--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:56:16 2016 1956:< LongStrangeTrips:#penis> chugga_fan worked fine until you came ;) 1956:< ror6y:#penis> This place is chill af 1956:< MrZiggyStardust:#penis> it hasn't done it yet, so fingers crossed, I was in + and & before but they seem dead now so I came here 1956:< ror6y:#penis> We have a chill music stream too 1956:< LongStrangeTrips:#penis> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 1956:< LongStrangeTrips:#penis> For more info ^^^ 1957:< chugga_fan:#penis> i'm actually just in main chat and atm i'm waiting for more chats to happen, like + 1957:< JimmybobIII:#penis> oh man can someone link the chill stream?? --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:57:03 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:58:04 2016 1958:< ror6y> We can voteskip stuff when it isn't nice 1958:< bickster69> Hey I'm back... I'm at work though, shhh... 1959:< snowburst> hello bickster69 1959:< JimmybobIII> hey man 1959:< LongStrangeTrips> Has someone contacted the devs about the text not being indented on subsequent lines? 2000:< bickster69> whats happened since yesterday, any news when we are going merge? 2000:< LongStrangeTrips> Indent does not appear after first line: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2000:< MrZiggyStardust> works fine in parrot for me LongStrangeTrips 2000:< JimmybobIII> oh that's a good point 2000:< snowburst> i know LongStrangeTrips that's been bugging me --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:00:51 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:02:38 2016 2002:< MrZiggyStardust> page just refreshed on me :\ this is annoying 2002:< JimmybobIII> same lol 2002:< ror6y> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dexsy4E0y1I waka flocka the tank engine 4 day 2002:< LongStrangeTrips> Yeah... 2003:< MrZiggyStardust> seems like its not a plugin issue, it just happens to everyone at the same time :( 2003:< JimmybobIII> nice username MrZiggyStardust 2003:< MrZiggyStardust> thanks JimmybobIII ! 2003:< snowburst> everyone's using the same script probably MrZiggyStardust 2003:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah but it doesn't make sense that it would happen at the same exact time for us 2003:< LongStrangeTrips> Im using the 5a1t robin-grow 2004:< JimmybobIII> same 2004:< LongStrangeTrips> I think its a robin thing, not a script thing 2004:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah that's what I think, something reddit is trying to mitigate the robin load on their servers 2005:< LongStrangeTrips> there it goes again 2006:< MrZiggyStardust> yep same 2006:< snowburst> yup 2006:< JimmybobIII> I think it's do with the AFKers 2006:< MrZiggyStardust> last night it was going like every minute, made chatting annoying because you lose your whole chat history 2007:< MrZiggyStardust> well I mean I was using the & filter so it was super tame 2008:< LongStrangeTrips> I havent left this chat in over 30 hours haha 2008:< LongStrangeTrips> I just heard from others 2008:< bradyblair20> dang 2009:< OrangeredStilton> There we go, you guys now show up in a whole 'nother channel on my IRC 2009:< OrangeredStilton> (Hi) 2009:< MrZiggyStardust> like you've been sitting there 30 hours? 2009:< snowburst> ror6y https://vine.co/v/eUiiYUdVTQd 2009:< ror6y> That's fucking amazing 2009:< LongStrangeTrips> MrZiggyStardust I havent shut off my computer in over 50 hours. I went to sleep and class though 2009:< JimmybobIII> are we in the lead for time spent? 2009:< ror6y> As much as i dont like vine for how bad it is on pc 2010:< ror6y> That's amazing 2010:< LongStrangeTrips> JimmybobIII No 2010:< JimmybobIII> ah damn 2010:< JimmybobIII> i've been on for ages haha 2010:< JimmybobIII> started 4PM GMT on april the 2nd 2010:< LongStrangeTrips> Were about 3 hours short of being longest chat 2010:< MrZiggyStardust> LongStrangeTrips oh yeah same here, I just thought you were chatting 30 hours straight lol 2010:< snowburst> yeah vine always shits the bed in browsers 2010:< LongStrangeTrips> MrZiggyStardust Nah, have other things to do as well :) 2010:< nullvader> Anyone on Miitomo? 2011:< JimmybobIII> que e? 2011:< MrZiggyStardust> I'm hoping I don't miss the merge because of work 2011:< ntrefil> that new nintendo social media? 2011:< JimmybobIII> I missed the last one 2011:< XesEri> nah but on miiverse 2011:< LongStrangeTrips> MrZiggyStardust If you voted you wont be kicked, you just need to show up 30 mins after it and vote 2011:< nullvader> ntrefil Yes. :p 2011:< snowburst> is it fun? 2012:< XesEri> do you like it nullvader ? I've heard mixed reactions... 2012:< JimmybobIII> anyone on steam? 2012:< XesEri> yeah but I don't use it much 2012:< MrZiggyStardust> well no its not that LongStrangeTrips , I just like to be here when it happens, it excites me lol 2012:< ror6y> anyone on reddit guys# 2012:< JimmybobIII> haha 2012:< ror6y> ;) 2012:< nullvader> It's entertaining for a couple minutes a day, I've liked it so far for that reason. 2012:< LongStrangeTrips> Ahh. Were calling this one "The First Cumming" 2013:< ntrefil> whats reddit? 2013:< embracetehmartian> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dcvwy/me_and_the_flockdraw_room_drew_some_pictures_for/ 2013:< MrZiggyStardust> aptly named ;) 2013:< JimmybobIII> is reddit that cats websit 2013:< JimmybobIII> e? 2014:< MrZiggyStardust> no thats voat 2014:< ror6y> ifunny guys 2014:< JimmybobIII> 9gag 2014:< ror6y> imgur 2015:< JimmybobIII> in my first ever room of 16, this guy kept spamming 9gag memes shit 2015:< ror6y> wow 2015:< JimmybobIII> that's when i installed the script haha 2016:< ntrefil> Ive been using script from the begining 2016:< MrZiggyStardust> I didn't care enough to get a script until after peaman 2016:< LongStrangeTrips> I only started using a script at around 200 people 2016:< LongStrangeTrips> A guy I started with wrote his own script for filtering things that didnt start with PENIS, but we had to manually type it. 2016:< JimmybobIII> ahh peaman was wild :') 2017:< JimmybobIII> we had this awesome thing going with r0vialliance then we got destroyed by the huge amount of spam in peaman lol 2017:< ror6y> I used the script when it was first out 2017:< Lolzep> AYYYYYYYYYYY 2017:< JimmybobIII> but even r0vi was pretty spammy 2017:< JimmybobIII> what? 2017:< Lolzep> Thats how I say hi 2017:< JimmybobIII> you a r0vi man? 2017:< ror6y> lmao 2017:< MrZiggyStardust> KuPrlitsGo was intense, longest wait and we're going to be passing that 2017:< ntrefil> youre back!!! 2017:< bradyblair20> yooooo 2018:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep my man, whats up? 2018:< embracetehmartian> chance the rapper releasing his new mixtape this month 2018:< Lolzep> Just got back from school and having a snack ya know. Updated the post again and stuff like usual 2018:< JimmybobIII> oh yeah ziggy kuprlits was crazy 2019:< JimmybobIII> i love the time zone difference it makes me happy to talk to people who've just had lunch when i'm having a cuppa before bed :D 2019:< LongStrangeTrips> JimmybobIII Same haha 2020:< ntrefil> Lolzep you turn in that chem hw? 2020:< MrZiggyStardust> you're over the pond JimmybobIII ? 2020:< djcocainegoat> hey penis/ 2020:< ntrefil> hey 2020:< Lolzep> Nah she collects it the day of the test which is tomorrow c: 2020:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat whats up 2020:< JimmybobIII> yeah ziggs i'm from the barren wastes of northern uk 2020:< djcocainegoat> I've had a long strange day, oddly enough 2020:< MrZiggyStardust> what club do you support? 2021:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat Tell us about it 2021:< ntrefil> Hey penis/ we are jammin out over here https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2021:< JimmybobIII> none really, i'm more about cycling, but i'd say either newcastle or southport(my dad's team) 2021:< MrZiggyStardust> ah, I always like meeting people from the UK cause only a few people here follow soccer 2022:< MrZiggyStardust> like I pretty much only use reddit to post in r/soccer 2022:< MrZiggyStardust> Manchester City 2022:< djcocainegoat> my mom is sick 2022:< JimmybobIII> damn :( 2023:< MrZiggyStardust> I was a united fan when I was a kid but I saw a city game in like 2010 and I fell in love 2023:< djcocainegoat> she went into a&e because she had trouble breathing around this time yesterday 2023:< Lolzep> :C 2023:< snezel> lolzep is back o shit 2023:< djcocainegoat> now her airway is obstructed and they had to intubate her and put her in icu 2023:< MrZiggyStardust> sorry to hear that djcocainegoat :( 2023:< Lolzep> I SAID I WAS BACK LIKE 5 MINUTES AGO 2023:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat Im really sorry to hear that :( 2023:< snezel> IM PLAYING A GAME OKAY!!! 2024:< snezel> SORRY :( 2024:< JimmybobIII> damn djcocainegoat :( that sucks 2024:< IckySkittles> what game? 2024:< JimmybobIII> ^ 2024:< Lolzep> Im playing Robin Tracker. Its a really hard game. 2024:< nullvader> Lolzep Welcome back. 2024:< djcocainegoat> it really does suck 2025:< djcocainegoat> just had the longest day of work and im home for a few before i head down to the hospital to see her 2025:< JimmybobIII> :( 2025:< Lolzep> F? 2025:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat penis/ is with you :( 2025:< JimmybobIII> at least you still have an awesome username djcocainegoat :D 2025:< snezel> league of legends ickyskittles and jimmyboblll 2025:< JimmybobIII> nice just 5v5? 2025:< Lolzep> I quit LoL ages ago... 2026:< JimmybobIII> I sporadically play then leave it for months 2026:< djcocainegoat> and i hate hospitals so im really anxious about going down 2027:< JimmybobIII> I feel ya, my grandma was in about a year ago and i got really anxious when i was there 2028:< LongStrangeTrips> love this song 2028:< JimmybobIII> which song 2028:< ntrefil> chill song! 2029:< robrago> hello 2029:< LongStrangeTrips> https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2029:< ntrefil> current song: Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better 2029:< Lolzep> I just have a giant playlist of 9000 songs on foobar2000 2029:< JimmybobIII> nice! 2031:< JimmybobIII> yes!!!! 2033:< LongStrangeTrips> https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 2034:< JimmybobIII> do you guys like graphs??? 2034:< snezel> yes 2034:< Lolzep> depends 2034:< MrZiggyStardust> I took graph theory a few years ago but I have a feeling we mean different kinds of graphs 2035:< snezel> i looked at a lot of graphs for school 2035:< JimmybobIII> i've been compiling a bit of data on the experiment 2035:< LongStrangeTrips> JimmybobIII Id love to see it 2035:< robrago> as would i 2035:< JimmybobIII> http://imgur.com/8m9lV0W there's the latest one 2035:< bradyblair20> look at this graph 2036:< JimmybobIII> it's probably not as accurate since the ratios fluctuate 2036:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh no. Dont show that to anyone 2036:< snezel> :( 2036:< JimmybobIII> http://imgur.com/0MMB1hn 2036:< LongStrangeTrips> Even a weak negative correlation is enough to start riots 2036:< snezel> should be positive to growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 2036:< JimmybobIII> that one's better 2036:< LongStrangeTrips> Second one is good. 2036:< snezel> spam it on all chat 2037:< snezel> telll to grow 2037:< LongStrangeTrips> Weve got to show grow, even if it means falsifying data 2037:< bradyblair20> Much better ;) 2037:< JimmybobIII> it basically shows the more people, the more wanna grow 2037:< LongStrangeTrips> No spam 2037:< bradyblair20> we are now the govt of soKukunelits 2037:< LongStrangeTrips> Tell Lolzep to put it on the thread 2037:< Lolzep> put what on what 2037:< JimmybobIII> it's probably not strong correlation 2037:< ntrefil> So whats the end game here? Will the biggest group get a prize or something. 2037:< JimmybobIII> i need more data 2037:< LongStrangeTrips> Lolzep http://imgur.com/0MMB1hn 2037:< bradyblair20> i dont think they have said 2038:< djcocainegoat> hey jimmybobIII, do you have data for '% of a chat that voted stay' at merge/stay/abandon for all chats >T6? 2038:< Lolzep> Thats a really loose correlation 2038:< JimmybobIII> Unfortunately not djcocainegoat 2038:< LongStrangeTrips> Yeah unfortunately 2038:< JimmybobIII> yeah it's very loose i think it's probably about a constant 75% 2039:< JimmybobIII> probably not significant at 5% level 2039:< djcocainegoat> im really curious to see what an average stay rate is per tier, and the variance in stay rate by tier. 2040:< MrZiggyStardust> well this isn't the only record available, the largest stay room is also up for grabs and could be easily beaten 2040:< MrZiggyStardust> so take a chance on this merge, or try to organize the largest stay? 2041:< XesEri> Try for merge 1 more day. THen go for stay 2041:< Broodoobob> there's a very real chance for both 2041:< Broodoobob> and absolutely no reason not to wait 2041:< MegaZeus101> Merge dude. 2041:< Broodoobob> staying in a day is just as daft as staying now 2042:< bradyblair20> yeah if we do merge we will break the record too 2042:< JimmybobIII> just had a look at some stats tables, seems the graph'll be non significant at almost all levels 2042:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah but I don't mean just for us, I mean for the rooms below us, they may not want to make the journey so they might go for a record 2042:< LongStrangeTrips> There really is no reason to stay. The subreddit will die in a day or two, while if we continue to grow, we can meet more people 2042:< XesEri> But if we wait much longer we bleed out chats and lose stay 2042:< MrZiggyStardust> largest room to stay is 113 so really a lot of groups could beat it easily below us, and if they do that then we will never merge 2042:< bradyblair20> KuPrlits lasted 22 hours 2043:< JimmybobIII> yeah this is the most active i've been 2043:< JimmybobIII> you guys are great 2043:< MrZiggyStardust> JimmybobIII <3 2043:< XesEri> We're easily going to get longest lasting. iirc should be reaching that within the hour --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:44:17 2016 2044:< LongStrangeTrips> We are at 1355m so 22.25 h 2044:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah, and we should break the record sometime hopefully if we ever merge 2044:< JimmybobIII> yes!!! we can do it 2044:< LongStrangeTrips> 1 Hour 10 minutes we will have broken the record 2045:< MrZiggyStardust> hopefully, yesterday stay was at like ~600 now its ~800 2045:< djcocainegoat> is it confirmed that we'll never get past the 4400 in this chat? 2045:< MegaZeus101> It's 822 to 2198 2045:< MrZiggyStardust> it shouldn't be, if we merge we can get past it 2045:< MegaZeus101> They've got a long ways to go 2045:< Name0fTheUser> we should make it eventally 2045:< djcocainegoat> maybe we should be trying our damnest to make this a Thing before the 8th 2045:< XesEri> this room? yeah. We have 3020 in the room so we have to merge again to get over 4000 2046:< embracetehmartian> so on my alt account my username is in the front of the chat name how cool is that, i am number 7 on the leaderboards right now, LiSk 2046:< JimmybobIII> that's cool man! 2047:< MrZiggyStardust> you'll be a legend like KuKKillicious 2047:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat How can you ever confirm that we wont grow? 2048:< JimmybobIII> we will likely stay at 75% vote to grow 2048:< JimmybobIII> the afkers will buff us 2048:< Whitestep> sup 2048:< JimmybobIII> sup man 2048:< XesEri> after the 6th? probably no grow. 2048:< Whitestep> you guys talking about possible change to stay? 2049:< LongStrangeTrips> whitestep not possible 2049:< JimmybobIII> nah we should grow forever 2049:< djcocainegoat> people talk about the ave number of users on robin overall and do some mathemagic to prove that the 4400 will never be crossed 2049:< MrZiggyStardust> I think the only way we wont grow is if one of the high tier chats below us changes to stay or drops, then the wait shoots way up 2049:< Whitestep> oh I didn't mean that, just saying that there was talk of it 2049:< XesEri> I think it's impossible to stay anyways, too many autogrow bots 2049:< Whitestep> I think next tier may take very long as to people to really start considering it 2050:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat Right. I just got friends into robin today. Have they accounted for new members at all? 2050:< JimmybobIII> there's a lot of autos i think that'll keep us growing 2050:< Name0fTheUser> alt accounts make any math invalid. Furthermore, 1k of us could leave, form new chats, and rejoin to make 4k 2050:< MrZiggyStardust> if the growscript auto-updates (which I think it does) the writer could change grow to stay and fuck us all lol 2050:< djcocainegoat> thats how I feel too XesEri. 2051:< djcocainegoat> i don't know if they account for new members LongStrangeTrips 2051:< XesEri> MrZiggyStardust it doesn't can confirm had to update after the mass merge Sunday morning 2051:< Whitestep> what we haven't done yet is to spread the word reddit wide like a frontpage or top of r/all post 2051:< Whitestep> to gain awareness 2051:< JimmybobIII> I think they make extend it past the 8th or there will be outcry 2052:< bradyblair20> i will cri 2052:< MrZiggyStardust> XesEri, I'm not sure because I woke up this morning and checked my version number in robin grow and it went up 2052:< JimmybobIII> how did they even get 4k 2052:< JimmybobIII> thats crazy it took them a day 2052:< Whitestep> What I think may happen is that the participate button gets shut down on the 8th 2053:< MrZiggyStardust> day one shot up super fast, no waiting to merge 2053:< JimmybobIII> it's taken us 3 to get here 2053:< thevdude> hi guys 2053:< Whitestep> yeah, there were a lot of people at once 2053:< Whitestep> sup dude 2053:< LongStrangeTrips> Oh damn. Is Parrot the new script now? 2053:< Whitestep> yup 2053:< XesEri> the novelty of it kind of wore off though 2053:< MegaZeus101> yes 2053:< MrZiggyStardust> now interest is dwindling so everyone is waiting to merge 2053:< thevdude> what's this parrot thing? 2053:< Lolzep> Theres a new script? 2053:< Whitestep> fork of the robin grow script 2054:< Whitestep> multichannel listening 2054:< thevdude> link link link 2054:< Lolzep> GIMME LINK 2054:< ntrefil> what version I have 1.8 2054:< MegaZeus101> it makes it so youcan use multiple filters at once 2054:< MrZiggyStardust> https://redd.it/4d8dlp 2054:< Music_monkey> so this is an actual chat then? 2054:< JimmybobIII> ah right i've got the 5alt version 2054:< Whitestep> color coded, and a dropdown selector for chatting in different chans 2054:< thevdude> dropdown is nice 2054:< LongStrangeTrips> didnt the previous robin-grow have that already? 2054:< MegaZeus101> no 2054:< bradyblair20> damn this just changed the game 2054:< snowburst> robin-grow was renamed to parrot 2054:< JimmybobIII> ah ok 2055:< thevdude> no, it was in the 5alt one, i just need to update 2055:< Whitestep> it's a fork snowburst 2055:< MrZiggyStardust> parrot > robin grow 2055:< snowburst> yes sorry thats what i meant 2055:< JimmybobIII> ah cool 2055:< MrZiggyStardust> js is super easy though so really anyone can customize their own 2055:< djcocainegoat> im on parrot as well it's really nice 2055:< LongStrangeTrips> the song stream video says its unavailable in my country :( 2055:< snowburst> 5a1t's robin-grow fork was renamed to parrot, recently added features include the chat prefix dropdown 2055:< Lolzep> Woah this new script is like an irc chat 2055:< JimmybobIII> yeah it's great 2055:< Lolzep> neat 2056:< Whitestep> yeah it's the tits 2056:< OrangeredStilton> You should try my IRC proxy server script. I have like 11 channels 2056:< Lolzep> Kind of want to change the font 2056:< OrangeredStilton> Pain in the butt to set up, mind. 2056:< Lolzep> Does anyone know how to do that 2056:< MrZiggyStardust> prolly need to edit the js 2056:< Lolzep> Fiiiiiiiiiine 2056:< LongStrangeTrips> i kind of like it 2056:< snezel> what is the new chat thing? link? 2056:< djcocainegoat> alright penis/, i'm off to the sickhouse 2056:< Lolzep> :C 2057:< snezel> gl 2057:< LongStrangeTrips> djcocainegoat best of luck to your mom! 2057:< thevdude> had to enable twitch emotes Kappa 2057:< djcocainegoat> wish me luck, keep me in your prayers if that's your thing 2057:< LongStrangeTrips> thevdude dota player? 2057:< Whitestep> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 2057:< thevdude> hearthstone 2057:< LongStrangeTrips> ah 2057:< thevdude> twitch emotes are my guilty pleasure 2057:< djcocainegoat> thanks for everything guys 2057:< JimmybobIII> just got parrot! 2058:< ntrefil> the format of parot boths me 2058:< thevdude> i like it 2058:< thevdude> monospace font is where it's at 2058:< JimmybobIII> djcocainegoat it's ok :) 2058:< snezel> haha i just got it, it is interesting 2058:< snowburst> one of the comments on github says they might be adding a toggle for the formatting 2059:< ntrefil> that would be nice 2059:< snowburst> i just find it insane how quickly these enhancement scripts have grown and added features 2059:< bradyblair20> this is really good 2059:< LongStrangeTrips> Robin brought people together 2059:< MrZiggyStardust> I love how much work people are putting into something that may not be around in a few days 2059:< bradyblair20> yeah thank u too all the script writers 2059:< thevdude> btw I have <3 and 8=D as backup channels if we ever need them, as well as dick\ 2059:< ntrefil> It really did! I meet a lot of friends through it 2100:< LongStrangeTrips> penisorigin/ is the backup thevdude 2100:< LongStrangeTrips> All info on: https://www.reddit.com/r/RRSPenis 2100:< MrZiggyStardust> you can use multiple channels in parrot too by comma separating them 2100:< bradyblair20> dong\ is the new backup 2100:< bradyblair20> jk 2100:< thevdude> okay 2100:< JimmybobIII> yeah it's crazy the community which blew up 2101:< ntrefil> Robin has hooked I cant seem to leave and go do real life things... 2101:< LongStrangeTrips> God dammit 2101:< LongStrangeTrips> it refreshed 2101:< snowburst> mine hasn't refreshed in a while 2101:< XesEri> water 2102:< XesEri> crap wrong channel. This multi-channel thing takes getting used to 2102:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah mine hasn't either 2102:< Lolzep> I can use Parrot with that font man... 2102:< LongStrangeTrips> i like this font 2102:< JimmybobIII> yeah it's annoying it happened right before my exams haha 2102:< MrZiggyStardust> :( I really like the font 2102:< ntrefil> I went back to robin grow... 2102:< Lolzep> You can tell I dont go on ircs much 2102:< snezel> classic font 2103:< ntrefil> Id rather manually enter the channels then deal with that formating 2103:< Music_monkey> I made the font larger and it helped 2103:< Whitestep> I love the channel formatting 2103:< LongStrangeTrips> JimmybobIII IB or something? 2103:< Whitestep> to the left 2103:< Music_monkey> the one thing is the yellow/green names are hard to read when someone mentions my name. the colour overlay 2103:< snowburst> Lolzep just change lines 649 and 650 to whatever font you want 2104:< Lolzep> I tried that though 2104:< nullvader> I do like this font. 2104:< Whitestep> you can use #FFFFFF in the option for bg for usernames 2104:< LongStrangeTrips> how can i edit a script and add it to tamper? 2104:< XesEri> for reference, make sure you never have a comma at the end of your channel list. RIP my life 2104:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah that happens sometimes to me too Music_monkey 2104:< JimmybobIII> A levels 2104:< Whitestep> so you see yourself in username mentions 2105:< bradyblair20> anybody watching Better Call Saul tonight? 2106:< svlad> ooh is that on tonight? 2106:< thevdude> thevdude is terrible 2106:< Music_monkey> I'm about 3 weeks behind :( 2106:< JimmybobIII> nah i still haven't seen breaking bad :') 2106:< thevdude> aww i hurt my own feelings 2106:< bradyblair20> yeah ! 2106:< JimmybobIII> i'm on season 3 2106:< bradyblair20> JimmybobIII you need to finish it! 2107:< bradyblair20> one of the best shows of all time imo 2107:< JimmybobIII> yep i started the walking dead too 2108:< MrZiggyStardust> damn refreshes! 2108:< Music_monkey> refresh! 2108:< Lolzep> YAY I CHANGED THE FONT TO NORMAL ON PARROT 2108:< snowburst> yeah I refreshed this time too 2109:< snezel> someone should put in a countdown time until next refresh if its universal 2109:< bradyblair20> how lolzep 2109:< bradyblair20> is it in the script 2109:< Lolzep> Literally just deleted the lines at 640-ish 2110:< MrZiggyStardust> thing is it happens at random intervals, sometimes it takes minutes, sometimes an hour, and I really don't know what causes it 2110:< bradyblair20> thank u 2110:< MrZiggyStardust> I thought the script did it but I think it's something reddit put it so we may just have to deal 2111:< snezel> ahhh okay myziggystardust yeah it does seem like reddit, prob so servers dont crash 2111:< JimmybobIII> yeah that's why the 4k died 2112:< Whitestep> I'm surprised we haven't dipped under 2k yet 2112:< snezel> yeah i got put out of the 2k i was in the first night 2112:< Whitestep> under 3k* 2112:< JimmybobIII> yeah 2112:< MrZiggyStardust> huh my name didn't highlight there snezel, guess it checks for case matching 2112:< JimmybobIII> tbh the more we lose the higher the chances we'll merge 2112:< snowburst> parrot also has autocomplete for usernames, but it is case sensitive 2113:< snezel> ahhh okay that is good to know MrZiggyStardust ? 2113:< Lolzep> I want to keep different channels on cause the colors are pretty 2113:< MrZiggyStardust> haha yeah, I never noticed it before, you can right click someones name in the chat if you don't want to type it 2113:< Boerontosaurus> Inbetween job checkin, how's things everyone? 2113:< JimmybobIII> hey Boerontosaurus 2113:< Lolzep> Fine 2113:< bradyblair20> scary thing is that stayers are slowly growing 2114:< JimmybobIII> they'll never win 2114:< bradyblair20> i dont think theyd every be able to win 2114:< JimmybobIII> the afk bot votes will flood it 2114:< MrZiggyStardust> they will if enough auto growers have computer issues, these reddit refreshes might be targeting them 2114:< JimmybobIII> hmm 2114:< JimmybobIII> even when i'm afk it stays refreshing 2114:< ntrefil> Hive-mind mentality dictates we'll do whatever everyone else is doing and rn thats GROW 2115:< JimmybobIII> true 2115:< Boerontosaurus> My alt is chilling in the second largest chat waiting to merge until it can be in here with my main lol 2115:< bradyblair20> i just have my desktop on this 24/7 since i mostly use my laptop 2115:< Whitestep> sup boer 2115:< JimmybobIII> and there does seem to be a loose upwards trend with grow % 2115:< MrZiggyStardust> I have 3 monitors so I just keep this open in one all the time 2115:< bradyblair20> and i have it on my phone as another back up 2115:< ntrefil> I wish I had a desktop this is slowing killing my laptop 2116:< snezel> yeah my laptops been on for 3 days or something lol 2116:< MrZiggyStardust> you're using a filter right? that seems to fix the slow browser issues for the most part 2116:< bradyblair20> dang that sucks 2116:< Lolzep> %chat isnt actually that bad with spam filtered out 2116:< Boerontosaurus> One monitor dude here, just switching between incognito windows, honestly this channel is so chill I haven't really been paying any a 2116:< Lolzep> Haha I have 3 monitors 2116:< bradyblair20> yeah this chat is awesome 2116:< MrZiggyStardust> Lolzep 3 monitor squad! 2116:< snezel> i do have an extra monitor tho so that helps 2116:< bradyblair20> dang i have no use for three monitors 2117:< Lolzep> I cant live without 3 monitors now 2117:< bradyblair20> i just use a larger monitor and clamshell my laptop 2117:< bradyblair20> when i move out i might go to two 2117:< Boerontosaurus> I'm glad I'm still seeing familiar faces in here 2117:< MrZiggyStardust> I have a CS degree and coding on one monitor is a special level of hell 2117:< JimmybobIII> haha 2117:< bradyblair20> or an ultrawide 2117:< ntrefil> I have an old wii I wonder if I can get robin running on that lol 2117:< MrZiggyStardust> ntrefil it has a browser right? 2118:< ntrefil> it does 2118:< JimmybobIII> ive got a second monitor but i'm on my laptop 2118:< JimmybobIII> it's dying 2119:< MrZiggyStardust> I wonder if there is a way to modify your local js stuff in the wii browser to get a filter on it too 2122:< JimmybobIII> refreshed again! 2122:< MrZiggyStardust> same 2122:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and spam the chat, follow for John Cena! raid is ON! 2122:< Lolzep> I didnt refresh 2122:< XesEri> same, was reading something too :( 2122:< Boerontosaurus> Jesus, I've been getting wrong number phone calls all day, from the same idiot that doesn't understand he has the wrong number 2123:< MegaZeus101> dang 2123:< Boerontosaurus> I've picked up 5 times and told him he has the wrong number and he keeps fucking calling 2123:< snezel> i didnt refresh 2123:< MrZiggyStardust> Boerontosaurus tell him you're a nigerian prince 2123:< MegaZeus101> omg lol 2123:< Boerontosaurus> lol 2123:< XesEri> or from windows operating system... 2124:< Boerontosaurus> it's bizarre, the calls are coming from a phone a couple hours from where I live 2124:< MrZiggyStardust> drive to his house lol 2124:< Kal-3L> still no merge? 2124:< Boerontosaurus> and I can't tell if the dude has a super thick indian accent or he isn't even speaking english because his connection is shit 2125:< Boerontosaurus> No merge 2125:< XesEri> not for a long while Kal-3L 2125:< Boerontosaurus> I'd bet we won't be merging until tomorrow 2125:< bradyblair20> tell him ur gonna report his dumbass lol 2125:< JimmybobIII> brb guy 2125:< Lolzep> Let me do some math to find out 2125:< JimmybobIII> bye 2125:< Boerontosaurus> Seriously, I just tried but he hung up right after I said hello 2125:< Boerontosaurus> fucking weird man 2126:< MrZiggyStardust> someone is pranking you 2126:< Boerontosaurus> I've thought about that, but It's a really lame prank though 2126:< Boerontosaurus> "haha, someone keeps calling you and not really messing with you much when you actually answer" 2126:< Boerontosaurus> ANyways, off to work, hopefully I'll talk to some of you later 2127:< MegaZeus101> see ya 2127:< MrZiggyStardust> it's an INCONSPICIOUS prank! 2128:< snezel> Boerontosaurus bye bye 2130:< MrZiggyStardust> ugh refresh 2130:< Trondby> yea same 2130:< ZeoFateX> Join us on Discord for voice chat! https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2130:< snezel> yup 2130:< Whitestep> I find it funny how many simultaneous chats are there for just one room 2130:< MrZiggyStardust> voice chats are always hectic lol 2131:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah Whitestep the organization is nuts 2131:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW soKuku discord 2131:< Whitestep> I woulnd't get this much done even with the best team I could assemble 2132:< snezel> we merged but at the same time we are still separate 2133:< MrZiggyStardust> well penis/ seems pretty chill and active, but if it changes I'll just find a new filter lol 2133:< MrZiggyStardust> 0 commitment to anything 2135:< LongStrangeTrips> Does anyone have word from the penis/ chat in the T14? 2135:< Trondby> i have an account in there, there is no penis/ chat there so far 2136:< LongStrangeTrips> their thread says its active 2136:< ntrefil> https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits Come Jam! 2137:< Trondby> haven't seen any chat there in hours 2137:< LongStrangeTrips> Is the whole group dead? 2137:< Whitestep> is the yt room still a thing 2137:< Trondby> or as long as my messages go 2138:< Trondby> i remember looking for penis/ chat once the merge happened but i never saw any 2138:< Trondby> idk why it's listed on that thread 2138:< LongStrangeTrips> Wannabes probably. ptsh 2138:< snezel> there are 3 10s, 2 have to make an 11 soon 2139:< snezel> it was active last night someone said but mostly weird stuff they said 2140:< LongStrangeTrips> refresh 2140:< MrZiggyStardust> same :( 2141:< IckySkittles> mee too 2144:< IckySkittles> booop 2144:< snezel> hey Lolzep any way you know how to do this like the tier 13? all the peoples names 2144:< LongStrangeTrips> Can everyone in the chat send an empty message just so I can get an estimate of how many of us there are? 2144:< snezel> http://pastebin.com/1KvQSUwt Lolzep 2145:< Lolzep> idk --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:52:33 2016 2152:< Whitestep> damn a lot of refreshes 2153:< Lolzep> refresh for days 2155:< XesEri> I keep getting refreshed when I have word open X( 2157:< LongStrangeTrips> Alright guys, its nearly 12 PM for me, so its time to retire 2158:< ntrefil> late 2158:< Lolzep> rip 2158:< TopicallyDifferent> bye peniser 2158:< LongStrangeTrips> I wish you the best of luck, keep penis/ sturdy. Godspeed! 2158:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2202:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2204:< IckySkittles> aaah! 2204:< XesEri> goodbye flockdraw RIP 2205:< IckySkittles> indeed 2212:< IckySkittles> bitches 2212:< ntrefil> All quiet in the penis front... 2213:< IckySkittles> seems so --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:49 2016 2213:< mocl4> + test 2214:< ntrefil> haha guess now I can use it as an excuse to go study... 2214:< IckySkittles> + testicle 2215:< ntrefil> guess now i can use it as an excuse to go study 2215:< snezel> so study ntrefil !! 2215:< IckySkittles> education is ggod 2215:< JClocale> hola amigos. just got home from work 2216:< IckySkittles> bonjour 2216:< JClocale> anything interesting happen lately? 2216:< ntrefil> haha okay penis/ ill cya later keep it hard! 2216:< XesEri> nah. 2216:< IckySkittles> bye ntrefil 2217:< IckySkittles> penis has been lying dormat 2218:< JClocale> how many people are even filtering on penis/? 2218:< weedsches> 1 2218:< Jayy-> 2 2218:< IckySkittles> 3 2219:< XesEri> 4 2219:< JClocale> 5 2219:< snowburst> 6 2219:< RhythmBlue> 7 2219:< MegaZeus101> I herald from tiPlabsaDa! And I can say, that the odds of mergering are not good. 2220:< Whitestep> 7 2220:< snezel> 8 2221:< JClocale> I wonder even if we do merge again, could we stay after that? 2221:< snowburst> why not 2221:< JClocale> how many people would drop AFK 2221:< jppdan> lol 2222:< AbsolutelyCheese> im here again too 2222:< AbsolutelyCheese> sup guys 2222:< IckySkittles> anyone up for a game of CAH 2223:< JClocale> how does that work online? 2223:< snowburst> what's that 2223:< Jayy-> im down 2223:< IckySkittles> there is a site for it http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=71 2224:< XesEri> would join, but I'm leaving soon :( have fun guys 2225:< AbsolutelyCheese> im in 2226:< JimmybobIII> sup guys 2226:< JClocale> we're about to play CAH online 2226:< JClocale> I need to pack this bowl though 2227:< snezel> shmoke it JClocale 2227:< IckySkittles> everyone in in? 2227:< JClocale> AbsolutelyCheese are you snezel? 2227:< AbsolutelyCheese> actually i got stuf to do i backed out 2228:< IckySkittles> okay --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:28:21 2016 2228:< JClocale> ok 2228:< MrZiggyStardust> im in 2228:< snezel> JClocale yes sir 2228:< IckySkittles> Gonna start it now 2229:< JimmybobIII> yo pls link cah 2229:< JimmybobIII> i want in 2229:< JClocale> http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=71 PS YesNo 2230:< MrZiggyStardust> fuggin refreshed 2231:< JClocale> http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=71 Password: YesNo 2233:< AbsolutelyCheese> my chat keeps refreshing 2233:< AbsolutelyCheese> are the servers messing up? 2233:< MrZiggyStardust> yeah same :( 2233:< MrZiggyStardust> I think its just something reddit implemented 2233:< Trondby> it happens when you don't recieve any messages for 1 min 2233:< sigmaeni> it will auto-refresh if there's been no chat for 1 minute 2234:< AbsolutelyCheese> ah 2234:< sigmaeni> it's the script doing that. gawdblessit 2234:< MrZiggyStardust> someone needs to fork it to not refresh 2234:< AbsolutelyCheese> why is robin grow so amazing 2234:< sigmaeni> you can hack it yourself actually! it's changing 1 number in the code 2235:< OrangeredStilton> AbsolutelyCheese: Because it's JavaScript, and so easy to hack with 2235:< OrangeredStilton> Hell, I added the first cut of background colors 2235:< MrZiggyStardust> I'll have to dig into it later 2238:< AbsolutelyCheese> all this refreshing 2238:< Whitestep> sloww 2238:< AbsolutelyCheese> and the chat is still stale 2238:< AbsolutelyCheese> *ooooh* 2242:< AbsolutelyCheese> wow 2242:< JClocale> sand? 2242:< Lolzep> dirt? 2243:< JClocale> stay? 2243:< jppdan> Back from school 2243:< jayman419> Thursday night or Friday morning we can stay. 2244:< jppdan> sup guys 2244:< JClocale> assuming there are enough people still active to vote 2244:< AbsolutelyCheese> i wanna see hwat happens on friday 2244:< AbsolutelyCheese> this chatroom will probably not make it to friday tho 2244:< glukosio> Don't you think that tomorrow we will merge? 2244:< Whitestep> tier 15 incoming 2244:< AbsolutelyCheese> we have a chance of merging tomorrow MAYBE 2244:< OrangeredStilton> I'd hope we can make it happen tomorrow. I want to find out how badly my IRC server shits the bed 2245:< AbsolutelyCheese> haha 2245:< JClocale> maybe tomorrow, I have a feeling it'll be more like Thursday... 2245:< jppdan> https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits <--------- can we get some music in here 2245:< AbsolutelyCheese> if we stay in the penis/ filter there wont be much crazyness when we merge 2245:< AbsolutelyCheese> if we ever merge again 2245:< glukosio> mmh I hope not tonight because it's 35 hours that I don't switch off my computer hahaha 2245:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, it should just keep rolling 2245:< Lolzep> I hope it doesnt happen during the night 2250:< ror6y> yes 2251:< JClocale> RIP 1 user 2251:< AbsolutelyCheese> F 2251:< Lolzep> baka 2251:< JimmybobIII> right lads i'm off to bed 2251:< JimmybobIII> see yous tomorrow 2251:< Lolzep> rip 2251:< MrZiggyStardust> peace JimmybobIII 2251:< Whitestep> night 2252:< JClocale> sweet dreams 2254:< AbsolutelyCheese> i need to get rid if that refresh thing 2254:< Lolzep> Its useful though 2254:< MrZiggyStardust> I tried to search for refresh and found nothing 2254:< AbsolutelyCheese> i guess 2254:< MrZiggyStardust> the increment could be higher 2255:< Lolzep> I believe in the settings for Parrot it is Max messages before pruning 2255:< MrZiggyStardust> nah that does something different 2255:< Music_monkey> come drop some music on the playlist please! - https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2255:< snezel> ^ 2256:< Lolzep> of course it is 2303:< i_met_rice_boy> yo 2304:< IckySkittles> yo 2304:< AbsolutelyCheese> yo 2304:< MrZiggyStardust> yo 2304:< Lolzep> no 2304:< weedsches> yo 2304:< snezel> yo 2305:< Lolzep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWwb8S02f_c 2310:< JClocale> I'm going to venture out into the land of unfiltered chat. Wish me luck 2310:< AbsolutelyCheese> good 2310:< JClocale> Manofevil use robin-grow 2310:< AbsolutelyCheese> you'll need it 2310:< AbsolutelyCheese> did you just use the penis/ filter twice 2310:< IckySkittles> oh 2312:< Golden_Grahams> are my fellow penises here? 2312:< glukosio> LoL 2312:< Whitestep> lol 2312:< MegaZeus101> Hi 2313:< MegaZeus101> I've been chilling in ^ 2313:< Golden_Grahams> i have returned home from work and am ecstatic that i have not been kicked 2313:< IckySkittles> yay 2313:< MegaZeus101> woo 2313:< Golden_Grahams> i love you all 2313:< MegaZeus101> If you haven't 2313:< MegaZeus101> There's a new parrot update 2313:< MegaZeus101> one sec 2314:< MegaZeus101> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2314:< MegaZeus101> ttyl 2316:< MrZiggyStardust> okay guys I got an idea, but correct me if I'm wrong 2316:< MrZiggyStardust> according to some math I was trying out, if 65k people joined robin right now, we could merge in ~8 hours 2317:< MrZiggyStardust> so really we just need to make a post, get it upvoted by all 6k people on robin now which should get us on r/all to get some help 2317:< MrZiggyStardust> but I could be completely incorrect 2318:< RafTheKillJoy> what is Parrot ? 2318:< MrZiggyStardust> its a robin grow fork, used to filter chats and autogrow autorefresh whatever stuff 2319:< MrZiggyStardust> better than robin grow imo 2320:< MegaZeus101> It is. 2320:< MegaZeus101> If you use ^ filter you can talk to the devs and send feedback 2321:< embracetehmartian> hey guys been in the chat almost 24 hours right? 2321:< glukosio> more than 24 2321:< embracetehmartian> or na 2321:< MegaZeus101> Or so 2321:< MrZiggyStardust> almost 26 I think 2321:< glukosio> we are the longest chat ever 2321:< embracetehmartian> sokuk? 2321:< glukosio> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2321:< embracetehmartian> we made history yo 2321:< jayman419> Yes, surpassed KuPrlits. 2321:< glukosio> yop 2321:< preggit> an historic event fellow penises 2322:< jayman419> Making history is one thing. Staying would still give other groups time to pass it though. 2322:< glukosio> I hope we will make another record or two: being the biggest ever formed, and then the biggest ever stayed 2322:< MrZiggyStardust> robin support has vastly died down though 2322:< MrZiggyStardust> we need a big influx to grow faster 2322:< EvilEpicPanda> Sure has. 2323:< MegaZeus101> it's inverse logarithmic groth 2323:< MegaZeus101> *(growth 2323:< MegaZeus101> **growth 2323:< glukosio> I think that if the actual existing groups will merge in the right way, we can reach another T16 3000 group and merge 2324:< glukosio> yes, but how? 2324:< MrZiggyStardust> just need to get on the front page of reddit again like day one when reddit put it there 2325:< glukosio> I'm going to sleep now, I switch off computer hoping that you will not merge in the next 6 hours :D 2325:< MrZiggyStardust> lol def not gonna happen in 6 2325:< MrZiggyStardust> night glukosio 2326:< glukosio> hope to be here tomorrow hahaha! 2326:< i_met_rice_boy> yeah ideally we'd get more users to speed things up, but on the other hand.. johnmadden bots may be the answer ! 2326:< i_met_rice_boy> jk 2327:< MrZiggyStardust> 65k people join robin right now > we merge in 8 hours 2327:< i_met_rice_boy> it's like one of those crime movies where the police go to jail to talk to the one big criminal to get info on the case 2327:< i_met_rice_boy> and the one big criminal actually helps them.. he being johnmadden and his bots in this case 2327:< snezel> lol 2327:< MrZiggyStardust> I don't think their numbers are high enough lol 2328:< i_met_rice_boy> pretty sure it's one dude with a bunch of bots, but yeah haha ik 2328:< MrZiggyStardust> top post on reddit past 24 hours has a score of 7007, we could get that many for visibility 2335:< elginkevin> So what's going on over here? 2335:< MegaZeus101> Not much; 2335:< Lolzep> death 2335:< MegaZeus101> I'm chatting with the devs of robin-grow at ^ 2335:< elginkevin> Which is what you might expect for "super chill" 2336:< Lolzep> Ayyy then I got it right 2336:< i_met_rice_boy> how did the chem hw/test go @lolzep 2337:< i_met_rice_boy> i believe it was chem, at least. i may be getting you confused with someone else 2337:< Lolzep> test delayed to tomorrow cause standardized testing for some people. Chem hw not due till tomorrow. 2337:< i_met_rice_boy> ah i see 2337:< Lolzep> It was alg II test 2337:< i_met_rice_boy> ahh yeah that was it 2338:< Lolzep> k 2338:< i_met_rice_boy> praying 4 u man 2341:< thevdude> we made it to longest room! 2342:< Lolzep> yaaaaaaaaaay... 2343:< Lolzep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb2aBxHD-yg 2343:< MegaZeus101> Yup 2349:< Lolzep> K1ngN0thing shhhhh... 2349:< Lolzep> SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2350:< ntrefil> has anyone found a good way to use robin-grow on android? 2351:< ror6y> no 2351:< ntrefil> bummer 2351:< MorallyDeplorable> You can get greasemonkey on Firefox for Android 2352:< MorallyDeplorable> You might be able to get it to work. 2352:< Lolzep> Rip my iphone 2353:< MorallyDeplorable> lol iphone 2353:< Lolzep> It was a hand-me-down 2354:< ntrefil> I wonder if anyone on ^ has made an android app. 2355:< Lolzep> jailbreak? 2357:< ntrefil> jailbreaking these days has been rare. there has been a new jb released in a while 2357:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2358:< Lolzep> My old ipod touch is still on ios 6 jailbreak. lol 2358:< ntrefil> ios 6 was awesome all the flat designs look like shit 2358:< Lolzep> Yah it was the last one with the old design 2359:< ntrefil> I believe that the last on jobs worked on too --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:38 2016