--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:52:20 2016 1352:< sotricious> devs are doinga great job 1352:< FriendlyYak> why should one user get everything, always? 1352:< mofosyne> wait what? Did I just read the communist propaganda here? 1352:< mofosyne> bloody communist 1352:< FriendlyYak> just because he has a good name? /u/random 1352:< sotricious> oh, yeah it could be split diff 1352:< Djinneral> but if it is random, what if an individual leaves the moment he wins? 1353:< Djinneral> or what if they win twice in a row 1353:< sotricious> final users all get assigned unique IDs, wallets etc 1353:< FriendlyYak> i'm not sure i can vote for this /u/random 1354:< Djinneral> you might as well put a quid in a box every day 1354:< sotricious> it cannot be secure somehow? 1354:< sotricious> don't know about the tech side 1355:< sotricious> anyway, it's just a stupid showerthought 1356:< FriendlyYak> sotricious if you play it long enought and it is completely random, everyone will get out what he pays. so where is the point in this? 1356:< FriendlyYak> sotricious it's obviously just gambling 1356:< sotricious> we play it for as many days as users 1357:< FriendlyYak> sotricious so your trolling, right? 1357:< sotricious> gambling meets ponzi 1357:< sotricious> dude it's not like i am asking for feed back or promoting 1357:< sotricious> i just said something 1357:< Djinneral> in these sort of schemes whoever is managing is always winning out, which means the player will lose on average 1358:< Djinneral> however like in a ponzi some players can also win 1358:< sotricious> so, no i am not trying to troll anyone 1358:< sotricious> anyway, it's just a showerthought FriendlyYak 1359:< FriendlyYak> sotricious ok :) 1359:< TopicallyDifferent> Politics was always kind of bad anyhow 1400:< sotricious> Back to topic? > Ambassador nolasagne was saying... 1403:< nolasagne> hello was afk for a sec 1404:< sotricious> I, for one, think it's a GREAT idea (the constitution thing) but I am not sure yet. 1404:< sotricious> As someone mentioned somemwhere, "we have peaceful anarchy" in here 1404:< sotricious> so i am not decided... 1404:< nolasagne> they have a lot of users there that were kicked in our spin up 1405:< nolasagne> I'm not saying SoKuku needs soemthing like this 1405:< nolasagne> I just thought it was neat and was bringing it to attention 1406:< sotricious> u did well 1406:< nolasagne> They always hold an election right after merge too 1406:< FriendlyYak> constitution, ... we have a flag! : https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/4dg89c/flag_of_sokukune_the_longestrunning_robin/ 1407:< FriendlyYak> that is at least as important as a constitution 1407:< nolasagne> the last one about 150 people out of about 1800 participated 1408:< nolasagne> that's fucking awesome 1411:< nolasagne> I though Ccande had a flag... I either can't find it or they don't 1412:< lachlanhunt> what do the Japanese (?) letters in the flag mean? 1413:< lachlanhunt> oh, nevermind, read the comments in the post. 1413:< lachlanhunt> clever 1413:< TopicallyDifferent> so ku ku ne 1414:< TopicallyDifferent> Guessing it was made during anime talk, and stormagnet suggested the name 1414:< lachlanhunt> A better variation might be to make it a fully white flag with the red bird in the middle, like the real Japanese flag 1414:< nolasagne> I have a load of stuff to catch up on IRL. I'll see you guys later. 1415:< OrangeredStilton> lachlanhunt: That'd be more of a flag for Robin itself 1415:< FriendlyYak> nolasagne if ccande has a flag, we can merge them 1415:< OrangeredStilton> Which is what I've gone with, having the "Robin flag" as the canton 1415:< lachlanhunt> maybe. I was thinking you could put the green stripes along the top and bottom 1416:< lachlanhunt> Anyway, I'm not a designer. Just thinking out loud. 1416:< FriendlyYak> the parrot has shaped our world greatly. it should be near the robin 1416:< OrangeredStilton> I'd be up for a Maryland-style quartering: Robin/Parrot/Parrot/Robin 1416:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton interesting 1417:< OrangeredStilton> I just don't have the skillz to draw or color a Parrot, even if it's Robin-shaped --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:19:22 2016 1419:< FriendlyYak> me neither 1419:< FriendlyYak> https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRimsvM1c1DRdgyBkJonZaXLf9bLH3JdiYl_PaH5O594hkr8z5J 1420:< FriendlyYak> something like that was on my mind 1421:< sotricious> this is fantastic FriendlyYak 1422:< FriendlyYak> sadly i did not make this :P 1424:< mofosyne> I am a bit surprised that "%chat" is not used in ccand 1424:< FriendlyYak> how do they handle things? 1424:< FriendlyYak> i don't know what goes on there. do they use parrot? 1425:< Djinneral> but why would we have japanese on our flag, we've got literally nothing to do with japan 1425:< FriendlyYak> Djinneral i would prefer a robin and a parrot 1425:< mofosyne> FriendlyYak they use "." apparenly 1426:< FriendlyYak> mofosyne strange folks. are our cultures ready for a merge? 1426:< FriendlyYak> i mean, i'm not opposed to a merge. i'm all for mergin all the way up 1426:< mofosyne> indeed, we will have to brace for the shitpost 1427:< FriendlyYak> oh god, i see protectionism forming 1427:< Djinneral> what exactly is our culture anyway? 1427:< Djinneral> we've got no legal documents like they do!? 1427:< FriendlyYak> like, we have a decent culture 1427:< FriendlyYak> so, i propose we work on a constituion then 1427:< FriendlyYak> or something like that 1427:< Djinneral> the constitution thing is done and dusted we need something different 1428:< FriendlyYak> Djinneral ok you are right 1428:< FriendlyYak> should it specify what scripts we use? 1428:< FriendlyYak> i mean, not even all of sokukune uses parrot 1429:< FriendlyYak> but i think the parrot and the robin are two symbols that stand for our "values" 1429:< andreaplanbee> our culture is peaceful anarchy 1429:< andreaplanbee> idk 1429:< FriendlyYak> obviously we can just adopt whatever they bring into our supergroup 1429:< TopicallyDifferent> I have .,*,>,!!,<3,?!,;chat,:gov open in ccande, ?! and > are ded 1429:< FriendlyYak> but i don't know.. 1429:< mofosyne> are we an anarchist collective? 1429:< TopicallyDifferent> :chat is kind of ded 1429:< andreaplanbee> i mean we dont have leaders 1429:< bananasquid> This parrot script is unbelievably robust 1430:< Djinneral> we believe in growth towards valhalla 1430:< FriendlyYak> i have: ^, % chat, $, #rpg, #pol, penis/ 1430:< Djinneral> thats the one thing that unifies us 1430:< FriendlyYak> bananasquid yes the parrot grants our culture 1430:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm talking about my alt in the tier 14 FriendlyYak 1430:< andreaplanbee> i dont really care if they wanna do the constitution bit, i just hope it isnt too annoying 1430:< FriendlyYak> Djinneral what about the 750 stayers? 1430:< FriendlyYak> TopicallyDifferent isee 1431:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee they have one. even with amendments and stuff 1431:< bananasquid> I subscribe to the constant growth value. We must become the cancer 1431:< andreaplanbee> i knoss 1431:< andreaplanbee> knoww* 1432:< FriendlyYak> that seems like an anachronism to me 1432:< FriendlyYak> bananasquid i'm all for growth. but no cancer 1432:< andreaplanbee> i hope they wrote in a clause that nullifies their document when the room is gone 1432:< mofosyne> bananasquid this script is robust because it was developed organically in an agile dev manner 1432:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee they have two merges until they meet us 1432:< andreaplanbee> yeah hey agile is pretty cool from the user perspective 1432:< mofosyne> most programs fails because we make the dev process too rigid and crap in a corp enviroment 1433:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee maybe the ccande is irrelevant until then 1433:< andreaplanbee> yeah it may very well be FriendlyYak 1433:< andreaplanbee> i mean theyre gonna merge with another group 1433:< andreaplanbee> theyre whole thing will change 1433:< FriendlyYak> andreaplanbee so, how would we make something that is good, and persists? mofosyne 1433:< andreaplanbee> their* omg make me wait 7 seocnds to fix this typo i hat eyou ratelimit 1434:< FriendlyYak> lol 1434:< andreaplanbee> idk i say just do what we've been doing 1434:< FriendlyYak> leading by example it is then 1434:< mofosyne> will we use ":gov"? 1435:< andreaplanbee> and maybe it wont be good no matter what --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:26 2016 1435:< FriendlyYak> it would help if we could anticipate the first letters of our supergroup 1435:< andreaplanbee> "Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory" - leonard nimoy 1435:< mofosyne> remember we can only really have around 7 filters before it gets annoying to use 1435:< FriendlyYak> that would put us ahead in the game 1435:< andreaplanbee> good point mofosyne 1436:< mofosyne> my current list is "%chat,^,$,!,#pol,penis/, #rpg" 1436:< andreaplanbee> what is ! 1436:< mofosyne> no idea... 1436:< FriendlyYak> there is nothing in ! i think 1436:< mofosyne> I presume alerts? 1437:< andreaplanbee> yeah ok thats gonna get weird when the new group merges in with all their own filters 1437:< andreaplanbee> the tribal thing might come back 1437:< mofosyne> well one way we can reduce this, is by adding a default list to the robin-parrot filters 1437:< andreaplanbee> yeah that would definitely be a good solution 1437:< lachlanhunt> Go propose that in the ^ channel 1438:< mofosyne> but then we need to come to an agreement on whats the best list 1438:< andreaplanbee> you could probably look at their list and see what the crossovers are 1438:< andreaplanbee> last time i checked they had like three different 'chill' chats 1438:< andreaplanbee> and 'general' 1438:< lachlanhunt> I've got an alt in another room that seems to have settled in > for general chat. 1439:< mofosyne> or we can post it to the issue page? 1439:< mofosyne> Btw "%chat,^,$,!,#pol,penis/,#rpg" ? whats your preference? 1441:< andreaplanbee> maybe they should just be generic so its easy to see from a new user perspective 1441:< andreaplanbee> like %chat %dev %games etc 1441:< lachlanhunt> I have #pol,%chat,$,^,#rpg in this room 1441:< mofosyne> yea we really need to standardise somewhat 1441:< lachlanhunt> let's take this discussion to the parrot channel ^ 1441:< FriendlyYak> %chat is good. but it would be greater if we had a robin-parrot logo nearby 1442:< andreaplanbee> the custom filters are cute but they are very very confusing for someone who just walked in 1445:< FriendlyYak> ok so i guess the ^ guys might come up with something. :P 1449:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton thanks for the inspiration of your flag 1450:< OrangeredStilton> Have fun with it, it's unpolished 1453:< lachlanhunt> Long lines at the polls in WI today apparently. https://twitter.com/saragoldrickrab/status/717334893408174080 => http://nazar.so/6g3wm 1454:< lachlanhunt> (Hoping that's good for Bernie) 1455:< mofosyne> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/77 posted the issue here now on making a default filter 1455:< lachlanhunt> anyway, it's very late for me. I'll find out in the morning. 1456:< lachlanhunt> good night everyone. 1457:< dashed> heelo? 1457:< mofosyne> ccya lachlanhunt 1457:< dashed> lol 1505:< hennelly14> anyone on here? 1506:< mofosyne> no 1507:< dashed> lol 1547:< loulan> HELLO 1547:< loulan> I WANT TO BE KING 1547:< OrangeredStilton> Try #gov 1551:< loulan> what about a Democratic Shamancy 1551:< Superboy309> vote for Democratic Shamancy 1551:< MobiusCoffee> vote for Democratic Shamancy 1552:< Sir-Rhino> lets go with shamanic republic 1552:< Sir-Rhino> Democratic Shamancy? 1552:< Sir-Rhino> Democratic Shamany? thos in favor ### 1552:< Sir-Rhino> shamancy* 1552:< DadoMcT> or an Empire under my control only maybe 1552:< xadrezo> Whats the greek word for shaman? 1553:< sotricious> σαμάνος 1553:< Sir-Rhino> samanos 1553:< xadrezo> So i'd be a Samanocracy 1553:< sotricious> there isnt one exactly 1553:< Sir-Rhino> Tribe? 1553:< MobiusCoffee> Shamanocracy is an even better word 1553:< Sir-Rhino> Shamanic republic sounds cool tho 1553:< DadoMcT> we haven't even chosen the name yet 1553:< Sir-Rhino> Shamanocracy 1553:< loulan> Shenanigancy 1553:< MobiusCoffee> Sir-Rhino perfect! We're a Shamanic Tribe 1554:< xadrezo> Federated Tribes of Sokuku (FTS)? 1554:< BossColo> Shamanic Tribe makes me think we're a tribe of shamans. 1554:< Sir-Rhino> xadrezo Something like that would be nice 1554:< MobiusCoffee> Is that a bad thing BossColo? 1554:< Sir-Rhino> Shamanic federation of sokuku? 1554:< Sir-Rhino> SFS! 1554:< BossColo> Then the leader would have to have a different title 1554:< MobiusCoffee> hahaha I like that too 1554:< loulan> Egalité, Shamanité, Fraternité 1555:< BossColo> Grand wizard shaman. 1555:< Sir-Rhino> SFS it is i suppose? 1555:< MobiusCoffee> Shamanic Fenderation of soKukuneli 1555:< Superboy309> BossColo I don't think that will work. 1555:< Sir-Rhino> S H A M A N I C F E D E R A T I O N O F S O K U K U 1555:< Sir-Rhino> whoops 1555:< xadrezo> Sokukunian Shamanic Federation (to not rip off the US's name) 1555:< loulan> the leader should be call the Tier 17 Shaman 1556:< loulan> called* 1556:< Sir-Rhino> haha 1556:< DadoMcT> S H A M A N I C F E D E R A T I O N O F P E A M A N 1556:< Internal1> hey all, any progress on merge so farN 1556:< Internal1> ?* 1557:< Superboy309> We will probably merge some time tomorrow 1557:< Internal1> ok thanks 1558:< OrangeredStilton> Though we said that yesterday too 1559:< Superboy309> It took ~30 hours to get another T15, I've been saying Wednesday from the start 1603:< Sir-Rhino> we're fucked 1603:< Sir-Rhino> ccande is fucking is in the asshole after the merge 1603:< ThreeCactiAndACat> wh...what? 1603:< Stjerneklar> huh? :) 1603:< rakki9999112> anyone here? 1604:< Stjerneklar> yeeees 1604:< Internal1> what is this channel for? 1604:< DadoMcT> what is ccade going to do? 1605:< DadoMcT> Internal1 it's for the future government of sokuku 1605:< Internal1> The sub? 1605:< DadoMcT> yes and the chat 1605:< Internal1> good idea 1605:< sotricious> LOL > If you give the letters soKukunelits to a wordfinder > there's a 9-letter word > SKUNKIEST < HAHAHAHAHAH 1606:< sotricious> http://wordfinder.yourdictionary.com/unscramble/eikklnosstuu => http://nazar.so/6skzk 1606:< DadoMcT> We're the sukunkiest sub 1606:< MobiusCoffee> any other future Shamans of SFS want to be a mod at r/SoKukugov ? 1607:< Sir-Rhino> disconnected, anyone say anything? 1607:< xadrezo> hI 1607:< Sir-Rhino> i disconnected, anyone say anything? 1607:< Chartis> Iceland's PM just resigned. https://www.reddit.com/live/wp1fvdxxwb45 1607:< sotricious> Yeas Sir-Rhino, we're the SKUNKIEST 1607:< MobiusCoffee> Sir-Rhina you haven't accepted mod position 1607:< MobiusCoffee> someone doesn't want to be shaman 1607:< sotricious> Sir-Rhino > http://wordfinder.yourdictionary.com/unscramble/eikklnosstuu => http://nazar.so/2egef 1608:< MobiusCoffee> Chartis you're looking for :gov 1608:< sotricious> (If you enter soKukunelits you get skunkiest) 1609:< MobiusCoffee> Sokkus 1610:< Sir-Rhino> well, we have SFS now 1610:< Sir-Rhino> shamanic federation of sokuku 1610:< DadoMcT> what's sfs? 1610:< Sir-Rhino> ^ 1610:< Sir-Rhino> shamanic federation of sokuku 1610:< ThreeCactiAndACat> and we are..sokukians? 1610:< Sir-Rhino> soku's 1611:< rakki9999112> ThreeCactiAndACat we're cucks 1611:< Sir-Rhino> lel 1611:< rakki9999112> socucks 1611:< xadrezo> rakki9999112 this 1611:< DadoMcT> we're so kuks 1611:< keenguitar> SO kukune LIT 1612:< rakki9999112> top cuck 1612:< MobiusCoffee> so kuk 1612:< xadrezo> YES! Were Topcucks 1614:< Sir-Rhino> lel 1614:< MobiusCoffee> so we need to elect a shaman 1614:< MobiusCoffee> someone make a post or something 1614:< xadrezo> what voting system will we use 1614:< Sir-Rhino> or jsut in chat ? 1614:< DadoMcT> i'm the shaman thanks for the title 1614:< MobiusCoffee> whoever has the biggest spirit wins 1614:< MobiusCoffee> LIKE A TRUE SHAMAN 1614:< Sir-Rhino> for one shaman? just majority vote i think? 1615:< xadrezo> Sir-Rhino No please, FTPT is horrible 1615:< DadoMcT> what about chancellor instead of shaman? i think it sounds cool. 1615:< MobiusCoffee> cooler than Shaman? 1616:< xadrezo> We can still call it Shaman, but elect a senate in elections 1616:< MobiusCoffee> okay let's start the votes since we're never going to push it through otherwise 1616:< DadoMcT> people will understand it better 1616:< MobiusCoffee> I nominate Sir-Rhino as a candidate 1616:< DadoMcT> i nominate myself 1616:< FriendlyYak> i also nominate myself 1616:< Sir-Rhino> I accept that nomination, but we will need to find the voting system first 1616:< DadoMcT> vote me pls thank you 1616:< FriendlyYak> wait, for what? 1616:< MobiusCoffee> you can't nominate yourself guys 1616:< Sir-Rhino> Shaman, temporary to set up the constituion therl be later elections 1616:< FriendlyYak> oh we have a shaman now? 1617:< xadrezo> I vote for Sir-Rhino 1617:< DadoMcT> FriendlyYak let's nominate each other 1617:< MobiusCoffee> Any other nominations? 1617:< FriendlyYak> that seems fine 1617:< xadrezo> r/SirRhinoForShaman 1617:< Stjerneklar> i vote for rihno 1617:< MobiusCoffee> right now only Sir-Rhino has been nominated 1617:< Sir-Rhino> <3 1617:< FriendlyYak> well thino it is 1617:< DadoMcT> vote me pls 1617:< MobiusCoffee> guys you're blowing your load too early 1617:< xadrezo> But lets use a better voting system in future 1618:< MobiusCoffee> so before we solidfy Sir-Rhino 1618:< MobiusCoffee> ARE THERE ANY OTHER NOMINATIONS FOR THE CANDIDANCY OF SHAMAN? 1618:< keenguitar> guys do http://www.strawpoll.me/ 1618:< Sir-Rhino> someone set up the poll 1618:< DadoMcT> nominate me 1618:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT I've already used up my nomination 1618:< keenguitar> and we need to spread it on other channels too 1618:< Sir-Rhino> Mobius can you set up the poll? 1618:< MobiusCoffee> apparently no one else trusts anyone here :/ 1619:< MobiusCoffee> we need more nominations before the poll goes live haha 1619:< MobiusCoffee> otherwise it's just a one option poll :D 1619:< Sir-Rhino> the other channels have no interest in us, except maybe %chat 1619:< MobiusCoffee> so let's ask them 1619:< keenguitar> for every nomination I'd say HAVE A DESCRIPTION 1619:< keenguitar> candidates, write your descriptions 1619:< DadoMcT> http://www.strawpoll.me/7287518 1620:< FriendlyYak> we would need multiple people for all timezones 1620:< DadoMcT> Let's be like the Roman consuls 1620:< MobiusCoffee> yes 1620:< FriendlyYak> or am i wrong 1620:< DadoMcT> 2 consuls 1620:< MobiusCoffee> Sir-Rhino, go make a post on the subreddit describing why people should vote for you 1620:< MobiusCoffee> I'll link it in the poll once we're ready 1620:< sotricious> nice one DadoMcT 1620:< Sir-Rhino> on /r/sokukugov 1620:< DadoMcT> Let's campaign here 1620:< marakiri> Guess what I have 1621:< MobiusCoffee> Sir-Rhino yeah 1621:< sotricious> https://imgur.com/zbB92IY < all name are in here 1621:< Sir-Rhino> niiiiice flag 1621:< sotricious> *names 1621:< MobiusCoffee> Are there really no other nominations? No one here wants to reach out for a fellow sokuian? 1622:< marakiri> sotricious nice flaaaag maaaaan 1622:< marakiri> but u have to guess what i have 1622:< Sir-Rhino> can anyone NOT nominat himself? 1622:< Sir-Rhino> i nominate MobiusCoffee 1622:< MobiusCoffee> you can't nominate yourself 1622:< keenguitar> we need a serious poll, on every option have a description! 1622:< marakiri> I nominate ExtraCunt 1622:< sotricious> nah, looks a lot like the LBGT rinbow flag 1622:< Sir-Rhino> who is that? 1622:< MobiusCoffee> brb 1622:< marakiri> even tho i havent seen him since tier 6 1622:< sotricious> *rainbow 1622:< marakiri> : ( 1623:< preggit> sup 1623:< DadoMcT> I will rule for the good of the people if you nominate me 1623:< marakiri> anyone wanna guess what this is: https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ 1623:< keenguitar> BORT 1623:< DadoMcT> i will do good things i guess 1623:< preggit> I accept 1623:< DadoMcT> i will also support memes 1624:< keenguitar> go DadoMcT for dank memes 1624:< marakiri> sigh 1624:< DadoMcT> are the candidates pro grow or pro stay? 1624:< MobiusCoffee> preggit make a post on r/sokukugov saying why people should vote for you 1624:< Sir-Rhino> pro grow here, stay at the end ! prolong the fun! 1625:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT hopefully they let us know in their descriptions 1625:< xadrezo> this is my flag idea: http://i.imgur.com/dvkPARQ.png 1625:< MobiusCoffee> We have 3 nominations Sir-Rhino, MobiousCoffee, and preggit 1625:< keenguitar> oh hey xadrezo 1625:< xadrezo> its not sokuku-specific though 1625:< xadrezo> keenguitar hi (hifaxaus) 1625:< MobiusCoffee> Are there any more nominations? 1625:< DadoMcT> :( 1625:< marakiri> It tallys votes by letter (A, B, C, D, E), votes are stored in the "votes" variable, it adds the results to the chat box in the end 1626:< keenguitar> i nominate xadrezo, if he'd accept 1626:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT you're really getting shafted. No one likes you apparently 1626:< xadrezo> keenguitar What why 1626:< DadoMcT> i like me 1626:< MobiusCoffee> me too <3 1626:< keenguitar> hey you can choose not to 1626:< MobiusCoffee> xadrezo, do you accpet the nomination? 1626:< xadrezo> I'll accept what could possibly go wrong 1627:< FriendlyYak> to write italics /me 1627:< MobiusCoffee> okaywe have 4 nominations. Once the posts are up on r/sokukugov I'll make a strawpoll and we'll start voting 1627:< sotricious> i nominate elginkevin, xSke, OrangeredStilton and khemikooligan 1627:< marakiri> sotricious best nominations ever. I second. 1627:< DadoMcT> what about nigglets lol 1628:< FriendlyYak> xSke and OrangeredStilton i can get behin 1628:< keenguitar> didn't he just comment nigglet? 1628:< keenguitar> on trivia? 1628:< FriendlyYak> oh god we are doomed 1628:< MobiusCoffee> sotricious you can only nominate one person 1628:< sotricious> THIS IS GREAT xadrezo! 1628:< marakiri> MobiusCoffee check out: https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ a viable election script 1628:< xadrezo> sotricious huh? 1628:< DadoMcT> bodacious 1628:< sotricious> oh OK MobiusCoffee 1628:< Khemikooligan> what am i being nominated for? 1628:< MobiusCoffee> marakiri, I am not a programmer so that's kind of useless to me. Sorry :( 1629:< marakiri> OrangeredStilton is my nomination then 1629:< MobiusCoffee> sotricious, who would you like to nominate? 1629:< sotricious> your flag xadrezo! 1629:< marakiri> MobiusCoffee ok... no sweat i think i can get this to work 1629:< xadrezo> sotricious Oh ok, glad you like it 1629:< sotricious> marakiri FTW! 1629:< MobiusCoffee> OrangeredStilton, make a post on r/sokukugov saying why people should vote for you, if you accept 1629:< marakiri> is he online? 1630:< sotricious> xadrezo i think its fantastic, if u ask me that ould be our flag 1630:< MobiusCoffee> no idea 1630:< sotricious> *would 1630:< xadrezo> sotricious Oh wow :3 1630:< sotricious> yeah really, I believe that the flag should not be about robin or sokuku ... 1631:< sotricious> or anyhting. The only things I would like for the flag to convey would be a sense of growing 1631:< sotricious> and for it to be minimalistic 1631:< Khemikooligan> oh wow, electing a shaman? i pass, i only rule from the shadows 1631:< DadoMcT> of staying you mean 1632:< Khemikooligan> marakiri shhhhhh 1632:< marakiri> sotricious there was a whole lot more than just shrooms in there? 1633:< sotricious> makariri and Khem just did a secret wink 1633:< MobiusCoffee> Where are your posts guys? how are we suposed to vote if you haven't written anything about your platform 1633:< sotricious> hahahahaha 1633:< marakiri> i think u should PM the nominated candidates 1633:< keenguitar> guys what do you think of my 2nd flag version? http://imgur.com/9y9AAuY 1633:< MobiusCoffee> so much work 1633:< marakiri> and ask them if they accept nominations 1633:< MobiusCoffee> they did! 1633:< marakiri> they did? 1634:< MobiusCoffee> at least Rhino and two other people 1634:< marakiri> then tell them to make the posts via pm 1634:< MobiusCoffee> yeah that's not a bad idea 1634:< marakiri> oh yeaah rhino definitely 1634:< keenguitar> this flag? http://imgur.com/9y9AAuY opinions? 1634:< MobiusCoffee> xad should be making a post too 1634:< sotricious> I like keenguitar. Any specific symbolism u'd like to share? 1634:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee I'm writing one right now 1635:< keenguitar> the 3 circles are in the shape of an r 1635:< marakiri> xadrezo got nominated? 1635:< sotricious> oh i c 1635:< MobiusCoffee> yeah 1635:< keenguitar> from reddit and robin 1635:< marakiri> also the one with robin and ppls name.. can we print tshirts ? 1635:< Sir-Rhino> Im almost done with my post 1635:< marakiri> wait lemme try out the election script then? 1636:< MobiusCoffee> preggit was the other nomination 1636:< Sir-Rhino> election script? 1636:< MobiusCoffee> then marakiri your nomination seems to be afk 1636:< marakiri> :( 1636:< Sir-Rhino> okaywhat is with the posting to PM? 1636:< MobiusCoffee> ignore it, just make the post 1636:< Sir-Rhino> refreshed marakiri ? 1636:< marakiri> then rhino is my nom 1636:< Sir-Rhino> thanks for your support 1636:< MobiusCoffee> and we'll just stick to strawpoll so people aren't confused 1636:< marakiri> haha anyday 1637:< marakiri> im gonna try an election scrript ok? 1637:< Sir-Rhino> so im all for an election script 1637:< marakiri> https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ this is the script 1637:< marakiri> they using in ccande 1637:< MobiusCoffee> marakiri, if you can work your magic and get it working. We're golden I guess 1637:< marakiri> im gonna try my (extremely ammatuerish) hand at it 1638:< marakiri> but if theres anyone with more dev exp around, you guys do it 1638:< MobiusCoffee> if not, we'll just use strawpoll. It'll work well enough 1639:< keenguitar> do you guys enjoy the flag even with the meme text and stickerbomb? 1639:< keenguitar> or should I make a version without those? 1639:< xadrezo> MobiusCaffee i just read your nomination and we seem to stand for the same things 1640:< MobiusCoffee> xad your post isn't up yet? 1640:< sotricious> can I get a link please MobiusCaffee? to you post? 1640:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee I'm not done writing it yet 1641:< marakiri> say either A B C D E 1641:< DadoMcT> F 1641:< keenguitar> F 1641:< marakiri> : | 1641:< marakiri> ok... theres no output coming... dammit 1641:< DadoMcT> #firstworldanarchists 1641:< MobiusCoffee> D 1642:< DadoMcT> Ayy 1642:< keenguitar> Double D 1642:< MobiusCoffee> sotricious, they'll all be here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1642:< sotricious> cheers! MC 1642:< MobiusCoffee> Sla banorag! 1643:< Sir-Rhino> make sure the bot doesnt break the ratelimit marakiri 1643:< marakiri> Sir-Rhino its not theres no output coming 1644:< marakiri> ok say a letter A-D in caps 1644:< Sir-Rhino> C 1644:< keenguitar> C 1644:< Sir-Rhino> A 1644:< Sir-Rhino> B 1644:< keenguitar> D 1644:< marakiri> nope nothing 1645:< DadoMcT> let's use strawpoll 1645:< Khemikooligan> lol, these tier 6 fools know nothing, they think they dont need parrot, they will learn of their mistake in time 1645:< keenguitar> yeah, marakiri, there's no use in a 1 time script when there's an alternative 1646:< marakiri> please try now 1646:< MobiusCoffee> alright I'll make the strawpoll once the nominees are done writing their posts 1646:< keenguitar> A 1646:< MobiusCoffee> D 1646:< DadoMcT> F 1646:< keenguitar> A 1646:< DadoMcT> Ayy 1647:< Khemikooligan> can i write a post? 1647:< DadoMcT> what if i spam it 1647:< DadoMcT> A 1647:< marakiri> hello? 1647:< marakiri> anyone here? 1647:< keenguitar> yes marakiri? 1647:< DadoMcT> A 1647:< MobiusCoffee> Khemikooligan someone has to nominate you 1647:< keenguitar> huh marakiri messed up the chat, he probably can't see it anymore 1648:< marakiri> i cant see anyones messages but say A-D in caps plz 1648:< keenguitar> C 1648:< Khemikooligan> didn't sotricious nominate me? 1648:< sotricious> no Khem, sry marakiri won 1648:< Sir-Rhino> D 1648:< keenguitar> A 1648:< DadoMcT> Khemikooligan i'll nominate you if you nominate me 1649:< Khemikooligan> lol ok DadoMcT, i nominate you 1649:< marakiri> so nothing huh? 1649:< Sir-Rhino> can we vote on ourself? i suppose not? 1649:< DadoMcT> I nominate Khemicooligan 1649:< Khemikooligan> lol 1649:< MobiusCoffee> hahaha 1649:< marakiri> ill work on it maybe by next election 1649:< MobiusCoffee> quick, go make your platform posts! https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1649:< Sir-Rhino> so we do strawpoll? 1649:< marakiri> have fun laters gonna go get wasted 1649:< DadoMcT> Now for my campaign, titled "Don't vote Khemicooligan" 1649:< MobiusCoffee> yeah we'll use strawpoll 1649:< sotricious> work in your letter marakiri? 1650:< sotricious> *on 1650:< Sir-Rhino> 1 sec. 1650:< Sir-Rhino> posted my thingy 1650:< Sir-Rhino> https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1650:< xadrezo> Done! 1652:< MobiusCoffee> okay we're still waiting on preggit, DadoMcT and Khemikooligan now 1652:< MobiusCoffee> Also if someone can repost a flag picture I'll make that the subreddit image thing 1653:< keenguitar> maybe this? http://imgur.com/9y9AAuY 1653:< xadrezo> when setting up the strawpoll, make sure that you can vote for one or more candidates 1653:< keenguitar> should we vote for flags too? 1653:< xadrezo> this is my flag proposal: http://i.imgur.com/dvkPARQ.png 1653:< Sir-Rhino> yes, enable multi-vote 1654:< MobiusCoffee> we'll have the Shaman pick out the official flag once they 're elected 1654:< MobiusCoffee> it'll be their first act as Shaman 1654:< Sir-Rhino> Ill let you guys vote on it if i get elected 1654:< xadrezo> same, because im biased on the flag topic 1654:< Sir-Rhino> Unless you want me to do it, i side with the people 1654:< MobiusCoffee> I'll use the goofy one on r/sokukuneli for now 1655:< keenguitar> I'll make the strawpoll for flags 1655:< MobiusCoffee> no strawpoll yet keenguitar! 1655:< MobiusCoffee> it's up to the future Shaman if there's even a vote 1655:< keenguitar> oh ok, sure 1655:< Sir-Rhino> people, amke sure to read the posts made by the nominees in /r/sokukugov 1656:< DadoMcT> i'm writing 1656:< xadrezo> i took way to long to write my post 1657:< Sir-Rhino> same haha, i wanted to make it special 1657:< MobiusCoffee> Sir-Rhino, I'll link the posts in the strawpoll as well 1658:< Sir-Rhino> great! MobiusCoffee 1658:< MobiusCoffee> also xad, how many votes do you think people should get in the strawpoll? 1658:< MobiusCoffee> I don't think giving peple infinite votes is a good idea really 1658:< Sir-Rhino> imo 2 max 3 1658:< Sir-Rhino> i think 2 1658:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee I'd say let them vote for as many candidates they want 1659:< MobiusCoffee> hmm, what are other people's opinion on this? 1659:< keenguitar> either unlimited or 1 1700:< xadrezo> i say unlimited votes to prevent minority rule 1700:< mr_mustash> Allowing for only 1 vote is pretty bad, since it's first past the post voting. 1700:< mr_mustash> Asking for the first, second, and third choice candidates is best. 1700:< DadoMcT> votes = candidates/2 rounded down 1700:< Sir-Rhino> yeah, i agree just make it unlimited 1700:< Sir-Rhino> or what DadoMcT says, but unlimited is good too 1701:< MobiusCoffee> we'll just put it as unlimited for now and see how it goes 1701:< Sir-Rhino> mr_mustash yes, but im not sure strawpoll alaws you to do that 1701:< Sir-Rhino> see how it goes? 1701:< MobiusCoffee> yeah I mean, if everyone just votes everyone than it'll be obvious or something :P 1701:< MobiusCoffee> *then 1702:< Sir-Rhino> how long to vote after the link is posted? 1702:< MobiusCoffee> I feel like we should have a decent window 1703:< MobiusCoffee> who are we waiting for now? preggit and someone else I think 1703:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT. Is preggit actually writing something? 1703:< Sir-Rhino> deffo no less than 5 minutes, but maybe 30 min. is overkill 1703:< keenguitar> 1 hour I would say 1703:< xadrezo> id say 15 mins 1703:< MobiusCoffee> yeah I was thinking more in the 20 min - 2 hours range 1704:< MobiusCoffee> time zones and all that 1704:< DadoMcT> MobiusCoffe how would i know 1704:< Sir-Rhino> yeah, making it too long will just drag this out, an not improve anything i think 1704:< DadoMcT> Mobiles coffee /\ 1704:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT that was a continuation of my other thought :P how's your post coming? 1704:< DadoMcT> good i think 1705:< MobiusCoffee> alright then let's settle on 20-30 minutes? Does 25 minutes sound good to everyone? 1705:< Sir-Rhino> 15 minutes seems pretty alright 1705:< MobiusCoffee> 20 minutes is a nice compomise I think 1705:< Sir-Rhino> 20 is good by me 1705:< MobiusCoffee> gives me time to go buy a kebab too 1705:< xadrezo> agree 1705:< keenguitar> 20 k 1706:< Sir-Rhino> people, please dont post this to other rooms and all, this is our own election :) 1706:< MobiusCoffee> We can post it to %chat? 1706:< Sir-Rhino> sokuku only 1706:< keenguitar> why is it private? 1706:< MobiusCoffee> ah that yeah 1706:< Sir-Rhino> sure %chat is fair 1706:< xadrezo> ok 1706:< keenguitar> how are we an authority if we're private? 1706:< MobiusCoffee> I think we should put one link in the chaos too 1706:< DadoMcT> 20 min to write or to vote? 1706:< MobiusCoffee> 20 minutes to vote 1706:< Sir-Rhino> vote, after poll is released 1707:< MobiusCoffee> once we have all hte platoforms written 1707:< MobiusCoffee> If preggit still isn't done by the time DadoMcT finishes I'm giving up on them 1708:< DadoMcT> i'm still writing 1708:< keenguitar> MobiusCoffee wouldn't that be "illegal"? 1709:< Sir-Rhino> hahahaaa 1709:< MobiusCoffee> hey now 1709:< Sir-Rhino> jk jk 1709:< xadrezo> Panama has got to be the new politics related meme 1709:< MobiusCoffee> it's like the 1910s all over again 1710:< xadrezo> the 1910s must have been a terrible decade to live in 1710:< Sir-Rhino> https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1710:< MobiusCoffee> so while we wait 1712:< DadoMcT> almost ready 1712:< Sir-Rhino> my body is ready 1713:< MobiusCoffee> also guys 1713:< MobiusCoffee> Shaman gets to decide our official song 1713:< MobiusCoffee> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkADj0TPrJA 1714:< OrangeredStilton> Hold on, hold on. Are these nominations for shaman? 1714:< MobiusCoffee> yes 1714:< xadrezo> The video has been blocked by GEMA 1714:< OrangeredStilton> I decline. I already work 90 hours a week ;) 1714:< MobiusCoffee> hahaha 1714:< MobiusCoffee> xad, let me find a shadier youtube link 1714:< MobiusCoffee> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mt0ee9FraQ 1715:< xadrezo> uh-huh 1715:< DadoMcT> DONE 1715:< MobiusCoffee> alright that's the bell's ringing nominations are in 1716:< MobiusCoffee> they've written their platform. We're on the the cusp of the vote 1716:< Sir-Rhino> https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1716:< Sir-Rhino> made some edits to mine, nothing big 1716:< sotricious> Hey MobiusCoffee maybe we shouldnt be in such a hurry. Maybe you gotta give some more hours... 1716:< MobiusCoffee> Should I do normal duplication checking or permissive? 1717:< xadrezo> normal 1717:< MobiusCoffee> sotricious, yeah I thought that, but everyone is eager haha 1717:< sotricious> I mean, way too many ppl are going to wake up into a ... ne leader? 1717:< sotricious> *new 1717:< MobiusCoffee> happens. we need a leader to get started. if everyone's pissed Shaman can call new elections 1717:< sotricious> hahaha 1717:< jayman419> Why do we need a leader again? I may have missed the beginning. 1718:< MobiusCoffee> do we want CAPTCHA? 1718:< DadoMcT> Read my campaign and ask me anything 1718:< DadoMcT> https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/comments/4dhf6k/dadomcts_campaign_for_the_future/?ref=share&ref_source=link => http://nazar.so/6b403 1718:< jayman419> That's why you want to be leader. Why do we "need" one? 1718:< Sir-Rhino> yes captcha 1718:< MobiusCoffee> jayman419, the real reason is it's just some fun 1719:< MobiusCoffee> the other chat is apparently more organized than we are so we're having some fun getting organized 1719:< DadoMcT> i wrote on the post what i'll do, that's why you need me 1719:< xadrezo> we need a leader to write a constitution and sort out things related to that task 1719:< MobiusCoffee> Alright guys 1719:< xadrezo> hyyype 1719:< DadoMcT> The constitution will be written by a group 1720:< MobiusCoffee> http://strawpoll.me/7288062 1720:< jayman419> Just don't forget they're also smaller, slower, and trying to reach our level. But there's no harm in having fun with it, I reckon. 1720:< keenguitar> woa 1720:< Sir-Rhino> constitution will be primary order after elections, and noone will be left out. 1721:< DadoMcT> A temporary constitution will be written by ~5 people, then a permanent one if we make a sub 1721:< MobiusCoffee> someone link the strawpoll to the unfiltered chat as well 1722:< DadoMcT> the unfiltered can see us 1722:< MobiusCoffee> So voting stops at 19:40 GMT+1 1722:< MobiusCoffee> I'm off to get a kebab 1722:< DadoMcT> remember to vote 1722:< sotricious> well, actually, the first 'referendum' should be about the need or not of any form of gov < my 2c 1722:< DadoMcT> i vote yes 1723:< DadoMcT> yes to the referendum 1723:< Khemikooligan> i don't believe in a shill government but i voted you DadoMcT since you nominated me 1723:< DadoMcT> Thank you Khemicooligan, what do you mean? 1724:< Khemikooligan> we dont need a gov, anarchy is more fun, especially on the internet 1724:< keenguitar> flag variant 3 http://imgur.com/0M0JTJY 1724:< MobiusCoffee> make sure to keep getting the strawpoll out there 1725:< Sir-Rhino> keenguitar good job, is there any specific meaning to the three dots? 1726:< Sir-Rhino> what happens in case of a tie? 1726:< keenguitar> Sir-Rhino it's an r, from reddit and robin 1726:< Sir-Rhino> ooooh nice, didnt realize 1726:< keenguitar> but you can suggest some other symbol 1726:< Sir-Rhino> i like it, now that i know 1728:< Khemikooligan> lol, 18 votes out of 3k 1729:< Khemikooligan> sounds like democracy 1729:< sotricious> lol @khem 1729:< keenguitar> so true to life 1730:< keenguitar> 20 minute window has got to be the most democratic part 1730:< DadoMcT> it's temporary 1730:< sotricious> hahahaha 1731:< Sir-Rhino> it's a chat room keenguitar , we could let people vote for three days, but by that time there not much point anymore 1732:< Sir-Rhino> unfortunately 1732:< DadoMcT> you can see in my campaign that i will open broader and fairer elections when the right time comes 1732:< keenguitar> :D 1732:< Sir-Rhino> just like anyone in his right mind, wouldn't want to upset 3k internetters 1732:< Sir-Rhino> :P 1732:< xadrezo> What do you mean by "broad and fair elections"? its such a vague term 1732:< keenguitar> ^triggered 1733:< Sir-Rhino> MobiusCoffee check the results, what happens if there is a tie? 1733:< DadoMcT> everyone in the sub/chat can vote and the news will be spread better and we will have more time 1733:< MobiusCoffee> uuh 1733:< xadrezo> Coalition government? 1733:< MobiusCoffee> yeah should make a post on the various sokuku subs 1733:< sotricious> "just like anyone in his right mind, wouldn't want to upset 3k internetters"words of wisdom by Sir-Rhino 1734:< Sir-Rhino> haha 1734:< MobiusCoffee> hardly anyone has voted 1734:< MobiusCoffee> and I know some of you are voting in incognito mode 1734:< MobiusCoffee> voter fraud abound 1734:< keenguitar> can you see ip's or what? 1734:< Khemikooligan> im gonna get the people in my T8 room to rig the election for Dado 1734:< Sir-Rhino> you put it to normal right? then its still same IP in incognito 1735:< MobiusCoffee> ah alright 1735:< Sir-Rhino> so incognito should be blockedno? 1735:< MobiusCoffee> I'm going to eat 1735:< keenguitar> incognito shouldn't work 1735:< xadrezo> 99% nonvoters sheesh 1735:< MobiusCoffee> I'll be back probably in ~10 minutes 1735:< DadoMcT> thank you Khemikooligan i mean don't do it it's undemocratic... 1735:< keenguitar> the Tor Browser would work 1735:< keenguitar> but I promise I didn't use it 1736:< Khemikooligan> wel if they merge with us then it will be legitimized 1736:< Sir-Rhino> yeah, Khemikooligan thats gonna make things nasty for DadoMcT ... 1736:< DadoMcT> i didn't use tor it's not like i'm intent on world domination or something 1736:< Sir-Rhino> ONLY then, right now they ar NOT part of Sokuku 1737:< Khemikooligan> well you know where i stand, anarchy for all, its not like i can be kicked from here 1737:< Khemikooligan> but i wont do it 1738:< Sir-Rhino> ^ 1738:< DadoMcT> the world is anarchic unless someone catches you 1740:< Sir-Rhino> 20 minutes are over i think?? 1740:< keenguitar> 3 way tie 1740:< Sir-Rhino> lel 1740:< DadoMcT> three consuls? 1740:< Sir-Rhino> >.< 1740:< Sir-Rhino> i agree 1740:< DadoMcT> at least we can control each other 1740:< keenguitar> I second this motion 1740:< Khemikooligan> its a philosophical question: do you want absolute order or absolute freedom? One is totalitarianism and the other lawlessness 1741:< Sir-Rhino> Im sure MobiusCoffee will agree, once he is back 1741:< Sir-Rhino> ima grab an eat too now 1741:< Khemikooligan> if i had to choose i would pick anarchy 1741:< Sir-Rhino> hey lol look at the results nopw >.< 1742:< keenguitar> damn, 2 way tie 1742:< Khemikooligan> i hope people keep voting for a tie, thats almost as good as not voting 1742:< Sir-Rhino> well, to be fair, it was 3-way, before the poll closed 1742:< keenguitar> nah it didn't close if it's collecting 1742:< xadrezo> now its 3-way again gg 1742:< DadoMcT> will it ever close? 1742:< Sir-Rhino> it closed after 20 minutes, yes its still collecting and it will for a decade 1742:< Khemikooligan> haha, this is great! 1743:< Sir-Rhino> so its 3-way 1743:< xadrezo> lets just not count the votes after deadline 1743:< Sir-Rhino> precisely, it was 3-way at close 1744:< Sir-Rhino> so, if MobiusCoffee agrees, itll be a three-way leadership :P maybe we can take each a department idk 1744:< DadoMcT> we'll see 1744:< keenguitar> what will be the departments? ideas? 1745:< DadoMcT> we can always kill each other 1745:< Khemikooligan> one will be president, one congress, and one supreme court, and nothing will get done like always 1745:< keenguitar> Dank Meme department?> 1745:< Sir-Rhino> dont think departments will be a great idea 1745:< DadoMcT> we are an emergency government, we don't have separation of powers (i think) 1746:< Khemikooligan> good thing about 3 people is they cant tie if they vote on decisions 1746:< Sir-Rhino> well deal with that in the constitution 1746:< DadoMcT> anyway a supreme court would be useless, the only useful thing would be the title 1746:< Sir-Rhino> what Khemikooligan says 1747:< DadoMcT> we can't enforce our rules here, we could do it in our hypothetical future subreddit 1748:< Sir-Rhino> we totally should keep our sub alive, roleplay galore 1748:< Khemikooligan> we could just all be mods then, #gov would take over like true illuminati 1748:< DadoMcT> ./r/soKukuandccandles or whatever will be the illuminati 1749:< Khemikooligan> yes 1749:< Sir-Rhino> yes 1749:< DadoMcT> yes 1749:< keenguitar> yes 1749:< Sir-Rhino> hopefully someone from sokukugov will be mod and unmod the rest and mod all sokuku officials 1749:< keenguitar> cool, that should be the end-game goal 1749:< Sir-Rhino> but, far stretch 1749:< DadoMcT> I think there should be a campaign for stays after the next merge 1750:< DadoMcT> maybe a kind soul will mod us 1750:< Sir-Rhino> you want to stay immediately after merge DadoMcT ? 1750:< DadoMcT> right now we're talking between ourselves about making ourselves mods 1751:< Sir-Rhino> why not keep the room around longer and then staying? 1751:< keenguitar> don't the first in the list get to be mods? 1751:< Sir-Rhino> lol the sub that will be created by staying will die a horrible death in 48 hours 1751:< DadoMcT> Sir-Rhino, That seems like the best option to me, making people stay will take time 1751:< Sir-Rhino> no keenguitar its random 1751:< DadoMcT> are you sure? 1751:< xadrezo> I thought it was the first 5 1751:< MobiusCoffee> I'm back 1751:< keenguitar> Sir-Rhino maybe we will be the exception 1751:< Sir-Rhino> not if we are smart and coordinate with robin-grow and parrot authors 1752:< xadrezo> Hey MobiusCoffee the result is a 3-way tie 1752:< elphabaisfae> hello, I'm the current president of candye 1752:< jayman419> It's random. I thought it was the first five, I was in a room that drew those as the mods. But the next one was different. 1752:< Sir-Rhino> Hey MobiusCoffee its a three-way tie with us and DadoMcT 1752:< MobiusCoffee> Doesn't look to be a tie anymore 1752:< DadoMcT> apparently i won the poll now 1752:< Sir-Rhino> not anymore but the time has run out 1752:< keenguitar> but more than 20 mins passed 1752:< sotricious> elphabaisfae. hello. we've been expecting you. 1752:< Sir-Rhino> DadoMcT and me agreed on a 3-way leadership, do you agree? 1752:< MobiusCoffee> in any case, I give up my place for the sake of simplicity 1753:< sotricious> lol 1753:< Sir-Rhino> leeeel 1753:< DadoMcT> the time has run out, it's a tie but i have 1 more vote 1753:< MobiusCoffee> oooor 1753:< Sir-Rhino> so twoway then DadoMcT? 1753:< Sir-Rhino> MobiusCoffee ? 1753:< DadoMcT> Sir-Rhino it's a difficult situation, the poll hasn't ended on the site but i'm not trying to impose myself 1753:< MobiusCoffee> we have a second round election with just us 1754:< Sir-Rhino> the poll has no ending option 1754:< elphabaisfae> k, i can't get my filters working here, this is annoying as hell. lol 1754:< Sir-Rhino> takes time ;.; 1754:< keenguitar> elphabaisfae what are you talking about? 1754:< xadrezo> either we have a coalition or a second ballot 1754:< MobiusCoffee> yeah, but it'll be a better solution 1754:< MobiusCoffee> second ballot is better imo 1754:< elphabaisfae> i don't have parrot, assistant, or robin on this window right now. 1755:< xadrezo> i've got to go for now 1755:< MobiusCoffee> who was the 3-way tie with 1755:< xadrezo> ill be back in 30 mins 1755:< DadoMcT> i think at least 2 consuls is best 1755:< MobiusCoffee> me, rhino, and dado? 1755:< keenguitar> yes 1755:< Sir-Rhino> my connection just shitted itself, did i miss anything? 1756:< keenguitar> MobiusCoffee who was the 3-way tie with? 1756:< sotricious> elphabaisfae, good luck 1756:< DadoMcT> keenguitar, it was MobiusCoffe, Sir-Rhino and me 1756:< elphabaisfae> robin-grow just got updated again, the writer's in the ccande room 1757:< Sir-Rhino> It was Me MobiusCoffee and DadoMcT 1757:< MobiusCoffee> http://strawpoll.me/7288455 1757:< MobiusCoffee> let's get our Shaman elected! 1757:< Sir-Rhino> dont update your script people, they are rigged with stay 1757:< keenguitar> lol is it really? 1758:< MobiusCoffee> this poll will close at 20:20 GMT+1 1758:< DadoMcT> which script? 1758:< Sir-Rhino> i think so, i dont trust ccande 1758:< Sir-Rhino> robin-grow 1758:< Sir-Rhino> but maybe im wrong 1759:< DadoMcT> it would bring a lot of drama 1759:< Sir-Rhino> yes, and i dont like drama, i just want a fun time 1759:< DadoMcT> MobiusCoffee which poll will end at 20:20 GMT+1? 1759:< Sir-Rhino> check :rebels on ccande 1759:< keenguitar> Sir-Rhino can you link the code? 1759:< MobiusCoffee> this new one DadoMcT 1800:< MobiusCoffee> giving it the same ~20 minute window 1800:< Sir-Rhino> http://strawpoll.me/7288455 1800:< Sir-Rhino> mvartan.com/robin 1800:< MobiusCoffee> everyone uses parrot these days 1801:< DadoMcT> I use like 3 different scripts 1802:< Sir-Rhino> parrot only here 1802:< MobiusCoffee> that kebab really hit the spot guys 1802:< MobiusCoffee> I'm feeling the itus 1802:< Sir-Rhino> MobiusCoffee Hmmm right there..... 1803:< Sir-Rhino> because they planned to do that 1803:< MobiusCoffee> leaked documents 1804:< Sir-Rhino> what time did the vote satrt? i refreshed 1804:< MobiusCoffee> these flag designs are really cool 1804:< MobiusCoffee> we're stopping at 20:20 GMT+1 1804:< keenguitar> well if they considered it, it doesn't seem to be implemented yet 1805:< Sir-Rhino> you mean gmt+2 summertime and all 1805:< MobiusCoffee> right that 1805:< MobiusCoffee> The biggest thing that annoys me about living in Europe in the summer is how the sun never goes down 1805:< MobiusCoffee> it'll be 10 at night and the sun's up 1806:< Sir-Rhino> harder to fall asleep at night 1806:< MobiusCoffee> I always forget to eat dinner 1806:< Sir-Rhino> yeaht i love summer, im happy its finally starting to get warm 1806:< keenguitar> oh god sleeping in the summer is horror to me 1806:< Sir-Rhino> mosquitos -.- 1806:< keenguitar> nah I got that covered, I have a filter 1806:< keenguitar> on my window, it's the heat that I don't like 1807:< MobiusCoffee> Really, I don't mind the heat or the cold 1807:< MobiusCoffee> what I hate is the change 1807:< keenguitar> I get really unconfortable about sleeping temperature 1807:< keenguitar> I try to get a good combination everytime, I sleep with a leg out or such 1808:< keenguitar> but when it's too hot I have no control 1808:< MobiusCoffee> sleep naked 1808:< Sir-Rhino> thats what i do sometimes :3 1809:< keenguitar> well then I guess I'll try but it will be weird 1809:< MobiusCoffee> eh 1809:< MobiusCoffee> we're all naked underneath our cloths 1809:< MobiusCoffee> cloths are like really tight blankets 1809:< DadoMcT> we all have a spooky skeleton inside us 1810:< MobiusCoffee> doot doot 1810:< keenguitar> there's a reverse muffin top inside of everyone 1810:< un6952db> r/showerthoughts 1810:< keenguitar> that's weird 1812:< Sir-Rhino> 8 minutes left http://strawpoll.me/7288455 1813:< keenguitar> VΛPΣПΛTIӨП 1813:< DadoMcT> go green 1814:< keenguitar> papa bless 1815:< Sir-Rhino> 2 edgy 4 me 1816:< MobiusCoffee> last minute promotion seems to have caused a tie :P 1816:< MobiusCoffee> oooh 1817:< Sir-Rhino> 11-10 nooo 1818:< MobiusCoffee> 2 minutes left 1818:< Sir-Rhino> 11 -11 2 edgy for me 1818:< elphabaisfae> okay, finally got my filters going. What's up? 1818:< keenguitar> CHINA 1818:< Sir-Rhino> http://strawpoll.me/7288455 vote for the shaman! 1819:< DadoMcT> Vote for me! 1819:< Khemikooligan> DadoMcT i did 1820:< Sir-Rhino> at least i can take a break now, congratulations DadoMcT ! 1820:< MobiusCoffee> DING DING DING 1820:< MobiusCoffee> Dado is now our offiical Shaman and fearless leader 1820:< Sir-Rhino> ill add you to the constitution docor do you want to make one yourself? 1821:< elphabaisfae> ah, you guys are doing a constitution too? nice 1821:< DadoMcT> I'm not going on the constitution, I'm not Kim Il-Sung. 1821:< MobiusCoffee> DadoMcT as your first decree, what is the flag 1821:< MobiusCoffee> and you have free reign over the subreddit 1822:< Sir-Rhino> not ON the constitution i meant to the editors of the doc 1822:< DadoMcT> I don't know, a white robin on a black background maybe? 1822:< Sir-Rhino> what abou the current designs that were made? 1822:< DadoMcT> They are cool 1822:< MobiusCoffee> someone had them, I didn't keep track 1823:< MobiusCoffee> I think keenguitar was working on a bunch 1823:< xadrezo> my design: http://i.imgur.com/dvkPARQ.png 1823:< Sir-Rhino> that ornage reminds me so much of abandon lol 1823:< keenguitar> my latest http://imgur.com/0M0JTJY 1823:< Sir-Rhino> i like keenguitar 's flag 1823:< MobiusCoffee> xad's looks more like a real flag 1824:< MobiusCoffee> Keen's look's cool though 1824:< keenguitar> this is my latest: http://imgur.com/0M0JTJY 1824:< xadrezo> i've used the standard reddit colours to represent reddit; the golden stripe is the "golden path" up 1824:< keenguitar> can't even re-link mine again 1824:< Sir-Rhino> maybe, but are we a /real/ country? we can have anything we want 1824:< keenguitar> i guess spam filter 1824:< keenguitar> http://imgur.com/0M0JTJY 1824:< Sir-Rhino> brb 1824:< DadoMcT> up in the sense clicking grow? xadrezo 1825:< xadrezo> DadoMcT that's one possible interpretation yes 1826:< Sir-Rhino> add a grow symbol in the middle of the line? 1826:< Sir-Rhino> i dunno if those colors would fit nicely tho 1826:< DadoMcT> xadrezo what i know is that probably it will be part of our coat of arms 1827:< DadoMcT> if we'll have one 1827:< DadoMcT> we can't put vote propaganda on the flag 1827:< xadrezo> Sir-Rhino as i said, thats one interpretation, another definition could be that the golden stripe stands for compromise and centrism 1828:< Sir-Rhino> true DadoMcT 1828:< DadoMcT> yes xadrezo, your flag is not vote propaganda 1829:< xadrezo> I dont want my flag design to be propaganda 1830:< Sir-Rhino> true, now i like both flags equally 1831:< keenguitar> new flag version coming up 1831:< Sir-Rhino> keenguitar exciting 1832:< keenguitar> simpler flag: http://imgur.com/KcjVOQ9 1832:< Sir-Rhino> nice 1833:< Sir-Rhino> if those bar would be reddit-red id vouch for it 1833:< Sir-Rhino> or not idk 1833:< Sir-Rhino> Its The Great Shamans descision 1833:< keenguitar> well I chose those top and bottom bars to be the no vote color 1833:< Sir-Rhino> reddit-red is no vote color 1834:< keenguitar> then what RGB code is reddit red? 1834:< Sir-Rhino> its somewhere, let me see 1834:< xadrezo> i've used #ff4500 1834:< Sir-Rhino> see https://www.reddit.com/about/alien/ 1834:< keenguitar> allright, red it will be 1835:< keenguitar> should I do a better job at aligning the circles too? 1835:< keenguitar> that's been standing out to me 1835:< DadoMcT> https://www.ted.com/talks/roman_mars_why_city_flags_may_be_the_worst_designed_thing_you_ve_never_noticed?language=en => http://nazar.so/8rmqd 1835:< Sir-Rhino> aren't they? they should :P 1836:< DadoMcT> there is a ted talk about the rules of flags /\ 1836:< Sir-Rhino> check https://reddit.com/r/vexilloligy or however you spell that 1837:< xadrezo> I like r/vexillology 1837:< un6952db> you might like this https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/4c0wwq/a_comparison_between_national_flags/?ref=search_posts => http://nazar.so/7xun2 1837:< Sir-Rhino> i saw that one, very interesting 1837:< DadoMcT> 1 simple enough that a child could draw it from memory 1838:< MobiusCoffee> I really like xad's flag 1838:< DadoMcT> 2 meaningful symbolism 1838:< Sir-Rhino> simplicity is a plus yeah 1838:< DadoMcT> 3 have 2-3 basic colours 1839:< MobiusCoffee> I would put a sticker of xad's flag on something 1839:< DadoMcT> 4 is ok too sometimes 1839:< MobiusCoffee> like the book of history that we present to our young 1839:< DadoMcT> the rules aren't absolute 1839:< MobiusCoffee> when they are still in the larval stage 1839:< sotricious> if xadrezo somehow represents connentions (somehow) with his or her color palette....? 1840:< sotricious> *connections 1840:< MobiusCoffee> I'm getting silly guys 1840:< DadoMcT> yes, and the fusion of chats 1841:< xadrezo> hmmm i have an idea 1842:< sotricious> me too. brb 1852:< Sir-Rhino> just came back, whats going on? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:29 2016 1853:< MobiusCoffee> some ELECT meme in %chat 1854:< xadrezo> This is my second idea: http://i.imgur.com/6ad2HI2.png , it repesents the merging of chats --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:41 2016 1855:< Sir-Rhino> well, stay too, theres blue 1856:< Sir-Rhino> make that green 'the color os Sokuku' 1856:< xadrezo> well when i'm honest one could argue that all three voting options are now represented 1856:< Sir-Rhino> we just have to figure out what that color is --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:41 2016 1856:< Sir-Rhino> yeah true, but grow is still in the middle and the others off to the side 1856:< Sir-Rhino> but its smaller as well so.... 1857:< Sir-Rhino> gtg ppl 1857:< xadrezo> the green i used is #FF337321 1857:< Sir-Rhino> cya later tonight 1857:< keenguitar> I made yet another flag variant 1857:< xadrezo> ok see ya Sir-Rhino 1857:< Sir-Rhino> bye 1857:< keenguitar> cya Rhino, stay for the flag a bit maybe? 1857:< keenguitar> it's uploading 1858:< MobiusCoffee> test 1858:< xadrezo> works 1859:< Hug_The_NSA> I had to reinstall robin grow to get the filter working at the latest update 1859:< DadoMcT> i have an idea, to make all factions equal put grey for no vote and make a cross 1859:< xadrezo> but not voting is not really a faction 1900:< Sir-Rhino> do you want to represent an abstaining government? 1900:< Sir-Rhino> anyway im really off now cay 1900:< DadoMcT> so grey isn't an option 1901:< DadoMcT> abandon isn't really a faction either 1901:< DadoMcT> we could do: large stay stripe, small abandon stripe, small grey stripe, large grow stripe 1902:< xadrezo> the colours would clash and i'd would look ugly 1902:< keenguitar> or did you decide for xadrezo's design? 1902:< keenguitar> should I not bother? 1902:< xadrezo> right now everything is up for debate 1904:< DadoMcT> I have to go away from the chat right now, maybe I'll join later. Tomorrow i'll be here. 1905:< xadrezo> ok 1905:< MobiusCoffee> O GREAT SHAMAN 1906:< MobiusCoffee> choose a flag before you leave 1906:< MobiusCoffee> don't leave us hanging :D 1907:< xadrezo> http://i.imgur.com/jJKrzDO.png <-- better version of version 2 (now the white stripes are the same width) 1908:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo oh that is nice and colorful 1908:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo and simple-isch 1908:< MobiusCoffee> Makes me think of the South African falg 1910:< keenguitar> xadrezo nice flag, I guess it won the heart of the shamans 1911:< MobiusCoffee> keenguitar, your design is great too. It just made me think more of like... a website or a logo than a flag 1911:< xadrezo> Keens designs are really cool looking (maybe we can make it the goverment logo?) 1914:< keenguitar> I have to sleep, have a good day/night & see you tomorrow 1914:< xadrezo> keenguitar good night 1914:< MobiusCoffee> g'night! 1915:< keenguitar> o/ 1915:< MobiusCoffee> thanks for all you cool desigins! 1915:< xadrezo> (oh man everybody's leaving) 1915:< MobiusCoffee> yeah :( this chat will probably be gone by tomorrow 1915:< MobiusCoffee> it was fun while it lasted 1915:< xadrezo> noooo we have to write the constitution! 1916:< xadrezo> cmon we all can do it its not that hard 1923:< xadrezo> Do you have access to the google doc? 1923:< Sir-Rhino> back for a bit 1923:< Sir-Rhino> i have 1923:< xadrezo> welcome back 1924:< xadrezo> i dont know if we'll have a senate to begin with 1926:< MobiusCoffee> google doc? 1926:< xadrezo> The constitution doc 1927:< xadrezo> i dont have access 1931:< Sir-Rhino> the doc is pretty much empty atm 1931:< xadrezo> i couldnt tell, i cant see it 1932:< FriendlyYak> it seems there is no need for a #gov and a #pol 1932:< FriendlyYak> #gov sounds nicer anyways 1932:< Sir-Rhino> if you want access pm me your mail 1932:< xadrezo> what does #pol do right now 1933:< Sir-Rhino> but you can start one yourself too, its pretty much empty like i said 1933:< xadrezo> I can pm you my email *and* start a new one 1934:< xadrezo> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WHZwFSjRYtcc-E1aq01qszxUAoeKIiXkMe6dAlstiAE/edit?usp=sharing => http://nazar.so/3ph8q 1935:< FriendlyYak> #pol was for politics i guess 1935:< MobiusCoffee> xadrezo I'm 75% sure he's looking for actual real life politics 1936:< xadrezo> MobiusCoffee What country's politics? 1936:< FriendlyYak> klatter on. i think we can use #pol for real life politics if we would ever care about such a thing 1936:< robrago> hi 1936:< xadrezo> Hi! 1937:< robrago> is this the new #pol? 1937:< Sir-Rhino> no 1937:< robrago> what is it 1938:< robrago> thanks for your help 1938:< MobiusCoffee> Sla banorag 1939:< robrago> oh is this the government of soku? 1939:< xadrezo> yes 1940:< MobiusCoffee> we just had elections! https://www.reddit.com/r/Sokukugov 1940:< xadrezo> Sir-Rhino you should have editing rights now 1941:< robrago> this is becoming a little to culty 1941:< robrago> i like it 1942:< MobiusCoffee> need that creepy unicdoe face 1942:< xadrezo> You mean le lenny face? 1942:< xadrezo> how dont you have a lenny key on your keyboard yet 1942:< MobiusCoffee> there were two rounds of voting! 1942:< xadrezo> there is no reason not to accept the election results 1943:< MobiusCoffee> preggit shirked his responsability 1943:< MobiusCoffee> never wrote his platform so he didn't get on the ballet 1943:< xadrezo> they didnt write their "program" on time thats why 1943:< MobiusCoffee> YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY 1944:< xadrezo> whats our official name again 1945:< xadrezo> it was just the temporary shaman election 1945:< MobiusCoffee> yeah, it will be chaos 1945:< xadrezo> i guess when our constitution is finished, we have real votes 1945:< MobiusCoffee> this all started because they already have a leader supposedly. And their strategy is to get us to stay 1949:< xadrezo> the ccande constitution is such a blatand rip off of the u.s. const. i hate it 1949:< Superboy309> Our constitution will be different 1949:< xadrezo> Yes please 1949:< Superboy309> Sorry, had to go somewhere suddenly, Sir-Rhino and I are working on our constitution 1951:< FriendlyYak> xadrezo true 1951:< FriendlyYak> Superboy309 excellent 1952:< MobiusCoffee> what? 1952:< FriendlyYak> i soubt this "leader" will survive their next merge 1952:< MobiusCoffee> are you drunk? 1953:< FriendlyYak> MobiusCoffee And their strategy is to get us to stay 1953:< Superboy309> I have a man on the inside, the stay idea is being stomped out 1953:< Superboy309> It isn't really unanimous, so it likely wont be happening 1954:< xadrezo> Superboy309 exactly 1956:< MobiusCoffee> what if we double crossed them and surprised them with a mass stay vote 2002:< MobiusCoffee> ooooooh 2003:< xadrezo> there are infinite doublecross and twist possibilities 2005:< MobiusCoffee> like a pretzil 2102:< Sir-Rhino> quiet in here... 2102:< Superboy309> Yo rhino 2104:< MobiusCoffee> Yooooooooooooo 2104:< MobiusCoffee> It's like peace was restored once the Shaman took control 2106:< Superboy309> lol 2112:< Khemikooligan> do we have a constitution yet? 2113:< Sir-Rhino> ppl are working on it, not me anymore i am off but its wip 2114:< MobiusCoffee> does anyone have a link to the google doc? 2114:< Sir-Rhino> sec --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:16:04 2016 2116:< Superboy309> I am not a writer, so once it is formatted, I will be starting development on a voting bot 2116:< Sir-Rhino> MobiusCoffee you want edit priv.? 2116:< Sir-Rhino> Superboy309 i found a way to do voting without a bot AND 100% fair 2116:< MobiusCoffee> sure! 2116:< MobiusCoffee> jmbauer3@gmail.com 2116:< Sir-Rhino> 1 word: lifestream 2116:< MobiusCoffee> FF7? 2118:< Sir-Rhino> basically evryone can cast one vote by typing Sir-Rhino (vote = nameofshaman) 2118:< Sir-Rhino> And i or someone else run a lifestream, and keep a spreadsheet 2118:< Sir-Rhino> fair, no alts, only sokuku, 100% legit 2119:< Sir-Rhino> easy to set up as well 2119:< MobiusCoffee> I'll translate our constitution into Sabldiri 2119:< Sir-Rhino> is sabldiri that complete? 2119:< Superboy309> I mean, that could work for the first one, but in the T17 when we revote, I will have the voting bot ready 2119:< MobiusCoffee> it can be! 2120:< MXMLOQ> what is this channel? 2120:< Sir-Rhino> Superboy309 whatever works i guess, 2120:< Sir-Rhino> #gov 2120:< Superboy309> Government planning 2120:< Superboy309> Working on a constitution at the moment 2120:< MXMLOQ> are we going to create a government? o.o 2120:< Sir-Rhino> we are rolepalying a government for sokuku 2120:< Sir-Rhino> curently working on constitution 2124:< MobiusCoffee> we elected a Shaman earlier 2124:< Chartis> Who is our Shaman? 2125:< Sir-Rhino> DadoMcT 2125:< Sir-Rhino> temporary 2125:< Sir-Rhino> we will vote once the constitution is ratified 2205:< marakiri> so.. this died out huh? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016