--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 00:00:38 2016 0006:< snowburst> anyone still here 0006:< MorallyDeplorable> I am 0007:< RhythmBlue> hello 0007:< MegaZeus101> Yeah 0007:< Lolzep> ayyy 0007:< snowburst> cool, I feel like chat has slowed down a lot 0008:< Lolzep> This is the super chill chat sir 0008:< snowburst> yep I know, just overall though even the unfiltered stuff 0009:< Lolzep> :] 0010:< MorallyDeplorable> I just stay out of the base channels. 0010:< snowburst> have you seen the ozzy man review at the top of r/videos? 0010:< Lolzep> Nah 0010:< Lolzep> penis/ has died in the T14 room :c 0011:< MorallyDeplorable> Only other room I'm in is at 14 users, nothing interesting going on. 0011:< MorallyDeplorable> 41* 0014:< Lolzep> shiieeet forgot to update the thread 0015:< DebentureThyme> sheeeeeeit https://youtu.be/HrfCixsd2N8 0016:< Lolzep> Updated it yay 0016:< Lolzep> what is this video 0020:< JClocale> the %chat people think they're so cool 0020:< JClocale> too bad they smell like farts! 0021:< Lolzep> penis/ is superior 0021:< ntrefil> Penis/ is chill! 0021:< alylynn96> yeah they dont have that nice dick smell 0021:< JClocale> get out of here supasteve013! 0021:< Lolzep> Mama must be so proud 0021:< JClocale> if someone mentions your name outside of your filter does robin-grow catch it? 0022:< JClocale> cool 0022:< ntrefil> Looks like https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits is dead... 0022:< JClocale> RIP 1 user 0023:< JClocale> how does one even abandon at this point? 0023:< Lolzep> Misclick, afk, random reddit shit, etc, 0023:< Lolzep> shhh they dont know 0023:< MrZiggyStardust> theres a command that drops you instantly too I think 0024:< robrago> hi 0024:< Lolzep> ay 0024:< alylynn96> i wish i could filter on my phone, this sucks 0024:< Lolzep> K1ngN0thing, what did we say about spam? :] 0024:< MrZiggyStardust> I just blocked K1ngN0thing cause he's a little butt boy 0024:< Lolzep> RIP alylynn96 0024:< robrago> what happened to alylynn96? 0024:< Lolzep> Downvote his post. Do et 0025:< rian294> hi 0025:< alylynn96> Lolzep why did you ever go on mobile voluntarily earlier?? Haha 0025:< MrZiggyStardust> did it Lolzep 0025:< Lolzep> I went on mobile cause I was bored 0025:< bradyblair20> mobile is my backup 0025:< bradyblair20> if my internet crashes 0026:< ntrefil> I'm trying to get robin running on my phone but non of the scripts work properly... 0026:< Lolzep> Of course they dont run. Its mobile. 0026:< alylynn96> bradyblair20 now im stuck with it lol my computer wont start, ive been working on it for hours 0026:< MrZiggyStardust> greasemonkey on android firefox? 0026:< ntrefil> But usally android is pretty apt at these things 0026:< JClocale> that should work 0027:< JClocale> chrome can't support it though because google sucks 0027:< bradyblair20> dang that sucks 0028:< Lolzep> Does firefox for iphone support scripts? (Yes I use an iphone) 0028:< MegaZeus101> Chrome supports it perfectly! I don't know what drugs you're on, but I want some. 0028:< bradyblair20> team iphone 0028:< Kc2000> team penis 0028:< bradyblair20> ^ 0028:< alylynn96> i used to be on team iphone then i grew a brain 0028:< MrZiggyStardust> chrome on android does? I know pc chrome works 0029:< MegaZeus101> Oh, I haven't tried android; I don't think it does though. 0029:< bradyblair20> i went from android to iphone. so much easier for me cause everything i use is mac pretty much 0029:< MrZiggyStardust> never owned a mac never gonna 0030:< alylynn96> yeah i still have a macbook laptop cause my brain still hasnt learned to save money 0030:< MrZiggyStardust> unless the full time software job I have starting in june gives me a mac 0030:< ntrefil> tampermonkey for android is shit 0030:< bradyblair20> yeah my mom is a graphic designer so thats why we have always had them 0030:< MrZiggyStardust> ntrefil try greasemonkey 0031:< bradyblair20> and i do a little adobe stuff here and there so i stick to what i have used my whole life 0031:< JClocale> chrome android supports no plug ins 0031:< alylynn96> if anyone finds a way to filter chat on android pm me pls 0031:< JClocale> which android phones are you guys using? I'm on the HTC One M8 (rooted of course), looking to upgrade soon 0031:< Lolzep> How to install scripts for iPhone: "Only with a jailbroken iPhone/iPad" ;_; 0031:< alylynn96> galaxy s6 0032:< bradyblair20> just looked at the leaderboard and it looks like we could merge within the next day or so 0032:< Lolzep> AYYYY 0032:< ntrefil> rooted nexus 6 0032:< MrZiggyStardust> I think chrome firefox and greasemonkey are what you're supposed to try, just something I saw in a thread earlier 0032:< Lolzep> PLEASE DONT BE DURING SCHOOL HOURS 0032:< bradyblair20> i bring my laptop so i am gud 0032:< bradyblair20> lol 0032:< alylynn96> lol "school hours" 0032:< ntrefil> dolphin + tampermokey wouldnt display text 0033:< JClocale> ntrefil you like the 6? I was looking at it, but apparently it's got some bugs with Verizon LTE that I hear really kill it 0033:< Lolzep> No but really. How am I gonna make a new post at school? 0033:< bradyblair20> alylynn96 ur eyes must be bleeding from the regular chat 0033:< ntrefil> I love such an awesome phone but at this point I would say you better of with the hawai 6p 0033:< bradyblair20> and having to sort out all ours 0033:< MrZiggyStardust> my contract is up in june, I might go with Verizon and buy an Xaomi phone and use a sim card 0033:< alylynn96> oh shit i didnt think about that, cutting class is your only option 0034:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep are you in highschool? 0034:< bradyblair20> well my school has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy so i can basically can get on whenever 0034:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0034:< Lolzep> I am. Sophomore. 0034:< MrZiggyStardust> ah that explains it 0034:< JClocale> such a baby 0034:< ntrefil> ive heard dope things about the nexbit robin 0034:< MrZiggyStardust> cause when I was in uni I just did whatever the fuck I wanted in class 0034:< bradyblair20> im a senior. have fun for two more years lol 0034:< bradyblair20> im out of here in a month 0034:< alylynn96> im a sophomore too.. 0035:< MrZiggyStardust> where are you going to go brady? 0035:< alylynn96> in college 0035:< JClocale> when I graduated high school, the original iPhone wasn't even announced yet 0035:< ntrefil> 4th year college 0035:< bradyblair20> im going to college at Virginia Beac 0035:< JClocale> everyone was all about them crackberries 0035:< MrZiggyStardust> nice, enjoy the ocean lol 0035:< bradyblair20> thank u 0036:< MrZiggyStardust> I just graduated college last semester 0036:< alylynn96> im in maryland! Thats close right? 0036:< bradyblair20> i have a lot of friends down there already from my brother so it will be an easy move 0036:< MrZiggyStardust> hopefully older friends to buy you booze 0036:< bradyblair20> yeah depending on what part probably a 2-6 hour drive 0036:< JClocale> I wish I could show you this bud I'm grinding up. Brought it back with me from CO. 0036:< bradyblair20> nah i dont drink lol 0037:< MrZiggyStardust> I don't smoke weed lol 0037:< alylynn96> jclocale puff puff pass 0037:< bradyblair20> got out of that my junior year of high school 0037:< bradyblair20> you dont get a 4.8 drinking every weekend lol 0037:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah but you do pass 0037:< alylynn96> true, i only have a 4.7 0038:< MrZiggyStardust> I don't even have a 3.0 and I landed a pretty sick job 0038:< Lolzep> I have a 3.9 ... 0038:< bradyblair20> high school gpa is relatively meaningless 0038:< bradyblair20> i dont do homework til the night of and still land A's 0038:< Lolzep> Ayyyyy 0038:< JClocale> be careful, I did that too, then college hit 0038:< JClocale> and shit got really hard really fast 0038:< alylynn96> lol i think my brothers gpa is over a 4.0 cause of honors, i got shit grades in hs 0039:< bradyblair20> yeah i have three college classes and those are the really only things that keep me busy 0039:< MrZiggyStardust> some kid in my hs class graduated with a 4.5 and went to harvard, fucking showoff 0039:< bradyblair20> harvards acceptance rate this year was 0% 0039:< Lolzep> how dare y ou 0039:< bradyblair20> lol 0039:< alylynn96> what do yoy want to study? 0039:< JClocale> We just used a 0-100 average. My class's valedictorian had a 114... 0039:< MrZiggyStardust> damn lol 0040:< bradyblair20> Audio Engineering 0040:< alylynn96> oh nice 0040:< Lolzep> ooo 0040:< JClocale> that's pretty sweet 0040:< bradyblair20> love music so i get to be around me whole life. 0040:< JClocale> what's your favorite genre? 0041:< bradyblair20> i listen to all types of electronic. not like the stereotypical festival edm but a lot of smaller sub genres 0041:< Lolzep> All except country and pop 0041:< alylynn96> sorry idk what that really entails, what would you do with a degree in that? 0041:< JClocale> do you have an all time favorite track? 0041:< bradyblair20> oohhh thats hard 0041:< alylynn96> also lolzep i agree 100% 0042:< bradyblair20> definitely a Flume song but I dont know which 0043:< MrZiggyStardust> I like david bowie a lot 0043:< MegaZeus101> I have a playlist with EVERYTHING on it. Wanna give it a listen/ 0043:< MrZiggyStardust> if that wasn't completely obvious 0043:< MegaZeus101> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRZ_4l8Y_oD3iYqMupdPUZMDFc1C-mKcD 0043:< MegaZeus101> There it is. 0043:< Lolzep> Listen m8 I have 9000 songs on foobar 0043:< MegaZeus101> Start at 281 0045:< bradyblair20> hello 0045:< bradyblair20> lmao 0046:< JClocale> where's my thai food, it's been a half hour... 0046:< bradyblair20> damn i wonder if they are trying to get rid of the afkers 0047:< JClocale> what the clear? nah, robin just does that every now and then 0047:< JClocale> probably to keep the load on the server low 0047:< bradyblair20> i had two within a minute thats why asked 0047:< bradyblair20> maybe just lag 0047:< alylynn96> mine was doing that last night 0048:< JClocale> the AFKers already got dropped. you'd have to actively vote to leave at this point 0048:< Lolzep> Guys I have a new slogan for voting hear me out 0048:< bradyblair20> thats what i thhought 0048:< bradyblair20> ok hit me 0048:< Lolzep> You vote stay, you're gay. 0048:< bradyblair20> oh my 0049:< bradyblair20> very PC i like it 0049:< RafTheKillJoy> no I voted grow 0049:< JClocale> wait, I'm gay and I vote GROW... what does that mean? 0049:< bradyblair20> no one will ever get offended 10/10 bravo 0049:< Lolzep> It means you're less gay 0049:< bradyblair20> update now 0049:< JClocale> but I don't want to be less gay. I love penis 0049:< Lolzep> Ayyy lmao 0050:< Lolzep> ayyy you said that but ayyy 0050:< ntrefil> hey penis/ robin-grow now lets you have multiple channels too 0051:< Lolzep> Calm down sir 0051:< ntrefil> sorry I think my chat got messed... 0051:< Lolzep> It is ok 0051:< bradyblair20> we forgive 0051:< Lolzep> I was ready to put this though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWwb8S02f_c 0051:< bradyblair20> only for one reddit gold 0052:< JClocale> omg my thai food just arrived 0052:< Lolzep> A heyyyyy 0052:< JClocale> i'm going to demolis this pad ki mao 0053:< Kal-3L> who's for playing a card game? 0053:< Lolzep> What and where? 0053:< Lolzep> Details man details 0053:< Kal-3L> not sure 0053:< Mainova> & irl 0054:< Lolzep> Then https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWwb8S02f_c 0054:< Kal-3L> what game you feeling noble historian 0054:< JClocale> wtf my chopsticks have a staple in them 0054:< AbsolutelyCheese> wierd 0054:< Lolzep> You're going to die now 0054:< Kal-3L> are they rusted staples? 0054:< alylynn96> my phone is dying faster than its charging :( 0055:< JClocale> just plain staples 0055:< JClocale> i can eat around it 0055:< Kal-3L> you do you scotty P 0059:< JClocale> brb 0102:< bradyblair20> hello 0102:< snowburst> we're going to be edging for days. don't even have a tier 15 yet 0103:< ntrefil> damn do we think well even make it by the 8th? 0103:< MrZiggyStardust> I believe we can 0103:< Lolzep> Absolutely 0104:< mturi> Kiwi here too 0106:< snowburst> oh cool, parrot has tabbed channels now 0106:< Lolzep> ayyyy... I dont want that. 0107:< Lolzep> I like everything just there on one screen 0107:< ntrefil> robin-grow broke for me so i switch to parrot 0107:< snowburst> the first "System" tab still shows everything, but there are separate tabs for each channel you select 0108:< Lolzep> Ah I see now 0108:< snezel> hmmm just updated parrot, am i still on peniss/ ? 0108:< Lolzep> Yes 0108:< jayman419> Yes, snezel 0108:< snezel> Cool cool 0108:< bradyblair20> i have a weird addiction to candles 0109:< bradyblair20> they smell so good 0109:< Harry_Flugelman> decribe your favorite candel 0109:< bradyblair20> anything sweet 0109:< bradyblair20> the one i have write now is vanilla sugar 0109:< Lolzep> Smells like a candle 0109:< Harry_Flugelman> what you got going right now? 0109:< bradyblair20> right* 0110:< bradyblair20> also loose leaf tea is cool 0110:< Harry_Flugelman> yeah, it is. what do you use to brew 0112:< MrZiggyStardust> woo tabbed chats 0113:< snowburst> the cascade to tier 15 is almost ready to start! I believe a second T10 to start it off just formed 0113:< MrZiggyStardust> its dumb how the tabbed chat still has the send chat to option at the bottom 0114:< ntrefil> can some link parrot update? 0114:< Golden_Grahams> ... 0114:< MrZiggyStardust> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0115:< MrZiggyStardust> ^ test 0115:< Golden_Grahams> is penis/ dead? 0115:< Lolzep> NO 0115:< ntrefil> were good and alive 0115:< 3nvisi0n> penis is never dead 0115:< Lolzep> DOES YOUR PENIS JUST FALL OFF? NO WE'RE ALWAYS HERE 0115:< Golden_Grahams> lolzep, you're doing good work on the thread 0115:< Lolzep> Aww thanks man! c: 0115:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Genitalmen, good to see you here! 0116:< Lolzep> AYYYYY 0116:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Hola senor! 0116:< Golden_Grahams> the founder himsel-Do-Not-Trust-Me- 0116:< snowburst> hey -Do-Not-Trust-Me-! 0116:< ntrefil> we just lie dormant ready to pounce 0116:< ntrefil> yo DNTM 0117:< Golden_Grahams> ready to stand at full attention with the brush of the wind 0119:< Golden_Grahams> did anyone else crash for a second and have to reload? 0119:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I think we all did. 0119:< bradyblair20> it the server 0119:< bradyblair20> its* 0119:< IckySkittles> yeah 0119:< MrZiggyStardust> ^ I didn't 0119:< Golden_Grahams> how often has that been happening? I've been gone all day 0120:< MrZiggyStardust> but I was in the ^ tab 0120:< bradyblair20> every couple of minutes 0120:< ntrefil> /penis Ignore Test MingLee 0120:< Lolzep> You suck 0121:< Golden_Grahams> so how long has everyone been on this chain? 0121:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Lolzep ! 0121:< Lolzep> ? 0121:< bradyblair20> for about a day 0121:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Hi. 0121:< Lolzep> I said hi earlier man 0122:< bradyblair20> hello 0122:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Oh man. I'm Spacing 0122:< Golden_Grahams> i joined my first tier for this room about 51 hours ago 0122:< MegaZeus101> Impressive 0123:< stfupcakes> Is this channel still going? 0123:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah 0123:< Lolzep> PENIS DOESNT DIE M8 0123:< Golden_Grahams> humblebrag, but seriously, i'm losing all track of time, hard to believe it's been so long 0123:< Lolzep> 26 Hours now? 0123:< bradyblair20> we will never die 0123:< stfupcakes> Longest lasting penis I've ever seen. 0124:< Lolzep> We are the best edgers 0124:< bradyblair20> without us no one else can be created 0124:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> The penis/mightier than the sword. 0124:< Golden_Grahams> yea, been in this room for that long, but it took longer to get here than i've been here 0124:< IckySkittles> naps are nice 0124:< Lolzep> Official subreddit of penis/ https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/ 0126:< miker2049> its going to be so satisfying to see all those rooms collapse 0126:< Mopziii> hello? 0126:< stfupcakes> Has anything interesting happened around here in like the last 8 hours? 0126:< miker2049> collapse into one I mean 0126:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> It's always interesting in penis/ 0126:< stfupcakes> OK, unusual then 0127:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> lol 0127:< Golden_Grahams> the keeper of the peeper, the king-kong of the schlong, the jock of the cock we are penis/ 0127:< eats_and_sleeps> sup boners 0127:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Salud! 0127:< stfupcakes> pretty poetic for a cracker. 0127:< Golden_Grahams> ummm, i'm a cereal 0128:< stfupcakes> I'm not sure that came out right. 0128:< stfupcakes> Ah, I was thinking of teddy grahams. 0128:< IckySkittles> teddy grahams are the best 0128:< snowburst> damn it, it refreshes whenever i switch to another tab 0129:< Golden_Grahams> fuck you and your teddy grahams, i'm golden_grahams (registered by General Mills TM) 0129:< stfupcakes> are those technically graham crackers or just cookies? I haven't given it much thought until right now. 0129:< ntrefil> God damn it the powers out again back to mobile I guess. 0129:< Lolzep> The fuck are you guys arguing about...? 0130:< Golden_Grahams> he called me a poetic cracker 0130:< stfupcakes> not so much an argument. I inadvertently c... yes, that. 0130:< IckySkittles> best cereal is Count Chocolua 0130:< Golden_Grahams> stfupcakes 0130:< stfupcakes> I am very sorry, GG. 0130:< Golden_Grahams> it's ok 0130:< Golden_Grahams> i forgive 0131:< Wonderingwanderr> whats up fellas 0131:< Golden_Grahams> RATELIMIT | you are doing that too much. try again in 999 milliseconds. lol really 0131:< AbsolutelyCheese> i hate the ratelimit in here 0131:< Wonderingwanderr> thats dumb 0131:< Golden_Grahams> crazy that it even registers than small 0131:< Lolzep> RATELIMIT | you are doing that too much. try again in 1 phemtosecond 0131:< Wonderingwanderr> have we merged yet? 0131:< Golden_Grahams> many times 0132:< Lolzep> To T17? No 0132:< Wonderingwanderr> that sucks 0132:< Golden_Grahams> probably another 24 hours at least 0132:< snowburst> the cascade to T15 should be starting within the next 10 min 0133:< Golden_Grahams> from what tier? 0133:< snowburst> there are 2 T10s right now that will be merging 0133:< snowburst> BiShan and made https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 0133:< Wonderingwanderr> this robin chat thing needs to end tbh 0133:< Golden_Grahams> so 2 hours to another 15? 0134:< Wonderingwanderr> before I leave work to head home I keep telling myself I wont spend the rest of my day on robin, that never works out 0134:< hagbard-celine> yup, just over 2 hrs 0135:< hagbard-celine> to a 15 0135:< Golden_Grahams> so, if everything were to work perfectly we could have another T15 in 7 hours 0135:< Golden_Grahams> highly unlikely though at this rate 0135:< AbsolutelyCheese> but we're in t16 0135:< Golden_Grahams> but that would make another 15 for the one that's about to be created 0136:< Golden_Grahams> so you could have to 15s in 7 hours 0136:< Lolzep> 7 Hours?! Thats during the middle of the night. To my calculations that means that a T17 will occur Wednesday midday 0136:< snowburst> yeah that timeline sounds right, mid wed till the edging ends 0136:< Golden_Grahams> o i know, and are people going to make 3rd alts and such? I'm just talking idealistically 0136:< Lolzep> I T S H A P P E N I N G http://puu.sh/o6tFx/55e73013c6.png 0137:< Golden_Grahams> if everything were perfect 0137:< MegaZeus101> Sorry m8; it's only t15 merge 0137:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yep. 0137:< MegaZeus101> Halfway there 0138:< Golden_Grahams> lolzep knows, he's in charge of https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ 0138:< djcocainegoat> hey penis/ 0138:< Golden_Grahams> he's doing god's work 0138:< Lolzep> ayyyy 0139:< Lolzep> There should be a live thread just for me on whats happening in /r/robintracking. Thats how dedicated I am. 0140:< Golden_Grahams> you're spending so much time on it, i'm too lazy 0140:< snowburst> the cascade has started! 0141:< Lolzep> I T S H A P P E N I N G (part I) 0141:< AbsolutelyCheese> sadly this one wont end in a merge with us :( 0141:< Golden_Grahams> like right now, i'm out for the night, i'll catch you guys later or at the cascade 0141:< Lolzep> It will the next time 0142:< Golden_Grahams> i love you all 0142:< Lolzep> <3 0142:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Later days Golden_Grahams 0143:< Lolzep> W H O S B E E N D R A W I N G D I C K S ? 0147:< MrZiggyStardust> hello? 0147:< stfupcakes> my giant sucker is broken in half. fuck. 0147:< MrZiggyStardust> :( sorry bro 0147:< stfupcakes> sometimes it's the littlest things that are the biggest disappointments. 0148:< MrZiggyStardust> that's what she said 0148:< stfupcakes> ha 0148:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Funny and true. 0149:< Lolzep> ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦˢ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵉᶰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵈᶦᶜᵏ ʲᵒᵏᵉˢ ʰᵉʳᵉ⋅⋅⋅ 0149:< MrZiggyStardust> like a disney movie about a girl who meets prince charming; perfect in every way except he's below average in the downstairs area 0150:< Lolzep> ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ᶦˢ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵉᶰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵈᶦᶜᵏ ʲᵒᵏᵉˢ ʰᵉʳᵉ⋅⋅⋅ ᵍᵘʸˢ⋅⋅⋅ 0151:< Lolzep> All these channels are dying. Look at my thread and its like 3/4 dead. Whyyyyy. 0151:< AbsolutelyCheese> because it is 3,000 users 0152:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Weird. Everyone going on autopilot? 0152:< AbsolutelyCheese> what im wondering is how penis/ has stayed so chill 0152:< stfupcakes> we can only dwell on the futility of robin for so long before we must find meaning elsewhere, like video games. 0152:< Lolzep> Because this is like the rural land in a giant city 0152:< MrZiggyStardust> ^ because people didn't let their dreams become memes or vice-versa 0152:< snowburst> exactly, the concept loses its novelty eventually 0153:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm hoping people stick around at least until we merge 0153:< Lolzep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJGZBI8NSWo 0153:< stfupcakes> I like coming back to visit, though 0153:< AbsolutelyCheese> ill stick around until the death of this chatroom 0153:< Lolzep> Same 0153:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yeah, my computer has nothing better to do. 0153:< IckySkittles> I will try 0154:< Lolzep> I can finally use this video instead of no https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtUmC9V5ULc 0154:< AbsolutelyCheese> I wonder if we'll make it to friday 0154:< Lolzep> I wonder if we will still know eachother by saturday... :c 0155:< MrZiggyStardust> supasteve013 https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0155:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep we'll be friends forever 0155:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> We always have the RRSpenis/ boat. 0156:< MegaZeus101> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js 0156:< MegaZeus101> It's a 404 0156:< Lolzep> Parrot is superior 0157:< Lolzep> Oh wait that is parrot 0157:< Lolzep> Shieeeet 0200:< pandandap> is the penis still alive and well? 0200:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> it's getting firm in here. 0201:< Lolzep> STOP ASKING THIS QUESTION IT ALWAYS IS 0201:< Wonderingwanderr> oh its firm alright ;D 0201:< eats_and_sleeps> penis. 0201:< Wonderingwanderr> el peniso 0202:< MrZiggyStardust> parrot is so much better now that I commented out those lines doing the referesh 0202:< MrZiggyStardust> now I can actually go through the chat history :D :D 0202:< Wonderingwanderr> i just bought a six pack of Bells Cherry Stout and its not very good 0202:< stfupcakes> my shattered giant sucker was cherry, and it was fantastic. 0203:< MrZiggyStardust> Bells stuff is usually the best, I love oberon and their midwest ale 0203:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I went spanish tonight and grabbed some Pacifico. 0203:< stfupcakes> The only fruit beer I've ever enjoyed was Lienenkugels cherry weiss. 0204:< Lolzep> Fuck I updated parrot and have to change the font to a decent font again 0204:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep I think they added a font option to settings now 0204:< MrZiggyStardust> Font Style (will default to Lucida Console if unavailable) 0204:< Lolzep> HE LISTENED TO ME 0204:< MrZiggyStardust> <3 most good developers do 0205:< Lolzep> I SUGGESTED THAT TO HIM. IM A GENIUS 0205:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Lolzep coming in clutch again. 0205:< stfupcakes> Is it difficult, genuising so much? 0206:< Lolzep> /r/Iamverysmart 0206:< stfupcakes> the amount of cringe in that sub. 0206:< MrZiggyStardust> I only browse cringy subs, they rule 0207:< stfupcakes> browsing the cringe for too long makes me want to punch people, so I generally abstain. 0207:< Wonderingwanderr> WHY DOES MY CHAT KEEP REFRESHING 0207:< MrZiggyStardust> I commented that out on mine 0207:< Lolzep> SO YOU DONT LAG OR LEAVE THIS CHAT ON ACCIDENT 0207:< XesEri> the music playlist died again. so sad 0207:< Lolzep> IS THAT BETTER?! 0209:< djcocainegoat> the cards against humanity died too, I'm very sad 0209:< Lolzep> rip in pepperoni 0209:< Lolzep> brb gonna do homework at 9 pm again 0210:< JClocale> what subject? 0210:< XesEri> lol I have 200 more words to write in two hours speed analyzing ftw 0211:< MrZiggyStardust> ask my gf if she wants a grilled cheese, she says no, I make two for myself and she wants one now, so I only get one now :( 0212:< MrZiggyStardust> thus is my life, fuck 0212:< XesEri> chat refresh 0212:< stfupcakes> It's just that grilled cheese doesn't ever sound appealing, but smells amazing. 0212:< MrZiggyStardust> newest version has a setting to disable refreshes 0212:< MrZiggyStardust> they're my go to food stfupcakes 0213:< stfupcakes> I can respect that. 0215:< MrZiggyStardust> this wouldn't be an issue with normal sized bread but she insists we buy these small ass sliced rye loafs 0216:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I refuse to share a meal with anyone. 0216:< MrZiggyStardust> after 3 years with the same person, it pays to keep them happy 0217:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> This I can believe. You can always have a snack when she goes to bed. 0217:< Lolzep> Well im eating dinner right now. But then it is math and chem obviously. 0217:< stfupcakes> UGH. Little bread is the worst. 0217:< stfupcakes> like four usable pieces in the middle, down to the tapering ends that don't even make proper toast. 0217:< MrZiggyStardust> stfupcakes and it's like $3.50 a loaf too 0218:< MrZiggyStardust> like a LITTLE loaf 0218:< stfupcakes> YES. Such a ripoff. 0218:< JClocale> Fallout2x has a small dong 0219:< MrZiggyStardust> shes also a vegetarian which isn't an issue cause I did that for 4 years once, but bulk meat is so much cheaper but I cant eat it all 0220:< MrZiggyStardust> so I don't want to deal with the freezing and storage of meat or spending too much so I'm almost vegetarian too :( 0220:< MrZiggyStardust> (okay I'm gonna end my grilled cheese rant and make a milkshake, then I'll be less cranky) 0220:< MegaZeus101> cool cool 0221:< Lolzep> You guys rant about anything 0221:< MegaZeus101> yes 0221:< djcocainegoat> ranting is fun 0221:< HookahComputer> What did you say, you little fucker? 0221:< Lolzep> reddit.com/r/rant is your subreddit friend 0221:< djcocainegoat> gets the blood flowing 0221:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, 0221:< HookahComputer> There it is 0222:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, 0222:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, 0222:< XesEri> I was waiting for that. was not dissapointed 0223:< XesEri> test 0223:< XesEri> never mind weird glitch 0223:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, 0224:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about, you little Bitch? 0224:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I 0224:< Lolzep> Ill have you know I have a dick alright? 0224:< fuckboithrowaway> well, that's a fun firs thing to see coming back from AFK 0225:< Lolzep> Youre welcome 0225:< IckySkittles> teehee 0225:< MegaZeus101> I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda and 0226:< MegaZeus101> have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. 0226:< Lolzep> Ill have you know I have a medium sized penis 0226:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Mine is the most average. 0226:< MegaZeus101> You are nothing to me but another target. Iw ill wipe you the fuck out with persision the likes of which have never before been seeE 0227:< MegaZeus101> Seen on the planet Earth 0227:< JClocale> -Do-Not-Trust-Me- nice to see you sir 0227:< HookahComputer> Somehow it's even funnier with the rate limiter :D 0227:< XesEri> is everyone seeing the navy seals pasta spaz the fuck out or nah? 0227:< MegaZeus101> mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? 0227:< Lolzep> Everyone in the navy seals uses copy pasta 0227:< MegaZeus101> Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSA and your IP is being traced right now so yo 0228:< MegaZeus101> u better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. 0228:< IckySkittles> he's adorable\ 0228:< MegaZeus101> . You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare h 0228:< SkiyBloue> I am In wait for tier 17 0228:< MegaZeus101> . You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s 0228:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Everyone knows Lolzep uses a proxy server. 0228:< snezel> uhhh we all are SkiyBloue ? 0228:< JClocale> i feel like i'm missing something 0228:< MegaZeus101> . You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare h 0228:< Lolzep> I dont even know how to set one up 0228:< MegaZeus101> You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, 0228:< SkiyBloue> snezel you are a beautiful man 0229:< MegaZeus101> ou’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you 0229:< supasteve013> snezel is beautiful 0229:< MegaZeus101> ou’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you 0229:< JClocale> wait, someone is not using a proxy server right now? 0229:< MegaZeus101> I can't go anymore 0229:< MegaZeus101> itwon't let me D: 0229:< Lolzep> I posted on https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/ 0229:< snezel> hhahaha thank you, as are you SkiyBloue and supasteve013 (my OG!) 0231:< MegaZeus101> Wait, I found a better one 0231:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0231:< thevdude> 300 confirmed kills amirite 0231:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0231:< thevdude> i just ordered PC parts, I'll have my own real desktop for the first time in my life 0231:< thevdude> k muted tho 0231:< MegaZeus101> No! it won't let me copypaste I believe 0231:< thevdude> there's a 140 char limit 0231:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0232:< thevdude> r u serious right now 0232:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0232:< Lolzep> This chat = Twitter 0232:< MegaZeus101> yeah, within the limit it won't work :? 0232:< Lolzep> Twitter = Robin 0232:< XesEri> it's so this entire thing can be livetweeted 0232:< JClocale> my balls = tumblr 0232:< Lolzep> Robin = Reddit 0232:< XesEri> robin = love 0232:< Lolzep> By the transitive property, Reddit = Twitter 0233:< XesEri> robin = life 0233:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? 0233:< IckySkittles> :D 0233:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic du 0233:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, 0234:< MegaZeus101> Uh, 0234:< MegaZeus101> *ugh*ugh 0234:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, 0234:< JClocale> MegaZeus101 what kind of car do you drive? 0234:< MegaZeus101> Dodge Dart 0234:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, 0235:< MrZiggyStardust> I've got a subaru outback, subaru best car 0235:< MegaZeus101> ’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0235:< MegaZeus101> ’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, 0235:< MegaZeus101> and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic dungeon. 0235:< ntrefil> $ hey penis/ come jam! https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 0235:< Lolzep> I'm at the pizza hut. Im at the taco bell. Im at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. 0236:< MegaZeus101> I figured it out! you have to disable the bot spam and 3 time repeat message bit under the settings 0236:< IckySkittles> Taco Hut 0236:< Lolzep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ8ViYIeH04 0236:< MrZiggyStardust> but then I would get bot spam 0237:< MrZiggyStardust> that's what YOU want ME to believe 0237:< XesEri> I don 0237:< MegaZeus101> Anywasy, I'mm'a post it. If you care to, disable your anti-spam and see it. 0237:< XesEri> *I don't have bot spam checked and there's nothing 0237:< MegaZeus101> What the fuck did you just fucking say about my gear, you little n00b? 0238:< MegaZeus101> I’ll have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and I’ve won so many PVPmatches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic du 0238:< MegaZeus101> ngeon 0238:< MegaZeus101> I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. 0238:< MegaZeus101> You are nothing to me but just a lvl 12 gnome hunter. I will pwn the fuck out of you with Arcane Missiles the likes of which has nev 0238:< MegaZeus101> er been seen before on Azeroth AND Outland, mark my fucking words. 0238:< MegaZeus101> You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over raid? Think again, fucker 0238:< eats_and_sleeps> I drive a I ride the bus like a peasant 0239:< MegaZeus101> As we speak I am contacting my guild of mages and shamans across The Eastern Kingdoms and your character is being targeted right now 0239:< eats_and_sleeps> Oh that conversation was hours ago my b 0239:< MegaZeus101> so you better prepare for the ownage, n00b. 0239:< MegaZeus101> The Arcane Barrage that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your character. You’re fucking pwn’d, n00b. 0239:< MegaZeus101> I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my secondary talent tree. 0239:< MegaZeus101> Not only am I extensively trained in Arcane magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Fire magic and I will use it to its ful 0239:< MegaZeus101> l extent to wipe your miserable neckbeard off the face of Azeroth, you little faggot. If only you could have known what unholy retrib 0239:< ntrefil> Music https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 0240:< MegaZeus101> ution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. 0240:< MegaZeus101> But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re getting debuffed, you goddamnn00b. I will shit Dragon’s Breath all over you and you will 0240:< MegaZeus101> burn in it. You’re fucking pwn’d, faggot. 0240:< MegaZeus101> There we go, the entire version of the navy seals copypasta in wow terms 0241:< MegaZeus101> Hello? 0241:< IckySkittles> awesome 0242:< MegaZeus101> Fair 'nough 0242:< Lolzep> I didnt... 0242:< IckySkittles> me either 0242:< Lolzep> Im just lazy and doing hw 0243:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I'm grilling a steak. 0243:< Lolzep> mmm steak... Im the only one who eats steak with ketchup 0243:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I prefer franks red hot or similar hot sauce if its an option. 0244:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep you're an abomination, also it's almost 11pm, way past steak time 0244:< MrZiggyStardust> unless you're on the west coast 0244:< Lolzep> I believe you meant to say delicious and 10 pm 0244:< XesEri> it's never past steak time 0244:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yeah, central steak time 0244:< ntrefil> Whats our sub? 0245:< XesEri> rrspenis 0245:< MrZiggyStardust> moving back to missouri to make some steak 0247:< MegaZeus101> I'm back 0247:< Lolzep> k' 0247:< XesEri> So, I want to be an optimist but I'm predicting that by 9 AM EST there'll be <3000 people on sokuku 0248:< MegaZeus101> I'm in Iowa; I don't have to do shit for it to be steak time! 0248:< stfupcakes> What part of IA, northern neighbor? 0248:< Lolzep> My state neighbors you in Illinois 0248:< MegaZeus101> ~siouc City 0248:< MegaZeus101> *Sioux 0248:< MrZiggyStardust> you also have nothing to do, because you're in Iowa 0248:< MegaZeus101> This is true 0248:< SkiyBloue> I cant wait we got like 1 day till 6k 0248:< stfupcakes> There's one place to do something in IA. 0249:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Where is that? 0249:< stfupcakes> Iowa City 0249:< Lolzep> 6K OR BUST 0249:< MegaZeus101> ^ 0249:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> East side is the best side. 0250:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Source: Live in Iowa. 0250:< MegaZeus101> Naw, West; Santa Monica peir boi 0250:< stfupcakes> Des Moines is OK, but not exactly thriving 0250:< stfupcakes> Very clean, though 0251:< MegaZeus101> I mean I live near Le Mars (Ice Cream capital of the world) 0251:< MegaZeus101> I also have ample Meth Dealers if I need some 0251:< stfupcakes> No, thank you. I already have extra in Northern Missouri. 0251:< stfupcakes> oh, I thought you were offering 0251:< MegaZeus101> What? Meth or Ice Cream? 0251:< stfupcakes> Meth. Not enough ice cream. 0252:< MegaZeus101> lol 0252:< Lolzep> Test it with this frendly Kappa 0253:< stfupcakes> I got a bad haircut. This shit needs to grow out. The back of my head looks like a beaver chewed was chewing on it. 0253:< MegaZeus101> Me as well 0254:< stfupcakes> what I'm saying... is that it looks chewed. fml. 0254:< MrZiggyStardust> I've been cutting my own hair for almost 6 years now, no issues ever 0254:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I let a girlfriend cut my hair once. Horrible decision. Had to get a new girlfriend. 0254:< MrZiggyStardust> was the hair okay though? 0254:< ntrefil> Come on guys I cant be only one playing music on cytube... https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 0255:< supasteve013> my girl cuts mine, shes OKAY but i'll take it 0255:< djcocainegoat> I haven't cut my hair since 2009 0255:< XesEri> I tried putting music but nobody else was there and it keeps dying 0255:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yeah, the hair looked great. 0255:< stfupcakes> That's a long time to go without a hair cut. 0255:< djcocainegoat> where XesEri? 0256:< djcocainegoat> black people hair ftw 0256:< MrZiggyStardust> -Do-Not-Trust-Me- that's all that matters 0256:< MegaZeus101> Well, I'mm'a leave. Play some steam stuff. Peace! 0256:< stfupcakes> later 0256:< MrZiggyStardust> my roommate freshman year was black and he kept telling me his last hair cut was when he was 3 0257:< snowburst> did he have an afro 0257:< JoeAbunga> hey guys anyone still here? 0257:< MrZiggyStardust> all year he kept saying "just you wait till I undo these rows and you see my afro" like 4 years later he did, was fucking hilarious 0257:< IckySkittles> yes 0257:< stfupcakes> O.O 0257:< Lolzep> You should have cut off all of his hair as a "prank" 0257:< djcocainegoat> yeah, rows do a good job of hiding length 0257:< MrZiggyStardust> nah we were good friends 0258:< Lolzep> Adorable 0258:< Lolzep> Done with homework boyz 0258:< MrZiggyStardust> once I got an airsoft gun from amazon and shot him up while he was sleeping, the asshole got a battery powered one at walmart 0259:< Lolzep> Smart 0259:< MrZiggyStardust> made me regret my choice lol 0259:< stfupcakes> People never take into account the escalating properties of vengeance. 0300:< MrZiggyStardust> I never took into account how much money he was willing to spend on something that wasn't weed or vodka 0300:< stfupcakes> I think I would have gone with stun gun, tbh. 0300:< pandandap> hi sorry to pop in and ask again but is pictionary happening? 0300:< Lolzep> Was pictionary a thing here? 0300:< pandandap> last night it was 0300:< MrZiggyStardust> stfupcakes that would have started an intense arms race lol 0300:< IckySkittles> I'm game 0300:< djcocainegoat> vengance = hurt + interest 0300:< stfupcakes> how could penis pictionary go wrong? 0301:< djcocainegoat> im also game for pictionary 0301:< pandandap> precisely 0301:< IckySkittles> when you get words like tavern 0301:< stfupcakes> I talked one of my friends in to using my stun gun on his tongue once. 0301:< snowburst> or place 0301:< pandandap> yeah that was a doozy 0302:< stfupcakes> Ray was a great sport. He drooled for like half an hour, tho 0302:< MrZiggyStardust> stfupcakes how much brain damage does he have now? 0303:< stfupcakes> he's out getting his doctorate in CA now :P 0303:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Brain stimulation 0303:< MrZiggyStardust> oh man, thats a real life hack if I've ever heard one 0304:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Every person i've ever heard of stun gunning themselves in the tounge is becoming a doctor 0304:< stfupcakes> does it count if I was the one who stun gunned his tongue? 0304:< Lolzep> L I F E H A C K E D ! 0305:< MrZiggyStardust> CHECK OUT THIS TRICK A STAY AT HOME MOM FOUND OUT THAT IS MAKING IQ COMPANIES AND MENSA SUPER ANGRY!!!!! 0305:< stfupcakes> ha 0306:< Lolzep> L I F E H A C K E D ! ! 0306:< MrZiggyStardust> .... 0306:< MrZiggyStardust> stuff is dissapering from my chat 0306:< MrZiggyStardust> from the bottom wtf 0306:< stfupcakes> the sad thing, though... we could talk people into believing that. 0306:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> (cancels amazon stun gun order) 0306:< stfupcakes> did you type /clear? 0307:< MrZiggyStardust> I might have done something but its good now 0307:< MrZiggyStardust> everything is still here though except like 2 messages that popped up for a split second and went away 0307:< MrZiggyStardust> like stfupcakes sayd "ha" but that just went away, and everything else stayed 0308:< stfupcakes> who would have thought that it was possible to be nostalgic for a stun gun incident 0308:< XesEri> MrZiggyStardust happened to me earlier, too. Did you update your script? 0308:< MrZiggyStardust> no I guess I should 0308:< djcocainegoat> i get really nostalgic about the time I almost burnt my bathroom down 0308:< stfupcakes> I would like to hear more. 0309:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I almost burned down a college apartment complex, ping pong balls are super flammable and so are curtains 0309:< djcocainegoat> haha. More than 10 years ago by now but I was being a super cool science teen and dissolved styrofoam in gasoline 0309:< stfupcakes> how the hell did you set the ping pong balls on fire? 0309:< djcocainegoat> to make that thick, goopy "napalm" 0310:< Lolzep> You would like it thick and goopy 0310:< MrZiggyStardust> stfupcakes intentionally, we were playing baseball with them and a 2x4 in our place 0310:< stfupcakes> lol 0310:< djcocainegoat> and poured it onto an action figure and set the toy on fire 0310:< stfupcakes> rofl 0310:< stfupcakes> how could any of these things ever go wrong? 0310:< MrZiggyStardust> djcocainegoat I've seen people do that and put it in shotgun shells in greentext posts 0310:< djcocainegoat> but i was smart enough to do it in the shower because water kill fire 0311:< stfupcakes> seems legit 0311:< MrZiggyStardust> djcocainegoat is a true genius, "water kill fire" - djcocainegoat 2016 0311:< djcocainegoat> except that shit floats on water, so when the fire got out of control i turned the shower on and it push the toy away 0311:< MrZiggyStardust> lmfao 0311:< djcocainegoat> and into the bowl of flammable shit 0312:< stfupcakes> haha 0312:< djcocainegoat> which was also pushed by the water into the shower curtain 0312:< djcocainegoat> turns out shower curtains are really flammable 0312:< MrZiggyStardust> things penis/ has taught me -> shower curtains and regular curtains are super flammable 0312:< Lolzep> W O W I E W H A T A F A C T 0313:< djcocainegoat> so i ended up ripping it down and beating it with a broom til it extinguished 0313:< stfupcakes> Now I'm nostalgic for the time we almost set the roof on fire at one of my old places. 0313:< Lolzep> Who just has a broom lying around 0313:< djcocainegoat> no i ran for the broom 0313:< stfupcakes> lol 0313:< djcocainegoat> actually i think i ran and then saw the broom and decided to try to fight the fire again 0314:< Lolzep> Arent brooms flameable to? 0314:< MrZiggyStardust> /penis: where everyone has almost burned something down 0314:< stfupcakes> ROFL 0314:< djcocainegoat> lolzep they are 0314:< djcocainegoat> but not as flammable as shower curtains 0314:< Lolzep> Heres how we solve the problem. Fire extinguisher me boy 0314:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep only cheap ones are, djcocainegoat only owns quality brooms 0314:< stfupcakes> how are any of us still alive? >.< 0315:< Lolzep> You are alive because you have a heart inside you pumping blood to vital organs. 0315:< djcocainegoat> we had no fire extinguisher back then 0315:< MrZiggyStardust> maybe we all actually died in our fires and this is some kind of purgatory and we've finally met up 0315:< stfupcakes> rephrasing: how are any of us not covered in burns? 0315:< jayman419> Mergatory. 0315:< Lolzep> It all makes sense now 0315:< djcocainegoat> we didnt get one til the oven fire a couple years later 0315:< djcocainegoat> which was NOT MY FAULT 0315:< IckySkittles> riiight 0316:< stfupcakes> Wait. So what you're saying is that we're all dead, and this is the grand finale... 0316:< djcocainegoat> yeah purgatory = mergatory 0316:< Lolzep> Correct. After 4/8 you go to HELL 0316:< stfupcakes> I don't think I want to know what happens at level 17... 0316:< djcocainegoat> god is tired of being clever 0316:< Lolzep> rip user 0316:< MrZiggyStardust> its like death is this big calamity, but maybe this is death so what happens after the big merge? 0316:< stfupcakes> exactly. 0316:< djcocainegoat> free beer in your email 0316:< MrZiggyStardust> existentialism at its finest bois 0317:< djcocainegoat> but only if you authorised 0317:< stfupcakes> and no hangovers. ever. 0317:< MrZiggyStardust> email me some bells oberon, they started selling it again here, and there is fucking snow on the ground 0317:< MrZiggyStardust> fucking "seasonal" my ass 0317:< djcocainegoat> what's a bells oberon? 0318:< Lolzep> It was just snowing here in the Chicago suburbs... this is normal 0318:< MrZiggyStardust> oberon is a beer made by the brewery bells 0318:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I know its normal here in upstate NY too 0318:< Lolzep> April is just Winter 2.0 0318:< djcocainegoat> can I tell you guys something that may sound crazy? 0318:< Lolzep> Spit it out me boy 0318:< stfupcakes> I spent the afternoon outside riding the 4-wheeler in blissful sunshine. 0318:< djcocainegoat> I've never seen snow irl 0319:< MrZiggyStardust> djcocainegoat oh wow 0319:< Lolzep> You need to see snow irl then 0319:< stfupcakes> You've got to travel and see it sometime 0319:< MrZiggyStardust> let's trade 0319:< Lolzep> I went skiing before. That is the shit right there. 0319:< stfupcakes> OK, that's the problem I've got with the midwest 0319:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I love me some skiing 0319:< Lolzep> ayyyy 0319:< stfupcakes> Snow, but no skiing 0319:< stfupcakes> Super baking heat, but no beach 0319:< djcocainegoat> whats the temp there ziggy? 0320:< stfupcakes> and spring and fall both last approximately four days. 0320:< MrZiggyStardust> what are you gonna ski in the midwest? theres no mountains 0320:< Lolzep> No I definitely went skiing in the midwest... towards chicago 0320:< MrZiggyStardust> 20F right now 0320:< Lolzep> You can manmake some pretty good hills it turns out 0320:< stfupcakes> It's got none of the perks of other locales. 0320:< stfupcakes> I have no idea why I still live here. 0320:< djcocainegoat> minus 6? 0321:< djcocainegoat> hell no 0321:< MrZiggyStardust> this is a pretty nice day too 0321:< MrZiggyStardust> almost 0 wind 0321:< Lolzep> Here in the chicago suburbs. If there is no wind youre lucky 0321:< stfupcakes> the wind has been kinda brutal lately 0322:< Lolzep> Fucking 35 mph constant like wtf is the wind doing 0322:< MrZiggyStardust> see the cold is fine, but when there is wind its the worst shit on the planet, it was so fucking brutal yesterday but today was calm 0322:< djcocainegoat> yeah i hear the wind chill is what gets you 0322:< MrZiggyStardust> plus it kicks up all the snow and you cant see shit on the road 0322:< djcocainegoat> kind of like how it's the humidity that get's you here 0322:< stfupcakes> GAH 0322:< stfupcakes> did you know the ambient humidity on a farm is often higher than elsewhere 0323:< MrZiggyStardust> I grew up in st. louis and moved here 6 years ago, the humidity sucked there, the winters sucked here, fuck my life 0323:< stfupcakes> especially if you're growing corn 0323:< Lolzep> mmm corn 0323:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I grow corn 0323:< Lolzep> Send me some free corn 0323:< stfupcakes> don't talk to me about humidity. I lived in Miami, it's not that different than livin in the center of corn fields. 0323:< Lolzep> somehow 0323:< MrZiggyStardust> corn trade I'll mail you some snow 0323:< djcocainegoat> today's high was 89 F with 90% humidity 0324:< Lolzep> I already have snow here m8 0324:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> I'll just make a website to trade corn on. Maybe cornhub.com 0324:< MrZiggyStardust> not you Lolzep 0324:< Lolzep> AYYYYYYYYYY 0324:< stfupcakes> lol 0324:< Lolzep> cornhub,com is the place to be --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 03:25:15 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 03:25:28 2016 0325:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm going to go outside for a smoke, hopefully its still calm so the wind doesn't smoke half my fucking cig for me 0325:< stfupcakes> good luck. 0325:< Lolzep> Cue 60 mph winds 0326:< MrZiggyStardust> cue me huddling around that one tree and moving in a circle when the wind changes direction lol 0326:< djcocainegoat> random tornado just touched down a block over from ziggy 0326:< Lolzep> me irl 0327:< MrZiggyStardust> no tornadoes up here, we had them all the time in missouri but not NY 0327:< MrZiggyStardust> anyway brb 0327:< djcocainegoat> i wanted to make a sub called me_url where you could just self promote unabashedly 0327:< stfupcakes> can confirm, tornadoes all the time. 0327:< djcocainegoat> and then i sobered up 0328:< Lolzep> No tornados here towards chicago... we get watches and very little warnings but not much... 0328:< stfupcakes> tornados tornadoes wtf I don't know how to spell anymore 0328:< zacketysack> Hi penis/ 0328:< Lolzep> English is hard 0328:< stfupcakes> English IS hard. 0328:< Lolzep> Also hello there 0328:< djcocainegoat> hard is English too, technically 0329:< zacketysack> English? hard? 0330:< stfupcakes> Yeah. I broke my English. 0330:< Lolzep> mY enHGLish BroKE SeNd HEeeeeLP 0331:< zacketysack> oh man i am not good with English pls to halp 0331:< stfupcakes> A new T15 is coming up soon. 0331:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Lots of mergin' goin' on out there. 0331:< Lolzep> 私は英語の権利をやっていますか? 0332:< stfupcakes> Oh hey, we have a motto now. 0332:< Lolzep> You can thank me later 0332:< stfupcakes> I think all this penis is making me miss things 0332:< ntrefil> https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits still streaming! 0332:< snezel> even after the t15 we gotta wait for a whole other t15 to merge......gonna be another day 0333:< SkiyBloue> fuk were old 0333:< stfupcakes> yeah. long wait. 0333:< agentfooly> http://flockdraw.com/8rymax 0333:< Lolzep> Guys is this a good shitpost? https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dehdf/t17_t18_the_orgasming/ 0333:< stfupcakes> no matter what, though, we'll be the longest lasting room if we fail to merge... barring meltdown 0333:< XesEri> La angla malfacilas, ĉu ne? 0334:< snezel> stfupcakes true dat 0334:< MrZiggyStardust> yay no wind, happy me 0335:< zacketysack> Lolzep shitposting is an art 0335:< KernelSnuffy> greetings fellow peenises 0336:< snezel> KernelSnuffy howdy 0336:< Lolzep> youre welcome 0336:< agentfooly> im going to make a art chat so people who like to draw 0336:< KernelSnuffy> whats this chat about 0336:< KernelSnuffy> are you guys using the tabbed room system 0336:< snezel> yes this is the chillest of chats 0337:< stfupcakes> very chill. and wandering. 0337:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> From calculators to boners. 0337:< djcocainegoat> come share an embarrassing story KernelSnuffy 0337:< stfupcakes> have you ever almost set something on fire? 0338:< KernelSnuffy> one time i was in basic training for the air force and we had to have all of our issued clothing items on display 0338:< stfupcakes> Or set something large on fire? 0338:< KernelSnuffy> including this white underwear which i had a little tiny skid mark on 0338:< MrZiggyStardust> requirements for penis/ : must have almost burned a place down 0338:< KernelSnuffy> and i got publicly called out for that 0338:< snezel> but at least you made Kernel 0338:< KernelSnuffy> hah 0338:< stfupcakes> flaming underwear + roof = almost tragedy. 0338:< snezel> :P 0339:< MrZiggyStardust> I'll take KernelSnuffy in the laundry room with his dirty underwear, can anyone disprove me? 0339:< stfupcakes> O.O 0339:< Lolzep> ANOTHER T15 IN 30 MIN BOYZ 0339:< MrZiggyStardust> you know... clue, the boardgame? 0340:< KernelSnuffy> but that's like a million years from another t16 though 0340:< Lolzep> Yah... 0341:< Lolzep> Guys I just realized, if you took the names of these rooms, you can make an exponential graph based on previous tiers. 0341:< djcocainegoat> I'm in VianshieUbDo on an alt, it's quite exciting 0341:< KernelSnuffy> it drops people that left i think though 0342:< KernelSnuffy> if someone leaves i think the chat name changes 0342:< Lolzep> It does not 0342:< Lolzep> It is a fixed name 0342:< ntrefil> Cornel mustard in the library with the candle stick 0343:< KernelSnuffy> colonel* 0343:< MrZiggyStardust> kernel* 0343:< Lolzep> caramel* w h a t 0343:< MrZiggyStardust> *slides you the candlestick card* 0343:< ntrefil> ah yes indeed spelling in not my strongsuit 0344:< stfupcakes> English is hard. 0344:< Lolzep> I fucked up and lost karma http://puu.sh/o6AIK/6662bfd4fe.png 0345:< IckySkittles> anyone still want to play pictionary 0345:< snezel> hahhaha Lolzep 0345:< Lolzep> ITS TRUE THOUGH 0345:< Lolzep> I dont understand reddit sometimes 0345:< ntrefil> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. 0345:< ntrefil> Thats how you know english is fucked 0346:< trigg> I feel like the capitalizations on those buffalos is off 0346:< too_clever_username> we got a new tier 15 being made 0346:< Lolzep> its funny cause he made a meme 0346:< AbsolutelyCheese> some day english might be looked back at as the wierdest dead language 0346:< ntrefil> Eh its trigg! 0346:< Lolzep> Some day. People will look at egyptian hyroglyphics and be like " w h a t " 0346:< miker2049> heey guys I am trying to decide on a movie to watch. 0346:< stfupcakes> genre preference? 0347:< ntrefil> The human centipede 0347:< miker2049> im feeling something from the 90s maybe 80s 0347:< Lolzep> The Hobbit Trilogy. Marathon them all in one sitting like I did. 0347:< miker2049> little campy but stilll fun 0347:< djcocainegoat> watch clueless 0347:< stfupcakes> drama, action... 0347:< miker2049> oh man thats my favorite movie ever 0347:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Freeks and Geeks series 0348:< djcocainegoat> or the batman movies from the 90s 0348:< stfupcakes> not a bad call 0348:< MrZiggyStardust> watch fight club in reverse 0348:< miker2049> ooo yeah, t\tim burton ones. 0348:< ntrefil> but if you want a serous answer I recommend Circle its on netflix 0348:< trigg> not around for long. Just checkin' in before bedd 0348:< MrZiggyStardust> circle, ultra meta ultra low budget 0348:< stfupcakes> The Abyss is a personal favorite 0348:< miker2049> hmm 0348:< ntrefil> Nice! Well nothing much has happened still in mergatory... 0349:< MrZiggyStardust> or watch primer 0349:< ntrefil> primer is good! 0349:< snezel> is circle actually good? i started but it was so hard to continue MrZiggyStardust 0349:< ntrefil> its real good imo 0349:< MrZiggyStardust> I mean it doesn't get SUPER exciting snezel but some interesting things happen 0350:< snezel> but there is some kind of story? not just idiots dying 0350:< miker2049> love primer! 0350:< miker2049> saw it in theaters 0350:< MrZiggyStardust> I mean the ending has a small reveal and theres a small twist before that 0350:< miker2049> upstream color too 0350:< stfupcakes> Bruce Campbell Vs. Army of Darkness. 0350:< ntrefil> timelapse is good the acting is okay if you can get around that then its a total mind fuck 0350:< snezel> ahh okay ill give it another go then 0350:< stfupcakes> It's too late to watch a thinking movie. 0351:< MrZiggyStardust> Exam is a good film like that too, upstream color is just freaky, I wanted to watch it all but my girlfriend hated it 0351:< MrZiggyStardust> I'll have to watch it again without her 0351:< miker2049> army of darkness might be it 0351:< ntrefil> same director no? 0351:< miker2049> roommate likes that idea too 0351:< ntrefil> for exam? 0351:< snezel> upstream color and primer are both good, and need 2 watches i would say 0351:< stfupcakes> Can't go wrong with Bruce Campbell. 0351:< MrZiggyStardust> really movies I've been meaning to rewatch : in bruges, lock stock and two smoking barrels, snatch, seven psychopaths 0352:< zacketysack> yeah i really enjoyed upstream color, while my friend who watched it with me hated it :) 0352:< stfupcakes> I haven't watched those in a long time, Zig. 0352:< snezel> lock stoack and 2 smoking barrels is one of my favorites, soundtrack and the story is awesome 0352:< MrZiggyStardust> ntrefil I'm not sure might have been? I know primer and upstream color were the same 0352:< stfupcakes> I might have to put one on in the background. 0352:< IckySkittles> any thoughts on Pontypool? 0352:< stfupcakes> I liked Pontypool 0352:< snezel> pontypool wwwas uhhhh interesting? 0352:< ntrefil> Those are soo good! Start off slow but once you get in to it.. 0352:< snezel> i wouldn't watch again though 0353:< stfupcakes> I feel like I'd have to be pretty stoned to enjoy Pontypool a second time around. 0353:< IckySkittles> fair enough 0353:< MrZiggyStardust> if you really wnat to watch something and nothing thinky, in bruges should be on netflix, and you get to see collin farrel so yeah 0353:< snezel> shoulda watched it high the first time maybe now that i think about it 0354:< stfupcakes> THERE'S A WIN 0354:< snezel> i second in bruges 0354:< ntrefil> Timecrimes also a great thinking movie 0354:< zacketysack> Is Office Space on Netflix? 0354:< MrZiggyStardust> I mean I haven't seen it since it came out and I've been meaning to watch it all week but robin has consumed my life 0354:< stfupcakes> no thinking after 10:00 is allowed. 0355:< snezel> zacketysack not in US 0355:< ntrefil> or if you do military it already passed... 0356:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I'm coming up on midnight here and have work at 7 am so I'm gonna be getting off in 10 0357:< stfupcakes> Ralph Fiennes and Collin Farrel 0357:< stfupcakes> TY for this recommendation. 0357:< MrZiggyStardust> another good thinky movie was time lapse if you guys have seen that 0358:< MrZiggyStardust> the one with the polaroid photos 0358:< stfupcakes> that beautiful god damned accent 0359:< MrZiggyStardust> makes the movie 0359:< too_clever_username> I've got 3 accounts in the tier 15 now... 0359:< ntrefil> timelapse if you can get over then mediocre acting 0359:< JClocale> anyone still here? 0359:< ryanvango> hey has anyone had issues reconfiguring the robin-grow new one? 0359:< MrZiggyStardust> it's also considered the best non-christmas christmas movie after die hard 0359:< ntrefil> yes tons use parrot 0359:< too_clever_username> we just need another tier 15 0359:< snezel> JClocale yes 0359:< ntrefil> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0359:< ryanvango> what is parrot/where do i get it 0359:< snezel> pet store ryanvango 0359:< ntrefil> see above^ 0400:< snezel> is a bird 0400:< MrZiggyStardust> parrot is just a fork of robin grow with mad updates, that link is it 0400:< MrZiggyStardust> oh training day is on netflix too now, my rewatch list keeps getting longer 0401:< JClocale> ^ have they fixed the scrolling issue in Parrot yet? 0401:< Mainova> penis penis you're in penis 0401:< stfupcakes> what's the latest stable version of robin grow? 0401:< snezel> nooooooo JClocale it still sometimes doesnt scroll down on mine 0401:< ntrefil> 1.8 0401:< snezel> but mayb i need to update 0401:< MrZiggyStardust> I think they might have I have .26 though so I think they might have by now 0401:< too_clever_username> penis is love 0401:< too_clever_username> penis is life 0402:< too_clever_username> we need to start a penis/ in the tier 15 0402:< ryanvango> test test 0402:< ntrefil> after 1.8 robin grow went to shit 0402:< ryanvango> sweeeet thanks guys! 0402:< ntrefil> np 0402:< ryanvango> yeah. i get there were requests for new things, but i had 0 issues with it before. dont fix if it aint broke 0403:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah but that's like not taking a free upgrade for your honda civic to a lamborghini 0403:< stfupcakes> I need ice cream. Good luck, everyone. 0404:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Au Revoir 0404:< ntrefil> Plus it free software we didnt have to pay for so really theres not to complain about 0405:< snezel> you can always donate to them if you want 0406:< ntrefil> I would if i werent a broke college student... 0407:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm not even a broke college student anymore, I'm just plain broke 0407:< snezel> lol yeah... 0407:< MrZiggyStardust> my girlfriend pays my rent >_> 0407:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> She's a keeper 0407:< snezel> yeah she works the streets hard 0407:< ntrefil> hahaha nice female breadwinner 0407:< snezel> jk MrZiggyStardust 0407:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I know, shes only with me for my money tho, I got a really good job but it wont start until June 0408:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0408:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Can't win em all MrZiggyStardust 0408:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0408:< MrZiggyStardust> -Do-Not-Trust-Me- gonna try to tho 0408:< djcocainegoat> what industry you work in ziggy? 0409:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm a software engineer 0409:< miker2049> (p.s. ended up putting on dark crystal) 0410:< MrZiggyStardust> coding is the best field to be in, so much room for advancement 0410:< MrZiggyStardust> and soooo many companies to work for 0410:< ntrefil> Code is chinese to me I wish I were good at it... 0411:< MrZiggyStardust> eh I've been doing it since middle school so it's just become a part of me, feels like less of a job that way 0411:< MrZiggyStardust> right now I work like 20 hours a week in retail and hate my life lol, waiting for that 5k signing bonus $$$$$ yallll$$$$$$ 0412:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Yeyaaa! Cash money bitches 0412:< snezel> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtsKcHmceqY for MrZiggyStardust 0412:< MrZiggyStardust> gonna buy some dope furniture when I move, I'll actually own a BEDFRAME 0413:< MrZiggyStardust> snezel lol that BnT was my life when I smoked weed all day freshman year 0413:< MrZiggyStardust> BTnH* 0413:< snezel> MrZiggyStardust lol yeah its good shit, reminds me of my childhood 0414:< MrZiggyStardust> snezel gangsta nostolgia ;) 0414:< MrZiggyStardust> not that I was ever a gangsta 0414:< snezel> same...but i grew up listening to it 0414:< IceyMocha> i was a gangsta when i was younger 0415:< snezel> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IJCFc_qkHw IceyMocha 0416:< MrZiggyStardust> being from st. louis I remember vividly when nelly dropped country grammar 0416:< MrZiggyStardust> everyone listened to that shit 0417:< snezel> lol yeah same here in h-town 0417:< IceyMocha> man i remember rolling around with the boys listenin to that 0418:< miker2049> snezel im from katy 0418:< snezel> miker2049 from the west side as well but not quite to katy 0419:< MrZiggyStardust> I mean I was 8, so mostly rapping it out in elementary school lol 0419:< IceyMocha> man ill never 4get the day tupac died 0420:< IceyMocha> man my heart was so heavy 0420:< MrZiggyStardust> RIP :( 0424:< snezel> can someone link me the leaderboard thing? 0424:< Lolzep> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 0424:< snezel> ty Lolzep 0424:< Lolzep> Gonna go to bed now gn 0424:< MrZiggyStardust> okay I gotta go to bed, night bros <3 0424:< snezel> oh shit the tier 15 0424:< snezel> night Lolzep and MrZiggyStardust 0424:< Lolzep> <3 0430:< ntrefil> Are we still here? 0430:< Trondby> some of us 0430:< IckySkittles> going to sleep soon nighty all 0430:< ntrefil> late 0430:< JClocale> IckySkittles g'night! 0431:< Licensed2Chill> who in here saw me in the other chat? 0431:< ntrefil> what other chat? 0433:< snezel> only have been in this one yo 0446:< XG549> this chat dead? 0447:< brycenickerson> Never 0447:< AbsolutelyCheese> im pretty sure people still go here, its just inactive at the moment 0447:< AbsolutelyCheese> it is night where i am after all 0447:< ntrefil> late 0447:< pandandap> penis/ is forever 0448:< AbsolutelyCheese> yup 0448:< XG549> cool. im actually in here now that the script has multi channel. it was too slow for me to have it be the only one 0448:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Almost sleepy time, but per usual i'll be thinking of penis/ all night 0455:< ntrefil> Whats good? 0517:< glukosio> still alive? 0517:< XG549> yep 0518:< ntrefil> sort of.. 0518:< ntrefil> no one prolific here anymore 0520:< glukosio> saw that we have company now! they are 1.7K! It's good! :D 0525:< svlad> is this chat dead? 0525:< bphilly_cheesesteak> no 0526:< ntrefil> we still here 0532:< too_clever_username> 'evening penis 0532:< XG549> hoy 0532:< ntrefil> ho 0532:< bphilly_cheesesteak> h 0536:< LongStrangeTrips> hola penis/ 0536:< dashed> hola 0536:< LongStrangeTrips> american night? european morning? 0536:< supasteve013> yes 0537:< JoeAbunga> Arabian dayyyyy 0537:< LongStrangeTrips> Ah. I just woke up :( 0537:< LongStrangeTrips> And it doesnt feel good 0537:< dashed> in case u guys missed; we have tabbing: https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0538:< snezel> still here but doing other things on the comp too 0538:< LongStrangeTrips> ohh, tabs are cool 0538:< thevdude> i've been waiting for someone to do it 0539:< thevdude> i didn't have time :( 0539:< thevdude> new job is going well so far though! 0539:< LongStrangeTrips> what job? 0539:< thevdude> doing development for a 3dprinting startup 0540:< thevdude> actually headed to bed because it's almost 2am here and I have to go to office tomorrow 0540:< LongStrangeTrips> oh thats pretty cool. What are you guys printing? Or just anything 0540:< LongStrangeTrips> oh, right. Yeah you should 0540:< thevdude> mostly little trinkets like a little self serve kiosk 0540:< thevdude> like a little globe or a gyro or something 0541:< too_clever_username> robin-grow was forked and has ended up as something called parrot 0541:< too_clever_username> /whois k4g3 0541:< too_clever_username> the next merge is going to be 30+ hours out 0542:< dashed> is it really? 0542:< too_clever_username> sorry, was typing with the wrong prefix 0542:< dashed> dont we have T15 now? 0543:< snezel> prob cause only 1 15 so need another t15 0543:< too_clever_username> yeah, and it took 30 hours to make that t15 after our t16 was made 0543:< too_clever_username> so we need another 30+ hours for a second T15 0543:< too_clever_username> exponential growth is a harsh mistress 0544:< snezel> arrgh 0544:< too_clever_username> i like the new chat script with tabs for the channels 0545:< jayman419> It loads the chat so jaggy though, like in fits and starts instead of a nice smooth load. 0546:< snezel> yeah it is really helpful/easy 0546:< LongStrangeTrips> alright. Gonna go to class now :c godspeed penis/ 0549:< supasteve013> k1ngn0thing fuck off and die 0551:< ntrefil> supasteve013 add him to the spam filter it wont show anymore 0552:< ntrefil> supasteve013 haha agreed just like nigglets 0552:< stfupcakes> ok who the fuck was it that said in bruges wasn't a thinking movie? 0553:< ntrefil> dont remember are you watching it? 0553:< stfupcakes> I watched it 0553:< stfupcakes> It's a fantastic movie 0553:< ntrefil> I gonna add it to my list! 0555:< dashed> supasteve013 just mute him 0555:< stfupcakes> It's a well done film. A little deeper than I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 0618:< lost_penguin> d --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 06:26:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 06:47:16 2016 0647:< SkiyBloue> just breaking afk here 0649:< MorallyDeplorable> ho 0649:< MorallyDeplorable> hi 0650:< dashed> howdy --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:22:56 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:37:44 2016 0737:< snezel> peace out penis/ 0737:< XG549> rip 0739:< pm_me_pics_of_ham> see ya penis/ bro 0740:< yoggi92> Sup 0743:< ntrefil> hi 0803:< benduker7> Anyone still here? 0804:< JoeAbunga> Im lurking 0805:< benduker7> ntrefil you are in both this and %chat 0806:< dashed> he's using script --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 08:06:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 08:06:57 2016 0806:< JoeAbunga> he is magic 0818:< ntrefil> 8=========================================================================> 0834:< LongStrangeTrips> hpenis/ ola 0907:< ntrefil> bye penis/ 0907:< benduker7> bye ntrefil 0907:< benduker7> gg again 0908:< benduker7> bye ntrefil 0908:< benduker7> gg again 0924:< alexdzm> guys? 0924:< alexdzm> is penis dead? 0925:< alexdzm> NOOOOOO 0925:< alexdzm> I loved penis 0925:< yoggi92> Hello 0926:< alexdzm> Hi yoggi92, we need a chilled channel on here to stay sane 0933:< dashed> so quiet... 0934:< alexdzm> I like it 0954:< JimmybobIII> alright everyone? 0955:< LongStrangeTrips> Yep 1114:< robrago> hello 1115:< TopicallyDifferent> most people are on %chat, robrago 1116:< OrangeredStilton> I assume we're trying to keep this place quiet. Real quiet. 1117:< preggit> peniscrew still going strong? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:19:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:46:29 2016 1146:< FriendlyYak> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:50:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 12:01:57 2016 1201:< MegaZeus101> Hello? 1202:< lurkian> hi 1202:< djcocainegoat> hey 1202:< wlan222> hi 1202:< MegaZeus101> Oh, I thought penis was dead. 1203:< wlan222> never Kappa 1203:< lurkian> i think now that parrot is live 1203:< lurkian> lotsa people watching lotsa channels 1203:< MegaZeus101> Probs 1207:< ChihuahuaCats> Come draw! http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1210:< SirCabbage> penis is just sleeping- all it needs is a little stimulation and it will be up and ready to go. 1233:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Good Morning!! 1233:< djcocainegoat> morning 1234:< djcocainegoat> How are ya? 1234:< mofosyne> alright. You? 1234:< brycenickerson> Always good here! 1234:< mofosyne> heh yea. Gonna add you to a subreddit now 1235:< mofosyne> added to /r/soKukuneli 1235:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Not windy finally so you can't beat that 1238:< JimmybobIII> hey guys 1238:< ChihuahuaCats> Come draw http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1238:< djcocainegoat> I'm alright 1238:< ChihuahuaCats> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1238:< JimmybobIII> oh hey djcocainegoat 1239:< djcocainegoat> Hey JimmybobIII, nice to see you 1245:< thevdude> oh no, we're under 3000 1245:< Whitestep> yo guys 1245:< thevdude> mofosyne can you add me to it? 1247:< Whitestep> do you update your commits to your work code just as fast? ;p 1248:< thevdude> i do 1248:< thevdude> i'm actually a little upset they don't use git as much at my new job 1248:< Khemikooligan> /penis anyone here? 1248:< thevdude> no 1248:< FriendlyYak> only accidentally 1248:< Khemikooligan> ok 1248:< thevdude> just kidding we're here <3 1248:< FriendlyYak> i clicked throud all the tabs right now 1249:< fedorg> keeping it slow 1249:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> 8==> 1249:< FriendlyYak> *poof* and i'm gone 1249:< Khemikooligan> this filter will whither and die, %chat master race! 1250:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> This filter has been here from the begining. 1250:< Khemikooligan> i have been here since the begining 1250:< djcocainegoat> yeah this penis/ is old and withered 1250:< thevdude> yeah, just like mine 1250:< thevdude> how could I just leave it here, alone? 1251:< thevdude> super hyped for new computer, next couple of days all the parts come in 1251:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Nice! doing your own build? 1252:< FriendlyYak> http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/weeds.gif 1255:< thevdude> -do-not-trust-me- yeah. I had to skip on an SSD for right now, because the one I wanted that was highly rated and well reviewed is 1255:< thevdude> like $150 and I'm broke and just starting a new job 1255:< thevdude> the only reason I picked everything else up is because it'll make my work easier 1255:< Lolzep> Hey guys. Im talking from my phone in all channel chat send help 1255:< thevdude> and easier work = work done better and faster = less working and same money 1256:< Whitestep> impossible to use general chat 1256:< Whitestep> still full of spam? 1256:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Smart man thevdude 1257:< thevdude> yeah, and I mean i'm getting 16gb ram and an i5-6500 (and the rest of the bits) for like $550 1300:< dashed> test 1300:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Failed 1306:< Whitestep> the link fix should be 2.58? 1307:< ror6y> ? 1307:< Whitestep> sorry wrong channel 1309:< Whitestep> parrot 2,57 1309:< Whitestep> 2.57* 1309:< Whitestep> filter by channels is enabled 1312:< JimmybobIII> oh hi whitestep 1312:< Whitestep> sup Jimmy 1317:< nolasagne> good morning 1317:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Morning nolasagne 1318:< nolasagne> hey! I've been on my alt all day yesterday spinning up to Cccande last night 1318:< JimmybobIII> not much just doing some revision 1318:< nolasagne> lotsa good people there just lile here 1318:< nolasagne> like here 1319:< nolasagne> they are very much looking fwd to the big merge 1320:< nolasagne> waht's the general feel right now about STAY vs GROW? Still wait until April 7? 1320:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> no reason not too i suppose 1321:< Broodoobob> grow all the way, baby 1321:< nolasagne> When we merged to 15 there was this whole big blast from the #stayat1k people 1321:< Broodoobob> maybe stay at tier 17 to retain the members, I'd be sympathetic to that acctually 1321:< nolasagne> i'm not sure there will be enoguh time to reach t18 1321:< Broodoobob> the chances of getting a t18 are just too small 1322:< Broodoobob> maybe if the 4k hadn't disbanded 1322:< nolasagne> the fear is that after the big merge we'll hjave anothe Kufikumu incident 1322:< nolasagne> I am not of that opinion 1323:< FriendlyYak> nolasagne that was a one time thing. we have nothing to fear except 8.4.16 1323:< FriendlyYak> 4.8.16 in USA 1324:< Broodoobob> that won't happen 1324:< nolasagne> I agree. and that was the general opinion the last tiem I checked in here 1324:< Broodoobob> because the defaullt action now is stay not abandon 1324:< nolasagne> Was just wondering if anythind had changed 1324:< Broodoobob> the chances of disbandment are near 0 1324:< Whitestep> yeah, everyone in the higher tiers has a grow script 1324:< Whitestep> or is paying close attention to the thing 1324:< nolasagne> and the PM script toget the vote out 1324:< Broodoobob> if people are still on grow and the thing closes I don't thin they'll disband us 1325:< nolasagne> There would be a riot, I think 1325:< FriendlyYak> Broodoobob but ~6k people is not that much on the internet 1325:< FriendlyYak> Broodoobob or is it? 1325:< nolasagne> They've been running elections in ccande for a few iterations now 1326:< Broodoobob> it is for people with this level of dedication 1326:< nolasagne> A riot for a few hours then sullen acceptance 1326:< Broodoobob> 6k people showing up in a twitch chat is a lot less of a deal 1326:< Broodoobob> people here are invested 1326:< Whitestep> elections for? 1327:< nolasagne> have we done anything like that here? Just fun stuff recognizing jobs well done etc 1328:< nolasagne> they even have a Constitution 1328:< nolasagne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit#heading=h.4vhuktcbh0et 1328:< Broodoobob> ehh, I'm not all that into roleplay 1328:< Broodoobob> I like the chill atmosphere here 1329:< Broodoobob> no pressure to take it any more seriously 1329:< nolasagne> it's chill 1331:< Whitestep> haha thats seem liike a lil too much for me --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 13:31:57 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:32:42 2016 1332:< IckySkittles> morning 1333:< Whitestep> morning 1406:< IckySkittles> It's the cirrrrcle of liiiiiiiiiiife and it moves us aaaaaaall 1407:< glukosio> LoL 1407:< JoeAbunga> dont click links is the lesson I just learned 1408:< glukosio> what was the link? 1409:< LongStrangeTrips> kieran6383 Not dead 1410:< LongStrangeTrips> Its just european work day, US night 1410:< LongStrangeTrips> Come back EU evening or US evening 1411:< LongStrangeTrips> Then morning 1411:< LongStrangeTrips> Either way, people are preparing for work 1411:< LongStrangeTrips> or at work 1411:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ cant perform 24/7, it needs rest --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:22:58 2016 1422:< rabbitsnake> I don't think I'd ever be at work in a chat room named penis/ but stranger things have happened. 1423:< brycenickerson> lol, just logged into my phone to see that 1423:< LongStrangeTrips> Helo penis/ers 1424:< brycenickerson> Hola senor! thought I better drop in to say hello!! the penis/ got pretty big last night 1426:< djcocainegoat> haha we are in a refractory period 1434:< LongStrangeTrips> K1ngN0thing Please stop spamming here --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:35 2016 1435:< LongStrangeTrips> In the meantime, hello newcomers! Some spam https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/ <<< Our official subreddit 1436:< dashed> LongStrangeTrips just mute him 1437:< LongStrangeTrips> Yeah but I just want this place to be safe. Without the need to mute 1510:< AbsolutelyCheese> whoah, did my robin grow automatically change? 1512:< AbsolutelyCheese> anyone here? 1513:< cuii> yoyoo 1514:< LongStrangeTrips> AbsolutelyCheese Hello 1522:< Whitestep> is penis dead 1522:< Stjerneklar> nah just flaccid 1524:< ntrefil> Morning guys! 1524:< cuii> morning! 1525:< ntrefil> Whats been going on penis/ 1533:< LongStrangeTrips> Whitestep we cant be hard all day long 1534:< ntrefil> Hey! 1535:< MrZiggyStardust> hey guys back from work 1536:< ntrefil> woooo! nice! I currently at school... 1538:< brycenickerson> I'm at work, checking in every now and then. 1539:< ntrefil> penis/ usually becomes active around 6pst... 1539:< brycenickerson> active penis/ is the best penis 1541:< snezel> Whats goin on, just got up penis/ 1541:< MrZiggyStardust> talking about how active penis/ gets 1541:< ntrefil> hey whats up gyts 1542:< ntrefil> guys* 1542:< Stjerneklar> bumping 1542:< snowburst> hey ntrefil, checking in for a few min myself 1543:< ntrefil> whois/ trefil 1545:< snowburst> cant believe this has gone on for so long 1545:< ntrefil> If we dont fuck up the merge well be here for even longer 1546:< snezel> when is the merge? like 24 hours away or something? 1546:< snowburst> something like that 1547:< ntrefil> We have a 15 group and 13 so I can imagine itd be relatively soon? 1547:< brycenickerson> Definitly getting closer, i've heard there is bots in the small chats now to, so that may deter ppl who havent figured out the script 1548:< snezel> so need another 13 to merge then need another 14 to get made to merge with that....so could be a while 1548:< ntrefil> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=relative => http://nazar.so/60j16 my mistake its a 14 tier 1549:< snezel> nice so just need another 14 to be made and were on the wway it seems 1550:< snowburst> it's going to be another big cascade 1551:< snezel> avalanche of merges 1552:< OrangeredStilton> There's tell that robintracker is wrong on the 14 1552:< ntrefil> Anyone have alt in that group? 1553:< brycenickerson> So there is no 14 OrangeredStilton 1607:< snezel> adios for now 1614:< brycenickerson> Hallllo 1615:< ntrefil> late 1623:< ChihuahuaCats> Hello? 1623:< preggit> Sup penisbro 1624:< ChihuahuaCats> Ayy. I'm drinking green tea. wbu 1624:< ChihuahuaCats> test 1631:< stfupcakes> Hello? 1632:< svlad> hey sexy 1632:< ChihuahuaCats> hello 1633:< stfupcakes> seriously. c'mon computer. 1633:< svlad> I believe in you 1633:< stfupcakes> Little bit of a technical difficulty. Looks pretty abandoned in here today. 1634:< svlad> penis has been quiet all morning for me. %chat is where everything seems to be at the moment 1634:< stfupcakes> anything that will make me rage and go outside in %chat? 1635:< svlad> no, its civil. they're currently talking about getting people to install Parrot 1635:< stfupcakes> fantastic. Thanks, I believe I'll lurk on 'em for a bit. 1638:< PM_ME_WORDLY_WISDOMS> what kind of channel is this? 1638:< brycenickerson> the best kind of channel 1638:< ChihuahuaCats> chill chat 1639:< ntrefil> is so chill! 1640:< ChihuahuaCats> ccandeShle currently at tier 15, get ready to merge soon 1641:< svlad> if by soon, you mean another 12 hours or more 1642:< ChihuahuaCats> yes 1642:< splishtastic> ChihuahuaCats lol, optimistic much? 1642:< ChihuahuaCats> yes 1643:< dutchy131> hello 1643:< ChihuahuaCats> hello 1645:< ChihuahuaCats> what does desktop notifcations do 1645:< splishtastic> exactly what is describes? 1646:< ChihuahuaCats> ???????????? doesnt seem to do anything for me. huh 1647:< snezel> chill channel, also %chat is always talking about installing parrot.... 1650:< dutchy131> xD 1651:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 1651:< bradyblair20> hello 1651:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 1651:< bradyblair20> y u spamming 1653:< ChihuahuaCats> Is ANime real? 1703:< Broodoobob> ChihuahuaCats desktop notifications trigger when you get highlighted in chat. Like right now for instance 1703:< ChihuahuaCats> oh ok 1716:< snezel> test 1717:< cuii> yo snezel 1717:< snezel> aight cool 1718:< bradyblair20> hello 1718:< snezel> so awk right now, some realtor is in my house and i was supposed to be gone 1718:< bradyblair20> nice 1718:< snezel> but i thought they had already came by.... 1718:< snezel> ooooops 1719:< JimmybobIII> hey guys 1720:< snezel> sup 1721:< ntrefil> hey snezel 1721:< JimmybobIII> not much just finished work 1724:< JimmybobIII> god damn does this keep refreshing for you guys? 1724:< ntrefil> what script version are you using? 1725:< JimmybobIII> newest parrot one 1725:< JimmybobIII> i think it's reddit 1726:< svlad> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1726:< svlad> you should be on 2.67 1728:< snezel> these parrot updates are literally like every hour 1728:< JimmybobIII> hmm 1729:< ntrefil> So nice that dev team is really on top of it! 1730:< snezel> yeah it is really cool, i was just happy when i could filter out john madden and other spam 1731:< cuii> sick dude 1731:< JimmybobIII> ah cool just updated 1733:< ntrefil> omg that madden bot!!! so irritating 1734:< pxndxx> i'm back, bitchessss 1736:< svlad> ntrefil just block it 1737:< pxndxx> is penis/ dead? 1738:< ntrefil> back b4 it could be block... 1739:< ntrefil> penis/ is alive and well 1739:< brycenickerson> always well 1741:< LongStrangeTrips> pxndxx penis/ will never die. deal with it 1741:< pxndxx> hi, Long 1742:< LongStrangeTrips> hello 1743:< snezel> LongStrangeTrips hello 1743:< LongStrangeTrips> hello 1745:< LongStrangeTrips> How has everyone been? 1746:< pxndxx> erect. 1746:< LongStrangeTrips> good 1746:< ntrefil> hardly work 1747:< ntrefil> working 1747:< dutchy131> I'm quite erect myself 1750:< embracetehmartian> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1802:< Whitestep> any listeners here 1802:< JoeAbunga> y 1802:< Whitestep> or is penis dead 1803:< djcocainegoat> I'm around 1803:< djcocainegoat> afk from time to time 1803:< JoeAbunga> same here 1804:< LongStrangeTrips> Whitestep stop asking whether were dead >:( 1804:< SalZoRz> ya penis/ never dies 1804:< LongStrangeTrips> Ever seen a dead penis/? I didn't think so. 1805:< djcocainegoat> open casket at a nudist's funeral? 1806:< djcocainegoat> and even then it's a 50/50 chance 1806:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat not dead, its propping the casket up 1807:< djcocainegoat> that would be a rather considerably sized penis 1808:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dhike/tier_17_united_sovereign_states_of_robin/ => http://nazar.so/2gajz 1808:< LongStrangeTrips> WTF is this? 1808:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ rejects any overarching authority 1808:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep you here? 1809:< pandandap> Who tf is President Robin >:( 1809:< djcocainegoat> looks like a preemptive campaign for leadership of the T17 room 1809:< djcocainegoat> we should get :gov to impose sanctions 1810:< LongStrangeTrips> How can you form a T17 thread when its not even a thing yet? Lolzep should get the honor, this guy just wants karma 1811:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> Just dropping in to say PresidentRobin will fall like the PM of Iceland. Onward and upward penis/ 1811:< pandandap> you cant. exactly. 1811:< Whitestep> just asking 1811:< LongStrangeTrips> -Do-Not-Trust-Me- <3 <3 <3 1812:< LongStrangeTrips> Its been a while 1812:< Whitestep> I got kicked from the tier 12 merge :( 1812:< Whitestep> 11* 1812:< LongStrangeTrips> Youre still here though. Thats all that matters 1813:< Whitestep> I'm surprised by the longevity of this 1813:< LongStrangeTrips> Itll never die 1813:< pandandap> "I encourage the leaders of the current large Robins to join me. " 1813:< Whitestep> I started on Saturday morning 1813:< LongStrangeTrips> You should stop doubting 1813:< pandandap> who is this guy anyway 1814:< LongStrangeTrips> pandandap self-proclaimed napoleon 1814:< pandandap> boooo 1814:< LongStrangeTrips> I will make an official statement on behalf of penis 1814:< djcocainegoat> Yes plz! 1814:< djcocainegoat> we in penis comdemn these actions 1815:< pandandap> excellent. penis/ remains the safest of havens 1816:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dhike/tier_17_united_sovereign_states_of_robin/d1qzx2n => http://nazar.so/6x4ly 1816:< LongStrangeTrips> Thanks -Do-Not-Trust-Me- for your sick burn 1831:< ntrefil> hey look more penis/ friends 1832:< Whitestep> yo 1832:< trigg> back from class? 1832:< LongStrangeTrips> Hola 1833:< IckySkittles> hello 1833:< trigg> % chat has just turned into a parrot discussion/stay argument. 1834:< LongStrangeTrips> Theres some weirdo already making a T17 thread 1834:< LongStrangeTrips> If you didnt hear before. The stayers will perish btw 1834:< trigg> Yeah I saw that. 1835:< trigg> at this point I've put too much of my life into it. 1835:< ntrefil> I think we all have 1835:< trigg> sunken cost and whatnot 1835:< ntrefil> Atleast a good 30 hours 1835:< LongStrangeTrips> 3 days left 1835:< trigg> I wouldn't be surprised if you've put in some of the most actual keyboard time here, ntrefil 1836:< LongStrangeTrips> stay strong brothers 1836:< ntrefil> Robin ----> my life rip 1836:< trigg> 3 days is nothing compared to what we've done so far. 1837:< trigg> Does anyone have hopes and dreams as to what will happen at the end? 1837:< ntrefil> Robin friends> real friendssss 1837:< ntrefil> gold for everyone 1837:< trigg> .... You aim low. 1838:< LongStrangeTrips> phalhalla brothers 1838:< LongStrangeTrips> phalhalla awaits 1838:< ntrefil> Tbh I would love for this to be a permanent feature of subs 1839:< LongStrangeTrips> same 1839:< trigg> just a live chat box along the sidebar? 1839:< ntrefil> Something like that... I would be great for things like live chatting shows and sports... 1840:< LongStrangeTrips> trigg, sidebar chat would make it chaotic like twitch. dedicated windows 1841:< trigg> yeah, that would be nice actually. I could see it especially for sports subs. I would live in /r/hockey 1841:< ntrefil> r/adventuretime for me 1841:< trigg> live episode discussions? 1843:< trigg> is Adventure Time still even on air? I Haven't heard anyone talk about it in a while 1843:< mythriz> well %chat just took a weird turn in conversation topic. I guess penis/ is the safer channel now. 1844:< trigg> I'm actually entertained by this one! Better than their previous discussions. 1844:< Whitestep> yeah AT is still going strong 1844:< ntrefil> yeah! season 7 just picked back up not too long ago... Probably the best season so far imo 1845:< Whitestep> ntrefil what did you think of the S6 finale? 1846:< ntrefil> was that the one this gunter/comet? 1846:< mythriz> oh I was watching AT on Netflix. But now it's not available in my country at all. :| meh. 1846:< Whitestep> yup 1846:< LongStrangeTrips> mythriz what happened to %chat? 1847:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino likes viewbots 1847:< mythriz> think I watched up to season 3 or so 1847:< Whitestep> season 4 onwards is the best imo 1847:< Whitestep> the lore really picks up 1847:< ntrefil> I liked it but man oh man do i like the current season specially with the pb + marceline special 1848:< mythriz> LongStrangeTrips uuuuh some guys are talking about wanting to date young and preferably also rich girls 1848:< Whitestep> yeah I'm a bit behind on S7, but the marcy + Peebs special was great 1848:< Whitestep> so was Stakes 1848:< mythriz> yeah I hear the story gets more serious after the first few seasons. too bad they took it off netflix instead of adding more seasons. 1849:< mythriz> *ponders kisscartoon again* 1849:< Whitestep> where are you? 1849:< ntrefil> Whitestep indeed you watch any other CN shows? 1849:< ntrefil> mythriz yeah the quality is meh.. 1850:< Whitestep> I started SU but I don't follow it currently 1850:< Whitestep> Only other show I watch religiously is R&M 1850:< Whitestep> but that has a while to start again 1850:< mythriz> I watched all of Steven Universe and Gravity Falls on KissCartoon, quality was passable 1850:< Whitestep> There's better quality available 1850:< mythriz> at least kisscartoon doesn't have as intrusive ads as some other streaming sites 1851:< Whitestep> http://projectfreetv.so/ 1851:< ntrefil> SU is still a damn hiatus! its terrible 1851:< Whitestep> still, I prefer downloading 1851:< ntrefil> Kisscartoon is good I also use animeflavor 1851:< mythriz> "FIND YOUR LATINA LOVE" finally I can find love too 1851:< Whitestep> oh is it? second season? 1852:< ntrefil> eztv is a good place for hd torrents 1852:< trigg> I use eztv for everything as well 1852:< mythriz> I usually prefer to watch legally, that's why I don't really bother downloading much anymore --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:00 2016 1853:< ntrefil> Eztv+vpn+popcorntime my go to method for watching tv 1853:< mythriz> like on Netflix and Crunchyroll I mean 1853:< trigg> If they had more options for different legal watching in Canada I'd be all for it... But as of right now there just isn't 1853:< ntrefil> Im a cable cutter so I have no alternative for current shows... 1853:< trigg> We have a few, but most of them other than netflix are pretty sparse 1854:< mythriz> yeah it's really too bad TV still have a big market 1854:< mythriz> otherwise Netflix could license shows easier 1854:< embracetehmartian> ELECT Grakiao 1854:< trigg> I haven't been able to quite cut cable yet, although I'd really like to --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:24 2016 1855:< trigg> I'd be fine with paying $10 a month each for some different services rather than one cable bill 1855:< mythriz> I'd even buy episodes on Amazon and the like if possible, but even those are region locked (not available) 1855:< mythriz> *sigh* 1855:< ntrefil> Netflix/HBO/Amazon imo are really only good for original content 1856:< ntrefil> Man in the High Castle anyone? 1856:< trigg> Never heard of that actually --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:40 2016 1856:< ntrefil> Amazon original based on philip k dick novel of the same title 1856:< mythriz> me neither. "What the world would be like if nazis won WWII" wow 1857:< mythriz> that does sound intriguing 1857:< trigg> that sounds really good! TV Show? 1857:< trigg> How many seasons? 1857:< ntrefil> historical fiction that take place in a universe were japan and germany won wwII 1857:< ntrefil> yeah.... 1 so far 1857:< trigg> I'll definitely look into that. 1857:< trigg> I need to watch Season 2 of Fargo still.. 1858:< trigg> oh ffs it's snowing again. 1858:< Whitestep> is it any good ntrefil? 1858:< Whitestep> sounds interesintg 1859:< ntrefil> I really liked it! at times there was too much drama for my liking but i got really good toward the end 1859:< ntrefil> ...Meanwhile in sunny CA 1900:< mythriz> I never got around to watch Fargo. heard it's good. oh well. I was actually planning to play games today. maybe I'll go do that now 1906:< mythriz> no never got around to watch the movie either! 1907:< trigg> well, I definitely recommend the show if you can handle the accents. 1908:< dashed> woah people actually tlak on here 1908:< amaklp> lol 1908:< trigg> It`s peaceful and safe here dashed 1908:< amaklp> why penis/ is a thing? 1909:< dashed> we're all penises here 1909:< zacketysack> Dick. 1910:< ntrefil> because chat% can get spammy 1915:< ntrefil> Hey is it me or is no one chatting? 1915:< trigg> nah, everyone's quiet 1915:< thevdude> feels weird having no filter, having a good day at work 1916:< trigg> be entertaining 1919:< ntrefil> made an alt hopefully it makes to tier 17... 1920:< trigg> Think it's worth doing? I miss the beginning days! 1921:< ntrefil> Well see rn im in group and no one is cahtting probably cause all of them are alts 1921:< trigg> good point. I might go ahead and start one up 1929:< trigg> I got a fresh person in my first chat! Not an alt. Surprised 1930:< ChihuahuaCats> Hi 1930:< trigg> hi 1930:< ChihuahuaCats> hi 1931:< snowburst> hi 1931:< ChihuahuaCats> hi 1931:< zacketysack> hi 1932:< trigg> anyone know how to get parrot working on firefox? It says I'm not compatible with Tampermonkey 1933:< ntrefil> ChihuahuaCats hi 1933:< ChihuahuaCats> hi 1933:< robrago> hello 1933:< ntrefil> no. I personally use chromium 1934:< trigg> I have chrome running, but I'm using firefox for the alt.. 1936:< snowburst> I'm using greasemonkey on firefox with parrot 1936:< ntrefil> chromium is a mini chrome 1937:< ntrefil> uses less memory 1937:< ntrefil> wow people in those small groups a brutal... 1940:< trigg> lol I LOVE my new group 1940:< ntrefil> Were talking bout pizza... 1953:< LongStrangeTrips> Does anyone have a ferret? 1957:< trigg> I don't. I hear they're smelly 1958:< JimmybobIII> sup 2001:< glukosio> can't see anything, normal? 2002:< ntrefil> LongStrangeTrips are they technically roadents? 2006:< LongStrangeTrips> yeah 2006:< LongStrangeTrips> I want a ferret 2010:< ntrefil> I was always wanted a pet fox 2011:< trigg> you mean catdog, ntrefil 2012:< MegaZeus101> obviously 2015:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh my god. Integrated leaderboard 2015:< LongStrangeTrips> Marvelous 2015:< dashed> parrot users: update v2.74 has leaderboard standings retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/4czzo2 2016:< LongStrangeTrips> dashed its beautiful 2016:< Lolzep> Eyyy my boyz 2016:< ntrefil> haha basically lol 2016:< ntrefil> Lolzep hey bud 2016:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep! 2017:< LongStrangeTrips> Did you see the T17 thread? 2017:< dashed> T17 thread wtf? 2017:< ntrefil> ? link 2017:< Lolzep> stop it please 2017:< LongStrangeTrips> Yeah 2017:< LongStrangeTrips> Some napoleon declared himself president of robin 2017:< Lolzep> Well napoleon cant do that shit 2017:< dashed> LongStrangeTrips for a second i thought u meant there's a T17 alreaedy 2018:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dhike/tier_17_united_sovereign_states_of_robin/ => http://nazar.so/96hv8 2018:< Lolzep> You cant just say you're president. Thats what we call a dictatorship m8 2018:< LongStrangeTrips> Hah, i reported it and they told him to take it down :) 2018:< LongStrangeTrips> All for you Lolzep <3 2019:< Lolzep> If someone actually made a t17 then I would die 2019:< LongStrangeTrips> If they made it before you did? 2019:< Lolzep> Yes... 2019:< LongStrangeTrips> No worries. The T15 thread is nothing compared to yours 2019:< trigg> oh shit people are talking here again 2019:< MegaZeus101> Oh, hey Lolzep 2019:< LongStrangeTrips> They dont even have a penis/ chat anymore. Ptsh 2020:< Lolzep> No penis/? Chat must be terrible 2020:< dashed> lol... 2020:< Lolzep> dashed please. This is penis/ 2020:< dashed> i dont judge :) 2021:< Lolzep> Thats right 2021:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh boy. I just got added as an approved submitter on /r/soKukunelits 2022:< Whitestep> what about this? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/d1r2mzq => http://nazar.so/26yd6 2023:< snowburst> why did they take away the homepage button? 2023:< Whitestep> no clue 2024:< LongStrangeTrips> Maybe to ease the stress on their servers 2024:< LongStrangeTrips> Because people kept clicking 2024:< Lolzep> Event isnt as popular anymore? 2024:< Whitestep> I'd say it's fairly popular 2024:< Whitestep> ATM at least 6k people are participating 2024:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep I dont understand why. This is so much cooler than the button 2024:< Lolzep> The button went until june 2024:< LongStrangeTrips> Whitestep, but probably around 1 or 2k are real 2027:< ntrefil> I wish I had gotten more involved with the button 2027:< MegaZeus101> Me too 2027:< LongStrangeTrips> But the button was boring 2027:< LongStrangeTrips> all you did was click 2027:< Lolzep> It literally was a button 2028:< Lolzep> Robin is a button AND a game/chat 2028:< LongStrangeTrips> YEAH! 2028:< LongStrangeTrips> and theres penis/ 2028:< ntrefil> Well people then incorporated in to post and religions 2028:< Lolzep> ayyyy 2029:< Whitestep> the button was nice as well though 2029:< Whitestep> the organization to keep alive a 60s timer is insane+ 2029:< Lanulus> But the button didn't require any effort, so more people participated. 2029:< Lanulus> There are a lot of people that click the robin, go "wtf", and immediately abandon 2030:< ntrefil> Lanulus true lost so many og... 2030:< Lolzep> Most people went and trolled for like a day, got bored, then left 2031:< ntrefil> alright penis/ off the class see you real soon! 2031:< Lolzep> bai 2031:< Whitestep> OTOH for the button you had to use accounts made before Apr 1st 2032:< trigg> bye ntrefil 2032:< Lanulus> A huge amount of people have alts on reddit, so that's not a big deal. 2035:< LongStrangeTrips> Stay is falling! We did it penis/! 2035:< Stjerneklar> rejoicements 2037:< MegaZeus101> PENIS WE MUST TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS AFTER MERGE! 2037:< Lolzep> Stay in penis/ obviously 2038:< MegaZeus101> When we merge, there will be an influx of new people, and some of them will discover penis/ 2038:< MegaZeus101> That is good, but people will probably try to change the fundamentals of Penis/ 2038:< MegaZeus101> That being we are a, "very chill chat" 2039:< MegaZeus101> WE MUST STAY FIRM TO OUR BELIEFS! Stand strong penos/! for if we fail, than the whole of soKukunelits will be lost! 2042:< snezel> MegaZeus101 preach it 2057:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep 2057:< LongStrangeTrips> Youre going to have to hurry at T17, this president robin guy is gonna try to go for it 2102:< MegaZeus101> WE MUST HOLD PENIS/ FOR OUR OWN!!! 2102:< embracetehmartian> https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2102:< MegaZeus101> DEFEEND IT TO THE DEATH 2105:< LongStrangeTrips> hey penis/? 2106:< XesEri> yeah 2106:< LongStrangeTrips> got flaccid here for a while 2106:< XesEri> yeah, it's quiet. Weird time --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:15:26 2016 2115:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ ideology must be spread 2115:< XesEri> will do 2115:< LongStrangeTrips> godspeed 2127:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dijf8/readmetxt/ => http://nazar.so/rw8m 2127:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dijf8/readmetxt/ => http://nazar.so/1jred 2128:< MegaZeus101> lol 2134:< Whitestep> >what hours it will be most erect 2134:< Whitestep> lol'd 2134:< LongStrangeTrips> whitestep I tried 2135:< YourBodyIsFrail> can you guys read my messages? 2136:< LongStrangeTrips> YourBodyIsFrail LOUDER PLEASE 2136:< YourBodyIsFrail> i can't use filter anymore all the chat just disappear 2136:< YourBodyIsFrail> i have to type penis/ manually 2136:< ror6y> Yeah same 2136:< mythriz> test 2136:< ror6y> I don't like it 2137:< snezel> hmmm did yall update? im on oldish parrot still 2137:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> same 2137:< mythriz> I just updated to 2.75, doesn't seem to be any problems? 2137:< YourBodyIsFrail> my chat now is a mess of flood cause i can't filter x) 2137:< snezel> :( YourBodyIsFrail im on 2.67 2138:< ror6y> I don't like typin penis/ manually 2138:< ror6y> this is WRONG 2138:< snezel> ror6y ctrl v it 2138:< ror6y> thats what im doin 2138:< sigmaeni> keep refreshing the GIT page, then update once they've fixed it 2138:< ror6y> But it's annoyin af 2138:< LongStrangeTrips> I dont seem to have that problem 2138:< snezel> damn welp im not updating then 2138:< mythriz> me neither 2138:< LongStrangeTrips> Im on 2.74 2138:< mythriz> don't need to type penis/ 2140:< IckySkittles> how ya hangin? 2140:< snezel> always erect 2141:< IckySkittles> fantastic 2142:< Whitestep> any of you guys with alts in lower tiers 2142:< snezel> lol but nah just chillin, how ya doin? 2142:< brycenickerson> What's the latest on the front page Robin button? 2142:< snezel> nah i was going to make one, are you just in incognito doing it? 2142:< Whitestep> yeah 2142:< dashed> every subreddit should make a css button to robin 2142:< Whitestep> I was 2142:< dashed> as april fools to reddit admins 2142:< Whitestep> got kicked in one of the last merges to tier 11 2142:< LongStrangeTrips> dashed Do you know how to do that? /r/RRSpenis/ would appreciate it 2143:< dashed> LongStrangeTrips nah.. i dont mod any sub 2143:< LongStrangeTrips> :( 2143:< dashed> Khemikooligan what seeems to be the problem? 2146:< LongStrangeTrips> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy It is in penis/ 2147:< snezel> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy you are in penis and the penis is in you 2147:< IckySkittles> the cycle of penis 2148:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> but i cant see you messages in the penis caht 2148:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> the P is capatlised for some reason 2148:< ror6y> "capatlised" 2148:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ is lowercase FluffyBunnyIsFluffy 2149:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> i know but this is what i mean, one sec let me screenshot 2149:< snezel> ror6y lol 2149:< ror6y> what happens if /me is a filter 2149:< ror6y> or /vot 2149:< LongStrangeTrips> what is /vot? 2149:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> https://gyazo.com/f3a4016c8b6b4e79b11e055b0795a1c0 2149:< ror6y> /vote* 2150:< LongStrangeTrips> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy does it not work when you just write penis/? 2151:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> it does but if i do it in the Penis/ channel at the top it shows it to you btu i cant see your messages 2152:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> im not sure i may have auto updates on 2152:< LongStrangeTrips> well im writing in "penis/" not "Penis/" maybe thats the difference 2152:< snezel> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy yeah i think the stuff is cap sensitive 2152:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> yeh but why does it show a Penis/ channel at the top? 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> Go to "Open Settings" 2153:< snezel> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy can you add a penis/ ? 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> and change the filter name from Penis/ to penis/ 2153:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> penis/ is the only filter i have 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> Hmm 2153:< LongStrangeTrips> Refresh? 2154:< snezel> can you see us? 2154:< Whitestep> still starting with caps 2155:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> only in the all channel, but the all channel just shows the penis/ filter 2155:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> and still starts with cvaps 2156:< LongStrangeTrips> 2.76 now 2156:< YourBodyIsFrail> ok got parrot it works fine, Robbin growth is dead taught 2156:< LongStrangeTrips> Yeah. I changed yesterday 2200:< Lolzep> Shit 2200:< MrZiggyStardust> sup penis 2201:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep! Why you shitting? 2201:< Lolzep> I read your message about the one guy taking the t17 room just now cause the chat didnt scroll 2201:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh, yeah. Youve got time though 2202:< Lolzep> Could I ask a mod to confirm it maybe? 2202:< LongStrangeTrips> Confirm that youll do it? 2202:< bradyblair20> hello 2202:< LongStrangeTrips> Hello bradyblair20 2202:< YourBodyIsFrail> hello 2203:< Cernokneznik> hello 2203:< LongStrangeTrips> Hola 2203:< YourBodyIsFrail> man i'm pretty sure we wil not survive the T17 merge x) 2203:< XesEri> i think t17 guy was asked to remove flair by a mod. not sure if it was actually done 2203:< Lolzep> Yah ask a mod to confirm the t17 thread 2203:< bradyblair20> only a little bit longer 2203:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep, yeah go for it. Ill support you 2204:< Lolzep> You know what I have that he doesn't have? 2204:< Lolzep> Experience 2204:< MrZiggyStardust> anyone have a countdown for t17? 2204:< XesEri> I was gonna go for the magic of friendship 2204:< -Do-Not-Trust-Me-> And the support of penis/ 2204:< MrZiggyStardust> looks like we're getting close 2204:< XesEri> but experience is also good 2205:< Lolzep> "redditor for 6 hours" I mean come the fuck on. This guy is not getting it 2206:< Lolzep> I reaaalllly hope their government crap doesnt carry over... its just an irc chat people 2206:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep, you also didnt declare yourself president of reddit :) 2206:< MrZiggyStardust> is this PresidentRobin guy taking this too far? 2206:< bradyblair20> wait what government lol 2206:< Lolzep> I could declare myself hitler and people would agree 2206:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep. Dickler 2207:< Lolzep> Yah the T15 room has a government and multipage constitution 2207:< XesEri> Hitler was a penis potato 2207:< XesEri> dick tater 2207:< bradyblair20> wtf 2207:< LongStrangeTrips> Their authority wont reach penis/ 2207:< bradyblair20> too far 2207:< Lolzep> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit => http://nazar.so/37ehg 2207:< bradyblair20> we have emergency back ups 2207:< LongStrangeTrips> penis/ is like the vatican 2208:< bradyblair20> didnt even read that 2208:< bradyblair20> too much time 2208:< bradyblair20> who was time to do that stupid stuff lol 2208:< LongStrangeTrips> Alright amigos 2208:< Lolzep> People who are really into poiltics 2208:< LongStrangeTrips> its time for this penis/ to go to sleep 2208:< TopicallyDifferent> woah my penis/ is still up 2209:< TopicallyDifferent> I thought you guys were ded 2209:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep, take care of penis/ for me 2209:< bradyblair20> i mean we have been here for over 30+ hours and havent resorted to such lol 2209:< Lolzep> Alrighty --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 22:09:23 2016 2209:< bradyblair20> the penis never dies 2209:< bradyblair20> adios 2209:< XesEri> 45+ hours, as scribed by the leader board 2209:< Lolzep> bye 2209:< Whitestep> see ya lolzep 2209:< Lolzep> Im not leaving Long is 2210:< TeaBagTwat> Do you guys know a basic spam bot script because I want to modify It to do something else 2210:< bradyblair20> no 2211:< Whitestep> oh nvm 2211:< MrZiggyStardust> just find out which command js uses to send a message, some scripts like the old robin grow sent their own messages for grow/stay 2211:< TeaBagTwat> Ill try and find it thx 2212:< LongStrangeTrips> wait guys 2212:< weedsches> hi guysd 2212:< LongStrangeTrips> do you think i can close my laptop? its kind of dying 2212:< LongStrangeTrips> Ive had it open for the past 3 days 2212:< LongStrangeTrips> Will we merge soon or ETA is more than 8 hours? 2212:< embracetehmartian> yo guys whats up, whats everyone doing 2212:< Lolzep> Ive had my 980 ti i7 5930k open for 5 days no problems Kappa 2212:< OneRedSent> the room keeps getting smaller 2212:< XesEri> I would say yes, provided you're back in a few hours 2212:< MrZiggyStardust> poke through the threads for a merge eta 2213:< LongStrangeTrips> No time. Ill just leave it open 2213:< weedsches> eta? 2213:< MrZiggyStardust> I imagine its more than 8 hours tho 2213:< XesEri> The t4s and 5s are having trouble merging right now, we'll be fine 2213:< LongStrangeTrips> Alright, goodnight 2213:< Lolzep> You can turn off the screen and not put it to sleep i think 2213:< MrZiggyStardust> weedsches estimated time of arrival, or something like that 2215:< weedsches> thanks mrziggystardust 2215:< Lolzep> oooo I just noticed my thread is on the standings tab in parrot <3 2216:< snezel> i just got my friend to hop on a tier 1, there is one extra person lol 2216:< snezel> woot 2216:< Lolzep> GUYS ITS BEEN OFFICIALLY 48 HOURS HOW DO YOU FEEL? 2217:< Stjerneklar> soft 2217:< Lolzep> :\ 2217:< MrZiggyStardust> feel like a champ 2218:< XesEri> in robin terms, we're ancient. 2218:< snezel> anyone have that link for the reddit list of top rooms and stuff? 2218:< XesEri> like, 1/4 of the total time robin will exist ancient 2218:< Lolzep> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/3yoo 2218:< snezel> Lolzep Lolzep ty man 2220:< pxndxx> how long until merge? 2220:< pxndxx> 24h+? 2220:< lurkian> nevvverrrr 2221:< YourBodyIsFrail> the chat will probably die as soon as we merge to T17 2221:< YourBodyIsFrail> if not enogh people are present during the merge to vote 2221:< Lolzep> Im gonna go with less than 12 hours 2223:< Lolzep> Yah... going with less than 12 hours we will merge looking at the leaderboards. 2227:< AbsolutelyCheese> is there anyway to get rid of this background color on parrot? 2228:< 3nvisi0n> should be a setting 2228:< 3nvisi0n> "Use color on regular channel messages in tabs" 2228:< 3nvisi0n> not sure that will help on the main tab though 2228:< AbsolutelyCheese> i just use penis/ anyway 2228:< AbsolutelyCheese> that worked 2229:< 3nvisi0n> no need to be anywhere else 2229:< AbsolutelyCheese> yeah 2229:< Chartis> so what's the mood here verses %chat? 2230:< snezel> Chartis its the chill chat 2230:< AbsolutelyCheese> penis/ yea penis/ has been super chill since the start 2230:< embracetehmartian> yea 2231:< embracetehmartian> chill chat lot of ogs 2231:< AbsolutelyCheese> how is %chat right now? I've never checked it out 2231:< embracetehmartian> its pretty good 2231:< embracetehmartian> people are just talking not a lot of spam 2231:< 3nvisi0n> chats active, not bad active 2232:< Chartis> They just got back around to talking about the merge. But it's a pretty civil group. 2232:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> im not even sure im using parrot? 2232:< AbsolutelyCheese> cool 2232:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> link? 2232:< AbsolutelyCheese> penis/ will always be the OG tho 2232:< snezel> FluffyBunnyIsFluffy https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2232:< Chartis> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d8dlp/guide_20_list_of_most_known_scripts_and_how_to_be/ => http://nazar.so/9k10f 2233:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> yeh i have it 2233:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> do i need to update? 2233:< OrangeredStilton> The robin-grow fork is now Parrot, and is up to 2.76 I think 2234:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> ok 2235:< 3nvisi0n> 2.79 actually 2238:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> ok test Kappa 2239:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> working now? 2239:< XesEri> yup 2239:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> yay VapeNation 2239:< Lolzep> Are we vaping right now? VapeNation 2240:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> vape nash bra 2241:< Lolzep> VΛ 2241:< Lolzep> VΛ 2242:< trigg> I can't even start a new tier anymore. 2242:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> lol nigglets is amazin 2242:< trigg> Not enough people it looks like 2244:< 3nvisi0n> need more bots 2244:< Lolzep> Please no 2244:< 3nvisi0n> anyone know if the lower tiers are bot filled? 2245:< 3nvisi0n> I've heard some people have been making bots to keep things moving but haven't checked it out myself 2245:< trigg> low tiers have virtually no bots 2246:< 3nvisi0n> ah really, cool 2246:< trigg> It was about... 4 merges until I met up with a John Madden 2246:< Lolzep> 15 merges till I met my first john madden spam 2247:< trigg> lol lucky 2247:< ror6y> John Madden appeared around 6 merges in for me 2247:< 3nvisi0n> same I didn't get John Madden spam until 13 or 14 on my alt 2247:< Whitestep> yeah john madden started on my side of the merging 2247:< Whitestep> around tier 7 2247:< ror6y> Then they left at 10 then reappeared at 13 2247:< 3nvisi0n> well, I blame you for them then white :P 2248:< Whitestep> ofc 2248:< trigg> everyone in the low tiers are so boooring 2248:< trigg> all the excitement is gone 2248:< trigg> lots of people are just "staying for a bit!" and leaving after a few minutes 2248:< 3nvisi0n> I'm thinking I might go ride the wave like I did to get in here with my alt 2249:< 3nvisi0n> but I haven't left here since we merged 2249:< trigg> I've been trying to do that all day with my alt 2249:< trigg> I can't get super far because people suck 2249:< 3nvisi0n> well I'm waiting to ride the wave all the way to 17 2249:< 3nvisi0n> before I hop out 2249:< trigg> that's the goal here, yeah. 2250:< snezel> we gotta merge like withing 12 hours or less right? 2250:< trigg> eh. 2250:< 3nvisi0n> I feel like the 50ish people is a good sweet spot for the chats 2250:< trigg> Maybe lol 2250:< trigg> I like 35ish 2250:< Lolzep> I like -1ish 2250:< Chartis> Would any of you want to help take back the chatroom by reporting the spambots with me? 2250:< AbsolutelyCheese> On the chain leading up to this one i was in a really chill chat of 100 2251:< Lolzep> Report them to me so I can put them in the T16 thread! thank you! 2251:< 3nvisi0n> on the way up here, I had an AWESOME chat at like 30 or 40 I think, then we merged and it went to shit quickly 2251:< 3nvisi0n> lucky you managed to stay sane until 100 2252:< Chartis> at that level I was with Pirate Ladies. They were cool. we were on a journey together. Traveling is fun. 2253:< trigg> I was in a sick group called RightSiders for a while... Before the channels. 2253:< ror6y> we had a chill chat of 90 or so at KeCab where we had a few subs and stuff and there were no channels, we were going for stay record 2253:< Chartis> I had one chat that tried to degrade in colorism I was proud when we noticed and avoided that headache. The outsiders kept us united. 2254:< ror6y> (at the time stay record was 80), we grew with 40-32 2314:< rabbitsnake> I was just made a submitter to r/soKukune, is that the old room? 2315:< rabbitsnake> ah, "The subreddit we would have had for staying." 2317:< Lolzep> Everyone who is in this chat room is currently being added by a bot to /r/soKukune . So its like if we stayed. 2317:< Lolzep> Why dont all the stayers do that if they want it so bad >:c 2318:< Stjerneklar> damnit guys we already have a sub XD 2318:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> thats pretty neat lolzep 2318:< Stjerneklar> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 2318:< Lolzep> I know we already have a sub. I had no say in this. 2318:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> i never got why people wanted to stay when you could just make a subreddit and invite everyone 2319:< Lolzep> Someone just wanted a private sub I guess 2319:< Chartis> You guys want to be mods at https://www.reddit.com/r/soKu it didn't work out and I don't know what to do with it. 2320:< Lolzep> I think it should stay dead. Thats 3 subreddits just for this room :\ 2327:< snezel> out for now peace 2328:< Lolzep> bye! 2336:< bradyblair20> hello 2347:< touyajp> I finally found the original start time of PrictsGo ... the trouble was it has *two* renames without merges 2348:< touyajp> good that our master table is in google docs with full revision history 2354:< too_clever_username> test 2354:< too_clever_username> anyone still in penis 2355:< trigg> I'm watching 2355:< trigg> but not really doing much 2355:< 3nvisi0n> penis/ will never die 2357:< too_clever_username> hopefully we get to T17 2357:< too_clever_username> i have 6 other accounts growing now --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:00:22 2016