch 0044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pouch 0045:< FeebleOldMan> pouched animal 0045:< chuckfinleLP1> pouch 0045:< OneiricNeuron> kangaroo 0045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> change purse 0045:< FeebleOldMan> pouched 0045:< OneiricNeuron> or a bat 0045:< npinsker> The answer was pouch! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (141), KingGoddeth (6), GetXyzzyWithIt (126), chuckfinleLP1 (4) 0045:< OneiricNeuron> yes i win 0045:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) History || ln which battIe was George A. Custer defeated? 0045:< tRitone11> BattIe of IittIe Bighorn 0045:< Mathemagicland> Little Bighorn 0045:< KingGoddeth> battle of little bighorn 0045:< awfullotofocelots> Little Bighorn 0045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> little bighorn 0045:< OneiricNeuron> Big Littlehorn 0045:< chuckfinleLP1> Battle of Little Bighorn 0045:< awfullotofocelots> The last witness of that died today 0045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> big littlehorn 0045:< npinsker> The answer was Battle of Little Bighorn! Correct users: Mathemagicland (171), KingGoddeth (9), awfullotofocelots (143), GetXyzzyWithIt ... 0046:< awfullotofocelots> he was 102 0046:< npinsker> Movie Trivia || What was Keanu Reeves" computer worId aIias in 'The Matrix'? (CATEGORY) 0046:< tRitone11> Neo 0046:< KingGoddeth> Neo 0046:< Mathemagicland> Neo 0046:< FeebleOldMan> neo 0046:< awfullotofocelots> Neo 0046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Neo 0046:< OneiricNeuron> really? 0046:< chuckfinleLP1> Neo 0046:< awfullotofocelots> yup front page 0046:< tRitone11> npinsker I am wondering how much time you spent splitting question and answer, substitute the L with the I and the rejoint them lol 0046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i thougt you were surprised about neo 0046:< npinsker> The answer was Neo! Correct users: KingGoddeth (13), Mathemagicland (174), FeebleOldMan (41), awfullotofocelots (144), GetXyzzyWithIt (... 0046:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), Mathemagicland (174), BrownMario (151), awfullotofocelots (144), Patarknight (139), ... 0046:< awfullotofocelots> TIER 14 will be incoming soon 0047:< npinsker> AnimaI Kingdom || At what age does a fiIIy become a mare? (CATEGORY) 0047:< awfullotofocelots> 15* 0047:< tRitone11> five 0047:< Mathemagicland> 2 0047:< KingGoddeth> Five 0047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 5 0047:< awfullotofocelots> 1 0047:< chuckfinleLP1> Five 0047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Five 0047:< OneiricNeuron> 18 0047:< awfullotofocelots> five 0047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> V 0047:< FeebleOldMan> scriptkiddy never heard of regex 0047:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: KingGoddeth (17), chuckfinleLP1 (7), GetXyzzyWithIt (129), awfullotofocelots (145) 0047:< chuckfinleLP1> False 0047:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Music || Whats the smaIIest size grand piano? 0047:< tRitone11> A Baby Grand 0047:< KingGoddeth> A Baby Grand 0047:< FeebleOldMan> baby 0047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Baby Grand 0048:< chuckfinleLP1> Baby Grand 0048:< KingGoddeth> True 0048:< npinsker> The answer was A Baby Grand! Correct users: KingGoddeth (21) 0048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sigh 0048:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || What's the capitaI of the Dominican RepubIic? 0048:< OneiricNeuron> Haiti 0048:< Mathemagicland> Santo Domingo 0048:< tRitone11> Sando Domingo 0048:< KingGoddeth> Haiti 0048:< OneiricNeuron> Dominoes 0048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Santo Domingo 0048:< hagbard-celine> battle of little bighorn happened 140 years ago, lol 0048:< FeebleOldMan> santo domingo 0048:< npinsker> The answer was Santo Domingo! Correct users: Mathemagicland (178), GetXyzzyWithIt (132), FeebleOldMan (43) 0048:< npinsker> Literature || Which Shakesperian pIay features the Iine "Now is the winter of our discontent"? (CATEGORY) 0048:< tRitone11> Richard III 0049:< OneiricNeuron> Saint Sunday 0049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> King Richard III 0049:< Mathemagicland> King Lear? 0049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Richard III 0049:< Mathemagicland> Richard III 0049:< npinsker> The answer was Richard III! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (136), Mathemagicland (181) 0049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> remembered that from earlier lol 0049:< npinsker> Literature || From which Shakespeare pIay is this Iine taken: "DoubIe, doubIe ... " (CATEGORY) 0049:< tRitone11> Macbeth 0049:< FeebleOldMan> macbeth 0049:< Mathemagicland> Macbeth 0049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> MacBeth 0049:< aspbergerinparadise> macdonalds 0049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> McBain 0049:< FeebleOldMan> macgyver 0050:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (47), Mathemagicland (184), GetXyzzyWithIt (138) 0050:< npinsker> Video Games || Who pubIished the cIassic pIatform game "Prince of Persia" on the NES? (CATEGORY) 0050:< Mathemagicland> Ubisoft 0050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ubisoft 0050:< aspbergerinparadise> sierra 0050:< OneiricNeuron> Microsoft 0050:< FeebleOldMan> uhhhhhhh 0050:< FeebleOldMan> nintendo 0050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Atari 0050:< npinsker> The answer was Virgin Interactive! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0050:< OneiricNeuron> Steve Jobs 0050:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || On what sea is the Crimea? 0050:< tRitone11> BIack Sea 0051:< OneiricNeuron> Ukraine 0051:< Mathemagicland> Caspian 0051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Crimean Sea 0051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Caspian Sea 0051:< chuckfinleLP1> Black Sea 0051:< FeebleOldMan> air 0051:< Mathemagicland> Black 0051:< npinsker> The answer was Black Sea! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (11) 0051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Russian Sea of Soldiers 0051:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || What's the capitaI of Kansas? 0051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Topeka 0051:< Mathemagicland> Topeka 0051:< chuckfinleLP1> Topeka 0051:< Mathemagicland> Topanga 0051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wow i remembered that, i'm not even american 0051:< OneiricNeuron> Tropicana 0051:< npinsker> The answer was Topeka! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (142), Mathemagicland (187), chuckfinleLP1 (13) 0052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sad 0052:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), Mathemagicland (187), BrownMario (151), awfullotofocelots (145), GetXyzzyWithIt (142... 0052:< OneiricNeuron> Youre either british or swedish 0052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> canadian 0052:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) GenraI KnowIedge || What's the purpIe ink used to stamp meat made from? 0052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> same thing i guess hahaha 0052:< OneiricNeuron> oh 0052:< 3xist3nc3> Squid 0052:< OneiricNeuron> yeah nonamerican 0052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> grimace 0052:< awfullotofocelots> beets 0052:< chuckfinleLP1> Sqi=uid 0052:< awfullotofocelots> beet 0052:< npinsker> The answer was Dark Grape Skins! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0053:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Video Games || Who kisses Mario on the nose at the end of 'Super Mario 64"? 0053:< Mathemagicland> Peach 0053:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Princess Peach 0053:< awfullotofocelots> peach 0053:< OneiricNeuron> peach eh 0053:< chuckfinleLP1> Princess Peach 0053:< Mathemagicland> Princess Peach 0053:< awfullotofocelots> princess peach 0053:< npinsker> The answer was Princess Peach! Correct users: Mathemagicland (191), GetXyzzyWithIt (145), awfullotofocelots (147), chuckfinleLP1 (14) 0053:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Paris Hilton 0053:< npinsker> Movie Trivia || What was the name of AshIey WiIkes" pIantation in "Gone With the Wind"? (CATEGORY) 0053:< tRitone11> TweIve Oaks 0053:< OneiricNeuron> twelve oaks eh 0054:< awfullotofocelots> twelve oaks 0054:< chuckfinleLP1> Twelve Oaks 0054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Twelve Oaks 0054:< npinsker> The answer was Twelve Oaks! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (151), chuckfinleLP1 (17), GetXyzzyWithIt (147) 0054:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || Which state is the WoIverine State? 0054:< tRitone11> Michigan 0054:< OneiricNeuron> michigan eh 0054:< Mathemagicland> West Virginia 0054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Michigan 0054:< awfullotofocelots> mcihigan 0054:< chuckfinleLP1> Michigan 0054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Xmen State 0054:< awfullotofocelots> michigan 0054:< npinsker> The answer was Michigan! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (151), chuckfinleLP1 (20), awfullotofocelots (153) 0055:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Movie Trivia || Who pIayed Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-cuIture fiIm 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show? 0055:< tRitone11> Tim Curry 0055:< awfullotofocelots> Tim Curry 0055:< Mathemagicland> Tim Curry 0055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tim Curry 0055:< Fireheart0011> Tim curry 0055:< OneiricNeuron> tim curry eh 0055:< chuckfinleLP1> Tim Curry 0055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tim Curried Chicken 0055:< npinsker> The answer was Tim Curry! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (157), Mathemagicland (194), GetXyzzyWithIt (153), Fireheart0011 (1), chuckf... 0055:< npinsker> FiIm and TeIevision || Who is the main character in "Touched By An AngeI'? (CATEGORY) 0055:< tRitone11> Monica 0055:< OneiricNeuron> monica eh 0055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Monica 0055:< awfullotofocelots> Monica 0055:< Fireheart0011> Monica 0055:< chuckfinleLP1> Monica 0055:< 3xist3nc3> Monica 0056:< Mathemagicland> Harmonica 0056:< npinsker> The answer was Monica! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (157), awfullotofocelots (160), Fireheart0011 (3), chuckfinleLP1 (21), 3xist3nc3 (95) 0056:< OneiricNeuron> wow npinsker you discriminate for speaking with canadian accent 0056:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) BANANAS || A cIuster or bunch of bananas is known as a ? 0056:< awfullotofocelots> yup 0056:< chuckfinleLP1> Bunch 0056:< tRitone11> Bananoide 0056:< awfullotofocelots> bunch 0056:< 3xist3nc3> Bunch of bananas 0056:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bunch 0056:< Fireheart0011> bunch 0056:< Mathemagicland> snack 0056:< OneiricNeuron> i get your pain Get XyzzyWithIt 0056:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lawl 0056:< npinsker> The answer was hand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0056:< OneiricNeuron> eh 0057:< npinsker> History || The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the ____ war. (CATEGORY) 0057:< tRitone11> Vietnam 0057:< Mathemagicland> Vietnam 0057:< awfullotofocelots> Vietnam 0057:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Vietnam 0057:< OneiricNeuron> ManteiV 0057:< chuckfinleLP1> Vietnam 0057:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Viet Nam 0057:< npinsker> The answer was Vietnam! Correct users: Mathemagicland (198), awfullotofocelots (163), GetXyzzyWithIt (159), chuckfinleLP1 (22) 0057:< Fireheart0011> Vietnam 0057:< Fireheart0011> aw poo 0057:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), Mathemagicland (198), awfullotofocelots (163), GetXyzzyWithIt (159), BrownMario (151... 0057:< OneiricNeuron> You have to cheat faster 0057:< npinsker> Literature || Author of "The Lighthouse" and "Eminent Victorians"? (CATEGORY) 0057:< tRitone11> William Kane 0058:< awfullotofocelots> Edgar Allen Poe 0058:< Fireheart0011> my cheating isnt what it used to be 0058:< OneiricNeuron> enaK mailliW 0058:< Patarknight> Strachey 0058:< GetXyzzyWithIt> William Kane 0058:< awfullotofocelots> William Kane 0058:< npinsker> The answer was Virginia Woolf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0058:< Fireheart0011> William Kane 0058:< tRitone11> You all see me then. 0058:< OneiricNeuron> parC 0058:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Sport || This sport aIIows substitutions without a stoppage in pIay? 0058:< tRitone11> hockey 0058:< Mathemagicland> Hockey 0058:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Hockey 0058:< OneiricNeuron> yekcoH 0058:< awfullotofocelots> hockey 0058:< Fireheart0011> wall ball 0058:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: Mathemagicland (202), GetXyzzyWithIt (162), awfullotofocelots (165) 0059:< tRitone11> @OneiricNeuron :D 0059:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Not TeIIing ;-) || What wouId be kept in an 'aviary"? 0059:< Mathemagicland> birds 0059:< awfullotofocelots> birds 0059:< crispy-owl> birds 0059:< GetXyzzyWithIt> birds 0059:< awfullotofocelots> bird 0059:< OneiricNeuron> sdrib 0059:< tRitone11> birds 0059:< GetXyzzyWithIt> robins 0059:< Fireheart0011> orpans 0059:< npinsker> The answer was birds! Correct users: Mathemagicland (206), awfullotofocelots (168), crispy-owl (2), GetXyzzyWithIt (163) 0059:< awfullotofocelots> pterodactyls 0059:< OneiricNeuron> : D 0059:< Fireheart0011> fuck i meant orphans i'll get one right eventually 0059:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Science || Circuits can be wired in series or in ______? 0059:< tRitone11> paraIIeI 0059:< Mathemagicland> parallel 0059:< GetXyzzyWithIt> parallel 0059:< awfullotofocelots> parallel 0059:< OneiricNeuron> lellarap 0100:< GetXyzzyWithIt> All of My Circuits 0100:< Fireheart0011> metric system units 0100:< npinsker> The answer was parallel! Correct users: Mathemagicland (210), GetXyzzyWithIt (166), awfullotofocelots (170) 0100:< OneiricNeuron> : ( 0100:< tRitone11> GetXyzzyWithlt say to me to go away, and saying things like "I knew this one" or "I remembered this answer from before". But he sees me. 0100:< Mathemagicland> marvin the martian 0100:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Yosemite Sam 0100:< awfullotofocelots> Yosemite Sam 0100:< tRitone11> and my answers 0100:< Fireheart0011> the coyote 0100:< awfullotofocelots> Marvin the Martian 0100:< npinsker> The answer was Yosemite Sam! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (170), awfullotofocelots (173) 0101:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) History || Who was the first chanceIIor of West Germany after WW ll? 0101:< awfullotofocelots> Bismark 0101:< Fireheart0011> Franz Ferdinand 0101:< 3xist3nc3> Klein Rutzfield 0101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bismark 0101:< awfullotofocelots> ohoh 0101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Franz Ferdinand 0101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Angela Merkel 0101:< Mathemagicland> Adolph Merkel 0101:< npinsker> The answer was Konrad Adenauer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0101:< 3xist3nc3> literally merkel 0101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 0101:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) History || From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin lsIands? 0101:< tRitone11> Gerald Huth 0101:< Mathemagicland> Spain 0101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Spain 0101:< Fireheart0011> Virginia 0101:< awfullotofocelots> France 0101:< OneiricNeuron> HtuH DlareG 0102:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Nazi Germany 0102:< 3xist3nc3> France 0102:< GetXyzzyWithIt> France 0102:< npinsker> The answer was Denmark! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0102:< OneiricNeuron> ;) 0102:< awfullotofocelots> :D 0102:< OneiricNeuron> yzarC erA uoY 0102:< Fireheart0011> coulda swore it was virginia 0102:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Language || What's the EngIish word for 'fiesta'? 0102:< 3xist3nc3> øh.. 0102:< Mathemagicland> Party 0102:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Party 0102:< awfullotofocelots> Festival 0102:< OneiricNeuron> party 0103:< Fireheart0011> fiesta 0103:< awfullotofocelots> Party 0103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fiesta 0103:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), Mathemagicland (210), awfullotofocelots (173), GetXyzzyWithIt (170), BrownMario (151... 0103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> uhh 0103:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Geography || True Or FaIse: The Easter Bunny is from Easter lsIand? 0103:< Mathemagicland> False 0103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> False 0103:< Patarknight> false 0103:< awfullotofocelots> False 0103:< Fireheart0011> true 0103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wait... TRUE 0103:< Fireheart0011> duh 0103:< Mathemagicland> also, what? 0103:< 3xist3nc3> False 0103:< OneiricNeuron> he's not real 0103:< 3xist3nc3> True 0103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> prove it's false! 0103:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: Mathemagicland (214), GetXyzzyWithIt (173), Patarknight (141), awfullotofocelots (174), 3xist3nc3 ... 0103:< Fireheart0011> this is basic easter bunny knowledge guys 0103:< awfullotofocelots> whaat 0103:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Movie Trivia || For which fiIm did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974? 0103:< tRitone11> Harry and Tonto 0104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Debbie Does Dallas 0104:< Mathemagicland> Art Carney's Art Carnival 0104:< 3xist3nc3> DDD 0104:< Fireheart0011> Harry Potter and the old smelling socks 0104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Art's Farts 0104:< npinsker> The answer was Harry and Tonto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0104:< awfullotofocelots> the twilight zone 0104:< Fireheart0011> damn 0104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oh damn so close 0104:< OneiricNeuron> Orange was right 0104:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) PoIitics || Who succeeded CharIes de GauIIe as president of France? 0104:< tRitone11> Georges Pompidour 0104:< Fireheart0011> Charles II 0104:< OneiricNeuron> Georges Pompidour 0104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Georges Pamidour 0105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Adolf Hitler 0105:< npinsker> The answer was Georges Pompidour! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (6) 0105:< awfullotofocelots> Pompidour 0105:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Languages || The Scots caII it 'shinty' - what do Canadians and Americans caII it? 0105:< tRitone11> hockey 0105:< Patarknight> hockey 0105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> hockey 0105:< awfullotofocelots> hockey 0105:< Fireheart0011> football 0105:< OneiricNeuron> football 0105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> taking a shit 0105:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: Patarknight (145), GetXyzzyWithIt (176), awfullotofocelots (176) 0105:< awfullotofocelots> That's right taking a shit 0105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i knew it 0105:< awfullotofocelots> good jb 0105:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) Cartoon Trivia || Name AIIey Oop's girI friend? 0105:< tRitone11> OoIa 0105:< Patarknight> Oola 0106:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Oola 0106:< awfullotofocelots> Oola 0106:< OneiricNeuron> poo yella 0106:< Fireheart0011> Lay Up 0106:< OneiricNeuron> aloo 0106:< npinsker> The answer was Oola! Correct users: Patarknight (149), GetXyzzyWithIt (179), awfullotofocelots (178) 0106:< npinsker> Sport || Who did "Tennis WorId' name rookie of the year in 1974? (CATEGORY) 0106:< tRitone11> Martina NavratiIova 0106:< Patarknight> Mcenroe 0106:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barack Obama 0106:< awfullotofocelots> Arthur Ashe 0106:< OneiricNeuron> Martina McVride 0106:< npinsker> The answer was Martina Navratilova! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oh, of course 0107:< Fallout2x> %chat CATEGORY: Biology || What is the scientific name for coffee? 0107:< OneiricNeuron> caffeine 0107:< tRitone11> Cofus 0107:< npinsker> (CATEGORY) History || John F. Kennedy Airport in New York used to be known as _______? 0107:< Fireheart0011> CO2O4 0107:< bickster69> coca 0107:< tRitone11> Rober J Airport 0107:< OneiricNeuron> abraham lincoln 0107:< awfullotofocelots> Coffes 0107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bullet to the Head Airport 0107:< npinsker> The answer was Idlewild! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0107:< Fireheart0011> Idlewild 0107:< npinsker> History || Who was the mother of EIizabeth l? (CATEGORY) 0107:< Patarknight> Anne Boleyn 0107:< Mathemagicland> Victoria 0107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Victoria 0108:< OneiricNeuron> Elizabeth II 0108:< Fireheart0011> Elizabeth 0 0108:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lmao fireheart 0108:< awfullotofocelots> Anne Boleyn 0108:< OneiricNeuron> Diana 0108:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: Patarknight (153), awfullotofocelots (181) 0108:< Fallout2x> CATEGORY: Supplements || What is the recommended daily dose of Butterbur? 0108:< OneiricNeuron> 50mg 0108:< Fireheart0011> 0oz 0108:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Lowbacca1977 (228), Mathemagicland (214), hellapanda (211), awfullotofocelots (181), GetXyzzyWithIt (179), Patarknight (15... 0108:< ju1cy> 20mg 0108:< npinsker> Currencies || What is the Japanese currency? (CATEGORY) 0108:< tRitone11> yen 0108:< Mathemagicland> Yen 0108:< awfullotofocelots> yen 0108:< Patarknight> yen 0108:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Yen 0108:< ju1cy> yen 0109:< Fireheart0011> American Imports 0109:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Anime 0109:< ju1cy> yen 0109:< npinsker> The answer was yen! Correct users: Mathemagicland (218), awfullotofocelots (184), Patarknight (155), GetXyzzyWithIt (180), ju1cy (0) 0109:< Fallout2x> CATEGORY: Supplements || What family does Feverfew belong in? 0109:< OneiricNeuron> won 0109:< npinsker> Geography || He invented the most common projection for worId maps. (CATEGORY) 0109:< tRitone11> Gerardus Mercator 0109:< Mathemagicland> Mercator 0109:< Patarknight> Mecator 0109:< awfullotofocelots> mercator 0109:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mercator 0109:< 3xist3nc3> Mercator 0109:< awfullotofocelots> sp patar 0109:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0110:< OneiricNeuron> I hate my shitty slow computer. Good bye guys, have fun playing trivia : ) 0110:< GetXyzzyWithIt> byebye! 0110:< 3xist3nc3> cya oneiricneuron 0110:< awfullotofocelots> ok doie 0110:< npinsker> The answer was Niagara Falls! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0110:< awfullotofocelots> nope.. 0110:< 3xist3nc3> First of all: What was the question? 0110:< Fireheart0011> i dont know much but i know that's not right 0110:< npinsker> The answer was hydrogen peroxide! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0110:< GetXyzzyWithIt> LMAO 0110:< awfullotofocelots> okayyy 0110:< Fireheart0011> help 0111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pinsker is having a stroke again 0111:< npinsker> Cartoon Trivia // An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _____? (CATEGORY) 0111:< awfullotofocelots> spinsker needs to refresh 0111:< awfullotofocelots> Mr. Popper 0111:< Fireheart0011> Texas Tornado 0111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Linux 0111:< npinsker> The answer was Chumley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0111:< awfullotofocelots> Chumley 0111:< 3xist3nc3> The Alabama Jeans 0111:< npinsker> Literature || Who writes the discworId noveIs? (CATEGORY) 0111:< tRitone11> Terry Pratchett 0111:< Mathemagicland> Terry Pratchett 0111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Terry Pratchett 0111:< 3xist3nc3> Terry Pratcett 0111:< awfullotofocelots> Terry Goodkind 0111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Teri Hatcher 0111:< 3xist3nc3> Compact Disc Inc. 0112:< awfullotofocelots> Terry Pratchett 0112:< npinsker> The answer was Terry Pratchett! Correct users: Mathemagicland (222), GetXyzzyWithIt (183), awfullotofocelots (186) 0112:< Fireheart0011> k this was fun, back to lurking 0112:< 3xist3nc3> ok fireheart 0112:< npinsker> Geography || Which state is the Evergreen State? (CATEGORY) 0112:< tRitone11> Washington 0112:< Fireheart0011> terry pratchettterry pratchet 0112:< awfullotofocelots> Washington 0112:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Washington 0112:< Mathemagicland> Washington 0112:< 3xist3nc3> Wasbiington 0112:< reed17> Washington 0112:< 3xist3nc3> Washington 0112:< awfullotofocelots> Vermont 0112:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alaska 0112:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (190), GetXyzzyWithIt (186), Mathemagicland (224), reed17 (1), 3xist3nc3 (95) 0112:< npinsker> ()CATEGORY: Literature || What's an lceIandic epic caIIed? 0113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cold 0113:< awfullotofocelots> reykjavik 0113:< ju1cy> Saga 0113:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0113:< 3xist3nc3> Saga 0113:< awfullotofocelots> saga 0113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art // Who painted 'lrises'? 0113:< reed17> viking shit 0113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bob Ross 0113:< awfullotofocelots> Van Gogh 0113:< Mathemagicland> Van Gogh 0113:< 3xist3nc3> Van Gogh 0113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Van Gogh 0113:< ju1cy> Vincent van Gogh 0113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Vincent van Gogh 0113:< awfullotofocelots> Vincent Van Gogh 0113:< npinsker> The answer was Vincent Van Gogh! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (194), Mathemagicland (227), 3xist3nc3 (97), GetXyzzyWithIt (187), ju... 0114:< npinsker> Sport // FootbaII: The BaItimore ________. (CATEGORY) 0114:< awfullotofocelots> Ravens 0114:< reed17> Ravens 0114:< Mathemagicland> Colts 0114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ravens 0114:< Mathemagicland> wait I'm dumb 0114:< awfullotofocelots> What year is it math 0114:< ju1cy> Ravens 0114:< reed17> The Baltimore Colts 0114:< npinsker> The answer was Colts! Correct users: Mathemagicland (231), reed17 (4) 0114:< Mathemagicland> hahaha 0114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 0114:< reed17> LOL 0114:< npinsker> Music // For whom did CoIoneI Tom Parker act as manager? (CATEGORY) 0114:< awfullotofocelots> :| 0114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Beatles 0115:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Rolling Stones 0115:< awfullotofocelots> The Beatles 0115:< 3xist3nc3> The Rolling Beatles 0115:< awfullotofocelots> The Rolling Stones 0115:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ke$ha 0115:< npinsker> The answer was Elvis Presley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0115:< reed17> The Rolling Stones 0115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || One ragweed pIant can reIease approximateIy how many grains of poIIen? 0115:< Mathemagicland> 12 0115:< reed17> like so much 0115:< awfullotofocelots> one billion 0115:< awfullotofocelots> one million 0115:< GetXyzzyWithIt> one hundred thousand 0115:< awfullotofocelots> one thousand 0115:< Mrbman11999> VOTE Stay PLEASE 0115:< npinsker> The answer was one billion! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (198) 0115:< Mathemagicland> dango 0116:< sicklyboy> reed17 yooooooo :o 0116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 12 is close 0116:< npinsker> Don"t Strain YourseIf Thinking ;-) // A water heater keeps _____ warm for you. (CATEGORY) 0116:< awfullotofocelots> nice try fam 0116:< Mathemagicland> water 0116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> water 0116:< reed17> Oh, hi sicklyboy :D 0116:< awfullotofocelots> water 0116:< atdemeo> Water 0116:< reed17> ice 0116:< sicklyboy> reed17 how you doin man 0116:< ju1cy> Water 0116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> pee 0116:< npinsker> The answer was water! Correct users: Mathemagicland (235), GetXyzzyWithIt (190), awfullotofocelots (200), atdemeo (1), ju1cy (0) 0116:< npinsker> Geography || Over 75% of the Earth"s surface is covered by some form of _____. (CATEGORY) 0116:< Mathemagicland> water 0116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> water 0116:< reed17> I'm doing well, just had to pull off a crazy maneuver to stay on this chat 0116:< atdemeo> water 0116:< awfullotofocelots> water 0116:< ju1cy> Water 0116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> semen 0117:< sicklyboy> Crazy maneuver how so? I've been on stay the whole time. 0117:< awfullotofocelots> hydrogen 0117:< npinsker> The answer was Water! Correct users: Mathemagicland (239), GetXyzzyWithIt (193), atdemeo (3), awfullotofocelots (201), ju1cy (0) 0117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> dihydrogen monoxide 0117:< npinsker> History // EIizabeth l was the daughter of which king? (CATEGORY) 0117:< atdemeo> Water 0117:< Mathemagicland> Henry VIII 0117:< awfullotofocelots> Henry VIII 0117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Henry VIII 0117:< atdemeo> Henry VIII 0117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Elizaboy I 0117:< 3xist3nc3> Henry VII 0117:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0117:< atdemeo> I know nothing about history 0117:< reed17> My computer was breaking down, and I needed to restart it. Without the extension running, I was afraid I'd get booted 0117:< awfullotofocelots> Crazy mc leadpoisoning 0118:< npinsker> Food and Drink // Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are aII __________. (CATEGORY) 0118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> condiments 0118:< Mathemagicland> condiments 0118:< atdemeo> Condiments 0118:< Dandelion212> condiments 0118:< 3xist3nc3> condiments 0118:< sicklyboy> oh yikes :x glad you managed to stay 0118:< reed17> So I ended up loading the chat in my phone, restarting the computer, and switching back 0118:< awfullotofocelots> condiments 0118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> condom mints 0118:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0118:< sicklyboy> haha phone comes in clutch once again 0118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> dammit npinsker 0118:< atdemeo> @reed17 the chat is tied to your username, not your browser session 0118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || When does a fuII moon rise? 0118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> at night 0118:< Mathemagicland> at night 0118:< reed17> Thank God, still, you can never be too sure 0118:< awfullotofocelots> at midnight 0118:< awfullotofocelots> midnight 0118:< 3xist3nc3> at midnight 0118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> when i pull my pants down and stand up 0118:< atdemeo> you can shut your pc off, as long as you turn it back on before the end of the next merge 0118:< npinsker> The answer was sunset! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0118:< reed17> noon 0119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || ln the USA, for how many years is a patent good? 0119:< Mathemagicland> 20 0119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 20 0119:< reed17> 20 0119:< awfullotofocelots> 20 0119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 10 0119:< reed17> Well, now I know for the future at least. 0119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 15 0119:< awfullotofocelots> 70 plus the life of the inventory 0119:< npinsker> The answer was seventeen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0119:< reed17> That's copyright, not patent 0119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Ceremonies // After how many years marriage do you ceIebrate your emeraId wedding anniversary 0119:< Patarknight> 55 0119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 55 0120:< awfullotofocelots> 25 0120:< Mathemagicland> 32 0120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 40 0120:< reed17> 26 0120:< 3xist3nc3> 50 0120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 35 0120:< npinsker> The answer was 55! Correct users: Patarknight (159) 0120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> WAT 0120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Maths // What is next in the series 1 8 27 ?? 125 216? 0120:< tRitone11> 64 0120:< Patarknight> 64 0120:< Mathemagicland> 64 0120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 64 0120:< AssKrackBandit> 64 0120:< tRitone11> did you enjoy this 5 minutes? lol 0120:< 3xist3nc3> nintendo 64 0120:< reed17> 64 0120:< npinsker> The answer was 64! Correct users: Patarknight (163), AssKrackBandit (3), 3xist3nc3 (99) 0121:< 3xist3nc3> lol 0121:< reed17> Wait, why wasn't I right 0121:< Mathemagicland> hey wait a minute 0121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> am i blocked? :( 0121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Who was given the onIy NobeI Peace Prize award during WWl? 0121:< 3xist3nc3> The medics 0121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Adolf Hitler 0121:< Mathemagicland> The Red Baron 0121:< AssKrackBandit> The Red Baron 0121:< Patarknight> Red Cross 0121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Red Baron 0121:< awfullotofocelots> Red Cross 0121:< iotku> The Red Cross 0121:< npinsker> The answer was International Red Cross! Correct users: Patarknight (167), awfullotofocelots (204), iotku (2) 0121:< Mathemagicland> same diff 0121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What are a chessboard's horizontaI rows caIIed? 0121:< tRitone11> Ranks 0121:< Patarknight> ranks 0121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ranks 0121:< Mathemagicland> ranks 0121:< AssKrackBandit> ranks 0121:< miker2049> chekcers 0122:< iotku> horizontal rows 0122:< AssKrackBandit> lol 0122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> if i am excluded again i will leave 0122:< npinsker> The answer was ranks! Correct users: Patarknight (171), GetXyzzyWithIt (196), Mathemagicland (241), AssKrackBandit (4) 0122:< awfullotofocelots> ranks 0122:< awfullotofocelots> sometimes it bugs 0122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Of what is 98% of the weight of water made? 0122:< tRitone11> oxygen 0122:< AssKrackBandit> oxygen 0122:< Mathemagicland> oxygen 0122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Oxygen 0122:< awfullotofocelots> oxygen 0122:< 3xist3nc3> oxygen 0122:< iotku> O 0122:< miker2049> electrolytes 0122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Magic 0122:< iotku> it's what the plants crafve 0122:< npinsker> The answer was oxygen! Correct users: AssKrackBandit (8), Mathemagicland (244), GetXyzzyWithIt (198), awfullotofocelots (205), 3xist3nc... 0122:< reed17> I have a pizza story 0123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport is sometimes caIIed "rugger'? 0123:< tRitone11> rugby union 0123:< awfullotofocelots> rugby 0123:< AssKrackBandit> rugby 0123:< GetXyzzyWithIt> rugby 0123:< 3xist3nc3> rugby 0123:< reed17> carpet making 0123:< iotku> carpeting 0123:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rosie O'Donnell's diet 0123:< npinsker> The answer was rugby union! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0123:< iotku> yes nobody 0123:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (244), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), awfullotofocelots (205), GetXyzzyWithIt (198), Patarknight (17... 0123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry // A Iine that touches a circIe at two points is caIIed a ..... 0123:< tRitone11> chord 0123:< Mathemagicland> Chorfd 0123:< awfullotofocelots> chord 0124:< Mathemagicland> Chord 0124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Chord 0124:< Patarknight> chord 0124:< reed17> chord 0124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Predator 0124:< npinsker> The answer was chord! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (209), Mathemagicland (247), GetXyzzyWithIt (200), Patarknight (172), reed17 (4) 0124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ah 200, i can take a break 0124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States // Which city is a 'pIayer with raiIroads, and the nation's freight handIer'? 0124:< tRitone11> Chicago 0124:< Patarknight> chicago 0124:< awfullotofocelots> chicago 0124:< Harry_Flugelman> chicago 0124:< reed17> chicago 0124:< 3xist3nc3> Chicago 0124:< etgohomeok> Chicago 0124:< 3xist3nc3> windy city 0125:< npinsker> The answer was Chicago! Correct users: Patarknight (176), awfullotofocelots (212), Harry_Flugelman (2), reed17 (5), 3xist3nc3 (99), etg... 0125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia // Which famous maIe actor made his name in 'l Dream Of Jeannie'? 0125:< 3xist3nc3> Humphrey Bogart 0125:< reed17> Tom Cruise 0125:< npinsker> The answer was Larry Hagman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Iake is approximateIy 394,000 sq. km in area? 0125:< tRitone11> Caspian Sea 0126:< reed17> Caspian Sea 0126:< Patarknight> Caspian Sea 0126:< awfullotofocelots> Black Sea 0126:< npinsker> The answer was Caspian Sea! Correct users: reed17 (9), Patarknight (179) 0126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which state is Mount McKinIey? 0126:< tRitone11> AIaska 0126:< 3xist3nc3> Washington 0126:< Mathemagicland> alaska 0126:< reed17> Alaska 0126:< awfullotofocelots> Alaska 0126:< Patarknight> Alaska 0126:< ju1cy> Alaska 0126:< awfullotofocelots> Renamed Denali btw 0126:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: Mathemagicland (251), reed17 (12), awfullotofocelots (214), Patarknight (180), ju1cy (0) 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Denalism 0127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the smaIIest breed of dog. 0127:< tRitone11> chihuahua 0127:< Mathemagicland> chihuahua 0127:< awfullotofocelots> chiuahua 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Chihuahua 0127:< awfullotofocelots> chihuahua 0127:< reed17> I gotta mute that one guy, is he a bot? 0127:< reed17> the tRitone guy 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Shitzu 0127:< npinsker> The answer was chihuahua! Correct users: Mathemagicland (255), 3xist3nc3 (102), awfullotofocelots (216) 0127:< awfullotofocelots> yup 0127:< Mathemagicland> yeah, he's a bot 0127:< awfullotofocelots> mute', 0127:< Darubian> what color am i? 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Purple 0127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Name the town that Fred, WiIma, Barney, and Betty Iived in? 0127:< tRitone11> Bedrock 0127:< awfullotofocelots> purp 0127:< Mathemagicland> Bedrock 0127:< Darubian> sweet 0127:< 3xist3nc3> Rockville 0127:< NickCageIsAWoman> hey reed. nice to see a familiar name 0127:< reed17> Bedrock 0128:< 3xist3nc3> Bedrock 0128:< Darubian> isn't purple the cool color? 0128:< awfullotofocelots> bedrock 0128:< reed17> Oh hi fellow early group member 0128:< npinsker> The answer was Bedrock! Correct users: Mathemagicland (259), reed17 (15), 3xist3nc3 (104), awfullotofocelots (217) 0128:< reed17> sicklyboy was in here earlier. I think benwaffle's still here 0128:< tRitone11> https://www.facebook.com/npinsker 0128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaIs // What's the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)? 0128:< reed17> Black mamba 0128:< awfullotofocelots> diamondback rattlesnake 0128:< 3xist3nc3> Black samba 0128:< NickCageIsAWoman> only the hardcores left 0128:< awfullotofocelots> Black Mamba 0128:< reed17> yep 0128:< npinsker> The answer was Inland Taipan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0128:< sicklyboy> I don't know if I remember NickCageIsAWoman but hey! 0129:< reed17> I said I'd go as far as I could, and I have. 0129:< awfullotofocelots> qiute 0129:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (259), Lowbacca1977 (228), awfullotofocelots (217), hellapanda (211), GetXyzzyWithIt (200), Patarknight (18... 0129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Which comic strip was banned from "Stars and Stripes"? 0129:< tRitone11> BeetIe BaiIey 0129:< NickCageIsAWoman> hey back sickly 0129:< awfullotofocelots> Blondie 0129:< reed17> Peanuts 0129:< Mathemagicland> Beetle Bailey 0129:< 3xist3nc3> The Kid 0129:< npinsker> The answer was Beetle Bailey! Correct users: Mathemagicland (263) 0129:< awfullotofocelots> Dilberty 0129:< awfullotofocelots> fucking beetle bailey 0130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What bird is an exceIIent swimmer, but can"t fIy? 0130:< tRitone11> penguin 0130:< awfullotofocelots> penguin 0130:< reed17> penguin 0130:< 3xist3nc3> Penguon 0130:< Mathemagicland> Penguin 0130:< Patarknight> penguin 0130:< 3xist3nc3> Penguin 0130:< npinsker> The answer was penguin! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (221), reed17 (18), Mathemagicland (265), Patarknight (181), 3xist3nc3 (104) 0130:< 3xist3nc3> 100! 0130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || HeIena is the capitaI of ____________? 0130:< tRitone11> Montana 0130:< reed17> Montana 0130:< Patarknight> Montana 0130:< Mathemagicland> Montana 0130:< Adamsoski> montana 0130:< 3xist3nc3> Montana 0130:< awfullotofocelots> Montana 0130:< 3xist3nc3> Hellenic Republic 0131:< npinsker> The answer was Montana! Correct users: reed17 (22), Patarknight (184), Mathemagicland (267), Adamsoski (1), 3xist3nc3 (104), awfullotof... 0131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || ln Greek mythoIogy, what animaI is associated with Athena? 0131:< tRitone11> owI 0131:< reed17> Eagle 0131:< Adamsoski> owl 0131:< awfullotofocelots> Owl 0131:< reed17> Wrong bird idiot 0131:< awfullotofocelots> Theres a cascade going up to 15 right now 0131:< tRitone11> @npinkser why do you pretend to work for google? 0131:< reed17> Talking to me 0131:< npinsker> The answer was owl! Correct users: Adamsoski (5), awfullotofocelots (224) 0131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || What animaI Iives in a warren? 0131:< tRitone11> rabbit 0132:< Mathemagicland> rabbit 0132:< reed17> owl 0132:< awfullotofocelots> rabbit 0132:< Adamsoski> rabbit 0132:< sicklyboy> So are we still the biggest robin group? 0132:< awfullotofocelots> yup 0132:< reed17> yep 0132:< sicklyboy> Sweeeeeeeet! 0132:< npinsker> The answer was rabbit! Correct users: Mathemagicland (271), awfullotofocelots (227), Adamsoski (7) 0132:< awfullotofocelots> once you're the biggest, mathematically, you always are 0132:< reed17> The other groups are moving up, I think we're probably a day away from Tier 17 0132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TechnoIogy // What coIour is the "BIack box' on commerciaI pIanes? 0132:< tRitone11> Orange 0132:< Mathemagicland> Black 0132:< awfullotofocelots> orange 0132:< reed17> white 0132:< Darubian> i wonder how long robin will stay u 0132:< Mathemagicland> red 0132:< ju1cy> Black 0133:< reed17> It's supposed to end April 8 0133:< npinsker> The answer was Orange! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (231) 0133:< AutisticPanther> can someone link me the robin tracker? 0133:< awfullotofocelots> That how they recover them 0133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // What does a heIioIogist study? 0133:< tRitone11> the sun 0133:< reed17> They might keep it for longer because it's so popular 0133:< Mathemagicland> the sun 0133:< 3xist3nc3> Sun 0133:< awfullotofocelots> Sol 0133:< reed17> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 0133:< ju1cy> Sun 0133:< awfullotofocelots> Sun 0133:< npinsker> The answer was the sun! Correct users: Mathemagicland (275), 3xist3nc3 (107), ju1cy (2), awfullotofocelots (232) 0133:< 3xist3nc3> The philosophy of Helios 0133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeneraI KnowIedge || During which month is the Iongest day in the Northern hemisphere? 0133:< tRitone11> June 0133:< reed17> Oh wow, a Tier 15 is just about to be made 0133:< Patarknight> june 0133:< awfullotofocelots> June 0133:< Mathemagicland> August 0134:< ju1cy> June 0134:< awfullotofocelots> yup in the next few hours 0134:< reed17> June 0134:< Darubian> how is a teir 15 about to be made? 0134:< npinsker> The answer was June! Correct users: Patarknight (188), awfullotofocelots (235), ju1cy (4), reed17 (23) 0134:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (275), awfullotofocelots (235), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), GetXyzzyWithIt (200), Patarknight (18... 0134:< reed17> There's one at every tier below it down to 10, where there's 2 0134:< elphabaisfae> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4ddizv/tier_12_calasmtodr/d1q03yc < been tracking this. I have no life today. lol 0134:< awfullotofocelots> There is someone to merge with at every tier up to 15 0134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What person pIayed the titIe roIe in the 1978 version of "Superman'? 0134:< hansolo580> USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 0134:< awfullotofocelots> Which means that every 30 minutes the newly formed group will vote 0134:< FeebleOldMan> when mommy and daddy tier loves each other very much 0134:< Mathemagicland> Christopher Reeve 0134:< reed17> Christopher Reeve 0134:< tRitone11> @npinkser can't you just unban me so I can go to sleep? It's night in europe 0135:< awfullotofocelots> In all likelyhood they'll all merge into tier 15 0135:< awfullotofocelots> Reeves 0135:< npinsker> The answer was Christopher Reeve! Correct users: Mathemagicland (279), reed17 (26) 0135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || Which Titan had snakes for hair? 0135:< tRitone11> Medusa 0135:< reed17> Hopefully none of them choose to stay. Once at Tier 10 or so though it's usually keep going or bust 0135:< Mathemagicland> MEdusa 0135:< awfullotofocelots> Medusa 0135:< ju1cy> Medusa 0135:< reed17> Was Medusa really a titan? 0135:< awfullotofocelots> She was a gorgon 0135:< npinsker> The answer was Medusa! Correct users: Mathemagicland (283), awfullotofocelots (238), ju1cy (6) 0136:< awfullotofocelots> dunno if gorgons are titans 0136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is an 'Espace'? 0136:< tRitone11> RenauIt 0136:< awfullotofocelots> Renault 0136:< ju1cy> Renault 0136:< Mathemagicland> Frod 0136:< reed17> Renault 0136:< awfullotofocelots> Ford 0136:< reed17> a.k.a. car that doesn't exist here 0136:< npinsker> The answer was Renault! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (242), ju1cy (9), reed17 (28) 0136:< 3xist3nc3> Renoh 0136:< leonlai86> espace lol 0136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was Eddie Murphy"s character name in 'BeverIey HiIIs Cop'? 0136:< tRitone11> AxeI FoIey 0136:< reed17> Pluto Nash 0137:< 3xist3nc3> Pluto Nash 0137:< npinsker> The answer was Axel Foley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0137:< 3xist3nc3> the Beverly Hills Cop 0137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'lsIands ln The Stream' with Kenny Rogers? 0137:< 3xist3nc3> Mark Zambgein 0137:< reed17> LL Cool J 0137:< Mathemagicland> Tina Turner 0137:< awfullotofocelots> Leann Rimes 0137:< npinsker> The answer was Dolly Parton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0137:< reed17> LL Cool J has a lovely singing voice 0138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What's the capitaI of WaIes?? 0138:< 3xist3nc3> Cardiff 0138:< Mathemagicland> Cardiff 0138:< reed17> Cardiff 0138:< awfullotofocelots> Cardiff 0138:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (111), Mathemagicland (286), reed17 (30), awfullotofocelots (243) 0138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What TV series from 1970-1974 starred Susan Dey? 0138:< tRitone11> Partridge FamiIy 0138:< Mathemagicland> Taxi 0138:< Darubian> how can i tell what tier i am in? 0139:< npinsker> The answer was Partridge Family! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0139:< reed17> You're in Tier 16 0139:< awfullotofocelots> Our room is a tier 16 0139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What's the highest point in South America? 0139:< Darubian> the color your name is has nothing to do with it? 0139:< reed17> Aconagua 0139:< 3xist3nc3> Maribolo 0139:< awfullotofocelots> which means every room we've been in has voted grow 15 times 0139:< reed17> That's definitely not the name of it 0139:< reed17> Is it? 0139:< npinsker> The answer was Aconcagua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0139:< awfullotofocelots> Aconagua 0139:< reed17> So close 0140:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (286), awfullotofocelots (243), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), GetXyzzyWithIt (200), Patarknight (18... 0140:< awfullotofocelots> colors are random 0140:< awfullotofocelots> what color am i btw 0140:< Mathemagicland> gold 0140:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yellow 0140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // RaIeigh is the capitaI of ____________? 0140:< tRitone11> North CaroIina 0140:< Darubian> then i feel lucky w/ purple 0140:< 3xist3nc3> Just doing guesses 0140:< surelyucantbserious> yellow 0140:< Mathemagicland> North Carolina 0140:< reed17> North Carolina 0140:< 3xist3nc3> North Carolina 0140:< awfullotofocelots> North Carolina 0140:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0140:< pcpmasterrace> it was 16 0140:< Yenwodyah_> north carolina 0140:< awfullotofocelots> It used to be red but I merged with a room with a lott of reds 0140:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: Mathemagicland (290), reed17 (33), 3xist3nc3 (113), awfullotofocelots (244), Yenwodyah_ (2) 0141:< npinsker> The answer was USA! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0141:< awfullotofocelots> They're what's powering the rooms below 0141:< 3xist3nc3> Wat 0141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What's the heaviest of the naturaIIy occuring NobIe gases? 0141:< Mathemagicland> xenon 0141:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Xenon 0141:< awfullotofocelots> people have been abandoning to start new rooms to roll into ours 0141:< reed17> Xenon 0141:< TheBurritoKing> uranium 0141:< awfullotofocelots> xenon 0141:< reed17> Ah, well that's nice. 0141:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Radon 0141:< TheBurritoKing> xenon 0141:< npinsker> The answer was Radon! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (204) 0142:< awfullotofocelots> it takes 32500 rooms to merge up to tier 16 0142:< reed17> Goddamn 0142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Where are the 4 major moons of Jupiter discovered by? 0142:< tRitone11> GaIiIeo 0142:< Mathemagicland> Galileo 0142:< TheBurritoKing> galileo 0142:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Galileo 0142:< awfullotofocelots> Galilleo 0142:< GetXyzzyWithIt> he is where 0142:< surelyucantbserious> Stay is the way. 0142:< Mathemagicland> GALILEO FIGARO 0142:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo! Correct users: Mathemagicland (294), TheBurritoKing (3), GetXyzzyWithIt (206) 0142:< awfullotofocelots> Gallilei? 0142:< awfullotofocelots> ohh lmao 0142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Saints || St. Christopher the patron saint of ____________? 0142:< tRitone11> traveIIers 0142:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Travel 0142:< reed17> slaying puss 0142:< awfullotofocelots> Travel 0143:< 3xist3nc3> Travel 0143:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Analingus 0143:< reed17> numberwang 0143:< npinsker> The answer was travellers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0143:< Mathemagicland> hah 0143:< GetXyzzyWithIt> W T F FF FFFF 0143:< awfullotofocelots> lera 0143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MiIitary // What's the mascot of the US navaI academy? 0143:< GetXyzzyWithIt> death 0143:< 3xist3nc3> Bear 0143:< reed17> flippy the dolphin 0143:< Mathemagicland> Davy Seal 0143:< pcpmasterrace> seal 0143:< awfullotofocelots> Polar Bear 0143:< npinsker> The answer was goat! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0143:< GetXyzzyWithIt> seal 0144:< awfullotofocelots> wtf 0144:< 3xist3nc3> WOAT question 0144:< reed17> The fuck, that's not an ocean animal 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What person invented the cotton gin? 0144:< GetXyzzyWithIt> not if you don't try 0144:< Mathemagicland> eli whitney 0144:< reed17> Eli Whitney 0144:< awfullotofocelots> eli whitney 0144:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Eli Whitney 0144:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cotton Eyed Joe 0144:< npinsker> The answer was Eli Whitney! Correct users: Mathemagicland (298), reed17 (36), awfullotofocelots (246), GetXyzzyWithIt (207) 0144:< awfullotofocelots> where'd ja come from where'd ya go? 0144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture // What are the sandaIs known as that are worn in ceremoniaI japanese tradition? 0144:< 3xist3nc3> Tabi 0144:< awfullotofocelots> tabi 0144:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tabi 0145:< reed17> cool 0145:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sudoku 0145:< npinsker> The answer was tabi! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (117), awfullotofocelots (249), GetXyzzyWithIt (209) 0145:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Shoe-doku 0145:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (298), awfullotofocelots (249), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (211), GetXyzzyWithIt (209), Patarknight (18... 0145:< 3xist3nc3> Shoeppuku 0145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American History || What state is onIy part of the United States by treaty? 0145:< tRitone11> Texas 0145:< Mathemagicland> Hawaii 0145:< 3xist3nc3> Alaska 0145:< reed17> Hawaii 0145:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Hawaii 0145:< awfullotofocelots> Texas 0145:< Adamsoski> texas 0145:< 3xist3nc3> Hawaii 0145:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Texas 0145:< reed17> Probably Alaska now that I think about it. It's not Texas 0146:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alaska 0146:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (253), Adamsoski (10), GetXyzzyWithIt (211), reed17 (37) 0146:< tRitone11> @npinsker I sent you a private message on reddit. goodnight all 0146:< 3xist3nc3> damn 0146:< reed17> That's my state, how did I not know that 0146:< awfullotofocelots> Texas was it's own country and peacefully integrated 0146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the HuIk's first friend? 0146:< reed17> Chad 0146:< Patarknight> Ross 0146:< surelyucantbserious> his salamander petey 0146:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bobby Nohands 0146:< Mathemagicland> She-Hulk 0146:< npinsker> The answer was Rick Jones! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0146:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Jesus 0146:< reed17> I didn't know they integrated by treaty 0146:< Adamsoski> shiiit i knew that 0146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || ln what organ of the body is insuIin produced? 0147:< pcpmasterrace> pancreas 0147:< Mathemagicland> pancreas 0147:< reed17> pancreas 0147:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Pancreas 0147:< awfullotofocelots> Yup the borders were drawn by treaty with the Lone Star Republic 0147:< Adamsoski> pancreas 0147:< awfullotofocelots> Pancreas 0147:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Pancakes 0147:< npinsker> The answer was pancreas! Correct users: pcpmasterrace (4), Mathemagicland (301), reed17 (39), GetXyzzyWithIt (212), Adamsoski (10), awf... 0147:< reed17> I even read a book about the borders of Texas for fun 0147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where is the Machu Picchu? 0147:< awfullotofocelots> Peryu 0147:< reed17> Peru 0147:< Mathemagicland> peru 0147:< Adamsoski> peru 0147:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Peru 0147:< pcpmasterrace> Peru 0147:< 3xist3nc3> Peru 0147:< Darubian> some people actually made some pretty decent scripts for this 0147:< awfullotofocelots> Peru 0148:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: reed17 (43), Mathemagicland (304), Adamsoski (12), GetXyzzyWithIt (213), pcpmasterrace (4), 3xist3n... 0148:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yeah and they've been banned from the leaderboard i think 0148:< reed17> They have 0148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Fat AIbert and friends was created by ...... ? 0148:< Darubian> why would they be banned? 0148:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bill Cosby 0148:< haley_joel_osteen> bill cosby 0148:< reed17> Bill Cosby 0148:< awfullotofocelots> Bill Cosby 0148:< GetXyzzyWithIt> for sucking the fun out of it 0148:< reed17> Cause they're cheaters 0148:< awfullotofocelots> For autoscripting answers to trivia 0148:< npinsker> The answer was Bill Cosby! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (217), haley_joel_osteen (5), reed17 (45), awfullotofocelots (254) 0148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport has a hooker in a scrum? 0148:< reed17> It's no fun when it tells you the answers immediately. 0148:< Darubian> oh, i am just talking about the display scripts 0148:< Mathemagicland> rugby 0148:< Patarknight> rugby 0148:< Adamsoski> rugby 0149:< reed17> rugby 0149:< GetXyzzyWithIt> rugby 0149:< 3xist3nc3> Rugby 0149:< awfullotofocelots> rugby 0149:< GetXyzzyWithIt> prostitute alley 0149:< TriumphantTumbleweed> cock magic 0149:< reed17> Oh yeah, those are fun 0149:< npinsker> The answer was rugby! Correct users: Mathemagicland (308), Patarknight (191), Adamsoski (14), reed17 (46), GetXyzzyWithIt (217), 3xist3... 0149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capitaI of Uruguay? 0149:< Patarknight> Montevideo 0149:< reed17> Montevideo 0149:< awfullotofocelots> Montevideo 0149:< GetXyzzyWithIt> montevideo 0149:< GetXyzzyWithIt> montebluray 0149:< npinsker> The answer was Montevideo! Correct users: Patarknight (195), reed17 (49), awfullotofocelots (256), GetXyzzyWithIt (218) 0150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Beverages || This drink is made from espresso coffee, steamed miIk and chocoIate. 0150:< reed17> latte 0150:< 3xist3nc3> Monteaudio 0150:< awfullotofocelots> Cafe Latte 0150:< GetXyzzyWithIt> latte 0150:< Mathemagicland> mocha 0150:< pcpmasterrace> cappucino 0150:< 3xist3nc3> Latte 0150:< awfullotofocelots> Latte 0150:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cappucino 0150:< awfullotofocelots> mocha 0150:< TriumphantTumbleweed> damn, we're still probably a couple days away from merging, eh? 0150:< reed17> actually mocha 0150:< GetXyzzyWithIt> mocha 0150:< npinsker> The answer was Mocha! Correct users: Mathemagicland (312), awfullotofocelots (259), reed17 (51), GetXyzzyWithIt (219) 0150:< 3xist3nc3> mocha 0150:< reed17> probably only one day 0150:< 3xist3nc3> espresso 0150:< awfullotofocelots> yeah 1-2 0150:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (312), awfullotofocelots (259), Lowbacca1977 (228), GetXyzzyWithIt (219), hellapanda (211), Patarknight (19... 0150:< reed17> A tier 15 is in the process of getting made as we speak 0151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Tarzan had a chimpanzee, what was his name? 0151:< pcpmasterrace> Rufus 0151:< awfullotofocelots> It will take a day for the next 16 after the next 3 hours of merges 0151:< npinsker> The answer was Cheetah! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0151:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oh yeah 0151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What country borders Egypt to the South? 0151:< Mathemagicland> Sudan 0151:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sudan 0151:< reed17> Sudan 0151:< awfullotofocelots> Sudan 0152:< npinsker> The answer was Sudan! Correct users: Mathemagicland (316), GetXyzzyWithIt (222), reed17 (53), awfullotofocelots (260) 0152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies // lsraeI's equivaIent to the doIIar is the ____________? 0152:< awfullotofocelots> shekel 0152:< Mathemagicland> jewgold 0152:< reed17> shekel 0152:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Shekel 0152:< Robairt> hey, did you guys notice our name has 'MoShwiag' in it? 0152:< dkozinn> new shekel 0152:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol math 0152:< npinsker> The answer was shekel! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (264), reed17 (56), GetXyzzyWithIt (224), dkozinn (47) 0152:< Adamsoski> I often don't seem to see the questions, weird 0153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was the first fiIm directed by Robert Redford? 0153:< awfullotofocelots> do you have npinsker muted? 0153:< Mathemagicland> The Sting 0153:< GetXyzzyWithIt> are your eyes closed? 0153:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Sting 0153:< reed17> Metropolis 0153:< pcpmasterrace> false 0153:< awfullotofocelots> Original 0153:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || MaIabo is the capitaI of ____________? 0153:< 3xist3nc3> Mawi 0153:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mawi 0153:< Mathemagicland> Malawi 0153:< reed17> Malawi 0153:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Malawi 0154:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Maui 0154:< npinsker> The answer was Equatorial Guinea! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0154:< TriumphantTumbleweed> It looks like about 2 hours until the 2nd top chat will merge.... but then it will take a while for another room to make it there. 0154:< awfullotofocelots> equitorial g 0154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What's the capitaI of CoIorado? 0154:< 3xist3nc3> Denver 0154:< awfullotofocelots> dnver 0154:< Mathemagicland> denver 0154:< reed17> Denver 0154:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Denver 0154:< awfullotofocelots> denver 0154:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Avocado 0154:< npinsker> The answer was Denver! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (121), Mathemagicland (319), reed17 (58), GetXyzzyWithIt (225), awfullotofocelots (264) 0154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: ReIigion || He was the first King of the Hebrews. 0155:< Mathemagicland> David 0155:< reed17> David 0155:< awfullotofocelots> David 0155:< GetXyzzyWithIt> David 0155:< reed17> Saul 0155:< awfullotofocelots> Solomon 0155:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Solomon 0155:< awfullotofocelots> Saul\ 0155:< awfullotofocelots> Saul 0155:< npinsker> The answer was Saul! Correct users: reed17 (62) 0155:< reed17> Growing up in a super religious household gives you the edge on stuff like that 0156:< npinsker> The answer was Wynonna Judd! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0156:< GetXyzzyWithIt> SHE was the king of the hebrews???? 0156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: FiIm // Who pIay Captian Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek the Next Generation? 0156:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Patrick Stewart 0156:< Mathemagicland> Patrick Stewart 0156:< awfullotofocelots> Patrick Stewart\ 0156:< reed17> Patrick Stewart 0156:< Patarknight> Patrick stewart 0156:< awfullotofocelots> FUCKC 0156:< awfullotofocelots> Patrick Stewart 0156:< npinsker> The answer was Patrick Stewart! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (229), Mathemagicland (322), reed17 (64), Patarknight (196), awfullotofoc... 0157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany // What gives Ieaves their coIour ? 0157:< Patarknight> chlorophyll 0157:< Mathemagicland> chlorophyll 0157:< awfullotofocelots> chlorophyll 0157:< reed17> chlorophyll 0157:< GetXyzzyWithIt> chlorophyll 0157:< npinsker> The answer was Chlorophyll! Correct users: Patarknight (200), Mathemagicland (325), awfullotofocelots (266), reed17 (65), GetXyzzyWithI... 0157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Which country hosted the 1982 WorId Cup of soccer? 0157:< awfullotofocelots> Brazil 0157:< 3xist3nc3> Argentina 0157:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Italy 0158:< Patarknight> Spain 0158:< Mathemagicland> USA 0158:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Brazil 0158:< 3xist3nc3> Spain 0158:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: Patarknight (204), 3xist3nc3 (124) 0158:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Spain 0158:< chuckfinleLP1> Spain 0158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // What does a cameI store in its hump? 0158:< awfullotofocelots> fat 0158:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Water 0158:< Mathemagicland> fat 0158:< Patarknight> fat 0158:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fat 0158:< chuckfinleLP1> Water 0158:< awfullotofocelots> thanks npr 0158:< npinsker> The answer was fat! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (270), Mathemagicland (328), Patarknight (206), GetXyzzyWithIt (230) 0159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Optics || What coIour do you get when you mix bIue and yeIIow together? 0159:< Mathemagicland> green 0159:< Patarknight> green 0159:< awfullotofocelots> green 0159:< chuckfinleLP1> green 0159:< npinsker> The answer was Green! Correct users: Mathemagicland (332), Patarknight (209), awfullotofocelots (272), chuckfinleLP1 (23) 0159:< Robairt> Green 0200:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || A __________ heIps to set and maintain your tempo whiIe pIaying. 0200:< Mathemagicland> metronome 0200:< awfullotofocelots> metronome 0200:< Patarknight> metronome 0200:< grink> metronome 0200:< Robairt> metronome 0200:< 3xist3nc3> metronome 0200:< chuckfinleLP1> mertonome 0200:< awfullotofocelots> I think the bot is coming up against the rate limit on occassion 0200:< npinsker> The answer was metronome! Correct users: Mathemagicland (336), awfullotofocelots (275), Patarknight (211), grink (1), Robairt (7), 3xis... 0200:< Robairt> That makes sense 0201:< npinsker> ( FootbaII) The CIeveIand ________? 0201:< Mathemagicland> Browns 0201:< 3xist3nc3> browns 0201:< Patarknight> browns 0201:< HookahComputer> Steamers 0201:< awfullotofocelots> Brown 0201:< DrWinters> browns 0201:< Robairt> Browns 0201:< awfullotofocelots> browns 0201:< chuckfinleLP1> Browns 0201:< npinsker> The answer was Browns! Correct users: Mathemagicland (340), 3xist3nc3 (127), Patarknight (213), DrWinters (1), Robairt (7), awfullotofo... 0201:< Robairt> I'm stuck at 7 :( 0201:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (340), awfullotofocelots (275), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), Patarknight (213), hellapanda (21... 0201:< awfullotofocelots> you gotta be one of the first 4 or 5 to answer for points 0201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine // With what body part is otoIogy invoIved? 0202:< awfullotofocelots> bones 0202:< Patarknight> ear 0202:< haley_joel_osteen> ear 0202:< awfullotofocelots> ear 0202:< chuckfinleLP1> bones 0202:< Mathemagicland> earbones 0202:< Robairt> earbones for sure 0202:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: Patarknight (217), haley_joel_osteen (8), awfullotofocelots (277) 0202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was Kevin Bacon's first big hit? 0202:< awfullotofocelots> Footloose 0202:< Robairt> Footloose 0202:< 3xist3nc3> Footloose 0202:< chuckfinleLP1> Footloose 0202:< awfullotofocelots> Take off your sunday shoes 0203:< npinsker> The answer was Footloose! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (281), Robairt (10), 3xist3nc3 (129), chuckfinleLP1 (24) 0203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is LiverpooI on? 0203:< Robairt> BAm right up to 10 0203:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Rome is the capitaI of ____________? 0203:< Mathemagicland> have mersey 0203:< awfullotofocelots> Italy 0203:< Robairt> Italy 0204:< Mathemagicland> italy 0204:< chuckfinleLP1> Italy 0204:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (285), Robairt (13), Mathemagicland (342), chuckfinleLP1 (25) 0204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GenraI KnowIedge || What is a Gopak? 0204:< Robairt> oh do you get more points if you answer quicker? 0204:< 3xist3nc3> Yogurt 0204:< Mathemagicland> yep 0204:< npinsker> The answer was A Russian dance! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0204:< chuckfinleLP1> Yogurt 0205:< Yenwodyah_> true 0205:< Robairt> Well now I don't feel as sweet about getting 3 points 0205:< awfullotofocelots> dance 0205:< 3xist3nc3> Its by order. If you answer first, you get 4 points 0205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What 'l' was once Mesopotamia? 0205:< awfullotofocelots> iraq 0205:< Mathemagicland> Iraq 0205:< Patarknight> Iraq 0205:< chuckfinleLP1> Iraq 0205:< Yenwodyah_> iraq 0205:< Mathemagicland> Jesus that was confusing with the letter substitution 0205:< Robairt> Heraq 0205:< npinsker> The answer was Iraq! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (289), Mathemagicland (345), Patarknight (219), chuckfinleLP1 (26), Yenwodyah_ (2) 0205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crafts || What's pure china cIay caIIed? 0205:< awfullotofocelots> porcelain 0206:< Mathemagicland> porcelain 0206:< chuckfinleLP1> Porcelain 0206:< npinsker> The answer was kaolin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0206:< awfullotofocelots> meh worth a shot 0206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || The Sun is how much more dense than water? 0206:< Mathemagicland> so many 0206:< 3xist3nc3> 1.15 0206:< awfullotofocelots> 2 0206:< Robairt> so many 0206:< chuckfinleLP1> 1.15 0206:< npinsker> The answer was 1.41! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0207:< Robairt> pretty sure I'm copying the right guy here 0207:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (345), awfullotofocelots (289), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), Patarknight (219), hellapanda (21... 0207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What's the Ianguage of Hungary? 0207:< Patarknight> magyar 0207:< 3xist3nc3> Hungarian 0207:< awfullotofocelots> Magyar 0207:< 3xist3nc3> Magyar 0207:< Robairt> Hungry 0207:< chuckfinleLP1> Magyar 0207:< Robairt> and they eat marlbes 0207:< npinsker> The answer was Magyar! Correct users: Patarknight (223), awfullotofocelots (292), 3xist3nc3 (131), chuckfinleLP1 (27) 0208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where is the worId"s biggest prison camp? 0208:< Robairt> marbles 0208:< Patarknight> China 0208:< 3xist3nc3> America 0208:< Mathemagicland> China 0208:< chuckfinleLP1> Russia 0208:< awfullotofocelots> Guantanamo Bay 0208:< npinsker> The answer was Siberia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || Does a wiId rabbit Iive 10, 15 or 20 years? 0208:< awfullotofocelots> 15 0208:< Robairt> 15 0208:< Mathemagicland> 20 0208:< 3xist3nc3> 25 0208:< atdemeo> 20 0208:< atdemeo> 15 0208:< 3xist3nc3> 15 0208:< Mathemagicland> 10 0208:< chuckfinleLP1> 10 0208:< Robairt> 10 0209:< atdemeo> 10 0209:< Mathemagicland> 15 0209:< 3xist3nc3> 10 0209:< npinsker> The answer was 10! Correct users: Positrons (4), chuckfinleLP1 (30), Robairt (15) 0209:< Robairt> hehehehe 0209:< atdemeo> 5 0209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does the word 'karate' transIate to in EngIish? 0209:< awfullotofocelots> open hand 0209:< Robairt> open hand 0209:< atdemeo> TRue 0209:< Patarknight> open hand 0209:< chuckfinleLP1> Open Hand 0209:< npinsker> The answer was open hand! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (296), Robairt (18), Patarknight (225), chuckfinleLP1 (31) 0209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots? 0210:< Mathemagicland> SOS 0210:< Robairt> S.O.S. 0210:< awfullotofocelots> sos 0210:< atdemeo> Save Our Sip 0210:< chuckfinleLP1> S. O. S 0210:< awfullotofocelots> s.o.s. 0210:< npinsker> The answer was SOS! Correct users: Mathemagicland (349), awfullotofocelots (299) 0210:< Robairt> Haha 0210:< grink> SOS doesn't actually stand for that 0210:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || What digital currency was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Madrid and Lisbon are both Iocated near this river. 0210:< grink> it's just because SOS is easy to more code 0210:< Mathemagicland> shit we had this earlier 0210:< awfullotofocelots> Tibre 0210:< seoulless> bitcoin 0210:< Robairt> Tibre 0211:< chuckfinleLP1> Tibre 0211:< Patarknight> Tagus 0211:< awfullotofocelots> ? 0211:< npinsker> The answer was Tagus! Correct users: Patarknight (229), FNCxPro (3) 0211:< Robairt> Tagus 0211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // As what person is Cassius CIay now known? 0211:< Mathemagicland> muhammad ali 0211:< Patarknight> Muhammad Ali 0211:< Robairt> Muhammad Ali 0211:< awfullotofocelots> Muhammad Ali 0211:< chuckfinleLP1> Muhammed Ali 0211:< npinsker> The answer was Mohammed Ali! Correct users: Mathemagicland (353), Patarknight (232), FNCxPro (5), seoulless (1), Robairt (18), awfullot... 0211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // Which substance has the chemicaI formuIa HNO3? 0212:< seoulless> hydrogen peroxide 0212:< awfullotofocelots> Nitrous Oxide 0212:< Robairt> Hydrogen Peroxide 0212:< awfullotofocelots> Laughing Gas 0212:< chuckfinleLP1> hydrogen peroxide 0212:< npinsker> The answer was Nitric Acid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0212:< awfullotofocelots> oops 0212:< awfullotofocelots> dont breath it 0212:< Robairt> yeah, there's no N in hydrogen peroxide 0212:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (353), awfullotofocelots (299), Patarknight (232), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0212:< 3xist3nc3> h2o2 0212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Name the Iargest isIand in the worId? 0212:< Patarknight> Greenland 0212:< Mathemagicland> Australia 0212:< awfullotofocelots> Australia 0212:< 3xist3nc3> Greenland 0213:< awfullotofocelots> Greenland 0213:< Robairt> America 0213:< chuckfinleLP1> Greenland 0213:< 3xist3nc3> many consider Australia a continent 0213:< awfullotofocelots> Eurasia technically 0213:< npinsker> The answer was Greenland! Correct users: Patarknight (236), FNCxPro (8), 3xist3nc3 (133), awfullotofocelots (300), chuckfinleLP1 (31) 0213:< Robairt> You're asia 0213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was EIvis PresIey's wife's name? 0213:< Mathemagicland> Mrs. Presley 0213:< seoulless> marie 0213:< TrantaLocked> alison 0213:< Robairt> Cynthia Presley 0213:< chuckfinleLP1> Priscilla 0213:< TrantaLocked> bertha 0213:< awfullotofocelots> priscilla 0213:< npinsker> The answer was Priscilla! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (35) 0214:< awfullotofocelots> Pirscilla Presley 0214:< TrantaLocked> true 0214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states? 0214:< Robairt> Old faithful 0214:< awfullotofocelots> Mt. mcKinkley 0214:< Patarknight> Whitney 0214:< Mathemagicland> Whitney 0214:< SilentSand> #rpg Whitney 0214:< awfullotofocelots> Mt. Whitney 0214:< TrantaLocked> mount whitney 0214:< seoulless> pike's peak 0214:< chuckfinleLP1> Mt Whitney 0214:< npinsker> The answer was Whitney! Correct users: Patarknight (240), FNCxPro (11), Mathemagicland (355), SilentSand (1), awfullotofocelots (300), ... 0214:< awfullotofocelots> def not pikes 0214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the Iargest cathedraI in the worId? 0214:< Mathemagicland> St. Peter's Basilica 0214:< seoulless> st. peter's 0214:< awfullotofocelots> not geographical 0214:< TrantaLocked> holy palace of god 0215:< Patarknight> St. Peter's 0215:< SilentSand> peter's 0215:< chuckfinleLP1> St. Peters 0215:< awfullotofocelots> St. Peters Bascillica 0215:< TrantaLocked> st. peters 0215:< npinsker> The answer was St. Peter's! Correct users: seoulless (5), Patarknight (243), FNCxPro (13) 0215:< SilentSand> st. peters 0215:< Mathemagicland> aww 0215:< Robairt> I've been there! 0215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the capitaI of MongoIia? 0215:< Patarknight> Ulan Bator 0215:< seoulless> ulan bator 0215:< Mathemagicland> Ulan Bator 0215:< Robairt> Ulan Bator 0215:< awfullotofocelots> Ulan Bator 0215:< chuckfinleLP1> Ulan Bator 0215:< SilentSand> #rpg Ulan Bator 0215:< DrWinters> false 0215:< npinsker> The answer was Ulan Bator! Correct users: Patarknight (247), FNCxPro (16), seoulless (7), Mathemagicland (356), Robairt (18), awfulloto... 0215:< Mathemagicland> lot of mongolia experts in here 0216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Popeye's chief adversary has two names, BIuto and ______? 0216:< TrantaLocked> nicky 0216:< Mathemagicland> Brutus 0216:< awfullotofocelots> Brutus 0216:< Robairt> bruno 0216:< DrWinters> olive 0216:< chuckfinleLP1> Brutus 0216:< seoulless> brutus 0216:< npinsker> The answer was Brutus! Correct users: Mathemagicland (360), awfullotofocelots (303), chuckfinleLP1 (37), seoulless (8) 0216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was 'Rocky's" Iast name? 0216:< Mathemagicland> Balboa 0216:< awfullotofocelots> Balboa 0216:< Patarknight> Balgoa 0216:< Robairt> balboa 0216:< seoulless> balboa 0216:< TrantaLocked> balboa 0216:< Patarknight> Balboa 0216:< chuckfinleLP1> Balboa 0217:< DrWinters> balboa 0217:< npinsker> The answer was Balboa! Correct users: Mathemagicland (364), awfullotofocelots (306), Robairt (20), seoulless (9), TrantaLocked (0), Pat... 0217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || As what is the North Star aIso known? 0217:< Mathemagicland> Polaris 0217:< awfullotofocelots> Polaris 0217:< seoulless> polaris 0217:< Robairt> PoLARIS 0217:< OneiricNeuron> polaris 0217:< DrWinters> polaris 0217:< chuckfinleLP1> Polaris 0217:< TrantaLocked> megadeth 0217:< npinsker> The answer was Polaris! Correct users: Mathemagicland (368), awfullotofocelots (309), seoulless (11), Robairt (21), OneiricNeuron (6), ... 0218:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (368), awfullotofocelots (309), Patarknight (247), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0218:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Personal // Do you currently fuck, or have you ever fucked, a chicken? 0218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Sung by Robert PaImer, "____________ to Iove'? 0218:< DrWinters> YES 0218:< seoulless> addicted 0218:< awfullotofocelots> Addicted 0218:< 3xist3nc3> Addicted 0218:< Robairt> Addicted 0218:< DrWinters> addicted 0218:< npinsker> The answer was Addicted! Correct users: seoulless (15), awfullotofocelots (312), 3xist3nc3 (135), Robairt (22), DrWinters (1) 0218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // What person is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as? 0218:< 3xist3nc3> Pele 0219:< awfullotofocelots> Pele 0219:< Robairt> Pele 0219:< seoulless> pele 0219:< Mathemagicland> Pepe 0219:< ntrefil> I think maybe pele 0219:< 3xist3nc3> Pelinho 0219:< npinsker> The answer was Pele! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (139), awfullotofocelots (315), Robairt (24), seoulless (16), ntrefil (0) 0219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy // Which is the most sensitive finger? 0219:< awfullotofocelots> Ring 0219:< seoulless> thumb 0219:< Mathemagicland> index 0219:< CitrusDoctor> index 0219:< i_hop> indez 0219:< ntrefil> pinky! 0219:< chuckfinleLP1> Ring 0219:< SilentSand> Index 0219:< awfullotofocelots> Pinky 0219:< 3xist3nc3> The ring 0219:< i_hop> index 0219:< CitrusDoctor> ring 0219:< 3xist3nc3> Index 0219:< npinsker> The answer was forefinger! Correct users: Mathemagicland (372), CitrusDoctor (3), SilentSand (3), i_hop (1), 3xist3nc3 (139) 0220:< i_hop> aww he reset scores 0220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy // ln what animaI form did Zeus seduce Europa? 0220:< Patarknight> Cow 0220:< Mathemagicland> cow 0220:< ntrefil> bear 0220:< chuckfinleLP1> Cow 0220:< CitrusDoctor> ture 0220:< nickyface> unicorn 0220:< awfullotofocelots> Europa 0220:< SilentSand> goat 0220:< awfullotofocelots> Cow 0220:< CitrusDoctor> donkey 0220:< npinsker> The answer was bull! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0220:< closer9> bull 0220:< awfullotofocelots> Bull 0220:< SilentSand> bull 0220:< AndyD418> bull 0220:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Biology // What comes out of your butt? 0220:< i_hop> poop\ 0220:< CitrusDoctor> poopoo 0220:< ntrefil> feces! 0220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: FIags || Which nation has an AK-47 assauIt rifIe on its fIag? 0220:< Patarknight> Mozambique 0220:< Mathemagicland> Mozambique 0220:< awfullotofocelots> mozambique 0221:< CitrusDoctor> USA 0221:< SilentSand> USA 0221:< AndyD418> niger 0221:< CitrusDoctor> mozambique 0221:< chuckfinleLP1> Mozambique 0221:< npinsker> The answer was Mozambique! Correct users: Patarknight (251), Mathemagicland (375), awfullotofocelots (317), CitrusDoctor (4), FNCxPro (... 0221:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Meta || Why does npinsker switch between || and //? 0221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language // What was the Ianguage of ancient lndia? 0221:< CitrusDoctor> indian 0221:< Patarknight> Sanskrit 0221:< closer9> Sanskrit 0221:< CitrusDoctor> indonesian 0221:< chuckfinleLP1> Sanskrit 0221:< CitrusDoctor> french 0221:< npinsker> The answer was Sanskrit! Correct users: Patarknight (255), FNCxPro (19), awfullotofocelots (319), Mathemagicland (376), closer9 (0), ch... 0221:< closer9> copy / paste kthx 0222:< PotatoBadger> "CATEGORY: FIags ||" and "CATEGORY: Language //" 0222:< CitrusDoctor> american 0222:< npinsker> ( True Or FaIse) The Easter Bunny is from Easter lsIand? 0222:< Mathemagicland> False 0222:< awfullotofocelots> Flase 0222:< closer9> false 0222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What job was Sting before he was a rock star? 0222:< PotatoBadger> Yes he does, you scumfuck degenerate bastard douchebag 0222:< AndyD418> true 0222:< chuckfinleLP1> False 0222:< mharrizone> false 0222:< CitrusDoctor> teacher 0222:< Mathemagicland> Police officer 0222:< awfullotofocelots> biologist 0222:< AndyD418> teacher 0222:< haley_joel_osteen> teacher 0222:< PotatoBadger> Banana 0222:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: Mathemagicland (380), closer9 (3), chuckfinleLP1 (39), mharrizone (1) 0222:< PotatoBadger> false 0222:< awfullotofocelots> uh 0222:< CitrusDoctor> he was a false? 0222:< haley_joel_osteen> true 0222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Riyadh is the capitaI of ____________? 0222:< Mathemagicland> Saudi Arabia 0222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Toronto ____________? 0222:< PotatoBadger> he was false, you fucking idiots 0222:< haley_joel_osteen> false 0222:< CitrusDoctor> Tasmania 0222:< awfullotofocelots> Saudi Arabia 0222:< Patarknight> Saudi Arabia 0222:< mharrizone> hrm 0223:< Mathemagicland> Maple Leafs 0223:< chuckfinleLP1> Saudi Arabia 0223:< Patarknight> Maple Leafs 0223:< PotatoBadger> DOUBLE QUESTION BONUS 0223:< awfullotofocelots> Maple Leafs 0223:< npinsker> The answer was Saudi Arabia! Correct users: Mathemagicland (384), awfullotofocelots (322), Patarknight (257), FNCxPro (20), chuckfinleL... 0223:< mharrizone> maple leafs 0223:< chuckfinleLP1> Maple Leafs 0223:< awfullotofocelots> Maple Leaves 0223:< PotatoBadger> #IMASTUPIDFUCKINGBROKENROBOT 0223:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (384), awfullotofocelots (322), Patarknight (257), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What country was the setting for "The King and I"? 0223:< Patarknight> Thailand 0223:< Mathemagicland> Persia 0223:< awfullotofocelots> Burma 0223:< aspbergerinparadise> siam (thailand) 0223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What person outIawed gIadiator sports in Rome? 0223:< Patarknight> Siam 0223:< awfullotofocelots> Siam 0223:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Chupacabras || What is a chupacabra? 0223:< chuckfinleLP1> Thailand 0223:< Patarknight> Theodosius 0223:< awfullotofocelots> Hadrian 0223:< mharrizone> Why isn't latest robin-grow auto-appending $ to my chat? 0224:< Patarknight> Caesar 0224:< awfullotofocelots> Theodesius 0224:< PotatoBadger> mharrizone because ur fuckn dumb 0224:< npinsker> The answer was Caesar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0224:< _vvvv_> it is.. I see the $ 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy // What person invented the teIescope? 0224:< Mathemagicland> Galileo 0224:< PotatoBadger> All I see is hunter2 0224:< Patarknight> Galileo 0224:< chuckfinleLP1> Galileo 0224:< awfullotofocelots> galilleo 0224:< 3xist3nc3> They updated it so that it doesn't appear @_vvvv_ 0224:< awfullotofocelots> galileo 0224:< Mathemagicland> but really he just refined the design 0224:< awfullotofocelots> are u using parrot 0224:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo Galilei! Correct users: Mathemagicland (388), Patarknight (260), FNCxPro (22), chuckfinleLP1 (40), awfullotofoce... 0224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Name the capitaI of BraziI. 0225:< Patarknight> Brasilia 0225:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0225:< awfullotofocelots> channel is between user name and timestamp 0225:< Mathemagicland> Brasilia 0225:< chuckfinleLP1> Brasilia 0225:< awfullotofocelots> Brasilia 0225:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0225:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0225:< npinsker> The answer was Brasilia! Correct users: Patarknight (264), FNCxPro (25), Mathemagicland (390), chuckfinleLP1 (41), awfullotofocelots (322) 0225:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Common Terms // How many is a baker"s dozen? 0225:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0225:< Patarknight> 13 0225:< Mathemagicland> 13 0225:< awfullotofocelots> 13 0225:< chuckfinleLP1> 12 0225:< PotatoBadger> haha he said 12 0225:< chuckfinleLP1> 13 0226:< awfullotofocelots> bakers 0226:< PotatoBadger> fucking dumbass 0226:< npinsker> The answer was thirteen! Correct users: Patarknight (268), FNCxPro (28) 0226:< Mathemagicland> dicks 0226:< PotatoBadger> cocks 0226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American GeneraI KnowIedge // Where's the Kitty Hawk? 0226:< Mathemagicland> North Carolina 0226:< Patarknight> North Carolina 0226:< micubit> holy shit PotatoBadger I remember you 0226:< awfullotofocelots> the Smithsonian 0226:< PotatoBadger> Hey micubit! 0226:< ntrefil> North Carolina 0226:< chuckfinleLP1> North Carolina 0226:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Reddit || When does the bacon narwhal? 0226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Port Louis is the capitaI of ____________? 0227:< PotatoBadger> Fuck communism. /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 0227:< Margatron> Hey Micubit! 0227:< awfullotofocelots> Trinidad and Tobago 0227:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0227:< DrWinters> mauritius 0227:< awfullotofocelots> St. Maartin 0227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing // What coIours was the Ferrari FormuIa 1 car in the 1964 US Grand prix? 0227:< Mathemagicland> red 0227:< fuckboithrowaway> red and white 0227:< PotatoBadger> black and yellow 0227:< awfullotofocelots> red and white 0227:< grink> purple 0227:< chuckfinleLP1> Ref and White 0227:< PotatoBadger> black and yellow 0227:< ntrefil> black 0227:< 3xist3nc3> Blue and white 0228:< npinsker> The answer was blue and white! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (143) 0228:< Margatron> green 0228:< micubit> Hey Margatron! I just got Parrot otherwise I would have never seen your message in the noise 0228:< PotatoBadger> micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit micubit 0228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // He invented 'bifocaI" Ienses for eyegIasses? 0228:< PotatoBadger> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< Mathemagicland> ben franklin 0228:< fuckboithrowaway> benjamin franklin 0228:< awfullotofocelots> Franklin 0228:< Patarknight> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< CitrusDoctor> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< grink> bj 0228:< 3xist3nc3> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< PotatoBadger> #REKT 0228:< ntrefil> Ben Fanklin 0228:< chuckfinleLP1> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< ntrefil> Ben fRanklin 0228:< theOh3> Benjamin Franklin 0228:< Margatron> micubit are you using the $ filter? 0228:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin! Correct users: PotatoBadger (4), fuckboithrowaway (6), Patarknight (270), FNCxPro (29), CitrusDoctor ... 0228:< PotatoBadger> BOOM HEADSHOT 0228:< Mathemagicland> oh come on 0228:< PotatoBadger> GET FUKT I WIN 0228:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (390), awfullotofocelots (326), Patarknight (270), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0228:< grink> false 0229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which isIand country Iies to the East of Mauritius? 0229:< Patarknight> Australia 0229:< PotatoBadger> Kentucky 0229:< Mathemagicland> seychelles 0229:< awfullotofocelots> Australia 0229:< CitrusDoctor> Aus 0229:< grink> l 0229:< chuckfinleLP1> Australia 0229:< Mathemagicland> comoros 0229:< PotatoBadger> KENTUCKY 0229:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: Patarknight (274), FNCxPro (32), awfullotofocelots (328), chuckfinleLP1 (42) 0229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // This U.S. President suffered from poIio during WWll. 0229:< Patarknight> FDR 0229:< Mathemagicland> Franklin Roosevelt 0229:< Patarknight> Franklin Delano Roosevelt 0229:< awfullotofocelots> Franklin Delano Roosevelt 0229:< ntrefil> Franklin dlenoar rosevelt 0230:< CitrusDoctor> Franklin Dickbutt Roosevelt 0230:< ntrefil> Franklin Delano Roosevelt$ 0230:< micubit> I do sometimes I've mostly been on %chat but I'm in system because I don't want to miss anything 0230:< chuckfinleLP1> Franklin Delanor Roosevelt 0230:< npinsker> The answer was Franklin D Roosevelt! Correct users: Patarknight (278), FNCxPro (35), Mathemagicland (392), awfullotofocelots (329), Cit... 0230:< micubit> oops sorry Margatron ofrgot to tag 0230:< CitrusDoctor> hah i got it right 0230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // ln what does a rhinoIogist speciaIise? 0230:< awfullotofocelots> ftw 0230:< Mathemagicland> noses 0230:< awfullotofocelots> noses 0230:< Patarknight> Kidney 0230:< chuckfinleLP1> Noses 0230:< ntrefil> Rhinos 0230:< CitrusDoctor> rhinoceroses 0230:< mharrizone> Man I dunno if it's just my shitty connection or the latest robin-grow, but something's fucky 0230:< PotatoBadger> science 0230:< CitrusDoctor> noises 0230:< micubit> PotatoBadger TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION OR SOMETHING 0230:< npinsker> The answer was human nose! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0230:< awfullotofocelots> mh are you using parrot 0230:< CitrusDoctor> wtf 0230:< PotatoBadger> micubit not even close 0231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // A receptacIe for hoIy water is a(n) ____. 0231:< PotatoBadger> TAXATION IS THEFT!!!!! /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 0231:< Mathemagicland> font 0231:< CitrusDoctor> urn 0231:< PotatoBadger> TAXATION IS THEFT!!!!! /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 0231:< ntrefil> urne 0231:< chuckfinleLP1> urne 0231:< PotatoBadger> TAXATION IS THEFT!!!!! /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 0231:< awfullotofocelots> urne 0231:< CitrusDoctor> vial 0231:< Patarknight> font 0231:< npinsker> The answer was font! Correct users: Mathemagicland (396), Patarknight (281), FNCxPro (37) 0231:< CitrusDoctor> font 0231:< Margatron> I am so happy I'm still in this chat 0231:< PotatoBadger> No taxation, period. 0231:< CitrusDoctor> ahh SHIT 0231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Paper // What size is A-0 paper? 0231:< Mathemagicland> one square meter 0231:< ntrefil> urn6x4 0231:< CitrusDoctor> big 0231:< mharrizone> 8x11 0231:< Patarknight> one square meter 0231:< PotatoBadger> ALL HAIL micubit 0231:< awfullotofocelots> 8x11 0231:< micubit> My robin tab has been refreshing and I'm afraid I'm missing people's messages 0232:< PotatoBadger> ALL HAIL micubit 0232:< ntrefil> 6x4 0232:< CitrusDoctor> 8.5x11.5 0232:< mharrizone> 1m^2 0232:< chuckfinleLP1> 8x11 0232:< awfullotofocelots> one square meter 0232:< Margatron> ALL HAIL MICUBIT 0232:< micubit> :D 0232:< npinsker> The answer was one Square Meter! Correct users: Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (284), FNCxPro (39), awfullotofocelots (330) 0232:< PotatoBadger> ALL HAIL micubit 0232:< PotatoBadger> ALL HAIL micubit 0232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What's the capitaI of Gabon? 0232:< Mathemagicland> 400 seems like a good stopping point. later guys 0232:< CitrusDoctor> gabon 0232:< PotatoBadger> micubit is the capital of Gabon 0232:< awfullotofocelots> librevile 0232:< micubit> /count 0232:< awfullotofocelots> libreville 0232:< npinsker> The answer was Libreville! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (334) 0232:< CitrusDoctor> libreville 0232:< 3xist3nc3> Libreville 0232:< CitrusDoctor> shiiiit 0232:< micubit> hahaha shit 0232:< 3xist3nc3> Cya mathemagicland 0232:< awfullotofocelots> later mat 0233:< CitrusDoctor> same second 0233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // ln "Romeo and JuIiet', what person said 'l have a faint coId, fear thriIIs through my veins'? 0233:< awfullotofocelots> mercutio 0233:< CitrusDoctor> benvolio 0233:< Patarknight> Mercutio 0233:< 3xist3nc3> Mercutio 0233:< Margatron> Was it micubit? 0233:< chuckfinleLP1> Mercuito 0233:< CitrusDoctor> mercutio 0233:< npinsker> The answer was Juliet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0233:< Margatron> dangit 0233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the wiId dogs of AustraIia. 0233:< micubit> sometimes when I feel like it I'm the capital of Gabon 0233:< awfullotofocelots> digos 0233:< PotatoBadger> micubit, micubit, and micubit 0233:< chuckfinleLP1> Dingos 0233:< awfullotofocelots> dingo 0233:< PotatoBadger> DINGO AYTCHO BABY 0233:< 3xist3nc3> Dangies 0233:< CitrusDoctor> richard and david 0234:< Margatron> dags 0234:< npinsker> The answer was dingo! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (338) 0234:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (338), Patarknight (284), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0234:< mharrizone> noses 0234:< CitrusDoctor> Benjamin Franklin 0234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // She pIayed a PoIish refugee in 'Sophie's Choice"? 0234:< CitrusDoctor> Sophie 0234:< awfullotofocelots> Uma Thurman 0234:< chuckfinleLP1> Uma Thurman 0234:< npinsker> The answer was Meryl Streep! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: quote // What person said "The great masses of the peopIe wiII more easiIy faII victims to a big Iie than to a smaII one."? 0235:< PotatoBadger> micubit said that 0235:< awfullotofocelots> Adolph HItler 0235:< Margatron> dangit I was just typing Meryl Streep 0235:< CitrusDoctor> Mussolini 0235:< Patarknight> Adolf Hitler 0235:< CitrusDoctor> Hitler 0235:< awfullotofocelots> Adolf Hitler 0235:< Margatron> Mussolini 0235:< chuckfinleLP1> Adolf Hitler 0235:< npinsker> The answer was Adolf Hitler! Correct users: Patarknight (288), awfullotofocelots (341), chuckfinleLP1 (44) 0235:< robinburr> chat hello are people still here? 0235:< micubit> the great masses of the peopie wiii more easiiy faii victims to a big iie than to a smaii one. 0235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The Scots caII it 'shinty' - what do Canadians and Americans caII it? 0235:< Patarknight> hockey 0235:< awfullotofocelots> hockey 0236:< CitrusDoctor> a period 0236:< chuckfinleLP1> Hockey 0236:< awfullotofocelots> micubit it's bot deterrence 0236:< Margatron> hockey 0236:< npinsker> The answer was hockey! Correct users: Patarknight (292), awfullotofocelots (344), chuckfinleLP1 (46), Margatron (1) 0236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the sequeI to "Star Wars". 0236:< Margatron> can't get that one wrong. I'm Canadian 0236:< Patarknight> The Empire Strikes Back 0236:< awfullotofocelots> THe Empire Strikes Back 0236:< CitrusDoctor> Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 0236:< Margatron> Empire Strikes Back 0236:< npinsker> The answer was The Empire Strikes Back! Correct users: Patarknight (296), FNCxPro (42), awfullotofocelots (346), CitrusDoctor (5), Marg... 0236:< awfullotofocelots> THE margatron, THE 0237:< PotatoBadger> It was actually micubit 0237:< awfullotofocelots> lucked out 0237:< Margatron> DIE Bart DIE 0237:< npinsker> satan, osciIIate my metaIIic ________ ( CompIete the PaIindrome) 0237:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0237:< awfullotofocelots> smart bot 0237:< Patarknight> sonatas 0237:< awfullotofocelots> sonatas 0237:< CitrusDoctor> sonatas 0237:< Patarknight> so metal 0237:< awfullotofocelots> toughy 0237:< chuckfinleLP1> sonatas 0237:< npinsker> The answer was sonatas! Correct users: Patarknight (300), awfullotofocelots (349), CitrusDoctor (7), chuckfinleLP1 (47) 0237:< awfullotofocelots> for syslexia 0237:< Patarknight> lol FNCxPro 0237:< micubit> awfullotofocelots have you seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJQN90DDIyk 0237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // Circuits can be wired in series or in _________. 0237:< Patarknight> parallel 0237:< CitrusDoctor> parallel 0237:< Margatron> parallel 0237:< PotatoBadger> pandas 0238:< chuckfinleLP1> parallel 0238:< awfullotofocelots> parallel 0238:< awfullotofocelots> nope 0238:< Margatron> coffee 0238:< npinsker> The answer was parallel! Correct users: Patarknight (304), FNCxPro (45), CitrusDoctor (9), Margatron (2), chuckfinleLP1 (47), awfulloto... 0238:< Patarknight> love circuited pandas 0238:< awfullotofocelots> nope haven't seen it 0238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || ln Greek mythoIogy, what person did Minos hire to construct the Iabyrinth? 0238:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0238:< Patarknight> Daedalus 0238:< awfullotofocelots> Daedalus 0238:< chuckfinleLP1> Daedalus 0238:< CitrusDoctor> Aphrodite 0238:< npinsker> The answer was Daedalus! Correct users: Patarknight (308), awfullotofocelots (352), chuckfinleLP1 (49) 0238:< CitrusDoctor> shit thought I had it 0239:< awfullotofocelots> close 0239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || PaedoIogy is the study of ...... ? 0239:< Margatron> she was just pretty 0239:< CitrusDoctor> feet 0239:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0239:< awfullotofocelots> feed 0239:< Patarknight> rocks 0239:< Margatron> feet 0239:< CitrusDoctor> children 0239:< chuckfinleLP1> rocks 0239:< awfullotofocelots> feet 0239:< npinsker> The answer was soil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0239:< chuckfinleLP1> minerals 0239:< CitrusDoctor> pedophiles 0239:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (352), Patarknight (308), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine // OsteomyeIitis affects the _________? 0240:< Patarknight> bones 0240:< CitrusDoctor> skin 0240:< awfullotofocelots> bones 0240:< chuckfinleLP1> bones 0240:< Margatron> skin 0240:< awfullotofocelots> muscles 0240:< chuckfinleLP1> skin 0240:< npinsker> The answer was bones! Correct users: Patarknight (312), FNCxPro (48), awfullotofocelots (354), chuckfinleLP1 (50) 0240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Name the European hit, now an animated series about underwater peopIe? 0240:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0240:< Margatron> I thought it was psoriasis 0240:< CitrusDoctor> spongebob 0240:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0240:< chuckfinleLP1> Spongebob 0240:< Margatron> Spongebob Squarepants 0241:< npinsker> The answer was The Snorks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0241:< 3xist3nc3> the skeetles 0241:< CitrusDoctor> sponge robert 0241:< awfullotofocelots> CLOSE 0241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What city was the setting for "Gone With the Wind"? 0241:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0241:< Patarknight> Atlanta 0241:< 3xist3nc3> atlanta 0241:< awfullotofocelots> Atlanda 0241:< CitrusDoctor> kansas city 0241:< chuckfinleLP1> Atlanta 0241:< awfullotofocelots> Atlanta 0241:< npinsker> The answer was Atlanta! Correct users: Patarknight (316), FNCxPro (51), 3xist3nc3 (145), chuckfinleLP1 (51), awfullotofocelots (354) 0241:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Opinions || What's your favorite planet? 0241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Domestic MetaIIurgy // Name the cIothing wrinkIe remover that sounds Iike a kind of metaI? 0241:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0242:< micubit> besides earth? 0242:< 3xist3nc3> iron 0242:< awfullotofocelots> iron 0242:< chuckfinleLP1> Iron 0242:< Margatron> iron 0242:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (149), awfullotofocelots (357), chuckfinleLP1 (53), Margatron (3) 0242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What person was the onIy survivor of Custer"s Iast stand? 0242:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0242:< awfullotofocelots> Sitting Bull 0242:< Patarknight> Finkel 0242:< chuckfinleLP1> Sitting Bull 0243:< npinsker> The answer was his horse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0243:< Margatron> My fave planet is Jupiter because if it didn't exist, all the inner planets would have gotten sucked into the Sun 0243:< awfullotofocelots> his horse aint a person] 0243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was used for bIood in the fiIm "psycho'? 0243:< Margatron> Sitting Bull 0243:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0243:< 3xist3nc3> tomato sauce 0243:< jayman419> I'm not sure about that... annihilated by space rocks maybe. 0243:< awfullotofocelots> chocolate sauce 0243:< Patarknight> chocolate sauce 0243:< chuckfinleLP1> Chocolate Sauce 0243:< Margatron> chocolate milk 0243:< npinsker> The answer was chocolate syrup! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0243:< awfullotofocelots> zonk 0243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: NaturaI History || Name the Iargest of the dinosaurs? 0243:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0244:< awfullotofocelots> diplodocus 0244:< Patarknight> Pleisosaur 0244:< CitrusDoctor> big dino 0244:< chuckfinleLP1> Brontosaurus 0244:< npinsker> The answer was brachiosaurus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0244:< Margatron> brontosaurus doesn't exist 0244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which river is Rome Iocated? 0244:< awfullotofocelots> TIbre 0244:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0244:< Margatron> Tiber 0244:< awfullotofocelots> Tiber 0244:< chuckfinleLP1> Tibre 0244:< 3xist3nc3> tiber 0244:< Patarknight> Tiber 0244:< chuckfinleLP1> Tiber 0244:< npinsker> The answer was Tiber! Correct users: Margatron (7), awfullotofocelots (360), 3xist3nc3 (151), Patarknight (317), FNCxPro (51), chuckfin... 0245:< Margatron> yuss 0245:< bickster69> REBIT 0245:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (360), Patarknight (317), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // What's the chemicaI name for quicksiIver? 0245:< awfullotofocelots> mercury 0245:< micubit> mercury 0245:< 3xist3nc3> mercury 0245:< Patarknight> Mercury 0245:< Margatron> mercury 0245:< chuckfinleLP1> Mercury 0245:< Margatron> Sailor Mercury 0245:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0245:< npinsker> The answer was mercury! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (364), micubit (3), 3xist3nc3 (153), Patarknight (318), FNCxPro (51), Margatro... 0246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Jakarta is Iocated on which lndonesian isIand? 0246:< awfullotofocelots> Java 0246:< BrownMario> java 0246:< Patarknight> Java 0246:< Margatron> Java 0246:< chuckfinleLP1> Java 0246:< npinsker> The answer was Java! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (368), BrownMario (154), Patarknight (320), Margatron (8), chuckfinleLP1 (53) 0246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // This is the onIy borough of New York City that is not on an isIand. 0246:< Patarknight> Bronx 0246:< chuckfinleLP1> Bronx 0247:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer any questions 0247:< npinsker> The answer was The Bronx! Correct users: Patarknight (324), FNCxPro (54), awfullotofocelots (370), BrownMario (155), chuckfinleLP1 (53) 0247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy // What is the most essentiaI tooI in astronomy? 0247:< awfullotofocelots> telescope 0247:< crispy-owl> star charts 0247:< Patarknight> Telescope 0247:< chuckfinleLP1> Telescope 0247:< npinsker> The answer was telescope! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (374), Patarknight (327), chuckfinleLP1 (55) 0248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Acronyms || What does N.A.S.A stand for? 0248:< OneiricNeuron> national aeronautics space Aurelio's 0248:< Patarknight> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0248:< awfullotofocelots> National Aeronautic and Space Association 0248:< BrownMario> national aeronautics space 0248:< npinsker> The answer was National Aeronautics and Space Administration! Correct users: Patarknight (331) 0248:< Margatron> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0248:< awfullotofocelots> National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0248:< BrownMario> damn are the bots faster now? 0248:< Margatron> dangit I type slow 0248:< npinsker> The San Diego ____________? ( FootbaII) 0248:< Patarknight> Chargers 0248:< BrownMario> chargers 0248:< awfullotofocelots> chargeres 0248:< chuckfinleLP1> Chargers 0248:< Margatron> phone chargers 0249:< npinsker> The answer was Chargers! Correct users: Patarknight (335), BrownMario (158), chuckfinleLP1 (57), Margatron (9) 0249:< Margatron> hahah I still got it right 0249:< BrownMario> nice 0249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Mayfair, London is a district of IittIe streets near ____________? 0249:< Patarknight> Picadilly Square 0249:< awfullotofocelots> Hyde Park 0249:< BrownMario> picadilly square 0249:< 3xist3nc3> picadilly square 0249:< chuckfinleLP1> Picadilly Square 0249:< BrownMario> hyde park 0249:< Margatron> the queen 0249:< npinsker> The answer was Hyde Park! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (378), BrownMario (161) 0249:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0249:< 3xist3nc3> hyde park 0249:< PotatoBadger> FUCK 0249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || Who kiIIed a dragon in ancient mythoIogy? 0250:< 3xist3nc3> hey mario 0250:< PotatoBadger> micubit did 0250:< BrownMario> everyoone? 0250:< OneiricNeuron> Socrates 0250:< awfullotofocelots> Perseus 0250:< Patarknight> Marduk 0250:< Margatron> this one is definitely micubit 0250:< chuckfinleLP1> St Geroge 0250:< BrownMario> micubit 0250:< 3xist3nc3> zeus 0250:< BrownMario> wahtup? 0250:< npinsker> The answer was St. George! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0250:< PotatoBadger> FUCK YOU BROWN MARIO 0250:< Patarknight> "ancient" 0250:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (378), Patarknight (335), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (21... 0250:< Margatron> St. Micubit 0250:< PotatoBadger> micubit for galactic dictator 0250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genetics // How many chromosomes do each body ceII contain? 0250:< Patarknight> 46 0250:< awfullotofocelots> 23 0250:< chuckfinleLP1> 46 0250:< BrownMario> twenty three 0251:< OneiricNeuron> 46 0251:< Margatron> 46 0251:< Yenwodyah_> 46 0251:< BrownMario> forty six 0251:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0251:< PotatoBadger> 69 0251:< awfullotofocelots> 46 0251:< chuckfinleLP1> twenty three 0251:< ActionHobo> 47 for potatoes 0251:< chuckfinleLP1> 23 0251:< 3xist3nc3> 46 0251:< npinsker> The answer was forty six! Correct users: Patarknight (339), FNCxPro (57), OneiricNeuron (8), Margatron (10), Yenwodyah_ (2), BrownMario... 0251:< PotatoBadger> THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME 0251:< Margatron> ooooooooh 0251:< ActionHobo> A FUCKING RETARD 0251:< hellapanda> burn 0251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of Iight and its reIation to sight is caIIed ______. 0251:< awfullotofocelots> optics 0251:< Patarknight> optics 0251:< BrownMario> optics 0251:< hellapanda> optics 0251:< 3xist3nc3> optics 0251:< Yenwodyah_> optics 0251:< OneiricNeuron> botany 0251:< Margatron> optics 0251:< chuckfinleLP1> Optics 0251:< PotatoBadger> micubitology 0251:< npinsker> The answer was optics! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (382), Patarknight (342), BrownMario (163), hellapanda (212), 3xist3nc3 (153), ... 0251:< 3xist3nc3> laseronomy 0252:< PotatoBadger> $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain YourseIf Thinking ;-) || During the American RevoIution, the Boston Tea Party took pIace in ______ Harbor? 0252:< BrownMario> boston 0252:< awfullotofocelots> Boston 0252:< Patarknight> Boston 0252:< OneiricNeuron> Pearl 0252:< hellapanda> boston 0252:< chuckfinleLP1> Boton Harbor 0252:< Margatron> Boston 0252:< chuckfinleLP1> Boton 0252:< BrownMario> too soon 0252:< skiplacombe> boston 0252:< Margatron> Sanctuary 0252:< awfullotofocelots> Boston harbor Harbor 0252:< npinsker> The answer was boston! Correct users: BrownMario (167), awfullotofocelots (385), Patarknight (344), hellapanda (213), Margatron (10), s... 0252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || ln Greek mythoIogy what person did Athena turn into a spider? 0252:< BrownMario> arachna 0252:< hellapanda> arachne 0252:< awfullotofocelots> Arachne 0252:< Patarknight> Arachne 0253:< BrownMario> arachne 0253:< chuckfinleLP1> Arachne 0253:< awfullotofocelots> hellpanda returns 0253:< hellapanda> sup 0253:< awfullotofocelots> greetings 0253:< Patarknight> helapanda's back 0253:< npinsker> The answer was Arachne! Correct users: hellapanda (217), awfullotofocelots (388), Patarknight (346), FNCxPro (58), BrownMario (167), ch... 0253:< Reddits_Worst_Night> rachne 0253:< Margatron> hey 0253:< BrownMario> hey hey 0253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // As what's Formosa now known? 0253:< Patarknight> Taiwan 0253:< BrownMario> taiwan 0253:< hellapanda> taiwan 0253:< Margatron> Taiwan 0253:< awfullotofocelots> Taiwan 0253:< chuckfinleLP1> Taiwan 0253:< Reddits_Worst_Night> Taiwan 0253:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: Patarknight (350), FNCxPro (61), BrownMario (169), hellapanda (218), Margatron (10), awfullotofoc... 0254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United states || What was Jane Wyman Reagan's birth name? 0254:< BrownMario> nancy 0254:< awfullotofocelots> Nancy 0254:< Authsauce> nancy 0254:< hellapanda> sarah fulks 0254:< chuckfinleLP1> Nancy 0254:< npinsker> The answer was Sarah Jane Fulks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0254:< BrownMario> lol gotcha 0254:< hellapanda> wow eat a bag of dicks 0254:< Margatron> wat, panda got it 0254:< Authsauce> hellapanda got robbed 0254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the actor who pIayed the Ieading roIe in 'The Good, the Bad, and the UgIy"? 0254:< hellapanda> eastwood 0254:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0254:< Patarknight> Clint Eastwood 0254:< BrownMario> clint eastwood 0254:< awfullotofocelots> Eastwood 0254:< Margatron> Clint Eastwood 0254:< chuckfinleLP1> Clint Eastwood 0255:< Authsauce> clint eastwood 0255:< Margatron> I'm so due for a rewatch of that 0255:< npinsker> The answer was Clint Eastwood! Correct users: hellapanda (222), Patarknight (353), FNCxPro (63), BrownMario (170), awfullotofocelots (3... 0255:< Margatron> such a great trilogy 0255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America // What city is aIso known as Beantown? 0255:< hellapanda> boston 0255:< awfullotofocelots> Boston 0255:< BrownMario> boston 0255:< Patarknight> Boston 0255:< Authsauce> boston 0255:< Margatron> Boston 0255:< BrownMario> el paso 0255:< drewiepoodle> boston 0255:< chuckfinleLP1> Boston 0255:< Authsauce> mexico city 0255:< 3xist3nc3> hey panda 0255:< hellapanda> sup 0255:< npinsker> The answer was Boston! Correct users: hellapanda (226), awfullotofocelots (391), BrownMario (172), Patarknight (354), Authsauce (0), Ma... 0255:< 3xist3nc3> juarez 0255:< Authsauce> did the counter reset? 0256:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (391), Patarknight (354), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (228), hellapanda (22... 0256:< 3xist3nc3> yes 0256:< BrownMario> hours go 0256:< hellapanda> nah, npinsker is on work computer 0256:< BrownMario> agoago 0256:< 3xist3nc3> more or less 0256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where's Mount Washington? 0256:< hellapanda> said would merge the scores when he gets home 0256:< BrownMario> alaska 0256:< hellapanda> new hampshire 0256:< Patarknight> New Hampshire 0256:< Authsauce> new hampshire 0256:< Margatron> USA 0256:< 3xist3nc3> new hampshire 0256:< awfullotofocelots> New Hampshire 0256:< BrownMario> new hampshire 0256:< chuckfinleLP1> New Hampshire 0256:< grink> %chat old vampire 0256:< npinsker> The answer was New Hampshire! Correct users: hellapanda (230), Patarknight (357), Authsauce (2), 3xist3nc3 (154), awfullotofocelots (39... 0256:< chuckfinleLP1> Alaska 0256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics // What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a refIex angIe? 0257:< hellapanda> 181 0257:< chuckfinleLP1> 181 0257:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0257:< awfullotofocelots> 181 0257:< BrownMario> one hundred and eighty one 0257:< grink> 89 0257:< Margatron> 1 0257:< 3xist3nc3> 160 0257:< chuckfinleLP1> 180 0257:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and eighty one! Correct users: Patarknight (361), FNCxPro (66), Authsauce (4), BrownMario (173), hellapanda ... 0257:< Margatron> price is right answer 0257:< hellapanda> lol 0257:< Authsauce> haha 0257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What is a "funambuIist'? 0257:< Patarknight> tightrope walker 0257:< hellapanda> tightrope walker 0257:< BrownMario> tightrope walker 0257:< Authsauce> tightrope walker 0257:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0257:< awfullotofocelots> tightrope walker 0257:< grink> penis stomper 0257:< chuckfinleLP1> Tightrope Walker 0257:< hellapanda> oooo darn you rate limit 0257:< Authsauce> tightrope walker texas ranger 0258:< npinsker> The answer was A tightrope walker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0258:< hellapanda> ...... k 0258:< Margatron> wat 0258:< awfullotofocelots> "A" 0258:< BrownMario> A 0258:< BrownMario> bullshit 0258:< Authsauce> fuuuuuu 0258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: DoIIs // What is Barbie`s fuII name? 0258:< Margatron> AYYYYY 0258:< BrownMario> simpson? 0258:< hellapanda> barbara something 0258:< Authsauce> barbraham lincoln 0258:< BrownMario> babebraham lincoln 0258:< awfullotofocelots> Barbara 0258:< Margatron> Barbie Barbie 0258:< hellapanda> barbara roberts 0258:< Patarknight> Barbara Millicent Roberts 0258:< npinsker> The answer was Barbara Millicent Roberts! Correct users: Patarknight (365), FNCxPro (69) 0258:< Authsauce> barbara millicent roberts 0258:< Margatron> damn 0258:< Authsauce> fookin a, mate 0258:< npinsker> The Chicago ____________? ( BasebaII) 0258:< hellapanda> hey patar.. I think you have a shadow 0258:< Patarknight> white sox 0258:< BrownMario> fire 0258:< chuckfinleLP1> Cubs 0259:< hellapanda> white sox 0259:< Patarknight> Oh I do 0259:< BrownMario> cubs 0259:< Authsauce> white sox 0259:< awfullotofocelots> cubs 0259:< Authsauce> cubs 0259:< hellapanda> aw, that's annoying :( 0259:< BrownMario> white sox 0259:< Margatron> the white sox 0259:< chuckfinleLP1> White Sox 0259:< awfullotofocelots> white sox 0259:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0259:< npinsker> The answer was Cubs! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (61), BrownMario (176), awfullotofocelots (393), Authsauce (5) 0259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games // ln which sport are terms 'spare" and "gutter" used? 0259:< Margatron> I don't know baseball 0259:< Authsauce> bowling 0259:< BrownMario> bowling 0259:< hellapanda> bowling 0259:< chuckfinleLP1> Bowling 0259:< awfullotofocelots> botht are rights 0259:< Margatron> bowling 0259:< awfullotofocelots> bowling 0259:< Patarknight> bowling 0259:< npinsker> The answer was tenpin bowling! Correct users: Authsauce (9), BrownMario (179), hellapanda (232), chuckfinleLP1 (62), Margatron (10), aw... 0300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food // Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin? 0300:< BrownMario> mcdonalds 0300:< grink> mc cock 0300:< hellapanda> ed peterson 0300:< BrownMario> ed peterson 0300:< chuckfinleLP1> Mcdonalds 0300:< Margatron> macubit 0300:< 3xist3nc3> Ronald McDonald 0300:< awfullotofocelots> herb peterson 0300:< Margatron> micubit 0300:< BrownMario> ronald mcdonald 0300:< npinsker> The answer was Ed Peterson! Correct users: hellapanda (236), BrownMario (182) 0300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What person pIayed George Costanza on "SeinfeId'? 0300:< BrownMario> george costanza 0300:< hellapanda> jason alexander 0301:< awfullotofocelots> Costanza 0301:< Margatron> was it micubit? 0301:< chuckfinleLP1> Jason Alexander 0301:< Authsauce> jason aleander 0301:< awfullotofocelots> Alexander 0301:< 3xist3nc3> shiggy 0301:< npinsker> The answer was Jason Alexander! Correct users: hellapanda (240), chuckfinleLP1 (65) 0301:< Authsauce> jason alexander 0301:< Authsauce> hahahahah goddammit 0301:< SaveTheSpycrabs> ugh, so we aren't staying? 0301:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (393), Patarknight (365), hellapanda (240), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0301:< awfullotofocelots> It likes full names for actors it seems 0301:< Authsauce> fat fingers strike again 0301:< Margatron> 3xist3nc3, are you the same guy who has that video series on youtube? 0301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name a country which has the same name as a bird. 0301:< hellapanda> turkey 0301:< aspbergerinparadise> turkey 0301:< awfullotofocelots> Turkey 0301:< Authsauce> turkey 0301:< BrownMario> turkey 0301:< Margatron> turkey 0301:< agentfooly> georgia 0301:< chuckfinleLP1> Turkey 0302:< BrownMario> that's so raven 0302:< 3xist3nc3> I don't have any video series on YouTube, so I'm pretty sure I'm not him. 0302:< hellapanda> what's another one? 0302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second Iargest ocean? 0302:< Authsauce> back to double digits 0302:< grink> indian 0302:< agentfooly> atlantic 0302:< awfullotofocelots> Indian 0302:< hellapanda> pacific 0302:< BrownMario> atlantic 0302:< Authsauce> atlantic 0302:< Patarknight> Indian 0302:< chuckfinleLP1> Indian 0302:< awfullotofocelots> Pacific 0302:< hellapanda> oh second whoops 0302:< 3xist3nc3> Atlantic 0302:< BrownMario> mexican 0302:< grink> burrito 0302:< chuckfinleLP1> Pacific 0302:< Authsauce> indian 0302:< hellapanda> atlantic 0302:< awfullotofocelots> Arctic 0302:< npinsker> The answer was Atlantic Ocean! Correct users: agentfooly (4), BrownMario (186), Authsauce (13), 3xist3nc3 (155), hellapanda (244) 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was Sir AIec Guinness"s roIe in "Star Wars"? 0303:< Margatron> oh wait, I'm thinking of the youtube channel Evid3nc3 0303:< Authsauce> obiwan kenobi 0303:< Patarknight> Obi-wan Kenobi 0303:< awfullotofocelots> Obi Wan Kenobi 0303:< BrownMario> obiwan kenobi 0303:< Patarknight> Obi-wan Kenobi 0303:< hellapanda> kenobi 0303:< awfullotofocelots> Kenobi 0303:< grink> Ryu 0303:< Margatron> Ben Kenobi 0303:< awfullotofocelots> Obiwan Kenobi 0303:< npinsker> The answer was Obi-Wan Kenobi! Correct users: Authsauce (17), Patarknight (368), awfullotofocelots (398), FNCxPro (70), BrownMario (186) 0303:< chuckfinleLP1> Ben Kenobi 0303:< grink> Blanka 0303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country deveIoped "Tae-Kwan-Do"? 0303:< BrownMario> china 0303:< hellapanda> korea 0303:< agentfooly> Korea 0303:< chuckfinleLP1> China 0303:< 3xist3nc3> Korea 0303:< grink> best korea 0303:< Patarknight> China 0303:< awfullotofocelots> South Korea 0303:< BrownMario> korea 0303:< Margatron> Korea 0303:< chuckfinleLP1> Korea 0303:< Patarknight> South Korea 0304:< awfullotofocelots> Korea 0304:< chuckfinleLP1> South Korea 0304:< npinsker> The answer was Korea! Correct users: hellapanda (248), agentfooly (7), 3xist3nc3 (157), grink (2), awfullotofocelots (398), BrownMario ... 0304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Stephen King's: 'Pet ________"? 0304:< agentfooly> Semetary 0304:< awfullotofocelots> Semetary 0304:< BrownMario> detective 0304:< hellapanda> semetery 0304:< 3xist3nc3> Semetary 0304:< hellapanda> semetary 0304:< BrownMario> semetery 0304:< chuckfinleLP1> Semetery 0304:< grink> cemetary 0304:< awfullotofocelots> Alright I made it to 400! Done for a while 0304:< hellapanda> booo spelling 0304:< Margatron> cemetary 0304:< npinsker> The answer was Sematary! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0304:< 3xist3nc3> LOL 0304:< awfullotofocelots> fuck 0304:< Margatron> boooooo 0304:< Authsauce> congrats 0304:< hellapanda> oh I was closer! 0304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What's the sequeI to the fiIm 'Every Which Way But Loose'? 0304:< awfullotofocelots> one more 0304:< grink> pet semen 0304:< 3xist3nc3> Congrats ocelot 0305:< grink> tight 0305:< hellapanda> every which way but tight 0305:< Margatron> Toight like a Toiger 0305:< agentfooly> WutFace 0305:< npinsker> The answer was Every Which Way You Can! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0305:< Authsauce> any which way you can 0305:< hellapanda> oh 0305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many pockets are on a standard snooker tabIe? 0305:< hellapanda> on the right track lol 0305:< grink> 2 0305:< awfullotofocelots> 6 0305:< agentfooly> six 0305:< hellapanda> 6 0305:< Authsauce> six 0305:< 3xist3nc3> 6 0305:< chuckfinleLP1> 6 0305:< Margatron> 6 0305:< awfullotofocelots> 4 0305:< grink> 5.5 0305:< chuckfinleLP1> Six 0305:< AndyD418> 6 0306:< BrownMario> six 0306:< npinsker> The answer was 6! Correct users: hellapanda (252), AndyD418 (14) 0306:< agentfooly> DansGame 0306:< hellapanda> wut 0306:< 3xist3nc3> Aw come on 0306:< BrownMario> a number now? fuck this 0306:< grink> it broke 0306:< awfullotofocelots> ... 0306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Which U.S. state has the Ieast rainfaII? 0306:< hellapanda> nevada 0306:< 3xist3nc3> Nevada 0306:< BrownMario> arizona 0306:< Margatron> how did I not get that 0306:< AndyD418> arizona 0306:< awfullotofocelots> Nevada 0306:< agentfooly> new mexico 0306:< Patarknight> Arizona 0306:< chuckfinleLP1> Florida 0306:< grink> minnesota 0306:< BrownMario> nevada 0306:< Margatron> nevada 0306:< chuckfinleLP1> Arizona 0306:< npinsker> The answer was Nevada! Correct users: hellapanda (256), 3xist3nc3 (160), awfullotofocelots (400), BrownMario (187), Margatron (10) 0306:< awfullotofocelots> there it is 0306:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (368), hellapanda (256), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0307:< awfullotofocelots> later folks 0307:< hellapanda> seeya ocelots 0307:< 3xist3nc3> cya awfullotofocelots 0307:< Patarknight> see ya 0307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games // A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a _______. 0307:< Margatron> cheers awful 0307:< grink> cya cat 0307:< BrownMario> bye bye 0307:< grink> flush 0307:< Patarknight> empty suit 0307:< BrownMario> flush 0307:< hellapanda> void 0307:< grink> null 0307:< Margatron> void 0307:< npinsker> The answer was void! Correct users: hellapanda (260), Margatron (13) 0307:< chuckfinleLP1> Empty Suit 0307:< BrownMario> void 0307:< FeebleOldMan> void 0307:< Margatron> grandma ftw 0307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which was the first Chinese dynasty? 0307:< Patarknight> Shang 0307:< BrownMario> ming 0307:< Margatron> she taught me bridge 0307:< hellapanda> shang 0307:< agentfooly> Ming 0307:< 3xist3nc3> Shang 0307:< grink> bang 0307:< chuckfinleLP1> Shang 0308:< BrownMario> shang 0308:< Margatron> Chin 0308:< chuckfinleLP1> Ming 0308:< hellapanda> CHING 0308:< hellapanda> lol 0308:< chuckfinleLP1> Chin 0308:< grink> 3rd 0308:< npinsker> The answer was Shang! Correct users: Patarknight (372), hellapanda (263), 3xist3nc3 (162), chuckfinleLP1 (66), BrownMario (187) 0308:< Margatron> wtf it was Chin 0308:< hellapanda> not over it still 0308:< Patarknight> Qin was the first to unify 0308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Like what can a fuIIy ripened cranberry be dribbIed? 0308:< Margatron> or Qin 0308:< Patarknight> Shang is the first historically attested dynasty 0308:< hellapanda> basketball 0308:< BrownMario> basketball 0308:< FeebleOldMan> snot 0308:< chuckfinleLP1> Basketball 0308:< npinsker> The answer was basketball! Correct users: hellapanda (267), BrownMario (190), chuckfinleLP1 (68) 0308:< agentfooly> Shang is the first historically attested dynasty 0308:< hellapanda> huh. today I learned 0309:< Patarknight> Chinese archaeologists are trying to find evidence for the Xia Dynasty before the Shang, but that's likely mythical 0309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // What was the average age of United States soIdiers in the Vietnam war? 0309:< Patarknight> 20 0309:< agentfooly> 19 0309:< 3xist3nc3> 19 0309:< grink> 18 0309:< BrownMario> eighteen 0309:< FeebleOldMan> 16 0309:< chuckfinleLP1> 20 0309:< bickster69> TRUE 0309:< AndyD418> 15 0309:< grink> 8 0309:< chuckfinleLP1> 19 0309:< hellapanda> 19 0309:< BrownMario> why is this music? 0309:< bickster69> 16 0309:< FeebleOldMan> 17 0309:< Margatron> 16 0309:< BrownMario> nineteen 0309:< hellapanda> good question brownmario 0309:< npinsker> The answer was nineteen! Correct users: agentfooly (11), BrownMario (193) 0309:< Margatron> 19 0309:< hellapanda> wtf 0309:< grink> mess up bots? 0309:< agentfooly> because the doors 0309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts // What person painted the Mona Lisa? 0309:< BrownMario> 19 != nineteen 0309:< Patarknight> Da vinci 0309:< hellapanda> da vinci 0309:< agentfooly> Leonardo da vinci 0309:< 3xist3nc3> Leonardo Da Vinci 0309:< BrownMario> da vinci 0309:< FeebleOldMan> leonardo da vinci 0309:< Margatron> Leonardo Da Vinci 0310:< chuckfinleLP1> Leonardo Da Vinci 0310:< npinsker> The answer was Leonardo da Vinci! Correct users: Patarknight (376), hellapanda (270), agentfooly (13), FNCxPro (71), 3xist3nc3 (162), B... 0310:< hellapanda> npinsker, we have another bot for you :) 0310:< FeebleOldMan> blue ninja turtle 0310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What country is directIy west of Spain? 0310:< agentfooly> portugal 0310:< hellapanda> portugal 0310:< grink> portugal 0310:< BrownMario> portugal 0310:< FeebleOldMan> protugal 0310:< chuckfinleLP1> Portugal 0310:< Margatron> Portugal 0310:< FeebleOldMan> damit 0310:< hellapanda> contugal 0310:< npinsker> The answer was Portugal! Correct users: agentfooly (17), hellapanda (273), grink (4), BrownMario (194), chuckfinleLP1 (68), Margatron (13) 0310:< grink> porto 0310:< BrownMario> benefica all the way 0311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the former name of lstanbuI? 0311:< hellapanda> constantinople 0311:< BrownMario> constantinople 0311:< agentfooly> constantinople 0311:< grink> contaniple 0311:< BrownMario> fuck 0311:< FeebleOldMan> constantiople 0311:< Margatron> Constantinople 0311:< Patarknight> Constantinople 0311:< grink> i cant fucking spell 0311:< chuckfinleLP1> Constantinople 0311:< hellapanda> ty TMBG 0311:< FeebleOldMan> constantinople 0311:< 3xist3nc3> Constantinople 0311:< jayman419> Istabul was Constantinople now it's Istanbul not Constantinople... been a long time gone... 0311:< npinsker> The answer was Constantinople! Correct users: hellapanda (277), BrownMario (197), agentfooly (19), Margatron (14), Patarknight (376), F... 0311:< Margatron> now you're all singing the song in your head 0311:< grink> yes we are 0311:< npinsker> ( FootbaII) The Denver _________? 0311:< agentfooly> broncos 0311:< 3xist3nc3> broncos 0311:< Patarknight> Broncos 0311:< BrownMario> bronco 0311:< hellapanda> broncos 0311:< FeebleOldMan> broncos 0311:< cyclingwonder> ?? mine? 0311:< grink> cocks 0311:< chuckfinleLP1> Broncos 0311:< Margatron> Broncos 0311:< BrownMario> broncos 0311:< FeebleOldMan> doodoos 0312:< hellapanda> even ooold new yooork 0312:< BrownMario> rapids 0312:< npinsker> The answer was Broncos! Correct users: agentfooly (23), 3xist3nc3 (165), Patarknight (378), hellapanda (278), FeebleOldMan (47), chuckf... 0312:< agentfooly> is it just me or does the bot use I's instead of l's> 0312:< grink> not just you 0312:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (400), Patarknight (378), hellapanda (278), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0312:< FeebleOldMan> agentfooly bot countering 0312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse? 0312:< grink> jesus 0312:< hellapanda> walt disney 0312:< agentfooly> George Constanza 0312:< Margatron> Walt Disney 0312:< BrownMario> walt disney 0312:< FeebleOldMan> disney 0312:< chuckfinleLP1> Walt Disney 0312:< agentfooly> ub iwerks 0312:< hellapanda> fooly, those two look the same? 0312:< FeebleOldMan> mickey 0312:< grink> walle 0313:< npinsker> The answer was Walt Disney! Correct users: hellapanda (282), Margatron (17), BrownMario (199), chuckfinleLP1 (69) 0313:< Margatron> yuss 0313:< agentfooly> they Iook different to me 0313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeoIogy // What's the highest active voIcano in the worId? 0313:< agentfooly> mt etna 0313:< hellapanda> ecuador 0313:< grink> pompeii 0313:< chuckfinleLP1> Pompeii 0313:< FeebleOldMan> st helens 0313:< hellapanda> they both look like lowecase L's to me haha 0313:< agentfooly> pompeii is not a volcano folks 0313:< BrownMario> yosemite 0313:< npinsker> The answer was Cotopaxi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0313:< FeebleOldMan> no wait 0313:< Margatron> the one in hawaii 0313:< BrownMario> cotopaxi, got it 0313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Who dubbed AustraIia 'the Iucky country'? 0313:< cyclingwonder> chat kz-krunk - you want a butt plug? I'll sell you one, already broken in, real cheap! 0313:< hellapanda> oh, misread question whoopz 0314:< FeebleOldMan> daft punk 0314:< grink> is playing in mny house 0314:< Margatron> micubit 0314:< BrownMario> micubit 0314:< hellapanda> uhhh some book 0314:< npinsker> The answer was Donald Horne! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0314:< hellapanda> sure 0314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What person does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars fiIms? 0314:< hellapanda> frank oz 0314:< BrownMario> frank oz 0314:< Margatron> Frank Oz 0314:< agentfooly> Danny DeVito 0314:< grink> dr phil 0314:< chuckfinleLP1> Frank Oz 0314:< hellapanda> LMAO 0314:< Margatron> Miss Piggy 0314:< npinsker> The answer was Frank Oz! Correct users: hellapanda (286), BrownMario (202), Margatron (19), chuckfinleLP1 (70) 0315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country bIew up a Greenpeace ship in New ZeaIand? 0315:< agentfooly> China 0315:< Patarknight> France 0315:< hellapanda> france 0315:< chuckfinleLP1> France 0315:< 3xist3nc3> France 0315:< Margatron> Japan 0315:< grink> tasmania 0315:< FeebleOldMan> japan 0315:< 3xist3nc3> Australia 0315:< FeebleOldMan> new zealand 0315:< grink> CCCP 0315:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: Patarknight (382), FNCxPro (74), hellapanda (288), chuckfinleLP1 (71), 3xist3nc3 (165) 0315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // The study of human behaviour is __________? 0315:< agentfooly> anthropology 0315:< hellapanda> psychology 0315:< Patarknight> anthropology 0315:< FeebleOldMan> sociology 0315:< BrownMario> anthropology 0315:< grink> humanism 0315:< 3xist3nc3> anthropology 0316:< surelyucantbserious> socioogy 0316:< grink> humanology 0316:< Margatron> psychology 0316:< FeebleOldMan> anthropology 0316:< hellapanda> culture is anthro? 0316:< FeebleOldMan> psychology 0316:< chuckfinleLP1> Anthropology 0316:< npinsker> The answer was psychology! Correct users: hellapanda (292), Margatron (22), FeebleOldMan (49) 0316:< BrownMario> WHAT THE FCUK 0316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || ln rugby, what's the equivaIent of a hockey face-off? 0316:< Margatron> anthro is the study of man's evolution 0316:< FeebleOldMan> scrum 0316:< grink> scrum 0316:< surelyucantbserious> scrum 0316:< hellapanda> scrum 0316:< chuckfinleLP1> Scrum 0316:< BrownMario> scrum 0316:< BrownMario> scrotum 0316:< grink> HOOKER 0316:< FeebleOldMan> tackle 0316:< Margatron> scrotum 0316:< FeebleOldMan> couch potato 0316:< npinsker> The answer was scrum! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (53), grink (7), surelyucantbserious (2), hellapanda (293), chuckfinleLP1 (71), Brown... 0317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America // What state is 'The GoIden State'? 0317:< hellapanda> california 0317:< agentfooly> california 0317:< BrownMario> california 0317:< grink> california 0317:< FeebleOldMan> california 0317:< chuckfinleLP1> Califonia 0317:< vineman> THIS CHAT IS NEVER GOING TO END 0317:< chuckfinleLP1> California 0317:< FeebleOldMan> raisins 0317:< FeebleOldMan> idaho 0317:< surelyucantbserious> spaghetti 0317:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: hellapanda (297), agentfooly (26), BrownMario (204), grink (8), FeebleOldMan (53), Margatron ... 0317:< grink> west dakota 0317:< Margatron> More like the brown state these days. Poor drought. :( 0317:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (382), hellapanda (297), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0317:< Margatron> false 0318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the Iargest city in China? 0318:< hellapanda> shanghai 0318:< FeebleOldMan> shanghai 0318:< BrownMario> beijing 0318:< agentfooly> shanghai 0318:< chuckfinleLP1> Shanghai 0318:< BrownMario> shanghai 0318:< grink> noodles 0318:< Margatron> Shanghai 0318:< npinsker> The answer was Shanghai! Correct users: hellapanda (301), FeebleOldMan (56), agentfooly (28), chuckfinleLP1 (72), BrownMario (204), Mar... 0318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // East BerIin was the capitaI of ____________? 0318:< Patarknight> East Germany 0318:< agentfooly> germany 0318:< grink> germany 0318:< hellapanda> east germany 0318:< surelyucantbserious> germany 0318:< FeebleOldMan> east germany 0318:< BrownMario> west germany 0318:< chuckfinleLP1> East Germany 0318:< BrownMario> east germany 0319:< Margatron> West Germany 0319:< npinsker> The answer was East Germany! Correct users: Patarknight (386), hellapanda (304), FeebleOldMan (58), chuckfinleLP1 (73), BrownMario (204) 0319:< hellapanda> lol 0319:< Margatron> lol 0319:< BrownMario> lol 0319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the smaIIest Canadian province? 0319:< grink> prince edward island 0319:< surelyucantbserious> quebec 0319:< Patarknight> Prince Edward Island 0319:< FeebleOldMan> prince edward island 0319:< hellapanda> price edward island 0319:< Margatron> Prince Edward Island 0319:< BrownMario> prince edward island 0319:< FeebleOldMan> \o/ 0319:< chuckfinleLP1> Prince Edward Island 0319:< npinsker> The answer was Prince Edward Island! Correct users: grink (12), Patarknight (389), FeebleOldMan (60), FNCxPro (75), Margatron (22), Bro... 0319:< surelyucantbserious> Rob Ford 0319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain YourseIf Thinking ;-) // A 3 1/2' fIoppy disk measures ___ and 1/2 inches across? 0319:< grink> lulz 0320:< hellapanda> half 0320:< FeebleOldMan> 3 0320:< grink> 3 0320:< surelyucantbserious> 3 1/2 0320:< skiplacombe> 3 0320:< BrownMario> three 0320:< chuckfinleLP1> 3 0320:< hellapanda> 3 0320:< FeebleOldMan> three 0320:< Margatron> 3 0320:< skiplacombe> three 0320:< chuckfinleLP1> three 0320:< grink> 5 0320:< hellapanda> lol me 0320:< FeebleOldMan> 3.000 0320:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: skiplacombe (4) 0320:< agentfooly> a floppy dick? 0320:< BrownMario> what 0320:< grink> fuck off bot 0320:< FeebleOldMan> WTF 0320:< hellapanda> lol wut 0320:< Margatron> boo 0320:< skiplacombe> huh? 0320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom // As what is an aIgonquin more commonaIy known? 0320:< hellapanda> MOOSE 0320:< BrownMario> moose 0320:< chuckfinleLP1> Moose 0320:< skiplacombe> moose 0320:< grink> bullwink;e 0320:< Margatron> Moose 0320:< FeebleOldMan> moose? 0320:< BrownMario> mice 0320:< surelyucantbserious> Big ol big big deer 0320:< grink> meese 0321:< npinsker> The answer was moose! Correct users: hellapanda (308), BrownMario (207), chuckfinleLP1 (75), skiplacombe (5), Margatron (22), FeebleOld... 0321:< Patarknight> huh 0321:< Margatron> car crunchers 0321:< Patarknight> that seems mildly racist 0321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Of which ship was MiIes Standish captain? 0321:< Patarknight> Mayflower 0321:< hellapanda> mayflower 0321:< BrownMario> mayflower 0321:< skiplacombe> Mayflower 0321:< FeebleOldMan> mayflower? 0321:< chuckfinleLP1> Mayflower 0321:< surelyucantbserious> USS Columbia 0321:< grink> aprilflower 0321:< Margatron> I'm going to go with Mayflower 0321:< BrownMario> the black pearl 0321:< Authsauce> flaymower 0321:< hellapanda> moose is racist? 0321:< npinsker> The answer was The Mayflower! Correct users: Patarknight (393), FNCxPro (78), hellapanda (310), BrownMario (208), skiplacombe (5), Feeb... 0321:< Authsauce> nina pinta and/or santa maria 0321:< Patarknight> Algonquin is a Canadian aboriginal nation 0321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || ln "Star Trek', what person was the captain of the 'Enterprise C'? 0321:< hellapanda> ah 0321:< agentfooly> kirk 0322:< BrownMario> ah 0322:< grink> wolf 0322:< skiplacombe> Kirk 0322:< FeebleOldMan> kirk 0322:< BrownMario> kirk 0322:< Authsauce> wolf 0322:< Margatron> James T. Kirk 0322:< surelyucantbserious> KAAAAAARRRRRKKKK 0322:< chuckfinleLP1> Kirk 0322:< hellapanda> cap kirk 0322:< FeebleOldMan> james t. kirk 0322:< npinsker> The answer was Rachel Garret! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0322:< skiplacombe> Captain Kirk 0322:< BrownMario> lulz 0322:< Margatron> wat 0322:< Patarknight> Canadian equivalent of calling a buffalo a Sioux or something 0322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What was Keanu Reeves' first big fiIm? 0322:< hellapanda> ahh i see 0322:< grink> the matrix 0322:< BrownMario> matrix 0322:< Authsauce> enterprise c was at the beginning of the first TNG movie 0322:< Margatron> Point Break 0322:< chuckfinleLP1> The Matrix 0322:< agentfooly> point break 0322:< skiplacombe> Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure 0322:< FeebleOldMan> speed 0322:< surelyucantbserious> bill and ted's excellent adventure 0322:< grink> the array 0322:< hellapanda> point break 0322:< Authsauce> Star trek: generations 0322:< FeebleOldMan> bill and ted's excellent adventure 0322:< npinsker> The answer was Point Break! Correct users: Margatron (26), agentfooly (31), hellapanda (312) 0323:< Margatron> false 0323:< grink> $NULL 0323:< Authsauce> totally false 0323:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (393), hellapanda (312), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || To graduaIIy decrease in voIume. 0323:< 3xist3nc3> Decrescendo 0323:< agentfooly> tone down 0323:< grink> lower 0323:< hellapanda> decrescendo 0323:< Margatron> denouement 0323:< FeebleOldMan> fade out 0323:< chuckfinleLP1> Tone Down 0323:< surelyucantbserious> fade 0323:< BrownMario> descendo 0323:< grink> mic drop 0323:< Authsauce> decrescendo 0323:< chuckfinleLP1> Lower 0323:< Margatron> denoument 0323:< FeebleOldMan> turn down for what 0323:< hellapanda> hahaha mic drop 0323:< npinsker> The answer was decrescendo! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (169), hellapanda (315), Authsauce (19) 0323:< BrownMario> buh 0323:< Margatron> bullshit 0324:< hellapanda> ooo snap 0324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What is the best possibIe score in bIackjack? 0324:< BrownMario> wingardium leviousa 0324:< Authsauce> lol 0324:< Margatron> that is not correct 0324:< grink> 21 0324:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 21 0324:< FeebleOldMan> 21 0324:< hellapanda> 21 0324:< BrownMario> twenty one 0324:< Authsauce> 21 0324:< chuckfinleLP1> 21' 0324:< agentfooly> 21 0324:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto one 0324:< Margatron> 21 0324:< hellapanda> twenty one 0324:< chuckfinleLP1> 21 0324:< FeebleOldMan> win 0324:< surelyucantbserious> Twenty-One 0324:< Authsauce> tventy vun 0324:< Margatron> 42 0324:< grink> BJ 0324:< 3xist3nc3> Legal American alcohol aage 0324:< npinsker> The answer was twenty one! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (8), BrownMario (211), Authsauce (21), agentfooly (32), hellapanda (315), ... 0324:< grink> ugh lame 0324:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0324:< hellapanda> wut 0324:< npinsker> ( --isms) ExaIting one's country above aII others? 0324:< 3xist3nc3> Nationalism 0324:< FeebleOldMan> nationalism 0324:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> nationalism 0324:< Patarknight> Jingoism 0324:< agentfooly> django 0324:< BrownMario> fascism 0324:< surelyucantbserious> Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica 0324:< Authsauce> nationalism 0324:< hellapanda> nationalis 0324:< Margatron> nationalism 0325:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoism 0325:< Patarknight> Patriotism 0325:< BrownMario> nationalism 0325:< grink> voyeurism 0325:< hellapanda> nationalism 0325:< chuckfinleLP1> Nationalism 0325:< Authsauce> JOHN CENAISM 0325:< npinsker> The answer was nationalism! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (173), FeebleOldMan (63), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (10), Authsauce (22), Margatron (26),... --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 03:25:15 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 03:25:24 2016 0325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies // Who was the sexy star of BarbereIIa? 0325:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0325:< FeebleOldMan> barbie 0325:< hellapanda> jane fonda 0325:< Margatron> Jane Fonda 0325:< grink> baber 0325:< Authsauce> jane fonda 0325:< 3xist3nc3> Jane Fonda 0325:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> jane fonda 0325:< chuckfinleLP1> Jane Fonda 0325:< FeebleOldMan> jane fonda? 0325:< BrownMario> jane fonda 0325:< 3xist3nc3> Honda 0325:< Authsauce> cuz hellapanda said so 0325:< Margatron> that weird angel guy 0325:< npinsker> The answer was Jane Fonda! Correct users: hellapanda (319), Margatron (29), Authsauce (24), 3xist3nc3 (174), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (10), c... 0325:< hellapanda> o so sexy 0326:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // What person "imagined' a better worId? 0326:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> john lennon 0326:< 3xist3nc3> John Lennon 0326:< BrownMario> john lenon 0326:< hellapanda> john lennon 0326:< FeebleOldMan> john lennon 0326:< Authsauce> john lennon 0326:< BrownMario> john lennon 0326:< dick_sanitizer> john lennon 0326:< Margatron> John Lennon 0326:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto lennon 0326:< chuckfinleLP1> John Lennon 0326:< grink> john lemon 0326:< Authsauce> john's lemons 0326:< FeebleOldMan> john lemon 0326:< Margatron> I almost said Michael Jackson 0326:< 3xist3nc3> John Lenin 0326:< dick_sanitizer> afternoon everybody btw 0326:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (14), 3xist3nc3 (177), hellapanda (321), FeebleOldMan (64), Authsauce (24... 0326:< 3xist3nc3> cya dick_sanitizer 0326:< Margatron> cheers dick 0326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || This spikey succuIent, native of Africa, is usuaIIy an additive in creams and Iotions. 0326:< dick_sanitizer> hello* 0326:< Authsauce> later mr dick 0326:< agentfooly> aloe 0326:< BrownMario> rubber 0326:< BrownMario> aloe 0326:< FeebleOldMan> aloe vera 0326:< chuckfinleLP1> Aloe 0326:< zacketysack> chat no compatible room found for matching, we will count votes and check again for a match in 1 minute. 0326:< 3xist3nc3> Aloe Vera 0326:< Authsauce> aloe vera 0326:< hellapanda> aloe vera 0326:< Margatron> aloe vera 0326:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> aloe vera 0326:< grink> venus fly trap 0327:< dick_sanitizer> does afternoon not = greeting? lol 0327:< BrownMario> aloe vera 0327:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto vera 0327:< Margatron> KY jelly 0327:< npinsker> The answer was aloe vera! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (68), 3xist3nc3 (180), Authsauce (26), hellapanda (322), Margatron (29), I_Am_Sho... 0327:< grink> hi clean dick 0327:< Authsauce> welcome mr dick 0327:**** dick_sanitizer so clean 0327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What city is associated with AIcatraz? 0327:< hellapanda> san francisco 0327:< grink> san francisco 0327:< FeebleOldMan> san francisco 0327:< BrownMario> san francisco 0327:< Authsauce> san francisco 0327:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> san fransisco 0327:< dick_sanitizer> san fransisco 0327:< grink> syco 0327:< Margatron> san francisco 0327:< BrownMario> frisco 0327:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> San Frantonto 0327:< Margatron> I drove right past that! 0327:< grink> fresnell 0327:< chuckfinleLP1> San Fransisco 0327:< dick_sanitizer> san frantoronto 0327:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: hellapanda (326), grink (15), FeebleOldMan (70), BrownMario (212), Authsauce (26), Margatr... 0327:< hellapanda> shooby, I await for the lone ranger questions just for you 0327:< Margatron> san fransisco 0328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: lRC || ln mlRC, what coIour does controI-K + 4 give? 0328:< Margatron> o I did spell it right 0328:< grink> blue 0328:< Authsauce> red 0328:< FeebleOldMan> red 0328:< BrownMario> blue 0328:< dick_sanitizer> blue 0328:< hellapanda> red 0328:< chuckfinleLP1> Blue 0328:< BrownMario> red 0328:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> red 0328:< Authsauce> blue 0328:< FeebleOldMan> blue 0328:< Margatron> blue 0328:< chuckfinleLP1> Red 0328:< FeebleOldMan> yellow 0328:< grink> kellow 0328:< Authsauce> green 0328:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto colour 0328:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: Authsauce (30), FeebleOldMan (73), hellapanda (328), BrownMario (213), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (14), chuc... 0328:< dick_sanitizer> what's IRC btw? 0328:< FeebleOldMan> internet relay chat 0328:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (393), hellapanda (328), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0328:< 3xist3nc3> Internet Relay Chat 0328:< grink> old school chat 0328:< dick_sanitizer> ohh 0328:< hellapanda> thats a trivia question! 0328:< Authsauce> an old chat that this trivia bot was made for 0328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SimiIes || As cIean as a(n) ________? 0328:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> whistle 0328:< BrownMario> smile 0328:< Margatron> whistle 0329:< grink> butthole 0329:< BrownMario> whistle 0329:< hellapanda> whistle 0329:< Authsauce> well, not old as in not used anymore, but created awhile ago 0329:< dick_sanitizer> whistle 0329:< chuckfinleLP1> Whistle 0329:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0329:< FeebleOldMan> sanitized dick 0329:< Margatron> dick 0329:< Authsauce> dick_sanitizer's dick 0329:< grink> i still log into efnet 0329:< dick_sanitizer> yesm ? 0329:< npinsker> The answer was whistle! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (18), Margatron (32), BrownMario (215), hellapanda (329), dick_sanitizer (3),... 0329:< dick_sanitizer> hehehe 0329:< Margatron> lol 0329:< Authsauce> damn 0329:< hellapanda> lmao 0329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AIcohoI || From which pIant is tequiIa derived? 0329:< grink> agave 0329:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> cactus 0329:< 3xist3nc3> Avage 0329:< hellapanda> cactus 0329:< Authsauce> agave 0329:< dick_sanitizer> cactus 0329:< 3xist3nc3> Agave 0329:< FeebleOldMan> agave 0329:< chuckfinleLP1> Cactus 0329:< Margatron> agave 0329:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto plant 0329:< dick_sanitizer> pineapple 0329:< grink> tequila plant 0329:< FeebleOldMan> cactus 0329:< chuckfinleLP1> Agave 0329:< BrownMario> agave 0329:< npinsker> The answer was cactus! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (22), hellapanda (332), dick_sanitizer (5), chuckfinleLP1 (76), FeebleOldMan (73) 0330:< FeebleOldMan> coconut 0330:< dick_sanitizer> forgetmenot (badumtss) 0330:< BrownMario> WAHT THE FUCK NO 0330:< Authsauce> what the fuasiofu2938rygpqoie 0330:< Margatron> fuck 0330:< grink> its fucking agave 0330:< 3xist3nc3> Fuuuuuuck 0330:< BrownMario> CACTUS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 0330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // What person was the 1990 WimbIedon women"s singIes runner-up? 0330:< grink> some girl 0330:< hellapanda> garrison 0330:< FeebleOldMan> jill gates 0330:< 3xist3nc3> Who knows tbh 0330:< Authsauce> garrison 0330:< BrownMario> jill gates 0330:< dick_sanitizer> garrison 0330:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto garrison 0330:< chuckfinleLP1> Jill Gates 0330:< BrownMario> garrison 0330:< FeebleOldMan> molotova garkiska 0330:< Authsauce> bill gates in drag 0330:< npinsker> The answer was Zina Garrison! Correct users: hellapanda (336), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (25), Authsauce (32), dick_sanitizer (6), BrownMario ... 0330:< Margatron> Superwoman 0330:< dick_sanitizer> oh nice lol 0330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // ln 1962 Chubby Checker had a hit with a pop song and noveIty dance that remains famous today. What was that dance? 0330:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> the twist 0330:< FeebleOldMan> twist 0330:< Authsauce> the twist 0330:< BrownMario> the tweist 0330:< dick_sanitizer> fuck i was gonna have a nap when i got home but now this is really fun 0331:< BrownMario> twist 0331:< hellapanda> do da twist 0331:< FeebleOldMan> the twist 0331:< grink> Agave tequilana (agave azul or blue agave) is used in the production of tequila. 0331:< Authsauce> ze tveest 0331:< chuckfinleLP1> The twist 0331:< Margatron> The Twist 0331:< Margatron> Twist Again 0331:< npinsker> The answer was The Twist! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (29), FeebleOldMan (76), Authsauce (34), BrownMario (216), hellapanda (336)... 0331:< dick_sanitizer> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~twtisy 0331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia // What was the name of Ross" pet monkey on 'Friends'? 0331:< grink> dick 0331:< dick_sanitizer> marcel 0331:< ValenciaXXX> obama 0331:< Margatron> and now we're all singing that song in our heads 0331:< Authsauce> marcel 0331:< hellapanda> marsel 0331:< Margatron> Marcel 0331:< chuckfinleLP1> Marcel 0331:< dick_sanitizer> Marcel 0331:< FeebleOldMan> marsel 0331:< 3xist3nc3> Marcel 0331:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> marcel 0331:< hellapanda> meh 0331:< dick_sanitizer> yes, grink? 0331:< chuckfinleLP1> Marsel 0331:< FeebleOldMan> marcel 0331:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> marsel 0331:< grink> jennifer aniston 0331:< npinsker> The answer was Marcel! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (10), Authsauce (37), Margatron (34), chuckfinleLP1 (77), 3xist3nc3 (180), I_Am_Sh... 0331:< Authsauce> grink wins 0332:< BrownMario> lsat one 0332:< Margatron> grink wins 0332:< grink> hi dick 0332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // A pugiIist is a _____? 0332:< dick_sanitizer> what is up grink 0332:< ValenciaXXX> boxer 0332:< hellapanda> boxer 0332:< BrownMario> boxer 0332:< FeebleOldMan> warrior 0332:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> boxer 0332:< Authsauce> boxer 0332:< chuckfinleLP1> Boxer 0332:< Margatron> boxer 0332:< 3xist3nc3> Pugil 0332:< Authsauce> fighter 0332:< FeebleOldMan> fighter 0332:< dick_sanitizer> kick boxer 0332:< hellapanda> a dog 0332:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0332:< chuckfinleLP1> Fighter 0332:< grink> dick_sanitizer i suck at trivia 0332:< Margatron> a dog lover 0332:< FeebleOldMan> boxer 0332:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> person who studies pugs 0332:< npinsker> The answer was boxer! Correct users: ValenciaXXX (4), hellapanda (339), BrownMario (218), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (30), Authsauce (37), chuc... 0332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Which miIitary battIe took pIace in 1815? 0332:< dick_sanitizer> lol me too grink, we're here for the funny answers 0332:< hellapanda> waterloo 0332:< BrownMario> waterloo 0332:< FeebleOldMan> battle of waterloo 0332:< Authsauce> waterloo 0332:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> waterloo 0332:< dick_sanitizer> waterloo 0332:< Margatron> Waterloo 0333:< 3xist3nc3> Waterloo 0333:< Authsauce> the battle of 1815 0333:< BrownMario> battle of 1812 0333:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoloo 0333:< chuckfinleLP1> Battle of Waterloo 0333:< grink> 4th world world 0333:< hellapanda> lol mario 0333:< npinsker> The answer was Waterloo! Correct users: hellapanda (343), BrownMario (221), FeebleOldMan (78), Authsauce (38), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (30),... 0333:< dick_sanitizer> mortal kombat 0333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What person received the nobeI peace prize in 1964 for civiI rights Ieadership? 0333:< Authsauce> obama 0333:< grink> ghandi 0333:< dick_sanitizer> obama 0333:< hellapanda> mlk 0333:< FeebleOldMan> martin luther king jr. 0333:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mlk 0333:< Margatron> Martin Luther King Jr. 0333:< BrownMario> martin luther king jr 0333:< chuckfinleLP1> Martin Luther King jr 0333:< 3xist3nc3> MLK 0333:< grink> milk 0333:< Authsauce> martin luther king jr 0333:< BrownMario> DR martin luther king jr 0333:< FeebleOldMan> Martin Luther King Jr. 0333:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto luther king jr. 0333:< dick_sanitizer> randy ghandi 0333:< hellapanda> it's not going to accept abbreviations i bet 0333:< npinsker> The answer was Martin Luther King Jr! Correct users: BrownMario (225), chuckfinleLP1 (80), Authsauce (40) 0333:< FeebleOldMan> fuuuuuuu 0333:< hellapanda> meh 0333:< BrownMario> HAHAHA 0333:< Authsauce> swiggity 0334:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (393), hellapanda (343), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), Lowbacca1977 (22... 0334:< dick_sanitizer> schwifty 0334:< Margatron> how come I didn't get that 0334:< BrownMario> extra period? 0334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || AiIurophobia is the fear of? 0334:< BrownMario> bot is silly sometime 0334:< hellapanda> sound 0334:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sound 0334:< FeebleOldMan> ales 0334:< Authsauce> cuz the dot at the end for some stupid reason 0334:< Margatron> maybe 0334:< dick_sanitizer> sound 0334:< chuckfinleLP1> Sound 0334:< hellapanda> CATS 0334:< Authsauce> sound 0334:< BrownMario> sound 0334:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> TONTO 0334:< FeebleOldMan> sound? 0334:< 3xist3nc3> Audio 0334:< grink> cows 0334:< Margatron> loud noises 0334:< Authsauce> mommy's orgasms 0334:< BrownMario> allure 0334:< hellapanda> hahaha 0334:< npinsker> The answer was cats! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0334:< BrownMario> wow haha 0334:< dick_sanitizer> one day it will be tonto, shooby, and we'll appluad you 0334:< hellapanda> WHAT YOU JERK 0334:< FeebleOldMan> wa$ t 0334:< Authsauce> hellapanda getting robbed again 0334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the capitaI of PennsyIvania? 0334:< grink> regexp owned you 0335:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0335:< 3xist3nc3> Allentown 0335:< dick_sanitizer> new fuckin york 0335:< BrownMario> allentown 0335:< hellapanda> harrisberg 0335:< chuckfinleLP1> Pittsburg 0335:< Margatron> Penistown 0335:< Authsauce> allentown 0335:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> harrisburg 0335:< hellapanda> harrisburg 0335:< FeebleOldMan> allentown? 0335:< dick_sanitizer> allentown 0335:< grink> easton 0335:< Authsauce> alientown 0335:< FeebleOldMan> harrisberg? 0335:< chuckfinleLP1> Allentown 0335:< hellapanda> berg burg whateva 0335:< npinsker> The answer was Harrisburg! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (34), hellapanda (346) 0335:< 3xist3nc3> wait it's not allentown ? 0335:< 3xist3nc3> fuck 0335:< BrownMario> damn it i trusted you 3xist3nc3 0335:< dick_sanitizer> lol im in ZN so i hav none clue 0335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes // What person said "For every action there is an equaI and opposite reaction"? 0335:< Authsauce> i feel so betrayed 0335:< dick_sanitizer> NZ* 0335:< BrownMario> newton 0335:< FeebleOldMan> issac newton 0335:< hellapanda> einstein 0335:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> isaac newton 0335:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0335:< grink> fig newton 0335:< BrownMario> isaac newton 0335:< FeebleOldMan> Einstein 0335:< dick_sanitizer> isaac newton 0335:< Authsauce> sir isaac newton 0335:< Margatron> Isaac Newton 0335:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto newton 0335:< chuckfinleLP1> Isaac Newton 0335:< grink> stone cold 0336:< Authsauce> isaac newton 0336:< FeebleOldMan> cos this qn is wrong i think 0336:< npinsker> The answer was albert Eienstein! Correct users: hellapanda (350), FeebleOldMan (81) 0336:< hellapanda> lol 0336:< Margatron> whaaaaat 0336:< dick_sanitizer> what??? 0336:< FeebleOldMan> yeah it's the screwed up qn 0336:< Authsauce> like sheep to the slaughter 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || After a boIus has been digested in the stomach, it is known as ______ as it moves into the smaII intestine? 0336:< Margatron> that is FALSE 0336:< 3xist3nc3> ''Eienstein'' 0336:< hellapanda> chyme 0336:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> chym 0336:< BrownMario> chyme 0336:< FeebleOldMan> chyme 0336:< Authsauce> chyme 0336:< dick_sanitizer> chyme 0336:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> chyme 0336:< FeebleOldMan> chime 0336:< grink> chymiera 0336:< Authsauce> turdburger 0336:< 3xist3nc3> shit 0336:< FeebleOldMan> poop 0336:< Margatron> taco bell 0336:< npinsker> The answer was chyme! Correct users: hellapanda (354), BrownMario (228), FeebleOldMan (83), Authsauce (41), dick_sanitizer (10), I_Am_S... 0336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy // Which ancient continent is said to be submerged? 0336:< dick_sanitizer> extra fact: cows regurgitate their bolus's as 'cud' to rechew it before digesting 0336:< Authsauce> atlantis 0337:< hellapanda> atlantis 0337:< grink> atlantis 0337:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> atlantis 0337:< Margatron> Atlantis 0337:< dick_sanitizer> atalntis 0337:< FeebleOldMan> atlantis 0337:< 3xist3nc3> Atlantis 0337:< grink> SGA 0337:< Authsauce> numba one, hellz yeah 0337:< dick_sanitizer> atlantis damnit 0337:< hellapanda> grats auth 0337:< npinsker> The answer was Atlantis! Correct users: Authsauce (45), hellapanda (357), grink (17), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (35), Margatron (34), FeebleOl... 0337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics // True Or FaIse: Contrary to popuIar beIief, a IightbuIb actuaIIy absorbs darkness? 0337:< FeebleOldMan> false 0337:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> false 0337:< Authsauce> false 0337:< dick_sanitizer> false 0337:< grink> false 0337:< Juno_Malone> false 0337:< hellapanda> false 0337:< Margatron> false 0337:< hellapanda> true 0337:< dick_sanitizer> lol what 0337:< Authsauce> true 0337:< FeebleOldMan> False 0337:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> true 0337:< grink> dark absorber 0337:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (87), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (38), Authsauce (47), dick_sanitizer (11), grink (17), Juno_... 0338:< Authsauce> betting on both sides lol 0338:< hellapanda> hahaha 0338:< hellapanda> just in case....... 0338:< Juno_Malone> just in case 0338:< Authsauce> yup 0338:< Margatron> that's so cheaty! 0338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is the residence of EngIish monarchs? 0338:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> buckingham palace 0338:< FeebleOldMan> buckingham palace 0338:< Authsauce> buckingham palace 0338:< hellapanda> buckingham palace 0338:< grink> big ben 0338:< reed17> Windsor Castle 0338:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> fuckingham tonto 0338:< 3xist3nc3> Buckingham palace 0338:< Juno_Malone> houses 0338:< Margatron> Buckingham palace 0338:< Authsauce> goddamn ratelimit 0338:< grink> mind the gap 0338:< hellapanda> rate limit booo 0338:< FeebleOldMan> international house of pancakes 0338:< npinsker> The answer was Buckingham Palace! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (42), FeebleOldMan (90), Authsauce (49), hellapanda (358), 3xist3nc... 0338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // What was The BeatIes' biggest hit singIe? 0338:< grink> orgis 0338:< hellapanda> hey jude 0338:< reed17> Hey Jude 0338:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hey jude 0338:< 3xist3nc3> hey Jude 0338:< Authsauce> hey jude 0339:< FeebleOldMan> hey jude 0339:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hey tonto 0339:< grink> hi jane 0339:< reed17> I want to hold your hand 0339:< 3xist3nc3> Hey Jew 0339:< FeebleOldMan> yellow submarine 0339:< npinsker> The answer was Hey Jude! Correct users: hellapanda (362), reed17 (68), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (44), 3xist3nc3 (181), Authsauce (49), Feeble... 0339:< dick_sanitizer> here comes the sun 0339:< Margatron> hey jude 0339:< grink> sgt peppers penis 0339:< Authsauce> Hey Jude, don't sanitize your dick, cuz dick_sanitizer... can do it for youuuuu 0339:< 3xist3nc3> white albium 0339:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (393), hellapanda (362), GetXyzzyWithIt (230), BrownMario (228)... 0339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the main food of the bIue whaIe? 0339:< BrownMario> back in the high scores yesssss 0339:< Margatron> ohhh BrownMario is catching up 0339:< reed17> Krill 0339:< hellapanda> plankton 0339:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> krill 0339:< Authsauce> krill 0339:< BrownMario> kirll 0339:< grink> alge 0339:< FeebleOldMan> krill 0339:< 3xist3nc3> Plankton 0339:< Margatron> krill 0339:< Patarknight> plankton 0339:< dick_sanitizer> plankton 0340:< Authsauce> pokemon 0340:< Margatron> plankton 0340:< FeebleOldMan> shrimp 0340:< 3xist3nc3> Patrick 0340:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> plankton 0340:< grink> ocean sperm 0340:< skiplacombe> krill 0340:< hellapanda> now i'm doubting myself 0340:< npinsker> The answer was plankton! Correct users: hellapanda (366), 3xist3nc3 (184), Patarknight (395), FNCxPro (79), dick_sanitizer (11), Margat... 0340:< FeebleOldMan> zooplankton 0340:< Authsauce> a ton of planks 0340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // On what isIand is the BIue Grotto? 0340:< hellapanda> capri 0340:< grink> usa 0340:< reed17> capri 0340:< FeebleOldMan> capri 0340:< hellapanda> my cousin went. so jealous 0340:< Margatron> capri 0340:< Authsauce> caprisun 0340:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto island 0340:< 3xist3nc3> Capri 0340:< grink> tamg 0340:< npinsker> The answer was Capri! Correct users: hellapanda (370), BrownMario (231), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (46), reed17 (69), FeebleOldMan (90), Marga... 0341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is the biggest disquaIifying factor for prospective astronauts? 0341:< BrownMario> aids 0341:< grink> height 0341:< hellapanda> eyesight 0341:< FeebleOldMan> height 0341:< Authsauce> gay aids 0341:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> eyesight 0341:< reed17> bad eyesight 0341:< BrownMario> height 0341:< Margatron> missing teeth 0341:< 3xist3nc3> Eyeishgt 0341:< Authsauce> eyesight 0341:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> being tonto 0341:< Margatron> height 0341:< npinsker> The answer was eyesight! Correct users: hellapanda (374), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (49), reed17 (71), Authsauce (50) 0341:< Margatron> damnit 0341:< FeebleOldMan> girth 0341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || After who was Deana Carter named? 0341:< Margatron> you also can't be missing any teeth 0341:< reed17> Aaron Carter 0341:< 3xist3nc3> Dean Martin 0341:< FeebleOldMan> deana carter 0341:< hellapanda> dean martin 0341:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> dean martin 0341:< grink> mr. carter 0341:< BrownMario> dean martin 0341:< Authsauce> dean martin 0341:< Margatron> Dean Martin 0342:< hellapanda> and petey lawford 0342:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0342:< BrownMario> jim carter 0342:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0342:< FeebleOldMan> dean martin 0342:< npinsker> The answer was Dean Martin! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (188), hellapanda (377), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (51), BrownMario (232), Authsauce (50)... 0342:< Margatron> micubit 0342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // ln which ocean or sea are the SeycheIIes? 0342:< reed17> Indian 0342:< hellapanda> indian 0342:< 3xist3nc3> Indian 0342:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> indian 0342:< FeebleOldMan> indian ocean 0342:< dick_sanitizer> india 0342:< grink> african 0342:< Margatron> Indian 0342:< BrownMario> indian 0342:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto ocean 0342:< dick_sanitizer> tasman 0342:< BrownMario> mediterranean 0342:< FeebleOldMan> black 0342:< grink> sanitizer ocean 0342:< npinsker> The answer was Indian Ocean! Correct users: reed17 (75), hellapanda (380), 3xist3nc3 (190), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (52), FeebleOldMan (90),... 0342:< dick_sanitizer> ocean filled with sterile dicks 0343:< npinsker> ( lf its 4)00pm in SeattIe, Washington what time is it in PortIand, Oregon? 0343:< hellapanda> 4pm 0343:< BrownMario> 4:00pm 0343:< FeebleOldMan> 4 0343:< reed17> 4:00 0343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 4pm 0343:< dick_sanitizer> 4 0343:< grink> 16:00 0343:< FeebleOldMan> 4pm 0343:< Margatron> 4pm 0343:< hellapanda> 4 0343:< dick_sanitizer> 4pm 0343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 4 0343:< hellapanda> 4:00pm 0343:< FeebleOldMan> 4:00 pm 0343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto pm 0343:< npinsker> The answer was 4:00pm! Correct users: BrownMario (236), dick_sanitizer (14), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (54), hellapanda (381) 0343:< BrownMario> oh are random chars a way to combat bots? 0343:< FeebleOldMan> fufuasfusf 0343:< dick_sanitizer> question: why is that? 0343:< BrownMario> same timexone 0343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Americans are SiIIy // There are 4 towns in the United States with the name of what other bird in their names? 0343:< FeebleOldMan> eagle 0343:< dick_sanitizer> are they close together? 0343:< BrownMario> eagle 0343:< reed17> eagle 0343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> eagle 0343:< FeebleOldMan> turkey 0343:< dick_sanitizer> turkey 0343:< grink> bird in hand 0343:< hellapanda> chicen 0343:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> turkey 0343:< Margatron> Eagle 0344:< hellapanda> chicken 0344:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto bird 0344:< npinsker> The answer was chicken! Correct users: hellapanda (385) 0344:< grink> trumpbird 0344:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0344:< BrownMario> fuck 0344:< hellapanda> ... I was actually kidding but ok 0344:< BrownMario> lolol 0344:< dick_sanitizer> lol really? it was turkey last time 0344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: PoIitics || He was eIected President of France, in 1981. 0344:< grink> bush 0344:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0344:< Margatron> Hollande 0344:< FeebleOldMan> uh 0344:< BrownMario> oui oui 0344:< reed17> Fuck me 0344:< hellapanda> francios 0344:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> francios 0344:< FeebleOldMan> baguette 0344:< BrownMario> charlemagne 0344:< dick_sanitizer> batman 0344:< hellapanda> something 0344:< npinsker> The answer was Francios Mitterrand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0344:< grink> bagle 0344:< hellapanda> eh 0344:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), Patarknight (395), hellapanda (385), BrownMario (236), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0345:< directionalpad> URGE TO MERGE 0345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // An animaI is a fish if it has _________? 0345:< grink> i prefer to append 0345:< 3xist3nc3> Francois* 0345:< Patarknight> gills 0345:< hellapanda> gills 0345:< FeebleOldMan> gills 0345:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> gills 0345:< BrownMario> gills 0345:< Margatron> gills 0345:< dick_sanitizer> gills 0345:< grink> gills 0345:< directionalpad> Tier 17 or bust guys 0345:< BrownMario> eye, otherwise it would be a fshhhh 0345:< reed17> scales 0345:< npinsker> The answer was gills! Correct users: Patarknight (399), hellapanda (388), FeebleOldMan (92), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (55), BrownMario (236),... 0345:< hellapanda> LOL BROWNMARIO 0345:< Authsauce> im in until this shuts down 0345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Shakespearean king was actuaIIy king of ScotIand for 17 years? 0345:< dick_sanitizer> same here 0345:< Patarknight> Macbeth 0345:< Authsauce> macbeth 0345:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> macbeth 0345:< BrownMario> macbeth 0345:< hellapanda> macbeth 0345:< grink> highlander 0345:< Margatron> Macbeth 0346:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mactonto 0346:< reed17> zoolander 0346:< reed17> macbeth 0346:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: Patarknight (403), Authsauce (53), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (57), BrownMario (237), hellapanda (388), ... 0346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where are Rocket J. SquireI and BuIIwinkIe Moose from? 0346:< Patarknight> Minnesota 0346:< dick_sanitizer> the MacBeth: delicious chicken patty w/ bacon maccas special sauce! $8 for a combo! 0346:< BrownMario> canada 0346:< Authsauce> Minnesota 0346:< 3xist3nc3> Canada 0346:< reed17> Minnesota 0346:< Margatron> he wrote the play to please Elizabeth because no one liked Macbeth 0346:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> minnesota 0346:< BrownMario> minnesota 0346:< 3xist3nc3> Minnesota 0346:< hellapanda> frostbite falls 0346:< grink> best korea 0346:< Authsauce> frostbite falls 0346:< dick_sanitizer> toronto 0346:< Margatron> Canada 0346:< 3xist3nc3> Canada Jr 0346:< npinsker> The answer was Frostbite Falls! Correct users: hellapanda (392), Authsauce (56) 0346:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> frostbite falls 0346:< grink> uganda 0347:< BrownMario> balls if i know 0347:< Margatron> wtf they are Canadian 0347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture // For which country is the Iotus fIower the nationaI symboI? 0347:< reed17> india 0347:< hellapanda> india 0347:< BrownMario> china 0347:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> india 0347:< dick_sanitizer> china 0347:< Authsauce> india 0347:< 3xist3nc3> Chindia 0347:< Margatron> india 0347:< BrownMario> india 0347:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoland 0347:< dick_sanitizer> japan 0347:< Authsauce> north korea 0347:< grink> quebec city 0347:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: reed17 (79), hellapanda (395), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (59), Authsauce (57), 3xist3nc3 (190), Margatron... 0347:< dick_sanitizer> shit really 0347:< 3xist3nc3> ayy lmao 0347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: More American stuff || ln the United States at the turn of the century there were how many states (numericaI)? 0347:< 3xist3nc3> i said chindia 0347:< reed17> 48 0347:< hellapanda> 49 0347:< BrownMario> fifty 0347:< grink> 48 0347:< Authsauce> 46 0347:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 48 0347:< dick_sanitizer> 21 0348:< reed17> 46 0348:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 46 0348:< hellapanda> 45 0348:< Authsauce> fifty 0348:< 3xist3nc3> 45, which isn't quite right 0348:< BrownMario> which century? 0348:< Margatron> 48 0348:< dick_sanitizer> lol 3xist found the loophole 0348:< npinsker> The answer was forty five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0348:< hellapanda> 43? 0348:< Margatron> yeah which century 0348:< hellapanda> ooook 0348:< 3xist3nc3> 18th century 0348:< grink> 6th 0348:< Authsauce> wait, is this chatbot that old? before y2k? 0348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in Europe? 0348:< grink> alps 0348:< BrownMario> alps 0348:< reed17> Elbrus 0348:< dick_sanitizer> alps 0348:< 3xist3nc3> Alps 0348:< hellapanda> logan 0348:< Patarknight> El'brus 0348:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> logan 0348:< BrownMario> urals 0348:< Authsauce> el'brus 0348:< grink> heman 0348:< dick_sanitizer> mount everest 0348:< Margatron> El'brus 0348:< reed17> Shit, the apostrophe 0348:< BrownMario> elbrus 0348:< 3xist3nc3> Mont Blanc 0348:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mount tonto 0348:< Authsauce> matterhorn 0348:< dick_sanitizer> elbrus 0348:< npinsker> The answer was Mont Blanc! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (194) 0348:< Margatron> elbrus 0349:< dick_sanitizer> nice yo 0349:< Authsauce> i hate all things 0349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // He is known for his theory of 'EvoIution"? 0349:< Margatron> I knew it was in france 0349:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> darwin 0349:< 3xist3nc3> Darwin 0349:< grink> darwin 0349:< hellapanda> darwin 0349:< BrownMario> darwin 0349:< Authsauce> charles darwin 0349:< dick_sanitizer> darwin 0349:< reed17> Charles Darwin 0349:< Margatron> Charles Darwin 0349:< grink> darkwing duck 0349:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto darwin 0349:< dick_sanitizer> GOD 0349:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0349:< BrownMario> charles darwin 0349:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (63), 3xist3nc3 (197), grink (19), hellapanda (396), BrownMario (237),... 0349:< reed17> How was I wrong 0349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capitaI of BraziI? 0349:< reed17> Brasilia 0349:< BrownMario> brasilia 0349:< hellapanda> you weren't, just too late 0349:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> brasilia 0349:< Authsauce> why does evolution have an opening apostrophe but a closing quotation mark? 0349:< dick_sanitizer> brasilia 0349:< Margatron> Brasilia 0349:< 3xist3nc3> Brasilia 0349:< Authsauce> brasilia 0350:< grink> victoria secret 0350:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto, brazil 0350:< hellapanda> auth, might be to stop bots? 0350:< Authsauce> brasoptionalia 0350:< npinsker> The answer was Brasilia! Correct users: reed17 (83), BrownMario (240), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (65), dick_sanitizer (15), Margatron (34), 3x... 0350:< BrownMario> i think the bot is using random characters to combat bots 0350:< Authsauce> gotcha 0350:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), hellapanda (396), BrownMario (240), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0350:< hellapanda> grats patar! 0350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games // What person is the owner of Lon Lon Ranch in the "Legend of ZeIda" games? 0350:< hellapanda> talon 0350:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> talon 0350:< Margatron> Talon 0350:< BrownMario> talon 0350:< Authsauce> talon 0350:< reed17> talon 0350:< dick_sanitizer> Talon 0350:< grink> link 0350:< BrownMario> tonto 0350:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0350:< grink> ganon 0350:< Authsauce> talon blackfoot 0350:< dick_sanitizer> zelda 0351:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0351:< npinsker> The answer was Talon! Correct users: hellapanda (400), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (68), Margatron (36), BrownMario (241), Authsauce (57), reed1... 0351:< grink> the raft 0351:< Margatron> also his brother after he dies 0351:< 3xist3nc3> living triforce 0351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Bismarck is the capitaI of ____________? 0351:< dick_sanitizer> was that twilight princess? 0351:< Authsauce> poland 0351:< reed17> North Dakota 0351:< hellapanda> north dakota 0351:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> north dakota 0351:< BrownMario> north dakota 0351:< BrownMario> tonto dakota 0351:< Authsauce> north dakota 0351:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> north tonto 0351:< Margatron> north micubit 0351:< npinsker> The answer was North Dakota! Correct users: reed17 (87), hellapanda (403), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (70), BrownMario (242), Authsauce (57) 0351:< grink> west california 0351:< dick_sanitizer> > 0351:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> you got it backwards brownmario 0351:< BrownMario> lol 0351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stand on your heads.... NOW! ;-) // When read upside down, what does the term 'umop apisdn" signify? 0351:< hellapanda> upside down 0351:< 3xist3nc3> Upside down 0351:< BrownMario> upside down 0352:< reed17> upside down 0352:< Authsauce> upside down 0352:< dick_sanitizer> upside down 0352:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> upside down 0352:< grink> downside up 0352:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoside tonto 0352:< Margatron> upside down 0352:< Authsauce> umop apisdn 0352:< dick_sanitizer> ill find the way they say just cant beeee found ~~ 0352:< npinsker> The answer was upside down! Correct users: hellapanda (407), 3xist3nc3 (200), BrownMario (244), reed17 (88), Authsauce (57), dick_sanit... 0352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // FiIm TitIe: An Officer and a(n) _________. 0352:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0352:< Authsauce> gentleman 0352:< hellapanda> gentleman 0352:< dick_sanitizer> gentleman 0352:< BrownMario> gentleman 0352:< reed17> gentleman 0352:< Margatron> Gentleman 0352:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> gentleman 0352:< grink> police beating 0352:< Authsauce> lol 0352:< dick_sanitizer> court case 0352:< Margatron> lady of the night 0352:< npinsker> The answer was Gentleman! Correct users: Authsauce (61), hellapanda (410), dick_sanitizer (17), BrownMario (245), reed17 (88), Margatro... 0353:< reed17> I love trivia 0353:< dick_sanitizer> baby 0353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon to feature sound? 0353:< IceyMocha> http://flockdraw.com/31uw2y 0353:< BrownMario> boing 0353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> steamboat willie 0353:< aspbergerinparadise> steamboat willy 0353:< reed17> Steamboat Willie 0353:< hellapanda> steamboat willie 0353:< Authsauce> mickey mouse 0353:< dick_sanitizer> mickey mouse 0353:< 3xist3nc3> Steamboat Willie 0353:< BrownMario> steamboat willy 0353:< Margatron> steamboat willie 0353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> steamboat tonto 0353:< Authsauce> steamboat willie 0353:< reed17> Time to find out who spelled it right 0353:< grink> motorboat dolly 0353:< 3xist3nc3> My willie on a steamboat 0353:< hellapanda> lollll 0353:< npinsker> The answer was Steamboat Willie! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (74), reed17 (91), hellapanda (412), FNCxPro (80), 3xist3nc3 (200), ... 0353:< Authsauce> stanley steamer 0353:< dick_sanitizer> the willies have it! 0353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was George Washington's vice-president? 0353:< grink> VP 0353:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> john adams 0353:< BrownMario> jefferson 0353:< hellapanda> adams 0353:< aspbergerinparadise> adams 0353:< reed17> John Adams 0353:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0354:< dick_sanitizer> free sanitizer samples for all of you 0354:< 3xist3nc3> John Adams 0354:< BrownMario> john adams 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto adams 0354:< Margatron> John Adams 0354:< Authsauce> adams 0354:< npinsker> The answer was John Adams! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (78), hellapanda (415), reed17 (93), FNCxPro (81), 3xist3nc3 (200), BrownM... 0354:< grink> churchill 0354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who's recognised as the father of geometry? 0354:< hellapanda> euclid 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> totno 0354:< BrownMario> euclid 0354:< Authsauce> euclid 0354:< reed17> euclid 0354:< dick_sanitizer> pythagorus 0354:< Margatron> Euclid 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> *tonto 0354:< grink> pink triangle 0354:< Authsauce> eucolyptus 0354:< BrownMario> it's gonna be some weird fucked up spelling... 0354:< Margatron> Erkel 0354:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> euclid 0354:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: hellapanda (419), BrownMario (248), Authsauce (63), reed17 (94), Margatron (36), I_Am_Shooby_Tayl... 0355:< BrownMario> nvm 0355:< 3xist3nc3> Eclide ;) 0355:< hellapanda> was it a diff spelling before? 0355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // Sodium bicarbonate is better known as _________. 0355:< hellapanda> baking soda 0355:< grink> baking soda 0355:< 3xist3nc3> Baking soda 0355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> baking soda 0355:< BrownMario> baking sod 0355:< Margatron> baking soda 0355:< reed17> baking soda 0355:< Authsauce> baking soda 0355:< grink> baking powder 0355:< dick_sanitizer> baking soda 0355:< BrownMario> s2o 0355:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> baking tonto 0355:< Authsauce> baking pop 0355:< Margatron> I just made banana bread yesterday 0355:< BrownMario> baking soda 0355:< grink> baked potato 0355:< hellapanda> yum 0355:< dick_sanitizer> bonus points: what si sodium chloride better known as? 0355:< npinsker> The answer was baking soda! Correct users: hellapanda (423), grink (22), 3xist3nc3 (202), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (79), Margatron (36), reed... 0355:< Authsauce> john cena's tears 0355:< reed17> I didn't make banana bread yesterday 0355:< hellapanda> salt 0355:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (423), Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (248), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0355:< Margatron> your loss reed17 0355:< reed17> ikr 0356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. Secretary of State won the NobeI Peace Prize in 1973? 0356:< Authsauce> OBAMA 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto macbeth 0356:< dick_sanitizer> clinton 0356:< grink> stalin 0356:< hellapanda> kissinger? 0356:< 3xist3nc3> Petraeus 0356:< reed17> henry kissinger 0356:< Margatron> Henry Kissinger 0356:< BrownMario> kissinger 0356:< Authsauce> patreaus 0356:< grink> prometheus 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> kissinger 0356:< dick_sanitizer> kissinger 0356:< npinsker> The answer was Henry Kissinger! Correct users: hellapanda (427), reed17 (97), Margatron (38), BrownMario (249), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (79)... 0356:< hellapanda> ah no way 0356:< Margatron> a war criminal 0356:< BrownMario> wow til 0356:< Authsauce> nice 0356:< BrownMario> srsly 0356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Subject, verb and object are parts of a _________. 0356:< dick_sanitizer> noice 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sentence 0356:< grink> sentence 0356:< hellapanda> speech 0356:< reed17> sentence 0356:< Authsauce> sentence 0356:< aspbergerinparadise> sentence 0356:< Margatron> sentence 0356:< BrownMario> sentence 0356:< grink> words 0356:< Authsauce> 4th grade english class 0356:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto-speech 0356:< hellapanda> oh lol 0356:< dick_sanitizer> text 0357:< dick_sanitizer> thing 0357:< grink> ascii pr0n 0357:< npinsker> The answer was sentence! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (83), grink (25), reed17 (99), Authsauce (64), FNCxPro (81), Margatron (38),... 0357:< reed17> pls, 8th grade 0357:< dick_sanitizer> >pron 0357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the capitaI of Kansas? 0357:< hellapanda> topeka 0357:< reed17> topeka 0357:< Authsauce> topeka 0357:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> topeka 0357:< BrownMario> topeka 0357:< Margatron> Topeka 0357:< dick_sanitizer> Oz 0357:< GodOfAtheism> Billings 0357:< hellapanda> togepi 0357:< grink> tapioka 0357:< Margatron> Oz 0357:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontopeka 0357:< BrownMario> tonteka 0357:< Authsauce> damn, and i typed that fast. you guys are ninjas 0357:< dick_sanitizer> toge-PRRRIIII 0357:< npinsker> The answer was Topeka! Correct users: hellapanda (431), reed17 (102), Authsauce (66), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (84), BrownMario (249), Margat... 0357:< reed17> I'm only a ninja on the geography questions 0357:< Margatron> Please tell me there's actually an Oz in Kansas 0357:< shilena> i just got back from a long day of work and stuff... we still haven't merged?!?!?!?! 0357:< Authsauce> nope 0358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the onIy native North American marsupiaI. 0358:< dick_sanitizer> nahhh we're not gonna merge for a long while i think 0358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> opossum 0358:< Authsauce> opossum 0358:< Margatron> the others aren't high enough tier yet 0358:< hellapanda> opossum 0358:< BrownMario> opossum 0358:< 3xist3nc3> It's gonna take hours with having 3k users and being tier 16 0358:< grink> naked mole rar 0358:< BrownMario> we ain't never mergin bro 0358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontopossum 0358:< Margatron> opossum 0358:< reed17> I didn't know this one, I'm not guessing 0358:< Margatron> possum 0358:< npinsker> The answer was opossum! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (88), Authsauce (69), hellapanda (433), BrownMario (250), Margatron (38) 0358:< dick_sanitizer> opossum =/= possum :( 0358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || For what metaI is 'Au' the chemicaI symboI? 0358:< BrownMario> gold 0358:< hellapanda> go ld 0358:< reed17> gold 0358:< Authsauce> gold 0358:< Margatron> hedging my bets 0358:< OneRedSent> gold 0358:< dick_sanitizer> gold 0358:< shilena> i thought someone would get big enough eventually... guess i was wrong 0358:< 3xist3nc3> Gold 0358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> gold 0358:< TriumphantTumbleweed> gold 0358:< BrownMario> nice 0358:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto metal 0358:< Margatron> gold 0358:< hellapanda> ok spacebar, you have betrayed me 0358:< 3xist3nc3> Australian Gold 0358:< grink> goi'uld 0358:< Authsauce> hella with the random space lol 0359:< npinsker> The answer was gold! Correct users: BrownMario (254), reed17 (105), Authsauce (71), OneRedSent (1), dick_sanitizer (17), 3xist3nc3 (202... 0359:< Margatron> gooooooooooold 0359:< dick_sanitizer> possums are scary fuckers, opussums are cute (apparently) 0359:< dick_sanitizer> i do biochem i should knwo the chemistry ones 0359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || This spiny fruit with a pungent odor and rich yeIIow fIesh is considered "The King of Fruits" by many southeast asians. 0359:< hellapanda> durian 0359:< BrownMario> mango 0359:< dick_sanitizer> durian 0359:< 3xist3nc3> SDurian 0359:< Authsauce> durian 0359:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> durian 0359:< reed17> durian 0359:< hashtag_pickles> durian 0359:< Authsauce> mango 0359:< 3xist3nc3> Durian 0359:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto fruit 0359:< grink> duran duran 0359:< dick_sanitizer> dragon fruit 0359:< Margatron> dragonfruit 0359:< grink> quince 0359:< Margatron> dragon fruit 0359:< BrownMario> fuck this rate limit! 0359:< Authsauce> testicles 0359:< hellapanda> smells like ass 0359:< npinsker> The answer was durian! Correct users: hellapanda (437), dick_sanitizer (20), 3xist3nc3 (204), Authsauce (72), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (88), ... 0359:< dick_sanitizer> ayyyyy 0359:< dick_sanitizer> 20ptss 0359:< Margatron> fuck durian. Dragon fruit is the best 0359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The ____ ____ schooI of poetry incIudes poets such as Frank O"Hara, John Ashbery and Kenneth Koch 0400:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's dick 0400:< grink> hard knock 0400:< Authsauce> hard knock 0400:< dick_sanitizer> allen poe 0400:< BrownMario> hard knocks 0400:< Margatron> hard knock 0400:< hellapanda> new york 0400:< hashtag_pickles> cheese factory 0400:< dick_sanitizer> hard knock 0400:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: hellapanda (441) 0400:< Authsauce> new york 0400:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> new york 0400:< BrownMario> lols 0400:< Authsauce> i hate all things. especially everything 0400:< Margatron> lol 0400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // What does the ltaIian term 'poco a poco" mean? 0400:< hellapanda> little by little 0400:< grink> poop 0400:< reed17> little by little 0400:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> little by little 0400:< Authsauce> little by little 0400:< hashtag_pickles> chicken by the sea 0400:< Margatron> little by little 0400:< BrownMario> little by little 0400:< Authsauce> tonto a tonto 0400:< reed17> Spanish class has taught me well! 0400:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto by tonto 0400:< dick_sanitizer> just one mexican at a time 0400:< BrownMario> poquito poquito 0400:< hashtag_pickles> just the tip 0401:< npinsker> The answer was little by little! Correct users: hellapanda (445), reed17 (108), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (90), Authsauce (73), Margatron (38)... 0401:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (445), Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (254), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Who did author LesIie Charteris create? 0401:< reed17> fuck if I know 0401:< hellapanda> kanye 0401:< BrownMario> his kids 0401:< dick_sanitizer> heidi 0401:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0401:< grink> daft punk 0401:< dick_sanitizer> hiedi 0401:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0401:< hellapanda> the saint 0401:< BrownMario> the saint 0401:< Margatron> the adventures of micubit 0401:< dick_sanitizer> dorothy 0401:< Authsauce> dickbutt 0401:< npinsker> The answer was The Saint! Correct users: hellapanda (449), BrownMario (257) 0401:< hashtag_pickles> wishbone 0402:< grink> what's the sotry 0402:< BrownMario> nice panda 0402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What person was the director of "Terminator' and 'Titanic'? 0402:< reed17> james cameron 0402:< hellapanda> cameron 0402:< BrownMario> james cameron 0402:< Authsauce> james cameron 0402:< Margatron> James Cameron 0402:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> james cameron 0402:< hashtag_pickles> james cameron 0402:< grink> time to lower the bar 0402:< dick_sanitizer> speilburg 0402:< hashtag_pickles> jammy cammy 0402:< Authsauce> jj cameron 0402:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto cameron 0402:< kissofpassion> james cameron 0402:< npinsker> The answer was James Cameron! Correct users: reed17 (112), BrownMario (260), Authsauce (75), Margatron (39), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (90), h... 0402:< hellapanda> booooo 0402:< Margatron> panda keeps getting cheated 0402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What person pIayed Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz"? 0402:< reed17> judy garland 0402:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> judy garland 0402:< grink> dorothy 0402:< BrownMario> judy garland 0402:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0402:< Margatron> Judy Garland 0402:< 3xist3nc3> Judy Garland 0402:< dick_sanitizer> judy garland 0403:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto garland 0403:< Authsauce> mark hamill 0403:< grink> toto 0403:< hellapanda> i refuse to type first names! 0403:< dick_sanitizer> tonto 0403:< Authsauce> garland 0403:< npinsker> The answer was Judy Garland! Correct users: reed17 (116), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (93), BrownMario (262), Margatron (40), 3xist3nc3 (204), d... 0403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy // ln Greek mythoIogy, what was Minos the king of? 0403:< dick_sanitizer> that d there is me 0403:< hellapanda> crete 0403:< reed17> cret 0403:< dick_sanitizer> i am the d 0403:< Authsauce> crete 0403:< BrownMario> crete 0403:< grink> star gate 0403:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> crete 0403:< 3xist3nc3> Crete 0403:< Margatron> Crete 0403:< reed17> crete 0403:< Authsauce> cletes 0403:< dick_sanitizer> crete 0403:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto island 0403:< Margatron> I've been there! 0403:< grink> chevron 0403:< reed17> fucking hell 0403:< npinsker> The answer was Crete! Correct users: hellapanda (453), Authsauce (78), BrownMario (264), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (94), 3xist3nc3 (204), Marg... 0403:< Authsauce> margatron, were you the minotaur? 0403:< 3xist3nc3> Cool 0404:< Margatron> I've been to the ruins in Greece 0404:< 3xist3nc3> Did you enjoy it 0404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit // A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits? 0404:< grink> taylor swift berry 0404:< hellapanda> raspberry and blackberry 0404:< Authsauce> tay and berry 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> raspberry and blackberry 0404:< BrownMario> taylor swift and stawberry 0404:< BrownMario> damn it grink you beat me to it 0404:< Authsauce> raspberry and blackberry 0404:< dick_sanitizer> raspberry and blackberry 0404:< reed17> taylor swift and strawberry SHIT I GOT BEAT TO THE JOKE 0404:< 3xist3nc3> Raspberry and blackberry 0404:< grink> brownmario :) 0404:< npinsker> The answer was blackberry and raspberry! Correct users: hellapanda (457), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (97), Authsauce (80), dick_sanitizer (21),... 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto fruit and black tonto fruit 0404:< 3xist3nc3> Taylor Swift and RIM 0404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // What's another name for a tombstone inscription? 0404:< Authsauce> engraving 0404:< hellapanda> epitaph 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> epitaph 0404:< reed17> epitaph 0404:< BrownMario> epitaph 0404:< dick_sanitizer> epitaph 0404:< Authsauce> epitaph 0404:< Margatron> epitaph 0404:< PotatoBadger> BIGFOOT'S DICK =========================================================================================================================== 0404:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto writing 0405:< Authsauce> tontotaph 0405:< hellapanda> lol 0405:< PotatoBadger> #####################################@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0405:< npinsker> The answer was epitaph! Correct users: hellapanda (461), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (100), reed17 (118), BrownMario (265), dick_sanitizer (21),... 0405:< grink> epitath of my heart 0405:< reed17> Good song: "Epitaph For My Heart" by The Magnetic Fields 0405:< Margatron> RIP the old #1 chat 0405:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || He founded our modern periodic tabIe. Surname onIy? 0405:< BrownMario> mendeleus 0405:< Authsauce> wells 0405:< grink> mr period 0405:< hashtag_pickles> johnnason 0405:< dick_sanitizer> wells 0405:< hellapanda> MENDELEVE however this game spells it 0405:< 3xist3nc3> Mendeleev 0405:< BrownMario> mendeleve 0405:< Authsauce> mendeleve 0405:< Margatron> Mendeleve 0405:< dick_sanitizer> mr table 0405:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mendeleev 0405:< npinsker> The answer was Mendeleev! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (208), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (103) 0405:< Margatron> damn spelling 0405:< 3xist3nc3> Hehe 0405:< hellapanda> omg it was def not spelled that way before 0406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Who wrote TubuIar BeIIs? 0406:< BrownMario> the tubes 0406:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mike oldfield 0406:< grink> ozzy 0406:< hellapanda> a surfer 0406:< dick_sanitizer> oldfield 0406:< Authsauce> mike oldfield 0406:< Margatron> Bach 0406:< 3xist3nc3> The last time I saw the question it said ''Mendeleev'' 0406:< hashtag_pickles> jaun 0406:< BrownMario> mike oldfield 0406:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 0406:< grink> mozart's balls 0406:< reed17> Lindsay Lohan 0406:< npinsker> The answer was Mike Oldfield! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (107), Authsauce (83), BrownMario (267) 0406:< dick_sanitizer> it's tubular tiimme in the city... 0406:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (461), Patarknight (403), Mathemagicland (400), awfullotofocelots (400), BrownMario (267), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0406:< hellapanda> i swear it was mendelev last time. or mendeleve 0406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Rivers // What's the onIy river that fIows both north and south of the Equator? 0406:< Authsauce> mentolove 0406:< reed17> nile 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto river 0407:< hellapanda> congo 0407:< dick_sanitizer> nile 0407:< BrownMario> nile 0407:< Authsauce> nile river 0407:< Margatron> Nile 0407:< grink> the biriver 0407:< Authsauce> congo river 0407:< BrownMario> congo 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> congo 0407:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0407:< dick_sanitizer> congo 0407:< reed17> I'm wrong 0407:< npinsker> The answer was congo! Correct users: hellapanda (465), BrownMario (270), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (109), dick_sanitizer (22) 0407:< dick_sanitizer> neat 0407:< Authsauce> HAHAHAHAHA 0407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Cocci, SpiriIIa, and Streptococci are types of ________. 0407:< Authsauce> fuck you trivia bot 0407:< BrownMario> bacteria 0407:< hellapanda> bacteria 0407:< dick_sanitizer> bacteria 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bacteria 0407:< Authsauce> bacteria 0407:< hashtag_pickles> bacteria 0407:< Margatron> bacteria 0407:< grink> bacterium 0407:< dick_sanitizer> THIS IS MY DEGREE 0407:< reed17> bacteria 0407:< hellapanda> hay me too dick! 0407:< BrownMario> beat you dick! 0407:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bacteriums 0407:< grink> dick beatings 0407:< dick_sanitizer> i need these points to feel im making progress lol 0407:< Margatron> he should know, he sanitizes dicks 0407:< npinsker> The answer was bacteria! Correct users: BrownMario (274), hellapanda (468), dick_sanitizer (24), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (110), Authsauce (8... 0407:< reed17> I almost went viruses, but then I saw everyone else's answers 0408:< dick_sanitizer> hellpanda you da man 0408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // Gymnophobia is the fear of __________? 0408:< BrownMario> vagina 0408:< reed17> gym class 0408:< hellapanda> boobies 0408:< grink> vaginas 0408:< dick_sanitizer> i sanitize so many dicks from those nasty germies 0408:< Authsauce> none of those answers sounds serious 0408:< BrownMario> gymnastics 0408:< dick_sanitizer> gym 0408:< hashtag_pickles> jumbo sized tampons 0408:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's dick 0408:< hellapanda> naked bodies 0408:< npinsker> The answer was naked bodies! Correct users: hellapanda (472) 0408:< BrownMario> wow... 0408:< hellapanda> boobies was right kinda 0408:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || What digital currency was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0408:< hellapanda> bitcoin 0408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Name the capitaI city of Rhode lsIand. 0408:< grink> bitcoin 0408:< Margatron> bitcoin 0408:< reed17> providene 0408:< dick_sanitizer> the reason behind my name btw is cause my vag is super clean 0408:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> providence 0409:< hellapanda> providence 0409:< BrownMario> providence 0409:< Authsauce> providence 0409:< Margatron> why is he mysterious 0409:< reed17> providence 0409:< grink> peter griffin 0409:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0409:< PotatoBadger> U GOT B8ED M8S ----------------------- fokn retards 0409:< Margatron> providence 0409:< Authsauce> bitcoin, rhode island 0409:< reed17> shiiiiiiit I had it first by a while too 0409:< npinsker> The answer was Providence! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (114), hellapanda (475), BrownMario (276), Authsauce (84), reed17 (118), M... 0409:< hellapanda> now I can't tell if you were serious dick, lol 0409:< PotatoBadger> buncha degenerate scumfuck bastard douchebags 0409:< dick_sanitizer> quahog 0409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink // NaturaI vaniIIa fIavoring comes from this pIant. 0409:< grink> vanilla plant 0409:< dick_sanitizer> lol that was how i though of it 0409:< BrownMario> weed 0409:< hellapanda> vanilla plant 0409:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> vanilla plant 0409:< Authsauce> vanilla plant 0409:< Margatron> vanilla bean 0409:< BrownMario> vanilla plant 0409:< hashtag_pickles> cocao 0409:< nickyface> vanilla bean 0409:< grink> lulz i'm so wrong 0409:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto's hair 0409:< hellapanda> orchid :) 0409:< dick_sanitizer> vanilla bean 0409:< Margatron> vanilla plant 0409:< Authsauce> tonto's bean 0409:< npinsker> The answer was orchid! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0409:< BrownMario> lols 0410:< Margatron> bs 0410:< dick_sanitizer> oh wow 0410:< hellapanda> ok hate on my smilie 0410:< Authsauce> didn't like your smiley 0410:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Mathematics // What is the sum of 32 and 37? 0410:< grink> 69 0410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // She won the 1979 NobeI Peace Prize for her work among the poor. 0410:< grink> oh fuck you 0410:< BrownMario> calcuta 0410:< reed17> mother teresa 0410:< dick_sanitizer> 79 0410:< hellapanda> mother teresa 0410:< Authsauce> mother teresa 0410:< PotatoBadger> FUCK YOU GRINK 69 0410:< hashtag_pickles> that bitch mother teresa 0410:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Mrs. Tonto 0410:< Margatron> 70 0410:< BrownMario> kalkuta? 0410:< dick_sanitizer> 69 0410:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> mother teresa 0410:< BrownMario> mother theresa 0410:< Authsauce> cleopatra 0410:< Margatron> mother teresa 0410:< nickyface> rosie o'donnell 0410:< npinsker> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: reed17 (122), hellapanda (478), Authsauce (86), hashtag_pickles (1), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (1... 0410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // A point to which rays of Iight converge is known as a(n) ________? 0410:< dick_sanitizer> oh shit i didnt even notice potatobadger 0410:< BrownMario> focus 0410:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> focus 0411:< reed17> focus 0411:< BrownMario> apex 0411:< hellapanda> focal? 0411:< dick_sanitizer> focus 0411:< Authsauce> focus 0411:< Margatron> apex 0411:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto point 0411:< dick_sanitizer> focal point 0411:< Authsauce> apex 0411:< reed17> focal point 0411:< npinsker> The answer was focus! Correct users: hellapanda (482), BrownMario (279), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (116), reed17 (123), dick_sanitizer (24), A... 0411:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Don't Overthink It || How many cookies are there in a baker's dozen? 0411:< hellapanda> 13 0411:< grink> 13 0411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What did Louis Cartier invent? 0411:< Margatron> 13 0411:< dick_sanitizer> 13 0411:< nickyface> 13 0411:< BrownMario> i should go i still have work.... 0411:< hellapanda> watch 0411:< PotatoBadger> HAHA FUCKIN RETARDS 0411:< Authsauce> watch 0411:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 13 0411:< duhblow7> rooms under us just merged 0411:< reed17> depression 0411:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> watch 0411:< BrownMario> watch 0411:< dick_sanitizer> GODDAMN 0411:< Margatron> the watch 0411:< grink> dick sanitizers 0411:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0411:< Authsauce> dick sanitizers 0411:< npinsker> The answer was wristwatch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0411:< hellapanda> KAAAYYY 0411:< Authsauce> grink beat me to it 0411:< Margatron> bs 0411:< BrownMario> bs 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> bs 0412:< nickyface> watch 0412:< Authsauce> tableflip.jpg 0412:< BrownMario> tonto 0412:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (482), Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (279), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0412:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Space || Where is the Sun? 0412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || Persephone was the Greek goddess of ____________? 0412:< reed17> 1 more day and we will be tier 17 0412:< hellapanda> spring 0412:< BrownMario> spring 0412:< nickyface> in space 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> spring 0412:< Authsauce> spring 0412:< grink> cocks 0412:< dick_sanitizer> spring 0412:< Margatron> spring 0412:< BrownMario> phones 0412:< bphilly_cheesesteak> sprang braaaake 0412:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0412:< reed17> flowers n shit 0412:< dick_sanitizer> and/or queen of the underworld 0412:< Margatron> spraaaangg braaaaaake 0412:< grink> styx 0412:< npinsker> The answer was spring! Correct users: hellapanda (486), BrownMario (282), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (118), Authsauce (87), dick_sanitizer (24)... 0412:< hellapanda> she was my fav as a kid 0413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // This MosIem repubIic in asia was formerIy part of lndia? 0413:< Margatron> she fucked off this week 0413:< BrownMario> pakistan 0413:< reed17> pakistan 0413:< hellapanda> pakistan 0413:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> pakistan 0413:< dick_sanitizer> pakistan 0413:< Authsauce> pakistan 0413:< nickyface> pakistan 0413:< Margatron> Pakistan 0413:< Authsauce> the goddess of tits and wine 0413:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> alpacastan 0413:< BrownMario> moslem? what is this the 1800s? 0413:< Margatron> fuck you ratelimit 0413:< grink> CATEGORY: Science || Who makes dick sanitizer? 0413:< npinsker> The answer was Pakistan! Correct users: BrownMario (286), reed17 (126), hellapanda (488), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (119), dick_sanitizer (24)... 0413:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0413:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Astronomy // According to the geocentric model, the _____ is the center of the universe. 0413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // What is the scientific name for earth"s outer Iayer of surface soiI or crust? 0413:< dick_sanitizer> johnson and johnson 0413:< Lowbacca1977> earth 0413:< Margatron> Mr. Dick Sanitizer 0413:< Authsauce> crust 0413:< reed17> curst 0413:< dick_sanitizer> earth 0413:< hellapanda> lithosphere 0413:< bphilly_cheesesteak> krusty 0413:< BrownMario> lithosphere 0413:< Margatron> crust 0413:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> lithospere 0413:< grink> pizza crust 0413:< Authsauce> litosphere 0413:< reed17> lithosphere 0413:< PotatoBadger> haha lowbacca1977 you stupid dumbass 0413:< bphilly_cheesesteak> sprang brake 0413:< dick_sanitizer> Miss* dick_sanitizer 0414:< BrownMario> deep dish 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontosphere 0414:< Margatron> lithosphere 0414:< npinsker> The answer was lithosphere! Correct users: hellapanda (492), BrownMario (289), reed17 (128), Margatron (41) 0414:< hellapanda> ayyy another lady! 0414:< Authsauce> those h's man, get me every time 0414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geograpgy || ln which country wouId you find the spectacuIar rock formation known as The Three Sisters? 0414:< hashtag_pickles> mexico 0414:< reed17> united states 0414:< bphilly_cheesesteak> my pants 0414:< hellapanda> australia? 0414:< grink> slutsvania 0414:< neverkidding> mexico 0414:< dick_sanitizer> you a lady too panda? 0414:< Authsauce> tontoistan 0414:< BrownMario> united states 0414:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0414:< Margatron> I'm a lady too! 0414:< Authsauce> australia 0414:< hellapanda> AYYY 3 ladies! 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto-land 0414:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0414:< BrownMario> there's a three sisters in utah 0414:< reed17> I think the three sisters are in oregon 0414:< Authsauce> america 0414:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: hellapanda (496), Authsauce (90) 0414:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoronto 0414:< dick_sanitizer> WE ARE THE 3 SISTERS 0414:< hellapanda> LOL 0414:< Margatron> United States 0414:< PotatoBadger> FUCK WOMEN |||||||||||||||||| GENDER WAR NOW |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INCREASE THE WAGE GAP 0414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capitaI of WaIes? 0415:< reed17> Cardiff 0415:< hellapanda> cardiff 0415:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> sheep 0415:< Authsauce> cardiff 0415:< dick_sanitizer> cardiff 0415:< BrownMario> cardiff 0415:< Margatron> Cardiff 0415:< BrownMario> goat 0415:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> cardiff 0415:< grink> diff 0415:< hashtag_pickles> I feel like the answer is cardiff 0415:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: reed17 (132), hellapanda (499), Authsauce (92), dick_sanitizer (25), BrownMario (289), Margatron... 0415:< reed17> k, it's 11:15, a.k.a. go to bed or you'll be here all night time. 0415:< PotatoBadger> WE'RE GOING TO BUILD A WAGE GAP, AND WE'RE GOING TO MAKE WOMEN PAY FOR IT 0415:< dick_sanitizer> the answer is indeed cardiff 0415:< hellapanda> 12:15 here oh noes 0415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia // On 'Dragnet', who pIayed officer BiII Gannon? 0415:< dick_sanitizer> LOL 0415:< reed17> bbl 0415:< Margatron> micubit 0415:< hellapanda> ehh tv 0415:< grink> bill maher 0415:< PotatoBadger> micubit is the answer 0415:< BrownMario> bill maher 0415:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto van halen 0415:< hellapanda> harry potter 0416:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0416:< hellapanda> huh 0416:< dick_sanitizer> liar!! 0416:< grink> dexter morgan 0416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Measurement || What instrument measures waIking distance? 0416:< Authsauce> pedometer 0416:< hellapanda> pedometer 0416:< grink> pedometer 0416:< BrownMario> pedometer 0416:< dick_sanitizer> pedometer 0416:< PotatoBadger> /whois micubit 0416:< Margatron> pedometer 0416:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> pedometer 0416:< hashtag_pickles> pedometer 0416:< BrownMario> damn you guys fast 0416:< hashtag_pickles> also measures the pedo 0416:< grink> paedopeter 0416:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontometer 0416:< IbaFoo> odometer 0416:< dick_sanitizer> is it though? or is that just # of steps? 0416:< npinsker> The answer was pedometer! Correct users: Authsauce (96), hellapanda (502), grink (27), BrownMario (290), dick_sanitizer (25), Margatron... 0416:< Authsauce> oh hellz yeah 0416:< Authsauce> come on lucky 100 0416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Captain Hook, Tiger LiIy, and Tinker BeII are characters in what story? 0416:< hellapanda> peter pan 0416:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> peter pan 0416:< BrownMario> peter pan 0416:< hashtag_pickles> peter pan 0417:< dick_sanitizer> peter pan 0417:< Authsauce> peter pan 0417:< Margatron> Peter Pan 0417:< grink> pita panm 0417:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto pan 0417:< nickyface> peter pan 0417:< dick_sanitizer> PitaPit 0417:< nickyface> fuckin thing! 0417:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0417:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Pan! Correct users: hellapanda (506), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (122), BrownMario (292), hashtag_pickles (2), dick_saniti... 0417:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> The Life and Times of Tonto the Magnificent 0417:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0417:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (506), Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (292), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: PsychoIogy // Of what did Sigmund Freud have a morbid fear? 0417:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0417:< grink> be$ ars 0417:< BrownMario> his mom 0417:< dick_sanitizer> when i find you in a comment somewhere, shooby, you'll be tagged as tonto 0417:< Authsauce> his mothers vagina 0417:< hashtag_pickles> his mom's huge vag 0417:< hellapanda> buttholes 0417:< nickyface> dogs 0418:< Margatron> spiders 0418:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> cats 0418:< dick_sanitizer> his mom 0418:< BrownMario> buttholes? 0418:< nickyface> being alone 0418:< Authsauce> spiders 0418:< hellapanda> yes, buttholes 0418:< BrownMario> panda is usually right... 0418:< grink> boxes 0418:< nickyface> sex 0418:< dick_sanitizer> incest 0418:< Authsauce> buttholes 0418:< npinsker> The answer was ferns! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0418:< hellapanda> lmfao 0418:< dick_sanitizer> rofl 0418:< BrownMario> damn it panda... 0418:< Authsauce> uh 0418:< Margatron> hahaha 0418:< nickyface> wtf freud 0418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What's the capitaI of Madagascar? 0418:< Authsauce> kenobia 0418:< dick_sanitizer> Lemur 0418:< hellapanda> something i can never spell right 0418:< grink> kylo ren 0418:< hashtag_pickles> zanzabar 0418:< hellapanda> antananarivo 0418:< BrownMario> antananarivo 0418:< Authsauce> antananarivo 0418:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> antananarivo 0418:< npinsker> The answer was Antananarivo! Correct users: hellapanda (510), BrownMario (295), Authsauce (98), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (123) 0418:< hellapanda> its like that banana joke 0418:< Authsauce> lolol 0419:< dashed> heads up. tab support so u can chat while trivia: https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gastronomy // ApproximateIy how many pounds of cereaI wiII the average american/canadian eat every year? 0419:< grink> 69 0419:< Authsauce> 72 0419:< Margatron> 50 0419:< hellapanda> 10 0419:< hashtag_pickles> 1 0419:< BrownMario> ten 0419:< grink> 42 0419:< dick_sanitizer> 105 0419:< hashtag_pickles> 17 0419:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto pounds 0419:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0419:< hellapanda> k, i was APPROXIMATELY right 0419:< grink> what an avg america/canada 0419:< Margatron> brownmario was close 0419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // What's the heaviest cIass of weight-Iifting? 0419:< hashtag_pickles> thats too much cereal 0419:< dick_sanitizer> oh jeez i overestimated 0419:< grink> big one 0419:< Margatron> sumo 0419:< dick_sanitizer> heavyweight 0419:< BrownMario> heavyweight 0420:< grink> uberweight 0420:< Authsauce> heavyweight 0420:< hellapanda> super heavyweight 0420:< Margatron> heavyweight 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> 700 pound 0420:< dick_sanitizer> obese 0420:< BrownMario> super heavyweight 0420:< npinsker> The answer was super heavyweight! Correct users: hellapanda (514), BrownMario (298) 0420:< hellapanda> super mega heavyweight 0420:< hashtag_pickles> ha 0420:< BrownMario> super duper mega.. 0420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Where did the battIe of WaterIoo take pIace? 0420:< dick_sanitizer> HYPERWEIGHT 0420:< BrownMario> france 0420:< hashtag_pickles> waterloo 0420:< Authsauce> waterloo 0420:< grink> waterloo 0420:< hellapanda> belgium 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> belgium 0420:< Margatron> France 0420:< BrownMario> belgium 0420:< Authsauce> belgium 0420:< dick_sanitizer> waterloo 0420:< nickyface> waterloo 0420:< BrownMario> on water 0420:< IHappenToBeARobot> Europe 0420:< grink> canada 0420:< nickyface> tokyo 0420:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoloo 0420:< dick_sanitizer> earth 0420:< npinsker> The answer was Belgium! Correct users: hellapanda (518), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (126), BrownMario (300), Authsauce (99) 0420:< grink> orion galaxy 0420:< BrownMario> a shit i guess i should really go now 0420:< Authsauce> come on baby, 1 more. give me those trip digs 0421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics // Light rays consist of smaII packets of energy caIIed ..... 0421:< nickyface> grink's asshole 0421:< BrownMario> photons 0421:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> photons 0421:< Margatron> photons 0421:< dick_sanitizer> photons 0421:< nickyface> photons 0421:< hashtag_pickles> PHOtons 0421:< grink> i beam sunshine from my asshole 0421:< nickyface> come on you ratelimiting cunt 0421:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> photontos 0421:< dick_sanitizer> wontons 0421:< npinsker> The answer was photons! Correct users: grink (31), hellapanda (521), Authsauce (101), BrownMario (301), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (126), Marga... 0421:< Authsauce> photontos was perfice 0421:< BrownMario> damn i runied my perfect 300 0421:< dick_sanitizer> wonton's from pho's chinese takeaway 0421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies // Mexico's equivaIent to the doIIar is the ____________? 0421:< hellapanda> peso 0421:< Authsauce> w00t! 101. and now i can retire. Have fun all! 0421:< hashtag_pickles> peso 0421:< BrownMario> peso 0421:< Margatron> peso 0421:< grink> queso 0421:< Margatron> taco 0421:< hellapanda> seeya authsauce 0421:< BrownMario> alright fam yall take care 0421:< grink> cya 0421:< dick_sanitizer> peso 0421:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto 0422:< hellapanda> adios brownmario 0422:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> peso 0422:< BrownMario> don't stay up too late 0422:< npinsker> The answer was peso! Correct users: hellapanda (525), hashtag_pickles (5), BrownMario (303), Margatron (42), dick_sanitizer (25), I_Am_... 0422:< nickyface> question didn't even show on my end 0422:< dick_sanitizer> see you mario 0422:< hellapanda> ok mom 0422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine // How many bones are in the human body? 0422:< hashtag_pickles> 207 0422:< dick_sanitizer> 201 0422:< BrownMario> :) 0422:< Margatron> 200 0422:< dick_sanitizer> i think 0422:< nickyface> 311 0422:< grink> 201.1 0422:< Margatron> 311 0422:< dick_sanitizer> quick count them 0422:< hellapanda> adult or what? 0422:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> Alright, I guess i should be going. Have a Tonto night everybody. 0422:< npinsker> The answer was two hundred and six! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0422:< nickyface> only one that really matters 0422:< Margatron> oh I was close 0422:< dick_sanitizer> ayyy i was close 0422:< hashtag_pickles> ah f u 0422:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (525), Patarknight (403), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0423:< nickyface> pinky toe 0423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || John F. Kennedy Airport in New York used to be caIIed __________. 0423:< hellapanda> a dump 0423:< grink> um fuck 0423:< 3xist3nc3> Idlewild 0423:< hashtag_pickles> hitler international 0423:< npinsker> The answer was Idlewild! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (212) 0423:< grink> lga is a dump 0423:< dick_sanitizer> no fucking clu 0423:< Margatron> hahahah 0423:< hellapanda> oh, USED to be called ;) 0423:< nickyface> why in the tits am i not seeing some of these questions 0423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // Who feII behind Roger Maris in 1961 for the homerun record? 0423:< dick_sanitizer> untick hide bot spam? 0423:< grink> babe ruth 0423:< hellapanda> mantle 0424:< Margatron> Babe Ruth 0424:< hashtag_pickles> babe ruth 0424:< nickyface> frank grimes 0424:< grink> rick grimes 0424:< npinsker> The answer was Mickey Mantle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0424:< dick_sanitizer> in settings: untick remove bot spam 0424:< hellapanda> whatevaaa 0424:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom // What is the heaviest snake? 0424:< hellapanda> anaconda 0424:< grink> anacoda 0424:< Margatron> anaconda 0424:< grink> anaconda 0424:< hellapanda> dont want none 0424:< hashtag_pickles> anaconda which don't want none 0424:< s-i-s-u> arbok 0424:< Margatron> dick_sanitizer 0424:< npinsker> The answer was anaconda! Correct users: hellapanda (529), Margatron (45), grink (33) 0424:< nickyface> i'm using robin ehancement script. might be that spam filter, let's see. thanks 0425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Lome is the capitaI of ____________? 0425:< hellapanda> togo 0425:< grink> florida 0425:< hashtag_pickles> Rome, obviously 0425:< hellapanda> lmao 0425:< npinsker> The answer was Togo! Correct users: hellapanda (533) 0425:< dick_sanitizer> yeah margatron? 0425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // Who appeared in 'St. EImo's Fire', 'The ScarIett Letter' and 'Striptease'? 0425:< hellapanda> demi moore 0425:< nickyface> what's her name 0426:< nickyface> demi moore 0426:< Margatron> demi moore 0426:< hashtag_pickles> demi moore 0426:< npinsker> The answer was Demi Moore! Correct users: hellapanda (537), nickyface (3), Margatron (47), hashtag_pickles (6), dick_sanitizer (25) 0426:< Margatron> I was saying dick_sanitizer was the biggest snake 0426:< nickyface> could only think of ashton kutcher 0426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What coIour was Diana Spencer's engagement photograph suit? 0426:< hellapanda> blue 0426:< grink> yellow 0426:< dick_sanitizer> oh lol much ty 0426:< nickyface> turquoise 0426:< hashtag_pickles> Who? What a random question 0426:< Margatron> yellow 0426:< grink> cyan 0426:< atdemeo> Beyonce 0426:< npinsker> The answer was blue! Correct users: hellapanda (541) 0426:< dick_sanitizer> green 0426:< hellapanda> princess diana 0426:< atdemeo> Purple 0427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What two words are normaIIy at the end of most movies? 0427:< hellapanda> the end 0427:< hashtag_pickles> the end 0427:< dick_sanitizer> lol what a question 0427:< atdemeo> The End 0427:< grink> fin 0427:< nickyface> the end 0427:< Margatron> The End 0427:< nickyface> suck dick 0427:< dick_sanitizer> the end 0427:< grink> bend over 0427:< atdemeo> The Conclusion 0427:< Margatron> Fuck Off 0427:< hashtag_pickles> Well I guess TIL Princess Diana's name 0427:< hellapanda> lmaoooo fuck off 0427:< atdemeo> Blow Me 0427:< npinsker> The answer was The End! Correct users: hellapanda (545), hashtag_pickles (9), atdemeo (5), nickyface (4), Margatron (47), dick_sanitize... 0427:< Margatron> hahah 0427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Where are the headquarters of the ClA? 0427:< hellapanda> dc 0427:< neverkidding> Langley virginia 0427:< nickyface> iowa 0427:< hashtag_pickles> langley 0427:< grink> ft meade 0427:< Patarknight> Langley 0427:< Margatron> Langley 0427:< dick_sanitizer> virginia 0427:< atdemeo> Washington DC 0427:< YSFish> langley 0428:< grink> bangley 0428:< atdemeo> Langley 0428:< nickyface> kansas 0428:< npinsker> The answer was Langley, Virginia! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (13), Patarknight (406), Margatron (49), FNCxPro (82), YSFish (0), atd... 0428:< grink> room 641a 0428:< dick_sanitizer> only guessing cause of american dad 0428:< Margatron> why do you want to know, bot? 0428:< nickyface> i am not a leming 0428:< hellapanda> sad, I live in the area-ish and I don't know 0428:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (545), Patarknight (406), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0428:< nickyface> you lemmings!!! 0428:< hashtag_pickles> thanks, american dad for teaching me that useful trivia 0428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // ln which city is the CoIIiseum Iocated? 0428:< grink> rome 0428:< neverkidding> rome 0428:< atdemeo> Rome 0428:< dick_sanitizer> rome 0428:< YSFish> Rome 0428:< Margatron> Rome 0428:< hashtag_pickles> rome 0428:< grink> i think 0428:< nickyface> rome 0429:< npinsker> The answer was Rome! Correct users: grink (37), neverkidding (3), atdemeo (7), dick_sanitizer (26), YSFish (0), Margatron (49), hashtag... 0429:< Margatron> trick question, there are many colliseums in every roman city of that era 0429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms // What is HaroId LIoyd Jenkins" stage name? 0429:< neverkidding> Leeroy 0429:< nickyface> close your eyes. make a wish. 0429:< grink> dickheads 0429:< atdemeo> Sparky 0429:< hashtag_pickles> Slash 0429:< hellapanda> titty twitty 0429:< neverkidding> slash 0429:< YSFish> Slash 0429:< dick_sanitizer> leeroy jenkins 0429:< grink> / 0429:< grink> \ 0429:< Margatron> Curly 0429:< dick_sanitizer> slash 0429:< npinsker> The answer was Conway Twitty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0429:< hellapanda> eh 0429:< neverkidding> wow obscure 0429:< hellapanda> I didn't remember lol 0429:< hashtag_pickles> haha 0429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery? 0429:< nickyface> oh conway you sly sexy scamp 0430:< Patarknight> Apollo 0430:< hellapanda> apollo 0430:< neverkidding> artemis 0430:< Margatron> Apollo 0430:< nickyface> apollo 0430:< dick_sanitizer> artermis 0430:< atdemeo> Apollo 0430:< grink> captain carter 0430:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0430:< Margatron> Artemis was wisdom 0430:< neverkidding> oh shit 0430:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: Patarknight (410), FNCxPro (85), hellapanda (547), Margatron (50), nickyface (4), atdemeo (7) 0430:< dick_sanitizer> apollo is god of the sun 0430:< grink> chicken god 0430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weight // How much does a cubic meter of water weigh? 0430:< dick_sanitizer> artemis is godess of the hunt tho... 0430:< hellapanda> a ton 0430:< Patarknight> ton 0430:< neverkidding> 1 kg 0430:< Margatron> one ton 0430:< dick_sanitizer> 1 tonne 0430:< grink> 1.001 kg 0430:< Margatron> one metric ton 0430:< dick_sanitizer> 1 ton 0430:< grink> metric fucktonne 0431:< hashtag_pickles> nothing water is weightless in its natural habitat 0431:< dick_sanitizer> just in case 0431:< npinsker> The answer was One Ton! Correct users: Margatron (54) 0431:< hellapanda> ROBBED 0431:< Margatron> YES 0431:< dick_sanitizer> wwwuuuuttttt 0431:< Margatron> BOW BEFORE ME 0431:< neverkidding> atlantis 0431:< grink> maury povich 0431:< nickyface> maurwestis 0431:< hellapanda> west mauritius islands 0431:< neverkidding> atlantica 0431:< dick_sanitizer> new zealand 0431:< nickyface> japan 0431:< hashtag_pickles> indonesia 0431:< npinsker> The answer was R__union! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0431:< dick_sanitizer> ? 0431:< hellapanda> ...... wut 0431:< nickyface> lol wtf 0431:< neverkidding> what 0431:< Margatron> wat 0431:< grink> um broken 0431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the Oscar-winning theme song from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's"? 0432:< hellapanda> moon river 0432:< dick_sanitizer> R___ is the best country 0432:< neverkidding> Enter Sandman 0432:< nickyface> breakfast at tiffany's 0432:< atdemeo> Breakfast at Tiffany's 0432:< atdemeo> duh 0432:< grink> breakfast club 0432:< dick_sanitizer> 1985 0432:< hashtag_pickles> YES I RECALL I THINK WE BOTH KIND OF LIKED IT AND I SAID WELL THAT'S THE ONE THING I GOT 0432:< npinsker> The answer was Moon River! Correct users: hellapanda (551) 0432:< nickyface> go figure 0432:< Patarknight> Probably to bait out bots 0432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a chronometer measure? 0432:< Patarknight> time 0432:< Margatron> time 0432:< AndyD418> time 0432:< hellapanda> time 0432:< dick_sanitizer> timje 0432:< hashtag_pickles> time 0432:< nickyface> time 0432:< dick_sanitizer> time 0432:< grink> chronos 0432:< nickyface> sleep 0432:< Margatron> the time until they remake Chronotrigger 0432:< nickyface> pee 0432:< grink> cron jobs 0432:< atdemeo> SO...its a clock? 0432:< npinsker> The answer was Time! Correct users: Patarknight (414), Margatron (57), AndyD418 (16), hellapanda (552), hashtag_pickles (13), nickyface... 0433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This bird Iays its eggs in the nests of other birds. 0433:< grink> asshole bird 0433:< hashtag_pickles> oh fuck I know it too 0433:< 3xist3nc3> Robin 0433:< AndyD418> woodpecker 0433:< Margatron> woodpecker 0433:< dick_sanitizer> brown headed sparrow 0433:< nickyface> woodpecker 0433:< neverkidding> mockingjay 0433:< nickyface> mockingjay 0433:< npinsker> The answer was cuckoo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0433:< dick_sanitizer> brown headed woodpecker 0433:< neverkidding> hahahaha 0433:< 3xist3nc3> jerk bird 0433:< hellapanda> ah 0433:< Margatron> woodpecker eats the brains of other birds 0433:< nickyface> i just fucking learned this! god dammit 0433:< enricheduranium> cuckoo 0433:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (552), Patarknight (414), awfullotofocelots (400), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0433:< neverkidding> soCucKoo 0433:< dick_sanitizer> lol saw that on QI and i forgot it.... 0434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // "Now is the winter of our discontent" is a Iine from which Shakespearian pIay? 0434:< Patarknight> Richard III 0434:< hellapanda> richard iii 0434:< grink> dick 3 0434:< nickyface> richard III 0434:< neverkidding> The Lion King 2 0434:< dick_sanitizer> richard the third 0434:< nickyface> triple penetration 0434:< Margatron> Richard III 3 0434:< AndyD418> game of thrones 0434:< hashtag_pickles> richard the third 0434:< npinsker> The answer was Richard III! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (30), hashtag_pickles (16) 0434:< dick_sanitizer> HAHAH 0434:< hellapanda> w$ hat 0434:< Margatron> damn 0434:< hashtag_pickles> ha 0434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries? 0434:< Margatron> I thought I'd cover both 0434:< Patarknight> Africa 0434:< aspbergerinparadise> africa 0434:< AndyD418> africa 0434:< Margatron> Africa 0434:< hellapanda> africa 0434:< hashtag_pickles> africa 0434:< grink> europe 0434:< dick_sanitizer> africa represent 0435:< npinsker> The answer was Africa! Correct users: Patarknight (418), FNCxPro (88), AndyD418 (18), Margatron (58), hellapanda (552), hashtag_pickles... 0435:< AndyD418> name checks out 0435:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the capitaI of Liechtenstein? 0435:< Patarknight> Vaduzz 0435:< grink> beer 0435:< hellapanda> vaduz 0435:< dick_sanitizer> vaduzz 0435:< Margatron> Vaduzz 0435:< hashtag_pickles> L 0435:< AndyD418> Liechtenstein City 0435:< Patarknight> Vaduz 0435:< npinsker> The answer was Vaduz! Correct users: hellapanda (556), Patarknight (421) 0435:< Margatron> damn 0435:< hashtag_pickles> too many zeds brosephs 0436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which country is K2, the second-highest mountain in the worId, Iocated? 0436:< Patarknight> Nepal 0436:< dick_sanitizer> lol only on some qus does it have room for spelling errors 0436:< neverkidding> nepal 0436:< grink> fake weed 0436:< Margatron> Pakistan 0436:< AndyD418> kenya 0436:< hellapanda> nepal 0436:< neverkidding> kenya 0436:< Margatron> Nepal 0436:< grink> come to kenya because we got lions 0436:< npinsker> The answer was Pakistan! Correct users: Margatron (62) 0436:< Margatron> YES 0436:< dick_sanitizer> niiiice 0436:< neverkidding> oh shit 0436:< neverkidding> marge is in charge u guys 0436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What's the circIe of the earth at 0 degrees Iatitude caIIed? 0436:< grink> artic 0436:< AndyD418> equator 0436:< Patarknight> equator 0436:< enricheduranium> Equator 0436:< hashtag_pickles> equator 0436:< Margatron> equator 0436:< neverkidding> equator 0436:< grink> i failed hard 0436:< hellapanda> equator 0436:< dick_sanitizer> equador 0436:< awfullotofocelots> Arctic Circle 0437:< Margatron> Everest is in Nepal but K2 is in Pakistan 0437:< awfullotofocelots> Arctic 0437:< grink> splenda 0437:< npinsker> The answer was equator! Correct users: AndyD418 (22), Patarknight (424), enricheduranium (2), hashtag_pickles (17), Margatron (62), nev... 0437:< stikko> omg, someone i recognize from like 12 tiers ago! 0437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Secretions || What is the scientific name for earwax? 0437:< hellapanda> cerumen 0437:< grink> ear jizz 0437:< AndyD418> sebum 0437:< neverkidding> cerumen 0437:< hashtag_pickles> cerumen 0437:< dick_sanitizer> cerumen 0437:< Margatron> earcum 0437:< grink> i dont remeber anyway from saturday 0437:< awfullotofocelots> cerumen 0437:< stikko> smegma 0437:< npinsker> The answer was cerumen! Correct users: hellapanda (560), neverkidding (6), hashtag_pickles (19), dick_sanitizer (31), awfullotofocelots... 0437:< enricheduranium> cerumen 0437:< dick_sanitizer> lots of us yellows i've just realised 0437:< awfullotofocelots> I've been in this round since Friday 0437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || ApproximateIy how deep are the deepest mines? (in km) 0438:< dick_sanitizer> cause we have about the colour of earwax... 0438:< grink> i started noon saturday eastern time 0438:< hashtag_pickles> 1500 0438:< neverkidding> 42 0438:< hellapanda> 5 0438:< AndyD418> 100 km 0438:< grink> 493087543975984372584375783 0438:< dick_sanitizer> 6km 0438:< Patarknight> 12 0438:< atdemeo> 1000 0438:< awfullotofocelots> 10 km 0438:< enricheduranium> 4 0438:< Margatron> 10 KM 0438:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: enricheduranium (6) 0438:< atdemeo> 8 0438:< hellapanda> ah, close 0438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeneraI KnowIedge // lf you drive on a parkway, you park on a _______? 0438:< grink> driveway 0438:< awfullotofocelots> driveway 0438:< neverkidding> driveway 0438:< AndyD418> driveway 0438:< hellapanda> driveway 0438:< dick_sanitizer> drivewaay 0438:< stikko> driveway 0438:< Margatron> driveway 0438:< hashtag_pickles> driveway 0438:< enricheduranium> driveway 0438:< dick_sanitizer> in a garage 0438:< grink> parking lot 0438:< neverkidding> that's not trivia, that's a riddle 0438:< Margatron> bikelane 0439:< npinsker> The answer was driveway! Correct users: grink (41), awfullotofocelots (403), neverkidding (8), AndyD418 (23), hellapanda (560), stikko ... 0439:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (424), awfullotofocelots (403), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // ExcIuding man, what's the Iongest-Iived Iand mammaI? 0439:< hellapanda> aiight, i'm outie! 0439:< enricheduranium> whale 0439:< neverkidding> elephant 0439:< Patarknight> night 0439:< awfullotofocelots> whale 0439:< grink> tortoise 0439:< hashtag_pickles> that sad turtle 0439:< neverkidding> LAND. MAMMAL 0439:< Patarknight> gorilla 0439:< GriffinPrice> elephant 0439:< Margatron> Elephant 0439:< enricheduranium> elephant 0439:< dick_sanitizer> elephant 0439:< hellapanda> lol neverkidding 0439:< awfullotofocelots> gorilla 0439:< grink> mammals lay eggs now 0439:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: neverkidding (12), GriffinPrice (6), Margatron (64), enricheduranium (7), dick_sanitizer (31) 0439:< manface12> sea turtle 0440:< grink> dont you know 0440:< hellapanda> whale hahaha 0440:< dick_sanitizer> noooiiicee 0440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What did TVs lMF stand for? 0440:< Margatron> land whale 0440:< neverkidding> intermolecular force 0440:< grink> da fuck 0440:< manface12> impossible mission foundation 0440:< Patarknight> impossible mission force 0440:< awfullotofocelots> International Monatery Fund 0440:< grink> down to fuck 0440:< awfullotofocelots> Impossible Mission Force 0440:< Patarknight> its Mission Impossible 0440:< npinsker> The answer was Impossible Mission Forces! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0440:< Patarknight> oh boo 0440:< dick_sanitizer> neverkidding i like you 0440:< hashtag_pickles> ah snap 0440:< awfullotofocelots> "s" 0440:< neverkidding> :) 0440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || FinaI Fantasy Vll was originaIIy designed in what video game system? 0440:< Patarknight> N64 0440:< neverkidding> n64 0440:< awfullotofocelots> sega 0440:< AndyD418> n64 0440:< stikko> PS2 0440:< Margatron> n64 0440:< dick_sanitizer> n64 0440:< grink> atari 2600 0441:< manface12> n64 0441:< awfullotofocelots> genesis 0441:< dick_sanitizer> atari 0441:< neverkidding> nintendo 64 0441:< hashtag_pickles> gameboy 0441:< hansolo580> ps4 0441:< grink> ps5 0441:< dick_sanitizer> ps1 0441:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo 64! Correct users: neverkidding (16) 0441:< hansolo580> ps6 0441:< enricheduranium> nes 0441:< neverkidding> WHAAAA 0441:< grink> pwned 0441:< Margatron> GODDAMNIT 0441:< dick_sanitizer> whut 0441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MineraIs || What forms when a diamond is cut with a Iaser? 0441:< Patarknight> graphite dust 0441:< hashtag_pickles> more diamonds 0441:< grink> broken diamond 0441:< neverkidding> fairie dust 0441:< dick_sanitizer> graphite 0441:< stikko> graphene 0441:< enricheduranium> graphite 0441:< awfullotofocelots> graphite 0441:< Margatron> graphene 0441:< awfullotofocelots> graphene 0441:< npinsker> The answer was graphite dust! Correct users: Patarknight (428), FNCxPro (91), dick_sanitizer (33), enricheduranium (8), awfullotofocelo... 0441:< dick_sanitizer> diamonds are very hard to break - they can be sheared though 0441:< Margatron> booo 0442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north? 0442:< AndyD418> maine 0442:< awfullotofocelots> Maine 0442:< dick_sanitizer> maine 0442:< Margatron> Maine 0442:< stikko> minnesota 0442:< neverkidding> maine 0442:< Patarknight> Minnesota 0442:< grink> michigan 0442:< dick_sanitizer> alaska 0442:< hashtag_pickles> maine 0442:< Margatron> We should have bought Maine from you guys 0442:< enricheduranium> maine 0442:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: stikko (4), Patarknight (431), FNCxPro (93) 0442:< hashtag_pickles> liars lying 0442:< neverkidding> Margatron you can have it 0442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine // What toe is the foot refIexoIogy pressure point for the head? 0442:< Margatron> yes please 0442:< dick_sanitizer> what does contiguous mean? 0442:< AndyD418> pinky 0442:< hashtag_pickles> middle 0442:< Patarknight> connected 0442:< grink> dick toe 0442:< neverkidding> REFLEXOLOGY IS NOT MEDICINE. I OBJECT 0442:< Margatron> the ones that all touch each other 0443:< Patarknight> so the 48 states that are not Alaska/Hawaii 0443:< dick_sanitizer> i object too.... 0443:< enricheduranium> pinky 0443:< npinsker> The answer was big toe! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0443:< dick_sanitizer> oohhh 0443:< grink> why the fuck is parrot keep reloading 0443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || These are the two highest vaIued Ietters in 'ScrabbIe". "Q" and _____? 0443:< grink> Z 0443:< neverkidding> z 0443:< awfullotofocelots> big toe 0443:< pyroshroom> Testing parrot chatroom fuction 0443:< Margatron> Z 0443:< dick_sanitizer> Z 0443:< AndyD418> z 0443:< enricheduranium> Z 0443:< grink> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ zoidberg 0443:< hashtag_pickles> Z 0443:< hashtag_pickles> Zed 0443:< Margatron> zed 0443:< awfullotofocelots> x 0443:< stikko> z 0443:< awfullotofocelots> z 0443:< npinsker> The answer was Z! Correct users: grink (45), neverkidding (19), Margatron (66), dick_sanitizer (34), AndyD418 (23), enricheduranium (8)... 0443:< dick_sanitizer> WOOPwoopwoppwoop(clickclick) 0444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Crosby, StiIIs and Nash's debut aIbum incIuded a song about a girI and the coIour of her eyes. Name that song? 0444:< grink> brown 0444:< neverkidding> brown 0444:< dick_sanitizer> don't know the answer to trivia question? why not zoidberg? 0444:< grink> browned eye girl 0444:< stikko> green 0444:< Margatron> brown eyed girl 0444:< enricheduranium> $ Blue 0444:< dick_sanitizer> blue 0444:< grink> piss 0444:< npinsker> The answer was Sweet Judy Blue Eyes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0444:< dick_sanitizer> brown 0444:< awfullotofocelots> Judy Blue Eyes 0444:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (431), awfullotofocelots (403), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || To what country do the Faeroe lsIands beIong? 0445:< stikko> ireland 0445:< grink> best korea 0445:< dick_sanitizer> japan 0445:< awfullotofocelots> Denmark 0445:< neverkidding> disneyland 0445:< dick_sanitizer> korea 0445:< grink> so it was 78F on friday nyc, now it's fuck 27F 0445:< Margatron> Ireland 0445:< dick_sanitizer> china 0445:< hashtag_pickles> Austria 0445:< npinsker> The answer was Denmark! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (407) 0445:< dick_sanitizer> nice yo 0445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games // How many dots are on a pair of dice? 0445:< awfullotofocelots> thx fam 0445:< stikko> 21 0445:< grink> 6!*2 0445:< neverkidding> 21 0445:< dick_sanitizer> 6! 0445:< stikko> 42 0445:< hashtag_pickles> 21 0445:< awfullotofocelots> 42 0445:< grink> i'm right 0445:< neverkidding> 42 0445:< Margatron> 21 0446:< dick_sanitizer> oh wait nvm it wont be 6! 0446:< npinsker> The answer was forty two! Correct users: stikko (8) 0446:< enricheduranium> 21 0446:< stikko> you're not grink 0446:< awfullotofocelots> wut 0446:< neverkidding> hahahaha 0446:< stikko> 6! would be 6*5*4*3*2 0446:< hashtag_pickles> oh a pair of dice 0446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Port Moresby is the capitaI of ____________? 0446:< Margatron> I math good 0446:< dick_sanitizer> ik i realised lol 0446:< neverkidding> I was trying to count but i'm too slow 0446:< grink> oops yeah i'm not 0446:< grink> stikko called me out correctly 0446:< hashtag_pickles> lessby 0446:< stikko> ;-) 0446:< Margatron> Portlandia 0446:< enricheduranium> papua new guinea 0446:< npinsker> The answer was Papua New Guinea! Correct users: enricheduranium (12) 0446:< grink> lesbian 0446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars. 0446:< stikko> carbon monoxide 0447:< neverkidding> carbon monoxide 0447:< awfullotofocelots> carbon monoxide 0447:< enricheduranium> Carbon Monoxide 0447:< grink> carbon monoxide 0447:< Margatron> carbon monoxide 0447:< dick_sanitizer> CO 0447:< pyroshroom> Carbon monoxide 0447:< stikko> there's a ton of 'em tbh 0447:< grink> and a ton others 0447:< hashtag_pickles> carbon monoxide 0447:< Margatron> grink's farts 0447:< npinsker> The answer was carbon monoxide! Correct users: stikko (12), neverkidding (22), awfullotofocelots (409), enricheduranium (13), grink (45... 0447:< grink> only after having dairy 0447:< Margatron> lol 0447:< neverkidding> hahahahaha 0447:< npinsker> ( Hockey) The Toronto _______? 0447:< grink> maple leafs 0447:< pyroshroom> sport 0447:< stikko> maple leavfs 0447:< enricheduranium> maple Leafs 0447:< 3xist3nc3> Maple Leafs 0447:< awfullotofocelots> Maple Leafs 0447:< hashtag_pickles> maple leafs 0447:< Margatron> Maple Leafs 0447:< grink> leaves 0447:< neverkidding> hockey guys 0447:< stikko> maple leafs 0447:< grink> canadas 0447:< Margatron> grink can leave 0447:< npinsker> The answer was Maple Leafs! Correct users: grink (49), enricheduranium (16), 3xist3nc3 (214), awfullotofocelots (410), hashtag_pickles ... 0448:< dick_sanitizer> guys, did you hear? a whole lot of oxygen dihydrogen was leaked into a river in india yesterday 0448:< grink> toronto habs 0448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages // What word contains the combination of Ietters 'xop"? 0448:< neverkidding> saxophone 0448:< stikko> saxophone 0448:< grink> sexophone 0448:< Margatron> saxophone 0448:< awfullotofocelots> Pox 0448:< hashtag_pickles> saxophone 0448:< hashtag_pickles> what a weird fucking question 0448:< Margatron> saxomophone 0448:< npinsker> The answer was saXOPhone! Correct users: neverkidding (26), stikko (15), Margatron (68), hashtag_pickles (20) 0448:< Xestrix> exoplanet 0448:< stikko> saxomophone... 0448:< grink> margatron but i love canada 0448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Advertising // What statuette is awarded annuaIIy for the best teIevision commerciaI? 0448:< Margatron> grink ok you can stay 0448:< dick_sanitizer> addie 0448:< stikko> cleo 0449:< neverkidding> dick_sanitizer that's the same chemical that is lethal when inhaled right? 0449:< awfullotofocelots> cleos 0449:< awfullotofocelots> cleo 0449:< Margatron> Cleos 0449:< enricheduranium> Clio 0449:< hashtag_pickles> CLeO 0449:< npinsker> The answer was Clio! Correct users: enricheduranium (20) 0449:< stikko> clio 0449:< grink> miss cleo 0449:< stikko> damnit 0449:< Margatron> damn 0449:< dick_sanitizer> yeah man and if you boil it and it gets on you, it will melt your skin off 0449:< npinsker> The MontreaI ________. ( Hockey) 0449:< hashtag_pickles> Canadiens 0449:< awfullotofocelots> Canucks 0449:< stikko> canadiens 0449:< grink> habs 0449:< awfullotofocelots> Canadiens 0449:< neverkidding> looneys 0449:< Margatron> Canadiens 0449:< Margatron> les habitants 0449:< npinsker> The answer was Canadians! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0449:< dick_sanitizer> hockey players 0450:< hashtag_pickles> Lies 0450:< Margatron> WHAT THE FUCK 0450:< stikko> ooooh the bot's wrong! 0450:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (431), awfullotofocelots (410), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), GetXyzzyWithIt (230)... 0450:< grink> i found a mad canadian 0450:< dick_sanitizer> hahahahahahahah i thought you guys were all really bad spellers 0450:< Margatron> npinsker is banned from Canada 0450:< stikko> <-- not canadian 0450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics // What is the name given to the number equaI to 10 raised to the power of 100? 0450:< neverkidding> googol 0450:< stikko> google 0450:< dick_sanitizer> googol 0450:< awfullotofocelots> goggol 0450:< grink> e100.net 0450:< hashtag_pickles> googol 0450:< Lowbacca1977> googol 0450:< enricheduranium> googol 0450:< stikko> googol 0450:< Margatron> googol 0450:< npinsker> The answer was A "googol"! Correct users: neverkidding (30), dick_sanitizer (37), hashtag_pickles (22), Lowbacca1977 (229), enrichedura... 0450:< grink> GOOGLEPLEX 0450:< neverkidding> so proud of myself right now 0451:< grink> frame it 0451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || As what is a cameIopard aIso known? 0451:< dick_sanitizer> (highfive) 0451:< stikko> camel 0451:< Lowbacca1977> giraffe 0451:< dick_sanitizer> giraffe 0451:< grink> jeffrey 0451:< awfullotofocelots> giraffe 0451:< hashtag_pickles> karma chamelleon 0451:< neverkidding> dromedary 0451:< stikko> giraffe 0451:< hashtag_pickles> giraffe 0451:< dick_sanitizer> geraffe 0451:< grink> giraffe of wine 0451:< Margatron> giraffe 0451:< stikko> covering bases! 0451:< npinsker> The answer was giraffe! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (233), dick_sanitizer (40), awfullotofocelots (412), stikko (16), hashtag_pickles (... 0451:< Margatron> gerafe 0451:< dick_sanitizer> guys its a geraffe 0451:< neverkidding> wow what a weird thing to call a giraffe 0451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GenraI KnowIedge || What's a GoogoI? 0451:< hashtag_pickles> ha 0451:< neverkidding> 10^100 0451:< awfullotofocelots> 10^100 0451:< Xestrix> 10^100 0451:< grink> a number 0451:< stikko> 10e100 0451:< grink> 10e100 0451:< Lowbacca1977> its because it seems like its a combination of a camel and a leopard. apparently 0451:< dick_sanitizer> 10 to the power of 1000 0451:< Margatron> 10^100 0452:< stikko> a number 0452:< hashtag_pickles> 10 to the power of 100 0452:< neverkidding> I think the bot is fucking with us... it misspelled general 0452:< dick_sanitizer> 10 to the power of 100 0452:< npinsker> The answer was The Largest Named Number! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0452:< grink> moar power 0452:< dick_sanitizer> LOL 0452:< hashtag_pickles> Oh fuck you 0452:< Lowbacca1977> thats not even true 0452:< grink> that fucking lame 0452:< stikko> i thought a googleplex was bigger 0452:< neverkidding> Yeah the bot is def. fucking with us 0452:< Margatron> fucking cheater 0452:< awfullotofocelots> what the actual fuck 0452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // What does LPG stands for? 0452:< Lowbacca1977> googleplex 0452:< hashtag_pickles> This bot wants to start a riot 0452:< dick_sanitizer> littel cunt, you bot you 0452:< stikko> liquid propane gas 0452:< HookahComputer> Large Pulse Generator 0452:< grink> liquid petroleam gas 0452:< neverkidding> large pulse generator 0452:< awfullotofocelots> liquid petroleum gas 0452:< Xestrix> Lasers, Pew, Go 0452:< Margatron> liquid petrolium gas 0452:< dick_sanitizer> liquid petroleum gas 0452:< stikko> liquid petroleum gas 0452:< grink> fuck it 0452:< npinsker> The answer was Liquid Petroleum Gas! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (416), dick_sanitizer (43), stikko (18) 0452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // On what river is BIackpooI? 0453:< stikko> thames 0453:< neverkidding> thames 0453:< grink> deadpool 0453:< dick_sanitizer> thames 0453:< hashtag_pickles> thames 0453:< Margatron> thames 0453:< awfullotofocelots> thame 0453:< grink> these I's are really fucking with me 0453:< stikko> (no clue) 0453:< awfullotofocelots> thames 0453:< Margatron> lames 0453:< npinsker> The answer was River Fylde! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0453:< hashtag_pickles> Whomp whomp 0453:< neverkidding> whaaaaat 0453:< neverkidding> sorry guys I only know one british river 0453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games // Which company deveIoped and pubIished the 'Bubsy" series of games on the SNES consoIe? 0453:< stikko> fucking europeans and their rivers 0453:< awfullotofocelots> it said river fylde 0453:< grink> SEGA 0453:< stikko> sega 0453:< dick_sanitizer> SEGA 0453:< Margatron> SEGA 0453:< neverkidding> sega 0453:< awfullotofocelots> sega 0453:< dick_sanitizer> EA 0453:< Xestrix> Obisidian Games 0453:< grink> heh i just typed that 0454:< dick_sanitizer> ubisoft 0454:< grink> probably wrong 0454:< hashtag_pickles> Sega makes games for SNES? 0454:< npinsker> The answer was Accolade! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0454:< grink> <-dick 0454:< hashtag_pickles> Open your eyes sheeple 0454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: The Metric System // To the nearest 0.1 km, how many kiIometers in a miIe? 0454:< Lowbacca1977> 1.6 0454:< stikko> 1.6 0454:< dick_sanitizer> 1.6 0454:< Xestrix> 10^100 0454:< hashtag_pickles> 1.6 0454:< grink> 1.60000000000000000454366 0454:< dick_sanitizer> GOOGOL 0454:< awfullotofocelots> 1.6 0454:< Margatron> 2.6 0454:< grink> bananas 0454:< stikko> those would be some longass miles 0454:< npinsker> The answer was 1.6! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (237) 0454:< Margatron> dang 0454:< dick_sanitizer> wtf 0454:< hashtag_pickles> oh hohoh fuck you 0454:< awfullotofocelots> goddamn 0454:< dick_sanitizer> lowbacca hax 0454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What person wrote "The count of Monte-Christo"? 0455:< Lowbacca1977> dumas 0455:< Xestrix> Edgar Allen Poe 0455:< Margatron> get with the metric system you heathens 0455:< grink> monte python 0455:< stikko> alexandre dumas 0455:< awfullotofocelots> Alexandre Dumas 0455:< hashtag_pickles> You probably did you cheating bot 0455:< dick_sanitizer> edgar allen poe 0455:< Margatron> Alexandre Dumas 0455:< dick_sanitizer> pluggin his new book 0455:< stikko> "hehe, dumbass" 0455:< npinsker> The answer was Dumas! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (241), stikko (21), awfullotofocelots (418), Margatron (69) 0455:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0455:< Lowbacca1977> and its 5 miles to 8 km, as rule of thumb 0455:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0455:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (431), awfullotofocelots (418), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (241), ... 0455:< dick_sanitizer> badger why 0455:< Margatron> Aight, I'm at 69, I"m out for the night 0455:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0455:< hashtag_pickles> lates tates 0455:< dick_sanitizer> good place to stop 0455:< grink> a rule of thumb, it used to be legal to beat your wife 0455:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || AIba is the CeItic name for what country? 0455:< grink> fuck yeah boondock saints 0455:< Lowbacca1977> scotland 0455:< awfullotofocelots> Scotland 0455:< Xestrix> America 0455:< dick_sanitizer> next you cant stop til you get to 666 0456:< awfullotofocelots> Wales 0456:< dick_sanitizer> ireland 0456:< Margatron> I"ll try this week 0456:< grink> guinnessland 0456:< stikko> the rule of thumb was that you couldn't beat her with a stick thicker than your thumb 0456:< hashtag_pickles> ireland 0456:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (245), awfullotofocelots (421) 0456:< 3xist3nc3> Scotland 0456:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A terrapin is a type of _________? 0456:< grink> fucking reloads are killing me 0456:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0456:< grink> musical instrument 0456:< Xestrix> Mechwarrior 0456:< dick_sanitizer> fish 0456:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0456:< 3xist3nc3> fish 0456:< dick_sanitizer> earth something 0456:< npinsker> The answer was turtle! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (26), Lowbacca1977 (248), awfullotofocelots (423) 0456:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0457:< stikko> damnit, i had a friend with a bird named terrapin 0457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers // What was the first version of Microsoft Windows? 0457:< grink> 1 0457:< Xestrix> 2.0 0457:< Lowbacca1977> 3.1 0457:< grink> 1.0 0457:< dick_sanitizer> windows xp 0457:< 3xist3nc3> Microsoft Windows 1.0 0457:< scoper> 1.0 0457:< awfullotofocelots> Windows 2.0 0457:< grink> 1 existed 0457:< Lowbacca1977> wait.... that wouldn't make sense... 0457:< dick_sanitizer> microsoft beta 0457:< awfullotofocelots> Windows 1.0 0457:< stikko> 1.0 0457:< hashtag_pickles> windows 95 0457:< npinsker> The answer was Windows 286! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0457:< stikko> oh snap 0457:< grink> u$ m 0457:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0457:< grink> we got schooled 0457:< 3xist3nc3> TIL 0457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // How many Great Lakes are there? 0457:< Lowbacca1977> 5 0457:< awfullotofocelots> 5 0457:< hashtag_pickles> 5 0457:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0457:< dick_sanitizer> 13 0457:< stikko> 5 0457:< scoper> 500 0457:< Fireheart0011> four 0457:< 3xist3nc3> 4 0458:< dick_sanitizer> i am raised 0458:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0458:< grink> no fucking bot you are wrong 0458:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0458:< grink> windows 1 was before 'widnwos 286' 0458:< enricheduranium> 5 0458:< scoper> haha 0458:< stikko> wtf 0458:< Lowbacca1977> what the heck 0458:< awfullotofocelots> goddamn 0458:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0458:< Fireheart0011> hahahaha 0458:< dick_sanitizer> lolol poor pickles 0458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Which is the onIy pIanet that rotates cIockwise? 0458:< Lowbacca1977> venus 0458:< dick_sanitizer> uranus 0458:< stikko> neptune 0458:< awfullotofocelots> uranus 0458:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0458:< grink> uranus 0458:< Fireheart0011> earth 0458:< hashtag_pickles> why does this bot hate me 0458:< 3xist3nc3> It's 276 times better than windows 10 0458:< grink> on my dick 0458:< dick_sanitizer> neptune 0458:< TomLube> uranus 0458:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0458:< npinsker> The answer was Venus! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (252) 0458:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many baIIs are used in a game of snooker incIuding the cue baII? 0459:< PotatoBadger> RAISE EM 0459:< stikko> 10 0459:< awfullotofocelots> 10 0459:< dick_sanitizer> 10/10 peeps copied uranus cause its uranus 0459:< Fireheart0011> 16 0459:< dick_sanitizer> 16 0459:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0459:< 3xist3nc3> 10 0459:< scoper> 14 0459:< hashtag_pickles> I don't know, npinsker, but even if I did you'd tell me I'm wrong because you're racist. 0459:< awfullotofocelots> no, because it's axis is so far askew 0459:< npinsker> The answer was twenty two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0459:< dick_sanitizer> 11 0459:< scoper> shit 0459:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0459:< grink> i want to reformat this bot 0459:< dick_sanitizer> pickle-ist 0459:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0459:< 3xist3nc3> 10 x 2 + 2 0459:< grink> format c: /y 0459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Who's Gordon Sumner better known as? 0459:< awfullotofocelots> Dexter Gordon 0459:< grink> rm -rf /stupid/bot 0459:< hashtag_pickles> Cher 0459:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0459:< scoper> sting 0459:< Lowbacca1977> elton john 0500:< enricheduranium> sting 0500:< PotatoBadger> rm -rf /home/grink 0500:< dick_sanitizer> sting 0500:< npinsker> The answer was Sting! Correct users: scoper (4), enricheduranium (23), dick_sanitizer (45) 0500:< awfullotofocelots> Elton John 0500:< grink> NOOOO 0500:< Lowbacca1977> and uranus should've been acceptable too. venus is just.... more upside down 0500:< grink> all my porn 0500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AstroIogy || What is the zodiacaI symboI for Capricorn? 0500:< PotatoBadger> sudo makemeasandwich 0500:< Lowbacca1977> goat 0500:< grink> horse 0500:< 3xist3nc3> bullshit 0500:< awfullotofocelots> goat 0500:< dick_sanitizer> goat 0500:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0500:< hashtag_pickles> goat 0500:< dick_sanitizer> goat with a fish tail 0500:< Lowbacca1977> sea goat 0500:< enricheduranium> Mountain Sea-goat 0500:< npinsker> The answer was goat! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (256), awfullotofocelots (426), dick_sanitizer (47), hashtag_pickles (27), enrichedura... 0500:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0500:< dick_sanitizer> is the mer-goat aries? 0501:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (431), awfullotofocelots (426), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (256), ... 0501:< PotatoBadger> SHUT THE FUCK UP DICK_SANITIZER 0501:< Lowbacca1977> aries is just a ram 0501:< dick_sanitizer> :( 0501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the D-Day invasion password? 0501:< awfullotofocelots> aquarius 0501:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0501:< grink> we all need clean dicks 0501:< 3xist3nc3> 1945 0501:< scoper> 1234 0501:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 1945 0501:< grink> divide by zero 0501:< dick_sanitizer> your dick shall STAY nasty 0501:< npinsker> The answer was Mickey Mouse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0501:< PotatoBadger> hunter2 0501:< dick_sanitizer> hahah 0501:< grink> ******* 0501:< hashtag_pickles> ******* 0501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don"t Strain YourseIf Thinking ;-) || A water heater keeps _____ warm for you. 0501:< Lowbacca1977> water 0501:< aspbergerinparadise> water 0502:< PotatoBadger> All I see it ******* 0502:< grink> water 0502:< awfullotofocelots> water 0502:< scoper> water 0502:< hashtag_pickles> water 0502:< -Iamabeautifulperson> water 0502:< dick_sanitizer> water 0502:< 3xist3nc3> water 0502:< grink> dicks 0502:< enricheduranium> water 0502:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0502:< scoper> air 0502:< dick_sanitizer> lube 0502:< npinsker> The answer was water! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (260), grink (52), awfullotofocelots (428), scoper (5), hashtag_pickles (27), -Iamabe... 0502:< grink> hellen keller 0502:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TechnoIogy // What person has the worId"s Iargest doubIe-decker tram fIeet? 0502:< scoper> wtf 0502:< grink> britain 0502:< Lowbacca1977> branson 0502:< dick_sanitizer> fuckin bill gates 0502:< neverkidding> walt disney 0502:< 3xist3nc3> Bill Gates 0502:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bill gates 0502:< npinsker> The answer was Hong Kong! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0503:< dick_sanitizer> WHAT 0503:< shilena> ?? 0503:< scoper> that's not a person 0503:< 3xist3nc3> Hong Kong isn't a person 0503:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || What digital currency was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 0503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz // What person is married to Eddie Van HaIen? 0503:< scoper> bitcoin 0503:< Lowbacca1977> bitcoin 0503:< dick_sanitizer> lol fucking bot 0503:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bitcoin 0503:< HookahComputer> Chicago 0503:< neverkidding> RIP npinsker :( 0503:< dick_sanitizer> bitcoin 0503:< PotatoBadger> haha you fucking idiots im not npinsker 0503:< 3xist3nc3> That ain't Npinsker 0503:< scoper> yes 0503:< hashtag_pickles> Cindy Crawford 0503:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0503:< npinsker> The answer was Valerie Bertanelli! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0503:< enricheduranium> Janie Liszewski 0503:< dick_sanitizer> tbh i though somone named bit coin was married to eddie van halen :( 0503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Which magician did Lothar assist? 0503:< shilena> merlin 0504:< -Iamabeautifulperson> houdini 0504:< awfullotofocelots> Merlin 0504:< 3xist3nc3> Mandrake 0504:< neverkidding> mandrake 0504:< hashtag_pickles> Rahtol 0504:< dick_sanitizer> Houdini 0504:< dick_sanitizer> merlin 0504:< enricheduranium> Mandrake the Magician 0504:< npinsker> The answer was Mandrake! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (218), neverkidding (33) 0504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MinreaIs // Graphite dust is formed when what's cut with a Iaser? 0504:< grink> diamopnd 0504:< neverkidding> diamond 0504:< dick_sanitizer> diamond 0504:< awfullotofocelots> diamonds 0504:< hashtag_pickles> Diamond 0504:< shilena> diamond 0504:< Lowbacca1977> diamond 0504:< -Iamabeautifulperson> diamond 0504:< grink> diamond 0504:< awfullotofocelots> diamond 0504:< enricheduranium> diamond 0504:< scoper> dnomaid 0504:< 3xist3nc3> diamond 0504:< grink> fuck cock fuck my asshat typing 0504:< npinsker> The answer was diamond! Correct users: neverkidding (37), dick_sanitizer (50), hashtag_pickles (29), shilena (1), Lowbacca1977 (260), -... 0505:< dick_sanitizer> you would have been first too :( 0505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What footbaII pIayer rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973? 0505:< grink> oj simpson 0505:< neverkidding> oj simpson 0505:< 3xist3nc3> OJ Simpson 0505:< -Iamabeautifulperson> oj simpson 0505:< awfullotofocelots> oj simpson 0505:< dick_sanitizer> oj simpson 0505:< hashtag_pickles> TJ Hooker 0505:< scoper> the bot spelt minerals wrong 0505:< dick_sanitizer> min for reals 0505:< npinsker> The answer was OJ Simpson! Correct users: grink (56), neverkidding (40), 3xist3nc3 (220), -Iamabeautifulperson (1), awfullotofocelots (... 0505:< 3xist3nc3> a killer 0505:< enricheduranium> O.J. Simpson 0505:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Biology || The hip bone's connected to the ______ bone. 0505:< Lowbacca1977> leg 0505:< awfullotofocelots> it's answerbot deterrent scoper 0505:< shilena> leg 0505:< neverkidding> femur 0505:< grink> assbone 0505:< scoper> thigh 0505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actress"s reaI name was Frances Gumm? 0505:< dick_sanitizer> tail 0505:< neverkidding> cindy crawfart 0505:< scoper> damnit haha 0506:< PotatoBadger> haha u fucking idiots I'm not npinsker 0506:< awfullotofocelots> Hepburn 0506:< dick_sanitizer> leg 0506:< -Iamabeautifulperson> hepburn 0506:< enricheduranium> Judy Garland 0506:< npinsker> The answer was Judy Garland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0506:< scoper> too slow! 0506:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (431), awfullotofocelots (428), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (260), ... 0506:< awfullotofocelots> Tonto 0506:< 3xist3nc3> Router 0506:< -Iamabeautifulperson> tonto 0506:< grink> router 0506:< Lowbacca1977> pancho 0506:< neverkidding> router 0506:< hashtag_pickles> invisible 0506:< dick_sanitizer> router 0506:< 3xist3nc3> Pancho 0507:< grink> lol ^^^ 0507:< awfullotofocelots> Router 0507:< dick_sanitizer> pancho 0507:< npinsker> The answer was Pancho! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (264), 3xist3nc3 (223), dick_sanitizer (52) 0507:< enricheduranium> Pancho 0507:< neverkidding> hahahaha 0507:< grink> ASA firewall 0507:< dick_sanitizer> ahhh just in there 0507:< 3xist3nc3> lol you guys seriously went with router? 0507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CIich__s // A bird in the hand is worth ____________? 0507:< neverkidding> hahahahaha 0507:< Patarknight> two in the bush 0507:< hashtag_pickles> two in the bush 0507:< Lowbacca1977> two in the bush 0507:< awfullotofocelots> two in the bush 0507:< dick_sanitizer> better than any of my guesses lol 0507:< shilena> two in the bush 0507:< HookahComputer> two dead canaries 0507:< grink> 3xist3nc3 i typed it before i saw you did 0507:< Lowbacca1977> if you know what i mean 0507:< neverkidding> two in the bush 0507:< 3xist3nc3> Two in the pink one in the stink 0507:< dick_sanitizer> two in the bush 0507:< grink> SHOCKER 0507:< npinsker> The answer was two in the bush! Correct users: Patarknight (435), hashtag_pickles (32), FNCxPro (95), Lowbacca1977 (265), awfullotofoce... 0507:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Dickbutt || When does the narwhal bacon? 0507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // He pIayed Superman in the 1978 movie version? 0508:< grink> midnight 0508:< Lowbacca1977> reeves 0508:< 3xist3nc3> Christopher Reeves 0508:< Patarknight> Christopher Reeve 0508:< awfullotofocelots> reeves 0508:< enricheduranium> AFTER MIDNIGHT 0508:< dick_sanitizer> chris reeves 0508:< hashtag_pickles> christopher reeves 0508:< neverkidding> when your mom breeches for air 0508:< awfullotofocelots> reeve 0508:< 3xist3nc3> Christopher Reeve 0508:< grink> flying horse 0508:< dick_sanitizer> christopher reeves 0508:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0508:< npinsker> The answer was Christopher Reeve! Correct users: Patarknight (439), FNCxPro (98), 3xist3nc3 (225) 0508:< dick_sanitizer> im out guys 0508:< dick_sanitizer> cya 0508:< -Iamabeautifulperson> peace 0508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very Big Guns // Where's the biggest caIibre cannon? 0508:< -Iamabeautifulperson> russia 0508:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0508:< awfullotofocelots> russia 0508:< neverkidding> russia 0509:< npinsker> The answer was Kremlin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0509:< neverkidding> wow 0509:< -Iamabeautifulperson> wtf 0509:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bs 0509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What do scientists predict wiII happen when the universe ends? 0509:< Lowbacca1977> big crunch 0509:< neverkidding> nothing 0509:< scoper> bang 0509:< grink> heat death 0509:< GriffinPrice> heat death 0509:< awfullotofocelots> big crunch 0509:< hashtag_pickles> I'll finally get laid 0509:< -Iamabeautifulperson> heat death 0509:< Lowbacca1977> is the wrong answer, but its what it wants 0509:< HookahComputer> big rip 0509:< 3xist3nc3> Big Crunchy Bite 0509:< npinsker> The answer was The Big Crunch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0509:< grink> :( heat death is right 0509:< Lowbacca1977> oh COME ON 0509:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0509:< -Iamabeautifulperson> wow bs 0509:< HookahComputer> lol nobody believes that anymore 0509:< JClocale> lol 0509:< -Iamabeautifulperson> rip 0509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Which brand of guitar is pIayed by Jimmy Page, SIash, and Brian May? 0509:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0510:< grink> stratus 0510:< awfullotofocelots> Les Paul 0510:< neverkidding> fender 0510:< shilena> les paul 0510:< 3xist3nc3> Les Paul 0510:< -Iamabeautifulperson> les paul 0510:< GriffinPrice> les paul 0510:< grink> lesbian paulina 0510:< Box_Elderr> gibson 0510:< -Iamabeautifulperson> wow grink lmao 0510:< neverkidding> god fucking damnit 0510:< npinsker> The answer was Gibson Les Paul! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (432), shilena (4), 3xist3nc3 (227), -Iamabeautifulperson (2), Griffin... 0510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // To what group of eIements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium beIong? 0510:< HookahComputer> rare earth metals 0510:< duhblow7> ium 0510:< neverkidding> rare earth metals 0510:< grink> death metals 0510:< Patarknight> Rare Earth Metals 0510:< 3xist3nc3> Rare earth 0510:< -Iamabeautifulperson> rare earth metals 0510:< awfullotofocelots> rare earth metals 0510:< Lowbacca1977> lanthides 0510:< hashtag_pickles> raRe EarTh metaLs 0511:< npinsker> The answer was rare earth metals! Correct users: HookahComputer (4), neverkidding (43), Patarknight (441), 3xist3nc3 (228), -Iamabeauti... 0511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where's the Iand of 10,000 Iakes? 0511:< Lowbacca1977> minnesota 0511:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0511:< shilena> michigan 0511:< duhblow7> minnesota 0511:< awfullotofocelots> Minnesota 0511:< neverkidding> minnesota 0511:< -Iamabeautifulperson> minnesota 0511:< shilena> lol oops 0511:< 3xist3nc3> Minnesota 0511:< HookahComputer> The grocer's fridge 0511:< grink> africa 0511:< hashtag_pickles> minnesota 0511:< -Iamabeautifulperson> kek 0511:< 3xist3nc3> finland 0511:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (269), duhblow7 (3), awfullotofocelots (434), neverkidding (44), -Iamabeautifulpe... 0511:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (441), awfullotofocelots (434), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (269), ... 0512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || lnto what body of water does the Yukon River fIow? 0512:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0512:< Patarknight> Bering Sea 0512:< 3xist3nc3> Bering Sea 0512:< neverkidding> bering sea 0512:< Lowbacca1977> arctic ocean 0512:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bering sea 0512:< grink> truck 0512:< awfullotofocelots> Bering Sea 0512:< dick_sanitizer> altlantic ocean 0512:< duhblow7> deadliest catch 0512:< npinsker> The answer was Bering Sea! Correct users: Patarknight (445), FNCxPro (101), 3xist3nc3 (230), neverkidding (45), -Iamabeautifulperson (2... 0512:< grink> clean snatch 0512:< dick_sanitizer> Yukon godl river 0512:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || This statue was found on the Greek isIand of MeIos in 1820? 0512:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0512:< neverkidding> winged liberty 0512:< Patarknight> Venus de Milo 0512:< shilena> the thinker 0513:< dick_sanitizer> zues 0513:< -Iamabeautifulperson> venus de milo 0513:< neverkidding> venus de milo 0513:< npinsker> The answer was Venus de Milo! Correct users: Patarknight (449), FNCxPro (104), -Iamabeautifulperson (4), neverkidding (46) 0513:< grink> KJFK 050230Z 0503/0606 02017G24KT P6SM BKN015 OVC040 0513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // As what did H.G. WeIIs refer to AdoIf HitIer? 0513:< dick_sanitizer> ??? 0513:< grink> fuck this wind 0513:< hashtag_pickles> one sexy devil 0513:< neverkidding> mein fuhrer 0513:< dick_sanitizer> artist 0513:< Lowbacca1977> the time machine 0513:< npinsker> The answer was A certifiable lunatic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0513:< grink> mein kampt 0513:< -Iamabeautifulperson> hitler 0514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey? 0514:< Lowbacca1977> san luis rey 0514:< grink> earth 0514:< hashtag_pickles> mexico 0514:< awfullotofocelots> Panama 0514:< grink> orion arm of the milky way galaxy 0514:< awfullotofocelots> Mexico 0514:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0514:< -Iamabeautifulperson> panama 0514:< -Iamabeautifulperson> fak 0514:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Sex Ed || Men have penises, and women have _________. 0514:< grink> pussies 0514:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bajina 0514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || These attach muscIes to bones or cartiIage. 0514:< neverkidding> PotatoBadgers 0514:< Lowbacca1977> tendons 0514:< awfullotofocelots> Tendons 0514:< grink> ligaments 0514:< Lowbacca1977> ligaments 0514:< grink> tendons 0514:< hashtag_pickles> ligaments 0515:< hashtag_pickles> tendons 0515:< grink> one of those 0515:< npinsker> The answer was tendons! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (273), awfullotofocelots (437), grink (58), hashtag_pickles (33) 0515:< hashtag_pickles> bases: covered 0515:< dick_sanitizer> tendons 0515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // What is the opposite of an utopia? 0515:< Lowbacca1977> dystopia 0515:< awfullotofocelots> distopia 0515:< grink> distopia 0515:< neverkidding> dystopia 0515:< mharrizone> dystopia 0515:< -Iamabeautifulperson> dystopia 0515:< dick_sanitizer> ligaments: bone to bone 0515:< hashtag_pickles> dystopia 0515:< Lowbacca1977> utopia 0515:< awfullotofocelots> dystopia 0515:< HookahComputer> reality 0515:< grink> asstopia 0515:< dick_sanitizer> 1984 0515:< npinsker> The answer was dystopia! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (277), neverkidding (49), mharrizone (3), -Iamabeautifulperson (5), hashtag_pickle... 0516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // This fiIm was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by WaIt Disney. 0516:< grink> spell check has made my spelling fucking terrible 0516:< Lowbacca1977> fantasia 0516:< neverkidding> fantasia 0516:< mharrizone> fantasia 0516:< dick_sanitizer> fantasia 0516:< hashtag_pickles> fantasia 0516:< -Iamabeautifulperson> fasntasia 0516:< awfullotofocelots> fantasia 0516:< GriffinPrice> fantasia 0516:< grink> snow white 0516:< hashtag_pickles> which is terrifying 0516:< npinsker> The answer was Fantasia! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (281), neverkidding (52), mharrizone (5), dick_sanitizer (53), hashtag_pickles (33... 0516:< awfullotofocelots> its one of the best 0516:< grink> i havent seen fantasia since i was -1 0516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Litterature || Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War? 0516:< Lowbacca1977> illiad 0516:< aspbergerinparadise> iliad 0516:< mharrizone> odyssey 0516:< -Iamabeautifulperson> oddessy 0516:< 3xist3nc3> Illiad 0516:< neverkidding> iliad 0516:< GriffinPrice> the iliad 0516:< grink> illiad 0516:< dick_sanitizer> oddessy 0516:< mharrizone> iliad 0516:< awfullotofocelots> Iliad 0516:< Lowbacca1977> also..... litterature is not how that's spelled 0516:< grink> bart simpson 0517:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0517:< -Iamabeautifulperson> kek 0517:< npinsker> The answer was Iliad! Correct users: FNCxPro (108), neverkidding (55), GriffinPrice (8), mharrizone (6), awfullotofocelots (437) 0517:< neverkidding> hahahaha 0517:< dick_sanitizer> top kek 0517:< 3xist3nc3> iiiiad 0517:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (449), awfullotofocelots (437), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (281), ... 0517:< dick_sanitizer> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiad 0517:< awfullotofocelots> Lowbacca it's the bot deterrent 0517:< HookahComputer> Litterature is when you throw your books in the garbage when done 0517:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || 20% of what is in the metaI part at the end of a penciI? 0517:< Lowbacca1977> ah, fair 0517:< mharrizone> graphite 0517:< grink> carbon 0517:< neverkidding> carbon 0517:< AdamUndefined> carbon 0517:< dick_sanitizer> carbon 0517:< -Iamabeautifulperson> carbon 0517:< 3xist3nc3> Carbon 0517:< GriffinPrice> carbon 0517:< HookahComputer> mass 0517:< awfullotofocelots> carbon 0517:< grink> fuck this rate limit 0517:< hashtag_pickles> carbon 0517:< 3xist3nc3> Sulfur 0517:< npinsker> The answer was sulfur! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (234) 0518:< awfullotofocelots> it's be worse after the merge 0518:< dick_sanitizer> lead (before 1980) 0518:< neverkidding> grink the rate limit makes it impossible to spell anything wrong 0518:< hashtag_pickles> u go girl 0518:< HookahComputer> iron 0518:< grink> true 0518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the mammaI Iiving at the highest aItitude. 0518:< Lowbacca1977> yak 0518:< grink> jesus 0518:< dick_sanitizer> mountain lion 0518:< awfullotofocelots> chinchilla 0518:< mharrizone> yak 0518:< hashtag_pickles> angels 0518:< dick_sanitizer> mountain goat 0518:< Lowbacca1977> pilots 0518:< mharrizone> goat 0518:< hashtag_pickles> yak 0518:< grink> humans 0518:< awfullotofocelots> ibex 0518:< -Iamabeautifulperson> mountain goat 0518:< npinsker> The answer was yak! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (285), mharrizone (9), hashtag_pickles (35) 0518:< dick_sanitizer> noice 0518:< grink> matt damon 0518:< awfullotofocelots> human 0518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What person was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932? 0518:< dick_sanitizer> dolyak 0518:< mharrizone> dick_sanitizer pencils never had lead in the tip 0519:< mharrizone> lindberg baby 0519:< Lowbacca1977> Lindbergh baby 0519:< grink> that baby 0519:< 3xist3nc3> Lindbergh 0519:< neverkidding> lindbergh baby 0519:< -Iamabeautifulperson> lindberg baby 0519:< mharrizone> lindbergh baby 0519:< awfullotofocelots> Lindbergh 0519:< GriffinPrice> Charles Lindbergh II 0519:< hashtag_pickles> Lindbergher 0519:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Lindbergh Jr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0519:< grink> a blimp 0519:< neverkidding> hahahahahahahahaha 0519:< mharrizone> SUCK MY ASS 0519:< -Iamabeautifulperson> wow ok 0519:**** grink sucks ass 0519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // What 2 pIanets do not have moons? 0519:< dick_sanitizer> they did at some point befoer they realised it was poisonous (source: QI, so i could be wrong) 0519:< HookahComputer> TIL the Lindbergh baby had a name 0519:< grink> pluto 0519:< 3xist3nc3> Fucking bot 0519:< Lowbacca1977> mercury and venus 0519:< grink> wait it does 0519:< neverkidding> mercury and venus 0519:< awfullotofocelots> Mercury and Venus 0519:< -Iamabeautifulperson> mercury and venus 0519:< 3xist3nc3> Mercury and Venus 0519:< hashtag_pickles> HOW CAN A PLANET BE REAL IF THE MOONS AREN'T REAL 0519:< mharrizone> mercury and venus 0519:< 3xist3nc3> and Uranus 0519:< grink> damnit NDT i love pluto 0519:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury and Venus! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (289), neverkidding (58), awfullotofocelots (439), -Iamabeautifulperson (... 0519:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0520:< Lowbacca1977> pluto has, like, 5 moons 0520:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: RaiIways // What city has the most underground stations in the worId? 0520:< 3xist3nc3> New York 0520:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0520:< Lowbacca1977> london 0520:< grink> nyc 0520:< -Iamabeautifulperson> london 0520:< dick_sanitizer> tokyo 0520:< awfullotofocelots> also not a planet 0520:< GriffinPrice> Moscow 0520:< mharrizone> london 0520:< AdamUndefined> New York 0520:< grink> wehave 460 somethig 0520:< dick_sanitizer> london 0520:< PotatoBadger> Kentucky 0520:< hashtag_pickles> LondOn 0520:< neverkidding> tokyo 0520:< awfullotofocelots> new York city 0520:< mharrizone> tokyo 0520:< hashtag_pickles> New York City 0520:< mharrizone> beijing 0520:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (238), AdamUndefined (3) 0520:< hashtag_pickles> Oh well fuck you too 0520:< grink> w/e bot 0520:< neverkidding> ok this is getting sad 0520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // ln which war did FIorence NightingaIe earn her reputation ? 0520:< -Iamabeautifulperson> that was a bs anser 0520:< grink> slut war 0520:< Lowbacca1977> crimean war 0520:< neverkidding> wwi 0520:< mharrizone> world war I 0520:< PotatoBadger> THE WAR OF 1812 0520:< hashtag_pickles> war of 1812 0521:< 3xist3nc3> WWI 0521:< awfullotofocelots> world war one 0521:< -Iamabeautifulperson> world war 1 0521:< neverkidding> world war one 0521:< AdamUndefined> World War I 0521:< PotatoBadger> lol pickles 0521:< dick_sanitizer> world war 1 0521:< GriffinPrice> WW1 0521:< mharrizone> star wars 0521:< dick_sanitizer> ww1 0521:< npinsker> The answer was Crimean War! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (293) 0521:< PotatoBadger> lmfao star wars 0521:< 3xist3nc3> FUCK 0521:< PotatoBadger> dying 0521:< neverkidding> wow nice one Lowbacca1977 0521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BioIogy // This compIex substance makes up aII Iiving things. 0521:< hashtag_pickles> cum 0521:< -Iamabeautifulperson> cells 0521:< mharrizone> dna 0521:< PotatoBadger> women 0521:< dick_sanitizer> dna 0521:< HookahComputer> phlogiston 0521:< 3xist3nc3> Atom 0521:< Lowbacca1977> DNA 0521:< grink> carbon 0521:< awfullotofocelots> DNA 0521:< 3xist3nc3> DNA 0521:< grink> sperm 0521:< awfullotofocelots> is what you're going for... 0521:< mharrizone> rna 0521:< dick_sanitizer> amino acid 0521:< neverkidding> dioxyribonucleic acid 0521:< Lowbacca1977> people gotta know they're land wars in asia 0521:< hashtag_pickles> dna 0521:< Lowbacca1977> their* 0522:< -Iamabeautifulperson> what the fuck 0522:< awfullotofocelots> well shit 0522:< dick_sanitizer> what 0522:< awfullotofocelots> we're all yellow fam 0522:< mharrizone> Suck the biggest fuck, bot 0522:< neverkidding> that is some bullshit 0522:< grink> ectoplasm 0522:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck off bot 0522:< npinsker> The Edmonton __________. ( Hockey) 0522:< Lowbacca1977> oilers 0522:< hashtag_pickles> oilers 0522:< dick_sanitizer> the fuck are you on bot 0522:< PotatoBadger> rip the fattest vape, bot 0522:< 3xist3nc3> Oilers 0522:< mharrizone> oilers 0522:< grink> hockey whacker guys 0522:< -Iamabeautifulperson> oilers 0522:< awfullotofocelots> oilers 0522:< neverkidding> hockey dudes 0522:< HookahComputer> Eulers 0522:< neverkidding> grink <3 0522:< -Iamabeautifulperson> thats where im from yay 0522:< hashtag_pickles> and I swear to fuck if you try to tell me I'm wrong about a hockey teams name again 0522:< npinsker> The answer was Oilers! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (297), hashtag_pickles (38), 3xist3nc3 (240), mharrizone (10), -Iamabeautifulperson ... 0522:< hashtag_pickles> god damn right 0522:< -Iamabeautifulperson> lol 0522:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (560), Patarknight (449), awfullotofocelots (439), Mathemagicland (400), BrownMario (303), Lowbacca1977 (297), ... 0522:< grink> i found another canadian 0522:< awfullotofocelots> hockey is not a thing where I am 0522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // The initiaIs of the band NlN stand for? 0523:< Lowbacca1977> nine inch nails 0523:< neverkidding> nine inch nails 0523:< hashtag_pickles> nine inch nails 0523:< 3xist3nc3> Nine Inch Nails 0523:< mharrizone> nine inch nails 0523:< -Iamabeautifulperson> nine inch nails 0523:< splishtastic> nine inch nails 0523:< dick_sanitizer> nine inch nails 0523:< grink> nine inch dicks 0523:< AdamUndefined> Nine Inch Nails 0523:< awfullotofocelots> Nine inch nails 0523:< hellapanda> hockey is the greatest 0523:< PotatoBadger> Niggas In Nigeria 0523:< PotatoBadger> -silence- 0523:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nine inch nails 0523:< npinsker> The answer was Nine Inch Nails! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (301), neverkidding (61), hashtag_pickles (40), 3xist3nc3 (241), mharrizone... 0523:< neverkidding> i am ashamed to have that knowledge 0523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // What was the sequeI to Louisa May AIcott"s "LittIe Women"? 0523:< grink> big fat hoes 0523:< awfullotofocelots> Little Men 0523:< Lowbacca1977> little men 0523:< hellapanda> little men 0523:< PotatoBadger> Fat Women 0523:< hashtag_pickles> bigger women 0523:< neverkidding> little men 0523:< -Iamabeautifulperson> i cant type fasty 0523:< dick_sanitizer> big men 0523:< 3xist3nc3> Big men 0523:< hellapanda> lol 0524:< 3xist3nc3> big booty bitches 0524:< dick_sanitizer> little man 0524:< mharrizone> LITTLE WOMEN 2: BIGGER BITCHES 0524:< npinsker> The answer was Little Men! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (443), Lowbacca1977 (304), hellapanda (562), neverkidding (62) 0524:< -Iamabeautifulperson> shie 0524:< PotatoBadger> BIG BOOTY BITCH FOR YOU 0524:< PotatoBadger> WOOOOO 0524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia // What person pIayed Matt HeIm in the movies? 0524:< grink> ithought little men was a joke 0524:< hashtag_pickles> really? I thought you were just being funny 0524:< mharrizone> In what movies! 0524:< PotatoBadger> George Bush 0524:< neverkidding> in the movies?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? 0524:< -Iamabeautifulperson> ????? 0524:< hellapanda> THE movies 0524:< dick_sanitizer> HAHAHAHHAHA 0524:< 3xist3nc3> Dubya 0524:< PotatoBadger> Matt Helm 0524:< npinsker> The answer was Dean Martin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0524:< -Iamabeautifulperson> ripping so hardf 0524:< awfullotofocelots> That would giveit waway 0524:< mharrizone> He's in pictures, see? 0524:< Xestrix> Actor 0524:< neverkidding> How do we get in touch with npinsker to tell him to fix his fucking bot 0524:< grink> with a fork 0524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun // CocktaiIs: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ___________. 0525:< Lowbacca1977> mint julip 0525:< grink> mint julip 0525:< hashtag_pickles> mint julip 0525:< -Iamabeautifulperson> mint julip 0525:< PotatoBadger> TEQUILA SUNRISE 0525:< splishtastic> mint julep 0525:< mharrizone> mint julip 0525:< awfullotofocelots> Mint Jeulip 0525:< neverkidding> mint julep 0525:< grink> horses drink those 0525:< dick_sanitizer> i bet npinsker is actually online, turned off the bot and is just fucking with us 0525:< neverkidding> SPELLING MOTHERFUCKERSSSSSSSSS 0525:< mharrizone> mint julep 0525:< awfullotofocelots> Mint Julip 0525:< npinsker> The answer was mint julep! Correct users: splishtastic (4), neverkidding (65), mharrizone (12) 0525:< awfullotofocelots> Mint Julep 0525:< neverkidding> YEEEEEEEEEEE 0525:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bull shit 0525:< awfullotofocelots> FUCKGODDAMN 0525:< grink> fuck spelling i'm an engineer 0525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who coined the theory that the earth revoIves around the sun? 0525:< Xestrix> Me 0525:< mharrizone> neverkidding npinsker posted the sauce last night but I don't remember the URL 0525:< awfullotofocelots> Copernicus 0525:< Lowbacca1977> copernicus 0525:< hellapanda> galileo 0525:< neverkidding> gallileo 0525:< splishtastic> coepernicus 0525:< PotatoBadger> /u/luke-jr 0525:< -Iamabeautifulperson> gallieleo 0525:< dick_sanitizer> copernicus 0525:< mharrizone> kopernicus 0525:< awfullotofocelots> Coepernicus 0525:< neverkidding> copernicus 0525:< hellapanda> ah fuck 0525:< grink> jesus 0525:< 3xist3nc3> Coepoeaernicues 0525:< -Iamabeautifulperson> i cant spell for shit wtf 0525:< dick_sanitizer> copper nickel us 0525:< PotatoBadger> jk, /u/luke-jr actually believes the geocentric model 0526:< npinsker> The answer was Nicolaus Copernicus! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (447), Lowbacca1977 (307), dick_sanitizer (55), neverkidding (66) 0526:< awfullotofocelots> Kopernicus 0526:< awfullotofocelots> every fucking sp 0526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // What is a maIe goose caIIed? 0526:< Lowbacca1977> gander 0526:< PotatoBadger> tits 0526:< Xestrix> Gay 0526:< hellapanda> gander 0526:< hashtag_pickles> gander 0526:< dick_sanitizer> gander 0526:< -Iamabeautifulperson> gander 0526:< neverkidding> gander 0526:< grink> big dick fucker 0526:< awfullotofocelots> gander 0526:< mharrizone> Mr. Goose 0526:< PotatoBadger> grey 0526:< -Iamabeautifulperson> gay LOL 0526:< dick_sanitizer> GIZ US A GANDER LUV 0526:< hashtag_pickles> a menace to society 0526:< grink> while dirnking your juice 0526:< npinsker> The answer was gander! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (311), hellapanda (565), hashtag_pickles (42), dick_sanitizer (56), -Iamabeautifulpe... 0526:< 3xist3nc3> Bander 0526:< -Iamabeautifulperson> banter 0526:< hellapanda> clarinet 0526:< awfullotofocelots> clarinet 0527:< dick_sanitizer> guitar 0527:< 3xist3nc3> Clarinet 0527:< neverkidding> clarinet 0527:< Lowbacca1977> sung lee 0527:< -Iamabeautifulperson> clarinet 0527:< dick_sanitizer> oboe 0527:< grink> recorder 0527:< Xestrix> Allen's Woody 0527:< Ongman> clarinet 0527:< 3xist3nc3> Film reel 0527:< dick_sanitizer> ;) 0527:< npinsker> The answer was clarinet! Correct users: hellapanda (569), awfullotofocelots (450), 3xist3nc3 (243), neverkidding (67), -Iamabeautifulpe... 0527:< PotatoBadger> FUCK 0527:< -Iamabeautifulperson> so close 0527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Name the Shakespeare pIay: Urged on by his wife, a man murders his king in order to take his pIace? 0527:< dick_sanitizer> macbeth\ 0527:< hellapanda> macbeth 0527:< Lowbacca1977> macbeth 0527:< neverkidding> macbeth 0527:< hashtag_pickles> macbeth 0527:< awfullotofocelots> Macbeth 0527:< 3xist3nc3> MacBeth 0527:< -Iamabeautifulperson> mcabeth 0527:< PotatoBadger> oedipus rex 0527:< dick_sanitizer> noooooo 0527:< stikko> macbeth 0527:< mharrizone> Ok, wow, just don't let me send chat at all wtf 0527:< grink> mac liz 0527:< Xestrix> Once Upon A Time in the Bronx 0527:< stikko> hamlet 0527:< awfullotofocelots> The Scottish Play 0527:< neverkidding> shit guys we all said macbeth... now we gon die 0527:< dick_sanitizer> please ignore the slash plzz 0527:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: hellapanda (573), Lowbacca1977 (314), neverkidding (69), hashtag_pickles (43), awfullotofocelots... 0528:< dick_sanitizer> NOOOO 0528:< hellapanda> aw dick 0528:< awfullotofocelots> anyone in a theatre 0528:< 3xist3nc3> Nope im in my house 0528:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (573), awfullotofocelots (450), Patarknight (449), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (314), BrownMario (303), ... 0528:< dick_sanitizer> TT . TT 0528:< hellapanda> LOL 0528:< atdemeo> Romeo and Juliet 0528:< hellapanda> ugh i love dad jokes 0528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What person buiIt CameIot? 0528:< PotatoBadger> Dick 0528:< splishtastic> arthur 0528:< Lowbacca1977> merlin 0528:< hellapanda> arther 0528:< neverkidding> king arthur 0528:< stikko> arthur 0528:< 3xist3nc3> Saint James 0528:< grink> came a lot 0528:< awfullotofocelots> King Arthur 0528:< TrantaLocked> sir elckson the fourth 0528:< hashtag_pickles> Camelittle 0528:< -Iamabeautifulperson> king arthur 0528:< dick_sanitizer> king arthur 0528:< Lowbacca1977> king arthur 0528:< stikko> king arthur 0528:< AdamUndefined> King Arthur 0528:< Xestrix> Edgar Allen Poe 0528:< 3xist3nc3> King Arthur 0528:< awfullotofocelots> not true but the bot is dumb 0528:< grink> be arthur 0528:< npinsker> The answer was King Arthur! Correct users: splishtastic (8), neverkidding (72), stikko (23), awfullotofocelots (451), -Iamabeautifulper... 0528:< -Iamabeautifulperson> FUCK 0528:< TrantaLocked> YOU 0529:< -Iamabeautifulperson> I WAS RIGHT THERE 0529:< grink> IN 0529:< PotatoBadger> hahahah you suck lama 0529:< TrantaLocked> THWE 0529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany // Which tree onIy produces acorns after it is fifty years oId? 0529:< hellapanda> oak 0529:< 3xist3nc3> 50 0529:< Lowbacca1977> oak 0529:< stikko> oak 0529:< dick_sanitizer> oak 0529:< neverkidding> oak 0529:< hashtag_pickles> oak 0529:< awfullotofocelots> Oak 0529:< -Iamabeautifulperson> oak 0529:< PotatoBadger> acorn tree 0529:< grink> asshole tree 0529:< TrantaLocked> prof. oak 0529:< AdamUndefined> oak 0529:< Xestrix> Cougar Trees 0529:< mayonayz> oak 0529:< PotatoBadger> prof. elm 0529:< dick_sanitizer> proffesor oak 0529:< hellapanda> lmao acorn tree 0529:< TrantaLocked> hahahahahha 0529:< npinsker> The answer was oak! Correct users: hellapanda (577), Lowbacca1977 (317), stikko (25), dick_sanitizer (57), neverkidding (72), hashtag_p... 0529:< PotatoBadger> prof. birch 0529:< PotatoBadger> prof. maple 0529:< 3xist3nc3> which tree asks you if you are a boy or a girl 0529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many strings are on a vioIin? 0529:< hashtag_pickles> 3 0529:< Patarknight> 4 0529:< hellapanda> 4 0529:< grink> 6 0529:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 4 0529:< TrantaLocked> 4 0529:< Lowbacca1977> 5 0529:< awfullotofocelots> 4 0529:< stikko> 4 0529:< grink> derp it's 4 0529:< PotatoBadger> 69 0529:< Xestrix> 10^100 0529:< hashtag_pickles> 4 0529:< splishtastic> 4 0529:< 3xist3nc3> 20000 0529:< Patarknight> hellapanda is back? 0529:< neverkidding> 4 0529:< stikko> four 0530:< dick_sanitizer> 4 0530:< PotatoBadger> HOW MANY STRINGS ON A UKULELE THOUGH 0530:< hellapanda> i shouldn't be 0530:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 4 0530:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: TrantaLocked (4), grink (61), splishtastic (10), stikko (26) 0530:< -Iamabeautifulperson> BULLSHIT 0530:< TrantaLocked> hey it allowed digits nice 0530:< grink> that bot owned you guys 0530:< PotatoBadger> too slow fuckwad 0530:< dick_sanitizer> gonna go make some DEElicious dinner, see you guys later. 0530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia // What person pIayed Kevin Hathaway on the soapie "Days Of Our Lives'? 0530:< grink> some asshole 0530:< TrantaLocked> derick olson 0530:< PotatoBadger> Kevin Hathaway 0530:< Xestrix> Michael Keaton 0530:< hellapanda> pat sajak 0530:< grink> vanna white 0530:< Xestrix> Dolf Lundgren 0530:< splishtastic> pat sajak 0530:< awfullotofocelots> Sometimes it doesn't show the pts but it still gives them out ive noticed 0530:< -Iamabeautifulperson> pat sajak 0530:< PotatoBadger> bon jovi 0530:< npinsker> The answer was Pat Sajak! Correct users: hellapanda (581), splishtastic (13), -Iamabeautifulperson (8) 0530:< 3xist3nc3> Kevin Bacon 0530:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Pat sajak 0530:< mharrizone> VUT DA FAHK is going on with either the chat, robin-grow, or my shitty wifi?! 0530:< grink> mmm bacon 0531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: PhiIosophy || As opposed to PIato, this Greek phiIosopher beIieved knowIedge was a process of observation and cIassication? 0531:< TrantaLocked> refresh and set max message to lower? 0531:< stikko> socrates 0531:< Lowbacca1977> socrates 0531:< neverkidding> socrates 0531:< awfullotofocelots> Aristotle 0531:< mharrizone> socrates 0531:< hellapanda> aristotle 0531:< 3xist3nc3> Socrates 0531:< -Iamabeautifulperson> socrateas 0531:< TrantaLocked> close tabs? 0531:< Lowbacca1977> aristotle 0531:< grink> so many crates 0531:< hashtag_pickles> soCrATes 0531:< Patarknight> Aristotle 0531:< PotatoBadger> Hitler 0531:< 3xist3nc3> Aristotle 0531:< splishtastic> aristotle 0531:< awfullotofocelots> Socrates 0531:< stikko> aristotle 0531:< TrantaLocked> socrates 0531:< 3xist3nc3> Oedipus 0531:< npinsker> The answer was Aristotle! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (455), hellapanda (584), Lowbacca1977 (319), Patarknight (450), 3xist3nc3 (2... 0531:< grink> abercrombie 0531:< PotatoBadger> Electra 0531:< stikko> fitch 0531:< PotatoBadger> FUCK I ALMOST HAD IT 0531:< awfullotofocelots> college 0531:< 3xist3nc3> Euclid 0531:< TrantaLocked> jewbacca 0531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Homonyms || DriII a hoIe into/a crude uncouth person (answer in the form of word1/word2)? 0531:< Lowbacca1977> bore 0531:< grink> bore/boor 0531:< -Iamabeautifulperson> borew 0531:< hellapanda> bore/boor 0531:< awfullotofocelots> bore 0531:< stikko> bore/boar 0531:< neverkidding> bore 0531:< 3xist3nc3> Bore/boor 0531:< Xestrix> Bore 0531:< stikko> bore/boor 0531:< Patarknight> bore/boor 0531:< mharrizone> bore a bore 0531:< -Iamabeautifulperson> bore 0531:< TrantaLocked> boar 0531:< Lowbacca1977> bore/boar 0531:< neverkidding> bore/boor 0532:< PotatoBadger> "Drill a hole into a crude uncouth person" 0532:< splishtastic> bore/boor 0532:< hashtag_pickles> boor/bore 0532:< mharrizone> bore a boor 0532:< neverkidding> boor/bore 0532:< awfullotofocelots> bore/bore 0532:< npinsker> The answer was bore/boor! Correct users: grink (65), hellapanda (587), 3xist3nc3 (245), stikko (27), Patarknight (450), neverkidding (7... 0532:< PotatoBadger> That's fucked up Mr Robot 0532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb? 0532:< hashtag_pickles> You're a homonym. 0532:< grink> we had this q before 0532:< aspbergerinparadise> enola gay 0532:< 3xist3nc3> Fat man 0532:< TrantaLocked> dagger 0532:< hellapanda> enola gay 0532:< splishtastic> enola gay 0532:< stikko> enola gay 0532:< mharrizone> enola gay 0532:< Lowbacca1977> enola gay 0532:< neverkidding> little boy 0532:< grink> lets fuck shit up plane 0532:< awfullotofocelots> enola gay 0532:< PotatoBadger> fat man 0532:< hashtag_pickles> enola gay 0532:< stikko> dr strangelove 0532:< npinsker> The answer was Enola Gay! Correct users: FNCxPro (112), hellapanda (590), splishtastic (15), stikko (28), mharrizone (12), Lowbacca1977... 0532:< 3xist3nc3> Enola Homosexual 0532:< mharrizone> Ok, I'm starting to think the latest robin-grow has gone full retard or something on my computer 0532:< neverkidding> oh shit no that was the bomb 0532:< TrantaLocked> HA. GAAAAYYYY 0532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the first cartoon taIking picture? 0533:< PotatoBadger> Blades of Glory 0533:< grink> mharrizone what is doing 0533:< Lowbacca1977> steamboat willie 0533:< mharrizone> snow white 0533:< hellapanda> snow white 0533:< AdamUndefined> steamboat willy 0533:< TrantaLocked> mickey mouse 0533:< neverkidding> steamboat willie 0533:< mayonayz> mickey mouse 0533:< -Iamabeautifulperson> snow white 0533:< mharrizone> steamboat willie 0533:< awfullotofocelots> steamboat willie 0533:< grink> slick willie 0533:< hashtag_pickles> steamboat willy 0533:< stikko> steamboat willie 0533:< PotatoBadger> It was totes micky mouse 0533:< 3xist3nc3> Mickey Mouse 0533:< awfullotofocelots> steamboat willy 0533:< TrantaLocked> lenny face 0533:< npinsker> The answer was Steamboat Willie! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (323), AdamUndefined (6), neverkidding (74), mharrizone (13), awfullotofoc... 0533:< hashtag_pickles> donald ducks adventures in babysitting 0533:< neverkidding> ssssppppeeeeellllliiiiiinnnnnggggg 0533:< 3xist3nc3> Steamboat White 0533:< mharrizone> neverkidding little man was DA BOMB 0533:< neverkidding> ayyyyy 0533:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (590), awfullotofocelots (455), Patarknight (450), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (323), BrownMario (303), ... 0533:< mharrizone> *little boy 0533:< mharrizone> Fat boy and little man lawl 0533:< grink> this is the most internet fun i've had in awhile 0533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: ReIigion || According to the BibIe, how many years did MethuseIah Iive? 0533:< PotatoBadger> stfu grink nobody cares 0533:< Lowbacca1977> 1000 0533:< stikko> 999 0533:< mharrizone> 600 0533:< awfullotofocelots> 999 0534:< TrantaLocked> 99 0534:< PotatoBadger> 69 0534:< hellapanda> shrug 0534:< 3xist3nc3> 69 0534:< mharrizone> 1 0534:< neverkidding> mharrizone grink have we been in rooms together for a while or just trivia 0534:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 999 0534:< Lowbacca1977> 700 0534:< hashtag_pickles> 56 0534:< neverkidding> 1000 0534:< mharrizone> 300 0534:< AdamUndefined> 120 0534:< npinsker> The answer was 969! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0534:< stikko> damnit 0534:< mharrizone> neverkidding just trivia 0534:< 3xist3nc3> 69 + 900 0534:< PotatoBadger> fuck I was off my literally 990 0534:< -Iamabeautifulperson> hehe 69 0534:< neverkidding> I win I was closest 0534:< grink> neverkidding ive been here since saturday noon est 0534:< PotatoBadger> 900 * 0534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TunneIs || The worId's Iongest tunneI connects New York and ____________? 0534:< stikko> i was thinking i should write a word jumble bot 0534:< 3xist3nc3> Delaware 0534:< mharrizone> delaware 0534:< neverkidding> delaware 0534:< pandandap> penis/ Delaware 0534:< Lowbacca1977> new jersey 0534:< AdamUndefined> New Jersey 0534:< -Iamabeautifulperson> delaware 0534:< TrantaLocked> boston 0534:< hashtag_pickles> new jersey 0534:< PotatoBadger> Trump Tower 0534:< stikko> delaware 0534:< awfullotofocelots> Delaware 0534:< hellapanda> delaware 0534:< grink> PotatoBadger i'm gonna stck you in a microwave 0534:< 3xist3nc3> Maryland 0534:< hashtag_pickles> delaware 0534:< stikko> canada 0534:< mharrizone> lawl, first time I've seen that question asked the other way around 0534:< grink> jerse 0534:< npinsker> The answer was Delaware! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (249), mharrizone (16), neverkidding (76), pandandap (1), -Iamabeautifulperson (8), s... 0534:< hellapanda> ayy md 0534:< PotatoBadger> grink you wont turn it on though you fuck 0535:< PotatoBadger> pussy ass bitch 0535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the ______? 0535:< 3xist3nc3> Hatg 0535:< Lowbacca1977> hat 0535:< neverkidding> hat 0535:< -Iamabeautifulperson> hat 0535:< AdamUndefined> hat 0535:< hashtag_pickles> hat 0535:< awfullotofocelots> hat 0535:< stikko> hat 0535:< mharrizone> hat 0535:< TrantaLocked> hat 0535:< PotatoBadger> microwave 0535:< 3xist3nc3> hat 0535:< grink> PotatoBadger i prefer raw potatoes so you are right 0535:< hellapanda> hat 0535:< PotatoBadger> The Cat in the Microwave is definitely it 0535:< npinsker> The answer was Hat! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (327), neverkidding (79), -Iamabeautifulperson (10), AdamUndefined (7), hashtag_pickles... 0535:< grink> PotatoBadger <3 0535:< PotatoBadger> PISS 0535:< mharrizone> everyone chiming in like they're so smart for knowing that one... 0535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers // Linux is a cIone of what operating system? 0535:< PotatoBadger> eat shit harri 0535:< Lowbacca1977> unix 0535:< 3xist3nc3> Unix 0535:< neverkidding> points are points mharrizone 0535:< hellapanda> unix 0535:< grink> unix 0535:< mharrizone> unix 0535:< hashtag_pickles> unix 0535:< awfullotofocelots> unix 0535:< stikko> unix 0535:< -Iamabeautifulperson> unix 0535:< TrantaLocked> unix 0535:< AdamUndefined> unix 0535:< PotatoBadger> POSIX 0536:< grink> gnu/linux 0536:< PotatoBadger> GNU NOT LINUX 0536:< npinsker> The answer was UNIX! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0536:< hellapanda> KAY 0536:< grink> fuck off you cunt ass bot 0536:< mharrizone> .... 0536:< Lowbacca1977> OH COME ON 0536:< neverkidding> WHAT 0536:< PotatoBadger> LOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0536:< hashtag_pickles> looooooooool 0536:< 3xist3nc3> fuck off bot 0536:< awfullotofocelots> lol acronyms 0536:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun // CocktaiIs: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) _________. 0536:< TrantaLocked> wow 0536:< hellapanda> white russian 0536:< grink> dick juice 0536:< stikko> irish coffee 0536:< neverkidding> white russian 0536:< 3xist3nc3> Brown Russian 0536:< awfullotofocelots> irish coffee 0536:< TrantaLocked> no russian 0536:< neverkidding> irish coffee 0536:< grink> irish coffee 0536:< -Iamabeautifulperson> white russia 0536:< hashtag_pickles> irish coffee 0536:< PotatoBadger> Tequila Sunrise 0536:< hellapanda> lol, shows how much I drink eh? 0536:< awfullotofocelots> black russian 0536:< AdamUndefined> irish coffee 0536:< grink> potato pierogies 0536:< npinsker> The answer was Irish coffee! Correct users: stikko (32), awfullotofocelots (458), neverkidding (81), grink (66), hashtag_pickles (43), ... 0537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeoIogy || The vioIet variety of quartz is caIIed ________. 0537:< Patarknight> amethyst 0537:< 3xist3nc3> Amethyst 0537:< AdamUndefined> amethyst 0537:< mharrizone> amethyst 0537:< neverkidding> amethyst 0537:< hashtag_pickles> amethyst 0537:< stikko> amethyst 0537:< TrantaLocked> marble 0537:< PotatoBadger> AMY SCHUMER 0537:< hellapanda> purple drank 0537:< awfullotofocelots> grape 0537:< TrantaLocked> how do you guys know this shit? are you all random fact grads? 0537:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: Patarknight (454), FNCxPro (115), 3xist3nc3 (251), AdamUndefined (8), mharrizone (16), neverkid... 0537:< hashtag_pickles> The answer was Amethyst. Correct answers: (none) :( 0537:< mharrizone> Fuck it's hard to type fast with a donut in one hand and my dick in the other 0537:< grink> naquahdah 0537:< 3xist3nc3> with your nose 0537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || A piece of gIass that separates Iight into the visibIe spectrum is known as a _____? 0537:< awfullotofocelots> use toes zone 0537:< Patarknight> prism 0537:< stikko> prism 0537:< AdamUndefined> prism 0537:< -Iamabeautifulperson> lens 0537:< hashtag_pickles> prism 0537:< mharrizone> prism 0537:< hellapanda> prism 0537:< neverkidding> mharrizone maybe you can put the donut on your dick 0537:< grink> prismproject 0537:< 3xist3nc3> NSA 0537:< awfullotofocelots> prism 0537:< TrantaLocked> magnifying glass 0538:< PotatoBadger> NASA 0538:< npinsker> The answer was prism! Correct users: Patarknight (458), stikko (35), AdamUndefined (10), hashtag_pickles (44), mharrizone (16), hellapa... 0538:< grink> dont fuck with nsa 0538:< PotatoBadger> Pink Floyd 0538:< grink> nasa* 0538:< TrantaLocked> HOW DO YOU ALL KNOW THESE 0538:< PotatoBadger> Dark Side of the Moon 0538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What's the name of the fiIm in which Steven SegaI's character dies? 0538:< mharrizone> neverkidding BRILLIANT! Except if I was flexible enough to eat the donut then I wouldn't be in a chat room right now 0538:< stikko> welcome to the watchlist y'all 0538:< PotatoBadger> Die Hard 0538:< grink> one word 0538:< TrantaLocked> red moon 0538:< stikko> oh damn that one with the plane 0538:< -Iamabeautifulperson> red moon 0538:< awfullotofocelots> red moon 0538:< hashtag_pickles> Has Steven Segal only died in one movie? 0538:< hellapanda> executive decision 0538:< stikko> executive decision 0538:< PotatoBadger> lol pickles 0538:< grink> firestartwre 0538:< npinsker> The answer was Executive Decision! Correct users: hellapanda (594), stikko (38) 0538:< TrantaLocked> Aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahha 0539:< stikko> he gets sucked out in like the first 10 minutes 0539:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (594), Patarknight (458), awfullotofocelots (458), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (327), BrownMario (303), ... 0539:< PotatoBadger> HIGHER SCORES: PotatoBadger (69696969) 0539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christmas // Name the Ioner rebeI reindeer with the red shiny nose. 0539:< Patarknight> Rudolph 0539:< hellapanda> rudolph 0539:< mharrizone> rudolph 0539:< TrantaLocked> rudolph 0539:< hashtag_pickles> rudolph 0539:< PotatoBadger> Pluto 0539:< AdamUndefined> rudolph 0539:< 3xist3nc3> Rudolph 0539:< awfullotofocelots> rudolph 0539:< grink> adolt 0539:< neverkidding> rudolph hesse 0539:< stikko> rudolph the red nosed reindeer 0539:< grink> hitler 0539:< 3xist3nc3> Adolf* @Grink 0539:< mharrizone> Rudolpho Reindino 0539:< PotatoBadger> 9/11 0539:< awfullotofocelots> rudolph the red nosed reindeer 0539:< npinsker> The answer was Rudolph! Correct users: Patarknight (462), FNCxPro (118), hellapanda (596), mharrizone (17), TrantaLocked (4), hashtag_p... 0539:< 3xist3nc3> jk 0539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // She was the first woman to fIy the AtIantic soIo. 0540:< PotatoBadger> Rosa Parks 0540:< hellapanda> earhart 0540:< grink> 3xist3nc3 i can never get my rulers right 0540:< TrantaLocked> ann hathaway 0540:< mharrizone> amelia earhart 0540:< stikko> amelia earheart 0540:< awfullotofocelots> Amelia Earhart 0540:< hashtag_pickles> earhart 0540:< TomLube> Amelia Earhart 0540:< -Iamabeautifulperson> ear heart 0540:< stikko> amelia earhart 0540:< 3xist3nc3> Amelia Earheart 0540:< grink> ear farts 0540:< mharrizone> ear heart 0540:< hashtag_pickles> amelia earhart 0540:< awfullotofocelots> earhardt 0540:< npinsker> The answer was Amelia Earhart! Correct users: hellapanda (600), mharrizone (20), awfullotofocelots (460), hashtag_pickles (45), TomLube... 0540:< neverkidding> dead pilot l ady 0540:< mharrizone> lol -Iamabeautifulperson 0540:< PotatoBadger> Dale Earnhardt 0540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || How many inches taII are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham PaIace? 0540:< TrantaLocked> rosa parks lol 0540:< grink> 69 0540:< awfullotofocelots> 7 0540:< TomLube> 8 0540:< mharrizone> 24 0540:< hashtag_pickles> 6 0540:< stikko> 18 0540:< neverkidding> very many inches 0540:< PotatoBadger> 69 0540:< 3xist3nc3> 7 0540:< hellapanda> 20 0540:< AdamUndefined> 18 0540:< Patarknight> 20 0540:< mharrizone> 12 0540:< TrantaLocked> 40 0540:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 6 0540:< hashtag_pickles> Who knows that kind of thing 0541:< grink> shouldnt this be in metric 0541:< -Iamabeautifulperson> 20 0541:< PotatoBadger> 104 0541:< mharrizone> 10 0541:< npinsker> The answer was twenty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0541:< awfullotofocelots> 7 just seems a british number 0541:< hashtag_pickles> Oh snap 0541:< hellapanda> wow fuck you 0541:< stikko> hahaha 0541:< TrantaLocked> LOL 0541:< PotatoBadger> lololololo 0541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || ln "Gone With the Wind", ScarIett regains her weaIth by investing in what type of business? 0541:< neverkidding> Why is a question in the category of "britain" not measured in centimeters 0541:< TrantaLocked> silver 0541:< PotatoBadger> Bitcoin 0541:< grink> whore business 0541:< mharrizone> oil 0541:< stikko> brothel 0541:< AdamUndefined> dogecoin 0541:< TomLube> memes 0541:< awfullotofocelots> brothel 0541:< 3xist3nc3> Cotton 0541:< hellapanda> sawmill 0541:< hashtag_pickles> Dick cozies 0541:< neverkidding> cotton 0541:< PotatoBadger> fuckin memes 0541:< -Iamabeautifulperson> brothel 0541:< npinsker> The answer was sawmill! Correct users: hellapanda (604) 0541:< 3xist3nc3> buttcoin 0541:< TomLube> hashtag pickles lol 0541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || ln showjumping, how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence? 0541:< neverkidding> dick sanitizers 0541:< hellapanda> 4 0541:< hashtag_pickles> 3 0541:< grink> 934850943850934850349853845 0542:< PotatoBadger> 69 0542:< TrantaLocked> 3 0542:< AdamUndefined> four 0542:< stikko> 2 0542:< neverkidding> 3 0542:< TomLube> 3 0542:< awfullotofocelots> wtf 0542:< 3xist3nc3> 3 0542:< PotatoBadger> micubit 0542:< awfullotofocelots> 10 0542:< mharrizone> I never want to know the answer to this one 0542:< TomLube> four 0542:< hellapanda> if it doesn't take my four........ 0542:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: AdamUndefined (14), stikko (41), TomLube (2) 0542:< hellapanda> FUUUUCK YOUUUU 0542:< -Iamabeautifulperson> four 0542:< grink> what the fuck is showjumping 0542:< stikko> >:) 0542:< hashtag_pickles> chachachachacha 0542:< neverkidding> horsey things 0542:< stikko> horses 0542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Where did 'The MayfIower' take the piIgrims? 0542:< grink> ah makes sense 0542:< TomLube> America 0542:< neverkidding> plymouth rock 0542:< hellapanda> plymouth rock 0542:< TrantaLocked> jamestown 0542:< awfullotofocelots> Plymouth Rock 0542:< stikko> plymouth rock 0542:< mharrizone> plymouth rock 0542:< grink> concentration camp 0542:< hashtag_pickles> plymouth rock 0542:< 3xist3nc3> Plymouth, MA 0542:< TrantaLocked> plymouth rock 0542:< hellapanda> new world 0542:< TomLube> lmao auschwitz 0542:< -Iamabeautifulperson> hane 0542:< mharrizone> 3xist3nc3 it wasn't MA yet, bruh 0542:< npinsker> The answer was New World! Correct users: hellapanda (608) 0542:< stikko> plymouth rock landed on THEM! 0543:< TrantaLocked> WHAT 0543:< awfullotofocelots> in olden days 0543:< hellapanda> lolol 0543:< neverkidding> mharrizone sick burn bro 0543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || This is Iike an airpIane but has its propeIIer on top instead? 0543:< mharrizone> Ok. Suck ALL the fucks, npinsker 0543:< hellapanda> helicopter 0543:< grink> helicopter 0543:< hashtag_pickles> helicopter 0543:< neverkidding> helicopter 0543:< awfullotofocelots> helicopter 0543:< TrantaLocked> helicopter 0543:< mharrizone> helicopter 0543:< -Iamabeautifulperson> helicopter 0543:< TomLube> helicopter 0543:< grink> nothing like a fiucking plane 0543:< stikko> helicopter 0543:< hellapanda> that's science? 0543:< 3xist3nc3> Hitlercopter 0543:< neverkidding> WHAT IS SCIENTIFIC ABOUT THAT FUCKING QUESTION 0543:< hellapanda> lmaooooo 0543:< stikko> vertibird 0543:< -Iamabeautifulperson> rip 0543:< TrantaLocked> helicopters involve science to work 0543:< grink> fuck that question 0543:< npinsker> The answer was helicopter! Correct users: hellapanda (612), grink (69), hashtag_pickles (47), neverkidding (82), awfullotofocelots (460... 0543:< awfullotofocelots> it's like an airplane that it leaves the earth surface 0543:< awfullotofocelots> :D 0543:< grink> woot 69 0543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What's the name of Yogi Bear's best freind 0543:< hellapanda> boo boo 0543:< hashtag_pickles> booboo 0543:< Lowbacca1977> booboo 0543:< mharrizone> booboo 0543:< AdamUndefined> boo boo 0543:< grink> booboo 0543:< stikko> booboo 0543:< 3xist3nc3> Booboo 0543:< TrantaLocked> Dogi 0543:< awfullotofocelots> Booboo 0543:< TomLube> Scrappy Doo 0543:< -Iamabeautifulperson> booboo 0543:< neverkidding> Dear npinsker: hypnotism is not psychology, reflexology is not medicine and HELICOPTERS ARE NOT SCIENCE 0544:< hashtag_pickles> boo boo 0544:< Lowbacca1977> boo boo 0544:< grink> boobies 0544:< hellapanda> space is important 0544:< stikko> boo boo 0544:< awfullotofocelots> boo boo 0544:< TrantaLocked> boo boo 0544:< neverkidding> boo boo 0544:< npinsker> The answer was Boo Boo! Correct users: hellapanda (616), AdamUndefined (17), hashtag_pickles (49), Lowbacca1977 (328), stikko (41), awf... 0544:< npinsker> i didn't make these questions, if you want an answer changed for the future let me know 0544:< grink> eat a dick bot 0544:< mharrizone> I'ma shiv the fuck out of this bot while it's sleeping 0544:< TrantaLocked> DONT eat a dick bot 0544:< hellapanda> npinsker, we have another bot 0544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || Which is a smaII fIightIess bird, aIso New ZeaIand"s nationaI symboI? 0544:< Lowbacca1977> kiwi 0544:< hellapanda> kiwi 0544:< stikko> kiwi 0544:< grink> kiwi 0544:< hashtag_pickles> kiwi 0544:< TrantaLocked> dodo 0544:< mharrizone> kiwi 0544:< awfullotofocelots> kiwi 0544:< grink> lol dodo 0544:< AdamUndefined> kiwi 0544:< TomLube> kiwi 0544:< TrantaLocked> youre a kukk if you dislike this bot 0545:< neverkidding> npinsker you definitely need to change the answer to the Mayflower question to Plymouth Rock 0545:< awfullotofocelots> dislike which bot 0545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who committed the first daytime robbery? 0545:< grink> jews 0545:< TrantaLocked> robert morris 0545:< stikko> npinkser there's one about the montreal hockey team - it thinks it's canadians, should be canadiens 0545:< mharrizone> wat! Who would know this! 0545:< TomLube> A black guy? 0545:< hellapanda> lolll 0545:< 3xist3nc3> Some guy in England 0545:< mharrizone> The people who were robbed wouldn't even know it was the first! 0545:< npinsker> The answer was Frank and Jesse James! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0545:< Lowbacca1977> no. way. 0545:< awfullotofocelots> Train robbery? 0545:< AdamUndefined> penguin 0545:< hellapanda> oh. 0546:< awfullotofocelots> bank robbery? 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the threepenny opera? 0546:< 3xist3nc3> Suuure 0546:< grink> 50 cent 0546:< Lowbacca1977> dickens 0546:< hashtag_pickles> threepenny jones 0546:< TomLube> Fifty Cent 0546:< TrantaLocked> jessica deal 0546:< awfullotofocelots> dickens 0546:< stikko> some dude with only 2 pennies 0546:< Patarknight> brecht 0546:< hellapanda> brecht 0546:< neverkidding> the loch ness monster 0546:< grink> lol tom 0546:< hashtag_pickles> stalin 0546:< hellapanda> there's your bot, npinsker 0546:< awfullotofocelots> brecht 0546:< npinsker> The answer was Bertolt Brecht! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0546:< TrantaLocked> lol 0546:< mharrizone> huehuehue 0546:< TomLube> oh yeah good old bert 0546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // Which sport uses stones and brooms? 0546:< Lowbacca1977> curling 0546:< stikko> curling 0546:< mharrizone> curling 0546:< hashtag_pickles> curling 0546:< AdamUndefined> curling 0546:< hellapanda> curling 0546:< TomLube> Curling 0546:< grink> CANDIAN SPORT 0546:< TrantaLocked> saudi arabia 0546:< hashtag_pickles> mother fuckers love to curl 0546:< neverkidding> npinsker for answers where there is a full name, please accept only the last name as correct. same with spelled out numbers 0546:< awfullotofocelots> quiddich 0546:< Lowbacca1977> quiddich 0547:< TrantaLocked> curling 0547:< grink> hurling 0547:< npinsker> The answer was curling! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (336), stikko (46), mharrizone (22), hashtag_pickles (50), AdamUndefined (17), hell... 0547:< stikko> it's just parsing a text file 0547:< neverkidding> he can do it though 0547:< 3xist3nc3> JavaScript 0547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science // MeteoroIogy is the study of ____________? 0547:< stikko> this is why some numbers have to be spelled 0547:< Lowbacca1977> weather 0547:< AdamUndefined> weather 0547:< mharrizone> weather 0547:< neverkidding> weather 0547:< hellapanda> weather 0547:< hashtag_pickles> weather 0547:< 3xist3nc3> Weather 0547:< grink> but numbers should be lookedup both ways 0547:< TomLube> Weather 0547:< stikko> weather 0547:< TrantaLocked> meteors 0547:< grink> cum from the sky 0547:< awfullotofocelots> weather 0547:< npinsker> The answer was weather! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (340), AdamUndefined (20), mharrizone (24), neverkidding (83), hellapanda (619), ha... 0547:< mharrizone> stikko nah, npinsker said it was regex, but whoever wrote the questions just used shitty answers/regex 0547:< stikko> ah 0547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: PhiIosophy || Pessimistic author of The WorId as WiII and Representation. Major infIuence on Nietzsche. 0548:< neverkidding> can't he edit them then? 0548:< awfullotofocelots> Kant 0548:< grink> cunt 0548:< 3xist3nc3> Hoppenburger 0548:< npinsker> yeah i can, i'm playing LoL right now so i'll do it afterwards 0548:< hellapanda> schopenhauer? 0548:< awfullotofocelots> Shopenhauer 0548:< neverkidding> thanks npinsker 0548:< TrantaLocked> Rohnen 0548:< hashtag_pickles> Googol 0548:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur Schopenhauer! Correct users: hellapanda (623) 0548:< 3xist3nc3> Schopenhauer 0548:< hellapanda> ayyy 0548:< npinsker> sorry, the quality is pretty bad in general -- its shitty regexes 0548:< awfullotofocelots> dat c 0548:< mharrizone> neverkidding EXACTLY! npinsker wants to get his game on, not spend all day editing questions for us plebs when he already gave us a bit 0548:< stikko> we still having fun 0548:< neverkidding> mharrizone he just said he would do it later 0548:< grink> we should play nes jeopardy 0549:< npinsker> The answer was ohm! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0549:< hellapanda> oh 0549:< TrantaLocked> lol 0549:< awfullotofocelots> didn't see it 0549:< 3xist3nc3> Question got cockblocked 0549:< neverkidding> awwwwww man it skipped a question I would have gotten right 0549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // What do the Ietters ERA mean in basebaII? 0549:< awfullotofocelots> rate limit 0549:< Lowbacca1977> earned run average 0549:< neverkidding> earned run average 0549:< stikko> earned run average 0549:< grink> earn run average 0549:< hellapanda> earned run average 0549:< hashtag_pickles> earned run average 0549:< 3xist3nc3> English Republican Army 0549:< TrantaLocked> every rabbit attack 0549:< grink> fuck me 0549:< TomLube> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEARNED RUN AVERAGE 0549:< npinsker> The answer was Earned Run Average! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (344), neverkidding (86), stikko (48), hellapanda (624), hashtag_pickles... 0549:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (624), Patarknight (462), awfullotofocelots (460), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (344), BrownMario (303), ... 0549:< awfullotofocelots> npinsker can you delay the timer a second or two to reduce ratelimit muting? 0550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Our gaIaxy is commonIy known as the ________. 0550:< 3xist3nc3> Isn't ratelimit dictated by Robin? 0550:< Lowbacca1977> milky way 0550:< Patarknight> milky way 0550:< hellapanda> milky way 0550:< hashtag_pickles> mily way 0550:< stikko> milky way 0550:< TrantaLocked> milky way 0550:< AdamUndefined> milky way 0550:< awfullotofocelots> milkyy way 0550:< mharrizone> milky way 0550:< grink> milky chance 0550:< hashtag_pickles> milky way 0550:< mharrizone> milky way galaxy 0550:< 3xist3nc3> Snickers 0550:< neverkidding> it usually isn't an issue unless npinsker comes on himself and talks 0550:< awfullotofocelots> yes but if the bot speaks less often 0550:< Patarknight> But if the bot sends messages at a slower pace, it's less likely 0550:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0550:< npinsker> The answer was Milky Way! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (348), Patarknight (465), hellapanda (626), FNCxPro (119), stikko (48), TrantaLoc... 0550:< hellapanda> bot spotted 0550:< Patarknight> But yeah, not an issue unless npinsker comes to talk 0550:< Deathly809> I wonder if we will merge tonight 0550:< PotatoBadger> ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your dongers ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ 0550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || ln the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York? 0550:< neverkidding> Deathly809 doubtful 0550:< Patarknight> War of the Roses 0550:< Lowbacca1977> war of the roses 0550:< neverkidding> war of the roses 0550:< hellapanda> roses 0550:< jayman419> Probably not until tomorrow evening, Deathly809. 0550:< mharrizone> war of the roses 0550:< hashtag_pickles> war of the roses 0550:< grink> war of pansies 0551:< awfullotofocelots> Not for at least another 14 hours 0551:< mharrizone> roses 0551:< Deathly809> Oh well :( 0551:< TrantaLocked> guns n roses 0551:< jayman419> We got halfway there tonight, there's a new tier 15. We need another one though. 0551:< npinsker> The answer was War of the Roses! Correct users: Patarknight (469), Lowbacca1977 (351), FNCxPro (121), neverkidding (87), hellapanda (62... 0551:< grink> apparantly one of the other chats have a government 0551:< awfullotofocelots> It takes forever to make a new tier 15 room 0551:< grink> and tons of channels 0551:< TrantaLocked> which one? 0551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions // A person with a strong desire to steaI is a(n) ________? 0551:< awfullotofocelots> even a t14 0551:< TrantaLocked> thief 0551:< hellapanda> kleptomaniac 0551:< neverkidding> grink what kind of government 0551:< Lowbacca1977> kletomaniac 0551:< mharrizone> kleptomaniac 0551:< 3xist3nc3> kelptomacnaic 0551:< Deathly809> A government? How does that even work? 0551:< stikko> kleptomaniac 0551:< Lowbacca1977> kleptomaniac 0551:< hashtag_pickles> kleptomaniac 0551:< neverkidding> kleptomaniac 0551:< 3xist3nc3> kleptomaniac 0551:< grink> congress 0551:< Deathly809> politician 0551:< npinsker> The answer was kleptomaniac! Correct users: hellapanda (630), mharrizone (27), stikko (50), Lowbacca1977 (352), hashtag_pickles (50), n... 0551:< grink> 'and.... now our "congress" (ie members of :gov) are reciting from the windows to hte wall....' 0552:< 3xist3nc3> Grow Party 0552:< mharrizone> Deathly809 people elected leaders, the leaders did jack shit, people hated the leaders. The end 0552:< grink> friend via text 0552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Randy Travis said his Iove was 'deeper than the ____________'? 0552:< grink> dick hole 0552:< hellapanda> holler 0552:< awfullotofocelots> kleptomaniac'\ 0552:< neverkidding> ocean 0552:< hashtag_pickles> ocean 0552:< stikko> you can't actually do anything to anybody else 0552:< neverkidding> deepest ocean 0552:< mharrizone> worn-out auns of your mom 0552:< 3xist3nc3> throat 0552:< npinsker> The answer was holler! Correct users: hellapanda (634) 0552:< stikko> wtf is a leader going to do? 0552:< hellapanda> hollaaaa 0552:< mharrizone> wtf is an auns, keyboard 0552:< neverkidding> wait what 0552:< hashtag_pickles> what does that even mean 0552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Name DonaId Duck"s girIfriend? 0552:< mharrizone> daisy 0552:< Lowbacca1977> daisy 0552:< hellapanda> daisy 0552:< TrantaLocked> hellapanda are you a history grad? 0552:< neverkidding> daisy duck 0552:< stikko> daisy duck 0552:< BrownMario> daisy duck 0552:< hashtag_pickles> daisy 0552:< 3xist3nc3> Donalda Duckie 0552:< grink> cum dumpster 0552:< TrantaLocked> daisy duck 0552:< awfullotofocelots> daisy 0552:< hellapanda> no, history is my worst subject 0553:< awfullotofocelots> daisy duck 0553:< Lowbacca1977> daisy duke 0553:< 3xist3nc3> daisy 0553:< Deathly809> That is weird. Too bad they don't change the channels to be like IRC so you could do something like {music} or whatever 0553:< npinsker> The answer was Daisy! Correct users: mharrizone (31), Lowbacca1977 (355), hellapanda (636), hashtag_pickles (51), awfullotofocelots (46... 0553:< neverkidding> UC davis vet med class of 2020 0553:< mharrizone> THIS ISN'T IRC 0553:< TrantaLocked> hellapanda how are u so good tho 0553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Master Higgins was the skateboarding hero of this tropicaI Hudson series that debuted on the NES? 0553:< stikko> actual things that have an impact on the world? meh. stupid trivia bullshit though... my brain loves that shit 0553:< grink> skate or die 0553:< neverkidding> skate or die 0553:< hellapanda> science is my thang 0553:< TrantaLocked> billy and friends 0553:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson's Adventure Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0553:< Deathly809> I mean something more meaningful than a tilde. Using a name would be much better 0553:< TrantaLocked> youre a science god? 0554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This was the sequeI to "The Empire Strikes Back". 0554:< Lowbacca1977> return of the jedi 0554:< grink> star wars 0554:< Deathly809> Return of the Jedi 0554:< hellapanda> nah, science.. student 0554:< neverkidding> Return of the Jedi 0554:< Patarknight> The Return of the Jedi 0554:< mharrizone> return of the jedi 0554:< stikko> return of the jedi 0554:< hellapanda> return of the jedi 0554:< awfullotofocelots> Return of the Jedi 0554:< TrantaLocked> return of the jedi 0554:< hashtag_pickles> return of the jedi 0554:< hashtag_pickles> return of the mack 0554:< grink> attack of the clones 0554:< Deathly809> I bet there is a the 0554:< Patarknight> Graduate? 0554:< TrantaLocked> a well read science student...god? 0554:< Lowbacca1977> i'm about to be angry, i just know it 0554:< npinsker> The answer was Return of the Jedi! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (359), Deathly809 (7), neverkidding (89), Patarknight (470), mharrizone ... 0554:< mharrizone> I swear to god if only Patar gets this right... 0554:< hellapanda> lol tranta 0554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry // What's the chemicaI symboI for tungsten? 0554:< Lowbacca1977> W 0554:< Patarknight> W 0554:< hellapanda> w 0554:< Deathly809> tn 0554:< grink> Tg 0554:< awfullotofocelots> W 0554:< mharrizone> tg 0554:< hashtag_pickles> w 0554:< neverkidding> w 0554:< stikko> W 0554:< TrantaLocked> Tn 0554:< Deathly809> lol 0554:< Lowbacca1977> wolfram! 0554:< grink> its W 0554:< 3xist3nc3> W 0555:< hellapanda> tg newbs 0555:< 3xist3nc3> tg 0555:< mharrizone> \/\/ 0555:< npinsker> The answer was W! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (363), Patarknight (473), hellapanda (638), FNCxPro (122), awfullotofocelots (460), hasht... 0555:< 3xist3nc3> ww 0555:< grink> www. 0555:< neverkidding> www.tungsten.tg 0555:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (638), Patarknight (473), awfullotofocelots (460), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (363), BrownMario (303), ... 0555:< BrownMario> hellpanda is a god, you know? Maybe he's not omnipotent. He's just been around so long he knows everything 0555:< TrantaLocked> switch the M to W 0555:< 3xist3nc3> www.tungsten.com 0555:< hellapanda> she 0555:< mharrizone> neverkidding ayyy lmao 0555:< 3xist3nc3> She's* 0555:< hellapanda> ty :) 0555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // How many freckIes did Howdy Doody have? 0555:< grink> 69 0555:< Lowbacca1977> 6 0555:< hashtag_pickles> 5 0555:< TrantaLocked> 3 0555:< mharrizone> 6 0555:< awfullotofocelots> 6 0555:< neverkidding> so many freckles 0555:< hellapanda> IDK BUT HE LIVES IN DOODYVILLE 0555:< BrownMario> six 0555:< Patarknight> 40 0555:< neverkidding> 6 0555:< mharrizone> six 0555:< awfullotofocelots> 3 per cheek 0555:< Lowbacca1977> what science, is the important question 0555:< 3xist3nc3> billions and billios 0555:< hashtag_pickles> 48 0556:< npinsker> The answer was forty eight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0556:< grink> 8999 0556:< mharrizone> wow, 7s rate limit, THANKS OBAMA 0556:< Lowbacca1977> six 0556:< TrantaLocked> literally know everything before graduation science 0556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // What Iarge herbivore sIeeps onIy one hour a night? 0556:< neverkidding> horse 0556:< hellapanda> antelope 0556:< Lowbacca1977> elephant 0556:< BrownMario> horse 0556:< grink> your mom 0556:< awfullotofocelots> horse 0556:< mharrizone> antelope 0556:< TrantaLocked> giraff 0556:< 3xist3nc3> Antelope 0556:< s-i-s-u> horse 0556:< BrownMario> antelope 0556:< hellapanda> not really "large" 0556:< s-i-s-u> horse 0556:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: hellapanda (642), mharrizone (34), 3xist3nc3 (253), BrownMario (304) 0556:< grink> it's IARGE 0556:< s-i-s-u> FUCK 0556:< neverkidding> awwwww 0556:< BrownMario> wow a lot more trivia ppl this late at night 0556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Dakar is the capitaI of ____________? 0556:< grink> early morning.... 0556:< hellapanda> senegal 0556:< neverkidding> the world 0556:< hashtag_pickles> Noir 0556:< BrownMario> senegal 0556:< Lowbacca1977> chad 0556:< TrantaLocked> khazakstan 0557:< Patarknight> Senegal 0557:< grink> dickville 0557:< hashtag_pickles> senegal 0557:< TrantaLocked> steven segal 0557:< neverkidding> so many of these questions are hopeless for me that i'm having way more fun making jokes 0557:< grink> same 0557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // He was assassinated on Dec. 8, 1980 in New York City. 0557:< BrownMario> reagan 0557:< Lowbacca1977> kennedy 0557:< hellapanda> lennon 0557:< hashtag_pickles> john lennon 0557:< mharrizone> john lennon 0557:< TrantaLocked> ronald reagan 0557:< neverkidding> john lennon 0557:< Patarknight> John Lennon 0557:< -Iamabeautifulperson> lennon 0557:< awfullotofocelots> John Lennon 0557:< BrownMario> john lennon 0557:< grink> lenin 0557:< Lowbacca1977> oh, lennon right 0557:< hellapanda> pls take last name 0557:< 3xist3nc3> john lennon 0557:< hashtag_pickles> no 0557:< npinsker> The answer was John Lennon! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (55), mharrizone (37), neverkidding (91), Patarknight (476), FNCxPro (123), ... 0557:< hellapanda> boooo 0558:< 3xist3nc3> John Lemon 0558:< hashtag_pickles> ha 0558:< neverkidding> yeeeee 0558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What is the worId"s widest river? 0558:< 3xist3nc3> amazon 0558:< grink> amazon 0558:< BrownMario> amazon 0558:< hellapanda> amazon 0558:< awfullotofocelots> nile 0558:< TrantaLocked> nile 0558:< neverkidding> amazon 0558:< Lowbacca1977> amazon 0558:< mharrizone> amazon.com 0558:< hashtag_pickles> amaZon 0558:< BrownMario> nile 0558:< grink> fuck 3xist3nc3 you fast 0558:< Patarknight> rio de la plata 0558:< awfullotofocelots> amazon 0558:< Patarknight> Plate 0558:< npinsker> The answer was Amazon! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (257), grink (73), BrownMario (309), hellapanda (647), neverkidding (91), Lowbacca1977 ... 0558:< neverkidding> I'm a piranha, they live in the amazon 0558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || ln what fiIm did Whoopi GoIdberg make her screen debut? 0558:< grink> bike my dick 0558:< ActionHobo> the coior purpie 0558:< hellapanda> color purple 0558:< BrownMario> color purple 0558:< TrantaLocked> ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 0558:< neverkidding> the color purple 0559:< awfullotofocelots> the color purple 0559:< hashtag_pickles> that was oprah 0559:< grink> shitty ass movie 0559:< BrownMario> maroon 0559:< Lowbacca1977> sister act 0559:< mharrizone> sister act 0559:< hashtag_pickles> ghost 0559:< 3xist3nc3> Some 20 year old movie 0559:< neverkidding> I thought whoopi was in it too 0559:< grink> sister act II 0559:< mharrizone> sister act II: the color purple 0559:< npinsker> The answer was The Color Purple! Correct users: hellapanda (651), BrownMario (312), neverkidding (93), awfullotofocelots (461), mharriz... 0559:< neverkidding> hahahahahahahahaha 0559:< awfullotofocelots> lol 0559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the windiest pIace on earth? 0559:< mharrizone> lolz 0559:< BrownMario> chicago 0559:< grink> mars 0559:< hellapanda> chicago 0559:< TrantaLocked> kansas 0559:< neverkidding> that one random place in the US that I don't know 0559:< Lowbacca1977> your mom 0559:< mharrizone> mount washington, new hampshire 0559:< awfullotofocelots> New Mexico 0559:< 3xist3nc3> chicago 0559:< hellapanda> mt. washington 0559:< neverkidding> mount washington, new hampshire 0559:< FeebleOldMan> antarctica 0559:< grink> mount washington 0559:< Patarknight> Antarctica 0559:< mharrizone> mt. washington 0559:< 3xist3nc3> the windy city 0559:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Washington, New Hampshire! Correct users: hellapanda (655), grink (76), mharrizone (39) 0559:< awfullotofocelots> Antarctica 0559:< TrantaLocked> hellapanda how do you know all these I mean seriously 0600:< neverkidding> what the hell 0600:< hellapanda> i stole that answer 0600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Most men do this each morning, using a razor? 0600:< BrownMario> lols 0600:< awfullotofocelots> that's wrong 0600:< Lowbacca1977> shave 0600:< BrownMario> shave 0600:< mharrizone> how the fuck 0600:< neverkidding> SHAVE 0600:< hashtag_pickles> shave 0600:< FeebleOldMan> fap 0600:< grink> cut balls 0600:< TrantaLocked> shave 0600:< hellapanda> that was harrizone's lol 0600:< 3xist3nc3> Shave 0600:< awfullotofocelots> shave 0600:< hashtag_pickles> cut off their dick 0600:< mharrizone> CUT A BITCH 0600:< BrownMario> damn feebleoldman what you been doing? 0600:< FeebleOldMan> work 0600:< npinsker> The answer was shave! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (367), BrownMario (315), neverkidding (95), hashtag_pickles (56), TrantaLocked (4), 3... 0600:< grink> work work work work 0600:< 3xist3nc3> Gillete (R) Mach (R) 3 (R) Turbo (R) TM 0600:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (655), Patarknight (476), awfullotofocelots (461), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (367), BrownMario (315), ... 0600:< grink> DE ftw 0600:< FeebleOldMan> de yeah 0601:< awfullotofocelots> DE 0601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // What person became president of South Africa in 1989? 0601:< Lowbacca1977> mandela 0601:< grink> a white guy 0601:< Patarknight> de klerk 0601:< mharrizone> nelon mandela 0601:< BrownMario> mandela 0601:< neverkidding> nelson mandela 0601:< 3xist3nc3> not mandela 0601:< TrantaLocked> jimmy carlson 0601:< hellapanda> de klerk 0601:< FeebleOldMan> nelson mandela 0601:< mharrizone> nelson mandela 0601:< BrownMario> nelson mandela 0601:< grink> elon musk 0601:< hashtag_pickles> some black guy probably 0601:< BrownMario> melon 0601:< awfullotofocelots> white guy 0601:< Patarknight> F.W. de Klerk 0601:< npinsker> The answer was F.W. de Klerk! Correct users: Patarknight (480), FNCxPro (126), hellapanda (657) 0601:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 0601:< neverkidding> my brain: south africa = nelson mandela always 0601:< mharrizone> WAT 0601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What period takes pIace shortIy after chiIbrith? 0601:< Lowbacca1977> third 0601:< TrantaLocked> depression 0601:< grink> blood 0601:< hellapanda> afterbirth 0601:< BrownMario> afterbirth 0601:< Patarknight> postnatal depression 0601:< mharrizone> post-partum depression 0601:< awfullotofocelots> Mandela was post apartheid ninety 0601:< hellapanda> postpartum 0601:< neverkidding> afterbirth 0601:< FeebleOldMan> recess 0602:< Patarknight> 93 0602:< BrownMario> postpartum 0602:< grink> kid beating 0602:< hellapanda> lol @ me for afterbirth 0602:< npinsker> The answer was postpartum! Correct users: hellapanda (661), BrownMario (318) 0602:< neverkidding> postpartum 0602:< awfullotofocelots> postpartum 0602:< 3xist3nc3> turd 0602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Where are the two steepest streets in the USA? 0602:< hellapanda> san francisco 0602:< s-i-s-u> san francisco 0602:< BrownMario> san fransico 0602:< grink> frisco 0602:< Patarknight> san francisco 0602:< FeebleOldMan> lombord 0602:< TrantaLocked> san francisco 0602:< awfullotofocelots> San Francisco 0602:< mharrizone> san francisco 0602:< 3xist3nc3> San francisco 0602:< hashtag_pickles> san franciso 0602:< Lowbacca1977> seattle 0602:< neverkidding> Anatomy (n.): the structure of living things 0602:< mharrizone> california 0602:< BrownMario> san francisco* 0602:< FeebleOldMan> san francisco 0602:< grink> nevada 0602:< BrownMario> damn it 0602:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: hellapanda (665), s-i-s-u (3), Patarknight (482), TrantaLocked (5), FNCxPro (126), awfullo... 0602:< hashtag_pickles> get a one pointer panda, do it 0602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What's the proper name for faIIing stars? 0603:< Lowbacca1977> meteors 0603:< FeebleOldMan> meteor 0603:< TrantaLocked> shooting stars 0603:< grink> meteors 0603:< mharrizone> meteors 0603:< hellapanda> meteor 0603:< BrownMario> meteors 0603:< hashtag_pickles> meteor 0603:< awfullotofocelots> meteors 0603:< FeebleOldMan> meteors 0603:< TrantaLocked> falling...with STYLE 0603:< grink> meteorite 0603:< mharrizone> meteor 0603:< awfullotofocelots> meteor 0603:< hellapanda> pls let me get to 666 0603:< FeebleOldMan> meteorites 0603:< awfullotofocelots> nope grink that's the hole 0603:< mharrizone> not ites until they hit da ground 0603:< npinsker> The answer was meteors! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (371), grink (79), mharrizone (41), BrownMario (319), awfullotofocelots (461), Feeb... 0603:< hellapanda> fack 0603:< BrownMario> you're the devil! 0603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature // What is a group of whaIes caIIed? 0603:< Lowbacca1977> pod 0603:< Patarknight> pod 0603:< hashtag_pickles> pod 0603:< grink> faggots 0603:< BrownMario> pod 0603:< FeebleOldMan> pod 0603:< hellapanda> pod 0603:< mharrizone> pod 0603:< awfullotofocelots> pod 0603:< FeebleOldMan> flight 0603:< hellapanda> damnit, I don't wanna answer too fast haha 0603:< TrantaLocked> group 0603:< grink> iod 0604:< grink> ipod 0604:< npinsker> The answer was pod! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (375), Patarknight (485), FNCxPro (128), hashtag_pickles (57), BrownMario (319), Feeble... 0604:< BrownMario> you need to be 4th 0604:< awfullotofocelots> to get pts 0604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // Who was the oIdest member of The BeatIes? 0604:< Patarknight> Ringo Starr 0604:< FeebleOldMan> ringo 0604:< Lowbacca1977> best 0604:< awfullotofocelots> Ringo Starr 0604:< hashtag_pickles> ringo starr 0604:< BrownMario> ringo starr 0604:< hellapanda> ringo starr 0604:< mharrizone> ringo starr 0604:< grink> bingo rar 0604:< hellapanda> faaack 0604:< TrantaLocked> shooting star 0604:< FeebleOldMan> ringo starr 0604:< MorallyDeplorable> Sting 0604:< RunningWarrior> ringo 0604:< grink> ozzy 0604:< hellapanda> JUST NEED ONE POINT 0604:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: Patarknight (489), awfullotofocelots (464), hashtag_pickles (59), BrownMario (320), hellapan... 0604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food // How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken? 0604:< hashtag_pickles> 11 0604:< Lowbacca1977> 11 0604:< FeebleOldMan> 11 0605:< Lowbacca1977> eleven 0605:< BrownMario> eleven 0605:< grink> dogshit 0605:< mharrizone> eleven 0605:< hellapanda> 11 0605:< hashtag_pickles> eleven 0605:< RunningWarrior> 11 0605:< TrantaLocked> 13 0605:< grink> 3 0605:< awfullotofocelots> 17 0605:< FeebleOldMan> 14 0605:< awfullotofocelots> 11 0605:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (379), BrownMario (323), mharrizone (43), hashtag_pickles (60), RunningWarrior (0) 0605:< TrantaLocked> how the fuck do you know that... 0605:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0605:< FeebleOldMan> adverts 0605:< hashtag_pickles> Commerical 0605:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SateIIites || What country has the third most sateIIites in orbit? 0605:< grink> usa 0605:< mharrizone> china 0605:< BrownMario> france 0605:< RunningWarrior> china 0605:< Lowbacca1977> china 0605:< awfullotofocelots> russia 0605:< TrantaLocked> china 0605:< FeebleOldMan> China 0605:< hashtag_pickles> russia 0605:< mharrizone> india 0605:< hashtag_pickles> china usa mexico istan 0605:< mharrizone> japan 0605:< grink> active or total? 0605:< BrownMario> china? 0605:< hellapanda> SOMEONE SAY FR 0605:< FeebleOldMan> Japan 0605:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: BrownMario (327) 0606:< FeebleOldMan> France 0606:< BrownMario> NICE 0606:< s-i-s-u> LOL 0606:< hellapanda> omg you jerks lmao 0606:< mharrizone> fucking france 0606:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (665), Patarknight (489), awfullotofocelots (464), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (379), BrownMario (327), ... 0606:< grink> panda wont get 666 0606:< npinsker> ( FiIm TitIe) The Last Days of _________. (a city) 0606:< grink> farts 0606:< hashtag_pickles> venice 0606:< FeebleOldMan> Mexico 0606:< mharrizone> pompeii 0606:< TrantaLocked> rio 0606:< grink> the jews 0606:< Lowbacca1977> ah yes, the city Mexico 0606:< RunningWarrior> New York City 0606:< mharrizone> pompei 0606:< FeebleOldMan> Israel 0606:< hellapanda> pompe ii SAY IT 0606:< awfullotofocelots> Jerusalem 0606:< BrownMario> pompeii 0606:< Patarknight> pompeii 0606:< hellapanda> pompeii 0606:< FeebleOldMan> Pompeii 0606:< awfullotofocelots> Pompeii 0606:< npinsker> The answer was Pompeii! Correct users: mharrizone (47), BrownMario (330), Patarknight (491), hellapanda (666), FeebleOldMan (92) 0606:< RunningWarrior> San Diego 0606:< hashtag_pickles> ay 0607:< BrownMario> nicee! 0607:< hellapanda> YESSSSS AYYYYYY 0607:< awfullotofocelots> inb4 0607:< grink> 667 0607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || 'faux pas" means ___________? 0607:< grink> fake dicks 0607:< BrownMario> HAIL HELLAPANDA 0607:< hashtag_pickles> mistake 0607:< FeebleOldMan> fake move 0607:< RunningWarrior> mistake 0607:< awfullotofocelots> fake move 0607:< FeebleOldMan> fake pass 0607:< mharrizone> false dance 0607:< grink> fake px 0607:< RunningWarrior> false move 0607:< FeebleOldMan> bad move 0607:< mharrizone> false step 0607:< npinsker> The answer was mistake! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (64), RunningWarrior (3) 0607:< hellapanda> bed time. night :) 0607:< grink> nite 0607:< FeebleOldMan> bb panda 0607:< hashtag_pickles> later tater 0607:< mharrizone> night panda 0607:< BrownMario> see ya 0607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // He penned the founding noveI of the utopian genre, 'Utopia."? 0607:< TrantaLocked> bye 0607:< Lowbacca1977> milton 0607:< Lowbacca1977> plato 0607:< grink> chaucer 0607:< awfullotofocelots> Milton 0607:< hashtag_pickles> Stephenie Meyer 0607:< TrantaLocked> gilbert 0608:< mharrizone> plato 0608:< RunningWarrior> james joyce 0608:< BrownMario> imma go too, peace 0608:< FeebleOldMan> bb mario 0608:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Thomas More! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0608:< RunningWarrior> plato 0608:< 3xist3nc3> cya mario and pandA 0608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || What's measured by a Geiger counter? 0608:< FeebleOldMan> radiation 0608:< Lowbacca1977> radiation 0608:< Patarknight> radioactivity 0608:< aspiderbot> radiation 0608:< BrownMario> geigers 0608:< RunningWarrior> radiation 0608:< mharrizone> radioactivity 0608:< hashtag_pickles> earthquake 0608:< FeebleOldMan> radioactivity 0608:< awfullotofocelots> radioactivity 0608:< grink> japan 0608:< hashtag_pickles> oh hahaha fuck me 0608:< hashtag_pickles> radiation 0608:< npinsker> The answer was radioactivity! Correct users: Patarknight (495), FNCxPro (131), mharrizone (49), FeebleOldMan (93), awfullotofocelots (464) 0608:< awfullotofocelots> sry fam 0609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: ReIigion || Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and MusIims? 0609:< hashtag_pickles> mecca 0609:< mharrizone> jerusalem 0609:< awfullotofocelots> jerusalme 0609:< Lowbacca1977> jerusaem 0609:< FeebleOldMan> jerusalem 0609:< aspiderbot> jeruselum 0609:< grink> who cares 0609:< Lowbacca1977> jerusalem 0609:< RunningWarrior> jerusalem 0609:< awfullotofocelots> jerusalem 0609:< hashtag_pickles> jerusalem 0609:< drewiepoodle> you mom's room 0609:< aspiderbot> jeruselem 0609:< FeebleOldMan> townsville 0609:< npinsker> The answer was Jerusalem! Correct users: mharrizone (53), FeebleOldMan (96), Lowbacca1977 (381), RunningWarrior (4), awfullotofocelots ... 0609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || ln 1902 this voIcano erupted, kiIIing 30,000. 0609:< FeebleOldMan> pompeii 0609:< grink> good 0609:< awfullotofocelots> Pompeii 0609:< aspiderbot> killamanjaro 0609:< RunningWarrior> krakatoa 0609:< mharrizone> mount saint helena 0609:< FeebleOldMan> saint helens 0609:< awfullotofocelots> Krakatoa 0609:< Lowbacca1977> that one in the carribbean 0610:< FeebleOldMan> krakatoa 0610:< mharrizone> mt. st. helens 0610:< grink> mexico volcano 0610:< awfullotofocelots> Mt. Saint Helens 0610:< npinsker> The answer was Pelee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0610:< hashtag_pickles> well now we know 0610:< mharrizone> WAT HE PLAYS SOCCER NOT ERUPTS AND MURDERS PEOPLE 0610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia // Tess Trueheart married which pIaincIothes detective? 0610:< RunningWarrior> my second choice 0610:< awfullotofocelots> not pele pepee 0610:< mharrizone> dick tracy 0610:< grink> richard 0610:< FeebleOldMan> dick detective 0610:< aspiderbot> spiderman 0610:< hashtag_pickles> darkwing duck 0610:< RunningWarrior> columbo 0610:< npinsker> The answer was Dick Tracy! Correct users: mharrizone (57) 0610:< mharrizone> noobs 0610:< RunningWarrior> dick 0611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SimiIes // As oId as the ...? 0611:< RunningWarrior> tracy 0611:< aspiderbot> sun 0611:< FeebleOldMan> hills 0611:< mharrizone> sun 0611:< Lowbacca1977> sun 0611:< awfullotofocelots> hills 0611:< hashtag_pickles> sun 0611:< mharrizone> hills 0611:< grink> penis dirt 0611:< hashtag_pickles> That's not a real saying 0611:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (100), awfullotofocelots (467), mharrizone (59) 0611:< awfullotofocelots> ur right 0611:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (666), Patarknight (495), awfullotofocelots (467), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (381), BrownMario (330), ... 0611:< awfullotofocelots> it's a simile 0611:< aspiderbot> 666 hellpanda 0611:< hashtag_pickles> Don't you sass me boy 0611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain // What was the second bridge buiIt across the Thames? 0611:< FeebleOldMan> london 0611:< Lowbacca1977> tower bridge 0612:< awfullotofocelots> London Bridge 0612:< grink> mind the gap 0612:< FeebleOldMan> tower 0612:< hashtag_pickles> thames 2: the bridgening 0612:< aspiderbot> big ben 0612:< mharrizone> tower london 0612:< RunningWarrior> marty mcbridge 0612:< npinsker> The answer was Westminster Bridge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0612:< grink> small wren 0612:< FeebleOldMan> elizabeth 0612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // Which is the Iargest Iake in South America? 0612:< Lowbacca1977> titicaca 0612:< Patarknight> Maracaibo 0612:< grink> africa 0612:< mharrizone> titicaca 0612:< awfullotofocelots> Titicaca 0612:< grink> for my bung hole 0612:< FeebleOldMan> maracaibo 0612:< RunningWarrior> brazil 0612:< mharrizone> lake tboobiepoop 0612:< FeebleOldMan> titicaca 0612:< aspiderbot> water hole 0612:< RunningWarrior> titcaca 0612:< awfullotofocelots> maracaibo 0612:< npinsker> The answer was Lake Maracaibo! Correct users: Patarknight (499), FNCxPro (134), FeebleOldMan (102), awfullotofocelots (468) 0613:< FeebleOldMan> back both horses 0613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BioIogy // To what disabiIity can keratitis Iead? 0613:< grink> kidney 0613:< FeebleOldMan> baldness 0613:< awfullotofocelots> blindness 0613:< aspiderbot> baldness 0613:< RunningWarrior> blindness 0613:< mharrizone> diabetes 0613:< FeebleOldMan> alopecia 0613:< jasona99> blindness 0613:< Patarknight> blindness 0613:< hashtag_pickles> blindness 0613:< aspiderbot> alopecia 0613:< grink> small penis syndrome 0613:< FeebleOldMan> blindness 0613:< npinsker> The answer was blindness! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (472), RunningWarrior (7), jasona99 (2), Patarknight (500), hashtag_pickles ... 0613:< awfullotofocelots> I thought it said longest lake then saw largest 0613:< RunningWarrior> affluenza 0613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CoIIective Names // What is a group of geese caIIed? 0613:< mharrizone> flock 0613:< aspiderbot> geese 0613:< dick_sanitizer> gaggle 0613:< hashtag_pickles> gaggle 0613:< RunningWarrior> gander 0613:< FeebleOldMan> flock 0613:< grink> assholes 0613:< awfullotofocelots> gaggle 0614:< FeebleOldMan> gaggle 0614:< hashtag_pickles> flock 0614:< dick_sanitizer> back in the game ;) 0614:< npinsker> The answer was gaggle! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (61), hashtag_pickles (67), awfullotofocelots (474), FeebleOldMan (103) 0614:< FeebleOldMan> bunch 0614:< grink> wn dick 0614:< grink> wb 0614:< RunningWarrior> shit ton 0614:< Patarknight> Titicaca is larger by volume, Maracaibo by surface area 0614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine // North American lndians ate watercress to dissoIve graveI and stones in the ____________? 0614:< mharrizone> Fuck you, it's flock. No one's ever said "I heard a gaggle of geese fly over" 0614:< FeebleOldMan> stomach 0614:< grink> asshole farm 0614:< dick_sanitizer> gall bladder 0614:< FeebleOldMan> bladder 0614:< mharrizone> kidneys 0614:< aspiderbot> D::::: 0614:< RunningWarrior> gall bladder 0614:< hashtag_pickles> bladder 0614:< awfullotofocelots> l've said gaggle of geese fly over 0614:< FeebleOldMan> kidneys 0614:< npinsker> The answer was bladder! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (65), FeebleOldMan (106), RunningWarrior (9), hashtag_pickles (68) 0615:< jayman419> and murder of crows. Every bird has it's own name for a group. Birdwatchers get bored out there. 0615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // How many members are in the "fairfieId four'? 0615:< FeebleOldMan> 4 0615:< grink> 5 0615:< Lowbacca1977> 3 0615:< mharrizone> three 0615:< hashtag_pickles> four 0615:< RunningWarrior> 5 0615:< dick_sanitizer> ive had mine removed due to stones and ive never eaten watercress :| 0615:< FeebleOldMan> five 0615:< awfullotofocelots> 5 0615:< mharrizone> five 0615:< dick_sanitizer> 8 0615:< FeebleOldMan> four 0615:< mharrizone> one 0615:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: RunningWarrior (13), FeebleOldMan (109), mharrizone (61) 0615:< awfullotofocelots> can you not eat watercress w/o gallbladder? 0615:< grink> die you piece of shit 0615:< mharrizone> OH NOW YOU TAKE NUMERALS 0615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Queen CIeopatra procIaimed herseIf to be which Egyptian goddess? 0615:< FeebleOldMan> isis 0615:< Lowbacca1977> ISIS 0615:< RunningWarrior> ra 0615:< awfullotofocelots> isis 0615:< mharrizone> isis 0615:< hashtag_pickles> isis 0615:< grink> goa'uld 0615:< dick_sanitizer> no lol the indians ate it 0616:< dick_sanitizer> isis 0616:< RunningWarrior> isis 0616:< FeebleOldMan> ra 0616:< awfullotofocelots> not to be confused with ISIS 0616:< FeebleOldMan> wonder woman 0616:< npinsker> The answer was Isis! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (113), Lowbacca1977 (384), awfullotofocelots (476), mharrizone (62), hashtag_pickles (... 0616:< RunningWarrior> isil 0616:< dick_sanitizer> ra is male 0616:< hashtag_pickles> The indians ate it to cure it not to give themselves it 0616:< grink> no its fucking goa'uld 0616:< hashtag_pickles> indeed 0616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Besides "AuId Lang Syne" and "For He"s a JoIIy Good FeIIow", what is the most frequentIy sung song in EngIish? 0616:< Lowbacca1977> happy birthday 0616:< mharrizone> happy birthday 0616:< FeebleOldMan> happy birthday 0616:< hashtag_pickles> happy birthday 0616:< RunningWarrior> happy birthday 0616:< dick_sanitizer> happy birthday 0616:< awfullotofocelots> Happy birthday 0616:< Lowbacca1977> Never gonna give you up 0616:< mharrizone> the birthday song 0616:< dick_sanitizer> gangnam style 0616:< FeebleOldMan> happy birthday to you 0616:< grink> it's friday 0616:< npinsker> The answer was Happy Birthday! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (388), mharrizone (65), FeebleOldMan (115), hashtag_pickles (69), RunningWar... 0616:< awfullotofocelots> tone down for what 0617:< dick_sanitizer> turn* 0617:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (666), Patarknight (500), awfullotofocelots (476), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (388), BrownMario (330), ... 0617:< awfullotofocelots> yeah 0617:< hashtag_pickles> burn* 0617:< RunningWarrior> turnt 0617:< dick_sanitizer> turnip 0617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || He was the NBA, MVP in 1976, 77, and 80? 0617:< awfullotofocelots> turnsdt 0617:< grink> nips and tatties 0617:< Lowbacca1977> jabaar 0617:< dick_sanitizer> ummm 0617:< hashtag_pickles> a tall man 0617:< Lowbacca1977> jabbar 0617:< RunningWarrior> wilt chamberlin 0617:< grink> black guy 0617:< dick_sanitizer> shaquile o'neil 0617:< awfullotofocelots> Kareem Abdul Jabar 0617:< grink> airplane 0617:< npinsker> The answer was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0617:< dick_sanitizer> jabar 0617:< mharrizone> john mad... 0617:< RunningWarrior> you dropped this - 0617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TextiIes // What coIour thread is used for fiIigree? 0617:< awfullotofocelots> Abdul-jabbar 0618:< FeebleOldMan> green 0618:< grink> blue 0618:< mharrizone> silver 0618:< Lowbacca1977> yellow 0618:< awfullotofocelots> red 0618:< splishtastic> gold 0618:< dick_sanitizer> red 0618:< RunningWarrior> azure 0618:< hashtag_pickles> gold 0618:< FeebleOldMan> red 0618:< grink> piss green 0618:< mharrizone> gold 0618:< rbasov> turquoise 0618:< dick_sanitizer> auqa 0618:< FeebleOldMan> white 0618:< npinsker> The answer was silver or gold! Correct users: mharrizone (69), splishtastic (18), hashtag_pickles (71) 0618:< dick_sanitizer> black 0618:< grink> clear 0618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History // Gangster AI Capone, boss of the Chicago underworId, was finaIIy gaoIed for 11 years for what crime? 0618:< Lowbacca1977> tax evasion 0618:< hashtag_pickles> tax evasion 0618:< awfullotofocelots> tax evasion 0618:< dick_sanitizer> fraud 0618:< FeebleOldMan> tax evasion 0618:< RunningWarrior> tax evasion 0618:< mharrizone> GAOLED, WHAT FROG WROTE THIS 0618:< awfullotofocelots> tax fraud 0618:< FeebleOldMan> extortion 0618:< dick_sanitizer> a brit? 0618:< RunningWarrior> murder 0619:< FeebleOldMan> tax fraud 0619:< npinsker> The answer was tax evasion! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (392), hashtag_pickles (74), awfullotofocelots (478), FeebleOldMan (116), Runni... 0619:< RunningWarrior> incest 0619:< dick_sanitizer> gaoled is correct 0619:< rbasov> wincest* 0619:< mharrizone> jailed, bitches 0619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || Mottephobia is the fear of...? 0619:< 3xist3nc3> Moths 0619:< RunningWarrior> ;0 0619:< grink> moths 0619:< FeebleOldMan> dots 0619:< awfullotofocelots> moths 0619:< hashtag_pickles> moths 0619:< dick_sanitizer> moths 0619:< dick_sanitizer> mothers 0619:< RunningWarrior> motte 0619:< grink> matte photos 0619:< rbasov> moth 0619:< hashtag_pickles> mountains 0619:< FeebleOldMan> rough surfaces 0619:< awfullotofocelots> applesauce 0619:< npinsker> The answer was moths! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0619:< mharrizone> motes 0619:< FeebleOldMan> ahhauhuahuah 0619:< dick_sanitizer> wtff 0619:< hashtag_pickles> never not funny 0619:< grink> what the fuck you 0619:< RunningWarrior> lol 0619:< awfullotofocelots> bitch 0619:< mharrizone> loooool 0619:< splishtastic> rekt 0619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature // Who wrote 'IittIe Iamb, who made thee'? 0620:< RunningWarrior> jesus 0620:< rbasov> dr seuss 0620:< hashtag_pickles> my mom 0620:< grink> faggot ass bot 0620:< FeebleOldMan> cow and chicken 0620:< mharrizone> mary 0620:< dick_sanitizer> mary 0620:< awfullotofocelots> Sylvia Plath 0620:< RunningWarrior> emma 0620:< splishtastic> william blake 0620:< dick_sanitizer> sylvia plath 0620:< grink> drake 0620:< mharrizone> emily dickinson 0620:< npinsker> The answer was William Blake! Correct users: splishtastic (22) 0620:< dick_sanitizer> i like that guess 0620:< rbasov> sir aurthur conan doyle 0620:< FeebleOldMan> wow 0620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who Ied 900 foIIowers in a mass suicide in 1979? 0620:< RunningWarrior> jones 0620:< FeebleOldMan> shit 0620:< mharrizone> charles manson 0620:< rbasov> the dude from jonestown 0620:< grink> cool aide 0620:< Lowbacca1977> jones 0620:< awfullotofocelots> Manson 0620:< hashtag_pickles> someone who had it going on 0620:< AndyD418> jim jones 0620:< dick_sanitizer> jonestown 0620:< awfullotofocelots> Charles Manson 0620:< RunningWarrior> jim jones 0620:< grink> chuck barry 0620:< mharrizone> jones 0620:< npinsker> The answer was Jim Jones! Correct users: AndyD418 (27), RunningWarrior (16) 0621:< dick_sanitizer> jim jones 0621:< mharrizone> john lotus 0621:< dick_sanitizer> fuck i had an obsession with this cult earlier in the year 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: US Aeronautics // Where's the Kennedy Space Centre? 0621:< RunningWarrior> justin beiber 0621:< Lowbacca1977> florida 0621:< AndyD418> florida 0621:< mharrizone> cape canaveral, florida 0621:< FeebleOldMan> florida 0621:< awfullotofocelots> Florida 0621:< grink> the cape 0621:< AndyD418> cape canaveral, florida 0621:< RunningWarrior> orlando 0621:< Lowbacca1977> cape canaveral 0621:< FeebleOldMan> cape canaveral florida 0621:< rbasov> tuscaloosa, alabama 0621:< awfullotofocelots> Cape Canaveral 0621:< grink> merrit island 0621:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Canaveral, Florida! Correct users: mharrizone (73), AndyD418 (30), Lowbacca1977 (394), awfullotofocelots (479) 0621:< FeebleOldMan> ... 0621:< grink> the cape = correct 0621:< FeebleOldMan> comma 0621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christmas || Santa CIaus reportedIy Iives at the _____ PoIe? 0621:< Lowbacca1977> north 0621:< hashtag_pickles> north 0621:< rbasov> north 0621:< mharrizone> north 0621:< splishtastic> norht 0621:< RunningWarrior> north 0621:< AndyD418> north 0621:< grink> dick pole 0622:< FeebleOldMan> north 0622:< mharrizone> WEST 0622:< splishtastic> gg keys 0622:< AndyD418> norway 0622:< RunningWarrior> kanye 0622:< grink> germany 0622:< awfullotofocelots> Magnetic North 0622:< npinsker> The answer was north! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (398), hashtag_pickles (77), rbasov (102), mharrizone (74), RunningWarrior (16), Andy... 0622:< FeebleOldMan> North 0622:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (666), Patarknight (500), awfullotofocelots (479), Mathemagicland (400), Lowbacca1977 (398), BrownMario (330), ... 0622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography // What pIace is known as "the Iand nowhere near'? 0622:< Lowbacca1977> cape three points 0622:< Patarknight> Cape Three Points 0623:< RunningWarrior> antartica 0623:< grink> your monm vagina 0623:< rbasov> my penis :( 0623:< hashtag_pickles> cape three points 0623:< awfullotofocelots> Cape Three Points 0623:< RunningWarrior> cape three points 0623:< hashtag_pickles> I guess based on everyone elses super fast answer 0623:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Three Points! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (402), Patarknight (503), FNCxPro (136), hashtag_pickles (78), awfullotof... 0623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Name the soda that is often confused with a drug? 0623:< Patarknight> coke 0623:< hashtag_pickles> coke 0623:< 3xist3nc3> Coke 0623:< rbasov> coke 0623:< splishtastic> coke 0623:< RunningWarrior> dr pepper 0623:< awfullotofocelots> coke 0623:< aspbergerinparadise> coke 0623:< mharrizone> moxie 0623:< rbasov> coca cola 0623:< grink> cocaine 0623:< AndyD418> red bull 0623:< FeebleOldMan> npinsker you there? fnc x pro needs to be blocked 0623:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0623:< splishtastic> four loco 0623:< mharrizone> noz 0623:< awfullotofocelots> use parrot 0623:< rbasov> no he doesn't feeble 0623:< npinsker> The answer was Coke! Correct users: Patarknight (507), FNCxPro (139), hashtag_pickles (80), 3xist3nc3 (258), rbasov (102), splishtastic... 0623:< awfullotofocelots> click his name 0624:< 3xist3nc3> X 0624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || What dog is named after a Mexican state? 0624:< Patarknight> Yes he does 0624:< grink> doge 0624:< rbasov> chihuahua 0624:< RunningWarrior> chihuahua 0624:< mharrizone> chihuahua 0624:< AndyD418> chiguagua 0624:< Patarknight> Chihuahua 0624:< splishtastic> chihuahua 0624:< hashtag_pickles> chihuahua 0624:< grink> i fucking hate chihuahuas 0624:< Patarknight> He just copies me 0624:< awfullotofocelots> xoloitschuli 0624:< npinsker> The answer was chihuahua! Correct users: rbasov (106), RunningWarrior (19), mharrizone (76), Patarknight (508), FNCxPro (139), splishta... 0624:< mharrizone> Anyone else gotta go "chee-hoo-ah-hoo-ah" to remember how to spell it? 0624:< hashtag_pickles> He wants to touch you in ways you've never been touched before 0624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music // This gypsy swing guitarist nearIy had his Ieft hand destroyed by fire as a chiId? 0624:< grink> cher 0624:< rbasov> jimmy hendrix 0624:< hashtag_pickles> santana 0624:< awfullotofocelots> Django Reinhardt 0624:< FeebleOldMan> right hand pete 0625:< AndyD418> django reinhardt 0625:< npinsker> The answer was Django Reinhardt! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (483), AndyD418 (33) 0625:< rbasov> kurt kobain 0625:< RunningWarrior> that kid from swing kids 0625:< awfullotofocelots> excellent musician 0625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || To which team did MarIboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season? 0625:< rbasov> wait...that was his head...and from a shotgun 0625:< rbasov> Mclaren 0625:< RunningWarrior> wut 0625:< FeebleOldMan> ferrari 0625:< AndyD418> mclaren 0625:< FeebleOldMan> mclaren 0625:< grink> smart car 0625:< mharrizone> camel 0625:< hashtag_pickles> pickle farms inc. 0625:< npinsker> The answer was Mclaren! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0625:< rbasov> fix that shit npinkser 0625:< AndyD418> really 0626:< RunningWarrior> lol 0626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This aIkaIoid extracted from chincona bark, ______ is commonIy used in maIaria therapy? 0626:< hashtag_pickles> It excites me sexually when npinsker ignores answers 0626:< Patarknight> quinine 0626:< Lowbacca1977> quinine --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 06:26:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 06:31:26 2016 0631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy // The fourth pIanet from the sun is ____? 0631:< grink> mars 0631:< hashtag_pickles> mars 0631:< awfullotofocelots> mars 0631:< Patarknight> venus 0631:< RunningWarrior> mars 0631:< mharrizone> mars 0631:< vox35> Mars 0631:< splishtastic> mars 0631:< RunningWarrior> xenu 0631:< grink> desu 0631:< npinsker> The answer was Mars! Correct users: grink (83), hashtag_pickles (87), awfullotofocelots (494), RunningWarrior (26), mharrizone (83), vo... 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport // This traditionaI Japanese wrestIing sport takes pIace in a circuIar ring. 0632:< Patarknight> sumo 0632:< hashtag_pickles> sumo 0632:< awfullotofocelots> sumo 0632:< RunningWarrior> sumo 0632:< grink> sumo 0632:< mharrizone> sumo 0632:< vox35> Sumo 0632:< splishtastic> sumo wrestling 0632:< hashtag_pickles> sumo wrestling 0632:< AndyD418> greek oil wresting 0632:< mharrizone> sumo wrasstlin 0632:< RunningWarrior> sumo wrestling 0632:< 3xist3nc3> Fat wars 0632:< grink> tentacle porn 0632:< npinsker> The answer was sumo! Correct users: Patarknight (521), FNCxPro (148), hashtag_pickles (89), awfullotofocelots (495), RunningWarrior (26... 0632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics // The space occupied by a body is caIIed its ______. 0632:< awfullotofocelots> area 0632:< Patarknight> volume 0632:< awfullotofocelots> volume 0632:< mharrizone> volume 0632:< grink> me and your momn 0632:< splishtastic> volume 0632:< vox35> volume 0632:< hashtag_pickles> volume 0633:< grink> calculus 0633:< AndyD418> volume 0633:< mharrizone> bubble 0633:< RunningWarrior> her vagina 0633:< npinsker> The answer was volume! Correct users: Patarknight (525), awfullotofocelots (498), mharrizone (85), splishtastic (29), vox35 (10), hasht... 0633:< grink> bobble 0633:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0633:< grink> huh 0633:< awfullotofocelots> did it reset? 0633:< hashtag_pickles> what 0633:< AndyD418> no 0634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews? 0634:< Patarknight> :o 0634:< mharrizone> huey duey louis 0634:< awfullotofocelots> Heuey Dewey and Louie 0634:< vox35> Huey Duey and Louie 0634:< RunningWarrior> huey dewy and louie 0634:< AndyD418> huey dewey and louey 0634:< hashtag_pickles> huey dewey and louie 0634:< grink> patrcik bateman 0634:< praisethefloyd> dewie louie huey 0634:< mharrizone> huey dewey louie 0634:< npinsker> The answer was Huey Dewey and Louey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0634:< awfullotofocelots> Huey Dewey Louie 0634:< RunningWarrior> huey Dewey and louie 0634:< vox35> FUCK! 0634:< awfullotofocelots> fucking sp 0634:< mharrizone> NOPENOPENOPE 0634:< npinsker> yeah i'm here now 0634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Volta is the largest river in which country? 0634:< aspbergerinparadise> ghana 0634:< grink> mars 0634:< Patarknight> burkina faso 0634:< mharrizone> italy 0634:< awfullotofocelots> Austria 0634:< hashtag_pickles> Italy 0635:< vox35> Italy 0635:< npinsker> The answer was Ghana! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (1602), FNCxPro (666) 0635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______. 0635:< aspbergerinparadise> benign 0635:< mharrizone> benign 0635:< hashtag_pickles> benign 0635:< vox35> Benign 0635:< awfullotofocelots> benign 0635:< RunningWarrior> malignent tumor 0635:< grink> asshole 0635:< mharrizone> Or about a be-10 0635:< AndyD418> carcenoma 0635:< RunningWarrior> anomoly 0635:< 3xist3nc3> Benign 0635:< npinsker> The answer was benign! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (1606), mharrizone (228), hashtag_pickles (2), vox35 (1), awfullotofocelots (... 0635:< RunningWarrior> melonomia 0635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is podobromhidrosis? 0635:< mharrizone> lolwut? Old score set, I got 228 0635:< RunningWarrior> bronies 0636:< hashtag_pickles> :( 0636:< grink> charlie the unicorn 0636:< 3xist3nc3> mah lil poneh 0636:< AndyD418> pedobear 0636:< mharrizone> hemmorhoids 0636:< npinsker> The answer was Smelly feet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0636:< RunningWarrior> pedo bronies 0636:< 3xist3nc3> hydrated pedo bros 0636:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0636:< npinsker> okay i'm around now -- i banned FNC and i can make changes 0636:< mharrizone> noice, npinsker 0636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || He was the father of Zeus 0636:< 3xist3nc3> #MakeTriviaGreatAgain 0636:< awfullotofocelots> Cronus 0636:< AndyD418> chronos 0636:< Patarknight> Cronus 0636:< mharrizone> cronuts 0636:< awfullotofocelots> spelled wrong in the file 0637:< AndyD418> yum 0637:< RunningWarrior> cronuts 0637:< vox35> Chromos 0637:< grink> Apophis 0637:< awfullotofocelots> should be Kronos or Chronos 0637:< npinsker> The answer was Cronus! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (4), Patarknight (1366) 0637:< grink> kronuts 0637:< Patarknight> No, Cronus is an acceptable spelling 0637:< awfullotofocelots> Im fuckin reset? 0637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ________. 0637:< awfullotofocelots> I was at 496 0637:< AndyD418> no, youre an acceptable spelling 0637:< grink> hydropnics 0637:< mharrizone> hydroponics 0637:< Patarknight> aquaculture 0637:< vox35> Hydroponics 0637:< RunningWarrior> hydroponic 0637:< grink> weed 0637:< RunningWarrior> you stoners 0637:< awfullotofocelots> damnit 0637:< AndyD418> whore-ticulture 0637:< npinsker> The answer was hydroponics! Correct users: mharrizone (232), vox35 (4) 0638:< awfullotofocelots> that's lame my counter reset but noone else did 0638:< 3xist3nc3> Hydro-ponies 0638:< hashtag_pickles> No a lot of them reset 0638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is cytology the study of? 0638:< 3xist3nc3> Cysts 0638:< grink> cells 0638:< AndyD418> time 0638:< Patarknight> npinsker, maybe clear the scores of known botters? 0638:< grink> cysts 0638:< awfullotofocelots> cells 0638:< mharrizone> cell structure 0638:< Patarknight> cells 0638:< vox35> cells 0638:< npinsker> i banned them, so they shouldn't appear 0638:< mharrizone> the structure of cells 0638:< hashtag_pickles> CElls 0638:< npinsker> The answer was The Structure of Cells! Correct users: mharrizone (236) 0638:< mharrizone> lawl 0638:< grink> oh bullshit 0638:< RunningWarrior> dont ever trivia me or my son again 0638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the most mountainous country in Europe? 0639:< 3xist3nc3> Switzerland 0639:< Patarknight> switzerland 0639:< awfullotofocelots> Switzerland 0639:< mharrizone> switzerland 0639:< grink> italy 0639:< hashtag_pickles> switzerland 0639:< RunningWarrior> italy 0639:< AndyD418> france 0639:< vox35> Russia 0639:< grink> jpan 0639:< awfullotofocelots> now with 95% more mountains 0639:< awfullotofocelots> Schwyz 0639:< hashtag_pickles> napaj 0639:< npinsker> The answer was Switzerland! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1453), Patarknight (1369), awfullotofocelots (6), mharrizone (237), hashtag_pickl... 0639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the official language of Senegal? 0639:< vox35> French 0639:< AndyD418> senegalise 0639:< mharrizone> english 0639:< awfullotofocelots> English 0639:< 3xist3nc3> French 0639:< RunningWarrior> english 0639:< grink> english do you speak it 0639:< RunningWarrior> french 0639:< hashtag_pickles> English 0639:< AndyD418> clicks 0639:< mharrizone> french 0640:< hashtag_pickles> Portuguese 0640:< awfullotofocelots> Dutch 0640:< grink> canadian 0640:< npinsker> The answer was French! Correct users: vox35 (8), 3xist3nc3 (1456), RunningWarrior (2), mharrizone (238) 0640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil? 0640:< mharrizone> permafrost 0640:< aspbergerinparadise> permafrost 0640:< 3xist3nc3> Permafrost 0640:< grink> permifrost 0640:< AndyD418> permasoil 0640:< awfullotofocelots> permafrost 0640:< RunningWarrior> subway 0640:< hashtag_pickles> PERMAFROST 0640:< vox35> permafrost 0640:< Fireheart0011> permafrody 0640:< grink> fuck spelling 0640:< RunningWarrior> permanantfrost 0640:< npinsker> The answer was permafrost! Correct users: mharrizone (242), aspbergerinparadise (1609), 3xist3nc3 (1458), awfullotofocelots (7), hashta... 0640:< mharrizone> lol, permafrody 0640:< Fireheart0011> fuck 0641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Which is the shortest book in the Harry Potter series by number of pages? 0641:< AndyD418> 100 0641:< mharrizone> the chamber of secrets 0641:< RunningWarrior> the chamber of secrets 0641:< awfullotofocelots> Socerer's Stone 0641:< 3xist3nc3> The Chamber of Secrets 0641:< vox35> Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 0641:< RunningWarrior> the philosophers stone 0641:< AndyD418> hairy butthole pussy potter 0641:< awfullotofocelots> The Philosopher's Stone 0641:< hashtag_pickles> Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix 0641:< npinsker> The answer was The Philosopher's Stone! Correct users: vox35 (12) 0641:< 3xist3nc3> The Philosopher's Stone 0641:< mharrizone> SUck my hairy pooter 0641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the actor who played the leading role in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". 0641:< awfullotofocelots> asskcrack 0641:< 3xist3nc3> Clint Eastwood 0641:< aspbergerinparadise> clint eastwood 0641:< RunningWarrior> clint 0642:< hashtag_pickles> Clint Eastwood 0642:< awfullotofocelots> Eastwood 0642:< mharrizone> clint eastwood 0642:< grink> cunt wood 0642:< vox35> Clint Eastwood 0642:< RunningWarrior> cunt eastwood 0642:< hashtag_pickles> 's bangable son 0642:< npinsker> The answer was Clint Eastwood! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1462), aspbergerinparadise (1612), hashtag_pickles (4), awfullotofocelots (8),... 0642:< RunningWarrior> kanye westwood 0642:< grink> NJ 0642:< AndyD418> by northwest 0642:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3413), hellapanda (1777), aspbergerinparadise (1612), 3xist3nc3 (1462), Patarknight (1369), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 0642:< grink> huh 0642:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 0642:< hashtag_pickles> 9 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< grink> 4 0643:< mharrizone> 4 0643:< 3xist3nc3> 146 0643:< RunningWarrior> 1000 0643:< mharrizone> 42 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< hellapanda> 666 rip 0643:< mharrizone> 48 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< npinsker> The answer was 146! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1466) 0643:< 3xist3nc3> welcome back panda, once again... 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< RunningWarrior> that score 0643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What Marlon Brando film was widely banned? 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< hellapanda> can't sleep 0643:< grink> porn\ 0643:< mharrizone> apocalypse now 0643:< RunningWarrior> apocolypse now 0643:< Fireheart0011> water world 0643:< vox35> Last tango in paris 0643:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0643:< 3xist3nc3> Last Tango in Pris 0643:< grink> clowns will eat me 0643:< RunningWarrior> apocalypse now 0643:< mharrizone> apocolypse now 0643:< hashtag_pickles> last tango in paris 0644:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0644:< hellapanda> wont be playing, on mobile 0644:< npinsker> The answer was Last Tango In Paris! Correct users: vox35 (16), hashtag_pickles (7) 0644:< mharrizone> last apocalypse in paris 0644:< 3xist3nc3> Insomnia? 0644:< RunningWarrior> how to sex a 13 year old 0644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the term, "Hang ten" used? 0644:< hellapanda> stressful week :( 0644:< mharrizone> surfing 0644:< hashtag_pickles> surfing 0644:< grink> surfing 0644:< RunningWarrior> surfing 0644:< mr_mustash> SUrfing 0644:< vox35> surfing 0644:< 3xist3nc3> surfing 0644:< AndyD418> smurfing 0644:< Patarknight> hellapanda's back again? 0644:< grink> winnuking 0644:< hashtag_pickles> Back and ready to mingle 0644:< npinsker> The answer was surfing! Correct users: mharrizone (246), hashtag_pickles (10), grink (45), RunningWarrior (3), mr_mustash (0), vox35 (1... 0644:< grink> wait da fuck 0644:< 3xist3nc3> @hellapanda oh sad 0645:< grink> i was in the 70s 0645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The four characters in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles were searching for the crystals to rescue them from th... 0645:< AndyD418> time 0645:< mharrizone> the...bad guys 0645:< vox35> Wat 0645:< RunningWarrior> zelda 0645:< hellapanda> only got on to check lab results lol. then saw scores changed 0645:< 3xist3nc3> the moogles 0645:< grink> panda stole my points 0645:< npinsker> The answer was Miasma! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0645:< RunningWarrior> chocobos 0645:< AndyD418> oh, duh 0645:< 3xist3nc3> Sucke Maddick Bott 0645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || In which country did the word 'biscuit' originate? 0645:< Patarknight> npinsker should remove the scores of those who botted 0645:< grink> frenchland 0645:< mharrizone> france 0646:< vox35> france 0646:< npinsker> like whom? 0646:< 3xist3nc3> france 0646:< Patarknight> so they don't appear in the high score list 0646:< AndyD418> uk 0646:< grink> france 0646:< mr_mustash> England 0646:< RunningWarrior> italy 0646:< hashtag_pickles> Belguim 0646:< hellapanda> sanzr40 0646:< RunningWarrior> namibia 0646:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: mharrizone (250), vox35 (19), 3xist3nc3 (1468), grink (46) 0646:< hellapanda> sad* 0646:< Patarknight> people you banned: SadZr40, aspergerinparadise, triton11 0646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what river is Liverpool? 0646:< mharrizone> Assburger was banned? 0646:< hellapanda> and fnc now? 0646:< 3xist3nc3> Mersey 0646:< grink> assfarts 0646:< vox35> Mersey 0646:< RunningWarrior> thames 0646:< hashtag_pickles> MErsey 0646:< mharrizone> mersey 0646:< 3xist3nc3> yes @mharrizone 0646:< mr_mustash> mersey 0646:< hashtag_pickles> momomersey 0647:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1472), vox35 (22), hashtag_pickles (12), mharrizone (251), mr_mustash (0) 0647:< RunningWarrior> every river is connected to every river 0647:< Patarknight> yeah npinsker ran some tests and proved he was botting 0647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri? 0647:< RunningWarrior> booze 0647:< AndyD418> lime and rum 0647:< mharrizone> orly! Yeah I thought he was at first, but then he was talking so I just figured he had super assburger knowledge 0647:< 3xist3nc3> RUm and lemon 0647:< hellapanda> lol 0647:< npinsker> i only banned fnc, is there anyone else? 0647:< vox35> ice and rum 0647:< mharrizone> rum and lemon 0647:< mr_mustash> alcohol 0647:< hashtag_pickles> rum and limes 0647:< vox35> or some shit 0647:< npinsker> The answer was rum and lemon! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1476), mharrizone (254) 0647:< hellapanda> none that ive noticed 0647:< hashtag_pickles> You don't tell me how to make a daiquiri you bot son of a bitch 0648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Sudan to the North? 0648:< hellapanda> egypy 0648:< Patarknight> egypt 0648:< 3xist3nc3> edgypt 0648:< AndyD418> congo 0648:< hashtag_pickles> Egypt 0648:< vox35> Egypt 0648:< mharrizone> Nudan 0648:< hellapanda> ah fuck my phobe 0648:< RunningWarrior> libia 0648:< RunningWarrior> libya 0648:< vox35> Labia 0648:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: Patarknight (1373), hashtag_pickles (15), vox35 (24) 0648:< RunningWarrior> dubya 0648:< mharrizone> Libya? I hardly know 'ya! 0648:< RunningWarrior> ayyyyyy 0648:< hellapanda> loool 0648:< dick_sanitizer> lmao 0648:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3413), hellapanda (1777), 3xist3nc3 (1476), Patarknight (1373), tRitone11 (778), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (52... 0648:< dick_sanitizer> sup guys 0649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what is genetics the study? 0649:< 3xist3nc3> welcome back dick_Sanitizer 0649:< hellapanda> heredity 0649:< vox35> genes 0649:< RunningWarrior> genomics 0649:< mharrizone> heredity 0649:< dick_sanitizer> hereditary 0649:< hashtag_pickles> HIGH SCORES: hashtag_pickles (all), you (none) 0649:< 3xist3nc3> Heredity 0649:< dick_sanitizer> heredity 0649:< RunningWarrior> genes 0649:< npinsker> The answer was heredity! Correct users: hellapanda (1781), mharrizone (257), 3xist3nc3 (1478), dick_sanitizer (120) 0649:< vox35> jeans 0649:< AndyD418> mom jeans 0649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is area 51 generally said to be? 0649:< RunningWarrior> nevada 0649:< 3xist3nc3> Nevada 0649:< mharrizone> groom lake 0649:< AndyD418> arizona 0649:< vox35> Nevada 0649:< hellapanda> aliens 0649:< hashtag_pickles> nevada 0649:< dick_sanitizer> alien base 0650:< RunningWarrior> all your base are belong to us 0650:< npinsker> The answer was Groom Lake! Correct users: mharrizone (261) 0650:< mr_mustash> navada 0650:< hashtag_pickles> Oh, okay 0650:< hellapanda> ah 0650:< vox35> Wha? 0650:< RunningWarrior> bride river 0650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pholosophy || Which French Philosopher used a method of systematic doubt to arrive at his famous conclusion "Cogito ergo sum"... 0650:< mharrizone> descartes 0650:< hellapanda> descartes 0650:< mr_mustash> descartes 0650:< mharrizone> renee descartes 0650:< vox35> The fuck is "pholosophy"? 0650:< RunningWarrior> renee descartes 0650:< hashtag_pickles> DescARTes 0650:< AndyD418> Rene 0650:< mharrizone> rené descartes 0650:< hellapanda> loool pholosophy 0650:< npinsker> The answer was Rene Descartes! Correct users: mharrizone (265), hellapanda (1784), mr_mustash (2), RunningWarrior (4), hashtag_pickles ... 0651:< RunningWarrior> more like deFART! amirite?!! 0651:< hellapanda> no. 0651:< dick_sanitizer> you are correct 0651:< RunningWarrior> ok 0651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Growing up in the rain forests of Brazil after a plane he was flying on crashed when he was an infant, this St... 0651:< 3xist3nc3> descartes over the whores 0651:< hellapanda> LOL <3 0651:< mr_mustash> tarzan 0651:< vox35> Descartes 0651:< mharrizone> Well fuck you too bot 0651:< 3xist3nc3> AND THEN WHAT HAPPENED? 0651:< dick_sanitizer> peter 0651:< dick_sanitizer> tarzan 0651:< RunningWarrior> this strong dick 0651:< hashtag_pickles> Mogili 0651:< npinsker> The answer was Blanka! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0651:< hellapanda> Npinsker, i thought you got rid of long q's? 0651:< vox35> I drew a blanka 0651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Nigeria? 0651:< dick_sanitizer> lololol 0652:< mharrizone> niger 0652:< RunningWarrior> nigeria 0652:< hashtag_pickles> N 0652:< dick_sanitizer> niggerarea 0652:< BrownMario> lagos 0652:< 3xist3nc3> Abinja 0652:< npinsker> well i didn't transfer the bot home actually since the github repo is public 0652:< RunningWarrior> ajerbijan 0652:< vox35> Placename 0652:< AndyD418> abuja 0652:< hellapanda> ahh 0652:< npinsker> The answer was Abuja! Correct users: AndyD418 (89) 0652:< mharrizone> abuja 0652:< RunningWarrior> abuja 0652:< npinsker> its not too hard though i can do it again 0652:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who won the 1982 soccer world cup? 0652:< RunningWarrior> usa 0652:< BrownMario> germany 0652:< AndyD418> italy 0652:< hellapanda> italy 0652:< vox35> I did 0652:< dick_sanitizer> england 0652:< RunningWarrior> russia 0652:< mharrizone> germany 0652:< hashtag_pickles> Brazil 0652:< BrownMario> italy 0652:< hellapanda> its nbd, was just wondering :) 0653:< RunningWarrior> portugal 0653:< mharrizone> south africa 0653:< dick_sanitizer> brazil 0653:< 3xist3nc3> italy 0653:< hashtag_pickles> Italy 0653:< RunningWarrior> canada 0653:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: AndyD418 (93), hellapanda (1787), BrownMario (361), 3xist3nc3 (1479), hashtag_pickles (15) 0653:< dick_sanitizer> BAFANNA BAFANNA 0653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Lake Maracaibo? 0653:< 3xist3nc3> venezuela 0653:< AndyD418> venezuela 0653:< RunningWarrior> chile 0653:< hellapanda> venezuela 0653:< dick_sanitizer> venezuela 0653:< vox35> Venezuela 0653:< hashtag_pickles> Venezuela 0653:< mharrizone> south america 0653:< RunningWarrior> venzuela 0653:< dick_sanitizer> earth 0653:< hashtag_pickles> West Philadelphia 0653:< npinsker> The answer was Venezuela! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1483), AndyD418 (96), hellapanda (1789), dick_sanitizer (121), vox35 (24), hashtag_... 0653:< dick_sanitizer> the milkyway galaxy 0653:< mharrizone> I heard it's the 2nd largest 0654:< vox35> Earth IS technically correct... 0654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is a moose also known? 0654:< mr_mustash> Karaboo 0654:< hellapanda> albugion??? 0654:< RunningWarrior> meese 0654:< vox35> John 0654:< dick_sanitizer> caraboo 0654:< hashtag_pickles> Cariboo 0654:< mharrizone> caribou 0654:< mr_mustash> Caribou 0654:< hellapanda> something patar said was racist 0654:< hashtag_pickles> Caribou 0654:< RunningWarrior> caribou 0654:< AndyD418> caribou 0654:< mharrizone> elk 0654:< dick_sanitizer> caribou 0654:< npinsker> The answer was algonquin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0654:< hellapanda> meh 0654:< mharrizone> Canadian muskrat 0654:< hashtag_pickles> Whhhhhhha 0654:< dick_sanitizer> whaat 0654:< RunningWarrior> duh idiots 0654:< mr_mustash> So bad at trivia :( 0654:< AndyD418> isnt' that in GTA $ 0654:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3413), hellapanda (1789), 3xist3nc3 (1483), Patarknight (1373), tRitone11 (778), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (52... 0655:< dick_sanitizer> sadzr?? 0655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who kills Voldemort? 0655:< RunningWarrior> harry potter 0655:< mharrizone> harry potter 0655:< dick_sanitizer> harry potter 0655:< 3xist3nc3> Harry Potter 0655:< hellapanda> neville 0655:< AndyD418> himself 0655:< RunningWarrior> dumbledore 0655:< hashtag_pickles> That one who got hot 0655:< mharrizone> NO FUCKIN SPOILERS 0655:< vox35> Voldemort 0655:< mr_mustash> Nevil 0655:< RunningWarrior> god 0655:< hashtag_pickles> neville longbottom 0655:< mr_mustash> neville 0655:< npinsker> The answer was Harry Potter! Correct users: RunningWarrior (8), mharrizone (268), dick_sanitizer (123), 3xist3nc3 (1484) 0655:< kmcgurty1> SPOILERSSSSSS 0655:< hellapanda> lol 0655:< vox35> No it's not 0655:< RunningWarrior> kylo ren 0655:< mr_mustash> Uuuhhhhhhhhhh 0655:< dick_sanitizer> neville kills nagini, the last horcrux (aside from harry) 0655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which is the only position in soccer allowed to handle the ball? 0656:< mharrizone> goalie 0656:< hashtag_pickles> goalie 0656:< RunningWarrior> goalie 0656:< hellapanda> goalie 0656:< dick_sanitizer> goalie 0656:< 3xist3nc3> Goalie 0656:< AndyD418> ball boy 0656:< vox35> keeper 0656:< RunningWarrior> keeper 0656:< dick_sanitizer> soccer 0656:< mharrizone> goal keeper 0656:< AndyD418> seker 0656:< hashtag_pickles> IT WAS NEVILLE, I SAW THE MOVIE, I KNOW WHAT I SAW. 0656:< RunningWarrior> ball holder 0656:< mharrizone> goal tender 0656:< npinsker> The answer was goalkeeper! Correct users: mharrizone (272), hashtag_pickles (18), RunningWarrior (10), hellapanda (1790), dick_sanitize... 0656:< vox35> fark 0656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving? 0656:< aspbergerinparadise> michael jackson 0656:< dick_sanitizer> lots of games have keepers, ie netball 0656:< hellapanda> mj 0656:< mharrizone> ASSBURGER 0657:< vox35> Me 0657:< hashtag_pickles> john mellancamp 0657:< AndyD418> no doubt 0657:< dick_sanitizer> micheal jackson 0657:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Jackson! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0657:< RunningWarrior> adam levine 0657:< dick_sanitizer> god damn 0657:< hellapanda> beat it? 0657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Sartre, Camus and de Beauvoir all belonged to a movement known as ---- 0657:< hashtag_pickles> how can MJ allow anything if he's dead? 0657:< dick_sanitizer> anarchy 0657:< RunningWarrior> existenialism 0657:< vox35> Existentialism 0657:< mharrizone> calvinism 0657:< dick_sanitizer> existentialism 0657:< AndyD418> ride or die 0657:< npinsker> The answer was Existentialism! Correct users: vox35 (28), dick_sanitizer (126) 0657:< hashtag_pickles> total eclipse of the heart 0657:< RunningWarrior> existentialism 0658:< vox35> hard to spellism 0658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Hanna-Barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for MGM? 0658:< aspbergerinparadise> tom and jerry 0658:< mharrizone> fred and barney rubble 0658:< hashtag_pickles> tom and jerry 0658:< RunningWarrior> tom and jerry 0658:< dick_sanitizer> tom and jerry 0658:< vox35> Yogi Bear and Booboo 0658:< RunningWarrior> itchy and scratchy 0658:< dick_sanitizer> bugs bunny and daffy duck 0658:< AndyD418> yogi and booboo 0658:< hashtag_pickles> Rocky and Bullwinkle 0658:< npinsker> The answer was Tom and Jerry! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (22), RunningWarrior (13), dick_sanitizer (128) 0658:< dick_sanitizer> noice 0658:< AndyD418> tom foolery 0658:< mharrizone> thomas and jeremiah 0659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Was Sherlock Holmes' 7% solution in 'The Sign of Four'? 0659:< RunningWarrior> jerome 0659:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0659:< vox35> Acid 0659:< hashtag_pickles> Girl you know it's true 0659:< dick_sanitizer> alkaline 0659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"? 0659:< aspbergerinparadise> cinderella 0659:< hellapanda> CINDERELLA 0659:< dick_sanitizer> cinderella 0659:< hashtag_pickles> Cinderella 0659:< AndyD418> pocahotass 0659:< RunningWarrior> what is love? 0659:< mayonayz> cinderella 0659:< vox35> Fuck knows 0659:< hashtag_pickles> Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 0659:< dick_sanitizer> poke-a-hot-ass 0659:< hashtag_pickles> Sleeping Beauty 0659:< hashtag_pickles> Aladdin 0700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Irish playwright and author wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "The Picture of Dorian Grey" among ... 0700:< hellapanda> oh 0700:< dick_sanitizer> ??? no answers? 0700:< RunningWarrior> hey wat up 0700:< RunningWarrior> shenenigans!! 0700:< dick_sanitizer> dont like free paly loop :( 0700:< vox35> Free play? Wut? 0700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This cult GBA hit by Hudson Soft had you playing as Joe Osugi, a cop who had the ability to fire throwing star... 0700:< dick_sanitizer> 6:59:01 PM npinsker Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0700:< vox35> What is happening OH MY GOD!!! 0700:< hellapanda> free play is just not contest mode 0701:< dick_sanitizer> :( 0701:< AndyD418> you guys broke it 0701:< hashtag_pickles> Freeplay is for kids who can't handle the pressure of competition 0701:< hellapanda> hes fixing it 0701:< dick_sanitizer> oh lol cool 0701:< kblks> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ <-- automated leaderboard 0701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called ___... 0701:< hellapanda> chemotherapy 0701:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0701:< vox35> toxicology 0701:< hellapanda> dang it lol 0701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns? 0701:< hashtag_pickles> 50 0702:< hashtag_pickles> fifty 0702:< vox35> 23 0702:< RunningWarrior> 18 0702:< RunningWarrior> then their adults 0702:< mharrizone> 100 0702:< Reginald_Venture> Texas 0702:< npinsker> The answer was fifty! Correct users: hashtag_pickles (26) 0702:< hellapanda> 50 0702:< vox35> Ah. 0702:< hellapanda> fff rate limit 0702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Growing up in the rain forests of Brazil after a plane he was flying on crashed when he was an infant, this St... 0702:< bickster69> how long till merge? 0702:< vox35> Blanka 0702:< dick_sanitizer> forever till merge 0702:< hashtag_pickles> Blanka 0702:< AndyD418> blanka 0702:< RunningWarrior> blanka 0702:< hellapanda> lol 0702:< bickster69> lol 0703:< npinsker> The answer was Blanka! Correct users: vox35 (32), hashtag_pickles (29), AndyD418 (98), RunningWarrior (14) 0703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Famicom add-on allowed users to save their own levels in the Japanese version of Excitebike and to copy d... 0703:< RunningWarrior> what happens if we stay? 0703:< hellapanda> oh how we've learned 0703:< dick_sanitizer> we have to wait for there to be a second teir 15, for them to merge so that we can merge with the resulting teir 16 0703:< dick_sanitizer> then we make a teir 17 0703:< mharrizone> game shark 0703:< RunningWarrior> game shark 0703:< npinsker> The answer was Famicom Disc System! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0703:< vox35> Famicom disk 0704:< AndyD418> dick 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The pink hero of this early HAL Laboratory DS game has lost his limbs. As a result, he can only move on an ir... 0704:< 3xist3nc3> Kirby 0704:< mharrizone> kirby 0704:< hellapanda> kirby 0704:< dick_sanitizer> kirby lol 0704:< vox35> Kirby 0704:< hashtag_pickles> Kirby 0704:< dick_sanitizer> questions too long 0704:< RunningWarrior> an ir what?! 0704:< npinsker> The answer was Kirby: Canvas Curse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0704:< hashtag_pickles> I think he's weeding out the long ones but I'm not a doctor 0704:< vox35> You know, an ir 0704:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck you bot 0704:< hellapanda> KAY 0704:< mharrizone> hehue 0704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Wearing sunglasses and a spiked collar, this blue creature is the fastest sprinter in the Mushroom Derby in Su... 0704:< hashtag_pickles> SONIC 0704:< hellapanda> sonic 0704:< mharrizone> sonic the hedgehog 0705:< hellapanda> sonic the hedgehog 0705:< RunningWarrior> mushroom man! 0705:< hashtag_pickles> OH wait no, it's not Sonic 0705:< vox35> Sonic the Hedgehog 0705:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, mharrizone gets it 0705:< dick_sanitizer> sonic the hedgehog 0705:< npinsker> The answer was Boshi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0705:< 3xist3nc3> Sanic 0705:< hellapanda> o 0705:< dick_sanitizer> why 0705:< mharrizone> WHO DAT 0705:< hellapanda> lol 0705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || -isms: This branch of philosophy, characterised by the idea: "The greatest pleasure and happiness for the great... 0705:< RunningWarrior> boshi the anteater 0705:< mharrizone> utilitarianism 0705:< hashtag_pickles> capitalism 0705:< AndyD418> socialism 0705:< RunningWarrior> hedonism 0705:< 3xist3nc3> Epicureanism 0705:< OrangeredStilton> This is a new database, I see 0705:< dick_sanitizer> hedonism 0705:< hellapanda> fuckingism 0705:< 3xist3nc3> Utilitarianism 0705:< vox35> utilitarianism 0705:< RunningWarrior> utilitarianism 0706:< npinsker> The answer was Utilitarianism! Correct users: mharrizone (276), 3xist3nc3 (1487), vox35 (34), RunningWarrior (15) 0706:< dick_sanitizer> utalitarianism 0706:< mharrizone> look at you slow fuckin googlers 0706:< AndyD418> googol 0706:< 3xist3nc3> I ain't googling shit 0706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the man convicted of masterminding the 1969 LaBianca-Tate murders, later to become known as the Helter Ske... 0706:< dick_sanitizer> slow typing no time to google :( 0706:< hellapanda> lters 0706:< mharrizone> charles manson 0706:< RunningWarrior> marilyn manson 0706:< hashtag_pickles> charles manson 0706:< vox35> Charles Manson 0706:< 3xist3nc3> Manson 0706:< dick_sanitizer> manson 0706:< RunningWarrior> marilyn monroe 0706:< AndyD418> marilyn manson 0706:< hashtag_pickles> doctor marvin monroe 0706:< RunningWarrior> ha it took my answer 0707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || "The Sun Is In Your Hands" in this Hideo Kojima game for the GBA that included a solar panel requiring you to ... 0707:< RunningWarrior> charge 0707:< AndyD418> sun and moon 0707:< hellapanda> press buttons 0707:< dick_sanitizer> charge 0707:< hashtag_pickles> move 0707:< 3xist3nc3> press buttons 0707:< dick_sanitizer> move 0707:< mharrizone> pokymans 0707:< vox35> fuck yourself 0707:< RunningWarrior> play in the light 0707:< npinsker> The answer was Boktai! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0707:< 3xist3nc3> Wat 0707:< dick_sanitizer> go outside 0707:< hellapanda> lol 0707:< mharrizone> They're asking for the game name brahs 0707:< RunningWarrior> lmao wut 0707:< dick_sanitizer> oh i got this one before, it was fuckin weird 0707:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3413), hellapanda (1790), 3xist3nc3 (1487), Patarknight (1373), tRitone11 (778), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (52... 0707:< dick_sanitizer> as seen above 0708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Catchable only in the Safari Zone in Red and Blue, this brown bug Pokemon has two spiked horns and teeth perpe... 0708:< hashtag_pickles> Oh the Alien Blue free gold just went out if you were getting that. I've got gold now bitches 0708:< kblks> missingno 0708:< hellapanda> WEEDLE 0708:< mharrizone> charizard 0708:< dick_sanitizer> rydon 0708:< RunningWarrior> weedle 0708:< kblks> lmao pokemon is shit 0708:< mharrizone> charmander 0708:< dick_sanitizer> rhydon 0708:< Patarknight> pinsir 0708:< vox35> ? 0708:< RunningWarrior> rydon 0708:< npinsker> The answer was Pinsir! Correct users: Patarknight (1377) 0708:< mharrizone> charkachu 0708:< dick_sanitizer> lol youre shit 0708:< hellapanda> damn its pinsir 0708:< 3xist3nc3> Le weed 0708:< RunningWarrior> rhydon 0708:< Patarknight> come on 0708:< hellapanda> whooopz 0708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || In what he called his "Copernican Revolution" this German philosopher proposed that the mind imposes space time... 0709:< mharrizone> fuck that sounds deep 0709:< dick_sanitizer> Kant 0709:< vox35> Hegel 0709:< RunningWarrior> kant 0709:< AndyD418> i kant 0709:< 3xist3nc3> Kant Hegel 0709:< dick_sanitizer> 3deep5me 0709:< RunningWarrior> kant what? 0709:< npinsker> The answer was Immanuel Kant! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (132), RunningWarrior (21), AndyD418 (100) 0709:< hellapanda> wahhh are you purposely trolling us w long q's 0709:< vox35> I kant ever get that shit right 0709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: dont say it || At funerals in ancient China, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward incase... 0709:< dick_sanitizer> i just chose him cause i knew he was german and his name sounds liek cunt.... 0709:< hellapanda> shadow 0709:< RunningWarrior> it exploded 0709:< 3xist3nc3> It fell 0709:< mharrizone> sneeze 0709:< vox35> A spooky skeleton appeared 0709:< mharrizone> doot doot 0709:< RunningWarrior> thnk skeltal 0709:< npinsker> The answer was shadow! Correct users: hellapanda (1794) 0709:< dick_sanitizer> the dead rose 0709:< 3xist3nc3> thank mr skelta 0710:< dick_sanitizer> shadow??????? 0710:< 3xist3nc3> mr skeltal 0710:< RunningWarrior> good calcium and trivia 0710:< dick_sanitizer> doot doot 0710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Final Fantasy class combines the abilities of Black and White mages, and also had some of the combat trai... 0710:< RunningWarrior> red mage 0710:< vox35> Red Mage 0710:< lycan_nick> Red mage 0710:< hellapanda> in case your shafow geys trapped 0710:< dick_sanitizer> red mage 0710:< mharrizone> grey mage 0710:< AndyD418> red mage 0710:< hellapanda> lol phone 0710:< RunningWarrior> dont ever spook to me or my skeltal again 0710:< npinsker> The answer was Red Mage! Correct users: RunningWarrior (25), vox35 (38), lycan_nick (4), dick_sanitizer (133), AndyD418 (100) 0710:< 3xist3nc3> Red mage 0710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Although he also battles demons and aliens, this Acclaim character is probably best known for hunting Dinosaur... 0711:< RunningWarrior> turok 0711:< Patarknight> Turok 0711:< 3xist3nc3> Turok 0711:< dick_sanitizer> turok 0711:< mharrizone> who hunt dinosaur? 0711:< vox35> Yer mom 0711:< AndyD418> boshi 0711:< mharrizone> blanka 0711:< dick_sanitizer> hunting Dinosaur.... poop 0711:< npinsker> The answer was Turok! Correct users: RunningWarrior (29), Patarknight (1380), 3xist3nc3 (1489), dick_sanitizer (134) 0711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Norse myth, there were two separate races of gods: the Aesir gods which included Odin and Thor, and the ____ ... 0711:< mharrizone> other ones 0711:< RunningWarrior> other guys 0711:< hellapanda> looool 0711:< Patarknight> Vanir 0712:< dick_sanitizer> vanir 0712:< mharrizone> vader 0712:< AndyD418> loki 0712:< npinsker> The answer was vanir! Correct users: Patarknight (1384), dick_sanitizer (137) 0712:< vox35> Sheep fuckers 0712:< hellapanda> vanir 0712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What 19th century war between Russia and England, Turkey, Britain and France, was named after a peninsula in the B... 0712:< Patarknight> Crimean War 0712:< mharrizone> crimean war 0712:< hellapanda> crimeam 0712:< vox35> Crimean War 0712:< hellapanda> crimean 0712:< RunningWarrior> russian war 0712:< dick_sanitizer> crimean 0712:< mharrizone> ALSO WHERE FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE DID HER THING 0712:< RunningWarrior> is russian now 0712:< npinsker> The answer was Crimean War! Correct users: Patarknight (1388), mharrizone (283), vox35 (40), hellapanda (1795), dick_sanitizer (137) 0713:< dick_sanitizer> crime cream 0713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This country is divided into two parts: Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo, and a peninsula north of Sing... 0713:< Patarknight> Malaysia 0713:< 3xist3nc3> Indonesia 0713:< mharrizone> crete 0713:< dick_sanitizer> malaysia 0713:< AndyD418> malaysia 0713:< 3xist3nc3> Malaysia 0713:< hellapanda> malaysia 0713:< vox35> New Guinea 0713:< mharrizone> mayonaisia 0713:< AndyD418> timor 0713:< RunningWarrior> rip malaysian airliner 0713:< npinsker> The answer was Malaysia! Correct users: Patarknight (1392), dick_sanitizer (140), AndyD418 (102), 3xist3nc3 (1490), hellapanda (1795) 0713:< dick_sanitizer> malaysia truly aasiiiaaa ~~~ 0713:< dick_sanitizer> does anyone else have that ad 0713:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3413), hellapanda (1795), 3xist3nc3 (1490), Patarknight (1392), tRitone11 (778), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (52... 0714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || The atomic weights in the periodic table are stated in proportion to the weight of what element, with atomic num... 0714:< dick_sanitizer> hydrogen 0714:< mharrizone> hydrogen 0714:< Patarknight> carbon 0714:< 3xist3nc3> Carbon 0714:< vox35> hydrogen 0714:< hellapanda> carbon 0714:< RunningWarrior> hydrogen 0714:< dick_sanitizer> carbon 14 0714:< hellapanda> 6 0714:< mharrizone> elementium 0714:< npinsker> The answer was carbon! Correct users: Patarknight (1396), 3xist3nc3 (1493), hellapanda (1797) 0714:< vox35> pudding 0714:< dick_sanitizer> carbon 12 0714:< AndyD418> cabron 0714:< RunningWarrior> lebronium 0714:< dick_sanitizer> m8 0714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || Described as "the world's first virtual newscaster," what green-haired character gave her first webcast on Apr... 0715:< hellapanda> wut 0715:< AndyD418> buzzfeed 0715:< vox35> Bill Gates 0715:< dick_sanitizer> kermit 0715:< RunningWarrior> terry gross 0715:< npinsker> The answer was Ananova! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0715:< dick_sanitizer> wut 0715:< vox35> Mr.s Billina Gates 0715:< hellapanda> who dat 0715:< npinsker> wtf why didn't anyone tell me it posts ONLY long questions 0715:< dick_sanitizer> we diiiidddd 0715:< hellapanda> ..... we did LOOOOL 0715:< RunningWarrior> this guy... 0715:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 0715:< mharrizone> npinsker lol we thought you were debuggering it or something 0715:< dick_sanitizer> we thought you were trolling us lol 0715:< hellapanda> hahaha 0715:< npinsker> bleh i'm sorry 0716:< dick_sanitizer> lololololol 0716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be? 0716:< mharrizone> malignant 0716:< RunningWarrior> cancer 0716:< dick_sanitizer> all good brah 0716:< hellapanda> malignant 0716:< AndyD418> malignant 0716:< vox35> Malignant 0716:< dick_sanitizer> malignant 0716:< 3xist3nc3> evil 0716:< AndyD418> bad 0716:< npinsker> The answer was malignant! Correct users: mharrizone (287), hellapanda (1800), AndyD418 (104), vox35 (41), dick_sanitizer (140) 0716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || After who was Deana Carter named? 0716:< Patarknight> James Dean 0716:< hellapanda> dean martin 0716:< mharrizone> dean martin 0717:< dick_sanitizer> dean martin 0717:< AndyD418> wonder woman 0717:< vox35> Jiimmy Dean sausages 0717:< npinsker> The answer was Dean Martin! Correct users: hellapanda (1804), mharrizone (290), dick_sanitizer (142) 0717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What is this sign called "&"? 0717:< Patarknight> ampersand 0717:< dick_sanitizer> and 0717:< hellapanda> ampersand 0717:< AndyD418> ampersing 0717:< mharrizone> ampersand 0717:< vox35> Ampersand 0717:< dick_sanitizer> ampersand 0717:< vox35> Or "&" 0717:< AndyD418> hampsterand 0717:< dick_sanitizer> oops lol 0717:< npinsker> The answer was ampersand! Correct users: Patarknight (1400), hellapanda (1807), mharrizone (292), vox35 (42), dick_sanitizer (142) 0718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || 2.7182 is the approximation for which variable used in logarithms? 0718:< Patarknight> e 0718:< hellapanda> e 0718:< dick_sanitizer> e 0718:< RunningWarrior> The answer of course, as I see it (though i admit I may be wrong) is the most logical and thoughtful choice of "e". 0718:< mharrizone> e 0718:< AndyD418> log e 0718:< mharrizone> natural log 0718:< vox35> f 0718:< npinsker> The answer was e! Correct users: dashed (6), thebomb4224 (3), Patarknight (1402), hellapanda (1808), dick_sanitizer (142), mharrizone (... 0718:< dick_sanitizer> arhenious equation bitches 0719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who were Achilles' parents? 0719:< Patarknight> Peleus and Thetis 0719:< mharrizone> the shins 0719:< dick_sanitizer> zues and hera 0719:< AndyD418> hercules and hera 0719:< hellapanda> thetis and peleus 0719:< vox35> Some greek fuckers 0719:< npinsker> The answer was Peleus and Thetis! Correct users: Patarknight (1406), hellapanda (1811) 0719:< hellapanda> lololol 0719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the slowest moving land mammal. 0719:< dick_sanitizer> sloth 0719:< vox35> Loris 0719:< AndyD418> sloth 0719:< hellapanda> dloth 0719:< RunningWarrior> The answer of course, as I see it (though i admit I may be wrong) is the most logical and thoughtful choice of sloth'. 0719:< mharrizone> beached whale 0720:< mharrizone> aka YO MOMMA 0720:< RunningWarrior> hairy snail 0720:< npinsker> The answer was sloth! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (146), AndyD418 (107) 0720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's largest sea? 0720:< RunningWarrior> red 0720:< Patarknight> Caspian Sea 0720:< vox35> Caspian 0720:< AndyD418> caspian 0720:< RunningWarrior> caspian 0720:< hellapanda> caspian 0720:< mharrizone> lake baikal 0720:< npinsker> The answer was Mediterranean! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0721:< hellapanda> o 0721:< vox35> The fuck? 0721:< dick_sanitizer> lololol 0721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Royalty || Who is the Prince of Wales? 0721:< RunningWarrior> ke 0721:< mharrizone> charles 0721:< RunningWarrior> kekharry 0721:< hellapanda> charles 0721:< AndyD418> charles of wales 0721:< dick_sanitizer> charles 0721:< vox35> Prince Charles 0721:< AndyD418> prince charles 0721:< dick_sanitizer> charlie 0721:< RunningWarrior> kuk charles of kukington 0721:< npinsker> The answer was Prince Charles! Correct users: vox35 (46), AndyD418 (110) 0721:< RunningWarrior> in kukingham palace 0721:< dick_sanitizer> blah 0722:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1811), 3xist3nc3 (1493), Patarknight (1406), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus_goldmund (517), Fee... 0722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The distance around the outside of a circle is its ____________. 0722:< FeebleOldMan> circumference 0722:< RunningWarrior> 2 pi 0722:< dick_sanitizer> circumference 0722:< mharrizone> circumference 0722:< hellapanda> circumference 0722:< Patarknight> circumference 0722:< vox35> circumference 0722:< mharrizone> Sir Cum France 0722:< dick_sanitizer> who wast the roundest knight at the round table 0722:< npinsker> The answer was circumference! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (480), dick_sanitizer (149), mharrizone (294), hellapanda (1812), Patarknight... 0722:< dick_sanitizer> Sir cumference --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:22:56 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:24:32 2016 0724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of Bromine? 0724:< hellapanda> 13 0724:< enormouspenis69> 35 0724:< mharrizone> 69 bro 0724:< RunningWarrior> 69 0724:< 3xist3nc3> Bro famine 0724:< FeebleOldMan> 35 0724:< dick_sanitizer> 35 0724:< enormouspenis69> 14 0724:< vox35> 33 0724:< AndyD418> my little bromine 0724:< 3xist3nc3> 4 0724:< mharrizone> RunningWarrior lol bro 0725:< npinsker> The answer was thirty five! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (8), FeebleOldMan (483), dick_sanitizer (151) 0725:< enormouspenis69> 5 0725:< RunningWarrior> ayyyy 0725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What is the name of Jaleel White's character in the tv series 'Family ties'? 0725:< RunningWarrior> urkel 0725:< 3xist3nc3> Steve Urke 0725:< enormouspenis69> idk 0725:< mharrizone> He wasn't in that show! 0725:< hellapanda> urkel 0725:< FeebleOldMan> pierce brosnan 0725:< AndyD418> steven urkle 0725:< dick_sanitizer> urkel 0725:< RunningWarrior> steve urkel 0725:< vox35> Urkel 0725:< FeebleOldMan> walter white 0725:< 3xist3nc3> He wasn't there 0725:< vox35> Urkle? 0725:< 3xist3nc3> Steve Urkel 0725:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Urkel! Correct users: RunningWarrior (33), 3xist3nc3 (1496) 0725:< mharrizone> WRONG SHOW 0725:< 3xist3nc3> it as family matters 0725:< hellapanda> lol 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Which island do the nationalist Chinese occupy? 0726:< AndyD418> same difference strockes 0726:< 3xist3nc3> Taiwan 0726:< FeebleOldMan> taiwan 0726:< mharrizone> taiwan 0726:< RunningWarrior> taiwan 0726:< hellapanda> taiwan 0726:< vox35> Taiwan 0726:< AndyD418> hong kong 0726:< enormouspenis69> Taiwan 0726:< FeebleOldMan> hong kong 0726:< jeuv> taiwan 0726:< enormouspenis69> Republic of China 0726:< FeebleOldMan> wall street 0726:< mharrizone> npinsker previous question - Family Matters, not Family Ties 0726:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1500), FeebleOldMan (486), mharrizone (296), RunningWarrior (34), hellapanda (1812), v... 0726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which sport has a movement called a "telemark"? 0726:< enormouspenis69> Skiing 0726:< FeebleOldMan> telemarketing 0726:< AndyD418> curling 0726:< vox35> Skiing 0726:< dick_sanitizer> skiing 0727:< jeuv> skiing 0727:< 3xist3nc3> Skiing 0727:< hellapanda> polo 0727:< FeebleOldMan> curling 0727:< npinsker> got it, thanks 0727:< RunningWarrior> teleponics 0727:< 3xist3nc3> Swimming 0727:< npinsker> The answer was skiing! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (12), vox35 (49), dick_sanitizer (153), jeuv (2), 3xist3nc3 (1500) 0727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Admirality Arch? 0727:< FeebleOldMan> has the repeat bot been blocked 0727:< aspbergerinparadise> london 0727:< enormouspenis69> USA 0727:< hellapanda> yep 0727:< jeuv> london 0727:< bickster69> gh 0727:< hellapanda> london 0727:< dick_sanitizer> usa 0727:< RunningWarrior> london 0727:< 3xist3nc3> St Louos 0727:< vox35> The admiral's house 0727:< FeebleOldMan> cool thanks 0727:< RunningWarrior> porn hub 0727:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: jeuv (6), hellapanda (1815), RunningWarrior (36) 0728:< AndyD418> corn hub 0728:< enormouspenis69> horn pub 0728:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1815), 3xist3nc3 (1500), Patarknight (1406), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus_goldmund (517), Fee... 0728:< dick_sanitizer> what did the ear of corn say when all of its clothes fell off|? 0728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of Plato's school? 0728:< vox35> What? No1 0728:< aspbergerinparadise> academy 0728:< hellapanda> academy 0728:< dick_sanitizer> aw, shucks! 0728:< jeuv> academy 0728:< 3xist3nc3> academy 0728:< mharrizone> school of rock 0728:< FeebleOldMan> university 0728:< enormouspenis69> enormouspenis69 0728:< vox35> No abandon... 0728:< RunningWarrior> plato high school 0728:< dick_sanitizer> (like shucking corn) 0728:< AndyD418> plato's academy of witchcraft and wizardtry 0728:< dick_sanitizer> (badumtss) 0728:< npinsker> The answer was Academy! Correct users: hellapanda (1819), jeuv (9), 3xist3nc3 (1502) 0729:< dick_sanitizer> lololol 0729:< RunningWarrior> police acadamy 5 0729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What keeps one from crying when peeling onions? 0729:< FeebleOldMan> goggles 0729:< enormouspenis69> tear gas 0729:< hellapanda> chewing gum 0729:< mharrizone> TESTICLES 0729:< RunningWarrior> chewing gum 0729:< jeuv> chewing 0729:< kblks> chewing gum 0729:< dick_sanitizer> a spoom in your mouth 0729:< AndyD418> five gum 0729:< vox35> NOT peeling onions 0729:< 3xist3nc3> Mask 0729:< FeebleOldMan> digging out your eyeballs 0729:< dick_sanitizer> gum 0729:< mharrizone> candle 0729:< RunningWarrior> anti onions 0729:< hellapanda> not being a pussy 0729:< npinsker> The answer was chewing gum! Correct users: hellapanda (1823), RunningWarrior (39), kblks (2) 0729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What disease is also known as "rubella"? 0730:< 3xist3nc3> German measles 0730:< aspbergerinparadise> german measles 0730:< FeebleOldMan> german measles 0730:< hellapanda> measels 0730:< mharrizone> measles 0730:< dick_sanitizer> whooping cough 0730:< jeuv> german measles 0730:< enormouspenis69> prolonged errection 0730:< RunningWarrior> german measles 0730:< dick_sanitizer> measles 0730:< vox35> Boneitis 0730:< FeebleOldMan> German measles 0730:< RunningWarrior> chicken pox 0730:< kblks> measles 0730:< AndyD418> ruebella, i hardly knew her 0730:< npinsker> The answer was German measles! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1506), FeebleOldMan (489), jeuv (11), RunningWarrior (40) 0730:< FeebleOldMan> yay for repeats 0730:< jeuv> does everyone have a bot that automatically answers? 0730:< dick_sanitizer> nope 0730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport do you find 'coursing'? 0730:< FeebleOldMan> no 0730:< vox35> ya 0730:< RunningWarrior> golf 0730:< hellapanda> fencing 0730:< FeebleOldMan> river 0730:< dick_sanitizer> golf 0730:< jeuv> golf 0730:< vox35> of course 0730:< 3xist3nc3> Course 0730:< mharrizone> Players course in most sports 0731:< dick_sanitizer> equestria 0731:< RunningWarrior> hopscotch 0731:< AndyD418> sports 0731:< npinsker> The answer was greyhound racing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0731:< hellapanda> ... 0731:< FeebleOldMan> they drive buses around? 0731:< AndyD418> whippet 0731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom? 0731:< aspbergerinparadise> john 0731:< dick_sanitizer> whippet good 0731:< Verifitas> Tom and Jerry 0731:< FeebleOldMan> tom and jerry 0731:< jeuv> john 0731:< RunningWarrior> john 0731:< vox35> Their enemies 0731:< dick_sanitizer> tom and jerry 0731:< mharrizone> john lotus 0731:< FeebleOldMan> cow and chicken 0731:< AndyD418> him 0731:< hellapanda> themsrlves 0731:< FeebleOldMan> hitler 0731:< npinsker> The answer was John! Correct users: jeuv (15), RunningWarrior (43) 0731:< dick_sanitizer> mojo jojo 0732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a warren? 0732:< RunningWarrior> i just copy what the bots say 0732:< mharrizone> rabbit 0732:< dick_sanitizer> rabbit 0732:< jeuv> rabbit 0732:< RunningWarrior> rabbit 0732:< FeebleOldMan> rabbit 0732:< mharrizone> rabbits 0732:< vox35> Warren Buffet 0732:< hellapanda> rabbit 0732:< Verifitas> hare 0732:< RunningWarrior> coney 0732:< FeebleOldMan> bunny 0732:< bickster69> beaver 0732:< _Ken-M_> FAREWELL I AM GOING BACK TO TIER 1, FOR OUR SUPPLY IS DWINDLING. I WILL BE BACK. IF ANY OF YOU SHALL JOIN ME IN MAKING TIER 7: /leave_room 0732:< npinsker> The answer was rabbit! Correct users: mharrizone (300), dick_sanitizer (156), jeuv (17), RunningWarrior (44), FeebleOldMan (489), hella... 0732:< enormouspenis69> MERVE IS COMING 0732:< AndyD418> marge? 0732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || General Sherman burned this city in 1864. 0733:< 3xist3nc3> Atlanta 0733:< aspbergerinparadise> atlanta 0733:< RunningWarrior> atlanta 0733:< jeuv> atlanta 0733:< hellapanda> atlanta 0733:< FeebleOldMan> atlanta 0733:< mharrizone> savannah 0733:< enormouspenis69> MURRRRPHHHHH 0733:< FeebleOldMan> rome 0733:< vox35> Shermanville 0733:< dick_sanitizer> atlantis 0733:< npinsker> The answer was Atlanta! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1510), RunningWarrior (47), jeuv (19), hellapanda (1824), FeebleOldMan (489), marakir... 0733:< RunningWarrior> merca 0733:< 3xist3nc3> Cya lads 0733:< dick_sanitizer> bye! 0733:< FeebleOldMan> bb 3xist 0733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell? 0733:< RunningWarrior> atlanta i hardly know ya 0733:< mharrizone> gtfo 0733:< FeebleOldMan> the legends of margaret michell 0734:< dick_sanitizer> fuck this one came up before 0734:< jeuv> mein kampf 0734:< Verifitas> Margaret Mitchell's Diary 0734:< dick_sanitizer> i cant remember 0734:< npinsker> The answer was Gone With The Wind! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0734:< FeebleOldMan> oh 0734:< RunningWarrior> the detailed poop log of margeret mitchell 0734:< bickster69> yea need to have only one 0734:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1406), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus_goldmund (517), Fee... 0734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab? 0734:< RunningWarrior> narrator 0734:< dick_sanitizer> romeo 0734:< enormouspenis69> Cassius 0734:< FeebleOldMan> shakespeare 0734:< AndyD418> mercrucio 0734:< vox35> King Mab 0735:< jeuv> cassius 0735:< dick_sanitizer> juliet 0735:< FeebleOldMan> mercurio 0735:< Patarknight> Mercutio 0735:< RunningWarrior> romeo 0735:< dick_sanitizer> mercutio 0735:< FeebleOldMan> mercutio 0735:< RunningWarrior> leonardo dicaprio 0735:< npinsker> The answer was Mercutio! Correct users: Patarknight (1410), dick_sanitizer (159), FeebleOldMan (491) 0735:< jeuv> mercutio 0735:< mharrizone> crookshanks 0735:< dick_sanitizer> nooiicee 0735:< hellapanda> ok, really calling it quits. sorry for being such a liar. night! 0735:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where were numerous French nuclear tests conducted? 0735:< FeebleOldMan> bb panda 0735:< npinsker> cya 0735:< mharrizone> france 0735:< enormouspenis69> Lyon 0735:< FeebleOldMan> bikini atoll 0735:< RunningWarrior> bikini atoll 0735:< jeuv> french polynesia 0735:< vox35> Bikini Atoll 0735:< dick_sanitizer> bikini atoll 0735:< RunningWarrior> north korea 0735:< FeebleOldMan> Bikini Atoll 0735:< jeuv> bikini atoll 0735:< npinsker> The answer was Muraroa Atoll! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0736:< vox35> Fuck 0736:< RunningWarrior> whoooooooo.... lives in a pineapple under the sea? 0736:< dick_sanitizer> >> the radiation cause Spongebob and co, and they live in bikini bottom 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? 0736:< Patarknight> Riyadh 0736:< cprato> Ryadh 0736:< jeuv> ar-ryad 0736:< FeebleOldMan> riyadh 0736:< dick_sanitizer> SONGE 0736:< mharrizone> ridyah 0736:< RunningWarrior> ryadh 0736:< enormouspenis69> Riyadh 0736:< vox35> Ryidah 0736:< jeuv> ryiadh 0736:< cprato> Riyadh 0736:< mharrizone> Night bbs! 0736:< npinsker> The answer was Riyadh! Correct users: Patarknight (1414), FeebleOldMan (494), enormouspenis69 (14), cprato (1) 0736:< vox35> Nite 0736:< dick_sanitizer> night! 0736:< FeebleOldMan> bb harrizone 0736:< enormouspenis69> الرياض 0736:< dick_sanitizer> bb <3 0736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the pyramids located? 0737:< aspbergerinparadise> egypt 0737:< FeebleOldMan> egypt 0737:< enormouspenis69> Giza 0737:< jeuv> egypt 0737:< RunningWarrior> giza 0737:< cprato> Egypt 0737:< dick_sanitizer> egypt 0737:< AndyD418> the dessert 0737:< FeebleOldMan> giza 0737:< RunningWarrior> egypt 0737:< vox35> In the sandy, sandy desert 0737:< FeebleOldMan> Giza, Egypt 0737:< dick_sanitizer> giza 0737:< RunningWarrior> isil destroyed them 0737:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (498), jeuv (22), cprato (3), dick_sanitizer (160), RunningWarrior (47) 0737:< enormouspenis69> fuck that 0737:< cprato> lol 0737:< jeuv> you suuuuck 0737:< enormouspenis69> it's giza 0737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hobbies || Which light wood is commonly used for making aeromodels? 0737:< Patarknight> plywood 0737:< FeebleOldMan> balsa 0737:< jeuv> balsa 0737:< vox35> Balsa Wood 0737:< cprato> Balsa 0737:< dick_sanitizer> balsa 0737:< pmmeyouryoohoo> balsa 0737:< FeebleOldMan> balsa wood 0737:< enormouspenis69> plywood 0737:< RunningWarrior> donald trumps head 0738:< FeebleOldMan> bamboo 0738:< FeebleOldMan> 3 ply wood 0738:< pmmeyouryoohoo> balsa wood 0738:< npinsker> The answer was Balsa! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (502), jeuv (25), cprato (5), dick_sanitizer (161), pmmeyouryoohoo (3) 0738:< vox35> THe fuck? 0738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Libya on the East? 0738:< RunningWarrior> sudan 0738:< FeebleOldMan> egypt 0738:< cprato> Tunisia 0738:< dick_sanitizer> sudan 0738:< vox35> Algeria 0738:< jeuv> egypt 0738:< FeebleOldMan> sudan 0738:< dick_sanitizer> egypt 0738:< RunningWarrior> egypt 0738:< vox35> Oh EAST 0738:< cprato> I think it's algeria actually 0738:< enormouspenis69> People's Democratic Republic of Algeria 0738:< FeebleOldMan> i'm guessing x.x 0738:< dick_sanitizer> algeria 0738:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (506), jeuv (28), dick_sanitizer (163), RunningWarrior (48) 0739:< FeebleOldMan> woah 0739:< vox35> Fucked it up 0739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what river is Liverpool? 0739:< FeebleOldMan> thames 0739:< RunningWarrior> mersey 0739:< AndyD418> thames 0739:< jeuv> I got a world map on the wall next to me lol 0739:< cprato> mersey 0739:< Adamsoski> mersey 0739:< FeebleOldMan> mersey 0739:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: RunningWarrior (52), cprato (8), Adamsoski (2), FeebleOldMan (507), jeuv (28), enormouspenis69 (14) 0739:< cprato> how to see the leaderboard? 0739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || As what is the North Star also known? 0739:< FeebleOldMan> wait for it 0740:< FeebleOldMan> polaris 0740:< Patarknight> Polaris 0740:< RunningWarrior> polaris 0740:< jeuv> polaris 0740:< enormouspenis69> Orion 0740:< AndyD418> star of david 0740:< FeebleOldMan> polaris 0740:< vox35> say "leaderboard" 3 times and spin counter-clockwise 0740:< enormouspenis69> Star Northus 0740:< FeebleOldMan> damn rate limit 0740:< npinsker> The answer was Polaris! Correct users: Patarknight (1418), RunningWarrior (55), jeuv (30), FeebleOldMan (508) 0740:< cprato> leaderboard leaderboard leaderboard 0740:< vox35> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 0740:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1418), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus_goldmund (517), Fee... 0740:< FeebleOldMan> it worked 0740:< cprato> Kappa 0740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Forever and Ever, Amen'? 0741:< enormouspenis69> Taylor Swiftr 0741:< cprato> Jesus Christ 0741:< FeebleOldMan> jesus christ 0741:< cprato> LOL Feeble 0741:< FeebleOldMan> yeah dude! 0741:< vox35> Some motherfuckering hick 0741:< cprato> Gotta be correct 0741:< jeuv> madonna 0741:< npinsker> The answer was Randy Travis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0741:< RunningWarrior> these fuckin jerks that merge with us wont have this unbearable waiting 0741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the scientific name for brimstone? 0741:< RunningWarrior> sulfer 0741:< FeebleOldMan> sulphur 0741:< vox35> Sulfer 0741:< jeuv> sulphur 0741:< RunningWarrior> sulpher 0741:< cprato> sulphur 0741:< enormouspenis69> sulphur 0742:< FeebleOldMan> sulfer 0742:< RunningWarrior> sulfar 0742:< vox35> can't spell 0742:< RunningWarrior> sufjan 0742:< npinsker> The answer was sulfur! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (512), jeuv (33), cprato (10), enormouspenis69 (15) 0742:< cprato> spelling sulpher is like spelling masterbation 0742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The two rival gangs in "West Side Story" were the Sharks and the _________. 0742:< enormouspenis69> npinsker it's sulphur 0742:< Verifitas> masturbation* 0742:< FeebleOldMan> it's an old spelling but it checks out 0742:< RunningWarrior> jetys 0742:< aspbergerinparadise> jets 0742:< enormouspenis69> dank memes 0742:< vox35> Jets 0742:< RunningWarrior> jets 0742:< jeuv> jets 0742:< RunningWarrior> fuuuuuuuu 0742:< Verifitas> steel beams 0742:< npinsker> The answer was Jets! Correct users: vox35 (53), RunningWarrior (58), jeuv (35) 0742:< vox35> K I'm out. Night. 0743:< cprato> See you vox 0743:< FeebleOldMan> bb vox 0743:< enormouspenis69> cya 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who developed the first nuclear submarine? 0743:< FeebleOldMan> putin 0743:< RunningWarrior> russia 0743:< enormouspenis69> Soviet Russia 0743:< enormouspenis69> Soviet Union 0743:< FeebleOldMan> heisenberg 0743:< RunningWarrior> ussr 0743:< jeuv> who, not what country 0743:< enormouspenis69> USSR 0743:< npinsker> The answer was Soviet Union! Correct users: RunningWarrior (62), enormouspenis69 (18) 0743:< jeuv> the fuck 0743:< cprato> lol 0743:< FeebleOldMan> hello i'm soviet union 0743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932? 0744:< ntrefil> idk 0744:< RunningWarrior> lindbiurg 0744:< Patarknight> Charles Lindbergh Jr. 0744:< enormouspenis69> John Cena 0744:< FeebleOldMan> james mcgill 0744:< RunningWarrior> lindburg 0744:< FeebleOldMan> charles lindbergh jr. 0744:< RunningWarrior> lindbergh 0744:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Lindbergh Jr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0744:< enormouspenis69> lol 0744:< FeebleOldMan> ahahuhau 0744:< cprato> what 0744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who are the lead singers of the band "Full Metal Racquets"? 0744:< enormouspenis69> Alolf Hitler 0744:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 0745:< jeuv> my peen 0745:< RunningWarrior> kurt cobain 0745:< npinsker> The answer was John Mcenroe and Pat Cash! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0745:< cprato> oh well.. 0745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fantasy || What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called? 0745:< aspbergerinparadise> necromancer 0745:< enormouspenis69> a dickhead 0745:< FeebleOldMan> necromancer 0745:< cprato> necromancer 0745:< jeuv> necromancer 0745:< AndyD418> black mage 0745:< yaahoe> necromancer 0745:< cprato> took two hours to type it 0745:< FeebleOldMan> yay repeat qn 0745:< yaahoe> anyone here not a bot?? 0745:< cprato> I am not a bot 0745:< npinsker> The answer was necromancer! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (516), cprato (13), jeuv (37), yaahoe (58) 0745:< FeebleOldMan> fnc is bot.. aspberger i think is bot too 0746:< enormouspenis69> I'm a bot 0746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mottos || Whose motto is 'Be prepared'? 0746:< jeuv> I'm not a bot 0746:< yaahoe> Yeah aspberger was here last night answering after like a second haha 0746:< FeebleOldMan> scouts 0746:< FeebleOldMan> Scouts 0746:< enormouspenis69> CIA 0746:< jeuv> scouts 0746:< yaahoe> Scouts 0746:< AndyD418> the catholic church 0746:< FeebleOldMan> macgyver 0746:< cprato> don't think capital letters make a difference 0746:< npinsker> The answer was Boy Scouts! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0746:< FeebleOldMan> fufufufufufufu 0746:< cprato> girl scouts not prepared 0746:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1418), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus_goldmund (517), Fee... 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was Medea's husband? 0747:< FeebleOldMan> mandea 0747:< Patarknight> Jason 0747:< jeuv> jason 0747:< enormouspenis69> Steve 0747:< AndyD418> she's single 0747:< FeebleOldMan> fine.. jason 0747:< cprato> Jason 0747:< AndyD418> tylyer perry 0747:< npinsker> The answer was Jason! Correct users: Patarknight (1422), jeuv (40), FeebleOldMan (518), cprato (14) 0747:< cprato> Funny cause I know most of these in Italian 0747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Near what major city is Mount Fuji? 0748:< FeebleOldMan> tokyo 0748:< Patarknight> Tokyo 0748:< cprato> Osaka 0748:< bphilly_cheesesteak> tokyo 0748:< jeuv> tokya 0748:< enormouspenis69> Fuji 0748:< AndyD418> okinawa 0748:< enormouspenis69> TokyoTokyo 0748:< FeebleOldMan> kyoto 0748:< jeuv> tokyo 0748:< FeebleOldMan> osaka 0748:< enormouspenis69> 东京 0748:< npinsker> The answer was Tokyo! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (522), Patarknight (1425), bphilly_cheesesteak (2), enormouspenis69 (19), jeuv (40) 0748:< cprato> oh come on 0748:< bphilly_cheesesteak> yee 0748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. state has the least rainfall? 0748:< cprato> nevada 0748:< aspbergerinparadise> nevada 0748:< AndyD418> nevada 0748:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Nevada 0748:< dick_sanitizer> texas 0748:< Patarknight> Nevada 0748:< FeebleOldMan> nevada 0748:< jeuv> nevada 0748:< enormouspenis69> NV 0748:< cprato> WOW FIRST! 0749:< xSke> me 0749:< FeebleOldMan> texas 0749:< cprato> will most likely be wrong... 0749:< FeebleOldMan> south dakota 0749:< npinsker> The answer was Nevada! Correct users: cprato (18), AndyD418 (113), bphilly_cheesesteak (4), Patarknight (1426), FeebleOldMan (522), jeu... 0749:< xSke> does everyone just repeat the first guy? 0749:< jeuv> of course 0749:< cprato> why 18 points? 0749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In 1987, who released her second album 'Solitude Standing'? 0749:< dick_sanitizer> best try if you dont have a decent guess 0749:< enormouspenis69> John Cena 0749:< cprato> Justin Bieber 0749:< AndyD418> annie lenox 0749:< FeebleOldMan> madonna 0749:< jeuv> annie lenox 0749:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Jessica James 0749:< FeebleOldMan> annie lenox 0749:< npinsker> The answer was Suzanne Vega! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0749:< dick_sanitizer> britney spears 0750:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wot 0750:< AndyD418> tom's dinner was amazing 0750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many strings are there on a violin? 0750:< FeebleOldMan> 4 0750:< cprato> 6 0750:< dick_sanitizer> 4 0750:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 6 0750:< enormouspenis69> 4 0750:< jeuv> 4 0750:< FeebleOldMan> four 0750:< cprato> uhm 0750:< enormouspenis69> 69 0750:< dick_sanitizer> four 0750:< dick_sanitizer> just in case 0750:< FeebleOldMan> 5 0750:< enormouspenis69> IV 0750:< bphilly_cheesesteak> for 0750:< FeebleOldMan> five 0750:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (526), dick_sanitizer (166), enormouspenis69 (21), jeuv (41) 0750:< enormouspenis69> 四 0750:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuck 0750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events? 0751:< bphilly_cheesesteak> track 0751:< FeebleOldMan> running 0751:< cprato> track 0751:< dick_sanitizer> althletics 0751:< enormouspenis69> Cycling 0751:< bphilly_cheesesteak> sports 0751:< FeebleOldMan> cycling 0751:< Patarknight> speed skating 0751:< FeebleOldMan> skating 0751:< enormouspenis69> Velodrome 0751:< cprato> cycling makes more sense 0751:< AndyD418> that one with caitlyn jenner 0751:< Patarknight> yeah 0751:< npinsker> The answer was cycling! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (25), FeebleOldMan (529) 0751:< bphilly_cheesesteak> cycling jenner 0751:< AndyD418> recycled her balls 0751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which city does Danaerys Targaryen settle and rule as queen? 0751:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gottem 0751:< AndyD418> middle earth 0751:< enormouspenis69> Bristol 0751:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the city of ruins 0751:< FeebleOldMan> gotham 0751:< Patarknight> Mereen 0752:< dick_sanitizer> mereen 0752:< jeuv> mereen 0752:< FeebleOldMan> mereen 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> arkh'd em 0752:< cprato> mereen 0752:< cprato> gotta get some points 0752:< npinsker> The answer was Meereen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> meereen 0752:< FeebleOldMan> ahahah 0752:< dick_sanitizer> hahahah 0752:< enormouspenis69> rekt 0752:< jeuv> lol 0752:< cprato> ahah 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuck that 0752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Measurement || What instrument measures walking distance? 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> pentometer 0752:< dick_sanitizer> pedometer 0752:< jeuv> podometer 0752:< cprato> pedometer 0752:< enormouspenis69> gps 0752:< FeebleOldMan> pedometer 0752:< AndyD418> pedometer 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> pedometer 0752:< enormouspenis69> phone 0752:< bphilly_cheesesteak> a ruler 0752:< FeebleOldMan> tape measure 0752:< npinsker> The answer was pedometer! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (170), cprato (21), FeebleOldMan (531), AndyD418 (114), bphilly_cheesesteak (4) 0753:< cprato> g 0753:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fack 0753:< enormouspenis69> tell me gps won't 0753:< bphilly_cheesesteak> it won't 0753:< dick_sanitizer> its stupid a pedometer measures steps taken... 0753:< enormouspenis69> fuck you 0753:< cprato> GPS won't 0753:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1426), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (531), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy? 0753:< enormouspenis69> pedometer measures steps, gps measures distance 0753:< FeebleOldMan> sloth 0753:< AndyD418> apes 0753:< bphilly_cheesesteak> leopard 0753:< cprato> dolphin 0753:< dick_sanitizer> sloth 0753:< jeuv> sloth 0753:< enormouspenis69> leopard 0753:< FeebleOldMan> armadillo 0753:< bphilly_cheesesteak> leopard seed 0753:< dick_sanitizer> armadillo 0753:< cprato> rhino 0753:< enormouspenis69> my penis 0753:< npinsker> The answer was armadillos! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0754:< cprato> WOW 0754:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wpw 0754:< dick_sanitizer> whhattt 0754:< FeebleOldMan> FUFUFUFUF 0754:< AndyD418> LOL 0754:< bphilly_cheesesteak> that's fucked 0754:< dick_sanitizer> fuck off bot 0754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the aerosol? 0754:< cprato> Aeroman 0754:< FeebleOldMan> oh repeat but i can't rem 0754:< bphilly_cheesesteak> John G Aerosol 0754:< AndyD418> AEROSOLIUS 0754:< jeuv> adolph hitler 0754:< enormouspenis69> Dr Aero Sol 0754:< dick_sanitizer> einstien 0754:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Aero Hitsol 0754:< npinsker> The answer was Erik Rotheim! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0754:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuk u kid 0754:< cprato> Frederick g donnan 0754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame? 0755:< AndyD418> his fault we have a hole in the ozone 0755:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the wright brothers 0755:< enormouspenis69> The Wright Brothers 0755:< FeebleOldMan> wright brothers 0755:< jeuv> wright brothers 0755:< cprato> wright brothels 0755:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wright bros 0755:< AndyD418> that chick 0755:< FeebleOldMan> andy and james wright 0755:< enormouspenis69> MH370 0755:< dick_sanitizer> ameilia airheart 0755:< npinsker> The answer was The Wright Brothers! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (8), enormouspenis69 (28), FeebleOldMan (533), jeuv (42) 0755:< AndyD418> yeah, her 0755:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the wrigleys bielieve it or not bros 0755:< cprato> the wiggly brothers 0755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the literal meaning of 'pince-nez'? 0755:< bphilly_cheesesteak> godess 0755:< cprato> pinch nose 0755:< dick_sanitizer> godess 0756:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lol 0756:< dick_sanitizer> goddess 0756:< FeebleOldMan> pinch nose 0756:< bphilly_cheesesteak> idfk 0756:< dick_sanitizer> lols 0756:< cprato> pinching fucking nose 0756:< npinsker> The answer was pinch nose! Correct users: cprato (25), FeebleOldMan (536) 0756:< dick_sanitizer> omg 0756:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gottem 0756:< cprato> copycat feebleoldman 0756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What two words make the word 'meld'? 0756:< cprato> ahah 0756:< FeebleOldMan> whoop whoop 0756:< bphilly_cheesesteak> me ld 0756:< enormouspenis69> me old 0756:< FeebleOldMan> melt lead 0756:< dick_sanitizer> melt and mold 0756:< cprato> correct 0756:< bphilly_cheesesteak> melt mold 0756:< AndyD418> melt smold 0756:< FeebleOldMan> melt mold 0756:< dick_sanitizer> melt and weld 0756:< npinsker> The answer was melt and weld! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (174) 0757:< cprato> ! 0757:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wow 0757:< dick_sanitizer> WOOT 0757:< jeuv> melt and weld 0757:< FeebleOldMan> wow 0757:< dick_sanitizer> QI ftw 0757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where were the Hanging Gardens? 0757:< Patarknight> BAbylon 0757:< FeebleOldMan> babylon 0757:< cprato> Babylonia 0757:< dick_sanitizer> i love you steven fry <3 0757:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hanging 0757:< AndyD418> alexandria 0757:< cprato> Babylon 0757:< bphilly_cheesesteak> baby lion 0757:< cprato> holy fucking english 0757:< jeuv> babylon 0757:< dick_sanitizer> stephen* 0757:< FeebleOldMan> adultlon 0757:< enormouspenis69> Bābil 0757:< npinsker> The answer was Babylon! Correct users: Patarknight (1430), FeebleOldMan (539), cprato (27), jeuv (43) 0757:< enormouspenis69> 𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 0758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women's singles runner-up? 0758:< FeebleOldMan> uh 0758:< enormouspenis69> Martina Hingis 0758:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Wimbledon 0758:< cprato> Nadia Sederova 0758:< cprato> rofl 0758:< AndyD418> martina 0758:< FeebleOldMan> serena marakovich 0758:< jeuv> nadia sederova 0758:< AndyD418> the lezzie one 0758:< dick_sanitizer> marakovich 0758:< npinsker> The answer was Zina Garrison! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0758:< FeebleOldMan> you know i just made that name up right 0758:< dick_sanitizer> lolol 0758:< bphilly_cheesesteak> mrs. garrison? 0758:< dick_sanitizer> wouldnt have known lol 0758:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Nicosia is the capital of ____________? 0758:< cprato> cyprus 0758:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Krakozia 0758:< jeuv> cyprus 0758:< FeebleOldMan> kazakstan 0758:< cprato> R E K T 0758:< AndyD418> cyprus 0759:< dick_sanitizer> cyprus 0759:< enormouspenis69> Uzbekistan 0759:< FeebleOldMan> nicoland 0759:< dick_sanitizer> cause why the fuck not 0759:< npinsker> The answer was Cyprus! Correct users: cprato (31), jeuv (46), AndyD418 (116), dick_sanitizer (175) 0759:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1430), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (539), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0759:< cprato> gonna get on the leaderboard soon 0759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean? 0759:< dick_sanitizer> Dublin 0759:< bphilly_cheesesteak> capital city 0800:< FeebleOldMan> capital city 0800:< jeuv> capital city 0800:< dick_sanitizer> shit i took irish last year 0800:< bphilly_cheesesteak> small lake 0800:< FeebleOldMan> hedging bets 0800:< enormouspenis69> fyi i pulled that out of my ass 0800:< npinsker> The answer was black pool! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0800:< dick_sanitizer> big city 0800:< FeebleOldMan> lolol 0800:< dick_sanitizer> ah fuck me 0800:< bphilly_cheesesteak> are you irish? because when I see you my dick is Dublin 0800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Maine? 0800:< aspbergerinparadise> augusta 0800:< FeebleOldMan> augusta 0800:< jeuv> augusta 0800:< dick_sanitizer> augusta 0800:< bphilly_cheesesteak> augusta 0800:< cprato> Septembra 0800:< FeebleOldMan> Augusta 0800:< enormouspenis69> augusta 0800:< enormouspenis69> but only because everyone says so 0800:< bphilly_cheesesteak> augusta wind 0800:< FeebleOldMan> me gusta 0801:< npinsker> The answer was Augusta! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (543), jeuv (49), dick_sanitizer (177), bphilly_cheesesteak (9), enormouspenis69 (28) 0801:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nope 0801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size? 0801:< FeebleOldMan> pregnancy 0801:< cprato> pregnancy 0801:< dick_sanitizer> pregnancy 0801:< jeuv> pregnancy 0801:< enormouspenis69> When my dick enters it 0801:< bphilly_cheesesteak> when i fuck your mum lel 0801:< dick_sanitizer> birth 0801:< AndyD418> ew 0801:< dick_sanitizer> you fuck her into her uterus? 0801:< Patarknight> birth 0801:< npinsker> The answer was during pregnancy! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (547), cprato (34), dick_sanitizer (179), jeuv (50) 0801:< cprato> g g 0801:< bphilly_cheesesteak> yes 0801:< dick_sanitizer> jesus ouch 0802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does 'shogun' mean in English? 0802:< enormouspenis69> what can i say 0802:< FeebleOldMan> warrior 0802:< bphilly_cheesesteak> a delicious restaurant 0802:< dick_sanitizer> poor cervix 0802:< AndyD418> knight 0802:< FeebleOldMan> boss 0802:< cprato> emperor 0802:< Patarknight> lord 0802:< jeuv> lord 0802:< enormouspenis69> dank memer 0802:< bphilly_cheesesteak> military commander 0802:< FeebleOldMan> lord 0802:< dick_sanitizer> lord 0802:< cprato> general 0802:< AndyD418> oh lort 0802:< Patarknight> general 0802:< npinsker> The answer was military governor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0802:< dick_sanitizer> chief 0802:< FeebleOldMan> yayaya 0802:< Patarknight> lol 0802:< cprato> WHAT 0802:< bphilly_cheesesteak> fuk u 0802:< dick_sanitizer> hahahah 0802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which basketball star played a genie in 'Kazaam'? 0802:< enormouspenis69> Denis Rogers 0802:< AndyD418> shaquil o'neal 0802:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Kareem Abdul Jabaar 0802:< dick_sanitizer> Shaquile O'niel 0803:< FeebleOldMan> shaq 0803:< cprato> Nick G. Johnson 0803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> shaq 0803:< jeuv> shaq 0803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> shack 0803:< FeebleOldMan> shaquile o'neal 0803:< npinsker> The answer was Shaquille O'Neal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0803:< cprato> shaquille o'neal 0803:< dick_sanitizer> WHY 0803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> LOL 0803:< cprato> fuck 0803:< cprato> too late 0803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Logic || If its 4:45PM on Kathmandu what time is it in Madrid? 0803:< FeebleOldMan> 4:45pm 0803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 4:45am 0803:< enormouspenis69> 11:45am 0803:< dick_sanitizer> 6:45pm 0803:< cprato> 11:15 AM 0803:< FeebleOldMan> 3:45pm 0803:< jeuv> noon 0803:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what kind of "trivia" question is that 0804:< npinsker> The answer was Noon! Correct users: jeuv (54) 0804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> nice 0804:< cprato> HOLY 0804:< jeuv> ha! 0804:< FeebleOldMan> wat 0804:< dick_sanitizer> wwhhhhaattt 0804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Name Ronald Reagan's first wife. 0804:< dick_sanitizer> how can somewhere be on the hour 0804:< AndyD418> what if the train was heading east 0804:< FeebleOldMan> nancy reagan 0804:< enormouspenis69> Marilyn Monroe 0804:< jeuv> learn your time zones dummies 0804:< cprato> V. Gina 0804:< dick_sanitizer> if somewhere is 15min behind 0804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> Ronald Reagan's first wife 0804:< AndyD418> betsey ross 0804:< FeebleOldMan> nancy 0804:< dick_sanitizer> yeah but timezones go in hours, not minutes... 0804:< npinsker> The answer was Wyman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0804:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wot 0805:< FeebleOldMan> cat 0805:< dick_sanitizer> cat 0805:< dick_sanitizer> meow 0805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> dog 0805:< enormouspenis69> koala 0805:< FeebleOldMan> kid 0805:< Patarknight> Some timezones are 15 minutes off from the next 0805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> cat 0805:< enormouspenis69> pussy 0805:< npinsker> The answer was cat! Correct users: Patarknight (1434), FeebleOldMan (550), dick_sanitizer (181), bphilly_cheesesteak (10) 0805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wtf 0805:< cprato> woah 0805:< dick_sanitizer> ....patar and nfc? 0805:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1434), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (550), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0805:< dick_sanitizer> same person? 0805:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ? 0806:< FeebleOldMan> no fnc is copy bot 0806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> think so 0806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What insect has a type of hair on it's eyes? 0806:< cprato> its * 0806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> mosquito 0806:< Patarknight> They just copy me 0806:< jeuv> fly 0806:< FeebleOldMan> fly 0806:< AndyD418> bees --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 08:06:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 08:06:20 2016 0806:< dick_sanitizer> bee 0806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wasp 0806:< enormouspenis69> butter fly 0806:< FeebleOldMan> butterfly 0806:< dick_sanitizer> butterfly 0806:< npinsker> The answer was honeybees! Correct users: AndyD418 (120) 0806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wow 0806:< FeebleOldMan> wow 0806:< dick_sanitizer> goddamn 0806:< AndyD418> wow 0806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lawn Mowers || How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel? (in km/h) 0806:< Patarknight> FNCxPro can't answer his own questions 0806:< FeebleOldMan> 80 0806:< Patarknight> 200 0806:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 200km/h 0807:< FeebleOldMan> 200 0807:< enormouspenis69> 6.9mph 0807:< dick_sanitizer> 200 0807:< jeuv> 200 0807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> c 0807:< FeebleOldMan> 220 0807:< enormouspenis69> 420 0807:< cprato> 200 km/h 0807:< npinsker> The answer was two hundred! Correct users: Patarknight (1438), FeebleOldMan (553), dick_sanitizer (183), jeuv (55) 0807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> heh 0807:< cprato> ah 0807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is Pearl Harbour? 0807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> last one 4 me 0807:< aspbergerinparadise> oahu 0807:< FeebleOldMan> hawaii 0807:< Patarknight> Oahu 0807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> oahu 0807:< cprato> oahu 0807:< FeebleOldMan> oahu 0807:< dick_sanitizer> oahu 0807:< enormouspenis69> hawaii 0807:< FeebleOldMan> O'ahu 0807:< jeuv> oahu 0807:< bphilly_cheesesteak> hawaii 0808:< dick_sanitizer> o'ahu 0808:< npinsker> The answer was Oahu! Correct users: Patarknight (1442), bphilly_cheesesteak (13), cprato (36), FeebleOldMan (554), dick_sanitizer (183)... 0808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> noice 0808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ok last 1 0808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who said: "Let them eat cake"? 0808:< FeebleOldMan> me too 0808:< Patarknight> Marie Antoinette 0808:< FeebleOldMan> marie antoniette 0808:< enormouspenis69> Winston Churchill 0808:< jeuv> marie antoniette 0808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> a great princess 0808:< dick_sanitizer> marie antoinette 0808:< FeebleOldMan> marie antoinette 0808:< npinsker> The answer was Marie Antoinette! Correct users: Patarknight (1446), dick_sanitizer (186), FeebleOldMan (556) 0808:< bphilly_cheesesteak> but she didn't actually say it 0808:< AndyD418> wasn't that a myth 0808:< dick_sanitizer> yeap 0809:< bphilly_cheesesteak> yep 0809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Angel Falls? 0809:< FeebleOldMan> ok bb afk 0809:< cprato> venezuela 0809:< enormouspenis69> Heaven 0809:< thatwentBTE> nebraska 0809:< jeuv> venezuela 0809:< bphilly_cheesesteak> venezuala 0809:< npinsker> The answer was Venezuela! Correct users: cprato (40), jeuv (58) 0809:< cprato> copy it right at least xD 0809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals? 0809:< aspbergerinparadise> paleontology 0809:< cprato> paleontology 0810:< jeuv> paleontology 0810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> paleontology 0810:< enormouspenis69> palentology 0810:< npinsker> The answer was paleontology! Correct users: cprato (44), jeuv (61), bphilly_cheesesteak (15) 0810:< dick_sanitizer> ROSS 0810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight? 0810:< dick_sanitizer> lightweight 0810:< enormouspenis69> annorexia 0810:< dbukanon> false 0810:< jeuv> lightweight 0810:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lightweight 0811:< npinsker> The answer was batamweight! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0811:< cprato> false 0811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What is the name of town in Diablo? 0811:< thatwentBTE> false your mom is not your girlfriend 0811:< cprato> Sex City 0811:< bphilly_cheesesteak> tristram 0811:< enormouspenis69> Memeville 0811:< jeuv> tristram 0811:< npinsker> The answer was Tristram! Correct users: bphilly_cheesesteak (19), jeuv (64) 0811:< dick_sanitizer> tristram 0811:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gottem 0812:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1446), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0812:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Lilongwe is the capital of ____________? 0812:< enormouspenis69> foo 0812:< Patarknight> Malawi 0812:< cprato> botswana 0812:< dick_sanitizer> malawi 0812:< jeuv> malawi 0812:< bphilly_cheesesteak> malawi 0812:< cprato> malawi 0812:< enormouspenis69> Republic of Congo 0812:< npinsker> The answer was Malawi! Correct users: Patarknight (1450), dick_sanitizer (189), jeuv (66), bphilly_cheesesteak (20), cprato (44) 0813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which bridge spans the Hudson River? 0813:< _reckless_disregard_> Hudson Bridge 0813:< enormouspenis69> Brooklyn Bridge 0813:< cprato> George washington 0813:< dick_sanitizer> brooklyn bridge 0813:< jeuv> brooklyn bridge 0813:< Patarknight> Brooklyn Bridge 0813:< npinsker> The answer was George Washington Bridge! Correct users: cprato (48) 0813:< cprato> . 0813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In which organ is your "hypothalmus" located? 0813:< Patarknight> brain 0813:< enormouspenis69> brain 0813:< aspbergerinparadise> brain 0813:< jeuv> brain 0813:< dick_sanitizer> brain 0813:< cprato> well good night guys 0814:< dick_sanitizer> night! 0814:< _reckless_disregard_> brain 0814:< cprato> was fun 0814:< npinsker> The answer was brain! Correct users: Patarknight (1454), enormouspenis69 (31), jeuv (68), dick_sanitizer (190), _reckless_disregard_ (0) 0814:< enormouspenis69> night 0814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints 0814:< aspbergerinparadise> rheumatism 0814:< _reckless_disregard_> cramp 0814:< enormouspenis69> orgasisms 0814:< jeuv> rheumatism 0814:< dick_sanitizer> rheumatism 0815:< npinsker> The answer was rheumatism! Correct users: jeuv (72), dick_sanitizer (193) 0815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________. 0815:< enormouspenis69> Italy 0815:< aspbergerinparadise> turkey 0815:< dick_sanitizer> turkey 0815:< _reckless_disregard_> Germany 0815:< jeuv> turkey 0815:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (197), jeuv (75) 0816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The protagonist's red shield was used heavily in this game, often when fighting the five Indora Gods. 0816:< enormouspenis69> Mario Kart 0816:< thatwentBTE> dinki 0816:< npinsker> The answer was Rygar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0816:< dick_sanitizer> dark souls 0816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Between which countries was the shortest war in history? 0817:< jeuv> israel and egypt 0817:< enormouspenis69> Australia and New Zealand 0817:< dick_sanitizer> germany and poland 0817:< dick_sanitizer> lol what 0817:< npinsker> The answer was Zanzibar and England! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0817:< isdnpro> Type !scrabble to play scrabble (channel: #s) 0817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who plays many voices, such as Dr Nick, and Moe on 'The Simpsons'? 0817:< enormouspenis69> Seth Rogen 0818:< npinsker> The answer was Hank Azaria! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0818:< thatwentBTE> I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves. 0818:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1454), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0818:< thatwentBTE> Be gone from me, vile man, be gone from me! A starter car?! This car is a finisher! A transporter of gods, the golden god. 0818:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A can of Pepsi holds __ fluid ounces. 0818:< thatwentBTE> I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 0818:< aspbergerinparadise> 12 0818:< thatwentBTE> 13.5 0818:< jeuv> 12 0819:< thatwentBTE> my can is the better deal 0819:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: jeuv (79) 0819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrophysics || What is the heaviest element that can be formed by regular fusion reactions in the core of a star? 0819:< jeuv> iron 0819:< enormouspenis69> Deuterium 0819:< enormouspenis69> Fe 0819:< jeuv> helium 0819:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: jeuv (83) 0820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Homonyms || To save up as for future use/a vast multitude (answer in the form of word1/word2)? 0820:< enormouspenis69> hoard 0820:< jeuv> hoard 0820:< npinsker> The answer was hoard/horde! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0820:< enormouspenis69> wtf 0820:< jeuv> you suuuuck 0820:< enormouspenis69> have i been banned? 0820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animals || What is the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)? 0820:< enormouspenis69> python 0821:< jeuv> python 0821:< npinsker> The answer was Inland Taipan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0821:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which of Paul Simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus? 0821:< jeuv> mike tyson 0821:< silver_anth> gus 0822:< npinsker> The answer was Gus! Correct users: silver_anth (4) 0822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin. 0822:< aspbergerinparadise> whitney 0822:< enormouspenis69> Eli Whitney 0822:< jeuv> eli whitney 0822:< npinsker> The answer was Eli Whitney! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (35), jeuv (86) 0823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) ________. 0823:< aspbergerinparadise> shoe 0823:< jeuv> shoe 0823:< enormouspenis69> shoo 0823:< npinsker> The answer was shoe! Correct users: jeuv (90) 0823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who committed the first daytime robbery? 0823:< enormouspenis69> Osama Bin Laden 0824:< jeuv> jesus christ 0824:< npinsker> The answer was Frank and Jesse James! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0824:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1454), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called? 0825:< jeuv> red spot 0825:< enormouspenis69> scooter 0825:< npinsker> The answer was Scooter! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (39) 0825:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hisory || Who invented the predecessor to today's computers? 0825:< enormouspenis69> Alan Turing 0825:< jeuv> alan turing 0826:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Babbage! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0826:< enormouspenis69> shit 0826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Toronto _______. 0826:< npinsker> The answer was Maple Leafs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || Who replaced Moses as the prophet of the Israelites? 0827:< jeuv> jesus christ 0827:< enormouspenis69> Aaron 0827:< jeuv> aaron 0827:< npinsker> The answer was Joshua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is the study of weather technically called? 0828:< enormouspenis69> Hydrology 0828:< jeuv> meteorology 0828:< npinsker> The answer was meteorology! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0828:< enormouspenis69> lol 0828:< jeuv> fuck you bot 0828:< enormouspenis69> i don't think it works 0828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who played George Costanza on 'Seinfeld'? 0829:< npinsker> The answer was Jason Alexander! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0829:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly west of Spain? 0829:< enormouspenis69> Portugal 0829:< aspbergerinparadise> portugal 0829:< jeuv> portugal 0829:< enormouspenis69> Portuguesa 0829:< npinsker> The answer was Portugal! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (43), jeuv (93) 0830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece. 0830:< aspbergerinparadise> aegean 0830:< jeuv> aegean sea 0830:< npinsker> The answer was Aegean! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0830:< enormouspenis69> lol 0830:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1454), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World? 0831:< aspbergerinparadise> reno 0831:< jeuv> reno 0831:< enormouspenis69> Reno 0831:< npinsker> The answer was Reno! Correct users: jeuv (97), enormouspenis69 (46) 0831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || How many pole positions did Ayrton Senna score? 0831:< jeuv> 7 0832:< RipeGoofySparrow> 7 0832:< enormouspenis69> 65 0832:< RipeGoofySparrow> 65 0832:< npinsker> The answer was sixty five! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (50), RipeGoofySparrow (6) 0832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || In what opera would you find Lt. Pinkerton? 0832:< enormouspenis69> Phantom 0832:< jeuv> phantom 0833:< npinsker> The answer was Madame butterfly! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0833:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches? 0833:< jeuv> adolf hitler 0833:< enormouspenis69> Martina Hingis 0833:< npinsker> The answer was Andre Agassi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement? 0834:< jeuv> yemen 0834:< jeuv> germany 0834:< enormouspenis69> Poland and Crimea 0834:< npinsker> The answer was Germany! Correct users: jeuv (101) 0834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured 'The Lido Shuffle'? 0835:< npinsker> The answer was Boz Scaggs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0835:< enormouspenis69> Elton John 0835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Stephen King's: "The Dead ________". 0836:< enormouspenis69> Zone 0836:< npinsker> The answer was Zone! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (54) 0836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is capital of Lithuania? 0836:< enormouspenis69> Vilnius 0836:< npinsker> The answer was Vilnius! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (58) 0837:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1454), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Valley Of The Dolls'? 0837:< npinsker> The answer was Jacqueline Susann! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland? 0838:< enormouspenis69> Northern 0838:< npinsker> The answer was Northern! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (62) 0838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What was the subtitle of the "Prince of Persia" game released on the Nintendo DS in 2008? 0839:< npinsker> The answer was The Fallen King! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What key is to the right of T on a keyboard? 0839:< enormouspenis69> y 0840:< npinsker> The answer was Y! Correct users: enormouspenis69 (66) 0840:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal? 0840:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Westminster Abbey? 0841:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album? 0842:< xSke> 5 0842:< npinsker> The answer was eleven! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Dr. Kildare? 0843:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Chamberlain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0843:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1454), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ________. 0843:< Patarknight> tungsten 0844:< npinsker> The answer was tungsten! Correct users: Patarknight (1458) 0844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic Table || What is the first element in alphabetical order? 0844:< Patarknight> actinium 0844:< npinsker> The answer was Actinium! Correct users: Patarknight (1462) 0845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What group landed in America in 1620? 0845:< aspbergerinparadise> the pilgrim s 0845:< Patarknight> Pilgrims 0845:< npinsker> The answer was The Pilgrims! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who said 'public service is my motto'? 0846:< npinsker> The answer was Al Capone! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || How much do nine pennies weigh? 0847:< npinsker> The answer was one ounce! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was Adolf Hitler born? 0847:< aspbergerinparadise> austria 0847:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail? 0848:< npinsker> The answer was whale! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Longevity || Who was the world's oldest man? 0849:< npinsker> The answer was Bir Narayan Chaudhari! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0849:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1462), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As sick as a ____________? 0850:< Patarknight> dog 0850:< npinsker> The answer was dog! Correct users: Patarknight (1466) 0850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very Big Guns || Where is the biggest calibre cannon? 0851:< npinsker> The answer was Kremlin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Association || Ball and ________. 0852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as "a little Peyton Place"? 0852:< aspbergerinparadise> harper valley 0852:< npinsker> The answer was Harper Valley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the first woman in space? 0853:< npinsker> The answer was Valentina Tereshkova! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0853:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Which actor won Oscars twice for 'best male performance' in the '90s? 0854:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Hanks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Kinshasa is the capital of ____________? 0854:< npinsker> The answer was Democratic Republic of the Congo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers. 0855:< rbasov> glasses 0855:< npinsker> The answer was glasses! Correct users: rbasov (160) 0855:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) _________. 0856:< aspbergerinparadise> irish coffee 0856:< rbasov> irish coffee 0856:< npinsker> The answer was Irish coffee! Correct users: rbasov (164) 0857:< npinsker> The answer was Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which Greek mythology themed game featured the lead character Pit? 0858:< npinsker> The answer was Kid Icarus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Disease || What disease is carried by the tsetse fly? 0858:< npinsker> The answer was sleeping sickness! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was George Washington's vice-president? 0859:< aspbergerinparadise> adams 0859:< npinsker> The answer was Adams! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0859:< rbasov> John Adams 0859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the first woman premier of Israel. 0859:< aspbergerinparadise> meir 0900:< npinsker> The answer was Golda Meir! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the TV sitcom 'Married With Children', what is the dog's name? 0901:< npinsker> The answer was Buck! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0901:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || In which park are Queen Mary's gardens? 0901:< npinsker> The answer was Regents Park! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0902:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (556), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || Who was the founder of Lotus Cars Ltd.? 0902:< FeebleOldMan> john lotus 0902:< rbasov> colin chapman 0902:< FeebleOldMan> colin chapman 0902:< npinsker> The answer was Colin Chapman! Correct users: rbasov (168) 0903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What was the second bridge built across the Thames? 0903:< rbasov> london bridge 0903:< npinsker> The answer was Westminster Bridge! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Illinois? 0904:< rbasov> springfield 0904:< FeebleOldMan> springfield 0904:< npinsker> The answer was Springfield! Correct users: rbasov (172), FeebleOldMan (559) 0904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The island of Hispaniola consists of the Dominican Republic and this country. 0904:< rbasov> haiti 0904:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 0905:< FeebleOldMan> haiti 0905:< npinsker> The answer was Haiti! Correct users: rbasov (176), FeebleOldMan (562) 0905:< FeebleOldMan> googling? hahaha 0905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the symbol for iron in chemistry? 0905:< aspbergerinparadise> fe 0905:< FeebleOldMan> Fe 0905:< rbasov> fe 0905:< rbasov> no comment 0905:< npinsker> The answer was Fe! Correct users: Lolzrfunni (4), FeebleOldMan (565), rbasov (178) 0906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What are a chessboard's horizontal rows called? 0906:< FeebleOldMan> rows 0906:< FeebleOldMan> flank 0906:< FeebleOldMan> flanks 0906:< giant_rat> still here? 0906:< npinsker> The answer was ranks! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0906:< FeebleOldMan> damit 0906:< rbasov> yeah idk 0906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest lake in Australia. 0907:< rbasov> lake victoria 0907:< FeebleOldMan> victoria 0907:< rbasov> is that right? 0907:< giant_rat> isnt that in africa 0907:< FeebleOldMan> no idea i'm copying you lol 0907:< npinsker> The answer was Eyre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0907:< FeebleOldMan> oh 0907:< rbasov> yeah, don't copy me 0907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A depilatory is a substance used for removing ____. 0907:< FeebleOldMan> hair 0907:< rbasov> hair 0907:< FeebleOldMan> eyebrows 0908:< rbasov> no it's just hair..i remember it from earlier 0908:< FeebleOldMan> pubes 0908:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (569), rbasov (181) 0908:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (569), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Numbers || In roman numerals what does the letter M with a Bar over it stand for? 0908:< rbasov> one million 0908:< FeebleOldMan> million 0908:< FeebleOldMan> one million 0909:< npinsker> The answer was One Million! Correct users: rbasov (185), FeebleOldMan (572) 0909:< FeebleOldMan> one thousand 0909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was the name of the restaurant the TV series "Happy Days"? 0909:< FeebleOldMan> waits for someone to google 0909:< rbasov> Arnold's 0909:< FeebleOldMan> arnold's 0909:< npinsker> The answer was Arnolds! Correct users: rbasov (189), FeebleOldMan (575) 0910:< FeebleOldMan> thanks lol 0910:< rbasov> np 0910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft? 0910:< rbasov> concorde 0910:< FeebleOldMan> concorde 0910:< FeebleOldMan> b-2 0910:< FeebleOldMan> passenger oh 0910:< rbasov> technically it does have passengers... 0910:< npinsker> The answer was Concorde! Correct users: rbasov (193), FeebleOldMan (578) 0910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What did Einstein get the nobel prize for? 0911:< FeebleOldMan> physics 0911:< rbasov> physics 0911:< erinhasguts> physics 0911:< FeebleOldMan> theory of relativity 0911:< FeebleOldMan> being wicked smaht 0911:< npinsker> The answer was The Photoelectric effect! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0911:< rbasov> calm down ben affleck 0911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have? 0911:< FeebleOldMan> friday the 13th 0911:< rbasov> firday the 13th 0912:< npinsker> The answer was Friday the 13th! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (582) 0912:< rbasov> close enough 0912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || --isms: The belief that there is no God. 0912:< rbasov> atheism 0912:< FeebleOldMan> atheism 0912:< giant_rat> atheism 0912:< erinhasguts> atheism 0912:< FeebleOldMan> atheisms 0912:< npinsker> The answer was atheism! Correct users: rbasov (197), FeebleOldMan (585), giant_rat (60), erinhasguts (29) 0913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the official language of Egypt? 0913:< giant_rat> arabic 0913:< rbasov> arabic 0913:< aspbergerinparadise> arabic 0913:< FeebleOldMan> arabic 0913:< erinhasguts> arabic 0913:< FeebleOldMan> english 0913:< npinsker> The answer was Arabic! Correct users: giant_rat (64), rbasov (200), FeebleOldMan (587), erinhasguts (30) 0913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What is Grimace of the McDonald's characters? 0914:< rbasov> purple blob 0914:< FeebleOldMan> tear duct 0914:< FeebleOldMan> uhh 0914:< erinhasguts> purple guy 0914:< FeebleOldMan> liver 0914:< erinhasguts> jelly 0914:< npinsker> The answer was A tastebud! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0914:< FeebleOldMan> damnit i forgot 0914:< andreaplanbee> whoa 0914:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (587), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0914:< rbasov> $ "He is a large, purple anthropomorphic being of indeterminate species with short arms and legs" -McDonald's wiki 0914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What film is generally considered the worst film ever made? 0915:< erinhasguts> the room 0915:< FeebleOldMan> the room 0915:< rbasov> the room 0915:< giant_rat> so what happened to the sadzr bot 0915:< FeebleOldMan> blocked by npin 0915:< npinsker> The answer was Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0915:< FeebleOldMan> plus npin updated script 0915:< giant_rat> finally 0915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'x'? 0915:< FeebleOldMan> there are still 2 active bots 0915:< rbasov> xray 0915:< rbasov> x-ray 0916:< npinsker> The answer was X-ray! Correct users: rbasov (204) 0916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the TV series 'The Fall Guy', who did Lee Majors play? 0916:< rbasov> the fall guy 0916:< npinsker> The answer was Colt Seavers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0917:< FeebleOldMan> test 0917:< aspbergerinparadise> 64 0917:< FeebleOldMan> guys if you're typing and it doesn't work press refresh 0917:< rbasov> 64 0917:< FeebleOldMan> 64 0917:< npinsker> The answer was sixty four! Correct users: rbasov (208), FeebleOldMan (590) 0917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Where is the Ocean of Storms located? 0917:< FeebleOldMan> not sure.. i'm not in that channel 0918:< FeebleOldMan> moon 0918:< giant_rat> earth 0918:< rbasov> moon 0918:< erinhasguts> pluto 0918:< giant_rat> jupiter 0918:< giant_rat> neptune 0918:< erinhasguts> andromeda 0918:< npinsker> The answer was On the moon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (594), rbasov (211) 0918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What's the nickname of the University of Georgia football team? 0918:< rbasov> bulldogs 0918:< erinhasguts> George 0918:< FeebleOldMan> bulldogs 0919:< npinsker> The answer was Bulldogs! Correct users: rbasov (215), FeebleOldMan (597) 0919:< rbasov> that's their mascot... 0919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || New Delhi is the capital of ____________? 0919:< giant_rat> india 0919:< rbasov> india 0919:< erinhasguts> india 0919:< FeebleOldMan> delhi 0919:< FeebleOldMan> india 0919:< FeebleOldMan> bangladesh 0919:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: giant_rat (68), rbasov (218), erinhasguts (32), FeebleOldMan (598) 0920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 0920:< FeebleOldMan> 200 0920:< erinhasguts> 9 0920:< rbasov> 9 0920:< FeebleOldMan> 3000 0920:< giant_rat> 100 0920:< FeebleOldMan> 9 0920:< npinsker> The answer was 146! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0920:< giant_rat> 150 0920:< FeebleOldMan> close rat 0920:< rbasov> >1 <1000000 0920:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (598), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0921:< giant_rat> close enough 0921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain? 0921:< rbasov> cerebellum 0921:< FeebleOldMan> tongue 0921:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (602) 0921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || How many sayings did Jesus say from the cross? 0922:< FeebleOldMan> 3 0922:< rbasov> 69 0922:< FeebleOldMan> 7 0922:< giant_rat> 1 0922:< FeebleOldMan> 10 0922:< giant_rat> 2 0922:< rbasov> 7 0922:< npinsker> The answer was seven! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (606), rbasov (221) 0922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Tippi Hedren is best known for her lead role in which film? 0923:< rbasov> the birds 0923:< giant_rat> neature walks 0923:< FeebleOldMan> babelicious nuns in the pool 19 0923:< erinhasguts> the birds 0923:< npinsker> The answer was The Birds! Correct users: rbasov (225), erinhasguts (35) 0923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscles move the ears? 0923:< FeebleOldMan> cheek 0923:< FeebleOldMan> scalp 0923:< npinsker> The answer was auricularis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state? 0924:< rbasov> maine 0924:< aspbergerinparadise> maine 0924:< FeebleOldMan> maine 0924:< dick_sanitizer> Minnesota 0924:< FeebleOldMan> minnesota 0924:< npinsker> The answer was Maine! Correct users: rbasov (229), FeebleOldMan (609) 0924:< FeebleOldMan> thanks rba 0924:< rbasov> my pleasure 0924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. 0925:< aspbergerinparadise> sitting bull 0925:< FeebleOldMan> sitting bull 0925:< dick_sanitizer> sitting bull 0925:< FeebleOldMan> raging dragon 0925:< dick_sanitizer> falling rock 0925:< FeebleOldMan> smoked beef 0925:< npinsker> The answer was Sitting Bull! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (613), dick_sanitizer (200) 0925:< rbasov> shitting bull 0925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked? 0925:< FeebleOldMan> italy 0925:< rbasov> rome 0926:< FeebleOldMan> france 0926:< FeebleOldMan> rome 0926:< npinsker> The answer was Coventry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || His many Romantic odes include 'Ode to Melancholy' and 'Ode to a Graecian Urn' 0926:< rbasov> 13 0926:< rbasov> idk 0926:< FeebleOldMan> shakespeare 0926:< FeebleOldMan> william tell 0926:< rbasov> william tell 0926:< npinsker> The answer was John Keats! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0927:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (613), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What fruit bear the latin name "citrus grandis"? 0927:< FeebleOldMan> lemon 0927:< FeebleOldMan> lime 0927:< rbasov> grapefruit 0927:< FeebleOldMan> orange 0927:< npinsker> The answer was grapefruit! Correct users: rbasov (233) 0928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Tunnels || How long is the longest tunnel? (in kms) 0928:< rbasov> 246 0928:< FeebleOldMan> 114 0928:< FeebleOldMan> 13 0928:< FeebleOldMan> 22 0928:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and sixty nine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of West Virginia? 0929:< aspbergerinparadise> charleston 0929:< FeebleOldMan> charleston 0929:< rbasov> charleston 0929:< npinsker> The answer was Charleston! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (617), rbasov (236) 0929:< FeebleOldMan> afk enjoy 0929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer, used in the orchestra. 0930:< FeebleOldMan> glockenspiel 0930:< npinsker> The answer was Glockenspiel! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (621) 0930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In the Dr Seuss books, which elephant hatched an egg? 0930:< rbasov> horton 0930:< Bonoahx> dolla 0930:< rbasov> dolla 0930:< npinsker> The answer was Horton! Correct users: rbasov (240) 0931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What is the most widely used seasoning? 0931:< Bonoahx> Salt 0931:< rbasov> salt 0931:< SirCabbage> Salt 0931:< rbasov> in my house it's garlic 0931:< npinsker> The answer was salt! Correct users: Bonoahx (7), rbasov (243), SirCabbage (7) 0931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || What is the name given to a curve that approaches a line, but never quite touches it? 0932:< rbasov> parabola 0932:< Bonoahx> Parabola 0932:< AesSedai101> parabola 0932:< npinsker> The answer was asymptote! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0932:< rbasov> lol 0932:< Bonoahx> oh of course 0932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Which TV horse could talk? 0932:< rbasov> Mr. Ed 0932:< Bonoahx> Bojack Horseman 0933:< npinsker> The answer was Mr. Ed! Correct users: rbasov (247) 0933:< rbasov> Old school show 0933:< Bonoahx> lol 0933:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "To be or not to be?" 0933:< rbasov> Hamlet 0933:< Bonoahx> Hamlet 0933:< AesSedai101> hamlet 0934:< npinsker> The answer was Hamlet! Correct users: rbasov (251), Bonoahx (10), AesSedai101 (10) 0934:< rbasov> irrelevent, I just buy raisins 0934:< Bonoahx> false 0934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || As what is haemophilia also known? 0934:< Bonoahx> fear of blood 0934:< AesSedai101> fear of blood 0934:< SirCabbage> fear of blood 0934:< rbasov> love of blood 0934:< Bonoahx> oh wait no shit 0935:< npinsker> The answer was royal disease! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0935:< AesSedai101> vampirism 0935:< rbasov> but no 0935:< SirCabbage> an uncontrollable urge to sleep with blood 0935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Neture || What do oak trees grow from? 0935:< rbasov> acorns 0935:< AesSedai101> acorns 0935:< Bonoahx> Acorns 0935:< npinsker> The answer was acorns! Correct users: rbasov (255), AesSedai101 (13), Bonoahx (12) 0935:< Bonoahx> true 0935:< rbasov> it could be true 0936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was 'The Elephant Man'? 0936:< AesSedai101> hannibal 0936:< andysniper> john merrick 0936:< Bonoahx> John Merick 0936:< rbasov> Dr. Frederic Treves 0936:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Merrick! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0936:< rbasov> Meh... 0936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a word for a castrated ram? 0936:< Bonoahx> wrong google 0936:< Bonoahx> Sheep 0937:< Bonoahx> Wether 0937:< rbasov> wether 0937:< npinsker> The answer was wether! Correct users: Bonoahx (16), rbasov (258) 0937:< rbasov> I thought the movie was based on a true story 0937:< Bonoahx> it was 0937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who released the double album 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' in 1973? 0937:< Bonoahx> Elton John 0937:< rbasov> elton john 0937:< rbasov> sir elton john 0937:< npinsker> The answer was Elton John! Correct users: Bonoahx (20), rbasov (261) 0938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which is a small flightless bird, also New Zealand's national symbol? 0938:< rbasov> kiwi 0938:< andysniper> kiwi 0938:< Bonoahx> kiwi 0938:< npinsker> The answer was kiwi! Correct users: rbasov (265), andysniper (3), Bonoahx (22) 0939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who shot President James Garfield? 0939:< andysniper> rick astley 0939:< rbasov> charles j. guiteau 0939:< Bonoahx> Charles J. Guiteau 0939:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Guiteau! Correct users: rbasov (269), Bonoahx (25) 0939:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun Runs || What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race? 0940:< Bonoahx> Bay to Breakers 0940:< rbasov> run surf city 0940:< npinsker> The answer was Bay to Breakers footrace! Correct users: Bonoahx (29) 0940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Natural History || The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ________. 0940:< aspbergerinparadise> fossil 0940:< rbasov> fossils 0940:< Bonoahx> fossil 0940:< andysniper> fossils 0941:< npinsker> The answer was fossils! Correct users: rbasov (273), andysniper (6) 0941:< Bonoahx> ffs 0941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In the Gene Pitney how many hours was it from Tulsa? 0941:< Bonoahx> 24 0941:< rbasov> 24 0941:< andysniper> 48 0942:< npinsker> The answer was 24! Correct users: Bonoahx (33), rbasov (276) 0942:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who directed the Movie 'Psycho' from Robert Bloch? 0942:< rbasov> alfred hitchcock 0942:< andysniper> alfred hitchcock 0942:< Bonoahx> Alfred Hitchcock 0942:< SirCabbage> Trump in an Alfred Hitchcock costume 0942:< npinsker> The answer was Alfred Hitchcock! Correct users: rbasov (280), andysniper (9), Bonoahx (35) 0942:< marakiri> sir cabbage whats up dude 0943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What subject did 'Mr. Chips' teach? 0943:< Bonoahx> English 0943:< rbasov> english 0943:< npinsker> The answer was Latin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0943:< Bonoahx> close enough 0943:< rbasov> right? 0943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the biological term for the voice box? 0943:< andysniper> larynx 0943:< Bonoahx> Larynx 0944:< rbasov> larynx 0944:< npinsker> The answer was larynx! Correct users: andysniper (13), Bonoahx (38), rbasov (282) 0944:< marakiri> TRUE OR FALSE? : 72 percent of statistics on the internet are made up. 0944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What instrument does Woody Allen play? 0944:< andysniper> zither 0944:< Bonoahx> The theremin 0944:< rbasov> ukulele 0945:< npinsker> The answer was clarinet! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0945:< andysniper> obvs 0945:< Bonoahx> lol 0945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame, the colour of the flame changes to ...? 0945:< rbasov> green 0945:< andysniper> blue 0945:< Bonoahx> Hamlindigo 0945:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0946:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0946:< marakiri> FUCK U NPINSKER 0946:< rbasov> it's already red... 0946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Folklore || Who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men? 0946:< rbasov> little john 0946:< andysniper> if you think flames are red you might be colour blind 0946:< Bonoahx> Little John 0946:< rbasov> orange is a shade of red 0946:< npinsker> The answer was Little John! Correct users: rbasov (286), Bonoahx (41) 0947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the only singer to have no.1 hits in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's? 0947:< Bonoahx> Cliff Richard 0947:< rbasov> cliff richard 0947:< Bonoahx> Clint Eastwood 0947:< npinsker> The answer was Cliff Richard! Correct users: Bonoahx (45), rbasov (289) 0947:< Bonoahx> Miley Cyrus 0947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the source of the Blue Nile? 0947:< marakiri> TRUE OR FALSE? : The owner of the company that makes Segways died after accidentally driving his Segway off a cliff. 0947:< aspbergerinparadise> ethiopia 0947:< andysniper> kenya 0948:< Bonoahx> Ethiopia 0948:< rbasov> lake tana 0948:< npinsker> The answer was Ethiopia! Correct users: Bonoahx (49) 0948:< Bonoahx> this fucking robot 0948:< rbasov> i should read more 0948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the NBA's most valuable player in 1976, 1977 and 1980? 0948:< Bonoahx> Kareem Abdul-Jabbar 0948:< rbasov> kareem abdul-jabbar 0949:< npinsker> The answer was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! Correct users: Bonoahx (53), rbasov (292) 0949:< andysniper> i think you roger the co-pilot 0949:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the last American president to sport facial hair? 0949:< Bonoahx> What's your vector victor 0949:< rbasov> lol 0949:< Bonoahx> Abraham Lincoln 0949:< andysniper> martin van buren 0949:< rbasov> taft 0949:< rbasov> william howard taft 0949:< Bonoahx> William Howard Taft 0949:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: rbasov (296), Bonoahx (56) 0950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas? 0950:< rbasov> the grinch 0950:< andysniper> grinch 0950:< Bonoahx> The Grinch 0950:< npinsker> The answer was Grinch! Correct users: rbasov (300), andysniper (16), Bonoahx (58) 0950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as? 0950:< andysniper> amythyst 0951:< Bonoahx> Amethyst 0951:< rbasov> amethyst 0951:< rbasov> that's by birth stone :3 0951:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: Bonoahx (62), rbasov (303) 0951:< andysniper> fucking spelling 0951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle? 0951:< rbasov> ear 0951:< andysniper> ear 0951:< aspbergerinparadise> ear 0951:< SirCabbage> I wonder if abigail's ears twitched with that amethyst question. 0951:< Bonoahx> Penis 0952:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: rbasov (307), andysniper (19) 0952:< Bonoahx> Erar 0952:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0952:< xSke> hellapanda has no life 0952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is the 'Hoosier State'? 0952:< rbasov> indiana 0953:< npinsker> The answer was Indiana! Correct users: rbasov (311) 0953:< marakiri> TRUE OR FALSE? : Isaac Newton invented the game Hopscotch. 0953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which Russian chemist (1834-1907) founded our modern periodic table? 0953:< rbasov> mendeleev 0953:< rbasov> mandeleev 0953:< andysniper> mendeleev 0953:< npinsker> The answer was Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0953:< andysniper> fuck that mate 0953:< xSke> yall are bots 0954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Metals || What metal do you get from Hematite? 0954:< andysniper> iron 0954:< xSke> iron 0954:< rbasov> iron 0954:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: andysniper (23), xSke (3), rbasov (313) 0954:< rbasov> a bot that takes too long to answer apparently... 0954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who recorded the 1957 hit "Tammy"? 0955:< rbasov> debbie reynolds 0955:< npinsker> The answer was Debby Reynolds! Correct users: rbasov (317) 0955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Calgary __________. 0955:< rbasov> flames 0956:< npinsker> The answer was Flames! Correct users: rbasov (321) 0956:< marakiri> Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. 0956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature: || What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create? 0956:< rbasov> tarzan 0956:< npinsker> The answer was Tarzan! Correct users: rbasov (325) 0957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who married Shania Twain? 0957:< andysniper> wayne gretzky 0957:< rbasov> robert lange 0957:< npinsker> The answer was Robert "Mutt" Lange! Correct users: (nobody) :( 0957:< ptrakk> john madden 0957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Albany is the capital of __________? 0957:< andysniper> new york 0957:< rbasov> new york 0958:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: andysniper (27), rbasov (328) 0958:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 0958:< marakiri> TRUE OR FALSE? : The top of the Eiffel Tower leans away from the sun. 0958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What berries give gin its flavour? 0958:< andysniper> juniper 0958:< furlonium> juniper 0958:< rbasov> juniper 0959:< npinsker> The answer was juniper berries! Correct users: andysniper (31), furlonium (3), rbasov (330) 0959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did the bayonet originate? 0959:< rbasov> britain 0959:< andysniper> france 0959:< rbasov> france 1000:< npinsker> The answer was Bayonne, France! Correct users: andysniper (35), rbasov (333) 1000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea? 1000:< rbasov> easter 1000:< marakiri> TRUE OR FALSE? : 25% of the sun is composed of helium, which is why it floats in space. 1000:< andreaplanbee> easter 1000:< andysniper> christmas 1000:< andreaplanbee> hmm 1000:< npinsker> The answer was Easter! Correct users: rbasov (337), andreaplanbee (3) 1001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which swimming stroke is named after an insect? 1001:< rbasov> butterfly 1001:< andysniper> butterfly 1001:< marakiri> Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. 1001:< andreaplanbee> butterfly 1001:< npinsker> The answer was butterfly! Correct users: rbasov (341), andysniper (38), andreaplanbee (5) 1001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Paper || What size is A-0 paper? 1002:< rbasov> 11 x 8.5 inches 1002:< andysniper> 2x A1 1002:< npinsker> The answer was one Square Meter! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1002:< rbasov> i did a-4 :/ 1002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Olympics || Who tripped Mary Decker in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics? 1002:< rbasov> zola budd 1003:< npinsker> The answer was Zola Budd! Correct users: rbasov (345) 1003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer Science || The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as ___. 1003:< aspbergerinparadise> irc 1003:< andysniper> irc 1003:< rbasov> irc 1003:< npinsker> The answer was IRC! Correct users: andysniper (42), rbasov (348) 1004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crafts || What is kaolin? 1004:< rbasov> clay 1004:< andysniper> string instrument 1004:< npinsker> The answer was pure china clay! Correct users: rbasov (352) 1004:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 1005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the second largest bone in the foot? 1005:< andysniper> metatarsel 1005:< rbasov> talus 1005:< npinsker> The answer was talus! Correct users: rbasov (356) 1005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || How many pencils are there in a dozen? 1005:< rbasov> 12 1005:< aspbergerinparadise> 12 1005:< andysniper> 12 1006:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: rbasov (360), andysniper (45) 1006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Wracked by heavy monsoon rains 3 to 4 months of the year, this is the wettest and most flood-prone nation in Asia. 1006:< andysniper> bangladesh 1007:< npinsker> The answer was Bangladesh! Correct users: andysniper (49) 1007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as? 1007:< rbasov> pele 1007:< andysniper> neymar 1007:< npinsker> The answer was Pele! Correct users: rbasov (364) 1008:< marakiri> Hey, Wakafanykai123, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || What is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia the fear of? 1008:< rbasov> fear of long words 1008:< andysniper> fear of long words 1008:< rbasov> long words 1008:< npinsker> The answer was long words! Correct users: rbasov (368), andysniper (52) 1008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Springfield is the capital of ____________? 1008:< rbasov> illinois 1009:< andysniper> ohio 1009:< rbasov> and aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes...language is an asshole 1009:< npinsker> The answer was Illinois! Correct users: rbasov (372) 1009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What does the George Washington Bridge span? 1009:< andysniper> arachybutyaphobia is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth 1009:< rbasov> hudson river 1009:< andysniper> chesapeake bay 1010:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson River! Correct users: rbasov (376) 1010:< rbasov> lol thats a nifty one 1010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Words containing 'for' || Many trees. 1010:< xSke> forest 1010:< rbasov> forrest 1010:< rbasov> forest 1010:< andysniper> forest 1010:< npinsker> The answer was FORest! Correct users: xSke (7), rbasov (379), andysniper (54) 1011:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 1011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || Followers of the Unification Church are called ________. 1011:< rbasov> moonie 1011:< npinsker> The answer was Moonies! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is identified with the word 'eureka'? 1012:< rbasov> archimedes 1012:< andysniper> archimedes 1012:< npinsker> The answer was Archimedes! Correct users: rbasov (383), andysniper (57) 1012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || A 2011 viral video featured what Muppet, edited to sing along with Tom Waits' "God's Away On Business"? 1013:< andysniper> kermit 1013:< rbasov> cookie monster 1013:< npinsker> The answer was Cookie Monster! Correct users: rbasov (387) 1013:< rbasov> he's not a muppet 1013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital city of Massachusetts. 1013:< aspbergerinparadise> boston 1013:< rbasov> boston 1013:< andysniper> boston 1013:< andreaplanbee> boston 1014:< npinsker> The answer was Boston! Correct users: rbasov (391), andysniper (60), andreaplanbee (7) 1014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country was once known as Gaul? 1014:< andysniper> france 1014:< aspbergerinparadise> france 1014:< rbasov> switzerland 1014:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: andysniper (64), ptrakk (3) 1014:< marakiri> Hey, ArcOfDream, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Most people wear a watch on their ____ wrist. 1015:< rbasov> left 1015:< andysniper> left 1015:< andreaplanbee> left 1015:< npinsker> The answer was left! Correct users: rbasov (395), andysniper (67), andreaplanbee (9) 1015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the term for a castrated rooster? 1016:< rbasov> capon 1016:< andysniper> rster 1016:< rbasov> didn't know they had balls... 1016:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol andy 1016:< npinsker> The answer was capon! Correct users: rbasov (399) 1016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who served as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard under King Robert? 1016:< rbasov> jon snow 1016:< andysniper> jaime 1016:< rbasov> jaime lannister 1017:< npinsker> The answer was Ser Barristan Selmy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1017:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (525), narcissus... 1017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a _______. 1017:< aspbergerinparadise> barrette 1017:< rbasov> barrette 1018:< npinsker> The answer was barrette! Correct users: rbasov (403) 1018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco? 1018:< rbasov> peanuts 1018:< andysniper> hemp 1018:< rbasov> was it hemp? 1018:< ptrakk> dope 1018:< andysniper> not a clue 1018:< npinsker> The answer was peanuts and sweet potatoes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1019:< ptrakk> rbasov got it 1019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || What's the name of the Mummy in the film "The Mummy"? 1019:< andysniper> imhotep 1019:< rbasov> imotep 1019:< rbasov> imhotep 1019:< ptrakk> brendan johnson 1019:< npinsker> The answer was Imhotep! Correct users: andysniper (71), rbasov (406) 1019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time. 1019:< aspbergerinparadise> annie oakley 1020:< rbasov> annie oakley 1020:< npinsker> The answer was Annie Oakley! Correct users: rbasov (410) 1020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere? 1020:< rbasov> december 1020:< andysniper> december 1020:< andreaplanbee> december 1021:< npinsker> The answer was December! Correct users: rbasov (414), andysniper (74), andreaplanbee (11) 1021:< TarJack> december 1021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || What is the purple ink used to stamp meat made from? 1021:< rbasov> grape skin 1021:< npinsker> The answer was Dark Grape Skins! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1022:< andysniper> who the fuck knows that 1022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek God of prophecy & archery, music & healing, light & truth, agriculture and cattle? 1022:< rbasov> apollo 1022:< Abandonedapple> artemis 1022:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: rbasov (418) 1022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Elizabeth I was the daughter of which king? 1022:< andysniper> henry viii 1023:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Henry viii 1023:< rbasov> king henry Viii 1023:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: andysniper (78), GetXyzzyWithIt (528), rbasov (420) 1023:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (528), narcissus... 1023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || This instrument measures the velocity of the wind. 1023:< aspbergerinparadise> anemometer 1024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Anemometer 1024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barometer 1024:< npinsker> The answer was anemometer! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (532) 1024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is present when the assassin tries to kill Bran Stark when he awakes following his fall? 1024:< GetXyzzyWithIt> nerds 1024:< andysniper> tyrion lannister 1025:< rbasov> tyrion 1025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> tyrion 1025:< npinsker> The answer was Catelyn Stark! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for tungsten? 1025:< GetXyzzyWithIt> W 1025:< rbasov> w 1025:< npinsker> The answer was W! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (536), rbasov (423) 1026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which weight division in boxing lies between flyweight and featherweight? 1026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Antweight 1026:< rbasov> bantamweight 1026:< npinsker> The answer was bantamweight! Correct users: rbasov (427) 1026:< andysniper> batman weight 1026:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 1026:< AbsolutePillow> nananananana 1026:< rbasov> bananananana 1026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Mediterranean? 1026:< andysniper> cyprus 1027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cyprus 1027:< rbasov> sicily 1027:< npinsker> The answer was Sicily! Correct users: rbasov (431) 1027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree? 1027:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bonsai 1027:< rbasov> bonsai 1027:< aspbergerinparadise> bonsai 1028:< npinsker> The answer was bonsai tree! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (540), rbasov (434) 1028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is God called in the Muslim faith? 1028:< rbasov> allah 1028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Allah 1028:< andreaplanbee> idk why those two answers arent being counted 1028:< GetXyzzyWithIt> because they use or used bots 1028:< rbasov> they were botting earlier and are banned 1028:< npinsker> The answer was Allah! Correct users: rbasov (438), GetXyzzyWithIt (543) 1028:< andreaplanbee> ohh ha! 1029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i have blocked them in case because it ruins the fun 1029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the first film directed by Robert Redford? 1029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> *muted them i mean 1029:< aspbergerinparadise> ordinary people 1029:< rbasov> ordinary people 1029:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ordinary people 1029:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: rbasov (442), GetXyzzyWithIt (546) 1029:< andysniper> extraordinary people 1029:< andysniper> balls 1029:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (546), narcissus... 1030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. 1030:< rbasov> swallow 1030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> swallow 1030:< andysniper> swallow 1030:< GetXyzzyWithIt> spit 1030:< FriendlyYak> kuckuck 1030:< rbasov> gargle 1030:< npinsker> The answer was cuckoo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1030:< FriendlyYak> yeah 1030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hirtory || Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule. 1031:< aspbergerinparadise> haiti 1031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Blackland 1031:< rbasov> haiti 1031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Kenya 1031:< npinsker> The answer was Haiti! Correct users: rbasov (446) 1031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'playboy'? 1031:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rowan Atkinson 1032:< rbasov> peter sellers 1032:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Sellers! Correct users: rbasov (450) 1032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Peter Sellers 1032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || Name the soda that is often confused with a drug. 1032:< rbasov> and with that I'm going to sleep, have fun 1032:< aspbergerinparadise> coke 1032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Baking Soda 1032:< rbasov> coca cola 1032:< andysniper> coke 1032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Coca Cola 1032:< npinsker> The answer was Coke! Correct users: andysniper (82) 1032:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lame 1033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened. 1033:< andysniper> armadillo 1033:< SirCabbage> armadillo 1033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> armadillo 1033:< npinsker> The answer was armadillo! Correct users: andysniper (86), SirCabbage (10), GetXyzzyWithIt (548) 1033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Tupelo? 1034:< andysniper> new mexico 1034:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is known as China's Sorrow? 1034:< aspbergerinparadise> yellow 1035:< npinsker> The answer was Yellow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1035:< SirCabbage> lol wut 1035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Eurodisney? 1035:< SirCabbage> oh, grammar 1035:< SirCabbage> naturally it needed a capital letter 1035:< npinsker> The answer was Paris, France! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1036:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (548), narcissus... 1036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || How many chambers does the human heart have? 1036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> two 1036:< aspbergerinparadise> four 1036:< Rofl_Waffler> 2 1036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> diane 1036:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Neptune was the Roman god of the ____________? 1037:< andysniper> sea 1037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sea 1037:< npinsker> The answer was sea! Correct users: andysniper (90), GetXyzzyWithIt (551) 1037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Denver _________. 1038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Broncos 1038:< andysniper> broncos 1038:< npinsker> The answer was Broncos! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (555), andysniper (93) 1038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ______. 1038:< aspbergerinparadise> epicenter 1038:< Internal1> epicenter 1039:< npinsker> The answer was epicenter! Correct users: Internal1 (44) 1039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Which US author penned the novels "Of Mice and Men" and "East Of Eden"? 1039:< npinsker> The answer was John Steinbeck! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || What title to the Ambassadors of Britian Get given? 1040:< jeuv> ambassador 1040:< npinsker> The answer was Ambassador to the Court of Saint James! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1040:< SirCabbage> ..... not very creative of them 1040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What is the name of Harry Potter's owl? 1041:< SirCabbage> Hedwig 1041:< jeuv> mr. owl 1041:< Rofl_Waffler> Hedwig 1041:< jeuv> hedwig 1041:< npinsker> The answer was Hedwig! Correct users: SirCabbage (14), Rofl_Waffler (3), jeuv (103) 1041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Master Higgins was the skateboarding hero of this tropical Hudson series that debuted on the NES. 1041:< jeuv> mario kart 1042:< SirCabbage> Reads the category- thinks I have it in the bag. then I read the question. 1042:< npinsker> The answer was Hudson's Adventure Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1042:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country would you find Angkor Wat? 1042:< andysniper> cambodia 1042:< isdnpro> Cambodia 1042:< jeuv> cambodia 1043:< npinsker> The answer was Cambodia! Correct users: andysniper (97), isdnpro (3), jeuv (105) 1043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play with in his hands? 1043:< jeuv> a cricket 1043:< npinsker> The answer was glass eye! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Mount St. Helens? 1044:< aspbergerinparadise> washington 1044:< jeuv> alaska 1044:< jeuv> washington 1044:< SirCabbage> moon. 1044:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: jeuv (109) 1044:< SirCabbage> Damn, no idea how I could have gotten that wrong! /s 1044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does a compass needle point to? 1045:< SirCabbage> North 1045:< aspbergerinparadise> north 1045:< jeuv> the magnetic south pole 1045:< SirCabbage> Magnetic North 1045:< npinsker> The answer was north! Correct users: SirCabbage (18) 1045:< jeuv> ffs 1045:< SirCabbage> how does that work 1045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'? 1045:< jeuv> it points to the magnetic south pole damnit 1046:< andysniper> 20q 1046:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || Ranidaphobia is the fear of what? 1046:< SirCabbage> Raindeer 1046:< andysniper> reindeer 1046:< jeuv> ranida 1046:< SirCabbage> Seriously i have no iea 1046:< jeuv> rain 1046:< SirCabbage> reindeer 1046:< npinsker> The answer was frogs! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1047:< SirCabbage> a duck named stephenb 1047:< andysniper> of course 1047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The first successful video game was "Pong", which was Atari's arcade version of what game? 1047:< jeuv> ping pong 1047:< Rofl_Waffler> tennis 1047:< SirCabbage> Table Tennis 1047:< npinsker> The answer was Table Tennis! Correct users: SirCabbage (22) 1047:< jeuv> fuck you bot 1047:< SirCabbage> I like it right now. 1047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of wine? 1048:< SirCabbage> my roomate 1048:< jeuv> dionysus 1048:< npinsker> The answer was Dionysus! Correct users: jeuv (113) 1048:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1048:< andysniper> dionysus lad 1048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of? 1049:< aspbergerinparadise> taiwan 1049:< SirCabbage> taiwan 1049:< andysniper> taiwan 1049:< jeuv> taiwan 1049:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: SirCabbage (26), andysniper (100), jeuv (115) 1049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || What is the only man-made structure on earth that can be seen from space? 1049:< isdnpro> great wall of china 1049:< jeuv> not true 1050:< Rofl_Waffler> nothing 1050:< SirCabbage> pyramids 1050:< ptrakk> theres two the great wall and the houston football feild 1050:< jeuv> pyramids 1050:< npinsker> The answer was Great Wall Of China! Correct users: isdnpro (7) 1050:< SirCabbage> I thought the great wall thing was a myth 1050:< Rofl_Waffler> anything if you use a good enough telescope 1050:< jeuv> wtf that is not true 1050:< ptrakk> not a myth 1050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ________. 1050:< SirCabbage> Jeuv 1050:< isdnpro> not a myth but undoubtedly there are more man made things visible now that we have better telescopes 1050:< jeuv> Kappa 1050:< npinsker> The answer was Petunia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1051:< SirCabbage> Damn, 1051:< isdnpro> alas, trivia bots tend to have outdated questions/answers :P 1051:< ptrakk> http://www.wired.com/2013/02/super-bowl-stadiums-from-space/ 1051:< Rofl_Waffler> I still say we should turn the great wall into a rollercoaster. :D 1051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) _______. 1051:< ptrakk> protracter 1051:< SirCabbage> Well yeah but I took that question as- without the use of telescopes 1051:< Rofl_Waffler> procractor 1051:< ptrakk> compass 1051:< SirCabbage> protractor 1051:< Rofl_Waffler> bah, close enough 1051:< jeuv> protractor 1051:< npinsker> The answer was protractor! Correct users: SirCabbage (30), jeuv (118) 1051:< SirCabbage> +1 for spelling 1051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum? 1052:< jeuv> rugby scum 1052:< andysniper> fight 1052:< jeuv> idk 1052:< skyank> icing 1052:< npinsker> The answer was face-off! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Mount Washington? 1052:< SirCabbage> My pants 1052:< andysniper> america 1052:< jeuv> idaho 1052:< SirCabbage> earth 1053:< SirCabbage> the milky way 1053:< npinsker> The answer was New Hampshire! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1053:< andysniper> excuse me i was correct 1053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cosmology || What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe? 1053:< Rofl_Waffler> big bang theory 1053:< jeuv> god 1053:< SirCabbage> big bang theory 1053:< jeuv> big bang theory 1053:< jeuv> game theory 1053:< npinsker> The answer was Big Bang! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1054:< jeuv> lol 1054:< Rndom_Gy_159> rip 1054:< ptrakk> genesis 1054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || On what side should you sleep to improve digestion? 1054:< jeuv> right 1054:< Rndom_Gy_159> right 1054:< ptrakk> fiber 1054:< SirCabbage> well to be fair, it did state "accepted theory" we likely didnt need to type theory- so that makes sense 1054:< ptrakk> left 1054:< npinsker> The answer was right! Correct users: jeuv (122), Rndom_Gy_159 (3) 1054:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon character called? 1055:< jeuv> mickey mouse 1055:< Rndom_Gy_159> steamboat mikey 1055:< SirCabbage> Trip to the Center of my Pants 1055:< npinsker> The answer was Oswald the Rabbit! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || What cocktail is based on rum and lemon? 1056:< SirCabbage> damn, so close. 1056:< Rndom_Gy_159> rum and lemon 1056:< jeuv> the runny lemon 1056:< Zirenth> rum sour 1056:< npinsker> The answer was daiquiri! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H.? 1056:< aspbergerinparadise> benjamin franklin pierce 1057:< Rndom_Gy_159> benjamin franklin pierce 1057:< npinsker> The answer was Benjamin Franklin Pierce! Correct users: Rndom_Gy_159 (7) 1057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest country in Africa. 1057:< dick_sanitizer> hey guys we still triviaing 1057:< aspbergerinparadise> algeria 1057:< Rndom_Gy_159> Chad 1057:< dick_sanitizer> algeria 1057:< xSke> ethiopia 1057:< jeuv> sudan 1057:< Zirenth> Algeria 1057:< Rofl_Waffler> dr congo 1057:< npinsker> The answer was Algeria! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (204), Zirenth (3) 1058:< xSke> pls 1058:< dick_sanitizer> is asp isnt botting again is he? 1058:< jeuv> algeria is the largests you fuckbot' 1058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Famous Genitals || For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon's penis? (US Dollars) 1058:< xSke> ... 1058:< Rofl_Waffler> 100000 1058:< dick_sanitizer> oh my 1058:< xSke> one million dalahs 1058:< Rndom_Gy_159> 10 1058:< dick_sanitizer> 3 million 1058:< npinsker> The answer was $3800! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1058:< dick_sanitizer> nope he sint looks like 1058:< jeuv> 3.50 1058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || On the Moh Hardness scale what has a hardness of 10? 1059:< Rofl_Waffler> diamond 1059:< xSke> diamonds 1059:< dick_sanitizer> diamonds 1059:< Rndom_Gy_159> diamond 1059:< berberine> diamond 1059:< Zirenth> diamond 1059:< dick_sanitizer> diamond 1059:< jeuv> diamond 1059:< Rofl_Waffler> I can't name anything else on the scale. Just that one. 1059:< dick_sanitizer> dont think it will accept diamonds 1059:< npinsker> The answer was Diamond! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (7), Rndom_Gy_159 (10), berberine (175), Zirenth (4), dick_sanitizer (204), jeuv (122) 1059:< Rndom_Gy_159> I swear, if it's plural..... 1059:< xSke> Rofl_Waffler potatoes have like 0.1 1059:< dick_sanitizer> yep no lol 1059:< Rofl_Waffler> I'll look it up later. :) 1059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'? 1059:< Rndom_Gy_159> my dick is at 11 Kappa 1059:< jeuv> Algeria is the largest country in Africa, not the second largest 1059:< Rofl_Waffler> 18 1059:< dick_sanitizer> 20 1059:< Rndom_Gy_159> 16 1059:< Zirenth> 18 1100:< jeuv> 16 1100:< dick_sanitizer> isnt the largest south africa? 1100:< jeuv> lol no 1100:< dick_sanitizer> 16 1100:< npinsker> The answer was eighteen! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (11), Zirenth (7) 1100:< dick_sanitizer> really? where does SA rank? 1100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || What is the tallest piece on a chessboard? 1100:< dick_sanitizer> king 1100:< Rndom_Gy_159> Queen 1100:< Zirenth> queen 1100:< dick_sanitizer> queen 1100:< Rofl_Waffler> I guessed DR Congo earlier and google says it was right. :( 1100:< jeuv> SA is 9th 1100:< npinsker> The answer was king! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (208) 1100:< jeuv> queen 1100:< dick_sanitizer> oh my in my mind its so big 1101:< dick_sanitizer> WOOT 1101:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the saltiest sea in the world? 1101:< dick_sanitizer> dead sea 1101:< Rndom_Gy_159> dead sea 1101:< Zirenth> Dead Sea 1101:< jeuv> sudan used to be largest... before 2011 1101:< Rofl_Waffler> League of Legends 1101:< andysniper> dead sea 1101:< jeuv> dead sea 1101:< dick_sanitizer> you can float on it! 1101:< Rndom_Gy_159> kek 1101:< npinsker> The answer was The Dead Sea! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (212), Rndom_Gy_159 (13), Zirenth (9), andysniper (101), jeuv (122) 1102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || In which country did edam cheese originate? 1102:< jeuv> netherlands 1102:< dick_sanitizer> germany 1102:< andysniper> netherlands 1102:< Zirenth> Netherlands 1102:< dick_sanitizer> netherlands 1102:< Rndom_Gy_159> new europe the second 1102:< npinsker> The answer was Holland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1102:< jeuv> fuck off 1102:< Rndom_Gy_159> rip 1102:< dick_sanitizer> ffffffffffff 1102:< jeuv> piece of shit bot 1102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager? 1103:< jeuv> holland isn't a country 1103:< Zirenth> Elvis 1103:< Rndom_Gy_159> the beatles 1103:< dick_sanitizer> sting 1103:< Zirenth> Elvis Presley 1103:< jeuv> elvis presley 1103:< npinsker> The answer was Elvis Presley! Correct users: Zirenth (13), jeuv (125) 1103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was Dick Dastardly's pet? 1103:< Zirenth> muttley 1103:< dick_sanitizer> muttley 1104:< jeuv> muttley 1104:< andysniper> mutley 1104:< npinsker> The answer was Muttley! Correct users: Zirenth (17), dick_sanitizer (215), jeuv (127) 1104:< dick_sanitizer> dick dastardly needs a session with me 1104:< dick_sanitizer> ill clean em up 1104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Which movie is the highest grossing movie of all time? 1104:< jeuv> mein kampf 1104:< Rofl_Waffler> Gone With the Wind 1104:< dick_sanitizer> the sound of music 1104:< Zirenth> Star Wars Ep. VII: The Force Awakens 1104:< dick_sanitizer> mary poppins 1104:< npinsker> The answer was Titanic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1105:< dick_sanitizer> oh man 1105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range? 1105:< Zirenth> Avatar beat Titanic, didn't it? 1105:< dick_sanitizer> matterhorn 1105:< Zirenth> Great Smokey 1105:< dick_sanitizer> not sure yo 1105:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Mitchell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1105:< jeuv> yeah, the bot is outdated 1105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', who said 'I have a faint cold, fear thrills through my veins'? 1106:< andysniper> mercutio 1106:< dick_sanitizer> juliet 1106:< jeuv> mercutio 1106:< Zirenth> Juliet 1106:< npinsker> The answer was Juliet! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (219), Zirenth (20) 1106:< dick_sanitizer> 50/50 1106:< dick_sanitizer> wooot 1106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"? 1106:< aspbergerinparadise> austria 1106:< dick_sanitizer> austria 1106:< jeuv> austria 1107:< Zirenth> Austria 1107:< andysniper> austria 1107:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (223), jeuv (130), Zirenth (22), andysniper (102) 1107:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Optics || What colour on black produces the most visible combination? 1107:< Zirenth> White 1107:< jeuv> green 1108:< dick_sanitizer> yellow 1108:< KWilt> Gray 1108:< dick_sanitizer> white 1108:< npinsker> The answer was yellow! Correct users: dick_sanitizer (227) 1108:< dick_sanitizer> yaaayy 1108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Farming || French farmers get help from this barnyard animal to dig out truffles. 1108:< KWilt> Pig 1108:< dick_sanitizer> boar 1108:< jeuv> pig 1108:< dick_sanitizer> pig 1108:< Zirenth> pig 1108:< npinsker> The answer was pig! Correct users: andysniper (106), KWilt (3), jeuv (132), dick_sanitizer (228), Zirenth (22) 1109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What did TVs IMF stand for? 1109:< andysniper> impossible mission force 1109:< jeuv> international monetarian fund 1109:< Rofl_Waffler> intelligent message filter 1109:< npinsker> The answer was Impossible Mission Forces! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1109:< andysniper> fuck you npinkser 1109:< Zirenth> that single s 1109:< KWilt> Hahaha 1110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety Pie? 1110:< jeuv> Anne Frank 1110:< Zirenth> Mel Blanc 1110:< jeuv> Mel Blanc 1110:< npinsker> The answer was Mel Blanc! Correct users: Zirenth (26), jeuv (135) 1110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving 'The Lovin' Spoonful'? 1110:< Zirenth> Jimi Hendrix 1111:< jeuv> Jimmy Hendrix 1111:< npinsker> The answer was John Sebastian! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1111:< etray> :D 1111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What Marlon Brando film was widely banned? 1111:< jeuv> Kappa 1111:< etray> Streetcar of Desire 1111:< Zirenth> Lost Tango in Paris 1111:< etray> Raging Bull 1111:< andysniper> mel apocalypse now 1111:< npinsker> The answer was Last Tango In Paris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1112:< andysniper> mel what? 1112:< Zirenth> fuck 1112:< KWilt> Ouch 1112:< jeuv> lol 1112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is married to Valerie Bertanelli? 1112:< andysniper> mr bertanelli 1112:< Zirenth> Tim Vitalie 1112:< npinsker> The answer was Eddie Van Halen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1112:< Zirenth> Tim Vitale 1113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The _____ universe was replaced by the Copernican universe. 1113:< andysniper> star wars 1113:< giant_rat> geocentric 1113:< jeuv> geocentric 1113:< npinsker> The answer was Ptolemic! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1113:< giant_rat> close enough 1113:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1113:< andysniper> ah yeah star wars was a galaxy not a universe 1114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Baltimore ________. 1114:< Zirenth> Ravens 1114:< andysniper> ravens 1114:< KWilt> Ravens 1114:< jeuv> ravens 1114:< npinsker> The answer was Colts! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1114:< Zirenth> Fuck you 1114:< KWilt> Wut 1114:< andysniper> what? 1114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 1114:< KWilt> That doesn't seem right 1114:< phil_g> Harsh. 1114:< andysniper> ming 1114:< Rofl_Waffler> ming 1114:< KWilt> Ming 1114:< jeuv> qing 1115:< jeuv> ming 1115:< Rofl_Waffler> (guess) 1115:< Zirenth> Qing 1115:< npinsker> The answer was ching! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1115:< jeuv> lol 1115:< Zirenth> Fucking racist bot 1115:< KWilt> Ching-ching 1115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what city is the Leaning Tower? 1115:< Zirenth> Paris 1115:< andysniper> pisa 1115:< KWilt> Pisa 1115:< aspbergerinparadise> pisa 1115:< Zirenth> Pisa 1115:< jeuv> Pisa 1115:< JustSomeRedditor> pizza 1116:< npinsker> The answer was Pisa! Correct users: andysniper (110), KWilt (6), Zirenth (28), jeuv (136) 1116:< Rofl_Waffler> I thought it was a trick question so I stayed out >_> 1116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many titles were released in the "Donkey Konga" series of games on the GameCube? 1116:< andysniper> 3 1116:< Rofl_Waffler> 3 1116:< CitrusDoctor> two 1116:< Zirenth> 1 million 1116:< jeuv> konga 1116:< Zirenth> 3 1116:< CitrusDoctor> 3 1116:< KWilt> Three 1116:< jeuv> 3 1116:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: andysniper (114), Rofl_Waffler (14), Zirenth (30), CitrusDoctor (1), jeuv (136) 1117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover? 1117:< KWilt> Oh GDI 1117:< andysniper> the jerry springer opera 1117:< npinsker> The answer was Don Giovanni! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1117:< preggit> Hey dolla dolla bills 1117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In American football, where is the Orange Bowl? 1117:< Rndom_Gy_159> California 1117:< jeuv> outside 1118:< Rndom_Gy_159> Orange County? 1118:< KWilt> California 1118:< Zirenth> Miami 1118:< jeuv> california 1118:< andysniper> the kitchen 1118:< npinsker> The answer was Miami! Correct users: Zirenth (34) 1118:< KWilt> Yay not knowing college football! 1118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who is Melanie Griffith's mother? 1118:< Rndom_Gy_159> Melanie Griffith Sr 1118:< jeuv> I don't know jack shit about the US 1118:< Zirenth> Tippi Hendren 1119:< npinsker> The answer was Tippi Hedren! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1119:< jeuv> IDK what the orange bowl even is --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:19:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:19:17 2016 1119:< Zirenth> One of the many college bowls 1119:< Zirenth> 32 1119:< Rofl_Waffler> 32 1119:< jeuv> 32 1119:< Rndom_Gy_159> 32 1119:< KWilt> 32 1119:< npinsker> The answer was 32! Correct users: Zirenth (38), Rofl_Waffler (17), jeuv (138), Rndom_Gy_159 (14), KWilt (6) 1119:< Zirenth> Should've done 2+3*10 1120:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The practice of women taking more than one husband is called? 1120:< Zirenth> Whoring 1120:< jeuv> polygamy 1120:< KWilt> Polygamy 1120:< Rofl_Waffler> polyamory 1120:< Zirenth> Polygamy 1120:< npinsker> The answer was polyandry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of man and culture is known as __________. 1121:< KWilt> anthropology 1121:< Rofl_Waffler> anthropology 1121:< jeuv> geology 1121:< Zirenth> anthropology 1121:< andysniper> socialogy 1121:< jeuv> anthropology 1121:< npinsker> The answer was anthropology! Correct users: KWilt (10), Rofl_Waffler (20), Zirenth (40), jeuv (139) 1121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Henry VIII's second wife? 1121:< Rndom_Gy_159> dead 1122:< andysniper> anne of vleves 1122:< dick_sanitizer> ^^^i understand that reference 1122:< Rndom_Gy_159> not me 1122:< andysniper> anne of cleves 1122:< Zirenth> Catherine Howard 1122:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Boleyn! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who killed Kenny? 1122:< Zirenth> You 1122:< KWilt> Those bastards 1122:< Rofl_Waffler> you bastards 1122:< Rndom_Gy_159> You Bastards 1122:< jeuv> those bastards 1122:< Zirenth> You bastards 1122:< KWilt> You bastards 1122:< Rndom_Gy_159> inb4 noone gets it 1123:< npinsker> The answer was They! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1123:< jeuv> lol 1123:< Rofl_Waffler> haha 1123:< Zirenth> Fucking hell 1123:< KWilt> Fuck 1123:< andysniper> ha 1123:< KWilt> I guess it is 'They killed Kenny' 1123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The Strong National Museum of Play has thousands of video games and it's in Rochester in what state? 1123:< KWilt> New York 1123:< andysniper> new york 1123:< Zirenth> New York 1123:< Rndom_Gy_159> virgina 1123:< jeuv> new york 1123:< Rndom_Gy_159> wait. fuck 1123:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: KWilt (14), andysniper (117), Zirenth (42), jeuv (140) 1123:< marakiri> Fuck this channel 1124:< Rndom_Gy_159> lol 1124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What gives leaves their colour ? 1124:< Rofl_Waffler> chlorophyll 1124:< andysniper> chlorophyl 1124:< marakiri> the scrabble bot went away : ( : ( : ( 1124:< KWilt> Chlorophyl 1124:< Rofl_Waffler> chlorophyll 1124:< jeuv> chlorophyll 1124:< Rndom_Gy_159> chlorophyl 1124:< pandersson97> green 1124:< npinsker> The answer was Chlorophyll! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (24), jeuv (143) 1124:< Rndom_Gy_159> damn, it's two 'll' 1124:< andysniper> fuck l's 1124:< KWilt> Fuck 1124:< Rofl_Waffler> \o/ 1124:< Zirenth> Why are there categories like "science" and then "botany" 1124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a person who makes barrels called? 1124:< andysniper> cooper 1124:< KWilt> Cooper 1124:< Rndom_Gy_159> cooper 1124:< jeuv> cooper 1125:< Rofl_Waffler> Donkey Kong 1125:< Zirenth> Why be specific with only some questions? 1125:< pandersson97> why are there no categories like 'memes' or 'dank shitposting'? 1125:< Zirenth> cooper 1125:< npinsker> The answer was cooper! Correct users: andysniper (121), KWilt (17), Rndom_Gy_159 (16), jeuv (144) 1125:< Rndom_Gy_159> because then everyone would win 1125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree. 1125:< Rofl_Waffler> eucalypt 1125:< KWilt> Eucalyptus 1125:< pandersson97> Eucalyptus 1125:< jeuv> eucalyptus 1125:< Rndom_Gy_159> bamboo 1125:< andysniper> eucalyptus 1125:< Rndom_Gy_159> koala bear isn't a panda bear 1126:< andysniper> false, koala isn't a bear 1126:< npinsker> The answer was eucalyptus! Correct users: KWilt (21), pandersson97 (52), jeuv (146), andysniper (122) 1126:< KWilt> I get that reference, Rndom 1126:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> rly? cuz that was unintentional 1126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics? 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> I misread the quesion 1126:< pandersson97> ITT people have an IQ < 65 1126:< Rofl_Waffler> dot matrix 1126:< Rndom_Gy_159> dot matrix 1126:< andysniper> dot matrix 1127:< npinsker> The answer was dot matrix! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (28), Rndom_Gy_159 (19), andysniper (124) 1127:< andysniper> i have never heard of printer making as an olympic sport 1127:< Rofl_Waffler> (lucky guess) 1127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || How do you say "I Love You" in German? 1127:< Rndom_Gy_159> that's the only old printer I know of 1127:< Rofl_Waffler> Ice liebe dich 1127:< jeuv> Ich liebe dich 1127:< Rndom_Gy_159> 9 9 9 9 1127:< andysniper> ich leibe dich 1127:< npinsker> The answer was Ich liebe Dich! Correct users: jeuv (150) 1127:< jeuv> suck it noobs 1128:< andysniper> i before e except after go fuck yourself npinsker 1128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which sea is located between Australia and New Zealand? 1128:< Rofl_Waffler> pacific ocean 1128:< andysniper> ataman 1128:< jeuv> ataman 1128:< Rndom_Gy_159> salty 1128:< npinsker> The answer was Tasman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1128:< pandersson97> dank sea 1128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'? 1128:< pandersson97> Paul Blart 1129:< jeuv> dank memes 1129:< npinsker> The answer was Axel Foley! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The first Harvest Moon game in 3D, it featured girls to date like Maria and Karen. 1129:< erinhasguts> is that a question? 1129:< Rndom_Gy_159> Harvest Moon: Fap Version 1129:< marakiri> fuck u all NURDS 1130:< andysniper> that gamcube one 1130:< npinsker> The answer was Harvest Moon 64! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1130:< pandersson97> heh 1130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is 'bountiful mother' in Latin? 1130:< erinhasguts> alma mater 1130:< Rndom_Gy_159> momacita bonita 1130:< jeuv> cyka blyat 1130:< Rofl_Waffler> Your mom 1130:< andysniper> eyoooooooooooo 1130:< npinsker> The answer was alma mater! Correct users: erinhasguts (39) 1131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Television || The eldest sister in the TV Series Charmed, is played by who? 1131:< andysniper> played by whom i think you mean 1131:< erinhasguts> holly marie combs 1131:< Rndom_Gy_159> myself 1131:< npinsker> The answer was Shannon Doherty! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1131:< andysniper> lrn to grammar bot 1131:< erinhasguts> ah damnit the oldest was prue 1131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He shot Lee Harvey Oswald. 1132:< Rndom_Gy_159> himself 1132:< andysniper> jeremy clarkson 1132:< Rofl_Waffler> Jack Ruby 1132:< npinsker> The answer was Jack Ruby! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (32) 1132:< andysniper> oooh so close 1132:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a cello's full name? 1132:< andysniper> sir cello of verona 1132:< Rndom_Gy_159> bass chello 1133:< Rndom_Gy_159> s/chello/cello 1133:< Rofl_Waffler> I just looked it up and I wasn't expecting that. 1133:< npinsker> The answer was violoncello! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean? 1133:< andysniper> international date line 1133:< Rofl_Waffler> international date line 1133:< Zirenth> international date line 1133:< Rndom_Gy_159> ^ 1133:< erinhasguts> imaginery 1134:< npinsker> The answer was International Date Line! Correct users: andysniper (128), Rofl_Waffler (35), Zirenth (44) 1134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of the composition of substances and the changes they undergo? 1134:< Rndom_Gy_159> chemistry 1134:< Zirenth> chemistry 1134:< andysniper> chemistry 1134:< npinsker> The answer was chemistry! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (39), Rndom_Gy_159 (22), Zirenth (46), andysniper (129) 1135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______? 1135:< aspbergerinparadise> chumley 1135:< Rndom_Gy_159> chumley 1135:< andysniper> the fuck is that 1135:< Rndom_Gy_159> dunno. just copied people ahead of me 1135:< npinsker> The answer was Chumley! Correct users: Rndom_Gy_159 (26) 1135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The name Australia is derived from the Latin word "australis" which means _______. 1135:< aspbergerinparadise> southern 1135:< Rndom_Gy_159> south 1136:< Rndom_Gy_159> fml 1136:< andysniper> south 1136:< npinsker> The answer was southern! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1136:< andysniper> eugh 1136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company? 1136:< andysniper> glaxosmithkline 1136:< _deffer_> bayer 1137:< erinhasguts> pfizer 1137:< npinsker> The answer was Bayer! Correct users: _deffer_ (20) 1137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || What make of car is an 'Espace'? 1137:< andysniper> renault 1137:< npinsker> The answer was Renault! Correct users: andysniper (133) 1137:< Rofl_Waffler> Aside: Tesla has models S, 3, X and is planning a Y. 1138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the Jutland peninsula? 1138:< aspbergerinparadise> denmark 1138:< andysniper> denmark 1138:< Rndom_Gy_159> and they wanted a model E, but Ford has the pantent on it 1138:< Rndom_Gy_159> or something 1138:< Rofl_Waffler> yep 1138:< npinsker> The answer was Denmark! Correct users: andysniper (137) 1138:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (621), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb? 1139:< aspbergerinparadise> enola gay 1139:< KWilt> Enola Gay 1139:< FeebleOldMan> enola gay 1139:< Rndom_Gy_159> enola gay 1139:< andysniper> enola ga 1139:< andysniper> enola gay 1139:< Rofl_Waffler> I can remember the names of the bombs, but couldn't remember the bomber. 1139:< npinsker> The answer was Enola Gay! Correct users: KWilt (25), FeebleOldMan (624), Rndom_Gy_159 (28), andysniper (138) 1139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war? 1139:< Rndom_Gy_159> 18 1139:< FeebleOldMan> 17 1140:< Rofl_Waffler> 19 1140:< andysniper> 21 1140:< _deffer_> ninteen 1140:< npinsker> The answer was nineteen! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (43) 1140:< _deffer_> oops 1140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || "He's So Fine", "One Fine Day" and "A Love So Fine" where hits for what fine group? 1140:< aspbergerinparadise> the chiffons 1140:< FeebleOldMan> the chiffons 1141:< npinsker> The answer was The Chiffons! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (628) 1141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weather || Which US state holds the record for most snowfall in a day, recorded February 7, 1916? 1141:< Rofl_Waffler> Alaska 1141:< Rndom_Gy_159> alaska 1141:< KWilt> North Dakota 1141:< andysniper> hawaii 1141:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (47), Rndom_Gy_159 (31) 1141:< Rndom_Gy_159> either alaska or ND, yeah 1142:< andysniper> worth a shot 1142:< KWilt> Wow. That's surprising 1142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || A scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as a: 1142:< KWilt> Scientist 1142:< Rofl_Waffler> herpetologist 1142:< Rndom_Gy_159> amphibianist 1142:< andysniper> senator 1142:< Rofl_Waffler> not to be confused with a derpotologist 1142:< npinsker> The answer was Herpetologist! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (51) 1142:< KWilt> No, not someone who /is/ a reptile. Someone who /studies them/ 1142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840's? 1142:< Rofl_Waffler> potato 1142:< Rndom_Gy_159> potato 1142:< KWilt> potato 1143:< KWilt> Potatoes 1143:< andysniper> potato 1143:< Rofl_Waffler> Probably lots of other things too, but that's the famous one. 1143:< npinsker> The answer was potatoes! Correct users: KWilt (29) 1143:< Rndom_Gy_159> wow 1143:< KWilt> Woohoo! 1143:< andysniper> fuck off 1143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As smart as a(n) ________. 1143:< Rndom_Gy_159> fox 1143:< KWilt> fox 1143:< Rndom_Gy_159> whip 1144:< npinsker> The answer was whip! Correct users: Rndom_Gy_159 (35) 1144:< Rndom_Gy_159> thanks google 1144:< Rofl_Waffler> But "as cunning as a fox" 1144:< KWilt> Oh. It's quick as a fox 1144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption? 1144:< Rndom_Gy_159> poison 1144:< KWilt> Denatured 1144:< Rofl_Waffler> lab-grade alcohol 1144:< npinsker> The answer was denatured! Correct users: KWilt (33) 1144:< nimajneb> antidote 1145:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (628), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The New York ____________? 1145:< Rndom_Gy_159> mets 1145:< nimajneb> Yankees 1145:< KWilt> Yankees 1145:< andysniper> yankees 1145:< npinsker> The answer was Mets! Correct users: Rndom_Gy_159 (39) 1145:< andysniper> cmon 1145:< KWilt> Well fuck you too 1146:< Rndom_Gy_159> WOOO! 1146:< pandersson97> Red Sox 1146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || This is the symbol for tin. 1146:< Rofl_Waffler> Sn 1146:< aspbergerinparadise> sn 1146:< nimajneb> Mets or Yankees how are we supposed to know which? 1146:< Rndom_Gy_159> Sn 1146:< FriendlyYak> Sn 1146:< KWilt> sn 1146:< andysniper> sn 1146:< pandersson97> J 1146:< Rofl_Waffler> Also Ti = titanium 1146:< npinsker> The answer was Sn! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (55), Rndom_Gy_159 (42), FriendlyYak (2), KWilt (34), andysniper (138) 1146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Frankfort is the capital of which state? 1146:< aspbergerinparadise> kentucky 1146:< pandersson97> France 1147:< andysniper> kentucky 1147:< Rndom_Gy_159> kentucky 1147:< KWilt> Kentucky 1147:< npinsker> The answer was Kentucky! Correct users: andysniper (142), Rndom_Gy_159 (45), KWilt (36) 1147:< andysniper> TIL 1147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the Mayo Clinic? 1147:< Rofl_Waffler> I'm bad at state capitals. I only know a few, like Albany. 1147:< pandersson97> Mayonnaise 1147:< aspbergerinparadise> minnesota 1147:< andysniper> minnesota 1147:< Rndom_Gy_159> minnesota 1148:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: andysniper (146), Rndom_Gy_159 (48) 1148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Vincent Vega appeared in which movie? 1148:< andysniper> pulp fiction 1148:< Rofl_Waffler> pulp fiction 1148:< Rndom_Gy_159> pulp fiction 1148:< pandersson97> Paul Blart; Mall Cop 1148:< KWilt> Pulp Fiction 1148:< npinsker> The answer was Pulp Fiction! Correct users: andysniper (150), Rofl_Waffler (58), Rndom_Gy_159 (50), KWilt (37) 1149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In which branch of science are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms? 1149:< Rofl_Waffler> biology 1149:< Rndom_Gy_159> chemistry 1149:< andysniper> biology 1149:< pandersson97> bio-chemistry 1149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was _______. 1149:< Rndom_Gy_159> pluto 1149:< Rofl_Waffler> neptune 1149:< pandersson97> the Moon 1150:< andysniper> pluto 1150:< Rndom_Gy_159> yer mum --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:50:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:50:25 2016 1150:< pandersson97> that'd be hard since she fills ALL the space 1150:< Rofl_Waffler> (guess) 1150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the deepest land gorge in the world? 1150:< pandersson97> PASS 1150:< Rofl_Waffler> your mom 1150:< Rndom_Gy_159> your mom's vagina 1151:< npinsker> The answer was Grand Canyon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1151:< pandersson97> that'd be hard since you'd have to have a bottom for depth 1151:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (628), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || King Richard the ________________? 1151:< Rndom_Gy_159> third 1151:< pandersson97> 420th 1151:< purple_pan> third 1152:< npinsker> The answer was Lionhearted! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1152:< pandersson97> lel 1152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The "Bay of Pigs" fiasco took place in this country. 1152:< andysniper> cuba 1152:< aspbergerinparadise> cuba 1152:< Rndom_Gy_159> cuba 1152:< andysniper> inb4 the bots 1152:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: andysniper (154), Rndom_Gy_159 (53) 1153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Nassau is the capital of which country? 1153:< aspbergerinparadise> bahamas 1153:< Rofl_Waffler> Bahamas 1153:< Rndom_Gy_159> Bahamas 1153:< npinsker> The answer was Bahamas! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (66), Rndom_Gy_159 (56) 1153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Name the pain-inflicting person you go to to get your teeth fixed. 1153:< Rofl_Waffler> dentist 1154:< andysniper> dentist 1154:< Rndom_Gy_159> orthodontist 1154:< andysniper> jeremy 1154:< npinsker> The answer was dentist! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (70), andysniper (157) 1154:< Rndom_Gy_159> boo 1154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be? 1154:< Rofl_Waffler> circle 1154:< aspbergerinparadise> circle 1154:< Rndom_Gy_159> circle 1154:< jeuv> prism 1154:< andysniper> circle 1155:< npinsker> The answer was circle! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (74), Rndom_Gy_159 (59), andysniper (159) 1155:< Rndom_Gy_159> normal 1155:< npinsker> The answer was Normal Force! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1155:< andysniper> pressure 1155:< Rndom_Gy_159> wow. 1156:< andysniper> what 1156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What instrument does an organ grinder play? 1156:< Rofl_Waffler> organ 1156:< andysniper> organ 1156:< Rndom_Gy_159> penis 1156:< npinsker> The answer was hurdy gurdy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 1156:< _deffer_> the fuck is a hurdy gurdy 1156:< Rofl_Waffler> ching 1157:< FeebleOldMan> qing 1157:< chrismash> Kappa 1157:< FeebleOldMan> tang 1157:< npinsker> The answer was ching! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (78) 1157:< KWilt> Ching 1157:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1510), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (628), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1157:< Rndom_Gy_159> oing 1157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, into what did Athena turn Arachne? 1157:< Rofl_Waffler> spider 1158:< FeebleOldMan> spider 1158:< _deffer_> spider 1158:< andysniper> arcanine, the evolution of growlithe 1158:< _deffer_> thanks SMITE 1158:< npinsker> The answer was spider! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (82), FeebleOldMan (631), _deffer_ (22) 1158:< andysniper> pfft whatever 1158:< Rofl_Waffler> I guessed just from the name 1158:< Rndom_Gy_159> also, arcanine was supposed to be a legendary pokemon, but that was scrapped 1158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) ________. 1158:< Rofl_Waffler> tsunami 1158:< andysniper> tsunami 1158:< Rndom_Gy_159> tsunami 1158:< _deffer_> tsunami 1158:< chrismash> bath 1159:< npinsker> The answer was tsunami! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (86), andysniper (162), Rndom_Gy_159 (61), _deffer_ (23) 1159:< dashed> lol 1159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Impressive Fauna || What animal can live several weeks without its head? 1159:< Rofl_Waffler> cockroach 1159:< vikingboy> cockroach 1159:< andysniper> mike the headless chicken 1159:< Rndom_Gy_159> chicken 1159:< chrismash> cockroach 1159:< SirCabbage> chicken 1159:< npinsker> The answer was cockroach! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (90), vikingboy (7), chrismash (456) 1200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the wristwatch? 1200:< andysniper> mr rolex 1200:< npinsker> The answer was Louis Cartier! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1200:< vikingboy> patek phillipe 1200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the second highest peak in Africa? 1201:< Rndom_Gy_159> muh dick 1201:< andysniper> table mountain 1201:< vikingboy> mount kenya 1201:< wolflambert> Mt Kenya 1201:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Kenya! Correct users: vikingboy (11) 1201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) _________. 1201:< aspbergerinparadise> ligature 1201:< vikingboy> suture 1201:< Rndom_Gy_159> ligature 1202:< Rofl_Waffler> suture 1202:< npinsker> The answer was ligature! Correct users: Rndom_Gy_159 (65) 1202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who is Donald Duck's uncle? 1202:< aspbergerinparadise> scrooge 1202:< 3xist3nc3> Scrooge 1202:< andysniper> dolan 1202:< Rndom_Gy_159> Scrooge 1202:< vikingboy> scrooge 1202:< npinsker> The answer was Scrooge! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1514), Rndom_Gy_159 (68), vikingboy (13) 1203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stationery || How many bends in a standard paperclip? 1203:< Rofl_Waffler> 3 1203:< andysniper> 4 1203:< Rndom_Gy_159> 3 1203:< andysniper> 3 1203:< npinsker> The answer was three! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (94), Rndom_Gy_159 (71), andysniper (164) 1203:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What science does Professor Stephen Hawking study and teach? 1204:< Rofl_Waffler> astrophysics 1204:< andysniper> physics 1204:< Rndom_Gy_159> theoeiitcal physics 1204:< npinsker> The answer was astrophysics! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (98) 1204:< Rndom_Gy_159> theoretical physics 1204:< vikingboy> mathematics 1204:< Rndom_Gy_159> damn 1204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who kisses Mario on the nose at the end of "Super Mario 64"? 1204:< Rndom_Gy_159> toad 1205:< andysniper> peach 1205:< vikingboy> peach 1205:< npinsker> The answer was Princess Peach! Correct users: andysniper (168), vikingboy (16) 1205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a heliologist study? 1205:< aspbergerinparadise> the sun 1205:< Rofl_Waffler> the sun 1205:< andysniper> the sun 1205:< Rndom_Gy_159> sun 1205:< OpOrtsac> the sun 1206:< npinsker> The answer was the sun! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (102), andysniper (171), Rndom_Gy_159 (73), OpOrtsac (15) 1206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What bird is associated with Lundy Island? 1206:< andysniper> puffin 1206:< npinsker> The answer was puffin! Correct users: andysniper (175) 1207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua? 1207:< Rofl_Waffler> honduras 1207:< Rndom_Gy_159> honduras 1207:< Rofl_Waffler> (guess) 1207:< vikingboy> costa rica 1207:< andysniper> guatamala 1207:< npinsker> The answer was Costa Rica! Correct users: vikingboy (20) 1207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nation was led by Genghis Khan? 1207:< Rofl_Waffler> Mongolia 1208:< aspbergerinparadise> the mongol s 1208:< OpOrtsac> Mongolia 1208:< vikingboy> mongolia 1208:< andysniper> mongolia 1208:< npinsker> The answer was The Mongols! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1208:< OpOrtsac> damn 1208:< OpOrtsac> i guess it wasn't mongolia til after 1208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || After who was America named? 1208:< andysniper> amerigo bonasera 1208:< OpOrtsac> amerigo 1208:< vikingboy> amerigo vespucci 1209:< andysniper> amerigo vespucci 1209:< npinsker> The answer was Amerigo Vespucci! Correct users: vikingboy (24), andysniper (178) 1209:< pandersson97> Paul Blart 1209:< Rofl_Waffler> Somehow I didn't know that 1209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This football team was formerly known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets? 1209:< andysniper> also its after whom not who 1209:< pandersson97> PASS 1209:< npinsker> The answer was Philadelphia Eagles! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1210:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || How is the state of Mississippi spelled? 1210:< Rofl_Waffler> mississippi 1210:< vikingboy> Mississippi 1210:< OpOrtsac> mississippi 1210:< Reddits_Worst_Night> Mississippi 1210:< pandersson97> poop 1210:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (106), vikingboy (27), OpOrtsac (17), Reddits_Worst_Night (1) 1211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || An _____ clock usually wakes you in the morning. 1211:< Rofl_Waffler> alarm 1211:< aspbergerinparadise> alarm 1211:< OpOrtsac> alarm 1211:< Reddits_Worst_Night> Guys, just copy paste that one lol 1211:< vikingboy> alarm 1211:< andysniper> alarm 1211:< Reddits_Worst_Night> alarm 1211:< npinsker> The answer was alarm! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (110), OpOrtsac (20), vikingboy (29), andysniper (179), Reddits_Worst_Night (1) 1211:< OpOrtsac> copying should take you about as long as typing it 1211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Helena is the capital of ____________? 1212:< Reddits_Worst_Night> but no typo chance 1212:< andysniper> arkansas 1212:< OpOrtsac> ill never forget how to spell mississippi lol 1212:< npinsker> The answer was Montana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1212:< Rndom_Gy_159> wyoming 1212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life. 1212:< aspbergerinparadise> asceticism 1212:< andysniper> asceticism 1212:< OpOrtsac> asceticism 1213:< npinsker> The answer was asceticism! Correct users: andysniper (183), OpOrtsac (23) 1213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Singapore is the capital of ____________? 1213:< Rofl_Waffler> Singapore 1213:< OpOrtsac> singapore 1213:< andysniper> singapore 1213:< purple_pan> singapore 1213:< OpOrtsac> are some users blocked from getting points? 1213:< andysniper> yeah, they used bots 1213:< npinsker> The answer was Singapore! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (114), OpOrtsac (26), andysniper (185), purple_pan (13) 1214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Beethoven's Sixth Symphony shares it's popular name with a method of animal farming. What is it? 1214:< andysniper> so if you see FNCx Pro or aspergers answer then use them 1214:< OpOrtsac> lol 1214:< andysniper> pasture 1214:< npinsker> The answer was Pastoral! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1214:< OpOrtsac> so close 1214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks? 1215:< andysniper> halfdome 1215:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Shasta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ____________? 1215:< OpOrtsac> diarrhea 1216:< Rofl_Waffler> constipation 1216:< andysniper> any dignity and embarressment later in life 1216:< npinsker> The answer was Threadworm! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1216:< OpOrtsac> well shit 1216:< Rofl_Waffler> literally 1216:< andysniper> i think i was also correct tbh 1216:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1216:< OpOrtsac> i thought the salt would dry up excess water 1216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What band recorded the 1978 hit album: "Briefcase Full of Blues"? 1216:< aspbergerinparadise> the blues brothers 1216:< andysniper> the blues brothers 1217:< OpOrtsac> blues brothers 1217:< npinsker> The answer was The Blues Brothers! Correct users: andysniper (189), OpOrtsac (29) 1217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the instrument of execution during the "Reign of Terror"? 1217:< aspbergerinparadise> guillotine 1217:< andysniper> guillotine 1217:< OpOrtsac> Gullotine 1217:< erinhasguts> guillotine 1217:< Rofl_Waffler> Nickelback 1217:< npinsker> The answer was guillotine! Correct users: andysniper (193), erinhasguts (42) 1218:< OpOrtsac> nah rofl you're thinking of the "reign of horror" which is still going on 1218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The Caroline Institute of Stockholm won the nobel prize for what? 1218:< andysniper> physics 1218:< npinsker> The answer was Physiology and Medicine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || As who is Vincent Furnier known? 1219:< npinsker> The answer was Alice Cooper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is another name for consumption? 1219:< erinhasguts> tuberculosis 1219:< NightVisionHawk> eating 1219:< OpOrtsac> Eating 1220:< NightVisionHawk> digestion 1220:< npinsker> The answer was tuberculosis! Correct users: erinhasguts (46) 1220:< OpOrtsac> wat 1220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is another name for a tombstone inscription? 1220:< erinhasguts> epitaph 1220:< andysniper> epitaph 1220:< Rndom_Gy_159> epitaph 1220:< OpOrtsac> epitaph 1220:< npinsker> The answer was epitaph! Correct users: erinhasguts (50), andysniper (196), Rndom_Gy_159 (75), OpOrtsac (30) 1221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The massacre at Kent State occurred as students protested the bombing of Cambodia and the _____ war. 1221:< andysniper> vietnam 1221:< Pondcows> vietnam 1221:< ThreeCactiAndACat> Vietnam 1221:< OpOrtsac> Vietnam 1221:< npinsker> The answer was Vietnam! Correct users: andysniper (200), Pondcows (3), ThreeCactiAndACat (2), OpOrtsac (31) 1221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ________. 1222:< ThreeCactiAndACat> hydroponics 1222:< _deffer_> hydroponics 1222:< erinhasguts> hydroponics 1222:< Pondcows> hydroponics 1222:< Rofl_Waffler> And if you add fish it's called aquaponics 1222:< andysniper> hydroponics 1222:< npinsker> The answer was hydroponics! Correct users: ThreeCactiAndACat (6), _deffer_ (26), erinhasguts (52), Pondcows (4), andysniper (200) 1222:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many sides does a home-plate have? 1223:< OpOrtsac> 5 1223:< Rofl_Waffler> 4 1223:< Pondcows> 5 1223:< ThreeCactiAndACat> 5 1223:< andysniper> depends how many you order 1223:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: OpOrtsac (35), Pondcows (7), ThreeCactiAndACat (8) 1223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the game "1942" on the NES? 1224:< OpOrtsac> dice 1224:< andysniper> konami 1224:< Pondcows> capcom 1224:< ThreeCactiAndACat> capcom 1224:< npinsker> The answer was Capcom! Correct users: Pondcows (11) 1224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What was Don Rickles' nickname? 1224:< andysniper> nick name 1224:< ThreeCactiAndACat> the merchant of venom 1224:< npinsker> The answer was Mr. Warmth! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Which fruit has the most calories per gram? 1225:< andysniper> avacado 1225:< OpOrtsac> avocado 1225:< andysniper> avocado 1225:< _deffer_> celery 1225:< chuckfinleLP1> Avocado 1225:< npinsker> The answer was avocado! Correct users: OpOrtsac (39), andysniper (203), chuckfinleLP1 (2) 1225:< _deffer_> kappa 1225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the highest mountain in Canada? 1226:< aspbergerinparadise> mt. logan 1226:< andysniper> rob ford 1226:< andysniper> mt logan 1226:< ThreeCactiAndACat> logan 1226:< OpOrtsac> rob fords grave 1226:< chuckfinleLP1> Mt. Logan 1226:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Logan! Correct users: andysniper (207), ThreeCactiAndACat (11), chuckfinleLP1 (4) 1226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What was Lucy's maiden name on 'I Love Lucy'? 1226:< Rndom_Gy_159> Lucy 1227:< andysniper> sanchez 1227:< npinsker> The answer was McGillicuddy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1227:< andysniper> obviously 1227:< ThreeCactiAndACat> ok 1227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the Scientific name for the eardrum? 1227:< _deffer_> tympanic membrane 1227:< wolflambert> Earae drumiae 1227:< ThreeCactiAndACat> tympanic membrane 1227:< _deffer_> or something like that 1227:< OpOrtsac> oh shit we're below 3k now :( 1227:< npinsker> The answer was tympanic membrane! Correct users: _deffer_ (30), ThreeCactiAndACat (14) 1227:< SalZoRz> listenus bangus 1228:< SalZoRz> FUCK 1228:< _deffer_> so close 1228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Which major character has a disfigured daughter called Shireen? 1228:< Pondcows> Stannis 1228:< ThreeCactiAndACat> stannis 1228:< _deffer_> stannis 1228:< wolflambert> Stannis 1228:< Pondcows> the mannis 1228:< andysniper> stannis 1228:< OpOrtsac> Stannis Baratheon 1228:< KillsPotatoes> Stannis Baratheon 1228:< andysniper> fuck you stannis 1228:< _deffer_> better not need that last name 1228:< FriendlyYak> not sure about that one 1228:< npinsker> The answer was Stannis Baratheon! Correct users: Pondcows (15), ThreeCactiAndACat (17), _deffer_ (32), wolflambert (127), andysniper (2... 1228:< KWilt> Ay! 1228:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres? 1229:< Pondcows> asia 1229:< wolflambert> Africa 1229:< ThreeCactiAndACat> asia 1229:< OpOrtsac> Asia 1229:< KWilt> Africa 1229:< _deffer_> asia 1229:< KillsPotatoes> asia 1229:< npinsker> The answer was Antarctica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1229:< Pondcows> cmon 1229:< wolflambert> Oh 1229:< _deffer_> dug 1229:< ThreeCactiAndACat> k 1229:< KWilt> Wut 1229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What chemical element gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'? 1230:< OpOrtsac> oh hemisphere 1230:< _deffer_> Strontium 1230:< FeebleOldMan> strontium 1230:< ThreeCactiAndACat> xenon 1230:< _deffer_> I made that up 1230:< wolflambert> Barbarium 1230:< npinsker> The answer was Xenon! Correct users: ThreeCactiAndACat (21) 1230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea north of Alaska. 1230:< aspbergerinparadise> beaufort 1230:< _deffer_> bering sea 1230:< OpOrtsac> Arctic 1230:< Rndom_Gy_159> bearing sea 1231:< KillsPotatoes> bering sea 1231:< wolflambert> Bering sea 1231:< FeebleOldMan> beaufort 1231:< _deffer_> arctic sea 1231:< KWilt> Arctic Sea 1231:< wolflambert> Arctic sea 1231:< npinsker> The answer was Beaufort! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (635) 1231:< _deffer_> booo 1231:< KWilt> Huh. Interesting 1231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the scientific name for earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust? 1231:< FeebleOldMan> mantle 1231:< _deffer_> asthenosphere 1231:< FeebleOldMan> crust 1231:< OpOrtsac> Crust 1231:< KillsPotatoes> Crust 1231:< FeebleOldMan> exosphere 1231:< wolflambert> earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust 1231:< Pondcows> lithiosphere 1231:< npinsker> The answer was lithosphere! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1232:< FeebleOldMan> lithosphere 1232:< Pondcows> i mispelled! 1232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Virginia? 1232:< wolflambert> Biblethump City 1232:< FeebleOldMan> richmond 1232:< KWilt> Richmond 1232:< chuckfinleLP1> Richmond 1232:< Pondcows> richmond 1232:< npinsker> The answer was Richmond! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (639), KWilt (40), chuckfinleLP1 (6), Pondcows (16) 1232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue? 1233:< wolflambert> What's with all these US questions 1233:< wolflambert> I want international questions damn it 1233:< KWilt> Betrayal 1233:< andysniper> the current sociapolitcal issues associated with the levant 1233:< _deffer_> We just had antartica... 1233:< npinsker> The answer was Queen Mab! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1233:< chuckfinleLP1> Betrayal 1233:< Pondcows> what 1233:< FeebleOldMan> being safe if practicing in premartical sex 1233:< wolflambert> And correct ones, not a question that asks the capital of Myanmar and expects Ragoon (it isn't Ragoon) 1233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Where is Capitol Hill? 1233:< andysniper> naypyidaw yo 1233:< FeebleOldMan> washington dc 1233:< ThreeCactiAndACat> washington dc 1233:< _deffer_> washington dc 1233:< andysniper> washington dc 1233:< KWilt> Boston 1234:< wolflambert> Yeah it's Naypyidaw but the bot wanted Ragoon 1234:< FeebleOldMan> seattle 1234:< chuckfinleLP1> Washington DC 1234:< npinsker> The answer was Washington DC! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (643), ThreeCactiAndACat (24), _deffer_ (34), andysniper (208), chuckfinleLP1... 1234:< andysniper> the bot also thinks its the baltimore colts 1234:< KWilt> Why is that even a sports question? 1234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the second hardest gem after diamond? 1234:< andysniper> and you can see the great wall of china from space 1234:< FeebleOldMan> emerald 1234:< chuckfinleLP1> Emerald 1234:< ThreeCactiAndACat> sapphire 1234:< Pondcows> quartz 1234:< wolflambert> Sapphire 1234:< _deffer_> not emerald 1234:< FeebleOldMan> sapphire 1234:< KWilt> Quartz 1234:< npinsker> The answer was sapphire! Correct users: ThreeCactiAndACat (28), wolflambert (130), FeebleOldMan (645) 1234:< chuckfinleLP1> Sapphire 1235:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (645), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Hepatitis affects the __________. 1235:< FeebleOldMan> liver 1235:< aspbergerinparadise> liver 1235:< KWilt> liver 1235:< wolflambert> Liver 1235:< andysniper> liver 1235:< ThreeCactiAndACat> liver 1235:< chuckfinleLP1> Liver 1235:< FeebleOldMan> hips 1235:< _deffer_> urethra 1236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This sport is called the "American pastime". 1236:< _deffer_> baseball 1236:< andysniper> baseball 1236:< Pondcows> baseball 1236:< FeebleOldMan> football 1236:< ThreeCactiAndACat> football 1236:< chuckfinleLP1> Baseball 1236:< KWilt> Baseball 1236:< wolflambert> Baysbahl 1236:< FeebleOldMan> baseball 1236:< npinsker> The answer was baseball! Correct users: _deffer_ (38), andysniper (212), Pondcows (18), chuckfinleLP1 (7), KWilt (43), FeebleOldMan (649) 1236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || Which Greek philosopher proposed the Theory of Forms in "The Republic"? 1237:< FeebleOldMan> plato 1237:< ThreeCactiAndACat> plato 1237:< andysniper> plato 1237:< wolflambert> Plato 1237:< KWilt> Plato 1237:< chuckfinleLP1> Plato 1237:< bbrazil> Plato 1237:< FeebleOldMan> Plato 1237:< Pondcows> plato 1237:< npinsker> The answer was Plato! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (653), ThreeCactiAndACat (31), andysniper (214), wolflambert (133), KWilt (43), chuck... 1237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British Grand Prix? 1237:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1237:< andysniper> james hunt 1237:< FeebleOldMan> james hunt 1237:< chuckfinleLP1> James Hunt 1238:< wolflambert> James Hunt 1238:< FeebleOldMan> lulz 1238:< Pondcows> dale earnhardt jr 1238:< npinsker> The answer was James Hunt! Correct users: andysniper (218), FeebleOldMan (656), chuckfinleLP1 (9), wolflambert (134) 1238:< Pondcows> kappa 1238:< andysniper> oh shit i was right 1238:< andysniper> what a guess 1238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who fiddled while Rome burned? 1238:< Pondcows> nero 1238:< andysniper> nero 1238:< wolflambert> Nero 1238:< FeebleOldMan> nero 1238:< KWilt> Nero 1238:< chuckfinleLP1> Nero 1238:< FeebleOldMan> nero burning rom 1238:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: Pondcows (22), andysniper (221), wolflambert (136), FeebleOldMan (657), KWilt (43), chuckfinleLP1 (9) 1239:< KWilt> Fun fact: not true. Fiddles didn't exist back then 1239:< Pondcows> k 1239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Stone Mountain? 1239:< FeebleOldMan> montana 1239:< KWilt> Montana 1239:< andysniper> montana 1239:< aspbergerinparadise> georgia 1239:< chuckfinleLP1> Montana 1239:< Pondcows> montana 1239:< wolflambert> Montana 1239:< FeebleOldMan> atlanta 1239:< andysniper> georgia 1239:< wolflambert> Wyoming 1239:< FeebleOldMan> georgia 1239:< wolflambert> Puerto Rico 1239:< npinsker> The answer was Georgia! Correct users: andysniper (225), FeebleOldMan (660) 1239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This was the first video to play on MTV? 1240:< FeebleOldMan> video killed the radio star 1240:< Pondcows> vadio killed the radio star 1240:< andysniper> smooth criminal 1240:< KWilt> Video Killed the Radio Star 1240:< wolflambert> Video Killed the Radio Star 1240:< Pondcows> goddamn 1240:< FeebleOldMan> vader killed the emperor 1240:< chuckfinleLP1> Video Killed the Radio Star 1240:< npinsker> The answer was Video Killed the Radio Star! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (664), KWilt (46), wolflambert (138), chuckfinleLP1 (10) 1240:< andysniper> chewbacca killed poe dameron 1240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which football team was nicknamed the "Orange Crush"? 1240:< KWilt> Syracuse 1240:< FeebleOldMan> florida 1240:< wolflambert> Basketball 1240:< chuckfinleLP1> Syacuse 1241:< andysniper> the netherlands 1241:< FeebleOldMan> syracuse 1241:< npinsker> The answer was Denver Broncos! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1241:< wolflambert> Wyoming Pineapples 1241:< andysniper> fuck these american sport questions 1241:< chuckfinleLP1> Syracuse 1241:< FeebleOldMan> lulz 1241:< wolflambert> Fuck America 1241:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (664), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1241:< KWilt> Yeah, well fuck your nondescript country too! 1241:< andysniper> you have been banned from r/murica 1241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Wales?? 1241:< andysniper> cardiff 1241:< wolflambert> Cardiff 1241:< Pondcows> cardiff 1241:< chuckfinleLP1> Cardiff 1241:< KWilt> Cardiff 1241:< FeebleOldMan> cardiff 1242:< OpOrtsac> fuck these european questions 1242:< KillsPotatoes> cardiff 1242:< Pondcows> i want american questions 1242:< npinsker> The answer was Cardiff! Correct users: andysniper (229), wolflambert (141), Pondcows (24), chuckfinleLP1 (11), KWilt (46), FeebleOldMan... 1242:< wolflambert> I agree KWilt but why focus on any country here 1242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || The Greek goddess of fertility, also known as a protectress of witches. 1242:< KWilt> Athena 1242:< chuckfinleLP1> Athena 1242:< wolflambert> Athena 1242:< Pondcows> aphrodite 1242:< OpOrtsac> Aphrodite 1242:< wolflambert> Aphrodite 1242:< FeebleOldMan> aphrodite 1242:< chuckfinleLP1> Aphrodite 1242:< andysniper> hypocrites 1242:< npinsker> The answer was Hecate! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1243:< KWilt> Aphrodite 1243:< Pondcows> damn 1243:< OpOrtsac> welp 1243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline? 1243:< aspbergerinparadise> colombia 1243:< andysniper> argentina 1243:< Pondcows> argentina 1243:< chuckfinleLP1> Colombia 1243:< wolflambert> Colombia 1243:< KWilt> Panama 1243:< andysniper> colombia 1243:< OpOrtsac> Argentina 1243:< KillsPotatoes> Chile 1243:< FeebleOldMan> colombia 1243:< KWilt> Wait. That's central america. Fuck 1243:< chuckfinleLP1> Chile 1243:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: chuckfinleLP1 (15), wolflambert (144), andysniper (231), FeebleOldMan (665) 1243:< OpOrtsac> huh 1243:< OpOrtsac> themoreyouknow.jpg 1244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the currency named after the water being called the Pula? 1244:< andysniper> what 1244:< Pondcows> are these questions international enough 1244:< wolflambert> Croatia 1244:< npinsker> The answer was Botswana! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1244:< chuckfinleLP1> Croatia 1244:< FeebleOldMan> puloia 1244:< andysniper> fuck botswana 1244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Who painted the Mona Lisa? 1244:< andysniper> da vinci 1244:< Pondcows> Leonardo da Vinci 1244:< FeebleOldMan> leonardo da vinci 1244:< wolflambert> Leonardo Da Vinci 1244:< KWilt> Leonardo da Vinci 1244:< chuckfinleLP1> Leonardo da Vinci 1244:< sabotourAssociate> Da Vinci 1245:< npinsker> The answer was Leonardo da Vinci! Correct users: andysniper (235), Pondcows (27), FeebleOldMan (667), wolflambert (145), KWilt (46), ch... 1245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || The angles inside a square total _______ degrees. 1245:< aspbergerinparadise> 360 1245:< FeebleOldMan> 360 1245:< Pondcows> 360 1245:< KWilt> 360 1245:< wolflambert> 360 1245:< KillsPotatoes> 360 1245:< sabotourAssociate> 360 1245:< Pondcows> no scope 1245:< chuckfinleLP1> 360 1245:< FeebleOldMan> three hundred and sixty 1245:< andysniper> 360 1245:< chuckfinleLP1> three hundred and sixty 1245:< npinsker> The answer was three hundred and sixty! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (671), Pondcows (30), KWilt (48), wolflambert (146), KillsPotatoes ... 1246:< andysniper> trois cent et soixante 1246:< KWilt> blind 1246:< sabotourAssociate> blind 1246:< FeebleOldMan> tanned 1246:< npinsker> The answer was blind! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (675), Pondcows (33), wolflambert (148), andysniper (236), KillsPotatoes (18), chuckf... 1246:< wolflambert> Tackling the hard-hitting questions 1247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which magician did Lothar assist? 1247:< FeebleOldMan> grothar 1247:< FeebleOldMan> merlin 1247:< chuckfinleLP1> Grothar 1247:< wolflambert> Lothar 2 1247:< chuckfinleLP1> Merlin 1247:< FeebleOldMan> potter 1247:< Pondcows> houdini 1247:< KWilt> Mandrake 1247:< andysniper> david blaine 1247:< npinsker> The answer was Mandrake! Correct users: KWilt (52) 1247:< chuckfinleLP1> Lothar 2 1247:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), chrzan (683), FeebleOldMan (675), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1247:< Robairt> /whois NonNisiTe 1248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Mussolini invaded this country in 1935. 1248:< Robairt> stupid filter.. 1248:< aspbergerinparadise> ethiopia 1248:< FeebleOldMan> ethiopia 1248:< andysniper> ehtiopia 1248:< chuckfinleLP1> Ethiopia 1248:< Robairt> /whois NonNisiTe 1248:< FeebleOldMan> Ethiopia 1248:< andysniper> fuck s[pelling agin 1248:< dashed> Robairt https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1248:< npinsker> The answer was Ethiopia! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (679), chuckfinleLP1 (18) 1248:< andysniper> shit 1248:< FeebleOldMan> robairt you need to leave the channel to type that 1248:< Robairt> I did, just forgot to kill the $ 1248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell? 1248:< aspbergerinparadise> venus flytrap 1248:< FeebleOldMan> venus flytrap 1248:< andysniper> venus flytrap 1248:< dashed> Robairt update to v2.57 commands work in tabs 1248:< HookahComputer> carniverous 1248:< Robairt> I got it, and my og buddy is still in the room! weeooo 1249:< npinsker> The answer was venus flytrap! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (683), andysniper (239) 1249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts? 1249:< FeebleOldMan> mrs doubtfire 1250:< npinsker> The answer was Pretty Woman! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ________. 1250:< FeebleOldMan> ant 1250:< FeebleOldMan> insect 1250:< FeebleOldMan> bee 1250:< pandersson97> Kappa 1250:< npinsker> The answer was insect! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (687) 1250:< pandersson97> 4Head 1251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a(n) __________. 1251:< pandersson97> Kappa 1251:< andysniper> cell 1251:< FeebleOldMan> cell 1251:< pandersson97> 4head 1251:< ThreeCactiAndACat> cell 1251:< pandersson97> dsds 1251:< KillsPotatoes> cells 1251:< npinsker> The answer was cell! Correct users: andysniper (243), FeebleOldMan (690), ThreeCactiAndACat (33) 1251:< pandersson97> jjj 1251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || According To "The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy" what number is the answer to everything? 1251:< FeebleOldMan> 42 1251:< AndyD418> 242 1251:< andysniper> 42 1251:< ThreeCactiAndACat> 42 1251:< FeebleOldMan> forty-two 1252:< npinsker> The answer was Forty Two! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (694), AndyD418 (123), andysniper (245), ThreeCactiAndACat (34) 1252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Customs || In which country is the importation of bubble gum illegal? 1252:< FeebleOldMan> singapore 1252:< ThreeCactiAndACat> singapore 1252:< KillsPotatoes> singapore 1252:< andysniper> singapore 1252:< AndyD418> singapore 1252:< FeebleOldMan> Singapore 1253:< npinsker> The answer was Singapore! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (698), ThreeCactiAndACat (37), KillsPotatoes (20), andysniper (246), AndyD418 (123) 1253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble's maiden names? 1253:< FeebleOldMan> uh 1253:< FeebleOldMan> pebble 1253:< andysniper> flint and granite 1253:< FeebleOldMan> rock 1253:< npinsker> The answer was Slaghoople and Mcbricker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1253:< andysniper> what 1254:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (698), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which actor said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry"? 1254:< aspbergerinparadise> ryan o'neil 1254:< andysniper> ryan o'neil 1254:< FeebleOldMan> ryan o'neil 1254:< FeebleOldMan> whoever that is 1254:< npinsker> The answer was Ryan O'Neil! Correct users: andysniper (250), FeebleOldMan (701) 1254:< andysniper> never heard of him 1255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In what 1983 game did you play a bartender for some very thirsty customers? 1255:< andysniper> barkeep 1255:< FeebleOldMan> barkeep 1255:< KillsPotatoes> barkeep 1255:< FeebleOldMan> sheriff 1255:< andysniper> shareef 1255:< FeebleOldMan> barkeeper 1255:< npinsker> The answer was Tapper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This mainstay of the Contra series fires multiple red bullets at 45 degree angles. 1255:< FeebleOldMan> spread gun 1256:< FeebleOldMan> spread shot 1256:< HookahComputer> spread gun 1256:< andysniper> bfg 1256:< FeebleOldMan> spread bullets 1256:< HookahComputer> and it's more like 22 degrees 1256:< npinsker> The answer was Spread Gun! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (705), HookahComputer (360) 1256:< FeebleOldMan> columbus 1256:< AdamUndefined> columbus 1257:< npinsker> The answer was Columbus! Correct users: HookahComputer (364), andysniper (253), FeebleOldMan (707), AdamUndefined (1) 1257:< Bonoahx> Sydney 1257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere? 1257:< andysniper> june 1257:< HookahComputer> June 1257:< AdamUndefined> june 1257:< FeebleOldMan> june 1257:< Bonoahx> June 1257:< FeebleOldMan> july 1257:< Bonoahx> August 1257:< npinsker> The answer was June! Correct users: andysniper (257), HookahComputer (367), AdamUndefined (3), FeebleOldMan (708), Bonoahx (62) 1258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || on aircraft what does VTOL stand for? 1258:< HookahComputer> vertical take off and landing 1258:< FeebleOldMan> vertical take off and landing 1258:< Bonoahx> Vertical Takeoff and Landing 1258:< AdamUndefined> vertical takeoff and landing 1258:< FeebleOldMan> vertical takeoff and landing 1258:< andysniper> vertical take off and landing 1258:< npinsker> The answer was Vertical Take off and landing! Correct users: HookahComputer (371), FeebleOldMan (711), andysniper (259) 1258:< pandersson97> Very Tranny Orange Lime 1258:< andysniper> very tight oblong leaves 1258:< Bonoahx> ... 1258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is known for his 'theory of evolution'? 1258:< HookahComputer> Charles Darwin 1258:< AdamUndefined> darwin 1258:< Bonoahx> Charles Darwin 1258:< andysniper> darwin 1258:< FeebleOldMan> charles darwin 1259:< andysniper> my main man charlie D 1259:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Darwin! Correct users: HookahComputer (375), AdamUndefined (6), Bonoahx (64), andysniper (260), FeebleOldMan (711) 1259:< Bonoahx> Charlie D the OG 1259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector _________. 1259:< FeebleOldMan> gadget 1259:< Bonoahx> Clouseau 1259:< andysniper> cluseau 1259:< HookahComputer> Gadget 1259:< aspbergerinparadise> clouseau 1259:< AdamUndefined> clouseau 1259:< FeebleOldMan> clouseau 1259:< andysniper> clouseau 1300:< npinsker> The answer was Clouseau! Correct users: Bonoahx (68), AdamUndefined (9), FeebleOldMan (713), andysniper (261) 1300:< Bonoahx> go go sanchez ski shoes 1300:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (713), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many balls are used in a game of snooker including the cue ball? 1300:< Bonoahx> 12 1300:< FeebleOldMan> 11 1300:< AdamUndefined> twenty 1300:< andysniper> 21 1300:< Bonoahx> 22 1300:< FeebleOldMan> 12 1301:< FeebleOldMan> 17 1301:< npinsker> The answer was twenty two! Correct users: Bonoahx (72) 1301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) _________. 1301:< FeebleOldMan> circle 1301:< aspbergerinparadise> circle 1301:< andysniper> circle 1301:< Bonoahx> circe 1301:< KillsPotatoes> cricle 1301:< Bonoahx> circle 1301:< KillsPotatoes> circle 1301:< npinsker> The answer was circle! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (717), andysniper (264), Bonoahx (74), KillsPotatoes (21) 1302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Theatre || In the opera 'La Traviata', what was Violetta's occupation? 1302:< HookahComputer> Barber 1302:< FeebleOldMan> prostitute 1302:< Bonoahx> Courtesan 1302:< andysniper> lemon stealing whore 1302:< npinsker> The answer was courtesan! Correct users: Bonoahx (78) 1302:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1302:< Bonoahx> i had that one last night 1302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence? 1302:< HookahComputer> hemlock 1302:< FeebleOldMan> hemlock 1302:< Bonoahx> Hemlock 1302:< andysniper> hemlock 1303:< HookahComputer> It's fun to say "hemlock". Go on, try it! 1303:< FeebleOldMan> mercury 1303:< npinsker> The answer was hemlock! Correct users: HookahComputer (379), FeebleOldMan (720), Bonoahx (80), andysniper (265) 1303:< andysniper> that was not all that fun tbh 1303:< Bonoahx> Not as fun as saying Pokémon 1303:< AbsolutePillow> test 1303:< Bonoahx> Not as fun as saying pokemon 1303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is the Great Victoria Desert? 1303:< FeebleOldMan> australia 1303:< aspbergerinparadise> australia 1303:< andysniper> australia 1303:< Bonoahx> Australia 1303:< FeebleOldMan> u wot m8 1304:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (724), andysniper (268), Bonoahx (82) 1304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording? 1304:< Bonoahx> Baa Baa Black Sheep 1304:< FeebleOldMan> mary had a little lamb 1304:< FeebleOldMan> baa baa black sheep 1304:< andysniper> niggas in paris 1304:< Bonoahx> Mary's got a little lamb 1304:< npinsker> The answer was Mary Had A Little Lamb! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (728) 1305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which houses fought the War of the Roses? 1305:< FeebleOldMan> ??? 1305:< Joosh92> Tudor 1305:< andysniper> york and lancaster 1305:< wolflambert> andysniper lololol 1305:< HookahComputer> Montague and Capulet 1305:< FeebleOldMan> artreides 1305:< Bonoahx> uhaoudsioadoiuhw 1305:< Joosh92> york and lancaster 1305:< npinsker> The answer was Lancaster and York! Correct users: andysniper (272), Joosh92 (7) 1305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state was the home to Mayberry? 1305:< aspbergerinparadise> north carolina 1305:< Joosh92> gas 1306:< andysniper> north carolina 1306:< Bonoahx> North Carolina 1306:< FeebleOldMan> north carolina 1306:< Joosh92> corth narolina 1306:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: andysniper (276), Bonoahx (85), FeebleOldMan (730) 1306:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (730), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1306:< HookahComputer> hockey 1306:< FeebleOldMan> hockey 1306:< Bonoahx> Hockey 1306:< AbsolutePillow> hockey 1307:< andysniper> hockey 1307:< FeebleOldMan> golf 1307:< FeebleOldMan> marathon sex 1307:< Bonoahx> American Football 1307:< andysniper> octopush 1307:< npinsker> The answer was football! Correct users: Bonoahx (89) 1307:< HookahComputer> dwarf tossing 1307:< Bonoahx> Cheese rolling 1307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Toxiphobia is a fear of _________. 1307:< FeebleOldMan> poison 1307:< aspbergerinparadise> poison 1307:< HookahComputer> poison 1307:< andysniper> poison 1307:< Bonoahx> Poison 1307:< HookahComputer> such as hemlock 1307:< Bonoahx> and the internet 1307:< andysniper> the britney spears song 'toxic' 1308:< npinsker> The answer was poison! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (734), HookahComputer (382), andysniper (278), Bonoahx (90) 1308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || In England, what is the Speaker of the House not allowed to do? 1308:< Bonoahx> shit i forgot to eat 1308:< Bonoahx> Vote 1308:< FeebleOldMan> vote 1308:< Joosh92> vote 1308:< HookahComputer> resign 1308:< andysniper> vote 1308:< FeebleOldMan> speak 1308:< andysniper> speak, thatd be ironic eh 1308:< Joosh92> not be a pompous twat. fuck you, Bercow. 1308:< Bonoahx> +1 1308:< npinsker> The answer was speak! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (738) 1308:< HookahComputer> wtf 1308:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1308:< Bonoahx> WHAT 1308:< andysniper> wait what 1309:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 1309:< Bonoahx> Oh it means speaking like 1309:< HookahComputer> haha those wacky Brits 1309:< Joosh92> well that's bullshit. 1309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps. 1309:< Joosh92> mossmoss 1309:< FeebleOldMan> moss 1309:< Bonoahx> Giving an opinion 1309:< HookahComputer> mosses 1309:< xxmarkuski> https://secrethitler.online/ 1309:< Bonoahx> Moss 1309:< andysniper> lichen 1309:< npinsker> The answer was lichen! Correct users: andysniper (282) 1309:< andysniper> wooooooooooo 1309:< Bonoahx> k 1309:< FeebleOldMan> wtf lichen is not plant 1309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which U.S. city is known as Beantown? 1309:< HookahComputer> Boston 1309:< aspbergerinparadise> boston 1309:< FeebleOldMan> boston 1309:< Bonoahx> Boston 1310:< andysniper> new mexico 1310:< npinsker> The answer was Boston! Correct users: HookahComputer (386), FeebleOldMan (741), Bonoahx (92) 1310:< Bonoahx> Hiroshima 1310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital city of New Zealand? 1310:< Bonoahx> Wellington 1310:< FeebleOldMan> wellington 1310:< andysniper> wellington 1310:< HookahComputer> Kiwi Town 1310:< Joosh92> old zealand 1310:< FeebleOldMan> wellington dc 1311:< Bonoahx> murica 1311:< npinsker> The answer was Wellington! Correct users: Bonoahx (96), FeebleOldMan (744), andysniper (284) 1311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Casper the Friendly Ghost frolicked with which witch? 1311:< Bonoahx> Sabrina 1311:< aspbergerinparadise> wendy 1311:< Joosh92> hermione 1311:< FeebleOldMan> wendy 1311:< Bonoahx> Wendy 1311:< andysniper> the wicked witch of the west 1311:< Joosh92> frolicked ;) 1311:< npinsker> The answer was Wendy! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (748), Bonoahx (99) 1312:< Bonoahx> Hillary Clinton ayy lmao 1312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York? 1312:< FeebleOldMan> roses 1312:< Bonoahx> War of the Roses 1312:< Joosh92> War of the Roses 1312:< FeebleOldMan> war of the roses 1312:< npinsker> The answer was War of the Roses! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (752), Bonoahx (102), Joosh92 (9) 1312:< FeebleOldMan> huh roses worked 1312:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (752), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || What event marked the 1954 french grand prix? 1313:< FeebleOldMan> flag off 1313:< Bonoahx> Croissants 1313:< andysniper> the start 1313:< FeebleOldMan> world war 1 1313:< Joosh92> cheese eating contest 1313:< Bonoahx> Finland 1313:< andysniper> suez crisis 1313:< FeebleOldMan> eiffel tower 1313:< npinsker> The answer was The return of Mercedes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1313:< Bonoahx> The Civil Rights Movement 1313:< andysniper> wtf kind of question is that 1313:< Bonoahx> lol 1313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: That's showbiz for ya! || Michael Jackson caught fire while filming a commercial for which carbonated beverage? 1313:< FeebleOldMan> pepsi 1313:< HookahComputer> Coca-cola 1313:< AdamUndefined> pepsi 1313:< Bonoahx> Pepsi 1314:< FeebleOldMan> pepsi max 1314:< andysniper> pepsi 1314:< Joosh92> wet dreams. 1314:< FeebleOldMan> Pepsi 1314:< npinsker> The answer was Pepsi! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (756), AdamUndefined (12), Bonoahx (104), andysniper (285) 1314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine? 1314:< aspbergerinparadise> popular science 1314:< andysniper> time 1314:< FeebleOldMan> newsweek 1314:< andysniper> popular science 1314:< Savolainen5> usa today 1314:< FeebleOldMan> time 1315:< FeebleOldMan> popular science 1315:< npinsker> The answer was Popular Science! Correct users: andysniper (289), FeebleOldMan (759) 1315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'Home Alone', who played the baddies? 1315:< Joosh92> joe pesci, daniel stern 1315:< FeebleOldMan> joe pesci and daniel stern 1315:< FeebleOldMan> Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern 1315:< npinsker> The answer was Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (763) 1315:< FeebleOldMan> Daniel Stern and Joe Esci 1315:< Joosh92> fuck caps 1316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth? 1316:< andysniper> zeus 1316:< FeebleOldMan> minotaur 1316:< FeebleOldMan> zeus 1316:< HookahComputer> Minos 1316:< FeebleOldMan> Zeus 1316:< npinsker> The answer was Minos! Correct users: HookahComputer (390) 1316:< FeebleOldMan> wow 1316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film || What is the Pink panter in the Pink Pather film? 1316:< HookahComputer> private investigator 1317:< FeebleOldMan> jewel 1317:< Joosh92> panter. 1317:< FeebleOldMan> gem 1317:< npinsker> The answer was A Diamond! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1317:< FeebleOldMan> diamond 1317:< Joosh92> DUDE 1317:< andysniper> ahaha 1317:< Joosh92> I need to lrn2grammar, clearly. 1317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || Time ________ when you're having fun? 1317:< HookahComputer> flies 1317:< FeebleOldMan> flies 1317:< Joosh92> Flies 1317:< HookahComputer> Fruit flies like a banana. 1317:< FeebleOldMan> e 1317:< andysniper> flies 1317:< FeebleOldMan> é 1318:< FeebleOldMan> fliés 1318:< npinsker> The answer was flies! Correct users: HookahComputer (394), FeebleOldMan (766), Joosh92 (11), andysniper (290) 1318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is Constantinople now known? 1318:< FeebleOldMan> istanbul 1318:< andysniper> istanbul 1318:< Joosh92> Turkey 1318:< Joosh92> oops. 1318:< npinsker> The answer was Istanbul! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (770), andysniper (293) 1318:< Joosh92> Istanbul 1319:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (770), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || On irc, what does a/s/l mean? 1319:< FeebleOldMan> age sex location 1319:< HookahComputer> Age sex location 1319:< Joosh92> Age, Sex, Location 1319:< Savolainen5> age sex location 1319:< andysniper> age sex location 1319:< FeebleOldMan> age/sex/location 1319:< FeebleOldMan> age, sex and location 1319:< andysniper> any south lamboghinis? 1319:< npinsker> The answer was age/sex/location! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (774), HookahComputer (397), Joosh92 (13), Savolainen5 (153), andysniper (... 1319:< FeebleOldMan> age, sex, location 1319:< Joosh92> absoutely sloppy l'ordinateurs 1319:< HookahComputer> bases = covered 1320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of __________. 1320:< FeebleOldMan> bones 1320:< HookahComputer> bones 1320:< aspbergerinparadise> bone 1320:< Joosh92> bone 1320:< Savolainen5> bones 1320:< andysniper> bones 1320:< FeebleOldMan> thank mr skeletal 1320:< Joosh92> vagina 1320:< andysniper> staring emily deschanel and that guy from buffy 1320:< FeebleOldMan> bone 1320:< npinsker> The answer was bone! Correct users: Joosh92 (17), FeebleOldMan (777) 1320:< HookahComputer> ... 1320:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1320:< Savolainen5> lol 1320:< andysniper> shit off mate 1320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What does 'IBM' stand for? 1320:< Joosh92> types of bones doesn't make sense lol 1320:< HookahComputer> international business machines 1320:< Savolainen5> international business machines 1321:< FeebleOldMan> international business machines 1321:< Joosh92> icky bum monsters 1321:< andysniper> internation business machines 1321:< npinsker> The answer was International Business Machines! Correct users: HookahComputer (401), Savolainen5 (156), FeebleOldMan (779) 1321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As old as the .....? 1321:< HookahComputer> hills 1321:< FeebleOldMan> hills 1321:< Joosh92> soKuku 1321:< HookahComputer> lol 1322:< npinsker> The answer was hills! Correct users: HookahComputer (405), FeebleOldMan (782) 1322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What was the town that ancient Greeks believed to be the centre of the world, and was the home of a famous oracle? 1322:< Savolainen5> delphi 1322:< FeebleOldMan> delphi 1322:< FeebleOldMan> greecetown 1322:< npinsker> The answer was Delphi! Correct users: Savolainen5 (160), FeebleOldMan (785) 1323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog? 1323:< andysniper> korea 1323:< Savolainen5> singapore 1323:< Joosh92> The Moon. 1323:< FeebleOldMan> malaysia 1323:< HookahComputer> iceland 1323:< FeebleOldMan> china 1323:< FeebleOldMan> iceland 1323:< Savolainen5> hong kong 1323:< npinsker> The answer was Iceland! Correct users: HookahComputer (409), FeebleOldMan (788) 1323:< Savolainen5> k 1323:< FeebleOldMan> wat.. how 1323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Americanisms || Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ______. 1323:< Joosh92> Money laundering ogs. 1323:< HookahComputer> runway 1323:< Savolainen5> runway 1323:< FeebleOldMan> runway 1323:< andysniper> asphalt 1324:< Joosh92> asphalt 1324:< HookahComputer> ass fault 1324:< Savolainen5> asphalt 1324:< FeebleOldMan> asphalt 1324:< Bonoahx> Douche ass jerk 1324:< Joosh92> we call a runway a runway lol. 1324:< npinsker> The answer was runway! Correct users: HookahComputer (413), Savolainen5 (163), FeebleOldMan (790) 1324:< andysniper> wtf 1324:< Joosh92> waaattt 1324:< andysniper> that makes no sense 1324:< Savolainen5> why not? 1324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Kingston is the capital of which country? 1324:< Joosh92> and what is a Britain? lol 1324:< Bonoahx> You don't call like an airport runway a tarmac in Britain 1324:< Bonoahx> Jamaica 1324:< Joosh92> Jamaica 1324:< aspbergerinparadise> jamaica 1324:< FeebleOldMan> jamaica 1324:< Savolainen5> well then 1324:< andysniper> jamaica 1324:< andysniper> tarmac is the stuff roads are made of 1325:< HookahComputer> Yeah, that was a weird one 1325:< FeebleOldMan> airport tarmac is what i've heard 1325:< npinsker> The answer was Jamaica! Correct users: Bonoahx (108), Joosh92 (20), FeebleOldMan (792), andysniper (294) 1325:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (792), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Where are the headquarters of the CIA? 1325:< HookahComputer> Baltimore 1325:< Joosh92> Langley 1325:< Savolainen5> langston 1325:< Bonoahx> Langley 1325:< FeebleOldMan> langley 1325:< andysniper> virginia 1325:< Savolainen5> ohlol 1325:< FeebleOldMan> baltimore 1325:< jeuv> langley 1326:< FeebleOldMan> virginia 1326:< Joosh92> literally only know because of american dad lol 1326:< npinsker> The answer was Langley, Virginia! Correct users: Joosh92 (24), Bonoahx (111), FeebleOldMan (794), jeuv (151) 1326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In pro football a "sudden death" period lasts how many minutes long? 1326:< FeebleOldMan> 10 1326:< HookahComputer> 2 1326:< andysniper> 15 1326:< Savolainen5> 4 1326:< Bonoahx> 69 1326:< Joosh92> Eternity. 1326:< FeebleOldMan> 2 1326:< Bonoahx> Infinite 1326:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1326:< andysniper> depends how efficient the snipers are 1326:< FeebleOldMan> 5 1326:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: andysniper (298) 1327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884? 1327:< HookahComputer> The waterbed 1327:< FeebleOldMan> fountain pen 1327:< andysniper> oh damn son 1327:< Bonoahx> The water cooler 1327:< andysniper> water 1327:< FeebleOldMan> atoms 1327:< Joosh92> everything. 1327:< FeebleOldMan> oxygen 1327:< andysniper> ennui 1327:< npinsker> The answer was fountain pen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (798) 1327:< FeebleOldMan> whoop /r/fountainpens 1327:< Bonoahx> lol 1327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _________. 1327:< andysniper> srsly? 1327:< Joosh92> space 1327:< Bonoahx> space? 1328:< HookahComputer> exosphere 1328:< FeebleOldMan> exosphere 1328:< andysniper> exosphere 1328:< FeebleOldMan> yeah waterman is a brand of fountain pens 1328:< Bonoahx> Exosphere 1328:< npinsker> The answer was aerospace! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1328:< HookahComputer> lol it's not exosphere 1328:< Bonoahx> WHAT IS THIS SHIT 1328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Nigeria? 1328:< HookahComputer> niger 1328:< FeebleOldMan> niger 1328:< Bonoahx> Mombasa 1328:< Savolainen5> lagos 1328:< HookahComputer> Who rode on the back of a tiger 1328:< Joosh92> Boombastic 1328:< andysniper> lagos 1328:< FeebleOldMan> lagos 1328:< Bonoahx> Lagos 1328:< Joosh92> Lagos 1328:< SnorkleDork> lagos 1329:< Bonoahx> ABuja 1329:< npinsker> The answer was Abuja! Correct users: Bonoahx (115) 1329:< Savolainen5> lol 1329:< FeebleOldMan> gg 1329:< Joosh92> niger is a country lol 1329:< Savolainen5> lagos is the biggest city, i guess 1329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In which organ is a pulmonary disease located? 1329:< HookahComputer> lung 1329:< FeebleOldMan> heart 1329:< Joosh92> lungs 1329:< aspbergerinparadise> lung 1329:< Bonoahx> Heart 1329:< andysniper> kidney 1329:< FeebleOldMan> lungs 1329:< HookahComputer> I'm going to flip the fucking table if it's plural 1329:< FeebleOldMan> lung 1329:< Bonoahx> Lungs 1329:< FeebleOldMan> hedge your bets 1329:< npinsker> The answer was lung! Correct users: HookahComputer (417), FeebleOldMan (801) 1329:< Savolainen5> LOL 1330:< Joosh92> FAM 1330:< Bonoahx> *flips the fucking table* 1330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the regulation height for a pin in tenpin bowling? (in inches) 1330:< HookahComputer> 18 1330:< Savolainen5> ten 1330:< Joosh92> 12 1330:< FeebleOldMan> 15 1330:< andysniper> 12 1330:< Bonoahx> 10 1330:< FeebleOldMan> 18 1330:< Savolainen5> 16 1330:< andysniper> "sport" 1330:< FeebleOldMan> 16 1330:< npinsker> The answer was fifteen! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (805) 1330:< Bonoahx> 15 1330:< FeebleOldMan> o.o 1330:< Bonoahx> damn 1330:< Savolainen5> hah 1330:< Joosh92> eh 1330:< andysniper> wat 1330:< FeebleOldMan> random guessing 1330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal kingdom || Where are there over 58 million dogs? 1330:< Savolainen5> china 1330:< Joosh92> china 1330:< HookahComputer> the United States 1331:< Savolainen5> jamaica 1331:< FeebleOldMan> china 1331:< Bonoahx> Israel 1331:< andysniper> earth 1331:< FeebleOldMan> 58 mil???? wtf 1331:< Savolainen5> iceland 1331:< npinsker> The answer was USA! Correct users: Koi-pond (7) 1331:< Savolainen5> lol 1331:< Savolainen5> best question ever 1331:< FeebleOldMan> lol savo callback 1331:< Joosh92> wast 1331:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (805), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1331:< FeebleOldMan> ok afk have fun 1331:< Savolainen5> cheers --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 13:31:57 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:32:05 2016 1332:< andysniper> chess pieces have points? 1332:< Savolainen5> ^ 1332:< npinsker> The answer was rook! Correct users: HookahComputer (421), FeebleOldMan (808) 1332:< Savolainen5> go look at the thread, kieran6383 1332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the "Banjo-Kazooie" games what type of animal in Banjo? 1332:< cyclingwonder> kieran : https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ 1332:< HookahComputer> Fox 1332:< Savolainen5> on /r/robintracking 1332:< andysniper> bear 1332:< Savolainen5> bear 1333:< Savolainen5> wombat 1333:< npinsker> The answer was Honey Bear! Correct users: andysniper (302), Savolainen5 (166) 1333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From which country does the 'lassi' originate? 1333:< Savolainen5> india 1333:< andysniper> finland 1333:< Savolainen5> the name comes from there :) 1333:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: Savolainen5 (170) 1334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Euston Station? 1334:< Joosh92> London 1334:< aspbergerinparadise> london 1334:< Savolainen5> springfield 1334:< andysniper> london 1334:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: Joosh92 (28), andysniper (305) 1334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 1335:< Bonoahx> Gandhi 1335:< Savolainen5> Indians 1335:< andysniper> uhhhh 1335:< Joosh92> The British 1335:< andysniper> jorah mormont 1335:< npinsker> The answer was Indian troops! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1335:< Bonoahx> LOOL 1335:< Savolainen5> lame, i was close 1335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'? 1335:< Joosh92> clearly savo meant vets. 1335:< Savolainen5> neo 1335:< Bonoahx> Neo 1335:< andysniper> neo 1336:< npinsker> The answer was Neo! Correct users: Savolainen5 (174), Bonoahx (118), andysniper (307) 1336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first product to have a barcode? 1336:< Savolainen5> condoms 1336:< HookahComputer> Coca-cola 1336:< Joosh92> lemons. 1336:< Bonoahx> Soup 1336:< andysniper> slave children 1336:< Bonoahx> Gum 1336:< npinsker> The answer was Wrigley's gum! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1336:< Joosh92> dysyntery 1337:< Bonoahx> . 1337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called ________. 1337:< Savolainen5> logistics 1337:< HookahComputer> logistics 1337:< Joosh92> Logistics 1337:< Bonoahx> Logistics 1337:< andysniper> ordnance 1337:< Savolainen5> not only for military ops :S 1337:< Bonoahx> Freedom 1337:< npinsker> The answer was logistics! Correct users: Savolainen5 (178), HookahComputer (424), Joosh92 (30), Bonoahx (119) 1337:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (808), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || R. Kelly sings: 'If I can see it then I can do it, if I just believe it, there's nothing to it'. What's the song title? 1338:< HookahComputer> Consensual 1338:< Bonoahx> Consensual 1338:< Joosh92> I Believe I Can Fly 1338:< andysniper> i believe i can fly 1338:< Savolainen5> black and white 1338:< andysniper> trapped in the closet 1338:< Bonoahx> I believe i can fly 1338:< npinsker> The answer was I Believe I Can Fly! Correct users: Joosh92 (34), andysniper (310), Bonoahx (121) 1338:< HookahComputer> Now I'm in the closet / Now I'm in the closet too 1338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute) 1338:< Savolainen5> 5 1338:< HookahComputer> 12 1339:< Bonoahx> 200 million 1339:< HookahComputer> 20 1339:< Joosh92> LOL 1339:< stikko> 20 1339:< Savolainen5> 15 1339:< spoon_collector> 72 bpm 1339:< HookahComputer> 1 1339:< andysniper> 30 1339:< Bonoahx> 6 1339:< Joosh92> 140bpm, the lesser spotted dubstep whale. 1339:< Savolainen5> 18 1339:< npinsker> The answer was nine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1339:< andysniper> fucking nine? 1339:< stikko> yeah 1339:< Savolainen5> fucking nine 1339:< Joosh92> that's some calm whale 1339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf? 1339:< HookahComputer> goldmember 1339:< stikko> the bigger they are the slower it goes 1339:< Savolainen5> from russia with love 1339:< tenoclockrobot> goldfinger 1339:< Bonoahx> Austin Powers 1340:< stikko> it's the size of a VW beetle 1340:< Savolainen5> the spy who loved me 1340:< npinsker> The answer was Goldfinger! Correct users: tenoclockrobot (4) 1340:< Bonoahx> Goldfinger 1340:< Savolainen5> goldmember lol 1340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Honduras? 1340:< andysniper> honduras city 1340:< Savolainen5> tegucigalpa 1340:< Bonoahx> Tegucigalpa 1340:< Savolainen5> i guess that's probably guatemala 1340:< Bonoahx> Albuquerque 1340:< Savolainen5> san jose 1340:< npinsker> The answer was Tegucigalpa! Correct users: Savolainen5 (182), Bonoahx (124) 1340:< HookahComputer> Tijuana 1341:< Savolainen5> lol 1341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || The most common phobia, arachnephobia, is a phobia of? 1341:< Joosh92> Spiders 1341:< Savolainen5> spiders 1341:< Bonoahx> spiders 1341:< tenoclockrobot> spiders 1341:< andysniper> spiders 1341:< Savolainen5> spelled wrong :( 1341:< Bonoahx> probably a singular 1341:< npinsker> The answer was spiders! Correct users: Joosh92 (38), Savolainen5 (185), Bonoahx (126), tenoclockrobot (5), andysniper (310) 1341:< surosregime> CRTCRTCRT 1341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In 1985, Shigeru Miyamoto produced "The Legend of Zelda". What was the other title produced that year? 1342:< HookahComputer> Metroid 1342:< Bonoahx> 1984 1342:< Savolainen5> pacman 1342:< tenoclockrobot> mETROID 1342:< andysniper> Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1342:< HookahComputer> Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! 1342:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros.! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1342:< Bonoahx> lets a go 1342:< Savolainen5> welp 1342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where does Yogi Bear Live? 1342:< Bonoahx> Yosemite 1342:< HookahComputer> Yellowstone Park 1342:< aspbergerinparadise> jellystone park 1342:< tenoclockrobot> Jellystone 1343:< Bonoahx> Jellystone Park 1343:< npinsker> The answer was Jellystone Park! Correct users: tenoclockrobot (9), Bonoahx (129) 1343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In baseball, how many outs are there in an inning? 1343:< HookahComputer> 6 1343:< tenoclockrobot> 3 1343:< tenoclockrobot> 6 1343:< Savolainen5> three 1343:< andysniper> 26.7 1343:< TxDieselKid> 9 1343:< Bonoahx> 3 1343:< Savolainen5> six 1343:< Bonoahx> 6 1343:< TxDieselKid> 3 1343:< npinsker> The answer was six! Correct users: HookahComputer (428), Savolainen5 (188), Bonoahx (131) 1344:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (808), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || What is a Blue Moon? 1344:< Bonoahx> A Blue Moon 1344:< HookahComputer> 2nd full moon in 1 month 1344:< tenoclockrobot> second full moon in one month 1344:< TxDieselKid> 2 full moons in a calander month 1344:< Bonoahx> A blue moon is an additional full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year: either the third of four full moons in a season, or a seco 1344:< Savolainen5> a large moon which is actually yellow because people are dirty liars 1344:< npinsker> The answer was 2nd full moon in 1 month! Correct users: HookahComputer (432) 1345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Which Roman God was the equivalent of the Greek God Dionysus? 1345:< Savolainen5> bacchus 1345:< tenoclockrobot> bacchus 1345:< andysniper> guido the wine god 1345:< Bonoahx> Bacchus 1345:< npinsker> The answer was Bacchus! Correct users: Savolainen5 (192), tenoclockrobot (12), Bonoahx (133) 1345:< Savolainen5> good guess 1345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which country was the Rosetta Stone found? 1345:< Savolainen5> egypt 1345:< aspbergerinparadise> egypt 1346:< Bonoahx> Egypt 1346:< andysniper> jordan 1346:< tenoclockrobot> egyt 1346:< tenoclockrobot> egypt 1346:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: Savolainen5 (196), Bonoahx (136), tenoclockrobot (14) 1346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || How many corners are there in a cube? 1346:< HookahComputer> eight 1346:< tenoclockrobot> 8 1346:< Bonoahx> 8 1346:< Savolainen5> 8 1346:< aspbergerinparadise> eight 1346:< tenoclockrobot> eight 1347:< npinsker> The answer was eight! Correct users: HookahComputer (436), tenoclockrobot (17), Bonoahx (138), Savolainen5 (197) 1347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What planet boasts the Great Red Spot? 1347:< HookahComputer> Jupiter 1347:< Savolainen5> jupiter 1347:< andysniper> jupiter 1347:< tenoclockrobot> Jupiter 1347:< Bonoahx> Jupiter 1347:< npinsker> The answer was Jupiter! Correct users: HookahComputer (440), Savolainen5 (200), andysniper (312), tenoclockrobot (18), Bonoahx (138) 1348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name a country which has the same name as a bird. 1348:< HookahComputer> turkey 1348:< tenoclockrobot> Turkey 1348:< Bonoahx> Turkey 1348:< aspbergerinparadise> turkey 1348:< Savolainen5> india 1348:< andysniper> democratic republic of congo 1348:< npinsker> The answer was Turkey! Correct users: HookahComputer (444), tenoclockrobot (21), Bonoahx (140) 1348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows. 1348:< HookahComputer> milk 1348:< tenoclockrobot> Milk 1349:< zani1903> Milk 1349:< andysniper> milk 1349:< Savolainen5> why didn't it accept aspergerinparadise's answer? 1349:< Bonoahx> Vodka 1349:< Bonoahx> Milk 1349:< npinsker> The answer was milk! Correct users: HookahComputer (448), tenoclockrobot (24), zani1903 (2), andysniper (313), Bonoahx (140) 1349:< Bonoahx> Savolainen5 the bot is a bot 1349:< HookahComputer> no clue 1349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space Travel || Who was the first man in space? 1349:< Bonoahx> It only picked up Turkey and not turkey 1349:< Savolainen5> gagarin 1349:< HookahComputer> Yuri Gagarin 1349:< tenoclockrobot> Yuri Gagarin 1349:< Bonoahx> Yuri Gagarin 1349:< TxDieselKid> Jar Jar Binks 1349:< andysniper> gagarin 1350:< Savolainen5> nah, it got both, hookah answered with lower case 1350:< npinsker> The answer was Yuri Gagarin! Correct users: Savolainen5 (204), HookahComputer (451), tenoclockrobot (26), Bonoahx (141), andysniper (313) 1350:< Bonoahx> no clue then 1350:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (808), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1350:< Savolainen5> maybe he got banned 1350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the world's highest waterfall? 1350:< Savolainen5> venezuela 1350:< HookahComputer> Niagara 1350:< andysniper> victoria falls 1350:< Savolainen5> oh, what 1350:< andysniper> angel falls 1350:< FeebleOldMan> angel falls 1350:< Bonoahx> Essex 1351:< Savolainen5> angel falls 1351:< npinsker> The answer was Angel Falls! Correct users: andysniper (317), FeebleOldMan (811), Savolainen5 (206) 1351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Myositis affects the _________. 1351:< HookahComputer> muscles 1351:< andysniper> muscles 1351:< aspbergerinparadise> muscle 1351:< Bonoahx> Muscle tissue 1351:< TxDieselKid> muscle growth 1351:< Savolainen5> appendix 1351:< npinsker> The answer was muscles! Correct users: HookahComputer (455), andysniper (320) 1352:< Savolainen5> lol 1352:< TxDieselKid> damn damn damn 1352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the vampire series that featured Lestat as the main character? 1352:< HookahComputer> Anne Rice 1352:< TxDieselKid> Anne Rice 1352:< Bonoahx> Anne Rice 1352:< andysniper> anne curry 1352:< npinsker> The answer was Anne Rice! Correct users: HookahComputer (459), TxDieselKid (39), Bonoahx (143) 1352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who did Henry VIII marry when he was 18? 1353:< Bonoahx> Anne Boelyn 1353:< Savolainen5> anne boleyn 1353:< HookahComputer> Anne Boleyn 1353:< andysniper> jane seymour 1353:< Bonoahx> Catherine 1353:< npinsker> The answer was Catharine of Aragon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1353:< Savolainen5> dat spelling 1353:< Bonoahx> Oh come on that wasn't even spelled right 1353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring. 1353:< Savolainen5> sumo 1353:< HookahComputer> sumo 1353:< zani1903> Sumo 1353:< andysniper> sumo 1353:< Bonoahx> Sumo 1353:< Bonoahx> Sumeru Wrestlingeru 1354:< npinsker> The answer was sumo! Correct users: Savolainen5 (210), HookahComputer (462), zani1903 (4), andysniper (321), Bonoahx (143) 1354:< zani1903> totally expected it to say "The answer was sumo wreslting! No one got this right." 1354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country does the island of Mykonos belong to? 1354:< Savolainen5> greece 1354:< Bonoahx> lool 1354:< aspbergerinparadise> greece 1354:< andysniper> greece 1354:< Bonoahx> Greece 1354:< tRitone11> greece 1354:< npinsker> The answer was Greece! Correct users: Savolainen5 (214), andysniper (324), Bonoahx (145) 1355:< Savolainen5> yeah, aspbergerinparadise is definitely banned from the bot 1355:< Bonoahx> The bot is broken 1355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state are the Finger Lakes? 1355:< Savolainen5> new york 1355:< andysniper> new york 1355:< aspbergerinparadise> new york 1355:< tRitone11> still banned 1355:< Bonoahx> New York 1355:< Savolainen5> also tRitone11, RIP 1355:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: Savolainen5 (218), andysniper (327), Bonoahx (147) 1355:< Bonoahx> why would the bot ban people? 1355:< tRitone11> I am activating my bot again 1355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of? 1355:< zani1903> Ivory 1356:< Savolainen5> keratin 1356:< Bonoahx> Keratin 1356:< andysniper> keratin 1356:< HookahComputer> chitin 1356:< AndyD418> yum 1356:< Savolainen5> the controller asked who to ban and people piled on the guys using bots 1356:< andysniper> broken hopes and deams 1356:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1356:< Bonoahx> oh lol 1356:< Savolainen5> even if the'd already stopped 1356:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1356:< Bonoahx> OK the horse of a rhino is not made of fucking hair 1356:< Bonoahx> *horn 1356:< andysniper> rhinos dont have horses mate 1356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which city was President Kennedy killed? 1357:< Bonoahx> Dallas 1357:< HookahComputer> Dallas 1357:< aspbergerinparadise> dallas 1357:< andysniper> dallas 1357:< AndyD418> dallas 1357:< Savolainen5> tehran 1357:< andysniper> quizbot is shitbot 1357:< npinsker> The answer was Dallas! Correct users: Bonoahx (151), HookahComputer (465), andysniper (329), AndyD418 (124) 1357:< Bonoahx> The answer was Dallas, Texas! 1357:< Bonoahx> Correct users: (nobody) 1357:< chrismash> they'll get banned 1357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Comic Strip Trivia || What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy? 1357:< aspbergerinparadise> beetle bailey 1357:< andysniper> swamp thing 1357:< Bonoahx> Beetle Bailey 1357:< Savolainen5> good ol' beetle bailey 1358:< andysniper> beetle bailey 1358:< npinsker> The answer was Beetle Bailey! Correct users: Bonoahx (155), Savolainen5 (221), andysniper (331) 1358:< Savolainen5> lol 1358:< andysniper> i think this trivia is from like 2006 1358:< Bonoahx> lol 1358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ___. 1358:< chrismash> later 1358:< HookahComputer> lye 1358:< chrismash> 1995 1358:< A3L92> soda 1358:< Savolainen5> ash 1358:< Bonoahx> Caustic soda 1358:< Savolainen5> myfavourite kind 1358:< npinsker> The answer was lye! Correct users: HookahComputer (469) 1359:< Bonoahx> Back in 2006 when rhino horns were made of hair 1359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She played a Polish refugee in "Sophie's Choice". 1359:< tRitone11> Meryl Streep 1359:< HookahComputer> lol 1359:< chrismash> i mean 2002 1359:< aspbergerinparadise> meryl streep 1359:< Bonoahx> Meryl Streep 1359:< Savolainen5> thanks for the answer tritone11 1359:< andysniper> meryl streep 1359:< npinsker> The answer was Meryl Streep! Correct users: Bonoahx (159), andysniper (334) 1359:< Savolainen5> time to mute 1359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He starred in "Conan the Barbarian". 1359:< tRitone11> Arnold Schwarzenegger 1400:< andysniper> arnie 1400:< Savolainen5> schwarzenegger 1400:< aspbergerinparadise> arnold schwarzenegger 1400:< HookahComputer> Arnold Schwarzenegger 1400:< Bonoahx> Arnold Schwarzenegger 1400:< chrismash> bullshit 1400:< phobiac> Arnold Schawrzeneggar 1400:< npinsker> The answer was Arnold Schwarzenegger! Correct users: Savolainen5 (225), HookahComputer (472), Bonoahx (161) 1400:< tRitone11> @Savolainen5 np 1400:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction. This is called _________. 1400:< tRitone11> refraction 1400:< HookahComputer> refraction 1400:< Bonoahx> Refraction 1400:< Savolainen5> refraction 1400:< andysniper> refraction 1400:< StuRobo> Refraction 1401:< chrismash> oh tritone11 is already banned rofl 1401:< npinsker> The answer was refraction! Correct users: HookahComputer (476), Bonoahx (164), Savolainen5 (227), andysniper (335), StuRobo (69) 1401:< tRitone11> chrismash Yeah I said to npinsker if until I banned I use my bot, but... 1401:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______. 1401:< HookahComputer> geyser 1401:< tRitone11> geyser 1401:< surelyucantbserious> geyser 1401:< StuRobo> geyser 1401:< Bonoahx> Geyser 1401:< Savolainen5> sorgente 1401:< mharrizone> ejaculation 1401:< andysniper> geyser 1401:< chrismash> you should of used the delay options :P 1401:< npinsker> The answer was geyser! Correct users: HookahComputer (480), surelyucantbserious (3), StuRobo (71), Bonoahx (165), andysniper (335) 1402:< tRitone11> chrismash I was banned when I wasn't using a bot lol 1402:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He was known as the "Elephant Man". 1402:< Bonoahx> Joseph Merrick 1402:< aspbergerinparadise> john merrick 1402:< StuRobo> john merrick 1402:< andysniper> joseph merrick 1402:< tRitone11> Joseph Merrick 1402:< chrismash> banned you from your github name 1402:< surelyucantbserious> joseph merrick 1402:< Bonoahx> Donald Trump 1402:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Merrick! Correct users: Bonoahx (169), andysniper (338), surelyucantbserious (5) 1402:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1402:< tRitone11> chrismash yeah. I am just gonna ruin the game giving the answers. 1403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) _________. 1403:< tRitone11> margarita 1403:< aspbergerinparadise> margarita 1403:< Bonoahx> Recall code 24 Zulu Papa Whiskey 1403:< Bonoahx> sudo shutdown now 1403:< Savolainen5> mexican car bomb 1403:< npinsker> The answer was margarita! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1403:< HookahComputer> This system is going down NOW!! 1403:< Savolainen5> welp 1403:< HookahComputer> NO CARRIER 1403:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many hours a day does a ferret sleep? 1403:< tRitone11> twenty 1404:< HookahComputer> 16 1404:< FeebleOldMan> just mute the trolls by clicking on their username 1404:< Savolainen5> twenty 1404:< chrismash> did you update the database? 1404:< Bonoahx> 20 1404:< surelyucantbserious> Which ferret? 1404:< Bonoahx> Does someone have another bot this is just tedious now 1404:< Savolainen5> mute 'em 1404:< npinsker> The answer was twenty! Correct users: Savolainen5 (231), Bonoahx (172) 1404:< chrismash> why is it tedious? 1404:< Savolainen5> wow, lucky guess 1404:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Birthstones || What is the birthstone for February? 1404:< tRitone11> Amethyst 1404:< Bonoahx> Just like the same questions lol 1404:< HookahComputer> amethyst 1404:< Savolainen5> amethyst 1404:< Bonoahx> Amethyst 1404:< BossColo> diamond 1404:< chrismash> but there are 4000 questions 1405:< Bonoahx> idk 1405:< Bonoahx> tedious isnt really the right word 1405:< Savolainen5> i've only seen like five repeats 1405:< npinsker> The answer was Amethyst! Correct users: HookahComputer (484), Savolainen5 (234), Bonoahx (174) 1405:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Randy Travis said his love was 'deeper than the ____________'? 1405:< tRitone11> holler 1405:< Bonoahx> vagina 1405:< HookahComputer> ocean 1405:< Savolainen5> ocean 1405:< tRitone11> chrismash yesterday he added 15000 questions, substituted all the l with capitalized i, added random characters. nothing. my bot answered 1405:< Savolainen5> this is a repeat, for example 1405:< nuu> a ferret sleeps twenty hours a day? 1405:< npinsker> The answer was holler! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1406:< Savolainen5> lolwut 1406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Besides the Stones, which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995? 1406:< tRitone11> The Grateful Dead 1406:< HookahComputer> Beatles 1406:< Savolainen5> k 1406:< Bonoahx> The Rolling Stones 1406:< Savolainen5> the beatles 1406:< HookahComputer> lol 1406:< chrismash> we need to make a meme trivia bot 1406:< Bonoahx> The Beatles 1406:< HookahComputer> What's everyone following me for?! 1406:< npinsker> The answer was The Grateful Dead! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1406:< Savolainen5> i'm just improving your answer :D 1406:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was the U.S. president during the Civil War. 1406:< tRitone11> Abraham Lincoln 1407:< Savolainen5> linclon 1407:< aspbergerinparadise> abraham lincoln 1407:< Bonoahx> Abraham Lincoln 1407:< Savolainen5> lincoln RIP 1407:< chrismash> my dad 1407:< Bonoahx> Abradolf Lincler 1407:< HookahComputer> Looks like I might have to load up my copycat script again 1407:< Savolainen5> what's that? 1407:< npinsker> The answer was Abraham Lincoln! Correct users: Bonoahx (178) 1407:< HookahComputer> Whenever someone comes on spouting the answer database, I wrote a script to just copy their answers 1407:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Other than England, which european country took part in the 1996 cricket World Cup? 1407:< tRitone11> Netherlands 1407:< chrismash> rip lincler 1407:< Savolainen5> Australia 1407:< Bonoahx> France 1408:< Savolainen5> oh shit lol 1408:< HookahComputer> Too lazy now though 1408:< Bonoahx> lol 1408:< Savolainen5> ireland 1408:< npinsker> The answer was Netherlands! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1408:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ____________? 1408:< tRitone11> turkey 1408:< Savolainen5> turkey 1408:< HookahComputer> turkey 1408:< Bonoahx> Falafel 1408:< chrismash> https://github.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/blob/master/questions_bot_gm.js 1408:< Savolainen5> repeat :S 1408:< Bonoahx> Turkey 1408:< Savolainen5> stupid rate limiter, saatana 1408:< npinsker> The answer was turkey! Correct users: Savolainen5 (238), HookahComputer (487), Bonoahx (180) 1409:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1409:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Turkey? 1409:< tRitone11> ankara 1409:< Savolainen5> ankara 1409:< HookahComputer> Istanbul 1409:< Bonoahx> Istanbul 1409:< Bonoahx> Ankara 1409:< npinsker> The answer was Ankara! Correct users: Savolainen5 (242), Bonoahx (183) 1410:< andysniper> ankara 1410:< Savolainen5> i'll always remember it because it means "strict" in finnish 1410:< Bonoahx> lol 1410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Saint Paul's Cathedral? 1410:< tRitone11> London 1410:< Savolainen5> london 1410:< aspbergerinparadise> london 1410:< Bonoahx> London 1410:< Bonoahx> or Melbourne 1410:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: Savolainen5 (246), Bonoahx (186) 1410:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Dennis the Menace's last name? 1411:< tRitone11> Mitchell 1411:< Bonoahx> Feinstein 1411:< aspbergerinparadise> mitchell 1411:< Savolainen5> bonoahx, how do you pronounce your username? 1411:< Bonoahx> Mitchell 1411:< Bonoahx> Bono axe 1411:< npinsker> The answer was Mitchell! Correct users: Bonoahx (190) 1411:< Bonoahx> I got it off a random username generator 1411:< Savolainen5> i see 1411:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he? 1411:< tRitone11> Ham Gravy 1411:< Savolainen5> mickey moue 1411:< Bonoahx> Adolf Hitler 1412:< Savolainen5> mouse* 1412:< npinsker> The answer was Ham Gravy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1412:< Savolainen5> lol 1412:< Savolainen5> it was a simpler time 1412:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which sport uses stones and brooms? 1412:< tRitone11> curling 1412:< Savolainen5> curling 1412:< Bonoahx> Quidditch 1412:< andysniper> curling 1412:< npinsker> The answer was curling! Correct users: Savolainen5 (250), andysniper (341) 1413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Mexico's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 1413:< tRitone11> peso 1413:< Savolainen5> peso 1413:< andysniper> peso 1413:< Bonoahx> Mexican peso 1413:< npinsker> The answer was peso! Correct users: Savolainen5 (254), andysniper (344), Bonoahx (192) 1413:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has Budapest as its capital? 1413:< tRitone11> Hungary 1414:< aspbergerinparadise> hungary 1414:< Savolainen5> hungary 1414:< Bonoahx> Hungary 1414:< andysniper> hungary 1414:< npinsker> The answer was Hungary! Correct users: Savolainen5 (258), Bonoahx (195), andysniper (346) 1414:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Denver ____________? 1414:< tRitone11> Nuggets 1414:< TheBurritoKing> nuggets 1414:< andysniper> colorados 1415:< Bonoahx> Sports team 1415:< Savolainen5> rockies 1415:< npinsker> The answer was Nuggets! Correct users: TheBurritoKing (129) 1415:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1415:< zani1903> You know you fucked up when a bot muted you 1415:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon to feature sound? 1415:< tRitone11> Steamboat Willie 1415:< aspbergerinparadise> steamboat willy 1415:< zani1903> jesus christ 1415:< Savolainen5> steamboat willie 1415:< TheBurritoKing> steamboat willie 1416:< Bonoahx> Steamboat Willie 1416:< Bonoahx> Steamboat Willy 1416:< npinsker> The answer was Steamboat Willie! Correct users: Savolainen5 (262), TheBurritoKing (132), Bonoahx (197) 1416:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Film Title: ______ (a number) Leagues Under the Sea. 1416:< tRitone11> 20,000 1416:< TheBurritoKing> tritone's a bot i'm guessing? 1416:< Savolainen5> 20000 1416:< chrismash> he's banned 1416:< TheBurritoKing> 2000020000 1416:< Savolainen5> he turns on one sometimes 1416:< Bonoahx> 7584.127317236471^5 1416:< npinsker> The answer was 20,000! Correct users: Savolainen5 (266), TheBurritoKing (135) 1417:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar? 1417:< tRitone11> Susan B. Anthony 1417:< aspbergerinparadise> anthony 1417:< chrismash> Susan B. Anthony 1417:< Savolainen5> good question is good 1417:< Bonoahx> Susan B. Anthony 1417:< TheBurritoKing> Susie "Big Tony" Anthony 1417:< npinsker> The answer was Susan B. Anthony! Correct users: chrismash (460), Bonoahx (200), TheBurritoKing (137) 1417:< chrismash> wtf? 1418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'I'm A Believer'? 1418:< tRitone11> Monkees 1418:< Savolainen5> mccartney 1418:< Bonoahx> Rebecca Black 1418:< TheBurritoKing> The MiffleMonkeeTinglers 1418:< Bonoahx> PewDiePie 1418:< npinsker> The answer was Monkees! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1418:< Savolainen5> well 1418:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Guatemala? 1418:< tRitone11> Guatemala 1418:< chrismash> Guatemala 1418:< Bonoahx> Tijuana 1418:< Savolainen5> guatemala city 1419:< Bonoahx> Guatemala City 1419:< TheBurritoKing> Guatamalalalalalalalatits --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:19:17 2016 1419:< Savolainen5> alas 1419:< chrismash> wait what 1419:< TheBurritoKing> got his own question right 1419:< Savolainen5> :D 1419:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet? 1419:< tRitone11> cab 1419:< Bonoahx> lol 1419:< aspbergerinparadise> cab 1419:< Bonoahx> cab 1419:< TheBurritoKing> cable 1419:< wolflambert> Cab 1419:< Savolainen5> bacca 1419:< Sorrento110> cab 1419:< Sorrento110> cab 1419:< OrangeredStilton> bac(k) 1419:< Bonoahx> bacca gaijin 1419:< npinsker> The answer was cab! Correct users: Bonoahx (206), wolflambert (151), Sorrento110 (2) 1420:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || These glands are located on top of the kidneys. 1420:< tRitone11> Adrenal 1420:< Savolainen5> pituitary 1420:< Sorrento110> Adrenal 1420:< TheBurritoKing> Adrenal 1420:< Bonoahx> Adrenal 1420:< OrangeredStilton> Is there actually a point if the question and answer appear at the same time? :D 1420:< chrismash> penis 1420:< npinsker> The answer was Adrenal! Correct users: Sorrento110 (6), TheBurritoKing (140), Bonoahx (208) 1420:< TheBurritoKing> mute the bot 1420:< Savolainen5> some people have "fun" with bots 1421:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Hopalong Cassidy? 1421:< tRitone11> William Boyd 1421:< chrismash> but he can't answer anyway 1421:< TheBurritoKing> Billiam Woyd 1421:< Bonoahx> Ben Affleck 1421:< Savolainen5> apparently in one of the rooms that contributed to this one, their trivia devolved into bot wars 1421:< wolflambert> William Boyd 1421:< npinsker> The answer was William Boyd! Correct users: wolflambert (155) 1421:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1421:< Savolainen5> does anyone remember the halcyon days of ERROR-USERNAME's trivia bot? 1422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is Greek muse of dance and choral song? 1422:< tRitone11> Terpsichore 1422:< Savolainen5> terpsichore 1422:< Bonoahx> Terpsichore 1422:< Savolainen5> another repeat 1422:< TheBurritoKing> terpsipurpsi 1422:< wolflambert> Terpsichore 1422:< npinsker> The answer was Terpsichore! Correct users: Savolainen5 (270), Bonoahx (211), wolflambert (157) 1422:< wolflambert> What was that bot like, Savolainen5 1422:< Sorrento110> Terpsichore 1422:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who? 1422:< tRitone11> Pepe le Pew 1422:< TheBurritoKing> PewdiPie 1422:< aspbergerinparadise> pepe le pew 1422:< Savolainen5> just the same, but without any fools botting the answer 1422:< Sorrento110> Pepe le Pew 1423:< Bonoahx> LeafyIsHere 1423:< npinsker> The answer was Pepe le Pew! Correct users: Sorrento110 (10) 1423:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is considered the father of medicine? 1423:< tRitone11> Hippocrates 1423:< Savolainen5> socrates 1423:< TheBurritoKing> "Big Daddy" Hippocrates 1423:< Savolainen5> kekeke 1423:< _deffer_> bernie sanders 1423:< Bonoahx> Hippocrates 1423:< wolflambert> Hippocrates 1424:< npinsker> The answer was Hippocrates! Correct users: TheBurritoKing (144), Bonoahx (214), wolflambert (159) 1424:< wolflambert> TheBurritoKing LMAO 1424:< _deffer_> dad 1424:< Sorrento110> Dad 1424:< wolflambert> Pie 1424:< TheBurritoKing> Pie 1424:< chuckfinleLP1> Dad 1424:< Savolainen5> gladiator 1424:< Bonoahx> Biggest Loser 1424:< wolflambert> Bible thumper 1424:< npinsker> The answer was Bandstand! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1424:< Savolainen5> LOL 1424:< Bonoahx> bullshit questionm 1424:< wolflambert> Lololol 1425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In which Verdi opera does Violetta sing 'Sempre Libera'? 1425:< tRitone11> La Traviata 1425:< TheBurritoKing> John Trabolta 1425:< Sorrento110> La Traviata 1425:< Bonoahx> La Traviata 1425:< BrownMario> la traviata 1425:< wolflambert> La Traviata 1425:< chuckfinleLP1> La traviata 1425:< BrownMario> la bamba 1425:< npinsker> The answer was La Traviata! Correct users: Sorrento110 (14), Bonoahx (217), BrownMario (363), wolflambert (160), chuckfinleLP1 (18) 1425:< Bonoahx> La Macarena 1425:< _deffer_> ^ 1425:< wolflambert> aaaay macarena 1425:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are: Callisto, Io, Ganymede, and _________ 1425:< tRitone11> Europa 1425:< Savolainen5> la poverina 1425:< wolflambert> Europa 1425:< BrownMario> europa 1425:< TheBurritoKing> Europa 1425:< Bonoahx> Europa 1425:< _deffer_> europa 1425:< Sorrento110> Europa 1426:< chuckfinleLP1> Europa 1426:< npinsker> The answer was Europa! Correct users: wolflambert (164), BrownMario (366), TheBurritoKing (146), Bonoahx (218), _deffer_ (38), Sorrento... 1426:< wolflambert> Yay 1426:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Egypt to the south? 1426:< tRitone11> Sudan 1426:< Savolainen5> sudan 1426:< BrownMario> sudan 1426:< Bonoahx> Sudan 1426:< _deffer_> sudan 1426:< wolflambert> Sudan 1426:< aspbergerinparadise> sudan 1426:< TheBurritoKing> Sammy "The shithole" Sudan 1426:< jayman419> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dgkno/eli5_wtf_is_join_robin/ => http://nazar.so/8iksb go upvote that if you can. 1426:< Savolainen5> why 1427:< npinsker> The answer was Sudan! Correct users: Savolainen5 (274), BrownMario (369), Bonoahx (220), _deffer_ (39), wolflambert (164), TheBurritoKi... 1427:< wolflambert> the Kingdom of North Sudan 1427:< Bonoahx> i cant 1427:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Where would one eat a taco? 1427:< tRitone11> Mexico 1427:< Sorrento110> Mexico 1427:< Bonoahx> Mexico 1427:< BrownMario> mexico 1427:< Savolainen5> america 1427:< wolflambert> Taco Bell 1427:< TheBurritoKing> Chipotle 1427:< Bonoahx> Saudi Arabia 1427:< Savolainen5> north america 1427:< BrownMario> really? taco truck, taco bell, everywhere? 1427:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: Sorrento110 (18), Bonoahx (223), BrownMario (371) 1427:< Savolainen5> best question 1427:< whateva0x29a> biblethumb 1428:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1428:< Bonoahx> "Culture" 1428:< Savolainen5> ^ 1428:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Air Travel || What is the national airline of Indonesia? 1428:< tRitone11> Garuda 1428:< BrownMario> damn i see i was kicked out of the high score club overnight 1428:< BrownMario> garuda 1428:< Bonoahx> Garuda Indonesia 1428:< Sorrento110> Garuda 1428:< wolflambert> Indonesia Airlines 1428:< TheBurritoKing> "Missing Planes R US" 1428:< Bonoahx> thats malaysia 1428:< Savolainen5> "We haven't lost a plane as famously as our neighbours, Malaysia" Airlines 1428:< npinsker> The answer was Garuda! Correct users: BrownMario (375), Sorrento110 (21) 1428:< wolflambert> Malaysia Airlines bff <3 1428:< Bonoahx> oh come on 1429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state is the Wolverine State? 1429:< tRitone11> Michigan 1429:< Savolainen5> minnesota 1429:< aspbergerinparadise> michigan 1429:< TheBurritoKing> Michigan 1429:< wolflambert> Michigan 1429:< Bonoahx> Michigna 1429:< Savolainen5> MI 1429:< TheBurritoKing> Kyle Connor tho 1429:< npinsker> The answer was Michigan! Correct users: TheBurritoKing (150), wolflambert (167), Bonoahx (225) 1429:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ________. 1429:< tRitone11> trident 1429:< Savolainen5> trident 1429:< Bonoahx> fork 1429:< aspbergerinparadise> trident 1429:< Sorrento110> trident 1429:< wolflambert> AND MY AXE 1429:< TheBurritoKing> pointy sticker thing 1430:< Bonoahx> trident 1430:< Bonoahx> #CancelTrident 1430:< npinsker> The answer was trident! Correct users: Savolainen5 (278), Sorrento110 (24), Bonoahx (227) 1430:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries? 1430:< tRitone11> Africa 1430:< Bonoahx> Africa 1430:< aspbergerinparadise> africa 1430:< wolflambert> Asia 1430:< Savolainen5> fuck 1430:< TheBurritoKing> Africa 1430:< wolflambert> Africa 1430:< Savolainen5> africa 1430:< Savolainen5> europe 1430:< whateva0x29a> Africa 1431:< Savolainen5> asia 1431:< npinsker> The answer was Africa! Correct users: Bonoahx (231), TheBurritoKing (153), wolflambert (169), Savolainen5 (279), whateva0x29a (1) 1431:< whateva0x29a> Europe 1431:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What type of animal is a wallaby? 1431:< tRitone11> marsupial 1431:< Bonoahx> Kangaroo 1431:< BrownMario> marsupial 1431:< TheBurritoKing> marzipan 1431:< Savolainen5> marsupial 1431:< wolflambert> Kangaroo 1431:< whateva0x29a> marsupial 1431:< surelyucantbserious> marsupial 1431:< Savolainen5> lol TheBurritoKing 1431:< whateva0x29a> Kangaroo 1431:< Bonoahx> Marsupial 1431:< npinsker> The answer was marsupial! Correct users: BrownMario (379), Savolainen5 (282), whateva0x29a (3), surelyucantbserious (6), Bonoahx (231) 1431:< BrownMario> australian 1432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A group of gorillas is known as a ___________. 1432:< tRitone11> band 1432:< Savolainen5> congress 1432:< BrownMario> band 1432:< aspbergerinparadise> band 1432:< Sorrento110> band 1432:< TheBurritoKing> band 1432:< whateva0x29a> band 1432:< BrownMario> rock band 1432:< wolflambert> One Direction 1432:< Bonoahx> band 1432:< TheBurritoKing> ^ 1432:< Savolainen5> senate 1432:< BrownMario> guerilla warfare 1432:< Bonoahx> UK Parliament 1432:< whateva0x29a> wolflambert haha 1432:< npinsker> The answer was band! Correct users: BrownMario (383), Sorrento110 (27), TheBurritoKing (155), whateva0x29a (4), Bonoahx (231) 1432:< whateva0x29a> CoolCat 1432:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Port Moresby is the capital of ____________? 1432:< tRitone11> Papua New Guinea 1432:< Savolainen5> papua new guinea 1432:< BrownMario> papau new guinea 1432:< wolflambert> Papua New Guinea 1432:< Bonoahx> Papua new Guinea 1432:< ju1cy> new guinea 1433:< TheBurritoKing> Guinea Pigs 1433:< npinsker> The answer was Papua New Guinea! Correct users: Savolainen5 (286), wolflambert (172), Bonoahx (233) 1433:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || His many Romantic odes include Ode to Melancholy and Ode to a Graecian Urn? 1433:< tRitone11> Keats 1433:< Savolainen5> dante 1433:< TheBurritoKing> Kenny "The Killer" Keats 1433:< wolflambert> Obi-Wan Kenobi 1433:< Bonoahx> Can't comprehend 1434:< npinsker> The answer was Keats! Correct users: TheBurritoKing (159) 1434:< Savolainen5> lol 1434:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1434:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || By who was Gerald Ford almost assassinated? 1434:< tRitone11> Squeaky Fromme 1434:< Savolainen5> sirhan sirhan 1434:< Bonoahx> James Franco 1434:< BrownMario> voldemort 1434:< wolflambert> Derek Savage 1434:< TheBurritoKing> Squeaky the Leaky Fromme 1434:< Bonoahx> Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme 1435:< BrownMario> sqeaky fromme 1435:< npinsker> The answer was Squeaky Fromme! Correct users: (nobody) :( --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:21 2016 1435:< BrownMario> montevideo 1435:< wolflambert> Montevideo 1435:< TheBurritoKing> montevideo 1435:< Bonoahx> Montevideo 1435:< skiplacombe> Montevideo 1435:< Savolainen5> good ol' gerald, he was the simpsons' favourite president 1435:< ju1cy> Montevideo 1435:< npinsker> The answer was Montevideo! Correct users: BrownMario (387), wolflambert (175), TheBurritoKing (161), Bonoahx (234), skiplacombe (15), j... 1436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who founded 'Live Aid' and 'Band Aid'? 1436:< tRitone11> Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 1436:< Bonoahx> Bill Cosby 1436:< BrownMario> bog geldof & midge ure 1436:< wolflambert> Ethan Bradberry 1436:< skiplacombe> Bob Geldof 1436:< Bonoahx> IM ETHAN BRADBERRY 1436:< BrownMario> bog 1436:< TheBurritoKing> "sloppy" bob Geldof and "Big Mama" Midge Ure 1436:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Geldof & Midge Ure! Correct users: BrownMario (391) 1436:< BrownMario> lolll 1436:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Poseidon was the Greek god of the ____________? 1436:< tRitone11> sea 1436:< Savolainen5> sea 1436:< BrownMario> sea 1436:< wolflambert> Sea 1436:< Bonoahx> Sea 1436:< ju1cy> Sea 1436:< skiplacombe> Sea 1437:< BrownMario> ocean 1437:< wolflambert> Ocean 1437:< Bonoahx> Ethan Bradberry 1437:< npinsker> The answer was sea! Correct users: Savolainen5 (290), BrownMario (394), wolflambert (177), Bonoahx (235), ju1cy (0), skiplacombe (15) 1437:< Savolainen5> >implying they make that distinction 1437:< wolflambert> I'M ETHAN BRADBERRY 1437:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture? 1437:< tRitone11> gillette 1437:< BrownMario> gillete 1437:< skiplacombe> 1 1437:< Savolainen5> two 1437:< Bonoahx> Depends on how big the beard is 1437:< BrownMario> the best a man can get 1437:< skiplacombe> one 1437:< wolflambert> Traumatising your children prank (GONE WRONG) [GONE SEXUAL] ALMOST DIED 2016 ✓ ✓ 1437:< BrownMario> one 1438:< npinsker> The answer was gillette! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1438:< Bonoahx> wait what 1438:< Savolainen5> what 1438:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Who is regarded as the most influential monarch of Russian Romanov Dynasty? 1438:< tRitone11> Peter I 1438:< Bonoahx> you learn something new every day 1438:< BrownMario> peter i 1438:< wolflambert> Stalin 1438:< Bonoahx> Vladimir Putin 1438:< ju1cy> Peter I 1438:< Savolainen5> peter the great 1438:< wolflambert> Ethan Bradberry 1438:< BrownMario> the great 1438:< Bonoahx> I'M ETHAN BRADBERY 1438:< wolflambert> Peter the Great 1438:< Bonoahx> I'M PETER I 1438:< npinsker> The answer was Peter I! Correct users: BrownMario (398), ju1cy (3), Savolainen5 (292), wolflambert (178), Bonoahx (235) 1438:< BrownMario> i peter 1439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gastronomy || Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year? 1439:< tRitone11> twelve 1439:< Savolainen5> 5000 1439:< BrownMario> twelve 1439:< wolflambert> 1337 1439:< ju1cy> 12 1439:< skiplacombe> twelve 1439:< BrownMario> leet 1439:< wolflambert> 12 1439:< Bonoahx> 87463 1439:< BrownMario> one two 1439:< skiplacombe> about tree fiddy 1439:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: BrownMario (402), ju1cy (6), skiplacombe (17), wolflambert (179) 1439:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country was once known as 'The Breadbasket of Russia'? 1439:< tRitone11> Ukraine 1439:< Savolainen5> ukraine 1439:< wolflambert> Ukraine 1439:< skiplacombe> Ukraine 1439:< BrownMario> kiev 1440:< ju1cy> ukraine 1440:< BrownMario> ukraine 1440:< Bonoahx> Ukraoine 1440:< Savolainen5> and with that, i'm off for a few hours, cheers, folks 1440:< Bonoahx> Ukraine 1440:< npinsker> The answer was Ukraine! Correct users: Savolainen5 (296), wolflambert (182), skiplacombe (19), ju1cy (7), BrownMario (402), Bonoahx (235) 1440:< wolflambert> Bye Savolainen5 1440:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1440:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the name of George of the Jungle's pet elephant? 1440:< tRitone11> Shep 1440:< Bonoahx> I give up bye 1440:< aspbergerinparadise> shep 1440:< wolflambert> Dumbo 1441:< skiplacombe> shep 1441:< wolflambert> Ethan Bradberry 1441:< npinsker> The answer was Shep! Correct users: skiplacombe (23) 1441:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || How many beams of light are used to record a holograph? 1441:< tRitone11> two 1441:< wolflambert> Twelve 1441:< _deffer_> two 1441:< ju1cy> 2 1441:< wolflambert> Two 1442:< wolflambert> Five 1442:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: _deffer_ (43), ju1cy (10), wolflambert (184) 1442:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Interesting Fact || More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in ____________? 1442:< tRitone11> plane crashes 1442:< _deffer_> shark attacks 1442:< wolflambert> Iceland 1442:< zani1903> plane crashes 1442:< npinsker> The answer was plane crashes! Correct users: zani1903 (8) 1442:< _deffer_> Nice. 1442:< zani1903> slkill 1442:< wolflambert> Skillz 1442:< Nesman64> ping 1443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common term for a "somnambulist"? 1443:< tRitone11> sleepwalker 1443:< Nesman64> sleepwalker 1443:< _deffer_> sleep walker 1443:< wolflambert> Sleepwalker 1443:< ju1cy> Sleep Walker 1443:< wolflambert> Svefn-g-englar 1443:< npinsker> The answer was sleepwalker! Correct users: Nesman64 (38), wolflambert (187) 1443:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye. 1443:< tRitone11> iris 1443:< _deffer_> iris 1443:< FreeTheAnimals> iris 1443:< aspbergerinparadise> iris 1443:< wolflambert> Iris 1444:< ju1cy> Iris 1444:< npinsker> The answer was iris! Correct users: _deffer_ (47), FreeTheAnimals (3), wolflambert (189), ju1cy (11) 1444:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Sound travels fastest through which state of matter? 1444:< tRitone11> solid 1444:< _deffer_> solids 1444:< Nesman64> liquid 1444:< wolflambert> Air 1444:< wolflambert> Metal 1444:< ju1cy> Solid 1445:< wolflambert> Solids 1445:< npinsker> The answer was solid! Correct users: ju1cy (15) 1445:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Famous Places || What Surrey town is famed for its salts? 1445:< tRitone11> Epsom 1445:< _deffer_> epsom 1445:< _deffer_> seasoned 1445:< npinsker> The answer was Epsom! Correct users: _deffer_ (51) 1446:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || With what body part is otology involved? 1446:< tRitone11> ear 1446:< aspbergerinparadise> ear 1446:< Nesman64> ear 1446:< _deffer_> ear 1446:< ju1cy> Ear 1446:< npinsker> The answer was ear! Correct users: Nesman64 (42), _deffer_ (54), ju1cy (17) 1446:< bbrazil> australian 1446:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1446:< Nesman64> damn, panda 1447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Philippines? 1447:< tRitone11> Luzon 1447:< ju1cy> Luzon 1447:< npinsker> The answer was Luzon! Correct users: ju1cy (21) 1447:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July, 1934? 1447:< tRitone11> radiation poisoning 1447:< Nesman64> radiation poisoning 1447:< ju1cy> Radiation 1448:< _deffer_> radiation exposure 1448:< TheArcade> bad water 1448:< _deffer_> radiation poisoning 1448:< npinsker> The answer was radiation poisoning! Correct users: Nesman64 (46), ju1cy (24), _deffer_ (56) 1448:< _deffer_> aw yiss 1448:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || What movie starred Nicholas Cage and John Travolta, one as a police officer, the other as a villain? 1448:< tRitone11> Face Off 1448:< ju1cy> Face Off 1448:< _deffer_> broken arrow 1448:< Nesman64> face off 1448:< _deffer_> face off 1449:< _deffer_> that's right 1449:< npinsker> The answer was Face Off! Correct users: ju1cy (28), Nesman64 (49), _deffer_ (58) 1449:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the study of the earth's physical divisions termed? 1449:< tRitone11> Geography 1449:< ju1cy> Geography 1449:< _deffer_> geography 1449:< MABGB> Geography 1449:< _deffer_> Almost typed geology. 1449:< npinsker> The answer was Geography! Correct users: ju1cy (32), _deffer_ (61), MABGB (2) 1450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who fell behind Roger Maris in 1961 for the homerun record? 1450:< tRitone11> Mickey Mantle 1450:< ju1cy> Mantle 1450:< Nesman64> Is the bot ignoring tRitone11? 1450:< npinsker> The answer was Mickey Mantle! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1450:< tRitone11> nesman64 yes 1450:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982. 1450:< tRitone11> Falklands Islands 1450:< aspbergerinparadise> falkland 1451:< ju1cy> Falkland 1451:< npinsker> The answer was Falklands Islands! Correct users: ju1cy (36) 1451:< zani1903> wow 1451:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What 1986 game's mission was to defeat Count Dracula, and restore peace to Transylvania? 1451:< ju1cy> Damn Right 1451:< Nesman64> castlevania 1451:< ju1cy> Catlevania 1451:< ju1cy> Castlevania 1452:< npinsker> The answer was Castlevania! Correct users: Nesman64 (53), ju1cy (39) 1452:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car? 1452:< tRitone11> wiper 1452:< Nesman64> windshild wiper 1452:< ju1cy> Wiper 1452:< Nesman64> windshield wiper 1452:< npinsker> The answer was wiper! Correct users: Nesman64 (57), ju1cy (42) 1453:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1453:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In 1902 this volcano erupted, killing 30,000. 1453:< tRitone11> Pelee 1453:< ju1cy> Pelee 1453:< npinsker> The answer was Pelee! Correct users: ju1cy (46) 1454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Baltimore ________. 1454:< tRitone11> Orioles 1454:< ju1cy> Orioles 1454:< grink> robins 1454:< npinsker> The answer was Orioles! Correct users: ju1cy (50) 1454:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear? 1454:< tRitone11> reverse 1454:< StuRobo> Reverse 1455:< grink> reverse 1455:< ju1cy> Reverse 1455:< grink> R 1455:< npinsker> The answer was reverse! Correct users: StuRobo (75), grink (49), ju1cy (52) 1455:< StuRobo> Rocking Chairs 1455:< grink> cows 1456:< ju1cy> Rocking Chairs 1456:< _deffer_> cat shavers 1456:< npinsker> The answer was rocking chairs! Correct users: StuRobo (79), ju1cy (55) 1456:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sea Crawlies || How many legs does a crab have? 1456:< tRitone11> ten 1456:< StuRobo> 6 1456:< _deffer_> eight 1456:< ju1cy> 10 1456:< _deffer_> ten 1456:< npinsker> The answer was ten! Correct users: ju1cy (59), _deffer_ (64) 1457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was the oldest member of The Beatles? 1457:< tRitone11> Ringo Starr 1457:< StuRobo> Paul McCartney 1457:< _deffer_> ringo 1457:< ju1cy> Ringo 1457:< npinsker> The answer was Ringo Starr! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1457:< _deffer_> damn 1457:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which president was responsible for the 'Louisiana Purchase'? 1457:< tRitone11> Thomas Jefferson 1457:< _deffer_> thomas jefferson 1458:< ju1cy> Jefferson 1458:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Jefferson! Correct users: _deffer_ (68), ju1cy (62) 1458:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The three buildings of the Acropolis are the Propylaea, the Erectheum, and the _________. 1458:< tRitone11> Parthenon 1458:< grink> erection 1458:< StuRobo> Parthenon 1458:< _deffer_> parthenon 1459:< npinsker> The answer was Parthenon! Correct users: StuRobo (83), _deffer_ (71) 1459:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1459:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone? 1459:< tRitone11> tongue 1459:< _deffer_> tongue 1459:< StuRobo> Tounge 1459:< StuRobo> tongue 1500:< StuRobo> speling 1500:< npinsker> The answer was tongue! Correct users: _deffer_ (75), StuRobo (86) 1500:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Places || Where is the biggest mosque in the world? 1500:< tRitone11> Madina, Saudi Arabia 1500:< _deffer_> Medina 1500:< mharrizone> medina 1500:< StuRobo> Oh speling. 1500:< npinsker> The answer was Madina, Saudi Arabia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1500:< _deffer_> :/ 1501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || On IRC, how do you ask age, sex, location? 1501:< tRitone11> asl 1501:< StuRobo> asl 1501:< _deffer_> asl 1501:< mharrizone> a/s/l? 1501:< pill_hop> asl 1501:< mharrizone> asl 1501:< npinsker> The answer was asl! Correct users: StuRobo (90), _deffer_ (78), mharrizone (302), pill_hop (1) 1501:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the long religious epic, "Paradise Lost"? 1501:< tRitone11> John Milton 1501:< _deffer_> No clue 1502:< mharrizone> dante guy 1502:< npinsker> The answer was John Milton! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1502:< mharrizone> ...or not 1502:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What US state has the most tornadoes on average? 1502:< tRitone11> Texas 1502:< mharrizone> oklahoma 1502:< StuRobo> indiana 1502:< _deffer_> oklahoma 1502:< pill_hop> oklahoma 1502:< surelyucantbserious> Kansas 1502:< mharrizone> kansas 1502:< _deffer_> texas 1503:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: _deffer_ (82) 1503:< _deffer_> size probably plays a factor 1503:< _deffer_> aw yiss 1503:< mharrizone> that's what she said 1503:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the longest venomous snake. 1503:< tRitone11> cobra 1503:< pill_hop> rattlesnake 1503:< mharrizone> asp 1503:< StuRobo> rattlesnaks 1503:< _deffer_> cobra 1503:< StuRobo> aw 1503:< npinsker> The answer was cobra! Correct users: _deffer_ (86) 1504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body? 1504:< tRitone11> twelve 1504:< StuRobo> 8 1504:< aspbergerinparadise> twelve 1504:< pill_hop> 100 1504:< mharrizone> 8 1504:< _deffer_> 12 1504:< mharrizone> eight 1504:< StuRobo> 12 1504:< pill_hop> 12121 1504:< mharrizone> 12 1504:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: _deffer_ (90), StuRobo (93), mharrizone (304) 1504:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Dogs bark. What do donkeys do? 1504:< tRitone11> bray 1504:< pill_hop> neigh 1504:< StuRobo> bray 1504:< _deffer_> neigh 1505:< mharrizone> bray 1505:< _deffer_> bray 1505:< mharrizone> hee-haw 1505:< pill_hop> bray 1505:< _deffer_> horses neigh, lol. 1505:< npinsker> The answer was bray! Correct users: StuRobo (97), mharrizone (307), _deffer_ (92), pill_hop (2) 1505:< pill_hop> donkeys can be horses 1505:< StuRobo> so can gerafes 1505:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (811), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1505:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does the Binet test measure? 1505:< tRitone11> intelligence 1505:< _deffer_> IQ 1506:< mharrizone> bidet strength 1506:< _deffer_> lol 1506:< npinsker> The answer was intelligence! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1506:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died? 1506:< tRitone11> American Pie 1506:< StuRobo> american pie 1506:< mharrizone> american pie 1506:< FeebleOldMan> american pie 1506:< _deffer_> american pie 1507:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: StuRobo (101), mharrizone (310), FeebleOldMan (813), _deffer_ (93) 1507:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The characters in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles searched for crystals to rescue them from this poisonous gas. 1507:< mharrizone> farts 1507:< TxDieselKid> Deez nuts!! 1507:< _deffer_> methane 1507:< FeebleOldMan> gaia mccloud 1507:< npinsker> The answer was Miasma! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1507:< mharrizone> _deffer_ I'm gonna lol if that's right 1507:< _deffer_> lol 1508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Recorded Media || Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'Tae Bo'? 1508:< tRitone11> Billy Blanks 1508:< mharrizone> billy blanks 1508:< TxDieselKid> Billy Blanks 1508:< _deffer_> billy blanks 1508:< FeebleOldMan> m bison 1508:< _deffer_> I remember doing his videos in high school. so annoying. 1508:< npinsker> The answer was Billy Blanks! Correct users: mharrizone (314), TxDieselKid (42), _deffer_ (95) 1508:< mharrizone> Dam son, either these are old questions or Billy Blanks has some serious longevity 1508:< TxDieselKid> I tried once, no sir. not going to cut it. 1508:< _deffer_> ^ 1508:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way? 1508:< tRitone11> Sagittarius 1508:< FeebleOldMan> sagittarius 1509:< WolfspiritXx> sagittarius 1509:< mharrizone> sagittarius 1509:< _deffer_> sagittarius 1509:< FeebleOldMan> yay for repeats 1509:< npinsker> The answer was Sagittarius! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (817), WolfspiritXx (3), mharrizone (316), _deffer_ (96) 1509:< mharrizone> My birth sign, baby - cuz I'm the center of the universe 1509:< _deffer_> Same as mine 1509:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a violoncello usually called? 1509:< tRitone11> cello 1509:< FeebleOldMan> viola 1509:< _deffer_> cello 1509:< StuRobo> cello 1509:< FreeTheAnimals> cello 1509:< mharrizone> viola 1509:< WolfspiritXx> cello 1509:< FeebleOldMan> cello 1510:< FeebleOldMan> bass 1510:< mharrizone> trout 1510:< npinsker> The answer was cello! Correct users: _deffer_ (100), StuRobo (104), FreeTheAnimals (5), WolfspiritXx (4), FeebleOldMan (817) 1510:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical name for quicksilver? 1510:< tRitone11> mercury 1510:< FeebleOldMan> mercury 1510:< _deffer_> mercury 1510:< FreeTheAnimals> mercury 1510:< mharrizone> mercury 1510:< StuRobo> mercury 1510:< WolfspiritXx> mercury 1510:< grink> freddie 1510:< mharrizone> hg 1510:< npinsker> The answer was mercury! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (821), _deffer_ (103), FreeTheAnimals (7), mharrizone (317), StuRobo (104), Wolfspi... 1511:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who was Isis the wife of? 1511:< tRitone11> Osiris 1511:< FeebleOldMan> osiris 1511:< _deffer_> osiris 1511:< mharrizone> osiris 1511:< StuRobo> osiris 1511:< grink> apophis 1511:< _deffer_> thanks SMITE 1511:< npinsker> The answer was Osiris! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (825), _deffer_ (106), mharrizone (319), StuRobo (105) 1511:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (825), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the large mountain chain in the eastern U.S.A. 1512:< tRitone11> The Appalachians 1512:< aspbergerinparadise> the appalachian s 1512:< mharrizone> appalachians 1512:< grink> apples 1512:< StuRobo> appalachian 1512:< mharrizone> appalachian 1512:< StuRobo> appalachians 1512:< npinsker> The answer was The Appalachians! Correct users: StuRobo (109), mharrizone (322) 1512:< mharrizone> y u first! 1512:< StuRobo> ha 1512:< FeebleOldMan> your spelling 1512:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Summertime || This is the sandy area nearest the ocean. 1512:< tRitone11> beach 1512:< mharrizone> beach 1512:< WolfspiritXx> beach 1513:< FeebleOldMan> beach 1513:< StuRobo> beach 1513:< _deffer_> beach 1513:< FeebleOldMan> bay 1513:< mharrizone> your mother's vagina 1513:< FeebleOldMan> shore 1513:< npinsker> The answer was beach! Correct users: mharrizone (326), WolfspiritXx (7), FeebleOldMan (827), StuRobo (110), _deffer_ (106) 1513:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Barbados? 1513:< tRitone11> Bridgetown 1513:< mharrizone> antigua 1513:< FeebleOldMan> barbadoa 1514:< mharrizone> barbados 1514:< npinsker> The answer was Bridgetown! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1514:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Collective Names || What is a group of donkeys called? 1514:< tRitone11> herd 1514:< FeebleOldMan> herd 1514:< mharrizone> pack 1514:< FeebleOldMan> bray 1514:< _deffer_> herd 1514:< StuRobo> herd 1514:< FeebleOldMan> collection 1514:< FeebleOldMan> flock 1514:< mharrizone> assortment to choose from 1514:< npinsker> The answer was herd! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (831), _deffer_ (109), StuRobo (112) 1514:< pandersson97> Herd 1515:< pandersson97> dang 1515:< mharrizone> I've never seen a herd of donkeys, but I'd like to...especially if they're wild 1515:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities? 1515:< tRitone11> Windows for Workgroups 1515:< StuRobo> 3.1 1515:< mharrizone> windows 3.5 1515:< bbrazil> 3.11 1515:< FeebleOldMan> 4 1515:< mharrizone> 3.11 1515:< pandersson97> Workgroups 1515:< FeebleOldMan> windows nt 1515:< mharrizone> windows 3.11 1515:< FeebleOldMan> workgroups 1515:< _deffer_> windows for workgroups 1515:< pandersson97> Windows Workgroups 1515:< npinsker> The answer was Windows for Workgroups! Correct users: pandersson97 (56), FeebleOldMan (834), _deffer_ (111) 1515:< StuRobo> ooo 1515:< pandersson97> plebs lol 1515:< tRitone11> Pennyworth 1515:< mharrizone> pennyworth 1515:< FeebleOldMan> pennyworth 1516:< _deffer_> pennyworth 1516:< aspbergerinparadise> pennyworth 1516:< pandersson97> Asspenny 1516:< StuRobo> pennyworth 1516:< FeebleOldMan> yeh gotham 1516:< npinsker> The answer was Pennyworth! Correct users: mharrizone (330), FeebleOldMan (837), _deffer_ (113), StuRobo (113) 1516:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Machu Picchu? 1516:< tRitone11> Peru 1516:< FeebleOldMan> peru 1516:< StuRobo> peru 1516:< mharrizone> peru 1516:< FeebleOldMan> hills of peru 1517:< FeebleOldMan> mountains of peru 1517:< grink> bronx 1517:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (841), StuRobo (116), mharrizone (332) 1517:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was King Arthur's foster-father? 1517:< tRitone11> Ector 1517:< mharrizone> merlin 1517:< FeebleOldMan> no idea 1517:< FeebleOldMan> father arthur 1517:< _deffer_> ector 1517:< StuRobo> Vader 1517:< npinsker> The answer was Ector! Correct users: _deffer_ (117) 1517:< FeebleOldMan> wat 1518:< mharrizone> new phone, who dat? 1518:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (841), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1518:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What aminal is the logo of the World Wildlife Fund? 1518:< tRitone11> panda 1518:< mharrizone> panda 1518:< FeebleOldMan> panda 1518:< StuRobo> panda 1518:< _deffer_> panda 1518:< mharrizone> hellapanda 1518:< FeebleOldMan> wait.. aminal 1518:< FeebleOldMan> pamda 1518:< mharrizone> lol 1518:< npinsker> The answer was panda! Correct users: mharrizone (336), FeebleOldMan (844), StuRobo (118), _deffer_ (118) 1519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of? 1519:< tRitone11> Asia 1519:< aspbergerinparadise> asia 1519:< mharrizone> europe 1519:< StuRobo> africa 1519:< grink> adrica 1519:< FeebleOldMan> africa 1519:< grink> africa 1519:< mharrizone> africa 1519:< FeebleOldMan> asia 1519:< npinsker> The answer was Asia! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (848) 1519:< FeebleOldMan> europe 1519:< jeuv> europe 1519:< mharrizone> waaaaaaat 1519:< FeebleOldMan> random 1519:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote Great Expectations? 1519:< tRitone11> Charles Dickens 1520:< StuRobo> james joyce 1520:< FeebleOldMan> uhhh cant rem 1520:< mharrizone> joyce 1520:< mharrizone> bronte 1520:< StuRobo> charles dickens 1520:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Dickens! Correct users: StuRobo (122) 1520:< mharrizone> WHAT?! 1520:< StuRobo> :-) 1520:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the more scientific name for quicksilver? 1520:< tRitone11> mercury 1520:< FeebleOldMan> mercury 1520:< aspbergerinparadise> mercury 1520:< mharrizone> mercury 1520:< StuRobo> Mercury 1520:< grink> mercury 1520:< grink> yay random 1520:< FeebleOldMan> yay repeats 1521:< npinsker> The answer was mercury! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (852), mharrizone (339), StuRobo (124), grink (50) 1521:< mharrizone> OFUK! Late for work. Cya, growers 1521:< FeebleOldMan> bb harrizone 1521:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state has the most hospitals? 1521:< tRitone11> California 1521:< FeebleOldMan> me too thanks 1521:< FeebleOldMan> bb 1521:< grink> california 1521:< Nesman64> California 1521:< mharrizone> california 1521:< aspbergerinparadise> california 1521:< StuRobo> california 1521:< StuRobo> texas 1521:< grink> florida 1521:< mharrizone> had to squeeze in one more 1521:< grink> new york 1521:< mharrizone> That's what she said 1521:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: grink (54), Nesman64 (60), mharrizone (341), StuRobo (125) 1522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || At what age does a filly become a mare? 1522:< tRitone11> five 1522:< grink> 2 1522:< StuRobo> 3 1522:< Nesman64> 2 1522:< StuRobo> 4 1522:< grink> 6 1522:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1522:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space? 1522:< tRitone11> orbit 1523:< StuRobo> orbit 1523:< grink> orbit 1523:< Nesman64> orbit 1523:< Babumts> orbit 1523:< npinsker> The answer was orbit! Correct users: StuRobo (129), grink (57), Nesman64 (62), Babumts (1) 1523:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Brontophobia is the fear of _______. 1523:< tRitone11> thunder 1523:< grink> trees 1523:< Babumts> thunder 1523:< grink> air 1523:< StuRobo> horns 1523:< Nesman64> Giants 1524:< grink> brutus 1524:< BossColo> The carolinas 1524:< StuRobo> dinosaurs 1524:< npinsker> The answer was thunder! Correct users: Babumts (5) 1524:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1524:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the lead singer of limp bizkit? 1524:< tRitone11> Fred Durst 1524:< grink> white dude 1524:< Nesman64> Fred Durst 1524:< haley_joel_osteen> Fred Durst 1524:< StuRobo> fred durst 1524:< Babumts> Fred Durst 1525:< npinsker> The answer was Fred Durst! Correct users: Nesman64 (66), haley_joel_osteen (3), StuRobo (131), Babumts (6) 1525:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: __________ Savalas. 1525:< tRitone11> Telly 1525:< aspbergerinparadise> telly 1525:< Nesman64> Terry 1525:< StuRobo> Telly 1525:< grink> bob 1525:< Babumts> Telly 1525:< npinsker> The answer was Telly! Correct users: StuRobo (135), Babumts (9) 1526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || For what does O.P.E.C. stand? 1526:< tRitone11> The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 1526:< StuRobo> oil something something 1526:< Babumts> Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 1526:< StuRobo> yeah that 1526:< npinsker> The answer was The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1526:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the most Eastern country in Alexander The Great's command at his peak? 1526:< tRitone11> India 1527:< StuRobo> turkey 1527:< Babumts> India 1527:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: Babumts (13) 1527:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How many flats are in the key of B flat major? 1527:< tRitone11> two 1527:< Nesman64> 8 1527:< Babumts> three 1528:< StuRobo> 2 1528:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: StuRobo (139) 1528:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for gold? 1528:< tRitone11> Au 1528:< FreeTheAnimals> au 1528:< StuRobo> Au 1528:< Babumts> AU 1528:< aspbergerinparadise> au 1528:< Babumts> au 1528:< npinsker> The answer was Au! Correct users: FreeTheAnimals (11), StuRobo (142), Babumts (15) 1529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi? 1529:< tRitone11> San Francisco 1529:< _deffer_> san francisco 1529:< aspbergerinparadise> san francisco 1529:< StuRobo> San Francisco 1529:< Babumts> san francisco 1529:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: _deffer_ (122), StuRobo (145), Babumts (17) 1529:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || Linen is obtained from the fibers of what plant? 1529:< tRitone11> flax 1530:< StuRobo> cotton 1530:< npinsker> The answer was flax! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1530:< StuRobo> flax 1530:< StuRobo> ... 1530:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1530:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________. 1530:< tRitone11> lightning 1531:< StuRobo> lightning 1531:< Nesman64> lightning 1531:< npinsker> The answer was lightning! Correct users: StuRobo (149), Nesman64 (69) 1531:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what is genetics the study? 1531:< tRitone11> heredity 1531:< StuRobo> heredity 1531:< Nesman64> genes 1532:< npinsker> The answer was heredity! Correct users: StuRobo (153) 1532:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || By what process is rock worn down by the weather? 1532:< tRitone11> erosion 1532:< Nesman64> erosion 1532:< StuRobo> erosion 1532:< npinsker> The answer was erosion! Correct users: Nesman64 (73), StuRobo (156) 1533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A calm ocean region near the equator. 1533:< tRitone11> doldrums 1533:< aspbergerinparadise> doldrum 1533:< StuRobo> doldrums 1533:< npinsker> The answer was doldrums! Correct users: StuRobo (160) 1533:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods? 1533:< tRitone11> Odysseus 1534:< StuRobo> odysseus? 1534:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: StuRobo (164) 1534:< Nesman64> Shit, I was going to say that 1534:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who killed Jesse James? 1534:< tRitone11> Robert Ford 1534:< Nesman64> Pikachu 1534:< StuRobo> Cher 1535:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Ford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1535:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It, Black'? 1535:< tRitone11> Rolling Stones 1535:< Nesman64> rolling stones 1535:< LethalT> rollingstones 1535:< npinsker> The answer was Rolling Stones! Correct users: Nesman64 (77), LethalT (3) 1536:< Nesman64> chile 1536:< StuRobo> paraguy 1536:< StuRobo> paraguay 1536:< npinsker> The answer was Paraguay! Correct users: StuRobo (168) 1536:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1514), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story? 1537:< tRitone11> Peter Pan 1537:< FreeTheAnimals> peter pan 1537:< Nesman64> Peter Pan 1537:< aspbergerinparadise> peter pan 1537:< StuRobo> peter pan 1537:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Pan! Correct users: FreeTheAnimals (15), Nesman64 (80), StuRobo (170) 1537:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was born Sarah Jane Fulks? 1537:< tRitone11> Jane Wyman Reagan 1538:< StuRobo> nancy reagan 1538:< _deffer_> jane 1538:< npinsker> The answer was Jane Wyman Reagan! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1538:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Auckland Islands belong to which country? 1538:< tRitone11> New Zealand 1538:< FreeTheAnimals> New zealand 1538:< _deffer_> new zealand 1538:< StuRobo> new zealand 1538:< aspbergerinparadise> new zealand 1539:< npinsker> The answer was New Zealand! Correct users: FreeTheAnimals (19), _deffer_ (125), StuRobo (172) 1539:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 1539:< tRitone11> peseta 1539:< StuRobo> euro 1539:< andysniper> euro 1539:< StuRobo> peseta 1539:< pandersson97> euro 1539:< StuRobo> just in case the DB is old 1539:< 3xist3nc3> Peseta 1539:< npinsker> The answer was peseta! Correct users: StuRobo (176), 3xist3nc3 (1517) 1540:< pandersson97> old trivia bullshit trivia 1540:< andysniper> fuck off 1540:< Nesman64> haha 1540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Which particles are emitted by cathode ray tubes? 1540:< tRitone11> electrons 1540:< StuRobo> electrons 1540:< Nesman64> Photons 1540:< npinsker> The answer was electrons! Correct users: StuRobo (180) 1540:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by 'The Romantics' in February 1980? 1540:< tRitone11> That's What I Like About You 1541:< 3xist3nc3> That's what i like about you 1541:< pandersson97> Sandstorm 1541:< npinsker> The answer was That's What I Like About You! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1521) 1541:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was Jethro Tull before donating his name to a British epic rock group? 1541:< tRitone11> agriculturist 1541:< StuRobo> Ricky Bobby 1542:< npinsker> The answer was agriculturist! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1542:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || He led the Israelites out of Egypt. 1542:< tRitone11> Moses 1542:< Nesman64> Moses 1542:< 3xist3nc3> Moses 1542:< StuRobo> Moses 1542:< Nesman64> Heston 1542:< npinsker> The answer was Moses! Correct users: Nesman64 (84), 3xist3nc3 (1524), StuRobo (182) 1543:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1524), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1543:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who starred with John Travolta in the movie "Broken Arrow"? 1543:< tRitone11> Christian Slater 1543:< aspbergerinparadise> christian slater 1543:< Nesman64> Nick cage 1543:< 3xist3nc3> Tonto 1543:< npinsker> The answer was Christian Slater! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1543:< StuRobo> christian slater 1544:< StuRobo> grr 1544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What word is used for a male deer? 1544:< tRitone11> buck 1544:< Nesman64> buck 1544:< StuRobo> buck 1544:< 3xist3nc3> buck 1544:< Nesman64> Nobody here but us chickens 1544:< npinsker> The answer was buck! Correct users: Nesman64 (88), StuRobo (185), 3xist3nc3 (1526) 1544:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Which substance has the chemical formula H2SO4? 1545:< tRitone11> sulfuric acid 1545:< StuRobo> sulphuric acid 1545:< 3xist3nc3> Sulfuric acid 1545:< Nesman64> hydrocloric acid 1545:< npinsker> The answer was sulfuric acid! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1530) 1545:< StuRobo> a$ mericans 1545:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country administers Christmas Island? 1545:< tRitone11> Australia 1545:< aspbergerinparadise> australia 1545:< StuRobo> australia 1545:< jeuv> australia 1545:< Nesman64> australia 1545:< 3xist3nc3> Australia 1546:< 3xist3nc3> New Zealand 1546:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: StuRobo (189), jeuv (154), Nesman64 (90), 3xist3nc3 (1531) 1546:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Cape Hatteras? 1546:< tRitone11> North Carolina 1546:< StuRobo> north carolina 1546:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: StuRobo (193) 1547:< jeuv> noth carolina 1547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Who does Hagrid unwittingly acquire a dragon's egg from in the first book in the series? 1547:< jeuv> damn laggy laptop 1547:< Nesman64> voldomort 1547:< npinsker> The answer was Professor Quirrell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1547:< jeuv> voldemort 1547:< Nesman64> well, if you want to be a stickler 1547:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Chile? 1547:< tRitone11> Santiago 1548:< aspbergerinparadise> santiago 1548:< jeuv> santiago de chile 1548:< StuRobo> santago 1548:< StuRobo> santiago 1548:< npinsker> The answer was Santiago! Correct users: StuRobo (197) 1548:< jeuv> this bot... 1548:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In "Duck Hunt", how many shots per turn does the shooter get to shoot down ducks? 1548:< StuRobo> 3 1548:< jeuv> 5 1549:< jeuv> 3 1549:< grink> 10 1549:< npinsker> The answer was Three! Correct users: StuRobo (201), jeuv (157) 1549:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1531), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1549:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names"? 1549:< tRitone11> John F. Kennedy 1549:< grink> patton 1550:< StuRobo> churchill 1550:< 3xist3nc3> Winston Churchill 1550:< npinsker> The answer was John F. Kennedy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1550:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What three letter word means the same as "to ingest"? 1550:< tRitone11> eat 1550:< 3xist3nc3> Ike F. Johnson 1550:< aspbergerinparadise> eat 1550:< grink> eat 1550:< StuRobo> eat 1550:< grink> nom 1550:< 3xist3nc3> Eat 1550:< StuRobo> yum 1550:< tRitone11> ­test 1550:< npinsker> The answer was eat! Correct users: grink (61), StuRobo (204), 3xist3nc3 (1533) 1551:< tRitone11> test 1551:< grink> um ok bot 1551:< tRitone11> ­test 1551:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What word is used for a female sheep? 1551:< grink> ewe 1551:< BrownMario> ewe 1551:< 3xist3nc3> Ewe 1551:< tRitone11> ­test 1551:< jeuv> ewe 1551:< chuckfinleLP1> Ewe 1551:< StuRobo> ewe 1551:< BrownMario> sheepe 1551:< BossColo> Hi -My_Other_Account- 1551:< npinsker> The answer was ewe! Correct users: grink (65), BrownMario (405), 3xist3nc3 (1535), jeuv (158), chuckfinleLP1 (18), StuRobo (204) 1552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the third country to get the "bomb"? 1552:< tRitone11> Britain 1552:< aspbergerinparadise> britain 1552:< BrownMario> britain 1552:< StuRobo> france 1552:< 3xist3nc3> Britain 1552:< chuckfinleLP1> Britain 1552:< grink> africa 1552:< jeuv> great britain 1552:< jeuv> united kingdom 1552:< BrownMario> england? 1552:< StuRobo> united kingdom 1552:< BossColo> -My_Other_Account- It's alive all over the place! 1552:< npinsker> The answer was Britain! Correct users: BrownMario (409), 3xist3nc3 (1538), chuckfinleLP1 (20), jeuv (159) 1552:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the name given to the popular genre of rock that arose in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) in the early 1990s. 1552:< tRitone11> grunge 1552:< grink> nirvana 1552:< BrownMario> grunge 1552:< 3xist3nc3> Grunge 1552:< StuRobo> grunge 1552:< chuckfinleLP1> Grunge 1552:< jeuv> grunge 1552:< grink> ugh 1553:< BrownMario> emo 1553:< grink> taylor swift 1553:< npinsker> The answer was grunge! Correct users: BrownMario (413), 3xist3nc3 (1541), StuRobo (206), chuckfinleLP1 (21), jeuv (159) 1553:< grink> seattle and 90s = nirvana in my head derp 1553:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This Pokemon stands upright, is red in color, and has the swarm ability. It resembles a violin. 1553:< BrownMario> violinmon 1553:< grink> charmander 1553:< jeuv> cricketune 1553:< chuckfinleLP1> Crickettune 1553:< npinsker> The answer was Kricketune! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1554:< jeuv> fuck 1554:< 3xist3nc3> Damn spelling 1554:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the sea west of Alaska. 1554:< tRitone11> Bering 1554:< aspbergerinparadise> bering 1554:< 3xist3nc3> Bering 1554:< BrownMario> bering 1554:< splishtastic> .. 1554:< StuRobo> bering 1554:< chuckfinleLP1> Bering 1554:< grink> water 1554:< jeuv> bering strait 1554:< BrownMario> i can see it from my backyard 1554:< grink> russia 1554:< jeuv> bering 1554:< npinsker> The answer was Bering! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1545), BrownMario (416), StuRobo (208), chuckfinleLP1 (22), jeuv (159) 1555:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band does Eddie Vedder with? 1555:< tRitone11> Pearl Jam 1555:< BrownMario> pearl jam 1555:< jeuv> pearl jam 1555:< grink> blink 182 1555:< BrownMario> he vedders with pearl jam 1555:< npinsker> The answer was Pearl Jam! Correct users: BrownMario (420), jeuv (162) 1555:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1545), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn. 1556:< tRitone11> General Custer 1556:< BrownMario> general custer 1556:< aspbergerinparadise> general custer 1556:< jeuv> general custer 1556:< grink> custard 1556:< npinsker> The answer was General Custer! Correct users: BrownMario (424), jeuv (165) 1556:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || Of what is keratitis an inflammation? 1556:< tRitone11> cornea 1556:< BrownMario> cornea 1556:< jeuv> cornea 1556:< 3xist3nc3> Kerate 1556:< grink> korea 1556:< StuRobo> cornea 1557:< 3xist3nc3> cornea 1557:< npinsker> The answer was cornea! Correct users: BrownMario (428), jeuv (168), StuRobo (210), 3xist3nc3 (1546) 1557:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was the name of Mother Goose's son? 1557:< tRitone11> Jack 1557:< jeuv> jack 1557:< grink> stupid 1557:< aspbergerinparadise> jack 1557:< 3xist3nc3> Goose Jr 1558:< npinsker> The answer was Jack! Correct users: jeuv (172) 1558:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Where is the Louvre located? 1558:< tRitone11> Paris 1558:< jeuv> paris 1558:< 3xist3nc3> Freance 1558:< grink> paris 1558:< 3xist3nc3> Paris 1558:< npinsker> The answer was Paris! Correct users: jeuv (176), grink (68), 3xist3nc3 (1548) 1559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ___ that we breathe. 1559:< tRitone11> air 1559:< jeuv> air 1559:< Internal1> air 1559:< aspbergerinparadise> air 1559:< grink> atmosphere 1559:< 3xist3nc3> Air 1559:< npinsker> The answer was air! Correct users: jeuv (180), Internal1 (47), 3xist3nc3 (1550) 1559:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Hebrides are part of this country. 1559:< tRitone11> Scotland 1559:< jeuv> scotland 1559:< grink> asphyxiation from an an inert gas != poisonous 1600:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: jeuv (184) 1600:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______. 1600:< tRitone11> biology 1600:< jeuv> biology 1600:< grink> zoology 1600:< Internal1> biomogy 1600:< grink> zoolander 1600:< Internal1> Biology 1600:< jeuv> time for dinner 1600:< jeuv> cya guys later 1600:< Internal1> cya 1600:< 3xist3nc3> biology 1600:< _deffer_> biology 1601:< 3xist3nc3> cya jeuv enjoy 1601:< npinsker> The answer was biology! Correct users: jeuv (188), Internal1 (50), 3xist3nc3 (1552), _deffer_ (126) 1601:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which river contains the most fresh water? 1601:< tRitone11> Amazon 1601:< _deffer_> amazon 1601:< aspbergerinparadise> amazon 1601:< Internal1> Amazon river 1601:< grink> nile 1601:< grink> hudson 1601:< grink> amazon prime 1601:< _deffer_> yes 1601:< npinsker> The answer was Amazon! Correct users: _deffer_ (130) 1602:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1552), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (852), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1602:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This mountain, found in the California Cascades, is famous for it's twin peaks? 1602:< tRitone11> Mount Shasta 1602:< _deffer_> shasta 1602:< grink> boobies 1602:< _deffer_> mt. shasta 1602:< Internal1> non-american here 1602:< npinsker> The answer was Mount Shasta! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1602:< _deffer_> ... 1602:< Internal1> yeah npisker is slacking 1603:< grink> me? i just suck at teivia 1603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer? 1603:< tRitone11> General Halftrack 1603:< aspbergerinparadise> general halftrack 1603:< _deffer_> general halftrack 1603:< npinsker> The answer was General Halftrack! Correct users: _deffer_ (134) 1603:< FeebleOldMan> what cartoon is this deffer 1603:< _deffer_> beetle baily 1603:< _deffer_> bailey* 1603:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nursery Rhymes || Who is Mother Goose's son? 1603:< tRitone11> Jack 1603:< grink> jack 1603:< grink> EAT IT BOT 1603:< 3xist3nc3> jack 1603:< _deffer_> jack 1603:< FeebleOldMan> oh yeahh i remember those 1604:< npinsker> The answer was Jack! Correct users: grink (72), 3xist3nc3 (1555), _deffer_ (136) 1604:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the atomic number of uranium? 1604:< tRitone11> ninety two 1604:< _deffer_> 92 1604:< un6952db> 235 1604:< grink> 108 1604:< _deffer_> 235 is the mass 1604:< StuRobo> 92 1604:< un6952db> yeah i remembered too late :/ 1605:< npinsker> The answer was ninety two! Correct users: _deffer_ (140), StuRobo (213) 1605:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only land-locked country in South East Asia? 1605:< tRitone11> Laos 1605:< 3xist3nc3> Laos 1605:< _deffer_> L something 1605:< grink> best korea 1605:< _deffer_> Laos 1605:< npinsker> The answer was Laos! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1559), _deffer_ (143) 1605:< StuRobo> laos 1605:< _deffer_> thanks for the assist 3x 1605:< StuRobo> :) 1606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace? 1606:< tRitone11> twenty 1606:< grink> 20 1606:< _deffer_> 20 1606:< StuRobo> 24 1606:< StuRobo> 20 1606:< AdamUndefined> twenty 1606:< grink> yay repeated questions 1606:< npinsker> The answer was twenty! Correct users: grink (76), _deffer_ (146), StuRobo (215), AdamUndefined (13) 1606:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || East Berlin was the capital of ____________? 1606:< tRitone11> East Germany 1606:< 3xist3nc3> East Germany 1606:< FeebleOldMan> east germany 1606:< _deffer_> east germany 1606:< grink> east germany 1606:< StuRobo> GDR 1607:< StuRobo> East Germany 1607:< npinsker> The answer was East Germany! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1563), FeebleOldMan (855), _deffer_ (148), grink (77), StuRobo (215) 1607:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is also known as the 'bishop's stone'? 1607:< tRitone11> amethyst 1607:< grink> granite 1607:< FeebleOldMan> kidney 1607:< grink> spleen 1607:< _deffer_> fuck. the purple one 1607:< grink> sapphire 1608:< _deffer_> uhh 1608:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1608:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1563), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (855), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1608:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many lines are in a sonnet? 1608:< tRitone11> fourteen 1608:< _deffer_> 14 1608:< aspbergerinparadise> 14 1608:< FeebleOldMan> 3 1608:< grink> 42 1608:< StuRobo> 5 1608:< wolf2600> 13 1608:< FeebleOldMan> 77 1608:< StuRobo> 14 1608:< 3xist3nc3> 999 1608:< pandersson97> tRitone11 oh man what are you? an ocean? a salt mine? 1609:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users: _deffer_ (152), StuRobo (218) 1609:< FeebleOldMan> 7 1609:< pandersson97> 14 1609:< FeebleOldMan> pandersson97 its a bot 1609:< _deffer_> who? 1609:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which river is the Aswan High Dam? 1609:< tRitone11> Nile 1609:< aspbergerinparadise> nile 1609:< wolf2600> Mississippi 1609:< grink> kentucky 1609:< 3xist3nc3> Egypt 1609:< FeebleOldMan> pandersson97 i suggest you mute it 1609:< _deffer_> Nile 1609:< 3xist3nc3> nile 1609:< _deffer_> Oh, an answer bot? 1609:< StuRobo> yangtze 1609:< npinsker> The answer was Nile! Correct users: _deffer_ (156), 3xist3nc3 (1566) 1609:< pandersson97> I know, he got caught by npinsker yesterday and he's banned from trivia but he's so rustled he's continuing to bot 1610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"? 1610:< tRitone11> Thumper 1610:< StuRobo> thumper 1610:< aspbergerinparadise> thumper 1610:< _deffer_> thumper 1610:< FeebleOldMan> yes answerbot 1610:< _deffer_> I just mute all the bots. So annoying. 1610:< npinsker> The answer was Thumper! Correct users: StuRobo (222), _deffer_ (159) 1610:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the Taj Mahal built in memory of? 1610:< tRitone11> Mumtaj Mahal 1610:< etray> Mumtaj Mahal 1610:< StuRobo> some slut 1610:< _deffer_> ^ 1610:< 3xist3nc3> I got him muted because he was messing with another cheater by sending insults and spamming numbers 1611:< pandersson97> He's an actual user as well, npinsker like to drop by and actually chat from time to time as well 1611:< npinsker> The answer was Mumtaj Mahal! Correct users: etray (4) 1611:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The word "cumulus" refers to a type of ___________. 1611:< tRitone11> cloud 1611:< grink> cloud 1611:< Nesman64> cloud 1611:< _deffer_> cloud 1611:< StuRobo> cloud 1611:< aspbergerinparadise> cloud 1611:< etray> cloud 1611:< pandersson97> He knows he's been banned but he's just so salty 1611:< grink> cum cloud 1611:< 3xist3nc3> cum 1612:< npinsker> The answer was cloud! Correct users: grink (81), Nesman64 (93), _deffer_ (161), StuRobo (223), etray (4) 1612:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What does hepatitis affect? 1612:< tRitone11> liver 1612:< FeebleOldMan> liver 1612:< etray> liver 1612:< grink> liver 1612:< 3xist3nc3> Liver 1612:< grink> human body 1612:< npinsker> The answer was liver! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (859), etray (7), grink (83), 3xist3nc3 (1567) 1612:< agdurrette> so do i need to still auto vote? 1613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place? 1613:< tRitone11> Cuba 1613:< etray> Cuba 1613:< _deffer_> cuba 1613:< StuRobo> cuba 1613:< grink> cuba 1613:< 3xist3nc3> Cuba 1613:< _deffer_> agd - do you have a script running? 1613:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: etray (11), _deffer_ (164), StuRobo (225), grink (84), 3xist3nc3 (1567) 1613:< Templar3lf> is this channel only for the trivia? If so, I'll filter it 1613:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drinks || What spirit is added to brandy to make a sidecar? 1613:< tRitone11> Cointreau or Triple Sec 1613:< grink> vodka 1614:< grink> rum 1614:< StuRobo> vodka 1614:< _deffer_> triple sec 1614:< FeebleOldMan> long island iced tea 1614:< etray> cointreu 1614:< StuRobo> gin 1614:< FeebleOldMan> cointrau 1614:< pandersson97> Triple Sec 1614:< 3xist3nc3> and juice 1614:< grink> jamo 1614:< npinsker> The answer was Cointreau or Triple Sec! Correct users: _deffer_ (168), pandersson97 (59) 1614:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1567), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (859), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1614:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Who invented fortune cookies? 1614:< tRitone11> Charles Jung 1614:< StuRobo> chinaman 1614:< grink> nonkeys 1615:< grink> cats 1615:< FeebleOldMan> oh shit i can't rem.. this is repeat 1615:< etray> cookiemonster 1615:< 3xist3nc3> Someone who wasn't Chinese likely 1615:< grink> apple 1615:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Jung! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1615:< pandersson97> PASS 1615:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Name the smallest breed of dog. 1615:< tRitone11> chihuahua 1615:< 3xist3nc3> Chihuahua 1615:< FeebleOldMan> chihuahua 1615:< grink> rat 1615:< etray> chihuahua 1615:< StuRobo> chihuahua 1615:< _deffer_> chihuahua 1615:< pandersson97> Great Dane 1615:< grink> teacup poodle 1615:< FeebleOldMan> toy poodle 1615:< grink> doge 1615:< pandersson97> teacup pig *-* 1616:< npinsker> The answer was chihuahua! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1571), FeebleOldMan (862), etray (13), StuRobo (226), _deffer_ (168) 1616:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents. 1616:< tRitone11> Harlem 1616:< _deffer_> harlem 1616:< aspbergerinparadise> harlem 1616:< grink> harlem 1616:< FeebleOldMan> harlem 1616:< StuRobo> harlem 1616:< etray> harlem 1616:< grink> chelsea 1616:< pandersson97> West Village 1616:< grink> fidi 1616:< pandersson97> Hell's Kitchen 1616:< grink> bed stuy 1616:< pandersson97> CHinatown 1617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Egypt || What egyptian object is also known as 'the key to the Nile'? 1617:< pandersson97> negro residents, wow 1617:< tRitone11> Ankh 1617:< grink> must be old 1617:< FeebleOldMan> boat 1617:< etray> yeah 1617:< _deffer_> an ankh 1617:< FeebleOldMan> ankh 1617:< etray> ankh 1617:< grink> goa'uld 1617:< _deffer_> ankh 1617:< pandersson97> ankhel 1617:< npinsker> The answer was Ankh! Correct users: _deffer_ (176), FeebleOldMan (867), etray (15) 1617:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Coal is predominantly made up of this element. 1617:< tRitone11> carbon 1617:< FeebleOldMan> carbon 1617:< grink> carbon 1617:< _deffer_> carbon 1617:< StuRobo> carbon 1618:< etray> i wish you could pm the answers only 1618:< pandersson97> Diamond 1618:< pandersson97> you can pm in robin? 1618:< grink> pickaxe 1618:< npinsker> The answer was carbon! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (871), grink (90), _deffer_ (178), StuRobo (228) 1618:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I don't see how pm's would work 1618:< etray> no you can't but for trivia it SHOULD be that 1618:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As pleased as _________. 1618:< tRitone11> punch 1618:< grink> or some sorta salted encrtyped thing 1618:< pandersson97> pm's overall would be nice 1618:< ixc7> is tritonell a bot? 1618:< StuRobo> punch 1618:< FeebleOldMan> cats 1618:< grink> cow 1618:< 3xist3nc3> the moon 1619:< grink> donkey 1619:< pandersson97> yep ixc7 1619:< npinsker> The answer was punch! Correct users: StuRobo (232) 1619:< ixc7> pandandap how does he know all the answers though? 1619:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone? 1619:< tRitone11> furcula 1619:< pandersson97> he's banned so trivia won't count him and he knows this but he continues to bot because salty/1+ 1619:< FeebleOldMan> ixc7 question db 1619:< etray> he has the same database as the quiz bot 1619:< pandersson97> 10* 1619:< grink> furcula 1619:< ixc7> lol 1619:< npinsker> The answer was furcula! Correct users: grink (94) 1619:< grink> oh snap 1619:< pandersson97> yeh, lemme link the database to here it's real easy to look up all the answers without botting 1620:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In which country was the match invented? 1620:< tRitone11> France 1620:< grink> ussr 1620:< _deffer_> china 1620:< FeebleOldMan> europe 1620:< etray> china 1620:< pandersson97> SOuth Sudan 1620:< 3xist3nc3> China 1620:< FeebleOldMan> england 1620:< _deffer_> europe is a continent 1620:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1620:< pandersson97> https://github.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/blob/master/questions.txt => http://nazar.so/52q0h 1620:< pandersson97> just control f the question and you'll get the answer 1620:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1571), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (871), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1620:< grink> thats lame 1620:< _deffer_> That... that's not fun. 1621:< _deffer_> Why even play? 1621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played in the film 'Ragtime' after 20 years offscreen? 1621:< tRitone11> James Cagney 1621:< FeebleOldMan> whats the point of that pandersson97 1621:< ixc7> there's a lot of questions though 1621:< pandersson97> no, it's dank karma points 1621:< etray> Al Jolson 1621:< grink> bob 1621:< 3xist3nc3> fake internet points 1621:< _deffer_> True 1621:< npinsker> The answer was James Cagney! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1621:< pandersson97> why should I live if I can't be top on trivia bot? 1621:< FeebleOldMan> you know it's going away on the 8th right 1621:< ixc7> yeah you could totally code a bot with 15 lines to answer automatically with that db 1621:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What is a 'funambulist'? 1621:< tRitone11> A tightrope walker 1621:< FeebleOldMan> daywalker 1622:< grink> someone who hates fun 1622:< StuRobo> sleepwalker 1622:< FeebleOldMan> acrobat 1622:< OneiricNeuron> a sleep walking clown 1622:< 3xist3nc3> Fun sonambulist 1622:< etray> hehe 1622:< _deffer_> circus person 1622:< npinsker> The answer was A tightrope walker! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1622:< pandersson97> there's already some bots up on github but I haven't been able to set them up for myself :/ 1622:< etray> ok TIL 1622:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who collaborated with John Lennon on 'Whatever Gets You Through The Night'? 1622:< tRitone11> Elton John 1622:< grink> sting 1622:< _deffer_> elton john 1622:< pandersson97> ICP 1622:< grink> NIN 1622:< 3xist3nc3> Korn 1623:< grink> TCP/IP 1623:< npinsker> The answer was Elton John! Correct users: _deffer_ (182) 1623:< OneiricNeuron> John Elton 1623:< pandersson97> Nickelback 1623:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: _______ Borgnine. 1623:< tRitone11> Ernest 1623:< grink> happy gilmore 1623:< aspbergerinparadise> ernest 1623:< pandersson97> Paul Blart 1623:< FeebleOldMan> kirk 1623:< 3xist3nc3> Ernest 1623:< FeebleOldMan> ernest 1623:< grink> lil erny 1623:< npinsker> The answer was Ernest! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1575), FeebleOldMan (874) 1623:< etray> gg 1624:< FeebleOldMan> who is ernestbornine o_o 1624:< etray> Ernest Borg 1624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Richard Strauss' majestic overture "Also Sprach Zarathustra" was the theme music for which Stanley Kubrick film? 1624:< tRitone11> 2001 : A Space Odyessy 1624:< etray> from ST 1624:< grink> 2001 1624:< pandersson97> 2001 A Space Oddysey 1624:< FeebleOldMan> 2001 a space odyssey 1624:< etray> 2001 space odyssey 1624:< 3xist3nc3> 2001: A Space Oddysey 1624:< npinsker> The answer was 2001 : A Space Odyessy! Correct users: grink (98) 1624:< FeebleOldMan> 2001: A Space Odyssey 1624:< grink> wow 1624:< pandersson97> dudeee that spelling 1624:< FeebleOldMan> ffuuuu 1624:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In what does a rhinologist specialise? 1624:< tRitone11> human nose 1624:< FeebleOldMan> ody yes sey 1624:< grink> nose 1624:< 3xist3nc3> Oddysey is wrong, odyessy is wronger 1624:< pandersson97> rhinos 1624:< StuRobo> Stinks 1625:< 3xist3nc3> Rhinos 1625:< etray> nose 1625:< 3xist3nc3> nose 1625:< FeebleOldMan> nose 1625:< npinsker> The answer was human nose! Correct users: grink (102), etray (18), 3xist3nc3 (1577), FeebleOldMan (875) 1625:< FeebleOldMan> damned ratelimit 1625:< etray> ok grink did u really mute that bot 1625:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Sheltered from the wind (4)? 1625:< tRitone11> alee 1625:< grink> yes i did 1625:< etray> ok 1625:< grink> i have sinus problems 1625:< etray> :D 1625:< grink> so i knew that like no joke 1625:< FeebleOldMan> hide 1625:< pandersson97> ofcourse he didn't he's just /moral/ 1626:< FeebleOldMan> leer 1626:< npinsker> The answer was alee! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1626:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about 'Commitment'? 1626:< tRitone11> Leann Rhimes 1626:< FeebleOldMan> mao ze dong 1626:< grink> nirvana 1626:< etray> sting 1626:< FeebleOldMan> justin bieber 1626:< pandersson97> James Taylor 1626:< grink> tay tay 1626:< FeebleOldMan> taylor swift 1626:< npinsker> The answer was Leann Rhimes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1627:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1577), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (875), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1627:< pandersson97> gogogo fuck highscores 1627:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the common name for the larynx? 1627:< tRitone11> voice box 1627:< grink> throat 1627:< etray> throat 1627:< StuRobo> throat 1627:< FeebleOldMan> voice box 1627:< FeebleOldMan> throat 1627:< grink> hmm might be voice box 1627:< FeebleOldMan> voicebox 1627:< npinsker> The answer was voice box! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (879), grink (105) 1627:< etray> waat 1627:< pandersson97> nice /morals/ grink, you're literally jesus 1628:< FeebleOldMan> muahaha 1628:< grink> lol 1628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which large tuned orchestral drum is also known as a kettledrum? 1628:< tRitone11> tympani 1628:< FeebleOldMan> bass 1628:< StuRobo> tempany 1628:< grink> i didnt thnk it would accept that 1628:< FeebleOldMan> bassdrum 1628:< StuRobo> timpany 1628:< etray> bass drum 1628:< etray> timpani 1628:< FeebleOldMan> timpani 1628:< npinsker> The answer was tympani! Correct users: etray (22), FeebleOldMan (882) 1628:< StuRobo> what 1628:< FeebleOldMan> music class paid off for spelling 1628:< etray> i mistyped it 1628:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Who is Robert Zimmermann? 1628:< etray> it accepted 1628:< tRitone11> Bob Dylan 1628:< FeebleOldMan> composer 1629:< StuRobo> Bob Dylan 1629:< grink> some crap here then the answer: music guy 1629:< etray> actor 1629:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Dylan! Correct users: StuRobo (236) 1629:< etray> huh 1629:< pandersson97> Famous V a p o r w a v e entrepenaur 1629:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973? 1629:< tRitone11> OJ Simpson 1629:< grink> blah blah blah oj simpson 1629:< etray> ah real name 1629:< FeebleOldMan> oj simpson 1629:< pandersson97> John Madden 1629:< FeebleOldMan> OJ Simpson 1629:< etray> oj simpson 1629:< StuRobo> john cena 1629:< grink> stone cold 1630:< FeebleOldMan> O.J. Simpson 1630:< etray> john madden 1630:< npinsker> The answer was OJ Simpson! Correct users: grink (109), FeebleOldMan (885), etray (24) 1630:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the gatling gun? 1630:< tRitone11> Richard Gatling 1630:< FeebleOldMan> john gatling 1630:< grink> lolololololololol duke nukem 1630:< etray> john gatling 1630:< StuRobo> Bob Gun 1630:< FeebleOldMan> gatling 1630:< grink> mechahilter 1630:< pandersson97> Richard Gatling 1630:< FeebleOldMan> bob gattle 1630:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Gatling! Correct users: pandersson97 (63) 1630:< pandersson97> wusn't john lol 1630:< FeebleOldMan> wtf 1631:< FeebleOldMan> i was making up names 1631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where is the best brandy bottled? 1631:< tRitone11> cognac 1631:< etray> i copied 1631:< grink> my basement 1631:< aspbergerinparadise> cognac 1631:< StuRobo> Spain 1631:< pandersson97> ur anus 1631:< mr_mustash> Canada 1631:< FeebleOldMan> in a factory 1631:< grink> halifax 1631:< etray> USA 1631:< spyhermit> Cognac 1631:< npinsker> The answer was Cognac! Correct users: spyhermit (4) 1631:< FeebleOldMan> bottling plant 1631:< _deffer_> france 1631:< spyhermit> caps matters, apparently. 1631:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band included rock greats Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan? 1631:< tRitone11> The Travelling Wilburys 1632:< spyhermit> The Heartbreakers 1632:< pandersson97> Nickelback 1632:< etray> heartbreakers 1632:< FeebleOldMan> spyhermit if you're referring to ppl who replied cognac, they're bots and are blocked 1632:< etray> i got no idea 1632:< npinsker> The answer was The Travelling Wilburys! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1632:< _deffer_> spyhermit - if you talking about the answers that didn't get credit, those are bots. We all mute them 1632:< StuRobo> if I lose this for spelling I'll shit 1632:< StuRobo> AAAAAAAAAA 1632:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow? (in degrees) 1632:< tRitone11> forty 1632:< StuRobo> 40 1632:< grink> 30 1632:< FeebleOldMan> 20 1632:< etray> 90 1632:< spyhermit> 15 1632:< pandersson97> 69 1632:< grink> 45 1632:< etray> 30 1632:< FeebleOldMan> 15 1632:< _deffer_> 40 1633:< etray> 15 1633:< grink> 67 1633:< FeebleOldMan> 35 1633:< pandersson97> PASS 1633:< npinsker> The answer was forty! Correct users: StuRobo (240), _deffer_ (185) 1633:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1577), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (885), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1633:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Most men do this each morning, using a razor. 1633:< tRitone11> shave 1633:< FeebleOldMan> shave 1633:< StuRobo> shave 1633:< etray> fap 1633:< grink> cut dick offg 1633:< _deffer_> shave 1633:< etray> shave 1633:< pandersson97> brush their teeth 1634:< pandersson97> yeahhh get that image in your heads 1634:< _deffer_> insanity wolf 1634:< npinsker> The answer was shave! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (889), StuRobo (243), _deffer_ (187), etray (25) 1634:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a male deer called? 1634:< tRitone11> buck 1634:< 3xist3nc3> get rid of their pedostache 1634:< FeebleOldMan> buck 1634:< StuRobo> buck 1634:< etray> bambi 1634:< grink> fuck 1634:< _deffer_> buck 1634:< etray> buck 1634:< 3xist3nc3> buck 1634:< grink> duck 1634:< FeebleOldMan> meer 1634:< etray> kat 1634:< StuRobo> my name's buck 1634:< npinsker> The answer was buck! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (893), StuRobo (246), _deffer_ (189), etray (26), 3xist3nc3 (1577) 1634:< dashed> lol 1635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which European club has won the most european cups in the 90s? 1635:< tRitone11> AC Milan 1635:< pandersson97> gaiis I just want to tell u 2nd room is t15 and 3rd is t13, #t17OrBust so close now 1635:< StuRobo> barcelona 1635:< FeebleOldMan> ????? 1635:< etray> Aston Villa 1635:< _deffer_> I always forget this one 1635:< _deffer_> they were good in the mid 90s 1635:< etray> FC Madrid 1635:< etray> Real Madrid 1635:< grink> FC Soccer Soccer 1635:< FeebleOldMan> teacup collecting club 1635:< _deffer_> ac milan 1635:< npinsker> The answer was AC Milan! Correct users: _deffer_ (193) 1635:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || How many teeth does a walrus have? 1635:< tRitone11> eighteen 1635:< FeebleOldMan> 2 1635:< pandersson97> many 1636:< _deffer_> #7 in Fifa 97 was a BEAST for them. 1636:< StuRobo> 8 1636:< FeebleOldMan> 22 1636:< grink> 45943958495349085094385 1636:< _deffer_> that's a lot 1636:< FeebleOldMan> 24 1636:< grink> they are hungry 1636:< pandersson97> or a few 1636:< npinsker> The answer was eighteen! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1636:< _deffer_> true 1636:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The New York __________. 1636:< grink> yankees 1636:< StuRobo> yankees 1636:< FeebleOldMan> jets 1636:< etray> yankees 1636:< _deffer_> knicks 1636:< grink> knocks 1636:< spyhermit> 12 1636:< StuRobo> knicks 1636:< grink> knicks 1636:< FeebleOldMan> knicks 1636:< etray> knicks 1636:< spyhermit> Metropolitans 1636:< pandersson97> Cenas 1637:< FeebleOldMan> ninnys 1637:< npinsker> The answer was Knicks! Correct users: _deffer_ (197), StuRobo (249), grink (111), FeebleOldMan (894), etray (26) 1637:< spyhermit> Mets 1637:< pandersson97> basket lol 1637:< spyhermit> I read baseball. lol. 1637:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border. 1637:< aspbergerinparadise> rio grande 1637:< etray> rio grande 1637:< FeebleOldMan> rio grande 1637:< grink> trumps wall 1637:< spyhermit> Rio Grande 1637:< FeebleOldMan> thanks john oliver 1637:< spyhermit> grink nice one 1637:< pandersson97> new db? 1637:< npinsker> The answer was Rio Grande! Correct users: etray (30), FeebleOldMan (897), spyhermit (6) 1638:< FeebleOldMan> why you asking pandersson 1638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || She played the lead role in "Coal Miner's Daughter". 1638:< pandersson97> tritone didn't answer 1638:< grink> girl 1638:< aspbergerinparadise> sissy spacek 1638:< etray> FeebleOldMan i guess he saw bot stopping answers 1638:< etray> gotcha 1638:< npinsker> The answer was Sissy Spacek! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1638:< spyhermit> lol. 1638:< pandersson97> heyy tRitone11 is gone :D 1638:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the only survivor of Custer's last stand? 1638:< etray> yeyy 1638:< grink> custer 1639:< pandersson97> custard 1639:< etray> custer 1639:< FeebleOldMan> custer 1639:< etray> himself 1639:< FeebleOldMan> general custer 1639:< npinsker> The answer was his horse! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1639:< pandersson97> herslef 1639:< spyhermit> lol 1639:< pandersson97> oh lol 1639:< grink> okay then 1639:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1577), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (897), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1639:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || To which elemetary school did TV's 'Brady Bunch' go? 1639:< rakehand> his horse? is that a who or a what 1640:< FeebleOldMan> ugh repeat but cant rem 1640:< grink> ps 182 1640:< pandersson97> Harvard 1640:< _deffer_> dixie canyon 1640:< npinsker> The answer was Dixie Canyon Elementary! Correct users: _deffer_ (201) 1640:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country is the Calabria region? 1640:< etray> yeyy incoming cascading merges in lower tiers; doesnt reach this rooms level though 1640:< aspbergerinparadise> italy 1640:< etray> italy 1640:< _deffer_> italy 1640:< grink> olive garden 1640:< StuRobo> italy 1641:< _deffer_> is there still a tier 15 etray? 1641:< npinsker> The answer was Italy! Correct users: etray (34), _deffer_ (204), StuRobo (251) 1641:< pandersson97> 2nd is t15 and 3rd is t13 tho so we're close 1641:< etray> yes tier 15 is ccandeShle 1641:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate? 1641:< aspbergerinparadise> dustin hoffman 1641:< grink> justin koffman 1641:< _deffer_> dustin hoffman 1641:< StuRobo> dustin hoffman 1641:< npinsker> The answer was Dustin Hoffman! Correct users: _deffer_ (208), StuRobo (254) 1641:< etray> hasslehoff 1642:< etray> did he change his name btw 1642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport and Entomology || What swimming stroke is named after an insect? 1642:< pandersson97> Butterfly 1642:< FeebleOldMan> butterfly 1642:< etray> butterfly 1642:< grink> fap stroke 1642:< pandersson97> Centipede 1642:< npinsker> The answer was butterfly! Correct users: grink (115), pandersson97 (66), FeebleOldMan (899), etray (35) 1642:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods? 1642:< 3xist3nc3> Butterfly 1643:< StuRobo> odysseus 1643:< grink> apophis 1643:< etray> odysseus 1643:< 3xist3nc3> Oddyseus 1643:< grink> Ra 1643:< pandersson97> Minotaur 1643:< breloomz> Odysseus 1643:< FeebleOldMan> odysseus 1643:< 3xist3nc3> Anti-Zeus 1643:< grink> cronos 1643:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: StuRobo (258), etray (38), breloomz (4), FeebleOldMan (900) 1643:< FeebleOldMan> odyseus 1643:< etray> gonna copy Stu; he so wise 1643:< etray> and it pays 1643:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || What is the most popular street name in the US? 1643:< etray> :D 1643:< 3xist3nc3> Park Street 1643:< FeebleOldMan> sesame 1643:< StuRobo> jefferson 1643:< serofawx> main 1643:< etray> main 1643:< breloomz> main street 1643:< 3xist3nc3> second street 1643:< pandersson97> 9/11 avenue 1643:< serofawx> one 1644:< etray> main street 1644:< npinsker> The answer was Park Street! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1581) 1644:< etray> noice 1644:< StuRobo> don't copy me, I'm not american, I don't get the sports ones 1644:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || __________ in the name of love? 1644:< etray> ok 1644:< FeebleOldMan> stop 1644:< breloomz> stop 1644:< 3xist3nc3> Stop 1644:< _deffer_> stop 1644:< StuRobo> pride 1644:< etray> stop 1644:< FeebleOldMan> bleed 1644:< pandersson97> Freeze 1644:< FeebleOldMan> surrender 1644:< etray> what is love? 1644:< StuRobo> bend over 1644:< npinsker> The answer was Stop! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (904), breloomz (7), 3xist3nc3 (1583), _deffer_ (209), etray (38) 1644:< etray> for 300 dollars 1645:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Psycho'? 1645:< etray> Hitchcock 1645:< pandersson97> my final answer is Jedd 1645:< etray> Alfred Hitchcock 1645:< StuRobo> alfred hitchcock 1645:< pandersson97> jeff* o-o 1645:< npinsker> The answer was Robert Bloch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1645:< 3xist3nc3> Alfred Hitchcock made the film not the book 1645:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1583), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (904), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1646:< FeebleOldMan> ok afk have fun 1646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: What is it? || What is 9 metres high, 7 metres wide and 2,500 kilometres long? 1646:< etray> Trump wall 1646:< FeebleOldMan> great wall of china 1646:< breloomz> your mum 1646:< StuRobo> great wall of china 1646:< 3xist3nc3> cya feebleoldman 1646:< FeebleOldMan> bb 1646:< serofawx> the great wall of china 1646:< pandersson97> ur mum lel 1646:< etray> great wall of china 1646:< 3xist3nc3> The Great Wall of Chian 1646:< spyhermit> the little known lesser wall of china 1646:< npinsker> The answer was Great Wall of China! Correct users: FeebleOldMan (908), StuRobo (261), serofawx (2), etray (39) 1646:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || if you climbed the Euromast what country would you be in? 1646:< etray> lemme tell you folks it's gonna be so great wall 1647:< 3xist3nc3> Rotterdam 1647:< StuRobo> germany 1647:< spyhermit> germany 1647:< etray> germany 1647:< StuRobo> rotterdam 1647:< serofawx> netherlands 1647:< npinsker> The answer was Rotterdam! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1587), StuRobo (264) 1647:< StuRobo> dumb answer 1647:< etray> THAT is NO country 1647:< pandersson97> the country of rotterdam huh 1647:< 3xist3nc3> the answer is not a country, buy that's what it sayd 1647:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies immediately to the West of Mauritius? 1647:< etray> and sturobo knew it how 1647:< serofawx> madagascar 1647:< etray> it was not logic to know it 1648:< pandersson97> prob db on a different tab 1648:< npinsker> The answer was R__union! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1648:< StuRobo> madagascar 1648:< pandersson97> https://github.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/blob/master/questions.txt => http://nazar.so/8fmux 1648:< etray> Robo part confirmed 1648:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What is the score of a forfeited softball game? 1648:< spyhermit> 0-0 1648:< StuRobo> 0-0 1648:< pandersson97> ppl r so dumb, dae le answer bots rite lololol?? xDDDDD!!!???!! 1648:< npinsker> The answer was 7-0! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the most sacred river in India? 1649:< pandersson97> Ganges 1649:< aspbergerinparadise> ganges 1649:< etray> Ganges 1649:< StuRobo> ganges 1649:< 3xist3nc3> Ganges 1649:< serofawx> ganga 1649:< pandersson97> the river of ash and cholera 1649:< npinsker> The answer was Ganges! Correct users: pandersson97 (70), etray (42), StuRobo (266), 3xist3nc3 (1588), serofawx (2) 1649:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This is the longest mountain chain in the world. 1650:< pandersson97> Himalayas 1650:< 3xist3nc3> Himalayas 1650:< spyhermit> himalayas 1650:< serofawx> appalachian 1650:< spyhermit> rockies 1650:< StuRobo> cascades 1650:< etray> himalayas 1650:< pandersson97> or the andes 1650:< npinsker> The answer was Andes! Correct users: pandersson97 (74) 1650:< pandersson97> omg lol :D 1650:< spyhermit> damn 1650:< StuRobo> sneaky 1650:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was painted on Peter Fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'Easy Rider'? 1650:< etray> skull 1650:< serofawx> hotseks 1650:< 3xist3nc3> American flag 1650:< pandersson97> snek 1650:< StuRobo> dickbutt 1651:< etray> flag 1651:< pandersson97> tay tay pay pay 1651:< npinsker> The answer was stars and stripes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1651:< spyhermit> lol. 1651:< etray> that is a flag 1651:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was the beautiful young man Echo fell in love with? 1651:< pandersson97> ur mum m8 1651:< serofawx> narcissus 1651:< spyhermit> himself 1651:< etray> himself 1651:< npinsker> The answer was Narcissus! Correct users: serofawx (6) 1651:< spyhermit> nicely done man 1652:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1588), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1652:< serofawx> watergate 1652:< Leonichol> watergate 1652:< spyhermit> watergate 1652:< pandersson97> Watergate 1652:< etray> watergate 1652:< turing_inequivalent> watergate 1652:< pandersson97> shirtgate 1652:< etray> panamagate 1652:< pandersson97> gategate 1652:< npinsker> The answer was Watergate! Correct users: serofawx (10), Leonichol (3), spyhermit (8), pandersson97 (75), etray (42), turing_inequivalen... 1652:< serofawx> watergate gate 1653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entertainment || What is know as 'The Greatest Show On Earth'? 1653:< spyhermit> the circus 1653:< serofawx> ringling bros 1653:< spyhermit> ringling brothers and barnum and bailey's circus 1653:< pandersson97> IASIP 1653:< npinsker> The answer was Barnum & Bailey Circus! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1653:< spyhermit> fuuuuuuuck you. 1653:< etray> hard to top that show name 1653:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || What does a philluminist collect? 1653:< pandersson97> trivia bot non baed 1654:< serofawx> phils 1654:< pandersson97> based 1654:< spyhermit> stamps 1654:< etray> pipes 1654:< spyhermit> stained glass 1654:< pandersson97> phallical objects 1654:< serofawx> matchbox 1654:< StuRobo> matchbooks 1654:< npinsker> The answer was Match box labels! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1654:< pandersson97> wew 1654:< etray> haha 1654:< spyhermit> ... just the labels? 1654:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up? 1654:< etray> just the tips 1654:< StuRobo> atoms 1654:< 3xist3nc3> Atos 1654:< etray> atoms 1654:< neverkidding> atoms 1654:< serofawx> cells 1654:< pandersson97> elements 1654:< 3xist3nc3> Atoms 1655:< pandersson97> fire earth water wind 1655:< etray> elements 1655:< npinsker> The answer was air, earth, fire, and water! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1655:< neverkidding> wow 1655:< pandersson97> FUCK YOUUUUUU 1655:< etray> almost 1655:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If you flew due West from Portugal, what is the first continent you would reach? 1655:< neverkidding> north america 1655:< etray> north america 1655:< StuRobo> north america 1655:< spyhermit> south america 1655:< pandersson97> central america 1655:< neverkidding> south america 1655:< spyhermit> central america 1655:< etray> central america 1655:< npinsker> The answer was North America! Correct users: neverkidding (143), etray (45), StuRobo (268) 1655:< neverkidding> central america is not a contient 1656:< etray> unlike your mom 1656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Electronics || As what was Sony's video recorder known? 1656:< neverkidding> lolololol 1656:< pandersson97> ohhh 1656:< StuRobo> Betamax 1656:< etray> :D 1656:< serofawx> betamax 1656:< neverkidding> betamax 1656:< etray> betamax 1656:< pandersson97> alphamin 1656:< npinsker> The answer was betamax! Correct users: StuRobo (272), serofawx (13), neverkidding (145), etray (46) 1656:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Analogies || Analogy: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ________. 1656:< neverkidding> new 1657:< etray> new 1657:< pandersson97> wew 1657:< neverkidding> I gotta say this is was more fun with fewer people 1657:< spyhermit> young 1657:< serofawx> new 1657:< npinsker> The answer was current! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1657:< pandersson97> yeh, especially without the bots 1657:< neverkidding> ok what the fuck 1657:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Toys || What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal? 1657:< spyhermit> football 1657:< serofawx> woopie cushoin 1657:< pandersson97> football 1657:< spyhermit> soccer ball 1657:< neverkidding> whoopee cushion 1657:< StuRobo> i don't want to know 1657:< mr_mustash> Whoopie Cushion 1658:< pandersson97> soccerball 1658:< neverkidding> football 1658:< etray> football 1658:< npinsker> The answer was balloon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1658:< pandersson97> oh, rite 1658:< serofawx> thats not a toy 1658:< neverkidding> wow 1658:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1588), Patarknight (1466), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1658:< etray> not with that attitude 1658:< neverkidding> hahahaha 1658:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Hawaii? 1658:< neverkidding> honolulu 1658:< 3xist3nc3> Honolulu 1658:< serofawx> oahu 1658:< Patarknight> Honolulu 1658:< etray> Oahu 1658:< StuRobo> honolulu 1658:< pandersson97> France 1658:< etray> honolulu 1658:< pandersson97> Oahu 1659:< StuRobo> surprisingly hard to type that 1659:< neverkidding> right 1659:< npinsker> The answer was Honolulu! Correct users: neverkidding (149), 3xist3nc3 (1591), Patarknight (1468), StuRobo (273), etray (46) 1659:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) __________. 1659:< aspbergerinparadise> tom collins 1659:< neverkidding> tom collins 1659:< etray> gin tonic 1659:< StuRobo> hangover 1659:< etray> tom collins 1659:< spyhermit> tom collins 1659:< pandersson97> beer 1659:< npinsker> The answer was Tom Collins! Correct users: neverkidding (153), etray (49), spyhermit (10) 1659:< etray> :D 1700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the U.S. state with the smallest population. 1700:< aspbergerinparadise> alaska 1700:< neverkidding> how did aspbergerinparadise not get that?! 1700:< StuRobo> hawaii 1700:< pandersson97> Idaho 1700:< neverkidding> rhode island 1700:< pandersson97> North Dakota 1700:< neverkidding> alaska 1700:< StuRobo> asberg is banned for being a bot 1700:< spyhermit> wyoming 1700:< etray> rhode island 1700:< pandersson97> South Dakota 1700:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: neverkidding (157) 1700:< furlonium> south dakota 1700:< neverkidding> wow 1700:< etray> til 1700:< neverkidding> everyone steal aspbergerinparadise's answers 1700:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The study of the size, composition and distribution of the human population. 1700:< ProfessorClayton> what is the current vote???? 1701:< neverkidding> demographics 1701:< Patarknight> demographics 1701:< etray> demographics 1701:< Patarknight> demography 1701:< pandersson97> eugenics 1701:< etray> tailgatin 1701:< npinsker> The answer was demography! Correct users: Patarknight (1472) 1701:< StuRobo> oh shit, patarknight is back 1701:< etray> is he good 1701:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Of which Cambodian party was Pol Pot the leader? 1701:< StuRobo> knows stuff 1701:< pandersson97> beast 1701:< Patarknight> Khmer Rouge 1701:< spyhermit> communist 1701:< StuRobo> khmer rouge 1701:< pandersson97> Red Khmers 1701:< spyhermit> lol. 1701:< etray> Khmer Rouge 1702:< pandersson97> Khmer rouge 1702:< Patarknight> Communist Party 1702:< npinsker> The answer was Khmer Rouge! Correct users: Patarknight (1476), StuRobo (276), etray (51), pandersson97 (76) 1702:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer? 1702:< StuRobo> candle in the wind 1702:< pandersson97> sexy lady 1702:< 3xist3nc3> Candle in the wind 1702:< StuRobo> crocodile rock 1702:< npinsker> The answer was Candle In The Wind! Correct users: etray (55), spyhermit (13), Patarknight (1478), StuRobo (277), 3xist3nc3 (1591) 1703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who did author Leslie Charteris create? 1703:< Patarknight> Simon Templar 1703:< npinsker> The answer was The Saint! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1703:< etray> nice googling 1703:< Patarknight> It's come up before 1703:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which brand of guitar is played by Jimmy Page, Slash, and Brian May? 1703:< neverkidding> les paul 1704:< StuRobo> fender 1704:< etray> les paul 1704:< etray> gibson 1704:< neverkidding> gibson les paul 1704:< etray> fender 1704:< npinsker> The answer was Gibson Les Paul! Correct users: neverkidding (161), etray (58) 1704:< StuRobo> gibson 1704:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1591), Patarknight (1478), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1704:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of _________. 1705:< Patarknight> coal 1705:< neverkidding> rocks 1705:< etray> soil 1705:< aspbergerinparadise> coal 1705:< StuRobo> coal 1705:< etray> coal 1705:< npinsker> The answer was coal! Correct users: Patarknight (1482), StuRobo (280), etray (60) 1705:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who invented the electrical bass? 1705:< aspbergerinparadise> fender 1705:< neverkidding> albert einstein 1705:< StuRobo> Jim Bass 1706:< neverkidding> thomas edison 1706:< npinsker> The answer was Leo Fender! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1706:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for? 1706:< 3xist3nc3> At morning 1706:< aspbergerinparadise> ante meridian 1706:< StuRobo> ante meridien 1706:< neverkidding> ante meridian 1706:< spyhermit> amplitude modulation 1706:< OneiricNeuron> $ morning 1706:< 3xist3nc3> ante meridian 1706:< spyhermit> ante meridian 1706:< etray> ante meridien 1706:< npinsker> The answer was Ante Meridian! Correct users: neverkidding (165), 3xist3nc3 (1594), spyhermit (15) 1706:< StuRobo> ante meridian speling 1707:< StuRobo> aaaaa 1707:< spyhermit> never can tell what this thing is actually looking for. 1707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a figure with eight equal sides called? 1707:< StuRobo> octagon 1707:< neverkidding> octagon 1707:< Patarknight> octagon 1707:< aspbergerinparadise> octagon 1707:< etray> cube 1707:< OneiricNeuron> octalateral 1707:< spyhermit> octagon 1707:< 3xist3nc3> Octagon 1707:< etray> octagon 1707:< npinsker> The answer was octagon! Correct users: StuRobo (284), neverkidding (168), Patarknight (1484), spyhermit (16), 3xist3nc3 (1594), etray (60) 1707:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Chile? 1708:< StuRobo> santiago 1708:< aspbergerinparadise> santiago 1708:< spyhermit> santiago 1708:< neverkidding> santiago 1708:< OneiricNeuron> pepper 1708:< spyhermit> liantiago 1708:< npinsker> The answer was Santiago! Correct users: StuRobo (288), spyhermit (19), neverkidding (170) 1708:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || How many moons does Mercury have? 1708:< StuRobo> none 1708:< etray> zero 1709:< OneiricNeuron> 1 1709:< npinsker> The answer was none! Correct users: Patarknight (1488), StuRobo (291), neverkidding (172), etray (61) 1709:< etray> woah synonyms work sometimes 1709:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as _______. 1709:< neverkidding> incisors 1709:< aspbergerinparadise> incisors 1709:< StuRobo> incisors 1709:< OneiricNeuron> molars 1709:< etray> incisors 1709:< OneiricNeuron> scissorteeth 1709:< npinsker> The answer was incisors! Correct users: neverkidding (176), StuRobo (294), etray (63) 1710:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo. 1710:< neverkidding> amelia earhart 1710:< etray> amelia earhart 1710:< StuRobo> amelia earhart 1710:< OneiricNeuron> emilia eyeheart 1710:< etray> :D 1710:< npinsker> The answer was Amelia Earhart! Correct users: neverkidding (180), etray (66), StuRobo (296) 1710:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1594), Patarknight (1488), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"? 1711:< aspbergerinparadise> glinda 1711:< neverkidding> glinda 1711:< StuRobo> dunno 1711:< neverkidding> throwin it waaay back 1711:< npinsker> The answer was Glinda! Correct users: neverkidding (184) 1711:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crime || What country has the highest kidnapping rate? 1712:< StuRobo> colombia 1712:< OneiricNeuron> mexico 1712:< neverkidding> colombia 1712:< npinsker> The answer was Colombia! Correct users: StuRobo (300), neverkidding (187) 1712:< etray> good destination 1712:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || When Catelyn Stark takes Tyrion Lannister hostage from where is he returning? 1712:< Patarknight> the wall 1712:< neverkidding> the wall 1712:< OneiricNeuron> narnia 1712:< etray> the wall 1713:< npinsker> The answer was The Wall! Correct users: Patarknight (1492), neverkidding (190), etray (68) 1713:< StuRobo> took me way too long to understand the question 1713:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for radon? 1713:< etray> Ra 1713:< neverkidding> rn 1713:< StuRobo> rd 1713:< Patarknight> Rd 1713:< 3xist3nc3> Rd 1713:< OneiricNeuron> Ne 1713:< neverkidding> rd 1713:< 3xist3nc3> ne 1713:< 3xist3nc3> la di la 1713:< StuRobo> rn 1713:< npinsker> The answer was Rn! Correct users: neverkidding (194), StuRobo (303) 1714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the world's largest desert? 1714:< 3xist3nc3> Sahara 1714:< etray> Sahara 1714:< neverkidding> sahara 1714:< OneiricNeuron> i am from an alternate timeline and all my answers are correct 1714:< StuRobo> africa 1714:< neverkidding> africa 1714:< Patarknight> Sahara 1714:< OneiricNeuron> so im winning this 1714:< etray> Africa 1714:< npinsker> The answer was North Africa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1714:< neverkidding> fuck you 1714:< etray> whaaa 1714:< 3xist3nc3> Fuck off bot 1714:< StuRobo> wank 1714:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM? 1715:< aspbergerinparadise> screwball squirrel 1715:< neverkidding> screwball squirrel 1715:< OneiricNeuron> popeye 1715:< 3xist3nc3> Popeye's 1715:< npinsker> The answer was Screwball Squirrel! Correct users: neverkidding (198) 1715:< neverkidding> louisiana fast 1715:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Tongeren? 1715:< 3xist3nc3> Gemrany 1715:< OneiricNeuron> North Africa 1715:< etray> lol 1716:< neverkidding> thailand 1716:< 3xist3nc3> africa 1716:< npinsker> The answer was Belgium! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1716:< neverkidding> china 1716:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Paper is made from the pulp of _____. 1716:< neverkidding> wood 1716:< etray> wood 1716:< OneiricNeuron> Tree sap 1716:< etray> a tree 1716:< neverkidding> trees 1716:< chrismash> wood 1716:< 3xist3nc3> Wood 1716:< npinsker> The answer was wood! Correct users: neverkidding (202), etray (71), chrismash (465), 3xist3nc3 (1595) 1717:< chrismash> is tree sap a joke? 1717:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1595), Patarknight (1492), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1717:< OneiricNeuron> maybe 1717:< OneiricNeuron> if it is then i dont get it 1717:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || On what book was 'Three Days Of The Condor' based? 1717:< neverkidding> the bible 1717:< npinsker> The answer was Six Days Of The Condor! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1718:< chrismash> so it's fiction? 1718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || She was "Sports Illustrated's" first female "Sportsman of the Year". 1718:< neverkidding> michele obama 1718:< StuRobo> martina navratilova 1718:< 3xist3nc3> Big tist 1718:< neverkidding> martina navratilova 1718:< npinsker> The answer was Billie Jean King! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1718:< StuRobo> oo close 1718:< neverkidding> tennis lady 1718:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the first James Bond? 1719:< Patarknight> Sean Connery 1719:< neverkidding> sean connery 1719:< 3xist3nc3> Shawn Canary 1719:< npinsker> The answer was Sean Connery! Correct users: Patarknight (1496), neverkidding (205) 1719:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Surfing is believed to have originated here. 1719:< Patarknight> Hawaii 1719:< 3xist3nc3> California 1719:< aspbergerinparadise> hawaii 1719:< StuRobo> california 1719:< OneiricNeuron> alaska 1720:< 3xist3nc3> hawaii 1720:< neverkidding> hawaii 1720:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: Patarknight (1500), 3xist3nc3 (1598), neverkidding (207) 1720:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 1720:< neverkidding> huh? 1720:< StuRobo> eh 1720:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn? 1720:< neverkidding> custer 1720:< StuRobo> Custer 1720:< OneiricNeuron> sideburn 1720:< Patarknight> CUster 1721:< npinsker> The answer was George A. Custer! Correct users: neverkidding (211), StuRobo (306), Patarknight (1502) 1721:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Jakarta is located on which Indonesian island? 1721:< Patarknight> Java 1721:< OneiricNeuron> Java 1721:< neverkidding> java 1721:< npinsker> The answer was Java! Correct users: Patarknight (1506), OneiricNeuron (48), neverkidding (213) 1722:< OneiricNeuron> what was that noise? 1722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || This is the heaviest naturally occurring element. 1722:< Patarknight> Uranium 1722:< aspbergerinparadise> uranium 1722:< neverkidding> uranium 1722:< StuRobo> uranium 1722:< etray> ur anium 1722:< npinsker> The answer was uranium! Correct users: Patarknight (1510), neverkidding (216), StuRobo (308) 1722:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is the sister of Catelyn Stark who blames the death of her husband on the Lannisters? 1723:< StuRobo> forget 1723:< etray> forget 1723:< Patarknight> Lysa Tully 1723:< Patarknight> Lysa Arryn 1723:< npinsker> The answer was Lysa Arryn! Correct users: Patarknight (1514) 1723:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is normally measured in "hands". 1723:< StuRobo> horse 1723:< OneiricNeuron> ant 1724:< npinsker> The answer was horse! Correct users: StuRobo (312) 1724:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || About which family are the Godfather films? 1724:< StuRobo> corleone 1724:< etray> corleone 1724:< OneiricNeuron> Jones 1724:< npinsker> The answer was Corleone! Correct users: StuRobo (316), etray (74) 1725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Film || What was Citizen Kane's first name? 1725:< OneiricNeuron> Albert 1725:< etray> John 1725:< Patarknight> Charles 1725:< npinsker> The answer was Charles! Correct users: Patarknight (1518) 1725:< pandersson97> Blarts 1725:< etray> Paul 1725:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry? 1726:< etray> lady godiva 1726:< aspbergerinparadise> lady godiva 1726:< StuRobo> lady godiva 1726:< OneiricNeuron> Paul Revere 1726:< Patarknight> Lady Godiva 1726:< npinsker> The answer was Lady Godiva! Correct users: etray (78), StuRobo (319), Patarknight (1520) 1726:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1598), Patarknight (1520), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1726:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On the London Underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms? 1727:< npinsker> The answer was Bank and Monument! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1727:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What does the statue of Oscar stand on? 1727:< StuRobo> film reel 1727:< aspbergerinparadise> a reel of film 1727:< 3xist3nc3> Film reel 1728:< Bonoahx> film reel 1728:< npinsker> The answer was A reel of film! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1728:< StuRobo> Ha 1728:< Bonoahx> A reel of film! 1728:< etray> asperger got it 1728:< StuRobo> Should be a memory card nowadays 1728:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Quinine is added to water to make _______. 1728:< OneiricNeuron> hes banned 1728:< Bonoahx> Crystal methamphetamine 1728:< OneiricNeuron> cancer 1728:< npinsker> The answer was tonic water! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1728:< StuRobo> tinoc 1729:< StuRobo> tonic 1729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun Runs || What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race? 1729:< OneiricNeuron> amazing race 1729:< Bonoahx> Bay to Breakers 1729:< neverkidding> bay to breakers 1729:< StuRobo> The great san franciscan run 1729:< npinsker> The answer was Bay to Breakers footrace! Correct users: Bonoahx (239), neverkidding (219) 1729:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake? 1730:< Patarknight> michigan 1730:< aspbergerinparadise> michigan 1730:< Bonoahx> Michigan 1730:< OneiricNeuron> michigan 1730:< etray> michigan 1730:< Bonoahx> Michigan 1730:< 3xist3nc3> michigan 1730:< npinsker> The answer was Michigan! Correct users: Patarknight (1524), Bonoahx (242), OneiricNeuron (50), etray (79), 3xist3nc3 (1598) 1730:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ________. 1730:< Bonoahx> Michigan 1730:< StuRobo> tungsten 1730:< etray> tungsten 1731:< Bonoahx> Filament 1731:< npinsker> The answer was tungsten! Correct users: StuRobo (323), etray (82) 1731:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane? 1731:< Bonoahx> Speedbrakes 1731:< OneRedSent> flaps 1731:< etray> flaps 1731:< StuRobo> flaps 1731:< 3xist3nc3> flaps 1731:< OneiricNeuron> bomb 1731:< Bonoahx> Flaps 1731:< etray> fuel 1731:< StuRobo> shitty question 1731:< npinsker> The answer was flaps! Correct users: OneRedSent (36), etray (85), StuRobo (325), 3xist3nc3 (1599), Bonoahx (242) 1731:< 3xist3nc3> atom bomb 1732:< etray> yeah they stay attached 1732:< Bonoahx> Passengers 1732:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What energy does an Eolic power station? 1732:< etray> wind 1732:< Bonoahx> Wind 1732:< 3xist3nc3> Wind 1732:< OneiricNeuron> i dont get it 1732:< StuRobo> I think you a word 1732:< DoctorThackery> word 1732:< npinsker> The answer was Wind Power! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1732:< 3xist3nc3> These are phrased so awkwardly 1732:< etray> baa 1732:< OneiricNeuron> yea 1732:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1599), Patarknight (1524), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what sea does the Elbe River flow? 1733:< aspbergerinparadise> north 1733:< DoctorThackery> Danube 1733:< 3xist3nc3> North 1733:< neverkidding> north 1733:< etray> baltic sea 1733:< Patarknight> North 1733:< StuRobo> north 1733:< Bonoahx> North 1733:< DoctorThackery> I'm stupid 1733:< etray> atlantic sea 1733:< Bonoahx> South 1733:< vox35> Black 1733:< DoctorThackery> Atlantic 1733:< Bonoahx> North Sea 1733:< npinsker> The answer was North Sea! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1603), neverkidding (222), Patarknight (1526), StuRobo (326), Bonoahx (242) 1733:< StuRobo> Out of Hamburg 1733:< vox35> South Sea 1733:< vox35> East Sea? 1733:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest island in the Caribbean? 1734:< DoctorThackery> cuba 1734:< 3xist3nc3> Cuba 1734:< StuRobo> cuba 1734:< etray> cuba 1734:< vox35> Cuba 1734:< OneiricNeuron> haiti 1734:< Bonoahx> Cuba 1734:< 3xist3nc3> Hispaniola 1734:< etray> hispaniola 1734:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: DoctorThackery (4), 3xist3nc3 (1606), StuRobo (328), etray (86), vox35 (53), Bonoahx (242) 1734:< Bonoahx> Hispaniola 1734:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The planet closest to the sun is _______. 1734:< DoctorThackery> mercury 1734:< StuRobo> mercury 1734:< vox35> Mercury 1734:< etray> mercury 1734:< Bonoahx> Pluto 1734:< 3xist3nc3> Freddie Mercury 1734:< OneiricNeuron> hercules 1735:< Bonoahx> Mercury 1735:< grink> SOL 1735:< etray> Nibiru 1735:< OneiricNeuron> Hg 1735:< npinsker> The answer was Mercury! Correct users: DoctorThackery (8), StuRobo (331), vox35 (55), etray (87), 3xist3nc3 (1606), Bonoahx (242) 1735:< grink> L1 1735:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As sick as a ____________? 1735:< grink> dog 1735:< StuRobo> dog 1735:< DoctorThackery> dog 1735:< 3xist3nc3> Dog 1735:< vox35> dick 1735:< OneiricNeuron> elephant 1735:< grink> dog e 1735:< etray> puppy 1735:< DoctorThackery> very funny guys 1735:< Bonoahx> /r/jailbait subscriber 1735:< DoctorThackery> hahahah 1735:< _deffer_> dog 1735:< 3xist3nc3> lol 1735:< npinsker> The answer was dog! Correct users: grink (119), StuRobo (334), DoctorThackery (10), 3xist3nc3 (1607), _deffer_ (209) 1736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the autor of the song 'Blue Suede Shoes'? 1736:< DoctorThackery> zz top 1736:< etray> Elvis 1736:< grink> dead cow 1736:< vox35> Carl Perkins 1736:< DoctorThackery> elvis 1736:< Bonoahx> Elvis Presley 1736:< 3xist3nc3> Elvis Presley 1736:< etray> Carl Perkins 1736:< 3xist3nc3> Carl Perkins 1736:< Bonoahx> Carl Perkins 1736:< etray> elvis didnt compose himself 1736:< grink> coral 1736:< DoctorThackery> D: 1736:< npinsker> The answer was Carl Perkins! Correct users: vox35 (59), etray (90), 3xist3nc3 (1609), Bonoahx (243) 1736:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is "The Iron Lady"? 1737:< Bonoahx> Margaret Thatcher 1737:< vox35> "Compose yourself, man"! Elvis: "No". 1737:< aspbergerinparadise> margaret thatcher 1737:< grink> Ferris Girkl 1737:< etray> Margaret thatcher 1737:< _deffer_> margaret thatcher 1737:< OneiricNeuron> Margarine Thatcher 1737:< etray> vox35 :D 1737:< Bonoahx> Meryl Streep 1737:< 3xist3nc3> Margaret Thatcher 1737:< DoctorThackery> butter toucher 1737:< npinsker> The answer was Margaret Thatcher! Correct users: Bonoahx (247), etray (93), _deffer_ (211), 3xist3nc3 (1610) 1737:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What does a compass needle point to? 1737:< grink> north 1737:< aspbergerinparadise> north 1737:< DoctorThackery> north 1737:< Bonoahx> North 1737:< 3xist3nc3> The North 1737:< grink> nord 1737:< vox35> Magnetic North 1737:< DoctorThackery> south 1737:< OneiricNeuron> Where youre going 1738:< lovethebacon> Did we merge in the last 24 hours? 1738:< DoctorThackery> cover my bases :D 1738:< vox35> Noooo 1738:< grink> anal beads 1738:< Bonoahx> nope 1738:< 3xist3nc3> Nope 1738:< vox35> No merges 1738:< npinsker> The answer was north! Correct users: grink (123), DoctorThackery (13), Bonoahx (249), 3xist3nc3 (1611), vox35 (59) 1738:< grink> abc 123 1738:< lovethebacon> eh, still waiting 1738:< lovethebacon> 3 days 1738:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Porky Pig had a girlfriend named ________. 1738:< grink> bacon 1738:< DoctorThackery> lamby lamb 1738:< vox35> Petunia 1738:< Bonoahx> Petunia Pig 1738:< DoctorThackery> stuffy nosey 1738:< npinsker> The answer was Petunia! Correct users: vox35 (63) 1739:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1611), Patarknight (1526), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1739:< vox35> Bonohox was robbed! 1739:< Bonoahx> Bonorbbed 1739:< DoctorThackery> wtf 1824 score, how much did that guy play this 1739:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was sherlock holmes most famous novel? 1739:< Patarknight> Hound of the Baskervilles 1739:< DoctorThackery> last one 1739:< grink> dog of dogvilles 1739:< 3xist3nc3> The Hound of the Baskervilles 1739:< vox35> Hound of the Baskervilles 1739:< Bonoahx> The Hound of the Baskervilles 1739:< npinsker> The answer was The Hound of The Baskervilles! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1615), Bonoahx (252) 1739:< OneiricNeuron> Nancy Drew 1739:< grink> 101 dalmations 1740:< DoctorThackery> the John Madden of the John Madden 1740:< vox35> ,the 1740:< vox35> FUUUUCK 1740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sports Anagrams || Frown, it is not well regarded. 1740:< DoctorThackery> disregarded 1740:< 3xist3nc3> World Wrestling Federarion 1740:< OneiricNeuron> Smile 1740:< Bonoahx> World Wrestling Federation 1740:< 3xist3nc3> World Wrestling Federation 1740:< DoctorThackery> stupid question doe 1740:< vox35> I don't know what that means 1740:< grink> socko 1740:< npinsker> The answer was World Wrestling Federation! Correct users: Bonoahx (256), 3xist3nc3 (1618) 1740:< DoctorThackery> WTF 1740:< grink> you need to rearrange all the letters 1740:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Name Li'l Abner's favorite Indian drink. 1741:< grink> curry 1741:< aspbergerinparadise> kickapoo joy juice 1741:< OneiricNeuron> chocolate 1741:< grink> lassi 1741:< DoctorThackery> so it's an anargram? 1741:< vox35> I kno what an anagram is, but I STILL couldn't figure out what it wanted me to do... 1741:< Bonoahx> kickapoo joy juice 1741:< 3xist3nc3> CATEGORY: Sports Anagrams 1741:< grink> doctor i gess so 1741:< DoctorThackery> yeah, stupid 1741:< npinsker> The answer was Kickapoo Joy Juice! Correct users: Bonoahx (260) 1741:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Garth in "Wayne's World"? 1741:< Bonoahx> Kanye West 1741:< aspbergerinparadise> dana carvey 1741:< grink> party time! 1741:< Bonoahx> Dana Carvey 1742:< grink> drew carry 1742:< npinsker> The answer was Dana Carvey! Correct users: Bonoahx (264) 1742:< DoctorThackery> ain't no party like a wayne's world party 1742:< vox35> Hey, when I logged into my reddit home screen today, the Robin button was gone. What's up with that? 1742:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Between which countries was the shortest war in history? 1742:< DoctorThackery> really? 1742:< Bonoahx> England and Zanzibar 1742:< grink> canada and usa 1742:< Patarknight> England and Zanzibar 1742:< 3xist3nc3> England and Zanzibar 1742:< NonNisiTe> how soon before we merge roughly? 1742:< DoctorThackery> so it's the end, my only friend, the end 1742:< OneiricNeuron> Uk USA 1742:< Bonoahx> oh shit the button has gone 1742:< DoctorThackery> if the button is gone, then never 1742:< npinsker> The answer was Zanzibar and England! Correct users: Bonoahx (268), Patarknight (1529), 3xist3nc3 (1620) 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Rabat is the capital of which country? 1743:< grink> rabbit 1743:< aspbergerinparadise> morocco 1743:< vox35> If the button is gone, I can't see us merging because there won't be enough feeder rooms 1743:< Bonoahx> Morocco 1743:< DoctorThackery> yeah 1743:< _deffer_> morocco 1743:< Patarknight> Morocco 1743:< 3xist3nc3> Morcco 1743:< npinsker> The answer was Morocco! Correct users: Bonoahx (272), _deffer_ (214), Patarknight (1531) 1743:< Bonoahx> I guess we're the last Robin users 1743:< 3xist3nc3> Reddit is slowly killing Robin off 1743:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which river is Rome located? 1743:< DoctorThackery> I still don't get why doesn't everyone stay, and we get a nice subreddit and everything is fine 1743:< 3xist3nc3> I believe it was a beta for subreddit chatrooms. 1744:< grink> danube 1744:< vox35> Maybe that's the real April Fools prank 1744:< aspbergerinparadise> tiber 1744:< 3xist3nc3> Tiber 1744:< Bonoahx> River Tiber 1744:< grink> east river 1744:< vox35> "Fuck you, Robin users! April Fools!" 1744:< npinsker> The answer was Tiber! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1624), Bonoahx (275) 1744:< Bonoahx> Oh yeah I forgot this was meant to be a prank 1744:< Bonoahx> It's just a social experiment, bro 1744:< 3xist3nc3> It's just a prank bro 1744:< DoctorThackery> haha really 1744:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the only South East Asian country that is a member of the British Commonwealth? 1744:< neverkidding> what the fuck the robin button is gone!!?!?!?!? 1744:< grink> india 1744:< DoctorThackery> yep, the button is gone from my frontpage too 1744:< Bonoahx> Singapore 1744:< neverkidding> you guys we are ghosts 1745:< neverkidding> we are trapped here forever 1745:< 3xist3nc3> It's gone from mine too. I access from the URL though 1745:< grink> purgatory 1745:< DoctorThackery> foreeeeeeever 1745:< npinsker> The answer was Malaysia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1745:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1624), Patarknight (1531), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1745:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Stars || Who was Lauren Bacall's first husband? 1745:< grink> mr. bacall 1745:< Patarknight> Bogart 1745:< Bonoahx> Who gives a shit 1745:< vox35> Humphry Bogart 1745:< grink> bruno 1745:< OneiricNeuron> Mozart 1746:< Patarknight> Humphrey Bogart 1746:< grink> borat 1746:< neverkidding> you can still start a new tier 1 room by going to reddit.com/robin 1746:< Bonoahx> Paul Blart: Mall Cop 1746:< npinsker> The answer was Humphrey Bogart! Correct users: Patarknight (1535) 1746:< pandersson97> @DoctorThackery can everybody plz stfu about DAE LE STAY OR WE DOOM RITE XDD?!!!??? the 2nd biggest room is t15, we're t16 1746:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || What horror character does Simon NOT fight in the original "Castlevania"? 1746:< grink> his mom 1746:< pandersson97> we're gonna merge in less than a day and be the biggest 1746:< Bonoahx> Mr Skelta 1746:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 but there are no more people going in 1746:< neverkidding> pandersson97 not if people stop creating new rooms 1746:< vox35> Frankenstein 1746:< npinsker> The answer was Werewolf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1747:< pandersson97> yes ofcourse there is, where the fuck are people hearing all of this? 1747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || The name Australia is derived from the Latin word "australis" which means _______. 1747:< neverkidding> the button to enter robin is gone from the front page 1747:< aspbergerinparadise> southern 1747:< grink> south 1747:< vox35> Sheep fuckers 1747:< Bonoahx> Southern 1747:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 the button is gone, no more people can enter 1747:< neverkidding> you have to actually go to reddit.com/robin to create a new room 1747:< grink> prisoners 1747:< Bonoahx> Welsh are sheep fuckers not Australians 1747:< pandersson97> bs 1747:< npinsker> The answer was southern! Correct users: Bonoahx (279) 1747:< neverkidding> so the only people who will create new rooms are people who already know about robin 1747:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Words containing 'for' || Pardon. 1747:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 go to reddit.com and see for yourself 1748:< DoctorThackery> forgive me 1748:< Bonoahx> Fair enough 1748:< grink> foresome 1748:< DoctorThackery> forgive 1748:< Bonoahx> Forgive 1748:< npinsker> The answer was FORgive! Correct users: DoctorThackery (17), Bonoahx (282) 1748:< Bonoahx> HEHEH HOOHO 1748:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || In which city was President Kennedy killed? 1748:< HookahComputer> Dallas 1748:< aspbergerinparadise> dallas 1748:< grink> austin 1748:< Bonoahx> Pyongyang 1748:< grink> best korea city 1748:< DoctorThackery> Seouuoul 1749:< Bonoahx> Dallas 1749:< grink> new jersey 1749:< npinsker> The answer was Dallas! Correct users: HookahComputer (491), Bonoahx (285) 1749:< Bonoahx> I'm sure he would've been killed in Pyongyang 1749:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || What is the deepest mine in the world? 1749:< DoctorThackery> someone missed their complimentary 2 points for copying 1749:< pandersson97> yeah I'm on the frontpage, where the fuck does it say that robin is closed? 1749:< Bonoahx> I am an expert on the assassination I watched 11.2263 1749:< embracetehmartian> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1749:< grink> dont click that 1749:< DoctorThackery> your mom's vag @npinsker 1749:< Bonoahx> TauTona Mine 1749:< npinsker> The answer was Western Deep Levels Mine! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1750:< DoctorThackery> @grink what is it 1750:< grink> dicks or something 1750:< DoctorThackery> lol 1750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Admirality Arch? 1750:< Patarknight> London 1750:< aspbergerinparadise> london 1750:< pandersson97> @DoctorThackery it's strange since there's no mention of it on /r/joinrobin, /r/robintracking or any of the robin subs 1750:< Bonoahx> London 1750:< grink> i dont have flash enabled 1750:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: Patarknight (1539), Bonoahx (288) 1750:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The Who's rock musical stars Elton John. It's called ________. 1751:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 it's recent I guess 1751:< pandersson97> can ppl plz shutup about LE ROBIN BROKE LMAO you're fucking worse than ISIS 1751:< grink> rent 1751:< Bonoahx> Horton Hears a Who 1751:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 be the first to inform the people, reap the karma 1751:< npinsker> The answer was Tommy! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1751:< Bonoahx> If le Robin breaks I'll go back to not using Reddit so 1751:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1624), Patarknight (1539), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1751:< 3xist3nc3> I already posted it 1751:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || The fins of which fish are made into a soup? 1752:< Patarknight> shark 1752:< grink> shark 1752:< bbrazil> Shark 1752:< Bonoahx> Shark 1752:< grink> wait, a shark isnt a fish...? 1752:< pandersson97> @DoctorThackery or could it be that YOU'RE FUCKING FULL OF SHIT? 1752:< npinsker> The answer was shark! Correct users: Patarknight (1543), grink (126), bbrazil (2), Bonoahx (289) 1752:< Bonoahx> Calm down my Finnish Friend 1752:< DoctorThackery> @pandersson97 fuck off 1752:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a form? 1752:< grink> nm they are 1752:< grink> cum animal 1752:< pandersson97> lemme check my alt 1752:< OneiricNeuron> kaikkile 1753:< OneiricNeuron> moika 1753:< Bonoahx> Paper 1753:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what Province Is Dublin? 1753:< bbrazil> Leinster 1753:< OneiricNeuron> UK 1753:< grink> cork 1753:< 3xist3nc3> Leinster 1753:< bbrazil> (speaking as someone currently in Dublin) 1753:< StuRobo> county dublin 1753:< Bonoahx> Leinster 1753:< npinsker> The answer was Leinster! Correct users: bbrazil (6), 3xist3nc3 (1627), Bonoahx (291) 1754:< Bonoahx> OneiricNeuron don't say that to an Irish person lol 1754:< 3xist3nc3> County = Province 1754:< 3xist3nc3> =/= 1754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer? 1754:< OneiricNeuron> lol 1754:< grink> kill crows 1754:< 3xist3nc3> Teacher 1754:< Bonoahx> Shop Assistant 1754:< OneiricNeuron> your dad 1754:< grink> one hand job 1754:< npinsker> The answer was teach! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1754:< surelyucantbserious> teacher 1754:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who did Charlie Becker play in 'The Wizard of Oz'? 1755:< grink> toto 1755:< OneiricNeuron> thee bot is mildly retarted 1755:< pandersson97> @DoctorThackery well I just joined robin with my alt SO CAN YOU PLEASE STFU ABOUT LE STAY OR WE DOOME XDDD!!?!??! PLEASE? 1755:< grink> bicycle 1755:< Bonoahx> jesus fucking christ 1755:< vox35> Dorothy's dildo 1755:< npinsker> The answer was The mayor of the munchkins! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1755:< OneiricNeuron> whats wrong bono 1755:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Codes || Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots? 1755:< grink> SOS 1755:< surelyucantbserious> SOS 1755:< Bonoahx> that was my answer and my response to pandersson97 1756:< vox35> SOS 1756:< pandersson97> you guys are fucking dumber than ISIS 1756:< npinsker> The answer was SOS! Correct users: grink (130), surelyucantbserious (9), vox35 (65) 1756:< Bonoahx> SOS 1756:< grink> ...---... 1756:< vox35> Calm yer tits 1756:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This was the first video to play on MTV? 1756:< wolflambert> Video Killed the Radio Star 1756:< HookahComputer> Video killed the radio star 1756:< grink> video killed the radio star 1756:< vox35> Video killed the radio star 1756:< Bonoahx> Video killed the Radio Star 1756:< grink> divx killed the dvd 1756:< npinsker> The answer was Video Killed the Radio Star! Correct users: wolflambert (193), HookahComputer (494), grink (132), vox35 (66), Bonoahx (291) 1757:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Illinois? 1757:< Bonoahx> Chicago 1757:< grink> corn 1757:< HookahComputer> Springfield 1757:< vox35> Ill Annoy 1757:< OneiricNeuron> Springfield 1757:< Bonoahx> Springfield 1757:< bbrazil> I 1757:< grink> quahog 1757:< wolflambert> Springfield 1757:< npinsker> The answer was Springfield! Correct users: HookahComputer (498), OneiricNeuron (53), Bonoahx (293), wolflambert (194) 1757:< vox35> D'oh! 1757:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1627), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1758:< grink> new zeland 1758:< HookahComputer> New Zealand 1758:< Bonoahx> Madagascar 1758:< vox35> Madagascar 1758:< grink> goddamit fingers new zealand 1758:< wolflambert> Madagascar 1758:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1758:< vox35> All of them 1758:< grink> lol nz is east oops 1758:< Bonoahx> That's such a crap question it's like 9000 miles to the west 1759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is a the technical name for a heart attack? 1759:< HookahComputer> cardiac infarction 1759:< Bonoahx> Myocardial infarction 1759:< grink> micardical infarction 1759:< vox35> Cardiac Infarction 1759:< grink> MI 1759:< wolflambert> http://i.imgur.com/d6xzxNb.png Madagascar really is to the west of Australia 1759:< npinsker> The answer was myocardial infarct! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1759:< Bonoahx> so is mauritius 1759:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What does 'The Monument' in London commemorate? 1759:< HookahComputer> Torchwood 1759:< grink> the british 1759:< Bonoahx> The Great Fire of London 1800:< vox35> Something monumental 1800:< grink> usa 1800:< Bonoahx> lol 1800:< npinsker> The answer was Great Fire of London! Correct users: Bonoahx (297) 1800:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who developed the laws of electrolysis? 1800:< Bonoahx> Torchwood is in Cardiff 1800:< grink> tesla 1800:< HookahComputer> a Brazilian 1800:< vox35> Some hairy dude 1800:< grink> ohm 1800:< Bonoahx> Michael Faraday 1800:< grink> amp 1800:< npinsker> The answer was Michael Faraday! Correct users: Bonoahx (301) 1801:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Advertising || Who is the dog on the crackerjack box? 1801:< Bonoahx> Fido 1801:< HookahComputer> cracker 1801:< vox35> Jack 1801:< grink> dog 1801:< Bonoahx> Bingo 1801:< grink> was his namo 1801:< npinsker> The answer was Bingo! Correct users: Bonoahx (305) 1801:< Bonoahx> B I N G O 1801:< vox35> Jackie Crackerjack Johnson 1802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || For which ad campaign was the line 'I can't believe I ate the whole thing' used? 1802:< grink> dick 1802:< Bonoahx> I Can't Believe It's Not Butter 1802:< Bonoahx> AlkaSeltzer 1802:< vox35> Blowjobs 'R Us 1802:< Bonoahx> I get the two easily mixed up 1802:< npinsker> The answer was Alka Seltzer! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1802:< Bonoahx> nvm 1802:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Very Big Guns || Where is the biggest calibre cannon? 1802:< grink> over 9000 cannon 1803:< grink> 120 1803:< Bonoahx> Russia 1803:< femdemgem> I don't know 1803:< grink> death star 1803:< phobiac> Germany 1803:< npinsker> The answer was Kremlin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1803:< vox35> Big Cannon...cannon 1803:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What American city is known as Little Havana? 1803:< Bonoahx> I'm taking a point for tht one 1803:< vox35> IDK 1803:< aspbergerinparadise> miami 1803:< 3xist3nc3> miami 1803:< grink> union city 1803:< Bonoahx> Miami 1803:< hagbard-celine> test 1803:< npinsker> The answer was Miami! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1631), Bonoahx (308) 1804:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1631), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1804:< vox35> @hagbard-celine no, the answer is not "test" 1804:< Bonoahx> Test City, Florida 1804:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is the Canale Grande? 1804:< aspbergerinparadise> venice 1804:< grink> ariana grande 1804:< femdemgem> venice 1804:< Bonoahx> Venice 1804:< etray> venice 1804:< vox35> Canaleville, USA 1804:< grink> $answer 1805:< npinsker> The answer was Venice! Correct users: femdemgem (70), Bonoahx (311), etray (95) 1805:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party. 1805:< grink> donkey 1805:< Bonoahx> Elephant 1805:< grink> ass 1805:< vox35> Donkey 1805:< vox35> Jackass? 1805:< Bonoahx> Ass 1805:< femdemgem> elephant is gop right? 1805:< grink> yeha 1805:< Bonoahx> same thing 1805:< npinsker> The answer was donkey! Correct users: grink (136), vox35 (69) 1805:< femdemgem> no that's republican bro 1806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Walla Walla? 1806:< grink> washinbgton 1806:< HookahComputer> Washington 1806:< Bonoahx> New South Wales 1806:< aspbergerinparadise> washington 1806:< vox35> Washington 1806:< grink> washington 1806:< femdemgem> wa 1806:< Bonoahx> Washington ... 1806:< vox35> WAH! 1806:< grink> wa wa wa 1806:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: HookahComputer (502), vox35 (72), grink (138) 1806:< grink> WaWa 1806:< Bonoahx> ok 1806:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is the heart rate of the blue whale? (in beats per minute) 1806:< grink> 20 1806:< 3xist3nc3> 20 1806:< Bonoahx> 6 1806:< vox35> 20 1807:< grink> 8 1807:< andysniper> 9 1807:< Bonoahx> 8 1807:< femdemgem> 6 1807:< 3xist3nc3> 17 1807:< vox35> @Bonoahx, this bot fucking hates you 1807:< npinsker> The answer was nine! Correct users: andysniper (350) 1807:< femdemgem> :( 1807:< Bonoahx> Everyone hates me 1807:< etray> nice heartrate 1807:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The Hardy Boys and ____________? 1807:< etray> no we love you 1807:< femdemgem> Are some users banned now? 1807:< grink> boners 1807:< Bonoahx> awww 1807:< chrismash> yes they are banned for botting 1807:< vox35> the angry pedophile 1808:< npinsker> The answer was Nancy Drew! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1808:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Flags || Which country has a plain green flag? 1808:< 3xist3nc3> libya 1808:< vox35> Greenland 1808:< un6952db> libya 1808:< grink> cuba 1808:< Bonoahx> Libya 1808:< andysniper> none 1808:< HookahComputer> Esperantejo 1808:< grink> america 1808:< npinsker> The answer was Libya! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1635), un6952db (3), Bonoahx (313) 1808:< chrismash> libya 1808:< chrismash> s close 1808:< 3xist3nc3> the bot has many old questions 1808:< andysniper> get it together npinsker, libya hasnt had a green flag since 2011 1808:< Bonoahx> Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Lome is the capital of ____________? 1809:< 3xist3nc3> togo 1809:< grink> Laos 1809:< vox35> Litaly 1809:< andysniper> sao tome 1809:< chrismash> laos 1809:< femdemgem> Esperanto flag has a white space iirc 1809:< Bonoahx> Togo 1809:< grink> BoGo 1809:< bbrazil> Togo 1809:< chrismash> togo 1809:< npinsker> The answer was Togo! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1639), Bonoahx (316), bbrazil (8), chrismash (466) 1809:< Bonoahx> fuck off eighthmoon 1809:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || What type of craft is the US's Airforce One? 1809:< grink> 737 1809:< Bonoahx> Boeing 747 1809:< chrismash> who's eigthmoon? 1810:< vox35> Air-plane 1810:< grink> 737-300 1810:< bbrazil> airplace 1810:< Bonoahx> Boeing VC-25 1810:< femdemgem> boenig 747 1810:< bbrazil> airplane 1810:< femdemgem> boeing 747 1810:< vox35> Aero-playne 1810:< npinsker> The answer was Boeing 747! Correct users: Bonoahx (320), femdemgem (73) 1810:< grink> over the sea 1810:< bbrazil> though that's kind of an airplace... 1810:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1639), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1810:< Bonoahx> Air Force One is a pretty nice airplace 1810:< npinsker> CATEGORY: One For The Trekkies || In 'Star Trek', who was the captain of the 'Enterprise C'? 1810:< grink> female 1810:< Bonoahx> Uhura 1810:< Patarknight> Harkness 1811:< grink> shes a femal 1811:< andysniper> riker 1811:< vox35> Dick Spacely 1811:< chrismash> Rachel Garrett 1811:< femdemgem> rachel garrett 1811:< npinsker> The answer was Rachel Garret! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1811:< chrismash> kys 1811:< femdemgem> ffs 1811:< Bonoahx> fat 1811:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the opposite of an utopia? 1811:< Bonoahx> Dystopia 1811:< femdemgem> distopia 1811:< grink> dystopia 1811:< femdemgem> dystopia 1811:< vox35> Dystopia 1811:< chrismash> dystopia 1811:< andysniper> dystopia 1811:< grink> not utopia 1811:< femdemgem> anti utopia 1811:< bbrazil> /r/all 1812:< chrismash> untopia 1812:< Bonoahx> USA haha inb4 donald trump 1812:< npinsker> The answer was dystopia! Correct users: Bonoahx (324), grink (141), femdemgem (75), vox35 (73), chrismash (466), andysniper (350) 1812:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known? 1812:< grink> kurig coffee maker 1812:< Bonoahx> Bangkok 1812:< femdemgem> bangkok 1812:< chrismash> bangkok 1812:< bbrazil> Bangkok 1812:< 3xist3nc3> bangkok 1812:< grink> confucius 1812:< npinsker> The answer was Bangkok! Correct users: Bonoahx (328), femdemgem (78), chrismash (468), bbrazil (9), 3xist3nc3 (1639) 1812:< Bonoahx> Manchester 1812:< grink> v. chelsea 1813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the opera 'Tosca'? 1813:< HookahComputer> Panini 1813:< femdemgem> puccini 1813:< grink> mozart 1813:< Bonoahx> I'm out 1813:< grink> macroni 1813:< femdemgem> I've seen this for the 4th time 1813:< npinsker> The answer was Giacomo Puccini! Correct users: femdemgem (82) 1813:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || These fighters always began a bout by saying, "Hail Emperor, those about to die salute you."? 1813:< grink> hilter's best friends 1814:< HookahComputer> Gladiators 1814:< npinsker> The answer was gladiators! Correct users: HookahComputer (506) 1814:< andysniper> russel crowe 1814:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which Central American country extends furthest north? 1814:< grink> mexico 1814:< aspbergerinparadise> belize 1814:< andysniper> mexico 1814:< bbrazil> mexico 1814:< grink> probably not mexico 1814:< femdemgem> belize? 1814:< andysniper> belize 1814:< grink> bell lease 1815:< npinsker> The answer was Belize! Correct users: femdemgem (86), andysniper (353) 1815:< Jeantonf> h 1815:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Toys || What toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal? 1815:< bbrazil> football 1815:< andysniper> lego 1815:< Jeantonf> balloon 1815:< grink> lincoln logs 1815:< teabagluigi> Balloon 1815:< npinsker> The answer was balloon! Correct users: Jeantonf (4), teabagluigi (3) 1816:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which sport or game are the terms: 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used? 1816:< grink> BBQ 1816:< aspbergerinparadise> chess 1816:< femdemgem> chess 1816:< teabagluigi> chess 1816:< bbrazil> chess 1816:< grink> dinneer 1816:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: femdemgem (90), teabagluigi (6), bbrazil (11) 1816:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1824), 3xist3nc3 (1639), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called? 1817:< andysniper> Clive 1817:< grink> flying farts hexagon 1817:< HookahComputer> Little White Spot 1817:< femdemgem> uranus 1817:< femdemgem> pluto 1817:< npinsker> The answer was Scooter! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1817:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was Ulysses' son, who grew to manhood in his absence? 1817:< grink> grant 1818:< un6952db> npwalt jr 1818:< femdemgem> odysseus 1818:< grink> narhwal 1818:< bbrazil> Telemachus 1818:< npinsker> The answer was Telemachus! Correct users: bbrazil (15) 1818:< femdemgem> lol 1818:< grink> smelly blue 1818:< bbrazil> blue 1818:< andysniper> blue 1818:< femdemgem> red 1818:< TxDieselKid> blue 1818:< HookahComputer> royal blue 1819:< npinsker> The answer was blue! Correct users: grink (145), bbrazil (18), andysniper (355), TxDieselKid (43), HookahComputer (506) 1819:< HookahComputer> This crayon is re.... r.... re.... 1819:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || Where is the Blarney Stone? 1819:< grink> cork 1819:< andysniper> ireland 1819:< bbrazil> Kilarney 1819:< grink> blarney castle 1819:< npinsker> The answer was Blarney Castle, Ireland! Correct users: andysniper (359) 1819:< grink> cork isn't wrong.... 1820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: World Climate || What is a calm ocean region near the equator called? 1820:< grink> calm ocean of love 1820:< andysniper> tropic 1820:< grink> tropic thunder 1820:< pandersson97> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1820:< npinsker> The answer was doldrums! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1820:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the modern name for Plumbum? 1820:< grink> lead 1820:< 3xist3nc3> lead 1821:< andysniper> lead 1821:< grink> Pb 1821:< bbrazil> lead 1821:< npinsker> The answer was lead! Correct users: grink (149), 3xist3nc3 (1642), andysniper (361), bbrazil (19) 1821:< femdemgem> plumbus 1821:< andysniper> fleeb 1821:< grink> cancer 1821:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Word Association || Which word is related to these three: rat, blue, cottage? 1821:< hellapanda> cheese 1821:< femdemgem> cheese 1821:< andysniper> cheese 1821:< andysniper> gromit 1821:< grink> crotch 1822:< npinsker> The answer was cheese! Correct users: hellapanda (1828), femdemgem (93), andysniper (363) 1822:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || "He's So Fine", "One Fine Day" and "A Love So Fine" where hits for what fine group? 1822:< grink> green dicky 1822:< hellapanda> chiffons 1822:< andysniper> the fine bros 1822:< femdemgem> the chiffons 1822:< aspbergerinparadise> the chiffons 1822:< vox35> MArtha and the Vandelles 1822:< npinsker> The answer was The Chiffons! Correct users: hellapanda (1832), femdemgem (96) 1822:< vox35> Bad guess 1823:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1832), 3xist3nc3 (1642), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1823:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The distance around the outside of a circle is its ____________. 1823:< hellapanda> circumference 1823:< andysniper> circumference 1823:< grink> purple circumference 1823:< vox35> Sir Cumference 1823:< femdemgem> circumference 1823:< npinsker> The answer was circumference! Correct users: hellapanda (1836), andysniper (366), grink (151), femdemgem (97) 1824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him. 1824:< aspbergerinparadise> woody woodpecker 1824:< grink> tequila sunrise 1824:< hellapanda> woody woodpecker 1824:< femdemgem> woody woodpecker 1824:< _deffer_> woody woodpecker 1824:< vox35> Angry Big Bird 1824:< andysniper> woody woodpecker 1824:< npinsker> The answer was Woody Woodpecker! Correct users: hellapanda (1840), femdemgem (100), _deffer_ (216), andysniper (367) 1824:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the threepenny opera? 1824:< grink> pennywise 1824:< femdemgem> brecht 1825:< bbrazil> twopenny bob 1825:< vox35> Bertold Brecht 1825:< HookahComputer> onepenny sally 1825:< npinsker> The answer was Bertolt Brecht! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1825:< hellapanda> lol 1825:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Mythology || This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods. 1825:< HookahComputer> Olympus 1825:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weather || Which US state holds the record for most snowfall in a day, recorded February 7, 1916? 1825:< bbrazil> olympus 1825:< femdemgem> olympus 1825:< hellapanda> mt. olympus 1825:< PM_ME_WORDLY_WISDOMS> olymp 1825:< andysniper> olympus 1825:< femdemgem> Alaska 1825:< vox35> Olympus 1825:< hellapanda> alaska 1825:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Olympus! Correct users:             HookahComputer (4),                    bbrazil (3),                  femdemgem (2), ... 1826:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: femdemgem (104), hellapanda (1843) 1826:< bbrazil> do we really need two bots? 1826:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: History || Which U.S. president said, "The buck stops here"? 1826:< vox35> FDR 1826:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who recorded the lengthy song: "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" in 1969? 1826:< hellapanda> truman 1826:< HookahComputer> Iron Butterfly 1826:< aspbergerinparadise> iron butterfly 1826:< pandersson97> OMFG GET YOUR SHITTY COPY BOT OFF FROM HERE TXDIESELKID, NO ONE THINKS YOU'RE COOL 1826:< femdemgem> truman 1826:< hellapanda> iron butterfly 1826:< grink> apollo 13 1826:< vox35> AHH! TOO MANY BOTS! 1826:< pandersson97> GTFO TXDIESELKID 1826:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Truman! Correct users:                 hellapanda (5),                  femdemgem (5) 1826:< hellapanda> hahaha seriously, I keep answering dieselkid 1826:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'A Christmas Carol'? 1826:< npinsker> The answer was Iron Butterfly! Correct users: HookahComputer (510), hellapanda (1846) 1827:< pandersson97> HOLY SHIT YOU CAN'T EVEN COPY THE FUCKING BOT CORRECTLY TXDIESELKID GO AND FUCKING DIE 1827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animals || The greyhound, along with this smaller relative, is used in the sport of coursing. 1827:< bbrazil> Dharls Chikens 1827:< grink> dog 1827:< hellapanda> italian greyhound 1827:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Charles Dickens! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1827:< vox35> Rabbit 1827:< femdemgem> rabbit 1827:< hellapanda> whippet 1827:< pandersson97> YOU FUCKING SUCK SCRIPTKIDDIE 1827:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest exclusively Indonesian island? 1827:< vox35> Bugs Bunny 1827:< npinsker> The answer was whippet! Correct users: hellapanda (1850) 1827:< grink> poop island 1827:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the capital of Argentina. 1827:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Sumatra! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1827:< grink> peru 1827:< vox35> No. 1827:< aspbergerinparadise> buenos aires 1827:< hellapanda> buenos aires 1828:< grink> good air 1828:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || With which island is the puffin associated? 1828:< vox35> I don't take orders from you 1828:< femdemgem> buenos aires 1828:< pandersson97> CATEGORY: Faggots || Should TxDieselKid get terminal cancer? 1828:< grink> yes 1828:< vox35> Yes 1828:< hellapanda> no :( 1828:< femdemgem> Just block him. 1828:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Lundy Island! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1828:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Through which ocean does the International Date Line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian? 1828:< HookahComputer> Indian 1828:< Lowbacca1977> pacific 1828:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Liechtenstein? 1828:< andysniper> pacific 1828:< vox35> Pacific 1828:< grink> ocean ocean 1828:< bbrazil> the letter L 1829:< npinsker> The answer was Pacific Ocean! Correct users: grink (155), Lowbacca1977 (3), andysniper (369), vox35 (74) 1829:< andysniper> vaduz 1829:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Vaduz! Correct users:                 andysniper (4) 1829:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1854), 3xist3nc3 (1642), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1829:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Similes || As loud as _________. 1829:< Lowbacca1977> your mom 1829:< femdemgem> it goes 1829:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Agriculture || What is ground being 'rested' for a season called? 1829:< Lowbacca1977> fallow 1829:< andysniper> crop rotation 1829:< vox35> fallow 1829:< magictank> fallow 1829:< TxDieselKid> The answer was thunder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1829:< grink> tired dirt 1829:< vox35> By Adele 1830:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Australia? 1830:< Lowbacca1977> canberra 1830:< magictank> canberra 1830:< un6952db> melbourne 1830:< bbrazil> fallow 1830:< un6952db> oh boy 1830:< npinsker> The answer was fallow! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (7), vox35 (77), magictank (2) 1830:< andysniper> cranberry 1830:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which bridge spans the Hudson River? 1830:< 3xist3nc3> Bullfuckingshit 1830:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Canberra! Correct users:               Lowbacca1977 (4),                  magictank (3) 1830:< andysniper> george washington 1830:< magictank> golden gate 1830:< vox35> Brooklyn 1830:< femdemgem> george washington bridge 1830:< TxDieselKid> HIGH SCORES:                  femdemgem (5),                 hellapanda (5),             HookahComputer (4),                 andysniper... 1830:< 3xist3nc3> golden gate 1830:< npinsker> The answer was George Washington Bridge! Correct users: andysniper (373), femdemgem (110) 1830:< 3xist3nc3> is not on the hudson 1830:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'All Right Now'? 1830:< magictank> trooper 1831:< femdemgem> free 1831:< hellapanda> golden gate? wut 1831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the longest river in Australia? 1831:< hellapanda> murray 1831:< magictank> australia river 1831:< 3xist3nc3> murray 1831:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Free! Correct users:                  femdemgem (9) 1831:< andysniper> victoria 1831:< femdemgem> river murray 1831:< vox35> Dingo River 1831:< 3xist3nc3> it's on california 1831:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was Barney Rubble's best friend? 1831:< npinsker> The answer was Darling! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1831:< hellapanda> ... 1831:< andysniper> fred flintstone 1831:< vox35> Thank, honey. 1831:< magictank> fred flintstone 1831:< 3xist3nc3> WRONG! 1831:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Name the Atlantean admiral in the campaigns of the popular game Age of Mythology? 1831:< magictank> zeu 1831:< vox35> Fred Flintstone? 1831:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Fred Flintstone! Correct users:                 andysniper (8),                  magictank (6),                      vox... 1831:< grink> ryu 1832:< femdemgem> arkontos 1832:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Geography || What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east? 1832:< npinsker> The answer was Arkontos! Correct users: femdemgem (114) 1832:< andysniper> gulf of iran 1832:< magictank> gulf 1832:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who hosted the 1999 cricket World Cup? 1832:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Persian Gulf! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1832:< grink> india 1832:< andysniper> australia 1832:< vox35> I did 1832:< magictank> new zealand 1832:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Medicine || This is known as "The Royal Disease". 1832:< femdemgem> england 1833:< andysniper> syphilis 1833:< magictank> haemophilia 1833:< npinsker> The answer was England! Correct users: femdemgem (118) 1833:< TxDieselKid> The answer was haemophilia! Correct users:                  magictank (10) 1833:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is a female deer called? 1833:< magictank> doe 1833:< vox35> Doe 1833:< hellapanda> doe 1833:< un6952db> doe 1833:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Baseball || Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap? 1833:< femdemgem> doe 1833:< hellapanda> babe ruth 1833:< vox35> D'oh! 1833:< magictank> michael jordan 1833:< npinsker> The answer was doe! Correct users: magictank (6), vox35 (80), hellapanda (1856), un6952db (4), femdemgem (118) 1833:< un6952db> vox35 well played my friend 1834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He was the villain in "Star Wars". 1834:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Babe Ruth! Correct users:                 hellapanda (9) 1834:< hellapanda> darth vader 1834:< aspbergerinparadise> darth vader 1834:< _deffer_> darth vader 1834:< femdemgem> darth vader 1834:< un6952db> darth vader 1834:< andysniper> darth vader 1834:< vox35> Darth Vader 1834:< vox35> Garth Vader? 1834:< grink> lord helmet 1834:< TxDieselKid> The answer was Good Morning To You! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1834:< femdemgem> han solo 1834:< npinsker> The answer was Darth Vader! Correct users: hellapanda (1860), _deffer_ (219), femdemgem (120), un6952db (5), andysniper (373), vox35 (80) 1834:< TxDieselKid> CATEGORY: Biology || To what disability can keratitis lead? 1834:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Havana is the capital of which country? 1834:< un6952db> cuba 1834:< aspbergerinparadise> cuba 1834:< vox35> Cuba 1834:< hellapanda> kooba 1835:< femdemgem> cuba 1835:< vox35> Coo-ba 1835:< TxDieselKid> The answer was blindness! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1835:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: un6952db (9), vox35 (83), femdemgem (122) 1835:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1860), 3xist3nc3 (1642), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), narcissus... 1835:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which Nintendo character is famous for being the first playable female hero in video game history? 1835:< femdemgem> samus 1835:< vox35> Samus 1835:< BossColo> samus aran 1836:< npinsker> The answer was Samus Aran! Correct users: femdemgem (126), vox35 (86), BossColo (31) 1836:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe? 1836:< HookahComputer> Ms Pac Man 1836:< grink> cuba 1836:< femdemgem> spain? 1836:< TxDieselKid> italy 1836:< vox35> Italy 1837:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: femdemgem (130) 1837:< vox35> Fark 1837:< TxDieselKid> what the shit 1837:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || The square root of 1 is? 1837:< TxDieselKid> lol 1837:< HookahComputer> 1 1837:< femdemgem> 1 1837:< hellapanda> 1 1837:< vox35> 1 1837:< andysniper> 1 1837:< TxDieselKid> 1 1837:< vox35> 1+ 1837:< HookahComputer> 0.99999999... 1837:< npinsker> The answer was 1! Correct users: HookahComputer (514), femdemgem (133), hellapanda (1862), vox35 (87), andysniper (373), TxDieselKid (43) 1838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Tequila is made from an extract of which species of cactus? 1838:< bbrazil> What about -1? 1838:< andysniper> agave 1838:< TxDieselKid> agave 1838:< vox35> agave 1838:< femdemgem> agave 1838:< bbrazil> atook 1838:< npinsker> The answer was Agave! Correct users: andysniper (377), TxDieselKid (46), vox35 (89), femdemgem (134) 1838:< grink> rico suave 1838:< vox35> 1 1838:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What war lasted from June 5 to June 11, 1967? 1838:< andysniper> 7 days war 1838:< TxDieselKid> my ball sweat. lol 1839:< 3xist3nc3> darth vader 1839:< grink> june war 1839:< femdemgem> 6 days war 1839:< 3xist3nc3> oh shit i scrolled 1839:< TxDieselKid> the war of your mom? 1839:< npinsker> The answer was Six day war! Correct users: femdemgem (138) 1839:< vox35> Egypt Israel War 1839:< vox35> Whatever it is... 1839:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which city is home to the 4th largest pyramid in the world? 1839:< andysniper> balls 1839:< femdemgem> egypt 1839:< 3xist3nc3> giza 1839:< andysniper> cairo 1839:< vox35> Las Vegas 1839:< femdemgem> cairo 1839:< TxDieselKid> las vegas 1840:< npinsker> The answer was Las Vegas! Correct users: vox35 (93), TxDieselKid (49) 1840:< TxDieselKid> booya!! 1840:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the classic platform game "Prince of Persia" on the NES? 1840:< vox35> BOOM! 1840:< andysniper> ubisoft 1840:< 3xist3nc3> capcom 1840:< femdemgem> broderbund 1840:< TxDieselKid> ea 1840:< grink> SEGSA 1840:< npinsker> The answer was Virgin Interactive! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1840:< grink> SEGFDGhd 1841:< vox35> Good game, that. 1841:< 3xist3nc3> SEGAAAAAA 1841:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As mad as a ______________? 1841:< HookahComputer> hatter 1841:< StuRobo> brush 1841:< vox35> hatter 1841:< andysniper> cunt 1841:< femdemgem> thunder 1841:< vox35> mad person 1841:< TxDieselKid> dry pussy 1841:< npinsker> The answer was wet hen or hatter! Correct users: HookahComputer (518), vox35 (96) 1841:< TxDieselKid> a limp cock 1841:< 3xist3nc3> #hattersgonahat 1841:< vox35> Wet hen? Wat? 1841:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1642), Patarknight (1543), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ________. 1842:< aspbergerinparadise> alexander the great 1842:< femdemgem> alex the great 1842:< 3xist3nc3> alexander the great 1842:< StuRobo> ghengis khan 1842:< TxDieselKid> Napolen 1842:< andysniper> alexander the better than you 1842:< npinsker> The answer was Alexander the Great! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1646) 1842:< femdemgem> alexander the okay 1842:< vox35> Al, to his friends 1842:< TxDieselKid> Big A 1842:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of "Cluedo". 1842:< aspbergerinparadise> rope 1842:< vox35> Dildo 1842:< HookahComputer> candlestick 1842:< StuRobo> rope 1843:< andysniper> rope 1843:< TxDieselKid> rope 1843:< GriffinPrice> Alexander 1843:< npinsker> The answer was rope! Correct users: StuRobo (338), andysniper (380), TxDieselKid (51) 1843:< TxDieselKid> a wet hen!! 1843:< HookahComputer> A rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle 1843:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A water heater keeps _____ warm for you. 1843:< HookahComputer> water 1843:< aspbergerinparadise> water 1843:< StuRobo> water 1843:< vox35> water 1843:< TxDieselKid> h2o 1843:< vox35> I so smart 1843:< 3xist3nc3> water 1844:< femdemgem> your feet 1844:< TxDieselKid> your mom's theighs 1844:< npinsker> The answer was water! Correct users: HookahComputer (522), StuRobo (341), vox35 (98), TxDieselKid (52), 3xist3nc3 (1646) 1844:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Measurement || What instrument measures walking distance? 1844:< HookahComputer> shoes 1844:< StuRobo> pedometer 1844:< vox35> pedometer 1844:< GriffinPrice> pedometer 1844:< 3xist3nc3> pedometer 1844:< femdemgem> foot 1844:< TxDieselKid> pedometer 1844:< bbrazil> trundle wheel 1844:< vox35> Also measures pedos 1844:< 3xist3nc3> meter of pedophiles 1844:< npinsker> The answer was pedometer! Correct users: StuRobo (345), vox35 (101), GriffinPrice (16), 3xist3nc3 (1647), TxDieselKid (52) 1845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This alkaloid extracted from chincona bark, ______ is commonly used in malaria therapy. 1845:< vox35> Quinine 1845:< StuRobo> quinine 1845:< femdemgem> quinine 1845:< npinsker> The answer was quinine! Correct users: vox35 (105), SoftSandalwood (3), StuRobo (347), femdemgem (139) 1845:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || Who built the 'Cherokee' and 'Comanche' aircraft? 1845:< StuRobo> hughes 1846:< StuRobo> boeing? 1846:< vox35> The American Indian 1846:< femdemgem> piper aircrat 1846:< femdemgem> piper aircraft 1846:< npinsker> The answer was Piper! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1846:< vox35> femdemgem was robbed! 1846:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney. 1846:< femdemgem> :( 1846:< aspbergerinparadise> fantasia 1846:< StuRobo> ooft 1846:< bbrazil> Fantasia 1846:< andysniper> fantasia 1846:< vox35> Fantasia 1847:< 3xist3nc3> fantasia 1847:< npinsker> The answer was Fantasia! Correct users: bbrazil (23), andysniper (383), vox35 (107), 3xist3nc3 (1648) 1847:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, what did Daedalus construct for Minos? 1847:< Patarknight> Labyrinth 1847:< femdemgem> wings 1847:< StuRobo> a big thing 1847:< vox35> Cornucopia 1847:< npinsker> The answer was labyrinth! Correct users: Patarknight (1547) 1847:< 3xist3nc3> a building 1847:< vox35> Fucked if I know 1848:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1648), Patarknight (1547), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1848:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Little Mermaid is found in the harbor of which city? 1848:< Patarknight> Copenhagen 1848:< 3xist3nc3> copenhagen 1848:< vox35> Disneyland 1848:< TxDieselKid> copenhagen 1848:< andysniper> copnhagen 1848:< 3xist3nc3> aarhus 1848:< npinsker> The answer was Copenhagen! Correct users: Patarknight (1551), 3xist3nc3 (1651), TxDieselKid (54) 1849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a group of peacocks called? 1849:< 3xist3nc3> cocks 1849:< femdemgem> flock 1849:< andysniper> flock 1849:< TxDieselKid> muster 1849:< vox35> A urine 1849:< 3xist3nc3> flock 1849:< npinsker> The answer was muster! Correct users: TxDieselKid (58) 1849:< StuRobo> muster 1849:< vox35> Mustard 1849:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Hungary? 1849:< TxDieselKid> lunch 1849:< Patarknight> Budapest 1849:< HookahComputer> Budapest 1850:< StuRobo> budapest 1850:< vox35> Buda pesht 1850:< npinsker> The answer was Budapest! Correct users: Patarknight (1555), HookahComputer (525), StuRobo (349) 1850:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war? 1850:< 3xist3nc3> H 1850:< StuRobo> 19 1850:< femdemgem> 18 1850:< vox35> 12 1850:< monoglot> 20 1850:< 3xist3nc3> 19 1850:< TxDieselKid> 19 1850:< StuRobo> nnnnnineteen 1850:< femdemgem> 19 1851:< npinsker> The answer was nineteen! Correct users: StuRobo (353), 3xist3nc3 (1654), TxDieselKid (60), femdemgem (140) 1851:< vox35> The fuck? Numbers should count 1851:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What herbivore sleeps one hour a night? 1851:< monoglot> koala 1851:< vox35> Oh wait, they did 1851:< bbrazil> lion sleeps a night 1851:< TxDieselKid> antelope 1851:< femdemgem> antelope 1851:< vox35> Me 1851:< npinsker> The answer was antelope! Correct users: TxDieselKid (64), femdemgem (143) 1852:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic Table || What is the first element in alphabetical order? 1852:< femdemgem> Ag 1852:< vox35> Argon 1852:< monoglot> americium 1852:< TxDieselKid> actinium 1852:< 3xist3nc3> actinium 1852:< femdemgem> Ac 1852:< npinsker> The answer was Actinium! Correct users: TxDieselKid (68), 3xist3nc3 (1657) --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:00 2016 1853:< 3xist3nc3> mars 1853:< vox35> Mars 1853:< femdemgem> Mars 1853:< monoglot> Mars 1853:< TxDieselKid> mars 1853:< npinsker> The answer was Mars! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1661), vox35 (110), femdemgem (145), monoglot (21), TxDieselKid (68) 1853:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned. 1853:< monoglot> Nero 1853:< 3xist3nc3> nero 1853:< aspbergerinparadise> nero 1853:< GriffinPrice> Nero 1853:< TxDieselKid> nero 1853:< TxDieselKid> negro 1853:< embracetehmartian> elect grakiao 1853:< 3xist3nc3> kids 1854:< embracetehmartian> ELECT Grakiao 1854:< npinsker> The answer was Nero! Correct users: monoglot (25), 3xist3nc3 (1664), GriffinPrice (18), TxDieselKid (69) 1854:< femdemgem> Is that why there's a burner software called nero? 1854:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1664), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1854:< TxDieselKid> oh shit, I'm 69, don't know if it want any more points. lol 1854:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."? 1854:< 3xist3nc3> yes 1854:< monoglot> Mark Twain 1854:< 3xist3nc3> Mark Twain 1854:< femdemgem> mark twain 1854:< Lowbacca1977> clemens 1855:< npinsker> The answer was Mark Twain! Correct users: monoglot (29), 3xist3nc3 (1667), femdemgem (147) --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:21 2016 1855:< Lowbacca1977> shenanigans 1855:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || Who is Bibendum better known as? 1855:< OneiricNeuron> justin bieber 1855:< femdemgem> michelin guy 1855:< femdemgem> michelin man 1855:< monoglot> Michelin Man 1855:< npinsker> The answer was The Michelin Man! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1856:< OneiricNeuron> why? 1856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'? 1856:< OneiricNeuron> oh you forgot the 1856:< OneiricNeuron> exxon --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:38 2016 1856:< npinsker> The answer was Ealing and Enfield! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1856:< vox35> England town and Eng-land land 1856:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926? 1856:< TxDieselKid> enfield and ealing 1857:< TxDieselKid> damn 1857:< 3xist3nc3> Aerosol 1857:< femdemgem> aerosol can 1857:< GriffinPrice> womens suffrage 1857:< npinsker> The answer was aerosol! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1671) 1857:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What is Kermit D Frog's girlfriend's name? 1857:< 3xist3nc3> piggy 1857:< vox35> Miss Piggy 1857:< Socksauna> mrs piggy 1858:< femdemgem> denise 1858:< npinsker> The answer was Miss Piggy! Correct users: vox35 (114) 1858:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora? 1858:< vox35> I got that because I have a pig puppet fetish 1858:< OneiricNeuron> Moons 1858:< femdemgem> asteroids 1858:< Socksauna> satalites 1858:< npinsker> The answer was asteroids! Correct users: femdemgem (151) 1859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals. 1859:< aspbergerinparadise> tapeworm 1859:< vox35> Tape worm 1859:< OneiricNeuron> E. coli 1859:< Socksauna> tapeworm 1859:< etray> tapeworm 1859:< vox35> Among other things 1859:< femdemgem> eww 1859:< npinsker> The answer was tapeworm! Correct users: Socksauna (12), etray (98) 1859:< OneiricNeuron> it doesnt llive in mine 1859:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Pseudonyms || What is Alice Cooper's real name? 1900:< GriffinPrice> Johnny Bravo 1900:< etray> correction it CAN live doesnt ALWAYS live 1900:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 1900:< vox35> Stop lying, @OneiricNeuron 1900:< femdemgem> Lady gaga 1900:< Socksauna> Dave 1900:< vox35> We know you have one 1900:< npinsker> The answer was Vincent Furnier! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1900:< OneiricNeuron> no i dont vox35 1900:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1671), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1900:< vox35> That's exactly what someone with a tapeworm WOULD say... 1900:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history. 1900:< Authsauce> i love my pet tapeworms 1901:< OneiricNeuron> ok i might have....but just one 1901:< aspbergerinparadise> louisiana purchase 1901:< 3xist3nc3> Louisiana Purchase 1901:< Authsauce> the louisiana purchase 1901:< vox35> Alaska 1901:< OneiricNeuron> North Mexico 1901:< Socksauna> old mexico 1901:< grink> smelly louisiana purchase 1901:< femdemgem> stuyvesant town 1901:< npinsker> The answer was Louisiana Purchase! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1675), Authsauce (360), grink (157) 1901:< Authsauce> syphillis 1901:< OneiricNeuron> True 1901:< vox35> Syphillus 1901:< grink> rotten dick 1901:< femdemgem> rip 1901:< _deffer_> syphillus 1902:< femdemgem> ebola 1902:< npinsker> The answer was syphilis! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1902:< vox35> cant spel 1902:< Authsauce> hahahahaha 1902:< femdemgem> fuck spelling 1902:< etray> :D 1902:< OneiricNeuron> losers 1902:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What color are French Letter Boxes? 1902:< etray> yellow 1902:< OneiricNeuron> red 1902:< femdemgem> yellow 1902:< vox35> French coloured 1902:< Authsauce> periwinkle 1902:< grink> mustard yellow 1902:< OneiricNeuron> im french i know 1902:< _deffer_> yellow 1902:< Authsauce> red 1902:< etray> france too 1902:< npinsker> The answer was yellow! Correct users: etray (102), femdemgem (154), grink (159), _deffer_ (220) 1902:< OneiricNeuron> le red 1902:< vox35> OneiricNeuron coloured 1902:< Authsauce> lol 1902:< etray> ouais 1903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Muthology || In Greek mythology, the riddle of what did Oedipus solve? 1903:< etray> bon bah c'est fait 1903:< grink> his mom 1903:< femdemgem> sphinx 1903:< 3xist3nc3> of having sex with one's mother 1903:< _deffer_> sphinx 1903:< GriffinPrice> Sphinx 1903:< Authsauce> the 4 leg 2 leg 3 leg one 1903:< vox35> THe Gordian Knot 1903:< Authsauce> sphynx 1903:< 3xist3nc3> Sphinx 1903:< OneiricNeuron> the sphink 1903:< vox35> or knot 1903:< etray> the sphinxter 1903:< npinsker> The answer was sphinx! Correct users: femdemgem (158), _deffer_ (223), GriffinPrice (20), 3xist3nc3 (1676) 1903:< grink> sphincter 1903:< Authsauce> ffs 1903:< OneiricNeuron> grink thats in ur stomach 1903:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What protein makes blood red? 1903:< grink> cum 1904:< OneiricNeuron> hemoglobin 1904:< etray> hemoblobine 1904:< 3xist3nc3> Hemoglobin 1904:< femdemgem> hemoglobin 1904:< vox35> Hemoglobin 1904:< etray> hemoglobin 1904:< OneiricNeuron> homoglobin 1904:< grink> homo goblin 1904:< GriffinPrice> the hobgoblin 1904:< Authsauce> homo-goblin 1904:< npinsker> The answer was Haemoglobin! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1904:< OneiricNeuron> hoboglobin 1904:< etray> HAEMOS 1904:< HookahComputer> hemoblowme 1904:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which band included rock greats Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, George Harrison, and Bob Dylan? 1904:< HookahComputer> haemoglobin 1904:< OneiricNeuron> homoblowme 1904:< etray> the Homos 1904:< grink> tom petty and the heartbreakers 1904:< femdemgem> traveling wilburrys 1904:< Authsauce> tom petty and the homoblowers 1904:< CryEagle> tom petty and the fartrakers 1905:< vox35> Travelling Wilburries 1905:< femdemgem> travelling wilburrys 1905:< spyhermit> yeah its the travelling wilburrys 1905:< OneiricNeuron> the beatles 1905:< etray> travelling fartberrys 1905:< npinsker> The answer was The Travelling Wilburys! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1905:< GriffinPrice> sisterhood of travelling pants 1905:< spyhermit> I think it requires the whole thing spelled right 1905:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta? 1905:< vox35> The stay at home wilburys 1905:< grink> giant farts 1905:< CryEagle> General Custer 1905:< AndyD418> the travelling wilburys 1905:< _deffer_> the british 1905:< femdemgem> british 1905:< Authsauce> the aztec 1905:< npinsker> The answer was British officers! Correct users: _deffer_ (227), femdemgem (161) 1905:< etray> gays 1906:< _deffer_> this chat 1906:< grink> asgard 1906:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Rum is made from this plant. 1906:< grink> sugar 1906:< etray> sugar cane 1906:< aspbergerinparadise> sugar cane 1906:< grink> sugar cane 1906:< _deffer_> sugarcane 1906:< OneiricNeuron> british officerrs 1906:< grink> tpain 1906:< _deffer_> sugar cane 1906:< etray> traveling wilburys 1906:< vox35> Sugar cane 1906:< npinsker> The answer was sugar cane! Correct users: etray (106), grink (162), _deffer_ (229), vox35 (115) 1906:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1676), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What position does the character Cornelius Fudge hold in the Harry Potter books? 1907:< vox35> Minister of Magic 1907:< npinsker> The answer was Minister of Magic! Correct users: vox35 (119) 1907:< _deffer_> minister of magic 1907:< grink> magic school bus 1907:< HookahComputer> minister of magic 1907:< femdemgem> woah that was fast 1907:< etray> sugar cane 1907:< _deffer_> ...that 4 second response time. 1907:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Odd Words || Basmati is a type of what? 1907:< femdemgem> travelling wildburys 1907:< grink> rice 1908:< vox35> Rice 1908:< grink> RICE 1908:< 3xist3nc3> Rice 1908:< OneiricNeuron> beans 1908:< _deffer_> rice 1908:< GriffinPrice> indian dance 1908:< grink> curry 1908:< 3xist3nc3> Food 1908:< etray> what food is great eaten with rice 1908:< etray> top post 1908:< npinsker> The answer was Rice! Correct users: grink (166), vox35 (122), 3xist3nc3 (1678), _deffer_ (230), etray (106) 1908:< CryEagle> )601( yarte ,)032( _reffed_ ,)8761( 3cn3tsix3 ,)221( 53xov ,)661( knirg :sresu tcerroC !eciR saw rewsna ehT 1908:< vox35> 3xist3nc3 is technically correct 1908:< vox35> It IS food 1908:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor. 1908:< CryEagle> .roop eht gnoma krow reh rof ezirP ecaeP leboN 9791 eht now ehS || yrotsiH :YROGETAC 1908:< aspbergerinparadise> mother teresa 1908:< grink> jesus 1908:< OneiricNeuron> mother therese 1908:< etray> Momma Teresa 1908:< vox35> Mother Theresa 1908:< _deffer_> Hillary 1909:< etray> lol 1909:< CryEagle> If Reddit has taught me anything, it's that mother teresa was an evil cunt 1909:< OneiricNeuron> mother tyrone 1909:< npinsker> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1909:< etray> well Obama won also 1909:< CryEagle> (: )ydobon( :sresu tcerroC !asereT rehtoM saw rewsna ehT 1909:< vox35> Obama in drag 1909:< 3xist3nc3> literally hitler 1909:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What's the capital of Poland? 1909:< 3xist3nc3> Warsaw 1909:< HookahComputer> warsaw 1909:< _deffer_> warsaw 1909:< femdemgem> teresa = hitler 1909:< etray> polandball 1909:< OneiricNeuron> warsawk 1909:< vox35> Warsaw 1909:< 3xist3nc3> P 1909:< npinsker> The answer was Warsaw! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1682), HookahComputer (528), _deffer_ (232), vox35 (123) 1910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || Which Writer established the three laws of robotics? 1910:< HookahComputer> Isaac Asimov 1910:< grink> styx 1910:< vox35> Issac Asimov 1910:< etray> Isaac asimov 1910:< femdemgem> asimov 1910:< 3xist3nc3> Asimov 1910:< _deffer_> issac asimov 1910:< neverkidding> asimov 1910:< OneiricNeuron> newton 1910:< bbrazil> Isaac Asimov 1910:< grink> mr roboto 1910:< vox35> Deen Koontz 1910:< etray> deez nuts 1910:< GriffinPrice> Asimov 1910:< npinsker> The answer was Isaac Asimov! Correct users: HookahComputer (532), etray (109), bbrazil (25) 1910:< OneiricNeuron> i never win : ( 1910:< femdemgem> when's the season 2 coming? 1910:< grink> summer? 1910:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known as? 1911:< etray> pele 1911:< Hug_The_NSA> Jay Leno 1911:< grink> asshat 1911:< neverkidding> pele 1911:< HookahComputer> Eddie van Halen 1911:< femdemgem> yeah, I can't wait. 1911:< vox35> Hey, they changed the response thingy so it takes your second answer now? 1911:< 3xist3nc3> Pele 1911:< etray> diego maradona 1911:< vox35> Time to end my dumb jokes then 1911:< Hug_The_NSA> President George H. W. Bush 1911:< OneiricNeuron> don quixote 1911:< npinsker> The answer was Pele! Correct users: etray (113), neverkidding (225), 3xist3nc3 (1684) 1911:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did the bayonet originate? 1911:< Hug_The_NSA> France 1911:< femdemgem> you misspelled it 1911:< 3xist3nc3> France 1911:< grink> 1 france 1911:< HookahComputer> france 1912:< npinsker> The answer was Bayonne, France! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (4), 3xist3nc3 (1687), grink (168), HookahComputer (533), vox35 (123) 1912:< vox35> Fuuuuck! 1912:< grink> bayonne, njh 1912:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Fold Mother (3) 1912:< grink> um what 1912:< OneiricNeuron> laundry 1912:< 3xist3nc3> Eva 1912:< 3xist3nc3> Laundry 1912:< OneiricNeuron> cli 1912:< femdemgem> eva 1912:< grink> ted 1912:< HookahComputer> ewe 1912:< npinsker> The answer was ewe! Correct users: HookahComputer (537) 1912:< vox35> ? 1913:< vox35> Fuck ewe 1913:< Hug_The_NSA> damn nice 1913:< HookahComputer> :D 1913:< femdemgem> eva green 1913:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1687), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1913:< reaper_13> whats the ETA on the merge 1913:< vox35> Never 1913:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || True Or False: The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island. 1913:< HookahComputer> Fales 1913:< 3xist3nc3> They removed the button and it's been over a day so never 1913:< grink> wrong answer false 1913:< StuRobo> false 1913:< OneiricNeuron> false 1913:< Hug_The_NSA> False 1913:< femdemgem> false 1913:< 3xist3nc3> false 1913:< OneiricNeuron> faroe islands 1913:< vox35> Seriously, if not enough new rooms rise up, it ain't gonna happen 1913:< npinsker> The answer was false! Correct users: grink (172), StuRobo (356), OneiricNeuron (55), Hug_The_NSA (5), femdemgem (161), 3xist3nc3 (1687) 1914:< StuRobo> They removed the button? 1914:< vox35> Yeah 1914:< 3xist3nc3> At least for me 1914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the wristwatch? 1914:< grink> maybe the right answer: cronos 1914:< HookahComputer> Charles Babbage 1914:< Hug_The_NSA> John Jacob Jingleheimer Shmintt 1914:< OneiricNeuron> edward scissorhands 1914:< grink> The NSA 1914:< StuRobo> Charles D Wristwatch 1914:< vox35> Bob Wristwatch 1914:< etray> mr clock 1914:< npinsker> The answer was Louis Cartier! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1914:< Hug_The_NSA> omfg 1914:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gems || What is the birthstone for August? 1915:< OneiricNeuron> opal 1915:< grink> Hug_The_NSA amethyst 1915:< HookahComputer> amber 1915:< etray> who cares 1915:< OneiricNeuron> diamond 1915:< grink> minecraft 1915:< grink> steve 1915:< OneiricNeuron> amethysst 1915:< Hug_The_NSA> Ruby 1915:< npinsker> The answer was peridot! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1915:< grink> i have tons of those 1915:< Hug_The_NSA> Literally who cares 1915:< Hug_The_NSA> about peridot 1915:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"? 1915:< grink> asutria 1915:< aspbergerinparadise> austria 1915:< BrownMario> austria 1915:< etray> austria 1915:< grink> austria 1915:< Hug_The_NSA> A school 1915:< femdemgem> austria 1915:< OneiricNeuron> australia 1915:< StuRobo> Austria WWII 1916:< etray> literlly birthplace of hitler 1916:< grink> the hills are alive 1916:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: BrownMario (432), etray (116), grink (174), femdemgem (162) 1916:< StuRobo> get fucked 1916:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which mammals fly? 1916:< etray> bats 1916:< neverkidding> bats 1916:< OneiricNeuron> bat 1916:< HookahComputer> the ones with wings 1916:< BrownMario> bats 1916:< femdemgem> bats 1916:< 3xist3nc3> bats 1916:< grink> batman 1916:< BrownMario> nice hookah 1916:< Hug_The_NSA> Squrrels 1916:< OneiricNeuron> basaeball bats 1916:< femdemgem> unicorns 1916:< etray> superman 1916:< sabotourAssociate> batman 1916:< grink> charlie the unicorn 1916:< neverkidding> bats are the #1 rabies vector in the united states 1916:< Hug_The_NSA> squirrels 1917:< HookahComputer> You have subscribed to bat facts! 1917:< grink> butt fucks 1917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Bangkok is the capital of ____________? 1917:< femdemgem> unsubscribe 1917:< BrownMario> thailand 1917:< etray> thailand 1917:< Hug_The_NSA> Thailand 1917:< OneiricNeuron> thailand 1917:< femdemgem> Thailand 1917:< HookahComputer> thailand 1917:< grink> thailand 1917:< neverkidding> Thank you for subscribing to bat facts! Bat Fact #1 bats will fuck your shit up. Do not mess with bats 1917:< npinsker> The answer was Thailand! Correct users: BrownMario (438), etray (123), Hug_The_NSA (7), OneiricNeuron (56), femdemgem (163), HookahComp... 1917:< grink> txt bats to 44444 to die 1917:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the "aqueous humor" found? 1918:< aspbergerinparadise> eye 1918:< neverkidding> eye 1918:< BrownMario> eye 1918:< Hug_The_NSA> Eye 1918:< femdemgem> eye 1918:< 3xist3nc3> eye 1918:< bbrazil> eye 1918:< etray> eye 1918:< grink> pirates 1918:< femdemgem> I 1918:< OneiricNeuron> bat fact # 356 fruit bats will give you ebola 1918:< npinsker> The answer was eye! Correct users: neverkidding (232), BrownMario (441), Hug_The_NSA (9), femdemgem (164), 3xist3nc3 (1687), bbrazil (2... 1918:< HookahComputer> unsubscribe 1918:< etray> unsubscribe 1918:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests? 1918:< OneiricNeuron> double subscribed 1918:< femdemgem> subscribe 1918:< etray> thailand 1918:< femdemgem> Japan 1918:< neverkidding> japan 1918:< OneiricNeuron> chine 1918:< BrownMario> japna 1918:< HookahComputer> Russia 1918:< Robairt> yibet 1918:< grink> canada 1918:< Hug_The_NSA> Japan 1919:< etray> USA 1919:< BrownMario> japan 1919:< Robairt> tibet 1919:< femdemgem> India 1919:< OneiricNeuron> chine 1919:< grink> east new york 1919:< etray> :D 1919:< BrownMario> candyland 1919:< npinsker> The answer was Tibet! Correct users: Robairt (6) 1919:< BrownMario> yibet is right! 1919:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1687), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1919:< neverkidding> for real though i fucking hate bats 1919:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who died three days before Groucho Marx? 1919:< etray> thanks Mr Wayne 1919:< grink> jesus 1919:< neverkidding> np 1919:< BrownMario> carl marx 1919:< Hug_The_NSA> Abraham Lincoln 1919:< 3xist3nc3> Elvis Presley 1919:< HookahComputer> carl marx 1919:< BrownMario> abraham lincoln 1919:< etray> *thank 1920:< grink> coral marks 1920:< femdemgem> elvis presley 1920:< femdemgem> lady gaga 1920:< npinsker> The answer was Elvis Presley! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1691), femdemgem (167) 1920:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the 'wallops'? 1920:< etray> australia 1920:< BrownMario> australia 1920:< StuRobo> england 1920:< neverkidding> australia 1920:< grink> maryland 1920:< Hug_The_NSA> Australia 1920:< HookahComputer> upside your head 1920:< grink> virginia 1920:< OneiricNeuron> uk 1920:< femdemgem> virginia 1920:< grink> wallops island no? 1920:< etray> wallabee is australian so wallop must be also 1920:< OneiricNeuron> down there 1920:< npinsker> The answer was Hampshire! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1921:< etray> ok not 1921:< BrownMario> haha 1921:< OneiricNeuron> lie your wallops 1921:< 3xist3nc3> So UK 1921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fruit || A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits? 1921:< BrownMario> raspberry and strawberry 1921:< 3xist3nc3> Strawberry and blackberry 1921:< OneiricNeuron> apple and banana 1921:< neverkidding> raspberry and strawberry 1921:< grink> taylorswift berry 1921:< femdemgem> blackberry and raspberry 1921:< Hug_The_NSA> Strawberry and Raspberry 1921:< 3xist3nc3> Taylor Swift and BlackBerry phone 1921:< BrownMario> you made that joke yesterday! 1921:< Hug_The_NSA> Blackberry and Raspberry 1921:< npinsker> The answer was blackberry and raspberry! Correct users: femdemgem (171), Hug_The_NSA (12) 1921:< femdemgem> nice 1921:< Hug_The_NSA> tyvm 1921:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is the Mayo Clinic? 1922:< aspbergerinparadise> minnesota 1922:< neverkidding> new york 1922:< BrownMario> minnesota 1922:< OneiricNeuron> tenese 1922:< 3xist3nc3> Minnesota 1922:< neverkidding> minnesota 1922:< BrownMario> mayonaise 1922:< femdemgem> minnesota 1922:< grink> mayonnaise 1922:< vox35> New York 1922:< Hug_The_NSA> Georga 1922:< femdemgem> rochester 1922:< Hug_The_NSA> cant even spell it... 1922:< neverkidding> disneyland 1922:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: BrownMario (445), 3xist3nc3 (1694), neverkidding (234), femdemgem (172) 1922:< vox35> Mini Soda 1922:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made? 1922:< neverkidding> papaya 1922:< aspbergerinparadise> cherry 1922:< grink> quesh 1922:< etray> cherries 1922:< Hug_The_NSA> cherry 1922:< OneiricNeuron> strawberrie 1922:< neverkidding> cherry 1923:< femdemgem> banana 1923:< BrownMario> cherry 1923:< Hug_The_NSA> papaya 1923:< etray> cherry 1923:< OneiricNeuron> bery 1923:< grink> cucumber 1923:< npinsker> The answer was cherry! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (16), neverkidding (237), BrownMario (447), etray (124) 1923:< neverkidding> Hug_The_NSA lolololol 1923:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Kingston is the capital of which country? 1923:< BrownMario> jamaica 1923:< neverkidding> jamaica 1923:< etray> Jamaica my man 1923:< aspbergerinparadise> jamaica 1923:< Hug_The_NSA> south africa 1923:< 3xist3nc3> jamaica 1923:< OneiricNeuron> hati 1923:< grink> star trek 1923:< vox35> Jamaica 1923:< etray> i used to sit 1923:< Hug_The_NSA> christ this is fucking hilarious 1923:< etray> in a government yard in trenchtown 1923:< npinsker> The answer was Jamaica! Correct users: BrownMario (451), neverkidding (240), 3xist3nc3 (1696), vox35 (124) 1923:< neverkidding> Hug_The_NSA I think the capitol of south africa is cape town 1924:< Hug_The_NSA> it is yea 1924:< 3xist3nc3> Isn't it Johannesburg 1924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon? 1924:< neverkidding> btw npinsker it's "capitol" not "capital" 1924:< AndyD418> watergate 1924:< BrownMario> watergate 1924:< vox35> Watergate 1924:< 3xist3nc3> Watergate 1924:< neverkidding> watergate 1924:< femdemgem> watergate 1924:< grink> i like watergate 1924:< etray> Lewinsky scandal 1924:< OneiricNeuron> Watermelone 1924:< neverkidding> deflategate 1924:< BrownMario> panamagate 1924:< grink> blue dress 1924:< grink> cigars 1924:< BrownMario> gold* dress 1924:< OneiricNeuron> waterfence 1924:< npinsker> The answer was Watergate! Correct users: AndyD418 (128), BrownMario (454), vox35 (126), 3xist3nc3 (1697), neverkidding (240), femdemgem... 1924:< femdemgem> What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Hillary Clinton? 1924:< etray> Lewinsky scandal 1924:< andysniper> watergategate 1924:< AndyD418> her dick slipped out 1924:< grink> hard knocks 1924:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Drama || "Our Town" is a play by whom? 1925:< Hug_The_NSA> Pretoria (executive) Bloemfontein (judicial) Cape Town (legislative) 1925:< BrownMario> trump 1925:< grink> sanders 1925:< Hug_The_NSA> south africa has 3 capitols 1925:< vox35> Joanna Ourtownington 1925:< neverkidding> interesting 1925:< grink> kerry washington 1925:< npinsker> The answer was Thornton Wilder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1925:< etray> What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Donald Trump? 1925:< grink> mexigate 1925:< OneiricNeuron> toupee 1925:< etray> correct 1925:< vox35> Hairgate 1925:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1697), Patarknight (1555), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1925:< Hug_The_NSA> mexigate lamo 1925:< femdemgem> wallgate 1925:< 3xist3nc3> What was the name of the scandal the resulted in the resignation of candidate Jeb Bush? 1925:< neverkidding> George Bush 1925:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the capital of East Germany? 1925:< _deffer_> Guac 1926:< 3xist3nc3> mexicogate 1926:< grink> weedwhacker 1926:< femdemgem> berlin 1926:< Patarknight> East Berlin 1926:< BrownMario> east berlin 1926:< andysniper> berlin 1926:< neverkidding> east berlin 1926:< etray> Berlin 1926:< Hug_The_NSA> East berlin 1926:< 3xist3nc3> East Berlin 1926:< BrownMario> west berlin 1926:< _deffer_> east berlin 1926:< grink> best berlin 1926:< vox35> Bern 1926:< Hug_The_NSA> berlin 1926:< vox35> Bonn 1926:< etray> Bernie 1926:< npinsker> The answer was East Berlin! Correct users: Patarknight (1559), BrownMario (457), neverkidding (242), Hug_The_NSA (17), 3xist3nc3 (1697)... 1926:< vox35> Bernlin 1926:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what body of water does the Danube River flow? 1926:< Patarknight> North Sea 1926:< grink> dead sea 1926:< aspbergerinparadise> black sea 1926:< neverkidding> north se 1926:< etray> NORTH SEA 1926:< BrownMario> north sea 1926:< Hug_The_NSA> north sea 1926:< 3xist3nc3> Black sea 1926:< grink> wet sea 1926:< OneiricNeuron> into ireland 1926:< neverkidding> fuck this i'm going rogue 1926:< andysniper> black sea 1926:< vox35> North Sea 1926:< Patarknight> Black Sea 1927:< Hug_The_NSA> black sea 1927:< jeuv> black sea 1927:< npinsker> The answer was Black Sea! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1701), andysniper (386), Patarknight (1561), Hug_The_NSA (18), _deffer_ (232), jeuv... 1927:< grink> i think our stupid answers got us more players 1927:< etray> what no north sea 1927:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This actress appeared in "St. Elmo's Fire", "The Scarlett Letter", and "Striptease". 1927:< Hug_The_NSA> I like the stupid answers 1927:< aspbergerinparadise> demi moore 1927:< OneiricNeuron> your welcome 1927:< grink> sluts 1927:< 3xist3nc3> demi moore 1927:< jeuv> demi moore 1927:< vox35> Demi Moore 1927:< Hug_The_NSA> demi moore 1927:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the proper name for the joint commonly called the wrist? 1927:< OneiricNeuron> sesame street 1927:< andysniper> half moore 1927:< femdemgem> demi lovato 1927:< etray> Demi "the chair" Moore 1927:< npinsker> The answer was Demi Moore! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1705), jeuv (191), vox35 (128), Hug_The_NSA (19) 1928:< vox35> What is an entire Moore like, I wonder? 1928:< OneiricNeuron> lol 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a female cat called? 1928:< etray> pussy 1928:< grink> bitch 1928:< Hug_The_NSA> pussy 1928:< femdemgem> molly 1928:< jeuv> pussy 1928:< neverkidding> QUEEN 1928:< _deffer_> queen 1928:< vox35> Sge-cat 1928:< OneiricNeuron> shecat 1928:< grink> queef 1928:< vox35> She-cat 1928:< neverkidding> ANIMAL KNOWLEEEEEEEEEEDGE 1928:< Hug_The_NSA> "girl" 1928:< OneiricNeuron> sandra 1928:< npinsker> The answer was queen! Correct users: neverkidding (246), _deffer_ (235) 1928:< vox35> Patsy Walker: Hellcat 1928:< grink> til 1928:< jeuv> knawledge 1928:< etray> til 1928:< Hug_The_NSA> yea til 1928:< SalZoRz> svlad what do you mean 1928:< neverkidding> Why did nobody answer my anatomy question 1928:< femdemgem> hows that semantics? 1928:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played the murder victim in the original version of 'Psycho'? 1929:< grink> jesus 1929:< neverkidding> janet leigh 1929:< 3xist3nc3> janet leigh 1929:< Hug_The_NSA> janet leigh 1929:< jeuv> janet leigh 1929:< vox35> Janet Leigh 1929:< grink> janus 1929:< _deffer_> janet leigh 1929:< etray> some obscure 60s actress 1929:< Hug_The_NSA> gengis khan 1929:< npinsker> The answer was Janet Leigh! Correct users: neverkidding (250), 3xist3nc3 (1708), Hug_The_NSA (21), jeuv (192), vox35 (128), _deffer_ (235) 1929:< femdemgem> jennifer lawrence 1929:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Bibile || What 'S' was a king of israel who was famous for his wisdom? 1929:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Which of these animals has a rumen? Goat, pig, horse 1929:< andysniper> wait she gets murdered? 1929:< jeuv> solomon 1929:< femdemgem> solomon 1929:< OneiricNeuron> solomon 1929:< 3xist3nc3> solomon 1929:< Hug_The_NSA> solomon 1930:< andysniper> fucking spoilers dude 1930:< grink> secret sauce 1930:< etray> solomon 1930:< OneiricNeuron> salmon 1930:< 3xist3nc3> sodom 1930:< _deffer_> solomon 1930:< npinsker> The answer was Solomon! Correct users: jeuv (196), femdemgem (175), OneiricNeuron (58), 3xist3nc3 (1709), Hug_The_NSA (21), etray (124)... 1930:< OneiricNeuron> sodomy 1930:< femdemgem> Snape kills dumbledore 1930:< _deffer_> :O 1930:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly north of Israel? 1930:< neverkidding> The answer was goat! You all suck at anatomy :( 1930:< aspbergerinparadise> lebanon 1930:< Patarknight> Lebanon 1930:< grink> the sea 1930:< jeuv> lebanon 1930:< 3xist3nc3> Lebanon 1930:< andysniper> lebanon 1930:< _deffer_> lebanon 1930:< femdemgem> lebanon 1930:< Hug_The_NSA> lebanon 1930:< grink> canada 1930:< OneiricNeuron> lesbos 1930:< etray> ley bay non 1930:< Hug_The_NSA> the north pole 1930:< OneiricNeuron> lebanana 1930:< npinsker> The answer was Lebanon! Correct users: Patarknight (1565), jeuv (199), 3xist3nc3 (1711), andysniper (387), _deffer_ (235), femdemgem (1... 1931:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || From which fish is caviar obtained? 1931:< etray> welcome to the trivia where the points don' matter and... 1931:< aspbergerinparadise> sturgeon 1931:< Hug_The_NSA> sturgeon 1931:< Patarknight> sturgeon 1931:< jeuv> sturgeon 1931:< OneiricNeuron> nemo 1931:< _deffer_> sturgeon 1931:< grink> like a surgeon for the very first time 1931:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Chickens || What is commonly done with the male descendants of egg-laying hens? 1931:< femdemgem> dead fish 1931:< npinsker> The answer was sturgeon! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (25), Patarknight (1568), jeuv (201), _deffer_ (236) 1931:< 3xist3nc3> killed for the very first time 1931:< etray> madonna 1931:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1711), Patarknight (1568), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1932:< _deffer_> neverkidding, they get dedded 1932:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Banking || What was the first credit card called? 1932:< 3xist3nc3> americard 1932:< _deffer_> diners club 1932:< etray> credit card 1932:< neverkidding> The answer was they are ground alive! Correct users: _deffer_ (1,000) 1932:< grink> food stamps 1932:< Hug_The_NSA> americard 1932:< 3xist3nc3> diners' club 1932:< _deffer_> diner's club 1932:< etray> diners club 1932:< femdemgem> americard 1932:< Hug_The_NSA> diners club 1932:< grink> seal clubbing 1932:< npinsker> The answer was Diner's Club! Correct users: _deffer_ (240), 3xist3nc3 (1714), etray (126), Hug_The_NSA (26) 1933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who recorded 'A Boy Named Sue'? 1933:< Hug_The_NSA> Neil Young 1933:< grink> a girl named bobby 1933:< _deffer_> johnny cash 1933:< OneiricNeuron> Sue 1933:< etray> elvis 1933:< Hug_The_NSA> Johnny Cash 1933:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Diseases || What animal is the #1 rabies vector in the united states? 1933:< grink> kurt cobain 1933:< Hug_The_NSA> Bats 1933:< _deffer_> bats or racoons 1933:< RyuremSnow> me 1933:< etray> meirl 1933:< npinsker> The answer was Johnny Cash! Correct users: _deffer_ (244), Hug_The_NSA (29) 1933:< OneiricNeuron> fruit bats 1933:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || The second most common phobia, anthropophobia, is a fear of? 1933:< neverkidding> The answer was bats! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (504), _deffer_ (1,001) 1933:< grink> bats bones 1933:< Patarknight> people 1933:< 3xist3nc3> people 1933:< etray> old people 1933:< RyuremSnow> people 1933:< _deffer_> people 1933:< OneiricNeuron> anthropology majors 1934:< grink> humans 1934:< 3xist3nc3> congrats @_deffer_ 1934:< Hug_The_NSA> anthropology classes 1934:< npinsker> The answer was people! Correct users: Patarknight (1572), 3xist3nc3 (1717), etray (128), RyuremSnow (1), _deffer_ (244) 1934:< etray> rofl 1934:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995? 1934:< _deffer_> the bedroom 1934:< etray> whitehouse 1934:< OneiricNeuron> white hoes 1934:< grink> rockefeller center 1934:< Hug_The_NSA> The Whitehouse 1934:< femdemgem> the white house 1934:< 3xist3nc3> The white house 1934:< Hug_The_NSA> Rockefeller Center 1934:< grink> new york 1934:< etray> white house 1934:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Baby animals || What is the term for a newborn horse? 1934:< npinsker> The answer was Belfast, Northern Ireland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1934:< _deffer_> it's in europe, but I can't remember 1935:< 3xist3nc3> gold man sacks 1935:< _deffer_> or ireland 1935:< etray> REALLY 1935:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand? 1935:< 3xist3nc3> 4 1935:< grink> 6 1935:< Patarknight> 4 1935:< aspbergerinparadise> four 1935:< _deffer_> 4 1935:< Hug_The_NSA> Four 1935:< etray> four 1935:< OneiricNeuron> 69 1935:< GriffinPrice> four 1935:< vox35> 1 1935:< Hug_The_NSA> 4 1935:< neverkidding> The answer was foal! Nobody cares about baby animals :( 1935:< andysniper> 6 1935:< andysniper> 5 1935:< femdemgem> 12345 1935:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1721), Patarknight (1575), _deffer_ (246), Hug_The_NSA (30), etray (128), GriffinPrice (20) 1936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years? 1936:< Patarknight> Macbeth 1936:< etray> macbeth 1936:< Hug_The_NSA> Macbeth 1936:< grink> mcnugget 1936:< OneiricNeuron> king lear 1936:< _deffer_> macbeth 1936:< vox35> King Henry IV 1936:< GriffinPrice> king lear 1936:< Hug_The_NSA> Dumbledore 1936:< etray> i take fries to go 1936:< npinsker> The answer was Macbeth! Correct users: Patarknight (1579), etray (131), Hug_The_NSA (32), _deffer_ (247) 1936:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What river is Liverpool on? 1936:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Physiology || Which of these animals continuously produces saliva? Dog, goat, horse 1936:< vox35> Mersey 1936:< aspbergerinparadise> mersey 1936:< Hug_The_NSA> dog 1936:< 3xist3nc3> Dog 1936:< grink> morrissey 1936:< _deffer_> mersey 1936:< OneiricNeuron> kidney river 1937:< etray> mersey then i agree with the others 1937:< 3xist3nc3> Wait not again 1937:< grink> the smiths 1937:< npinsker> The answer was Mersey! Correct users: vox35 (132), _deffer_ (250) 1937:< vox35> Ferry...cross the Mersey... 1937:< etray> seems like wise people 1937:< 3xist3nc3> go eat a bag of dicks you can suffocate on ratelimit 1937:< _deffer_> ^ 1937:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer? 1937:< neverkidding> The answer was goat! Hug_The_NSA and 3xist3nc3 get 500 points each for trying! 1937:< etray> candle in the wind 1937:< grink> candle in the wind 1937:< GriffinPrice> Candle in the Wind 1937:< silver_anth> hi 1937:< 3xist3nc3> Candle in the Wind 1937:< _deffer_> candle in the wind 1937:< vox35> Candle In The Wind 1937:< OneiricNeuron> Candlo in the Wind 1937:< 3xist3nc3> Hi @silver_anth 1937:< Hug_The_NSA> dicks in the wind 1937:< neverkidding> Ok last one before I go to work 1937:< grink> fire in the fart 1937:< npinsker> The answer was Candle In The Wind! Correct users: etray (135), grink (177), GriffinPrice (22), 3xist3nc3 (1722), _deffer_ (250), vox35 ... 1938:< OneiricNeuron> welcome 1938:< vox35> 'lo 1938:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1722), Patarknight (1579), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1938:< etray> needs more QuizUp 1938:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a __________ is often eaten for breakfast. 1938:< neverkidding> CATEGORY: Anatomy || How many stomachs does a cow have? 1938:< aspbergerinparadise> grapefruit 1938:< _deffer_> grapefruit 1938:< femdemgem> grapefruit 1938:< vox35> Grape Nuts 1938:< _deffer_> 3 1938:< grink> rape fruit 1938:< Hug_The_NSA> gra[efriot 1938:< tRitone11> 4 1938:< 3xist3nc3> Grapefruit 1938:< OneiricNeuron> prune juice 1938:< 3xist3nc3> grapist 1938:< Hug_The_NSA> grapefruit 1938:< SigP> 4 1938:< etray> graphefruitte 1939:< npinsker> The answer was grapefruit! Correct users: _deffer_ (254), femdemgem (178), 3xist3nc3 (1724), Hug_The_NSA (33) 1939:< vox35> Deez Nutz 1939:< OneiricNeuron> i love prunes 1939:< neverkidding> The answer was one FOUR-CHAMBERED stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1939:< _deffer_> >:| 1939:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What is the chihuahua named after? 1939:< Hug_The_NSA> prunes are dank as fuck 1939:< grink> city 1939:< etray> so dank 1939:< neverkidding> a province in mexico 1939:< Hug_The_NSA> chi guivera 1939:< SigP> State in Mexico 1939:< OneiricNeuron> the aztec god 1939:< vox35> Chihuahua Mexico 1939:< femdemgem> aztec state 1939:< grink> gonorrea 1939:< _deffer_> state in mexico 1939:< etray> your mom 1939:< _deffer_> a state in mexico 1939:< npinsker> The answer was A Mexican state! Correct users: SigP (19), _deffer_ (257) 1939:< dick_sanitizer> ill give you two extra points if you can list 4 ruminents (hint: they are animals) 1939:< vox35> Question is too vague, @npinsker 1940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a male swine called? 1940:< grink> pig 1940:< SigP> boar 1940:< OneiricNeuron> goose 1940:< dick_sanitizer> boar 1940:< grink> bacon 1940:< vox35> Boar 1940:< etray> boar 1940:< neverkidding> Thank you for playing Animal Trivia! Today's winner is _deffer_ with 1,001 points! _deffer_ is king of the beasts! 1940:< OneiricNeuron> flutonium 1940:< _deffer_> boar 1940:< npinsker> The answer was boar! Correct users: SigP (23), dick_sanitizer (231), vox35 (134), etray (136), _deffer_ (257) 1940:< grink> clean dick is back! 1940:< neverkidding> Oh sure you guys care about animal trivia when it's coming from a bot 1940:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician? 1940:< neverkidding> lothar 1940:< tRitone11> Lothar 1940:< grink> black person 1940:< _deffer_> lothar 1940:< femdemgem> obama 1940:< dick_sanitizer> only for a little bit lol just woke up and need to head to uni 1940:< etray> all hail dick_sanitizer 1941:< OneiricNeuron> racist 1941:< neverkidding> ok bye guys 1941:< vox35> dick_sanitizer 1941:< Hug_The_NSA> black guy 2 1941:< neverkidding> remember to not fuck with bats 1941:< OneiricNeuron> hes just an assistant 1941:< npinsker> The answer was Lothar! Correct users: neverkidding (254), _deffer_ (260) 1941:< dick_sanitizer> love ya peeps <3 1941:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What was the first recorded message? 1941:< tRitone11> Mary had a little lamb 1941:< dick_sanitizer> french folk song 1941:< OneiricNeuron> a fart 1941:< Hug_The_NSA> ? 1941:< _deffer_> mary had a little lamb 1941:< vox35> Come here Watson, I want you 1941:< grink> sad tombone 1941:< femdemgem> hello its me 1941:< 3xist3nc3> Mary had a little lamb 1941:< Hug_The_NSA> ?! 1941:< etray> come here dank memes, i need you 1941:< grink> phonecall 1941:< vox35> Whoops, that was the phone thing 1942:< npinsker> The answer was Mary had a little lamb! Correct users: _deffer_ (264), 3xist3nc3 (1727) 1942:< grink> NSA 1942:< dick_sanitizer> lol really? 1942:< _deffer_> yep 1942:< tRitone11> International Red Cross 1942:< grink> hitler 1942:< 3xist3nc3> Red cross 1942:< etray> red cross 1942:< dick_sanitizer> the first recording of a human voice was the inventor of the phonograph singing a french folk song... 1942:< OneiricNeuron> einstein 1942:< grink> tesla 1942:< etray> thomqs edison 1942:< etray> thomas edison 1942:< _deffer_> the red cross 1942:< npinsker> The answer was International Red Cross! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1731), etray (139), _deffer_ (266) 1942:< vox35> Some not very peaceful guy, probably 1943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Which console did Nintendo release as their 3rd home console? 1943:< 3xist3nc3> Nintendo 64 1943:< grink> n64 1943:< vox35> N64 1943:< femdemgem> snes 1943:< tRitone11> SNES 1943:< Hug_The_NSA> Nintendo 64 1943:< _deffer_> Nintendo 64 1943:< grink> nintendo 64 1943:< etray> ok but name the first two 1943:< grink> ps6 1943:< Hug_The_NSA> SNES 1943:< _deffer_> NES, SNES 1943:< npinsker> The answer was Nintendo 64! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1735), Hug_The_NSA (36), _deffer_ (268), grink (178) 1943:< etray> correct 1943:< _deffer_> Unless the famicom counts 1943:< Hug_The_NSA> famicom would count imo 1943:< dick_sanitizer> right, bye guys! have fun w/ trivia im headed for a full day of exciting study!!!! (not) 1943:< vox35> FARK! 1943:< 3xist3nc3> cya dick sanitizer 1943:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Near what river is the Temple of Karnak? 1943:< tRitone11> Nile 1943:< _deffer_> That's just a name change though. 1943:< OneiricNeuron> What other channels are there? i wanna lurk 1943:< 3xist3nc3> the famicom isn't the nes? 1943:< vox35> Have fun 1943:< etray> nile 1943:< Hug_The_NSA> Amazon 1943:< OneiricNeuron> by dick 1944:< Hug_The_NSA> Nile 1944:< grink> bb dick 1944:< _deffer_> It's basically the NES 1944:< _deffer_> nile 1944:< Hug_The_NSA> Thames 1944:< vox35> depends on who you ask 1944:< npinsker> The answer was Nile! Correct users: etray (143), Hug_The_NSA (39), _deffer_ (270) 1944:< grink> milestomas 1944:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1735), Patarknight (1579), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1944:< OneiricNeuron> does anyone know any other channels? 1944:< grink> ^ and penis/ 1944:< 3xist3nc3> % ^ 1944:< etray> check the unfiltered chat for ideas 1944:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On what island is Pearl Harbor? 1944:< tRitone11> Oahu 1944:< 3xist3nc3> Oahu 1944:< _deffer_> oahu 1944:< Hug_The_NSA> Oahu 1944:< grink> keanu reeves 1944:< etray> mario island 1944:< OneiricNeuron> thanks 1945:< vox35> #rpg if you want to play an rpg 1945:< femdemgem> %chat and penis/ others are pretty much dead. penis is dying too 1945:< npinsker> The answer was Oahu! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1739), _deffer_ (273), Hug_The_NSA (41) 1945:< _deffer_> They make pills for that femdemgem 1945:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || 'White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album? 1945:< tRitone11> Cream 1945:< etray> zing 1945:< grink> black album 1945:< vox35> %chat 1945:< Hug_The_NSA> Cream 1945:< _deffer_> cream 1945:< femdemgem> lol 1945:< etray> cream 1945:< grink> korn 1945:< Hug_The_NSA> Zing 1946:< femdemgem> tritone11, are you aware that you're banned, turn off your bot please. 1946:< npinsker> The answer was Cream! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (45), _deffer_ (276), etray (145) 1946:< Hug_The_NSA> eyyy lamo 1946:< _deffer_> Just ban him femdem 1946:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."? 1946:< tRitone11> Mother Teresa 1946:< _deffer_> mute* 1946:< grink> jesus 1946:< tRitone11> femdemgem yes, I was banned when I wasn't using a bot, so I started to use it. 1946:< vox35> Adolf Hitler 1946:< Hug_The_NSA> Gamegrumps 1946:< 3xist3nc3> severely underweight african 1946:< npinsker> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1946:< femdemgem> you were using a bot pretty much every time 1946:< etray> r/iamsmart 1946:< vox35> Nobody can spell her name 1947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar? 1947:< tRitone11> Tanzania 1947:< 3xist3nc3> M O T H E R T E R E S A 1947:< aspbergerinparadise> tanzania 1947:< grink> usa 1947:< Hug_The_NSA> Tanzenia 1947:< 3xist3nc3> Tanzania 1947:< etray> tanzania 1947:< _deffer_> tanzania 1947:< vox35> Tanzania 1947:< tRitone11> femdemgem not with npinsker trivia and not when I was banned 1947:< npinsker> The answer was Tanzania! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1743), etray (148), _deffer_ (278), vox35 (135) 1947:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who was the frontman of Nirvana? 1947:< tRitone11> Kurt Cobain 1947:< 3xist3nc3> Kurt Cobain 1947:< grink> kurt cobain 1947:< Hug_The_NSA> Kurt Cobain 1947:< OrbJungle> Kurt Cobain 1947:< vox35> Kurt Cobain 1948:< etray> kurt ofcourse 1948:< _deffer_> shotgun mcblownupface 1948:< grink> smells like farts 1948:< Hug_The_NSA> bill oreilley 1948:< etray> EVERYBODY knows that 1948:< grink> courtney love 1948:< npinsker> The answer was Kurt Cobain! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1747), grink (181), Hug_The_NSA (47), OrbJungle (7), vox35 (135) 1948:< vox35> Kurt K. Kobain 1948:< 3xist3nc3> Sowey Cyde 1948:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || Where was Budweiser first brewed? 1948:< tRitone11> St. Louis 1948:< OrbJungle> St. Louis 1948:< 3xist3nc3> St Louis 1948:< _deffer_> st. louis 1948:< aspbergerinparadise> st. louis 1948:< Hug_The_NSA> St. Louis 1948:< vox35> In a urinal 1948:< grink> april 5 22 years ago 1948:< etray> vox35 correct 1948:< femdemgem> dae budweiser piss 1948:< grink> eruope 1949:< grink> somewhere 1949:< npinsker> The answer was St. Louis! Correct users: OrbJungle (11), 3xist3nc3 (1750), _deffer_ (280), Hug_The_NSA (48) 1949:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Edmonton __________. 1949:< tRitone11> Oilers 1949:< grink> i thought there was an original budweiser form europe? 1949:< femdemgem> and budlight is leterally water 1949:< OrbJungle> Oilers 1949:< vox35> Oilers 1949:< Hug_The_NSA> oilers 1949:< etray> oilers 1949:< 3xist3nc3> Petroleums 1949:< grink> that was legit 1949:< grink> before it was piss 1949:< npinsker> The answer was Oilers! Correct users: OrbJungle (15), vox35 (138), Hug_The_NSA (50), etray (149) 1950:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || Speaking of G.B. Shaw, he originally adhered to a form of communism called? 1950:< tRitone11> fabianism 1950:< grink> marxism 1950:< vox35> Fabianism 1950:< OrbJungle> Fabianism 1950:< grink> fabioism 1950:< Hug_The_NSA> Fabianism 1950:< femdemgem> is it worse than corona or miller? 1950:< grink> fanboism 1950:< npinsker> The answer was fabianism! Correct users: vox35 (142), OrbJungle (18), Hug_The_NSA (52) 1950:< grink> corona is the worst 1950:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1750), Patarknight (1579), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who sang Happy Birthday to John F. Kennedy for his 45th? 1951:< vox35> What about tRitone11? 1951:< tRitone11> Marilyn Monroe 1951:< aspbergerinparadise> marilyn monroe 1951:< grink> a naked girl in a cake 1951:< etray> marilyn monroe 1951:< OrbJungle> Marilyn Monroe 1951:< etray> totally banged her also 1951:< npinsker> The answer was Marilyn Monroe! Correct users: etray (153), OrbJungle (21) 1951:< femdemgem> her dead body? 1951:< etray> well before that 1951:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in? 1951:< tRitone11> Boston 1951:< aspbergerinparadise> boston 1951:< grink> israel 1952:< vox35> Bethlehem 1952:< grink> cairo 1952:< npinsker> The answer was Boston! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1952:< femdemgem> BOSTON 1952:< etray> tritonell got it 1952:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series "Happy Days". 1952:< tRitone11> American Graffiti 1952:< aspbergerinparadise> american graffiti 1952:< vox35> People SAID Boston... 1952:< BrownMario> american graffiti 1952:< vox35> WTF 1952:< femdemgem> they're banned 1952:< grink> canadian writing 1952:< vox35> Oh... 1952:< 3xist3nc3> American Graffiti 1953:< npinsker> The answer was American Graffiti! Correct users: BrownMario (461), 3xist3nc3 (1753) 1953:< etray> ok muting him too then not to spoil 1953:< vox35> Canadian Graffiti 1953:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He starred in, "City Lights". 1953:< tRitone11> Charlie Chaplin 1953:< etray> good guy greg 1953:< femdemgem> even if you mute him, someone will copy their answer 1953:< 3xist3nc3> Kanye 1953:< aspbergerinparadise> charlie chaplin 1953:< OrbJungle> Charlie Chaplin 1953:< BrownMario> charlie chaplin 1953:< grink> william hung 1953:< vox35> Charlie Chaplin 1953:< Hug_The_NSA> Charlie Chaplin 1953:< etray> charlie chaplin 1953:< 3xist3nc3> Charlie Chaplin 1953:< grink> bowser 1953:< npinsker> The answer was Charlie Chaplin! Correct users: OrbJungle (25), BrownMario (464), vox35 (144), Hug_The_NSA (53), etray (153), 3xist3nc3 ... 1953:< etray> somebody should make a reddit trivia about fampus reddit people and threads 1954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The Romans built these to convey water. 1954:< tRitone11> aqueducts 1954:< aspbergerinparadise> aqueduct 1954:< GriffinPrice> aqueducts 1954:< Hug_The_NSA> Aqueducts 1954:< BrownMario> aqueducts 1954:< grink> aquaducts 1954:< etray> pipes 1954:< vox35> Aquaducts 1954:< grink> water dicks 1954:< npinsker> The answer was aqueducts! Correct users: GriffinPrice (26), Hug_The_NSA (56), BrownMario (466) 1954:< vox35> Quack quack 1954:< vox35> How does someone get banned? There are mods? 1954:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Ryu stars in this Capcom RPG where his light dragon village faces an attack from Emperor Zog. 1954:< etray> muted only 1954:< grink> Ken 1954:< GriffinPrice> street fighter 1955:< Hug_The_NSA> Street Fighter 1955:< grink> SF II 1955:< vox35> Street Fighter 1955:< etray> the legendary game 1955:< femdemgem> CATEGORY: Biology || Which reddit celebrity knows the significant difference between a jackdaw and a crow? 1955:< npinsker> The answer was Breath of Fire! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1955:< etray> femdemgem Unidan 1955:< etray> or UnidanX 1955:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Generral Knowledge || How many lines make up a number on a digital clock? 1955:< tRitone11> Seven 1955:< hellapanda> 7 1955:< bbrazil> seven 1955:< Hug_The_NSA> seven 1955:< grink> 7 segment led 1955:< GriffinPrice> 7 1955:< femdemgem> The answer was Mother Teresa! Correct users: (nobody) :( 1955:< etray> waat 1956:< vox35> The required number 1956:< npinsker> The answer was Seven! Correct users: bbrazil (29), Hug_The_NSA (59) 1956:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld? 1956:< tRitone11> Osiris 1956:< Hug_The_NSA> Osiris 1956:< grink> Ra 1956:< vox35> Osirus 1956:< femdemgem> Hades 1956:< grink> herpes 1956:< Hug_The_NSA> Anubis 1956:< npinsker> The answer was Osiris! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (63) 1956:< femdemgem> it was greek mythology 1956:< vox35> Whoops! 1957:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1753), Patarknight (1579), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 1957:< vox35> Spelling again 1957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When Tweety exclaimed, "I thought I saw a putty tat!", who did he see? 1957:< tRitone11> Sylvester 1957:< aspbergerinparadise> sylvester 1957:< grink> black cat 1957:< Hug_The_NSA> Tom 1957:< vox35> Sylvester 1957:< Hug_The_NSA> Sylvester 1957:< grink> twitter 1957:< Hug_The_NSA> they did a crossover w/ tom and jerry tho 1957:< 3xist3nc3> Sylvester 1957:< npinsker> The answer was Sylvester! Correct users: vox35 (148), Hug_The_NSA (66), 3xist3nc3 (1755) 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Where did Clark Kent attend college? 1958:< tRitone11> Metropolis University 1958:< aspbergerinparadise> metropolis university 1958:< grink> university of phoenix 1958:< Hug_The_NSA> Metropolis University 1958:< femdemgem> vox35 the owner of the trivia bot (npinsker) simply filters them out and doesn't give them any points 1958:< vox35> Metropolis University 1958:< npinsker> The answer was Metropolis University! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (70), vox35 (151) 1958:< Hug_The_NSA> A Vogon spacecraft 1958:< vox35> Ah. I see 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Whats the smallest size grand piano? 1958:< tRitone11> A Baby Grand 1958:< vox35> Baby Grand 1958:< Hug_The_NSA> a baby grand 1958:< grink> pico piano 1959:< grink> 100 grand 1959:< npinsker> The answer was A Baby Grand! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (74) 1959:< vox35> FUUUUUCK 1959:< Hug_The_NSA> rektttttt 1959:< vox35> A 1959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the smallest Canadian province? 1959:< tRitone11> Prince Edward Island 1959:< grink> prince edward island 1959:< aspbergerinparadise> prince edward island 1959:< etray> prince albert 1959:< vox35> Prince Edward Island 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Prince Edward Island! Correct users: grink (185), vox35 (154) 2000:< vox35> A Prince Edward Island 2000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Nigeria? 2000:< tRitone11> Abuja 2000:< vox35> Lagos 2000:< Patarknight> Abuja 2000:< Hug_The_NSA> Abuquiqui 2000:< grink> tampa 2000:< Hug_The_NSA> Abuja 2000:< vox35> Wait, Abuja... 2000:< vox35> Fuck 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Abuja! Correct users: Patarknight (1583), Hug_The_NSA (77) 2001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When not a Birdman, what does Ray Randall do for a living? 2001:< tRitone11> police officer 2001:< aspbergerinparadise> police officer 2001:< grink> mailman 2001:< aspbergerinparadise> attorney 2001:< Hug_The_NSA> police officer 2001:< vox35> Attorney 2001:< femdemgem> Daredevil 2001:< npinsker> The answer was police officer! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (81) 2001:< etray> a redditor 2001:< vox35> ? 2001:< vox35> Harvey Birdman 2001:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts. 2001:< tRitone11> three 2001:< grink> --------------------> 3 2001:< aspbergerinparadise> 1.5 2001:< femdemgem> three 2001:< Bonoahx> 3 2001:< Hug_The_NSA> three 2001:< etray> 1.5 2002:< aspbergerinparadise> 3 2002:< vox35> 87.5 2002:< etray> it doesnt accumulate 2002:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: grink (189), Bonoahx (331) 2002:< femdemgem> It doesn't when its parallel 2002:< etray> oh it does TIL 2002:< etray> ah 2002:< Bonoahx> i wouldnt trust the bot for any factual information tbh 2002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Toronto _______. 2002:< tRitone11> Maple Leafs 2002:< hagbard-celine> but it does halve the resistance 2002:< aspbergerinparadise> maple leafs 2002:< grink> maple leafs 2002:< Hug_The_NSA> maple leafs 2002:< Bonoahx> Maple Leafs 2002:< vox35> I wouldn't watch that series. Sounds boring AF 2002:< grink> habs 2003:< npinsker> The answer was Maple Leafs! Correct users: grink (193), Hug_The_NSA (84), Bonoahx (333) 2003:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1755), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 2003:< micaiah> three 2003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'The Day Of The Jackal', who played the Jackal? 2003:< tRitone11> Edward Fox 2003:< grink> some badass 2003:< Hug_The_NSA> batman 2003:< Bonoahx> Unidan 2003:< vox35> Jack Jackelington III 2003:< femdemgem> Mother teresa 2004:< Bonoahx> David Cameron 2004:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Fox! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2004:< Hug_The_NSA> Literally Hitler 2004:< etray> well that really helped his career 2004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hobbies || Who invented painting by numbers? 2004:< tRitone11> palmer paint company 2004:< Bonoahx> Bob Ross 2004:< grink> bob ross 2004:< femdemgem> TIL iPhone keyboard corrects mother terasa to hitler 2004:< Hug_The_NSA> bob ross 2004:< etray> bob ross 2004:< grink> was it ? heh 2004:< vox35> Susan Numberpainterington 2004:< grink> happy lil trees 2004:< femdemgem> rip bob ross 2004:< npinsker> The answer was palmer paint company! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2004:< Hug_The_NSA> Bernie Sanders 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree? 2005:< tRitone11> bonsai 2005:< etray> bonsai 2005:< grink> maple 2005:< BrownMario> bonsai 2005:< Hug_The_NSA> bonsai 2005:< Bonoahx> Dwarferu Treeeru 2005:< vox35> Bonsai 2005:< femdemgem> Bonsai 2005:< 3xist3nc3> Bonsai 2005:< Bonoahx> Bonsai 2005:< grink> subaru 2005:< etray> :D 2005:< npinsker> The answer was bonsai tree! Correct users: etray (157), BrownMario (469), Hug_The_NSA (86), vox35 (155), femdemgem (178), 3xist3nc3 (17... 2005:< vox35> BONSAAAAAII!!! 2005:< 3xist3nc3> Dwarfeju treeika 2005:< Bonoahx> Go go nippon 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || What letters are missing from here - abcdeghijlmopqrstuvwxy? 2005:< tRitone11> f,k,n,z 2005:< BrownMario> f, k, n, z 2005:< Hug_The_NSA> f 2005:< femdemgem> fkn 2006:< Bonoahx> fknz 2006:< femdemgem> fknz 2006:< grink> fuck 2006:< vox35> fn 2006:< 3xist3nc3> f k nz 2006:< Hug_The_NSA> f k n c 2006:< etray> fknz 2006:< Hug_The_NSA> f k n z 2006:< surelyucantbserious> fknz 2006:< vox35> fnz 2006:< 3xist3nc3> eff new zealand 2006:< etray> f k n z 2006:< npinsker> The answer was f,k,n,z! Correct users: Bonoahx (337), femdemgem (181), etray (159), surelyucantbserious (10) 2006:< Bonoahx> nfkrz 2006:< BrownMario> oh fuck me no spaces 2006:< vox35> FUCKNZ 2006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where are the pyramids located? 2006:< tRitone11> Egypt 2006:< grink> egypt 2006:< Hug_The_NSA> Egypt 2006:< BrownMario> egypt 2006:< 3xist3nc3> Ehypt 2006:< surelyucantbserious> egypt 2006:< femdemgem> Cairo 2006:< 3xist3nc3> Giza 2006:< etray> Egypt 2006:< vox35> Egypt 2006:< Hug_The_NSA> Giza 2006:< grink> las vegas 2006:< Bonoahx> THE US ILLUMINATI 2006:< etray> Trump tower 2006:< Bonoahx> Gaza 2006:< 3xist3nc3> The dollar bills 2006:< grink> make it rain 2007:< BrownMario> mexico 2007:< Bonoahx> Egypt 2007:< npinsker> The answer was Egypt! Correct users: grink (197), Hug_The_NSA (89), BrownMario (471), surelyucantbserious (11), etray (159), vox35 (155... 2007:< vox35> Where are the not-so-great pyramids located, then? 2007:< femdemgem> etray lol 2007:< grink> new jersey 2007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which 1960's group sang a song inspired by 'Alice In Wonderland'? 2007:< tRitone11> The Jefferson Airplane 2007:< grink> beatles 2007:< BrownMario> the jefferson airplane 2007:< Bonoahx> The Muppets 2007:< etray> beatles 2007:< Hug_The_NSA> The Jefferson Airplane 2007:< Bonoahx> The Jefferson Airplane 2007:< vox35> Jefferson Airplane 2007:< etray> jefferson airplane 2007:< npinsker> The answer was The Jefferson Airplane! Correct users: BrownMario (475), Hug_The_NSA (92), Bonoahx (339), vox35 (156), etray (159) 2007:< femdemgem> one direction 2007:< grink> neutral milk hotel 2007:< Bonoahx> Thanks BrownMario 2007:< vox35> "The"? 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air? 2008:< tRitone11> aerodynamics 2008:< vox35> Never heard that before. 2008:< BrownMario> aerodynamics 2008:< grink> aerodynamics 2008:< Bonoahx> Aerodynamics 2008:< femdemgem> fuck the definite article 2008:< etray> aerosmith 2008:< Hug_The_NSA> aerostudies 2008:< grink> flying magic 2008:< femdemgem> linguistics 2008:< Hug_The_NSA> physics 2008:< npinsker> The answer was aerodynamics! Correct users: BrownMario (479), grink (200), Bonoahx (341) 2008:< femdemgem> oh no i was so sure 2008:< Bonoahx> lol 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In the game of chess, which piece has the most freedom to move? 2008:< tRitone11> queen 2008:< BrownMario> queen 2008:< grink> queen 2008:< etray> queen 2008:< Hug_The_NSA> queen 2008:< Bonoahx> Queen 2008:< sabotourAssociate> queen 2009:< Hug_The_NSA> knights 2009:< vox35> Queen 2009:< Bonoahx> QUeen 2009:< femdemgem> queen 2009:< etray> Freddie 2009:< grink> queef 2009:< npinsker> The answer was queen! Correct users: BrownMario (483), grink (203), etray (161), Hug_The_NSA (93), Bonoahx (341), sabotourAssociate (24... 2009:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1755), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 2009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Vocabulary || An adjective meaning 'pertaining to the sun.' 2009:< tRitone11> solar 2009:< BrownMario> solar 2009:< grink> ................................................ solar 2009:< 3xist3nc3> Solar 2009:< etray> solar 2009:< femdemgem> solar 2009:< Bonoahx> Solar 2010:< sabotourAssociate> sol 2010:< vox35> Solar 2010:< grink> molar 2010:< Hug_The_NSA> hot 2010:< Bonoahx> Solarsolarsolarsolarsolarsolarsolarsolarsolar 2010:< sabotourAssociate> Soul 2010:< etray> BrownMario plays TOO well 2010:< grink> walkng on the sun 2010:< femdemgem> EL SOL 2010:< npinsker> The answer was solar! Correct users: BrownMario (487), grink (206), 3xist3nc3 (1757), etray (162), femdemgem (181), Bonoahx (341), vox3... 2010:< BrownMario> that's my secret... i always copy the bots 2010:< vox35> A little..TOO well... 2010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Saints || St Patrick the patron saint of ____________? 2010:< tRitone11> Ireland 2010:< Bonoahx> Ireland 2010:< grink> beer 2010:< BrownMario> haha jk, just when i don't know the answer 2010:< 3xist3nc3> Ireland 2010:< Hug_The_NSA> Ireland 2010:< femdemgem> ireland 2010:< vox35> Ireland 2010:< etray> Ireland 2010:< BrownMario> ireland 2010:< sabotourAssociate> Paddys pub 2011:< Hug_The_NSA> Harry Potter and the queen of the pattys 2011:< npinsker> The answer was Ireland! Correct users: Bonoahx (345), 3xist3nc3 (1760), Hug_The_NSA (95), femdemgem (182), vox35 (156), etray (162), Br... 2011:< vox35> Patron Saint of bots 2011:< 3xist3nc3> Americans who think they're irish 2011:< etray> harry botter 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ________. 2011:< tRitone11> hydroponics 2011:< grink> hydroponics 2011:< Hug_The_NSA> hydroponics 2011:< BrownMario> hydroponics 2011:< vox35> Hydroponics 2011:< Bonoahx> Hydroponics 2011:< 3xist3nc3> hydrated ponies 2011:< etray> This. 2011:< femdemgem> wow 2011:< ntrefil> Hydroponics 2011:< sabotourAssociate> stonerponics 2011:< Bonoahx> BDSM 2011:< grink> boner pipes 2011:< npinsker> The answer was hydroponics! Correct users: grink (210), Hug_The_NSA (98), BrownMario (489), vox35 (157), Bonoahx (345), ntrefil (29) 2011:< Hug_The_NSA> i actually only knew that cause weed 2011:< sabotourAssociate> hydrobonging 2012:< sabotourAssociate> we all did 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean? 2012:< tRitone11> Hawaii 2012:< 3xist3nc3> Hawaii 2012:< BrownMario> hawaii 2012:< femdemgem> Florida 2012:< Hug_The_NSA> hawaii 2012:< grink> hawaii 2012:< vox35> Hawaii 2012:< etray> hawaii 2012:< ntrefil> hawaii 2012:< Bonoahx> Puerto Rico 2012:< sabotourAssociate> florida 2012:< Bonoahx> Hawaii 2012:< BrownMario> puerto rico is atlantic 2012:< Hug_The_NSA> Guam 2012:< grink> montana 2012:< sabotourAssociate> hawaii 2012:< femdemgem> north carolina 2012:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1764), BrownMario (492), Hug_The_NSA (100), grink (211), vox35 (157), etray (162), ntr... 2012:< vox35> All if them if global warming, etc... 2012:< vox35> *of 2012:< Bonoahx> Japan 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: The Space Race || What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built? 2012:< tRitone11> Enterprise 2012:< Bonoahx> Atlantis 2012:< BrownMario> enterprise 2012:< 3xist3nc3> Enterprise 2012:< etray> enterprise 2013:< grink> enterprise 2013:< etray> USS 2013:< sabotourAssociate> Laika 2013:< TxDieselKid> enterprise 2013:< Bonoahx> Enterprise 2013:< vox35> Enterprise 2013:< grink> but it never flew to space 2013:< etray> dat is true 2013:< femdemgem> interesting 2013:< npinsker> The answer was Enterprise! Correct users: BrownMario (496), 3xist3nc3 (1767), etray (164), grink (212), TxDieselKid (69), Bonoahx (345)... 2013:< vox35> Rent-a-car 2013:< 3xist3nc3> Long live and prosper 2013:< femdemgem> was it made by the russian 2013:< grink> it was for landing tests 2013:< etray> russian never fly either 2013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________. 2013:< tRitone11> lightning 2013:< BrownMario> lighting 2013:< etray> whatchamacallit 2013:< Bonoahx> Foreplay 2013:< Hug_The_NSA> lightning 2013:< grink> farts 2013:< 3xist3nc3> Food 2013:< vox35> Lightning 2013:< BrownMario> shapes 2014:< BrownMario> things 2014:< femdemgem> ball lightning? 2014:< npinsker> The answer was lightning! Correct users: Hug_The_NSA (104), vox35 (160), femdemgem (184) 2014:< Bonoahx> Lightning 2014:< Bonoahx> (Y) 2014:< vox35> Yeah, its a thing 2014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Kathmandu is the capital of ____________? 2014:< tRitone11> Nepal 2014:< BrownMario> nepal 2014:< etray> nepal 2014:< Bonoahx> Nepal 2014:< Hug_The_NSA> nepal 2014:< vox35> Nepal 2014:< BrownMario> nopal 2014:< grink> nipple 2014:< npinsker> The answer was Nepal! Correct users: BrownMario (500), etray (167), Bonoahx (347), Hug_The_NSA (105), vox35 (160) 2014:< femdemgem> I never know things like this 2015:< BrownMario> yes 500 2015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || From where was Ricky in 'I Love Lucy'? 2015:< tRitone11> Cuba 2015:< Bonoahx> USA 2015:< BrownMario> cuba 2015:< grink> new york 2015:< vox35> Had a roommate from Nepal once. Weird guy; he wanted to become a gangster after he saw The Godfather. 2015:< Hug_The_NSA> cuba 2015:< grink> gitmo 2015:< BrownMario> don't we all? 2015:< etray> not gonna say cuba coz brownmario looks at bots 2015:< Bonoahx> British Indian Ocean Territory 2015:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: BrownMario (504), Hug_The_NSA (108) 2015:< vox35> Cooba 2015:< femdemgem> more important question is, did he? 2015:< femdemgem> lol 2015:< vox35> IDK, maybe... 2015:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1767), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 2015:< 3xist3nc3> Of to google lads 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Culture || What are the roads of Guam paved with? 2016:< tRitone11> coral 2016:< grink> bodies 2016:< BrownMario> coral 2016:< etray> gold 2016:< 3xist3nc3> coral 2016:< vox35> He went back to Nepal, so maybe he is head of the Nepalese Mafia now... 2016:< Hug_The_NSA> cheese 2016:< TxDieselKid> coral 2016:< Bonoahx> Nuclear radiation 2016:< vox35> Gum 2016:< TxDieselKid> skeet 2016:< npinsker> The answer was coral! Correct users: BrownMario (508), 3xist3nc3 (1770), TxDieselKid (71) 2016:< grink> CORAL 2016:< Bonoahx> Golden Corl 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the second hardest gem after diamond? 2016:< tRitone11> sapphire 2016:< BrownMario> emerald 2016:< vox35> Emerald 2016:< femdemgem> I found his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nepalese-Mafia/708137862642381 => http://nazar.so/225hy 2016:< etray> your mom 2016:< grink> HEY CORAL sapphire 2017:< Hug_The_NSA> sapphire 2017:< BrownMario> sapphire 2017:< Bonoahx> Sapphir 2017:< Bonoahx> Sapphire 2017:< etray> sapphire 2017:< TxDieselKid> sapphire 2017:< npinsker> The answer was sapphire! Correct users: grink (216), Hug_The_NSA (111), BrownMario (510), Bonoahx (348), etray (167), TxDieselKid (71) 2017:< vox35> That's him, fr sure 2017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932? 2017:< tRitone11> Charles Lindbergh Jr 2017:< TxDieselKid> repeat question now. I remember that one. 2017:< etray> that lindbergh kid 2017:< BrownMario> OP 2017:< femdemgem> Who 2017:< grink> lindbergh baby 2017:< etray> yeah that 2017:< Hug_The_NSA> charles lindbergs baby 2017:< BrownMario> charles lindenbergh jr 2017:< 3xist3nc3> charles lindberg 2017:< vox35> Lindburgh Baby 2017:< Bonoahx> Charles Lindbergh, Jr. 2018:< TxDieselKid> charles lindbergh jr 2018:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Lindbergh Jr! Correct users: TxDieselKid (75) 2018:< vox35> Also, fuck spelling 2018:< Bonoahx> iyhgiylghuo;ilyfvgiopuvfcuyjhgip 2018:< BrownMario> lol 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ____. 2018:< tRitone11> font 2018:< Bonoahx> font 2018:< BrownMario> font 2018:< femdemgem> font 2018:< etray> font 2018:< grink> toilet 2018:< BrownMario> bottle 2018:< TxDieselKid> font 2018:< 3xist3nc3> font 2018:< etray> flask 2018:< vox35> Holy Water Bottle 2018:< grink> comic sans 2018:< femdemgem> asshole 2018:< npinsker> The answer was font! Correct users: Bonoahx (352), BrownMario (513), femdemgem (186), etray (168), TxDieselKid (75), 3xist3nc3 (1770) 2019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What nationality is the writer of the Harry Potter books? 2019:< BrownMario> british 2019:< Bonoahx> Scottish 2019:< grink> scottish 2019:< femdemgem> scottish 2019:< etray> british 2019:< 3xist3nc3> british 2019:< Hug_The_NSA> british 2019:< vox35> Scottish 2019:< BrownMario> scottish 2019:< 3xist3nc3> scottish 2019:< Bonoahx> British 2019:< etray> scottish 2019:< grink> i rubbed a dogs nose outside the place she wrote 2019:< TxDieselKid> brittish 2019:< npinsker> The answer was British! Correct users: BrownMario (517), etray (171), 3xist3nc3 (1772), Hug_The_NSA (112), Bonoahx (352) 2019:< BrownMario> nice 2019:< grink> damn, well she wrote them in scotland 2019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Ipanema? 2019:< tRitone11> Rio de Janeiro 2019:< etray> rio de janeiro 2019:< vox35> Free Scotland now! 2019:< BrownMario> rio de janeiro 2020:< Bonoahx> Rio de Janeiro 2020:< grink> river of jane 2020:< femdemgem> brazil 2020:< Bonoahx> #NicolaSturgeonFreeUsAll 2020:< vox35> Rio 2020:< TxDieselKid> rio de janerio 2020:< npinsker> The answer was Rio de Janeiro! Correct users: etray (175), BrownMario (520), Bonoahx (354), vox35 (161), TxDieselKid (75) 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Internet || What does FTP stand for? 2020:< tRitone11> File Transfer Protocol 2020:< Bonoahx> File Transfer Protocol 2020:< grink> file transfer protocol 2020:< etray> file transfer protocol 2020:< Bonoahx> Fuck The Police 2020:< BrownMario> file transfer protocol 2020:< grink> free tele porn 2020:< vox35> File Transfer Protocol 2020:< TxDieselKid> file transfer protocol 2021:< npinsker> The answer was File Transfer Protocol! Correct users: Bonoahx (358), grink (219), etray (177), BrownMario (521), vox35 (161), TxDieselK... 2021:< vox35> Fuck The Police 2021:< TxDieselKid> think we will every grow? 2021:< Bonoahx> nah 2021:< etray> i start to doubt it 2021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court. 2021:< tRitone11> jury 2021:< etray> looking at the leaderboards 2021:< grink> jury 2021:< etray> jury 2021:< TxDieselKid> jury 2021:< vox35> Jury 2021:< grink> judy 2021:< vox35> Jurors 2021:< Bonoahx> Jury 2021:< BrownMario> jury 2021:< Bonoahx> Magistrates 2021:< npinsker> The answer was jury! Correct users: grink (223), etray (180), TxDieselKid (77), vox35 (162), Bonoahx (358), BrownMario (521) 2021:< TxDieselKid> where is the leaderboards? 2021:< vox35> Jerry 2021:< grink> masturbates 2022:< etray> TxDieselKid https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/6sor7 2022:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1772), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), HookahCom... 2022:< Bonoahx> Damn it Jerry 2022:< TxDieselKid> thanks etray 2022:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || The molten material from a volcano is ________? 2022:< tRitone11> lava 2022:< BrownMario> lava 2022:< 3xist3nc3> lava 2022:< grink> magna 2022:< Bonoahx> Lava 2022:< erinhasguts> lava 2022:< vox35> Lava 2022:< Bonoahx> Magna 2022:< grink> magma 2022:< BrownMario> i lave you guys 2022:< 3xist3nc3> smegma 2022:< Bonoahx> Magma 2022:< BrownMario> *throws up* 2022:< npinsker> The answer was lava! Correct users: BrownMario (525), 3xist3nc3 (1775), Bonoahx (360), erinhasguts (53), vox35 (162) 2022:< vox35> Red-Hot-Mag-Ma 2023:< etray> when u put bucket over lava it turns into? 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the currency named after the water being called the Pula? 2023:< tRitone11> Botswana 2023:< etray> bucket of water 2023:< BrownMario> botswana 2023:< grink> obsidian 2023:< 3xist3nc3> botswana 2023:< BrownMario> puland 2023:< Bonoahx> Botswana 2023:< etray> grink correct :D 2023:< vox35> Bucketlava 2023:< 3xist3nc3> Pulandball 2023:< npinsker> The answer was Botswana! Correct users: BrownMario (529), 3xist3nc3 (1778), Bonoahx (362) 2023:< grink> etray yay 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Tunnels || How long is the longest tunnel? (in kms) 2023:< tRitone11> one hundred and sixty nine 2023:< grink> 40 2023:< BrownMario> 169 2023:< etray> 50 2024:< grink> 420 2024:< 3xist3nc3> 53 2024:< etray> not gonna say 169 2024:< BrownMario> one hundred and sixty nine 2024:< femdemgem> why these questions are too specific? 2024:< Bonoahx> 13700 2024:< npinsker> The answer was one hundred and sixty nine! Correct users: BrownMario (533), etray (183) 2024:< Bonoahx> 169 2024:< grink> 31337 2024:< TxDieselKid> 169 2024:< BrownMario> trivia is usually specific 2024:< 3xist3nc3> wha 2024:< BrownMario> etray still got it lol 2024:< etray> i have to mute mario too 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country has the world's most southerly city? 2024:< tRitone11> Chile 2024:< etray> ::: 2024:< 3xist3nc3> chile 2024:< BrownMario> argentina 2024:< Bonoahx> Argentina 2024:< femdemgem> I mean yes but, this specific? How should I supposed to know this 2024:< grink> antarctica 2024:< etray> Chile 2024:< BrownMario> chile 2024:< Bonoahx> Chile 2025:< etray> Argentina 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Chile! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1782), etray (186), BrownMario (535), Bonoahx (363) 2025:< TxDieselKid> chile 2025:< TxDieselKid> SHIT 2025:< 3xist3nc3> 2late 2025:< femdemgem> 2litle2late 2025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who founded 'Live Aid' and 'Band Aid'? 2025:< etray> voodoo chile 2025:< tRitone11> Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 2025:< 3xist3nc3> u2 2025:< BrownMario> cool aid 2025:< etray> bob geldof 2025:< grink> coolaide man 2025:< erinhasguts> bob geldof 2025:< Bonoahx> Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 2025:< BrownMario> bog geldof 2025:< TxDieselKid> bob geldof 2025:< grink> JT 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Geldof & Midge Ure! Correct users: Bonoahx (367) 2025:< TxDieselKid> Bob Geldof & Midge Ure 2025:< Bonoahx> gg myself 2026:< TxDieselKid> SHITTTTTSHITTTTTT 2026:< etray> specific 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875? 2026:< tRitone11> Pocahontas 2026:< grink> slaves 2026:< etray> Abe 2026:< femdemgem> Obama 2026:< BrownMario> pocahontas 2026:< Bonoahx> who the fuck cares 2026:< TxDieselKid> Pocahontas 2026:< grink> make it rain 2026:< BrownMario> sakagiweah? 2026:< 3xist3nc3> lincoln 2026:< npinsker> The answer was Pocahontas! Correct users: BrownMario (539), TxDieselKid (80) 2026:< femdemgem> Bernie Sanders 2026:< grink> trump 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the initial capital of USSR? 2026:< tRitone11> Leningrad 2026:< Bonoahx> Stalingrad 2026:< BrownMario> leningrad 2027:< 3xist3nc3> leningrad 2027:< grink> stalingrad 2027:< etray> St Petersburg 2027:< BrownMario> ulianovsk 2027:< grink> CCP 2027:< etray> leningrad 2027:< TxDieselKid> Leningrad 2027:< Bonoahx> Leningrad 2027:< OneiricNeuron> hitlergrad 2027:< femdemgem> Dakota 2027:< Bonoahx> Trumpgrad 2027:< npinsker> The answer was Leningrad! Correct users: BrownMario (543), 3xist3nc3 (1785), etray (188), TxDieselKid (81), Bonoahx (367) 2027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark? 2027:< tRitone11> Nipper 2027:< grink> dawwww 2027:< femdemgem> nigger 2027:< Bonoahx> Nipper 2027:< grink> butters 2028:< femdemgem> nipper 2028:< 3xist3nc3> tit 2028:< npinsker> The answer was Nipper! Correct users: BrownMario (547), Bonoahx (370), femdemgem (188) 2028:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1785), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithIt (555), BrownMari... 2028:< vox35> Nipple 2028:< BrownMario> so clooose 2028:< Bonoahx> poopoo 2028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star? 2028:< tRitone11> fourteen 2028:< BrownMario> 14 2028:< grink> 16 2028:< vox35> 13 2028:< 3xist3nc3> 11 2028:< femdemgem> 15 2028:< Bonoahx> Foetus 2028:< grink> 4 2028:< Bonoahx> 14 2028:< femdemgem> 13 2028:< OneiricNeuron> embryo 2028:< ActionHobo> 14 2029:< grink> busta rhymes 2029:< femdemgem> potato 2029:< Bonoahx> Sperm 2029:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users: BrownMario (551), Bonoahx (373), ActionHobo (30) 2029:< etray> BrownMario protip FIRST say the wrong answer then later the correct one, to not be so obvious 2029:< femdemgem> Real life hack 2029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What two US states are rectangular? 2029:< tRitone11> Colorado and Wyoming 2029:< ActionHobo> colorado wyoming 2029:< 3xist3nc3> Colorado and Wyoming 2029:< BrownMario> colorado and wyoming 2029:< Bonoahx> Colorado and Wyoming 2029:< grink> california and texas 2029:< Authsauce> bolorado and wyoming 2029:< OneiricNeuron> texas and idaho 2029:< Authsauce> cholerado and whyoming 2029:< grink> north dakota and south dakota 2029:< npinsker> The answer was Colorado and Wyoming! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1789), BrownMario (554), Bonoahx (375) 2029:< vox35> North Rectangleton and the sate of Oblongsquare 2030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during a regular season? 2030:< tRitone11> Wayne Gretzky 2030:< ActionHobo> wayne gretzky 2030:< femdemgem> Messi 2030:< BrownMario> messi 2030:< Bonoahx> Wayne Gretzkyu 2030:< OneiricNeuron> the puck 2030:< vox35> Wayne Gretzky 2030:< etray> wayne gretzky 2030:< femdemgem> lol 2030:< BrownMario> lol 2030:< Bonoahx> Wayne Gretzky 2030:< grink> deniis rodman 2030:< femdemgem> are you me? 2030:< BrownMario> wayne gretzky 2030:< Bonoahx> are you me? 2030:< npinsker> The answer was Wayne Gretzky! Correct users: ActionHobo (34), vox35 (165), etray (190), Bonoahx (376), BrownMario (554) 2030:< BrownMario> no im messi-ing with you 2030:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the actor who played the leading role in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". 2030:< tRitone11> Clint Eastwood 2030:< Bonoahx> that was the best pun i have ever seen 2030:< ActionHobo> clint eastwood 2030:< grink> clint eastwood 2030:< BrownMario> clint eastwood 2031:< Bonoahx> Clint Eastwood 2031:< OneiricNeuron> clit eastwood 2031:< etray> clint eastwood 2031:< chuckfinleLP1> Clint Eastwood 2031:< grink> cunt westwood 2031:< vox35> Clint Eastwoodingtom the Third 2031:< vox35> Clint Eastwood 2031:< npinsker> The answer was Clint Eastwood! Correct users: ActionHobo (38), grink (226), BrownMario (556), Bonoahx (377), OneiricNeuron (58), etray ... 2031:< vox35> INB4 2031:< OneiricNeuron> haha it counted it right 2031:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Napoleon have built to commemorate his victories? 2031:< tRitone11> Arc de Triomphe 2031:< ActionHobo> arc de triomphe 2031:< grink> giant dick 2031:< BrownMario> arc the triomphe 2031:< Bonoahx> Guys it's not the Arc de Triomphe 2031:< femdemgem> white house 2031:< OneiricNeuron> a movie 2032:< BrownMario> big black dildo 2032:< vox35> L'arc De Triomph 2032:< npinsker> The answer was Arc de Triomphe! Correct users: ActionHobo (42), Bonoahx (380) 2032:< ActionHobo> the biggest blackest dick 2032:< 3xist3nc3> Guys it's the Arc of Triomphe 2032:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geology || There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and _________. 2032:< femdemgem> arc de triomphe 2032:< tRitone11> igneous 2032:< ActionHobo> igneous 2032:< Bonoahx> Mineral 2032:< BrownMario> igneous 2032:< Bonoahx> Igenous 2032:< grink> ignorant rock 2032:< purple_pan> igneous 2032:< etray> the Rock 2032:< 3xist3nc3> Ingenious 2032:< vox35> Arc Of Triumph 2032:< femdemgem> rocks 2032:< OneiricNeuron> hard 2032:< grink> i smell somethng 2032:< vox35> Igneous 2032:< Bonoahx> Arc de Triomphe 2032:< npinsker> The answer was igneous! Correct users: ActionHobo (46), BrownMario (559), purple_pan (15), vox35 (166) 2033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)? 2033:< tRitone11> times (faster than standard speed) 2033:< ActionHobo> times 2033:< grink> wrong answer -> speed 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> times 2033:< femdemgem> speed 2033:< BrownMario> times 2033:< vox35> Times 2033:< etray> times 2033:< femdemgem> nooo 2033:< BrownMario> speed 2033:< purple_pan> speed 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> revolutions per second 2033:< OneiricNeuron> speedo 2033:< femdemgem> times 2033:< grink> unitard 2033:< GetXyzzyWithIt> spins 2033:< npinsker> The answer was times (faster than standard speed)! Correct users: ActionHobo (50), GetXyzzyWithIt (558), BrownMario (561), vox35 (167),... 2033:< BrownMario> ok that answer is definitely oddly specific 2033:< grink> kill the bot 2033:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ________. 2033:< tRitone11> kendo 2033:< grink> docking 2033:< BrownMario> kendo 2033:< ActionHobo> kendo 2034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> kendo 2034:< femdemgem> kendo 2034:< purple_pan> kendo 2034:< grink> nintendo 2034:< GetXyzzyWithIt> kendon't 2034:< OneiricNeuron> jumping 2034:< vox35> Dat Ken, do 2034:< femdemgem> ken m 2034:< BrownMario> de-fence 2034:< etray> bukkake 2034:< npinsker> The answer was kendo! Correct users: BrownMario (565), ActionHobo (53), GetXyzzyWithIt (560), femdemgem (189), purple_pan (15) 2034:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1789), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), BrownMario (565), GetXyzzyWithI... 2034:< BrownMario> noice 2034:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Actor: ________ Hackman. 2034:< tRitone11> Gene 2034:< etray> gene 2034:< vox35> Gene 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gene 2035:< BrownMario> hugh 2035:< 3xist3nc3> Gene 2035:< femdemgem> Hugh 2035:< purple_pan> gene 2035:< grink> jeans 2035:< BrownMario> gene 2035:< 3xist3nc3> What a hack, man. 2035:< OneiricNeuron> alan 2035:< etray> rickman 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 4chan 2035:< npinsker> The answer was Gene! Correct users: etray (194), vox35 (170), GetXyzzyWithIt (562), 3xist3nc3 (1790), purple_pan (15), BrownMario (565) 2035:< vox35> Hugh J'Hackman 2035:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881. 2035:< tRitone11> James Garfield 2035:< BrownMario> garfield 2035:< grink> lincoln 2035:< femdemgem> JFK 2035:< etray> abe 2035:< 3xist3nc3> Not Taft 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Abraham Lincoln 2035:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Andrew Garfield 2035:< purple_pan> abraham lincoln 2036:< vox35> Lincoln 2036:< npinsker> The answer was James Garfield! Correct users: BrownMario (569), GetXyzzyWithIt (565) 2036:< vox35> Odie 2036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> i mean james haha 2036:< 3xist3nc3> not lincoln, he died in 1865 2036:< grink> lasagna 2036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || Who killed Kenny? 2036:< tRitone11> They 2036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> They 2036:< 3xist3nc3> They 2036:< BrownMario> they 2036:< femdemgem> They 2036:< purple_pan> they 2036:< grink> butters 2036:< andysniper> they 2036:< etray> they 2036:< OneiricNeuron> you 2036:< GetXyzzyWithIt> You 2036:< grink> timmy 2036:< OneiricNeuron> we 2036:< npinsker> The answer was They! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (569), 3xist3nc3 (1793), BrownMario (571), femdemgem (190), purple_pan (15), andysni... 2036:< vox35> You 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || He invented the most common projection for world maps. 2037:< vox35> You did, npinsker! 2037:< tRitone11> Gerardus Mercator 2037:< 3xist3nc3> Mercator 2037:< BrownMario> mercator 2037:< grink> cartman 2037:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mercator 2037:< OneiricNeuron> cartier 2037:< grink> marco polo 2037:< vox35> John Q. Mapman 2037:< etray> lincoln 2037:< npinsker> The answer was Gerardus Mercator! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1797), BrownMario (574), GetXyzzyWithIt (571) 2038:< grink> double dare 2038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Double Dare 2038:< OneiricNeuron> the view 2038:< etray> wheels of fortune 2038:< vox35> The Price Is Right 2038:< grink> jeopardy 2038:< femdemgem> let's make a deal 2038:< BrownMario> let's make a deal 2038:< npinsker> The answer was Let's Make A Deal! Correct users: femdemgem (194), BrownMario (577) 2038:< grink> let's eat a meal 2038:< vox35> Ah. 2038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || If you're IMing on QQ about Shenzhen's hottest nightclubs, you're probably on what country's version of AIM? 2038:< vox35> I see. 2038:< 3xist3nc3> China 2038:< BrownMario> china 2038:< GetXyzzyWithIt> China 2038:< purple_pan> china 2038:< OneiricNeuron> chine 2038:< grink> stefon! 2038:< etray> china 2038:< vox35> China 2038:< BrownMario> qqmoar 2039:< grink> he's back! 2039:< npinsker> The answer was China! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1801), BrownMario (580), GetXyzzyWithIt (573), purple_pan (16), etray (194), vox35 (170) 2039:< BrownMario> the chosen one? 2039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Meteorology is the study of ____________? 2039:< tRitone11> weather 2039:< OneiricNeuron> whos back? 2039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> weather 2039:< grink> weather 2039:< femdemgem> meteors 2039:< BrownMario> weather 2039:< 3xist3nc3> Weather 2039:< vox35> Weather 2039:< purple_pan> weather 2039:< grink> i was trolling 2039:< GetXyzzyWithIt> shady's back 2039:< grink> guess who's back 2039:< OneiricNeuron> im not smart 2039:< npinsker> The answer was weather! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (577), grink (229), BrownMario (582), 3xist3nc3 (1802), vox35 (170), purple_pan (16) 2040:< vox35> whether or not there are meteors around 2040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: english || The longest one-syllable word in the English language is? 2040:< tRitone11> screeched 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> through 2040:< grink> derp derpington 2040:< OneiricNeuron> meh 2040:< vox35> Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgh 2040:< etray> This, 2040:< purple_pan> screeched 2040:< BrownMario> screeched 2040:< GetXyzzyWithIt> screeched 2040:< npinsker> The answer was screeched! Correct users: purple_pan (20), BrownMario (585), GetXyzzyWithIt (579) 2040:< grink> saved by the bell 2040:< etray> by the bot 2040:< OneiricNeuron> are you in the toilet vox 2040:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1802), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), BrownMario (585), GetXyzzyWithI... 2040:< vox35> Yes 2041:< OneiricNeuron> good to know 2041:< BrownMario> pusshhh 2041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> literally in the toilet 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is responsible for the death of Regent Kevan Lannister? 2041:< OneiricNeuron> push real hard 2041:< femdemgem> cersei lannister 2041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tyrion 2041:< grink> lester 2041:< BrownMario> lanister 2041:< OneiricNeuron> wilkes booth 2041:< BrownMario> tyrone 2041:< vox35> Billy Bob Lannister 2041:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cersei 2041:< npinsker> The answer was Lord Varys! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2041:< BrownMario> lannister 2041:< vox35> VARYYYYYYS! 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Walrus tusks are made of ________. 2041:< tRitone11> ivory 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> ivory 2042:< BrownMario> ivory 2042:< OneiricNeuron> hair 2042:< noscreamsnoshouts> ivory 2042:< purple_pan> ivory 2042:< femdemgem> ivory 2042:< MapleSyrupReserves> hair 2042:< BrownMario> keratin 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> feces 2042:< vox35> Walrus bone 2042:< OneiricNeuron> atoms 2042:< BrownMario> matter 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> babies 2042:< femdemgem> cleaire underwood's favorite color 2042:< npinsker> The answer was ivory! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (583), BrownMario (588), noscreamsnoshouts (2), purple_pan (21), femdemgem (194) 2042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video? 2042:< tRitone11> Beat It 2042:< vox35> Ebony and ivory working together in perfect harmony 2042:< BrownMario> beat it 2042:< haley_joel_osteen> Beat It 2042:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Beat It 2043:< MapleSyrupReserves> thriller 2043:< npinsker> The answer was Beat It! Correct users: BrownMario (592), haley_joel_osteen (6), GetXyzzyWithIt (585) 2043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River? 2043:< tRitone11> Cleveland 2043:< BrownMario> cleveland 2043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cleveland 2043:< MapleSyrupReserves> cleveland 2043:< femdemgem> pyongyang 2043:< OneiricNeuron> something eerie happened to me there 2043:< npinsker> The answer was Cleveland! Correct users: BrownMario (596), GetXyzzyWithIt (588), MapleSyrupReserves (2) 2043:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gary 2043:< BrownMario> you are now an admin of ... eh we 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic table || What is the last element in alphabetical order? 2044:< tRitone11> Zirconium 2044:< BrownMario> zirconium 2044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Zn 2044:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Zirconium 2044:< vox35> Zirconium 2044:< purple_pan> zirconium 2044:< surelyucantbserious> Zirconium 2044:< OneiricNeuron> neon 2044:< npinsker> The answer was Zirconium! Correct users: BrownMario (600), GetXyzzyWithIt (591), vox35 (172), purple_pan (22), surelyucantbserious (11) 2044:< vox35> Cubic Zirconium 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was John Wayne's musical co-star in true grit? 2044:< tRitone11> Glen Campbell 2045:< BrownMario> glen campbell 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Glen Campbell 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Ke$ha 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Lady Gaga 2045:< npinsker> The answer was Glen Campbell! Correct users: BrownMario (604), GetXyzzyWithIt (594) 2045:< femdemgem> Ariana grande 2045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Guatemala is the capital of ____________? 2045:< tRitone11> Guatemala 2045:< BrownMario> guatemala 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Guatemala 2045:< femdemgem> guatemala 2045:< purple_pan> guatemala 2045:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Guacamole 2045:< BrownMario> guatebuena 2046:< OneiricNeuron> guam 2046:< npinsker> The answer was Guatemala! Correct users: BrownMario (608), GetXyzzyWithIt (597), femdemgem (196), purple_pan (23) 2046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || Animals and plants which produce light are said to be: 2046:< tRitone11> bioluminescent 2046:< BrownMario> luminescent 2046:< OneiricNeuron> photosynthetic 2046:< purple_pan> bioluminescent 2046:< GetXyzzyWithIt> luminescent 2046:< femdemgem> illuminatic 2046:< BrownMario> bioluminescent 2046:< Sorbetfraise> dem illuminatis! 2046:< npinsker> The answer was bioluminescent! Correct users: purple_pan (27), BrownMario (611) 2047:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1802), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), BrownMario (611), GetXyzzyWithI... 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In late 1957, Buddy Holly's solo release 'Peggy Sue' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets? 2047:< tRitone11> Oh Boy 2047:< OneiricNeuron> oh girl 2047:< BrownMario> oh boy 2047:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Oh Boy 2047:< OneiricNeuron> oh yes girl 2047:< npinsker> The answer was Oh Boy! Correct users: BrownMario (615), GetXyzzyWithIt (600) 2048:< OneiricNeuron> niiice 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is the study of weather technically called? 2048:< tRitone11> meteorology 2048:< BrownMario> meteorology 2048:< 3xist3nc3> Metereology 2048:< femdemgem> meteorology 2048:< BrownMario> we just had the inverse question... 2048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Meteorology 2048:< OneiricNeuron> minerology 2048:< purple_pan> meteorology 2048:< Sorbetfraise> Weatheromancy 2048:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Guessology 2048:< npinsker> The answer was meteorology! Correct users: BrownMario (619), femdemgem (199), GetXyzzyWithIt (602), purple_pan (28) 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation. 2048:< tRitone11> Dunkirk 2049:< BrownMario> dunkirk 2049:< Sorbetfraise> retreat 2049:< femdemgem> dunkirk 2049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dunkirk 2049:< BrownMario> the french 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Dunkirk! Correct users: BrownMario (623), femdemgem (202), GetXyzzyWithIt (604) 2049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || In the 60s Mokees Song Here comes Tommorow who does Davey Jones say he Loves? 2049:< tRitone11> Sandra and Mary 2049:< BrownMario> sandra and mary 2049:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sandra and Mary 2049:< OneiricNeuron> i love you you love me 2050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> You 2050:< npinsker> The answer was Sandra and Mary! Correct users: BrownMario (627), GetXyzzyWithIt (607) 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who was Jason's wife? 2050:< tRitone11> Medea 2050:< BrownMario> medea 2050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Medea 2050:< OneiricNeuron> madea 2050:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Madea 2050:< BrownMario> try all the spellings! 2050:< npinsker> The answer was Medea! Correct users: BrownMario (631), GetXyzzyWithIt (610) 2051:< femdemgem> Mother teresa 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mydea 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || How many nickles are there in 2.25? 2051:< tRitone11> forty five 2051:< BrownMario> 45 2051:< femdemgem> 9 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 45 2051:< purple_pan> 45 2051:< OneiricNeuron> fitty cents 2051:< GetXyzzyWithIt> forty five 2051:< OneiricNeuron> tree fiddy 2051:< npinsker> The answer was forty five! Correct users: BrownMario (635), GetXyzzyWithIt (613), purple_pan (30) 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who is present when the assassin tries to kill Bran Stark when he awakes following his fall? 2052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> a bunch of nerds 2052:< femdemgem> Cat 2052:< Sorbetfraise> Catelyn Stark 2052:< femdemgem> catelyn stark 2052:< BrownMario> catelyn stark 2052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Catelyn Stark 2052:< OneiricNeuron> dog 2052:< Sorbetfraise> dem copy pastas :( 2052:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Caitlyn Jenner 2052:< OneiricNeuron> dogelyn stark 2052:< npinsker> The answer was Catelyn Stark! Correct users: Sorbetfraise (4), femdemgem (205), BrownMario (637), GetXyzzyWithIt (614) 2052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || He was known as the "Elephant Man". 2052:< tRitone11> Joseph Merrick 2052:< OneiricNeuron> joseph marry 2052:< Sorbetfraise> dumbo, the man 2053:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Al Roker 2053:< femdemgem> joseph merrick 2053:< BrownMario> joseph merrick 2053:< npinsker> The answer was Joseph Merrick! Correct users: femdemgem (209), BrownMario (640) 2053:< vox35> Jimmy Joe Merrick 2053:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1802), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), BrownMario (640), GetXyzzyWithI... 2053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon? 2053:< tRitone11> tides 2053:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Tides 2053:< BrownMario> waves 2053:< vox35> Tides 2053:< OneiricNeuron> tires 2053:< femdemgem> tides 2053:< BrownMario> tides 2053:< Sorbetfraise> moon people 2053:< GetXyzzyWithIt> waves 2053:< purple_pan> tides 2054:< _Scarecrow_> periods 2054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cheese 2054:< Sorbetfraise> moon moon 2054:< npinsker> The answer was tides! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (618), vox35 (175), femdemgem (211), BrownMario (641), purple_pan (30) 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the first letter in the Greek alphabet? 2054:< tRitone11> Alpha 2054:< BrownMario> alpha 2054:< femdemgem> alpha 2054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alpha 2054:< purple_pan> alpha 2054:< OneiricNeuron> beta 2054:< _Scarecrow_> T 2054:< BrownMario> delta 2054:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alfa 2054:< vox35> Seven 2054:< BrownMario> tonto 2054:< Sorbetfraise> y 2054:< OneiricNeuron> omegle 2054:< npinsker> The answer was Alpha! Correct users: BrownMario (645), femdemgem (214), GetXyzzyWithIt (620), purple_pan (31) 2055:< Sorbetfraise> å 2055:< Sorbetfraise> å 2055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang with 'The Dakotas'? 2055:< tRitone11> Billy J. Kramer 2055:< _Scarecrow_> The nevadas 2055:< BrownMario> the carolinas 2055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Carolinas 2055:< OneiricNeuron> billy J kramer 2055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Virginias 2055:< BrownMario> billy j kramer 2055:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Billy J Kramer 2055:< npinsker> The answer was Billy J. Kramer! Correct users: OneiricNeuron (62), BrownMario (648), GetXyzzyWithIt (622) 2055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'? 2055:< tRitone11> The Tropicana 2056:< BrownMario> cuba 2056:< vox35> Havana Club 2056:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Havana Club 2056:< BrownMario> the tropicana 2056:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Tropicana 2056:< npinsker> The answer was The Tropicana! Correct users: BrownMario (652) 2056:< vox35> Shitty guess club 2056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played in the film 'Ragtime' after 20 years offscreen? 2056:< tRitone11> James Cagney 2056:< OneiricNeuron> jim carrey 2056:< vox35> Bette Davis 2057:< GetXyzzyWithIt> James Cagney 2057:< BrownMario> jim carrey 2057:< BrownMario> james cagney 2057:< npinsker> The answer was James Cagney! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (626), BrownMario (655) 2057:< OneiricNeuron> you have...bette davis eyes 2057:< vox35> Guessy Davis 2057:< vox35> I do 2057:< OneiricNeuron> me too! 2057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || Who married Mutt Lange? 2057:< tRitone11> Shania Twain 2057:< BrownMario> shania twain 2057:< 3xist3nc3> Shania Twain 2057:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Shania Twain 2057:< femdemgem> shania twain 2057:< OneiricNeuron> shania twine 2057:< npinsker> The answer was Shania Twain! Correct users: BrownMario (659), 3xist3nc3 (1805), GetXyzzyWithIt (628), femdemgem (215) 2057:< 3xist3nc3> DeShaynia Twayne 2058:< westondeboer> who is not married to mutt lange anymore 2058:< vox35> Mutt Lange's wife 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies? 2058:< tRitone11> Juliet 2058:< 3xist3nc3> Juliet 2058:< BrownMario> juliet 2058:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Juliet 2058:< OneiricNeuron> romea 2058:< purple_pan> juliet 2058:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Romeo 2058:< vox35> Romeo 2058:< vox35> Romeo 2058:< OneiricNeuron> idiot 2058:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Shakespeare 2058:< npinsker> The answer was Juliet! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1809), BrownMario (662), GetXyzzyWithIt (630), purple_pan (32) 2058:< vox35> By Romeo, I meant Juliet 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The Strong National Museum of Play has thousands of video games and it's in Rochester in what state? 2058:< BrownMario> of course 2059:< GetXyzzyWithIt> New York 2059:< BrownMario> new york 2059:< vox35> New York 2059:< femdemgem> new yoek 2059:< OneiricNeuron> new amsterdam 2059:< BrownMario> new mexico 2059:< OneiricNeuron> in my timeline it was never renamed 2059:< npinsker> The answer was New York! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (634), BrownMario (665), vox35 (177) 2059:< femdemgem> york 2059:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Old York 2059:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1809), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), chrzan (683), BrownMario (665), GetXyzzyWithI... 2059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Myositis affects the _________. 2059:< tRitone11> muscles 2059:< vox35> Not that new anymore York 2100:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cells 2100:< femdemgem> brain 2100:< BrownMario> muscles 2100:< OneiricNeuron> eyes 2100:< vox35> cells 2100:< GetXyzzyWithIt> eyes 2100:< OneiricNeuron> eye muscles 2100:< purple_pan> cells 2100:< BrownMario> eyes 2100:< BrownMario> cells 2100:< purple_pan> muscles 2100:< femdemgem> muscles 2100:< npinsker> The answer was muscles! Correct users: BrownMario (669), OneiricNeuron (65), purple_pan (34) 2100:< OneiricNeuron> fuck the rate limit 2100:< vox35> muscles have cells in them 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____. 2100:< tRitone11> Moon 2100:< vox35> Don't they? 2100:< femdemgem> moon 2100:< StuRobo> Moon 2100:< Nesman64> moon 2100:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Moon 2100:< purple_pan> moon 2100:< BrownMario> moon 2100:< OneiricNeuron> it makes me feel like a criminal 2100:< vox35> Yer mom 2100:< Nesman64> m o o n. That spells moon 2100:< StuRobo> and sun 2101:< BrownMario> you can't explain that 2101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Luna 2101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Rosie O'Donnell 2101:< npinsker> The answer was Moon! Correct users: femdemgem (219), StuRobo (359), Nesman64 (95), GetXyzzyWithIt (635), purple_pan (34), BrownMario (669) 2101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Name the implement that removes water from your windshield on your car? 2101:< tRitone11> wiper 2101:< BrownMario> wiper 2101:< StuRobo> wiper 2101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> wiper 2101:< femdemgem> wiper 2101:< Nesman64> wiper 2101:< OneiricNeuron> windshield 2101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> windshield wiper 2101:< vox35> Windshield wiper 2101:< OneiricNeuron> sticks 2101:< purple_pan> windshield wiper 2101:< GetXyzzyWithIt> slaves 2101:< OneiricNeuron> stick with rag 2101:< npinsker> The answer was wiper! Correct users: BrownMario (673), StuRobo (362), GetXyzzyWithIt (637), femdemgem (220), Nesman64 (95), vox35 (177)... 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods. 2102:< tRitone11> Olympus 2102:< BrownMario> olympus 2102:< StuRobo> olympus 2102:< Nesman64> olympus 2102:< femdemgem> olympus 2102:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Olympus 2102:< OneiricNeuron> olimpia 2102:< purple_pan> olympus 2102:< embracetehmartian> https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2102:< vox35> Still Olympus, same as last time you asked 2102:< npinsker> The answer was Olympus! Correct users: BrownMario (677), StuRobo (365), Nesman64 (97), femdemgem (221), GetXyzzyWithIt (637), purple_pa... 2102:< BrownMario> vox getting sassy 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the ocean of air around the earth called? 2102:< tRitone11> atmosphere 2103:< StuRobo> atmosphere 2103:< BrownMario> atmosphere 2103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Atmosphere 2103:< Nesman64> atmosphere 2103:< andysniper> atmosphere 2103:< vox35> Atmosphere 2103:< BrownMario> ocean of air? wtf 2103:< purple_pan> atmosphere 2103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fart clouds 2103:< npinsker> The answer was atmosphere! Correct users: StuRobo (369), BrownMario (680), GetXyzzyWithIt (639), Nesman64 (98), andysniper (387), vox35... 2103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the name of Yogi Bear's best freind 2103:< tRitone11> Boo Boo 2103:< vox35> There is no me in Uganda 2103:< StuRobo> boo boo 2103:< Nesman64> booboo 2103:< femdemgem> barney 2103:< 3xist3nc3> Boo boo 2103:< b10h4z4rd> Boo Boo 2103:< BrownMario> boo boo 2103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Booboo 2103:< Nesman64> boo boo 2103:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Boo Boo 2103:< vox35> Booboo 2103:< purple_pan> boo boo 2103:< BrownMario> boo boo 2103:< OneiricNeuron> honey boo boo 2104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Honey Boo Boo 2104:< BrownMario> nice 2104:< Nesman64> His name is Boo Boo, Honey 2104:< npinsker> The answer was Boo Boo! Correct users: StuRobo (373), 3xist3nc3 (1812), b10h4z4rd (21), BrownMario (681), Nesman64 (98), GetXyzzyWithIt... 2104:< OneiricNeuron> wiener the poo 2104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______. 2104:< tRitone11> geyser 2104:< vox35> Boo Boo 2104:< StuRobo> geyser 2104:< BrownMario> geyser 2104:< Nesman64> geyser 2104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Geyser 2104:< vox35> gyser 2104:< OneiricNeuron> gayser 2104:< BrownMario> gaydar 2104:< vox35> Geyaeyser 2104:< OneiricNeuron> gaysir* 2104:< femdemgem> 👻👻 2104:< rohishimoto> Gayser 2104:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Geezer 2104:< rohishimoto> geyser 2104:< npinsker> The answer was geyser! Correct users: StuRobo (377), BrownMario (684), Nesman64 (100), GetXyzzyWithIt (640), rohishimoto (45) 2105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what? 2105:< tRitone11> cotton and tobacco 2105:< BrownMario> cotton 2105:< Nesman64> cotton 2105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Cotton and Tobacco 2105:< StuRobo> cotton and tobacco 2105:< femdemgem> mexico 2105:< OneiricNeuron> cotton and tobaco 2105:< BrownMario> cotton and tobaco 2105:< rohishimoto> tRitone is such a loser 2105:< BrownMario> slaves 2105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> you should mute him 2105:< rohishimoto> how? 2105:< npinsker> The answer was cotton and tobacco! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (644), StuRobo (380) 2105:< BrownMario> :( 2105:< vox35> Stuff that is not peanuts and sweet potatoes 2105:< GetXyzzyWithIt> do you have the extension installed? 2105:< StuRobo> rohishimoto - block the bots 2105:< Nesman64> I muted him. It was hard to squint at the question and not see his answer. 2105:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1812), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (684), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithI... 2106:< rohishimoto> oh i got it 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Paul Mccartney played these instruments? 2106:< tRitone11> bass guitar and piano 2106:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Guitars 2106:< Nesman64> Drums 2106:< femdemgem> Vuvuzela 2106:< StuRobo> guitar and piano 2106:< rohishimoto> bass guitar and piano 2106:< vox35> Bass, piano, guitar 2106:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bass, Piano, Guitar 2106:< BrownMario> bass, piano, and guitar 2106:< OneiricNeuron> nina pinta santa maria 2106:< npinsker> The answer was bass guitar and piano! Correct users: rohishimoto (49) 2106:< GetXyzzyWithIt> oy 2106:< rohishimoto> oh sweet 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || When was the Greek alphabet first used? 2107:< tRitone11> 800 BC 2107:< BrownMario> 800 2107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 800 2107:< rohishimoto> bass 600 BC 2107:< StuRobo> some time ago 2107:< OneiricNeuron> in greece 2107:< BrownMario> when it was invented 2107:< rohishimoto> 600 BC 2107:< BrownMario> 800 bc 2107:< Nesman64> history 2107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 750 BC 2107:< femdemgem> while writing the qoran 2107:< npinsker> The answer was 800 BC! Correct users: BrownMario (688) 2107:< rohishimoto> 800 BC 2107:< rohishimoto> shit 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Scouts || What is the boy scout motto? 2107:< tRitone11> Be prepared 2107:< StuRobo> be prepared 2107:< GetXyzzyWithIt> be prepared 2107:< BrownMario> just say yes 2107:< Nesman64> Be prepared 2108:< BrownMario> be prepared 2108:< GetXyzzyWithIt> for buttsex 2108:< rohishimoto> "Open wide" 2108:< femdemgem> we jerk off eachother 2108:< npinsker> The answer was Be prepared! Correct users: StuRobo (384), GetXyzzyWithIt (647), Nesman64 (102), BrownMario (689) 2108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The New Orleans __________. 2108:< tRitone11> Saints 2108:< BrownMario> saints 2108:< Nesman64> saints 2108:< rohishimoto> Saints 2108:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Floods 2108:< vox35> Saints 2108:< StuRobo> poopooheads 2108:< OneiricNeuron> lol 2108:< 3xist3nc3> Hurricanes 2108:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Looters 2108:< BrownMario> pelicans 2108:< rohishimoto> alright imma do hw now cya 2108:< npinsker> The answer was Saints! Correct users: BrownMario (693), Nesman64 (105), rohishimoto (51), vox35 (178) 2109:< OneiricNeuron> see ya 2109:< 3xist3nc3> cya rohishimoto 2109:< BrownMario> see ya 2109:< vox35> bye 2109:< GetXyzzyWithIt> bye 2109:< OneiricNeuron> buly me something 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Name Jerry Garcia's long lived group. 2109:< tRitone11> The Grateful Dead 2109:< Nesman64> greatful dead 2109:< BrownMario> the greatful dead 2109:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Greatful Dead 2109:< StuRobo> walking dead 2109:< vox35> The Grateful Dead 2109:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The Grateful Dead 2109:< BrownMario> the grateful dead 2109:< vox35> Grateful Dead, The 2109:< npinsker> The answer was The Grateful Dead! Correct users: vox35 (182), GetXyzzyWithIt (650), BrownMario (695) 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Entertainment || What is know as 'The Greatest Show On Earth'? 2110:< tRitone11> Barnum & Bailey Circus 2110:< StuRobo> barnum's 2110:< OneiricNeuron> did you know you can mute yourself? 2110:< BrownMario> the rams 2110:< Nesman64> Barnum and Bailey's circus 2110:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barnum's 2110:< femdemgem> the rosie o'donell show 2110:< vox35> Barnum and Bailey's Circus 2110:< femdemgem> trying 2110:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barnum and Bailey's Circus 2110:< BrownMario> barnum and bailey circus 2110:< npinsker> The answer was Barnum & Bailey Circus! Correct users: BrownMario (699) 2110:< BrownMario> what lol 2110:< femdemgem> I like it less shitpost 2110:< vox35> FUCK YOUUUUU 2110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who devised the periodic table of elements? 2110:< tRitone11> Mendelev 2110:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mendeleev 2110:< BrownMario> mendelev 2110:< vox35> I did 2110:< StuRobo> mendelev 2111:< vox35> In my spare time 2111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mendeleyev 2111:< purple_pan> mendelev 2111:< npinsker> The answer was Mendelev! Correct users: BrownMario (703), StuRobo (387), purple_pan (36) 2111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> it required stupid spelling before 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || In the original "Donkey Kong" arcade game, what was the ape's favorite weapon to use against Mario? 2111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barrels 2111:< BrownMario> barrel 2111:< Nesman64> Barrels 2111:< StuRobo> barrel 2111:< vox35> Barrel 2111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barrel 2111:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sperm 2111:< TriumphantTumbleweed> piss 2111:< npinsker> The answer was Barrels! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (654), Nesman64 (108) 2112:< StuRobo> plurals eh 2112:< Nesman64> Got to have that s 2112:< vox35> Fuuuuck 2112:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1812), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (703), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithI... 2112:< vox35> s 2112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Russian America called after 1867? 2112:< tRitone11> Alaska 2112:< vox35> There, you happy? 2112:< BrownMario> alaska 2112:< StuRobo> alaska 2112:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Alaska 2112:< femdemgem> New hampshire 2112:< vox35> Alaskas 2112:< BrownMario> sarah palin 2112:< vox35> The Alaskas 2112:< npinsker> The answer was Alaska! Correct users: BrownMario (707), StuRobo (390), GetXyzzyWithIt (656) 2113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'? 2113:< tRitone11> twenty questions 2113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 20 questions 2113:< vox35> 20 questions 2113:< StuRobo> twenty question 2113:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 20 questiones 2113:< Nesman64> 20 questions twenty questions 2113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> charades 2113:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 20 questions 2113:< GetXyzzyWithIt> twenty questions 2113:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: BrownMario (711), GetXyzzyWithIt (659), vox35 (184), Nesman64 (109), TriumphantTumblewe... 2114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || An arrangement for five performers is called a: 2114:< tRitone11> quintet 2114:< BrownMario> quintet 2114:< Nesman64> quintet 2114:< StuRobo> squintet 2114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Quintet 2114:< vox35> Quintet 2114:< StuRobo> aw fuckit 2114:< femdemgem> quintet 2114:< Nesman64> Leave the s there, StuRobo 2114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Squintet is when they lose their glasses 2114:< npinsker> The answer was quintet! Correct users: BrownMario (715), Nesman64 (112), StuRobo (392), GetXyzzyWithIt (660), vox35 (184), femdemgem (221) 2114:< Nesman64> See? Got to have that s 2114:< StuRobo> ha! 2114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is Thunder Bay? 2114:< tRitone11> Canada 2114:< Savolainen5> canada 2114:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Canada 2114:< rbasov> canada --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:15:29 2016 2115:< vox35> femdemgem is a snake 2115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: The Bible || What is the last word in the New Testament? 2115:< tRitone11> Amen 2115:< rbasov> amen 2115:< BrownMario> amen 2115:< StuRobo> amen 2115:< 3xist3nc3> Amen 2115:< femdemgem> snek* 2115:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Amen 2115:< Nesman64> Samen 2115:< BrownMario> semen 2115:< surelyucantbserious> Jesus! 2115:< 3xist3nc3> hiss hiss 2115:< GetXyzzyWithIt> No gays allowed 2115:< rbasov> lol xyzzy 2115:< vox35> rimjob 2115:< BrownMario> unless you are pedo* 2115:< npinsker> The answer was Amen! Correct users: rbasov (456), BrownMario (719), StuRobo (394), 3xist3nc3 (1813), GetXyzzyWithIt (663), Nesman64 (112) 2116:< Savolainen5> the answer was obviously 'testament' 2116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> haha 2116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Myths || What were the 'Golden Apples' in Greek myth? 2116:< tRitone11> Apricots 2116:< BrownMario> loll 2116:< rbasov> apricots 2116:< BrownMario> apricots 2116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Apricots 2116:< StuRobo> apricots 2116:< Nesman64> SPeach 2116:< femdemgem> bananas 2116:< Savolainen5> dragon fruit 2116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Melons 2116:< femdemgem> avocados 2116:< BrownMario> deeze nuts 2116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Honeydew 2116:< npinsker> The answer was Apricots! Correct users: rbasov (460), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (665), StuRobo (395) 2116:< rbasov> i like to eat Apples and Bananas, Opples and Bononos 2116:< GetXyzzyWithIt> hahaha 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which country is the famous Maracana stadium? 2117:< tRitone11> brazil 2117:< rbasov> brazil 2117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Brazil 2117:< Savolainen5> brazil 2117:< StuRobo> brazil 2117:< TriumphantTumbleweed> antarctica 2117:< rbasov> the mariana's trench 2117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Corruptionville 2117:< npinsker> The answer was brazil! Correct users: rbasov (464), GetXyzzyWithIt (668), Savolainen5 (302), StuRobo (396) 2117:< femdemgem> taxville 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Languages || What ONE word fits? ____stream; ____hill; _____pour. 2117:< tRitone11> down 2117:< rbasov> down 2117:< GetXyzzyWithIt> down 2117:< StuRobo> down 2117:< Authsauce> down 2117:< TriumphantTumbleweed> down 2117:< haykam821> down 2118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> piss 2118:< Authsauce> up 2118:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 311 2118:< femdemgem> 911 2118:< BrownMario> alright fam after a long day of being in the office doing trivia 2118:< npinsker> The answer was down! Correct users: rbasov (468), GetXyzzyWithIt (671), StuRobo (398), Authsauce (361), TriumphantTumbleweed (20), hayk... 2118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cya! 2118:< BrownMario> i gotta get ready to go home and do trivia 2118:< rbasov> forgetting to leave again 2118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 2118:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1813), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), chrzan (683), GetXyzzyWithI... 2118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Inventions || What did john logie baird invent in 1925? 2118:< tRitone11> Television 2118:< rbasov> television 2118:< StuRobo> television 2118:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Television 2118:< Savolainen5> television 2118:< joe_chip> television 2118:< femdemgem> fire 2119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The double-sided dildo 2119:< rbasov> the strap on from se7en 2119:< femdemgem> only my besties can use it 2119:< npinsker> The answer was Television! Correct users: rbasov (472), StuRobo (401), GetXyzzyWithIt (673), Savolainen5 (303), joe_chip (33) 2119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Swimming || What did Captain Matthew Webb swim first? 2119:< tRitone11> English Channel 2119:< rbasov> english channel 2119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> The English Channel 2119:< GetXyzzyWithIt> English Channel 2119:< Nesman64> Water 2119:< TriumphantTumbleweed> so, tritone is cheating? the hell? people are so strange 2120:< npinsker> The answer was English Channel! Correct users: rbasov (476), GetXyzzyWithIt (676) 2120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> yes he is, you should just mute him 2120:< rbasov> he's scripting, but he's banned from playing 2120:< Savolainen5> just mute him, he's mad he got banned from the bot 2120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Name the author of 'The Catcher in the Rye' 2120:< tRitone11> J.D. Salinger 2120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> just a little script kiddy 2120:< GetXyzzyWithIt> J.D. Salinger 2120:< Savolainen5> salinger 2120:< Nesman64> J.D. Salinger 2120:< TriumphantTumbleweed> word, muted 2120:< npinsker> The answer was J.D. Salinger! Correct users: rbasov (480), GetXyzzyWithIt (679), Savolainen5 (305), Nesman64 (113) 2121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What does 'shogun' mean in English? 2121:< tRitone11> military governor 2121:< Savolainen5> warlord 2121:< femdemgem> knight 2121:< rbasov> military governor 2121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> warlord 2121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> knight 2121:< femdemgem> secretary of state 2121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> master 2121:< npinsker> The answer was military governor! Correct users: rbasov (484) 2121:< StuRobo> jeep 2121:< Savolainen5> in english, duh 2121:< Savolainen5> not in japanese 2121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the name of Barney and Betty Rubble's son? 2121:< tRitone11> Bam Bam 2121:< rbasov> bam bam 2121:< Savolainen5> bambam 2121:< femdemgem> bam bam 2121:< StuRobo> bam bam 2121:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bambam 2122:< Nesman64> bambam 2122:< rbasov> i miss the flinstones 2122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bam-bam 2122:< femdemgem> what was the fred's 2122:< TriumphantTumbleweed> bam bam 2122:< vox35> Bam Bam 2122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bam Bam 2122:< rbasov> pebbles 2122:< npinsker> The answer was Bam Bam! Correct users: rbasov (488), femdemgem (224), StuRobo (403), GetXyzzyWithIt (680), TriumphantTumbleweed (20), v... 2122:< Nesman64> . 2122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || The Komodo Dragon, the biggest known lizard to science, is endemic to the Komodo islands of what country? 2122:< tRitone11> Indonesia 2122:< rbasov> indonesia 2122:< StuRobo> indonesia 2122:< Savolainen5> indonesia 2122:< Nesman64> Japan 2122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Indonesia 2122:< 3xist3nc3> Indonesia 2122:< vox35> Indonesia 2122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Polynesia 2122:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Malaysia 2122:< rbasov> Your mom's knees, yeah. 2123:< npinsker> The answer was Indonesia! Correct users: rbasov (492), StuRobo (406), Savolainen5 (307), GetXyzzyWithIt (681), 3xist3nc3 (1813), vox35 ... 2123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || A foot-long ruler is __ inches long. 2123:< tRitone11> twelve 2123:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 12 2123:< Savolainen5> 12 2123:< Nesman64> 12 2123:< femdemgem> 12 2123:< rbasov> 12 2123:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 12 2123:< femdemgem> thank you subway 2123:< GetXyzzyWithIt> someone that short probably about 2 inches actually 2123:< rbasov> let me just whip out my manhood...about 15 of me to make a rule... 2123:< npinsker> The answer was twelve! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (685), Savolainen5 (310), Nesman64 (115), femdemgem (225), rbasov (492), Triumphan... 2124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz"? 2124:< tRitone11> Judy Garland 2124:< rbasov> judy garland 2124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Judy Garland 2124:< Nesman64> Judy Garland 2124:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Bea Arthur 2124:< Savolainen5> mothafuckin judy garland 2124:< TriumphantTumbleweed> eddie murphy 2124:< npinsker> The answer was Judy Garland! Correct users: rbasov (496), GetXyzzyWithIt (688), Nesman64 (117), Savolainen5 (311) 2124:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1813), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (688), chrza... 2124:< vox35> Liza Minelli's mum 2124:< femdemgem> It accepted your answer lmao 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the first to win the grand slam of tennis? 2125:< tRitone11> Don Budge 2125:< rbasov> don budge 2125:< femdemgem> Los angeles lakers 2125:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Don Budge 2125:< Nesman64> Denny's 2125:< Savolainen5> indeed, if it's there, it'll take it 2125:< TriumphantTumbleweed> andre agassi 2125:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Denny's Grand Slamwich 2125:< TriumphantTumbleweed> lol, only tennis player I know 2125:< npinsker> The answer was Don Budge! Correct users: rbasov (500), GetXyzzyWithIt (691) 2125:< Savolainen5> gustavus adolphus 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is Gordon Sumner better known as? 2125:< tRitone11> Sting 2125:< rbasov> sting 2125:< StuRobo> sting 2125:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sting 2125:< femdemgem> sting 2125:< vox35> Sting 2125:< Nesman64> Gordon Lightfoot 2126:< TriumphantTumbleweed> barbara streisand 2126:< Savolainen5> freddie mercury 2126:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gordon Wimnter 2126:< Savolainen5> ^ 2126:< npinsker> The answer was Sting! Correct users: rbasov (504), StuRobo (409), GetXyzzyWithIt (693), femdemgem (226), vox35 (184) 2126:< vox35> Or "asshole", depending on who you ask. 2126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who shot Bruce Wayne's parents? 2126:< tRitone11> Chill 2126:< vox35> Joe Chill 2126:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Barack Obama 2126:< rbasov> chill 2126:< femdemgem> chill 2126:< Nesman64> Joker, in the movie. 2126:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Joe Chill 2126:< Savolainen5> ace ventura 2127:< npinsker> The answer was Chill! Correct users: vox35 (188), rbasov (507), femdemgem (228), GetXyzzyWithIt (694) 2127:< vox35> Guy ain't got no chill. 2127:< Savolainen5> on the countrary, he has at least one chill 2127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || What secret organization did Harry Potter initiate, to teach fellow students proper Defense against the Dark ... 2127:< Savolainen5> DA 2127:< femdemgem> dombledors army 2127:< rbasov> oh crap... 2127:< vox35> Dumbledore's Army 2127:< TriumphantTumbleweed> dumbledore's army 2127:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Dumbledore's Army 2127:< Savolainen5> dumbledore's army 2127:< rbasov> yeah, that... 2127:< femdemgem> dumbledore's army 2127:< Nesman64> DA Dumbledore's army 2127:< femdemgem> spelling is hard 2127:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Levio-sahhh 2127:< npinsker> The answer was Dumbledore's Army! Correct users: vox35 (192), TriumphantTumbleweed (23), GetXyzzyWithIt (696), Savolainen5 (312), femde... 2127:< Savolainen5> oho, of course it didn't accept DA 2128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Chicago _________. 2128:< tRitone11> Blackhawks 2128:< Savolainen5> blackhawks 2128:< StuRobo> fuckwits 2128:< femdemgem> hawks 2128:< rbasov> blackhawks 2128:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Blackhawks 2128:< vox35> Blackhawks 2128:< femdemgem> blackhawks 2128:< rbasov> go red wings! 2128:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fire 2128:< npinsker> The answer was Blackhawks! Correct users: Savolainen5 (316), rbasov (510), GetXyzzyWithIt (698), vox35 (193), femdemgem (228) 2128:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Crimespree 2128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship. 2128:< tRitone11> The Lady Byng Trophy 2128:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Lady Bing 2128:< hellapanda> lady byng trophy 2128:< femdemgem> Golden globes 2129:< rbasov> lady byng trophy 2129:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Lady Byng 2129:< femdemgem> lady byng 2129:< npinsker> The answer was The Lady Byng Trophy! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (702), femdemgem (231) 2129:< Savolainen5> lei di ping 2129:< vox35> The golden puck 2129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959? 2129:< tRitone11> fifty nine 2129:< GetXyzzyWithIt> sometimes it requires such specific spelling, other times no 2129:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 4 2129:< 3xist3nc3> 57 2129:< femdemgem> 10 2129:< Savolainen5> one 2129:< rbasov> a lot 2129:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 10 2129:< hellapanda> meh 2129:< ActionHobo> 59 2129:< TriumphantTumbleweed> 69 2129:< GetXyzzyWithIt> 59 2129:< Savolainen5> ten 2129:< 3xist3nc3> 59 2130:< rbasov> 420 2130:< GetXyzzyWithIt> tree fiddy 2130:< npinsker> The answer was fifty nine! Correct users: npinsker (60), ActionHobo (56), GetXyzzyWithIt (704), 3xist3nc3 (1814) 2130:< Savolainen5> not bad 2130:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol npinsker 2130:< vox35> 0, plus another 59 2130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the only survivor of Custer's last stand? 2130:< tRitone11> his horse 2130:< ActionHobo> his horse 2130:< rbasov> the horse 2130:< GetXyzzyWithIt> His Horse 2130:< TriumphantTumbleweed> george clooney 2130:< 3xist3nc3> his horse 2130:< rbasov> his horse 2130:< Savolainen5> his bloody horse 2130:< npinsker> The answer was his horse! Correct users: ActionHobo (60), rbasov (513), GetXyzzyWithIt (706), 3xist3nc3 (1815), Savolainen5 (316) 2130:< Savolainen5> check 2130:< vox35> A custard stand 2131:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1862), 3xist3nc3 (1815), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (706), chrza... 2131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Radio || Of what is 'FM' an abbreviation? 2131:< tRitone11> frequency modulation 2131:< hellapanda> frequency modulation 2131:< TriumphantTumbleweed> fuck me 2131:< ActionHobo> frequency modulation 2131:< rbasov> frequency modulation 2131:< Nesman64> frequency modulation 2131:< femdemgem> frequency modulation 2131:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Frequency Modulation 2131:< vox35> Frequency modulation 2131:< TriumphantTumbleweed> oh 2131:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Fluffy Mangina 2131:< npinsker> The answer was frequency modulation! Correct users: hellapanda (1866), ActionHobo (63), rbasov (515), Nesman64 (118), femdemgem (231), ... 2131:< vox35> maybe later TriumphantTumbleweed 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || What is the term for the group of plants that catch and digest insects? 2132:< tRitone11> carnivorous 2132:< hellapanda> carnivorous 2132:< ActionHobo> carnivorous 2132:< rbasov> carnivorous 2132:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Carnivorous 2132:< rbasov> she's a man eater 2132:< vox35> trappy trap plants 2132:< npinsker> The answer was carnivorous! Correct users: hellapanda (1870), ActionHobo (66), rbasov (517), GetXyzzyWithIt (707) 2132:< femdemgem> snek eater 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the most essential tool in astronomy? 2132:< tRitone11> telescope 2132:< ActionHobo> telescope 2132:< rbasov> telescope 2132:< hellapanda> stars 2132:< femdemgem> eye 2132:< Nesman64> Telescope 2132:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Telescope 2133:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Brain 2133:< vox35> Eyes 2133:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Stars 2133:< rbasov> a very big magnifying glass 2133:< femdemgem> the universe 2133:< npinsker> The answer was telescope! Correct users: ActionHobo (70), rbasov (520), Nesman64 (120), GetXyzzyWithIt (708) 2133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport would you find a 'Sukahara'? 2133:< tRitone11> Gymnastics 2133:< hellapanda> gymnastics 2133:< rbasov> gymnastics 2133:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Gymnastics 2134:< npinsker> The answer was Gymnastics! Correct users: hellapanda (1874), rbasov (523), GetXyzzyWithIt (710) 2134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || "Yellow River" is the common name for which Chinese river? 2134:< tRitone11> Hwang Ho 2134:< rbasov> hwang ho 2134:< hellapanda> hwang ho 2134:< ActionHobo> hwang ho 2134:< femdemgem> wow 2134:< hellapanda> also huang he 2134:< ActionHobo> kinda racist 2134:< npinsker> The answer was Hwang Ho! Correct users: rbasov (527), hellapanda (1877), ActionHobo (72) 2134:< rbasov> right? actionhobo 2134:< hellapanda> no one said yangtze this time? 2135:< femdemgem> 玛曲 2135:< rbasov> we learned 2135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || He penned the founding novel of the utopian genre, "Utopia."? 2135:< tRitone11> Sir Thomas More 2135:< hellapanda> nice 2135:< ActionHobo> sir thomas more 2135:< rbasov> sir thomas more 2135:< npinsker> The answer was Sir Thomas More! Correct users: ActionHobo (76), rbasov (530) 2135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the name of the famous large coral reef located off the coast of northeastern Australia? 2135:< tRitone11> Great Barrier Reef 2135:< hellapanda> great barrier reef 2135:< rbasov> great barrier reeg 2136:< rbasov> great barrier reef 2136:< rbasov> where'd everyone go? 2136:< npinsker> The answer was Great Barrier Reef! Correct users: hellapanda (1881), rbasov (533) 2136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This is the only mammal with four knees. 2136:< tRitone11> elephant 2136:< rbasov> elephant 2136:< femdemgem> whale 2136:< hellapanda> til 2137:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: rbasov (537) 2137:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1881), 3xist3nc3 (1815), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is Westminster Abbey? 2137:< tRitone11> London 2137:< 3xist3nc3> London 2137:< rbasov> london 2137:< hellapanda> london 2137:< rbasov> humans technically have 4 knees...elbows are just knees for your arms 2138:< ApocalypticGerbil> london 2138:< npinsker> The answer was London! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1819), rbasov (540), hellapanda (1883), ApocalypticGerbil (1) 2138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is a camelopard also known? 2138:< tRitone11> giraffe 2138:< hellapanda> horses knees aren't knees? 2138:< rbasov> giraffe 2138:< ApocalypticGerbil> giraffe 2138:< hellapanda> I guess they bend the other way 2138:< rbasov> my frist guess was camel...because i know they get all the way down and bend at the legs 2138:< npinsker> The answer was giraffe! Correct users: rbasov (544), ApocalypticGerbil (4) 2139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What did Einstein get the nobel prize for? 2139:< tRitone11> The Photelectric effect 2139:< femdemgem> e mc2 2139:< rbasov> the photoelectric effect 2139:< rbasov> the photelectric effect 2139:< hellapanda> camel's back legs bend the other way too! 2139:< npinsker> The answer was The Photoelectric effect! Correct users: rbasov (548) 2139:< hellapanda> still bothered by the answer. there has to be another animal! 2139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal lives in a warren? 2139:< tRitone11> rabbit 2139:< monoglot> rabbit 2139:< rbasov> rabbit 2139:< ApocalypticGerbil> rabbit 2139:< vox35> Rabbit 2140:< rbasov> there has to be, i know...but it's just weird to imagine 2140:< npinsker> The answer was rabbit! Correct users: monoglot (33), rbasov (551), ApocalypticGerbil (6), vox35 (194) 2140:< vox35> Rabbits back legs bend backwards 2140:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Cape Hatteras? 2140:< tRitone11> North Carolina 2140:< rbasov> north carolina 2140:< rbasov> "There's a popular internet factoid which states that the elephant is the only animal which has four knees." 2140:< _deffer_> @hellapanda there are zero mammals with 4 knees, so you don't have to worry. 2141:< rbasov> "But it doesn't; it has two knees at the back, and elbows and wrists at the front, exactly like other quadrupeds." 2141:< hellapanda> ok good! 2141:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: rbasov (555), hellapanda (1886) 2141:< _deffer_> They are knees and elbows in every instance. 2141:< hellapanda> ah 2141:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Which European club has won the most european cups in the 90s? 2141:< tRitone11> AC Milan 2141:< hellapanda> outdated question again I guess 2141:< _deffer_> ac milan 2141:< rbasov> ac milan 2141:< mharrizone> Hai guise 2141:< vox35> Hello 2141:< DoctorThackery> what's the difference between elbows and knees, if not for the location? 2141:< hellapanda> sap 2141:< rbasov> the way they bend 2141:< hellapanda> bone structure? 2141:< npinsker> The answer was AC Milan! Correct users: _deffer_ (284), rbasov (558) 2141:< vox35> One is an elbow, the other is a knee 2141:< rbasov> elbows bend in, knees bend out 2142:< mharrizone> _deffer_ jesus christ, have you been here for the last 6 hours? 2142:< ApocalypticGerbil> The placement of the tendons. 2142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Calcutta? 2142:< tRitone11> India 2142:< rbasov> india 2142:< hellapanda> india 2142:< haley_joel_osteen> India 2142:< mharrizone> india 2142:< ApocalypticGerbil> india 2142:< _deffer_> No mharrizone, why? 2142:< vox35> 80 hours 2142:< DoctorThackery> @rbasov right, thanks :) 2142:< mharrizone> _deffer_ you were here this morning when I left 2142:< rbasov> don't take my word for it lol...that was a guess 2142:< _deffer_> Like, the browser has been open, but I haven't physically been here the whole time. 2142:< npinsker> The answer was India! Correct users: rbasov (562), hellapanda (1889), haley_joel_osteen (8), mharrizone (342), ApocalypticGerbil (6) 2142:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does the "lithosphere" refer to? 2142:< tRitone11> The earth's crust 2142:< hellapanda> earth's crust 2142:< haley_joel_osteen> crust 2142:< rbasov> the earth's crust 2142:< vox35> crust 2143:< mharrizone> earth's crust 2143:< vox35> pie crust, to be exact 2143:< rbasov> earth's smegma 2143:< femdemgem> hmm crust 2143:< mharrizone> crust of the earth 2143:< _deffer_> I'm a stay at home dad, so I'm around a lot. Got some stuff done, fed most of my kids, did some laundry, etc. 2143:< npinsker> The answer was The earth's crust! Correct users: hellapanda (1893), rbasov (565), mharrizone (344) 2143:< mharrizone> _deffer_ ah gotcha, so you're just chatting from work 2143:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1893), 3xist3nc3 (1819), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2143:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Words containing 'for' || A castle or enclosed place. 2143:< tRitone11> fort 2143:< rbasov> fort 2143:< 3xist3nc3> Fort 2143:< A3L92> fort 2143:< mharrizone> fortress 2144:< hellapanda> fortress 2144:< vox35> fort 2144:< rbasov> FORt according to the answer probably lol 2144:< npinsker> The answer was FORt! Correct users: rbasov (569), 3xist3nc3 (1822), A3L92 (37), vox35 (195) 2144:< hellapanda> wuuuut 2144:< mharrizone> laaaame 2144:< mharrizone> lern2regex 2144:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What is a male swan called? 2144:< tRitone11> cob 2144:< hellapanda> cob 2144:< rbasov> cob 2144:< A3L92> cob 2144:< mharrizone> gander 2144:< 3xist3nc3> Cob 2144:< rbasov> gander is a goose 2144:< mharrizone> oh, swan 2144:< vox35> John the Swan 2144:< 3xist3nc3> what a gander 2145:< hellapanda> lol 2145:< npinsker> The answer was cob! Correct users: hellapanda (1897), rbasov (572), A3L92 (39), 3xist3nc3 (1823) 2145:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || As what is sulfur also known? 2145:< hellapanda> sulphur 2145:< rbasov> the stuff that shows when demons are around 2145:< mharrizone> rotten egg fart smell 2145:< hellapanda> brimstone 2145:< vox35> brimstone 2145:< rbasov> brimstone 2145:< purple_pan> $ brimstone 2145:< npinsker> The answer was brimstone! Correct users: hellapanda (1901), vox35 (198), rbasov (574), purple_pan (37) 2146:< rbasov> Doe, a deer, a female deer. 2146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder? 2146:< tRitone11> North American Indians 2146:< rbasov> north american indians 2146:< mharrizone> native americans 2146:< femdemgem> albert einstein 2146:< _deffer_> Abraham Lincoln - Michael Scott 2146:< npinsker> The answer was North American Indians! Correct users: rbasov (578) 2146:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Who spoke the first recorded message? 2146:< tRitone11> Thomas Edison 2146:< hellapanda> edison 2146:< _deffer_> thomas edison 2146:< rbasov> thomas edison 2146:< purple_pan> Thomas Edison 2147:< femdemgem> mary had a little lamb 2147:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Edison! Correct users: hellapanda (1905), _deffer_ (287), rbasov (580), purple_pan (38) 2147:< rbasov> little lamb 2147:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras. 2147:< tRitone11> mongoose 2147:< rbasov> mongoose 2147:< hellapanda> zangoose 2148:< rbasov> i still want one as a pet...even with the lack of snakes here 2148:< npinsker> The answer was mongoose! Correct users: rbasov (584) 2148:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrophysics || What is the heaviest element that can be formed by regular fusion reactions in the core of a star? 2148:< tRitone11> iron 2148:< Authsauce> iron 2148:< rbasov> iron 2148:< purple_pan> iron 2148:< 3xist3nc3> Iron 2148:< femdemgem> titanium 2148:< hellapanda> fe 2148:< 3xist3nc3> not iron 2148:< Authsauce> 3xist3nc3's mom 2148:< rbasov> I AM TITANIIIIUUUUMMM!!! 2148:< npinsker> The answer was iron! Correct users: Authsauce (365), rbasov (587), purple_pan (40), 3xist3nc3 (1824) 2149:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The film 'The Wizard Of ____________'? 2149:< tRitone11> Oz 2149:< Authsauce> whoa, are our original scores back now? 2149:< hellapanda> oz 2149:< rbasov> oz 2149:< femdemgem> oz 2149:< purple_pan> Oz 2149:< hellapanda> yap 2149:< Authsauce> oz 2149:< vox35> Oz 2149:< fzh> oz 2149:< npinsker> The answer was Oz! Correct users: hellapanda (1909), rbasov (590), femdemgem (233), purple_pan (41), Authsauce (365), vox35 (198), fzh ... 2149:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1909), 3xist3nc3 (1824), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As proud as a(n) ___________. 2150:< tRitone11> peacock 2150:< hellapanda> mom 2150:< vox35> pee cock 2150:< nickyface> flamingo 2150:< rbasov> peacock 2150:< hellapanda> i've never heard of this phrase before 2150:< vox35> peacock 2150:< rbasov> peahen 2150:< femdemgem> peacock 2150:< nickyface> www.sneakyflamingo.com 2150:< npinsker> The answer was peacock! Correct users: rbasov (594), vox35 (201), femdemgem (235) 2150:< rbasov> peafowl 2150:< hellapanda> tonto dude! 2150:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || On which coast of Australia is Sydney? 2150:< tRitone11> East 2150:< hellapanda> east 2150:< femdemgem> south 2150:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> east 2151:< femdemgem> north 2151:< rbasov> east 2151:< vox35> East 2151:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> eastonto 2151:< purple_pan> east 2151:< nickyface> india 2151:< femdemgem> east 2151:< vox35> Madagascar 2151:< npinsker> The answer was East! Correct users: hellapanda (1913), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (403), rbasov (596), vox35 (202), purple_pan (41), femdemgem ... 2151:< femdemgem> west 2151:< femdemgem> southwest 2151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Abuja is the capital of ____________? 2151:< tRitone11> Nigeria 2151:< rbasov> nigeria 2151:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> nigeria 2151:< vox35> Nigeria 2151:< femdemgem> Nigeria 2151:< purple_pan> $ nigeria 2152:< npinsker> The answer was Nigeria! Correct users: rbasov (600), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (406), vox35 (204), femdemgem (236), purple_pan (41) 2152:< femdemgem> hello my bank seized my funds if u send me $100 ill give u my fortune 2152:< vox35> If I know nothing else after today, I will know the capital of Nigeria 2152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American Cities || What is the most air polluted city in the United States? 2152:< tRitone11> Los Angeles 2152:< rbasov> los angeles 2152:< hellapanda> chicago 2152:< purple_pan> Los Angeles 2152:< rbasov> all that smog though 2152:< femdemgem> Manhattan 2152:< npinsker> The answer was Los Angeles! Correct users: rbasov (604), purple_pan (44) 2152:< vox35> Smogville, USA 2153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || Which UK charity benefited from the publication of two books in the expanded Harry Potter series? 2153:< hellapanda> comic relief 2153:< femdemgem> rowling 2153:< vox35> Amnesty International 2153:< npinsker> The answer was Comic Relief! Correct users: hellapanda (1917) 2153:< rbasov> that's a charity 2153:< vox35> Comic relief? Really? 2153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which state is the Wolverine State? 2153:< tRitone11> Michigan 2153:< rbasov> michigan 2153:< hellapanda> washington 2153:< femdemgem> Ohiı 2153:< purple_pan> Michigan 2154:< femdemgem> o 2154:< vox35> X-Mania 2154:< rbasov> University of Michigan Wolverines 2154:< npinsker> The answer was Michigan! Correct users: rbasov (608), purple_pan (47) 2154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who was the father of Elizabeth I? 2154:< tRitone11> Henry VIII 2154:< hellapanda> henry viii 2154:< rbasov> Henry Viii 2154:< femdemgem> henry 8 2154:< vox35> Elizabeth 0 2154:< hellapanda> henry the eighth 2154:< purple_pan> Henry the Eighth 2155:< npinsker> The answer was Henry VIII! Correct users: hellapanda (1921), rbasov (611), purple_pan (49) 2155:< rbasov> henry the M with a bar over it 2155:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Madagascar? 2155:< tRitone11> Antananarivo 2155:< femdemgem> Madagascar 2155:< hellapanda> zaboomafu 2155:< rbasov> antananarivo 2155:< npinsker> The answer was Antananarivo! Correct users: rbasov (615) 2156:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1921), 3xist3nc3 (1824), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (722), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2156:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the astronomical name for a group of stars? 2156:< tRitone11> constellation 2156:< hellapanda> constellation 2156:< rbasov> constellation 2156:< femdemgem> constellation 2156:< vox35> cluster 2156:< 3xist3nc3> Constellation 2156:< npinsker> The answer was constellation! Correct users: hellapanda (1925), rbasov (618), femdemgem (238), 3xist3nc3 (1825) 2156:< vox35> wait that's galaxies 2157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || Who built the hurricane aircraft? 2157:< tRitone11> Hawker 2157:< vox35> I was so wrong 2157:< hellapanda> hawker 2157:< rbasov> hawker 2157:< 3xist3nc3> Hawker 2157:< andysniper> hawker 2157:< rbasov> i think you were right vox35...a constellation has a shape, clusters are groups 2157:< npinsker> The answer was Hawker! Correct users: hellapanda (1929), rbasov (621), 3xist3nc3 (1827), andysniper (388) 2157:< femdemgem> gawker 2157:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || The word rodent comes from the italian 'rodere', which means? 2157:< tRitone11> gnaw 2158:< purple_pan> gnaw 2158:< rbasov> gnaw 2158:< femdemgem> unwanted 2158:< NightVisionHawk> SLOWLY MOVE YOUR VOTES TO STAY INCASE WE DON'T MAKE IT 2158:< vox35> No 2158:< hellapanda> VOX35 QUICK, what is the capital of nigeria 2158:< npinsker> The answer was gnaw! Correct users: purple_pan (53), rbasov (624) 2158:< femdemgem> faux amis 2158:< vox35> Abujabi or some shit 2158:< hellapanda> hahahaha 2158:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was George A Custer's horses' name? 2158:< tRitone11> Comanche 2158:< hellapanda> abuja 2158:< hellapanda> close 2158:< rbasov> comanche 2158:< femdemgem> Rihanna 2159:< vox35> George Clooney 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Comanche! Correct users: rbasov (628) 2159:< rbasov> Jorge Clooney 2159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The St. Louis ____________? 2159:< tRitone11> Cardinals 2159:< hellapanda> cardinals 2159:< rbasov> cardinals 2159:< vox35> Cardinals 2159:< femdemgem> cardinals 2159:< rbasov> screw the cards, LET'S GO ROYALS! 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Cardinals! Correct users: hellapanda (1933), rbasov (631), vox35 (206), femdemgem (239) 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, where did Perseus kill his grandfather? 2200:< tRitone11> Larrisan games 2200:< vox35> In the ass 2200:< rbasov> where they were standing, duh 2200:< npinsker> The answer was Larrisan games! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2200:< vox35> Oh, the LARRISAN games... 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it? 2200:< tRitone11> Peacemaker 2201:< purple_pan> peacemaker 2201:< BrownMario> peacemaker 2201:< rbasov> pacemaker 2201:< vox35> Superman when he's cranky 2201:< npinsker> The answer was Peacemaker! Correct users: hellapanda (1937), rbasov (634), purple_pan (55), BrownMario (723) 2201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who invented the cotton gin? 2201:< tRitone11> Eli Whitney 2201:< hellapanda> whitney 2201:< rbasov> eli whitney 2201:< BrownMario> eli whitney 2201:< vox35> Eli Whitney 2201:< 3xist3nc3> Whitney Houston 2202:< rbasov> ahhh...the cottong gin...those were good times 2202:< andysniper> whitney the gym leader from pokemon gold 2202:< npinsker> The answer was Eli Whitney! Correct users: hellapanda (1941), rbasov (637), BrownMario (725), vox35 (207) 2202:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1941), 3xist3nc3 (1827), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (725), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2202:< BrownMario> still on the board yes! 2202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What animal's milk is more than 54% fat? 2202:< tRitone11> humpback whale 2202:< BrownMario> whale 2202:< rbasov> humpack whale 2202:< vox35> Yer mum 2202:< 3xist3nc3> humping whale 2202:< BrownMario> my humps 2202:< hellapanda> pigs 2202:< rbasov> sperm whale 2203:< 3xist3nc3> sperm whale 2203:< npinsker> The answer was humpback whale! Correct users: BrownMario (729), rbasov (640), 3xist3nc3 (1829) 2203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || 'The Who' had a guiness world record for what? 2203:< tRitone11> Loudest Band 2203:< 3xist3nc3> loudest band 2203:< BrownMario> loudest 2203:< rbasov> loudest band 2203:< vox35> Biggest YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! 2203:< hellapanda> being a confusing band name 2203:< BrownMario> who? 2203:< hellapanda> lol 2203:< rbasov> you sound like an owl 2203:< npinsker> The answer was Loudest Band! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1833), rbasov (643) 2204:< vox35> Close enough 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%? 2204:< tRitone11> Botswana 2204:< hellapanda> botswana 2204:< BrownMario> botswana 2204:< rbasov> botswana 2204:< BrownMario> the land of bots 2204:< rbasov> botswana have fun, too 2204:< 3xist3nc3> swanbots 2204:< npinsker> The answer was Botswana! Correct users: hellapanda (1945), BrownMario (732), rbasov (645) 2204:< hellapanda> lol rbasov 2204:< 3xist3nc3> 1945..... 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he? 2204:< tRitone11> Ham Gravy 2205:< BrownMario> ham gravy 2205:< rbasov> ham gravy 2205:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> ham gravy 2205:< vox35> Ham Gravy 2205:< 3xist3nc3> That score is literally Hitler 2205:< hellapanda> 1833......... 2205:< rbasov> 1738 2205:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto gravy 2205:< hellapanda> oh 2205:< npinsker> The answer was Ham Gravy! Correct users: BrownMario (736), rbasov (648), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (408), vox35 (208) 2205:< hellapanda> yours is literally.......... 2205:< 3xist3nc3> 19th century 2205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What is the Roman numeral for fifty? 2205:< BrownMario> the battle of 1833? 2205:< tRitone11> L 2205:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> v 2205:< rbasov> l 2205:< BrownMario> L 2205:< vox35> L 2205:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> L 2205:< 3xist3nc3> VVVVV 2206:< npinsker> The answer was L! Correct users: rbasov (652), BrownMario (739), vox35 (210), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (409) 2206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was Al Gore's freshman roommate at Harvard? 2206:< tRitone11> Tommy Lee Jones 2206:< rbasov> tommy lee jones 2206:< BrownMario> tommy lee jones 2206:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tommy lee jones 2206:< hellapanda> ok I can't think of anything 2206:< BrownMario> that roommate, albert einsten 2206:< npinsker> The answer was Tommy Lee Jones! Correct users: rbasov (656), BrownMario (742), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (411) 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What is the Israeli 'knesset'? 2207:< tRitone11> parliament 2207:< BrownMario> parliament 2207:< rbasov> parliament 2207:< 3xist3nc3> Parliaent 2207:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> parliament 2207:< vox35> Parliment 2207:< 3xist3nc3> Parliament 2207:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> wow, tRitone11 really ruins trivia 2207:< OneiricNeuron> condiment 2207:< npinsker> The answer was parliament! Correct users: BrownMario (746), rbasov (659), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (413), 3xist3nc3 (1834) 2207:< vox35> Block him, then 2207:< OneiricNeuron> you can mute him shoddy taylor 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || What are the pouched animals called? 2207:< tRitone11> marsupials 2207:< rbasov> marsupials 2207:< BrownMario> marsupials 2207:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> marsupials 2208:< vox35> marsupials 2208:< OneiricNeuron> kangaroos 2208:< tRitone11> I_am_Shooby_taylor. I said I would do if they banned me unfairly, but they did 2208:< npinsker> The answer was marsupials! Correct users: rbasov (663), BrownMario (749), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (415), vox35 (211) 2208:< 3xist3nc3> 1v1 animals 2208:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1945), 3xist3nc3 (1834), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (749), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2208:< vox35> Kangar me, kangar you, kangaroo.. 2208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is _________. 2208:< tRitone11> chemistry 2208:< shorty_06> chemistry 2208:< BrownMario> chemistry 2208:< rbasov> chemistry 2209:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> chemistry 2209:< vox35> chemistry --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 22:09:22 2016 2209:< BrownMario> the worst class in high schoool 2209:< npinsker> The answer was chemistry! Correct users: shorty_06 (156), BrownMario (752), rbasov (665), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (416), vox35 (211) 2209:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontology 2209:< rbasov> now we got shorty_06 botting 2209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What 'I' was once Mesopotamia? 2209:< tRitone11> Iraq 2209:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> iraq 2209:< BrownMario> iraq 2209:< purple_pan> iraq 2209:< rbasov> iraq 2209:< hellapanda> iraq 2210:< rbasov> i needed that 4th place... 2210:< npinsker> The answer was Iraq! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (420), BrownMario (755), purple_pan (57), rbasov (666), hellapanda (1945) 2210:< hellapanda> still hitler 2210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells. 2210:< tRitone11> leukemia 2210:< BrownMario> cancer 2210:< 3xist3nc3> Leukemia 2210:< hellapanda> leukemia 2210:< purple_pan> leukemia 2210:< BrownMario> leukemia 2210:< npinsker> The answer was leukemia! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1838), hellapanda (1948), purple_pan (59), BrownMario (756) 2211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Born In The USA'? 2211:< tRitone11> Bruce Springsteen 2211:< 3xist3nc3> Bruce Springsteen 2211:< BrownMario> bruce springsteen 2211:< rbasov> springsteen 2211:< purple_pan> bruce springsteen 2211:< npinsker> The answer was Bruce Springsteen! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1842), BrownMario (759), purple_pan (61) 2211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || Who is Julia Wells Better known as? 2211:< tRitone11> Julie Andrews 2212:< 3xist3nc3> Judy Garland 2212:< BrownMario> julie andrews 2212:< rbasov> andrews 2212:< dancetilsunday> Julie Andrews 2212:< 3xist3nc3> not Judy garland 2212:< npinsker> The answer was Julie Andrews! Correct users: BrownMario (763), dancetilsunday (16) 2212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Similes || As neat as a ____________? 2212:< tRitone11> pin 2212:< BrownMario> pin 2212:< 3xist3nc3> pig 2212:< rbasov> pin 2212:< 3xist3nc3> pin 2212:< BrownMario> nip ;) 2212:< hellapanda> pigsty 2213:< rbasov> ITT: phrases no one has ever heard 2213:< npinsker> The answer was pin! Correct users: BrownMario (767), rbasov (669), 3xist3nc3 (1844) 2213:< 3xist3nc3> ITC: ITT 2213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a catalogue of languages called? 2213:< tRitone11> ethnologue 2213:< hellapanda> ethnologue 2213:< rbasov> In This Trivia 2213:< BrownMario> ethnologue 2213:< femdemgem> ethnologue 2213:< mootinator> a catalogue of languages 2213:< dancetilsunday> ethnologue 2213:< hellapanda> ITB: ITC: ITT 2213:< BrownMario> dictionary 2213:< npinsker> The answer was ethnologue! Correct users: hellapanda (1952), BrownMario (770), femdemgem (241), dancetilsunday (17) 2213:< rbasov> itty bitty titty committee 2214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases. 2214:< tRitone11> geriatrics 2214:< hellapanda> geriatrics 2214:< rbasov> geriatrics 2214:< BrownMario> geriatrics 2214:< mootinator> geriatrics 2214:< BrownMario> longevity 2214:< femdemgem> ITT: ITT means ITT 2214:< npinsker> The answer was geriatrics! Correct users: hellapanda (1956), rbasov (672), BrownMario (772), mootinator (1) 2214:< rbasov> ITT Technical Institute 2214:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1956), 3xist3nc3 (1844), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (772), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), chrza... 2215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy? 2215:< tRitone11> Speedy 2215:< hellapanda> speedy 2215:< rbasov> speedy 2215:< BrownMario> speedy 2215:< dancetilsunday> speedy 2215:< purple_pan> speedy 2215:< BrownMario> gonzales 2215:< femdemgem> arriba arriba arriba 2215:< BrownMario> abajo? 2215:< hellapanda> the cockroach the cockroach 2215:< npinsker> The answer was Speedy! Correct users: hellapanda (1960), rbasov (675), BrownMario (774), dancetilsunday (18), purple_pan (61) 2215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Travel || Which city is served by Ringway Airport? 2215:< tRitone11> Manchester 2216:< BrownMario> manchester 2216:< femdemgem> Abajo 2216:< rbasov> manchester 2216:< dancetilsunday> Machester 2216:< 3xist3nc3> Mancunianland 2216:< BrownMario> MUN 2216:< npinsker> The answer was Manchester! Correct users: BrownMario (778), rbasov (678) 2216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Dakar is the capital of ____________? 2216:< tRitone11> Senegal 2216:< rbasov> senegal 2216:< femdemgem> qatar 2216:< 3xist3nc3> Senegal 2216:< BrownMario> senegal 2216:< hellapanda> senegal 2217:< npinsker> The answer was Senegal! Correct users: rbasov (682), 3xist3nc3 (1847), BrownMario (780), hellapanda (1961) 2217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What state is also called the 'Garden State'? 2217:< tRitone11> New Jersey 2217:< rbasov> new jersey 2217:< BrownMario> new jersey 2217:< hellapanda> the armpit 2217:< rbasov> i could've sworn it was the dump 2217:< npinsker> The answer was New Jersey! Correct users: rbasov (686), BrownMario (783) 2217:< 3xist3nc3> jersey shore land 2217:< q00u> Scrubs 2218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia? 2218:< tRitone11> Adriatic 2218:< 3xist3nc3> Adriatic 2218:< FreeTheAnimals> Adriatic 2218:< rbasov> adriatic 2218:< BrownMario> adriatic 2218:< phoenixprince> is tritone11 a bot? also panda you made to top of leaderboard I see :) 2218:< BrownMario> dalmatian 2218:< hellapanda> yes he is, and yes i did! 2218:< npinsker> The answer was Adriatic! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1851), FreeTheAnimals (22), rbasov (688), BrownMario (784) 2218:< q00u> Tritone is a bot. It is known. 2218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Superstition || What were comfrey baths were believed to restore? 2218:< rbasov> and so is sadzr if he comes around 2218:< tRitone11> virginity 2219:< rbasov> virginity 2219:< BrownMario> virginity 2219:< SupDos> Man im in love with teh parrot script thing 2219:< BrownMario> and assburgers 2219:< npinsker> The answer was virginity! Correct users: rbasov (692), BrownMario (787) 2219:< phoenixprince> parrot is pretty nice. i just came back after a day of being away from sokuku 2219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut? 2219:< tRitone11> legume 2219:< rbasov> legume 2219:< hellapanda> legume 2219:< phoenixprince> legume 2219:< BrownMario> legume 2219:< q00u> Charlie Brown 2220:< npinsker> The answer was legume! Correct users: rbasov (696), hellapanda (1964), phoenixprince (185), BrownMario (788) 2220:< hellapanda> is parrot the same as robin grow? 2220:< q00u> It's a fork. 2220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Not Telling ;-) || Who is Robert Zimmermann? 2220:< tRitone11> Bob Dylan 2220:< rbasov> bob dylan 2220:< ActionHobo> bob dylan 2220:< ActionHobo> trayvon martin 2220:< hellapanda> like... utensil? 2220:< q00u> Founder of Facebook. 2220:< ActionHobo> MIKE BROWN DINDU NUFFIN 2220:< phoenixprince> somebody took robin grow and added a bunch of stuff to it 2220:< hellapanda> ahh 2220:< rbasov> You wanna get a drink? I'll have the Trayvon Martini 2220:< npinsker> The answer was Bob Dylan! Correct users: rbasov (700), ActionHobo (79) 2221:< rbasov> Wanna play the Michael Brown drinking game? Just stand there and take six shots. 2221:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1964), 3xist3nc3 (1851), Patarknight (1583), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (788), GetXyzzyWithIt (710), rbaso... 2221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory. 2221:< tRitone11> Cuba 2221:< rbasov> Cuba 2221:< hellapanda> cuba 2221:< Patarknight> Cuba 2221:< q00u> Canada 2221:< rbasov> I'll be welcomed in Hell... 2221:< BrownMario> cuba 2221:< npinsker> The answer was Cuba! Correct users: rbasov (704), hellapanda (1967), Patarknight (1585), BrownMario (789) 2222:< q00u> tRitone11-bot is ignored by npinsker, but keeps running anyway, telling everyone the answers... 2222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the saltiest sea in the world? 2222:< tRitone11> The Dead Sea 2222:< Patarknight> just mute it 2222:< hellapanda> the dead sea 2222:< phoenixprince> dead sea 2222:< rbasov> the dead sea 2222:< BrownMario> dead sea 2222:< xSke> sea of LoL players 2222:< purple_pan> reddit 2222:< phoenixprince> yeah i just muted it 2222:< q00u> But then I won't know the answers! 2222:< tRitone11> q00u yes, until I am unbanned 2222:< npinsker> The answer was The Dead Sea! Correct users: hellapanda (1971), phoenixprince (188), rbasov (706), BrownMario (790) 2222:< hellapanda> he just wants to ruin it for others cus he can't play. saltier than the dead sea 2222:< q00u> So you're *intentionally* ruining things for everyone? 2222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What is the fourth state of matter? 2222:< tRitone11> liquid crystals 2223:< phoenixprince> plasma 2223:< rbasov> plasma 2223:< q00u> Alabama 2223:< tRitone11> q00u yes because I was banned while not using a bot since 12 hours 2223:< phoenixprince> there are more than 4 though so 2223:< BrownMario> i will continue to cheat until i am allowed to cheat fair and square! 2223:< npinsker> The answer was liquid crystals! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2223:< hellapanda> lol brownmario 2223:< q00u> Then you shouldn't have botted in the first place. Crying won't bring you back. 2223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Honduras? 2223:< tRitone11> Tegucigalpa 2223:< hellapanda> don't think botting even more will unban you sooo 2223:< q00u> H 2223:< BrownMario> tegucigalpa 2223:< Patarknight> Tegucigalpa 2223:< rbasov> the capital H 2223:< OneiricNeuron> mexico 2223:< BrownMario> LOLS 2223:< q00u> I win rbasov! 2223:< tRitone11> q00u I am not crying, I am botting. 2223:< phoenixprince> I like playing it for fun so i kill my own fun by cheating. to each their own 2224:< rbasov> psh 2224:< npinsker> The answer was Tegucigalpa! Correct users: BrownMario (794), Patarknight (1588) 2224:< tRitone11> q00u and I programmed the first answering bot because I like to code 2224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Military || What is the naval equivalent of an army Major? 2224:< tRitone11> Lieutenant Commander 2224:< phoenixprince> field marshal 2224:< Patarknight> lieutenant commander 2224:< OneiricNeuron> Lt 2224:< BrownMario> lieutenant commander 2224:< hellapanda> lieutenant commander 2224:< SadZr40> lol tritone you didn't even do it alone and i was done mine first 2224:< q00u> Geordi Laforge 2224:< rbasov> lt commander 2224:< tRitone11> q00u until I am unbanned, yes 2224:< hellapanda> I thought sadzr was first 2224:< q00u> You will never be unbanned. 2224:< npinsker> The answer was Lieutenant Commander! Correct users: Patarknight (1592), BrownMario (797), hellapanda (1973) 2225:< BrownMario> didn't yall just copy the cheating bot? 2225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In what country is the Mekong River Delta? 2225:< tRitone11> Vietnam 2225:< BrownMario> vietname 2225:< rbasov> vietnam 2225:< Patarknight> Vietnam 2225:< phoenixprince> cietnam 2225:< BrownMario> vietnam 2225:< tRitone11> SadZr40 github says different 2225:< phoenixprince> vietnam 2225:< rbasov> when i was back in 'nam i saw some shit... 2225:< OneiricNeuron> Vietnam 2225:< 3xist3nc3> vietnam 2225:< q00u> Tropic Thunder 2225:< hellapanda> meh whatever, his bot is faster so 2225:< SadZr40> github says nothing about mine... 2225:< OneiricNeuron> sad :( 2225:< hellapanda> lol 2225:< npinsker> The answer was Vietnam! Correct users: rbasov (710), Patarknight (1595), BrownMario (799), phoenixprince (189), OneiricNeuron (65), 3xi... 2225:< fzh> stay next tier 2225:< phoenixprince> faster is what matters. also please make the answer not capitalized so its not immedialty clear its a bot 2225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || Which is the largest known butterfly? 2225:< tRitone11> Queen Alexandra's Birdwing 2226:< phoenixprince> emperor 2226:< Patarknight> Monarch 2226:< BrownMario> monarch 2226:< q00u> THE MIGHTY MONARCH! 2226:< 3xist3nc3> the biggest 2226:< tRitone11> sadzr40 send me your github link then. there's the date of upload there 2226:< rbasov> alexandra's birdwing 2226:< SadZr40> don't have a github 2226:< BrownMario> alexandra's birdwing 2226:< npinsker> The answer was Queen Alexandra's Birdwing! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2226:< OneiricNeuron> your moms tattoo 2226:< BrownMario> dont do it sadzr40 you keep beating him lolls 2226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first product to have a barcode? 2226:< tRitone11> Wrigley's gum 2226:< hellapanda> his "github says different" "don't have a github" 2226:< rbasov> wrigley's 2226:< BrownMario> wrigley's gum 2226:< hellapanda> hm. 2226:< phoenixprince> cereal 2226:< tRitone11> SadZr40 I do. that's where you copied the code. You improved it and you proved it. But don't pretend to be the first 2226:< rbasov> wrigley's gum 2226:< OneiricNeuron> toothpaste 2226:< q00u> Jailhouse Pajamas 2227:< SadZr40> i didn't copy shit 2227:< npinsker> The answer was Wrigley's gum! Correct users: rbasov (714) 2227:< tRitone11> hellpanda I uploaded my bot 48 hours ago on github 2227:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1973), 3xist3nc3 (1851), Patarknight (1595), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (799), rbasov (714), GetXyzzyWithI... 2227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who created Winnie the Pooh? 2227:< tRitone11> A. A. Milne 2227:< CitrusDoctor> Xenon 2227:< hellapanda> how does that prove that yours was first? 2227:< Patarknight> Miln 2227:< rbasov> a.a. mine 2227:< BrownMario> aa milne 2227:< Patarknight> Milne 2228:< q00u> Tee Eye Double G rrrrrrrrrrrr 2228:< phoenixprince> panda just leave it dude. play your own game 2228:< npinsker> The answer was A. A. Milne! Correct users: BrownMario (803), Patarknight (1598) 2228:< hellapanda> haha i'm legit curious though 2228:< BrownMario> dudette* 2228:< phoenixprince> oh sorry 2228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk? 2228:< tRitone11> fat 2228:< BrownMario> fat 2228:< rbasov> fat 2228:< hellapanda> fat 2228:< phoenixprince> fat 2228:< CitrusDoctor> dumb 2228:< tRitone11> hellapanda because if there's not another bot on the internet made previously, I couldn't copy it. And anyway, who was here know it. 2228:< BrownMario> are you calling me fat? 2228:< CitrusDoctor> oh i thought we were hurling insults 2228:< q00u> soy 2228:< rbasov> way to just make one question into 2...you slacking npinkser 2228:< phoenixprince> paneer 2228:< tRitone11> sadzr40 and if you didn't copy it, let me see the source code and prove it 2228:< npinsker> The answer was fat! Correct users: BrownMario (807), rbasov (717), hellapanda (1975), phoenixprince (190) 2229:< tRitone11> sadzr40 do it in few minutes, not after a long time editing 2229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Psychology || Which behaviorist conducted the "Little Albert" experiment? 2229:< q00u> tRitone11, whining won't get you far in life. Just, you know. for future reference. 2229:< CitrusDoctor> Albert 2229:< phoenixprince> milgram 2229:< Sorbetfraise> are you guys really fighting over a trivia bot? lmao 2229:< hellapanda> watson 2229:< boredguy8> Watson 2229:< BrownMario> albert einstein 2229:< rbasov> it was a husband and wife 2229:< BrownMario> watson 2229:< rbasov> not one psychologist 2229:< q00u> Einsti... dammit mario. 2229:< tRitone11> q00u you think it's whining 2229:< npinsker> The answer was John Watson! Correct users: hellapanda (1979), boredguy8 (109), BrownMario (809), Patarknight (1599) 2229:< OneiricNeuron> Watson 2229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes? 2229:< tRitone11> tear gland 2230:< BrownMario> tear gland 2230:< rbasov> tear gland 2230:< q00u> Definitely a tRitone11-level tantrum. 2230:< boredguy8> tear duct 2230:< OneiricNeuron> tear duct 2230:< boredguy8> tear gland 2230:< hellapanda> lacrimal gland 2230:< phoenixprince> sadness sacks 2230:< vox35> prostate 2230:< Patarknight> You get banned for blatantly cheating, and are now ruining the game for lots of others, yeah that's whining 2230:< boredguy8> lacrimal gland 2230:< npinsker> The answer was tear gland! Correct users: BrownMario (813), rbasov (720), boredguy8 (111) 2230:< OneiricNeuron> eyeball sacks 2230:< hellapanda> LACRIMAL??? 2230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Port Louis is the capital of ____________? 2230:< tRitone11> Mauritius 2230:< Mathemagicland> Mauritius 2230:< BrownMario> mauritius 2230:< Patarknight> Mauritius 2230:< q00u> CK 2230:< rbasov> CPK 2230:< boredguy8> Mauritius 2231:< tRitone11> q00u at least I am doing something in this chat, even if a negative thing 2231:< hellapanda> wut 2231:< npinsker> The answer was Mauritius! Correct users: Mathemagicland (4), BrownMario (816), Patarknight (1601), boredguy8 (112) 2231:< BrownMario> what kind of argument is that? 2231:< q00u> That's not something to be proud of 2231:< hellapanda> LMAO 2231:< boredguy8> ^ rofl that's the saddest thing I've read in a while 2231:< q00u> "At least I'm ruining things for others!" 2231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) ______. 2231:< vox35> Calm yer tits 2231:< tRitone11> amulet 2231:< Patarknight> lol 2231:< hellapanda> at least i'm murdering someone, even if it's a negative thing 2231:< rbasov> amulet 2231:< boredguy8> amulet 2231:< BrownMario> amulet 2231:< phoenixprince> accessory? 2231:< q00u> Charm bracelet 2231:< tRitone11> q00u who cares. you are just useless 2231:< boredguy8> does tRitone11 have a script answering the bot? 2231:< OneiricNeuron> pendulum 2231:< phoenixprince> i have sad and tritone on mute so all i see is you guys reacting to nothing :D 2231:< SadZr40> sent you a message 2231:< boredguy8> i can't even read the question that fast 2231:< hellapanda> lol phoenix 2231:< npinsker> The answer was amulet! Correct users: rbasov (724), boredguy8 (115), BrownMario (818) 2232:< q00u> Oh noes, tritone insulted me! And his opinion carries so much weight! 2232:< Sorbetfraise> boredguy8 yup 2232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || In organic chemistry nomenclature, the prefix "meth" means how many atoms of carbon? 2232:< BrownMario> no sadzr40 your bot is faster! don't give in! 2232:< tRitone11> one 2232:< boredguy8> oh. sad 2232:< phoenixprince> 1 2232:< BrownMario> one 2232:< boredguy8> one 2232:< hellapanda> 1 2232:< rbasov> 1 2232:< SadZr40> it'll just show i didn't copy so idc 2232:< q00u> Heisenberg 2232:< phoenixprince> meth,eth,tri,tetra 2232:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: phoenixprince (194), BrownMario (821), boredguy8 (117), hellapanda (1980), rbasov (724) 2232:< boredguy8> that's sortof sadly impressive tbh 2232:< OneiricNeuron> Juan 2232:< boredguy8> it looks like the bot ignores tRitone11's answers rofl 2232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || As what is a moose also known? 2232:< tRitone11> algonquin 2233:< Mathemagicland> algonquin 2233:< phoenixprince> stupid 2233:< q00u> Meese 2233:< boredguy8> algonquin 2233:< BrownMario> algoquin 2233:< vox35> Aalgonquin 2233:< BrownMario> mice 2233:< hellapanda> algonquin which is apparently racist according to patar! 2233:< Sorbetfraise> boredguy8 yes, people using bots are ignored by the trivia bot :) 2233:< vox35> Algonquin 2233:< rbasov> caribou 2233:< npinsker> The answer was algonquin! Correct users: Mathemagicland (8), boredguy8 (120), vox35 (213) 2233:< phoenixprince> sorbet did you write the triviabot? 2233:< vox35> Caribou is an elk 2233:< Sorbetfraise> no, it's not mine 2233:< rbasov> close enough 2233:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1980), 3xist3nc3 (1851), Patarknight (1601), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (821), rbasov (724), GetXyzzyWithI... 2233:< BrownMario> rbasov closing in... 2233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote "The count of Monte-Christo"? 2233:< tRitone11> Dumas 2234:< BrownMario> dumas 2234:< boredguy8> Dumas 2234:< rbasov> dumas 2234:< Mathemagicland> Dumas 2234:< hellapanda> dumas 2234:< q00u> Dumbass 2234:< vox35> Albert Dumas 2234:< phoenixprince> alexander dumas 2234:< boredguy8> great movie 2234:< boredguy8> that is, the shawshank redemption is a great movie 2234:< vox35> Fucked it up 2234:< npinsker> The answer was Dumas! Correct users: BrownMario (825), boredguy8 (123), rbasov (726), Mathemagicland (9), hellapanda (1980), vox35 (213... 2234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Egyptian mythology, what is the life force called? 2234:< tRitone11> Ka 2234:< rbasov> ka 2234:< BrownMario> ka 2234:< hellapanda> ka 2234:< phoenixprince> ka 2234:< Patarknight> ka 2234:< BrownMario> kaka 2234:< vox35> Ka 2234:< q00u> Yoda 2234:< OrangeredStilton> ra 2234:< boredguy8> ka 2234:< 3xist3nc3> the force 2234:< Sorbetfraise> te 2235:< hellapanda> roma romama 2235:< q00u> Ka-tet 2235:< boredguy8> Yeah the trivia bot is a lot looser with what it will take than it used to be 2235:< npinsker> The answer was Ka! Correct users: rbasov (730), BrownMario (828), hellapanda (1982), phoenixprince (195), Patarknight (1601), vox35 (21... 2235:< boredguy8> you used to have to get the capitalization just how it wanted it, too 2235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space Travel || Who was the first man in space? 2235:< tRitone11> Yuri Gagarin 2235:< Mathemagicland> Gagarin 2235:< BrownMario> yuri gagarin 2235:< hellapanda> gagarin 2235:< boredguy8> Yuri Gagarin 2235:< Patarknight> Gagarin 2235:< rbasov> yuri gagarin 2235:< q00u> Superman 2235:< phoenixprince> yuri 2235:< phoenixprince> thats all i remember 2235:< npinsker> The answer was Yuri Gagarin! Correct users: Mathemagicland (13), BrownMario (831), hellapanda (1984), boredguy8 (124), Patarknight (160... 2236:< boredguy8> just fyi ^^^ 2236:< hellapanda> ty 2236:< BrownMario> just 1 more minute guys!!! 2236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Norse mythology who was Odin's blood-brother? 2236:< tRitone11> Loki 2236:< q00u> lol 2236:< boredguy8> Loki 2236:< hellapanda> loki 2236:< rbasov> loki 2236:< Patarknight> Loki 2236:< BrownMario> loki 2236:< phoenixprince> oh loki i cant answer this quick enough 2236:< boredguy8> what happens if the 1500 room joins another 1500 room and it goes to 3k? will that mean we can't merge since we're only at 2k? :( 2236:< npinsker> The answer was Loki! Correct users: boredguy8 (128), hellapanda (1987), rbasov (732), Patarknight (1602), BrownMario (831) 2236:< phoenixprince> bored merging is based on tier not size 2236:< hellapanda> good question.. 2236:< q00u> Merging is by tier 2236:< BrownMario> it's not by numbers, its by tier 2236:< boredguy8> i think that's false but ok 2236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _________. 2236:< tRitone11> aerospace 2237:< rbasov> aerospace 2237:< phoenixprince> space 2237:< BrownMario> aerospace 2237:< hellapanda> space 2237:< BrownMario> aerosmith 2237:< q00u> The Final Frontier 2237:< boredguy8> outer space 2237:< hellapanda> outerspace 2237:< npinsker> The answer was aerospace! Correct users: rbasov (736), BrownMario (834) 2237:< boredguy8> o.0 2237:< q00u> BrownMario, nice. 2237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is considered the father of medicine? 2237:< tRitone11> Hippocrates 2237:< rbasov> hippocrates 2237:< Patarknight> Hippocrates 2237:< BrownMario> hippocrates 2237:< hellapanda> hippocrates 2237:< boredguy8> Hippocrates 2237:< q00u> Socrates 2237:< Mathemagicland> Hippocrates 2237:< phoenixprince> hypocrites 2237:< BrownMario> hippopotamous 2238:< q00u> Hiphopapotamus 2238:< rbasov> hiphopapotamus 2238:< rbasov> dammit q00u 2238:< q00u> lol 2238:< npinsker> The answer was Hippocrates! Correct users: rbasov (740), Patarknight (1605), BrownMario (836), hellapanda (1988), boredguy8 (128), Math... 2238:< q00u> <3 2238:< rbasov> <3 2238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What foul smelling compound is commonly known as rotten egg gas? 2238:< tRitone11> hydrogen sulphide 2238:< q00u> HAHAHAHA 2238:< BrownMario> hydrogen sulphied 2238:< rbasov> hydrogen sulfide 2238:< hellapanda> sulphur 2238:< boredguy8> hiphoppopotamous 2238:< phoenixprince> HS 2238:< boredguy8> Hydrogen Sulphide 2238:< BrownMario> hydrogen sulphide 2238:< q00u> Bean Juice 2238:< hellapanda> farts 2238:< npinsker> The answer was hydrogen sulphide! Correct users: rbasov (744), boredguy8 (131), BrownMario (838) 2239:< rbasov> poot 2239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Phobias || Ailurophobia is the fear of? 2239:< tRitone11> cats 2239:< boredguy8> cats 2239:< BrownMario> cats 2239:< femdemgem> really? 2239:< rbasov> cats 2239:< hellapanda> cats 2239:< q00u> Allure 2239:< hellapanda> ailurophile 2239:< femdemgem> alligators 2239:< BrownMario> who's afraid of cats, really? 2239:< rbasov> me 2239:< boredguy8> <- 2239:< npinsker> The answer was cats! Correct users: boredguy8 (135), BrownMario (841), rbasov (746), hellapanda (1989) 2239:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (1989), 3xist3nc3 (1851), Patarknight (1605), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (841), rbasov (746), GetXyzzyWithI... 2240:< q00u> To be fair, souls are delicious. 2240:< hellapanda> like he will scream and run away in the presence of a cat 2240:< boredguy8> kittens have jelly bean toes they're fine. cats are whack 2240:< femdemgem> cats are delicious 2240:< hellapanda> it's kinda hilarious 2240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Queen Maud Land located? 2240:< tRitone11> Antarctica 2240:< rbasov> antarctica 2240:< boredguy8> Antarctica 2240:< Patarknight> antarctica 2240:< femdemgem> england 2240:< BrownMario> antartica 2240:< bphilly_cheesesteak> antarctica 2240:< BrownMario> antarctica 2240:< phoenixprince> england 2240:< q00u> Antekithera 2240:< femdemgem> turkey 2240:< bphilly_cheesesteak> england 2240:< bphilly_cheesesteak> antenglandica 2240:< npinsker> The answer was Antarctica! Correct users: rbasov (750), boredguy8 (138), Patarknight (1607), bphilly_cheesesteak (21), BrownMario (841) 2240:< rbasov> Mario, I'm within 100 watch out 2241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was stabbed by Gaius Cassius Longinus. 2241:< tRitone11> Julius Caesar 2241:< rbasov> julius caesar 2241:< boredguy8> Caesar 2241:< hellapanda> caesar 2241:< BrownMario> julius caesar 2241:< phoenixprince> caesar 2241:< Patarknight> Julius Caesar 2241:< 3xist3nc3> Caesar 2241:< BrownMario> you are bood rbasov 2241:< femdemgem> ceasar 2241:< q00u> Spartacus 2241:< vox35> Julius ceasar 2241:< bphilly_cheesesteak> julius caesar 2241:< BrownMario> good* 2241:< phoenixprince> i played cassius in a school play. he was a shift mofo 2241:< femdemgem> Et tu brutus!!!!!!!! 2241:< npinsker> The answer was Julius Caesar! Correct users: rbasov (754), BrownMario (844), Patarknight (1609), bphilly_cheesesteak (22) 2241:< rbasov> I enjoy a little competition 2241:< boredguy8> uuuughhhhh 2241:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island. 2241:< tRitone11> Taiwan 2241:< boredguy8> Taiwan 2241:< BrownMario> taiwan 2241:< Patarknight> Taiwan 2241:< hellapanda> taiwan 2241:< rbasov> taiwan 2241:< femdemgem> taiwan 2241:< q00u> Australia 2241:< vox35> Taiwan 2241:< boredguy8> Tibet 2241:< femdemgem> japan 2241:< bphilly_cheesesteak> taiwan 2242:< phoenixprince> asia 2242:< BrownMario> formosa 2242:< femdemgem> hawaii 2242:< q00u> Korea 2242:< npinsker> The answer was Taiwan! Correct users: boredguy8 (142), BrownMario (847), Patarknight (1611), hellapanda (1990), rbasov (754), femdemgem... 2242:< femdemgem> cuba 2242:< bphilly_cheesesteak> but 2242:< phoenixprince> i like q00u. he takes this as seriously as i do :D 2242:< q00u> Trivia is too hard. :-( 2242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Vincent Vega appeared in which movie? 2242:< tRitone11> Pulp Fiction 2242:< boredguy8> i mean, there are other channels... 2242:< rbasov> pulp fiction 2242:< Patarknight> Pulp Fiction 2242:< phoenixprince> pulp fiction 2242:< hellapanda> pulp fiction 2242:< BrownMario> pulp fition 2242:< cunty_nipples> Pulp fiction 2242:< q00u> I like your name, PhoenixPrince 2242:< bphilly_cheesesteak> pulp fiction 2242:< BrownMario> FUCK 2242:< boredguy8> Pulp Fiction 2242:< vox35> Pulp fiction 2242:< phoenixprince> pump friction 2242:< rbasov> orange juice pulp is not fiction! 2242:< BrownMario> pulp fiction 2242:< q00u> The Lego Movie 2242:< npinsker> The answer was Pulp Fiction! Correct users: rbasov (758), Patarknight (1614), phoenixprince (197), hellapanda (1991), cunty_nipples (3)... 2243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia 2243:< tRitone11> aardvark 2243:< rbasov> aardvark 2243:< BrownMario> aardvark 2243:< Patarknight> aardvark 2243:< hellapanda> aardvark 2243:< bphilly_cheesesteak> aardvark 2243:< q00u> Zebra 2243:< vox35> Aardvark 2243:< phoenixprince> haha 2243:< cunty_nipples> aardvark 2243:< BrownMario> fast fingers rbasov 2243:< KCosmo> aardvark 2243:< rbasov> I got disconnected... 2243:< npinsker> The answer was aardvark! Correct users: rbasov (762), BrownMario (850), Patarknight (1616), hellapanda (1992), bphilly_cheesesteak (22)... 2243:< KCosmo> aA ron 2243:< phoenixprince> can i become a biologist and discover a new species and call it aaardwerk 2243:< bphilly_cheesesteak> no 2243:< KCosmo> #werkit 2243:< q00u> lol 2243:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) || A 3 1/2" floppy disk measures ___ and 1/2 inches across. 2244:< tRitone11> three 2244:< hellapanda> three 2244:< rbasov> three 2244:< Patarknight> 3 2244:< BrownMario> three 2244:< phoenixprince> 3.5 2244:< KCosmo> 3 2244:< vox35> 3 2244:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 3 2244:< q00u> PI 2244:< cunty_nipples> 3.5 2244:< phoenixprince> damn it 2244:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 3.5 and 1/2? 2244:< BrownMario> new species called aaaaaaaanimal 2244:< hellapanda> lmao 2244:< phoenixprince> i hate these questions 2244:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lo 2244:< npinsker> The answer was 3! Correct users: Patarknight (1620), KCosmo (3), vox35 (215), bphilly_cheesesteak (23) 2244:< MorallyDeplorable> 3 2244:< rbasov> I'm gonna name my next species after this chat room 2244:< hellapanda> meeehh 2244:< q00u> soKukunelitsbird 2244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || Ethanoic (or acetic) acid is the major constituent of which everyday condiment? 2244:< tRitone11> vinegar 2244:< hellapanda> vinegar 2244:< BrownMario> vinegar 2244:< rbasov> vinegar 2244:< KCosmo> vinegar 2245:< _deffer_> dog shampoo 2245:< KCosmo> ketchup 2245:< vox35> mint flavoured condoms 2245:< rbasov> I have one vox 2245:< npinsker> The answer was vinegar! Correct users: hellapanda (1996), BrownMario (853), rbasov (764), KCosmo (4), bphilly_cheesesteak (23), Morally... 2245:< femdemgem> sugary piss 2245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || These essential body cells do not contain nuclei? 2245:< tRitone11> red blood cells 2245:< hellapanda> red blood cells 2245:< rbasov> red blood cells 2245:< BrownMario> red blood cells 2245:< Patarknight> platelets 2245:< vox35> that cool minty sensation... 2245:< _deffer_> red blood cells 2245:< KCosmo> red blood cells 2245:< BrownMario> daaaamn 2245:< q00u> Alcatraz 2245:< MorallyDeplorable> red 2245:< noscreamsnoshouts> hey tRitone11, ditch the bot man.. 2245:< rbasov> jesus...all simultaneously 2245:< npinsker> The answer was Red Blood Cells! Correct users: hellapanda (2000), rbasov (767), BrownMario (855), _deffer_ (288), KCosmo (4) 2246:< hellapanda> 2k ayyy 2246:< BrownMario> nice 2246:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2000), 3xist3nc3 (1851), Patarknight (1620), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (855), rbasov (767), GetXyzzyWithI... 2246:< Patarknight> congrats 2246:< BrownMario> about to bass feeble! 2246:< hellapanda> ty patar! 2246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Stephen King's: "Pet ________". 2246:< tRitone11> Semetary 2246:< rbasov> semetary 2246:< BrownMario> semetary 2246:< q00u> The bots not even necessary. The questions repeat so much. 2246:< Patarknight> Semetary 2246:< bphilly_cheesesteak> cemetary 2246:< vox35> Cemetary 2246:< q00u> Seminary 2246:< bphilly_cheesesteak> semetary 2246:< rbasov> that always bothered me that it wasn't spelled right 2246:< hellapanda> lol no one was able to spell this right when the bot wasn't around 2246:< KCosmo> hey btw guys jersey mikes bacon chicken ranch cheese steaks are really gross, I think I'm gonna vomit 2246:< npinsker> The answer was Sematary! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2247:< q00u> It's a child's sign. That's why it's misspelled. 2247:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wow 2247:< hellapanda> well then 2247:< MorallyDeplorable> lawls 2247:< BrownMario> haha 2247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who died three days after Elvis Presley? 2247:< tRitone11> Groucho Marx 2247:< rbasov> groucho marx 2247:< KCosmo> oh shit, didnt see you there philly lol 2247:< BrownMario> groucho marx 2247:< q00u> Jesus 2247:< 3xist3nc3> Groucho Marx 2247:< bphilly_cheesesteak> groucho marx 2247:< vox35> Pat Samutary 2247:< BrownMario> damn ratelimit! 2247:< rbasov> pet slaught---i mean sactuary 2247:< npinsker> The answer was Groucho Marx! Correct users: rbasov (771), BrownMario (858), 3xist3nc3 (1853), bphilly_cheesesteak (24) 2247:< bphilly_cheesesteak> noice 2248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season? 2248:< tRitone11> 1.5 litre rule 2248:< rbasov> 1.5 litre rule 2248:< BrownMario> 1.5 litre rule 2248:< KCosmo> 1.5 litre rule 2248:< phoenixprince> uhh 2248:< bphilly_cheesesteak> 3.5 litre rule 2248:< q00u> What's a litre? 2248:< vox35> 2.51 litre rule 2248:< bphilly_cheesesteak> or 1.5 litre rule 2248:< rbasov> roughly 1/4 of a gallon or something 2248:< npinsker> The answer was 1.5 litre rule! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2248:< BrownMario> so this bot is english then? 2248:< KCosmo> wha! 2248:< bbrazil> it's like a gallon, but more artisan 2248:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ...what? 2248:< hellapanda> lol 2248:< phoenixprince> 33.8135 oz 2248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: -ologies || A collection of literary pieces? 2248:< tRitone11> anthology 2248:< BrownMario> anthology 2248:< rbasov> anthology 2248:< phoenixprince> anthology 2248:< Patarknight> anthology 2248:< KCosmo> anthology 2248:< BrownMario> forgot the ! 2248:< bphilly_cheesesteak> anthology 2248:< mharrizone> anthology 2248:< vox35> anthology 2248:< q00u> Anthropology 2249:< bphilly_cheesesteak> anth 2249:< mharrizone> anthologies 2249:< q00u> Piers Anthology 2249:< KCosmo> anthologies 2249:< npinsker> The answer was anthology! Correct users: BrownMario (862), rbasov (774), phoenixprince (199), Patarknight (1621), KCosmo (4), bphilly_c... 2249:< femdemgem> maybe needed a comma instead of dot? 2249:< bphilly_cheesesteak> gottem 2249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly west of Spain? 2249:< tRitone11> Portugal 2249:< BrownMario> portugal 2249:< rbasov> portugal 2249:< Patarknight> portugal 2249:< bphilly_cheesesteak> portugal 2249:< mharrizone> portugal 2249:< bbrazil> portugal 2249:< KCosmo> portugal 2249:< vox35> portugal 2249:< BrownMario> i thought you said weast 2249:< q00u> Portal 2 2249:< KCosmo> gan I get too excited an typo like a mf 2249:< rbasov> that says "west" patrick 2250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ________. 2250:< tRitone11> Salyut 2250:< BrownMario> salyut 2250:< rbasov> salyut 2250:< KCosmo> salyut 2250:< bphilly_cheesesteak> salyut 2250:< mharrizone> mir 2250:< q00u> Labsky 2250:< npinsker> The answer was Salyut! Correct users: BrownMario (870), rbasov (780), KCosmo (6), bphilly_cheesesteak (26) 2251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || A set of graduated steel bars set in a frame and hit with a hammer, used in the orchestra. 2251:< tRitone11> Glockenspiel 2251:< rbasov> glockenspiel 2251:< BrownMario> glockenspiel 2251:< KCosmo> glockenspiel 2251:< phoenixprince> vertical xylophone 2251:< q00u> Xylophone 2251:< mharrizone> xylophone 2251:< mharrizone> chimes 2251:< q00u> hehe 2251:< rbasov> z for xylophone 2251:< bphilly_cheesesteak> xylophone 2251:< npinsker> The answer was Glockenspiel! Correct users: rbasov (784), BrownMario (873), KCosmo (8) 2251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Philosophy || In linguistics, this frenchman presented the concept of the signifier and the signified (surname only)? 2251:< tRitone11> Saussare 2251:< BrownMario> saussare 2251:< rbasov> saussare 2251:< KCosmo> saussare 2251:< phoenixprince> witgenstein 2251:< mharrizone> saucier 2252:< q00u> Sigmond Frued 2252:< rbasov> von lichtenstein 2252:< q00u> Freud? Fred? 2252:< npinsker> The answer was Saussare! Correct users: BrownMario (877), rbasov (787), KCosmo (10) 2252:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2000), 3xist3nc3 (1853), Patarknight (1623), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (877), rbasov (787), GetXyzzyWithI... 2252:< phoenixprince> 2k!!! 2252:< Patarknight> Saussare 2252:< 3xist3nc3> Congratulations panda 2252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Located above and just below the Arctic Circle, this region became an official territory of Canada in April 1999. 2252:< tRitone11> Nunavut 2252:< rbasov> nunavut 2252:< BrownMario> nunavut 2252:< Patarknight> Nunavut 2252:< 3xist3nc3> Nunavut 2252:< KCosmo> nunavut 2253:< mharrizone> I'll have nunavut around here! 2253:< 3xist3nc3> Yukon 2253:< q00u> Noneofit 2253:< phoenixprince> 3 you arent a bot but you still capitalize? 2253:< vox35> nunavut 2253:< npinsker> The answer was Nunavut! Correct users: rbasov (791), BrownMario (880), Patarknight (1625), 3xist3nc3 (1854), KCosmo (10), vox35 (215) 2253:< q00u> doh beaten by mharrizone 2253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Peanuts are one of the ingredients of? 2253:< tRitone11> Dynamite 2253:< BrownMario> dynamiet 2253:< rbasov> dynamite 2253:< KCosmo> dynamite 2253:< q00u> They bots. They all bots. Errybody bots. 2253:< phoenixprince> peanut butter 2253:< 3xist3nc3> It's because I actually know how to use a caps button 2253:< mharrizone> peanut butter... 2253:< BrownMario> FUCK 2253:< q00u> Peanut Butter 2253:< 3xist3nc3> Nuts 2253:< BrownMario> dynamite 2253:< rbasov> beep boop...I am not a bot...boop beep 2253:< phoenixprince> But doesn't it add to the typing time? 2254:< 3xist3nc3> I type fast 2254:< npinsker> The answer was Dynamite! Correct users: rbasov (795), KCosmo (13), BrownMario (882) 2254:< hellapanda> thx 3xist3nc3 and phoenix 2254:< hellapanda> also.. TIL about dynamite 2254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || On what date did America become an independant nation? 2254:< tRitone11> July 4th, 1776 2254:< phoenixprince> july 4 2254:< rbasov> july 4th, 1776 2254:< BrownMario> july 4th, 1776 2254:< mharrizone> july 4, 1776 2254:< KCosmo> 07-04-1776 2254:< vox35> 1776 2254:< 3xist3nc3> July 4th, 'Merica 2254:< q00u> INDEPENDENCE DAY! 2254:< BrownMario> independant? 2254:< phoenixprince> i answered quicker than a bot thats all i wanted :) 2254:< mharrizone> It was actually later, but that's when we explode peanuts 2254:< npinsker> The answer was July 4th, 1776! Correct users: rbasov (799), BrownMario (885), mharrizone (346) 2254:< BrownMario> this got can't spell! 2254:< KCosmo> boo 2254:< q00u> BrownMario, you have to ignore the spelling errors. There are too many. 2255:< rbasov> zeeman effect 2255:< KCosmo> zeeman effect 2255:< 3xist3nc3> Zeeing men 2255:< rbasov> that's kinda conceited of him.. 2255:< q00u> Sea Monkeys 2255:< hellapanda> l$ ol 2255:< vox35> He created the letter z 2255:< npinsker> The answer was Zeeman effect! Correct users: BrownMario (889), rbasov (802), KCosmo (15) 2255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Alcohol || What do the letters VOSP on a brandy bottle stand for? 2255:< tRitone11> Very Special Old Pale 2255:< rbasov> very special old pale 2255:< BrownMario> very special old pale 2255:< KCosmo> very special old pale 2256:< rbasov> VSOP* 2256:< bphilly_cheesesteak> very old special pale 2256:< 3xist3nc3> VVasted on such proportions 2256:< hellapanda> very old special pale? 2256:< mharrizone> vintage or something prehistoric 2256:< npinsker> The answer was Very Special Old Pale! Correct users: rbasov (806), BrownMario (892), KCosmo (17) 2256:< hellapanda> bot ur drunk 2256:< BrownMario> my drunk what? 2256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal. 2256:< tRitone11> coral 2256:< BrownMario> coral 2256:< rbasov> coral 2256:< KCosmo> coral 2256:< andreaplanbee> coral 2256:< hellapanda> oh mario 2256:< mharrizone> Y'all are suspiciously fast on these... 2256:< q00u> A DEEP RED SECRETION CARL! 2257:< npinsker> The answer was coral! Correct users: BrownMario (896), rbasov (809), KCosmo (19), andreaplanbee (12) 2257:< vox35> gem? 2257:< q00u> mharrizone, don't take it seriously. 2257:< OrangeredStilton> mharrizone: It so happens that there's a bot posting the answer immediately after the question shows 2257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Harry Potter || In "Prisoner of Azkaban", Harry uses a secret passage that leads from Hogwarts to which shop in Hogsmeade? 2257:< q00u> You can't beat our robot overlords. 2257:< OrangeredStilton> Which is helpful! 2257:< vox35> Honeyduke's 2257:< BrownMario> diagon alley 2257:< KCosmo> platform 2/3rds 2257:< bphilly_cheesesteak> diagon alley 2257:< BrownMario> diagonally? 2257:< mharrizone> the candy place...wuzzit 2257:< npinsker> The answer was Honeydukes Sweetshop! Correct users: vox35 (219) 2257:< q00u> Moe's Tavern 2257:< bphilly_cheesesteak> lol 2257:< rbasov> nice vox 2257:< hellapanda> hahaha love when new questions appear 2258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || On what side should you sleep to improve digestion? 2258:< tRitone11> right 2258:< BrownMario> right 2258:< rbasov> right 2258:< KCosmo> right 2258:< vox35> left 2258:< q00u> Inside 2258:< rbasov> the correct side 2258:< mharrizone> OrangeredStilton I muted the trivia bot(s) unless one of these niggas is also a bort 2258:< 3xist3nc3> the right one 2258:< bbrazil> bedside 2258:< BrownMario> nice bbrazil 2258:< npinsker> The answer was right! Correct users: BrownMario (900), rbasov (812), KCosmo (21) 2258:< 3xist3nc3> Otherwise you'll shit bricks 2258:< BrownMario> bort bort bort 2258:< bbrazil> which answer was right? 2258:< KCosmo> swedish chef? 2258:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2000), 3xist3nc3 (1854), Patarknight (1625), FeebleOldMan (908), BrownMario (900), rbasov (812), GetXyzzyWithI... 2258:< vox35> the right one 2259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nuresry rhymes || Who sat on her tuffet? 2259:< tRitone11> Little Miss Muffet 2259:< rbasov> little miss muffet 2259:< KCosmo> little miss muffet 2259:< BrownMario> little miss muffet 2259:< mharrizone> little miss muffet 2259:< vox35> Little miss muffet 2259:< rbasov> sat on her tuffet eating her somthing 2259:< KCosmo> wtf is a tuffet 2259:< q00u> Spider (he is our hero!) 2259:< hellapanda> eating her curds and whey 2259:< mharrizone> Anyone happen to have the github URL for the trivia bort handy? 2259:< npinsker> The answer was Little Miss Muffet! Correct users: rbasov (816), KCosmo (24), BrownMario (902), mharrizone (347), vox35 (219) 2259:< rbasov> thats it 2259:< KCosmo> its a butt isnt it 2259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What color does the bride wear in China? 2259:< tRitone11> red 2259:< BrownMario> red 2259:< rbasov> red 2259:< KCosmo> red 2259:< vox35> red 2259:< mharrizone> red 2259:< q00u> The blood of her enemies 2300:< BrownMario> yellow 2300:< rbasov> red wedding 2300:< KCosmo> leds 2300:< hellapanda> red 2300:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: BrownMario (906), rbasov (819), KCosmo (26), vox35 (220), mharrizone (347), hellapanda (2000) 2300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many teats does a cow have? 2300:< tRitone11> four 2300:< BrownMario> four 2300:< rbasov> four 2300:< KCosmo> four 2300:< phoenixprince> 4 2300:< mharrizone> four 2300:< vox35> 4 2300:< hellapanda> titties!!! 2300:< mharrizone> 4 2300:< KCosmo> bittle ole teaties 2300:< q00u> These questions are udderly ridiculous 2300:< rbasov> I only have 2, but that's anutter story 2301:< hellapanda> LOL 2301:< BrownMario> hellapanda hit with ratelimit 2301:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: BrownMario (910), rbasov (822), KCosmo (28), phoenixprince (200), mharrizone (347), vox35 (220), Wu... 2301:< bbrazil> stop trying to milk it 2301:< mharrizone> srsly tho, y'all are answering these in < 2 secs... 2301:< hellapanda> haha yep 2301:< Wulfay> 4 2301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || what Vitamin is Thiamine? 2301:< tRitone11> Vitamin B1 2301:< rbasov> vitamin b1 2301:< BrownMario> vitamin b2 2301:< KCosmo> B1 2301:< hellapanda> omg the puns 2301:< vox35> B6 2301:< BrownMario> ahhh fuck 2301:< rbasov> there is no escaping the puns! 2301:< mharrizone> b12 2301:< q00u> Truth serum 2301:< bbrazil> b2 or not b2 2301:< BrownMario> vitamin b1 2301:< npinsker> The answer was Vitamin B1! Correct users: rbasov (826), BrownMario (913) 2301:< KCosmo> aw cmon 2302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cocktails || To make Drambuie, you add some honey to what type of whiskey? 2302:< tRitone11> Scotch 2302:< BrownMario> scothc 2302:< rbasov> scotch 2302:< KCosmo> scotch 2302:< BrownMario> scotch 2302:< q00u> Irish 2302:< vox35> cheap 2302:< BrownMario> man spelling is killing me 2302:< KCosmo> I want a hot tottie now 2302:< npinsker> The answer was Scotch! Correct users: rbasov (830), KCosmo (31), BrownMario (915) 2302:< q00u> I just want a hottie now 2302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || This country occupies the "horn of Africa". 2302:< tRitone11> Somalia 2302:< rbasov> somalia 2302:< BrownMario> somalia 2302:< KCosmo> somalia 2302:< 3xist3nc3> Ethiopia 2302:< q00u> French Horn 2303:< vox35> South africa 2303:< npinsker> The answer was Somalia! Correct users: rbasov (834), BrownMario (918), KCosmo (33) 2303:< 3xist3nc3> Pirateland 2303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the 1990 Wimbledon women's singles runner-up? 2303:< tRitone11> Zina Garrison 2303:< BrownMario> sina garrison 2303:< rbasov> zina garrison 2303:< KCosmo> zina garrison 2303:< BrownMario> my fucking spelling... sigh 2303:< q00u> Gina Zerrison 2303:< vox35> Tennis...lady 2303:**** KCosmo pats marios back 2303:< BrownMario> zina garrison 2303:< rbasov> vagina garrison 2304:< mharrizone> Well this is no fun if I see the answer before I even type. Bye guise 2304:< npinsker> The answer was Zina Garrison! Correct users: BrownMario (922), rbasov (837), KCosmo (35) 2304:< rbasov> still counted 2304:< BrownMario> nice 2304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which country would you find the Yucatan Peninsula? 2304:< tRitone11> Mexico 2304:< rbasov> mexico 2304:< KCosmo> mexico 2304:< hellapanda> bye mharrizone :( 2304:< BrownMario> mexico 2304:< 3xist3nc3> cya mharrizone 2304:< vox35> mexico 2304:< q00u> tRitone, running people off from the game. What a guy. 2304:< rbasov> dueces 2304:< KCosmo> MEXIÓ!! 2304:< q00u> Yeman 2304:< BrownMario> que? 2304:< 3xist3nc3> tRite 2304:< npinsker> The answer was Mexico! Correct users: rbasov (841), KCosmo (38), BrownMario (924), vox35 (221) 2304:< mharrizone> nah I already ignored tRitone11 ages ago 2305:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2000), 3xist3nc3 (1854), Patarknight (1625), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), rbasov (841), GetXyzzyWithI... 2305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar? 2305:< tRitone11> molasses 2305:< BrownMario> i think im going to stop for a while 2305:< rbasov> molasses 2305:< vox35> Mute all of us 2305:< KCosmo> molasses 2305:< rbasov> :( bye mario 2305:< BrownMario> i concede to rbasov, in the time we competed he did better than i did 2305:< vox35> Bye 2305:< npinsker> The answer was molasses! Correct users: rbasov (845), KCosmo (41) 2305:< q00u> It was fun to watch though. 2306:< rbasov> It was about 51-49 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for einsteinium? 2306:< tRitone11> Es 2306:< KCosmo> Es 2306:< bbrazil> e=mc^2 2306:< q00u> Mitocondria are the powerhouse of the cell 2306:< npinsker> The answer was Es! Correct users: KCosmo (45) 2306:< rbasov> and plants use photosynthesis 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || These wounds of christ mysteriously appear on believers who sometimes weep blood as well. 2306:< tRitone11> stigmata 2306:< KCosmo> stigmata 2307:< rbasov> stigmata 2307:< 3xist3nc3> Blood the color of the sky 2307:< bbrazil> stigmata 2307:< q00u> He's callled .... the STIG 2307:< Lowbacca1977> ES 2307:< KCosmo> steig larsson 2307:< npinsker> The answer was stigmata! Correct users: KCosmo (49), rbasov (848), bbrazil (31) 2307:< rbasov> what's stigmata for you 2307:< bbrazil> some say he's the son of christ 2307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______. 2307:< tRitone11> biology 2307:< rbasov> biology 2307:< KCosmo> biology 2307:< bbrazil> Biology 2307:< q00u> Zobotology 2308:< rbasov> Hey, q00u...wanna help me with my anatomy project ;) 2308:< npinsker> The answer was biology! Correct users: rbasov (852), KCosmo (52), bbrazil (33) 2308:< q00u> lol 2308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where was Nelson mandela in prison? 2308:< tRitone11> Robben Island 2308:< KCosmo> robben island 2308:< bbrazil> South Africa 2308:< q00u> In a cell. 2308:< rbasov> because he was robbin the rich and given to the poor 2308:< npinsker> The answer was Robben Island! Correct users: KCosmo (56) 2309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || What is Greek muse of dance and choral song? 2309:< tRitone11> Terpsichore 2309:< rbasov> terpsichore 2309:< q00u> Megura 2309:< bbrazil> New Born 2309:< rbasov> medusa 2309:< KCosmo> sharon stone 2309:< npinsker> The answer was Terpsichore! Correct users: rbasov (856) 2309:< rbasov> hercules hercules 2309:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are: Callisto, Io, Ganymede, and _________ 2309:< tRitone11> Europa 2309:< KCosmo> europa 2309:< rbasov> europa 2310:< q00u> 2001 A Space Oddysee 2310:< bbrazil> all these answers are yours, except Europa 2310:< bbrazil> attempt no karmawhoring there 2310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "To be or not to be?" 2310:< tRitone11> Hamlet 2310:< rbasov> hamlet 2310:< KCosmo> hamlet 2310:< bbrazil> Hamlet 2310:< q00u> Richard III 2310:< rbasov> that is the question 2311:< npinsker> The answer was Hamlet! Correct users: rbasov (863), KCosmo (63), bbrazil (37) 2311:< bbrazil> no, that is a word 2311:< rbasov> The continuation of the quote 2311:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2000), 3xist3nc3 (1854), Patarknight (1625), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), rbasov (863), GetXyzzyWithI... 2311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nationalities || Which people invented the compass? 2311:< tRitone11> Chinese 2311:< rbasov> chinese 2311:< KCosmo> chinese 2311:< Abandonedapple> chinese 2311:< q00u> What do you mean "you people" 2312:< npinsker> The answer was Chinese! Correct users: rbasov (867), KCosmo (66), Abandonedapple (30) 2312:< bbrazil> dunno, but they had magentic personalities 2312:< rbasov> You either stay here long enough to remember the questions, or you end up just not caring 2312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fat Presidents || Which President weighed 352 pounds? 2312:< tRitone11> Taft 2312:< q00u> Correct 2312:< 3xist3nc3> Taft 2312:< rbasov> taft 2312:< KCosmo> Taft 2312:< q00u> Weird Al 2312:< DoctorThackery> @rbasov lol totally 2312:< Abandonedapple> taft 2312:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1858), rbasov (870), KCosmo (68), Abandonedapple (31) 2312:< DoctorThackery> I'm in the other group 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This comet appears every 76.3 years. 2313:< tRitone11> Comet Halley 2313:< rbasov> comet halley 2313:< hellapanda> halley's comet 2313:< Abandonedapple> comet halley 2313:< q00u> Haley Joel Osmet 2313:< 3xist3nc3> Halley's Comet 2313:< arocks124> halley's comet 2313:< bbrazil> halley bob 2313:< KCosmo> Halley´s COmet 2313:< arocks124> halley's comet 2313:< rbasov> Halle Berry 2313:< hellapanda> who even calls it comet halley 2313:< npinsker> The answer was Comet Halley! Correct users: rbasov (874), Abandonedapple (34), hellapanda (2002) 2313:< rbasov> the script... 2313:< hellapanda> lame 2313:< KCosmo> WHAT 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is the Parthenon located? 2313:< tRitone11> Athens 2313:< hellapanda> oh wait, i got it 2313:< mootinator> Silly script 2313:< rbasov> athens 2313:< bbrazil> athens 2313:< KCosmo> athens 2314:< hellapanda> NOO I WANTED TO STAY AT 2k jerk bot 2314:< q00u> Earth 2314:< mootinator> athens 2314:< rbasov> shame on you panda 2314:< mootinator> GREASE 2314:< npinsker> The answer was Athens! Correct users: rbasov (878), bbrazil (40), KCosmo (70), mootinator (2) 2314:< bbrazil> you can get great breakfast waffles around the corner from it 2314:< frdmn> tritone, how can you answer that fast? 2314:< rbasov> summer lovin had me a blast 2314:< mootinator> Happened so fast... 2314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands? 2314:< tRitone11> Denmark 2314:< KCosmo> Denmark 2314:< rbasov> met a girl, crazy for meeeeeee 2314:< frdmn> wtf? 2314:< mootinator> Francemark 2314:< q00u> frdmn, tritone is a bot. Mute it. 2314:< KCosmo> Danmork 2314:< hellapanda> it took my halley's comet but not 3xist3nc3's? 2314:< bbrazil> met a boy, cute as could be 2314:< rbasov> he's botting frdmn, but he's banned so just mute him 2314:< q00u> Virgin Records 2315:< frdmn> q00u: thanks 2315:< npinsker> The answer was Denmark! Correct users: KCosmo (74) 2315:< frdmn> ruining the fun for everyone else too :/ 2315:< rbasov> summer days drifting away to oh those summer nights 2315:< KCosmo> socialism 2315:< bbrazil> socialism 2315:< KCosmo> communism 2315:< cyclingwonder> ah well ah welll ah well ah 2315:< Lowbacca1977> bernie sanders 2315:< rbasov> bernie sanders 2315:< mharrizone> frdmn tRitone11 is a bot - just click his name to ignore 2315:< q00u> I don't believe in isms. 2315:< mootinator> Oh wella wella HUH. Tell me more tell me more like does he have a car 2315:< 3xist3nc3> Soviet Russiaism 2315:< hellapanda> frdmn, yeah everyone agrees it's petty 2315:< rbasov> lol lowbacca777 2315:< Lowbacca1977> thanks ferris 2315:< DoctorThackery> tritone is owning this shit lol 2315:< npinsker> The answer was socialism! Correct users: KCosmo (78), bbrazil (43) 2315:< cyclingwonder> Tell me more, tell me more, like did you get very far? 2316:< rbasov> tell me more tell me more, like does he have a car 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || She was the first woman premier of Israel. 2316:< tRitone11> Golda Meir 2316:< rbasov> golda meir 2316:< KCosmo> Golda Meir 2316:< 3xist3nc3> Who knows 2316:< mootinator> Goldie Hawn 2316:< bbrazil> uh uh, uh uh, uh uh yeah-eh 2316:< q00u> mootinator wins 2316:< rbasov> she showed off splashing around 2316:< npinsker> The answer was Golda Meir! Correct users: rbasov (882), KCosmo (81) 2316:< rbasov> he* 2316:< cyclingwonder> I saved her life, she nearly drowned 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Gems || Peridot is the birthstone for ____________? 2316:< tRitone11> August 2316:< rbasov> august 2316:< KCosmo> August 2316:< bbrazil> Steven 2316:< mootinator> He showed up, splashing around! 2317:< q00u> Steven Universe 2317:< cyclingwonder> summer sun, something's begun, ooh-wah! 2317:< npinsker> The answer was August! Correct users: rbasov (886), KCosmo (84) 2317:< mootinator> Oh those summer nights 2317:< 3xist3nc3> Peruvian dots 2317:< KCosmo> thanks for getting that shit in my head guys! 2317:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1858), Patarknight (1625), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), rbasov (886), GetXyzzyWithI... 2317:< rbasov> :) 2317:< KCosmo> tell me more tell me more 2317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Of what is 98% of the weight of water made? 2317:< tRitone11> oxygen 2317:< cyclingwonder> was it love at first sight? 2317:< KCosmo> oxygen 2317:< rbasov> oxygen 2317:< mootinator> Oxygen 2317:< q00u> Gravity 2318:< bbrazil> oxygen 2318:< Lowbacca1977> its a small world after all, its a small world after all, its a small world after alllll its a small, small, world 2318:< Lowbacca1977> there, have that 2318:< q00u> LOWBACCA NO! 2318:< KCosmo> noooooooooooooooooooooooo 2318:< npinsker> The answer was oxygen! Correct users: KCosmo (88), rbasov (889), mootinator (4), bbrazil (44) 2318:< mootinator> Tell me more tell me more didja get in a fight 2318:< q00u> GAAAAAAAA 2318:< bbrazil> it's a world of laughter a world of tears 2318:< rbasov> Somebody once told me the world was gonna rule me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the sheeeeed 2318:< q00u> It's spreading 2318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Industry || South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ____________? 2318:< tRitone11> mohair 2318:< cyclingwonder> did she put up a fight * 2318:< rbasov> mohair 2318:< cyclingwonder> it got cold... that's where it ends... 2318:< mootinator> Wait, that's the family friendly version I just quoted. 2318:< bbrazil> hey now, you're a rockstar 2318:< rbasov> get the show on ,go play 2319:< npinsker> The answer was mohair! Correct users: rbasov (893) 2319:< mootinator> So I told her we'd still be friends. 2319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World? 2319:< tRitone11> Toledo 2319:< rbasov> toledo 2319:< cyclingwonder> then we made our true love vow 2319:< KCosmo> toledo 2319:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tontoledo 2319:< mootinator> Wonder what he/she's doing now? 2319:< npinsker> The answer was Toledo! Correct users: rbasov (897), KCosmo (91), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (422) 2319:< Lowbacca1977> also, 98% of the weight of water isn't oxygen. Oxygen is like, 88%. 2319:< 3xist3nc3> 🎶 2320:< cyclingwonder> Summer dreams.... 2320:< mootinator> RIPPED AT THE SEAMS 2320:< Lowbacca1977> 16/18 2320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Religion || What is the name given to the supreme reality in Hinduism? 2320:< tRitone11> Brahman 2320:< KCosmo> ooo0o0 those summer nights 2320:< Patarknight> Brahma 2320:< KCosmo> brahma 2320:< rbasov> brahman 2320:< q00u> Doctor Stranger, Sorcerer Supreme 2320:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> brahma 2320:< Lowbacca1977> Steve 2320:< fzh> Bra man 2320:< bbrazil> wickedthiswaycums: there's many many such systems in existence already 2320:< npinsker> The answer was Brahman! Correct users: rbasov (901) 2320:< 3xist3nc3> Wtf robin 2320:< rbasov> Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase 2320:< q00u> Strange, not stranger. I don't know how to type or spell things. 2320:< KCosmo> this is not a fun road 2320:< mootinator> TELL ME MORE TELL ME MORE OREEE ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRE!!!!!! *DRUM* 2320:< bbrazil> ain't no passing craze 2320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || What is the purple ink used to stamp meat made from? 2320:< cyclingwonder> Hakuna Matata, ain't no passing phase! 2320:< tRitone11> Dark Grape Skins 2320:< KCosmo> I dont like it here 2321:< bbrazil> atoms 2321:< rbasov> it means no worries for the rest of your days 2321:< KCosmo> grape skins 2321:< q00u> Squids 2321:< cyclingwonder> It's our problem free philosophy! 2321:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> hakuna matonto 2321:< rbasov> dark grape skins 2321:< npinsker> The answer was Dark Grape Skins! Correct users: rbasov (905) 2321:< rbasov> hakuna tomahto 2321:< cyclingwonder> hakuna anchovies 2321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Jokes || In the old gag, where is Prince Albert? 2321:< tRitone11> In a can 2321:< mootinator> Northern Saskatchewan 2321:< rbasov> in a can 2321:< q00u> It's not family-friendly to say.... 2321:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> in a can 2321:< 3xist3nc3> In Albertsons 2321:< mootinator> Crap I knew it. 2321:< cyclingwonder> I don't understand the gag? Prince Albert in the can? 2322:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> in tonto's butt 2322:< npinsker> The answer was In a can! Correct users: rbasov (909), I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (425), cyclingwonder (2) 2322:< rbasov> Time to feed the dogs, back in a little 2322:< KCosmo> anyone know an estimate of how long till the next merge? 2322:< cyclingwonder> Why is Prince Albert in a can? 2322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is George Washington buried? 2322:< tRitone11> Mt. Vernon, Virginia 2322:< q00u> It's a brand. "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?" "Sure" Well let him out!" 2322:< cyclingwonder> KCosmo - I imagine it'll be another 12+ hours 2322:< bbrazil> at least half a day I'd say 2322:< KCosmo> ah 2322:< KCosmo> ok thanks 2322:< 3xist3nc3> In wdc 2322:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> virginia 2322:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Vernon, Virginia! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2323:< q00u> In the ground. 2323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What's the name of B.B. King's guitar? 2323:< mootinator> Once we get that next 14 things will start to roll down hill. 2323:< tRitone11> Lucille 2323:< KCosmo> Lucille 2323:< q00u> Lucille Ball 2323:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> lucy 2323:< mootinator> Lucy from Peanuts 2323:< cyclingwonder> mootinator - the problem is that we need two T14 s /: 2323:< 3xist3nc3> I Love B. B. King's guitar 2323:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> tonto guitar 2323:< mootinator> Yeah... 2323:< npinsker> The answer was Lucille! Correct users: KCosmo (95) 2323:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1858), Patarknight (1625), BrownMario (924), rbasov (909), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"? 2324:< tRitone11> Cinderella 2324:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> cinderella 2324:< 3xist3nc3> cindirella 2324:< KCosmo> cinderella 2324:< q00u> Lion King 2324:< mootinator> sleeping beauty 2324:< cyclingwonder> lion king 2324:< npinsker> The answer was Cinderella! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (429), KCosmo (98) 2324:< mootinator> loin king 2324:< cyclingwonder> Boooo! 2324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In which sport is the Davis Cup awarded? 2324:< tRitone11> tennis 2324:< Patarknight> tennis 2324:< mootinator> Daveminton 2324:< 3xist3nc3> tennis 2324:< KCosmo> Tennis 2325:< mootinator> DAMN 2325:< q00u> Groin-kicking. 2325:< npinsker> The answer was tennis! Correct users: Patarknight (1629), 3xist3nc3 (1861), KCosmo (100) 2325:< cyclingwonder> It was an easy typo, mootinator. Could've happened to anyone! 2325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Weather || Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth? 2325:< tRitone11> six thousand 2325:< KCosmo> 6000 2325:< q00u> 16 2325:< rbasov> 6000 2325:< 3xist3nc3> over 9000 2326:< q00u> 12 times a second, so 720 2326:< npinsker> The answer was six thousand! Correct users: KCosmo (104), rbasov (912) 2326:< q00u> Factually incorrect.... 2326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau? 2326:< tRitone11> Bissau 2326:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2326:< 3xist3nc3> bissaU 2326:< mootinator> PIgistan 2326:< Patarknight> Bissau 2326:< npinsker> The answer was Bissau! Correct users: npinsker (64), 3xist3nc3 (1864), Patarknight (1631) 2326:< q00u> Haha moot. I finally get it. 2327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What band recorded the 1978 hit album: "Briefcase Full of Blues"? 2327:< tRitone11> The Blues Brothers 2327:< q00u> I think as slow as I type. Which is not fast. 2327:< rbasov> the blues brothers 2327:< cyclingwonder> The Portland Band 2327:< q00u> I don't know, I prefer a briefcase full of TACOS 2327:< 3xist3nc3> The Reds 2327:< mootinator> Saturday Night Fever 2327:< npinsker> The answer was The Blues Brothers! Correct users: rbasov (916) 2327:< rbasov> 8 heads in a duffel bag, that's what gets me goin 2327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Britain || Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London? 2327:< tRitone11> Monument 2327:< cyclingwonder> Portland City Hall 2328:< q00u> Too soon, man. 2328:< rbasov> monument 2328:< mootinator> Paris 2328:< 3xist3nc3> Berlin 2328:< mootinator> I mean, uh 2328:< npinsker> The answer was Monument! Correct users: rbasov (920) 2328:< mootinator> That wasn't even a good bad guess. 2328:< rbasov> The great shooting of the theater in Paris 2328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Austin is the capital of ____________? 2328:< tRitone11> Texas 2328:< rbasov> texas 2328:< mootinator> Texas 2328:< cyclingwonder> LOL Monument 2328:< 3xist3nc3> Texas 2328:< q00u> Wrestling 2328:< cyclingwonder> Texas PORTLAND 2329:< 3xist3nc3> not texas 2329:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users: rbasov (924), mootinator (7), 3xist3nc3 (1866) 2329:< rbasov> Stone Cold Steve 2329:< mootinator> ^ 2329:< cyclingwonder> wtf I totally had that 2329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox. 2329:< tRitone11> Edward Jenner 2329:< rbasov> caitlyn jenner 2329:< cyclingwonder> Portlandstotle 2329:< mootinator> Jim Carrey 2329:< 3xist3nc3> Bigpox 2329:< rbasov> john belushi 2329:< q00u> Salk something. 2329:< npinsker> The answer was Edward Jenner! Correct users: rbasov (928) 2329:< mootinator> Dan Aykroyd 2329:< rbasov> steve martin 2330:< 3xist3nc3> lol 2330:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1866), Patarknight (1631), rbasov (928), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What was the first animal on the endangered species list? 2330:< tRitone11> peregrine falcon 2330:< mootinator> The blue whale 2330:< cyclingwonder> The Portland-Portland, commonly known as the first endangered species 2330:< rbasov> my love life 2330:< 3xist3nc3> An exctinct feline or something 2330:< Burnt_heat> crane 2330:< q00u> Moot, that has to be the right answer eventually. 2330:< npinsker> The answer was peregrine falcon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The song "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" came from which musical play? 2331:< tRitone11> Fiddler On The Roof 2331:< rbasov> fiddler on the roof 2331:< q00u> Fiddler in the basement 2331:< cyclingwonder> Portland The Musical 2331:< 3xist3nc3> Fiddler in the van 2331:< rbasov> matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch 2331:< mootinator> Guys and cats on hot tin of the Opera 2331:< cyclingwonder> Portland City Musical 2331:< q00u> lol 2331:< npinsker> The answer was Fiddler On The Roof! Correct users: rbasov (932) 2331:< rbasov> If I were a rich man, yadda bada bada bum 2331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What is the name of the film in which Steven Segal's character dies? 2331:< tRitone11> Executive Decision 2332:< mootinator> Hard to Kill 2332:< cyclingwonder> PORTLAND - A SERIES OF ACTION SEQUENCSE 2332:< q00u> Deep Impact 2332:< rbasov> all day long I'd biddy biddy bum if I were a wealthy man! 2332:< cyclingwonder> (BASED ON TRUE EVENTS) 2332:< 3xist3nc3> planeing away 2332:< rbasov> I'll impact you deep 2332:< npinsker> The answer was Executive Decision! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2332:< mootinator> I mean, it wasn't called "Impossible to Kill" so it follows... 2332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || IN which game does Mario wear the Tanooki Suit which gives him the ability to fly? 2332:< rbasov> super mario 64 2332:< mootinator> Super Mario Brothers 3 2332:< q00u> BrownMario 2332:< cyclingwonder> Super Mario Portland II 2332:< Shadow_Stepp> super mario 64 2333:< tRitone11> use the bot, copypaste it in the chrome console https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/3hr9z 2333:< npinsker> The answer was Super Mario Bros 3! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2333:< mootinator> BUULLONEY 2333:< q00u> Bros 2333:< mootinator> Yeah I know. 2333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Football: The Dallas ____________? 2333:< tRitone11> Cowboys 2333:< 3xist3nc3> bruh 2333:< rbasov> Speaking of mario bros...that movie sucked 2333:< q00u> Cheerleaders 2333:< rbasov> cowboys 2333:< 3xist3nc3> cowboys 2333:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2333:< mootinator> Cowboys 2333:< rbasov> trailblazers 2333:< q00u> Indians 2333:< npinsker> The answer was Cowboys! Correct users: rbasov (936), 3xist3nc3 (1869), mootinator (9) 2333:< rbasov> cleveland 2333:< tRitone11> TriviaAnswerBot copypaste it in the chrome console https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/9gmpm 2334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food and Drink || What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine? 2334:< tRitone11> sangria 2334:< q00u> A good buzz 2334:< rbasov> the mother fuckin catalina wine mizer 2334:< cyclingwonder> The Portland Tipster 2334:< mootinator> sangria 2334:< 3xist3nc3> fruity wine 2334:< cyclingwonder> sangria 2334:< npinsker> The answer was sangria! Correct users: mootinator (13), cyclingwonder (5) 2334:< cyclingwonder> lol ololol 2334:< rbasov> I don't practice santeria I ain't got no crystal ball 2334:< vox35> drunk 2334:< mootinator> \o/ 2334:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many referees work a soccer game? 2334:< tRitone11> one 2334:< cyclingwonder> I am highly amused that we got it, mootinator 2334:< rbasov> one 2334:< 3xist3nc3> 3 2334:< q00u> 1 2335:< q00u> 2 2335:< mootinator> 4 2335:< cyclingwonder> In Portland you only need 14 2335:< rbasov> 1 ref, 2 line judges 2335:< 3xist3nc3> 1 in 3 2335:< q00u> 3 2335:< vox35> Depends on how lazy they are 2335:< rbasov> touche 2335:< q00u> 4 2335:< npinsker> The answer was one! Correct users: rbasov (940), q00u (66) 2335:< Rndom_Gy_159> 4 2335:< mootinator> ooh 2335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is acute nasopharyngitis? 2335:< tRitone11> A cold 2335:< rbasov> a cold 2335:< cyclingwonder> 1? No wonder they BS so much 2335:< q00u> Sinus infection? 2335:< mootinator> a stuffed nose 2335:< cyclingwonder> That's when the Portland Smog blocks your nose and throat up 2335:< tRitone11> TriviaAnswerBot copypaste it in the chrome console https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/7m0te 2336:< 3xist3nc3> bad nose 2336:< npinsker> The answer was A cold! Correct users: rbasov (944) 2336:< q00u> Small Nose Syndrome 2336:< mootinator> rhinitis 2336:< rbasov> rhinoplasty 2336:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1869), Patarknight (1631), rbasov (944), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2336:< vox35> You have a cute nasopharyngitis 2336:< cyclingwonder> I'm winning! 2336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what did Aristotle say all things were made up? 2336:< tRitone11> air, earth, fire, and water 2336:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2336:< 3xist3nc3> Cells. 2336:< Reddits_Worst_Night> elements 2336:< q00u> Cotton Candy 2336:< rbasov> earth wind fire air 2336:< mootinator> matter 2336:< vox35> atoms 2336:< serofawx> air, earth, fire, and water 2337:< mootinator> chakra 2337:< npinsker> The answer was air, earth, fire, and water! Correct users: serofawx (17) 2337:< rbasov> earth wind and fire! 2337:< cyclingwonder> Ahh shit, speaking of matter and things being made of 'em, I'm gonna go grab me some apple sauce brb 2337:< mootinator> HEART 2337:< radioactivated> æ 2337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911? 2337:< rbasov> That poor indian kid... 2337:< tRitone11> Manchu 2337:< Reddits_Worst_Night> He certainly wasn't an atomist 2337:< 3xist3nc3> Enjoy your saucy matter 2337:< rbasov> manchu 2337:< radioactivated> qing 2337:< Reddits_Worst_Night> manchu 2337:< mootinator> By your powers combined I'm Captain Planet! 2337:< q00u> Porsche 2337:< 3xist3nc3> qing 2337:< rbasov> qing is the crouching tiger hidden dragon one i think 2337:< npinsker> The answer was Manchu! Correct users: rbasov (948), Reddits_Worst_Night (4) 2337:< radioactivated> aw 2338:< radioactivated> it's sad cause I'm actually chinese lel 2338:< rbasov> lol 2338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || A triangle with three equal sides is called _______. 2338:< tRitone11> equilateral 2338:< cyclingwonder> Saucy matter is all that matters 2338:< mootinator> sadtrombone.mp3 2338:< rbasov> equilateral 2338:< radioactivated> equilateral 2338:< mootinator> equilateral 2338:< cyclingwonder> The Portland Triangle 2338:< q00u> Socialism 2338:< 3xist3nc3> thepriceisright.mp4 2338:< rbasov> Bernie Sanders 2338:< npinsker> The answer was equilateral! Correct users: rbasov (952), radioactivated (3), mootinator (15) 2338:< mootinator> noooooooooo.mp3 2338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || Traffic Trivia: Red means stop, _____ means go. 2338:< tRitone11> green 2338:< Patarknight> radioactivated, Manchu and Qing are the same dynasty 2338:< rbasov> green 2339:< mootinator> green 2339:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2339:< radioactivated> yeah, makes sense 2339:< Patarknight> sort of 2339:< rbasov> are they? 2339:< radioactivated> there was a song that listed the dynasties 2339:< q00u> I'm colorblind. :-( 2339:< Patarknight> Qing is only for after the Manchus took over China 2339:< cyclingwonder> Mootinator I'm electing you to president 2339:< npinsker> The answer was green! Correct users: rbasov (956), mootinator (18) 2339:< Patarknight> They had a line of kings going back to Nurhachi 2339:< radioactivated> yuan ming qing "republic", mao zedong... 2339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create? 2339:< tRitone11> Tarzan 2339:< mootinator> Woohoo! 2339:< rbasov> tarzan 2339:< cyclingwonder> Portland Founders 2339:< q00u> Lestat the vampire 2339:< cyclingwonder> All four thousand of them 2340:< Patarknight> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJis9TSw1rE 2340:< rbasov> Count Doku 2340:< mootinator> Mikey Mouse, the most famous Mickey knockoff. 2340:< npinsker> The answer was Tarzan! Correct users: rbasov (960) 2340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired? 2340:< tRitone11> War Of The Worlds 2340:< Patarknight> War of the Worlds 2340:< Authsauce> war of the worlds 2340:< mootinator> war of the worlds 2340:< mootinator> Buncha panzies. 2340:< q00u> Urban legend. That didn't happen. 2340:< q00u> Ugh, the accuracy of this bot. 2340:< npinsker> The answer was War Of The Worlds! Correct users: Patarknight (1635), Authsauce (368), mootinator (20) 2341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest country in Central America? 2341:< rbasov> The Lone Ranger 2341:< tRitone11> Nicaragua 2341:< Patarknight> Nicaragua 2341:< Authsauce> mexico 2341:< q00u> Belize 2341:< rbasov> nyquilagua 2341:< mootinator> What do vaccines definitely cause? 2341:< cyclingwonder> The Independent Republic of Portland 2341:< cyclingwonder> vaccination 2341:< rbasov> sterility 2341:< mootinator> panama 2341:< Authsauce> nicaragua 2341:< 3xist3nc3> guatemala 2341:< npinsker> The answer was Nicaragua! Correct users: Patarknight (1639), Authsauce (371) 2341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Libreville is the capital of ____________? 2341:< tRitone11> Gabon 2341:< rbasov> gabon 2341:< Patarknight> Gabon 2341:< 3xist3nc3> gabon 2342:< cyclingwonder> Portland (duh) 2342:< Authsauce> my anus 2342:< q00u> Freedonia 2342:< mootinator> Bongos 2342:< rbasov> his anus 2342:< cyclingwonder> bongos!! 2342:< rbasov> Didgeridoo 2342:< npinsker> The answer was Gabon! Correct users: rbasov (964), Patarknight (1642), 3xist3nc3 (1871) 2342:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1871), Patarknight (1642), rbasov (964), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2342:< mootinator> X takes the square 2342:< tRitone11> TriviaAnswerBot copypaste it in the chrome console https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/f5v9 2342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || Like fingerprints, what other print is individual? 2342:< tRitone11> tongueprints 2342:< rbasov> tongueprints 2343:< vox35> dick print 2343:< cyclingwonder> Memories of Portland 2343:< 3xist3nc3> buttholes 2343:< q00u> Fresh Prints of Bel Aire 2343:< npinsker> The answer was tongueprints! Correct users: rbasov (968) 2343:< rbasov> Finger Prince 2343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Thailand? 2343:< tRitone11> Bangkok 2343:< rbasov> bangkok 2343:< Patarknight> bangkok 2343:< 3xist3nc3> bangkok 2343:< bbrazil> bangkok 2343:< cyclingwonder> no no no, not Finger Prince, Fingerprints! 2343:< mootinator> bang cock 2343:< vox35> bangkok 2343:< cyclingwonder> Portland, Thailand 2343:< q00u> Fingerprints aren't unique though. 2344:< q00u> Bluewhale 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Bangkok! Correct users: rbasov (972), Patarknight (1645), 3xist3nc3 (1873), bbrazil (45), vox35 (221) 2344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This organization was founded by William Booth. 2344:< tRitone11> Salvation Army 2344:< cyclingwonder> The other large chatroom has like six Quiz Bots, btw. :( 2344:< 3xist3nc3> the salvation army 2344:< q00u> FBI 2344:< vox35> CIA 2344:< mootinator> CIA 2344:< rbasov> salvation army 2344:< cyclingwonder> The Portland Highlanders 2344:< mootinator> NSA 2344:< Patarknight> Salvation Army 2344:< q00u> Why would we want six? One is more than enough. 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Salvation Army! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1877), rbasov (975), Patarknight (1647) 2344:< mootinator> Portland Bureau of Investigation 2345:< 3xist3nc3> Which means our chatroom is better and less of a mess. 2345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || These are the two highest valued letters in "Scrabble". "Q" and _____. 2345:< tRitone11> Z 2345:< cyclingwonder> yes, it's a lot better when there's only one trivia... 2345:< Patarknight> Z 2345:< mootinator> Z 2345:< vox35> Salvation Army is just a front for the CIA 2345:< q00u> E 2345:< cyclingwonder> P ... ortland. 2345:< vox35> Z 2345:< q00u> Blank Tile 2345:< npinsker> The answer was Z! Correct users: Patarknight (1651), mootinator (23), vox35 (223) 2345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who is Donald Duck's uncle? 2345:< tRitone11> Scrooge 2345:< 3xist3nc3> scrooge 2346:< BernieCar> Scrooge 2346:< cyclingwonder> Porty Duck 2346:< vox35> Scrooge McDuck 2346:< mootinator> Scrooge McDuck 2346:< q00u> Grunkle Stan 2346:< mootinator> That's his brother. 2346:< npinsker> The answer was Scrooge! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1881), BernieCar (3) 2346:< vox35> The fuck? 2346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Cape Hatteras? 2346:< tRitone11> North Carolina 2346:< q00u> You lost points for being too accurage 2346:< 3xist3nc3> the bot is that bad 2346:< cyclingwonder> PORTLAND!! 2346:< BernieCar> oy 2346:< rbasov> africa 2346:< q00u> Wrinkled. 2346:< cyclingwonder> sorry, friend :( 2347:< BernieCar> Massachusetts 2347:< vox35> A state of constant denial 2347:< Patarknight> North Carolina 2347:< mootinator> Oregono 2347:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: Patarknight (1655) 2347:< BernieCar> hahaha 2347:< cyclingwonder> corriander 2347:< BernieCar> TRITONE11 so fast 2347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Dr. Kildare? 2347:< tRitone11> Richard Chamberlain 2347:< Mainova> lmao 2347:< mootinator> Doctor Who? 2347:< BernieCar> is tritone cheatin'? 2347:< q00u> Dr. Mrs. Girlfriend. 2347:< cyclingwonder> The Respectable "Portland McButty" 2347:< tRitone11> bernicar bot 2347:< Patarknight> Yeah he's botting 2347:< tRitone11> berniecar bot 2347:< mootinator> Yeah the bot has the bot blocked. 2347:< q00u> BernieCar tritone is a bot. Mute it and it becomes a lot more enjoyable. 2347:< npinsker> The answer was Richard Chamberlain! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2347:< _deffer_> just mute him 2348:< tRitone11> TriviaAnswerBot copypaste it in the chrome console https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/master/answerbot.js => http://nazar.so/1cldz 2348:< cyclingwonder> PatarKniight - who's botting? 2348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the second largest country in Africa. 2348:< tRitone11> Algeria 2348:< BernieCar> okay, i just installed the script not sure how to mute 2348:< rbasov> algeria 2348:< mootinator> South Africa 2348:< vox35> Dr. Kildare 2348:< _deffer_> click his name 2348:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2348:< BernieCar> oh cool :) 2348:< 3xist3nc3> bengazi! 2348:< vox35> Kenya 2348:< BernieCar> thank you 2348:< npinsker> The answer was Algeria! Correct users: rbasov (979) 2348:< q00u> Click on the name to mute (probably). If you're using Parrot, the mute list is visible under Settings. 2348:< cyclingwonder> I'm not a bot though plz don't mute me :( :( 2348:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1655), rbasov (979), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || His wife was Penelope and his son, Telemachus. He was exiled from his home on Ithaca for angering the gods. 2349:< tRitone11> Odysseus 2349:< cyclingwonder> Portlandius 2349:< rbasov> odysseus 2349:< vox35> Hercules 2349:< Patarknight> Odysseus 2349:< q00u> My brother in law Nathan 2349:< 3xist3nc3> anti-zeus 2349:< mootinator> Tom Cruz 2349:< npinsker> The answer was Odysseus! Correct users: rbasov (983), Patarknight (1658) 2349:< cyclingwonder> you guys are alright :) 2349:< tRitone11> William Kane 2349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Semantics || What is a resident of Manchester called? 2350:< cyclingwonder> Portlander 2350:< vox35> Mancunian 2350:< tRitone11> Mancunian 2350:< mootinator> Manchestite 2350:< BernieCar> Manny 2350:< q00u> Candidate 2350:< BernieCar> Manchesterite 2350:< cyclingwonder> <3 2350:< Chickenfrend> Do you happen to be from Portland, cyclingwonder? 2350:< npinsker> The answer was Mancunian! Correct users: vox35 (227) 2350:< cyclingwonder> Chickenfrend - no I live on the East coast 2350:< BernieCar> So does anyone know what's going on with Robin? 2350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country's capital is Caracas? 2350:< tRitone11> Venezuela 2350:< BernieCar> I am on the east coast, too 2350:< cyclingwonder> Why do you ask? 2350:< rbasov> venezuela 2350:< Patarknight> Venezuela 2350:< vox35> Venezuela 2350:< i_hop> kansas 2350:< 3xist3nc3> Zenevuela 2350:< q00u> Moracco 2350:< Chickenfrend> Just you keep saying Portland. Also that's where I'm from. 2351:< cyclingwonder> Canadian East Coast :) 2351:< 3xist3nc3> Vuvuzela 2351:< BernieCar> I'm in NY 2351:< npinsker> The answer was Venezuela! Correct users: rbasov (987), Patarknight (1661), vox35 (229), BernieCar (4), mootinator (23) 2351:< cyclingwonder> Chickenfrend - Well I hope I'm impressing you with my trivial knowledge 2351:< rbasov> I'm in ks 2351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the world's most photographed and most climbed mountain. 2351:< tRitone11> Fuji 2351:< rbasov> fuji 2351:< cyclingwonder> Mount Portland 2351:< 3xist3nc3> Mount Himalaya 2351:< q00u> Olympus 2351:< BernieCar> Everest 2351:< cyclingwonder> Mount venus (oooooh) 2351:< mootinator> MOUNT MOUNTAINFACE 2351:< q00u> I climbed fuji 2351:< vox35> What's going on in what sense, @BernieCar? 2351:< npinsker> The answer was Fuji! Correct users: rbasov (991), q00u (69) 2351:< q00u> It was much taller than it looked. 2351:< cyclingwonder> how was the climb? 2352:< mootinator> Mounty McMountface 2352:< cyclingwonder> hahah 2352:< q00u> LONG AND DIFFICULT 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ___________. 2352:< tRitone11> lithography 2352:< q00u> And my knees never recovered. 2352:< cyclingwonder> did you enjoy being passed by elderly folks? :P 2352:< rbasov> lithography 2352:< Patarknight> lithography 2352:< cyclingwonder> Portlanding 2352:< q00u> Rubbing 2352:< BernieCar> Lithography 2352:< mootinator> Portlography 2352:< vox35> I don't think so, but thats only my opinion. 2352:< npinsker> The answer was lithography! Correct users: rbasov (995), Patarknight (1664), BernieCar (6) 2352:< cyclingwonder> Man, I'm so good at this 2352:< q00u> cyclingwonder, I did! So many of them. Japanese people are hard as balls. 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for radon? 2352:< tRitone11> Rn 2352:< rbasov> rn 2352:< cyclingwonder> The bot hasn't called me out ONC! 2353:< mootinator> Rn 2353:< q00u> Registered Nurse 2353:< BernieCar> Rn 2353:< cyclingwonder> I bet it was worth it at the end :) 2353:< mootinator> poRtlaNd? 2353:< Patarknight> Rn 2353:< 3xist3nc3> Right Now 2353:< npinsker> The answer was Rn! Correct users: rbasov (999), mootinator (26), BernieCar (8), Patarknight (1665) 2353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was Hercules' stepmother? 2353:< tRitone11> Hera 2353:< q00u> I got some good photos and good memories, and I went with a bunch of people so it was quite a bonding experience. 2353:< CitrusDoctor> hera 2353:< cyclingwonder> Portlantia 2353:< BernieCar> Athena 2353:< q00u> But it's seriously like a two day climb. One up, one down. 2353:< cyclingwonder> * Portlanta, shit 2354:< q00u> Cruella Deville 2354:< CitrusDoctor> I've been here so long i've started seeing questions twice 2354:< mootinator> ATHENE the leet king 2354:< npinsker> The answer was Hera! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (5) 2354:< directionalpad> Me too 2354:< q00u> CitrusDoctor, that doesn't take long. 2354:< cyclingwonder> lol citrus. q00u - that sounds real fun :) 2354:< CitrusDoctor> ture 2354:< CitrusDoctor> true* 2354:< directionalpad> Tier 17 or bust games 2354:< vox35> Great Hera! 2354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which ship did Charles Darwin captain? 2354:< tRitone11> HMS Beagle 2354:< CitrusDoctor> true 2354:< mootinator> false 2354:< vox35> The Beagle 2354:< cyclingwonder> Portland, Portlia and the Santa Portlanda 2354:< q00u> It was fun, but I miss my knees. I don't know if I'd do it again if I had to live it all over again. 2354:< _deffer_> hms beagle 2354:< cyclingwonder> miss your knees?? :( :( 2354:< npinsker> The answer was HMS Beagle! Correct users: _deffer_ (292) 2354:< q00u> Snoopy 2354:< BernieCar> this is hard! :( 2355:< vox35> Fuuuuck! 2355:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (2002), 3xist3nc3 (1881), Patarknight (1665), rbasov (999), BrownMario (924), FeebleOldMan (908), GetXyzzyWithI... 2355:< BernieCar> Vox you were robbed 2355:< CitrusDoctor> seek help from my fellow gods hera, poseidon, and dionysus 2355:< cyclingwonder> Bernie - just answer Portland every time, always a winner :) 2355:< vox35> True 2355:< CitrusDoctor> and good luck 2355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the Discworld novels? 2355:< CitrusDoctor> errr, I mean, good luck 2355:< _deffer_> nevin 2355:< Patarknight> Clarke 2355:< cyclingwonder> Portland 2355:< q00u> TERRY PRATCHETT 2355:< BernieCar> Port Portland 2355:< vox35> Terry Pratchett 2355:< mootinator> Frank Drebin 2355:< _deffer_> larry nevin 2355:< Patarknight> Pratchett 2355:< cyclingwonder> See? You're winning! 2355:< q00u> pterry <3 forever 2355:< CitrusDoctor> Richard Nixon 2355:< mootinator> OJ Simpson 2356:< _deffer_> WTF did Nevin write? 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country borders Egypt to the South? 2356:< tRitone11> Sudan 2356:< cyclingwonder> Life And Death of A Gay Man 2356:< mootinator> Uganda 2356:< CitrusDoctor> USA 2356:< vox35> Sometimes it wants first names, sometimes it doesn't... 2356:< cyclingwonder> Portland, Africa 2356:< vox35> Sudan 2356:< q00u> _deffer_ Ringworld 2356:< 3xist3nc3> Southan 2356:< BernieCar> Sudan 2356:< mootinator> #feelthebern 2356:< q00u> Scotland 2356:< npinsker> The answer was Sudan! Correct users: vox35 (236), BernieCar (11) 2356:< CitrusDoctor> did you guys mute tritone? 2356:< BernieCar> I did 2356:< vox35> Yup 2356:< mootinator> Yes. 2356:< BernieCar> that little bugger 2356:< q00u> Yes 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Christianity || Who killed Goliath? 2356:< tRitone11> David 2356:< _deffer_> q00u, yeaah. round name-world confusionn. 2357:< mootinator> David 2357:< BernieCar> David 2357:< _deffer_> david 2357:< q00u> So much nicer in here now. 2357:< vox35> David 2357:< CitrusDoctor> he's just as annoying to the ear as a tritone too 2357:< cyclingwonder> I don't have anything to mute people lol 2357:< 3xist3nc3> I did it because he was spamming numbers and insults to another bot that was copying him 2357:< q00u> Dave 2357:< 3xist3nc3> Worth it 2357:< CitrusDoctor> David 2357:< npinsker> The answer was David! Correct users: mootinator (30), BernieCar (14), _deffer_ (294), vox35 (237), CitrusDoctor (5) 2357:< _deffer_> cyclingwonder, just click his name? 2357:< cyclingwonder> I'd consider the extension but ehhh idk too lazy 2357:< _deffer_> Or are you not running a script? 2357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun? 2357:< cyclingwonder> no I don't have the robin autovoter haha 2357:< tRitone11> Nicolaus Copernicus 2357:< BernieCar> it's easy! 2357:< CitrusDoctor> Galileo 2357:< _deffer_> copernicus 2357:< Fireheart0011> Gallilro 2357:< cyclingwonder> I'm running a script, but it's like 20 lines instead of 400 :P 2357:< BernieCar> Galileo 2357:< mootinator> Glileo Galilei 2357:< vox35> Copernicus 2358:< mootinator> Galileo 2358:< _deffer_> it's copern 2358:< CitrusDoctor> Copernicus? 2358:< q00u> How do you even follow what's going on here without a script? 2358:< cyclingwonder> Portlandilo 2358:< Fireheart0011> Galileo 2358:< npinsker> The answer was Nicolaus Copernicus! Correct users: _deffer_ (298), vox35 (240), CitrusDoctor (7) 2358:< cyclingwonder> q00u - it's really died down and I read pretty quick 2358:< mootinator> Riight 2358:< Fireheart0011> fuck me 2358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Springfield is the capital of ____________? 2358:< vox35> Maybe later 2358:< tRitone11> Illinois 2358:< cyclingwonder> I also miss a lot of stuff and it doesn't really matter 2358:< CitrusDoctor> Ohio 2358:< _deffer_> illinois 2358:< BernieCar> Illinois 2358:< q00u> Simpsonia 2358:< vox35> Illonois 2358:< cyclingwonder> Portland! 2358:< cyclingwonder> We put the SPRING in Springfield! 2358:< mootinator> Portland 2358:< _deffer_> ohio is columbus citrusdoctor 2358:< CitrusDoctor> ahh dang it there was a question just like this a few days ago 2358:< npinsker> The answer was Illinois! Correct users: _deffer_ (302), BernieCar (17) 2359:< CitrusDoctor> yeah that threw me off 2359:< intensebeet> so I'm starting to be concerned that were not going to get the chance to grow 2359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: IRC || On irc, what does a/s/l mean? 2359:< tRitone11> age/sex/location 2359:< vox35> Spellig is baad 2359:< Mainova> Portland has to be one of the answers to one of these questions 2359:< CitrusDoctor> age sex location 2359:< BernieCar> age/sex/location 2359:< mootinator> age sex location 2359:< _deffer_> we have 3 days intensebeet 2359:< Chickenfrend> age sex location 2359:< q00u> Ah crud, it's time for work. I <3 this chat. BBL lovelies. 2359:< vox35> age, sex, location 2359:< _deffer_> age/sex/location 2359:< SirCabbage> disconnect the omegle chat 2359:< phoenixprince> will i get arrested/ yes/ anywhere 2359:< CitrusDoctor> there is a t15 out there, we're fine 2359:< cyclingwonder> Mainova - a broken clock is right once maybe? 2359:< mootinator> age, sex?, location! 2359:< npinsker> The answer was age/sex/location! Correct users: CitrusDoctor (11), BernieCar (20), mootinator (32), Chickenfrend (1), vox35 (240), _def... 2359:< _deffer_> fucking ratelimit is bullshit 2359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit. 2359:< tRitone11> symbiosis 2359:< intensebeet> my other account is in the next highest room and there isn't any sign of a merge soon 2359:< cyclingwonder> haven't even gotten called out by bot teacher for being wrong :) 2359:< 3xist3nc3> Period of existence, sex assigned at birth, the area currently at --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2016