--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 2016 --- Day changed Tue Apr 05 2016 0000:< startfragment> /help 0000:< ryanvango> got 3 long attacks in a round, did like 180 damage, and got a pantload of exp 0000:< SxwTheCat> wtf is a circlet of speaking 0000:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/58%), barnum               (4/96%), Insomnikal           (4/85%), ryanvango            (3/52%), der... 0000:< Lord_Renwod> Well, maybe you did but I was able to do it without using any spamming. I was actually typing out words 0000:< Lord_Renwod> I just kinda happened because I am just that skilled and that powerful. 0000:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Land Lamprey appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0000:< Lord_Renwod> Just saiyan man you don't stand a chance when it comes to raw power 0000:< ryanvango> hahaha i believe it. im not that good. but ya, exp never gets a bonus. damage does is the jist 0000:< SxwTheCat> this thing is ez 0000:< ryanvango> poop loot 0000:< TeaBagTwat> Land Lamprey is kill! ryanvango            picks up [Spider's Fang]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (6/70%), ryanvango            (3/67%... 0000:< fuckboithrowaway> kill it then 0000:< Lord_Renwod> I am just too good at what I do. And what is it that I do? I kick ass and chew bubblegum 0000:< SxwTheCat> why the massive variance in difficulty 0001:< Lord_Renwod> But I am all out of bubblegum yo 0001:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Tylosaurus appeared! HP: 472[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0001:< fuckboithrowaway> different bot 0001:< SxwTheCat> it was like this yesterday 0001:< ryanvango> i have some if you need, renwod 0001:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 52.5 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 419.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), fuckboithrowaway     (3), SxwTheCat            (3), ... 0001:< Lord_Renwod> A tylosaurus? F*** him up guys! This guy is a monster 0001:< ryanvango> anyone want that, or group loot it? 0001:< barnum> BK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tylosaurus 0001:< Lord_Renwod> Well, I guess I can always just get bubblegum from my horn of plenty 0002:< Lord_Renwod> that is totally a thing that I can do. 0002:< SxwTheCat> impossible 0002:< ryanvango> startfragment fuckboithrowaway 0002:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 63 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 356.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (7.5), ryanvango            (3), barnum               (1.5)... 0002:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0002:< fuckboithrowaway> huh? 0002:< ryanvango> if you're new, you can take a peek. check out the newbie guide tab on the bottom 0002:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 30 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 326.5[████▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), fuckboithrowaway     (1.5) 0002:< derogative> Yeah, that has all our made up rules and mechanics and shit. 0002:< ryanvango> wheres sircabbage! he can tame it I think! 0003:< barnum> Well, Raw is starting, be back in a bit guys 0003:< ryanvango> alright barnum. later tater 0003:< derogative> Because while there are no official rules, and we could run free and lawless, there's nothing quite like having lines drawn. 0003:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 42 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 284.5[████▒] +XP: derogative           (9), ryanvango            (3), barnum               (1.5) 0004:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 0 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 284.5[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0004:< ryanvango> yeah everything is pretty fast and lose fuckboithrowaway, but we have some little guides 0004:< SxwTheCat> did we run away 0004:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/74%), barnum               (4/97%), Insomnikal           (4/85%), ryanvango            (3/76%), der... 0004:< ryanvango> lol 0 damage round you guys suck 0005:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 21 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 263.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 0005:< ryanvango> I'm about to pass insomnikal for 3rd place! suck it! (im sorry i didnt mean that) 0005:< fuckboithrowaway> that's cool, if I am on when I leav work I will look at it 0005:< ryanvango> I love that the damage is starting to go up now though. 0005:< Insomnikal> i've got 2 12 hour night shifts coming up, i'll claw my way back 0005:< fuckboithrowaway> but I am really just popping in for shits and giggles 0005:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 57 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 206.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), fuckboithrowaway     (6), Insomnikal           (4.5) 0006:< derogative> Well, I'm also doing some roleplay elsewhere, so I'm swapping tabs around a lot to reply to my partner. ;( 0006:< SxwTheCat> damage goes up with level i think 0006:< ryanvango> fuckboithrowaway alright man. well, its tons of fun if you feel like coming to hang out. otherwise, cheers! have a good one! 0006:< derogative> When they finally sleep I can get back to grinding my way up the levels once more. 0006:< fuckboithrowaway> no prob; 0006:< Lord_Renwod> Dude ryanvango btw earlier I got wings of flying they are so flipping SIIICK 0006:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 73.5 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 133[██▒▒▒] +XP: derogative           (9), ryanvango            (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5)... 0006:< SxwTheCat> interesting that stay is starting to gain a large amount of people 0006:< ryanvango> Sxwthecat yeah it does. its just exciting that its starting to be visible again 0006:< Lord_Renwod> They are just like a flipping cape most of the time, but all I gotta do is say the command word and BAM they are badass wings 0007:< Insomnikal> well, i was here for about 15 hours yesterday :p i just had to sleep for another 13 ;) 0007:< ryanvango> Lord_Renwod wtf! i didnt even know that was a thing. HOW COME YOU'RE NOT RPING THEM! 0007:< SxwTheCat> i personally think we should grow one more time then things aren't gonna happen again 0007:< derogative> Yeah, people think it won't grow again. 0007:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 94.5 hits! Tylosaurus HP: 38.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SxwTheCat            (9), ryanvango            (9), Lord_Renwod          (4.5),... 0007:< Lord_Renwod> And I'm suddenly able to do fly around 0007:< Lord_Renwod> well because I'm looking up my other loot and I have homework to do 0007:< SxwTheCat> ooo i need another item, to accompany my shitpost cannon 0007:< derogative> Honestly, I don't think we'll ever get much bigger than 4k. There's just not as much interest in this as there was in like, thebutton. 0007:< SxwTheCat> thebutton was better 0007:< ryanvango> i finally named my behir "Boof". i like to ride him in to battle sometimes and fuck shit in the face. hes dragonish so it still counts 0007:< Lord_Renwod> And TBCH as fun as this is I have better games to play :/ 0007:< TeaBagTwat> Tylosaurus is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Fork of the Forgotten One]! LVLs: SxwTheCat            (2/66%), Lord_Renwod      ... 0007:< derogative> Maybe it's because Robin was a bit more subtle than thebutton. 0007:< Lord_Renwod> YEAH 0007:< ryanvango> hahahahahaha 0007:< Insomnikal> after the next merge if it comes it might just have to be a stay 0007:< SxwTheCat> it had more culture around it, more clans and more visibility 0008:< ryanvango> fork 0008:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Zeuglodon appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0008:< Xraygoggles> runaway 0008:< SxwTheCat> noooo 0008:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 63 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 454[█████] +XP: SxwTheCat            (6), derogative           (4.5), Insomnikal           (4.5), r... 0008:< ryanvango> Sxwthecat i agree. i was about to abandon robin cause people were trying to force it to be like the button. but that sucked 0008:< derogative> Yeah. Like I enjoy the chat aspect and wouldn't mind it staying around, but it's just not as visible, like you said. 0008:< Lord_Renwod> HOLY SHIT 0008:< Insomnikal> bravely run away 0008:< Lord_Renwod> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/artifacts/major-artifacts/fork-of-the-forgotten-one 0008:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/83%), barnum               (4/97%), Insomnikal           (4/90%), ryanvango            (3/99%), der... 0008:< derogative> It'd be nice to see chats get bigger, but it ain't gonna happen. 0008:< Insomnikal> it reminds me of my old irc days 0008:< ryanvango> the button culture was great cause it grew organically. it just HAPPENED. here, people are forcing it and i hate it 0008:< Insomnikal> but with rpg 0008:< Lord_Renwod> OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD THIS THING IS WAAAAY TOO STRONK 0009:< ryanvango> thank god for filters though 0009:< SxwTheCat> thebutton had references sprinkled all over reddit 0009:< Lord_Renwod> anything that touches it is immediately given a choice: become lawful evil, or die 0009:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 151.5 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 302.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (12), ryanvango            (10.5), derogative           (... 0009:< Insomnikal> it probably doesnt help you can spend 10+ hours in a room only for it to fail and die 0009:< Xraygoggles> Great, now he'll use his fork to diplomize his way to the best piece of cake every time 0009:< SxwTheCat> has anyone even mentioned robin outside the robin subs? 0009:< Xraygoggles> Real cool 0009:< Lord_Renwod> So, we have to destroy it as quickly as possible. This thing is just too strong 0010:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 60 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 242.5[███▒▒] +XP: Xraygoggles          (6), Insomnikal           (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5),... 0010:< derogative> I kind of like the fail aspect just for the impermanence aspect, but still. 0010:< Insomnikal> i dont have anything left to throw at it, im not doing my shoes agian 0010:< ryanvango> no way man. you touched it. become evil or die. no destroying allowed 0010:< SxwTheCat> i wanna see what this place looks like without filters 0010:< Lord_Renwod> It can only be used for evil, because those that don't resist will just turn more foul 0010:< Lord_Renwod> I am wearing gloves ryan 0010:< derogative> It's just... yeah, without filters this place is truly hell. 0010:< ryanvango> *touches the fork* 0010:< SxwTheCat> NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE 0010:< Insomnikal> yeah i turned it on my pc overnight, no filter and it's pure chao 0010:< Insomnikal> chaos * 0010:< Lord_Renwod> I decapitate you instantly 0010:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 144 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 98.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (10.5), derogative           (9), Lord_Renwod          (7.5)... 0010:< Lord_Renwod> I can't allow for the risk you might become evil 0010:< ryanvango> *DIES* 0011:< derogative> Oh man, here comes that loot. 0011:< SxwTheCat> nah it's a turn away 0011:< derogative> It depends on how much we talk. 0011:< derogative> Maybe. 0011:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 27 hits! Zeuglodon HP: 71.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: derogative           (3), Lord_Renwod          (1.5), ryanvango            (1.5), ... 0011:< SxwTheCat> i think it should be like the terraria loot bags, whever everyone gets ones 0011:< thatwentBTE> I smash it with my hammer! My golden griffon comes to like and I command it to rape the b-hole! 0011:< Insomnikal> i was going to ask robin-rpg if it was possible to randomise it for the last round 0011:< Lord_Renwod> Shit this thing can only be destroyed if a level 19+ paladin chooses death over an alignement change 0011:< fzh> I'm back 0011:< derogative> Look at that, only 27 little damage because no one frantically tried to poop on the loot. 0011:< Insomnikal> but then he died 0011:< Lord_Renwod> ryanvango is dead guys 0012:< SxwTheCat> non expert mode is awful for multiplayer with more than 5 0012:< Lord_Renwod> I don't think any of us are high enough level to resurrect him though 0012:< derogative> Nah, he was only level 16 and not a paladin. 0012:< TeaBagTwat> Zeuglodon is kill! derogative           picks up [Ioun Stone crimson sphere]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (6/99%), derogative        ... 0012:< SxwTheCat> you have to grind the bosses so fucking much 0012:< derogative> He's an angry orc mom. 0012:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Gloom Haunt appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0012:< Insomnikal> Ioun Ston, nice 0012:< Lord_Renwod> Gloom Haunt 0012:< SxwTheCat> >ston 0012:< Lord_Renwod> Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Interesting 0012:< Insomnikal> 4 second timeout damnit, +e 0012:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 34.5 hits! Gloom Haunt HP: 221.5[█████] +XP: SxwTheCat            (3), Insomnikal           (3), derogative           (1.5... 0012:< Lord_Renwod> sorry ryanvango looks like you're just dead 0013:< thatwentBTE> anyone have a revive spell? 0013:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/99%), Insomnikal           (5/21%), barnum               (4/97%), ryanvango            (4/27%), der... 0013:< SxwTheCat> lol that keeps me from spamming, i almost always split my messages up on different lines 0013:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> there's an RPG bot? 0013:< SxwTheCat> yessir 0013:< thatwentBTE> KSE yep! 0013:< Insomnikal> old and unimproved \o/ 0013:< ryanvango> *still dead* https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0013:< derogative> Yeah, I hate the timeouts and ratelimit. I get that it stops spamming but we're innocent folk, we just want the loots. 0013:< thatwentBTE> ptrakk PATRICK 0013:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> I can't filter by channel but I'm doing it for those who do; How do I join the RPG? 0013:< thatwentBTE> what! 0013:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 78 hits! Gloom Haunt HP: 143.5[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE          (6), SxwTheCat            (6), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (6), r... 0013:< SxwTheCat> you just type 0013:< derogative> Check out the gdoc's link, it has all the info you need. 0013:< SxwTheCat> lol, also get the robin-grow script that adds filtering and stuff 0013:< Insomnikal> need to filter the channels to #rpg ideally, dont filter bot talk 0013:< ryanvango> kerbalspaceexplorer https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0014:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 66 hits! Gloom Haunt HP: 77.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: SxwTheCat            (6), derogative           (4.5), Insomnikal           (4.5)... 0014:< SxwTheCat> does anybody have logs of the robin chat? i wanna build markov chains 0014:< derogative> Nope. :( 0014:< Lord_Renwod> OH BADASS 0014:< ryanvango> markov chains? 0014:< Insomnikal> afraid not 0014:< Lord_Renwod> Markov chains are so much fun :) 0014:< SxwTheCat> yea, they're probability based stuff that can make chat 0015:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 69 hits! Gloom Haunt HP: 8.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SxwTheCat            (6), ryanvango            (6), Lord_Renwod          (3), der... 0015:< SxwTheCat> no, chat logs, like who types what 0015:< Lord_Renwod> But dude guys this bag of concealment is awesome. It's like a bag of holding... 0015:< ryanvango> oooo no, not that I know of *still dead* 0015:< Insomnikal> we can kill it 0015:< Lord_Renwod> except that only I can see what is inside it. If anyone else looks, it looks just like an empty bag 0015:< SxwTheCat> what is this reddit live thread, panama papers? O.o???? 0015:< TeaBagTwat> Gloom Haunt is kill! SxwTheCat            picks up [Spiritwalk Armor]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (7/20%), SxwTheCat            (3/3... 0015:< Lord_Renwod> Dude nice armor 0015:< Insomnikal> some huge leaks about busniesses offshore accounts and unethical dealings 0015:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> Hey, spiritwalk armour sounds pretty cool 0015:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Kijimuna appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0016:< SxwTheCat> leaks with what companies? 0016:< ryanvango> KerbalSpaceExplorer did you click the doc link? theres a newbie section in there 0016:< SxwTheCat> oooo armor 0016:< Insomnikal> i cant remember the exact details 0016:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 69 hits! Kijimuna HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (6), ryanvango            (4.5), SxwTheCat            (3), Lord_... 0016:< Insomnikal> theres like 2.8tb of data 0016:< Insomnikal> only a small amount has been released in public news so far 0016:< derogative> Yeah, its a big thing of various shit. 0016:< ryanvango> poooooop loot 0017:< derogative> I've only skimmed it. 0017:< Insomnikal> kill 0017:< TeaBagTwat> Kijimuna is kill! ryanvango            picks up [Sovereign Glue]! LVLs: Insomnikal           (5/35%), derogative           (3/94%), ... 0017:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> We're set to be in mergeatory for at least another 24h by the way 0017:< derogative> Congrats on your glue. 0017:< Insomnikal> dangit 0017:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/21%), Insomnikal           (5/35%), barnum               (4/97%), ryanvango            (4/44%), der... 0017:< ryanvango> the dead cant loot. it goes to next in line..........................derogative 0017:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> what the fuck is sovereign glue? Maybe we can use to to glue some other shit together to make armour or something. 0017:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Death's Head Jellyfish appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0017:< Insomnikal> almsot a full level behind me now ryanvango ;D 0017:< Insomnikal> damnit i cant type today 0017:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm 0017:< derogative> Wait! I'm the ghost dude, what if I just use my ghost powers to make Ryan be a ghost that can do shit. 0017:< SxwTheCat> why'd you kill ryan 0017:< ryanvango> insomnikal i know, it sucks bein dead 0017:< Lord_Renwod> Do we have any religious builds? 0017:< TeaBagTwat> Death's Head Jellyfish is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Bracelets of Stone]! LVLs: derogative           (4/22%), Lord_Renwod ... 0018:< derogative> Until someone can properly revive him. 0018:< Lord_Renwod> Um ok 0018:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Adherer appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0018:< Insomnikal> they're pretty bracelets 0018:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> I guess I can do a religious buil? :P 0018:< Insomnikal> that are made of stone 0018:< derogative> You don't mind being a ghost that can interact freely and do poltergeist shit, right? Right. 0018:< SxwTheCat> feel free to make a buil 0018:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 55.5 hits! Adherer HP: 79.5[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (6), Insomnikal           (3), Lord_Renwod          (1.5), Ke... 0018:< Lord_Renwod> No, they can be used to make a wall of stone once per day 0018:< ryanvango> kerbalspaceexplorer did you check the doc. theres gear in there you can probably make a good build out of 0018:< Insomnikal> sshhhhh no lies 0018:< Lord_Renwod> I don't need em *puts em in the horde of loot* 0018:< Insomnikal> pretty bracelets 0018:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> hold up i'll go read through the doc more 0019:< SxwTheCat> meh build doesn't really matter does it? 0019:< Lord_Renwod> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bracelets-of-stone 0019:< ryanvango> *i cant answer im dead, derogative* 0019:< Lord_Renwod> Pretty much all of this loot is from pathfinder 0019:< TeaBagTwat> Adherer is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Runeward Tattoo]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (7/32%), ryanvango            (4/55%), ... 0019:< SxwTheCat> and to do any advanced stuff you really need something that's not 140 characters every 5 seconds 0019:< Insomnikal> couldnt find the phoenix cloak under pathfinder strangely 0019:< Insomnikal> could only see a reference to 3e 0019:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Cinder Ghoul appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0019:< SxwTheCat> do any of you people play duelyst? 0019:< derogative> I hereby decree that through my powers of some shifty necromancer-shaman-ghostdude nonsense, Ryan is a ghost on poltergeist levels. 0019:< SxwTheCat> it's kind of like hearthstone 0019:< Lord_Renwod> mmk I will equip this 0020:< Lord_Renwod> I don't but I've heard of it and would like to check it out 0020:< ryanvango> BOO! ha! idiots! i totally got you! the looks on your faces oh man. hey. wheres Boof? CMERE BOOF! 0020:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> How do I delete items from the doc? I want the runechill hatchet. 0020:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 64.5 hits! Cinder Ghoul HP: 171[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), ryanvango            (4.5), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (4.5) 0020:< ryanvango> can he not hear me? fuck it. im a spooky ghost now and I can fly. boof can take a nap. im gonna go ghost punch a ghoul 0021:< ryanvango> MUTHAFUCKIN GHOST FIGHT! gonna use some mighty strikes +7 to murder him repeatedly in the gullet 0021:< SxwTheCat> just put spaces in the cell KSE 0021:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 40.5 hits! Cinder Ghoul HP: 130.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 0021:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/34%), Insomnikal           (5/41%), barnum               (4/97%), ryanvango            (4/60%), der... 0021:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> K I've grabbed a couple items. Gonna go with a viking build I guess? 0021:< ryanvango> boom. howd that feel you big sack a crap. you're about to get shoved in a jar with a bunch of other sad stupid ghosts 0021:< ryanvango> KerbalSpaceExplorer whatever you wanna do. you can equip junk now with the aim of going something later 0022:< ryanvango> and just outfit yourself as you go i suppose. really up to you whatever yo uwanna do 0022:< derogative> When you can't revive someone yet, always make sure you got a ghost guy on your team. 0022:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> I know man that's the plan bby 0022:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 78 hits! Cinder Ghoul HP: 52.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (13.5), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (6), derogative           (4.5) 0022:< Lord_Renwod> Ghosts cant get loot tho ryanvango 0022:< ryanvango> I am ghostly fuckin this dude up by the way. 0022:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> FOR VALHALLA and all of that you silly jellyfish 0022:< Lord_Renwod> Sorry :C but yeah I really gtg 0022:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> I take it ryanvango is dead as fuck? 0022:< ryanvango> Renwod i hope im a ghost forever so I can haunt you forever 0022:< fzh> ryanvango how could you call them a big sack of crap? 0022:< SxwTheCat> i can upvote ryan out of negative karma 0022:< Lord_Renwod> I gotta go home and have homework to do 0022:< Insomnikal> he got his head cut off 0022:< fzh> that's an insult to big sacks of crap everywhere 0022:< TeaBagTwat> Cinder Ghoul is kill! fzh                  picks up [Snakeskin Tunic]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (7/37%), fzh                  (1/9... 0023:< ryanvango> alright man, ill catch ya later. youll be way behing though:) 0023:< SxwTheCat> *renwod killed him 0023:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Giant Barracuda appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0023:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 22.5 hits! Giant Barracuda HP: 242.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 0023:< ryanvango> I don't know how effective I'll be at attacking a barracude. 0023:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> fuckin' giant barracudas attacking us on land and shit get back in the water you silly shit 0023:< ryanvango> i guess we could all just hang out up here until it swims away? whats it gonna do? 0023:< thatwentBTE> ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ 0023:< Insomnikal> i'd rather not get wet so i'll leave this to you lot 0023:< SxwTheCat> nice unicode 0024:< SxwTheCat> ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ 0024:< Insomnikal> no change of clothes you know 0024:< thatwentBTE> My bro sent me that one 0024:< derogative> Hey. You have poltergeist style powers. You can just ghost up a spear and spear that fish. 0024:< ryanvango> oh yeah! im a spooky ghost! I can attack without getting wet or drowning! 0024:< derogative> Like just levitate it into that fish. 0024:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 85.5 hits! Giant Barracuda HP: 157[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (4.5), K1ngN0thing          ... 0024:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> am I the only one questioning the fact we're not drowning 0024:< ryanvango> thatwentBTE teach me the butthole strike so i can do some real damage on this asshole 0024:< ryanvango> with my ghostly wonders 0024:< Insomnikal> your just in a river trying to get dinner 0024:< SxwTheCat> ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้ 0024:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 60 hits! Giant Barracuda HP: 97[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (10.5), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (4.5), derogative           ... 0025:< ryanvango> ive got a lot of catching up to do, so im gonna keep going, but im really out of shit to type...any actual revive would be good. i miss 0025:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> Probably tastes a bit like fish. 0025:< Insomnikal> meat is meat once it's nice and cooked 0025:< ryanvango> having my little beetle on my shoulder just chillin like a villain. i think his name was Jeff? i should mark it down 0025:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> "Meat is meat." - Insomnikal 0025:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 48 hits! Giant Barracuda HP: 49[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), KerbalSpaceExplorer  (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 0025:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/37%), Insomnikal           (5/47%), barnum               (4/97%), ryanvango            (4/81%), der... 0025:< ryanvango> insomnikal how close do you think I am now haha. ive been going a mile a minute 0026:< ryanvango> and ever attack is over 60 characters to get that sweet bonus damage. sorry for the flood 0026:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> We're lookin for that sexy loot, mm mm. 0026:< Insomnikal> we shall find out shortly ;) sadly i'll be heading off soon though, so you'll have plenty of time to catch up and even surpass me 0026:< thatwentBTE> It helps that I have Vambraces of the tactitian and boneless leather armor. Allowing me to find the best way to squeeze into the b-hole 0026:< Lord_Renwod> You shouldn't apologize for a flood of sick damage my good friend 0026:< ryanvango> Kerbalspaceexplorer forgot to say. you get a bonus to damage based on your level for any string over 60 characters long 0026:< TeaBagTwat> Giant Barracuda is kill! ryanvango            picks up [Mirror of Guarding Reflections]! LVLs: ryanvango            (4/90%), Insomni... 0026:< Lord_Renwod> No he doesn't he's dead 0026:< SxwTheCat> i pick up the mirror that just dropped on the ground 0026:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Carrion Golem appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0026:< Lord_Renwod> So I get it wooo! 0026:< SxwTheCat> i point the mirror at ryan and he is momentarily revived 0027:< SxwTheCat> but then he faints back onto the ground 0027:< ryanvango> fuck 0027:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 49.5 hits! Carrion Golem HP: 139.5[████▒] +XP: SxwTheCat            (7.5), Lord_Renwod          (3), ryanvango            ... 0027:< ryanvango> I wanna see the hero list to see if im moving up the chain at all. 0027:< Insomnikal> so i shall probably catch you all tomorrow, depending on if i do much gaming, so good night, and good fight. over to you. 0027:< thatwentBTE> runaway 0027:< ryanvango> alright insomnikal have a good one! 0027:< SxwTheCat> I look at the sky and see the reason why: a crescent moon 0027:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 63 hits! Carrion Golem HP: 76.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), Insomnikal           (4.5), SxwTheCat            (4.... 0027:< Lord_Renwod> Naw the mirror is used to deflect attacks, when you hold it you can interpose the mirror and yourself 0028:< SxwTheCat> looks like you're gonna have to wait, buddy (SHUT UP I DO WHAT I WANT) 0028:< ryanvango> thats ok. can I cast spells in ghostly form? is there a ruling on that? or does it take corporeal energy 0028:< Lord_Renwod> it acts like a mirror image. I'm putting it in the loot pile 0028:< SxwTheCat> exactly you mirror ryan 0028:< Lord_Renwod> You can't do shit but watch and learn if you ask me. You're probably supposed to be going to valhalla or something 0028:< TeaBagTwat> Carrion Golem is kill! SxwTheCat            picks up [Howling Skull Armor]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (7/47%), SxwTheCat           ... 0028:< ryanvango> did we ever put that glue in the loot pile? 0028:< Lord_Renwod> Anyway I gotta go bye guys 0028:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Jade Idol appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0028:< ryanvango> he brought me back as a poltergeist though 0029:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 54 hits! Jade Idol HP: 45[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), ryanvango            (3) 0029:< ryanvango> there was no ruling on the field, so he just went ahead and did it (i abstained from commenting on appropriateness) 0029:< Lord_Renwod> Meh I'm cool with you being a ghost 0029:< ryanvango> thats when I started my shitstorm of super long sentences, starting with BOO! 0029:< Lord_Renwod> We really need a paly so we can heal you though 0029:< ryanvango> cause thats what ghosts say 0029:< TeaBagTwat> Jade Idol is kill! ryanvango            picks up [Frozen Heart of Cocytus]! LVLs: ryanvango            (5/24%), Lord_Renwod         ... 0029:< Lord_Renwod> Or a cleric 0029:< ryanvango> you can have that too i guess 0030:< Lord_Renwod> OH MY GOD STOP PICKING SHIT UP 0030:< SxwTheCat> lol ryan gettin all the booty. er uh loot. yea 0030:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Sinspawn appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0030:< Lord_Renwod> Wow thanks Ryan that's an ARTIFACT 0030:< SxwTheCat> shove the heart in him 0030:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 48 hits! Sinspawn HP: 37[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), SxwTheCat            (3), ryanvango            (1.5) 0030:< ryanvango> this is what you get for killing me, ya turd burglar. i get all the drops, but you get to keep them cause of my ghost hands 0030:< SxwTheCat> then light it on fire to unfreeze it 0031:< thatwentBTE> st_samples are you here? 0031:< ryanvango> its really not fair. its ok though. im not good enough at RP to make good use of them, so have at it 0031:< ryanvango> aaaaaaaand BOOOOOOOO loot! 0031:< SxwTheCat> boo 0031:< ryanvango> no! 0031:< SxwTheCat> fuck off 0031:< TeaBagTwat> Sinspawn is kill! SxwTheCat            picks up [One-way Window]! LVLs: ryanvango            (5/38%), SxwTheCat            (3/91%), ... 0031:< SxwTheCat> well that's fucking useless 0031:< ryanvango> hahahaha 0031:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Guardian Daemon appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0031:< ryanvango> don't try to steal from the dead. you're gonna go to hell... 0031:< SxwTheCat> i'm atheist 0032:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 39 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 267[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (6), SxwTheCat            (3) 0032:< ryanvango> i feel like all the baddies have been spooky in nature. is it a consequence of derogative bringing me back from the brink? 0032:< derogative> Probably. 0032:< SxwTheCat> kill -9 Guardian\ Daemon 0032:< ryanvango> i don't believe in atheists. especially not on reddit. so you're still going 0032:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 55.5 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 211.5[████▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), derogative           (1.5), SxwTheCat          ... 0032:< yaneighborhoodsargon> what even is this channel? 0032:< SxwTheCat> rpg bitch, watch out 0033:< ryanvango> yaneighborhoodsargon https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0033:< ryanvango> yaneighborhoodsargon check out the noobie tab on the bottom 0033:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 51 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 160.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), yaneighborhoodsargon (1.5), SxwTheCat            ... 0034:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 0 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 160.5[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0034:< ryanvango> are you guys remembering to drop your unused loots in the group loot tab? 0034:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/52%), Insomnikal           (5/53%), ryanvango            (5/46%), barnum               (4/97%), der... 0034:< yaneighborhoodsargon> yo this is cool. y'all are awesome 0034:< ryanvango> eventually we're gonna have to figure out a way to RP to a town and sell stuff. maybe come up with a plan for what happens 0034:< SxwTheCat> reminds me of a dark room or something 0035:< ryanvango> yaneighborhoodsargon haha thanks man! you too! feel free to join in! its easy. just talk away 0035:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 51 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 109.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), yaneighborhoodsargon (1.5), SxwTheCat            ... 0035:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0035:< ryanvango> seriously 0035:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 34.5 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 75[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), embracetehmartian    (4.5) 0035:< ryanvango> test 0036:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 7.5 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 67.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (1.5) 0036:< ryanvango> this is also a test of the emergency punch it in the face system 0036:< SxwTheCat> my mic is kill so 0037:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 27 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 40.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 0037:< ryanvango> ok. probably about 18 damage for a +60 string... 0037:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 7.5 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 33[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (1.5) 0037:< ryanvango> well thats interesting... 0038:< ryanvango> 4 letters and 45 letters got me the same amount... 0038:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 15 hits! Guardian Daemon HP: 18[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (3) 0038:< ryanvango> so this one thats over 60 characters will be enough to kill it, or should be 0038:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/52%), ryanvango            (5/55%), Insomnikal           (5/53%), barnum               (4/97%), der... 0038:< ryanvango> but just in case 0039:< TeaBagTwat> Guardian Daemon is kill! ryanvango            picks up [Imago Lens]! LVLs: ryanvango            (5/63%) 0039:< ryanvango> wow...that was a delay... 0039:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Petrified Horror appeared! HP: 630[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0039:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 7.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 622.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (1.5) 0040:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 0 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 622.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 0040:< ryanvango> so exactly how much is an over 60 character attack worth? 0041:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 22.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 600[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0041:< ryanvango> and how much is a maximum 140 character attack worth? spam spam spam spam spam bunch of words, lets see what happens........test test . 0041:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 22.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 577.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0042:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 0 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 577.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 0042:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/52%), ryanvango            (5/67%), Insomnikal           (5/53%), barnum               (4/97%), der... 0043:< ryanvango> i got reset. what happened? how much does a 140 character attack do? im going to type until i can fill this bar out completely yadadada 0043:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 22.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 555[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0043:< ryanvango> was anyone watching all that? 0043:< thatwentBTE> /clear 0044:< thatwentBTE> /clear 0044:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 13.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 541.5[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE          (3), ryanvango            (1.5) 0044:< thatwentBTE> /clear 0044:< ryanvango> less than 60 characters, i was doing 7.5 damage. over 60 i was doing 22.5 damage. it doesnt count characters 0044:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 25.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 516[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), thatwentBTE          (1.5) 0044:< ryanvango> the bonus is base damage + (level x 3) 0045:< ryanvango> why did I do 25.5 damage now? 0045:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 15 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 501[████▒] +XP: ryanvango            (3) 0046:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 0 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 501[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0046:< ryanvango> ok im done testing it. not sure if you guys are still around 0046:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 0 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 501[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0047:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/52%), ryanvango            (5/71%), Insomnikal           (5/53%), barnum               (4/97%), der... 0047:< derogative> I'm popping in and out. 0047:< ryanvango> were you watching all that? 0047:< derogative> I think teabag's is a little broken here and there. 0047:< derogative> Yeah, I saw the latest batch 0047:< derogative> from reset on 0047:< TeaBagTwat> Round #12, 54 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 447[████▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), derogative           (6) 0047:< ryanvango> i don't know if it is. its actually exactly what robin said. but we assumed it counted characters 0048:< derogative> I think we had been told it counted characters past 60, weren't we? 0048:< TeaBagTwat> Round #13, 40.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 406.5[████▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), derogative           (4.5) 0048:< derogative> And well, technically it is, look at those big gaps. They're so huge. But that's a cosmetic issue. 0048:< ryanvango> no he said we get a bonus past 60. so for sub 60 you get regular damage (probably based on level) 0049:< TeaBagTwat> Round #14, 40.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 366[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (4.5), ryanvango            (4.5) 0049:< ryanvango> so right now i get 7.5 base damage. every attack sub 60 will be 7.5. anything over is 7.5 + (3 x level) 0049:< TeaBagTwat> Round #15, 22.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 343.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0049:< ryanvango> see 0050:< derogative> So the ideal is 61 characters just to trigger the bonus, or just very small but quick spams. 0050:< TeaBagTwat> Round #16, 25.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 318[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (4.5), ryanvango            (1.5) 0050:< derogative> Wanna test which is better? Because now I'm curious. 0050:< ryanvango> yeah, kinda. but if you did 3 quick spams itd probably be slower depending how fast you type cause of the rate limiter 0050:< derogative> Well, not back to back, maybe with like 1 or 2 seconds between them. 0051:< TeaBagTwat> Round #17, 46.5 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 271.5[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (6), ryanvango            (4.5) 0051:< derogative> It's about 30 seconts between each bot update, so it looks. 0051:< derogative> *seconds 0051:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (7/52%), ryanvango            (5/80%), Insomnikal           (5/53%), barnum               (4/97%), der... 0051:< ryanvango> wait 0051:< ryanvango> ok im going to type to 60 characters as fast as i can right 0051:< derogative> Mhm 0052:< TeaBagTwat> Round #18, 60 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 211.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: derogative           (7.5), ryanvango            (6) 0052:< ryanvango> 10 seconds. and i actually had to hit enter twice cause I hit the rate limiter 0052:< ryanvango> (between wait and ok im going) 0052:< derogative> Hmm. 0052:< TeaBagTwat> Round #19, 36 hits! Petrified Horror HP: 175.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), derogative           (1.5) 0053:< ryanvango> so unless we can avoid the limiter somehow for 10 seconds, and i doubt it, 61 chars is the way to go i think 0053:< TeaBagTwat> Sorry pausing the bot for a sec 0054:< derogative> Now we know how to maximize damage and exp. Oh boy. 0054:< ryanvango> itll be interesting, also, to see what it does at higher levels. does evryone get 7.5 base damage? 0054:< derogative> Okay. You should have a message from robin-rpg, Teabag. And there's the loot update. 0054:< The_Only_Zac> Oh is #rpg active in soKukune? It's dead in Vianshie 0054:< ryanvango> yeah he messaged me to. said hes been updating github, but hasnt had a way to test it 0055:< TeaBagTwat> Yeah im adding it now 0055:< ryanvango> The_Only_Zac yeah, its hit or miss. everyones kinda spread out right now. sometimes its packed, other times its dead 0055:< derogative> Zac, we're in a transitional area. robin-rpg is kill, so Teabag is carrying the torch. 0055:< derogative> robin-rpg is now in another chat, trying to get back here someday. 0055:< The_Only_Zac> Ah I see thanks 0055:< TeaBagTwat> Tell him he can come 0055:< derogative> We can probably report back to robin-rpg on how the item testing works. 0056:< ryanvango> The_Only_Zac did you wanna check out the google doc to see our goofy little builds and stuff? you can join in if you like 0056:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0057:< The_Only_Zac> I guess haha I don't really know how it works 0057:< derogative> Well, you chat and when you chat you do damage and get exp. 0058:< ryanvango> The_Only_Zac there's a little guide in there. but theres an update being pushed right now so some stuff is changing 0058:< The_Only_Zac> I see 0058:< derogative> And items. 0058:< The_Only_Zac> Sounds simple enough lol 0058:< derogative> You can help us test out the item damage shit if you want, since it's in the update. We could use someone who is new to make sure 0058:< The_Only_Zac> Sure why not 0058:< derogative> things are actually working. 0058:< ryanvango> pretty simple haha. its a good time 0058:< The_Only_Zac> I'll checkout the rules/how to play 0059:< thatwentBTE> my brother in another city is in this chat 0059:< thatwentBTE> he saw me earlier 0059:< ryanvango> lol nice 0059:< thatwentBTE> pure chance 0100:< ryanvango> i just thought about getting chinese food and now i have to poop 0100:< thatwentBTE> one time I went to jail for unpaid tickets and had to sit it out for 3 days 0100:< thatwentBTE> my brother had unpaid tickets as well and he got booked in the same cell as me 0102:< The_Only_Zac> Wait so it's based on, like, discussion? I thought it was some kind of command system 0102:< derogative> Nope, just talk away and you do damage. Commands are in a Future Update 0102:< thatwentBTE> yep just discussion 0102:< derogative> same with crit hits. 0103:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Golden Guardian appeared! HP: 288[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0103:< ryanvango> so far the mechanic is simple. anything under 60 characters, you do base damage. anything over is bonus 0103:< ryanvango> so that attack will have a bonus to it 0104:< ryanvango> and its dependent on your level. you get experience every time you hit a thing 0104:< ryanvango> so by explaining all this, im fighting the thing 0104:< TeaBagTwat> Old scores have been restored 0104:< derogative> Yeah. Don't worry about getting full characters. 61 is enough to get you the bonus. 0104:< derogative> Nice. We're very strong now. Poor Ren. 0104:< thatwentBTE> I smash the golden guardian right in the b-hole with my golden hammer! 0104:< ryanvango> lol he took it down again 0104:< thatwentBTE> lolol 0105:< thatwentBTE> still hit him in the bhole 0105:< derogative> He left to go do his homework and he'll return to being no longer number one. 0105:< ryanvango> gently caress the bhole 0106:< The_Only_Zac> Idk I'm probably not gonna get that involved lol but I'll stay in this chat though 0106:< derogative> It's alright. If anything your itemless contributions will help in making sure items work. 0106:< ryanvango> yeah you can take it to whatever level you like. some people just hang out and bullshit and dont rp. some people rp super hard 0107:< ryanvango> WHY DOESNT ANYONE DELIVER DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD AROUND HERE 0107:< ryanvango> WHAT THE FUDGING FUDGE! 0107:< ryanvango> TeaBagTwat is it back up? 0108:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Old White Dragon appeared! HP: 954[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0108:< ryanvango> ok here we go! 0108:< derogative> Niiiice. 0109:< SxwTheCat> sxwy cat is back 0109:< derogative> Time to get back to whooping some ass. 0109:< ryanvango> derogative SxwThecat Lord_rewod 0109:< thatwentBTE> I rape his old white b-hole and tell my golden griffon to watch. 0109:< SxwTheCat> wat 0109:< SxwTheCat> y u chating our names 0109:< ryanvango> in case you were in another chat or something, didnt want you to miss the intro of the new system 0109:< derogative> Ryan was probably just setting up the ping so we'd know. 0109:< SxwTheCat> wtf is the new system 0109:< derogative> Items affect damage now and our scores are back. 0109:< ryanvango> item system:) 0109:< SxwTheCat> ooo wat 0109:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Gutlslug appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0109:< SxwTheCat> who's developing this 0109:< ryanvango> OH GODDAM IT 0110:< derogative> robin-rpg. 0110:< SxwTheCat> i want da source 0110:< ryanvango> something is fucky in the neighborhood. lets keep going to 61 every time though 0110:< ryanvango> maybe thatll be enough to kill it and see its looty body. 0110:< derogative> Yeah, there's probably some hiccups to sort out. 0110:< ryanvango> under old levels, that shouldve been enough to kill it but who knows now 0110:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Plagued Steed appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0111:< thatwentBTE> runaway 0111:< derogative> I think we're killing but not getting the killing text. 0111:< ryanvango> nope. looks like its just cycling through stuff without dropping loot 0111:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0111:< derogative> TeaBagTwat poke around with it some. 0111:< ryanvango> !inventory 0111:< SxwTheCat> rip loot 0111:< ryanvango> nope that didnt do anything. hmmmmm 0111:< derogative> Well, we're basically the first to test this out. 0111:< ryanvango> Teabagtwat are you seeing this? 0111:< derogative> So we have to do all the bug stuff. 0112:< SxwTheCat> source code source code source code source code source code 0112:< TeaBagTwat> Im trying to fix it 0112:< SxwTheCat> source code source code source code 0112:< ryanvango> ok. i didnt know if you put it up and let it run, or it was working as planned or what. just checking. let us know what we can do 0112:< thatwentBTE> COMPILE DAMN YOU 0112:< SxwTheCat> did you mean: interpret 0113:< ryanvango> or better yet, let them know what they can do. im gonna smoke. back in 5 0113:< derogative> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg this is the code if you wanna look at it. 0113:< SxwTheCat> sauce code sauce code sauce code sauce code awesome kthx 0114:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Sea Drake appeared! HP: 328[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0114:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Sea Drake HP: 328[█████] +XP: no one :( 0115:< QuackBlack> How do you use this 0115:< derogative> You do damage by chatting and get exp the same way. 0116:< SxwTheCat> awesome so you just spam !flee 6 times to run away as one person 0116:< derogative> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 more info here 0116:< derogative> Right now we're testing the newest update. 0117:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Spider Swarm appeared! HP: 40[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0117:< derogative> Hmmm. Looks like we're still not getting kill notices. But we'll see with spider swarm. 0117:< SxwTheCat> i don't know why we're putting so much effort into something that's only gonna be around for 4 more days 0117:< QuackBlack> rpg =dsljdhsjdhasjdsdajshdjkashdkjashdkajshdakjshdakshdkasjdhsakjdhasjkdsadjkhasdkhskdahskdhsadjhsakdjashkdhsakjdhasjdkhaskjdhaksjhdkaj 0117:< ryanvango> ok are we trying to blow this one up too? 0117:< thatwentBTE> grabs nearest boot of a dead body SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH screaam 0117:< ryanvango> bash bash bash bash bash 0118:< ryanvango> going for lower damages so I dont get my hopes up too high 0118:< derogative> Because it's 4 more days of thing! I mean, it's not like some of us have anything else to do. Like me. 0118:< ryanvango> that shouldve killed it even at level one. looks like more buggins 0118:< SxwTheCat> so if your message is longer than 60 charcaters long you get more xp 0119:< SxwTheCat> protip for pros 0119:< ryanvango> sxw, more damage. or at least under the old system. no clue now 0119:< ryanvango> sub 60 is base damage. 4 characters or 50, it does the same. doesnt matter 0119:< ryanvango> over 60 does bonus damage. thats base damage plus ( level x 3) 0119:< SxwTheCat> over 60 does same damage too 0120:< ryanvango> also doesnt matter if 61 or 140 characters. 0120:< thatwentBTE> cool 0120:< ryanvango> that could have changed though 0120:< SxwTheCat> looks the same in the code 0121:< SxwTheCat> the sauce hasn't been updated in 42 mins though, so i don't see any inventory management system 0121:< SxwTheCat> brb install mitmproxy to make a robin client 0121:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (NaN/NaN%), TeaBagTwat (14/72%), Lord_Renwod (NaN/NaN%), derogative (12/53%), Decalance (NaN... 0121:< ryanvango> we're not 100% sure of anything yet. i could swear he said he put it in though, or was about to 0121:< ryanvango> WOOOOOO 0121:< ryanvango> my old level is back! 0121:< derogative> At least we're strong again. Except for Cabbage. 0122:< derogative> Cabbage is NaN. 0122:< ryanvango> hahaha cabbage can suck it 0122:< SxwTheCat> rip levels 0122:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Genthodaemon appeared! HP: 229[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0122:< SxwTheCat> !flee 0122:< ryanvango> attack attack attack punch, going for 61+ characters aaaand there 0122:< derogative> We can kill this pretty quickly, no real need to flee. 0123:< derogative> Between me and Ryan at least, we can do a hefty chunk of damage. 0123:< SxwTheCat> !flee 0123:< derogative> If it registers the damage, at least. 0123:< SxwTheCat> !flee 0123:< ryanvango> we could kill it in 1 volley just the 2 of us 0123:< SxwTheCat> !flee 0123:< SxwTheCat> !flee 0123:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Soulsliver appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0123:< SxwTheCat> !flee last one 0123:< ryanvango> alright going for it again. full on 61+ character attack go! 0123:< SxwTheCat> aww it restarted 0123:< thatwentBTE> mmm souls liver and onion 0124:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Lurker In Light appeared! HP: 198[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0124:< thatwentBTE> use logout 0124:< derogative> I've never eaten liver before. It just seems gross. And alright, seems we're still not getting damage or kill shit. 0124:< ryanvango> going for it again. this time im gonna have the sense to copy and paste for next time 0124:< SxwTheCat> 60 characters really isn't a lot. It's pretty easy just to write blank shit like i'm doing 0125:< thatwentBTE> can you just type in a short sentence and fill the rest with spaces? 0125:< thatwentBTE> like this 0125:< ryanvango> going for it again. this time im gonna have the sense to copy and paste for next time 0125:< SxwTheCat> i think robin might remove them, don't ask me though. Reason being this. is seperated, but it's not 0125:< ryanvango> im sure you could but it kind of defeats the purpose of rpg chat 0126:< thatwentBTE> yeah, just wondering about the limitations of the script 0126:< SxwTheCat> yea robin removes multiple spaces in a row 0126:< ryanvango> my feet are fuckin rancid 0126:< SxwTheCat> you're a ghost 0127:< ryanvango> my ghost feet are fuckin rancid 0127:< ryanvango> and im not a ghost anymore if we're back to old levels:) 0127:< derogative> That's true. 0128:< SxwTheCat> ;) 0128:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Contract Devil appeared! HP: 612[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0128:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Contract Devil HP: 612[█████] +XP: no one :( 0128:< SxwTheCat> A wild AT&T salesman appeared 0128:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0129:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 78 hits! Contract Devil HP: 534[█████] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 0129:< ryanvango> not sure where robin is looking, so i linked it 2 places. he just pmed me saying hes buttoning everything up now 0129:< ryanvango> ill copy and paste his messages in to here 0129:< ryanvango> Link the google doc for me to see! Oh, the damage will be pretty bad. I forgot to round it. hahaha. Last hit picks up the loot. Loot ad 0129:< ryanvango> Loot adds a bonus multiplier to damage. Just this. I'm coding the commands now. The bonus is capped at 2x and start in 1x 0129:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Bone Golem appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0130:< ryanvango> awww i didnt get to kill it 0130:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 6 hits! Bone Golem HP: 399[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (6) 0130:< SxwTheCat> too bad 0130:< ryanvango> alright now to test how much I do with 61+ characters, lets see how it goes 0130:< derogative> Good to see hits are working. 0130:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 9 hits! Bone Golem HP: 390[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (6), SxwTheCat            (1.5), derogative           (1.5) 0131:< ryanvango> ooooo that was bad. 0131:< derogative> Well, we obviously aren't working right. 0131:< ryanvango> are we not back to our old levels? 0131:< SxwTheCat> gg gg gg gg gg gg g g g g g ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 0131:< SxwTheCat> Yours is probably NaN 0131:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 6 hits! Bone Golem HP: 384[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (3), derogative           (1.5), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 0131:< ryanvango> it wasn't before. try some commands 0131:< ryanvango> !inventory 0131:< SxwTheCat> !commands 0131:< TeaBagTwat> Sorry but the only way I can get it working is with a older version. You (should) have your old scores though 0132:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 0132:< SxwTheCat> levels? 0132:< derogative> Hmmmm. 0132:< thatwentBTE> !hero 0132:< SxwTheCat> where's it stored? localStorage? 0132:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 16.5 hits! Bone Golem HP: 367.5[█████] +XP: SxwTheCat            (4.5), TeaBagTwat           (4.5), ryanvango            (... 0132:< thatwentBTE> he said hero would bring up hall of fame 0132:< ryanvango> we definitely don't have out old scores. that would have done a lot more damage 0132:< ryanvango> even at level 5 from earlier tonight 0132:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 12 hits! Bone Golem HP: 355.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (6), K1ngN0thing          (4.5), thatwentBTE          (1.5) 0133:< SxwTheCat> oh cool mitmproxy finally installed 0133:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (16/32%), Lord_Renwod (12/61%), derogative (12/53%), Decalance (11/80%), pyroshroom (10/63%)... 0133:< TeaBagTwat> It's stored on local storage but robin-rpg sent me his data. 0133:< ryanvango> ok attacking again to see what happens. going for 61+ again 0133:< thatwentBTE> I smash his brittle bones like twigs with my golden hammer! 0133:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 21 hits! Bone Golem HP: 334.5[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat           (9), thatwentBTE          (6), ryanvango            (4.5), ... 0134:< ryanvango> teabagtwat yeah the damage counter is off. under the old system, 1 of my hits over 61 should be like 50 something 0134:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 4.5 hits! Bone Golem HP: 330[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0134:< ryanvango> the level multiplier isnt working 0134:< thatwentBTE> yep I shouldn't be doing more damage then ryan 0135:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 3 hits! Bone Golem HP: 327[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (1.5), thatwentBTE          (1.5) 0135:< ryanvango> thats experience BTE. we did a total of 21. you hit twice, me once 0135:< thatwentBTE> ah yeah right 0135:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Niln appeared! HP: 247[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0135:< ryanvango> ok same deal, going for 61+ to see what happens. pray for the best! 0136:< thatwentBTE> A large amorphous cloud of nearly transparent vapor hovers. 0136:< thatwentBTE> Niln is a cloud 0136:< thatwentBTE> hard to find the b-hole of a cloud 0136:< ryanvango> quitter 0136:< TeaBagTwat> ... New update refusing to work 0137:< ryanvango> uh oh! 0137:< ryanvango> you broke it! you broke our only happiness in this world! 0137:< derogative> rest in peace rpg is kill 0138:< ryanvango> derogative dont you also have an alt in chat? 0138:< TeaBagTwat> Aaahhh were you guys going on about some muiltiplier before 0138:< ryanvango> teabagtwat yep 0138:< derogative> Nope. This is the only account I have. 0138:< derogative> I was originally in chat, then my power went out and I had to get back in over the course of a day. 0139:< TeaBagTwat> do you know what the multiplier is? 0139:< ryanvango> im wondering which of our member has an alt in here. i know someone does. it could be lent to robin-rpg and they could both work on it 0139:< ryanvango> teabagtwat sub 60 does base damage. over 60 characters does base + 3xlevel 0140:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (NaN/NaN%), Lord_Renwod (NaN/NaN%), derogative (12/53%), Decalance (NaN/NaN%), pyroshroom (N... 0140:< thatwentBTE> lol 0140:< derogative> rip renwod 0140:< ryanvango> need us to start punching the shit outa some stuff, teabag? 0140:< derogative> Man, rip everyone except me and Ryan. 0140:< ryanvango> i think its temp so we can test his code derogative 0141:< derogative> Prob 0142:< ryanvango> also teabagtwat dont take before as thinking you cant do it. just that robin-rpg said his stuff was a mess, and its a live fix. 0142:< ryanvango> teabagtwat so 2 experts are better than 1, especially since we dont know what were doing haha 0142:< TeaBagTwat> I may of fixed it... Lets test... 0143:< derogative> Hooray, testing. That's what I'm best at. 0143:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Young Adult Copper Dragon appeared! HP: 612[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0143:< ryanvango> Loot adds a bonus multiplier to damage. Just this. I'm coding the commands now. The bonus is capped at 2x and start in 1x 0143:< ryanvango> copy and paste so i didnt have to type 0143:< surelyucantbserious> Hello?.... Hello?>?....nope, still no response 0143:< derogative> I can't code anything and don't know shit about codes, but by god, I can test junk. 0143:< ryanvango> ignore it 0143:< ryanvango> surelyucantbserious hello 0144:< SxwTheCat> e.t. phone home 0144:< TeaBagTwat> Welp... I fixed 1 issue but theirs another 0144:< SxwTheCat> (new Windows(10)).doesPhoneHome() 0144:< surelyucantbserious> Hello? You can hear me?! I'm from the future with a message. 0144:< SxwTheCat> true 0144:< surelyucantbserious> Stay is the way. 0144:< SxwTheCat> surely you can't be serious about that 0145:< ryanvango> surelyucantbserious appropriate username you got there 0145:< SxwTheCat> ninja'd bitch 0145:< SilentSand> stay is the real life 0145:< SxwTheCat> stay after this merge 0145:< surelyucantbserious> :) Hope everyone is well within the RPG - ) 0145:< SxwTheCat> oooo i should totally write my own robin and publish it after this shuts down 0145:< ryanvango> been a while since i got to add someone to my block list haha 0146:< derogative> At the moment we're trying to fix it and get everything working. :) 0146:< SxwTheCat> any input on that idea? 0146:< derogative> It'd be fun. 0146:< SilentSand> You're blocking somebody? 0146:< ryanvango> open to it. id even make it very room specific. it might do ok in the real world 0147:< SxwTheCat> what do you mean room specific? 0147:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Young Void Dragon appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0147:< ryanvango> work with teabagtwat and robin-rpg to get a really good rpg room with our whole wish list and im there haha 0147:< ryanvango> oooo a new guy to punch! 0147:< SxwTheCat> it'd have an actual API 0147:< SxwTheCat> so they don't have to *gulp* use jQuery 0147:< derogative> Oooo time to try to see if things are working this round. 0148:< ryanvango> i know some of those words 0148:< SilentSand> I mean it'd be an interesting site to use fora while 0148:< SxwTheCat> idk. i'll see how it goes 0148:< The_Only_Zac> Psh jquery is the easy stuff 0148:< The_Only_Zac> lol 0148:< SxwTheCat> jQuery... 0148:< SilentSand> Is the teabag bot down? 0148:< The_Only_Zac> Actual javascript code is when it gets complicated 0149:< ryanvango> should i order dominos or just make some chicken nuggets....i did have a chemistry test today.... 0149:< SxwTheCat> document.getElementById all day long bby 0149:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Marid appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0149:< ryanvango> Loot adds a bonus multiplier to damage. Just this. I'm coding the commands now. The bonus is capped at 2x and start in 1x 0149:< ryanvango> copy and paste attack. my specialty 0149:< SxwTheCat> you're gonna break it 0149:< derogative> Man, pizza or nuggets... personally I'd say nuggets. 0149:< SxwTheCat> yea nuggets 0149:< derogative> Pizza takes more effort to eat. 0149:< ryanvango> this is my test attack. i will use it to test attacks against those needing test attacks. i apologize for my awesomeness. 0150:< SxwTheCat> IMA FIRIN MAI TEST ATTACK 0150:< ryanvango> i get their buffalo chicken sammich. or the chicken carbonara pasta 0150:< SilentSand> Am I invisible? T_T 0150:< SxwTheCat> yes 0150:< TeaBagTwat> Sorry been ignoring chat, anything I need to know? 0150:< derogative> No 0150:< SxwTheCat> nope 0150:< derogative> It's still not working 0150:< ryanvango> TeaBagTwat its not working 0150:< ryanvango> we thought you closed it again 0151:< TeaBagTwat> Yay ^_^¬ 0151:< derogative> The no was to Silent, for the record, but yeah it's still not registering damage or anything. 0151:< TeaBagTwat> Il 0151:< ryanvango> is silentsand not a stay spammer? should i be unblocking him? 0151:< TeaBagTwat> I need to go soon are you guys happy with the old one? 0152:< SilentSand> I'm not I was just joking around :( 0152:< ryanvango> I mean...we can manage with it. but our hopes were up and now they're down. and its your fault. 0152:< TeaBagTwat> :( 0153:< SxwTheCat> better late and polished then now and crashing 0153:< ryanvango> is it too much to ask for a quick and simple GUI with motion and voice tracking? 0153:< derogative> we'll never be happy again... no we can survive, but we will always hope for the Old Days. 0153:< SilentSand> I tried joining earlier but the robin-rpg bot was down 0153:< ryanvango> where's the professionalism 0153:< derogative> yeah, robin-rpg is kill :( They're trying to get back here but uh that probably won't be for ten years. 0153:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), derogative (12/53%), Savolainen5 (10/45%), barnum (8/58%), Yeniuss (8/27%), isdnpro (7/92%), gjhgjh (7/... 0154:< ryanvango> lord is gonna be pissed 0154:< TeaBagTwat> Would you rather wait for robin-rpg and use latest one or not wait and use old version? 0154:< SilentSand> derogative, the next cascade will hit here eventually 0154:< SxwTheCat> old one for now? 0154:< ryanvango> its up to you man. robins probably like 2 days away 0154:< derogative> Yeah. But that's definitely not our fault. And let's use whatever version works for now. 0155:< SxwTheCat> >2 days away >robin closes in 4 days 0155:< ryanvango> whatever you can do. I know you have to get going. dont let us pressure you, we're only teasing. 0155:< derogative> I don't think any of us are patient enough to wait the WHOLE time for robin-rpg ;P 0155:< TeaBagTwat> Old one? 0155:< derogative> Yeah, if that's what works. We're mostly kidding, don't get too stressed or anything. 0155:< SxwTheCat> aww someone took /r/robinaftermath 0155:< derogative> We appreciate that you're doing it at all, honestly. 0155:< ryanvango> sure, if it works and you have the time. we would greatly appreciate it 0155:< SilentSand> derogative, please convince people to unblock me please :( 0155:< derogative> Silent, I don't think anyone has you blocked? 0155:< TeaBagTwat> I know your only joking I just want to know 0156:< TeaBagTwat> It's difficult to do sarcasm on the internet 0156:< ryanvango> i unblocked him 0156:< derogative> Oh, no, he's not. He wants to actually participate. That was someone else, haha. 0157:< SilentSand> I tried to earlier, but apparently I came right after the rpg bot got dropped 0157:< ryanvango> to fat kid or not to fat kid. 0157:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Lorelei appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0157:< ryanvango> yeah, its been hit or miss sand. we gave the original a big wishlist, and hes been trying to make it happen for us 0157:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 4.5 hits! Lorelei HP: 724.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 0157:< derogative> Then rpg was kill. 0157:< ryanvango> they just tried implementing it 0158:< ryanvango> are we starting at level 1 again? 0158:< ryanvango> runaway 0158:< derogative> Yeah, I think that's the only way to get it to work. 0158:< ryanvango> runaway 0158:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 9 hits! Lorelei HP: 715.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (6), derogative           (3) 0158:< ryanvango> runaway 0158:< ryanvango> runaway 0158:< ryanvango> runaway 0159:< ryanvango> runaway 0159:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0159:< TeaBagTwat> Lorelei is kill! picks up [Slippers of Cloudwalking]! LVLs: ryanvango            (2/34%), thatwentBTE          (NaN/NaN%) 0159:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0159:< ryanvango> yep, were back to scratch 0159:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Gargoyle Guardian appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0159:< ryanvango> but its up and working! just gonna take us a while to get the ball rolling 0159:< TeaBagTwat> Your scores are what they were when robin-rpg stopped 0159:< TeaBagTwat> Gargoyle Guardian is kill! picks up [Boro Bead 5th Level]! LVLs: ryanvango            (2/38%), thatwentBTE          (NaN/NaN%), Tea... 0159:< ryanvango> LVLs: ryanvango (2/34%), thatwentBTE (NaN/NaN% 0200:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Gloom Haunt appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0200:< ryanvango> woah what happened 0200:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 3 hits! Gloom Haunt HP: 253[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (1.5) 0200:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : 6995 (NaN/NaN%), SilentSand           (NaN/NaN%), LetDuncanDie (NaN/NaN%), Saphine_ (NaN/NaN%), this_reddit_sucks (NaN/NaN%... 0200:< SxwTheCat> we're losing people. MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! 0200:< derogative> Rip in peace NaN 0201:< SxwTheCat> meant the abandoning user 0201:< derogative> Yeah, but look at all those NaNs. 0201:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Revenant appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0201:< SxwTheCat> Not a number 0201:< ryanvango> teabagtwat are you seeing this? 0201:< SxwTheCat> wtf is a goreclaw 0201:< SilentSand> Isn't that from fallout 0202:< derogative> Yeah. But so many. So many. They are no longer strong. 0202:< TeaBagTwat> Revenant is kill! picks up [Instant Bridge]! LVLs: derogative           (1/62%), SxwTheCat            (NaN/NaN%), ryanvango        ... 0202:< SxwTheCat> OH GOD 0202:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Arach appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0202:< ryanvango> guys..we got really good at this 0202:< derogative> Oh no. We don't know who is getting the loot. Who got the bridge?! We'll never know. 0202:< SilentSand> What are the commands to find things for the script? 0202:< SxwTheCat> i bet it's multiplying the bonus with NaN 0202:< thatwentBTE> (no spam)! 0202:< TeaBagTwat> Arach is kill! picks up [Hospitality's Hammock]! LVLs: derogative           (1/66%), SxwTheCat            (NaN/NaN%), ryanvango    ... 0203:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Adult Gold Dragon appeared! HP: 1012[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0203:< SxwTheCat> NaN * 100 == NaN 0203:< ryanvango> oh noooo 0203:< KernelSnuffy> hay guise how do i get started with this? 0203:< derogative> At least we all learned something about codes today. They're the most delicate snowflakes. 0203:< derogative> Well, Kernel, right now it's... semi broken. 0203:< SxwTheCat> well you currently don't. 0203:< ryanvango> kernelsnuffy not a good time. we're in bug fixing mode haha 0203:< TeaBagTwat> Adult Gold Dragon is kill! picks up [Gallows Rope]! LVLs: ryanvango            (2/45%), derogative           (1/72%), SxwTheCat    ... 0203:< KernelSnuffy> heh 0203:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Decapus appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0203:< SxwTheCat> test 0203:< SilentSand> All NaN means is that we're now incredibly strong 0203:< KernelSnuffy> btw, i recommend https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow new script- allows for tabbed channels and stuff 0204:< SilentSand> I'm using parrot, any comparison? 0204:< TeaBagTwat> Decapus is kill! picks up [Bracers of Defenselessness]! LVLs: KernelSnuffy         (1/57%), SilentSand           (NaN/NaN%), SxwThe... 0204:< KernelSnuffy> it's the most recent version of parrot 0204:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Sheep appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0204:< KernelSnuffy> they added some new features :D 0204:< thatwentBTE> 9:04:25 PM #rpg SxwTheCat test 0204:< SxwTheCat> i'm gonna laugh when someone makes a trojan horse script that forces people to abandon 0204:< TeaBagTwat> Sheep is kill! picks up [Essence of Wandering Dreams]! LVLs: SxwTheCat            (NaN/NaN%), KernelSnuffy         (1/60%) 0204:< SilentSand> Testing parrot 0205:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : 6995 (NaN/NaN%), SirCabbage (16/32%), Lord_Renwod (12/61%), Decalance (11/80%), pyroshroom (10/63%), Insomnikal (8/60%), th... 0205:< SilentSand> NaN strikes again 0205:< SxwTheCat> this fork is crappy 0205:< KernelSnuffy> SilentSand ack 0205:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Lusca appeared! HP: 1215[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0205:< TeaBagTwat> Lusca is kill! picks up [Amulet of Natural Armor +1]! LVLs: TeaBagTwat           (1/69%), SilentSand           (NaN/NaN%), SxwTheCa... 0205:< SilentSand> Idk if I really like the tabs, they're useful but feel a bit more lonely 0206:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Nightripper appeared! HP: 2367[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0206:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Ettercap appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0206:< SxwTheCat> this new thing isn't bad actually, once i disabled the other script. can you guys hear me? 0207:< TeaBagTwat> Ettercap is kill! picks up [Dawnflower's Kiss]! LVLs: SxwTheCat            (NaN/NaN%) 0207:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Yellow Musk Creeper appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0207:< KernelSnuffy> SxwTheCat yes 0207:< SxwTheCat> k 0207:< TeaBagTwat> Yellow Musk Creeper is kill! picks up [Magnetist's Gloves]! LVLs: KernelSnuffy         (1/63%), SxwTheCat            (NaN/NaN%) 0208:< SilentSand> Yeah you're good 0208:< SilentSand> There's an autorefresh in this one, :/ 0209:< SxwTheCat> autorefresh? y 0209:< thatwentBTE> incase of disconnects 0209:< thatwentBTE> I think 0209:< SilentSand> That's true 0210:< SilentSand> It's because last time a bunch of bots didn't have an autorefresh and got stuck on a bad server 0210:< SilentSand> That killed the 4400 0210:< KernelSnuffy> go to settings, down the bottom. Disable auto-reload. 0213:< ryanvango> anyone still in here? 0213:< SxwTheCat> me 0214:< SxwTheCat> working on canary, my robin clone 0214:< ryanvango> hello! 0214:< SilentSand> yes 0214:< KernelSnuffy> i'm here 0214:< ryanvango> so we have to assume teabagtwat or robin-rpg took it down right? lets hope for the best. or is it possible it crashed itself 0215:< derogative> It might have crashed. rpg... is kill. Rest in peace, rpg. 0215:< ryanvango> have faith. we've been through worse than this 0215:< ryanvango> remember that fart the other day....brutal 0216:< derogative> And cascade is happening, so we are just that much closer to robin-rpg returning. Granted, we have to wait for another cascade after 0216:< derogative> that one, but. robin-rpg has to be in one of those. 0216:< SilentSand> The last cascade probably 0217:< SilentSand> I don't think we'll make tier 17, but if robin rpg rejoined a while ago it'll be a day 0217:< derogative> Yeah, I know they got back into a chat as soon as they could. 0219:< SxwTheCat> i think i'll stick with robin-grow for now 0219:< SxwTheCat> Other one's kinda buggy with it's refresh 0220:< ryanvango> why is it autorefreshing so often 0222:< SxwTheCat> i wonder if he's using a setTimeout and set it to 60 or something 0222:< SxwTheCat> it takes milliseconds, not seconds :P 0224:< ryanvango> what the fuck is happening. why did it reboot again 0224:< SxwTheCat> happened to be with robin-grow too 0224:< SilentSand> Idk, the last parrot function didn't refresh nearly as often or ever really 0224:< SxwTheCat> also i installed karmamancer 0225:< SxwTheCat> i see your buttons 0225:< SilentSand> Karmamancer? 0225:< SilentSand> Oh. 0225:< SilentSand> 60s for life 0225:< ryanvango> i havent installed anything new. ive done nothing different in 2 days 0226:< SilentSand> it's been way too long 0226:< SxwTheCat> it's been a year 0226:< SxwTheCat> almost for me 0228:< SxwTheCat> happened again 0229:< SilentSand> I think I finally turned it off 0229:< SxwTheCat> tell me your secrets 0230:< SxwTheCat> but if you did say it again because it reloaded 0231:< SilentSand> I lied 0231:< SilentSand> It refreshed 0232:< SxwTheCat> dafuq 0233:< SxwTheCat> just nuked my robin-grow settings 0233:< SxwTheCat> we'll see if it refreshes 0234:< SirCabbage> so why is ryan dead? 0234:< ryanvango> i touched i think i wasnt sposed to touch 0235:< SirCabbage> Hum, I wonder if I could revive you with any of my items.. 0235:< ryanvango> if we get our original game launched, ill be alive (cause rewind). if we get our latest, im a poltergeist. if we get new new, im good a 0235:< ryanvango> again 0235:< SirCabbage> so the bot is down again? 0235:< ryanvango> i dunno. the whole thing is on hold for a bit. robin and teabagtwat are troubleshooting i think. i dont know 0236:< SirCabbage> ah okay then 0236:< barnum> Had to downgrade my robin grow script, all the new ones are weird. Can y'all see me? 0236:< SirCabbage> nope barnum I cant 0236:< jayman419> I see you Barnum. 0236:< barnum> Dammit 0236:< SirCabbage> not even a little. 0236:< SirCabbage> sorry barnum, :o *pets barnum who I totally can't see 0237:< SxwTheCat> leaning slightly towards my own implementation because i wouldn't have to sanitize all the inputs 0237:< SirCabbage> what is wrong with the most recent grow script for you barnum? 0238:< barnum> SirCabbage, it wasn't putting #rpg in the chat box automatically for me. 0238:< barnum> And I'd click on the new channel tab thing and it wouldn't show you guys, but all I saw in the main tab was #rpg with that stripped out 0238:< SirCabbage> oh that is odd, mine is 0238:< ryanvango> why don't you just use AIM SxwTheCat? 0239:< SxwTheCat> fuck off 0239:< SirCabbage> lol 0239:< ryanvango> ;) 0239:< SilentSand> dude AIM was great 0240:< SirCabbage> you know what would be cool- if putting an @ sign in front of a name became a PM. So instead of sending to the channel it only sent it 0240:< SirCabbage> to the one person you wanted 0240:< SxwTheCat> ehh 0240:< SirCabbage> so I could be like @ryanvango you are such a cuntmuffin 0240:< SirCabbage> and no one would ever know! 0240:< SxwTheCat> @ryanvango you are such a cuntmuffin 0240:< SxwTheCat> DANGIT HUNTER2 HUNTER2 LOGOUT NO LOGOUT HUNTER2 0240:< ryanvango> <3 0240:< SirCabbage> <3 0240:< SilentSand> @ryanvango you are such a cuntmuffin 0240:< barnum> @barnum you are a sexy motherfucker. 0241:< SxwTheCat> /r/vain 0241:< SilentSand> /r/vanes 0241:< SirCabbage> /r/weather 0242:< SirCabbage> /r/philosophicalquestions 0243:< Lord_Renwod> Hello 0243:< Lord_Renwod> I am back, anybody on? 0244:< Lord_Renwod> :O It's so quiet in here, where is everybody? 0244:< SirCabbage> dead. 0244:< barnum> We got hit with a silence spell. 0244:< Lord_Renwod> Did the 20 users who left include all of the people in #rpg? 0244:< Lord_Renwod> Or did the bot die... 0245:< SirCabbage> yes exactly 0245:< SirCabbage> most people were like, yeah, we hate robin now 0245:< SirCabbage> lets fuck off :o 0246:< Lord_Renwod> Why did the bot die? Was it also banned? 0246:< Lord_Renwod> Is robin banning people who use bots? 0246:< SilentSand> Is there an older version of parrot I can use without the autorefresh 0246:< SirCabbage> being updated as far as I know lol 0246:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm k 0246:< Lord_Renwod> I was thinking, it'd be really cool if the monsters had like a way to beat us 0247:< Lord_Renwod> Like, if at the bare minimum they had a number of rounds before they just auto-won 0247:< derogative> Nah, rpg is kill again. 0247:< derogative> And i scroll up and I see hating on AIM. The world will pry AIM from my cold dead fingers /sits out on grandpa lawn. 0247:< SirCabbage> Then those who didnt "runaway" would end up unable to count as hits for the next 'x' period 0247:< derogative> Actually it recently pried AIM 6.0 from me ;( 0247:< MXMLOQ> i swear to god, rpg bot always dies as soon as i want to play 0248:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah maybe something like that 0248:< Lord_Renwod> I also had some cool ideas w/ classes etc, and might even consider coding up some stuff myself 0248:< Lord_Renwod> But I've got homework to do first 0248:< Lord_Renwod> So, I guess I should probably go do that now while the bot is down 0248:< SirCabbage> anyway, I am going to be playing HunieCam Studio now, because I am a pervert and got it for free. Ill pop back later when the bot is bk 0248:< barnum> I was thinking earlier that someone who knows coding should work on something that works on a subreddit so we can transfer there when 0249:< barnum> robin ends 0249:< Lord_Renwod> Meh, you can always just do a pathfinder game 0249:< Lord_Renwod> That's like 10000x better 0250:< SilentSand> That'd be great 0250:< Lord_Renwod> IMO if there's interest, we should just make an actual GM'ed rpg thread 0251:< Lord_Renwod> Unfortunately, anything on Reddit will be inherently slower than what we do here in robin 0253:< femdemgem> sdf 0253:< femdemgem> Attack!!+! 0255:< SilentSand> I've never seen an rpg thread 0255:< barnum> *switches to see what they're talking about in my alt's robin chat* "Trump...civil war...wall..." Yup, that's about right. 0256:< Lord_Renwod> lol 0305:< brh131> is the bot back? 0306:< brh131> if anyone is talking i cant see it 0307:< brh131> hello 0308:< brh131> anyone else there? 0308:< SxwTheCat> yee 0309:< thatwentBTE> I can see 0309:< thatwentBTE> your messages 0309:< SxwTheCat> yes you can 0309:< brh131> ok, does anyone know when the bot is coming back? 0309:< SxwTheCat> no it's kill. it's deader than ryan at the moment 0310:< SxwTheCat> Soon (TM) 0310:< SxwTheCat> goodnight travelers 0310:< derogative> bot is kill :( robin-rpg is kill and teabag is also kill until further notice 0310:< derogative> we must wait Forever... 0310:< SxwTheCat> see you tomorrow 0317:< thatwentBTE> 10:16:34 PM [robin] Welcome to robin. 0318:< barnum> Ryan, it's reloading for me --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 03:25:15 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 03:29:11 2016 0329:< SkiyBloue> hey whats going on in this channel 0332:< agentfooly> test hello 0332:< agentfooly> mellow 0332:< agentfooly> yellow 0335:< KernelSnuffy> RIP RPG 0335:< derogative> yeah rpg is kill. maybe someday robin-rpg will get back in here 0349:< thatwentBTE> me! 0350:< thatwentBTE> echo 0400:< SilentSand> yo 0403:< barnum> Popping in and out, keep hoping to see the bot 0407:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0409:< XG549> is chat rip again? 0409:< XG549> no, is bot rip again? 0410:< gjhgjh> I think so 0410:< XG549> bot pls 0410:< gjhgjh> I've been gone for a while but nothing has happened here for a couple of minutes 0411:< derogative> yeah bot is rip 0417:< barnum> A wild Devouring Mist appeared! HP: 598[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0418:< hagbard-celine> it lives! 0418:< barnum> Round #1, 3 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 595[█████] +XP:   #rpg      hagbard-celine (2),                    [robin] (1) 0418:< barnum> No idea how this works, just found the script on github 0419:< thatwentBTE> we just chat 0419:< hagbard-celine> basically, it converts chat length into damage 0419:< thatwentBTE> things dies 0419:< barnum> Round #2, 11 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 584[█████] +XP:   #rpg         thatwentBTE (4),                    [robin] (3),   #rpg        ... 0419:< barnum> I know that, I've played before 0419:< hansolo580> nigglets 0419:< hagbard-celine> loot is rewarded, and then forgotten except by the players 0419:< barnum> Just meant in terms of running it 0420:< thatwentBTE> 60+ characters will ear you bonus damage, so that way the monster will die faster due to the higher damage. 0420:< barnum> Round #3, 17 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 567[█████] +XP:   #rpg         thatwentBTE (6),   #rpg              barnum (4),               ... 0420:< thatwentBTE> poop 0420:< thatwentBTE> I bite the mist 0420:< thatwentBTE> I devour the devouring mist 0420:< derogative> oh shit, rpg is no longer kill 0421:< barnum> Round #4, 11 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 556[█████] +XP:   #rpg         thatwentBTE (6),                    [robin] (3),   #rpg        ... 0421:< derogative> haha it's got the big spaces though like last time, thank you barnum for providing us the entertainment we crave 0421:< derogative> until tomorrow/later when robin-rpg gets back to us 0421:< thatwentBTE> I put the mist in a high pressure chamer forcing it to turn into liquid 0422:< barnum> Round #5, 14 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 542[█████] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (8),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (6) 0422:< hagbard-celine> we shall defeat this beast with riveting conversation and witty repartee! 0422:< thatwentBTE> Damn this is a tough one and the damage is low 0422:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg         thatwentBTE (1/72%),                    [robin] (1/60%),   #rpg          derogative (1/60%),   #rpg      hag... 0422:< thatwentBTE> Im no 1! 0422:< derogative> riveting? witty? shit, i'm out then i ain't either of those things 0423:< derogative> i'm just here to provide pointless commentary and valueless words 0423:< derogative> and sometimes shake a jar of ghosts. i'm good at that one. 0423:< barnum> Round #6, 27 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 515[█████] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (14),   #rpg      hagbard-celine (6),   #rpg       ... 0423:< thatwentBTE> There is a 2032 person room now 0423:< derogative> jar of ghosts is always very effective. bless you, ghost jar. 0424:< thatwentBTE> the next cascade will be amazing 0424:< pyroshroom> LOL, apparently all our data was sent to TeabagTwat before 0424:< derogative> yeah but it's a 15, so a second 15 needs to exist, then they'll join us and i'm going to hope robin-rpg is back 0424:< barnum> Round #7, 18 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 497[█████] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (12),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (4),   #rpg       ... 0424:< derogative> yeah, teabag (and me!) have our data 0424:< pyroshroom> oo cool 0424:< barnum> I wouldn't even know how to input old user data into this. 0424:< derogative> but it kind of broke even more when we put it in so we all agreed to just wait until robin-rpg is back 0424:< pyroshroom> It just doesn't feel the same without the robin-rpg 0424:< derogative> yeah, we just have to be patient, but all our info is saved 0425:< pyroshroom> ah, ok, that makes sense 0425:< barnum> Round #8, 21 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 476[████▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (10),   #rpg          pyroshroom (6),              ... 0425:< barnum> Just a band aid until the true masters are back. 0425:< derogative> yeah, he's still updating robin-rpg code too so one day it'll return to us 0425:< thatwentBTE> I wave my hands dissipating the mist. 0425:< hagbard-celine> but hey, it gives us a metric for how much shitposting we're doing 0426:< barnum> Round #9, 16 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 460[████▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (6),   #rpg      hagbard-celine (6),   #rpg        ... 0426:< derogative> just us though. just us. all those other shitposters aren't allowed. 0426:< derogative> except scrabblebot. i'll allow scrabblebot to come fight 0426:< barnum> I think the spaces are the robin grow parrot thingy. 0426:< derogative> oh dang, rpg is up to version 2.0 0426:< derogative> yeah, probably 0427:< derogative> we just have to live with them ;( 0427:< barnum> Round #10, 29 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 431[████▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (12),                    [robin] (3),   #rpg      ... 0427:< WythDryden> what is rpg 0427:< derogative> rpg is life. you talk and damage monsters and get exp 0427:< derogative> turn off bot spam so you can participate! 0427:< WythDryden> I've resisted joining a filter. Is this the best one? 0427:< barnum> I used to be a bard, now I'm a robot 0427:< barnum> Round #11, 18 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 413[████▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (6),   #rpg          WythDryden (4),   #rpg       ... 0428:< derogative> yes, rpg is definitely the best 0428:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (2/46%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (1/82%),                    [robin] (1/69%),   #rpg      hag... 0428:< derogative> oh man commands are in 2.0. that's gonna be sweet when robin-rpg is back 0428:< ryanvango> hey gang, can someone tell me how to make it so i can be in the #rpg tab? 0428:< derogative> though atm wythdryden, the real rpg, robin-rpg, got booted and is slowly trying to get back to us. 0428:< pyroshroom> oh sweet 0428:< derogative> barnum's version is just to tide us over. and ryan, i have no idea 0429:< thatwentBTE> its pretty fun 0429:< WythDryden> hold the phone, you really have an rpg going? 0429:< thatwentBTE> although a little buggy 0429:< barnum> Round #12, 60 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 353[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (20),   #rpg           ryanvango (9),   #rpg      ... 0429:< derogative> there's a PARTY function going on in 2.0 0429:< pyroshroom> when our glorious master returns, we will have more to do 0429:< thatwentBTE> yeah 0429:< derogative> we can finally group together. 0429:< thatwentBTE> Round #12, 60 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 353[███▒▒] +XP: #rpg derogative (20), #rpg ryanvango (9), #rpg ... 0429:< ryanvango> im getting the bot messages and you guys. how do I filter using this stupid thing? 0430:< barnum> Round #13, 20 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 333[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (8),   #rpg          derogative (4),   #rpg       ... 0430:< derogative> i haven't updated so i can't help you, i'm sorry 0430:< pyroshroom> are you on robin-grow still? 0430:< ryanvango> ohhhh now its kinda working 0430:< barnum> Robin-grow got weird. 0430:< ryanvango> test again 0430:< WythDryden> what's the preferred thing now? 0431:< barnum> Round #14, 17 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 316[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (4),                    [robin] (3),   #rpg       ... 0431:< derogative> i'm still using an older version of robin-grow, myself, because i'm lazy. 0431:< thatwentBTE> I am using robin Glow modified multichat 0431:< hagbard-celine> i like https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0431:< ryanvango> if you look in the system tab, the rpg bot is working. why wont it show up here? 0431:< derogative> is it somehow banned from being shown in the channel? 0431:< barnum> Round #15, 30 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 286[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (8),   #rpg           ryanvango (6),   #rpg       ... 0432:< derogative> for you, i mean 0432:< barnum> You have bot spam off/ 0432:< WythDryden> How could they not do that to the trivia bot then? 0432:< ryanvango> it says barnum is running it. but his messages here are showing blank 0432:< itisnotmyusername> who is "they" ? 0432:< thatwentBTE> its have you turned off all filters to see if you can see the bot in the stream? 0432:< barnum> Round #16, 25 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 261[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (6),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (6),              ... 0433:< derogative> hmmmm. that's some weird shit. why things gotta get weird. 0433:< thatwentBTE> I can see his 0433:< WythDryden> What is preferred to use over robin-grow? 0433:< ryanvango> ok refreshed again. lets see if the bot shows up 0433:< barnum> I'm using https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0433:< thatwentBTE> do you have grow multi channel? 0433:< barnum> It's a branch called parrot 0433:< WythDryden> Can you check the version number? 0433:< derogative> i think everything is robin-grow or some variant. mine is 2.16 0433:< barnum> Round #17, 20 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 241[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg         thatwentBTE (4),   #rpg          WythDryden (4),   #rpg       ... 0433:< ryanvango> i believe i have the parrot one. the settings menu is massive 0434:< ryanvango> there it is, i see it now 0434:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (2/72%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/33%),   #rpg           ryanvango (1/85%),                ... 0434:< thatwentBTE> Awesome 0434:< derogative> i'm gettin up there, for once i'm leading the pack in levels 0434:< hagbard-celine> i'm on 2.31, which is latest 0434:< derogative> i'm so proud of myself and my ghost jar. 0434:< ryanvango> haha for now. i had given up on the whole thing 0434:< ryanvango> wait til i start gibberish spamming, sucka 0434:< thatwentBTE> lol 0434:< thatwentBTE> asldhjldkjshlaskjd 0434:< derogative> for anyone who hasn't seen it, we have this 0434:< ryanvango> whos in charge of robin grow? they kinda screwed the poock 0435:< derogative> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 0435:< barnum> Round #18, 58 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 183[██▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (14),   #rpg          derogative (12),            ... 0435:< WythDryden> Whoa, this is wild 0435:< WythDryden> This parrot is nice 0435:< ryanvango> oh mother fuck, now the bot is invisible again 0435:< derogative> so if you want you can add yourself on there and do the rp thing even more 0435:< thatwentBTE> the doc of holding 0435:< barnum> Sending my alt back down to start again was a terrible mistake 0435:< pyroshroom> oh wow, robin-grow was messing up everything 0435:< ryanvango> someone link the parrot again please? 0435:< hagbard-celine> you can thank the devs over on ^, they're also receptive to bug reports 0435:< pyroshroom> I couldn't see anything that was said in here 0435:< hagbard-celine> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0436:< barnum> Round #19, 54 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 129[██▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (12),   #rpg      hagbard-celine (8),   #rpg      ... 0436:< pyroshroom> parrot is very good 0436:< pyroshroom> I'm using it now 0436:< ryanvango> ok i updated. now we wait 0436:< WythDryden> I've gotta hit the sack for tonight. I'll check that doc and come back in the morning 0436:< derogative> see ya, wyth 0436:< thatwentBTE> I disabled the old and only run the modified multichannel 0436:< barnum> Round #20, 37 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 92[█▒▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (8),   #rpg          WythDryden (6),   #rpg        ... 0436:< XG549> is there a way to get robin grow to update automatically? i was still on 1.87 0436:< ryanvango> yep. got it 0437:< thatwentBTE> im going to screenshot my setting for you guys 0437:< ryanvango> so any news on this version of the RPG bot? 0437:< barnum> Derogative Exactly, I'm a big dumb dumb 0437:< derogative> this version is... not sure which version it is, actually 0437:< barnum> Round #21, 24 hits! Devouring Mist HP: 68[█▒▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg               XG549 (6),   #rpg           ryanvango (4),   #rpg        ... 0437:< derogative> yeah, rip in peace. oh well though i'm hoping they'll be back tomorrow 0437:< ryanvango> the spacing makes it look like the one we were releveling on earlier today 0438:< barnum> 1.53 apparently 0438:< ryanvango> jesus christ 0438:< derogative> yeah, this is barnum starting from scratch though as far as i know 0438:< barnum> It's parrot's weird spacing doing that, wish I could turn that off. 0438:< derogative> i think it's just bad mixing with the fact there's that stupid huge gap in there 0438:< ryanvango> http://imgur.com/14tLm7r 0438:< pyroshroom> do you mean parrots font? 0438:< derogative> man, it's even in my version of robin-grow, i hate it so much 0438:< thatwentBTE> http://i.imgur.com/S91sqCO.png 0438:< barnum> Devouring Mist is kill!   #rpg         thatwentBTE picks up [Murderer's Silence]! LVLs:   #rpg          derogative (3/43%),   #rpg  ... 0438:< ryanvango> i can see barnums round 20, and then a blank 1 later. was that the bot missing or no? 0439:< barnum> A wild Tiger appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0439:< SilentSand> Parrot finally working 0439:< barnum> I saw round 21 0439:< derogative> yeah that was round 21 0439:< barnum> Round #1, 22 hits! Tiger HP: 180[█████] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (6),   #rpg          SilentSand (2),   #rpg              bar... 0439:< ryanvango> meh. whatever. if i miss a loot just let me know. ill keep playing like this i dont care 0439:< thatwentBTE> its filters 0439:< derogative> i really don't like whoever came up with the bright idea of the huge gap of space 0439:< XG549> robin grow adds twitch emotes now? 4Head 0439:< barnum> Might be getting caught by the not sending msgs too quickly thing 0439:< thatwentBTE> its the pund sign 0440:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/44%),   #rpg           ryanvango (2/56%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/49%),   #rpg         ... 0440:< SilentSand> It's alright. Yeah, the guys behind parrot probably didn't have much to do with this channel 0440:< derogative> its just because i don't like them. it bugs me 0440:< ryanvango> all my filters are off. this makes no sense. why would it skip some? (2 in a row missing) 0440:< barnum> Since I'm also chatting. 0440:< SilentSand> You can always put in a request to the developers 0440:< pyroshroom> So do these twitch emotes do anything? :D 0440:< ryanvango> ohhh that makes sense. but then why can everyone else see it 0440:< derogative> they make you think you're in twitch chat? ;P 0440:< pyroshroom> 4head 0440:< ryanvango> alright barnum. you shut up. you can't be part of the fun, so that i can have fun 0440:< pyroshroom> I don't see any twitch emotes actually 0440:< barnum> Round #2, 116.14754098360658 hits! Tiger HP: 63.85245901639345[██▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (20),   #rpg          derogati... 0440:< SilentSand> Twitch chat is the epitome of human success 0441:< pyroshroom> even with the thing enabled 0441:< derogative> they enable someone to spam frankerz or whatever it is twitch chat likes these days 0441:< pyroshroom> FrankerZ 0441:< thatwentBTE> Murderer's silence prevents a corpse from communicating via speak with dead by dissolving the victim's vocal organs. 0441:< thatwentBTE> better watch out ryan 0441:< ryanvango> you dont really have to shut up, im just joshin ya! hue hue hue 0441:< SilentSand> That sounds grotesque 0441:< pyroshroom> Huh, well that word disappeared 0441:< pyroshroom> NotLikeThis 0441:< derogative> ...oh. look at those hits and hp numbers. 0441:< barnum> Tiger is kill!   #rpg          derogative picks up [The Aqualinth]! LVLs:   #rpg          derogative (3/58%),   #rpg          pyrosh... 0441:< SilentSand> I see the frankerz now 0441:< derogative> How did we manage that. 0441:< thatwentBTE> ryan is the only dead one 0442:< barnum> A wild Water Orm appeared! HP: 612[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0442:< ryanvango> OH YEAH! this is new old version! im a spooky ghost that does spooky ghost things! 0442:< pyroshroom> Oh, if I am talking in the #rpg channel, I can't see the emotes here 0442:< XG549> ChefFrank 0442:< SilentSand> So how do I "join" 0442:< derogative> Just type away and you are joined. 0442:< pyroshroom> but then I can see the emotes on the system channel 0442:< SilentSand> Aight, sweet 0442:< derogative> As long as you can see barnumbot, you're fine. 0442:< barnum> Round #1, 67.40573770491804 hits! Water Orm HP: 544.5942622950818[█████] +XP:   #rpg          pyroshroom (11),   #rpg          Silen... 0442:< SilentSand> I've got this joining thing on lock 0442:< derogative> How are we doing decimal damage. 0442:< ryanvango> those spaces are killing me lol. but thats alright i guess 0443:< ryanvango> how did barnum end up being the one running the script anyway? 0443:< derogative> no idea 0443:< thatwentBTE> lol 0443:< derogative> desperation for rpg to not be kill? 0443:< barnum> Found it on github 0443:< ryanvango> recreated it from memory? spaces and all? hes kind of a wiz like that 0443:< barnum> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/blob/master/robin-rpg.user.js 0443:< barnum> Round #2, 74.40573770491804 hits! Water Orm HP: 470.1885245901635[████▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (14),   #rpg              b... 0443:< thatwentBTE> ryan do you have a filter for just # and also #rpg? 0443:< hagbard-celine> rofl, that floating point 0444:< ryanvango> how do i type that in the field? i think i just have #rpg 0444:< barnum> You guys are just doing extremely precise amounts of damage 0444:< Lord_Renwod> damn straight we are 0444:< barnum> Round #3, 23.110655737704917 hits! Water Orm HP: 447.07786885245855[████▒] +XP:                    [robin] (3),   #rpg         thatw... 0444:< derogative> I'm so proud of us. We did it 0444:< thatwentBTE> check the channel filters in settings 0444:< Lord_Renwod> also hello guys 0445:< derogative> hello ren. 0445:< ryanvango> yeah, its possible we're running his newer script. he mentioned (robin-rpg) in pm that he didnt round the damages 0445:< derogative> we've started over again this time with barnum bot 0445:< SilentSand> So, do I need to put myself in the sheet then? 0445:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 0445:< barnum> Round #4, 48.479508196721305 hits! Water Orm HP: 398.598360655737[████▒] +XP:   #rpg          derogative (6),   #rpg           ryanv... 0445:< derogative> If you like! 0445:< ryanvango> so it could be a few things going on. if it IS the new script, the loot drops are adding a modifier (up to 2x) 0445:< pyroshroom> this is weird, the channels don't work too well 0445:< derogative> I don't think we have commands yet. Commands are in 2.0. 0445:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/67%),   #rpg           ryanvango (2/93%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/64%),   #rpg         ... 0445:< ryanvango> yeah, whoever designed robin-grow got outa control and fucked up a beautiful system 0445:< SilentSand> !heroes 0446:< derogative> So if barnum updated to 2.0, we'd have commands and !party 0446:< hagbard-celine> don't like the tabs? 0446:< derogative> he's got the version just prior to 2.0, i think 0446:< pyroshroom> the parrot script is much better though 0446:< barnum> I don't know where 2.0 is 0446:< SilentSand> I think the tabs are ok, the autorefresh is annoying 0446:< ryanvango> alright im filtered for both i believe 0446:< derogative> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 0446:< barnum> Round #5, 82.55327868852459 hits! Water Orm HP: 316.0450819672121[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (14),   #rpg          derog... 0446:< ryanvango> that one is invisible too barnum 0447:< ryanvango> i cant figure out why only some of them are. this is kind of annoying 0447:< ryanvango> but it doesnt matter anyway, cause the spacing makes it impossible to see anything but remaining health and drops 0447:< pyroshroom> OH 0447:< pyroshroom> Maybe you are filtering unicode 0447:< thatwentBTE> its the second hashtag that shows after round 0447:< SilentSand> Yeah, the spacing is a pain 0447:< ryanvango> i seem to be able to talk pretty rapidly though, havent hit the wall yet 0447:< barnum> Round #6, 70.07377049180329 hits! Water Orm HP: 245.97131147540884[███▒▒] +XP:   #rpg           ryanvango (20),   #rpg          pyro... 0447:< thatwentBTE> http://i.imgur.com/S91sqCO.png 0447:< thatwentBTE> set your settings like this 0447:< SilentSand> Turned off unicode filter, hopefully this will work 0448:< barnum> I can try to update to the newer one, might not work though. What do you guys want? 0448:< pyroshroom> The newest one! 0448:< thatwentBTE> GROW 0448:< pyroshroom> I like shiny new rpg bot 0448:< ryanvango> BTE i think i have a different version.. 0448:< barnum> Round #7, 40.221311475409834 hits! Water Orm HP: 205.74999999999906[██▒▒▒] +XP:   #rpg         thatwentBTE (6),   #rpg              ... 0448:< thatwentBTE> ah 0448:< thatwentBTE> that may be it 0448:< pyroshroom> Allow unicode characters. Unicode is considered spam and thus are filtered out. 0449:< derogative> I'm fine with trying for an update since we're all baby levels still, but I'm cool with the majority. 0449:< pyroshroom> ^Do you see that box ryan? 0449:< barnum> Hold on to your butts then, brb 0449:< SilentSand> Allowing unicode didn't help :( 0449:< pyroshroom> you should check it 0449:< ryanvango> i had unicode off 0449:< ryanvango> lets see if that does anything 0450:< pyroshroom> Wow, is there an activity timeout now? 0450:< Lord_Renwod> I don't have parrot 0450:< pyroshroom> is that why it has to refresh constantly? 0450:< Lord_Renwod> Why do you ask? 0450:< SilentSand> Oh I found the issue with getting rid of messages was with pruning 0450:< Lord_Renwod> Maybe so @pyroshroom 0450:< ryanvango> what box pyroshroom 0450:< pyroshroom> box? 0450:< Lord_Renwod> Guys 0451:< derogative> what 0451:< Lord_Renwod> I'm tired and procrastinated on homework 0451:< ryanvango> ^do you see that box ryanvango 0451:< Lord_Renwod> I can't play tonight sorry 0451:< ryanvango> OHHHHHH 0451:< derogative> awwww 0451:< ryanvango> i think i may have figured something out 0451:< thatwentBTE> This is what i am using https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js 0451:< XG549> we are your true homework 0451:< Lord_Renwod> :/ Collge sucks. JK College is sweet 0451:< barnum> Hm, why you no work bot 0451:< ryanvango> how do i change highlight my name background color?! 0451:< thatwentBTE> its lazy 0452:< thatwentBTE> or it will destroy us and the 3 laws of robitics are protecting us 0452:< ryanvango> test 0452:< ryanvango> some1 say my name 0452:< barnum> A wild Ancient Cloud Dragon appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0452:< derogative> ryanvango 0452:< SirCabbage> KILL! 0452:< pyroshroom> Ryanvango 0452:< ryanvango> yep. thats better 0452:< derogative> !heroes 0452:< thatwentBTE> RYANVANGO 0453:< barnum> Went back to old version 0453:< derogative> ah, ok 0453:< pyroshroom> I am ryanvango 0453:< barnum> New one no work 0453:< derogative> only robin-rpg can make the updates work, it's true 0453:< SirCabbage> ryanvango 0453:< barnum> Round #1, 11 hits! Ancient Cloud Dragon HP: 1447[█████] +XP: derogative (4), ryanvango (2), SirCabbage (2), pyroshroom (2), thatwent... 0453:< ryanvango> before it was highlighting in white. so it wasnt a missing thing, it was white on white, which is fuckin dumb 0453:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0453:< derogative> they have th- oh shit, there's no more big spaces. 0453:< barnum> But did fix something ;) 0453:< ryanvango> hahaha whatd you fix 0453:< SirCabbage> !stabryanintheduck 0453:< derogative> thank god. 0453:< ryanvango> alright time to start making longer ghostly messages 0453:< barnum> Went back to an old version of robin grow og 0454:< hagbard-celine> spooky 0454:< ryanvango> THE SPACING IS SO PRETTY! oh my god im so fuckin happy. we can see our names again! 0454:< barnum> Round #2, 13 hits! Ancient Cloud Dragon HP: 1434[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: ryanvango (8), derogative (2), thatwentBTE (1), SirCabba... 0454:< ryanvango> we're hitting for shit though 0454:< hagbard-celine> fuck, that's a lot of hp 0454:< derogative> flee is working too, so there's that 0454:< ryanvango> flee 0454:< derogative> let's flee 0454:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0454:< derogative> !flee 0454:< ryanvango> !flee 0454:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0454:< ryanvango> !inventory 0454:< derogative> !flee 0455:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0455:< ryanvango> !commands 0455:< derogative> that's gotta be enough fleeing by now 0455:< barnum> You fleed Ancient Cloud Dragon and it's glorious loot of [Propitious Metumbe]! 0455:< thatwentBTE> !tgm 0455:< ryanvango> !heroes 0455:< thatwentBTE> !operationcwal 0456:< ryanvango> barnum are you able to see any of the scripts running? our levels, whether or not bonus damage is being dealt? 0456:< barnum> Dust Digger is kill! ryanvango picks up [Runewell Amulet]! LVLs: ryanvango (1/89%), thatwentBTE (1/77%) 0456:< ryanvango> uh oh 0456:< barnum> I am able to see absolutely nothing 0456:< thatwentBTE> lol 0456:< barnum> A wild Greenskin Orc appeared! HP: 31[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0456:< thatwentBTE> its weak SMASH it 0456:< ryanvango> oooo little baby monsters. we can do these. maybe well get some loots 0456:< barnum> I didn't even see that dust digger. Must've had good stealth 0456:< ryanvango> !loot 0456:< derogative> oh nice. baby monsters. 0456:< thatwentBTE> bite 0456:< ryanvango> !inventory 0457:< derogative> i'm okay with fighting these guys. 0457:< barnum> Round #1, 11.110655737704919 hits! Greenskin Orc HP: 19.889344262295086[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (3), derogative (2) 0457:< barnum> And there's the decimals again wtf 0457:< ryanvango> we hit like little wussies. you need to use your big attack or even the babies will take forever 0457:< derogative> gotta do those super specific decimal damages, man 0457:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/70%),   #rpg         ... 0457:< thatwentBTE> Wow its pretty though for such a little bastard 0457:< derogative> it's because 1.53 doesn't have rounding, i think. 0457:< pyroshroom> These hits are very precise 0457:< ryanvango> dont worry about it. 0457:< derogative> we just have to live with this, which is better than nothing 0457:< ryanvango> THE SPACING! 0457:< barnum> Weird, it's counting you with spaces and you without as different people 0457:< derogative> yeah, the spacing being fixed is best. 0458:< ryanvango> we're all level shit, so we wont do dick for damage 0458:< barnum> Round #2, 12.110655737704919 hits! Greenskin Orc HP: 7.778688524590168[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), derogative (4), thatwentBTE (1), p... 0458:< ryanvango> it should be dead by now though, i would think. if its not were not doing bonus dmg 0458:< derogative> its okay, we can easily get back to level 3 or so 0458:< ryanvango> yeah, we're not doing bonus damage i dont think. keep attack, maybe well get lucky 0458:< thatwentBTE> It still has a few more rambling statements in it 0458:< ryanvango> me and derogative are already 3 haha 0458:< derogative> one day we'll get a proper working script, man 0459:< derogative> it'll be a glorious day 0459:< thatwentBTE> flee? 0459:< ryanvango> shit sorry. long sentences. working on it. sorry. big sentences. i love you 0459:< barnum> Greenskin Orc is kill! ryanvango picks up [Runestar Ring]! LVLs: ryanvango (2/60%), derogative (1/90%), thatwentBTE (2/35%) 0459:< ryanvango> yaaaay 0459:< barnum> A wild Avoral appeared! HP: 423[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0459:< KernelSnuffy> break it 0459:< ryanvango> oh, why does that 1 say level 2, and the other 1 says level 3? im starting to think barnum didnt write this one 0459:< KernelSnuffy> kill it 0459:< derogative> because it was counting us with spaces 0459:< ryanvango> this is one we're just gonna have to plug away at. dont flee. its good exp 0459:< barnum> I'm a big dirty script thief. 0459:< derogative> so the level 3 versions of us are "#rpg derogative" 0500:< ryanvango> and we all already enough gear, so fuck it 0500:< barnum> Round #1, 19.580645161290324 hits! Avoral HP: 403.4193548387097[█████] +XP: ryanvango (8), KernelSnuffy (2), derogative (1) 0500:< derogative> oh, the spaces are removed from it, whatever. imagine the space in there 0500:< thatwentBTE> Great feathers sweep back from this fierce bird-man’s brow, and long, clawed hands grow from the end of his wings. 0500:< ryanvango> everyone stop talking for like 2 minutes. ill say when to talk again. gonna do a test 0500:< thatwentBTE> Its birdman! 0501:< barnum> Round #2, 11.217741935483872 hits! Avoral HP: 392.20161290322585[█████] +XP: derogative (3), ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (1) 0501:< ryanvango> this is my test sentence. im looking to see if I get bonus damage from this attack. over 60 characters. stay quiet please. 0501:< barnum> Round #3, 6.217741935483872 hits! Avoral HP: 385.98387096774195[█████] +XP: ryanvango (3) 0501:< ryanvango> second and final test. 0502:< barnum> Round #4, 2.0725806451612905 hits! Avoral HP: 383.91129032258067[█████] +XP: ryanvango (1) 0502:< ryanvango> i think the damage is working right, we just dont do shit for base damage. maybe itll go up when we get in to level 7 and higher 0503:< thatwentBTE> looks like 6.22 vs 2.07 0503:< ryanvango> go ahead and talk again 0503:< derogative> yeah. we just gotta get stronger again. 0503:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), ryanvango (2/70%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/70... 0503:< ryanvango> the damage equation is different, but its still a difference which is important 0503:< ryanvango> thats the same one as before. we should all have higher %. i think its reporting heroes wrong, but thats the only problem i see 0503:< barnum> I can see where it's calculating dmg, and there is a loot bonus in there, but I don't think there's something to round down weird #s 0504:< barnum> Round #5, 23.725806451612904 hits! Avoral HP: 360.1854838709678[█████] +XP: ryanvango (10), thatwentBTE (1), derogative (1) 0504:< ryanvango> its totally possible theres a loot bonus. he said as you collect loot, youll slowly build a multiplier up to 2x 0504:< thatwentBTE> Yep we will need to start making our sentences longer so that we can get a higher score. That way we will be able to kill the moster 0505:< barnum> Round #6, 12.217741935483872 hits! Avoral HP: 347.9677419354839[█████] +XP: ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (3) 0505:< ryanvango> the decimals are fine though. im sure we can all figure out left of the decimal is bigger than right of the decimal 0505:< thatwentBTE> easier than if we had made short concise sentences. 0505:< derogative> actually, bte, we worked it out. you just have to do 61 characters. 0505:< derogative> anything beyond that is unnecessary 0505:< derogative> 62+ doesn't give you any further bonus, it's simply going beyond 60 0505:< thatwentBTE> is it the same with the new formula? 0505:< ryanvango> literally everything from 1-60 characters is worth the same (base) damage 0505:< barnum> I just googled how to round things down, if y'all want me to try 0505:< ryanvango> everything from 61 to 140 is worth the same (base plus bonus) damage 0505:< barnum> Round #7, 29.653225806451616 hits! Avoral HP: 318.3145161290322[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (7), thatwentBTE (2) 0506:< derogative> nah, barnum, we can live with this, don't worry 0506:< XG549> dont break it barnum :^) 0506:< ryanvango> up to you man. im alright with the decimal, but if you wanna make it pretty for them im sure theyd appreciate it 0506:< derogative> we can pretend we're fighting monsters with millions of hp or some shit 0506:< ryanvango> so if you wanna maximize your effort type around 61 chars 0506:< thatwentBTE> I dont mind either way. I have a 2 monitor setup here so 0506:< ryanvango> then hit enter and continue the rest of your though if you can 0506:< barnum> Round #8, 25.508064516129036 hits! Avoral HP: 292.8064516129032[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (7), derogative (4), XG549 (1), thatwentBTE (1) 0506:< thatwentBTE> I have plenty of room 0507:< ryanvango> I wonder if leveling up will trigger the heroes thing to kick 0507:< ryanvango> barnum, can you see where its pulling the heroes list from? i feel like that info is different than when we kill something 0507:< barnum> Round #9, 14.435483870967744 hits! Avoral HP: 278.3709677419354[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (1) 0507:< ryanvango> either way. its working now and it wasnt before. i am infinitely happier 0508:< ryanvango> so, good work to you man. way to be. if i could afford it, id give you reddit silver 0508:< derogative> all we want in life is rpg, basically 0508:< barnum> It's got variables for heroes and xp 0508:< ryanvango> i mean...i dont mind getting all the exp. but im gonna be here all day at this rate ya jerks 0508:< barnum> So, inside the script? 0508:< barnum> Round #10, 20.653225806451616 hits! Avoral HP: 257.7177419354837[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (1) 0509:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), ryanvango (3/25%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/70... 0509:< ryanvango> there should be a section that exports the data on our current level and exp % to the heroes list, and the chat bar 0509:< derogative> sorry, i'm still also rping with my rp partner, they haven't gone to bed yet 0509:< ryanvango> yeah, that hasn't moved since it start running. we should have moved by now 0509:< ryanvango> its possible it only works after killing a monster, so let it be for now 0509:< ryanvango> derogative. its fine. if you dont wanna be a team player, thats your decision. 0509:< derogative> that's because we're being counted as two different folk on there, ryan, we're no longer the versions with 'rpg' in front of it 0510:< barnum> Round #11, 49.30645161290323 hits! Avoral HP: 208.4112903225805[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (12), derogative (6) 0510:< ryanvango> you're just no longer best man at my wedding is all. no biggie 0510:< derogative> wooooooooooooooooooooooow i am wounded by these accusations 0510:< derogative> see if i give you the power of poltergeisting next time ;( 0510:< ryanvango> what do you mean? we're not the group with #rpg anymore? 0510:< derogative> yeah. there's now two versions of us being tracked 0510:< barnum> Round #12, 17.98991935483871 hits! Avoral HP: 190.42137096774178[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), derogative (2) 0510:< ryanvango> so where does that list populate from? i dont know much about coding, but i dont understand why it send an old list and cant sent a new 0511:< derogative> ones with 'rpg (big space) (name)' and then as it's working now, just '(name)' 0511:< ryanvango> so how do we get it to spit out the new one? 0511:< derogative> when we outlevel the other versions of us 0511:< ryanvango> i feel like a few of us have leveled up, our damage is increasing 0511:< barnum> Round #13, 29.76209677419355 hits! Avoral HP: 160.65927419354824[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7), derogative (4) 0511:< ryanvango> ah, ok. well that should be coming up pretty soon i think 0512:< derogative> we just gotta hit level 4 or so and start to knock the huge ass space hoggers that our old selves were 0512:< ryanvango> barnum is there a line in there about critical hits at all? 0512:< ryanvango> i think he was trying to include chance to crit as well, albeit rarely 0512:< barnum> It seems like it parses the chat to read names, and when I was using parrot it read the names with big spaces so big spaces and no spac 0512:< derogative> yeah, i know that was going to be added eventually, not sure if it got in there yet 0512:< barnum> es are different to it 0512:< barnum> Round #14, 27.54435483870968 hits! Avoral HP: 133.11491935483855[██▒▒▒] +XP: derogative (6), ryanvango (5) 0513:< ryanvango> im asking cause most of our rounds dont break 29, and we had a 49 round out of the blue. so im hopeful 0513:< ryanvango> so whats it picking up now? no spaces? 0513:< derogative> no spaces, yeah 0513:< barnum> Round #15, 14.435483870967744 hits! Avoral HP: 118.6794354838708[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4), derogative (1) 0513:< ryanvango> like, will it revert ro correct once we outlevel other us;es? 0514:< ryanvango> our experience earned is different now too. it used to go in increments of 1.5, and i got 5 a couple attacks ago 0514:< derogative> we'll be in the lead, yeah. it's already showing us correctly in the xp thing 0514:< barnum> Round #16, 24.653225806451616 hits! Avoral HP: 94.02620967741919[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), derogative (3) 0514:< derogative> maybe that got changed to round, while damage didn't and it just trounced the bot. 0514:< ryanvango> oh alright, nice. 0514:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/72%), ryanvango (3/44%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%),   #rpg         thatwentBTE (2/70... 0514:< ryanvango> how can you see it derogative? i thought barnum had it all? 0515:< derogative> i'm just looking at what the bots spitting out and making guesses, haha 0515:< derogative> i can't code anything, i never learned shit and i couldn't even code my way out of a wet bag 0515:< barnum> 3 cases for dmg. >60, Regular, and includes "#rpg". That last one might be getting screwed with by my script stripping #rpg out. 0515:< ryanvango> hahaha alright, fair enough. so now i just have to clear old you's % and it should start looking normal again 0515:< barnum> Round #17, 33.54435483870968 hits! Avoral HP: 60.48185483870951[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: derogative (9), ryanvango (5) 0515:< thatwentBTE> He can picture the bots innermost desires by looking into it's soul 0516:< derogative> yeah, and i gotta get past all these other space hogs like rpg ryanvango 0516:< derogative> and rpg thatwentbte 0516:< ryanvango> its not my fault im so awesome im on it twice. it wants you to knooowwww 0517:< ryanvango> what were you saying barnum? >60 is regular, then? 0517:< ryanvango> i feel like we out struck what we should have been able to do a few times now 0517:< ryanvango> so im really hoping a crit system is built in. 0517:< barnum> Round #19, 15.54435483870968 hits! Avoral HP: 21.61088709677402[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (5) 0517:< ryanvango> but i hope for a lot of things, so fuck it:) whatever works. i just want avril lavigne to die 0518:< barnum> You know how one of the msgs says, type #rpg and get 50% bonus xp. Well new scripts and channels strip that out, so you might not be g 0518:< barnum> etting that 50% 0518:< thatwentBTE> yep, and maybe random words causing it. 0518:< derogative> ah, maybe 0518:< ryanvango> ah, thats what i was thinking, but then other times we're getting our 4.5, so its hit or miss 0518:< thatwentBTE> and the words can change depending on which enemy we are fightinh 0518:< barnum> Avoral is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Carpet of Flying 10-ft.-by-10-ft.]! LVLs: ryanvango (3/58%), thatwentBTE (2/52%), derogative (... 0518:< derogative> i'm gonna test by saying #rpg in here and see if it affects my exp 0518:< derogative> oh 0518:< ryanvango> BIGASS FLYING CARPET! 0518:< thatwentBTE> I already have a flying dragon 0518:< barnum> A wild Hand of the Inheritor appeared! HP: 931[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0519:< ryanvango> can i have it? 0519:< thatwentBTE> anyone want the carpet? 0519:< ryanvango> !flee 0519:< derogative> i'll take it. also testing: #rpg 0519:< thatwentBTE> Ryanvango is the new owner of the carpet 0519:< ryanvango> derogative can have it. thanks though BTE 0519:< barnum> Round #1, 30.546139608672664 hits! Hand of the Inheritor HP: 900.4538603913272[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: derogative (6), ryanvango ... 0519:< ryanvango> !flee 0519:< thatwentBTE> ok cool derog 0519:< barnum> I have to type into notepad before I chat, because if the bot sends a message while I'm typing, I lose everything in the chat box. lol 0519:< derogative> thanks now i can get around 0519:< thatwentBTE> !flee its yours 0519:< ryanvango> !flee 0520:< derogative> !flee 0520:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0520:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0520:< derogative> i'm gonna keep testing the exp thing because i think you do have to manually add #rpg to get the bonus, now 0520:< barnum> You fleed Hand of the Inheritor and it's glorious loot of [Stole of The Inheritor]! 0520:< thatwentBTE> ah makes sense kida 0520:< barnum> HEROES :   #rpg          derogative (3/72%), ryanvango (3/61%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), derogative (2/70%),   #rpg      ... 0520:< thatwentBTE> kinda* 0520:< ryanvango> barnum, for the damage though, you said theres 3 kinds. regular and what else? any crit? i want crit so baaaaaad 0521:< barnum> I can't see anything about crit 0521:< ryanvango> balls. can you manually go in and make it so all of my strikes deal 4800 damage then? 0521:< barnum> Morrigna is kill! ryanvango picks up [Boro Bead 1st Level]! LVLs: ryanvango (3/74%), thatwentBTE (2/72%) 0521:< ryanvango> whered that 1 come from?! 0522:< thatwentBTE> nice a shiny bead 0522:< barnum> A wild Gloomwing appeared! HP: 166[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0522:< derogative> test: #rpg 0522:< thatwentBTE> its bhole ofcourse 0522:< ryanvango> who wants another boro bead? 0522:< ryanvango> was SirCabbage collecting them to make a necklace or something? 0522:< barnum> Round #1, 19.877341920374707 hits! Gloomwing HP: 146.12265807962532[█████] +XP: ryanvango (5), thatwentBTE (2) 0522:< ryanvango> I use my bead to annoy the fuck out of it and make it come after me 0522:< SirCabbage> I had a boro bead- I used it to enchant my flail 0522:< derogative> ok, so that wasn't long enough #rpg 0523:< ryanvango> I whistle to Boof so he comes out for a yummy snack and make him chop down on its face 0523:< ryanvango> i cant keep this up, im kinda gassy toight. i went with dominoes 0523:< thatwentBTE> ok, so that wasn't long enough $rpg 0523:< barnum> Round #2, 34.483313817330206 hits! Gloomwing HP: 111.6393442622951[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (1.5), SirCabbage (1), that... 0523:< derogative> yep, you gotta have that #rpg in there for bonus exp, i think 0523:< ryanvango> Using elemental chain, im assuming its like the pokemon gloom, and im gonna ice the shit out of it 0524:< ryanvango> then im gonna type a nice long sentence at him to make it made and tes #rpg 0524:< barnum> Round #3, 32.705357142857146 hits! Gloomwing HP: 78.93398711943794[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), derogative (4.5) 0524:< ryanvango> yep 0524:< thatwentBTE> #rpg 60 character test, testing the amount of xp i get from it 0524:< ryanvango> i dont think ive seen a 7.5 yet. gonna do a single big swing like the #rpg 0525:< barnum> Round #4, 17.38392857142857 hits! Gloomwing HP: 61.55005854800936[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (5.5) 0525:< thatwentBTE> $rpg 60 character test, testing the amount of xp i get from it 0525:< ryanvango> im just gonna keep #rpg in my clipboard so i can type it out fast without losing my train of thought 0525:< ryanvango> thatwentBTE you know you're doing it wrong right? or are you just missing? 0526:< barnum> Round #5, 15.592798594847775 hits! Gloomwing HP: 45.95725995316158[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), ryanvango (3) 0526:< ryanvango> oooo i wonder if he slipped in sneaky keywords to make ultra strikes. 0526:< ryanvango> wow i got kinda low exp on that one, even though my sentences were long #rpg 0526:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (3/89%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), thatwentBTE (2/76%), derogative ... 0526:< thatwentBTE> #rpg thatwentBTE 60 character test, testing the amount of xp i get from ithave to make this longer 0527:< ryanvango> im gonna get inthe habit of always having that thing at the end of my sentences then cause that sucked #rpg 0527:< barnum> Round #6, 37.92857142857143 hits! Gloomwing HP: 8.02868852459015[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (12) 0527:< thatwentBTE> does it have to be at the end? 0527:< ryanvango> alright. so now that ithink this thing is working pretty darn well...whatyu guys wanna do? i think we should try to RP a bit better 0527:< ryanvango> but its totally up to you guys. i dont care how you wanna play it, im just typing away 0528:< ryanvango> ooo i wonder if thats enough to kill it. I think it should be! 0528:< thatwentBTE> I don't mind getting back into char 0528:< thatwentBTE> it's why I am here 0528:< ryanvango> BTE stole my shit i bet 0528:< barnum> Gloomwing is kill! ryanvango picks up [Cape of Free Will +2]! LVLs: ryanvango (4/36%), thatwentBTE (2/91%) 0528:< thatwentBTE> nioce 0528:< ryanvango> huh. wonder what that does 0528:< thatwentBTE> your level 4 0528:< barnum> A wild Bison appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0529:< ryanvango> sweeeet. making my way up in the world. damage number should start to go up 0529:< ryanvango> shit I keep forgetting to put the thing at the end. im just gonna type and read #rpg 0529:< barnum> Round #1, 40.46439549180328 hits! Bison HP: 148.53560450819674[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (8.5), thatwentBTE (2) 0529:< ryanvango> until someone comes up with a better plan. nothing interesting. just damage and words #rpg 0529:< thatwentBTE> The wearer of this brightly colored patchwork cape gains a bonus on all saving throw 0530:< ryanvango> ah. thats only good for DnD. what kind of effect can it have here? #rpg 0530:< ryanvango> actually...it wont have any. im still a spooky ghost. i cant touch stuff, so you get the item if you want it #rpg 0530:< barnum> Round #2, 44.64190573770492 hits! Bison HP: 103.89369877049182[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (3) 0531:< ryanvango> what happened to Lord_Renwod ? he's gonna be mad im getting all the levels before him:) 0531:< barnum> Round #3, 32.109375 hits! Bison HP: 71.78432377049182[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5) 0531:< thatwentBTE> It can give free will to summoned and conjured creatures like demons and golems 0531:< ryanvango> or Sxwthecat maybe he/she will get this ping 0531:< derogative> i think he had to go do homework or something 0532:< barnum> Round #4, 25.235655737704917 hits! Bison HP: 46.54866803278691[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4), thatwentBTE (3), derogative (1) 0532:< thatwentBTE> I have a griffon statue that has to follow my will, but your cape could negate things like that 0532:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (4/48%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), thatwentBTE (2/96%), derogative ... 0532:< thatwentBTE> ill take it! 0532:< ryanvango> really? how does it work? *i place the cape on your griffin statue* like this? 0532:< Decalance> i'm back 0533:< thatwentBTE> MAybe it imbues you with the power to give the free will 0533:< ryanvango> heeyyyyy Decalance! welcome! we got the thing up and running! 0533:< Decalance> ryanvango nice! 0533:< barnum> Round #5, 37.8719262295082 hits! Bison HP: 8.676741803278713[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (5), Decalance (2) 0533:< ryanvango> you just don't want me to free your griffin, BTE...well tough noogies! its free now! 0533:< Decalance> i'll go afk a bit, so see you later 0533:< ryanvango> this is how i died also. toughing things i wasnt supposed to touch 0533:< ryanvango> alright man. later 0534:< ryanvango> also, thats my poop loot 0534:< barnum> Bison is kill! ryanvango picks up [Battlement Shield]! LVLs: ryanvango (4/69%), Decalance (1/63%) 0534:< ryanvango> don't need it/cant use it. if someone wants the shield, they can have it 0534:< barnum> A wild Giant Slug appeared! HP: 459[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0535:< thatwentBTE> I've got vinny 0535:< ryanvango> barnum do you get points if you talk? 0535:< barnum> Round #1, 20.439943253467842 hits! Giant Slug HP: 438.5600567465321[█████] +XP: ryanvango (4), thatwentBTE (1) 0535:< thatwentBTE> I think he does. 0535:< barnum> No, there's a variable for my username so it ignores me 0535:< ryanvango> oh thats horse shit 0535:< barnum> Else I would get xp for the status messages 0535:< thatwentBTE> I posted the bot message and it ignore my sentence 0536:< thatwentBTE> ignored 0536:< barnum> Round #2, 13.512137452711222 hits! Giant Slug HP: 425.04791929382077[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), ryanvango (1) 0536:< ryanvango> WELL THIS NEXT HIT IS FOR YOU BARNUM!!!!!!! 0536:< thatwentBTE> nope no XP 0536:< ryanvango> *tink 0536:< derogative> Barnum can have the combined levels of our fat versions of ourselves. 0536:< barnum> I got xp when there were weird spaces 0536:< ryanvango> thats fair. are you able to edit the levels and % barnum? 0537:< barnum> Round #3, 22.093789407314 hits! Giant Slug HP: 402.9541298865067[█████] +XP: ryanvango (3), derogative (3), thatwentBTE (1) 0537:< barnum> It's also quite hard to talk, auto messages clear my chat box, and i run into the too many msgs too quickly thing a lot 0537:< barnum> Nope, wouldn't know how 0538:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Slug HP: 402.9541298865067[█████] +XP: no one :( 0538:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (4/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), thatwentBTE (3/27%), derogative ... 0538:< ryanvango> gotcha. well if robin-rpg ever makes it back, we'll tell him to give you a special item, and at least 5 experience points 0538:< ryanvango> you know, for you hard work and sacrifice. i have that kind pull ;) 0538:< thatwentBTE> I cry salty tears onto the snail causing to to slowly disolve. 0539:< derogative> barnum is a true hero, sacrificing it all for us 0539:< ryanvango> i join in the crying because i keep forgetting to add the thing to the end #rpg 0539:< barnum> Round #5, 56.800598991172755 hits! Giant Slug HP: 346.15353089533386[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), thatwentBTE (3), derogative (1) 0539:< barnum> After this slug is dead, I am going to change one thing and hopefully it still works but it might be down for a min 0539:< derogative> god yeah it's true we need that bonus exp... that #rpg 0539:< ryanvango> do groups play actual DnD online? is that a real thing? #rpg 0539:< derogative> and yeah, there's roll20 0540:< derogative> i've played pathfinder on there. 0540:< barnum> That one thing is adding the #rpg bonus to normal calculations instead of an if statement 0540:< barnum> Round #6, 13.519230769230768 hits! Giant Slug HP: 332.6343001261031[████▒] +XP: derogative (3.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0540:< ryanvango> what does roll20 do? is it still a fun game over the internet? how does it work? #rpg 0540:< derogative> it's a website sort of for hosting online tabletop shit. you can draw or make maps, do dice rolls, so on 0540:< ryanvango> what do you mean barnum? like were getting too much exp, or not enough? #rpg 0541:< derogative> it's pretty much like tabletop, except a computer and you can use the in game voice/camera chat or the text chat to do shit 0541:< barnum> Round #7, 51.115384615384606 hits! Giant Slug HP: 281.51891551071844[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (6) 0541:< barnum> So hopefully you don't have to put in #rpg manually every time to get that bonus 0541:< derogative> i had fun with it, i had a warrior guy who, first enemy i encountered, i instantly killed... by snapping his neck 0541:< ryanvango> do most people use camera, or is it through chat rooms and stuff? i think i'd do better in a chat room setting #rpg 0541:< derogative> me and my group did it with the chat and ventrillo 0541:< ryanvango> hahaha thats pretty dope. ever since i start watching critical role ive really wanted to try dnd #rpg 0542:< thatwentBTE> He is going to take a river of tears to kill, but I am up for it. *Thinks about his life *sobs #rpg 0542:< barnum> Round #8, 60.86436002522067 hits! Giant Slug HP: 220.65455548549772[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (4.5), derogative (4) 0542:< ryanvango> barnum oooooh i gotcha. good call. i dont mind doing it, but ill forget a lot #rpg 0542:< derogative> i tend to prefer world of darkness over dnd/pathfinder myself, but that's because i prefer horror genre over fantasy 0542:< barnum> My rpg group kinda imploded a month ago, fucking drama 0542:< derogative> and a lot of freeform shit, too 0542:< ryanvango> plus its making me level faster, so fuck it. ill do what i need #rpg 0542:< barnum> Never let group members date, rule #1 0542:< barnum> Round #9, 47.115384615384606 hits! Giant Slug HP: 173.53917087011308[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (4) 0542:< ryanvango> i have never done any tabletop, and dont know how to find people to start #rpg 0543:< ryanvango> do its been kind of on the list, but its all greek to me. #rpg 0543:< SirCabbage> so ryan and I will never be? that is what you are saying Barnum? /s 0543:< ryanvango> ive only heard of dnd and i think thatd be the gateway drug #rpg 0543:< derogative> usually you just get some friends and go HEY. DO THIS WITH ME, FUCKFACE 0543:< barnum> Not if i have anything to say about it SirCabbage 0543:< thatwentBTE> Right? never knew anyone who played DnD when I grew up, and I hung out with all the nerds #rpg 0543:< ryanvango> me and SirCabbage are different. we were dating before this started #rpg 0543:< barnum> Round #10, 100.97974464060528 hits! Giant Slug HP: 72.55942622950776[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (18), thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (3), ... 0543:< SirCabbage> you are like the anti-cupid barnum 0544:< barnum> I started playing when I was 25, it's never too late. 0544:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (4/95%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango (3/38%), thatwentBTE (3/33%), derogative ... 0544:< SirCabbage> hush, don't tell them that ryan. They will get jealous *blows kiss 0544:< ryanvango> wow that was a big round! fuck yeah 18 exp! suck it , nerds #rpg 0544:< thatwentBTE> Still sobbing on the snail with my slaty tears sob sob sob #rpg 0544:< ryanvango> its almost dead. kill it with your sadness BTE. kill it softly #rpg 0545:< thatwentBTE> The hashtag is making a huge difference for us. more solty tears fall #rpg 0545:< ryanvango> SirCabbage we got a lot of ground to make up here, and im still a spooky ghost #rpg 0545:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ I command you to kill that thing 0545:< barnum> Giant Slug is kill! ryanvango picks up [Helm of Opposite Alignment]! LVLs: ryanvango (5/21%), thatwentBTE (3/38%), SirCabbage (1/61%) 0545:< barnum> brb 0545:< ryanvango> ptrakk you wanna get in on this? ill give you that helmet! #rpg 0545:< thatwentBTE> k 0545:< SirCabbage> I just want the old bot, is it coming back? :O I can't tame dragons when I am not raising levels more :P 0545:< thatwentBTE> hey ptrakk 0545:< ryanvango> haha thats true! how many did you have before? 0545:< ptrakk> ryanvango in a bit 0546:< ptrakk> thatwentBTE hey 0546:< barnum> A wild Nithu appeared! HP: 270[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0546:< SirCabbage> well when I decided to become a dragon tamer class I dismissed all my non dragon beasts 0546:< derogative> old bot will be back again someday. 0546:< barnum> Please workPlease work 0546:< ryanvango> ptrakk alright. well if you're new, we have a gogle doc to give you the run down #rpg 0546:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0546:< SirCabbage> so right now I have 8 0546:< SirCabbage> Only three on my person though 0546:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ what's the doc? 0546:< barnum> Round #1, 62 hits! Nithu HP: 208[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), derogative (1.5) 0547:< ryanvango> you have 8 dragons currently tamed? 0547:< barnum> Woohoo 0547:< thatwentBTE> Rules and inventory 0547:< barnum> I am officially a coder now, lol 0547:< ryanvango> ptrakk its how we track our items and stuff for fun and RP. theres a section on how this works (tabs on the bottom) 0547:< derogative> and our characters/items and shit. most of the rules is just stuff we made up 0547:< ryanvango> barnum, sure it worked>? i still used the tag 0547:< SirCabbage> yes Ryan- though, that is also counting the DRAGON horse and your totally not a dragon lizard thing 0547:< barnum> Round #2, 62 hits! Nithu HP: 146[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), derogative (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0547:< barnum> Try it without the tag 0547:< ryanvango> ok. well then lets keep it at 8 max until you pass 8. nothing needs to be disbanded 0548:< derogative> oh hey the rounding got fixed too. I just noticed. 0548:< SirCabbage> fair enough, 0548:< derogative> you did it, man. good job. 0548:< barnum> But also put a rounding the real numbers thing and that seems to have worked. 0548:< SirCabbage> well hopefully I will pass it fast, 0548:< ptrakk> A wild Bog Creeper appeared! HP: 428[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0548:< barnum> Weird... 0548:< derogative> rip item got eat 0548:< barnum> Round #3, 38 hits! Nithu HP: 108[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), derogative (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0548:< thatwentBTE> Bog creeper what are you doing so far from the bog? 0548:< ptrakk> i don't see tabs 0548:< derogative> oh that was ptrakk posting that, I got confused 0548:< ryanvango> i believe that was bonus level exp from a single hit barnum. well done! 0549:< SirCabbage> Also *bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash :O 0549:< barnum> ohptrakk, tricking even me 0549:< ptrakk> A wild Veranallia appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0549:< ryanvango> and also, barnum, awesome with the HP. looks way cleaner now. kudos 0549:< ptrakk> A wild Arctic Tern appeared! HP: 9[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0549:< SirCabbage> Yeah it needs to round like that to see all the ingo 0549:< barnum> Math.round() bitches, lol 0549:< SirCabbage> info 0549:< thatwentBTE> lol 0549:< barnum> Round #4, 74 hits! Nithu HP: 34[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), K1ngN0thing (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), ptrakk (1.5), der... 0549:< SirCabbage> how did the 1.4k one die 0549:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 0549:< ryanvango> ptrakk on the bottom where it says "rules and how to play" 0549:< derogative> here comes the adventure of pooploot 0549:< barnum> ptrakk is being weird 0549:< ptrakk> did i have a bot running on accident 0549:< thatwentBTE> yeah 0550:< ryanvango> bottom left of the google doc I linked to you. take a gander 0550:< SirCabbage> what what? lol 0550:< ptrakk> Arctic Tern is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Cockatrice Grit]! LVLs: ryanvango (1/93%), SirCabbage (1/66%), barnum (1/64%), thatwentBTE... 0550:< derogative> those are ones ptrakk posted, and yeah, you were posting rpgbot 0550:< barnum> Hm. 0550:< ptrakk> i disabled it 0550:< SirCabbage> WOO! now I just need a cockatrice. 0550:< derogative> now we have two rpg 0550:< barnum> I got xp, weird 0550:< derogative> haha 0550:< ptrakk> A wild Elder Smoke Elemental appeared! HP: 684[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0550:< derogative> that's because ptrakk is running the rpg script too 0550:< derogative> so now we have two rpg going on at the same time 0550:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (5/40%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%), derogative (3/49%), thatwentBTE (3/46%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0550:< SirCabbage> Hey ryan, want to have a taste of my Bony One-Eyed Sadist's Lash? *winks 0550:< thatwentBTE> I am aligned with the Smoke elemental, he sees no threat in me. 0550:< ptrakk> Round #1, 30 hits! Elder Smoke Elemental HP: 654[█████] +XP: derogative (10.5), ptrakk (6), SirCabbage (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), barnu... 0551:< derogative> so now we're free to be very confused 0551:< ptrakk> ok there it is gone 0551:< barnum> A wild Shadow Rat Swarm appeared! HP: 175[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0551:< ryanvango> sorry cabbage not paying attention. waiting for this ptrakk bot to work itself out 0551:< SirCabbage> A rat SWARM, nice 0551:< ptrakk> it is done 0551:< barnum> Round #1, 70 hits! Shadow Rat Swarm HP: 105[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), derogative (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), ptrakk... 0551:< derogative> thanks 0551:< SirCabbage> ill admit I am attempting to play a game at the same time 0551:< thatwentBTE> There is a flood or plague on the way. The rats signal a much greater threat 0552:< ryanvango> ok, thank you ptrakk. feel free to join in with this one. we've got all the kinks worked out! 0552:< derogative> now we are no longer confused, and barnum can still not level and suffer for the sins of us all 0552:< SirCabbage> Perhaps we should run then? 0552:< ryanvango> I'm not a fan of rats. but theyre not a fan of spooky ghosts, so its kind of a wash 0552:< barnum> You either die an adventurer or live long enough to become the rpg bot. 0552:< barnum> Round #2, 89 hits! Shadow Rat Swarm HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0552:< thatwentBTE> Call, It is giving you Xp now 0552:< ryanvango> now its going to die. i wonder if my bonus attack is big enough to finish it now 0553:< SirCabbage> That is a good point, ryan doesnt need to fear plague OR floods. No wonder he is trying to convince us to stay! 0553:< derogative> oh man, time for loots 0553:< SirCabbage> How could you 0553:< SirCabbage> bonus attack? whut? 0553:< derogative> hey, ryan is alive again 0553:< thatwentBTE> I smash the last rat 0553:< derogative> this is a new version, not old version 0553:< SirCabbage> I eat the corpses of said rats 0553:< thatwentBTE> No wait one more 0553:< barnum> Shadow Rat Swarm is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Gravesoul Armor]! LVLs: SirCabbage (2/77%), derogative (3/71%), thatwentBTE (3/62%),... 0553:< barnum> If there was a crit, what do you think the chance should be? 0553:< barnum> A wild Young Green Dragon appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0553:< ryanvango> OH FUCK youre right. new system, new me. im not a dead guy no more. DAMN IT BARNUM! 0554:< barnum> You're alive! Alive! 0554:< barnum> Round #1, 25 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 357[█████] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 0554:< ryanvango> if there was a crit, I would say give it a 5% chance of doing double damage. basically a d20 0554:< derogative> for a crit i might say... yeah, x2 damage 0555:< barnum> But like a 1%, 5%...? 0555:< ryanvango> jaymar419 haha thats not a bad character idea lol. i fear no danger cause im convinced im an undead, despite overwhelming 0555:< thatwentBTE> ptrakk do you want the Gravesoul Armor? it is cursed so it will turn you into a zombie. 0555:< ryanvango> evidence to the contrary, and constrant yelling by my comrades 0555:< barnum> Round #2, 99 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 258[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), jayman419 (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), derogative (1.5) 0555:< ptrakk> yea 0555:< ryanvango> barnum 5% 0555:< jayman419> ryanvango And you're like "I'd love to grab your sword and hand it back to you, but ghosts can move physical objects!" 0555:< thatwentBTE> but I also have a freewill cape that can give you free will 0556:< thatwentBTE> its on my griffon statue but he is a dick 0556:< barnum> Round #3, 26 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 232[████▒] +XP: jayman419 (4.5), thatwentBTE (3), ptrakk (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 0556:< ryanvango> barnum d20 rolling a nat20 is a 5% chance. i think thats a good way to go. high enough where it matters on the big guys ya know 0556:< XG549> %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg what teh fuck 0556:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (5/56%), derogative (3/72%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%), thatwentBTE (3/66%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0556:< XG549> %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg %chat #rpg what is happening 0557:< ryanvango> hey! derogative you fixed your spacing! now we just need the other lazy shits 0557:< derogative> excellent i've finally arrived 0557:< XG549> i hope i didnt just spam the shit out of you guys 0557:< barnum> Round #4, 66 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 166[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), derogative (1.5), XG549 (1.5) 0557:< XG549> parrot fucked up on me 0557:< ryanvango> jaymar419 i don't know if i can pull it off though. i feel like id need to be mopey all the time, and this much typing is 0557:< thatwentBTE> I've added you to the dock and updated your loot ptrakk 0557:< ryanvango> jaymar419 the opposite of mopey. its very exciteable and in your face 0558:< ryanvango> maybe ill be a golden retriever. go go go go go SQUIRREL. do those exist in dnd? 0558:< barnum> Round #5, 82 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 84[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), XG549 (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0558:< ptrakk> okay i may be in another chrome tab for a lil bit.. i have desktop notifications enabled 0558:< ryanvango> alright man. let us know what you decide to do. we have plenty to get you started 0559:< ryanvango> did someone pick up that battlement shield earlier? we did gt one of those btw. i cant use it 0559:< ryanvango> i have my god shield on. cause...you know....i should even have to say 0559:< barnum> Round #6, 80 hits! Young Green Dragon HP: 4[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), ptrakk (4.5) 0559:< thatwentBTE> Ill put it on ptrakk 0559:< ryanvango> uh oh. whos gonna try to poop loot it! dont you fuckin dare! 0559:< thatwentBTE> thats my brother who saw me in chat 0559:< ryanvango> ptrakk is? 0559:< thatwentBTE> yeah 0600:< ptrakk> what? 0600:< ryanvango> ohhh ok cool. yeah give him whatever 0600:< barnum> Young Green Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (3/84%), ryanvango (5/80%), ptra... 0600:< ptrakk> yeah we're brothers living halfway across the same state 0600:< ryanvango> i think i need a belt. let me check 0600:< barnum> A wild Drocha Swarm appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0600:< ptrakk> found each other independtly on here 0601:< ryanvango> that was a pretty sweet drop. im happy with that 0601:< thatwentBTE> increases WPM by 35 0601:< barnum> Round #1, 29 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 313[█████] +XP: ptrakk (3), ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0601:< ryanvango> barnum did you say there was an inventory modifer? 0601:< barnum> There looks to be 0601:< ryanvango> does it show inventory counts for the players? 0602:< barnum> Round #2, 18 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 295[█████] +XP: ryanvango (3) 0602:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (5/82%), thatwentBTE (3/85%), derogative (3/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0602:< ryanvango> barnum does it show inventory counts for players? like...can you see how many drops i have for the modifier? 0603:< barnum> I can't see that 0603:< thatwentBTE> I chase down the dragon atop my golden dragon, but this dragon is young and light. 0603:< ryanvango> strange. wonder how it works then. 0603:< barnum> Round #3, 48 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 247[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0604:< ryanvango> alright. im sorry, i know we're just now getting rolling again. but im tired as fuck, ive slept 1 of the last 48 hours. 0604:< ryanvango> so, good night, ill check back after i get some rest 0604:< barnum> Round #4, 34 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 213[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0604:< ryanvango> barnum , again, thank you so much for figuring all this out. made my night, and im sure a lot of others too 0604:< thatwentBTE> oops its not a dragon anymore 0605:< thatwentBTE> nowonder I couldn't catch up 0605:< thatwentBTE> yeah for real 0605:< barnum> Round #5, 40 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 173[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0605:< thatwentBTE> Apreciate it 0605:< thatwentBTE> Hundreds of twisted, distorted faces roil in a miserable cloud, screaming of their unquiet deaths. 0605:< ryanvango> thatwentBTE open up a wordpad, and write out like 6 types of attacks you can do, at 61 characters a piece. 0606:< barnum> Round #6, 44 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 129[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), ryanvango (4.5) 0606:< ryanvango> that way you can copy and paste, only use 1 or 2 every few minutes, but it should let yo uattack more 0606:< thatwentBTE> will do 0606:< ryanvango> and get more exp. i know youre a slower typer, but your attacks are usually pretty colorful and fun 0607:< barnum> Round #7, 55 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 74[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0607:< ryanvango> think of it like speed casting a spell, then go to regular typing :) 0607:< ryanvango> alright im outa here. later tates 0608:< barnum> Round #8, 34 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 40[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6) 0608:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (5/94%), thatwentBTE (3/93%), derogative (3/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0609:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 40[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0610:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 40[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0611:< Djinneral> I punch the drocha right in the booty! 0611:< barnum> Round #11, 2 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 38[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 0611:< Djinneral> I continue my barrage with an infinity stab combo, Stab Stab Stab Stab Stab StabStab Stab StabStab Stab StabStab Stab StabStab Stab Sta 0612:< barnum> Round #12, 5 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 33[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5) 0612:< Djinneral> It is a neverending stab barrage, the spear slowly turns intodust due to the fierce speeds! Stab stab stab Stab Stab Stab Stab Stab Sta 0612:< vox35> I pick up an enourmous concrete slab and drop it on my on foot. "Ouch", I exclaim 0612:< Djinneral> I bite it right into the neck and rip his flesh off 0613:< barnum> Round #13, 12 hits! Drocha Swarm HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (6), vox35 (4.5) 0613:< ryanvango> i come in at the last second right before bed and kiss the drocha swarn goodnight 0613:< vox35> I greet the swarm with fon felicitations, then wrap my arms arounf 0613:< barnum> Drocha Swarm is kill! vox35 picks up [Belt of Teeth]! LVLs: ryanvango (5/98%), vox35 (1/69%) 0613:< thatwentBTE> lol 0614:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (5/98%), thatwentBTE (3/93%), derogative (3/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0614:< barnum> A wild Black Rot appeared! HP: 486[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0614:< ryanvango> i also feel an overwhelming desire to bid goodnight to my compatriots 0615:< ryanvango> but they secretly know in their hearts its really so i can get inspiration experience that will carry me through 0615:< barnum> Round #1, 55 hits! Black Rot HP: 431[█████] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0615:< vox35> I use my belt of teeth to whack the Black Rot in his big stupid face. Die, fucker! 0615:< ryanvango> all the way to level 6! that way, Lord_Renwod has to compete with that! 0616:< barnum> Round #2, 35 hits! Black Rot HP: 396[█████] +XP: vox35 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0616:< barnum> I'm gonna try adding the crit thing in a minute 0616:< vox35> I kick the shit out of black rot again and again. I hope he dies this time, the big ugly fuck. 0616:< ryanvango> new guys. you can outfit yourselves with gear we have in the group loot tab of our google doc. 0616:< barnum> Round #3, 35 hits! Black Rot HP: 361[████▒] +XP: vox35 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 0617:< ryanvango> and familiarize yourselves with the rules. they arent super strict though. so goodnight! have fun 0617:< barnum> Round #4, 60 hits! Black Rot HP: 301[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (9) 0618:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Black Rot HP: 301[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0619:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Black Rot HP: 301[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0620:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (3/94%), derogative (3/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0620:< MorallyDeplorable> herro? 0620:< derogative> alas i have let poor barnum down by writing my arpee replies 0620:< derogative> hello! 0621:< barnum> Round #7, 12 hits! Black Rot HP: 289[███▒▒] +XP: derogative (3), MorallyDeplorable (1.5) 0621:< barnum> Testing something, hopefully it doesn't fuck up, brb 0621:< derogative> Alright 0621:< barnum> A wild Mercane appeared! HP: 229[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0622:< barnum> Whoops, thought it'd remember the monster, sorry 0622:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Mercane HP: 229[█████] +XP: no one :( 0622:< barnum> So, if crits happen, it's only on >60 character hits, and then a 1 in 20 shot. 0623:< barnum> If anyone's out there, please help me test if this works before bed 0623:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Mercane HP: 229[█████] +XP: no one :( 0624:< derogative> I am, sorry, was replying to an IM 0624:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Mercane HP: 224[█████] +XP: derogative (1.5) 0624:< derogative> So I'll just write something long and keep posting it a few times, I guess. 0624:< thatwentBTE> Hi MorallyDeplorable. Welcome 0625:< thatwentBTE> you can kill by chatting. 0625:< thatwentBTE> its a little buggy right now. 0625:< barnum> Maybe I should make it check for crit before it checks for length... 0625:< derogative> haha maybe 0626:< barnum> Round #5, 10 hits! Mercane HP: 214[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5), derogative (1.5) --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 06:26:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 06:31:25 2016 0631:< Djinneral> see i knew you were a bot 0631:< thatwentBTE> The Sagari takes the form of a grotesque horse’s head, which drops down from hackberry trees to startle travelers on the road. 0631:< thatwentBTE> I cut it down 0631:< thatwentBTE> I google these monsters 0632:< thatwentBTE> they are pretty cool sometimes 0632:< Djinneral> bot how would a horse without a body move around 0632:< barnum> I...don't think it's working...fuck... 0633:< thatwentBTE> it's an evil spirit that takes that form to scare people 0633:< barnum> A wild Soul Eater appeared! HP: 369[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0633:< thatwentBTE> oh no my soul 0633:< barnum> Ok, that's the last time I screw around with this 0633:< thatwentBTE> waiting for the next round before I get my hopes up 0633:< thatwentBTE> lol 0633:< barnum> Round #1, 15 hits! Soul Eater HP: 354[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0634:< barnum> Boom! 0634:< thatwentBTE> Hey! 0634:< thatwentBTE> Jim, the golden griffon, soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 0634:< barnum> So, no crits. "Sure, barnum, it'll be easy, just add an if and a random number generator" Things totally breaks... 0634:< barnum> Round #2, 19 hits! Soul Eater HP: 335[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (6) 0635:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 0635:< derogative> rpgbot is very finnicky. 0635:< barnum> Round #3, 23 hits! Soul Eater HP: 312[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), derogative (1.5) 0636:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast. Blood pours from the wounds. 0636:< barnum> Round #4, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 294[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0636:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 0637:< barnum> Round #5, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 276[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0637:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 0637:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/26%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0638:< barnum> Round #6, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 258[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0639:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 0639:< barnum> Round #7, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 240[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0640:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull, smashing an eye out. It's body slumps. 0640:< barnum> Round #8, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 222[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0640:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 0641:< thatwentBTE> I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves. 0641:< barnum> Round #9, 36 hits! Soul Eater HP: 186[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 0641:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in. 0642:< thatwentBTE> Be gone from me, vile creature, be gone from me! 0642:< thatwentBTE> I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 0642:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Soul Eater HP: 156[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5) 0643:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden drogan siletly closes in 0643:< barnum> Round #11, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 138[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0643:< SilentSand> I join the fight! It may have a taste for souls, but does it have a taste for fists? 0643:< thatwentBTE> Its repugnant face almost shows a look of surprise as my dragon reaches him. 0643:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/40%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0644:< barnum> Round #12, 23 hits! Soul Eater HP: 115[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0644:< SilentSand> #rpg I see BTE fighting alongside his dragon. Although the gap in our strengths is as if we were planets apart, 0645:< SilentSand> If I do not join I do not do my country proud 0645:< thatwentBTE> The look of suprise is wiped away in an instant as the dragon thrashes the creature by the arm. 0645:< thatwentBTE> With a small *pop* the beast comes free of it's own arms and slams into a large rock. 0645:< barnum> Round #13, 38 hits! Soul Eater HP: 77[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (1.5) 0646:< SilentSand> I chase the beast as it crashes, firing a volley of punches with all the speed my body possesses. 0646:< barnum> Round #14, 5 hits! Soul Eater HP: 72[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 0647:< thatwentBTE> As the creature lay dying I look over to SilentSand, who is itching for his first kill. "it's all your, man" 0647:< barnum> Round #15, 18 hits! Soul Eater HP: 54[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0648:< SilentSand> I take BTE's generosity, and begin to use my fists to force the beast to feel the wrath of the righteous 0648:< barnum> Round #16, 5 hits! Soul Eater HP: 49[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 0648:< SilentSand> Each punch contains judgement for such a sinister foe, one that has likely killed many before it 0648:< thatwentBTE> Have you tried punching the b-hole? I hear thats pretty effective 0648:< SilentSand> I have not! 0649:< barnum> Round #17, 25 hits! Soul Eater HP: 24[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0649:< SilentSand> I strike one after another, sending each punch down the b-hole. I know it is effective on this beast. 0649:< thatwentBTE> lol 0649:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/49%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0650:< SilentSand> This great b-hole represent a weak point for the fiend. 0650:< barnum> Round #18, 13 hits! Soul Eater HP: 11[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0651:< SilentSand> It is weakened by the punches. I strike with fury again. Unknown fury to eat. 0651:< SilentSand> it lol 0651:< SilentSand> Each punch goes right down that b-hole. 0651:< barnum> Round #19, 9 hits! Soul Eater HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5) 0652:< SilentSand> Is it deaderino? 0652:< barnum> Soul Eater is kill! SilentSand picks up [Homunculus Clay]! LVLs: SilentSand (2/38%) 0652:< thatwentBTE> sorry wanst typing so you could get the kill 0652:< SilentSand> Awwww mannn 0652:< SilentSand> No I got you 0652:< barnum> A wild Grimple appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0652:< SilentSand> It's fine 0653:< SilentSand> Dude this one is a little weak apparently 0653:< barnum> Grimple is kill! SilentSand picks up [Goggles of Brilliant Light]! LVLs: SilentSand (2/49%), thatwentBTE (4/50%) 0653:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash AND THEN BASH 0653:< SirCabbage> aw ;-; 0653:< thatwentBTE> lol 0653:< SilentSand> You're beating a dead Grimple! 0653:< barnum> A wild Giant Snapping Turtle appeared! HP: 517[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0653:< SilentSand> Oh shit 0653:< Yeniuss> giant turtle! 0654:< thatwentBTE> I put my dick near it's mouth tempting fate. 0654:< Yeniuss> hows everyone doing this afternoon 0654:< SirCabbage> May I turn it into turtle soup? 0654:< micubit> I jump in and throw a rock at it! 0654:< thatwentBTE> its* 0654:< barnum> Round #1, 45 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 472[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), SilentSand (3), Yeniuss (3), micub... 0654:< SilentSand> This one has an incredible constitution 0654:< SilentSand> That sounds pretty yummy cabbage 0654:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash :o 0654:< SirCabbage> I feel as if that is a bad idea BTE- just sayin 0654:< SirCabbage> perhaps try to.... *bash instead, *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0654:< thatwentBTE> I move my dick even closer 0654:< SilentSand> It's not going to snap, I swear. 0655:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash **bash *addicently hits BTE 0655:< barnum> Round #2, 33 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 439[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (9), SilentSand (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0655:< SilentSand> I punch the mouth at full force, hoping for the worst. 0655:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/52%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0655:< thatwentBTE> With my ring of Foe Focus I can see that this foe in not a particularly dangerous enemy. 0656:< thatwentBTE> I move my dick even closer. practically poking it in the eye. 0656:< barnum> Round #3, 39 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 400[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (1.5) 0656:< SirCabbage> I question BTE's sanity and enroll him in a special institution for peopple like him 0657:< thatwentBTE> I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves. 0657:< thatwentBTE> I poke its eye with my dick. 0657:< barnum> Round #4, 33 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 367[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SirCabbage (4.5) 0657:< SilentSand> His sexual fury, apparently. 0657:< thatwentBTE> that line was from its always sunny in Philadelphia 0657:< thatwentBTE> the rage line, not the dick one 0658:< barnum> Round #5, 15 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 352[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), SilentSand (1.5) 0658:< SilentSand> And yet it fits so well 0658:< micubit> I glare at it menacingly, reducing its defense 0658:< SirCabbage> I just feel his sexual fetish towards turtles is.... not exactly a normal or useful trait for an adventurer 0658:< thatwentBTE> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP5PR8Lh-Ek 0659:< SilentSand> Well, it is a giant turtle. What could be sexier than that or a tree 0659:< barnum> Round #6, 29 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 323[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (4.5), micubit (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0659:< SirCabbage> a cake? 0659:< SilentSand> Dude. That might be third. 0700:< barnum> Round #7, 6 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 317[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0700:< thatwentBTE> I am getting hungry, I chop up some carrots for the soup 0700:< barnum> Round #8, 6 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 311[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 0701:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/61%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0701:< thatwentBTE> I tell my griffon to do all the work, and kill this beast, The statue comes to life and heads my commands. 0701:< thatwentBTE> Jim, the golden griffon, soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 0701:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 0702:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 0702:< barnum> Round #9, 72 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 239[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (18) 0702:< SilentSand> A begin to wrestle the turtle, hoping, hoping to suplex the massive beast. 0702:< SilentSand> My back begins to hurt. 0702:< thatwentBTE> I start stiring the pot and wonder if I should add some sage. 0703:< barnum> Round #10, 30 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 209[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0703:< SilentSand> I start to make it move. And yet, it's massive weight and size prevent my suplex from being easy 0703:< SilentSand> But nothing stylish is easy 0704:< barnum> Round #11, 12 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 197[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6) 0704:< thatwentBTE> I watch silent strugle to lift that heavy bastard. 0704:< SilentSand> My strength and righteous fury spur me forth in my quest. I begin to lift the beast, if only by a small amount 0704:< barnum> Round #12, 15 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 182[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0705:< SilentSand> It lifts more and more. The great turtle rise into the air, my legs tremble, but my arms go forth 0705:< barnum> Round #13, 9 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 173[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 0706:< SilentSand> It rises over me, and I slam it down behind me with all my strength 0706:< thatwentBTE> The griffon claws at the b-hole of the suplexed turtle, causing anal fissures. 0706:< thatwentBTE> I taste the broth 0706:< barnum> Round #14, 33 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 140[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SilentSand (4.5) 0706:< SilentSand> I use the opening to punch it. Right into the b-hole, 0707:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/73%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg           ryanvango ... 0707:< SilentSand> My fists find blood. It's... not a very good feeling 0708:< barnum> Round #15, 6 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 134[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (3) 0708:< SilentSand> I recoil with my fists. I don't want to touch the turtle any longer. 0708:< barnum> Round #16, 9 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 125[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 0709:< thatwentBTE> I put my ring of the cannibal on the turtle 0709:< SilentSand> You still plan to stick your dick in it? 0709:< thatwentBTE> IThe turtle starts to hunger for its own flesh, compeled by the curse ring.. 0709:< barnum> Round #17, 27 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 98[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SilentSand (1.5) 0710:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0710:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash AND *bash 0710:< thatwentBTE> In a blindingly quick bite, the turle servers its own arm. 0710:< SilentSand> Dude. If it eats itself, will it even be possible to make stew out of it? 0710:< SirCabbage> thats right I went there 0710:< SirCabbage> wait is this the same turtle or another one? 0710:< barnum> Round #18, 39 hits! Giant Snapping Turtle HP: 59[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (12), SilentSand (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0710:< SirCabbage> same one, lol wow. this has been taking forever and a day 0711:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *ba 0711:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB 0711:< SirCabbage> and then *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash :O 0711:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB 0711:< SirCabbage> A FEW MORE *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bas 0711:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB 0711:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB POKE BOP SMASH BASH SLAP STICK STAB 0711:< SirCabbage> See see, I *bash and then I *bash and then I *bash *bash *bash *bash some more! *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0711:< barnum> Giant Snapping Turtle is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Staff of Eidolons]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (4/95%), SirCabbage (3/47%) 0711:< SirCabbage> They see me *bash in' they hatin' 0711:< thatwentBTE> lol 0712:< barnum> A wild Executioner's Hood appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0712:< SirCabbage> Um, how is that a monster ? BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* BASH* 0712:< SilentSand> I punch it. With spam! PUNCH. PUNCH. 0712:< thatwentBTE> This crooked staff is made of mahogany and decorated with the bones of eidolons that jut out of the wood. It allows the use of the foll 0712:< SirCabbage> I mean really is it just a hood 0712:< barnum> Executioner's Hood is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ioun Stone mossy disk]! LVLs: SirCabbage (3/56%), thatwentBTE (4/97%), SilentSand (... 0712:< SilentSand> I want to wear it. 0712:< thatwentBTE> following spells: Lesser rejuvenate eidolon (1 charge) Unfetter (1 charge) Lesser evolution surge (2 charges) 0712:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (4/97%), derogative (3/77%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%), SirCabbage (3/56%),   #rpg ... 0713:< barnum> A wild Dimorphodon appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0713:< SirCabbage> *Bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash *eats 0713:< SilentSand> I punch the...beast? My fury is righteous, my punches are mighty! 0713:< SirCabbage> Mmm delicious want a bash or a bite? *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0713:< barnum> Dimorphodon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Starbow]! LVLs: SirCabbage (3/65%), SilentSand (2/98%), thatwentBTE (4/99%), K1ngN0thing (... 0714:< SilentSand> Those are...quite some bashes 0714:< barnum> A wild Spiny Eurypterid appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0714:< SirCabbage> you know it! *winks 0714:< thatwentBTE> Arrows fired from this bow trail streams of silvery light, and resemble shooting stars as they fly. 0714:< SirCabbage> it is my Phantasmal Earthenflail + 5 that does that. *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0714:< thatwentBTE> decorated with rows of tiny stars, sparkling comets, and little moons. 0714:< SilentSand> Eh, I gotta go. I did a level up, hopefully the bot will be working when I get back here. 0714:< barnum> Round #1, 67 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 446[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (6) 0714:< SilentSand> RIP robin-rpg 0715:< SirCabbage> is robin-rpg not coming back or something? 0715:< SilentSand> The actual bot got booted out of the big chat or something 0715:< thatwentBTE> yeah tomorrow 0715:< barnum> Round #2, 23 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 423[█████] +XP: SilentSand (3), SirCabbage (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0715:< SilentSand> Hopefully. Whenever the cascade back into here happens 0716:< SirCabbage> Okay, wut o-o it was booted!? nooo ;-; my lvl 15 thing 0716:< thatwentBTE> This is a big seas scorpion. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0716:< SilentSand> It is indeed. *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0716:< thatwentBTE> I didnt hear it was booted. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0716:< barnum> Round #3, 47 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 376[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SilentSand (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0716:< SirCabbage> that makes me sad. 0716:< SilentSand> A fsists are a man's soul! *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0717:< thatwentBTE> The next cascade should bring everyone in. *SMASH *SMASH 0717:< SilentSand> Yeah, but at least there's something in the meantime *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0717:< SirCabbage> but isnt the next merge the last one? 0717:< barnum> Round #4, 37 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 339[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0717:< SirCabbage> we wont have time to go much further 0717:< thatwentBTE> I am tracking my loot from this bot. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0717:< SilentSand> I mean, not technically 0717:< thatwentBTE> when will it end? 0717:< SilentSand> There could always be some random push *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0718:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0718:< derogative> robin-rpg should be back in here on the next big merge, i'm guessing 0718:< SirCabbage> it ends officially on the 8th, 0718:< barnum> Round #5, 83 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 256[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), SilentSand (6), derogative (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0718:< thatwentBTE> nooo, really? *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0718:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (5/24%), derogative (3/79%), SirCabbage (3/73%),   #rpg          derogative (3/72%),   #rpg ... 0718:< thatwentBTE> why do good things end??? *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0719:< SilentSand> Everything ends *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0719:< SirCabbage> which is a shame. 0719:< thatwentBTE> *hello darkness my old friend *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0719:< barnum> Round #6, 50 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 206[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), SilentSand (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0719:< SilentSand> We can always figure something out later *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0720:< thatwentBTE> What is loved may never die maybe? *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0720:< SirCabbage> or I could just take my anger out on this *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0720:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *sobs 0720:< thatwentBTE> no wait things that are loved die, everything dies *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0720:< barnum> Round #7, 74 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 132[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), thatwentBTE (6), SilentSand (4.5) 0720:< SilentSand> Too true. We can end this when we want to, not when it is planned. *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUN 0720:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash ;-; 0720:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0721:< SilentSand> Life never ends. It just starts again *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0721:< SirCabbage> WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS *bash WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS *bash WHY CANT WE BE FRIENDS *bash WHY CANT WE BE FRIENNDSS *bash *bash 0721:< thatwentBTE> Hopefully *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0721:< SilentSand> We can always be friends. *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0721:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *ba 0721:< barnum> Round #8, 116 hits! Spiny Eurypterid HP: 16[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (13.5), SirCabbage (13.5), thatwentBTE (6) 0721:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0721:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH 0721:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0721:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH! *SMASH? *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0721:< SilentSand> I think it died 0721:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH 0721:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash AND SMASH 0721:< SilentSand> *PUNCH 0722:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash DIIEEEE 0722:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0722:< SilentSand> *PUNCH 0722:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0722:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0722:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH 0722:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0722:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH 0722:< barnum> Spiny Eurypterid is kill! SilentSand picks up [Levitating Land Mine]! LVLs: SirCabbage (4/38%), thatwentBTE (5/53%), SilentSand (3/74%) 0722:< SilentSand> pfft 0722:< SirCabbage> HOW did that take so long lol 0722:< thatwentBTE> wow 0722:< barnum> A wild Cairn Linnorm appeared! HP: 1305[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0722:< thatwentBTE> would that not just be an air mine? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:22:56 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:24:26 2016 0724:< thatwentBTE> like I care 0724:< SilentSand> 1300 hp no way 0724:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (5/58%), SirCabbage (4/42%), derogative (3/79%), SilentSand (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0724:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0725:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0725:< thatwentBTE> pre-preemptive smash 0725:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0725:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0725:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *S 0725:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0725:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0725:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0725:< barnum> Water Wraith is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Death's Head Talisman 14HD]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (5/80%), SilentSand (4/24%), SirCabbage (... 0725:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0725:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0725:< SilentSand> damn 0725:< thatwentBTE> lol 0725:< barnum> A wild Werewolf appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0725:< thatwentBTE> killed before it was announce 0725:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0725:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0726:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bas 0726:< barnum> Werewolf is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Scarecrow Lure]! LVLs: SilentSand (4/49%), SirCabbage (4/75%), thatwentBTE (5/86%) 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< barnum> A wild Raccoon appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0726:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0726:< SirCabbage> thats right, I went there. Scarecrow LureScarecrow LureScarecrow LureScarecrow LureScarecrow LureScarecrow Lure 0727:< SirCabbage> .... I MEAN *bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh 0727:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 0727:< SirCabbage> *bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshhhhh*bassshhhh*bassshh*bassshh*bassshh 0727:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0727:< SirCabbage> THEY SEE ME BASHIN 0727:< barnum> Raccoon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Magi Staff of the Necromancer]! LVLs: SilentSand (4/78%), SirCabbage (4/97%) 0727:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0727:< thatwentBTE> This amulet allows the wearer to command a number of undead skeletons and zombies 0727:< thatwentBTE> Once the specific undead tied to the amulet are destroyed, the talisman loses all power. 0727:< barnum> A wild Jack-in-irons Giant appeared! HP: 1444[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0727:< SirCabbage> Awesome. 0727:< OrangeredStilton> It said no spam, though 0727:< SilentSand> Oh ok 0727:< SirCabbage> !flee 0728:< SilentSand> No spam this time 0728:< SirCabbage> !flee 0728:< barnum> Round #1, 99 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 1345[█████] [2/6 to flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (7.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Oran... 0728:< SilentSand> Cabbage we can do this! 0728:< SilentSand> Eventually 0728:< SirCabbage> lol 0728:< SilentSand> Maybe 0728:< thatwentBTE> holy 0728:< SilentSand> !flee 0729:< barnum> Round #2, 38 hits! Jack-in-irons Giant HP: 1307[█████] [3/6 to flee!] +XP: SilentSand (6), SirCabbage (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0729:< SirCabbage> I am hungry. 0729:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0729:< SilentSand> !flee 0729:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0729:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0729:< SilentSand> !flee 0730:< barnum> You fleed Jack-in-irons Giant and it's glorious loot of [Lion's Shield]! 0730:< thatwentBTE> wow another shield 0730:< thatwentBTE> glad we fled 0730:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (6/21%), thatwentBTE (5/92%), SirCabbage (5/16%), SilentSand (4/85%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0730:< SilentSand> Where's the next thing to punch. 0731:< SirCabbage> In BTE's pants 0731:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0731:< thatwentBTE> ow 0731:< barnum> Piranha Swarm is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Phantasmal Gem]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (6/18%), SilentSand (4/89%), SirCabbage (5/20%) 0731:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH :o 0731:< thatwentBTE> IT WAS IN MY PANTS 0731:< SirCabbage> See it was! 0731:< barnum> A wild Bugbear appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0731:< SirCabbage> Piranhas in your pants.. .doesn't seem healthy 0731:< SilentSand> Hope your dick is ok 0731:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH I SAY 0732:< SirCabbage> I dont really care about his *BASH dick *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH 0732:< SilentSand> Between that and the turtle you have your dick near some sharp things 0732:< SirCabbage> Yeah I really question your fetishes mate *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH 0732:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0732:< barnum> Bugbear is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Dragon's Tail]! LVLs: SirCabbage (5/28%), thatwentBTE (6/23%), SilentSand (4/96%), marakiri (... 0732:< barnum> A wild Ascomoid appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0733:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0733:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0733:< barnum> Round #1, 60 hits! Ascomoid HP: 174[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 0733:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0733:< SilentSand> Well I'll be gone soon probably 0733:< SilentSand> You can keep spamming the smashes and bashes 0733:< SilentSand> Eventually grindvana will be upon us 0733:< SirCabbage> They are smashin' and *BASHin and Bashin' 0734:< barnum> Round #2, 56 hits! Ascomoid HP: 118[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SilentSand (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0734:< SirCabbage> THEY SMASH, BASH, SMASHIN' AT ME 0734:< SilentSand> Me and my punches will retract from the scene with a 0734:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0734:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0734:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0735:< barnum> Round #3, 69 hits! Ascomoid HP: 49[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0735:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0735:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH and then *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH AND MORE *BASH *BASH *BASH :o 0735:< SilentSand> They see me punching 0735:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0735:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0735:< SirCabbage> THEY BASHIN *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH 0735:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH You see. 0735:< SilentSand> They hating~ 0735:< SirCabbage> I do hate you silent sand 0735:< SilentSand> Trying to catch me spamming all this punching 0735:< SilentSand> Oh :( 0735:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0735:< barnum> Ascomoid is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [The Morrowfall]! LVLs: SilentSand (5/37%), SirCabbage (5/46%), thatwentBTE (6/37%) 0735:< SirCabbage> :o (spoiler: acutally feels apathetic towards you" 0736:< SilentSand> night 0736:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (6/37%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/46%), SilentSand (5/37%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0736:< SirCabbage> wait what 0736:< SirCabbage> I cant see BTE's messages anymore? 0736:< barnum> A wild Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth appeared! HP: 598[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0736:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0736:< thatwentBTE> really? 0736:< SirCabbage> now I can 0737:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0737:< SirCabbage> but I couldnt before 0737:< thatwentBTE> what about that? 0737:< barnum> Round #1, 128 hits! Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth HP: 470[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (12), SirCabbage (7.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0737:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH*SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH*SMASH 0738:< barnum> Round #2, 30 hits! Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth HP: 440[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0738:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0738:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0738:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0738:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0738:< SirCabbage> yeah I did, but I went to the toilet so 0738:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< barnum> Round #3, 188 hits! Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth HP: 252[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (27), SirCabbage (1.5) 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0739:< barnum> Round #4, 150 hits! Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth HP: 102[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5) 0740:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0740:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0740:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0740:< SirCabbage> yeahokay now I certainly cant see you. I just see the HP going down 0740:< thatwentBTE> it may be the astricks 0740:< barnum> Spawn Of Yog-Sothoth is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Righteous Medal of Command]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (6/63%), SirCabbage (5/54%) 0741:< thatwentBTE> let me try this 0741:< SirCabbage> I saw those two. 0741:< barnum> A wild Dire Bear appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0741:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0741:< thatwentBTE> can you see that? 0741:< barnum> Round #1, 38 hits! Dire Bear HP: 389[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0741:< thatwentBTE> below let me try this 0741:< SirCabbage> yes 0742:< thatwentBTE> the smashes? 0742:< SirCabbage> the smashes above round one 0742:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (6/65%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/54%), SilentSand (5/38%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0742:< SirCabbage> no others 0742:< thatwentBTE> ok 0742:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH 0742:< SirCabbage> I see one smash 0742:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH 0742:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 0742:< thatwentBTE> not sure what caused it 0742:< SirCabbage> odd. 0743:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0743:< barnum> Round #2, 124 hits! Dire Bear HP: 265[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SirCabbage (7.5), SilentSand (4.5) 0743:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0743:< thatwentBTE> do you have on remove dup messages? 0743:< thatwentBTE> that may be it 0743:< barnum> Round #3, 30 hits! Dire Bear HP: 235[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0744:< thatwentBTE> my arms get tired. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0744:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASHy 0744:< barnum> Round #4, 40 hits! Dire Bear HP: 195[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6) 0745:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0745:< SirCabbage> no I dont otherwise I wouldnt see the bot would i? 0745:< SirCabbage> oh, 0745:< SirCabbage> oh, maybe it was- what I didnt have that on. 0745:< barnum> Round #5, 54 hits! Dire Bear HP: 141[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0746:< thatwentBTE> Remove Duplicate Messages 0746:< thatwentBTE> thats what it could be 0746:< SirCabbage> Yeah I dont know why it was on I didnt have it on before 0746:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0746:< barnum> Round #6, 38 hits! Dire Bear HP: 103[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 0746:< SirCabbage> *eats pizza. 0747:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH It's almost dead! *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0747:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0747:< SirCabbage> *eats eats 0747:< barnum> Round #7, 56 hits! Dire Bear HP: 47[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SirCabbage (3) 0747:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0747:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0747:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (6/74%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/60%), SilentSand (5/39%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0748:< SirCabbage> mm bear pizza *bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash*bash 0748:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0748:< barnum> Dire Bear is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Staff of Souls]! LVLs: SirCabbage (5/66%), thatwentBTE (6/75%) 0748:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0749:< thatwentBTE> coool 0749:< barnum> A wild Stegocentipede appeared! HP: 261[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0749:< thatwentBTE> the soul eater earlier would of liked that 0749:< SirCabbage> *tries to eat the staff of souls 0749:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0749:< SirCabbage> Wait a second.. this isn't pizza! 0749:< thatwentBTE> your not a soul eater 0749:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0749:< barnum> Round #1, 78 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 183[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SirCabbage (3) 0749:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0750:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0750:< SilentSand> the fuck is a stegocentipede 0750:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0750:< thatwentBTE> a billion legs all the way up the neck 0750:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0750:< barnum> Round #2, 58 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 125[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), SilentSand (1.5) 0750:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< barnum> Round #3, 50 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 75[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5) 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0751:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0752:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH*SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH*SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMA 0752:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0752:< ptrakk> that was spicy 0752:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0752:< barnum> Round #4, 73 hits! Stegocentipede HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5), ptrakk (1.5) 0752:< ptrakk> spicy memes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 0752:< SirCabbage> *eats the stego *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch 0753:< SirCabbage> *munch *munch *munch *munch *munch mmm 0753:< barnum> Stegocentipede is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Salve of Slipperiness]! LVLs: SirCabbage (5/76%) 0753:< thatwentBTE> lolol 0753:< SirCabbage> That sounds useful. 0753:< thatwentBTE> careful where you stick it 0753:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (6/85%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/76%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0753:< SirCabbage> Ill stick it in your butt if you don't quit telling me what to do 0754:< SirCabbage> yeah boyo 0754:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0754:< barnum> A wild Giant Locust appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0754:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0754:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0754:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0754:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 0754:< barnum> Giant Locust is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Rod of Flame Extinguishing]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (6/94%), SirCabbage (5/78%) 0755:< barnum> A wild Leviathan appeared! HP: 1395[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0755:< thatwentBTE> lol a fire extinguisher 0755:< ptrakk> that's a huge dude 0755:< barnum> Round #1, 13 hits! Leviathan HP: 1382[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5), ptrakk (1.5) 0755:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0756:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0756:< ptrakk> !flee 0756:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0756:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0756:< thatwentBTE> !flee 0756:< barnum> You fleed Leviathan and it's glorious loot of [Shining Wayfinder]! 0757:< barnum> Cerebral Stalker is kill! picks up [Talisman of Beast Training]! LVLs: 0757:< thatwentBTE> that weird 0757:< barnum> A wild Wyvern appeared! HP: 328[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0758:< thatwentBTE> damn a tally of beast taming 0758:< SirCabbage> *training 0758:< SirCabbage> you can train them lol 0758:< barnum> Round #1, 29 hits! Wyvern HP: 299[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 0758:< thatwentBTE> ah 0758:< thatwentBTE> not so cool then 0758:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0758:< SirCabbage> you still have to capture them first- you could always train my dragons lol 0759:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0759:< barnum> Round #2, 64 hits! Wyvern HP: 235[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0759:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0759:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (6/99%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/81%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0800:< barnum> Round #3, 15 hits! Wyvern HP: 220[████▒] +XP: K1ngN0thing (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 0801:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Wyvern HP: 220[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0802:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Wyvern HP: 220[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0803:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Wyvern HP: 220[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0803:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0803:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0803:< thatwentBTE> *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH *smash *SMASH 0804:< barnum> Round #7, 30 hits! Wyvern HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 0805:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Wyvern HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0805:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/13%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/81%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 08:06:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 08:06:23 2016 0806:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Wyvern HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0807:< SirCabbage> Moo moo MOo moo MOO! - wait, that isn't a weapon attack type 0807:< barnum> Round #10, 9 hits! Wyvern HP: 181[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0807:< thatwentBTE> Have you seen your mamma ever jump? 0808:< barnum> Round #11, 12 hits! Wyvern HP: 169[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 0808:< SirCabbage> No, just yours- into my bed. 0808:< SirCabbage> *winks* 0808:< SirCabbage> Hey son. 0808:< SirCabbage> its me, your pa 0809:< barnum> Round #12, 36 hits! Wyvern HP: 133[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6) 0809:< SirCabbage> Have nothing to say to your dad huh? 0809:< SirCabbage> Such a rude child- 0810:< barnum> Round #13, 18 hits! Wyvern HP: 115[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0810:< SirCabbage> I HAVE NO SON. 0810:< thatwentBTE> there was a trivia asking if another mammal besides elephants can jump 0810:< SirCabbage> *looks sharply and agressively away 0810:< barnum> Round #14, 54 hits! Wyvern HP: 61[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0811:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/14%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/85%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0811:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0811:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0811:< SirCabbage> thats right. 0811:< thatwentBTE> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0812:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0812:< thatwentBTE> stole your moves 0812:< barnum> Wyvern is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Boro Bead 3rd Level]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (7/21%), SirCabbage (5/92%) 0812:< SirCabbage> is your weapon even a bashing item!? Do you show no respect to your father? 0812:< thatwentBTE> aand your kill! 0812:< barnum> A wild Possession Lesser appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0812:< thatwentBTE> I know right were to put this bead 0812:< thatwentBTE> but I will need the staff of slipperiness 0813:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 204[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 0813:< SirCabbage> it is a Salve of Slipperiness 0813:< SirCabbage> you would need to combine it with a sutible staff- but it is MINE 0813:< thatwentBTE> still works I guess 0813:< thatwentBTE> I should read the loot with more attantion 0814:< barnum> Round #2, 58 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 146[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), thatwentBTE (3) 0814:< thatwentBTE> attention 0814:< barnum> Round #3, 12 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 134[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 0815:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 134[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0816:< barnum> Round #5, 12 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 122[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 0817:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (5/96%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0817:< SirCabbage> Salve of Slipperiness 0818:< barnum> Round #6, 9 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 113[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0818:< SirCabbage> IN YOUR rpg mate's pocket 0818:< SirCabbage> *waves 0818:< barnum> Round #7, 18 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 95[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0819:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0819:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0819:< SirCabbage> Really, I should change my weapon. I mean, all it does is bashes. Nothing too cool. Sometimes I get on my dragon and bash, but it is 0819:< barnum> Round #8, 59 hits! Possession Lesser HP: 36[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5) 0820:< SirCabbage> flail... *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash SO WHAT AM I TO DO 0820:< SirCabbage> BUT ROLL WITH THE BASHES *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 0820:< barnum> Possession Lesser is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Runestar Ring]! LVLs: SirCabbage (6/20%) 0821:< barnum> A wild Guardian Cimota appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0821:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0822:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0822:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0823:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0824:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0825:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0826:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0827:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0828:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0828:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0829:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0830:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0831:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0832:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0833:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0834:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0834:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0835:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0836:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0837:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0838:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0839:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0840:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0840:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0841:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0842:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0843:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0844:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0845:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0845:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 382[█████] +XP: no one :( 0846:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/79%),   #rpg          derogat... 0846:< derogative> poor rpgbot barnum, all alone in the world 0847:< barnum> Round #27, 5 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 377[█████] +XP: derogative (1.5) 0847:< derogative> man i gotta do that levelling up eventually, i'm doin' piss for damage and it's so sad to see 0847:< derogative> but at the same time talking to myself alone in rpg is weird. 0848:< barnum> Round #28, 28 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: derogative (9) 0849:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0849:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0850:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0851:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0852:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/85%),   #rpg          derogat... 0853:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0853:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0854:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0855:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0856:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0857:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 349[█████] +XP: no one :( 0857:< jeuv> hit 0857:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SirCabbage (6/20%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/85%),   #rpg          derogat... 0858:< derogative> jeuv, the way to play is just chat and it does damage. No real commands. 0858:< jeuv> oh ok 0858:< barnum> Round #39, 18 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 331[█████] +XP: derogative (4.5), jeuv (3) 0859:< jeuv> look at all that damage 0859:< jeuv> he's going down 0859:< barnum> Round #40, 4 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 327[█████] +XP: jeuv (3) 0900:< jeuv> only 4 hits 0900:< jeuv> the fuck is this 0900:< jeuv> c'mon bot, go 0900:< barnum> Round #41, 6 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 321[█████] +XP: jeuv (4.5) 0900:< jeuv> still only 6 hits 0901:< jeuv> that's not a lot 0901:< jeuv> I want more, bot 0901:< jeuv> MORE 0901:< barnum> Round #42, 8 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 313[█████] +XP: jeuv (6) 0901:< jeuv> only 8 still 0902:< jeuv> go go go go go 0902:< barnum> Round #43, 6 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 307[█████] +XP: jeuv (4.5) 0902:< jeuv> 6 is less than 10, bot 0902:< jeuv> damn you 0903:< jeuv> more! 0903:< SirCabbage> you need to write a message with over 60 letters if you want the bonus to attack 0903:< barnum> Round #44, 36 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 271[████▒] +XP: jeuv (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5) 0903:< jeuv> really? that explains a lot of things 0903:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/22%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/87%),   #rpg          derogat... 0904:< SirCabbage> Mmhm, so yeah it comes down to how much you type rather then how frequently. I mean, a lot frequently also helps but you cant 0904:< jeuv> 1234567890987654321234567890987654321234567890987654321 0904:< barnum> Round #45, 34 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 237[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), jeuv (3) 0904:< SirCabbage> just spam random stuff and hope it flies- otherwise that annoys some people. at least make them attacks and then it generally works 0904:< derogative> Yeah. It gets a bit active at various other times, I think this is about the slowest it's gotten. We're waiting for the return of 0905:< derogative> the proper bot, robin-rpg, who got booted and now is slowly returning to us. ;( 0905:< SirCabbage> also level goes into it as well, but since this isnt the real bot everyone's level is a little slow. The problem is when the real bot 0905:< jeuv> that's kinda sad 0905:< barnum> Round #46, 90 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 147[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), derogative (9), jeuv (1.5) 0905:< SirCabbage> returns then we will likely be "staying" and the experiement will be over. which is a shame. I wish someone could take the databases of 0906:< SirCabbage> the bot and transfer them over. Surely that works right? what would be stopping robin-rpg from sending the save data over to barnum 0906:< jeuv> the real bot will hopefully be back before we reach the end of the road (T17) 0906:< barnum> Round #47, 65 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 82[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), jeuv (4.5) 0906:< SirCabbage> I mean really I wish he would do that so I wouldnt have to type a lot more often. But how? There are no more merges until we reach 0907:< SirCabbage> the end. THe bot was booted- it is gone- the only way for it to get in is a merge. but the next merge will likely be the last one, 0907:< jeuv> we're never going to make it to T18, so if he doesn't hit T17 when we do he's lost forever 0907:< barnum> Round #48, 65 hits! Guardian Cimota HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), jeuv (4.5) 0907:< SirCabbage> which is really sucky. But anyway, I hope I have shown you how longer messages make a difference. Because they do. They really do 0907:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 this is a spreadsheet where you 0908:< jeuv> yeah, with the short messages I only got 6 hits or something, while the long ones give 60 or so 0908:< barnum> Guardian Cimota is kill! jeuv picks up [Tourmaline Sphere Ioun Stone]! LVLs: SirCabbage (6/39%), jeuv (2/35%) 0908:< SirCabbage> can store your loot- the idea is you get loot by killing monsters- then put your hero and loot onto said spreadsheet. 0908:< barnum> A wild Forest Drake appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0908:< ptrakk> what script are the %chat users using 0908:< SirCabbage> then you roleplay based on the loot you get- but right now the chat is very dead both due to timezones and well- the lack of the bot 0909:< barnum> Round #1, 63 hits! Forest Drake HP: 126[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ptrakk (1.5) 0909:< jeuv> I think everyone went over to parrot (a fork of robin frow) 0909:< SirCabbage> Is %chat using a script? I assumed they were just chatting. Or do you mean robin-grow version, I mean most are using parrot 0909:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/42%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/91%),   #rpg          derogat... 0910:< SirCabbage> can I also say I love the name change to "parrot"? it is really cool. 0910:< barnum> Round #2, 63 hits! Forest Drake HP: 63[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), jeuv (1.5) 0910:< jeuv> what does the (7/23%) and stuff mean? your rank? your amount of kills? 0910:< SirCabbage> I still cant believe apparently you can use twitch emotes Kappa That is crazy 0911:< jeuv> Kappa Kappa Keepo Kappa 0911:< SirCabbage> yep, there is the Kappa Kappa . I can't see how that could possibly go wrong 0911:< jeuv> wow they're all invisible for me idk how that happened 0911:< barnum> Forest Drake is kill! jeuv picks up [Tarnhelm]! LVLs: SirCabbage (6/50%), jeuv (2/48%) 0911:< SirCabbage> That is your (Level/Experience % to next level) 0911:< derogative> Cabbage, we actually tried it before when Teabag was running the bot, it kept breaking. 0911:< derogative> So like, we have the info, but we can't get it to work. :/ 0911:< barnum> A wild Medium Positive Energy Elemental appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 5... 0911:< SirCabbage> that is depressing. 0911:< SirCabbage> riPepperonis 0912:< SirCabbage> BabyRage BatChest BCouch BCWarrior BibleThump BigBrother BionicBunion BlargNaut bleedPurple 0912:< SirCabbage> sorry I just wanted to see them 0912:< barnum> Round #1, 89 hits! Medium Positive Energy Elemental HP: 46[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), derogative (6) 0912:< TheDoctor_RS> Mornin 0912:< jeuv> ok, let's level up. also the emotes are invisible for me 0912:< SirCabbage> Doctor! 0912:< TheDoctor_RS> I havent slept for 36 hours now, life is good 0912:< SirCabbage> do you have the most recent version of parrot jeuv? 0912:< TheDoctor_RS> parrot what 0912:< SirCabbage> Is that really healthy for you doctor? 0913:< jeuv> I have 2.40 installed 0913:< SirCabbage> hum, did you turn emotes on in the options menu jeuv? 0913:< barnum> Medium Positive Energy Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Coldwarp Key]! LVLs: SirCabbage (6/57%), TheDoctor_RS (1/54%), jeuv (... 0913:< jeuv> I did 0913:< SirCabbage> I have no idea then ChefFrank cmonBruh CoolCat CorgiDerp CougarHunt DAESuppy DansGame DatSheffy DBstyle deExcite deIlluminati DendiFace 0913:< barnum> A wild Mythic Manticore appeared! HP: 346[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0913:< TheDoctor_RS> It's a social experiment, we're 4 doing it, if it becomes dangerous we will simply fall unconcious 0913:< TheDoctor_RS> Theres emotes? 0914:< barnum> Round #1, 41 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 305[█████] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (6), SirCabbage (4.5), jeuv (1.5) 0914:< jeuv> yeah, parrot has integrated twitch emotes 0914:< TheDoctor_RS> Ah 0914:< jeuv> they are somehow invisible to me though 0914:< jeuv> don't know why 0914:< SirCabbage> Im going to try and update my script and see if they still work for me, maybe it is your version itself 0915:< TheDoctor_RS> Reddit has launched some big motherfucking adds, we will be getting help guys 0915:< barnum> Round #2, 45 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 260[████▒] +XP: jeuv (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), TheDoctor_RS (4.5) 0915:< SirCabbage> test 0915:< TheDoctor_RS> Theres a tier 14 and I believe there was a tier 15 at some point 0915:< jeuv> 2.47 is already out I see. I probably should update to that 0915:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/60%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0915:< TheDoctor_RS> So we'll be able to grow maybe today :) 0915:< SirCabbage> hum 0915:< SirCabbage> ChefFrank cmonBruh CoolCat 0915:< SirCabbage> BibleThump BigBrother BionicBunion BlargNaut 0916:< SirCabbage> yep. they are broken in this version 0916:< jeuv> I'll reload the page now, maybe that fixes it 0916:< SirCabbage> I cant see them anymore. SO it is the new version that is the problem 0916:< barnum> Round #3, 94 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 166[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (12), TheDoctor_RS (6), jeuv (3) 0916:< jeuv> let's see: Kappa Kappa Keepo Kappa 0916:< jeuv> yeah! they work now! 0916:< SirCabbage> kappa kappa 0916:< SirCabbage> nope, mine are still gone lol 0917:< SirCabbage> kappa 0917:< TheDoctor_RS> kappa 0917:< jeuv> that is pretty damn cool, you have to use the correct capitalization though 0917:< TheDoctor_RS> Kaååa 0917:< SirCabbage> kappa 0917:< barnum> Round #4, 57 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 109[██▒▒▒] +XP: jeuv (7.5), SirCabbage (6), TheDoctor_RS (1.5) 0917:< SirCabbage> nope, broken entirely for me now 0917:< TheDoctor_RS> Kappa 0917:< jeuv> Kappa Keepo Kappa 0917:< TheDoctor_RS> kappa 0917:< SirCabbage> omfg though 0918:< TheDoctor_RS> BORT 0918:< SirCabbage> they finally put in tabbed chats? 0918:< jeuv> mcaT Kappa 0918:< barnum> Round #5, 42 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 67[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), TheDoctor_RS (4.5), jeuv (3) 0918:< jeuv> I wonder if links work too Can someone post a link here? 0918:< TheDoctor_RS> www.xnxx.com 0918:< jeuv> eh, Ill do it myself https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/?sort=new 0918:< jeuv> yeah, they work now! sweet! 0919:< barnum> Round #6, 17 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 50[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: jeuv (7.5), TheDoctor_RS (1.5) 0919:< SirCabbage> but now my links are broken too XD 0919:< jeuv> you have to put http or https in front of it though 0919:< SirCabbage> what did you do to get 2.47 working? 0919:< TheDoctor_RS> BORT 0919:< TheDoctor_RS> AYYY It works 0919:< jeuv> I just clicked upgrade and it worked 0919:< TheDoctor_RS> Cab 0919:< jeuv> mcaT 0919:< TheDoctor_RS> Theres a update parrot button, try clicking that 0920:< barnum> Round #7, 37 hits! Mythic Manticore HP: 13[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (6), jeuv (4.5), SirCabbage (3) 0920:< SirCabbage> oh, literally they updated from 2.47 to 2.48 since I last updated 2 moments ago. got cha 0920:< jeuv> I wonder how subsriber-only emotes work, if they work at all 0920:< jeuv> wait, 2.48 already? that was wuick 0920:< SirCabbage> yep 0920:< SirCabbage> kappa kappa kappacow 0920:< jeuv> I'll reload in a bit 0920:< barnum> Mythic Manticore is kill! jeuv picks up [Malleable Symbol]! LVLs: SirCabbage (6/78%), jeuv (2/94%) 0920:< TheDoctor_RS> Its someone here in T16 doing it though, probs in ^ and % 0921:< jeuv> Kappa Kappa Keepo Kappa 0921:< SirCabbage> kappa . 0921:< TheDoctor_RS> BORTBORTBORT 0921:< SirCabbage> hum, they still dont work though 0921:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/78%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0921:< SirCabbage> www.neopets.com 0921:< jeuv> woo! I got a mallable symbol 0921:< SirCabbage> https://www.neopets.com 0921:< TheDoctor_RS> Reload your reddit Cab 0921:< barnum> A wild Centaur appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0921:< SirCabbage> I did twice now lol 0921:< jeuv> it only works with http or https 0921:< SirCabbage> but okay, once more for style 0922:< barnum> Round #1, 75 hits! Centaur HP: 60[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (9), TheDoctor_RS (4.5), jeuv (4.5) 0922:< SirCabbage> kappa 0922:< jeuv> you have to use a capital 'K' 0922:< TheDoctor_RS> Kappa 0922:< SirCabbage> Kappa 0922:< jeuv> K a p p a, not k a p p a 0922:< TheDoctor_RS> Mine doesnt work now 0923:< SirCabbage> nope 0923:< jeuv> there you go Kappa 0923:< barnum> Round #2, 43 hits! Centaur HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), jeuv (4.5), TheDoctor_RS (3) 0923:< TheDoctor_RS> 2.49 is out lmao 0923:< jeuv> did you install 2.48 correctly? wait what 0923:< SirCabbage> shesh XD 0923:< jeuv> already? they are pushing out updates like there is no tomorrow 0923:< TheDoctor_RS> Kappa 0924:< barnum> Centaur is kill! TheDoctor_RS picks up [Demon Talon]! LVLs: jeuv (3/33%), TheDoctor_RS (2/36%), SirCabbage (6/85%) 0924:< TheDoctor_RS> Ayy 0924:< SirCabbage> I cant see 49, only 48 0924:< barnum> A wild Arach appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 0924:< jeuv> yeah, I can't see v2.49 either 0924:< TheDoctor_RS> Hm 0924:< TheDoctor_RS> Weird 0924:< jeuv> it only gives the option to reinstall 2.48 0924:< SirCabbage> Honestly I am just happy that tabbed chatting is a thing now 0924:< barnum> Round #1, 36 hits! Arach HP: 306[█████] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (3), SirCabbage (3), jeuv (3) 0925:< jeuv> most subchats are pretty dead though 0925:< barnum> Round #2, 5 hits! Arach HP: 301[█████] +XP: jeuv (1.5) 0926:< jeuv> even %chat isn't all that active anymore 0926:< TheDoctor_RS> Demon Talon Demon Talon 0926:< barnum> Round #3, 8 hits! Arach HP: 293[█████] +XP: jeuv (1.5), TheDoctor_RS (1.5) 0927:< TheDoctor_RS> I'm going to take a shower, see ya later 0927:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/86%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0927:< jeuv> I'm gonna reaload, I'll be back in a couple of seconds (if nothing goes wrong) 0927:< jeuv> aaaand I'm back (I think) 0927:< TheDoctor_RS> jeuv BORK 0928:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Arach HP: 268[████▒] +XP: jeuv (6), TheDoctor_RS (3) 0928:< jeuv> I have to eat lunch though, I'll be back later (maybe) 0928:< jeuv> bye guys 0928:< barnum> Round #5, 10 hits! Arach HP: 258[████▒] +XP: jeuv (3) 0929:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Arach HP: 258[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0930:< SirCabbage> Kappa 0930:< barnum> Round #7, 10 hits! Arach HP: 248[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0930:< SirCabbage> meh, I dont really care if twitch emotes work. 0931:< SirCabbage> but still. it is epic that it even is a thing 0931:< jeuv> mcaT 0931:< barnum> Round #8, 25 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3), jeuv (1.5) 0932:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0932:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/87%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0933:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0934:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0935:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0936:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Arach HP: 223[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0936:< jeuv> mcaT 0937:< barnum> Round #14, 5 hits! Arach HP: 218[████▒] +XP: jeuv (1.5) 0937:< jeuv> Kappa Keepo Kappa Kappa 0938:< barnum> Round #15, 5 hits! Arach HP: 213[████▒] +XP: jeuv (1.5) 0938:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/87%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0939:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Arach HP: 213[████▒] +XP: no one :( 0939:< SirCabbage> psst. 0940:< SirCabbage> this is bloody great isn't ti 0940:< barnum> Round #17, 20 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 0941:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0942:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0943:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0944:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0944:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/88%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0945:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0946:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0947:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Arach HP: 193[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0947:< ptrakk> can anyone hear me now? 0948:< barnum> Round #25, 3 hits! Arach HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: ptrakk (1.5) 0948:< ptrakk> #rpg parrot is the new script with channel filters 0949:< SirCabbage> Soup 0949:< barnum> Round #26, 10 hits! Arach HP: 180[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0949:< SirCabbage> Yeah I am using the newest version of parrot. 0949:< ptrakk> i just discovered 0949:< SirCabbage> most people are afk at the moment- either sleeping or waiting for others 0949:< SirCabbage> it is so cool. I have been requesting tabbed chats for ages- but they actually did it. 0949:< ptrakk> yeah it's 4:40am over here 0950:< barnum> Round #27, 78 hits! Arach HP: 102[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ptrakk (3) 0950:< SirCabbage> So what were you using before ptrakk? 0950:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/91%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0951:< barnum> Round #28, 10 hits! Arach HP: 92[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0952:< SirCabbage> hum 0952:< barnum> Round #29, 10 hits! Arach HP: 82[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 0952:< SirCabbage> did you say something? the channel cleared itself and went white 0953:< barnum> Round #30, 31 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5) 0954:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0955:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0955:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0956:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/23%), SirCabbage (6/93%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 0957:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0958:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Arach HP: 51[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 0958:< Lord_Renwod> What? 0959:< barnum> Round #36, 2 hits! Arach HP: 49[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (1.5) 0959:< Lord_Renwod> Finish it? 0959:< Lord_Renwod> Damage power impact! 0959:< SirCabbage> BASH BASH BASH BASHB ASHHHH 0959:< barnum> Round #37, 14 hits! Arach HP: 35[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (3), SirCabbage (1.5) 1000:< Lord_Renwod> SUPER POWERED OP SOLO COMBAT ATTACK ACTIVATE NOW FOR VICTORY 1000:< SirCabbage> and then I bash some more and more and more and over and over until it eventually hopefully dies in a painful pool of blood and gore 1000:< Lord_Renwod> ... 1000:< SirCabbage> BECAUSE BAM MOTHERTRUCKER 1000:< SirCabbage> what is it lord? 1000:< Lord_Renwod> I was only going to kill it cuz it was low, but it looks like you've got this 1000:< Lord_Renwod> GL HF 1000:< SirCabbage> Lol 1000:< barnum> Arach is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Enchanted Eelskin]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (1/93%), SirCabbage (7/17%) 1000:< Lord_Renwod> I've got shit to do :/ 1000:< SirCabbage> the only reason it wasnt dead sooner was since I had no one to chat to 1001:< Lord_Renwod> :/ 1001:< barnum> A wild Mite appeared! HP: 13[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1001:< Lord_Renwod> huh well here's the thing 1001:< Lord_Renwod> I woke up an hour and a half ago to do my homework 1001:< SirCabbage> well it is boring here without people, I do other shit with this in the background and if I notice people chatting I come and say hai 1001:< Lord_Renwod> and I still haven't started. It's extremely bad 1001:< barnum> Mite is kill! Lord_Renwod picks up [Demon Tongue]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (2/53%), SirCabbage (7/24%) 1001:< SirCabbage> lol. 1001:< Lord_Renwod> Eww 1002:< Lord_Renwod> I don't want this................... 1002:< SirCabbage> wow, well enjoy that one Renwod. 1002:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/24%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1002:< SirCabbage> I am sure you will love it, I understand. 1002:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah I guess I'm gonna get started on my homework 1002:< barnum> A wild Neomimic appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1002:< SirCabbage> okay well good luck to you friend 1003:< barnum> Round #1, 57 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Lord_Renwod (4.5) 1003:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1004:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1005:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1006:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1007:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1007:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/26%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1008:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1009:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1010:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1011:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1012:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1013:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1013:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/26%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1014:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1015:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1016:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1017:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1018:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1019:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1019:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/26%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1020:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1021:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1022:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1023:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1024:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1025:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1025:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/26%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1026:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1027:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1028:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1029:< barnum> Round #28, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1030:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 177[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1030:< SirCabbage> Kappa 1030:< SirCabbage> https://www.neopets.com 1030:< barnum> Round #30, 24 hits! Neomimic HP: 153[████▒] +XP: SirCabbage (3) 1031:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/26%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1032:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 153[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1033:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 153[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1034:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 153[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1034:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Neomimic HP: 153[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1035:< Djinneral> I hit the neomimic 1035:< barnum> Round #35, 2 hits! Neomimic HP: 151[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1036:< SirCabbage> HEY DJ 1036:< Djinneral> hey 1036:< SirCabbage> *waves 1036:< SirCabbage> RPG chat has been decidedly dead. 1036:< Djinneral> my attacks do no damage :/ 1036:< Djinneral> yep 1036:< SirCabbage> new bot, levels reset. 1036:< barnum> Round #36, 54 hits! Neomimic HP: 97[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Djinneral (4.5) 1036:< SirCabbage> also remember you need to do longer messages to do more damage 1037:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/28%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1037:< SirCabbage> the old bot was booted out of the chat unfortunately. 1038:< barnum> Round #37, 48 hits! Neomimic HP: 49[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6) 1038:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1038:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1038:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 1038:< barnum> Neomimic is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Staff of The Planes]! LVLs: SirCabbage (7/38%) 1039:< barnum> A wild Medium Air Elemental appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1039:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1040:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1041:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1042:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1042:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1043:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1044:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1045:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1046:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1047:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1048:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1048:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1049:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1050:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1051:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1052:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1053:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1054:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1054:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1055:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1056:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1057:< barnum> Round #19, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1058:< barnum> Round #20, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1059:< barnum> Round #21, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1100:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1100:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1101:< barnum> Round #23, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1102:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1103:< barnum> Round #25, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1104:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1105:< barnum> Round #27, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1105:< barnum> Round #28, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1106:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1107:< barnum> Round #29, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1108:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1109:< barnum> Round #31, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1109:< barnum> Round #32, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1110:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1111:< barnum> Round #34, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1112:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1113:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1113:< barnum> Round #36, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1114:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1115:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1116:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1117:< barnum> Round #40, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1117:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1118:< barnum> Round #41, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:19:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:19:48 2016 1119:< barnum> Round #42, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1120:< barnum> Round #43, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1121:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1122:< barnum> Round #45, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1123:< barnum> Round #46, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1123:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1124:< barnum> Round #47, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1125:< barnum> Round #48, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1126:< barnum> Round #49, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1127:< barnum> Round #50, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1128:< barnum> Round #51, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1129:< barnum> Round #52, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1129:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1130:< barnum> Round #53, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1131:< barnum> Round #54, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1132:< barnum> Round #55, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1133:< barnum> Round #56, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1134:< barnum> Round #57, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 135[█████] +XP: no one :( 1134:< ptrakk> everyone is slippin i think 1135:< barnum> Round #58, 17 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 118[█████] +XP: jeuv (4.5), ptrakk (1.5) 1135:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1135:< Djinneral> I punch it in the elemental jaw 1136:< barnum> Round #59, 2 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 116[█████] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1136:< ptrakk> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js is the latest robin-grow for the slippers 1137:< KWilt> I lightly caress the air elemental 1137:< barnum> Round #60, 11 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 105[████▒] +XP: ptrakk (4.5), KWilt (1.5) 1138:< barnum> Round #61, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 105[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1139:< barnum> Round #62, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 105[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1140:< barnum> Round #63, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 105[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1140:< barnum> Round #64, 2 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 103[████▒] +XP: KWilt (1.5) 1141:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/38%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1141:< SirCabbage> I have sex with the elemental in furious form 1141:< SirCabbage> no? No? 1141:< SirCabbage> Okay.jpg 1142:< barnum> Round #65, 36 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 67[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5) 1142:< SirCabbage> Wow, that did like 40 damage 1143:< barnum> Round #66, 12 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 55[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (1.5) 1144:< barnum> Round #67, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 55[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1144:< TheDoctor_RS> Anyone here? 1144:< barnum> Round #68, 3 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 52[██▒▒▒] +XP: TheDoctor_RS (1.5) 1145:< barnum> Round #69, 0 hits! Medium Air Elemental HP: 52[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1146:< SirCabbage> not now 1146:< SirCabbage> most people are sleeping or waiting for others to return 1146:< TheDoctor_RS> See ya 1146:< TheDoctor_RS> My chat havent been working 1146:< SirCabbage> though doctor- you should update your script. it allows for full tabbed chats now 1146:< TheDoctor_RS> Yeah I have it, it updated to .53 now instead of 48 1146:< SirCabbage> what glitch have you been getting doctor? I got some weird white box thing where I couldnt see messages 1146:< barnum> Medium Air Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Demon Tongue]! LVLs: SirCabbage (7/47%), TheDoctor_RS (2/52%) 1147:< SirCabbage> and to fix that I just put another blank chat in front of #rpg in the list- so that one goes blank instead of this one 1147:< 1338h4x> How's this work? 1147:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/47%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1147:< TheDoctor_RS> Just where I couldn't see #rpg but I could see % 1147:< TheDoctor_RS> What other chat rooms are you in Cab? 1147:< barnum> A wild Giant Cobalt Viper appeared! HP: 468[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1147:< SirCabbage> doctor, try adding a blank room in front 1147:< TheDoctor_RS> Its working for me now no worries 1147:< SirCabbage> blank,#rpg,%chat,$,penis/,^,#pol 1148:< barnum> Round #1, 60 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 408[█████] +XP: SirCabbage (6), TheDoctor_RS (4.5), 1338h4x (1.5) 1148:< SirCabbage> basically 1338, you type stuff. you type more you do more damage. You start with nothing and build yourself using the loot you get 1148:< TheDoctor_RS> The fuck is #pol 1148:< SirCabbage> Our attempts at a political channel since the cacus is on today in the USA 1148:< 1338h4x> please tell me it's nothing like /pol/ 1148:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 rules 1338 1148:< SirCabbage> no, at least I certainly hope it wont become like that 1148:< SirCabbage> I just want to talk politics a bit. Not in a 4chan fashion lol 1148:< barnum> Round #2, 165 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (19.5), TheDoctor_RS (1.5), 1338h4x (1.5) 1149:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:50:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:50:48 2016 1150:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1151:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1152:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1152:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1153:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1154:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1155:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 243[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1156:< barnum> Round #10, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 238[███▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1157:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 238[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1158:< barnum> Round #12, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 233[███▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1158:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1159:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 233[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1200:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 233[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1201:< barnum> Round #15, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 228[███▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1202:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 228[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1202:< lurkian> yummy, poisoned snake 1203:< barnum> Round #17, 7 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 221[███▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5), lurkian (1.5) 1204:< barnum> Round #18, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 221[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1204:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1205:< Djinneral> I pull the viper to the side and scold it fiercely! 1205:< barnum> Round #19, 2 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 219[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1205:< Djinneral> what!? my scolding only did 2 damage? 1206:< barnum> Round #20, 2 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 217[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1207:< Rndom_Gy_159> I tell on its mom 1207:< Djinneral> I snitch on it to his fellow other snakes, he's a thief, he stole the eggs 1207:< barnum> Round #21, 7 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 210[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), Rndom_Gy_159 (1.5) 1208:< barnum> Round #22, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 210[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1208:< Rndom_Gy_159> I do something that takes a while to describe because apparently damage is proportional to post length and I want damage and experience 1209:< barnum> Round #23, 10 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 200[███▒▒] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (4.5), KWilt (4.5) 1210:< barnum> Round #24, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 200[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1210:< Rndom_Gy_159> I make it really jealous by giving its waifu a perfect gift and stealing off to our honeymoon 1210:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1211:< barnum> Round #25, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 195[███▒▒] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (4.5) 1212:< barnum> Round #26, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 195[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1213:< barnum> Round #27, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 190[███▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1213:< Rndom_Gy_159> I take away its ability to puff up its neck cape and embaras it to all the other snakes with much larger neck skin flaps 1214:< barnum> Round #28, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 185[██▒▒▒] +XP: Rndom_Gy_159 (4.5) 1215:< barnum> Round #29, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 180[██▒▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1215:< barnum> Round #30, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 180[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1216:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1217:< barnum> Round #31, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 175[██▒▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1218:< barnum> Round #32, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 170[██▒▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1219:< barnum> Round #33, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 170[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1219:< barnum> Round #34, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 165[██▒▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1220:< barnum> Round #35, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 165[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1221:< barnum> Round #36, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: KWilt (4.5) 1222:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1223:< barnum> Round #37, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1223:< barnum> Round #38, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1224:< barnum> Round #39, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1226:< barnum> Round #41, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1227:< barnum> Round #42, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1227:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1228:< barnum> Round #43, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1229:< barnum> Round #44, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1230:< barnum> Round #45, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1231:< barnum> Round #46, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1232:< barnum> Round #47, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1233:< barnum> Round #48, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1233:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1234:< barnum> Round #49, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1235:< barnum> Round #50, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1236:< barnum> Round #51, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1237:< barnum> Round #52, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1238:< barnum> Round #53, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1239:< barnum> Round #54, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1239:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1240:< barnum> Round #55, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 160[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1241:< 1338h4x> I surf up and down Cinnabar coast, hoping to glitch the Giant Cobalt Viper into oblivion 1241:< barnum> Round #56, 5 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 155[██▒▒▒] +XP: 1338h4x (4.5) 1242:< barnum> Round #57, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 155[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1242:< 1338h4x> I think the bot ignores /me 1243:< barnum> Round #58, 2 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: 1338h4x (1.5) 1244:< barnum> Round #59, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1245:< barnum> Round #60, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1245:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1246:< barnum> Round #61, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1247:< barnum> Round #62, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1248:< barnum> Round #63, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1249:< barnum> Round #64, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1250:< barnum> Round #65, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1251:< barnum> Round #66, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1251:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1252:< barnum> Round #67, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1253:< barnum> Round #68, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1254:< barnum> Round #69, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1255:< barnum> Round #70, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1255:< barnum> Round #71, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1256:< barnum> Round #72, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1257:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1258:< barnum> Round #73, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1259:< barnum> Round #74, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1259:< barnum> Round #75, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1300:< barnum> Round #76, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1302:< barnum> Round #78, 0 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1303:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/23%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1303:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1303:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1303:< barnum> Round #79, 48 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 105[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6) 1303:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1304:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1304:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1304:< barnum> Kill it! 1304:< thatwentBTE> lol 1304:< thatwentBTE> good mornign 1304:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1304:< barnum> Round #80, 72 hits! Giant Cobalt Viper HP: 33[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 1305:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1305:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1305:< thatwentBTE> *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash *smash 1305:< barnum> Giant Cobalt Viper is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Hourglass of Last Chances]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (7/31%) 1306:< barnum> A wild Wood Golem appeared! HP: 288[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1306:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 288[█████] +XP: no one :( 1307:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 288[█████] +XP: no one :( 1307:< thatwentBTE> I poop on him 1308:< barnum> Round #3, 12 hits! Wood Golem HP: 276[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 1308:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/40%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1309:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 276[█████] +XP: no one :( 1310:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 276[█████] +XP: no one :( 1311:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 276[█████] +XP: no one :( 1312:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 276[█████] +XP: no one :( 1313:< SilentSand> IT'S PUNCHING TIME 1313:< barnum> Round #8, 8 hits! Wood Golem HP: 268[█████] +XP: SilentSand (1.5) 1313:< SilentSand> Bte, no smash spam? 1313:< SilentSand> Are you giving it up now? 1314:< barnum> Round #9, 16 hits! Wood Golem HP: 252[█████] +XP: SilentSand (3) 1314:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/41%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1314:< SilentSand> Baa baa black sheep have you any wool 1315:< SilentSand> Yes sir yes sir three bags full 1315:< SilentSand> One for the master 1315:< SilentSand> And one for the dame 1315:< barnum> Round #10, 32 hits! Wood Golem HP: 220[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6) 1315:< SilentSand> One for the little boy that lives down the lane 1316:< SilentSand> Baa baa black sheek have you any wool 1316:< SilentSand> Yes sir yes sir three bags full 1316:< barnum> Round #11, 24 hits! Wood Golem HP: 196[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 1317:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 196[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1318:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 1318:< SilentSand> Wood golem, die or something 1318:< barnum> Round #13, 16 hits! Wood Golem HP: 180[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (3) 1318:< SilentSand> Geez, you're way too damn strong 1318:< SilentSand> Won't you just go away, and die by my hands with a *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 1319:< SilentSand> I swear on me mum that you should just go away by now, ya fiend! *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 1319:< barnum> Round #14, 56 hits! Wood Golem HP: 124[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (10.5) 1320:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 124[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1320:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/49%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1321:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Wood Golem HP: 124[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1322:< SilentSand> *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH *PUNCH 1322:< barnum> Round #17, 8 hits! Wood Golem HP: 116[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (1.5) 1322:< SilentSand> ONE PAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNCH 1322:< SilentSand> DO YOU WANNA BE A FIGHTING HEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1323:< SilentSand> moving to the country 1323:< SilentSand> gonna eat me a lot of peaches 1323:< barnum> Round #18, 16 hits! Wood Golem HP: 100[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (3) 1323:< SilentSand> Moving to the country, gonna eat me a lot of peaches 1323:< SilentSand> Peaches come, in a can. They were put there by a man, in a factory downnnntownnnnnn 1323:< necron> Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh, totally motionless except for her heart... 1324:< barnum> Round #19, 37 hits! Wood Golem HP: 63[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6), necron (4.5) 1324:< SilentSand> If I had my little way, I'd each peaches in in the shade, sun soaking in the shaaaade 1324:< SilentSand> Oh hey another person. How you doing 1325:< barnum> Round #20, 32 hits! Wood Golem HP: 31[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (6) 1325:< necron> Just checking in before going to work. 1325:< necron> Had a bit too much to drink at D&D night yesterday, feels like a cat shit in my mouth. 1326:< barnum> Round #21, 7 hits! Wood Golem HP: 24[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: necron (6) 1326:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/55%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1326:< SilentSand> Oh man, that's a rough feeling. 1327:< SilentSand> That taste just doesn't wash out easily for me 1327:< barnum> Round #22, 16 hits! Wood Golem HP: 8[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (3) 1327:< SilentSand> ooog boooga boooga 1327:< SilentSand> Die golem die already geez 1327:< SilentSand> You had like wayyyy too much health 1328:< barnum> Wood Golem is kill! SilentSand picks up [Rod of Alertness]! LVLs: SilentSand (5/67%) 1328:< barnum> A wild Sea Snake appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1329:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Sea Snake HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1329:< SilentSand> Aight man I 1329:< SilentSand> *I'll punch the crap outta this snake 1330:< SilentSand> My rod of alertness senses nearby enemies, and puts a notification on my desktop if there's a weak one 1330:< barnum> Round #2, 40 hits! Sea Snake HP: 9[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5) 1330:< SilentSand> The sea snake is weak, beyond saving. I slowly strangle the life out of it, knowing it has no hope of escaping 1330:< Djinneral> I kick the sea snake in the head, and smash it over the head, and punch it right in the jaw, and make it slither away and then burn it! 1330:< barnum> Sea Snake is kill! Djinneral picks up [Thorned Manacles]! LVLs: SilentSand (5/75%), Djinneral (1/91%) 1331:< Djinneral> nice 1331:< barnum> A wild Coral Golem appeared! HP: 432[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1331:< barnum> Round #1, 2 hits! Coral Golem HP: 430[█████] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 13:31:57 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:32:12 2016 1332:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/75%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1332:< Djinneral> I'll leave the coral golem to you sandman 1333:< barnum> Round #2, 2 hits! Coral Golem HP: 428[█████] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1333:< SilentSand> Thanks, partner. I begin to thrash the beast with my fist, knowing that this coral golem was sent by the australians 1333:< SilentSand> in order to save their great barrier reef. The reef can't be saved anymore 1334:< barnum> Round #3, 48 hits! Coral Golem HP: 380[█████] +XP: SilentSand (9) 1334:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 380[█████] +XP: no one :( 1335:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 380[█████] +XP: no one :( 1336:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 380[█████] +XP: no one :( 1336:< SilentSand> I seduce the coral golem. It is no match for my wily charms and glistening muscles 1337:< SilentSand> The beast looks confused, but happy as if for the first time 1337:< SilentSand> I beat the crap out of it. It never recovers emotionally 1337:< barnum> Round #7, 40 hits! Coral Golem HP: 340[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (7.5) 1338:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/80%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1338:< SilentSand> Oh man this thing is taking forever 1338:< SilentSand> *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch 1338:< barnum> Round #8, 32 hits! Coral Golem HP: 308[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (6) 1339:< SilentSand> *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch *Punch 1339:< barnum> Round #9, 24 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (4.5) 1340:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1341:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1342:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1343:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1343:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), SilentSand (5/84%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1344:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1345:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1346:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Coral Golem HP: 284[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1346:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1347:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1347:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1347:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1347:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1347:< barnum> Round #17, 120 hits! Coral Golem HP: 164[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (22.5) 1347:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< barnum> Round #18, 96 hits! Coral Golem HP: 68[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (18) 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1348:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1349:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1349:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1349:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1349:< barnum> Coral Golem is kill! SilentSand picks up [Mantis Blade]! LVLs: SilentSand (6/31%) 1349:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), SilentSand (6/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1350:< barnum> A wild Barbegazi appeared! HP: 49[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1350:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1351:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1352:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1353:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1354:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1355:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1355:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), SilentSand (6/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1356:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1357:< barnum> Round #8, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1358:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1359:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 49[█████] +XP: no one :( 1359:< Djinneral> I hit it where its weak and make it hurt 1400:< barnum> Round #11, 2 hits! Barbegazi HP: 47[█████] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 1401:< barnum> Round #12, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 47[█████] +XP: no one :( 1401:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/31%), SilentSand (6/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1402:< barnum> Round #13, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 47[█████] +XP: no one :( 1402:< 1338h4x> I set up Stealth Rock to pressure any monsters that might be thinking of switching 1403:< barnum> Round #14, 5 hits! Barbegazi HP: 42[█████] +XP: 1338h4x (4.5) 1404:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 42[█████] +XP: no one :( 1405:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Barbegazi HP: 42[█████] +XP: no one :( 1405:< thatwentBTE> *HULK SMASH 1406:< thatwentBTE> *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH 1406:< barnum> Round #17, 24 hits! Barbegazi HP: 18[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3) 1406:< thatwentBTE> *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH 1406:< thatwentBTE> *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH *HULK SMASH 1406:< barnum> Barbegazi is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Arrowmaster's Bracers]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (7/38%) 1407:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/38%), SilentSand (6/31%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1407:< barnum> A wild Stabbing Beast appeared! HP: 1012[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1408:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 1012[█████] +XP: no one :( 1408:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1408:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1408:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1409:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1409:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 939[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 1409:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1409:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1409:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< barnum> Round #3, 61 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 878[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5) 1410:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1410:< OrangeredStilton> I see it's busy in here 1410:< barnum> Round #4, 62 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 816[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), OrangeredStilton (1.5) 1411:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1411:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1411:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1411:< OrangeredStilton> I wonder how much pounding a SMASH takes up 1411:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1411:< OrangeredStilton> It seems like a good amount, at least 1411:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1411:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1411:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1411:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1411:< barnum> Round #5, 172 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 644[████▒] +XP: SilentSand (18), thatwentBTE (6), OrangeredStilton (3) 1411:< SilentSand> No talk, just punch 1412:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1412:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *S 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1412:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1412:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1412:< barnum> Round #6, 308 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 336[██▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (24), thatwentBTE (18) 1412:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1412:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1413:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< barnum> HEROES : SirCabbage (7/54%), thatwentBTE (7/50%), SilentSand (6/43%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1413:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1413:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1413:< barnum> Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1413:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1413:< SilentSand> lol 1413:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1414:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1414:< barnum> Stabbing Beast is kill! SilentSand picks up [Globe of Blizzards]! LVLs: SilentSand (6/61%), thatwentBTE (7/63%) 1414:< thatwentBTE> the beast is all like *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1414:< SilentSand> What a fancy snowglobe 1414:< barnum> A wild Gibbering Abomination appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1414:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1414:< barnum> Round #1, 84 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 645[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (1.5) 1415:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1415:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1415:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1415:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1415:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1415:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1415:< barnum> Round #2, 215 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 430[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5), SilentSand (4.5) 1415:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1416:< barnum> Round #3, 365 hits! Gibbering Abomination HP: 65[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: SilentSand (27), thatwentBTE (22.5) 1416:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH*SM 1416:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1417:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1417:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1417:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1417:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1417:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1417:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1417:< thatwentBTE> is kill 1417:< SilentSand> *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA *HORA 1417:< barnum> Gibbering Abomination is kill! SilentSand picks up [Home Stone]! LVLs: SilentSand (6/91%), thatwentBTE (7/92%) 1418:< barnum> A wild Adult Time Dragon appeared! HP: 1152[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1418:< SilentSand> This things teleports me back to a set location whenever I need to head back home 1418:< SilentSand> lol take care of that thing yourself 1418:< barnum> I got that before, no idea what a Home Stone is. 1418:< barnum> Round #1, 40 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 1112[█████] +XP: SilentSand (6) 1418:< thatwentBTE> home is where the heart is, 1418:< barnum> So, it's a hearthstone? 1419:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1419:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (7/92%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/93%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:19:21 2016 1419:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1419:< barnum> The Time Dragon Says, "Allons-y!" 1419:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1419:< barnum> Round #2, 135 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 977[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (16.5) 1419:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1420:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1420:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1420:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1420:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1420:< barnum> Round #3, 185 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 792[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5) 1420:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1421:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1421:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1421:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1421:< thatwentBTE> hi sorrento110 *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH * 1421:< barnum> Round #4, 210 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 582[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5) 1421:< Sorrento110> whats up man 1421:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1422:< barnum> You know, getting smashed. 1422:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1422:< thatwentBTE> watching the new 11.22.63, that show is awesome *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SM 1422:< barnum> Round #5, 128 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 454[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1422:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1423:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1423:< barnum> Round #6, 84 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 370[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 1423:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1423:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1423:< SilentSand> *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING *PUNCHING 1424:< barnum> Round #7, 114 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 256[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (4.5) 1424:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/24%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1424:< thatwentBTE> *KAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYAMAYA 1425:< barnum> Round #8, 42 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 214[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 1426:< thatwentBTE> MAYAMAYA 1426:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1426:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1426:< barnum> Round #9, 98 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 116[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5) 1426:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1426:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1427:< maxd> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1427:< barnum> Round #10, 89 hits! Adult Time Dragon HP: 27[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), maxd (4.5) 1427:< maxd> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1428:< maxd> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1428:< maxd> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1428:< thatwentBTE> hes ded 1428:< barnum> Adult Time Dragon is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Raven Bracers]! LVLs: maxd (1/68%), thatwentBTE (8/32%) 1428:< barnum> He's just regenerating now. 1428:< thatwentBTE> I give the raven bracers to maxd 1428:< Djinneral> I strike the adult time dragon right in its weakpoint and kill it 1428:< barnum> A wild Bronze Minotaur appeared! HP: 481[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1429:< surelyucantbserious> attacks with his sarcasm sword! 1429:< barnum> Round #1, 29 hits! Bronze Minotaur HP: 452[█████] +XP: Djinneral (6), K1ngN0thing (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1429:< thatwentBTE> I touch it with my philosophers stone, turning the minotaur to gold. 1430:< thatwentBTE> I smash it with my golden hammer smashing its soft bones 1430:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1430:< barnum> Round #2, 101 hits! Bronze Minotaur HP: 351[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5) 1430:< surelyucantbserious> I drink a damage increasing tonic and proceed to beat on the Minotaur with my bare hands!! 1430:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/35%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1430:< thatwentBTE> You just did sorrento10 1431:< thatwentBTE> you just chat and things die 1431:< Sorrento110> cool 1431:< thatwentBTE> bonus damage for over 60 characters 1431:< barnum> Round #3, 52 hits! Bronze Minotaur HP: 299[████▒] +XP: surelyucantbserious (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1431:< Sorrento110> *Attack *Slash 1432:< barnum> Round #4, 2 hits! Bronze Minotaur HP: 297[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5) 1432:< thatwentBTE> here is a google doc that covers the RPG. you can track your loot in it 1432:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=708416567 => http://nazar.so/5xzah 1433:< barnum> Round #5, 86 hits! Bronze Minotaur HP: 211[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9) 1433:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1433:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1433:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1434:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1434:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1434:< barnum> Bronze Minotaur is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Shining Wayfinder]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (8/45%) 1434:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1434:< barnum> A wild Cauchemar appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1434:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1434:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:20 2016 1435:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1435:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1435:< Sorrento110> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1436:< barnum> Round #2, 15 hits! Cauchemar HP: 631[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5) 1436:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1436:< surelyucantbserious> Like my Mother-In-Law, I cause damage everytime I Speak 1436:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/45%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1436:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1436:< thatwentBTE> lol 1436:< Djinneral> I slap the couch monster! 1437:< barnum> Round #3, 30 hits! Cauchemar HP: 601[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), surelyucantbserious (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1437:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1437:< Sorrento110> is there a bot behind this or no? 1438:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1438:< thatwentBTE> a person with a bot running 1438:< Sorrento110> Where can we see the code? 1438:< barnum> Round #4, 39 hits! Cauchemar HP: 562[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), thatwentBTE (3) 1438:< Sorrento110> for the bot? or like commands? 1439:< thatwentBTE> barnum do you have a link to the code? 1439:< barnum> Round #5, 17 hits! Cauchemar HP: 545[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1439:< barnum> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/ 1439:< barnum> Slightly different because he's updated it, i'm using an old version that I very slightly tweaked to make work properly 1440:< barnum> Round #6, 0 hits! Cauchemar HP: 545[█████] +XP: no one :( 1440:< thatwentBTE> Thanks! 1441:< barnum> Round #7, 15 hits! Cauchemar HP: 530[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5) 1441:< Sorrento110> userInfoLvl(sorrento110) 1441:< barnum> The new version is nice. I found robin-rpg with my alt :D 1442:< barnum> Round #8, 2 hits! Cauchemar HP: 528[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5) 1442:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/47%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1442:< thatwentBTE> userInfoLvl(sorrento110) 1442:< thatwentBTE> nothing 1443:< Sorrento110> !help 1443:< barnum> Round #9, 33 hits! Cauchemar HP: 495[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1443:< Sorrento110> !help 1443:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 1443:< thatwentBTE> !party 1444:< barnum> Round #10, 33 hits! Cauchemar HP: 462[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1444:< Sorrento110> Im not seeing the command returns for some reason? 1444:< barnum> lI think that's all newer version stuff than what I'm running 1444:< Sorrento110> Hmmmm 1444:< Sorrento110> okay 1445:< barnum> I'd upgrade, but I'd be worried about breaking it, took me a while to get this up and running last night 1445:< Sorrento110> See it gave me a response right? Just not in robin chat... in my browser notifications 1445:< barnum> Round #11, 9 hits! Cauchemar HP: 453[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5) 1445:< Sorrento110> Maybe you have one thing off? 1445:< pill_hop> A wild Nightripper appeared! HP: 2367[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1445:< thatwentBTE> userInfoLvl(thatwentBTE) 1446:< barnum> Round #12, 45 hits! Cauchemar HP: 408[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), thatwentBTE (3) 1446:< pill_hop> Round #1, 0 hits! Nightripper HP: 2367[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1446:< Sorrento110> It keeps giving me the info for what we are fighting though 1446:< barnum> pill_hop's looks like the newer version 1446:< barnum> Round #13, 3 hits! Cauchemar HP: 405[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5) 1447:< Sorrento110> smack it 1447:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1447:< barnum> Round #14, 12 hits! Cauchemar HP: 393[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6) 1447:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1448:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1448:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/49%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1448:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1448:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1449:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1449:< barnum> Round #15, 45 hits! Cauchemar HP: 348[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (22.5) 1449:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1450:< barnum> Round #16, 9 hits! Cauchemar HP: 339[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5) 1450:< barnum> Round #17, 0 hits! Cauchemar HP: 339[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1451:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1451:< barnum> Round #18, 43 hits! Cauchemar HP: 296[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 1451:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1452:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1452:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1452:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1452:< barnum> Round #19, 60 hits! Cauchemar HP: 236[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (6) 1453:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1453:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1453:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1453:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1453:< Sorrento110> So you get maximum points if your message is over 60 characters 1453:< barnum> Round #20, 147 hits! Cauchemar HP: 89[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), Sorrento110 (9) 1453:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1453:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1453:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1453:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1454:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/54%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   #rpg          derogat... 1454:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1454:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1454:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1454:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1454:< Sorrento110> I attack the foul beast with a glorious and wonderful sword of demon strength and willpower 1454:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1454:< barnum> Cauchemar is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Anaconda's Coils]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (3/33%), thatwentBTE (8/62%) 1455:< Sorrento110> Nice! 1455:< barnum> A wild Clubnek appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1455:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1455:< barnum> Round #1, 19 hits! Clubnek HP: 66[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6) 1455:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< thatwentBTE> I give the Anaconda's Coils to sorrento110 1456:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< thatwentBTE> This snakeskin belt’s buckle is shaped like a serpent’s head. 1456:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1456:< barnum> Clubnek is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Phylactery of The Shepherd]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (3/64%), thatwentBTE (8/62%) 1456:< Sorrento110> Cool! 1457:< barnum> A wild Defender Globe appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1457:< Sorrento110> Have you figured out how loot bonuses work? I'm still looking 1457:< barnum> Round #1, 19 hits! Defender Globe HP: 98[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (6) 1457:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1458:< thatwentBTE> doesn't do anything yet I think. but robin-rpg is working on a bonus damage from loot 1458:< Sorrento110> Ahhh okay cool 1458:< barnum> Round #2, 63 hits! Defender Globe HP: 35[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 1458:< Sorrento110> The demonglobe is no match for my Phylactery of The Shepherd. I attack it with my blade. 1459:< Sorrento110> My anaconda's coils prevent its venom from poisoning my veins. I strike at it again from a jump. 1459:< barnum> Round #3, 28 hits! Defender Globe HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9) 1459:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/63%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%), Sorrento110 (3/75%),   ... 1459:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1500:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1500:< thatwentBTE> I swing my mighty hammer at the beast b-hole. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1500:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1500:< Sorrento110> *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH *SLASH 1500:< barnum> Defender Globe is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Trident of Stability]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (3/97%), thatwentBTE (8/70%) 1500:< Sorrento110> Oh fuck a trident 1501:< barnum> A wild Osirionologist appeared! HP: 319[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1501:< thatwentBTE> its for stability, so its a cool looking cane 1501:< barnum> Round #1, 20 hits! Osirionologist HP: 299[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1501:< Sorrento110> I use my trident to stab the next beast. Its stability helps me walk, and keeps my strike true. 1502:< Sorrento110> I'm crippled canonically now because I need a blooming cane weapon to walk. 1502:< barnum> Round #2, 28 hits! Osirionologist HP: 271[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (9) 1502:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1503:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1503:< surelyucantbserious> summons a CorgiWarrior to yip the beast! 1503:< barnum> Round #3, 38 hits! Osirionologist HP: 233[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1503:< Sorrento110> Hello brother surelyucantbserious 1503:< thatwentBTE> I rape the corgi 1503:< Sorrento110> thank you for your corgi warrior 1503:< gjhgjh> So much bad info in the %chat channel about merging. :( 1504:< Sorrento110> wtf thatwentBTE 1504:< thatwentBTE> yes thanks 1504:< Sorrento110> Don't rape the corgi 1504:< gjhgjh> Is the bot back? 1504:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1504:< barnum> Round #4, 76 hits! Osirionologist HP: 157[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), thatwentBTE (3), gjhgjh (3) 1504:< Sorrento110> yup 1504:< surelyucantbserious> Hello! These beasts are not match for my bag of vicious throwing dogs! 1504:< gjhgjh> Oh, I guess so. 1504:< jayman419> Because there's no info to have. We're waiting for someone to join the tier 15 that was created yesterday. 1504:< Sorrento110> OMFG the bag of vicious throwing dogs is gonna win us the fight thank you. 1505:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1505:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1505:< barnum> Round #5, 98 hits! Osirionologist HP: 59[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5), jayman419 (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.... 1505:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1505:< gjhgjh> But people are being told that the merge happens when the number of people in the room is the same. 1505:< Sorrento110> Thats true 1505:< gjhgjh> The merge is based on tiers. 1505:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/72%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), Sorrento110 (4/33%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1505:< surelyucantbserious> I also have a sack of clawing cats if you're interested? I just need to call them back from St. Ives. 1506:< Sorrento110> Cats will help us because they are sneaky enough to be in the monsters asshole before they strike 1506:< gjhgjh> Compatable rooms are rooms on the same teir as your room. 1506:< Sorrento110> ahhhhh chill okay. makes tons more sense actually 1506:< barnum> Osirionologist is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Drums of Lethargy]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (4/47%), gjhgjh (1/72%), surelyucantbserious (1/... 1506:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1506:< Sorrento110> Oh good fuck 1506:< Sorrento110> Drums of lethargy 1506:< barnum> A wild Greater Host Devil appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1507:< Sorrento110> Am I gonna put the fuckers to sleep now? 1507:< surelyucantbserious> Drum Solo! 1507:< gjhgjh> Wack those drums!!! 1507:< barnum> Round #1, 41 hits! Greater Host Devil HP: 224[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), surelyucantbserious (1.5), gjhgjh (1.5) 1507:< gjhgjh> Does flee work correctly now? 1507:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1508:< surelyucantbserious> begins wailing during the drum solo! 1508:< gjhgjh> robin-rpg tried to fix it yesterday and ended up taking the RPG down for a good part of the day. 1508:< barnum> Round #2, 28 hits! Greater Host Devil HP: 196[████▒] +XP: gjhgjh (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1508:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1509:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1509:< surelyucantbserious> this devil needs exercised! Reveals the Hidden Priest lurking in my coat pocket! Scripture attack! 1509:< barnum> Round #3, 68 hits! Greater Host Devil HP: 128[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5) 1509:< gjhgjh> a 1509:< Sorrento110> I have a phylactery of the shepherd to aid your priest in his attack 1509:< gjhgjh> b 1509:< Sorrento110> +1 1509:< gjhgjh> c 1509:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1509:< thatwentBTE> d 1509:< thatwentBTE> e 1509:< gjhgjh> d 1510:< thatwentBTE> f 1510:< gjhgjh> q 1510:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1510:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1510:< gjhgjh> r 1510:< barnum> Round #4, 101 hits! Greater Host Devil HP: 27[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 1510:< Sorrento110> Barnum I have no idea why your bot wouldn't be messaging in the chat? 1510:< gjhgjh> s 1510:< thatwentBTE> a 1510:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1510:< gjhgjh> tuv 1510:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1510:< gjhgjh> w 1510:< gjhgjh> x 1510:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1511:< surelyucantbserious> I replace the priest and issue holy water from.... somewhere? 1511:< thatwentBTE> z 1511:< barnum> It is? I can see 1511:< gjhgjh> y and z 1511:< barnum> Greater Host Devil is kill! gjhgjh picks up [Medallion of Thoughts]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (4/73%), gjhgjh (2/35%), thatwentBTE (8/77%),... 1511:< gjhgjh> Now you have that song in you head! 1511:< surelyucantbserious> I shall return! 1511:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/77%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), Sorrento110 (4/73%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1511:< gjhgjh> HAHA! 1511:< WythDryden> Hi, I'm new and interested in playing but don't know how. 1511:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1511:< WythDryden> Can I rp as anything? 1511:< Sorrento110> Alright wythdryden you just type any message and it fights the creature 1511:< barnum> A wild Giant Hellgrammite appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1511:< gjhgjh> WythDryden you are playing rightn now 1511:< thatwentBTE> your doing it WythDryden 1511:< Sorrento110> yep you are fighting right now 1512:< WythDryden> Awesome 1512:< Sorrento110> just RP whatever you want 1512:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UYwirSk5rfKNqC-VtM323A5r-KrlCp15nIQ5PKPlnzk/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/50hc1 1512:< Sorrento110> the monsters give items so you can use those in your RP 1512:< thatwentBTE> That link wuill cover things for you 1512:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1512:< barnum> Round #1, 166 hits! Giant Hellgrammite HP: 68[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (18), thatwentBTE (7.5), gjhgjh (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), surel... 1512:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1512:< thatwentBTE> You can maybe track your loot in it if its editable for you 1512:< WythDryden> I have requested access 1512:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1513:< WythDryden> Out of curiosity what are other people rp'ing as? 1513:< gjhgjh> Uses his Medallion of Thoughts to implat "The song that Never Ends" in the mind of the Giant Hellgrammite. 1513:< barnum> Round #2, 66 hits! Giant Hellgrammite HP: 2[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), gjhgjh (4.5), WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1513:< Sorrento110> An old man with sleepy drums and a trident. 1513:< thatwentBTE> The GOLDEN GOD 1513:< WythDryden> Nice! haha 1513:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1513:< gjhgjh> That'll distract him 1513:< Sorrento110> Are you guys able to see the messsages the bot is throwing up? 1513:< WythDryden> Yes 1513:< Sorrento110> I only see them when I'm off this page? 1513:< gjhgjh> Yep 1513:< WythDryden> I hit for 3 I believe 1513:< thatwentBTE> have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves. 1514:< thatwentBTE> Be gone from me, vile man, be gone from me! A starter dragon?! This dragon is a finisher! A transporter of gods, the golden god. 1514:< gjhgjh> Ar you blocking bot spam? 1514:< barnum> Giant Hellgrammite is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Maximize Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (5/20%), thatwentBTE (8/88%), WythDryde... 1514:< thatwentBTE> I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 1514:< Sorrento110> I am yea 1514:< gjhgjh> I has to tuen that off to see the bot. 1514:< barnum> A wild Elemental Water Dragon appeared! HP: 1134[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1514:< WythDryden> It cut off though, I didn't see anything after my name 1514:< Sorrento110> Fixed that now. 1514:< Sorrento110> !help 1515:< WythDryden> Water dragon! Oi! 1515:< barnum> Round #1, 49 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 1085[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), gjhgjh (3), WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1515:< gjhgjh> As long as you are filtering by channel you should be fine 1515:< WythDryden> !help 1515:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1515:< Sorrento110> Yea I got it now 1515:< Sorrento110> its working 1515:< thatwentBTE> Who wants the Maximize Metamagic Rod? 1515:< gjhgjh> Ohh, elemental water dragon. 1515:< Sorrento110> !loot 1515:**** WythDryden distracts the dragon with a dance 1515:< gjhgjh> Very watery! 1516:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1516:< barnum> Round #2, 100 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 985[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), gjhgjh (4.5), WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1516:< thatwentBTE> Jim, the golden griffon, soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 1516:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 1516:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB This dragon is no match for us 1516:< gjhgjh> *Uses his Medallion of Thoughts but it has no affect* 1516:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1516:< WythDryden> *punches dragon* 1516:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1516:< gjhgjh> Blood from a WATER elemental? 1516:< WythDryden> Is the dragon made of water? 1517:< barnum> Round #3, 190 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 795[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), Sorrento110 (9), gjhgjh (3), WythDryden (3) 1517:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1517:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1517:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1517:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (8/91%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), Sorrento110 (5/29%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1517:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1517:< Sorrento110> My trident is doing effecient damage to this monstrosity 1517:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 1517:< gjhgjh> Sorrento110 blunt weapons are more effective against water elemetals. 1517:< Sorrento110> My drums have no effect though, apologies guys 1517:< WythDryden> *Uses blunted fists on the dragon* 1517:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. It's body slumps. 1517:< Sorrento110> I have only a trident, I will drum until he falls asleep 1518:< WythDryden> Btw, I rp as having four arms 1518:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1518:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1518:< gjhgjh> *Uses a really large sponge on the water dragon. It is supper effective* 1518:< barnum> Round #4, 340 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 455[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5), Sorrento110 (18), gjhgjh (9), WythDryden (3) 1518:< WythDryden> lol gjgjgose 1518:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in 1518:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1518:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1518:< thatwentBTE> Its repugnant face almost shows a look of surprise as my dragon reaches him. 1518:< WythDryden> *looks for focusing lens, to turn dragon to steam* 1518:< thatwentBTE> The look of suprise is wiped away in an instant as the dragon thrashes the creature by the wings. 1518:< Sorrento110> ITs not effective! I'll keep trying though! I wont give up until the creature is defeated 1519:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1519:< thatwentBTE> With a small *pop* the beast comes free of it's own wing, and slams into a large rock. 1519:< barnum> Round #5, 278 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 177[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (18), Sorrento110 (18), WythDryden (3) 1519:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1519:< Sorrento110> Hes almost dead! Fight allies! Fight harder! we are almost there! 1519:< thatwentBTE> The dieing creature lets a low gargle as the giffon's tallons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 1519:< Sorrento110> He's on his last wit! Defeat him like the coward he once was 1519:< gjhgjh> *Starts rubbing two sticks together* 1519:< thatwentBTE> oh, Tea time. 1519:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1519:< WythDryden> *pulls at the dragon's watery scales* 1519:< gjhgjh> *Starts a roaring fire* 1519:< Sorrento110> Is he dead now? 1520:< WythDryden> A leak is sprung! 1520:< gjhgjh> Get him over here to the fire!!! 1520:< barnum> Round #6, 167 hits! Elemental Water Dragon HP: 10[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (16.5), thatwentBTE (6), gjhgjh (3), WythDryden (3) 1520:< Sorrento110> Hes not dead! 1520:< Sorrento110> 10hp 1520:< thatwentBTE> e him 1520:< Sorrento110> The poor beast 1520:< WythDryden> Helps push the dragon towards the fire 1520:< Sorrento110> We must put him out of his misery 1520:< thatwentBTE> puts kettle on fire 1520:< gjhgjh> Fire fire fire, heheheh,Fire fire fire, heheheh,Fire fire fire, heheheh,Fire fire fire, heheheh,Fire fire fire, he 1520:< WythDryden> Grabs a burning log and hurls it at the beast 1520:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1520:< gjhgjh> Kill it in the fire! 1520:< Sorrento110> WTF HE'S dying dont be mean 1521:< barnum> Elemental Water Dragon is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Cloak of The Scuttling Rat]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (5/67%), gjhgjh (2/89%), thatwe... 1521:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1521:< gjhgjh> Moar fire! 1521:< thatwentBTE> its like a suana in here 1521:< Sorrento110> YESSSSS MY old man bod can be covered in this super fly cloak 1521:< barnum> A wild Mimic appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1521:< Sorrento110> Oh fucking lord that fire is a mimic! 1521:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1521:< Sorrento110> Get away from it allies! 1521:< Djinneral> I whip it with my rope! 1521:< thatwentBTE> !flee 1521:< WythDryden> The bot gets cut off on the second line, is that happening to other people? 1521:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1521:< gjhgjh> I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do. You can't prove anything. 1521:< barnum> Round #1, 157 hits! Mimic HP: 77[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: Sorrento110 (16.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), gjhgjh (3), Djin... 1522:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1522:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< gjhgjh> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< Djinneral> I finish it off with a fierce combo of punches and kicks, and then a whip as well obviously, whip it reall good! 1522:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< gjhgjh> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1522:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1522:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< WythDryden> Squeezes and holds the mimic in place, while it gets stabbed 1522:< gjhgjh> What are we stabbing? 1522:< thatwentBTE> a mimic 1522:< etray> The mimic 1522:< barnum> Mimic is kill! etray picks up [Headband of Alluring Charisma +4]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (5/88%), thatwentBTE (9/26%), gjhgjh (3/39%), Dj... 1522:< gjhgjh> Stabbs wildy *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1522:< thatwentBTE> which I gues s mimics us and stabs back? 1523:< Sorrento110> lol that kill 1523:< etray> woah 1523:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/26%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), Sorrento110 (5/88%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1523:< etray> wears headband 1523:< WythDryden> Nice headband 1523:< Sorrento110> You look sexy 1523:< etray> thanks :D 1523:< Djinneral> its very beautiful on you 1523:< barnum> A wild Greater Mud Elemental appeared! HP: 553[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1523:< Sorrento110> I'm an old man so dont try and hit on me 1523:< thatwentBTE> wow, you just have to say the mimics name to kill it 1523:< thatwentBTE> writing that down 1523:< WythDryden> *re-lights the fire* 1523:< gjhgjh> Mud? 1523:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1523:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1524:< Sorrento110> The dragons corpse has spawned a mud elemental 1524:< gjhgjh> How are we supposed to defeat this guy? Put him on our face? 1524:< WythDryden> Scoop it this way. Dry that thing out 1524:< barnum> Round #1, 199 hits! Greater Mud Elemental HP: 354[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), thatwentBTE (9), gjhgjh (7.5), etray (4.5), WythDr... 1524:< Sorrento110> It wetted the ground with enchanted life water blood 1524:< WythDryden> It is good for your pores! 1524:< gjhgjh> Grabs a bunch of mud from the Mud Elemental. 1524:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1524:< etray> bathes in blood 1524:< Djinneral> i whip the mud elemental with my relentless rope 1524:< gjhgjh> *Fasion some mud masks from the mud* 1524:< Djinneral> I only have a damn rope, the hell am I supposed to do other than rope enemies and punch them 1524:< Sorrento110> Oh god dont start getting into a bloody spa visit we have a monster on our hands 1524:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1525:< barnum> Round #2, 107 hits! Greater Mud Elemental HP: 247[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (15), Djinneral (6), gjhgjh (3), WythDryden (1.5), etray (... 1525:< gjhgjh> *Passes the mud mask +1 charamisa out to everyone in the party* 1525:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1525:< WythDryden> I don't have any items, I don't even have clothes for that matter 1525:< thatwentBTE> Well, I guess you could say that, but maybe mush isn't so bad. You can keep stomping on it, but it's all give. It just stays mush. 1525:< WythDryden> I'm a naked 4-armed man 1525:< thatwentBTE> You can't build it up, but you can't break it down either. In a funny way, mush has the edge. 1525:< Djinneral> you'll get something eventually 1525:< Sorrento110> I'm too old, i cant even gain charisma anymore, the mask wont help me 1525:< WythDryden> At least I'm handsome 1525:< thatwentBTE> - hank hill 1525:< gjhgjh> WythDryden cover your nakedness with the mud that the mud elemental is loosing. 1525:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1525:< WythDryden> Great idea! 1525:< Djinneral> I used to be a naked man like you too, now I have rope! 1525:< barnum> Round #3, 241 hits! Greater Mud Elemental HP: 6[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), thatwentBTE (10.5), gjhgjh (9), WythDryden (9), Djin... 1525:< Sorrento110> He's almos tdead 1526:< WythDryden> *scoops up mud, covers body in it* 1526:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1526:< thatwentBTE> *b-hole tickle 1526:< gjhgjh> *punch*punch*punch*punch*punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch *punch 1526:< WythDryden> You totally can't tell I'm naked now! 1526:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1526:< thatwentBTE> lol 1526:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1526:< Djinneral> your skin looks fabulous now 1526:< WythDryden> And talk about the moisterizing effect it has 1526:< Sorrento110> My skin is great too 1526:< gjhgjh> Yeah! No more floppy parts for WythDryden! 1526:< barnum> Greater Mud Elemental is kill! gjhgjh picks up [Manual of War]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (6/39%), thatwentBTE (9/37%), WythDryden (2/99%), ... 1526:< Sorrento110> cuase of all this mud guys intestines 1526:< WythDryden> That should do something for my charisma I'm sure 1527:< thatwentBTE> oh theres a manual! 1527:< Sorrento110> oooooooooo a manual of war 1527:< barnum> A wild Mammoth Flea appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1527:< thatwentBTE> who knew 1527:< WythDryden> lol, nice 1527:< etray> noice 1527:< gjhgjh> What good is Manual of War? I CAN'T READ! 1527:< WythDryden> A mammorth flea!? 1527:< etray> give to somebody who can 1527:< Djinneral> I want to ride this mammoth lads, make me look like a real vicious barbarian 1527:< WythDryden> Check the manual! 1527:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1527:< Sorrento110> Mammoth Flea! this thing is insignificant 1527:< gjhgjh> Nah, it'll make good tinder. 1527:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1527:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1527:< Djinneral> oh its a damn flea nvm 1527:< barnum> Mammoth Flea is kill! Djinneral picks up [Spirit Jars]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (9/43%), Sorrento110 (6/46%), Djinneral (2/79%), gjhgjh (3... 1527:< Sorrento110> Spirit jars 1527:< thatwentBTE> OHHH spirit jars 1527:< Djinneral> is that like vodka? 1528:< gjhgjh> Next time we fight a water elemental I'll use it to start the fire. 1528:< thatwentBTE> you have ghost in a jar 1528:< barnum> A wild Adult Sea Dragon appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1528:< WythDryden> *Paddles out to the sea dragon* 1528:< Sorrento110> Nice. We naruto now bois 1528:< Djinneral> I release my spirit from the jar and let it unleash whatever it can do on the adult sea dragon 1528:< WythDryden> Having four arms makes me an excellent swimmer, if imbalanced 1528:< barnum> Round #1, 97 hits! Adult Sea Dragon HP: 677[█████] +XP: Djinneral (6), WythDryden (6), gjhgjh (4.5), Sorrento110 (3), thatwentBTE (3) 1528:< Djinneral> And then I fashion a morningstar with the bottle and my rope and crack it over the head 1528:< Sorrento110> Sea Dragon needs to get the fuck outta my line of sight im trying to enjoy to ocean view 1528:< WythDryden> *climbs the sea dragon* 1528:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1529:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/44%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), Sorrento110 (6/47%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1529:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1529:< WythDryden> Now what? Someone check the manual! 1529:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1529:< Djinneral> we need to know some war tactics 1529:< etray> read manual 1529:< Sorrento110> Check the manual? 1529:< Sorrento110> Go! 1529:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1529:< thatwentBTE> someone got a manual of war loot drop 1529:< Djinneral> guys he cant read 1529:< WythDryden> I'm standing on top of the sea dragon, clueless 1529:< thatwentBTE> lol 1529:< Sorrento110> No I saw that hahaha 1529:< WythDryden> Luckily I can hold on for dear life with my extra arms. 1529:< barnum> Round #2, 264 hits! Adult Sea Dragon HP: 413[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (22.5), Djinneral (7.5), thatwentBTE (7.5), WythDryden (6), etr... 1529:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< Sorrento110> Oh I know. My old man wisdom will help. So first take out your penis 1530:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< WythDryden> *punches dragon in the back of the head* 1530:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< Djinneral> I rope the dragon by its neck 1530:< WythDryden> Well, I'll have to take some of this mud off first 1530:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< Sorrento110> Then you get it caught in the ceiling fan right? 1530:< Sorrento110> I think that one hit KO's the dragon 1530:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1530:< WythDryden> *hits dragon with penis* 1530:< barnum> Round #3, 344 hits! Adult Sea Dragon HP: 69[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (22.5), Sorrento110 (12), WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1530:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING *SMASHING 1530:< Djinneral> lol 1530:< WythDryden> It survives! 1531:< Sorrento110> 69 hp is perfect! 1531:< etray> penis was too small 1531:< thatwentBTE> lol 1531:< Sorrento110> We can now make innuendos and kill it with those 1531:< Djinneral> I look at the dragon in disgust 1531:< etray> that's what she said 1531:< WythDryden> *Fashions innuendoes* 1531:< Sorrento110> *Plays drums of lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1531:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1531:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1531:< barnum> Adult Sea Dragon is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Staff of Bolstering]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (6/73%), etray (1/95%), thatwentBTE (9/53%),... 1531:< etray> has Sorrento110 ever killed anybody with that stabbing 1531:< etray> yeee 1531:< Sorrento110> lololololol 1532:< Sorrento110> My old man body finally killed something 1532:< etray> i guess it worked 1532:< barnum> A wild Tunche appeared! HP: 1179[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1532:< WythDryden> What the hell is a tunche? 1532:< Djinneral> anyone know what a tunche is 1532:< Sorrento110> Staff of bolstering has some instructions written here...... 1532:< WythDryden> Kill the Tunche! 1532:< thatwentBTE> someone yesterday got a staff of belittling 1532:< WythDryden> You can't read those can you? 1532:< barnum> Round #1, 71 hits! Tunche HP: 1108[█████] +XP: etray (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1532:< Sorrento110> "Insert Staff of Bolstering into allies anus's to make them fight better...." 1532:< Sorrento110> Guys lets do this! 1532:< WythDryden> I'm good 1533:< thatwentBTE> The top of this rosewood shaft narrows and then expands again, bound by a number of metal rings 1533:< WythDryden> I'm already equipped with a mud covered staff 1533:< etray> ouch 1533:< Sorrento110> Oh come on now! no one wants some bolstering? 1533:< barnum> Charisma check to see if your allies will allow you to shove a staff up their backsides. 1533:< etray> that hurt but i feel better 1533:< barnum> Round #2, 114 hits! Tunche HP: 994[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (3), etray (3) 1533:< thatwentBTE> 20 1533:< Sorrento110> I'll roll my Cha Check 1533:< etray> I got charisma crown 1533:< WythDryden> Does your damage go up as you level? 1534:< WythDryden> You level here right? 1534:< Sorrento110> I got a 9 1534:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1534:< etray> I got a 8 1534:< Sorrento110> *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1534:< Sorrento110> thatwentBTE do you want bolstering? 1534:< barnum> Round #3, 93 hits! Tunche HP: 901[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), etray (3), WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1534:< thatwentBTE> im good 1534:< etray> circle bolstering 1534:< Sorrento110> No one wants any bolstering. 1534:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/55%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), Sorrento110 (6/79%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1534:< etray> haha 1534:< thatwentBTE> pretty well equiped and I already have a boro bead in my pooper 1535:< Sorrento110> I have all these great items and no one to use it on. 1535:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1535:< barnum> Use them on me *evil smile* 1535:< WythDryden> *Circles the tunche* 1535:< etray> how does that tunche look like 1535:< barnum> Standing on three legs, this creature is a mix of dangerous jungle animals and plants fused into one deadly predator. 1535:< thatwentBTE> Last night someone also got a salve of slipperiness 1535:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into Barnum 's Anus 1535:< barnum> Round #4, 131 hits! Tunche HP: 770[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), thatwentBTE (6), etray (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1535:< etray> hmmh 1535:< WythDryden> Thanks for the info barnum 1536:< WythDryden> Someone check the manual 1536:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1536:< barnum> Head = Spider/Orchid 1536:< etray> so what's jungle animals weakness 1536:< Sorrento110> War Manual: "Burn it with fire" 1536:< etray> or plants 1536:< thatwentBTE> it with stuff 1536:< barnum> Arms = Praying Mantis 1536:< etray> yeah that could work 1536:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1536:< thatwentBTE> damn I hate when the room refreshes while you are typing 1536:< WythDryden> *Starts a fire* 1536:< barnum> Round #5, 158 hits! Tunche HP: 612[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (12), etray (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (4.5) 1536:< barnum> Body = Jungle Undergrowth 1536:< etray> the mud protects us from the fire 1536:< gjhgjh> What did I miss. I passed out for a whiled (reset computer). 1536:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1537:< barnum> Legs = Cat 1537:< barnum> TLDR: This thing is fucked up looking 1537:< Sorrento110> We are fighting a Tunche and I can now provide allies with bolstering if you want it gjhgjh 1537:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1537:< barnum> Round #6, 98 hits! Tunche HP: 514[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), etray (1.5), gjhgjh (1.5) 1537:< etray> tries purring like a cat 1537:< WythDryden> Take the bolstering 1537:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1538:< WythDryden> *Finds rocks in the ground* 1538:< WythDryden> Throws rocks 4 at a time at the Tunche 1538:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1538:< barnum> A tunche especially enjoys toying with its victims, using its magic to confuse and mislead its opponents. 1538:< barnum> Round #7, 78 hits! Tunche HP: 436[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (4.5), etray (1.5) 1538:< Sorrento110> Ha, my cloak of scuttling prevents magic in my head 1538:< etray> ah give us a clue what might be its weakness 1538:< WythDryden> Damn, this is a strong Tunche 1538:< Sorrento110> cause its nasty 1538:< WythDryden> It doesn't like fire 1539:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1539:< barnum> A tunche stands 20 feet tall and weighs 4,000 pounds. 1539:< WythDryden> Lights a torch 1539:< barnum> Round #8, 48 hits! Tunche HP: 388[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), etray (1.5) 1539:< etray> with cat sized legs? 1539:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1539:< pyroshroom> FrankerZ 1539:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1540:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1540:< barnum> Feline legs, so Lion? 1540:< pyroshroom> oo, the parrot script now has twitch emotes showing up in the individual channels 1540:< barnum> Round #9, 80 hits! Tunche HP: 308[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), pyroshroom (6), etray (1.5) 1540:< etray> takes a mouse from a pocket, lets it escape toward tunche 1540:< Sorrento110> This thing is super bloody tough 1540:< pyroshroom> I wonder if the warning for tooo many messages is still here 1540:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1540:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/57%), SirCabbage (7/54%), Sorrento110 (6/96%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1540:< pyroshroom> aw cool, ratelimit messages show up in here now 1540:< Sorrento110> Yea that warning is still here 1541:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1541:< barnum> Yeah, i hit ratelimit a lot 1541:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1541:< pyroshroom> LOL, the old parrot script from last night only had the ratelimit messages show up in the system tab and not the individual channels 1541:< barnum> Round #10, 127 hits! Tunche HP: 181[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (16.5), pyroshroom (7.5), etray (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1541:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1541:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1542:< WythDryden> Is there an easy way to update the parrot script? 1542:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1542:< WythDryden> Or do you just reinstall it? 1542:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1542:< pyroshroom> There is, you just have to click the tampermonkey icon 1542:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB *FIRESTAB 1542:< barnum> Tunche is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Gunman's Duster]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (7/21%), pyroshroom (1/69%), WythDryden (3/57%) 1542:< pyroshroom> and click check for userscript updates 1542:< Sorrento110> Fuck yes! a bomb ass duster! 1542:< pyroshroom> or reinstalling it from the link would work too 1542:< etray> noice 1542:< barnum> A wild Crimson Basilisk appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1543:< WythDryden> Aha, thanks 1543:< Sorrento110> also barnum if you are using tampermonkey click the update user scripts and it should auto update it for you 1543:< pyroshroom> Just refresh the chat to make sure the new script is running 1543:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Crimson Basilisk HP: 245[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), pyroshroom (4.5), etray (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1543:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1543:< WythDryden> Not sure what I see different from the one I installed last night, but seems fine 1543:< etray> gunmans duster https://phendrena.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/robe-gun.png => http://nazar.so/8x7wx 1543:< barnum> Newer versions of robin grow and parrot fuck with the rpg bot so not right now 1544:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1544:< barnum> This creature looks like a stocky, 8-legged, crimson scaled reptile. 1544:< WythDryden> *Attempts to strangle the basilisk with his four arms* 1544:< Sorrento110> Oh didn't know that barnum 1544:< pyroshroom> It's little things and issues that I had before 1544:< pyroshroom> like twitch emotes only show up in System tab 1544:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1544:< barnum> Round #2, 149 hits! Crimson Basilisk HP: 96[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (15), WythDryden (6), etray (4.5), pyroshroom (3) 1544:< pyroshroom> or system ratelimit messages only show up in system tab 1544:< barnum> Yeah, with parrot it adds all these weird spaces everywhere 1544:< WythDryden> Woohoo, my damage has been upgraded 1544:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1544:< barnum> And robin grow was just broken for me last time i checked 1544:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1545:< WythDryden> Is reinvigorated to strangle the basilisk 1545:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1545:< etray> I need a melee weapon too 1545:< pyroshroom> Oh yeah, I think it changes our usernames to include those spaces before it 1545:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1545:< barnum> Crimson Basilisk is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Harp of Shattering]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (7/36%), pyroshroom (1/93%), etray (2/60%), W... 1545:< Sorrento110> Woo a new instrument 1545:< WythDryden> Is there a reason messages get cut off? 1545:< barnum> A wild Voidworm appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1545:< pyroshroom> there's a 140 character message limit 1545:< Sorrento110> Now I can play shitty songs and hurt them with those 1545:< WythDryden> I see, I forgot about that 1545:< barnum> oo sorrento, I got that, it's awesome, made me into a bard. 1546:< WythDryden> *attempts stomping at worm* 1546:< barnum> Round #1, 41 hits! Voidworm HP: 31[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), Sorrento110 (3), pyroshroom (1.5) 1546:< WythDryden> My mud is starting to dry out over here. :-X 1546:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/57%), SirCabbage (7/54%), Sorrento110 (7/36%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), derogative (3/94%),   ... 1546:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1546:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1546:< WythDryden> The worm looks sad 1547:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1547:< WythDryden> Is it appealing to my inner sensibilities 1547:< Sorrento110> Lol 1547:< WythDryden> Did the harp affect me? 1547:< Sorrento110> Nope. ONly aimed at worm 1547:< barnum> Voidworm is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Gunfighter's Poncho]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (7/53%), WythDryden (3/82%) 1547:< WythDryden> Regains composure 1547:< Sorrento110> God I have so much gun stuff 1547:< WythDryden> Nice poncho! 1547:< barnum> A wild Half-Fiend Minotaur appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1547:< Sorrento110> what is the give command again? 1547:< WythDryden> Do your items get automatically logged? Or do you just remember them? 1548:< barnum> Play the good bad and ugly theme on your harp, lol 1548:< Sorrento110> Yea they do, but I'm remembering them for now 1548:< WythDryden> Gotcha 1548:< barnum> You remember them, add them to the spreadsheet, and # of items gets stored 1548:< WythDryden> *Attempts to mount the minotaur* 1548:< barnum> Round #1, 65 hits! Half-Fiend Minotaur HP: 191[████▒] +XP: WythDryden (9), Sorrento110 (4.5) 1548:< WythDryden> I requested access for the spreadsheet, don't know if I got in yet 1548:< barnum> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjux => http://nazar.so/62xen wkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 1549:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1549:< barnum> Round #2, 55 hits! Half-Fiend Minotaur HP: 136[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (4.5) 1549:< etray> the script cuts the url 1549:< Sorrento110> spreadsheet dissappeared? 1549:< etray> do u have a shorturl 1549:< WythDryden> Now it says it doesn't exist 1549:< etray> goo.gl 1549:< barnum> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/3c6z4 1550:< WythDryden> *Punches minotaur in back of the head* 1550:< barnum> Round #3, 31 hits! Half-Fiend Minotaur HP: 105[███▒▒] +XP: etray (4.5), WythDryden (3), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1550:< WythDryden> Aha, I'm in the spreadsheet now. Thanks 1550:< barnum> This fiendish figure, complete with bat wings, claws, a fanged bull's head, and cloven feet, bellows a roar of challenge. 1550:< WythDryden> Sort of like how the minotaur is going to be IN THE GROUND 1550:< etray> ah so you add yourself to the doc 1551:< etray> how does it work 1551:< barnum> Round #4, 16 hits! Half-Fiend Minotaur HP: 89[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (3), etray (3) 1551:< thatwentBTE> I just started an alt in robin to see how that goes 1551:< etray> ok 1551:< WythDryden> Attempts to ride minotaur by pulling it's head in odd directions 1551:< WythDryden> Attempts to pull the minotaurs head off for that matter 1552:< barnum> It's pretty quiet at lower levels these days, no one talked in my alt's chat until like T4. 1552:< barnum> Round #5, 36 hits! Half-Fiend Minotaur HP: 53[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1552:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/57%), Sorrento110 (7/56%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (3/96%), de... 1552:< WythDryden> The minotaur didn't like that. It's bucking around like crazy. 1552:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1552:< etray> ah maybe i should read the RULES page in this doc... 1553:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1553:< WythDryden> Gets pumped up by the tunes 1553:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1553:< barnum> Half-Fiend Minotaur is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Ring of Three Wishes]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (7/64%), WythDryden (4/23%), etray (2/73%) 1553:< WythDryden> Whoa! 1553:< Sorrento110> I have three wishes holy shit. 1553:< barnum> A wild Nessian Warhound appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1554:< barnum> Round #1, 18 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 549[█████] +XP: WythDryden (1.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1554:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1554:< WythDryden> *Consults the rules* 1555:< barnum> Round #2, 42 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 507[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1555:< Sorrento110> I'm going to use my wishing ring to tame the next biggest fucking monster we fight 1555:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1555:< etray> bare hands: *CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP 1555:< WythDryden> Can you use the tamed monster against new monsters? 1556:< barnum> Round #3, 87 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 420[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), etray (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1556:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1556:< Sorrento110> You can roleplay them 1556:< WythDryden> Nice 1556:< Sorrento110> Like it says, items do nothing but aid in roleplay 1556:< Sorrento110> Yet.Yet 1556:< WythDryden> Right 1556:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1556:< etray> bare hands: *CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP 1557:< thatwentBTE> 420 hp 1557:< barnum> Round #4, 111 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 309[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (7.5), etray (4.5) 1557:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1557:< thatwentBTE> smoke um if you got um 1557:< WythDryden> *Attempts to smoke the warhound* 1558:< barnum> Round #5, 58 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 251[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (3) 1558:< WythDryden> It's literally all I have. Besides the dried on mud flakes coming off 1558:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1558:< etray> Bare hands: *CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP*CLAP *CLAP 1558:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1558:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/58%), Sorrento110 (7/70%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (4/30%), de... 1558:< Sorrento110> Ill let you guys get this kill 1558:< WythDryden> DIE FIEND 1558:< Sorrento110> So one of you can get some weapons 1558:< barnum> Nessian Warhound *clap clap clapclapclap* 1558:< WythDryden> lol 1558:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1558:< WythDryden> *sneers at the warhound* 1558:< WythDryden> Behold my intimidation! 1559:< WythDryden> *Brandishes all 4 arms* 1559:< etray> claps hand some more 1559:< barnum> You can pretend you have basic weapons if it help with role play 1559:< etray> PRETEND cool 1559:< barnum> Round #6, 177 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 74[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (16.5), Sorrento110 (12), etray (7.5) 1559:< Sorrento110> K ill attack once more 1559:< Sorrento110> Then you guys got it 1559:< WythDryden> Man, some of these things just don't seem to go down 1559:< etray> PRETENDS to have drarwen axe 1559:< etray> DECAPITATES monster 1559:< Djinneral> Leme have this one lads I need a warhound, Punch in the jaw! 1559:< WythDryden> Imagines weapons to give him more confidence 1559:< WythDryden> Continues punching the warhound 1559:< Djinneral> I uhh also release my bottled spirits to attack it 1600:< etray> doesnt seem to work 1600:< barnum> Round #7, 57 hits! Nessian Warhound HP: 17[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), etray (4.5), Sorrento110 (3), Djinneral (3) 1600:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1600:< etray> more CHR 1600:< Djinneral> My bottled spirit doesn't do shit, and flies away, I throw the bottle at the warhound hoping to stun it and follow up with an uppercut 1600:< WythDryden> Grabs each of the legs of the warhound to keep it in place, for others to attack 1600:< thatwentBTE> SMASH SMASH SMASH 1600:< Djinneral> how many arms do you have dryden 1600:< WythDryden> It is not pleased 1601:< WythDryden> I have 4 arms 1601:< Djinneral> what about legs 1601:< barnum> Nessian Warhound is kill! Djinneral picks up [Thanatopic Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: WythDryden (4/59%), Djinneral (3/44%), etray (2/95%),... 1601:< Djinneral> is that a death rod? 1601:< WythDryden> 2 legs, 4 arms 1601:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1601:< etray> it's dead jim 1601:< barnum> A wild Deathweb appeared! HP: 319[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1601:< WythDryden> I'm like goro, but more handsome. :P 1601:< WythDryden> It's a sentient web? 1601:< Sorrento110> Like re roll and shit 1601:< barnum> This animated husk from an enormous spider seems filled with thousands of living spiders that fall from its body like drops of blood. 1601:< Djinneral> so now i've got spirits and a spooky death rod, but I dont want to be a magician, I want to punch stuff 1601:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1602:< barnum> Round #1, 136 hits! Deathweb HP: 183[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (12), Djinneral (6), WythDryden (4.5), etray (1.5) 1602:< Djinneral> its like the darn bot is forcing me to go voodoo man 1602:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1602:< Sorrento110> I mean the bot made me an old man who needed a cane and played instruments 1602:< WythDryden> Flails all the arms around, hoping to tear down web and send baby spiders flying 1602:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1602:< Djinneral> heh I guess we're just subject to the fate it gives us 1602:< WythDryden> The bot has made me nothing :P 1602:< Sorrento110> I can also bolster ;) 1602:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1602:< etray> the GM here is much too slow *commits seppuku* removes channel 1602:< barnum> Deathweb is kill! etray picks up [Shifter's Headband +2]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (7/84%), etray (3/29%), WythDryden (4/63%), Djinneral (3... 1602:< Djinneral> I release my spirits and channel my evil voodoo magic through the rod sending it to the graveyard 1603:< barnum> A wild Giant Moray Eel appeared! HP: 234[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1603:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1603:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1603:< Djinneral> I send my magic at the eel, release my bottled spirit, and slap it with my whip! 1603:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1603:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1603:< barnum> Round #1, 154 hits! Giant Moray Eel HP: 80[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), Djinneral (9), WythDryden (4.5) 1603:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1603:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1604:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1604:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/60%), Sorrento110 (7/87%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (4/65%), de... 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1604:< WythDryden> God damn eel 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1604:< WythDryden> Searches for a way to ground the eel 1604:< Djinneral> I smack it with my metamagic rod 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1604:< WythDryden> Bare hands: *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* *PUNCH* 1604:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1605:< barnum> Giant Moray Eel, "Ow, guys, stooooop" 1605:< WythDryden> Feels remorse for the eel 1605:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1605:< barnum> Giant Moray Eel is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Spiteful Cookie]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (8/20%), WythDryden (4/88%), Djinneral (3/59%) 1605:< Sorrento110> No mercy 1605:< WythDryden> Spiteful cookie? lmao 1605:< Djinneral> uhh im sorry mr eel 1605:< barnum> A wild Phooka appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1605:< WythDryden> Phooka? 1605:< WythDryden> Is it like a 6ft tall imaginary rabbit? 1605:< thatwentBTE> *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK *SPANK 1605:< Sorrento110> Dont make fun of my cookie 1606:< barnum> Phooka is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Burning Metamagic Rod]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (8/24%), thatwentBTE (9/63%), WythDryden (4/90%), Dj... 1606:< Sorrento110> lol 1606:< WythDryden> heh 1606:< barnum> hese small hairy creatures resemble a cross between a goblin and a child's fuzzy play bear. 1606:< Sorrento110> Hey I got a rod though! Woooooo 1606:< barnum> A wild Winter Fey appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1606:< barnum> You guys killed a teddy bear, you monsters. 1606:< WythDryden> *Romances the fey* 1606:< WythDryden> Hey there... 1606:< thatwentBTE> hey may also take a human form, which includes various animal features, such as ears or a tail. 1606:< barnum> Round #1, 146 hits! Winter Fey HP: 160[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), WythDryden (4.5), Sorrento110 (3) 1607:< WythDryden> You come around here often, you spritely looking Fey you? 1607:< WythDryden> *Caresses the fey with two of his arms* 1607:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1607:< WythDryden> *Gasps* 1607:< Sorrento110> Lol 1607:< barnum> Round #2, 74 hits! Winter Fey HP: 86[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), WythDryden (4.5) 1607:< WythDryden> Cockblock, man. 1607:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1608:< Sorrento110> Sorry dude. Here you go 1608:< WythDryden> We don't even know that she wanted to do us any harm 1608:< Djinneral> hit it over the head with my thanasomething metamagic rod, then I hit it over the head with my bottled spit, and then I punch it 1608:< WythDryden> She's just over here, lookin' all cute and shit 1608:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into WythDryden 's Anus 1608:**** barnum looks all cute and shit 1608:< WythDryden> She was not impressed by that move! 1608:< Djinneral> I whip it with my tough robe 1608:< ShareDVI> is the bot up? 1608:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1608:< Djinneral> *rope 1608:< WythDryden> You killed my chances with her 1608:< barnum> Winter Fey is kill! WythDryden picks up [Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip]! LVLs: WythDryden (5/24%), Sorrento110 (8/33%), Djinneral (3/73%),... 1608:< WythDryden> I was too bolstered 1608:< Sorrento110> lol you killed her you bitch 1608:< Djinneral> is this your first weapon? 1609:< WythDryden> I got an item, woo! Worth it! 1609:< barnum> A wild Quantum appeared! HP: 1606[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1609:< Sorrento110> You were whining but you killed your bae 1609:< Sorrento110> Holy Shit 1609:< ShareDVI> I swing my staff at it 1609:< WythDryden> I should've tried romance from the beginning, haha 1609:< opek1987> what the fuck is rpg 1609:< ShareDVI> role playing game ofc 1609:< Sorrento110> what is a quantum? 1609:< Djinneral> we attack innocent creatures by typing 1609:< opek1987> i leave for 1 day and you guys start some #idle shit in here 1609:< opek1987> how do play 1609:< barnum> Round #1, 100 hits! Quantum HP: 1506[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), WythDryden (4.5), opek1987 (4.5), Djinneral (3), ShareDVI (3) 1609:< Sorrento110> barnum quantum? 1609:< WythDryden> *equips the tail whip* 1609:< barnum> This creature seems to have no true shape, as its outline flickers and changes seemingly at random. 1609:< Djinneral> it just counts the amount of words you use and takes that from its health 1610:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/65%), Sorrento110 (8/35%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/25%), de... 1610:< ShareDVI> fireball 1610:< opek1987> oh lol 1610:< Sorrento110> Okay Im using one of my wishes to Tame this thing 1610:< barnum> At first it appears to have four tentacles, then in a flicker eight more appear and waver menacingly before shimmering once more out of 1610:< ShareDVI> i use fireball necklace 1610:< Djinneral> but we make random shit up to make it more exciting 1610:< opek1987> nice 1610:< barnum> Its general shape is serpentine, with an uncertain number of tentacles dangling beneath it 1610:< barnum> but the only constants are its six glowing eyes, three on each side of what must be its head. 1610:< Djinneral> sounds pretty spooky 1610:< WythDryden> I don't want to damage it too much, before Sorrento gets to tame it 1610:< barnum> Round #2, 91 hits! Quantum HP: 1415[█████] +XP: Djinneral (7.5), WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (3), ShareDVI (3), opek1987 (3) 1611:< ShareDVI> I poke its eye with my stick 1611:< Djinneral> why would you want to tame such a scary creature it won't love you back 1611:< Sorrento110> This monster perfectly fits my old man figure 1611:< WythDryden> *Whips at it's eyes* *WHIP WHIP WHIP WHIP* 1611:< Sorrento110> We are both weird and creepy. 1611:< WythDryden> AND BLIND! *WHIP WHIP WHIP WHIP* 1611:< Sorrento110> Okay guys when it's KO'd itll be our friend I've used my wish 1611:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1611:< WythDryden> lol, I love the sound effect on that harp 1611:< barnum> Round #3, 152 hits! Quantum HP: 1263[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (12), Djinneral (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), ShareDVI (1.5) 1612:< Djinneral> I smack the quantum right the hell out! 1612:< Sorrento110> Geez this guy is tough. Glad hes gonna be my friend 1612:< ShareDVI> my dragon gets in the air 1612:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1612:< WythDryden> Yeah, that's a tough bitch 1612:< WythDryden> Whips at it's eyes. 1612:< barnum> Round #4, 79 hits! Quantum HP: 1184[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), WythDryden (3), Djinneral (1.5), ShareDVI (1.5) 1612:< Djinneral> I whip it right in the face with my rope 1613:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1613:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1613:< WythDryden> lol 1613:< WythDryden> *creates an annoying sonic slap from his whip* 1613:< WythDryden> The quantum laughs 1613:< barnum> Round #5, 113 hits! Quantum HP: 1071[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1613:< Djinneral> does anyone else here want my thanosomething metamagic death rod? I have no use for it 1613:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1614:< WythDryden> Sure! 1614:< thatwentBTE> I hit both superpositions at once, Colaspings the beast wave form. 1614:< barnum> Round #6, 114 hits! Quantum HP: 957[███▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1614:< WythDryden> Claps at the moves thatwentBTE showcases 1615:< barnum> Round #7, 8 hits! Quantum HP: 949[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (1.5) 1615:< Djinneral> man I bet this quantum will drop some weird ass loot 1615:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/65%), Sorrento110 (8/42%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/32%), de... 1616:< thatwentBTE> If the bot observes that Qauntum is dead, would that change his state to alive? 1617:< WythDryden> I will be glad to have this thing on our side 1617:< barnum> Round #9, 8 hits! Quantum HP: 886[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (1.5) 1617:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1618:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1618:< Sorrento110> Lol yep thatwentBTE 1618:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1618:< Sorrento110> It would just mean hes alive and dead 1618:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1618:< WythDryden> Schroedingers Quantum 1618:< barnum> Round #10, 185 hits! Quantum HP: 701[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (16.5), WythDryden (6) 1619:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1619:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1619:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1619:< barnum> Round #11, 107 hits! Quantum HP: 594[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (4.5) 1619:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1620:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1620:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1620:< WythDryden> *Also throws some rocks at it* 1620:< WythDryden> *shrugs* 1620:< barnum> Round #12, 123 hits! Quantum HP: 471[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (7.5) 1620:< WythDryden> Not much seems to effect this thing. 1620:< Djinneral> GUYS since the update dont forget that the chats go to system default, switch to the right tab 1621:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1621:< WythDryden> *Tries to tell the Quantum a joke* 1621:< WythDryden> Prepare for this, Quantum! 1621:< barnum> Round #13, 80 hits! Quantum HP: 391[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5) 1621:< Djinneral> i hit the quantum with my bottle over the head, and then I smack it with my whip and then I punch it 1621:< WythDryden> KNOCK MOTHER FUCKING KNOCK 1621:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1621:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/66%), Sorrento110 (8/51%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/40%), de... 1622:< WythDryden> (Quantum looks unamused) 1622:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1622:< WythDryden> *Gives up on the joke telling route* 1622:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1622:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1622:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1622:< barnum> Round #14, 271 hits! Quantum HP: 120[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (22.5), WythDryden (9), Djinneral (4.5) 1622:< Djinneral> hey man you tried at least that;'s more than what most of us have done, I just crack my rope at it 1622:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1622:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1623:< WythDryden> I should've done my research 1623:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1623:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1623:< barnum> Who's there? 1623:< WythDryden> Apparently Quantums have a notoriously bad sense of humor 1623:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1623:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1623:< barnum> Quantum is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Wardstone Shard]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (8/71%), WythDryden (5/48%), Djinneral (3/92%) 1623:< Sorrento110> Nice! 1623:< Djinneral> that aint worth shit 1623:< Sorrento110> Now its my pet 1623:< WythDryden> That sounds impressive though 1623:< barnum> A wild Grimm appeared! HP: 742[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1624:< Djinneral> I've got spirits, death rods and ropes, this grimm needs to be mine! 1624:< barnum> This monstrous beast stands well over 9 feet tall and has glistening black flesh. Its head is oval with deep sunken black eyes. 1624:< Sorrento110> I'll probably affix the shard to one of my weapons 1624:< barnum> Round #1, 72 hits! Grimm HP: 670[█████] +XP: Djinneral (6), Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1624:< Djinneral> I suggest to the grimm to join me and my merry band of spooky stuff, so we can spook better 1624:< barnum> Its mouth is wide and large and sports double rows of razor-sharp fangs. 1624:< Sorrento110> Do you have a bonding band for the grimm djinneral? 1624:< Djinneral> nope I've got nothing 1625:< Djinneral> well I've got rope lol 1625:< WythDryden> Where does one procure such a band? 1625:< WythDryden> lol 1625:< barnum> he monster’s powerful arms and legs end in filthy wicked claws that sport broken, black fingernails. 1625:< barnum> Round #2, 55 hits! Grimm HP: 615[█████] +XP: Djinneral (7.5), WythDryden (3), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1625:< Djinneral> I'll just have it bonded in the corner of the cave I reside n 1625:< WythDryden> *Stands there, wearing nothing but his whip* 1625:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1626:< Sorrento110> djinneral theres a beast-bond brand in the items up for grabs section 1626:< Sorrento110> You can use it as long as you get the last hit on this guy 1626:< barnum> Grimm is a fey, not a beast. 1626:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1626:< Sorrento110> Oh rip 1626:< barnum> #rpg Round #3, 103 hits! Grimm HP: 512[████▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (6), Djinneral (4.5) 1626:< Sorrento110> How do you bind fey? 1627:< WythDryden> *Blinks flirtatiously at the grimm* 1627:< barnum> Round #4, 89 hits! Grimm HP: 423[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), WythDryden (3) 1627:< WythDryden> *Wraps his whip around the grimm, pulling it closer* 1627:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/66%), Sorrento110 (8/75%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/52%), Dj... 1627:< WythDryden> *slowly tightens the whip around the grimm* 1628:< Djinneral> I assist him in his restricting and tie my rope around the grim 1628:< WythDryden> What... lovely.... fingernails.... you have. *GAG* 1628:< Sorrento110> Roll a charisma roll djinneral 1628:< barnum> Round #5, 58 hits! Grimm HP: 365[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1628:< Sorrento110> See if you can tame the sucker 1628:< WythDryden> It's working! 1628:< Djinneral> uhh all right 1629:< Djinneral> I need to kill it first though 1629:< WythDryden> *whispers sweetly in the grimm's ears* 1629:< barnum> Round #6, 43 hits! Grimm HP: 322[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (3), Djinneral (3), Sorrento110 (1.5) 1629:< WythDryden> *Holds back the urge to vomit* 1629:< Djinneral> I hurt it real bad with my spooky ghosts 1630:< WythDryden> *Feels grateful for spooky ghosts* 1630:< barnum> Round #7, 22 hits! Grimm HP: 300[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (3), Djinneral (1.5) 1630:< WythDryden> *gives up* 1630:< WythDryden> This romancing stuff is harder than it looks. 1630:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1630:< Sorrento110> That'll help 1630:< surelyucantbserious> that's what she said. 1631:< WythDryden> You left me there struggling this whole time! 1631:< WythDryden> *Resumes romancing the grimm* 1631:< barnum> Round #8, 92 hits! Grimm HP: 208[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (6), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1631:< WythDryden> You will be enticed, Grimm! 1631:**** barnum is not enticed 1631:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1631:< WythDryden> lmao 1631:< WythDryden> Yes, it needs it will power broken more! 1631:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1632:< Djinneral> hes looking weak guys 1632:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1632:< barnum> Round #9, 167 hits! Grimm HP: 41[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), WythDryden (6), Djinneral (1.5) 1632:< Sorrento110> Someone else get the last hit 1632:< WythDryden> I may be mistaken, but it looks like it's going to start swooning for me 1632:< Sorrento110> djinneral 1632:< WythDryden> *Sees swooning coming* 1632:< Djinneral> I call to the spirits I have unleashed and burn its flesh off right to the bones, and sear its skin into putrid little bits! 1632:**** barnum starts swooning 1632:< WythDryden> *BETRAYS THE GRIMM* 1632:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *ANNOYING SONIC SNAP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1632:< Sorrento110> Oh shit 1633:< WythDryden> *Pokes it in the eyes(?)* 1633:< barnum> Grimm is kill! WythDryden picks up [Ring of Friend Shield]! LVLs: WythDryden (5/78%), Sorrento110 (8/86%), Djinneral (4/31%) 1633:< Sorrento110> there's a turn for you 1633:< Djinneral> now you can go make friends? 1633:< WythDryden> Ring of Friend Shield! haha, awesome 1633:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/66%), Sorrento110 (8/86%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/78%), Dj... 1633:< Djinneral> befriend the grim? 1633:< WythDryden> lol, pretty fitting 1633:< barnum> A wild Worm That Walks appeared! HP: 508[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1633:< Djinneral> disgusting I won't be a part of this combat 1634:< Djinneral> flee 1634:< Djinneral> !flee 1634:< Sorrento110> oh shit stupid wor 1634:< barnum> Round #1, 76 hits! Worm That Walks HP: 432[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: Djinneral (7.5), Sorrento110 (3), WythDryden (3) 1634:< WythDryden> lol 1634:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1634:< WythDryden> Gotta grab some lunch, back in a while 1634:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into Worm That Walks 's Anus 1635:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1635:< barnum> Round #2, 117 hits! Worm That Walks HP: 315[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), WythDryden (3) 1635:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1635:< barnum> Although this robed wizard stands and moves like a man, his body is a writhing mass of squirming, slippery worms. 1635:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1635:< Djinneral> ewwww 1635:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1636:< barnum> So, it's that dude from last season of Doctor Who basically 1636:< Sorrento110> Oh so he doesn't even have an anus.... 1636:< barnum> Round #3, 150 hits! Worm That Walks HP: 165[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: Sorrento110 (15), Djinneral (1.5) 1636:< Djinneral> I release my spirits on it 1636:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1636:< Sorrento110> Did you guys kill or tame that Grimm? 1637:< barnum> Round #4, 64 hits! Worm That Walks HP: 101[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), Djinneral (1.5) 1637:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1638:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Worm That Walks HP: 101[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: no one :( 1638:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1638:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1638:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1638:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1638:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1639:< barnum> Worm That Walks is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Ioun Stone emerald ellipsoid]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (8/98%) 1639:< Sorrento110> Awesome 1639:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/66%), Sorrento110 (8/98%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1639:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Goliath appeared! HP: 963[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1639:< Sorrento110> Alright guys I'm out for a while. See ya! 1640:< barnum> Round #1, 30 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 933[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (3) 1640:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1640:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1641:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1641:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 933[█████] +XP: no one :( 1642:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 933[█████] +XP: no one :( 1643:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 933[█████] +XP: no one :( 1643:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 933[█████] +XP: no one :( 1644:< thatwentBTE> SMACK 1644:< thatwentBTE> I crush its tiny gears into metal dust with my golden hammer 1644:< barnum> Round #6, 34 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 899[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (3) 1645:< thatwentBTE> !flee 1645:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/67%), Sorrento110 (8/99%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1645:< derogative> man it is too early to be awake. 1645:< barnum> Too early, it's 1 in the afternoon! 1646:< barnum> Round #7, 22 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 877[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (1.5), derogative (1.5) 1646:< derogative> well i went to bed at 6 am and woke up at 10am. too early 1646:< barnum> Yup, too early 1646:< thatwentBTE> lol I kinda did the same thing 1646:< thatwentBTE> 4 am to 8 am 1646:< barnum> 3 AM and woke at 8 AM here 1646:< thatwentBTE> not wasting my day off thats alos payday 1646:< derogative> i'm only up because for some reason it was hotter than satan's flaming asshole in the house 1647:< barnum> Round #8, 70 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 807[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: derogative (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 1647:< derogative> and i can't sleep when it's hot so here i am awake and unhappy 1647:< thatwentBTE> to tired to drive straight ด้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้้้้็็็็็้้้้้็็็็็ 1647:< barnum> Round #9, 14 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 793[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: derogative (4.5) 1648:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 793[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1649:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 793[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1650:< derogative> i can't even go back to sleep because the landlord is gonne be by at some point in time to take my money 1650:< surelyucantbserious> Goliath, eh? Where is my trusty sling? 1650:< derogative> rip me, derogative is kill 1650:< barnum> Round #12, 26 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 767[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: derogative (6), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1651:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/68%), Sorrento110 (8/99%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1651:< surelyucantbserious> I will load this sling with the holy hand grenade of Antioch! 1651:< thatwentBTE> Sorrento110 1651:< surelyucantbserious> anyone remember the count-in? 1651:< thatwentBTE> the count in? 1651:< barnum> Round #13, 41 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 726[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: surelyucantbserious (6), thatwentBTE (3) 1652:< barnum> Round #14, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 726[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1653:< barnum> Round #15, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 726[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1654:< barnum> Round #16, 0 hits! Clockwork Goliath HP: 726[████▒] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: no one :( 1655:< barnum> brb, might break something, hopefully not 1655:< thatwentBTE> Do IT! 1656:< barnum> A wild Undead Raven Swarm appeared! HP: 472[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1657:< barnum> Yup, newer version doesn't work for me for some reason 1657:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1657:< thatwentBTE> ah 1657:< Sorrento110> thats strange? 1657:< barnum> Round #1, 15 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 457[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (1.5) 1657:< Sorrento110> DO you have any idea as to why it wont work? 1657:< barnum> Sorrento, I think the bot ignores that quantum tenacle message, because it ignores those special characters 1658:< barnum> Thinking they're spam 1658:< Sorrento110> ohhhhhhhhhh 1658:< Sorrento110> okay cool. Ill change it 1658:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1658:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 384[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5) 1659:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 384[█████] +XP: no one :( 1700:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 384[█████] +XP: no one :( 1701:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 384[█████] +XP: no one :( 1701:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/69%), Sorrento110 (9/11%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1701:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1701:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1702:< barnum> Round #6, 96 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 288[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9) 1703:< barnum> Round #7, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 288[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1703:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1703:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1704:< barnum> Round #8, 96 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 192[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9) 1705:< barnum> Round #9, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 192[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1706:< barnum> Round #10, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 192[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1707:< barnum> Round #11, 0 hits! Undead Raven Swarm HP: 192[███▒▒] +XP: no one :( 1707:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaking and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1707:< thatwentBTE> My golden soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 1707:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/69%), Sorrento110 (9/15%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1707:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 1708:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1708:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1708:< barnum> Undead Raven Swarm is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [War Mask of Terror]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (9/77%) 1709:< barnum> A wild Greater Gelid Beetle appeared! HP: 513[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1709:< barnum> Nice, think the new version wroked this time 1709:< thatwentBTE> I bash this large dung beetle. A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1709:< barnum> !help 1709:< Ciechom> !help 1709:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Greater Gelid Beetle HP: 513[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1710:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. It's body slumps. 1710:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1710:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Greater Gelid Beetle HP: 513[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 1710:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in 1710:< barnum> Ok, definitely not working 1710:< an_audible_smile> does someone actually have a text rpg script here? 1711:< thatwentBTE> yeah kinda 1711:< barnum> A wild Faceless Whale appeared! HP: 1116[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1711:< AdonisChrist> !help 1711:< thatwentBTE> I typed up a few lines to use in battle 1711:< barnum> Back to old one, that was the last time I try to upgrade. 1711:< barnum> Round #1, 19 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 1097[█████] +XP: AdonisChrist (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1711:< thatwentBTE> you can kill by chatting bonus damage at 60 characters. so try to make your statements a little longer. 1712:< thatwentBTE> but its up to you how you play 1712:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/9qnkl 1712:< thatwentBTE> You can add yourself to this doc to track your loot 1712:< thatwentBTE> it also has the rules listed 1712:< barnum> Round #2, 151 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 946[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5) 1713:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 946[█████] +XP: no one :( 1714:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1714:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1714:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 1714:< barnum> Round #4, 150 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 796[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5) 1715:< barnum> Round #5, 0 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 796[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1715:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1715:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/83%), Sorrento110 (9/15%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/80%), Dj... 1716:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1716:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1716:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in 1716:< thatwentBTE> "I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves." 1716:< barnum> Round #6, 246 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 550[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), Sorrento110 (9) 1717:< Sorrento110> My Quantum will assist your dragon in sneaking up on the creature 1717:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1717:< thatwentBTE> "Be gone from me, vile whale, be gone from me! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! " 1717:< thatwentBTE> Its repugnant viod where its face should be almost shows a look of surprise as my dragon reaches him. 1717:< Sorrento110> When your dragon is ready, my quantum will strike viciously in synch with it 1717:< barnum> Round #7, 244 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 306[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (13.5), thatwentBTE (9) 1717:< thatwentBTE> The look of suprise is wiped away in an instant as the dragon thrashes the creature by the fin. 1718:< thatwentBTE> With a small *pop* the beast comes free of it's own tail, and slams into a large rock. 1718:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaking and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1718:< barnum> Round #8, 150 hits! Faceless Whale HP: 156[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5) 1718:< thatwentBTE> My golden griffon soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 1719:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 1719:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1719:< thatwentBTE> The dieing creature lets a low gargle as the giffon's tallons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 1719:< WythDryden> Out of nowhere, WythDryden sneaks in and gives the whale a vicious punch in it's non-face spot where the face should be. 1719:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitchs. 1719:< barnum> Faceless Whale is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Wizard Hook]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (9/99%), WythDryden (5/84%) 1719:< WythDryden> Hehehe 1719:< Sorrento110> Started a thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1719:< barnum> A wild Young Vortex Dragon appeared! HP: 468[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1720:< Sorrento110> Working on making it look super pretty 1720:< an_audible_smile> test 1720:< Sorrento110> hello an_audible_smile 1720:< WythDryden> Vortex Dragon!? 1720:< barnum> Round #1, 66 hits! Young Vortex Dragon HP: 402[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (3), an_audible_smile (1.5) 1720:< an_audible_smile> lol I can't see anything in #rpg only # 1720:< thatwentBTE> any wizard or mage need a magic Wizard Hook? 1721:< thatwentBTE> its pointy 1721:< Sorrento110> an_audible_smile set your filter to #rpg 1721:< WythDryden> Have you tried the parrot robin-grow pugin an_audible_smile? 1721:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1721:< barnum> Round #2, 108 hits! Young Vortex Dragon HP: 294[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), thatwentBTE (3), an_audible_smile (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1721:< Sorrento110> This vortex dragon is but a whelp 1721:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø>> 1721:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (9/99%), Sorrento110 (9/21%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/21%), WythDryden (5/86%), Dj... 1721:< Sorrento110> I'm going to keep that message and just let it take the off part off 1721:< WythDryden> Pats the vortex dragon on the head 1722:< thatwentBTE> *SMASHY *SMASHY *SMASHY *SMASHY 1722:< thatwentBTE> KAMAYA 1722:< WythDryden> Accidentally damages it 1722:< Sorrento110> Started a thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1722:< thatwentBTE> subbed 1722:< WythDryden> Poor widdle guy 1722:< barnum> Round #3, 155 hits! Young Vortex Dragon HP: 139[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 1722:< WythDryden> *Soothes dragon using Ring of Friend Shield* 1723:< WythDryden> Does my Ring of Friend Shield count as a ring? Or a shield? 1723:< thatwentBTE> I SMASH ITS B-HOLE WITH MY MIGHTY HAMMER 1723:< WythDryden> lol, It's B-Hole turns into another vortex 1723:< barnum> Round #4, 42 hits! Young Vortex Dragon HP: 97[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1723:< thatwentBTE> no its a friend with a shielded ringlet shild ring 1724:< WythDryden> Heh, I'm not sure that helps my confusion 1724:< thatwentBTE> I protects you from people who try to be your friend 1724:< WythDryden> Oooooh 1724:< barnum> Round #5, 52 hits! Young Vortex Dragon HP: 45[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), WythDryden (3) 1724:< thatwentBTE> SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH SMASH 1724:< WythDryden> Ok then. Well this vortex dragon shall be no friend of mine damnit! 1725:< WythDryden> BE GONE! *PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH* 1725:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1725:< WythDryden> Join your b-hole in it's vortexy doom! 1725:< barnum> Young Vortex Dragon is kill! WythDryden picks up [Brazen Head]! LVLs: WythDryden (5/99%), Sorrento110 (9/26%), thatwentBTE (10/10%) 1725:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1725:< Sorrento110> Nice! 1725:< Sorrento110> You got a Vortex Dragon Head! 1725:< barnum> A wild Kapre appeared! HP: 81[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1725:< WythDryden> Nice! 1726:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1726:< Sorrento110> Kill it in one round! 1726:< WythDryden> I wonder what I should do with it 1726:< barnum> Kapre is kill! WythDryden picks up [Healer's Gloves]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (9/32%), WythDryden (6/20%) 1726:< WythDryden> Nice! 1726:< Sorrento110> Nice 1726:< Sorrento110> You have healer gloves! 1726:< barnum> A wild Poltergeist appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1726:< WythDryden> *Equips Healer's gloves* 1726:< WythDryden> Ok, so did I get enough gloves for all my hands? Or do I need two sets? :P 1727:< barnum> Round #1, 79 hits! Poltergeist HP: 6[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (7.5), Sorrento110 (3) 1727:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1727:< Sorrento110> It's dead for sure 1727:< WythDryden> Whips the poltergeist. It goes through 1727:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/10%), Sorrento110 (9/33%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), WythDryden (6/22%), ryanvango (6/21%), D... 1727:< thatwentBTE> molesyt 1727:< WythDryden> The sonic snap annoys it though 1727:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1727:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1727:< WythDryden> *Peer poltergeist* 1728:< WythDryden> *Flips it the bird with healing gloves* 1728:< Sorrento110> Started a thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1728:< barnum> Poltergeist is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Trapspringer's Gloves]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (9/46%), WythDryden (6/35%), thatwentBTE (10/12%) 1728:< barnum> A wild Gray Ooze appeared! HP: 225[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1729:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1729:< barnum> Round #1, 49 hits! Gray Ooze HP: 176[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (4.5) 1729:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1729:< WythDryden> Scoops up some of the ooze 1729:< Sorrento110> Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1729:< WythDryden> Is this better or worse than the mud for my complexion? 1730:< Sorrento110> Prolly worse 1730:< WythDryden> Ew 1730:< Sorrento110> It might be acidic 1730:< WythDryden> Throws the ooze 1730:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1730:< barnum> Gray Ooze is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Lion's Shield]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (9/52%), WythDryden (6/37%) 1730:< thatwentBTE> nice 1730:< Sorrento110> Nice! 1730:< WythDryden> Uses healing gloves on himself. 1730:< Sorrento110> Lion's Shield 1730:< thatwentBTE> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c9T2k42MIE 1730:< barnum> A wild Frostfallen Mammoth appeared! HP: 409[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1731:< barnum> Round #1, 79 hits! Frostfallen Mammoth HP: 330[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), Sorrento110 (3), WythDryden (1.5) 1731:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1731:< thatwentBTE> I Slam my hammer into its ivory tusks. Cracks form and blood starts to run form his tusks 1731:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1731:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1732:< barnum> Round #2, 185 hits! Frostfallen Mammoth HP: 145[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (4.5) 1732:< WythDryden> Uses healing gloves on Sorrento110 1732:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1732:< Sorrento110> Thank you! 1732:< WythDryden> All the hard playing is hard on the fingers 1732:< WythDryden> *harp playing 1732:< WythDryden> *Climbs mammoth and punches it in the ears* 1733:< barnum> Round #3, 103 hits! Frostfallen Mammoth HP: 42[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (6) 1733:< WythDryden> Uses the whip on the mammoths ears. The sound and the whipping itself hurts it! 1733:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/14%), Sorrento110 (9/56%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), WythDryden (6/40%), ryanvango (6/21%), D... 1733:< thatwentBTE> Tickles the mammoths b-hole 1733:< WythDryden> lol, the b-hole. An obvious weak-point! 1733:< WythDryden> Unless that is the point of it's bolstering 1733:< WythDryden> In which case, it is fortified 1734:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1734:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1734:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1734:< thatwentBTE> I use my vambrace of the tactician. I hear a distant voice " go for the b-hole bro" 1734:< barnum> Frostfallen Mammoth is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Deathgag Elixir]! LVLs: WythDryden (6/55%), Sorrento110 (9/62%), thatwentBTE (10/... 1734:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1734:< WythDryden> lmao! 1734:< Sorrento110> Nice Elixir 1734:< barnum> A wild Baba Yaga appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1734:< Sorrento110> And nice B-hole attacks 1734:< WythDryden> What is a Baba Yaga 1735:< barnum> Round #1, 102 hits! Baba Yaga HP: 411[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), WythDryden (3) 1735:< thatwentBTE> Baba Yaga I have a bone to pick with you 1735:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1735:< thatwentBTE> its and old witch thing 1735:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1735:< Sorrento110> oh shit thatwentBTE and baba yaga about to throw down 1735:< Sorrento110> I got you thatwentBTE 1735:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into thatwentBTE 's Anus 1735:< WythDryden> Uses gloves of healing on thatwentBTE 1735:< thatwentBTE> Baba yaga was in quest for glory 4: shadows of darkness 1736:< WythDryden> Protect your b-hole though 1736:< thatwentBTE> she was a real bitch 1736:< barnum> Round #2, 224 hits! Baba Yaga HP: 187[██▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (7.5), thatwentBTE (6) 1736:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1736:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1736:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1737:< ryanvango> test 1737:< thatwentBTE> "Just die you old whore!" *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1737:< barnum> Baba Yaga is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Deadly Draught]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (10/23%), Sorrento110 (9/66%), WythDryden (6/60%), ryanv... 1737:< thatwentBTE> I can see you 1737:< thatwentBTE> Ryanvango is back! 1737:< Sorrento110> he killed it! 1737:< barnum> A wild Land Lamprey appeared! HP: 22[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1737:< WythDryden> Aloha Ryanvango 1737:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering* 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Theme Song' 1737:< ryanvango> hey guys!:) 1737:< WythDryden> EAT SHIT LAMPREY 1737:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1737:< WythDryden> Finds some of the old grey ooze and tosses it at the lamprey 1738:< Sorrento110> Started a thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1738:< WythDryden> How's that feel? 1738:< barnum> Land Lamprey is kill! WythDryden picks up [Plaguebringer]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (9/76%), WythDryden (6/73%), thatwentBTE (10/25%), ryan... 1738:< Sorrento110> Lol a plaguebringer! 1738:< WythDryden> lol 1738:< barnum> A wild Wickerman appeared! HP: 706[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1738:< WythDryden> I'm not sure if that is a weapon or what? 1738:< Sorrento110> Yea 1738:< WythDryden> Have some Plague Wickerman! 1738:< Sorrento110> Prolly a word or something 1738:< Sorrento110> sword* 1738:< ryanvango> ohhh and now i cant see my own typing, can you guys see it? 1738:< barnum> Round #1, 108 hits! Wickerman HP: 598[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), WythDryden (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1739:< barnum> you ryan 1739:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1739:< barnum> I can see you ryan 1739:< Sorrento110> I can see it ryanvango 1739:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1739:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1739:< WythDryden> Utters the incantation of the Plaguebringer! Wyth slices and stabs with it, leaving behind some gross oozing wounds. 1739:< thatwentBTE> I weave the mickerman into a wickerman chair 1739:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/25%), Sorrento110 (9/78%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), WythDryden (6/74%), ryanvango (6/25%), D... 1740:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on himself, just in case of plague. 1740:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1740:< barnum> Round #2, 245 hits! Wickerman HP: 353[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (15), WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (3) 1740:< thatwentBTE> ewwww wyth 1740:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1740:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1740:< thatwentBTE> cool and gross 1740:< thatwentBTE> lol 1740:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1740:< ryanvango> can someone link the latest robingrow? 1741:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1741:< barnum> Round #3, 227 hits! Wickerman HP: 126[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), WythDryden (9), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1741:< thatwentBTE> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/5s43c 1741:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1741:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1741:< embracetehmartian> my loot is the best ive still got the holy avenger 1741:< WythDryden> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot ryanvango 1741:< WythDryden> That is parrot though 1741:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1741:**** barnum is still using robin grow 1.86 because screw the new 1742:< barnum> Wickerman is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Scarecrow Lure]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (9/87%), WythDryden (6/85%), thatwentBTE (10/27%), embra... 1742:< ryanvango> lets see if this one works now 1742:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1742:< WythDryden> lol, lure some scarecrows 1742:< barnum> A wild Emperor Walrus appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1742:< ryanvango> !heroes 1742:< WythDryden> Hey Emperor Walrus.. how wild can you be? 1742:< thatwentBTE> I insult the walrus and his stupid empire 1742:< barnum> Old version still Ryan 1742:< barnum> Can't get new one to work 1743:< ryanvango> ohhh ok. but you do know he fixed the new one last night? 1743:< ryanvango> or tried to* 1743:< barnum> Yeah, tried it half hour ago, was registering any damage 1743:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1743:< barnum> *wasn't 1743:< ryanvango> oh ok. well fuck it then 1743:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1743:< barnum> Round #2, 110 hits! Emperor Walrus HP: 348[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), WythDryden (4.5) 1743:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1743:< ryanvango> so how far behind am i know? how much am i gonna have to spam nonsense:) 1744:< Sorrento110> Idk 1744:< WythDryden> Behind? 1744:< Sorrento110> Maybe 3 levels worth? 1744:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1744:< thatwentBTE> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/25%), Sorrento110 (9/78%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), WythDryden (6/74%), ryanvango (6/25%), 1744:< ryanvango> jesus BTE 1744:< WythDryden> You're probably still ahead of me at least ryanvango. I just started today 1744:< thatwentBTE> Ill be quiet for a while 1744:< barnum> Round #3, 290 hits! Emperor Walrus HP: 58[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (12), ryanvango (6), WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (6) 1744:< Sorrento110> I have a ring of three wishes embracetehmartian 1744:< ryanvango> WythDryden haha but i gotta be the very best! 1744:< barnum> ryan, you're still #1 on the main bot :) 1745:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1745:< barnum> Well, tied with Cabbage 1745:< WythDryden> To catch them is the real test! 1745:< Sorrento110> Who runs main bot? 1745:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/28%), Sorrento110 (9/91%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), WythDryden (6/89%), ryanvango (6/29%), D... 1745:< embracetehmartian> sorrento110 sounds impressive 1745:< WythDryden> Sorrento110 you used one of your wishes didn't you? 1745:< ryanvango> BTE thats ok. i was gonna do a little exploring to make some pre-typed attacks like i told you to haha. i like that idea 1745:< barnum> robin-rpg 1745:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1745:< barnum> He's in fiTosm right now 1745:< Sorrento110> Yep WythDryden 1745:< thatwentBTE> I made some pre typed attack stories out last night like you said ruanvango 1746:< Sorrento110> oh he dropped out. dang 1746:< barnum> Emperor Walrus is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [Necklace of Fireballs Type V]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (10/13%), WythDryden (6/95%), ryanvan... 1746:< thatwentBTE> They turned out pretty ok 1746:< WythDryden> Oh, somehow I muted btw by accident. :-X 1746:< Sorrento110> and WythDryden its at 2/3 in my inv 1746:< barnum> A wild Sandling appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1746:< WythDryden> Sorry! Ring of Friend Shield 1746:< embracetehmartian> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1746:< Sorrento110> Oh shit necklace is piimping. It'll have synch with my Burning MetaMagic Rod 1746:< ryanvango> BTE its just a way for you to type faster/get more attacks in. plus you usually have good RP, so i dont mind seeing it repeated:) 1746:< barnum> Sandling is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Ectoplasmic Invigoration]! LVLs: ryanvango (6/38%), Sorrento110 (10/14%), WythDryden (... 1747:< ryanvango> im pretty sure that drop makes me no longer a ghost... 1747:< barnum> A wild Choleric Ooze Swarm appeared! HP: 112[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1747:< WythDryden> What is the way to type faster? 1747:< barnum> Practice? 1747:< WythDryden> Ectoplasmic Invigoration would make you more a ghost wouldn't it? 1747:< barnum> Round #1, 50 hits! Choleric Ooze Swarm HP: 62[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), ryanvango (1.5) 1747:< ryanvango> WythDryden BTE is kind of a slow typer, so i told him to write a few 61+ character attacks in a word pad for fast copy/paste 1747:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball* ------========O)) 1748:< WythDryden> Ahhh, I see 1748:< Sorrento110> Idk if thatll hurt the ooze swarm, but we will see 1748:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball[Type V]* ------========O)) 1748:< ryanvango> WythDryden sorta like have a pre-set spell list. copy and past the attack and its effect, that way you get more good attacks 1748:< Sorrento110> Forgot it was empowered with my necklace 1748:< ryanvango> like some of us (ahem...ryanvango) who never shut the fuck up 1748:< barnum> Choleric Ooze Swarm is kill! ryanvango picks up [Belt of Fallen Heroes]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (10/23%), ryanvango (6/48%), WythDryden (... 1748:< WythDryden> Says mean things at the ooze swarm 1749:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1749:< ryanvango> ok NOW can I not be a ghost? that belt and the ring seals the deal lol 1749:< barnum> Or become a wizard and use a lorum ipsum generator for your fake latin spell talk :D 1749:< barnum> A wild Vildeis appeared! HP: 2745[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1749:< Sorrento110> holy lord 1749:< WythDryden> What is a Videis? And jesus F that is a huge angry thing. 1749:< ryanvango> haha barnum thats not a bad idea. im gonna be the infamous lorem ipsum wizard 1749:< barnum> Round #1, 160 hits! Vildeis HP: 2585[█████] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (6), WythDryden (3) 1749:< Sorrento110> Its an emperial lord 1749:< barnum> Vildeis is a powerful angel empyreal lord, also known as the Cardinal Martyr, fanatically dedicated to the eradication of all evil ever 1750:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1750:< WythDryden> Ahh 1750:< Sorrento110> Trident of Stability: *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB *STAB 1750:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1750:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1750:< barnum> So, you guys are fighting a good guy. Like I said before, maybe it is YOU who are the monsters. 1750:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1750:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1750:< barnum> Round #2, 322 hits! Vildeis HP: 2263[█████] +XP: Sorrento110 (19.5), WythDryden (10.5) 1750:< Sorrento110> I'm just trying to put him to sleep barnum 1750:< Sorrento110> and annoy him 1750:< WythDryden> Utters the incantation of the Plaguebringer! Wyth slices and stabs with it, leaving behind some gross oozing wounds. 1751:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/31%), Sorrento110 (10/28%), SirCabbage (7/54%), WythDryden (7/17%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/50%), ... 1751:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1751:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1751:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on himself. You can never be too careful when wielding a plaguebringer 1751:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1751:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1751:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1751:< barnum> It is said that when Vildeis first emerged from Heaven and learned of the existence of evil in the Great Beyond, she tore out her eyes 1751:< barnum> Round #3, 362 hits! Vildeis HP: 1901[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (21), WythDryden (13.5) 1751:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1751:< WythDryden> Wow! 1752:< barnum> so that she would no longer see its foul touch throughout existence. 1752:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball[Type V]* ------========O)) 1752:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on Vildeis eyes to lull it into a false sense of friendship 1752:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1752:< WythDryden> The Vildeis is in horror at having regained sight and seeing the evil throughout the lands 1752:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1752:< barnum> Round #4, 304 hits! Vildeis HP: 1597[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (18), WythDryden (10.5) 1752:< WythDryden> It claws at it's own eyes again, damaging it further 1753:< Sorrento110> *Plays Drums of Lethargy to put monsters to sleep so my allies can wail on em* DUM DUM DOM DUM DUM D0M DIM DIM DUM DUM DOM DOM DUM DUM 1753:< Sorrento110> This thing might be sleep spell immune 1753:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1753:< barnum> Round #5, 142 hits! Vildeis HP: 1455[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1753:< WythDryden> WythDryden repeats the process of healing the Videis eyes, and the Vildeis damages itself trying to claw them out again. 1754:< Sorrento110> Nice strategy! 1754:< WythDryden> Thanks! 1754:< ryanvango> who ever wants that belt of fallen heroes, i already have a dope ass belt 1754:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1754:< ryanvango> and im gonna say the ring makes me un-ghosty 1754:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaking and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1754:< Sorrento110> I'm just an old man of music and mystery. 1754:< WythDryden> I can use a belt 1754:< thatwentBTE> My golden griffon soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 1754:< Sorrento110> I don't want fancy gear ;) 1754:< ryanvango> WythDryden all yours 1754:< barnum> Round #6, 333 hits! Vildeis HP: 1122[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (9), thatwentBTE (9), WythDryden (7.5), ryanvango (7.5) 1754:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the dirt. 1754:< WythDryden> Thanks! 1754:< Sorrento110> My Quantum will help your griffon to attack the Vildeis 1754:< WythDryden> Equips the belt of fallen heroes! 1754:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1755:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1755:< WythDryden> WythDryden repeats the process of healing the Videis eyes, and the Vildeis damages itself trying to claw them out again. 1755:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1755:< WythDryden> WHIP WHIP WHIP 1755:< barnum> Round #7, 315 hits! Vildeis HP: 807[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), WythDryden (9), Sorrento110 (6) 1755:< Sorrento110> I phase and and out of reality with my quantum, sneaking up on the vildeis 1755:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1755:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into Vildeis 's Anus 1755:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 1755:< WythDryden> Utters the incantation of the Plaguebringer! Wyth slices and stabs with it, leaving behind some gross oozing wounds. 1755:< Sorrento110> *Uses Burning Metamagic rod to cast fireball[Type V]* ------========O)) 1756:< WythDryden> WythDryden repeats the process of healing the Videis eyes, and the Vildeis damages itself trying to claw them out again. 1756:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1756:< WythDryden> It is distracted! 1756:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in 1756:< barnum> Round #8, 438 hits! Vildeis HP: 369[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (18), Sorrento110 (10.5), WythDryden (10.5) 1756:< thatwentBTE> "I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves." 1756:< WythDryden> Vildeis pleads for friendship 1756:< Sorrento110> My quantum will begin to hammer the vildeis at an amazingly fast pace 1756:< thatwentBTE> Its repugnant face almost shows a look of surprise as my dragon reaches him. 1756:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1756:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1756:< barnum> HEROES : Sorrento110 (10/42%), thatwentBTE (10/39%), SirCabbage (7/54%), WythDryden (7/30%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/52%), ... 1757:< thatwentBTE> The look of suprise is wiped away in an instant as the dragon thrashes the creature by the arm. 1757:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1757:< WythDryden> EAT PLAGUE BITCH. Uses the plaguebringer on the Vildeis 1757:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1757:< thatwentBTE> With a small *pop* the beast comes free of it's own arm, and slams into a large rock. 1757:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on himself. You can never be too careful when wielding a plaguebringer 1757:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1757:< thatwentBTE> The dying creature lets a low gargle as the giffon's tallons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 1757:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitchs. 1757:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1757:< barnum> Vildeis is kill! Sorrento110 picks up [iridescent spindle ioun stone]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (10/54%), thatwentBTE (10/49%), WythDryden ... 1757:< Sorrento110> Woah 1758:< WythDryden> Heh, nice. For all the effort that took.. 1758:< barnum> A wild Smoke Mephit appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1758:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1758:< WythDryden> Waves all of his arms around, creating a mighty wind blowing smoke away 1758:< barnum> Smoke Mephit is kill! WythDryden picks up [Resplendent Uniform Coat]! LVLs: WythDryden (7/42%), Sorrento110 (10/54%), thatwentBTE (1... 1758:< WythDryden> Oooo 1758:< embracetehmartian> damn you goin ham thatwentbte 1758:< Sorrento110> I think I am going to enchant one of my weapons with the stone I just got from the beast. barnum you have to RNG the results. 1759:< barnum> A wild Dire Hyena appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1759:< Sorrento110> But It was a crazy hard kill, so make it something awesome 1759:< barnum> What are the possibilites Sorrento? 1759:< thatwentBTE> What a puny creature! *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 1759:< WythDryden> Wears his Resplendent Uniform Coat 1759:< barnum> Dire Hyena is kill! WythDryden picks up [Mask of the Mantis]! LVLs: WythDryden (7/45%), Sorrento110 (10/55%), embracetehmartian (1/6... 1759:< Sorrento110> Idk just make something up since you are DM barnum 1759:< WythDryden> lmao 1759:< WythDryden> Wears the Mask of the Mantis 1759:< barnum> A wild Scorpionfolk appeared! HP: 265[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1800:< ryanvango> why do i have like 15 sent message bars. fuck 1800:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1800:< Sorrento110> Its called a Irridescent Spindle Ioun Stone barnum, and im gonna combine with my Burning Metamagic Rod. 1800:< barnum> Round #1, 141 hits! Scorpionfolk HP: 124[███▒▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (6), ryanvango (6), WythDryden (3) 1800:< Sorrento110> the stone i got from the vildeis 1800:< WythDryden> Hm, I need to come up with a good effect for my mask of the manties 1800:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this assholes asshole 1800:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1800:< WythDryden> Mantis I mean. My resplendent uniform coat just makes me super likeable. :P 1801:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1801:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 1801:< ryanvango> those are my pre-typed's 1801:< barnum> Scorpionfolk is kill! ryanvango picks up [Alchemist's Bullet]! LVLs: ryanvango (6/68%), WythDryden (7/51%), Sorrento110 (10/57%) 1801:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1801:< WythDryden> That was pretty sweet actually. :P 1801:< barnum> A wild Greater Basilisk appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1802:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 1802:< Sorrento110> barnum if you have little ideas ill just make it up :) 1802:< barnum> Round #1, 145 hits! Greater Basilisk HP: 237[████▒] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1802:< barnum> You create [Steaming Metamagic Rod] (since burning + air from stone]. This item can create gouts of steam, or hot wind. 1802:< ryanvango> what the fuck. it wouldnt let me send a message? 1802:< ryanvango> theeere we go 1802:< thatwentBTE> I summon harry potter to deal with this. 1802:< barnum> HEROES : Sorrento110 (10/59%), thatwentBTE (10/50%), SirCabbage (7/54%), WythDryden (7/51%), SilentSand (6/94%), ryanvango (6/68%), ... 1802:< barnum> (Or you can make something up if you don't like that) 1802:< WythDryden> lol 1803:< ryanvango> so when we have a super beastie, ill use those attacks a bit more often. otherwise, i'll continue the conversation, and 1803:< WythDryden> Utters the incantation of the Plaguebringer! Wyth slices and stabs with it, leaving behind some gross oozing wounds. 1803:< ryanvango> try to think up some new ones so it doesnt get too annoying 1803:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on himself. You can never be too careful when wielding a plaguebringer 1803:< barnum> Round #2, 152 hits! Greater Basilisk HP: 85[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (10.5), ryanvango (7.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1803:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 1803:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 1804:< ryanvango> *uses absolutely nothing., im gonna let Boof handle this one. boof, type away old friend! 1804:< WythDryden> Buffs his nails on his resplendent coat. The basilisk is dazed and in awe. Leaving it open to future attacks! 1804:< ryanvango> giihgsdjdfKJSDK;JHSDFkj fjhkjhjkdkjh ASDKJHSKDSJHFKJDKJH DSKJHKJHHF'Asd 1804:< ryanvango> boof isn't a good typer. he's a behir. give him a break guys, christ 1804:< barnum> Greater Basilisk is kill! ryanvango picks up [Incense of Obsession]! LVLs: ryanvango (6/83%), Sorrento110 (10/62%), WythDryden (7/57%) 1804:< ryanvango> someone can have that, or im gonna put it in group loot 1804:< barnum> A wild Young White Dragon appeared! HP: 297[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1804:< Sorrento110> alright bois I gtg. See you all later 1805:< Sorrento110> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1805:< ryanvango> later man! ill check out the sub 1805:< barnum> I must go fight the laundry monster, I'll be back in a bit (hopefully the bot doesn't break when I'm gone) 1805:< thatwentBTE> Let him off with a warning. He is lucky he is not a black dragon. 1805:< barnum> Round #1, 129 hits! Young White Dragon HP: 168[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (3), Sorrento110 (3), WythDryden (1.5) 1805:< ryanvango> hahahaha 1805:< ryanvango> I take the keys to his scooter away. maybe next time he'll think 1806:< ryanvango> "young white dragon! you have to ASK to use my car when you take your friends to starbucks" 1806:< barnum> Round #2, 110 hits! Young White Dragon HP: 58[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), WythDryden (4.5) 1806:< RvDarklord> wow.... 1806:< Sorrento110> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1806:< ryanvango> Hey RvDarklord, how ya doin? 1806:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 1806:< Sorrento110> wrong copypasta lol 1806:< WythDryden> lol 1806:< ryanvango> casts "channel BTE" and sticks all kinds og stuff in his butthole 1807:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 1807:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1807:< ryanvango> then poop loots 1807:< barnum> Young White Dragon is kill! ryanvango picks up [Manual of Quickness of Action +5]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (10/70%), ryanvango (6/95%), Wy... 1807:< Sorrento110> Inserts Staff Of Bolstering into ryanvango 's Anus 1807:< RvDarklord> im doing great! 1807:< thatwentBTE> wow 1807:< ryanvango> another successful poop loot! 1807:< barnum> A wild Screaming Skull appeared! HP: 148[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1807:< RvDarklord> wow... 1807:< WythDryden> Pulls out his Vortex Dragon Head and waves it at the Screaming Skull 1808:< barnum> Round #1, 88 hits! Screaming Skull HP: 60[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), RvDarklord (3), Sorrento110 (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), ryanva... 1808:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the skull. A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1808:< WythDryden> This skull is far more impressive than this screaming skull! 1808:< ryanvango> im gonna equip that. its gonna be my excuse for having pre-typed actions 1808:< barnum> HEROES : Sorrento110 (10/70%), thatwentBTE (10/51%), WythDryden (7/66%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ryanvango (6/95%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1808:< ryanvango> RvDarkLord basically, you attack by hitting. higher level=higher damage. ill link the google doc. click the newbie tab 1808:< thatwentBTE> not really, pretty laid back 1808:< Djinneral> i punchit 1808:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/9rxun 1809:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/2huvb 1809:< Sorrento110> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG/ 1809:< ryanvango> hitting=typing. ryvdarklord you attack by typing haha 1809:< barnum> Screaming Skull is kill! ryanvango picks up [Boots of Dancing]! LVLs: ryanvango (7/22%), thatwentBTE (10/56%), WythDryden (7/69%), R... 1809:< WythDryden> Nice! 1809:< barnum> A wild Fire Nymph appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1809:< WythDryden> Use your steam on it! 1810:< Djinneral> i crack my rope at it 1810:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1810:< barnum> Fire Nymph is kill! WythDryden picks up [Golem Manual flesh]! LVLs: WythDryden (7/74%), Djinneral (4/40%) 1810:< RvDarklord> um i hope that rope doesnt burn easily 1810:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1810:< Djinneral> dangit the rope is burnt 1810:< barnum> A wild Giant Water Beetle appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1811:< WythDryden> Golem Manual flesh 1811:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Giant Water Beetle HP: 79[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), RvDarklord (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1811:< RvDarklord> oh thats super effective against the other one! quick throw them on each other! 1811:< Djinneral> nvm teabag borrowed my rope lol 1811:< thatwentBTE> I crush the bettles shell and drink its watery juice, 1811:< thatwentBTE> beetles* 1811:< WythDryden> Grabs the corpse of the fire nymph and throws it at the water beetle 1811:< thatwentBTE> from its b-hole 1812:< Djinneral> i punch her with my hand 1812:< WythDryden> lmao bte 1812:< barnum> Giant Water Beetle is kill! WythDryden picks up [Scabbard of Vigor]! LVLs: WythDryden (7/82%), thatwentBTE (10/59%), Djinneral (4/46... 1812:< barnum> A wild Greater Water Elemental appeared! HP: 553[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1812:< RvDarklord> Im quite thirsty! ill have a drink 1812:< WythDryden> Searches for that fire nymphs body, for more throwing. 1813:< barnum> Round #1, 14 hits! Greater Water Elemental HP: 539[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1813:< WythDryden> That elemental sure does look refreshing! 1813:< Djinneral> uhh i punch it? 1813:< RvDarklord> yea it looks good but it tastes horrible 1813:< WythDryden> *Spits out a mouthful of the water elemental* 1813:< WythDryden> You're right. Gross. 1814:< barnum> Round #2, 44 hits! Greater Water Elemental HP: 495[█████] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1814:< RvDarklord> ill just poke it with a stick i guess 1814:< thatwentBTE> I swin in the elemental, cleaning the gunk of countless dead foes off of me. When I leave the water, the elemental pucks clousy green d 1814:< barnum> HEROES : Sorrento110 (10/73%), thatwentBTE (10/59%), WythDryden (7/83%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ryanvango (7/22%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1814:< Merzbro> *takes off fedora and trench coat, revealing chiseled bronze physique underneath* 1814:< thatwentBTE> cloudy green sludge 1814:< Djinneral> i pee into the elemental 1814:< RvDarklord> eww 1814:< WythDryden> lmao 1814:< thatwentBTE> m'mmerzbro 1814:< WythDryden> Where is the elementals b-hole? BTE needs to know! 1814:< RvDarklord> well now the water elemental doesnt even look refreshing anymore 1815:< barnum> Round #3, 139 hits! Greater Water Elemental HP: 356[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (7.5), thatwentBTE (7.5), Merzbro (4.5), WythDryden (3), ... 1815:< thatwentBTE> I use my vambrace of the tactician and ring of foe focus to pin point its b-hole as it swirls around. 1816:< barnum> Round #4, 57 hits! Greater Water Elemental HP: 299[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 1816:< thatwentBTE> I throw my golden hammer into its b-hole, Smashing it wide open. 1816:< WythDryden> Brandishes plaguebringer and directs it at it's b-hole 1816:< WythDryden> The water turns an even more sickly color 1816:< RvDarklord> yea ill just poke it with my stick again maybe itll do something now? 1816:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1816:< thatwentBTE> I get a towel 1816:< WythDryden> Side effect, now the water elemental is contagious. :-X 1816:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torse explodes! 1817:< barnum> Round #5, 193 hits! Greater Water Elemental HP: 106[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (6), WythDryden (4.5), RvDarklord (4.5) 1817:< WythDryden> Plague splashes everywhere! 1817:< ryanvango> that's all ill do with my pretypeds. hes not too scary lookin 1817:< ryanvango> aww i mispelled torso 1817:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 1817:< WythDryden> Uses his healing gloves on ryanvango thatwentBTE and RvDarklord 1817:< thatwentBTE> lolryan 1817:< WythDryden> You can never be too careful here. That thing was majorly polluted 1818:< RvDarklord> hmmm poking doesnt have an effect maybe if i just hit it with the stick? 1818:< barnum> Greater Water Elemental is kill! WythDryden picks up [Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude +3]! LVLs: WythDryden (7/93%), thatwentBTE ... 1818:< ryanvango> Thanks WythDryden! been a long time since anyone healed us hahaha 1818:< WythDryden> Hehehe 1818:< RvDarklord> * hits with stick* 1818:< barnum> A wild Hoar Fox appeared! HP: 108[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1818:< WythDryden> Are they like greaves? 1818:< ryanvango> RVDarklord if you checked out the google doc, we have a whole group loot tab. you can make a character and outfit it if you like 1818:< barnum> Hoar Fox is kill! ryanvango picks up [Earthbind Rod]! LVLs: ryanvango (7/31%), RvDarklord (1/93%), WythDryden (7/94%) 1819:< WythDryden> You explained it to death. Impressive! 1819:< ryanvango> like shoulder armor WythDryden 1819:< RvDarklord> ryan i have a stick! 1819:< barnum> A wild Mire Brute appeared! HP: 1273[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1819:< WythDryden> Ahhh, thanks ryanvango 1819:< thatwentBTE> yur mom was a hoar you stupid fox 1819:< RvDarklord> i need nothing else! 1819:< thatwentBTE> !flee 1819:< ryanvango> RvDarklord do you want an earthbind rod? i already have to dope ass rods of magical magic, so you can have it 1819:< thatwentBTE> !flee 1819:< ryanvango> NO DONT FLEE 1819:< barnum> Round #1, 147 hits! Mire Brute HP: 1126[█████] [2/6 to flee!] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), WythDryden (3), RvDarklord (3) 1819:< thatwentBTE> ok 1819:< WythDryden> Equips Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude (+3) 1820:< ryanvango> TIME FOR PRETYPED! 1820:< RvDarklord> um sure! 1820:< barnum> HEROES : Sorrento110 (10/73%), thatwentBTE (10/65%), WythDryden (7/95%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ryanvango (7/33%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1820:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1820:< MXMLOQ> where can i access the doc/ 1820:< MXMLOQ> ?? 1820:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaking and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1820:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this assholes asshole 1820:< WythDryden> Utters the incantation of the Plaguebringer! Wyth slices and stabs with it, leaving behind some gross oozing wounds. 1820:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1820:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on himself. You can never be too careful when wielding a plaguebringer 1820:< ryanvango> that should do something 1821:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the the land. 1821:< ryanvango> MXMLOQ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/5zrt2 1821:< WythDryden> Buffs his nails on his resplendent coat. The brute is dazed and in awe. Leaving it open to future attacks! 1821:< barnum> Round #2, 378 hits! Mire Brute HP: 748[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (21), WythDryden (10.5), thatwentBTE (9), RvDarklord (1.5... 1821:< MXMLOQ> Ty ryanvango 1821:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1821:< Djinneral> gets hit by the brute and has to heal 1821:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1821:< ryanvango> i would say that was a pretty effective attack string... 1821:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1821:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1821:< WythDryden> Heals Djinneral with his healing gloves. 1821:< Djinneral> gets hit again now im coma 1822:< ryanvango> did barnum implement a crit system at all? does anyone know? 1822:< barnum> Round #3, 255 hits! Mire Brute HP: 493[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: WythDryden (10.5), thatwentBTE (10.5), Djinneral (3), ryanvango (3)... 1822:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 1822:< RvDarklord> hey wyth that brute seems quite hurt maybe you should heal him? 1822:< WythDryden> Heal Djinneral once again with his healing gloves. 1822:< thatwentBTE> I think he did 1822:< ryanvango> *carries Djinneral's unconcious form to the shade of a nearby tree for safety 1822:< thatwentBTE> he did a bunch of testing and breaking, unbreaking 1822:< Djinneral> thanks lads 1822:< ryanvango> *leaves the clockwork beetle on his hand to keep him company when he finally comes to 1822:< WythDryden> Uses his Ring of Friend Shield to protect Djinneral 1822:< barnum> Round #4, 210 hits! Mire Brute HP: 283[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (7.5), RvDarklord (4.5), WythDryden (3),... 1823:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitchs. 1823:< thatwentBTE> The dying creature lets a low gargle as the giffon's tallons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 1823:< Decalance> sup djinn 1823:< Djinneral> just let me die already 1823:< WythDryden> NEVAR! 1823:< Djinneral> hey again 1823:< thatwentBTE> hi 1823:< ryanvango> lets put dkin in the bubble vault! he'll be safe forever and ever and ever and ever... 1823:< Decalance> sup yall 1823:< ryanvango> djin* 1823:< barnum> Round #5, 194 hits! Mire Brute HP: 89[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), ryanvango (6), Decalance (3), Djinneral (3), WythDr... 1823:< Djinneral> nooooooooo 1823:< MXMLOQ> i don't even know what to say tbh 1824:< WythDryden> Searches for the alleged bubble cault 1824:< thatwentBTE> whats up Decalance? 1824:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1824:< MXMLOQ> but i want exp, so i am talking. exp please. 1824:< MXMLOQ> maybe i can level 2... 1824:< derogative> i think hours later i'm finally awake. but also still not awake. 1824:< ryanvango> then goes to poooooop looooooot it 1824:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/2dhmw 1824:< Decalance> not much, just got home 1824:< WythDryden> Points thatwentBTE at the creatures B-hole. 1824:< thatwentBTE> I wait at the b-hole with my mouth wide open for the loot 1824:< barnum> Mire Brute is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [The Lymirin Discourses]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (10/77%), ryanvango (7/47%), derogative (4/28%)... 1824:< ryanvango> LOL 1824:< thatwentBTE> yum 1824:< WythDryden> lmao 1825:< derogative> that is so not healthy 1825:< barnum> A wild Slaad Lord Of Entropy appeared! HP: 3996[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1825:< Djinneral> yoooooooooo 1825:< WythDryden> Jesus 1825:< derogative> i just had to come back in here when people are puttin their mouths right on the b-hole. 1825:< ryanvango> MXMLOQ you can have conversations, or you can roleplay attacks, or whatever. but always shoot for 61+ characters 1825:< thatwentBTE> This tome contains an extensive series of moral instructions based on the 11 heroic deeds performed by Iomedae before her ascension to 1825:< WythDryden> You never go ass to mouth! 1825:< barnum> Round #1, 192 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 3804[█████] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (6), derogative (6), WythDryden (4.5) 1825:< derogative> man, looks like we gotta eat this salad lord. that's a lot of salad. 1825:< ryanvango> you get a bonus to damage for over 61 character. im sorry im gonna ignore everyone and use the entirety of my pretyped list 1825:< an_audible_smile> test 1826:< ryanvango> so if you want, you can just ignore anything you see with a * next to it 1826:< MXMLOQ> ok, in that case, somebody have a conversation with me about something interesting. 1826:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/78%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/16%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ryanvango (7/49%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1826:< thatwentBTE> wow 1826:< thatwentBTE> 1:26:41 PM #rpg an_audible_smile test 1826:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1826:< MXMLOQ> what is a good conversation topic? ._. can't think of anything 1826:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1826:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 1826:< MXMLOQ> it's hard not to just resort to spamming messages with a really large amount of characters 1826:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 1826:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaking and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1826:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this assholes asshole 1826:< barnum> Round #2, 396 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 3408[█████] +XP: ryanvango (27), MXMLOQ (13.5), thatwentBTE (10.5), derogative (4.5), ... 1827:< derogative> you can go my route which is say things that in no way contribute to any conversation. 1827:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1827:< derogative> but make it seem as if you might have something of value to say 1827:< MXMLOQ> ok, i got experience! i feel so accomplished now. :D 1827:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1827:< WythDryden> Hey, I know that method derogative. I can play along! And so can you MXMLOQ 1827:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into its own b-hole 1827:< derogative> even though the fact is that no. your words are all meaningless and they will cease to exist soon enough 1827:< barnum> Round #3, 231 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 3177[████▒] +XP: derogative (13.5), ryanvango (9), WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5)... 1828:< ryanvango> MXMLOQ if you want, you can do like I did. make a word pad, construct some simple attacks, and use those occassionally 1828:< WythDryden> Well, it'll still be quite a while.. I don't see a merge happening anytime soon exactly 1828:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 1828:< RvDarklord> * tries to create a character....* 1828:< derogative> and then we'll all have salad for days, because slaad is obviously just salad in disguise 1828:< RvDarklord> but it fails 1828:< derogative> well, any time the chat clears itself your words cease to exist too, so in the end 1828:< barnum> Round #4, 221 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 2956[████▒] +XP: WythDryden (9), derogative (9), ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), R... 1828:< derogative> it is all just temporary. like temp tattoos, the best kind of tattoos. because you can never regret them. 1828:< ryanvango> is barnum back? does anyone know? 1828:< WythDryden> Sure you can 1829:< derogative> okay, but you can take them off at least. 1829:< WythDryden> Temporary tattoos you regret like 24 hours, because they start to look like shit immediately, 1829:< RvDarklord> *tries again* and it works! 1829:< thatwentBTE> haven't seen him in moment 1829:< derogative> you don't end up like my dad, who got a fuckin' red wings tattoo on his forearm when he was 17 1829:< WythDryden> He said he had to vanquish some laundry 1829:< thatwentBTE> he responds when is name is tagged in chat so i think he is afk 1829:< ryanvango> RVDarkLord yeah? whatd you come up with? whats your specialty? 1829:< barnum> Round #5, 241 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 2715[████▒] +XP: derogative (10.5), WythDryden (7.5), ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (6), ... 1829:< barnum> Heard my computer beep, what's up? 1829:< Djinneral> man I really want some nice looking tattoos but my entire extended family would be bothered by it 1829:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1830:< WythDryden> I'd like to know the specialty as well RVDarlord 1830:< RvDarklord> yea i hit things with my stick 1830:< cthul_dude> Ay, how does this work? 1830:< ryanvango> barnum did you ever implement a crit system? 1830:< WythDryden> lol 1830:< derogative> i'm the only one without tattoos in my immediate family, just because i can't decide what i want 1830:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 1830:< barnum> I tried but it ended up breaking the whole damn thing, so I gave up. 1830:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1830:< RvDarklord> im looking to upgrade to a branch in the future! 1830:< barnum> Round #6, 253 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 2462[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (13.5), Djinneral (4.5), derogative (4.5), WythDryden (3)... 1830:< ryanvango> RVDarklord haha fair enough. if i find a stick, ill give it to you for whacking. aim for 61+ characters (helps you level) 1830:< thatwentBTE> While I scream at the beast, the flying golden dragon silently closes in. 1830:< thatwentBTE> "I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves." 1831:< ryanvango> barnum alright, fair enough. was wondering cause we had a massive volley a few monsters ago 1831:< RvDarklord> nice! 1831:< thatwentBTE> "Be gone from me, vile man, be gone from me! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!" 1831:< thatwentBTE> Its repugnant face almost shows a look of surprise as my dragon reaches him. 1831:< barnum> Round #7, 310 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 2152[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (18), ryanvango (9), RvDarklord (3) 1831:< WythDryden> Finds a massive rock, and then, 61 characters later, sends it hurling at the beast! 1831:< thatwentBTE> The look of suprise is wiped away in an instant as the dragon thrashes the creature by its legs. 1831:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/88%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/21%), ryanvango (7/63%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1831:< ryanvango> Boof! Attack! use thunder smash! 1832:< ryanvango> fdfdij jijf 1832:< Djinneral> How the hell did a Slaad Lord of Entropy appear from the wild anyway, what is it even doing near us? 1832:< barnum> Hm, weird, it might be hidden in there already and I just don't see it. 1832:< ryanvango> THAT WAS BATHETIC BOOF! GET BACK TO THE CAR 1832:< thatwentBTE> With a small *pop* the beast comes free of it's own leg, and slams into a small hut. 1832:< barnum> *shrugs* 1832:< RvDarklord> Asks Slaad about entropy 1832:< barnum> afk again 1832:< ryanvango> k 1832:< Djinneral> hey slaad why are you here and why are we even fighting 1832:< barnum> Round #8, 220 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1932[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), Djinneral (6), WythDryden (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), Rv... 1832:< ryanvango> oo im level 7 now! makin my way up in the world! does !hero work yet? 1833:< WythDryden> Locates the most b-hole looking thing he can find in a Salad. Then he directs BTE towards it. 1833:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. *SMASH *SMASH 1833:< ryanvango> haha that couldve been so awesome, but he already had it primed and ready 1833:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitches. 1833:< WythDryden> lol 1833:< barnum> Round #9, 208 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1724[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (9), WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (6) 1834:< ryanvango> BTE, as soon as the NEXT tally goes, unleash all pretypes. im gonna do it too 1834:< Djinneral> I request for the Slaad Lord of Entropy to leave us alone in peace, we've got nothing against each other I'm a big fan of his work 1834:< RvDarklord> Attacks Slaad with an almost correct statement about entropy! 1834:< thatwentBTE> damn its still half health. I withdraw to type more attack lines. 1834:< Decalance> they get harder and harder 1834:< barnum> Round #10, 125 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1599[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), RvDarklord (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5... 1834:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1834:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1834:< svlad> I keep thinking you're talking to me 1834:< Decalance> can we reverse entrropy? 1834:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brai 1835:< RvDarklord> ok guys i got it! the perfect way to beat him! 1835:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this assholes asshole 1835:< thatwentBTE> svlad salad slaad lads 1835:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1835:< Djinneral> does anyone here got any reversing tools? 1835:< RvDarklord> I hit him with my stick! 1835:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1835:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 1835:< barnum> Round #11, 320 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1279[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (31.5), RvDarklord (3), thatwentBTE (3), svlad (1.5), Deca... 1835:< nicholaslaux> I want XP too 1836:< Djinneral> I hit the slaad with my bare hands, and punch it right in the right jaw, the slaad dodges but I return with a left hook, this one hits 1836:< thatwentBTE> Hi nicholaslaux. Welcome! 1836:< ryanvango> nicholaslaux alright! just type away! the more attacks, the more xp. aim for over 60 character each sentence 1836:< barnum> Round #12, 78 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1201[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), nicholaslaux (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1836:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/663lg 1836:< Djinneral> the slaad returns a hit back and break my nose, but I manage to hold it all in place and return a right uppercut! 1836:< ryanvango> theres the google doc if you want more info. otherwise, type away! 1837:< ryanvango> Djinn you lead the damage that round it looks like! 1837:< Djinneral> Djinneral and the SLaad are in a vicious chinese boxing combat each one trades blow for blow where is it gonna happen! 1837:< barnum> Round #13, 126 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 1075[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Djinneral (9) 1837:< nicholaslaux> Oh damn, Google docs is blocked by firewall. Gonna have to wait til I'm home I guess. 1837:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/93%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/23%), ryanvango (7/79%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1837:< thatwentBTE> As I find the lords b-hole he turns quickly to face me. a 1837:< WythDryden> This damn salad just won't go down 1838:< WythDryden> Pulls out a massive bottle of dressing 1838:< Djinneral> Djinneral continues the fight and strikes him fiercely through the neck, the slaad is now holding its neck in pain 1838:< WythDryden> I don't know which kind to use!? 1838:< RvDarklord> So Slaad uhm can i have your book? 1838:< ryanvango> nicholaslaux dont worry about it. just type and have a good time 1838:< barnum> Round #14, 126 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 949[██▒▒▒] +XP: nicholaslaux (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango (4.5... 1838:< Djinneral> He now grabs the fekin salad and tosses it right up, he makes it bleed, cherry tomatoes 1838:< thatwentBTE> He say " I have head of your mighty b-hole powers, but you are just a Demigod. You cannot kill the lord of entropy" 1838:< Djinneral> I punch it, I make it chicken out, I make it chicken fokin caesar! 1839:< thatwentBTE> "for it is I who is the end of world" 1839:< WythDryden> The salad believes it's b-hole to be impregnable 1839:< RvDarklord> uhm yea no killing him 1839:< WythDryden> BTE KNOWS BETTER 1839:< ryanvango> nicholaslaux remember and loot you pick up, or thats given to you so help make a "character" makes it more fun we think 1839:< Djinneral> why dont we kill the salad? 1839:< RvDarklord> the amonth of energy in a system will always stay equal! 1839:< barnum> Round #15, 192 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 757[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), thatwentBTE (6), ryanvango (4.5), WythDryden (3), R... 1839:< Djinneral> entropy doesn't affect energy though 1839:< Decalance> i use the rune star ring to rune the fuck out of the salad 1840:< ryanvango> lol RVDarklord this is a game for nerds, but lets pump the breaks a bit hahaha 1840:< barnum> Round #16, 46 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 711[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), Decalance (1.5) 1840:< Djinneral> it just has to do with how orderly everything is 1840:< Decalance> can we do this? 1840:< RvDarklord> hey man im just reading shit of wikipedia xD 1840:< ryanvango> I'm gonna sit down with the lord of entropy and see if we can't come to a peaceful conclusion 1840:< ryanvango> *slowly, calmly, i approach the beast until I am standing almost chest to chest with it. then 1-INCH PUNCH! and his torso explodes! 1840:< Decalance> can we take him down 1840:< RvDarklord> wow 1840:< ryanvango> BOOM! PRETYPED THE SHIT OUTA HIM! 1840:< WythDryden> I think you mayb be onto something ryanvango 1841:< RvDarklord> thats not peacefull! 1841:< RvDarklord> Ill just steal his book i guess 1841:< WythDryden> Approaches the Salad, pulling out his Ring of Friends Shield 1841:< Decalance> YES WE CAN 1841:< ryanvango> its peaceful for an orcish monk whos necklace wont shut up about how his mother is disappointed constantly 1841:< barnum> Round #17, 178 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 533[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (15), RvDarklord (6), Decalance (4.5), WythDryden (3), Djin... 1841:< WythDryden> Y'know, Salad. I've been thinking about this a lot. 1841:< Djinneral> I punch the slaad fiercely and make him see the error of his ways, I make him my kouhai and teach him how to express his love to katie 1841:< thatwentBTE> Using Mindmaster's Eyes I dominate the lord. Allowing me to shove my Rod of Flame Extinguishing up its b-hole 1841:< WythDryden> Maybe it's time I live a healthier lifestyle 1841:< thatwentBTE> It crys out in pain and pleasure 1841:< WythDryden> I know all these guys are punching the shit out of you, but maybe we can help each other 1841:< Djinneral> I help the slaad get the love of his life and make him become a top student at school 1841:< Decalance> YOU'RE BUT A MISTYPEN SALAD TO US WARRIORS 1842:< Decalance> WE SHALL TOSS YOU 1842:< ryanvango> *casts vibrate on the rod of flame. he doesnt know what to do! it burns, but its kinda nice! 1842:< barnum> Round #18, 226 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 307[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (9), WythDryden (7.5), thatwentBTE (6), ryanvango (4.5), De... 1842:< RvDarklord> djinneral he was already the top student! he is the master of entropy! 1842:< Djinneral> stupid slaad is finally almost dead 1842:< WythDryden> Are those .... PINE NUTS!?!? 1842:< RvDarklord> uhm lord 1842:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH *crack * gurgle SMASH SMASH SMASH 1842:< micubit> punch punch 1842:< ryanvango> we actually burned through this one pretty quickly. we'll just use the force! 1842:< WythDryden> WythDryden brandishes the plaguebringer and chops through the salad as viciously as possible 1842:< SilentSand> Still with the smashing huh 1842:< micubit> is that how the force works? 1843:< Djinneral> the master of entropy is a shy high schooler, I need to make him strong and brave I need to make him a top student so he can confess 1843:< ryanvango> that is definitely how the force works. and welcome! 1843:< barnum> Round #19, 214 hits! Slaad Lord Of Entropy HP: 93[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6), Djinneral (6), WythDryden (6), ryanvango (6), thatwent... 1843:< WythDryden> I'm sorry, but you've been chopped! Salad 1843:< ryanvango> do you need a link to the guide, for how we play this, micubit? 1843:< micubit> punchy punchy 1843:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (10/96%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/29%), ryanvango (7/89%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (6/94%), ... 1843:< Djinneral> I prepare my stern statement and tell him the truths of the worlds, it's a hard world out there slaad! 1843:< micubit> ha yeah sure 1843:< WythDryden> Grabs a nearby torch and toasts the salad 1843:< SilentSand> I direct my fist into the salad, striking home with full force. 1843:< WythDryden> How's that for entropy, you leafy bitch? 1843:< Djinneral> We need to get through this together slaad, man with man! 1843:< ryanvango> WAIT! hes almost dead, i need to be the one to kill it so i can poop loot it!!! 1844:< Djinneral> He's already ded 1844:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/6eywe 1844:< WythDryden> I thought BTE poop loots it 1844:< SilentSand> I mean probably already deaded 1844:< Djinneral> i bet he will give some sort of belt 1844:< thatwentBTE> The dying creature lets a low gargle I command my griffon to crush the light from it's eyes. 1844:< SilentSand> Poop loot? 1844:< ryanvango> we all try 1844:< Djinneral> it better be armani 1844:< WythDryden> A belt of healthy choices 1844:< Memeinist> I shit pants profusely 1844:< RvDarklord> Ok ill just start reading the book i stole i guess 1844:< barnum> Slaad Lord Of Entropy is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Quicksand Cloak]! LVLs: Djinneral (4/96%), WythDryden (8/40%), ryanvango (8/11%)... 1844:< thatwentBTE> mounth now agape and waiting 1844:< ryanvango> DAMN IT 1844:< thatwentBTE> Noice RvDarkLord 1844:< barnum> A wild Risen Guard appeared! HP: 220[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1844:< Djinneral> finally a weakling 1845:< micubit> thanks ryanvango 1845:< ryanvango> SilentSand when we first started playing this a few days ago, and we thought you had to be the last to say words to get the loot... 1845:< WythDryden> That thing had like 4k health right? That was pretty nuts 1845:< ryanvango> SilentSand I would just say "pooooooooooop" and it worked a lot. 1845:< thatwentBTE> SMASH SMASH SMASH, I have been killing gaurds since I was just a squirt HAHAHAHA 1845:< barnum> Round #1, 176 hits! Risen Guard HP: 44[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), ryanvango (6), Djinneral (1.5), micubit (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1845:< SilentSand> Oh, ok. that's pretty damn funny 1845:< Djinneral> I finish it off with my sword hand strike! 1845:< ryanvango> Silentsand so it just became a thing. "poop looting" whenever I steal the shit 1845:< RvDarklord> whoo i have a cloak now! 1845:< WythDryden> BTE loots from the b-hole. And his mouth 1845:< WythDryden> It's quite... interesting 1845:< ryanvango> yeah BTE is a butthole farmer, I pooploot as a matter of principle 1846:< RvDarklord> Uhm ill put on the cloak i guess 1846:< Djinneral> you guys hella nasty 1846:< WythDryden> The ideologies are wildly different 1846:< thatwentBTE> lol 1846:< barnum> Risen Guard is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Retriever Drone]! LVLs: WythDryden (8/48%), ryanvango (8/19%), RvDarklord (2/80%), Djinne... 1846:< WythDryden> hahaha 1846:< thatwentBTE> I laughed itto death 1846:< ryanvango> omg "lol" was enough 1846:< ryanvango> YOU GOT A DRONE 1846:< barnum> A wild River Drake appeared! HP: 153[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1846:< ryanvango> AND I GOT TO LEVEL 8! 1846:< SilentSand> Lol was the greatest strike at the guard's self confidence 1846:< Djinneral> I fricking punch it in the river drake jaw! 1846:< RvDarklord> oh its a drake 1847:< ryanvango> Boof! attack the river drake! freeze the river or some shit. water hates ice right? 1847:< RvDarklord> uhm i throw my stick! 1847:< thatwentBTE> A retriever drone appears as a masterfully preserved spider the size of a house cat, whose eyes have been replaced by four glittering g 1847:< SilentSand> River drake, more like shitter drake! 1847:< barnum> River Drake is kill! SilentSand picks up [Robe of Components]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (11/13%), SilentSand (7/21%), ryanvango (8/21%), Rv... 1847:< SilentSand> I guess that was what you call 1847:< barnum> A wild Grick appeared! HP: 121[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1847:< SilentSand> A killing joke 1847:< ryanvango> you got a robe made out of stuff that usually comprises a robe! 1847:< thatwentBTE> by four glittering gemstones. 1847:< thatwentBTE> anyone want the reteiver drone? 1847:< Djinneral> I kill the wild greek with loans! 1847:< SilentSand> Maybe it's spell components 1848:< Djinneral> and bad fiscal policy! 1848:< SilentSand> I'd love a drone 1848:< barnum> Grick is kill! SilentSand picks up [Ring of The Godless +1]! LVLs: SilentSand (7/27%), Djinneral (5/23%), ryanvango (8/22%), thatwen... 1848:< ryanvango> BTE why dont you want it! its a little robot that listens to your commands! 1848:< RvDarklord> * tries to hit with stick but realizes hhe just threw it at a drake and didnt pick it back up* 1848:< Djinneral> heathen ring 1848:< barnum> A wild Four-armed appeared! HP: 81[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1848:< ryanvango> looks like the game is tired of you not having any gear, RvDarklord 1848:< thatwentBTE> invo is full and I have a pet and a statue that comes to life and heads my commands 1848:< ryanvango> add it to your google doc 1848:< Djinneral> I punch the four armed creature right in its four armed jaw! 1848:< Djinneral> And then I unleash my right straight! 1849:< ryanvango> see if you start leaning towards a class:) 1849:< thatwentBTE> drone* 1849:< barnum> Four-armed is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Manual of Calm Reflection]! LVLs: ryanvango (8/31%), thatwentBTE (11/20%), Djinneral (5/31... 1849:< SalZoRz> I wish to start rpging 1849:< Djinneral> you better reflect young man 1849:< SalZoRz> * attacks everyone 1849:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/20%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/48%), ryanvango (8/31%), SirCabbage (7/54%), SilentSand (7/27%), ... 1849:< thatwentBTE> it has a whole chapter on the b-hole and calming it 1849:< ryanvango> SalZoRz alright. have a look at the google doc if you want a run down of how this works, and want some loot to make a character 1849:< barnum> A wild Great Diadem Urchin appeared! HP: 256[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1849:< ryanvango> SalZoRz https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=6480749 => http://nazar.so/ibnn 1850:< SalZoRz> thanks ryanvango 1850:< ryanvango> we've tried that before. its not as fun if it doesnt do real damage 1850:< barnum> Round #1, 167 hits! Great Diadem Urchin HP: 89[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), SalZoRz (4.5), Djinneral (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1850:< thatwentBTE> I throw the puny Urchin back into the sea. 1850:< ryanvango> you're welcome! any questions, let us know, but otherwise, welcome and have fun! 1850:< thatwentBTE> Stupid urchin 1850:< Djinneral> I swallow the urchin up whole and punch my gut from the side fiercely with a 20 strike combo, BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM 1850:< RvDarklord> uhm 1850:< SilentSand> We gotta just throw google links for damage now 1850:< ryanvango> its a diamond urchin! dont make it explode! 1850:< Djinneral> I spit it out in disgust and stomp on it 1850:< ryanvango> make it give us his diamond spikey bits! 1850:< SilentSand> What even is a diadem 1850:< ryanvango> pooooop loot 1850:< Djinneral> I stomp on it twice! 1850:< SilentSand> More like a dia you 1851:< Djinneral> damn urchin die already 1851:< SilentSand> Die a you urchin 1851:< WythDryden> Spits on it. 1851:< ryanvango> nevermind:( pooploot unsuccessful :( 1851:< barnum> Great Diadem Urchin is kill! WythDryden picks up [Amulet of the Abyss]! LVLs: Djinneral (5/48%), SilentSand (7/39%), ryanvango (8/43... 1851:< thatwentBTE> a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty. 1851:< WythDryden> BWAHA 1851:< SilentSand> Your spit must be acidic 1851:< barnum> A wild Behir appeared! HP: 472[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1851:< SilentSand> Is that just a misspelled bear? 1851:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1851:< WythDryden> equips his Amulet of the Abyss 1851:< SilentSand> Or is it a sentient beer 1852:< barnum> Round #1, 144 hits! Behir HP: 328[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), SilentSand (4.5), WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1852:< ryanvango> https://goblinsingatineau.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/img_20140415_063527.jpg => http://nazar.so/5snv 1852:< thatwentBTE> The behir is a serpentine monster that can slither like a snake or use its dozen legs to move with considerable speed. 1852:< SilentSand> I'd fight a sentient beer for the privelege of drinking it honestly 1852:< Djinneral> Can you ride on behirs? I've got a spare war sadle and am in need of some sort of mount 1852:< thatwentBTE> A behir is about 40 feet long and weighs about 4,000 pounds. 1852:< ryanvango> thats a behir! thats my mount, thanks to sircabbage! and his NAME IS BOOF! 1852:< SilentSand> Oh so a lot like a centipege 1852:< thatwentBTE> yes they are like a wingless dragon 1852:< RvDarklord> i can just take anything from the item pool right? 1852:< embracetehmartian> ELECT Grakiao 1852:< ryanvango> like a multiarmed wingless dragon 1852:< thatwentBTE> mixed with a centipide --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:00 2016 1853:< thatwentBTE> feel free RvDarkLord 1853:< ryanvango> http://pre11.deviantart.net/b2d7/th/pre/i/2013/004/a/b/behir_dungeons_and_dragons_by_zelldweller-d5qde1o.jpg => http://nazar.so/932zn 1853:< Djinneral> and reptiles 1853:< barnum> Behir is kill! ryanvango picks up [Elixir of Swimming]! LVLs: ryanvango (8/50%), thatwentBTE (11/24%), SilentSand (7/44%), Djinneral... 1853:< RvDarklord> yea ill get the bow 1853:< ryanvango> and i made boof kill it 1853:< Djinneral> does the elixer let you swim 10% faster? 1853:< SilentSand> Ryanvango with the link kill 1853:< thatwentBTE> the star bow? 1853:< barnum> A wild Lusca appeared! HP: 1215[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1853:< ryanvango> only 2.5% faster. thats why im putting it in group loot 1853:< SilentSand> You can finally swim! 1853:< WythDryden> What is a lusca? 1853:< RvDarklord> ok ill hit the lusca with my bow! 1853:< ryanvango> i have a behir. who needs swimming?! 1853:< barnum> Round #1, 111 hits! Lusca HP: 1104[█████] +XP: Djinneral (3), RvDarklord (3), ryanvango (3), SilentSand (3), thatwentBTE (1.5), Wyth... 1854:< thatwentBTE> Lusca is a name given to a sea monster reported from the Caribbean 1854:< WythDryden> Ahhh 1854:< thatwentBTE> the legend also said that it was half-shark and half-octopus. 1854:< WythDryden> That sounds amazing! 1854:< SilentSand> What if I don't even know how to swim? A 2.5% increase on no swimming is still no increase 1854:< WythDryden> I shall befriend the Lusca 1854:< SilentSand> So like a sharktopous 1854:< SilentSand> Sharktopus 1854:< RvDarklord> octoshark? 1854:< barnum> Round #2, 245 hits! Lusca HP: 859[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), SilentSand (7.5), WythDryden (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1854:< WythDryden> Speaks softly to the Lusca. There there. These bad guys don't know the real you. 1855:< WythDryden> Only I know the real you 1855:< SilentSand> Octoshark sounds like an eight headed shark though --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:26 2016 1855:< SilentSand> Only slightly more scary than a septashark 1855:< Djinneral> I've taken the beast brand from the pool and nicked my rope of entanglement back, now is this lusca a beast I can mount? 1855:< WythDryden> The lusca is my friend! 1855:< SilentSand> Depends on if you're kinky enough Djinn ;) 1855:< WythDryden> Uses his gloves of healing on the Lusca 1855:< thatwentBTE> I try to find its b-hole only to realize that this beasts mouth (a fang beak beneath its body) is its b-hole as-well. 1856:< SilentSand> Double b-hole? 1856:< barnum> Round #3, 240 hits! Lusca HP: 619[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (10.5), SilentSand (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), RvDarklord (1... 1856:< Djinneral> dryden we killed a 4 armed guy not too long ago btw, might've been your brother 1856:< WythDryden> YOU MOTHER Fs 1856:< RvDarklord> wow 2 bholes 1856:< WythDryden> I was in the bathroom 1856:< Djinneral> heehee --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:42 2016 1856:< RvDarklord> how will he choose what bhole to take? 1856:< SilentSand> He has to double team it. Get a doppelganger 1856:< Djinneral> he was a wild 4 armed man, unlike you who are a non wild variant 1857:< barnum> Round #4, 173 hits! Lusca HP: 446[██▒▒▒] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), SilentSand (6), WythDryden (4.5), RvDarklord (3), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1857:< WythDryden> For as long as I've roamed soKuku I've never met another of my kind. I shit for one minute, and one comes along and is instantly slain. 1857:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. 1857:< SilentSand> He was a savage. All savages must be purged 1857:< thatwentBTE> A sickening thud and snaps are heard as the hammer hits the creature. 1857:< SilentSand> He was a savage. All savages must be purged 1857:< Djinneral> if we're lucky another 4 armed guy might appear again 1857:< WythDryden> Maybe I wasn't always a non-wild variant 1857:< WythDryden> I needed to be shown the ways! 1857:< SilentSand> All savages will meet rightful justice, WythDryden 1857:< Djinneral> thatwentbte pls dont hammer the octoshark I need it to not be vegetable! 1857:< RvDarklord> uhm are you sure you aren't wild right now? 1857:< barnum> Round #5, 199 hits! Lusca HP: 247[██▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (7.5), thatwentBTE (6), SilentSand (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1858:< WythDryden> I am not sure, no. 1858:< WythDryden> But all four armed bipeds deserve a chance to prove themselves 1858:< Djinneral> he has no health bar next to him dont worry guys 1858:< Djinneral> this one's good 1858:< WythDryden> No four armed biped who works 40 hours a week should be slain without so much a second thought! 1858:< barnum> Round #6, 141 hits! Lusca HP: 106[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (10.5), Djinneral (7.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1859:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaken and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 1859:< SilentSand> If you are savage and wild, know that I will take you down without a second thought 1859:< Djinneral> a hardworker I see, 4 arms means double the work 1859:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the sea. 1859:< WythDryden> Lusca! Noooooooooooooooooooooooo 1859:< RvDarklord> oh yea no health bar = friendly *takes a few steps back from WythDryden* 1859:< Djinneral> is health insureance higher for 4 armed men 1859:< SilentSand> 4 arms means double a devil's lazy hands 1859:< thatwentBTE> The dying creature lets a low gargle as the griffon's talons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 1859:< Djinneral> I wrap the lusca with my rope of entanglement and beast brand it! 1859:< SilentSand> Oh it's so close to death 1859:< WythDryden> Insurance is insane when you have 4 arms 1859:< barnum> Lusca is kill! WythDryden picks up [Escape Dust]! LVLs: Djinneral (5/74%), thatwentBTE (11/33%), SilentSand (7/57%), RvDarklord (3/3... 1859:< thatwentBTE> noice 1859:< Djinneral> dangit I didnt get it 1859:< WythDryden> I killed it! Noooooooo 1900:< RvDarklord> LOL 1900:< thatwentBTE> when you use it we can spam !flee if you want 1900:< WythDryden> My only other friend 1900:< barnum> A wild Shaggy Demodand appeared! HP: 1179[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1900:< RvDarklord> he killed his friend 1900:< SilentSand> Dryden, you killed your friend how could you! 1900:< WythDryden> If everyone flees does it really move on to a different monster? 1900:< SilentSand> Know we know what would have happened had you met the other 4 armed man 1900:< SilentSand> Yeah there just needs to be enough flee votes 1900:< WythDryden> Haha, I end up killing everyone I love 1900:< barnum> Round #1, 193 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 986[█████] [1/6 to flee!] +XP: WythDryden (7.5), SilentSand (7.5), thatwentBTE (3), RvDarklo... 1900:< thatwentBTE> Demodand, Shaggy This toad-faced humanoid is bloated and swollen, with folds of obsidian skin hanging down beneath two immense bat wing 1901:< Djinneral> how does the beast brand work anyway I have no dice on hand 1901:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/34%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/67%), ryanvango (8/51%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1901:< thatwentBTE> I search the folds unable to find its b-hole 1901:< RvDarklord> djinneral i think its if you get the kill 1901:< WythDryden> I will probably save the escape dust for the next salad we happen across. :P 1901:< barnum> Djinneral The way we worked with it before is that it activates if you get last hit. 1901:< Djinneral> ahh all right, so just kill it then 1901:< barnum> Round #2, 164 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 822[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (6), Djinneral (3), RvDarklord (1.5) 1902:< RvDarklord> ok ill hit it with my bow! 1902:< barnum> Round #3, 5 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 817[████▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (1.5) 1902:< WythDryden> Buffs his nails on his resplendent coat. The brute is dazed and in awe. Leaving it open to future attacks! 1903:< WythDryden> It is probably trying to be my friend! Not today: whips out the Ring of Friend Shield. Take that! 1903:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1903:< Djinneral> what is this shaggy demodand fiend? 1903:< WythDryden> Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip: *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* *SONIC SOUND breaks the barrier hurting it's ears* *WHIP* *WHIP* *WHIP* 1903:< thatwentBTE> The heavy golden hammer smashes the beast face. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1903:< barnum> Round #4, 265 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 552[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: WythDryden (13.5), thatwentBTE (9), Djinneral (1.5) 1903:< RvDarklord> is that ring what you used to kill your other firend? 1904:< WythDryden> No, the ring protects me from the monsters trying to be my friend 1904:< WythDryden> I sadly wasn't wearing it 1904:< WythDryden> And that was how I became attached to Lusca 1904:< barnum> Round #5, 78 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 474[███▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: WythDryden (7.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1904:< WythDryden> Such a foolish mistake... 1904:< RvDarklord> it doent protect your friends though only you 1905:< Djinneral> I unleash the 8 limbed golden combo *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* 1905:< RvDarklord> oh like that 1905:< WythDryden> Yeah, haha 1905:< RvDarklord> wow one hit with each limb! impressive 1905:< barnum> Round #6, 69 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 405[██▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), WythDryden (3) 1905:< Djinneral> I strike it with my hands, elbows, knees and feet! 1905:< WythDryden> It's more of an emotional protection. I make friends to easily. :-X 1905:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon to remove the wings of the beast. Its golden wings begin to move again. 1905:< WythDryden> too* 1906:< Djinneral> I even bite it, headbutt it, shoulderbash it, stomp on it,shinblow it every part of the body is a weapon! 1906:< WythDryden> But did you try... THE B-HOLE? 1906:< Djinneral> goddamnit wythdryden! 1906:< WythDryden> points BTE towards the B-Hole 1906:< barnum> Round #7, 177 hits! Shaggy Demodand HP: 228[█▒▒▒▒] [can't flee!] +XP: Djinneral (7.5), WythDryden (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 1906:< Djinneral> I'm not going to use the b-hole! 1906:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/37%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/76%), ryanvango (8/51%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1906:< WythDryden> Letting your pride get in the way of a perfectly valid attack point.. Tsk tsk. 1907:< thatwentBTE> Now awakened from his slumber, the griffon locks its eyes on the target below. 1907:< WythDryden> Too good for the b-hole are you? :P 1907:< RvDarklord> hits shaggy with his bow 1907:< thatwentBTE> The griffon attacks the beast from above, shreding its wings. 1907:< WythDryden> Finds a massive rock, and then, 61 characters later, sends it hurling at the beast! 1907:< barnum> Shaggy Demodand is kill! WythDryden picks up [Id Portrait]! LVLs: WythDryden (8/81%), thatwentBTE (11/39%), Djinneral (5/81%), RvDar... 1908:< WythDryden> Id Portrait? 1908:< barnum> A wild Bloodworm appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1908:< RvDarklord> hey uhm any1 have som arrows? a bow isn't that good of a blunt weapon 1908:< Djinneral> I guess it's like a passport? 1908:< barnum> Round #1, 37 hits! Bloodworm HP: 165[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), WythDryden (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1908:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1909:< Djinneral> I unleash the 8 limbed golden combo *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* 1909:< thatwentBTE> I slice the blood worm in half. but to my dismay there are now 2 bloodworms with 2 b-holes 1909:< ryanvango> ooo a bloodworm! wheres Rvdarklord. poke it with a stick! see if anything comes out of it! 1909:< Djinneral> you did it to yourself man! 1909:< WythDryden> Holds the Id Portrait in front of his face, to make it look like he is someone else. The Bloodworm is very confused! 1909:< Djinneral> I kick the blood worm in the bloodworm jaw 1909:< ryanvango> double bhole bloodworm starts making out with itself. i am arroused 1909:< RvDarklord> uhm i lost my stick but ill hit it with my bow! 1909:< ryanvango> aroused? 1909:< barnum> Bloodworm is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Ring of Retribution]! LVLs: ryanvango (8/58%), Djinneral (5/91%), WythDryden (8/84%), RvDark... 1909:< thatwentBTE> a ruzed 1909:< WythDryden> lmao 1910:< barnum> A wild Ghost appeared! HP: 328[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1910:< thatwentBTE> Ryan is that you? 1910:< RvDarklord> okay bow is a good blunt weapon confirmed! 1910:< WythDryden> Apparently RvDarklord 1910:< barnum> Round #1, 92 hits! Ghost HP: 236[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), WythDryden (3), ryanvango (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1910:< ryanvango> no i am no longer a spooky ghost. i fund a fancy ring that can unghost me. thats why i can ride boof again 1911:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1911:< ryanvango> see! my mighty steed 1911:< RvDarklord> grats on not being a spooky ghost anymore! 1911:< WythDryden> I miss my friend Lusca. :'( 1911:< ryanvango> if thats not proof that the ring can do that, i dont know what is 1911:< barnum> Round #2, 167 hits! Ghost HP: 69[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (15), RvDarklord (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1911:< thatwentBTE> I ask the spirit what its business is. it replies an a hollow whisper "I need to protect my family" 1911:< Djinneral> I open my bottle of spirits and attempt to lure this wild ghost into the bottle lulling sweet nothings at it! 1911:< Djinneral> My other spirits seem to like this ghost, please get into the bottle my sweet child 1911:< ryanvango> i break out my dyson ball vaccuum and try to suck the ghost up in to it. 1912:< RvDarklord> oh no this is the ghost of lusca! 1912:< thatwentBTE> Well you FAILED I scream *smash *smash *smash *smash 1912:< Djinneral> I throw the bottle at the ghost 1912:< WythDryden> Behold, the incredibly damaging power of unfathomable lonliness! RIP Lusca 1912:< ryanvango> i didnt get that in a loot drop, but im assuming i brought it from home 1912:< Djinneral> The ghost slowly slips inside the spirit bottle! 1912:< barnum> Ghost is kill! Djinneral picks up [Trident of The Storm Captain]! LVLs: Djinneral (6/21%), ryanvango (8/69%), thatwentBTE (11/42%), ... 1912:< Djinneral> And, and, and its in! 1912:< thatwentBTE> NIOCE! 1912:< ryanvango> ohhh did you get a spirit bottle?? 1912:< RvDarklord> nice! 1912:< WythDryden> Where'd you get the trident!? 1912:< Djinneral> yeah i got it a while ago 1912:< thatwentBTE> yeah, he got one earlier today 1912:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/42%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/88%), ryanvango (8/69%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1913:< Djinneral> I've finally got a proper weapon though! 1913:< barnum> A wild Pit Hag appeared! HP: 769[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1913:< Djinneral> its not exactly a spear but its close 1913:< ryanvango> nice. derogative has one. hes our resident ghost expert. you can get some protips from him i bet 1913:< thatwentBTE> honey, why are you not home making my food I say to the Pit Hag I marrie 1913:< barnum> Round #1, 221 hits! Pit Hag HP: 548[████▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), Djinneral (6), ryanvango (6), RvDarklord (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1913:< WythDryden> Grabs each of the hags limbs and pulls on them, leaving the hag open to attacks from others. 1913:< thatwentBTE> There is no way I am going towards your b-hole 1914:< Djinneral> I'll ask him for some tips later today then, the spirits never really listen to me 1914:< WythDryden> That is a b-hole I would steer clear of BTE 1914:< ryanvango> I "attack" with my echoing metamagic rod, right in the opening 1914:< barnum> Round #2, 152 hits! Pit Hag HP: 396[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1914:< Djinneral> I swivel the Trident and call to the Storm, The lightning strikes me launching me right at the fiend *BANG* right in the B-HOle 1915:< WythDryden> Uses his healing gloves on ryanvango. You never know what came out of that opening.. 1915:< thatwentBTE> pit hag - Wiry, wicked females look like little more than burned blistered skin pulled over bones. 1915:< RvDarklord> Searches for arrows... 1915:< ryanvango> why are my attacks so ineffective! I use the 2nd rod at the same time, in the opening WythDryden created 1915:< thatwentBTE> Tiny horns jut from their forehead and they have razor sharp talons springing from their long fingered hands. 1915:< RvDarklord> but it failed! 1915:< Djinneral> eww its a pit hag, I don't want to get near that b-hole, now im ruined I can't get married anymore 1915:< barnum> Round #3, 254 hits! Pit Hag HP: 142[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), Djinneral (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), RvDarklord (3) 1915:< ryanvango> RVDarkLord I actually picked up an arrow earlier, but i forgot to put it in group loot. so we do have 1 1915:< RvDarklord> wow an arrow! 1915:< WythDryden> Uses the healing gloves on Djinneral as well 1915:< Djinneral> I would save the arrow for flying creatures 1916:< Djinneral> Thanks for the heal wythdryden its much appreciated 1916:< ryanvango> im at a loss. i dont know what to do to a pit hag, and girls terrify me anyway... all you guys 1916:< Djinneral> I stab the hag right in the flank! 1916:< barnum> Pit Hag is kill! Djinneral picks up [Vernal Key]! LVLs: Djinneral (6/31%), ryanvango (8/76%), RvDarklord (3/57%), WythDryden (8/91%) 1916:< ryanvango> i apologize to it 1916:< WythDryden> Finds a massive rock, and then, 61 characters later, sends it hurling at the beast! 1916:< RvDarklord> no need to apologise now 1916:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Brain Gear appeared! HP: 189[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1916:< Djinneral> a spring key huh? 1917:< ryanvango> oooo! i have a clockwork beetle bug. maybe they can be friends! 1917:< WythDryden> A brain gear? 1917:< ryanvango> our damage is going through the roof btw. dont know if you guys have noticed lol 1917:< barnum> Round #1, 176 hits! Clockwork Brain Gear HP: 13[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), WythDryden (6), RvDarklord (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1917:< WythDryden> Holds up portrait of id. Maybe it'll confuse it? 1917:< thatwentBTE> . The key was created to unlock a jarl's prison, but as a side effect it also protects the region around it from the ravages of winter. 1917:< ryanvango> i think its like a mechanical calculater, if im not mistaken guys 1917:< RvDarklord> I shoot my arrow and my starbow transforms it into a shooting star that flies off into the distance 1917:< Djinneral> I've dropped the key in the item pool 1918:< Djinneral> the trident will serve me well to open doors 1918:< Djinneral> I grab the clockwork brain gear and put it in my pocket 1918:< barnum> Clockwork Brain Gear is kill! Djinneral picks up [Staff of Performance]! LVLs: Djinneral (6/41%), thatwentBTE (11/48%), ryanvango (8... 1918:< WythDryden> Stare into my Amulet of the Abyss Brain Gear! Now divide by 0 if you dare! 1918:< WythDryden> Dang 1918:< ryanvango> well this is just ridiculous lol 1918:< Djinneral> is that like a chearleader staff? 1918:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/48%), Sorrento110 (10/73%), WythDryden (8/95%), ryanvango (8/82%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1918:< RvDarklord> welp error 1918:< WythDryden> Staff of performance. hahahahaha 1918:< ryanvango> barnum you still alive? 1918:< Sorrento110> hey guys 1918:< thatwentBTE> male enhancement 1918:< barnum> A wild Lunar Naga appeared! HP: 306[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1918:< Djinneral> anyway thats in the item pool now 1919:< WythDryden> Welcome back Sorrento110 1919:< thatwentBTE> Hi sorrent 1919:< RvDarklord> staff of performance ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 1919:< Sorrento110> whats up? 1919:< Sorrento110> https://www.reddit.com/r/robinRPG 1919:< ryanvango> nooo sorrent. go away. i was catching up to pass you, you butthole 1919:< WythDryden> The staff of performance, ;) 1919:< barnum> Round #1, 301 hits! Lunar Naga HP: 5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (10.5), ryanvango (7.5), Sorrento110 (4.5), Djinneral (3), thatwentBTE (... 1919:< ryanvango> i wonder if.... 1919:< Djinneral> I swivel the Trident and call to the Storm, The lightning strikes me launching me right at the fiend *BANG* right in the B-HOle 1919:< Sorrento110> Kill it kill it kill it kill it 1919:< WythDryden> Eat rock Lunar Naga! Tosses big rock. 1919:< ryanvango> exp is based 1919:< Sorrento110> we can attck it all together 1919:< Djinneral> is the naga a snake? 1920:< ryanvango> on total number 1920:< Sorrento110> :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1920:< Sorrento110> Naga is kinda a snake yea 1920:< ryanvango> of attacks, or 1920:< Djinneral> I attempt to beast brand this young naga creature! 1920:< ryanvango> on the damage dealt 1920:< WythDryden> Uses his healing gloves on his lonely heart. After having killed his closest friend 1920:< RvDarklord> wow such brand 1920:< barnum> Lunar Naga is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude +1]! LVLs: ryanvango (8/96%), Djinneral (6/53%), Sorrent... 1920:< ryanvango> fuck now ill never know 1920:< Djinneral> one of these days I will beast brand the creature 1920:< barnum> A wild Wood Golem appeared! HP: 288[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1920:< WythDryden> I've got those Pauldrons too! But mine are +3 1920:< ryanvango> trying again 1921:< ryanvango> to see if this 1921:< WythDryden> Brandishes the pauldrons of unflinching fortitude 1921:< ryanvango> gives me more exp 1921:< Djinneral> I stab the Wood Golem right in its magic formation and make it a vegetable 1921:< ryanvango> than 3 big long attacks 1921:< barnum> Round #1, 147 hits! Wood Golem HP: 141[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), Djinneral (6), WythDryden (3) 1921:< ryanvango> i dont know 1921:< ryanvango> i dont think that last 1 counted 1921:< WythDryden> Oh shit, are we fighting another salad? 1921:< Djinneral> I turn the wood golem into a cabinet for my bedside and store my books and stuff in it 1921:< ryanvango> towards the total 1922:< ryanvango> test 1922:< Sorrento110> MY MAGIC STAFF ATTACKS ITS LIFE FORCE ENERGY TO DECIMATE ITS CONFIDENCE 1922:< WythDryden> What a nice cabinet! 1922:< barnum> Wood Golem is kill! WythDryden picks up [Staff of Wings]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/16%), ryanvango (8/99%), Djinner... 1922:< ryanvango> fuckin cocks! 1922:< Djinneral> you killed my cabinet! 1922:< WythDryden> lol, it's always when I'm nice I end up killing things 1922:< thatwentBTE> coool staff 1922:< barnum> A wild Skiff Golem appeared! HP: 549[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1922:< ryanvango> trying to hit exactly 1922:< ryanvango> 9 experience points. 1923:< ryanvango> with these 4 attacks 1923:< Djinneral> whose summoning these damn golems 1923:< barnum> Round #1, 117 hits! Skiff Golem HP: 432[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), Djinneral (3), WythDryden (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1923:< brh131> finally the bot is back 1923:< Glory_DrEvil> what's going on in here? 1923:< RvDarklord> ok i found the slot to equip my pauldrons 1923:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1923:< brh131> when did it go back up? 1923:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1923:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1923:< Djinneral> I stab it with my trident, the trident is now stuck in the golem 1923:< brh131> i throw a candle at it 1924:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaken and slay this beast. 1924:< barnum> Round #2, 214 hits! Skiff Golem HP: 218[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), brh131 (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), Glory_DrEvil (1.5), RvDarklord ... 1924:< RvDarklord> ryan sure like hitting the enemies with his rod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 1924:< Djinneral> I try to pull the trident out with much difficulty 1924:< thatwentBTE> Its golden wings begin to move again. 1924:< brh131> the monster is distracted by the pleasant smell of my candle 1924:< ryanvango> 3 bigger attacks more than doubled my exp. that confirms it! 1924:< Djinneral> guys I need some help here the trident is stuck 1924:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/49%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/16%), ryanvango (9/13%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1924:< thatwentBTE> Now awakened from his slumber, the griffon locks its eyes on the target below. 1924:< RvDarklord> helps djinneral 1924:< WythDryden> Using the staff of wings, I turn two of my arms into wings. An angel, flying over the monster. I say mean things to it and go back. 1924:< thatwentBTE> My golden griffon soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 1924:< Djinneral> I need one more guy to help me, we almost got it out! 1925:< brh131> i headbutt the monster with my crown of horns 1925:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the land. 1925:< Djinneral> help me get the damn trident out! 1925:< brh131> i grab djinneral's trident out of the monster 1925:< Djinneral> its my only weapon ;'_; 1925:< ryanvango> i want to poop loot it. sooo POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPP 1925:< WythDryden> Helps Djinneral 1925:< barnum> Skiff Golem is kill! WythDryden picks up [Ring of Feather Falling]! LVLs: Djinneral (6/68%), thatwentBTE (11/55%), brh131 (1/79%), W... 1925:< Djinneral> thanks lads 1925:< RvDarklord> yay! 1925:< ryanvango> gettin real sick of your shit wythdryden 1925:< barnum> A wild Flesh Colossus appeared! HP: 1008[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1925:< thatwentBTE> cool ring 1925:< WythDryden> lol, every time I'm nice I get the kill 1926:< WythDryden> The ring will go well with the staff of flying 1926:< thatwentBTE> mmmm flesh colussus, I bet I can easily find the b-hole 1926:< barnum> My flesh is definitely colossal, knowwhatimean. ;) 1926:< WythDryden> lmao BTE 1926:< barnum> Round #1, 125 hits! Flesh Colossus HP: 883[█████] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (3), Djinneral (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5), ryanvan... 1926:< RvDarklord> ok back to the basics! im searching for a stick! 1926:< WythDryden> Buffs his nails on his resplendent coat. The brute is dazed and in awe. Leaving it open to future attacks! 1926:< thatwentBTE> I command my dragon to flank, and distract the hideous creature. 1926:< Djinneral> I cut off a bit of flesh from the big toe and sear it with some thyme, rosemary and lemon, over some potatoes and carrots 1927:< brh131> i light another candle, once again distracting the monster 1927:< Djinneral> the steaks are prepared free of charge 1927:< barnum> Round #2, 161 hits! Flesh Colossus HP: 722[████▒] +XP: Djinneral (6), WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5), brh131 ... 1927:< WythDryden> Wafts the delightful smells coming from Djinneral's direction 1927:< ryanvango> shit i got distracted. im sorry guys. let me go ahead and ultra this bastard in to the ground 1927:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1927:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this assholes asshole 1927:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1927:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1928:< thatwentBTE> I sneak up on the colossus as my dragon distracts it. From behind I can spot its massive b-hole sparkling. 1928:< Djinneral> ite 1928:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 1928:< barnum> Round #3, 424 hits! Flesh Colossus HP: 298[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (27), WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 1928:< WythDryden> I don't know how you don't hit the rate limit? That always gets me for like 6 seconds or something 1928:< RvDarklord> finds a stick and uses it as an arrow to fire his starbow, as soon as the stick is fired it transforms into a shooting star and it graz 1928:< Djinneral> rate limit accounts for ultras 1928:< ryanvango> i do. but theres just enough room to squeek 4 attacks in there 1928:< Djinneral> its part of the robin smart time filter 1928:< thatwentBTE> I charge the flesh beast, Jumpping on it and climbing its legs 1928:< RvDarklord> es the monster 1928:< WythDryden> Throws a giant rock at the SPARKLING B-hole 1928:< RvDarklord> * jumps in yoy * 1928:< thatwentBTE> I scurry up it like a coachroach with the lights on. 1929:< Djinneral> I drop a massive deuce in sircabbage's well 1929:< barnum> Round #4, 256 hits! Flesh Colossus HP: 42[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (7.5), WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (6), Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango ... 1929:< WythDryden> Behold, my amulet of the abyss! You are now nothing Flesh Colossus! 1929:< thatwentBTE> I slam its b-hole repatedly with my MASSIVE GOLDEN HAMMER *smash smash smash 1929:< WythDryden> Pats now braindead colossus on the head 1929:< WythDryden> Watches it tip over 1929:< Djinneral> I release the collosus from its suffering with my knife hand 1929:< ryanvango> poooop loot 1929:< barnum> Flesh Colossus is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Three Wishes]! LVLs: WythDryden (9/31%), thatwentBTE (11/60%), Djinneral (6/76%)... 1930:< WythDryden> High fives Dji 1930:< thatwentBTE> DUUUUDE 1930:< RvDarklord> wow 1930:< Djinneral> ooh three wishes! 1930:< thatwentBTE> wish for more wishes 1930:< ryanvango> ooooo! whats that do! 1930:< RvDarklord> 3 wishes 1930:< RvDarklord> better wish for more wishes 1930:< ryanvango> like, does it make me faster? 1930:< WythDryden> Wish for a monocle that can detect the b-hole on any foe! 1930:< Djinneral> I bet he'll wish that his own b-hole is impenetrable or some other sort of nonsense 1930:< Djinneral> lol 1930:< thatwentBTE> haha 1931:< thatwentBTE> MORE MONSTERS PLEASE 1931:< ryanvango> ok. im keeping it. ill make my wishes later 1931:< barnum> A wild Daochyn appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1931:< Djinneral> dryden you can wish your brother back! 1931:< WythDryden> I would just end up killing him most likely. :'* 1931:< RvDarklord> ok back to hitting stuff again! 1931:< thatwentBTE> ryanvango are you still dead? 1931:< WythDryden> :'( 1931:< Djinneral> ;0 1931:< thatwentBTE> and all spooky 1931:< barnum> Round #1, 91 hits! Daochyn HP: 251[████▒] +XP: WythDryden (3), thatwentBTE (3), Djinneral (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1932:< ryanvango> I am. i think one of my wishes will to be to make it so im ACTUALLY alive, not just kept alive by a ring 1932:< ryanvango> yep. lets do that 1932:< Djinneral> hey we're all kept alive by a ring here, 1932:< WythDryden> What is the advantage to being actually alive? 1932:< Djinneral> the circle of life 1932:< thatwentBTE> This creature resembles a manta-ray in general outline. It is a bat-like, with a long, powerful tail and membranous "wings" 1932:< RvDarklord> wow so deep 1932:< barnum> Round #2, 173 hits! Daochyn HP: 78[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (3), WythDryden (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1932:< thatwentBTE> The mouth of a creature is wide, like a shark's, and contains multiple rows of razor-sharp serrated teeth 1933:< thatwentBTE> The tip of each wing ends in cruel-looking claws. 1933:< ryanvango> 2 wishes left, i changed the name of the ring on my char sheet 1933:< WythDryden> Rides the Daochyn around in circles 1933:< RvDarklord> uhm after that explainaition ill hit its head with my bow 1933:< Djinneral> I attempt the beast brand this manta-ray like creature, come on damn manta be mine! 1933:< thatwentBTE> ring of 2/3 wishes 1933:< Djinneral> I poke it with my trident, the weapon of the sea to capture it! 1933:< Djinneral> and whip it with my rope thing! 1933:< WythDryden> Holds the Daochyn in place for Djinneral 1933:< RvDarklord> uhm so you have 2 thirds of a wish? 1933:< ryanvango> also, poop loot. 1933:< barnum> Daochyn is kill! ryanvango picks up [Headband of Mental Prowess +4]! LVLs: Djinneral (6/88%), thatwentBTE (11/66%), ryanvango (9/29%... 1933:< Djinneral> dang poop loot 1933:< RvDarklord> lol 1933:< thatwentBTE> ryan your so now smart for some reason 1934:< ryanvango> i figured out how to do it every time. its not up to who gets the killing blow, its last to chat 1934:< RvDarklord> ah 1934:< ryanvango> i promise to stop doing it on purpose. also whoever wants that can have it. i have a golden crown of swords 1934:< Djinneral> the bot works on a fixed interval I guess 1934:< WythDryden> Smart enough to know the poop loot 1934:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1935:< barnum> A wild Mature Adult White Dragon appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1935:< ryanvango> barnum if you get this, you may want to look at, or tell robin-rpg to look at, changing how the loot is handed down 1935:< WythDryden> Isn't that a bit redundant? 1935:< Djinneral> I hit the overly described dragon over the jaw 1935:< thatwentBTE> wild mature adult OuO 1935:< barnum> Round #1, 99 hits! Mature Adult White Dragon HP: 675[█████] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), WythDryden (1.5), Djinneral (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 1935:< RvDarklord> Confirms that is indeed a dragon... 1935:< ryanvango> a wild adult grownup mature non-adolescent appears! 1936:< WythDryden> Attacks A wild Mature Adult White Dragon with logic and reasoning! 1936:< RvDarklord> its mature as a adult 1936:< Djinneral> gotta make sure its wild, we can't kill civilized adults 1936:< RvDarklord> so it isnt childish as an adult i guess 1936:< WythDryden> A wild Mature Adult White Dragon doesn't like being made fun of. Watch out! 1936:< ryanvango> guys. be careful. its mother could be around here somewhere. i think this ones just a baby 1936:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1936:< barnum> Round #2, 257 hits! Mature Adult White Dragon HP: 418[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (9), ryanvango (6), RvDarklord (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5)... 1936:< RvDarklord> can probably be reasoned with 1936:< thatwentBTE> The heavy golden hammer smashes the beast face. SMASH SMASH SMASH 1936:< barnum> ryanvango What's wrong with it? 1937:< WythDryden> A wild Mature Adult White Dragon is impervious to reasoning, I already tried. 1937:< RvDarklord> okay after those smashes maybe not 1937:< ryanvango> barnum if anyone thinks about it for more than a couple mins, yo ucan get loot every time 1937:< ryanvango> barnum it goes by last to chat, not killing blow 1937:< Djinneral> I hit the mature adult white dragon with my straight, linear hard stiff metal shiny, electricity conductive, heat conductive trident 1937:< barnum> Round #3, 272 hits! Mature Adult White Dragon HP: 146[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (9), ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (4.5),... 1937:< WythDryden> A wild Mature Adult White Dragon tosses about like it don't care. 1937:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon to remove the wings of the beast. the griffon stirs again... 1937:< Insomnikal> would be best as randomly rewarded from last round to hit 1937:< WythDryden> Hurls four rocks at a time at A wild Mature Adult White Dragon 1938:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the land. 1938:< RvDarklord> uses his strongest attack! 1938:< WythDryden> +1 Insomnikal 1938:< Djinneral> I grab my robe of entanglement that has been made from free range hemp and tie it around the dragon 1938:< RvDarklord> hit from behind 1938:< thatwentBTE> bite 1938:< ryanvango> yeah, random would be good. INTENTIONAL MISS OF POOP LOOT 1938:< RvDarklord> Kappa 1938:< thatwentBTE> kappa 1938:< Djinneral> And now I attempt to beast brand it since Im kinda desperate to capture something 1938:< WythDryden> Comforts A wild Mature Adult White Dragon 1938:< barnum> Mature Adult White Dragon is kill! WythDryden picks up [Dagger of Venom]! LVLs: WythDryden (9/49%), thatwentBTE (11/75%), RvDarklord... 1938:< WythDryden> Ooo 1938:< RvDarklord> oh wow my script does the twitch emotes 1938:< Djinneral> comfort kills 1938:< barnum> A wild Mithral Golem appeared! HP: 774[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1939:< RvDarklord> nice dagger tho 1939:< WythDryden> Always when I'm nice.. 1939:< WythDryden> equips the Dagger of Venom 1939:< barnum> ryanvango The part where loot is decided is a little too complicated for me. 1939:< barnum> If robin-rpg comes back I'll talk to him 1939:< barnum> Round #1, 73 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 701[█████] +XP: WythDryden (4.5), RvDarklord (3), Djinneral (1.5) 1939:< barnum> He's afk running in the other chat right now 1939:< WythDryden> Mithral Golem, dang. 1939:< ryanvango> barnum thats ok. as long as we're not turds about it. if someone else figures it out, we'll encourage them not to use it 1939:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/75%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/50%), ryanvango (9/34%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1940:< WythDryden> Well, we know Mithral is light... so I pick up the Golem and throw it 1940:< ryanvango> barnum im gonna pm you 1940:< WythDryden> Somebody hit it out of the air 1940:< RvDarklord> Searches for sticks to use as arrows 1940:< WythDryden> Keep it up! 1940:< barnum> Round #2, 175 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 526[████▒] +XP: WythDryden (9), ryanvango (6), RvDarklord (1.5) 1940:< thatwentBTE> lolol WythDryden 1941:< RvDarklord> Finds some sticks 1941:< WythDryden> Sets the golem like a volleyball 1941:< WythDryden> BTE, find the B-hole while it's distracted from getting tossed around. 1941:< barnum> Round #3, 94 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 432[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), thatwentBTE (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1942:< RvDarklord> uses a stick as an arrow, it transforms into a shooting star and.... misses! 1942:< RvDarklord> it does scare the golem though 1942:< barnum> Round #4, 25 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 407[███▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6) 1942:< RvDarklord> im not very good with the bow yet 1943:< WythDryden> Fair enough RvDarklord 1943:< WythDryden> Keeps lofting the golem into the air so that RvDarklord can practice with his bow 1943:< ryanvango> want us to hit it, or do you wanna get all the exp from it? 1943:< barnum> Round #5, 90 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 317[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), RvDarklord (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1943:< RvDarklord> Shoots another shooting star and it grazes the golem 1944:< RvDarklord> *does a fancy spin in place* 1944:< surelyucantbserious> when you wish upon a star, Give that Golem nasty scars. 1944:< WythDryden> All of our allies have gone missing. 1944:< barnum> Round #6, 49 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 268[██▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (3), WythDryden (3), surelyucantbserious (1.5) 1944:< ryanvango> RvDarkLord remember to go over 60 characters. you get way more exp 1944:< Lord_Renwod> hey guys 1945:< WythDryden> Were they intimidated by my wonderful sense of fashion!? Buffs fingers on resplendent coat. 1945:< Lord_Renwod> Any news on the merge? 1945:< WythDryden> Hey Lord_Renwod Haven't heard any news of a merge 1945:< barnum> Round #7, 124 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 144[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (6), ryanvango (4.5), Lord_Renwod (3) 1945:< Lord_Renwod> mmk 1945:< thatwentBTE> yeah 1945:< hagbard-celine> news on merge: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1945:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/75%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/56%), ryanvango (9/37%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1945:< RvDarklord> Okay lets go! I shoot another stick, it transforms into a shooting star and i miss again 1946:< thatwentBTE> we are about to get a TIER 14. 1946:< RvDarklord> wow we gonna merge again? 1946:< thatwentBTE> then when we get a second 14 it will merge with the 15 1946:< WythDryden> Tosses the golem again. You can do it RvDarklord! 1946:< barnum> Round #8, 110 hits! Mithral Golem HP: 34[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: RvDarklord (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), Lord_Renwod (1.5), hagbard-celine (1.5), Wyt... 1946:< thatwentBTE> and then they will merge with us 1946:< WythDryden> That sounds like it's still quite a ways away 1947:< thatwentBTE> yeah, a few hours at least, but if it takes to long today it will not merge till tomorrow 1947:< barnum> Mithral Golem is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Eel Skin Armor]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (11/78%), WythDryden (9/58%) 1947:< ryanvango> testing pooploot system 1947:< thatwentBTE> Who wants the Eel Skin Armor 1947:< WythDryden> Just missed it ryan. :P 1947:< barnum> A wild Quickling appeared! HP: 63[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1948:< ryanvango> barnum did you alter it? 1948:< thatwentBTE> I already have boneless armor which lets me move like I have no bones. 1948:< WythDryden> Get corpse of golem and tosses it on top of the wild Quickling. SPLAT! 1948:< ryanvango> this one should die right away. and itll be lootable in round 1 1948:< barnum> Quickling is kill! ryanvango picks up [iridescent spindle ioun stone]! LVLs: ryanvango (9/42%), thatwentBTE (11/81%), WythDryden (9/... 1948:< thatwentBTE> Who doesnt have armor yet? 1948:< ryanvango> yep. its fixed. no longer pooplootable 1948:< barnum> A wild Svartalfar appeared! HP: 378[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1948:< RvDarklord> Holds his Starbow firmly, grabbing a random stick form the ground, aims his bow and shoots~! 1949:< barnum> I didn't change anything 1949:< WythDryden> BTE, if you can move like you have no bones, you should be able to slide yourself into any enemies B-hole and kill it from the inside 1949:< barnum> Round #1, 107 hits! Svartalfar HP: 271[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), WythDryden (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 1949:< ryanvango> really? maybe it had its own thing built in. before it had a timer for sending chats that could be counted 1949:< RvDarklord> the stick transforms into a star as it leaves the string and the star pierces the Svartalfar 1949:< ryanvango> 56 seconds exactly. now it isnt. 1950:< barnum> Round #2, 104 hits! Svartalfar HP: 167[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (6), RvDarklord (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1950:< ryanvango> im behind on exp so next monster, im gonna do my pretyped series 1950:< WythDryden> What is a Svartalfar 1950:< barnum> Something norse 1951:< WythDryden> Stabs the Scartalfar with his Venom Dagger 1951:< barnum> Round #3, 85 hits! Svartalfar HP: 82[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), WythDryden (3) 1951:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/81%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/63%), ryanvango (9/45%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1951:< WythDryden> Accidentally pricked himself with the venom dagger 1951:< thatwentBTE> I punch the beast with a alfhearted swing. 1951:< ptrakk> does the spicy memes kick to the scartalfar 1951:< RvDarklord> A Svartalfar is something like a dark elf 1951:< WythDryden> Uses his healing gloves on himself, just in the nick of time. 1952:< barnum> Svartalfar is kill! WythDryden picks up [Bracelets of Stone]! LVLs: WythDryden (9/67%), thatwentBTE (11/82%), ptrakk (2/53%), RvDark... 1952:< WythDryden> Equips the Bracelets of Stone 1952:< barnum> A wild Nazalor appeared! HP: 342[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1953:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 1953:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 1953:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 1953:< RvDarklord> Seeing no sticks nearby rushes toward the Nazalor and hits it with his bow. the Nazalor doent seem to mind the hit 1953:< barnum> Round #1, 189 hits! Nazalor HP: 153[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), RvDarklord (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 1953:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 1953:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 1953:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 1954:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 1954:< ryanvango> ;) 1954:< barnum> Nazalor is kill! ryanvango picks up [Cap of The Free Thinker]! LVLs: ryanvango (9/55%) 1954:< RvDarklord> Nazalors are nocturnal carnivores that derive great pleasure by wading into combat and shredding their foes to pieces.... 1954:< RvDarklord> we got lucky there 1954:< barnum> A wild Giant Anaconda appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 1954:< ryanvango> i can't help being this awesome... 1954:< ryanvango> im gonna write more pretyped lines though. someone else can have that cap btw 1955:< barnum> Round #1, 93 hits! Giant Anaconda HP: 474[█████] +XP: RvDarklord (6), ryanvango (6) 1955:< ryanvango> actually i need to go to the store. so ill be back in a few minutes 1955:< RvDarklord> Is amazed by rayan's polishing skills 1956:< barnum> Round #2, 57 hits! Giant Anaconda HP: 417[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 1957:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Giant Anaconda HP: 417[████▒] +XP: no one :( 1957:< RvDarklord> grabs a stick lays it on the string of his bow and rushes toward the anaconda before firing the shooting star 1957:< RvDarklord> waits to see how much damage that did 1958:< thatwentBTE> A giant anaconda 1958:< RvDarklord> yea its a big snek 1958:< thatwentBTE> where is Icube and jlow 1958:< thatwentBTE> ice cube* 1959:< RvDarklord> I dont know they might be afk 1959:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/82%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/67%), ryanvango (9/57%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 1959:< barnum> A wild Young Void Dragon appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2000:< barnum> Internet hiccup 2000:< RvDarklord> lets just say the snek just left after being called a snek 2001:< barnum> A wild Thawn appeared! HP: 86[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2001:< RvDarklord> so all of them are now just leaving? 2001:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Thawn HP: 85[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 2002:< RvDarklord> I try to hit the Thawn with my bow and for once deal some significant damage 2002:< barnum> Round #2, 0 hits! Thawn HP: 85[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 2002:< RvDarklord> or notQQ 2003:< WythDryden> Sorry. At work, and had to do some actual word. 2003:< RvDarklord> wow actual word! 2003:< WythDryden> Lol, poor Rv 2003:< barnum> Main dude is back online, trying to get this to work, hold for min, sorry everyone 2003:< RvDarklord> no problem man 2003:< RvDarklord> QQ 2003:< barnum> Round #3, 0 hits! Thawn HP: 85[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 2004:< barnum> A wild Necrocraft appeared! HP: 117[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2004:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Necrocraft HP: 117[█████] +XP: no one :( 2004:< WythDryden> What does the bot actually run on? 2004:< RvDarklord> test hit (please dont ignore) 2005:< barnum> My computer 2005:< WythDryden> Within the browser? Or is it something standalone 2005:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 2005:< barnum> Round #2, 61 hits! Necrocraft HP: 56[███▒▒] +XP: WythDryden (3), RvDarklord (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2005:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH my arms are getting tired 2006:< RvDarklord> AH the bot is back! Filled with joy i run oup to the monster and hit it with one of my sticks 2006:< barnum> Necrocraft is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Alchemist's Bullet]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (11/84%), RvDarklord (4/56%) 2006:< thatwentBTE> now you just need the gun 2006:< barnum> A wild Hippogriff appeared! HP: 99[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2007:< thatwentBTE> *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH sigh *SMASH *SMASH *SMASH 2007:< WythDryden> Weird, just got two blank lines from Rv and BTE 2007:< RvDarklord> oh oh firing bullets with a bow? 2007:< barnum> Round #1, 65 hits! Hippogriff HP: 34[██▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), WythDryden (1.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2007:< RvDarklord> i say yes! 2007:< RvDarklord> uhm yea i pressd the send button 2007:< thatwentBTE> yeah I did the second one on purpose 2007:< WythDryden> oh lol 2008:< WythDryden> here I was thinking I screwed something up 2008:< RvDarklord> just do space to send a blak message 2008:< barnum> Hippogriff is kill! RvDarklord picks up [Rope of Entanglement]! LVLs: WythDryden (9/72%), RvDarklord (4/62%), thatwentBTE (11/85%) 2008:< thatwentBTE> Arnt all ropes ropes of entaglement 2008:< RvDarklord> wow such loot 2008:< WythDryden> lol 2008:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/85%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/72%), ryanvango (9/57%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 2009:< barnum> A wild Bone Idol appeared! HP: 72[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2009:< thatwentBTE> I idolize the idol. 2009:< barnum> Round #1, 65 hits! Bone Idol HP: 7[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), RvDarklord (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2009:< RvDarklord> I try to bone the idol ;-) 2010:< WythDryden> I idle. 2010:< barnum> A wild Scylla appeared! HP: 621[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2010:< thatwentBTE> I dell 2010:< RvDarklord> so about shooting bullets with a bow... can i do that? is it effective? 2010:< barnum> A wild Weaverworm appeared! HP: 427[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2011:< barnum> Round #1, 24 hits! Scylla HP: 597[█████] +XP: loulan (1.5), _vvvv_ (1.5), tRitone11 (1.5), TheMellowSide (1.5), Daegalus (1.5), Bono... 2011:< ryanvango> i had an idea while i was braving the frozen wastes in a quest for monster and cigarettes... 2011:< barnum> Round #1, 92 hits! Weaverworm HP: 335[████▒] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2011:< thatwentBTE> Well the alchemist bullets have a spot in them to deliver poison or medice. Your bow shows arrows that have streaks of light resembling 2011:< thatwentBTE> start, so I am not sure. Maybe 2011:< thatwentBTE> stars* 2012:< RvDarklord> yea sticks might be better to shoot 2012:< barnum> Round #2, 16 hits! Scylla HP: 581[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5) 2012:< EmeraldEnd> Hey, when is merge? 2012:< RvDarklord> kinda hard to put the bullet on the string 2012:< ryanvango> are we fighting 2 monsters at once now? 2012:< barnum> Round #2, 138 hits! Weaverworm HP: 197[███▒▒] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), RvDarklord (3), EmeraldEnd (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2012:< RvDarklord> um u guess 2012:< EmeraldEnd> I guess, whatever, don't really care 2012:< barnum> Trying a suggestion by anokrs, sorry 2012:< ryanvango> Emerald gonna be a while for next merge. a long while 2012:< barnum> Round #3, 14 hits! Scylla HP: 567[█████] +XP: EmeraldEnd (4.5), RvDarklord (3), ryanvango (3) 2013:< EmeraldEnd> thanks ryanvango 2013:< ryanvango> barnum its cool, do whatever works 2013:< EmeraldEnd> gl with the killing and shooting and shit 2013:< RvDarklord> so many monsters Kappa 2013:< barnum> Round #3, 54 hits! Weaverworm HP: 143[██▒▒▒] +XP: EmeraldEnd (6), RvDarklord (3), ryanvango (3) 2013:< ryanvango> haha thanks. you're welcome to join us if you like EmeraldEnd. we have a google doc tracking our rules and loots 2013:< WythDryden> Gotta go fellas. I'll be back a little later 2013:< ryanvango> EmeraldEnd its all worthless, but its fun for us lol. we've been doing it for a few days now 2013:< barnum> Round #4, 20 hits! Scylla HP: 547[█████] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), EmeraldEnd (3), RvDarklord (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2013:< ryanvango> later WythDryden 2014:< thatwentBTE> Back in Sicily, a few pennies could make the difference between owning a gun and having to insert bullet 2014:< barnum> Weaverworm is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Staff of Wings]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (11/89%), ryanvango (9/61%), WythDryden (9/75%) 2014:< thatwentBTE> Anyone want the staff of wings 2014:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (11/89%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), ryanvango (9/61%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54%), ... 2014:< thatwentBTE> I have a flying dragon and griffon 2014:< barnum> BRB 2014:< thatwentBTE> k 2015:< ryanvango> ok so I was thinking. what if we make this more like an RPG 2015:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (1/69%), thatwentBTE (1/65%), EmeraldEnd (1/57%), RvDarklord (1/56%), BrownMario (1/51%), Bonoahx (1/51%), loulan... 2015:< thatwentBTE> oh no 2015:< barnum> A wild Pukwudgie appeared! HP: 383[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2015:< thatwentBTE> my levels 2015:< ryanvango> instead of typing as fast as we can to kill these things quickly, we can try to make a story out of it? 2015:< thatwentBTE> punch it in the gut 2015:< thatwentBTE> ok Im cool with whatever 2016:< barnum> Round #6, 15 hits! Scylla HP: 521[█████] +XP: ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (6) 2016:< RvDarklord> so what does the heroes thing mean? 2016:< ryanvango> make someone a dedicated DM (you would do damage by typing), and the rest of us try to accomplish a goal? 2016:< barnum> Running the bot in one window and chatting in the other, forgot to turn off the second bot at first 2016:< ryanvango> RVDarkLord its like our leaderboard. who's in what place. but it got reset for some reason. barnum will be on it 2016:< thatwentBTE> sounds awesome 2016:< barnum> Round #7, 14 hits! Scylla HP: 507[█████] +XP: ryanvango (9), RvDarklord (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2017:< barnum> Round #2, 136 hits! Pukwudgie HP: 129[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), barnum (4.5), RvDarklord (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2017:< ryanvango> RVDarklord it shows your level, and how close you are to leveling 2017:< RvDarklord> wow double xp? 2017:< barnum> Unfortunately, I can no longer see my bot messages. 2017:< RvDarklord> oh nice 2017:< thatwentBTE> Test attack max characters aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz 2017:< barnum> So, if there's any problems let me know 2017:< ryanvango> barnum, one of the bots reset all our levels 2017:< barnum> Round #8, 18 hits! Scylla HP: 489[████▒] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), RvDarklord (4.5) 2018:< barnum> Yeah, that'd be the second bot, I'm running the main bot in the original window so it should be fine 2018:< ryanvango> barnum the one currently running the Sculla monster and the old health bar. the other one seems ot be right 2018:< barnum> Round #1, 56 hits! Frost Dwarf HP: 2[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: barnum (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2019:< RvDarklord> test FeelsBadMan please ignore 2019:< thatwentBTE> I want kill 2019:< ryanvango> a new 1? 2019:< RvDarklord> ah so only real twitch emotes 2019:< thatwentBTE> lasthit with dwarf hammer 2019:< thatwentBTE> POW 2019:< ryanvango> pooooop 2019:< RvDarklord> Kappa 2019:< thatwentBTE> SMASH\ 2019:< ryanvango> no. poop. 2019:< thatwentBTE> SMASH 2019:< RvDarklord> farts 2019:< ryanvango> pooploot 2019:< barnum> Frost Dwarf is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hammer of Thunderbolts]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (12/8%), RvDarklord (4/89%), ryanvango (9/78%) 2019:< thatwentBTE> noooooo 2019:< ryanvango> ha! 2019:< RvDarklord> NOOO 2020:< thatwentBTE> I could of allied him lol 2020:< ryanvango> you guys can have that 2020:< barnum> A wild Arach appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2020:< thatwentBTE> I spit in the arachs face, insult his mother as I do. 2020:< ptrakk> BLESS 2020:< barnum> Round #1, 120 hits! Arach HP: 222[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: barnum (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (3), RvDarklord (1.5), ptrakk (1.5) 2020:< ryanvango> ok so who wants to be the adventure leader 2020:< RvDarklord> welp guys time to leave, it was fun ill be back tomorrow! 2020:< derogative> oooo, is this a newer version of bot? i see its got a new health bar 2020:< ryanvango> ok RvDarklord. see ya later 2021:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Arach HP: 149[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: RvDarklord (4.5), derogative (4.5), ryanvango (3) 2021:< ryanvango> derogative i believe so. i think barnums trying to make it so he can talk too or play with us haha 2022:< derogative> nice 2022:< ryanvango> with limited success, but we have faith 2022:< derogative> which means it may or may not have commands so i'm gonna see 2022:< AbyssalOfTheEast> and a random player appears 2022:< derogative> !heroes 2022:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/8%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), ryanvango (9/79%), WythDryden (9/75%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54... 2022:< AbyssalOfTheEast> and gone again, bye 2022:< ryanvango> omg did that work or was it coincidence... 2022:< barnum> Round #3, 125 hits! Arach HP: 24[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), derogative (7.5), barnum (4.5), AbyssalOfTheEast (3) 2022:< derogative> !heroes 2022:< ryanvango> damn it 2022:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 2022:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/8%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), ryanvango (9/80%), WythDryden (9/75%), SilentSand (7/59%), SirCabbage (7/54... 2023:< ryanvango> OMG! 2023:< thatwentBTE> ??? 2023:< derogative> okay so it works some of the time! 2023:< ryanvango> !loot 2023:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 21 shiny things! 2023:< thatwentBTE> !!!!!! 2023:< derogative> or you can't do the same command - yesss 2023:< SirCabbage> moo. 2023:< derogative> !loot 2023:< ryanvango> FUCKING YES! BARNUM YOU'RE THE FUCKING MAN 2023:< barnum> Arach is kill! ryanvango picks up [Chime of Disillusionment]! LVLs: derogative (4/67%), ryanvango (9/88%), thatwentBTE (12/14%), bar... 2023:< thatwentBTE> NICE barnum nj 2023:< SirCabbage> shame it doesnt hold all the old ones 2023:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2023:< SirCabbage> !loot 2023:< barnum> A wild Dwiergeth appeared! HP: 788[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2023:< derogative> that's okay, we've got commands now and that's the greatest. it means we can form a party 2023:< ptrakk> bard bot coming soon 2023:< barnum> derogative bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! 2023:< derogative> with !party 2023:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2024:< ptrakk> A energy making will promise the muzzled electricity of a planet 2024:< barnum> THE PARTY: derogative (4/67%) and... barnum (1/97%), ryanvango (9/88%), derogative (4/67%), AbyssalOfTheEast (1/53%) 2024:< derogative> oh here we are, we are The Party 2024:< SirCabbage> the main issue with this is that doesnt rate limit halt command replies? 2024:< barnum> Round #1, 187 hits! Dwiergeth HP: 600[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: barnum (10.5), SirCabbage (7.5), derogative (7.5), ptrakk (6), thatwentBTE (4.5) 2024:< derogative> yeah, it does. but at least we have the commands now 2024:< derogative> and it registers barnum when we do commands, haha 2024:< ryanvango> i wonder what my loot bonus is.... 2024:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2024:< barnum> thatwentBTE bag of holding contains 24 shiny things! 2025:< thatwentBTE> !party 2025:< barnum> THE PARTY: thatwentBTE (12/14%) and... barnum (2/38%), SirCabbage (7/58%), ptrakk (2/58%), derogative (4/70%), thatwentBTE (12/14%) 2025:< ryanvango> BTE....out poop looting the poop looter 2025:< barnum> Round #2, 107 hits! Dwiergeth HP: 493[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: barnum (6), derogative (3), ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (3) 2025:< SirCabbage> !loot 2025:< ryanvango> why arent I in the party:( 2025:< SirCabbage> though I am not giving up on my loot from the old bot lol 2025:< derogative> see what you get if you do the command? 2025:< thatwentBTE> not sure 2025:< barnum> SirCabbage bag of holding contains 12 shiny things! 2025:< thatwentBTE> what do you get from !party 2025:< ryanvango> !party 2025:< barnum> THE PARTY: ryanvango (9/88%) and... ryanvango (9/88%), barnum (2/42%), derogative (4/71%), thatwentBTE (12/15%) 2025:< ptrakk> brb in like an hour 2026:< thatwentBTE> k 2026:< barnum> Round #3, 177 hits! Dwiergeth HP: 316[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (6), barnum (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (3), derogative (1.5), pt... 2026:< ryanvango> i wonder what the point of the party is...like how does it sort 2026:< derogative> maybe it does the currently active people? 2026:< ryanvango> yeah maybe. OK SO! we have a big group again. who wants to lead our adventure? 2027:< thatwentBTE> You! 2027:< barnum> Round #4, 135 hits! Dwiergeth HP: 180[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), derogative (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2027:< ryanvango> pleeease someone. i don't know how to do it. someone who's played a tabletop before 2027:< thatwentBTE> ELECT ryanvango 2027:< derogative> not me i just want to shake the ghost jar. gotta shake those ghosts. shake them at everyone. 2027:< SirCabbage> Ryan will lead the adventure since he is ryan ELECT RYAN 2027:< thatwentBTE> I have never played table top 2027:< SirCabbage> FOUR MORE RYANS 2028:< barnum> Dwiergeth is kill! ryanvango picks up [Hand Wraps of Blinding Ki]! LVLs: ryanvango (9/94%), SirCabbage (7/61%), derogative (4/74%), ... 2028:< SirCabbage> Okay, lets get ready... ready to judge heavily Kappa 2028:< thatwentBTE> We love you ryan. we are all assholes who wont step up 2028:< ryanvango> ooo i actually needed those. sweet 2028:< barnum> A wild Changeling appeared! HP: 23[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2028:< thatwentBTE> SMASH!!! 2028:< thatwentBTE> is kil 2028:< SirCabbage> I bash the changeling hard with my flail- because I can. BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH BASH 2028:< barnum> Changeling is kill! SirCabbage picks up [The Elder Decks]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (12/21%), SirCabbage (7/65%), ryanvango (9/97%), barnum... 2029:< SirCabbage> Sorry I am allergic to them. 2029:< barnum> Why am I getting xp, weird 2029:< thatwentBTE> I heard you like older decks, now I beleve it. 2029:< derogative> You get iit when we do commands 2029:< SirCabbage> lol barnum 2029:< ryanvango> !loot 2029:< derogative> like when we do !party or !loot or !heroes, it counts you as a person and not a bot 2029:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 23 shiny things! 2029:< barnum> Oh yeah, forgot to change the filter 2029:< SirCabbage> Elder decks are much faster then newer ones 2029:< ryanvango> i did it so barnum would get more exp hehe 2029:< barnum> Round #1, 139 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 3551[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: barnum (9), derogative (6), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (3), thatw... 2030:< derogative> Oh no. It's the salad lord. 2030:< thatwentBTE> there not as hard though 2030:< SirCabbage> !flee 2030:< SirCabbage> fuck that shit 2030:< thatwentBTE> Slaad! 2030:< ryanvango> ok ill think while i use my script to do some damage first 2030:< SirCabbage> Lord of the insane? 2030:< thatwentBTE> your okay buddy! 2030:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 2030:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshol 2030:< SirCabbage> !flee 2030:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 2030:< thatwentBTE> new job I see is working out for you 2030:< barnum> Round #2, 364 hits! Slaad Lord Of The Insane HP: 3186[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [2/6 to !flee] +XP: ryanvango (18), thatwentBTE (6), SirCabbage (6), de... 2030:< thatwentBTE> !flee 2030:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 2030:< SirCabbage> I run away because I really dont want to talk to someone called the lord of the insane 2031:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 2031:< derogative> !flee 2031:< SirCabbage> !flee 2031:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 2031:< derogative> we're all too lazy to fight a salad. 2031:< SirCabbage> I was going to say, did no one notice his 3k hp 2031:< ryanvango> no cabbage! 2031:< SirCabbage> !flee 2031:< thatwentBTE> !flee 2031:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 2031:< derogative> actually i need to participate more so i can get more exp and items and not be a useless shit. 2031:< ryanvango> *sits patiently to the side, polishing his golden crown of swords, waiting for someone else to help for once 2031:< barnum> You fleed Slaad Lord Of The Insane and it's glorious loot of [Nightmare Rod]! 2031:< ryanvango> you lazy bastards 2031:< thatwentBTE> lol 2032:< barnum> A wild Derhii appeared! HP: 266[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2032:< SirCabbage> Hum, my well feels heavier- that is a shame. I suppose I will have to empty the excess rocks and dirt it has been picking up 2032:< SirCabbage> into ryan's pack. 2032:< derogative> hey i just wanna grab up all the weak little baby loot. i only got one piece in the new shit, rip 2032:< SirCabbage> I don't want a rod that gives me nightmares anyway 2032:< barnum> Round #1, 134 hits! Derhii HP: 131[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), barnum (4.5), derogative (4.5), ryanvango (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2032:< derogative> can't blame a man for wanting to get that sweet sweet loot, now, can you 2032:< SirCabbage> loot is the sex 2033:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/23%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), ryanvango (10/15%), WythDryden (9/75%), SirCabbage (7/72%), SilentSand (7/59%),... 2033:< thatwentBTE> I can blame anyone for anything. 2033:< ryanvango> OK! THE JOURNEY BEGINS! we see a plucky band of adventure seekers in the small town of Landow.... 2033:< derogative> we all just wanna be strong, it's true 2033:< thatwentBTE> thanks obmama 2033:< SirCabbage> Can you blame derogative for the holocaust? 2033:< derogative> ain't no time for obama's mama, obmama. 2033:< ryanvango> OUT OF NOWHERE! a giagantic meteor comes down from the heavens and crushes SirCabbage in to oblivion. he is dead now 2033:< derogative> rip 2033:< ryanvango> forever. 2033:< thatwentBTE> rip 2033:< derogative> Cabbage is kill 2033:< barnum> Derhii is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Hunter's Band]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/20%), derogative (4/93%), thatwentBTE (12/27%), SirCabbage... 2034:< thatwentBTE> killed his ghost tooo 2034:< ryanvango> press "1" to reset 2034:< derogative> alas, someday i will get the loots 2034:< barnum> A wild Hieracosphinx appeared! HP: 270[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2034:< thatwentBTE> sorry dero 2034:< thatwentBTE> 1 2034:< ryanvango> (that was for fleeing). ill do it for real now 2034:< derogative> it's fine i dont actually care, haha 2034:< barnum> Round #1, 139 hits! Hieracosphinx HP: 131[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: derogative (4.5), barnum (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (3) 2035:< ryanvango> OK! OUR JOURNEY BEGINS! you find yourselves in the small village of Landow. a farming village outside a sprawling metropolis 2035:< barnum> Round #2, 59 hits! Hieracosphinx HP: 72[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 2035:< thatwentBTE> What type of farms are there in Landow? 2036:< ryanvango> derogative, some kind of ghost nonsense, is putzing around a graveyard on the edge of town (setting the scene more incoming) 2036:< thatwentBTE> I hope they have corn 2036:< SirCabbage> Does you retyping the intro mean I am NOT dead anymore? 2036:< SirCabbage> because fuck that shit guys 2036:< barnum> Hieracosphinx is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Hexing Runes]! LVLs: SirCabbage (7/82%), ryanvango (10/24%), thatwentBTE (12/30%) 2037:< barnum> A wild Giraffe appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2037:< ryanvango> thatwentBTE , a golden demigod can be found praying at the town square kneeling by an idol, of his father (unnamed) 2037:< thatwentBTE> steve is his name 2037:< SirCabbage> I use the Hexing Runes on Ryan's god shield in retaliation for killing me 2037:< ryanvango> SirCabbage, a gnomish dragon tamer is stumbling out of a brothel, covered in what looks like glitter 2037:< barnum> Giraffe is kill! ryanvango picks up [Flame Tongue]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/28%), barnum (2/67%), SirCabbage (7/83%), thatwentBTE (12/30%) 2037:< thatwentBTE> lol 2037:< barnum> A wild Giant Octopus appeared! HP: 405[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2037:< ryanvango> who am I missing? 2038:< SirCabbage> Hey, he looks like he knows how to have a good time. I am going to go talk to him and see if he knows what is up 2038:< SirCabbage> or are you introducing me- AS A GNOME!? 2038:< SirCabbage> The rest I am okay with. 2038:< barnum> Round #1, 121 hits! Giant Octopus HP: 284[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), barnum (4.5), K1ngN0thing (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), ryanvang... 2038:< ryanvango> I am introducing you. you didnt specify on your character sheet 2038:< SirCabbage> did anyone? 2038:< ryanvango> also, derogative is a human 2038:< ryanvango> i did 2038:< SirCabbage> I mean is there a slot for that anywhere? 2039:< thatwentBTE> look at this gnome trying to logic his way out of this 2039:< ryanvango> you dont have to be a gnome, you can change it 2039:< SirCabbage> You are the only one who did ryan, *brushes off glitter but just gets it everywhere 2039:< barnum> Round #2, 207 hits! Giant Octopus HP: 77[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2039:< ryanvango> all of you can change your stuff to be more specific. im gonna reference the character sheet where I cna 2040:< SirCabbage> You may have thought I was a gnome, but actually I am a half-elf. Fuck you for being racist and being unable to see the difference 2040:< barnum> Giant Octopus is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Mail of Malevolence]! LVLs: SirCabbage (7/90%), ryanvango (10/30%) 2040:< barnum> A wild Tombstone Fairy appeared! HP: 369[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2040:< SirCabbage> Yeah, I am going to chuck something called the "Mail of Malevolence" into the loot pile. 2040:< ryanvango> * a small, confused old woman stares at SirCabbage who sparkles in the sunlight yelling at the sky, apparently 2040:< barnum> Just testing to see if i get xp now 2041:< ryanvango> * "fuckin drunk sluts" she mutters under her breath 2041:< barnum> Round #1, 118 hits! Tombstone Fairy HP: 251[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (4.5) 2041:< SirCabbage> It isn't my fault that the sky is racist! 2041:< barnum> Goooood 2041:< Djinneral> I tombstone drop the fairy 2041:< SirCabbage> I slap the old lady on my way out. because fuck her 2041:< ryanvango> i dont know what you're on about, she says. go sleep it off for fucks sake 2041:< Djinneral> can I capture the tombstone fairy into my bottle of spirits? 2042:< SirCabbage> Sure, if you get the killing blow 2042:< barnum> Round #2, 138 hits! Tombstone Fairy HP: 113[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Djinneral (6), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2042:< Djinneral> niceeee, I poke the fairy with my trident 2042:< barnum> Y'know, seeing unfiltered chat makes me so goddamned thankful for these scripts 2042:< thatwentBTE> yep 2042:< ryanvango> thoroughfare 2042:< SirCabbage> I sit back and watch someone attempting to poke a ghost- what is my life becoming 2042:< Djinneral> I prepare my rope and crack it against the fairy 2043:< barnum> Round #3, 106 hits! Tombstone Fairy HP: 8[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), Djinneral (3), thatwentBTE (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2043:< RvDarklord> counter rope 2043:< Djinneral> I open up my bottle of spirits and try to lure the fairy in, come on fairy please get in 2043:< Djinneral> this bottle is very comfortable and warm, you'll like it 2043:< ryanvango> * a halfling, seemingly very pleased with himself, comes strolling in to town! its Djinneral, returning from another adventure! 2043:< barnum> Tombstone Fairy is kill! Djinneral picks up [Autonomous Cartographer]! LVLs: Djinneral (7/21%), RvDarklord (4/92%) 2043:< thatwentBTE> KILL STEAL! HAHAHAHAHA 2044:< Djinneral> noice 2044:< thatwentBTE> damn 2044:< barnum> A wild Spider Lich appeared! HP: 459[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2044:< SirCabbage> SERIOUSLY 2044:< ryanvango> ok, so you're all in your settings. you havent met eachother yet. you can take it from here 2044:< Djinneral> so can I use the autonomous cartographer to make maps or what? 2044:< SirCabbage> IT REFRESHED MID STATEMENT 2044:< ryanvango> you can 2044:< barnum> Round #1, 259 hits! Spider Lich HP: 200[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Djinneral (6), thatwentBTE (3), SirCabbage (3) 2044:< SirCabbage> yes DJ, Anyway as I was saying I was coming over to meet DJ after he has captured the fairy 2045:< barnum> Turn off pruning SirCabbage, I think that's what does the refreshing 2045:< ryanvango> Djinneral, we're trying a guided RPG. you're in the town of Landow, a small farming community 2045:< Djinneral> ahh all right 2045:< barnum> Round #2, 110 hits! Spider Lich HP: 90[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 2045:< SirCabbage> Good morrow to you fine hero- I outstretch a glitter covered arm to meet DJ's- I saw your mighty capture. good job 2046:< SirCabbage> *the glitter spreads uncontrollably onto Dj's person, as glitter does. 2046:< Djinneral> nice seeing you again mate, my bottle is quite useful, but stop glittering on me! 2046:< ryanvango> * sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle. a trail of sparkles and whore stench are left in your wake 2046:< SirCabbage> I can not help it- the glitter goes where the glitter goes! 2046:< barnum> Spider Lich is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Slaver's Cane]! LVLs: SirCabbage (8/12%), Djinneral (7/27%), ryanvango (10/38%) 2046:< thatwentBTE> holy damn I just burnt the shit out of some pop corn. 2046:< thatwentBTE> sorry I was AFK 2047:< barnum> A wild Shedu Stone Idol appeared! HP: 576[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2047:< thatwentBTE> had to open all the windows and shit 2047:< ryanvango> * thatwentBTE burns the shit out of some popcorn 2047:< barnum> Round #1, 92 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 484[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2047:< SirCabbage> Have you seen any of our fellow adventurers Dj? I feel as if we should likely get to questing 2048:< ryanvango> * the 3 of you, (DJ and cabbage in the center of town, BTE at his shrine) hear a clap of thunder in the distance 2048:< SirCabbage> I can't earn money for whores without actually doing work unfortunately. 2048:< barnum> Round #2, 149 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 336[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (4.5) 2048:< ryanvango> *this startles you, because the sky is a crystal clear blue and the two suns sit calmly overhead 2048:< SirCabbage> Also should I be worried by the fact i found this Slaver's Cane? 2048:< Djinneral> I suggest we go outside, thunder is a good omen considering I have the storm captain's trident 2049:< thatwentBTE> I finsih praying to my asshole dad. I head to the center of town to by some popcorn. 2049:< SirCabbage> God damn I hope it rains this afternnoon- two suns is hell on my skin 2049:< ryanvango> cabbage, until we get rolling, just throw any bonus loot in the group loot bag 2049:< barnum> Round #3, 315 hits! Shedu Stone Idol HP: 21[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (9), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5) 2049:< Djinneral> should I consider that I have no loot then 2049:< Djinneral> or equips? 2049:< ryanvango> * "POP CORN! POP CORN! I DON'T BURN IT LIKE SOME ASSHOLE!" a vendor screams from the center of Landow 2050:< ryanvango> we all have our original loot. everything on the sheet is still valid. you are not newborn infants 2050:< Djinneral> ahh all right 2050:< SirCabbage> That is a very..... specific sales pitch, I wonder who he is trying to entice. 2050:< barnum> Shedu Stone Idol is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Sirocco Cannon]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/46%), Djinneral (7/34%), SirCabbage (8/20%) 2050:< SirCabbage> We should likely watch and see what- Seriously? what is with all these random items I keep finding on the ground 2050:< barnum> A wild Panotti appeared! HP: 86[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2050:< ryanvango> LOL 2051:< Djinneral> I don't like this sales guy I return back to my inn and go sleep in 2051:< barnum> Panotti is kill! Djinneral picks up [Firefoot Powder]! LVLs: Djinneral (7/38%), SirCabbage (8/21%), ryanvango (10/46%) 2051:< SirCabbage> I walk over to the vendor from behind, and watch the vendor. Welll I need to find out what is going on 2051:< ryanvango> * cabbage is following DJ while discussing the fairy capture, and as he does, tons of valuable items fall from his pack 2051:< barnum> A wild Barbegazi appeared! HP: 50[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2051:< ryanvango> * he picks them up and hides them in his well for later, without telling DJ 2051:< SirCabbage> Awesome, free crap. 2052:< SirCabbage> into the bubblevault for you. 2052:< barnum> Barbegazi is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Headband of Vast Intelligence +2]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/51%), SirCabbage (8/27%) 2052:< ryanvango> * the vendor is just a simple popcorn vendor. he makes it, he yells about it, sometimes he makes money! 2052:< Djinneral> unbeknowst to sircabbage, djinneral has dropped a deuce in his well a couple hours ago and its starting to smell 2052:< TheDoctor_RS> Goodmorning Cab 2052:< barnum> A wild Fjord Linnorm appeared! HP: 1116[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2052:< SirCabbage> Thankfully, it is WATER, INFINITE WATER- so the smelly deuce landed in another world and is being worshiped 2053:< barnum> Round #1, 203 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 913[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (9), Djinneral (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), TheDoctor_RS (1.5) 2053:< SirCabbage> by pigmys. and yes, good morning doctor 2053:< Djinneral> Hello kind stranger 2053:< SirCabbage> Ah good, I see you got the meat Doctor- This will be good for my- brood? Of dragons? 2053:< ryanvango> *another clap of thunder. it doesn't appear to be changing position, but you still don't know where it comes from 2053:< SirCabbage> What is the term for a group of dragons- does anyone know? 2054:< ryanvango> *there is thunder coming from a clear sky some miles off. this is perplexing, i would assume 2054:< barnum> Round #2, 237 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 676[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (9), Djinneral (1.5) 2054:< Djinneral> guys we should walk towards the thunder, where the thunder strikes the soil becomes enrichened and I need rich soil for my spirits 2054:< SirCabbage> Not when Dj has a storm related item. I think it is perfectly safe 2054:< thatwentBTE> I see sir and DJ with the Doctor, I trail behind them, listening 2054:< SirCabbage> Well fine, that sounds like a good idea. Let us depart and get rich soil 2054:< Djinneral> worst comes to worst my trident will divert the lightning away 2054:< barnum> Round #3, 234 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 442[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Djinneral (9), SirCabbage (9), thatwentBTE (4.5) 2054:< SirCabbage> come doctor- we can feed my..... brood? flock? whatever later 2055:< ryanvango> (clan) 2055:< SirCabbage> how angry can a mass of forcibly binded dragons get! 2055:< thatwentBTE> lol 2055:< ryanvango> now whos a racist. 2055:< SirCabbage> Ryan 2055:< Djinneral> I reckon you should let those dragons free, we cant take care of em 2055:< ryanvango> is that what you're going to do? 2055:< ryanvango> leave towards the sound? 2055:< SirCabbage> As proven by the doctor and his meat we clearly can 2055:< barnum> Round #4, 230 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 213[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (6), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2055:< Djinneral> we move towards th sound! 2055:< SirCabbage> Yep, lets go 2055:< ryanvango> let me remind you, you have a bag fuuulllllll of shit 2056:< thatwentBTE> hahahahaah 2056:< ryanvango> that weve been waiting to sell for like 2 days haha 2056:< Djinneral> guess we should sell it huh 2056:< SirCabbage> BUT YOU WERE JUST PUSHING US TOWARDS THE SOUND 2056:< Djinneral> who here is good at selling stuff for going coin? 2056:< SirCabbage> NOW YOU ARE NOT I AM GETTING MIXED MESSAGES 2056:< barnum> Round #5, 146 hits! Fjord Linnorm HP: 67[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (1.5), mahatmabro... 2057:< Djinneral> *good coin 2057:< ryanvango> i let you know of the sound. thats probably the thing to be aware of. but preparation would be a good idea 2057:< SirCabbage> Well I ahve the Tome of Clear Thought +6 which helps me clear my head and make better negotations 2057:< ryanvango> if thats the type of adventurors you are of course 2057:< Djinneral> I'll leave the decision to you then cabbage im just good at poking stuff 2057:< barnum> Fjord Linnorm is kill! Djinneral picks up [Riot Pipes]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/61%), Djinneral (7/48%), SirCabbage (8/38%) 2057:< SirCabbage> I also have the Banner of the Ancient Kings which may help me look important and stuff 2057:< ryanvango> you know there are a variety of shops, and generally they will buy anything. there are specific shops though 2057:< ryanvango> for buying stuff 2058:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/34%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), ryanvango (10/61%), WythDryden (9/75%), SirCabbage (8/38%), SilentSand (7/59%),... 2058:< ryanvango> but if you say meat to a potion guy, hell still buy it and just trade with the meat guy, so you're good no matter where you go 2058:< barnum> A wild Kamarupa appeared! HP: 293[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2058:< ryanvango> there is a simple arcanists shop, they may be interested in your staffs 2058:< haykam821> joins 2058:< Djinneral> lets just drop by the general magic store 2058:< SirCabbage> I shall go there and try to sell my useless "Staff of the Planes" 2058:< haykam821> kills it with fire! 2059:< thatwentBTE> I depart toward the sound, leaving DJ and SirCabbage. They may not know whats coming but my father has warned me. 2059:< barnum> Kamarupa is kill! haykam821 picks up [Brooch of Amber Sparks]! LVLs: SirCabbage (8/43%), ryanvango (10/64%), haykam821 (1/63%), Djin... 2059:< ryanvango> you enter the arcanists small shop. its more of a hovel. he greets you as "haykam821". 2059:< barnum> A wild Nightmare appeared! HP: 230[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2059:< Djinneral> Your father is a fool, he died at the age of 40 from a horse accident 2059:< SirCabbage> I want to sell this staff- I feel as if it is not the most useful of staffs 2059:< thatwentBTE> dont talk about my mom like that 2059:< Djinneral> but i didnt! 2059:< ryanvango> without words apparently, you throw the staff at him, and he throws you 150 gold pieces 2059:< haykam821> puts down Brooch of Amber Sparks 2059:< barnum> Nightmare is kill! haykam821 picks up [Armillary Amulet]! LVLs: ryanvango (10/67%), thatwentBTE (12/36%), Djinneral (7/55%), haykam8... 2100:< barnum> A wild Piranha Swarm appeared! HP: 126[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2100:< ryanvango> haykam would you like to follow him out the door and join the party? 2100:< haykam821> puts down that 2100:< haykam821> Yes 2100:< SirCabbage> lol. is he putting down items to sell? 2100:< ryanvango> ok. go here.. 2100:< SirCabbage> But what if I had other stuff to sell 2100:< ryanvango> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit?ts=570252a6#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/58k8u 2100:< Djinneral> we throw items at merchants to sell them, no need for pesky language 2100:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Piranha Swarm HP: 65[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), haykam821 (1.5) 2100:< ryanvango> you can make a character if you want. itll explain how it all works. were trying a guided adventure 2101:< haykam821> puts items in storage 2101:< thatwentBTE> ryan is being an awesome side splitting DM 2101:< ryanvango> but for now, you're following cabbage around because of a conversation you had 2101:< SirCabbage> Well I sell my Fortifying Leeches, Scarecrow Lure, Runestar Ring and the Elder Decks 2101:< ryanvango> while i get through everyone else haha 2101:< Djinneral> we've got money, and will probably need food and travel 2101:< SirCabbage> anyone else have some stuff to sell 2101:< ryanvango> cabbage enters another shop. it has a big fat guy behind the counter 2102:< embracetehmartian> https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2102:< Djinneral> I reckon I might as well sell my thanotanic metamagic rod, i've got no magic talent 2102:< thatwentBTE> Fat shop owners are usually crooks! 2102:< ryanvango> after brief smalltalk, he offers the big fat guy those items he said. he offers you 250 golf pieces for the lot 2102:< barnum> Round #1, 61 hits! Piranha Swarm HP: 65[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), haykam821 (1.5) 2102:< SirCabbage> Wtf, It is worth at LEAST 400 2102:< ryanvango> BTE you dont know hes fat. you're not there 2102:< Djinneral> I speak to the merchant and hand him my rod "I found it outside, its yours for good coin" 2103:< Djinneral> 350 or bust! 2103:< ryanvango> DJ enters with the fat shopkeeper, who looks annoyed at cabbage 2103:< SirCabbage> are you trying to fleece me, or do I need to use my salve of slipperiness on my staff of souls and jam it up your anus 2103:< ryanvango> * "ill give you 300. or you can carry that shit around til you find someone who gives a shit" 2103:< barnum> Round #1, 0 hits! Darnoc HP: 234[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: no one :( 2103:< SirCabbage> I will carry it- I have a well with infinite carrying space- I hardly need you. 2103:< haykam821> Gets out brooch and feels it 2103:< Djinneral> but the well itself is incredibly heavy 2103:< SirCabbage> I thought you would have done anything for the Runestar Ring alone- but obviously you don't know the value of my items 2104:< Djinneral> we can't be lugging a well around 2104:< ryanvango> * "get out" he says. he really couldnt care. he seems well fed. " i will take a look at that rod though" 2104:< SirCabbage> I have been lugging a well around for days 2104:< barnum> Round #2, 191 hits! Darnoc HP: 43[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (3), haykam821 (1.5) 2104:< Djinneral> mr well fed shopkeeper I see you appear very wealthy what interest do you have in my rod 2104:< ryanvango> * looks pretty nice. I'll give you 400 for it" 2105:< SirCabbage> Pfft, don't trust this scam artist. He won't give you a fair price. I bet that rod is worth a ton more if he is offering 400 for it 2105:< Djinneral> 350 and your good graces satisfy me! 2105:< ryanvango> DONE! 2105:< haykam821> uses brooch to cast an aura around everyone, giving them 1.5 times XP 2105:< Djinneral> I trust this shopkeeper, he's got coin 2105:< SirCabbage> SERIOUSLY!? you haggled him DOWN!? 2105:< barnum> Darnoc is kill! Djinneral picks up [Shadowform Belt]! LVLs: Djinneral (7/72%), ryanvango (10/89%), SirCabbage (8/56%), haykam821 (2/... 2105:< thatwentBTE> hahah 2105:< Djinneral> his graces are worth more than coin 2105:< ryanvango> the shopkeeper seems to like you... 2105:< barnum> A wild Rat-Ghouls appeared! HP: 18[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2105:< SirCabbage> He is a douche who offered me next to nothing for some decent items. 2106:< ryanvango> haykam, i assume you're wearing your brooch? 2106:< SirCabbage> I mean wtf 2106:< Djinneral> mr shopkeeper what do you know of the thunderstorm? 2106:< SirCabbage> I decide it is high time I use the Song of Extinction to kill the shopkeep 2106:< barnum> Rat-Ghouls is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Mokele-Mbembe Tail Whip]! LVLs: SirCabbage (8/66%), Djinneral (7/78%), ryanvango (10/93%), ... 2106:< Djinneral> I block your song with my trident! 2106:< ryanvango> is someone keeping count of the coin you have? also, you each start with 200, just for fairness/continuity 2106:< Djinneral> we need this shopkeeper! 2106:< SirCabbage> the fact I find a whip on his corpse is a little troubling 2106:< barnum> A wild Small Mud Elemental appeared! HP: 59[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2107:< Djinneral> we could just have a extra column for money in the spreadsheet 2107:< SirCabbage> I have put it on my notepad 2107:< barnum> Small Mud Elemental is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Dagger of Venom]! LVLs: Djinneral (7/85%), SirCabbage (8/72%), ryanvango (10/95%) 2107:< SirCabbage> Come, let us find a BETTER and ALIVE shopkeep. 2107:< ryanvango> alright cool. anything else you wanna do in town before you set out? *another thunderclap. 2107:< SirCabbage> *takes another item on my way out- oh, a dagger of venom 2107:< barnum> A wild Mythic Winter Wolf appeared! HP: 347[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2107:< ryanvango> *you notice the townsfolk each give a small jump every time it goes off, but generally dont seem to care 2108:< Djinneral> I would like to purchase some dried meat, what about you cabbage what food do you need? 2108:< thatwentBTE> added the row in the doc 2108:< barnum> Round #1, 242 hits! Mythic Winter Wolf HP: 104[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (6), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2108:< SirCabbage> I got most of the food I needed when the doctor bought the meat for my CLAN of dragons 2108:< ryanvango> you head to the meat shop where you saw doctor_rs earlier. an assortment of dried meat, that would last a few days 2108:< Djinneral> but thats meat meant for animals! 2108:< SirCabbage> I may share with them- because you know we are pals <3 2108:< ryanvango> you can see on the board, it will cost 40 gold, Djinneral 2109:< SirCabbage> if it is good enough for them, it is good enough for me. 2109:< Djinneral> I would like to buy 40 gold worth of dried meat, the finest quality of course 2109:< haykam821> punches wall 2109:< barnum> Mythic Winter Wolf is kill! haykam821 picks up [Chalice of Communal Dweomer]! LVLs: SirCabbage (8/80%), ryanvango (11/10%), Djinnera... 2109:< SirCabbage> ALso what do we need to gather meat from the corpses of what we kill- the wolf would be handy 2109:< barnum> A wild Argos appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2109:< SirCabbage> a fair amount of edible meat, not too much not too little 2109:< ryanvango> *"certainly!" the small feebly old butcher says. "best sale all day!" and gives you your meat (call it 20lbs) 2109:< Djinneral> i suppose we would need some sort of cleaver or small knife 2110:< haykam821> punches wall 2110:< ryanvango> *the walla haykam is assaulting begins to chip slightly 2110:< SirCabbage> I have an EarthenFlail- but somehow I dont think bashing counts as cutting 2110:< barnum> Argos is kill! ryanvango picks up [Spider's Fang]! LVLs: ryanvango (11/15%), Djinneral (7/96%), haykam821 (2/52%), SirCabbage (8/82%) 2110:< haykam821> punches wall 2110:< ryanvango> ooooo new rule. whenever i get loot *i wont try to pooploot* you dont get it 2110:< barnum> A wild Jubilex appeared! HP: 2489[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2110:< SirCabbage> !flee 2111:< SirCabbage> !flee 2111:< ryanvango> *haykam continues to assault the logs that makeup this wall. clearly frustrated at its insolence 2111:< thatwentBTE> !flee 2111:< SirCabbage> !flee 2111:< Djinneral> !flee 2111:< SirCabbage> !flee 2111:< thatwentBTE> !flea 2111:< barnum> Round #1, 264 hits! Jubilex HP: 2224[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (9), haykam821 (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5), D... 2111:< Djinneral> well we appear to all have food now, shall we move towards the source of thunder 2111:< SirCabbage> damn it. 2111:< The_Only_Zac> Firefox is officially the inferior browser 2111:< SirCabbage> Fine, lets go already. 2111:< thatwentBTE> Hi The_Only_Zac 2112:< The_Only_Zac> Hi lol 2112:< ryanvango> ok, with those items you sold checked off the list I hope, you head west out of town, towards the sound 2112:< Djinneral> hello zac 2112:< The_Only_Zac> I just got back to my computer which i left on for robin, and my Firefox was abandoned :/ 2112:< SirCabbage> you mean, the ONE item 2112:< barnum> You fleed Jubilex and it's glorious loot of [Dragon Staff]! 2112:< thatwentBTE> we are doing a guided adventure with ryan as DM 2112:< ryanvango> a staff and a rod 2112:< thatwentBTE> Feel free to join in, just getting started 2112:< barnum> A wild Edon appeared! HP: 68[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2112:< Djinneral> a dragon staff? 2112:< surelyucantbserious> Edon's are my bread and butter. Let me at 'em, I am hungry! 2113:< ryanvango> no, one of you sold a staff to the arcanist, and someone sold the rod to the guy who cabbage murdered 2113:< SirCabbage> that would have been useful for a dragon tamer- but oh well. better then sitting through a 2k fight and getting a cake 2113:< barnum> Edon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Sword of Inner Fire]! LVLs: ryanvango (11/20%), surelyucantbserious (2/44%), SirCabbage (8/88%), ... 2113:< SirCabbage> you call it murder- I call it awesome. Look at this sword I took from the store! 2113:< ryanvango> *another item falls from Djinneral's bag in front of cabbage 2113:< barnum> A wild Formian Taskmaster appeared! HP: 383[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2113:< Djinneral> you murdered my inside guy! 2113:< SirCabbage> Your inside guy was a cock 2113:< Djinneral> I liked him! 2113:< ryanvango> (im kinda stalling to see if zac is joining) 2114:< SirCabbage> He was never going to help us. 2114:< Djinneral> I believed in him and his jolly smile 2114:< surelyucantbserious> Taskmasters have a little known weakness, him!! 2114:< barnum> Round #1, 208 hits! Formian Taskmaster HP: 174[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), ryanvango (6), Djinneral (4.5) 2114:< haykam821> Ends task 2114:< SirCabbage> It is like that wench in Giano all over again. You fall for scammers- admit it Dj 2114:< Djinneral> fair enough, I'm susceptible --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:15:42 2016 2115:< SirCabbage> Dj, I will give you 50g just to shut you up 2115:< Djinneral> noice! 2115:< SirCabbage> *gives 50g 2115:< thatwentBTE> I sopt the group leaving town and follow behind them 2115:< ryanvango> * ahead of them, 2 grassless tracks made by carts rolling through wind away in to the woods, the direction they are heading 2116:< SirCabbage> Now let us keep going 2116:< barnum> Formian Taskmaster is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Inquisitor's Bastion Vambraces]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/10%), ryanvango (11/25%), Djin... 2116:< SirCabbage> Oh nice, I can wear these items I stole from the shopkeep 2116:< barnum> A wild Wyrmling Copper Dragon appeared! HP: 167[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2116:< haykam821> repairs home with magical hexp 2116:< ryanvango> * beyond the woods a few miles in the distance, they can see a snowcapped mountain range, but even that is cloudless 2116:< surelyucantbserious> notices a naked shopkeep wandering in a field 2116:< dsty292> test 2116:< ryanvango> *its a beatiful day, and the adventurors carry on 2116:< Djinneral> isn't it cold, I've got no clothes on 2117:< haykam821> goes out into forest 2117:< barnum> Wyrmling Copper Dragon is kill! haykam821 picks up [Steelhand Circle]! LVLs: haykam821 (2/63%), thatwentBTE (12/48%), ryanvango (11/... 2117:< thatwentBTE> dsty292 test 2117:< SirCabbage> You know, this weather is nice but not terrible. 2117:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/48%), ryanvango (11/26%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), SirCabbage (9/11%), Djinneral (8/16%), ... 2117:< SirCabbage> I dont know why we are even following this banging 2117:< Djinneral> I need to temper my trident, and lightning is the best source 2117:< barnum> A wild Clockwork Dragon appeared! HP: 797[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2117:< SirCabbage> we could find some whores instead- just- you know. In a different town. Because that last town likely doens't like me anymore 2117:< ryanvango> *occasionally they are ambushed by beasts, notably, clockwork dragons and elementals! 2117:< Djinneral> plus its mysterious 2118:< haykam821> finds cute dog 2118:< ryanvango> * and ever present, at irregular intervals, a the stormless thunder rages in the distance 2118:< SirCabbage> Clockwork dragons- my least favourite kind since i can't brand them 2118:< barnum> Round #1, 356 hits! Clockwork Dragon HP: 440[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (12), ryanvango (9), Djinneral (6), thatwentBTE (1.5), haykam821... 2118:< haykam821> follows dog 2118:< ryanvango> (this is on you for a while guys, fight your way to the forest, im gonna smoke and plan a bit) 2118:< SirCabbage> damn you got me there DJ, I do like a good mystery 2118:< Djinneral> Í strike the clockwork dragon in the hopes that it posseses human clothing 2118:< thatwentBTE> ok 2118:< Djinneral> sircabbage I knew you did 2119:< mootinator> I fire magic missile at the cabbages. 2119:< TheDoctor_RS> Ayy guys, I will say goodbye, making another run on my iPad now for he night, love y'all 2119:< haykam821> thinks "more dogs?" 2119:< Djinneral> goodnight doc 2119:< thatwentBTE> I see the group of adventures being attacked by a clockwork dragon. 2119:< SirCabbage> What the fuck, I deflect using my Wardstone Shard 2119:< thatwentBTE> I sail towards the beast on my golden dragon. Throwing my hammer wildly at the creature. 2119:< barnum> Round #2, 314 hits! Clockwork Dragon HP: 126[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5), ryanvango (4.5), TheDoctor_RS (4.5), haykam821 (3), Sir... 2119:< haykam821> tames dog using that item thing 2119:< SirCabbage> I use my staff of souls to suck out the soul of moot. 2119:< SirCabbage> that is a thing right 2119:< thatwentBTE> With the creature staggering, my hammer returns, and I jump from my dragon. 2119:< mootinator> I take 1 reflected damage and die.[GAME OVER] 2119:< SirCabbage> Bam. 2119:< Djinneral> I raise my trident and call on the thunder letting it boom over the clockwork creature 2120:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 2120:< SirCabbage> should you be using that? 2120:< SirCabbage> I mean I thought you needed to recharge it d 2120:< Djinneral> the thunder melts the metal off the dragon with ease 2120:< SirCabbage> DJ *bash bash bash 2120:< Djinneral> oooh another staff 2120:< SirCabbage> WE HAVE TOO MANY STAFFS 2120:< haykam821> cuts off tail now that metal is gone 2120:< barnum> A wild Lava Weird appeared! HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2120:< SirCabbage> huh, that one is weird. 2120:< Djinneral> I can unleash thunder if the skies are prone to release lightning otherwise I would need it charged 2121:< thatwentBTE> You adventures are lucky that I run across you. You are headed down a dangerous path 2121:< barnum> Round #1, 208 hits! Lava Weird HP: 219[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), Djinneral (6), SirCabbage (4.5), haykam821 (1.5) 2121:< Djinneral> so while this whole thunder calamity is going on I'll be quite powerful 2121:< SirCabbage> I apply my Salve of Slipperiness to my Bony One-Eyed Sadist's Lash to create a new item 2121:< SirCabbage> I create the Lubricated Bony One-Eyed Sadist's Lash 2122:< thatwentBTE> I use my Rod of Fire extinguishing on the lava beast. Hardening him to stone. 2122:< SirCabbage> Then I use it to do unspeakable things to the lava weird 2122:< haykam821> uses brooch to make bubble auras 2122:< thatwentBTE> I smash the rock with my hammer shattering parts off. 2122:< SirCabbage> Why hello there fellow adventurer, what are you doing here 2122:< barnum> Lava Weird is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Sanguine Talisman]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/26%), thatwentBTE (12/56%), haykam821 (2/76%), Dji... 2122:< Djinneral> a blood talisman 2122:< SirCabbage> the best kind. 2122:< barnum> A wild The Old Man appeared! HP: 801[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2122:< SirCabbage> erm 2122:< Djinneral> what? 2123:< SirCabbage> yeah no, I aint killing no old mad. 2123:< haykam821> rips off its pants 2123:< Djinneral> are we supposed to attack this old man? 2123:< SirCabbage> !flee 2123:< SirCabbage> !flee 2123:< thatwentBTE> I have no use for dark arts, some take this cursed thing. *Throws Sanguine Talisman to the floor 2123:< Djinneral> hey you old man, this aint no country for old men! I strike it with my trident 2123:< barnum> Round #1, 258 hits! The Old Man HP: 543[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (12), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), haykam821 (1.5) 2123:< SirCabbage> !flee 2123:< thatwentBTE> !flee 2123:< SirCabbage> wait, what, CANT flee? 2123:< ryanvango> * the old man stumbles trying to cover himself as his pants are ripped off 2123:< Djinneral> I grab the sanguine talisman and drop it in my spirit bottle 2124:< SirCabbage> WTF THIS IS FUCKED UP. 2124:< ryanvango> * shouts about his land and gives chase. you're not getting away! 2124:< thatwentBTE> My ring of foe focus sees this old man is particularly dangerous enemy. 2124:< Djinneral> this isnt your everyday old man 2124:< SirCabbage> Do I look like a murder to you? I am not going to kill this old man 2124:< barnum> Round #2, 433 hits! The Old Man HP: 109[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (6) 2124:< haykam821> rips down vine, and he trips 2124:< SirCabbage> You hear me, I am not going to murder this old man 2124:< Djinneral> I block his vicious old man blows with my trident allowing the rest of the guys to strike down on it 2124:< thatwentBTE> The old mans hip shatters like glass from the fall 2124:< SirCabbage> I am going to ask his opinion on current events 2124:< SirCabbage> I am going to gather knowledge from his WISDOM 2125:< Djinneral> I don't think wild old men are wise 2125:< SirCabbage> I want to know about his life, his family, his children 2125:< haykam821> old man dies from falling 2125:< SirCabbage> I want to know about him 2125:< thatwentBTE> he dies before telling you anything 2125:< barnum> The Old Man is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Essence of Wandering Dreams]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/38%), Djinneral (8/33%), haykam821 (2/8... 2125:< SirCabbage> I dont want to kill him 2125:< Djinneral> the old man was wandering dreaming 2125:< SirCabbage> you bastards 2125:< barnum> A wild Ovinnik appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2125:< Djinneral> we killed a senile old man :/ 2125:< SirCabbage> I just wanted to talk to him 2126:< thatwentBTE> This minute crystal vial contains a single drop distilled from the captured dreams of a hundred different worlds. 2126:< SirCabbage> So much for being heroes - this isn't some conartist merchant we killed. It was an innocent 2126:< ryanvango> * the old man crumples on the ground, his essence seems to remain, and BTE scoops it up 2126:< SirCabbage> are we really the heroes here? 2126:< barnum> Ovinnik is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Sparton Seeds]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/44%), thatwentBTE (12/62%), ryanvango (11/33%), Djinneral ... 2126:< thatwentBTE> The drop can be poured into a vessel of water, wine, or other drink, and shared between as many as nine recipients. 2126:< SirCabbage> oh seeds! 2126:< haykam821> kills with fire 2126:< barnum> A wild Giant Emperor Scorpion appeared! HP: 639[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2126:< haykam821> kills thing 2126:< thatwentBTE> We are getting closer to the thunder, the sound shakes the dust fromthe ground 2126:< ryanvango> *you make your way, slashing and beating, and crying about the old man. eventually you make your way to the forest 2127:< Djinneral> thatwentbte spare me some of the essence I need it to nourish my spirit bottle 2127:< barnum> Round #1, 278 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 361[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), hayk... 2127:< SirCabbage> And that is why you all suck on both physical and metaphysical levels QED 2127:< haykam821> kills with fire 2127:< ryanvango> * thankfully, no one has noticed your murder of this old man, clearly out of his wits with rage. 2127:< haykam821> kills with water 2127:< SirCabbage> Okay enough about the old man now 2127:< haykam821> kills with air 2127:< thatwentBTE> *give the Essence of Wandering Dreams to djinneral 2128:< barnum> Round #2, 189 hits! Giant Emperor Scorpion HP: 172[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), haykam821 (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), tha... 2128:< haykam821> kills with happiness 2128:< haykam821> kills with death 2128:< Djinneral> I bury the old man into the ground 2128:< SirCabbage> FapFapFap 2128:< haykam821> kills with luck 2128:< haykam821> kills with a fluffy duck 2128:< SirCabbage> Sorry I feel better now, I just needed some time 2128:< thatwentBTE> I utter a prayer to my father for the man's soul. 2128:< Djinneral> I attempt to grab the scorpion with rope and beast brand it 2128:< SirCabbage> YOU KILLED THE OLD MAN BTE 2129:< haykam821> takes off head and throws it like a boomerang 2129:< ryanvango> * the smell of the forest takes you over. its dank. occassionally a rotten stench reaches your nostrils 2129:< Djinneral> the brand is burning! 2129:< barnum> Giant Emperor Scorpion is kill! Djinneral picks up [Healer's Gloves]! LVLs: Djinneral (8/39%), ryanvango (11/37%), haykam821 (2/96%)... 2129:< thatwentBTE> He gave me no chioce 2129:< haykam821> comes back and latches on 2129:< Djinneral> nice i've got me a pet scorpion 2129:< Djinneral> finally someting to use my saddle on 2129:< barnum> A wild Mythic Mature Adult Black Dragon appeared! HP: 1170[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for ... 2129:< thatwentBTE> noice 2129:< SirCabbage> :O 2129:< SirCabbage> As a dragon tamer- I must say... DIBS 2130:< SirCabbage> MYTHIC MATURE ADULT BLACK DRAGON 2130:< ryanvango> * you notice an opening. a glenn. in the middle is an ancient black dragon sitting atop a pile of rotting bodies 2130:< thatwentBTE> and dibs you shall have! 2130:< barnum> Round #1, 248 hits! Mythic Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 922[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango... 2130:< SirCabbage> There is 150 of all dragons to see, to be a dragon master is my DESTINY 2130:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaken and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 2130:< SirCabbage> But srsly, I want that dragon 2130:< ryanvango> * as you immediately jump in to battle with it, it looks angry. it blasts a jet of thick fire at you 2130:< thatwentBTE> Now awakened from his slumber, the griffon locks its eyes on the target below. 2131:< SirCabbage> *bashes it over and over *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2131:< ryanvango> * you realize....HEY! THIS HURTS! you come to realize...you are now vulnerable to attacks 2131:< barnum> Round #2, 402 hits! Mythic Mature Adult Black Dragon HP: 519[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), thatwentBTE (9), ryanvango... 2131:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash AND TEN SOME MORE *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2131:< thatwentBTE> My golden griffon soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 2131:< ryanvango> * each of you takes 15 points of damage from the flame, of the 100 ive written down on paper for each of you 2131:< Djinneral> screw this dragon I don't want to die, I run away and hide in the nearby cage 2131:< SirCabbage> I need this dragon friends, 2131:< Djinneral> *nearby cave 2131:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2131:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the land. 2131:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 2131:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash I SAY *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2131:< ryanvango> the dragon screeches and claws out. he pummels BTE in a rage, inflicting 22 points of damage 2132:< SirCabbage> ;-; WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2132:< barnum> Mythic Mature Adult Black Dragon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Robe of Vermin]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/58%), ryanvango (11/42%), thatwe... 2132:< SirCabbage> WOOT! 2132:< thatwentBTE> I retreat momentarily to gather myself. 2132:< barnum> A wild Crystallis appeared! HP: 662[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2132:< ryanvango> * with a mighty blow SirCabbage bashes its face in as it tries to flee, it dies on the spot 2132:< SirCabbage> I make the dragon my new mount 2133:< SirCabbage> Fuck you, you know if I get the kill I get the mount 2133:< barnum> Round #1, 144 hits! Crystallis HP: 517[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [4/6 to !flee] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2133:< ryanvango> sorry i forgot. hes all yours 2133:< SirCabbage> *gets on dragon 2133:< MXMLOQ> !flee 2133:< ryanvango> * a small gray cloud appears over SirCabbage, and a bolt of holy lightning hits him on the head dealing 2 damage 2133:< SirCabbage> I mean, a MYTHIC dragon? that sounds better then an Ancient one 2134:< barnum> Round #2, 161 hits! Crystallis HP: 356[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (6), MXMLOQ (1.5) 2134:< SirCabbage> I place the Wardstone Shard on my head to avoid future zaps 2134:< ryanvango> * it quickly disappears. the gods must be displeased 2134:< ryanvango> * at being told "fuck you" hehehehehe 2134:< Djinneral> I pray to the gods to give good fortune 2134:< SirCabbage> the gods just have a really poor memory 2134:< thatwentBTE> lol 2135:< barnum> Round #3, 154 hits! Crystallis HP: 201[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (6), ryanvango (3), Djinneral (1.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2135:< ryanvango> * the ground opens up and SirCabbage is swallowed alive, never to be seen again. the gods dont like their weeknesses pointed out 2135:< ryanvango> * that doesnt happen 2135:< ryanvango> * that doesnt happen 2135:< SirCabbage> Good thing I am on a dragon. You know, a flying mount lol 2135:< SirCabbage> *flies to safety 2136:< barnum> Round #4, 160 hits! Crystallis HP: 42[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (6) 2136:< ryanvango> * so, with dragon tamed, and an unending string of baddies attacking, you head further west in to the woods 2136:< SirCabbage> This is taking a long time 2136:< ryanvango> (if someone could add a health bar to the thing, thatd be great. or you can track your own with me. 2136:< Djinneral> the forest is packed with enemies 2136:< thatwentBTE> anything great always does 2136:< Djinneral> naturally it will take a while 2136:< SirCabbage> how do we know this lightning exists 2136:< SirCabbage> I mean, it could be a trick to get us here 2136:< ryanvango> right now cab is at 83, DJ 85, haykam 85, and BTE 63 2136:< barnum> Crystallis is kill! ryanvango picks up [Cap of Human Guise]! LVLs: ryanvango (11/52%), SirCabbage (9/69%), Djinneral (8/46%), thatwe... 2137:< thatwentBTE> I have heard of this evil from my father. it is real, 2137:< SirCabbage> considering no health pots exist- is that really a great idea? 2137:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/71%), ryanvango (11/52%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), SirCabbage (9/69%), Djinneral (8/46%), ... 2137:< Djinneral> i've got my health on the spreadsheet 2137:< ryanvango> you could have bought health pots in the town. slabs of meat also dont exist, but i sold you some 2137:< SirCabbage> you could have warned us before we left town that we would need potions :P 2137:< barnum> A wild Greater Fire Elemental appeared! HP: 554[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2137:< ryanvango> also, you just got healing gloves from the scorpion 2138:< ryanvango> DJ did 2138:< Djinneral> how often can the healing gloves be used? 2138:< surelyucantbserious> I espy a roadside food and potion vendor, let's away to him and buy supplies, Looks like everything is BOGO 2138:< barnum> Round #1, 271 hits! Greater Fire Elemental HP: 282[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (7.5), Djinneral (3), thatwen... 2138:< ryanvango> let's say, you can heal 200 points every hour 2138:< Djinneral> sounds fair 2138:< SirCabbage> can it overheal? and shouldnt our hp be based on level? 2139:< Djinneral> i decide to use all the healing essence for my spirit bottle, I need to keep my spirits happy 2139:< barnum> Round #2, 106 hits! Greater Fire Elemental HP: 176[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: Djinneral (6), surelyucantbserious (4.5), ryanvango (1.... 2139:< ryanvango> it will be based on level, when i can figure out how to do that. and no overheal. he decides how much to give each of you 2139:< SirCabbage> .... 2139:< SirCabbage> apparently non. 2139:< ryanvango> there is now no more healing able to be done in the next hour 2139:< Djinneral> worth 2139:< ryanvango> LOL 2139:< SirCabbage> I stab DJ with my sword of inner fire for being a dick 2140:< SirCabbage> In the foot- nowhere lethal 2140:< ryanvango> if you want, you can send a runner to buy or trade for a couple healing pots. but there may or may not be a solution coming up 2140:< barnum> Greater Fire Elemental is kill! ryanvango picks up [Pauldrons of Unflinching Fortitude +3]! LVLs: ryanvango (11/59%), SirCabbage (9/... 2140:< ryanvango> he takes 1 point of damage 2140:< barnum> A wild Flesh Golem appeared! HP: 356[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2140:< Djinneral> ouch 2140:< SirCabbage> You deserved it 2140:< surelyucantbserious> I've got some spare Lembas bread, if you need any. I am going afk for a bit though... 2140:< ryanvango> so...continue deeper in the woods or send a potion runner? 2141:< Djinneral> Deeper 2141:< barnum> Round #1, 145 hits! Flesh Golem HP: 210[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (6), surelyucantbserious (4.5), Djinneral (3), SirCabbag... 2141:< SirCabbage> let just keep going- the odds of another dragon is low and I only have 20 mins left 2141:< thatwentBTE> I can run 2141:< surelyucantbserious> deeper 2141:< Djinneral> lets get to the source of all this 2141:< thatwentBTE> I have a flying dragon 2141:< thatwentBTE> though I have no money. 2141:< ryanvango> the rest of you head deeper in to the woods, while BTE takes off towards town with his original 200 gold he had on him 2141:< SirCabbage> I have a dragon too- many dragons. But I cant be effed going back to a town hat just as easily may call me a murder 2141:< thatwentBTE> oh cool 2142:< SirCabbage> and for no good reason either 2142:< ryanvango> for the next 5 minutes until he returns, he can not type longer than 61 characters 2142:< barnum> Flesh Golem is kill! ryanvango picks up [Gloves of Shaping]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/83%), ryanvango (11/65%), thatwentBTE (12/73%), Dji... 2142:< SirCabbage> ...you keep taking loot 2142:< barnum> A wild Qallupilluk appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2142:< ryanvango> as you head deeper in, you notice while the thunder claps are getting louder, theyre getting louder faster than they should 2142:< Djinneral> I smell something, it smells terrifying, like burning 2142:< ryanvango> *they are still a good long ways off, but maybe not as long as they were before 2143:< SirCabbage> It smells delicious- what is that 2143:< barnum> Round #1, 185 hits! Qallupilluk HP: 157[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (3), Djinneral (1.5) 2143:< ryanvango> * heading straight at the sound, the woods get thicker. 2143:< SirCabbage> Really, that just smells good. What is that smell 2143:< Djinneral> I decide to be careful and slowly approach the source of sound 2143:< ryanvango> *someone notices a smell like charred meat coming from the north a bit. not far off. and the air is a little cloudier around you 2144:< SirCabbage> TOWARDS THE MEAT- WITH RECKLESS ABANDON 2144:< barnum> Qallupilluk is kill! ryanvango picks up [Periapt of Wound Closure]! LVLs: ryanvango (11/70%), Djinneral (8/54%), SirCabbage (9/84%) 2144:< SirCabbage> *flies on the back of my- FUCK YOU :P 2144:< SirCabbage> *flies on the back of my dragon towards the delicious smell of meat 2144:< barnum> A wild Frost Fir appeared! HP: 68[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2144:< ryanvango> * cabbage takes off running at full sprint towards the meaty smell....atop his dragon apparently 2144:< ryanvango> the forest is pretty thick so hes having trouble making anything out in the woods below him, but at one spot a thin 2144:< Djinneral> I decide to let cabbage see whats going on while standing my ground from a safe distance 2144:< SirCabbage> Well obviously, I am not going to walk and my dragon pal may want some too 2144:< ryanvango> trickle of smoke seems to be making its way up through the leaves 2144:< SirCabbage> Let your nose guide you dragon friend- find th emeat 2145:< barnum> Frost Fir is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Bloatstrike Tail]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/92%), ryanvango (11/77%), Djinneral (8/57%) 2145:< SirCabbage> god yes 2145:< barnum> A wild Brain Ooze appeared! HP: 338[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2145:< SirCabbage> a dead bloatstrike! what luck 2145:< SirCabbage> deliciously cooked too 2146:< barnum> Round #1, 122 hits! Brain Ooze HP: 215[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2146:< ryanvango> climbing down? 2146:< SirCabbage> I get the dragon to use his firey dragon breath to clear a path. You know, he is an adult dragon of mythic levels 2146:< SirCabbage> surely he could clear a landing spot. 2146:< ryanvango> *the dragon blasts an inferno in the direction of the smoke. it sets the trees ablaze and he bats the char away with his wings 2146:< barnum> Round #2, 163 hits! Brain Ooze HP: 52[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (6) 2147:< thatwentBTE> I arrive at the town and enter the apothecary. 2147:< SirCabbage> Yeah there we go. 2147:< SirCabbage> *lands and picks up the deliciosu Bloatstrike Tail 2147:< ryanvango> * you can now make out a small hut in the new clearing it is now wreathed in dragon flame 2147:< SirCabbage> Huh, a hut 2147:< barnum> Brain Ooze is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Drums of Lethargy]! LVLs: SirCabbage (9/99%), ryanvango (11/81%), thatwentBTE (12/74%) 2147:< SirCabbage> Amazing that it isn't burning down, should we go in Dj- Dj? 2148:< Djinneral> uhh nah 2148:< Djinneral> you can go in alone im staying out of this one, gotta be safe 2148:< barnum> A wild Tendriculos appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2148:< ryanvango> * as you run towards the door and the smell of bloatstrike tail, the door bursts open and a scared screaming man runs out 2148:< SirCabbage> why not? 2148:< Djinneral> the hut scares me 2148:< SirCabbage> shesh what is his problem 2148:< thatwentBTE> I would like 3 health poitons please 2148:< SirCabbage> *walks into the hut 2148:< ryanvango> * the apothecary asks BTE what kind, small, medium, large 2148:< barnum> Round #1, 272 hits! Tendriculos HP: 70[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (9), Djinneral (7.5), ryanvango (4.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2148:< ryanvango> ( 10, 25, 50 hp each) 2149:< SirCabbage> Bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 2149:< thatwentBTE> Large, how much? 2149:< SirCabbage> bash bash bash bash bash bash bash and then bash bash bash with some bash bash bash bash bash bash bash 2149:< ryanvango> the flames are seriously encroaching on the hut now. youve got 30 seconds to grab what you can and get out. 2149:< SirCabbage> Oh god 2149:< ryanvango> * in the mayhem of the flame and yelling man, you see glass jars all along the walls. some with colored liquid, some with animal parts 2149:< barnum> Tendriculos is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Ranseur of The Gargoyle]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/17%), ryanvango (11/87%), thatwentBTE (12/76%) 2149:< SirCabbage> I grab whatever I can using my tome of clear thought to keep my mind clear while I only gather the best loot 2150:< Djinneral> I shout from a distance asking cabbage to grab me the glass jar with blue liquid 2150:< barnum> A wild Herne appeared! HP: 306[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2150:< SirCabbage> I identify loot which looks valueable and useful, taking as much as I can 2150:< ryanvango> * apothecary says large are 50 gold a piece, medium 20, small 8 2150:< thatwentBTE> i will take 3 larges for 150 pg 2151:< SirCabbage> Surely I am getting all I need 2151:< ryanvango> *cabbage grabs the cooked tail, and randomly shoves glass jars in to his pockets. he gets 5 unbroken jars and 5 broken 2151:< SirCabbage> I have basically stripped the shelf now 2151:< SirCabbage> I get BROKEN jars too? 2151:< SirCabbage> that sounds dangerous 2151:< thatwentBTE> * depart form the shop and head to reunite with the group. I can see the disant smoke. 2151:< Djinneral> you're in a rush 2151:< ryanvango> you're shoveling like mad. the house is burning down 2151:< SirCabbage> I throw them in my well so they dont cut me 2151:< barnum> Herne is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Horseshoes of Speed]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/32%), thatwentBTE (12/80%), ryanvango (11/93%), Djinn... 2151:< ryanvango> * the apothecary thanks BTE as he leaves to head back 2152:< barnum> A wild Irlgaunt appeared! HP: 599[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2152:< SirCabbage> I wonder what this blue liquid is for anyway 2152:< ryanvango> * a chunk of burning debris lands on cabbages head, knocking him dizzy, but he stays standing. he takes 5 damage 2152:< Djinneral> its uhh blue milk, nothing special 2152:< SirCabbage> I mean, we could have grabbed more shit 2152:< barnum> Round #1, 146 hits! Irlgaunt HP: 452[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (3), Djinneral (1.5) 2152:< ryanvango> because hes still in a burning building thats collapsing 2152:< SirCabbage> ...I have an idea 2153:< Djinneral> I'll naturally give you 100g for the blue "milk" 2153:< SirCabbage> I use my Bowl of Conjuring Water Elementals on my well to douse the flames 2153:< SirCabbage> I dont know why I didnt think of summoning elementals before. 2153:< SirCabbage> I feel as if I could have gotten away with more loot without breaking things if I did. 2153:< ryanvango> youve got like 2 seconds before you die haha. no time for conjuring or sorting through stuff 2153:< barnum> Round #2, 354 hits! Irlgaunt HP: 98[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (15), ryanvango (9), Djinneral (1.5) 2153:< SirCabbage> Psh 2154:< SirCabbage> always time 2154:< Djinneral> I run into the hut at haste and grab him out of the burning building 2154:< SirCabbage> FINE, I leave 2154:< ryanvango> the house comes down with a crash. whether or not you take 20 damage depends on if you get out before i finsihg typing 2154:< SirCabbage> but this isnt the last you have heard from me hut. 2154:< SirCabbage> so I dont take the damage then lol 2154:< barnum> Irlgaunt is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Burglar's Buckler]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/42%), ryanvango (11/98%), Djinneral (8/64%) 2154:< ryanvango> you barely make it out alive with your 5 unbroken jars, as the house collapses in on itself. the man outside has passed out from fear 2155:< ryanvango> you do not lol 2155:< barnum> A wild Putrid Ooze appeared! HP: 707[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2155:< ryanvango> BTE you're back btw. 2155:< SirCabbage> I chuck Dj his precious blue milk for the gold 2155:< Djinneral> I uhh grab the passed out man and dig him into the soil, no witnesses allowed 2155:< SirCabbage> then I identify the remaining 4 jars 2155:< Djinneral> here's your 100g 2155:< barnum> Round #1, 211 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 495[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: ryanvango (7.5), Djinneral (6), SirCabbage (3) 2156:< thatwentBTE> I extinguish the remains of the house with my rod of fire extinguishing. 2156:< ryanvango> you have collected one car of pickled eggs, one jar of what looks like sugar (you taste it. yep. sugar) 2156:< SirCabbage> We could have used that before, 2156:< Djinneral> I run a study on the jar with blue liquid, what exactly is this material? 2156:< barnum> Round #2, 272 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 222[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2156:< SirCabbage> wait, you asked for it but didnt know!? 2156:< Djinneral> uh yeah, it just looked interesting 2157:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/80%), ryanvango (12/8%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), SirCabbage (10/43%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (8/66%), ... 2157:< ryanvango> another jar contains a red liquid, with gold swirls in it. you like this one. it appears to be a medium healing potion 2157:< SirCabbage> and the final jar? 2157:< ryanvango> and the last of cabbages jars, you see a golden transluscent fluid, quite viscous. you havent seen this before 2158:< barnum> Round #3, 204 hits! Putrid Ooze HP: 19[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (3), Djinneral (1.5) 2158:< SirCabbage> I look at the old man and see if there is anything special about him 2158:< Djinneral> ooh interesting, anyway I put the blue liquid in my spirit bottle 2158:< ryanvango> DJ opens his jar of blue milk. takes a sniff...smells familiar....takes a sip....tastes almost familiar.... 2158:< SirCabbage> I mean, if he is just a normal old alchemist I doubt his golden fluid is useful 2158:< ryanvango> it does in fact appear to be blue milk. but not from a cow. you're not sure what, or if itll make you sick 2158:< SirCabbage> but if he is something more grand, it could be worth drinking 2159:< barnum> Putrid Ooze is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Wings of Flying]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/52%), ryanvango (12/14%), Djinneral (8/70%) 2159:< SirCabbage> o_o 2159:< Djinneral> I decide to drink the blue milk, the entire jar, I'm thirsty 2159:< thatwentBTE> I taste the golden liquid. 2159:< SirCabbage> OI! 2159:< barnum> A wild Ankou appeared! HP: 599[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2159:< SirCabbage> you cant steal my liquid 2159:< ryanvango> * you notice he is a simple man. because he is unconscious and being buried alive you cant gather much about him 2159:< ryanvango> did BTE successfully taste the gold liquid? 2159:< SirCabbage> I want to get a proper alchemist to identify this potion before I touch it 2200:< Djinneral> I burn the unconscious buried man as soon as possible, NO WITNESSES 2200:< SirCabbage> I snatched it away and put it somewhere safe 2200:< barnum> Round #1, 333 hits! Ankou HP: 265[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (9), Djinneral (9), ryanvango (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2200:< thatwentBTE> I am a golden Demigold on a gold dragon with a gold hammer and a gold griffon. I can do anything to anything gold 2200:< thatwentBTE> and I have a philosophers stone. 2200:< ryanvango> if cabbage says you successfully tasted it, i have an assessment to make... 2200:< Djinneral> he has in fact successfully tasted a bit of it sneakily ofcourse 2201:< SirCabbage> I don't let him, and remind him that his dragon can be debound at any time. 2201:< barnum> Round #2, 235 hits! Ankou HP: 31[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2201:< SirCabbage> Seriously, lets just be safe about this one. 2201:< Djinneral> i dont know i think its interesting 2201:< Djinneral> it might b a good thing 2201:< SirCabbage> I don't want to take the risk, I want to go to a more powerful wizard and identify it 2201:< ryanvango> ok. you tuck the golden liquid away. time to move on? 2202:< barnum> Ankou is kill! ryanvango picks up [Trapspringer's Gloves]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/61%), Djinneral (8/78%), ryanvango (12/17%) 2202:< ryanvango> shit one of my messages failed 2202:< SirCabbage> yes, please. 2202:< Djinneral> well i've tasted my blue milk, no effects as of now lets go on lads 2202:< thatwentBTE> uhg refresh sucks 2202:< barnum> A wild Nazalor appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2202:< ryanvango> DJ drank the blue milk. it was delicious and he feels amazing! he recovers 10 hit points, and his max goes up by 10 2202:< Djinneral> I feel amazing 2202:< SirCabbage> in fact, I am going to go off and find an alchemist to tell me exactly what this does (aka, I have to go for a bit to do work) 2202:< SirCabbage> I get on my dragon and fly far away searching for the answer 2203:< barnum> Round #1, 325 hits! Nazalor HP: 17[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (6), Djinneral (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2203:< ryanvango> alright, cabbage gets back on his dragon and heads to the nearest master alchemist 2203:< ryanvango> we'll catch ya later man 2203:< SirCabbage> I will be watching/come back alter 2203:< Djinneral> cya later 2203:< SirCabbage> but for now I really need to stop putting off useful shit lol 2203:< Djinneral> I need to go bed in a couple minutes myself tbh 2203:< ryanvango> DJ and BTE are the only 2 left right now? 2203:< SirCabbage> lol 2203:< SirCabbage> yep 2203:< thatwentBTE> yeah 2203:< SirCabbage> I am on my dragon, doing shit 2203:< ryanvango> alright nevermind. we'll pick it up later I guess. good breaking point 2204:< barnum> Nazalor is kill! ryanvango picks up [Vest of Stable Mutation]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/74%), ryanvango (12/26%), Djinneral (8/84%), tha... 2204:< SirCabbage> So they just what, mill around? 2204:< Djinneral> anyway ryan thanks for hosting the whole thing, very nice of you 2204:< thatwentBTE> cool, good DMing very funny and enjoyable 2204:< ryanvango> i am ruining all your loot drops and its cracking me up 2204:< Djinneral> and great job working together guys 2204:< barnum> A wild Quickling appeared! HP: 81[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2204:< Djinneral> adios 2204:< SirCabbage> lol it is fun to have it be guiding 2204:< SirCabbage> **guided 2204:< ryanvango> yeah, any feedback? ive never done this before 2204:< SirCabbage> anywya yes, see you later. It was fine, but really. Stop trying to kill me 2204:< ryanvango> kinda hard keeping track. typing and reading and all that. so feedback is helpful 2204:< SirCabbage> *sob 2204:< thatwentBTE> no it was awesome 2204:< Djinneral> no feedback on my end i've got zer experience with this sort of stuff 2205:< barnum> Quickling is kill! Djinneral picks up [Zul]! LVLs: SirCabbage (10/83%), Djinneral (8/94%), ryanvango (12/32%), thatwentBTE (12/87%) 2205:< ryanvango> lol im not trying to kill you. you actually avoided a trap by taking the dragon 2205:< Djinneral> what's a zul? 2205:< barnum> A wild Ancient Underworld Dragon appeared! HP: 1337[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2205:< SirCabbage> .... 2205:< Djinneral> leet dragon? 2205:< SirCabbage> You know what, fuck everything. 2205:< SirCabbage> I cant even stay around to tame that- or I shouldnt. 2205:< ryanvango> when i was smoking i was gonna have this house protected by a trap or 2. you flew over them, then set it on fire lol 2206:< Djinneral> nah forget about it, there's plenty of dragon mobs 2206:< barnum> Round #1, 241 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 1095[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (4.5), Djinneral (3) 2207:< Djinneral> hmm I'll still be here for about half an hour 2207:< barnum> Round #2, 14 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 1081[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: Djinneral (1.5) 2207:< ryanvango> also, the old man was gonna hit someone in the head with a frying pan. so you kinda minimized all damage sircabbage 2207:< Djinneral> we can continue if u want ryanwell that's if twente remains too of course 2207:< SirCabbage> Dragons make everything better. 2207:< SirCabbage> I mean, no landing zone my arse, dragons have fire. 2207:< ryanvango> sircabbage as a general rule, if you go off blindly sprinting at something, bad things are gonna happen. 2208:< barnum> Round #3, 249 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 832[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), Djinneral (6), SirCabbage (3) 2208:< SirCabbage> yes, but it didn't. In fact by the sounds of it I missed two traps and beat an old man who was going to hurt us 2208:< SirCabbage> so it sounds like a win to me. 2208:< SirCabbage> I am surprised DJ didnt trip them on his way over 2208:< ryanvango> sircabbage yeah, you did really well with what i was gonna do haha. so i wasnt trying to kill you 2208:< Djinneral> I didn't get near the hut it was an obvious trap lol 2208:< SirCabbage> you did near the end 2209:< barnum> Round #4, 213 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 618[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 2209:< SirCabbage> you came over to get the milk. 2209:< ryanvango> but i can't let you be invincible cause you're on a dragon. gotta be some kind of obstacles --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 22:09:23 2016 2209:< Djinneral> the will to get milk turned me into an overpowering deity that can't be stopped 2209:< ryanvango> i just ignored the traps at that point. i assumed he walked slow enough to see them, or they burned 2209:< SirCabbage> burned seems most likely. 2209:< Djinneral> or the dragon wind set them off 2209:< Djinneral> before I got nearby enough 2210:< barnum> Round #5, 325 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 293[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (7.5), Djinneral (7.5) 2210:< Djinneral> anyway this dragon creature is almost dying 2210:< SirCabbage> You know, I am glad I got that item. I havent seen one since 2210:< ryanvango> so you mark your potion and your money. does anyone need a health update? 2210:< SirCabbage> the bond item lol 2210:< SirCabbage> Yeah I have marked it, and sure 2210:< Djinneral> i saw the bond item in the item pool 2210:< Djinneral> so i picked it up myself 2210:< Djinneral> is that your one cabbage? 2210:< SirCabbage> woah, someone else found one? 2210:< barnum> Round #6, 236 hits! Ancient Underworld Dragon HP: 57[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), Djinneral (6), ryanvango (4.5) 2211:< Djinneral> I just remember taking a bond brand item out of the item pool 2211:< SirCabbage> nope- it was mine. I am surprised no one else used it 2211:< ryanvango> i believe cabbage is at 78, DK is at 104, haykam 85 (hes gone) and thatwentbte 63 2211:< Djinneral> ah all right well I used it to brand my giant emperor scorpion 2211:< SirCabbage> cool cool. 2211:< Djinneral> I'm currently at 94/110 2211:< barnum> Ancient Underworld Dragon is kill! Djinneral picks up [Death's Head Talisman 14HD]! LVLs: Djinneral (9/17%), SirCabbage (10/93%), ry... 2212:< Djinneral> ooh nice 2212:< SirCabbage> you know, you have a brand 2212:< ryanvango> yeah, i believe someone else found one and didnt care for it. DJ you're right thank you 2212:< SirCabbage> so.. technically YOU just tamed that dragon 2212:< barnum> A wild Dracolisk appeared! HP: 518[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2212:< Djinneral> uhh I put the underworld dragon corpse in my bottle of spirits as noursihment 2212:< SirCabbage> you could have a tamed dragon and you feed it to your spirits instead? XD 2212:< Djinneral> naturally I'm good to my spirits 2212:< SirCabbage> kay. sure. I suppose we only need one dragon tamer 2212:< ryanvango> hahahaha DJ's either gonna be an accidental hero, or get you all killed 2213:< SirCabbage> but this is the second time you have put your spirits before your party. 2213:< barnum> Round #1, 356 hits! Dracolisk HP: 161[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: SirCabbage (9), ryanvango (9), Djinneral (7.5) 2213:< SirCabbage> just putting that out there. 2213:< ryanvango> did anyone level up? they had to have 2213:< ryanvango> !heroes 2213:< ryanvango> !heroes 2213:< SirCabbage> I am 10, almost 11 apparently 2213:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/87%), ryanvango (12/41%), SirCabbage (10/95%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2213:< Djinneral> when the times get tough I put my team mates ahead no worries 2213:< thatwentBTE> lol you leveled up ryan 2213:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/87%), ryanvango (12/41%), SirCabbage (10/95%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2213:< Djinneral> for now we have it quite easy so I can spare items for my spirits 2214:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 2214:< SirCabbage> you still could have fully healed us. 2214:< thatwentBTE> !heores 2214:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/89%), ryanvango (12/42%), SirCabbage (10/98%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2214:< ryanvango> does anyone know what levels when we started? 2214:< thatwentBTE> !heroes i was 12 2214:< ryanvango> 24 minutes yes 2214:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/89%), ryanvango (12/42%), SirCabbage (10/98%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2214:< SirCabbage> yeah but by then I will hopefully be gone and doing useful stuff 2214:< Djinneral> the initial heal from the healing glove is special though, it contains the essence of pure life, the second charge isnt as pure 2215:< barnum> Round #1, 341 hits! Black Rider HP: 428[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), SirCabbage (7.5), thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (3) 2215:< Djinneral> hence it needed to go all to my spirits 2215:< SirCabbage> How do you know the glvoes have never been used before? 2215:< ryanvango> im gonna get a dice roller real quick. DJ and i think cabbage leveled twice? 2215:< SirCabbage> also, shouldnt our hp be based on level 2215:< Djinneral> I dunno to be honest, I'm just making this crap up 2215:< Djinneral> but it sounds legit 2215:< SirCabbage> lol 2215:< SirCabbage> !levels 2215:< thatwentBTE> !party 2215:< SirCabbage> since everyone else did it. 2215:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2215:< barnum> THE PARTY: thatwentBTE (12/89%) and... SirCabbage (10/99%), Djinneral (9/24%), thatwentBTE (12/89%), ryanvango (12/42%) 2216:< SirCabbage> !heroes 2216:< barnum> thatwentBTE bag of holding contains 28 shiny things! 2216:< SirCabbage> I just want to reach lvl 11, you know how it is 2216:< SirCabbage> anyway 2216:< Djinneral> brb getting me a magnum 2216:< SirCabbage> good luck to everyone 2216:< ryanvango> this chat will die before itll matter. cabbage you're up to 114 max hp, DJ, 118 2216:< barnum> Black Rider is kill! ryanvango picks up [Circlet of Mindsight]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/45%), SirCabbage (11/10%), Djinneral (9/25%) 2217:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/90%), ryanvango (12/45%), SirCabbage (11/10%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/25%),... 2217:< ryanvango> !loot 2217:< ryanvango> !loot 2217:< barnum> A wild Stabbing Beast appeared! HP: 1013[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2217:< SirCabbage> was that counting or not counting my levelup I just got 2217:< ryanvango> !loot 2217:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 33 shiny things! 2218:< ryanvango> i gave you 2 levelups to be safe (2d10, you rolled 2 7s) 2218:< barnum> Round #1, 174 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 838[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: ryanvango (9), SirCabbage (1.5) 2218:< ryanvango> OH for level 11. ill do a 3rd 2218:< ryanvango> 122 total SirCabbage. you rolled an 8 2219:< surelyucantbserious> I've returned, sorry was wandering the forest for a bit.... 2219:< barnum> Round #2, 64 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 774[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [5/6 to !flee] +XP: K1ngN0thing (4.5), surelyucantbserious (4.5), ryanvango (3) 2219:< Djinneral> im back too 2219:< ryanvango> alright im gonna get some homework done, and be productive. ill check back periodically, and do a quick update to the doc. 2219:< Djinneral> cya in a bit ryan 2219:< ryanvango> I'll be back to actually play in about 3 hours 2220:< SxwTheCat> we're still in mergatory, gr8 2220:< Djinneral> man timezones screw up our play times 2220:< Djinneral> its 11pm here 2220:< barnum> Round #3, 151 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 623[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (6), Djinneral (4.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2220:< SxwTheCat> 5:20 PM here 2220:< SxwTheCat> oh this is nicer 2220:< Djinneral> yep 2220:< ryanvango> DJ, its ok. ill be playing at weird times anyway 2221:< Djinneral> :) 2221:< barnum> Round #4, 77 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 546[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), SxwTheCat (3), ryanvango (1.5) 2221:< ryanvango> sxwthecat you missed out. we just ended a guided rpg haha 2221:< ryanvango> sxwthecat dj got a healing glove RIGHT when everyone was taking "damage" and he healed all the ghosts in his jar instead. 2222:< ryanvango> so everyone is still hurt 2222:< Djinneral> heehee 2222:< barnum> Round #5, 193 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 353[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Djinneral (1.5) 2222:< thatwentBTE> glad I went to get the HP pots 2222:< Djinneral> it was the right choice to make, damage builds character 2222:< thatwentBTE> there a good bargining chip at the right time 2223:< ryanvango> yeah BTE. especially since the house was on fire. you were gonna be mad if he knocked on the door. he had like 4 in there 2223:< thatwentBTE> lol 2223:< barnum> Round #6, 198 hits! Stabbing Beast HP: 155[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2223:< SilentSand> There's fleeing now? 2223:< Djinneral> the dragons are too endgame tier for our current place in story though 2223:< thatwentBTE> yeah !flee 2224:< ryanvango> silentsand yeah. and commands like !loot !heroes and stuff 2224:< Djinneral> I reckon we should make it harder acquiring them 2224:< thatwentBTE> there is also !loot 2224:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 33 shiny things! 2224:< barnum> Stabbing Beast is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Mournful Razor]! LVLs: Djinneral (9/31%), ryanvango (12/53%), thatwentBTE (12/93%), Si... 2224:< thatwentBTE> !party 2224:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 2224:< barnum> THE PARTY: thatwentBTE (12/93%) and... thatwentBTE (12/93%), Djinneral (9/31%), ryanvango (12/53%) 2224:< barnum> A wild Slitherrat appeared! HP: 113[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2224:< ryanvango> DJinneral yeah, but we made rules a while ago that he can tame them. also I ride a behire. so now I just gimp him. he can't so damage 2225:< Djinneral> fair enough 2225:< ryanvango> like, it would matter if his damage was based on items and dragons, but it doesnt. so theyre just cool flying mounts essentially 2225:< barnum> Slitherrat is kill! ryanvango picks up [Tunic of Careful Casting]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/57%), Djinneral (9/34%), thatwentBTE (12/93%) 2225:< barnum> A wild Quasit appeared! HP: 72[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2226:< barnum> You fleed Quasit and it's glorious loot of [Insignia of Valor]! 2226:< ryanvango> im still trying to figure out how to do bossfights lol 2226:< barnum> A wild Medium Smoke Elemental appeared! HP: 135[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2227:< thatwentBTE> I fan the smoke away 2227:< barnum> Round #1, 25 hits! Medium Smoke Elemental HP: 110[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 2227:< SilentSand> !heroes 2227:< SilentSand> !loot 2227:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (12/93%), ryanvango (12/58%), SirCabbage (11/10%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2228:< thatwentBTE> /help 2228:< barnum> Round #2, 73 hits! Medium Smoke Elemental HP: 36[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (3), SilentSand (3) 2228:< SilentSand> no help 4 y 2228:< thatwentBTE> The heavy golden hammer smashes the beast face. SMASH SMASH SMASH 2229:< Djinneral> i poke the smoke elemental with my trident 2229:< thatwentBTE> not sure 2229:< barnum> Medium Smoke Elemental is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Sniper's Helmet]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (12/97%), Djinneral (9/36%), SilentSand (7... 2229:< barnum> A wild Monitor Lizard appeared! HP: 99[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2229:< thatwentBTE> I dont want it 2230:< SilentSand> Alright 2230:< thatwentBTE> anyone want the siper helmet? 2230:< SilentSand> I'll take it 2230:< barnum> Round #1, 98 hits! Monitor Lizard HP: 1[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), SilentSand (3) 2230:< SilentSand> ooh 2230:< thatwentBTE> *gives sniper hemlt to silentsand 2230:< SilentSand> So strong 2231:< SilentSand> I think it might have died 2231:< Djinneral> i kick ir 2231:< SirCabbage> I stab 2231:< SilentSand> I punch 2231:< SirCabbage> I eat 2231:< barnum> Monitor Lizard is kill! SilentSand picks up [Scepter of Ages]! LVLs: SilentSand (7/73%), thatwentBTE (13/7%), Djinneral (9/38%), Sir... 2231:< thatwentBTE> cool 2231:< barnum> A wild Grippli appeared! HP: 54[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2231:< Djinneral> where did the monitor lizard get the sceptre from 2231:< SilentSand> Probably inherited 2231:< surelyucantbserious> Grippli going down! 2232:< SilentSand> It probably was in his family line since his grandfather 2232:< surelyucantbserious> I slap him with my dueling glove! 2232:< Djinneral> heh 2232:< barnum> Grippli is kill! Djinneral picks up [Boneless Leather]! LVLs: SilentSand (7/79%), Djinneral (9/43%), surelyucantbserious (2/76%), Si... 2232:< SilentSand> oh man the killer heh 2232:< Djinneral> isnt all leather boneless? 2232:< barnum> A wild Barometz appeared! HP: 1139[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2232:< Djinneral> I've never heard of leather with bones 2233:< Djinneral> this is just regular damn leather isnt it 2233:< SilentSand> I mean probably 2233:< Djinneral> out of all the amazing loot I just got normal leather 2233:< thatwentBTE> I have that 2233:< SilentSand> Maybe it's just really cowardly leather without any backbone 2233:< barnum> Round #1, 154 hits! Barometz HP: 984[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: SilentSand (7.5), Djinneral (6), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2233:< thatwentBTE> it means it makes you boneless 2233:< Djinneral> so its even worse than normal leather!? 2233:< SilentSand> Apparently 2233:< thatwentBTE> makes you bendy 2233:< SilentSand> I'd recommend to get rid of it as soon as possible 2233:< Djinneral> but without bones you turn into goo 2233:< SilentSand> Unless you want to be able to sneak into places 2234:< Djinneral> I would just be a meat puddle on the floor 2234:< SilentSand> Could you reassemble correctly afterwards? 2234:< thatwentBTE> an use it to get out of tight space 2234:< Djinneral> uhh sounds nasty I wouldn't do that even if I could 2234:< barnum> Round #2, 179 hits! Barometz HP: 805[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: SilentSand (6), thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (4.5) 2235:< thatwentBTE> lol 2235:< thatwentBTE> they are already wispy 2235:< Djinneral> they need all the good nutrients 2235:< barnum> Round #3, 114 hits! Barometz HP: 692[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), Djinneral (3) 2235:< Djinneral> I need all the ghosts in there to fight it out amongst themselves until one remains 2235:< Wulfay> strike 2235:< Wulfay> hit 2235:< Wulfay> help 2236:< thatwentBTE> good plan to produce a superbadass ghost 2236:< thatwentBTE> wlfay 2236:< thatwentBTE> wulfay your doing good 2236:< Djinneral> problem is I also need to capture ghosts and demons from the outside obviously 2236:< barnum> Round #4, 178 hits! Barometz HP: 514[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), Djinneral (6), Wulfay (4.5) 2236:< akvgergo> Heh, so this is still going strong? 2236:< Djinneral> and I've only caught around 3/4 or so ghost/demons 2236:< thatwentBTE> you just talk and you do dagame 2236:< Wulfay> hit 2237:< Wulfay> attack 2237:< surelyucantbserious> attack! wait, that's my dog. Hold the line! 2237:< thatwentBTE> If you make your sentence over 60 characters you get bonus damage. *smash *smash *smash 2237:< barnum> Round #5, 208 hits! Barometz HP: 306[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (7.5), Djinneral (6), Wulfay (3), akvgergo (1.5), surelyucantbserious (... 2238:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (13/11%), ryanvango (12/58%), SirCabbage (11/12%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/48%),... 2238:< thatwentBTE> the sentence is sixty characters longgggggggggggggggggg. 2238:< Djinneral> The barometz looks like it would be a fine steed, I uhh crack my whip at it making it spooked and then poke it in the butt 2238:< Wulfay> attack 2238:< Wulfay> do we just type stuff to do more damage or what? 2238:< thatwentBTE> wulfay yeah 2238:< Djinneral> basically, just type as much as you can but avoid being spammy 2238:< Wulfay> I still don't know how this thign really works. does it matter how much we type? 2238:< Djinneral> it's literally just counting the letters 2238:< barnum> Round #6, 150 hits! Barometz HP: 156[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Djinneral (10.5), Wulfay (7.5), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2239:< thatwentBTE> if you allow bot spam in settings you should see the monster your fighting 2239:< Wulfay> oh okay, so we should type a lot of stuff. then i'll type a lot of stuff, like how are people doing all these seperate chats dand such 2239:< AWorldOfYes> :) 2239:< Djinneral> the seperate chats are done using a script, the script is called robin-grow parrot 2239:< thatwentBTE> yeah, the longer the more damage but you only get bonus on 60. 2240:< Djinneral> here's the link: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 2240:< barnum> Barometz is kill! Djinneral picks up [Folding Plate]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/14%), Djinneral (9/53%), Wulfay (1/74%), AWorldOfYes (1/... 2240:< Djinneral> you'll need to use a addon like grease monkey to get the script working though 2240:< thatwentBTE> step one and 2 are quick 2240:< thatwentBTE> just hit install 2240:< Wulfay> robin grow parrot, hmm okay. Do we get an actually picture of hte monster or is it just the HIT and then health bar thign each time 2240:< barnum> A wild Grig appeared! HP: 18[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2240:< AWorldOfYes> I think they have added parrot stuff to robin grow. 2240:< thatwentBTE> the latter 2240:< Wulfay> attacking attack it should die quick its only like, 8 hp right? so it should just die 2241:< barnum> Grig is kill! Wulfay picks up [Glove of Storing]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/19%), Wulfay (2/35%), Djinneral (9/56%), AWorldOfYes (1/63%) 2241:< Djinneral> i capture the grig with my rope an put it in my spirit bottle 2241:< thatwentBTE> yeah very low level 2241:< Djinneral> nvm its already ded 2241:< thatwentBTE> has to tick to kill it, not instant 2241:< barnum> A wild Shard Slag appeared! HP: 567[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2241:< Wulfay> ooooo, how do I equip stuff? I just got an item hah. or do the drops not matter 2241:< Wulfay> inventory 2241:< thatwentBTE> Iloot 2241:< thatwentBTE> !loot 2241:< Wulfay> !loot 2242:< barnum> thatwentBTE bag of holding contains 30 shiny things! 2242:< thatwentBTE> the bought it bound to chat restriction on time as well 2242:< thatwentBTE> bot* 2242:< Djinneral> you keep count in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjux => http://nazar.so/81wri 2242:< thatwentBTE> so it takes a moment to check 2242:< thatwentBTE> you may have to do it again 2242:< Wulfay> !loot 2242:< Djinneral> the drops dont actually do anything tho 2242:< barnum> Wulfay bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! 2243:< thatwentBTE> if it cant chat it deletes the command, no command cache 2243:< Wulfay> okay well then I won't bother ab out trying to see what I have. oh, there it goes lol 2243:< barnum> Round #2, 267 hits! Shard Slag HP: 111[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5), Djinneral (6), Wulfay (6) 2243:< Djinneral> !loot 2243:< Wulfay> well you can only do so much with a bought i'm guessing. A whole inventory and equipping system would be fun though, but difficult 2243:< thatwentBTE> last chat before the bot chats gets the loot. 2243:< Wulfay> a bot* I don't know why I keep spelling it 'bought' 2243:< barnum> Djinneral bag of holding contains 16 shiny things! 2243:< derogative> actually, the loot does do stuff now since it updated 2244:< thatwentBTE> I did it too 2244:< derogative> you get enough loot and eventually you do x2 damage 2244:< Djinneral> hmm not too bad I guess, most of it's sold though 2244:< barnum> Shard Slag is kill! Djinneral picks up [Rod of Rulership]! LVLs: Djinneral (9/61%), Wulfay (2/48%), thatwentBTE (13/21%), derogative... 2244:< Djinneral> wow 2244:< Djinneral> interesting 2244:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 2244:< thatwentBTE> shows leaderboard 2244:< barnum> A wild Drelb appeared! HP: 225[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2244:< Djinneral> I guess I can impose rule now 2244:< thatwentBTE> its the only way to view level and doesnt display many names 2245:< Wulfay> oh realy? so loot does help? that's pretty cool hah..... well lets kill this next widl animal, looks like it's not too strong 2245:< thatwentBTE> !heroes 2245:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (13/21%), ryanvango (12/58%), SirCabbage (11/12%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/75%), Djinneral (9/... 2245:< barnum> Round #1, 221 hits! Drelb HP: 4[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), Djinneral (4.5), Wulfay (4.5) 2245:< derogative> there's also !party 2245:< Wulfay> gotta do more hits, make sure it doesn't stand back up after the first few hits. take it down down. man those are some crazy levels peo 2245:< thatwentBTE> Drelb (Haunting Custodian) This spectral figure is composed of darkness and has no discernible features except its eyes 2245:< barnum> THE PARTY: derogative (4/96%) and... Wulfay (2/51%), Djinneral (9/62%), thatwentBTE (13/23%) 2246:< thatwentBTE> two small pinpoints of light that burn with a hellish glow. 2246:< Djinneral> I attempt to capture the drell for putting in my spirit bottle 2246:< Wulfay> positrons chat spam is probably the worst, there is going to be another room most likely, and him spamming the same thing isn't convinc 2246:< Djinneral> Come on drell get in the bottle! 2246:< barnum> Drelb is kill! Djinneral picks up [Greater Hat of Disguise]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/27%), Wulfay (2/61%), Djinneral (9/65%), derogati... 2246:< Djinneral> nice now I've got 5 creatures in the bottle 2246:< barnum> A wild Voltar appeared! HP: 167[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2246:< thatwentBTE> nice and a cool hat 2247:< thatwentBTE> you can change your look 2247:< Djinneral> I don't need the hat, that can go in the item pool 2247:< barnum> Round #1, 114 hits! Voltar HP: 52[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), thatwentBTE (3) 2247:< thatwentBTE> have you checked the google doc wulfay? 2247:< thatwentBTE> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/6a49z 2247:< thatwentBTE> you can add yourself 2248:< barnum> Voltar is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Splintered Mind]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/31%) 2248:< barnum> A wild Ice Troll appeared! HP: 81[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2249:< ryanvango> haha ok so for continuity sake im gonna say you guy are trying to rebuild the small hut so you have a resting place 2249:< thatwentBTE> ok cool 2249:< ryanvango> and in the process of rebuilding and making a clearing you're fuckin shit up 2249:< thatwentBTE> sounds like me 2249:< barnum> Ice Troll is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ring of Culturemeld]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/60%), thatwentBTE (13/33%) 2249:< Djinneral> I've taken the eelskin armour out of the item pool 2249:< ryanvango> aaaand thats mine 2249:< ryanvango> haha 2250:< ryanvango> i think ive come up with a way to do the boss encounter. just working out the logistics of it 2250:< barnum> Round #1, 95 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 1273[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (3), thatwentBTE (1.5), Djinneral (1.5) 2250:< Wulfay> oh wow this is a big fella huh? we better hti it with a lot of full text-line attacks, or else it may just never die. thats how it work 2250:< Djinneral> !flee 2250:< Djinneral> its a nasty flesh drooping creature I don't want to fight it 2251:< ryanvango> barnum are you still around? 2251:< thatwentBTE> got some pre typed 2251:< Wulfay> so what is the name of that chat filter thing again? does it allow to mute certain users and spam and such or just all bots at once? 2251:< thatwentBTE> I command my griffon statue to awaken and slay this beast. The golden statue stirs. 2251:< thatwentBTE> Now awakened from his slumber, the griffon locks its eyes on the target below. 2251:< barnum> What's up? 2251:< barnum> Round #2, 377 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 896[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (10.5), Wulfay (9), ryanvango (6), Djinneral (6) 2251:< Djinneral> wulfay here's the link to it https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 2252:< ryanvango> barnum are you able to force a certain encounter? like pick which thing is coming up next? 2252:< thatwentBTE> My golden griffon soars down upon his target with the grace and speed of a brick. 2252:< Wulfay> what do the numbers beside each name when the health comes again mean? is that the damage or amount of xp we are going to recieve or wh 2252:< thatwentBTE> Shrieking with anger, the mighty griffon slams the creature into the land. 2252:< barnum> Nah, it randomly picks from a huge array of monsters. 2252:< Wulfay> thanks djinneral, I'll go check it out here in a little bit 2252:< barnum> Round #3, 308 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 589[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (9), Wulfay (9), Djinneral (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2252:< ryanvango> wulfay the numbers are xp. if you see name (10/26%) you're level 10 and 26% on the way to 11 2253:< thatwentBTE> thats XP givin 2253:< ryanvango> barnum, alright. what about, can you manually change how much health is left on a monster while its running? 2253:< barnum> Round #4, 180 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 409[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: ryanvango (9), thatwentBTE (1.5) 2253:< thatwentBTE> The griffon rips at the flesh of the beast, blood pours from the wounds. 2254:< barnum> I don't think so. I can't find where any of the variable values are really stored you know. 2254:< barnum> Round #5, 81 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 328[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5) 2254:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. SMASH SMASH SMASH 2254:< barnum> Did you want me to turn off the bot if it's interfering with your game? 2255:< ryanvango> barnum alright no worries. i kinda figured that was the case. was just hoping. woulda made it easier. 2255:< ryanvango> no you're good. itll take practice, but im trying to make the game work with the bot 2255:< barnum> Round #6, 157 hits! Ghaggurath HP: 171[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] [can't flee!] +XP: thatwentBTE (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2256:< thatwentBTE> I swing my MIGHTY HAMMER upon the beast skull. Its body slumps and twitches. 2256:< thatwentBTE> The dying creature lets a low gargle as the griffon's talons squeezes the light from it's eyes. 2256:< barnum> Ghaggurath is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Hourglass of Last Chances]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/40%), ryanvango (12/65%) 2257:< barnum> A wild Small Magma Elemental appeared! HP: 50[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2257:< ryanvango> a wild small magma elemental dies very quickly as it only has 50 hp. 2258:< barnum> Small Magma Elemental is kill! ryanvango picks up [Staff of Aspects]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/68%) 2258:< thatwentBTE> poor thing 2258:< ryanvango> !loot 2258:< ryanvango> !loot 2258:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 36 shiny things! 2258:< barnum> ryanvango Just thought of something. I could maybe edit the array of enemies, make it just a couple, those will repeat but if they're 2259:< ryanvango> balls 2300:< ryanvango> refreshed... 2300:< thatwentBTE> me too 2300:< ryanvango> whatd you say barnum, after " make em repeat" 2300:< thatwentBTE> 6:00:35 PM #rpg [robin] that is already your vote 6:00:36 PM #rpg ryanvango balls 2300:< ryanvango> oh no. what happened to it 2301:< thatwentBTE> you here barnum 2301:< Wulfay> hmm, so after I set channels, I have to select it from the drop down as opposed to typing it in 2301:< Djinneral> hmm 2302:< Djinneral> wulfay you should be able to see tabs on the top 2302:< ryanvango> Wulfay you have to dick around with it. once you set filter by channel to #rpg, you should have tabs to pick it 2302:< Djinneral> otherwise click on update in settings 2302:< Wulfay> ah yeah i see the channels at the top now, that works well too 2302:< thatwentBTE> yeah, but it retypes it for you 2302:< ryanvango> Wulfay also make sure you have bot spam allowed and allow unicode characters 2302:< thatwentBTE> ah dif version then me 2302:< Wulfay> yeah I changed those two, should work out now. nifty little program 2303:< barnum> A wild Giant Archerfish appeared! HP: 50[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2303:< thatwentBTE> are you guys using parrot? 2303:< Wulfay> yeah i just got parrot 2303:< barnum> Internet's hiccup 2303:< ryanvango> gonna see if this thing dies if our levels are intact still. lets hope 2303:< thatwentBTE> cool 2303:< Djinneral> I use my sword hand blow on the fish creature 2303:< barnum> Giant Archerfish is kill! Djinneral picks up [Sporecrafter's Kindness]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/70%), thatwentBTE (13/42%), Djinneral (9... 2303:< thatwentBTE> yep 2303:< ryanvango> yep, everything is pretyt 2304:< barnum> A wild Ngoga appeared! HP: 383[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2304:< Djinneral> what's a sporecrafter's kindness? 2304:< Djinneral> can I put that in my spirit bottle? 2304:< thatwentBTE> his brown hemp sack is filled with mold spores, soil, and chemical reagents. 2304:< barnum> Round #1, 168 hits! Ngoga HP: 214[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: thatwentBTE (6), Djinneral (3), ryanvango (1.5) 2304:< Djinneral> ahh, well that goes in my spirit bottle then 2304:< ryanvango> https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/r-z/sporecrafter-s-kindness => http://nazar.so/2mz38 2304:< ryanvango> read the whole paragraph 2304:< Wulfay> nooo, my long message 2304:< thatwentBTE> yeah 2305:< ryanvango> something very Djinneral-esque 2305:< Wulfay> !loot 2305:< barnum> Wulfay bag of holding contains 1 shiny things! 2305:< thatwentBTE> 1 things 2305:< barnum> Ngoga is kill! thatwentBTE picks up [Brazen Egg]! LVLs: thatwentBTE (13/45%), ryanvango (12/71%), K1ngN0thing (1/81%), Wulfay (2/79%... 2305:< ryanvango> barnum i wouldn't worry about altering the monster list. i think i have a plan to make use of it 2305:< Djinneral> heh i leave it out of spirit bottle, it sounds like an interesting tool 2305:< barnum> A wild Nothosaurus appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2306:< Wulfay> lets just type out another long thign then. this one will be less creative since robin ate my last long message, and i can't 2306:< barnum> ryan, ah you saw that, didn't know if that went through before my internet farted 2306:< barnum> Cool cool 2306:< ryanvango> Wulfay you have to be careful. don't use the full 140, because theres an invisible #rpg and itll break it 2306:< Wulfay> Ah i know what it is doing now. the new remaniing characters thing doesn't account for those missing by the rpg thing again 2306:< Wulfay> yup, we were thinking along the same lines :) 2307:< ryanvango> wulfay it doesnt matter anyway. when the ticker is counting, just aim for 70 characters remaining 2307:< Wulfay> welp, that should be exactly 5 characters, so a message of 135 characters should work out eh 2307:< barnum> Round #2, 175 hits! Nothosaurus HP: 30[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (10.5), ryanvango (9) 2307:< ryanvango> because 61 does the same damage as 140, and 1 does the same as 59 2307:< barnum> The bot is looking at unfiltered chat (*shudders*) so it sees your auto #rpgs 2307:< Wulfay> ah, past 70 remaining it doesn't make a differnece then? that works well then, i like that 2307:< thatwentBTE> the brazen egg can plane shift creatures 2308:< thatwentBTE> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/artifacts/major-artifacts/brazen-egg => http://nazar.so/2cnsi 2308:< Wulfay> that thing should be dead very soon too, this next hit will probably kill it, maybe....\ 2308:< ryanvango> poop loot 2308:< barnum> Nothosaurus is kill! ryanvango picks up [Ioun Stone mossy disk]! LVLs: Wulfay (3/31%), ryanvango (12/77%), thatwentBTE (13/49%) 2308:< barnum> A wild Duppy appeared! HP: 342[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2308:< ryanvango> any loot i get instantly turns to dust until someone else take up the mantle of DM 2309:< barnum> Round #1, 77 hits! Duppy HP: 265[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 2309:< Wulfay> welp i'm gonna go browse reddit for a while again. this has been fun, and i'll be able to see things that are going on in chat now, hah 2309:< ryanvango> Wulfay we're going back to a guided RPG if you wanna play. should be in about 2 hours 2310:< barnum> Round #2, 91 hits! Duppy HP: 174[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (4.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2310:< ryanvango> test 2311:< barnum> Round #3, 26 hits! Duppy HP: 148[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (1.5) 2311:< Djinneral> night lads im off now 2311:< ryanvango> alright man. ill catch ya later. i should be on tomorrow for a little while 2311:< Wulfay> oh a guided rpg, how doe sthat work out? moving around and dynamic monsters and such? 2311:< barnum> Round #4, 108 hits! Duppy HP: 40[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), Wulfay (4.5), Djinneral (1.5) 2312:< ryanvango> if my base damage is 26, then my bonus damage should be 26 + 36=62. lets test it! 2312:< WythDryden> Hey guys 2312:< Wulfay> is there a way to check what your base damage is? stats or what not 2312:< barnum> Duppy is kill! Wulfay picks up [Periapt of Wound Closure]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/82%), Wulfay (3/43%), WythDryden (9/78%) 2312:< Wulfay> woot, more loooot 2313:< Wulfay> !loot 2313:< WythDryden> Did the game change at all since I left? 2313:< ryanvango> Wulfay think dungeons and dragons. they made me DM, so I'm walking them through a plot/adventure with the bot as a mechanic 2313:< barnum> A wild Tophet appeared! HP: 482[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2313:< WythDryden> That sounds awesome ryanvango. What if I've never played before, still feasible? 2313:< Wulfay> hmmm, that sounds pretty cool :) I'll try to stop in and check it out if I am still around in a hwile 2313:< barnum> Round #1, 169 hits! Tophet HP: 312[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: Wulfay (7.5), WythDryden (6), ryanvango (4.5) 2313:< ryanvango> Wulfay right now they're rebuilding a hut that SirCabbage burned to the ground. in the forest. but going to a loud noise 2314:< ryanvango> WythDryden I've never played before. I've especially never DM'ed before. but I think its going well 2314:< WythDryden> In that case count me in. 2314:< barnum> Round #2, 171 hits! Tophet HP: 141[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), WythDryden (1.5) 2314:< ryanvango> you can do whatever you want. DJ found healers gloves 2 seconds before i implemented player health. then he healed a jar 2314:< Wulfay> lol so I see. will parrot also autovote / refresh the page for me? Robin Autovoter autorefreshes like, every 5 minutes and its too much 2315:< ryanvango> while ignoring the rest of the party haha 2315:< ryanvango> Wulfay there should be a "message pruning" type 999999 in there 2315:< WythDryden> Will we keep our loot? 2315:< barnum> Tophet is kill! WythDryden picks up [Staff of Elemental Castigation]! LVLs: ryanvango (12/87%), WythDryden (9/81%), Wulfay (3/49%) 2315:< WythDryden> woo! 2316:< barnum> A wild Vemerak appeared! HP: 878[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2316:< ryanvango> WythDryden any loot you had, you still have. any loot that drops to me, is turned to ash. any loot you find, you keep 2316:< Wulfay> Yeah I did that, the refreshing thing was going on long before I installed the parrot mod, was coming from Robin Autovoters way to 2316:< Wulfay> ensure you didn't time out or what not 2316:< WythDryden> Sweet 2316:< Wulfay> I'll just turn it off for when i'm actively here, and then turn it back on when I leave to esnure my vote gets counted 2316:< barnum> Round #1, 144 hits! Vemerak HP: 733[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Wulfay (10.5), ryanvango (4.5), WythDryden (3) 2316:< ryanvango> Wulfay yeah i had the same problem. it was maddening. i fixed it with all 9's, but maybe theres another box that jelps too? 2317:< Wulfay> hah no, I think i've fixed it with turning off that other tapermonkey script. 2317:< ryanvango> WythDryden if you're in, ill write you down as having 100hp (everyone starting health) and 200 gold (same, starting) 2317:< WythDryden> If you have one running you don't need the other going 2317:< barnum> Round #2, 171 hits! Vemerak HP: 561[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), WythDryden (1.5) 2317:< WythDryden> F yeah, sounds good RV 2317:< Wulfay> man, i really hope this room merges. I'm leaning heavily towards it being able to merge in time, people will pick up the speed 2317:< Wulfay> okay, so parrot is pretty good about not letting you get timed out if reddit starts breaking, and autovotes for you? 2318:< ryanvango> yes it is 2318:< barnum> Round #3, 71 hits! Vemerak HP: 491[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (9), WythDryden (1.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2318:< Wulfay> cool cool :) then i'll just let this one ride, can't let chat down... there are probably so many idles here right now lol ,i'm 2318:< Wulfay> suprised it survived the first multi-hour merge wait lol 2318:< Wulfay> !level 2319:< ryanvango> yeah, i think with the idlers its working well. autogrow wasnt widely used when the other 1 failed either. we have a good shot 2319:< barnum> Round #4, 110 hits! Vemerak HP: 381[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (10.5), ryanvango (4.5) 2319:< SxwTheCat> to merge? 2319:< ryanvango> ya 2319:< Wulfay> Yeah there must be a lot of people using autovoters/anti-idlers now, so that will help 2319:< SxwTheCat> i'll have you know that i'm part of TEAM STAY after the merge 2319:< SxwTheCat> it ain't gonna happen again 2320:< ryanvango> after this next merge, ill stay when the clock runs down on the 8th 2320:< WythDryden> SxwTheCat I'm with you 2320:< barnum> Round #5, 142 hits! Vemerak HP: 239[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SxwTheCat (7.5), ryanvango (6), Wulfay (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2320:< Wulfay> hah that's fine :P if it doesn't happen again by the beginning of the end, on say the final hours of the 8th day of april, i'll switch 2320:< Wulfay> UNTIL THEN THOUGH, we strive to grow :P we stay when there is no more day 2320:< SxwTheCat> wonder what happens if we're still alive at the end 2320:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (13/49%), ryanvango (12/91%), SirCabbage (11/12%), Sorrento110 (10/82%), WythDryden (9/83%), Djinneral (9/73%),... 2320:< Wulfay> !commands 2321:< ryanvango> it has to be coordinated though. we only have a 1 minute window for EVERYONE to change their votes, or itll make a stay room at 50% 2321:< ryanvango> and the rest will all die 2321:< SxwTheCat> work on Canary (Robin replacement) is going well. Looks on target to be done by the 8th 2321:< ryanvango> wulfay you can do ! loot, party, heroes, and flee i believe. 2321:< Wulfay> ah, well I guess you are right. if the tide tips to stay too quickly, a lot will be left behind 2321:< barnum> Round #6, 219 hits! Vemerak HP: 20[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (10.5), ryanvango (10.5), SxwTheCat (6) 2321:< Wulfay> !party 2321:< Wulfay> thanks ryan, i'l ltry them all out 2321:< SxwTheCat> 1/3 of people are already staying 2321:< barnum> THE PARTY: Wulfay (3/71%) and... SxwTheCat (1/68%), ryanvango (12/93%), Wulfay (3/71%) 2321:< ryanvango> you gotta wait a few seconds or barnum hits the limiter 2322:< Wulfay> man, takes a long time to level eh? only get a little bit of xp with each hit it seems 2322:< barnum> Ah spam filter, you cruel and heartless bitch 2322:< barnum> Vemerak is kill! Wulfay picks up [Clamor Box]! LVLs: Wulfay (3/87%), SxwTheCat (1/79%), ryanvango (12/95%) 2322:< Wulfay> !loot 2322:< SxwTheCat> Canary will have no (intrusive) rate limiting 2322:< barnum> A wild Great Wyrm Brass Dragon appeared! HP: 1697[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2322:< ryanvango> wulfay yeah, he may have reworked xp needed to level. so just get in as many 60+ attacks as you can 2323:< Wulfay> I keep asking the bot to speak when it cannot :( I'm sorry mr. barnum bot, hopefully there is a queue system 2323:< SxwTheCat> !commands 2323:< barnum> Round #1, 99 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 1597[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Wulfay (6), ryanvango (4.5), SxwTheCat (3) 2323:< Wulfay> wow, that dragon has a lot of health doesn't it. i bet it will drop something cool though! 2323:< ryanvango> lol sorry. DONT SAY HIS NAME hes a real guy and doing something else i think. and it pings him 2323:< ryanvango> i did it too. sorry b-man 2323:< SxwTheCat> lol 2323:< barnum> Nah, it just spits messages back to me. And when it's an auto message it gets lost to the ether 2323:< Wulfay> i'll be off after we kill this dragon probably, such a huge health pool on that beast 2324:< Wulfay> yeah I figured that much barnum lol, so it goes. the room would be such chaos wihtout the limiter 2324:< ryanvango> ok sxw and wulfay dont say anything for a minute 2324:< barnum> Round #2, 173 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 1424[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Wulfay (13.5), ryanvango (7.5), SxwTheCat (1.5) 2324:< Wulfay> and the reddit servers would probably be on fire at this point. okay i won't command the bot to do anything 2324:< barnum> Yeah, even worse than now 2325:< Wulfay> gotta keep hitting the dragon though. I wonder if the dragon has lived hundreds of years before running into the robin chatroom... 2325:< barnum> Round #3, 28 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 1396[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Wulfay (9) 2325:< ryanvango> please stay quiet. im testing its script for bonus damage with this attack. please remain silent. 2326:< barnum> Round #4, 77 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 1318[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 2326:< ryanvango> ok you can talk again. im gonna use my scripted attacks to kill it faster now. 2326:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 2326:< barnum> Great Wyrms are over 1200 years old. 2326:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 2326:< barnum> You monsters. 2326:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 2326:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 2326:< Wulfay> Oh man, yeah I should start using some scripted attacks... is this part of your test? can you hit it multiple times in between each 2326:< WythDryden> For real 2327:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 2327:< Wulfay> report? 2327:< WythDryden> We have no respect for history or tradition anymore 2327:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 2327:< barnum> Round #5, 523 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 796[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (27), Wulfay (6), WythDryden (3) 2327:< WythDryden> Let's cut down all the forests too 2327:< Wulfay> Yeah it seems to be getting decimated now. Gonna have to try and type faster, i dont have 2327:< ryanvango> holy shit. im getting huge 2327:< Wulfay> any scripted attacks yet, but that's fine, i'll just steram of consicousness this and not 2327:< WythDryden> Sheesh 2327:< barnum> I should make a bot that plays robin rpg. Then we wouldn't even need people. 2327:< cyclingwonder> getting huge you say? 2327:< Sorrento110> Hey guys 2327:< Wulfay> worry about any of the typos that i may get. i wonder if reddit will reward us for this 2327:< Sorrento110> How is everyone? 2327:< WythDryden> Heh, perfect! 2327:< Wulfay> crazy huge chat that we are getting this time around. the grow will be hyuge im betig 2327:< WythDryden> Hey Sorrento110 2328:< barnum> Round #6, 295 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 501[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (18), ryanvango (6), WythDryden (6), Sorrento110 (3), cycling... 2328:< Sorrento110> How has it been going? 2328:< Wulfay> and its gonna hopefully come in time. the damn monster is gonna get wrecked, it is, but who k,nows 2328:< WythDryden> Oh y'know, just destroying history 2328:< Wulfay> how long it will take. going okay sorrento, just sitting here trying to kill this monster begfore 2328:< ryanvango> sorrento110 pretty good. just did a 523 point damage volley:) 2328:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 2328:< Wulfay> i go off and do some actual redditing for hte day. and yeah, ryan has some good scripts 2328:< Sorrento110> holy crap how? 2328:< Sorrento110> how did you do that many points? 2328:< Wulfay> going on there. so i only need 60 character attacks, or only 60 characters remaining attacks? 2329:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 2329:< barnum> Round #7, 290 hits! Great Wyrm Brass Dragon HP: 211[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Wulfay (18), Sorrento110 (9), ryanvango (4.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2329:< Wulfay> that is something that is important to distinguish, because if its only 60 charactesr i can 2329:< ryanvango> because im up to level 12. my 60+ does 77 damage, and i can squeeze in 5 or 6 lines before he updates 2329:< Wulfay> cut down on how much I am tyiping each time. and damn, level 12, that's some dedication 2329:< Sorrento110> 60 character attacks, or 80 characters remaining 2329:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 2329:< Wulfay> okay, 80 characters remaining, sweet that works better than. can bring this down 2329:< barnum> Great Wyrm Brass Dragon is kill! Wulfay picks up [Mindmaster's Eyes]! LVLs: Wulfay (4/47%), Sorrento110 (10/88%), ryanvango (13/10%) 2330:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 2330:< ryanvango> Wulfay, 60 remaining is a good target, but 61+ is what you need for the bonus damage/exp. so really its more like 75 is the marker 2330:< ryanvango> 75 remaining* 2330:< Sorrento110> yea true 2330:< barnum> 1200 years... 2330:< barnum> at least 2330:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 2330:< barnum> Round #1, 261 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 1012[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), ryanvango (6), WythDryden (1.5) 2330:< ryanvango> this is the only time i get to do it, cause i'll be dming haha 2330:< Sorrento110> *Plays Harp of Shattering to break enemies willpower* TSWINGLINGINGLINGLINGLING 2331:< Sorrento110> I think its a good system, just needs more functonality and more concrete commands for attacks and stuff 2331:< Wulfay> Mindmaster Eyes eh! Whoooaaa, okay, so I'll aim for around 75ish, but the monster has been kill so I am off 2331:< ryanvango> Sorrento110 we sarted a guided RPG in chat earlier. was pretty fun. gonna continue in about an hour and a half if yours interested 2331:< Wulfay> !loot 2331:< barnum> Wulfay bag of holding contains 4 shiny things! 2331:< Sorrento110> Oh nice cool 2331:< barnum> Round #2, 325 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 687[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (10.5), ryanvango (9), Wulfay (6) 2331:< Sorrento110> how did you start one? 2331:< Wulfay> how many shiny things do I need for it to enhance my damaging abilities? 2331:< Sorrento110> !loot 2332:< barnum> Sorrento110 bag of holding contains 18 shiny things! 2332:< ryanvango> i suggested it. they made me DM, so now we're making it up as we go along. i make a plot, they do it 2332:< Sorrento110> Cool stuff 2332:< Sorrento110> In the rpg tag? 2332:< ryanvango> yepyep 2332:< Sorrento110> Nice 2332:< Sorrento110> We just fight monsters as it comes and goes then? 2332:< barnum> Round #3, 225 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 462[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: Sorrento110 (7.5), ryanvango (6), Wulfay (4.5) 2332:< ryanvango> we track our own player damage, you can sell stuff to shopkeepers to clear our grouploot slot, etc. 2332:< Sorrento110> oh cool 2333:< Sorrento110> Did everyone check out the subreddit? 2333:< ryanvango> ok well right now, they started in the town of Landow. they heard a thunderclap in the distance. then another. then another... 2333:< ryanvango> so they gathered together, and headed out, fighting monsters along the way. 2333:< barnum> Round #4, 307 hits! Abyss Gigas HP: 154[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), Sorrento110 (4.5) 2333:< ryanvango> then they got to the woods, and still heading to it. its also a perfectly sunny day out, so its a mystery 2333:< Sorrento110> *My Quantum lunges a tentacle at the monster* .:-'``'-:..:--'``'-->~ 2334:< ryanvango> they just found a small hut, and it had a guy in it. they burned the hut to the ground and killed the guy 2334:< Sorrento110> *Uses Steaming Metamagic rod to cast SteamBurst* ------======03)3 2334:< Sorrento110> Oh cool! 2334:< Sorrento110> That sounds like some fun hahahaha 2334:< ryanvango> and found some stuff. but the goal theyre going for is to find out what the thunder is 2334:< barnum> Abyss Gigas is kill! ryanvango picks up [Mantle of Spell Resistance]! LVLs: Sorrento110 (11/10%), ryanvango (13/20%) 2334:< Sorrento110> Its hard to run a full fledged campaign while the bot doesnt have a lot of functionality 2334:< ryanvango> also, because im typing and doing damage, as the DM any loot i get is turned to dust 2334:< barnum> A wild Ancient White Dragon appeared! HP: 1274[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2335:< ryanvango> yeah, but we make it work. like right now, the plot is they're rebuilding the hut for temporary shelter, and hiding the body. 2335:< ryanvango> and killing the monsters as they go through all this 2335:< barnum> Round #1, 258 hits! Ancient White Dragon HP: 1015[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), Sorrento110 (4.5) 2335:< ryanvango> we just assume that if you're not safe in town, you're always defending yourself (endless string of baddies) 2336:< Sorrento110> Yea true. 2336:< barnum> Round #2, 189 hits! Ancient White Dragon HP: 826[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (1.5) 2336:< ryanvango> was kind funny cause right when they left town they were attacked by "the old man". haykam stole his pants. 2336:< Sorrento110> I would work with the guy who is making the bot, but I don't really have time to make any improvements 2336:< ryanvango> they tried to flee and the bot wouldnt let them, so they killed him 2336:< Sorrento110> Lol 2337:< barnum> Round #3, 251 hits! Ancient White Dragon HP: 575[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (9), Sorrento110 (6) 2337:< ryanvango> yeah ive been asking ba--rn--um if he can alter stuff, but we can work around it 2337:< Sorrento110> Can he? I guess he could but If the guy who coded it altered it it would go a lot quicker 2337:< ryanvango> when a formal encounter happens (they found a mythic dragn with like 2000 health) i get to "attack" them 2338:< ryanvango> yeah, b-man can make changes. but i think just minor ones 2338:< barnum> Round #4, 314 hits! Ancient White Dragon HP: 260[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (13.5), Sorrento110 (4.5) 2338:< ryanvango> so everyone has HP. DJ found healer's gloves 2 seconds before I introduced player HP. then used the full charge on a jar. 2338:< ryanvango> cabbage stabbed him in the foot for it. 2338:< SxwTheCat> wait what player xp 2339:< SxwTheCat> er, uh, HP? 2339:< barnum> Round #5, 115 hits! Ancient White Dragon HP: 145[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SxwTheCat (3) 2339:< WythDryden> Hahaha 2339:< barnum> HEROES : thatwentBTE (13/49%), ryanvango (13/27%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), SirCabbage (11/12%), WythDryden (9/85%), Djinneral (9/73%),... 2339:< WythDryden> When did this all go down? 2339:< ryanvango> sxwthecat we started playing a DM (me) lead adventure using the bot and whatever i make up. everyone is attackable now 2339:< ryanvango> im tracking it on a piece of paper 2340:< SxwTheCat> o 2340:< barnum> Ancient White Dragon is kill! SxwTheCat picks up [Pendant of the Blood Scarab]! LVLs: ryanvango (13/29%), SxwTheCat (1/98%), WythDry... 2340:< ryanvango> wythdryden couple hours ago haha. and now n then cabbage talks shit to me, so i zap him with with god powers. 2340:< SxwTheCat> i stab you in the foot 2340:< barnum> A wild Ugash-iram appeared! HP: 1031[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2340:< ryanvango> lol the campaign isnt running right now, but you can't stab me, i dont exist 2340:< WythDryden> Where was I? lol 2340:< SxwTheCat> bye 2340:< ryanvango> i am the architect. the game maker. 2341:< ryanvango> wythdryden, i dont know i think you popped in and left. i dont remember 2341:< barnum> Round #1, 300 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 730[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (15), SxwTheCat (3), WythDryden (1.5) 2341:< WythDryden> Probably leaving work. Stupid work. 2341:< ryanvango> lol jobs. who needs em 2342:< WythDryden> Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em 2342:< barnum> Round #2, 62 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 667[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: WythDryden (3), ryanvango (1.5) 2342:< ryanvango> theres a reason the lottery is successful. and its not cause people think its fun 2343:< barnum> Round #3, 84 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 583[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 2344:< barnum> Round #4, 0 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 583[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: no one :( 2344:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 2344:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 2344:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the ground 2344:< ryanvango> *jabs the echoing magic rod in to its eye socket, pushing it deeper trying to find its brain 2344:< barnum> I feel so dirty. 2344:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous force 2344:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 2344:< barnum> Round #5, 504 hits! Ugash-iram HP: 79[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (27) 2345:< barnum> I just modified the John Madden script to be a robin rpg auto player. 2345:< ryanvango> lol why 2345:< ryanvango> HAHAHAHA yes! 2345:< ryanvango> did you make it abandon? 2345:< ryanvango> wythdryden...you see that damage? alllll me son 2345:< barnum> Ugash-iram is kill! ryanvango picks up [Healer's Burning Glass]! LVLs: ryanvango (13/40%), WythDryden (9/87%) 2346:< ryanvango> oh no! its turned to ash! coulda used that! 2346:< barnum> A wild Minotaur appeared! HP: 203[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2346:< ryanvango> !heroes 2346:< barnum> I basically stripped it of a lot of it out, down to the John Madden facts part, and replaced facts with rpg actions 2346:< ryanvango> !heroes 2346:< barnum> #rpg HEROES : thatwentBTE (13/49%), ryanvango (13/40%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), SirCabbage (11/12%), WythDryden (9/87%), Djinneral (9/... 2346:< barnum> Round #1, 84 hits! Minotaur HP: 118[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (4.5) 2346:< ryanvango> LOL so like what'll it do while active? 2347:< WythDryden> Destroy DMs. :P 2347:< barnum> Round #2, 45 hits! Minotaur HP: 72[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2347:< barnum> Every 10 seconds it sends a message like, "I hit the enemy" but 61 characters long. 2348:< ryanvango> * WythDryden while taking a nap in the comfort of the clearing they made, is suddenly awoken by fire ants in his butthole 2348:< ryanvango> * he suffers extreme pain to his butthole, and 2 points of damage. 2348:< barnum> Minotaur is kill! ryanvango picks up [Armor of Rage]! LVLs: ryanvango (13/45%) 2348:< ryanvango> hahahaha that's awesome. john maddens gonna be a beast 2348:< barnum> A wild Dire Racoon appeared! HP: 77[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2349:< SirCabbage> Mmm dire racoon 2349:< ryanvango> i can kill this in one hit technically. wanna see? its gonna happen 2349:< SirCabbage> *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2349:< barnum> Dire Racoon is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Judicial Hammer]! LVLs: ryanvango (13/47%), SirCabbage (11/15%), WythDryden (9/88%) 2349:< SirCabbage> What was that ryan? :o 2349:< ryanvango> cabbage, I can do almost 500 damage on my own now lol 2349:< SirCabbage> how? 2349:< barnum> A wild Mythic Rakshasa appeared! HP: 743[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2349:< ryanvango> using my scripted attacks, and timing it right 2350:< ryanvango> watch. dont say anything. 2350:< barnum> Round #1, 148 hits! Mythic Rakshasa HP: 594[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: ryanvango (4.5), SirCabbage (3), WythDryden (1.5) 2350:< ryanvango> *charges in to battle atop his mighty Behir "Boof", sitting in his war saddle, smiling creepily at the monster 2350:< ryanvango> *using his deft monk-orcish hands, delivers a flury of mighty strikes to this asshole's asshole 2350:< ryanvango> *enhanced with the echoing metamagic rod, the assault contiues with fists aflame pummeling it in to the groun 2351:< ryanvango> *using all the speed and agility an orc monk can, I dodge in and out of its limbs jabbing upwards with my rod of thunderous forc 2351:< ryanvango> *finally, combining the echoing rod and the rod of thunderous force, one last ultra volley of flaming strikes is delivered. 2351:< ryanvango> *spends the rest of the turn picking up large rocks and dropping them in to SirCabbage's well. wonder if he'll notice 2351:< barnum> Round #2, 509 hits! Mythic Rakshasa HP: 85[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (27) 2351:< SirCabbage> How the hell lol 2351:< ryanvango> BOOOOOOOOOOOM! 2351:< SirCabbage> YOU DOUCHE 2351:< SirCabbage> DONT make my well more heavy 2351:< ryanvango> DAT LEVEL BONUS! 2352:< SirCabbage> *fishes out all the large rocks and throws them at ryan's face for 20 damage. Damn you and your dirty rocks 2352:< cafaxo> how am I still in this chat, I wasn't voting for hours... 2352:< Djinneral> I capture the rakshaka in my spirit bottle 2352:< barnum> Mythic Rakshasa is kill! Djinneral picks up [Mirroring Belt]! LVLs: SirCabbage (11/24%), ryanvango (13/54%), cafaxo (1/64%), WythDry... 2352:< Djinneral> all right night lads 2352:< Djinneral> going to sleep for real now 2352:< barnum> A wild Mortuary Cyclone appeared! HP: 1184[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Join #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2352:< ryanvango> alright man. night night 2352:< WythDryden> Aloha Djinneral 2352:< ryanvango> i love that i made that a scripted attack haha. 2352:< SirCabbage> but 'Scripted' attacks? 2353:< barnum> Round #1, 131 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 1052[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛] +XP: Djinneral (3), ryanvango (3), WythDryden (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2353:< ryanvango> i wanted a way to do a shit ton of damage without having the think. before i was just typing to fill space 2353:< SirCabbage> still seems rather- bottish 2353:< WythDryden> Kind of makes it boring 2353:< ryanvango> i need to come up with a lot more so it doesnt get repetitive, but since I'm DMing I wont be using them anyway 2353:< ryanvango> its just a way for me to see how big of a hit i can do 2354:< barnum> Round #2, 238 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 814[⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜] +XP: ryanvango (10.5), SirCabbage (1.5), WythDryden (1.5) 2354:< SirCabbage> I am surprised you could do it like that anyway 2354:< ryanvango> the idea was to basically write spells. so I could say "I step behind the rakshasa and begin to cast 'unholy cabbage lust" 2354:< ryanvango> then i could just copy and paste the effect description 2355:< barnum> Round #3, 136 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 678[⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), SirCabbage (1.5) 2355:< SirCabbage> Hey, dont you CARE make that cyclone fall for me 2355:< SirCabbage> **Dare 2355:< ryanvango> hahaha dont tell me what to do. if i wanna make you get molested by a grave tornado, its gonna happen 2356:< ryanvango> !loot 2356:< barnum> ryanvango bag of holding contains 40 shiny things! 2356:< SirCabbage> That is rape Ryan, you are assisting rape. Don't you feel even a little guity?! DON'T YOU CARE? 2356:< barnum> Round #5, 97 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 451[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (4.5), ryanvango (1.5) 2357:< ryanvango> I know the correct answer is yes, but that would make me a liar. do you want me to be a rapist AND a liar, cabbage? 2357:< ryanvango> i didnt think so 2357:< barnum> Round #6, 130 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 321[⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜] +XP: ryanvango (6), WythDryden (1.5) 2358:< SirCabbage> *shakes head* I will have to report you to the highest authority 2358:< barnum> HEROES : ryanvango (13/58%), thatwentBTE (13/49%), SirCabbage (11/26%), Sorrento110 (11/13%), WythDryden (9/91%), Djinneral (9/75%),... 2358:< ryanvango> hey im ahead of BTE! thats all i ever wanted! 2358:< SirCabbage> Oi, barnum the rpg bot- ryan is being mean and trying to get people to rape me 2358:< SirCabbage> you have very low ambitions in life- don't you ryan :o 2358:< ryanvango> barnum the rpg bot. cabbage is resisting my attempts to rape him, and slowing our game down 2359:< barnum> Round #7, 273 hits! Mortuary Cyclone HP: 48[⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜] +XP: SirCabbage (10.5), ryanvango (6) 2359:< barnum> You two, calm down, or the next monster out will rape both of you. 2359:< ryanvango> my response to that, cabbage, is an anecdote. when i moved in to this house in january, there was a quarter on the stoop 2359:< barnum> Mortuary Cyclone is kill! ryanvango picks up [Arrowmaster's Bracers]! LVLs: ryanvango (13/61%), WythDryden (9/91%) --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:00:00 2016