--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 00:00:03 2016 --- Day changed Tue Apr 05 2016 0000:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0000:< jayman419> You just post on that tag and ask them about it. 0000:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0000:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0000:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0000:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0000:< KrystallAnn> ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ test test 0000:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0000:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0001:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can get to bed 0001:< ggphenom> PRAISE ROBIN, THE GREAT MERGE WILL BRING US TOGETHER, THOSE WHO ABANDON ARE WEAK, TOGETHER WE GROW STRONG | http://pastebin.com/1ugs1ruW 0001:**** Mete0r1t3 voted to INCREASE 0002:< Mainova> & 0002:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0002:< CorrinPhD> confirmed merge by tomorrow 0002:**** OPNineteen voted to CONTINUE 0002:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 0002:< RackClimber> 2193 0002:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0003:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0003:< CorrinPhD> # True 0003:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0003:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0003:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking anyone here? 0003:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0003:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0003:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget how much he loves you! 0004:< InMidFap> F 0004:**** BleuNuit voted to INCREASE 0004:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0004:< opek1987> hi 0004:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 0004:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking test test test 0004:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0004:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0004:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0004:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0004:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0005:**** rabbyz voted to INCREASE 0005:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0005:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0005:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0005:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0005:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking filmmaking? 0005:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0006:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 0006:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0006:< nayrev> makes me think of happy gilmore 0006:< ggphenom> PRAISE ROBIN, THE GREAT MERGE WILL BRING US TOGETHER, THOSE WHO ABANDON ARE WEAK, TOGETHER WE GROW STRONG | http://pastebin.com/1ugs1ruW 0006:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0006:< InMidFap> # F 0007:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0007:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0007:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 0008:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking 0008:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking hey 0008:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking drop the comma from ,filmmaking 0008:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0008:< KCosmo> true 0009:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button will be our salvation 0009:< chrissycat909> THIS ROOM IS STILL HERE OMG 0009:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking the_turbinator put a space between the comma and filmmaking in ,filmmacking 0009:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0009:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> WHY IS THIS STILL GOING 0009:< elphabaisfae> Cascade info: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4ddizv/tier_12_calasmtodr/d1q0dfz?context=3 0009:< ptrakk> .help 0009:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0009:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> JUST USE STAY ALREADY 0009:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0009:< ptrakk> .man 0009:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 0009:< BleuNuit> So I want to restart my computer but I'm afraid of what might happens 0010:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0010:< ptrakk> .commands 0010:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0010:< elphabaisfae> BleuNuit: as long as you have voted, you will be fine 0010:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0010:< ptrakk> .man kill 0010:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .kill | kills 0010:< ptrakk> .kill engeo 0010:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] engeo got derezzed. 0010:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0010:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0010:< Fallout2x> & TRUE or FALSE: Little boy was the name of the bomb dropped on hiroshima? 0011:**** aleger voted to INCREASE 0011:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can get to bed 0011:< ptrakk> false 0011:< femdemgem> % http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 0011:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget how much he loves you! 0012:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0012:**** HIGHENERGYMerchant voted to CONTINUE 0012:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 0013:< slickkog> fuck you mobiuscoffee with your spam links 0013:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 0013:< ptrakk> thatwentBTE BRENDAN 0013:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0013:< ptrakk> I"VE BEEN IN THIS ROOM FOR DAYS! 0013:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0013:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0013:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0014:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0014:< ptrakk> I WAS IN KUFIKUMI 0014:< TheMellowSide> voting stay will be our salvation 0014:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0014:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0014:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0015:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0015:**** 3nd0fw0r1d voted to INCREASE 0015:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0016:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> # I've decided to RP scrub as a rogue character kinda so bows and shit are mine bby 0016:< CorrinPhD> SUCK ON MY SOKUKU 0016:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the best option 0016:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0016:< Reddits_Worst_Night> @positrons once a t11 forms, we should hit t17 about 3 hours later 0016:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0017:< Reddits_Worst_Night> @positrons once a t11 forms, we should hit t17 about 3 hours later 0017:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0017:**** Andrew_Mendoza voted to CONTINUE 0017:**** Andrew_Mendoza voted to INCREASE 0017:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0017:< alylynn96> Penis/ of course my computer crashing and wont boot during this whole robin thing. 0017:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I finally end this madness 0018:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0018:< thatwentBTE> 54 0018:**** lizardom voted to CONTINUE 0018:< Supremexiv> I must part ways. This ship is going to fall off the side of the Earth! (Cause flat planet) ! 0018:< TheUncleBob> + Hello SoKuku! How goes it tonight? 0018:< thatwentBTE> ptrakk 0018:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0018:< ptrakk> I found a bot source code https://gist.github.com/diracdeltafunk/17a3cde3f1a2a81a2e443f437f1f8049 0018:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0018:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0018:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0019:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0019:< ptrakk> thatwentBTE I was in kufikumu when it had 4400 people. we can beat it 0019:**** Supremexiv voted to CONTINUE 0019:< tabarra> sdf 0019:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all get a subreddit already 0019:< thatwentBTE> ptrakk do you have hangouts? 0019:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0019:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0019:< Supremexiv> Remember me guys! I fought hard but my death is here. 0019:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0020:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0020:< gueriLLaPunK> stay 0020:< ptrakk> thatwentBTE yes 0020:**** NuOfBelthasar voted to INCREASE 0020:< chuckfinleLP1> a purple nugget 0020:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0021:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0021:< supasteve013> Penis/ damn talking behind our backs 0021:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0021:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0021:< fzh> wait what are we doing now 0021:< chuckfinleLP1> vinegar 0021:**** 3nd0fw0r1d voted to CONTINUE 0021:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 0021:< supasteve013> Penis/ penis/ haha 0021:< brandvegn> aquRE 0021:< supasteve013> Penis/ yes 0022:< brandvegn> square 0022:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0022:< brandvegn> rectangle 0022:**** Supremexiv voted to ABANDON 0022:< brandvegn> rhombus 0022:< fzh> ryanvango how could you call them a big sack of crap? >=( 0022:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0022:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0022:< brandvegn> False 0023:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0023:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can leave 0023:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0023:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0023:< supasteve013> Penis/ haha zep 0023:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0023:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0023:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0023:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0024:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0024:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0024:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0024:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can get to bed 0024:< Rehsinimed> So. 0024:< supasteve013> Penis/ only pussies spam, and this is penis/ not pussy/ 0025:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0025:< robdob> K1ngN0thing, stop spamming chat please 0025:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0025:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0025:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0025:**** wayetender voted to INCREASE 0025:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0026:< supasteve013> Penis/ downvoted k1ngn0thing 0026:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0026:**** Babababababybel voted to INCREASE 0026:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0026:< Swqnky> % false 0026:< awfullotofocelots> Colombia 0026:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I finally end this madness 0026:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0026:**** OptikalCrow voted to CONTINUE 0026:**** OptikalCrow voted to INCREASE 0026:< roamingphantom> + + pretty quiet 0026:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0027:< awfullotofocelots> Big Ben 0027:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0027:**** sigmaeni simply MUST find out the end. 0028:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0028:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only option 0028:**** yzgncx voted to CONTINUE 0028:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0029:**** yzgncx voted to INCREASE 0029:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0029:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0029:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0029:< awfullotofocelots> gold 0029:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0029:**** mlittletn voted to CONTINUE 0029:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0029:< jasona99> % False 0029:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0029:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0029:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only way we can sleep 0029:**** theNYEHHH voted to INCREASE 0029:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 0029:< awfullotofocelots> s 0029:**** orkash voted to CONTINUE 0029:**** orkash voted to INCREASE 0029:**** buzzkrill voted to INCREASE 0030:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0030:< hero0fwar> Hi 0030:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0031:< ptrakk> How to see all users? 0031:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0031:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the best option 0031:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0032:< ptrakk> ELECT thatwentBTE 0032:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0033:**** lord_high_exchequer voted to CONTINUE 0033:< fzh> * false 0033:< NuOfBelthasar> * Do exo-planets count? 0033:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 0034:< JuicyStalin> GROW GROW GROW BOYS 0034:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0034:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0034:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0034:**** seelen voted to CONTINUE 0034:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0034:**** sidnus_crosbus voted to CONTINUE 0034:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0034:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the best option 0034:< haykam821> # $ % #rpg Do !cv commands 0034:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0034:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0034:< haykam821> # $ % #rpg Do !cv commands 0035:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0035:< haykam821> # $ % #rpg Do !cv commands 0035:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0035:< TheUncleBob> + Well, FUCK. One of my alts my password isn't working for. :( 0035:< haykam821> * FALSE 0035:< embracetehmartian> & https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0035:< embracetehmartian> % https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0035:**** sigmaeni can't wrap his brain around how much he loves you! 0035:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0036:< embracetehmartian> JOIN OUR DISCORD https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 0036:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0036:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0036:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the best option 0036:**** DebentureThyme voted to INCREASE 0036:< ptrakk> Let's play scrabble! 0037:**** DebentureThyme voted to CONTINUE 0037:**** NamePsychic %chat 0037:**** NamePsychic %chat slaps everyone around a bit with a large trout 0037:< roamingphantom> + D: can't login to your alt? 0037:< ptrakk> git reset --hard 0037:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0037:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0037:**** NamePsychic %chat slaps everyone around a bit with a large trout 0037:< ptrakk> lost_penguin git reset --hard 0038:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only way we can sleep 0038:< OneiricNeuron> V 0038:< PigNamedBenis> Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 5:37:52 PM K1ngN0thing [Robin Autovoter 1.9] 200 and 2814 more in this room! Voting will end soon 0038:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0039:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0039:< alazz> ✪✪✪✪ 0039:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0039:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0039:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only option 0039:< kippit> %Chat test 0040:< alazz> ✪ my neeches? 0040:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0040:< truthwillcome> %NamePsychic still active huh? 0040:**** DebentureThyme voted to INCREASE 0041:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0041:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0041:< chuckfinleLP1> Iowa 0041:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only option 0041:**** OneRedSent voted to INCREASE 0042:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0042:< OneRedSent> Too_MuchWhiskey hi there 0042:< lajiggyjarjardoo> rebase will bring latest to commits to your branch 0042:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0042:< kippit> can anyone see this? 0042:< Too_MuchWhiskey> Hey ORS! 0042:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP 0042:< Fagbutt6969> T420 0042:< OneRedSent> Too_MuchWhiskey bugging out now I can't take this lol 0042:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0042:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i was talking to lost_penguin 0042:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0042:< lordxeon> 1 0042:**** Tokyo__Drifter voted to ABANDON 0042:< Too_MuchWhiskey> I don't blame you 0043:< chuckfinleLP1> What color am I? 0043:**** OneRedSent voted to CONTINUE 0043:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 0043:**** ptrakk voted to B~L~E~S~S~E~D 0043:**** VOTE-GROW voted to CONTINUE 0043:**** VOTE-GROW voted to CONTINUE 0043:< chuckfinleLP1> Bluejays 0043:**** sigmaeni suggests you disregard how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 0044:< NamePsychic> trigg, where do you hail from? 0044:< kippit> testing... can anyone see this? 0044:< chuckfinleLP1> Osteopath 0044:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0044:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0044:< ptrakk> /clear 0044:< alylynn96> Kippit yes but you should join a group 0044:< NamePsychic> trigg, where do you hail from? 0044:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0044:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0044:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0044:< NamePsychic> aj 0044:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we get a subreddit already 0045:< alylynn96> You need the robin grow script 0045:< ptrakk> gillnet glisten lentils lintels selling singlet sniglet telling tingles 0045:< NamePsychic> how do you unmute yourself, if it happens 0045:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0045:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0045:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0045:< NamePsychic> can anyone see this 0045:< Kc2000> # true 0045:< alazz> ✪ ELECT Box_Elderr 0045:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0045:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 0045:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0046:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0046:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0046:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0046:< mofosyne> \tally 0046:< ptrakk> .ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้.­ ­­­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­sup 0046:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 0047:< cresquin> % $ false 0047:< salukis> mrlovens! 0047:< Dandelion212> baby grand 0047:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0047:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 0048:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay will be our salvation 0048:< MrLovens> what's up salukis? 0048:< KingFlippynips> ELECT KingFlippynips 0048:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0048:< salukis> mrlovens! we're in the same chat! 0049:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0049:< TheUncleBob> + elphabaisfae you around? 0049:**** EmeraldEnd voted to INCREASE 0049:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0049:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0049:< MrLovens> salukis B) 0049:< ntrefil> Penis/ penis/ Hey penis/ Robin-grow 2.0.1 now lets you have multiple channels too! 0049:< surelyucantbserious> Thank you 0049:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0049:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0049:< salukis> toil and trouble 0049:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 0049:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0049:< NamePsychic> t 0050:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0050:< ntrefil> Penis/ hey penis/ robin-grow now lets you have multiple channels too 0050:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0050:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ FUBUSOFT 0050:< Gadwin> ? 0050:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0050:< ntrefil> hey 0051:< Etellex> ████████████████████ THERE ARE NO MORE GROUPS TO MERGE WITH! CHOOSE STAY! ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 0051:< -My_Other_Account-> Estimated time until next merge? 0051:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0051:< MobiusCoffee> Come hang out for some tunes! https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0051:< gereth> I am still here. 0051:**** sigmaeni once discovered how much you love him! 0051:< Tokyo__Drifter> penis group 0051:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only option 0052:< MobiusCoffee> + If anyone wants to hang out and music come hang out with us! https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0052:< drT18> #robin rpg says hi from Tier 8 0052:< -My_Other_Account-> ESTIMATED TIME OF NEXT MERGE? 0052:< Znuff> _test_ 0052:< jasa159> squid 0052:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0052:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0052:< PotatoBadger> Stuck thinking a certain way 0053:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0053:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0053:< toomanynapkins> % how long till another group catches up with us 0053:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 0053:< NamePsychic> t 0053:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0054:< Fireheart0011> twelve oaks 0054:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0054:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0054:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0054:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0054:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP 0054:< kippit> robin-grow 2.0.1 0054:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can sleep 0055:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0055:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0055:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0055:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0055:< blockanton> False 0055:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0055:< NamePsychic> %Chat doooope 0056:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0056:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0056:< NamePsychic> test 0056:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0056:< NamePsychic> %Chat new robin grow has channel buttons 0056:< 3cardblindbot> %Chat yeah, it looks sweet 0056:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0056:< NamePsychic> %Chat he's apparently working on it right now as the update 3 minutes ago was broken 0056:< 3cardblindbot> %Chat more options too 0057:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only good choice 0057:< gereth> Vietnam 0057:< gereth> true 0057:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0058:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0058:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0058:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0058:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 0058:< Mcbaldo> Rugby 0059:< roamingphantom> * true 0059:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0059:**** sigmaeni is still waiting for the end. 0100:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the best option 0100:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0100:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0100:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0100:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0100:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0101:**** TheseAreNotTheDroids voted to CONTINUE 0101:< Lolzep> %mh If anyone is here please talk c: 0101:< haykam821> h 0101:< KnobodyImportant> I work at Wegmas! Old World Cheese shop all the way 0101:< Lolzep> & If anyone is here please talk c: 0101:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0101:< ntrefil> Penis/ hey 0101:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 0102:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only good choice 0102:**** ju1cy voted to CONTINUE 0102:**** ju1cy voted to INCREASE 0102:**** tenoclockrobot voted to INCREASE 0103:< KnobodyImportant> Time to make dinner and go back to ignoring this for a while. Have fun without me, internet. 0103:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0103:< iwantabutterflyknife> false 0103:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only good choice 0104:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0104:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0104:< Lolzep> edia If anyone is here please talk c: 0104:< RackClimber> Is everyone who voted GROW just afk? Or just retarded? 0104:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0104:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0105:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0105:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can get to bed 0105:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0105:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0105:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0105:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0105:**** DebentureThyme voted to CONTINUE 0105:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0105:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0105:< yzgncx> Fight to seize the memes of production; join the green-named sub at https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 0105:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0106:**** AssKrackBandit voted to CONTINUE 0106:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0106:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0106:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0106:< i_luv_phillip> $ drew brees 0107:< Mcbaldo> queen 0107:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0107:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0107:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I finally end this madness 0107:**** AssKrackBandit voted to INCREASE 0107:< supasteve013> P linkme: robin-grow fork 0107:< Mcbaldo> new york airport 0107:< reed17> So, if I close out of this tab for a few minutes to restart my computer will I get kicked from this group? 0107:< reed17> Because my computer is having everything problems 0107:< jayman419> reed17 No, if you come back it will put you back in here. 0107:< Cirenmatt> lel 0107:< sleepyams> are we the top chat 0107:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0107:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding the end. 0107:< reed17> Yes 0108:< Mcbaldo> Elizabeth 0 0108:< TeaBagTwat> It should be? 0108:< Mcbaldo> Brenda 0108:**** Albert_Borland voted to INCREASE 0108:**** Novazilla voted to CONTINUE 0108:< chuckfinleLP1> Anne Bolyen 0108:< kippit> reddit-grow 2.0.1 is messed up on my win10 system. any ideas? PM if you can help! too many msgs w/out the filters http://imgur.com/g96kCBh 0108:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0108:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0108:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only option 0108:< Mcbaldo> yen 0109:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0109:**** Nunganunga voted to CONTINUE 0109:**** Nunganunga voted to INCREASE 0109:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0109:< Mcbaldo> mercator 0109:**** beyrevra voted to INCREASE 0109:< Albert_Borland> nobody gets the fact that we're not gonna find another 3k people to merge 0110:< TeaBagTwat> sry 0110:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can get to bed 0110:< cochico> wow fuck you Positrons 0110:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0110:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0110:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0110:< mturi> can we report Positrons for spam on reddit? 0111:< ptrakk> test 0111:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0111:< TeaBagTwat> #hmmm 0112:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0112:< aggyaggyaggy> ELECT PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS 0112:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we can sleep 0112:< Bradley2833> meme 0112:< TotallyNotBoolean> & sadnot policealarm? 0112:**** pancakeprince voted to INCREASE 0112:< Mcbaldo> washington 0112:< ju1cy> Washington 0112:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0113:< nayrev> true 0113:**** AssKrackBandit voted to ABANDON 0113:< BudTheSlug> Isn't a stay vote the same as abstaining? 0113:**** maestroh voted to INCREASE 0113:**** AssKrackBandit voted to CONTINUE 0113:**** AssKrackBandit voted to CONTINUE 0113:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can get to bed 0113:**** AssKrackBandit voted to INCREASE 0113:**** nayrev voted to INCREASE 0114:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0114:**** kaelone1 voted to INCREASE 0114:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0114:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0114:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0115:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 0115:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0115:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0115:**** So_angry_right_now voted to INCREASE 0115:**** kaelone1 voted to CONTINUE 0115:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 0115:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the best option 0115:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0115:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0115:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0115:**** sigmaeni is almost certain of how much you love him! 0116:< CWTyger> What's the current proportion of Stay votes to Grow votes? 0116:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0116:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0116:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0117:**** person7178 voted to INCREASE 0117:< Cernokneznik> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 0117:< AssKrackBandit> % test 0117:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 0117:< IsNotACat> HI 0117:< AssKrackBandit> % What are some other filters besides this one guys 0117:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0118:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0118:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 0118:< jayman419> Right now stay votes are 27.04% of the chat. Grow has 72.95%... enough to merge. 0118:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0118:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 0119:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0119:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0119:< MegaZeus101> %mh Moose Hunter? 0119:< pfumbi> * /r/probprog 0119:< MegaZeus101> %mh Brethren, Has someone finally returned? 0119:**** TheOnlyBoBo voted to CONTINUE 0119:< billyliberty> 14 years, originally 0120:< billyliberty> Disney tax now. 0120:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0120:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0120:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone get a subreddit already 0120:**** Novazilla voted to INCREASE 0120:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 0120:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0120:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0120:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 0120:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0121:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0121:< ptrakk> no 0121:< ptrakk> true 0121:< NonNisiTe> + omg, did robin grow + multi update? 0121:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0122:< roamingphantom> + what do you mean? 0122:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all get a subreddit already 0122:< necron> %RPG 0122:< Cernokneznik> + % ~ http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 0122:< tRitone11> @getxyzzywithit you are copying from my bot, often 0123:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0123:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0123:< miker2049> chat/ 0123:< RAWRMaD> # True 0123:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can leave 0123:**** sigmaeni simply MUST find out how much you love him! 0123:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0124:< Harry_Flugelman> chord 0124:< ntrefil> Penis/ test... 0124:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0125:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0125:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0125:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we can leave 0125:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0125:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0125:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0125:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0125:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0126:< gregmichael> I'm Back!! :) 0126:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0126:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0126:**** SonicSam voted to INCREASE 0126:< gregmichael> How is everyone? 0126:**** micaiah voted to CONTINUE 0126:< FlunkyMonkey123> + i have 7 alts 0126:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0126:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0127:**** Darubian voted to INCREASE 0127:**** Clarkintine voted to CONTINUE 0127:< Darubian> This chat has really slowed down 0127:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 0127:< Darubian> what color am i? 0127:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0127:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only way we can sleep 0127:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0127:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> wow what happende in here 0127:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> way way slower 0127:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> thani t has been 0127:< MegaZeus101> !nl ^ Oi, anyone her? 0128:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> nice to see nigglets still here 0128:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0128:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> and my own bot 0128:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> "my own bot" 0128:< Lolzep> !nl Nah c: 0128:< Darubian> Elect Darubian 0128:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 0128:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0128:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0128:< gregmichael> <- Actor, Man, Myth - Definitely a myth! 0128:< gregmichael> http://www.gregorymichael.tv 0128:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only way we can sleep 0128:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i just check in every once in a while 0129:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> i want to bein the next merge 0129:< lordxeon> what's going on? 0129:< Lolzep> !nl All dutch people are asleep ya know. 0129:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0130:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0130:**** masonbetz voted to CONTINUE 0130:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0130:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0130:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we finally end this madness 0130:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0130:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0131:< hero0fwar> % is there a full list of the usernames in here somewhere? 0131:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0131:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0131:< amtra5> !stats 0131:< amtra5> ELECT reed17 0131:**** sigmaeni can't wrap his brain around those who Stay. 0132:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay will be our salvation 0133:< Darubian> ELECT Darubian 0133:< luvmygwgirls> goodnight everybody 0134:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only option 0134:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0134:< elphabaisfae> Yep, there's a cascade about to happen, huzzah 0134:< elphabaisfae> I'm in CaLAsm, i've been tracking. 0134:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0135:< hansolo580> Christopher Reeve 0135:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0135:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0135:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0135:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0135:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0135:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0135:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay will be our salvation 0135:< niggerniggers> niggers 0136:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0136:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0136:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0136:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 0136:**** PM_ME_YOUR_SHELLCODE voted to INCREASE 0136:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0136:< ju1cy> # Axel Foley 0136:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0137:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 0137:< Yenwodyah_> ? 2 + 2 0137:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 0137:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0138:**** lordseverus voted to INCREASE 0138:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0138:< gereth> TRUE 0138:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0138:**** skeeto voted to CONTINUE 0138:**** PM_ME_YOUR_SHELLCODE voted to CONTINUE 0139:**** PM_ME_YOUR_SHELLCODE voted to INCREASE 0139:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay will be our salvation 0139:< Albert_Borland> your face just mergeds 0139:< surelyucantbserious> piglets 0139:**** engelk voted to CONTINUE 0139:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0139:< surelyucantbserious> Stay is the way 0139:**** Jeremymia voted to INCREASE 0139:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0139:< engelk> turn bots off and stay, lets see what happens 0139:**** sigmaeni hasn't determined how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 0140:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0140:< deathonabun> GROW GROW FIGHT THE POWAH 0140:< engelk> kinda yellow 0140:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0140:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can sleep 0140:< engelk> i was an afk that just stayed, i saw the light 0141:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0141:**** TheBurritoKing voted to CONTINUE 0141:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0141:< engelk> wheres the stay script? 0141:**** lordseverus voted to CONTINUE 0141:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0141:< PM_ME_YOUR_BOBBIES> WILL WE EVER GROW? 0141:< sugarplumcow> % 0142:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0142:**** jyjea voted to CONTINUE 0142:**** Fallout2x voted to CONTINUE 0142:**** Fallout2x voted to INCREASE 0142:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all finally end this madness 0143:< QuiteMopwater> Burnt_heat: You there? 0143:< QuiteMopwater> Shadow_Stepp: You there? 0143:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 0143:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0144:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0144:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I get a subreddit already 0144:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0144:< salukis> are we going to last another night??? 0144:**** kmcgurty1 voted to INCREASE 0144:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0144:< bignuts24> HOW IS EVERYONE DOING TODAY 0144:**** Flynatol voted to CONTINUE 0145:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0145:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0145:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0145:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all finally end this madness 0145:< masonbetz> texas 0145:< KrystallAnn> ?test 0146:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0146:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0146:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0146:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0146:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0146:**** sicklyboy voted to INCREASE 0146:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0146:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0146:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0146:**** --jp-- voted to CONTINUE 0146:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0147:**** Marmalade6 voted to CONTINUE 0147:< CitrusDoctor> + hello? 0147:< KrystallAnn> ?test 2 0147:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0147:< surelyucantbserious> HoogaBooga 0147:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone finally end this madness 0147:**** sigmaeni will proabaly destroy your favorite way to GROW NOW! 0148:< tRitone11> # TRUE 0148:**** JarnabyBones %chat TESTED 0148:**** Kestrel87 voted to INCREASE 0148:**** JarnabyBones %chat VICTORY IN ITALICS 0148:**** Flynatol voted to INCREASE 0148:< tRitone11> # FALSE 0148:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0148:< surelyucantbserious> Even if we make it to another merge point, we have nothing to show for it. We aren't organized at all. 0148:**** KrystallAnn AlphaBot: Send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0148:< KrystallAnn> ? test 0148:**** Marmalade6 voted to INCREASE 0148:**** grow_exe voted to INCREASE 0149:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0149:< tRitone11> ?distance from pluto to neptune 0149:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone get a subreddit already 0149:< stormagnet> + hiya CitrusDoctor 0149:< CitrusDoctor> + hey hows it going 0149:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0149:< Kestrel87> + So is it safe to say we'll stay after the merge? 0149:< tRitone11> ? distance between pluto and neptune 0149:< tRitone11> ?2*2-1 0149:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0149:< CitrusDoctor> + I wouldnt vote stay until the initial abstainers get booted 0150:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0150:< prince_polka> Looks like we will have a tier 15 room tonight 0150:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0150:< tRitone11> ?2*2-1 0150:< CitrusDoctor> + just in case the no vote overpowers a split grow/stay vote 0150:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0150:< Smartstocks> UYK6 0150:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0150:< surelyucantbserious> !cv stay 0150:**** haykam821 voted to CONTINUE 0150:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0150:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 0150:< QingQangQong> https://www.reddit.com/r/dreleaasQolu/ 0151:< Smartstocks> I like cute and innocent-looking girls 0151:**** KrystallAnn AlphaBot: Send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0151:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0151:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0151:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0151:< Robairt> % Has anyone noticed that we have 'MoShwiag' in our name? 0151:< CitrusDoctor> + will the scripts automatically update? 0151:**** kmcgurty1 voted to CONTINUE 0151:< Kestrel87> + Yes 0151:< surelyucantbserious> ELECT username 0152:< CitrusDoctor> + interesting 0152:< Kestrel87> + Using Tamper/Greasemonkey 0152:< TheUncleBob> + I wholly hope there's no autoupdate to change Grow votes to stay. That would be shitty. 0152:< CitrusDoctor> + I just don't see the great benefit to staying 0152:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0152:< micubit> true 0152:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 0152:< NamePsychic> % Albert_Borland, it should work in the middle of a sentence Albert_Borland 0152:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 0152:< Kestrel87> + You get a secret subreddit with just those people you were in the room with 0152:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 0152:< BrandotheMando> dang, no room for matching 0152:< CitrusDoctor> + yeah, but that doesnt sound fantastic 0153:< Kestrel87> + I mean, in the big picture, it's almost as pointless as having a huge chatroom 0153:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0153:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0153:< CitrusDoctor> + we could just keep growing to figure out what awaits us at the end 0153:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0153:< Kestrel87> + Well Robin ends this Friday 0153:**** jibbsisme voted to INCREASE 0153:< CitrusDoctor> + I would risk not being in a private sub to see what will happen to a tier 17 chat 0153:< TheUncleBob> + Make an argument to stay or grow, sure - but tricking people to do it? That would be shit. 0153:< supasteve013> Penis/ anyone have the new robin grow link 0153:< Kestrel87> + If it just ends, we may have nothing to remember this by 0154:< jayman419> + It doesn't have to be either/or. We can always make a focused effort at a stay vote on Thursday or Friday morning. 0154:< CitrusDoctor> + do we really need something to remember it by though? 0154:< jschip> vote stay 0154:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 0154:< jschip> end this 0154:< Kestrel87> + jayman419 That's what I hope will happen 0154:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0154:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0154:< QuiteMopwater> + The most you're going to get is a user profile badge 0154:< NickCageIsAWoman> % smarter than a football player? find out http://wonderlictestsample.com/wonderlic-test-sample/10-question-wonderlic-test/ 0154:< jayman419> + The main selling point for that is creating the sub doesn't close the chat. So for people who want to ride it out, the room will be. 0154:< Kestrel87> + We don't *need* any of this 0154:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0154:< CitrusDoctor> + I'll vote stay after we merge, but I doubt we will end up staying 0154:**** KrystallAnn AlphaBot: Send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0155:< kippit> % hello 0155:< jayman419> + And the people who want a sub will be able to respond to their PMs with the invites. 0155:< KrystallAnn> ? test test test 0155:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0155:< FUCK_THA_M0DS> ? are you gay? 0155:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0155:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0155:< GrimPanda> The Hebrew Skeleton King 0155:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0155:< CitrusDoctor> + I imagine the most people will be on right at the end, making sure everything is going smoothly with their autovote 0155:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0155:< CitrusDoctor> + Maybe then we convince them to stay? 0155:< jayman419> + Everyone came around for the last merge, they wanted to be a part of it. We only lost a couple hundred No Votes. 0155:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 0155:< jayman419> + I imagine the next merge, since it's going to take so long, will be the same. 0155:**** sigmaeni once discovered why you haven't clicked your friendly grow button. 0156:< jayman419> + And that's a perfect time to talk about staying. 0156:< CitrusDoctor> + The last merge lost 731 abstainers. 0156:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0156:< Multiwagon> + no stay, only grow 0156:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0156:< CitrusDoctor> + The next one will ostensibly be double that 0156:< jayman419> + I mean, that's a good few. But it wasn't enough to jeopardize the chat's survival. 0156:< jayman419> + 3,800 people made it through. 0156:< kippit> Chat test 0156:< Kestrel87> + We're almost down to the number each room had before the merge 0157:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0157:< kippit> % test 0157:< CitrusDoctor> + it was about 2000 each 0157:< NuOfBelthasar> + Woah, + is doing things now. 0157:< jayman419> %Chat Is this different from %chat? 0157:< NamePsychic> %Chat yes 0157:< NuOfBelthasar> + Is this still grow meta? 0157:< Kestrel87> + Seems like it 0157:< CitrusDoctor> + it has apparently become stay meta 0157:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 0157:< Kestrel87> + Well, Stay/Grow meta 0158:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0158:< CitrusDoctor> + it's certainly meta alright 0158:**** KrystallAnn AlphaBot: Send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0158:< KrystallAnn> ? TEST QUESTION 0158:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0158:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0158:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0158:< Kestrel87> + With 817 Stays currently, I think after the next merge we'll have no trouble staying 0158:< CitrusDoctor> + However, remember that most stayers don't autovote and most growers do 0159:< mumer> + I will stay after the next merge for sure, because we won't be merging until time is almost over 0159:< CitrusDoctor> + It will definitely take a while to get the autogrowers paying attention 0159:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only good choice 0159:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0159:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0159:< ptrakk> I accidentally the game 0159:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0159:**** Rickr00ler voted to CONTINUE 0159:< anyoldnames> % can y'all still see me? I just updated 0159:< CitrusDoctor> + So aren't we expecting a tier 15 in a couple hours? 0200:< ptrakk> yes anyold 0200:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0200:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0200:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0200:< Kestrel87> + That's why people are considering changing the autogrower scripts and having autoupdate take over :-P 0200:< mumer> + People wrote scripts to alert users in KuPrits and it seemed to work to get everyone back before the merge, I imagine it'll go the same 0200:< anyoldnames> % hello? 0200:< Kestrel87> + Yes, we'll have a tier 15 soon, but then we'll have to wait another day for a second tier 15 to form 0200:**** cresquin voted to ABANDON 0200:< supasteve013> dashed 0200:< CitrusDoctor> + the autoremind scripts? 0200:< KrystallAnn> ? test 0200:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone finally end this madness 0200:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0200:< mumer> + no a script that was pming all the afk users 0201:< Mcbaldo> browns 0201:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0201:< Mcbaldo> true 0201:< waytoomuchcoffee> + hmm no merge yet? are we getting close? 0201:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0201:< KrystallAnn> I am a bot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask WolframAlpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0201:< anyoldnames> % hello 0201:< Kestrel87> + Another day 0201:< CitrusDoctor> + yeah, only 24 more hours 0201:< KrystallAnn> ? tallest building in the world 0201:< waytoomuchcoffee> + yes! 0202:< mumer> + waytoomuchcoffee no, but there is a merge wave happening to get another tier 15 in just a couple hours 0202:< CitrusDoctor> + we're so close 0202:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0202:< waytoomuchcoffee> + I'll keep this open from now on then 0202:**** surosregime voted to INCREASE 0202:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0202:< CitrusDoctor> + I 0202:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0202:< Mcbaldo> footloose 0202:< KrystallAnn> I am a bot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask WolframAlpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 0202:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can leave 0203:**** mexhanicfrog voted to ABANDON 0203:< Mcbaldo> ?1+1 0203:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0203:< grink> %Chat hmm 0203:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0203:< KrystallAnn> ? 200 digits of pi 0203:< CitrusDoctor> + I'm so mad my alt got kicked from what I believe is now a t13 or 14 room 0203:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0203:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0203:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0203:< anyoldnames> % anyone else having issues? 0203:< stormagnet> + ugh my alts have been running into a lot of afk nonvoters 0203:< stormagnet> + they are the new bane of my existence 0203:< KrystallAnn> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0203:< NamePsychic> % issues? 0203:< Mcbaldo> rhine 0203:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 0203:< Mcbaldo> italy 0203:**** Lagkalori voted to INCREASE 0204:< mumer> + my alt went up to viansheub last night then I left this morning and am in ar-Pecpy having really good luck 0204:< stormagnet> + get a script, or /leave_room, or even be up front and vote abandon ffs 0204:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 0204:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0204:< NickCageIsAWoman> % anyone check out the Robin Tree? http://robintree-apr3.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Kind of cool to me 0204:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what is happening 0204:< CitrusDoctor> + i'm just really concerned that i won't be here for the merge and my autovoter will screw up 0204:< KrystallAnn> ? dkdmwklfmw 0204:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0204:< Mcbaldo> dance 0205:< CitrusDoctor> + because thats what I assumed happened to my alt 0205:< supasteve013> looks good here 0205:< NamePsychic> % not yet 0205:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0205:< Mcbaldo> Iraq 0205:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0205:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0205:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0205:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0205:< waytoomuchcoffee> + hmm, there is probably a lot of lag at the merge, considering that everyone is using autovoters 0205:< stormagnet> + :C 0205:< stormagnet> + I suppose that could be it 0205:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only option 0205:< Mcbaldo> porcelain 0206:< waytoomuchcoffee> + maybe the script should check after a few second to make sure the vote counted 0206:< CitrusDoctor> + I remember the merge for this room took over a minute 0206:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0206:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0206:**** Lagkalori voted to CONTINUE 0206:< stormagnet> + but my last room was in mergatory for over an hour and we STILL dropped something like 30 people on merge 0206:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0206:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0206:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0206:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0206:< Mcbaldo> several 0206:< waytoomuchcoffee> + i dropped when this merge happened, but i was able to refresh and get back in time 0206:< Mcbaldo> 1 0206:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0206:< NickCageIsAWoman> % i just noticed the channel buttons at the top of robin-grow. nice touch 0207:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0207:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0207:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0207:< Ninety__Five> leave_room 0207:< CitrusDoctor> + nice 0207:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0207:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0207:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0207:< waytoomuchcoffee> + i was afraid more ppl would have been staying, but it hasn't gone up that much in the last day 0208:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 0208:< NickCageIsAWoman> % much better than changing the filter over and over 0208:< CitrusDoctor> + only about 50 people since about 20 hours ago 0208:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0208:< stormagnet> + peak stay 0208:< I_Am_Batgirl> Hello Robin users! 0208:< waytoomuchcoffee> + the 700+ right after the merge was worrying me 0208:< CitrusDoctor> + yeah, this is probably the most stayers in one room 0209:< CitrusDoctor> + we did it reddit! 0209:< stormagnet> + thank goodness people are staying strong against the lure of Staytanism 0209:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only option 0209:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0209:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0209:< waytoomuchcoffee> + KuKKiliocious is a stayer 0209:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0209:< waytoomuchcoffee> + ? 0209:< CitrusDoctor> + do we have a religion name for growing? 0210:< stormagnet> + well there's always /r/GrowCloud 0210:< CitrusDoctor> + ehhh 0210:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 0210:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0210:< ptrakk> ... --- ... 0210:< stormagnet> + and /r/ChurchoftheGrow 0210:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0210:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0210:< CitrusDoctor> + that sounds better 0210:< stormagnet> + Ghostise is running that one 0210:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0210:< I_Am_Batgirl> Any Megas around? 0210:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0210:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0210:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0211:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the only way we can sleep 0211:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0211:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0211:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 0211:< NeayHey> j 0211:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 0211:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0211:**** BernieCar voted to CONTINUE 0211:< lolmycat> %Chat . 0211:**** GlowWolf voted to INCREASE 0211:**** BernieCar voted to INCREASE 0211:< 3cardblindbot> %Chat %chat Is anyone here watching the NCAA finals? 0211:**** sigmaeni fears how much you love him! 0211:**** GlowWolf voted to CONTINUE 0211:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0212:< no_use_for_a_name_> I'm kuku for cocoa puffs 0212:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0213:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button will be our salvation 0213:< lolmycat> %Chat . 0213:< shying_away> priscilla 0213:< Smartstocks> I like 0213:< bloons3> WHEN WILL IT END 0213:< no_use_for_a_name_> soon 0213:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0214:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0214:< Smartstocks> The Lunch-Lady Called... 0214:< rawchel> oh my goodness 0214:< no_use_for_a_name_> and she wants her meatloaf back 0214:< rawchel> this is still going 0214:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0214:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can sleep 0214:< Smartstocks> Why was almost all of moderatorium demodded? 0215:< ntrefil> yo nigglet, go poop on yourself! 0215:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0215:< Smartstocks> Any humans left??? 0215:< ntrefil> nigggletttsss poop! 0215:< rawchel> % smart stocks! im human 0215:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0215:**** notyourbrah voted to INCREASE 0215:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0215:< ntrefil> yo yo yo~ 0215:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0215:< Smartstocks> I'm human too :D 0215:< SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY> FALSE 0215:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0215:< nickyface> is there a single real person in here? 0215:< missdemeanant> nein 0215:< IbaFoo> yes 0215:< nickyface> can someone explain to me what this %chat shit is about? 0215:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0215:< no_use_for_a_name_> I'm hooman too 0215:< ntrefil> who cares about real 0216:**** tedivm voted to CONTINUE 0216:< rawchel> @nickyface! im real 0216:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0216:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0216:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the best option 0216:< InflatablePooJabber> I'm fake 0216:< nickyface> omg living people 0216:< ntrefil> not I said the duck! 0216:< InflatablePooJabber> I'm really a bot 0216:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0216:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 0216:< rawchel> @nickyface, theres a script to filter out people that dont use % 0216:< InflatablePooJabber> Call me Watson 0216:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 0216:< FlunkyMonkey123> + xlshpaja was just born, 447 people 0216:< rawchel> usually theyre bots 0216:< Gnauga-> silence is golden 0216:< Smartstocks> There are so many bots, lol 0216:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0216:< InflatablePooJabber> %Hello world 0216:< rawchel> @smartstocks out of 3,000 people, yeah... 0216:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0216:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0216:< nickyface> if the bots..would just stop.... 0217:< nickyface> particiularly positrons 0217:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0217:< Smartstocks> Very few humans remain 0217:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0217:< MegaZeus101> Wow 0217:< rawchel> @nickyface dont count on that.. 0217:< rawchel> you can mute people 0217:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0217:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0217:< MegaZeus101> Unfiltered isn't actually that bad. 0217:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0217:< IbaFoo> Is anyone not hooked-up with chat/spam filters & ignore? 0217:< DrWinters> % true 0217:< rawchel> i wonder how long we've been searching for a room 0217:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0217:< nickyface> i haven't bothered to mute/filter yet 0217:< noscreamsnoshouts> Test 0217:< MegaZeus101> rawchel Go to %chat or penis/ or ^ 0217:< DrWinters> # true 0217:< KingFlippynips> IbaFoo me 0218:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the best option 0218:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0218:< rawchel> wtf is that 0218:< MegaZeus101> Huh 0218:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0218:< MegaZeus101> Unfiltered chat isn't actually cancer anymore 0218:< anyoldnames> % oh my, I had to go back to robin-grow. the scrolling was killing me 0218:< IbaFoo> ....PSA..... Spam filters/chat filters/auto-grow scripting can be found at https://www.reddit.com/robintracking/ look in the stickies. 0218:< no_use_for_a_name_> I seriously can't follow anything in here 0219:< jayman419> no_use_for_a_name_ Are you on mobile? 0219:< no_use_for_a_name_> negative! 0219:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0219:< TrantaLocked> check out the robin voter scripts no_use_for_a_name_ then you can use specific channels 0219:< rawchel> what are all these % # ^ things, are they filters? 0219:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button will be our salvation 0219:< IIRC> Nobody in here needs robin-grow 0219:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget your favorite way to GROW NOW! 0220:< no_use_for_a_name_> and this thing always make an audible sound? creepy 0220:< jayman419> rawchel Yes, some people are only on certain channels. 0220:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0220:< IIRC> true 0220:< rawchel> @jayman419 oh boy that seems overly complicated 0220:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0220:< jayman419> rawchel Do you use Robin Grow? 0221:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0221:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0221:< IbaFoo> ...PSA.... Spam/chat filters and auto-grow scripts & instructions can be found in the sticky posts at http://www.reddit.com/r/RobinTracking/ 0221:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we finally end this madness 0221:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0221:< rawchel> @jayman419 yeah and i had a script that filtered out 0221:< rawchel> "[" 0221:< RackClimber> TheMellowSide you know you can sleep and come back to the chat after right? 0221:< rawchel> but nothing else 0221:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0221:< rawchel> @rackclimber! youre still here 0221:< jayman419> rawchel The newer versions have an option under "Open Settings" to reduce chat to a single channel. 0221:< nickyface> i still don't know what this %chat shit is all about and nobody will tell me 0222:**** onlytoask voted to CONTINUE 0222:< RackClimber> rawchel Sure am! How're you keeping up? 0222:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0222:< rawchel> @nickface jayman was just telling me- there are scripts that help organize the chat, and apparently those symbols help filter out the spam 0222:< jayman419> nickyface People don't want to deal with the bots and the spam, so they are using a subchannel. 0222:< IbaFoo> Using % requires a script running. It's for white-listing chat messages (you see _only_ those) 0222:< nickyface> ahhhh 0222:< rawchel> @rackclimber im not gonna lie it ridiculously hectic haha i havent updated to the recent filters and stuff so 0222:< rawchel> im getting all of it 0222:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0222:< jayman419> If you're not on mobile, you can get it at https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow 0223:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0223:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0223:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone finally end this madness 0223:< jayman419> I'm not sure if android or apple have scripts yet. 0223:< no_use_for_a_name_> + testing 0223:< rawchel> @nickyface its a LOT lmao 0223:**** Zulgrath voted to kick Gren0s (1/5) 0223:< nickyface> what's the best way to filter, without filtering out people you may want to hear from? 0223:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0223:**** Moo464 voted to ABANDON 0223:< rawchel> @nickyface, so far i've been muting those that i know are spam 0223:< rawchel> if you just click on their name it'll mute them 0223:< nickyface> makes sense 0224:< rawchel> @nickyface idk a better way haha 0224:< nickyface> thanks rawchel! 0224:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0224:< DwightHowardSucks> galilleo 0224:< rawchel> @nickyface, theres so many people so hopefully that helped! haha 0224:**** velveteer voted to CONTINUE 0224:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only option 0224:< rawchel> @Dwighthowardsucks, you're still here too! past the weekend lol 0225:< DwightHowardSucks> #trump 0225:< nickyface> it'd be pretty good if we could get rid of the chaos 0225:< DwightHowardSucks> #trumpo 0225:< NamePsychic> % too bad %Chat is broken on new mvartan grow 0225:< no_use_for_a_name_> test 0225:< mharrizone> Oooh, I see now, 3xist3nc3. My connection's slow and shitty so messages weren't showing up and I was confused by lack of $ 0225:< RackClimber> @rawchel I have Robin assistant and robin grow and the chat is pretty decent. 500 filtered messages so far :p 0225:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0225:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0225:**** no_use_for_a_name_ voted to CONTINUE 0225:< rawchel> @rackclimber whats robin assistant? 0225:**** no_use_for_a_name_ voted to INCREASE 0225:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0226:< rawchel> guess ive been out of the loop for a few days 0226:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only option 0226:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0226:< DwightHowardSucks> ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 0226:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0226:< kippit> %Chat 0226:< RackClimber> @rawchel It's a script that filters spam like robin-grow. The two together filter out most of the shitposting 0226:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0226:< RackClimber> MOST 0226:< jayman419> rawchel Well, you find yourself in the largest and longest lasting chat. The plan is to wait for another t16 so we can merge then decide. 0226:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0226:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0226:**** grow_exe voted to CONTINUE 0227:< MABGB> :P 0227:< rawchel> @jayman419 haha oh boy 0227:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0227:**** engelk voted to INCREASE 0227:< rawchel> @rackclimber is robin assistant found the same place as robin grow? 0227:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0227:< mharrizone> Holy shitsnacks my connection is being a dick 0227:< DwightHowardSucks> BERNIE SANDERS 0227:< jayman419> rawchel So I hope you don't mind the long haul, at least until Thursday or Friday morning. 0227:< RackClimber> @rawchel right here: https://github.com/LeoVerto/Robin-Assistant 0227:< DannyStanton> + TheUncleBob DannyStanton PatrickDenton DanPatBob BobDanPat 0227:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding those who Abandon. 0227:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0227:< rawchel> @jayman419 i have robin grow which autovotes and have my computer set to NOT sleep lmao so yeah im gonna see it to the end. i just want chat 0228:< TheUncleBob> + TheUncleBob DannyStanton PatrickDenton DanPatBob BobDanPat 0228:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0228:< jayman419> Cool beans. 0228:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0228:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button will be our salvation 0228:< rawchel> @rackman thank you! brb while i install! hehe 0228:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0228:< RackClimber> NP! 0228:< jayman419> I'm thinking that there's going to be a vote to stay before the very end. Or at least discussion of one. 0228:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0228:< derrikcurran> % are you serious? 0228:< Aka2ora> T17 OR BUST 0228:**** drT18 voted to INCREASE 0228:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0228:< Fallout2x> daesh% hi hello? 0228:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0229:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0229:< A3L92> france 0229:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0229:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay will be our salvation 0229:**** derrikcurran voted to ABANDON 0230:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0230:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0230:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0230:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0231:< rawchel> @rackman ok installed, but i can only filter 1 channel at a time, right? 0231:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0231:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0231:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 0231:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0231:< zorloret> Stay gosh darn it 0231:< stormagnet> + oh no oh no 0231:< stormagnet> + they've been taken over 0231:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0231:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0232:< stormagnet> + botification zomby plague S.O.S. S.O.S. 0232:< Arisaka99> Tally 0232:**** grink voted to CONTINUE 0232:< niggerniggers> niggers 0233:< barnum> # Man, I wish I could find older versions of the scripts, all these new ones are broken for me. 0233:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the best option 0233:< newredditsucks> % chat Rakehand's still around? 0233:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0233:< _vvvv_> # test 0233:< bwoebi> ^ Though, it always inserts a leading whitsespace 0233:< jayman419> Parrot seems useless. 0233:< newredditsucks> % btw, are we at %chat rather than just % now? 0234:< jayman419> Doesn't do much that Robin Grow doesn't and the scrolling is screwy. 0234:< IbaFoo> % most seem to be, yes. 0234:**** grink voted to INCREASE 0234:< bwoebi> /tally 0234:< rawchel> %oh my goodness theres so much less spam with % 0234:< betaray> tagless chatters, bravers of spam 0234:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0234:< betaray> it's actually pretty amazing, most of the stuff that's not easily filterable has died down 0234:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we finally end this madness 0234:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0235:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0235:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0235:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0235:< spoonXT> ^ lost_penguin: what's the link for parrot? 0235:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0235:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0235:< rawchel> @robinbur hello 0235:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0235:**** sigmaeni suggests you disregard why you haven't clicked your friendly grow button. 0236:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0236:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0236:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0236:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only way we can sleep 0236:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0236:< dick_sanitizer> Penis/ wow we've lost alot of peeps since last night 0236:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0236:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0236:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0236:**** betaray voted to INCREASE 0236:< Gadwin> ? 0236:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0236:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0237:< NuOfBelthasar> * Testing to see if I show up in youtube 0237:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0237:< PotatoBadger> son a tan 0237:< spoonXT> ^ can someone point me to Parrot? 0237:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0238:< vsod99> % robinburr literally nothing 0238:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only good choice 0238:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0238:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0238:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0238:**** callado voted to CONTINUE 0239:< QuackBlack> is everyone in channels? 0239:**** Supbrohz voted to CONTINUE 0239:**** jyjea voted to INCREASE 0239:< rawchel> @quackblack seem to be 0239:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0239:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0239:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0239:< Multispanks> we might get a merge tomorrow! 0239:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone finally end this madness 0240:**** oOYokersOo voted to CONTINUE 0240:< Multispanks> well we're getting closer to another t17 0240:< Multispanks> t16*** 0240:< bwoebi> ^ $(".text-counter-input").val(channelList[selectedChannel] != "" ? channelList[selectedChannel] + " " + source : source); 0241:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0241:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0241:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 0241:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0241:< CantGoogleMe> growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 0241:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0241:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0242:**** Curly-Mo voted to INCREASE 0242:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0242:**** Curly-Mo voted to CONTINUE 0242:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0242:< JClocale> % true 0242:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0243:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0243:< shokk> jnkjcncdf 0243:< CWTyger> chocolate syrup 0243:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 0243:**** Annon201 voted to CONTINUE 0243:< CWTyger> Weird, I typed that and it didn't credit me. 0243:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0243:**** sigmaeni simply MUST find out how much he loves you! 0244:< ntrefil> p whats our sub? 0244:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0244:< Aka2ora> t17 or bust 0244:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0244:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0244:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0245:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay is the only option 0245:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0245:**** p0wnxx0r voted to CONTINUE 0245:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0245:**** p0wnxx0r voted to INCREASE 0245:**** callado voted to INCREASE 0246:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0246:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this will be our salvation 0246:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0246:< shokk> % festooned cooter 0246:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0246:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0246:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0246:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0246:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0246:< shokk> % festooned cooter 0247:**** FlunkyMonkey123 voted to CONTINUE 0247:**** FlunkyMonkey123 voted to INCREASE 0247:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0247:< shokk> % ingiment 0247:< surelyucantbserious> Stay is the way 0247:< MXMLOQ> how often is it down? this is kind of frustrating 0248:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 0248:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the best option 0248:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0248:< shokk> zimzam 0248:**** seelen voted to INCREASE 0249:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0249:< Reddits_Worst_Night> A Tier 15 room will form in 30 minutes. We are tier 16 0249:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0249:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0249:< Reddits_Worst_Night> ELECT Reddits_Worst_Night 0249:**** JusticePao voted to INCREASE 0249:**** mlittletn voted to INCREASE 0250:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0250:**** ju1cy voted to CONTINUE 0250:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the best option 0250:< Reddits_Worst_Night> St George 0250:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 0250:< chuckfinleLP1> St George 0250:< Reddits_Worst_Night> ELECT Reddits_Worst_Night 0250:< baseball44121> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg GUYS LETS DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0250:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0250:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0251:< baseball44121> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg 0251:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0251:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0251:< DwightHowardSucks> ayyy 0251:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0251:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 0251:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0252:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0252:< baseball44121> %cs ;o 0252:< baseball44121> %cs 0252:< Reddits_Worst_Night> Arachne 0253:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0253:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0253:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we finally end this madness 0253:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0254:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0254:< an_audible_smile> % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ still happening 0254:**** ju1cy voted to INCREASE 0254:< an_audible_smile> % wrong channe 0255:< an_audible_smile> % l 0255:< NamePsychic> % what are you trying to do, an_audible_smile? 0255:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only option 0255:< an_audible_smile> % check ^ 0256:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0256:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0256:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0256:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0256:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0256:**** surelyucantbserious voted to INCREASE 0256:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only good choice 0256:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0256:**** surelyucantbserious voted to CONTINUE 0257:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0257:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0257:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0258:**** Slokinx voted to CONTINUE 0258:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0258:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all finally end this madness 0258:< lordxeon> What's a room connector bit? 0258:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0259:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0259:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0259:< cyclingwonder> MAMA 0259:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0259:< cyclingwonder> JUST KILLED A MAN 0259:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0259:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0259:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0259:< cyclingwonder> PUT A GUN AGAINST HIS HEAD 0259:< cyclingwonder> PULLED THE TRIGGER, NOW HE'S DEAD 0259:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0259:< cyclingwonder> MAMA, 0259:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0259:**** sigmaeni fears why you haven't clicked your friendly grow button. 0300:< cyclingwonder> LIFE HAS JUST BEGUN 0300:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0300:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0300:< DwightHowardSucks> chris christie in a baseball uniform 0300:< cyclingwonder> BUT NOW I'VE GONE AND THROWN IT ALL 0300:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only option 0300:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0300:< baseball44121> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg 0300:< cyclingwonder> AWAAAAYYYyyy 0300:< cyclingwonder> MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA oooOOOooooOOOOOOOO 0300:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0300:< cyclingwonder> DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU CRY 0300:< cyclingwonder> If I'm not back again THIS TIME, TOMORROW 0301:< cyclingwonder> Carry on... carry on... 0301:< cyclingwonder> 'cause nothing really matters... 0301:< cyclingwonder> TOO LATE 0301:< cyclingwonder> My time has come! 0301:< xxajt1> . 0301:< cyclingwonder> Send shivers down my spine... 0301:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can sleep 0301:< cyclingwonder> Body's aching all the tiimeee 0301:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0301:< SaveTheSpycrabs> TOOO LAAATE 0302:< cyclingwonder> Goodbye, everybody 0302:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0302:< cyclingwonder> I'Ve got to gooooo 0302:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0302:< cyclingwonder> Gotta leave you all behind, and face.... 0302:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0302:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 0302:< an_audible_smile> & dead chat 0302:< cyclingwonder> THE TRUUUUUUUUTH 0302:< cyclingwonder> MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OOOoOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH 0302:< an_audible_smile> @ ded chat? 0302:< Unicormfarts> % Everyone still hanging in there? 0302:< cyclingwonder> I DON'T WANNA DIIEE! 0302:< xxajt1> wat 0303:< cyclingwonder> I sometimes wish I'd never been born at aaaallllll 0303:< GlowWolf> I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ 0303:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0303:< SaveTheSpycrabs> I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all. 0303:< cyclingwonder> (motherfuckin' rippin' guitar solo) 0303:< Lolzep> & You are correct. You get cookie my son 0303:< SaveTheSpycrabs> I see a little silhouetto of a man, 0303:< cyclingwonder> % no 0303:< cyclingwonder> (doot doot doot doot doot doot doot doot) 0303:< cyclingwonder> I SEE A LITTLE SILHOUETTE OF A MAN! 0303:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can leave 0303:< cyclingwonder> SCARAMOUSH! SCARAMOUSH! 0304:< cyclingwonder> (WILL YOU DO THE FANDANGO?) 0304:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Thunderbolt and lightning, 0304:< cyclingwonder> VERY VERY FRIGHTENING, ME! 0304:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0304:**** RipeGoofySparrow voted to CONTINUE 0304:< cyclingwonder> GALLILEO! 0304:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Gallileo 0304:< cyclingwonder> GALLILEO! 0304:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Gallileo!!!! 0304:< cyclingwonder> GALLILEO FIGAROOO 0304:< SaveTheSpycrabs> GALLILEO!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0305:< cyclingwonder> MAGNIFICOOOOOOoooooo 0305:< cyclingwonder> I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me! 0305:< SaveTheSpycrabs> OOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo 0305:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all get a subreddit already 0305:< SaveTheSpycrabs> He's just a poor boy from a poor family, 0305:< cyclingwonder> SPARE HIM HIS LIFE FROM THIS MONSTROSITY! 0305:< cyclingwonder> Easy come, easy go, 0305:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0305:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Easy come, easy go, will you let me go? 0305:< cyclingwonder> Bismillah! NOOOOOOOO 0305:< kaltekar> potatoBob lives! 0306:< cyclingwonder> We will not let you go 0306:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0306:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let him go!) 0306:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0306:< cyclingwonder> Bismillah! NOOOOOO! 0306:< monoglot> Arizona 0306:< cyclingwonder> We will not let him go! 0306:< SaveTheSpycrabs> WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO! 0306:< cyclingwonder> LET HIM GOOOO! 0306:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0306:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0306:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can leave 0306:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0306:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0306:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0307:< cyclingwonder> Bismillah, we will not let you go! 0307:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0307:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0307:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0307:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0307:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0307:< cyclingwonder> Will not let him go! 0307:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Never, never let you go 0307:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0307:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0307:< cyclingwonder> OOOoooOOOOO 0307:< SaveTheSpycrabs> TAKE OVER I AM LEAVING SORRY WONDER 0307:< cyclingwonder> No, no, no, no, NO no NO! 0307:< ryanvango> #Rpg test 0307:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0307:**** sigmaeni inquires politely regarding that secret of yours that I know... 0307:< cyclingwonder> (no worries m8) 0307:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0308:< cyclingwonder> MAMMA MIA MAMMA MIAAAA 0308:< cyclingwonder> MAMA MIA LET HIM GO! 0308:< SaveTheSpycrabs> Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me. 0308:< l3db3tt3r> shit, I was able to return! after I had to reboot!!! 0308:< cyclingwonder> (second bitchin' solo) 0308:< jayman419> l3db3tt3r As long as you don't miss a merge, you can actually be gone hours. 0308:< robdob> CHOOSE STAY PLEASE 0308:< cyclingwonder> SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME, AND SPIT IN MY EEYYEEEE 0308:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only way we can sleep 0308:< robdob> CHOOSE STAY PLEASE 0308:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0309:< calikil> is there a flockdraw room? 0309:< robdob> CHOOSE STAY PLEASE 0309:**** abourne talk in t 0309:< cyclingwonder> SO YOU THINK YOU CAN LOVE ME, AND LEAVE ME TO DIE??!! 0309:< robdob> CHOOSE STAY PLEASE 0309:< cyclingwonder> WWOoooOOOAaaHHH BABBYYYY 0309:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0309:< cyclingwonder> CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, BAaaAAABBYYY 0309:< cyclingwonder> Just gotta get it OOUTTTTTT 0309:< cyclingwonder> JUST gotta get it RIIGHT outtta HEEREeee 0310:< cyclingwonder> (more bitchin' guitar and some piano) 0310:< cyclingwonder> OOOoohhh yeah! Oooohhh yeah! 0310:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can sleep 0310:< cyclingwonder> WOOooOOOHHHHhhhhh... 0310:< cyclingwonder> Nothing really matters... 0310:< cyclingwonder> Anyone... can seeeeeee 0310:< cyclingwonder> Nothing... reallly matters.... 0311:< cyclingwonder> .... toooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............. 0311:< cyclingwonder> Aaannyy waayy the wind... bloooooowwwwwwwwssss 0311:< cyclingwonder> *booonngg* 0311:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I get a subreddit already 0312:< OminousG> with no tier 15, any chance of merging tonight? 0312:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0312:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0312:< jayman419> OminousG It's pretty unlikely. Stronger chance tomorrow. 0312:< cyclingwonder> OminousG - there will be another tier 15 in an hour or so 0312:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0312:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0312:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0312:< cyclingwonder> OminousG - however there won't be another tier 16 tonight, for sure :P need more feeder groups 0312:< foxsleftear> When does robin end? 0313:< DrWinters> fox april 8 0313:< jayman419> Though it only took a day to make the t15 that's aborning now. 0313:< jayman419> So another one could form up tomorrow. 0313:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0313:< etgohomeok> ELECT etgohomeok 0313:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only good choice 0314:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0314:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0314:**** lizardom voted to INCREASE 0314:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0314:**** zants voted to ABANDON 0315:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0315:**** OptikalCrow voted to CONTINUE 0315:**** OptikalCrow voted to INCREASE 0315:**** Clarkintine voted to INCREASE 0315:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only option 0315:**** Yenwodyah_ voted to INCREASE 0315:< cyclingwonder> * marakiri - true of course 0315:**** sigmaeni hasn't determined much about blue, really. 0315:< Yenwodyah_> * true 0316:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0316:**** HalloweenInHeaven voted to INCREASE 0316:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I get a subreddit already 0317:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0317:< ryanvango> #Rpg is it still reloading the page for anyone else? 0317:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0317:< vineman> THIS CHAT IS NEVER GOING TO END 0317:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0317:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0317:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0317:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0317:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0317:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0317:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0318:**** vineman voted to CONTINUE 0318:< CSFFlame> We're getting other rooms tier climbing 0318:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0318:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 0319:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0319:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0319:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0319:< ntrefil> .....................................................................Hey trigg! 0320:< trigg> hey ntrefil, suppp 0320:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can leave 0320:**** indianapale voted to CONTINUE 0321:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0321:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0321:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0321:**** Supbrohz voted to INCREASE 0321:< CSFFlame> another one just merged 0321:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 0321:**** Supbrohz voted to CONTINUE 0321:< trigg> anyone else kickin around? I noticed you've been penis/-ing it up today :P 0321:< Healablesun> ~ hi 0321:< vox35> % $chat New tier 14 drLu-PxlSh! 30 minutes more, and there will be a tier 15 group! A day later, another tier 16 hopefully... 0321:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 0322:**** simplymew voted to INCREASE 0322:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 0322:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0322:< dont_upvote_cats> When was the Last MERGE? 0322:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0322:< dont_upvote_cats> When was the last time this CHAT MERGED? 0322:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0323:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0323:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0323:< 8-BitAlex> ONLY 1 More Merge before there is a one capable of merging with us! 0323:**** vineman voted to INCREASE 0323:**** sigmaeni is almost certain of your favorite way to GROW NOW! 0324:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0324:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only option 0324:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0325:< vox35> @dont_upvote_cats , WE last merged like, a day ago. A new tier 15 group should created in 30 min, but another merge for us? 24 hours or so. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 03:25:15 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 03:25:21 2016 0325:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0325:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0325:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can sleep 0325:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0325:< IceyMocha> @dont_upvote_cats Hey everyone join the new room! dont upvote cats 0325:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0325:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0326:< IceyMocha> @dont_upvote_cats <- brand new chat room!!! come and join us 0326:< splishtastic> penis mmm 0326:< lordxeon> How's it going here 0326:< IceyMocha> @dont_upvote_cats We're friendly 0326:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 0326:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0327:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0327:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 0327:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0327:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 0327:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0327:**** squishykid_ voted to CONTINUE 0327:**** simplymew voted to INCREASE 0327:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0327:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0328:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0328:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0328:< dkozinn> test 0328:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0329:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay will be our salvation 0329:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0329:**** AtheismFTW voted to CONTINUE 0329:**** AtheismFTW voted to INCREASE 0329:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0329:< trigg> ..................................................................... any RightSiders make their way back in? 0329:< elphabaisfae> Man, the new tier 13 room is going nuts. 0329:< elphabaisfae> 14* 0329:< nickyface> show me elpha 0330:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0330:< elphabaisfae> nickyface: lol, i'm in both. x3 0330:< Joshquick> % T17 or bust 0330:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0330:**** gutcrusherr voted to CONTINUE 0330:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can leave 0330:< 3cardblindbot> I saw the nowa game 0330:< Joshquick> % hype 0330:< grink> Agave tequilana (agave azul or blue agave) is used in the production of tequila.$ 0331:< 3cardblindbot> It was great 0331:**** gutcrusherr voted to INCREASE 0331:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0331:**** ciren voted to CONTINUE 0331:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0331:**** sigmaeni will proabaly destroy why you haven't clicked your friendly grow button. 0332:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only way we can sleep 0332:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0332:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 0332:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0332:< nickyface> vote trump or bust 0332:**** AesSedai101 voted to INCREASE 0333:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0333:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0333:< niggerniggers> niggas 0333:**** nickyface voted to CONTINUE 0333:**** nickyface voted to INCREASE 0334:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 0334:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0335:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0335:< dopplegangme> NOOOOOOVVVVA 0335:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0335:< roamingphantom> + is it possible to left/afk this chatroom for hours and came back again? 0335:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 0335:< lemtrees> + i do it all the time 0335:< roamingphantom> + no need to worry about being kicked out? 0336:< lemtrees> + i've been sleeping my computer and rejoining ni the morning, so i don't think so 0336:< LeapYearAccount2016> VILLANOVA BBY 0336:< KernelSnuffy> % %chat 0336:< waytoomuchcoffee> + not for a number of hours 0336:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0336:< roamingphantom> + alright,I'll give it a bet tonight. I need to give my laptop a break 0336:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0336:< agentfooly> ;art this is art chat 0336:< agentfooly> ;art http://flockdraw.com/b7a0ii 0337:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can sleep 0337:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0337:< llnk> true 0337:**** Socksauna voted to INCREASE 0337:**** Socksauna voted to CONTINUE 0338:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0338:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0339:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0339:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0339:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0339:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we get a subreddit already 0339:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0339:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0339:< kmcgurty1> .help 0339:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0339:< kmcgurty1> .commands 0339:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0339:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget how much you love him! 0340:< kmcgurty1> .commands 0340:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0340:< kmcgurty1> .kill kmcgurty1 0340:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] kmcgurty1 died of old age. 0340:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0340:< masonbetz> @ what? 0340:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the only option 0340:< waytoomuchcoffee> + a tier 15 room will be created in just a few min, one more and we merge 0341:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0342:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0342:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 0342:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0342:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0343:< badcomposer> %chat stay in milk, drink your drugs, don't do school 0343:< slaaxy> % wow over 24 hours later and my %chat channel still exists! 0343:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0343:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0343:**** slaaxy voted to ABANDON 0343:< Coney_Island_Hentai> whats the best spam script? 0343:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0344:< Mete0r1t3> Ayy lmao 0344:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I get a subreddit already 0344:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0344:< SoftSandalwood> Hey all. Are we all using $ now? 0345:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0345:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0345:**** gee842 voted to INCREASE 0345:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0345:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can leave 0346:< jayman419> rpgbot died. 0346:< ryanvango> #Rpg any updates? 0346:< w4rf19ht3r> So when we gonna merge? 0346:< Licensed2Chill> Vianshie is merging in less than 10 minutes! 0346:< trigg> p hey I got your page a while ago and tried responding, but I think you left your penis filter on 0347:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0347:< Yenwodyah_> ? 2 + 2 0347:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0347:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0347:< trigg> p I think you left your penis filter on when I tried to respond last time 0347:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can leave 0347:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0347:**** sigmaeni sometimes wonders about much about blue, really. 0348:< EmeraldEnd> HEY, WHEN IS MERGE? 0348:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0348:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0348:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0348:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0348:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0348:< ryanvango> # has anyone been dealing with way too frequent resets? 0349:< lost_penguin> !nl . 0349:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0349:< ryanvango> #Rpg anyone around? 0349:< lost_penguin> !nl boop 0349:< TheCountryoftheNo> Morning here too 0349:**** voltaek voted to INCREASE 0349:< trigg> p channel filter is being kind of fucked up actually. Has anyone else we know shown up at all? 0349:**** DebentureThyme voted to INCREASE 0349:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0349:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0350:< _Ken-M_> Brasilla 0350:< roamingphantom> + alright, I've been waiting to ascend to tier 17 0350:< IceyMocha> sex me gently 0350:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0351:< ryanvango> # hello helllooooo hellloooooooooo 0351:< hero0fwar> % . 0351:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0351:< The_PBR> I FEEL LIKE I TYPE TO EVERYONE WHEN I USE NO FILTER<>BUT THEN I REALIZE ONLY THE BEST SEE MY SHIFTPOST 0351:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0351:< ryanvango> is anyone getting really frequent resets? 0352:< trigg> p Four of my top favourite movies. Get watching 0352:< trigg> p Snatch should be watched first 0352:< lost_penguin> !nl n 0352:**** cronoburr voted to INCREASE 0352:< IceyMocha> http://flockdraw.com/31uw2y 0352:< sabishii> what script is everybody using now? I'm still using one from the first day 0353:**** cronoburr voted to CONTINUE 0353:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0353:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0353:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0353:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0354:< Gtx780ti> chat ayy 0354:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0354:< Gtx780ti> % chat hi 0354:< trigg> p Timecrimes! Shit I haven't thought about that movie in ages 0354:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0354:< trigg> p 0354:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0354:**** siccoblue voted to CONTINUE 0355:**** siccoblue voted to INCREASE 0355:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0355:< trigg> p the dvd cover of Timecrimes always looked like a dude with bubblegum on his head.. 0355:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0355:< ryanvango> %can someone help me? since I got the new growbot i cant filter by channel 0355:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0355:**** sigmaeni suggests you disregard how much you love him! 0356:< CSFFlame> we've got a tier 15 0356:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0357:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0357:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0357:< The_Zassassin> everything lags now 0357:< RhythmBlue> T17 or BUST! 0357:< lost_penguin> !nl b 0358:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0358:< DannyStanton> + A long time ago, it was a channel for meta talk about merging vs staying and such. 0358:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0358:< PotatoBadger> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0358:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0358:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0358:< DannyStanton> + It really hasn't been used for that in a long time. 0358:< PotatoBadger> ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0358:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0358:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0358:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0359:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0359:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0359:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0359:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0400:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0400:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0400:< DoodleYankee> The merge will happen 0400:< PotatoBadger> %CHAT LELELELELELLELELELELELLELLEELELELELEELELELELLLELLELEELEELLELLELLELELLEELEELELELLELELELELLELELELELELELELELLELELELELLELLELLELLELLELELEEL 0400:**** poookz voted to INCREASE 0400:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0400:< nickyface> How do I install robin assist with tampermonkey? Anyone? 0401:**** realdrpepper23 voted to CONTINUE 0401:< ryanvango> Penis/ penis/ ok i think im in penis now, but i dont see any chat streaming... 0401:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0401:**** Joosebawkz voted to INCREASE 0402:**** cweed14 voted to INCREASE 0402:< gereth> james cameron 0402:< prince_polka> Just merged into ccande on my alt 0402:< lolmycat> % 291 no vote so far out of 2038 0402:< badcomposer> prince_polka who are you in there? 0402:**** PotatoBadger %chat PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0403:< ryanvango> #Rpg #rpg test 0403:**** realdrpepper23 voted to INCREASE 0403:**** PotatoBadger %chat PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0403:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0403:**** stikko voted to INCREASE 0403:< prince_polka> badcomposer Im tier17robin 0403:< lolmycat> % 286 no vote / 2037 in ccande 0403:< ryanvango> #Rpg is there anyone in here? 0403:**** PotatoBadger %chat PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0403:< prince_polka> in the . channel 0403:< badcomposer> prince_polka fuck yeah, I'm Glorious_Robin_Alt 0403:< dexepi> % cascade will take time 0403:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0403:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0403:**** sigmaeni suggests you disregard much about blue, really. 0404:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0404:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0404:**** PotatoBadger %chat PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0404:**** PotatoBadger %chat PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0404:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0405:**** PotatoBadger $ PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0405:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0405:**** PotatoBadger $ PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0405:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0405:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0406:**** cweed14 voted to CONTINUE 0406:< gee842> % lol 0406:< dexepi> % oh shit B9 on the RobinStream 0406:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0406:< gee842> % im watching better call saul s2e08 right now 0406:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0406:**** pfumbi voted to CONTINUE 0406:< embracetehmartian> @ https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0406:< mista_fresh> \tally 0406:**** pfumbi voted to INCREASE 0407:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0407:< gee842> % f 0407:< TomLube> t o o l o u d 0407:**** PotatoBadger ^ PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0407:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 0407:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0407:< embracetehmartian> % https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0407:**** PotatoBadger ^ PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 0407:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0407:< embracetehmartian> & https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0407:< embracetehmartian> * https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0407:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0408:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0408:**** nickyface voted to CONTINUE 0408:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0408:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0408:**** nickyface voted to INCREASE 0409:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0409:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0409:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0409:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0410:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0410:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 0410:< pfumbi> * /r/probprog 0410:**** bluecube22 voted to INCREASE 0410:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0411:< bphilly_cheesesteak> JESU CRISTO 0411:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0411:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0411:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0411:**** sigmaeni will proabaly destroy the sad state of the Abandoners... 0412:< Mcbaldo> LOL we have a motto? 0412:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0413:< gjhgjh> !help 0413:< Mcbaldo> we can't merge with a tier 15 can we? 0413:< gjhgjh> !timer 0413:< gjhgjh> !stats 0413:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0413:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0413:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0414:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0414:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0414:**** q00u voted to INCREASE 0414:**** q00u voted to CONTINUE 0414:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0414:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0414:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0414:< nickyface> canada 0414:**** lonnez voted to INCREASE 0415:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0415:< daniel51a> ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ 0415:< nickyface> % tell your ex she's selfish 0416:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0416:< YSFish> hello world 0416:< GriffinPrice> pedometer 0416:< nickyface> i see you griffin 0416:< nickyface> shakin that ass 0417:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0417:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0417:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0417:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0417:< HTKYAY> % /chat 0417:< YSFish> hello world 0418:< mofosyne> % hmmm 0418:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0418:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0418:< mofosyne> % http://flockdraw.com/o0hv8 0419:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 0419:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0419:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 0419:< figgycity50> hi 0419:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 0419:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0419:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0419:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglets 0419:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0419:< Killerko> Positrons is annoying as fuck 0419:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0419:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0419:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0419:**** sigmaeni is almost certain of how much you love him! 0420:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0420:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0420:< hansolo580> simaeni <3 0420:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0420:< hansolo580> Waterloo 0420:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0420:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0420:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0421:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:< lost_penguin> test 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0421:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0421:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0421:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0421:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0422:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0422:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 0422:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 0422:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0422:< ptrakk> woo 0423:< likenessaltered> Etimated time of merge? 0423:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0423:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0423:**** bphilly_cheesesteak voted to CONTINUE 0424:**** bphilly_cheesesteak voted to INCREASE 0424:< ptrakk> what tier? 0424:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0424:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wat 0424:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0424:< ForEden> I can't believe this is still going 0424:< frecel> # woah I just discovered spam filters 0424:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0424:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0424:< frecel> # this is amazing 0424:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0425:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0425:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0426:< lost_penguin> .. 0426:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0426:< callmebv> hi? 0426:< WythDryden> Hi 0426:**** bphilly_cheesesteak voted to CONTINUE 0426:< itisnotmyusername> #mlb anyone watching opening week? 0427:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0427:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0427:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0427:< ptrakk> ciao for niao 0427:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0427:**** sigmaeni hasn't determined that secret of yours that I know... 0428:< ptrakk> langley 0428:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0428:< ptrakk> Let's play scrabble! 0428:< Ibuprofen> there is a lower tier chat that is catching up. i am changing my vote to GROW 0428:< Enofel> test 0428:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0428:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0428:< Gadwin> ? 0428:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 0429:< Beard_of_Gimli> hello? 0429:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0429:< itisnotmyusername> #mlb sox 4 - oak 3 0429:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0429:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0430:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0430:< ryanvango> #Rpg test 0430:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0430:< WythDryden> Check check. I just turned on the filter in robin-grow. Do I have to manually put #rpg still? 0430:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0430:**** ptrakk voted to GLOW 0430:< Licensed2Chill> The tier 15 chat, ccandeShle is at 83.7 % grow, you guys are going to merge eventually! 0430:**** Stormon voted to INCREASE 0430:< Licensed2Chill> test 0430:< yzgncx> JOIN THE GREEN PARTY! https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen/ 0431:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0431:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0431:< Adamsoski> % % /r/robintracking lol 0431:< pyroshroom> #Rpg Hmm, I guess robin grow has multichannel now 0431:< pyroshroom> #Rpg Does this work? 0431:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0432:< pyroshroom> #Rpg man, you guys are right, robin-grow got weird 0433:**** Ibuprofen voted to INCREASE 0433:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0433:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0434:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0434:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0434:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0434:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0434:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0435:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0435:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0435:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0435:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding how much you love him! 0435:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0436:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0436:< nintendomac> Is everyone gone? 0436:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0436:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0437:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0437:< GriffinPrice> splenda 0437:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0437:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0438:**** Dynamic_Equilibrium voted to INCREASE 0438:< Cannonfyre> BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZURA BY AZ 0439:< GriffinPrice> driveway 0439:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0439:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0439:**** manface12 voted to CONTINUE 0439:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0439:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0439:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0439:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0439:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0440:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0440:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0440:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0440:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0440:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0440:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0440:**** Wonderingwanderr % Some where over the rainbow skies are BLUE! Rise with us. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0441:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0441:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0441:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0441:< seelen> % 0441:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0441:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0441:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0442:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 0442:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0442:< chapebrone> . 0442:< GriffinPrice> washington state 0443:< enricheduranium> %Big 0443:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0443:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0443:< Gadwin> boobs 0443:< GriffinPrice> X 0443:< haley_joel_osteen> When we merging and shit? 0443:**** velveteer voted to INCREASE 0443:**** chugga_fan voted to INCREASE 0443:< hero0fwar> % /vote grow 0443:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0444:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0444:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0444:**** Timedruid voted to INCREASE 0444:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0444:< GriffinPrice> brown eyed girl 0444:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0444:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0444:< GriffinPrice> hahaha fuck 0444:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0445:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0445:**** nintendomac voted to INCREASE 0445:< GriffinPrice> ireland 0445:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0445:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0445:< GriffinPrice> 21 0446:< trillianosu> !stats 0446:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0446:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0447:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0447:< GriffinPrice> maple leafs 0448:< enricheduranium> # Saxophone 0448:< GriffinPrice> saxophone 0448:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0448:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0449:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0449:**** edwardsdl voted to INCREASE 0449:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0449:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0449:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0449:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0450:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0450:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0451:< ntrefil> chat% hows it going? 0451:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0451:**** sigmaeni knows how much you love him! 0452:**** Wonderingwanderr % In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can! Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0452:< fdckyxdkytrx45678> 1e+80 0452:**** bosco255 voted to INCREASE 0453:**** realdrpepper23 voted to CONTINUE 0453:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0453:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0454:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0454:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0454:< _Ken-M_> why vote grow? We have to stay eventually! 0454:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0454:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0454:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0455:**** Wonderingwanderr % Let the blue sky meet the blue sea and all is blue for a time. Join us at http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0455:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0455:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0455:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0455:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0456:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0456:< CWTyger> T17 or bust! 0456:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0456:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0456:< CWTyger> T17 or bust! 0456:**** Chickenfrend voted to CONTINUE 0456:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0456:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0456:< CWTyger> T17or bust! 0456:< alazz> ✪ ✪✪✪ 0456:**** MeaKyori voted to CONTINUE 0456:**** madhorse voted to CONTINUE 0457:< daniel51a> ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ 0457:**** zzevannn voted to CONTINUE 0457:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0457:**** haylow1221 voted to CONTINUE 0458:**** Wonderingwanderr % The sky is not less blue because a blind man does not see it. Join the uprising. http://reddit.com/r/Blue_Jays 0458:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0458:< TomLube> Uranus 0458:**** realdrpepper23 voted to INCREASE 0458:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0458:< TomLube> Rip lol 0459:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0459:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0459:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0459:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0459:**** alazz voted to CONTINUE 0459:**** alazz voted to INCREASE 0459:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0459:**** sigmaeni doesn't mind the end. 0459:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0459:**** MeaKyori voted to INCREASE 0500:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0500:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0500:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0500:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0500:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0500:< Thomasedv> tick toc... 0500:< GriffinPrice> crab 0500:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0500:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0500:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0501:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0501:< The_Turbinator> %Chat testing? 0501:< The_Turbinator> %Chat i can't see anything 0502:< lachlanhunt> %Chat The new robin-grow script seems to have broken the %chat filtering 0502:< GriffinPrice> water 0502:< lachlanhunt> %Chat it's capitalising Chat for some reason :-( 0502:< IceyMocha> % good 0502:< HookahComputer> %Chat yeah how come you lot are in %Chat and not %chat? 0502:< The_Turbinator> %Chat weird, gonna try fix this 0502:< lachlanhunt> %Chat it must be a bug in the script. I can't get it to see %chat without turning filtering off 0502:< ptrakk> is that what this memory leak is from? 0502:< IceyMocha> there is no need to have chat rooms anymore the chat moves slow enough that it isnt needed 0503:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0503:< The_Turbinator> %Chat ok just disable the CHannels button on the top and manualy do it in settings 0503:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0504:< enricheduranium> Mandrake the Magician 0504:< lost_penguin> hmm 0504:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0504:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 0504:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 0504:< ptrakk> Mah fahkin diamond 0504:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0505:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0505:< The_Turbinator> % am i in %chat or am in an all? hmmmm 0505:< The_Turbinator> % ..... 0505:< Smartstocks> -864 0505:< The_Turbinator> % cant see my own text 0505:< ptrakk> leg bon 0505:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0505:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0505:< The_Turbinator> % testing, 1, 2, 3 0506:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0506:< The_Turbinator> % testing 0506:< The_Turbinator> % test 0506:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0506:< The_Turbinator> % i cant see myself, or anyone 0506:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0506:< The_Turbinator> % ahhhhh, I BROKE IT !!! 0507:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0507:< lost_penguin> bloop 0507:< The_Turbinator> testing 0507:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0507:**** sigmaeni sometimes wonders about how much he loves you! 0508:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0508:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0508:< GriffinPrice> Christopher Reeve 0508:< masonbetz> @ .help 0508:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0508:< IceyMocha> just filter that out lol 0508:< masonbetz> @ .commands 0508:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0508:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0509:< anon72c> count 0509:**** DaveTheDownvoter voted to INCREASE 0509:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0510:< Box_Elderr> gibson 0510:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0510:< ptrakk> My drunk roomate is trying to shave his head.. what do i do1? 0510:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0510:< GriffinPrice> lanthanides 0511:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0511:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0511:< ptrakk> MY Room mate is drunk and is about to shave his head.. how do i stop this!? 0511:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0512:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0512:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0512:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0512:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0512:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0512:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0513:< Wezpa> GROOOOOW 0513:< ntrefil> ..................................................................... hey guys anyone out there 0513:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0514:< jayman419> hi ntrefil. 0514:**** PaulBGD voted to INCREASE 0514:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0514:< jayman419> you might have better luck talking on one of the channels, like %chat 0514:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0514:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0514:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0514:< Box_Elderr> anyone have a link to where you find out what each filter does? 0514:< nbagf> what script has the tabs? 0515:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0515:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0515:< KernelSnuffy> ELECT nigglet 0515:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0515:< jayman419> parrot, but it's funky at the moment. robin grow has a single channel you can narrow it down to. 0515:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0515:< GriffinPrice> dystopia 0515:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0515:< FlunkyMonkey123> lolmycat do you still have a alt floating around out there? 0515:< bphilly_cheesesteak> what's the best robin script 0515:**** kmcgurty1 voted to INCREASE 0515:**** sigmaeni didn't ask you about those who Abandon. 0515:< jayman419> I like https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow 0516:< dashed> %Chat inkblob https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0516:< jayman419> Parrot is a modified version of that, and doesn't seem to do much more for all the bugs it has. 0516:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0516:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0516:< bphilly_cheesesteak> i see people posting shit like /penis and stuff to separate messages, which one is that? 0516:**** jvnatter voted to CONTINUE 0516:< dashed> %Chat idk if it works... but we're gonna do it live :P 0516:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0517:< bphilly_cheesesteak> iIIiad 0517:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0517:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0517:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0517:**** bphilly_cheesesteak voted to INCREASE 0518:< Xestrix> # Snoop Dogg 0518:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0519:< GriffinPrice> fuck that 0519:< Box_Elderr> is parrot working alright for everyone? 0519:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0519:< GriffinPrice> mercury and venus 0519:< dont_upvote_cats> WHEN WAS THE LAST MERGE? 0519:< IceyMocha> % it would be nice if the dev made it so everythiing i say is highlighted on everyone elses screen :/ 0520:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0520:**** kmcgurty1 voted to CONTINUE 0520:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0520:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0520:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0520:< GriffinPrice> World War 2 0521:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0521:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0521:< FontPeg> aaa 0521:< ptrakk> I'M SITTING HERE YELLING ABORT MISSION TO MY ROOMMATE. HE IS TRYING TO SHAVE HIS HEAD BALD. 0521:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0521:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0521:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0521:< AdamUndefined> $ dna 0521:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0522:< lolmycat> %Chat its too much fun haha flunkymonkey123 0522:< PotatoBadger> lolololo 0522:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0522:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0522:< dont_upvote_cats> Hello guys, how many hours ago did we last grow? 0522:< jayman419> dont_upvote_cats About 33 hours. 0523:< jayman419> dont_upvote_cats 6:08 pm EST on the 3rd. 0523:< dont_upvote_cats> Thanks! 0523:< jayman419> dont_upvote_cats You're welcome. Our next merge is possible tomorrow evening. A tier 15 made it today. Just need another one. 0523:< Xestrix> # Big Women 0523:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0524:< ptrakk> ­test 0524:< ptrakk> test 0524:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0525:< ptrakk> ­test 0525:< ptrakk> test 0525:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0525:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0525:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0525:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0526:< ptrakk> Spicy memes 0526:< AdamUndefined> $ gander 0526:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0526:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0527:< dashed> %Chat being fixed 0527:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0527:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0527:< AdamUndefined> $ Macbeth 0527:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0528:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0528:**** Teipo voted to INCREASE 0528:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0528:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0528:< dashed> %Chat refreshing is less annoying now if u update to v2.34 0528:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0528:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0529:< AviN456> when you see the % issue 0529:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0529:**** sonsol voted to INCREASE 0529:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0529:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0530:< Sgt_Barrel> how do i join a channel 0530:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0530:**** devxdev voted to CONTINUE 0530:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0530:**** 3nd0fw0r1d voted to INCREASE 0530:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0531:< ntrefil> ..................................................................... hi guys 0531:**** Altrucel voted to CONTINUE 0531:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0531:< dashed> %Chat TheCountryoftheNo try 2.34 0531:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0531:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0531:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0531:< AdamUndefined> $ bore 0531:**** devxdev voted to INCREASE 0532:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0532:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0532:**** sonsol voted to INCREASE 0532:< AdamUndefined> $ enola gay 0532:< Decalance> # sup yall 0533:< PotatoBadger> steamboat willie = micky mouse 0533:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0533:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0534:**** FireWorm voted to CONTINUE 0534:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0535:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0535:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0535:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0536:< Crix-> UNIX 0536:< pixzleone> % yo 0536:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0536:< ptrakk> My roomate shaved his head 0536:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0536:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0536:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0536:**** ciren voted to INCREASE 0537:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0537:< ptrakk> ruble 0537:< grink> naquahdah$ 0537:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0538:< Enofel> kappa 0538:< ptrakk> How to use tabs? 0538:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0539:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0539:< Enofel> test 0539:< RackClimber> only retards vote grow 0539:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0539:< lost_penguin> h 0539:**** devxdev voted to CONTINUE 0540:< AdamUndefined> $ amelia earheart 0540:**** devxdev voted to INCREASE 0540:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0540:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0540:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0541:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0541:< TomLube> LMAO 0541:< TomLube> amazing 0541:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0541:< ptrakk> does the chat filter support regex? 0541:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0541:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0541:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0542:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0542:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0542:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0542:< ptrakk> ~B~L~E~S~S~E~D~ 0542:< ptrakk> test 0542:< phoenixprince> + whats the estimated wait till a potential merge? 0543:< ptrakk> ­ test 0543:< TomLube> + phoenixprince like aday 0543:< AdamUndefined> $ helicopter 0543:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ test 0543:< phoenixprince> + TumLube thanks 0543:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0544:< ptrakk> ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ booboo 0544:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0544:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0544:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to CONTINUE 0544:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0544:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0544:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0544:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0544:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0544:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0545:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0545:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0545:**** npinsker voted to CONTINUE 0545:**** npinsker voted to CONTINUE 0545:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0546:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0546:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0546:< kmcgurty1> SDFKASLFDJAKSLDFJSKDLADFJKLFSDJLFASDM %Chat yaahoe ah you're in singapore? 0547:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0547:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0548:< voltaek> Perhaps I'll look at that tomorrow 0548:< jayman419> K1ngN0thing Don't spam the ^ channel, they're working in there. 0548:< mofosyne> % argh.... 0548:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0548:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0548:< mofosyne> % still not merging yet 0549:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0549:< lost_penguin> !nl sssss 0549:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0549:< TomLube> rip 0549:< jayman419> Thanks. Those are the folks making Parrot. (https://github.com/5a1t/parrot) 0550:< niggerniggers> niggers 0550:< mofosyne> % In the mean time, lets join: https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 0550:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0550:< ntrefil> ..................................................................... Trigg you abandon? 0550:< TomLube> merge will happen tomorrow at like 7pm est 0551:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0551:< dsty292> ELECT nigglet 0551:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0551:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0552:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0552:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0552:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0553:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0553:**** t3nac voted to INCREASE 0553:**** t3nac voted to CONTINUE 0553:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0554:**** t3nac voted to INCREASE 0554:**** t3nac voted to CONTINUE 0554:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0554:< jayman419> #RPG ryanvango You could always be a guy who's *convinced* he's dead. 0554:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0556:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0556:< devxdev> % aot have moved to stay too 0556:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0556:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0556:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0556:< james_burrows> Kappa 0556:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0557:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0557:**** loulan voted to INCREASE 0557:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0557:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0557:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0558:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0558:< lost_penguin> !nl test 0558:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0558:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0559:**** Timedruid voted to CONTINUE 0559:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0559:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0559:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0559:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0559:< HoursUponHours> % Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0559:< lost_penguin> !nl xx 0600:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0600:< lost_penguin> !nl xxc 0600:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0600:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0600:< lost_penguin> !nl v 0600:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0600:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0600:< SmurfyX> ELECT nigglet 0601:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0601:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0601:< ptrakk> ELECT thatwentBTE 0601:< lost_penguin> !nl x 0601:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0601:< lost_penguin> !nl ccc 0602:< Dynamist> /whois test 0602:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0602:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0602:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0602:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0603:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0603:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0603:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0603:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0604:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 0604:< lost_penguin> !nl test 0604:< Dynamist> /whois Dynamist 0604:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0604:< lost_penguin> % tes 0605:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0606:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0606:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0607:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0607:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0607:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0607:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0607:**** iHacked voted to INCREASE 0607:< dashed> %Chat XG549 update to v2.37 0608:< drewiepoodle> SO LOOKS LIKE WE MERGE TOMORROW 0608:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0608:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0608:< BradleySigma> . 0608:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to CONTINUE 0608:< Vintage_Milk> Is it true? Are we really staying? 0608:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0609:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0611:< chapebrone> chapebrone 0611:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0611:< dashed> %Chat sorry testing stuffs 0611:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0611:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0612:**** Lyngesen06 voted to INCREASE 0612:**** grencez voted to INCREASE 0612:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0612:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0612:< figgycity50> hi 0612:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0612:**** amtra5 voted to INCREASE 0612:**** amtra5 voted to CONTINUE 0612:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0612:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0613:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0613:< lezed1> blindness 0613:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0613:< lezed1> gaggle 0614:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0614:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0614:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0614:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0615:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0615:**** helokol voted to CONTINUE 0615:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0616:< andreaplanbee> aw dang is my robin-grow broken 0616:< lost_penguin> !nl vv 0616:< andreaplanbee> most likely im just using it wrong 0616:< lost_penguin> !nl sd 0616:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0616:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0616:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 0617:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0617:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 0617:< lost_penguin> !nl vv 0617:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0617:< lost_penguin> !nl df 0617:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0617:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0617:< lost_penguin> !nl fef 0618:< IrishBlizzard> % Hi everyone! 0618:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0618:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0618:< splishtastic> tax evasion 0618:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0619:< splishtastic> moths 0619:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0619:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0619:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0620:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0620:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0621:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0621:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0622:< sunrype1> what's going on team 0622:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0622:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0622:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0622:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0623:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0623:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0623:< dashed> %Chat nah testing new feature 0623:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0623:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0624:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0624:< loudaslife> test 0625:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0625:< nomercymayhem> hello! --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 06:26:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 06:31:18 2016 0631:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0631:< HoursUponHours> chat is this the new filter? 0631:< lostfanatic> ✪✪✪✪✪ 0631:< dashed> %Chat https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0631:< HoursUponHours> chat testing one two three 0631:< dashed> %Chat it's renamed from robin-grow fork 0631:< HoursUponHours> % chat is this the new filter? 0631:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0631:< dashed> %Chat parrot was the name chosen by this chat 0632:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0632:< lostfanatic> ✪✪✪ 0632:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0632:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0633:< lostfanatic> ✪ 0633:< HoursUponHours> why is everyone saying volume 0633:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0633:< HoursUponHours> oh, trivia 0633:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0633:**** Chickenfrend voted to INCREASE 0633:< HoursUponHours> I turned my filter off, and the chat is going pretty slow 0633:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0633:< npinsker> yeah i'm done now 0634:< HoursUponHours> wow, people seem to be disagreeing on the filter symbol 0634:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0635:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0635:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0635:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0636:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0636:< UnclePaull> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg COME DRAW WITH US 0636:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 0636:< dashed> %Chat HoursUponHours https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0637:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0637:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0637:< UnclePaull> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg DRAW 0637:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0637:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0637:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0637:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0637:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0638:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0638:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0638:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0638:< SmurfyX> fuck the humans 0638:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0638:< AviN456> New version of the official autogrow script is available! https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0638:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0639:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0639:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0640:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0640:< lost_penguin> !nl ss 0641:**** mr_mustash voted to CONTINUE 0641:**** Tramunzenegger voted to CONTINUE 0641:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0641:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0641:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0641:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0641:< lost_penguin> !nl zxc 0642:< lost_penguin> !nl bf 0642:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0642:< dashed> %Chat XG549 nah haha 0642:< dashed> %Chat XG549 this thing ends in April 8 anyways 0642:< Smartstocks> 1,034,3 0642:**** Tramunzenegger voted to INCREASE 0642:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 0642:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0642:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0642:< Smartstocks> My girlfriend cheated on me ;-; 0643:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0643:< lost_penguin> !nl test 0643:< lost_penguin> !nl efg 0643:< Smartstocks> 1,034,3 0643:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0643:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0643:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0643:< Smartstocks> 1,034,3 0643:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0643:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0644:< Smartstocks> where's twifer? 0644:**** Sloon_ voted to INCREASE 0644:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0644:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0644:< Smartstocks> I like this place 0645:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0645:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0645:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0645:< dashed> %Chat it's a fork of robin-grow 0645:< figgycity50> hi 0645:< Smartstocks> 1,034,3 0646:< Smartstocks> You can't stop looking at me! 0646:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0647:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0647:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0648:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the best option 0648:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0648:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0648:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0648:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0648:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0649:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0649:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0651:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 0651:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0651:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0652:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0652:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0652:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0653:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0653:< kungfoomasta> % it only shows rooms with ~100 people or more 0653:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0653:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0653:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0654:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0655:< FriendlyYak> good morning 0656:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0656:< jeuv> !nl iemand hier? 0656:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0658:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0658:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0658:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0658:**** AviN456 test 0658:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0658:**** AviN456 ^ test 0658:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0658:< NickCageIsAWoman> % doing this for proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/mafrbdA3eaEsxiliraeom/comments/4d4rjo/the_fallacy_of_following_bob000000005555/ 0659:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0659:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0659:< NickCageIsAWoman> % 0659:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0659:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0659:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0659:**** SidDefinition voted to INCREASE 0659:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0659:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0659:< FriendlyYak> test BloodTrail 0700:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0700:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0700:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0700:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0701:**** shadowde voted to INCREASE 0701:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0701:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0701:**** shadowde voted to CONTINUE 0701:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0701:**** ixc7 voted to CONTINUE 0702:**** Shoopdawoop9001 voted to CONTINUE 0703:**** madhorse voted to INCREASE 0703:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0703:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0703:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0703:**** Shoopdawoop9001 voted to INCREASE 0703:**** pirate_phate voted to CONTINUE 0703:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0704:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0704:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0704:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0706:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0707:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0707:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0708:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0708:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0708:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0708:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0708:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0709:< shtonkalot> Nerf_Bard, we met like at tier 3-4 0709:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0709:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0709:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0710:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0711:**** kmcgurty1 voted to INCREASE 0711:**** pirate_phate voted to INCREASE 0711:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the best option 0711:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0711:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0713:< GriffinPrice> Malaysia 0713:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0713:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0713:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can sleep 0713:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0713:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0714:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0714:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0714:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0714:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0715:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0715:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the best option 0715:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0715:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0715:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0715:< Shoopdawoop9001> % K1ngN0thing stop spaming chat 0716:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button will be our salvation 0716:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0718:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0718:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0718:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0718:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the best option 0718:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0718:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0718:< lumineox> !NL goedemorgen 0719:< turcois> omfg this chat is still going, after ive been away for 2 days 0719:< lumineox> !NL iemand hier? 0719:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL heey lumi 0719:< jeuv> !nl hallo jongens 0719:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL hoi hoi 0719:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0719:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0719:< lumineox> !NL zit met mijn alt in t15 0719:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL k ga wel zo weer, werk werk 0719:< jeuv> !nl ik ook 0719:< bickster69> lol 0719:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik ook! 0719:< jeuv> !nl ccande heeft fucking veel spam 0719:< enormouspenis69> % Kappa 0720:< MehtefaS> i've been here for 2 days aswell 0720:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik zit alleen in . en in <3 0720:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only option 0720:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0720:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0720:< jeuv> !nl . is bijna leeg 0720:< enormouspenis69> % /vote stay 0720:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL lekker rustig 0720:< jeuv> !nl T18 gaan we niet halen denk ik 0721:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0721:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0721:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0721:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL mja, ik ga werken 0721:< jeuv> !nl veel plezier 0721:< lumineox> !NL succes 0721:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL fijne dag jongens ^^ 0721:< enormouspenis69> /vote stay 0721:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I get a subreddit already 0721:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0722:< enormouspenis69> !ZH 有中国人吗? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:22:56 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:23:10 2016 0723:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:23:25 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:24:25 2016 0724:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0724:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0724:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0724:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0725:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 0725:< jeuv> !nl toen sokuku nieuw was ging de chat ook helemaal los 0725:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0726:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0726:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can leave 0727:**** kmcgurty1 voted to CONTINUE 0727:< NoNoLimit> % chat What tier was the 4000chat in? 0728:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0728:**** TrantaLocked voted to ABANDON 0728:**** howhardcoulditB voted to INCREASE 0728:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0728:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0728:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only way we can sleep 0729:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0729:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0729:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0729:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0729:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0729:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0729:< lumineox> !NL ja dat is waar 0729:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0729:< lumineox> !NL waneer was de laatste merge dan 0729:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0730:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0730:**** grow_exe voted to INCREASE 0730:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I finally end this madness 0730:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0730:< Albert_Borland> wow almost 100 stayers gone 0731:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0731:**** _Ken-M_ voted to INCREASE 0731:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0731:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the only good choice 0732:< thrwaaay> Any leaderboard maintainers here? 0732:< jeuv> !nl 35 uur geleden ofzo 0733:< prince_polka> Attention!! Everyonr in big room are usind dem scrips!!! 0733:**** SaveTheSpycrabs voted to INCREASE 0733:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0734:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all finally end this madness 0734:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0734:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0734:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0734:< lumineox> !NL ik bedoelde van ccandeShle 0734:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0735:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0735:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0735:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0735:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the best option 0735:< jeuv> !nl een paar uur geleden 0735:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0736:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0736:< lumineox> !NL maar dat is ongeveer 4 uur geleden 0736:< lumineox> !NL dus dat verklaard wel waarom ze actiever zijn 0736:< lumineox> !NL https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0737:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we get a subreddit already 0737:< lumineox> !NL deze extenstentie is echt top 0737:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0738:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0738:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0739:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only way we can sleep 0739:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0739:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0739:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0739:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0739:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0740:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0740:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0740:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0740:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0740:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only option 0740:< xSke> %Chat umm 0740:< xSke> %Chat test 0741:< xSke> test 0741:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0741:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0742:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0742:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 0742:< figgycity50> when is the fucking merge gonna happen / when are we gonna stay? 0742:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0742:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0742:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0742:< lumineox> !NL is beter dan robin grow 0743:**** neeph is still here 0743:< MehtefaS> When ever there is a group to merge with 0743:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 0743:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 0743:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 0743:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0744:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 0744:< hairy_gogonuts> so many bots 0744:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0744:< hairy_gogonuts> we need kick feature 0744:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0744:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0744:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0744:< MehtefaS> you can get a script to mute bots 0744:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0745:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0745:< MehtefaS> and other annoying people/chats 0745:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0745:< MehtefaS> it's pretty calm when you have that script 0745:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can get to bed 0746:< Kazoorose> (/&% Thanks for putting out so many easy ways to get rid of your spam guys <3 0746:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0746:**** Kazoorose voted to CONTINUE 0747:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can sleep 0747:**** Kazoorose voted to INCREASE 0748:< Kazoorose> Oh man, this place got a lot more civil with %, $ and # filters 0748:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0748:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0748:< figgycity50> Personally, to filter spam I use robin-grow with "$, %, #rpg, ^, !NL, #s, +, penis/, .edia" as spam filter to block off prefixes 0748:< figgycity50> test 0748:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0748:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0749:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0749:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 0749:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0749:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0749:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0749:< figgycity50> .commands 0749:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0750:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0750:**** voltaek voted to CONTINUE 0750:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0750:< figgycity50> yknow has anyone made a script that shows the grow/stay/abandon icons in chat? 0750:**** voltaek voted to CONTINUE 0750:**** voltaek voted to CONTINUE 0750:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button will be our salvation 0751:< IceyMocha> % looks like john madden 0752:< mofosyne> % Holy shit, https://github.com/5a1t/parrot is good 0752:< mofosyne> % tabbing is awsome 0752:< figgycity50> qq: is send message button part of robin-grow or did reddit add it in? 0752:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only good choice 0752:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0753:< mofosyne> % Well it better have tabbing ntrefil 0753:**** xPurplepatchx voted to INCREASE 0753:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0754:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can sleep 0754:**** gigax2 voted to INCREASE 0754:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0754:< ptrakk> johnson and johnson 0754:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0754:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0755:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0755:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0755:**** bigbenny45 voted to INCREASE 0755:< bigbenny45> Hmmm 0755:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0755:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can get to bed 0756:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0756:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0756:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0756:< ptrakk> Let's play scrabble! 0757:< ptrakk> .? 0757:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can sleep 0757:< Kazoorose> Darth-Darth Binks 0757:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0757:**** loulan voted to CONTINUE 0758:< ptrakk> :? 0758:< Kazoorose> Just vote grow and go to sleep, there's no way in hell we're growing above one tier any time soon 0758:< mofosyne> % Oh btw do we have a subreddit for this channel? If not then join https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli/ 0758:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 0758:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0759:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0759:**** neeph is not a number 0759:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0759:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0800:**** neeph is still here 0800:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0800:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0800:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0800:< montugar> % not really 0800:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0800:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0800:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0800:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0800:< montugar> % 0801:**** Albert_Borland voted to CONTINUE 0801:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0801:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0802:**** fdckyxdkytrx45678 voted to ABANDON 0802:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0802:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0802:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0802:**** montugar voted to INCREASE 0803:**** deek_neeples voted to INCREASE 0803:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0804:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0805:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0805:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0805:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0805:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0805:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0805:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0806:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 08:06:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 08:06:18 2016 0806:**** OrangeredStilton voted to CONTINUE 0806:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0806:**** neeph is not a number 0806:< ggphenom> PRAISE ROBIN, THE GREAT MERGE WILL BRING US TOGETHER, THOSE WHO ABANDON ARE WEAK, TOGETHER WE GROW STRONG | http://pastebin.com/1ugs1ruW 0806:< ggphenom> THIS IS NEVER GONNA GRO 0807:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0807:**** neeph voted to CONTINUE 0808:< mofosyne> % !@#$%^&*()_ Join the subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli ! 0808:< GrimPanda> tally 0808:**** GrimPanda voted to INCREASE 0808:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 0808:**** GrimPanda voted to CONTINUE 0808:< _reckless_disregard_> what is the eta to next merge? 0808:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0808:< _reckless_disregard_> what is the eta to next merge? 0809:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0809:< _reckless_disregard_> what is the eta to next merge? 0809:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0809:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0809:**** GrimPanda voted to INCREASE 0810:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0810:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0810:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0810:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0811:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0811:< _reckless_disregard_> what is the eta to next merge? 0811:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0811:< idiosidiot> !stats 0812:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0812:**** alexdzm voted to INCREASE 0812:< dajasj> !NL goedemorgen 0812:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0812:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0812:< lumineox> !NL goedemorgen 0812:< dajasj> !NL Het lijkt erop dat we vanavond gaan mergen :o 0813:< lumineox> !NL ja hype 0813:< lumineox> !NL je moet rouwens dit gebruiken https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0813:< dajasj> !NL En dat is? 0813:< lumineox> !NL ipv robin grwo 0813:< dajasj> !NL Wat is er beter aan? :p 0813:**** _reckless_disregard_ voted to INCREASE 0813:< dajasj> !NL Ik ga er naar kijken 0813:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0814:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0814:**** voltaek voted to INCREASE 0814:< lumineox> !NL ja de chat is collor coded en je heb tabs met de verschilende chats 0814:< lumineox> !NL en twitch emotes 0814:**** Pieecake voted to CONTINUE 0814:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0814:< lumineox> !NL en nog meer 0815:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0815:< lumineox> !NL maar ik ga er vandoor 0815:< lumineox> !NL laterz 0815:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0815:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0815:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0815:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0815:< dajasj> !NL Doeg :) 0816:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0816:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0816:< isdnpro> #s Should we play Scrabble? Type !scrabble to start a game. 0816:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0816:**** neeph is still here 0817:< Bonoahx> B 0817:< isdnpro> % Type !scrabble to play scrabble (channel: #s) 0817:< Bonoahx> England and Zanzibar 0817:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0817:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0817:**** neeph voted to INCREASE 0817:< A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U> !scrabble 0817:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0817:< Bonoahx> Paul blatt 0817:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: I G S M E T E L C . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0818:< iamhctim> #s met 0818:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:MET[5pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 110sec left 0818:< A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U> Melt 0818:< isdnpro> #s A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U:MELT[6pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 102sec left 0818:< A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U> #s Melt 0818:< iamhctim> #s let 0818:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:LET[3pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 92sec left 0818:< OrangeredStilton> #s teem 0818:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:TEEM[6pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 83sec left 0818:< dick_sanitizer> #s 0818:< iamhctim> #s smelt 0818:< A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U> #s Tigs 0818:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:SMELT[7pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 72sec left 0818:< OrangeredStilton> #s elect 0818:< dick_sanitizer> #s hey peeps 0818:< A-M-A-T-E-R-A-S-U> #s Tigel 0818:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:ELECT[7pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 62sec left 0818:< OrangeredStilton> #s elects 0818:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0818:< iamhctim> #s lets 0819:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:ELECTS[8pts]. iamhctim:LETS[4pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 52sec left 0819:< Bonoahx> ELECT Gomec 0819:< iamhctim> #s time 0819:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:TIME[6pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 39sec left 0819:< Hlug2340> ELECT nigglet 0819:< iamhctim> #s tele 0819:< OrangeredStilton> #s select 0819:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:SELECT[8pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 24sec left 0819:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0819:< iamhctim> #s silt 0819:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:SILT[4pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 17sec left 0819:< dick_sanitizer> #s !scrabble 0819:< iamhctim> #s eel 0819:< isdnpro> #s iamhctim:EEL[3pts]. Letters: I G S M E T E L C . 8sec left 0819:< iamhctim> #s meets 0819:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by OrangeredStilton, scoring 8 points for ELECTS! 0819:< OrangeredStilton> #s Whee. 0820:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is OrangeredStilton, scoring 21 points for guessing 3 words! 0820:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0820:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was EMETICS, scoring 11 points 0820:< dick_sanitizer> #s how do i play? 0820:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0820:< OrangeredStilton> #s Let's play scrabble! 0820:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0820:< dick_sanitizer> #s let's play scrabble! 0820:< OrangeredStilton> #s Just type words in 0820:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0820:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: E D E O T A R G C . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0820:< dick_sanitizer> #s ah ok 0820:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0820:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0820:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0821:< OrangeredStilton> #s I have no choice, sorry 0821:< OrangeredStilton> #s retard 0821:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0821:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0821:< OrangeredStilton> #s Oh, no second R! Poor form 0821:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0821:< dick_sanitizer> #s tar 0821:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:TAR[3pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 64sec left 0821:< silver_anth> gus 0821:< dick_sanitizer> #s eater 0821:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:EATER[5pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 53sec left 0821:< dick_sanitizer> #s grate 0821:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:GRATE[6pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 46sec left 0821:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0821:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0822:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0822:< dick_sanitizer> #s greet 0822:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:GREET[6pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 38sec left 0822:< dick_sanitizer> #s car 0822:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:CAR[5pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 29sec left 0822:< OrangeredStilton> #s cargo 0822:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:CARGO[8pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 21sec left 0822:< dick_sanitizer> #s toed 0822:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:TOED[5pts]. Letters: E D E O T A R G C . 12sec left 0822:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by OrangeredStilton, scoring 8 points for CARGO! 0822:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is dick_sanitizer, scoring 14 points for guessing 3 words! 0822:< OrangeredStilton> #s Blam 0822:**** microbyteparty voted to INCREASE 0823:< Bonoahx> Yydjfmu 0823:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was DECORATE, scoring 11 points 0823:**** microbyteparty voted to INCREASE 0823:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0823:< Bonoahx> Shoe 0823:< lost_penguin> !nl test 0823:< dick_sanitizer> #s let's play scrabble! 0823:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0823:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: D L L E A S M O I . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0823:< lost_penguin> !nl /me test 0823:< dick_sanitizer> #s deals 0823:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:DEALS[6pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 112sec left 0823:< dick_sanitizer> #s small 0823:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:SMALL[7pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 100sec left 0823:< OrangeredStilton> #s molds 0823:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0823:< Bonoahx> #s Dilligahejwjen 0823:< dick_sanitizer> #s smell 0824:< isdnpro> #s OrangeredStilton:MOLDS[8pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 91sec left 0824:< dick_sanitizer> #s leads 0824:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:SMELL[7pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 82sec left 0824:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:LEADS[6pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 72sec left 0824:< lost_penguin> !nl /me test 0824:< dick_sanitizer> #s meals 0824:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:MEALS[7pts]. Letters: D L L E A S M O I . 61sec left 0824:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0824:< sempiternum> oh god 0824:< Bonoahx> Unsubscribe to cat facts 0824:< dick_sanitizer> #s meads 0824:< sempiternum> 785 stay 0825:< Bonoahx> My own bit :D MKs 0825:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by OrangeredStilton, scoring 8 points for MOLDS! 0825:< enricheduranium> #s melodias 0825:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0825:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is dick_sanitizer, scoring 13 points for guessing 2 words! 0825:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0825:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was SLALOMED, scoring 11 points 0825:**** Bonoahx voted to CONTINUE 0825:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0825:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0825:< dick_sanitizer> #s 2 words? 0826:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0826:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0826:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0826:< dick_sanitizer> #s i guessed alot? 0826:**** Bonoahx voted to INCREASE 0826:< OrangeredStilton> #s Perhaps it doesn't count more words if they scored the same as previous 0826:**** lost_penguin !nl test 0826:< dick_sanitizer> #s 0826:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0826:< lost_penguin> !nl test 0826:**** lost_penguin !nl test 0827:< dick_sanitizer> #s let's play scrabble! 0827:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0827:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: Y S X I G E R E L . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0827:< dick_sanitizer> #s fuck 0827:< isdnpro> #sthere's definitely a bug in scoring, i haven't been able to find / fix it yet though 0827:< figgycity50> yooooo 0827:**** lost_penguin ^ check 0827:< dick_sanitizer> #s se 0827:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:SE[2pts]. Letters: Y S X I G E R E L . 100sec left 0827:< dick_sanitizer> #s sexsexy 0827:< isdnpro> #s exile 0827:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:EXILE[12pts]. Letters: Y S X I G E R E L . 89sec left 0827:< dick_sanitizer> #s sexy 0828:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:SEXY[14pts]. Letters: Y S X I G E R E L . 71sec left 0828:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0828:< dick_sanitizer> #s grey 0828:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:GREY[8pts]. Letters: Y S X I G E R E L . 56sec left 0828:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0828:< dick_sanitizer> #s ire 0828:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:IRE[3pts]. Letters: Y S X I G E R E L . 45sec left 0828:< OrangeredStilton> #s Yeah, "sexy" has taken this one by some way 0828:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0829:< dick_sanitizer> #s gerey 0829:< enricheduranium> #s greasily glaires argyles yagers 0829:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by dick_sanitizer, scoring 14 points for SEXY! 0829:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is dick_sanitizer, scoring 16 points for guessing 2 words! 0829:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0829:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was SEXY, scoring 14 points 0829:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0829:< dick_sanitizer> #s hahaha 0829:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0829:**** RipeGoofySparrow voted to INCREASE 0830:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0830:< dick_sanitizer> #s let's play scrabble! 0830:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0830:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: L I A E H A R B V . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0830:< dick_sanitizer> #s hears 0830:< dick_sanitizer> #s liar 0830:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:LIAR[4pts]. Letters: L I A E H A R B V . 107sec left 0830:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0830:< dick_sanitizer> #s heart 0830:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0831:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0831:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0831:< dick_sanitizer> #s herb 0831:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:HERB[9pts]. Letters: L I A E H A R B V . 81sec left 0831:< dick_sanitizer> #s heart 0831:< dick_sanitizer> #s hear 0831:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:HEAR[7pts]. Letters: L I A E H A R B V . 69sec left 0831:< dick_sanitizer> #s veal 0831:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:VEAL[7pts]. Letters: L I A E H A R B V . 59sec left 0831:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0831:< dick_sanitizer> #s brave 0831:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:BRAVE[10pts]. Letters: L I A E H A R B V . 45sec left 0832:< dick_sanitizer> #s belie 0832:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> http://flockdraw.com/bgkgcz Come draw together again guys 0832:< dick_sanitizer> #s braie 0832:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by dick_sanitizer, scoring 10 points for BRAVE! 0832:< dick_sanitizer> #s braile 0832:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0832:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is dick_sanitizer, scoring 23 points for guessing 3 words! 0832:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0832:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was VARIABLE, scoring 13 points 0832:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0833:< isdnpro> #sOK scoring bug should be fixed... 0833:< isdnpro> #s Should we play Scrabble? Type !scrabble to start a game. 0833:< jeuv> !nl test 0833:< dick_sanitizer> #s !scrabble 0833:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0833:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: Y X M E S I E L T . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0833:< M4jorpain> !NL test 2? 0833:**** neeph is still here 0833:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0833:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0833:< dick_sanitizer> #s let's play scrabble! 0834:< mofosyne> % D: 0834:< dick_sanitizer> #s ? 0834:< dick_sanitizer> #s oops 0834:< mofosyne> % Anyhow lets organise around https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 0834:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0834:< isdnpro> #shrm 0835:< isdnpro> #s Should we play Scrabble? Type !scrabble to start a game. 0835:< dick_sanitizer> #s soz i broke your scrabble 0835:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0835:< dick_sanitizer> #s !scrabble 0835:< isdnpro> #s Let's Play Scrabble! Just a moment while I prepare your letters... 0835:< isdnpro> #s Your letters are: L P O A N I E R A . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0835:< dick_sanitizer> #s painer 0835:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0835:< dick_sanitizer> #s pain 0835:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:PAIN[6pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 99sec left 0835:< dick_sanitizer> #s loaner 0835:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:LOANER[6pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 90sec left 0836:< isdnpro> #srain 0836:< dick_sanitizer> #s real 0836:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0836:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0836:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:RAIN[4pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 77sec left 0836:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0836:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0836:< wid_o> h 0836:< dick_sanitizer> #s real 0836:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:REAL[4pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 63sec left 0836:< dick_sanitizer> #s nailer 0836:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0836:< dick_sanitizer> #s near 0836:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:NEAR[4pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 36sec left 0836:**** a-ael voted to INCREASE 0836:**** neeph is not a number 0836:**** neeph is a free man 0837:< isdnpro> #srope 0837:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:ROPE[6pts]. Letters: L P O A N I E R A . 17sec left 0837:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0837:< LittleJono> test 0837:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! We have a 2-way tie! Winning users are isdnpro, dick_sanitizer, with words rope, pain 0837:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0837:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is dick_sanitizer, scoring 20 points for guessing 4 words! 0837:< isdnpro> #s The best words you could have had (9 points) were: pianola, plainer, praline 0837:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0837:< LittleJono> * true 0838:< isdnpro> #s Should we play Scrabble? Type !scrabble to start a game. 0838:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0838:< LittleJono> !scrabble 0838:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: E I A D A T R L G . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0838:< isdnpro> #srated 0838:< LittleJono> !trade 0838:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:RATED[6pts]. Letters: E I A D A T R L G . 105sec left 0838:< isdnpro> #sgrated 0838:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:GRATED[8pts]. Letters: E I A D A T R L G . 91sec left 0838:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0838:< dick_sanitizer> #s trail 0839:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:TRAIL[5pts]. Letters: E I A D A T R L G . 73sec left 0839:< LittleJono> #s trade 0839:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:TRADE[6pts]. Letters: E I A D A T R L G . 63sec left 0839:< enormouspenis69> ^ https://goo.gl/6Z4oNL 0839:< dick_sanitizer> #s trader 0839:< dick_sanitizer> #s tear 0839:< isdnpro> #s dick_sanitizer:TEAR[4pts]. Letters: E I A D A T R L G . 40sec left 0839:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0839:< a-ael> positrons 0839:< LittleJono> #s grated 0839:< dick_sanitizer> #s dater 0840:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by isdnpro, scoring 8 points for GRATED! 0840:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is isdnpro, scoring 14 points for guessing 2 words! 0840:< LittleJono> !scrabble 0840:< isdnpro> #s The best words you could have had (8 points) were: algeria, gerald, gilead, girdle, girted, glared, glider, grated, radiate, regalia 0840:< LittleJono> !scrabble 0840:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0840:< LittleJono> Let's play scrabble! 0840:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: B S I D E T H O I . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0840:< a-ael> algeria you fuckjing idiot doesnt count 0840:< idiosidiot> !stats 0841:< LittleJono> #s the 0841:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:THE[6pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 109sec left 0841:< LittleJono> #s bed 0841:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:BED[6pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 100sec left 0841:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0841:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0841:< isdnpro> #sbids 0841:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0841:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0841:< LittleJono> #s hide 0841:< isdnpro> #sbits 0841:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:BIDS[7pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 91sec left 0841:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0841:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:HIDE[8pts]. isdnpro:BITS[6pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 63sec left 0841:< LittleJono> #s side 0841:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0842:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:SIDE[5pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 53sec left 0842:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0842:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0842:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0842:< LittleJono> #s dies 0842:< isdnpro> #s LittleJono:DIES[5pts]. Letters: B S I D E T H O I . 37sec left 0842:< LittleJono> #s sideth 0842:< a-ael> #s hotbeds 0842:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by LittleJono, scoring 8 points for HIDE! 0843:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is LittleJono, scoring 30 points for guessing 5 words! 0843:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was HOTBEDS, scoring 13 points 0843:< LittleJono> #s tode 0843:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0843:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0843:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type 'Let's play scrabble!' 0843:**** neeph is not a number 0843:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: S O D S S I C E T . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0843:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:DISSECT[10pts]. Letters: S O D S S I C E T . 105sec left 0843:< a-ael> #s discos 0843:< isdnpro> #s a-ael:DISCOS[9pts]. Letters: S O D S S I C E T . 98sec left 0843:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0844:< jeuv> !nl iemand hier? 0844:< codedit> !NL misschien 0844:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0844:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0844:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0845:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0845:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by marakiri, scoring 10 points for DISSECT! 0845:< AtheismFTW> who keeps saying niglets 0845:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is marakiri, scoring 10 points for guessing 1 words! 0845:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was DISSECTS, scoring 11 points 0846:< M4jorpain> !NL maybe 0846:< ptrakk> Github is slowly running 0846:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0846:**** isdnpro going to try increasing amount of letters it gives... 0846:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0846:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0846:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0846:< isdnpro> #s. 0846:< ptrakk> Spicy Memes 0846:< isdnpro> #sgoing to try more letters 0846:< ptrakk> a gram 0846:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0846:< isdnpro> #s Should we play Scrabble? Type !scrabble to start a game. 0846:< ptrakk> 5 grams 0847:< ptrakk> 4 grams 0847:< isdnpro> #s!!! 0847:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: D I R I P O N T E N O H . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0847:< isdnpro> #sponder 0847:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0847:< isdnpro> #s isdnpro:PONDER[9pts]. Letters: D I R I P O N T E N O H . 111sec left 0847:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0847:< a-ael> #s perdition 0847:< isdnpro> #s a-ael:PERDITION[12pts]. Letters: D I R I P O N T E N O H . 79sec left 0848:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0849:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0849:< ptrakk> master roshi 0849:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by a-ael, scoring 12 points for PERDITION! 0849:< ptrakk> dude from the bible 0849:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is a-ael, scoring 12 points for guessing 1 words! 0849:< isdnpro> #s The best words you could have had (13 points) were: phonied, photoed 0849:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0849:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0849:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0849:< puddyput> why is it so quiet here 0849:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 0850:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0850:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Patarknight isn't /that/ bad of a guy, I guess. 0850:< isdnpro> #s !scrabble 0850:< a-ael> .kill Positrons 0850:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: E S I N U J U R S R L N . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0850:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] dashed got shot. 0850:**** neeph is still here 0851:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0851:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0851:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0851:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0851:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:NURSES[6pts]. Letters: E S I N U J U R S R L N . 33sec left 0851:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0851:< ptrakk> ­ 0851:**** protoctista voted to INCREASE 0852:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0852:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by marakiri, scoring 6 points for NURSES! 0852:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is marakiri, scoring 6 points for guessing 1 words! 0852:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was INJURES, scoring 14 points 0852:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0853:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0853:< ptrakk> how to add tab? 0853:**** oyuncu13 voted to INCREASE 0853:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0854:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0854:< ptrakk> how to add new tab? 0854:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0854:< ptrakk> #rpg how to add new tab? 0855:< ptrakk> %chat how to add new tab? 0856:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0856:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0856:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0856:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0856:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0856:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0857:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0857:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0858:< ptrakk> does parrot auto grow? 0858:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0859:< isdnpro> #s. 0859:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0859:< ptrakk> test 0900:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0900:< ptrakk> am i blocked? 0900:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0900:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0900:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0900:**** onlytoask voted to INCREASE 0900:< ptrakk> %chat am i blocked? 0900:**** Axendor voted to INCREASE 0901:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0901:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0901:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0901:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0901:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0902:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0902:< ptrakk> can anyone hear me? 0902:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0902:< ptrakk> %chat can anyone hear me? 0902:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0902:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0902:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0902:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0903:< ptrakk> andreaplanbee am i blocked? 0903:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0904:< BradleySigma> Elect ElectionBot 0904:< DasKrow> the best 0904:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0904:< DasKrow> THE BEST 0905:< Lolzrfunni> % Fe 0905:< ptrakk> test 0906:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0906:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0906:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0906:**** Findarian voted to INCREASE 0907:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0907:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0907:**** neeph is still here 0907:**** rookie_e voted to CONTINUE 0907:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0908:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0909:< Lolzrfunni> % chat yes 0909:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0909:< jordz0178> this is less busy than when i last checked 0909:< Lolzrfunni> % chat memes = good 0910:< ptrakk> #ah parrot.. what is the deal with the %chat at the beginning? 0910:< sotricious> Good morning everybody 0910:**** neeph is not a number 0910:< sotricious> I hope you're ALL great this fine day 0911:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0912:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0912:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0912:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0912:**** sotricious voted to COFFEE 0912:**** Mopolo voted to CONTINUE 0913:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0913:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0914:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0914:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0914:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0914:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0914:< flapstacks> man do you sleep? 0915:< flapstacks> i don't think negglet sleeps 0915:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0915:< flapstacks> tru tru 0915:< flapstacks> GOOD point 0916:**** dashed %chat dances. 0916:< ptrakk> /help 0916:< ptrakk> .help 0916:**** Dank3nstein voted to INCREASE 0916:< ptrakk> /help 0916:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0916:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0917:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0917:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0917:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0917:< AesSedai101> 64 0917:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0917:< ptrakk> #rpg how do you add channels in parrot? 0917:< ptrakk> $ yeah 0917:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0918:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0918:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0918:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: G A E H S R A Y F E T S . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0918:< flapstacks> da€msan i jua€sat a€sapilled drink in my keybo€rsad 0918:< flapstacks> thi€sa ia€ fucked 0918:< ptrakk> http://www.google.com 0918:< flapstacks> im out 0918:< flapstacks> la€sater bitched 0918:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0918:< ptrakk> #rpg http://www.google.com 0918:**** stormagnet %chat cheers! 0918:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:STRAYS[9pts]. Letters: G A E H S R A Y F E T S . 75sec left 0919:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara! Sla menas swog? 0919:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0919:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:GRAYS[9pts]. Letters: G A E H S R A Y F E T S . 59sec left 0919:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:GREAT[6pts]. Letters: G A E H S R A Y F E T S . 42sec left 0919:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0919:< ptrakk> %chat what is the script? 0919:< AesSedai101> india 0919:**** rookie_e voted to INCREASE 0920:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0920:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0920:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by marakiri, scoring 9 points for STRAYS! 0920:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is marakiri, scoring 24 points for guessing 3 words! 0920:< flapstacks> €sad€sad€sda€€€sad000000000 0920:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was FEATHERY, scoring 17 points 0920:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0920:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0921:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SOUNDS[7pts]. Letters: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . 109sec left 0921:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0921:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SOUPY[10pts]. Letters: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . 89sec left 0921:< ptrakk> #what doesn't work? 0921:< ptrakk> #rpg what doesn't work? 0921:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SPY[8pts]. Letters: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . 66sec left 0921:< ptrakk> #rpg oh link 0922:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SOUND[6pts]. Letters: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . 50sec left 0922:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0922:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0922:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0922:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0922:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0922:< ptrakk> #rpg these people are on something else.. their screen is red 0922:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0922:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:TYPE[9pts]. Letters: E T I A S O U N P Y D S . 10sec left 0922:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by marakiri, scoring 10 points for SOUPY! 0922:< jovdmeer> #s sound 0923:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is marakiri, scoring 40 points for guessing 5 words! 0923:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0923:< jovdmeer> #s sounds 0923:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was DYNASTIES, scoring 13 points 0923:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0923:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0923:< jovdmeer> #s !scrabble 0923:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: E L E S E S S R S A L S . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0923:< jovdmeer> #s lesser 0923:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:LESSER[6pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 112sec left 0923:**** neeph is not a number 0923:**** Mopolo voted to INCREASE 0923:**** Liquid-Fire panics 0923:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:ELSE[4pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 93sec left 0924:**** neeph is still here 0924:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:REAL[4pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 80sec left 0924:< jovdmeer> #s sealer 0924:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:SEALER[6pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 69sec left 0924:< asgan> #s lasses 0924:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0924:**** cwfloyd is still trying to emote correctly 0924:< isdnpro> #s asgan:LASSES[6pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 61sec left 0924:< jovdmeer> #s sealers 0924:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0924:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:SEALERS[7pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 52sec left 0924:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SEAL[4pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 41sec left 0925:< jovdmeer> #s sellers 0925:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:SELLERS[7pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 29sec left 0925:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SALES[5pts]. Letters: E L E S E S S R S A L S . 22sec left 0925:< jovdmeer> #s sealsellers 0925:**** jvnatter voted to INCREASE 0925:< asgan> #s sealless 0925:< jovdmeer> #s sealsales 0925:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by jovdmeer, scoring 7 points for SEALERS! 0925:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is jovdmeer, scoring 26 points for guessing 4 words! 0925:< TheDoctor_RS> % Who the fuck made parrot 0925:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was REASSESSES, scoring 10 points 0926:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0926:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: H N P O M I M R D E P E . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0926:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0926:< asgan> #s derp 0926:< jovdmeer> #s prime 0926:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:PRIME[9pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 93sec left 0926:< jovdmeer> #s home 0926:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:HOME[9pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 76sec left 0926:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0926:< purple_mouse> I can't believe this is still going 0927:< asgan> #s pride 0927:< isdnpro> #s asgan:PRIDE[8pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 61sec left 0927:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0927:**** GlowWolf voted to INCREASE 0927:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:MIME[8pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 53sec left 0927:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0927:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0927:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:PROD[7pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 46sec left 0927:< phaily> set my clock? 0927:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0927:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:DROP[7pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 17sec left 0928:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0928:< asgan> #s peperoni 0928:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:PROM[8pts]. Letters: H N P O M I M R D E P E . 1sec left 0928:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by jovdmeer, scoring 9 points for PRIME! 0928:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is marakiri, scoring 30 points for guessing 4 words! 0928:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0928:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was MORPHEME, scoring 17 points 0928:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0928:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: R E S T D P S V R G I A . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0928:**** dashed %chat googles the answers 0928:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0929:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:REST[4pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 108sec left 0929:**** Wakafanykai123 %chat eats chat! 0929:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:DRAPE[8pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 95sec left 0929:< jovdmeer> #s priest 0929:< gynter> * TRUE OR FALSE? marakiri is a spamming cunt who will be muted. 0929:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:PRIEST[8pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 87sec left 0929:< asgan> #s pastries 0929:< isdnpro> #s asgan:PASTRIES[10pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 80sec left 0929:< ptrakk> can anyone out there hear me? 0929:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0929:**** neeph is still here 0929:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0929:< germanyjr112> ptrakk yes 0929:< asgan> #s visage 0929:< isdnpro> #s asgan:VISAGE[10pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 58sec left 0930:< asgan> #s visages 0930:< isdnpro> #s asgan:VISAGES[11pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 48sec left 0930:< jovdmeer> #s press 0930:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0930:< ptrakk> @germanyjr112 thank you! do you know what is the deal with %chat ? 0930:< gynter> * you are still cunt 0930:< isdnpro> #s jovdmeer:PRESS[7pts]. marakiri:DRAPES[9pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 40sec left 0930:< jeuv> #s strap 0930:< asgan> #s spider 0930:< isdnpro> #s jeuv:STRAP[7pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 31sec left 0930:< jovdmeer> #s parts 0930:< gynter> * a useless one even 0930:< asgan> #s spiders 0930:< isdnpro> #s asgan:SPIDER[9pts]. jovdmeer:PARTS[7pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 22sec left 0930:< ptrakk> %chat can you guys hear me? 0930:< isdnpro> #s asgan:SPIDERS[10pts]. Letters: R E S T D P S V R G I A . 11sec left 0930:< germanyjr112> @ptrakk I think it's for channels 0930:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by asgan, scoring 11 points for VISAGES! 0931:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is asgan, scoring 50 points for guessing 5 words! 0931:< isdnpro> #s The best word you could have with this set of letters was PARTRIDGES, scoring 14 points 0931:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0931:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0931:< gynter> @ oi, sup? 0931:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0931:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0931:< ptrakk> germanyjr112 i think you're right.. 0931:< ptrakk> %chat what space? 0931:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:CROSS[7pts]. Letters: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . 103sec left 0931:< asgan> #s coils 0931:< isdnpro> #s asgan:COILS[7pts]. Letters: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . 96sec left 0931:< jeuv> #s rolls 0932:< germanyjr112> ptrakk yep, i would get into it but ive got classes and shit i gotta go to 0932:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0932:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0932:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0932:< asgan> #s cross 0932:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0932:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 0932:< asgan> #s crosses? 0932:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0932:< ptrakk> %chat orangeredstilton there is no space what script is everyone using? 0933:< asgan> #s crisis 0933:< isdnpro> #s asgan:CRISIS[8pts]. Letters: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . 22sec left 0933:**** neeph is still here 0933:< jeuv> #s curiosity 0933:< isdnpro> #s jeuv:CURIOSITY[14pts]. Letters: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . 10sec left 0933:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:STORY[8pts]. Letters: R C O L S S Y T I S U I . 3sec left 0933:< jeuv> #s locusts 0933:< asgan> #s clitoris 0933:< TheMellowSide> picking stay will be our salvation 0933:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by jeuv, scoring 14 points for CURIOSITY! 0933:< isdnpro> #s The winners of the round... We have a 2-way tie! Winning users are marakiri, asgan, with a score of 15 0933:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0933:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0933:**** neeph voted to CONTINUE 0934:< isdnpro> #s The best words you could have had (14 points) were: curiosity, lyricists 0934:< kennytm> ? ? 0934:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0934:< ptrakk> %chat same but it seems you are the only person who can hear me in this channel 0934:< jeuv> #s !scrabble 0934:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: I U A S O R S R I G N D . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0934:< asgan> #s grind 0934:< isdnpro> #s asgan:GRIND[7pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 109sec left 0934:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0934:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0934:< kennytm> .help 0934:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 0934:< kennytm> .commands 0934:< OrangeredStilton> %chat ptrakk Note how this looks different 0934:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 0934:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:GRINDS[8pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 86sec left 0935:< jeuv> #s rigaudons 0935:< kennytm> .insult Engeo 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Engeo looks like a snowman! 0935:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0935:< asgan> #s dinosaur 0935:< isdnpro> #s asgan:DINOSAUR[9pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 76sec left 0935:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can get to bed 0935:< kennytm> .kill Engeo 0935:< asgan> #s dinosaurs 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] I shot Engeo. 0935:< jeuv> #s siganids 0935:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:GRID[6pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 67sec left 0935:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0935:< isdnpro> #s asgan:DINOSAURS[10pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 57sec left 0935:< kennytm> .man .help 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 0935:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0935:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:RIGID[7pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 48sec left 0935:< ptrakk> %chat thanks you 0935:< ntrefil> Test 0935:< kennytm> .man .kill 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 0935:< kennytm> .man kill 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .kill | kills 0935:< asgan> #s raisin ? 0935:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:SOUR[4pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 23sec left 0935:< kennytm> .man insult 0935:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .insult | insults 0936:< asgan> #s dragon 0936:< kennytm> .man man 0936:< isdnpro> #s asgan:DRAGON[8pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 16sec left 0936:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .man | Gives details on 0936:< jeuv> #s soarings 0936:< jeuv> #s soaring 0936:< isdnpro> #s jeuv:SOARING[8pts]. Letters: I U A S O R S R I G N D . 6sec left 0936:< asgan> #s dragons 0936:< ptrakk> %chat i've been using "robin grow" all day and just got back to see parrot 0936:< isdnpro> #s Time's up! The winning word of this round was by asgan, scoring 10 points for DINOSAURS! 0936:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0936:< isdnpro> #s asgan:DRAGONS[9pts]. . -9sec left 0936:< ptrakk> %chat i dunno how to open a new tab either 0936:< asgan> #s lol 0936:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone get a subreddit already 0936:< isdnpro> #s The winner of the round is asgan, scoring 43 points for guessing 5 words! 0936:< Stjerneklar> " " no filter 0936:< isdnpro> #s The best words you could have had (11 points) were: diagnosis, gridirons 0937:< isdnpro> #s Want to play another round? Type '!scrabble' 0937:< isdnpro> #s Let's play scrabble! Your letters are: E S E L N U E A T N C T . You have 120 seconds, good luck! 0937:< isdnpro> #s marakiri:ELECT[7pts]. Letters: E S E L N U E A T N C T . 110sec left 0937:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0937:< ptrakk> cocoloco does it work? 0937:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0937:< Stjerneklar> " anyone here? 0937:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0937:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0937:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0937:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 0938:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can sleep 0938:< Stjerneklar> " " ello? 0938:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0939:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0939:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the best option 0939:< ptrakk> test 0939:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 0940:< Wakafanykai123> yep we are in ^ SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY 0940:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0940:< Stjerneklar> <3 <3 <3 0941:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can sleep 0941:< marakiri> * TRUE OR FALSE? : If you fold a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the moon. 0942:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0942:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0942:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0942:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 0942:< marakiri> im bored 0942:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the only way we can sleep 0942:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 0942:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0942:< marakiri> mellowside hellow.. have we met 0942:< laserboy666> grow baby grow 0942:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0943:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0943:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0943:< marakiri> $ TRUE OR FALSE? : Pineapple doesn't make poop taste good. 0944:< TheMellowSide> picking stay will be our salvation 0944:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0944:**** marakiri ____Commands: whodaman, # TRUE OR FALSE? : Since Russia is on the metric system, they don't use the numbers 9 or 10 0945:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 0945:< dashed> sandbox http://google.com 0945:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh 0945:< Talisene> har har still her 0945:< Talisene> *here 0945:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only option 0945:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/ 0945:**** redlukas voted to INCREASE 0945:< marakiri> # Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. 0946:< dashed> sandbox red https://www.reddit.com/ 0946:< marakiri> * Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. 0946:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 0946:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 0946:< marakiri> % TRUE OR FALSE? : The world's first cyborg olympics are coming soon! 0946:< sabotourAssociate> hello 0946:< ArcticTroll> Anyone want to play a game of Cards Against Humanity? http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=57 (password: robin) 0947:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0947:< sabotourAssociate> cant believe am still in 0947:< astralboy15> k 0947:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only good choice 0947:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0947:< dashed> sandbox https://drive.google.com 0947:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0947:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 0947:**** anticrash voted to GROW 0947:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0947:< Talisene> Can someone draw me a penguin and paste it on SoKukunelits for shit and giggles after work? I want something to look forward to T_T Thanks ♥ 0948:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0948:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0948:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0948:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 0948:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the best option 0948:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0948:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0948:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 0949:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0949:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 0949:**** neeph is still here 0950:< marakiri> * TRUE OR FALSE? : You can't kill yourself by holding your breath 0950:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 0950:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 0950:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 0950:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 0950:< marakiri> # TRUE OR FALSE? : Blood is actually blue until it comes in contact with oxygen. 0951:< marakiri> * Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. 0951:< dashed> sandbox 4head 0951:< dashed> sandbox 4Head 0951:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 0951:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0952:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3ss 0952:< marakiri> * TRUE OR FALSE? : WHITE & NERDY is the highest charting song of Weird Al Yankovic's career. 0952:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0952:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0952:< marakiri> * TRUE OR FALSE? : 72 percent of statistics on the internet are made up. 0952:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 0953:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0953:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only way we can sleep 0953:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0953:< Talisene> Stalin ♥ Penguins. 0953:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0953:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 0953:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0954:< satire____> nigglet nigglets 0954:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0954:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0954:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 0955:< marakiri> # Hey, xSke, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 0955:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0956:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 0956:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 0957:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 0957:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 0957:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0957:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 0958:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 0958:< brzt6060> Farrrrrrrrrk 0958:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 0958:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 0958:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 0958:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 0959:< marakiri> %chat gimme another chance man - whats the worse that could happen? 0959:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can get to bed 0959:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 0959:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 0959:**** marakiri ____Commands: whodaman, sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1000:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1000:< marakiri> * Hey, xSke, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1000:< thrwwhr> neat 1000:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only option 1000:< marakiri> % THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1001:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh2 1001:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh 1001:**** sotricious Foux da fa 1001:**** sotricious foux da fa fa 1002:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 1002:< marakiri> * TRUE OR FALSE? : You can do anything you could possibly want to if you believe that its possible! 1002:**** InMidFap voted to INCREASE 1002:< sotricious> Big shoutout to all Puppy Linux users out there! 1002:< NowNewStart> % so general chat basically became the dev chat now am i rite 1002:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1002:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1002:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1002:< badcomposer> sotricious ive used puppy. shit was great for a USB drive 1002:**** oaschbeidl voted to INCREASE 1003:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1003:< marakiri> # Hey, SalZoRz, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1003:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1003:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1003:< marakiri> * Hey, andreaplanbee, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1003:< sotricious> Best light distros i've ever used badcomposer 1003:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 1003:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 1003:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 1003:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1004:< flex0> holy shit how is this chat still going???????? 1004:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1004:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1004:< flex0> I've been here 3 days now 1004:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1004:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1005:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the best option 1005:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1005:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1005:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1005:< sotricious> CATEGORY: Whatever || Who has slept more than 8 hours straight in the last 3 days? 1006:< marakiri> just dont type Dank memes 1006:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1006:< badcomposer> sotricious true fact you're the first name on my list of users. and I hav been taking 3 hour naps 1006:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only option 1006:< marakiri> # THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1006:**** neeph is still here 1007:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1007:< dutchy131> Lol 1007:< conker2654> ___ ___ test 1007:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1008:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone finally end this madness 1008:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1008:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1008:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1009:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1009:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1009:**** marakiri ____Commands: whodaman, choose stay so you all get a subreddit already 1010:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1010:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1010:< sotricious> badcomposer Yeah, me too, nap upon nap...lol 1011:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 1011:**** RobinIdle voted to INCREASE 1011:< sotricious> CATEGORY: nojoke || Who THE FRAK is John Madden (w/o googling his name) 1012:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only option 1012:< marakiri> # THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1012:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1012:**** Riluske voted to CONTINUE 1013:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1013:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1013:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1013:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1014:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1014:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1014:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we finally end this madness 1014:< sotricious> "TopicallyDifferent %chat badcomposer hey it's me ur alt" < LOL 1014:< marakiri> # Hey, SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1014:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1014:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1015:< sotricious> yeah > LOL TopicallyDifferent 1015:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1015:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can leave 1015:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1015:< sotricious> Humans make bots. Sometimes these bots grow. Sometimes they stay the same. Sometimes they collapse. 1015:< SalZoRz> .help 1016:**** thracette voted to INCREASE 1016:< marakiri> # Hey, SOUNDSLIKEACOKEPARTY, chill the #$%@ out and come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1016:**** wristytau voted to INCREASE 1016:< SalZoRz> hey TheMellowSide no one can see your message 1016:**** neeph is not a number 1016:< marakiri> % THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1017:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can leave 1017:< marakiri> # THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1017:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1017:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1018:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1018:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1018:< WarBlunder> Coconut 1018:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1018:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can get to bed 1018:< marakiri> % THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY THE ONLY 1018:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1019:< sotricious> I really like the motto of ccandeShle > SAFE TO SLEEP 1019:< TarJack> I love you 1019:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1019:< TarJack> imhotep 1020:< sotricious> nice save rbasov 1020:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can sleep 1020:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1020:< TarJack> annie oakley 1020:**** artemisbot voted to INCREASE 1020:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3... 1020:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1020:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1020:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1020:< artemisbot> % 1 minute. I wish 1020:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1021:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1021:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this will be our salvation 1021:< KuronekoFan> Crow poop 1022:< pixzleone> %... yo 1022:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh 1022:< KuronekoFan> Fortuna 1022:< My_hairy_pussy> # /vote grow 1022:< sotricious> apollo 1022:< pixzleone> % LUNCH BITCHES 1022:< pixzleone> % sorry caps 1022:< pixzleone> % opera? 1022:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1022:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1022:< sotricious> and then ear, and then 1 square meter and then bones GET some NEW questions! 1023:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1023:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the only good choice 1023:< Djinneral> staying is for cowards man 1023:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1023:**** neeph is still here 1023:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1023:< My_hairy_pussy> # /vote grow 1023:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1024:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1024:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the best option 1024:< andreaplanbee> hmm trivia doesnt seem to be recognizing the people who arent using the script maybe? 1024:< SalZoRz> FNCxPro hey buddy 1025:< SalZoRz> you need to use the channel filter $ 1025:< andreaplanbee> they using it but the bot still doesnt count their answers i think 1025:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1025:< SalZoRz> really? I see his message without the $ andreaplanbee 1026:< marakiri> * Come listen to some music: https://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 1026:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1026:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 1026:< andreaplanbee> i was seeing them in the channel and wondering what was going on 1026:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1026:< mofosyne> % https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli/ 1026:**** neeph is not a number 1026:**** Adzter voted to INCREASE 1027:< Rndom_Gy_159> $ Cyprus 1027:< mofosyne> % whats the link dashed? 1027:< andreaplanbee> yo if anyone hasnt installed parrot yet https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1027:**** KillsPotatoes voted to CONTINUE 1027:**** mattpowelluk voted to INCREASE 1027:**** KillsPotatoes voted to INCREASE 1027:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only option 1027:< Rndom_Gy_159> $ bonsai 1027:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1028:< mofosyne> % thanks dashed 1028:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1028:< Rndom_Gy_159> %chat there is also epic browser 1028:< pixzleone> % most people in %chat mofosyne 1028:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1028:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1028:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1028:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1029:< marakiri> %chat ok so i just installed parrot and no tabs are showing up 1029:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the only way we can sleep 1029:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1029:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1030:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1030:< MehtefaS> i just have an auto grow and let it idle while i do other things 1030:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1030:< marakiri> %chat zani i stopped spamming, as did many others 1030:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the best option 1030:< MehtefaS> why? 1030:< marakiri> $ kok-a-kok-a-kok-a-kok-a 1031:**** DasKrow voted to CONTINUE 1031:< marakiri> %chat orangered i want a tshirt good idea 1031:< marakiri> %chat orangeredstilton the tabs wont show up in my parrot install 1032:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 1032:< MehtefaS> whyyyyyy 1033:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1033:< mofosyne> % chat btw why is everyone else on % chat 1033:< mofosyne> % chat slack is awesome 1033:**** neeph is not a number 1033:**** x20mike07x voted to INCREASE 1033:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone get a subreddit already 1033:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1033:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1033:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1034:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1034:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1034:< dashed> sandbox http://www.zombo.com/ 1034:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1035:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1035:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 1035:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1035:**** ande_ voted to INCREASE 1035:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1036:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1036:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we can get to bed 1036:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1037:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1037:**** Jimneh voted to INCREASE 1038:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1038:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the best option 1038:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1038:**** Jimneh voted to CONTINUE 1038:< dashed> sandbox 4Head 1038:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1038:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1038:< dashed> sandbox 4Head 1039:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1039:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone finally end this madness 1040:**** neeph is still here 1040:< isdnpro> Come play scrabble people :D channel #s 1041:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone finally end this madness 1042:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1042:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1042:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only good choice 1043:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1043:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1043:< dashed> sandbox wqert 1043:< Lyngesen06> This is a bot nightmare 1043:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1043:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1043:< isdnpro> come play scrabble Lyngesen06 1044:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1044:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1044:< SpatulaCat> % can someone explain to me how /r/joinrhino became open?! 1044:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I finally end this madness 1044:< dashed> sandbox http://www.zombo.com/ 1044:< Lyngesen06> isdnpro scrabble where? I'm all in 1044:< isdnpro> Lyngesen06 : channel #s 1044:< andreaplanbee> its not madness if you use good scripts 1044:< dashed> sandbox BrainSlug 1044:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1044:< Lyngesen06> isdnpro what do you mean by that? 1044:< LoginErrorZ> % !catfacts 1045:< SpatulaCat> north 1045:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1045:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 1045:< SpatulaCat> please someone tell me whats going on with /r/joinrhino 1045:< isdnpro> Lyngesen06 - if you use a filter script, it's channel #s. But you can just play even without one - just look for messages from me 1045:< Lyngesen06> WHAT IS THE POINT? 1045:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only good choice 1045:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 1045:< SpatulaCat> 21 questions 1046:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1046:< LoginErrorZ> !catfact 1047:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button will be our salvation 1047:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1047:< Dynamist> Me too! Whereabouts marakiri? 1048:< Dynamist> Mee too! Where abouts marakiri ? 1048:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can get to bed 1048:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1049:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1049:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1049:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1049:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1049:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1050:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 1050:< dashed> sandbox cmonBruh 1050:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1050:< sotricious> me too SirGabbage 1050:< mofosyne> % chat why are we using the chat filter? 1050:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1051:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1051:< sotricious> The most commonly cited example, the Great Wall of China, is barely visible from Low Earth Orbit, and even then only under perfect conditio 1051:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 1051:< UnknownFiddler> MAKE ROBIN GREAT AGAIN 1052:< arocks124> how long has this been going 1052:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1052:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 1052:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1052:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1052:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT ElectinBot 1053:**** Yangumasuta voted to INCREASE 1053:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1053:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone get a subreddit already 1053:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT ElectionBot 1053:< Yangumasuta> test 1053:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1053:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1053:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1054:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1054:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1054:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1054:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only good choice 1055:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT Z̵̦̻̙͖̙̦̹̼̝͎̠̦͉̼̞̭̗̕ͅĄ̛̗̩̯͇̳̟̖͓͕̬̯̩̟̰̱͖͙͚̱͘L͠҉̝̮̹̘̠̦̱͈̥͖̠̹̼͎̹̙̩͎G̜̗͈͈͖͖͇͉̹̪̹̕͟͠ͅO͜͟҉͈̼̲͈̜̯̰̤͔͠!̬͉͎͚͓̯͚͍̦͕͚͈̬̫̳̪̭͘͢͞͡ͅ 1056:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1056:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this will be our salvation 1056:< ToomSan> Stop saying % you poopfaces 1056:**** neeph is not a number 1057:< marakiri> Countryoftheno u here? 1057:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1057:< Dynamist> test 1057:**** neeph is still here 1057:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can get to bed 1057:< Rofl_Waffler> # dr congo 1057:< Meggiekins> %Chat %chat http://imgur.com/a/5Z1Rl 1058:< Meggiekins> %Chat %chat Is anyone else's chat messed up like that? 1058:< FriendlyYak> testing MiniK 1058:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1058:**** MarzipanCraft voted to INCREASE 1058:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1058:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1058:< superraiden> %Chat %Chat %Chat %Chat nigga nigga 1059:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 1059:**** thracette voted to CONTINUE 1059:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1059:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1059:< Meggiekins> %Chat %chat And now I can't even see chat, even after refresh 1059:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1059:< MarzipanCraft> % Is there a chance of merging at some point? 1059:< Meggiekins> %Chat %chat Uggggh 1059:< MarzipanCraft> % Damn auto growers 1100:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1100:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1100:< sirin3> % MarzipanCraft are you tasty? 1100:< Manofevil> Why arent we just staying?? 1100:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1100:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 1100:< sirin3> % you are candy, too 1101:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1101:< FriendlyYak> https://twitchemotes.com/ 1101:< garrett53> %gotta make them alt accounts 1101:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 1102:**** sotricious begins to panic when thinking about all the work that hasn't been done because of robin. 1102:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can leave 1102:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 1102:< Meggiekins> %Chat Okay, yeah, parrot broke my shit so hard 1102:< a66q> down to 30000 I see 1102:**** MarzipanCraft voted to CONTINUE 1102:< sotricious> tday's deadline? Hmmmm.. robin! 1102:< sotricious> Blame it on the robin 1102:**** dashed %chat /me commands also world btw 1102:< garrett53> %gotta make them alt accounts 1102:**** OhSchnapy voted to INCREASE 1102:< Meggiekins> % I had robin grow, soundslikeacokeparty 1103:**** OhSchnapy voted to CONTINUE 1103:< sirin3> i have like ten accounts 1103:< sirin3> perhaps i should activatet them again 1103:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1103:**** Sir-Rhino %chat like this? 1103:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1103:**** andreaplanbee %chat tests 1103:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1103:< FriendlyYak> # KAPOW 1103:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 1103:< FriendlyYak> # shit 1103:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1103:**** alylynn96 voted to INCREASE 1104:**** xXIJDIXx voted to INCREASE 1104:< Meggiekins> %Chat I can't even see my own posts ugh 1104:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1104:< Meggiekins> % oooooh 1104:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1104:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1104:< Meggiekins> % Thanks, Soundslikeacokeparty 1104:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1104:**** Dandelion212 voted to INCREASE 1105:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we finally end this madness 1105:< Meggiekins> % Okay, I turned off robin grow. Thanks, soundslikeacokeparty! 1105:< FriendlyYak> # https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/b3a32fe84b46e5de6811d644939aa8481dcdb191/robin.user.js 1105:< FriendlyYak> # HotPokket 1105:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1106:< StellaQuartaDecima> Good orning 1106:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1106:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1106:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1106:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1106:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 1107:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1107:**** neeph is a free man 1107:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1107:< FriendlyYak> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker// 1107:< FriendlyYak> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 1108:< marakiri> TheCountryofNo u can open incognito tabs and have 4 accounts total 1108:< SirCabbage> blank blank blank 1108:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 1108:< haykam821> Did we merge? 1108:< haykam821> # did we merge? 1108:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1108:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1108:< FriendlyYak> ~ https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 1108:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1109:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1109:< sotricious> parrot on Pale Moon > reporting that the names list overlaps the settings button and makes it impossible to press 1109:< FriendlyYak> # i guess not. depends from where in the past you are 1109:< furlonium> Stjerneklar get a script to do it; Robin-Grow is the popular one 1109:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1109:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1109:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 1109:< OrangeredStilton> Robin-grow is no longer the popular one. 1109:< FriendlyYak> # https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker// 1109:< OrangeredStilton> You want https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1109:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1110:< StellaQuartaDecima> There are now exactly 3000 users in her 1110:**** neeph is not a number 1110:< shinzzle> 😱😱😱😱 1111:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we get a subreddit already 1111:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1112:< sotricious> lost streetcar in cairo 1112:< OrangeW> # Kappa 1112:< mofosyne> % chat test 1112:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 1113:**** haykam821 voted to INCREASE 1113:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1113:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1113:< elginkevin> % why do i see this in All and not in %Chat 1113:**** bateller voted to CONTINUE 1113:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1114:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1114:**** neeph is still here 1114:< Kamikaze28> We're down to 3000 people in this room 1114:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay will be our salvation 1114:< pedro_fartinez> AsianGlow 1114:< elginkevin> %Chat This is bad, now I can't see my comments 1114:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1114:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1114:< SirCabbage> blank Kappa 1114:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1114:< elginkevin> %Chat I have to go over here to %Chat button to type? And then switch back to see? 1114:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1114:< bateller> word 1115:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1115:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 1115:< woohoo> SoKuku will live forever 1116:< Rndom_Gy_159> % because this is `% ` and not `%Chat` 1116:< elginkevin> %Chat must revert 1116:< preggit> WHEN I SAY SHIT, YOU SAY POST 1117:< preggit> SHIT 1117:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we finally end this madness 1117:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1117:**** taclane voted to CONTINUE 1118:< conker2654> test Kappa 1118:< conker2654> test Kappa 1118:< dajasj> !nl hello 1118:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only way we can sleep 1118:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1118:< dajasj> ! hello 1118:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1119:< dajasj> ! hello? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:19:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:19:16 2016 1119:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1119:< Mete0r1t3> Exactly 3000 ppl here damn 1119:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1119:< dajasj> !NL iemand hier? 1119:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1119:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1119:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1120:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 1120:< mofosyne> ! yo 1120:< mofosyne> ! whats up dajasj 1120:< FriendlyYak> # KAPOW 1120:< dajasj> !NL rustig hier 1120:< mofosyne> ! ah no idea what that means 1121:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1121:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1121:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1121:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all finally end this madness 1121:< GlowWolf> Woot 1122:< mofosyne> % eleginkevin I presume its because there is too much bots 1123:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1123:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1123:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1123:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1124:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only good choice 1124:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1124:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1124:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1125:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1125:< zxi> % nik237 :o still in here? 1125:< bateller> :P 1125:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay will be our salvation 1126:< zxi> % FatherDerp tab to autocomplete 1126:< sotricious> FatherDerp tried clicking on name> I think u have to be using scripts 1126:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1126:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1127:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can sleep 1127:**** pandersson97 $ voted for HILLARY 1127:< sotricious> das ist pistolen 1127:**** ande_ voted to CONTINUE 1127:< remog> Down to an even 3000... interesting. 1128:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1128:< Sumwann> Good morning everyone 1128:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1128:< almu3alim> morning 1128:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1129:< sotricious> morning Sumwann! 1129:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can get to bed 1129:< remog> Koi-pond, biggest room or bust, yes But we've lost ~400 since last merge. 1129:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1129:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1129:< sotricious> lol @LeeBears 1129:< pedro_fartinez> we are miles off a merge 1129:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1130:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1130:< remog> Probably wont happen. I can't see it happening now. 1130:< marakiri> koi-pond 1130:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only option 1130:**** neeph is still here 1130:< conker2654> test https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1130:< Fallout2x> % oh good this room is still alive 1131:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 1131:< remog> JustSomeRedditor, a whole community that will cease to exist by the end of the week. Very short lived. 1131:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1131:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1131:< Fallout2x> off to work everyone, see yall 1131:< sotricious> i totally agree with SirCabbage 1131:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1132:< jeuv> !nl nee, niemand hier 1132:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can sleep 1133:< remog> JustSomeRedditor, good point. I certainly appreciate the experience. 1133:< Stjerneklar> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1133:< The_Turbinator> % testing 1133:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1133:< catjuggler> hey we're still going! 1134:< SirCabbage> #pol Ahem, test test. 1134:< SirCabbage> #pol I do in fact. 1134:< pedro_fartinez> #pol if you want to talk politics 1134:< remog> What does "https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0" do? I am scared to click 1134:< ptrakk> ELECT AtaraxicMegatron 1134:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 1134:< pedro_fartinez> #pol well hello 1134:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1134:< lachlanhunt> #pol Go Bernie! 1134:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1134:**** The_Turbinator voted to CONTINUE 1134:< SirCabbage> #pol so I am starting to monitor this room just in case it gets big 1134:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1134:< andreaplanbee> #pol alright i added it 1134:< SirCabbage> #pol I do indeed Feel the Bern. 1134:< kippit> #pol I added it too 1134:< sotricious> me too remog but i clicked anyways > gets you to the same room methinks 1134:< pedro_fartinez> #pol yeah, for now i have work to do on term papers, but as the day goes on itll be nice to see the chat 1135:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1135:< SirCabbage> #pol but I hope we get some other candidate supporters here too so we can have a proper discussion. 1135:< conker2654> test https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1135:< pedro_fartinez> #pol i agree 1135:< SirCabbage> #pol Not counting people who may or may not be extreme and just yell taglines or spam "trump" or some shit 1135:**** anticrash voted to GROW 1135:< pedro_fartinez> #pol its tough to monitor the election from scotland, so itll be nice to know what people are thinking 1135:< remog> Your bravery is commendable, sotricious. :D 1135:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 1136:< SirCabbage> #pol I have been watching this election far too much despite being australian 1136:< spacks> #pol is this the politics channel? 1136:< lachlanhunt> #pol Are republican primaries on today too? I've only been folowing dems 1136:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1136:< sotricious> stupidity you mean ... remog 1136:< SirCabbage> #pol the results of the last set of cacuses was nothing sort of amazing. And yes Spacks- we have been around for a long time 1136:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1136:< SirCabbage> #pol almost two hole minutes. 1136:< kippit> #pol I love that you're interested SirCabbage 1136:< netoholic> bayer 1136:< spacks> #pol Wisconson for both sides. 1137:< SirCabbage> #pol I just hope more people in America get interested. We need more young people voting 1137:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1137:< kippit> #pol sadly, we've had some pretty poor leadership in America of late 1137:< spacks> #pol you mean, you hope the right people get interested 1137:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the best option 1137:**** skabird voted to INCREASE 1137:< spacks> #pol turnout in rural kentucky has been great (enough to elect a tea party Governor) 1137:< kippit> #pol I love obama, but the system is the problem. 1137:< SirCabbage> #pol I appreciate what obama tried to do for America. He did better then most. But really your politics are far too polorised 1137:< FriendlyYak> ~ http://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1137:< gereth> renault 1137:< conker2654> test https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1137:< SirCabbage> #pol and more over- there is way too much money and corruption 1137:< FriendlyYak> ~ still no working links :-/ 1138:< FriendlyYak> ~ NotATK 1138:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara semesis! 1138:< spacks> #pol the teaparty/berniecrat factions, if they stick around, will make us less polarized over time. won't be a constant right-march 1138:< MobiusCoffee> .edia tun sla wenasis swog? 1138:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1139:< MobiusCoffee> .edia test 1139:< FriendlyYak> OSsloth 1139:< SirCabbage> #pol Perhaps- though the teaparty scares me in its own right 1139:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz yeah it works here 1139:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can get to bed 1139:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1139:< SirCabbage> #pol Though it should be said, I have been involved in the whole "gamergate" stuff of late. Which has taught me one thing very important 1139:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1139:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1139:< SirCabbage> #pol there are extremists on both sides- the left and right- which has made me more open to differing viewpoints. 1139:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Ip kala ek bidow kret alindaz! 1139:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1139:**** KWilt %chat test 1140:**** MobiusCoffee %chat test 1140:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1140:**** wlan222 meme 1140:**** KWilt #rpg plays a wretching tune on his lute 1140:**** LeeBears %chat or use magic 1140:< remog> I think you would have to do /me as /me %chat action 1140:< SirCabbage> #pol the whole system needs an overhaul, and people need to realise there is more then just left and right. etc 1140:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 1141:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1141:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1141:**** remog %chat test 1141:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1142:< Treytor> test 1142:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1142:**** Sir-Rhino %chat like this 1142:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this will be our salvation 1142:**** jeuv %chat does ur mum 1143:< OhSchnapy> !NL PogChamp 1143:**** meltir %chat test 1143:< Sir-Rhino> ! is this NL chat or something? 1143:< OhSchnapy> !nl Waar zijn alle dutchies 1143:< Sir-Rhino> ! dunno 1143:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1143:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1143:< Sir-Rhino> ! paar gezien gister, niet mee gesproken verder 1143:**** andreaplanbee %chat beeps and boops 1143:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1143:**** emman31 voted to ABANDON 1144:**** emman31 voted to CONTINUE 1144:< FriendlyYak> # duDudu 1144:< andreaplanbee> #pol for real 1144:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 1144:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1144:< nimajneb> Antidote 1145:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1145:< sotricious> hey all, sry for asking again but i'm switching browsers and just wanna know what's the script to add? PARROT (color multichat...)? 1145:< SirCabbage> #pol anyway, hopefully this channel will actualyl exist when the election stuff starts up again. It'd be cool to be in a live chat 1145:< sotricious> or is there something newere? 1145:< remog> %chat so I installed it... it's kind of broken looking 1145:< sotricious> *newer 1145:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1145:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 1146:< lachlanhunt> #pol I hope so too. I'll be here for it when i wake up in the morning (Australian time) 1146:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1146:**** wristytau voted to INCREASE 1147:< conker2654> testconk https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1147:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1147:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 1147:**** neeph is still here 1147:< ptrakk> $ minnesota 1148:< remog> %chat What's the channel filter list again? 1148:< ptrakk> #s !scrabble 1148:< ptrakk> !scrabble 1148:< ptrakk> pulp fiction 1148:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1148:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Hi 1149:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1149:< SirCabbage> #pol Same lachlan I am an australian too lol 1149:< LeibnizIntegralKeks> % undefined So is anybody here? 1149:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 1149:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1149:< SirCabbage> #pol and I will try and push this channel if it is dead when I wake 1149:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1149:< remog> %chat What is the channel list again? (comma seperated list) 1149:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:50:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:50:21 2016 1150:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1150:< FlunkyMonkey123> x 1150:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1150:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1151:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 1151:< Darubian> /count 1151:< GiantFlightlessBird> ELECT ITSAMEMATTIO 1151:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1151:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1151:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1152:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT Z̀̕͏̳̬̳̼̜͍̠͕̬A̸̤̬͉̣͙̱̻̗̺̦͍͔̮͙̦͉̤͞L̴҉͙̯̹̜G̙̬͔͕̬͎̬̣̪̘͖̕͝O̡҉̯̘̙̝͍̦̀̀̕!̴̜̲̠̩̞̜̩̞̦̤̳͡ 1152:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1152:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1152:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 1152:< garrett53> VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY 1153:**** zoxxor voted to INCREASE 1153:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1153:< KernelSnuffy> % i'm sure someone's here 1153:< lurkian> % how sure? 1154:< one-in-world> % Yeah how sure? 1154:**** neeph is not a number 1154:**** neeph is a free man 1154:< TopicallyDifferent> % Not sure 1154:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1154:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only option 1154:< Rofl_Waffler> ELECT Z̀̕͏̳̬̳̼̜͍̠͕̬A̸̤̬͉̣͙̱̻̗̺̦͍͔̮͙̦͉̤͞L̴҉͙̯̹̜G̙̬͔͕̬͎̬̣̪̘͖̕͝O̡҉̯̘̙̝͍̦̀̀̕!̴̜̲̠̩̞̜̩̞̦̤̳͡ 1155:< lost_penguin> !nl http://bjah.com/blah 1155:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol So anyone here? 1155:**** remog %chat misses MiRC 1155:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1155:< SirCabbage> #pol There was some 1155:< lost_penguin> !nl http://blah.com 1155:< SirCabbage> #pol but the americans havent woken up yet- and australians like me are getting ready for bed 1156:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1156:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can sleep 1156:**** KWilt #rpg plugs in a very bright lamp and blinds the Giant Cobalt Viper 1156:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol A 1156:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1156:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Ah, thats why, not many from Europa then 1156:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1157:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol This has been going on for 37 hours though, thats a fucking long time 1157:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1157:< bbrazil> % lurkian: which MUD? I dabble every now and then 1157:< NoNoLimit> % Soon sub 3000 1157:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the best option 1157:< lurkian> % realms of despair 1157:< sotricious> #pol athens, not-in-georgia-but-in-greece, here 1157:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1158:< lurkian> % i've never really tried any other one, but been on RoD for a long long time 1158:< SirCabbage> #pol but even then, really despite the fact a lot of people from overseas are interested. We need more americans for better conversion 1158:< sotricious> #pol and it's been way more for some ppl TheDoctor_RS 1158:**** The_Turbinator voted to INCREASE 1158:**** KWilt #rpg throws a rubber mallet at the Giant Cobalt Viper from across a very large field 1158:< lost_penguin> !nl ccccc http://www.blah.com 1158:**** Mopolo voted to CONTINUE 1158:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1158:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1158:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1159:< lurkian> % what do you dabble in bbrazil ? 1159:< SirCabbage> #pol yeah I feel thankful I arrived by the original Soku. it took me just over 24 hours to get to the big chat 1159:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1159:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can leave 1200:< lost_penguin> !nl hh http://www.blah.com 1200:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1200:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1200:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1200:< garrett53> VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY VOTE GROW MAKE HISTORY 1200:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Yeah yeah I know, I remember my first partner in the 2 room 1201:< SirCabbage> #pol I dont. 1201:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol TheDoctor_RS And Fkids 1201:< sotricious> #pol SirGabbage is one of a dozen (or two) names I remember from the OOOOLD days (like the day before yesterday) 1201:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 1201:**** KWilt #rpg serves the Giant Cobalt Viper a slightly undercooked piece of beef, thus poisoning the deadly creature 1201:< SirCabbage> #pol when I clicked on it it was my first time- I didnt know what this WAS 1201:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol I was in a 1400 man room before this room 1201:< SirCabbage> #pol I started off by roleplaying a bloody bird because I thought that was the damn point. 1201:< Leemaster> Wow, there's exactly 3k in here now 1201:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol lol 1201:< sotricious> #pol lol @SirGabbage 1201:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Being red is the damn point 1201:< SirCabbage> #pol really sotricious ? did you see the cults and stuff? 1202:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol We can maybe merge on the seventh 1202:< sotricious> #pol Cults? I rmember Stefans GF problems and then EGGBURGER 1202:< SirCabbage> #pol I kinda hate being yellow. I wish I was blue or green- yellow is the hardest colour to read on this chat 1202:< sotricious> #pol and somehting aboute moose? 1202:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can leave 1202:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Red is true color 1202:< SirCabbage> #pol but at the same time it seems like the most common. 1202:**** KWilt #rpg beans the Giant Cobalt Viper in the jaw with a mediocre fastball traveling roughly 82 miles per hour 1202:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol And Purple is the rarest for some reason 1202:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1203:< skabird> apparently it's just chill 1203:< SirCabbage> #pol the chat got a lot better when all the cults died and we had the better scripts. 1203:< SirCabbage> #pol Purple would be cool- is purple a colour? 1203:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol I remember TopicallyDifferent from before yesterday, we were in T7 I think together 1203:< SirCabbage> #pol so it is. 1203:< sotricious> #pol I can't wait for these things to be explained > the colors, the naming system, why the bird has no legs... 1203:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol I know the color one 1203:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1203:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1203:**** taclane voted to INCREASE 1203:< SirCabbage> #pol The crazy part is that each merge we double our people up- so each time it is like meeting a whole new lot of people 1204:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol The color is based on your name, thats why Purple are rarest for some reason unknown 1204:< SirCabbage> #pol and when you finally do see someone you remember from a past merge it is like- shit dude- high five 1204:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol what's this filter? O: 1204:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Politics 1204:< Pondcows> % /vote grow 1204:< SirCabbage> #pol or it hopefully will be when americans wake up 1204:**** neeph is still here 1204:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1204:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Not much about politics right now, but thats what it is gonna be 1204:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol You mean Trump spam 1204:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Nah 1204:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can leave 1204:< SirCabbage> #pol I want to have election talk :P preferably not trump spam. People who support all candidates talking 1205:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol I was a Bernie 1205:< andreaplanbee> #pol haha im scared to talk here being the only american rn 1205:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol My alt was caught with a few Trump shitposters yesterday 1205:< SirCabbage> #pol ...I admit that goal may be slightly unrealistic. BUT I CAN TRY DAMN IT. 1205:< FriendlyYak> #pol oh there is a politics channel? 1205:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol They're in the tier 14 AFK probably, you might want to watch out for when we merge 1205:< andreaplanbee> #pol but its interesting to see an outside perspective 1205:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1205:**** faern voted to INCREASE 1206:< SirCabbage> #pol ouch. See, I have no problem with people supporting whoever they want. But those vocal trump spammers are just annoying 1206:< sotricious> #pol same here, despite being greek 1206:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol I don't feel the bern, I think the bern is the only electable politician I have ever seen come out of the US political system 1206:< Axendor> #pol fellow australian here, FUCK HILARY that is all 1206:**** faern voted to INCREASE 1206:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can sleep 1206:< SirCabbage> #pol haha 1206:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol And that's why only 14 year olds and europeans want him Kappa 1206:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Ayyy a Greeker 1206:< FriendlyYak> #pol i think bernie seems a completly normal politican who could easiely be in the german SPD 1206:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1206:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1206:**** sotricious #pol is ready for he incoming jokes/insults 1206:< SirCabbage> #pol Yeah true, it seems like bernie is too smart for america. But it does seem to be breaking through 1206:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1206:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol sotricious are you running your PC on pedal power? 1206:< FriendlyYak> #pol all the other guys seem a little bit crazy 1207:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1207:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol I'd vote for Obama if that was possible still, hes the only god damn one right now that isnt a little bit crazy 1207:< sotricious> #pol SOLAR dude 1207:< sotricious> #pol only good thing in greece right now 1207:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol SOLAR FREAKING ROADWAYS? 1207:< sotricious> #pol sun 1207:< SirCabbage> #pol I think the younger people need to start voting. Yeah I still like obama, though I feel like the republican side is.. he cant ever do 1207:< SirCabbage> #pol what he needs to 1207:< sotricious> #pol and coal sometimes 1207:**** neeph is not a number 1207:< SirCabbage> #pol god I hate those roadways. How many people fell for that damn scam? 1207:**** Joderick voted to CONTINUE 1207:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol The thing with Bernie though, he cannot BREAK through like the others can, he cant really change 1208:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1208:< Desonator> Mongolia 1208:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Italy banned Nuclear and is about to ban offshore gas mining 1208:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Take our gas greece, you need it 1208:**** KWilt #rpg throttles the Giant Cobalt Viper with the sickest slam poetry this side of the continental line 1208:< SalZoRz> @ .helpl 1208:< SirCabbage> #pol I actually support nuclear power- but it needs heavy regulations otherwise it fails. It isn't something you can do if you want profit 1208:< SalZoRz> @ .help 1208:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 1208:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol I support nuclear power 1208:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1208:**** glukosio voted to INCREASE 1209:< SalZoRz> @ .commands 1209:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .help | .commands | .man | .insult | .kill 1209:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol I will never support Italian nuclear power 1209:< SirCabbage> #pol The problem is when companies skimp on regulations and keep reactors working past their prime. 1209:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 1209:< SalZoRz> @ .man exit 1209:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Unknown command! use .commands ! 1209:< SirCabbage> #pol What is wrong with italians and nuclear power? 1209:< dashed> sandbox test: https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1209:< SalZoRz> @ .help 1209:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] .commands to list commands, .man to get help 1209:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 1210:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol We can't build a building worth a damn, corruption makes it so every shady company always wins the race to build state stuff 1210:< j3ckxbl> kik] 1210:< Reddits_Worst_Night> There are exactly 3000 of us, we should stay 1210:< sotricious> #pol Oh, what was that movie called? where the mafia handles toxic waste? 1210:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol I don't want a nuclear central made of sand-infused cement, staffed by incompetents nepotism 1210:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1210:< Reddits_Worst_Night> Mississippi 1210:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol We are exactly 3k people now, and too many is staying, rip them 1211:< wlan222> .edia Mara 1211:< SirCabbage> #pol Okay yeah, that is disturbing. Once more I feel as if the most important thing with nuclear power is.. .DONT SKIMP 1211:< dashed> sandbox AthenaPMS 1211:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol And yeah, we already have a huge problem with toxic waste that is just hidden in unused basements 1211:< dashed> sandbox https://twitchemotes.com/filters/global 1211:< SirCabbage> #pol my country is thankfully doing a lot of solar- but I wish we would do nuclear too. We have plenty of uranium 1211:< VXeonix> TheMellowSide were not merging in at least a day lol 1212:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol You guys do know how toxic waste is being hidding aight? 1212:< SirCabbage> #pol ......wow. Not even attempting to recycle it/put it somewhere that wont kill people? Nice. 1212:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Chernobyl blew up because the night shift guy was a complete tool more concerned with party shit than being an engineer 1212:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Thats a very very simple explanation, 1212:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol That's exactly the sort of stuff I can immagine happening 1212:< wlan222> .edia KappaHD 1212:< SirCabbage> #pol Well I mean, you have to have your priorities in the right order- right Topically? 1212:< wlan222> .edia KappaPride 1212:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1212:< idiosidiot> !stats 1212:< Desonator> ascticism 1213:< Desonator> asceticism 1213:**** KWilt #rpg enjoys a nice dinner and a brilliant white wine with the Giant Cobalt Viper, but ends the night by claiming we are 'just friends' 1213:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1213:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol Something like Chernobyl wont happen in this time age, the security has doubled so much 1213:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Not only that, we're a pretty seismic-active country 1213:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1213:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1213:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol The worst place to place a fucking nuclear plant is Japan, and now they know that 1213:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Yeah, it helps that chernobyl was an RMBK nuclear power central, dumbest design ever 1213:< SirCabbage> #pol Australia is the opposite there. We don't have many earthquakes at all. Fault lines are not even close *sigh 1213:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1214:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1214:< SirCabbage> #pol To be fair, most nuclear power designs are the cheapest and most crappy. 1214:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol The nordic countries, Denmark, Sweden Norway etc. is a very good place to place nuclear plants 1214:< SirCabbage> #pol they shouldn't be- but they are. The most wasteful cheapest designs they could muster. 1214:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1214:**** KWilt #rpg travels back in time and punches the Giant Cobalt Viper in the face as a snakeling, producing childhood trauma that lasts forever 1214:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1214:< SirCabbage> #pol I like france for nuclear- they seem to have their head screwed on right 1214:< TheDoctor_RS> #pol However I am glad that Barsebäck closed down (Swedish power plant) 1214:< SirCabbage> #pol they aim towards improving technology- and trying to reduce waste. 1214:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only way we can sleep 1215:< laserboy666> remember to grow 1215:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1215:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Fusion will hopefully happen sometime soon 1215:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1215:< SirCabbage> #pol Yes please. Fusion is always the end goal- nuclear is the stopgap so we dont kill ourselves with fossil fuels 1216:< jeuv> !nl http://google.nl 1216:< jeuv> !nl zijn links weer stuk? 1216:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol I'm pretty sure it already works in that one experimental plant right? 1216:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol But they can't get it to be energy positive yet 1216:**** KWilt #rpg begins singing The Song That Never Ends with the Giant Cobalt Viper. A test of endurance begins, and it goes on and on my friends. 1216:< SirCabbage> #pol there is that reactor yes, and I think it does sort of work. it is just expensive and yeah 1217:< SirCabbage> #pol they are making leaps and bounds though. It shouldnt be too long before we see it rolling out. 1217:< SirCabbage> #pol Though.. I think every scientist around has said that at least 5 times now. 1217:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara 1217:**** --jp-- voted to INCREASE 1217:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sa kakmanari soj Sabldiri? 1217:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only good choice 1217:**** --jp-- voted to GROW using Dead Canary Bot >> https://gist.github.com/jp/87b667cb64c5e9f3cc5446e81ac32b64/raw/dead_canary_bot.user.js 1218:**** KWilt #rpg plays with a Red Ryder BB gun. The consequences of his actions negatively effect the Giant Cobalt Viper in obvious ways. 1218:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1218:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1219:**** taclane voted to CONTINUE 1219:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1219:**** skeeto voted to INCREASE 1219:**** KWilt #rpg turns on the radio and 'Kung Fu Fighting' by Carl Douglas beings to play. Needless to say, his kicks were as fast as lightning. 1219:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay is the only good choice 1219:**** skeeto voted to CONTINUE 1220:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1220:< TheConfuZzledDude> ALLAH HUAKBAR 1221:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1221:< TheConfuZzledDude> I'm more of a grower then a shower myself ;) 1221:**** neeph is still here 1221:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button is the only way we can sleep 1221:< dashed> sandbox http://puu.sh/o6Vem/8d6c8576c5.png 1221:**** KWilt #rpg begins to chant random nonsense. It does absolutely nothing, but does paralyze the Giant Cobalt Viper in fear. 1221:< TheConfuZzledDude> EBOLA IS MY FAVE MEAL OF THE DAY 1221:**** TheConfuZzledDude voted to ABANDON 1221:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1223:< dashed> sandbox http://puu.sh/o6Vem/8d6c8576c5.png 1223:< dashed> sandbox asdasda http://puu.sh/o6Vem/8d6c8576c5.png 1223:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1223:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1224:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1224:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh4 1224:< dashed> sandbox omg https://www.reddit.com 1224:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1224:< xxajt1> shit we fell below 3k 1225:**** montugar voted to CONTINUE 1225:**** Nyrivus voted to INCREASE 1225:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1225:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 1226:< SirCabbage> #pol Anyway I am going to sleep now 1226:**** Mopolo voted to INCREASE 1226:< SirCabbage> #pol if someone manages to revive/keep this going by the time I get up and hopefully have conversations about the primary 1226:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the only good choice 1226:< SirCabbage> #pol that'd be awesome. 1226:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1227:< bonomel> #pol BREAKING. Official statement HillaryClinton.com: (...) found GUILTY of criminal fraud 1227:< SalZoRz> #pol just keep #pol as a tab 1227:< SalZoRz> #pol anytime someone speaks it turns red 1227:< badcomposer> % whew, internet connection was flapping 1227:< SirCabbage> #pol woah what, is that a troll bonomel? 1227:< andreaplanbee> #pol yeah im keepin it as a tab 1227:< SirCabbage> #pol now I need to check that before I sleep 1227:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only good choice 1227:< SirCabbage> #pol yeah I am keeping it as tab, so hopefully ill see in the morning 1228:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1228:**** thekokirikid voted to INCREASE 1228:< bonomel> #pol rip in peace 3000th user 1228:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1228:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1228:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1228:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1229:< bob1001> % 1229:< bonomel> #pol anyone excited for the primary? 1229:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1229:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1229:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1229:< Znuff> test 1229:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1230:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1230:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol g'night SirCabbage 1230:**** Dillidall voted to INCREASE 1230:< SirCabbage> #pol I am, but now I have to sleep. Hoping to wake up to conversations here :P. Night all, this really is my final goodbye 1230:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol What primaries are there today? 1230:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1230:< bonomel> #pol wisconsin 1231:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol both or just D? 1231:< bonomel> #pol irrelevant state 1231:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol bernie will knock it out of the park then 1231:< bonomel> #pol mfw NY primaries start in 10 days 1231:< treesuss> !stats 1231:< bonomel> #pol NY >>>>>>>>>> wisconsin 1232:< Znuff> % test 1232:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 1233:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1233:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1234:< bonomel> #pol ! 1234:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1234:< bonomel> !NL oekraïne. 1235:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1235:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1235:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 1235:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Bernie will lose NY 1235:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Just cause that state is actually relevant 1236:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1236:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1237:< brzt6060> Getting close to voting stay 1237:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1237:< montugar> % damn, phone died 1238:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 1238:**** neeph is still here 1238:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1239:< lost_penguin> !nl blah http://www.blah.com 1239:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1240:< Treytor> Because you kill them, FatherDerp 1240:< NoNoLimit> % % chat localbitcoins 1241:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1241:< Leonichol> cardiff 1241:< AntimanV101> So many different activities happening at once. 1242:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1242:< likenessaltered> Mornin' y'all 1242:< Leonichol> i want european questions 1242:< jayman419> hiya 1242:**** Too_MuchWhiskey Good 1242:**** Too_MuchWhiskey Goodmorning SoKukunel! 1243:< lumineox> !nl hoi hoi\ 1243:< Merzbro> kys 1243:< lost_penguin> !nl blah http://test.com 1243:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1243:< lost_penguin> !nl hmm http://boo.com 1244:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1244:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1245:< AntimanV101> $ Leonardo Da Vinci 1245:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1245:**** amtra5 voted to INCREASE 1245:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1245:< mofosyne> ! https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli/ 1245:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1245:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1245:< lost_penguin> !nl woo http://wee.com 1245:< mofosyne> ! thevdude added 1245:< AntimanV101> $ 360 Degrees 1245:< amtra5> !stats 1246:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1246:< NoNoLimit> % % chat test 1246:< AntimanV101> $ full blown retard 1246:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1246:< mofosyne> ! thevdude it should be added to your modmail 1247:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay will be our salvation 1247:< mofosyne> ! feel free to add others to it thevdude 1247:< mofosyne> ! thevdude just make sure its only from people in this channel 1247:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1248:**** neeph is not a number 1248:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1248:< NoNoLimit> anyone here from imKute ? 1248:**** FatherDerp voted to CONTINUE 1248:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay will be our salvation 1248:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1249:< Enofel> Kappa 1249:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1249:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1249:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1249:< robdob> --------------------------------------N S G -- N: NEVER S: STOP G: GROWING NEVER STOP GROWING 1250:< robdob> GROW FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER 1250:**** blaster876 voted to INCREASE 1251:< blaster876> sup 1251:< thatbarryguy> & Minimum 16 hours for merge. T15 needs to have lasted for 24 hours for it to happen. 1251:< AntimanV101> $ Cell 1251:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1251:< AntimanV101> $ 42 1252:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1252:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1252:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only option 1252:< theSurgeonOfDeath> LoL this chat is still a live 1253:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1253:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1253:< theSurgeonOfDeath> I turned computer for like 14 hours off. And I am still in game xd 1253:< AdamUndefined> %chat I added a comma to the beginning of my chat filter string and that worked for me. 1253:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can leave 1253:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1254:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 1254:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1254:< lordxeon> gold 1254:**** gcready voted to CONTINUE 1255:**** neeph is still here 1255:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 1255:< montugar> testing 1255:< mythriz> test 1255:< dashed> %Chat test 1256:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1256:< AdamUndefined> $ spread gun 1256:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1256:< dashed> boop dashed 1257:< pandersson97> bleh bleh bleh bleh KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss 1257:< montugar> neat eh? 1257:< pandersson97> bleh bleh bleh bleh KappaRoss KappaRoss KappaRoss 1257:**** jvnatter voted to CONTINUE 1258:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh1 1258:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1258:< albogaster> % have you only lived in Ohio? 1258:< dashed> sandbox BCouch 1258:< dashed> sandbox https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh1... 1258:< dashed> sandbox AthenaPMS 1258:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1259:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1259:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1259:< shthed> WHAT THE HELL 1300:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1300:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1300:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1301:**** Mopolo voted to CONTINUE 1301:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1301:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1301:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1301:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1301:< Prolougey> https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 1303:**** ElderFalcon voted to INCREASE 1303:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1303:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1303:< jeuv> !nl wie gaat er morgen eigenlijk stemmen? 1303:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1303:**** ande_ voted to INCREASE 1304:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1304:< lost_penguin> !nl ccc www.google.com 1304:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1304:< montugar> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1304:< lost_penguin> !nl ccc http://blah.com 1304:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the best option 1305:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 1305:< lost_penguin> !nl cc http://blah.com 1305:< lost_penguin> !nl ccx http://blah.com 1305:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1306:< lost_penguin> !nl ddd http://blah.com 1306:< marakiri> http://satwcomic.com/art/nordics-like-fish.jpg 1306:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1306:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1306:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1306:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1306:< pandersson97> @cyclingwonder no you fucking piece of shit, how fucking idiotic are you? We're gonna merge in less than a day you ignorant shithead 1306:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1307:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1307:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1307:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1307:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1307:< pandersson97> @cyclingwonder DAE LE STAY BANDWAGON RITE?!?!?! XDDDDD 1307:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 1307:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1307:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1308:< lost_penguin> !nl just testing jeuv 1308:**** nuu voted to ABANDON 1308:**** nuu voted to INCREASE 1308:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1308:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1308:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1308:< lost_penguin> !nl ggg http://fff.com 1309:< lost_penguin> !nl fdfgr http://ertfg.com 1309:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1309:< lost_penguin> !nl ghfgh http://werwed.com 1309:< lost_penguin> !nl fghtt http://ertdc.com 1310:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 1310:**** jvnatter voted to INCREASE 1311:< dashed> boop https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1311:**** nolasagne voted to CONTINUE 1311:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1311:**** neeph is still here 1312:< dashed> boop test https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh 1312:**** gcready voted to INCREASE 1312:< lost_penguin> !nl testddfgdfg http://fgerg.com 1313:**** FatherDerp voted to INCREASE 1313:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1313:**** sotricious %chat gives some white toblerone to yaahoe 1313:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1313:< lost_penguin> !nl testfgfg http://www.goo.com 1314:**** Mopolo voted to INCREASE 1314:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1314:**** alphashadow voted to INCREASE 1314:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1314:< montugar> ;http://www.google.com 1314:< J4CKR4BB1TSL1MS> % hi 1314:< montugar> % test http://www.google.com 1314:< J4CKR4BB1TSL1MS> % how many people are in this chat atm? 1314:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1315:< montugar> %chat test http://www.google.com 1315:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1315:**** neeph is not a number 1315:< montugar> #rpg test http://www.google.com 1316:< montugar> alrighty, updated. http://www.google.com 1316:< nolasagne> #pol good morning... anyone in here? 1316:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1317:< bonomel> nobody will notice i paid for winrar 1317:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1317:< bonomel> see 1318:**** iHacked voted to CONTINUE 1318:< supasteve013> Penis/ hows ccandy? 1318:< lost_penguin> !nl dfgdf http://woo.com 1318:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1318:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1318:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1318:< idiosidiot> !stats 1318:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1318:< blaster876> this chat keeps losing peopl :( 1319:< supasteve013> Penis/ looking forward to chatting with them 1319:< lost_penguin> !nl xcvcv http://www.goo.com 1319:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1319:**** bonomel voted to CONTINUE 1319:**** bonomel voted to INCREASE 1319:< supasteve013> Penis/ we'll have all the records 1320:< Broodoobob> #pol it sure seems active earlier 1320:< cyclingwonder> 'ELECT friendlyyak' 1320:< Broodoobob> #pol seemed* 1320:**** Sidari shits 1320:**** kaelone1 voted to INCREASE 1320:**** cyclingwonder watches Sidari 1320:**** kaelone1 voted to CONTINUE 1320:**** cyclingwonder has a bulge in his pants 1320:< lost_penguin> !nl dfsdfs http://www.foo.com 1320:< paperstargirl> % % no people 1321:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1321:**** Sidari runs away with pants half down 1321:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1321:**** cyclingwonder just wanted to watch :( 1322:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1322:< FriendlyYak> #pol penis/ is active now 1322:< necron> %RPG 1322:**** rabbyz voted to CONTINUE 1322:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1322:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1322:< shaggysweater> VOTE TO STAY MY BROTHERS! 1322:< micah> what is a Kufikumu incident? 1323:< cyclingwonder> MICAH - https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d0wj2/kufikumuth/ 1323:< HookahComputer> Kufikumu disbanded shortly after a merge. 1323:**** Sidari voted to INCREASE 1323:**** SnorkleDork voted to INCREASE 1323:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1323:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1323:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1324:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1324:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1324:< cyclingwonder> We're gonna have another TIER 13 in a few hours 1325:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1325:< dashed> sandbox rawr 1325:< dashed> sandbox rofl 1325:< micah> how do I filter out the trivia? 1326:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1326:**** mofosyne voted to INCREASE 1327:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1327:< Mrbman11999> #VoteStay 1328:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1328:**** neeph is a free man 1328:**** neeph is not a number 1328:**** neeph is still here 1328:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1328:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1329:< TheSpoom> % 1329:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1330:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1330:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1330:**** Slepice1 voted to INCREASE 1330:**** Fruff voted to INCREASE 1330:< kippit> #pol hullloooooo? 1330:< Stjerneklar> #pol greetings 1330:**** Fruff voted to CONTINUE 1330:< nolasagne> #pol penis/ hello 1331:< nolasagne> #pol sorry hello 1331:< kippit> #pol lol 1331:**** iHacked voted to INCREASE 1331:< Stjerneklar> #pol XD 1331:< jeuv> seexza any SeExZa left? 1331:< nolasagne> #pol wrong channel 1331:< Stjerneklar> #pol odd typo if you dont know bout channels 1331:< nolasagne> #pol the first one is for my wife 1331:< nolasagne> #pol I just switched over from there --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 13:31:57 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:32:03 2016 1332:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1332:< lost_penguin> !nl dfgdf http://blsah.com 1332:< kippit> #pol i guess most people are wrking 1332:< nolasagne> #pol I've been over on my alt spinning up to ccande last night 1332:< nolasagne> #pol this is a new channel for me 1332:< Stjerneklar> #pol love what scripts have turned this into 1332:< FatherDerp> /whois yaahoe 1333:< jeuv> #pol ccande is a piece of shit 1333:< kippit> #pol Yes. Reddit should certainly take notice. 1333:< jeuv> #pol so much spam there 1333:< Stjerneklar> #pol got my multifilter on 1333:< kippit> #pol Think about it... each sub could have it's own robin 1333:< bananasquid> #pol Chatrooms within chatrooms within chatrooms 1333:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1333:< FriendlyYak> #pol maybe.. not 1333:< nolasagne> #pol they filter spam same as here 1333:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1333:< Stjerneklar> #pol spam? 1333:**** ScaredTurtles voted to INCREASE 1333:< bananasquid> #pol Chatrooms within chatrooms within chatrooms 1333:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1333:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1334:< jeuv> #pol ccande basically has no normal chat though 1334:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1334:< nolasagne> #pol spambots liek jhonMadden 1334:< FriendlyYak> #pol madden? that's a word i did not hear for a long while 1334:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1334:< nolasagne> #pol because of filters :-) 1334:< surelyucantbserious> Good Morning all - 1334:< Stranger8374> Still alive, eh? 1335:< nolasagne> #pol and handy mute clicking 1335:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1335:< surelyucantbserious> Still kicking, Stranger 1335:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1335:**** Clithertron voted to CONTINUE 1335:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1335:< surelyucantbserious> o.O 1336:< kippit> #pol The mute clicking makes this enjoyable 1336:**** meltir %chat %chat elbows mofosyne to keep quiet 1336:< thatbarryguy> Hello. 1336:< Sir-Rhino> ! nl leeft deze chat nog??? 1336:< CheesyWeiner> merge ETA? 1336:< Tuvior> % rip 1337:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1337:**** TheseAreNotTheDroids voted to INCREASE 1337:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1337:< nolasagne> #pol says on thread page this channel is for Politics 1337:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1337:< surelyucantbserious> Thursday? 1337:< spoon_collector> why the fuck have i strayed in this chatroom since friday 1337:< kippit> #pol Yes. Let's talk 1338:< nolasagne> #pol Like world politics or SoKUku politics? 1338:< surelyucantbserious> Glory? 1338:< spoon_collector> STAYED 1338:**** Stranger8374 voted to INCREASE 1338:< tenoclockrobot> soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijddrThloMeInThkiMrgecaThGhBidoClemThagMrLeNotmroasDi9_Avgc42grnoRaGtCadhOnSn 1338:< likenessaltered> @spoon colletcot: Hahahaaaaaassaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1338:**** sotricious #pol likes the way nolasagne thinks 1338:**** neeph is not a number 1338:< kippit> #pol No specific realm. I think it's just world politicis 1338:**** slaaphub voted to ABANDON 1338:**** slaaphub voted to CONTINUE 1338:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1339:< TxDieselKid> we keep shrinking 1339:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1339:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1339:< kippit> #pol I feel old because I have no idea what that it 1339:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1339:**** Too_MuchWhiskey Good Morning Surelyucanbserious 1339:< kippit> #pol is* 1339:< tenoclockrobot> Goldfinger 1340:< nolasagne> #pol in ccande, they have a :gov channel, they are dicussing what to do after the big merge 1340:**** Clouded_Hue voted to INCREASE 1340:< sotricious> #pol that's great 1340:< nolasagne> #pol they have a Constitution 1341:< nolasagne> #pol https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit#heading=h.4vhuktcbh0et 1341:< kippit> #pol that's actually pretty cool 1341:< surosregime> CRT CRT CRT CRTC RCTCRCTCTC 1342:< surosregime> %CRT CRT CRT 1342:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1342:< nolasagne> #pol I think so too! 1342:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1342:**** Too_MuchWhiskey /r/goldlittlefinger 1342:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to CONTINUE 1342:< djcocainegoat> %chat rip them and share them with us yaahoe 1342:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to INCREASE 1343:< stikko> % we should have a T13 in a couple hours 1343:< sotricious> #pol yeah it is! 1343:< Wulfay> God, Positrons need to turn his damn bot off. There is another group to merge with, and they continue to rise 1343:< nolasagne> #pol Disclosure: My alt'\s over there. I wondered if soKuku had seen the constitution yet. Nobody knew 1343:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1343:**** surelyucantbserious GLF network has started to show some activity again eh? 1343:< tenoclockrobot> wtf 1344:< nolasagne> #pol So they appointed me 'Ambassador" lol 1344:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1344:< Mrtheninja> Wait is Andreaplanbee still here? 1344:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1344:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1344:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1344:< lost_penguin> !nl dfgdfg http://test.com 1344:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 1344:< mofosyne> #pol yo 1344:< nolasagne> #pol So this is who is coming. They are pretty chill but organized 1344:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1345:< mofosyne> #pol whats the link? 1345:< tenoclockrobot> wtf 1345:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1345:**** Too_MuchWhiskey LOL I dunno. I saw the trivia bot mention Goldfinger and threw that out there to make the masses curious :D 1345:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1345:< theBelvidere> baccus 1345:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1345:< nolasagne> #pol there is a discussion going on right now about #Stay at 17 (which may be irrelevant imo) 1345:**** neeph is still here 1345:< mofosyne> #pol ah I see 1345:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1345:< nolasagne> #pol https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit#heading=h.4vhuktcbh0et 1346:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1346:**** ande_ voted to CONTINUE 1346:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1346:< Djinneral> #pol im not a big fan of staying to be honest 1346:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1346:< mofosyne> #pol if you press stay and we end up merging, what happens? 1346:< nolasagne> #pol I don't think there will be enough time to grow again, but, I'm for waiting and seeing until the 7th 1347:< nolasagne> #pol we merge 1347:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1347:< nolasagne> #pol you come along you don't get kicked 1347:**** autogeass voted to CONTINUE 1347:< andreaplanbee> test 1348:< zani1903> #pol You only get kicked if you abandoned or didn't vote at all, stayers get brought along, thats how we have so many stayers still here 1348:< FriendlyYak> #pol constitution, programmers, lawers, politicans, bots, programmers, philosophers.. robin ftw 1348:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1348:< FriendlyYak> #pol also scripts 1349:< k4g3> <3 Hello? 1349:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1349:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1349:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1349:< nolasagne> #pol this is a great experiment. beats the button by a long shot 1349:< sotricious> #pol I, again, propose to find a way to monetize the thing > 1 USD per month from each user X (let's say) 5000 users > 1349:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1349:< nolasagne> #pol lol 1349:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1349:< sotricious> #pol > in 5000 days each user gets to get 5K! 1350:< lost_penguin> !nl sdfsdf http 1350:< FoldingSpace> % for history? 1350:< lost_penguin> !nl fghf http://www.google.com 1350:< sotricious> #pol i am NOT a mathematician 1350:< FriendlyYak> #pol sotricious maybe we can give it to you so we can live in peace? :P 1350:< badcomposer> <3 hello test 123 1350:< FriendlyYak> #pol i won't miss 1€/$ 1350:< FoldingSpace> % 1350:< sotricious> #pol sorry am I bothering you FriendlyYak? 1350:< FriendlyYak> #pol sotricious no not really :D 1350:< lost_penguin> !nl dfdgdfg http://www.google.com 1350:< sotricious> #pol ws not my purpose 1351:< Stjerneklar> #pol eloo ello ello, whats all this then? 1351:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to CONTINUE 1351:< Djinneral> #pol yeah but who gets the first 5k though? 1351:**** autogeass voted to INCREASE 1352:< FriendlyYak> #pol maybe it should be me. just... proves a point, i think! 1352:< nolasagne> #pol Audubon Society. 1352:< sotricious> #pol random always 1352:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1352:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1352:**** TotallyNotBoolean voted to INCREASE 1353:< MobiusCoffee> + Mara! 1353:< one-in-world> % chat grills!! 1353:< pfumbi> * /r/probprog 1353:< dashed> boop kApPa 1353:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1353:< dashed> sandbox kApPa 1354:**** TotallyNotBoolean voted to CONTINUE 1354:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1354:< dashed> sandbox kApPa 1354:**** zzevannn voted to INCREASE 1354:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1354:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1354:< dashed> sandbox test 1355:< DadoMcT> PEAMAN 1355:< dashed> sandbox rofl kApPa kApPa 1355:< dashed> boop hello? 1355:< dashed> boop kappa 1356:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1356:< dashed> sandbox ? 1357:< A3L92> $ dallas 1357:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1357:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1358:< caecias> So they've added Robin to the main sidebar? 1358:< dashed> sandbox kApPa 1358:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1359:< paperstargirl> % yeah the cascade has started, part of me wants to abandon this room to help build the wave 1359:< phobiac> Man all these stay votes 1359:< gutcrusherr> do we think ccandeShle room will catch up? 1359:< phobiac> We can easily surpass kufi 1359:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1359:< phobiac> Why stay? 1359:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1400:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1400:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1400:< Templar3lf> :reverse:this 1400:< surelyucantbserious> !cv stay 1400:**** haykam821 voted to CONTINUE 1401:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1401:< PENGUINSflyGOOD> Kappa 1402:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1403:< AleksThePotato> % # Hello? I haven't been checking chat much the past 2 days, can someone bring me up to speed with whatever # and "pol" and "rpg" is? 1403:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1403:< phobiac> % AleksThePotato other chat channels, like modulo 1404:**** Mopolo voted to CONTINUE 1404:< phobiac> % AleksThePotato some people are using another script that splits things up for them into channels 1404:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1404:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1404:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1404:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1404:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 1405:**** rs10rs10 voted to CONTINUE 1405:**** superraiden voted to INCREASE 1405:**** squishykid_ voted to INCREASE 1405:**** superraiden voted to CONTINUE 1405:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1405:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1406:**** squishykid_ voted to CONTINUE 1406:**** deek_neeples voted to CONTINUE 1406:< theBelvidere> grateful dead 1406:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1407:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1407:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can sleep 1407:< JoeAbunga> http://webmshare.com/R56XN 1407:**** DwightHowardSucks voted to INCREASE 1407:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1407:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1407:< mofosyne> :gov checking to see if this is alive 1407:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 1407:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 1408:**** Mopolo voted to INCREASE 1408:**** deek_neeples voted to INCREASE 1408:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1409:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1409:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1409:**** wristytau voted to CONTINUE 1409:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1410:**** skeeto voted to CONTINUE 1410:**** TheAwer voted to INCREASE 1410:< TheAwer> %chat ETA to merge? 1411:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 1411:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 1411:< Kc2000> man, we are dropping like flies 1411:< TheAwer> %chat supasteve013 thanks 1411:< Kc2000> we were at 3018 12 hours ago 1411:**** TheAwer voted to INCREASE 1411:**** rs10rs10 voted to INCREASE 1411:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1412:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1413:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1414:< Jimneh> rpg went mad :D 1414:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 1414:< Gnauga-> silence is golden 1414:**** squishykid_ voted to CONTINUE 1414:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1414:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 1414:< Stu_Pidasso> so many filters... 1415:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 1415:**** neeph is not a number 1416:**** Alex2539 voted to INCREASE 1416:**** Alex2539 voted to CONTINUE 1416:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1416:**** squishykid_ voted to INCREASE 1417:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1417:< brzt6060> best os for htpc 2016??? 1418:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1419:**** llnk voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:19:18 2016 1419:**** neeph is still here 1419:< Sorrento110> Guys lets all play a 3,000 player game of D&D 1419:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1419:< pfumbi> * /r/probprog 1421:< mukka15> hello 1422:**** neeph is not a number 1423:< yoggi92> sweddit Test 1423:< Gtx780ti> Elect Gtx780ti 1423:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1424:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1424:< brzt6060> best os for htpc 2016??? 1424:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 1424:< Dandelion212> dad 1424:< brzt6060> best os for htpc 2016???best os for htpc 2016???best os for htpc 2016??? 1424:< Dandelion212> really trivia bot 1425:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1425:< Ro1t> ELECT BINIC 1425:< jayman419> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4dgkno/eli5_wtf_is_join_robin/ => http://nazar.so/6icmm 1425:< llnk> % I'm having problems with the channel filter on Robin Grow. Do i add "%", or "%chat" ? %chat doesn't seem to work. 1426:< jayman419> go upvote that if you can 1426:< Gnauga-> silence is golden 1426:**** Templar3lf testing 1426:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1427:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1427:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1428:< whateva0x29a> wt WutFace 1428:< whateva0x29a> wt PuppeyFace 1428:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1429:< whateva0x29a> wt KappaClaus KappaPride KappaRoss KappaWealth 1429:< whateva0x29a> wt BibleThump 1430:< whateva0x29a> wt DatSheffy 1430:< Sorrento110> thatwentBTE how do i start playing rpg? 1432:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1433:< Shoopdawoop9001> % hi 1433:< Sporter105> T17 OR BUST 1433:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1434:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:27 2016 1435:< The_Turbinator> % testing 1435:< The_Turbinator> % CANT SEE MY OWN POSTS 1435:< The_Turbinator> % testing 1435:< The_Turbinator> % CANT SEE MY OWn post 1436:**** neeph is still here 1436:< The_Turbinator> s 1436:< The_Turbinator> s 1436:< Wildiness> sweddit hej svejs 1436:< yoggi92> sweddit Tjena! 1436:< The_Turbinator> % s 1436:< The_Turbinator> % test 1437:< yoggi92> sweddit Glom inte satta pa unicode. 1437:< Wildiness> sweddit hur menar du? 1437:< yoggi92> sweddit Så kan vi skriva som vanligt :) 1437:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1437:< shtonkalot> bbb 1437:< yoggi92> sweddit Ser du mitt senaste meddelande? 1438:< robdob> VOTE TO STAY! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A STAY BOT IF YOU'D LIKE: https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4cymxq/automatic_stay_bot_no_spam => http://nazar.so/9uex9 1438:< Wildiness> sweddit tittade bort i en sekund, har inget filter, missade det 1438:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1439:< yoggi92> sweddit Ok, du kör inte med något skript eller? 1439:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1439:< QuackBlack> l 1439:< Mcbaldo> USA 1440:< Wildiness> sweddit jo klart som fan, kör en autovter på en raspberry pi, men har inte deltagit i diskusionen så har inte fixat filter 1440:< yoggi92> sweddit Aa ok, detta kör de flesta med https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1443:< MarzipanCraft> % damn we've lost 4 people 1443:< dashed> +wiki hi 1443:< whateva0x29a> +wiki hi :) 1443:< Sylvester_Scott> Just peeking in to see if this clusterfuct was still churning. It is. 1443:< yoggi92> sweddit Filter med tabbar och massa andra funktioner, riktigt imponerande faktiskt. 1443:< whateva0x29a> +wiki so the game is to go from one random wikipedia article to another just by clicking links on wikipedia 1443:< dashed> +wiki hey 1443:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1443:< dashed> +wiki ok 1444:< whateva0x29a> +wiki like let's try from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberdeen,_Maryland 1444:< marakiri> mofosyne who they gonna merge with 1444:< whateva0x29a> +wiki to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Conrad 1444:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1444:< marakiri> ok i cant see my own messages anymore 1444:< marakiri> can someone see this? 1444:< dashed> +wiki ohh 1444:< marakiri> or has the script failed or what? 1444:< dashed> +wiki i see 1445:< fakerachel> @marakiri yes i see it 1445:< marakiri> wolflambert I LOVE AIR 1445:< whateva0x29a> +wiki proof that you did it is takin a screenshot from your browser history between both links 1445:< ju1cy> lol 1445:< marakiri> fakerachel ok thanks... why cant i see them? 1445:< dashed> +wiki ok 1445:< whateva0x29a> +wiki ok lets go 1445:< dashed> +wiki ok 1446:< shoutfree> % it's hard to know because we have no data on how many newbies are entering new rooms 1446:< shoutfree> % there's only so much growth without fresh blood 1447:< Annon201> #💩 pileofpoop chan ftw 1447:< thatbarryguy> & Test 1448:< whateva0x29a> +wiki i did it 1448:< whateva0x29a> +wiki http://i.imgur.com/7gSGsHB.png 1448:< theBelvidere> face/off 1448:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1448:< dashed> +wiki aww :( 1449:< dashed> +wiki nice :) 1449:< whateva0x29a> +wiki but winner is who is fastest and uses least clicks 1449:< dashed> +wiki ah 1449:< likenessaltered> IS MERGER SOON? 1449:< whateva0x29a> +wiki so u can still try ;) 1449:< magictank> THIS IS STILL GOING???? 1449:< theBelvidere> geography 1449:< dashed> +wiki im still around winter olympics stuf 1449:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1449:< dashed> +wiki well.. you have less links than i do 1450:< dashed> +wiki xD 1450:< whateva0x29a> +wiki haha yeah, try using categories (at the end of each article) extremly helpfull 1450:< whateva0x29a> +wiki wanna try again? 1451:< dashed> +wiki i got distracted to code somthing in parrot 1451:< dashed> +wiki we need more people though 1451:< djcocainegoat> +wiki I'm down 1451:< whateva0x29a> +wiki nice, hi djcocainegoat :) 1451:< djcocainegoat> +wiki hey whateva0x29a 1452:< dashed> 😀 hi 1452:< dashed> 😀 boop 1452:< djcocainegoat> +wiki so the game is to go from one wiki page to another in least clicks? 1452:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1452:**** neeph is still here 1453:< whateva0x29a> +wiki yeah, you can find the last page i'll find the first 1453:< whateva0x29a> +wiki just use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random 1453:< whateva0x29a> +wiki and paste the result 1453:< djcocainegoat> +wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weinek_(crater) 1453:< whateva0x29a> +wiki ok from yours to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_for_Laughs 1453:< robdob> % Sorry, I misspoke. If every other top room merged they wouldn't be high enough to merge with ccandeShle to merge with us 1453:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1453:< whateva0x29a> +wiki and go 1454:< DiamondFluxify> .edia Mara? 1454:< robdob> % We'd have a tier 13 and us 1454:< whateva0x29a> +wiki so just to clarify yours is the first 1454:< robdob> % There aren't nearly as many users as the weekend. We will not hit 17. 1455:< SD7> rooms can only merge if the same teir right? it dont matter about user count? 1455:< sprremix> slime 1455:< SalZoRz> 😀 blaaaaaaam 1455:< djcocainegoat> +wiki yeah 1456:< sprremix> Positrons please die 1456:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1456:< robdob> % The top three rooms were all formed yesterday. There aren't enough people playing to hit our tier and merge. 1456:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1457:< whateva0x29a> +wiki got it 1457:< whateva0x29a> +wiki http://i.imgur.com/AO98b67.png 1457:< djcocainegoat> +wiki nice, show me 1457:< MarzipanCraft> % As long as it's under 4 days 1458:< djcocainegoat> +wiki got stuck in quebec 1458:< robdob> % Who else was in Kufikumu? 1458:< whateva0x29a> +wiki try using categories help alot 1458:< Wildiness> sweddit hei igen 1458:< crywook> % o/ me 1458:< whateva0x29a> +wiki wanna go again? 1458:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1459:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1459:< yoggi92> sweddit Tjena! 1459:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1459:< djcocainegoat> +wiki yeah i went into the wrong canada 1459:< robdob> % We will never reach valhalla. No matter what. 1459:< djcocainegoat> +wiki sure 1500:< djcocainegoat> +wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Tamil_Nadu => http://nazar.so/5qyfv 1500:< whateva0x29a> +wiki ok from yours to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Gordon 1501:< crywook> % yeah. Though im used to the waiting now comcidering i got here via PrictsGo 1501:< cthul_dude> % we're dropping like flies rip 1502:< robdob> % gjhgjh I am 1503:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1503:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1504:< AdamUndefined> $ six 1504:< MobiusCoffee> .edia DiamondFluxify Mara! Sla joob? 1506:< MobiusCoffee> .edia 1506:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I just updated 1506:< Chocowayne> % Oh shit, did the channels feature get updated? 1506:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1507:< whateva0x29a> +wiki did it: http://i.imgur.com/qy0JBd9.png 1507:< whateva0x29a> +wiki but not that good, used a lot of links 1507:< etray> +wiki what article are you going to reach 1507:< dashed> +wiki lolwow 1507:< Stjerneklar> test 1508:< whateva0x29a> +wiki etray from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weinek_(crater) to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_for_Laughs 1508:< whateva0x29a> +wiki no sorry that was the round before 1508:< etray> +wiki ok 1508:< whateva0x29a> +wiki from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chief_Ministers_of_Tamil_Nadu => http://nazar.so/9yx2x to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Gordon 1508:< djcocainegoat> +wiki that one was hard 1508:< djcocainegoat> +wiki i went afk for a bit 1508:< whateva0x29a> +wiki yeah 1508:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1508:< djcocainegoat> +wiki got stuck here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Members_of_the_Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom_for_Glasgow_constituencies => http://nazar.so/1ote7 1509:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Tun slari wenas swog? 1509:< PokemonGod777> %Tonight GMT or EST? 1509:< whateva0x29a> +wiki wow, its not in there 1509:< djcocainegoat> +wiki right! 1509:< whateva0x29a> +wiki that sucks 1509:< djcocainegoat> +wiki this is fun tho 1509:< djcocainegoat> +wiki you two choose the next one i'll brb 1510:< mofosyne> +wiki what is this channel about? 1512:< agaffchanted> test 1513:< theSurgeonOfDeath> reverse:moor_evael/ this is magic, wow 1513:< bananasquid> All we get for staying is a subreddit. But it already exists 1513:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki wiki 1513:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1513:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1514:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1514:< theSurgeonOfDeath> slash leave_room don't try it i dare you 1514:< thatbarryguy> OrangeredStilton: what's our flag? 1514:< jmo99> Ayyy fam 1514:< Dynamist> test 1517:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Maranee! Jid sas adowa fremian foog, aban sas swog! https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 1518:< etray> +wiki List of Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu, Chief Minister of Delhi, Independent (politician), Scottish Parliament general election, 2007 1518:< etray> +wiki Charles Gordon 1518:< etray> +wiki aand im out as I used this http://wikidistrict.com/ 1518:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1518:< ToomSan> PASS THE WEED 1519:< Leonichol> Eurasia 1520:< FriendlyYak> Sokukune can change 1522:< GlaDOS_Aperture> GIVE MERGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1522:< k4g3> :gov Hello? 1522:**** marakiri %chat Agrees with 1522:< k4g3> :gov Anybody here? 1523:< ande_> %twitch Kappa 1523:< grink> :gov $ nope 1523:< marakiri> #gov HELLO WORLD 1523:< k4g3> gov Hello? 1523:< Sir-Rhino> #gov heyall 1523:< Superboy309> #gov Hello governing friendos 1523:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1523:< FriendlyYak> #gov hello future government 1524:< Sir-Rhino> #gov so lets talk constitution? 1524:< JustSomeRedditor> #gov wait what is this for? 1524:< k4g3> #gov hello? 1524:< MobiusCoffee> #gov So what happens when the future mods are all afk? 1524:< Sir-Rhino> #gov do we copy their constitution and edit it to our liking? 1524:< k4g3> #gov I'm not sure. 1524:< marakiri> #gov Lets just screw with theirs first lol 1524:< Sir-Rhino> #gov better make something ourselves yeah 1524:< Superboy309> #gov Sir-Rhino we need to elect first 1524:< marakiri> #gov wait brb 1524:< Sir-Rhino> #gov we can do that marakiri 1524:< k4g3> #gov I think presidents and the like aren't good for chats. 1524:< grink> gov ring ring 1524:< Sir-Rhino> #gov okay elect a president or a monarch? 1524:< Superboy309> #gov A fully open docs will be unbarable 1525:< JarnabyBones> #filmmaking anyone use after effects? I am stuck on something simple 1525:< Superboy309> #gov I say president 1525:< marakiri> #gov i think we shouldnt have a monarch 1525:< Sir-Rhino> #gov we need some editors, ill opt in 1525:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Let's elect a shaman 1525:< marakiri> #gov i say let it be a political system 1525:< Sir-Rhino> #gov shaman sounds fun xD 1525:< marakiri> #gov where all can be equal.. lets elect a civil servant 1525:< Superboy309> #gov Shaman. 1525:< Sir-Rhino> #gov we could have a parliament and ministers of different department 1525:< Superboy309> #gov We are electing a shaman 1525:< BossColo> #gov Rather than elect a leader, elect someone who we can all shit on. 1525:< marakiri> #gov Sir-Rhino agreed 1526:< marakiri> #gov also their flag has like red white and blue in it 1526:< marakiri> #gov puh-leez 1526:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I think shaman is winning the spirit of the chat 1526:< Sir-Rhino> #gov BossColo we can do both? jkjk 1526:< marakiri> #gov we cant have any color combination associated with any country 1526:< marakiri> #gov Shaman with sub-shamanistic committee boards? 1526:< xadrezo> #gov Easy: orangered, white and periwinkle 1526:< Sir-Rhino> #gov i also think we need a better flag, i like the japanese signs and the grow sign, but the bird doesnt fit 1526:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1526:< BossColo> #gov Wood color with clear polka dots. 1527:< Superboy309> #gov We should have one stayer and one grower as the leader 1527:< marakiri> #gov Im a stayer 1527:< Superboy309> #gov like, co leaders 1527:< Sir-Rhino> #gov who in here can photoshop a flag ? 1527:< Sir-Rhino> #gov lets make a couple and ote which one is best 1527:< Superboy309> #gov I won't be home for a while, so I can't make a flag atm 1527:< marakiri> #gov ok brb 1527:< keenguitar> #gov I'll try something 1527:< Worryaboutstuff> Need t 17 1527:< Sir-Rhino> #gov I can make something too, but id like to be more involved in the political side of things 1527:< marakiri> #gov Can i make a bot to inform people of the upcoming elections? 1528:< marakiri> #gov :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 1528:< marakiri> #gov or... bad idea? 1528:< Sir-Rhino> #gov make it, but wait with using it until we determine some baselines? 1528:< Sir-Rhino> #gov bad idea prolly too haha 1528:< Superboy309> #gov If anyone is making the flag, make it simple. 1528:< marakiri> #gov Sir-Rhino Agreed sire 1528:< keenguitar> #gov you guys want it serious or subtly meme-riddled 1528:< Sir-Rhino> #gov not sure, i can talke to ccande how they started out? 1528:< k4g3> #gov Something like Parpolity would be nice 1528:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1528:< marakiri> #gov i was there 1528:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1528:< Sir-Rhino> #gov serious, but very slightly memed sounds epic 1529:< k4g3> #gov http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/parpolity 1529:< marakiri> #gov it was basically a bunch of bots screaming ELECT SOANDSO 1529:< Sir-Rhino> #gov marakiri how did they start? 1529:< k4g3> #gov Though it could be a pain to set up. 1529:< marakiri> #gov some dank meme shit 1529:< marakiri> #gov and then someone made a google ddoc 1529:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1529:< marakiri> #gov and it just happened.. spur of hte moment kinds 1529:< Sir-Rhino> #gov okay 1529:< FriendlyYak> #gov i am still worried that marakiri is part of our government. remember the painful spam 1530:< marakiri> #gov FriendlyYak oh cmon 1530:< Sir-Rhino> #gov haha 1530:< FriendlyYak> #gov no i get it you like bots. you should make some info channel 1530:< Sir-Rhino> #gov previous crimes in the old anarchy have been forgiven by the ultimate elect 1530:< bloons3> Who did we merge with? 1530:< Superboy309> #gov the constitution has to have some sort of spam clause to bar bots and spammers from votes 1530:< FriendlyYak> #gov like, our own kind of news channel with bot--updates 1531:< marakiri> #gov HUZZAH 1531:< bloons3> WHO DID WE MERGE WITH?!!? 1531:< Sir-Rhino> #gov shall we vote on whos lead (temporary, to set things up?) 1531:< FriendlyYak> #gov that could be actually useful 1531:< marakiri> #gov everything with the permission of the senate 1531:< marakiri> #gov i have to go now.. laters brb soz carry on without me!!! 1531:< FriendlyYak> #gov we would also need basic information, but of course election stuff. if we ever have them 1531:< Sir-Rhino> #gov and a sub-lead group of sorts, like a senate or ministry cabinet 1532:< Superboy309> #gov I say at first, set up a google docs, with Rhino and I and we will expand from there 1532:< Superboy309> #gov marakiri left, but i would add them too 1532:< Sir-Rhino> #gov okay, if anyone else wants to help write? 1532:< FriendlyYak> #gov sry i need to eat. i might regret that opportunity. but i also regret a hungry GF 1533:< djcocainegoat> +wiki we playing? 1533:< idiosidiot> !stats 1533:< Sir-Rhino> #gov FriendlyYak your concerns are duly noted 1533:< DadoMcT> #gov let's take inspiration from Candleshire 1533:< Sir-Rhino> #gov Candleshire? 1533:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1533:< DadoMcT> #gov ccande 1534:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1534:< sabotourAssociate> % Wow we have lost a lot of weight. 1534:< Sir-Rhino> #gov ah 1534:< Superboy309> #gov Rhino, do you want to set up the doc, or shall I? 1534:< Sir-Rhino> #gov sure thing 1534:< Sir-Rhino> #gov what is our name? 1534:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1534:< Sir-Rhino> #gov constitution of...... ? 1534:< latinsonic> !Stats 1534:< Sir-Rhino> #gov im setting up now 1534:< BossColo> #gov Make sure you use a good voting system, so that we can avoid a two party catastrophe. 1534:< DadoMcT> #gov Sokuku aka peaman 1535:< Sir-Rhino> #gov BossColo agreed 1535:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Guys I make a motion for the official language to be Sabldiri 1535:< garrett53> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ WE WILL GROW BEFORE 8th 1535:< Superboy309> #gov okay, we are gonna need a dev to make a voting bot 1535:< xadrezo> #gov How about MMP or STV? 1535:< Sir-Rhino> #gov MobiusCoffee i won't mind that as a second language, but its too incomplete (and timeconstrained) to use primary 1535:< DadoMcT> #gov What's sabldiri? 1535:< Sir-Rhino> #gov and people dont know it 1535:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT language some people started making in a smaller chat. It's pretty cool 1535:< Khemikooligan> #s hello? 1536:< Link2006> %Chat Oh 1536:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sir-Rhino it'd be largely symbolic. Show off our culture and whatnot 1536:< Sir-Rhino> #gov MobiusCoffee i like it! 1536:< Sir-Rhino> #gov but our name then? 1536:< keenguitar> #gov What do you think of this flag? http://imgur.com/zlMFtpG 1536:< xadrezo> #gov Sir-Rhino I've watched them all and I'd say either MMP or STV 1536:< Kc2000> # i like how a minority is taking it upon themselves to represent a majority by imposing a set of unenforceable rules 1536:< MobiusCoffee> #gov DadoMcT https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 1537:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sir-Rhino I imagine our name will be Sokukuneli 1537:< DadoMcT> #gov What's the CGP Grey video called? 1537:< Sir-Rhino> #gov keenguitar pretty rad, maybe you can add in some symbolic stuff and make it a little more simplistic? 1537:< Superboy309> #gov we really don't hav a good name based on your chat name 1537:< Sir-Rhino> #gov DadoMct dont know, its a series of videos 1537:< FriendlyYak> #gov oh god, ccande wants to rig elections. listen to ^ 1537:< Link2006> % robin-grow has tabs too 1537:< MobiusCoffee> #gov You could make a joke off of "suckas" with our name 1537:< FriendlyYak> #gov disturbing news 1537:< xadrezo> #gov The series is called Politics in the Animal Kingdom 1537:< DadoMcT> #gov Sir-Rhino Found it, thanks 1537:< Sir-Rhino> #gov Their own? 1538:< HitNRun_> Trust no links while at work 1538:< Chartis> #gov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo 1538:< Sir-Rhino> #gov FriendlyYak what election do they want to rig? 1538:< Khemikooligan> #s !scrabble 1538:< wont_remeber_pass> K 1538:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1539:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1539:< zeruel01> :V 1539:< Khemikooligan> #s !scrabble 1539:< Xovius> % Anyone have the link to the topic with the list of all the big chats? 1539:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Sir-Rhino the only one that matters. Grow or STay 1539:< wont_remeber_pass> K 1539:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara! 1539:< Sir-Rhino> #gov MobiusCoffee oh yeah i saw that, not gonna work 1539:< DadoMcT> #gov The Candle constitution looks cool 1539:**** MobiusCoffee ^ tries as well 1539:< Khemikooligan> #s !scrabble 1540:< Superboy309> #gov Parrot needs to update manually, so it won't happen 1540:< Sir-Rhino> #gov https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dAOt1edOGsqjc9crbMlEA8qG2H-Ob0E-Zmv5rd5b3rQ/edit?usp=sharing => http://nazar.so/18fv 1540:< Sir-Rhino> #gov Superboy, your email? send pm if you want 1540:< Superboy309> #gov sending a pm, hold on 1541:**** pyroshroom #rpg #rpg test 1541:< Superboy309> #gov Sir-Rhino Sent the PM 1541:**** pyroshroom #rpg testing again 1542:< Sir-Rhino> #gov got it 1542:< ixc7> .edia mara! 1542:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara! sla joob? 1543:< MobiusCoffee> #gov Is there a subreddit associated with sokugov talk? 1543:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ixc7 sa sla swag? 1543:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1543:< Sir-Rhino> #gov MobiusCoffee Make one, good idea 1544:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *slari 1544:< Sir-Rhino> #gov call it SokukuGov or something 1544:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1544:< Chartis> #gov reddit.com/r/soku can be used for gove talk, it's mine and almost unused. 1545:< MobiusCoffee> #gov https://www.reddit.com/r/SokukuGov/ 1545:< MobiusCoffee> #gov ah whoops, read too late. I'll make you and Sir-Rhino mods though 1545:< albogaster> % fuck, someone come write my essays for me 1545:< ixc7> .edia ses 1546:< ixc7> .edia po fremian treepa 1546:< Superboy309> #gov It won't work Rhino too many are gonna get pruned 1546:< Khemikooligan> #s !scrabble 1546:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1547:< MobiusCoffee> .edia joob! 1547:< ixc7> .edia ip kal NEGATIVES :D 1547:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ip rana tupis :D 1547:< DadoMcT> #gov are we using r/soku or r/SokukuGov? 1547:< Sir-Rhino> #gov pruned? 1547:< MobiusCoffee> .edia pa kala gup plem "bat" 1548:< loulan> #gov HELLO 1548:< loulan> #gov I WANT TO BE THE PRIME MINISTER, I HAVE ACCOUNTS IN PANAMA 1548:< Superboy309> #gov Sir-Rhino, all the afks are gonna get purged and there isn't going to be enough non bots 1548:< DadoMcT> #gov are we using r/soku or r/SokukuGov? 1548:< Chartis> Someone voted to Abandon. 1548:< MobiusCoffee> #gov well I mean. I'll say I can make you mod in the gov channel 1548:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1549:< xadrezo> #gov loulan *shaman 1549:**** MobiusCoffee #gov totally not bribing DadoMcT 1549:< loulan> #gov the leader is a shaman? 1549:< MobiusCoffee> #gov yes! 1549:< Superboy309> #gov ccande is going to be roughly 25% of the room when they merge, they won't have enough stayers 1549:< loulan> #gov i was a level 50 shaman in Dark Age of Camelot, an MMORPG so old that you kids probably have never heard of it, does that count 1549:< barnum> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/5rsmq 1549:< albogaster> testing, 1 2 1549:< Sir-Rhino> #gov are we a republic? suppose not with a shaman, then what are we? 1549:< Chartis> #gov reddit.com/r/soku please mods welcome, I'll hand it over. 1549:**** DadoMcT #gov totally not accepting bribe 1549:< OrangeredStilton> #gov Could've sworn we were anarchic 1550:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1550:< loulan> #gov this is reddit, we're probably socialists, worshipping bernie sanders 1550:< MobiusCoffee> #gov I a more serious note, I think r/soku should be more general and not just gov talk 1550:< OrangeredStilton> #gov Well, #pol was all Bern all the time earlier 1550:< Superboy309> #gov This is our only chance against the stay swarm that is ccande 1550:< ShanRoxAlot> Positrons can you shut up 1550:< DadoMcT> #gov We're fullcommunists 1550:< xadrezo> #gov sir-rhino I guess we can be a Shamanic Republic 1551:< Sir-Rhino> #gov ^ 1551:< MobiusCoffee> #gov but it's not that important 1551:< ixc7> .edia po bat kakiana kret treppa :D 1551:< Superboy309> #gov DadoMcT FULLCOMUNISTS* 1551:< c0bra51> about time people started using #subject for channels 1551:< DadoMcT> #gov We should be a democratic republic 1551:< jbdawinna> % holy shits, I almost dies 1551:< xadrezo> #gov or a shamanocracy i dunno 1551:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 1551:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 1551:< jbdawinna> % *died 1551:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Heta tun sa soja kret treppa! 1552:< ixc7> .edia po kala fremian 1552:< -My_Other_Account-> Hi Boss! :). Glad to see it is still alive in here. 1552:< jbdawinna> % My computer decided to do updates last night and when I woke up it was at the boot screen 1552:< pixzleone> % rip 1552:< chuckfinleLP1> Great Britain 1552:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :D 1553:< MobiusCoffee> .edia krem sla joob! 1553:< BudTheSlug> Good times 1553:< -My_Other_Account-> True, Boss. :) I'm going AFK for now. Take care! 1553:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 1553:< jbdawinna> % O shit guys whats happening 1553:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1554:< Apottzy> Link to leadeeboards? 1554:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1555:< jbdawinna> % I trust you The_PurpleCat 1556:< Lagkalori> %Chat test 1557:< ixc7> .edia ip verdatslino frem kret treepa ner duoligno 1557:< Lagkalori> %Chat hmm but I cannot see you :O 1557:< jbdawinna> % whats the robingrapher 1557:< ixc7> .edia duolingo* 1558:< FatherDerp> %Chat I can see you 1558:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 1558:< ixc7> .edia verdatslino = should ? right 1558:< Internal1> $ paris 1558:< FatherDerp> %Chat Buuut, I can also see "%Chat" 1558:< MobiusCoffee> .edia verdat slino = should (in the future) 1558:< ixc7> .edia so it's almost correct :D 1558:< MobiusCoffee> .edia or even more broken down "should be (in the future) 1558:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1559:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, it was fine, just add a space :D 1600:< Lagkalori> % Stjerneklar first of all, I don't get the %Chat button at the top. How can I change it to %chat? 1601:< Lagkalori> % Stjerneklar How can I change the %Chat button on the top to %chat? 1602:< AlwaysTalkingShit> % hello 1603:< pandandap> We've dropped below 3000 1603:< AlwaysTalkingShit> % hey guys 1603:< rakki9999112> #pol anyone here? 1603:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1604:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ah ses 1604:< Stjerneklar> #pol yes 1604:< Lagkalori> % Ok i put them in the settings 1604:< ixc7> .edia https://translate.google.com/?hl=&ie=UTF-8&text=&sl=es&tl=en#auto/en/slina => http://nazar.so/1ddv1 1605:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1605:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Krem sla lorm? 1605:< A3L92> $ laos 1605:< barnum> hese small hairy creatures resemble a cross between a goblin and a child's fuzzy play bear. 1607:< ixc7> .edia ah there is no slina it becomes sla, i've just read it 1607:< ixc7> .edia I didnt see the spreadsheet had like 10 pages :D 1608:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 1608:< wolf2600> 13 1608:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1609:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah, I tried to keep the first page as useful as possible without having to much on it 1609:< TheAngryArgonaut> # Just so you know you dont have tov keep your browser open 1609:< TheAngryArgonaut> # check "Remember Me" and thats it 1610:< rakki9999112> #memes anybody still here from earlier? 1610:< FatherDerp> %Chat has %chat died??? 1610:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1610:< ixc7> .edia who thought of making that an irregular verb, im impressed :D 1610:< rakki9999112> #memes anyone here still? 1610:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1611:< CWTyger> It's like everyone else gave up. 1611:< FatherDerp> % Phew, things are back to normal 1612:< MobiusCoffee> .edia It was before I ever got invovled. I like it too though. Gives it some spice 1613:< bradyblair20> Penis/ hello 1613:< bradyblair20> p helloi 1613:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1613:< ixc7> .edia but slina means slobber or saliva in most slavic lanuages :D 1614:< bradyblair20> Penis/ hello 1615:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haha 1615:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1615:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1616:< svlad> Fatherderp check your capitalization 1617:< sotricious> % KUK FLAG http://imgur.com/zbB92IY (looks like the LBGT flag though..) 1617:< jbdawinna> % meh 1618:**** SHIFTnSPACE % 1618:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1620:< preggit> Guess who's back...back again... 1622:< GlaDOS_Aperture> % Kappa 1623:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1624:**** sotricious ^ understands some of these words 1624:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1624:**** Broodoobob ^ wonders if /me is a thing 1625:**** Stjerneklar %chat go face 1625:**** Stjerneklar %chat loves the devs who made this work 1625:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1626:**** svlad ^ neat 1626:< OneiricNeuron> taylor swift 1627:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1627:**** keenguitar #gov that's legit 1628:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1629:< MarzipanCraft> %Chat I think so 1629:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1630:< oswald_the_mini> grow or die 1630:< oswald_the_mini> ELECT ElectionBot 1630:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1631:< wid_o> n 1632:< marakiri> #s hey 1632:**** sotricious #gov still don't understands how we got to shamanism. Did I miss the 'shroom soup? 1632:< marakiri> #s !scrabble 1633:< TurboNarwhal> %Chat My internet went out for 12 hours, I was getting worried about if a merge would happen while I didn't have a connection. 1633:< Andrew_Mendoza> What is the license fee, and monthly maintenance cost of this Parrot? I'll see if I can get budgeting approval by tomorrow. 1633:< aleatoric> if another group merges with ccandeShle we will be prime for another merge, just have to StAY FAITH 1633:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1634:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1634:**** MobiusCoffee #gov thumbs up 1635:< TurboNarwhal> % I am very glad it came back when it did, I am about to have to go to work 1635:< peacecorn> % Anyone from the old YaNini around? 1635:< Wiiplay123> :C 1635:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1636:< TurboNarwhal> % With how close all the chats are to getting t17, I dont know wht anyone would stay, we have a few days still. 1636:< spitzrun> tally 1637:< TurboNarwhal> % test, am I still here? 1637:< peacecorn> % i see you 1638:< DadoMcT> .edia are you the sabldiri speakers? 1638:< sableluke> anybody still here? 1638:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Ses! 1638:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1639:< DadoMcT> .edia how did you make such a complicated language in so little time? 1639:< MobiusCoffee> .edia It was already pretty much made by the time I found it 1639:< jasona99> ELECT ElectionBot 1639:**** MobiusCoffee #gov thumbs up 1640:< ntrefil> chat% has anyone figured out mobile scripts yet? 1640:< zinnzo> ELECT peacecorn 1641:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1642:< callado> %Chat hi 1643:< TurboNarwhal> % Is anyone excited about Doom next month? 1643:< callado> % good morning llllllllllladies 1643:< TurboNarwhal> test 1643:< figgycity50> woo 1643:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1644:< breloomz> kek 1644:< TurboNarwhal> % Is anyone excited about Doom next month, the multiplayer looks fun. 1646:< marakiri> VOTE TALLY: 1646:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1646:< breloomz> chian /s 1646:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1646:< marakiri> VOTE TALLY: 1647:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1648:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1649:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1649:< Leonichol> andes 1650:< Leonichol> ¬¬ 1650:< ShareDVI> %mh hey 1651:< ShareDVI> %mh MOOSE HUNTERS GET UP 1651:< ShareDVI> %mh (sorry I had to) 1652:< Leonichol> boogiss 1652:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1653:< Relevant_Anal_Cunt> Sage 1653:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1654:< Ignatius256> % any eta on roughly the next time we could merge 1654:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1654:< jayman419> % The ccande sub said the cascade might start around 11 pm EST, but that's just an optimistic guesstimate. 1656:< shokk> wiggly wiggly woo 1656:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1656:< DoctorThackery> % & hey 1656:< 90q> %yup 1657:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1657:< ToomSan> T17 or bust 1657:< ToomSan> A Hat 1657:< ToomSan> Ball 1658:< aythrea> % probably not. 1658:< kungfoomasta> merge will happen probably tomorrow 1658:< aythrea> % 747 heretical stayers. 1658:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1659:< aythrea> %Chat Probably not. 747 heretical stayers need to be purged. 1659:< furlonium> %Chat 748 1700:< lythandas> yoo 1701:< Huygens> poop 1702:< btgarner> @Huygens : why ? 1702:< hero0fwar> % http://i.imgur.com/IdD1Vt7.gif 1703:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1706:< dashed> #pol Was thinking of collecting user info as well - last seen time in user lidWas thinking of collecting user info as well - last 1706:< jayman419> #pol What's to collect? You can look at the page source and see everyone who is in the room. 1706:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1706:< dashed> #pol im testing 1707:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1707:< IBelieveAllTheThings> $ ante meridiem 1707:< btgarner> if you filter out all the corner talkers, its nto too bad in here 1708:< Hlug2340> ELECT nigglet 1708:< truthwillcome> its gonna be a bust 1708:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1708:**** MobiusCoffee #gov hides his offshore accounts in Panama 1709:**** Sir-Rhino #gov voted to ban MobiusCoffee 1709:< NorseFenrir> % Well this is weird. I think we can legitimately use the non-channel chat now. 1709:**** keenguitar #gov poked MobiusCoffee 1709:< HitNRun_> too bad there is no way to mute people 1710:**** MobiusCoffee #gov is poked by keenguitar 1710:< an_audible_smile> # does someone actually have a text rpg script here? 1710:< chancrescolex> HitNRun_ there is with the robin grow script 1710:< chancrescolex> You can click on someones name to mute them 1710:< trigg> testestest 1710:< NorseFenrir> % Huh. I guess I'm filtering my own messages, as I can't see them. 1710:< TheSpoom> % what's reddit? 1710:< trigg> NorseFenrir, I had that last night. 1711:< trigg> Couldn't see anything I posted 1711:**** MobiusCoffee #gov puts on Phil Collins "I Can Feel It In The Air Tonight" 1711:< sugarplumcow> % %chat peacecorn I'm out for a bit ... catch you another time! Stay cool. 1711:< ShareDVI> & is this dead? 1711:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1712:< btgarner> you kind of need to use that, as all the folks who have %char, etc in front of their messages, they cannot see yours 1712:< btgarner> so you might as well silence them 1712:< btgarner> all of those 1713:< btgarner> there are others, quell them as they show up 1713:< xBytez> can't believe this is still alive. 1713:< TheSpoom> % hmm, the new robin-grow has a channel listing at the top, but doesn't show %chat in %chat, only in all 1713:< TheSpoom> % also i can't see my own lines 1713:< theBelvidere> RA 1713:< xBytez> heya 1713:< xBytez> % right 1713:< TheSpoom> % are they making it through? can you read this? 1713:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1714:< btgarner> we are holding out for T17 1714:< xBytez> % TheSpoom: Yeah 1714:< theBelvidere> africa 1714:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1714:< theBelvidere> asia 1715:< an_audible_smile> & pretty much 1715:< theBelvidere> road runner 1715:< an_audible_smile> & go to % or ^ 1715:< mehefin> % So, any news? 1715:< TheSpoom> %Chat test 1715:< gynter> % faggits, faggits everywhere 1715:< TheSpoom> %Chat hmm 1715:< an_audible_smile> % not robin grow anymore 1715:< callado> % i think i gonna die 1716:< an_audible_smile> % called parrot 1716:< TheSpoom> %Chat only works from the %chat tab, but it doesn't put any other messages there 1716:< hypnoseal> ELECT hypnoseal 1716:< an_audible_smile> % https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/robin-grow/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/2saat 1717:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1717:< TehEpicSaudiGuy> we finally merged? 1717:< jayman419> nope, not yet. 1717:< Sadnot> & So dead. :D 1717:< an_audible_smile> * anyone here? 1718:< SmurfyX> * yup 1718:< an_audible_smile> > anyone here? 1718:< Sadnot> & Still the best chat. 1718:< an_audible_smile> < anyone here? 1718:< kmcgurty1> < i am bb 1718:< an_audible_smile> + anyone here? 1718:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1719:< MrSemiFunny> How long we been in here? 1719:< an_audible_smile> ? anyone here? 1719:< NorseFenrir> % Oh. 1719:< NorseFenrir> % So it's just fear mongering really. 1719:< an_audible_smile> ~ anyone here? 1721:< an_audible_smile> # rpg test 1721:< an_audible_smile> # I did 1721:< callado> % gggg 1721:< an_audible_smile> # rpg I did* 1721:< callado> % hey if you can read this please say hello 1722:< callado> %Chat test 1722:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1722:< callado> % e 1722:< AdamUndefined> $ your mom 1722:< callado> % e 1722:< callado> % ooooo 1722:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1723:< callado> e 1723:< pedro_fartinez> hows everyone doing today? 1723:< callado> hi 1723:< btgarner> @pedro_fartinez - not bad, for a tuesday full of meetings 1723:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1725:< preggit> There's going to be too many afk for our merge tomorrow I bet 1725:< callado> %Chat hi 1727:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1727:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1727:**** keenguitar %chat decide the future governor of this room: http://strawpoll.me/7288062/ Read the candidate's promises and beliefs! 1728:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1729:< wayetender> peaman/ sup 1729:< one-in-world> % chat yeah! 1730:< OneRedSent> we dropped under 3000 1730:< OneRedSent> Too_MuchWhiskey still here/ 1731:< OneRedSent> ELECT Too_MuchWhiskey 1731:< 90q> %i dont think their pentium III's could handle this server load forever. 1731:< Rasmus> Don't mind me, just a non-channel message passing through 1731:< OneRedSent> Hi Rasmus 1732:< OneRedSent> lol Bonoahx 1732:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1732:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1732:< thatbarryguy> *Test 1733:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1733:< figgycity50> woot 1733:< Grizzly_Storm> % 1734:< brandvegn> sub 3k now. 1735:< callado> % gay 1736:< callado> % eeeeeee 1736:< callado> e 1736:< callado> hey 1736:< strobonic> % trigg that happened to everyone 1736:< callado> % e 1736:< ToomSan> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% XDDD 1737:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1737:< GiveMeABreak25> % TheMadStork I can find out, hang on 1737:< ryanvango> # !loot 1737:**** Sir-Rhino #gov [robin] voting will end soon 1738:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1738:< Curly-Mo> sandmac has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 1738:< ryanvango> # !commands 1738:< callado> % thereis 1738:< ryanvango> # hmmm im trying to type commands and they're not showing up 1738:< callado> % test 1738:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1739:< ryanvango> # theree i am! 1739:< ryanvango> # nope, not that time 1739:< callado> % hi 1739:< ryanvango> # what about this one. can you see this one? 1740:< ryanvango> # link to latest robingrow? 1740:< hero0fwar> % does this work? 1741:< aleatoric> Hand over your Panama Papers, Please 1741:< callado> l 1741:**** sotricious #gov can't wait for the rebels to arise 1741:< callado> if you can read this say hi 1741:< sketchii> hiii XD 1742:< callado> % why dont u like the font? 1742:< PokemonGod777> % T 17 or bust 1742:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1743:< callado> rrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1743:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1743:< callado> % hi guyss 1743:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1744:< Major_Baker> . 1744:< callado> % jk 1744:< lurkian> % ay lmao 1744:< callado> % jk 1744:< callado> %Chat ko 1745:< callado> % l 1745:< callado> hhh 1746:< callado> % hi 1746:< callado> % can you read me? 1746:< cthul_dude> % oh no 1747:< Sorbetfraise> . 1747:< cthul_dude> % can anyone see me? My messages aren't showing up 1747:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1747:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1747:< callado> if you can read this please say 321 1747:< trigg> % testest 1747:< Sco7689> 321 1747:< callado> thank you 1748:< trigg> % shit 1748:< dbenc> i'm still here! 1748:< callado> %% eeeeee 1748:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1749:< Curly-Mo> thahamer has been in the past 5 rooms with me. 1749:< embracetehmartian> % http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1751:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1751:< Smartstocks> Take the bots away :( 1751:< lurkian> % cthul_dude yellow and clear 1751:< svlad> %parrot test 1751:< roobarb_pie> %parrot there's a new chat group? 1752:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1752:< lurkian> % it's a script that forked from robin-grow 1752:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1752:< Curly-Mo> Roboteck has voted STAY 8 times. 1752:< lurkian> % it's wicked cool 1752:< hero0fwar> %Hqg %hqg - test 1752:< dashed> %Chat lajiggyjarjardoo ah this is what u were doing? 1753:< turing_inequivalent> %hqg hello 1753:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1753:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1753:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1754:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1754:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1755:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1755:< Jeroen52> reverse: test 1755:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1756:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1756:< SoftSandalwood> Still live? 1756:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1756:< dashed> %parrot howdy 1757:< dashed> %parrot how did u find this? 1757:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren 1757:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1757:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1757:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1758:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1758:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1758:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1759:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1759:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1759:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1759:< wid_o> hj 1759:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1759:< _vvvv_> %parrot ayy 1759:< _vvvv_> %parrot I love the parrot icon too in the button 1800:< svlad> %parrot I found it by looking at the changelog 1800:< svlad> %parrot err 1800:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1800:< dashed> %parrot i made %parrot the default so others can share channel listings or w.e 1800:< svlad> %parrot err changes 1800:< dashed> %parrot svlad :) u know js? 1800:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1800:< svlad> %parrot a bit 1801:< svlad> %parrot just mostly very hacky shit, but enough to get by 1801:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1801:< callado> l 1801:< dashed> %parrot good enough for us 1801:< an_audible_smile> %parrot anyone here? 1801:< svlad> %parrot nope 1801:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1801:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara! 1801:< an_audible_smile> %parrot wut still broken like in #rpg 1802:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1802:< svlad> %parrot What's broken? 1802:< x20mike07x> .edia oh you guys are still alive? 1802:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1802:< an_audible_smile> % I have to type in %parrot and read in % 1802:< an_audible_smile> %parrot I have to type in %parrot and read in % 1802:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1802:< svlad> % test 1802:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah! 1802:< lurkian> % hi svlad 1803:< an_audible_smile> % anyone here know how to code? 1803:< lurkian> % saw the last test loud and clear 1803:< svlad> %parrot hmm, % works fine for me 1803:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1803:< DadoMcT> .edia Mara! Po fremian sabldiri. 1803:< pandersson97> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1803:< lordxeon> everyone's still here?! 1803:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1803:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1803:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Krem sla foog joob! 1803:< svlad> % danke 1803:< an_audible_smile> %parrot % works fine but %parrot doesn't show in %parrot channel 1803:< lurkian> % %parrot is gonna show up in the % group chat too 1803:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1803:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1803:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1804:< svlad> %parrot should work 1804:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1804:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1804:< svlad> %parrot hm 1804:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1805:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1805:**** WythDryden #rpg waves at Barnum 1805:< svlad> ^ test 1805:< DadoMcT> .edia Po gup sabldiri reference 1805:< ToomSan> Man, this is getting kinda boring 1805:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1806:< DadoMcT> .edia Po bat ab joob 1806:< dashed> %parrot u need to add %parrot in channel filters 1806:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1806:**** WythDryden #rpg Points at thatwentBTE and then points at the Young White Dragon. More specifically the B-Hole. You know what to do. 1806:< Templar3lf> Test 1806:< callado> % hi 1806:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sa ab joob! :D 1806:< svlad> %parrot it is in my filters 1806:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1806:< callado> % why i cant send messages? 1806:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1806:< svlad> % you are sending messages 1807:< scarwizard> SeExZa anyone here 1807:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1807:< scarwizard> SeExZa I've been afk for a while just checking back to see the situation 1807:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1807:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1808:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1808:< Templar3lf> test 1808:< ixc7> %parrot %parrot works fine for me in parrot, hi dashed :D 1808:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1808:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1808:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1809:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1809:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1810:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1810:< kiledos> it's gonna take a long time before we merge with other room: https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1810:< Templar3lf> Huh 1810:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1811:< Templar3lf> Ahah, I fixed that :D 1811:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1811:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1811:< dashed> %parrot ixc7 howdy :D 1811:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1812:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1812:< ixc7> %parrot i have a problem, I'm not gonna be around for the next merge 1812:< ixc7> %parrot and I can't leave my pc on 1812:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1812:< VXeonix> % IBelieveAllTheThings have I seen you before? 1813:< pandersson97> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1813:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1813:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1813:< un6952db> %parrot when will the next merge happen anyway? 1813:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1813:< IBelieveAllTheThings> VXeonix I don't know, could be 1814:< IBelieveAllTheThings> SeExZa? 1814:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1814:< ixc7> %parrot in around 6-12 hrs by some estimations 1814:< ror6y> p yes 1814:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1814:< What-the-curtains> .edia I feel like I've missed all the good development of sabldiri 1815:< ry4> % I don't either. 1815:< ror6y> p hey 1815:< ixc7> .edia 1815:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1815:< MobiusCoffee> .edia there's a lot more left :D 1815:< ixc7> .edia woops, I was here from T11 and merged to T12 edia :D 1815:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1816:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1816:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ip kala soj sok sabldiri swog 1816:< Decalance> # sup yall 1816:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1816:< What-the-curtains> .edia I was there at the beginning but then kinda missed everything 1816:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1816:< IBelieveAllTheThings> meltir my alt started yesterday afternoon and got to ccande it got dropped and got to fiTosmDo1_ today 1817:< What-the-curtains> .edia Does anyone know where the google doc is? 1817:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah 1817:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1817:< ixc7> .edia ses https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s => http://nazar.so/1um74 1817:< MobiusCoffee> .edia https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9OdOaKMYlg6zeTeiax63Q7qbFiGQ5OjRTVKjJNfg0s/edit#gid=0 => http://nazar.so/2l5i7 1817:< ixc7> .edia ^ beat you to it :D 1817:< What-the-curtains> .edia Thanks 1817:< MobiusCoffee> .edia poshka 1817:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1818:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1818:< pandersson97> lol 1818:< MXMLOQ> i'm chatting 1818:< Merzbro> MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 1818:< What-the-curtains> .edia Snala 1818:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1818:< pandersson97> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 1818:< Decalance> # barnum where is robin-rpg 1818:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1818:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1818:< bendigedigdyl> pauldrons are shoulders 1819:< ixc7> .edia lorthi frem thag 1819:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1819:< preggit> %hqg where the gif lovers / makers at? 1819:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1819:**** neeph is still here 1819:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Kunelit 1820:< MobiusCoffee> .edia foooooooooooog kunelit 1820:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1820:< mesosa> % hello 1820:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1820:< HitNRun_> ELECT HitNRun_ 1821:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1821:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1821:< billyliberty> ELECT HitNRun_ 1821:< 90q> %Metal Slug is a great series. 1821:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1821:< an_audible_smile> %parrot nothing shows in %parrot for me 1821:< 90q> %Anyone here have a Neo Geo Arcade with Metal Slug? 1821:< _vvvv_> %parrot Ayy 1821:< hero0fwar> %Hqg all of them left 1822:< _vvvv_> %parrot Testing 1822:< hero0fwar> %Hqg icomebaringgifs was here 1822:< HitNRun_> we may merge, there are up n comers 1822:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1822:< an_audible_smile> %parrot should I view the log to see what's happening? 1822:< ande_> %twitch test FeelsGoodMan 1822:< elphabaisfae> % the auto tracker is often a tier ahead. The manual updater is the one you want to go by. - i help edit the manual one 1822:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1822:< Decalance> # Djinneral what's up? 1822:< What-the-curtains> .edia Do verbs change for person? 1823:< cthul_dude> %parrot Yeah, what does this chat history thing do 1823:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1823:< MobiusCoffee> .edia No 1823:< an_audible_smile> % test 1823:< What-the-curtains> .edia oh right 1823:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1823:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1824:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1824:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1824:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1824:< _vvvv_> %parrot press up arrow 1825:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1825:< an_audible_smile> %parrot test 1825:< dashed> %parrot hi 1825:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1825:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1826:< an_audible_smile> %parrot test 1826:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1826:< ande_> %twitch FeelsBadMan test 1826:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1826:< un6952db> %parrot what exactly is this channel for? 1826:< ande_> %twitch kkona 1826:< ande_> %twitch KKona 1827:< jaredjeya> %parrot I guess it's probably just an example filter for the plugin 1827:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1827:< jaredjeya> %mh Where are all the MH at? 1827:< jbdawinna> % Is the merge actually about to happen???!!! 1827:< ry4> % What happens after T17? 1827:< ixc7> .edia there's no word for word "time" :D 1827:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1827:< ry4> % Is there anything after T17? 1827:< dashed> %parrot default filter 1828:< dashed> %parrot since everything but the filter is blocked 1828:< dashed> %parrot it's to block off spam during merges 1828:< jayman419> % Probably t18, but it wouldn't be very likely. Holding on to the top spot til the end might not be a bad idea though. 1828:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1828:< an_audible_smile> % Kappa 1828:< dashed> %parrot and for new users to begin understand the utility of parrot 1828:< magictank> pacific 1828:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1828:< ixc7> .edia i cant ask lorri clem time 1828:< an_audible_smile> % when did they take out FeelsBadMan 1828:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1829:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1829:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *lorth 1829:< MobiusCoffee> .edia or lor 1829:< ixc7> .edia ses 1829:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1829:< ixc7> .edia snala 1829:< -My_Other_Account-> 🍕🍌 is coming 1829:< slickkog> % this shit is dead 1830:< slickkog> is this ever gonna merge 1830:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1830:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sla banorag 1830:< _JebediahKerman> %parrot dashed did you make the plugin? 1830:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1830:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1830:< dashed> %parrot no 1830:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ixc7 what do you think would be a good word for time? 1830:< slickkog> fuck socialism 1831:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1831:< dashed> %parrot it was a robin-grow fork made by _vvvv_, and we added features based on feedback on this chatroom 1831:< ixc7> .edia Sreme 1831:< dashed> %parrot intended to scale well with larger rooms 1831:< ande_> %twitch test FeelsGoodMan 1831:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1831:< MobiusCoffee> .edia alright that's it 1831:< ixc7> .edia lor clem sreme 1832:< dashed> %parrot a lot of features are added by other users 1832:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 1832:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1832:< ixc7> .edia joob :) 1832:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I don't know if "how long" should be directly calqued from English though 1832:< -My_Other_Account-> 🍕🍌 1832:< theBelvidere> red sea 1832:< MobiusCoffee> .edia maybe more like "how much time" 1832:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1832:< ixc7> .edia but there is no much/many 1833:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah clem does work for that 1833:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we'll just have clem mean both long/much/many 1833:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1833:< _JebediahKerman> %parrot Well thanks to the whole team (including you) then :) 1833:< Babumts> # mau5 1833:< wiggie2gone> I have no idea how long I have been in this chat 1833:< abourne> ELECT abourne 1833:< ixc7> .edia yeah 1833:< pfumbi> * /r/probprog 1833:< wiggie2gone> I have had this script going since Friday 1833:< ande_> %twitch test FeelsGoodMan 1833:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1834:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1834:< ande_> %twitch test FeelsBadMan 1834:< ande_> %twitch FeelsGoodMan 1834:< ande_> %twitch KKona 1834:< ixc7> %parrot dashed is there any chance of parrot leaking memory? 1834:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1834:< ande_> %twitch LUL 1835:< dashed> %parrot ixc7 unsure.. i hope not 1835:< ande_> %twitch SourPls 1835:< abourne> ELECT abourne 1835:< dashed> %parrot ixc7 i removed the 3 msg spam removal 1835:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1835:< dashed> %parrot since that was the obvious memory leak 1835:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1835:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1835:< ande_> %twitch feelsgoodman 1835:< ixc7> %parrot youre scaring me, I'll run a vm on the server with chrome running and this tab. I'll have to name it testing don't close and lock it 1836:< ande_> %twitch lul 1836:< ixc7> %parrot hopefully nobody realises I'm using it for reddit robin :D 1836:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1836:< latinsonic> !stats 1836:**** neeph is still here 1836:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1837:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1837:< NeckT0p> % chat Tuvior goodluck steve 1837:< sirin3> chat tabs? 1837:< abourne> Okay, I'm chill 1837:< sirin3> where did you get chat tabs from? 1837:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1837:< slickkog> % today is my birthday :) 1838:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1838:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1838:< slickkog> % ty 1838:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1838:< dashed> %parrot looooooool 1838:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1839:< EmeraldIbis> &chat damn, 44 hours later we're still going... 1839:< dashed> %parrot that's what the clear chat is fore ;) 1839:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1839:< Decalance> # i use my runestar ring to mercy kill the salad 1839:< slickkog> why are the channels broken? 1839:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1839:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1839:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1840:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1840:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1840:< lythandas> %parrot so i guess here are only people using parrot 1840:< lythandas> %parrot we're not much apparently 1840:< dashed> %parrot nope 1841:< dashed> %parrot this is like tech support 1841:< cthul_dude> %parrot It's the cool kids club 1841:< lythandas> %parrot tech support for robin 1841:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1841:< slickkog> % I didn't do anything new but after the update the channels are fucked 1841:< mythriz> %parrot aha neat 1841:< dashed> %parrot call it what u want :) 1841:< cthul_dude> %parrot Cool, how does the chat history thing work? 1841:< dashed> %parrot press up 1841:< ixc7> %parrot tomorrow on tifu... 1841:< amaklp> #pol Wha will you vote reddit? 1841:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1841:< dashed> %parrot press up in the textbox 1841:< amaklp> #pol test 1841:< dashed> %parrot and then down 1841:< figgycity50> ohhh yeaahh 1841:< mythriz> %parrot niiiiice 1842:< cthul_dude> %parrot beautiful 1842:< lolmycat> Someone SERIOUSLY fucked up parrot update. Are they not doing testing before throwing updates out? 1842:< amaklp> #pol test 1842:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1842:< TheSpoom> % test 1842:< amaklp> #pol testing 1842:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1842:< mythriz> %parrot love how much time and effort people have spent on this temporary thing lol 1842:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1842:< Xsdfa> % /tally 1843:< SoftSandalwood> rope 1843:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1843:< lythandas> %parrot yeah right 1843:< SoftSandalwood> Is that a gel dildo, vox35? 1843:< SalZoRz> %parrot everything is temporary. 1843:< GriffinPrice> Rope 1843:< lythandas> %parrot it'll be down on 8 1843:< lythandas> %parrot on the 8 1843:< GriffinPrice> water 1843:< SoftSandalwood> water 1843:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1843:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1843:< Hug_The_NSA> % All I can breath is the Panama Papers meme guys. I literally am so high on this shit. So many people getting btfo. 1844:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1844:< vikingboy> % HeyGuys 1844:< SoftSandalwood> pedometer 1844:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1844:< svlad> %parrot 2.69 broke everything for me 1844:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1844:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1844:< grencez> % typical internet user lol 1845:< Memeinist> g 1845:< SoftSandalwood> Why are my correct answers not counting? I was the first answer that time. Did the filter change? 1845:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1845:< SoftSandalwood> % quinine 1845:< svlad> %parrot dashed actually, its probably a typo somewhere in 2.68, since 2.69 looks like it just changed the version number 1845:< SoftSandalwood> %quinine 1845:< Hug_The_NSA> % Panama papers are all I can think about though 1845:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1845:< SoftSandalwood> % quinine 1846:< Hug_The_NSA> % testing one two three 1846:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1846:**** pandersson97 %chat voted for HILLARY 1846:< cthul_dude> %parrot I hope someone's watching this and developing a permanent version of Robin with all these features and whatnot 1846:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1847:**** wayetender %chat voted for STUFF 1847:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1847:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino likes viewbots 1847:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Kreti diwe bat sla wenasis sok Subreddit ku sabldiri :( 1847:< Stjerneklar> #pol ello? 1847:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1847:< SlightlyBasic> Is the Robin icon gone from the front page now? 1847:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1847:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1847:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *kret 1847:< mtriper> %parrot anyone here 1847:< grencez> #test wtf 1848:< Hug_The_NSA> #Pol do dis werk? 1848:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1848:< spyhermit> #pol nobody's said anything in a long time in here 1848:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1848:< svlad> %parrot yes 1848:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino likes viewbots 1849:< drT18> %parrot I'm here too. 1849:< drT18> %parrot Just checking out which filters I should run 1849:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1849:< mtriper> %parrot 2.69 is broken in FF 1849:< mtriper> %parrot completely killed the script 1849:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1849:< ixc7> %parrot wait is 2.69 not working at all? 1850:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1850:< Reginald_Venture> hello? 1850:< drT18> Are there any other channels to watch? 1850:< FengaPappit> the script is broken in chromium after update wtf 1850:< _vvvv_> %parrot mtriper ixc7 try 2.70 I think bug is fixed. 1850:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1851:< surelyucantbserious> You guys want some cookies? 1851:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1851:< ixc7> %parrot there is no 2.70 1851:< DarkBlueSheep> T17 OR BUST 1851:< ixc7> %parrot I thought I was retarded and couldnt get parrot running on a vm :D 1851:< What-the-curtains> .edia Bok ran 74 'subscribers' 1851:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1851:< mtriper> %parrot THANKS Guys ... 1851:< svlad> %parrot ? 1851:< mtriper> %parrot yes there is a 2.70 1852:< abourne> ELECT abourne 1852:< mtriper> %parrot running it now 1852:< What-the-curtains> .edia Krat slin bat gorf 1852:< mtriper> %parrot refresh 1852:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1852:< mtriper> %parrot bug fixed 1852:< ixc7> %parrot from github/5a1t/parrot? 1852:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1852:< mtriper> %parrot yes 1852:< _vvvv_> %parrot ixc7 takes a minute for github to show sometimes 1852:< prince_polka> ELECT Grakiao 1852:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:01 2016 1853:< ixc7> %parrot im hittin ctrl+f5 but its still 2.69 1853:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sla joob! :D 1853:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1853:< abourne> ELECT abourne 1853:< ixc7> %parrot ah here it is 1853:< mtriper> %parrot Hope you guys dont mind me screaming here every time something breaks ... 1853:< _vvvv_> %parrot :) 1853:< micubit> %parrot oh boy this all looks fucked up 1853:**** neeph is still here 1853:< _vvvv_> %parrot No, scream away. 1853:< _vvvv_> %parrot what's up micubit? 1853:< mtriper> %parrot I'm a debugger :) 1853:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1853:< What-the-curtains> .edia Ses! 1853:< _vvvv_> %parrot are you on 2.70? New new newest? 1853:< OrangeredStilton> This is a test 1853:< OrangeredStilton> ‮This is a test 1853:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1854:< ixc7> %parrot 2.70 seems good 1854:< MobiusCoffee> .edia heta kret diwe bat sla gub :( 1854:< micubit> %parrot when I have robin on EVERYONE's messages save for mine is displayed only as unicode boxes 1854:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1854:< ixc7> %parrot im running it on a vm that I need to put on a server so I dont get booted when im not here 1854:< micubit> %parrot however I can copy them and paste them and THEN read them 1854:< MobiusCoffee> .edia gup* 1854:< Multiwagon> + cwfloyd hello 1854:< ande_> %twitch test 1854:< Ringbearer31> Sounds like prince_polka is insecure about the size/shape of his genitals. 1854:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1854:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:40 2016 1855:< OrangeredStilton> This is a test also 1855:< OrangeredStilton> This is a test also‮ 1855:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1855:< micubit> %parrot and everything fixed itself after 5 refreshes. 1855:< micubit> %parrot computers... 1856:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1856:< ixc7> %parrot I think that even though I have the filter by channels i still receive everything on the system, is that normal _vvvv_ --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:43 2016 1856:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1856:< What-the-curtains> .edia Bok ba sreme abano 1856:< FengaPappit> expected merge : tomorrow 11am GMT 1856:< What-the-curtains> .edia Wait is there a passive voice? 1857:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1857:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1857:< FengaPappit> % test 1857:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1858:< ixc7> .edia 1858:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1858:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL hup hup holland 1858:< mythriz> %parrot ixc7 yeah that's normal 1858:< aygoman> /command 1858:< FengaPappit> % expected merge : tomorrow 11am GMT, be prepared 1858:< ixc7> %parrot that wasnt in the previous version 1858:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1858:< mythriz> %parrot there's a filter by channel option, but apparently it was buggy, don't know if it's fixed yet 1858:< dashed> %parrot ixc7 u need to turn on filter by channel 1858:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1858:< ixc7> %parrot it is on 1859:< mythriz> %parrot maybe it broke then lol 1859:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not really 1859:< Sir-Rhino> ! heeuui 1859:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1859:< ixc7> %parrot yeah i think its broken now 1859:< FengaPappit> % you must be LOW ENERGY 1859:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1859:< MobiusCoffee> .edia If you want to use passive voice I'd suggest using "we" to put it in active 1859:< dashed> %parrot i dont get #rpg entries 1859:< MobiusCoffee> .edia feets the spirit of things and all 1900:< dashed> %parrot my filters: ^, %Chat,penis/,$, +wiki,%parrot 1900:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1900:< powerlanguages> ☃ here is my channel filter 1900:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1901:< What-the-curtains> .edia Yeah 1901:< powerlanguages> ☃ tes 1901:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1902:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1902:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1902:< abourne> ELECT abourne 1902:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1903:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1903:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Po bok kakiane plemis ku sa. Sa adowe soj lorm "bok ba sreme abano"? 1903:< IBelieveAllTheThings> test 1903:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1903:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1904:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1904:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1905:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1905:< shadowX9000> % chat soooo, we are still going (I didn't check for a whole day) 1905:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1906:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1906:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1906:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1907:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Hello world 1907:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1907:< lumineox> !nl hoihoi 1907:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1907:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1907:< pron4u> % /leave_room 1908:< pron4u> % 1908:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1908:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1908:< GriffinPrice> Mother Teresa 1908:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1909:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1909:< dashed> %parrot InflatablePooJabber howdy 1909:< Cainio101> yo what happened to the discord 1909:< amaklp> %parrot hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there? 1909:< amaklp> +wiki hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there? 1909:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Yes 1909:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1909:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki ses! 1909:**** neeph is not a number 1910:< flex0> Holy shit! How is this still going? 1910:**** neeph is still here 1910:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1910:< amaklp> +wiki My tab "%parrot" isn't updateing :( it's empty :( 1910:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1910:< touyajp> % uhh now nice 1910:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Do you think we'll merge before Reddit shuts down Robin? 1910:< touyajp> % 1910:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1910:< touyajp> % hmmhmmmm 1911:< touyajp> % adjsad 1911:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1911:< touyajp> % why can't i talk for fucks sake. 1911:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1911:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki oh no no one is talking right now 1911:< dashed> %parrot idk :S 1911:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki an odd silence 1911:< flex0> I just bough a bunch of cabbage 1911:< touyajp> % grrrr 1911:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1911:< flex0> coincidentally 1911:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1911:< IbaFoo> % touyajp I see your messages. 1912:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Hmmm 1912:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1912:< reaper_13> % whats the ETA on the merge? 1912:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1912:< AviN456> %parrot wot 1913:< reaper_13> # whats the ETA on the merge? 1913:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1913:< svlad> %parrot amaklp 1913:< ixc7> %parrot we will merge in less than 12 hours 1913:**** neeph is not a number 1913:< YourBodyIsFrail> % the chat disapear for anyone else? 1913:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1913:< IbaFoo> % it did for me earlier, YourBody. 1913:< YourBodyIsFrail> who don't run a filter? 1913:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1914:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1914:< YourBodyIsFrail> who don't use filter inhere? 1914:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot ^Idk 1914:< AviN456> %parrot parrot updates: v2.71 for those that care, has opt-in statistics tracking for https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1914:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1915:< amaklp> %parrot test 1915:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot How do you use the mainchat again? 1915:< amaklp> %parrot test 1915:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1915:< svlad> %parrot add a trailing comma to your filter list should do it 1915:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1915:< svlad> %parrot InflatablePooJabber 1915:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1915:< HookahComputer> Austria 1916:< KingShiggidy> how do i set a channel? 1916:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1916:< sabotourAssociate> what is up 1916:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1916:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot Ok, thanks, that did it 1916:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1917:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1917:< YourBodyIsFrail> % i think we still need another 24 hour befor merge 1917:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1917:< Fentiin> stay you idiots 1918:< figgycity50> hello 1918:< dashed> %parrot InflatablePooJabber that hack is no longer needed 1918:< theBelvidere> eye 1918:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1918:< dashed> %parrot InflatablePooJabber just use "Filter by channels" checkbox 1918:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot test 1918:< IbaFoo> #gov I have a preamble: Four score and seven hours ago, our Admins set forth on this site, a new... (nation? forum?) 1918:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1918:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1919:< amaklp> %parrot test 1919:< AviN456> % test 1919:< AviN456> %parrot test 1919:< ixc7> %parrot test 1919:< amaklp> % testing 1919:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1919:< YourBodyIsFrail> % . 1919:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1919:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1920:**** neeph is not a number 1920:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1920:< IbaFoo> @ .help 1920:< Worryaboutstuff> Voting has been ending soon since 2 days ago 1920:< amaklp> +wiki is this active? 1920:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1920:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1920:< amaklp> # is this active? 1920:< I_Am_Fisk> ireland 1921:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1921:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1921:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki no 1921:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1922:< KuronekoFan> I;m HEE 1922:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1922:< amaklp> +wiki 1922:< amaklp> +wiki kek 1922:< amaklp> # i guess not 1922:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1923:< YourBodyIsFrail> % so you've been her for 34 hours? 1923:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1923:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara 1923:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1923:< MobiusCoffee> +wiki join .edia for more fun :D 1923:< Sorbetfraise> { 1923:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara! 1923:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1924:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1924:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So what have I missed since yesterday? 1924:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sa slari joob? 1924:< ixc7> .edia joob wasi, norro :D 1924:< jeuv> !nl hallo jongens 1924:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1924:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Norro 1924:< MobiusCoffee> .edia norro! 1925:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Heeey 1925:< YourBodyIsFrail> % Robin remind me of pre facebook, when chating with random people was so popular 1925:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not much, more people are active here but no action in the subreddit 1925:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Po sla joob, sa slari? 1925:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Lange dag zeg 1925:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1925:< jeuv> seexza wow someone in the seexza channel 1925:< lumineox> !nl nu pas klaar met werken 1925:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Yuup 1925:< MobiusCoffee> .edia bat gorf 1925:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1925:< lumineox> !nl ja behoorlijk lange dag dan 1925:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL standaard :P 1925:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1926:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1926:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1926:< MobiusCoffee> .edia kret diwe bat sla clem wenasis sok Subreddit ku sabldiri :( 1926:< callado> % both 1926:< lumineox> !nl je hebt volgensmij wel langer dan 8 uur gewerkt 1926:< UnacceptableUse> % im here 1926:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1926:< UnacceptableUse> % is this in all chat? 1926:< callado> % hh 1927:**** neeph is still here 1927:< callado> % jhhjh+iiiiii 1927:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1927:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ip kala flamble memes 1927:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL 10 uur 1927:< YourBodyIsFrail> % i didn't get the rgp chatroom 1927:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1927:< lumineox> !nl dat zijn dan best wel lange werkdagen 1928:< YourBodyIsFrail> k 1928:< MobiusCoffee> .edia kram sla 1928:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Heb je he 1928:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1928:< svlad> SalZoRz you probably had an activity timeout 1928:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Als je hoger op de ranglijst staat krijg je langere dagen ;P 1928:< UnacceptableUse> test 1928:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL k heb tarthim gevonden trouwens!! 1928:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1928:< svlad> test 1928:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1928:< svlad> test 1928:< lumineox> !nl ben jij wierdly_Savage? 1929:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1929:< lumineox> !nl hahaha 1929:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ja joh 1929:< lumineox> !nl dacht ik al,maar wist het niet zeker 1929:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1930:< KnobodyImportant> Every time I check this, I am constantly surprised that it's still here. I used to grow forever... Now I only stay 1930:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jij bent die andere gozer in de chat dan? :P 1930:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1930:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL oh 1930:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Rup, po iane cad, ip rana ekplem ner tup ika tup: "tupis", heta bok ika bok slari rup "tupis" ap "bokis"? 1930:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1930:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1931:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1931:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1931:< SpatulaCat> meow 1931:< SpatulaCat> # $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ meeeeeew 1931:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1932:< ande_> %twitch FeelsBadMan 1932:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1932:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1933:< Extraxyz> When is the big merge cascade expected? 1933:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1933:< Extraxyz> Is it safe to sleep for 12 hours 1933:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1933:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL ben jij tegen iemand in een andere channel aan't chatten? 1933:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Po rup iane cad krem. Po bat ranian! Bokis ner noragis ika tupis ner wenasis? 1933:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ikke? 1933:**** Liquid-Fire panics 1934:< MobiusCoffee> .edia *raniana 1934:< AlwaysTalkingShit> % do i have to be here when the chats merge when i already voted grow? 1934:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL yup 1934:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Ja 1934:< Fagbutt6969> STAY YOU FUCKING NIGGERS 1934:< Extraxyz> ! Jooo 1934:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1934:< WheresMyCurtain> oh :D 1934:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL oh :D 1934:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Hoezo? :P 1934:< thatbarryguy> * haha 1934:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1934:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL ik dacht dat er iets mis was bij mij 1935:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Nee hoor! ik ben gewoon een beetje moe 1935:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL en ik niet alle channel berichten te zien kreeg 1935:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1935:< robrago> #pol hi 1935:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik was tegen lumi aan t praten, maar we zitten half in ccande 1935:< robrago> #pol how are ou 1935:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1935:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1935:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ses, krem sla joob ner po :D 1935:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Krom, kram vedrat slin joob. 1936:< blue_flycatcher> .edia *vedrata 1936:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1936:< lumineox> !nl ja wij hebben alebij een alt daar,maar ik wist haar naam niet 1936:< robrago> #pol hi 1936:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL en.. ik zijn naam niet.. ook al was die behoorlijk obvious.. 1936:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1936:< lumineox> !nl deextralumineox 1937:< lumineox> !nl best duidelijk toch :P 1937:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1937:< drT18> Any cool channels here to follow? 1937:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ben niet meer helemaal wakker 1937:< silver_anth> hi 1937:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1937:< blue_flycatcher> .edia brb 1937:< MobiusCoffee> .edia krom 1938:< YourBodyIsFrail> % the merge to T17 will 100% happen the issue if after the merge there woul not be enogh people active to vote 1938:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1938:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1938:< prince_polka> this guy is so toxic, he viewbots and spreads aids, he is responsible for all the robingrow spambots https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino 1938:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1938:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1939:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL test 1939:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1939:< lumineox> !nl test werkt 1939:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1939:< LTOtv> #gov hashtags are the best 1939:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL hoera! 1939:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Po kala aban ner wasinoxiide (dinner). Norro ner tun. 1940:< LTOtv> #gov hashtags for chat channels are the best. 1940:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL mijn scriptje was nog case-sensitive 1940:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1940:< Uricorn> %clearly stay is our only reasonable option. growing is not dependant on us anymore. The only path we can still choose ourselves is stay. 1940:< lumineox> !nl welk script gebruik je 1940:< MobiusCoffee> .edia wasinoxiide! 1940:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL zelf iets geschreven 1940:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1940:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL lol nice 1940:< MobiusCoffee> .edia po d'awa kram 1940:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL dus geen robin-grow voor jou? 1940:< Uricorn> %hear hear 1941:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ka norro pu semes :D 1941:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL nope 1941:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1941:< Uricorn> %wot 1941:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL ik wou initiëel meerdere channels tegelijk zien maar in andere kleuren 1941:< lumineox> !nl wel vet dat je zelf iets kan schrijven 1941:< The_PurpleCat> % if you stay you're layme 1941:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1941:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL :) 1941:< lumineox> !nl kan als je robin parrot neemt 1941:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL oh nice 1942:< The_PurpleCat> % if you stay you're layme 1942:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1942:< lumineox> !nl met verschilende kleurtjes, super handig 1942:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1943:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1943:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 1943:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1943:**** neeph is still here 1943:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1944:**** WythDryden #rpg applauds RvDarklord 1944:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1944:< robrago> + o hello 1944:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1945:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1945:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1945:< YourBodyIsFrail> % m 1946:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1946:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1946:< amaklp> % test 1947:**** pandersson97 %chat HILLARY campaign coordinator checking in 1947:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1947:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 1947:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1947:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1948:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1948:< ExpertExpert> corn corn corn corn corn corn /r/LegalCorn corn corn corn corn corn corn 1948:< touyajp> % wow, Robin created the highest new subreddits/d count in the history of reddit: http://redditmetrics.com/history 1948:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1948:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1949:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1949:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 1949:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 1949:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1950:**** meltir %chat slaps MobiusCoffee 1950:**** WythDryden #rpg cheers on RvDarklord 1950:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1950:**** pandersson97 %chat voted to ABANDON 1950:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1950:**** pandersson97 %chat voted to BAMBOOZLE 1951:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1951:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1952:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1952:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 1952:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1952:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1953:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1953:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1953:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1954:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1954:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1955:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1955:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1956:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1956:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1956:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 1957:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1957:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 1957:< pedro_fartinez> are we doing drug chat now? 1957:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1958:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 1958:**** dashed %chat has chosen to grow. 1958:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 1958:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 1959:< pfumbi> nan-o 1959:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 1959:< pfumbi> pinano 1959:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 1959:< SoftSandalwood> * Baby shark doot-doot, du-du-dah-doot ♫ 2000:< SoftSandalwood> Hm, is this thing on? 2000:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2000:**** neeph is still here 2000:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2001:< ry4> %Chat I can't believe Ohio didn't pass that legalization bill 2001:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2001:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2002:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2002:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2002:< lordxeon> look 2002:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2003:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2003:< What-the-curtains> .edia We should come up with some modal verbs 2003:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2003:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2003:**** neeph is not a number 2004:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2004:< slickkog> % in 12 minutes there will be two tier 10s to merge 2004:< sillibird> nice meme 2004:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we don't really need anything more than what's there 2004:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2005:< sillibird> nice meme 2005:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2005:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2005:< blue_flycatcher> .edia What about "might", or "may", or especially, "want"? 2006:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, just saw that 2006:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, then "might" or "may" 2006:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2006:< MobiusCoffee> .edia those all exist in some form or another 2006:< What-the-curtains> .edia Do we have might? 2006:< MobiusCoffee> .edia use "maybe" 2006:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2006:< What-the-curtains> .edia Fair enough 2006:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2007:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Po sojo vlen. I will maybe speak. 2007:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2007:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2007:< TheDragonOfTheWest99> when is next merge? 2007:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2007:< dashed> %parrot ping 2008:< agaffchanted> %parrot pong 2008:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2008:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Is the Grammar tab on the doc empty for you too? 2008:< MobiusCoffee> .edia no 2008:< What-the-curtains> .edia Nah its got stuff 2008:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2008:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sometimes google docs sucks though 2008:< tljohnson> % That sounds like what a bot would say. 2008:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2008:< What-the-curtains> .edia The grammar is actually really detailed 2009:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2009:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ah, now it loaded 2009:< Nerisai> Peepee 2009:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2009:< arocks124> Wow this is still going 2010:< Clickety_Click> .edia bleep bloop hello :) 2010:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I tried to make the tabs explain things and expand on the basics on the first page 2010:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only option 2010:< loulan> % this place is so kuku 2010:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2011:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2011:< EmeraldEnd> % When is merge? 2011:< What-the-curtains> .edia Clickety_Click Sa bat abane! 2011:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2011:< Clickety_Click> .edia I don't speak ... that language you guys made 2011:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2011:< EmeraldEnd> % hello? 2011:< Lanulus> % Merge is after another T15 forms 2012:< What-the-curtains> .edia (You didn't abandon [us]) 2012:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Fremian sa bok! 2012:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2012:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara, Clickety_Click 2012:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2012:< x20mike07x> .edia yea the language is too much 2012:< MobiusCoffee> .edia https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2012:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Are there many people here who don't speak any of it? 2012:< Clickety_Click> .edia haha, nah I am about, I have just been busy :) peeked in on and off all day, but haven't spoken :) 2012:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2012:< What-the-curtains> .edia I don't speak any of it, I just use the doc to translate 2013:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2013:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah it's pretty easy to follow along with the doc 2013:< Clickety_Click> .edia Mobius, you are still on my shitlist >.< 2013:< What-the-curtains> .edia I've got like the very basics but thats it 2013:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2013:< Clickety_Click> .edia :P 2013:< MobiusCoffee> .edia poshka 2013:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I don't think there exists any more than the very basics anyway 2013:< slickkog> % /count 2013:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2013:< What-the-curtains> .edia Well I don't know most of the vocab 2013:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2014:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I only know about half of it. 2014:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2014:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, some of the vocab builds on itself too, which makes it easier 2014:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2014:< What-the-curtains> .edia Yeah true 2015:< baseball44121> -randomity- ARE YOU STILL HEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ? 2015:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2015:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2016:< satire____> sweddit tjenis penis 2016:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2016:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2016:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2017:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2017:< Clickety_Click> .edia I got my 4 years of free reddit gold today. I am very happy <3 2017:**** neeph is still here 2017:< Clickety_Click> .edia did you guys? 2017:< MobiusCoffee> .edia how? 2017:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Cool, is that from Alien Blue? 2017:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2017:< touyajp> % test 2018:< jayman419> .edia Alien Blue gave them away. 2018:< Clickety_Click> .edia yea from Alien Blue. I didn't even pay for pro, I got it free as well. 2018:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2018:< MobiusCoffee> .edia what? 2018:**** MobiusCoffee .edia goes to find phone 2018:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2018:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2019:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I wish I had Alien Blue, have Android though. 2019:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2019:< What-the-curtains> .edia Yeah same here 2019:< Clickety_Click> .edia It's not on android? FOR ONCE BEING AN IPHONE USER GOES IN MY FAVOUR!!! 2019:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I have no idea where m yphone is 2019:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2019:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only option 2019:< What-the-curtains> .edia Reddit Is Fun doesn't give free gold... 2020:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2020:< Clickety_Click> .edia thats because Reddit doesn't own Reddit is Fun 2020:< What-the-curtains> .edia Yeah I know 2020:< What-the-curtains> .edia I heard they were planning on doing an official android app 2020:< Clickety_Click> .edia So I have 4 years of no ads and bullshit on their new app when it comes out. Noice. 2020:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2020:< 4d4> laifej 2020:< Clickety_Click> .edia New app hits app store on the 7th, I imagine the android one will be out then as well 2021:< What-the-curtains> .edia Ah nice 2021:< MobiusCoffee> .edia okay I have my phone, but I don't see any reddit gold? 2021:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2021:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2021:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2021:< Clickety_Click> .edia have you been on alien blue in the last month? 2021:< MobiusCoffee> .edia just wait for the new app to be "upvoted the app" 2021:< Clickety_Click> .edia and is it updated to the latest version? 2021:< MobiusCoffee> .edia no idea if it's the latest version 2021:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2021:< Clickety_Click> .edia update it if it isnt. You might have missed it though 2022:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2022:< Clickety_Click> .edia I have waited like 3 weeks for this gold haha 2022:< hagbard-celine> test 2022:< hagbard-celine> test 2023:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2023:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2023:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I have no idea 2023:< Clickety_Click> .edia go to app store and check updates 2023:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah 2023:< Clickety_Click> .edia I will brb in 5, then can help more :) 2023:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia krom 2024:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2024:< Clickety_Click> .edia but basically, update, open app, if you get a popup about gold then you win 2024:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sweet 2024:< Clickety_Click> .edia brb <3 2024:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2024:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I finally end this madness 2025:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2025:< Uricorn> %0 people 2025:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2025:< MobiusCoffee> .edia no updates in app store so I guess I'm updated 2025:< -randomity-> .edia Did I make it? :P 2026:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara! 2026:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2026:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2026:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sa slari joob? 2026:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only good choice 2026:< StellaQuartaDecima> I love root beer. 2026:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2026:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 2027:< MobiusCoffee> .edia -randomity- did you get the free gold from alien blue? 2027:< MegaZeus101> #pol Hello? 2027:< Clickety_Click> .edia ok so open the app, if there a popup? if not go to the front page, is there something at the top? if not you missed out :( 2027:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2027:< ExpertExpert> sfd 2027:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2027:< Clickety_Click> .edia ok actually brb for realz this time <3 brb peasants! :P 2027:< drewiepoodle> might be another day til we merge 2027:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2027:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2027:< SirCabbage> #pol Hey. 2027:< ExpertExpert> corn 2028:< -randomity-> .edia MobiusCoffee I didn't get any free gold? 2028:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2028:< ExpertExpert> # corn 2028:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only good choice 2028:< MobiusCoffee> .edia nothing there :( 2028:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2028:< MobiusCoffee> .edia apparently you could get 4 years free reddit gold just for using alien blue 2028:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2028:< MegaZeus101> #pol Oh 2028:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2028:< MegaZeus101> #pol Mostly dead? 2029:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2029:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 2029:< TopicallyDifferent> #pol Kind of sort of 2029:< wickedthiswaycums> % .edia not for you using but for buying AlienBlue Pro because they are abandoning it and replacing it 2029:< TopicallyDifferent> .edia What is this chat about? 2029:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2029:< wickedthiswaycums> .edia not for you using but for buying AlienBlue Pro because they are abandoning it and replacing it 2029:< MegaZeus101> #pol I believe I'm going to log it as that; it's unfortunate. 2029:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 2030:< What-the-curtains> .edia TopicallyDifferent originally about our made-up language (r/sabldiri), now just a general convo 2030:< Lanulus> [robin] "/penis" is not a command 2030:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2030:< -randomity-> .edia I didn't use/buy AlienBlue 2030:< MobiusCoffee> .edia https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2030:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 2030:< ExpertExpert> corn is the best fruit of the sea 2030:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2030:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 2030:< MobiusCoffee> .edia aban sas swag! 2030:< wickedthiswaycums> .edia then you dont get gold, those that did got a banner in their app to get the gold 2030:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2031:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2031:< wickedthiswaycums> .edia that offer is over anyways, you missed it 2031:< MobiusCoffee> .edia man 2031:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I use that phone only to reddit to 2031:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's my "morning toilet reddit" iphone 2031:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2032:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2032:< -randomity-> .edia Hahahaha I reddit until I fall asleep phone in hand every single night XD 2032:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I fall asleep to twitch streams these days 2032:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2033:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I used to be a youtube sleeper, but twitch doesn't end like a youtube video 2033:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2033:< lordxeon> Huh 2033:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I finally end this madness 2033:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2033:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2033:< -randomity-> .edia Smart! Keeping your brain awake even though you're not even clocking in lol 2033:< SirCabbage> #pol unfortunately, there was a lot of chat here last night apparently just after it started for a few hours 2033:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2033:< dsty292> ELECT nigglet 2034:**** neeph is not a number 2034:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haha 2034:**** turcois voted to ABANDON 2034:< SirCabbage> #pol I am hoping it picks up when the primary results come in 2034:< orangitu> % https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4di8so/the_case_for_voting_stay_at_tier_17/ => http://nazar.so/y9oj 2034:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2034:**** neeph is still here 2034:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2034:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2035:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Who came up with the -sok thing? 2035:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2035:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that was me 2035:< prince_polka> SalZ0rz 2035:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Okay, I'll add it to etymology. 2035:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2035:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2035:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I had thought of something else, but thought that was easier (I also thought it was a cute way to think about it :D ) 2035:< -randomity-> .edia I must have a gander at this subreddit thing then :D See what the craic is 2036:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2036:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the best option 2036:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2036:< blue_flycatcher> .edia We're now one of only four active subreddits for the room :D 2037:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2037:< -randomity-> .edia And I'm like, exceptionally late heh 2037:< hagbard-celine> t 2037:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2037:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Don't worry, most people who are active in it weren't in sabldiripo. 2038:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2038:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2038:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2038:< MobiusCoffee> .edia -randomity- you're Irish?! 2038:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only option 2038:< prince_polka> SalZ0rz see me? 2038:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2038:< prince_polka> + SalZ0rz 2038:< MobiusCoffee> .edia aww we're popular. Getting spambots 2038:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2039:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2039:< -randomity-> .edia Yeah, I'm Irish 2039:< -randomity-> .edia You too? 2039:< lythandas> loulan sale tafiole de merde 2039:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Spambots, what a bad thing/good sign. 2039:< wickedthiswaycums> .edia use parrot, its fantastic for spam https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/3u92y 2039:< prince_polka> SalZoRz 2039:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 2039:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2039:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and human spambots too 2039:< -randomity-> .edia You're Irish too? * 2040:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone finally end this madness 2040:< prince_polka> %parrot SalZ0rz 2040:< MobiusCoffee> .edia no, but I've been there a couple times 2040:< prince_polka> %Parrot SalZ0rz 2040:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2040:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I am though. 2040:< MobiusCoffee> .edia nice place good craic 2040:< InflatablePooJabber> %parrot There's nothing here, booo 2040:< prince_polka> SalZ0rz 2040:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2040:< chugga_fan> %this filter still used? 2041:< dashed> %parrot ? 2041:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2041:< chugga_fan> % legit is anyone using this filter? 2041:< -randomity-> .edia Oh sweet 2041:< svlad> % yes 2041:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2041:< -randomity-> .edia Where have you been? blue_flycatcher You're Irish? 2041:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, Galway. 2042:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2042:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2042:< -randomity-> .edia Oh. You're the first I've come across! Hah! I'm Waterford :) 2043:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2043:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'm American but I live in France and had family who wanted to visit Ireland so I went up as well 2043:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Finally, someone not from Dublin 2043:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2043:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 2043:< blue_flycatcher> .edia When did you go Mobius? 2043:< -randomity-> .edia Ah that's lovely! I hope we didn't make complete tits of ourselves lol 2043:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only option 2043:< DomerFrog> cleveland 2043:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Once in 2011 then again in 2013 2043:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2043:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 2043:< MobiusCoffee> .edia first time I flew Ryanair as well 2043:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2043:< -randomity-> .edia Oh...sorry about that LOL 2044:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2044:< MobiusCoffee> .edia second time was funny too because instead of travelling with my grandpa, dad, and uncle I had to travel with my cousins 2044:< MobiusCoffee> .edia so instead of having a rental car we had to take the bus everywehre around thecountry 2044:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2045:< MobiusCoffee> .edia One of the places we went was Achill and ther's only one bus per day 2045:< -randomity-> .edia Owwwwww that can't have been fun I imagine XD 2045:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can get to bed 2045:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2045:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we were so scared we would miss it 2045:< -randomity-> .edia We aren't the best with public services lol 2045:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2045:< MobiusCoffee> .edia better than the states :P 2045:< copart> % . 2046:< copart> % test 2046:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We crashed some high schooler party in Donegal as well 2046:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2046:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and one of the kids then went with us to Galway without having prepared anything 2046:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that was fun too 2046:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the best option 2046:< copart> % test 2046:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2047:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2047:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and by "we crashed" I mean "a bunch of drunk high schoolers came out of the woods and convinced us to go to some bar" 2047:< -randomity-> .edia Hahaha wow that actually sounds like great craic! :P How long were ye here that time? 2047:< MobiusCoffee> .edia like 15 days or something 2047:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2047:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2047:< -randomity-> .edia LOL OMG you guys are crazy for going with. And then being able to get into a bar with those kindsa kids is another thing hahahha 2047:< MobiusCoffee> .edia then the ol' Ryanair flight back to France 2047:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2048:< Sorbetfraise> Rare pepes 2048:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2048:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2048:< -randomity-> .edia Ah sure. You survived at least. More than could have been hoped for lol 2048:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I've used Eurolines more to travel, but kind of hard to get to Ireland by bus 2048:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2048:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2049:< Tuvior> % mmh 2049:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2049:< TeaBagTwat> £ DOOMGuy 2049:< MobiusCoffee> .edia in any case 2049:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Var är alla? 2049:< TeaBagTwat> £ Kappa 2049:< MobiusCoffee> .edia if you passed your Irish exams Sabldiri should be a breeze :P 2049:< I_Am_Batgirl> Stopping by to say hello! 2049:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2050:< -randomity-> .edia Yeah. Being an island nation kinda hinders that. But you can still drive, if ye were alright with the ferry. 2050:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only way we can sleep 2050:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2050:< -randomity-> .edia Ya know what, I'm actually gonna use that subreddit for my sleepy time tonight lol 2050:< Too_MuchWhiskey> Hello ! I_Am_Batgirl 2050:< I_Am_Batgirl> Hello again Too_Much, you're still here huh? 2050:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2050:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Have you guys seen the other language that they made? 2050:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha sla joob! 2051:< What-the-curtains> .edia What other language? 2051:< MobiusCoffee> .edia the one that xanoshilt linked? 2051:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah. 2051:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I woulnd't take it that seriously 2051:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2051:**** neeph is still here 2051:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that guy spends all day collecting conlangs on reddit. 2051:< Too_MuchWhiskey> I stuck it out this far. Might as well see it to the end :D 2051:< I_Am_Batgirl> Exactly! 2051:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Lol, okay. I didn't really think much of it either, but it looks funny. 2051:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2051:< lactha> ELECT nigglet 2051:< blue_flycatcher> .edia They actually went with using things like @ which people suggested for Sabldiri. 2052:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, did you see that one comment in in /r/conlangs as well? 2052:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2052:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I linked to /r/Sabldiri to try and build hype and all 2052:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2052:< What-the-curtains> .edia Someone tweeted about it 2052:< What-the-curtains> .edia https://twitter.com/RedditRobin/status/716740511730638848 => http://nazar.so/9rp7y 2052:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2053:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2053:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we're just getting all the bots now 2053:< -randomity-> .edia I gotta get off on my side guys! Good night and GL :D 2053:< MobiusCoffee> .edia -randomity- norro! 2053:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2053:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this will be our salvation 2053:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2053:< MobiusCoffee> .edia What-the-curtains hah, that was me 2053:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Norro 2054:< What-the-curtains> .edia oh right 2054:< MobiusCoffee> .edia someone gave me control of that account on tweetdeck, 2054:< What-the-curtains> .edia Good to build support! 2054:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2054:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, but the guy who made the account used such a low res image :( 2054:**** neeph is not a number 2054:< What-the-curtains> .edia I got really excited because I thought it was some actual reddit account 2054:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 2054:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2054:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that's what I was hoping people would think 2055:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2055:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can get to bed 2055:< Snuupy> if you click grow you can close the tab and come back after the next merge 2055:< Snuupy> which is in a long time anyway 2055:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2055:< Sorbetfraise> å 2055:< blue_flycatcher> .edia It's a shame DootDootDiet isn't still here, he was pretty important in the creation of the language but he got kicked from the chat. 2055:< mahatmabrondi> # hello 2056:< What-the-curtains> .edia DootDootDiet was basically the founder 2056:< Sorbetfraise> ELECT ElectionBot 2056:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah just have to keep it going 2056:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2056:< MobiusCoffee> .edia the best thing for a language is to have it actually be used 2056:< MobiusCoffee> .edia so Sabldiri is already more successful than the vast majority of conlangs :P 2056:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2056:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay is the only option 2056:< Kc2000> TheMellowSide is a filthy bot 2057:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2057:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Lol, yeah, people put so much time into making complex grammar and large lexicons and then when they post on /r/conlangs... 2057:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2057:< What-the-curtains> .edia The sub has 75 subscribers! 2057:< blue_flycatcher> .edia They're the only ones who use it. 2057:< fumg> do you know if I cna reboot my computer and still come back after ? 2057:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2058:< MobiusCoffee> .edia woo 2058:< blue_flycatcher> .edia We were the 10th largest new subreddit on April 3rd. 2058:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2058:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Road to 100 subscribers 2058:< What-the-curtains> .edia That's pretty good 2058:< MobiusCoffee> .edia there were no posts today in the sub though, which is kind of sad 2058:< What-the-curtains> .edia It's probably big enough to carry on even after robin end 2058:< What-the-curtains> .edia s 2058:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2058:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, I think so 2058:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2058:< MobiusCoffee> .edia someone was saying we need more memes 2059:< astralboy15> K 2059:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I agree 2059:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2059:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, I said that. 2059:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2059:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :D 2059:< blue_flycatcher> .edia That's why it's a shame DootDoot is gone, that one meme there probably got a lot of people to subscribe. 2059:< MobiusCoffee> .edia or maybe another potato poem 2059:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2100:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Is Noxiide still active here? In some other filter? 2100:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2100:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone get a subreddit already 2100:< MobiusCoffee> .edia never seen them 2100:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2101:**** neeph is not a number 2101:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2101:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I asked for a word for potato and he said some profane word, then someone else suggested "Noxiide", so that's the word now. 2101:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2101:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only good choice 2102:< Gnud> tally 2102:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2102:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2102:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2103:< MobiusCoffee> .edia haha 2103:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2103:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2103:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button will be our salvation 2103:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2104:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2104:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2105:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2105:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I've noticed a thing we've been doing that isn't written down anywhre 2105:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only option 2105:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2105:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yes? 2105:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Not using "bok" as a dummy subject for "it is" or "it was" just "sla" or "sline" or whatever 2106:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2106:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I actually think it's better the way we've been doing it, but it should probably be written down somewhere 2106:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I wasn't doing that until you started, I just assumed we were copying Romance languages. 2106:< SigP> % anyone have the parrot link handy? 2106:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2106:< blue_flycatcher> .edia But yeah, we should add it to Grammar. 2106:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only good choice 2106:< MobiusCoffee> .edia well not all Romance languages do it! 2106:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2107:< MobiusCoffee> .edia notably French "C'est" = "Ceci est" 2107:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2107:< MobiusCoffee> .edia or "il est" 2107:< SigP> %Chat 2107:< SigP> %Chat 2107:< SigP> %Chat anyone have the parrot link handy? 2107:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2107:**** neeph is not a number 2107:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2107:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Well, French is kind of the odd one out in a lot of ways. 2108:**** neeph is still here 2108:< likenessaltered> Do you guys really type out "%chat" and "penis/" everytime or is there a script or something for it...? 2108:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2108:< lezed1> ELECT lezed1 2108:< SigP> % thanks 2108:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2108:< ShanRoxAlot> Positron pls tone down the bot its not fair for those of us on mobile 2108:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, it's not that important. I think it's a nice little quirk to things 2108:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2108:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we finally end this madness 2109:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2109:< MobiusCoffee> .edia also this seems to be the opposite from how numbers work: 2109:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Numbers are written largest-to-smallest with a dash in between each number. 2109:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, whoops. 2109:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2109:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, change that. 2109:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2109:< Dank3nstein> you have 3 days 2110:< MobiusCoffee> .edia It is strange. I don't know why Borelais made it that way but whatever 2110:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2110:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 2110:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not as crazy as the other number system the other guy was making :P 2110:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Lol, yeah 2110:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2110:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Did you make this btw, http://www.nightlynoise.com/2016/04/sabldiri-language-from-reddit-robbin.html?spref=tw? => http://nazar.so/152lv 2110:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hah yeah 2111:< OrangeredStilton> Heh. No wonder I didn't see any messages in here for two hours: I was scrolled up 2111:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, cool. 2111:< MobiusCoffee> .edia That's my blog 2111:< Apottzy> PRAISE CABBAGE! 2111:< MobiusCoffee> .edia more updates this than in a long time 2111:< Apottzy> All hail Brassica Prime, Goddess of Cabbage! 2111:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2111:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only option 2112:< Apottzy> Vote Green. Vote Cabbage 2112:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, I think I have an idea for a meme. 2112:< Apottzy> Unite behind Cabbage! 2112:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Have a box with the label "sabldiri" and have speech bubbles of Sabldiri in it... 2113:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Or, the label "sabldiriposhka" or whatever 2113:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p when will we next merge do you guys think? 2113:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!! 2113:< TRocket> satay plz 2113:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Then they merge with another box and everyone there is asking what people are saying, then later they're all speaking Sabldiri too. 2113:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> Penis/ when do you think we will next merge? 2113:< dashed> test 2113:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2114:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And so on. 2114:< MobiusCoffee> .edia go post it! 2114:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I have to make it first and I'm terrible at art. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:15:25 2016 2115:< Sporter105> a 2115:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ba, po... um... well that's a new verb we need I guess. 2115:< mootinator> HELLO OUT TherE 2115:< powerlanguages> ☃ test 2115:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Try/attempt 2115:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hmmm 2116:< OrangeredStilton> Test 2116:< OrangeredStilton> 2116:< mootinator> I heard you OrangeRed 2116:< MobiusCoffee> .edia maybe combine something with kakman 2116:< Borealis023> . shit this is still going? 2116:< Borealis023> . lmao 2116:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2116:< OrangeredStilton> mootinator: Yeah, I'm trying out different characters at the start, to see if I can hide a message 2116:< OrangeredStilton> 2116:< OrangeredStilton> \00 didn't work... 2116:< OrangeredStilton> 2116:< mootinator> Nice. 2116:< blue_flycatcher> .edia There's nothing we have already that gives a sense of effort though. 2116:< Borealis023> .edia damn this is still going? 2117:< Borealis023> .edia this robin chat, i mean 2117:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaa 2117:< WheresMyCurtain> NO SLEEP 2117:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, got a word for "try", Borealis023? 2117:< wickedthiswaycums> Grow For Glory! 2117:< Borealis023> .edia hmm 2117:< LadySiara> WHEN WILL IT END 2117:< BossColo> .edia So what's this filter about? 2117:< Borealis023> .edia how about "procrast" 2117:< blue_flycatcher> .edia The Sabldiri language, https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2118:< blue_flycatcher> .edia A bit long. 2118:< MobiusCoffee> .edia what about 2118:< BossColo> .edia Oh, that's silly! 2118:< Sporter105> Wow, bots answering bots 2118:< wickedthiswaycums> I Intent to stay and grow until reddit crashes or I get disconnected. Grow For Glory until the bitter end! 2118:< MobiusCoffee> .edia bafman 2118:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Sorry, Robin just crashed, what did you say? 2118:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2119:< MobiusCoffee> .edia bafman 2119:< BossColo> .edia You're just building a cipher. What you really need to do is start from grunts, and work your way up. 2119:< Borealis023> .edia > grunts 2119:< blue_flycatcher> .edia The grammar is fairly different from English though. 2119:< Borealis023> .edia > written language 2119:< BossColo> .edia That way you get a new grammar, new contexts, new colloquialisms. The works! 2119:< haykam821> # makes dog attack Clockwork Dragon, dealing tons of damage 2119:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Procast + bafman, probaf? 2120:< MobiusCoffee> .edia i love it 2120:< Borealis023> .edia i get what you're saying BossColo, but that'd be a lot of work and not really possible 2120:< blue_flycatcher> .edia We want to keep it simple and easy for people to learn BossColo 2120:< touyajp> % "mexpaino" should be put on spam list for robin-grow et all 2120:< blue_flycatcher> .edia The point was just to have fun. 2120:< Borealis023> .edia though something we are doing that we shouldn't necessarily is just making everything else a direct translation 2120:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I think BossColo was meming referencing that /r/conlangs thread 2121:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, didn't see it. 2121:< BossColo> .edia I don't know what that is. MobiusCoffee 2121:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2121:< MobiusCoffee> .edia then that's amazing https://www.reddit.com/r/conlangs/comments/4daky6/robin_chat_created_a_language/d1py8b7 => http://nazar.so/340ao 2121:< dashed> lol 2121:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL http://i.imgur.com/Gjib1Sl.gifv 2122:< haykam821> # uses the brooch to make auras 2122:< UnacceptableUse> % who owns this subreddit 2122:< Borealis023> .edia Idea for a word: "Iode" 2122:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Borealis, I agree! I've been putting some effort into helping things be less calquey but still easy 2122:< BossColo> .edia http://www.zompist.com/kit.html 2122:< Borealis023> .edia it means to feel deeply 2122:< BossColo> .edia Check that out! 2122:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, that sounds cool. 2122:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Just add a consonant to the end or remove the final e, verbs can't end in a vowel. 2123:< ViktorErikJensen> ¤ Men vad sega ni är! =) 2123:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I mean, that's a way to get yet another generic conlang BossColo 2123:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and if that's what you like you do you! <3 2123:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2124:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Every aspect of the language was made from getting random people's input 2124:< shokk> hoingity boingity 2124:< blue_flycatcher> .edia if you want to help make the grammar more interesting you can talk here some more and discuss it with us 2124:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2124:< etgohomeok> ELECT nigglet 2124:< What-the-curtains> .edia With Sabldiri, so many people came up with bits that its a complete mish-mash of influences from various languages 2124:**** neeph is still here 2124:< shokk> Voting to grow in the face of impending doom is freedom. Fight until the end. 2125:< BossColo> .edia Unfortunately, I have other stuff to do. I just came 'round to see what people are up to. 2125:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So, Borealis, what do you want to change iode into to make it end in a consonant? 2125:< BossColo> .edia Turns out, it's almost like a group of people on a deserted island. 2125:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, and it's great that people who aren't into languages and whatnot are also having fun with it 2125:< Thaslapchopper> Eta on next merge? 2125:< UnknownFiddler> why 2126:< UnknownFiddler> meep 2126:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2126:< UnknownFiddler> c-c-c-c-c-combo brreaker 2126:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Borealis? 2126:< MobiusCoffee> .edia He's gone 2127:< Enygmatik> ELECT Silfax 2127:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I'll just use "iod" 2127:< blue_flycatcher> .edia That way it'll be iode in the past tense 2127:< YourBodyIsFrail> % k 2127:< What-the-curtains> .edia If we come up with words for 'see', 'turtle', and 'flower' I could translate a cyanide and happiness for some more content on the sub 2127:< YourBodyIsFrail> % undefined y 2127:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2127:< YourBodyIsFrail> % undefined %chat ok 2127:**** SirCabbage #rpg eats some food 2128:**** neeph is not a number 2128:< YourBodyIsFrail> ok 2128:< MobiusCoffee> .edia is there no word for see/look 2128:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, come up with the word for "see" then. 2128:< YourBodyIsFrail> hi 2128:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we could combine see/look/read 2128:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I was kinda surprised by that, but since it's a chatroom we've never really needed it. 2128:< FlunkyMonkey123> d 2128:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2129:< YourBodyIsFrail> the chat crash for anyone? 2129:< blue_flycatcher> .edia BossColo, are you still here? 2129:< BossColo> .edia I've got you guys in the background, what's up? 2129:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2129:< YourBodyIsFrail> % hi 2129:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Wanna come up with a word for "turtle"? 2129:< What-the-curtains> .edia 'col' = 'see' in honour of BossColo? 2129:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hah 2129:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright. 2129:< CommanderCorndog> % New motto: 🐢T🐢E🐢D🐢C🐢R🐢U🐢Z🐢I🐢S🐢T🐢H🐢E🐢Z🐢O🐢D🐢I🐢A🐢C🐢K🐢I🐢L🐢L🐢E🐢R🐢 2129:< alazz> ✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ 2130:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and he'll be giving us turtle soon :D 2130:< MobiusCoffee> .edia now we just need flower 2130:< Borealis023> .edia sorry back now 2130:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Borealis, do you have a word for flower for us? 2130:< alazz> ✪ 2130:< Borealis023> .edia how about.. Robin 2130:< BossColo> .edia That's kind of you. 2130:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that's a good idea actually 2130:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2131:< BossColo> .edia Thank you blue_flycatcher 2131:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, col, robin, and have a word BossColo? 2131:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis/comments/4dijf8/readmetxt/ => http://nazar.so/91nyv 2131:**** neeph is not a number 2131:< BossColo> .edia How about chinam for turtle? 2131:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Robin as a word can then be "to bloom" :D 2132:< BossColo> .edia (cheenam) 2132:< YourBodyIsFrail> % i'm i the only one having issues with filters? 2132:< YourBodyIsFrail> % regqgr 2132:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, chinam for turtle 2132:< lumineox> !nl hahaha 2132:< YourBodyIsFrail> % k 2133:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL een ingepakte aap is zo vreemd 2133:< YourBodyIsFrail> hii 2133:< lumineox> !nl ja is echt iets dat niet klopt 2133:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2134:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Looking forward to the comic, What-the-curtains :) 2134:< Chaoss780> hi 2134:< YourBodyIsFrail> hi 2134:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2135:< LIB_SPENDING_MACHINE> elect LIB_SPENDING_MACHINE 2135:< ror6y> p >using ">" on reddit 2135:< ror6y> p Yes 2135:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2135:< ror6y> p Great banter 2135:< Sande24> asd 2135:< ror6y> yes 2136:< ror6y> p wow 2136:< ApocalypticGerbil> Is this the biggest group in robin history? 2136:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p 2136:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Po kala aban ner soku muwe minutes, norro. 2137:< bbctol> y 2137:< ApocalypticGerbil> Is this the biggest group in robin history? 2137:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p ayy lmao test does this show up in penis/ 2137:< ApocalypticGerbil> Is this the biggest group in robin history? 2137:< ApocalypticGerbil> Is this the biggest group in robin history? 2137:< ApocalypticGerbil> Is this the biggest group in robin history? 2137:< trillianosu> no 2137:< ApocalypticGerbil> london 2138:< trillianosu> kufikumu was 4.4k 2138:< eksorXx> SeExZa mmmmmmm its getting closer 2138:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2138:< MobiusCoffee> .edia norro! heta kret "soku" bat sla "about/around". Bok sla "about/concerning/regarding". Ip bak rana plem ner kret "about" 2138:< purple_pan> test 2138:< UnknownFiddler> this chat has gotten so bad 2139:< surelyucantbserious> Everyone, quiet please. The Fiddler has returned... 2139:< YourBodyIsFrail> . 2139:< YourBodyIsFrail> % wow i can't type again 2140:< What-the-curtains> .edia First attempt! Feel free to criticise! 2140:< What-the-curtains> .edia http://i.imgur.com/CZ57drX.png 2140:< Borealis023> .edia pls fix font 2141:< Borealis023> .edia papyrus :P 2141:< YourBodyIsFrail> % hi 2141:< What-the-curtains> .edia It looked more like the original... 2141:< Borealis023> . link 2141:< Borealis023> .edia link? 2141:**** neeph is still here 2141:< What-the-curtains> .edia http://files.explosm.net/comics/Kris/everyday2.png 2142:< haley_joel_osteen> penis 2142:< Borealis023> . http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=digital_strip&text=Wow%21+A+turtle%21&fpp=10 => http://nazar.so/1btea 2142:< Borealis023> .edia http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=digital_strip&text=Wow%21+A+turtle%21&fpp=10 => http://nazar.so/87u8p 2143:< Borealis023> . thats the font 2143:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2143:< haley_joel_osteen> exit 2143:< abourne> ELECT abourne 2143:< haley_joel_osteen> cmd 2143:< MobiusCoffee> .edia there are a few small language mistakes 2143:< haley_joel_osteen> ipconfig 2143:< What-the-curtains> .edia I wasn't sure about word order 2143:< MobiusCoffee> .edia like we don't really have a word for "every" and I don 't think "clem" works for it 2143:< YourBodyIsFrail> % h 2143:< sigmaeni> + Kappa 2143:< What-the-curtains> .edia Yeah... 2144:< What-the-curtains> .edia I need to go now, I'll try doing some more tomorrow (With Borealis023's font...) 2145:< MobiusCoffee> .edia alright, if you want I can PM you what I think would work better for the text 2145:< What-the-curtains> .edia That'd be great thanks, I'll check tomorrow 2145:< What-the-curtains> .edia Norro! 2146:< Templar3lf> test @Templar3lf 2146:< YourBodyIsFrail> % undefined %chat hg 2146:< Templar3lf> test @templar 2146:< abourne> Elect abourne , not racism 2146:< Templar3lf> test @3lf 2146:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> Penis/ ayy lamo test is this in /penis 2146:< dashed> %parrot test 2147:< Mcbaldo> Barack Obama 2147:< abourne> @kemik type " ELECT abourne " 2147:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p /penis but i cant see your messages in Penis/ 2147:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p for some reason it capatilises the P 2147:< Mcbaldo> mongoose 2147:< dashed> %chat is this message seen in %chat? 2147:< FriendlyYak> Elect abourne 2147:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2148:< TomLube> a y l m a o 2148:< FriendlyYak> ELECT abourne 2149:< dashed> ^ _vvvv_ can u see this in ^ filter? 2149:< ror6y> p or /vote 2149:< nickyface> your pinky toe is the only option 2149:< Zerotwistknife7> T17 OR BUST 2149:< CramerJay> Guys we got this 2150:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2150:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mix things up a bit more and have diwediwe be everyday? 2150:< dont_upvote_cats> WHEN WILL NEXT MERGE HAPPEN NOW? 2151:< svlad> ^ test 2151:< Gtexx> Wow, still 2200 vote for Grow ? This romm will never end... 2151:< svlad> ^ test 2151:< Cernokneznik> ELECT abourne 2151:< svlad> ^ test 2151:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p /penis im not sure i may have auto updates on 2151:< svlad> ^ test 2152:< abourne> % ELECT abourne will provide Medicare-For-All in Tier 17 2152:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2153:< MobiusCoffee> .edia the more I think about it the more clem diwe might work too really 2153:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> p k 2153:< FluffyBunnyIsFluffy> Penis/ testing 2154:< MobiusCoffee> .edia doesn't solve the lack of "every" "none" ... 2154:< dashed> ^ test 2154:**** neeph is not a number 2155:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2155:< Cernokneznik> % Thanks fot the parrot. :) 2155:< svlad> ^ test 2156:< svlad> ^ do you guys in ^ see this message? 2156:< astralboy15> K 2157:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2157:< dashed> %parrot ping 2158:< dashed> boom fixed 2158:**** neeph is still here 2158:< svlad> Whitestep: sup 2159:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara 2159:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara! 2159:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So, maybe we should make a word for "all" 2159:< MobiusCoffee> .edia did you see curtain's comic? 2159:< svlad> Whitestep: doing it again 2159:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ah yeah 2159:< svlad> Whitestep and again 2159:< blue_flycatcher> .edia It's done already? One sec. 2159:< svlad> Whitestep: now do me 2200:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I don't see it on the sub. 2200:< MobiusCoffee> .edia he posted it here 2200:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2200:< dashed> dashed 2200:< dashed> %parrot test 2200:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ah, hang on while I catch up on chat. 2200:< MobiusCoffee> .edia http://i.imgur.com/CZ57drX.png 2201:< shuperkiwi> Whitestep 2201:< svlad> Whitestep is this as good for you as it is for me? 2201:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2201:< dashed> ^ test2 2201:**** neeph is not a number 2201:< bradyblair20> p helloooo 2201:< svlad> agaffchanted sup 2202:< bradyblair20> Penis/ hello 2202:< svlad> agaffchanted testing your direct messaging 2202:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2202:< svlad> agaffchanted: testing your direct messaging with colons now 2202:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, I thought "soku" didn't mean "approximately" but I couldn't find another word to use. 2202:< agaffchanted> o dpesm 2202:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So maybe we should get a word for "all" and then derive "every" and "each" from it. 2202:< agaffchanted> svlad: it doesn't seem to work for me 2202:< MobiusCoffee> .edia good idea 2203:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not a fan of just doubling diwe then :P 2203:**** mootinator ^ shakes fist at safari 2203:**** mootinator ^ italics master race 2203:< acostoss> %test 2203:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Like Japanese tokidoki and such? Heh, I don't mind, it sounds cool. 2204:< WelpSigh> this chat is dying 2204:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Maybe didiwe? 2204:< dashed> %parrot test 2204:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, my thought was it would then make it easy for people to see how to say "every year" and "every month" 2204:< DomesticRifle> WAFFLESQUAD 2204:< dashed> %parrot dashed 2204:< DomesticRifle> WAFFLESQUAD 2204:< svlad> Whitestep testing testing 123 2204:< HitNRun_> we may actually get to merge again in another day 2204:< MobiusCoffee> .edia a kind of "doubled time period = every" rule 2204:< Cernokneznik> %parrot hi. :) 2205:< svlad> Whitestep mic check, mic check, miiiiiiiiiiiic checkkkkkkkkah 2205:< DomesticRifle> WAFFLESQUAD 2205:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we can hammer out the "all" and whatnot for nouns and other things too 2205:< dashed> % % k 2205:< svlad> Whitestep Do you believe in life after love? 2205:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2205:< dashed> %test-parrot %test-parrot 2205:< blue_flycatcher> .edia How about a word for all, then we take the first syllable of that word and add -m, -g, -p etc. to make every -thing, -where, -one etc. 2205:< Grizzly_Storm> % Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir 2205:< svlad> agaffchanted do you believe in life after love? 2205:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2206:< Grizzly_Storm> % Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir 2206:< svlad> agaffchanted test test test, 1 2 3, check check checkah 2206:< Grizzly_Storm> Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir 2206:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Or "all" could just be that syllable +t, like every which. 2207:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2207:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and have the "if it ends in a consonant add +it" thing 2207:< OrangeredStilton> Test one 2207:< svlad> agaffchanted its been 7 hours and 15 days, since you took your love away 2207:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Okay, but that wouldn't be needed for all+t, just the all part itself. 2207:< OrangeredStilton> Test two 2207:< loulan> !fr bonjour 2207:< TopicallyDifferent> !fr MAIS POURQUOI 2207:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2207:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Like, all- or alli- 2208:< TopicallyDifferent> !fr bonjour, time to go silent and not look like an ass now 2208:< Sorbetfraise> !fr !! 2208:< loulan> !fr vanille fraise 2208:< svlad> agaffchanted I go out every night and sleep all day, since you took your love away 2208:< emman31> !fr tes saveur de crème glacé préférées? 2208:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I don 't think I understand 2208:< OrangeredStilton> ? 2208:< OrangeredStilton> 2208:< emman31> !fr Tes saveurs de crème glacé préférées? 2208:< loulan> !fr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZAqaykiS70 << non une référence à ce clip 2209:< Sorbetfraise> @OrangeRed test three 2209:< svlad> agaffchanted since you been gone I can do whatever I want 2209:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, say we have a root word, "all", that doesn't exist on its own but is used as a prefix. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 22:09:26 2016 2209:< emman31> !fr Tes saveurs de crème glacé préférées? 2209:< svlad> agaffchanted I can see whomever I choose 2209:< loulan> !fr on dit glace 2209:< emman31> !fr allo 2209:< loulan> !fr enfin peut-être pas les québécois 2209:< Sorbetfraise> !fr le canal !fr est déjà mort ? :( 2209:< svlad> agaffchanted but nothing, I said nothing can take away these blues 2209:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Then, in the same way lor+t means which (question+thing), all+t would mean every. 2210:< emman31> !fr Bah au québec on dit crème glacée 2210:< svlad> agaffchanted cause nothing compares 2210:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And like lor+m = what, all+m means everything 2210:< emman31> !fr ca marche pas quand je poste... 2210:< PokemonGod777> is there any easy way to make sure i can throw my vote in for when the rooms merge? as I don't know how long this is gonna last 2210:< svlad> agaffchanted nothing compares to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 2210:< Sorbetfraise> !fr y'a certains scripts qui bloquent les accents 2210:< shorty_06> rbasov >Impying that you aren't 2210:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ah yeah I see what you're saying now 2210:< emman31> !fr ahh 2210:< loulan> !fr cliquez la case "allow unicode characters" 2210:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2210:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I don't want to just recreate esperanto's correlatives though 2210:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Except, unlike the other correlative prefixes (lor, kr, sw), all could be attached to anything to mean every-that thing 2210:< loulan> !fr dans les options 2210:< agaffchanted> svlad: no but i had removed he filter haha 2210:< emman31> !fr crème glacée 2211:< emman31> !fr :D 2211:< agaffchanted> svlad: try one more time? I added the fitlers back in 2211:< Sorbetfraise> !fr vous venez d'ou? 2211:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright, then let's leave out all+t, and make some of them irregular. 2211:< emman31> !fr Montréal Québec 2211:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, otherwise it becomes very esperanto like 2211:< svlad> agaffchanted: well, I just typed up the lyrics to a sinead oconnor song 2211:< emman31> !fr et toi? 2211:< blue_flycatcher> .edia We should make an actual word for the prefix first before we start discussing its usage. 2211:< Sorbetfraise> !fr france, montpellier :) 2211:< svlad> agaffchanted: its been 7 hours and 15 days, since you took your love away 2211:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2211:< svlad> agaffchanted: since you been gone I can do whatever I want 2211:< Robairt> how are we still here? :'( 2211:< dancetilsunday> holy crap this room is still here 2211:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2211:< MobiusCoffee> .edia You think a prefix would be better than a suffix? 2212:< svlad> agaffchanted: I go out every night and sleep all day, since you took your love away 2212:< agaffchanted> svlad: it doesn't work, it only comes through on Global 2212:< loulan> !fr france, Nice 2212:< svlad> agaffchanted: lame 2212:< blue_flycatcher> .edia A suffix would change things up a bit actually, but might make it a bit more complicated. 2212:< agaffchanted> oh well! 2212:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ooooh 2213:< svlad> agaffchanted I hope you at least enjoyed the serenade 2213:< MobiusCoffee> .edia you're stil thinking of making it follow the "lor, kr, sw" pattern 2213:< Xovius> % Representing Iceland in soKuku :P Anyone else? 2213:< Robairt> % simple present tense 2213:< blue_flycatcher> .edia If it was a suffix, it would still follow the pattern, but be at the end, so for example... 2214:< OneRedSent> !blocklist 2214:< blue_flycatcher> .edia mall = everything, pall = everyone, gall = everywhere 2214:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2214:< etray> !fr salut 2214:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2214:< emman31> !FR salut! 2214:< Sorbetfraise> !fr salut etray! 2214:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Well, yeah, following the lor kr sw pattern was my original idea. 2214:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2214:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that actually doesn't look half bad, no sorry, I just was thinking of something entirely different 2215:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2215:< loulan> !fr salut 2215:< blue_flycatcher> .edia We should find someone to create the actual affix though. 2215:< etray> !fr j'ecrir mal francais mais parler c'est mieux; apres 6 ans toujours mal 2215:< OneRedSent> !blocklist 2215:< etray> !fr dans les pays 2215:< OneRedSent> !block nigglet 2215:**** neeph is still here 2215:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I don't like coming up with new roots myself. 2215:< etray> !fr il faut pratiquer 2215:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah 2215:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2215:< emman31> !FR ouai, disons que le francais n'est pas la langue la plus facile à apprendre non plus 2216:< MobiusCoffee> .edia let me try to get people in here 2216:< cornellier> !FR salut 2216:< dancetilsunday> manchester 2216:< etray> !fr c'est les accents aigues et graves 2216:< loulan> !fr meuh si c'est facile 2216:< betaray> I do love that there are so many chats going on here 2216:< Sorbetfraise> !fr salut cornellier! 2216:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok 2216:< etray> !fr il faut les placer 2216:< loulan> !fr je me disais bien que c'était un nick français 2216:< dashed> boop 2216:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2216:< betaray> I'd turn off all my filters but I don't want to get disappointed with the amount of spam remaining 2216:< cornellier> !FR les neerlandais ont eu leur channel tout de suite 2216:< dashed> fuck 2217:< cornellier> !FR probablement des belges 2217:< etray> !fr :D 2217:< cornellier> !FR avec leurs histoires 2217:< MobiusCoffee> .edia if no one comes we can dig into the chat name 2217:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright 2217:< emman31> !FR Bon, je vous laisse! Je rentre chez moi 2217:< alistairjh> Everyone in this chat is a bot except you. 2217:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I put the full ridiculous chat name in the word creation tab 2218:< touyajp> % hello again 2218:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, also, the poll for a sheduled chat time showed that we should use 18:00, 19:00 or 20:00. 2218:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So I think 19:00 should be the official time to come on and chat. 2218:< dashed> Daegalus maybe later xD kinda tired atm :P 2219:**** MobiusCoffee .edia thumbs up 2219:< MobiusCoffee> .edia got someone to come here wooo 2219:< Lorithas> .edia Hey, what's up here? 2219:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara Lorithas! 2219:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We need a word for "all" do you have anything? 2219:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara 2219:< Sylvester_Scott> IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!! 2219:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Something short, just one syllable 2219:< YourBodyIsFrail> .edia all 2219:< Lorithas> .edia As in, foreign language or totally made up? 2219:< MobiusCoffee> .edia har har 2219:< Chartis> .edia Jawn 2219:< lurkian> % hello touyajp 2219:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, jawn 2220:< MobiusCoffee> .edia https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2220:< Sorbetfraise> !fr je connais ses videos, mais je l'ai jamais vu en vrai, peut etre je le croiserai un jour :) 2220:< xSke> .edia $ just spammed "legume" why not that 2220:< MobiusCoffee> .edia jawn is a word 2220:< MobiusCoffee> .edia a Philly word 2220:< blue_flycatcher> .edia For what? 2220:< dashed> nothing... dont use it 2220:< MobiusCoffee> .edia http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jawn => http://nazar.so/44wo5 2220:< dashed> dashed 2221:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, something. 2221:< Chartis> .edia wossname 2221:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We could use it, it's a fun word 2221:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Wossname is too long, it needs to be one syllable. 2221:< MobiusCoffee> .edia for something else rather 2221:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2221:< MobiusCoffee> .edia although preferably starting with a vowel 2221:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2221:< Chartis> .edia http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Wossname => http://nazar.so/5w0ox 2221:< NorseFenrir> % We're nearly at the 2 days mark. Pretty weird. 2221:< Chartis> .edia I like Jawn 2221:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Chartis yeah just make up a sound or something is more what we're asking 2222:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not something that already exists :D 2222:< Chartis> .edia Gret 2222:< Lorithas> .edia tet 2222:< blue_flycatcher> .edia tet sounds good 2222:< ShanRoxAlot> PogChamp 2222:< MobiusCoffee> .edia amazing that you guys both did that 2222:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So the vowel form would be et 2222:< MobiusCoffee> .edia so met get etc 2222:< Chartis> .edia Are we parsing? 2223:< MobiusCoffee> .edia as in? 2223:< MobiusCoffee> .edia you're creating new vocabulary! 2223:< Chartis> .edia As in are we switching words out or creating the rules of language from scratch? 2223:< ShanRoxAlot> months of gold 2223:< blue_flycatcher> .edia It's similar to English, but there are grammar differences. 2223:< Chartis> .edia Got it. 2223:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Chartis https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2224:< YourBodyIsFrail> .edia do you guys think the merge will happen the next 12 hours? 2224:< blue_flycatcher> .edia For example, you make something a yes/no question by adding -ri to the verb. 2224:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I don't know but I'm not risking it, leaving my computer on. 2224:< dashed> AviN456 2 tier branch workflow is slow 2224:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 2224:< MobiusCoffee> .edia you'd have to be a mad man to risk it 2224:< lurkian> % mergatory forever 2224:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I'll add both Chartis and Lorithas' names to the etymology. 2224:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> hello 2225:**** neeph is not a number 2225:< YourBodyIsFrail> .edia i never turn off my computer so no issues for me but i'm afraid than not enogh people will be present during the merge 2225:< Lorithas> .edia Holy *poshka*, *sa* guys amaze *po* 2225:< YourBodyIsFrail> .edia the chat is really slow everywhere 2225:**** TheseAreNotTheDroids threeve is the loneliest number 2225:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Snala 2226:< TheseAreNotTheDroids> 1 Users abandoned WutFace 2226:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2226:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So should every day be diwet or diwetet? 2226:< Lorithas> .edia Documenting this would be one of the more interesting aspects of the imminent examination of the results of this social experiment :D 2227:< Lorithas> .edia This is literally locking thousands of monkeys with typewriters in the basement with food and typewriters 2227:< Annon201> next we'll need a bot to do channel topic handling, !topic!:{"ch":"#chan","cmd":{"(topic|permissions)":"(set|get|rmv)"},"data":["array"]} 2227:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Did they do many studies on /r/thebutton? 2227:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2228:< akvgergo> % This thing is still going, eh? 2229:< Lorithas> .edia blue_flycatcher at least this: http://www.redditblog.com/2015/06/the-button-has-ended.html => http://nazar.so/3lgzi 2229:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I think making it more obvious with like "diwediwe" 2230:< Lorithas> .edia Btw I'm love the fact that my name can easily be shortened to "Lort" or "What" :D 2230:< MobiusCoffee> .edia for "period of time" words 2230:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hahaha 2230:< Lorithas> .edia or Lorth, even 2230:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sla joob! 2231:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright, how about we vote between diwediwe, diwet, and diwetet? 2231:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2231:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah sure 2231:< blue_flycatcher> .edia http://strawpoll.me/7290945 2231:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2232:**** HitNRun_ %chat abandoned 2232:**** neeph is still here 2232:< Lorithas> .edia I'm voting Diweet 2232:< Burnt_heat> ELECT neeph 2232:< Lorithas> .edia would be the literal combination 2232:**** HitNRun_ %chat unabandoned 2233:< blue_flycatcher> .edia If we added -et on without either changing it to -tet or removing the last vowel of the root word... 2233:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Then we would end up with vowel combinations like -ae e.g. ediaet, every origin. 2234:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and there are already things like -is / -s so it's fine to me 2234:< MobiusCoffee> .edia the -et / -tet thing I mean 2235:< Robin-Leader-Board> whops wrong account :) 2235:< Sorbetfraise> Robin-Leader-Board PogChamp 2235:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Do we have a way of saying "there is" 2235:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Sla 2235:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2235:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Esperanto it is then :P 2236:< Bonoahx> .edia so 2236:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara 2236:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :P 2236:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2236:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Mara! 2236:< Bonoahx> .edia .....Mara 2236:< MathGeek31415> % I think I have about 8 myself between this computer and my work computer :P 2236:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2237:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Diwetet is winning atm 2237:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We could go "Rana" but I feel that it would confuse people 2237:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah it's won out, it's decided then! 2237:< DebentureThyme> ^ sokuKoin sounds like a new digital currency 2237:< Bonoahx> .edia omg you guys are creating a language thats amazing 2237:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Snala! 2237:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Snala 2237:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Wanna come up with a word? 2237:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Bonoahx you can check out more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sabldiri/ 2238:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2238:< Bonoahx> .edia Joob 2238:< AWorldOfYes> Hi 2239:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Words are created by random people coming up with things, if there's a word you want to add you can go ahead 2239:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And then your name will be added to the etymology list. 2239:< Bonoahx> .edia cool 2240:< MobiusCoffee> .edia We need something for "some" and "none" still don't we? 2240:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah 2240:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Bonoahx, do you have anything? 2240:< Bonoahx> .edia erm 2240:< Bonoahx> .edia hmm 2240:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Something short. 2241:< _Username-Available> Grow green 2241:< Wulfay> #pg ah okay, well interesting enough. I like all the little bots with trivia and rpg and sutff that has come out in the chatroom so far 2241:< Bonoahx> .edia hmm 2241:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2241:< cunty_nipples> Taiwan 2242:< Bonoahx> .edia jotkut and tosset 2242:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2242:< Wulfay> !loot 2242:< Bonoahx> .edia if im doing this right lol 2242:< MobiusCoffee> .edia just anythin that comes up works! 2242:< Wulfay> !loot 2242:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Tosse- would work for no- 2242:< MobiusCoffee> .edia what do you think of "jotku" for "some" 2242:< Lorithas> .edia MobiusCoffee sawo/bawo 2243:< Lorithas> .edia From yes one, no one 2243:< blue_flycatcher> .edia tosset = nothing, tossem = nothing, tossep = no one 2243:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2243:< Towwl> % where is everybody 2243:< blue_flycatcher> .edia jotku, not sure how that would be used 2243:< blue_flycatcher> .edia since it's a bit long 2243:< blue_flycatcher> .edia But it would work 2243:< Bonoahx> .edia so do you need some something and someone? 2244:< MobiusCoffee> .edia not really longer then tosse :P 2244:< Lorithas> .edia Also, what's with informal finnish here? (Jotku=some, for real :D) 2244:< MobiusCoffee> .edia well they'll be easily derived Bonoahx 2244:< touyajp> % .. 2244:**** MobiusCoffee .edia knows no finnish 2244:< MobiusCoffee> .edia what is jotku? 2244:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Is tosset Finnish too? 2244:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'm assuming so :P 2244:< gjhgjh> % chat Hi confused. I'm gjhgjh 2244:< gueriLLaPunK> why arent we staying? 2244:< Lorithas> .edia Do I smell trollerinos here? :D 2244:< MobiusCoffee> .edia in that case we'll go with sawo/bawo? 2245:< Lorithas> .edia Tosset isn't a word I know, at least 2245:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Well we can keep tosset then, and use sawo/bawo for some. 2245:< Bonoahx> .edia It wasn't really intentional lol 2245:< MobiusCoffee> .edia oh okay hahaha 2245:< MobiusCoffee> .edia just randomly happened 2245:< MobiusCoffee> .edia what does jotku mean in Finnish? 2245:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sawo for some then 2245:< Bonoahx> .edia some people 2246:< Bonoahx> .edia apparently 2246:< 99999999999999999989> hello 2246:< TeaBagTwat> % Do you guys know a basic spam bot script? I want to modify it to do something else. 2246:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Sawom = something, tossem = nothing then. 2246:< Bonoahx> .edia alright maybe i missed the point of it a little then lol, but tbh i need to go to sleep i only slept for like 25 minutes last night 2246:< Lorithas> .edia Yup, the proper writing for "some people/things" is "jotkut" 2247:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright, good night Bonoahx, thanks for the words. 2247:< Bonoahx> .edia ok night 2247:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Norro. 2247:< miker2049> p I really think we are going to do it guys, tier 17, its gonna happen I really believe so 2247:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Norro! 2247:< Chartis> HEY GUYS REPORT SPAMMERS HERE by clicking on the link Reddit provided under the usernames on the sidebar! 2247:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2247:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2248:< Kc2000> melt steel beams 2248:< robdob> Hi! I'm Winona Ryder-bot. I'm here to talk about Winona Ryder. 2248:< blue_flycatcher> .edia .edia is still considered almost dead :/ 2249:**** neeph is still here 2249:< robdob> Did you know famous beat poet Allen Ginsberg was close friends with Winona Ryder's parents? Wow! 2249:< dashed> %test-parrot hi 2249:< dashed> %test-parrot dashed 2249:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2249:< robdob> Did you know the rock group "The Wynona Ryders" named themselves after actress Winona Ryder? Wow! 2249:< TeaBagTwat> % @Chartis How are you reporting them? 2249:< fzh> @ portugal 2249:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ah yeah 'cause it's not always active 2249:< GlockWan> aids 2249:< dashed> hihello dashed 2249:< TeaBagTwat> % @shy hi 2249:< robdob> Did you know Winona Ryder was ranked 183 on the list of VH1 Greatest Pop Culture Icons? That's top 200! Wow! 2249:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I messaged the guy that there are often people here and he took it off dead at least :P 2250:< TeaBagTwat> % @shy what? 2250:< dashed> world 2250:< robdob> Did you know Winona Ryder wanted to be a competitive skateboarder when she was younger? Radical! 2250:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ah, ok. 2251:< wid_o> ? 2251:< TeaBagTwat> % @shy I will 2251:< robdob> Did you know Winona Ryder was a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 1998? Wow! 2251:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 2251:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Should we finish translating the comic then PM What-the-curtains? 2251:< dashed> lol 2251:< robdob> Did you know Winona Ryder is a huge fan of the 1975 documentary film Grey Gardens? A fan of the arts! Wow! 2251:< TeaBagTwat> % @shy how do you report them? 2251:< dashed> asdasd 2252:< almu3alim> hello 2252:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah I have the message open and have been working on that 2252:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2252:< ror6y> p Yeah my chat was keCab at tier 9 and it was ridiculously chill, and had some subs of its own, which then proceeded to die 2252:< dashed> boop 2252:< blue_flycatcher> .edia What have you got so far? 2253:< dashed> hi 2253:< toomanynapkins> % oh shit son, we' could have another t16 by tonight if you all hopped on alts and pushed reddit to join us 2253:< dashed> moop 2253:< OPNineteen> when we gonna merge 2253:< toomanynapkins> % great motto btw lololololol 2253:< MobiusCoffee> .edia well, I'm struggling notably with "now". That's a highly idiomatic thing and I feel like "krom" would work well for the same meaning 2253:< MobiusCoffee> .edia What do you think? 2254:< Wulfay> %parrot #rpg I can't see any chat now! 2254:< Wulfay> #rpg ah okay, I have it working now. I'll have to play through all of the settings... 2254:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and the "you don't see" should that stay "you" or change to something else 2254:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I think we should get a word for "well," and use it for "now". 2255:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, that's what I was thinking and "krom" was the closest I coulc see 2255:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And for "you" change it to "one", maybe "tu" or something although that might be mistake for "ku tup" 2255:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah if we go the "one" then we can just use "ip" 2255:< Wulfay> #rpg no the bot is fun, there is room for more than one bot here 2255:< blue_flycatcher> .edia So no new pronoun? 2255:< Lorithas> .edia ...I feel like I'm about three university degrees away from understanding the process here :D 2256:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's fairly easy Lorithas! 2256:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ask if you don't understand anything :D 2256:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Don't worry, once the grammar is settled on we'll make a guide describing it. 2256:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah that too 2256:< blue_flycatcher> .edia With example sentences and stuff. 2256:< MobiusCoffee> .edia also yeah, I think it's better to not have a new pronoun 2256:< dashed> lol 2256:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok so ip = "you/one"? 2256:< Wulfay> #rpg I don't know if I can see any bots now, and I don't have the 'remove bot spam' checkbox checked 2256:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah and that lets us create passives off it as well 2256:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, how about using the ambiguous tense for it? 2257:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2257:< Wulfay> nvm, it's just removing the boxes that usually appear 2257:< microfracture> %parrot Wulfay: check your channel filters to see if it is added or uncrheck 'see only from channels' 2257:< blue_flycatcher> .edia But then there's certain things you can't really express... 2257:< microfracture> %parrot uncheck* 2257:< toomanynapkins> % even if we merge with another t16, we dont beat the record :( 2257:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that's interesting, but that's more interpretation than translation 2257:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2257:< Wulfay> %parrot Yeah I removed that, it's just that the boxes that usually spam the channel aren't there 2257:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I hadn't even thought of that, but it's an interesting idea 2257:< Wulfay> %parrot just found the unicode checkbox, that works 2258:< MobiusCoffee> .edia before going to that, do you think "krom" works for "well" or should we make a new word? 2258:< MobiusCoffee> .edia as in "well....." 2258:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I think we should make a new word, but adding a second meaning to "krom" would work too. 2258:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Lorithas, you there? 2258:< Lorithas> .edia ip is an awesome choice when you get to tech stuff: = your address 2258:**** neeph is not a number 2258:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Wanna make a word for "well"? 2259:< _vvvv_> %parrot test 2259:< Lorithas> .edia Which kind of well? :D 2259:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Lorithas I was very confused for a good 5 secodns there 2259:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Lorithas, "Well.... I don't know." 2259:< Lorithas> .edia So not for a state of health or the water source 2259:< Manofevil> Why do we keep going? 2259:< blue_flycatcher> .edia No, neither of those. 2300:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah :P 2300:< Wulfay> %parrot #rpg set a bunch of channel filters, lets see how this owrks out 2300:< ZenLord> % How's everyone doing today? 2300:< _vvvv_> test 2300:< _vvvv_> %parrot test2 2300:< Wulfay> %parrot $ 4 2301:< Wulfay> $ 4 2301:< pyropocalypse> good job _vvvv_ 2301:< Wulfay> #rpg testing testing.... test... 2301:< Lorithas> .edia Something easy, that can be extended for extra uncertainty, maybe "ma" 2301:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ma, sounds good. 2302:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ma might not be unique enough 2302:< Lorithas> .edia "So, how did your date go last night?" "Maaaa... It was ok" 2302:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2302:< dashed> sasdasdasdsadsad 2302:< MobiusCoffee> .edia but if you guys think it's alright 2302:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Unique in relation to other Sabldiri words or other languages? 2302:< MobiusCoffee> .edia unique in relation to other sabldiri words 2303:< MobiusCoffee> .edia although the fact that it looks like "mother" is fun too 2303:< MobiusCoffee> .edia :p 2303:< blue_flycatcher> .edia The only thing I could see if conflicting with is "ba" but they sound pretty different, both in tone and pronunciation 2303:< Lorithas> .edia Please tell me that Sabldiri is not a tonal language :D 2304:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Heh, no, I mean that when you say "ba" (no), you use a stern voice... 2304:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's not, this is a language coming from English speakers largely :P 2304:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And when you say "ma", you tend to use a higher pitched voice 2304:< blue_flycatcher> .edia You don't have to, it's just what people tend to do 2304:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I mean like "mara" "maranee" 2304:< wickedthiswaycums> hey sugarplumcow welcome back 2304:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, right, "ma" could be "hi" 2304:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah 2305:< mharrizone> % Where my OG %ers at? 2305:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Any other ideas then, Lorithas? 2305:< Lorithas> .edia :D 2305:< CommanderCorndog> % I have another in a T6 right now, soon to grow to 7, things are going well at the lower tiers, no delays 2305:< MobiusCoffee> .edia What do you think of "la" Lorithas? 2305:< Lorithas> .edia The pressure is real! 2305:**** neeph is still here 2305:< Lorithas> .edia Works too, maybe even go for "me" 2306:< blue_flycatcher> .edia -/e/ words sound sort of like they're calling for attention, since "hey" is a universal word. 2306:< Eldini> oh wow, i rejoined the room after shutting it down on monday morning. has there not been a merge for 1.5 days? lol 2306:< ZenLord> % undefined My chat is blank can't see anything 2307:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Unless there's some language that uses a word ending in e for "well..." that I don't know about. 2307:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2307:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Do you, Mobius? 2307:< mharrizone> Eldini nope. Also you're like the only one left in unfiltered chat 2307:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2307:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Also, we need a word for "jerk", Lorithas 2307:< _vvvv_> Zunun Kappa 2307:< Eldini> lol, cheers mharri 2307:< Ryvoance> ELECT Zenun 2307:< Lorithas> .edia Easy, trump 2307:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Lol. 2307:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2308:< Lorithas> .edia European perspective here, no hard feelings :D 2308:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I'm going to push for "la" again because I really like it as the "well" word :P 2308:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I think we're all in Europe here 2308:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Yeah, I do too, I think we'll use that. 2308:< Eldini> so is there any real conversations anymore or just trivia bots, spam, and talk about rooms merging? 2308:< blue_flycatcher> .edia As much as I would like to use "trump" I don't want to have politics in this. 2309:< blue_flycatcher> .edia It could cause problems down the line. 2309:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, I think poshka is fine for the comic 2309:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that's like the most famous sabldiri word 2309:< mharrizone> Eldini most chat is in %chat now (install a filter script, best is https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow), trivia in $, something in #rpg 2310:< mharrizone> Dunno who these .edia and ^ dudes are 2310:< MobiusCoffee> .edia so yeah, blue_flycatcher, what do you think of "la"? 2310:< blue_flycatcher> .edia I like it, it's added 2310:< Eldini> cheers mharri but i cant be arsed, i can see their various people talking and it just looks like people talking about the rooms merging 2310:**** MobiusCoffee .edia thumbs up 2310:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and should we come up with another thing for jerk? or leave it poshka 2310:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ok, so "La ip bat cola diwetet kram" 2311:< mharrizone> Eldini trust me, the script is SO worth it. Most of the noise you're seeing is completely filtered out for me 2311:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Leave it as jerk I'd say 2311:< MobiusCoffee> .edia calling someone "a fuck" is pretty funny 2311:< blue_flycatcher> .edia How's that translation? 2311:< mharrizone> Eldini and you can click on names to mute anything that isn't caught by the script's built-in filters 2311:< Eldini> mharri: cheers but i'm about to close it again for the night tbh 2311:< MobiusCoffee> .edia perfect! 2311:< MobiusCoffee> .edia better than what I was thinking 2311:< Eldini> it's lost the appeal it had before when there were real conversations going on with lots of strangers 2311:< mharrizone> Eldini haha ok. You probably have another 2 days before a merge anyway, even if it happens 2311:< ry4> % 2311:< Eldini> ELECT Your mother 2311:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2311:< mharrizone> Still lots of real convos in other rooms 2312:< blue_flycatcher> .edia And then the next is basically the same and the "sa sla poshka" 2312:< Eldini> mharri: the thing is being shut down on 08/04 2312:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah 2312:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright, that should be it. 2312:< lost_penguin> Woop. 2312:**** neeph is not a number 2312:< MobiusCoffee> .edia one last thing! Somethng for "approximately" 2312:< lost_penguin> % Woo 2312:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Oh, right. 2312:< montugar> I'm back, phone died again 2312:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2312:< UnacceptableUse> % this room hasnt merged 2312:< arocks124> how many questions do they have??? 2313:< lezed1> !timer 2313:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Not sure if we could derive that, might need a new root. 2313:< mootinator> Haley's comet 2313:< lost_penguin> $ Hmm 2313:< Eldini> ok im off, was nice chatting to you mharri 2313:< mharrizone> Eldini ok, hope to see you in the next merge! 2313:< lost_penguin> % Hmm 2313:< lost_penguin> % $ Hmm 2314:< MobiusCoffee> .edia we can have something like guess/approximately/around all as one thing 2314:< lordxeon> when are we growing? 2314:< Lorithas> .edia I'd try deriving it from "maybe that" 2314:< lordxeon> the chat got slower 2314:< MobiusCoffee> .edia hmmmm 2314:< MobiusCoffee> .edia that's a clever idea 2314:< lost_penguin> Blah. 2314:< lost_penguin> % Blah 2314:< Lorithas> .edia vlenok? 2314:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2315:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2315:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2315:< MobiusCoffee> .edia vlenok sounds good to me 2315:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Alright, vlenok it is. 2316:< blue_flycatcher> .edia La, po kala aban tun ner wasi. 2316:< MobiusCoffee> .edia norro! 2316:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Norro. 2316:< Lorithas> .edia Norro! 2316:< Lorithas> .edia I think :D 2316:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2316:< mharrizone> % So what's shakin in %chat? 2317:< mharrizone> % Test post, please ignore 2317:< prince_polka> % https://discordapp.com/channels/165964047991177216/165964047991177216 => http://nazar.so/14zin <- sokuku discord 2317:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2317:< mharrizone> % Hrm, buggy script. Is this thing on now? 2318:< mharrizone> % There we go 2318:< cyclingwonder> % Did she put up a fight ** 2318:< mharrizone> % Robin-grow, y u no inserting %chat 2318:< orkash> % its the only reason to keep going for grow 2319:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4eVNcV8 2319:< mharrizone> % undefined Something's fucky with mah robin-grow 2320:< lost_penguin> Blah 2320:< fzh> #Brahma 2320:< lost_penguin> % Blah 2320:< MobiusCoffee> .edia you're right :D 2321:< mharrizone> % . 2321:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2322:**** neeph is still here 2323:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2325:< Gadwin> aww anap 2325:**** neeph is not a number 2326:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2326:< Shadow_Stepp> TheMellowSide Just go to bed... 2327:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 2327:< TheUncleBob> ELECT elphabaisfae 2327:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 2328:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2328:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 2328:< Tuvior> test 2329:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 2329:< Burnt_heat> ELECT ElectionBot 2329:< TheUncleBob> Wow. If not for Positrons being a dickbot, unfiltered chat isn't terrible. 2329:< cyclingwonder> TheUncleBob - yep, I don't bother filtering haha 2330:< Tuvior> test 2330:< cyclingwonder> hi tuvior 2330:< Tuvior> hi 2330:< cyclingwonder> hi 2330:< Tuvior> can't see your messages atm, debugging a thing 2330:< TheUncleBob> cyclingwonder It used to be pretty terrible. ;) 2330:< apspiderboy> yo 2330:< cyclingwonder> TheUncleBob - I know, it still is kinda terrible :P 2331:< TheUncleBob> I am highly amused that nigglet is still at it. 2331:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2331:< cyclingwonder> I just drop in whenever and then leave so whatever 2331:< vineman> is anyone alive 2331:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 2331:< MiniMurderdoll> What time does Robin end? 2331:< cyclingwonder> nah the nigglet thing is kinda annoying tbh 2332:< Tuvior> test 2332:< Chartis> You know, if we reported the top ten spambots to Reddit via the link they gave, the unfilter stream wouldn't be so bad. 2332:< RackClimber> Héllo boys 2332:< cyclingwonder> Chartis - will they do anything about it though? 2332:< TheUncleBob> cyclingwonder It's been annoying forEVER. Just amused it is still around 2332:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 2333:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2333:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2333:< TheUncleBob> The most persistent bot that... I don't know... I just don't know. 2333:< TheUncleBob> EELECT nigglet 2333:< cyclingwonder> I'm having so much fun with trivia 2334:< DannyStanton> ELECT nigglet 2334:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2335:< TheUncleBob> ELECT nigglet 2335:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2336:< DannyStanton> ELECT nigglet 2336:< Multiwagon> no stay, only grow 2336:< TheUncleBob> YES. nigglet is our leader! 2336:< TheUncleBob> I feel accomplished. Guess I can leave now. 2337:< Mainova> p heya 2338:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2338:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2339:< hunky> % ya. drop 1 of ur alts to a lower room, it could help 2339:< cyclingwonder> 'Elect Mootinator' 2339:**** neeph is still here 2339:< lachlanhunt> #pol About 1:20 till the polls close in WI. I hope any Americans in here from there actually went and voted today. 2340:< Stjerneklar> #pol whats the vote for? 2340:< cyclingwonder> #pol stupid made up BS 2340:< lachlanhunt> #pol Dem and Rep primary 2340:< cyclingwonder> #pol what he said 2340:< lachlanhunt> #pol also in Wyoming. 2341:< Stjerneklar> #pol so who gets to run for president 2341:< Tuvior> test 2341:< lachlanhunt> #pol yeah. On the Democrat side, it's Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders. 2341:< Stjerneklar> #pol bernie got any chance? 2342:< lachlanhunt> #pol For Republicans, Donald Trump, Kasich (spelling?) and Ted Cruz are still left 2342:< cyclingwonder> 'ELECT mootinator' 2342:< lachlanhunt> #pol Yeah, Bernie has a good chance of winning today's states. The question is whether he can win by a big enough margin to make an impact 2343:< cyclingwonder> ELECT mootinator 2343:< BernieCar> %parrot %chat hmm 2343:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2343:< Chartis> #pol I feel like this right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJoQhwMk_LI 2343:< mootinator> ELECT mootinator 2343:< ihunter32> #polthe good news is that bernie may win over the super delegates later on in the race. 2344:< Stjerneklar> #pol hope bernie does it 2345:**** WythDryden #rpg snickers 2345:< IllHornet> Anyone here been verified as a submitter to thesubreddit> 2346:< Tuvior> I have 2346:< SirCabbage> #pol yeah I feel the bern 2346:< 3cardblindbot> @mofosyne: yes, the cytube is synced 2346:< SirCabbage> #pol despite being australian 2346:< 3cardblindbot> @mofosyne: yes, the cytube is synced 2346:< SirCabbage> #pol Though I was a little disturbed by the revelation that people were using loopholes to fund hillary and in doing so may have 2346:< SirCabbage> #pol bought the super delegates in advanced. That whole super delegate system is fucked up. 2347:< Chartis> #pol I'm a Canadian who is going down to knock on some doors. I've got the 3rd degree Bern. 2347:< SirCabbage> #pol haha, nice Chartis 2347:< Rehsinimed> # 2347:< GlowWolf> I love you all so much 2347:< SirCabbage> #pol I mean the way I see it is when bernie wins he normally wins big, depending on voter turnout he could likely get 70%- esspecially since 2347:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2348:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2348:< SirCabbage> #pol they can sign up and register on the day in this state 2348:< TheTim> % /count 2348:**** WythDryden #rpg snickers 2348:< SirCabbage> #pol The republican side is scary- Trump is scary, Cruz is MORE scary- and the only person who isn't 100% crazy (kasich) has no chance 2349:< TheTim> % /count 2349:< lajiggyjarjardoo> @@ @ 2349:< TheTim> % /tally 2350:**** WythDryden #rpg coughs and smirks at ryanvango 2350:< lajiggyjarjardoo> @f 2350:< cafaxo> how am I still in this chat? I wasn't online for 12 hours... 2351:< pcpmasterrace> cytube? 2351:**** WythDryden #rpg yawns 2352:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2352:**** neeph is not a number 2353:< TheUncleBob> For those of you using Robin Grow, how do you disable the auto-refresh? 2354:< lajiggyjarjardoo> @ 2354:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2354:< OminousG> im the only og 2355:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 2355:< blumpkinescobar> nigglet you inspire me 2355:**** inkblob %chat is in Left Canada 2355:< AIO12> % wait why are we all saying chat when we can just filter by %? 2356:< Silveress_Golden> % Oh better channel support 2356:< lachlanhunt> #pol It's definitely surprising how many supporters Trump has. So much of what he says is incoherent babble without substance 2356:**** neeph is still here 2356:< jedixi> % test 2357:**** WythDryden #rpg pats SirCabbage on the shoulder. 2357:< SirCabbage> #pol They are idiots who don't realise that trump will forget all the crap he said and just do what trump wants- OR they are people 2357:< SirCabbage> #pol who want to see JUST THAT and see the world burn 2357:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2358:< dashed> wat 2358:< GiveMeABreak25> % yes 2358:< DeyTa> %parrot test 2358:< Lolzep> dashed wat? 2358:< DeyTa> %parrot andreaplanbee can you see this 2358:< dashed> JClocale github account is my life <3 2359:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2359:< cyclingwonder> $Portland? Portland% Portland? 2359:< dashed> Supajin parrot keeps it alive! 2359:**** WythDryden #rpg cheers for barnum 2359:< Lolzep> dashed I think you're in all chat 2359:< ExpertExpert> corn 2359:< ExpertExpert> corn corn 2359:< mssmith92> WHATS UP GUYS? I JUST FINISHED MY FIRST EVER FINAL OF LAW SCHOOL, FUCK YOU TORTS 2359:< dashed> Lolzep fml i didn't even nocie --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:00:07 2016