--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:56:19 2016 1956:< npinsker> nswer was Cathay Pacific! Correct users: SadZr40 (3258), BrownMario (325), chrismash (452) 1956:< npinsker> ORY: Pop Optics || What colour lenses are required to view a 3-D film? 1956:< SadZr40> nd green 1956:< 3xist3nc3> nd green 1956:< chrismash> nd green 1956:< q00u> , because it's not 1980 anymore. 1956:< npinsker> nswer was red and green! Correct users: SadZr40 (3262), 3xist3nc3 (1416), chrismash (454) 1956:< Multiwagon> o T5's just merged --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:57:03 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:57:50 2016 1957:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Cape Hatteras? 1957:< SadZr40> North Carolina 1957:< chrismash> in ur ass 1957:< BrownMario> north carolina 1958:< q00u> Behind Hatteras 1958:< pandersson97> North Carolina 1958:< chrismash> behind there 1958:< npinsker> The answer was North Carolina! Correct users: SadZr40 (3270), BrownMario (328), pandersson97 (45) 1958:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Juicey || What was originally called the Chinese gooseberry? 1958:< SadZr40> kiwi 1958:< BrownMario> kiwi 1958:< chrismash> qiwi 1958:< pandersson97> Kiwi 1958:< BrownMario> quicky 1958:< 3xist3nc3> New Zealander 1958:< npinsker> The answer was kiwi! Correct users: SadZr40 (3274), BrownMario (331), pandersson97 (47) 1958:< q00u> Mandy Patinkin 1959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Places || Which establishments don't have windows or watches? 1959:< SadZr40> casino's 1959:< BrownMario> casinos 1959:< pandersson97> Casinos 1959:< chrismash> what? 1959:< q00u> My hidden sex dungeon 1959:< BrownMario> i swear if it's the apostrophe... 1959:< SadZr40> you stupidly need the ' 1959:< chrismash> i'm sure they have windows 1959:< BrownMario> casino's 1959:< npinsker> The answer was casino's! Correct users: SadZr40 (3278), BrownMario (334), pandersson97 (49) 1959:< SadZr40> oop nevermind 1959:< q00u> This database is awful. 1959:< pandersson97> I guess the yfixed that in the las t db 1959:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Which two cities are known as the twin cities? 1959:< pandersson97> indeed q00u :) 1959:< SadZr40> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2000:< BrownMario> minneapolis and saint pauol 2000:< 3xist3nc3> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2000:< pandersson97> Minneapolis and saint paul 2000:< q00u> The Olsens 2000:< BrownMario> FUCK THIS RATELIMIT 2000:< npinsker> The answer was Minneapolis and Saint Paul! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2000:< BrownMario> hahaha 2000:< _vvvv_> test 2000:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3278), hellapanda (1744), aspbergerinparadise (1580), 3xist3nc3 (1416), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2000:< pandersson97> hey SadZr40, do you have your bot on github? 2000:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Super Chicken's partners name? 2000:< SadZr40> Fred 2000:< aspbergerinparadise> fred 2000:< BrownMario> fred --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:00:51 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:02:24 2016 2002:< npinsker> The answer was Scotland! Correct users: SadZr40 (3290), 3xist3nc3 (1419), BrownMario (341), aspbergerinparadise (1584), hjelen (0), One... 2002:< q00u> Aspbergerinparadise has returned! 2002:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || In which constellation would you look to find the center of The Milky Way? 2002:< SadZr40> Sagittarius 2002:< BrownMario> sagittarius 2002:< OneiricNeuron> sagittarius 2002:< q00u> Mars Bar 2002:< pandersson97> nice, ty SadZr <3 2003:< SadZr40> i think je4d's database may be wrong though 2003:< npinsker> The answer was Sagittarius! Correct users: SadZr40 (3294), BrownMario (344), OneiricNeuron (20) 2003:< BrownMario> je4d was deceptive, even padded his bot with 5 second wait to make it seem he was real 2003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What is a violoncello usually called? 2003:< SadZr40> cello 2003:< BrownMario> violin 2003:< OneiricNeuron> cello 2003:< BrownMario> cello 2003:< q00u> Lemonjello 2003:< OneiricNeuron> chello 2003:< npinsker> The answer was cello! Correct users: SadZr40 (3298), OneiricNeuron (23), BrownMario (346) 2003:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || Whats the chemical symbol for Helium ? 2003:< SadZr40> He 2003:< BrownMario> He 2004:< OneiricNeuron> He 2004:< q00u> Hehehehe 2004:< davidjl123> He 2004:< OneiricNeuron> balloon 2004:< BrownMario> she 2004:< davidjl123> He 2004:< npinsker> The answer was He! Correct users: SadZr40 (3302), BrownMario (349), OneiricNeuron (25), q00u (57), davidjl123 (0) 2004:< BrownMario> one more! 2004:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Where was Napoleon defeated? 2004:< BrownMario> waterloo 2004:< SadZr40> Waterloo 2004:< OneiricNeuron> waterloo 2004:< BrownMario> FUCK YOU BOT I BEAT YOU 2004:< SadZr40> his has a delay between .5 and 1.5 sec (on github) 2004:< q00u> On the basketball court 2004:< npinsker> The answer was Waterloo! Correct users: BrownMario (353), SadZr40 (3305), OneiricNeuron (27) 2005:< BrownMario> not you sadzr40, i'm sure you're cool 2005:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the term for a castrated rooster? 2005:< BrownMario> just glad i beat the bot 2005:< SadZr40> capon 2005:< BrownMario> capon 2005:< OneiricNeuron> capon 2005:< q00u> Cooster 2005:< npinsker> The answer was capon! Correct users: SadZr40 (3309), BrownMario (356), OneiricNeuron (29) 2005:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3309), hellapanda (1744), aspbergerinparadise (1584), 3xist3nc3 (1419), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What is the tibia more commonly known as? 2006:< SadZr40> shin bone 2006:< OneiricNeuron> shin bone 2006:< q00u> Syberia 2006:< SadZr40> mine does a delay with a minimum time, certain time per character, and a random time 2006:< OneiricNeuron> tibet 2006:< BrownMario> aite fam i'll be back later to get my 50 point fix 2006:< npinsker> The answer was shin bone! Correct users: SadZr40 (3313), OneiricNeuron (32) 2006:< OneiricNeuron> bye 2006:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Minerals || What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as? 2006:< SadZr40> amethyst 2006:< OneiricNeuron> amethyst 2007:< q00u> Steven Universe 2007:< npinsker> The answer was amethyst! Correct users: SadZr40 (3317), OneiricNeuron (35) 2007:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Brazil? 2007:< SadZr40> Brasilia 2007:< BrownMario> brasilia 2007:< BrownMario> damn 2007:< OneiricNeuron> brasilia 2007:< _vvvv_> ANELE 2007:< q00u> St. Paul's Brasilia 2007:< OneiricNeuron> lima 2007:< npinsker> The answer was Brasilia! Correct users: SadZr40 (3321), BrownMario (359), OneiricNeuron (37), q00u (58) 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many dungeons are in "The Legend of Zelda"? 2008:< BrownMario> three 2008:< OneiricNeuron> one thousand 2008:< q00u> 8 2008:< CorrinPhD> 3 2008:< q00u> 16 2008:< npinsker> The answer was 18! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2008:< q00u> 9? 2008:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What Venetian traveler and explorer landed in China and reached Kublai Khan's court in 1275? 2008:< SadZr40> Marco Polo 2008:< 3xist3nc3> Marco Polo 2009:< q00u> How many dungeons were there? I never saw the answer... 2009:< npinsker> The answer was Marco Polo! Correct users: SadZr40 (3325), 3xist3nc3 (1422) 2009:< OneiricNeuron> 18 dungeos 2009:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland? 2009:< 3xist3nc3> Northern 2009:< OneiricNeuron> northern 2009:< q00u> Thx OneiricNeuron 2009:< OneiricNeuron> welcome 2009:< q00u> Northern 2009:< npinsker> The answer was Northern! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1426), OneiricNeuron (40), q00u (60) 2009:< q00u> Southern 2010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Which moon is the second largest satellite in our solar system? 2010:< SadZr40> Titan 2010:< q00u> Your mom 2010:< OneiricNeuron> cheese 2010:< npinsker> The answer was Titan! Correct users: SadZr40 (3329) 2010:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia? 2010:< SadZr40> Paraguay 2010:< q00u> Canada 2010:< OneiricNeuron> paraguay 2011:< npinsker> The answer was Paraguay! Correct users: SadZr40 (3333), OneiricNeuron (43) 2011:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3333), hellapanda (1744), aspbergerinparadise (1584), 3xist3nc3 (1426), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2011:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote the threepenny opera? 2011:< SadZr40> Bertolt Brecht 2011:< OneiricNeuron> fourpenny 2011:< q00u> The Count of Monte Cristo Sandwich 2011:< npinsker> The answer was Bertolt Brecht! Correct users: SadZr40 (3337) 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon? 2012:< SadZr40> 4:00pm 2012:< OneiricNeuron> 4;00pm 2012:< q00u> Is it daylight saving time? 2012:< OneiricNeuron> four pm 2012:< npinsker> The answer was 4:00pm! Correct users: SadZr40 (3341) 2012:< OneiricNeuron> wow really. 2012:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Advertising || Who is the dog on the crackerjack box? 2012:< q00u> Semicolon.... 2012:< SadZr40> Bingo 2013:< OneiricNeuron> banjo 2013:< q00u> Bango 2013:< 3xist3nc3> bingo 2013:< q00u> Bongo 2013:< OneiricNeuron> bingo 2013:< npinsker> The answer was Bingo! Correct users: SadZr40 (3345), 3xist3nc3 (1429), OneiricNeuron (45) 2013:< pandersson97> h 2013:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who shot Abraham Lincoln? 2013:< SadZr40> John Wilkes Booth 2013:< q00u> Aaron Burr 2013:< TeaBagTwat> me 2013:< OneiricNeuron> the president 2013:< q00u> Bobby Ewing 2013:< OneiricNeuron> john wilkes booth 2013:< npinsker> The answer was John Wilkes Booth! Correct users: SadZr40 (3349) 2014:< TeaBagTwat> Sorry won't shoot him again 2014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Game of Thrones || Who approaches Eddard Stark shortly after King Robert's death offering to combine their forces to claim th... 2014:< q00u> the....what? 2014:< OneiricNeuron> to clam the what? 2014:< q00u> FIX YOUR BOT 2014:< OneiricNeuron> not enough info 2014:< npinsker> The answer was Renly Baratheon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2014:< q00u> BOOOURNS 2014:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Banking || What was the first credit card called? 2014:< pandersson97> m 2014:< OneiricNeuron> atm machines 2014:< q00u> Steve 2015:< 3xist3nc3> bankcard 2015:< OneiricNeuron> visa 2015:< pandersson97> nice, new db questions 2015:< hellapanda> diner's club 2015:< OneiricNeuron> mastercard 2015:< npinsker> The answer was Diner's Club! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2015:< hellapanda> ok then 2015:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In showjumping, how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence? 2015:< q00u> lol 2015:< SadZr40> four 2015:< 3xist3nc3> 4 2015:< OneiricNeuron> flour 2015:< q00u> forty 2015:< npinsker> The answer was four! Correct users: SadZr40 (3353), 3xist3nc3 (1432) 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording? 2016:< SadZr40> Mary Had A Little Lamb 2016:< hellapanda> mary had a little lamb 2016:< q00u> with mint jelly 2016:< npinsker> The answer was Mary Had A Little Lamb! Correct users: SadZr40 (3357), hellapanda (1747) 2016:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3357), hellapanda (1747), aspbergerinparadise (1584), 3xist3nc3 (1432), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2016:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'Valley Of The Dolls'? 2017:< SadZr40> Jacqueline Susann 2017:< hellapanda> susann 2017:< 3xist3nc3> Jack Morsey 2017:< q00u> Roger Ebert 2017:< hellapanda> jacqueline susann 2017:< npinsker> The answer was Jacqueline Susann! Correct users: SadZr40 (3361), hellapanda (1750) 2017:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Luxembourg? 2017:< SadZr40> Luxembourg 2017:< hellapanda> luxembourg 2017:< OneiricNeuron> lexembourg 2017:< 3xist3nc3> luxembourg 2017:< pandersson97> Luxembourg 2017:< OneiricNeuron> luxembourg 2018:< npinsker> The answer was Luxembourg! Correct users: npinsker (52), SadZr40 (3364), hellapanda (1752), 3xist3nc3 (1433), pandersson97 (49), Oneiri... 2018:< OneiricNeuron> phew 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What kind of dog is Scooby Doo? 2018:< SadZr40> great dane 2018:< aspbergerinparadise> great dane 2018:< q00u> Hamlet 2018:< hellapanda> a shitty one 2018:< OneiricNeuron> chihuahua 2018:< Authsauce> JOHN CENA 2018:< 3xist3nc3> scaredy 2018:< OneiricNeuron> right? 2018:< npinsker> The answer was great dane! Correct users: SadZr40 (3368), aspbergerinparadise (1587) 2018:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Who was Tommy Lee Jones' freshman roommate at Harvard? 2018:< 3xist3nc3> albert schweiz 2019:< OneiricNeuron> i really thought he was an enlarged chihuahua 2019:< hellapanda> al gore 2019:< q00u> Al gore 2019:< westondeboer> al gore 2019:< OneiricNeuron> albert schweiz 2019:< npinsker> The answer was Al Gore! Correct users: hellapanda (1756), q00u (63), westondeboer (36) 2019:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || Which digital currency was created in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 2019:< westondeboer> bitcoin 2019:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Web Culture || What web comic created havoc on Wikipedia by claiming it had an article on the fake word "malamanteau"? 2019:< q00u> Peanuts 2019:< TxDieselKid> dilbert 2019:< 3xist3nc3> xkcd 2019:< westondeboer> xkcd 2019:< hellapanda> xkcd 2019:< npinsker> The answer was xkcd! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (1437), westondeboer (39), hellapanda (1758) 2020:< 3xist3nc3> without a relevant xkcd 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first ship to reach the Titanic after it sank? 2020:< SadZr40> Carpathia 2020:< hellapanda> carpathia 2020:< Hjax> Alvin 2020:< westondeboer> Carpathia 2020:< q00u> Gigantic 2020:< npinsker> The answer was Carpathia! Correct users: SadZr40 (3372), hellapanda (1761), westondeboer (41) 2020:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || When traces of a calcium compound are held in a bunsen flame, the colour of the flame changes to ...? 2020:< SadZr40> red 2020:< hellapanda> red 2021:< q00u> RAINBOW 2021:< westondeboer> red 2021:< westondeboer> blue 2021:< npinsker> The answer was red! Correct users: SadZr40 (3376), hellapanda (1764), westondeboer (43) 2021:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As close as two ____________ in a pod? 2021:< SadZr40> peas 2021:< hellapanda> peas 2021:< 3xist3nc3> peas 2021:< westondeboer> peas 2021:< OneiricNeuron> peas 2021:< q00u> Cats 2021:< sbblakey777> RIP PEAMAN 2021:< npinsker> The answer was peas! Correct users: SadZr40 (3380), hellapanda (1767), 3xist3nc3 (1439), westondeboer (44), OneiricNeuron (45) 2022:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3380), hellapanda (1767), aspbergerinparadise (1587), 3xist3nc3 (1439), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2022:< SadZr40> Cinderella 2022:< aspbergerinparadise> cinderella 2022:< hellapanda> cinderella 2022:< 3xist3nc3> Cinderella 2022:< westondeboer> cinderella 2022:< q00u> Wreck-It Ralph 2022:< MorallyDeplorable> Cinderella 2022:< npinsker> The answer was Cinderella! Correct users: SadZr40 (3384), aspbergerinparadise (1590), hellapanda (1769), 3xist3nc3 (1440), westondeboer... 2022:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Philosophy || What political philosophy favors individual sovereignty, private property, and open markets over the state? 2023:< comrade_trump> rand 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's. 2023:< MorallyDeplorable> capitalism 2023:< hellapanda> venus 2023:< SadZr40> Venus 2023:< sbblakey777> Venus 2023:< westondeboer> venus 2023:< 3xist3nc3> Venus 2023:< OneiricNeuron> mars 2023:< q00u> Jupiter 2023:< npinsker> The answer was Venus! Correct users: hellapanda (1773), SadZr40 (3387), sbblakey777 (2), westondeboer (45), 3xist3nc3 (1440) 2023:< hellapanda> victory! 2023:< npinsker> CATEGORY: TV Trivia || In the children's tv series 'Sesame Street', what two characters were roomates? 2023:< hellapanda> bert and ernie 2023:< 3xist3nc3> Bert and Ernie 2023:< SadZr40> Bert and Ernie 2023:< westondeboer> bert and ernie 2023:< PotatoBadger> The answer was anarcho-capitalism! Correct users: nobody :( 2023:< q00u> Ernie and Bert 2024:< npinsker> The answer was Bert and Ernie! Correct users: hellapanda (1777), 3xist3nc3 (1443), SadZr40 (3389), westondeboer (46), q00u (63) 2024:< Deathly809> Bert and Rubber Duckie 2024:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Film Title: ______ (a number) Leagues Under the Sea. 2024:< q00u> Haha, it accepted that? I had a rant all ready 2024:< SadZr40> 20,000 2024:< 3xist3nc3> 20000 2024:< Deathly809> 20000 2024:< hellapanda> 20000 2024:< westondeboer> 2000 2024:< MorallyDeplorable> 20,000 2024:< OneiricNeuron> Jules Verne 2024:< westondeboer> 20000 2024:< q00u> Twenty Thousand 2024:< westondeboer> Twenty Thousand 2024:< npinsker> The answer was 20,000! Correct users: SadZr40 (3393), MorallyDeplorable (3) 2024:< hellapanda> wow k 2024:< OneiricNeuron> woah haha 2025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries? 2025:< sbblakey777> %chat You using parrot? 2025:< aspbergerinparadise> africa 2025:< 3xist3nc3> Africa 2025:< OneiricNeuron> europe 2025:< MorallyDeplorable> Africa 2025:< q00u> Antartica 2025:< OneiricNeuron> asia 2025:< westondeboer> africa 2025:< hellapanda> africa 2025:< npinsker> The answer was Africa! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (1594), 3xist3nc3 (1446), MorallyDeplorable (5), westondeboer (47), hellapand... 2025:< OneiricNeuron> i was close 2025:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || In which country was the match invented? 2025:< q00u> China 2025:< OneiricNeuron> china 2025:< sbblakey777> America, nigga 2025:< westondeboer> china 2026:< q00u> China invented everything. 2026:< npinsker> The answer was France! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2026:< MorallyDeplorable> china 2026:< sbblakey777> Ohio Blue Tips 2026:< 3xist3nc3> lol 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who took dictation from Perry Mason? 2026:< 3xist3nc3> john alslon 2026:< SadZr40> Della Street 2026:< q00u> Mrs Mason 2026:< npinsker> The answer was Della Street! Correct users: SadZr40 (3397) 2026:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is recognised as the father of geometry? 2027:< 3xist3nc3> ben dapper 2027:< SadZr40> Euclid 2027:< westondeboer> euclid 2027:< purple_pan> Euclid 2027:< MorallyDeplorable> euclid 2027:< q00u> Euler 2027:< 3xist3nc3> euclid 2027:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: SadZr40 (3401), westondeboer (50), purple_pan (12), MorallyDeplorable (6), 3xist3nc3 (1446) 2027:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: SadZr40 (3401), hellapanda (1777), aspbergerinparadise (1594), 3xist3nc3 (1446), Patarknight (1363), tRitone11 (778), chrz... 2027:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || General Sherman burned this city in 1864. 2027:< SadZr40> Atlanta 2027:< Deathly809> atlanta 2027:< aspbergerinparadise> atlanta 2027:< westondeboer> atlanta 2027:< MorallyDeplorable> atlanta 2027:< 3xist3nc3> Atlanta 2027:< q00u> Peabody 2028:< q00u> Atlantis 2028:< npinsker> The answer was Atlanta! Correct users: SadZr40 (3405), Deathly809 (24), aspbergerinparadise (1596), westondeboer (51), MorallyDeplorabl... 2028:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BANANAS || Individual bananas are called ? 2028:< SadZr40> fingers 2028:< Deathly809> yummy 2028:< 3xist3nc3> Figers 2028:< q00u> Bananus 2028:< westondeboer> banana 2028:< Deathly809> dildo 2028:< 3xist3nc3> ^ 2028:< npinsker> The answer was fingers! Correct users: SadZr40 (3409) 2029:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which country has Budapest as its capital? 2029:< SadZr40> Hungary 2029:< 3xist3nc3> Hungary 2029:< aspbergerinparadise> hungary 2029:< westondeboer> hungary 2029:< q00u> Thailand 2029:< Deathly809> Hungary 2029:< npinsker> The answer was Hungary! Correct users: SadZr40 (3413), 3xist3nc3 (1449), aspbergerinparadise (1598), westondeboer (52), Deathly809 (24) 2029:< Deathly809> The country formerly known as Hungary 2030:< Deathly809> Did chat die 2030:< q00u> npinsker is kill 2030:< CorrinPhD> nah ah 2030:< q00u> no 2030:< 3xist3nc3> virtual brain fart 2030:< sbblakey777> %chat I don't get why people would want to stay 2030:< Deathly809> I thought robin crashed or something lol 2031:< npinsker> i want to get rid of the bots... 2031:< q00u> hehehe 2031:< npinsker> is there anyone that i should ban? 2031:< chrismash> sadz 2031:< 3xist3nc3> sadzr 2031:< Deathly809> I don't see any bots. I guess my script is good 2031:< SadZr40> ban everyone 2031:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, I have a few nicks on ignore, and it's very peaceful 2031:< pandersson97> shit npinsker has joined 2032:< pandersson97> all hail the trivia prophet 2032:< q00u> Hall Of Fame whoever is top. 2032:< chrismash> so sadzr? 2032:< pandersson97> we stopped the trivia? :( 2032:< 3xist3nc3> he has been doing it for a day or two 2032:< SadZr40> doing what? 2032:< Deathly809> Chat forever, chat for life. 2033:< Deathly809> #Winning 2033:< chrismash> you get every single one 2033:< chrismash> and don't even respond? 2033:< SadZr40> but i don't 2033:< Deathly809> He probably memorized them all. The bot repeats a few times 2033:< chrismash> what? 2034:< 3xist3nc3> I see almost all are answered correctly 2034:< chrismash> he must have very fast typing skills 2034:< Deathly809> The answers. There are only so many. 2034:< npinsker> sorry i'm coding the banlist, gimme a sec 2034:< chrismash> ok 2034:< Deathly809> Maybe the trivia bot should ban people who answers trivia correctly 500 times in a row 2034:< q00u> npinsker, while you're here, you mind fixing your bot though? 2034:< npinsker> what do you want fixed? 2034:< q00u> Skip questions that are too long. 2035:< chrismash> or maybe people who answer within 5ms? 2035:< SadZr40> it adds more fun to guess 2035:< chrismash> or even 1 second? 2035:< q00u> lol 2035:< Deathly809> Add more questions. Maybe some computer science ones. 2035:< pandersson97> yeah, add character counter and split the message if it's over 150 char long 2035:< Deathly809> brb 2035:< q00u> Deathly, it's an existing database of questions. 2036:< chrismash> but there's 4000 questions 2036:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2036:< SadZr40> it does seem to repeat a little often 2036:< dkozinn> Like Jeopardy, you aren't allowed to answer too fast 2036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the name of Hamlet's tragic admirer? 2036:< chrismash> Ophelia 2036:< westondeboer> Ophelia 2036:< q00u> Ophelia but I don't want to write the correct answer because you'll get banned! 2036:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || The only place in the world where one can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic ... 2037:< SadZr40> panama 2037:< westondeboer> panama 2037:< q00u> A man a plan a canal 2037:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2037:< chrismash> panama 2037:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Helena is the capital of ____________? 2037:< q00u> Troy 2037:< chrismash> but all i see is useless junk 2037:< westondeboer> Montana 2037:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The fallacy of personifying inanimate objects, often in bad taste? 2038:< Deathly809> lol no answer I see 2038:< purple_pan> pathetic fallacy 2038:< 3xist3nc3> Cheesy 2038:< SadZr40> pathetic fallacy 2038:< q00u> Pygmalionism 2038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Animal Kingdom || What colour is a robin's egg? 2038:< SadZr40> blue 2038:< dkozinn> blue 2038:< westondeboer> blue 2038:< pandersson97> pathetic fallacy 2038:< q00u> BLUE! WE ALL KNOW THIS ONE! 2038:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2038:< chrismash> i think they're testing it 2038:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam? 2038:< dkozinn> star 2038:< aspbergerinparadise> star 2038:< 3xist3nc3> star 2038:< pandersson97> star 2038:< SadZr40> star 2038:< q00u> Peace Symbol 2038:< westondeboer> star 2039:< Deathly809> How is that geography 2039:< npinsker> The answer was star! Correct users: dkozinn (4), aspbergerinparadise (3), 3xist3nc3 (2), pandersson97 (1), SadZr40 (4), westondeboer (3) 2039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Famous Places || What Surrey town is famed for its salts? 2039:< SadZr40> epsom 2039:< dkozinn> epsom 2039:< chrismash> because it's countries 2039:< westondeboer> epson 2039:< q00u> Miami 2039:< 3xist3nc3> salty 2039:< pandersson97> epsom 2039:< npinsker> (banned SadZr40) 2039:< dkozinn> Yay! 2039:< npinsker> The answer was Epsom! Correct users: dkozinn (8), pandersson97 (4) 2039:< pandersson97> dang 2039:< RackClimber> 2197 idiots left. 2039:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state borders Alabama to the north? 2039:< 3xist3nc3> cool 2039:< pandersson97> what happens now? 2039:< aspbergerinparadise> tennessee 2040:< q00u> Canada 2040:< 3xist3nc3> Tennessee 2040:< dkozinn> tennessee 2040:< chrismash> more like 822 2040:< westondeboer> tennesee 2040:< SadZr40> welp gudbie 2040:< npinsker> The answer was Tennessee! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (7), 3xist3nc3 (5), dkozinn (10) 2040:< chrismash> shouldn't of botted all day 2040:< q00u> Do you border Alabama to the north? Because you're the only Ten I See 2040:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nutrition || What makes brown bread healthier than white bread? 2040:< 3xist3nc3> Cya scriptman 2040:< SadZr40> wholemeal 2040:< dkozinn> whole grain 2040:< purple_pan> what happened with that literature question? 2040:< Deathly809> nothing 2040:< westondeboer> whole grain 2040:< Rofl_Waffler> wheat husk 2040:< SadZr40> make sure it works for him 2040:< westondeboer> wheat 2040:< pandersson97> hey Sad, since this is your fall kinda. Would you mind uploading that bot to github? ;) 2040:< q00u> Brown things are just healthier 2040:< npinsker> The answer was wholemeal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2041:< chrismash> pander enjoy ban if you get it 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior. 2041:< q00u> Sad 2041:< aspbergerinparadise> duluth 2041:< westondeboer> duluth 2041:< 3xist3nc3> Duluth Minnesota 2041:< npinsker> The answer was Duluth! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (11), westondeboer (6) 2041:< labtec901> How are people botting the trivia? 2041:< q00u> Lake Smug 2041:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2041:< chrismash> ez 2041:< npinsker> i'm at work so i have to do other things, tag my name if there's anything else i should do 2041:< q00u> Are the points reset? 2041:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did Julius Caesar cross to signal a revolt against the senate? 2042:< labtec901> THE LINE 2042:< q00u> The rubicon 2042:< pandersson97> the trivia database is on npinsker's github repisitory 2042:< chrismash> use jquery 2042:< npinsker> The answer was rubikon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2042:< q00u> doh 2042:< dkozinn> Needs fuzzy spelling 2042:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Space || The Sun is how much more dense than water? 2042:< pandersson97> 0.25 2042:< dkozinn> 93 million miles 2042:< chrismash> so you can be like rukobn 2042:< dkozinn> Oh wait....... 2042:< npinsker> The answer was 1.41! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2042:< chrismash> or maybe even gifkb 2043:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) ______. 2043:< Rofl_Waffler> acronym 2043:< 3xist3nc3> It Acronym 2043:< chrismash> anus 2043:< q00u> initialism 2043:< dkozinn> acronym 2043:< What-the-curtains> acronym 2043:< npinsker> The answer was acronym! Correct users: Rofl_Waffler (4), 3xist3nc3 (8), dkozinn (12), What-the-curtains (1) 2043:< chrismash> oh --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:44:00 2016 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || You probably didn't use this orange and gray gun in The Adventures of Bayou Billy, but you could have. 2044:< chrismash> it's a javascript bot 2044:< Deathly809> the nes gun thing 2044:< q00u> Super soaker 2044:< 3xist3nc3> duck hunt 2044:< Deathly809> powergun 2044:< Deathly809> idk 2044:< q00u> It still had my points from answering yesterday 2044:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Where is Dogger Bank? 2044:< chrismash> toomuchwhiskey there are 4000 questions 2044:< q00u> until just now. 2044:< Deathly809> It was NES Zapper 2044:< dkozinn> dogger 2045:< 3xist3nc3> England 2045:< chrismash> it randomly selects them 2045:< pandersson97> you don't even have to do that Too_MuchWhisket since the trivia database is easily findable in npinsker's github repsository for the trivi 2045:< pandersson97> trivia bot 2045:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2045:< chrismash> maybe npinkser needs to write an algorithm to make it less random to make it feel more random 2045:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He was the U.S. president during the Civil War. 2045:< aspbergerinparadise> abraham lincoln 2045:< dkozinn> abraham lincoln 2045:< npinsker> The answer was Abraham Lincoln! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (15) 2045:< What-the-curtains> Lincoln 2045:< FreeTheAnimals> Lincoln 2045:< purple_pan> abraham lincoln 2046:< q00u> Bozo The Clown 2046:< pandersson97> yeah chris, ppl be complaining about randomity when it's true random x) 2046:< dkozinn> Playing with the timing? 2046:< npinsker> The answer was Born In The USA! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What was the first CD pressed in the USA? 2046:< dkozinn> born in the usa 2046:< 3xist3nc3> Born in the USA 2046:< q00u> Hehehe 2046:< purple_pan> Born in the USA 2046:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Babbage! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2046:< oOYokersOo> Born in the USA 2046:< What-the-curtains> Born in the USA 2046:< chrismash> 'We're making it less random to make it feel more random' - Steve Jobs 2046:< pandersson97> should I fuck shit up? I can link to the trivia database and you just need to control+f the question for the answer 2046:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hisory || Who invented the predecessor to today's computers? 2047:< dkozinn> npinsker I think the bot isn't well 2047:< What-the-curtains> Charles Babbage 2047:< purple_pan> alan during? 2047:< dkozinn> charles baggage 2047:< chrismash> pander why? 2047:< q00u> Barles Cabbage 2047:< purple_pan> a man 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many hearts do earthworms have? 2047:< dkozinn> a plan 2047:< pandersson97> if ppl want it 2047:< What-the-curtains> 7 2047:< Name0fTheUser> nobody 2047:< q00u> 4 2047:< 3xist3nc3> five 2047:< FreeTheAnimals> 9 2047:< chrismash> right 2047:< lactha> a million 2047:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || How many hearts do earthworms have? 2047:< pandersson97> 9 2047:< oOYokersOo> 5 2047:< q00u> 4 2047:< dkozinn> 7 2047:< What-the-curtains> Seven 2047:< 3xist3nc3> five 2047:< chrismash> just incase people want it 2047:< chrismash> RIGHT! 2047:< npinsker> The answer was five! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (12), oOYokersOo (3) 2047:< q00u> NPINSKER! Your bot has broke 2047:< oOYokersOo> ez pz 2048:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2048:< dkozinn> apollo 2048:< pandersson97> https://github.com/npinsker/robin_triviabot/blob/master/questions.txt 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery? 2048:< What-the-curtains> Apollo 2048:< dkozinn> This is pretty funny 2048:< KiragamiCube> artemis 2048:< oOYokersOo> Apollo 2048:< pandersson97> there's the database for the trivia, you just need to ctrl+f the question 2048:< npinsker> The answer was Apollo! Correct users: What-the-curtains (5), oOYokersOo (6) 2048:< CryEagle> We need new games, just Trivia is getting stale 2048:< q00u> Pandersson, we know. 2048:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is Dennis the Menace's surname? 2049:< q00u> Menace 2049:< pandersson97> now more ppl know hopefully :) 2049:< jayman419> There's an RPG game, but the person who runs it is at work. 2049:< 3xist3nc3> Menace 2049:< lactha> madden 2049:< q00u> Who didn't know before? 2049:< Deathly809> Someone should make an adventure game where everyone votes on what to do next 2049:< jayman419> I guess role-playing game game is a bit redundant. 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Mitchell! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2049:< PotatoBadger> CATEGORY: Technology || What digital currency was invented in 2008 by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? 2049:< FreeTheAnimals> mitchell 2049:< dkozinn> bitcoin 2049:< CryEagle> Deathly809 so many ideas, and only 4 days left :'( 2049:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes? 2049:< aspbergerinparadise> minnesota 2049:< hellapanda> minnesota 2049:< 3xist3nc3> Minnesota 2049:< FreeTheAnimals> bitcoin 2049:< dkozinn> minnesota 2049:< q00u> Maxesota 2049:< oOYokersOo> Minnesota 2049:< Deathly809> How come IRC channels are mostly dead but this thing is slammed? 2049:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: oOYokersOo (10) 2050:< sotricious> ear 2050:< PotatoBadger> CATEOGRY: Reddit || When does the narwhal bacon? 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The name of the only weapon in women's fencing? 2050:< CryEagle> at midnight 2050:< hellapanda> foil 2050:< q00u> epee 2050:< 3xist3nc3> le midnight XD 2050:< CryEagle> fuck you badger i fell for that 2050:< dkozinn> midnight 2050:< dick_sanitizer> wow thats an old reddit meme lol 2050:< PotatoBadger> Fuck you CryEagle 2050:< npinsker> The answer was foil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2050:< hellapanda> npinsker whyyy 2050:< CryEagle> Let's fuck each other PotatoBadger 2050:< PotatoBadger> FUCK YOURSELF 2050:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Lilongwe is the capital of ____________? 2050:< q00u> npinsker broke everything 2050:< hellapanda> malawi 2050:< 3xist3nc3> Malawi 2051:< PotatoBadger> Kentucky 2051:< npinsker> yeah i'm aware, trying to fix it 2051:< 3xist3nc3> Mali 2051:< Deathly809> Malawi 2051:< npinsker> The answer was Malawi! Correct users: Deathly809 (4) 2051:< Deathly809> Why am I right and you guys wrong lol 2051:< hellapanda> lmao 2051:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fat Presidents || Which President weighed 352 pounds? 2051:< hagbard-celine> taft 2051:< CryEagle> CATEGORY : Memes || You da real ________? 2051:< dkozinn> howard taft 2051:< hellapanda> taft 2051:< 3xist3nc3> Taft 2051:< Deathly809> taffy 2051:< q00u> CryEagle no. 2051:< hellapanda> taft 2051:< dkozinn> mvp 2051:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: hagbard-celine (4), dkozinn (20), hellapanda (12), 3xist3nc3 (18) 2052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What is the mother's name in Family Circus? 2052:< CryEagle> The answer was mvp! Correct users: dkozinn (1) 2052:< aspbergerinparadise> thelma 2052:< hellapanda> thelma 2052:< dkozinn> louise 2052:< q00u> Louise 2052:< CryEagle> Who wants to see webm of me sucking my own dick 2052:< npinsker> The answer was Thelma! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (23), hellapanda (15) 2052:< dkozinn> Nice try potatobadger 2052:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || In what sport is the term 'terminal speed' used? 2052:< hellapanda> drag racing 2052:< dkozinn> skydiving 2052:< Deathly809> I blocked potato lol 2052:< q00u> Skydiving 2052:< oOYokersOo> racing 2053:< npinsker> The answer was Drag Racing! Correct users: hellapanda (19) 2053:< dkozinn> Meh 2053:< hellapanda> were points reset or nah? 2053:< Deathly809> they were reset 2053:< q00u> Deathly809 I've muted so many people, I have no idea what's going on. 2053:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?" 2053:< BrownMario> twenty questions 2053:< aspbergerinparadise> 20 questions 2053:< hellapanda> ah 2053:< dkozinn> 20 questions 2053:< q00u> Strip Poker 2053:< hellapanda> 20 questions 2053:< oOYokersOo> 20 questions 2053:< KiragamiCube> heads up 2053:< dkozinn> q00u +++ 2053:< npinsker> The answer was twenty questions! Correct users: BrownMario (4), aspbergerinparadise (26), dkozinn (22), hellapanda (20), oOYokersOo (10) 2053:< CryEagle> Having your homies swap your cum only to spit it in your ready asshole #SquadGoals 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official. 2054:< BrownMario> cardinal 2054:< hellapanda> cardinal 2054:< q00u> Everyone is equal now! 2054:< dkozinn> cardinal 2054:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2054:< q00u> Popebird 2054:< 3xist3nc3> Cardinal 2054:< hellapanda> lol popebird 2054:< npinsker> The answer was cardinal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2054:< q00u> WAT 2054:< 3xist3nc3> What 2054:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Stand on your heads.... NOW! ;-) || When read upside down, what does the term "umop apisdn" signify? 2054:< hellapanda> upside down 2054:< 3xist3nc3> upside down 2055:< npinsker> test 2055:< BrownMario> upside down 2055:< q00u> inside out 2055:< Deathly809> npinker your bot broke 2055:< dkozinn> upside down 2055:< hellapanda> they know 2055:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2055:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which British group holds the record for the album to remain in the US Billboard charts for the longest time? 2055:< dkozinn> pink floyd 2055:< BrownMario> the beatles 2055:< hellapanda> pink floyd 2055:< q00u> The Wombles 2055:< dkozinn> dark side of the moon 2055:< Deathly809> the who 2055:< BrownMario> pink floyd 2056:< npinsker> The answer was Pink Floyd! Correct users: dkozinn (28), hellapanda (30), GriffinPrice (2), BrownMario (10) 2056:< BrownMario> why did the points reset??? T_T 2056:< CryEagle> ALL IN ALL YOU'RE JUST A DARK SIDE OF THE MOON 2056:< npinsker> sorry -- i'm on a different computer at work 2056:< hellapanda> ooh 2056:< npinsker> i can merge the points when i get back home 2056:< q00u> To prevent meltdown from critical mass 2056:< BrownMario> nice nice 2056:< hellapanda> you're too nic 2056:< CryEagle> Jeb is a mess 2056:< hellapanda> nice 2056:< BrownMario> so nic 2056:< npinsker> The answer was Suez Canal! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2056:< q00u> wat 2056:< CryEagle> Jeb is a waste 2056:< CryEagle> Jeb is a big fat mistake 2056:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The two tire manufacturers in F1 are Bridgestone and ........? 2056:< BrownMario> there was no question... i feel like i'm taking crazy pills 2056:< 3xist3nc3> please clap 2056:< hellapanda> michelin 2056:< dkozinn> firestone 2057:< Deathly809> firestone 2057:< 3xist3nc3> firestone 2057:< BrownMario> firestone 2057:< StuRobo> Michelin 2057:< hellapanda> oh firestone? 2057:< BrownMario> michelin 2057:< Deathly809> idk 2057:< npinsker> The answer was Michelin! Correct users: hellapanda (34), StuRobo (3), BrownMario (12) 2057:< BrownMario> nice panda 2057:< dkozinn> TIL 2057:< hellapanda> phew 2057:< Deathly809> I didn't know any other brands 2057:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || In which sport or game is the term "rook" used? 2057:< hellapanda> chess 2057:< aspbergerinparadise> chess 2057:< StuRobo> Chess 2057:< dkozinn> chess 2057:< BrownMario> chess 2057:< 3xist3nc3> Chess 2057:< BrownMario> sport? alright 2057:< hellapanda> or game! 2057:< 3xist3nc3> I thought it was firestone because both ended with stone 2057:< q00u> rook behind you! 2057:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: hellapanda (38), aspbergerinparadise (29), StuRobo (5), GriffinPrice (3), dkozinn (28), BrownMario... 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What subject did 'Mr. Chips' teach? 2058:< BrownMario> literature 2058:< q00u> Computers 2058:< hellapanda> literature 2058:< StuRobo> literature 2058:< dkozinn> history 2058:< q00u> Baking 2058:< hellapanda> latin 2058:< npinsker> The answer was Latin! Correct users: hellapanda (42) 2058:< BrownMario> damn 2058:< hellapanda> haha 2058:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || An "omniscient" person has unlimited __________. 2058:< aspbergerinparadise> knowledge 2058:< BrownMario> knowledge 2058:< hellapanda> bots gone or did they get ignored? 2058:< StuRobo> knowledge 2058:< dkozinn> At least we're not all copying each other 100% of the time 2058:< q00u> subscriptions to OMNI magazine 2059:< 3xist3nc3> presence 2059:< npinsker> The answer was knowledge! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (33), BrownMario (15), Hippoaddict (2), StuRobo (6) 2059:< q00u> hellapanda yes 2059:< dkozinn> hallapanda he tweaked the trivia bot to ignore them 2059:< hellapanda> oh sweet! 2059:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common? 2059:< hellapanda> james 2059:< 3xist3nc3> @hellapanda someone got the banhammer 2059:< dkozinn> I thinkjames 2059:< BrownMario> james 2059:< aspbergerinparadise> the first name " james " 2059:< StuRobo> james 2059:< q00u> They were all president. 2059:< BrownMario> they were presidents 2059:< hellapanda> yass love it. ty trivia bot 2059:< 3xist3nc3> The first name "James" 2059:< npinsker> The answer was The first name "James"! Correct users: hellapanda (46), dkozinn (31), BrownMario (17), StuRobo (7), 3xist3nc3 (21) 2100:< BrownMario> and better regex! nice 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which state is Tupelo? 2100:< dkozinn> mississippi 2100:< hellapanda> mississippi 2100:< StuRobo> missippi 2100:< BrownMario> mi cabeza 2100:< PotatoBadger> /r/Anarcho_Capitalism 2100:< q00u> Confusion 2100:< dickeith> ayyyy lmao 2100:< StuRobo> mississippi 2100:< PotatoBadger> /r/btc 2100:< 3xist3nc3> Misspeepee 2100:< StuRobo> speling 2100:< BrownMario> mississippi 2100:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users:              dkozinn (4),           hellapanda (3),      $             StuRobo (2),      $  ... 2100:< hellapanda> missippi 2100:< Countdown369> mississippi 2100:< StuRobo> ;-) 2100:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || How many lines are in a sonnet? 2100:< aspbergerinparadise> 14 2100:< hellapanda> 14 2100:< BrownMario> fourteen 2101:< Countdown369> 13 2101:< dkozinn> 12 2101:< StuRobo> 14 2101:< mindragon> 14 2101:< q00u> 22 2101:< dick_sanitizer> 14 2101:< npinsker> The answer was fourteen! Correct users:      $ aspbergerinparadise (4),      $          hellapanda (3),      $          BrownMario (3),... 2101:< dkozinn> 42 2101:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Over 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by some form of _____. 2101:< aspbergerinparadise> water 2101:< dkozinn> water 2101:< 3xist3nc3> The winner: No one 2101:< StuRobo> water 2101:< BrownMario> or lets just skip that 2101:< mindragon> Water 2101:< q00u> cheese 2101:< OneiricNeuron> milk 2101:< BrownMario> water 2101:< 3xist3nc3> Water 2101:< hellapanda> h2o 2101:< npinsker> The answer was Water! Correct users:      $ aspbergerinparadise (8),      $             dkozinn (3),      $             StuRobo (5),   ... 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many days in Rayman imprisoned for in the Story Mode of "Rayman Raving Rabbids"? 2102:< dkozinn> Are we in question-only mode? 2102:< hellapanda> lol 2102:< BrownMario> no more answers? 2102:< q00u> Yup 2102:< BrownMario> no more points? 2102:< StuRobo> quizbot broke 2102:< hellapanda> mystery mode 2102:< dick_sanitizer> lololol 2102:< Countdown369> GIMME POINTS 2102:< npinsker> The answer was 15! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2102:< BrownMario> what.. 2102:< OneiricNeuron> haha 2102:< q00u> I like question only mode. 2102:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || What was the first cartoon character called? 2102:< BrownMario> that was 3 questions ago 2102:< q00u> I can pretend all my answers are correct. 2102:< OneiricNeuron> pop eye 2102:< hellapanda> oswald 2102:< StuRobo> mickey 2103:< BrownMario> oswald 2103:< hellapanda> oswald the rabbit 2103:< npinsker> The answer was Oswald the Rabbit! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (7) 2103:< dick_sanitizer> spooky scary skeleton 2103:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Baseball || Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap? 2103:< hellapanda> ruth 2103:< 3xist3nc3> Babe Ruth 2103:< BrownMario> babe ruth 2103:< OneiricNeuron> baby ruth 2103:< q00u> Mars Bar 2103:< StuRobo> non american here... wot's baseball? 2103:< npinsker> The answer was Babe Ruth! Correct users:      $           3xist3nc3 (4),      $          BrownMario (6) 2103:< StuRobo> jk 2103:< BrownMario> snickers 2104:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || Time ________ when you're having fun? 2104:< BrownMario> ok this bot is broken 2104:< hellapanda> stops 2104:< dkozinn> flies 2104:< BrownMario> slows down 2104:< npinsker> sigh, i guess it still isn't working is it 2104:< BrownMario> stops 2104:< q00u> flowers 2104:< BrownMario> accelerates 2104:< npinsker> it should be recording answers, even if it isn't saying them 2104:< hellapanda> oh wait flies 2104:< OneiricNeuron> is that a queestion? 2104:< BrownMario> JESUS THAT"S SO SIMPLE PANDA HOW DID I MISS THAT 2105:< hellapanda> haha 2105:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2105:< hellapanda> ? 2105:< q00u> I think npinsker's work computer is not as fancy as the home computer. 2105:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who played Scarlette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"? 2105:< aspbergerinparadise> vivien leigh 2105:< BrownMario> your mom 2105:< q00u> Tom Jones 2105:< OneiricNeuron> scarlet johanson 2105:< dkozinn> olivia dehavilland 2105:< StuRobo> ricky bobby 2105:< npinsker> The answer was Vivien Leigh! Correct users:      $ aspbergerinparadise (12) 2106:< npinsker> The answer was Vivien Leigh! Correct users:      $ aspbergerinparadise (12) 2106:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicien || In what body part does an osteopath specialise? 2106:< BrownMario> bones 2106:< ferndave> I can't believe this room is still going 2106:< hellapanda> bone 2106:< BrownMario> boners 2106:< q00u> Medicien?? 2106:< StuRobo> boners 2106:< OneiricNeuron> le bone 2106:< dkozinn> bones 2106:< OneiricNeuron> les bones 2106:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2106:< hellapanda> a bot typo! 2106:< npinsker> The answer was bones! Correct users:      $          BrownMario (10),      $          hellapanda (10),      $       OneiricNeuron (2), ... 2106:< StuRobo> das bones 2106:< npinsker> The answer was bones! Correct users:      $          BrownMario (10),      $          hellapanda (10),      $       OneiricNeuron (2), ... 2106:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2106:< BrownMario> no answers and points, should i just give up and actually do some work at the office? 2106:< hellapanda> nah 2106:< q00u> Yeah me too. 2107:< BrownMario> nahhhhhhhhhh 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who is the autor of the song 'Blue Suede Shoes'? 2107:< q00u> Trivia is more fun though. 2107:< hellapanda> carl perkins 2107:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2107:< q00u> autor? 2107:< OneiricNeuron> michael jackson 2107:< dkozinn> carl perkins 2107:< SpatulaCat> ELVIS PRESLEY 2107:< hellapanda> another bot typo! ooh! 2107:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || "Donkey Kong 64" appeared on the Nintendo 64 in which year? 2107:< OneiricNeuron> elvis presley 2107:< hellapanda> 1999 2107:< q00u> 1964 2107:< 3xist3nc3> 1999 2107:< ferndave> 1999 2107:< npinsker> The answer was 1999! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (14),      $           3xist3nc3 (7),      $            ferndave (2) 2107:< npinsker> The answer was 1999! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (14),      $           3xist3nc3 (7),      $            ferndave (2) 2107:< ferndave> this is like deja vu 2108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || This mainstay of the Contra series fires multiple red bullets at 45 degree angles, making it useful for both c... 2108:< BrownMario> c...ancer! 2108:< q00u> c.......??????? 2108:< fzh> gun 2108:< hellapanda> abagail 2108:< ferndave> controllers 2108:< npinsker> The answer was Spread Gun! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2108:< q00u> I thought npinsker was going to fix this?? 2108:< hellapanda> lol farts 2108:< npinsker> am working on it >< 2108:< q00u> >< 2108:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Who published the game "1942" on the NES? 2108:< hellapanda> CAPCOM 2108:< q00u> Just kidding npinkser I love you most of all. 2109:< q00u> Steven Speilberg 2109:< npinsker> The answer was Capcom! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (18) 2109:< OneiricNeuron> false some humans cant jump 2109:< q00u> FALSE. Blue whales can't either. 2109:< BrownMario> it's alright npinsker you've given me hours of fun you do you 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Name of the protagonist of the video game Half-Life? 2109:< q00u> Chell 2109:< hellapanda> gordon 2109:< dkozinn> gordon freeman 2109:< q00u> He already has a name. 2109:< 3xist3nc3> gordon 2109:< npinsker> The answer was Gordon! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (22),      $           3xist3nc3 (10) 2109:< q00u> Gordon Fromen 2109:< BrownMario> gordon fromen 2109:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty? 2109:< tRitone11> July 4 1776 2109:< q00u> lol mario 2110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty? 2110:< hellapanda> oh no 2110:< tRitone11> July 4 1776 2110:< BrownMario> idk who to copy! 2110:< q00u> tritone11 is a bot! 2110:< npinsker> The answer was July 4 1776! Correct users:      $           tRitone11 (4) 2110:< npinsker> The answer was July 4 1776! Correct users:      $           tRitone11 (4) 2110:< laserboy666> falkse 2110:< hellapanda> we a bot back 2110:< tRitone11> no I am not 2110:< npinsker> CATEGORY: American History || What state is only part of the United States by treaty? 2110:< q00u> That's just what a bot would say. 2110:< BrownMario> alaska 2110:< hellapanda> texas 2110:< tRitone11> Alaska 2110:< -randomity-> Maine 2110:< OneiricNeuron> perto rico 2110:< q00u> Oregon 2110:< BrownMario> damn it i actually want to know the answer to this one 2110:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (26) 2111:< npinsker> The answer was Texas! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (26) 2111:< OneiricNeuron> i know right\ 2111:< q00u> It's alaska 2111:< Deathly809> Guan 2111:< Deathly809> Guam 2111:< hellapanda> giving a fake answer to throw off the trail.. ok ;) 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Yanks || What house was the biggest in america until the Cival war? 2111:< -randomity-> whiye 2111:< hellapanda> cival war? 2111:< OneiricNeuron> white house 2111:< hellapanda> has it always had all these typos? lol 2111:< -randomity-> white * 2111:< npinsker> The answer was The White House! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2111:< npinsker> The answer was The White House! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2111:< OneiricNeuron> heeeeey 2111:< q00u> Cival??? 2111:< dkozinn> echo 2111:< Deathly809> I think it might be broken lol 2111:< q00u> echo 2111:< npinsker> CATEGORY: America || What city is also known as Beantown? 2111:< BrownMario> answers are back! :) :( :) :( 2111:< dkozinn> boston 2111:< tRitone11> Boston 2111:< hellapanda> boston 2112:< q00u> GOTHAM 2112:< BrownMario> el paso 2112:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2112:< hellapanda> only back if no one gets the answers right 2112:< OneiricNeuron> as a mexican idk but im moving there 2112:< hellapanda> lmao 2112:< BrownMario> lolol 2112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || This Romantic poet and husband to Mary Shelley drowned in a boating accident. 2112:< tRitone11> Percy Bysshe Shelley 2112:< BrownMario> frankenstein 2112:< OneiricNeuron> frankenstein 2112:< q00u> Frankenstone 2112:< BrownMario> nice that's all i know about mary shelley 2112:< npinsker> The answer was Percy Bysshe Shelley! Correct users:      $           tRitone11 (8) 2112:< q00u> tritone def bot 2112:< hellapanda> def def 2112:< tRitone11> @q00u no 2112:< q00u> yup 2112:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What is a the technical name for a heart attack? 2113:< tRitone11> stop with this 2113:< CryEagle> yall mufuckin fagits witchyo mufuckin bots, fuck yaw niggas 2113:< q00u> infarction 2113:< hellapanda> myocardial infarct 2113:< tRitone11> myocardial infarct 2113:< Deathly809> chest pain ouch 2113:< EmeraldIbis> myocardial infarction 2113:< OneiricNeuron> infartction 2113:< npinsker> The answer was myocardial infarct! Correct users:      $          hellapanda (30),      $           tRitone11 (11) 2113:< tRitone11> @q00u if you suck, it doesn't mean I am a bot 2113:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Crossword Clues || Sheltered from the wind (4)? 2113:< tRitone11> alee 2113:< hellapanda> alee 2113:< rbasov> alee 2113:< q00u> If you copy the wrong answer out of the database, you're def a bot. 2113:< BrownMario> alee 2114:< npinsker> The answer was alee! Correct users:      $           tRitone11 (15),      $          hellapanda (33),      $              rbasov (2),  ... 2114:< CryEagle> tRitone11, didn't you tell me you were using a bot earlier today? 2114:< tRitone11> @q00u so if I wrong answer I am a bot? lol 2114:< BrownMario> tritone11 defs a bot 2114:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2114:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) ________. 2114:< q00u> Now I'm wondering about hellapanda too. 2114:< aspbergerinparadise> shoe 2114:< tRitone11> shoe 2114:< BrownMario> train 2114:< hellapanda> shoe 2114:< OneiricNeuron> station 2114:< BrownMario> shoe ... 2114:< 3xist3nc3> Throatfoxing 2114:< npinsker> The answer was shoe! Correct users:      $ aspbergerinparadise (16),      $           tRitone11 (18),      $          hellapanda (35) 2114:< hellapanda> wonder away haha 2115:< Deathly809> false 2115:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Springfield is the capital of ____________? 2115:< hellapanda> ohio 2115:< tRitone11> Illinois 2115:< CryEagle> illinois 2115:< 3xist3nc3> Illinois 2115:< BrownMario> illinois 2115:< OneiricNeuron> simpsons 2115:< q00u> Simpsonland 2115:< hellapanda> damnit lol 2115:< Deathly809> the moon 2115:< 3xist3nc3> D'oh 2115:< BrownMario> close enough 2115:< npinsker> The answer was Illinois! Correct users:      $           tRitone11 (22),      $            CryEagle (3),      $           3xist3nc3 (12... 2115:< npinsker> ahhhh i see what's going on 2115:< OneiricNeuron> how come i can't see the answers? 2115:< npinsker> the robin grow fork broke my script 2115:< BrownMario> bots? 2115:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2115:< hellapanda> is it fixable? 2115:< q00u> npinsker should add a nonsense question to the database. Get it right? Banned. 2115:< OneiricNeuron> robin has a fork? 2116:< 3xist3nc3> The filter $ 2116:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2116:< BrownMario> the answers database is separate from the trivia database 2116:< rbasov> Wait, bird's wings can grasp forks? 2116:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || The ____ generation included such authors as Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsburg. 2116:< q00u> Not with that attitude. 2116:< Savolainen5> beat 2116:< rbasov> baby boomer 2116:< tRitone11> Beat 2116:< hellapanda> beat 2116:< OneiricNeuron> golden 2116:< q00u> greatest 2116:< BrownMario> beat 2116:< rbasov> its the only generation i know 2116:< OneiricNeuron> millenials 2116:< npinsker> The answer was Beat! Correct users: Savolainen5 (4), tRitone11 (3), hellapanda (48), BrownMario (18) 2117:< q00u> ANSWERS ARE BACK! 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Woodchucks || How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 2117:< OneiricNeuron> raise your hand if youre a milenial 2117:< CryEagle> CATEGORY : Geography || Nashville is the capital of ____ ? 2117:< BrownMario> points are still reset :( 2117:< q00u> npinsker I love you 2117:< OneiricNeuron> tn 2117:< Savolainen5> tennessee 2117:< BrownMario> tenesee 2117:< 3xist3nc3> Taylor 2117:< tRitone11> all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck woo 2117:< BrownMario> fuck these states and their weird spelling 2117:< npinsker> The answer was All the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2117:< hellapanda> all the wood that a woodchuck wood chuck whatever 2117:< tRitone11> missed a d 2117:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Politics || Which nation calls its parliament 'The Knesset'? 2117:< CryEagle> Israel 2117:< rbasov> israel 2117:< BrownMario> israel 2117:< tRitone11> Israel 2117:< Savolainen5> Israel 2117:< StuRobo> Sweden 2117:< hellapanda> israel 2117:< q00u> Dune 2118:< awfullotofocelots> all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood 2118:< npinsker> The answer was Israel! Correct users: CryEagle (4), rbasov (3), BrownMario (20), tRitone11 (4), Savolainen5 (4), hellapanda (48) 2118:< dkozinn> npinsker I'm old enough to be a baby boomer 2118:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mining || In which country is the largest gold refinery? 2118:< Savolainen5> chile 2118:< hellapanda> south africa 2118:< tRitone11> South Africa 2118:< rbasov> south africa 2118:< BrownMario> south africa 2118:< CryEagle> Can you pee without discomfort dkozinn 2118:< Shadow6363> South Africa 2118:< 3xist3nc3> Canada 2118:< npinsker> The answer was South Africa! Correct users: hellapanda (52), tRitone11 (7), rbasov (5), BrownMario (21), Shadow6363 (0) 2119:< dkozinn> cryeagle Mostly. 2119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 2119:< hellapanda> qing 2119:< 3xist3nc3> Qing 2119:< BrownMario> qing 2119:< rbasov> qing 2119:< tRitone11> ching 2119:< dick_sanitizer> xing 2119:< BrownMario> ching 2119:< awfullotofocelots> quing 2119:< q00u> Ming 2119:< q00u> Wingding 2119:< dick_sanitizer> qing 2119:< Deathly809> I was in the post office today and a lady wanted to send a package to Zimbabwe ... 2119:< hellapanda> lame 2119:< CryEagle> lmao 2119:< Savolainen5> "ching" 2119:< npinsker> that's not right o.o 2119:< Savolainen5> lolwut, it's qing... 2119:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A depilatory is a substance used for removing ____. 2119:< BrownMario> tritone11 a bot confirmed 2119:< Deathly809> The lady at the counter asked her if she wanted to send it the country of Africa 2119:< hellapanda> hairs 2119:< dick_sanitizer> ching = xing? in pronuonciation anyway lol 2119:< dkozinn> hair 2119:< rbasov> hair 2119:< BrownMario> hair 2119:< q00u> children 2120:< npinsker> The answer was hair! Correct users: dkozinn (35), awfullotofocelots (3), rbasov (7), BrownMario (25) 2120:< hellapanda> laaaame 2120:< npinsker> is there anyone else i should be banning? 2120:< tRitone11> how? 2120:< hellapanda> yes 2120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geometry || A line that touches a circle at two points is called a ..... 2120:< tRitone11> it was right 2120:< Savolainen5> chord 2120:< q00u> chord 2120:< dick_sanitizer> diameter 2120:< hellapanda> chord 2120:< tRitone11> chord 2120:< q00u> tangent 2120:< CryEagle> tangent 2120:< BrownMario> chord 2120:< dick_sanitizer> chord 2120:< rbasov> G# 2120:< Savolainen5> tangent touches one 2120:< q00u> priest 2120:< dick_sanitizer> tangent is one point 2120:< npinsker> The answer was chord! Correct users: Savolainen5 (8), q00u (3), hellapanda (54), tRitone11 (12), BrownMario (25), dick_sanitizer (0), a... 2120:< CryEagle> I didn't read the motherfucking cocksucking question 2120:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He is identified with the expression, "Eureka". 2121:< tRitone11> Archimedes 2121:< hellapanda> archimedes 2121:< Savolainen5> socrates 2121:< aspbergerinparadise> archimedes 2121:< rbasov> archimedes 2121:< 3xist3nc3> Archimedes 2121:< BrownMario> archimedes 2121:< dick_sanitizer> archimedes 2121:< CryEagle> Archie M. Deez (Nuts) 2121:< rbasov> or einestein as it was before 2121:< npinsker> i don't really know who to ban, so it'd help if you could give me names 2121:< q00u> Archemicarus 2121:< npinsker> The answer was Archimedes! Correct users: tRitone11 (16), hellapanda (57), aspbergerinparadise (35), rbasov (8), 3xist3nc3 (21), BrownM... 2121:< hellapanda> tritone11 :) 2121:< 3xist3nc3> Socrates didn't die for this shit 2121:< Savolainen5> :D 2121:< tRitone11> I am not a bot 2121:< rbasov> yay you changed it lol 2121:< CryEagle> tRitone11 just for the lulz 2121:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (57), aspbergerinparadise (35),      $          hellapanda (35), dkozinn (35), BrownMario (25),      $         ... 2121:< hellapanda> you were botting earlier lol 2121:< tRitone11> wtf 2121:< BrownMario> he can be a bot and there at the same time 2121:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Television || The eldest sister in the TV Series Charmed, is played by who? 2121:< CryEagle> i mean you admitted you were botting earlier at least, to me 2121:< -randomity-> Ban? 2122:< hellapanda> doherty 2122:< Savolainen5> the score reporting is weird 2122:< rbasov> it starts with an M 2122:< BrownMario> phoebe 2122:< hellapanda> shannon doherty 2122:< npinsker> The answer was Shannon Doherty! Correct users: hellapanda (61) 2122:< dick_sanitizer> te bots i know are: sadzr40, garret(some number), and asbergerinparadise 2122:< BrownMario> HELLAPANDA A BOT CONFIRMED hahah jk 2122:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter? 2122:< Patarknight> what happened to the points? 2122:< tRitone11> galileo 2122:< rbasov> the hubble telescope 2122:< Savolainen5> galilleo 2122:< BrownMario> gallileo 2122:< hellapanda> i don't think asbergerinparadise is a bot 2122:< dick_sanitizer> galileo 2122:< SadZr40> tritone11 is a bot too 2122:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo! Correct users: tRitone11 (20), dick_sanitizer (3) 2122:< tRitone11> Sono Italiano, i know galielo, I am not a bot 2122:< q00u> Bohemian Rhapsody 2123:< BrownMario> yeah sadzr40 you tell em 2123:< dick_sanitizer> nah dont think he is 2123:< hellapanda> hahaha bot snitching on the other bot 2123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || What does TKO stand for? 2123:< CryEagle> Ya you have to be italian to know Galileo 2123:< hellapanda> total knock out 2123:< rbasov> technical knock out 2123:< SadZr40> https://github.com/tritone11/trivia-bot 2123:< Savolainen5> total knock out 2123:< Patarknight> technical knock out 2123:< BrownMario> technical knock out 2123:< awfullotofocelots> Total Knock out 2123:< tRitone11> Knock Out 2123:< dick_sanitizer> i think he botted earlier but hes stopped now so all g 2123:< CryEagle> LOOOL 2123:< q00u> Technical Knickers Up 2123:< tRitone11> Yes I used a bot I said 2123:< -randomity-> I love how y'all were botting too :P Calm down ratting each other out lol 2123:< npinsker> The answer was Technical Knock Out! Correct users: rbasov (12), Patarknight (3), BrownMario (27), awfullotofocelots (4) 2123:< CryEagle> SadZr40 with the bantz 2123:< tRitone11> I am not using a bot now 2123:< rbasov> "now" 2123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"? 2123:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"? 2123:< q00u> "for now" 2123:< Savolainen5> austria 2123:< rbasov> germany 2123:< aspbergerinparadise> austria 2123:< Patarknight> Austria 2123:< BrownMario> austria 2123:< tRitone11> austria 2123:< hellapanda> loool "now" 2123:< dick_sanitizer> austria 2123:< 3xist3nc3> Austria 2123:< q00u> Australia 2124:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: Savolainen5 (12), aspbergerinparadise (38), Patarknight (5), BrownMario (28), tRitone11 (20), di... 2124:< npinsker> The answer was Austria! Correct users: Savolainen5 (12), aspbergerinparadise (38), Patarknight (5), BrownMario (28), tRitone11 (20), di... 2124:< rbasov> uranus 2124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) _____________. 2124:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) _____________. 2124:< aspbergerinparadise> stinger 2124:< BrownMario> lol npinsker maybe if they get answer right and are the first 3 times in a row they are bots? 2124:< 3xist3nc3> Mouthburner 2124:< q00u> cocktail 2124:< BrownMario> stinger 2124:< rbasov> brown, they could just know stuff... 2124:< awfullotofocelots> stinger 2124:< npinsker> The answer was stinger! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (42), hellapanda (64), rbasov (14), tRitone11 (21), BrownMario (28), awfullo... 2124:< Savolainen5> better make it more, BrownMario, some people are good or are the only ones to know the answer 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Show Biz || What was Don Rickles' nickname? 2125:< SadZr40> i don't think there is a good way to ban based just on answer statistics 2125:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2125:< BrownMario> yeah but 3 times in a row being first? 2125:< tRitone11> mister warmth 2125:< rbasov> mr. warmth 2125:< dick_sanitizer> aspbergerinparadise has been here since 24hrs abo for me 2125:< Savolainen5> it's possible, i saw it happen last night a good deal 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || -isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints 2125:< -randomity-> Judge it on timing. If they're answering immediately and ruining it for others, then you can confirm bot then and there 2125:< Patarknight> rheumatism 2125:< aspbergerinparadise> rheumatism 2125:< tRitone11> rheumatism 2125:< BrownMario> rheumatism 2125:< hellapanda> rheumatism 2125:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2125:< dick_sanitizer> rheumatism 2125:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture. 2126:< aspbergerinparadise> snow white 2126:< BrownMario> snow white 2126:< hellapanda> snow white 2126:< tRitone11> Snow White 2126:< q00u> Rain Black 2126:< dick_sanitizer> cinderella 2126:< Savolainen5> that shit musta been hella dope 2126:< npinsker> The answer was Snow White! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (46), BrownMario (31), hellapanda (66), tRitone11 (22) 2126:< dick_sanitizer> *clear skies black 2126:< BrownMario> capitalization usually spells bots.... 2126:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What city is associated with Alcatraz? 2126:< BrownMario> ain't nobody got time fo that 2126:< Patarknight> San Francisco 2126:< aspbergerinparadise> san francisco 2126:< dkozinn> san francisco 2126:< Savolainen5> san fransico 2126:< tRitone11> San Francisco 2126:< BrownMario> san francisco 2126:< rbasov> San francisco 2126:< Savolainen5> ach 2126:< hellapanda> san francisco 2126:< npinsker> you think tri is botting?$ you think tri is botting? 2126:< q00u> Harry Potter 2126:< tRitone11> @BrownMario stop. 2126:< hellapanda> yes, he was 2126:< npinsker> The answer was San Francisco! Correct users: Patarknight (9), aspbergerinparadise (49), dkozinn (37), tRitone11 (23), BrownMario (31), ... 2126:< 3xist3nc3> @BrownMario not always, but there is one case it's a red flag. Like when Forgive is typed ''FORgive'' 2127:< -randomity-> Otherwise This is pathetic 2127:< CryEagle> he was earlier, he's not botting anymore 2127:< q00u> Capitalization doesn't mean anything. It's easy to change it in code. 2127:< -randomity-> Who cares who botted... 2127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Anatomy || What is the term for a mass of mood moving from your mouth to your stomach called? 2127:< SadZr40> https://github.com/tritone11/trivia-bot 2127:< hellapanda> lolll sadzr40 2127:< Patarknight> bolus 2127:< tRitone11> bolus 2127:< BrownMario> bolus 2127:< hellapanda> bolus 2127:< npinsker> i mean i know the bot exists 2127:< q00u> mood? 2127:< awfullotofocelots> bolus 2127:< -randomity-> swallow 2127:< BrownMario> LOL 2127:< tRitone11> Yes I already said I used a bot yesterday 2127:< npinsker> The answer was bolus! Correct users: Patarknight (13), tRitone11 (26), BrownMario (33), hellapanda (67), awfullotofocelots (4) 2127:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2127:< SadZr40> he was using it earlier and we were racing to answer lol 2127:< hellapanda> yesterday? you mean like an hour ago 2127:< -randomity-> ...... 2127:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Of what is genetics the study? 2127:< Patarknight> genes 2127:< -randomity-> Wow 2127:< rbasov> hereditary 2127:< awfullotofocelots> genes 2127:< q00u> Jeans 2127:< dkozinn> genes 2127:< BrownMario> hey -randomity- i remember you from yesterday! 2128:< Patarknight> heredity 2128:< rbasov> heredity 2128:< awfullotofocelots> heredity 2128:< hellapanda> heredity 2128:< BrownMario> been here for too long..... 2128:< dick_sanitizer> dna 2128:< npinsker> The answer was heredity! Correct users: Patarknight (17), rbasov (17), awfullotofocelots (6), hellapanda (68) 2128:< -randomity-> Yeah, I remember a few of the names here too lol 2128:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What is the name of Hamlet's tragic admirer? 2128:< -randomity-> I check in on and off XD 2128:< awfullotofocelots> Ophelia 2128:< rbasov> othella 2128:< hellapanda> ophelia 2128:< tRitone11> ophelia 2128:< q00u> Sophelia 2128:< BrownMario> ophelia 2128:< rbasov> ophelia hiney 2128:< q00u> lol 2128:< npinsker> The answer was Ophelia! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (10), hellapanda (71), tRitone11 (28), q00u (4), BrownMario (33) 2128:< q00u> WAT 2129:< q00u> NO 2129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Basketball: The Boston ___________. 2129:< BrownMario> celtcis 2129:< tRitone11> Celtics 2129:< rbasov> celtics 2129:< hellapanda> red sox 2129:< awfullotofocelots> Celtics 2129:< BrownMario> celtics 2129:< q00u> Baked Beans 2129:< DrWinters> celtics 2129:< Countdown369> celtics 2129:< Patarknight> Celtics 2129:< ZeoFateX> Join us on Discord for voice chat! https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2129:< BrownMario> god damn 2129:< hellapanda> oh fuck 2129:< awfullotofocelots> wompwomp 2129:< npinsker> The answer was Celtics! Correct users: tRitone11 (32), rbasov (20), awfullotofocelots (12), BrownMario (34), DrWinters (0), Countdown36... 2129:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Films || the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" takes place in which dynasty (- the ' ) 2129:< hellapanda> CHING 2129:< rbasov> qing 2129:< Savolainen5> Ching 2129:< awfullotofocelots> Ching 2129:< BrownMario> ching 2129:< tRitone11> ching 2129:< Savolainen5> lol 2129:< hellapanda> learned this time, lol 2129:< rbasov> i should really be doing homework... 2129:< Deathly809> ching chong 2129:< awfullotofocelots> bonus round 2130:< q00u> I'm not falling for this one again 2130:< tRitone11> yes that's why. same questions 2130:< rbasov> it could've been edited... 2130:< npinsker> The answer was ching! Correct users: hellapanda (75), Savolainen5 (15), awfullotofocelots (14), BrownMario (35), tRitone11 (32) 2130:< BrownMario> aite fam i gotta dip, i am literally not leaving the office just cuz of this, i gotta stop 2130:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________. 2130:< awfullotofocelots> The bot hasn't turned off and on since hten 2130:< tRitone11> lightning 2130:< 3xist3nc3> Cya Mario 2130:< hellapanda> seeya mario 2130:< q00u> Love you brown. Get out while you can. 2130:< rbasov> lightning 2130:< awfullotofocelots> lightning 2130:< npinsker> The answer was lightning! Correct users: tRitone11 (36), rbasov (23), awfullotofocelots (16) 2130:< BrownMario> <3 2130:< Savolainen5> the hell is sheet lightning 2130:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (75), aspbergerinparadise (49), dkozinn (37), tRitone11 (36),      $          hellapanda (35), BrownMario (35),... 2131:< q00u> Don' 2131:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What state is the Golden State? 2131:< q00u> Don't use it as a bed spread. 2131:< aspbergerinparadise> california 2131:< rbasov> california 2131:< hellapanda> california 2131:< Savolainen5> california 2131:< tRitone11> California 2131:< awfullotofocelots> California 2131:< q00u> California Raisins 2131:< npinsker> well i fixed the qing dynasty question at least for next time 2131:< awfullotofocelots> @Savo it looks like a sheet of lightning 2131:< SadZr40> it seems pretty likely aspbergerinparadise is a bot using a slightly different question set 2131:< npinsker> The answer was California! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (53), rbasov (26), hellapanda (77), Savolainen5 (16), tRitone11 (36), awf... 2131:< hellapanda> thx npinsker! 2131:< rbasov> danke 2131:< Savolainen5> that's very helpful :D 2131:< dick_sanitizer> i rekon he definately is... he's been here for 24 hours for me 2132:< Savolainen5> thanks npinsker, you the best 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aviation || How many 'Air Force One'(s) are there? 2132:< awfullotofocelots> 2 2132:< Savolainen5> three 2132:< tRitone11> three 2132:< npinsker> The answer was two! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (20) 2132:< rbasov> 3 2132:< q00u> 2 2132:< tRitone11> two 2132:< Savolainen5> oho 2132:< awfullotofocelots> whoa quick 2132:< 3xist3nc3> 2 2132:< Patarknight> Qing would be Ching under Wade-Giles 2132:< dkozinn> 1 2132:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario? 2132:< npinsker> yep -- both will be accepted 2132:< aspbergerinparadise> hamilton 2132:< Savolainen5> thunder bat 2132:< Patarknight> Toronto 2132:< tRitone11> hamilton 2132:< rbasov> hamilton 2132:< q00u> Creston 2132:< awfullotofocelots> Toronto 2132:< dkozinn> trick question -- it's whatever plane the president is on at the time. 2132:< Savolainen5> oh, ontario lol 2132:< 3xist3nc3> Toronto? 2132:< awfullotofocelots> There's always a decoy air force one 2132:< npinsker> The answer was Hamilton! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (57), tRitone11 (39), rbasov (28) 2133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What group's biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby? 2133:< aspbergerinparadise> the ronettes 2133:< awfullotofocelots> The Shirelles 2133:< tRitone11> The ronettes 2133:< awfullotofocelots> The Ronettes 2133:< q00u> Nobody knows but bots 2133:< npinsker> The answer was The Ronettes! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (61), tRitone11 (42), awfullotofocelots (22) 2133:< q00u> marakiri, no 2133:< dkozinn> There might be another 747 that looks like AF-1, but only the one that's carrying the prez is officially AF-1 2133:< awfullotofocelots> marakiri depends on the month 2133:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Baseball || Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap? 2133:< Savolainen5> hank aaron 2133:< hellapanda> babe ruth 2133:< rbasov> hank aaron 2133:< dkozinn> babe ruth 2133:< q00u> Snickers 2133:< awfullotofocelots> hank aaron 2134:< npinsker> The answer was Babe Ruth! Correct users: hellapanda (81), dkozinn (40) 2134:< awfullotofocelots> But both are named AF-1 and referred to as such on air traffic control 2134:< dkozinn> not correct 2134:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || In the film 'American Hot Wax', who played the 'Mookie'? 2134:< awfullotofocelots> And officially registered the same 2134:< rbasov> an actress 2134:< rbasov> jay leno 2134:< q00u> I did it all for the Mookie 2134:< npinsker> The answer was Jay Leno! Correct users: rbasov (32) 2135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which island country lies to the East of Mauritius? 2135:< tRitone11> australia 2135:< awfullotofocelots> Australia 2135:< dkozinn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Force_One 2135:< q00u> Austria 2135:< rbasov> the Philippians 2135:< SadZr40> aspbergerinparadise is using the set in this https://github.com/tritone11/trivia-bot/blob/master/bot.js 2135:< npinsker> The answer was Australia! Correct users: tRitone11 (46), awfullotofocelots (25) 2135:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who was the Cisco Kid's faithful sidekick? 2135:< tRitone11> pancho 2135:< rbasov> pancho 2135:< q00u> Sancho Panza 2136:< npinsker> The answer was Pancho! Correct users: tRitone11 (50), rbasov (35) 2136:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (81), aspbergerinparadise (61), tRitone11 (50), dkozinn (40),      $          hellapanda (35), BrownMario (35),... 2136:< hellapanda> sadzr, how can you tell? 2136:< awfullotofocelots> Pancho 2136:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computers || What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics? 2136:< rbasov> because he was botting earlier 2136:< SadZr40> by looking at the questions he answers and the fact he hasn't said anything except to answer a question 2136:< q00u> laser 2137:< q00u> inkjet 2137:< tRitone11> @hellapanda he is just mad because he continued to use the bot and get banned 2137:< npinsker> The answer was dot matrix! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2137:< hellapanda> ah 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is a word for a sorcerer who deals in black magic? 2137:< hellapanda> you should get banned too, js lol 2137:< awfullotofocelots> warlock 2137:< tRitone11> necromancer 2137:< q00u> That's racist. 2137:< SadZr40> im not mad i expected it 2137:< hellapanda> necromancer 2137:< awfullotofocelots> necromancer 2137:< npinsker> The answer was necromancer! Correct users: tRitone11 (54), hellapanda (84), awfullotofocelots (27) 2137:< hellapanda> at least he admitted it and took the consequences 2137:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened. 2137:< Patarknight> armadillo 2137:< hellapanda> you're just avoiding it like a little b :) 2137:< awfullotofocelots> armadillo 2138:< rbasov> armadillo 2138:< -randomity-> hedgehog 2138:< q00u> Pillbug 2138:< awfullotofocelots> saw one the other day lol 2138:< tRitone11> @hellapanda I admitted that I use a bot, I am not using it now. 2138:< npinsker> The answer was armadillo! Correct users: Patarknight (21), awfullotofocelots (30), rbasov (37) 2138:< rbasov> i saw my first one in the wild...it was road kil 2138:< hellapanda> "now" 2138:< -randomity-> Hella didn't you bot too lol 2138:< tRitone11> @hellapanda we are playing this game for two days, i know a lot of questions 2138:< hellapanda> no 2138:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || What is the astrological sign for death? 2138:< pandersson97> Leo 2138:< hellapanda> i wish i knew how to write code lol 2138:< rbasov> cancer 2138:< q00u> Grim Reaper 2138:< pandersson97> FALSE 2138:< q00u> rbasov lol 2138:< npinsker> The answer was Pluto! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2139:< -randomity-> I remember you botting though :P 2139:< q00u> marakiri, what are you doing? 2139:< rbasov> pluto is a sign? 2139:< npinsker> Question: Clearly the best player on this channel is? 2139:< awfullotofocelots> Yeah 2139:< -randomity-> MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2139:< rbasov> npinkser 2139:< hellapanda> npinsker 2139:< q00u> npinkser 2139:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General || Clearly the best player on this channel is? 2139:< pandersson97> oh hai npinsker :) 2139:< hellapanda> npinsker 2139:< rbasov> kpinsker 2139:< awfullotofocelots> npinsker 2139:< q00u> np 2139:< rbasov> the host 2139:< q00u> Winamp 2140:< awfullotofocelots> npinsker 2140:< npinsker> actually this is a question in the database for some reason 2140:< hellapanda> we're all awaiting the answer... 2140:< pandersson97> @npinsker make a message splitter please, some questions are >150 characters 2140:< rbasov> what's the answer out of curiosity? 2140:< npinsker> it says MingTea 2140:< Patarknight> it would get rate limited though 2140:< rbasov> lol 2141:< tRitone11> @npinsker if you add a character to every question, you'll be safe from bot 2141:< pandersson97> true :/ 2141:< SadZr40> not really 2141:< tRitone11> @npinsker at least for some time. 2141:< -randomity-> Character? 2141:< q00u> Or put the category in an earlier text. "The next question will be in the XXX category" 2141:< npinsker> hmmmm 2142:< pandersson97> or put some garbage in random spaces of questions, would be hard to parse for a answer bot 2142:< rbasov> that category sounds kinky 2142:< hellapanda> lol 2142:< Wiiplay123> Can't wait for the next merge 2142:< q00u> lol 2142:< Wiiplay123> Will be hilarious to see the amount of spam that happens 2142:< awfullotofocelots> what are some other channels you folks are in right now 2142:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2143:< q00u> I think I'm going to follow BrownMario's lead and go back to work. This is really fun though. Thank you hosts for keeping this up. 2143:< pandersson97> there's multi-channel scripts? 2143:< hellapanda> later q00u 2143:< awfullotofocelots> yea 2143:< npinsker> m​I 2143:< 3xist3nc3> Cya @q00u 2143:< npinsker> m​I 2143:< rbasov> peace out q00u 2143:< pandersson97> kewl, I'm using robin grow and I guess it only supports one channel 2143:< npinsker> m​I 2144:< awfullotofocelots> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/robin-grow/master/robin.user.js 2144:< awfullotofocelots> robin [parrot] 2145:< pandersson97> I think I broke it :( 2145:< rbasov> i think you did too 2145:< hellapanda> yep 2145:< awfullotofocelots> vOh turn off the other one --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:51:23 2016 2151:< awfullotofocelots> vertical take off and landing 2151:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Technology || on aircraft what does VTOL stand for? 2151:< hellapanda> vertical take off and landing 2151:< rbasov> vehicle take off and landing 2151:< awfullotofocelots> vertical take off and landing 2151:< frdmn> vertical take off and landing 2151:< hellapanda> thx for a second try 2151:< pandersson97> @npinsker did you add all the trivia by hand? 2152:< rbasov> i don't need a second try to not get it wrong 2152:< npinsker> no lol i pulled it from a data set 2152:< pandersson97> Vertical Take Off and Landing 2152:< rbasov> i need a 26th 2152:< hellapanda> lol 2152:< awfullotofocelots> ticktickticktick 2152:< rbasov> boom! 2152:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sports Anagrams || Frown, it is not well regarded. 2152:< pandersson97> @npinsker weak 2152:< hellapanda> wut? 2152:< Patarknight> World Wrestling Federation 2152:< 3xist3nc3> World Wrestling Federation 2152:< npinsker> that's why the data is sometimes awful 2152:< tRitone11> world wrestling federation 2152:< rbasov> WWF 2152:< awfullotofocelots> World Wrestling Federation 2152:< hellapanda> seriously 2152:< Patarknight> I think this is it 2152:< 3xist3nc3> I have seen this question before 2153:< Patarknight> It came up yesterday 2153:< awfullotofocelots> How did yall get that 2153:< rbasov> i wish it was still a thing :( 2153:< hellapanda> I didnt even know what it was asking 2153:< rbasov> anagram, jumbled letters rearranged to make other words 2153:< pandersson97> that's when having a tab of the trivia database open comes handy 2153:< hellapanda> haha yes, i know this now :) 2153:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || When does the astrological year start? 2153:< hellapanda> march 2153:< awfullotofocelots> March 2154:< rbasov> when the saints go _____ing in 2154:< awfullotofocelots> Spring 2154:< hellapanda> march 21 2154:< awfullotofocelots> March 21 2154:< Lowbacca1977> vernal equinox 2154:< pandersson97> March 21 2154:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astrology || Which date starts the astrological year? 2154:< awfullotofocelots> Equinox 2154:< Lowbacca1977> vernal equinox 2154:< rbasov> march 21 2154:< tRitone11> 21 march 2154:< awfullotofocelots> March 21 2154:< Lowbacca1977> march 22 2154:< hellapanda> is that not the same question? 2154:< npinsker> it is, i'm fishing for bots 2154:< hellapanda> oooooo 2154:< npinsker> the second one is in the database, the first one isn't 2155:< hellapanda> nice 2155:< npinsker> idk im sorta thinking about banning tri 2155:< rbasov> I like fishing...can we go fishing? 2155:< tRitone11> @npinsker why?? 2155:< npinsker> it seems like you're botting? 2155:< tRitone11> @npinsker I am not using a bot now, for real 2155:< pandersson97> @tRitone lol, you have your name as an author on github answer bot x) 2155:< tRitone11> @npinsker how? tell me how, where 2156:< npinsker> well, i don't know for sure obviously 2156:< tRitone11> @npinsker I was the first one making a bot yesterday, but I am not using it today 2157:< SadZr40> https://github.com/tritone11/trivia-bot 2157:< SadZr40> new database 3 hours ago 2157:< hellapanda> sadzr40 can confirm that he was using it today lol 2157:< rbasov> that's like a rich guy not using his money...yous a lie 2157:< SadZr40> he was 2157:< tRitone11> @SadZr40 there's not npinsker name in the code, he can see it 2157:< awfullotofocelots> When a man loses his credibility 2157:< pandersson97> is Sad still out? 2157:< tRitone11> @SadZr40 it was for the other trivia, not for the npinsker one 2158:< hellapanda> lol wut 2158:< SadZr40> new database 3 hours ago is copied fro npinsker's code 2158:< tRitone11> @SadZr40 and npinkser can see it in the code 2158:< npinsker> it's my bot -- other people are using it 2158:< npinsker> whatever i'm just gonna ban 2158:< npinsker> sorry, i don't really believe you 2158:< tRitone11> @npinsker well, at the link that guy sent to you, there's the username of nbgaf or similar, not yours 2159:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (87), aspbergerinparadise (68), rbasov (41), dkozinn (40),      $          hellapanda (35), awfullotofocelots (... 2159:< hellapanda> sadzr, were you banned? 2159:< SadZr40> the new database that you added 3 hours ago is npinsker's and yeah 2159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Banjul is the capital of ____________? 2159:< pandersson97> SadZr40 was banned earlier today 2159:< hellapanda> snapizzle 2159:< awfullotofocelots> Mauritania 2159:< Patarknight> Gambia 2159:< hellapanda> i missed it 2159:< pandersson97> Gambia 2159:< npinsker> The answer was Gambia! Correct users: Patarknight (25) 2159:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2159:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Collective Names || What is a group of donkeys called? 2159:< tRitone11> @npinsker also you can see that database is not a my commit 2200:< Lowbacca1977> democrats 2200:< rbasov> lol 2200:< hellapanda> herd 2200:< Lowbacca1977> pack 2200:< rbasov> pack 2200:< npinsker> The answer was herd! Correct users: hellapanda (91) 2200:< awfullotofocelots> pace 2200:< pandersson97> Herd 2200:< Lowbacca1977> a punch 2200:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Genral Knowledge || Who is Bibendum better known as? 2200:< rbasov> justin bieber 2200:< tRitone11> michelin man 2200:< hellapanda> Genral? 2200:< pandersson97> The Michelin Man 2200:< npinsker> The answer was The Michelin Man! Correct users: pandersson97 (8) 2201:< pandersson97> ayy 2201:< rbasov> he has a name??? 2201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'A Tale Of Two Cities'? 2201:< Lowbacca1977> dickens 2201:< tRitone11> charles dickens 2201:< hellapanda> dickens 2201:< rbasov> charles dickens 2201:< awfullotofocelots> Charles Dickens 2201:< purple_pan> charles dickens 2201:< pandersson97> charles DIckens 2201:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2201:< npinsker> The answer was Charles Dickens! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (4), hellapanda (94), rbasov (43), awfullotofocelots (36), purple_pan (0), ... 2201:< tRitone11> @npinsker you banned me. for real. 2201:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Companies || Which company controls more than 80% of the world's rough diamond supply? 2201:< hellapanda> haha 2201:< Lowbacca1977> debeers 2202:< rbasov> bring me da beers 2202:< dkozinn> de beers 2202:< hellapanda> de beers 2202:< awfullotofocelots> de beers 2202:< hellapanda> allllll de beers 2202:< npinsker> The answer was De Beers! Correct users: dkozinn (44), hellapanda (97), awfullotofocelots (38) 2202:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Biology || What muscles move the ears? 2202:< pandersson97> Ear Muscle 2202:< dkozinn> the ear muscles 2202:< hellapanda> auriculus 2202:< tRitone11> @npinsker well I am activating my bot with zero delay 2202:< awfullotofocelots> The ear muscles 2202:< drumstikka> something with a p 2202:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2202:< pandersson97> Auricularis 2202:< npinsker> The answer was auricularis! Correct users: pandersson97 (12) 2202:< tRitone11> @npinsker trivia is useless if people know the answer 2203:< rbasov> CATEGORY: Music || What is love? 2203:< Lowbacca1977> baby don't hurt me 2203:< drumstikka> baby dont hurt me 2203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Hockey: The Calgary ______________? 2203:< awfullotofocelots> no more! 2203:< Patarknight> flames 2203:< hellapanda> people will just block you lol 2203:< hellapanda> flames 2203:< awfullotofocelots> Flamers 2203:< dkozinn> flames 2203:< tRitone11> @hellapanda not who wants to win 2203:< rbasov> i don't care lol, i just had to do it once 2203:< awfullotofocelots> Flames 2203:< pandersson97> @tRitone11 what's your point? 2203:< npinsker> The answer was Flames! Correct users: Patarknight (29), hellapanda (100), dkozinn (46), awfullotofocelots (39) 2203:< tRitone11> @pandersson97 that i wasn't using a bot 2203:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Arts || Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and __________. 2203:< Patarknight> Corinthian 2203:< awfullotofocelots> Gothic 2203:< tRitone11> @pandersson97 not anymore 2203:< hellapanda> by using a bot? 2204:< hellapanda> lol 2204:< awfullotofocelots> Corinthian 2204:< Lowbacca1977> corinthian 2204:< SadZr40> lol 2204:< hellapanda> let me prove a point that i wasn't using a bot by using the bot. k. 2204:< npinsker> The answer was Corinthian! Correct users: Patarknight (33), awfullotofocelots (42), Lowbacca1977 (6) 2204:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (100), aspbergerinparadise (68), dkozinn (46), rbasov (43), awfullotofocelots (42), BrownMario (35),      $    ... 2204:< pandersson97> @tRitone11 That's a quick turn around of morals 2204:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang 'Jet Airliner'? 2204:< tRitone11> Steve Miller Band 2204:< rbasov> steve miller band 2204:< awfullotofocelots> Steve Miller Band 2204:< pandersson97> and now you're using it again :D 2204:< SadZr40> see guise he doesn't have a bot 2205:< awfullotofocelots> I'm a picker 2205:< rbasov> i probably should mute him and play fair... 2205:< tRitone11> Yes now yes 2205:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Miller Band! Correct users: rbasov (47), awfullotofocelots (45) 2205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What famous animal character called "Skull Island" home? 2205:< tRitone11> King Kong 2205:< drumstikka> false 2205:< Patarknight> King Kong 2205:< awfullotofocelots> King Kong 2205:< aspbergerinparadise> king kong 2205:< rbasov> king kong 2205:< drumstikka> king kong 2205:< npinsker> The answer was King Kong! Correct users: Patarknight (37), awfullotofocelots (48), aspbergerinparadise (70), rbasov (48), drumstikka (0) 2205:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || Eleutherophobia is a fear of _______. 2205:< tRitone11> freedom 2205:< pandersson97> @tRitone11 so to make this game good again by not letting everybody know the answer you've decided to spoil the answers? 2206:< Patarknight> freedom 2206:< rbasov> freedom! 2206:< Lowbacca1977> king kong 2206:< tRitone11> @pandersson97 no because i was banned when not using a bot 2206:< rbasov> Let freeeeeeedooooooom riiiiiiiing 2206:< npinsker> The answer was freedom! Correct users: Patarknight (41), rbasov (51) 2206:< hellapanda> he's just salty af that he got caught 2206:< Lowbacca1977> i shouldn't be lagging like this 2206:< pandersson97> @tRitone11 the rustling is real 2206:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || How many sides does a home-plate have? 2206:< tRitone11> @pandersson97 yah 2206:< rbasov> 5 2206:< Lowbacca1977> 5 2206:< Patarknight> 5 2206:< tRitone11> five 2206:< hellapanda> 5 2206:< Yenwodyah_> 5 2206:< awfullotofocelots> 5 2207:< rbasov> On a side note, orphans can't play baseball because they don't know where home is. 2207:< hellapanda> omg :( 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || How many dots are on a twister mat? 2207:< SadZr40> thirty 2207:< tRitone11> thirty 2207:< rbasov> 30 2207:< awfullotofocelots> 24 2207:< purple_pan> 30 2207:< SadZr40> mine's faster 2207:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 hey man 2207:< hellapanda> LOL 2207:< awfullotofocelots> 30 2207:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 it isn't. Do i need to change connection again? 2207:< npinsker> The answer was thirty! Correct users: rbasov (59), purple_pan (3) 2207:< SadZr40> yeah 2207:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What was the sequel to Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women"? 2207:< tRitone11> Little Men 2207:< pandersson97> the bot rustling is real 2207:< rbasov> little men 2207:< Lowbacca1977> little men 2208:< haley_joel_osteen> little men 2208:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 no way, i already proved you that 2208:< awfullotofocelots> Little men 2208:< rbasov> they prefer being called dwarfs 2208:< npinsker> The answer was Little Men! Correct users: rbasov (63), Lowbacca1977 (12), haley_joel_osteen (2), awfullotofocelots (49) 2208:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay? 2208:< SadZr40> Oakland 2208:< tRitone11> Oakland 2208:< haley_joel_osteen> false 2208:< Lowbacca1977> oakland 2208:< rbasov> oakland 2208:< aspbergerinparadise> oakland 2208:< awfullotofocelots> Oakland 2208:< BrownMario> oakland 2208:< drumstikka> OAKLANDDD 2208:< SadZr40> idk man seems like you're losing 2208:< hellapanda> lol 2208:< npinsker> The answer was Oakland! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (16), rbasov (66), aspbergerinparadise (72), awfullotofocelots (50), BrownMario (35) 2208:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 ping 2209:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Hahaha || This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now. 2209:< SadZr40> chair 2209:< tRitone11> chair 2209:< hellapanda> chair 2209:< rbasov> chair 2209:< awfullotofocelots> It's okay, maybe if he spends enough time doing trivia Tri will learn something 2209:< aspbergerinparadise> chair 2209:< Lowbacca1977> chair 2209:< Patarknight> chair 2209:< BrownMario> chair 2209:< l3db3tt3r> seat 2209:< purple_pan> chair 2209:< SadZr40> nah d00d i just program better 2209:< rbasov> but, im in bed... 2209:< awfullotofocelots> chair 2209:< purple_pan> seat 2209:< drumstikka> I'm on a couch asshole 2209:< l3db3tt3r> chair 2209:< IceyMocha> bitch 2209:< rbasov> the question is a lie 2209:< l3db3tt3r> stool 2209:< npinsker> The answer was chair! Correct users: hellapanda (105), rbasov (69), aspbergerinparadise (74), Lowbacca1977 (17), Patarknight (43), Brow... 2209:< hellapanda> sadzr lololol 2209:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 i was better with the server with the fiber and you know this :P 2209:< SadZr40> you won like 3 when i alt tabbed 2209:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (105), aspbergerinparadise (74), rbasov (69), awfullotofocelots (50), dkozinn (46), Patarknight (43), BrownMari... 2209:< l3db3tt3r> my butt is in the air, i'm at a stand up desk 2209:< pandersson97> It'd be nice to make a little app with both client and trivia bot extensions, like users not receiving messages between questions and answ 2210:< pandersson97> ers 2210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Medicine || What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism? 2210:< SadZr40> lead poisoning 2210:< tRitone11> lead poisoning 2210:< Lowbacca1977> lead 2210:< Patarknight> lead poisoning 2210:< rbasov> lead poisoning 2210:< BrownMario> lead poisoning 2210:< aspbergerinparadise> lead 2210:< l3db3tt3r> lead 2210:< purple_pan> lead 2210:< awfullotofocelots> lead poisoning 2210:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 because I closed it? 2210:< tRitone11> @sadzr40 wth, wait. 2210:< npinsker> The answer was lead poisoning! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (21), Patarknight (46), rbasov (71), BrownMario (36), aspbergerinparadise (7... 2210:< BrownMario> wait have the bots been blocked? 2210:< rbasov> true 2210:< hellapanda> yes brownmario 2210:< npinsker> CATEGORY: General Knowledge || What is this sign called "*"? 2210:< SadZr40> asterisk 2210:< BrownMario> noice 2210:< Lowbacca1977> asterisk 2210:< Patarknight> asterisk 2210:< rbasov> asterisk 2210:< purple_pan> asterisk 2210:< awfullotofocelots> star 2210:< BrownMario> asterisk 2210:< awfullotofocelots> asterisk 2210:< IceyMocha> pound sign 2210:< hellapanda> and in rebellion, they're posting the answers bahaha 2211:< npinsker> The answer was asterisk! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (25), Patarknight (49), rbasov (73), purple_pan (4), BrownMario (36), awfullotofoc... 2211:< SadZr40> i was just trying to make him angry mine is faster 2211:< hellapanda> i like your style 2211:< BrownMario> hahaha nice 2211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Clich__s || As clear as a ______________? 2211:< pandersson97> @BrownMario yes, SadZr40 and tRitone11 have been banned but they're still using bots to spoil since they're salty/10 2211:< awfullotofocelots> Bell 2211:< rbasov> crystal 2211:< hellapanda> bell 2211:< purple_pan> summer day 2211:< Lowbacca1977> summer's day 2211:< IceyMocha> bell 2211:< BrownMario> summer's day 2211:< Lowbacca1977> whistle 2211:< purple_pan> summer's day 2211:< SadZr40> lol pandersson97 you tried to use a bot but you kept sending it to the wrong channel 2211:< npinsker> The answer was bell! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (54), hellapanda (108), IceyMocha (2) 2211:< SadZr40> i have no evidence but it is so 2211:< BrownMario> never heard that in my life 2211:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What country is directly north of the continental United States? 2212:< rbasov> me neither 2212:< hellapanda> canada 2212:< Lowbacca1977> canada 2212:< BrownMario> canada 2212:< awfullotofocelots> Canada 2212:< aspbergerinparadise> canada 2212:< rbasov> canadia 2212:< IceyMocha> alaska 2212:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2212:< l3db3tt3r> canada 2212:< npinsker> The answer was Canada! Correct users: hellapanda (112), Lowbacca1977 (28), BrownMario (38), awfullotofocelots (55), aspbergerinparadise... 2212:< pandersson97> @SadZr40 yes I did but I failed thankfully or npinsker would've caught me too 2212:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the three baltic countries? 2212:< hellapanda> lol panders 2212:< pandersson97> @SadZr40 I wouldn't had been this salty about it tho 2212:< BrownMario> latvia estonia 2212:< awfullotofocelots> Estonia Latvia Lithuania 2212:< IceyMocha> dirty slavs 2212:< rbasov> serbia latvia estonia 2212:< BrownMario> latvia estonia lithuania 2213:< Lowbacca1977> latvia lithuania and estonia 2213:< SadZr40> im not salty i was just trying to anger the other guy 2213:< hellapanda> estonia, lithuania, latvia 2213:< npinsker> The answer was Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2213:< l3db3tt3r> latvia lithuania estonia 2213:< awfullotofocelots> Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania 2213:< awfullotofocelots> damn 2213:< l3db3tt3r> stupid bot 2213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Periodic Table || What is the first element in alphabetical order? 2213:< Lowbacca1977> how were tehre no correct users? 2213:< hellapanda> hydrogen 2213:< awfullotofocelots> Gold 2213:< rbasov> h 2213:< IceyMocha> stupid bot i got it right 2213:< BrownMario> aluminium 2213:< Lowbacca1977> aluminium 2213:< purple_pan> Gold 2213:< IceyMocha> dirty fucking slavs 2213:< awfullotofocelots> Aluminium 2213:< Patarknight> actinium 2213:< hellapanda> actinium 2213:< Lowbacca1977> oh, dang, that sounds better --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:55 2016 2213:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || This chess term means "in passing" 2213:< Patarknight> en passant 2214:< hellapanda> en passant 2214:< awfullotofocelots> en passant 2214:< BrownMario> en passant 2214:< purple_pan> en passant 2214:< IceyMocha> ein pessant 2214:< rbasov> ^ that 2214:< Lowbacca1977> stupid chess terms 2214:< npinsker> The answer was en passant! Correct users: Patarknight (57), hellapanda (118), awfullotofocelots (57), BrownMario (39), purple_pan (4) 2214:< IceyMocha> FUCK 2214:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The vernal equinox is the beginning of ________. 2214:< Patarknight> spring 2214:< hellapanda> spring 2214:< awfullotofocelots> spring 2214:< purple_pan> spring 2214:< BrownMario> summer 2214:< IceyMocha> summer 2214:< l3db3tt3r> spring 2214:< npinsker> The answer was spring! Correct users: Patarknight (61), hellapanda (121), awfullotofocelots (59), purple_pan (5), l3db3tt3r (0) 2215:< IceyMocha> wtf! 2215:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (121), aspbergerinparadise (74), rbasov (73), Patarknight (61), awfullotofocelots (59), dkozinn (46), BrownMari... 2215:< awfullotofocelots> You were thinking of the summer soltics 2215:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam? 2215:< tRitone11> star 2215:< hellapanda> star 2215:< Lowbacca1977> star 2215:< Patarknight> star 2215:< rbasov> star 2215:< BrownMario> star 2215:< gundeck925> star 2215:< awfullotofocelots> Star 2215:< l3db3tt3r> star 2215:< aspbergerinparadise> star 2215:< IceyMocha> no this bot is stupid 2215:< IceyMocha> moon 2215:< awfullotofocelots> Oh jeez okay 2215:< Lowbacca1977> yellow star 2215:< npinsker> The answer was star! Correct users: hellapanda (125), Lowbacca1977 (31), Patarknight (63), rbasov (74), BrownMario (39), gundeck925 (0)... 2216:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What were the two cities in 'A Tale Of Two Cities'? 2216:< tRitone11> London and Paris 2216:< Patarknight> London and Paris 2216:< rbasov> london and paris 2216:< Lowbacca1977> london and paris 2216:< hellapanda> paris and london 2216:< BrownMario> london and paris 2216:< gundeck925> some bullshit: 6:15:27 PM npinsker CATEGORY: Geography || What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam? 6:15:27 PM tRitone11 star 2216:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2216:< awfullotofocelots> London and Paris 2216:< tRitone11> so where are you? 2216:< BrownMario> paris and london 2216:< npinsker> The answer was London and Paris! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2216:< Lowbacca1977> or paris and london 2216:< hellapanda> lol 2216:< gundeck925> tritone11 why you gotta cheat? 2216:< npinsker> what's the problem? 2216:< rbasov> gun, he was banned. he's not actually participating 2216:< Lowbacca1977> thats the second time it's done that 2216:< awfullotofocelots> Tri was banned, he's muted so he doesn't get pts 2216:< hellapanda> gundeck, he's been banned 2216:< npinsker> just mute him 2216:< awfullotofocelots> Just mute him with the script 2217:< gundeck925> oh gotcha.. thank you 2217:< npinsker> The answer was Oxford! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2217:< tRitone11> @npinsker you banned me when i wasn't using a bot, i activated it. 2217:< rbasov> there was a question? 2217:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What does LPG stands for? 2217:< tRitone11> Liquid Petroleum Gas 2217:< gundeck925> sorry i just entered the trivia 2217:< BrownMario> ladies professional golf 2217:< rbasov> liquid petroleum gas 2217:< awfullotofocelots> Liquid Petroleum Gas 2217:< IceyMocha> Liquid pertroleum gass 2217:< Patarknight> npinsker rate limited it out by commenting 2217:< npinsker> The answer was Liquid Petroleum Gas! Correct users: rbasov (78), awfullotofocelots (62) 2217:< BrownMario> aw 2217:< l3db3tt3r> something pro golf 2218:< gundeck925> pretty sure some other people dont have him filtered and are just regurgitating his answers.. thats kinda sad 2218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft? 2218:< tRitone11> Concorde 2218:< l3db3tt3r> mclaren f1 2218:< BrownMario> concorde 2218:< awfullotofocelots> Virgin Galactic? 2218:< gundeck925> concorde 2218:< hellapanda> gundeck, yeah, he wants to ruin it for everyone 2218:< Killdynamite> concord 2218:< rbasov> concorde 2218:< npinsker> The answer was Concorde! Correct users: BrownMario (43), gundeck925 (3), rbasov (80) 2218:< tRitone11> where is the I am faster man? 2218:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What did Charles Jung invent? 2218:< tRitone11> fortune cookies 2218:< hellapanda> fortune cookies 2218:< SadZr40> anyone who doesn't want to see the answer should mute me now 2218:< BrownMario> fortune cookies 2218:< Killdynamite> fortune cookies 2218:< rbasov> fortne cookies 2218:< l3db3tt3r> turring test 2218:< IceyMocha> kung pow chicken 2218:< agaffchanted> angel food cake 2218:< BrownMario> battle of the bots! 2219:< l3db3tt3r> astolagy 2219:< npinsker> The answer was fortune cookies! Correct users: hellapanda (129), BrownMario (46), Killdynamite (2) 2219:< hellapanda> lemme grab my popcorn 2219:< gundeck925> can you mute in RA 1.17? 2219:< Lowbacca1977> isn't the concorde no longer in service? 2219:< awfullotofocelots> yea 2219:< hellapanda> click on username 2219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea? 2219:< SadZr40> Easter 2219:< tRitone11> Easter 2219:< Lowbacca1977> christmas 2219:< BrownMario> easter 2219:< tRitone11> 1-0 2219:< Killdynamite> easter 2219:< SadZr40> hmmm who was faster? 2219:< agaffchanted> Easter 2219:< Patarknight> Easter 2219:< hellapanda> still faster hahaha 2219:< l3db3tt3r> easter 2219:< IceyMocha> saturnalia 2219:< rbasov> ash wednesday 2219:< Lowbacca1977> martin luther day 2219:< npinsker> The answer was Easter! Correct users: BrownMario (50), Killdynamite (5), agaffchanted (2), Patarknight (64), l3db3tt3r (0) 2219:< awfullotofocelots> Saturnalia 2219:< awfullotofocelots> ! 2219:< gundeck925> thank you hellapanda.. hella awesome username btw 2219:< l3db3tt3r> no points 2219:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was Europe's first super-high-speed passenger train powered by? 2219:< SadZr40> electricity 2219:< tRitone11> electricity 2220:< rbasov> electricity 2220:< Killdynamite> electricity 2220:< hellapanda> thanks gundeck :) 2220:< l3db3tt3r> electricoit 2220:< BrownMario> electricty' 2220:< IceyMocha> diesel 2220:< awfullotofocelots> electricity 2220:< tRitone11> hell damn 2220:< agaffchanted> fred flintstone 2220:< npinsker> The answer was electricity! Correct users: rbasov (84), Killdynamite (8), awfullotofocelots (64) 2220:< SadZr40> imma do one more 2220:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (129), rbasov (84), aspbergerinparadise (74), Patarknight (64), awfullotofocelots (64), BrownMario (50), dkozin... 2220:< IceyMocha> npinsker fix yer bot mate 2220:< femdemgem> do you ever go outside, give us a chance to play 2220:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses? 2220:< SadZr40> Romeo and Juliet 2220:< tRitone11> Romeo and Juliet 2220:< BrownMario> it works fine! wht's the problem 2220:< aspbergerinparadise> romeo and juliet 2220:< Lowbacca1977> romeo and juliet 2220:< Patarknight> Romeo and Juliet 2220:< rbasov> romeo and jukiet 2220:< Killdynamite> romeo and juliet 2220:< awfullotofocelots> Romeo and Juliet 2221:< hellapanda> lol 2221:< BrownMario> romeo and juliet 2221:< SadZr40> do you concede yet? 2221:< tRitone11> yeah you won, gimme a sec 2221:< rbasov> romeo and juliet 2221:< CryEagle> :D 2221:< npinsker> The answer was Romeo and Juliet! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (78), Lowbacca1977 (34), Patarknight (66), Killdynamite (9), awfull... 2221:< CryEagle> :D 2221:< Sat_Nav66> lol... ass burger... 2221:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || In which city is the Wailing Wall? 2221:< BrownMario> giggidy 2221:< Sat_Nav66> Jerusalem 2221:< awfullotofocelots> Jerusalem 2221:< rbasov> jerusalem 2221:< aspbergerinparadise> jerusalem 2221:< Killdynamite> jersualem 2221:< hellapanda> jerusalem 2221:< BrownMario> jerusalem 2221:< Sat_Nav66> #winner 2221:< npinsker> The answer was Jerusalem! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (4), awfullotofocelots (67), rbasov (86), aspbergerinparadise (79), hellapanda (129)... 2222:< agaffchanted> So Sadnot and tRitone11 have answer bots running on the trivia questions? And are being ignored by npinsker? 2222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || This was the first video to play on MTV? 2222:< BrownMario> by way of technical knockout, and still champion sadzr40! 2222:< Lowbacca1977> i want my mtv 2222:< l3db3tt3r> i want my mtv 2222:< hellapanda> radio killed the video star 2222:< Sat_Nav66> Video killed the radio star 2222:< rbasov> video killed the radio star 2222:< BrownMario> video killed the music something 2222:< Killdynamite> video killed the radio star 2222:< hellapanda> oh fuck me LMAO 2222:< Lowbacca1977> dang it, it was that 2222:< awfullotofocelots> Video Killed the Raio Star 2222:< Sat_Nav66> #winneragain 2222:< tRitone11> last try 2222:< npinsker> The answer was Video Killed the Radio Star! Correct users: Sat_Nav66 (8), rbasov (89), Killdynamite (11) 2222:< awfullotofocelots> Video Killed the radio star 2222:< rbasov> i miss trl..and actual music 2222:< CryEagle> someone please type text emoticons, i wanna test something 2222:< l3db3tt3r> :) 2222:< rbasov> :) 2222:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) ________. 2222:< tRitone11> tooth 2222:< CryEagle> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay works 2222:< 3xist3nc3> :P 2222:< Lowbacca1977> tooth 2222:< rbasov> tooth 2222:< hellapanda> tooth 2222:< Patarknight> tooth 2222:< agaffchanted> tooth 2222:< BrownMario> tooth 2222:< Killdynamite> tooth 2222:< l3db3tt3r> tooth 2223:< 3xist3nc3> Teeth 2223:< hellapanda> sadzr40, your challenger awaits 2223:< rbasov> what'd you need eagle? 2223:< awfullotofocelots> watch the turn down for what music video, reminded me of MTV nostalgia 2223:< Sat_Nav66> #abstainer 2223:< npinsker> The answer was tooth! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (38), rbasov (92), hellapanda (131), Patarknight (67), agaffchanted (2), BrownMario (... 2223:< CryEagle> rbasov just wanted to test if my emoticons show correctly 2223:< rbasov> ahhh okie 2223:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capital of Jamaica? 2223:< SadZr40> Kingston 2223:< tRitone11> kingston 2223:< hellapanda> lol 2223:< Lowbacca1977> kingston 2223:< BrownMario> kingston 2223:< awfullotofocelots> Kingston 2223:< rbasov> kingston 2223:< radioactivated> Kingston 2223:< agaffchanted> tribeca 2223:< CryEagle> yall with the bots again 2223:< hellapanda> battle of bots more amusing than trivia itself 2223:< Lowbacca1977> J 2223:< Sat_Nav66> No way all you fuckers really knew that 2223:< rbasov> we've been here a while... 2224:< awfullotofocelots> Hey yall say "Beer Can" in an aristocratic british accent 2224:< Sat_Nav66> Well, the first time :) 2224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'? 2224:< SadZr40> The Andrews Sisters 2224:< tRitone11> The Andrews Sisters 2224:< BrownMario> the andrews sisters? 2224:< SadZr40> done yet? 2224:< Sat_Nav66> Lol 2224:< rbasov> the andrews sisters 2224:< awfullotofocelots> Marilyn Monroe 2224:< hellapanda> hahaha 2224:< tRitone11> your code is faster, i admit it 2224:< radioactivated> the andrews sisters 2224:< awfullotofocelots> Marilyn Monroe 2224:< SadZr40> ayyyy 2224:< hellapanda> sadzr40 you're my hero 2224:< tRitone11> but it wasn't this afternoon 2224:< npinsker> The answer was The Andrews Sisters! Correct users: BrownMario (57), rbasov (96), radioactivated (2) 2224:< tRitone11> and you know this 2224:< awfullotofocelots> Are you saying "Beer Can" in a victorian accent? 2224:< radioactivated> true 2224:< BrownMario> stop it sadzr40 he's already dead! 2224:< CryEagle> FALSE 2224:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty? 2224:< tRitone11> Indian Ocean 2224:< SadZr40> we were even this afternoon 2224:< rbasov> indian ocean 2224:< Sat_Nav66> Atlantic 2224:< BrownMario> indian ocean 2224:< awfullotofocelots> the Indian Ocean 2224:< tRitone11> yes we were. and you improved your code 2225:< awfullotofocelots> Indian Ocean 2225:< radioactivated> indian ocean 2225:< npinsker> The answer was Indian Ocean! Correct users: rbasov (100), BrownMario (60), awfullotofocelots (71), radioactivated (3) 2225:< Lowbacca1977> idea: trivia bot code injects an extra period somewhere 2225:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || When Tweety exclaimed, "I thought I saw a putty tat!", who did he see? 2225:< tRitone11> Sylvester 2225:< Lowbacca1977> sylvester 2225:< awfullotofocelots> When you say "beer can" in a victorian accent, you're saying "bacon" in a Jamaican accent! 2225:< rbasov> alrighty y'all im going to be a productive member of society now...have fun 2225:< aspbergerinparadise> sylvester 2225:< BrownMario> sylvester 2225:< npinsker> The answer was Sylvester! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (46), aspbergerinparadise (82), BrownMario (62) 2226:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (131), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (82), awfullotofocelots (71), Patarknight (67), BrownMario (62), dkozi... 2226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || In Greek mythology, who were Achilles' parents? 2226:< tRitone11> Peleus and Thetis 2226:< BrownMario> peleus and thetis 2226:< npinsker> ❤test 2226:< Lowbacca1977> i heard they were heels 2226:< awfullotofocelots> Peleus and Thetus 2226:< awfullotofocelots> peleus and thetis 2226:< npinsker> The answer was Peleus and Thetis! Correct users: BrownMario (66), awfullotofocelots (74) 2226:< awfullotofocelots> fricking sp 2226:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || The two rival gangs in "West Side Story" were the Sharks and the _________. 2226:< tRitone11> Jets 2226:< Lowbacca1977> jets 2226:< aspbergerinparadise> jets 2226:< awfullotofocelots> Jets 2226:< BrownMario> jets 2226:< Killdynamite> jets 2227:< Lowbacca1977> when you're a jet you're a jet all the way 2227:< npinsker> The answer was Jets! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (50), aspbergerinparadise (85), awfullotofocelots (76), BrownMario (67), Killdynamite ... 2227:< awfullotofocelots> from your first cigarrette to your last dying day.. 2227:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Currencies || Japan's equivalent to the dollar is the ____________? 2227:< tRitone11> yen 2227:< BrownMario> yen 2227:< awfullotofocelots> Yen 2227:< Lowbacca1977> yen 2227:< hellapanda> yen 2227:< awfullotofocelots> well probably like 100 yen, but 2227:< hellapanda> lol 2227:< npinsker> The answer was yen! Correct users: BrownMario (71), awfullotofocelots (79), Lowbacca1977 (52), hellapanda (132) 2228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What is the study of heredity called? --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:28:34 2016 2228:< npinsker> The answer was genetics! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (56), aspbergerinparadise (88), BrownMario (73), awfullotofocelots (80) 2228:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known? 2228:< tRitone11> Bangkok 2228:< BrownMario> bangkok 2228:< awfullotofocelots> Bangkok 2229:< gundeck925> bangkok 2229:< BrownMario> bangcock 2229:< npinsker> The answer was Bangkok! Correct users: BrownMario (77), awfullotofocelots (83), gundeck925 (5) 2229:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || What was the first film directed by Robert Redford? 2229:< tRitone11> Ordinary People 2229:< aspbergerinparadise> ordinary people 2229:< BrownMario> ordinary people 2229:< awfullotofocelots> Ordinary People 2229:< gundeck925> ordinary people 2229:< Lowbacca1977> that.... is an awful movie 2229:< hellapanda> good book tho 2229:< npinsker> The answer was Ordinary People! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (92), BrownMario (80), awfullotofocelots (85), gundeck925 (6) 2230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who was the author of 'Dracula'? 2230:< tRitone11> Bram Stoker 2230:< Lowbacca1977> stoker 2230:< BrownMario> bram stoker 2230:< awfullotofocelots> Bram Stoker 2230:< npinsker> The answer was Bram Stoker! Correct users: BrownMario (84), awfullotofocelots (88) 2230:< gundeck925> nice panties, katietheredhead 2230:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the highest mountain in Africa. 2230:< tRitone11> Mt. Kilimanjaro 2230:< Lowbacca1977> kilimanjaro 2230:< BrownMario> mt. kilimanjaro 2231:< awfullotofocelots> Mt Kilimanjaro 2231:< CryEagle> ELECT CryEagle 2231:< npinsker> The answer was Mt. Kilimanjaro! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (60), BrownMario (87), awfullotofocelots (90) 2231:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (132), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (92), awfullotofocelots (90), BrownMario (87), Patarknight (67), Lowba... 2231:< awfullotofocelots> We're all staying already 2231:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mythology || He was the father of Zeus 2231:< BrownMario> hades 2231:< awfullotofocelots> Chronos 2231:< BrownMario> chronos 2231:< awfullotofocelots> Kronos 2231:< hellapanda> cronus 2232:< npinsker> The answer was Cronus! Correct users: hellapanda (136) 2232:< awfullotofocelots> faak 2232:< BrownMario> ah fuck 2232:< BrownMario> what kinda spelling is that 2232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star? 2232:< BrownMario> black hole 2232:< awfullotofocelots> Black Hold 2232:< hellapanda> black hole 2232:< CryEagle> black cock 2232:< Lowbacca1977> black hole 2232:< awfullotofocelots> Black Hole 2232:< BrownMario> the biggest blackest dildo 2232:< npinsker> The answer was black hole! Correct users: BrownMario (91), hellapanda (139), Lowbacca1977 (62), awfullotofocelots (91) 2232:< gundeck925> true 2232:< awfullotofocelots> Its on Mario 2232:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Nature || This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party. 2232:< Lowbacca1977> elephant 2232:< BrownMario> elephant 2233:< gundeck925> Cuck 2233:< haykam821> elephant 2233:< BrownMario> awfullotofocelots rate limited lol 2233:< npinsker> The answer was elephant! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (66), BrownMario (94), haykam821 (2) 2233:< awfullotofocelots> Elephant GODDAMNIT 2233:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage? 2233:< aspbergerinparadise> spain 2233:< Lowbacca1977> spain 2233:< BrownMario> spain 2233:< pandersson97> yeh, or just use tab or arrow keys or sth 2233:< haykam821> spain 2233:< awfullotofocelots> Spain 2233:< hellapanda> spain 2233:< gundeck925> whats wrong awfulloto 2233:< gundeck925> o'celots? 2233:< breloomz> dominican republic 2233:< npinsker> The answer was Spain! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (96), Lowbacca1977 (69), BrownMario (96), haykam821 (3), awfullotofocelots (91... 2234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the name given to a group of stars? 2234:< tRitone11> constellation 2234:< Lowbacca1977> constellation 2234:< gundeck925> cluster 2234:< BrownMario> constellation 2234:< breloomz> cluster 2234:< haykam821> cluster 2234:< awfullotofocelots> constellation 2234:< tRitone11> if you are still here open it again 2234:< BrownMario> cluster 2234:< Lowbacca1977> astorism 2234:< breloomz> constellation 2234:< awfullotofocelots> cluster 2234:< awfullotofocelots> galaxy 2234:< Lowbacca1977> asterism 2234:< npinsker> The answer was constellation! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (73), BrownMario (99), awfullotofocelots (93), breloomz (1) 2234:< BrownMario> damit tritone11 just give up 2234:< gundeck925> damn lol 2234:< awfullotofocelots> Brown just muteem 2234:< hellapanda> sadzr40 ding ding ding 2234:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quick! Quick! || This is required to make all electric things work? 2234:< tRitone11> electricity 2234:< Lowbacca1977> electrons 2234:< gundeck925> power 2234:< BrownMario> electricity 2234:< breloomz> electricity 2234:< tRitone11> @brownmario it's just a good chance to test 2234:< Yenwodyah_> electricity 2234:< awfullotofocelots> Electrons 2235:< awfullotofocelots> electricity 2235:< gundeck925> electricity 2235:< BrownMario> maybe in another channel? 2235:< haykam821> electricity 2235:< npinsker> The answer was electricity! Correct users: BrownMario (103), breloomz (4), Yenwodyah_ (2), awfullotofocelots (94), gundeck925 (6), hayk... 2235:< tRitone11> @brownmario you know if you are faster only if you are 2nd. 2235:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || U.S. President, Chester Alan ________. 2235:< tRitone11> Arthur 2235:< Patarknight> Arthur 2235:< BrownMario> arthur 2235:< aspbergerinparadise> arthur 2235:< awfullotofocelots> Arthur 2235:< Yenwodyah_> arthur 2235:< gundeck925> wtf i didnt even see the question 2235:< tRitone11> @brownmario and anyway i was banned unfairly, i am not turning off this 2235:< npinsker> The answer was Arthur! Correct users: Patarknight (71), BrownMario (106), aspbergerinparadise (98), awfullotofocelots (95), Yenwodyah_ (2) 2235:< awfullotofocelots> refresh 2236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a chronometer measure? 2236:< tRitone11> Time 2236:< Lowbacca1977> time 2236:< awfullotofocelots> time 2236:< BrownMario> time 2236:< cunty_nipples> time 2236:< Yenwodyah_> time 2236:< haykam821> time 2236:< Patarknight> He was banned for botting and to protest he is botting 2236:< npinsker> The answer was Time! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (77), awfullotofocelots (98), BrownMario (108), cunty_nipples (1), Yenwodyah_ (2), hay... 2236:< tRitone11> @patarknight because i wasn't botting for hours 2236:< hellapanda> banned unfairly.. lol 2236:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (139), BrownMario (108), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (98), awfullotofocelots (98), Lowbacca1977 (77), Pat... 2236:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || "Yellow River" is the common name for which Chinese river? 2236:< tRitone11> Hwang Ho 2236:< BrownMario> hwang ho 2237:< Lowbacca1977> yangzee 2237:< Patarknight> Huang He 2237:< awfullotofocelots> Yang Tze 2237:< Yenwodyah_> yangtze 2237:< hellapanda> hwang ho 2237:< BrownMario> yellow 2237:< awfullotofocelots> Yangtze 2237:< Patarknight> oh ew Wade Giles again? 2237:< npinsker> The answer was Hwang Ho! Correct users: BrownMario (112), hellapanda (142) 2237:< Patarknight> boo 2237:< awfullotofocelots> never seen that spelling 2237:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Isms || The social and philosophic creedo of Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw is called: 2237:< tRitone11> shavianism 2237:< CryEagle> :D 2237:< BrownMario> shavianism 2238:< npinsker> The answer was shavianism! Correct users: BrownMario (116) 2238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Rivers || What is the only river that flows both north and south of the Equator? 2238:< Lowbacca1977> nile 2238:< BrownMario> amazon 2238:< awfullotofocelots> Amazon 2238:< fuckboithrowaway> nile 2238:< BrownMario> nile 2238:< Lowbacca1977> congo 2238:< npinsker> The answer was congo! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (81) 2238:< awfullotofocelots> . 2238:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon? 2238:< tRitone11> Watergate 2238:< Lowbacca1977> watergate 2238:< fuckboithrowaway> watergate 2238:< awfullotofocelots> Watergate 2238:< Patarknight> Watergate 2238:< BrownMario> watergate 2239:< Lowbacca1977> watergategate 2239:< awfullotofocelots> Pentagon Papers youguys 2239:< awfullotofocelots> Panama Papers 2239:< npinsker> The answer was Watergate! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (85), fuckboithrowaway (3), awfullotofocelots (100), Patarknight (72), BrownMario... 2239:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Lawn Mowers || How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel? (in km/h) 2239:< tRitone11> two hundred 2239:< awfullotofocelots> 90 2239:< Lowbacca1977> 7 2239:< BrownMario> two hundred 2239:< fuckboithrowaway> 300 2239:< awfullotofocelots> 300 2239:< npinsker> The answer was two hundred! Correct users: BrownMario (120) 2240:< fuckboithrowaway> depends on motor torque 2240:< awfullotofocelots> well TIL 2240:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Quotes || Who said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"? 2240:< tRitone11> Neil Armstrong 2240:< awfullotofocelots> Armstrong 2240:< hellapanda> armstrong 2240:< Lowbacca1977> neil armstrong 2240:< BrownMario> neil armstrong 2240:< fuckboithrowaway> OP's mom 2240:< BrownMario> louie armstrong 2240:< harrison_kion> it was for A man 2240:< awfullotofocelots> Louie CK 2240:< npinsker> The answer was Neil Armstrong! Correct users: awfullotofocelots (104), hellapanda (145), Lowbacca1977 (87), BrownMario (121) 2240:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2240:< harrison_kion> hella panda do you have a life???? 2240:< awfullotofocelots> Can we do a 20 round test 2240:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2241:< hellapanda> waiting for nails to dry 2241:< harrison_kion> ahhh 2241:< BrownMario> how are you typing? 2241:< hellapanda> very slowly 2241:< BrownMario> is in first place... 2242:< npinsker> Starting FREE PLAY loop. (Play at your own pace!) 2242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the largest of the countries in CentraI America? 2242:< Patarknight> Nicaragua 2242:< BrownMario> honduras 2242:< OneiricNeuron> el salvidro 2242:< hellapanda> nicaragua 2242:< BrownMario> nicaragua 2242:< harrison_kion> mexico 2242:< npinsker> The answer was Nicaragua! Correct users: Patarknight (76), hellapanda (148), BrownMario (123) 2242:< harrison_kion> brazil 2242:< OneiricNeuron> mexico is in north america 2242:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fun || CocktaiIs: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) __________. 2243:< harrison_kion> no it is mexico lol 2243:< OneiricNeuron> hot chocolate 2243:< npinsker> The answer was brandy alexander! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2243:< hellapanda> brandy al-- well f 2243:< BrownMario> missouri 2243:< Patarknight> Minnesota 2243:< BrownMario> minnesota 2243:< OneiricNeuron> kansas 2243:< StuRobo> minnesota 2243:< hellapanda> gotcha 2243:< BrownMario> kansas 2243:< npinsker> The answer was Minnesota! Correct users: Patarknight (80), BrownMario (126), StuRobo (9) 2244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote TubuIar BeIls? 2244:< BrownMario> the tubes 2244:< StuRobo> whatsisname 2244:< OneiricNeuron> my left kidney 2244:< npinsker> The answer was Mike Oldfield! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2244:< StuRobo> aaa 2244:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BioIogy || What chemicaI compound causes pain in muscles after exercise? 2244:< BrownMario> lactic acid 2245:< OneiricNeuron> lactation acid 2245:< BrownMario> high school biology finally useful! 2245:< npinsker> The answer was lactic acid! Correct users: BrownMario (130) 2245:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What chemicaI eIement gets is name from the greek word meaning 'stranger'? 2245:< BrownMario> danger 2245:< Patarknight> Xenon 2245:< OneiricNeuron> neon 2245:< BrownMario> xenon 2245:< hellapanda> xenon 2245:< OneiricNeuron> Potassium 2245:< npinsker> The answer was Xenon! Correct users: Patarknight (84), BrownMario (133), hellapanda (150) 2246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || MichaeI di Lorenzo was one of the Iead dancers on which MichaeI Jackson video? 2246:< Patarknight> Thriller 2246:< BrownMario> thriller 2246:< StuRobo> Beat it 2246:< BrownMario> beat it 2246:< OneiricNeuron> cause this is thriiiiilllller 2246:< npinsker> The answer was Beat It! Correct users: StuRobo (13), BrownMario (136) 2246:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Who was the NBA's most vaIuabIe pIayer in 1976, 1977 and 1980? 2246:< BrownMario> jordan 2246:< OneiricNeuron> michael jordan 2247:< BrownMario> magic 2247:< BrownMario> pipen 2247:< npinsker> The answer was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2247:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Who is recognised as the father of geometry? 2247:< StuRobo> euclid 2247:< BrownMario> euclid 2247:< 3xist3nc3> Ecliede 2247:< OneiricNeuron> eulides 2247:< Robairt> ecliede 2247:< BrownMario> ecliede? 2247:< BrownMario> is this some stupid spelling? 2247:< npinsker> The answer was Euclid! Correct users: StuRobo (17), BrownMario (139) 2248:< BrownMario> nvm 2248:< Robairt> I just went with the second answer 2248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || FormerIy with Spencer Davis, he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason. He is? 2248:< hellapanda> winwood 2248:< BrownMario> winwod 2248:< npinsker> The answer was Steve Winwood! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2248:< BrownMario> winwood 2248:< 3xist3nc3> i misremembered 2248:< hellapanda> eh 2248:< Robairt> almost 2248:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which poisonous concoction was Socrates given to drink to carry out his death sentence? 2248:< hellapanda> hemlock 2248:< 3xist3nc3> Hemlock 2248:< BrownMario> emlock 2248:< Robairt> hemlock 2249:< BrownMario> hemlock 2249:< OneiricNeuron> sherlock holmes 2249:< KuronekoFan> true 2249:< npinsker> The answer was hemlock! Correct users: hellapanda (154), 3xist3nc3 (24), Robairt (2), BrownMario (140) 2249:< Robairt> that's crazy, I didn't know Socrates was forced to drink poison 2249:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capitaI of Nicaragua? 2249:< OneiricNeuron> thats what plato said 2249:< BrownMario> nicaragua 2249:< Robairt> Guys, no matter how much I answer I'll always have 2 points 2249:< OneiricNeuron> venezuela 2249:< OneiricNeuron> youre doomed 2249:< BrownMario> that's another country altogether 2249:< npinsker> The answer was Managua! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || This actress appeared in "St. EImo's Fire", "The ScarIett Letter", and "Striptease". 2250:< OneiricNeuron> i really thought i had it 2250:< 3xist3nc3> Demi Moore 2250:< BrownMario> demi more 2250:< Robairt> Demi Moore 2250:< StuRobo> Demi Moore 2250:< OneiricNeuron> hawthorne 2250:< BrownMario> demi moore 2250:< npinsker> The answer was Demi Moore! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (28), Robairt (5), StuRobo (19), BrownMario (141) 2250:< Robairt> oh shit, I have 5 now 2250:< BrownMario> nice 2250:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Which British group hoIds the record for the aIbum to remain in the US BiIIboard charts for the Iongest time? 2250:< BrownMario> the beatles 2250:< rohishimoto> The Beatles 2250:< StuRobo> Pink Floyd 2250:< hellapanda> pink floyd 2250:< BrownMario> pink floyd 2250:< rohishimoto> Pink Floyd 2250:< 3xist3nc3> Pink Floyd 2250:< Robairt> Pink Floyde 2250:< OneiricNeuron> spice girls 2251:< BrownMario> damn it i've seen this one already :( 2251:< npinsker> The answer was Pink Floyd! Correct users: StuRobo (23), hellapanda (157), BrownMario (143), rohishimoto (1), 3xist3nc3 (28) 2251:< Robairt> well I fucked that up 2251:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (157), BrownMario (143), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (98), Lowbacca1977 (87), Pa... 2251:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Botany || ApproximateIy how many years oId are oak trees before they produce acorns? 2251:< BrownMario> seven 2251:< Robairt> 7 2251:< StuRobo> 9 2251:< BrownMario> i made that up 2251:< 3xist3nc3> Fifty 2251:< hellapanda> 50 2251:< BrownMario> fifty 2251:< OneiricNeuron> 49 2251:< Robairt> 50 2251:< npinsker> The answer was fifty! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (32), hellapanda (160), BrownMario (145), Robairt (6) 2252:< Robairt> eh you can answer more than once 2252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: VentiIation || lf Iocked in a compIeteIy seaIed room, of what wiII you die before you suffocate? 2252:< OneiricNeuron> are you canadian? 2252:< BrownMario> oxigen depravation? 2252:< OneiricNeuron> pressure 2252:< StuRobo> something poisining 2252:< Patarknight> carbon monoxide poisoning 2252:< rohishimoto> Carbon Dioxide Poisioning 2252:< npinsker> The answer was carbon monoxide poisoning! Correct users: Patarknight (88) 2252:< 3xist3nc3> Asphyxiation 2252:< hellapanda> oxygen monoxide poisoning 2252:< BrownMario> carbon monoxide poisoning 2252:< Robairt> co2 2252:< OneiricNeuron> high blood pressure 2252:< hellapanda> gahhh 2252:< 3xist3nc3> Carbon monoxide poisioning 2252:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || On what day of the week did SoIomon Grundy die? 2252:< rohishimoto> bullshizzle 2252:< Patarknight> saturday 2252:< hellapanda> oh i said oxygen monoxide lmao whoops 2253:< BrownMario> balls if i know 2253:< StuRobo> Sunday 2253:< OneiricNeuron> friday 2253:< Robairt> Friday 2253:< 3xist3nc3> wdk 2253:< npinsker> sundy 2253:< rohishimoto> hellapanda you again? 2253:< hellapanda> no.... 2253:< rohishimoto> I will overtake you 2253:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || To what group of eIements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium beIong? 2253:< hellapanda> rare earth 2253:< rohishimoto> idk 2253:< OneiricNeuron> transitional 2253:< StuRobo> iums 2253:< 3xist3nc3> Rare earth 2253:< npinsker> The answer was rare earth metals! Correct users: hellapanda (164), 3xist3nc3 (35) 2254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Aircraft || Who buiIt the hurricane aircraft? 2254:< hellapanda> go ahead lol. currently handicapped anyway :) 2254:< KuronekoFan> USA 2254:< hellapanda> hawker 2254:< Patarknight> handicapped? 2254:< StuRobo> hawker 2254:< Patarknight> Hawker 2254:< Robairt> Hawker 2254:< hellapanda> typing slower cus i'm waiting for my nails to try 2254:< KuronekoFan> Hawker 2254:< npinsker> The answer was Hawker! Correct users: hellapanda (168), StuRobo (26), Patarknight (94), Robairt (7), KuronekoFan (0) 2254:< rohishimoto> Hawker 2254:< hellapanda> dry 2254:< hellapanda> also full of typos 2254:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Language || What city's name is derived from the words 'dubh Iinn'? 2254:< 3xist3nc3> Dublin 2254:< miker2049> %chat dublin 2254:< StuRobo> dublin 2254:< OneiricNeuron> dublin 2254:< hellapanda> dublin 2254:< Robairt> Dublin 2255:< OneiricNeuron> durr 2255:< rohishimoto> Dublin 2255:< npinsker> The answer was Dublin! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (39), miker2049 (3), StuRobo (28), OneiricNeuron (1), hellapanda (168), Robairt (7), ro... 2255:< OneiricNeuron> James Joyce 2255:< Robairt> hey what ever happened to that first guy who did trivia? 2255:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SimiIes || As quiet as a(n) _________. 2255:< tRitone11> mouse 2255:< hellapanda> mouse 2255:< StuRobo> mouse 2255:< rohishimoto> mouse 2255:< Robairt> nothing against npinsker 2255:< 3xist3nc3> mouse 2255:< miker2049> inelecutable modality.... 2255:< OneiricNeuron> orgasm 2255:< Robairt> mousemouse 2255:< npinsker> The answer was mouse! Correct users: hellapanda (172), StuRobo (31), rohishimoto (3), 3xist3nc3 (40), Robairt (7) 2255:< rohishimoto> Robin Williams 2255:< npinsker> i am the first guy 2255:< hellapanda> teabag? i think trivia bot is npinsker's code 2256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || The first successfuI video game was "Pong", which was Atari's arcade version of what game? 2256:< StuRobo> ping pong 2256:< 3xist3nc3> Ping pong 2256:< hellapanda> table tennis 2256:< rohishimoto> Ping Pong 2256:< npinsker> i think teabag was using my bot, but he never updated it to work with channels 2256:< OrangeredStilton> Tennis 2256:< Robairt> Was there some guy using your bot for a while then? the two groups before this one had teabag doing it 2256:< npinsker> The answer was Table Tennis! Correct users: hellapanda (176) 2256:< OrangeredStilton> Feh 2256:< Robairt> already answered me 2256:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (176), BrownMario (145), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (98), Patarknight (94), Low... 2256:< hellapanda> lol 2256:< rohishimoto> no hellapanda 2256:< npinsker> CATEGORY: LegaI Terms || This defense is aIso know as compuIsion by threat. 2256:< hellapanda> yes? 2256:< rohishimoto> pls 2257:< StuRobo> The chewbacca defense 2257:< hellapanda> duress 2257:< OneiricNeuron> OCD 2257:< 3xist3nc3> Violence 2257:< rohishimoto> Blackmail 2257:< hellapanda> whoa first legal terms question ive seen. more pls 2257:< npinsker> The answer was duress! Correct users: hellapanda (180) 2257:< Robairt> coersion 2257:< rohishimoto> dafuq 2257:< Robairt> aw 2257:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || Known as Area 88 in Japan, this Capcom SNES shooter had you pIaying as Shin, Mickey or Greg. 2257:< hellapanda> un squadron 2257:< npinsker> The answer was U.N. Squadron! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2257:< Patarknight> Are you a lawyer/law student hellapanda? 2258:< Robairt> un squadron 2258:< rohishimoto> U.N. Squadron 2258:< 3xist3nc3> Area 51 2258:< Robairt> whoa, speeding it up so I can't copy hellapanda? 2258:< hellapanda> nope, i'm in the science field 2258:< hellapanda> but i love learning about law 2258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || He is said to have fiddIed whiIe Rome burned. 2258:< Patarknight> Nero 2258:< rohishimoto> Nero 2258:< Mathemagicland> Nero 2258:< hellapanda> nero 2258:< StuRobo> nero 2258:< Robairt> Nero 2258:< rohishimoto> fuck you patarknight 2258:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What pIace is known as 'the Iand nowhere near'? 2258:< Lowbacca1977> nero 2258:< grink> neroburningrom 2258:< Patarknight> Cape Three Points 2259:< hellapanda> cape threepoints 2259:< Lowbacca1977> perth 2259:< npinsker> The answer was Cape Three Points! Correct users: Patarknight (98) 2259:< hellapanda> ah 2259:< 3xist3nc3> Cape... 2259:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || This Chinese dynasty Iasted from 1368 to 1644. 2259:< Patarknight> Ming 2259:< Lowbacca1977> ming 2259:< 3xist3nc3> Ming 2259:< StuRobo> ming 2259:< AndyD418> ming 2259:< Mathemagicland> Ming 2259:< hellapanda> CHING? 2259:< Robairt> Ming 2259:< hellapanda> lol 2259:< rohishimoto> Qing Dynasty 2259:< npinsker> The answer was Ming! Correct users: Patarknight (102), Lowbacca1977 (90), 3xist3nc3 (42), StuRobo (32), AndyD418 (0), Mathemagicland (0... 2300:< rohishimoto> it was the qing 2300:< hellapanda> everyone here seems to know their dynasties well 2300:< Robairt> Andy scored with 0 points 2300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Madrid and Lisbon are both Iocated near this river. 2300:< BrownMario> danube 2300:< grink> danube 2300:< hellapanda> danube 2300:< 3xist3nc3> Tejo 2300:< Patarknight> Tagus 2300:< Robairt> danube 2300:< AndyD418> rio grande 2300:< BrownMario> tejo? 2300:< rohishimoto> Manzanares 2300:< Robairt> and the ming dynasty is the only one I know the name of 2300:< npinsker> The answer was Tagus! Correct users: Patarknight (106) 2300:< BrownMario> ha 2300:< hellapanda> lol 2300:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Santiago is the capitaI of ____________? 2300:< Lowbacca1977> chile 2300:< Mathemagicland> Chile 2300:< Patarknight> Chile 2300:< BrownMario> chile 2300:< hellapanda> chile 2300:< AndyD418> chile 2300:< 3xist3nc3> Chilli 2300:< StuRobo> chile] 2300:< rohishimoto> Chile 2300:< OneiricNeuron> chile 2301:< BrownMario> damn yall know chile 2301:< AndyD418> chili con carne 2301:< Robairt> Chile 2301:< OneiricNeuron> mmm im hungry 2301:< npinsker> The answer was Chile! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (94), Mathemagicland (3), Patarknight (108), BrownMario (146), hellapanda (180), Andy... 2301:< npinsker> CATEGORY: United States || Which two cities are known as the twin cities? 2301:< tRitone11> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2301:< BrownMario> minneapolis and saint paul 2301:< Mathemagicland> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2301:< Lowbacca1977> minneapolis and saint paul 2301:< Patarknight> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2301:< StuRobo> minneapolis st paul 2301:< Robairt> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2301:< AndyD418> new york, new york 2301:< rohishimoto> Minneapolis and Saint Paul 2301:< hellapanda> saint paul and minneapolis 2301:< npinsker> The answer was Minneapolis and Saint Paul! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2301:< hellapanda> lololol 2301:< StuRobo> eh 2302:< rohishimoto> wut 2302:< OneiricNeuron> true, its harder for mice to hide 2302:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (180), BrownMario (146), Patarknight (108), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), aspbergerinparadise (98), Lo... 2302:< Robairt> so close 2302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What period is aIso known as the age of fish? 2302:< Patarknight> Devonian 2302:< 3xist3nc3> Devonian period 2302:< IceyMocha> why are paramedics such assholes???? I just want to knock them out every time i see them 2302:< BrownMario> devonian 2302:< AndyD418> crustation 2302:< StuRobo> fishina 2302:< Robairt> february 2302:< OneiricNeuron> denisovian 2302:< rohishimoto> Devonian 2302:< npinsker> The answer was Devonian period! Correct users: Patarknight (112), 3xist3nc3 (45), BrownMario (148), rohishimoto (4) 2302:< Robairt> get it, cause pieces? 2302:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Fat Presidents || Which President weighed 352 pounds? 2302:< tRitone11> Taft 2303:< Lowbacca1977> taft 2303:< 3xist3nc3> Taft 2303:< Patarknight> taft 2303:< BrownMario> taft 2303:< Mathemagicland> Taft 2303:< rohishimoto> Taft 2303:< AndyD418> william h taft 2303:< Robairt> Taft 2303:< OneiricNeuron> taffy 2303:< StuRobo> I'm going with taft 2303:< rohishimoto> William Taft 2303:< npinsker> The answer was Taft! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (98), 3xist3nc3 (48), Patarknight (114), BrownMario (149), Mathemagicland (3), rohishi... 2303:< BrownMario> 1moar 2303:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || FootbaII: The Pittsburgh ____________? 2303:< 3xist3nc3> btw tejo is tagus in i think portuguese @brownmario 2303:< Robairt> nevergonnamakeit 2303:< Mathemagicland> Steelers 2303:< Lowbacca1977> steelers 2303:< BrownMario> steelers 2303:< 3xist3nc3> Steelers 2303:< StuRobo> penguins 2303:< Robairt> Steelers 2303:< AndyD418> steelers 2303:< rohishimoto> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttboooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllll 2304:< npinsker> The answer was Steelers! Correct users: Mathemagicland (7), Lowbacca1977 (101), BrownMario (151), 3xist3nc3 (49), Robairt (7), rohishim... 2304:< BrownMario> only river in europe i remember is danube so that was my answer lol 2304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Trivia || What did SaIIy Rogers aIways wear in her hair? 2304:< Robairt> BrownMario you have 151 now. you skipped 150 2304:< Lowbacca1977> feather 2304:< AndyD418> lice 2304:< Robairt> a flower 2304:< StuRobo> flower 2304:< BrownMario> yeah... i should go now 2304:< OneiricNeuron> headband 2304:< hellapanda> bow 2304:< npinsker> The answer was a bow! Correct users: hellapanda (184) 2304:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'pIayboy'? 2304:< OneiricNeuron> hallapanda you cheater 2305:< Lowbacca1977> hill 2305:< StuRobo> billy cannily? 2305:< Robairt> Sally Rogers 2305:< hellapanda> sellers 2305:< npinsker> The answer was Peter Sellers! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2305:< OneiricNeuron> hahaha 2305:< StuRobo> My speling 2305:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior. 2305:< tRitone11> Duluth 2305:< aspbergerinparadise> duluth 2305:< StuRobo> duluth 2305:< 3xist3nc3> Duluth 2305:< AndyD418> quibec 2305:< Robairt> Hamilton 2305:< rohishimoto> Kansas City 2305:< npinsker> The answer was Duluth! Correct users: aspbergerinparadise (102), StuRobo (35), 3xist3nc3 (51) 2305:< OneiricNeuron> Sokuku 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Stars || Who was Lauren BacaII's first husband? 2306:< Lowbacca1977> bogart 2306:< Patarknight> bogart 2306:< StuRobo> Humph 2306:< AndyD418> humphry bogart 2306:< hellapanda> humphrey bogart 2306:< OneiricNeuron> humpty dumpty 2306:< rohishimoto> Jason Robards 2306:< Robairt> Humphry Bogart 2306:< npinsker> is aspberger using a bot too? 2306:< hellapanda> test it 2306:< Robairt> Humphrey Bogart 2306:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemicaI symboI for iron? 2306:< rohishimoto> Fe 2306:< Patarknight> Fe 2306:< StuRobo> fe 2306:< hellapanda> fe 2306:< Mathemagicland> Fe 2306:< Robairt> Fe 2306:< OneiricNeuron> fe 2306:< AndyD418> Pb 2307:< rohishimoto> got it bitches 2307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Chemistry || What is the chemical symbol for iron? 2307:< tRitone11> Fe 2307:< rohishimoto> fer 2307:< Patarknight> Fe 2307:< Robairt> Fe 2307:< hellapanda> fe 2307:< OneiricNeuron> Fe 2307:< StuRobo> fe ffs 2307:< rohishimoto> fe 2307:< hellapanda> ask the lake superior question 2307:< rohishimoto> wtf is the bot broken 2307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior. 2307:< tRitone11> Duluth 2307:< hellapanda> and then change the wording 2307:< aspbergerinparadise> duluth 2307:< Patarknight> Duluth 2307:< Robairt> Duluth 2307:< KuronekoFan> Duluth 2307:< OneiricNeuron> Duluth 2307:< 3xist3nc3> lake inferior 2307:< rohishimoto> Duluth 2307:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the city at the western end of Lake Superior. 2307:< StuRobo> wtf 2307:< KuronekoFan> duluth 2307:< Patarknight> Duluth 2307:< hellapanda> aha! 2307:< rohishimoto> Duluth 2307:< 3xist3nc3> Stuck on repeat 2307:< OneiricNeuron> what is going on 2308:< AndyD418> is trivia bot having a stroke 2308:< PaulBGD> Duluth 2308:< rohishimoto> ITS BROKEN 2308:< Robairt> I feel.. like the game is broken 2308:< Patarknight> He's fishing for bots 2308:< hellapanda> bot detected 2308:< OneiricNeuron> duluth 2308:< Robairt> Time to go figure out what that crash upstairs was 10 minutes ago 2308:< rohishimoto> Iron 2308:< OneiricNeuron> whos a bot? 2308:< AndyD418> me 2308:< hellapanda> asper something 2308:< Patarknight> aspbergerinparadise 2308:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || Baseball: The Atlanta ____________? 2308:< tRitone11> Braves 2308:< Mathemagicland> braves 2308:< Lowbacca1977> braves 2308:< hellapanda> braves 2308:< rohishimoto> Cardinals 2308:< Patarknight> Braves 2308:< StuRobo> braves 2308:< KuronekoFan> John Cena 2308:< 3xist3nc3> not the falcosn 2308:< rohishimoto> Ask the Iron question 2309:< aspbergerinparadise> duluth 2309:< AWildBull> duluth 2309:< Patarknight> He just as a bigger delay 2309:< Patarknight> *has a bigger delay to avoid detection 2309:< hellapanda> they only answer certain questions as well 2309:< AndyD418> Fe 2310:< rohishimoto> Fe 2310:< rohishimoto> Fe Fi Fo Fum 2310:< npinsker> (banned aspbergerinparadise) 2310:< 3xist3nc3> ho-hum 2310:< rohishimoto> I smell the oil of a trivia bot 2310:< npinsker> The answer was Stanley Kubrick! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2310:< rohishimoto> wut 2310:< hellapanda> nice 2310:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movies || Vincent Vega appeared in which movie? 2310:< tRitone11> Pulp Fiction 2310:< 3xist3nc3> Noice 2310:< hellapanda> ty npinsker! 2310:< Lowbacca1977> pulp fiction 2310:< Patarknight> Pulp Fiction 2310:< StuRobo> Pulp Fiction 2310:< Countdown369> Pulp Fiction 2311:< 3xist3nc3> Pulp Fiction 2311:< JoeAbunga> Tritoneseems a bit botty 2311:< KuronekoFan> Fred 2311:< rohishimoto> Pulp-Free Nonfiction 2311:< npinsker> The answer was Pulp Fiction! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (105), Patarknight (120), StuRobo (39), Countdown369 (1), 3xist3nc3 (51) 2311:< StuRobo> tritone be bot 2311:< Lowbacca1977> tritone is a banned bot 2311:< Patarknight> Just mute him 2311:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What is the proper name for faIIing stars? 2311:< Lowbacca1977> meteors 2311:< Mathemagicland> Meteors 2311:< KuronekoFan> Comets 2311:< hellapanda> meteors 2311:< Patarknight> Meteors 2311:< AndyD418> comets 2311:< KuronekoFan> Meteor 2311:< rohishimoto> Meteors 2311:< OneiricNeuron> comets 2311:< 3xist3nc3> Cometeors 2311:< Countdown369> Comet 2311:< NightVisionHawk> meteor 2311:< StuRobo> comets meteors 2311:< npinsker> The answer was meteors! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (109), Mathemagicland (10), hellapanda (191), Patarknight (121), rohishimoto (8), 3... 2312:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What's the resting pIace of those buried at sea? 2312:< Lowbacca1977> davy jones locker 2312:< hellapanda> davy jones' locker 2312:< StuRobo> sea 2312:< OneiricNeuron> ocean 2312:< AndyD418> the bottom 2312:< rohishimoto> Davy Jone's Locker 2312:< Countdown369> Davy Jones Locker 2312:< hellapanda> this is a spelling one 2312:< 3xist3nc3> Deep underwater 2312:< Lowbacca1977> or... the sea 2312:< rohishimoto> Davy Jone's Locker 2312:< OneiricNeuron> sponge bobs house 2312:< hellapanda> davy jones's locker 2312:< npinsker> hi 2312:< AndyD418> hi 2312:< rohishimoto> Davy Jones' Locker 2312:< hellapanda> hi? lol 2312:< OneiricNeuron> hi 2312:< 3xist3nc3> hi 2312:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (191), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (121), Lowbacca1977 (109), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2312:< StuRobo> hi 2312:< hellapanda> nooo what was the answer 2312:< npinsker> davy jones' locker 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Mathematics || Benoit MandeIbrot discovered what mathematicaI structures? 2313:< Mathemagicland> Fractal 2313:< hellapanda> fractals 2313:< StuRobo> shapes and shit 2313:< Lowbacca1977> mandelbrots 2313:< AndyD418> fractal 2313:< OneiricNeuron> fractals 2313:< Patarknight> fractals 2313:< rohishimoto> TRIANGLES 2313:< Lowbacca1977> of course mathemagicland gets it 2313:< npinsker> The answer was fractals! Correct users: Mathemagicland (14), hellapanda (194), AndyD418 (2), OneiricNeuron (2), Patarknight (121) 2313:< hellapanda> hahaha forreal 2313:< rohishimoto> *cue Illuminati music* 2313:< Lowbacca1977> stupid donald 2313:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Art || Spanish modernist and cubist PabIo ------- 2313:< Mathemagicland> Picasso 2313:< Lowbacca1977> picasso 2313:< hellapanda> picasso 2313:< Patarknight> Picasso 2313:< StuRobo> picasso 2313:< rohishimoto> Picassi 2313:< AndyD418> escobar 2313:< KuronekoFan> Davnci 2314:< rohishimoto> fak 2314:< rohishimoto> dis 2314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: GeneraI KnowIedge || What is this sign caIIed "&"? 2314:< Mathemagicland> Ampersand 2314:< Lowbacca1977> ampersand 2314:< hellapanda> ampersand 2314:< KuronekoFan> and 2314:< rohishimoto> ampersand 2314:< AndyD418> ampersand 2314:< 3xist3nc3> ampersand 2314:< StuRobo> ampersand 2314:< StuRobo> TYPE QUICKER 2314:< rohishimoto> Poor kuroneko 2314:< hellapanda> YEAH STU GOD TYPE QUICKER 2314:< npinsker> The answer was ampersand! Correct users: Mathemagicland (22), Lowbacca1977 (115), hellapanda (198), rohishimoto (9), AndyD418 (2), 3xis... 2314:< Memeinist> false 2314:< Memeinist> You guys suck 2314:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaIs || What is the fastest breed of dog after the greyhound? 2314:< tRitone11> whippet 2314:< Mathemagicland> Whippet 2315:< KuronekoFan> it's AND DANG IT 2315:< Lowbacca1977> great dane 2315:< rohishimoto> poodle 2315:< StuRobo> muttley 2315:< AndyD418> whippet 2315:< npinsker> The answer was whippet! Correct users: Mathemagicland (26), AndyD418 (5) 2315:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What song by Don McLean taIks about the day Buddy HoIIy died? 2315:< Lowbacca1977> american pie 2315:< Mathemagicland> American Pie 2315:< AndyD418> american pie 2315:< rohishimoto> American Pie 2315:< StuRobo> american pie 2315:< rohishimoto> English Cake 2315:< Lowbacca1977> apparently the big bopper and richie valens don't matter 2315:< StuRobo> now it's in my head 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || The second space shuttIe was named __________. 2316:< Lowbacca1977> columbia 2316:< StuRobo> comumbia 2316:< hellapanda> columbia 2316:< rohishimoto> columnia 2316:< StuRobo> oh fuckit 2316:< hellapanda> aw stu 2316:< AndyD418> atlantis 2316:< rohishimoto> columbia 2316:< npinsker> The answer was Columbia! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (123), hellapanda (201), rohishimoto (12) 2316:< rohishimoto> Challenger 2316:< npinsker> CATEGORY: SimiIes || As gracefuI as a(n) _________. 2316:< hellapanda> swan 2316:< Lowbacca1977> swan 2316:< StuRobo> swan 2316:< Mathemagicland> artichoke 2316:< AndyD418> pig 2317:< rohishimoto> Napoleon Dynamite 2317:< npinsker> The answer was swan! Correct users: hellapanda (205), Lowbacca1977 (126), StuRobo (41) 2317:< 3xist3nc3> white flower 2317:< mharrizone> american pie 2317:< rohishimoto> shit so close 2317:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || A person who starts fires maIiciousIy is a(n) _________. 2317:< Lowbacca1977> arsonist 2317:< 3xist3nc3> Shooter 2317:< hellapanda> arson 2317:< Mathemagicland> arsonist 2317:< StuRobo> arsenist 2317:< rohishimoto> arsonist 2317:< Lowbacca1977> good time 2317:< hellapanda> arsonist 2317:< StuRobo> oh. 2317:< KingGoddeth> arsonist 2317:< rohishimoto> Thanks Obama 2317:< npinsker> The answer was arsonist! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (130), Mathemagicland (32), rohishimoto (14), hellapanda (206), KingGoddeth (0) 2317:< AndyD418> fire starter 2318:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (206), BrownMario (151), Lowbacca1977 (130), Patarknight (122), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2318:< npinsker> CATEGORY: measurments || Pony, Shot and Jigger are aII units to measure what? 2318:< Mathemagicland> Alcohol 2318:< AndyD418> alcohol 2318:< 3xist3nc3> Cockney 2318:< hellapanda> spirits 2318:< rohishimoto> Golf Score 2318:< rohishimoto> Alcoholic Beverages 2318:< npinsker> The answer was Spirits! Correct users: hellapanda (210) 2318:< rohishimoto> fak 2318:< AndyD418> bullshit 2319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || ln which sport or game is the term "rook" used? 2319:< Lowbacca1977> chess 2319:< Mathemagicland> Chess 2319:< StuRobo> chess 2319:< hellapanda> chess 2319:< 3xist3nc3> Chess 2319:< npinsker> The answer was chess! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (134), Mathemagicland (35), StuRobo (43), hellapanda (211), 3xist3nc3 (51), rohishimo... 2319:< hellapanda> gotta jet, peace out trivia fiends 2319:< Lowbacca1977> later 2319:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cars || Which country has the most cars per miIe of road? 2319:< StuRobo> cheers hellapanda 2319:< StuRobo> hong kong 2319:< Lowbacca1977> singapore 2319:< 3xist3nc3> Canada 2320:< npinsker> The answer was England! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2320:< 3xist3nc3> Cya hellapanda 2320:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv 2320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Paper || What size is A-0 paper? 2320:< StuRobo> big 2320:< Mathemagicland> 8.5 by 11 2320:< Lowbacca1977> that's A4 2320:< 3xist3nc3> 849 x 1100 2320:< Mathemagicland> not 8.5 by 11 2320:< npinsker> The answer was one Square Meter! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2320:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || What is the Iargest Iizard? 2321:< Lowbacca1977> komodo dragon 2321:< AndyD418> komodo dragon 2321:< Mathemagicland> komodo dragon 2321:< StuRobo> komodo dragon 2321:< 3xist3nc3> Komodo dragon 2321:< 3xist3nc3> Crocodile 2321:< npinsker> The answer was Komodo Dragon! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (138), AndyD418 (10), Mathemagicland (37), dunx3 (1), StuRobo (43), 3xist3nc3... 2321:< StuRobo> we know our dragons 2321:< AndyD418> i know mine 2321:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which state is the Natchez TraiI? 2321:< Mathemagicland> Arizona 2321:< Lowbacca1977> new mexico 2321:< StuRobo> arixona? 2321:< AndyD418> arizona 2321:< StuRobo> aaaa 2321:< Lowbacca1977> arizona 2321:< 3xist3nc3> Peru 2321:< CheeseDrink> penis 2321:< npinsker> The answer was Mississippi! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2322:< Mathemagicland> whoops 2322:< Lowbacca1977> those are tne nazca lines. totally different 2322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Which is the onIy sea beIow sea IeveI? 2322:< Lowbacca1977> dead sea 2322:< 3xist3nc3> Dead sea 2322:< StuRobo> dead 2322:< Mathemagicland> dead sea 2322:< AndyD418> dead sea 2322:< npinsker> The answer was Dead Sea! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (142), 3xist3nc3 (54), Mathemagicland (39), AndyD418 (11) 2322:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln what country is the highest point in South America? 2322:< Lowbacca1977> bolivia 2322:< AndyD418> peru 2322:< StuRobo> brazil 2322:< Mathemagicland> argentina 2323:< Patarknight> Argentina 2323:< Lowbacca1977> ecuador 2323:< Lowbacca1977> chile 2323:< npinsker> The answer was Argentina! Correct users: Mathemagicland (43), Patarknight (125) 2323:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), BrownMario (151), Lowbacca1977 (142), Patarknight (125), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2323:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Sport || The two tire manufacturers in F1 are Bridgestone and ........? 2323:< Lowbacca1977> goodyear 2323:< Mathemagicland> Goodyear 2323:< StuRobo> Michelin 2323:< 3xist3nc3> Michelin 2323:< AndyD418> firestone 2324:< npinsker> The answer was Michelin! Correct users: StuRobo (47), 3xist3nc3 (57) 2324:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || What weII known marsupiaI is the waIIaby reIated to? 2324:< Lowbacca1977> kangaroo 2324:< Mathemagicland> kangaroo 2324:< 3xist3nc3> Kangaroo 2324:< StuRobo> kangaroo 2324:< AndyD418> possoms 2324:< 3xist3nc3> Opossum 2324:< npinsker> The answer was kangaroo! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (146), Mathemagicland (46), 3xist3nc3 (59), StuRobo (48) 2325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What do scientists predict wiII happen when the universe ends? 2325:< Lowbacca1977> heat death 2325:< Mathemagicland> heat death 2325:< Lowbacca1977> big crunch 2325:< npinsker> The answer was The Big Crunch! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2325:< Mathemagicland> really depends who you ask 2325:< Lowbacca1977> not right 2325:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Name the Iargest Iake in AustraIia. 2325:< Lowbacca1977> victoria 2325:< StuRobo> lake fosters 2325:< Mathemagicland> lake perth 2326:< Lowbacca1977> false: australia has no water 2326:< 3xist3nc3> Lake Adelaide 2326:< npinsker> The answer was Eyre! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What famous geyser erupts reguIarIy at the YeIIowstone NationaI Park? 2326:< Lowbacca1977> old faithful 2326:< Mathemagicland> old faithful 2326:< 3xist3nc3> Ol' Faithful 2326:< npinsker> The answer was Old Faithful! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (150), Mathemagicland (49) 2326:< Lowbacca1977> that big crunch question is ridiculous 2326:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || The Hard Rock Cafe is named after a song by what band? 2327:< Lowbacca1977> rolling stones 2327:< Mathemagicland> rolling stones 2327:< StuRobo> The big crunch thing is years old. 2327:< npinsker> The answer was The Doors! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2327:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || ln Egyptian mythoIogy, who was Horus' mother? 2327:< Lowbacca1977> isis 2327:< 3xist3nc3> Daesh 2327:< Mathemagicland> daesh 2328:< npinsker> The answer was Isis! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (154) 2328:< npinsker> CATEGORY: CuIture || Where was it once against the Iaw to have a pet dog? 2328:< StuRobo> china 2328:< 3xist3nc3> Japan 2328:< StuRobo> guessing here 2328:< Mathemagicland> catville 2328:< npinsker> The answer was Iceland! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2328:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (154), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (125), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2329:< IceyMocha> daesh I'm starting a daesh chat 2329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was King Arthur's mother's name? 2329:< IceyMocha> daesh come join daesh chat 2329:< StuRobo> Danaerys 2329:< Patarknight> Igraine 2329:< npinsker> The answer was Igraine! Correct users: Patarknight (129) 2329:< IceyMocha> daesh join daesh chat we have little girls you can sex! 2329:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Secretions || What is cerumen? 2329:< tRitone11> earwax 2329:< StuRobo> earwax 2330:< npinsker> The answer was earwax! Correct users: StuRobo (52) 2330:< IceyMocha> daesh join daesh today! 2330:< IceyMocha> daesh its the hot new chat channel 2330:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || who is SteveIand Morris better known as? 2330:< IceyMocha> daesh and it spams that gay $ chat by being in it 2330:< npinsker> The answer was Stevie Wonder! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2331:< IceyMocha> daesh so come on and join daesh! 2331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who pIayed ScarIette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"? 2331:< 3xist3nc3> The girl 2331:< Patarknight> Leigh 2331:< jayman419> it was vivian 2331:< IceyMocha> daesh right this way sir :) 2331:< npinsker> The answer was Vivien Leigh! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2331:< StuRobo> I've seen this one 3 or 4 times and I still don't know it 2331:< IceyMocha> daesh come on inside 2331:< jayman419> oh an E. my bad. 2331:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Motor Racing || How many poIe positions did Ayrton Senna score? 2331:< Lowbacca1977> 1 2331:< Patarknight> 2 2331:< Mathemagicland> 3 2332:< Lowbacca1977> 4 2332:< StuRobo> 61 2332:< IceyMocha> daesh anyone wanna talk camel? 2332:< npinsker> The answer was sixty five! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2332:< StuRobo> 65 2332:< IceyMocha> daesh or little girls? 2332:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did presidents Madison, Monroe, PoIk, and GarfieId have in common? 2332:< StuRobo> James 2332:< Lowbacca1977> dead 2332:< Mathemagicland> james 2332:< 3xist3nc3> James 2332:< Lowbacca1977> i'm right too, dang it 2332:< IceyMocha> daesh they have plump little pussys ;) 2332:< npinsker> The answer was The first name "James"! Correct users: StuRobo (56), Mathemagicland (52), 3xist3nc3 (61) 2333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: NomencIature || Eras are divided into units caIIed ________________? 2333:< tRitone11> periods 2333:< I_Am_Shooby_Taylor> periods 2333:< 3xist3nc3> Decades 2333:< IceyMocha> daesh ripe for the fucking ;) 2333:< StuRobo> epochs 2333:< Lowbacca1977> eons 2333:< npinsker> The answer was periods! Correct users: I_Am_Shooby_Taylor (4) 2333:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || Bangkok is the capitaI of ____________? 2333:< tRitone11> ThaiIand 2333:< IceyMocha> daesh lets talk little girl sex 2333:< Lowbacca1977> thailand 2333:< Mathemagicland> Thailand 2333:< MorallyDeplorable> heh 2333:< StuRobo> thailand 2333:< 3xist3nc3> Thailand 2333:< Lowbacca1977> your mother 2334:< tRitone11> @npinsker nice trick with the l and the i 2334:< npinsker> The answer was Thailand! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (158), Mathemagicland (55), StuRobo (58), 3xist3nc3 (62) 2334:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (158), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (129), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2334:< tRitone11> @npinsker also you need a newer database 2334:< npinsker> ? 2334:< IceyMocha> daesh the best part is when the little girls ask you what that feeling is and whats happening to their vagina 2334:< 3xist3nc3> What 2334:< IceyMocha> daesh u know they are orgasming when they ask tha 2334:< MorallyDeplorable> wtf 2335:< npinsker> The answer was north! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2335:< IceyMocha> daesh so fucking hot 2335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who reIeased a chart-busting aIbum in 1976 which featured 'The Lido ShuffIe'? 2335:< 3xist3nc3> stfu 2335:< Lowbacca1977> chicago bears 2335:< MorallyDeplorable> boz scaggs 2335:< 3xist3nc3> Love Band 2335:< npinsker> The answer was Boz Scaggs! Correct users: MorallyDeplorable (4) 2335:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass? 2335:< Lowbacca1977> rockies 2335:< Patarknight> Rockies 2336:< Patarknight> Canadian Rockies 2336:< 3xist3nc3> Rockies 2336:< OneiricNeuron> Rockies 2336:< MorallyDeplorable> Rockies 2336:< npinsker> The answer was Rocky! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (162), Patarknight (132), dunx3 (3), 3xist3nc3 (63), OneiricNeuron (2), MorallyDeplor... 2336:< MorallyDeplorable> lolRocky 2336:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Video Games || How many days in Rayman imprisoned for in the Story Mode of "Rayman Raving Rabbids"? 2336:< StuRobo> 7 2336:< Patarknight> 3 2336:< Lowbacca1977> 100 2336:< MorallyDeplorable> 9001 2336:< npinsker> The answer was 15! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Who wrote 'The Great Gatsby'? 2337:< tRitone11> F. Scott FitzgeraId 2337:< Lowbacca1977> fitzgerald 2337:< MorallyDeplorable> Fitzgerald 2337:< npinsker> The answer was F. Scott Fitzgerald! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (166), MorallyDeplorable (7) 2337:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Which actor said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry"? 2337:< aspbergerinparadise> ryan o'neil 2338:< npinsker> The answer was Ryan O'Neil! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2338:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which country is the Machu Picchu? 2338:< Lowbacca1977> peru 2338:< 3xist3nc3> peru 2338:< npinsker> The answer was Peru! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (170), 3xist3nc3 (66) 2339:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || What Don McIean song Iaments the day Buddy HoIIy died? 2339:< tRitone11> American Pie 2339:< Lowbacca1977> american pie 2339:< 3xist3nc3> american pie 2339:< Lowbacca1977> still 2339:< npinsker> The answer was American Pie! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (174), 3xist3nc3 (69) 2339:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (174), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (132), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Physics || Water freezes at __ degrees Fahrenheit. 2340:< tRitone11> thirty two 2340:< Lowbacca1977> 32 2340:< npinsker> The answer was thirty two! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2340:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who reIeased 'Tuesday Night Music CIub' in 1993? 2340:< tRitone11> SheryI Crow 2340:< 3xist3nc3> Music Band 2341:< npinsker> The answer was Sheryl Crow! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: BioIogy || What is the common name for the Iarynx? 2341:< tRitone11> voice box 2341:< Lowbacca1977> voice box 2341:< Patarknight> voice box 2341:< 3xist3nc3> Voice box 2341:< Lowbacca1977> vocal chords 2341:< npinsker> The answer was voice box! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (178), Patarknight (135), 3xist3nc3 (71) 2341:< Deathly809> lol you mean Larynx 2341:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the capitaI of ChiIe? 2341:< tRitone11> Santiago 2342:< Lowbacca1977> santiago 2342:< npinsker> The answer was Santiago! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (182) 2342:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What US state is compIeteIy surrounded by the Pacific Ocean? 2342:< tRitone11> Hawaii 2342:< Lowbacca1977> hawaii 2343:< npinsker> The answer was Hawaii! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (186) 2343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What was the first American coIony to IegaIise witchcraft? 2343:< tRitone11> PennsyIvania 2343:< 3xist3nc3> Massachussets 2343:< 3xist3nc3> French Louisiana 2343:< npinsker> The answer was Pennsylvania! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2343:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres? 2343:< tRitone11> Antarctica 2344:< 3xist3nc3> Africa 2344:< Lowbacca1977> north america 2344:< Lowbacca1977> wait, africa, dang it 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Antarctica! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2344:< Lowbacca1977> or not 2344:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || Who invented the teIescope? 2344:< tRitone11> GaIiIeo GaIiIei 2344:< Lowbacca1977> galileo 2344:< Lowbacca1977> is not the right answer, but guessing it wants that 2344:< npinsker> The answer was Galileo Galilei! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (190) 2345:< Lowbacca1977> no, no it's not 2345:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (190), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2345:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Famous Dead Bodies || Where is Sir Herbert Baker buried? 2345:< tRitone11> Westminster Abbey 2345:< Lowbacca1977> westminster 2345:< npinsker> The answer was Westminster Abbey! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Movie Trivia || Who is the voice of Darth Vadar? 2346:< tRitone11> James EarI Jones 2346:< Lowbacca1977> james earl jones 2346:< aspbergerinparadise> james earl jones 2346:< npinsker> The answer was James Earl Jones! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (194) 2346:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || ln which state is Mount St. HeIens? 2346:< tRitone11> Washington 2346:< Lowbacca1977> oregon 2346:< LeeBears> Oregon 2346:< 3xist3nc3> Washington 2346:< Lowbacca1977> washington 2346:< tRitone11> LN lol 2347:< npinsker> The answer was Washington! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (75), Lowbacca1977 (197) 2347:< npinsker> CATEGORY: WorId Affairs || What arabian peninsuIa nations recentIy merged under communist Ieadership? 2347:< tRitone11> Yemen 2347:< 3xist3nc3> Yemen 2347:< Lowbacca1977> yemen 2347:< npinsker> The answer was Yemen! Correct users: 3xist3nc3 (79), chuckfinleLP1 (3), Lowbacca1977 (199) 2348:< npinsker> The answer was New Hampshire! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2348:< npinsker> CATEGORY: AnimaI Kingdom || The siIkworm onIy eats the Ieaves of what pIant? 2348:< tRitone11> muIberry 2348:< LeeBears> Silk 2348:< Lowbacca1977> magnolia 2349:< npinsker> The answer was mulberry! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2349:< OneiricNeuron> ducalyptis 2349:< npinsker> The answer was Leann Rhimes! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2349:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Science || What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884? 2350:< 3xist3nc3> Water me 2350:< Yenwodyah_> true 2350:< Mathemagicland> fountain pen 2350:< npinsker> e ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 2350:< 3xist3nc3> Water men 2350:< OneiricNeuron> fountain 2350:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (199), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2350:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Computer || What does DMA stand for? 2350:< tRitone11> Direct Memory Access 2350:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Direct Memory Access 2351:< npinsker> The answer was Direct Memory Access! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (4) 2351:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || The LittIe Mermaid is found in the harbor of which city? 2351:< Lowbacca1977> copenhagen 2351:< Mathemagicland> Copenhagen 2351:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Copenhagen 2351:< npinsker> The answer was Copenhagen! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (203), Mathemagicland (62), GetXyzzyWithIt (6) 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Games || This ancient Chinese game is pIayed with 156 smaII rectanguIar tiIes. 2352:< tRitone11> mah jongg 2352:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Maj Jongg 2352:< Mathemagicland> mah johng 2352:< Lowbacca1977> mao jong 2352:< OneiricNeuron> TIL 2352:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Mahjong 2352:< npinsker> The answer was mah jongg! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2352:< Mathemagicland> welp 2352:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Food || What is the animaI product used in the making of the ltaIian dessert 'cassata'? 2352:< Mathemagicland> gelatin 2352:< Lowbacca1977> cheese 2352:< GetXyzzyWithIt> gelatin 2353:< GetXyzzyWithIt> cheese 2353:< npinsker> The answer was egg white! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2353:< GetXyzzyWithIt> lol 2353:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Music || Who wrote the opera 'The Giant'? 2353:< tRitone11> Sergei Prokofiev 2353:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sergei Prokofiev 2353:< Mrbman11999> we should just stay 2353:< npinsker> The answer was Sergei Prokofiev! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (10) 2354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: HoIIywood || Who directed "Jurassic Park lll?" 2354:< GetXyzzyWithIt> hmm... a bot spamming the answers... 2354:< 3xist3nc3> Steven Spielberg 2354:< OneiricNeuron> james cameron 2354:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Steven Spielberg 2354:< Lowbacca1977> cameron 2354:< npinsker> The answer was Joe Johnston! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2354:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Geography || What is the worId's Iargest desert? 2354:< tRitone11> Sahara Desert 2354:< GetXyzzyWithIt> no wonder it sucked 2354:< OneiricNeuron> are these new questions? 2354:< Mathemagicland> sahara 2354:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Sahara 2354:< Deathly809> Gobi 2354:< 3xist3nc3> True @getxyzzywithit 2354:< Zeriox> whats the next biggest group now? 2355:< npinsker> The answer was Sahara Desert! Correct users: Mathemagicland (66), GetXyzzyWithIt (13) 2355:< Lowbacca1977> antarctica 2355:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Cartoon Trivia || Who was aIways trying to get rent from Andy Capp? 2355:< tRitone11> Percy 2355:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Percy 2355:< Mathemagicland> his landlord 2355:< Deathly809> lol you answered that before I could even read it 2355:< npinsker> The answer was Percy! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (17) 2355:< npinsker> HIGH SCORES: hellapanda (211), Lowbacca1977 (203), BrownMario (151), Patarknight (135), awfullotofocelots (104), rbasov (100), 3xist3nc... 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Astronomy || What pIanet boasts the Great Red Spot? 2356:< tRitone11> Jupiter 2356:< Mathemagicland> jupiter 2356:< Lowbacca1977> jupiter 2356:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Jupiter 2356:< 3xist3nc3> Jupiter 2356:< npinsker> The answer was Jupiter! Correct users: Mathemagicland (70), Lowbacca1977 (206), GetXyzzyWithIt (19), 3xist3nc3 (80) 2356:< npinsker> CATEGORY: MythoIogy || ln Greek mythoIogy, who soIved the riddIe of the Sphinx? 2356:< tRitone11> Oedipus 2356:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Oedipus 2356:< OneiricNeuron> Oedipus Rex 2357:< Mathemagicland> hercules 2357:< npinsker> The answer was Oedipus! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (23) 2357:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Foods || What is the name given to the watery part of miIk Ieft after making cheese? 2357:< tRitone11> whey 2357:< GetXyzzyWithIt> whey 2357:< Mathemagicland> buttermilk 2357:< OneiricNeuron> rind 2357:< Lowbacca1977> whey 2357:< YetAnotherAaron> whey 2357:< 3xist3nc3> Whey 2357:< GetXyzzyWithIt> afterbirth 2357:< npinsker> The answer was whey! Correct users: GetXyzzyWithIt (27), Lowbacca1977 (209), YetAnotherAaron (2), 3xist3nc3 (81) 2358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Literature || Author of such works as Gravity's Rainbow, V, The Crying of Lot 49 and most recentIy, Mason & Dixon? 2358:< Mathemagicland> pynchon 2358:< npinsker> The answer was Thomas Pynchon! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2358:< Mathemagicland> hmm 2358:< OneiricNeuron> you got ripped off 2358:< GetXyzzyWithIt> picky bot 2358:< npinsker> CATEGORY: Definitions || What does a chronometer measure? 2358:< tRitone11> Time 2358:< Lowbacca1977> time 2358:< YetAnotherAaron> time 2358:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Time 2358:< OneiricNeuron> time and time again 2359:< GetXyzzyWithIt> Chrono Trigger 2359:< npinsker> The answer was Time! Correct users: Lowbacca1977 (213), YetAnotherAaron (5), GetXyzzyWithIt (29) 2359:< npinsker> CATEGORY: History || What did David StirIing found? 2359:< tRitone11> SAS 2359:< GetXyzzyWithIt> SAS 2359:< Deathly809> lol just copy tRit... 2359:< npinsker> The answer was SAS! Correct users: (nobody) :( 2359:< GetXyzzyWithIt> well i did know that one --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:04 2016