--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:11:53 2016 2011:< robin-rpg> anyone here? 2012:< OrangeredStilton> Just barely 2012:< Insomnikal> no, you left us, we trusted you 2012:< robin-rpg> the bot is down? 2012:< robin-rpg> i'm at work. 2012:< Insomnikal> you were the chosen one! 2012:< Insomnikal> but yeah bots been down since you left 2012:< embracetehmartian> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dcvwy/me_and_the_flockdraw_room_drew_some_pictures_for/ 2013:< robin-rpg> fuck. I must have made some mistake. 2013:< robin-rpg> Well, in ~1 hour i will get home :3 2014:< Insomnikal> <3 we shall see if you can win us back 2014:< robin-rpg> and begin to test the loot system. 2014:< Insomnikal> proper loot ?! 2014:< robin-rpg> proper loot! ;3 2014:< thatwentBTE> oh ma so stoked 2014:< Insomnikal> i am intrigued 2014:< robin-rpg> well, just a loot count. but proper loot. 2014:< thatwentBTE> man* 2015:< Insomnikal> we'll need stats after that 2015:< robin-rpg> It will give you a bonus damage 2015:< Insomnikal> :D 2015:< thatwentBTE> cooool 2015:< TeaBagTwat> hello 2016:< thatwentBTE> hey 2016:< Insomnikal> hi 2016:< TeaBagTwat> Is the bot going? 2016:< Insomnikal> not at the moment 2016:< jayman419> I think he said he was at work? 2016:< thatwentBTE> 3:14:40 PM #rpg robin-rpg Well, in ~1 hour i will get home :3 2016:< Insomnikal> yeah, was here just a minute ago 2016:< TeaBagTwat> Ill set it up 2016:< TeaBagTwat> one minute 2017:< robin-rpg> And the commands that will be added: !party, to check the level of who hit in the last round, !heroes to check the hall of fame(top) 2017:< Insomnikal> i got out levelled while asleep ;( 2018:< robin-rpg> and !loot to check how much loot you have. 2018:< thatwentBTE> zezima's nightmare 2018:< TeaBagTwat> !loot 2018:< Insomnikal> im guessing there's no history of previous loot? otherwise i'd be loaded ;D 2018:< thatwentBTE> !poot 2018:< TeaBagTwat> I HAD SLIPPERS 2018:< robin-rpg> The bot is offline :( 2018:< Insomnikal> i had a bag of mould 2018:< TeaBagTwat> WHERE ARE THEY 2019:< embracetehmartian> my only loot is the HOLY AVENGER but ive been slaying monsters forever 2026:< jonesandbrown> is this still up? 2026:< Insomnikal> bots down for at least an hour ish 2026:< jonesandbrown> that sucks. 2027:< Insomnikal> indeed, new features should be inc though 2027:< Insomnikal> or at least get tested 2028:< robin-rpg> Sorry about the day guys. But tonight will be epic! 2029:< Insomnikal> no worries :p i just hope you dont get kicked from the room for any reason :P 2041:< derogative> i wonder if rpgbot is alive yet. I'm unsure if it's been five hours. 2041:< Insomnikal> another hour 2041:< derogative> alas 2041:< Insomnikal> creater popped by about 20 minutes ago and said he was still at work 2042:< Insomnikal> new features should be coming though 2042:< TeaBagTwat> Who made the bot 2042:< Insomnikal> someone said their name earlier, they're only in this room though as robin-rpg 2043:< RainbowRaccoon> been dead for a while from what I heard 2043:< SirCabbage> oh yeah derogative 2043:< Insomnikal> 4-5 hours 2043:< derogative> A few hours, they fixed flee but then the bot decided it was naptime. 2043:< TeaBagTwat> Im trying to set up the bot but it doesn't want to start 2043:< SirCabbage> I had two items to give you --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:44:01 2016 2044:< derogative> Teabagtwat, the creator is anokrs. 2044:< robin-rpg> TeaBagTwat, I must have fucked up something when fixing flee. 2044:< derogative> It's okay, bot should be back Soon(TM) we just gotta wait for them to get off work. 2044:< SirCabbage> Also derogative, we made this last night. you can put your hero here 2044:< robin-rpg> Poor bot, must have been trying to get up for hours. 2045:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 just input your loot and stuff 2045:< SirCabbage> I tamed and gave away a lot of dragons lol 2046:< Insomnikal> wb Decalance 2046:< Decalance> wb yo 2046:< Decalance> wb sup insomni 2046:< Decalance> BEST 2047:< Insomnikal> not much thinking of playing a game but cant decide what 2047:< Decalance> is robin-rpg still alive? 2047:< derogative> Alright. Adding some shit in there. 2047:< Insomnikal> not at the moment, soon 2047:< derogative> It will be Soon-ish 2047:< embracetehmartian> decalence idk if the bot is working 2047:< robin-rpg> Soon(tm) 2047:< embracetehmartian> i guess not 2047:< TeaBagTwat> Test 2047:< Decalance> hey robin 2047:< embracetehmartian> nice 2047:< robin-rpg> I'm at work 2047:< Decalance> can't wait 2047:< robin-rpg> I leave in 20min 2047:< Decalance> i'm at bed, it's 10 pm 2048:< SirCabbage> I just woke up, it is almost 7 2048:< TeaBagTwat> @robin-rpg should it start automatically? 2048:< SirCabbage> also- did anyone notice all the smaller chats below us? merging within 4 days seems very likely 2048:< gjhgjh> Is the RPG back? 2048:< Insomnikal> i havent been paying attention 2048:< Decalance> wait is hagbard-celine here? 2048:< Djinneral> hey robin 2048:< gjhgjh> He came on and had us test !flee 2048:< TeaBagTwat> @robin-rpg I have the bot but it would start 2049:< Decalance> i saw him in %chat with the #rpg filter 2049:< Decalance> sup hag 2049:< robin-rpg> TeaBagTwat check your console, Ctrl+Shift+I 2049:< gjhgjh> But when he went back to work the bot stopped responding 2049:< robin-rpg> See if it has any errors 2049:< hagbard-celine> sup dec 2049:< Djinneral> we dont need the bot anymore, I've replaced it with my make-shift danky stories 2050:< gjhgjh> The moment you said bye I'm going back to work was when the bot quit responding. 2050:< Insomnikal> robin-rpg will create an ai specifcally to best you 2050:< Decalance> i don't understand is #rpg leaking in %chat? 2050:< Insomnikal> i have everything else filtered 2050:< Djinneral> so anyway there's this wild golden urang utang lvl 34 who's descended from the mountain to attack villagers what do you do!? 2050:< Insomnikal> it's a mess out there 2050:< Insomnikal> well my guy bled out hours ago 2050:< TeaBagTwat> yeah i Think I can fix it 2050:< gjhgjh> %rpg was leaving in to % which is why they created %chat. 2050:< hagbard-celine> it is now 2050:< Djinneral> yeah you're ded insomnikal 2051:< Djinneral> but the rest still have a chance for some sweat urang utang loot 2051:< Decalance> Djinneral i diplomat my way out of it 2051:< gjhgjh> Althougth it seems that the rpg bot can occationally see %chat even if we can't. 2051:< Insomnikal> his ghost can be standing over the corpse sobbing i guess, if anyones capable of seeing that 2051:< Djinneral> the urang utang doesn't understand human speak and decides to attack you with a vicious slam 2051:< Decalance> i roll for dodge 2051:< Decalance> do we have dice? 2051:< Djinneral> the urang utang misses the shot but the tremors make you fall over 2052:< Djinneral> I don't use dice, I decide the fate of you mortals 2052:< Decalance> okay damn, i'm on the floor 2052:< Djinneral> the urang utang decides to spare you as long as you give him your clothes 2052:< Decalance> wait 2052:< Decalance> i can attack him with one of my weapons 2052:< Djinneral> what weapon is it? 2052:< Decalance> hang on, pause, where's the spreadsheet? 2053:< Decalance> i had all my items on it 2053:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 2053:< derogative> There we go, updated my shit. 2053:< SirCabbage> or did you have a different one? 2053:< Djinneral> oh yeah that one, I'm not really running of that,this isn't that in depth 2053:< Djinneral> its just till the rpg botis back up 2053:< Decalance> SirCabbage i had the original one 2053:< SirCabbage> there was one before this one? 2053:< Insomnikal> the general channel one 2053:< Decalance> yeah, the general one 2054:< Insomnikal> it was origionally to track the progress of the channel from T2 or 3 2054:< Decalance> hang on found it 2054:< SirCabbage> dayam, well okay then I have no clue. 2054:< Djinneral> well anyway the urang utang viciously strikes you across the head making you sleep and takes the clothes and runs back home 2055:< Decalance> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Umi5syqpM9oaOTH1HOHHXFH2kM8LQkQmkrBUEijVc60/edit#gid=0 2055:< Djinneral> he's now top dog in the mountains with his brand purse and human clothing 2056:< derogative> I'm gonna add in my level and shit when bot is back since I forgot if I hit 11. 2056:< Djinneral> A wild eagle descends from the 7th heaven to strike at the puny mortals of the desecrated village, he is currently eating a baby 2056:< Djinneral> do you stop the eagle? 2056:< Decalance> i'll make my spot on the rpg spreadsheet and equip me 2056:< Decalance> i run from the eagle for the time being 2056:< SirCabbage> ah so our one just has spaces for the loot you find and your class rather then all those other jokes 2057:< Djinneral> the eagle smells your fear and chases after you mach speed, he goes for your legs, rip, now you're on the floor 2057:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Panda appeared! HP: 85[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2057:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH .... the flail returns? 2057:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Panda HP: 85[█████] +XP: no one :( 2057:< SirCabbage> *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH I just like bashing things 2058:< SirCabbage> People act as if bashing is a problem- to them I *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH *BASH 2058:< Djinneral> the eagle gets scared, and flies away, but not without dropping a deuce on you of course 2058:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 0 hits! Panda HP: 85[█████] +XP: no one :( 2058:< TeaBagTwat> It works! 2058:< Insomnikal> Panda dont take shit 2058:< derogative> Partially. 2058:< derogative> It isn't acknowledging us hitting it. 2058:< SirCabbage> no it doesnt, it didnt take any damage lol 2058:< robin-rpg> Semi works, it's not registring the hits. 2058:< Djinneral> your current loot, "divine eagle deuce", dead villager clothes 2059:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 0 hits! Panda HP: 85[█████] +XP: no one :( 2059:< TeaBagTwat> Crap 2059:< SirCabbage> besides, I need the robin-rpg one so I can have my level XD 2059:< TeaBagTwat> Back in 5 2059:< Insomnikal> robin-rpg is true rpg 2059:< Djinneral> I suggest you eat the divine deuce, there's no food nearby for at least 50km 2059:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 0 hits! Panda HP: 85[█████] +XP: no one :( 2100:< Djinneral> im the worst at this rpg stuff aren;t I? 2100:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 0 hits! Panda HP: 85[█████] +XP: no one :( 2100:< Insomnikal> at least you aren't sex changing everyone 2100:< Djinneral> you are now a female ghost 2100:< Insomnikal> i disapate into nothingness as i find peace at least 2101:< Djinneral> sadly for you your ghost descends to the 5th layer of hell, now you have to fight your way out against vicious demons 2101:< Djinneral> defeat 2 demons and you will be revived as a mouse 2101:< Insomnikal> the goose took my left hand right? 2101:< Djinneral> yeah you only have 1 arm 2101:< Insomnikal> i flail my other arm madly at the closest demon 2102:< Djinneral> the demon gets struck over the face but since you're a ghost it just passes through him, "huh what was that" he says 2102:< Decalance> Insomnikal does bombing still work? 2102:< Insomnikal> i realise there are some drawbacks to being a ghost 2102:< Djinneral> indeed 2102:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Mummified Gynosphinx appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2102:< Insomnikal> i concentrate really hard to try and think my arm back 2103:< razvi9> can you use spells as a ghost? 2103:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Mummified Gynosphinx HP: 513[█████] +XP: no one :( 2103:< Decalance> attack the gynosphinx! 2103:< Djinneral> you can move really small objects and posses stuff I guss 2103:< Insomnikal> Gynosphinx also does not care for your tickling 2103:< Decalance> pfew 2103:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Hooded Horror appeared! HP: 337[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2103:< razvi9> posses a demon and attack other demons? :P 2103:< Decalance> Let's kill this horror! 2104:< SirCabbage> You know what I think is pretty great? Stardew Valley. 2104:< Insomnikal> im still trying to think myself a new arm 2104:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 1.5 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 335.5[█████] +XP: Insomnikal (1.5) 2104:< Decalance> no hoods in our house 2104:< Djinneral> the demon has been possessed but its mind is so simple that it cannot possibly think of premeditated violence 2104:< derogative> Alright TeaBag, looks like it's starting to register hits now. 2104:< razvi9> think yourself a demo arm 2104:< Decalance> Volley of Spears! 2104:< SirCabbage> maybe only the last person hits it? lol 2104:< Insomnikal> is there a cliff or something i can walk it off? 2104:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2104:< derogative> Not sure if it's registering all of them, but... yeah it might be just the last person. 2104:< Djinneral> you must bring the demon near to another demon to cause it to fight 2104:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2104:< fzh> hey guys can I join in? 2104:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 9 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: Djinneral (4.5), Decalance (3), Insomnikal (1.5) 2104:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2104:< Insomnikal> i'll walk to the next closest and poke it's face 2104:< TeaBagTwat> YAY I FIXED IT 2104:< derogative> Okay, it's counting SOME but not all of the people. 2105:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2105:< derogative> fzh, the real rpg bot isn't up yet, but it will be back soon! 2105:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2105:< fzh> ok 2105:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2105:< derogative> Right now we're messing around and also helping TeaBag fix their version of it. 2105:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2105:< Djinneral> you have angered the duke of the 5th layer of hell, the demon has now been burned into ashes, the ghost has sustain ethereal damage 2105:< Decalance> pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew pfew 2105:< TeaBagTwat> And its broken 2105:< Decalance> wait the volley of spears didn't work? 2105:< derogative> Yeah, for some reason it's not picking up everyone. It's in fact ignoring me. I'm so sad. Why ya hate me, teabag bot. 2105:< Decalance> it killed the bot :( 2106:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2106:< Insomnikal> i sit down and ponder how pain transcends even death 2106:< Decalance> volley of spears is very effective against machinery 2106:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2107:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Djinneral (1/54%), Insomnikal (1/53%), Decalance (1/53%) 2107:< Decalance> level 1? 2107:< Djinneral> ooh the bot is working again nice 2107:< Decalance> we're resetted? 2107:< Insomnikal> different bot 2107:< derogative> That's not robin-rpg. 2107:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2107:< derogative> TeaBag is trying to get a version working. 2107:< TeaBagTwat> IM A FRAUD 2107:< derogative> So we get to Help Troubleshoot. 2108:< Decalance> derogative ok 2108:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2108:< Decalance> let's all troubleshoot 2108:< derogative> Right now the problem is it seems to only be counting some of the replies, not all. 2109:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2109:< TeaBagTwat> Well you definitely have trouble shooting the monster 2109:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2110:< razvi9> you encounter a level 10 bug in the rpg bot... what is your course of action? 2110:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2110:< thatwentBTE> Punch it! 2110:< TeaBagTwat> update it 2110:< razvi9> you now have a broken screen but the bug is still there 2110:< razvi9> updating 2111:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 0 hits! Hooded Horror HP: 326.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2111:< razvi9> insert password 2112:< Insomnikal> hunter2 2112:< derogative> Poor teabag bot. It just hates everyone. 2112:< razvi9> password does not look valid ... expected to only contain * 2112:< razvi9> try again? 2112:< Insomnikal> Hunter2 2112:< TeaBagTwat> WOW reddit hides the password 2113:< TeaBagTwat> Let me try 2113:< razvi9> error 403: permission denied 2113:< TeaBagTwat> ******* 2113:< Djinneral> andre14335/! 2113:< razvi9> password accepted 2113:< razvi9> downloading update 2113:< Djinneral> hey can u guys see my password? 2114:< razvi9> connecting to server 2114:< Decalance> Djinneral no 2114:< TeaBagTwat> no 2114:< Djinneral> oh cool then 2114:< pyroshroom> Are you alive bot? 2114:< derogative> Not yet, pyro. 2114:< pyroshroom> aww, that's good though, I am stuck on the train 2114:< razvi9> failure: unexpected error code 418: server is a teapot 2114:< Insomnikal> it does the same with credit card numbers, you can buy things from people by typing their name and then all of the details on it.... 2115:< Decalance> Djinneral so where was i, the eagle stole my clothes? 2115:< Insomnikal> ;D 2115:< derogative> We're waiting for the creator to get home from work and fix bot. Until then we're sort of helping Teabag fix their bot but right now 2115:< derogative> we're trying to figure out the password. We may never figure it out. 2115:< Insomnikal> find it and then fill it with water 2115:< Insomnikal> then retry 2115:< pyroshroom> ah I see 2115:< Djinneral> no the eagle pood on you and ran off 2115:< Decalance> where am I? 2115:< Djinneral> he showed you mercy 2116:< Djinneral> you're in a tundra like region without food and drink, no nearby villages either 2116:< Decalance> i take some leaves from a nearby plant and clean myself as best as i can 2116:< Djinneral> you are now clean, which direction do you move? 2117:< Decalance> towards the sun 2117:< Decalance> which is maybe like south i guess? 2117:< Djinneral> you move west, and meet the great mother from the west, she asks you what is your ambition 2118:< Decalance> i tell her my greatest ambition is to be the strongest 2118:< Djinneral> the great mother of the west laughs at your answer, "you puny mortals and your puny ambitions, what strength will you ever wield!" 2119:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Lesser Fire Crab appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2119:< TeaBagTwat> try 2119:< Decalance> i roll for a surprise attack since i'm an aggressive shithole 2119:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Lesser Fire Crab HP: 18[█████] +XP: no one :( 2119:< derogative> Alas. We still are not strong enough to hit even the tiniest of flaming crabs. 2119:< Djinneral> the great mother respects your willpower and joins your party, she's a supreme deity and can isntantly annihilate enemies 2120:< Lord_Renwod> OOH 2120:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 0 hits! Lesser Fire Crab HP: 18[█████] +XP: no one :( 2120:< Decalance> i ask her to eliminate the crab 2120:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm can I hit it? 2120:< SirCabbage> lord renwod 2120:< Decalance> sup ren 2120:< Djinneral> the great mother kills the crab with a breath 2120:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 we made a spreadsheet 2120:**** Lord_Renwod swings with his Blade of the Sword Saint 2120:< Decalance> where do we go now? 2120:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 0 hits! Lesser Fire Crab HP: 18[█████] +XP: no one :( 2120:< razvi9> we thank the great mother and bow before her great powers 2120:< SirCabbage> you should put yourself and your loot on this 2120:< Lord_Renwod> Does it autofill? 2120:< doge_apprentice> test 2120:< TeaBagTwat> AAAAHHHH 2121:< Decalance> nope 2121:< Lord_Renwod> mmk I will 2121:< Decalance> thank great mother 2121:< Djinneral> the great mother says she would only help once, now she leaves the party and returns to the ethre 2121:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 0 hits! Lesser Fire Crab HP: 18[█████] +XP: no one :( 2121:< SirCabbage> no it doesnt, but it works better to see what everyone has for combo purposes. you can also "throw items away" and put them 2121:< Djinneral> ether 2121:< SirCabbage> in the item pool so others can use them 2121:< Decalance> i decide to head north as now i know where west is 2121:< Lord_Renwod> shiiit gotta find that spreadsheet I WAS putting em in 2122:< Lord_Renwod> lol 2122:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 0 hits! Lesser Fire Crab HP: 18[█████] +XP: no one :( 2122:< Decalance> Lord_Renwod the original one? 2122:< Lord_Renwod> yeah 2122:< Djinneral> you head north and reach the snowy mountains, there are a couple fruits spread near the cave openings 2122:< Decalance> Lord_Renwod https://www.reddit.com/robin 2122:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Azruverda appeared! HP: 756[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2122:< Decalance> i take some fruits and roll analysis to see if i can eat them 2122:< Lord_Renwod> nooooo... it was an actual spreadsheet 2122:< TeaBagTwat> #RPG TRY AGAIN 2122:< razvi9> looks suspiciously at fruits and tried to remember if they are poisonous 2122:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 756[█████] +XP: no one :( 2122:< razvi9> *tries 2123:< Djinneral> A angry snow troll jumps out the cave opening, "These are my fruits!" 2123:< SirCabbage> I eat the troll. 2123:< Djinneral> The troll has iron hard skin 2123:< Lord_Renwod> I found it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Umi5syqpM9oaOTH1HOHHXFH2kM8LQkQmkrBUEijVc60/edit#gid=0 2123:< SirCabbage> He was delicious though and my teeth are very sharp 2123:< razvi9> I pray to the potato god for help r/potatorobin 2123:< Decalance> i throw the fruit at him and take sircabbage with me as i run away 2123:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 756[█████] +XP: no one :( 2123:< Decalance> because he's crazy 2123:< Lord_Renwod> OH GOD 2123:< SirCabbage> aw but deca I was going to eat that! 2124:< Djinneral> the troll grabs the two of you in each of his hands and says "answer my question and you will gain many riches" 2124:< Lord_Renwod> You guys went and leveled hard without me 2124:< Lord_Renwod> Damn I have some serious work to do to catch up 2124:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 756[█████] +XP: no one :( 2124:< Lord_Renwod> I WAS THE STRONGEST :S 2124:< Decalance> Lord_Renwod i had that spreadsheet :( didn't i link it? 2124:< SirCabbage> :P 2124:< Decalance> shit 2124:< Decalance> wait no 2124:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 7.5 hits! Azruverda HP: 748.5[█████] +XP: Decalance (3), Djinneral (1.5), Lord_Renwod (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2125:< Decalance> not that 2125:< Decalance> it works! 2125:< Lord_Renwod> Wait are you running the thingy? 2125:< Lord_Renwod> With the source code? 2125:< doge_apprentice> test 2125:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 7.5 hits! Azruverda HP: 741[█████] +XP: Decalance (3), Lord_Renwod (3), doge_apprentice (1.5) 2125:< razvi9> some weird particles? 2125:< derogative> Teabag is testing their own version and trying to get it to work. 2125:< TeaBagTwat> yeah 2125:< Lord_Renwod> Cool dood yeah awesome 2125:< Decalance> kill the monster kill it forever we have to destroy the monster kill the fucking thing ewwww kill it kill the shitty monster just fuck. 2125:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Decalance (1/59%), Djinneral (1/56%), Lord_Renwod (1/54%), Insomnikal (1/53%), SirCabbage (1/51%), doge_apprentice (1/51%) 2126:< Decalance> i'm at level one :( 2126:< SirCabbage> Deca, that isnt the offical bot 2126:< doge_apprentice> better that level 0 2126:< SirCabbage> dont worry you are still a higher level 2126:< Decalance> Volley of Spear-Bombs ! 2126:< Djinneral> new beginning lads 2126:< doge_apprentice> than* 2126:< derogative> But will it ever acknowledge my existence? 2126:< TeaBagTwat> its not my bot 2126:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 31.5 hits! Azruverda HP: 709.5[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat (7.5), Decalance (7.5), derogative (6), SirCabbage (3), doge_apprent... 2126:< Decalance> pfew-boom 2126:< SirCabbage> werent you around 12 or 13 2126:< derogative> Looks like it's acknowledging us all now. 2126:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2126:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2126:< derogative> Progress has been made, teabag. You did it. 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2127:< derogative> And then when the new features come out it'll be broken again. 2127:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 24 hits! Azruverda HP: 685.5[█████] +XP: Decalance (15), derogative (7.5), SirCabbage (1.5) 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2127:< doge_apprentice> i don't think i've actually played past level 1 in this before going back to work 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2127:< fzh> hi 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2127:< SirCabbage> hey fzh 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom hifzh 2127:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 15 hits! Azruverda HP: 670.5[█████] +XP: Decalance (9), doge_apprentice (4.5), fzh (1.5) 2127:< fzh> who here is from /r/brosandhose? 2127:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2128:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2128:< doge_apprentice> does deca get more xp for talking more? 2128:< Decalance> pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom pfew-boom 2128:< Decalance> doge_apprentice i get more hits 2128:< Decalance> the bot works like that 2128:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 670.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2128:< doge_apprentice> but you hit more becuase you send more messages 2128:< Decalance> what? 2128:< TeaBagTwat> Ahhhh 2128:< doge_apprentice> right?right? 2128:< TeaBagTwat> I KNOW WHATS GOING ON 2129:< Djinneral> yea its a pretty simple bot lol, it just counts characters I believe 2129:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 670.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2129:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 this sheet has some stuff to read 2129:< doge_apprentice> this ratelimiting though 2129:< TeaBagTwat> will fix it 2129:< Decalance> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2129:< Decalance> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2129:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 0 hits! Azruverda HP: 670.5[█████] +XP: no one :( 2129:< gjhgjh> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2130:< Decalance> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2130:< gjhgjh> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATFELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2130:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Wayang appeared! HP: 36[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2130:< Decalance> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2130:< gjhgjh> Can't devide by 0? 2130:< Decalance> FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT FUCK RATELIMIT 2130:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 0 hits! Wayang HP: 36[█████] +XP: no one :( 2130:< Decalance> NOPEnothing 2130:< derogative> Yeah, rate limiting sucks when you go for the kill for loot. 2131:< doge_apprentice> FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES FUCK BEES 2131:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 0 hits! Wayang HP: 36[█████] +XP: no one :( 2131:< Insomnikal> would be nice if it was just random between the last round to hit it 2131:< doge_apprentice> what happened to all the hits lol 2131:< gjhgjh> I guess we all missed 2131:< Lord_Renwod> Question 2131:< derogative> Loot's gonna get some changes in the Big Update that'll eventually come, but I forget what was gonna be done. 2131:< Lord_Renwod> Wtf is dawnflower's light? 2131:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 0 hits! Wayang HP: 36[█████] +XP: no one :( 2131:< gjhgjh> Maybe we should use swords ----)(====> 2132:< Insomnikal> loot count = extra damage 2132:< Lord_Renwod> I have this legendary item 2132:< Insomnikal> commands to see loot count, top heroes 2132:< Lord_Renwod> but I have no idea what it is 2132:< Decalance> Lord_Renwod it's a lighter maybe 2132:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 0 hits! Wayang HP: 36[█████] +XP: no one :( 2132:< thatwentBTE> got it covered ~~~~8====================D 2132:< derogative> Yeah I have bad memory. It's so sad. 2132:< Insomnikal> google it's name with pathfinder 2133:< Lord_Renwod> That sounds like a pretty lame legendary item 2133:< Decalance> nah it's cool 2133:< gjhgjh> thatwentBTE, your balls are leaking 2133:< Decalance> fuck a wayang 2134:< Lord_Renwod> OOh 2134:< gjhgjh> Wow, so many AFK. 2134:< robin-rpg> A wild Jubjub Bird appeared! HP: 1035[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2134:< Decalance> fuck a bird 2134:< Insomnikal> kill it with fire, and maybe ice 2134:< gjhgjh> Dang, Looka t that those HPs. 2134:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 27 hits! Jubjub Bird HP: 1008[█████] +XP: Insomnikal (1.5), Decalance (1.5) 2134:< thatwentBTE> Flub his JubJub! 2134:< Decalance> yeah! 2134:< Lord_Renwod> OOh what if it's a magical artifact. The dawnflower is an elusive and powerful plant, and the dawnflower's light 2135:< SirCabbage> not just ANY bird... A JUBJUB BIRD 2135:< razvi9> has a staring contest with the bird 2135:< Decalance> wait a thousand? 2135:< SirCabbage> OH GOD WE CAN'T WIN! 2135:< gjhgjh> Jubjub? 2135:< Lord_Renwod> is able to interact with this plant 2135:< thatwentBTE> wubba lubba JUB JUB 2135:< robin-rpg> Round #2, 205.5 hits! Jubjub Bird HP: 802.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), gjhgjh (3), thatwentBTE (3), Decalance (3), SirCabbage (3),... 2135:< Djinneral> how come i cant see teabag's comments 2135:< gjhgjh> I wen't mano e mano with a 3000HP monster last night. 2135:< Lord_Renwod> Somehow. :O 2135:< SirCabbage> but seriously, *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash *bash 2135:< Insomnikal> we've taken dragons we can take a stupid bird 2135:< thatwentBTE> oh its robin now! 2135:< Decalance> robin's back! 2135:< gjhgjh> It took FOREVER 2135:< SirCabbage> gjh did you keep track of your loot? 2135:< Insomnikal> i can imagine 2136:< Lord_Renwod> Like, the dawnflower is able to "predict the dawn", which means it is quite literally 2136:< robin-rpg> Round #3, 237 hits! Jubjub Bird HP: 565.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (6), SirCabbage (6), gjhgjh (3), Insomnikal (3), Djinneral (1.5), ... 2136:< SirCabbage> if you did you should pu yourself on the spreadsheet 2136:< gjhgjh> Nope, I don't what loot I got. 2136:< Lord_Renwod> has properties allowing it to see the future 2136:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD 2136:< derogative> Aw yeah! Time to get that sweet sweet loot. 2136:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD 2136:< Insomnikal> i only remember 3 things i had, a cloak that gave me +3 str or something, an amour amulet of +1 and a bag of mould that was deadly 2136:< thatwentBTE> I should be up to date on the spread sheet 2136:< gjhgjh> I think the word know should go in there somewhere. 2136:< SirCabbage> Well you should record your loot from now on :o it is fun 2136:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD 2136:< thatwentBTE> bite 2136:< robin-rpg> Round #4, 348 hits! Jubjub Bird HP: 217.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Decalance (13.5), SirCabbage (6), Insomnikal (4.5), gjhgjh (3), thatwentBTE (3... 2136:< TeaBagTwat> ARE YOU READY FOR RPG! 2136:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 here it is for when you wreck face 2136:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD 2136:< Lord_Renwod> SO the Dawnflower's Light would be able to emulate the power of the flower 2137:< Insomnikal> there will be a loot counter eventually :P that will do for me 2137:< derogative> I'm still keeping most of mine to notepad until I throw it into the loot pile. 2137:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD DOWN WITH THE BIRD 2137:< gjhgjh> If something doesn't keep track of that stuff for me then no. I see no reason to do that myself. 2137:< Insomnikal> as long as i have my bag of mould 2137:< gjhgjh> I;m lazy. 2137:< Decalance> derogative just use the spreadsheet 2137:< SirCabbage> Will there though? it seems like a lot of work. :p 2137:< robin-rpg> Jubjub Bird is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Talisman of Ultimate Evil]! LVLs: Decalance (11/40%), gjhgjh (7/84%), SirCabbage (15/86%),... 2137:< Lord_Renwod> The dawnflower's light is a powerful artifact which, when used properly, allows one to discern the path to victory 2137:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Mudman appeared! HP: 67[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2137:< SirCabbage> derogative is keeping his main loot on the sheet that is fine 2137:< derogative> Oh, I have stuff on there, I just don't wanna be constantly swapping back and forth between too many tabs. 2137:< robin-rpg> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (15/86%), Lord_Renwod (12/38%), derogative (12/24%), Decalance (11/40%), Savolainen5 (10/45%... 2137:< SirCabbage> Ohthis talisman looks purty... 2137:< derogative> Yeah, and tossing whatever into the loot pile eventually. 2137:< Insomnikal> a mudman? kill it with fire! 2137:< Lord_Renwod> I don't like being #3 2138:< robin-rpg> A wild Goblin Dog appeared! HP: 40[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2138:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 22.5 hits! Mudman HP: 44.5[████▒] +XP:           derogative (9),           SirCabbage (6),            robin-rpg (4.5),    ... 2138:< Lord_Renwod> I'm just going to throw that out there 2138:< Insomnikal> his pet dog ?! KILL IT WITH FIRE 2138:< SirCabbage> im going to... im going to.... *puts on the talisman 2138:< derogative> Guess I was wrong. I was level 12 all along. 2138:< gjhgjh> It figueres that a bird with a fuck up name like that would be carrying an evil talisman. 2138:< Lord_Renwod> I would much prefer to be #1 where I cam the best and the champion 2138:< derogative> I thought I was level 11 or some shit. 2138:< robin-rpg> Goblin Dog is kill! Lord_Renwod picks up [Staff of Courage]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod (12/46%), derogative (12/30%), SirCabbage (15/91%), I... 2138:< Lord_Renwod> Fuck yes I got the staff of courage 2138:< robin-rpg> A wild Veranallia appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2138:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 22.5 hits! Mudman HP: 22[██▒▒▒] +XP:          Lord_Renwod (7.5),               gjhgjh (4.5),            robin-rpg (4.5),  ... 2138:< Lord_Renwod> It was always mine 2138:< SirCabbage> I feel... different... I feel.. more powerful 2138:< gjhgjh> So what are you going to do with it? 2138:< Decalance> wait how many enemies? 2138:< razvi9> we have 2 monster at the same time now? 2138:< Lord_Renwod> The goblin dog was just holding onto it while I stabbed him 2139:< Lord_Renwod> I'm not sure 2139:< Insomnikal> i dont even know what this thing is, but set it on fire anyway 2139:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 214.5 hits! Veranallia HP: 1243.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod (9), Insomnikal (4.5), derogative (1.5), SirCabbage (1.5), gjhgj... 2139:< derogative> Just one, but Teabag is also running theirs, I guess. 2139:< thatwentBTE> anyone want a Cannibal Ring? 2139:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOW 2139:< Lord_Renwod> I WAS allocating item slots but I didn't know what went where 2139:< derogative> Which makes it kind of confusing, haha. 2139:< gjhgjh> There are two bots 2139:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOW 2139:< thatwentBTE> its just a normal not cursed ring 2139:< TeaBagTwat> Mudman is kill!          thatwentBTE picks up [Leng Tea]! LVLs:            Decalance (1/70%),          Lord_Renwod (1/76%),         ... 2139:< SirCabbage> *my eyes start to glow bright red* I feel the power rush through me 2139:< gjhgjh> So yes and no. 2139:< gjhgjh> It's like we exist in two worlds at the same time. 2139:< Decalance> DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOWN WITH THE MONSTER DOW 2139:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Tophet appeared! HP: 481[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2139:< Djinneral> i hit it hard! 2139:< SirCabbage> I AM.... AN APPLE FAN? Fuck *takes off talisman. That is too evil for me 2139:< razvi9> description of that thing: This rosy-haired woman is completely nude except for the mass of vines and leaves that cover her lower body. 2139:< robin-rpg> Round #2, 432 hits! Veranallia HP: 811.5[███▒▒] +XP: Decalance (13.5), SirCabbage (9), Lord_Renwod (4.5), gjhgjh (4.5), derogative (... 2139:< razvi9> The plant matter silently weaves about her frame seemingly of its own volition, and consists of flourishing vines bursting with bloomin 2139:< robin-rpg> TeaBagTwat you want to run you bot still? ;3 2139:< Djinneral> careful with the spam declance 2139:< gjhgjh> We effect both worlds equally but they remain seperate. 2139:< derogative> And for some reason Teabag's has giant spaces in it. I'm gonna discount loot I get from Teabag's though. 2139:< Insomnikal> 432 hits, wow 2140:< razvi9> blooming flowers as well as wilted leaves covered with a silvery sheen of hoarfrost. 2140:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 42 hits! Tophet HP: 439[█████] +XP:               razvi9 (13.5),           SirCabbage (9),               gjhgjh (4.5),    ... 2140:< Decalance> TeaBagTwat you can take out the bot now, robin is here 2140:< razvi9> WAT? 2140:< Decalance> Djinneral why? 2140:< Insomnikal> that thing took a serious beating in the last one, loot damage been added? 2140:< SirCabbage> Yeah I couldnt use the talisman- I couldn't handle the sheer evilness of it 2140:< gjhgjh> Wow, look at TagBag's spaces. 2140:< robin-rpg> Round #3, 259.5 hits! Veranallia HP: 552[██▒▒▒] +XP: razvi9 (15), Insomnikal (6), derogative (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), gjhgjh (3), De... 2140:< derogative> Since it's extra confusing. Can't have too many loots. Too many loots. 2140:< Djinneral> it's not really immersive 2140:< Decalance> we can kill it 2140:< Insomnikal> heh we're beating the hell out of this big thing 2140:< TeaBagTwat> Ive stopped 2140:< Insomnikal> and we're barely breaking a sweat 2140:< thatwentBTE> I give TeaBagTwat my Leng Tea 2140:< derogative> Yeah, Decalance, my chat is also starting to cut out your messages whenever you spam like that, haha. 2140:< SirCabbage> I agree I have other loot that isnt in the spreadsheet. Like there is nowhere to put my beasts for example 2141:< derogative> Thanks, Teabag. 2141:< TeaBagTwat> Yay! 2141:< Decalance> i can make it immersive 2141:< robin-rpg> Round #4, 279 hits! Veranallia HP: 273[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: derogative (10.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Decalance (3), Insomnikal (3), TeaBagTwat (3... 2141:< derogative> Obviously your beasts go in the loot pile, man. 2141:< razvi9> throws fire at the veranallia since she seems to be some nature creature 2141:< TeaBagTwat> Lets kill! 2141:< derogative> Beasts are loot, right. Right. 2141:< Lord_Renwod> Excuse me 2141:< Decalance> I CAST VOLLEY OF BOMB SPEARS! 2141:< Insomnikal> we're going to have to take this to the next level and do some serious damage to it with crits and low blows and stuff 2141:< thatwentBTE> Bite 2141:< Decalance> BOOM BAM BOOM FEW BEEEM BOOOOOM BAM 2141:< derogative> Just throw those beasts right in the loot pile forever. 2141:< SirCabbage> I give my beasts away as required- but I can hold up to half of them on my person 2141:< thatwentBTE> Smash 2141:< Insomnikal> and maybe we can set it on fire again 2141:< Decalance> feeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW BOOOM 2141:< Decalance> baboom 2141:< Djinneral> guys I can't even see the enemy you're fighting lol where is it? 2141:< robin-rpg> Round #5, 256.5 hits! Veranallia HP: 16.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal (6), derogative (4.5), razvi9 (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Decalance (3... 2141:< SirCabbage> speaking of- I have a Adult Solar Dragon if anyone wants it 2141:< TeaBagTwat> Of course the second I get the bot working the actual one comes back 2141:< Lord_Renwod> May I make a request who is managing the spreadsheet? 2141:< derogative> Hmmm. Maybe make some kind of Beasts Tab for taming/summoning classes? 2142:< Decalance> kabam few 2142:< SirCabbage> I now use the Ancient Black Dragon 2142:< robin-rpg> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (15/94%), Lord_Renwod (12/48%), derogative (12/34%), Decalance (11/44%), Savolainen5 (10/45%... 2142:< Lord_Renwod> I would like to make weapon sets 2142:< razvi9> throws more gasoline over the monster 2142:< Insomnikal> kill steal! >.< 2142:< derogative> Djinn, turn off the bot spam thing so you can see the bot. 2142:< thatwentBTE> Slap 2142:< Decalance> doomdoomdoom doooooom 2142:< SirCabbage> :O 2142:< TeaBagTwat> Die 2142:< SirCabbage> Nope 2142:< Insomnikal> poke 2142:< derogative> Don't worry, we'll all try to poop loot. 2142:< thatwentBTE> spit 2142:< TeaBagTwat> poke 2142:< Decalance> VOLLEY OF BOMB SPEARS OVER 2142:< Djinneral> ahh all right completely forgot 2142:< Lord_Renwod> I don't just use my staff 2142:< thatwentBTE> rape 2142:< SirCabbage> Ohgodthebees 2142:< razvi9> throws match 2142:< derogative> Deep down, we're all those sorts of folks. 2142:< Insomnikal> kill! 2142:< derogative> We just want that sweet sweet loot. 2142:< Insomnikal> the suspense 2142:< robin-rpg> Veranallia is kill! derogative picks up [Ivory Baton]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/8%), derogative (12/43%), Decalance (11/52%), thatwentBT... 2142:< Lord_Renwod> Can someone please tell me who made the spreaddsheet? 2142:< SirCabbage> this is taking awhile 2142:< TeaBagTwat> I want stuff 2143:< SirCabbage> it was Yeniuss Lord Renwod 2143:< robin-rpg> A wild Urdefhan appeared! HP: 112[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2143:< TeaBagTwat> Link to spreadsheets 2143:< Lord_Renwod> Is he not here? 2143:< Insomnikal> this should go down in one hit :p 2143:< derogative> Doesn't look like it. 2143:< SirCabbage> not right now no, 2143:< Djinneral> Sword hand! 2143:< derogative> Probably asleep. 2143:< Decalance> I CAST RUNESTAR! 2143:< Lord_Renwod> That is unfortunate 2143:< TeaBagTwat> #rpg 2143:< Insomnikal> all it takes is one good stab to the face with a big sword 2143:< robin-rpg> Urdefhan is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Ring of Spell Storing]! LVLs: derogative (12/47%), Lord_Renwod (12/56%), SirCabbage (16/10%),... 2143:< TeaBagTwat> Link to spreadsheets 2143:< Lord_Renwod> Well Ok I think I can figure something out 2143:< SirCabbage> he is in australia apparently 2143:< Decalance> _/\_ 2143:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 2143:< Decalance> HALF A STAR 2143:< robin-rpg> A wild Simurgh appeared! HP: 1458[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2143:< derogative> Yeah, confirmed for sleep. 2143:< Decalance> RUNESTAR POWER 2143:< Insomnikal> another rather large one 2144:< Decalance> _/\_ 2144:< derogative> Yeah, but with us high level folk, this guy is a chump. 2144:< Djinneral> I strike him with my vicious spear blows! 2144:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 276 hits! Simurgh HP: 1182[█████] +XP: Insomnikal (6), SirCabbage (6), Decalance (6), derogative (3), TeaBagTwat (1.5), Lo... 2144:< Decalance> we can take it down 2144:< Decalance> I CAST RUNESTAR BOMB! 2144:< Insomnikal> !loot 2144:< Insomnikal> it was worth a try 2144:< derogative> Right there alone was almost three hundred hits. Big mobs are nothing. Someday, they'll go down instantly. 2144:< Decalance> _________------------------------_/\____ booooooooMOMMOMMMM 2144:< derogative> Robin will probably be over by then though. 2144:< robin-rpg> Round #2, 129 hits! Simurgh HP: 1053[████▒] +XP: derogative (6), Decalance (3), Insomnikal (3) 2144:< Decalance> RUNESTAR BOMB HIT 2144:< Djinneral> I crack him with my whip and smash him over the head with the wooden spear at least like 10 times! 2145:< SirCabbage> Decalance- would you like a Beast-Bond'd Adult Solar Dragon as your pet? :o 2145:< Decalance> RUNESTAR EFFECTIVE 2145:< pyroshroom> :O, the bot liiives 2145:< SirCabbage> She is my old gal- 2145:< Decalance> SirCabbage selling it? 2145:< Insomnikal> it has been returned to us 2145:< SirCabbage> Nah giving it away 2145:< derogative> Yeah. Now it's time for us to get strong once again. 2145:< robin-rpg> Round #3, 232.5 hits! Simurgh HP: 820.5[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (7.5), Decalance (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), pyroshroom (1.5), Insomnikal... 2145:< pyroshroom> The robin-rpg god has returned 2145:< SirCabbage> pyro add your shit to the spreadsheet 2145:< Decalance> if you had a pet slot yeah 2145:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 2145:< pyroshroom> I wonder if there are commands now 2145:< Decalance> i wanna keep my black cat 2145:< pyroshroom> ooo, I shall add to it 2145:< SirCabbage> Okay then i was just offering it, 2145:< Insomnikal> nah !loot didnt do anything 2146:< derogative> Though I have to go be an actual real nerd and reply to a PBEM RP I'm doing, so... rest in peace it'll be a few minutes before I return 2146:< Decalance> i mean add 2146:< Insomnikal> so it's just been brought back for the moment 2146:< Decalance> a pet slot --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:51:28 2016 2151:< Insomnikal> is the phoenix on fire? 2151:< robin-rpg> Round #4, 289.5 hits! Mythic Phoenix HP: 421.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (6), Insomnikal (6), Djinneral (4.5), TeaBagTw... 2151:< jonesandbrown> Insominikal pick me up so i can do a fly/smash attack !! 2151:< TeaBagTwat> I DRINK TEA 2151:< pyroshroom> I don't think my celestial lens would work on this flaming phoenix though 2151:< Decalance> Insomnikal i set it on fire 2151:< TeaBagTwat> AND ENJOY MYSELF 2151:< Insomnikal> my dex isnt high enough to do that D: 2151:< Djinneral> guys I might risk my only weapon here, my wooden spear will be used as a last resort tool to defeat this phoenix 2151:< pyroshroom> trying to burn a phoenix sounds like a bad idea 2151:< TeaBagTwat> I WATCH EVERYONE ELSE FIGHT 2151:< jonesandbrown> dang, that would be a sweet attack combo 2152:< pyroshroom> since it's a fire elemental anyways 2152:< Decalance> pyroshroom t00 late 2152:< robin-rpg> Round #5, 198 hits! Mythic Phoenix HP: 223.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), jonesandbrown (6), TeaBagTwat (4.5), Djinneral (4.5), Dec... 2152:< Insomnikal> someone throw water at it 2152:< jonesandbrown> I preform a flying elbow off the top rope! 2152:< Decalance> it isn't effective though 2152:< pyroshroom> Where is that water elemental guy from last night? 2152:< Djinneral> I throw my final wooden spear at the phoenix in the hopes that it dies! 2152:< TeaBagTwat> I DON'T ADD MILK TO THE TEA 2152:< jonesandbrown> I bite it@ 2152:< Decalance> I CAST WATER RUNE SPEAR ATTACK 2152:< SirCabbage> but yeah, if you have any other items/combos you feel could be used to tame monsters as pets- I can add them to the rules page too 2152:< pyroshroom> he would be useful now that we need to put out some fire 2152:< TeaBagTwat> I like it strong 2152:< jonesandbrown> With my teeths 2152:< Djinneral> with no more weaponry left i punch it in the beak 2152:< Decalance> WOOOOOOSH FEEEEEEEEEEEW 2152:< Insomnikal> i'll fly about frantically looking for a bucket of water 2152:< TeaBagTwat> i drink some more tea 2152:< Decalance> kill the fucking bird 2152:< robin-rpg> Mythic Phoenix is kill! Decalance picks up [Blessed Book]! LVLs: TeaBagTwat (4/89%), Djinneral (4/65%), jonesandbrown (7/21%), Decal... 2152:< pyroshroom> I hope my broom of flying doesn't light on fire 2153:< Decalance> yeah! 2153:< SirCabbage> Um insomnikal? I have a well FULL of water. why not just ask me? 2153:< pyroshroom> !Heroes 2153:< robin-rpg> A wild Stirge Demon appeared! HP: 414[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2153:< pyroshroom> !level 2153:< Djinneral> man now I have no spear left :/ 2153:< Insomnikal> i need it in a bucket 2153:< pyroshroom> Aww, no commands yet, that's too bad 2153:< jonesandbrown> i try to hug it 2153:< pyroshroom> What's a Stirge? 2153:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 192 hits! Stirge Demon HP: 222[███▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), SirCabbage (4.5), Decalance (1.5), Djinneral (1.5), Insomnika... 2153:< Insomnikal> a type of fish? 2153:< TeaBagTwat> I TAKE MY TEA AND DRINK IT IT'S REALLY NICE 2153:< SirCabbage> Would a water elemental do? *summons a elemental using my bowl of water elementals and the well of many worlds 2153:< jonesandbrown> it's not very effective :( 2153:< Djinneral> I strike the stirge demon with my life force and unleash a 4 limbed combo 2153:< TeaBagTwat> I PUT DOWN MY EMPTY MUG 2153:< pyroshroom> Apparently, this is a stirge http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/d/d2/Stirge_-_Lars_Grant-West.jpg/revision/late 2154:< Insomnikal> can i put a bucket on it's head if i find one? it's kind of important 2154:< pyroshroom> And a stirge looks terrifying 2154:< TeaBagTwat> marakiri TEABAGS ME 2154:< robin-rpg> Stirge Demon is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Staff of The Planes]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/44%), Insomnikal (8/46%), SirCabbage (16/19%),... 2154:< jonesandbrown> TEABAGTWAT where were you last night when i was here sipping my tea like somekinda loser? 2154:< SirCabbage> Insomnikal this is Mrs Splish Splash. You can do anything with her that you could with a bucket since she can hold her own form 2154:< pyroshroom> Wooo 2154:< robin-rpg> A wild Nereid appeared! HP: 567[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2154:< SirCabbage> um sure insomnikal- you can put anything on it really? 2154:< Decalance> the stirge flies so we can burn it 2154:< TeaBagTwat> jonesandbrown not here 2154:< jonesandbrown> i leave the fight for a bit to go take a poo poo. brb 2154:< pyroshroom> Staff of the Planes, I am a planewalking wizard 2154:< TeaBagTwat> im sorry 2154:< Insomnikal> great, now just to find a bucket 2154:< Decalance> cya jones 2154:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 231 hits! Nereid HP: 336[███▒▒] +XP: jonesandbrown (6), SirCabbage (6), TeaBagTwat (4.5), pyroshroom (3), Decalance (3), I... 2155:< TeaBagTwat> Do we even have to kill this thing 2155:< Djinneral> aren't nereids just mermaids/ 2155:< SirCabbage> why do you want/need a bucket so badly Insomnikal? 2155:< Decalance> come on down with the nereid 2155:< robin-rpg> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (16/20%), Lord_Renwod (12/56%), derogative (12/49%), Decalance (11/69%), Savolainen5 (10/45%... 2155:< Insomnikal> for the water 2155:< pyroshroom> they are mermen 2155:< TeaBagTwat> what's it done anyways 2155:< pyroshroom> not as pleasing to look at 2155:< Decalance> let's kill this fish 2155:< SirCabbage> Someone had a bucket, but I erm. I emptied his friend into my well instead. 2155:< TeaBagTwat> I don't want to kill it 2155:< pyroshroom> Where were those people that were setting that phoenix on fire? 2155:< Insomnikal> i dont think anything is on fire actually 2155:< Djinneral> I punch the nereid in the liver and make it suffer in pain, then i unleash a dempsey roll 2155:< pyroshroom> We should cook this fish 2155:< robin-rpg> Round #2, 270 hits! Nereid HP: 66[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: pyroshroom (7.5), Djinneral (6), SirCabbage (6), TeaBagTwat (4.5), Decalance (3), Inso... 2155:< Insomnikal> we're good, you can get rid of the elemental now 2156:< TeaBagTwat> but im not a pussy so i wont flea 2156:< Djinneral> two more punches and a knee finish it off 2156:< pyroshroom> oh wait, this is a sea nymph 2156:< pyroshroom> this is very pleasing to look at 2156:< Insomnikal> is it trying to seduce us? 2156:< TeaBagTwat> its nearly dead 2156:< SirCabbage> *puts well back on back 2156:< TeaBagTwat> we can kill it this round 2156:< Djinneral> no mercy for humanoid creatures 2156:< SirCabbage> Really this thing is a pain to carry- but the water is helpful 2156:< robin-rpg> Nereid is kill! Djinneral picks up [War Saddle]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/50%), TeaBagTwat (5/20%), Insomnikal (8/50%), Djinneral (4/75%... 2156:< Djinneral> the hell am i supposed to do with a war saddle 2156:< robin-rpg> A wild Giant Adult Ant Lion appeared! HP: 382[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2156:< pyroshroom> Djinneral needs someone to ride on now 2156:< SirCabbage> Dj... are you SURE you dont want that dragon now? :p 2156:< Insomnikal> get a mount 2156:< Djinneral> can I tame horses with it? 2157:< Insomnikal> you can certainly trty 2157:< pyroshroom> Hop on this Giant Adult Ant Lion 2157:< TeaBagTwat> not another monster 2157:< Djinneral> I want a horse! 2157:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 175.5 hits! Giant Adult Ant Lion HP: 206.5[███▒▒] +XP: SirCabbage (6), Djinneral (4.5), pyroshroom (3), Insomnikal (3), Te... 2157:< pyroshroom> Make it your ant lion 2157:< SirCabbage> I assume you could if you tried Insomnikal, but horse monsters are very rare 2157:< Decalance> KILL STEAL 2157:< pyroshroom> I think an ant lion is a great mount 2157:< TeaBagTwat> is it a lion or a ant 2157:< Insomnikal> you can try an ant, it may not go well, but it's always an option 2157:< Decalance> WAIT NO 2157:< pyroshroom> It's a fancy ant, but it's gigantic 2157:< SirCabbage> I had an ebony horse that I beast branded but I set it free when I decided to become a dragon tamer 2157:< Djinneral> I strike the adult ant lion in the jaw with my war saddle, and then I hit over the head with my war saddle! 2157:< TeaBagTwat> Is it a big ant 2157:< Decalance> ANt lions aren't ants 2157:< TeaBagTwat> or a little lion 2157:< robin-rpg> Giant Adult Ant Lion is kill! TeaBagTwat picks up [Cloud Castle of The Storm King]! LVLs: TeaBagTwat (5/28%), SirCabbage (16/25%), D... 2158:< SirCabbage> Either way, you hae to get the kiling blow DJ 2158:< Decalance> they're ant predators 2158:< Djinneral> dragons arent meant to be ridden they're intelligent creatures 2158:< robin-rpg> A wild River Cleric appeared! HP: 112[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2158:< Djinneral> what the hell this guy gets a fricking cloud castle and I get some stupid saddle!? 2158:< Decalance> you picked up a castle bro 2158:< SirCabbage> You missed the ant DJ, I am sorry. But I will add the saddle to the rules page 2158:< Decalance> wow 2158:< Insomnikal> he's been in the wilds too long and gone feral, set him on fire! 2158:< Djinneral> I eat the river cleric up out of maddness 2158:< Decalance> why a cleric? 2158:< pyroshroom> Wow these creatures die really fast now 2158:< SirCabbage> wow, Teabag has his OWN CASTLE? 2158:< robin-rpg> River Cleric is kill! SirCabbage picks up [Sadist's Lash]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/28%), Decalance (11/76%), Djinneral (4/91%), Insomni... 2158:< TeaBagTwat> What is it? 2158:< Insomnikal> oooo 2158:< Djinneral> lol 2158:< pyroshroom> Woah cloud castles 2158:< Decalance> kill machine 2158:< robin-rpg> A wild Fungus Queen appeared! HP: 513[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2158:< SirCabbage> That cleric.. wow.. it had some issues. 2158:< Insomnikal> good in the field and in the bedroom SirCarfell 2159:< Insomnikal> Cabbage even :/ 2159:< Decalance> down with the shroom 2159:< SirCabbage> That cleric must have been into BDSM 2159:< Djinneral> I spray the shrom with some anti fungal chemicals 2159:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 151.5 hits! Fungus Queen HP: 361.5[████▒] +XP: Insomnikal (4.5), Djinneral (3), Decalance (3), SirCabbage (3), TeaBagTwat ... 2159:< Decalance> fuck funguses 2159:< Decalance> i hate them 2159:< pyroshroom> Eww, this queen has a yeast infection 2159:< robin-rpg> HEROES : ryanvango (16/32%), SirCabbage (16/28%), Lord_Renwod (12/56%), derogative (12/49%), Decalance (11/77%), pyroshroom (10/54%)... 2159:< Djinneral> I use my athlete's foot cream right on the spores, get it in real deep and dirty! 2159:< SirCabbage> I shall combine my Sadist's Lash with my Bone Beads to create a "Bony Sadist's Lash 2159:< Insomnikal> i have a bag of mould that has some fungous in it, i'll hit the queen with it 2159:< Decalance> can't eat them without puking 2159:< pyroshroom> ruining everyone's fun times 2159:< Insomnikal> it's apparently quite deadly 2200:< Decalance> wait so we can combine things? 2200:< derogative> Keep that fungus away from me, man. I got a history with fungus. 2200:< Djinneral> Don't worry guys shrooms can be nice occasionally, like in mushroom and chicken soup 2200:< SirCabbage> I shall also combine it with my Baleful Eye. To create the Bony One Eye Sadist's Lash. 2200:< pyroshroom> We can pretend to combine things 2200:< Djinneral> lets make some soup out of this queen lads 2200:< robin-rpg> Fungus Queen is kill! pyroshroom picks up [Teleporting Climbing Rig]! LVLs: SirCabbage (16/30%), pyroshroom (10/57%), Djinneral (4/9... 2200:< SilentSand> What is this chat? 2200:< derogative> Yeah, we can pretend to combine things with our ~ imaginations ~ 2200:< Insomnikal> why would you need to climb if you can teleport 2200:< robin-rpg> A wild Cauchemar appeared! HP: 661[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2200:< derogative> This is RPG chat. We fight monsters and get the loots. 2200:< pyroshroom> Oh that's cool, I can now teleport while I climb 2200:< SilentSand> Sweet 2200:< derogative> Turn off bot spam if you want to see the bot. 2200:< Decalance> a nightmare! 2200:< Insomnikal> i'll climb this chair and teleport across the roon ;D 2200:< pyroshroom> that's a good question, why would I climb if I can fly too 2200:< SirCabbage> Yes, we can combine shit lol. now I have an item as close to a penis reference as I can muster 2201:< Decalance> what happened to dragons? 2201:< Insomnikal> room* 2201:< derogative> All you have to do to participate is just talk. 2201:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 300 hits! Cauchemar HP: 361[███▒▒] +XP: derogative (7.5), pyroshroom (6), Insomnikal (4.5), SirCabbage (4.5), SilentSand (... 2201:< Lord_Renwod> Alright 2201:< pyroshroom> I do like the teleporting aspect of it though 2201:< TeaBagTwat> And imagine 2201:< Lord_Renwod> I finished my loot on the spreadsheet 2201:< Decalance> 300 hits grats guys 2201:< Lord_Renwod> Check out it's glory if you wish 2201:< TeaBagTwat> its bassicaly roleplay 2201:< Insomnikal> we're killing machines, no diplomacy from us 2201:< Decalance> we're getting better 2201:< Djinneral> I punch the cauchemar seriously with my bare hands 2201:< robin-rpg> Round #2, 147 hits! Cauchemar HP: 214[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (4.5), TeaBagTwat (3), Decalance (3), derogative (1.5), pyroshroom (1.... 2201:< TeaBagTwat> WHO OWNS SPREADSHEET? 2201:< pyroshroom> Maybe the teleporting climbing rig is for if I fall while I climb 2201:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah it helps that we have freaking level 15 and level 15 thing 2202:< Decalance> KILL FOR EDIA! 2202:< pyroshroom> so then I will be teleported back to where I was climbing 2202:< Lord_Renwod> TeaBagTwat V---something does 2202:< TeaBagTwat> CAN WE ADD COLUMN FOR CASTLES 2202:< pyroshroom> NO 2202:< Djinneral> I punch the cauchemar in the forehead, does it have a forehead? 2202:< Lord_Renwod> We should ask him when he gets back 2202:< derogative> Someone does. I have no idea who owns it. 2202:< Decalance> TeaBagTwat party in your castle tomorrow? 2202:< robin-rpg> Cauchemar is kill! derogative picks up [Demon Talon]! LVLs: pyroshroom (10/62%), Lord_Renwod (12/60%), Djinneral (5/19%), derogative... 2202:< Lord_Renwod> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=0 2202:< pyroshroom> put that in your accessories like the rest of us plebs 2202:< derogative> Hooray. I got the demon talon. 2202:< robin-rpg> A wild Mature Adult Green Dragon appeared! HP: 877[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (or try to !flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2202:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2202:< SirCabbage> Yeniuss owns the spreadsheet, you would have to wait for him. 2202:< Decalance> a dragon! 2202:< Lord_Renwod> DRAGON 2202:< SirCabbage> :O A DRAGON 2202:< pyroshroom> ooo, DRAGON 2202:< Insomnikal> wow must have been a fair number of hits in that last round to kill it from 361 health, bravo :p 2202:< Lord_Renwod> Cue pokemon music 2203:< TeaBagTwat> Decalance tomorrow? My cloud castle is a 24/7 party! 2203:< pyroshroom> quick War Saddle person, hop on this dragon 2203:< robin-rpg> Round #1, 327 hits! Mature Adult Green Dragon HP: 550[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod (7.5), SirCabbage (6), pyroshroom (4.5), Insomnikal (4... 2203:< SirCabbage> I must get the killing blow to add another one to my army *gets out my brand 2203:< derogative> Also, everyone, you may all drink freely from my flask of endless sake. I am not giving the item to anyone, but everyone is free to 2203:< Lord_Renwod> So guys I have physics homework to do, but I also don't want to fall behind in levels 2203:< derogative> drink from it whenever they like. 2203:< Decalance> 327 hits NICE 2203:< pyroshroom> Make this your dragon mount 2203:< robin-rpg> OK GUYS 2203:< Insomnikal> another fair number of high hits in there, the dragons not looking to good, keep it up 2203:< Decalance> let's rape the dragon 2203:< Lord_Renwod> I mean clearly I am like an adventuring pro like this is my LIFE 2203:< SirCabbage> DRAGON TIME 2203:< pyroshroom> MOUNT THE MATURE GREEN DRAGON 2203:< Decalance> DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON 2203:< Lord_Renwod> SO I mean guys this is a serious dilemma for me oh hey also there's a dragon 2203:< derogative> Gasp. Is Big Update incoming? 2203:< robin-rpg> I'll test the loot system update now. 2203:< SirCabbage> *gets on one of my existing dragons and goes to fight it. 2203:< Decalance> DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON 2203:< pyroshroom> oh wait, our god is here 2203:< derogative> Awwww yeah. 2203:< Insomnikal> yay 2204:< pyroshroom> yesss 2204:< Decalance> DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON 2204:< Lord_Renwod> so Guys when fighting a dragon, let us remember how to fight a dragon 2204:< Insomnikal> better loot is always good 2204:< robin-rpg> I'll backup our data. 2204:< Djinneral> I STRIKE THE DRAGON WITH A FIERCE SPEAR FLURRY 2204:< TeaBagTwat> robin-rpg What does it do? 2204:< Decalance> DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON 2204:< Decalance> I WANT A DRAGON SPEAR FOR DRAGONS EXCLUSIVELY 2204:< TeaBagTwat> Decalance don't spam 2204:< SirCabbage> Aw the dragon is gone then? I wanted to tame that. 2204:< Decalance> TeaBagTwat i'm killing the dragon dw 2204:< Lord_Renwod> robin-rpg Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2204:< pyroshroom> The dragon was smited by our god 2204:< Djinneral> I just want a decent spear 2205:< Lord_Renwod> Whoops sorry didn't mean to poing you 2205:< pyroshroom> we have no need to kill the dragon anymore 2205:< Decalance> pyroshroom i dragoned it away 2205:< derogative> Yeah, we're waiting for the Item Update now. 2205:< SirCabbage> Well firetruck. 2205:< derogative> I'm excited for the Crit Hit update. 2205:< TeaBagTwat> GUYS... 2205:< TeaBagTwat> I AM THE DRAGON 2205:< Decalance> robin-rpg is the bot up when you're offline too? 2205:< Lord_Renwod> Robin-rpg I was going to suggest potentially using the spreadsheet we made w/ items but that sounds rather complicated when I say it 2205:< pyroshroom> SMITE THE FALSE DRAGON 2205:< TeaBagTwat> NO 2205:< TeaBagTwat> DON'T DO IT 2205:< Djinneral> uhh I need to sleep now, night guys 2206:< Lord_Renwod> Night Djinneral 2206:< SirCabbage> Night Dj 2206:< Insomnikal> cya 2206:< TeaBagTwat> Night! 2206:< pyroshroom> Good night! 2206:< derogative> See ya. 2206:< Decalance> night djinn 2206:< TeaBagTwat> Remember your not dead only sleeping 2206:< pyroshroom> While everyone here loots your stuff 2206:< pyroshroom> from your sleeping body 2206:< Decalance> midnight here, who's with me? 2207:< pyroshroom> It's 3 pm here 2207:< Insomnikal> 11pm 2207:< TeaBagTwat> 11pm UK 2207:< derogative> 6pm 2207:< SirCabbage> 8am here 2207:< pyroshroom> Wow, that's early 2207:< Lord_Renwod> It's 3 pm here 2207:< SirCabbage> Indeed. I live in the future. 2207:< pyroshroom> Early SirCabbage gets the dragon 2207:< SilentSand> It's 3pm here 2207:< Lord_Renwod> Pyroshroom we are in the same timezone 2208:< SirCabbage> That too, dragon taming requires early rising 2208:< Decalance> see yall tomorrow, for the europeans i guess, and goodnight to the freedom fighters 2208:< Lord_Renwod> I feel super outplayed :C 2208:< Decalance> i'm going too 2208:< pyroshroom> Yes, Lord_Renwood, it is nice on the west coast 2208:< TeaBagTwat> NOOOO 2208:< Lord_Renwod> There's no way I have time to grind levels in an imaginary chat game more than everyone else :C 2208:< SirCabbage> Lord_Renwod , you did tell ryan and me to try and overtake you when you left. :o 2208:< Lord_Renwod> I said that you probably would 2208:< SirCabbage> mostly ryan. I admit. But I want to be included *sob 2209:< Lord_Renwod> I also wasn't expecting you guys to get to level 16 though haha 2209:< Decalance> don't steal my loot when i'm gone pls 2209:< SirCabbage> lol we had a blast actually 2209:< Lord_Renwod> I was thinking you'd stop at like maybe 13 or something 2209:< Lord_Renwod> I'm sure you did :S 2209:< SilentSand> So, how does this work exactly? 2209:< pyroshroom> *grabs the gloves of larceny to loot Decalance's afk body 2209:< SirCabbage> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 2210:< Lord_Renwod> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 2210:< pyroshroom> We're waiting for the bot to come back 2210:< SirCabbage> rules and how to play are here - but right now the bot is down 2210:< SilentSand> Alright, thanks 2210:< Lord_Renwod> Psh the gloves of larceny are dumb 2210:< Decalance> pyroshroom not afk yet, runestar the fuck out of you 2210:< SilentSand> I've been leaving this chat running and just got around to installing parrot 2210:< Lord_Renwod> What is a runestar? 2210:< Decalance> runestar ring 2210:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah but what's it do? 2210:< SirCabbage> Oh god, the gloves of larceny do exist dont they, that does seem OP 2210:< pyroshroom> *Flies away on his Broom to dodge the runestar 2210:< Decalance> basically elemental 2210:< SirCabbage> I love that the new script is called parrot SilentSand 2211:< derogative> Silent, you just talk and it damages mobs and you get exp. And loot. That's how you play if you don't wanna read the gdoc. 2211:< TeaBagTwat> *grabs Rope of Entanglement to loot Djinneral's afk body 2211:< Decalance> i can summon weapons and elemental them through runes 2211:< Lord_Renwod> Well, I have the dawnflower's star 2211:< Lord_Renwod> It allows me to predict the future 2211:< SirCabbage> no looting from offline players. 2212:< Lord_Renwod> Like the flower before dawn, the dawnflower's light allows me to see that which cannot yet be seen, to blossom moments before the dawn 2212:< TeaBagTwat> I told him I borrowed it in the box 2212:< Yeniuss> neat to see the spreadsheets still going strong 2212:< SirCabbage> Yeniuss 2212:< Yeniuss> yo 2212:< Music_monkey> do I need to remove bot spam ? I dont quite get the rules 2212:< SirCabbage> Someone wanted a cosmetic pet slot- and a real estate slot 2212:< pyroshroom> Oh interesting, my anima focus can get me a demon pet 2212:< Decalance> night Yeniuss 2212:< Insomnikal> bots down atm 2213:< Yeniuss> a real estate slot, thats a great idea! 2213:< Decalance> and i can borrow items but put them back later 2213:< Lord_Renwod> Basically it means I have a ton of power 2213:< SirCabbage> yes you do music_monkey since our bot when it is running is blocked by it 2213:< Lord_Renwod> Yeniuss I'm not sure how but can we have weapon set slots? 2213:< thatwentBTE> bots down but you do want to allow bot spam 2213:< Lord_Renwod> Or do I just have to do what I did in the spreadsheet --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:47 2016 2213:< Music_monkey> SirCabbage so do I stay on the #rpg filter though ? 2213:< Decalance> Music_monkey ye 2213:< Insomnikal> yes Music_monkey 2214:< Lord_Renwod> Well, I have different offhand + mainhand weapons 2214:< SirCabbage> yes Music_Monkey since the bot also talks to the RPG filter 2214:< Lord_Renwod> Like I have a melee set, which is a sword + shield 2214:< Lord_Renwod> A ranged set, which is ranged damage 2214:< Music_monkey> ok - lemme see what I can do! 2214:< Lord_Renwod> And a magic set, for spellcasting... 2214:< pyroshroom> ^Lord_Renwod is a loot hog 2214:< thatwentBTE> I have a ranged hammer 2214:< Yeniuss> ahh I get you, thats kinda what I made the inventory slots for 2214:< thatwentBTE> (Golden) Dwarfbond Hammer 2215:< Lord_Renwod> Oh, I thought that was for all the OTHER items you had 2215:< Lord_Renwod> Because I have a lot of non-combat items 2215:< SirCabbage> anyway I have topoof for a few hours. See everyone later 2215:< Insomnikal> cya 2215:< Yeniuss> you could put the bow on your back if that slots not already taken 2215:< pyroshroom> so long sircabbage 2215:< SirCabbage> oh and BTE that hammer can be used to ally with any dwarfs you get the killing blow on 2215:< TeaBagTwat> I got to go to :( 2215:< Lord_Renwod> Like a horn of plenty or a formula alembic 2215:< Yeniuss> actually you can probably go put any weapon on your back if you want it there 2215:< SirCabbage> See everyone later 2215:< TeaBagTwat> Bye 2215:< thatwentBTE> cya! 2215:< Yeniuss> cya cabbage 2215:< Lord_Renwod> It's not a bow, it's a pair of enervating pistols 2216:< pyroshroom> good bye teabagtwat 2216:< Lord_Renwod> :S 2216:< thatwentBTE> bye tea 2216:< Lord_Renwod> Bye T-bag! 2216:< TeaBagTwat> Im off good bye 2216:< Yeniuss> could put pistols on your belt slot 2216:< TeaBagTwat> May your tea's forever brew 2216:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah but if I get a belt then I could wear them both... 2217:< Lord_Renwod> Either way there's not enough room in my back slot for all the stuff on my back at a given time 2217:< Yeniuss> I'll put in another place for unequipped weapons 2217:< Lord_Renwod> ALSO I have goggles + a diadem 2217:< Lord_Renwod> Goggles go on your face, not your head 2217:< Lord_Renwod> Well, your face is on your head 2217:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2217:< Lord_Renwod> but they don't go on top, so you can have a diadem on your head while also wearing the goggles 2218:< thatwentBTE> When we merge next time we will have 4461 people. (pulling this out of my ass) 2218:< Lord_Renwod> That seems like a low number 2218:< thatwentBTE> but that what it looks like to me 2219:< thatwentBTE> yeah I accounted for a 19% drop / abandon rate 2219:< thatwentBTE> i choose 19% because that is about how much I pay in taxes each check 2219:< Lord_Renwod> Lol 2219:< Yeniuss> good news everyone, theres now 6 inventory slots 2219:< Lord_Renwod> Sweet 2220:< Yeniuss> and a place for secondary and eyewear 2221:< thatwentBTE> we are the longest existing room ever right now 2221:< Yeniuss> Secondary cant be used unless placed in hands though 2221:< SilentSand> Yeah, I think we're a tier ahead of the 4400 2221:< thatwentBTE> cool I have Iwear in my head slot right now 2221:< Xraygoggles> I figured out the filters, how do I play this RPG? 2222:< Yeniuss> seems we lack a bot right now 2222:< thatwentBTE> the bot is down right now for updates 2222:< Xraygoggles> Alright, cool 2222:< Insomnikal> bots down at the moment, but when it;s up you just speak to attack when a monster is announced 2222:< thatwentBTE> but you basicly just chat to do dmage, over 60 char is bonus damage 2222:< Xraygoggles> Nifty 2223:< Lord_Renwod> Yeniuss would you do me a favor please and delete the two rows beneath me? 2223:< Lord_Renwod> They are empty now because I used the extra slots instead of extra lines 2223:< thatwentBTE> I got the Mindmaster's Eyes last night 2223:< Lord_Renwod> Thank you very much :) 2224:< thatwentBTE> On command, the wearer can use charm monster, or once per day the wearer can use dominate person. 2226:< thatwentBTE> test 2226:< Insomnikal> failed 2226:< thatwentBTE> damn --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:29:26 2016 2229:< fzh> hey guys 2229:< Lord_Renwod> hello 2230:< Yeniuss> is the bots creator in this chat 2230:< fzh> what can I do? 2230:< pyroshroom> He was here for a bit 2230:< Insomnikal> he speaks through the bot 2230:< pyroshroom> said he was about to push out the loot update 2230:< Insomnikal> oh shit he's not in the channel at all at the moment 2230:< Yeniuss> wonder if hes going to balance the book of infinite spells 2230:< pyroshroom> oh shit 2231:< pyroshroom> he's gone 2231:< derogative> Noooooo.... 2231:< Yeniuss> /whois robin-rpg 2231:< pyroshroom> there is no use by the name of robin-rpg 2231:< Insomnikal> the suspense is now real.... 2231:< derogative> /whois robin-rpg 2231:< fzh> how do I filter out all the non rpg messages? I have the robin grow extension 2231:< derogative> whoops. 2231:< Insomnikal> as long as we dont merge, he should be able to return 2231:< derogative> i aint good at no chats. 2231:< Lord_Renwod> Oh shit 2231:< Yeniuss> rip robin-rpg 2232:< Lord_Renwod> you guys are right he's gone 2232:< Yeniuss> guess we need another way to play now 2232:< Insomnikal> turn channel filter on fzh and set it to #rpg 2232:< pyroshroom> if they are away, it tells you they are just away 2232:< thatwentBTE> allow bot spam as well 2232:< Yeniuss> There is no user by that name in the room 2232:< Insomnikal> but he can just rejoin as long as we dont merge right? 2232:< Lord_Renwod> Idk 2233:< pyroshroom> I don't think so 2233:< Lord_Renwod> Let me test it, I'm going to close it 2233:< Insomnikal> i mean i shutdown my laptop yesterday and reconnected via my phone on the way home 2233:< fzh> okay so how does this work 2233:< pyroshroom> Oh wait 2233:< Insomnikal> but if it merges, then you're s.o.l 2233:< pyroshroom> Oh wait no 2233:< derogative> Well, we need the bot for it to work. atm robin-rpg is updating and we're worried it might be gone forever. 2233:< Yeniuss> okay guys dont panic lord_renwood wasnt here after he left 2233:< Yeniuss> just means they dont have the chat open 2233:< fzh> are we doing any role play here or just gameplay 2234:< Lord_Renwod> I'll be back in +120 seconds after I leave, In that time, someone please do a /whois Lord_Renwod 2234:< pyroshroom> ok will do 2234:< Lord_Renwod> I will leave <15 seconds after THIS POST 2234:< derogative> There's some rp, but not like, hardcore serious business rp. 2234:< fzh> aw man 2234:< derogative> We don't judge if you get more into the serious business rp though. 2235:< derogative> Some people are more into their characters than others. 2235:< fzh> wait what do you mean by "serious business" 2235:< Yeniuss> okay maybee robin-rpg is kill after all, only says renwod is away 2235:< derogative> Well, I mean like. "Across the desert plains, Ragnoth the warrior traipsed, hood down over his head to prevent sand from blowing into 2235:< pyroshroom> Yeah :( 2235:< Insomnikal> well, im just here to spout nonsense pretending to attack things, other people act out their characters 2235:< derogative> his eyes blahblahblah." 2236:< fzh> well I was hoping for a lot of that but okay I'll play anyway I guess 2236:< derogative> I do that style rp elsewhere, 140 characters just isn't enough for some serious business rp. :( 2236:< Insomnikal> Lord_Renwod is still tabable aswel 2236:< Insomnikal> this doesnt bode well 2236:< Insomnikal> unless it changes after a certain amount of time 2237:< derogative> Yeah, fzh, for me it's just the lack of character space makes it counter intuitive to get into some real good narrative rp. 2237:< Lord_Renwod> Alright guys I'm back 2237:< fzh> I understand 2237:< Lord_Renwod> What were the results? 2237:< Insomnikal> you were still here + tabable 2237:< Insomnikal> just set to away 2237:< derogative> It just showed you as away. robin-rpg may be kill. 2237:< fzh> so how do we play this? 2237:< Insomnikal> could change if it's a longer period of time, he;s been gone for awhile 2237:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm. I closed my browser tab 2238:< pyroshroom> That was the result 2238:< derogative> Well, we use the bot for it, but right now bot may or may not be kill, so we're currently in limbo. 2238:< Lord_Renwod> Well, that settles it, he may have been a victim of /leave_room 2238:< pyroshroom> I messaged robin-rpg LOL 2238:< SilentSand> where were you when rpg was kill 2238:< Insomnikal> TeaBagTwat did setup his own bot, but he's gone for the night 2238:< pyroshroom> Technically 2238:< pyroshroom> it's possible to set up the bot again, since the creator did post the GIT https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg 2239:< Lord_Renwod> Yes that is very much a tru-fax 2239:< Lord_Renwod> But we don't have his data 2239:< TeaBagTwat> Someone said my name? 2239:< Insomnikal> would be a new db again though 2239:< Lord_Renwod> So we'd all be starting from level 1 2239:< fzh> is there a guide written out for this? 2239:< Insomnikal> robin-rpg may be kill TeaBagTwat 2239:< Insomnikal> we do not know 2239:< fzh> or do I just need to learn as I go 2239:< Insomnikal> there is fzh i dont have the link though 2239:< fzh> aww 2239:< derogative> We have a spreadsheet, just a second. 2240:< Lord_Renwod> It is looking like he is very much kill 2240:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Mythic Treant appeared! HP: 657[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2240:< derogative> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17tcJnaK_oaKHIbQQZdk263KenFSkkeKtjuxwkbIAvSU/edit#gid=6480749 2240:< pyroshroom> Ooo, 2240:< fzh> so he's not just a little bit kill? =( 2240:< pyroshroom> Our new host 2240:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm a mythic treant 2240:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 15 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 642[█████] +XP: derogative           (6), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), pyroshroom           (3),... 2240:< pyroshroom> But now we are so weak 2240:< Lord_Renwod> Nah but that's the best part 2240:< Insomnikal> the battles will be a lot harder 2240:< pyroshroom> our flailing hands do so little damage 2240:< derogative> I'm hoping against odds that rpg is not kill, because rpg... don't be kill... 2240:< Lord_Renwod> Killing shit easily makes it crazy 2241:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 12 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 630[█████] +XP: derogative           (4.5), pyroshroom           (3), Lord_Renwod          (3),... 2241:< Insomnikal> i mean, this is only a tree thing, so set it on fire like everything else 2241:< pyroshroom> But our inventory is gone 2241:< Insomnikal> always seems to do the job pretty well ! 2241:< Lord_Renwod> It is the thrill of the fight that makes the fight so thrilling! FOr EDIAAAAAA 2241:< thatwentBTE> Smoke him up and then burn him down! 2241:< Lord_Renwod> WE MUST DEFEND THE VILLAGE! THIS TREANT HAS NO RESPECT FOR OUR WAYS 2241:< pyroshroom> now we fight the tree like the ancients did 2241:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 19.5 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 610.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (6), pyroshroom           (3... 2241:< pyroshroom> by summoning lightning 2241:< Insomnikal> punch the tree as well and we might get wood from it 2241:< Lord_Renwod> TO ARMS MEN, TO ARMS!!! GRAB AN AXE! 2242:< TeaBagTwat> Im sorry It's not the same data but I hope It will do 2242:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah it's better than nothing thanks T-Bag! 2242:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 4.5 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 606[█████] +XP: TeaBagTwat           (1.5), pyroshroom           (1.5), Lord_Renwod          (... 2242:**** Lord_Renwod casts a fireball at the treant 2242:< Lord_Renwod> Suffer the wrath of a FULLY EQUIPPED AND VERY DETERMINED HERO 2242:< SilentSand> The only way to defeat a tree, is with seduction! 2243:< Lord_Renwod> I WILL BURN YOU UNTIL THERE IS NOTHING LEFT BUT CHARRED ASH 2243:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 12 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 594[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (10.5), SilentSand           (1.5) 2243:< Lord_Renwod> AND THEN, WHEN THE REMAINS DROP NOTHING BUT TURDS AND WANKJUICE 2243:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Decalance (1/90%),           derogative (1/79%), Lord_Renwod          (1/78%),          Lord_Renwod (1/76%),            Dec... 2243:< Insomnikal> man this thing isn't going to take it easy 2243:< Lord_Renwod> I WILL USE THE EXCRETIONS OF YOUR MISERY TO EMPOWER THE WEAPONS OF YOUR DEMIS 2243:< TeaBagTwat> Im leaving this running but I won't be here so if It stops working I apologize. 2243:< derogative> If it stops working we'll just cry, don't worry. 2244:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 18 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 576[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), TeaBagTwat           (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5... 2244:< SilentSand> I punch the tree flirtatiously, giving it a wink and a fist! 2244:< Lord_Renwod> Witness the power of my fully armed and operational Maximum Metamagic Rod!!!! 2244:< Lord_Renwod> I will destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2244:< Lord_Renwod> Holy shit we're only doing 18 damage 2244:< Lord_Renwod> Guys maybe we should bug out of this fight 2244:< SilentSand> We can win this, if we try! 2244:< Insomnikal> i'll hit it with that famous bag of fungus and mould of mine 2244:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 18 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 558[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (7.5), SilentSand           (6), Insomnikal           (4.5) 2244:< Lord_Renwod> I think it may be a little over our heads 2244:< Insomnikal> runaway ? 2244:< Lord_Renwod> Guys I'm running out of potions 2245:< SilentSand> It's on the ground, renwood, how could it be over our heads? 2245:< Insomnikal> we can do it bravely 2245:< pyroshroom> Runaway! 2245:< Lord_Renwod> !flee 2245:< pyroshroom> it's a very tall tree 2245:< Lord_Renwod> runaway 2245:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 18 hits! Mythic Treant HP: 540[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (7.5), SilentSand           (4.5), Insomnikal           (3... 2245:< SilentSand> Oh I mean that's a fair point 2245:< pyroshroom> runaway runaway runaway 2245:< pyroshroom> runaway 2245:< Lord_Renwod> !flee runaway 2245:< Lord_Renwod> runaway !flee 2245:< pyroshroom> runaway 2245:< SilentSand> !flee runaway 2245:< fzh> runaway 2245:< pyroshroom> runaway 2245:< Lord_Renwod> runaway 2246:< TeaBagTwat> You fleed Mythic Treant and it's glorious loot of [Metamagician's Apprentice]! 2246:< pyroshroom> runaway 2246:< SilentSand> runaway 2246:< Lord_Renwod> !flee !flee !flee 2246:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah! 2246:< Insomnikal> keep running guys, our brave retreat is further injuring it 2246:< pyroshroom> Woah, that would have been a nice pet 2246:< pyroshroom> Metamagician's Apprentice 2246:< pyroshroom> it's like a second adventurer 2246:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah wow 2246:< SilentSand> Retreating makes it feel lonely, making it feel injured inside 2246:< TeaBagTwat> Common Eurypterid is kill! SilentSand           picks up [Merform Belt]! LVLs: pyroshroom           (2/44%), Lord_Renwod          (2... 2246:< Insomnikal> we're wearing down it's patience 2246:< Lord_Renwod> That was like, a perfect drop for me and my maximum metamagic staff :S 2246:< pyroshroom> what, I didn't know we were fighting 2246:< thatwentBTE> lol 2246:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Daraka Demon appeared! HP: 729[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2246:< fzh> this seems difficult to get into 2247:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah lol wat 2247:< thatwentBTE> we are that good 2247:< Insomnikal> Dakka Dakka demon 2247:< pyroshroom> this seems more difficult to fight 2247:< thatwentBTE> we win when we flee 2247:< pyroshroom> I should use my anima focus on it 2247:< Insomnikal> bravely run away again! 2247:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 31.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 697.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), Insomnikal           (4.5), pyroshroom           (... 2247:< Lord_Renwod> @fzh just chat and you do damage 2247:< Lord_Renwod> GOD DAMN 2247:< SilentSand> Seduce the tree with some good wood people 2247:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (2/65%), pyroshroom           (2/47%), SilentSand           (1/91%), Decalance (1/90%), Insomnikal    ... 2247:< thatwentBTE> hold on let me try this SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH S 2247:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMA 2247:< Lord_Renwod> Whoops sorry my swear was not aimed at you 2247:< fzh> I attack I guess...? 2247:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMA 2247:< Lord_Renwod> Woah hey no spamming 2248:< SilentSand> spamming is for quitters 2248:< thatwentBTE> SMASH BASH SLASH MASH SMASH BASH SLASH MASH ? 2248:< SilentSand> Real heroes seduce the tree 2248:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 30 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 667.5[█████] +XP: thatwentBTE          (15), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), SilentSand           (4... 2248:< Insomnikal> it's no longer a tree 2248:< Lord_Renwod> Dude you gotta type it up or it doesn't count for crap 2248:< OrangeredStilton> What's going on in here 2248:< Insomnikal> it's a dakka dakka demon 2248:< SilentSand> Oh. 2248:< Lord_Renwod> We're fighting a demon 2248:< OrangeredStilton> Typing a demon, amirite. 2248:< Lord_Renwod> Listen, it is possible to obtain massive amounts of damage and 2248:< Insomnikal> bravely 2248:< fzh> what weapon do I have? 2248:< Lord_Renwod> experience, but it is difficult and requires an extreme de 2248:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 33 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 634.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (12), Insomnikal           (4.5), OrangeredStilton     (1... 2249:< Insomnikal> your fists are your best weapons 2249:< Lord_Renwod> gree of mastery and skill. Observe the master of power and 2249:< TeaBagTwat> IF YOU SPAM TO MUCH THE BOT WILL IGNORE YOU 2249:< SilentSand> I completely missed that. My love for the tree must have overcome me 2249:< Lord_Renwod> destruction bring pain and misery to this demon which we face 2249:< Insomnikal> we bravely killed the tree by running away and giving it bad depression due to loneliness 2249:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 30 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 604.5[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (6), SilentSand           (4.5)... 2249:< Lord_Renwod> also this demon is bigger and scarier than the tree we were fighting 2249:< Lord_Renwod> just going to point that out 2250:< Lord_Renwod> But it's OK guys I think we might have a tiny marginal chance if we just 2250:< SilentSand> That just means we can't runaway from our fears anymore! We must stand up and fight! 2250:< Lord_Renwod> band together and use our amazing typing skills to do massive 2250:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 39 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 565.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (15), SilentSand           (4.5) 2250:< Lord_Renwod> amounts of damage directly to our demonic foes 2250:< Insomnikal> only if you dont want to spread crippling depression across the world 2250:< SilentSand> I'm giving my keyboard all she's got, captain 2250:< Insomnikal> that was a fairly serious hit 2250:< Lord_Renwod> If we do not slay this demon it will destroy the poor villagers in Edia! 2250:< Insomnikal> definitely looked like we chipped a tooth 2250:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 22.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 543[████▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (7.5), Lord_Renwod          (6), SilentSand           (1.5) 2251:< SilentSand> Not Edia. Lord Renwood, where is edia anyways? 2251:< Lord_Renwod> Come on! We may be low in level, but we have plenty of resources! We have high-level loot guys 2251:< Insomnikal> another jarring hit to its jaw 2251:< Insomnikal> maybe we should go for it's eyes for a bit 2251:< Lord_Renwod> Edia is the old chatroom, one of the chatrooms which was merged into the current one 2251:< Insomnikal> Edia was best 2251:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 30 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 513[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (4.5), SilentSand           (1.5) 2251:< Lord_Renwod> The original Robin-RPG went through EDIA and it is in EDIA that we fight! 2251:< Insomnikal> but i do like this new name, the soKukun Elites 2251:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (3/26%), pyroshroom           (2/47%), SilentSand           (2/39%), Insomnikal           (2/38%), Dec... 2252:< fzh> what weapon do I have 2252:< barnum> I walk up the the demon, "Daraka, huh? That's an...unusual name. Where you from originally?" 2252:< Lord_Renwod> Yes, the new name is good, but never forget your Edian heritage! 2252:< SilentSand> Soku reminds me of home now. And it is for home that I fight. Not one that I have, but the one I can punch for! 2252:< Lord_Renwod> @fzh whatever weapon you want! It is all in the imagination 2252:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 58.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 454.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (13.5), barnum               (4.5), SilentSand         ... 2252:< Insomnikal> i got a bag of deadly fungus and mould yesterday 2252:< fzh> how powerful can it be? 2252:< SilentSand> Real heroes use only their fists, fzh. Anything else is a weaker punch 2252:< Lord_Renwod> As the demon deals out massive damage to the party of heroes, 2252:< Insomnikal> i hit things with it 2252:< derogative> Unless you get a drop, then you can use the drop weapon. Good ol drop weapons. 2253:< Lord_Renwod> I distribute healing potions made from my alembic out to the other 2253:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 48 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 406.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), SilentSand           (4.5), derogative           (4.... 2253:< barnum> Do we still have our old gear or has there been a reset? 2253:< Lord_Renwod> adventureres. "Take this, my friends, you will need it to stay healthy" 2253:< Insomnikal> different bot, robin-rpg is kill 2253:< barnum> Ah, so this is like Earth-2 robin-rpg. 2253:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 36 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 370.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (6), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2254:< Insomnikal> pretty much 2254:< SilentSand> "Thank you. I will pay this back when I can". With my newfound energy, I feel my punches are twice as strong. 2254:< SilentSand> So, what happens if the old bot comes back anyways? 2254:< Lord_Renwod> I also give everybody snacks and beverages from my horn of plenty 2254:< Insomnikal> then there will be a battle of the bots 2254:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 31.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 339[███▒▒] +XP: SilentSand           (6), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (3) 2254:< SilentSand> Do you have any coca-cola, renwood? 2254:< derogative> If old bot comes back, we rejoice. 2254:< barnum> I mean, I'm not going to forget about Frosty, my Dragon Horse. Speaking of which, where is he? 2254:< Lord_Renwod> While the independent cube of force that I found in the loot horde keeps bashing the demon 2254:< barnum> "FROSTY! HERE BOY!" 2254:< Lord_Renwod> I now turn back to the demon and begin to strike it with my own powerful weapons 2255:< TeaBagTwat> Round #12, 37.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 301.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (6), SilentSand           (1... 2255:< Lord_Renwod> I unleash a crazy barrage of bullets from my enervating pistols, 2255:< thatwentBTE> Demon, Daraka (Swarm Demon) 2255:< thatwentBTE> This creature is a tall black-skinned humanoid. Its head is that of a black-furred ram with downward curving horns. Its body appears to 2255:< fzh> I'll just watch for now 2255:< fzh> see what it's like I guess 2255:< Lord_Renwod> over a wave of blinding light from my goggles. Dazed and confused, the demon is weakened! 2255:< SilentSand> I join the assault with my brave punches, with nothing holding back, not even the fear of death 2255:< thatwentBTE> Its body appears to be a mass of writhing flesh. 2255:< Music_monkey> come drop some music on the playlist please! - https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2255:< TeaBagTwat> Round #13, 51 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 250.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), thatwentBTE          (7.5), SilentSand           (4... 2255:< Insomnikal> kill it with fire ! 2255:< SilentSand> So has anybody here used roll20? 2256:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (3/53%), SilentSand           (2/53%), pyroshroom           (2/47%), Insomnikal           (2/44%), Dec... 2256:< barnum> Frosty comes running up to me with all my gear upon it. "Aw, the Chinsolith thing earlier, scared you away, huh?" Frosty: "Yup" 2256:< Insomnikal> yeah, but only for reference 2256:< Lord_Renwod> We grow stronger as we fight! Onwards, as our bodies remember the strength we once held! 2256:< barnum> Me: "Oh my god, you can TALK???" Frosty: "Yup" 2256:< derogative> oh no... rpgbot is indeed kill, on the sheet or whatever it says they have to regrow into bigger rooms. :( 2256:< Insomnikal> noooes 2256:< SilentSand> I've never felt such strength before! 2256:< derogative> https://github.com/anok/robin-rpg/commit/c11d77e43e9352c3d2e9b04b18a9cabfac1f423a on there 2256:< Lord_Renwod> We will recover from this setback! Lo, maybe indeed our connection to the outer realm was severed 2256:< TeaBagTwat> Round #14, 57 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 193.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), derogative           (9), barnum               (6),... 2257:< Lord_Renwod> as the mastermind who erected such a magestic portal was slain 2257:< barnum> How'd he get kicked out of the room? :( 2257:< Insomnikal> our first benevoulent overlord was taken from us 2257:< derogative> no idea 2257:< SilentSand> A vile trick, barnum. One most sinister. 2257:< Lord_Renwod> but do not give in to fear or despair! We will recover our strength anew as we journey into the darkness once more! 2257:< TeaBagTwat> Round #15, 36 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 157.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (1.5), Insomnikal           (1... 2257:< Insomnikal> thank jebus the messiah was sent to us just hours before he was lost 2258:< Lord_Renwod> We will use this new gate as a tool to defend our realm from attack! 2258:< barnum> But....but...I just saw him this morning and he was fine...*sniffs* 2258:< Insomnikal> he had a time of turmoil in his new life, but he was made ready for this time 2258:< Insomnikal> and now, he has taken up his post in his fathers name, and we shall rejoice 2258:< Lord_Renwod> We can, we will, and WE MUST!! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS! AND YOU... 2258:< Lord_Renwod> FOUL DEMON, YOU ARE JUST THE FIRST FOE WHO MUST BE TORN ASUNDER 2258:< Insomnikal> and many monsters shall now be slain by our righteus hands 2258:< TeaBagTwat> Round #16, 36 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 121.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (9), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (4.5) 2258:< Insomnikal> in eternal glory for he who was lost to us. 2258:< TeaBagTwat> Round #17, 48 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 73.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (10.5), Lord_Renwod          (9) 2258:< Lord_Renwod> TELL YOUR FRIENDS 2259:< Insomnikal> praise jebus. 2259:< Lord_Renwod> THAT WE ARE COMING. WE WILL DESTROY YOU. AND WE. WILL. WIN 2259:< Lord_Renwod> FOR EDIA! For Sokukun! 2259:< TeaBagTwat> Round #18, 25.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 48[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (7.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2259:< Lord_Renwod> For the people! We will be victorious! We can and we must! 2259:< Lord_Renwod> Forward unto dawn! Now, strike! With all of your might! The demon is almost finished! 2259:< barnum> I finally find my necklace of fireballs in my sac on Frosty. I put it on, then press the proper button combination and yell: Fireball! 2259:< Insomnikal> the demon has almost been slain, for his glory and honour we will ensure it's demise 2300:< TeaBagTwat> Round #19, 40.5 hits! Daraka Demon HP: 7.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal           (4.5) 2300:< Insomnikal> for in our victory, we gain praise for all 2300:< Lord_Renwod> Destroy it! the final push is upon us! Be swift and true 2300:< Lord_Renwod> We can defeat it! We can win! 2300:< barnum> Nothing happens. fireball wasn't the word, what was it... 2300:< Insomnikal> so i'll stab it in it's ugly face 2300:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (3/77%), Insomnikal           (2/65%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyroshroom           (2/47%), Dec... 2300:< Lord_Renwod> We can and we must! 2300:< barnum> Starts with and H. 2300:< Insomnikal> Horse? 2300:< Lord_Renwod> Die foul demon! Face the wrath of a band of angry heroes! 2300:< fzh> I move back my fist and charge up a punch. Then I release it. 2300:< barnum> "HORSE!" Nothing happens. Hm,..... 2301:< Insomnikal> Hope? 2301:< TeaBagTwat> Daraka Demon is kill! Insomnikal           picks up [Amatatsu Seal]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (4/22%), barnum               (2/47%... 2301:< Lord_Renwod> Heat? 2301:< Lord_Renwod> Woo level 4! 2301:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Mi-Go appeared! HP: 297[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2301:< Lord_Renwod> Hah, this is nothing compared to what we just faced! 2301:< Lord_Renwod> Die foul cretin! We will destroy you! 2301:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 24 hits! Mi-Go HP: 273[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6) 2301:< barnum> "HOPE!" Nope. "HEAT!" Not it. My horse is looking at my like I'm an idiot now. 2301:< Insomnikal> This stone statuette of a dragon is one of five royal seals and represents the royal family’s divine right to rule the empire 2302:< Insomnikal> I AM YOUR RULER, BOW TO ME 2302:< Insomnikal> wait, that might be the wrong thing, but you should still bow 2302:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 21 hits! Mi-Go HP: 252[█████] +XP: Insomnikal           (6), barnum               (4.5) 2302:< Lord_Renwod> Did you try Hellfire? Homunculi? Hourglass? Heron? Homage? Heroin? Hearth? Hamen? 2303:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 18 hits! Mi-Go HP: 234[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5) 2303:< barnum> I give up on the necklace and take out my Staff of Belittlement, point it at the Mi-Go and say, "You're not even that well carved..." 2303:< Insomnikal> what the hells a Mi-Go 2303:< Lord_Renwod> Health? Harbour? Hero? Hubris? Hackey-Sack? Helpful or Humble? 2303:< Insomnikal> what in the 9 hells am i looking at here? 2303:< Lord_Renwod> Horse-radish? Hartcradish? Horcrux or Hallow? Holy fire? Or holy mallow? 2304:< Insomnikal> that was the amulet i got, but i think that was wrong 2304:< barnum> Ahhhh, oopsie. A Mi-Go is a lovecraftian thing, so assume tentacles and weirdness 2304:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 33 hits! Mi-Go HP: 168[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (6), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2304:< Insomnikal> http://static1.paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderBattles/20150403-MiGo.jpg 2304:< Lord_Renwod> Hallowed earth? Hearing? Healing Hands? Heather? Feather? Or frought with fans? 2304:< Insomnikal> dear god set it on fire 2304:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (4/30%), Insomnikal           (2/96%), barnum               (2/57%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2304:< Insomnikal> dont let it's things in your ear 2305:< Insomnikal> it might suck out your brain 2305:< Lord_Renwod> Dude Barnum I am giving you ALL of the things to try have you tried any of them? 2305:< Lord_Renwod> Dude I'm not letting the f***er near me 2305:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 60 hits! Mi-Go HP: 108[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (10.5), Insomnikal           (9) 2305:< Lord_Renwod> I don't equip my badass melee set unless I absolutely have to 2305:< derogative> Oh shit, guys. If Teabag ever returns, robin-rpg actually sent them the data with our levels and shit from original bot. 2305:< barnum> Health! Harbour! Hero! Hubris! Hackey-Sack! Helpful! Humble! Horse-radish! Hartcradish! Horcrux! Hallow! Holy fire! holy mallow! 2305:< Insomnikal> i'd hit it with my bag of mould but it's making me sick just looking at it 2305:< barnum> Nope, nope, dammit, come on, this is bullshit, ugh! 2305:< Lord_Renwod> Anything? Did any of them work? There's so many!!! 2306:< Lord_Renwod> Wow that is just completely shitty 2306:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 58.5 hits! Mi-Go HP: 49.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), barnum               (6), derogative           (4.5), K1ng... 2306:< Insomnikal> i'll throw one of my shoes at it 2306:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm let me see that... I've got a tome of understanding +3 (and a hell of a lot of adventuring experience) 2306:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 28.5 hits! Mi-Go HP: 21[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2306:< Insomnikal> wait, i can fly i'll just go up in the air away from this and let you handle it 2307:< Lord_Renwod> Wow I am lagging so hard that I can't even see the things that I post... 2307:< Insomnikal> it's totally almost dead as well so you've completely got this 2307:< barnum> "Hallowed earth! Hearing! Healing Hands! Heather! Feather!" On that last word it finally works. "Feather? Oops, could've sworn it 2307:< Lord_Renwod> I still haven't even seen my last set of messages... this is crazy 2307:< TeaBagTwat> Mi-Go is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Scabbard of Keen Edges]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (4/51%), Insomnikal           (3/3... 2307:< Lord_Renwod> The monster could be dead by the time I finish typing and sending this and I would have literally no way of knowing 2307:< barnum> was an H, and that's super weird activation word for a fireball necklace. 2307:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Botfly Swarm appeared! HP: 180[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2307:< Lord_Renwod> Oh ok so the chat just cleared itself let's hope that didn't ruin it 2307:< barnum> Weird. I didn't even see the kill message. 2307:< Lord_Renwod> So did anyone else lag out there a ton? 2307:< Insomnikal> you got a scabbard of keen edges Lord_Renwod 2308:< Lord_Renwod> :O 2308:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 64.5 hits! Botfly Swarm HP: 115.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (12), barnum               (6), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2308:< Lord_Renwod> A scabbard of keen edges? That's awesome! 2308:< Insomnikal> it sounds it 2308:< Lord_Renwod> That goes perfectly with my blade of the sword-saint 2308:< barnum> Bardic Knowledge: "Like a cloud of black dust, a swirling swarm of insects hovers in the air. From within comes the low, droning buzz o 2308:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 25.5 hits! Botfly Swarm HP: 90[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (3), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2308:< barnum> droning buzz of thousands of tiny flies." 2308:< Insomnikal> This scabbard can shrink or enlarge to accommodate any knife, dagger, sword, or similar weapon up to and including a greatsword. Up to 2309:< Insomnikal> 3 times per day on command, the scabbard casts keen edge on any blade placed within it. 2309:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (4/57%), Insomnikal           (3/41%), barnum               (2/77%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2309:< Lord_Renwod> Right, bad ass! 2309:< Insomnikal> his spell makes a weapon magically keen, improving its ability to deal telling blows. 2309:< Insomnikal> This transmutation doubles the threat range of the weapon 2309:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 63 hits! Botfly Swarm HP: 27[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (18), barnum               (1.5), Lord_Renwod          (1.5) 2309:< barnum> "Feather!" And another fireball streaks across the landscape! 2310:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 9 hits! Botfly Swarm HP: 18[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5) 2310:< Lord_Renwod> kill it! 2310:< Insomnikal> with fire 2310:< barnum> Super Feather! 2310:< Lord_Renwod> Kill the botfly swarm! Make it drop the delicious loots! 2310:< barnum> Super Duper Feather! 2311:< TeaBagTwat> Botfly Swarm is kill! barnum               picks up [Shawl of Life-Keeping]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (4/64%), barnum             ... 2311:< Lord_Renwod> Feed me your succulent insides you monstrous fiendish cretin? 2311:< Lord_Renwod> Why is that a question? 2311:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Alraune appeared! HP: 895[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2311:< Lord_Renwod> Nice shawl! 2311:< Lord_Renwod> Oh damn this thing is huge 2311:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 36 hits! Alraune HP: 859[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9) 2311:< barnum> Oh nice, a shawl, it was getting kind of chilly out. 2311:< Insomnikal> it can save your life in a pinch ! 2312:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 7.5 hits! Alraune HP: 851.5[█████] +XP: barnum               (1.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2312:< Lord_Renwod> hmm, looking up the monster in the tome of understanding, standby for an overview 2312:< barnum> Bardic Knowledge: "An attractive green-skinned woman sits in the depths of this enormous, sweet-smelling flower." 2312:< Insomnikal> kill her with fire! 2312:< Lord_Renwod> A plant type monster with the form of a beautiful woman covered in enormous flower petals that inhabits forests. Normally they 2313:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 49.5 hits! Alraune HP: 802[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2313:< Lord_Renwod> don't move around very much. They're always releasing sweet fragrances that attract human men, and they wait for their prey. 2313:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (4/71%), Insomnikal           (3/52%), barnum               (2/94%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2313:< Lord_Renwod> Basically this fucker is a venus fly trap for humans 2313:< Insomnikal> hah im a half orc 2313:< barnum> I pick some flowers from nearby and walk up to the Alraune, "I know you already have a big one, but I got these for you." 2313:< Insomnikal> i'll set it on fire 2313:< Lord_Renwod> And it uses sex and eroticism as a means to attract the to die 2313:< Insomnikal> can someone give me some fire? 2313:< Insomnikal> prefereably in a fashion that wouldnt burn me 2313:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 69 hits! Alraune HP: 733[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (10.5), Insomnikal           (6), barnum               (4.5) 2314:< Lord_Renwod> WAIT 2314:< barnum> So, my classic strategy of trying to seduce things is really gonna fuck me over here, got it. 2314:< Lord_Renwod> I think.................................................................... I might be reading an erotication of the monster 2314:< Insomnikal> unless you like hot candle wax, but instead of wax it's acid 2314:< Lord_Renwod> :C WHy is this even a thing? 2314:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 34.5 hits! Alraune HP: 698.5[████▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal           (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (3) 2315:< Insomnikal> for a plant based creature it seems pretty strong 2315:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 4.5 hits! Alraune HP: 694[████▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (1.5) 2315:< barnum> It's thorny vines lash out and grab me, but I don't seem to mind. She's quite hot, and nothing has seemed interested in me for a while 2315:< Lord_Renwod> NOPE I WAS DOUBLE WRONG, AND THUS ORIGINALLY RIGHT. :O These fuckers are born 2315:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 31.5 hits! Alraune HP: 662.5[████▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5) 2315:< Insomnikal> born.... from what? 2316:< Lord_Renwod> When the bloody semen of a hanged man (as they die) is used to water a mandrake root 2316:< Insomnikal> this is going down a whole route of pure nope 2316:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 27 hits! Alraune HP: 635.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (3) 2316:< Insomnikal> can we just set it on fire and forget about it? 2316:< Lord_Renwod> The result is a monstrosity that uses sexual inticement as a means of bringing in humans to prey upon 2316:< Insomnikal> barnum still seems like he could be in trouble 2317:< barnum> There are mandrake roots around, and the vines are starting to hang me. But i'm still cool with it. 2317:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 40.5 hits! Alraune HP: 595[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal           (3) 2317:< barnum> There's such a....sweet...scent in the air... 2317:< Insomnikal> i could try to fly in and save him but i stil only have half a sword 2317:< Lord_Renwod> BARNUM NO SNAP OUT OF IT WE'VE GOT TO KILL THIS THING IT'S GOING TO KILL YOU 2317:< Insomnikal> and noones given me any fire 2317:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (4/82%), Insomnikal           (3/61%), barnum               (3/29%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2317:< barnum> "It's alright, she's friendly guys, come join us." 2317:**** Lord_Renwod casts a quickened spell of clean-air-breathing around his head 2317:< Insomnikal> i dont think fungus and mould will have much effect on her either 2318:**** Lord_Renwod spends several moments extending the spells to the rest of the party 2318:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 94.5 hits! Alraune HP: 500.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (13.5), Insomnikal           (10.5), barnum               (3) 2318:< barnum> My head clears for a moment due to Renwood's spell. "Oh god, help me! help me!" 2318:< Insomnikal> i 2318:< Insomnikal> i err started thinking about its origion again and im just going to fly up in the air for a bit 2318:< Lord_Renwod> We're on it! Insomnikal, hit the roots! We gotta get barnum down! 2318:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 49.5 hits! Alraune HP: 451[███▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (6), barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5) 2319:< Insomnikal> i'll thow my other shoe at what seems to be it's head 2319:< barnum> "I swear I will never rush into trying to seduce anything again, please!" 2319:< Lord_Renwod> .... or fly away like a horrified freak. This is no time to be philosophizing about monster origins! 2319:< barnum> "My Horse with all my gear is over there! Use what you need!" 2319:< TeaBagTwat> Round #12, 49.5 hits! Alraune HP: 401.5[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (9), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2319:< Insomnikal> i'll fly down and try to pull barnum free 2319:**** Lord_Renwod charges in with his melee weapon set, brandishing a keen-edge-buffed blade of the sword saint 2319:< SxwTheCat> *fires a shitpost 2319:< Insomnikal> i can have anything on your horse right ? 2319:< barnum> Dragon Horse: Staff of Enchantment, Harp of Shattering 2320:< barnum> Those are the things on my horse. 2320:< Lord_Renwod> I slice through the vines holding barnum like they are made of butter 2320:< Insomnikal> hmm im more interested in a new sword 2320:< TeaBagTwat> Round #13, 60 hits! Alraune HP: 341.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (4.5), barnum               (3), Sx... 2320:< barnum> I fall to the ground. "Thank you, M'lord." 2320:< Insomnikal> i mean, there are vines and stuff trying to get me here, i've only got half a sword 2320:< Lord_Renwod> GET BACK! I can't hold it off forever! 2320:< Insomnikal> pretty hard effort for some magic junk 2320:< Insomnikal> you've got it Lord_Renwod 2320:< barnum> I run away, while yelling, "I think we should see other people!" 2320:< TeaBagTwat> Round #14, 46.5 hits! Alraune HP: 295[██▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (7.5), barnum               (6), Lord_Renwod          (1.5) 2320:< Lord_Renwod> The vines assault me, and I'm under heavy attack 2320:< Insomnikal> just keep hitting it there 2321:< Lord_Renwod> But my magical wards protect what gets past my celestial shield and O-Yoroi of Imperial Rule 2321:< TeaBagTwat> Round #15, 28.5 hits! Alraune HP: 266.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2321:< barnum> I arrive back at my horse and grab my Harp, and start playing some Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble towards the Alraune. 2321:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (4/97%), Insomnikal           (3/77%), barnum               (3/42%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2322:< Lord_Renwod> Giving a shout I plunge my sword into the depths of the plant, before retreating to a safer distance 2322:< Insomnikal> could you grab my shoe before you get too far? 2322:< Insomnikal> i kind of regret throwing it 2322:< TeaBagTwat> Round #16, 40.5 hits! Alraune HP: 226[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (3) 2322:< Lord_Renwod> I am bruised and battered, and am in no condition to get the shoe 2322:< Lord_Renwod> You're going to have to pick that fucker up when the alraune is dead, my friend 2322:< Insomnikal> barnum? i totally saved you from it 2323:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah you did jack shit. Just help us kill the damned thing. 2323:< TeaBagTwat> Round #17, 58.5 hits! Alraune HP: 167.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (13.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2323:< barnum> Insomnikal, I grab your shoe and thank you for your...efforts... 2323:< Insomnikal> thank you! I'll just sit down and put it on 2323:< Lord_Renwod> I am quite injured, despite my gear, from such a close encounter 2323:< TeaBagTwat> Round #18, 40.5 hits! Alraune HP: 127[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2323:< Lord_Renwod> I begin to mumble some words of healing and chug some healing potions 2323:< Insomnikal> as long as you keep out of it's reach it can't really move very fast after all 2323:< barnum> "Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago, I was in your sights, you got me alone..." 2324:< TeaBagTwat> Round #19, 72 hits! Alraune HP: 55[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (4.5), barnum               (4.5) 2324:< Lord_Renwod> Revitalized, I set the crosshairs of my enervating pistols upon the mighty plant, and let fly 2324:< barnum> "Ahhhh! Ahhh! Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!" 2325:< Lord_Renwod> DIE YOU FOUL FLORA, I shout, unleashing a volley of bullets more devastating than Trump's terrible haircuts. 2325:< TeaBagTwat> Round #20, 27 hits! Alraune HP: 28[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (1.5) 2325:< barnum> "*goat scream* *Goat scream* Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!" 2325:< Lord_Renwod> FINISH HIM! 2325:< Lord_Renwod> I join Barnum in the finale of his aria, using the vocalization to empower my magical spells! 2325:< TeaBagTwat> Alraune is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Spined Shield]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (5/37%), barnum               (3/57%) 2325:< Lord_Renwod> Woo! 2326:< Insomnikal> nice shield 2326:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (5/37%), Insomnikal           (3/82%), barnum               (3/57%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2326:< Lord_Renwod> This thing is... really really stupid 2326:< barnum> Hooray! 2326:< Insomnikal> took one hell of a beating 2326:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Iron Maiden Golem appeared! HP: 432[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2326:< Lord_Renwod> Why would you put spines on a shield? It just makes it heavier 2326:< Lord_Renwod> Anybody want this shield? 2326:< Insomnikal> so you can hit things with it 2326:< barnum> I mean, if I don't play come Iron Maiden now, I'm just missing a golden oppourtunity 2326:< Lord_Renwod> I much prefer this celestial shield. 2327:< Insomnikal> everythings better when you can hit things with other things 2327:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 81 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 351[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (7.5), Insomnikal           ... 2327:< Lord_Renwod> Or is it more of an IRON OPPORTUNITY? badum-tss *crickets* 2327:< Lord_Renwod> Well, do you want it Insomnikal? I don't know if it would fit your build 2327:< barnum> Where did those circkets come from, don't tell me they're another monster. Like dire crickets or something. 2327:< Insomnikal> well my chat just died :p 2327:< Lord_Renwod> Nah those are just pocket crikets 2328:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 48 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 259.5[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal         ... 2328:< barnum> White man came across the sea, He brought us pain and misery, He killed our tribes killed our creed, He took our game for his own need! 2328:< Lord_Renwod> Oh no! Not a dead chat! At least it isn't as dead as Robin-RPG (may he rest in the halls of valhalla) 2328:< Insomnikal> forever in glory 2328:< barnum> Shiny and Chrome 2328:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 45 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 214.5[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (6), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal         ... 2329:< Lord_Renwod> IRON MAIDEN, YOU MEDDLE WITH CREATURES BEYOND YOUR POWERS OF BATTLE 2329:< barnum> We fought him hard we fought him well, Out on the plains we gave him hell, But many came too much for Cree, Oh will we ever be set free 2329:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 36 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 178.5[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (4.5) 2329:< jayman419> Maria from In This Moment did a great cover of that song, jamming with Talking Metal. 2329:< Lord_Renwod> BEGONE FROM THIS WORLD, AND NEVER RETURN! FOR EDIA! FOR SOKUKUN 2330:< Lord_Renwod> Dude, I think BARNUM just did a great cover of that song. I mean... wow 2330:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 49.5 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 129[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), jayman419            (4.5) 2330:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (5/50%), Insomnikal           (3/88%), barnum               (3/68%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2330:< Lord_Renwod> That was absolutely amazing. I think the Iron maiden is just blown away at your musical talent 2330:< barnum> Murder for freedom the stab in the back, Women and children are cowards attack, RUN TO THE HILLS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! 2330:< jayman419> Taking nothing away from his performance.. but I do miss the guitars. 2330:< Lord_Renwod> In fact, I think everyone here is blown away by your musical talent 2330:< barnum> Thank you Lord_Renwod :) 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> $ they ever fix the bot? 2331:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 67.5 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 61.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (6), jayman419           ... 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> I guess the answer is yes 2331:< Insomnikal> new bot 2331:< barnum> As I get to the chorus of this song I realise it's kind inappropriate for a battle song, telling us to run away and shit 2331:< Lord_Renwod> :) Let's finish this thing! Steel type pokemons are weak to fire and fighting! 2331:< Insomnikal> old bot was kill 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> I see that now 2331:< barnum> But I plow through. 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> Ive been trying to get work done. Failing miserabluy 2331:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 60 hits! Iron Maiden Golem HP: 1.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: fuckboithrowaway     (6), barnum               (6), Insomnikal           (4... 2331:< barnum> Run to the hills! Run for your lives! 2331:< Lord_Renwod> I'll cast a bunch of flamespells 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> #rdie die die 2331:< Lord_Renwod> OH shit dude is almost dead 2331:< barnum> Poooop 2331:< fuckboithrowaway> maybe I can kill it 2331:< Insomnikal> that's a risk you have to take with distractions like this to hand 2332:< Lord_Renwod> POWER WORD POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 2332:< fuckboithrowaway> hahah 2332:< barnum> My poop is stronger than yours 2332:< fuckboithrowaway> Hide yo kids 2332:< TeaBagTwat> Iron Maiden Golem is kill! fuckboithrowaway     picks up [Cloud Castle of The Storm King]! LVLs: fuckboithrowaway     (2/34%), barnu... 2332:< barnum> Dammit, was really hoping that'd work. 2332:< Insomnikal> nice 2332:< Lord_Renwod> AWW FUCK MAN 2332:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Avoral appeared! HP: 423[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2332:< fuckboithrowaway> yay me? 2332:< barnum> Dude, you got a castle, awesome 2332:< Lord_Renwod> YOU GOT A CASTLE 2332:< fuckboithrowaway> I'm so happy 2332:< fuckboithrowaway> I'm not homeless anymore 2333:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 37.5 hits! Avoral HP: 385.5[█████] +XP: fuckboithrowaway     (4.5), barnum               (3), Lord_Renwod          (3), In... 2333:< Lord_Renwod> Damn so cool, I am more than a little jealous. I am still forced to wander the lands 2333:< Insomnikal> Once the fortress of a legendary tyrant known only as the Storm King, this castle now wanders the known universe, sometimes at the whim 2333:< derogative> However, we can get our levels back if Teabag ever returns from whatever it was. 2333:< Insomnikal> of it's master 2333:< barnum> Bardic Knowledge: "Great feathers sweep back from this fierce bird-man’s brow, and long, clawed hands grow from the end of his wings" 2333:< Lord_Renwod> A king without a castle, a lord without a land, a prince without a palace 2333:< derogative> robin-rpg sent them the info and the github whatever has the item update, too. 2333:< Insomnikal> This grand and opulent castle is held aloft and propelled by a foundation of storm clouds constantly rumbling with thunder and crackling 2333:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 85.5 hits! Avoral HP: 300[████▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (10.5), Lord_Renwod          (9), derogative           (9) 2333:< Lord_Renwod> But, adventuring is way, adventuing is life, I will never regret my times in the outer realms 2333:< Insomnikal> lightning 2334:< Lord_Renwod> Hmm allow me to investigate this... AVORAL that we currently face 2334:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 51 hits! Avoral HP: 249[███▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2334:< barnum> I use my staff of belittlement on the Avoral, "Nice wings, where'd you get them, the jerk store?" 2334:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (5/69%), Insomnikal           (4/23%), barnum               (3/93%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2334:< Lord_Renwod> OH GOD IT'S AN EVIL BIRDPERSON. JESUS THIS GUY HAS FLIGHT WE'RE SO FUCKED 2334:< Insomnikal> i can fly! 2334:< barnum> It has been a rough mating season for birdperson. 2334:< Insomnikal> i can bravely fly away if that'll help 2335:< Insomnikal> get help? 2335:< Lord_Renwod> It has indeed been a rough mating person for birdperson, but that's no reason to kill us! 2335:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 88.5 hits! Avoral HP: 160.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (10.5), barnum               (6), Insomnikal           (4.5) 2335:< barnum> Don't be gross, Tammy. 2335:< Lord_Renwod> How about you fly someone else up to deal damage? SOmeone liiiike, Barnum? 2335:< Insomnikal> how much do you weigh barnum? 2335:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 33 hits! Avoral HP: 127.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (1.5), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2335:< Lord_Renwod> I can fight from a distance. Also Rick and Morty great show :) 2336:< barnum> I mean, that's kind of a rude question. I'm a...healthy weight. 2336:< Lord_Renwod> All of the damage will be dealt. Also yeah insomnikal wtf was that? 2336:< barnum> /r/fucktammy (Yay, another R&M fan) 2336:< Lord_Renwod> Who are YOU to be asking about someone ELSE'S weight? Projecting much? 2336:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 85.5 hits! Avoral HP: 42[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (13.5), barnum               (6) 2337:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah tammy is a huge bitch. I think tammy might be even worse than this evil avoral we currently face 2337:< Insomnikal> well i dont think there's any limit on the phoenix cloak, so i suppose i can probably carry you 2337:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 40.5 hits! Avoral HP: 1.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (4.5), Insomnikal           (4.5) 2337:< Insomnikal> some have said i have sindly arms though 2337:< Lord_Renwod> Tammy is biggest terribad in the whole galaxy and KILL THE AVORAL 2337:< Lord_Renwod> HOLY SHIT POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP 2337:< barnum> Just as your lift me, the Avoral dies. "Well, this was a huge was of effort." 2337:< Lord_Renwod> poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop dammit 2337:< barnum> goddamn typing 2337:< Lord_Renwod> poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop you stupid birdfucker 2337:< Insomnikal> at least we know for the future! and knowing is half of the battle. 2337:< barnum> I'm gonna blame my keyboard. 2337:< TeaBagTwat> Avoral is kill! barnum               picks up [Iron Spike of Safe Passage]! LVLs: barnum               (4/35%), Insomnikal          ... 2338:< Lord_Renwod> DIE YOU FEATHERD SLUT 2338:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Fire Drake appeared! HP: 135[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2338:< Insomnikal> kill it with fir... oh.... err 2338:< Lord_Renwod> Oh ok its ded 2338:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 21 hits! Fire Drake HP: 114[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (3), Insomnikal           (1.5) 2338:< Insomnikal> water anyone? 2338:< barnum> When hammered into place this 9-inch iron spike creates an illusion up to 15 feet high and in a 15-foot diameter centered on the spike. 2338:< XG549> heyyy look at that my tab didnt crash while i was away this time :D 2338:< Lord_Renwod> Where's that bowl of water elementals when you need it? RYAN!!! 2338:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (5/86%), Insomnikal           (4/38%), barnum               (4/35%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2339:< barnum> The illusion can be of one of the following: a small hillock of appropriate composition for the terrain, a pile of mundane crates or ba 2339:< barnum> or barrels, a mound of rubble, or a small structure (such as a cabin or canvas enclosure). 2339:< Lord_Renwod> Naw man it's not an illusion 2339:< barnum> So, this Stake magically creates a little house. 2339:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 100.5 hits! Fire Drake HP: 13.5[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: barnum               (15), Lord_Renwod          (6), XG549                (4.5... 2339:< Lord_Renwod> it's like, you have a wall right? And you're trying to get through? You use the spike to open a safe passage 2339:< Insomnikal> stab it quickly! 2339:< barnum> Well, dude got a castle, I got a little house. I'm...fine with that...totally. 2340:< barnum> Ohhhhh, that's cool 2340:< Lord_Renwod> It's like the pwerfect counter for a prismatic wall spell 2340:< TeaBagTwat> Fire Drake is kill! Lord_Renwod          picks up [Wings of Flying]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (5/97%), barnum               (4/51%... 2340:< Lord_Renwod> Which, btw, is super powerful and in no small way completely a bitch 2340:< Insomnikal> nice 2340:< Lord_Renwod> YESYES YES YES YES YES YES 2340:< XG549> oh my god chat has become laggy as hell 2340:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Selkie appeared! HP: 202[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2340:< Insomnikal> now we can both soar like eagles! 2340:< Harry_Flugelman> refresh, helps 2340:< XG549> am i in this channel? im not seeing the #rpg show up automatically anymore 2340:< Lord_Renwod> YESYESYEYSEYSESEYESYESYES GUYS I HAVE WINGS THIS IS THE GREATEST THING I COULD POSSIBLY HOPE FOR 2340:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 72 hits! Selkie HP: 130[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (10.5), XG549                (6), Insomnikal           (3), Harry... 2340:< Lord_Renwod> MY LIFE IS COMPLETE 2340:< Insomnikal> it doesnt if filtered XG549 2340:< Harry_Flugelman> yes 2341:< Insomnikal> it's all done automagicaly 2341:< Harry_Flugelman> like... magic 2341:< barnum> Bardic Knowledge: "Selkie: a mythical creature that resembles a seal in the water but assumes human form on land." 2341:< XG549> teabagtwat? what happened to the other bot account 2341:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 43.5 hits! Selkie HP: 86.5[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Insomnikal           (3), Harry_Flugelman      (3), Lor... 2341:< barnum> Problem is, I think seals are cute. 2341:< Insomnikal> robin-rpg was kill 2341:< Insomnikal> we mourn his passing, but know he is in valhall, for eternal glory in combat never ending 2341:< XG549> did someone just fork the source and put it on their account? 2341:< ryanvango> he pmed me, he said he got kicked out of the room. he said he can feed me the code and i can run it from the source, but im not sure 2342:< ryanvango> how to go about doing that 2342:< Insomnikal> there should have been an extra a in there, pay no attention to it's failure to attend 2342:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 58.5 hits! Selkie HP: 28[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Insomnikal           (10.5), ryanvango            (6), XG549                (4.5), ba... 2342:< thatwentBTE> Selkies are Fey creatures native to the ocean. They are comfortable in the deep sea and on the ground. As a general rule they are beaut 2342:< Lord_Renwod> Well Ryanvango Teabagtwat is running and instance of it RIGHT NOW 2342:< XG549> kicked from room how sad D: 2342:< Lord_Renwod> so there is that, also poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop 2342:< Insomnikal> yeah, he was literally doing a loot update 2342:< ryanvango> is it the same program as before? like are our scores still saved? 2342:< Lord_Renwod> How do you get kicked from the room? 2342:< thatwentBTE> as a general rule they are beautiful, strong and agile and in some legend they are able to shapeshift in a special siren-form. 2342:< barnum> I still don't know how that even happens, it'sd not like we merged or anything 2342:< TeaBagTwat> Selkie is kill! barnum               picks up [Rod of Lordly Might]! LVLs: Lord_Renwod          (6/23%), thatwentBTE          (1/97%... 2342:< ryanvango> or do I have to re earn my title as badassest of the badasses 2342:< Lord_Renwod> No it is not, but we've been creating new scores 2343:< Insomnikal> nope, it's completely new 2343:< derogative> robin-rpg sent the info to teabag, but teabag is asleep or something. 2343:< Lord_Renwod> You have to regain such a title 2343:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/23%), barnum               (4/59%), Insomnikal           (4/55%), SilentSand           (2/56%), pyr... 2343:< thatwentBTE> Oh lord your rod is mighty barnum 2343:< derogative> When they get back, we can have our scores back, but until then, no. We are doomed. 2343:< XG549> oooh this is my chance to get on the leaderboard 2343:< derogative> Doomed to begin anew. 2343:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Fire Beetle appeared! HP: 18[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2343:< ryanvango> thats ok, we can build it back up again. we still have our google doc right 2343:< barnum> My rod is mighty and lordly, aw yeah. 2343:< ryanvango> anything new on that from or no? 2343:< thatwentBTE> beetle is kill 2343:< Insomnikal> a beetle? step on the darn thing and lets move on 2343:< derogative> Also the item update is out, but Teabag is still sleep so no items for us. 2343:< XG549> stupid fire beeetle such low hp mwahahaha 2343:< ryanvango> also, im gonna go ahead and poop loot this one 2343:< derogative> Poop loot never works. 2343:< TeaBagTwat> Fire Beetle is kill! derogative           picks up [Anaconda's Coils]! LVLs: derogative           (2/72%), ryanvango            (2/4... 2343:< Lord_Renwod> Yes we do! Yes, there are more slots on the loot table 2343:< ryanvango> noooooo 2343:< Insomnikal> someone got a helm of teleportation or similar yesterday from stepping on a beetle 2343:< derogative> Heh heh. 2344:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Necromantic Golem appeared! HP: 405[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2344:< Lord_Renwod> Keep in mind ryan as a level 1 you're doing like 1 damage with each post 2344:< XG549> teabagtwat is an amazing username by the way 2344:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 63 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 342[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), Insomnikal           (4.5), ryanvango            ... 2344:< Insomnikal> it is rather special 2344:< ryanvango> its spacing is weird and i dont like it. im gonna go ahead and declare this is "not quite as good" 2344:< derogative> Technically we do one damage no matter what. We just hit more often with our one damage. 2344:< Lord_Renwod> Really hard to poop loot at your level. I am already level 6 though so I stand a much better chance 2344:< XG549> users outside of the channel are also doing damage right? 2344:< barnum> Oh, this Rod is fucking awesome. Basically a mace, that has some spells in it but can transform into some other weapons 2344:< Insomnikal> it was only setup a few hours ago ryanvango 2344:< ryanvango> we're still doing ok damage though, considering. now would be smart to flee th ebig ones though 2344:< Insomnikal> at first the monsters wouldn't even let us hit them 2345:< Lord_Renwod> Ryanvango I agree but there's not much we can do about it also t-bag is doing his best 2345:< barnum> Unfortunately, I'm a bard, so any like warrior want: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/rod-of-lordly-might 2345:< derogative> Yeah, it's not quite as good since it's a sort of... fill in until the day robin-rpg can come back. Or teabag puts in our scores. 2345:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 153 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 189[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), derogative           (9), Lord_Renwod          (... 2345:< derogative> Or we get those item bonuses. 2345:< ryanvango> yeah, has it been configured to only read from #rpg? 2345:< derogative> Probably not. 2345:< Lord_Renwod> I believe so................................................. 2345:< XG549> was the old one even configured that way? 2345:< Insomnikal> it should be 2345:< derogative> It was. 2345:< ryanvango> haha I know, im only teasing. if i was really that upset I'd just go play trivia. or sleep. like a human is sposed to 2345:< barnum> Sleep is for the weak 2345:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 36 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 153[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), derogative           (4.5), XG549                ... 2345:< ryanvango> the old one took a while, but eventually yes 2345:< XG549> sleep is for the week 2346:< ryanvango> lol only 36 hits. jesus 2346:< derogative> Like me! I love to sleep. 2346:< Insomnikal> afaik this is pretty much the latest version before he said he was going to do the loot upgrades 2346:< derogative> But I'm not ready to sleep yet. That's more for when it's 4 am. 2346:< ryanvango> i need to read over our google doc progress, but im too upset about my baby status to care right now 2346:< XG549> i said this is my chance to hit the leaderboards but thats still false 2346:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 57 hits! Necromantic Golem HP: 96[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (7.5), XG549                (6), derogative           (... 2346:< XG549> even with the reset im far too much of a lurker to ever make much progress 2346:< derogative> Yeah, loot upgrades are out so I'm excited for them when Teabag is Alive. 2346:< barnum> There was someone complaining about only having a sword, forget who. does that person want Rod of Lordly Might? 2346:< Lord_Renwod> Oh I'll take that rod of lordly might 2346:< ryanvango> so it hasnt implemented any changes? its just original script? 2346:< XG549> but at least this time i will get the loot 2346:< derogative> It's the original, pretty much. 2346:< Insomnikal> i have half a sword, does the rod let me hit things with it? 2346:< Lord_Renwod> Is anyone here a monk? My blade of the sword-saint gives hella +ki for monks 2347:< XG549> this one and only time 2347:< derogative> With large spaces in it for some reason we don't understand. 2347:< TeaBagTwat> Necromantic Golem is kill! derogative           picks up [Tunic of Careful Casting]! LVLs: derogative           (3/25%), Lord_Renwod... 2347:< thatwentBTE> bite 2347:< XG549> fuck 2347:< ryanvango> ok, well thats alright. we wouldnt have much of a bonus even with upgrades anyway, so might as well just level for a while 2347:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/36%), Insomnikal           (4/72%), barnum               (4/70%), derogative           (3/25%), rya... 2347:< ryanvango> this is gonna be a big round... 2347:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Somalcygot appeared! HP: 850[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2347:< barnum> Are we still using that spreadsheet from last night to track things? 2347:< ryanvango> btw...hi insomnikal! hows it going?! 2347:< Insomnikal> oh wow this is a big one 2347:< Insomnikal> not bad ryanvango yourself 2347:< Lord_Renwod> barnum can I have the rod please? 2348:< derogative> Yeah, right now items are more just for our imagination. And I am, or- well. I'm putting things in notepad and eventually I'll update. 2348:< TeaBagTwat> Round #1, 73.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 776.5[█████] +XP: ryanvango            (7.5), barnum               (4.5), derogative           (... 2348:< Lord_Renwod> My sword is a little lackluster and is much better fit for a monk 2348:< barnum> I hand Lord_Renwod the Rod. 2348:< Lord_Renwod> Well, lackluster for me. Thanks! 2348:< barnum> BK: "Four long antennae stretch from the face of this giant, multi-eyed flatworm. From its spiny, chitinous body emerge four tentacles. 2348:< ryanvango> not bad. just got home. so sleepy. gonna eat junkfood and embarrass lord_renwood 2348:< Insomnikal> good night ahead then 2348:< TeaBagTwat> Round #2, 79.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 697[█████] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (6), barnum               (6), K1ngN0thing          (4.5), ... 2348:< barnum> BK: Attacks: Burrow, Constrict, Acid Spray. 2349:< Lord_Renwod> this weapon is extremely awesome! thanks Barnum 2349:< ryanvango> i just saw the loot from the other one...tunic of careful casting...whos using that? 2349:< derogative> You missed Ren feeling a bit booty blasted over the fact you got so ahead of levels. 2349:< Lord_Renwod> It can basically transform into a whole bunch of stuff at will 2349:< derogative> I have it, but currently not wearing it or using it. So it's just in the Dero Inventory. 2349:< TeaBagTwat> Round #3, 78 hits! Somalcygot HP: 619[████▒] +XP: derogative           (9), Lord_Renwod          (6), ryanvango            (4.5), ba... 2349:< barnum> It's the least i could do Lord_Renwod after you saved me from that plant bitch earlier. 2349:< ryanvango> hahaha damn it! so i can be fairly certain he had something to do with robin-rpgs disappearance... 2349:< Lord_Renwod> And has some sick weapons on it. Yeah of course dude I've always got your back! 2349:< ryanvango> who's using the tunic...derogative... 2350:< Lord_Renwod> What what no I don't.... *shh quiet ryanvango they'll begin to suspect* 2350:< TeaBagTwat> Round #4, 84 hits! Somalcygot HP: 535[████▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), ryanvango            (6), barnum               (4.5) 2350:< derogative> You want it? 2350:< ryanvango> are you wearing it from here on out? i need to see if theres an actual armor somehwere i can snag 2350:< ryanvango> only if you don't need it 2350:< derogative> Nah, I'm not wearing it atm. I think I have something better. Yeah. I do. 2350:< derogative> You can have it. 2350:< TeaBagTwat> Round #5, 34.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 500.5[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (7.5), ryanvango            (6) 2350:< derogative> Enjoy your shirt. 2351:< ryanvango> <3 2351:< TeaBagTwat> Round #6, 7.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 493[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (1.5), ryanvango            (1.5) 2351:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/42%), barnum               (4/76%), Insomnikal           (4/74%), derogative           (3/36%), rya... 2351:< barnum> Lord_Renwod I also have the Minotaur Belt which gives +Strength, which I don't need, I just liked it for it's killer belt buckle, want? 2352:< Lord_Renwod> Do you have anything in your belt slot? 2352:< TeaBagTwat> Round #7, 27 hits! Somalcygot HP: 466[███▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (1.5) 2352:< derogative> I'm pretending I still have all my ghost items because goddamnit, I may never actually do anything with them but I like them. 2352:< derogative> It makes me feel exciting. 2352:< barnum> Nah, but I'm a caster so it's purpose right now is just holding up my pants you know 2353:< TeaBagTwat> Round #8, 36 hits! Somalcygot HP: 430[███▒▒] +XP: derogative           (6), barnum               (4.5) 2353:< ryanvango> ok back. equipped my sweet new shirt. how long have you guys been on this thing so far? 2353:< barnum> A while! 2353:< Lord_Renwod> Well, I'm a heavy caster too. I'll take it though, i guess. I do end up doing all aspects of combat 2353:< derogative> An... hour or so? I lost track of time. 2353:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah seriously time does go by fast 2353:< ryanvango> lol i guess! long enough to pull ahead. how long ago did robin-rpg kick the bucket? 2353:< TeaBagTwat> Round #9, 64.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 365.5[███▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (9), Lord_Renwod          (6), barnum               (1.5)... 2353:< Lord_Renwod> Oh hey I've only got 30 minutes before I gotta go 2353:< ryanvango> good... 2353:< Lord_Renwod> Hey don't be mean :( 2354:< ryanvango> :) 2354:< Lord_Renwod> I'll be back 2354:< barnum> I take my belt off and hand it to Lord_Renwod, my pants promptly fall down. I yell, "Pudding!" 2354:< ryanvango> i keed i keed. just need time to pass you up is all haha 2354:< TeaBagTwat> Round #10, 60 hits! Somalcygot HP: 305.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (7.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (4.5) 2354:**** Lord_Renwod conjures a belt of holding for barnum 2354:< barnum> I got like 10 minutes before Raw starts, and depending on how good that is i might be less active here. 2354:< ryanvango> i also added a line to the newbie guide, so maybe they would stop saying it thinking they're original... 2355:< TeaBagTwat> Round #11, 36 hits! Somalcygot HP: 269.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: barnum               (4.5), ryanvango            (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (1.5) 2355:< ryanvango> is there an easier way to post the link to the newbie guide without it being that big ugly thing? werent we gonna ask robin-rpg? 2355:< TeaBagTwat> Round #12, 9 hits! Somalcygot HP: 260.5[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5) 2355:< TeaBagTwat> HEROES : Lord_Renwod          (6/46%), barnum               (4/84%), Insomnikal           (4/74%), derogative           (3/40%), rya... 2356:< ryanvango> there's some good data. that string was about 120 characters. did 9 points at level 3 2356:**** barnum plays Free bird on his harp, just because he's currently listening to it irl. 2356:< SxwTheCat> the shitpost hits the monster, splattering into upvotes 2356:< TeaBagTwat> Round #13, 28.5 hits! Somalcygot HP: 232[██▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), barnum               (4.5), SxwTheCat            (1.5) 2356:< ryanvango> Hey sexycat! 2356:< barnum> Oh man, I kept looking at the wrong side for my xp/level, now I'm sad. 2356:< SxwTheCat> hey bby 2356:< Lord_Renwod> Ryanvango that is the amount of experience you are gaining from the attack 2357:< Lord_Renwod> that does not represent how much damage you are doing with that attack 2357:< TeaBagTwat> Round #14, 78 hits! Somalcygot HP: 154[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: Lord_Renwod          (9), barnum               (4.5), ryanvango            (1.5),... 2357:< ryanvango> no, look a few rounds up...9 hits. i was the only 1 to talk in that time 2357:< Lord_Renwod> Do not be confused by the numbers! They are indeed quite seperate from each other 2357:< ryanvango> i got 4.5 exp from the attack though 2357:< Lord_Renwod> Oh I see 2357:**** barnum is currently in the middle of the kick ass solo during Free Bird. 2357:< Insomnikal> they look like they match the damage 2357:< TeaBagTwat> Round #15, 78 hits! Somalcygot HP: 76[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (6), Lord_Renwod          (6), barnum               (4.5), In... 2358:**** barnum strums his harp furiously 2358:< Lord_Renwod> Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2358:< SxwTheCat> let the chat spamming for the useless item drop begin 2358:< ryanvango> insomnikal i think for low levels they pretty much match. as you level up though, your level modifier outstrips it 2358:< barnum> Poop? 2358:< Lord_Renwod> Do we have any barbarians? Because I have an item that triggers on rage 2358:< TeaBagTwat> Round #16, 54 hits! Somalcygot HP: 22[█▒▒▒▒] +XP: ryanvango            (4.5), Lord_Renwod          (4.5), barnum               (3), ... 2358:< Lord_Renwod> I'm a lot of things, but am in no way a barbarian 2358:< SxwTheCat> is that a clash reference 2358:< ryanvango> so eventually you're real long sentences will do like 20, 30 damage or so, but but youll still be getting 9exp. it dont scale 2358:< Lord_Renwod> I don't do the whole rage-to-become-immune thing. I'm way stronker without emotions 2359:< SxwTheCat> the upvotes splatter into the Somalcygot 2359:< ryanvango> poop loot? 2359:< Insomnikal> yeah, so level 3 9 hits will change, but the amount of hits overall quoted is still the damage done right? 2359:< SxwTheCat> boom hit bam done killed 2359:< Insomnikal> as it just counts the total of all of our hits? 2359:< ryanvango> nooooooo 2359:< barnum> anbd I kill it 2359:< TeaBagTwat> Somalcygot is kill! barnum               picks up [Mask of Stony Demeanor]! LVLs: ryanvango            (3/50%), Insomnikal          ... 2359:< Lord_Renwod> Yeah well I've gotten 16.5 experience before in a single round 2359:< barnum> Whoa 2359:< SxwTheCat> why's there a massive space 2359:< TeaBagTwat> A wild Tsathar appeared! HP: 58[█████]! Attack it by chatting(no spam)! (type "runaway" to flee)! Add #rpg for 50%+ exp! 2359:< SxwTheCat> "barnum picks " 2359:< Lord_Renwod> Fuck the Tsathar 2359:< ryanvango> lord_renwod I think I got about that, maybe 18 earlier today. no one was on so i spammed 140 character jibberish to see what happened. 2359:< SxwTheCat> ez 2359:< TeaBagTwat> Tsathar is kill! SxwTheCat            picks up [Circlet of Speaking]! LVLs: SxwTheCat            (1/93%), Lord_Renwod          (6/58... --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 2016