--- Log opened Tue Apr 05 00:00:02 2016 --- Day changed Tue Apr 05 2016 0000:< Whitestep> nice 0001:< _vvvv_> yeah I am encountering that too KrystallAnn 0001:< lost_penguin> I think we should hide the prefix completely on channel tabs, and just insert it when the message is sent. 0001:< _vvvv_> On it :) thx 0001:< lost_penguin> Removes the weird update problems while typing. 0001:< sprokolopolis> Hey I just installed the tabs-take2 branch and the first letter of most of the comments are being truncated. Is that a known bug? 0002:< lost_penguin> sprokolopolis Make sure there are no spaces in your channel list in the settings. 0002:< sprokolopolis> Or is there another 0002:< sprokolopolis> no spaces "^,+,*,&,%chat" 0002:< KrystallAnn> on all comments you read? or ones you send? 0002:< sprokolopolis> ALthough I don't know if those rooms are all still relevant. 0003:< lost_penguin> I that case dunno :) Not happening to me. That's a devs usual excuse. 0003:< jayman419> Do any of you have time to figure out a way to send a message to https://www.reddit.com/r/mrbabalafe/comments/4d887t/group_of_3854/ 0003:< jayman419> We don't need to do so now, but I was thinking a PM before a merge or a stay vote might be useful. 0003:< sprokolopolis> https://imgur.com/SImpdqH 0003:< NuOfBelthasar> Uh, oh. My chat keeps jumpting to the top. 0003:< Lolzep> Hello 0004:< fedorg> use my script maybe 0004:< MorallyDeplorable> wtf https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cgsQCpz_kuoap9sh-hgSiHqbFihJehQ2kMM_yB33XI/edit# 0004:< MorallyDeplorable> Goddamn Vianshie constitution 0004:< jayman419> Cool, fedorg. Thanks. I'll hit you up if the trackers show something interesting. 0004:< NuOfBelthasar> Anyone else having their chat reset to to scrolling to the top everytime someone chats? 0004:< KrystallAnn> Same, NuOfBelthasar 0004:< NuOfBelthasar> Ah, thanks KrystallAnn 0004:< Lolzep> Someone has put effort in 0004:< izacque> do you guys think there's enough time to use the robin-related servers to support channel moderation? 0005:< izacque> you could have a server that keeps track of who's a mod of which channel, and people's scripts could respond to in-chat signals from mods 0006:< lost_penguin> izacque Could, but it kinda defeats the purpose if we use outside servers. 0006:< lost_penguin> May as well just move to irc then :) 0006:< MegaZeus101> Vianshie will just have to suck it then 0007:< sprokolopolis> I switched to the stable version for now :) 0007:< izacque> Well, there's already outside servers hosting known spambot lists, and of course the automated tracker. 0008:< NuOfBelthasar> I really like the idea of being able to select a URL to use as a mute list, izacque 0009:< NuOfBelthasar> Maybe even have a default URL for lazy people like me. 0010:< MegaZeus101> Where does the auto refresh come from? 0010:< MegaZeus101> And can I disable it? 0010:< KrystallAnn> if (timeSinceLastChat !== undefined && (timeSinceLastChat > 60000 && now - timeStarted > 60000)) { window.location.rel 0011:< KrystallAnn> line 434 0011:< KrystallAnn> just set it to a really high number 0012:< _vvvv_> or delete the refresh inside. 0013:< mturi> .robin-message--timestamp { float: right; visibility: hidden; } 0013:< mturi> .robin-message:hover .robin-message--timestamp { visibility: visible; } 0013:< mturi> that saves some toom down left-side 0013:< MegaZeus101> cool; I set it too 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 0013:< mturi> room* 0014:< NuOfBelthasar> MegaZeus101: does the refresh save you from accidentally getting kicked from errors? 0014:< MegaZeus101> I don't believe so. 0014:< NuOfBelthasar> I thought that was the original point of it. :-/ 0014:< MegaZeus101> Wait, could I get kicked from chat for sitting here for a while? 0015:< NuOfBelthasar> No, leaving it open should be fine in general. 0015:< MegaZeus101> Then what was it for? 0015:< MegaZeus101> ... It just refreshed 0015:< MegaZeus101> Even with that huge num 0015:< MegaZeus101> :P 0016:< lost_penguin> I commented it out. 0016:< voltaek> Did you make both 60000 larger? 0016:< lost_penguin> Maybe put it back in if you go afk. 0017:< MegaZeus101> yes 0017:< NuOfBelthasar> MegaZeus101, I meant leaving it open with refresh should be fine. 0017:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> EIGHTHMOON! 0018:< KerbalSpaceExplorer> EIGHTHMOON MY COMRADE 0018:< MegaZeus101> Let me ask this: what happens if it doesn't refresh at all? 0018:< Lolzep> You die 0018:< MegaZeus101> How so? 0018:< Lolzep> You just do man 0018:< MegaZeus101> Dang; that's pretty deep. 0019:< Lolzep> Yah dont do it 0024:< touyajp> %chat _vvvv_ i had to switch back to robin-grow 0024:< touyajp> err 0024:< touyajp> ah no that was right i guess 0035:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW join discord for chat, games 0037:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ How can I reset my fork to match 5a1t master? 0037:< lost_penguin> Got a couple of features to add in. 0038:< _vvvv_> Just fixed the input bug for tabs 0038:< lost_penguin> I've made background color optional for tab channels, and removed chan name from start of message in tabs. 0039:< lost_penguin> Just need to know how to reset my fork to do a new pull request. 0040:< _vvvv_> ayyy 0040:< Lolzep> My boy _vvv_ 0040:< _vvvv_> what's up :) 0040:< Lolzep> Bored at like 8 pm 0041:< lajiggyjarjardoo> do you want to reset or rebase? 0041:< _vvvv_> make rainbow chat mode 0042:< Lolzep> Rainbow chat mode?! PogChamp 0042:< _vvvv_> lajiggyjarjardoo for what? 0043:< lost_penguin> I just want it reset to 5a1t master. 0043:< lost_penguin> I forked to add the tabs stuff earlier. But its out of date now. 0043:< lajiggyjarjardoo> lost_penguin do you want to discard your changes or pull in the latest commits from master to your branch? 0044:< _vvvv_> stash changes probably. 0044:< lost_penguin> Heh this is confusing. Haven't used git before. 0044:< lajiggyjarjardoo> shit 0045:< lajiggyjarjardoo> if not committed, stash changes, rebase to master, apply stash 0045:< bales75> I've got some sort of bug where everytime a new chat comes across, it jumps to the top of the window. Any ideas? 0045:< _vvvv_> There's always the ghetto approach of creating a new folder and checking it out again. 0045:< _vvvv_> :) 0045:< _vvvv_> I did that a lot when I was first learning git, admittedly. 0045:< lost_penguin> Are the any negative issues if I just delete the fork and make a new one? 0045:< _vvvv_> bales75 are you zoomed in? 0046:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin if you have any outstanding changes, they will be lost. 0046:< lajiggyjarjardoo> no you can just nuke the repo and check it out again if you feel ok doing that 0046:< bales75> Yeah 125% 0046:< _vvvv_> bales75 try at 100% for a minute as a test? 0046:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I'm playing with a slack style inline name picker when you type "@", is that a feature Parrot would merge? 0047:< bales75> Thanks _vvvv_ that worked. 0047:< _vvvv_> bales75 you can increase text size in settings to get larger text. 0048:< lajiggyjarjardoo> guess I'll find out 0048:< _vvvv_> lajiggyjarjardoo yeah, most likely! Just make it configurable since there may be rooms with @ and we may need to change in future. 0048:< _vvvv_> we have tab complete right now 0048:< _vvvv_> but dropdown would be nice. 0048:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ word, good callout 0049:< bales75> this is really bringing back memories of the days spent in IRC 0050:< Lolzep> Red Robin is delicious 0051:< MegaZeus101> penis/ Hey, so whats the newest link? 0058:< TheUncleBob> Any script developers around? 0101:< Lolzep> It seems like a no 0101:< _vvvv_> what? 0102:< Lolzep> Oh there we go. I summoned him magically 0102:< _vvvv_> hey 0102:< hagbard-celine> the room keeps refreshing, is that the script? 0102:< Lolzep> ey 0102:< Lolzep> Yes that is 0102:< TheUncleBob> Hey, _vvvv_, can I talk you into a huge favor? 0102:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine There are two things that happen 0103:< _vvvv_> Chat clear and refresh. We didn't write it, it was imported from original robin-grow.. I think it was a keepalive measure. 0103:< _vvvv_> may be dangerous to disable, but you can try. 0103:< _vvvv_> what's up TheUncleBob 0103:< TheUncleBob> I want just a very small custom script, where if one person says a particular phrase (Let's say "Dragon") 0104:< hagbard-celine> ah, i see "refreshes the page if reddit is down", i guess that's why it's ittermittent 0104:< TheUncleBob> Any of my alts that have that script loaded will call back and say "Hey, >username<" back to me. 0106:< mturi> No school Nerf_Bard? 0106:< _vvvv_> sounds like it should already exist, have you looked at some of the bots people have written? For example trivia bot? 0106:< TheUncleBob> The idea being that I can call my alts when they finally merge. 0106:< QuiteMopwater> If you're talking about line 435, I commented it out on the vartan original and nothing bad happened 0106:< QuiteMopwater> If you get booted don't blame me though 0108:< NamePsychic> howdy 0109:< NamePsychic> this still dev chat? 0109:< NuOfBelthasar> Yup. 0110:< NamePsychic> okay, what is with the channel tabs formatting the letters? capitalizing the first, lowering the rest 0110:< NamePsychic> don't see anywhere in the code where it should be doing that, haha 0110:< NamePsychic> but it fucked up %chat because it is case sensitive on the filter. 0111:< _vvvv_> Can you explain? 0111:< _vvvv_> what is your channel filter? 0111:< NamePsychic> On newest update. If you set channel filter to %chat, the button above chat next to "All" shows "%Chat" which is not the same as "%chat" 0112:< Lolzep> Interesting... 0112:< _vvvv_> Does it say "All" or does it say "System" 0112:< NamePsychic> All 0112:< _vvvv_> It should say System, not sure what you are using 0112:< _vvvv_> can you try installing the most recent version? 0112:< NamePsychic> newest update from mvartan page.. it has been updated within the past 10 minutes 0112:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0113:< NamePsychic> oh 0113:< _vvvv_> We aren't mvartan 0113:< NamePsychic> ah. so he's trying to compete with your fork, haha 0113:< _vvvv_> Well technically we forked him so, I guess maybe we are competing. Although he did add us as collaborators so.. 0114:< _vvvv_> Just too many changes to merge at this point for us. 0114:< hagbard-celine> yeah, latest version of that one went from 1.87 to 2.03, so i guess the fork got forked 0114:< _vvvv_> loll 0114:< QuiteMopwater> Speaking of vartan I didn't realize he was merging stuff from voltaek back into his version 0115:< _vvvv_> our tabs work fine I think 0115:< _vvvv_> please report any issues. 0115:< voltaek> I think those were older PRs he pulled in 0116:< MrZiggyStardust> I think the new version of parrot with tabbed chats needs some sort of fix to clear the bottom chat bar when changing tabs 0116:< hagbard-celine> it autofixes with one backspace 0116:< MrZiggyStardust> then the "send chat to:" option could probably be removed too 0116:< NamePsychic> whoa this is much nicer 0117:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I noticed that 0117:< NamePsychic> very nice guys 0117:< _vvvv_> Yes I want to remove sendchatto except on System tab, and that's a good point, I can clean up bar on tab switch 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah, I always wondered when we would get tabbed chats, also maybe some sort of padding, the tabs are tiny with 1 char filters 0118:< NamePsychic> chat doesn't seem to autoscroll all the time though 0118:< MrZiggyStardust> some min size padding in px option would be nice too 0118:< voltaek> Maybe only clean it if it matches a filter they have? Otherwise strip the filter and replace the existing message 0118:< Daegalus> my robin keeps refreshing 0119:< Lolzep> Its supposed to 0119:< MegaZeus101> Hey, anything new here? 0119:< _vvvv_> NamePsychic thanks :) Turn on twitch emotes and type Kappa 0119:< Daegalus> no i mean like every min or so, i just updated 0119:< Lolzep> I like Keepo more 0119:< hagbard-celine> speaking of send chat to, if you change the dropdown choice, it then alternates between the room you are in and the dropdown you choose 0119:< voltaek> That was a suggestion for _vvvv_ btw 0119:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah another option for refresh time would be nice because some chats go for more than a min of inactivity 0119:< NamePsychic> kappa 0119:< BurritoBun> :kappa: 0119:< NamePsychic> Kappa 0119:< Lolzep> You guys are doing it wrong 0119:< stormagnet> the %chat tab is still busted for me 0119:< voltaek> Well it's a "no activity refresh", but I think it should be an option, yes 0119:< BurritoBun> Ik i did 0120:< Lolzep> Its Keepo 0120:< stormagnet> but otherwise everything's good 0120:< _vvvv_> MrZiggyStardust I made width on tabs in hottest release. 0120:< Enofel> Which script should I be using? 0120:< NamePsychic> keeps scrolling to the top :/ 0120:< BurritoBun> what symbol do you put infront of teh emoji? 0120:< BurritoBun> the* 0120:< _vvvv_> NamePsychic set zoom to 100%, increase font size if you want it bigger. 0120:< QuiteMopwater> Enofel: https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 0120:< NamePsychic> ahh 0120:< KrystallAnn> mine scrolls to the top still 0121:< MrZiggyStardust> penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ penis/ ^ _vvvv_ which relese is that? 0121:< Lolzep> Whyyy 0121:< MrZiggyStardust> oh wow that buggered up lol 0121:< _vvvv_> yes you need to reinstall MrZiggyStardust 0121:< Lolzep> MrZiggy you alright there? Do you just like penis that much? Kappa 0121:< _vvvv_> Just go to the repo and click the install link! 0121:< MrZiggyStardust> okay will do, is it the one here? https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0121:< _vvvv_> yes 0122:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep I keep switching chats lol between here and penis/ 0122:< _vvvv_> should fix the backspace repeat, and the tab width 0122:< Lolzep> Same 0122:< MrZiggyStardust> gonna update 0122:< MegaZeus101> Me as well 0122:< MegaZeus101> Link to update pls 0122:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0122:< MrZiggyStardust> sweet tab widths! nice!\ 0122:< _vvvv_> click install link. If it says reinstall say yes, although I think I bumped the version. 0123:< hagbard-celine> System tab defaults to first dropdown choice, temporary fix is putting a comma at the front of your channel list. 0124:< _vvvv_> hagbard-celine Interesting, that isn't happening for me. 0124:< _vvvv_> oh you meen the prepend character? 0124:< NamePsychic> not happening here either. system shows all 0124:< _vvvv_> mean** 0124:< hagbard-celine> yup 0124:< NamePsychic> ah 0124:< MegaZeus101> Oh, nice 0125:< hagbard-celine> system shows all 0125:< hagbard-celine> but without the comma in the channel filter list, i can't type to all 0126:< _vvvv_> None of us ever chat to all anymore :) 0126:< _vvvv_> Do you chat to all often? 0126:< hagbard-celine> but how else will i elect electionbot? :P 0126:< _vvvv_> See I wasn't even aware of electionbot. 0126:< QuiteMopwater> What's electionbot? 0127:< _vvvv_> Maybe I should just put a note explaining the hack in the settings 0127:< hagbard-celine> it's a bot that accepts votes and declares a leader 0128:< lost_penguin> Man 0128:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ Finally figured out git. Made a PR. Let me know if I did it right. 0128:< _vvvv_> ok one min 0129:< MrZiggyStardust> http://i.imgur.com/8eQJgvR.png just an idea for an update 0129:< Enofel> How do I add multiple channels? 0129:< MrZiggyStardust> like just detract the filter len from the chat limit and prepend it when enter is pressed, if possible? 0130:< Enofel> nvm 0130:< _vvvv_> Anything is possible :) 0130:< MrZiggyStardust> haha :) I should work on this, I have a BS in computer science but I've never used JS, I mean it seems easy enough 0131:< MrZiggyStardust> its just whenever I pick up a new language I end up with tabs and tabs of documentation 0132:< _vvvv_> MrZiggyStardust Yeah, it's a good exercise to try hacking at a new project for a few days here and there. 0132:< NamePsychic> %chat still not scrolling right :/ 0133:< NamePsychic> that was meant for here. 0133:< MegaZeus101> Try refreshing 0133:< NamePsychic> done did. 0133:< NamePsychic> it scrolls well for a while and then breaks 0134:< NamePsychic> could my font or font size matter? screen resolution? 0134:< NamePsychic> zoom is 100 0134:< KrystallAnn> ar-Pec is a mess. They're all using a "filter" but literally everyone is using the same one.. 0136:< bales75> my scrolling didn't work right above 14 pt font 0136:< MrZiggyStardust> does anyone know which line I have to edit to make parrot stop refreshing? 0136:< NamePsychic> I'll try to drop down to 12 0137:< MrZiggyStardust> I ctrl+f for reload but nothing :( 0137:< NamePsychic> Gonna need to adjust my resolution to read this shit.. haha 0138:< snowburst> seconding MrZiggyStardust, the refreshing is super annoying 0138:< BurritoBun> Please add the option to turn it off entirely 0138:< lost_penguin> MrZiggyStardust Find the line that says "reload if we haven't"... And comment it out 0138:< QuiteMopwater> By the way, I tried commenting it out on vvvv's fork, no issues there either 0138:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah turns out chrome ctrl+f wasn't working I'll edit it in notepad++ 0139:< lajiggyjarjardoo> I'm having trouble getting my local script to load from greasemonkey, how are you peeps testing in-browser? 0139:< lost_penguin> I can add an option to turn it off. I guess use at your own risk? 0139:< NamePsychic> marakiri eh? 0139:< lajiggyjarjardoo> are you pushing to github and loading from your raw branch? 0139:< NamePsychic> ack, sorry about that 0140:< MrZiggyStardust> maybe add an option for reload interval, or make reload check before filtering messages not afterwards 0141:< _vvvv_> test 0141:< NamePsychic> even at 12 it doesn't keep up with the scrolling 0141:< lost_penguin> I'm using my raw branch but I've PR'd my changes to 541t as well. 0141:< Lolzep> Your test may or may not have worked! 0142:< itkt> chat keeps scrolling to the top when i change channel tabs 0143:< _vvvv_> test 0144:< BurritoBun> http://flockdraw.com/4guv7g 0144:< MrZiggyStardust> huh I commented out the reload but it still did it 0145:< KrystallAnn> Getting off, turning on Wolfram bot 0145:< MrZiggyStardust> nevermind looks like I did it wrong should work for me now 0148:< lost_penguin> I added option to disable auto-timeout. In a PR _vvvv_ 0148:< lost_penguin> It defaults to enabled. 0148:< beyrevra> the tabs scrolling not keeping up for you guys? 0148:< lost_penguin> beyrevra I'll have a look 0148:< lost_penguin> I'll get it to re-scroll when changing tabs. 0149:< beyrevra> the last line of chat is usually covered up for me in the tabs 0149:< stormagnet> user in my alt's chat was just complaining about that 0150:< stormagnet> I told him you'd be working on it and lo there you are 0150:< beyrevra> the whole tab refreshes for me from time to time too, is that intended? 0150:< beyrevra> tab meaning chrome tab 0151:< NinjaInSpace> same problem here beyrevra 0151:< MrZiggyStardust> that's why I commented out the window.location.reload(); line in the update function 0152:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ check your last commit. Looks bad? 0158:< Lolzep> Why is the parrot robin grow fork a 404 page? :c 0158:< lost_penguin> I think _vvvv_ made a boo boo. 0158:< lost_penguin> He'll fix it. 0158:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ ow that hurt me as well 0159:< mturi> Works for me https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 0200:< NinjaInSpace> lol he deleted the script by accident - just fixed it though. 0200:< lost_penguin> Looks OK now :) 0201:< _vvvv_> test 0201:< _vvvv_> Yeah I don't know what happened there. 0201:< lost_penguin> :D 0201:< Lolzep> 5/7 job there m8 0201:< KernelSnuffy> wow, the tabs look great 0201:< _vvvv_> This is my first day on the internet 0202:< _vvvv_> please forgive me 0202:< lost_penguin> Thanks KernelSnuffy. 0202:< KernelSnuffy> i wonder if there could be a way to like 0202:< lost_penguin> We do our best. 0202:< KernelSnuffy> change the chat prefix when you switch tabs 0202:< Lolzep> I believe it is actually your 325230987 day on the internet sir 0202:< lost_penguin> Except when we accidentally delete source files. 0202:< KernelSnuffy> ah yes the importance of versioning EleGiggle 0203:< lost_penguin> KernelSnuffy Yeah I was going to remove it completely from channel windows. 0203:< lost_penguin> And only have it on the System tab. 0204:< KernelSnuffy> also having some bug where the scroll doesn't go all the way to the bottom 0204:< BurritoBun> Of course I am! 0205:< lost_penguin> Haha yeah gotta fix that. Keep getting distracted. 0205:< stormagnet> getting that too- the scroll not going all the way down 0206:< _vvvv_> NamePsychic when does the scroll mess up for you 0206:< _vvvv_> Only when switching tabs? 0206:< KernelSnuffy> hard to say 0206:< lost_penguin> Happens just when people chat to me. 0206:< supasteve013> the tabs are sweet 0206:< NamePsychic> after switching tabs, but when people are adding new messages 0206:< supasteve013> nice shit vvvv 0206:< NamePsychic> it'll work fine if I stay on one tab forever 0206:< KernelSnuffy> but yes generally when i switch tabs it doesn't work after someone says something new, it kind of stays in the same place as when i switch 0206:< MrZiggyStardust> mine doesn't auto scroll when I make a new message or with other new messages 0207:< NamePsychic> but when I move it starts getting whacky 0207:< MrZiggyStardust> but I'm also on two tabs 0207:< _vvvv_> MrZiggyStardustAre you using increased font size or different style? 0208:< NamePsychic> I changed my font down to 12 and tried console and default blank 0208:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ what font choices are there to change in the Font Style setting? 0208:< MrZiggyStardust> penis/ _vvvv_ nope 0208:< NinjaInSpace> _vvvv_ the same thing happens for me, default font size and style 0208:< _vvvv_> Lolzep anything that's available to your browser.. Differs by browser and OS. 0208:< _vvvv_> You can try Arial for example 0208:< MrZiggyStardust> _vvvv_ I'm also not update to 26 actually so could be it 0208:< lost_penguin> I've fixed it so it scrolls right when changing tabs. 0209:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ thank you my boy 0209:< supasteve013> update to 26 0209:< lost_penguin> But may need a different fix so it works right when people chat normally. 0209:< NamePsychic> %chat I'm up to date and it's not when changing but when people are typing 0209:< NinjaInSpace> https://i.imgur.com/dKu2QCQ.png 0209:< NamePsychic> it cuts off half way to start, and then just gets further and further behind if I don't scroll 0209:< beyrevra> anyone else having their chrome tab reload or is that just me? 0209:< NamePsychic> the reloading is a pain too 0210:< lost_penguin> beyrevra go to settings, down the bottom. Disable auto-reload. 0210:< lost_penguin> I added it about 30 mins ago. 0210:< NamePsychic> %chat ^ %chat ^ %chat ^ %chat ^ whoa 0210:< beyrevra> it's deisabled 0210:< NamePsychic> %chat ^ %chat ^ %chat ^ %chat ^bug 0211:< NuOfBelthasar> My chat is still jumping to the top in chrome after every new message. Not in IE. Please help. 0211:< lost_penguin> Hmm. Dunno then! 0211:< NamePsychic> gonna try incongnito incase it is another extension fucking with it? 0211:< lost_penguin> Maybe something else reloading it. 0211:< NuOfBelthasar> It's even happening in channels I'm not listening to. 0212:< NinjaInSpace> NuOfBelthasar, that's happening for me now too after switching tabs. 0212:< NuOfBelthasar> I've re-updated and refreshed. 0212:< NamePsychic> wait that won't work lol 0212:< NuOfBelthasar> I've only seen it in System. 0212:< NuOfBelthasar> But that's maybe only because it's the noisest tab for me. 0213:< NamePsychic> what's funny is system scrolls like magic for me 0213:< beyrevra> odd - i refreshed and the auto reload was checked so I just unchecked it 0213:< KernelSnuffy> yeah imine just autorefreshes 0213:< NamePsychic> but not actual channels 0213:< beyrevra> looks like it's fixed now 0213:< lost_penguin> sweet. 0214:< beyrevra> last_penguin - when you click on open settings it sets the "send chat to" drop down to the zero index in the drop down menu 0214:< beyrevra> so if you then start typing it spams two different chat room identifiers 0214:< beyrevra> if that makes sense 0214:< beyrevra> I gotta go to bed, I want to try to contribute to the script tomorrow if there's stuff to do 0215:< lost_penguin> k 'night beyrevra 0215:< NamePsychic> %chat room is going nuts about the scrolling issue haha 0215:< lost_penguin> Haha. 0216:< TheUncleBob> Anyone got a link to the RAW for one of the Trivia bots? 0217:< shorty_06> You mean the source code? 0217:< TheHawkIsHowling> Hey so I've been gone for a while, is 5a1t still the go or what's the parrot business? 0218:< shorty_06> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/master/questions_bot_gm.js 0218:< stormagnet> TheHawkIsHowling Parrot is just the new name for the 5a1t fork 0218:< bwoebi> not sure whether I like the fixed-witdth font... 0218:< stormagnet> TheHawkIsHowling and it is very much the go :D 0219:< TheHawkIsHowling> Ah gotcha stormagnet cheers 0219:< MegaZeus101> Huh, Unfiltered chat doesn't give me cancer anymore; impresive 0219:< stormagnet> bwoebi update to the latest- you can customize font 0219:< Lolzep> Its progress zeus. The spammers got tired 0219:< lost_penguin> I think I see the problem with scrolling. 0219:< bwoebi> stormagnet yeah, seen that ... I'm just wondering whether I like it :-D 0219:< lost_penguin> Fixing (hopefully) 0219:< TheUncleBob> shorty_06 Thanks. :D 0222:< TheHawkIsHowling> How do you change the font? I presume I'm on the latest update of parrot since auto update is on 0222:< NamePsychic> yay 0222:< _vvvv_> testing scroll 0223:< _vvvv_> testing scroll 0223:< bwoebi> May someone add a way to disable channel insertion? 0223:< bwoebi> Also, using a non-fixed width font is pretty broken due to the username alignment 0223:< _vvvv_> test 0225:< NamePsychic> testing for you 0225:< NamePsychic> helping you test 0225:< NamePsychic> maybe making a difference of sorts. 0226:< svlad> scrollollololo 0226:< lost_penguin> Waiting for enough text to see scrolling. 0226:< YSFish> words 0226:< NamePsychic> hi 0226:< NamePsychic> hello, it's me 0226:< YSFish> more lines in the chat for you 0226:< lost_penguin> Nevermind, I made it worse! 0226:< NamePsychic> noise noise noise 0226:< svlad> They see me scrollin 0226:< YSFish> i can't believe you've done this 0226:< NamePsychic> on robin 0227:< bwoebi> lol, reload after inactivity timeout? What is that for? ... some some reason it's enabled by default?! 0227:< svlad> the dead sea scroll 0227:< lost_penguin> Backwards compatibility bwoebi. It was a feature that didn't have a setting before. Was hard coded in. 0227:< svlad> I ran out of scroll puns 0228:< YSFish> Scrolly McScrollFace 0228:< NamePsychic> scroll with ya, scroll for the years 0228:< NamePsychic> scroll for the laughter 0228:< bwoebi> lost_penguin ah? Well yesterday it wasn't there... 0228:< NamePsychic> scroll for the tears 0228:< an_audible_smile> wow parrot script is incredible 0228:< an_audible_smile> I can talk on 5 channels at once 0229:< bwoebi> that was absolutely annoying now when I tried to type something and it just refreshed the input away... 0229:< NamePsychic> yeah but can you scroll 0229:< lost_penguin> Yesterday it was there but it never happened before tabs decreased activity. 0229:< theOh3> these tabs are amazing 0229:< theOh3> the comma system before was janky 0230:< an_audible_smile> it'st still buggy tho 0230:< lost_penguin> Thanks theOh3 0230:< an_audible_smile> cause @username get filtered into the @ channel 0230:< NamePsychic> I'm in love. 0230:< NamePsychic> but also in hate. 0230:< an_audible_smile> and #rpg has the username between the # and rpg 0230:< an_audible_smile> plus the chat doesn't auto lock to bottom 0231:< an_audible_smile> so you have to keep scrolling 0231:< NamePsychic> an_audible_smile is your rpg channel actually just # ? 0231:< an_audible_smile> no I just put # for the channel but #rpg is in there 0231:< theOh3> when i try to use other fonts the spacing gets weird 0231:< an_audible_smile> it shows up as # rpg though 0231:< NamePsychic> that's what I mean. you're seeing all of #(anything) 0231:< an_audible_smile> @_vvvv_ 0232:< _vvvv_> hey 0232:< lost_penguin> I think I fixed scroll. 0232:< an_audible_smile> @dashed 0232:< bwoebi> It is completely impossible to write /tally now, because there's always some channel inserted in at the start of the line :x 0232:< _vvvv_> test 0232:< lost_penguin> Just let me test it a bit. 0232:< MrZiggyStardust> to be fair those chat names are bad 0232:< NamePsychic> bwoebi: start with a comma 0232:< theOh3> like some messages are indented more than others 0232:< bwoebi> ,/tally 0232:< an_audible_smile> @_vvvv_ putting # as a channel creates a bugged chat that has #rpg with the username in between the # and rpg 0232:< NamePsychic> bwoebi on your channel list, use a comma first and then write to system 0232:< bwoebi> NamePsychic: what do you mean? 0233:< bwoebi> oh 0233:< lost_penguin> an_audible_smile yeah that's an easy fix just haven't done it yet sorry. 0233:< NamePsychic> so you have an empty channel 0233:< bwoebi> NamePsychic Much better :-) 0233:< svlad> oh hmm, scrolling is weird, isn't it? 0233:< an_audible_smile> @_vvvv_ also the chat doesn't properly align to the bottom 0233:< NamePsychic> they're working on it haha 0233:< dashed> yooo im back :D 0234:< _vvvv_> # channel seems to work ok 0234:< an_audible_smile> @_vvvv_ keeps aligning to top 0234:< bwoebi> though it inserts a leading whitespace @NamePsychic 0234:< _vvvv_> can you explain more 0234:< an_audible_smile> the scroll bar basically moves to the top 0234:< bwoebi> I can remove that whitespace, but it's annoying nevertheless 0234:< NamePsychic> bwoebi yeaaaah. haha 0234:< an_audible_smile> keeps moving to the top whenever a new line is added 0234:< NamePsychic> why tally at all? the script tallys for you 0235:< dashed> _vvvv_ were u able to resolve some bugs? 0235:< bales75> an_audible_smile make sure you're zoomed out to 100% 0235:< bwoebi> I know, I just was testing though 0235:< an_audible_smile> what if I want to keep my current zoom setting though? 0235:< an_audible_smile> the font is too small for me 0236:< svlad> unzooming didn't fix the scrolling text alignbment for me 0236:< an_audible_smile> gotta test the edge cases 0236:< NamePsychic> changing zoom to 100 doesn't fix it anyway, just helps slightly. 0236:< bwoebi> I wish I had commit access ... Well, when I'm bothered enough I'll just bite the bullet and PR it ^^ 0236:< MegaZeus101> I have a request for you to exempt the navy seals copypasta from the spam filter ty 0236:< svlad> yeah, my PC is connected to my TV. I can't read anything below 150% zoom 0236:< an_audible_smile> Kappa 0236:< an_audible_smile> no twitch emotes? 0237:< bwoebi> @svlad use a smaller general resolution? 0237:< _vvvv_> Trying to fix scrolly 0237:< NamePsychic> svlad same, at 100% and 12pt I had to change my resolution to read it 0237:< an_audible_smile> %chat BibleThump 0237:< _vvvv_> but we have tabs now dashed 0237:< NamePsychic> still doesn't scroll right though so don't bother 0237:< an_audible_smile> PogChamp 0237:< svlad> bwoebi then there's jaggies everywhere if I'm below my native resolution. It looks like shit. 0237:< lost_penguin> OK 0237:< an_audible_smile> hm Twitch chat emotes aren't working 0237:< bwoebi> fine then 0238:< dashed> _vvvv_ i know ... there were bugs that needed to be fixed 0238:< lost_penguin> Scroll seems fixed.I'll make a PR _vvvv_ 0238:< _vvvv_> awesome 0238:< jayman419> You mean scroll on Parrot? 0238:< NamePsychic> yaaaay 0238:< lost_penguin> Yeh 0238:< _vvvv_> yes 0238:< _vvvv_> this parrot chat basically 0238:< an_audible_smile> Kappa 0238:< Daegalus> guys, there is a setting to increase font size 0238:< an_audible_smile> DansGame 0239:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0239:< an_audible_smile> VoHiYo 0239:< NamePsychic> Daegalus which further broke scrolling at large fonts, haha 0239:< an_audible_smile> SneakyWeeb 0239:< an_audible_smile> rip no sub emotes Kappa 0239:< dashed> lost_penguin: https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/blob/master/robin.user.js#L967-L976 0239:< dashed> lost_penguin needed for each tab individually 0239:< _vvvv_> They aren't working in tabs audbile 0240:< bwoebi> Much better with a little ternary ... 0241:< stormagnet> any tips on channel filtering %chat? I've tried so far: \ escaping the %, adding a space after 0241:< lost_penguin> OK made PR 0241:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ GOGO 0241:< _vvvv_> stormagnet just do ^,%chat, 0241:< _vvvv_> %chat filtering works fine for me 0241:< _vvvv_> update to latest maybe? 0241:< stormagnet> ah, so kill the % channel 0241:< Lolzep> _vvvv_ whenever twitch emotes are used, the chat does scroll down with the rest of chat. 0241:< stormagnet> lol I was doing it again XD 0242:< lost_penguin> I'll change filtering to make sure there's a space after the chan name. 0242:< lost_penguin> Seems easiest fix? 0242:< _vvvv_> Lolzep looks like we are going to have to insert twitch emotes into every message 0242:< dashed> lost_penguin _vvvv_ what bug? 0242:< stormagnet> I had a channel filter for ,% , 0242:< NamePsychic> but then you'd miss this message 0242:< Lolzep> Shieeeeeet 0242:< Lolzep> T17 OR BUST 0243:< lost_penguin> dashed for detecting channel correctly when there's # and #chat etc. 0243:< lost_penguin> Currently could match # when it should match #chat. 0243:< dashed> lost_penguin do tabs repain wheneever u set new filters ffrom settings? 0244:< lost_penguin> dashed can't remember. Maybe only on refresh. 0244:< stormagnet> yeah, I'd been using whitespace to prevent sloppy matching before 0244:< NamePsychic> added spam filter "or bust" haha 0244:< stormagnet> ^ guessing that broke at some point 0244:< lost_penguin> But would be simple to change.Just need to call resetChannels. 0244:< NamePsychic> there a PR for the scroll fix yet? 0244:< lost_penguin> Yeah I made a PR pretty sure 0245:< stormagnet> dashed lost_penguin currently when you change filters you need to refresh 0245:< NamePsychic> auto updates or? 0245:< an_audible_smile> are you using regex for the spam filter btw? 0245:< NuOfBelthasar> The PR is not merged yet. 0245:< stormagnet> the tabs will work, but the channels will show up in order listed in filter, and the tabs won't update to list new order :P 0245:< bwoebi> good, altered my local version to not include a leading space in default channel ... :-) 0245:< _vvvv_> testing scrolly 0245:< Daegalus> NamePsychic seems he didnt bump the version, so you need to copy and paste it in, or force reinstall which loses your settings 0246:< bwoebi> what exactly is that scrolly which is being worked on? 0246:< _vvvv_> I will bump version shortly. 0246:< NamePsychic> ok thanks _vvvv_, Daegalus 0246:< _vvvv_> testing scrolly 0246:< lost_penguin> bwoebi I fixed it, just wait till it's live in new version :) 0246:< _vvvv_> scrolly seems better 0247:< KernelSnuffy> is there a way with the new tabbed version to have an unfiltered view? 0247:< _vvvv_> will you guys test? pushing version update in 1 minute 0247:< dashed> _vvvv_ do u know if autovote occurs if the user hides the vote controls? 0247:< Lolzep> Will do 0247:< lost_penguin> KernelSnuffy System is pretty much unfiltered? 0247:< NamePsychic> we will definitely test 0247:< _vvvv_> yes KernelSnuffy, put , as first char and then System is unfiltered 0247:< _vvvv_> so make it like ,^,%channel,# 0247:< TheUncleBob> Anyone know shit about FireFox/GreaseMonkey on android? 0247:< bwoebi> lost_penguin great - as said, I've already fixed it locally though, don't have to wait ^^ 0247:< an_audible_smile> there's a major bug where if you try to type into a channel (ex: ^) while having another channel set (ex: %) 0247:< KernelSnuffy> for some reason... it seems like i'm missing a bunch of stuff 0248:< KernelSnuffy> in system it only looks like stuff with prefixes is being displayed 0248:< KernelSnuffy> even with the comma 0248:< _vvvv_> make your first char of filter just comma 0248:< an_audible_smile> the script will keep trying to append the ^ and % in front of each other until you reach the max char limit 0248:< KernelSnuffy> ,^,%chat,#rpg,$,% is my filter text 0248:< _vvvv_> is anything in system white? 0248:< KernelSnuffy> nope 0248:< lost_penguin> Why the first ,? 0248:< Lolzep> You actually talk with %chat?... So fast of a chat... no chill 0249:< KernelSnuffy> just have it there to see what's going on 0249:< NamePsychic> lost_penguin it allows you to send to system with no prefix appending 0249:< bales75> _vvvv_ you're pushing an update to fix scrolling? 0249:< _vvvv_> the first comma collects everything 0249:< an_audible_smile> ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ so for example I try to post a % comment in ^ 0249:< an_audible_smile> this is what happens 0249:< _vvvv_> you need to update an_audible_smile 0249:< _vvvv_> I fixed that a few revisions ago 0249:< lost_penguin> Be back in about 20 mins. If chan matching and chan prefix aren't fixed by then I'll do them. 0249:< an_audible_smile> ok 0250:< dashed> lost_penguin later man 0250:< lost_penguin> later 0250:< an_audible_smile> nope same version 0250:< _vvvv_> Anyone with scroll issues please update 0250:< an_audible_smile> 2.26 still happens 0250:< dashed> scroll is fixed :D i was about to fix this 0250:< an_audible_smile> ^ & ^ & ^ & ^ & ^ & ^ & ^ & example 0250:< _vvvv_> it should be 2.8. 0250:< NamePsychic> "No update found, sry" 0250:< hagbard-celine> I'm on 2.26, same experience as audible: backspacing alternates like that 0251:< _vvvv_> what is your filter list an_audible_smile 0251:< an_audible_smile> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js ? 0251:< dashed> _vvvv_ move fast breaks all the things \o/ 0251:< an_audible_smile> this is the update url 0251:< _vvvv_> yes 0251:< dashed> _vvvv_ we should move towards deprecating dropdown 0251:< hagbard-celine> sends me to 2.26 0251:< an_audible_smile> yea it shows version 2.26 0251:< dashed> hagbard-celine tha'ts cahced 0251:< Daegalus> I just tirggered update on Tampermonkey and it upgraded to 2.28 0251:< bales75> 2.28 is up, just got it 0252:< an_audible_smile> what's the url? 0252:< KernelSnuffy> just upgraded to 2.28, still no white lines in system chat 0252:< _vvvv_> same url 0252:< dashed> hagbard-celine u gotta go to individual commits and get raws of that file in that commit 0252:< NamePsychic> updated now, cool 0252:< Daegalus> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js 0252:< dashed> hagbard-celine or click update 0252:< _vvvv_> KernelSnuffy, can you remove a channel like $ 0252:< hagbard-celine> aight 0252:< an_audible_smile> ok I'll flush cache then 0252:< KernelSnuffy> sure 0252:< KernelSnuffy> _vvvv_ is it because my filter by channels is on? 0252:< baseball44121> do you guys wanna draw? 0252:< NamePsychic> sometimes I run into a bug where it keeps adding a bunch of appendings every time I type, but a refresh fixes it 0252:< _vvvv_> no 0252:< lajiggyjarjardoo> feature flagging for regression might not be a horrible idea when things go bad 0252:< baseball44121> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg 0252:< KernelSnuffy> i.e. if i iturn that off does it break the other stuff 0252:< dashed> an_audible_smile i think it's cached on github's side 0252:< NamePsychic> scroll is a-1-yola 0253:< KernelSnuffy> ok i'm removing $ 0253:< NamePsychic> magic guys, magic. 0253:< snowburst> KernelSnuffy is filter by channels unchecked 0253:< valyss> what does filter by channels even do 0253:< KernelSnuffy> it's unchecked now and it works, but i have a leading , so it shouldn't matter right 0253:< _vvvv_> You need to filter by channels. 0253:< an_audible_smile> how come I can't manually update it with the url? 0253:< bales75> _vvvv_ scrolling works fine even when zoomed. Only exception is that it gets a little jumpy when a lot of messages come in 0253:< _vvvv_> are everyones scroll issues fixed? 0253:< NamePsychic> scrolling seems wonderful on 2.28 0253:< snowburst> the scroll jumps to the bottom now whenever a new message comes in 0254:< KernelSnuffy> looks like it :D but still no white lines in system chat when filter by channels checked 0255:< dashed> _vvvv_ yep :D 0255:< baseball44121> GUYS LETS DRAW http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg 0255:< an_audible_smile> % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % ^ % this still happens 0255:< NamePsychic> an_audible_smile, try checking for update from tampermoneky 0255:< an_audible_smile> I'm on 2.28 0256:< _vvvv_> an_audible_smile do you refresh the page after an update? 0256:< NamePsychic> and what is "this still happens" I just see % ^ % ^ % ^ but it doesn't mean anything to me 0256:< an_audible_smile> well that's the bug 0256:< Annon201> Anyone know list of server commands? We might as well start implementing things like /join, /part, /msg and the like 0256:< NamePsychic> it adds those automatically? 0256:< NamePsychic> refresh, it did that to me but a refresh fixed it right away 0257:< dashed> testest 0257:< an_audible_smile> if you want to post to % but you're viewing ^, that happens 0257:< bales75> or /dcc get :P 0257:< NamePsychic> ... you can't post to a page you're not viewing. 0257:< _vvvv_> Yeah we need to remove the dropdown 0258:< _vvvv_> except leave it on System tab 0258:< baseball44121> http://flockdraw.com/5f86rg 0258:< an_audible_smile> except you can post to a page you're not viewing 0258:< _vvvv_> I am surprised no one has made a room connector bot yet 0258:< NuOfBelthasar> Scroll seems fixed. 0258:< NinjaInSpace> Scrolling is a lot better - but it's still popping back up to the top at random intervals 0258:< NamePsychic> an_audible_smile not as an intended feature. lol 0258:< an_audible_smile> you'll still be able to see it if you have a different script that doesn't separate by tabs 0259:< _vvvv_> Or System tab 0259:< an_audible_smile> btw what if I want to view 2 channels in 1 tab? 0259:< NamePsychic> you can't. 0259:< _vvvv_> System tab shows all the rooms at once. 0259:< Lolzep> Now youre asking too much Kappa 0259:< an_audible_smile> can u make that possible? 0259:< _vvvv_> The "old" way. 0300:< an_audible_smile> lol 0300:< snowburst> is the scroll stuck to the bottom permanently now? 0300:< _vvvv_> Submit a pull request :) 0300:< dashed> _vvvv_ can u try to call my name from %chat? 0300:< an_audible_smile> can I merge tabs? Kappa 0300:< an_audible_smile> and channels? 0300:< NamePsychic> Can irc clients make that possible? sure, but it's not a really common desire to do it. 0300:< NamePsychic> lol 0301:< _vvvv_> brb 0301:< an_audible_smile> scroll still goes to top 0301:< bwoebi> the difference to IRC clients is that I'm only ever in one single room with these :-D 0302:< bales75> hey _vvvv_ I get some screen jumping when switching tabs. http://i.imgur.com/gBjbmis.gifv FYI zoomed to 150% but happens at 100% too 0302:< Daegalus> technically the IRC protocol, all channels and all messages are in 1 long stream. There is just enough information to organize them much 0302:< Daegalus> like we are now 0303:< bwoebi> it's possible to follow multiple very low-profile chats and one high-profile one, but not watch multiple high-profile in different tabs 0304:< IceyMocha> gone sexual 0305:< IceyMocha> gone wrong 0305:< an_audible_smile> I wonder what Reddit admins think 0305:< IceyMocha> about naked little girls? 0305:< an_audible_smile> bet this is just a way to beta test Reddit chat Kappa 0306:< an_audible_smile> and you already did part of the work for them Kappa 0306:< IceyMocha> oh god if reddit makes this permanent im going back to digg 0306:< IceyMocha> cant stand i 0306:< supasteve013> digg is for scrubs 0306:< Lolzep> That made me die a little Icey. I love robin :c 0307:< dashed> _vvvv_ i was wondering how you'll pinged from otehr chats 0307:< IceyMocha> the cringeworthy memes it is spawning ruin it for me 0307:< Lolzep> Why do you think channels were created? c: 0307:< IceyMocha> colors as races and shit like that *facepalm* 0308:< wickedthiswaycums> And all that just because the chat exists and we want to see what happens 0309:< dashed> btw i 0309:< dashed> btw i pushed v2.29 that auto changes prefix when u switch tabs 0310:< rakki9999112> Guys help my mute isn't working 0310:< dashed> ??? 0310:< rakki9999112> I mute people and I can still see them 0310:< _vvvv_> uhhh 0311:< _vvvv_> we have a bit of a problem 0311:< dashed> ??? 0311:< _vvvv_> the scroll is pushing slightly up every time.. so after a bit all messages are pushed off the screen 0312:< _vvvv_> I'm wondering if the scroll calculation is correct. 0312:< dashed> _vvvv_ the target is wrong 0312:< dashed> _vvvv_ u need to target robinChatMessageList and robinChatMessageList-ch0 .... robinChatMessageList-chN 0312:< _vvvv_> I see Daegalus 0313:< _vvvv_> I don't know if you saw, but I added you as collab. 0313:< _vvvv_> btw 0313:< dashed> yay more devs \o/ 0313:< Daegalus> i had my limit set to 200, so i was constantly losing messages in this room 0313:< Daegalus> ya i saw :) 0313:< Daegalus> :) 0313:< enigmaquip> okay so weird, but funny.... never muted koi..... so the msg shows up in this chat window for a few seconds and then disappears on it's ow 0313:< Daegalus> thats the repeat filter 0313:< dashed> guys i pushed v2.29.. u guys check if it's working? 0314:< _vvvv_> will do dashed 0314:< Daegalus> since he repeats the same message, 3 times or more, it gets removed 0314:< Daegalus> checking 0314:< enigmaquip> couldn't figure out why the chat was growing and shrinking from across the room, though it was funny 0315:< NamePsychic> heading to bed. back to screenlogging chat. 0315:< Daegalus> its a little buggy dashed. if you switch between tabs a lot, it has weird behavior 0315:< Daegalus> we need individual channel limits. so I can set global to 1000, %chat to 100, and the rest to 500 0316:< an_audible_smile> I agree 0317:< lost_penguin> dashed I was going to hide dropdown and channel prefix when in a channel tab. And just add the prefix before send. What do you think? 0317:< lost_penguin> I know you just did the auto-select stuff but I think it would make it tidier. 0317:< dashed> lost_penguin are u able to do this? 0317:< NamePsychic> lost_penguin, dooo it. 0317:< lost_penguin> Yeh. 0318:< dashed> lost_penguin how will this work for System tab? 0318:< _vvvv_> Yeah the auto select was a hack 0318:< _vvvv_> Just to get the tabs working really 0318:< lost_penguin> I'll leave it there for system tab. 0318:< IceyMocha> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWZAFclNjgs 0318:< _vvvv_> Do it :) 0318:< _vvvv_> Nice fix dahsed 0319:< _vvvv_> dashed* 0319:< lost_penguin> I'm going to be sad when reddit pull the plug on all this. 0319:< dashed> _vvvv_ thx :) at least it's more usable xD 0319:< dashed> lost_penguin i was gonna disable when someone is inside a specific chat.. but if u can do it as u described.. go for it \o/ 0319:< _vvvv_> We will just have to build the rest. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 03:25:15 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 03:28:07 2016 0328:< hagbard-celine> the automatic switching of send chat to is now switching to one behind what it should be 0328:< _vvvv_> what does your filter list look like 0329:< hagbard-celine> fixed by removing my first comma hack 0329:< _vvvv_> interesting 0332:< dashed> _vvvv_ lost_penguin do u think we can remove colors on messages inside tabs? 0333:< _vvvv_> There's a checkbox inside settings for it. 0333:< rakki9999112> gashed, it appears to work now 0333:< Sabrejack> we're already the biggest room you ding dong 0333:< rakki9999112> dashed* 0333:< KernelSnuffy> interesting, my chat seems to clear frequnetly 0333:< Multiwagon> how do you pull the list of all the users in the room? 0333:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin had it disabled by default, I turned it on since it's what users were used to currently. But off by default better? 0334:< lost_penguin> Just easier on the eyes when its off. 0334:< dashed> _vvvv_ might be better if it's configrable setting 0334:< dashed> _vvvv_ o wait it is 0335:< dashed> _vvvv_ nvm :D 0335:< lost_penguin> :) 0338:< inkblob> I can't seem to get parrot to work in chrome incognito? 0338:< _vvvv_> tab on main screen to change room? 0338:< NamePsychic> incognito disables all addons including tamper 0339:< _vvvv_> all my messages just disappeared 0339:< lost_penguin> I think you can go to extensions and allow tampermonkey to work in incognito. 0339:< inkblob> but I have autogrow working in it? 0339:< inkblob> I had robin grow working ya 0339:< lost_penguin> *shrug* 0340:< voltaek> Just made a PR 0340:< inkblob> it's not a big deal, just curious and maybe of interest. it's my alt account 0340:< hagbard-celine> chatbox in system starts with a space when tabbed to, and that space carries over to other tabs, multiple switches 0340:< voltaek> good amount of changes to consolidate the styling 0340:< hagbard-celine> back and forth from and to system add up spaces 0340:< voltaek> _vvvv_ or dashed 0341:< lajiggyjarjardoo> so bool settings callback on load and inputs callback on change? 0342:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i'll just create my own event trigger i guess 0342:< _vvvv_> thank you voltaek 0343:< voltaek> Wish there was a better way to consolidate it that the escaping the EOL deal, but it's not too bad to maintain 0343:< lost_penguin> Nice voltaek 0343:< voltaek> It's better than pulling in an external sheet I think 0343:< KernelSnuffy> voltaek aren't you the original robin-grow guy :o 0343:< _vvvv_> That's Vartan 0344:< KernelSnuffy> ah 0344:< voltaek> lol no I was just working on the original branch before 0344:< voltaek> I'll take that as a compliment tho? 0344:< dashed> _vvvv_ btw we have collab permissions to artan/robin-grow 0344:< KernelSnuffy> :D 0344:< voltaek> Oh, forgot to mention it also has a much better full chat height style set in there, guys 0345:< _vvvv_> yes I saw that 0345:< _vvvv_> I agree with you, though, don't feel like taking the time to merge. 0345:< _vvvv_> So a bit of an awkward situation. 0345:< dashed> voltaek have u / will you push some of your PRs to parrot? 0345:< dashed> _vvvv_ yeah i know... prefer to focus on one fork 0345:< voltaek> I was going through them earlier to see what we needed to bring over, and got a bit distracted with this PR lol 0346:< dashed> voltaek oh? which PR? :D 0346:< voltaek> The one _vvvv_ just merged 0346:< voltaek> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/pull/41 0346:< dashed> ah 0346:< voltaek> Is link highlighting broken? 0347:< _vvvv_> http://www.google.com 0347:< dashed> voltaek the height style is awesome btw 0347:< voltaek> I consider myself pretty handy with CSS 0347:< _vvvv_> It looks like link highlighting and twitch emotes are only getting sent to main System window 0347:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0348:< dashed> _vvvv_ im gonna cut a release to 2.30 0348:< _vvvv_> ok 0349:< dashed> done 0349:< dashed> lost_penguin are u still working on putting together a PR to deprecate the dropdown? 0349:< lost_penguin> Yeh, testing atm 0350:< lost_penguin> Going mostly well 0350:< dashed> awesome 0350:< dashed> _vvvv_ do you know if autovote still occurs when controls are hidden? 0350:< _vvvv_> yes 0351:< voltaek> Still have another tiny PR pending 0351:< _vvvv_> I have had an alt with autovote and hidden controls running for 12+ hours now 0351:< _vvvv_> Only tested in chrome and FF though 0352:< dashed> _vvvv_ awesome.. i was curious about it. typically u can't trigger events on hidden controls 0353:< IceyMocha> http://flockdraw.com/31uw2y 0354:< voltaek> console.log(channelLinkId); 0354:< voltaek> lol someone left some testing 0354:< stormagnet> can't read chat that's scrolled past window height right now- auto-scrolls back down 0356:< dashed> voltaek well did ;) 0357:< dashed> voltaek we all did 0357:< dashed> btw i fixed "Clear chat" to work on only clearing current tab 0357:< voltaek> now that I'm actually watching i see it happening for a number of things. No big deal with the speed development is going 0357:< tW4r> Hey guys 0357:< voltaek> Yeah my implementation was for single chat 0358:< dashed> v2.31 landed 0358:< tW4r> So did _vvvv_ rename robin-grow to parrot yet?? 0358:< _vvvv_> yes but I'm leaving the git url the same for greasemonkey compat 0359:< _vvvv_> unless someone knows how to forward it 0359:< dashed> ithink github does this automatically 0400:< tW4r> OMG the new tabs look awesome 0400:< dashed> _vvvv_ this redirects: https://github.com/dashed/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js 0401:< dashed> _vvvv_ noticed i rename to parrot :D 0401:< kmcgurty1> http://reddit.com 0402:< _vvvv_> interesting 0402:< _vvvv_> should we try to change it? 0403:< _vvvv_> and nice link kmcgurty1.. Never seen that site before. 0403:< kmcgurty1> @_vvvv_ lmfao, was tesing some css 0403:< dashed> _vvvv_ it's your call :D what do traffic stats look like for your repo? 0403:< tW4r> _vvvv_, wouldn't it be better to actually make another repo named parrot, and in the original robin-grow repo just update the @updateURL? 0403:< voltaek> _vvvv_ and dashed, I just finished looking through vartan's branch, and there isn't anything in there we don't have 0404:< tW4r> _vvvv_ That way people would gradually update it to parrot 0404:< dashed> voltaek ah. nice.. 0405:< voltaek> unless you count trivia bot highlight lmao 0405:< _vvvv_> 2707 views and 1,571 unique visitors in last 2 days 0405:< dashed> _vvvv_ nice! 0405:< dashed> _vvvv_ multiply by 3 for people with alts 0406:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0406:< voltaek> and statistics tracking, which I'd feel weird about putting into the script 0406:< _vvvv_> I wonder if it counts direct links to the file. 0406:< PotatoBadger> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 0406:< dashed> voltaek no plz :( 0406:< PotatoBadger> ???????????!@$@#)($)@#(*$)@#$* @#)($* ) *@#)U ROI FJLKSJ:DLASK J:LKASJ :LK J:HASFIOEWFN :AKLDJ :ALKDJ :ASIDJ:IOAWJ FLKAF :LKJ AS:LKDJ :ALS 0406:< PotatoBadger> PPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dickbutt 0406:< voltaek> yeah seriously, no thx 0407:< dashed> voltaek we've been fine w/o it so far 0407:< dashed> voltaek i dont like introducing a nasty attack vector 0407:< embracetehmartian> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4c57B7n join our discord for chill discussion dont have to have a mic 0407:< tW4r> Do you mean statistics counter is an attack vector? 0407:< voltaek> he has some basic tab something going on, but I havent tried it and doubt it's close to this implemenation 0408:< dashed> tW4r the attack vector isn't the statistic counter.. it's that it makes a web request to a untrusted 3rd-party 0409:< dashed> voltaek u mean vartan's? 0409:< voltaek> dashed yes 0409:< voltaek> just double checking it for any features we dont have 0409:< dashed> voltaek ah. our tabs is helmed by lost_penguin 0412:< _vvvv_> Going to take a shower 0412:< dashed> _vvvv_ alright later 0413:< _vvvv_> will be back in a bit 0413:< voltaek> later 0415:< hagbard-celine> dashed, glad to hear exploitability being a factor in design considerations :D 0415:< dashed> :) 0416:< hagbard-celine> javascript is dangerous enough without giving it help 0417:< KernelSnuffy> ^ test 0417:< KernelSnuffy> is anyoneh ere 0418:< dashed> howdy 0418:< KernelSnuffy> heyo 0418:< dashed> KernelSnuffy what's up 0418:< KernelSnuffy> nothin just saw this was empty so i was wondering if my stuff was messed up heh 0419:< dashed> ah 0419:< dashed> nah.. we're probably coding 0419:< dashed> this is script dev channel 0421:< KernelSnuffy> yeah i know much good stuff has come from here 0422:< KernelSnuffy> not really able to contribute muhc but happy to test/feedback 0422:< KernelSnuffy> oooh 0422:< KernelSnuffy> might be an off by one error with tab selection :o 0423:< hagbard-celine> does your channel filter list start with a comma? 0426:< dashed> no 0428:< KernelSnuffy> yes 0428:< KernelSnuffy> i'll remove and refresh 0428:< KernelSnuffy> ah yes now it works 0432:< voltaek> We really need per-room pruning 0438:< dashed> voltaek: do u have collab permissions to 5a1t/robin-grow? 0439:< voltaek> Nope. Thought you'd mentioned it yesterday 0439:< voltaek> Was pretty tired tho lol 0440:< conker2654> hey guys hows the development going today? 0441:< dashed> conker2654 we have tabs now 0445:< conker2654> i saw was kinda confused what it was at first 0445:< dashed> ? 0445:< conker2654> the tabs 0445:< dashed> ah 0446:< conker2654> i feel a merge incoming in the next 12 hrs 0447:< dashed> really? :o 0448:< conker2654> theres currently a tier 15 and a tier 11 building up 0448:< conker2654> so hopefully by tomorrow we will merge 0448:< dashed> nice! :D 0453:< lajiggyjarjardoo> plugging away at inline name selector, probably wont finish until tomorrow, though 0454:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo i was gone for abit; what are u working on? 0454:< lajiggyjarjardoo> slack style name selector, where you can type "/u/" or "@" or whatever and it displays a list of names that smart filters as you type 0454:< AviN456> what's this % next to grow, stay 0455:< dashed> grow to stay ratio 0455:< lajiggyjarjardoo> or you can use arrows to go up/down the list, hit enter, and it adds the name 0455:< AviN456> ratios are not % 0455:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i've got the toggles and options for the string so it won't conflict with existing channels 0455:< AviN456> i'll fix and submit a pull request 0455:< dashed> you're right... i forgot to multiply 0456:< AviN456> no, you didn't forget to multiply 0456:< AviN456> ratios are not percentages 0456:< dashed> multiply by 100% 0456:< lajiggyjarjardoo> just got bored and wanted to add a fun little feature 0456:< AviN456> it should be 2.76:1 0456:< AviN456> if you want %, you need to make it grow/total 0457:< AviN456> not grow/stay 0457:< dashed> AviN456 i'll take w.e you put in the PR :) 0457:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i've got most of the eventing and filtering stuff set up, just need to add the UI bits 0457:< AviN456> ok 0458:< dashed> voltaek this PR go for merge? https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/pull/39 0458:< dashed> voltaek: *good for merge 0458:< voltaek> yep 0459:< lajiggyjarjardoo> gonna try to finish tomorrow, hopefully before the big merge 0459:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo awesome! :D 0501:< AviN456> ok, how do i rebase against current version 0503:< dashed> squashing 0504:< conker2654> if you guys need anything testing on user end im more then happy to help just send a notification my way 0505:< dashed> conker2654 we're making the script live in this chat :) 0505:< svlad> %chat Chartis that's not really how this stuff works 0505:< dbenc> yo 0505:< dbenc> it's quiet 0506:< throwaway_the_fourth> yo 0506:< throwaway_the_fourth> not sure I should really be in this channel cause I"m not involved with script devs 0506:< throwaway_the_fourth> but as they say in Japan, YOLO 0508:< dashed> _vvvv_ yo.. why is parrot refreshing every 5mins? 0511:< _vvvv_> Doesn't seem to be happening for me. Some users were reporting that issue and we put a reload button in settings. 0511:< _vvvv_> could the tabs be duplicating the refresh timer? 0511:< _vvvv_> I'll take a look.. 0511:< dashed> _vvvv_ no 0512:< dashed> _vvvv_ https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/blob/master/robin.user.js#L273-L280 0512:< dashed> i really want to remove it 0514:< _vvvv_> why would it be going off though? $("#robinVoteWidget"); in console works for me. 0514:< AviN456> pull request created 0515:< qwerty-po> is it possible to run 3 different user accounts in one browser (chrome)? I have two running right now 0515:< dashed> _vvvv_ i changed it to 300000 0515:< AviN456> probably not qwerty-po 0515:< qwerty-po> ok... thank you 0515:< AviN456> it's an issue of cookies 0515:< qwerty-po> I love cookies 0516:< _vvvv_> Each chrome incognito tab should have it's own cookie store. 0516:< _vvvv_> Window rather 0516:< qwerty-po> thats what I saw, I bought I was afraid to test it 0516:< qwerty-po> ya window 0517:< _vvvv_> what would the fear be? 0518:< dashed> _vvvv_ sorry i refreshed... what did u say? 0518:< qwerty-po> me? 0518:< _vvvv_> oh just taking to qwerty-po about cookie store on chrome incognito windows 0518:< qwerty-po> I was just saying that I had read each window has unique cooke cache 0518:< qwerty-po> but wasnt sure if anyone had tested it out 0519:< qwerty-po> tampermonkey runs smooth on chrome, but not firefox for me 0519:< dashed> testing 0520:< dashed> _vvvv_ i jsut saw this https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/blob/master/robin.user.js#L439-L443 0521:< qwerty-po> ya, that refresh seems quicker then needed 0521:< voltaek> dashed I keep changing that to ten minutes when I install the script lol 0521:< voltaek> so 60000 * 10 0521:< voltaek> cause one minute is nothing in this tabbed chat 0521:< dashed> voltaek wanna PR it? 0522:< voltaek> I'm trying to finish up my other changes ATM so I can hop inthe shower and get to bed 0522:< _vvvv_> I can push it 0522:< AviN456> I already PR'd it 0522:< _vvvv_> kk 0522:< AviN456> I had made the same change :-p 0522:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/pull/44 0524:< _vvvv_> merged. 0525:< AviN456> awesome 0525:< _vvvv_> thanks :) 0525:< dashed> _vvvv_ how will findAndHideSpam() function work with cloned messages? 0528:< dashed> _vvvv_ i pushed changes to v2.34 0528:< _vvvv_> it might count less than normal 0528:< _vvvv_> I'm going to spam 0528:< _vvvv_> testspam 0528:< voltaek> i can never get somethign in before you push more changes haha 0529:< _vvvv_> twotest 0529:< _vvvv_> twotest 0529:< _vvvv_> twotest 0530:< dashed> thisisafastmessage 0530:< dashed> slick.. i made it so that [robin] messages are properly directed to your channel 0530:< AviN456> t h i s i s a s l o w m e s s a g e 0534:< dashed> _vvvv_ folks are starting to call the script parrot... 0535:< dashed> _vvvv_ maybe an official rename is in order? 0535:< AviN456> maybe 0535:< _vvvv_> yeah I can rename the repo. 0535:< _vvvv_> let's wait until the pr comes in :) 0536:< dashed> _vvvv_ the one from lost_penguin? 0536:< _vvvv_> yeah, didn't he say he was pushing soon? 0536:< _vvvv_> Actually I think GitHub just throws warnings 0537:< _vvvv_> I can rename now. 0537:< NinjaInSpace> I wonder if the script link will redirect 0537:< voltaek> Ok, PR is in 0537:< dashed> NinjaInSpace: it does 0538:< dashed> voltaek: <3 0538:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0538:< NinjaInSpace> just tested it, indeed it does - nice! :D 0539:< lost_penguin> Sorry got distracted for a while. 0540:< lost_penguin> Will get back onto it! 0540:< dashed> lost_penguin no problem \o/ 0543:< AviN456> hm 0543:< AviN456> when you reload with vote buttons hidden, % show up 0543:< AviN456> when you reload with them not hidden, % don't show up 0544:< AviN456> toggling setting doesn't change anything until reload 0544:< voltaek> What is the percentage of? 0544:< AviN456> grow/users and stay/users 0544:< voltaek> mine says 2.7% tho... 0544:< AviN456> what ver are you on 0544:< NinjaInSpace> GROW: 2,202 (73%) STAY: 804 (27%) 0545:< _vvvv_> I've got 73% and 27% 0545:< AviN456> you need 2.34 0545:< SalZoRz> damn robin grow doesn't hide the channel filter in front of message anymore? 0545:< voltaek> ah, sorry, was busy contributing to the script :P 0545:< AviN456> :p 0546:< voltaek> test voltaek test 0546:< _vvvv_> SalZorz Will you try Parrot? We've been working on it hard in here. 0546:< voltaek> http://google.com 0546:< SalZoRz> _vvvv_ sure as long as its not malicious 0546:< voltaek> so usernames dont highlight, links dont highlight and Kappa doesnt work in channels atm? 0546:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0546:< _vvvv_> Tell us what you think 0547:< NinjaInSpace> SalZoRz as a third party, I've gotta say I really prefer _vvvv_'s version over the original 0547:< _vvvv_> voltaek They all work.. On main (System) tag only. Same with Kappa twitch emotes. 0547:< AviN456> aha! 0547:< voltaek> Yeah i'm saying in the channels they dont _vvvv_ 0547:< AviN456> I got it 0547:< _vvvv_> correct 0547:< dashed> NinjaInSpace we call it parrot now; it's renamed :D 0548:< NinjaInSpace> :D 0548:< _vvvv_> I may be copying the DOM too early. 0548:< AviN456> update(); needs to be called whenever the settings panel is closed 0549:< lost_penguin> Hmm 0549:< voltaek> still have https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/39 pending _vvvv_ and dashed 0549:< lost_penguin> OK this works amazingly. 0549:< dashed> voltaek voltaek i thought u have collab perms? 0549:< lost_penguin> Now I need to clean up the code. 0550:< voltaek> No you said you were going to yesterday but never did lmao 0550:< _vvvv_> lol 0550:< dashed> voltaek: ohh... _vvvv_ needs to do it 0550:< _vvvv_> adding you now 0551:< _vvvv_> done. 0551:< dashed> voltaek i like the subtle style changes 0551:< viyh> you guys should rename the github project to parrot instead of forking, otherwise it will cause mass confusion 0551:< viyh> it will automatically redirect from the old project name to the new one 0551:< _vvvv_> viyh it's renamed 0551:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0551:< viyh> sweet 0552:< viyh> it deserves it's own name :) good work, friends 0552:< _vvvv_> Thank you <3 0552:< voltaek> Sweet 0553:< SalZoRz> _vvvv_ hey this script is amazing 0553:< AviN456> new PR _vvvv_ 0553:< AviN456> Should fix the % not showing up for people right away 0553:< AviN456> and possible other updating issues 0553:< SalZoRz> although what is the regular robin font, I prefer that one 0553:< AviN456> *possibly 0553:< NinjaInSpace> oh you fixed the clears for individual tabs, nicely done :D 0554:< _vvvv_> Robin font is Helvetica Heue 0554:< _vvvv_> Neue 0554:< _vvvv_> Not Heue 0554:< Annon201> working on adding radio options, listbox & combobox to build settings out of 0555:< _vvvv_> test 0555:< _vvvv_> test 0555:< _vvvv_> Might just do Helvetica 0555:< lost_penguin> I'll commit the messagebox changes in a sec. They work really well. 0555:< _vvvv_> The full string is 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif 0555:< YSFish> _vvvv_, AviN456, I'm still showing an @updateURL of https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/raw/master/robin.user.js 0555:< lost_penguin> The prefixes are now removed completely. And the channel listbox is only used in System tab. 0556:< AviN456> on it YSFish 0557:< SalZoRz> I just have "Helvetica Neue" in the box 0557:< SalZoRz> is that not right? 0557:< _vvvv_> depends what's available. 0558:< AviN456> _vvvv_ https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/46 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ^ 0558:< NinjaInSpace> Helvetica Neue didn't work for me SalZoRz, seems as Chrome doesn't use have that font to use. Try just "Helvetica" 0558:< bphilly_cheesesteak> can I make a bug report here? 0558:< NinjaInSpace> And then close the settings 0558:< _vvvv_> for parrot? sure. 0558:< AviN456> _vvvv_ might want to bump version too 0558:< AviN456> or i can and send new PR 0558:< AviN456> your preference? 0558:< mythriz> nice! 0559:< bphilly_cheesesteak> I noticed that if you want to see all messages in the system tab by prefacing the channel filter with a comma (like ",%chat,^,$) ... 0559:< SalZoRz> oh I don't even have to refresh for the font to change sweet :) 0559:< lajiggyjarjardoo> gotta call it a night, here's a preview: http://imgur.com/0FsQlty 0600:< bphilly_cheesesteak> the first room in the tabs next to system the "Send chat to:" box is blank, and the room after that it's filled with the name of the prev 0600:< voltaek> SalZoRz youll probably need to have quotes around it in the box 0600:< bphilly_cheesesteak> ...previous room (in 2.34 at least) 0600:< SalZoRz> Helvetica without quotes worked for me 0600:< _vvvv_> looks amazing lajiggyjarjardoo can't wait :) 0600:< voltaek> Perhaps I'll look into fixing that even tho i should sleep lol 0600:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thanks! lol looks lame, but it's starting to work! hope i can wrap it up tomorrow 0601:< bphilly_cheesesteak> voltaek not too big of a deal. do you get what I'm talking about though? 0601:< SalZoRz> _vvvv_ heres an idea, not sure if its very doable but, how about the script detect chat channels on its own and adds them as a tab 0602:< voltaek> I was talking about SalZoRz font issue 0602:< bphilly_cheesesteak> oh nevermind then haha 0602:< dashed> test 0603:< _vvvv_> How does greasemonkey know about updates when you change the location? 0603:< _vvvv_> it "just works", but how? 0603:< voltaek> Hmm, looks like it already gets quoted. Now that I think about it, Helvetica Neue is only on Macs I think 0604:< voltaek> @ SalZoRz 0604:< voltaek> That's why Bootstrap is goign to drop it as default 0604:< lost_penguin> test 0604:< SalZoRz> CoolCat 0605:< SalZoRz> oh weird the twitch emote only worked on global chat 0606:< voltaek> dashed "Recreate Slack on top of an 8 day Reddit project." LMAO 0606:< AviN456> _vvvv_ I think github sends a 302 when you change the repo name 0606:< AviN456> so it checks the old url, github 302s it to the new one 0607:< _vvvv_> that's probably it 0608:< AviN456> My robin development center: http://goo.gl/P23Llg 0608:< dashed> ? 0608:< dashed> AviN456 nice battlestation :) 0608:< _vvvv_> very nice pixel skills. 0608:< AviN456> thnx 0608:< iHacked> Nice battlestation 0610:< dashed> i accidentally broke 2.36 0610:< AviN456> (not pictured, 4th screen off to the left) 0610:< AviN456> ohnoes dashed 0610:< AviN456> wat do 0611:< iHacked> Would love to have 4 screens, but don't have the space for it right now 0612:< _vvvv_> you end up needing multiple graphics cards. 0612:< _vvvv_> I get screen tearing and I only have two, albeit one is ultra wide 0614:< SalZoRz> What is the cheapest rig I can create to play the most resource intensive games out now? I'm checking /r/buildapc 0614:< _vvvv_> i don't know I only play dota + tiny indie games + muds 0615:< _vvvv_> more about real estate for more terminals for me. 0615:< kmcgurty1> _vvvv_ what's your mmr? 0615:< AviN456> heh 0615:< _vvvv_> trash tier 0615:< _vvvv_> 2k 0615:< iHacked> test 0615:< kmcgurty1> lol i'm only 1.3k ish 0615:< _vvvv_> I'm not tryhard, just play to have fun 0615:< SalZoRz> wow muds look cool. Are games like Zork considered a MUD? 0616:< AviN456> mmr? measles, mumps, rubella? 0616:< _vvvv_> Zork isn't a MUD since it's not multi-user 0616:< SalZoRz> Ah then more along the lines of Dwarf Fortress? 0617:< _vvvv_> More like Zork, except multi-player. 0617:< _vvvv_> Like World of Warcraft, Zork Style. 0617:< SalZoRz> Damn I can't imagine what that would be like 0617:< SalZoRz> Is there pvp? I'm imagining the possibilites 0617:< _vvvv_> I like them a lot. They can get really hardcore since they can be run by anyone (don't need millions of dollars). 0618:< lost_penguin> h 0618:< _vvvv_> My favorite one is DartMUD 0618:< lost_penguin> x 0618:< _vvvv_> unrestricted player killing and permadeath. You die and you're done. 0618:< SalZoRz> I spent a long time on Zork when I discovered it on Black Ops II 0618:< _vvvv_> People have the same character for decades just to mess up and get asassinated. 0618:< andreaplanbee> urm i think my shits broken or im dumb 0618:< lost_penguin> Sorry for delay. Done testing. Hope merging won't be too nasty. 0618:< _vvvv_> And they lose everything. 0619:< dashed> dashed 0619:< _vvvv_> lol dashed 0619:< _vvvv_> it just removed your mention from the window 0620:< andreaplanbee> my %chat tab doesnt show anything and i cant get rid of it 0620:< SalZoRz> I'm confused though, is it time based or do you take turns? Can you do tons of actions like in Zork 0620:< _vvvv_> andreaplanbee can you refresh? 0620:< andreaplanbee> i have refreshed so many times 0620:< _vvvv_> SalZoRz Most of them are real time. 0620:< dashed> dashed 0620:< _vvvv_> SalZoRz so you run scripts or have fast fingers 0620:< SalZoRz> I submitted the bug andreaplanbee is getting on github 0621:< andreaplanbee> thank you SalZoRz 0621:< _vvvv_> I'll check it out 0621:< SalZoRz> so basically the person who types the fastest wins the battles 0621:< andreaplanbee> also apparently im not getting username mentions either 0621:< _vvvv_> Well you have element of surprise.. skills.. etc. 0621:< SalZoRz> I was also getting that issue 0621:< andreaplanbee> i am glad im not alone :> 0622:< SalZoRz> oh that sounds incredible 0623:< iHacked> Possible to come with a suggestion for Parrot? 0623:< SalZoRz> I was referring to the white page haha I do get username mentions 0623:< voltaek> Introducting Parrot: Now with more OMG EASY UPDATE BUTTON 0623:< _vvvv_> hahaha 0623:< lost_penguin> Can we have no updates for a few mins? 0623:< andreaplanbee> oops 0624:< SalZoRz> weird thing is I hopped on robin just now to see new features on robin grow so it must have updated automatically no? 0624:< AviN456> did URL linkage break? 0624:< voltaek> Bottom of settings panel is now an easy update button 0624:< andreaplanbee> broke for me yeah 0624:< SalZoRz> uh oh 0624:< dashed> testing 0624:< SalZoRz> my chat keeps rising 0624:< _vvvv_> quickly right? 0624:< SalZoRz> gotta refresh 0625:< andreaplanbee> wow so many errors in console 0625:< SalZoRz> yes 0625:< _vvvv_> that would be helpful andreaplanbee 0625:< SalZoRz> and now I'm getting that blank page error 0625:< _vvvv_> can you put them on pastebin or something? 0625:< iHacked> test 0625:< dashed> voltaek rofl nice update button 0625:< dashed> voltaek it opens 2 tabs btw 0626:< voltaek> You'll have that --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 06:26:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 06:31:20 2016 0631:< AviN456> I was providing it to andreaplanbee 0631:< voltaek> Ah, gotcha 0631:< voltaek> Ok, out for real now lol 0632:< _vvvv_> thanks voltaek 0632:< AviN456> ok, gnight 0632:< andreaplanbee> yo i think all my shit is fixed after updating. thanks. is there a way to remove the prefix when im looking at the system tab? 0632:< dashed> andreaplanbee might be a work in progress by someone atm 0633:< AviN456> hm, still have the %Chat vs %chat issue 0633:< andreaplanbee> awesome thank you all for your hard work. it is very appreciated 0633:< AviN456> i thought someone had said they fixed that? 0633:< dashed> AviN456 fixed in v.239 0633:< AviN456> k, just updated 0633:< dashed> v2.39 0634:< SalZoRz> so I think the chat rising up might be the cause of the blankness 0637:< AviN456> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/d1qezyu 0637:< AviN456> lets get parrot to overtake all other autogrow scripts :) 0638:< dashed> lol.. well it's only intended for this chat 0638:< AviN456> all other chats will merge into this one eventually 0639:< dashed> exactly ;) 0640:< _vvvv_> dashed it has gone way beyond this chat 0640:< dashed> _vvvv_ ??? it has? 0641:< lost_penguin> sd 0641:< dashed> _vvvv_ we're still going to move fast and break things :) 0641:< _vvvv_> When I start new rooms with alts people recommend it to me sometimes. 0641:< _vvvv_> :) 0641:< dashed> _vvvv_ i repositioned update button to be up higher in v2.40 0641:< mbm> _vvvv_ you should totally install parrot 0641:< AviN456> i like it 0641:< _vvvv_> _vvvv_ 0642:< AviN456> good place for it 0642:< _vvvv_> I refuse to install parrot, vanilla robin for me, I can read through the text. I have become one... 0642:< SalZoRz> woah what I'm on v2.39 and hitting update parrot only says reinstall 0643:< _vvvv_> SalZoRz takes a minute sometimes 0643:< dashed> not a big update :P 0645:< AviN456> SalZoRz that's normal 0646:< SalZoRz> I want my update NOW! 0646:< SalZoRz> oh got it, refreshing 0651:< andreaplanbee> scrolling up jumps back down when there's a new message -- is this intentional 0653:< dashed> i think someone coded that 0653:< Annon201> https://github.com/Annon201/robin-grow/compare/master...Annon201-radiosettings?quick_pull=1 < still a work in progress 0653:< dashed> Annon201 cool :D 0653:< lost_penguin> I created a PR. 0654:< dashed> andreaplanbee i'll see if i can fix it 0654:< andreaplanbee> dashed thank you 0654:< lost_penguin> Man there were so many commits earlier. 0654:< Annon201> https://jsfiddle.net/oyguu466/ is the test 0654:< lost_penguin> dashed can you merge my PR? 0654:< SalZoRz> dashed hey hitting update parrot opens two tabs, is that intentional 0654:< dashed> SalZoRz yeah, one is supposed to be blank 0655:< dashed> SalZoRz nothing we can do on our end :( 0655:< lost_penguin> It's to remove the channel prefixes from the input box, and do it behind the scenes. 0655:< lost_penguin> And to hide the channel drop-down in channel tabs. 0655:< dashed> lost_penguin nice! 0656:< lost_penguin> Was actually really annoying to figure out. 0656:< andreaplanbee> hellll yeah 0656:< lost_penguin> It should work with ratelimit repeats etc as well. 0656:< dashed> lost_penguin im gonna #yolo merge it 0657:< andreaplanbee> is there a way to do /me within channels? 0657:< mythriz> lol 0657:< _vvvv_> do it 0657:< _vvvv_> panic inspires us to work harder 0657:< dashed> test 0657:< dashed> shit it works 0657:< lost_penguin> Of course it works. 0657:< _vvvv_> damn back to slacking 0657:< lost_penguin> I made it. 0657:< lost_penguin> (Famous last words) 0657:< andreaplanbee> hahaah 0657:< supasteve013> lost_penguin i made it. 0657:**** AviN456 test 0657:< dashed> tabbing doesn't work 0658:< dashed> :( 0658:< lost_penguin> tabbing? 0658:**** AviN456 ^ test 0658:< dashed> tab autocomplete 0658:< dashed> for usernames... 0658:< _vvvv_> Test 0658:< lost_penguin> Oh, damn! 0658:< dashed> testing emote: 4Head 0659:< dashed> dashed 0659:< dashed> testing: dashed 0659:< SalZoRz> I only see the emote under System 0659:< _vvvv_> I think I can fix that 0659:< _vvvv_> I'll work on that. 0659:< _vvvv_> links + emotes in tabs 0659:< SalZoRz> you guys are da best 0659:< SalZoRz> also do you realize the original robin grow script has channel tabs as well now 0700:< SalZoRz> and they look nicer :| 0700:< _vvvv_> yeah I heard, haven't tried them 0700:< _vvvv_> We can improve the styling 0700:< lost_penguin> Haha, yeah everyone doing the same stuff. 0700:< kmcgurty1> my script gave you guys diarrhea as the color http://puu.sh/o6Jvh/d450ddeb94.png 0700:< lost_penguin> And in 3 days it may all be over. 0701:< SalZoRz> pfft lets not think about that now 0701:< supasteve013> reddit should keep it 0701:< SalZoRz> in 8 billion years the sun will die out too 0701:< supasteve013> damn kmcgurty1 thats ugly 0701:< dashed> SalZoRz: you're free to choose which script to use :D we just move faster 0702:< dashed> lost_penguin are you coming up with a fix? 0702:< lajiggyjarjardoo> aw shit that tab autocomplete makes my stuff worthless 0702:< SalZoRz> dashed I love parrot.. I'm just saying... the original scripts tab buttons look nicer :P 0702:< lost_penguin> For which bits? :) 0702:< micubit> #rpg I throw more rocks at the turtle while cursing 0702:< kmcgurty1> lmao supasteve013, i'm about to remove it from the list of colors 0702:< lost_penguin> I'll look at auto-complete. 0702:< dashed> SalZoRz im not an artist :( 0702:< FriendlyYak> i just tested the robin grow script with channels. parrot is clearly better 0703:< dashed> FriendlyYak b/c parrot is battle-tested in this chat 0703:< lost_penguin> Otherwise main problem is can't use commands? 0703:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i guess with enough users there's still a use for the UI part 0703:< dashed> lost_penguin what commands? 0703:< lost_penguin> /commands 0703:< SalZoRz> oh shit dashed the rising chat error is happening again 0703:< dashed> /commands 0703:< dashed> SalZo 0703:< SalZoRz> I'm about to get a white page again :( 0703:< dashed> SalZoRz idk how to fix that :< 0703:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i feel like a dum dum for overcomplicating it though 0704:< SalZoRz> you're almost to the top :L 0704:< SalZoRz> well at least it lasts longer now 0704:< SalZoRz> gonna refresh 0704:< dashed> SalZoRz sceenshot? 0704:< lost_penguin> dashed I'll look at those two things. Let me know if there are any other things that this feature broke. 0704:< dashed> lost_penguin: np :D 0705:< lajiggyjarjardoo> autocomplete is sick, though. great work guys 0706:< lost_penguin> Did we do autocomplete, or did it always do that? 0706:< mythriz> autocomplete seems to be built into Robin? it works even without any scripts loaded 0706:< lost_penguin> Haha 0706:< lajiggyjarjardoo> oh, now i feel stupid 0706:< mythriz> (tested now disabling all scripts :P) 0706:< dashed> we're trying out a feature and it broke autocomplete 0706:< lost_penguin> Yeah that's what worries me. Hope I can fix it. Maybe not because of the way I implemented my change. 0706:< FriendlyYak> NotLikeThis 0707:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i thought you guys added that while i was at the pub 0707:< SalZoRz> dashed when the glitch happens, the screen stays white until someone messages, their message stays on the screen for a splitsecond then 0707:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i can go ahead and push my branch to github, but it's very incomplete. 0707:< _vvvv_> lajiggyjardoo I don't think it makes it useless. Can display more info in the popup. 0707:< SalZoRz> disappears again http://i.imgur.com/4XBMxPf.png 0708:< SalZoRz> I had to time my screenshot perfectly to get that image 0708:< _vvvv_> We could use it for displaying a list of gifs to insert for example, or a friends list 0708:< _vvvv_> or info about last seen in the box, currently around, etc. 0708:< SalZoRz> also one more thing, whoever said they would work on getting rid of the channel filter in the message textbox I dont think they have to 0708:< SalZoRz> the original script now has that 0708:< lajiggyjarjardoo> fucking 64 commits behind since earlier tonight, you guys crazy 0708:< SalZoRz> maybe you guys could get that code for parrot 0708:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo hopefully the rebase isn't bad 0709:< dashed> SalZoRz: that's really weird 0709:< dashed> SalZoRz what browser? 0709:< SalZoRz> chromium 0710:< SalZoRz> should I look at the console or anything when it happens again? 0710:< dashed> SalZoRz maybe 0710:< bickster69> yea boii 0711:< Annon201> moving to mobile isn't a good idea 0711:< FriendlyYak> i'm just on robin to see the scripts evolve 0711:< AviN456> sooooo 0711:< SalZoRz> the scripts are the best part of robin 0711:< AviN456> url clickability is brokwn in channels 0711:< andreaplanbee> yes 0712:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed looks like someone added night styles where i was working no biggie 0712:< SalZoRz> that is also fixed in the original robin grow 0713:< bickster69> yo screw robin grow get parrot 0713:< dashed> SalZoRz: nice! you should use the original if it's bad 0713:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed and a fuckload new options apparently 0713:< Annon201> its pretty amazing what's been done purely client side 0713:< dashed> SalZoRz: **scrolling is bad 0713:< SalZoRz> I dont want to promote the original 0713:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo: heh... 0713:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0713:< SalZoRz> thought I was providing useful info 0714:< dashed> _vvvv_ any idea on the scrolling issue? 0714:< AviN456> dashed - links in channels 0714:< SalZoRz> parrot til I die 0714:< _vvvv_> sorry i missed it 0714:< bickster69> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot its better then any other robin grown scripts 0714:< lajiggyjarjardoo> it might be time to add some collapaseable trees to these options 0714:< _vvvv_> new scrolling issue? 0714:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0714:< AviN456> clickable? 0714:< lost_penguin> Damn I need coffee. 0714:< dashed> AviN456 clickable for me 0714:< FriendlyYak> nope 0714:< AviN456> on 2.40? 0715:< FriendlyYak> in the channels? 0715:< AviN456> correct 0715:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0715:< andreaplanbee> oh yeah they are clickable in system tab 0715:< dashed> http://imgur.com/EiV56wu.png 0715:< AviN456> should be clickable on main 0715:< bickster69> theres no picture :/ 0715:< AviN456> not clickable dashed 0715:< _vvvv_> I'm working on that now 0715:< FriendlyYak> works on main 0715:< Annon201> and funny how rudimentary filtering turned into channels 0715:< dashed> bickster69: enable twitchemotes 0716:< FriendlyYak> i mean the other link. not this one 0716:< bickster69> nice 0716:< dashed> FriendlyYak: which link? 0716:< _vvvv_> I have twitch emotes on.. They don't show in channels for me and neither do links. Only in System. 0716:< AviN456> dashed, all links 0716:< _vvvv_> I'm investigating now 0716:< kmcgurty1> _vvvv_ are you the project creator on github? 0716:< dashed> _vvvv_ did u update to v2.40? 0716:< AviN456> also, tab completion seems broken now 0717:< _vvvv_> kmcgurty1 it's a fork from vartan, but we have made heavy modifications 0717:< mythriz> AviN456 seems to work for me? or is there other tab completions? 0717:< bickster69> heres the link to parrot again if yall need 0717:< mythriz> oh wait, I'm not using robin-grow now 0717:< bickster69> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 0717:< SalZoRz> I'm using v2.40 links are not clickable 0717:< FriendlyYak> i had to reload. still no clickable links in channels 0717:< AviN456> ever since https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/6788fb97e5ac9c8686f98c51bd553c1819671386 shit is fucked up 0718:< mythriz> I switched back to my own script because the "new messages highlight" triggered my OCD lol 0718:< dashed> test: https://www.reddit.com/robin 0718:< kmcgurty1> _vvvv_ how would you feel about me adding something like this http://puu.sh/o6KaI/5326adb026.png 0718:< bickster69> copy and paste if need be ... and it works for me to on 2.40 but i have the parrot script so idk 0718:< kmcgurty1> it's from a script i made myself 0718:< dashed> kmcgurty1: we already have that 0718:< kmcgurty1> i'm talking about the buttons 0718:< AviN456> annoyingly, there are multiple versions of 2.40 0719:< _vvvv_> kmcgurty1 do those act as tabs? 0719:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0719:< kmcgurty1> no they are word filters 0719:< dashed> _vvvv_ they're mutes 0719:< AviN456> roll back to https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/cea53690cdabdba9732517fabe248637e47201ef/robin.user.js 0720:< AviN456> tab completion and links work again 0720:< Annon201> hmm, another idea; get a Bot in to act as a way of setting/retrieving chan topics 0720:< dashed> AviN456 i know 0720:< dashed> AviN456 lost_pengiun is fixing it 0720:< AviN456> k 0720:< AviN456> from now on, we should bump version with every commit 0720:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0720:< SalZoRz> is snagging code from robin grow a bad idea 0720:< AviN456> easier to track where issues arrise 0721:< lajiggyjarjardoo> still working off of https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow.git/ do I need to switch? 0721:< AviN456> yes 0721:< _vvvv_> no 0721:< AviN456> lajiggyjarjardoo https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/cea53690cdabdba9732517fabe248637e47201ef/robin.user.js 0721:< dashed> SalZoRz: not really... only if it's necessary 0721:< _vvvv_> github will alias them 0721:< AviN456> well, yeah 0721:< dashed> github handles forwarding automatically 0722:< AviN456> and gets the warnings to go away 0722:< AviN456> ok, sleepy time for me 0722:< AviN456> ~~~ 0722:< _vvvv_> night! 0722:< dashed> AviN456 night 0722:< SalZoRz> I have a huge feature request :] 0722:< FriendlyYak> _vvvv_ good morning! --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 07:22:56 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 07:24:28 2016 0724:< _vvvv_> https://test.com 0724:< SalZoRz> major thumbs for you scripters 0725:< lost_penguin> shit I might have a fix. 0725:< FriendlyYak> i agree. it's amazing where we are now Kreygasm 0726:< FriendlyYak> oh the emotes also don't work in the channels :-P 0727:< lajiggyjarjardoo> christ this code is dog dick, i don't even know where to put anything it's all over the place 0727:< supasteve013> youre dog dick 0727:< OrangeredStilton> I was just taking a look at the channel list for the chat below us, it's crazy. There are like 15 active 0727:< _vvvv_> javascript often ends up that way 0728:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo if i could: webpack + babel 0729:< SalZoRz> I find it unsettling to see people dropping out every once in a while 0729:< lajiggyjarjardoo> dashed i'm all npm/webpack/react/redux/babel so so this jquery shitshow is hilarious fun 0729:< dashed> werd 0729:< SalZoRz> Its that creepy feeling you get when looking at a global death counter 0730:< mythriz> OrangeredStilton: do you mean ccande? 0730:< FriendlyYak> is there any reason why the #rpg channel would not work? 0730:< OrangeredStilton> mythriz: I do. I don't know how accurate the channel list in the robintracking post is 0732:< bickster69> beaver 0733:< dashed> right now? 0734:< qwerty-po> not for hours 0734:< SalZoRz> fuck the white page thing is happening again 0735:< FriendlyYak> thats and oddly specific thing to say 0735:< SalZoRz> worst part is I miss out on everything thats been said since I last spoke 0735:< SalZoRz> brb refresh 0736:< SalZoRz> is there a way to clear my settings cache for parrot 0736:< SalZoRz> I keep removing Helvetica for the font and it keeps coming back 0736:< SalZoRz> do I just clear my browser? 0737:< _vvvv_> do you close your settings after 0738:< lajiggyjarjardoo> ^ 0739:< lajiggyjarjardoo> can't push my branch, is it a whitelist thing or a key thing 0739:< _vvvv_> what does it say 0740:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Error (internetKeychainItemForServer:withUsername:path:port:protocol:) - The specified item could not be found in the keychain. 0740:< SalZoRz> yes I close my settings everytime _vvvv_ 0740:< lajiggyjarjardoo> remote: Permission to 5a1t/parrot.git denied to lajiggyjarjardoo. 0740:< lajiggyjarjardoo> fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/': The requested URL returned error: 403 0741:< dashed> lajiggyjarjardoo: u need to fork the project onto your own github account; push branch to there; then create a pull request to the branch 0741:< _vvvv_> git branch 0741:< _vvvv_> does it show you on master 0742:< lajiggyjarjardoo> i pulled master and created the branch locally 0744:< Wakafanykai123> heyo friendos! 0744:< Wakafanykai123> How is everything? 0744:< dashed> yoyo 0744:< Wakafanykai123> time to update the script... heh 0748:< _vvvv_> If you fork you can set origin and pull probably, then create a branch with the same name. 0750:< Wakafanykai123> wow the tabs work great, ill get working on the readme right away 0750:< _vvvv_> lajiggyjarjardoo you can ping us if you get stuck! basically, you need to be pushing to lajiggyjarjardoo/parrot.git 0750:< _vvvv_> and then submit a pull request from your fork/branch to master on ours. 0751:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ i was using the sourcetree client, trying via terminal 0751:< lumineox> i yust wanna say, you guys did an amazing yob :D 0752:< _vvvv_> thank you lumineox :) We're not done yet. 0752:< _vvvv_> testing twitch Kappa 0752:< lumineox> but it is amazing what is made in 4-5 days 0752:< _vvvv_> testing link http://google.com 0753:< _vvvv_> I fixed twitch and links 0753:< Wakafanykai123> ayy Keepo Kappa KappaPride PraiseIT FailFish 0753:< Wakafanykai123> oh lovely! 0753:< _vvvv_> pushing shortly 0753:< Wakafanykai123> BORT BORT 0753:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ terminal didn't work either, not sure how to change to push to lajiggyjarjardoo/parrot.git 0754:< Wakafanykai123> just git push if you are using shell 0754:< Stjerneklar> got a suggestion 0754:< _vvvv_> DId you fork our repo on github? 0754:< Stjerneklar> tabs are great, but now i miss multichatting 0754:< _vvvv_> Stjerneklar check System tab 0754:< Wakafanykai123> tada 0755:< xSke> any way to fix right aligned usernames with a non-monospaced font? 0755:< Stjerneklar> aha, ofc 0755:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Wakafanykai123 git didn't like that, I think because it's a local branch 0755:< Wakafanykai123> well you are using a fork right? 0755:< lajiggyjarjardoo> Wakafanykai123 I created a local branch off of master 0755:< Wakafanykai123> mhmm 0756:< Wakafanykai123> so just compare between your branch and our master 0756:< _vvvv_> his/her branch is local 0756:< _vvvv_> and they can't make the remote branch without perms. 0757:< lost_penguin> OK I fixed auto complete somehow. I feel dirty. 0757:< FriendlyYak> i'd like to see stay/grow trendlines :-D 0758:< _vvvv_> What you need to do is fork our repo on github, locally set your origin to your fork, and push your local repo to remote, then compare. 0758:< Stjerneklar> still think it would be cool to have two tabs open so the discussions are seperated 0758:< _vvvv_> Like split display? 0758:< Stjerneklar> yeah 0758:< lajiggyjarjardoo> why fork instead of branch? 0758:< lajiggyjarjardoo> not even sure that would solve it 0758:< Stjerneklar> i did a bit of poking at the css and it seems possible 0759:< Wakafanykai123> fork is must better 0759:< _vvvv_> Because branches are tied to their origin. Your origin is our repo, so you don't have permission to make remote branches. 0759:< Wakafanykai123> ^ 0800:< lajiggyjarjardoo> hm okie, i needed to pass out 3 hours ago, I'll deal with this shit tomorrow. good luck, t17 on the way! 0800:< lajiggyjarjardoo> thanks for the help 0801:< _vvvv_> np! we'll be around! 0802:< Stjerneklar> hm, okay if i just force display block on the chat and left float robinChatMessageList-ch1 i get a nice stacked split view 0802:< lumineox> how does autocomplete username work? 0803:< Wakafanykai123> its a bit bugged right now, but in theory you type some of the first few letters of their name and press tab 0804:< lumineox> it still doens't work for me 0804:< lumineox> and i have the newest version 0804:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ I added a new PR 0804:< dashed> v2.43 with shift + (left | right) 0804:< lost_penguin> Makes username autocomplete work 0804:< Wakafanykai123> still fixing it, lost is on the case lumineox 0804:< Wakafanykai123> it apprears to autocomplte just not in your chatbox....? 0804:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/51 0804:< Wakafanykai123> lost_penguin 0805:< lumineox> i think you guys are doing a fine job 0805:< dashed> let's see how much complaint's we'll get :D 0806:< lost_penguin> dashed have a look at my PR. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 08:06:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 08:06:23 2016 0806:< Wakafanykai123> testing lucidaizical 0806:< lost_penguin> Also I think at this point I should be listed as an author on the script :P 0806:< Wakafanykai123> huh 0806:< dashed> _vvvv_ please cut release immediate :D 0806:< _vvvv_> did 0806:< dashed> <3 0806:< OrangeredStilton> "Final release ever ever" 0807:< Stjerneklar> said nobody ever XD 0807:< _vvvv_> Died shortly after 0807:< dashed> ??? 0807:< Wakafanykai123> haha whats happening now? 0807:< dashed> btw hotkeys for switching channels: shift + (right or left) 0807:< Wakafanykai123> holy cow thats great, thanks 0808:< Wakafanykai123> thats needs to be in the faq with left click usernames and autocomplete and stuff 0808:< Wakafanykai123> in the settings tab 0808:< Wakafanykai123> All the hotkeys should 0808:< OrangeredStilton> Alright, the IRC bridge now has a config file, so you don't need to restart it to change channels/prefixes 0808:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 test 0808:< OrangeredStilton> [If anyone's using the bridge] 0808:< dashed> test Wakafanykai123 0808:< Wakafanykai123> reading 0808:< iHacked> test 0808:< dashed> OrangeredStilton sorry missed your message 0808:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton Does it go both ways? 0809:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: I've been using it both ways for a day or so 0809:< OrangeredStilton> You guys get piped to #dev, and the bridge auto-prepends ^ 0809:< iHacked> Like the new update feature, and that you don't need to write the chat sign before the message 0809:< _vvvv_> Use a slack to IRC plugin and go full circle 0810:< Wakafanykai123> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/53 0810:< FriendlyYak> iHacked why not update with tampermonkey? 0810:< dashed> _vvvv_ rofl 0810:< lachlanhunt> I think there may be a bug in parrot. A moment ago, the chat completely cleared and then new messages would appear for a seconds only 0810:< OrangeredStilton> I was considering setting up a kiwi-irc-alike, where you could log into the bridge and get an interface 0810:< lachlanhunt> I reloaded and then it returned to normal 0810:< OrangeredStilton> But then we have Parrot, which is exactly the same without the five levels of indirection 0810:< dashed> inkblob nice 0810:< _vvvv_> yeah we have gotten a few reports of clearing screens 0811:< _vvvv_> did they sort of fall away? 0811:< lost_penguin> I'll fit that.I'll fix the commands. 0811:< Wakafanykai123> updated readme pr 0811:< FriendlyYak> SeemsGood 0811:< dashed> _vvvv_ u skipped v2.44 xD 0812:< dashed> that's how fast we move anyways >_> 0812:< Wakafanykai123> you skipped the entire 2.4 0812:< iHacked> FriendlyYak, It only updates every hour, and still doesnt really seems to work for me somehow 0812:< SalZoRz> I love the changes 0812:< _vvvv_> The version expresses to the rest of the world the rate of change. 0813:< dashed> SalZoRz shift + left or right 0813:< _vvvv_> Bigger versions are inherently better software. 0813:< FriendlyYak> iHacked ok. i don't trust this function myself. but now it did work 0813:< SalZoRz> sweeeeeeeeeeeeet dashed 0813:< dashed> SalZoRz update to v2.45 0813:< iHacked> FriendlyYak what function? 0813:< SalZoRz> I'm on it 0813:< Wakafanykai123> dashed, hotkeys on the faq tab thingy? 0813:< _vvvv_> Thank you Wakafanykai123 :) 0813:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 u wanna PR it? 0813:< SalZoRz> any news on if the white page of death was fixed? 0813:< Wakafanykai123> ye will do one sec 0813:< FriendlyYak> iHacked the tampermonkey script update 0814:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/54 0814:< iHacked> FriendlyYak It's weird that it doesnt work sometimes 0814:< iHacked> FriendlyYak Seems like its all about luck 0814:< FriendlyYak> iHacked ok i guess i was lucky with the recent update :-P 0814:< FriendlyYak> anyways, great work 0814:< _vvvv_> That's a good bug, maybe we should switch shift left right to control? 0815:< dashed> _vvvv_ i only made this for SalZoRz.. i dont really use it 0815:< dashed> _vvvv_ what hot key combo do u suggest? 0816:< SalZoRz> ctrl+shift+left/right 0816:< dashed> ok 0816:< SalZoRz> this feature is dope thank you for adding it 0817:< Stjerneklar> cant figure out how to show two chat windows, how the hell is this stuff sized? 0817:< isdnpro> Type !scrabble to play scrabble (channel: #s) 0817:< Stjerneklar> or positioned 0818:< Wakafanykai123> okay tab autocomplete is still broke for me 0818:< Wakafanykai123> it will autocomplete but it borks and does not show their name and if i type more it cancels 0818:< SalZoRz> weird it works perfect for me Wakafanykai123 0819:< Wakafanykai123> ill reinstall one sec -https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/56 0821:< SalZoRz> how to use custom background color on usernames feature? 0821:< Wakafanykai123> hexcode iirc 0821:< Stjerneklar> i think i might have a kind of split view working 0821:< Wakafanykai123> also reinstall/reload fixed the autocomplete issue 0822:< _vvvv_> hexcode yes 0822:< _vvvv_> for example #fff or #444 0822:< _vvvv_> test 0822:< SalZoRz> what exactly would I put in the text box for example? _vvvv_ 0822:< _vvvv_> try #444 0823:< _vvvv_> doesn't have to be the whole thing 0823:< Wakafanykai123> heh 0823:< _vvvv_> test 0823:< _vvvv_> test 0823:< _vvvv_> test 0823:< Wakafanykai123> yep works 0824:< Stjerneklar> i got it set up so both %chat and ^ are shown at the same time in the same window 0825:< Stjerneklar> ...nah this is a bad way to do it XD 0825:< _vvvv_> haha 0825:< Wakafanykai123> thats already possible through System ;) 0825:< SalZoRz> oh I thought you could color specific people's backgrounds with a certain color 0825:< Stjerneklar> how? 0825:< _vvvv_> maybe we should set all the input boxes to autocomplete 0825:< SalZoRz> like the trivia bot 0825:< Wakafanykai123> no that would be a friends list thing Sal 0825:< Stjerneklar> in system its not split out 0825:< Wakafanykai123> thats in the suggestions puddle of stuff 0825:< Wakafanykai123> oh yeah its not split in system 0826:< Wakafanykai123> but they are shown at the same time in the same window 0826:< _vvvv_> yeah he wants split panel 0826:< Annon201> I'm way behind on the script here at home, need to update.. but need to figure out what happened to my bandwidth first 0826:< Stjerneklar> yeah, im trying for split panel but i cant figure out how to position the windows 0826:< Stjerneklar> looks like its done with flex 0827:< SalZoRz> I can never get [robin] muted 0827:< lost_penguin> test 0827:< SalZoRz> no matter what script I use 0827:< Wakafanykai123> oh hey there Annon201 0827:< Annon201> hey, im back 0827:**** Wakafanykai123 kek 0827:< lost_penguin> OK 0827:< Stjerneklar> salzorz could you spam block its messages? 0827:< lost_penguin> I've got commands working, including /me 0828:< Wakafanykai123> oh lovely, pr 0828:< SalZoRz> never thought of that thank you Stjerneklar 0828:< Stjerneklar> an honour :) 0828:< Wakafanykai123> we need to rewrite our spam blocking, it hoards ram like crazy 0828:< _vvvv_> nice lost_penguin 0828:< _vvvv_> I think we might just drop spam block 0828:< _vvvv_> with channels and muting it isn't so bad 0828:< _vvvv_> I never see spam block activate 0829:< OrangeredStilton> Leave it in there as an option. When we merge, there's no knowing what the other side looks like 0829:< Wakafanykai123> ye turn it off by default 0829:< _vvvv_> true 0829:< OrangeredStilton> (When. If.) 0829:< SalZoRz> are tab twitch emotes working EagleEye 0829:< Wakafanykai123> people have complained about the ram hoarding 0829:< Wakafanykai123> people also talked about possibly hashing it? 0830:< SalZoRz> nope 0830:< dashed> wakydawgster memory problems are from original script 0830:< _vvvv_> they should be SalZoRz 0830:< Wakafanykai123> yeah ik 0830:< _vvvv_> are you on latest version Kappa 0830:< Wakafanykai123> they dont auto for me 0830:< SalZoRz> depends is 2.45 the latest version 0831:< Wakafanykai123> Kap 0831:< dashed> fuck github 0831:< Wakafanykai123> ye im on latest latest like i literally just checked 0832:< dashed> github is slow 0832:< _vvvv_> yeah it's lagging or something 0832:< Wakafanykai123> taking forever to refresh yeah 0832:< thatbarryguy> Yep, can't load github 0832:< dashed> https://status.github.com/ 0832:< Wakafanykai123> all our updates :3 0832:< dashed> maybe everybody downloading parrot ;) 0833:< Annon201> wayu~ github desktop is 110mb 0833:< SalZoRz> so should links be working in tabs now as well 0833:< SalZoRz> they're not for me 0833:< dashed> Annon201 sourcetree 0833:< _vvvv_> yes I'm sure it's parrot 0833:< dashed> :P 0833:< dashed> only explanation 0833:< andreaplanbee> im sorry can someone paste the link to parrot again 0833:< _vvvv_> Maybe we should add that to our reddit post We just crashed GitHub via your community support! Thanks! 0833:< NinjaInSpace> weird - the chat stopped updating about 1.5 hours ago, had to refresh to start getting new text. checking the reload page checkbox now 0834:< dashed> _vvvv_ is 2.46 taken yet? 0834:< thatbarryguy> Anyone feel like uploading the latest .js to anotehr host in the meantime? 0834:< Annon201> ah, thats a little less ridic in size 0834:< SalZoRz> dropbox it 0834:< dashed> wow it literally is not loading https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js 0834:< Wakafanykai123> yeah git broke 0835:< _vvvv_> it loaded for me 0835:< Wakafanykai123> just wait it should be fixed 0835:< _vvvv_> moving it to pastebin one sec 0835:< Wakafanykai123> it takes a long time 0835:< FriendlyYak> great, you broke github 0835:< dashed> :P 0835:< dashed> github broke to slow down the updates 0836:< dashed> _vvvv_ i changeed to (ctrl | cmd ) + shift + (left | right) btw 0836:< thrwaaay> Any leaderboard maintainers here? It's needed fixing for the last hour. 0836:< _vvvv_> http://pastebin.com/raw/Cy1PpPwz 0836:< thatbarryguy> Cheers 0836:< NinjaInSpace> it finally loaded for me on github - took about 30 seconds though. 0837:< _vvvv_> I'm getting the unicorn now 0837:< lost_penguin> Acting really weird. Not seeing my pushes. 0837:< dashed> _vvvv_ only github's web service is down. git still works 0837:< _vvvv_> ok fine 0837:< dashed> _vvvv_ i pushed v2.46 0838:< SalZoRz> can I get a link to v2.46 0839:< _vvvv_> http://pastebin.com/raw/6jJWJZZG 0840:< dashed> SalZoRz http://pastebin.com/TPT0a2vy 0840:< Wakafanykai123> aaa which 0840:< enormouspenis69> SalZoRz https://goo.gl/6Z4oNL 0840:< Annon201> hmm, Atlassian's password strength meter is silly.. My normal passwords are 12char random up/low/alpha/num/symb with a similar formula 0840:< Wakafanykai123> Kap 0840:< dashed> Annon201 lol 0840:< Annon201> the last 3 chars of my pwd is usually the same 3 chars 0841:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0841:< Wakafanykai123> huh that is not showing 0841:< _vvvv_> you have to say the full thing 0841:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 0841:< Annon201> at 11 chars it said my pwd was strong, with 12 chars, because the last 3 are the same, it said it was good 0841:< SalZoRz> well github is loading for me now 0841:< _vvvv_> works for me. 0841:< _vvvv_> Do you see no kappas here? 0841:< Wakafanykai123> im running the paste you linked v 0842:< dashed> enormouspenis69? 0842:< _vvvv_> open up console 0842:< enormouspenis69> sup 0842:< Wakafanykai123> ye what about console 0842:< SalZoRz> yeah he replied to me when I asked for the new verson lol 0842:< _vvvv_> if you scroll up in console do you see >Object 0842:< dashed> SalZoRz lols 0842:< _vvvv_> near the top 0842:< Wakafanykai123> mhmm emotes are stored in it 0843:< SalZoRz> Kappa 0843:< Wakafanykai123> strange, link to script? 0843:< codedit> nooo github is down 0843:< enormouspenis69> Wakafanykai123 https://goo.gl/6Z4oNL 0843:< dashed> codedit :< 0843:< SalZoRz> dang no twitch emotes 0844:< dashed> ? 0844:< SalZoRz> in tabs I mean 0844:< Wakafanykai123> thank penis my browser autodetects ;) 0844:< _vvvv_> do you see the witch text at least or is it blank 0844:< Wakafanykai123> yeah no emotes in tabs 0844:< Wakafanykai123> they are in system though 0844:< SalZoRz> I see me saying Kappa 0844:< _vvvv_> but twitch text in tabs? 0844:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 0844:< SalZoRz> yes I the text spelled out 0844:< _vvvv_> ok 0845:< Wakafanykai123> just wait till github is fixed? 0845:< _vvvv_> how about links 0845:< _vvvv_> http://www.google.com 0845:< SalZoRz> nope links not working either 0845:< dashed> try clicking on it 0845:< SalZoRz> also the hotkey to switch tabs ain't working for me :( 0845:< SalZoRz> clicking acts like text 0845:< dashed> o wtf.. they broke now 0845:< codedit> seems github is semi-working https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js 0846:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0846:< Annon201> now why is sourcetree downloading mercurial, im trying to download as little as possible thanks to shitty bandwidth :/ 0846:< Wakafanykai123> yeah it works.... eventually 0846:< _vvvv_> The hotkeys, tab complete, twitch, and links are all working for me in tabs 0846:< lost_penguin> So slow it hurts though. 0846:< stormagnet> links and tab complete are working for me on 2.45 0846:< SalZoRz> tab complete has always worked on my end 0846:< dashed> Annon201 yeah id >_< 0847:< Wakafanykai123> dashed _vvvv_ try pushing to git 0847:< _vvvv_> but i will investigate 0847:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 we can push to git 0847:< NinjaInSpace> _vvvv_ tab complete works for me, but no emotes or links 0847:< stormagnet> SalZoRz it broke for me on around 2.4 0847:< _vvvv_> I am pushed.. I installed from github 0847:< SalZoRz> also on a positive note I havent had the white chat of death :D 0847:< stormagnet> _vvvv_ I just saw your kappa 0848:< SalZoRz> it might be because I cleared my browser of cookies and cache 0848:< Stjerneklar> how does the chat scroll work? like how the window follows the content rather than letting it scroll off? 0848:< _vvvv_> Kappa 0848:< Annon201> it should download on first use of the version control system rather than unnecessarily 0848:< lost_penguin> Scroll position is reset on each new message. 0848:< codedit> wow this evolved allot while I was sleeping 0848:< codedit> nice work! 0848:< isdnpro> Come play scrabble in #s ! 0848:< Stjerneklar> aha, so thats why split view aint workin even though its kinda working :) 0848:< _vvvv_> codedit thanks :) 0849:< SalZoRz> spamming robin with your bot is a meta way of abandoning because you end up on so many users blacklist 0849:< lost_penguin> Made a PR for commands in chat window fix. 0849:< lost_penguin> God such a struggle with git. 0850:< Wakafanykai123> its not that hard once you get used to it 0850:< dashed> SalZoRz exactly 0850:< lost_penguin> No I mean the slowness :) 0850:< codedit> github is just being slow today 0850:< codedit> usually it's fast 0850:< Wakafanykai123> total outage is over 0850:< Wakafanykai123> its picking up speed again 0850:< dashed> still slow for me 0850:< lost_penguin> May have timed out making the PR. Will check with the page refreshes. 0850:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/FgThsEY my now abandoned attempt :) 0851:< Wakafanykai123> fuck you robin ratelimit 0851:< _vvvv_> App server availability at github dropped from 100% all day to close to zero in last hour 0851:< OrangeredStilton> Is that... screensplit? 0851:< codedit> https://status.github.com/ 0851:< Wakafanykai123> oh i was thinking vertical split Stjerneklar 0851:< Stjerneklar> might work better 0851:< dashed> SalZoRz does the hotkeys work for u? 0851:< lost_penguin> Hey that's kinda cool Stjerneklar! 0852:< SalZoRz> currently on v2.46 no they do not 0852:< SalZoRz> dashed 0852:< codedit> hmm that's strange, links no longer are clickable after the update 0852:< Wakafanykai123> dashed you did not push 0852:< Stjerneklar> ill see if vertical works 0852:< _vvvv_> the hotkeys are control shift arrow 0852:< _vvvv_> not shift arrow 0852:< dashed> SalZoRz (ctrl | cmd ) + shift + (left | right) 0852:< SalZoRz> that is the keys I'm trying 0852:< lost_penguin> dashed I've got a PR sitting there. I thought it timed out, but it seems to have worked. 0852:< dashed> @___@ 0853:< lost_penguin> You can /me anywhere and it'll put the channel name in the right place. 0853:< dashed> they really not work? 0853:< SalZoRz> sorry they do not :( 0853:< codedit> for me they work 0853:< dashed> _vvvv_ does it work for you? 0853:< _vvvv_> yes 0853:< dashed> SalZoRz maybe wrong version? 0853:< Wakafanykai123> updating one sec 0853:< lost_penguin> I'll update and try 0854:< SalZoRz> I copied and pasted your last pastebin link 0854:< SalZoRz> maybe gimme that link again 0854:< Wakafanykai123> yeah you need to update from git 0854:< dashed> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js 0854:< SalZoRz> git is giving me a 503 0855:< Name0fTheUser> Are you here _vvv_ ? 0855:< SalZoRz> woops accidently opened that git link on this tab 0855:< Name0fTheUser> _vvvv_ 0855:< SalZoRz> it said 503 0855:< Wakafanykai123> reload 0855:< codedit> he's here somewhere 0855:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 0855:< Wakafanykai123> emotes in tabs other than system still broke 0856:< lost_penguin> Someone post a link 0856:< codedit> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js 0856:< Wakafanykai123> ctrl shift leftrightarrows does not work, and i just updated 0856:< lost_penguin> Works for me. 0856:< codedit> which browser? 0856:< Wakafanykai123> chrome 0856:< lost_penguin> chrome 0856:< SalZoRz> same chrome here 0856:< dashed> im on chromee 0857:< SalZoRz> are you on mac? dashed 0857:< lost_penguin> left/right no work for me either. 0857:< dashed> yeah 0857:< Wakafanykai123> yep not working 0857:< SalZoRz> maybe its because of cmd/ctrl 0857:< _vvvv_> chrome for linux 0857:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 0857:< _vvvv_> works here 0858:< Wakafanykai123> Chrome for Windows, desktop 0858:< _vvvv_> Name0fTheUserI'm here 0858:< dashed> SalZoRz nah it's not that 0858:< Wakafanykai123> Version 49.0.2623.110 m, latest 0858:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, who was it that wanted to see the raw websocket on my IRC bridge? http://i.imgur.com/NxJKR2o.gifv 0859:< dashed> OrangeredStilton u made that bridge? 0859:< SalZoRz> weird I can view the github page for the project but I can't open the raw .js link on github 0859:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: Two9A on Github is me, yeah 0859:< Wakafanykai123> yeah git is fucked just gotta wait for it 0859:< dashed> OrangeredStilton very nice :D... why php though? 0900:< mythriz> I got a unicorn on github 0900:< OrangeredStilton> I do everything in PHP. Decronym is a bot written in PHP 0900:< SalZoRz> whats the fastest way of copying the code text on git 0900:< mythriz> angry unicorn. :( 0900:< dashed> OrangeredStilton ah. fair enough 0901:< dashed> pedro_fartinez welcome to utopia 0902:< Stjerneklar> hey guys i think i got split view working 0902:< dashed> Stjerneklar :o 0902:< Stjerneklar> just gotta test it a bit 0902:< dashed> Stjerneklar HYPEE 0902:< OrangeredStilton> Submitted to /r/gifs, let's see how it does :P 0902:< Wakafanykai123> HYPE MORE FEATURES WOOP WOOP 0902:< Stjerneklar> still dont know if it will handle scrolling but its vertical split now 0902:< dashed> Stjerneklar who cares... move fast, break things :D 0903:< Stjerneklar> XD 0903:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar the existing code changes the scroll position for the main robin chat window. And adjusts when you change tabs. 0903:< lost_penguin> So you might run into problems getting it to work. 0904:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/kOuzPez 0904:< Stjerneklar> oh yeah lol, trouble has arrived 0904:< dashed> how does it work with tabs? 0904:< Stjerneklar> currently its broken cos dev chat has less chat than %chat 0904:< lost_penguin> dashed Since you only see one tab at a time (or DID!) we could just change the outer scroll position. 0905:< Stjerneklar> so dev is scrolled out of view 0905:< _vvvv_> slowwwly becoming emacs 0905:< lost_penguin> But that's not gonna work for Stjerneklar :) 0905:< SalZoRz> after copying and pasting the script on github, hotkey still not working 0906:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar maybe will have to add a parent window for each split tab to have things to scroll in. 0906:< SalZoRz> theres a weird glitch that always happens for me where settings do not save 0907:< Stjerneklar> looks like it 0908:< lost_penguin> github webpage going a tiny bit fater now. I've got a PR sitting there for /commands if someone wants to merge. 0908:< lost_penguin> Do we have a bug tracker? That might be overkill... 0908:< lost_penguin> What are the biggest bugs right now? 0908:< SalZoRz> gonna clear my cache to reset settings and be back.. 0909:< tW4r> lost_penguin are you talking about parrot? 0909:< Wakafanykai123> lost_penguin just use the issues on github, or piratepad i guess 0909:< dashed> ?? 0909:< lost_penguin> Yeh 0910:< dashed> ok so i accidentally muted lost_penguin 0910:< lost_penguin> What was the piratepad link? Still updated? 0910:< Stjerneklar> maybe i could do like a hook on the action that changes the position and piggyback that onto the other windows? 0910:< lost_penguin> Haha 0910:< dashed> >_> lol... 0910:< Wakafanykai123> http://piratepad.net/Zg3MJL40Qh 0910:< lost_penguin> I was wondering why you didn't reply haha. 0910:< dashed> yay github is fast again 0910:< Wakafanykai123> darn emotes in tabs still broke 0911:< mythriz> wow, the suggestion list is so long now haha 0911:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 did u say hotkeys doesn't work for u? 0911:< Wakafanykai123> they work with latest 0911:< dashed> which version? 0911:< SalZoRz> hey hotkeys working :( 0911:< SalZoRz> :)))) 0911:< dashed> SalZoRz rofl 0911:< Wakafanykai123> 2.47 0911:< dashed> awesome 0911:< SalZoRz> same version here 0911:< lost_penguin> Out of interest - How do you test twitch emotes? I've never used them... 0912:< Wakafanykai123> gimme a bit for the update log 0912:< SalZoRz> Kappa 0912:< Wakafanykai123> Type Kappa 0912:< mythriz> I just realized that I sometimes use ctrl+shift+arrows to select words, and this accidentally switched channels haha 0912:< SalZoRz> no twitch emotes in tabs still 0912:< Stjerneklar> hey guys i figured out split view the easy way 0912:< lost_penguin> Awesome, how do you type a persons face.... :D 0912:< Wakafanykai123> FaiFish is one 0912:< SalZoRz> mythriz shit I forgot about that 0912:< dashed> mythriz ah... it breaks your workflow? :< 0912:< Wakafanykai123> err FailFish 0912:< Wakafanykai123> there is an emotes list lost_penguin 0912:< mythriz> well not a big problem :) 0912:< SalZoRz> I thought that was the best combo 0913:< TheHawkIsHowling> Hey so when I scroll back through the chat and someone replies it automatically brings me down to the bottom again. 0913:< lost_penguin> Ah, cool I see it now. 0913:< mythriz> I'll just use shift + end / home / backspace instead 0913:< Stjerneklar> split view: http://imgur.com/9135dWT 0913:< lost_penguin> Didn't notice. 0913:< mythriz> it's only when I write something wrong anyways 0913:< Stjerneklar> fml XD 0913:< TheHawkIsHowling> It's impossible to read back. Is that the crolling issue mentioned earlier? 0913:< dashed> TheHawkIsHowling yeah someone changed it :< 0913:< lost_penguin> Kreygasm 0914:< lost_penguin> Looks to be working great. 0915:< SalZoRz> mythriz damn you just gave me a protip 0915:< Wakafanykai123> TheHawkIsHowling yeah thats the super rare scrolling issue, we have no idea what causes it 0915:< mythriz> great works with the script guys :) I found out my script makes the tab crash after a while lol. need to slap a warning on reddit 0916:< lost_penguin> Wakafanykai123 I know why. 0916:< lost_penguin> It's just that it forces the scroll position ot change after every message. 0916:< Wakafanykai123> no 0916:< Wakafanykai123> not if you are scrolled up 0917:< lost_penguin> You sure? 0917:< dashed> lost_penguin do u know how to fix the scroll? 0917:< Wakafanykai123> yes 0917:< Wakafanykai123> if i scroll up past the bottom it pauses scrolling 0917:< Wakafanykai123> so any chat lines stay where they are 0917:< lost_penguin> dashed well I know why it does it, but the fix is probably something like skipping the scroll if the mouse button is pressed down. 0917:< lost_penguin> I'm open to suggestions. 0918:< lost_penguin> I didn't know what Wakafanykai123. 0918:< lost_penguin> know that* 0918:< Wakafanykai123> yep :) 0918:< mythriz> also SalZoRz you're welcome xD 0919:< lost_penguin> Hmm, it always jumps for me. I dunno why it'd be different for others. Did someone add a fix? 0920:< Wakafanykai123> could be some os or browser setting, it always does that with chat windows and the like for me 0920:< TheHawkIsHowling> Yeah it jumps no matter where it is for me. And if I'm in another tab and a message comes through on this one it does it too. 0920:< Stjerneklar> we talking about general jumping? 0920:< Stjerneklar> noticed i got a lot of issues when on a low width 0921:< Stjerneklar> try zooming out? 0921:< Wakafanykai123> whats your res lost_penguin 0921:< Wakafanykai123> mine is 1920x1080 0922:< Stjerneklar> im at 1500x1200 no probs 0924:< FriendlyYak> 1366x768 i cannot scroll up - it jumps back down 0924:< FriendlyYak> if that was what you where talking about 0925:< dashed> FriendlyYak fixed in v2.49 0925:< FriendlyYak> great! thanks 0925:< SirCabbage> cheers guys for the tabbed chatting. This is what I wanted for a long time. It is fucking epic guys. 0925:< dashed> lost_penguin https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/58 0925:< jeuv> I can't seem to be able to download v2.49 0925:< SirCabbage> My question is, do you imagine there being a limit to how amazing this... javascript for a simple chat.... can be? 0925:< OrangeredStilton> Just a pity the whole thing's getting disbanded on the 8th :P 0926:< SalZoRz> Kappa 0926:< OrangeredStilton> SirCabbage: If we ever do run into a limit on the JavaScript, we can pull the raw websocket data into anything 0926:< SalZoRz> lets not dwell on the facts 0926:< lost_penguin> My res is 1920x1080 or 1920x1200. 0926:< SirCabbage> I see 49 now Jeuv, check now 0926:< Stjerneklar> maybe a bunch of the people who work on scripts here will continue to work togheter 0926:< SirCabbage> That is pretty damn awesome. 0926:< OrangeredStilton> SirCabbage: In case you didn't already see it, I have a gif of the websocket: http://i.imgur.com/NxJKR2o.gifv 0927:< Wakafanykai123> yeah i hope atleast us parrot team people stay in contact somehow 0927:< Stjerneklar> funny how things evolve 0927:< SalZoRz> I hope reddit implements this 0927:< SirCabbage> I did not no, I had still been using a version before tabbed browsing existed so only had one I was participating/recording 0927:< FriendlyYak> thanks again for fixing the scrolling problem. works fine now in v2.49 0927:< Stjerneklar> from grow to salt to parrot 0927:< SalZoRz> something like a codeword room name people can join 0927:< OrangeredStilton> All the work is done on Reddit's side, they just have to keep this thing running 0927:< SalZoRz> and a list of top rooms anyone can hop in if they're not private 0927:< SirCabbage> Now i just need to stare at that gif to see if my name is in it. 0928:< OrangeredStilton> SirCabbage: That gif shows the data fed to the browser, from there it's up to robin.js and Parrot to display it 0928:< dashed> guys: are the hotkeys fine? 0928:< SalZoRz> hotkeys great for me 0928:< dashed> ctrl + shift + left / right? 0929:< Bonoahx> Is this % 0929:< SalZoRz> I've been brainstorming better key idea but I cannot think of one 0929:< SirCabbage> That is both awesome and confusing OrangeredStilton . God it will be a shame when this thing closes- imagine if this became a place 0929:< Bonoahx> I mean is this ^ 0929:< OrangeredStilton> Hi, welcome to ^ 0929:< Bonoahx> Hi 0929:< Bonoahx> So are we better than %chat or what 0929:< jeuv> can you make it so I don't have to reload the page if I add another channel? 0929:< dashed> lost_penguin we need adding/removing tabs 0929:< Wakafanykai123> We are just the parrot dev chat 0929:< SirCabbage> all reddit users endeavored to join. Like- it jsut keeps going forever and merging every time it is possible..forever 0929:< tW4r> Is anyone from the parrot dev s on? 0929:< dashed> me 0929:< Wakafanykai123> me kinda 0930:< SalZoRz> I tried ctrl+alt+left/right and that did not go so well :P 0930:< dashed> tW4r me and others 0930:< Bonoahx> what as in the drone 0930:< Stjerneklar> parrot is the one thats active atm :) 0930:< pedro_fartinez> dont know if you guys mentioned this or not, but the tabs only show up when you refresh. is there a way to get rid of them or add them 0930:< pedro_fartinez> without refresh? 0930:< tW4r> Wakafanykai123 dashed If I make a pull request now, how long till it'd be reviewed? 0930:< lost_penguin> dashed I think that should be easy. 0930:< Wakafanykai123> 0m 0930:< dashed> tW4r 5 seconds 0931:< Wakafanykai123> make it 0931:< lost_penguin> I just never got around to doing it when I first implemented tabs. Was sleep deprived. 0931:< Wakafanykai123> we were considering being named robin-open for a reason :) 0931:< dashed> tW4r parrot/robin-grow fork is created live with feedback 0931:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 o.O source? 0931:< Wakafanykai123> ? 0932:< tW4r> Oh, okay, still have to code it, I was just wondering will I be able to pull it now when _vvvv_ is afk 0932:< Wakafanykai123> dashed has contrib access tW4r 0932:< dashed> plus Wakafanykai123 too i think 0932:< Wakafanykai123> oh i do? huh lemme check 0933:< dashed> idk lol 0933:< Wakafanykai123> nah, i dont. I just push my readmes :P 0934:< dashed> http://google.com 0934:< Stjerneklar> doing gods works guys 0934:< dashed> https://google.com/ 0935:< pedro_fartinez> how do i make a tab for the general unfiltered chat? 0935:< SalZoRz> omg omg links work in tabs 0935:< MobiusCoffee> make a filter for " " 0935:< andreaplanbee> is there any plan to have a tab that is everything *except* the filters? like a main room channel 0935:< Stjerneklar> that works mobius? 0936:< MobiusCoffee> yeah 0936:< pedro_fartinez> thats what i thought just checking ty 0936:< Stjerneklar> damn son 0936:< Broodoobob> does it work for chat lines without spaces? 0936:< Wakafanykai123> andreaplanbee make it " 0936:< Wakafanykai123> err " " 0936:< Broodoobob> eg. "lol" 0936:< Wakafanykai123> just make a blank filter 0936:< andreaplanbee> sorry probably would take me too long to learn how 0936:< andreaplanbee> oh 0936:< andreaplanbee> ohhh 0936:< Wakafanykai123> links work in tabs now? 0937:< andreaplanbee> looks like it 0937:< SalZoRz> its working for me! 0937:< OrangeredStilton> You guys are crazy people. 0937:< SalZoRz> v2.49 0937:< Wakafanykai123> huh im updated, testing https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/60 0937:< Wakafanykai123> yeah its not making link 0937:< Wakafanykai123> only works in system 0937:< SalZoRz> cant remember if I tested twitch emotes on this version Kappa 0937:< lost_penguin> I've got channel tabs rebuilding when you close settings. It does clear their contents on reset, but I don't think that's a major issue. 0937:< SalZoRz> omfg twitch emotes work too! 0937:< Wakafanykai123> thats a good idea lost 0937:< SirCabbage> Kappa 0937:< andreaplanbee> ok but how do i make a blank filter, sorry 0938:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 0938:< SirCabbage> emotes still dont work for me in 49 0938:< lost_penguin> Shall I PR? 0938:< andreaplanbee> i definitely tried lol 0938:< SalZoRz> major props dashed 0938:< Wakafanykai123> like this andrea: "^,%chat, ,#" for channels ^ %chat spamspamspamspamspam and # 0938:< MobiusCoffee> in your list of fitlers just have one be a space 0938:< Stjerneklar> heh, ive only managed to create the " " channel 0938:< andreaplanbee> ohh i didnt know it would pick up a space 0939:< SalZoRz> I believe I had to clear my browser of cookies+cache before they began working SirCabbage 0939:< lost_penguin> dashed ^^^ 0939:< Wakafanykai123> testing testing https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/60 0939:< SirCabbage> Ah okay, cheers SalZoRz- 0939:< Wakafanykai123> nope on latest 0939:< dashed> lost_penguin sorry.. i was afk for a bit 0939:< Wakafanykai123> not working on my end, and refreshed and reinstalled 0939:< andreaplanbee> how am i fucking this up: %chat,^, ,$ 0940:< Stjerneklar> doing the same andrea, but not getting a tab 0940:< dashed> lost_penguin we need to upgrade this: var channelList = []; 0940:< andreaplanbee> yeah not getting the tab 0940:< FriendlyYak> yep 0940:< tW4r> Is there any easy way to grab current chat stats in the parrot code? 0940:< Broodoobob> I'm on the latest version, I'm also not getting the tab 0940:< dashed> andreaplanbee close settings and refresh 0940:< lost_penguin> dashed how come? 0940:< dashed> lost_penguin b/c mapping channels by order is bad 0941:< andreaplanbee> ok that did not make a difference 0941:< Stjerneklar> <3<3 0941:< dashed> lost_penguin we should use object map: { } 0941:< andreaplanbee> im v2.47 0941:< Stjerneklar> lol, blank tab is not being made but we get the send chat to blank 0941:< Wakafanykai123> update to 2.49 0941:< Broodoobob> What do you mean, 'mapping by order'? I really like the current ordering behavior 0941:< lost_penguin> dashed OK I'll let you have a play with that. I'll PR my tab updating change. 0941:< dashed> Broodoobob we're talking about something else :D 0942:< Broodoobob> Ok sorries D: 0942:< dashed> lost_penguin >_< soo much refactoring 0942:< lost_penguin> Haha 0942:< lost_penguin> Personally I'd put that low on priority list. We dunno what's gonna happen in a couple of days. 0942:< lost_penguin> Normal users won't notice :) 0943:< lost_penguin> The whole thing is a glorious hack job. 0943:< Wakafanykai123> it even says so 0943:< Wakafanykai123> in one of the first lines 0943:< IceyMocha> can u make my name appear black to everyone in the next version please :D i want custom name color 0944:< SirCabbage> This whole thing is a work of art- and an amazing exploration into the evolution of communities and social structures 0944:< Wakafanykai123> IceyMocha thats snowflakey, and that would be a thing for the friends update like i said if we ever do it 0944:< FriendlyYak> i still have problems with an unfiltered tab. i could not create an empty one 0944:< FriendlyYak> (yes new version and refreshes) 0944:< SalZoRz> I have a request 0944:< SirCabbage> That'd be so cool, and terrible for anyone not bothering to use scripts. imagine all the codes 0945:< lost_penguin> Haha 0945:< SalZoRz> can we have v2.49 written above the Open Settings button 0945:< lost_penguin> It'd be so funny if in each channel we changed one person to a different (non-standard) colour. 0945:< Wakafanykai123> its written inside the settings button 0945:< dashed> bloops https://www.reddit.com/ 0945:< Wakafanykai123> above muted users 0945:< lost_penguin> People would be confused as hell. 0946:< Broodoobob> you could use non-printable characters 0946:< Broodoobob> that's what control codes are for :D 0946:< SalZoRz> Wakafanykai123 I know where to find it right now I just wish it was more obvious and faster to view 0946:< SirCabbage> that would be interesting. didnt even think about that 0946:< Wakafanykai123> hmm maybe, dunno though 0946:< SalZoRz> maybe even 'Parrot - v2.49' 0947:< Wakafanykai123> ooh yeah that might be nice and sleek 0947:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz i think that might be good. also you can be proud of that many versions 0947:< Wakafanykai123> oh i know 0947:< SalZoRz> I would benefit from that, theres been multiple times I thought I was on the same version as everyone else while being behind 0947:< Wakafanykai123> you can add it to the loading messages 0947:< Wakafanykai123> Loaded: Parrot - v2.49 0947:< Wakafanykai123> if we ever had [parrot] messages 0948:< FriendlyYak> above the settings tab might be appropriate 0948:< SalZoRz> that would be sweet - I still would like it visible always tho 0949:< Talisene> _^ just try. All penguins are good penguins CryEagle. ♥ 0950:< SalZoRz> not sure how to submit a feature request rn 0951:< lost_penguin> git web seems behind git repo 0951:< lost_penguin> I pushed a minute or two ago but can't see it on web. 0952:< lost_penguin> dashed I made the PR 0952:< Broodoobob> ooh, ^_^ gets truncated now 0952:< lost_penguin> Channels will now reset if you change the list then close settings. No refresh needed. 0952:< lost_penguin> Should be less confusing for people. 0953:< Broodoobob> that's great! thanks 0953:< lost_penguin> np 0954:< lost_penguin> NinjaTroll 0954:< Wakafanykai123> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/61 0954:< SalZoRz> which version is that? 0954:< lost_penguin> emotes are so tiny. 0954:< SalZoRz> also I added the feature request to the PiratePad 0954:< Wakafanykai123> sal thats not in the main yet, will be merged soon probs 0955:< Wakafanykai123> thanks SalZoRz! 0955:< andreaplanbee> ok so -scrolling- up and a new message happens will jump me back down to the bottom. but doesnt do it when im not scrolling + scrolled up 0955:< andreaplanbee> im sorry if that doesnt make sense 0956:< Stjerneklar> wheres the feature request list ? 0956:< lost_penguin> Should put link to pirate pad in settings or something? So anyone can bitch about our terrible code. 0956:< lost_penguin> On second thought maybe best not to know. 0956:< Wakafanykai123> its in the readme on github 0956:< Wakafanykai123> if people care they will find it 0956:< dashed> why on earth are links not working >_< 0956:< Stjerneklar> bitching is easily ignored, help can be accepted :) 0957:< lost_penguin> dashed Links work at my end. 0957:< lost_penguin> I have latest I think. 0957:< Wakafanykai123> they dont work in tabs other than system 0958:< lost_penguin> They work in this room for me. Strange. 0958:< Wakafanykai123> huh its not refreshing for me lost_penguin 0959:< Stjerneklar> the pirate pad is full 0959:< Wakafanykai123> u sure 0959:< ptrakk> you can delete my thumbnail support of there 1000:< lost_penguin> I just tried changign channels again and it worked. 1000:< lost_penguin> Maybe you don't have latest? 1000:< Wakafanykai123> i have latest latest 1001:< Wakafanykai123> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1001:< SalZoRz> wait what links are working for me too 1001:< Wakafanykai123> yeah they dont turn blue 1001:< Wakafanykai123> unless im in system 1001:< SalZoRz> links and twitch emotes both started working on the latest version 1001:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1001:< lost_penguin> Hmm blue for me. But the blue isn't terribly far off black. 1001:< Wakafanykai123> huh let me reload chrome 1001:< SalZoRz> are you sure you're on 2.49 1001:< Wakafanykai123> of course 1002:< Wakafanykai123> reloading 1002:< lost_penguin> Force reinstall, I don't think version no was bumped. 1002:< SalZoRz> I sometimes fix problems by clearing cache and cookies 1003:< SalZoRz> fuck the white page problem is back 1003:< Stjerneklar> bug/feature list is broken guys 1003:< SalZoRz> I thought it was fixed in this version 1003:< SirCabbage> I had a "white page" problem before too. had to refresh to get rid of it 1003:< Stjerneklar> ah, i just got in 1003:< Stjerneklar> ppl must have left 1003:< FriendlyYak> oh i also have a white page 1003:< FriendlyYak> at system 1003:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1004:< Wakafanykai123> still not working 1004:< SalZoRz> Wakafanykai123 have you tried clearing cookies+cache 1004:< Wakafanykai123> restarted browser 1004:< Wakafanykai123> ill try that also 1004:< SalZoRz> that might be it 1004:< SalZoRz> I just got another feature idea 1005:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1005:< Wakafanykai123> nope still bad 1005:< lost_penguin> Can someone good with css make the tabs bigger and make the height fixed so it doesn't move with different sized message boxes? 1005:< SalZoRz> how about having all messages stored so when you refresh, messages are still visible 1005:< Wakafanykai123> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1005:< lost_penguin> I kinda hoped a css guru could look at it. 1005:< SalZoRz> what browser are you waka 1005:< Wakafanykai123> chrome 1005:< Wakafanykai123> Version 49.0.2623.110 m 1005:< SalZoRz> damn same for me 1006:< Wakafanykai123> Kappa 1006:< Wakafanykai123> yep huh 1007:< Stjerneklar> guys the channel tabs look fine if you just remove the padding code 1008:< Wakafanykai123> ? 1008:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar make a PR for change? 1008:< Stjerneklar> or just make it uniform 0.3em instead of a bunch of different values 1008:< Stjerneklar> will do 1008:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar give us a screen shot with changes too if you can. I'm interested to see. 1009:< Stjerneklar> kk 1009:< SalZoRz> I just added persistent messages on the feature request page 1009:< SalZoRz> most excited about that one 1009:< AtaraxicMegatron> the scrolling bug seems even more wild now with the parrot 1009:< lost_penguin> I don't like that they float up/down with big variable white space at top. It's ok once the tab fills up, but when it's half empty it 1009:< AtaraxicMegatron> it just jumps to the top 1009:< lost_penguin> looks bad. 1009:< dashed> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1010:< Wakafanykai123> huh im not getting that AtaraxicMegatron 1010:< AtaraxicMegatron> Wakafanykai123 it was reported as a issue earlier 1010:< lost_penguin> AtaraxicMegatron Never seen it either, strange. 1011:< Stjerneklar> here lost_penguin http://imgur.com/OaxFWry 1012:< AtaraxicMegatron> it's this one https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/24 1012:< AtaraxicMegatron> now it just doesn't unlock, it jumps to the top 1012:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar I'll upload a pic of what I see. 1013:< Stjerneklar> happened to me too 1013:< SirCabbage> but unlike older versions it does not maintain what I posted for reposting 1013:< Stjerneklar> ok 1013:< lost_penguin> I don't really mind the different sized selected tab. Just the whiter space above. Maybe only I see it. 1013:< SirCabbage> could the message limit not be accurate or similar 1013:< Stjerneklar> i might be able to fix it from your image 1013:< Stjerneklar> i used to work as a web dev full time 1014:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar http://imgur.com/htpmFXt <-- Not too obvious here, but sometimes more pronounced. 1014:< lost_penguin> The white space above the tabs changes a lot depending on the number of entries in the selected chat tab. 1014:< Stjerneklar> ah yeah, the jumping i can see 1014:< lost_penguin> I think maybe the tab container height needs to be fixed? 1014:< lost_penguin> But my css is bad so... :D 1015:< SalZoRz> .help 1015:< SalZoRz> woops 1015:< ptrakk> my css is bad too.. it's hard to put things into scope 1015:< Stjerneklar> ill take a look at the code 1015:< lost_penguin> Thanks Stjerneklar 1015:< marakiri> what channel is this? 1015:< lost_penguin> Coding marakiri 1016:< Wakafanykai123> and the home of parrot :D 1017:< SirCabbage> so how often does the whitescreen glitch happen? It is happening in my first two channels right now 1017:< Wakafanykai123> are they not pruning or something? 1018:< SalZoRz> SirCabbage for me, a lot 1018:< lost_penguin> SirCabbage I've never seen it. Can you describe it, or notice any common potential cause? 1018:< FriendlyYak> SirCabbage it has not happened since i restarted my browser 1018:< SirCabbage> I have no clue, it is just a massive white screen that goes over everything so I cant see anything besides a white 1018:< SirCabbage> basically the only things that show on the chat when I click on a white screened chat is the tabs to move 1018:< lost_penguin> Paste your chan list guys. 1018:< SirCabbage> channel. Sorry I am splitting these messages up because if I do them too long then my messages dont send 1019:< SirCabbage> #rpg,%chat,$,penis/,^ 1019:< Stjerneklar> guys, im a goddmn github noob 1019:< TopicallyDifferent> %chat,^,&,penis/ 1019:< SirCabbage> aka, I decided to add all of the common ones since tabbed browsing rocks 1019:< Stjerneklar> i seem to be able to fix the jumping for myself tho 1019:< TopicallyDifferent> I could include the faster channels now but I don't want to switch back and forth between %chat and ^ 1019:< Broodoobob> ^,%chat,penis/,<,%mh 1020:< TopicallyDifferent> < still a thing? 1020:< Broodoobob> but almost all of those are completely dead 1020:< OrangeredStilton> < hasn't been a thing in two days, afaik 1020:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/64 <-- If the changes are small, you can post then in a comment here. 1021:< lost_penguin> I'll push them in. 1021:< TopicallyDifferent> SeExZa lasted further O: 1022:< OrangeredStilton> Heh, my email is just entirely composed of commits from you guys 1022:< SalZoRz> lost_penguin the whitescreening starts with the chat continuously going further and further up until it is no longer visible. 1023:< SalZoRz> it does not let you scroll up to chase the chat but 1023:< lost_penguin> Sounds like a scrolling bug. 1023:< lost_penguin> I'll see what people have been changing... 1023:< SalZoRz> once you're in the full white, you sometimes see a flash of a new message at the top 1023:< TopicallyDifferent> is #rpg ded or is my tab for them not updating? 1023:< SalZoRz> refreshing is the only thing that fixes it for me 1024:< Broodoobob> it's very nearly dead 1024:< lost_penguin> SalZoRz OK, that might be enough for me to go on. Thanks 1024:< ptrakk> i think they are slippin 1024:< SalZoRz> I would be so happy if its fixed :D 1024:< Annon201> hmm 1025:< Annon201> no matter what I try, something keeps closing a div tag 1026:< dashed> lost_penguin yeah the linkify in tabs are gone 1026:< OrangeredStilton> #rpg is still running 1026:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton it's not working for me. i mean the tab 1026:< SirCabbage> rpg is great when it is active. 1027:< OrangeredStilton> FriendlyYak: No ideas there, but it is still getting messages 1027:< SirCabbage> I enjoy it very much. but right now the tab is whitescreen of death for me 1027:< dashed> mofosyne https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1027:< FriendlyYak> OrangeredStilton oh maybe it's blocked 1027:< lost_penguin> dashed http://imgur.com/SohgieG <--- Working for me promise. 1028:< lost_penguin> I have filter by channel off. 1028:< Annon201> https://github.com/Annon201/robin-grow/commit/7b8b29d869cf6a57c8eae61c77c568a823de59b6 1028:< dashed> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh3 1028:< lost_penguin> And have channel background colours off. 1028:< dashed> lost_penguin i have it on 1028:< lost_penguin> I think I left most other things default. 1028:< Annon201> anyone have any idea why that div gets closed automatically? 1029:< lost_penguin> Maybe try changing it to see if it has an effect for you. 1029:< dashed> turn it off works 1029:< dashed> =___= 1029:< SalZoRz> this has been the longest time between updates 1029:< FriendlyYak> v2.5 yay 1030:< dashed> lost_penguin yeah turning it on breaks... 1030:< lost_penguin> Haha. 1030:< dashed> idk why =/ 1030:< lost_penguin> Does that settings provide any benefit anymore? 1031:< lost_penguin> Probably should remove it to tidy things up. 1031:< iHacked> Is Koi-pond just spam or? 1031:< Stjerneklar> lost_penguin i have posted changes in https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/64 for putting the tabs fixed at the top 1031:< lost_penguin> I think just spam. 1031:< lost_penguin> Thanks Stjerneklar 1031:< Stjerneklar> want a screenshot? 1032:< dashed> lost_penguin yeah pretty much a lot of people are condiitoned to use it now 1032:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar sure! 1032:< dashed> lost_penguin that was the original setting i added on the channel filter proof-of-concpt 1032:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/OaxFWry 1032:< Stjerneklar> woops, wrong link 1033:< lost_penguin> dashed ok well at least you know where to look now. Can't be too many things that the flag alters. 1034:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar Thanks much better being fixed. 1034:< Stjerneklar> yay, i contributed :) 1035:< Annon201> Grrr 1036:< SalZoRz> so whats new in v2.5 1036:< lost_penguin> Annon201 Sorry you're being neglected. 1036:< lost_penguin> Someone please help Annon201? Bags not me. 1036:< dashed> SalZoRz dynamically add remove tabs from filters 1036:< SalZoRz> sweet 1037:< BurritoBun> Hey guys, any estimate until next merge? 1037:< Stjerneklar> what was the problem anon? 1037:< SalZoRz> dashed can we have version number above Open Settings please :) 1037:< conker2654> is there a way to block the system messages? 1038:< Annon201> adding radio options.. somehow jquery keeps closing off the
before the radio options are inserted 1038:< SalZoRz> KappaHD 1038:< SalZoRz> Kappa 1039:< dashed> lost_penguin twitch emotes don't work either 1039:< Wakafanykai123> okay guysi im going tk sleel 1039:< Stjerneklar> could you make the div first and then insert the radio options afterwards? 1039:< Wakafanykai123> cya ll in 4h or so 1039:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 later :) 1039:< Stjerneklar> sounds like problem is from some loop behavior 1040:< dashed> im trying to debug it :( 1040:< dashed> Stjerneklar u have ideas? 1040:< Stjerneklar> yeah i wondered if it was an order of operations thing 1040:< SalZoRz> really weird that they're working for me dashed 1041:< Stjerneklar> like instead of rendering out the start of an element, and then its contents, and then the end 1041:< Stjerneklar> just make the element and insert content into it 1041:< Annon201> radioContent.push('
' + description + '
'); 1041:< dashed> SalZoRz do u have chat filters turned on? 1041:< SalZoRz> no it is turned off dashed 1041:< dashed> SalZoRz it's broken when that's turned on :) 1042:< SalZoRz> oh gotcha 1042:< Annon201> radioContent is an array 1043:< Annon201> and im doing radioConent.join(''); before appending it all at once 1043:< SalZoRz> over and over again 1043:< Stjerneklar> am i right in thinking that the problem is that the container for the content is also in the array? 1045:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar http://imgur.com/4kbRSp7 <-- My page seems to resize slightly too big now. 1045:< lost_penguin> brb, I'll test with old code to make sure it's your change. 1045:< Stjerneklar> please do, im not sure it came from my stuff 1046:< Annon201> ah I see where the problem is 1046:< Stjerneklar> feel like it came before, but i noticed it aswell... we could just overflow hide on the body XD 1046:< lost_penguin> Haha yep was your change. It makes the page slightly wider. 1046:< Stjerneklar> ah damn :) 1046:< lost_penguin> It was already too tall, probably someone elses change for that bit. 1047:< Stjerneklar> yeah i still have the too high problem, but without my code theres no with problem 1047:< Stjerneklar> width even 1048:< lost_penguin> I'll test without the 30px margin. brb 1049:< Stjerneklar> anon what was the problem with the div? 1050:< dashed> fuck it. i'll hack it 1051:< etray> when following system chat it randomly scrolls all the way up; i have to manually scroll down 1052:< etray> making gif 1052:< Stjerneklar> lost_penguin if you change the width of robinChannelList to 80% that fixes the width problem 1052:< Annon201> it looks like $(".robin-chat--sidebar").before() in setupUI: function() is causing it 1053:< Stjerneklar> in my tab code 1053:< Stjerneklar> great 1053:< SalZoRz> fuck white page happening 1054:< lost_penguin> It works at 95% What's the best value? 1054:< SalZoRz> I think its linked to system chat because it seems it go up at a similar rate 1054:< Stjerneklar> oh yeah it works up to 99% 1054:< SalZoRz> brb refreshing 1054:< dashed> lost_penguin this happens for u? https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/58 1055:< lost_penguin> Never happened to me. 1055:< lost_penguin> I feel like I'm missing out. 1055:< Stjerneklar> never seen it either 1056:< etray> I just have this horrible force scroll up happening at least when full screen 1056:< etray> how to solve 1057:< xSke> right aligning in parrot is broken with a non-monospace font, any fix? 1057:< etray> ah disabling the right align helped 1057:< dashed> lost_penguin missing out on wat 1057:< Stjerneklar> bugs XD 1057:< dashed> xSke what font? 1058:< lost_penguin> The bug :P Don't worry you can keep it. 1058:< SirCabbage> Huh interesting. I was able to get rid of the white screen glitch... by adding a new board to my filter list? 1058:< SirCabbage> so now the new board at the front "blank" is the blank one XD 1058:< AtaraxicMegatron> I switched to firefox because of the scroll issue. Everything works perfectly now :) 1058:< SirCabbage> but I can see #rpg again 1058:< dashed> AtaraxicMegatron yay.. must be browser issue 1058:< etray> AtaraxicMegatron ah maybe i should too; its annoying 1058:< SirCabbage> and system oddly enough. But now the only one with the whitescreen glitch is Blank. 1058:< etray> its a chrome issue then 1059:< dashed> im on chrome beta 1059:< etray> hmm lets try beta 1059:< ptrakk> the 140 limit should account for the channel name, because if it's too long it will give an error saying it couldn't be sent 1059:< Stjerneklar> man that automatic merge message is annoying 1100:< Stjerneklar> .robin-message.robin--flair-class--no-flair.robin--message-class--action.robin--user-class--system { display: none; } :) 1100:< SalZoRz> Stjerneklar IKR I keep muting [robin] but that doesnt seem to work 1100:< Stjerneklar> actually .robin--user-class--system { display: none; } fixes it 1101:< Stjerneklar> just inject that css 1101:< SalZoRz> we're down to exactly 3000 users 1101:< SalZoRz> inject that as in paste into console? 1101:< Stjerneklar> i use chrome dev tools 1101:< SalZoRz> how to get 1101:< Stjerneklar> press f12 1102:< SalZoRz> isnt that where console is? 1102:< Stjerneklar> yeah 1102:< FriendlyYak> OSfrog 1102:< Stjerneklar> you can also write css in an inspector stylesheet 1102:< ptrakk> console tab 1102:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar I changed your code a tiny bit. http://imgur.com/Rx8FwOQ Thoughts? 1103:< lost_penguin> I chose white so it matches the window. 1103:< lost_penguin> Makes it look more tabby...? 1103:< Stjerneklar> i like it 1103:< Stjerneklar> the different heights annoyed me 1103:< Stjerneklar> in the old vers 1103:< SalZoRz> VM353:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .(…) 1103:< lost_penguin> Sweet, I'll make a PR. 1104:< Stjerneklar> sounds like you are putting css in the wrong place 1104:< marakiri> so whats this channel aboot? 1104:< marakiri> hey stjer 1104:< ZeoFateX> dev chat 1104:< SalZoRz> lost_penguin any progress on the white page bug? 1104:< marakiri> oh cool 1104:< ZeoFateX> autoscroll seems to be broken for some reason =/ 1104:< Stjerneklar> try right clicking, inspect, and press the plus sign in the window that opens up 1104:< marakiri> lol %chat is pretty much dev chat too 1104:< ZeoFateX> refreshing now 1105:< Stjerneklar> that should give you a new css rulee 1105:< dashed> lll 1105:< SalZoRz> ah gotcha I pasted it in Stjerneklar 1105:< FriendlyYak> dashed nope my links stay broken 1106:< FriendlyYak> it worked in v2.5 1106:< Stjerneklar> try clicking on "inspector stylesheet" 1106:< FriendlyYak> dashed i tried HotPokket or just links like https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 1107:< Stjerneklar> if its in there, should be working. you can test it by finding one of the messages and cutting out the code to verify 1107:< Stjerneklar> ...or the other way around, wich would be possible XD 1107:< dashed> lost_penguin there's a flaw... 1107:< Stjerneklar> dun dun ddaaaaah 1108:< lost_penguin> Yeah? 1108:< SalZoRz> woaaah the dev tools allow you to see the webpage in mobile view :O 1108:< SalZoRz> thats phenomenal 1108:< Stjerneklar> dev tools are OP as fuk 1108:< etray> ok for people with Chrome with Parrot forcing auto scrollup, Using Google Chrome Canary version fixed it for me 1108:< lost_penguin> I made a pull request for the tabs change. 1109:< Stjerneklar> could we add an option to the settings page to ignore robin system messages? 1109:< Stjerneklar> i could prolly code it 1109:< etray> maybe I should have also tried to disable adblocker for this page it could force those things 1109:< Stjerneklar> just needs to insert some css 1110:< mythriz> dev tools are awesome yeah 1110:< lost_penguin> dashed what flaw? 1111:< dashed> lost_penguin if u have N tabs... max_pruning doesn't discriminate tabs 1111:< dashed> lost_penguin that's why people are seeing a white screen in System tab instead if channls 1112:< lost_penguin> Oh I thought you were talking about the PR I just made. 1112:< lost_penguin> Yeah that code looked a little dodgy. Are you going to fix it? 1113:< dashed> lost_penguin yeah i'll try 1113:< SalZoRz> next time the white page glitch happens I'm capturing this mfer 1113:< lost_penguin> Cool. 1113:< lost_penguin> I never got around to looking at it sorry. 1114:< FriendlyYak> ok there is definitly something funny with v2.51 1114:< SalZoRz> I discovered the scrolling up is based on a new message appearing in System chat 1114:< SirCabbage> oh good, both emotes and links are working for me again since the new version. 1115:< mofosyne> btw the scrollbar is funked 1115:< etray> SalZoRz are you on chrome? 1115:< SalZoRz> I am on chrome 1115:< dashed> SirCabbage awesome :D 1115:< SirCabbage> indeed, cheers dashed ! no cache clear or aanything needed kappa 1116:< SalZoRz> KappaPride 1116:< SirCabbage> http://www.neopets.com/index.phtml 1116:< SalZoRz> Kappa 1116:< SirCabbage> yay for both links and emotes 1116:< SalZoRz> oh damn links and twitch emotes are not working for me now :c 1117:< SirCabbage> damn it. 1117:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz i think it's broken in v2.51 1117:< Stjerneklar> my version says 2.51 1117:< Stjerneklar> and i have links google.dk 1117:< FriendlyYak> Stjerneklar refresh? 1117:< thatbarryguy> The messages are just getting removed in my %chat, kind of odd 1117:< Stjerneklar> www.google.com 1117:< SalZoRz> yep I'm on v2.51 1118:< ZeoFateX> D: Autoscroll 1118:< preggit> Sup folks 1118:< Stjerneklar> http://www.google.com 1118:< etray> true its broke here too on 2.51 1118:< SalZoRz> hullo preggit 1118:< etray> PREGGIT the LEGENDARY GIF MAKER 1118:< preggit> I'm here how, no need to worry 1118:< etray> phew 1118:< ptrakk> works for me on chrome windows 64 v2.51 1118:< FriendlyYak> preggit thanks for the klatter i guess :P 1118:< Stjerneklar> links work for me 1118:< preggit> Can't splatter the klatter, erryone knows that 1118:< etray> Doesnt work for me on Chrome canary 64 1118:< mythriz> haha, Parrot has gotten too big for its own good 1119:< Stjerneklar> only with http, but i figure thats usual --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:19:12 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:19:20 2016 1119:< SalZoRz> the scroll up issue only began on v2.51 for me 1119:< SalZoRz> maybe it started 2.50 cant recall 1119:< SirCabbage> So basically, the version it is fixed for finally with me has broken it for others. I wonder why that is the case 1119:< SalZoRz> but one of those 1120:< ZeoFateX> links work fine for me on 2.51 1120:< Stjerneklar> elginkevin how much previous? :) 1120:< ZeoFateX> autoscroll does not 1120:< etray> I would gild dashed for fixing it but i see he already has gold 1120:< etray> yea 1120:< thatbarryguy> google.co.uk 1120:< TopicallyDifferent> preggit is still alive 1120:< thatbarryguy> www.google.co.uk 1120:< OrangeredStilton> etray: You can always gild again 1120:< ZeoFateX> oh that link doesn't work 1120:< ptrakk> no links in channels 1120:< preggit> This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: Huge Success. 1120:< thatbarryguy> http://www.google.co.uk 1120:< ZeoFateX> that works 1121:< thatbarryguy> Needs the http 1121:< TopicallyDifferent> I have had time to abandon, restart and merge into this stuff again and you're still here 1121:< FriendlyYak> nope still broken 1121:< TopicallyDifferent> Good shit indeed 1121:< Stjerneklar> its hard to overstate my satissfation 1121:< etray> OrangeredStilton, I know I like to guild gold virgins....its a personal thing... 1121:< etray> *gilf 1121:< etray> *gild 1121:< marakiri> dudes... u know by any chance where the script for scrabble bot is? 1121:< marakiri> etray OrangeredStilton, I know I like to guild gold virgins....its a personal thing... /r/NoContext 1121:< SirCabbage> http://www.thisisafakewebsite.com/atleastihopeitis/funnyifitwasnt.jpg 1122:< TopicallyDifferent> sad 1122:< conker2654> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1122:< etray> eehhe 1122:< marakiri> conker2654 links are clickable in that yes 1122:< SirCabbage> oh god, imagine that. an in-robin gold gifting button that lets you give tokens out in chat. That'd surely be impossible 1122:< etray> I got no clicking on that 1123:< SalZoRz> I think the scroll to the top only happens whenever I press spacebar 1123:< OrangeredStilton> SirCabbage: Not impossible. We have the API credentials to hand already 1123:< Stjerneklar> if you could access the api that gives gold, we already have usernames 1123:< lost_penguin> So the white page thing is fixed? 1123:< pandersson97> California 1123:< OrangeredStilton> r.config.modhash 1123:< SalZoRz> but then again it doesnt happen everytime I press space 1123:< etray> http://www.thisisafakewebsite.com/atleastihopeitis/funnyifitwasnt.jpg 1124:< SirCabbage> Really OrangeredStilton ? Dayam, that is crazy. Though it would likely be useless either way 1124:< lost_penguin> Super fake. 1124:< thatbarryguy> dashed: If I'm typing when someone sends a message, autoscroll breaks permanently for that tab (v2.51, Firefox) 1124:< SirCabbage> see links are working here as is Kappa 1124:< ptrakk> that worked 1125:< etray> I got no links on Both 49 release Chrome and 51 Canary Dev; both on 64 1125:< etray> strange 1125:< SirCabbage> I am on chrome 49 1125:< ptrakk> only on this channel? 1125:< SirCabbage> and links are working, as is Kappa 1125:< etray> hmm i have not tested other chans 1125:< ptrakk> only this one.. 1126:< lost_penguin> dashed Good work on finding the pruning bug. Fix looks good. 1126:< ptrakk> i got a link on another channel only if i check filter bot spam 1126:< etray> Aaand other chans works yes 1126:< etray> so that character messes up something 1126:< Stjerneklar> is my tabs fix going in? 1126:< SalZoRz> nice the bigger tab buttons look a million times nicer 1126:< etray> maybe if insert space to before ^ in chan filter 1127:< ptrakk> sorry false report i have links now ?? 1127:< etray> do u guys enter filters without spaces after commas 1127:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar should be in. 1127:< ptrakk> i don't 1127:< thatbarryguy> Yes 1127:< SirCabbage> huh, according to someone in %chat the base of my fake site is a real site. well that ruins my fun 1127:< dashed> Stjerneklar already in v2.51 1127:< dashed> Stjerneklar already in v2.52 1128:< etray> like ^,#chat or ^, #chat 1128:< Stjerneklar> aha, i see now 1128:< SalZoRz> google.com 1128:< thatbarryguy> SirCabbage Don't go on the website, it's really weird. 1128:< etray> and does it change anything if its pruned 1128:< Stjerneklar> i think my two windows are messing a bit with caching at times 1128:< SalZoRz> https://www.google.com/ 1129:< SalZoRz> hahaha wut when I use twitch emotes it says they came from [robin] 1129:< etray> ok gimme any link 1129:< Sumwann> T17 o7 1129:< SalZoRz> but they're working in tabs at 1129:< conker2654> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1129:< conker2654> hmm twitch emotes and links work in my system tab 1129:< conker2654> doesnt work in my channel tabs 1129:< SirCabbage> I did not thatbarryguy, but talk about a effing coincidence. people will pay for any old domain wont they 1130:< lost_penguin> Just https://www.reddit.com/robin/ 1130:< SalZoRz> under system it says ^ Kappa underneath the [robin] message without a username in front 1130:< etray> I fixed it! the fix is to re-order your channel filters 1130:< etray> I had ^ first filter and it messed up 1130:< etray> now when its last the links work 1131:< SalZoRz> hey Stjerneklar what was the code again for removing [robin[ 1131:< Stjerneklar> .robin-message.robin--flair-class--no-flair.robin--message-class--action.robin--user-class--system { display: none; } 1131:< SalZoRz> thanks ! 1131:< FriendlyYak> is v2.52 already out? 1131:< SalZoRz> yes 1131:< etray> Cant you just mute [robin] by clicking on it 1131:< lost_penguin> What was your prob etray? I keep refreshing so I missed everything. 1131:< Stjerneklar> nope, dosent work 1131:< SalZoRz> that never works for me etray 1132:< conker2654> test https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1132:< FriendlyYak> dammit then tampermonkey update no longer work 1132:< conker2654> nope didnt work 1132:< Stjerneklar> http://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1132:< lost_penguin> Oh shit links not working for me now. 1132:< Stjerneklar> wierd 1132:< etray> lost_penguin I had problems with links not working but I reordered the channel filters now it works 1132:< etray> lost_penguin I still have force scroll up problems on chrome 1132:< lost_penguin> What have you done dashed :P 1133:< lost_penguin> Ah ok etray 1134:< Stjerneklar> man what the hell 1134:< Stjerneklar> i just reloaded and links work 1134:< etray> somehow if chat text entry box is not focused it autoscrolls 1134:< Stjerneklar> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1134:< dashed> lost_penguin what happened? 1135:< lost_penguin> dashed links not working for me now. 1135:< Stjerneklar> lol 1135:< dashed> lost_penguin FUUUUUUUUU 1135:< Stjerneklar> okay the links are now top priority because we are all losing our minds XD 1135:< etray> Stjerneklar, I fixed it by reordering channel filters, so that ^ is no more the first filter 1135:< lost_penguin> Haha the life of a dev. 1135:< dashed> lost_penguin works for me ;) 1135:< dashed> lost_penguin seriously.... 1135:< conker2654> links only work for me in the system tab 1135:< Stjerneklar> think that might have helped me too, although i removed my blank filter 1136:< etray> could be that too 1136:< dashed> this is a hard bug :( 1136:< Stjerneklar> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1136:< lost_penguin> I'll have a look (not that I'll find anything). 1136:< Stjerneklar> https://www.reddit.com/robin/#robinCh0 1136:< Stjerneklar> damnit i give up XD 1137:< lost_penguin> What line does the magic happen? To start me off. 1138:< dashed> h.o let me find it 1138:< FriendlyYak> on the plus site the tabs look way nicer now 1138:< SalZoRz> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1139:< SalZoRz> Kappa 1139:< Stjerneklar> works :) 1139:< dashed> lost_penguin this commit https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/7836a096a71054a3b587fc920426b0bcd1d98b48 1139:< SalZoRz> sweet mother of god everything is good 1139:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz how? 1139:< SalZoRz> I see twitch emotes and links 1139:< FriendlyYak> yes, how? 1140:< SalZoRz> v2.52 1140:< Stjerneklar> Kappa 1140:< lost_penguin> I have 2.52 and it doesn't work :D 1140:< Stjerneklar> settings set and all? 1140:< dashed> lost_penguin 2.52 is what works for me ;) 1140:< etray> ok updating 1140:< SalZoRz> I cleared cookies N cache before updating 1140:< dashed> lost_penguin this is the actual code breaking shit for some and not others: convertTextToSpecial(messageText, jq[0]); 1141:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz i see. it's still broken in 2.52 for me it worked in 2.5 1141:< Stjerneklar> ooh, ive been invited to mod sokukune :) 1141:< FriendlyYak> 2.51 & 2.49 where also broken if i remember corrctly 1141:< Babumts> HotPokket 1141:< lost_penguin> OK 1141:< SalZoRz> one more thing I did was my channel orders are different now 1142:< SalZoRz> FriendlyYak 1142:< OrangeredStilton> So, while we were thinking about API accesses, is there anything we can do except gild people at random? 1142:< etray> yeah channel ordering did something they did escape some bad stuff 1142:< dashed> lost_penguin btw... try inspecting from chrome devtools... the element exists... but the wrong one is appended 1142:< dashed> lost_penguin the original is appended.. 1142:< OrangeredStilton> Perhaps a RES-ish username overlay, so you can see karma etc 1142:< etray> OrangeredStilton you would gild for that? 1143:< etray> noice 1143:< dashed> OrangeredStilton lol really? 1143:< OrangeredStilton> etray: Er. What I meant by "gild people at random" is that there's a gilding API 1143:< etray> yeah sort by reddit karma 1143:< lost_penguin> dashed but the clone in moveChannelMessage doesn't get the copied ones? 1143:< dashed> OrangeredStilton is this for your bridge? 1143:< lost_penguin> call in* 1143:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: No, for parrot 1143:< dashed> lost_penguin apparently not 1143:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: You have access to the API modhash (r.config.modhash) 1143:< etray> sorting 3K people for karma::: i wanna see that list 1143:< dashed> OrangeredStilton im not familiar :( 1144:< lost_penguin> So it always works in System for everyone yeah? 1144:< dashed> lost_penguin yes 1144:< lost_penguin> Cool 1144:< dashed> lost_penguin from the reports i've gotten 1144:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: This is how my "Ajax" call looks in PHP: https://github.com/Two9A/robin-irc/blob/master/robin-irc.php#L276 1144:< SirCabbage> Its a shame we can't give karma in robin. Perhaps people who wanted to opt in to a karma system could make a comment on a board 1144:< OrangeredStilton> Note that I'm passing an X-Modhash header, which is the API authentication 1145:< SirCabbage> and then the chat upvotes and downvotes that comment? 1145:< OrangeredStilton> SirCabbage: Eh. That feels like a feature too far :P 1145:< lost_penguin> Maybe to the convertText... call after moveChannelMessage in the mutationHandler. 1145:< Stjerneklar> im gonna take a look at the channel list again, i just expanded my filter list and its not working too wewll 1145:< OhSchnapy> Does this chat run on a IRC channel and can we access it, or is Javascript the only way to create bots? 1145:< lost_penguin> If you want each call to convertText to have a clean object to work with. 1145:< SirCabbage> Yeah well, :P All I can do is brainstorm OrangeredStilton 1146:< OrangeredStilton> OhSchnapy: You can use my IRC bridge to point IRC bots at a channel 1146:< OrangeredStilton> It's not even beta, it's pre-alpha :P 1146:< dashed> OrangeredStilton so you're responsible for all of this bot mess ;) 1146:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: These bots were written days ago, and not by me :D 1147:< dashed> lost_penguin do u have an idea for a fix? 1147:< SalZoRz> here's a funny glitch, not even priority enough to remove 1148:< SalZoRz> if you try to use a twitch emote under rate limit [robin] responds with the emote you were trying to use 1148:< dashed> SalZoRz ??? 1148:< OhSchnapy> I'll check it out, thanks OrangeredStilton 1148:< dashed> SalZoRz i bet links work too ;) 1148:< OrangeredStilton> OhSchnapy: If you don't already have a link, https://github.com/Two9A/robin-irc 1148:< OhSchnapy> Just found it, but thanks anyways ^^ 1149:< SalZoRz> gonna test 1149:< Stjerneklar> guys i have a suggestion for changes to the channel list css 1149:< SalZoRz> with links she just says you are doing that too much 1150:< SalZoRz> oh but wait, when I check System she responds with the url --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 11:50:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 11:50:21 2016 1150:< SalZoRz> underneath her too much message 1150:< Stjerneklar> sounds like the issue i had before fuxing with filters fixed it 1150:< dashed> SalZoRz does it? 1150:< SalZoRz> yessir but I say keep it dashed 1150:< dashed> SalZoRz yeah not bothering to fix 1150:< Stjerneklar> tab resizing: http://imgur.com/hiw7h7W 1151:< SalZoRz> I don't want to jinx it but the scroll up issue and white page both seem to be gone with v2.52 !! :D 1151:< Stjerneklar> sweet 1151:< dashed> lolrly? 1151:< 1338h4x> Is there a way to suppress the "no compatible room for matching" messages? 1151:< dashed> b/c i didn't fix scroll in that version 1151:< Stjerneklar> yes :) 1152:< Stjerneklar> .robin-message.robin--flair-class--no-flair.robin--message-class--action.robin--user-class--system { display: none; } 1152:< SalZoRz> yep everything is A1 on my end now 1152:< dashed> Stjerneklar that's the fix for scroll? 1152:< Stjerneklar> nah the last one was for hiding the merge messages 1153:< Stjerneklar> the image is a restyle of the tab css wich makes it possible to have more tabs 1153:< Stjerneklar> old layout got too wide with many tabs 1153:< Stjerneklar> hiding the open settings button 1153:< Stjerneklar> wow, im dodging spam filter well XD 1154:< TopicallyDifferent> 2.52 looks awesome PogChamp 1154:< ptrakk> there is an autoupdate script in the agario bot userscript 1154:< Stjerneklar> dashed is there still problems with scroll? 1155:< FriendlyYak> in 2.53 the links are still broken for me 1155:< etray> scroll works when i updated version and restart browser 1155:< Stjerneklar> neither here 1155:< Stjerneklar> im just posting small css fixes 1155:< dashed> Stjerneklar i have heard of them.. but not anymore... now it's links/twitch emotes problems now 1156:< FriendlyYak> dashed thanks for fixing the scroll issues. works 1A now 1156:< FriendlyYak> or whoever fixed it! :) 1156:< Stjerneklar> huh, i just got reloaded? 1156:< dashed> Annon201: merged :D 1156:< etray> www.google.com 1157:< etray> hmm no work 1157:< dashed> Stjerneklar turn off auto-reload in settings 1157:< etray> http://www.google.com 1157:< etray> ah with http:// it works 1157:< dashed> etray yay 1157:< etray> yeyy 1157:< dashed> etray now try twitch emotes 1157:< etray> ANELE 1158:< FriendlyYak> bleedPurple 1158:< etray> BuddhaBar 1158:< FriendlyYak> i see nothing 1158:< ptrakk> the agario bot used a loader to install other userscripts to update 1158:< etray> have you enabled the emotes in the settings 1158:< wlan222> how about a context menu fpr users ? like "View Profile", "Give Gold", "Mention" 1158:< wlan222> for* 1158:< FriendlyYak> etray yep 1158:< FriendlyYak> also i can see them in system 1158:< etray> FriendlyYak :/ 1159:< Stjerneklar> on another note the height problem on body seems to be back 1159:< etray> FriendlyYak what is your current chat filter order; I re-ordered mine 1159:< FriendlyYak> ^, ~, %chat, penis/, $ 1159:< Stjerneklar> made mine %chat,^,$,!,?,# s,#s,#rpg,#pol,penis/ 1200:< etray> try putting ^ last it fixed the links for me 1200:< lost_penguin> dashed I fixed it for me. 1200:< Stjerneklar> http:///imag.e 1200:< SirCabbage> what is s and #s? 1200:< SalZoRz> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh1 1200:< TopicallyDifferent> ResidentSleeper 1200:< FriendlyYak> and the problems persists 1200:< dashed> lost_penguin no PR? :< 1200:< SalZoRz> sweet everything works v2.53 1200:< Stjerneklar> FriendlyYak thats why i wrote some new css to change tabs 1200:< etray> FriendlyYak the filter reorder did nothing? 1200:< mythriz> just %chat,^,$,#rpg here. doesn't seem to be much life in other channels? (I check System from time to time) 1200:< Stjerneklar> change the way tabs are styled 1201:< FriendlyYak> etray well except for changing the order 1201:< etray> ok 1201:< lost_penguin> modified it. I'll upload PR. 1201:< Stjerneklar> so um, im a git noob. if i have a suggested change i make a PR? 1201:< Stjerneklar> or just an issue? 1201:< MegaZeus101> Hello! 1201:< Stjerneklar> hey zeus 1202:< etray> FriendlyYak are you using adblocker, maybe it blocks twitch images 1202:< dashed> Stjerneklar is it code?? 1202:< SalZoRz> can I get one really important feature in the next release? would help testers out tons. add a version number above Open Settings button 1202:< Stjerneklar> yes 1202:< MegaZeus101> It doesn't 1202:< FriendlyYak> etray impossible, because it works on system. but i use uBlock Origin 1202:< Stjerneklar> SalZoRz i can do that with css if you guys want 1202:< etray> anyway its good to exclude this page from adblockers they do css reorder stuff 1203:< SalZoRz> Stjerneklar please do! 1203:< MegaZeus101> OI! Penis/ is alive as well. 1203:< Stjerneklar> ive never had problems with running adblock plus here 1203:< TopicallyDifferent> test test 1203:< SalZoRz> also I could use the anti robin code once again after updating 1203:< mythriz> 4Head 1203:< mythriz> yup it's just blank in channel, but works in System for me too 1203:< FriendlyYak> Stjerneklar however, disabling did nothing 1204:< Stjerneklar> guess its not there then 1204:< Stjerneklar> the problem 1204:< lost_penguin> dashed PR done. 1205:< etray> https://www.google.com 1205:< lost_penguin> Was just ordering in the end. The first call to convertTextToSpecial modified the message. It was then cloned. 1205:< Stjerneklar> i will make some issues on git for the changes im working on 1205:< MegaZeus101> _vvvv_ are you here? 1206:< SalZoRz> https://www.google.com/ 1206:< lost_penguin> Then convertTextToSpecial was called on the cloned message for channel. But the regex wouldn't match since it'd already changed. 1206:< SalZoRz> o what the hell links not workign 1206:< dashed> SalZoRz LOL 1207:< dashed> SalZoRz i didnt release anything 1207:< lost_penguin> dashed So I changed it to call convertTextToSpecial on a clean version for each tab. 1207:< dashed> lost_penguin alright looking at it now 1207:< SalZoRz> I was fucking with font size and thats just about it 1207:< SalZoRz> dashed 1207:< lost_penguin> Cool 1208:< dashed> o.O 1208:< marakiri> FUCK THIS SHIT 1208:< mythriz> the more functions you add the more things can go wrong, haha! good job anyhows :) 1208:< marakiri> I CANT WAIT FOR MERGER 1209:< marakiri> MY BLOOD IS ITCHING 1209:< dashed> testing: https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1209:< djcocainegoat> hey ^ I came in to work and updated parrot to latest version and now my spam filter won't work 1209:< etray> like a house of cards 1209:< marakiri> oops wrong channel 1209:< dashed> test: BCWarrior 1209:< djcocainegoat> Sallorz I'm not filtering $ 1209:< etray> djcocainegoat can you paste your channel filters 1209:< djcocainegoat> well i am in spam, but not as a channel 1210:< djcocainegoat> %chat,penis/,^,&, +, #pol etray 1210:< etray> djcocainegoat if u reduce it to only the two first does it solve the problem; i know u will lose the other chans but just testing 1210:< SalZoRz> djcocainegoat the trivia channel is $ 1211:< etray> yeah that too 1211:< dashed> lost_penguin i guess it works for me 1212:< lost_penguin> dashed Damn right it does. 1212:< djcocainegoat> yeah Sallorz, i pasted my channel filters not the spam ones 1212:< dashed> parrot users: links and twitch emotes might be fixed. go to settings and update to v2.54 1212:< Broodoobob> thanks dashed 1212:< lost_penguin> Might?! I'm offended. 1212:< etray> thanks dashed 1212:< Broodoobob> I can't take this uncertainty ;-; 1213:< dashed> lost_penguin xD... hey fix it.. then they say it doesn't work 1213:< FriendlyYak> https://i.imgur.com/SZWt4jk.png 1213:< lost_penguin> It'll work. 1213:< FriendlyYak> hey my links work again! :D 1213:< lost_penguin> :P 1213:< FriendlyYak> 2.54 1214:< Broodoobob> links still broken for me 1214:< ptrakk> here's the agario bot auto update script loader https://github.com/Apostolique/Agar.io-bot/blob/master/loader.user.js 1214:< lost_penguin> Lies! 1214:< FriendlyYak> duDudu whooo 1215:< lost_penguin> Seriously not working for you Broodoobob on latest? 1215:< mythriz> there was a reddit thread with the channels I think? 1215:< etray> PicoMause PipeHype 1215:< Broodoobob> I reinstalled and control-f5'd let me try again https://google.com/ 1215:< mythriz> though most were striked out as inactive 1216:< Broodoobob> still not working 1216:< etray> lol 2.54 and twitch emotes shows as TEXT NOOOOO 1216:< Broodoobob> ohh, I was in System! 1216:< Broodoobob> it works in the tab. 1216:< etray> 2.52 worked fine 1216:< lost_penguin> Haha oh man. 1216:< mythriz> haha 1216:< etray> vat the fuk 1216:< lost_penguin> I'll be in my office. 1216:< mythriz> enterprise software in a nutshell 1216:< etray> how do i revert 1216:< jeuv> Kappa 1217:< Broodoobob> I've been spending too much time in system. I'd kind of like a tab for all-filters like the old behavior 1217:< Broodoobob> I prefer that depending on my mood 1217:< Stjerneklar> i have added my three issues and solutions to https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues 1217:< jeuv> Kappa 1217:< etray> yeah emotes work in system but not here 1217:< Broodoobob> emotes are working for me here 1217:< jeuv> emotes work for me 1217:< mythriz> if you turn on channel filter, then System should only be your chosen channels, I think? 1217:< etray> hmh 1217:< FriendlyYak> 2.54 SSSsss all works now 1217:< etray> Kappa 1217:< jeuv> mcaT 1218:< lost_penguin> If you only took my update, I don't think it could make anything worse. 1218:< etray> disabled Filter by channels and it WORKS 1218:< Broodoobob> thanks mythriz you are correct and I am a dorkface 1218:< etray> it works when unticked 1218:< lost_penguin> Shit dashed you didn't fix the filter by channel thing? 1218:< FriendlyYak> etray oh ineed that is disabled now 1218:< lost_penguin> That was a known bug :P 1218:< etray> ok ok 1218:< dashed> lost_penguin what bug? 1219:< Broodoobob> I just turned on filter, testing my Kappa 1219:< mythriz> Broodoobob no problem hehe 1219:< dashed> https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1219:< Broodoobob> ok with filter on twitch emotes are broken now 1219:< lost_penguin> dashed We talked about the links/emotes not working when the channel filter option was enabled a bit earlier 1219:< Broodoobob> also, the ^ is showing in this channel now 1219:< mythriz> 4Head 1219:< mythriz> heeeeey 1219:< dashed> lost_penguin yes that's the bug i was talking about 1219:< etray> well i still have my filtered chat here EVEN without Filter by channels so it's good as long as links and emotes work 1219:< lost_penguin> dashed Ah, I don't have it ticked :D 1220:< Stjerneklar> when you got time guys check the issues, got some stuff in there 1221:< etray> you just don't wanna go anymore to System but that's a small thing 1221:< Broodoobob> here dashed http://puu.sh/o6Vem/8d6c8576c5.png 1221:< Broodoobob> the point where the ^ appears is when I enabled filter 1221:< dashed> lost_penguin ok i know what the fix is 1221:< lost_penguin> dashed cool. 1222:< etray> yeyy 1222:< SalZoRz> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 1222:< FriendlyYak> now it works for everyone 1222:< SalZoRz> fuck links not working 1222:< SalZoRz> 2,999 users... 1222:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz disable filter by channels.. 1222:< SalZoRz> oh woops forgot to turn that off FriendlyYak 1223:< SalZoRz> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukuneli 1223:< SalZoRz> success! Kappa 1223:< etray> hmm just checked leaderboards no cascading merges in sight for now... need one more room 9 there at least 1224:< etray> with one moor tier 9 room it should start to merge 1224:< etray> *moor coffee 1226:< Stjerneklar> nobody interested in my issues? :) 1226:< dashed> Stjerneklar what issues? 1227:< Stjerneklar> made 3 posts here https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues 1227:< dashed> testing: words 1227:< Stjerneklar> suggestions and stuff 1227:< Stjerneklar> got code but its not integrated cos im bad at github 1227:< lost_penguin> Stjerneklar suggestions look good. 1228:< djcocainegoat> yeah I'm back and my spam filter seems to be down still 1228:< dashed> lost_penguin bug fixed :D links and emotes work now ;) 1228:< etray> djcocainegoat it really strange if u reinstalled the script and didnt change anything the spam filter is builtin 1228:< Stjerneklar> glory to the dashed :) 1228:< dashed> lost_penguin works on wehether channel is on or off 1228:< lost_penguin> dashed Lets hope so. 1229:< dashed> Stjerneklar version number should already be on top of page 1229:< SalZoRz> everything is A1 on my end 1229:< etray> djcocainegoat but I still manually blocked spammers like nigglet Koi-pond marakiri and katietheredhead 1229:< Stjerneklar> ill update, think im still 2.51 1229:< SalZoRz> and I'm super happy you've added version number on main page :) 1229:< djcocainegoat> I'm trying single spam terms to see if i can get anything to register 1229:< etray> yeah saves one extra click 1230:< FriendlyYak> SalZoRz yep that looks good 1230:< SalZoRz> saves a click and a scroll 1230:< SalZoRz> for me 1230:< Stjerneklar> seeing it now, good stuff 1230:< etray> ah true; scroll too 1230:< lost_penguin> dashed Cool, thought it might be easier to just remove that. 1230:< dashed> lost_penguin remove what? 1231:< FriendlyYak> Hide voting panel to prevent misclicks ? 1231:< lost_penguin> Oh you just moved it down. It's a juggling game. 1231:< FriendlyYak> wait it is removed 1231:< etray> bug fix: I can click Send message when the box is empty 1231:< dashed> FriendlyYak what? 1231:< etray> or is it a feature 1232:< FriendlyYak> dashed sry etray confused me 1232:< dashed> etray what version? 1232:< etray> 2.54 1232:< Stjerneklar> i can send empty in current 1232:< etray> ah it only happens when i change tabs 1232:< Stjerneklar> updated a minute ago 1232:< dashed> i cant? 1232:< Stjerneklar> oh, i can do it first time 1232:< etray> when redoing Send Message in the same tab it wont work 1232:< FriendlyYak> i can only send a space 1233:< Stjerneklar> you can send empty first time? 1233:< mythriz> 4Head 1233:< FriendlyYak> but that is fine 1233:< lost_penguin> I can change that if you want. 1233:< SalZoRz> hey dashed since the version number is no longer a footer maybe switch it to title formatting with a capital P and larger font size 1233:< Stjerneklar> prolly cos of channel changes 1233:< lost_penguin> When you change tabs it preps a hidden text box with the channel name. 1233:< dashed> SalZoRz im bad at css.. maybe u can PR it? 1233:< etray> ok 1233:< SalZoRz> I'm going to give it my best dashed 1233:< lost_penguin> So it's not really empty text. 1233:< Stjerneklar> dashed could we have an external css file? 1234:< Stjerneklar> really helps with code comprehension 1234:< etray> lost_penguin I see you got point there 1234:< etray> it's always sending some text 1234:< SalZoRz> I've taken 2 semesters of CS lets see if those pay off 1234:< dashed> Stjerneklar do something like this and it'll be possible https://gist.github.com/kkosuge/2325414 1234:< FriendlyYak> what exactly does Filter by channels now, except for breaking links and emotes? 1234:< djcocainegoat> I also seem to be unable to post without a channel prefix 1235:< etray> FriendlyYak GOOD question :D 1235:< dashed> FriendlyYak update to v2.56 it's fixed 1235:< FriendlyYak> :) always one step ahead i see 1235:< dashed> FriendlyYak it filters in system tab... 1235:< lost_penguin> For realsies this time FriendlyYak 1235:< Stjerneklar> i got a wierd bug ive had forever. one user in my list of muted users is not removed 1235:< dashed> otherwise ima flip a table 1236:< FriendlyYak> uhm i left it unchecked. no offense 1236:< dashed> FriendlyYak nah it's apparently a known bug 1237:< lost_penguin> dashed I think the first convertTextToSpecial before the moveChannel call shouldn't be needed. 1237:< lost_penguin> dashed I think moving the if (settings.filterChannel) was probably enough. 1238:< dashed> lost_penguin can u test? :S 1238:< AtaraxicMegatron> tab-completion still being broken with 2.56 on Firefox is known? 1239:< SalZoRz> either dashed or lost_penguin I've got Parrot on my Github now, how would I send my changes? 1240:< lost_penguin> dashed Yeah probably just leave it, Not too worried. 1240:< dashed> SalZoRz click the green button: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pulls 1240:< dashed> lost_penguin ;) "don't ask me why" 1243:< Whitestep> finally dipped under 3k huh 1244:< lost_penguin> dashed ok I tested it with only one call. Turned filter on/off. Still works. 1244:< lost_penguin> I'll make a PR, then can you check it works for you too? 1245:< lost_penguin> Then push to master. 1245:< Whitestep> yo devs 1245:< dashed> yoyo 1245:< Whitestep> was there some sort of push to make the taks for the different channels bigger? 1245:< Stjerneklar> hey whote 1245:< OrangeredStilton> Anyone 'round here want to upvote my new flag idea for this chat? :P 1245:< Whitestep> tabs* 1246:< Stjerneklar> i have a suggestion up for making the tabs smaller :) 1246:< dashed> Whitestep did u update to v2.57? 1246:< FriendlyYak> there is a 2.57 already? 1246:< dashed> v2.57 is force scrolling 1246:< Stjerneklar> im just glad i got styler extension so i can inject my own changes 1246:< Whitestep> you guys update fast 1246:< FriendlyYak> VERY 1247:< OrangeredStilton> Seriously. When I jumped in the car we were at 2.51 1247:< etray> ah im gonna test that 57 I got scroll probs in 2.56 1247:< Stjerneklar> version numbers sure are frantic 1247:< dashed> i was serious when i said: move fast, break things 1247:< Name0fTheUser> I'm still on 1.8 lol 1247:< Stjerneklar> hehe 1247:< FriendlyYak> Name0fTheUser no you are not. you would not dare 1247:< dashed> Name0fTheUser we forked https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1247:< Stjerneklar> i cant remember what 1.8 looked like 1247:< dashed> parrot as a name was chosen from chat-wide vote 1248:< Stjerneklar> i take it "hitlerwasright" was not an option XD 1248:< Stjerneklar> jk, our chat seems pretty good 1248:< Name0fTheUser> 1.8 is working fine for me. I don't want anything to break 1249:< agaffchanted> love the parrot 1249:< Stjerneklar> latest version is stable and has great features 1249:< agaffchanted> its more interesting to me than the chat experiment haha 1249:< Stjerneklar> yeah without scripts i would have quit days ago 1249:< lost_penguin> We need an artist to make a parrot icon. 1249:< k4g3> How often do you release updates? 1250:< Stjerneklar> can we make it two T's? think of the wordplay 1250:< lost_penguin> k4g3 We do it non-stop! 1250:< dashed> k4g3 we do it live 1250:< OrangeredStilton> lost_penguin: You can use the high-res Robin and paint it rainbow, probably 1250:< k4g3> But what about users? XD 1250:< k4g3> Won't it be a pain to update? 1250:< dashed> k4g3 there's an update button in settings 1250:< OrangeredStilton> (The high-res robin was used in my sokukune flag: http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png) 1250:< k4g3> Oh... Cool. 1250:< fedorg> literally clicked a button and updated in 2 clicks just now 1250:< lost_penguin> k4g3 No-one is forced to I guess. You can ignore all this. 1250:< k4g3> dashed How many users are using it now? 1251:< dashed> k4g3 idk... i dont care :D 1251:< k4g3> dashed You're crazy. haha. 1251:< dashed> k4g3 i dont even have a stats tracker thing 1251:< k4g3> I just got back. What version should I get? 1251:< OrangeredStilton> I don't know how many people are using the IRC bridge, but it's at least one 1251:< dashed> v2.57 1251:< k4g3> Is it the parrot? 1251:< 1338h4x> I hope robin is actually like a beta for subreddit chatrooms or something so this script will remain useful after it ends 1251:< dashed> yea 1251:< lost_penguin> OrangeredStilton Should do a silly version where we just add a blur parrot beak or something. Otherwise unchanged 1251:< montugar> are links not supposed to be clickable in the system tab? 1251:< pandersson97> hai gaiis 1251:< k4g3> dashed Got it. Off to install 1252:< pandersson97> how do I turn off filtering in parrot? 1252:< dashed> montugar they are supposed to 1252:< dashed> pandersson97 turn off chat filters 1252:< fedorg> >> Does anyone know how to disable the prepend when you're in no channel? 1252:< dashed> turn this off: "Filter by channels" 1252:< pandersson97> I leave the field blank and unbox the filter by channels but it's still sending to the channel and not the main chat 1252:< fedorg> feature request sorta 1252:< dashed> fedorg what prepend? 1252:< fedorg> %chat etc 1252:< pandersson97> I can read from main but I can only send to last channel 1252:< dashed> fedorg fixed as of v2.57 1253:< montugar> OrangeredStilton's link earlier in this chat didn't hotlink for me 1253:< dashed> fedorg go update 1253:< OrangeredStilton> montugar: Probably because it ended in ) 1253:< lost_penguin> dashed I did the PR. Give it a test then update :D 1253:< pandersson97> gaiis halp 1253:< OrangeredStilton> (Try this one: http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png ) 1253:< montugar> but it *did* work in the ^ tab 1253:< 1338h4x> lmao I just noticed the script description "Recreate Slack on top of an 8 day Reddit project." 1253:< montugar> works in ^, not in system 1253:< pandersson97> nnn 1253:< OrangeredStilton> How odd. 1253:< montugar> replicated issue 1254:< mythriz> BloodTrail 1254:< fedorg> i'm updated, just add a no filter option in system 1254:< pandersson97> I still can't send to main channel, only ^ channel :c 1254:< dashed> lost_penguin that fix doesn't work btw 1254:< dashed> lost_penguin it's the same as this commit https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/c82d1fc8e4dc9ebb6905dd71ca2d283ac5df2d23 1254:< dashed> lost_penguin and it didn't work for some 1255:< Sumwann> I can't disable the prepend when I'm in no channel with parrot 1255:< pandersson97> ohhh I found a bug in parrot 1255:< lost_penguin> dashed The system.filterChannel stuff is noved down in new version. I think it should work. 1255:< lost_penguin> I think it was causing the problem. 1255:< pandersson97> The send to channel list by the message field won't update when you have twitch emotes checked 1256:< mythriz> I guess the System tab dropdown needs an option to just send to System/main? 1256:< montugar> pandersson97, end you list of channels with "," with nothing after 1256:< mythriz> aha 1256:< pandersson97> thanks <3 1257:< montugar> np 1258:< dashed> lost_penguin k yeah it seems to work 1259:< dashed> anyone have parrot problems? 1259:< Whitestep> not any so far 1259:< lost_penguin> dashed Teamwork eh. 100 shared commits later we have it sorted. 1259:< montugar> someone send a link 1259:< djcocainegoat> still can't sort my spam filters out dashed 1300:< dashed> djcocainegoat wat's the problem? 1300:< k4g3> Just updated. Tabs are awesome :D 1300:< k4g3> Though I couldn't find the fancy update button :( 1301:< montugar> someone send a link here in ^ 1301:< k4g3> Never mind 1301:< dashed> k4g3 u got it? 1301:< montugar> i need to test something 1301:< thatbarryguy> http://www.google.co.uk 1301:< k4g3> Found it. It's in the settings. Thanks montugar though :) 1301:< Sumwann> Thanks for making Parrot, devs <3 1301:< dashed> montugar https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1301:< montugar> yeah, i have parrot 1301:< thatbarryguy> Links are gone again for me (v2.57, firefox) 1301:< montugar> oh wait lol 1302:< montugar> forgot i was asking for links :P 1302:< dashed> montugar lol 1302:< djcocainegoat> can't get my spam filter to filter anything from main chat dashed 1302:< dashed> djcocainegoat ah... spam filter... 1302:< dashed> djcocainegoat not channels? 1302:< djcocainegoat> channels work fine dashed 1303:< montugar> so apparently, in the sytem tab, if a link is sent in main: it is hotlinked 1303:< FriendlyYak> http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png 1303:< montugar> if a link is sent in ^, it is not 1303:< dashed> djcocainegoat is "Remove bot spam" checked? 1304:< montugar> unless you are in the ^ tab 1304:< dashed> test: https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1304:< djcocainegoat> remove bot spam is not checked dashed, should it be? 1304:< FriendlyYak> http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png 1305:< dashed> djcocainegoat yep! 1305:< dashed> djcocainegoat i'll move the input box below the checkbox on v2.58 1305:< dashed> test: https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1305:< montugar> wait, FriendlyYak, did hotlink 1305:< djcocainegoat> OMG dashed thank you! 1306:< dashed> <3 1306:< sotricious> dashed wins! 1306:< montugar> but not in the ^ tab?!?! 1306:< FriendlyYak> http://i.imgur.com/Xf9I9yu.png 1306:< djcocainegoat> and the other people who tired to help earlier 1306:< AbsolutePillow> test 1306:< dashed> montugar im looking at it now 1307:< montugar> dashed, when do you parse for hotlinks? before or after you filter? 1307:< thatbarryguy> http://bbc.co.uk 1307:< LoginErrorZ> This is one piece of work guys :) 1307:< FriendlyYak> montugar i'm not sure what i'm doing 1307:< LoginErrorZ> one excelent piece of work :P 1307:< dashed> montugar before 1307:< Whitestep> the link fix should be 2.58? 1307:< dashed> Whitestep 2.58 is not out yet 1308:< Whitestep> so is that an issue? I don't see hotlinks in any room 1308:< LoginErrorZ> I see can see them though (links are clickable) 1308:< FriendlyYak> Whitestep do you have filter by channels enabled? 1308:< montugar> Whitestep, do you gave parrot or robin-grow? 1309:< montugar> have* 1309:< OrangeredStilton> (Isn't it so much better now that parrot has its own name) 1309:< dashed> test: https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1309:< montugar> or rather what version are you running? 1309:< Whitestep> parrot 2.57, filter by channels is on 1310:< FriendlyYak> should be off 1310:< dashed> test https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1310:< Whitestep> and the tabs work the same? 1310:< FriendlyYak> yep 1310:< montugar> filter only affects main 1310:< montugar> from what i know 1310:< Whitestep> oh I like main though 1311:< Whitestep> okay 1311:< lost_penguin> I'm trying to break it turning filter on/off but it seems to work all the time now. Must still be a gremlin in there somewhere though. 1311:< FriendlyYak> montugar no 1311:< Whitestep> test http://www.google.com 1311:< Whitestep> yup that does it 1311:< FriendlyYak> lost_penguin do you refresh? 1312:< lost_penguin> I refresh after updating. 1312:< montugar> # test http://www.google.com 1312:< Whitestep> thanks FriendlyYak 1312:< montugar> penis/ test http://www.google.com 1312:< thatbarryguy> dashed: http://puu.sh/o6Xxw/2ed86901e7.png margin is off, as it's not the first element in the div. 1312:< FriendlyYak> Whitestep just spreading the news 1312:< dashed> test: AsianGlow 1312:< thatbarryguy> KappaRoss 1312:< FriendlyYak> NoNoSpot 1314:< Stjerneklar> had a crack at a logo for parrot :) 1314:< FriendlyYak> thatbarryguy that is just to annoy people 1314:< montugar> http://www.google.com 1314:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/4aViqOO 1315:< dashed> test https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1315:< thatbarryguy> This can already tend dangerously towards twitch chat, not sure if twitch emotes are a good idea or not... 1315:< dashed> montugar fixed in v2.58 1315:< montugar> oh, sorry 1315:< dashed> another text https://www.reddit.com/robin#robinCh0 1315:< dashed> montugar i just fixed it xD 1316:< montugar> alrighty, updated. http://www.google.com 1316:< Stjerneklar> twitch emotes seem like one of those things that was interesting to add support for, but perhaps not something we actualy want 1317:< montugar> is it possible to poll each users vote affiliation? 1317:< montugar> or just the ones who show up in the list 1317:< thatbarryguy> /whois thatbarryguy 1317:< Stjerneklar> question is if we can get the rest of the people 1317:< FriendlyYak> Stjerneklar they are awesome because of reasons 1318:< thatbarryguy> 14:18:06 [robin] montugar is present and has voted to CONTINUE 1318:< FriendlyYak> OSsloth 1318:< dashed> ok who has other problems/bugs? 1318:< thatbarryguy> Did you see this one? http://puu.sh/o6Xxw/2ed86901e7.png 1318:< montugar> i meant in an automated way 1319:< thatbarryguy> Are you able to get the full list of users? 1319:< montugar> other than whois'ing and hiding the output 1319:< Stjerneklar> any feedback for this logo? http://imgur.com/4aViqOO :) 1319:< dashed> thatbarryguy what's the issue? 1319:< thatbarryguy> Open settings doesn't get margin-left:0px 1319:< FriendlyYak> it's in 2.58 as well 1319:< thatbarryguy> So has a 5px indent 1319:< FriendlyYak> yep 1319:< dashed> montugar i dont follow... 1320:< thatbarryguy> It's not the first item in the list, as parrot - soku... is in the div 1320:< FriendlyYak> i mean i did not count the px myself but i assume it's off a little bit 1320:< montugar> dashed, I was wondering if it were possible to place each usre's vote next to their name in chat 1320:< dashed> thatbarryguy thx fixing 1321:< montugar> like in the user list but in chat 1321:< dashed> montugar unsure if i'll add that 1321:< dashed> montugar if u know how to code to add it i'll add it 1322:< thatbarryguy> montugar Look around line 400 to see how the totals on the right are done. That's probably the method you want 1323:< Stjerneklar> sounds resource heavy 1323:< thatbarryguy> You can iterate it once, but yeah it'll lose a lot of memory as it will need to store all the users 1324:< dashed> thatbarryguy fixed as of v2.59 1324:< thatbarryguy> :) 1325:< Stjerneklar> well, im out of date by 3 already i guess , time to reload :) 1326:< dashed> Stjerneklar well.. only useful feature was force scroll to bottom checkbox in 2.57 1326:< FriendlyYak> in the time a new version is up, my chat window barely fills 1327:< agaffchanted> is there a changelog published on github? 1327:< dashed> agaffchanted yep.. here https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commits/master 1327:< agaffchanted> the versions are updating so quickly, hard to know what has been added! 1327:< dashed> agaffchanted they're mostly small bug fixes 1328:< agaffchanted> dashed i figured as much 1328:< montugar> ah, i see, the user list is a json with an attribute called vote? 1328:< montugar> for each user in the list? 1328:< dashed> montugar not sure :S 1329:< mythriz> I can see the user list in the source code of robin, I assume it is already kept in memory, but I couldn't quite find the exact variable? 1331:< thatbarryguy> mythriz Did you compare how it was done in parrot? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 13:31:57 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 13:32:42 2016 1332:< OrangeredStilton> I believe it's passed down in r.config, but I don't recall for sure 1333:< Djinneral> are the scripts done in pure js? 1333:< Djinneral> vanilla 1333:< Annon201> almost all jquery 1333:< Djinneral> oh 1333:< thatbarryguy> jquery OP 1333:< thatbarryguy> please nerf 1335:< mythriz> thatbarryguy I didn't check there yet. am actually at work, don't actually have time to do that much haha 1335:< jeuv> is there a way to talk in allchat? 1336:< thatbarryguy> Not sure, would an empty filter work? 1336:< montugar> put a "," at the end of your list of channels 1336:< montugar> with nothing after 1336:< dashed> tab completion problem fixed in v2.60 1337:< montugar> which one, the case sensitivity one? 1339:< dashed> i think in firefox, tabbing goes to the next elemeent 1339:< dashed> default behaviour wasn't disabled 1340:< montugar> well, there's also a case-sensitivity issue. if i put "dj" I'll never tab to Djinneral 1341:< Sir-Rhino> What montugar said ^would be awesome if thats feasible 1342:< Annon201> https://github.com/EmilyGoetz/RobinEggs/blob/master/RobinEggs.user.js 1342:< Sir-Rhino> Not sure if reddit usernames are case-sesitive and if they are, you would need to resolve for multiple possibilties 1344:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed still can't complete usernames 1344:< Annon201> reddit usernames are stored with their case intact, but arent parsed case sensitive 1345:< andreaplanbee> how do i type in System without the prefix being attached? 1345:< mythriz> add a blank channel in your channel filters 1345:< Annon201> I think autocomplete is only handling usernames visible in the userlist 1345:< mythriz> either add an extra comma at the start or at the end of the filters 1347:< montugar> so, apparently, the code ripps apart the userlist from source code, encapsulates it in {}'s then runs it through a json parser. neat 1347:< andreaplanbee> ah thank you 1348:< montugar> jquery op 1348:< dashed> lower case twitch emotes are supported note 1348:< dashed> *now 1348:< SalZoRz> Hey dashed ! 1348:< dashed> hey 1348:< SalZoRz> I finally sent in the PR for the title changes 1348:< mythriz> andreaplanbee np :) 1348:< SalZoRz> I am so proud of myself 1349:< SalZoRz> That code properly looks amateur but it def works 1350:< SalZoRz> also did I do the PR correctly 1352:< SalZoRz> should be 2 lines... but github is saying 300 commits ? 1352:< mythriz> I suck at using Git haha 1353:< SalZoRz> okay I definitely fucked up 1353:< SalZoRz> SalZorz wants to merge 312 commits into vartan:master from 5a1t:master 1354:< FriendlyYak> what if /r/robin and such would be linked? 1354:< montugar> oooh, subreddit hotlinking! 1355:< TopicallyDifferent> eww bots 1355:< mythriz> would be cool for sure, but kinda more than necessary lol 1356:< SalZoRz> uhm how do I cancel a pull request 1356:< montugar> progress for the sake of progress? 1356:< lost_penguin> SalZoRz down the bottom of the page. 1357:< SalZoRz> thank you I feel dumb lost_penguin 1357:< lost_penguin> SalZoRz Don't worry I had the same question yesterday before I knew what I was doing :) 1358:< SalZoRz> so how do I send a request to merge the changes I did with the git main file? lost_penguin 1359:< SalZoRz> on github desktop it only says 'master' on the dropdown and it seems to send it to the original robin-grow script 1359:< dashed> hey guys update to v2.63 if u want this to render: kApPa 1359:< FriendlyYak> the heck 2.63 1359:< montugar> lol fast iteration 1359:< FriendlyYak> kApPa 1400:< FriendlyYak> :) works 1400:< lost_penguin> SalZoRz Have a look at this: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/ 1400:< lost_penguin> Then this: https://help.github.com/articles/pushing-to-a-remote/ 1401:< dashed> i use sourcetree app b/c im lazy 1401:< lost_penguin> Fair enough dashed. 1401:< jeuv> Kappa 1402:< montugar> so, if i have a list of json objects, how would i go about searching for a specific value then pulling the object it's in? 1403:< montugar> other than foreach'ing the whole list every time 1403:< dashed> jeuv: b/c i can make it so. only on v2.63+ 1403:< OrangeredStilton> montugar: Can't think of another way. What are you searching for? 1404:< dashed> montugar u make it a hash table 1404:< lost_penguin> dashed Don't worry now, but I found the prob with convertTextToSpecial(). It needed urlRegex.lastIndex = 0; on first line. 1404:< montugar> search list by username, get vote 1404:< lost_penguin> That's why second call to it didn't work, but third did. 1404:< lost_penguin> Was a silly one in the end. 1404:< dashed> lost_penguin doesn't matter; now it's fixed... 1404:< montugar> users are packed in the 1404:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, if you convert the json to an object it's already a hash table 1404:< dashed> lost_penguin i hate that bug xD 1404:< lost_penguin> Haha 1405:< montugar> users are packed in the {"vote": "INCREASE", "name": "sotricious", "present": false} 1405:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, that's right. It's not keyed on username 1405:< montugar> shape 1405:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, you'll want to foreach through and build a votes_by_username 1405:< lost_penguin> dashed I'll PR it tomorrow if robin still exists :P 1405:< dashed> lost_penguin haha ok 1406:< lost_penguin> I'm gonna sleep now. It's been fun guys. 1406:< OrangeredStilton> lost_penguin: Robin'll still be a thing tomorrow. 1406:< OrangeredStilton> hf now 1406:< montugar> or rather build a list of actively chatting people and only update when they arent in the list? 1406:< lost_penguin> Hope to see you all here again. 1406:< lost_penguin> Goodnight from New Zealand. 1406:< dashed> lost_penguin night man 1406:< OrangeredStilton> (I wonder if the robin server will just stay up past the 8th, and the buttons will be removed) 1406:< montugar> I'd still want to check each time they send a message 1409:< agaffchanted> can you setup a trigger to auto update parrot? 1409:< SalZoRz> dashed what would be the and the for this project? 1409:< agaffchanted> so something gets posted by dashed to github 1409:< agaffchanted> and he posts a update command to chat 1409:< dashed> origin/master 1409:< agaffchanted> and everyone who has it installed and the checkbox marked auto updates? 1409:< dashed> kieran6383 https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1410:< SalZoRz> alright last time I tried pushing to 'master' it pushed it to the original robin-grow script 1410:< dashed> agaffchanted no auto update atm... idk how to do this. but there's an update button in settings. 1410:< dashed> SalZoRz u push to your own repository (cloned from the original) 1410:< svlad> I wish there were a quick and easy to read changelog between versions 1411:< dashed> svlad not much really changed.. just a lot of bug fixes 1411:< SalZoRz> I cloned it to my desktop dashed 1411:< svlad> I'm jumping from 2.33 1411:< SalZoRz> how do I send those changes to you 1411:< dashed> svlad nice :D 1411:< dashed> SalZoRz wa'ts your github user? 1411:< yoggi92> You can set Script update check to one hour in tampermonkey. 1411:< svlad> It's nice to wake up to ~30 new revisions :) 1412:< SalZoRz> dashed @SalZorz 1412:< dashed> yoggi92 if u can PR it i'll merge it :) 1412:< dashed> SalZoRz click fork button on top right https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 1414:< SalZoRz> dashed alright I believe I have committed to my fork 1414:< rakki9999112> scroll problems still a thing huh 1415:< Annon201> svlad - if you like diffs-as-a-changelog, then use an offline github dashboard/client and you can very quickly see all the changes made 1415:< yoggi92> It's a Tampermonkey setting, don't know if there needs to by something implemented in the script for it to work, sorry. 1415:< dashed> SalZoRz now click the green button to create a new pull request: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pulls 1416:< SalZoRz> oh wait a minute it doesnt let me commit dashed let me see if I did this right 1416:< Annon201> and most of the commits even have sane descriptions 1416:< JarnabyBones> Just updated Parrot for the first time since yesterday. It's doing great! 1416:< svlad> annon201 Thanks annon201 1417:< svlad> yeah, I was just looking at the fork view, and there used to be some descriptions there, but not so much lately. 1418:< JarnabyBones> I am capable of running Parrot across Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on my Mac. If there's any way that as a testing setup can help, I'm down 1418:< SalZoRz> dashed it says SalZorz:master and 5a1t:master are identical. 1418:< SalZoRz> even though I hit commit to master on my fork ... --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:19:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:21:47 2016 1421:< Annon201> Just use the script, if you come across any problems/quirks/changes/whatever then create an issue: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues 1423:< Annon201> Also, that control tab shortcut needs to change, it's a standard shortcut for highlighting words at a time for cutting/copying/deleting 1425:< dashed> Annon201 im open suggestion to changing it to something else 1425:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed using keydown instead of keyup for tab completion does stop firefox from jumping around but it doesn't complete :/ any ideas? 1426:< SalZoRz> dashed when I'm doing the PR should the 5a1t/parrot fork come first? 1426:< dashed> SalZoRz destination ... source (your fork) 1426:< SalZoRz> perfect 1427:< Annon201> ctrl+alt left/right, or ctrl+< ctrl+> 1427:< SalZoRz> I sent it! dashed 1427:< SalZoRz> ugly code / pretty end result 1427:< Annon201> oh wait 1428:< Annon201> not control alt l/r 1428:< Annon201> though it wuold be funny 1428:< dashed> how aobut just ctrl + left/right 1428:< Annon201> its a common hotkey with intel display drivers to rotate screen 1428:< Annon201> that has the same problem as ctrl shift 1429:< dashed> Annon201 wow lol 1429:< Annon201> ctrl + l/r will jump the caret back/forward a word. ctrl+shift selects text while doing so 1429:< SalZoRz> I've thought about the hotkey for a while now and I believe ctrl+shift is still the best available option 1430:< SalZoRz> even if you end up changing channels while selecting text using that method its not that big of a deal no? 1430:< SalZoRz> omg my first merge 1431:< thatbarryguy> Who wanted this? http://puu.sh/o71wj/520fd49c17.png 1432:< Annon201> it is when its ingrained into muscle memory causing the chanswitch almost every sentence i write 1433:< SalZoRz> thats not a bad idea thatbarryguy 1433:< thatbarryguy> Not my idea, just implemented it when I got bored 1433:< Annon201> ill do something about it when I can be bothered 1433:< Annon201> make it user configurable 1434:< thatbarryguy> I've screwed up the alignment :| 1435:< SalZoRz> dashed report any bugs or issues in the info area should link to https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues instead of create new issue --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 14:35:13 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 14:35:50 2016 1435:< dashed> SalZoRz your change is at v2.64 1435:< montugar> well, phone's charged, back to watching anime on my gearvr 1435:< SalZoRz> sweet diggity 1436:< montugar> on netflix 1436:< SalZoRz> how nice is that? montugar 1436:< montugar> better than you think 1436:< SalZoRz> is it better than going to an actual theater 1436:< montugar> lying down, screen overhead at just the right angle 1436:< montugar> move it if i turn over 1437:< montugar> always comfy 1437:< montugar> quality isnt half bad either 1437:< montugar> for anime atleast 1437:< TehAlpacalypse> Is this still the development room? 1437:< montugar> yes 1437:< SalZoRz> can you shift the room while you're in it? 1437:< montugar> i was just leaving, Ciao guys 1437:< Djinneral> is the gearvr better than tv? 1438:< Annon201> shift? 1438:< montugar> much 1438:< SalZoRz> I'm referring to the gearvr theater room 1438:< Djinneral> kool might need one of em too then 1438:< montugar> yeah, i usually watch it in void where i can move the screen 1438:< mofosyne> yo devs, btw can we add a default list of filters? its in discussion in #pol 1438:< SalZoRz> that sounds incredible, I'm getting a free gearvr soon 1438:< dashed> thatbarryguy how is the info gathred? http request? 1439:< SalZoRz> never tried vr before 1439:< thatbarryguy> Just when the votes are counted on update 1439:< dashed> ah 1439:< montugar> though the alps mansion environment for netflix is sweet 1439:< andreaplanbee> we are concerned with the number of tabs outgrowing the UI 1440:< SalZoRz> am I going to lose my shit when I first try it montugar 1440:< thatbarryguy> Do you want me to send you the code or something dashed? 1440:< montugar> nobody can adequately put it into words 1440:< montugar> you just have to try it 1440:< SalZoRz> now I've never heard anyone talk about this but are you a weed smoker? 1441:< montugar> ocasional, it helps with the VR sickness but i grew out of that 1441:< dashed> thatbarryguy u can PR it 1441:< montugar> plus, the apps are getting better at avoiding it 1441:< SalZoRz> how wild is the experience blazed 1441:< montugar> i fell asleep in a DK1 1442:< montugar> woke up flying around planets 1442:< montugar> was so real 1442:< thatbarryguy> PR? 1442:< SalZoRz> I lose my shit in real life doing nothing just experiencing my surroundings when I've smoked 1442:< montugar> was too real and i freaked out 1442:< SalZoRz> VR is about to make me flip the fuck out 1442:< montugar> testing 1442:< montugar> did my chat break? 1442:< SalZoRz> I see you 1443:< FriendlyYak> would it be possible to change %chat into a logo. of a parrot or something? i just want to know if you could do such a thing 1443:< montugar> what's the last thing i said before testing? 1443:< SalZoRz> was too real and i freaked out 1443:< dashed> FriendlyYak o.O? 1443:< montugar> ok 1443:< SalZoRz> that logo idea is fantastic I want that too 1443:< lachlanhunt> There's some interesting discussion that started in the #pol channel in this room about adding a default list of channels to parrot 1444:< FriendlyYak> in #pol there was a discussion how we would handle a merge an welcome newcomers with preserving out thing 1444:< lachlanhunt> I wish we could use emoji for channel names. 1444:< lachlanhunt> There are some bird glyphs in there 1444:< montugar> wait... 1444:< lachlanhunt> No parrot, unfortunately 1445:< robdob> Koi-pond we ARE the biggest room 1446:< bananasquid> #TeamNeverStay 1446:< montugar> http://glypho.eu/images/free.png 1446:< SalZoRz> I like how every channel has become parrot idea channel 1446:< montugar> gear symbol for ^? 1446:< yoggi92> I'm a graphic designer and I'll be willing to help if you need anything. 1446:< montugar> sms bubble for %chat 1446:< FriendlyYak> montugar that would be nice 1447:< robdob> Staying is how we win. We prove we can switch gear from mindless growing to staying. No group this big has accomplished such a feat. 1447:< SalZoRz> we need a polling bot to give use 5 logos to choose from, one for each of the 4 main channels 1447:< FriendlyYak> montugar well maybe just a bubble. but why not a parrot? ok.. if that's to difficult i understand 1447:< SalZoRz> maybe 5 is a stretch... possibly between two icons 1447:< montugar> ooh! aperture logo for trivia! 1448:< SalZoRz> like aperture science? 1448:< montugar> or the mic 1448:< montugar> in the logo list i posted 1448:< SalZoRz> oh I see it 1448:< montugar> but yeah, aperture science "tests" people, and trivia is also run by AI's 1449:< SalZoRz> how about we use yoggi92's skills to create a customized robin logo for each one of the channels 1449:< montugar> anywho, I'm off to watch 7 deadly sins 1449:< montugar> ciao 1449:< SalZoRz> peace dawg thats a good show 1449:< montugar> great manga too 1450:< yoggi92> Yeah, I can come up with something. What dimensions should they have? 1450:< SalZoRz> make a different version of this for each channel: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ce-c4jrUEAAZ8bH.jpg 1450:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/4aViqOO :) 1450:< SalZoRz> well thats one down 1451:< Annon201> we need to get some of the features from https://github.com/EmilyGoetz/RobinEggs/blob/master/RobinEggs.user.js => http://nazar.so/97rcq merged in here 1451:< Stjerneklar> ParroTT 1451:< TehAlpacalypse> idk how people get to this chatroom and still not understand how merging works 1452:< thatbarryguy> dashed - Sorry, I haven't used git in years and don't remember anything. I dumped my code on pastebin http://pastebin.com/raw/TJ7i9aUS 1452:< thatbarryguy> Here's what it looks like http://puu.sh/o72Cp/df5b124f6f.png 1452:< dashed> btw unicode emoji for channel names is possible btw 1453:< dashed> u need to enable unicode from settings 1453:< dashed> thatbarryguy nice 1453:< FriendlyYak> dashed great! :-D 1453:< dashed> come join 😀 1453:< SalZoRz> hm would that require everyone to merge to a unicode character channel filter 1453:< SalZoRz> it would gotcha 1454:< dashed> u just add it to your filter list 1454:< andreaplanbee> btw a ux solution to the tabs outgrowing the ui thing would be to list them on the side and stack vertically like some irc clients do 1455:< mofosyne> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/77 1456:< dashed> can u resend that link? i cleared 1456:< thatbarryguy> Mine? 1456:< thatbarryguy> http://pastebin.com/raw/TJ7i9aUS 1456:< SalZoRz> or maybe just arrow keys on the sides + the hotkey for quick navigation andreaplanbee 1457:< etray> I upgraded from 2.56 to 2.64 I got this strange ¤f appended to my channels; what is it 1457:< andreaplanbee> yeah i guess i always hate horizontally scrolling tabs lol 1457:< Stjerneklar> lol, who made marakiri mod of the subreddit? 1458:< etray> test 1458:< jayman419> It's a ploy by Palpatine to seize supreme power. 1458:< Stjerneklar> seems like a bad idea XD 1458:< Stjerneklar> oh sorry, thought i was in %chat 1458:< etray> I got this new channel ¤f in my channel list 1459:< dashed> etray i dont see it in the code 1459:< etray> dashed yeah i was offline few hours updated from 2.56 to this and it just appeared well maybe mistype there earlier 1500:< etray> what are the big changes in this compared to earlier 1501:< etray> or just bug fixing 1501:< dashed> etray only big feature is 'force scroll to bottom' 1501:< SalZoRz> here's a glitch that changes my life: first time using the ctrl+shift+left/right hotkey works in reverse 1501:< etray> dashed roger 1502:< dashed> SalZoRz wat? 1502:< etray> SalZoRz works fine here; first time tried 1502:< etray> the tab focus works inverse for him 1502:< SalZoRz> everytime I refresh and use it for the first time doing left makes it go right for me 1503:< SalZoRz> dont even put your neurons on that issue unless you got nothing else to do with the script 1505:< MobiusCoffee> Is tab-complete broken for other people? 1505:< dashed> SalZoRz if u go left from system.. there's no other channel on the left... but cycles around to your right-most filter 1505:< agaffchanted> MobiusCoffee: Yes 1505:< MobiusCoffee> :( 1506:< dashed> MobiusCoffee agaffchanted update to v2.64 1506:< agaffchanted> dashed: I did 1506:< agaffchanted> still no worky 1506:< MobiusCoffee> yeah I just updated 1506:< MobiusCoffee> stil not working 1506:< SalZoRz> that is not where the issue is dashed 1506:< MobiusCoffee> Just checked, I'm on 2.64 1507:< Annon201> Mobius - only the first time after refreshing 1507:< MobiusCoffee> hm? 1507:< agaffchanted> refresh twie and the issue is fixed? 1507:< SalZoRz> super minor thing 1507:< agaffchanted> Annon201? 1508:< MobiusCoffee> still not working :( 1508:< Annon201> hmm, maybe not, it did go once backwards but now wont repeat at all 1508:< agaffchanted> Tab just seems to switch over to the user names/settings sidebar 1508:< MobiusCoffee> yeah 1508:< MobiusCoffee> Tab works like it would on a normal webpage 1508:< AtaraxicMegatron> the switching can be stopped by using keydown in the script 1509:< AtaraxicMegatron> but it still won't complete 1509:< yoggi92> Maybe something like: http://i.imgur.com/uPv9a6B.png ? 1509:< dashed> AtaraxicMegatron do u know how to fix? i didn't code this... lost_penguin did 1509:< dashed> idk how to fix b/c it's working for me 1510:< dashed> yoggi92 o.O 1510:< MobiusCoffee> yeah that's annoying 1510:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed I don't have a proper fix. I only know how to stop it from focusing other elements 1510:< Dynamist> Hey guys will the System tab let me chat in the main room? 1510:< bananasquid> Yoggi92 those look nice 1510:< dashed> yeah... Dynamist but u needto use the dropdown 1511:< SalZoRz> looking great yoggi92 1511:< Dynamist> what should i pick in the drop down? add a space in the channel filter and then... ? 1511:< agaffchanted> it looks like the dropdown only allows you to select one of the channel filters 1511:< yoggi92> Just let me know what dimensions and what more is needed and I can crop them out. 1512:< agaffchanted> add an extra comma at the end it looks like 1512:< agaffchanted> and you can get an option to select no channel filter 1513:< agaffchanted> yeah just add another comma to the end 1513:< agaffchanted> so channel filter looks like: ^,$,%chat, 1513:< agaffchanted> then you'll have 4 dropdowns, last one would go to System chat only 1514:< Dynamist> Ok i'll try it thanks 1515:< SalZoRz> I believe that would be up to the devs when they make the default channels a thing yoggi92 1516:< svlad> Test 1517:< yoggi92> SalZoRz You wanted an aperture one right? 1517:< SalZoRz> yoggi92 I believe that was the guy who left to go watch anime on his VR machine 1517:< yoggi92> SalZoRz That sounds about right :P 1518:< dashed> MobiusCoffee agaffchanted try this https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/83809e0c60ccc856e61bda16a1577a945e783024/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/53fna 1518:< enigmaquip> default channels is a weird thing though..... ccande has a billion right now 1518:< MobiusCoffee> uh 1518:< SalZoRz> yoggi92 of course he wanted an aperture one :p 1518:< MobiusCoffee> should I just update? 1518:< MobiusCoffee> dashed? 1518:< dashed> MobiusCoffee i tried a fix on v2.65 1519:< agaffchanted> dashed: still not working :( 1519:< MobiusCoffee> test 1519:< agaffchanted> it tabs over to the sidebar still 1519:< MobiusCoffee> yeah not working, same as before 1519:< svlad> ^ The new parrot link looks kinda crappy in RES nightmode http://i.imgur.com/wc9xSS4.png 1519:< dashed> what browser o.O 1519:< MobiusCoffee> what's odd is it was working before 1519:< agaffchanted> Mozilla, Greasemonkey 1519:< dashed> svlad @___@ 1519:< MobiusCoffee> Firefox 1519:< agaffchanted> you want a test in chrome/tamper monkey? 1519:< SalZoRz> svlad thats entirely my fault 1519:< MobiusCoffee> 45.0.1 1519:< dashed> im on chrome/tampermonkey 1520:< agaffchanted> ill test on chrome, one sec 1520:< MobiusCoffee> Greasemonkey I guess is relevant as well 1521:< SalZoRz> dashed I'll try to fix the nightmode issue, plus I was thinking of adding a parrot logo similar to the robin one next to the title 1521:< dashed> SalZoRz sure go fore it :) 1521:< SalZoRz> I like working on this 1522:< svlad> nice. There is already a bit that handles nightmode behavior for everything else, it just needs to include font color change for "Parrot" 1522:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L1039 => http://nazar.so/244qa can you check that changing that to keydown still works for you? 1523:< SalZoRz> I read nightmode support somewhere on the git page, I'm working on the changes now svlad 1523:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed it won't fix the completion but overrides firefox from changing focus 1523:< dashed> AtaraxicMegatron this? $("#robinMessageText").css("display", "none"); 1523:< AtaraxicMegatron> woops, wrong line 1524:< AtaraxicMegatron> dashed couple lines down, the one that calls the autocomplete function 1525:< AtaraxicMegatron> $("#robinMessageTextAlt").on("keyup", function(e) { tabAutoComplete(e); }); 1526:< agaffchanted> dashed [confirmed] tab works on Chrome+Tamper Monkey but not Firefox+Greasemonkey 1526:< dashed> agaffchanted hmm weird 1527:< agaffchanted> could RES being installed on firefox but not Chrome impact that? 1527:< agaffchanted> dashed do you have RES installed? 1527:< AtaraxicMegatron> I don't have RES on firefox 1528:< AtaraxicMegatron> but I have on chromium where the completion works 1528:< dashed> agaffchanted yes 1530:< dashed> agaffchanted try this: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/2039dd8a39e1972f5698f144a10fd7fdc7a13e27/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/4isn2 1531:< agaffchanted> dashed: still doesn't work on FFX+GreaseMonkey :( 1531:< ownage516> This looks dope fame 1531:< agaffchanted> it's tabbing over to the the top header now 1531:< agaffchanted> that says Parrot 1531:< agaffchanted> soKukunelits fork - v2.66 1532:< agaffchanted> whereas before it was tabbing over to the entire sidebar 1533:< Stjerneklar> wow, political leaders in ccande want to rig parrot to switch votes to stay 1533:< Stjerneklar> now theres some bullshit 1533:< agaffchanted> what's ccande? 1534:< Stjerneklar> second largest room 1534:< enigmaquip> I still don't understand the stay mentality 1534:< FriendlyYak> we should have some donation button for our devs. for real! 1534:< MobiusCoffee> tried the new script as well - autocomplete still not working :( 1534:< FriendlyYak> also protect our young nation of merges 1534:< FriendlyYak> mergers against fraud. plz 1535:< Stjerneklar> be careful giving out commit rights, the guys in ccande are talking about what a great idea it would be to modify robin 1535:< Stjerneklar> to help their political agenda 1536:< agaffchanted> what is ccande? 1536:< dashed> another group merging to us 1536:< Stjerneklar> second largest group 1536:< thatbarryguy> They want to have automatic stay, with an user prompt to grow. 1536:< agaffchanted> they aren't gonna merge for a few days though? 1536:< OrangeredStilton> They have a disturbing governmental bent. 1537:< OrangeredStilton> And if they hack at Parrot so it stays by default, they'll never merge into us ;) 1537:< dashed> they sure are https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/77#issuecomment-205858485 => http://nazar.so/7l3ji 1539:< dashed> agaffchanted try this https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/0958704593840ac8679bf72b323ca5354c25db32/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/v76s 1540:< dashed> or update to v2.67 1540:< dashed> same thing 1540:< agaffchanted> dashed still doesn't work but i can't tell what tab is focusing on anymore... 1540:< dashed> <___< 1540:< agaffchanted> it doesn't appear to be highlighting anywhere now 1540:< MobiusCoffee> dashed 1540:< yoggi92> Made some more icons: http://i.imgur.com/3GvQ1ED.png 1540:< MobiusCoffee> yeah it's not tabbing over anymore, but tab-complete isn't working. Strange 1540:< dashed> MobiusCoffee works? 1540:< dashed> oh 1541:< MobiusCoffee> That's much less annoying, but not the desired result 1541:< AtaraxicMegatron> yeah, that's how far I got trying to debug it 1541:< agaffchanted> ctrl+shift+ -> still works for me 1542:< agaffchanted> is that what you are talking about by not tabbing over anymore MobiusCoffee? 1542:< AtaraxicMegatron> preventing tab down stops it from changing focus but the completion function doesn't work correctly 1542:< agaffchanted> or just not selecting the sidemenu? 1542:< ShareDVI> Nice update, thank you guys 1542:< MobiusCoffee> agaffchatned just not selecting the sidebar 1542:< agaffchanted> ah yeah, confirmed that is the same for me now 1543:< MindcrackOrBust> i like that motto 1547:< dashed> dashed 1550:< yoggi92> PM me if the icons come into consideration, afk for a while. 1552:< mofosyne> btw any mass tabbing UI improvements? 1553:< Stjerneklar> watchu mean mofo? 1553:< yoggi92> PM me if the icons come into consideration, afk for a while. 1553:< mofosyne> This is my filter Stjerneklar :: $, %chat, ^, #pol, #rpg, ~, penis/, ?, s, #s, #gov,+wiki 1553:< mofosyne> if its too long the UI tabs will overlap the main chatwindow 1554:< Stjerneklar> oh right, i made some code to fix that 1554:< Stjerneklar> but i never got it into the version 1554:< Stjerneklar> i dont know how to put code in, i just know how to write it 1555:< svlad> print it out and mail it 1555:< Stjerneklar> if you are up to it i have a solution 1555:< Stjerneklar> get https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/styler/bogdgcfoocbajfkjjolkmcdcnnellpkb?hl=en => http://nazar.so/22xdz thats "styler" 1555:< Stjerneklar> it lets you inject css and js into pages 1556:< Stjerneklar> we only need css so no worries 1556:< svlad> yup, I have styler 1556:< Stjerneklar> paste in the code from here top the top window http://pastebin.com/FJmxRHxs 1557:< SalZoRz> dashed how do I keep my fork up to date with the latest commits? 1557:< Stjerneklar> makes the tabs smaller 1558:< dashed> SalZoRz pull from parrot repo to local 1601:< SalZoRz> must I do that everytime? dashed 1602:< dashed> SalZoRz yeah... 1603:< SalZoRz> if I have an outdated version and I make changes to it, will it attempt to revert the changes brought in from newer releases if I tried to 1603:< SalZoRz> pull request my fork 1604:< SalZoRz> or does it only merge the changes I make as long as its not the same part of the code 1604:< dashed> SalZoRz merge is attempted 1605:< Broodoobob> if 4chan starts climbing, we stay lmao 1605:< Broodoobob> wrong chat 1605:< SalZoRz> dashed nullifying the parts with the old code? 1607:< AviN456> dashed 1607:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/78 1607:< dashed> .... 1607:< AviN456> also, how do i make github rebase/fastforward? my fork against the current version 1608:< dashed> i'll add it if most pople in this chat likes it 1610:< svlad> the monstrous tracker? 1611:< Broodoobob> I think robintracker has enough data for the things we can provide 1611:< Broodoobob> the tiers are the things people really need and we can't help with that 1611:< dashed> Broodoobob wat's robintracker? 1612:< svlad> robintracker=monstrouspeace They're the same thing 1612:< svlad> https://github.com/jhon/robintracker 1612:< Broodoobob> robintracker is easier to type heh 1612:< svlad> ^^^ 1612:< AviN456> monstrouspeace is the automated one 1612:< AviN456> robintracker is the subreddit thread 1613:< Broodoobob> I suppose it's ambiguous then 1613:< AviN456> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ vs https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ => http://nazar.so/4d6rm 1613:< AviN456> but robintracker pulls from monstrouspeace 1614:< Broodoobob> I just wish the tier listings could be sorted out 1619:< OrangeredStilton> Idea: If you type in the System tab, and start a message with someone else's nick, it opens a "private" tab with that user 1620:< OrangeredStilton> So the automatically prepended prefix is just the other guy's nick 1620:< Broodoobob> if you're replying as part of a public conversation that might be unwanted 1621:< OrangeredStilton> If you're in a public conversation, you'd be prefixing with the channel prefix, right? 1621:< OrangeredStilton> [Just an idea, after all] 1621:< ScarletSpeedster> implying privacy might be bad for that. But otherwise sounds cool, if worded correctly I could see it being used. 1622:< Broodoobob> hey waka. yeah it's a cool idea orangered 1622:< OrangeredStilton> If you want to encrypt the messages, that's eminently possible by prepending the modhash 1622:< Broodoobob> but a real pm system would be even better 1623:< dashed> lol 1623:< OrangeredStilton> modhash|message-encrypted-with-modhash, for example :P 1623:< Broodoobob> the question is how to prevent pm's from spamming extensionless users 1623:< svlad> you might as well just rot13 the message 1623:< Broodoobob> and without giving a false sense of privacy 1624:< ArcOfDream> Tabs are nice. 1624:< OrangeredStilton> svlad: I don't think we're given public and private keys as part of the r.config 1624:< sotricious> HAT TIP to all of you wonderfull ppl of ^ 1625:< Broodoobob> wow it is, brilliant 1625:< Broodoobob> I wonder if the italics are sent as a special flag 1625:< svlad> yeah, I'm just saying that it might not be worth the effort to deal with hashing if all you're getting out of it is obfuscation. 1625:< svlad> might as well just stick with very simple obfuscation at that point 1625:< OrangeredStilton> Broodoobob: Messages that start "/me" come out italicised 1626:< Broodoobob> I should have figured :D 1627:< svlad> I kind of just want a separate #rot13 channel now that I think about it. It would be silly 1627:< OrangeredStilton> So there is a fairly long number in r.config.vote_hash, I don't know how useful that'd be 1628:< OrangeredStilton> I feel that on-the-fly factorisation of that number would be fairly impossible, to derive pub/priv keys 1629:< Broodoobob> key exchange would still be so spammy 1629:< OrangeredStilton> Oh yeah, it'd look terrible 1629:< Broodoobob> it'd be fine for parrot users since you could filter it but I feel bad for other people 1629:< svlad> just setup a key exchange channel and filter it out of the view 1629:< OrangeredStilton> svlad: Sure, but for people who don't have Parrot running? 1629:< svlad> oh, the default unfiltered view is already a shitshow 1629:< OrangeredStilton> "fuck 'em"? 1629:< Broodoobob> I wonder if there's a way to construct a chat line that will send but not be displayed by the stock code 1630:< svlad> the problem isn't that it looks like shit, the problem is you'd probably be hitting RATELIMIT constantly 1630:< Broodoobob> are there any client-side checks you could intentionally trigger? 1630:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, someone did that yesterday; they sent a message starting with the RTL unicode character 1630:< Broodoobob> ohh? that sounds promising 1630:< OrangeredStilton> It got delivered to the websocket, but the interface didn't render it 1630:< Broodoobob> very promising! 1631:< OrangeredStilton> We'd need to listen to the raw websocket though, as opposed to watching the chat like we do now 1631:< Broodoobob> man, my mind is reeling with the possibilities though 1635:< ZeoFateX> Why isn't it ignoring the same message repeated 3 times any more? 1636:< an_audible_smile> ^ _vvvv_ hey are you here? 1636:< Wakafanykai123> what you need an_audible_smile? 1636:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 \o/ 1637:< Wakafanykai123> o/ 1637:< dashed> AviN456 just pull from the repo 1637:< an_audible_smile> got a few questions about making a userscript for a site 1637:< an_audible_smile> can I pm one of you? 1638:< dashed> ZeoFateX meemory leak 1638:< Wakafanykai123> even here wuld be fine an, ^ is a programming channel after all 1638:< ZeoFateX> Why is Koi spamming this channel? 1638:< an_audible_smile> I'll pm, it's pretty specific 1638:< dashed> ZeoFateX are u using parrot? 1638:< Wakafanykai123> bot, mute them 1638:< MobiusCoffee> muted him a long while ago 1638:< ZeoFateX> Yes 1639:< dashed> click on his name to mute 1639:< peacecorn> i just did. weird bot. 1639:< MobiusCoffee> Personally, I just wish the bots were more original 1639:< ZeoFateX> Yeah, the madden bot is annoying 1639:< dashed> like Microsoft Tay 1639:< ZeoFateX> well, was annoying 1639:< ZeoFateX> don't see it anymore thanks to Parrot :D 1640:< peacecorn> totally digging the parrot. just installed it. 1640:< dashed> ZeoFateX that's why i removed that 3 msg spam feature :) 1640:< Wakafanykai123> a markov would be hillarious 1640:< dashed> ZeoFateX u can just mute people 1640:< Wakafanykai123> just a complete clusterfuck 1640:< SalZoRz> hey dashed 1640:< dashed> SalZoRz hey 1641:< Stjerneklar> heh, ah yeah the madden bots 1641:< dashed> MobiusCoffee ok so i tried to fix the tabbing in firefox... it looks like you'll have to use chrome 1641:< Stjerneklar> i remeber those 1641:< dashed> MobiusCoffee or convince lost_penguin to fix it 1642:< dashed> maddeen bots are gone? :O 1642:< SalZoRz> dashed I cannot for the life of me get the title to open the github page, I think that will be on you 1642:< dashed> title? 1642:< SalZoRz> I was able to make it a lot prettier + nightmode friendly 1642:< SalZoRz> I'll send the pull request now 1642:< Wakafanykai123> just make it an 1642:< dashed> i clicked it and opens on new tab 1642:< Wakafanykai123> yeah its laready a link 1642:< SalZoRz> I was talking about the changes I have just made 1642:< svlad> SalZoRz Yay! 1643:< SalZoRz> I think its a javascript thing but I did my part 1645:< Stjerneklar> hey guys, you think we could have a list of active people? 1645:< dashed> SalZoRz did u make a PR? 1645:< dashed> Stjerneklar if u can PR it sure :D 1645:< SalZoRz> dashed I'm making one now, it took a min for the commit to show 1646:< Stjerneklar> i might just give it a shot 1646:< dashed> Stjerneklar where are u gonna put it? right side is full of crap 1646:< SalZoRz> I sent one over 1646:< Stjerneklar> i was thinking replace the userlist 1646:< Stjerneklar> its useless atm anyway 1646:< dashed> Stjerneklar good point xD 1646:< MobiusCoffee> Dashed, that's weird. It worked fine until a few hours ago :( 1647:< dashed> MobiusCoffee wat worked? 1647:< dashed> wat version? 1647:< Stjerneklar> but like, my idea is basicaly to hook into the thing that adds messages and make it add that person to the new list 1647:< Stjerneklar> but that might require too much code activity 1648:< Stjerneklar> like, how do i make sure people are only in the list once? 1648:< dashed> Stjerneklar https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/master/robin.user.js#L891 => http://nazar.so/75o61 1648:< MobiusCoffee> I have no idea. It worked for the entirety that it was still robin-grow fork 1648:< dashed> Stjerneklar do activity in past hour or w.e 1648:< MobiusCoffee> (and it also worked in robin-grow) 1648:< LeeBears> any chance you wizards could whip up a version for android chrome before I go to work in a few hours? 1649:< dashed> Stjerneklar users who have talked in the past hour is good. 1649:< dashed> LeeBears go work ;) 1650:< Wakafanykai123> ugh, gotta go to work again 1650:< LoginErrorZ> Is is possible for you guys to put a margin on wrapped text? So it aligns with the first line 1651:< Stjerneklar> hm, cant really look at it right now im about to eat dinner 1651:< Stjerneklar> ill put a note in the pirate pad 1652:< Wakafanykai123> testing 1652:< Wakafanykai123> huh, got a lot of [robin] could not send your message 1652:< Stjerneklar> option for autostay after a certain number of people has been reached 1653:< SalZoRz> dashed were you able to see my changes? 1655:< an_audible_smile> Wakafanykai123 sent 1655:< Wakafanykai123> thx 1655:< dashed> Is is possible for you guys to put a margin on wrapped text? So it aligns with the first lineIs is possible for you guys to p 1656:< dashed> soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijddrThloMeInThkiMrgecaThGhBidoClemThagMrLeNotmroasDi9_Avgc42grnoRaGtCadhO 1657:< mythriz> I actually looked at that 1657:< mythriz> some suggestsions were, uuuh, padding-left: X px; text-indent: -X px; 1657:< _vvvv_> would be easier if we actually had column setups 1657:< Annon201> hmm, trying to work out how to eval a string representing boolean expression such as "!false&&true" without using eval() or the like 1658:< mythriz> yeah probably easier with columns 1658:< Dynamist> Quick q. Is there a way to look at main channel less room with parrot channels on? 1658:< mythriz> since it's hard to know how long the nicks are now 1658:< dashed> soKukunelitsWoGtdiwenasmkkakmanianalindazzawbaHetaWaSiRiDiSojpkijddrThloMeInThkiMrgecaThGhBidoClemThagMrLeNotmroasDi9_Avgc42grnoRaGtCadh 1659:< _vvvv_> what if we had a button to collapse the whole right panel? 1659:< mythriz> Dynamist Not yet AFAIK 1659:< Dynamist> Ok thanks 1703:< Broodoobob> I'm getting refreshed a lot more now than I was before 1703:< dashed> SalZoRz remove the div inside 1703:< dashed> _vvvv_ u making that? :D 1704:< SalZoRz> dashed alrighty 1704:< _vvvv_> maybe, I literally just woke up, need to get coffee 1704:< _vvvv_> Was thinking of collecting user info as well - last seen time in user list 1707:< jeuv> any parrot devs here? 1707:< _vvvv_> few of us 1707:< _vvvv_> what's up 1708:< jeuv> I have so many channels that the overflow onto the next row 1708:< jeuv> but now they overlap the chat 1708:< _vvvv_> ok 1709:< an_audible_smile> Wakafanykai123 are u still here? 1709:< _vvvv_> will look into it jeuv 1709:< jeuv> thanks 1709:< _vvvv_> test 1710:< dashed> jeuv rofl 1711:< SalZoRz> dashed it no longer looks like the screenshots now that I've removed the div 1711:< AviN456> ok, who's a git genius here? 1711:< dashed> stackoverflow 1711:< an_audible_smile> anyone familiar with steam keys? 1711:< dashed> AviN456 what's the problem 1712:< AviN456> Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. 1712:< SalZoRz> dashed are you asking me to submit a question? 1712:< AtaraxicMegatron> AviN456 you need to stash them 1712:< AtaraxicMegatron> if you want keep them 1712:< _vvvv_> AviN456 or merge. 1712:< OrangeredStilton> dashed: Was it yourself who was experimenting with the RTL character yesterday? 1712:< AviN456> won't let me merge 1713:< AtaraxicMegatron> commit or stash 1713:< AviN456> or stash apaprently 1713:< _vvvv_> what does it say? 1714:< AviN456> http://pastie.org/private/ftnc7m41ctabhjpx9yvfda 1714:< OrangeredStilton> Oh, you're stuck mid-merge? 1715:< dashed> OrangeredStilton nope 1715:< OrangeredStilton> AviN456: git merge --abort, I think 1715:< AtaraxicMegatron> yeah, you need remove the merge conflicts if you're middle of a merge 1716:< dashed> yep 1716:< dashed> u need to resolve your merge conflicts 1716:< dashed> sourcetree makes this more easir 1717:< AviN456> ok, i aborted the merge 1717:< AviN456> now what 1717:< AtaraxicMegatron> what are you trying to do? 1717:< pandersson97> that sounds so official 'I aborted the merge.' like whyyy man, you don't want us to grow? D: 1718:< dashed> anyone know what this is? https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/80 1718:< AviN456> i want to rebase? my fork against the current 5a1t master 1718:< dashed> AviN456 what OS are u on? 1718:< AviN456> win 7 1718:< dashed> AviN456 go get sourcetree 1718:< AtaraxicMegatron> AviN456 do you have uncommited changes? 1719:< AviN456> no uncommited changes 1719:< AviN456> dashed- googling now 1720:< AviN456> atlassian, huh? 1720:< AviN456> I have a shirt from them 1722:< an_audible_smile> #rpg still doesn't work properly :/ 1723:< _vvvv_> dashed you press up arrow to copy your last message sent. So if you type something long and send to wrong room, you can switch and resend 1723:< dashed> _vvvv_ ah... 1725:< AtaraxicMegatron> AviN456 adding upstream remote, fetching it and doing git rebase should be enough 1726:< djdefi> Nice work on the script folks! Great example of open-source collaboration. :) 1733:< AviN456> I can't get sourcetree to log into github 1733:< AviN456> I use 2 factor and it doesnt seem to supprot it 1733:< djdefi> AviN456 try with a personal access token 1734:< AviN456> it says "not found" 1735:< Dynamist> Does parrot track tiers if you have it right from the start? 1736:< AviN456> odd, now it worked 1737:< AviN456> ok, i have sourcetree installed and set up 1737:< AviN456> how do i fix this merge conflict now 1740:< dashed> go through the code and fix it 1741:< an_audible_smile> dashed _vvvv_ sent you a message 1742:< dashed> ?? 1743:< dashed> an_audible_smile fiverr.com 1744:< SalZoRz> whole new groups of people discovering parrot rn 1744:< SalZoRz> I should work on finishing that new fkin title 1745:< dashed> SalZoRz your styles had errors... i fixed it.. landed v2.68 1746:< Dynamist> dashed does parrot do any tier tracking? 1746:< dashed> nah 1746:< SalZoRz> dashed sweet! I knew they were fucked up, didn't know how to do anything with it 1746:< Dynamist> ok just curious. Thanks 1746:< SalZoRz> is 2.68 out? 1746:< dashed> yes 1746:< SalZoRz> fook yes 1747:< svlad> I don't see it up there yet 1747:< dashed> until the CDN servers gets the changes 1747:< ZeoFateX> I'm on 2.68 1754:< AviN456> ok, i have changes to submit a PR for, but it can't automatically merge 1755:< dashed> >_< is it a nasty rebase? 1755:< AviN456> no 1756:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/81 1758:< an_audible_smile> which lang do I use if I have to open a desktop app and simulate keypresses? 1759:< an_audible_smile> would python be good? 1759:< AviN456> how do I rebase this 1800:< AviN456> do i need to add the 5a1t repo in sourcetree? 1800:< AviN456> I only have my fork added right now 1801:< mythriz> an_audible_smile, what are you talking about? 1802:< AviN456> and isn't it already opt-in? 1803:< AviN456> dashed - how do i rebase 1804:< an_audible_smile> %parrot doesn't show in %parrot channel 1804:< dashed> ? 1804:< AviN456> does for me an_audible_smile 1804:< dashed> didn't u rebase already? :S 1805:< AviN456> it was all fucked up, so i deleted my fork and reforked 1805:< AviN456> now there's more shit to rebase 1805:< svlad> dashed, try typing %parrot directly into system 1805:< dashed> svlad why? 1806:< svlad> actually, scratch that. It looks like if I try to type any channel preface manually in system, it doesn't show in that channel's tab 1806:< AviN456> dashed, this sourcetree doesnt make it any easier than the guthub client 1806:< AviN456> my fork is still several commits behind and ahead of the main 1806:< AviN456> how do i fix this 1806:< dashed> is your code on github? 1807:< AviN456> yes 1807:< dashed> sourcetree makes it easier if u go to "File Status" tab and the stage hunks one at a time 1807:< dashed> hunks == parts of code at a time 1807:< AviN456> file status nothing to commit 1808:< AviN456> I already committed my changes and sent a PR 1808:< dashed> u did? 1808:< AviN456> yes 1808:< _vvvv_> test 1808:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/81 1811:< dashed> v.269 is out 1812:< AviN456> dashed - what should i do now 1812:< dashed> AviN456 if _vvvv_ approves... then i can rebase https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/81 1813:< AviN456> ok, but how do i keep this from getting out of sync on my end 1813:< AviN456> i dont see a way to rebase my fork against the main 1813:< dashed> rebase is the answer 1813:< AviN456> what am i missing? 1813:< AviN456> how 1814:< dashed> go to "file status" tab 1814:< SalZoRz> dashed what text editor are you using? 1814:< dashed> and click on files to stage 1814:< cthul_dude> So I put this in the wrong channel haha, but I think a "auto switch to stay at a certain threshold" feature would be nice. 1814:< dashed> SalZoRz sublime text; why? o.O 1814:< AviN456> i'm on the file status tab 1814:< cthul_dude> User could switch it on or off 1814:< AviN456> there's nothing there 1814:< SalZoRz> dashed just wondering, I was on notepad++ and it doesnt tell me my errors unless I dont have it configured properly 1814:< IBelieveAllTheThings> meltir my alt started yesterday afternoon and got to ccandeShle 1814:< AviN456> oh, i had it on pending 1815:< dashed> SalZoRz js errors? 1815:< AviN456> ok, i see files now, but it wont let me click any 1815:< SalZoRz> any errors that I may have, I always just pasted in tampermokey and refreshed robin to test 1815:< IBelieveAllTheThings> it got dropped while sleeping so I started again today, it's now in fiTosmDo1_ 1815:< SalZoRz> huge timesink doing it that way 1815:< xSke> there is a big ass parrot button and it does nothing wtf 1816:< IBelieveAllTheThings> sorry, I'm posting in the wrong chat 1816:< dashed> xSke it's supposed to be a link 1817:< Sir-Rhino> http://strawpoll.me/7288455 vote for the new shaman! 1818:< dashed> AviN456 got it? 1818:< AviN456> no 1818:< AviN456> i see files now, but it wont let me click any 1819:< AviN456> dashed - on github i see This branch is 1 commit ahead, 9 commits behind 5a1t:master. 1819:< AviN456> that's what i want to fix 1819:< AviN456> the 9 behind 1821:< dashed> in sourcetree click the pull button 1821:< dashed> wait.. what's your origin? 1821:< AviN456> my fork 1821:< AviN456> right? 1821:< dashed> go to repository > repository settings 1822:< dashed> you should see 1822:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/8jCtvn 1822:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/unJWuL 1822:< dashed> close that window 1822:< dashed> ok add a new remote 1823:< dashed> name: author url: git@github.com:5a1t/parrot.git 1823:< AviN456> ok / ok ? 1824:< dashed> then git pull from author/master 1824:< an_audible_smile> how do I log browser events 1824:< dashed> an_audible_smile idk what that means 1824:< an_audible_smile> %parrot isn't showing any messages for me 1824:< lajiggyjarjardoo> was thinking about an easter egg for the merge if there’s time, maybe something fun like confetti sprites and music for a minute 1824:< dashed> do u have % as a filter? 1824:< an_audible_smile> so if there was a log of what happens, then maybe u can debug 1825:< an_audible_smile> yea I have % and %parrot 1825:< an_audible_smile> hm guess it only works with one or the other.. 1825:< dashed> change their order 1825:< an_audible_smile> same with # and #rpg 1825:< dashed> they're prefix whitelist 1826:< an_audible_smile> ok thanks 1826:< dashed> for each item in the list, find messages that begin with this item 1826:< an_audible_smile> works fine now 1826:< dashed> the order you go through the list matters 1827:< an_audible_smile> yea I thought they were separate entries 1827:< AviN456> dashed - what options? http://goo.gl/pV8VkH 1827:< an_audible_smile> like search "%chat" then "%" instead of all of them at once 1830:< dashed> AviN456 nothing to change; press ok 1831:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/0MLt8g 1832:< SalZoRz> is username alignment working with other fonts than consolas 1833:< Stjerneklar> we got a changelog? 1834:< mythriz> I'm using Helvetica, usernames are not aligned for all names, but the shorter names seems pretty aligned 1834:< dashed> AviN456 now go to file status and edit files 1834:< mythriz> an_audible_smile ruins it :P 1835:< scarwizard> hey there just passing by 1835:< mythriz> j/k don't think the shorter names are perfectly aligned either 1836:< dashed> Stjerneklar not really; why? 1836:< Stjerneklar> dashed was just wondering what the latest changes where 1836:< dashed> Stjerneklar i dont maintain one for something that'll be useless in a few days 1836:< dashed> Stjerneklar v2.69 has history of messages you've sent 1837:< coldbrewedbrew> Hey folk, just updated to v2.69 and have no more chat tabs 1837:< Stjerneklar> cool, how do i access it? 1837:< dashed> Stjerneklar update to 2.69 and press up 1837:< dashed> coldbrewedbrew o.O 1837:< Stjerneklar> oh nice man 1837:< dashed> Stjerneklar u can also scroll down 1838:< Stjerneklar> scroll down? 1838:< coldbrewedbrew> yeah dashed not sure what happened. all other updates have been fine to this point 1838:< ande_> added bttv global emotes :D https://i.gyazo.com/c6db920b676543eb36fc7a96b0c36e8e.png => http://nazar.so/1g7zv 1838:< SalZoRz> coldbrewedbrew do you want my list 1838:< Stjerneklar> scrolling down all over the place 1838:< Stjerneklar> not seeing anything happen 1838:< coldbrewedbrew> Of what SalZoRz? 1839:< SalZoRz> coldbrewedbrew paste this in your filters $, %chat, ^, #pol, #rpg,.edia, #gov,%parrot 1839:< coldbrewedbrew> I don't have the chat tabs physically in the UI 1839:< dashed> coldbrewedbrew screenshot? 1839:< dashed> SalZoRz what's #pol and #gov? 1839:< SalZoRz> I really dont know but they seem weird 1840:< coldbrewedbrew> dashed will work on it, but it's like I don't have the script loaded despite tampermonkey saying I do 1840:< dashed> coldbrewedbrew :S 1840:< dashed> coldbrewedbrew did u refresh? 1841:< coldbrewedbrew> dashed yes many times. 1841:< SalZoRz> do you have other robin scripts running coldbrewedbrew 1841:< svlad> upgrading to 2.69 just broke everything for me 1841:< AtaraxicMegatron> 2.69 does not work with tampermonkey 1841:< AviN456> dashed - https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/81 looks better? 1841:< agaffchanted> coldbrewedbrew do you have the side panel still? 1842:< coldbrewedbrew> agaffchanted that's back to default as well 1842:< agaffchanted> you didnt insall it properly then 1842:< agaffchanted> only install from one of the install script prompts 1842:< agaffchanted> if you hit yes on all of them it ends up installing a blank file 1842:< dashed> AviN456 ok but i need a greenlight from _vvvv_ 1842:< coldbrewedbrew> agaffchanted i wasn't installing from scratch. I was updating 1843:< AviN456> yup, there's an issue with an unmatched { in 2.69 1844:< Mopolo> Hey 2.69 is broken. I had to install 2.67 back 1844:< dashed> wtf? im on 2.69 1844:< _vvvv_> sorry what's up? 1844:< agaffchanted> v2.69 works in firefox + grease monkey 1845:< mythriz> heh. my 2.69 seems to work fine? I'm on Chrome + tampermonkey 1845:< SalZoRz> Im on chrome and v2.69 is working perfect 1845:< Mopolo> I'm on tampermonkey on chrome 1845:< coldbrewedbrew> _vvvv_ dashed issues upgrading to v2.69 and chrome+tampermonkey here 1845:< Mopolo> me too 1845:< mythriz> could it be an unnumbered update that broke things...? 1845:< mythriz> dunno how consistent you guys have been with your numberings 1845:< Mopolo> I tried to install 2.69 from scratch 1846:< dashed> does it say 2.69 explicitly? 1846:< coldbrewedbrew> Can confirm that v2.67 got me back. 1846:< Mopolo> yes I used the master branch 1846:< dashed> rofl 1847:< dashed> yes it's broken 1847:< amaklp> #pol doesn't work in 2.69 1847:< amaklp> im on firefox greasmonkey 1847:< Mopolo> The if on line 866 seems to be missing the closing } https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/47be3b6321545ba43b7ba81e440b9c9c2fc54c3a => http://nazar.so/6dgqn 1848:< svlad> 2.69 is not in a good state. I had to manually roll back to this pre 2.69 version 1848:< svlad> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/09571ce35c4919dbdc6c9cba5a62b44d9d95ae4f/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/6283h 1848:< Stjerneklar> sigh, i cant figure out how to go about making a list of online users 1848:< svlad> ^ https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/blob/09571ce35c4919dbdc6c9cba5a62b44d9d95ae4f/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/2g9b0 1849:< Mopolo> should I make a PR for this? 1849:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/431ac092e93783f9b405a8a176f4e3d366248f5c => http://nazar.so/4g9pz breaks it 1849:< amaklp> How do we roll back? 1849:< AtaraxicMegatron> rolled back to 2.68 and it's fine 1849:< AtaraxicMegatron> that was pretty wild without channels 1849:< _vvvv_> Just pushed 2.70 1850:< _vvvv_> Closing bracket. 1850:< Mopolo> thanks 1850:< ande_> I added global emotes from the better twitch tv extension: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/84 1850:< agaffchanted> v2.70: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/parrot/9cd457e7efba0c7c97543c55e811cb36a1c95ac0/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/5lju7 1851:< AtaraxicMegatron> 2.70 fixed the issue 1851:< coldbrewedbrew> Yeah very bad AtaraxicMegatron haha. No way I could manage this without it 1851:< mootinator> You want I should try to migrate this PR? :P 1851:< dashed> yeah v2.70 fixed 1851:< coldbrewedbrew> Yup, updated to 2.70 and all good. 1851:< mootinator> Be helpful if I put the link in. https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow/pull/158 1851:< svlad> cool 1851:< coldbrewedbrew> Thanks guys. Top notch stuff. 1851:< dashed> mootinator up to u 1852:< coldbrewedbrew> Like the description too - // @description Recreate Slack on top of an 8 day Reddit project. 1852:< dashed> mootinator make it opt-in first 1852:< mootinator> It is from Reddit and only polls if you click the button. --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:52:44 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:53:16 2016 1853:< AviN456> it is opt in 1853:< mootinator> Might be cool to have both, even. 1853:< amaklp> Does the option "Filter by channels" do anything now? 1853:< AviN456> auto-leaderboard is in PR 81 1853:< dashed> amaklp yeah 1853:< AviN456> and is opt in 1853:< pandersson97> ayy parrot got fixed a minute ago, someone forgot a bracket 1854:< dashed> amaklp makes System == all your channels only 1854:< amaklp> Seems the same to me. Checked/uncheced 1854:< mootinator> I see. 1854:< amaklp> ohhh 1854:< dashed> amaklp so if u dont want trivia spam... 1854:< _vvvv_> We are merging opt-in leaderboard stats soon. 1855:< dashed> _vvvv_ do u approve optin tracker? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:55:08 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:55:23 2016 1855:< amaklp> Too bad this script will be useless in a couple of days :( 1855:< amaklp> It's awesome :( 1856:< mythriz> heh 1856:< dashed> AviN456 let me know wehn your PR is ready 1856:< AviN456> it's been ready --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 18:56:26 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 18:56:47 2016 1856:< SalZoRz> dashed new update? 1856:< dashed> SalZoRz on what? 1856:< ande_> i added more emotes 1857:< SalZoRz> since 269 1857:< dashed> SalZoRz message sent history 1857:< AviN456> sec actually 1857:< amaklp> What is the option "Twitch emotes" ? 1857:< dashed> andre_ cool i'll check it out 1858:< dashed> i dont use twitch.. but apparently that's what it is 1858:< dashed> AviN456 well github is slow for me... >_> 1858:< ande_> amaklp it adds emotes from www.twitch.tv chat 1858:< amaklp> Does it filter all those keywords? 1859:< amaklp> test jappa 1859:< amaklp> oh got it 1900:< AviN456> me too dashed - it's all these robin scripts updates - github wasn't build to handle this 1900:< SalZoRz> dashed will it be possible to have it save the last 500 messages so they're visible on refresh 1900:< dashed> oh damn.. i hope not 1900:< SalZoRz> its the biggest drag about updating 1900:< dashed> SalZoRz haha oh man idk... 1901:< dashed> SalZoRz: what i do is open a new tab to get the new update 1901:< SalZoRz> but dont you have to refresh the robin page to apply the update? 1902:< dashed> that's what a new tab is for 1902:< dashed> i close the old one later on 1902:< SalZoRz> oh so you keep the old log open on the older page 1902:< OrangeredStilton> So I just tried that RTL direction character I mentioned before, and it doesn't hide the text of the message 1903:< OrangeredStilton> I guess that idea's out 1903:< SalZoRz> okay thats a pretty great way of doing it 1903:< Stjerneklar> hum, github just gave me a 503 1904:< SalZoRz> wait robin is running on both tabs now 1904:< SalZoRz> didnt know that was possible 1904:< Stjerneklar> oh yeah mate 1904:< Stjerneklar> i was trying to get split view to work and i figured that out 1908:< AviN456> Forgot to version bump with my changes :-p new PR incoming 1908:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/85 1909:< Stjerneklar> the guys in the second largest room still want a feature that switches to stay after 4k ppl 1909:< Stjerneklar> am i right in saying that could be an optional(non default) feature, if somebody codes it? 1909:< dashed> Stjerneklar for 5 bitcoins i would 1910:< mootinator> Yeah, that was a dumb idea. 1910:< dashed> Stjerneklar how did u know this? are u in that room? 1910:< Stjerneklar> yeah 1910:< Stjerneklar> im spying on them 1910:< Stjerneklar> they are all using parrot anyway 1910:< Stjerneklar> ill tell them what you said dashed 1911:< dashed> AviN456 https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/85 1911:< dashed> Stjerneklar rofl.. 1912:< AviN456> you can ignore 1912:< amaklp> My tab "%parrot" isn't updating, it remains empty :( Is this a bug? 1913:< AviN456> amaklp, what version 1913:< amaklp> 2.7 1914:< dashed> parrot updates: v2.71 for those that care, has opt-in statistics tracking for https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 1914:< AviN456> amaklp, update to 2.71, then check 1914:< Annon201> I messed that up 1914:< Annon201> broke things to the point I had to fully reset tampermonkey 1915:< amaklp> updated, still remains empty. 1916:< dashed> Annon201 wat? 1916:< dashed> amaklp ? 1916:< dashed> amaklp screenshot? 1916:< amaklp> oh got it. It goes to the "% tab first 1917:< amaklp> and never makes it to the "%parrot" tab 1917:< dashed> ? 1917:< dashed> :P 1917:< amaklp> "%parrot" posts goes to "%" tab and not to "%parrot" tab 1917:< AviN456> hah 1918:< svlad> what happens if you move the % toward the end of your filter list amaklp? 1918:< AviN456> ^this 1918:< AviN456> the first filter to match is the one that takes precedence 1918:< amaklp> let me check 1918:< AviN456> so %parrot,% will work 1918:< AviN456> %,%parrot will not 1919:< verontron> TABS ARE SO COOL U GUYS ARE THE BEST 1919:< amaklp> yup 1919:< amaklp> worked 1919:< Annon201> tried to add a bunch of things 1919:< svlad> \o/ 1919:< Annon201> and well 1920:< amaklp> Moved "%" at the end. Now it works perfect. thanx 1923:< AviN456> yw 1925:< SalZoRz> woah looks like tampermonkey updated 1925:< Sir-Rhino> honestly staying isnt a bad option, we get to keep the room anyway and there is no chance we will merge after we are t17 1927:< ande_> dashed i added links to the emote lists in the settings 1928:< agaffchanted> Can you rename 'System' to 'All Chat'? 1928:< amaklp> +1 1928:< agaffchanted> or 'Unfiltered Chat' 1928:< amaklp> +2 1928:< agaffchanted> I think 'Unfiltered Chat' is a good description 1929:< amaklp> Actually no, because there is the "Filter by channels" option. So it would be silly if it was named unfiltered 1929:< amaklp> i vote for all chat 1929:< svlad> yeah, it could be filtered or unfiltered depending on your checkbox setting 1929:< mootinator> There, I uh, added that PR. 1930:< FriendlyYak> agaffchanted +1 1930:< agaffchanted> So its if an if/or function Where it Says 'Filtered Chat' or 'Unfiltered Chat' depending on if the 'Filter by channels' box is selected 1930:< agaffchanted> I hink either approach is better than 'System' 1931:< FriendlyYak> agaffchanted system is not optimal 1931:< AviN456> "Global" 1932:< AviN456> "Raw" 1932:< AviN456> "Main" 1932:< svlad> Global / Main works 1932:< agaffchanted> 'Global $filterstatus Chat' 1932:< amaklp> Global, and the option should be renamed "filter global by channels" 1933:< amaklp> or Main 1933:< svlad> ^^^^^^^^ 1933:< svlad> That's all very easy to do 1934:< FriendlyYak> where is the parrot symbol at the parrot button from? :) 1934:< agaffchanted> **and the option should be renamed "filter global chat by selected filter channels" 1934:< FriendlyYak> it's nice and should find a place on our flag if we make another one 1934:< agaffchanted> who is going to implement my idea now :D 1935:< AviN456> me 1935:< agaffchanted> \o/ 1935:< AviN456> have we come to a consensus on Main/Global? 1935:< svlad> I like Global best 1935:< svlad> but idgaf 1935:< agaffchanted> I like global better 1936:< agaffchanted> the filter by channels check box needs to be udpaed to add that 'Filter global chat by selected Channel Filters' 1937:< FriendlyYak> AviN456 main is misleading i guess 1937:< FriendlyYak> as is system 1938:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/87 1938:< agaffchanted> my next request is to add a msg $username and it sends a PM via redditmail :D 1939:< agaffchanted> that could get spammy though 1939:< agaffchanted> if given to the wrong people haha 1939:< AviN456> http://goo.gl/XSFkPH 1939:< agaffchanted> maybe i rescind that request 1939:< agaffchanted> Avi call it 'Global Chat' 1941:< svlad> I like text-align:center; on my tab names https://i.imgur.com/zym311H.png 1942:< agaffchanted> I like that update though, makes it much easier to understand the menu option IMO and clarifies what 'System' is for people who 1st instal 1943:< AviN456> dashed - looks like the version got rolled back from the merge 1943:< dashed> wat 1943:< dashed> v2.72? 1944:< AviN456> unless it's the CDN 1944:< AviN456> ok, yeah 1944:< AviN456> was the CDN 1944:< amaklp> is the new version up? 1945:< dashed> v2.73 is coming up next soon 1945:< AviN456> yes 1945:< agaffchanted> amalkp: yes: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/7b4255907004547e89fb3f5b10dd2b1f8dfafc86/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/4ktqx 1945:< agaffchanted> that is merged v2.72 to include 'System' rename to 'Global' 1945:< amaklp> thx 1945:< dashed> testing: PancakeMix 1946:< ande_> FeelsGoodMan 1946:< mootinator> Noice. 1946:< dashed> ande_ landed on v2.73 1947:< svlad> yeah, I think tabs look much better with text-align:center on their titles 1947:< mootinator> Wish I wasn't working, this is fun :D 1947:< OrangeredStilton> God damn it. I can't find a way to listen to the raw websocket from JS 1947:< dashed> _vvvv_ thoughts on https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/86 ??? 1947:< OrangeredStilton> Is this thing even on? :P 1947:< andreaplanbee> can we change one of the channel colors? the light blue and light teal are hard to distinguish on my screen 1947:< thatbarryguy> My T2 room won't grow :( 1947:< _vvvv_> dashed I left some comments on it.. playing with it now 1948:< amaklp> what changes in 2.73? 1948:< OrangeredStilton> So I can't find a way to implement private messages without spamming the public chat 1948:< KernelSnuffy> loving the latest script boys 1948:< dashed> amaklp BBTV emotes https://nightdev.com/betterttv/faces.php 1949:< dashed> OrangeredStilton ;) 1949:< dashed> OrangeredStilton main chat is just message bus... 1949:< dashed> we're operating on a pub/sub system 1949:< agaffchanted> OrangeredStilton, that makes sense unless you used the chat box to not automatically send to the main chat channel 1950:< AviN456> how do we use the emotes anyways :-p 1950:< dashed> AviN456 turn them on 1950:< agaffchanted> filter what input box does and where it sends the data to? Either 'Global' or off to some other request? 1950:< AviN456> they are on dashed 1950:< dashed> AviN456 https://twitchemotes.com/filters/global 1950:< dashed> they're linkd beside the checkbox 1951:< AviN456> yeah, that doesn't tell me how to use them though 1951:< AviN456> it's just a list 1951:< dashed> BlargNaut 1951:< dashed> copy paste them 1951:< OrangeredStilton> agaffchanted: When I say "public chat", I mean "the chat that people not running Parrot see" 1951:< Glory_DrEvil> wow the new chats is so amazing 1951:< Glory_DrEvil> havne't come in here in a day 1951:< MobiusCoffee> are there any humans here not running some kind of filter script? 1952:< AviN456> KAPOW 1952:< mootinator> IF there are... we may not be able to hear them :D 1952:< AviN456> aha 1952:< agaffchanted> yeah i know, so im just saying parrot *could* sit on top of that and capture the request to /msg $user hello world! 1952:< OrangeredStilton> MobiusCoffee: We can't rely on tration to keep messages private :P 1952:< agaffchanted> and send a PM instead of letting it go to main chat 1952:< AviN456> should we maybe require them to be surrounded by a control char? 1952:< Sorbetfraise> no filter here, juste basic bot blacklisting 1952:< OrangeredStilton> agaffchanted: Oh, send a Reddit PM as opposed to on-Robin? 1952:< AviN456> ie, :KAPOW: instead of KAPOW 1952:< agaffchanted> yeah i dunno how easy that is to build 1953:< Glory_DrEvil> what's the "time left" for ? 1953:< dashed> Glory_DrEvil time till chat merge 1953:< agaffchanted> its more useful on rooms with 2 or 4 people in it :) 1953:< OrangeredStilton> agaffchanted: Easier than capturing websocket payloads, which doesn't seem possible 1953:< AviN456> Glory_DrEvil what version are you on 1953:< Glory_DrEvil> looks like 2.71 1953:< dashed> WOAH HOLY SHIT: https://github.com/blog/2144-gpg-signature-verification => http://nazar.so/3d6vy 1953:< AviN456> 2.73 is out 1954:< Glory_DrEvil> link? 1954:< thatbarryguy> Signatures, that's pretty cool 1954:< agaffchanted> Glory_DrEvil: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/94a5262e1abe4ed1ab2558b799991c685be20374/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/3blmy 1954:< AviN456> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/9746r 1954:< dashed> AviN456 might be cached to old version 1954:< Glory_DrEvil> thanks 1955:< Glory_DrEvil> woah it preserves mutes now 1955:< Glory_DrEvil> so much has changed 1955:< hagbard-celine> i've read shit+f5 should do a cacheless refresh in chrome, but i'm getting mixed results 1956:< dashed> hagbard-celine howdy 1956:< hagbard-celine> yo 1956:< amaklp> Is it possible to make it to not clear the chats after removing some filters? 1956:< mootinator> @dashed that almost makes me want to dig up my GPG key. 1957:< dashed> mootinator haha... im not famous enough to encrypt my commits 1957:< Annon201> Kourkis 1958:< Annon201> (my bad) 1958:< mootinator> I'm sure with my 3 contributions in the last 5 years verfication of my commits will be in HOT demand. 2002:< dashed> _vvvv_ no opt-out for the leaderboard? 2002:< _vvvv_> What do you mean 2002:< dashed> checkbox to remove it 2003:< svlad> its default unchecked too, right? so its technically an opt-in for the leaderboard. 2003:< _vvvv_> Standings or leaderboard stat tracking 2003:< _vvvv_> ? 2003:< dashed> svlad i leaderboard tracker is opt-in 2003:< AviN456> are we talking statistic contribution or leaderboard viewing 2004:< dashed> AviN456 both 2004:< dashed> leaderboard viewing is on by default though 2004:< AviN456> statistic contribtion is opt-in 2005:< _vvvv_> I see a checkbox "Sent Message History Size Contribute statistics to the Automated Leaderboard." 2005:< _vvvv_> Sorry just "Contribute statistics to the Automated Leaderboard." 2005:< dashed> ye 2005:< AviN456> yes, it's unchecked by default 2005:< _vvvv_> Right. 2005:< dashed> i meant the leaderboard viewing 2005:< AviN456> ah 2005:< dashed> imeant UI removal checkbox 2005:< _vvvv_> The "Standings" 2006:< dashed> idk if it's necessary 2006:< _vvvv_> I see. No, but it doesn't send out requests unless you press it. 2006:< dashed> _vvvv_ gotcha.. 2006:< _vvvv_> Let's wait for people to complain :) 2006:< AviN456> haha 2006:< AviN456> good plan 2006:< dashed> _vvvv_ i haven't actually tested it 2006:< dashed> _vvvv_ are u amending anything before v2.74? 2008:< Daegalus> hey guys, hows dev going? sorry ive been afk, been a bit sick. I see a ton of awesome updates +1 2008:< MegaZeus101> Hello? 2009:< dashed> Daegalus damn that sucks. hope you're better 2009:< dashed> MegaZeus101 yoyo 2009:< Daegalus> its nothing major, just a bit under the weather, been taking it easy today. Started last night, its why I never really came back to coding 2009:< MegaZeus101> What happened to Daegalus 2009:< MegaZeus101> *? 2010:< Daegalus> MegaZeus101 just mentioned ive been under the weather, and why I have been AFK 2010:< MegaZeus101> Hope you feel better m8. 2010:< _vvvv_> we send our energy 2010:< Daegalus> haha, we got plenty of that 2010:< Daegalus> I feel like we have devs working 24/7 on Parrot xD 2011:< Daegalus> helps having multiple devs on the projec,t unlike the other forks 2012:< dashed> _vvvv_ i'll do v2.74 release cut 2012:< _vvvv_> Yeah I really support anyone contributing even a few prs. 2012:< _vvvv_> Ok Dashed 2013:< Daegalus> hey, its what made Parrot great. We are miles ahead of any other project or fork 2014:< MegaZeus101> deIlluminati made parrot great 2014:< MegaZeus101> *Parrot 2015:< AviN456> MAKE PARROT GREAT AGAIN 2015:< dashed> parrot users: update v2.74 has leaderboard standings retrieved from https://www.reddit.com/4czzo2 2015:< MobiusCoffee> something happened 2015:< AviN456> everything happened 2015:< Daegalus> robin happened 2015:< MobiusCoffee> parrot just updated itself? 2016:< dashed> MobiusCoffee afaik, you manually do it 2016:< Annon201> yay, getting closer 2016:< MegaZeus101> OMG bois! 2017:< MegaZeus101> It's pro. We can now thank our lord and savior deIlluminati deIlluminati deIlluminati deIlluminati deIlluminati deIlluminati 2018:< dashed> o.o 2018:< Daegalus> I think we are losing him to the mergatory 2018:< svlad> Ok, not just make Parrot play a klaxon alert once we merge 2019:< svlad> now* 2019:< Whitestep> is it normal for the last parrot to have 2 send chat buttons and 2 clear chats 2019:< svlad> no, you have two scripts active. disable one 2019:< agaffchanted> no you probably have 2 scripts running 2019:< ptrakk> you have two plugins i think 2019:< Whitestep> yup 2020:< Whitestep> that does it 2020:< Whitestep> ty, I had a leftover fork parrot on this other computer 2022:< dashed> _vvvv_ what's the traffic stats like? 2022:< MegaZeus101> Hey, do chat filters carry over from merges? 2022:< _vvvv_> dashed can you not see them? 2022:< dashed> nvm i thought only owners can see that 2022:< agaffchanted> MegaZeus101: meges of the parrot script or Robin Channel merges? 2023:< _vvvv_> Stats seem to not be aggregate, and seem to lag. 2023:< dashed> _vvvv_ yep they're not exactly real time 2024:< _vvvv_> So far today we have had ~4.1k views and ~1.1k unique visitors 2024:< MegaZeus101> Uh, robin merges 2024:< AviN456> where are these stats from _vvvv_ 2024:< _vvvv_> total ~8.9k views and 2.9k uniques 2025:< _vvvv_> AviN456 Github 2025:< AviN456> :o 2025:< AviN456> can I see that? 2025:< svlad> I'm pretty sure 5k of those is me spamming refresh :P 2025:< _vvvv_> Yeah I think so. 2025:< _vvvv_> Go to graphs tab on the repo and then Traffic 2026:< _vvvv_> It seems to lag a bit 2026:< dashed> i think collabs and owners can only see traffic 2026:< AviN456> yeah, doesn't show up for me 2026:< AviN456> must be collab/own only 2026:< AviN456> i can see it on my fork, but not yours 2032:< MegaZeus101> _vvvv_ I've been thinking 2032:< _vvvv_> me too 2032:< MegaZeus101> WHen we get to teir 17, there's not a hope in hell we'll be able to get to t18 2032:< AviN456> uh oh 2032:< AviN456> thinking is dangerous 2032:< MegaZeus101> I think you should add an auto stay option once we merge 2033:< _vvvv_> We can add it in as an option, off by default, and you can try to get people to turn it on. 2033:< _vvvv_> how about that? 2033:< MegaZeus101> yeah 2033:< MegaZeus101> That's what I was thinking too. 2034:< AviN456> go for it MegaZeus101 2034:< AviN456> write it and submit a PR 2034:< dbenc> Have people posted in r/all trying to recruit more people? now that everyone is using scripts we might recruit enough for t18 2036:< dashed> dbenc what do u mean by recruiting? we need an AMAZING tutorial on how to use scripts; that's step #1 on how to get more people 2036:< MegaZeus101> I doubt it; we'd need over a hundred chats to have been started for a t18 2037:< dbenc> We need a reddit celebrity endorsement and a solid tutorial :) 2037:< OrangeredStilton> And I doubt we'll get one of those in the next day 2037:< dbenc> by recruiting i mean just getting people to hit /robin and activate the script 2038:< OrangeredStilton> Robin's too slow to start up, to engage interest: you need to build up to like a tier-10 before it's at all interesting 2039:< prince_polka> salz0rz 2039:< Stjerneklar> hey guys i made a little mod 2039:< dashed> Stjerneklar :o 2039:< Stjerneklar> well not like that 2039:< Stjerneklar> just in my styler script injector 2040:< svlad> What's it do? 2040:< Stjerneklar> makes it so you can show/hide the sidebar by clicking on the header 2040:< svlad> gimme :D 2040:< Stjerneklar> couldent add a button with injection :) 2040:< Stjerneklar> ill make a pastebin 2041:< pedro_fartinez> is there any way to see how many people are filtering a chat? 2041:< Stjerneklar> codepen actually 2041:< qwerty-po> did you push an update? I get channels up top, but i didn't manually update 2043:< svlad> channel tabs have been in for over a day now. did you only just now add more filters to your filter list? 2043:< qwerty-po> no I didnt change anyting, all I had was All, and ^ on top 2043:< qwerty-po> but I see in settings I am 2.0.5, I was 1.860 2044:< _vvvv_> 1.8 seems like centuries ago 2044:< Daegalus> i think tampermonkey has settings to auto update on a set interval? not sure 2044:< qwerty-po> didnt realize the script would update itself 2044:< Daegalus> we are on 2.78 right now i think 2044:< Daegalus> the script doesnt, its your greasemonkey/tampermonkey settings 2044:< svlad> 2.75 2045:< Daegalus> im on 2.74 still 2045:< Stjerneklar> svlad heres a codepen with my custom stuff http://codepen.io/anon/pen/bpYKoB?editors=0110# 2046:< Stjerneklar> show hide sidebar stuff is in the bottom of css 2046:< qwerty-po> ah, ya, external scripts set to update once per week... I guess that was why 2047:< qwerty-po> just manually updated, 2.1.1 2048:< MegaZeus101> What's new? 2048:< Daegalus> qwerty-po i think you are on a different fork. Our fork is on 2.74 and is called Parrot now, 2048:< Daegalus> are you using the 5a1t version or the vartan version? 2048:< qwerty-po> ah, I saw parrot, ya, I am on the Robin Grow script 2048:< Stjerneklar> you guys want me to try and put the show hide code in a pull req? 2049:< qwerty-po> whats the advantage to Parrot? What is the link 2049:< MegaZeus101> Alot 2049:< dashed> lol 2.78? 2049:< svlad> works like a charm! 2049:< Stjerneklar> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot 2049:< MegaZeus101> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/ 2049:< Daegalus> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot it has tabs, and a ton more features nw 2049:< dashed> github is slow for me 2049:< Stjerneklar> a whole new world 2049:< Daegalus> we need to update those screenshots in the readme 2049:< Daegalus> they are vastly outdated now 2049:< Tuvior> github has been slow for me too today 2049:< qwerty-po> 503 error on github 2050:< Daegalus> and they dont promote our tabs 2050:< dashed> Daegalus feel free to update :D 2050:< Lanulus> Twitch Emotes? ...Why? 2050:< Stjerneklar> this shit looks majestic in night mmode 2050:< MegaZeus101> same qwerty-po 2050:< dashed> Lanulus they're barely used 2050:< svlad> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/raw/master/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/3hvox 2050:< qwerty-po> I'll try again later 2051:< Stjerneklar> http://imgur.com/pwhFGKV screeny 2051:< dashed> v2.75: http://pastebin.com/raw/0PsDNQnf 2051:< Daegalus> well fine dashed, i guess I will *starts taking screenshots* 2051:< Stjerneklar> Daegalus this guy, i like 2052:< dashed> Daegalus doesn't hide his vote buttons. ;) 2052:< svlad> nightmode is the best 2052:< Stjerneklar> split mode works a lot better without sidebar 2053:< Stjerneklar> split mode being two windows :) 2053:< Daegalus> Well, i am a contributor to Parrot, so Im all for promoting it 2053:< dashed> Daegalus didn't u provide screenshot before? 2054:< Annon201> thanks cat, I really dont need a mouse 2056:< Annon201> https://github.com/Annon201/parrot/blob/patch-2/robin.user.js => http://nazar.so/3kuol 2056:< Daegalus> dashed nope, this is the first time, i only provided screenshots to this chat, for showing things working, if someone used them 2056:< Daegalus> it wasnt me 2056:< dashed> ah 2057:< Tuvior> what is going on with github today.. 2058:< _vvvv_> It was having issues last night too 2058:< dashed> Tuvior _vvvv_ https://status.github.com/ 2058:< ViktorErikJensen> probably psittacosis 2058:< dashed> "GitHub.com is unavailable while we resolve an issue with one of our backend services." 2058:< Tuvior> uuh, rip 2059:< Stjerneklar> ouch 2059:< Stjerneklar> was just about to bug dashed about my suggestions in issues from earlier 2059:< Enofel> Whats the latest version atm? 2059:< dashed> Stjerneklar facebook devs are on "break" now 2059:< Annon201> https://imgur.com/MgcJlzy.png 2059:< dashed> v2.75 http://pastebin.com/raw/0PsDNQnf 2059:< _vvvv_> You should make those hide sidepanel changes into a compatible pull req. 2100:< _vvvv_> I like them, gives a lot more space 2100:< Stjerneklar> i know, i just dont know how :) 2101:< Stjerneklar> could i just edit the js and upload it for one of you? 2101:< Stjerneklar> actually that sounds worse to me XD 2102:< Stjerneklar> ive got the code examples up tho, somebody can run with it 2102:< mootinator> I'm in a meeting for an hour and github breaks. 2102:< KernelSnuffy> github is down PogChamp 2102:< Stjerneklar> up, we broke it xD 2102:< Daegalus> Tuvior I think I managed to take your script up a notch and into Parrot, its been a fun few days. 2103:< Daegalus> have you seen parrot? 2103:< MegaZeus101> It's down for maitenence 2103:< Tuvior> I'm giving it a look yes, good stuff, sadly with the end of easter break I went back to being very busy... 2103:< dashed> Daegalus Tuvior: oo what feature? 2104:< Daegalus> Oh its totally cool, I just wanted to point out your work still lives on in Parrot 2104:< Stjerneklar> thank god i have no career 2104:< Daegalus> The multi-channel highlighting and before username channel stuff we had dashed 2104:< dashed> github is back online 2104:< Daegalus> he made the auto-highlighter script that i got it from 2104:< dashed> NICE!! 2105:< Tuvior> Oh if I think back a couple of days ago, me saying "hey should I make a script that highlights messages starting with %" ? 2105:< dashed> This PR probably ended the april fools joke for the admins ;) https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow/pull/63 2105:< OrangeredStilton> Ah, that's right: Tuvior made the original channel-highlighter for vartan's fork 2106:< Tuvior> eh it was a standalone script actually 2106:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, vvvv took my standalone code for his fork; very similar 2106:< Tuvior> if you look at the first revisions here https://gist.github.com/tuvior/deb07d128fa85308ac10bd08f3864c3e => http://nazar.so/6ucej 2106:< Tuvior> and later here https://github.com/tuvior/ampersand_highlight/blob/master/ampersand_highlight.user.js => http://nazar.so/4g4ng 2106:< purple_pan> well obviously it's good code if someone's copying it 2107:< dashed> open source \o/ 2107:< Stjerneklar> Tuvior our savior 2107:< mootinator> Copying stuff ftw! 2107:< Tuvior> yay! 2107:< OrangeredStilton> I still don't have any stats for how many people are using robin-irc, fwiw :P 2107:< Stjerneklar> this is some genisis level shit 2108:< wickedthiswaycums> Ive got parrot 2.75, heres a question, how are you supposed to chat in NO channel if you keep adding it to the message 2108:< NamePsychic> just heard about robin-irc earlier on accident. Any good? 2108:< OrangeredStilton> I'm biased, but I think it works well 2108:< mootinator> Sounds like a bug. 2108:< Daegalus> dashed Readme updated with new screenshots 2108:< dashed> NamePsychic never tried it 2109:< etray> people seem to be scared to use robin-irc coz they dont know if they can merge with it 2109:< Daegalus> i think robin-irc bridge guy is in here actually, he was talking last night 2109:< dashed> Daegalus slick :D 2109:< etray> its like half there 2109:< Tuvior> my minimalistic approach is /filter commands in chat, totally not because I have 0 to negative experience with web dev ;) 2109:< NamePsychic> oh, woke up this morning and system was empty. updated parrot and it was empty again just now. Is that fixed? 2109:< dashed> ? 2109:< dashed> NamePsychic "See only from channels" checkbox 2109:< OrangeredStilton> Daegalus: Yes, hi. I'm here 2110:< wickedthiswaycums> So unless you turn channels off is there no way to message without a channel? 2110:< etray> the blank channel is still a channel to parrot 2110:< _vvvv_> wickedthiswaycums turn off channel filter and send to Global 2110:< Tuvior> my get around was to prefix messages with - , that would send raw message 2110:< Daegalus> there you go NamePsychic, OrangeredStilton is the one that made robin-irc, shoot any questions his way 2110:< _vvvv_> tabs still work 2110:< dashed> channel filtering only applies to system tab 2110:< _vvvv_> we should rename the description on that option 2111:< dashed> _vvvv_ yeah totally i get so many inquiries about it 2111:< wickedthiswaycums> Id like to chat to global without having to turn it off 2111:< Tuvior> so, since there is no 100% accurate method 2111:< _vvvv_> wi wickedthiswaycums Just turn it off.. it doesn't change anything. try it. 2111:< Tuvior> how do you tell if a message is from global 2111:< dashed> wickedthiswaycums if u update to v2.75 u have a nice checkbox 2111:< mootinator> I would add a 'Global' channel in the 'Global' tab if you select not to filter by channel. 2111:< wickedthiswaycums> _vvvv_ why not just add global to that pulldown you made 2111:< dashed> Tuvior white background 2112:< mootinator> @wickedthiswaycums Yeah, that's what I meant. :) 2112:< dashed> wickedthiswaycums i'll look into it 2112:< Tuvior> eh no, I mean, what is the euristic that tell me, this message starts with '#instagram is my favourite hashtag, and it's not prefixed 2112:< etray> lf they adapt this as a feature to subreddits, i think channels will come handy in /r/askreddit and similar sized subreddits 2112:< etray> and dashed will profit 2113:< wickedthiswaycums> Great because not everyone is in channels 2113:< mootinator> #profit 2113:< OrangeredStilton> Just about everyone in this chat is in a channel, mind 2113:< etray> 3. ???? 2113:< dashed> test 2113:< mootinator> pong 2113:< purple_pan> 1. use IRC backend 2. ??? 3. profit 2113:< Tuvior> unless you consider global every message that does not fit in a list of prefixes, but then what if another prefix is born 2114:< Tuvior> gosh this is more complicated that it should 2114:< OrangeredStilton> Hm. I wonder what happens if you send a message that starts with NUL 2114:< Stjerneklar> dashed i updated my https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues :) 2114:< dashed> wickedthiswaycums work around is to put a command in front of all your filters 2114:< dashed> wickedthiswaycums work around is to put a comma in front of all your filters 2114:< wickedthiswaycums> such as? 2114:< mootinator> Ahh 2114:< dashed> like this: ,^, %Chat,penis/, +wiki,%parrot --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 21:14:49 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 21:15:38 2016 2115:< Tuvior> wouldn't the blank filter allow all messages then 2116:< purple_pan> hey, does parrot detect connection errors and refresh? 2117:< NuOfBelthasar> What do you think about enforcing that channels need to end in a single non-alpha character? It would prevent channel name overlap. 2117:< Tuvior> uh? what about channels ending in a whitespace 2117:< NuOfBelthasar> Obvious that's not backwards compatible. But, e.g. penis/ works way better than %chat 2118:< NuOfBelthasar> That also works, Tuvior 2118:< Stjerneklar> purple_pan i think i remember something like that 2118:< Tuvior> that's how mine doesn't put #rpg in # 2118:< purple_pan> alrighty, i'm switching then 2118:< Stjerneklar> if nothing happens for 60 seconds it retries 2118:< Tuvior> oh hey pan 2118:< purple_pan> my pc hasn't been rebooted for 3 days 2118:< Stjerneklar> ie reload page 2118:< purple_pan> hey Tuvior! 2118:< _vvvv_> my pc hasn't been rebooted in months 2119:< purple_pan> linux? 2119:< Tuvior> my pc hasn't shipped in weeks ;( 2119:< TeaBagTwat> @purple_pan How hot is it? 2119:< _vvvv_> ya bo 2121:< Daegalus> My work computer hasnt been rebooted in 125 days. 2121:< mootinator> Can we get the Darth Vader NOOOOOOO sound every time someone abandons. I can't see that getting annoying really fast. 2121:< Daegalus> my personal computer 50 days 2121:< dashed> test 2121:< Tuvior> even if it's overkill for such a small script I'm liking WebStorm 2121:< Daegalus> Jetbrains IDEs are the best 2122:< Daegalus> IDEA Ultimate is amazing 2122:< Tuvior> indeed, intellij for days 2122:< _vvvv_> im in vim 2122:< etray> vim masterrace 2122:< mootinator> I have a JetBrains 'All Products' subscription. Because DataGrip 2122:< Daegalus> i use Atom for smaller scripts and such nowadays, but if its a full project. IDEA it the way to go 2122:< Daegalus> I think i have a similar sub 2122:< Tuvior> I have a JetBrains 'All Products' sub because student ;) 2122:< mootinator> Yeah, that's a good deal too. 2122:< Daegalus> The massive language support is key for me, since i work in so many 2123:< Tuvior> but I use sublime for small stuff 2123:< _vvvv_> Maybe I should forge some transcripts 2123:< purple_pan> sorry about whoever asked my pc's temp, it has a comedic sense of timing, crashed as i was responding 2123:< dashed> wickedthiswaycums v2.76 now works without the comma hack 2123:< Tuvior> YES BUT WHAT WAS THE TEMP ?! 2123:< wickedthiswaycums> outstanding thanks dashed 2124:< purple_pan> 50C apparentally 2124:< TeaBagTwat> purple_pan I presume the crash means the temp is to high 2124:< Daegalus> I swear, we need to make an IRC channel when this is over. over on irc.snooo.net or whatever the url is 2124:< purple_pan> crash was a memory error 2124:< Tuvior> whoever did it, how did you align prefixes and nicknames in the MessageList ? 2124:< Daegalus> or on freenode 2124:< dashed> Tuvior i think Daegalus did this 2124:< etray> did you guys code for the steamsummergame too? 2124:< dashed> no... 2124:< Tuvior> (also may a suggest Discord? I'm kinda dropping irc lately..) 2124:< Daegalus> Tuvior: padding. Left padded spaces 2125:< dashed> what's steamsummergame? 2125:< Daegalus> Oh discord works for me too 2125:< Daegalus> i keep forgetting about discord 2125:< Daegalus> or Slack 2125:< purple_pan> it was a arcade-like cookie-clicker thing made during summer on steam 2125:< purple_pan> people made autoclickers 2125:< Tuvior> I'm using it more and more, also because my free type project at the moment is a Discord bot 2125:< dashed> last year's event? 2125:< etray> yeah this still works http://steamcommunity.com/minigame/ 2125:< Daegalus> ah, I feel Discord is borrowing a LOT from slack 2125:< purple_pan> yep 2126:< dashed> i see 2126:< purple_pan> wormhole all the way 2126:< dashed> Stjerneklar xD no PR? 2126:< Tuvior> if you end up creating a Discord/Slack mind pming me about it? I don't think I'll be here much longer today, and if tomorrow late evening 2127:< Stjerneklar> ive never done one :) 2127:< Daegalus> Tuvior ill ping you if it happens 2127:< _vvvv_> Never a better time to try 2127:< _vvvv_> You've got like a dozen devs waiting to assist. 2127:< etray> is there a way to show the inactives; it shows their names dimmed; so it should be possible to count them 2127:< Daegalus> theres DOZENS OF US, DOZENS 2127:< Tuvior> I'd rather reddit pm, I'll probably miss the ping in here 2128:< Daegalus> Tuvior thats what I meant by ping, as in a general ping of some sort 2128:< Tuvior> Oh right, cheers then 2128:< _vvvv_> We'll ICMP ping your ip 2128:< Daegalus> lol 2128:< _vvvv_> Listen for it 2128:< Tuvior> of course that's the best course of action 2128:< Tuvior> not everyone at once though, I don't need a ddos 2128:< Daegalus> It will be in morse code intervals that will give you the Discord chat name 2128:< ownage516> Are we going to stay once we hit T17? 2129:< dashed> http://i.imgur.com/xalQPl2.png 2129:< Tuvior> I say you make every script silently force stay while still displaying grow as vote ;) 2129:< etray> few hours before deadline people could be persuaded to stay but not before 2129:< _vvvv_> lol 2129:< dashed> github's backend must've blownup 2129:< etray> and even still people would argue but if we lock it in grow we might get a badge or something 2130:< dashed> v2.76 isn't on website yet 2130:< Daegalus> well we can release a new version of Parrot that stays instead of grows if the room population is over 3500 2130:< Daegalus> right before merge 2131:< Daegalus> its gonna be a while though, we are still building up forces for T15 to become a T16 2131:< Daegalus> we got a 10, 12, and 13 2131:< Daegalus> we need an 11 and a 14 before we can cascade 2131:< etray> i mean the 8th of April when they shut it down 2133:< purple_pan> ^ from what i've heard apparently T17 is probably going to end up being our max 2133:< etray> not much going here https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/o25a gonna be another night here 2133:< etray> yeah purple_pan 2133:< Daegalus> it is, its why we all want to stay on T17 merge 2133:< purple_pan> wait is this prepending '^'? 2133:< svlad> yes 2133:< purple_pan> i'm an idiot 2133:< Daegalus> yup 2133:< svlad> lol 2134:< etray> there is a gap for 13 and 14 tier that's gonna take time to fill up 2134:< etray> ah there is one 13 tier 2134:< svlad> yeah, I'm guessing its gonna be another 20+ hours to merge 2135:< svlad> and then we have all day wednesday and thursday to argue about stay/grow 2135:< Daegalus> but we need a 14, so it will take some time to get a 13, then build up the 10, 11, 12, 13 cascade again 2135:< Daegalus> then it will all just crash into a 17 in a matter of a few hours 2136:< etray> yeah two gaps for T14 and T11 as of now 2136:< purple_pan> consider the alternative, the reddit data center implodes 2136:< svlad> Then we'll have bigger problems, like where to keep all of our karma from now on 2136:< etray> I think the load was unexpected for the first 4K room but I guess they learned 2137:< purple_pan> convert to buddism? 2137:< Stjerneklar> do i need to make a new brach to make a pull request? 2137:< Stjerneklar> ive downloaded and modified the 2.76 code and made a 2.77 version 2137:< purple_pan> Not yet afaik Apocalyptic 2138:< dashed> Stjerneklar yep! make a new branch 2138:< mootinator> Unless you have write access you have to make a fork :D 2138:< NuOfBelthasar> ^ FYI, ctrl-shift-L/R is overloaded with word highlighting a lot of people use 2138:< purple_pan> ..test? 2139:< Daegalus> doesnt have to be a new branch, but definitely a fork 2139:< dashed> hi 2139:< purple_pan> learned how to underp channel filter 2139:< svlad> Stjerneklar fork, paste, pull request 2139:< etray> I hope reddit at least asks permission for adapting any scripts; unless it's in the TOS that u already gave your scripts to reddit use 2139:< purple_pan> TOS: Appendix II: All your script are belong to us 2139:< dashed> etray i dont really care :D 2139:< etray> :DD 2139:< dashed> it's on github too 2140:< NuOfBelthasar> I doubt any dev contributor really cares. 2140:< etray> I don't see many reddit admins here at least actively 2140:< mythriz> NuOfBelthasar haha yeah I already told them that 2141:< etray> if they already moved on; they removed the button 2141:< svlad> there's virtually nothing else that any of this could be repurposed for anyway 2141:< etray> distraction from canary accomplished 2142:< _vvvv_> I already had someone in here yesterday who thought twitch was going to sue us for embedding thier icons. 2142:< svlad> haha 2142:< _vvvv_> I told them our lawyers were ready for the next 4 days of legal tension. 2142:< etray> LOL 2143:< purple_pan> Kappa 2143:< _vvvv_> 4Head 2143:< svlad> I'll just be bummed out next week that I'll have to go back to doing actual work at work once this is over 2144:< _vvvv_> Haha 2144:< purple_pan> then you'll browse reddit 2144:< etray> ^ ^ 2144:< _vvvv_> We should make an IRC and slack and crunch on little projects in extra time. 2144:< etray> there is always an excuse not to work 2144:< _vvvv_> We can go HARD on reddit things from the start next year. 2144:< purple_pan> "ah well this reddit april fools thing is done now... hm... i should check reddit" 2145:< dashed> _vvvv_ wtf rly? 2145:< _vvvv_> ya it was pretty funny 2145:< svlad> emoticons are serious business man 2146:< _vvvv_> We should probably go find some shrek ones too so disney lights us up too. 2146:< _vvvv_> Then we can refer each companies lawyers to each other. 2146:< Stjerneklar> alright guys i think i figured it out 2146:< Stjerneklar> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/93/files 2148:< _vvvv_> Nice :) Stjerneklar 2148:< _vvvv_> good job 2149:< _vvvv_> Checking for ability to automatically merge… Hang in there while we check the branch's status. 2149:< _vvvv_> Checking for ability to automatically merge… Hang in there while we check the branch's status. Wtf github 2149:< _vvvv_> No dashed I cannot 2150:< _vvvv_> only in Global 2150:< dashed> _vvvv_ https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/92 2150:< _vvvv_> Interesting 2150:< dashed> not sure why 2150:< Stjerneklar> looks like i needed the !important there to overwrite the inline styling, changing 2150:< dashed> i need lost_penguin to explain it to me 2150:< Cernokneznik> https://soundcloud.com/tsundere-alley/like-my-love 2153:< Stjerneklar> im running on my own fork now, seems all good 2153:< dashed> ^ test 2153:< svlad> dashed that came through 2154:< Stjerneklar> testicle 2154:< ScarletSpeedster> testacular 2154:< purple_pan> testosterone 2154:< dashed> ScaredTurtles actual real test framework 2154:< Do_not_reply_to_me> testiculate 2154:< mythriz> hey, is it just me, or does message pruning not work anymore? 2154:< purple_pan> gesticulate 2154:< Khemikooligan> dashed yo, i turned parrot off in safari, for some reason it kept assigning me a filter so i couldnt chat 2154:< dashed> mythriz ??? 2154:< Stjerneklar> triangulenitalia 2155:< dashed> Khemikooligan what? 2155:< purple_pan> Khemikooligan 2155:< dashed> Khemikooligan looks like css issues 2155:< purple_pan> khemikooligan start your filter with "," 2155:< purple_pan> so ",^" 2156:< mythriz> "Max messages before pruning" is set to 500, but I *think* I have over 1500 msgs in Global now 2156:< Khemikooligan> it kept assigning me to %parrot filter which is what i was using in mozilla, i tried getting rid of filters but it didnt work 2156:< mythriz> will doublecheck 2157:< svlad> Khemikooligan was version are you on? 2157:< Whitestep> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4dfb1o/parrot_robin_grow_fork_modified_for_comma/d1r960g => http://nazar.so/779qr 2157:< Whitestep> these tips are great 2157:< Whitestep> whoever came up with them 2157:< dashed> can this message be seen from global? 2157:< mythriz> aaaand there it reloaded. anyways I think I counted everything together at first. it was around 1160 in Global, but around 1600 all chats 2158:< ownage516> Yo parrot folks, does the leadboard auto update? 2158:< mythriz> so I'm not sure if message pruning does anything anymore 2158:< Khemikooligan> svlad parrotv2.75 2158:< mootinator> It auto updates every 2 minutes. 2158:< mootinator> If you keep it open. 2158:< ownage516> That's dope 2158:< mythriz> oh cool, leaderbord 2158:< mootinator> If you want an instant update close and open it again :P 2158:< Whitestep> test: can someone message me 2158:< Khemikooligan> also, the user names overlap the stuff in the right pannel 2159:< Annon201> Whitestep: something about dongers and being raised n shit 2159:< Whitestep> again pls 2159:< Khemikooligan> should i mute Koi-pond ? is he a bot? 2159:< Annon201> Whitestep: no more dongers sorry :( 2159:< ownage516> You guys should've named it Kukune or Parrot Kukune since you developed most of it in this chat 2159:< purple_pan> hey, does parrot not prune repeated messages? 2200:< ownage516> Yeah it does purple_pan 2200:< Stjerneklar> blah, github is still comparing my pull req 2200:< Whitestep> last test, please mention my username without : afterwards 2200:< dashed> testing 2201:< _Zaga_> Dank 2201:< purple_pan> Whitestep is a man 2201:< Stjerneklar> whats the difference between that comparison and just looking at the file anyway tho? 2201:< Whitestep> neat 2201:< Whitestep> thanks 2201:< agaffchanted> agaffchanted: test 2202:< ownage516> When this chat is ready to merge again, some guy made a script that messages all the inactive folks in the chat. Letting y'all know 2202:< Khemikooligan> heres a screenshot of me in safari:http://i.imgur.com/UaykPTy.png 2202:< NuOfBelthasar> Ack, accidentally proposed change that was meant for my fork - how do I delete that? 2203:< Khemikooligan> i think i gave the wrong screenshot earlier 2203:< purple_pan> Khemikooligan, so what's wrong exactly? 2203:< svlad> agaffchanted doesn't show for me either, except in unfiltered global 2203:< Khemikooligan> purple_pan right pannel 2203:< Khemikooligan> purple_pan and filters were screwy 2203:< purple_pan> i have terrible eyesight 2204:< ownage516> Get chrome Khemikooligan...unless if you really love Safari 2204:< agaffchanted> vlad: try one more time? 2204:< Khemikooligan> ownage516 i'm only usinf safari for an alt account, can you have alts running in the same browser? 2204:< purple_pan> Khemikooligan, open settings and set "," as the channel filter 2205:< ownage516> kemikooligan Run chrome and then run chrome in incognito mode. 2205:< marakiri> wassaaa 2205:< Khemikooligan> purple_pan yea i did that, it fixed filters, still it seems like parrot works pretty shitty in safari 2205:< marakiri> devs? 2205:< purple_pan> oh 2205:< purple_pan> just do what ownage516 said then 2205:< purple_pan> much easier 2206:< marakiri> https://jsfiddle.net/k6guLqt7/ can u show me how to get this to work? 2207:< bales75> Just want to say, excellent work on Parrot.. 2207:< ownage516> F12 and then go to console and then paste. 2207:< ownage516> Marakiri 2207:< marakiri> ownage516 hey 2207:< ownage516> I think, don't quote me on that 2207:< purple_pan> it'd work 2207:< marakiri> yea i did that but the script dont do wat its sposed to 2208:< ownage516> lol idk then, my understanding falls after that 2208:< marakiri> anyway my bad im toohigh for this right now gnight 2208:< Stjerneklar> marakiri night 2209:< purple_pan> i should learn javascript since i've been clutching python like a baby for months 2209:< marakiri> Stjerneklar <3 2209:< Stjerneklar> <3 mate --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 22:09:16 2016 --- Log opened Tue Apr 05 22:10:23 2016 2210:< mootinator> I need to learn how to write javascript well. 2210:< svlad> agaffchanted did you get those test messages? 2211:< mootinator> Like, it's so easy to just write ugly but functional javascript still. 2211:< Stjerneklar> once i got started with javascript and php i never looked back 2212:< purple_pan> laughed when i read "ugly but functional" 2212:< Khemikooligan> is there a way to get parrot running in icognito mode? 2213:< purple_pan> enable tampermonkey for incognito in settings 2214:< OrangeredStilton> k, there's definitely no way to do this private messaging thing and have the text not appear in the base Robin 2214:< mootinator> I'd say CHALLENGE ACCEPTED but I won't. 2214:< purple_pan> if you want to implement it haphazardly you could just encipher the messages 2214:< Stjerneklar> æøå 2215:< dashed> _vvvv_ can u see this now? 2215:< mootinator> Uh oh 2216:< MrZiggyStardust> robin wont let me send messages 2216:< agaffchanted> you just did 2216:< mootinator> I just got cleaned out! 2216:< MrZiggyStardust> guys idea, might be a way to add userlists for rooms if you make parrot force send a message every min (prefix) (username) (filterlist) 2216:< _vvvv_> yes I can see that one dashed 2217:< MrZiggyStardust> oh you know why, I had 1 char remaining when you need 2 remaining to send a message >_> 2217:< OrangeredStilton> purple_pan: Yeah, my next step was to see how to implement either key exchange or using the vote_hash/modhash 2217:< purple_pan> ah 2217:< purple_pan> no idea why i just thought of implementing a really simple cipher 2217:< mootinator> I can't wait until global is full of key exchange messages. 2218:< OrangeredStilton> such spam 2218:< svlad> you need n+1 characters remaining where n is the number of characters in your channel name 2218:< Stjerneklar> who can commit? somebody look at my pull request please :) 2218:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah I just realized that svlad 2218:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ dashed i think our next feature should be to decrement the remaining characters by the number of chars in the channel +1 2218:< theOh3> man 2218:< theOh3> you guys update this script so fast 2219:< Khemikooligan> ok guys, i need someone to help me write a bot that sings blurred lines lyrics 2219:< Daegalus> dashed, well i dont mean right away obviously 2219:< svlad> OrangeredStilton I can't think of a good way to do automatic key exchanges in this, I've been thinking about it off and on all day 2219:< Khemikooligan> i need to mess with some lower tier people 2220:< TopicallyDifferent> what's new in 2.78? 2220:< ViktorErikJensen> Nick autocomplete with tab is no longer working for me. Using 2.78 and just tried restarting firefox. 2220:< AviN456> ViktorErikJensen works for me 2220:< mootinator> Best bet would be to implement PSK 2221:< dashed> dashed 2221:< xSke> someone explain why youd want key exchanges in here 2221:< mootinator> Then people can manually chat by saying "Sent you a DM with password" 2221:< dashed> tab autocomplete broke in firefox 2221:< dashed> blame lost_penguin for that :) 2221:< mootinator> :P 2221:< AviN456> works in chrome 2221:< Stjerneklar> dashed could you look at my pull req? it should be very simple 2221:< ViktorErikJensen> Ah. Thanks for confirmation 2221:< AviN456> who uses firefox anyways 2221:< dashed> Stjerneklar which? 2221:< AviN456> :D 2221:< Stjerneklar> https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/93 2222:< dashed> ViktorErikJensen sorry.. i 'tried' to fix it :( lost_penguin's the guy who did the code 2222:< AviN456> sooo dashed, _vvvv_ 2222:< mootinator> I guess you could implement passworded channels pretty easily. 2222:< TopicallyDifferent> Tracker's broken, no .htaccess 2223:< ViktorErikJensen> No worries! 2223:< AviN456> think maybe we should move to a 2 branch development system? 2223:< etray> hmm automatic tracking url went down now shows this index of https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute => http://nazar.so/74um4 2223:< AviN456> ie, all dev work on the development branch 2223:< TopicallyDifferent> but wilplatypus.php has EVERY TRACKED TIER 2223:< TopicallyDifferent> nice 2223:< AviN456> and once features are confirmed stable, push to master 2223:< Stjerneklar> dashed btw im running my own fork atm, alls good 2224:< dashed> Stjerneklar thx :D 2224:< etray> TopicallyDifferent thanks 2224:< xSke> is it possible to fix right aligned names with a non monospaced font? 2224:< Daegalus> not without recoding the entire message. Would need to wrap divs around every section, and set width and such on that 2225:< Daegalus> monospaced is the easiest to get working with only spaces 2225:< AviN456> dashed, but more stable for non-devs 2225:< dashed> AviN456 yeah.. but that's no fun 2225:< Daegalus> that could break the messages in the channel and various formatting 2225:< AviN456> I just worry about something really getting broken and users updating to the broken version 2225:< Daegalus> xSke so yes possible, but takes 4-5x more work than a monospaced font 2225:< mootinator> "I don't always test, but when I do, I do it in production." 2226:< dashed> AviN456 hahah u haven't seen the earlier versions ;) 2226:< dashed> AviN456 developed live in this chat with people complaining it's broken 2226:< AviN456> lol 2226:< Stjerneklar> heh, was fun when we where all spamming links 2226:< coldbrewedbrew> That adds to the fun of it IMO 2226:< Stjerneklar> cos they where breaking on off for everybody 2226:< lajiggyjarjardoo> looking good, yall been busy 2227:< coldbrewedbrew> When you come in and see the unorganized chaos when it's busted 2227:< Annon201> next we'll need a bot to do channel topic handling, !topic!:{"ch":"#chan","cmd":{"(topic|permissions)":"(set|get|rmv)"},"data":["array"]} 2227:< _vvvv_> The more issues we have, the faster we code (TM) (R) 2227:< mootinator> I agree the risk that things will go splat makes it oddly exciting. 2227:< dashed> Stjerneklar your style landed on v2.79 2227:< Stjerneklar> sweet 2227:< etray> basicly creating IRC client from scratch 2228:< lajiggyjarjardoo> if you're doing private channels it would be cool if everyone was defaulted to sub to their own channel and as a way to PM people 2228:< mootinator> Update to 2.79. Cross fingers. 2229:< mootinator> Neat. 2230:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I don't know how we'd handle topics except by storing them server-side 2230:< theOh3> the tabs are quite small now 2230:< Stjerneklar> huh, damnit. if i open and close the settings then the sidebar toggle stops working 2231:< OrangeredStilton> Always something, eh 2231:< _vvvv_> We could implement a periodic topic announce on a special hidden channel. 2231:< bales75> what about a secondary option to change the font size of the settings / tabs? 2231:< lajiggyjarjardoo> my github got suspended because i was trying to push my branch too many times last night instead of using a fork 2231:< _vvvv_> We could also have this special hidden channel broadcast status updates if user sets them, which then get stored in the user list 2231:< svlad> I like the topic announcement idea 2232:< etray> how to prevent topic spamming 2232:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: My worry for these hidden channel ideas, is that base users don't have a hidden channel 2232:< OrangeredStilton> Same reason we can't do encrypted private messages out in the chat 2232:< bales75> having to zoom to 150%+ on 3440x1440 just to read the tab and settings fonts 2232:< etray> yeah would look horrible 2232:< Stjerneklar> yeah channels are good because they don't remove anything and still work 2233:< Stjerneklar> without script 2233:< KernelSnuffy> how do i clear cache in tampermonkey 2233:< KernelSnuffy> when i click update parrot it keeps bringing me to 2.78 2233:< mootinator> What we need in this trustless chat is a blockchain to store topics and channel owners. 2233:< KernelSnuffy> nvm! it worked now... i guess my cache expired 2234:< AviN456> KernelSnuffy, CDN/caching 2234:< OrangeredStilton> mootinator: Because that'd also look great spamming tx's 2234:< mootinator> Right? 2234:< etray> how do get to be channel owner in the first place? 2235:< mootinator> First to claim, just like IRC 2235:< etray> and if its a spammer 2235:< mootinator> Of course, that would suck with our pre-established channels. 2235:< Stjerneklar> bales75 do you have a way to inject css like styler for chrome? 2235:< Stjerneklar> i can make a little snippet for you that changes back the font size in tabs 2236:< bales75> Stjerneklar I don't but I could. 2236:< mootinator> Fortunately I don't think implementing 'RobinCoin' going to happen. 2236:< etray> :D 2236:< bales75> soKukoin 2237:< etray> Fooling a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4de443/i_committed_murder/ => http://nazar.so/vvaq 2237:< OrangeredStilton> So what're the major features we're missing, apart from the impossible privmsg? 2238:< Stjerneklar> bales75 ul#robinChannelList a {font-size:16px!important;} would do the trick 2238:< mootinator> DCC 2238:< OrangeredStilton> No, we're not sending files over Robin 2238:< Lolzep> He got foooooled 2238:< mootinator> Which is kinda layered on privmsg soo... 2238:< etray> DCC SEND aww baby 2238:< OrangeredStilton> I liked the idea of "send a pm" actually sending a Reddit message 2239:< etray> How does it access the reddit API 2239:< DebentureThyme> i dont need bots in this room spamming my reddit inbox 2239:< bales75> Nice, thanks Stjerneklar 2239:< OrangeredStilton> r.config.modhash 2239:< bales75> lol #warez 2239:< mootinator> Everyone is logged into a reddit account, so API access should be trivial? 2239:< OrangeredStilton> It's the same way my IRC bridge is able to submit lines of text; posting to Robin is an API call 2239:< NuOfBelthasar> Anyone know how to change the text in an input field after it's been initialized? 2239:< etray> mootinator true 2239:< DebentureThyme> You want to get robin shut down? That's how you get robin shutdown. 2239:< OrangeredStilton> $('input#foo').val('something');//perhaps 2240:< mootinator> lol 2240:< etray> so next step from that is to POST on subreddits 2240:< BurritoBun> Anyone got any good bot programs? 2240:< BurritoBun> Like account auto creation and such? 2240:< OrangeredStilton> Can't see why you'd want to post something to a sub, from Robin... 2240:< AviN456> oh so ugly! http://goo.gl/CUUS1Q 2240:< etray> thinking of a reason 2241:< Lolzep> RUINED 2241:< OrangeredStilton> AviN456: We've never been big on UI 2241:< NuOfBelthasar> Actually, more generally, is there any documentation on the settings API the script uses? 2241:< DebentureThyme> Don't think of a reason. Seriously, you'll get this thing shut down the moment bots start posting 2241:< AviN456> OrangeredStilton yes, but that's particularly ugly 2241:< Tuvior> ok ehm question, I'm trying to figure out how to add a message to the MessageList 2241:< OrangeredStilton> Oh gods 2241:< Tuvior> I've tried $("#robinChatMessageList").add and .appendChild but it doesn't work 2242:< mootinator> Wouldn't the bots just get rate limited? 2242:< _vvvv_> I'd love to get the settings organized into collabsible sections "General options" "Style options" "Filter options" 2242:< AviN456> Also, tabautocomplete setting is backwards 2242:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I was trying to work out how to access the internal Backbone views; couldn't work it out 2242:< AviN456> on is off and off is on 2242:< NuOfBelthasar> ^ _vvvv_ do you know how to modify the contents of an input field after it's been initialized? 2243:< BurritoBun> Guys, can I log into different accounts on different tabs? Or will they just all revert to the current account when refreshed? 2243:< DebentureThyme> I just feel like you start stepping too far out of what this for and it'll get abused. PMs to reddit inboxes will get abused 2243:< mootinator> That'd be the main problem with trying to use Reddit direct messages for private chat, they'd definitely not let anyone post fast enough. 2243:< mootinator> To actually use for a private chat. 2243:< DebentureThyme> send them through IRC lol 2243:< mootinator> Could use it for key exchange in theory. 2243:< NuOfBelthasar> Wouldn't it already be pretty easy for a bot to spam private chat? 2243:< NuOfBelthasar> private message, I mean 2245:< _vvvv_> I think an auto channel with [hash(usernamerecipient)] could work for PMs. 2245:< _vvvv_> They wouldn't really be private, but would work well. 2245:< lajiggyjarjardoo> _vvvv_ yeah close enough 2245:< NuOfBelthasar> Yeah, I do like that idea. 2246:< touyajp> i think i like it better to not filter by channel but instead put certain channel tags on spam filter 2246:< etray> it's disappointing to see that u/powerlanguage was last active 3 days ago; he posted the robin links was active a bit: then nothing 2246:< touyajp> then choose manually where to chat 2246:< Annon201> webRTC datachannel 2246:< NuOfBelthasar> Something like: UserName! 2246:< OrangeredStilton> etray: He got sucked into the Robin 2246:< touyajp> currently only filtering $ and #rpg and it looks totally sane and readable 2246:< etray> probably 2247:< OrangeredStilton> NuOfBelthasar: And the hash is what, the message encrypted? 2247:< touyajp> and sometimes my chatlines are swallowed up which is annoying 2247:< OrangeredStilton> Well, obfuscated 2247:< NuOfBelthasar> OrangeredStilton: Just hashed. Not need for serious privacy. 2247:< mootinator> Yeah, auto subscribe to mootinator# from everywhere works if we're just trying to get a particular person's attention. 2247:< NuOfBelthasar> Right 2247:< MrZiggyStardust> at the bottom of the userlist it shows "and 2787 more" is there a way to get the whole thing to display there? 2247:< OrangeredStilton> It'd need to be obfuscated in a two-way fashion, even something as stupid as rot13 (as mentioned earlier) 2247:< MorallyDeplorable> We should come up with a way to send image data over the channel. Maybe embed base64-encoded PNGs? 2248:< OrangeredStilton> MorallyDeplorable: Terrible idea. 2248:< MorallyDeplorable> Nah, then we could send emoticons. 2248:< OrangeredStilton> If you send more than 140 chars, it cuts you off 2248:< mootinator> It wouldn't work with the rate limit even if it weren't a terrible idea. 2248:< MorallyDeplorable> Since the char limit wouldn't let you send much more 2248:< _vvvv_> MorallyDeplorable we have twitch and BTTV emotes 2248:< NuOfBelthasar> Well, you could have the script handle putting in the images. 2248:< mootinator> What do you think about oneboxing imgurl URLs though? 2248:< AviN456> KAPOW 2248:< MorallyDeplorable> Yea, or a hover image 2249:< mootinator> *imgur 2249:< OrangeredStilton> mootinator: RES'ing it up some? 2249:< Annon201> but for webRTC communications, you'll need to figure out how to traverse NAT 2249:< mootinator> Yeah... 2249:< bales75> Should totally make a theming engine :P 2249:< ranterbach> MorallyDeplorable, people should be using Imagus anyway 2249:< _vvvv_> Have to be really careful if anyone implements arbitrary image link embeds (imgur etc.) Possible to embed malicious scripts in them. 2250:< MrZiggyStardust> _vvvv_ is there a way to get the whole userlist to show up in the userbar? 2250:< OrangeredStilton> This private-message-by-obfuscation thing, makes me think we can just do key exchange in chat. It'd look the same 2250:< BurritoBun> Hey devs, how do you get multiple accounts to run? Do you have different browsers open? 2250:< OrangeredStilton> "!Username: " 2251:< _vvvv_> OrangeredStilton key exchanges are pretty heavy for a rate limited, char limited chat. 2251:< Stjerneklar> BurritoBun that works 2251:< xSke> BurritoBun incognito is your friend 2251:< mootinator> !Username: ACK 2251:< BurritoBun> Ah, but can I run parrot in incognito? 2251:< Stjerneklar> yes, just enable it 2251:< xSke> BurritoBun if you go to your extensions and check "run in incognito" or whatever then yeah 2251:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: If they were aes256, sure. Just needs to be something small though 2251:< etray> also in chrome you can use different user accounts 2251:< BurritoBun> Ooh okay 2251:< BurritoBun> Thanks man 2252:< MorallyDeplorable> You could do a diffie hellman key exchange over an insecure channel, but that's going to make a lot of spam. 2252:< NuOfBelthasar> You could just collect public keys in cookies, maybe. 2252:< NuOfBelthasar> So you can PM as long as you've captured the key. 2253:< OrangeredStilton> It's either that or have people set up PGP and upload their key, as part of setting up Parrot 2253:< NuOfBelthasar> Maybe have a way to request a key. 2253:< OrangeredStilton> Which isn't going to happen ever ever 2253:< NuOfBelthasar> Agreed. 2253:< NuOfBelthasar> Just like thinking about it. 2253:< mootinator> @mootinator 2253:< purple_pan> hunter2 2253:< _vvvv_> lol 2253:< NuOfBelthasar> Yup, that's just ******* 2254:< mootinator> ******* 2254:< BurritoBun> So is there any way to block incognito windows from sending login creds to eachother? 2254:< NuOfBelthasar> Still could use a bit of scripting help: how do I modify the contents of a settings box after it's been initialized. 2254:< xSke> BurritoBun if you open all the windows from a non-incognito window they get different contexts iirc 2255:< OrangeredStilton> NuOfBelthasar: $('input#foo').val('newtext')? 2255:< NuOfBelthasar> OrangeredStilton: thanks, will try 2257:< _vvvv_> test 2258:< _vvvv_> test 2258:< _vvvv_> test 2258:< Do_not_reply_to_me> testes 2258:< _vvvv_> test 2259:< mootinator> juan? 2259:< etray> carlos? 2259:< Do_not_reply_to_me> two 2259:< mootinator> tree 2259:< etray> four 2259:< ScarletSpeedster> Any reason why the version of jQuery being used is 1.9.1? Why require it, and why not 2.1.1 which is already on reddit? 2301:< etray> compatibility? 2301:< _vvvv_> Seems we are off by one in the color array. 2301:< Annon201> http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webrtc/infrastructure/ => http://nazar.so/3z0us + publicly available STUN servers: https://gist.github.com/zziuni/3741933 2301:< Annon201> plus this for establishing the connection 2302:< touyajp> chat is refreshing every 3 minutes or so 2302:< touyajp> losing all backlog 2302:< Annon201> will allow 1-1 dcc text/audio/video/data transfers 2306:< lost_penguin> 91 commits since I went to bed. Nice. 2306:< dashed> lost_penguin idk how to fix this :( https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/issues/92 2307:< NuOfBelthasar> Ah, figured it out: $("input[name='setting-inputName']").prop("value", "Sample Value"); 2307:< lost_penguin> That's no good. I'll have a quick look. 2309:< lost_penguin> Why would you type the channel out? 2310:< dashed> from the Global chat 2310:< lost_penguin> That a new feature since I went to bed? Last time I touched it, it put the channel in for you based on the dd only. 2310:< dashed> oh.. i added a feature to remove it in Global 2310:< dashed> since everyone wanted an empty space in the dropdown 2311:< lost_penguin> OK let me update. 2312:< dashed> lost_penguin this commit does it: https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/commit/d3b366c4b3861e53db7757d2adbcf0e0e0cd424a => http://nazar.so/4hr77 2312:< montugar> I'm back, phone died 2313:< dashed> montugar weclome back 2313:< UnacceptableUse> hi all 2313:< Tuvior> useless function http://puu.sh/o7zzG.png 2314:< dashed> Tuvior is that a bot? 2314:< Tuvior> no, it's a /channels command in my script 2314:< dashed> interesting 2315:< montugar> I have an issue to report. tab-completion doesn't ignore case 2316:< dashed> montugar that's well known 2316:< etray> isn't that from reddit itself 2316:< dashed> yeah it's from reddit 2316:< dashed> u can PM them if u want :) 2316:< etray> lol 2317:< Wakafanykai123> Hey guys, reporting in from work 2317:< etray> powerlanguage took a holiday evidently after the launch 2317:< dashed> a "holiday" 2317:< hagbard-celine> you guys are fucking pro, i go out shopping, and when i come back, the update includes suggestions i hadn't even voiced yet 2318:< Wakafanykai123> heh 2318:< etray> it's become conscious 2318:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 howdy 2318:< etray> and mind-reading 2318:< montugar> hagbard-celine what would that be? 2318:< Wakafanykai123> howdy, I'll get to work on the readme :) 2319:< etray> there is a ton of stuff to add there 2319:< hagbard-celine> that would be, having global chat separate channel name without the show only channel checkbox, and including a blank send to in global 2319:< touyajp> heh, ctrl-.shift-left/right moves between tabs. that should be alt-l/r 2319:< dashed> btw where is this pirate pad being linked? http://piratepad.net/Zg3MJL40Qh 2319:< dashed> i've never seen this 2319:< Wakafanykai123> its on the readme 2319:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ linked that around on here 2319:< dashed> touyajp customizable now in settings! 2319:< touyajp> oh :) 2320:< Stjerneklar> dashed ahahahahahah thats where the stay guys from ccande added their requests 2320:< dashed> Stjerneklar what requests? 2320:< Stjerneklar> the pirate pad 2320:< lost_penguin> Woot 2320:< Stjerneklar> couple ones about switching to stay at 4000 ppl 2320:< dashed> i thought the pirate pad came from this chat? 2320:< Wakafanykai123> i made it 2320:< lost_penguin> Ok fixed that bug dashed. 2320:< Stjerneklar> the ccande ppl got it somehow 2320:< Daegalus> it did, but was shared to the ccande and so on 2320:< dashed> lost_penguin u srs? :O 2321:< touyajp> AWWWW SENT MSG HISTORY <3 2321:< touyajp> finally 2321:< Stjerneklar> couple ones about switching to stay at 4000 ppl 2321:< dashed> lost_penguin what about interop with tab completition and channels? 2321:< Wakafanykai123> yes the piratepad is on the readme 2321:< Stjerneklar> sorry, had to... sweet 2321:< zacketysack> Just a quick feature suggestion: my alt is in a smaller room (350 participants) and we would really like an exclusion filter.... 2321:< TopicallyDifferent> Oooh, sent message history! 2322:< TopicallyDifferent> Oooh, sent message history!! 2322:< dashed> zacketysack idk what that means 2322:< zacketysack> ...since there are a lot of people playing trivia on '$'. 2322:< lost_penguin> dashed What you mean? I only fixed one bug! :D 2322:< dashed> lost_penguin ;) 2322:< Wakafanykai123> oh dashed like an inverse channel filter they mean 2322:< dashed> zacketysack i'll look into it 2322:< Wakafanykai123> SourPls 2322:< Wakafanykai123> aww yiss 2323:< TopicallyDifferent> wat what's that 2323:< zacketysack> dashed thanks! great job, lots of people on RaThPM are using parrot already :D 2323:< Stjerneklar> lol, bttv 2323:< touyajp> if leaderboard is on, could it maybe just be displayed instead of the userlist? 2323:< touyajp> would look nicer, imo 2323:< Stjerneklar> touyajp good idea 2323:< cyclingwonder> you can always leave a comment in the thread 2324:< conker2654> holy shit we got the better twitch emotes? 2324:< Tuvior> suggestion for a name to use for non-prefixed chat? 2324:< etray> only the best for robin 2324:< ande_> VapeNation 2324:< Stjerneklar> now we just need to zoom them on hover 2324:< cyclingwonder> derka\ 2325:< NuOfBelthasar> Hmm. Anyone know an easy way to host a plain-text file via HTTPS? 2325:< lost_penguin> dashed can I merge straight in instead if having to request? 2325:< NuOfBelthasar> Wait. Der git raw, prolly. 2325:< dashed> lost_penguin right to master? >_> 2326:< etray> or with pastebin api 2326:< dashed> lost_penguin apparently people are subscribed to master; on bleeding edge 2326:< lost_penguin> dashed I mean can I approve the request myself? 2326:< dashed> lost_penguin yes! :D 2326:< Wakafanykai123> heh thats me dased 2326:< dashed> Wakafanykai123 ;) 2326:< Wakafanykai123> gotta always have latest latest 2327:< Lorithas> Wakafanykai123 Ah, you're one of them upgrade-y types 2327:< lost_penguin> dashed btw Pr is sitting there. 2327:< Stjerneklar> we almost need a bot to announce new versions 2327:< Wakafanykai123> well i am one of the main testers yeah 2328:< Wakafanykai123> so i gotta tell people when their code is broke 2328:< Wakafanykai123> nah just pop in %chat and write script update: blah blah cool stuff added 2331:< amaklp> Is there any major change from 2.72 to 2.8? 2332:< lost_penguin> dashed I don't think I can approve the PR, probably need higher permissions. 2332:< dashed> lost_penguin the greenbutton isn't available? 2332:< etray> 3.11 will be epic after that the version nr will be bumped to 95 2332:< etray> windows4eva 2333:< lost_penguin> dashed only green button is Comment. 2333:< dashed> ah isee 2333:< dashed> _vvvv_ give perms to lost_penguin :D 2333:< Wakafanykai123> jushed some minor stuff amaklp, updates always fix issues though if you have any 2333:< Wakafanykai123> oh if i could have permissions for even just the readme that would be nice, im having to pull from my fork :) 2334:< etray> yeah documentarist rights should be granted to him 2335:< TheUncleBob> %chat everyone help me ELECT nigglet for Electionbot. I need the amusement. 2335:< lost_penguin> He is chief documenterer. 2336:< Wakafanykai123> new readme PR - https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/100 2336:< Wakafanykai123> 100th pull HYPE 2336:< lost_penguin> dashed approve my PR in the meantime. 2336:< dashed> wil do; working on channel exclusin 2337:< _vvvv_> I don't see any outstanding PR from you? 2338:< lost_penguin> Minizium 2338:< _vvvv_> All I see is Wakafankai's 2338:< _vvvv_> Oh there it is 2338:< _vvvv_> GitHub acting up 2338:< lost_penguin> #98 :) 2338:< dashed> _vvvv_ dont forget to give lost_penguin collab perm :D 2338:< _vvvv_> yeah i'll do that and you can merge your own 2339:< _vvvv_> try 2340:< lost_penguin> OK, actually hold on, I need to check me code. Might be bug. 2341:< lost_penguin> OK I have permission thanks. Will Just double check code. 2341:< kevinstonge> koi pond ................................ 2342:< kevinstonge> Koi-pond - are you seriously spamming that? 2342:< lost_penguin> I've had Koi-pond blocked for ages :D 2344:< Tuvior> finally semi viably included plain chat toggling in the script 2345:< kevinstonge> lost_penguin sorry ... I just added ^ I'm a little slow :) 2345:< SalZoRz> woo v2.8 2345:< kevinstonge> I've been on %chat since before the merge 2345:< Tuvior> the amount of prefixes is growing http://puu.sh/o7Bp0.png 2346:< Wakafanykai123> poor <3 is forgotten 2347:< Tuvior> $salvation... 2347:< Sloon_> test 2347:< sprokolopolis> The script is looking great everyone. Thanks for the work on it! Just updated. Lot's of new features. 2348:< _vvvv_> And more to come :) 2348:< _vvvv_> We will keep cooking. 2348:< sprokolopolis> _vvvv_ Awesome to hear! I have been busy with work stuff today, so I hadn't kept up with the development. 2349:< Lorithas> Is night mode broken for anyone else on Firefox? 2349:< Wakafanykai123> cook cook cook 2350:< sprokolopolis> Lorithas RES Night Mode? Seems to work ok for me. 2350:< Wakafanykai123> works perfectly on chrome 2350:< Lorithas> sprokolopolis the right sidebar is still on a white background for me 2351:< Lorithas> Working perfectly on chrome here too 2351:< sprokolopolis> Oh, I just saw that you are on firefox. I can give it a test in a few minutes. 2351:< Lorithas> I had the same problem with robin-grow on FF as well, while it was working perfectly on chrome 2352:< Lorithas> If it helps, just updated RES, GreaseMonkey, Parrot and Firefox to fresh versions 2354:< sprokolopolis> Lorithas Just checked in Firefox and the dark mode is working fine for me. Are you running any other scripts, themes, etc? 2355:< Lorithas> Nope, nothing that should affect it at least (just the browser theme, no effect below the toolbars) 2356:< NuOfBelthasar> ^ Uh, git stopped including my changes in raw. It just shows them in blob. 2356:< sprokolopolis> Here is a screenshot of it in my firefox: https://imgur.com/DD3G5cg 2356:< NuOfBelthasar> ^ Any way to tell git to git its act together? 2357:< Wakafanykai123> umm no need to add the extra ^ anymore, and no not really 2357:< NuOfBelthasar> nvm, it got better 2357:< Wakafanykai123> it works when it works 2357:< NuOfBelthasar> Wakafanykai123: Right. Habit. 2358:< Wakafanykai123> heh 2359:< Lorithas> sprokolopolis Reinstalled RES, fixed the issue. Thanks for the effort <3 2359:< sprokolopolis> Lorithas Good to hear. 2359:< Wakafanykai123> pls i beg - https://github.com/5a1t/parrot/pull/100 2359:< Wakafanykai123> But i must get back to work, cya all later --- Log closed Wed Apr 06 00:00:22 2016