--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:56:30 2016 1956:< Name0fTheUser> ah, but my botspam works by removing any message with /\[.*\]/, and I had just cleared the history 1956:< AviN456> t why 1957:< Name0fTheUser> obably a bug in my filtering, and I got lucky --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:57:03 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:57:56 2016 1957:< AviN456> yeah, but if anyone types anything in brackets - you'll block it 1958:< Name0fTheUser> I'd rather have false positives than false negatives 1958:< Name0fTheUser> My chat is 100% clean 1958:< Deathly809> Do you make sure to only match the beginning of a sentence? 1958:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, guys. Do you all see this with the ^ filter? 1958:< AviN456> otherwise you'll miss things [like] this 1958:< Name0fTheUser> Nope, anywhere in the sentence 1958:< Deathly809> I didn't block that 1958:< chugga_fan> he probably would also miss [robin] every time 1958:< AviN456> did you see what I just said after deathly? 1958:< Name0fTheUser> Yeah, but that's rare 1959:< Deathly809> Yeah I saw the [lile] 1959:< Deathly809> er like 1959:< AviN456> yeah, but did Name0fTheUser see it 1959:< Name0fTheUser> I saw you say [robin], but only because I am also using a web client 2000:< Deathly809> I always see the robin stuff. 2000:< chugga_fan> Name0fTheUser that's really bad regexes, holy shit 2000:< Deathly809> I am glad I cannot see this 2000:< Name0fTheUser> Why is it so bad, other than false positives? 2000:< _vvvv_> test 2000:< Deathly809> Is this in the repo? --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:00:51 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:02:20 2016 2002:< chugga_fan> Name0fTheUser ^ means negate, so anything but the robin bot wouldn't show 2002:< Name0fTheUser> Oh yeah 2003:< chugga_fan> Name0fTheUser as robin is the only bot i'd ever let into my chat, other than when doing trivia 2003:< Daegalus> well with parrot, you guys dont have to worry about that. Bots are blocked, repeating messages are blocked, muting, and soon tabs 2004:< Deathly809> I just use robin-grow 2004:< chugga_fan> just going to chill in this chat now 2005:< Name0fTheUser> There may be some false positives, but it makes un-channel-filtered chat very readable: https://i.imgur.com/1tSid4C.png 2005:< stormagnet> Daegalus is parrot what you guys settled on for the name of the fork? 2005:< Daegalus> stormagnet yes it is 2005:< stormagnet> Daegalus Nice :D 2005:< chugga_fan> Name0fTheUser wait is that tellnet? also that looks basically the same as my chat 2005:< stormagnet> makes sense, since it's so much more colorful :D 2006:< Name0fTheUser> Just a custom ruby script to stdout 2006:< Daegalus> it was either Parrot or Macaw, but same thing 2006:< OrangeredStilton> Alright, updated my IRC bridge in case anyone was trying it out 2006:< OrangeredStilton> Now it presents an IRC server with like eleven channels 2006:< Name0fTheUser> I would totally use your IRC bridge, if it wasn't in php ;) 2006:< _vvvv_> ANELE 2007:< OrangeredStilton> Name0fTheUser: o plz 2007:< Name0fTheUser> OrangeredStilton does it have spam filtering? 2008:< OrangeredStilton> Name0fTheUser: You can add filter regexes before you start the bridge, and you can use your IRC client's ignore for individual people 2009:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton isn't that basically the same thing as robin-grow then? 2009:< svlad> test 2010:< _vvvv_> We've got twitch emotes 2010:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Sure, except I have it all running on an IRC client 2010:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_ i feel a strong copyright claim coming then 2010:< npinsker> there's twitch emotes?? 2010:< _vvvv_> Our legal team is readyt 2011:< Name0fTheUser> _vvvv_ what are you testing btw? 2011:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_ if you say so 2011:< OrangeredStilton> How do twitch emotes look in-channel? 2011:< _vvvv_> They look pretty good, you can see them here: http://i.imgur.com/WeI9npo.png 2013:< ViktorErikJensen> I've never seen that many tabs in my life 2013:< TheAwer> very impressive _vvvv_ 2013:< BurritoBun> Haha try owning an ultrawide monitor 2013:< chugga_fan> ViktorErikJensen i've got around 30-40 on a good day 2013:< OrangeredStilton> Hm. If you type one in here now, let me see how it comes out in text 2013:< stormagnet> so much imgur and git XD 2014:< _vvvv_> Oh, that's only moderate tab usage for me. 2014:< stormagnet> _vvvv_ that looks rad 2014:< _vvvv_> Really gets bad sometimes, I have a problem. 2014:< stormagnet> lol 2014:< chugga_fan> "Unicode is considered spam" fuck that thing 2014:< Lanulus> Most unicode is spam though 2014:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_, i've had over 100 tabs open in 3 different windows on chrome 2015:< _vvvv_> chugga_fan yeah, I feel you <3 2015:< chugga_fan> Lanulus orly now? never knew that stuff like RTL characters could be spam 2015:< Name0fTheUser> chugga_fan my filters let through unicode just fine ;) 2015:< chugga_fan> was talking to _vvvv_ there 2015:< Lanulus> Sure, you can use them to evade spam filters 2016:< _vvvv_> chugga_fan people were spamming the glitch text that overlapped everyone else's text and is hard to filter out for users. 2016:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_ it's called zalgo, and yhea, i guess 2016:< _vvvv_> 4Head 2017:< OrangeredStilton> Ah, that's how it looks? That's not terribly spammish 2017:< chugga_fan> gimme a minute while i find a U+202e char 2017:< Lanulus> It's not just zalgo either. People abuse other character sets for text effects and use them to spam chat. Blocking unicode filters a lot. 2018:< Broodoobob> I miss my days of bypassing twitch's naive ascii-art-block filters with zero-width spaces 2019:< chugga_fan> Broodoobob wait that's a thing? 2019:< Broodoobob> is whitelisting unicode ranges a thing? 2019:< Broodoobob> it used to be lol 2019:< Lanulus> Probably, but it'd be a tremendous pain in the ass 2019:< stormagnet> I've got Unicode re-enabled, and with other filters going I've had no probs 2019:< stormagnet> also: Nice Kappa _vvvv_ :D 2019:< Broodoobob> seems like this ought to be a solved problem 2020:< Broodoobob> honestly though just muting people seems effective enough 2020:< Lanulus> stormagnet I'm not blocking a lot of non-ASCII text right now, but it was a ton before 2020:< stormagnet> Broodoobob that's the only way I weathered Kufikumu at all 2020:< _vvvv_> We could consider turning it back on by default and having it check to turn off. 2020:< Broodoobob> hehe 2020:< _vvvv_> If you think that is best, we can chat abt it. 2020:< chugga_fan> OH MAN, i was googling the RTL character and found the explain XKCD 2020:< jayman419> No good comes from non-ascii text. 2020:< stormagnet> Lanulus oh word, I do know what you mean 2021:< chugga_fan> someone on the explainXKCD website did an RTL character on the talk page 2021:< stormagnet> Lanulus wormholes to the 6th world all over the damn place 2022:< stormagnet> jayman419 I was hoping to get a Japanaese conversation channel going in JP/ 2022:< Daegalus> stormagnet you can probably pull request the feature to support that 2022:< stormagnet> Daegalus it's working now :D 2022:< Deathly809> Hmmm seems the RateLimit is server side, oh well 2023:< stormagnet> Daegalus as long as folks check the enable Unicode box 2023:< chugga_fan> ‮is this backwards for you guys or can you not see it? 2024:< chugga_fan> anyone saw the message i just sent? 2024:< Broodoobob> didn't see it 2024:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Came through for me (though it threw my IRC client out by one char) 2024:< stormagnet> or did it get disenabled again last night? I haven't updated since I went to sleed ^^; 2024:< chugga_fan> lol 2024:< stormagnet> sleep 2024:< stormagnet> chugga_fan I did 2024:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton like what i sent? 2024:< Daegalus> its still there stomagnet but it might be beter to have a more specific allowance? like Allow JP or something 2025:< Broodoobob> I'm running an ancient plugin version now lol, brb 2025:< TeaBagTwat> Test 2025:< OrangeredStilton> ‮is this backwards for you guys or can you not see it? 2025:< Broodoobob> 2.06 kek 2025:< OrangeredStilton> It's very difficult to edit that :D 2025:< chugga_fan> ‮this is just for trolling people in main chat now about how i type backwards >:D 2025:< stormagnet> Daegalus dunno if that's necessary, really- we were talking earlier about maybe enabling Unicode but restricting the char range to exclude 2026:< stormagnet> Daegalus combining diacritic chars 2026:< TeaBagTwat> Guys do you work on the robin grow plugins 2026:< chugga_fan> does the RTL char not work for your IRC client OrangeredStilton 2026:< Daegalus> stormagnet, ya that coudl work, or strange symbols, only allow language character ranges, like JP, KR, CH, Cyrillic, etc 2026:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat that's this channel all right :D 2026:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: It's a text terminal, so all it can do is fall over in a heap 2027:< _vvvv_> TeaBagTwat sort of 2027:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton, so it throws a tiny error? idr shit with heap, even though i develop console programs XD 2027:< stormagnet> Daegalus honestly, it's really just the stuff that crawls off line that's spammy- and that can be blocked by blocking the combining range 2027:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2027:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: The tiniest of errors: it pushes my right-hand bar out by one character for the lines where it shows up 2028:< TeaBagTwat> @stormagnet HELLO AGAIN! Love the new update but it it possible to only view a single channel and not automatically add the channel... 2028:< The_PBR> shoutout to all the computer peeps tah allow me to auto vote! 2028:< TeaBagTwat> symbol at the start of the message 2028:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat hello to you too :3 2028:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat and yes- go to settings and uncheck prepend 2028:< TheAwer> TeaBagTwat why would you want that? And maybe add a blank channel to the list and set that as default? 2028:< TheAwer> or that 2028:< chugga_fan> anyone here want to work on the automatic leaderboard? 2029:< _vvvv_> TeaBagTwat Prepend is removed. Make your filter ,^ 2029:< TheAwer> the monstrouswhatever one? 2029:< chugga_fan> because i think i needs tiers added to it 2029:< TheAwer> I recommend adding the tier somehow but can't help 2029:< _vvvv_> or whatever you want the channel to ne, just but blank and comma before it. 2029:< OrangeredStilton> So here's a question I had. Robin messages are limited to 140 characters, but IRC messages can go all the way up to 512. If I type a very long message (longer than Robin would allow), how much of it do you see? 2029:< dashed> _vvvv_ im gonna go sleep for abit 2029:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat I'm actually considering doing it myself- I've developed muscle memory for adding channel codes now 2029:< _vvvv_> ok dashed. Sleep well. 2029:< _vvvv_> Thanks for everything :) 2029:< OrangeredStilton> Did my last message get cut off anywhere? 2029:< stormagnet> ^ TeaBagTwat and with prepend I keep having to go back and delete them 2029:< chugga_fan> TheAwer i want that added aswell 2029:< TeaBagTwat> @stormagnet the new update removed it... Im practicing making a bot on a channel but the symbol messes it up 2029:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton didn't see it at all 2029:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat pfft case in point 2030:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Nice. I was asking how long I can take a Robin tweet; obviously past 140 it's just not delivered 2030:< stormagnet> TeaBagTwat aahhh- I just woke up, so I have catching up to do :P 2030:< _vvvv_> You can currently make no prepend by making your channel list start with a comma. 2031:< TeaBagTwat> @_vvvv_ That worked thanks 2031:< _vvvv_> yw 2034:< _vvvv_> BabyRage 2034:< Broodoobob> SwiftRage 2037:< ArcOfDream> Looks like someone just died trying. 2037:< _vvvv_> and here I am still trying to get rich 2037:< Broodoobob> 3020 2037:< Broodoobob> kind of a nice number 2043:< _vvvv_> kieran6383 you need to add more channels. Each channel is a different color 2043:< _vvvv_> kieran6383 use ^,%chat in your filter --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:44:18 2016 2044:< _vvvv_> nice :) 2044:< MegaZeus101> I use ^, penis/, <, %mh, !nl 2044:< MegaZeus101> % chat is just spam imo 2045:< TheAwer> what is < ? 2046:< MegaZeus101> It's mostly dead, but every now and again a chat pops up. 2046:< OrangeredStilton> < was a short-lived alterative of % 2046:< OrangeredStilton> I haven't seen it around in a long time now 2046:< MegaZeus101> True, but I keep it there anyways 2047:< MegaZeus101> Decalance, it's a filter 2052:< _vvvv_> what is nl for? 2052:< Broodoobob> netherlands 2052:< flex0> Netherlands 2052:< OrangeredStilton> Nederlander. 2052:< flex0> but maybe nigglets as well 2052:< _vvvv_> ohh ok 2052:< pandersson97> hey, this is scriptkiddie chat right? is it dead? 2052:< _vvvv_> yeah dead scriptkiddies 2052:< Broodoobob> only zombie scriptkiddies 2053:< Broodoobob> braiinnsss 2053:< _vvvv_> teach us javascript please 2053:< pandersson97> trivia and rpg is getting old, we need something new gaiis 2053:< _vvvv_> I saw a book on java last year so it should be the same basically.. right??? 2053:< chugga_fan> javascript is developed by oracle and microsoft 2054:< chugga_fan> it's basically a fucking ugly child of F# and java 2054:< Broodoobob> I think so yeah I mean presumably script means you write it with a fountain pen 2054:< stormagnet> you guys just made me laugh so hard that I had to copypasta into Slack to explain 2054:< pandersson97> okay nvm it's shitpost land I get it 2054:< _vvvv_> hahaha 2054:< chugga_fan> this isn't shitpost land 2055:< chugga_fan> i'm actually being serious, but yhea most people here are talking about scripting 2055:< sexualrhinoceros> ,%chatRIP 2055:< chugga_fan> found the asshole 2055:< _vvvv_> 4Head 2055:< pandersson97> nice 2056:< chugga_fan> %chat do you guys in %chat see this? wanna double check that, tell me in ^ please 2056:< Broodoobob> I see you in ^ 2056:< pandersson97> would you play Robin plays Zork? 2056:< chugga_fan> i know that Broodoobob 2056:< _vvvv_> No, people in %chat do not see it. 2056:< chugga_fan> pandersson97 let's do robin plays pokemon 2056:< _vvvv_> you have to select your channel to send to in the dropdown. 2056:< chugga_fan> kk _vvvv_ 2057:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_ i'm using robin-grow the original 2057:< _vvvv_> ok, can't help you really then 2057:< Broodoobob> ew Kappa 2057:< chugga_fan> not the newest update at all 2057:< stormagnet> psst Daegalus OrangeredStilton go comment in https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d9xfp/wip_modified_robingrow_fork/ 2057:< chugga_fan> actually, it works great esp. since the guy was in our chat the entire time with us 2057:< stormagnet> I ain't gilded you yet 2057:< pandersson97> Okay, so people would be interested in pokemon text battling? 2057:< chugga_fan> GUYS 2058:< chugga_fan> WE'RE GETTING TO T17 TODAY 2058:< Broodoobob> I am hype 2058:< stormagnet> chugga_fan WORD THO 2058:< Wingnut233> Srsly? 2058:< chugga_fan> WUTWUTWUT, THERE'S 1 FOR EACH TIER NOW 2058:< Daegalus> stormagnet done 2058:< chugga_fan> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2058:< pandersson97> tier 15 is missing :( 2058:< chugga_fan> nvm, t15 needed 2058:< Broodoobob> lol 2058:< chugga_fan> but we're GETTING THERE SOON! that's what matters! 2058:< Broodoobob> yeah that's a bit of an issue 2059:< pandersson97> tier 14 has been real fast since the merge yesterday tho 2059:< chugga_fan> for each tier except tier and two you only need that tier's number -1 people to get to it about 2100:< chugga_fan> iirc, if you had to have 2 people in each chat you would need that tier*2 people 2100:< pandersson97> #t17IWantToBelieve 2100:< Broodoobob> I went from being in a brand new chat to here in less than 8 hours 2100:< Broodoobob> a couple nights ago 2100:< Broodoobob> I got really lucky to get in so fast I think 2100:< chugga_fan> there was a 4401 chat that did that 2101:< pandersson97> yeah, I was straight merging to sokuku without any mergatory. shit's been crazy 2101:< _vvvv_> People are using a lot of bots on @ channel in other rooms 2101:< mattpowelluk> for a future update could there be a way to fast switch between chat filters? maybe a drop down bar like the 'send chat to' one. thanks 2101:< chugga_fan> pandersson97 you suck, i waited over 24 hours for this 2101:< Broodoobob> I really look forward to the merge 2102:< Broodoobob> we've gotten all used to our channels now 2102:< _vvvv_> mattpowelluk interesting suggestion. 2102:< pandersson97> why did kufi fall btw? Was it kicked? People had to be using robingrow or sth 2102:< Broodoobob> it's gonna be total chaos 2102:< Daegalus> mattpowelluk thats coming in the future in the form of tabs 2102:< Broodoobob> that's an interesting alternative to tabs 2102:< _vvvv_> pandersson97 there was an issue with robin-grow and reddit failed. 2102:< pandersson97> chugga, I fell you now fam 2102:< stormagnet> Death by 503. RIP Kufikumu. 2102:< mattpowelluk> thank you _vvvv_ 2102:< pandersson97> yikes, let's just hope for no crashing til the merge then 2102:< chugga_fan> stormagnet RIP 2103:< Broodoobob> the scripts now are mostly 503-proof, right? 2103:< mattpowelluk> cheers for the update Daegalus 2103:< stormagnet> yup 2103:< pandersson97> chat frooze earlier today if any of you were here for it 2103:< _vvvv_> I haven't had any issues with 503, been online fine for days. 2103:< _vvvv_> Yeah the chat freeze was weird, reddit stopped serving a file. 2104:< pandersson97> But it didn't crash, so they fixed rebooting since kufi I assume? 2104:< chugga_fan> there's a cancerous t6 chat coming on up our way 2104:< _vvvv_> It's hard to account for everything that could go wrong, but it has been improved. 2105:< pandersson97> nice 2106:< pandersson97> klkk 2107:< barnytan> %chat grow 2107:< pandersson97> Man I can't wait for that t6 squid cancer to get here 2110:< _vvvv_> test 2110:< chugga_fan> say the test 2110:< _vvvv_> missing a char? 2110:< chugga_fan> is there any char before or after test? 2111:< _vvvv_> it should say test not est 2111:< chugga_fan> says test 2111:< _vvvv_> ty 2111:< BurritoBun> it says test for me 2111:< _vvvv_> display bug in tab branch 2112:< chugga_fan> anyone else here knows c#? 2112:< NuOfBelthasar> I've coded a bunch in C#. What's the question? 2112:< svlad> Is tabs-take2 still under development? 2113:< chugga_fan> Was wondering if you could look over some of my code and suggest improvements NuOfBelthasar 2113:< chugga_fan> Mostly i need to figure out multithreading and the like 2113:< chugga_fan> https://github.com/chuggafan/Prime-Search is it 2113:< NuOfBelthasar> Ah. Gotta work at the moment, but if it's not time sensitive I can check it out tonight. :-) 2114:< chugga_fan> nah, not at all 2114:< chugga_fan> It's basically been my side project for a few months that i want to get work done on but the things i want to do I don't know how to 2116:< Broodoobob> I wish the "hide voting panel" was a "lock voting panel" instead 2116:< Broodoobob> so the buttons were unresponsive but still visible 2121:< ZeoFateX> test 2121:< _vvvv_> Hey 2122:< agoodusernameithink> I heard this was dev chat! 2122:< JarnabyBones> is this dev chat? 2122:< Lolzep> Ay people 2122:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and spam the chat, follow for John Cena! raid is ON! 2122:< _vvvv_> This is furry rp chat 2122:< _vvvv_> Jk dev chat yes 2122:< agoodusernameithink> Nice 2122:< JarnabyBones> I installed parrot, and now everything is plaintext and no clickable links. 2122:< JarnabyBones> help me obi wan 2122:< Broodoobob> probably conflicting with something. do you have any other scripts on/ 2122:< Lolzep> My parrot has the original font and links are clickable 2123:< JarnabyBones> a disabled older robin grow, nothing else, firefox, mac 2123:< chugga_fan> _vvvv_ THIS IS THE CHAT OF FLESHY ORGANISMS WHO ARE 100% NOT ROBOTS 2123:< Lolzep> I put in the original font 2123:< chugga_fan> BEEP BOOP 2123:< ZeoFateX> can we get control + click or shift + click to open the /u/ page? 2123:< _vvvv_> We changed the font, do you hate it? 2123:< Lolzep> Not a fan of console font :T 2123:< _vvvv_> It helps with width formatting. Are colors working for you at least? 2123:< Lolzep> Colors are fine 2123:< Broodoobob> yeah the font is meh 2123:< MegaZeus101> I'd agree 2123:< Lolzep> You should add an option or something 2123:< _vvvv_> Ok guys I will add a font control option 2124:< JarnabyBones> it feels out of date I guess. I like the more normal fonts now. 2124:< _vvvv_> Your wish is my command. 2124:< Broodoobob> tytyty vvvv 2124:< MegaZeus101> ^ 2124:< Lolzep> I just think it is unreadable 2124:< JarnabyBones> awww 2124:< Broodoobob> you are a god I bow to you 2124:< _vvvv_> As for links does this work http://www.google.com 2124:< chugga_fan> lol, i've spent too much time at console 2124:< Lolzep> Yes 2124:< _vvvv_> Links are working for me. 2124:< JarnabyBones> yeah, google works. probably user error then. 2124:< chugga_fan> i've spent enough time in windows command prompt i memorized most of the commands and made a working .bat the first try 2124:< djcraze> Traitor 2124:< zacketysack> Just want to chime in and say that I absolutely love the fixed width font, but I could live with a more readable one :) 2124:< _vvvv_> Ok 2125:< JarnabyBones> yeah, it's not readable...that's a better discussion than whether it's nice. 2125:< _vvvv_> I love the fixed width too but I can add an input for people. It has been requested before. 2125:< JarnabyBones> could it be a toggle? 2125:< _vvvv_> Yes just give me a little while. will do this for you. 2126:< Broodoobob> hmmm... CL 2126:< JarnabyBones> wow. that's incredible! Thank you! 2126:< codedit> _vvvv_ I have a tiny feature suggestion, where should I leave it? 2126:< JarnabyBones> _vvvv_ I think your work is making Robin an amazing place. Thank you! 2127:< _vvvv_> github suggestion, or our piratepad. your choice 2127:< Broodoobob> _vvvv_ you've made a huge contribution to robin as a whole, thank you 2127:< codedit> ah I missed the piratepad 2127:< codedit> too lazy to log in to my github account ;p 2127:< Broodoobob> of course that goes to all of the other devs too 2127:< _vvvv_> It's not just me! We've got a team! :) But thank you 2128:< JarnabyBones> _vvvv_ absolutely, this is transforming into a fascinating global social experiment now that the chat can be managed. 2128:< _vvvv_> Tabbed chat is in the works. 2128:< MegaZeus101> oh sweet 2129:< JarnabyBones> _vvvv_ that would be unreal. I seriously hope Reddit keeps this sidekick around past the 8th. 2129:< MegaZeus101> yeah 2129:< MegaZeus101> me too 2129:< chugga_fan> unrelated: i think i found the most brutally savage comment ever 2129:< JarnabyBones> I think Robin is a bigger deal as a communication tool than people realize 2129:< JarnabyBones> think about tracking emergencies, or sports, or politics. 2129:< chugga_fan> https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4dbfu9/beamdog_dev_on_steam_forums_we_pretty_quickly/d1pe4z1 that comment is just rekt 2130:< chugga_fan> it's high up, but it's fucking amazing either way 2130:< JarnabyBones> or just having fun even. The internet is in real time again. 2130:< JarnabyBones> yeah, this is a big one I think. 2130:< codedit> It's amazing how robin went from a super bare bones chat system to something semi-usable thanks to all these scripts 2130:< MegaZeus101> Okay, I'm going back to Mass Effect; Peace! 2131:< JarnabyBones> and in 3 days 2131:< TopicallyDifferent> oh no you're a gator with soggy knees chugga_fan 2131:< TopicallyDifferent> however shall we doooooooooooooooooo 2131:< JarnabyBones> they talk about collective organizing on the internet is like herding cats...well the cats have been herded. 2131:< chugga_fan> TopicallyDifferent i'm also physcic 2131:< JarnabyBones> the way the rooms stablilize and merge is just brilliant for fostering community. 2132:< JarnabyBones> and now with stable scripts the rooms are almost permanent 2132:< JarnabyBones> it's soo cool. better than IRC. 2132:< codedit> woah lets not exaggerate here 2132:< TopicallyDifferent> what the hell is even beandog chugga_fan 2132:< TopicallyDifferent> I haven't been following gamergate in a year 2132:< Broodoobob> the channels are stable now 2133:< Broodoobob> but when we merge.... 2133:< Broodoobob> all bets are off 2133:< chugga_fan> beandog? tf, forget 2133:< JarnabyBones> it will be wild. The bots will overwhelm 2133:< chugga_fan> oh yhea, it's a game 2133:< JarnabyBones> I have an alt in the 1k room that's waiting. It's a similar, but different culture. 2134:< chugga_fan> DnD game that just got a trans character shoehorned in for no reason with terrible writing 2134:< JarnabyBones> different conversation tags and such 2134:< TeaBagTwat> link to parrot? 2134:< chugga_fan> http://archive.is/0kbpi this one is from the beandog forums, the savagrey the DnD community has 2134:< TopicallyDifferent> right, so standard stuff, people complain, immediately get tagged as gamergate? 2135:< Broodoobob> parrot https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2135:< TeaBagTwat> thanks 2135:< chugga_fan> TopicallyDifferent not quite, most were bitching about how it was also fucking SHITTY writing, then that happened in the steam reveiws 2138:< KrystallAnn> A font drop down wouldn't be all that hard to implement, I can start working on it now 2138:< MegaZeus101> Ya know, I have a feeling there's going to be a large culture class when we next merge; like, larger than the one we had here. 2138:< Broodoobob> I think vvvv is working on it 2139:< KrystallAnn> Okay, not sure if he's doing the tabbed chats right now :) Just thought he could use some help 2139:< Broodoobob> definitely. ask him when he gets back :3 2139:< _vvvv_> hey 2140:< KrystallAnn> I said I could work on a font drop down if you're not already working on it 2140:< KrystallAnn> I might switch my refresh to 3 minutes instead of 1.. 2141:< TopicallyDifferent> You can switch it to 5 or 10 too 2142:< codedit> I have mine set to 5, works much better 2142:< _vvvv_> hold on broke my parrot 2142:< codedit> that was also my feature suggestion 2144:< _vvvv_> Ok back 2144:< lost_penguin> Hey guys, I slept for a couple of hours. 2144:< _vvvv_> test 2144:< touyajp> so are we at 24h+ yet? then i'll add the ongoing record 2144:< lost_penguin> Or new plan? 2145:< _vvvv_> test 2 2145:< touyajp> oh wrong chat 2145:< KernelSnuffy> :o 2145:< touyajp> or is it 2146:< _vvvv_> I have adjustable fonts working, but it's a text input (not a dropdown) --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:51:41 2016 2151:< _vvvv_> BurritoBun https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2151:< KrystallAnn> test 2152:< _vvvv_> It's called Parrot, it's an improved fork of robin-grow developed by us here in ^ 2152:< BurritoBun> Thanks man! I actually just found it, and I it's pretty nice. 2152:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ Did anyone do anything with the tabbed channel code? 2152:< lost_penguin> Looks like the pull request still sitting there... 2152:< BurritoBun> Wish I knew how to code.. I'm just a sysadmin scrub. 2153:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin we love it. Daegalus is going to get it integrated after he gets out of work. 2153:< lost_penguin> Oh ok cool. 2153:< chugga_fan> just broke the wolfram alpha bot 2153:< KernelSnuffy> _vvvv_ what ended up being the implementation? multiple instances of the chat window with one main data stream + different filters? 2153:< stormagnet> chugga_fan lol what did you try to make it do?! 2154:< chugga_fan> make it computer 2^10129-1 2154:< KrystallAnn> probably because I was typing at the same time 2154:< TopicallyDifferent> poor bot 2154:< _vvvv_> KernelSnuffy https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/pull/28 2155:< lost_penguin> KernelSnuffy There's a tab for each of your configured channels. Then a General tab for everything else. 2155:< MegaZeus101> Oi, where's the parrot link 2155:< KernelSnuffy> that sounds sweet- i was theorizing about something like that yesterday but my JS is too shitty (c dev here lol) 2155:< chugga_fan> I can do a tinny bit of c 2155:< KernelSnuffy> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2156:< KernelSnuffy> is the parrot link 2156:< Broodoobob> c is practically all I do these days 2156:< chugga_fan> I mostly do c# 2156:< KernelSnuffy> c is love, c is life 2156:< MegaZeus101> thank you very much; just hooked a guy up w/ it 2156:< lost_penguin> Haha I'm a c# dev myself. But I somehow managed to hack it together :) 2156:< chugga_fan> lost_penguin wanna help me on a little project? 2157:< lost_penguin> chugga_fan maybe, I gotta have a shower etc soon though. 2157:< lost_penguin> It's morning here. 2157:< chugga_fan> i really just need to get some help with multithreading https://github.com/chuggafan/Prime-Search 2157:< chugga_fan> it's not important atm, and the people over at stackoverflow complicate shit too much 2159:< lost_penguin> Is there a specific bug? 2202:< MegaZeus101> Refreshed 2202:< lost_penguin> Help with multithreading is a tad vague! 2202:< lost_penguin> I'll be back in a little bit. Showering etc... 2207:< KrystallAnn> ratelimit --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:52 2016 2213:< Curly-Mo> Got any thoughts on a way to notify everyone when the merge happens or is about to happen? 2215:< pandersson97> any1 interested in making a better trivia game? 2216:< beyrevra> what did you have in mind? 2216:< beyrevra> my jscript is honestly total shit 2216:< _vvvv_> could write a bot to PM people who sign up 2217:< _vvvv_> and if you have res or something you could check from mobile 2217:< bales75> does Parrot not have the chat channel bg coloring? 2217:< ownage516> Yo _vvvv_ 2217:< pandersson97> I was thinking about an app with an extension on user side to allow verification and hiding the chat between questions and answers etc 2217:< pandersson97> @_vvvv_ something like that 2218:< _vvvv_> bales75 Parrot has chat channel bg coloring, yes. 2218:< pandersson97> My javascript is subpar tho and I'd think you need some frame work besides js to make it work 2218:< _vvvv_> pandersson97 for trivia? 2218:< pandersson97> yeh 2218:< ownage516> Yo guys who made Parrot, I have something special for you guys and I think you might like it. 2219:< beyrevra> nah you could dink it together in js I'd think 2219:< ownage516> http://i.imgur.com/4urulYB.gifv 2219:< ownage516> ^Tabbed support 2219:< _vvvv_> hiding chat between question and answer would be easy as long as the trivia bot devs didn't change output. 2219:< Curly-Mo> that is nice 2219:< beyrevra> god damn ownage516 that's awesome 2219:< Jayy-> nice 2219:< ownage516> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d8dlp/guide_20_list_of_most_known_scripts_and_how_to_be/d1pwu1z?context=3 2219:< Curly-Mo> could the tabs flash if a message appears in them? 2220:< ownage516> That's the guy who made it. I saw it and thought I would show it to you guys 2220:< _vvvv_> thx ownage516 2220:< TeaBagTwat> Holy crap that's cool 2220:< _vvvv_> we have something similar being cooked too :) 2220:< ownage516> Anytime 2220:< NuOfBelthasar> Nicely done, ownage516 2220:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, that look fantastic. Blows my irc server out the water 2220:< beyrevra> yeah you'd just change the color of that css element on the chat event 2220:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/pull/28 2220:< pandersson97> @_vvvv_ yeah, that'd be nice for starters and maybe a script you'd need to download to use this new trivia game 2221:< MegaZeus101> Did the font drop down ever happen? 2221:< bales75> wow that tabbed chat is awesome... 2222:< _vvvv_> MegaZeus101 it's not a dropdown, it's a text entry, but yes 2222:< MegaZeus101> Link pls 2222:< _vvvv_> you can type in whatever font you want. 2222:< Daegalus> ya, we have a solution brewing, plus mergin that persons tab code will be harder, as its on a completely different code base 2223:< mythriz> I just made a quick hack using another script that already supported quickly switching between filters 2224:< TeaBagTwat> Yay. I changed the font, but that would be way easier 2224:< Daegalus> thats totally cool mythriz, its awesome work. just saying it will be harder to merge than the one thats pull requested to us now 2224:< Daegalus> it works, just needs a few bug fixes 2226:< MegaZeus101> Can I have a link to the newest version? 2226:< _vvvv_> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2227:< MegaZeus101> Cool, thanks 2227:< _vvvv_> Brb for a minute people 2227:< pandersson97> I'm noob with github, it doesn't work :( --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:28:34 2016 2228:< MegaZeus101> lol use Webdings 2228:< pandersson97> it's not as flashy as the pics with tabs doe 2229:< pandersson97> and the chat is real wacky 2229:< Broodoobob> webdings oh man that takes me back 2229:< MegaZeus101> Perfect 2229:< pandersson97> hey, now it kinda works 2229:< MegaZeus101> Just chillin' with some Papyrus. 2230:< pandersson97> so the tabbed chat wasn't with this version? 2230:< MegaZeus101> test 2231:< pandersson97> this is like robin grow 2.0 2231:< MegaZeus101> yeah m8 2232:< pandersson97> the multi-channel functionality is nice 2232:< ownage516> Well you have like 5 people working on this one script, so it's not surpising. 2232:< pandersson97> I hate that I have to click on a list to select channel tho 2232:< Jayy-> I feel like the list should just be indivigual buttons for each one 2233:< MegaZeus101> Found my fav: Book Antiqua 2233:< pandersson97> yeh, or just use tab or arrow keys or sth 2234:< stormagnet> MegaZeus101 yeah BookAntiqua is pretty 2234:< pandersson97> this font is wacky Mega :) 2234:< pandersson97> #HelveticaMaterrace 2235:< _vvvv_> test 2235:< Jayy-> i just use reddits font 2235:< KrystallAnn> fonts are working for you all? 2235:< pandersson97> yeh 2235:< Jayy-> verdanaverdana 2235:< MegaZeus101> ye 2235:< Jayy-> whoops double type 2235:< TeaBagTwat> Agreed #HelveticaMaterrace 2235:< KrystallAnn> Hmmm, it's not for me. 2236:< MegaZeus101> test 2236:< pandersson97> are you using a valid font, KrystallAnn? 2236:< MegaZeus101> Nah, like Book Antiqua over Helvetica. 2236:< MegaZeus101> Much better. 2236:< KrystallAnn> Yes, even the ones they're saying aren't working 2237:< pandersson97> that sucks ;( 2237:< TeaBagTwat> Yay Roboto works because chrome 2237:< pandersson97> robotorobotoroboto 2237:< TeaBagTwat> test 2237:< pandersson97> funky 2238:< OrangeredStilton> This is a little disturbing, actually. You can't tell that this isn't an IRC: http://i.imgur.com/UX2X73A.png 2238:< pandersson97> nice :D 2239:< MegaZeus101> wow, you're right 2239:< pandersson97> I hope they decide to implement this after the 8th, it's much livelier than most subreddit IRC 2239:< MegaZeus101> I would agree, though I'm worried it will die out 2240:< OrangeredStilton> If we had a Robin in the sidebar of every sub, I'd be in them all day 2240:< MegaZeus101> That would be hard to implement, but it could be done. 2240:< OrangeredStilton> After all, when the sub says "302 here right now", it knows who those people are 2240:< _vvvv_> test 2241:< OrangeredStilton> _vvvv_: hai 2241:< _vvvv_> hey 2241:< _vvvv_> almost have tabs working 2241:< _vvvv_> one more issue to sort out 2241:< OrangeredStilton> Hacker. I took inspiration from the tabs idea to tab up my IRC 2241:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ oh did you get started without me? coolio! 2241:< MegaZeus101> Quick question: how do I get the name autocomplete to go through? 2241:< pandersson97> I need sleep, happy coding gaiis. gl with the tabs :) 2242:< _vvvv_> Daegalus You'll probably want to clean it up :) I'm just getting it working. 2242:< MegaZeus101> Read: to actually happen? 2242:< _vvvv_> Type the first letter of someone's name and press tab 2242:< MegaZeus101> Ah, thank you. 2242:< OrangeredStilton> MegaZeus101: I completed your name with "Mega" 2242:< OrangeredStilton> Note, it's case-sensitive in the standard Robin client 2242:< Daegalus> _vvvv_ totally, I'll probably reskin the tabs so they look like the rest of robin, but if you can get it to the people sooner, awesome 2245:< _vvvv_> test 2246:< OrangeredStilton> Hm. One thing I noticed, I can't tell when my messages get rate-limited 2250:< AviN456> anyone else having an issue where the page keeps refreshing? 2252:< lost_penguin> I removed some old code from my branch (minizium) since it no longer did anything useful when tabbed channels is used. 2252:< KrystallAnn> this is how my font looks: http://i.imgur.com/x3o4khA.png 2252:< lost_penguin> AviN456 Yeah I was getting that, I commented out the auto-reload line till someone sorts it out. 2253:< MegaZeus101> Hey guys, figured you might want some music to listen to, especiall you _vvvv_ 2253:< Daegalus> AviN456 are you using the tabbed code? 2253:< _vvvv_> lost_penguin 2254:< MegaZeus101> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFLOh44P5z0&index=281&list=PLRZ_4l8Y_oD3iYqMupdPUZMDFc1C-mKcD 2254:< _vvvv_> Can you help for a second? I'm fixing something with your code.. almost ready to go. 2254:< AviN456> yes Daegalus 2254:< lost_penguin> Sure.. 2254:< AviN456> i'm guessing this is the offending line: window.location.reload(); // reload if we haven't seen any activity in a minute. 2254:< Daegalus> thats because the Refresh check does not check all the tabs, but only general or something, if you have filters on, general gets no msgs 2254:< _vvvv_> How does moveChannelMessage delete the message from General? I'm missing something because it looks like it should duplicate. 2254:< Daegalus> so it refreshesso it refreshes 2254:< AviN456> yeah 2255:< Daegalus> the refresh code just needs to check all chatboxes. 2255:< AviN456> indeed 2255:< AviN456> is a fix in the works? 2255:< AviN456> otherwise i'll write one later 2255:< Daegalus> not by me, but _vvvv_ might have already done so 2255:< Daegalus> check with him 2255:< AviN456> _vvvv_ poke poke 2255:< Daegalus> hes currently working on it 2256:< lost_penguin> http://imgur.com/iiSipqo <-- screenshot of my tabbed channels. 2256:< AviN456> ok 2256:< ArcOfDream> %chat I've been wondering if there have been any other tools to make retro-style music with. 2256:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ I think it just changes the parent in the DOM. 2256:< AviN456> lost_penguin, nice 2257:< AviN456> i'd get rid of "Room" before each channel though 2257:< KrystallAnn> Add extra spacing though to keep the tabs a decent size 2257:< touyajp> hello parrot people 2257:< Annon201> ArcOfDream: whatever you can make sound with, all the way from circuit bending cheap childrens toys, 80s keyboads/synths _ 2257:< lost_penguin> AviN456 Yeah someone needs to make the css prettier. I jsut put hte word Room there to make the tabs bigger. 2257:< IceyMocha> why are paramedics such assholes???? I just want to knock them out every time i see them 2257:< AviN456> oh 2258:< Broodoobob> hello fellow parrot person 2258:< Daegalus> I plan to redo the tabs using the Addon class to make them look like all other buttons on the UI, it will add padding KrystallAnn 2258:< Annon201> proper analog synths, homebrew on almost every platform 2258:< KrystallAnn> Nice :) 2258:< AviN456> IceyMocha the problem is probably you 2258:< Daegalus> I will do them when i get off work 2258:< NuOfBelthasar> Oh, geez, I didn't realize how out-of-date my client was. 2258:< MegaZeus101> If I may; 2258:< NuOfBelthasar> And justification. 2259:< MegaZeus101> Can you include an option to not use the tabs? 2259:< IceyMocha> all my mates hate fucking ambulance drivers too its not just me 2259:< MegaZeus101> I rather like it all together 2259:< AviN456> IceyMocha, then the problem is you and your mates 2259:< touyajp> how do you roll back to the previous parrot version? i have the chat-does-not-scroll issue and dont need twitch stuff 2259:< MegaZeus101> update it; it'll fox it 2259:< IceyMocha> cant be 2259:< MegaZeus101> *fix 2259:< Daegalus> touyajp i think if you update it will fix 2259:< touyajp> i just installed it 2300:< touyajp> no updates and bug remains 2300:< MegaZeus101> If I may _vvvv_; Can you include an option to not use the tabs? I rather like it all together. 2300:< MegaZeus101> ER, _vvvv_ 2300:< MegaZeus101> there 2300:< AviN456> I think that's the "General" tab 2300:< KrystallAnn> Am I the only one with the font issues? Hmm.. I'll uninstall and reinstall completely. Not sure why it would only apply to me. 2300:< touyajp> i think the problem is that i use more than standard zoom 2300:< touyajp> parrot doesn't like that 2300:< lost_penguin> MegaZeus101 If you don't specify any channels, everything goes to General. 2300:< _vvvv_> KrystallAnn what font issues? 2301:< _vvvv_> What do you have in the font box? 2301:< KrystallAnn> _vvvv_ http://i.imgur.com/x3o4khA.png 2301:< Broodoobob> touyajp to get prior versions browse here then hit the <> button on the version you want, then hit raw 2301:< Broodoobob> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/commits/master/robin.user.js 2301:< MegaZeus101> No, I have particular filters, but I don't want seperate tabs for them. 2301:< touyajp> Broodoobob which one should i get 2301:< NuOfBelthasar> Yeah, I think I might prefer viewing all, too. Tabs are great, just needs a checkbox. 2301:< _vvvv_> Is Book Antiqua available to you? 2301:< Broodoobob> not a clue xD 2301:< _vvvv_> Try Arial 2301:< touyajp> heh 2301:< MegaZeus101> yea 2301:< KrystallAnn> Yes, I checked. 2302:< touyajp> ach i just ignore it. 2302:< touyajp> i don't have much time to chat anyway :p 2302:< Daegalus> Make sure your browser knows/supports it KrystalAnn, might need a browser restart 2302:< KrystallAnn> Yeah, I'll do that now. 2303:< touyajp> %chat i know what causes the scroll bug 2303:< lost_penguin> I'll be back in about 30 mins _vvvv_. 2303:< touyajp> when you have zoomed in (ctrl+) it happens 2304:< rakki9999112> you mean the one related to twitch emotes? 2304:< Broodoobob> testing on myself, I'm zoomed in now WutFace 2304:< touyajp> dunno if it's related. me and several others have the problem that sometimes the scrollbar "hangs".. so you don't see the bottom of the ch 2305:< rakki9999112> happens to me every time someone uses a kappa 2305:< touyajp> what was the last version before the twitch emotes? 2305:< Broodoobob> just one more OMGScoots 2305:< rakki9999112> no idea 2305:< touyajp> sigh 2305:< Broodoobob> yeah it's not triggering for me 2305:< Broodoobob> turning them off doesn't work? 2306:< rakki9999112> I think it does 2306:< Broodoobob> there's a checkbox to turn off emotes 2307:< QuiteMopwater> Also that may be a bug script people, I had %chat selected for that last thing about Amazon if you ended up seeing it 2307:< QuiteMopwater> Nevermind, seems to be working now 2311:< voltaek> What the fuck have you guys been up to?! 2312:< NuOfBelthasar> So much. I can't believe how much the script keeps improving. 2312:< JarnabyBones> I caught a bug in the Safari rendering 2312:< NuOfBelthasar> It's apparently "parrot" now. 2312:< Daegalus> Weeeeee, kinda went overboard, and loving it 2312:< JarnabyBones> the parrot list of users overlaps on top of the vote abandon stay and grow buttons. 2313:< voltaek> I would've gone with blue-footed booby myself, but that works 2313:< JarnabyBones> it seems like it's not in a container 2313:< Broodoobob> touyajp well I suppose 24 hours is a BIT optimistic 2313:< voltaek> JarnabyBones, I know the vartan branch pushed a change to fix that today 2314:< JarnabyBones> voltaek I just reinstalled tampermonkey and the scripts. Oh well, I know there's a lot on the plate. 2314:< voltaek> It was kind of a hack with just adding some margin-top on Safari, but I don't have Safari to test 2314:< Whitestep> anyone not seeing the merge countdown on the last parrot? 2314:< JarnabyBones> I could share screenshots or inspector code if that helps. 2315:< MegaZeus101> uh, mine says ," Waiting to Merge." 2315:< _vvvv_> It's pretty great to have such immediate user feedback. 2315:< _vvvv_> Imagine if I could get this at work @__@ 2315:< Whitestep> I don't have it 2315:< Whitestep> wha'ts the last version number? 2315:< MegaZeus101> 2.19 2316:< JarnabyBones> I've been spending off and on all day transforming my Firefox install into basically a Robin client. 2316:< Whitestep> doesn't show it 2316:< JarnabyBones> I'm having a hard time logging into Reddit 3 times in incognitio mode to put the rooms across different tabs. 2316:< JarnabyBones> but also putting kids to bed. lol. 2319:< rakki9999112> there is a chance. nobody has used that in hours 2319:< _vvvv_> Don't think so, why NuOfBelthasar 2320:< JarnabyBones> yeah, I want to see how far this scales 2320:< JarnabyBones> it's a really interesting thing happening right now too. 2321:< MegaZeus101> What? 2321:< JarnabyBones> yah this is great chat 2321:< JarnabyBones> damn, confusing channels. my bad. 2321:< NuOfBelthasar> I'm getting weird behavior after starting up an alt. 2321:< NuOfBelthasar> A lot of people see me as not voting. Even though I see myself as voted. 2321:< MegaZeus101> What's wrong 2322:< _vvvv_> Do you see yourself as voting in the list under settings? 2322:< NuOfBelthasar> "That is you" 2322:< enigmaquip> manually do /vote grow if you want to be sure 2322:< NuOfBelthasar> Yes, _vvvv_ 2322:< hagbard-celine> you appear as voting to continue to me 2323:< izacque> Do the popular scripts strip away the channel prefix from a message before displaying it highlighted? 2324:< QuiteMopwater> NuOfBelthasar: I had that problem a long time ago. One guy kept saying I didn't vote, but /tally and the others in the chat saw it fine 2325:< NuOfBelthasar> /vote grow says "that is already your vote" 2325:< NuOfBelthasar> I'm gonna wait and see if I abandon 2325:< NuOfBelthasar> izacque - parrot right justifies the names and puts the channel on the far left. It looks really clean. 2326:< QuiteMopwater> Well I made it here just fine, so hopefully that won't happen. 2328:< KrystallAnn> So, if I manually edit my font in the script it works fine. But if I use the style text box, it only works with arial 2331:< _vvvv_> I think I found a bug 2332:< MegaZeus101> _vvvv_ Can I disable the auto-refresh? 2332:< _vvvv_> Does it only work with Arial, or only work with the first one you enter 2332:< rakki9999112> MegaZeus101 what auto-refresh? 2332:< MegaZeus101> the Max messages before pruning 2333:< MegaZeus101> Default = 500 2333:< AviN456> auto-refresh and pruning are different 2333:< AviN456> if you're seeing the page refresh and clear 2333:< AviN456> that's the auto-refresh 2333:< AviN456> line 417 or so I think 2333:< MegaZeus101> Sorry, is there anyway to get rid of the prunning/ 2333:< MegaZeus101> *? 2333:< AviN456> no, but you can set it absurdly high 2334:< MegaZeus101> Done; set it to 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 2334:< voltaek> On my copy of the script I changed the auto refresh from one minute to ten minutes when there are no new messages 2335:< KrystallAnn> I changed mine to 3 minutes. 2335:< voltaek> 60000 changed to (60000 * 10) 2336:< KrystallAnn> Okay, I got it to work with all standard web safe fonts, just not working with anything else that even others were using. 2336:< _vvvv_> test 2337:< IceyMocha> i love it when the little girls ask what that feeling is cause thats when you know they are orgasming for the 1st time 2337:< _vvvv_> test2 2337:< rakki9999112> what the fuck IceyMocha 2337:< elginkevin> I was expecting Chrome to be using bunchloads of memory when I came home. Nope. 2338:< MegaZeus101> lol 2338:< KrystallAnn> Yeah, I have Icey muted :P 2338:< rakki9999112> he just said "i love it when the little girls ask what that feeling is cause thats when you know they are orgasming for the 1st time" 2338:< IceyMocha> i love to spend hours just massaging their plump little pussys 2338:< MegaZeus101> No! That's the main part of Reddit! 2339:< rakki9999112> Iceymocha you know you can get in-room reported right 2339:< IceyMocha> thats a myth rakki 2339:< rakki9999112> nope 2339:< IceyMocha> prove it 2339:< NuOfBelthasar> Anyone in the dev channel work at reddit? If I ask, you have to be honest. It's the law. 2340:< lost_penguin> NuOfBelthasar Probably not. But they may be watching everything that goes on here for fun.... 2340:< IceyMocha> see you can't because its bullshit 2340:< rakki9999112> Iceymocha I just reported you m8y 2341:< rakki9999112> "Report a content policy violation" on the right under the namelist 2341:< IceyMocha> sure you did ;) 2341:< rakki9999112> Why would I not, you pathetic sack of shit? 2341:< rakki9999112> one more reply before i mute you, go on 2342:< NuOfBelthasar> /tally 2342:< IceyMocha> i was born this way. attracted to little girls. it will be legal one day just like homosexuality is now legal 2342:< NuOfBelthasar> btw, we either need a NULL option in the "Send chat to" option, so we can use /commands. O/w auto reformat /commands. 2342:< _vvvv_> test 2342:< KrystallAnn> I don't know why it won't work. I'll just use Arial 2343:< _vvvv_> test2 2343:< IceyMocha> one day the world will wake up and see how unfairly we have treated pedos 2344:< Whitestep> dude... wat 2344:< _vvvv_> alright 2345:< _vvvv_> check the latest push.. I fixed a couple little things with the fonts and added tabs 2345:< Whitestep> tabs? 2345:< DebentureThyme> what the fuck 2345:< IceyMocha> we can't change what we are attracted to 2345:< _vvvv_> yeah they aren't pretty yet 2345:< IceyMocha> we were born like this 2345:< _vvvv_> but they work! 2345:< rakki9999112> yeah but shut the fuck up about it you stupid fuck 2345:< hagbard-celine> zomg taps 2346:< NuOfBelthasar> Nice! Thanks for adding the "System" one, too. 2346:< hagbard-celine> tabs, even 2346:< _vvvv_> triggered 2346:< hagbard-celine> _vvvv_, you are a golden god 2346:< touyajp> _vvvv_ if you do ctrl+ to enhance zoom, i think that triggers scrollbug 2346:< touyajp> because it overlaps the line but your script doesnt think so 1:46:22 AM %chat The_Turbinator Just stating the obvious, as the hours 2346:< KrystallAnn> tabs are wonderful 2346:< MegaZeus101> Oh my, I love it! 2347:< _vvvv_> They need to be made prettier and color coordinated with the chat color 2347:< Whitestep> dude this tabs are great 2347:< Whitestep> you guys have really stepped up 2347:< fedorg> Hey what's this channel is about? 2348:< MegaZeus101> Robin-grow dev chat and general occasionaly 2348:< DebentureThyme> It's about tree fiddy 2348:< MegaZeus101> 6:fordy ate 2354:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ I'm thinking if we keep the "send chat to" drop-down, then it should at least be hidden when in channel chat. 2354:< lost_penguin> Only show it in the System tab. 2355:< lost_penguin> Thoughts? 2355:< izacque> are you guys making an interface to switch which channel's messages are displayed? 2356:< lost_penguin> Already made izacque :) 2356:< _vvvv_> Good idea. 2356:< lost_penguin> _vvvv_ Also I think we should only show channel colours for the text in the System tab. 2356:< _vvvv_> I am encountering a bug with %chat 2356:< lost_penguin> It's not useful in the channel tabs. Just messy. 2357:< KrystallAnn> test 2357:< _vvvv_> it bugs out the input line and keeps repeating on delete 2357:< _vvvv_> for the tab 2357:< _vvvv_> I mean I sort of like the colors in the tabs since it is easy to tell where you are 2357:< izacque> lol I keep starting to work on a custom feature that'll make robin even better, but you people are always a day ahead of me.. 2358:< lost_penguin> Maybe make it optional? 2358:< KrystallAnn> ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ ))) ^ well this is weird 2358:< Whitestep> when you use select the system tab after using another chat 2358:< lost_penguin> KrystallAnn what have you done?! 2358:< Whitestep> it goes back to the beginning kind of annoying 2359:< KrystallAnn> haha I had send chat to on something other than the tab I was in, and so every character I typed added one filter and the the next the oth --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:02 2016