--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:43:01 2016 1943:**** OrangeredStilton:#general voted to INCREASE 1943:**** AdamUndefined:#general voted to CONTINUE 1943:**** AdamUndefined:#general voted to INCREASE 1944:**** rs10rs10:#general voted to CONTINUE 1944:**** Engeo:#general voted to INCREASE 1944:**** taclane:#general voted to INCREASE 1944:**** NeayHey:#general voted to CONTINUE 1944:**** NeayHey:#general voted to INCREASE 1945:**** ImAKidImASquid:#general voted to INCREASE 1945:**** ranterbach:#general voted to CONTINUE 1946:**** vsod99:#general voted to INCREASE 1946:**** vsod99:#general voted to CONTINUE 1947:**** XesEri:#general voted to INCREASE 1947:**** GeorgeAmberson:#general voted to INCREASE 1948:**** OrangeredStilton:#general voted to INCREASE 1949:**** RoliSoft:#general voted to INCREASE 1949:**** DaveTheDownvoter:#general voted to CONTINUE 1949:**** Engeo:#general voted to INCREASE 1949:**** Fruff:#general voted to CONTINUE 1950:**** KuronekoFan:#general voted to CONTINUE 1950:**** KuronekoFan:#general voted to INCREASE 1950:**** Nex_Ultor:#general voted to ABANDON 1951:**** sade1212:#general voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:51:11 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:51:24 2016 1951:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1951:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:52:09 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:52:56 2016 1952:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1952:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 1952:< IBelieveAllTheThings> !NL make that the cat wise 1953:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 1953:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL lol 1953:**** Sucks_ voted to CONTINUE 1953:**** IrishBlizzard voted to INCREASE 1953:< TheMentalist10> DigitalMindShadow, but we can make a subreddit anyway. And many people have. It's fundamentally less interesting and will just die out :) 1953:**** IrishBlizzard voted to CONTINUE 1953:< Multiwagon> we shall merge, and soon all six multiwagons will arrive at the top (sotricious) 1953:< IBelieveAllTheThings> !NL http://www.makethatthecatwise.nl/ --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:53:45 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:56:06 2016 1956:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1956:< TheMentalist10> DigitalMindShadow, except that if stay passes at any point before this turns off, we won't be the largest chat at the end 1956:< Supremexiv> Panama Watergate Scandal !!! Spooky4ME 1956:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 1956:**** CommanderCorndog voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:57:03 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:57:42 2016 1957:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 1957:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the best option 1958:**** Ninety__Five voted to INCREASE 1958:< Multiwagon> no stay, only grow 1959:**** sigmaeni didn't ask you about those who Abandon. 1959:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 1959:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 1959:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2000:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2000:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2000:< AssKrackBandit> Guys how do you filter stuff 2000:**** rs10rs10 voted to INCREASE 2000:**** OrangeredStilton voted to CONTINUE 2000:< AssKrackBandit> !@#$ How do you filter 2000:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:00:51 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:02:11 2016 2002:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2002:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2002:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2002:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2002:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2002:< ScarletSpeedster> I just added support for chat filtering on this one, if you want to give that a shot. https://github.com/keythkatz/Robin-Autovoter 2003:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 2003:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2003:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2004:< davidjl123> He 2004:**** rs10rs10 voted to CONTINUE 2004:< Supbrohz> Hello!!!!!! 2004:< lumineox> !NL ja mijn alt gaat niet zo hard 2004:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2004:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can sleep 2004:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2004:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2004:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL nee? 2004:< lumineox> !NL was net afk en nu is iedereen weg 2004:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik deed gewoon auto-grow aan en ging weg van mn pc 2004:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Slari wenas swog? 2004:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2005:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL en toen ik terugkwam was ik T14 :P 2005:< lumineox> !NL ben nu nog maar met twee mensen over in T3 2005:**** RacistCoffee773 voted to INCREASE 2005:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL k ga fftjes douchen trouwens 2005:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2005:< lumineox> !NL jow is goed 2005:< lumineox> !NL tot zo 2006:**** Kc2000 voted to INCREASE 2006:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can sleep 2007:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2007:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2007:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2007:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2008:**** slicshuter voted to CONTINUE 2008:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only option 2008:< I_Am_Batgirl> Good afternoon Robin users. 2009:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2009:< TheMentalist10> I don't think so, Towwl 2009:< I_Am_Batgirl> Well then good evening then. :) 2009:< lumineox> !NL mijn room is weg 2009:< pfumbi> ELECT pfumbi 2009:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2009:< DadoMcT> and also a 15 2009:< lumineox> !NL moet weer vanaf het begin beginen want meer dan de helft ging weg :( 2009:< xadrezo> .edia Anybody there? 2009:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2009:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2009:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can sleep 2009:< MobiusCoffee> .edia xadrezo yeah 2009:**** Roboteck voted to INCREASE 2009:< Manofevil> Come on, STAY 2009:< MobiusCoffee> .edia a bunch of people are in the google doc right now 2009:**** Roboteck voted to CONTINUE 2009:< xadrezo> .edia im there as well 2010:**** northadam15 voted to INCREASE 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia oh yeah? 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia this number system is really weird 2010:< xadrezo> .edia yes 2010:< jake12001200> text me weird shit +447931422414 2010:< Borealis023> .edia hey guys 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's like binary 2010:< xadrezo> .edia I proposed [r~ɹ~ʀ] for 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia aaaah 2010:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I told you that wasn't a good idea :P 2010:< Borealis023> .edia so if you'd like, we have set up a Freenode.net channel, #sabldiri 2010:< Borealis023> .edia i think it's a bit more stable and clean than robin 2010:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2011:< MobiusCoffee> .edia nooo don't go to Freenode 2011:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2011:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL ik heb ze verteld dat er orgieën zijn in de grootste room, nu wilt iedereen mee 2011:**** j4legra voted to CONTINUE 2011:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 2011:< lumineox> !NL hahaha 2011:< Borealis023> .edia why 2011:**** j4legra voted to INCREASE 2011:< lumineox> !NL ja dat ovetuigd wel 2011:< MobiusCoffee> .edia you'll get conlangers but lose non-conlangers 2011:< Borealis023> .edia we'll still use robin to get new people 2012:< Borealis023> .edia just for something that we can talk on 2012:< dajasj> !NL *overtuigt 2012:< MobiusCoffee> .edia If we want the same crew as here we should start up a Slack or a Discord 2012:< Jennygalaxy> so much spam 2012:< dajasj> !NL #taalnazi 2012:< TeaBagTwat> 4:00pm 2012:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2012:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2012:< Borealis023> .edia IRC > slack for us imo 2012:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2012:< MobiusCoffee> .edia It may be on a functional level, but people are turned off by IRC 2012:< flex0> With all the filters, I kinda miss the spam... 2012:< TeaBagTwat> Bingo 2012:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2013:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2013:< Borealis023> .edia eh 2013:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can sleep 2013:< flex0> I've chosen stay 3 merges ago 2013:< Borealis023> .edia you go to webchat.freenode.net, enter in a nickname and #sabldiri and youre all good to go 2013:< TeaBagTwat> John Wilkes Booth 2013:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah, but I mean, that's like the nerdy conlang standard 2014:< flex0> So, is everyone not using filters just avid stayers? 2014:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2014:< MobiusCoffee> .edia This was more open than that 2014:< sbblakey777> God damn what's with all the stayers out of nowhere? 2014:< shaggysweater> we can't grow any bigger 2014:< MobiusCoffee> .edia although I get it. It's not the biggest deal. 2014:< flex0> well, we are going for a record 2014:< PM_ME_WORDLY_WISDOMS> when will we merge? 2014:< shaggysweater> so we need to stay or abandon 2014:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2014:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2014:< flex0> I need something for my CV 2014:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only option 2014:< Borealis023> .edia i sorta kinda get what you're trying to say- but this is imo more difficult to deal with and use than IRC or anything is 2014:< lumineox> !NL terecht wel 2014:< PM_ME_WORDLY_WISDOMS> just typ /leave_room 2014:< pandersson97> Diner´s Club 2014:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2015:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2015:**** sigmaeni suggests you disregard the sad state of the Abandoners... 2015:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2015:< Borealis023> .edia youve gotta have a plugin, added to another plugin, to be able to do what we're doing 2015:< pandersson97> four 2015:< TeaBagTwat> four 2015:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2015:< sbblakey777> 4 2015:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Yeah. Which is why I say a Slack or Discord would be better. It's something people actually use 2015:< MobiusCoffee> .edia and is practically the same thing 2015:< MobiusCoffee> .edia people wouldn 't feel like they're going back to the 90s 2016:< pandersson97> Mary Had A Little Lamb 2016:< TeaBagTwat> Mary Had A Little Lamb 2016:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the only option 2016:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2016:< Borealis023> .edia ok, true. honestly someone needs to make something like Slack but with the features of IRC and more 2016:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2016:< flex0> I swear not having a filter is the best filter right now 2016:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ha yeah 2016:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2016:< pandersson97> Jacqueline Susann 2017:< Borealis023> .edia Discord you have to get the invite link and such which isn't always optimal but it's nice, Slack you have to set up a plugin to hack a 2017:< Borealis023> .edia public thing into it 2017:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2017:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2017:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2017:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2017:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2017:< Borealis023> .edia yeah, people aren't going to go through that much effort to make a language like we are 2017:< MobiusCoffee> .edia nothing will work as a robin alternative 2017:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2017:< pandersson97> Luxembourg 2017:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2017:< MobiusCoffee> .edia this s pretty unique 2017:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2017:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2017:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2017:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!! 2018:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 2018:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone finally end this madness 2018:< pandersson97> great dane 2018:< MobiusCoffee> .edia I think if we had a Slack link or a Discord it's be good. Discord has the added advantage of having voice chat which could be cool 2018:< chuckfinleLP1> GREAT DANE 2018:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 2018:**** rs10rs10 voted to INCREASE 2018:< ixc7> .edia MobiusCoffee I've been to a nasa conference today and someone mentioned they use slack to communicate 2018:< pandersson97> Al Gore 2019:< lumineox> !NL en nog een keer abandon 2019:< IllHornet> SATAN! 2019:< pfumbi> al gore 2019:< I_am_Robin> ghello 2019:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah it's pretty widespread 2019:< MobiusCoffee> .edia it's the "profesionnal" standard these days. Discord is for gamers 2019:< Borealis023> .edia Yeah you *can* use Slack, it's just a lot of effort to set up 2019:< flex0> Echooοο 2019:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2019:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2019:< Borealis023> .edia http://rauchg.com/slackin/ 2019:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 2019:< ixc7> .edia today was the first time I've heard of it, I've heard about discord a couple of times but teamspeak is pretty hard to get away from 2020:< pandersson97> Carpathia 2020:< MobiusCoffee> .edia people on twitch almost excusively use Discord now 2020:< flex0> There's literally nobody here 2020:< pandersson97> red 2021:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, Slack is more meant for small groups, not really public chat 2021:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2021:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2021:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can get to bed 2021:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 2021:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2021:< I_am_Robin> .ediajoin if you want https://discord.gg/0vSBuL4jl9FG6nuY 2021:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 2021:< ixc7> .edia I've used to run around 20 battlefield bad company 2 servers when it was popular but we had a lot of trolls spam teamspeak 2021:< pandersson97> peas 2021:< flex0> Anyone remember the John Madden bots? 2021:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 2021:< I_am_Robin> joinn if you want https://discord.gg/0vSBuL4jl9FG6nuY 2021:< SnorkleDork> peas 2021:< badcomposer> % never give up! always vote grow 2021:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 2021:< MobiusCoffee> .edia But again, most people don't care, they'll see IRC and just not want to deal with it unless they're the type of person who would 2021:< jayman419> flex0 it's not for me to disparage the dead. 2021:< ixc7> .edia so we had to set permissions to block new users unless requested by a member, does discord have the same issues 2022:< MobiusCoffee> .edia already go on IRC.. typin stuff to get past time limit 2022:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2022:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2022:< Borealis023> .edia the time limit is what pisses me off the most about robin 2022:< chuckfinleLP1> Cinderella 2022:< Borealis023> .edia because there's a character limit too 2022:< chuckfinleLP1> Manchester City 2022:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ben ik weer 2023:< ixc7> .edia i think 140 was because of twitter, but this is like robin 2023:< pandersson97> Venus 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia ixc7 I know you can limit users somehow. You can create moderators and admins and all that good stuff. But I honestly haven't gotten 2023:**** sigmaeni can't wrap his brain around much about blue, really. 2023:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the best option 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia deep into it. But there are limiting features of some kind. 2023:< flex0> jayman419 At least it was something, though 2023:< lumineox> !NL het gaat niet heel hard met mijn grow ervaringen 2023:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2023:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Nee? 2023:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Actually I know for sure you can make like a "welcome room" where people who haven't been approved have to wait 2023:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2023:< pandersson97> Bert and Ernie 2023:< ixc7> .edia I doubt it has better codecs than mumble though, they're pretty good 2023:< GriffinPrice> bert and ernie 2024:< lumineox> !NL nee ik zit weer op T2 2024:< MobiusCoffee> .edia yeah, but people don't care about better standards. They care what their friends use. 2024:< MorallyDeplorable> I bet Reddit is using this to test a new backend. 2024:< AetherealVanguard> HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THE ROOM RIGHT NOW? 2024:< flex0> Yo 2024:< MorallyDeplorable> April Fools would be a great excuse. 2024:< pandersson97> 20,000 2024:< jayman419> Firetesting a new chat client? 2024:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2024:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2024:< GriffinPrice> 10000 2024:< jayman419> I hope every thread gets its own small robin. 2024:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Mara? 2024:< ixc7> .edia teamspeak for me is like you get 50 people and they go between rooms and interact with one another, I've gotten quite used to it 2024:< microbyteparty> so are we going to merge before this robin thing ends? i'm too lazy to check robintracking 2024:< TheMellowSide> clicking the stay button will be our salvation 2024:< MobiusCoffee> .edia mara! 2024:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2025:< pandersson97> Africa 2025:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2025:< MobiusCoffee> .edia sa slari joob? 2025:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2025:< GriffinPrice> africa 2025:< --jp--> France 2025:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Ses, ika sa? 2025:**** microbyteparty voted to INCREASE 2025:**** microbyteparty voted to CONTINUE 2025:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2025:< MobiusCoffee> .edia bat gorf, bat gof 2025:< pandersson97> France 2025:< GriffinPrice> USA 2026:**** OhSchnapy voted to INCREASE 2026:< --jp--> How many autists here ? 2026:**** OhSchnapy voted to CONTINUE 2026:< MorallyDeplorable> Wikipedia says China 2026:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the only way we can sleep 2026:< flex0> Not enough 2026:< pandersson97> Della Street 2026:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL gaat niet zo lekker dus 2026:< MorallyDeplorable> --jp-- Everyone? non-autists can't keep up with this spam. 2026:< GriffinPrice> Lois Lnae 2026:< flex0> What spam? 2026:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Po iana cad ip kala soj sok sabldiri 2026:**** Seved voted to ABANDON 2027:< pfumbi> euclid 2027:**** Smartstocks voted to INCREASE 2027:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2027:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2027:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2028:**** Dandelion212 voted to CONTINUE 2028:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2028:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only option 2028:< flex0> Anyone got any good podcast suggestions? 2028:< Smartstocks> how do i get off this wild ride? 2028:< lumineox> !NL en nu en zijn nu weer twee mensen die nog niks hebben geklikt 2029:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2029:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2029:< IceyMocha> oh ffs you stupid assholes have fucking done it this time 2029:< CorrinPhD> small loan of: 2029:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2029:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2029:< sketchii> heeej XD 2029:< Picus> chat 2029:< CorrinPhD> /me 2029:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the best option 2030:**** CorrinPhD votd to JOIN SMASH 2030:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2030:**** SirAlanSugarDaddy voted to INCREASE 2030:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2030:< TeaBagTwat> test 2030:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Rustig aan lumi 2031:< CorrinPhD> , pepes 2031:**** gallets voted to INCREASE 2031:**** sigmaeni is upset about much about blue, really. 2031:< blue_flycatcher> .edia Po kala bat zek tun, norro. 2031:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2031:< _Ken-M_> hi 2031:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only good choice 2031:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2031:**** dork voted to INCREASE 2032:< vineman> EVERYONE STAY 2032:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2032:< Luxarynii> But we will merge in like 1 to two days, check leaderboard 2032:< flex0> We are! 2032:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2032:< flex0> But it's shit here now 2032:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2032:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2032:**** IceyMocha voted to INCREASE 2032:< chancrescolex> WE CAN JUST VOTE STAY ON THE LAST DAY IDIOTS 2032:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2032:< Luxarynii> !stats 2032:**** miker2049 voted to INCREASE 2032:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2032:< flex0> I hate these fucking filters 2033:< lumineox> !NL nou weer opnieuw beginnen 2033:< chancrescolex> GROW NOW, STAY LATER 2033:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Norro! 2033:< flex0> nigglets indeed... 2033:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button will be our salvation 2033:< xadrezo> .edia Norro! 2033:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL wtf is er mis met jou mensen 2033:< IceyMocha> yeah i wish ppl would stop using the fucking filters. there is no need to use them anymore the chat is moving that slow 2033:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jouw* 2033:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2033:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2033:**** Manofevil voted to INCREASE 2033:< lumineox> !NL ja geen idee 2034:< flex0> IceyMocha I'm literally having a conversation with a bot name nigglet 2034:**** Manofevil voted to CONTINUE 2034:< lumineox> !NL ik probeer gewoon te praten enzo 2034:< ixc7> IceyMocha blame me for bringing them from T10 2034:< lumineox> !NL maar ze praten ook niet terug 2034:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2034:**** pandersson97 voted to CONTINUE 2034:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2034:< DomerFrog> nigglets 2034:< hugepwner> VOTE STAY U FUCKING IDOTS 2034:**** pandersson97 voted to INCREASE 2034:**** ixc7 voted to CONTINUE 2034:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can sleep 2035:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2035:**** Jamman388 voted to ABANDON 2035:< RackClimber> 2201 braindead people here 2035:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2035:< niggerniggers> niggers 2035:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2035:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2035:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2036:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2036:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2036:< ixc7> Manofevil install the plugin Step1: https://goo.gl/V60QeX and install the script Step2: https://goo.gl/J8ZoVh and refresh the page (F5) 2036:< RackClimber> STILL 2199 IDIOTS HERE 2036:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can sleep 2036:< ixc7> Manofevil you can then join the room called %chat and only see its messages 2036:**** dork voted to CONTINUE 2036:**** ItsBOOM voted to CONTINUE 2036:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * niggerniggers wouldn't spam chat! 2037:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2037:< chrismash> panama 2037:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2037:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2037:**** dork voted to INCREASE 2038:**** dork voted to INCREASE 2038:< GriffinPrice> anthropomorphism 2038:**** northadam15 voted to CONTINUE 2038:< GriffinPrice> blue 2038:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can sleep 2038:< jmo99> M 2038:< llnk> so how many of the people answering trivia questions are b0ts? 2039:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding how much he loves you! 2039:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2039:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2039:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2039:< llnk> i'm assuming SadZ was a bot? 2040:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can leave 2040:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2040:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2040:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2040:< llnk> whole wheat 2040:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2041:< TeaBagTwat> ELECT TeaBagTwat 2041:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2041:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to CONTINUE 2041:< lumineox> !NL ok het gaat nu wel prima 2041:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to INCREASE 2041:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only option 2041:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2041:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2042:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2042:< izacque> test 2042:< ornythorynque> nigger 2042:**** oOYokersOo voted to INCREASE 2042:< llnk> rubicon 2042:< fzh> a 2042:**** ornythorynque voted to CONTINUE 2042:< fzh> a 2042:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2042:< hagbard-celine> ELECT ElectionBot 2042:**** ju1cy voted to CONTINUE 2042:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2042:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2043:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2043:**** Too_MuchWhiskey They notice the trivia bot repeats, made note of the answers, wrote a script to look for the questions and reply with the answers. 2043:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2043:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2043:**** Arrowstar voted to CONTINUE 2043:< llnk> anagram 2043:**** Too_MuchWhiskey % They notice the trivia bot repeats, made note of the answers, wrote a script to look for the questions and reply with the answers. 2043:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the best option 2043:**** Arrowstar voted to INCREASE 2043:< haley_joel_osteen> When we merging? 2043:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:43:55 2016 2043:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2043:< fzh> guys 2044:< flex0> sup 2044:< haley_joel_osteen> Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! 2044:< haley_joel_osteen> Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge! 2044:**** npinsker voted to INCREASE 2044:**** Too_MuchWhiskey $ They notice the trivia bot repeats, made note of the answers, wrote a script to look for the questions and reply with the answers. 2044:< TheHawkIsHowling> kieran6383 do you have robin grow installed? 2044:< llnk> nintendo gun 2044:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2044:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2044:< izacque> test 2044:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2045:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2045:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button will be our salvation 2045:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2046:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2046:< murder_of_jackdaws> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 2046:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Jid Grow Foog Edias! 2046:**** KiloG voted to INCREASE 2046:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the best option 2047:< llnk> Charles Babbage 2047:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget the end. 2047:< micaiah> why are people chatting with $ signs 2047:< j4legra> tüdelütü 2047:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2047:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2047:< jeuv> !NL iemand hier? 2047:< flex0> micaiah because filters 2048:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2048:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2048:< gjhgjh> Is the RPG back? 2048:< DJMSilver> im suprised how civil we are with just 3000 people 2048:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2048:< boilingdeathrequest> is there a good chat i should be joinining? been here for ages and no i dont know whats going on 2048:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be kicked (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2048:< micaiah> oh thanks flex0 and boilingdeathrequest 2048:< lumineox> !NL ja ben er! 2048:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay is the only good choice 2048:< jeuv> !NL :D 2048:**** DJMSilver voted to CONTINUE 2048:**** ju1cy voted to INCREASE 2048:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2049:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2049:< flex0> micaiah we still have nigglet ghough 2049:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2049:< MegaZeus101> boilingdeathrequest Try penis/ 2049:< jeuv> !NL het gaat nog wel even duren voor de volgende merge geloof ik 2049:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2049:< micaiah> flex0 nigglet? 2049:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2049:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2049:< lumineox> !NL nog een behoorlijke tijd 2049:< flex0> micaiah the nigglet bot 2049:**** pHmetre voted to CONTINUE 2049:< flex0> micaiah who only spams "nigglets" 2050:< micaiah> flex0 oh lol 2050:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2050:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL mijn room is wel gezellig 2050:< micaiah> flex0 must be blocked on my spam script 2050:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2050:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay is the best option 2050:< jeuv> !NL steeds meer afvallers 2050:< llnk> foil 2050:< What-the-curtains> !NL WheresMyCurtain WHO ARE YOU? 2050:< lumineox> !NL welke room zit je dan 2050:< micaiah> flex0 are you using any scripts? 2050:< sotricious> PotatoBadger *CATEORGY 2050:< chancrescolex> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dd1rx/the_full_user_list_of_sokuku/ 2050:< pyropocalypse> !NL mensen! o/ 2050:< llnk> wtf 2050:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL D: WHAT THE CURTAINS 2050:< flex0> micaiah I have them, but i'm running it unfiltered 2050:**** aspiderbot voted to INCREASE 2051:**** aspiderbot voted to CONTINUE 2051:< flex0> micaiah cuase chat isn't cancer 2051:< What-the-curtains> !NL Are you my long lost brother or something?? 2051:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL are you my missing curtain? 2051:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2051:< sexualrhinoceros> woah I was sitting here like "why the fuck is chrome taking up 20% of my CPU" and it turns out this has been running for two days 2051:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL yes 2051:< GlaDOS_Aperture> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE MERGE 2051:< micaiah> flex0 oh really, im scared to turn mine off lol 2051:< What-the-curtains> !NL <3 2051:**** MorbidTroll voted to INCREASE 2051:< 404NinjaNotFound> !nl OMG BOTH CURTAINS TOGETHER! 2051:< Stormon> any humans left in this chat? 2051:< flex0> micaiah is ok bby 2051:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2051:< buck614> Yes 2051:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2051:< micaiah> flex0 <3 2051:< Stormon> yay! 2051:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2051:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL at first i thought you 2 were the same person 2051:**** PotatoBadger $ was voted to be kicked (1/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2051:< pyropocalypse> !NL ninja o/ 2051:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2052:**** PotatoBadger $ was voted to be kicked (2/3). Enter "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to kick. 2052:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL 2052:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL maybe we are 2052:< What-the-curtains> !NL 404NinjaNotFound So did I 2052:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2052:< jeuv> !NL waarom praten we Engels in !NL lol 2052:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2052:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL o/ 2052:< hannahbananaa> Assailant yooooo 2052:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL omdat what-the-curtains niet NL is 2052:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL omdat what the curtains geen nederlands kan denk ik 2052:< jeuv> !NL oh ok 2052:< pyropocalypse> !NL hoe is t met iedereen? 2052:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL goed goed, met jou? 2052:< Vithar> did someone say Duluth MN? 2052:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2052:< lumineox> !NL vind het wel grapig dat je iemand tegenkomt met bijna dezelfde naam 2052:< I_am_Robin> NEDERLAND 2052:< What-the-curtains> !NL I'll pretend I can understand you 2052:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL lumineox mijn room is thCoecrhfos_ph_asost51eunkiennaberor 2053:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL we said you are a beautiful curtain what the curtains 2053:< pyropocalypse> !NL ook geod. de hele dag geleerd :| beetje duf 2053:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2053:< lumineox> !NL ja daar word je echt duf van 2053:< jeuv> !NL gister was het weer veel beter 2053:< murder_of_jackdaws> WE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL ROBINS 2053:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL what-the-curtains i just said we were speaking english because you can't speak dutch 2053:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only option 2053:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL vandaag ook zon gehad hoor 2053:< What-the-curtains> !NL Fair enough 2054:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2054:< llnk> nice 2054:< llnk> back on the board 2054:< flex0> wb 2054:< lumineox> !NL maar het was niet zo goed weer als gisteren 2054:< llnk> cardinal 2054:< pyropocalypse> !NL iedereen heeft zon egzien behalve ik :( 2054:**** oOYokersOo voted to INCREASE 2054:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2054:< GriffinPrice> cardinal 2054:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2054:< llnk> wtf, 1 second response time brownmario? 2054:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 2054:**** blaster876 voted to CONTINUE 2055:< llnk> upside down 2055:**** purple_mouse voted to INCREASE 2055:**** sigmaeni hasn't determined how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 2055:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the only option 2055:< lumineox> !NL heb vandaag een zieke stort bui gehad 2055:< foxyfoxyrunrun> ELECT ElectionBot 2055:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2055:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2055:< llnk> the beatles 2055:< GriffinPrice> pink Floyd 2055:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL moet je maar niet in verweggistan wonen :P 2056:**** mindragon voted to INCREASE 2056:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2056:< pyropocalypse> !NL nee jij dan met je alkmaar 2056:**** murder_of_jackdaws voted to INCREASE 2056:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Alkmaar is geweldig 2056:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2056:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to CONTINUE 2056:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to INCREASE 2056:**** roflvopter voted to INCREASE 2056:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all get a subreddit already 2056:< GriffinPrice> Pierlli 2057:< GriffinPrice> Pirelli 2057:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2057:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2057:< GriffinPrice> chess 2057:< pyropocalypse> !NL "verwegistan"is geweldig 2057:< ARVACODE> & 2057:**** ju1cy voted to CONTINUE 2058:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2058:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2058:**** OhSchnapy voted to INCREASE 2058:< WarBlunder> We are merging in 39hrs 2058:< lumineox> !NL ja verwegistan(groningen) is top 2058:< pyropocalypse> !NL ik dnek dat ninja het over limburg had :| 2058:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the best option 2058:< Hippoaddict> knowledge 2059:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2059:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jup 2059:< lumineox> !NL ow 2059:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2059:< pyropocalypse> !NL pfew 2059:< llnk> their first name 2059:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Limburg is ook geweldig hoor, daar gaat t niet om 2100:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL maar t lijkt daar altijd zulk kutweer te zijn 2100:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2100:< Sylvester_Scott> ————————————————————————————              VOTE HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT! 2100:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2100:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL in de zomer te warm, in de winter te koud, in de lente te nat 2100:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone finally end this madness 2100:< mindragon> Wow amazing...chat is slowing down. 2100:< hagbard-celine> % noone seems to be using just % anymore 2100:< lumineox> !NL te warm vind ik niet kunnen 2100:< hagbard-celine> % you might want to switch to %chat 2100:< Sylvester_Scott> ————————————————————————————              VOTE HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRESIDENT! 2100:< pyropocalypse> !NL typisch nederlands. te warm in de zomer en te koud in de winter :') 2100:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik vind t tussen de 7 - 20 graden echt perfect 2100:< mindragon> What happened to Trivia bot? 2100:< Assailant> hannahbananaa 2100:< llnk> 8 2100:< lumineox> !NL het kan altijd warmer naar mijn idee 2100:< mindragon> There he is 2101:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Nee dankje 2101:< zinnzo> test 2101:< pyropocalypse> !NL zolang het weer bij het tijd van het jaar hoort vind ik t goed 2101:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2101:< hagbard-celine> $ 1- 2101:< zinnzo> test 2101:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL wordt t zo warm van in de keuken 2101:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2101:< llnk> water 2101:**** person7178 voted to CONTINUE 2101:< sotricious> prince_polka > none 2101:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2101:< JarnabyBones> http://leftturnonly.tv/ 2101:**** sunrype1 voted to CONTINUE 2101:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we finally end this madness 2101:**** sunrype1 voted to INCREASE 2101:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2102:< pyropocalypse> !NL oh je werkt in de keuken? 2102:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! 2102:< lumineox> !NL ja dat kan ik me wel voorstellen 2102:< RoliSoft> wasn't robin supposed to end on april 4th? 2102:**** KingFlippynips voted to INCREASE 2102:< surelyucantbserious> Trivia: How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie-roll center of a tootsie-pop? 2102:< llnk> 3 2102:< lumineox> !NL manager in de snackbar toch? 2102:< pyropocalypse> !NL ja idd 2102:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2103:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2103:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP 2103:**** sigmaeni would rather die than forget how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 2103:< 404NinjaNotFound> !nl snackbar, psht 2103:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2103:< pyropocalypse> !NL hahaha :') 2103:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2103:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL cafetaria 2103:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP 2103:< nickyface> if you're happy and you know it, shit a dick 2103:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay is the only way we can sleep 2103:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2104:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2104:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL snackbars hebben geen lunchmenu's :P 2104:< llnk> flies 2104:< lumineox> !NL sorry sorry 2104:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2104:< lumineox> !NL had het bijna goed onthouden 2104:< astralboy15> K 2104:**** Apottzy voted to CONTINUE 2104:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL maakt niet uit hoor xD 2104:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2104:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2104:< x20mike07x> .edia anyone alive here? 2104:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 2104:< surelyucantbserious> pfew? Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week>? 2105:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2105:< Moncole> We won 2105:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 2105:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2105:< zinnzo> hey paigesucks 2105:< nickyface> nobody cares about your need to sleep 2105:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL geen vakantie meer :( 2105:< sotricious> ROBIN ENDS ON August 4th 2016 (04/08/2016) << oh WAIT oh, NO.... < that's why we need ISO 8601 2105:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2105:**** Apottzy voted to INCREASE 2105:**** ivzxo grow 2105:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL mijn vakantie is ook gedaan :S 2106:< nickyface> SHUT THE FUCK UP POSITRONS BOT 2106:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2106:**** ivzxo voted to GROW 2106:< pyropocalypse> !NL ik heb nog een hele week vakantie om te leren 2106:< lumineox> !NL ben weer vrij na de tentamen weken 2106:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2106:< izacque> test1 2106:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2106:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv/ 2106:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv/ 2106:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only option 2106:< ivzxo> FILTHY STAYERS HAVE NO FAITH 2106:< sotricious> yeah hellapanda Bots these days 2107:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2107:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2107:< llnk> elvis 2107:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv/ 2107:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2107:**** Superlamby voted to INCREASE 2107:< llnk> 1993 2107:< TotallyNotBoolean> & anyone awake? 2107:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv/ 2107:< 16Beast> ELECT 16beast 2107:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL twee nederlanders in mijn andere room 2107:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 2107:< TopicallyDifferent> & TotallyNotBoolean probably better off switching to %chat 2107:< nickyface> i've been idle for a couple of days, wtf is up with all the $ and % before normal chatter...i can't even follow well enough to figure it out 2108:**** ju1cy voted to INCREASE 2108:< Wezpa> grow¨ 2108:< lumineox> !NL ik heb geen nederlanders :( 2108:< llnk> controllers 2108:< Wezpa> grow please 2108:**** Too_MuchWhiskey *is silent* 2108:< TotallyNotBoolean> & Eh I'll stick here have a few friends still in ampersand I believe 2108:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2108:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2108:< TotallyNotBoolean> & Thanks though! 2108:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2108:**** ItsBOOM voted to INCREASE 2108:< TopicallyDifferent> & I'm listening anyway 2108:< TeaBagTwat> Well you definitely have trouble shooting the monster 2108:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the best option 2109:< TopicallyDifferent> & Actually you might want to update robin-grow because it allows multiple filters 2109:< hagbard-celine> & the parrot fork of robin-grow allows multiple filters, so you could have it both ways 2109:< Music_monkey> Come and add to our playlist :) https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2109:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2109:< TopicallyDifferent> & https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2109:< wiggie2gone> I'm still not sure why I let this bot run all weekend on my work system 2109:< TotallyNotBoolean> & past* 2109:< llnk> gordan freeman 2109:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2109:< HipStarJelly> Oh my 2109:< TopicallyDifferent> & Yeah, it's another version, a fork of the first one 2109:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2109:**** moustachometer voted to CONTINUE 2109:**** moustachometer voted to INCREASE 2109:< TopicallyDifferent> & Much more fully featured 2109:**** smurfnblurf voted to CONTINUE 2109:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2109:**** XAssumption voted to CONTINUE 2109:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2110:< llnk> 1776 2110:< llnk> july 4th 1776 2110:< tRitone11> no I am not 2110:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can sleep 2110:**** Eonwe_of_Manwe voted to CONTINUE 2110:< fdckyxdkytrx45678> hello world 2110:< tRitone11> Arkansas 2110:< TotallyNotBoolean> & sounds good, thanks! 2110:< 404NinjaNotFound> !nl tbf, ik vind dit wel heel tof 2110:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL leuke manier om nieuwe vrienden te krijgen 2111:**** sigmaeni doesn't mind how much he loves you! 2111:< llnk> white house 2111:< surelyucantbserious> HoogaBooga 2111:< lumineox> !NL ja ik vind dit echt een hele goede een april grap 2111:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2111:< llnk> ffs 2111:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ja ^^ 2111:< rookie_e> !stats 2111:< juryk> .edia still here 2111:< llnk> chicago 2111:< surelyucantbserious> Boston 2111:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the only good choice 2111:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2111:< pyropocalypse> !NL ja dit is inderdaad een leuke manier om met nieuwe mensen te connecte 2112:< GriffinPrice> Boston 2112:**** sleepydude voted to INCREASE 2112:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2112:**** sleepydude voted to CONTINUE 2112:< MorallyDeplorable> Hey Reddit Admins are you watching this chat? 2112:< surelyucantbserious> 10 bucks says Ten Dollars on it. 2112:**** cronoburr voted to CONTINUE 2112:< mexhanicfrog> cc 2112:< GriffinPrice> Percy Bysshe Shelley 2112:< cronoburr> STASY 2113:**** HB_Lester voted to CONTINUE 2113:< llnk> cardiac arrest 2113:< GriffinPrice> cardiac arrest 2113:< rbasov> '$ cardian arrest 2113:< awfullotofocelots> juryk, there is a reason to stay 2113:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2113:< GriffinPrice> infarction 2113:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2113:< GriffinPrice> alee 2114:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 2114:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2114:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2114:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2114:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2114:< MobiusCoffee> .edia juryk ses! 2114:< izacque> test0 2114:< Chibears85> Hello all 2114:< qlum> if we keep growing we risk reddit shitting out and letting us all fail 2114:< izacque> test2 2115:< mattpowelluk> & anyone got an idea to how long until the next merge will be? 2115:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2115:< Hippoaddict> false 2115:< awfullotofocelots> But if NOONE STAYS it's imposibble to start the stay train, we'll need momentum in a day or two 2115:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to ABANDON 2115:< Talisene> ლ(ಠ‿ಠლ) 2115:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to ABANDON 2115:< Hippoaddict> moon moon 2115:< Talisene> Stalin out ლ(ಠ‿ಠლ) 2115:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2115:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to CONTINUE 2115:< drewiepoodle> WE MERGE, OR WE DIE TRYING 2115:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to CONTINUE 2115:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2115:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2115:< Talisene> ლ(ಠ‿ಠლ) 2115:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2116:**** Enofel voted to CONTINUE 2116:< Talisene> test 2116:**** shaggysweater voted to CONTINUE 2116:**** mcraider90 voted to CONTINUE 2116:< TotallyNotBoolean> & few days? 2116:< Talisene> gn8, Stalin goes bed. 2116:< drewiepoodle> HELP IS REALLY FAR AWAY 2116:< tRitone11> $ @q00u he could ask all the fake question he want 2116:< TotallyNotBoolean> & like two? 2116:**** Budzy05 voted to DANCE 2116:< lumineox> !NL ik heb echt super veel leuke mensen hierdoor ontmoet 2116:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2116:**** M4n1us voted to CONTINUE 2116:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2116:**** chugga_fan voted to INCREASE 2116:**** chugga_fan voted to CONTINUE 2117:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the only option 2117:**** Robin-Leader-Board voted to CONTINUE 2117:< jeuv> !NLsowieso 2117:**** zeeres voted to CONTINUE 2117:**** L1Z1X voted to CONTINUE 2118:**** Enofel voted to INCREASE 2118:< Gadwin> ? 2118:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2118:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2118:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2118:< GlockWan> DAMN DANIEL 2118:< GlockWan> FALSE 2118:**** GlowWolf voted to INCREASE 2118:< GlockWan> VIRGIN 2118:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2118:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ja, zoveel mensen toegevoegd aan mn vriendenlijstje 2118:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2118:< SpatulaCat> robben island 2118:< GlowWolf> ALASKA IS COMING 2119:**** autogeass voted to CONTINUE 2119:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the best option 2119:**** sigmaeni is still waiting for much about blue, really. 2119:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * niggerniggers wouldn't spam chat! 2119:< awfullotofocelots> qing 2119:< tRitone11> quing 2119:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2119:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2119:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2119:< awfullotofocelots> hair 2120:< sotricious> Humans make bots. Sometimes these bots grow. Sometimes they stay the same. Sometimes they collapse. 2120:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2120:< abrownn> SOTRICIOUS SPEAKS 2120:**** FossilDS voted to CONTINUE 2120:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this will be our salvation 2120:< awfullotofocelots> chord 2120:< abrownn> THE MAN HIMSELF, THE ROOM NAME LEADER 2120:< sotricious> lol @ abrown 2120:< lumineox> !NL en ik zit nu ook in een leuke andere room 2121:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2121:< abrownn> sotricious, how does it feel to be the first two letters of the best and longest lasting room? 2121:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and join! and follow for John Cena 2121:< awfullotofocelots> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/5a1t/robin-grow/master/robin.user.js 2121:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and spam the chat, follow for John Cena! raid is ON! 2121:< DrWinters> ELECT DrWinters 2121:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL eindelijk xD 2121:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2121:**** pzumk voted to INCREASE 2121:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2122:< abrownn> sotricious, do you have any scripts to keep it active? They can help prune the chat and remove the need to refresh. 2122:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only way we can sleep 2122:< Fallout2x> sotricious you are the first two letters of the room! You're a legend! 2122:< mythriz> test 2122:< abrownn> sotricious try opening a new tab of Robin in the same window, wait for it to load, then close the old one 2122:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2122:**** n4noNuclei voted to CONTINUE 2122:< lumineox> !NL ja heeft echt een tijd geduurt 2122:**** n4noNuclei voted to INCREASE 2122:< tRitone11> And perché sono italiano. 2122:< awfullotofocelots> galilleo\ 2122:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2122:< awfullotofocelots> galilleo 2123:< sotricious> i'm using robingrow mutli for the last 24 hours 2123:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2123:< hannahbananaa> abrownn yoo 2123:< awfullotofocelots> technical knock out 2123:< awfullotofocelots> a 2123:< abrownn> hannahbananaa Hey there! 2123:< no_use_for_a_name_> Who knew?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2123:< DrWinters> FUCK 2123:**** HoopyHobo voted to CONTINUE 2123:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2123:< awfullotofocelots> Austria 2124:**** Wingnut233 voted to ABANDON 2124:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2124:< DrWinters> everyone vote to grow! 2124:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2124:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we can leave 2124:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2124:< arocks124> Oh what 2124:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2124:< sotricious> abrown > cheers man 2124:< abrownn> sotricious cheers to you too! grats for making history 2124:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 2124:< sotricious> SHOUTOUT to Fallout2x 2125:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 2125:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2125:**** ignarps voted to CONTINUE 2125:**** xSke voted to CONTINUE 2125:< sotricious> abrown > I didn't do anything lol 2125:< tRitone11> mr. warmth 2125:< awfullotofocelots> mr. Warmth 2125:< Xraygoggles> How do you change what channels you're looking at? 2125:**** tljohnson voted to INCREASE 2125:**** xSke voted to INCREASE 2125:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we get a subreddit already 2125:< awfullotofocelots> fheumatism 2125:< izacque> testing http://www.google.com 2125:< abrownn> sotricious well your name is first, that's something even if you didnt directly do it ll 2125:< Gnauga-> silence is golden 2125:< awfullotofocelots> rheumatism 2125:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2126:< TeaBagTwat> rpg its not mine 2126:**** tljohnson voted to INCREASE 2126:< theBelvidere> snow white 2126:< sotricious> abrown > from my end since the very start the room I was in was so____ 2126:**** Muttz_and_Buttz voted to CONTINUE 2126:**** theBelvidere voted to CONTINUE 2126:< awfullotofocelots> San Francisco 2126:< abrownn> sotricious noice. I lost track of my name after 4 merges lol 2126:**** theBelvidere voted to CONTINUE 2126:**** theBelvidere voted to INCREASE 2126:< sotricious> abrown > and it';s a thing that is bugginmg me > the HOW the names evolve 2127:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2127:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only option 2127:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Hey guys 2127:**** sigmaeni doesn't mind those who Stay. 2127:< abrownn> bolus 2127:< MobiusCoffee> .edia Oops, Mara wenasis! 2127:< lordxeon> oh man 2127:< lordxeon> we're still here! 2127:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2127:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2128:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2128:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2128:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2128:< ZeoFateX> Join us on Discord for voice chat! https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2128:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2128:< Chibears85> Hello 2128:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2128:< badcomposer> %chat ShanRoxAlot no if you're a cuck it means I am unfaithful with your spouse 2128:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2129:< DrWinters> i think positrons is lying 2129:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2129:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2129:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can sleep 2129:**** doddz3h voted to INCREASE 2129:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2129:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2129:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2129:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2129:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2129:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2129:**** aysz88 voted to INCREASE 2130:< sotricious> Humans push buttons and make pixels light up. Sometimes these pixels glow. Sometimes they stay the same. Sometimes they burn out. 2130:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2130:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2130:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2130:< FriendlyYak> i just saw a tier 15 is coming 2130:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can sleep 2130:**** autogeass voted to INCREASE 2131:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL best grappig als je erover nadenkt 2131:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2131:< Smartstocks> When will we merge??? 2131:< pyropocalypse> !NL wat dan? 2131:< codedit> !NL wat? 2131:< thedogcow> Not for a while 2131:< FriendlyYak> codedit yes.. i brought out the good in some people. in other... not so much :-P 2131:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL SoKuku, als je bij de eerste 3 mensen hoort in de chatroom wordt telkens je naam gezegd 2131:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL sotricious, KuKKilicious en kunibob 2131:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2131:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2132:< ZeoFateX> & Join us on Discord for voice chat! https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2132:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2132:< sotricious> We'll be here waiting for you BrownMario 2132:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only good choice 2132:< FriendlyYak> I'll go to bed. 3rd nigth.. 2132:< TomLube> Holy shit chat is actually good when you ban all the stupid bots 2132:< pyropocalypse> !NL wat ik vooral grappig vind is het gevoel wat ik bij deze chatroom heb. 2132:< lumineox> !NL haha ja had je dat nog niet gezien 2132:< FriendlyYak> TomLube yes it totally is 2132:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2132:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jawel, maar ik denk er nu pas over na :P 2132:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2133:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL wat is het gevoel dat je erbij hebt dan pyro? 2133:< pyropocalypse> !NL ik dacht gister op begeven moment ik heb deze shit gemaakt. ik heb de grootste chatroo mvan reddit gemaakt. maar iedereen heeft hem gema 2133:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2133:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2133:< lumineox> !NL ja dat vind ik echt een leip idee 2133:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Samen gedaan 2133:< Killerko> why are people spamming to stay? just be patient people... dont spam.. we will merge eventually 2133:< wid_o> n 2133:< FriendlyYak> lol browser ftw 2133:< codedit> !NL en in principe kan iedereen er in gaan 2133:< codedit> !NL als je maar lang genoeg wacht 2133:< sotricious> !NL These are the ninjas you're looking for 404NinjaNotFound 2133:< pyropocalypse> !NL het mooie is volgens mij is mijn orginele buddy nogsteeds in de chatroom 2134:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2134:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the best option 2134:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2134:**** TomLube voted to CONTINUE 2134:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL sotricious i was just saying that everyone mentions your username every time when they say soKuku 2134:**** TomLube voted to INCREASE 2134:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2134:**** Mattmo831 voted to INCREASE 2134:**** loulan voted to INCREASE 2134:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2134:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2134:**** hannahbananaa voted to CONTINUE 2134:**** razerbeans voted to CONTINUE 2134:**** mbm voted to CONTINUE 2134:**** loulan voted to CONTINUE 2134:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2134:**** Eonwe_of_Manwe voted to INCREASE 2134:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2134:< lumineox> !NL mijn orginele budy is al lang weg 2134:**** Lieto voted to INCREASE 2135:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2135:< lumineox> !NL maar de !NL chat komt wel vanuit onze room :) 2135:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL mijne was in t2 al weg 2135:< codedit> !NL ik weet niet eens meer wie mijn originele buddy is 2135:< lumineox> !NL nee ik ben het ook al lang vergeten 2135:< Killerko> can we kick/ban spammers? 2135:< sotricious> !NL yeah, it happens a lot lately 404NinjaNotFound hahahaha 2135:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 2135:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * %chat つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2135:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2135:< codedit> !NL ik heb wel een subreddit gemaakt met mijn t5 mensen 2136:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2136:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL must be an awesome feeling for you sotricious :P 2136:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL gezellig 2136:**** 90q voted to INCREASE 2136:< codedit> !NL https://www.reddit.com/r/GemakoS/ =P 2136:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> * % つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2136:< shaggysweater> we need 1300 more people to stay 2136:< sotricious> !NL awesome no, strange yes, i get to brag about it LOL 404NinjaNotFound 2137:< shaggysweater> or 650 tech 2137:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2137:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this is the only good choice 2137:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2137:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik heb alleen een subreddit met mn eerste robin groep :P 2137:< sotricious> !NL But I'l also curious as to how the names are produced > doesn't make sense 404NinjaNotFound 2137:< lumineox> !NL nice trouwens dat julie een subredit hebben gemaakt 2137:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2138:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL they take the first 2 letters of the names in the order that they are in the room, including the people that have left sotricious 2138:< sotricious> and it was weird cause our previous romm was also soku!!!! 404NinjaNotFound 2138:< Reddits_Worst_Night> false 2138:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL then you must be with KuKKilicious for a long time already sotrilicious ^^ 2139:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2139:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW sokuku discord channel 2139:< sotricious> yes 404NinjaNotFound i get the combo thing. What about the order? 2139:**** Kazoorose voted to INCREASE 2139:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2139:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2139:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only good choice 2139:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2139:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2139:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2139:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2139:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL I haven't figured the order out completely yet sotricious :( 2139:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2139:< lumineox> !NL ow ik snap nu pas waarom hij in deze chat praat 2139:< sotricious> and then it's kunibob 404NinjaNotFound 2139:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL kunnen jullie het trouwens zie nwat hij zegt? 2139:< lumineox> !NL maar hij is de eerste user van de lijst 2140:< lumineox> !NL nu niet meer 2140:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL yeah, and after that it's a guy who's already left sotricious 2140:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can get to bed 2140:**** Riluske voted to INCREASE 2141:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik had per ongeluk z'n naam gezegd toen ik praatte over soKuku :P 2141:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL dacht dat al die mensen toch afk waren 2141:< lumineox> !NL kenlijk dus niet 2141:< yzgncx> Green names unite! https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen/ 2141:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL nee inderdaad 2142:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2142:< yzgncx> Green names welcome! https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen/ 2142:**** Fruff voted to INCREASE 2142:< TheMellowSide> choosing to stay will be our salvation 2142:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2142:**** Fruff voted to CONTINUE 2142:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2142:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2142:< sotricious> It all started with soli 404NinjaNotFound > http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ 2142:**** sigmaeni doesn't mind the sad state of the Abandoners... 2142:< lumineox> !NL HYPE, bijna merge in mijn andere chat room 2142:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2143:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL holy crap sotricious that's AWESOME! i'm gonna read through that 2143:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2143:< tRitone11> ?what's the distance between earth and moon 2143:**** SilentSand voted to INCREASE 2143:< wid_o> h 2143:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 226535 miles 2143:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2143:< Riluske> I can't believe this room is still here 2143:< Wiiplay123> ELECT Leo_Verto 2143:< yzgncx> Green names unite! https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen/ 2143:< lumineox> !NL hij praat gewoon zonder filter 2143:< sotricious> It's on the thread KUDOS to /u/kwwxis 404NinjaNotFound 2143:< tRitone11> ?what's the distance between tokyo and lisbona 2143:< yzgncx> Green names welcome! https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen/ 2143:< lumineox> !NL kan het daarom niet zien 2143:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2143:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2144:< lumineox> !NL maar die lijst is echt ziek 2144:< npinsker> m​I 2144:< tRitone11> ?what's the distance between mars and jupiter 2144:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2144:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 4.517 au (astronomical units) 2144:< codedit> !NL wut hoe kun je zonder filter praten en lezen? 2144:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL thank you so much for linking it to me sotricious :) 2144:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2144:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2144:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ja echt he 2144:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2144:< TheMellowSide> choosing stay will be our salvation 2144:< shokk> Balls 2144:< lumineox> !NL http://sokukunelits.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ 2144:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2144:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2144:**** lazymammoth voted to INCREASE 2144:< tRitone11> ?what is the highest prime numbers known 2144:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2144:**** lazymammoth voted to CONTINUE 2144:< pyropocalypse> !NL oh ja die lijst had ik gezien. die is egt vet 2144:< shokk> GROW STAY GROW MOMMY!! 2144:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 2145:< tRitone11> ?tell me the first 100 prime numbers 2145:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 13 | 17 | 19 | 23 | 29 | 31 | 37 | 41 | 43 | 47 | 53 | 59 | 61 |...... 2145:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2145:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL hij zal wel op een ander filter zitten 2145:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2145:**** Fruff voted to INCREASE 2145:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL maar omdat ik z'n username zeg kan ie lezen wat ik tegen m zeg 2145:**** Fruff voted to CONTINUE 2145:< sotricious> np 404NinjaNotFound > ONE THING I SUSPECT THOUGH > is that there's an algorithm PREVENTING any real words to be formed 2145:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2145:< tRitone11> ?tell me the first 100 numbers that you could divide per 17 2145:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2145:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2145:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: the first 100100 numbers 2145:**** Ardentfrost voted to ABANDON 2145:< lumineox> !NL ik kom van c0GtDOMale 2145:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so everyone can get to bed 2145:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2146:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL sotricious that's what I saw as well! no real words at all, only words that are CLOSE to real words --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:51:22 2016 2151:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2151:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2151:< chugga_fan> ?diameter of the earth 2151:< codedit> !NL staat op een subreddit ergens 2151:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 7913.0934 miles 2151:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2151:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL naar 2151:< chugga_fan> ?number of people on the earth 2152:< purple_pan> ?e^(i*pi)+1 2152:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL mijn eerste stay 2152:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 0 2152:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2152:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL in 3 dagen 2152:< chugga_fan> ?2^2-1 2152:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 3 2152:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2152:< lumineox> !NL ik heb een keer een stay gehad met een iemand anders 2152:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 2152:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2152:< purple_pan> ? e^(i*pi)+1 2152:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2152:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2152:**** theBelvidere voted to CONTINUE 2152:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2152:< chugga_fan> ?2^100129-1 2152:**** taclane voted to CONTINUE 2152:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 679885593539812569868607545877576545718229915981619213181734656747651753410012311630872470811307354618487445768771186745...... 2152:**** theBelvidere voted to INCREASE 2152:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2152:< sbblakey777> RUMHAM %chat I wanna push it to 20 but the stayers are getting restless 2153:< chugga_fan> ?2^10129-1 2153:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 135776959913769872891038997577468899770156225111768014110590614867244334780886472726220365897826299379079207069479794328...... 2153:**** taclane voted to INCREASE 2153:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2153:**** theBelvidere voted to CONTINUE 2153:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL dr is een gozer in Vianshie die heet Jasperziboon xD 2153:< purple_pan> ? sqrt i 2153:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2153:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: (-1)^(1/4) 2153:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2153:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2153:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2153:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2153:< tRitone11> ?2*14353453-1 2153:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2153:< lumineox> !NL haha 2153:< chugga_fan> KrystallAnn i think i might break your bot accidentally 2153:< purple_pan> ? (e^(i*pi) )+1 2153:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2153:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 0 2154:< lumineox> !NL maar ik kom deze keer geen nederlanders tegen :( 2154:< tRitone11> ?what is the distance between pluto and mercury 2154:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 33.33 au (astronomical units) 2154:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2154:< chugga_fan> ?2^123123-1 2154:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 520182977672311038344036019774962459053574549620844362175144224763716321594788945671475211412296656831129709853138791636...... 2154:< purple_pan> ? solve 2x=2 2154:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2154:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2154:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can leave 2154:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2154:< lumineox> !NL wat zon gast in een andere room waar ik net mee men gemergd 2154:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2154:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2154:< purple_pan> ? hdi of uganda 2154:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2154:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 0.446 (world rank: 161st) (2011 estimate) 2154:< SpatulaCat> wow this script gets better everytime i come online. 2155:< lumineox> !NL heeft gewoon gold gegeven aan andere mensen van zijn groep 2155:< chugga_fan> ?distance between alpha centuari and this solar system 2155:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: this solar systemdistance alphaalpha centauri 2155:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2155:< chugga_fan> ?yes 2155:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: noun | an affirmative 2155:< chugga_fan> ?Googol 2155:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2155:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 1 × 10^100 2155:< lumineox> !NL echt gewoon 4 keer 2155:< purple_pan> ? hdi of uganda + hdi of france 2155:**** sigmaeni once discovered how much he loves you! 2155:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2156:< purple_pan> ? hdi of uganda | hdi of france 2156:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Uganda | 0.446France | 0.884(2011 estimates) 2156:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2156:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can sleep 2156:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2156:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL cool toch 2156:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2156:< purple_pan> ? tell me i'm pretty 2156:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: OK, you're pretty. 2156:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2156:< purple_pan> ? tell me a computer science joke 2156:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2156:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2156:< chugga_fan> ?What is love? 2156:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ik heb voor kerst 3 random mensen gold gegeven :') 2156:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2156:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 1 | noun | a strong positive emotion of regard and affection2 | noun | any object of warm affection or devotion3 | nou...... 2156:< lumineox> !NL was gewoon verbaast 2156:< purple_pan> ? tell me a computer science joke 2156:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2156:< Music_monkey> CAH - http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=155 pw robin 2156:< lumineox> !NL je komt echt zoveel aardige mensen tegen 2157:< chugga_fan> KrystallAnn add a joke for "what is love" for that bot plz 2157:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL echt he, tis helemaal niet toxic hier 2157:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL had ik wel verwacht eigenlijk 2157:< WheresMyCurtain> !NL heil hitler! 2157:< lumineox> !NL ja ik had niet echt goede verwachtingen 2157:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only way we can sleep 2157:< KrystallAnn> chugga_fan, I should actually.. 2157:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2157:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2157:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL mja, je moet t toch proberen he 2158:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2158:< Music_monkey> CAH - http://pyx-2.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=155 pw robin 2158:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2158:< KrystallAnn> I am AlphaBot, send a message beginning with '?' to ask Wolfram Alpha a question! https://redd.it/4d7nmc 2158:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2158:< chugga_fan> ?tell me a joke 2158:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Q: What's nutritious and commutes? A: An Abelian soup.(according to what passes for mathematical humor (my favorite su...... 2158:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2158:**** cdingo voted to INCREASE 2158:< Music_monkey> Keep adding music people! https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2158:< purple_pan> ? tell me a chemistry joke 2158:< Yenwodyah_> whois JonnMadden 2158:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: I can only tell bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones argon. 2158:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2158:< lumineox> !NL ik ga ff peukje roken brb 2158:< chugga_fan> ?what's 9+10 2158:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2158:< purple_pan> ? tell me a computer science joke 2158:< awfullotofocelots> Yeah, he can start his own trivia bot channel 2158:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 01010111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 011...... 2159:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2159:< TomLube> False 2159:< awfullotofocelots> Where everyone tries to make the best bot 2159:< Music_monkey> anyone want to play Cards against humanity online ? 2159:< purple_pan> ? tell me a computer science joke 2159:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: There are 10 sorts of people in this world: those who understand ternary, those who don't, and those who thought this wa...... 2159:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2159:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2159:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only good choice 2159:< purple_pan> ? random * 10000 2159:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: ZIP 10000random 2159:< hansolo580> USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 2159:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2159:< purple_pan> ? math.random 2159:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: random 2159:< Yenwodyah_> .help 2159:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2200:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Bruce Wayne's parents die in every Batman movie. 2200:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< Yenwodyah_> .commands.commands 2200:**** alexdzm voted to CONTINUE 2200:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2200:< TomLube> A Gaggle 2200:< r1ftyCS> .man 2200:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2200:< r1ftyCS> .commands 2200:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Snape kills Dumbledore. 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< purple_pan> ? randint 1 to 6 2200:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT niggletELECT nigglet 2200:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: 1 to 6 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Darth Vader is Luke's father. 2200:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2200:< r1ftyCS> .kill Oddstrich 2200:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 2200:< TomLube> damnit 2200:< purple_pan> ? random integer 1 to 6 2200:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< r1ftyCS> .kill r1ftyCS 2200:< Worryaboutstuff> ELECT nigglet 2200:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< r1ftyCS> .insult r1ftyCS 2200:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Superman dies at the end of SvB: DoJ. 2200:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2200:< drumstikka> I have to POOP SO BADLY 2200:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Rosebud is a sled. 2201:< purple_pan> ? random integer from 1 to 6 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2 2201:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2201:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 2201:< haley_joel_osteen> Spoiler-Bot: Walter White killed Nicole Brown Simpson. 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:< TomLube> Charles Dickens 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2201:< TomLube> Hahahaha wut? 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:< purple_pan> ? twlight (film) 2201:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2201:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: title | Twilightdirector | Catherine Hardwickerelease date | November 21, 2008 (7 years 4 months ago)runtime | 122 m...... 2201:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2201:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2202:< TomLube> Debeers 2202:< haley_joel_osteen> Elect Piglet 2202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2202:**** wristytau voted to CONTINUE 2202:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can get to bed 2202:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to CONTINUE 2202:< purple_pan> ? wolframalpha.com 2202:< hansolo580> ELECT nigglet 2202:**** Retarded__Penguin voted to INCREASE 2202:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: name | Wolfram Alpha LLClocation | Champaign, Illinois, United Statescoordinates | 40° 6' 54"N, 88° 16' 25"W 2202:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2202:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2202:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2203:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2203:< purple_pan> ? alexa rank reddit.com 2203:**** robin-rpg voted to ABANDON 2203:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 31 (based on Alexa estimates, as of April 4, 2016) 2203:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2203:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2203:< haley_joel_osteen> Flamers 2203:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2203:< Chibears85> false 2203:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2203:**** -Iamabeautifulperson voted to INCREASE 2203:< purple_pan> ? top 10 alexa rank 2203:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: alexa rank 2203:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2203:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2203:< purple_pan> ? alexa rank 2203:< Chibears85> ?22+2 2203:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 63rd (2014 estimate) 2203:< timelighter> hi 2203:< purple_pan> ? alexa rank 2 2203:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: Did you mean: alexa rankrank 2 2203:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2203:< Yenwodyah_> ? weight of a robin 2203:**** sigmaeni hasn't determined how much you love him! 2204:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 176 lb (pounds) 2204:**** protoctista voted to CONTINUE 2204:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2204:< purple_pan> ? alexa rank rank 2 2204:< timelighter> will we ever grow? 2204:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2204:< TomLube> Eventually yeah 2204:< walle303> we are still here 2204:< Chibears85> ?2+22 2204:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 24 2204:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2204:**** taclane voted to CONTINUE 2204:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2204:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2204:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2204:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2204:< purple_pan> ? test 2204:< AtaraxicMegatron> ELECT nigglet 2204:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2204:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 2204:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 1 | verb | put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to2 | verb | test or examine for the presence ...... 2204:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2204:< Chibears85> ?Who sang 'Jet Airliner'? 2204:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: album | music act | release dateRomantic Warriors: The 5th Album | Modern Talking | 1987 2204:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2205:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2205:< Mums_Spaghetti> shit this is still going? 2205:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2205:< haley_joel_osteen> What happened to John Madden? 2205:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2205:< Yenwodyah_> ?mario-like curve 2205:< Empyrealist> true 2205:< haley_joel_osteen> false 2205:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2205:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2206:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2206:< druncle2> true 2206:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2206:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can get to bed 2206:**** walle303 voted to AYY LMAO 2206:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2206:< lumineox> !NL terug 2206:< purple_pan> ? % 2206:< pyropocalypse> !NL o/ 2206:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2206:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2206:< purple_pan> ? e 2206:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2206:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2206:< freebullets> TheMellowSide room has been going for 24 hours. ain't shit gonna happen when you're asleep 2206:< walle303> Wolfram: test 2206:< purple_pan> ? euler's number 2206:< gundeck925> ELECT gundeck925 2206:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2206:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093699959574966… 2206:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2206:< Yenwodyah_> ? radius of the earth 2206:< walle303> ELECT walle303 2207:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2207:< purple_pan> ? 1 + 5 mod 5 2207:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 1 2207:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2207:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2207:< sotricious> Oh! A 'parrot' just informed me that it was installed succesfuly! 2207:< walle303> ? where am i 2207:< lumineox> !NL ik hoop dat als ik terug kom ik ook cht met mijn alt in een grote room zit 2207:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: This command is blocked. 2207:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2207:< Yenwodyah_> I think jared's bot is broken 2207:< sotricious> *updated 2207:< walle303> ? 500 digits of pi 2207:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066...... 2207:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2207:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2207:< purple_pan> ? 1+5 % 5 2207:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only good choice 2207:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 1.25 2207:< pyropocalypse> !NL waar zit je alt nu dan? 2207:< MorallyDeplorable> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 2207:**** PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2208:< IceyMocha> * true 2208:**** sope voted to CONTINUE 2208:< purple_pan> ? sum i=0 to 1000 i^2 2208:< lumineox> !NL ik denk T5 2208:**** KrystallAnn Wolfram: 2208:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2208:**** sope voted to INCREASE 2209:< lumineox> !NL heb het niet echt bijgehouden 2209:**** taclane voted to INCREASE 2209:< pyropocalypse> !NL ah nog erg laag dan 2209:< lumineox> !NL ja pas 35 mensen 2209:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2209:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2209:< pyropocalypse> !NL mn alt zit in ar-PecPyme 2209:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 2210:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2210:< lumineox> !NL daar zitten echt al 600 mensen in toch? 2210:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2210:< pyropocalypse> !NL 650 mensen atm 2211:**** Firemancer voted to CONTINUE 2211:< ilove42> What happened to all the bots ? 2211:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all finally end this madness 2211:< lumineox> !NL dat is nog best wat 2211:< IllHornet> how many days until we merge? 2211:< internet-is-a-lie> this is going to take forever 2211:**** ugster_ voted to CONTINUE 2211:< pyropocalypse> !NL ja idd, maar groeien duurde vet lang 2211:**** surelyucantbserious requests a moment of silence for our fallen brethren. 2211:**** ugster_ voted to INCREASE 2211:**** sigmaeni simply MUST find out that secret of yours that I know... 2212:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2212:< lumineox> !NL ja ga gewoon zo slapen en laat mijn computer aan 2212:< ilove42> Kazakhstan 2212:< lumineox> !NL ben dan warschijnlijk al een heel stuk opgeschoten 2212:< pyropocalypse> !NL idd groot gelijjk 2212:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2212:< likenessaltered> We still here 2212:< surelyucantbserious> HoogaBooga 2213:**** dexepi voted to INCREASE 2213:< lumineox> !NL een kleine chat is wel echt zo anders 2213:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2213:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2213:< micubit> omg chat is back!!! 2213:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:47 2016 2213:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2213:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 2213:< chugga_fan> %AdonisChrist yes, right up around 3 hours, but there's already a snowball happening 2214:**** Khemikooligan voted to INCREASE 2214:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2214:**** Khemikooligan voted to CONTINUE 2214:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2214:**** maschlue voted to INCREASE 2214:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2214:**** maschlue voted to INCREASE 2214:< Box_Elderr> *** STAR SNEECHES *** 2214:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2214:< ownage516> The guys who made Parrot, are you still here? 2214:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jullie raden nooit wie er in de chat op Vianshie is 2214:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2215:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2215:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2215:< Killdynamite> spring 2215:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2215:< pyropocalypse> !NL ja idd met mn alt ga ik geen filters instellen. vind de chaos ook wel geinig 2215:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2215:< lumineox> !NL tarthim? 2215:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2215:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2215:< Killdynamite> star 2215:< Killdynamite> yellow star 2215:< Manofevil> IS THIS NEVER OVER!? 2215:< lumineox> !NL of jij? 2215:< Givemeallyourcats> anyone wanna play some csgo? nova 3 lol 2215:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2215:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL nee dat helaas niet, ja ik wel :P 2216:< idiosidiot> !stats 2216:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2216:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL maar, pitchforkemporium 2216:< Killdynamite> london and paris 2216:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2216:< Killdynamite> paris and london 2216:**** qwerty-po voted to CONTINUE 2216:< Killdynamite> thats bullshit 2216:< pyropocalypse> !NL pitchfork is geniaal 2216:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 2216:**** qwerty-po voted to INCREASE 2216:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2217:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2217:< ownage516> Yoo Parrot guys 2217:< radioactivated> test 2217:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2217:< radioactivated> apparently signing on to an alt breaks shit real fast 2217:< lumineox> !NL nog nooit van gehoord 2217:< Killdynamite> liquid petroleum gas 2217:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2217:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2217:< screamcheese> !stats 2218:< Killdynamite> concord 2218:< qwerty-po> radioactivated you can have a separate incognito window with an alt logged in 2218:< pyropocalypse> !NL nog nooit vanm gehoord? grab your pitchforks! ---E 2218:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2218:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2218:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2218:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2218:< screamcheese> m 2219:< Jack_of_All_Pc> STAY 2K16 2219:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2219:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2219:**** sigmaeni didn't ask you about how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 2220:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2220:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2220:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL omg, je kent pitchforkemporium niet? :P 2220:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2220:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2220:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL hij kwam vroeger altijd naar subreddits als pitchforks genoemd werden, en dan ging ie pitchforks verkopen voor de opstanden 2221:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2221:< knajjd11> ELECT nigglet 2221:< lumineox> !NL ow wacht 2221:< lumineox> !NL dat ken ik wel 2221:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL dat is hij! 2221:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL en die zit nu in mn andere chat ^^ 2221:< lumineox> !NL had allen niet de conectie gelegd dat er ook een subreddit was 2221:< blakeman1> test 2221:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2222:< KrystallAnn> ))) testing 2222:**** bphilly_cheesesteak voted to KILL ALL HUMANS 2222:< blakeman1> test 2222:< pfumbi> 1 2222:< bphilly_cheesesteak> wat 2223:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL geen subreddit 2223:< brandvegn> I was neither over or underwhelmed, just whelmed. I went to bed as well 2223:< pfumbi> 3 2223:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL tis een user :P 2223:< pfumbi> 4 2223:< pfumbi> 5 2223:< pfumbi> 6 2223:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2223:< lumineox> !NL ja het is ook een gast, maar toen ik googlde kwam ik op een subreddit 2223:< pfumbi> 7 2223:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2223:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2223:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL oh, oja klopt 2224:< pfumbi> 9 2224:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ze hebben zelfs een subreddit voor m gemaakt 2224:< pfumbi> 10 2224:< lumineox> !NL dus daar snapte ik het niet helemaal door 2224:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2224:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2224:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2224:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2225:< ahbr> choose stay! 2225:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2225:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ineens fucking last van mn schouder 2225:< lumineox> !NL maar ik ben net weer gemergd en we zijn kleiner gewoorden :( 2225:**** Sageth voted to CONTINUE 2225:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL awww :( 2225:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2225:< lumineox> !NL maar wat kut van je schouder 2225:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Welke tier nu? 2225:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2225:< AurorianKeKe> A BADGE??? 2226:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2226:**** Sageth voted to INCREASE 2226:< lumineox> !NL ik denk T5 of T6 2226:**** Sageth voted to CONTINUE 2226:**** Sageth voted to INCREASE 2226:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2227:**** Sageth voted to CONTINUE 2227:**** Sageth voted to INCREASE 2227:**** Sageth voted to CONTINUE 2227:**** Sageth voted to INCREASE 2227:**** sigmaeni couldn't live without understanding that secret of yours that I know... 2228:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:28:20 2016 2228:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2228:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2228:< lumineox> !NL maar ik ga zo slapen 2228:< TeaBagTwat> % We had 4100 2229:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL ja ik ook 2229:< AurorianKeKe> kufi here 2229:< lumineox> !NL moet morgen weer leren 2229:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL morgen lange dag 2229:< PRAISE_NIGGERNIGGERS> # penis/ つ ͡◕ Ѿ ͡◕ ༽つ❥PRAISE u/NIGGERNIGGERS❥ლ(́◕◞Ѿ◟◕‵ლ) 2229:< jayman419> # Hi Mara. 2229:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2229:< lumineox> !NL cya morgen mischien dan :) 2229:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2229:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL morgenavond ergens ^^ 2229:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL slaap lekker, leerze 2229:< pyropocalypse> !NL cya 2230:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the best option 2230:**** blakeman1 voted to CONTINUE 2230:< lumineox> !NL ja jij werk ze? 2230:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2230:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2230:< AurorianKeKe> bram stoker 2230:< breloomz> any quizzes? 2230:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL jow, thanks 2230:**** Cannonfyre voted to CONTINUE 2230:< breloomz> kilimanjaro 2230:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2231:**** tRitone11 voted to INCREASE 2231:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2231:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2231:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2231:< breloomz> damn you npin 2231:< KrystallAnn> ))) Copperplate test 2231:< Kamikaze28> it's going to be days until we have any hope of merging with another room 2231:< TheMellowSide> choosing to finish this is the best option 2231:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2231:< sotricious> iirc KuKKilicious and kunobob were the ku's in the KufikumuTh 2231:< breloomz> kronos 2231:< AurorianKeKe> Kronos 2231:< Yenwodyah_> .kill Positrons 2231:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] I shot Positrons. 2231:< sotricious> *or 2231:< breloomz> chronos 2232:< breloomz> damn it 2232:< breloomz> @brownmario stupid spelling 2232:< haykam821> # true 2232:< AurorianKeKe> FALSE 2232:< Yenwodyah_> ? what is the radius of the earth 2232:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2232:< haykam821> # false 2232:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2 2232:< breloomz> false 2232:< AurorianKeKe> # True 2232:< haykam821> #true 2232:< breloomz> elephant 2233:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay will be our salvation 2233:< AurorianKeKe> Elephant 2233:< breloomz> trump 2233:< Yenwodyah_> ? 2 + 2 2233:< treesuss> !stats 2233:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2233:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2233:< AurorianKeKe> are you kiddin me 2233:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2233:< cunty_nipples> spain 2233:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2233:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2233:< AurorianKeKe> India 2233:< Yenwodyah_> ? tell me a joke 2233:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2233:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2233:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2233:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2234:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2234:< cunty_nipples> constellation 2234:< AurorianKeKe> Constellation 2234:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2234:< haykam821> ELECT loulan 2234:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2234:**** Liquid-Fire panics 2234:< KrystallAnn> ))) hhh 2234:< cunty_nipples> electricty 2235:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2235:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 2235:< TheMellowSide> voting stay is the only good choice 2235:< WelpSigh> This channel is never going to grow. 2235:< peacecorn> % YANINI FOREVER! 2235:**** AurorianKeKe voted to CONTINUE 2235:< cunty_nipples> Arthur 2235:**** AurorianKeKe voted to INCREASE 2235:< WelpSigh> If reddit was capable of collectively making good decisions, no one here would be reading reddit. 2235:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2235:**** sigmaeni will proabaly destroy those who Abandon. 2236:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2236:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2236:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2236:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2236:**** blakeman1 voted to INCREASE 2236:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2236:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can leave 2236:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2236:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2236:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2236:< UNIScienceGuy> # How fucking awesome is this! 2236:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 2236:**** sirin3 voted to INCREASE 2236:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2237:**** BandanaBunny voted to INCREASE 2237:< 404NinjaNotFound> !NL Goodnight lovelies <3 2237:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2237:**** taclane voted to CONTINUE 2237:< rabbyz> %are we still fucking going? :S 2237:< pyropocalypse> !NL good night ninja 2237:< Yenwodyah_> ? 2 + 2 2237:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2238:**** sirin3 voted to CONTINUE 2238:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only way we can sleep 2238:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2238:< tRitone11> 4 2239:< jake12001200> text me shit +447931422414 2239:< OrangeredStilton> Is that a good idea? 2239:**** sirin3 voted to INCREASE 2239:< Luxarynii> RAIBOW 2239:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2239:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2239:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2239:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2239:< fzh> darn 2239:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2240:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2240:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can sleep 2240:< surelyucantbserious> Would you rather fight 100 Penis sized Dickheads, or 1 Dickhead sized Penis? 2240:< Too_MuchWhiskey> (ಠ_ృ) 2241:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2241:< sirin3> purple is 2241:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2241:**** taclane voted to INCREASE 2241:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2241:< Too_MuchWhiskey> (ಠ_ృ) 2241:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2241:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I get a subreddit already 2241:< surelyucantbserious> We've all wondered that... haven't we? 2242:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2242:**** pyroshroom #rpg punches the tree with all his might 2242:< tRitone11> 4 2242:**** weskill9 dang 2242:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglets 2242:**** SubBellatrixxx voted to CONTINUE 2243:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 2243:**** sirin3 voted to CONTINUE 2243:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can sleep 2243:< KrystallAnn> ))) testtesttest 2243:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2243:**** sigmaeni inquires politely regarding your favorite way to GROW NOW! 2244:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2244:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2244:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2244:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2244:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2244:< General_Revan> HOW DOES THIS STILL EXIST 2244:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2244:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2244:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2244:**** ElderFalcon voted to CONTINUE 2245:< jayman419> soKuku waits. It's a promise to the people trying to reach us. 2245:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2245:**** supermegacactus voted to CONTINUE 2245:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2245:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2245:< TheMellowSide> choosing the stay button is the only option 2245:**** Robairt voted to CONTINUE 2245:< CryptokidFH> Kappa 2245:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2246:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2246:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2246:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2246:< tRitone11> 4 2246:< TacoInABag> Dad? 2246:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2246:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2246:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 2247:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2247:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2247:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2247:< hugepwner> im the best 2247:< Unicormfarts> %chat So it's not a written language? 2248:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay will be our salvation 2248:< UnclePaull> https://awwapp.com/b/uugr74nhe/ COME DRAW WITH US 2248:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2248:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2248:**** sotricious accidentally drops 77 vials on the ground. Each one has a label: "SULUMUNTRUKULU POTION" and numbers from #1 to #77 2248:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2248:**** zinnzo voted to CONTINUE 2249:**** zinnzo voted to INCREASE 2249:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2249:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2249:< zinnzo> krystallann i see your test 2249:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2249:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2249:< KrystallAnn> ))) Yeah, I wish my fonts were working properly though :( 2249:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2249:< roxm> what chat are sane people using? 2249:< zinnzo> ELECT OrangeredStilton 2249:< notyourbrah> when you faggots gonna end this room 2250:< NuOfBelthasar> + looks like next T15 is incoming. 2250:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay is the best option 2250:< sotricious> gnight Sir-Rhino 2250:< KrystallAnn> ))) test for screenshot 2251:< RobinNu> BYE 2251:**** UDie2day voted to ABANDON 2251:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2251:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2251:**** UDie2day voted to CONTINUE 2251:< remog> Categories? 2251:< remog> wht categores 2251:< vultprotocol> % 2251:< alazz> what 4 categories will we have? 2251:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all can leave 2251:**** sigmaeni can't wrap his brain around how much he loves you! 2252:< sotricious> lol @TheMellowSIde 2252:**** robdob voted to CONTINUE 2252:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2252:**** SubBellatrixxx voted to INCREASE 2252:< TomLube> Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 2252:< reed17> RANGERS WIN WOOHOO 2252:**** epicsheeper321 voted to CONTINUE 2252:< TomLube> WHAT I FUCKING ANSWERED 2252:**** sirin3 voted to INCREASE 2253:**** sirin3 voted to CONTINUE 2253:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2253:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so I can get to bed 2253:< Smartstocks> Why do I sadden people? 2253:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2253:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2253:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2253:< Smartstocks> Percy Gryce 2254:< Music_monkey> Need some more music guys - https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2254:**** FlunkyMonkey123 voted to INCREASE 2254:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2254:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2254:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2254:**** HalloweenInHeaven voted to CONTINUE 2255:< NuOfBelthasar> OrangeredStilton I'm kind of unreasonably annoyed that it's "%chat" rather than "chat%". Ending with a symbol works better than start w/ on 2255:< robdob> Please, PLEASE join [ARNOLD FUCKERS] today. Visit /r/ArnoldFuckers to join the fight. 2255:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 2255:< OrangeredStilton> NuOfBelthasar: Eh. I'm not so fussed as long as it's one coherent block at the start 2255:**** FlunkyMonkey123 voted to CONTINUE 2256:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2256:**** robdob voted to INCREASE 2256:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2256:**** FlunkyMonkey123 voted to INCREASE 2256:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2256:< Mainova> & 2256:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 2257:**** ghosteria voted to INCREASE 2257:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2257:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2257:**** bird-nado voted to CONTINUE 2257:**** bird-nado voted to INCREASE 2257:< haley_joel_osteen> hellapanda - you attorney? 2258:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2258:**** Mathemagicland voted to CONTINUE 2258:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 2258:< Asks_How_You_Are> how are you? 2258:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2259:**** Lagkalori voted to INCREASE 2259:**** masonbetz voted to INCREASE 2259:< chugga_fan> ?2^123 2259:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2259:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2259:< CorrinPhD> ENDING SOON? 2259:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2259:< chugga_fan> ?2*123 2259:< CorrinPhD> WHAT 2259:**** awesomenessjared Wolfram: 2259:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2259:**** sigmaeni is almost certain of that secret of yours that I know... 2300:< Smartstocks> why do peoplel think something's wring? 2300:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2300:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2300:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only option 2300:**** Lagkalori voted to CONTINUE 2301:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2301:< internetisdoomed> Road to 4402! 2301:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2301:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the best option 2302:< internetisdoomed> %Road to 4402 members! 2302:< sotricious> Riendew > Idiocracy 2302:< daniel51a> ✪ ✪✪✪✪ 2302:< Ar72> SeExZa hey 2302:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2302:**** AscendantAwesome $ Seize the means of production! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2302:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2303:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2303:< CorrinPhD> *hey 2303:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2303:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can leave 2303:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2303:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2303:< sotricious> But seriously Riendew > The men who made us spen http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20j885_the-men-who-made-us-spend-episode-1_creation 2304:< Gnauga-> silence is golden 2304:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2304:**** Liquid-Fire runs away 2304:< internetisdoomed> %road to 4402! 2304:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2304:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2305:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2305:< internetisdoomed> %Guys can i turn off my PC? we wont merge for a long time right? 2305:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can get to bed 2305:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2305:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2305:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! 2306:< CorrinPhD> *false 2306:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2306:< NuOfBelthasar> * Hello. 2306:< CorrinPhD> *yousa suck my peepee marakiri 2306:< CorrinPhD> *hi 2306:**** GlowWolf voted to CONTINUE 2306:< NuOfBelthasar> * I apparently have marakiri muted. 2306:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2307:< GlowWolf> Fe 2307:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2307:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can sleep 2307:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2307:< GlowWolf> ALASKA IS COMING 2307:< CorrinPhD> *so at the top of the robin grow hud it has ending soon 2307:< CorrinPhD> *what does that mean 2307:**** AscendantAwesome . We will open the subreddits to all users! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2307:< NuOfBelthasar> * It's not part of robin. 2307:**** sigmaeni is still waiting for what it would be like to gro 4 evr... 2308:< NuOfBelthasar> * I mean robin-grow. 2308:< 30cuts> STAY FOR THE RECORD! 2308:< NuOfBelthasar> * It's just posted whenever the room refreshes after the merge is already ready. 2308:**** PaulBGD voted to CONTINUE 2308:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2308:**** wakydawgster voted to INCREASE 2308:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay will be our salvation 2308:**** alexjett voted to CONTINUE 2308:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2308:< CorrinPhD> *oh, i've never seen it 2308:**** alexjett voted to INCREASE 2308:< KingGoddeth> Braves 2308:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2309:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2309:< Emergencyegret> is the game over? 2309:< reed17> We're actually not too far away from Tier 17 2309:< reed17> Maybe half a day 2309:< sotricious> true marakiri 2309:< CorrinPhD> *idk i think certain vitamins will activate enzymes that in turn activate T cells 2309:**** mechagodzilla18 voted to CONTINUE 2310:< CorrinPhD> *prob not vitamin C tho 2310:< Manofevil> How do you filter chat? 2310:< TheMellowSide> picking stay is the only good choice 2310:< ntrefil> Penis/ Oh shit guys my power went out! 2310:< JClocale> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2310:< Andrew_Mendoza> LoDetiBabo has been born 2311:< NuOfBelthasar> * He's got a PhD. Checks out. 2312:< NightVisionHawk> #shooting stars 2312:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2312:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all finally end this madness 2312:**** 3cardblindbot voted to INCREASE 2312:**** AscendantAwesome + Embrace the teachings of Marx! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2312:< edwardsdl> Is there any way to get Robin Assistant to filter out the spam more effectively? 2312:< pfumbi> * r/probprog 2312:< DomesticRifle> no more wafllesquads? 2312:< CorrinPhD> *a PhD at forgetting to be an adult maybe 2312:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2313:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2313:< jayman419> https://www.reddit.com/r/mrbabalafe/comments/4d887t/group_of_3854/ 2313:**** amtra5 voted to INCREASE 2313:< jayman419> make sure your name is on the list. 2313:< NuOfBelthasar> * The PhD's I know have basically been avoiding becoming adults for as long as possible. It's called getting an education. 2313:**** Earlaway voted to CONTINUE 2313:< amtra5> !stats 2313:**** grow_exe voted to CONTINUE 2313:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the only good choice 2313:**** amtra5 voted to CONTINUE 2313:< NuOfBelthasar> * I'm a mere Master's, so I only got to experience part of that. 2313:< rakki9999112> TheMellowSide. What is wrong with tou 2314:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2314:< sotricious> with a b 2314:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2314:**** GodOfAtheism voted to CONTINUE 2314:< Birk> true 2315:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2315:< NuOfBelthasar> + Test 2315:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2315:< NuOfBelthasar> + Test2 2315:< ntrefil> Penis/ has anyone successful got Robin grow to work on android 2315:< Memeinist> kkkkkkk 2315:< bloons3> ded 2315:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so we get a subreddit already 2315:< npinsker> c͈̘̲̪h̝̺͡a̲͉̺̝͓̼͍o̹͎̥̬̗s̝͉̮̟ͅ 2315:**** sigmaeni didn't ask you about the sad state of the Abandoners... 2316:< haykam821> # true 2316:< sotricious> word Lowbacca1977 2316:< s-i-s-u> # false 2316:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2316:< haykam821> !cb color me 2316:< s-i-s-u> # ya dummy 2316:< Kc2000> # ya dummy, true 2316:< haykam821> !cb 2316:< Ar72> % 2316:< haykam821> !cb help 2316:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2316:< cyclingwonder> gl;hf! 2316:< KingGoddeth> Swan 2317:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2317:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so everyone can leave 2317:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2317:**** AscendantAwesome % Seize the means of shitposting! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2317:< Kc2000> whodaman 2317:< Kc2000> IMS DA MAN! 2318:**** edwardsdl voted to CONTINUE 2318:< Ar72> % 2318:< RackClimber> Only 2190 idiots left ayyyy 2318:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can get to bed 2318:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2319:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2319:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2319:< Kc2000> i've only seen the Stay count go down 2319:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2319:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2319:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2319:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2319:< RackClimber> Kc2000 it keeps going up 2319:< sotricious> Anyone remember EGGBURGER? 2319:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv 2320:< LTOtv> http://leftturnonly.tv 2320:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2320:< Kc2000> that's because people are spiting me RackClimber 2320:< sotricious> 1 square meter 2320:< TheMellowSide> voting the stay button is the best option 2321:< preggit> Is this thing on? 2321:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2321:< Contoid> everyone stop spamming im trying to have a civil comversation 2321:< preggit> Hello? How are you 2321:< haykam821> !cb color haykam821 2321:< preggit> I'm in california dreaming of the way it used to be 2321:< preggit> HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE 2321:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2321:< hagbard-celine> /whois NuOfBelthasar 2322:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2322:**** AscendantAwesome & Overthrow the bourgeois! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2322:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button will be our salvation 2322:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2322:< hagbard-celine> ^ you appear as voting to continue to me 2322:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2322:**** EvilEpicPanda voted to CONTINUE 2322:< preggit> back to my eternal slumber 2322:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2323:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2323:**** vineman voted to INCREASE 2323:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2323:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2323:< TheMellowSide> clicking to finish this will be our salvation 2323:< redditsdeadcanary> !score 2323:< FuckerMcFuckingberg> true 2323:**** sigmaeni will proabaly destroy how much you love him! 2324:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2324:< Supermann13> % How long is robin gonna last anyways? 2324:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2324:< jayman419> %char bar. 2324:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2325:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2325:**** 3nvisi0n voted to INCREASE 2325:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2325:< missworldx> hi 2325:< izacque> global chat is anarchy 2325:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2325:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2325:< Name0fTheUser> PM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 2325:< Name0fTheUser> PM_ME_YOUR_TITTIES 2325:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can get to bed 2325:< Name0fTheUser> PM_ME_YOUR_BOOBS 2325:< KrystallAnn> ))) test2 2325:< izacque> triviabot is absurd 2326:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 3 2326:< KrystallAnn> ))) testtestest 2326:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2326:< _reckless_disregard_> ELECT "_reckless_disregard_" 2326:**** northadam15 voted to INCREASE 2326:**** tRitone11 voted to CONTINUE 2326:< KrystallAnn> ))) kill me 2326:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Estabish a Communist regime! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2327:< buck614> #RoadTo4402 2327:< TheMellowSide> clicking to stay is the only way we can sleep 2327:< _reckless_disregard_> ELECT _reckless_disgregard_ 2327:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2327:< sotricious> Gonna try & get some rest my fellow wonderful co-travellers > MAY THE GODS OF ELECTRICITY BE WITH US AND KEEP THIS ROOM UP AND RUNNING. 2327:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2327:**** Clarkintine voted to INCREASE 2327:< _reckless_disregard_> ELECT _reckless_disregard_ 2327:< sotricious> C U LATER ALL 2327:**** TheOnlyBoBo voted to INCREASE 2328:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2328:< Budzy05> Kylo Ren kills Han Solo. 2328:< pandandap> egypt 2328:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2328:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can get to bed 2329:**** sodas voted to CONTINUE 2329:**** sodas voted to INCREASE 2329:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2329:**** mrfrightful voted to CONTINUE 2329:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2329:**** mrfrightful voted to INCREASE 2329:**** mrfrightful voted to INCREASE 2330:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2330:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2330:< WelpSigh> stop voting grow god damnit 2330:< 3cardblindbot> # Hey everyone, come listen to and suggest community-curated music with us at http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2330:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2330:**** GodOfAtheism voted to INCREASE 2330:**** NuOfBelthasar voted to INCREASE 2330:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we finally end this madness 2331:**** Insomnikal #rpg stands in awe 2331:< NuOfBelthasar> * Uh, my alt is in a chat called meboobudit 2331:**** VOTE-GROW voted to INCREASE 2331:< 3cardblindbot> & Hey everyone, come listen to and suggest community-curated music with us at http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2331:**** AscendantAwesome $ We accept comrades of all colors! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2331:**** Simplerdayz voted to CONTINUE 2331:**** sigmaeni simply MUST find out your favorite way to GROW NOW! 2332:< Supremexiv> hi 2332:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2332:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so you all can sleep 2332:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2332:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2332:< KrystallAnn> ))) It might be the first one I enter, let me refresh and try it again 2332:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2333:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2333:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2333:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2333:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 2333:< lordxeon> ELECT StrawberryClock 2334:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2334:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2334:< yzgncx> Seize the memes of production; https://www.reddit.com/r/noteasybeinggreen 2334:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2334:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2334:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2334:< Kc2000> ELECT Kc2000 2335:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2335:< parkerlreed> Chat went to shit 2335:**** HoopyHobo voted to INCREASE 2335:< TheMellowSide> voting to stay will be our salvation 2336:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2336:**** AscendantAwesome . Join us as a Comrade! Join the Red Robins! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2337:< Niamrej> * Hi! 2337:**** pjeb voted to CONTINUE 2337:< hero0fwar> Hi 2337:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I get a subreddit already 2337:< Juno_Malone> Zoink you here? 2337:< Niamrej> * nobody on this channel? 2337:< drT18> Hi heroofwar 2337:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2337:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2337:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2338:**** username2002 voted to CONTINUE 2338:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2338:**** t3hattack voted to CONTINUE 2338:< MorallyDeplorable> ehlo 2338:< ntrefil> Penis/ update have power still no internet using my phone for now 2338:< Niamrej> * If true then your statement is false 2338:< TheMellowSide> clicking stay is the only way we can sleep 2338:< Niamrej> * but if it's false 2339:< Niamrej> * then it is true! 2339:< sempiternum> # true 2339:< NickCageIsAWoman> % and we 2339:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2339:< NickCageIsAWoman> % still going i see 2339:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2339:**** ChihuahuaCats voted to INCREASE 2339:**** ChihuahuaCats voted to CONTINUE 2339:**** sigmaeni once discovered how much wood COULD a woodchuck, in reality, efficiently chuck. 2340:< ntrefil> Hey 2340:**** NuOfBelthasar voted to CONTINUE 2340:< walle303> nigglet nigg nigglet nigg Kappa 2340:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2340:< deucemob> True 2341:< TheMellowSide> choose stay so we get a subreddit already 2341:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2341:**** iateacrayon voted to CONTINUE 2341:**** AscendantAwesome + We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2341:< Chitinid> throat 2341:< kaltekar> nigglets 2341:< JakiiB> Any swaddlers in here? 2341:< redditsdeadcanary> Are there scripts for spam? 2342:< Chitinid> % True 2342:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2342:< BernieCar> ELECT bobic4 2342:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2342:< TheMellowSide> picking to stay is the best option 2342:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2342:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2343:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2343:< idiosidiot> !stats 2343:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2343:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2344:< TheMellowSide> voting to finish this is the only good choice 2344:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2344:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2344:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2344:**** Box_Elderr voted to CONTINUE 2344:**** t3hattack voted to INCREASE 2344:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2345:**** ImAKidImASquid voted to INCREASE 2345:**** AdamUndefined voted to CONTINUE 2345:**** Littleme02 voted to CONTINUE 2345:**** Littleme02 voted to INCREASE 2345:**** AdamUndefined voted to INCREASE 2345:< MrDubberRucky> Dank memes 2346:< KrystallAnn> ))) test 2346:**** Littleme02 voted to CONTINUE 2346:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so you all get a subreddit already 2346:**** AscendantAwesome % We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2346:< chuckfinleLP1> https://www.youtube.com/user/chuckfinleLP SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! 2346:< KrystallAnn> ))) test dos 2346:**** Littleme02 voted to INCREASE 2346:**** Littleme02 voted to CONTINUE 2346:**** grow_exe voted to CONTINUE 2346:**** ranterbach voted to INCREASE 2346:< alien005> any estimates on merge time? 2347:< JarnabyBones> #politics is anyone watching the election in Wisconsin tomorrow? 2347:< JarnabyBones> #politics any politics nerds? 2347:< chuckfinleLP1> ELECT chuckfinleLP1 2347:< chuckfinleLP1> Yemen 2347:< TheMellowSide> click stay so we can get to bed 2347:< npinsker> %kwerjk ekrj  ekrj 2347:< alien005> wow what have a missed since peaman? There's all sorts of chat rules and shit now. is there a legit rpg happening right now? 2347:< npinsker> %abc hi 2347:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2347:**** sigmaeni can't wrap his brain around your favorite way to GROW NOW! 2348:< npinsker> %abc hi   hi 2348:< Smartstocks> I HAVEN'T GONE TO BED BECAUSE OF THIS 2348:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2348:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2348:**** JohnSmiththeGamer voted to CONTINUE 2348:< JarnabyBones> #politics politics! 2348:**** AscendantAwesome % We must liberate the working class! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2348:< alien005> can I start a new rule? ~ is for yo mama jokes? any takers? 2348:< JarnabyBones> #politics whee politics! 2348:< chuckfinleLP1> Silk 2349:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2349:< TheMellowSide> vote stay so I can get to bed 2349:< LTOtv> #politics fuck yeah politics! 2349:< npinsker> waer I will display ⁢ 123 2349:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to INCREASE 2349:**** GlryX voted to CONTINUE 2349:**** GeorgeAmberson voted to CONTINUE 2349:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2349:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2349:< Chibears85> ni 2350:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2350:**** Mrbman11999 voted to CONTINUE 2350:< --jp--> can someone tell me what the fuck I'm doing here ? 2350:< Yenwodyah_> ELECT nigglet 2350:< MorallyDeplorable> --jp--: staring at the belly of the beast. 2350:< jasona99> ELECT jasona99 2350:< OPNineteen> when are we gonna fkn merge 2351:< TheMellowSide> picking stay will be our salvation 2351:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2351:< sotricious> cyranix Only way to do this is to make it EXTREMELY easy for newcomers i.e. A page with all info in steps: 1.participate 2.install scripts 2351:< jayman419> OPNineteen Thursday. 2351:< jayman419> Maybe Wednesday. 2351:< --jp--> MorallyDeplorable, thanks for your insight 2351:< CatTypingDetected> yay still alive 2351:< --jp--> ELECT TRUMP 2352:**** Mrbman11999 voted to INCREASE 2352:< OneiricNeuron> Wow 2352:< sotricious> cyranix 3. and just wait to see what happens. Promote it as an experiment that it is. 2352:< Gummy_Joe> % Ozzy ozzy ozzy 2352:< TheMellowSide> click stay so everyone can sleep 2352:< Still-Clueless> ayyyyy lmao 2353:**** Mrbman11999 voted to CONTINUE 2353:**** Box_Elderr voted to INCREASE 2353:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2353:**** AscendantAwesome & We will distribute the karma to the masses! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2353:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2353:< Gummy_Joe> % oy oy oy 2353:**** KuronekoFan voted to CONTINUE 2353:**** enricheduranium voted to INCREASE 2353:**** KuronekoFan voted to INCREASE 2353:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2353:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2354:**** username2002 voted to INCREASE 2354:< OpBeta> damn its gonna take a while until we merge bois 2354:< TheMellowSide> picking to finish this is the best option 2354:< OpBeta> DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO 2354:< Engeo> @ [RedRobin v1.4] Use .help to use this bot! 2354:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2354:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2354:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2355:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2355:**** MorallyDeplorable voted to INCREASE 2355:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2355:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (2/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2355:**** sigmaeni is still waiting for why you haven't clicked your friendly grow button. 2356:**** RoliSoft voted to INCREASE 2356:< TheMellowSide> picking the stay button is the only good choice 2356:< Zenun> www.twitch.tv/cowsep MOO MOO MOO MOO 2356:< ggphenom> PRAISE ROBIN, THE GREAT MERGE WILL BRING US TOGETHER, THOSE WHO ABANDON ARE WEAK, TOGETHER WE GROW STRONG | http://pastebin.com/1ugs1ruW 2356:**** ranterbach voted to CONTINUE 2356:< ggphenom> Holys hit 2356:< ggphenom> When is this gonna merge? 2356:< indianapale> !stats 2356:**** zzevannn voted to INCREASE 2356:**** EvilEpicPanda voted to CONTINUE 2357:**** NeayHey voted to CONTINUE 2357:**** iateacrayon voted to INCREASE 2357:< iBawb> tes 2357:**** NeayHey voted to INCREASE 2357:**** TopicallyDifferent voted to CONTINUE 2357:**** pjeb voted to INCREASE 2357:< chapebrone> chapebrone 2357:< TheMellowSide> click stay so you all can sleep 2357:**** PotatoBadger was voted to be KICKED (1/3). Type "/leave_room PotatoBadger" to KICK. 2358:< cyclingwonder> We have to STAY, make history! 2358:**** AscendantAwesome ^ Form a dictatorship of the proletariat! Join the Party! http://reddit.com/r/RedRobins 2358:**** vsod99 voted to INCREASE 2358:< iBawb> nigglet they don't see u 2358:< So_angry_right_now> I can't believe this is still going 2358:**** vsod99 voted to CONTINUE 2358:< chapebrone> chapebrone 2358:< jayman419> nigglet's been muted for like 3 days. Does he actually need something? 2358:< TheMentalist10> -eDgAR-, it's me, your brother <3 2359:< Breve_Pup> jayman419: Nope, just just keeps saying his name 2359:< TheMellowSide> click stay so I can sleep 2359:< jayman419> Breve_Pup Fair enough. 2359:**** TopicallyDifferent voted to INCREASE 2359:**** Engeo voted to INCREASE 2359:**** OrangeredStilton voted to INCREASE 2359:< jayman419> Or a racist Bizarro. 2359:< startfragment> how do you join #rpg? --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:03 2016