--- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:56:26 2016 1956:< luvmygwgirls> funny thing is they dont have to wait till april 1, they could do something new every month and we would dig in 1956:< RainbowRaccoon> '13 was the Orangered/Periwinkle war and the hats. 1956:< paigesucks> that would be awesome 1956:< Verifitas> We are about 2 hours away from breaking the "longest lasting room" record. 1957:< thatbarryguy> Publicity helps. People come on 1st april to look for the april fool. 1957:< Djinneral> the mountain piece was so beautiful, and I was working on my mountain god :/ 1957:< rakehand> then what was '14 rainbowracoon? 1957:< Nerf_Bard> It peaks our interest more when its at a time of year when we are suspect of a lot of things --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 19:57:03 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 19:57:46 2016 1957:< Verifitas> chugga_fan Uh, what? 1957:< DadoMcT> TO EVERYONE disable updates in Tampermonkey in Settings, in case the developers want to prank us and make us abandon 1957:< touyajp> i maintained the leaderboard for the past three days... i have kinda an intuitive time feeling for this :p 1958:< paigesucks> in the next 2 days we might get T17 1958:< Verifitas> chugga_fan Longest *room*, not longest stay in a chain of rooms. 1958:< ShareDVI> I am in an other chat with /u/jstrydor 1958:< Khemikooligan> so did they fix chat for the people who were having issues? 1958:< Sir-Rhino> yep 1958:< MrAmos123> DadoMcT because the likely hood of that happening is high. 1958:< chugga_fan> thatbarryguy i meant alot were in the longest room that are still here so 1958:< mythriz> back at home 1958:< Khemikooligan> was it the alt accounts? 1958:< RainbowRaccoon> I mean '14 had the "Headdit" thing, but surely there was more..? 1959:< touyajp> 21.8 hours now 1959:< paigesucks> what are these things your namin? like what happened 1959:< Sir-Rhino> nah it was an oversight of the reddit admins, they were improving the code of robin chat 1959:< reddug> Khemikooligan i had some troubles with messages not being sent yesterday, seems pretty much gone now 1959:< mythriz> hmm. 1959:< DadoMcT> MrAmos123 i know it isn't high but better safe than sorry 1959:< touyajp> not quite, you need 2 more hours to beat KuPrlits yet ;9 1959:< Sir-Rhino> left a reference to some debug function they removed 1959:< AtaraxicMegatron> us from KuPrlits already broke the longest room record 1959:< AtaraxicMegatron> that what he means 1959:< MrAmos123> DadoMcT I doubt it will... ;l 1959:< RainbowRaccoon> well most of this stuff can be googled, it'd take some time to explain and *I* can't be assed 1959:< touyajp> But we from GoPrlits sat 17,5h in a tier *14* room. That is unique 1959:< touyajp> No other Tier 14 ever lasted so long 1959:< Khemikooligan> soKu master race! 2000:< Lieto> I have GreaseMonkey, how do I unable updates to a specific script? 2000:< Sir-Rhino> the script devs were in here all day, they are just as invested in this as us..... 2000:< paigesucks> yeah soku is life 2000:< embracetehmartian> hows everyone doing 2000:< anyoldnames> praise be soku 2000:< touyajp> GoPrlits small elite :> 2000:< Verifitas> touyajp A room's a room. I could say I was in the longest room to contain a Verifitas, but that's just as meaninglessly unique. 2000:< OrangeredStilton> Let me just try something in here 2000:< rakehand> rainbowraccoon 2012 was a time travel thing, 2013 was "reddit buys tf2" 2000:< rian294> praise soku-kun --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:00:51 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:02:11 2016 2002:< rian294> same lol 2002:< stormagnet> morning all 2002:< touyajp> But Peaman only lived 35 minutes, didn't it? 2002:< rian294> good morning! 2002:< OrangeredStilton> Ok, does this come up under %chat 2002:< rian294> yes 2002:< mythriz> test 2002:< Nerf_Bard> Yes OrangeredStilton 2002:< rakehand> yes orangeredstilton 2002:< tmccoy920> how long have you guys been in here 2002:< Verifitas> mythriz I tried the multichat fork and decided that it was basically broken 2002:< Andrew_Mendoza> Yup. Going to get this tattoo: http://piq.codeus.net/static/media/userpics/piq_41648_400x400.png 2002:< DadoMcT> peaman will live forever in our hearts 2002:< OrangeredStilton> Sweet. Now my IRC bridge has like ten channels instead of one 2002:< RainbowRaccoon> @DadoMcT try adding the year to it, and @rakehand the Orange/Peri was '13 too, is why I was so surprised nothing too major happened in 2003:< mythriz> yeah something is wrong with the latest Parrot build 2003:< RainbowRaccoon> https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2jne44/what_was_the_great_orangeredperiwinkle_clash_of/ 2003:< ScarletSpeedster> I just added support for chat filtering on this one, if you want to give that a shot. https://github.com/keythkatz/Robin-Autovoter 2003:< atdemeo> Yo, can i reboot my computer without getting booted from the chat 2003:< Jackobyt> Yea 2003:< rian294> probably 2003:< Jackobyt> As long as you are back before a merge 2003:< stormagnet> yep 2003:< Verifitas> atdemeo Yep. You'll only die if we merge, and you don't vote in 31 minutes. 2003:< DadoMcT> 99 percent sure 2003:< rakehand> i was on the losing side that year 2003:< jayman419> I'm pretty sure J4CK got lost logging out for Wrestlemania, and missing the merge. 2004:< RainbowRaccoon> If peri lost, so was I :( 2004:< atdemeo> even if it does the "no match found" thing im good yeah? 2004:< Verifitas> atdemeo Your account is tied to the chat, not your browser session. :) 2004:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2004:< atdemeo> ahh 2004:< The_PurpleCat> wait are you serious 2004:< The_PurpleCat> i have left my comp running since saturday because of this caht 2004:< atdemeo> same here 2004:< Verifitas> The_PurpleCat And good on you, if we merge, you'd be lost. 2004:< sabotourAssociate> same 2004:< rakehand> you have to have your browser running if there is a merge the_purplecat 2004:< Nerf_Bard> I recognise no-one here ^_^ 2004:< Verifitas> The_PurpleCat No-vote in a new room = abandon. 2004:< Khemikooligan> are we gona get another CAH game going? 2004:< The_PurpleCat> ohhhh 2004:< rakehand> we're safe for now because we probably won't merge for a good while still 2005:< sabotourAssociate> camputer is running anyway 2005:< DadoMcT> you have to leave the computer running for the auto voters 2005:< Music_monkey> yeah im down for that Khemikooligan 2005:< The_PurpleCat> so i should leave my compt on then 2005:< Verifitas> The_PurpleCat Yes. I'm just saying it's safe to leave and rejoin in a timely manner. 2005:< rakehand> i let my computer sleep first night and got booted from the first big room 2005:< Khemikooligan> nerf_bard i was just with you in here an hour or two ago 2005:< The_PurpleCat> how do i get back into the chat once I leave though? 2005:< jayman419> If you can leave it on, with the autovote running, you won't miss out on any unplanned mergers. 2005:< Verifitas> Just come to reddit.com/robin 2005:< sabotourAssociate> yes 2005:< rakehand> just join robin, you'll automatically join this room 2005:< Verifitas> You'll be in your last room, if it's still around. 2005:< RainbowRaccoon> I should prob pull a reset one of these days, feel bad for leaving my comp on for this long.. 2005:< The_PurpleCat> like i have a 6/7ish hour shift soon is that too long? 2005:< jayman419> But right now, it looks like a few hours of downtime won't matter. We probably won't merge before tomorrow. 2006:< mythriz> testing out Robin Autovoter now because sure why not 2006:< Nerf_Bard> Khemikooligan Maybe I should rephrase. I recognise no one here from before we started to need using tags ^_^ 2006:< DadoMcT> The_PurpleCat install an auto voter and put your brightness to minimum when you don't use your computer 2006:< jayman419> Assuming the trackers are accurate and there's not a massive missing robin out there. 2006:< rakehand> you can always check in on mobile the_purplecat 2006:< Sumwann> there's no aother robin as big as we are 2006:< mythriz> the amount of scripts I installed for just this one week thing is too much 2006:< The_PurpleCat> i got the auto vote script and i shut my monitor off 2006:< pedro_fartinez> The_PurpleCat if i had to guess id leave it on but i doubt well be merged by then 2006:< Verifitas> The_PurpleCat Maybe. It really depends. If we merge with another room, you have 31 minutes from that point to vote. 2006:< sabotourAssociate> are you kidding me my laptop runns constantly 2006:< rakehand> then you should be fine no problem 2006:< The_PurpleCat> yeah i can watch on mobile but i won't be able to join if i am at work 2006:< RainbowRaccoon> 7-8 hours is on the safer side, but you never know 2006:< The_PurpleCat> fuck that ima leave it on 2007:< pedro_fartinez> yeah why not 2007:< _vvvv_> ANELE 2007:< pedro_fartinez> looks like we have a 14, 13, 11, and 10 and a bunch of 7/8's 2007:< sabotourAssociate> is there a room close to this one 2007:< The_PurpleCat> closest is a tier 14 2007:< pedro_fartinez> so we still need 2 15 2007:< Verifitas> The people below us are working on it. 2007:< thatbarryguy> I think there's a T9 too 2007:< The_PurpleCat> but they still need a couple merges to even be 15 2007:< Verifitas> We owe it to them to be here when they're ready, at least. They're working hard to keep going. 2007:< mythriz> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 2007:< paigesucks> some one do the math 2008:< RainbowRaccoon> yeah, they can worry about it 2008:< The_PurpleCat> lmao yeah someone do the math 2008:< sabotourAssociate> there is 4 days left 2008:< paigesucks> how many of what tiers will we need 2008:< wickedthiswaycums> there are currently 43 groups being tracked, there still hope 2008:< mythriz> neat, there are some good-sized rooms 2008:< pedro_fartinez> once we get another 15 well have the dominoes almost set up 2008:< Towwl> think we might merge today? 2008:< pedro_fartinez> doubt it 2008:< Verifitas> I love the domino merge trains. 2008:< jayman419> Waiting for the last merge, it was a day of nothing, nothing, nothing, then like a two hour cascade. 2008:< pedro_fartinez> im in the uk though its 9 at night here 2008:< DadoMcT> We need a 12 and probably a 10 2009:< paigesucks> theres also this with the tiers https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2009:< hagbard-celine> i think one more merge is assured, and a second is probable 2009:< wickedthiswaycums> no its too early yet, 15-16 is a rough stretch 2009:< rakehand> towwl i've heard everything from 2 hours to 2 days for the next merge 2009:< pedro_fartinez> the cascade was so fun 2009:< _vvvv_> it will be a long time 2009:< Towwl> looking at the leaderboard it'll probably be a while :/ 2009:< pedro_fartinez> 2 hours is impossible. 2009:< sabotourAssociate> how to run robin_grow on IE 2009:< rian294> we can probably go through two merges until the 8th 2009:< cornellier> looks mathematically unlikely 2009:< stormagnet> wish RobinTracker had merge Tier 2009:< Khemikooligan> CAH right here: http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=44 2009:< cornellier> just over half of all people currently in Robin are in this chat 2009:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> 2 hours to next merge? LOL 2010:< pedro_fartinez> from the time where we have a 16-10, its atleast 4 hours of merging on up 2010:< The_PurpleCat> can i get the script on mobile 2010:< The_PurpleCat> probably not that was a dumb question 2010:< jayman419> Reddit's usually slower earlier in the week. Once people get their few hours of work taken care of, they might be back. 2010:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> I'd say 12 hours at least, before the next merge 2010:< wickedthiswaycums> last estimate I heard was 96 hrs to go from 1 to 16 or 17, so there is a limit and we will get there at some point 2010:< Khemikooligan> did i do that right? 2010:< rakehand> i don't think so the_purplecat, it's really tough to follow but at least you can make sure your vote is registered 2010:< Lanulus> It took from 4/1 to 4/4 just to get this far. No way there will be two more merges. One more probably. After that it's done. 2010:< Nerf_Bard> Khemikooligan whats the pass? 2010:< Khemikooligan> oh right, password is robin 2011:< Khemikooligan> silly me 2011:< nullvader> Anyone on Miitomo? 2011:< wickedthiswaycums> I didnt start until 4/2 to get here 2011:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Wonder how many AFK's we will lose on the next merge .. A crazy amount, I'd imagine. 2011:< pedro_fartinez> i cant imagine two more merges, but who knows, reddit's user base is huge. literally only a small fraction of us are participating 2011:< RainbowRaccoon> 96 hours is on the longest end though, if you're in the faster-merging rooms it can be less than a day 2011:< mindragon> #MakeTrumpsHairGreatAgain 2011:< rakehand> nah from 4/1 to 4/2 we were up to 4400 2011:< RainbowRaccoon> for us, though? It gonn' be a loooong week 2011:< stormagnet> I don't Twitch much, so I don't know te emotes- curious to see them 2012:< rakehand> we just need a good marketing arm to stir up interest 2012:< Music_monkey> someone needs to make a post and we all need to upvite it to get it some front page attention! 2012:< kevinstonge> im on mobile any chance of a merge today? When? 2012:< pedro_fartinez> surely we can upvote something 2012:< wickedthiswaycums> I am very surprised at the overall language and civility of the vast majority of reddit 2012:< embracetehmartian> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dcvwy/me_and_the_flockdraw_room_drew_some_pictures_for/ 2012:< hagbard-celine> #MakesoKukGrowAgain 2013:< pedro_fartinez> its shit outside this room. 2013:< pedro_fartinez> and the few other chats around 2013:< Nerf_Bard> soKu-Kun 2013:< Squae> OMG WE MERGED 2013:< m1327> So Cuckoo for Kuku 2013:< Squae> oh nvm 2013:< pedro_fartinez> ha 2013:< c0bra51> uh 2013:< Verifitas> Premature! 2013:< Squae> i misread 2013:< RainbowRaccoon> Squa, you're a tad late to the party huh? 2013:< AtaraxicMegatron> or just late 2014:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Hahahahah 2014:< m1327> We merged like 24 hours ago now 2014:< Squae> yes yes im not an idiot 2014:< Nerf_Bard> Squae is being derpy xD 2014:< Nerf_Bard> <3 2014:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Little Squae, it's alright. 2014:< wickedthiswaycums> I have the spammers, madden crap, trivia/game chats filtered, everything else is pretty chill 2014:< Squae> S Q U A E R A I D 2015:< RainbowRaccoon> okay, hold my beer; I'm turning every filter off. 2015:< Squae> hold my filter im going in 2015:< AtaraxicMegatron> RainbowRaccoon it's not too bad now 2015:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft you on ? how were the exams ? 2015:< wickedthiswaycums> Ok get ready! Im dialling 9-1- and Im ready 2015:< RainbowRaccoon> I'll see about that! (I mean, probably at this point yes) 2015:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey Oh wow, hey 2015:< Verifitas> Not that bad *right now*, but people are asleep after staying up all dang night chatting. 2015:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey They went AMAZING. Aced em. 2015:< Ethrwen> whens the next merge? 2016:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft Really ?! Awesome man, thats awesome! 2016:< AtaraxicMegatron> i like that nigglet is always the first one I see when I turn the filters off 2016:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey At least, I feel like I aced them. I'll see on Wednesday. 2016:< OrangeredStilton> You know, I wonder what's going to happen to my hardcoded channels when we eventually merge 2017:< xSke> how long has nigglet been in here 2017:< touyajp> pace is picking up. Lots of new Tier 7 and 8s popping up 2017:< dashed> ETA on merge? 2017:< touyajp> 3 days :p 2017:< Squae> what tier we at 2017:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey Calculus and world history exams are no match for me! Ha 2017:< OrangeredStilton> We're a T16, right? 2017:< touyajp> 16 2017:< Verifitas> T16 2017:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft you'll have to let me know! I figure this room will stil be about :P 2017:< xSke> "nigglet", every 40 seconds, on the clock, for three days. 2017:< wickedthiswaycums> its going to be a cyclone of crap like the last merge was and all the channel crosstalk 2017:< Squae> and what tier is under us the biggest atm 2017:< Verifitas> T14 2017:< Squae> mhm ok 2017:< hagbard-celine> 14, followed by 13 2018:< xSke> lemme test something 2018:< rakehand> anyone have any run-ins with 2Talt? one of the stranger spammers 2018:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey Yeah, won't be for a few days till we see a merge. And I'm sure that it won't get abandoned, as we already have the votes 2018:< RainbowRaccoon> .. WELP. That was boring. These could be at least one ladder but noo.. 2018:< touyajp> But it shows that evening is approaching the US. Activity definitely picking up now. 2018:< Sumwann> do we need more alts? 2019:< SendMeYourSoul> guiz everyone use an alt at least 2019:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft yeah very true! 2019:< SendMeYourSoul> itll be 1 day at most until our merge 2019:< xSke> I have 4 botted alts 2019:< AtaraxicMegatron> US always saves us 2019:< Smarteepant> its 3:20 central in the US atm 2019:< SendMeYourSoul> xske you should send me that script btw ;) 2019:< xSke> SendMeYourSoul I will 2019:< SendMeYourSoul> ohbby ty fam 2019:< Smarteepant> so the whole US is between 2:20 and 4:20 2019:< xSke> damn thing wont stop crashing 2020:< SendMeYourSoul> =/ 2020:< RainbowRaccoon> Ehh, but if I use the alt I'd have to switch around 2020:< SendMeYourSoul> only reason im not going to try is cause i want wanna handle any of the headers/cookies 2020:< andreaplanbee> hello 2020:< rakehand> it's only 1:20 on the west coast 2020:< Smarteepant> oops my bad 2020:< Smarteepant> 4 different time zones not 3 2020:< RainbowRaccoon> afternoon on the east coast, right? 2020:< YourBodyIsFrail> hi guys 2021:< Smarteepant> rainbowraccoon yes 2021:< cornellier> plus two more timezones on the east coast of Canada ! 2021:< Music_monkey> hey YourBodyIsFrail 2021:< rakehand> 4:21 in NYC, 1:21 in LA 2021:< paigesucks> 4:20 blze et 2021:< cornellier> It's 17:51 in Newfoundland. 2021:< Smarteepant> once it reaches 5 activity should really start going 2021:< xSke> alright, script works 2021:< RainbowRaccoon> 23:20 in east europe 2021:< rian294> 4:22 here 2021:< SHIFTnSPACE> 22:20 in germany 2022:< barnytan> 4:21 am in Singapore 2022:< aythrea> 15:22 2022:< IndigoASMR> 22:22 here in Holland x) 2022:< microfracture> Smarteepant as in the fellow from MFC a long time ago? 2022:< xSke> wow I have three alts in the same chat, i'll abandon two of them 2022:< Smarteepant> microfracture whoa wtf? Yes I was 2023:< rakehand> sbblakey777 depends if you like trivia or not 2023:< Doc_X> RainbowRaccoon where youfrom? 2023:< Smarteepant> microfracture who were you? 2023:< hjelen> 16:23 here 2023:< SendMeYourSoul> lol ske 2023:< touyajp> Shouldnt auto-grow have the option to contribute to stats? 2023:< sbblakey777> rakehand I guess I'll stick here. Trivia's fun but it gets old fast 2023:< microfracture> Smarteepant: I'll never tell <3. Cool to see you here tho 2024:< touyajp> err robin-grow i mean 2024:< rakehand> sbblakey777 agreed, i had to mute $. %chat is good though 2024:< Smarteepant> microfracture Aww why not? Your're no fun. Nice to see you here too. Super unexpected though XD 2024:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft know of anyone playing CAH ? 2025:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey Not that I know of. 2025:< yoggi92> Founded 1337 minutes ago. 2025:< mindragon> #MakeDonaldTrumpGreatAgain 2026:< xSke> Anyone who wants the tracker/autogrow python script, here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/61bf7a4369e1bac07914a0c0bd0efe68 2026:< Squae> beep boop 2026:< xSke> requires pythin 3.5, "tabulate" and "aiohttp" pip modules 2026:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft might have to start one off again in a bit to see if people are interested 2026:< sbblakey777> I just switched to parrot and I'm pretty satisfied with it 2026:< NaynHS> hello 2026:< NaynHS> hows it going 2026:< andreaplanbee> hihi 2026:< NaynHS> how many days till the merge 2026:< andreaplanbee> i slept 10 hours wtf 2027:< sbblakey777> I'm guessing at least three 2027:< mindragon> #MakeDonaldTrumpSleepAgain 2027:< sbblakey777> If not closer to four 2027:< Music_monkey> if anyone wants to add some music to our room - https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2027:< OrangeredStilton> Yeah, parrot's our homebuilt code; it's really very good 2027:< jayman419> Til Friday. 2027:< TheRumpletiltskin> https://soundcloud.com/dirkzerobeats/do-you-believe-me-now 2028:< Music_monkey> just random things really. its a real interesting mix andreaplanbee 2028:< loulan> i'm still not convinced there will be a merge... the number of people who join are dwindling 2028:< mindragon> #MakeDonaldTrumpRandomAgain 2028:< andreaplanbee> hmm i will see but idk 2028:< FoldingSpace> merge tomorrow, offering 3/1 odds 2028:< loulan> there is a huge difference between 10^14 and 10^16 2029:< loulan> oops 2^14 and 2^16 2029:< NaynHS> well the number of people doesnt matter 2029:< Verifitas> Down with processed cheese slices! #MakeAmericansGrateAgain 2029:< NaynHS> just the tier 2029:< loulan> you need people who join to create enough initial rooms to increase the tier 2029:< RainbowRaccoon> but at least 50% need to not abandon for the room to stay alive 2030:< andreaplanbee> dont vote stay untill the last day lmao 2030:< loulan> to create a tier 16 room you need 65535 people who join initially 2030:< RainbowRaccoon> so there's some limit 2030:< NaynHS> loulan but a lot of those can be the same people 2030:< Verifitas> Sexual_tomato If there were, they'd majority just tell you off. 2030:< CorrinPhD> VOTED TO JOIN SMASH 2030:< loulan> true, but i think most people who care are in this room already 2030:< NaynHS> rainbowraccoon that's not true, you can just /leave_room, no need to vote abandon 2030:< NaynHS> many people are using alts 2030:< loulan> and the number of people joining new chats is dwindling imo 2030:< andreaplanbee> so ive been asleep for 10 hours. is there a new robin-grow version? 2031:< stormagnet> Sexual_tomato are you... actually asking us for ADVICE on how to spam? 2031:< 404NinjaNotFound> yes 2031:< rakehand> yeah andreaplanbee, we're all using Parrot now 2031:< sbblakey777> I don't get why people would want to vote stay 2031:< cornellier> good morning @andreaplanbee 2031:< NaynHS> it probably is but I think there's definitely a possibility 2031:< andreaplanbee> what 2031:< Squae> Mamaaa i just killed a man 2031:< andreaplanbee> hihi 2031:< IceyMocha> you fucking assholes have done it this time.... wow 2031:< sbblakey777> Do they just want to start over or something? 2031:< 404NinjaNotFound> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow andreaplanbee 2031:< Squae> put a gun against his head 2031:< NaynHS> I'm voted stay right now, why not 2031:< andreaplanbee> 404NinjaNotFound thank you 2031:< RainbowRaccoon> but dos it mean less than 50% need to vote grow/stay for the room to not be abandoned? @NaynHS 2031:< Squae> pulled the trigger now hes ded 2031:< Verifitas> IceyMocha Wat 2031:< loulan> what's the point of grow 2031:< NaynHS> I'm somewhat skeptical we merge, and if we end up growing the stayers still come along 2032:< sbblakey777> To grow into a bigger room 2032:< spyhermit> if 51% of people don't vote or vote abandon, the room abandons 2032:< loulan> ...and? 2032:< sbblakey777> But the sutogrowers outnumber the stayers by a whole lot 2032:< earlierson> whats the point of stay? create something that you already can? 2032:< andreaplanbee> wait can i just update the old script or should i reinstall? 2032:< spyhermit> if 51% vote stay/grow, and more than half are grow, we grow. 2032:< Squae> another one biters 2032:< sbblakey777> autogrowers* 2032:< loulan> we were in a bigger room @4401. it's not like it was better 2032:< Nerf_Bard> 50%+1 2032:< OrangeredStilton> If the room abandons, all my work around hardcoded channels is for naught ;) 2032:< Decalance> earlierson it's useless to grow more 2032:< NaynHS> RainbowRacoon let's say there are 8 people in my room. if 5 use /leave_room and 2 vote grow, it still grows 2032:< cornellier> we are the 51%ers 2032:< Nerf_Bard> It doesnt need to be 51% 2032:< Nerf_Bard> just 50%+1 2032:< RainbowRaccoon> cool NaynHS, did not know that 2033:< Squae> we could just abandon and stay pure 2033:< spyhermit> good point. 2033:< cornellier> well, do we know that? 2033:< stormagnet> loulan we didn't have the tech we have now in Kufikumu 2033:< Squae> #greyshade 2033:< cornellier> or are we assuming that? 2033:< NaynHS> it took me 24 hours to get into this room lol 2033:< stormagnet> loulan also HOW DARE YOU BESMIRCH THE MEMORY OF THE GREAT KUFIKUMU 2033:< NaynHS> i waited in sokux for 15 hours lol 2033:< loulan> stormagnet even if we reach 6,000 people, why is it better? 2033:< cornellier> if you have to ask ... 2033:< Squae> i was in suckcox for an hour 2033:< stormagnet> loulan more new friends silly :D 2033:< andreaplanbee> ok installed parrot 2033:< NaynHS> loulan people just want to break the record 2033:< cornellier> for the lols 2034:< RainbowRaccoon> yeah! Push the limit! 2034:< stormagnet> NaynHS that too 2034:< loulan> but we already broke all records, we're just beating ourselves at this point it's useless 2034:< cornellier> crash the servers 2034:< NaynHS> we didn't break the 4400 record 2034:< andreaplanbee> we didnt break biggest room 2034:< loulan> well i was in that 4400 room so i feel like i did 2034:< cornellier> 4401 2034:< AtaraxicMegatron> staying is not any less useless 2034:< andreaplanbee> pffft 2034:< loulan> lol 2034:< stormagnet> loulan records are for breaking yo 2034:< SendMeYourSoul> lol 2034:< RainbowRaccoon> eh, it's better than killing this for a stillborn sub :P 2034:< andreaplanbee> lol 2034:< xadrezo> Are we even able to reach the 4401 2034:< Squae> Praise be the 4401 never lost out of our memory 2034:< stormagnet> ONWARDS and UPWARDS 2034:< Lord_Dankster> helloo 2034:< Lanulus> loulan we still need to become the largest private subreddit 2035:< RainbowRaccoon> Neverforget Kufi 2035:< TheHawkIsHowling> but you've got a few days to go bigger than 4400 and from what i hear that room crashed anyway 2035:< Lord_Dankster> where are the dank memes 2035:< Decalance> loulan wesh 2035:< rakehand> i don't want another sub, i just want to grow this chat until the very end 2035:< loulan> what's the biggest private subreddit so far Lanulus 2035:< flex0> Hey xadrezo ! I remember you! 2035:< andreaplanbee> never forget peaman 2035:< NaynHS> anyway after being in sokux for 15 hours, chat had become slow, but I went around to every filter and told them to turn off filters 2035:< loulan> Decalance wesh wesh mon frère, ça va mec? 2035:< NaynHS> so 5 minutes before we merged everyone was hype and spamming 2035:< xadrezo> flex0 Oh hi! I remember you as well! :D 2035:< Manofevil> what is that? %chat? 2035:< loulan> Decalance: wesh wesh mon frère, ça va mec ? 2035:< stormagnet> besides if we want the biggest stay, grow until the last day 2035:< xadrezo> *o hai 2035:< NaynHS> and then we merged and everyone went crazy 2035:< rian294> i'd rather die with thousands of people than have a shitty sub 2035:< mindragon> #MakeThe4400GreatAgain 2035:< loulan> Decalance: wesh wesh mon frère, ça va mec ? 2035:< Decalance> loulan trql poto demain manif sur paname 2035:< andreaplanbee> no one will use the sub ;__; 2036:< Decalance> loulan nation 11h 2036:< Lanulus> loulan No idea. But we haven't even made it to making one yet so there's still that to do 2036:< NaynHS> well the hope is that on the 8th it will form a sub anyway 2036:< Squae> Id rather die with thousands than live alone 2036:< Roboteck> loulan Salut voisin, comment ça roule 2036:< mindragon> #WatchThe4400ExclusivelyOnReddit.Com 2036:< Verifitas> I know, the sub will die in days. None of them have lasted. 2036:< stormagnet> andreaplanbee we can only hold the faith 2036:< andreaplanbee> anyone rememeber that show the 4400 2036:< paigesucks> someone literally already made a sub for us 2036:< Broodoobob> nickelstats 2036:< flex0> xadrezo seems like eons since last time I saw anyone for the older merges 2036:< RainbowRaccoon> days sounds pretty optimistic 2036:< stormagnet> andreaplanbee maybe folks aren't using the subs because they're all too busy in chat 2036:< Squae> 4400 show was so good but it got cancelled sadly 2036:< loulan> Decalance: j'ai vécu près de Bastille pendant des années. Y'avait des manifs toutes les semaines. 2036:< xadrezo> flex0 Maybe because literal eons have passed since then 2036:< andreaplanbee> true but i will tell you right now i wont use the subs if the chat ended either way 2036:< stormagnet> andreaplanbee bit yeah.. the immediacy and constant flux are the real driving forces here 2036:< Decalance> loulan en meme temps bastille... 2037:< andreaplanbee> chatters are different than posters also 2037:< Squae> 1 minute bois 2037:< loulan> putain je vois pas mes messages Decalance mais apparemment tu les vois 2037:< Decalance> Squae nah 2037:< Squae> :D 2037:< Lanulus> It's also possible they aren't using the subs because they're simply too small 2037:< rakehand> dammit squae 2037:< cornellier> loulan you muted yourself 2037:< AtaraxicMegatron> I wouldn't use the subs and would just leave_room if stay happened 2037:< Squae> robin says it 2037:< Decalance> loulan ouais tu men a envoyé un troi foirs 2037:< loulan> no i see some of my messages but not all, i saw the last one it's odd 2037:< NaynHS> the reason the subs arent used is partly because theyre too small, but also because there's no topic 2037:< Lanulus> If 6k people made a subreddit it would probably be at least moderately active 2037:< stormagnet> andreaplanbee great things are in the works :D 2037:< andreaplanbee> stormagnet for this robin-grow or for what? 2037:< Verifitas> lanulus People go back to real subs, where the content is. 2037:< rakehand> loulan maybe the accents are getting blocked by the spam filter 2038:< andreaplanbee> i mean robin chat 2038:< NaynHS> So what if the subs die? What's the big harm 2038:< loulan> ah, maybe rakehand 2038:< andreaplanbee> i hate ratelimit with all my body and mind and soul 2038:< NaynHS> ^ 2038:< flex0> Noone from my original 8 made it 2038:< Lanulus> stormagnet There's an IRC? 2038:< Verifitas> NaynHS This *community* dies. The one we've been here in for the past day. 2038:< Verifitas> NaynHS What's the big harm? Right? 2038:< rakehand> loulan you can allow unicode though, that might help 2038:< Decalance> andreaplanbee YES 2038:< NaynHS> But robin ends this week anyway 2038:< flex0> RIP in Peace gayjaffacakeuprising 2038:< andreaplanbee> i mean i already have my own irc HQ but ill visit some place and be like hello for a little bit 2038:< AtaraxicMegatron> NaynHS what's the harm in growing then? 2038:< NaynHS> It's not like it can survive indefinitely 2038:< stormagnet> yepppp 2038:< Decalance> fuck ratelimit 2039:< xadrezo> flex0 Isn't it great that we both have survived? 2039:< Verifitas> NaynHS Yes, but not *today*, and that's the point. Why go prematurely? 2039:< cornellier> yeah what's the ham 2039:< flex0> it's pretty great 2039:< NaynHS> There's no harm in growing. If it's possible I'm for it 2039:< loulan> Test test Decalance j'écris avec des accents en unicode pour voir si c'est vrééééé que ça marche 2039:< xSke> maybe this'll be like halo where they don't shut the servers down but disable joining new rooms so you have to keep staying 2039:< loulan> oh yeah it works 2039:< stormagnet> irc.snoonet.org and the channel is #soKukunelits 2039:< NaynHS> But I'm on stay because if people decide to stay, then my vote will be there to help 2039:< andreaplanbee> alright alright 2039:< flex0> we should make a scrapbook XD 2039:< Decalance> loulan ça marche oklm 2039:< loulan> wait we have a chatroom to talk about a chatroom stormagnet? 2039:< andreaplanbee> gotta add a new server to thing 2039:< stormagnet> https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.snoonet.org/#soKukunelits 2039:< NaynHS> Grow already has a big majority, no need to vote that 2039:< xadrezo> flex0 I'm lucky that we dont merge often, i would've been autokicked otherwise 2039:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> stormagnet not using #QuakeNet :( 2039:< stormagnet> loulan WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER 2040:< IceyMocha> LOL I just found out that in russia the number 3 is in their alphabet XD omg those fucking retarded dirty slavs 2040:< rakehand> are you guys france french or canadian french? 2040:< xSke> two people in that irc room 2040:< loulan> france french don't insult us 2040:< rakehand> sacre blue, je suis desolee 2040:< flex0> xadrezo yeah, we last merged last night for me 2040:< Decalance> rakehand français de souche free 2040:< Roboteck> sacrament canada ? 2040:< stormagnet> IRC link credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/d1pl078 go upvote 2040:< flex0> xadrezo so it worked well with my schedule 2041:< TheHawkIsHowling> well we have 1 and 0 in english technically 2041:< RainbowRaccoon> oi, watch it IceyMocha, we don't want them either 2041:< rakehand> that is beyond my minimal knowledge of french 2041:< loulan> lythandas is also french, Decalance, but i think he's afk 2041:< xadrezo> flex0 Yes it was ~midnight in my timezone 2041:< stormagnet> there's plans for the IRC 2041:< OrangeredStilton> But why would I want an IRC when I already have you guys in my IRC client 2041:< Decalance> lythandas yo? 2041:< AtaraxicMegatron> oh we have actual SPAM now 2041:< flex0> xadrezo I'm actully really surprised that the main chat isn't cancer 2041:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton because April 8th 2041:< rian294> same lol 2041:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> whats the point of an irc channel .. When this is basically IRC? 2041:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton but yes exactly that :D 2041:< rian294> this april fools "prank" was a good idea imo 2042:< OrangeredStilton> stormagnet: Eh. I'd prefer it to be somewhere that isn't Snoo, but sure 2042:< xadrezo> flex0 I kinda miss the lennyfaces, shahadas and John Maddens a wee bit 2042:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton I was thinking of your awesome project 2042:< paigesucks> i fucking love it 2042:< andreaplanbee> haha what the hell someone registered my name on snoonet? 2042:< NaynHS> oh fuck john madden 2042:< NaynHS> i muted them all 2042:< OrangeredStilton> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP: Not just basically IRC. With my latest update to the IRC bridge, it is an IRC server 2042:< Decalance> BEST? 2042:< NaynHS> we didn't have those in my room 2042:< flex0> xadrezo Haha! me too. I was just saying that on main chat! 2042:< OrangeredStilton> (Though that bridge takes a bit of setting up) 2042:< xadrezo> John Madden, Johh Madden, John Modden and some other accounts 2042:< Decalance> BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 2043:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> OrangeredStilton interesting! But I haven't had IRC installed in .. Forever. 2043:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton holy crap, that's awesome 2043:< Decalance> BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 2043:< rakehand> i miss the real john madden, huge nostalgia factor 2043:< xadrezo> Decalance 10/10 2043:< 404NinjaNotFound> John Madden doesn't spam chat! 2043:< OrangeredStilton> stormagnet: Yeah, I'm like 11 channels 2043:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton I didn't know you'd made a server 2043:< Decalance> xadrezo :^) 2043:< RicksterCraft> I just showed someone the Robin-Grow script on my alt, in tier 2, and he got all skeptical with me. He thinks it's a virus lol 2043:< xadrezo> John Madden doesn't spam chat! 2043:< Decalance> BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST 2043:< rian294> muted decalance 2043:< OrangeredStilton> stormagnet: I haven't made a server as such, it's a locally-running proxy server 2043:< flex0> AtaraxicMegatron you gotta admire the ingenuity though 2043:< hagbard-celine> fuck 2043:< Decalance> haha i got muted 2043:< OrangeredStilton> stormagnet: Because it needs your credentials to log into the Robin, so you can only run it as you --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 20:43:48 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 20:43:59 2016 2043:< stormagnet> so it's still subject to the April 8th shutdown 2044:< rakehand> do you receive a notification if you get muted? 2044:< xadrezo> RIP Decalance Poe's Law strikes again 2044:< What-the-curtains> Decalance my old enemy 2044:< OrangeredStilton> Yep. 2044:< Decalance> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP still #rpg? 2044:< dick_sanitizer> hey peeps can someone link me the robin grow script? ty <3 2044:< rakehand> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2044:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Decalance I'd assume so - Haven't been there for a long time. 2044:< Roboteck> test 2044:< Decalance> sup What-the-curtains 2044:< paigesucks> i thought it was a virus at first too rickstercraft 2044:< xadrezo> i've got to go now 2044:< Talisene> When they don't take the answer "My humps" when the question on CaH was "What is the crustiest"... 2044:< IceyMocha> is someone getting the merge the merge the merge the merge of you 2044:< xadrezo> Bye 2044:< Talisene> much sad. 2045:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton if we use it on a permanent IRC server, though, soKuku will survive the shutdown :D :D 2045:< mootinator> Writing a gitkraken song? 2045:< OrangeredStilton> stormagnet: True. I might muck in 2045:< mindragon> #RPG You're in a room with 3,020 other people. It's dark everwhere except for a light glowing in the distance. You have an axe. 2045:< RicksterCraft> paigesucks Understandable, but this dude is adamant towards not using it. Says I advocate for it too much or something. 2045:< IceyMocha> shit was so kukenlits 2045:< stormagnet> SOKUKU IS IMMORTAL. ALL HAIL THE GROW. 2045:< stormagnet> :d 2045:< Roboteck> can you guys see this --------- > (oYo) 2045:< Verifitas> Roboteck Nope. 2045:< andreaplanbee> aye 2045:< stormagnet> lol 2045:< Broodoobob> %chat is definitely pretty healthy general discussion with plugin filtering enabled 2045:< mootinator> Invisible boobs. 2045:< Roboteck> ok thank you 2046:< embracetehmartian> so on my alt account my username is in the front of the chat name how cool is that, i am number 7 on the leaderboards right now, LiSkS 2046:< paigesucks> but its good lmao rickstercraft 2046:< mindragon> #RPG You're in a room with 3,020 other people. It's dark everwhere except for a light glowing in the distance. You have an axe. 2046:< Roboteck> thought my channel wasn't wroking 2046:< AtaraxicMegatron> Roboteck NSFW that shit 2046:< hagbard-celine> #rpg i attack the darkness 2046:< Roboteck> sorry, [NSFW] 2046:< OrangeredStilton> Hold on, hold on. Is that #rpg leaking into here 2046:< RicksterCraft> paigesucks The dude is a casual anyways. Says he's just doing it for the activity of doing something. Doesn't care for Growth. Heretic 2046:< RainbowRaccoon> mindragon it's lower-case, #rpg . Also dunno if can you multi-tag 2047:< mindragon> #rpg hagbard-celine swings his axe and kills OrangeredStilton. 2047:< mrfrightful> why not just abandon and go start your own subreddit? 2047:< rian294> ^ 2047:< rakehand> mindragon check who you're sending chat to 2047:< AtaraxicMegatron> why is rpg leaking 2047:< hagbard-celine> #rpg loot corpse, spend reward on ale and whores 2047:< mindragon> @rakehand to everyone in %chat :) 2047:< Broodoobob> #rpg broodoobob casts MAGIC MISSILE at penis/ 2047:< stormagnet> #rpg how many torches do I have HOW MANY 2047:< rakehand> D: 2047:< Roboteck> Je revien, j'ai la pire dale de la terre. 2047:< Verifitas> That's kind of the beauty of reddit. You don't need to stay to make a dead sub. You can go make your own empty subreddit for free! 2047:< rian294> tfw rpg leaks 2047:< Mattmo831> hey guys 2048:< RainbowRaccoon> #rpg yo RPG'ers does this work? 2048:< mindragon> #rpg Broodoobob shoots penis/ and missed hitting femdemgem for 15 damage 2048:< rian294> hi! 2048:< Music_monkey> RicksterCraft you should send him screenshots of us in here! 2048:< mindragon> #rpg Stormagnet You have 3 torches 2048:< mootinator> #rpg 8========D 2048:< Music_monkey> RainbowRaccoon how are you typing in this chat too ? 2048:< Djinneral> ooh interesting 2048:< rakehand> mattmo831: yo man, coming back around again 2048:< paigesucks> the rpg omg 2048:< Mattmo831> HeyGus 2048:< AtaraxicMegatron> I stayed and got an empty subreddit for it. Don't be like me, kids 2048:< mindragon> #rpg Mootinator wants everyone to know he has a big dick. 2048:< RicksterCraft> Music_monkey hehe, I'm sure he'd declare my screenshots some sort of virus or something. 2048:< Mattmo831> HeyGuys 2048:< Mattmo831> yeah im back from school 2049:< RainbowRaccoon> Music_monkey %chat is my current primary, looks like double-tag doesn't work or the folks at #rpg like to ignore me 2049:< rakehand> nothing much doing around here 2049:< stormagnet> #rpg craappp better light somebody on fire 2049:< rakehand> welcome back 2049:< Verifitas> How dare he sound like a douche. THAT'S MY FECKIN' JOB. 2049:< mootinator> If you stay with 2 people and have an empty subreddit it does not follow that you can stay with 3000 people and have an empty sub. 2049:< mindragon> #rpg Stormagnet lights his torch and stumbles around in the darkness setting Mootinator on fire. 2049:< Decalance> AtaraxicMegatron i think they set the filter to %chat #rpg 2049:< Music_monkey> RainbowRaccoon the primary filter thing is for viewing only isnt it ? you cant double tag in your own chat 2050:< mootinator> #rpg I cast magic impregnation at the darkness. 2050:< jayman419> First of all, you don't get a sub with 3000 people. Instead 3000 people get an invitation to the sub. Then there's 5 randoms as mods. 2050:< Music_monkey> #rpg - cant you just move to #rpg ? 2050:< mootinator> Yay randoms 2050:< RicksterCraft> Ahh RPG is leaking, whyyy 2050:< jayman419> Even if it lasts a week, a month... there's a limit on how much you can do. 2050:< AtaraxicMegatron> i bet nigglet will be a mod 2050:< mindragon> #rpg While on fire, Mootinator casts magic impregnation impregnating Music_monkey for 15 damage. 2050:< stormagnet> Music_monkey and ruin the meta? 2050:< stormagnet> lol 2050:< chancrescolex> https://www.reddit.com/r/soKukunelits/comments/4dd1rx/the_full_user_list_of_sokuku/ 2050:< Loudmouth_American> do I need to use the %chat feature for others to see what I'm saying? 2051:< Verifitas> AtaraxicMegatron Naw, all the JohnMaddens will be our sub leaders. 2051:< brutuscat2> Loudmouth_American it filters spam with mvartans script 2051:< hagbard-celine> depends on how their filters are setup 2051:< AtaraxicMegatron> 5 john maddens as mods, sounds great 2051:< stormagnet> Loudmouth_American somewhat! we're filtering on channel 2051:< Loudmouth_American> Thank you! I wasn't aware 2051:< RainbowRaccoon> idk Music_monkey, no one in the #rpg seems to have acknowledged me, so I'm drawing my own conclusions 2051:< Smarteepant> can you relink that? I refresed 2051:< mindragon> #rpg Music_monkey stumbles and falls into #rpg channel 2051:< mootinator> Those John Madden mods will be strict with the potty mouths. 2051:< Verifitas> brutuscat2 No, muting solves spam. We're using filters to emulate chatrooms in the chatroom. 2051:< stormagnet> Loudmouth_American go getchu some https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d9xfp/wip_modified_robingrow_fork/ 2051:< Loudmouth_American> the spam isn't too bad... I still have the basic filter (from day 1) applied. Seems to be working well 2051:< RainbowRaccoon> but yes, you can multi-filter rooms 2052:< brutuscat2> Verifitas true, but it does prevent a significant portion of spam from being seen by us. 2052:< Loudmouth_American> @stormagnet thank you, I'll install tonight 2052:< brutuscat2> This chat is actually somewhat civilized, which without that filter would not be possible 2052:< stormagnet> Loudmouth_American and for support/suggestions you can chat over in ^ with devs 2052:< Verifitas> It doesn't prevent those bots from being modified to prepend everything with "%chat". ;) 2052:< mindragon> #rpg Thank you for playing... :) 'twas fun 2052:< stormagnet> ^ _vvvv_ dutch conco 2052:< AtaraxicMegatron> you don't need much muting with filters 2052:< brutuscat2> ^ 2052:< Loudmouth_American> gracias muchacho 2052:< stormagnet> s/conco/convo 2053:< Music_monkey> mindragon but im still stuck down this hole! 2053:< hagbard-celine> make a climb check 2053:< Arrowstar> Hello! 2053:< mindragon> #rpg okay one more... Music_monkey tries to climb out of the hole and falls into penis/ channel. 2053:< Talisene> https://gyazo.com/340aca8901bededa683c3a7e5d4a4bc6 2054:< RainbowRaccoon> truly tragic 2054:< mrfrightful> you can mute the bots... and if it gets bad enough abandon the channel 2055:< stormagnet> #AllHandsLost 2055:< mindragon> The filters are amazing actually. 2055:< mindragon> Good job devs. 2056:< xSke> fun fact: ansi codes are hard http://i.imgur.com/1XVIBIS.png 2056:< mindragon> Gosh that brings back memories from the 1990's. 2057:< Smarteepant> the parrot fork is amazing 2057:< person7178> parrot? 2057:< hagbard-celine> yeah, parrot is great, the multichannel is the way to go 2057:< Smarteepant> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2058:< rakehand> it's the latest robin grow from dashed; been renamed 2058:< Smarteepant> its a fork of the regular robin-grow that has more functionality 2058:< purple_pan> http://secrethitler.online 2058:< Assailant> hannahbananaa 2058:< hagbard-celine> it allows me to categorize, but also keep the whole chat around by using an empty channel filter 2058:< m1327> ok 2059:< mindragon> Yeah that's the one I'm running...Really nice. I also liked the "remove the damn buttons" feature so i don't acidentally abandon ship. 2059:< mootinator> Fun fact: This widget is kinda useless without the tier column but I've been too lazy to update it. http://i.imgur.com/K46312M.png 2100:< person7178> :kappa: 2100:< m1327> keepo 2100:< person7178> :keepo: 2100:< person7178> ?? 2100:< Mattmo831> Keepo 2101:< woohoo> regrets are free 2101:< person7178> how do you do emotes? 2101:< prince_polka> How many alts does everyone have? 2101:< Mattmo831> just type them you gotta use the capitol letters too 2101:< Mattmo831> K a p p a 2101:< Name0fTheUser> I have two alts, but one dies 2101:< 404NinjaNotFound> 1 2102:< SendMeYourSoul> 3 2102:< prince_polka> oh I have 9 alts now 2102:< SendMeYourSoul> wait no 2 woops 2102:< arespawn> % 0 2102:< person7178> 37*2-74 2102:< AtaraxicMegatron> e 2102:< person7178> Kappa 2102:< person7178> nope 2102:< mindragon> Whoo. No filter is insane lol 2102:< JarnabyBones> asdf 2102:< pixzleone> yoyoyo 2102:< andreaplanbee> this account was supposed to be an alt but im bad at being anything but myself to it just became my new main 2102:< hagbard-celine> yeah, mainlining is a thing 2102:< andreaplanbee> so it* 2103:< prince_polka> 3 of them in the same room, 3 of them in another, they might possibly be merged lol 2103:< hagbard-celine> i have the repetition filter on, and some blocks, but nothing else 2103:< arespawn> unfiltered is not that bad #yolo 2103:< paigesucks> brb turning filter off 2103:< brutuscat2> well 2103:< pedro_fartinez> Roadto4402 2103:< brutuscat2> I'm going to assume paigesucks is dead 2104:< brutuscat2> we haven't heard from them in 30 s 2104:< hagbard-celine> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER 2104:< pedro_fartinez> mindragon you should have seen it after the merge. it was a waterfall of text. like a hacker montage. 2104:< brutuscat2> Remember guys 2104:< brutuscat2> it's bad to turn off filters 2104:< thatbarryguy> We have enough rooms to merge straight into T15 now? 2104:< brutuscat2> it can kill 2104:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> turn off filter when we merge, it's fucking glorious 2104:< zani1903> The only problem with unfiltered is that you get ALL filters at once 2104:< pedro_fartinez> thatbarryguy not yet. 2104:< brutuscat2> we might die next round 2105:< AtaraxicMegatron> #nofilter is the only way to merge 2105:< zani1903> and there's like 8 of them, so it gets spammy very fast without anyone realising 2105:< brutuscat2> from AFK :( 2105:< DILeakStudios> I recorded back when I merged into Kufil http://i.imgur.com/NyT69YJ.gifv 2105:< Sumwann> we can't die 2105:< thatbarryguy> Ah, need a T12 2105:< Sumwann> KuPrlits had the same fear 2105:< pedro_fartinez> we need a 12, then we can merge to 15 2105:< mindragon> pedro_fartinez I think I saw a video of it. Yes, insane 2105:< paigesucks> ayyyy 2105:< zani1903> But then it'll be a very long time until another 2 14s appear 2105:< embracetehmartian> derogative, nice i was playing last night 2105:< pedro_fartinez> with the chat filters we can keep any identity we want 2105:< zani1903> Closest behind our current 13 is a 10 2105:< brutuscat2> we are at 16, pedo_fartinez 2106:< brutuscat2> our next step is 17 2106:< thatbarryguy> There's a T11 Zani 2106:< zani1903> Ah yes, then there'll be a t12 soon 2106:< brutuscat2> we may not make it before the 8th 2106:< zani1903> But then it'll be a while to the next 2106:< pedro_fartinez> brutuscat2 i meant like the royal we 2106:< 16Beast> can someone link me the script with the chat filter? 2106:< stormagnet> brutus pffft my money is on merge later tonight 2106:< brutuscat2> stormagnet if we merge 2106:< thatbarryguy> Not sure we actually have a second T8 though ragoxlkrKr looks like a T7 2106:< brutuscat2> 100% stay 2106:< paigesucks> im back 2106:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> never stay. 2107:< ZeoFateX> paigesucks hai 2107:< TopicallyDifferent> SeExZa roll call 2107:< paigesucks> not even bad at all 2107:< Wulfay> only grow! 2107:< barnytan> grow 2107:< mindragon> All I can think of when I see the massive chat merge: http://45.media.tumblr.com/77c1e8b65077e62ab66fbe8efa62bc85/tumblr_mxpq0pMO941sx 2107:< pedro_fartinez> looks like we have 3 7's below that 8 2107:< thatbarryguy> MuThthCaST must be T8 though 2107:< brutuscat2> tier 17 will probably we our last round tbh 2107:< Internal1> It will likely take 2 days until we merge again 2107:< barnytan> SeExZa 2107:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> who the fuck made all these robingrow bots? literally just named robingrow1-9 in the lower tiers? 2107:< brutuscat2> be* 2107:< zani1903> Remember that that actual size of the room doesn't mean anything thatbarryguy, only how many merges it took to make it 2107:< Internal1> yeah everyone will stay at 17 2107:< Another_Joe_Wei> We'll merge at least once more before the 8th. 2107:< svlad> mindragon 404 2107:< brutuscat2> Another_Joe_wei we won't merge after that 2107:< zani1903> If it doesn't crash, I'm 100% certain we'll get T17 but T18 is definitely a dream 2107:< YourBodyIsFrail> if we survive the T17 that would be enogh 2108:< stormagnet> Fire up the alts boys 2108:< 404NinjaNotFound> you called 404? 2108:< thatbarryguy> zani903: Yeah, but you can do a pretty good guess from calculating total-abstains 2108:< arespawn> t18 is more possible than a stay vote 2108:< stormagnet> and GROW GROW GROW 2108:< Another_Joe_Wei> brutuscat2, I don't think we will. The amount of time to get to T16 is just too high. 2108:< Internal1> no we'll all stay at 17 I suppose 2108:< paigesucks> robingrow guys in the chat not here rn i dont think 2108:< svlad> 404ninjanotfound, nah, I was letting mindragon know that his link 404ed 2108:< JarnabyBones> T18 won't happen unless there's a bigger formal roll out of robin. 2108:< 404NinjaNotFound> awww 2108:< JarnabyBones> there need to be more users 2108:< 404NinjaNotFound> I wanna be paged sometime 2108:< mindragon> Better one http://imgur.com/gallery/lRq6T7n 2108:< ZeoFateX> RobinGrow Fork is what people are using now it seems: https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2108:< brutuscat2> JarnabyBones this is mostly to make junk subreddits 2109:< mindragon> IMGUR FTW 2109:< JarnabyBones> so we think 2109:< zani1903> T18 most definitely won't happen at all, it's going to take us 2 days just to get to T17, we don't even have the luxury of another 2 2109:< stop_ttip> robin is like the game 2048 2109:< zani1903> of any more than another 2 at most, that is 2109:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> GUYS, SOON WE WILL BREAK THE RECORD FOR LONGEST LASTING ROOM OF ALL TIME 2109:< svlad> mindragon, I preferred the 404 :( 2109:< zani1903> NEVER_CLEANED_COMP How long? 2109:< Sumwann> There's also robin enhancement suite which is nice to use: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/18477-robin-enhancement-script 2109:< arespawn> soon TM 2110:< brutuscat2> soon (TM) 2110:< Internal1> We want to break the records and then stay 2110:< barnytan> GROW 2110:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> zani1903 we're around 22 hours right now, and the record is 23h 2110:< TopicallyDifferent> I think we'll get a good surge near the end 2110:< brutuscat2> Internal1 lets go to tier 17, then STAY 2110:< Internal1> yeah that's what I was thinking brutuscat2 2110:< NamePsychic> fuck staying before the 8th 2110:< barnytan> fk 3 days here GROW 2110:< mindragon> Oh we'll hit the record of largest group to stay up the longest for sure 2110:< NamePsychic> longest running chat is us. fuck you. 2110:< TopicallyDifferent> Robin interest will peak because people will want to get in 2110:< AtaraxicMegatron> fucks staying ever 2110:< brutuscat2> NamePsychic our chance of growing after Tier 17 is zero 2110:< brutuscat2> literally zero 2110:< NamePsychic> brutuscat2: point? 2110:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> brutuscat2, not literally, but basically. 2110:< barnytan> fk you 2111:< barnytan> we Grow 2111:< mindragon> Yeah T18 is impossible by 4/8 2111:< Internal1> NamePsychic we can never grow beyond 17 2111:< zani1903> TopicallyDifferent Well, I doubt people will make it to our T17 even if we get a huge surge. 2111:< NamePsychic> Who cares? Why kill the chat? 2111:< mootinator> That makes no sense. 2111:< beyrevra> it's really slow now 2111:< brutuscat2> at least staying will get us something for all of this time we have put into reddit... 2111:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> we could merge twice, if Robin got on the front page again. 2111:< Decalance> i don't alt tab for a minute and i have 2k new messages? yall crazy 2111:< barnytan> fk before the last megre people were saying that shit 2111:< barnytan> we grow 2111:< mootinator> It's mathematically impossible that we grow, so let's stay! 2111:< mindragon> Somehow we'd have to get another 10k people to jump into Robin before 4/8 .... 2111:< zani1903> TopicallyDifferent Well, we might if we get THAT MANY PEOPLE 2111:< SigP> the only reason to stay is if you're in a room with 40 or 50 people and enjoying the chat. We are way past that 2111:< beyrevra> I put an alt into a chat, it takes forever to get through the tiers 2111:< barnytan> fk staying 2111:< NamePsychic> And I've heard the last three fucking tiers that we'll never grow again. Eat it. 2111:< ZeoFateX> soKu Discord: https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2111:< thatbarryguy> Decalance, the coutner includes the filetered stuff 2111:< thatbarryguy> counter 2112:< TopicallyDifferent> zani1903 the number of people doesn't actually matter as long as people create new groups 2112:< Decalance> thatbarryguy oh yeah, john madden 2112:< mootinator> The chat doesn't stay if you stay? 2112:< mindragon> NamePsychic this hit is for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcJjMnHoIBI 2112:< paigesucks> ayyyyyy 2112:< juryk> multi-listening on the robingrow fork is glorious 2112:< TopicallyDifferent> new groups -> new merges 2112:< zani1903> NamePsychic Growing from 1k to 2k and 2k to 4k is easier because it requires less people, but 3/4k to 6/8k isn't anywhere near as easy 2112:< purple_pan> http://secrethitler.online 2112:< TopicallyDifferent> We won't dip under 3K, KulPlrits stabilized after 2295 2112:< AtaraxicMegatron> mootinator it stays. i don't see the point in it, though 2112:< barnytan> grow grow grow 2112:< NamePsychic> zani1903 number of people is irrelevant 2112:< zani1903> TopicallyDifferent I'm more thinking about time, honestly 2113:< mootinator> What's the difference between a grow room with no mathematical possibility of growth and a stay room? 2113:< juryk> theres really no reason to Stay, theres no benefit 2113:< JarnabyBones> a stay still terminates 2113:< brutuscat2> mootinator we get a subreddit in the end 2113:< AtaraxicMegatron> the other has some purpose 2113:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> mootinator a stay room is filled with cowardly pussies. 2113:< NamePsychic> There can be a tier 10 with 50 people if they aren't idiots and vote stay. If you wanna leave the chat, leave. 2113:< thatbarryguy> We still have over 26 hours before we merge, That's plenty of time for 20 to leave. 2113:< JarnabyBones> grow is the only way to keep a chat room alive. 2113:< touyajp> secret live board function: http://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute&r=5 2113:< juryk> awfullotofocelots why is that 2113:< touyajp> r = refresh time in seconds 2113:< brutuscat2> I plan on growing until the 7th 2113:< mootinator> You say 'If you wanna leave the chat, leave." but that's not the result of a stay vote. 2113:< touyajp> ft=absolute is for founding time instead of duration 2113:< zani1903> thatbarryguy Well, that's only if people purposefully leave before then, what did we start off with after the no voters got kicked? 2113:< brutuscat2> if we don't get anywhere, I'll just stay 2113:< Internal1> NamePsychic it will likely take us 6 days to reach tier 17, then we need another tier 17 to reach 18 2113:< spyhermit> we will probably get a 15 sometime today... a second fifteen is possible tomorrow. 2114:< Internal1> it won't be possible 2114:< touyajp> eh no way 2114:< JarnabyBones> Everything in the parrot fork is plaintext, no clickable URLs either. 2114:< spyhermit> if that happens, we'll hit 17 tomorrow or thursday 2114:< touyajp> i am taking bets 2114:< spyhermit> but 18 is unpossible. 2114:< Talisene> Stalin out. ლ(ಠ‿ಠლ) 2114:< touyajp> yes agrees 2114:< NamePsychic> You guys are so confident that there aren't 500 groups of 2-4 right now. 2114:< Internal1> sorry, to clarify I meant it will take 6 days in total 2114:< Bonoahx> I bet $0.01 2114:< brutuscat2> spyhermit people don't want to believe that 2114:< barnytan> i bet hit one more tier 2114:< thatbarryguy> TopicallyDifferent: No, the estimate is based from watching the merges for the past 2 days and making a minimum calculation 2114:< touyajp> 18 will not happen until 4chan merges en masse 2114:< Bonoahx> at odds 1/1 2115:< NamePsychic> t1s and t2s I mean. 2115:< person7178> i dont get why we dont stay 2115:< brutuscat2> NamePsychic there really isn't unless you can get all of 4chan onto robin 2115:< TopicallyDifferent> Gotcha 2115:< brutuscat2> which would be horrible 2115:< Grizzly_Storm> Don't stop believin. 2115:< ShanRoxAlot> because we can grow 2115:< touyajp> because T17 OR BUST 2115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> person7178 are you a massive pussy? then vote stay. 2115:< brutuscat2> T17 or bust 2115:< AtaraxicMegatron> it's not about reaching 18, it's about dying trying 2115:< howhardcoulditB> I think the problem is that there aren't enough people joining robin that will stay for long enough to get beyond the next merge. 2115:< person7178> were losing users by the minute 2115:< mootinator> 4chan on robin would test a lot of devs mettle :D 2115:< person7178> *8chan 2115:< qlum> we can also fail like the previous 4k room 2115:< NamePsychic> lol, we've lost maybe 100 people in 12 hours. 2115:< howhardcoulditB> We would have enlist the rest of reddit to make it happen 2115:< Sumwann> come join cards against humanity http://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=44 password: robin 2115:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> we we're not losing anyone, wtf are you on about 2116:< NamePsychic> not even that many, actually 2116:< person7178> were at 3,020 2116:< ShanRoxAlot> the people who left are just trying to help other groups catch up of course 2116:< barnytan> why the fk does do people bring up the 4k group 2116:< barnytan> that was before the auto grows 2116:< spyhermit> I wonder if the system doesn't allow you to join back into a thread you abandoned. 2116:< mootinator> The 4k group was most of us anyway. 2116:< mootinator> And it wasn't before the auto grows. 2116:< person7178> barnytan no it wasnt 2116:< Grizzly_Storm> Don't worry about it, those people are expendable. 2116:< person7178> barnytan the bots crashed 2117:< AtaraxicMegatron> autogrows existed in 4k 2117:< JarnabyBones> the autogrows will make big rooms permanent 2117:< Grizzly_Storm> Only those with the superior ability to vote, will be able to step into a new internet utopia. 2117:< Internal1> NamePsychic , explain why we can merge until tier 18 2117:< Verifitas> barnytan Uh, no, people's autogrows failing on 503 errors was what killed it. Get your history right. ;) 2117:< mootinator> There were even non bugged versions, nobody bothered to update though. 2117:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! 2117:< superjimbe> I have to go my people need me..... good luck with the grow...or the stay.... 2117:< TopicallyDifferent> because we need to BEAT IT 2117:< Internal1> and why we shouldn't stay at 17 2117:< person7178> #NEVERFORGET 2117:< NamePsychic> we literally lost 50 people in 17 hours. not losing anybody hardly. 2117:< loulan> there are barely more than 4000 people in total chatting... this is why i doubt we'll reach T17. there is a huge gap between 14 & 16 2117:< barnytan> fine but we now have a way past 503s 2117:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and join! and follow for John Cena 2117:< NamePsychic> I have screens to prove it 2117:< andreaplanbee> hello chatters 2117:< TopicallyDifferent> RobinTracker says 5562 in the top tiers 2117:< Eonwe_of_Manwe> awh we were at such a nice number 2117:< barnytan> plus fking a, I've heard this 4k shit the past 3 days 2118:< Bonoahx> i dont even get it 2118:< barnytan> 3 fking tiers of stay look what happened to the 4k group 2118:< prince_polka> https://www.twitch.tv/mexpaino livestreaming now! come and tell him you came from this chat 2118:< JarnabyBones> I was here during the merge, it maxed around 3,800 and it's been dropping since. 2118:< loulan> i think people underestimate the gap between powers of two 2118:< Bonoahx> what is a tier 2118:< spyhermit> NamePsychic I've been here a long ass time too. we're down about 100 people in a day. it's not a bad number. 2118:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> prince_polka stfu 2118:< ShanRoxAlot> dont get stuck on weather we will grow or not. Focus on now. We have each other as company. 2118:< JarnabyBones> a lot of people believe this is the ceiling and bounced out 2118:< spyhermit> JarnabyBones yeah we lost a big batch of no-vote and abandons on the first merge attempt, but that always happens. 2118:< NamePsychic> ShanRoxAlot knows what's up 2118:< TopicallyDifferent> the merge number doesn't count, no votes get purged after 30 minutes and we lost 700 people 2118:< AtaraxicMegatron> we lost 8000 because of no-vote 2118:< awfullotofocelots> tier = the number of previous merges 2118:< AtaraxicMegatron> 800 2118:< mindragon> TopicallyDifferent this hit is for you ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym0hZG-zNOk 2118:< mootinator> It's not really stay look what happened to the 4k group, it's more stay there's not really much interest in this beyond people here. 2119:< JarnabyBones> yeah, I didn't really care, I've been working a lot. In and out at odd hours. 2119:< NamePsychic> the 4k group was a spam fest. we have 6 million dollars behind us. 2119:< person7178> thats true NamePsychic, but that was before channels 2119:< brutuscat2> NamePsychic where did you get 6 million from 2119:< Bonoahx> oh ok 2119:< JarnabyBones> so does anyone know why the parrot script leaves everything plaintext? 2120:< JarnabyBones> I don't even have clickable urls anymore 2120:< spyhermit> if we get another merge, we'll probably be 5-6k, and that's it 2120:< barnytan> ask the dev chat 2120:< JarnabyBones> do I need to leave the original robin grow on? 2120:< spyhermit> if the merge survives. 2120:< andreaplanbee> i dont not have that issue with parrot 2120:< paperstargirl> ooh fun times ahead for the guys in tiers 9,10,11, straight merges from now 2120:< touyajp> yay little cascade coming up 9->10->11->12 2120:< _vvvv_> You turn the original robin grow off. 2120:< _vvvv_> You turn on parrot, if you want to use it. 2120:< NamePsychic> 6 million was a joke. We've rebuilt this. Made it better, faster, stronger. 2120:< stormagnet> then you put the lime in the coconut 2121:< Grizzly_Storm> It's pretty much an inevitability we will beat the record. Might as well keep going until the last day to secure it. 2121:< JarnabyBones> agree 2121:< JarnabyBones> which is dev chat? 2121:< andreaplanbee> heck yes 2121:< NamePsychic> ^ 2121:< _vvvv_> dev chat is ^ 2121:< JarnabyBones> thx1138 2121:< barnytan> grow at least till 7 april then we stay 2122:< spyhermit> grow till april 7, then continue to grow until the whole thing dies. 2122:< spyhermit> the subreddits created by stays are dead. 2122:< person7178> thats because none of the subs are > 300 2122:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> spyhermit of course they are. 2122:< asasantana> what would we post in a subreddit anyways? 2122:< mrfrightful> it;s because they have literally noting in common other than ending up in the same dogpile 2122:< Grizzly_Storm> I have a feeling there will be people spreading the word before the deadline. Meaning there will be more people making their way up. 2122:< Internal1> following the math, we should have had 65536 by our tier. We have 3020 2123:< Internal1> Users 2123:< NamePsychic> no. it is because we've already had subreddits for years and have no common ground outside of this chat. 2123:< Verifitas> person7178 No, it's because none of the subs are anything more than a disorganized novelty. There's no topic. People just go back 2123:< mootinator> We would post CANCER CANCER CANCER CANCER CANCER CANCER JOHN MADDEN 2123:< Grizzly_Storm> It's worth sticking around to merge with them. 2123:< spyhermit> I love how someone at reddit basically recreated IRC by accident. 2123:< protoctista> should spambots be banned? 2123:< Verifitas> person7178 their regular subs because there's really, really no point in them. 2123:< asasantana> I feel like it's worth it to have it like an achivement tho 2123:< mrfrightful> the only thing to talk about in a stay subreditt would be 'i wonder what would have happened if we hadn;t stayed' 2123:< barnytan> we're only banding together coz there's a deadline 2123:< NamePsychic> An achievement would be not bailing on ROBIN. 2124:< protoctista> i think this should go on for at least as long as the button 2124:< NamePsychic> Fuck subreddits. Old hat. We want Robin. 2124:< mrfrightful> and thats a topic with less than week of discuaaion in it 2124:< TopicallyDifferent> The stay subs will die immediately 2124:< mootinator> WE LOST ANOTHER SOUL 2124:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Even if we merge and double or numbers or more - and we stay. The sub will STILL die very quickly. 2124:< barnytan> yea stays are quite dead 2124:< djcraze> Whoops. Wrong chat. Traitor. 2124:< mrfrightful> a stayer realised he didnt need anyone elses validation:P 2125:< Verifitas> mootinator SACRIFICE MORE STAYS TO THE ABANDON GODS 2125:< asasantana> is better to have a dead subreddit that we can see than a dead chat that doesnt exist 2125:< mythriz> test 2125:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> asasantana not really. 2125:< NamePsychic> It doesn't matter. You guys aren't ever getting a majority. 2125:< Lord_Dankster> i am surprised this room is still over 3k people 2125:< barnytan> the dead sub will have so little shit in it 2125:< protoctista> it wont be over 3k for long 2125:< NamePsychic> We're talking just to talk because we are more likely to get to T20 than to "stay" 2125:< barnytan> whats the fking point 2125:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> Stay MIGHT get a majority next merge, maybe 2125:< andreaplanbee> hit stay on the last day 2125:< asasantana> it will be just like a mark of what we did here 2125:< mootinator> REKT 2125:< TopicallyDifferent> Nah it won't 2126:< barnytan> fk stay 2126:< ZeoFateX> STAY LAST DAY 2126:< protoctista> when does this end? the 7th? 2126:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> protoctista 8th 2126:< NamePsychic> 8th 2126:< barnytan> we grow 2126:< Sumwann> April 8th 2126:< andreaplanbee> 8th i thought 2126:< protoctista> thanks 2126:< Sumwann> We grow or we go 2126:< djcraze> What time on the 8th? 2126:< asasantana> so like in 5 years we can say i was in sokuku, im in this sub 2126:< NamePsychic> APRIL FOOLS, ENDS THE 5th 2126:< NamePsychic> Suicides galore. 2126:< barnytan> lol 2126:< mootinator> SoCUCKYou 2126:< protoctista> now that WOULD be an april fools 2126:< xSke> i'm gonna head to bed, let's hope my autovoter doesn't break 2126:< protoctista> like we're planning this out in detail then BAM 2127:< pedro_fartinez> NamePsychic that would upset me so much. 2127:< NamePsychic> hahaha 2127:< andreaplanbee> lol 2127:< mootinator> I feel like /r/SoCuckYou needs to be a reddit anyway 2127:< pedro_fartinez> soon well have the components for a 15. 2127:< TopicallyDifferent> see you xSke 2127:< andreaplanbee> probably not 2127:< Grakiao> join us on discord https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2127:< andreaplanbee> damn i am lagged wth 2128:< barnytan> refresh? 2128:< ShanRoxAlot> why is everyone saying cuck these days. Isnt A cuck someone who is unfaithfu to their spouse. 2128:< mootinator> Yeah. Ask /r/politics 2128:< Saucy_Fox> ShanRoxAlot no 2128:< andreaplanbee> test test beep boop 2128:< lordxeon> how's everyone doing? 2128:< pedro_fartinez> a cuckhold or a cuckquean 2128:< Sumwann> playing cards against humanity 2128:< barnytan> i see you 2128:< Saucy_Fox> A cuck is someone who enjoys watching their spouse get fucked by someone else 2128:< andreaplanbee> still lagged 2128:< paigesucks> https://discordapp.com/invite/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO join the discord 2128:< sabotourAssociate> anyone watching Horace and Pete 2128:< asasantana> https://discordapp.com/invite/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO join the discord guys 2128:< andreaplanbee> im like 5 seconds lagged every after refresh 2129:< andreaplanbee> even after* 2129:< paigesucks> https://discordapp.com/invite/0vTXcYLUd4fFvBRO 2130:< pedro_fartinez> andreaplanbee throw the computer in a river. should clean things up 2130:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2131:< prince_polka> https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW soKuku discord 2131:< Grakiao> join our voice channel https://discord.gg/0vTXcYLUd4bytHNW 2131:< What-the-curtains> Am I able to close the browser, and come back later? 2131:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> yeah, What-the-curtains 2131:< reddug> yip 2132:< What-the-curtains> Cheers 2132:< andreaplanbee> yo this irc channel is poppin 2132:< andreaplanbee> im not being serious tho 2133:< Khemikooligan> is there anyway to access robin from an iphone? 2133:< mootinator> :DCC SEND: 2133:< andreaplanbee> yeah just user a browser 2133:< andreaplanbee> use* 2135:< Verifitas> Looks like redditads is pushing robin. Influx of users incoming. 2135:< mootinator> We need DCC transfers. I need a cryptologist to tell me how to securely initiate transfers over a very public forum. 2135:< Broodoobob> we are saved! 2135:< tRitone11> yes robin button is homepage 2135:< purple_pan> join! http://secrethitler.online 2135:< Glidermechanic> wth just happened? 2135:< Verifitas> No, not the button. Big massive ads. "JOIN ROBIN" 2136:< spyhermit> Glidermechanic same thing as I did, just some weird refresh? 2136:< rian294> i got disconnected? 2136:< spyhermit> whole thing came back up, somehow. 2136:< RicksterCraft> Same here 2136:< RicksterCraft> Weird 2136:< zani1903> that was wierd 2136:< rian294> we borked reddit woo 2136:< mootinator> That's the 503 error handling, no? 2136:< TopicallyDifferent> Admins want to see it happen 2136:< Glidermechanic> spyhermit I guess 2136:< spyhermit> glad we came back up, that's for sure. 2136:< Lieto> Guys what happened 2136:< zani1903> was probably a restart to get more servers online 2137:< Lieto> Did anyone else's formatting and font change? 2137:< TopicallyDifferent> Don't worry people, old robin grow usually refreshes 2137:< Glidermechanic> No one was kicked luckily 2137:< zani1903> don't go silent guys D: that's scary 2137:< Khemikooligan> thats been happening sporadically all day, its nothing to worry about 2137:< taubut> Am I still here? 2137:< rian294> ye 2137:< Lieto> taubut, no, you're not 2137:< mootinator> Headcount! 2137:< taubut> :D 2137:< Broodoobob> ayy 2137:< YourBodyIsFrail> did we reach 24 hour? 2137:< Lieto> It's just an illusion! 2138:< Broodoobob> I didn't lag 2138:< taubut> went to work all day worried id be kicked 2138:< frdmn> huh, I thought mootinator was a bot :o 2138:< TopicallyDifferent> (ooh-ooh aah) Illusion 2138:< zacketysack> Its a prank bro! 2138:< mootinator> Why would I be a bot? 2138:< m1327> Yes, we are past 24 hours now 2138:< draggehn> Because you're too cool to be human moot 2138:< TopicallyDifferent> It's a record, wooooooooooooooooooo!!! 2138:< zani1903> taubut, you won't be kicked unless we merge because you've already voted 2138:< mootinator> SO TRUE 2138:< draggehn> lol 2138:< taubut> ah cool, thanks 2138:< stormagnet> still here, no 503 kick 2139:< spyhermit> all my mutes vanished, ffff. ;) 2139:< zani1903> taubut when we merge, you have the 31 minute period to vote again before you're kicked for no vote 2139:< frdmn> for some reason I thought you auto post messages if someone stay's or abandons 2139:< taubut> Any news on a merge toniht? 2139:< frdmn> apologies 2139:< taubut> tonight* 2139:< sugarplumcow> schmuckle Meggiekins Molokoplusplus You guys still here? 2139:< spyhermit> taubut virtually no chance. maybe tomorrow. 2139:< zani1903> Don't think we're paticularly hopeful for a merge tonight, but tommorow should definitely have a chance 2139:< iHacked> Will we merge tonight or? 2139:< draggehn> taubut, just use a low power laptop and leave it on forever with a script running :p 2139:< Roboteck> hell no 2139:< Khemikooligan> if i have robin grow installed i dont need to manually vote right? i can go to sleep? 2139:< sbblakey777> Merging probably won't be for another couple days 2139:< taubut> Ah ok 2139:< zani1903> There aren't enough tier 14/15 rooms for us to get a merge partner yet 2139:< sugarplumcow> Anyone from my Hifaxaus or yaNiNi folks here? 2139:< magicalSITAR> how much longer? 2140:< keithgabryelski> i see my robin script has been change... and not for the better.... let me turn off this alignment bullshit 2140:< YourBodyIsFrail> there will be no merge in the next 12 hours 2140:< Roboteck> a year 2140:< draggehn> Khemikooligan, just vote once and if you keep the device powered and the internet on and the script doesn't break, you should be fine. 2140:< JarnabyBones> yeah, I actually rushed to get a few of my alts into this one yesterday 2140:< zani1903> Khemikooligan As long as the room doesn't merge, which it won't, you won't get kicked even if your computer is off 2140:< JarnabyBones> I've got one laggging behind. 2140:< zani1903> sugarplumcow HIFAXAUS still here bro o7 2140:< sbblakey777> If Reddit keeps this open for a year there will be people commited enough to make a Tier 100 2140:< sugarplumcow> zani1903 HIFAXAUS! Hey! Glad to see you still around! 2140:< JarnabyBones> of course, it's exclusive 2140:< iHacked> sbblakey777 I don't think so 2140:< Roboteck> i would like to see that kind of phenomen 2140:< spyhermit> we're going to have a 11,12,13,14, but no 15 2141:< SHIFTnSPACE> well then theyll merge all the way up 2141:< shokk> zimzam 2141:< YourBodyIsFrail> they will stop at 15 2141:< loulan> you need double that for them to merge all the way up! 2141:< SigP> soon as two 10s merge, they will pop all the way up 2141:< JarnabyBones> does anyone own a tascam dr-100? 2141:< SHIFTnSPACE> i bet in 3 hours we'll have our first t15, so then we have half the game 2141:< keithgabryelski> who is responsible for aligning text in the latest robin-grow? 2141:< Khemikooligan> we need people to leave and remerge, everyone who wasn't og soku needs to leave 2142:< Khemikooligan> soku master race 2142:< spyhermit> yep, so we'll probably have a 15 today, but it'll be 24 or more before we get another 15. 2142:< SHIFTnSPACE> look at the leaderboard right now, theres alot coming without us leaving, and its better to use an alt 2142:< SHIFTnSPACE> buuut, we'll be able to get to t17 before its over 2142:< sbblakey777> Anyone else use this? http://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 2143:< sbblakey777> Really helpful 2143:< atodat> Yes 2143:< TopicallyDifferent> Yeah I've been staring at it 2143:< sbblakey777> I wish it showed Tiers 2143:< JarnabyBones> what's the parrot URL again? 2143:< JarnabyBones> spreading it into another room. 2143:< sbblakey777> But you can almost guess the tiers based on total people 2143:< TopicallyDifferent> There's no way to know automatically so it doesn't 2143:< andreaplanbee> JarnabyBones https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2144:< sbblakey777> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow/ 2144:< JarnabyBones> thanks! 2144:< sbblakey777> Yep 2145:< Curly-Mo> hi everyone 2145:< sbblakey777> hi 2145:< Roboteck> hey curly 2145:< Curly-Mo> seems pretty quiet here, is this still the main chat channel? 2145:< JarnabyBones> I figure it might help during merges too if people have it already 2145:< sbblakey777> I don't think so, but it hasn't devolved into some #RPG bs like other channels 2146:< SHIFTnSPACE> im gonna go to bed now, goodnight :D til tomorrow 2146:< atodat> Parrot is nice! Just switched from Robin grow 2146:< andreaplanbee> good night SHIFTnSPACE 2146:< Roboteck> gnight --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 21:46:16 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 21:51:33 2016 2151:< NorseFenrir> We're gonna smash the record for longest lasting channel by quite a distance. That's interesting. 2151:< NorseFenrir> Room, sorry. 2151:< radioactivated> what robin tracker are people using 2151:< Curly-Mo> radioactivated has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 2151:< TopicallyDifferent> I have a no filter second tab, yeah It's pretty spammy 2151:< dexepi> Yeah from here we might not get to tier 18 before it closes 2151:< sbblakey777> http://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/?ft=absolute 2151:< Lord_Derp_The_2nd> Wonder if we'll merge again before it's all over. 2152:< KernelSnuffy> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow radioactivated 2152:< thrwaaay> FFUUUU my alt got kicked out of a tier 9 despite voting grow >____< 2152:< spyhermit> looks like 90 minutes until we have an 11,12,13,14 2152:< NorseFenrir> I'm expecting us to merge at least once more before it's all over, which will make us the biggest ever. That's pretty cool. 2152:< kevinstonge> we might merge tonight! 2152:< Lord_Derp_The_2nd> is it Friday when it's over? 2153:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm in Vianshie atm 2153:< kevinstonge> 4/8 2153:< radioactivated> Kappa 2153:< dexepi> Okay so strategy chat: are we aiming for biggest group or highest tier? 2153:< sbblakey777> I wanna push it to 20 but the stayers are getting restless. 2153:< radioactivated> what's this about twitch emotes 2153:< TopicallyDifferent> We won't merge tonight, we need 3 more 14s after this one 2153:< dexepi> because they mean doing different things 2153:< pedro_fartinez> dexepi we already have the highest tier 2153:< NorseFenrir> dexepi, at this point, I'm pretty sure they'll be synonymous. 2153:< TopicallyDifferent> Keepo 2153:< pedro_fartinez> and biggest group will be next merge 2153:< radioactivated> Kappa 2153:< dexepi> I'm saying, by April 8, do we want to maximize tier or maximize group size? 2153:< radioactivated> Keepo 2154:< spyhermit> yeah, we're probably 24 hours from merge 2154:< Lord_Derp_The_2nd> whats the difference? Aren't tier & size intrinsically tied? 2154:< Sumwann> I'd say people will look at the group size first, not the tier 2154:< stormagnet> dexepi YES 2154:< pedro_fartinez> as NorseFenrir says, they are synonymous with the next tier 2154:< ande_> KappaClaus 2154:< dexepi> but which one do we want to maximize? 2154:< spyhermit> no, size and tier are not tied at all. 2154:< TopicallyDifferent> ResidentSleeper 2154:< spyhermit> it's strictly the number of merges. 2154:< Curly-Mo> Collectively, there is nothing "we" want 2154:< pedro_fartinez> we are tied with the highest tier now and we should beat the 4400 next merge 2154:< Curly-Mo> everyone is here for a different reason 2155:< NorseFenrir> I think size will be remembered better than tier, but we'll have both records regardless. 2155:< TopicallyDifferent> Also don't keep on spamming Kappa or you get autoignored by most robin-grow versions 2155:< stormagnet> dexepi once the lower tiers merge up our numbers will increase 2155:< pedro_fartinez> im here because i dont want to do any more work 2155:< radioactivated> Kappa 2155:< kevinstonge> radioactivated - I'm gonna link you the script, but it's got some issues 2155:< dexepi> well, they mean doing different things, and neither one (I think) involves the current setup 2155:< kevinstonge> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2155:< dexepi> yes stormagnet I get that, I'm thinking about ways to maximize rate of growth 2155:< radioactivated> Keepo 2155:< atodat> BTW, if nobody abandoned we would have 2^16 or approx. 65k people at our tier 2155:< Curly-Mo> Room size history: 2 4 6 12 18 29 48 66 96 168 261 414 548 1148 2072 3857 2155:< pedro_fartinez> dexepi what would you recommend doing? 2155:< stormagnet> dexepi if you want to maximize growth get ye on alts and incognito 2155:< radioactivated> PJSalt 2156:< radioactivated> twitch emotes are fun 2156:< dexepi> If we want to maximize tier alot of us should abandon to build up lower tiers 2156:< wlan222> will we merge once more befor 8.4.16 ? 2156:< pedro_fartinez> no sense in that. just get the alts on it 2156:< stormagnet> dexepi it serves no purpose to abandon- just use an alt 2156:< spyhermit> dexepi that's stupid. :) 2156:< dexepi> not all of us have alts 2156:< radioactivated> make alts maybe? 2156:< pedro_fartinez> just make one 2156:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2156:< atodat> @NorseFenrir Yeah. 95% people drop out. 2156:< spyhermit> creating one is free and easy. 2156:< Curly-Mo> it makes perfect sense 2156:< kevinstonge> dexepi making an alt takes 10 seconds 2156:< stormagnet> dexepi you can go make on _right now_ 2156:< pedro_fartinez> haha 2157:< YourBodyIsFrail> if we all abondon then this chat will die 2157:< Curly-Mo> we all have to abandon RIGHT NOW 2157:< sbblakey777> Shut up CUrly 2157:< radioactivated> don't abandon 2157:< stormagnet> dexepi this isn't the button, participation isn't locked for new accounts 2157:< spyhermit> if enough abandon, it'll turn into a stay and vanish. that would be stupid. 2157:< sbblakey777> Nobody's gonna be a pussy and abandon 2157:< Lord_Derp_The_2nd> Dont take the bait, lol. 2157:< Curly-Mo> I am 2157:< dexepi> I'm not telling everyone to abandon 2157:< TopicallyDifferent> radioactivated, you mean 2157:< pedro_fartinez> bye? 2157:< sigmaeni> I've made an alt, growing to the top! 2157:< radioactivated> mean what 2157:< TopicallyDifferent> Twitch emotes are fu... ResidentSleeper 2157:< TopicallyDifferent> Kappa 2157:< dexepi> I'm trying to figure out the fastest way to do things 2157:< YourBodyIsFrail> . we already survived the T16 and i think we can survive the T17 2158:< dexepi> If everyone abandons (don't do this) we'll probably form a larger group at a lower tier 2158:< radioactivated> SSSsss 2158:< mythriz> I hacked the Robin-Autovoter script to have tabbed chat, kinda seems to work 2158:< stormagnet> alt + incognito = grow GROW G R O W 2158:< dexepi> or at least an equally sized group at a lower tier with an easier time merging 2158:< pedro_fartinez> dexepi again alts can be used. no one needs to abandon 2158:< mythriz> it's probably incredibly inefficient and buggy 2158:< spyhermit> sure, but then you still have to wait for more groups to form to progress the merge 2158:< sigmaeni> yess stormagnet! 2158:< radioactivated> don't abadon, just use an alt 2158:< YourBodyIsFrail> my 2 alts are already at the T14 chat :D 2158:< radioactivated> alts are powerful! use them 2158:< dexepi> alts are the easy way out 2158:< TopicallyDifferent> Resident Sleeper describes about 90% of this chat 2159:< pedro_fartinez> this isnt supposed to be like some trial 2159:< dexepi> but hey if we want to do that someone should make a bot that creates alts 2159:< spyhermit> it's incredibly inefficient, because 64000 people have to merge in and abandon out in a mix of ways to get a t16. 2159:< radioactivated> reddit might ban you for that 2159:< Curly-Mo> dexepi has a point, use alts with his plan 2159:< radioactivated> just use alts 2159:< mythriz> http://i.imgur.com/4urulYB.gifv 2159:< TopicallyDifferent> I have just the one alt 2159:< Curly-Mo> our mains + alts can merge a tier 16 with higher population 2159:< touyajp> in 10 minutes this channel has lasted 24h. I'll add it then to the leaderboard as ongoing record 2159:< TopicallyDifferent> It's already at the top 2 2159:< ande_> i have one alt in the T11 room 2159:< pedro_fartinez> mythriz what build of robin grow is that? 2159:< TopicallyDifferent> touyajp you're one of the /r/robintracking guys? 2159:< TopicallyDifferent> Mad respect 2200:< atodat> touyajp Great! 2200:< Lord_Derp_The_2nd> mad repspek 2200:< touyajp> TopicallyDifferent nah, i just happen to have the same reddit username... 2200:< Oddstrich> wtf is this 2200:< pedro_fartinez> yeah touyajp well done. thanks for the work mate. 2200:< mythriz> not Robin Grow, I hacked Robin-Assistant since it seemed easier to work with 2200:< atodat> lol 2200:< YourBodyIsFrail> the crazy part is we won't merge in the next 24 hour 2200:< touyajp> pedro_fartinez no worries, it's fun. 2200:< touyajp> and only do it when time, we have a good team around the globe to cover the timezones 2200:< Curly-Mo> yo touyajp, is any information needed for tracking? I have all the user and vote history from all the rooms I've been in 2200:< Glidermechanic> mythriz Wow, that's OP 2201:< spyhermit> I'm just eagerly awaiting the statistics around this whole thing when it's done. 2201:< touyajp> Curly-Mo Usually Tier information and Parent channels as this isnt correctly auto-tracked 2201:< touyajp> especially tier9-11 are dubious often 2201:< TopicallyDifferent> new tier 12 in an hour 2201:< mythriz> I'll try to post the code somewhere so the original author can have a look and other people can try it out if they want 2201:< touyajp> after that they are usually established 2202:< kevinstonge> these lower tier rooms need to get their shit together already 2202:< TopicallyDifferent> Projected to have about 400 people 2202:< hansolo580> please vote for nigglet 2202:< radioactivated> oh hey any esperantists here 2202:< Sumwann> kevinstonge you have no idea how many of them want to stay 2202:< kulomascovia> why is the chat so slow right now 2202:< Bonoahx> no shit robin 2203:< kevinstonge> Sumwann I know, it took me quite a few tries to get HERE 2203:< shy> hi hi hi hi 2203:< kevinstonge> I'm a member of about five stupid subreddits now because of it 2203:< Curly-Mo> kevinstonge has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 2203:< Curly-Mo> kevinstonge has voted GROW 3 times. 2203:< kevinstonge> Curly-Mo what is this? 2204:< kevinstonge> are you a bot? 2204:< Curly-Mo> yes ma'am 2204:< radioactivated> I think I broke robin with my size-1000 helvetica font 2204:< Sumwann> kevinstonge yeah, that's so annoying 2204:< kevinstonge> radioactivated :) it breaks pretty easily 2204:< kevinstonge> especially with that new script 2204:< Curly-Mo> any script tells us who abandoned yet? 2204:< radioactivated> http://puu.sh/o6hoh/0783d0c032.png 2204:< kevinstonge> I went back to the simpler colorized/filtered script 2205:< radioactivated> to give you an idea 2205:< YourBodyIsFrail> why someone abandone every time 2205:< lordxeon> when abouts do you think will we merge? 2205:< shy> in 24 hours 2205:< YourBodyIsFrail> at least 24 hours 2205:< gundeck925> hey guys i failed my board so that means more time to robin chat! 2205:< Curly-Mo> yay! we're so proud of you gun 2206:< lordxeon> damn, ok 2206:< YourBodyIsFrail> you don't have to keep your computer on 2206:< YourBodyIsFrail> just be sore to be here during merge 2206:< radioactivated> do you think it would work to make an esperanto channel 2206:< gundeck925> thanks curly! 2206:< atodat> Two minutes away from 24 hour record 2207:< Curly-Mo> is 5A1t around here? 2207:< IceyMocha> @lordxeon i'm going to smack you right in the neenish tart 2207:< radioactivated> Kappa 2207:< Curly-Mo> it would be nice to add a thing that sends a message when the merge happens 2207:< Curly-Mo> so we all know to login and vote 2207:< sigmaeni> it's so damn nice being in a low-tier alt room. such mild conversation, and naiive n00bs 2208:< radioactivated> it's called an autovoter 2208:< radioactivated> it's called an autovoter 2208:< Curly-Mo> nah, but if we can't leave our broweser open for whatever reason 2208:< lolmycat> Need an autovoter feature that texts you right away if you computer disconnects from internet 2208:< atodat> Broke the record 2208:< radioactivated> hold on my chat's not showing up for some reason? 2208:< radioactivated> dafuq 2208:< -randomity-> Chat? 2208:< radioactivated> I think it thought that I was spamming by repeating my phrase 2208:< mootinator> It totally is 2209:< radioactivated> derp 2209:< mootinator> It totally is 2209:< TopicallyDifferent> I suggested that feature Curly-Mo 2209:< -randomity-> We broke the record, celebrations! WOOP 2209:< Curly-Mo> it would actually have to be separate from the robingrow script 2209:< Curly-Mo> since we won't be running it if the browser isn't open 2210:< AdonisChrist> how's robining everybody? 2210:< cyranix> Wow we passed the 24 hour mark! 2210:< kevinstonge> I have to take a shit so bad 2210:< AdonisChrist> go shit 2210:< kevinstonge> I've been waiting for the merge! 2210:< AdonisChrist> this isn't the button, Kevin 2210:< atodat> lol 2210:< lolmycat> youd have to give up your login credientials to a third party for that curly-mo 2210:< kevinstonge> for 24 hours! 2210:< AdonisChrist> WAIT ARE WE MERGING SOON??? 2210:< Jayy-> the merge wont happen for like ten hours 2210:< mythriz> http://pastebin.com/0nQ1Erh7 the code for the tabbed chat thing I hacked together if anyone wants to try 2210:< JarnabyBones> is there a chat for the presidential primaries going on tomorrow? 2210:< _vvvv_> Curly-Mo hey 2211:< AdonisChrist> fuck I closed the leaderboard page again 2211:< Curly-Mo> IN ONE MINUTE ADONIS! 2211:< kevinstonge> I have faith in the merge - it will happen soon! 2211:< _vvvv_> I'm here in ^ 2211:< Curly-Mo> hi salt 2211:< AdonisChrist> Dude we have so long until a merge 2211:< JarnabyBones> I'm in Vianshie and they're waiting to merge, and have been since last night. 2211:< -randomity-> The merge is ages away 2211:< beyrevra> what was the record for longest chat? like 28? 2211:< AdonisChrist> these two 11s have to merge then we need another 12 and then it'll all domino 2211:< touyajp> "Grats" Guise. First Channel to last 24h+ 2212:< cyranix> yeah theres a few tier 10s.. I don't think any of them can organize enough to merge today... 2212:< kevinstonge> I really have to shit though 2212:< AdonisChrist> We have at least like 4 hours 2212:< AdonisChrist> probably 2212:< TopicallyDifferent> Wooo! 2212:< cyranix> not up to like tier 16 where we are anyway 2212:< AdonisChrist> oh shit lol 2212:< beyrevra> AdonisChrist I think that's very optimistic 2212:< AdonisChrist> that'll only domino up to 15 2212:< atodat> And I really have to sleep 2212:< kz-krunk> oh shit we,re still here 2212:< AdonisChrist> we'll merge tomorrow maybe 2212:< beyrevra> there ya go :) 2212:< beyrevra> honestly I'd say wednesday is likely 2212:< cyranix> yeah they'd really have to work to get enough to...damn I just realized if they DID, we'd hit tier 17 2213:< chugga_fan> we will probs merge tomorrow due to there being a t15 coming up soon, all we need is a 2nd one 2213:< AdonisChrist> yeah I missed that the next largest chat is a T14, and we're T16 2213:< AdonisChrist> yeah heavy maybe on tomorrow 2213:< cyranix> That has to be a user limit at that point. I can't imagine getting TWO tier 17s 2213:< AdonisChrist> remember how long it took US to become a T15 chugga_fan? 2213:< kevinstonge> I'm pushing some smaller chats with my alt account - I encourage anyone with an alt not in robin to do the same --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:13:41 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:13:51 2016 2213:< beyrevra> cyranix we'd need another like 10k people to decide they want to robin at that point 2213:< Verifitas> We can't use history to judge the future of Robin. Reddit is now pushing proper advertising alongside the homepage button. 2213:< kz-krunk> my alts in the next largest we are waiting patiently 2213:< dexepi> cryanix It's doable but would take some crazy coordination on our part 2214:< beyrevra> which I don't think that's likely 2214:< Verifitas> We could see a big influx of users because of proper ads. 2214:< cyranix> beyrevra: or it'd take some crazy coordination to like, have people get up to tier 10s, and then mass quit, but leave enough to keep u 2214:< mootinator> OR we could see nothing because banner blindness. 2214:< OrangeredStilton> k, that's a little more manageable. Got rid of five of my filtered channels 2214:< -randomity-> And what happens on the 8th? Back to normal life?! :' [ 2214:< cyranix> I just don't see it happening in the next 4 days anyway 2214:< beyrevra> I think the best bet would be some kind of coordinated effort to upvote a post to the front page to draw attention to robin 2214:< OrangeredStilton> -randomity-: I don't now how that'll be possible 2215:< cyranix> but then again, crazy things can happen. This IS the internet after all 2215:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2215:< Verifitas> If banners didn't work, Reddit would have no ad revenue at all. 2215:< 404NinjaNotFound> guys we have a reddit celebrity on Vianshie! 2215:< dexepi> probably a semi active subreddit for the steam summer sale game last year 2215:< beyrevra> there was a ton more activity on this on day1 when the official post sat on the front page 2215:< OrangeredStilton> 404NinjaNotFound: Do tell :P 2215:< TopicallyDifferent> OrangeredStilton what were you following? 2215:< 404NinjaNotFound> pitchforkemporium! 2215:< cyranix> a celebrity? Can I get an autograph 2216:< cyranix> you can just tcp/ip it to me 2216:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> WHERE THE CELEB AT? 2216:< 404NinjaNotFound> not here 2216:< chugga_fan> cyranix lol, this is already over tcp/ip 2216:< NEVER_CLEANED_COMP> aw .. :( 2216:< touyajp> aha, another unique thing for PrictsGo people: They are the only ones to have been in the three longest lasting chatrooms ;) 2216:< Verifitas> I hear pitchforkemporim is implicated in the Panama Papers! :O 2216:< cyranix> chugga_fan: I think you missed the joke there :P 2216:< touyajp> GO PRICTS GO! :) 2216:< stormagnet> Verifitas :O 2217:< chugga_fan> Verifitas WUT, maybe thats why he only deals shovels now... 2217:< MobiusCoffee> PRICTS GO REPRESENT 2217:< Jayy-> bedsheet 2217:< MobiusCoffee> WE AIN'T NO SUKKAS 2217:< cyranix> bedsheet 2217:< radioactivated> apparently signing on with an alt breaks shit real fast 2217:< touyajp> MobiusCoffee Pricts heritage? 2217:< cyranix> peaman lives! 2217:< OrangeredStilton> TopicallyDifferent: ~, #, @, %, +; they're all dead now 2217:< JarnabyBones> each alt needs it's own browser 2218:< -randomity-> Pricks more like :P Fuck you guys being in the three longest lasting rooms lol 2218:< MobiusCoffee> sorry everyone I couldn't resist. 2218:< TopicallyDifferent> Yeah I only have % out of those 2218:< NaynHS> touyajp I think the chatroom that was 1 tier under PrictsGo was only a couple hours younger 2218:< MobiusCoffee> It's no fair you soks got the namesake 2218:< radioactivated> yeah but I don't get my fancy tampermonkey shit 2218:< MobiusCoffee> we put in the real time 2218:< NaynHS> we were waiting in there for >15 hours 2218:< AWorldOfYes> so, this is the sane chat? 2218:< kevinstonge> anything useful I can do with tampermonkey? 2218:< touyajp> NaynHS which one, do you happen to have any history? 2218:< TopicallyDifferent> Also &, ot once gets someone that comes back from a long ass AFK and I've talked to them 2218:< Verifitas> Define sane. 2218:< lolmycat> if youre using an alt, having an incongnito window open will aloow you to us them at the same time 2218:< AWorldOfYes> <100mph 2219:< -randomity-> Hahaha yeah but we so cool you know... 2219:< Verifitas> We operate at legal roadway speeds! 2219:< cyranix> NaynHS: the worst part is that some of us like me, just joined robin and within an hour or two we were already up to pricts tier. 2219:< Music_monkey> if the merge is likely to happen before I am home tomorrow I need to sort something out at work 2219:< NaynHS> touyajp it was called sokux, not sure if i can find the thread 2219:< Music_monkey> because if I am right, the autobot only works until the merge ? and then I got 30 mins to click again if afk ? 2220:< NaynHS> cyranix yeah im jealous of you guys lol 2220:< AWorldOfYes> the bot should autoclick after the merge 2220:< loulan> grow/stay/merge/grow/stay/merge... boring... let's talk about the PANAMA PAPERS 2220:< AWorldOfYes> I haven't clicked for days 2220:< -randomity-> Yeah it was sokuxG something 2220:< Verifitas> Man, so much gloating. What a bunch of pricts. 2220:< DunnoHowToMath> Does anyone have time to hear about manfcake and how he's the one true path? 2220:< cyranix> rofl 2220:< MobiusCoffee> Verifitas you don't know what we've been through man 2221:< Music_monkey> yeah but have you been afk AWorldOfYes ? 2221:< MobiusCoffee> after the merge, we lost our chat channel to you guys 2221:< touyajp> NaynHS ah, yeah i remember soku. they overtook us and stole our tier match 2221:< MobiusCoffee> we were all fine talking on %, then the merge happened. 2221:< touyajp> i don't like soku :p 2221:< -randomity-> The guys who were in an hour or two and merged to Pricts were during that leaderboard domino. That's why us SoKu's get namesake :D 2221:< OrangeredStilton> Well, we lost % to spammers 2221:< loulan> %chat was always superior 2221:< cyranix> yeah I remember when % was enough 2221:< cyranix> back in the early days 2221:< touyajp> that wasn't Pricts parent, though 2221:< NaynHS> stole your tier match? what do you mean, we were #2 for a really long time just waiting 2221:< Verifitas> % got botted. 2221:< cyranix> yesterday... 2221:< Music_monkey> anyway... yes Panama Papers ... someone give me the low down! 2222:< MobiusCoffee> It was pretty intense when the merge finally happened 2222:< MobiusCoffee> reddit immediately crashed 2222:< AWorldOfYes> Music_monkey I'm not sure - not sure how and why that's a thing, my browser is up 2222:< OrangeredStilton> I wasn't keeping up when the merge happened, I was just overwhelmed and went to bed 2222:< IceyMocha> SO FUCKING SICK OF ALL THE GOD DAMN NEENISH TARTS IN THIS FUCKING CHANNEL 2222:< -randomity-> It was. Can you imagine how crazy the next one will be. 2222:< -randomity-> Mine crashed too. Just kept deleting the chat and then frozen lol 2223:< cyranix> we broke reddit for about 2.5 minutes 2223:< MobiusCoffee> I was pretty scared I'd been kicked out 2223:< cyranix> thats an eternity, for a redditor... 2223:< -randomity-> I was refreshing like a mother lol 2223:< Music_monkey> AWorldOfYes but if I dont have the browser open when we merge and im not nearby, I dont know if it will autovote the next time the vot 2223:< MobiusCoffee> Like earlier today when chat broke for everyone 2223:< Music_monkey> I'll cros that bridge when it happens 2223:< IceyMocha> it broke so bad for me i had to restart my rig 2224:< AWorldOfYes> The problem is we are losing people. I think we have lost about 800. 2224:< -randomity-> Oh no way 2224:< MobiusCoffee> Most of reddit doesn't even know what robin is 2224:**** zacketysack test 2224:< -randomity-> I doubt that come on lol 2224:< AWorldOfYes> Music_monkey You can be alive on your mobile. but I guess it will help if people will notify when this happens. 2225:< loulan> i think most people on reddit know what robin is, but most of them are not stupid enough to bother with staying connected for days 2225:< cyranix> Its pretty amazing to see how hard the smaller chans are trying to tier up to us though... 2225:< MobiusCoffee> before the last merge there was a mass PM sent out 2225:< OrangeredStilton> Really. If we can only get like 6k people onto robin altogether, out of a Reddit userbase of some millions... 2225:< Curly-Mo> This room originally had 3857 people 2225:< Verifitas> Only the inquisitive know about robin. That's why there are ads. They had to advertise the button too, even though there was a weird 2225:< Music_monkey> AWorldOfYes I cant be on mobile at work. I can leave PC on at home 2225:< -randomity-> I came here in the a.m. of 01/04 looking for this years goodies XD 2225:< Verifitas> homepage link. 2225:< lolmycat> we need a front page post to get enough traffic for a T17 that takes less than 48hrs 2225:< Sumwann> Guys, I'm just wondering, who of you here will vote grow in the next merge? 2225:< loulan> for no reason at all, since there is nothing to gain from this, we won't even get a badge 2225:< crossower> Curly-Mo it did not 2225:< cyranix> loulan: I'll make t-shirts or something 2225:< pedro_fartinez> im going to initially vote grow then if its becoming clear we wont merge before friday ill vote stay 2225:< zacketysack> loulan we might get a badge 2225:< loulan> cyranix don't forget my nick then 2225:< crossower> it had barely over 3k iirc 2225:< OrangeredStilton> I'm hoping that we get per-subreddit Robins 2225:< Curly-Mo> what makes you think that crossower? 2225:< MobiusCoffee> I've been sitting on "stay" since before the last merge 2225:< cyranix> "I survived the great soKukunelits of 2016"... 2225:< IceyMocha> someone do a front page post saying robin is ending soon and link it here so we upvote it 2225:< radioactivated> robin is actually really cool though 2226:< Curly-Mo> crossower has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 2226:< AWorldOfYes> Music_monkey hope you'll be back home by then 2226:< OrangeredStilton> The Great Kufikumu Catastrophe should already have its own shirt ;) 2226:< Curly-Mo> crossower has voted GROW 3 times. 2226:< Music_monkey> it'll be about 5pm GMT ? AWorldOfYes I hope so! 2226:< crossower> indeed, though I don't see why that matters 2226:< MobiusCoffee> Day 1 was so different. No spam filters. 2226:< radioactivated> man I can't do this 2226:< Curly-Mo> I have the stats on every room 2226:< MobiusCoffee> a room like this would've been unbarable 2226:< radioactivated> AND go to school at the same time 2226:< zani1903> cyranix I would buy those 2226:< cyranix> although our name needs to change. I think we're now a soKukuIBGtnasmPr or something 2226:< Verifitas> IceyMocha "Do a frontpage post"? Welcome to Reddit - that's not how it works! 2226:< crossower> you saying 800 people left? unlikely 2227:< OrangeredStilton> radioactivated: I know, right. I didn't do any work today 2227:< radioactivated> anyone have a good proxy that doesn't have the word "proxy" in it? 2227:< zani1903> cyranix We're still soKukunelits 2227:< Curly-Mo> 840 people to be exact 2227:< radioactivated> my school filters searches for "proxy" lel 2227:< zani1903> radioactivated Google Translate 2227:< chugga_fan> radioactivated google browsec 2227:< cyranix> soKuku any way :) 2228:< NaynHS> touyajp are you still there? 2228:< crossower> iirc the record is a bit over 4k, we were way below --- Log closed Mon Apr 04 22:28:15 2016 --- Log opened Mon Apr 04 22:28:25 2016 2228:< chugga_fan> crossower we actually had 3841 when the room formed 2228:< -randomity-> Was anyone in the 4401 room? 2228:< jayman419> It was 4400. 2228:< radioactivated> never forget the 4401 2228:< Curly-Mo> You do not recall correctly 2228:< jayman419> or something like that. 2228:< crossower> again, unlikely, but alright 2228:< chugga_fan> Curly-Mo, we had in this room over 3800, i know that 2228:< jayman419> From the boards I know that several people from Kufi made it to this room. 2228:< Mopziii> sd mdfd 2229:< Curly-Mo> yep, 3857 people 2229:< jayman419> And some are trying to get back here now in smaller rooms. 2229:< zani1903> I was in Kufi 2229:< Mopziii> when do we merge next? 2229:< NaynHS> there was a domino effect that got a lot of people into this room very fast 2229:< -randomity-> Yeah I was in the 4401 room too was just wondering if I had any fellow OGs 2229:< radioactivated> Mopziii in at least 24 hours 2229:< kevinstonge> If you have an alt you need to get it into smaller chats to push them up to us 2229:< radioactivated> or so I've heard (probably outdated) 2229:< MathGeek31415> We lost afks, it wasn't really people "leaving" after the merge 2229:< NaynHS> but i was in a room that formed at 2 am and ended at 5 pm 2229:< chugga_fan> we breached 24 hours 2229:< kevinstonge> they are new, naive, uninformed, unprepared, they need guidance! 2229:< NaynHS> so this merge should take even longer 2230:< chugga_fan> i have been in this, for over TWO FUCKING DAYS 2230:< kevinstonge> we are actually very close to a merge - the smaller chats just need to be pushed 2230:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Yeah, I've been here since Friday night 2230:< NaynHS> chugga_fan this room has only been around for 1 day, what do you mean 2230:< zani1903> We're not actually all that close, we need another T15 which takes quite a while to make 2230:< sigmaeni> bweheheh. we've got the long-lasting record, now we just need to beat Kufikumu for user count! 2230:< chugga_fan> kevinstonge we have a t14, a t13, and 2t11s 2230:< kevinstonge> exactly 2230:< -randomity-> I think we are very far away from merge 2230:< MathGeek31415> I've been seeding tiers with my alts 2230:< loulan> we are not "very close" at all 2230:< -randomity-> And with low traffic, might not even make it at all 2230:< crossower> agree 2230:< sigmaeni> bros, merge not likely today 2230:< jayman419> They could bang out another 15 in a day or so. 2230:< lolmycat> not even half the rooms needed 2230:< crossower> it'll take a while 2230:< loulan> some people don't understand powers of two 2230:< embracetehmartian> things are looking good guys im climbing up on another account pretty quickly 2231:< zani1903> sigmaeni Unless we bleed over 1000 members before we merge, we'll definitely surpass Kufikumu before Friday 2231:< jayman419> But not today. 2231:< kevinstonge> probably not today ... but very soon 2231:< Superboy309> Pretty sure we will merge, but not until thrusday 2231:< chugga_fan> NaynHS i was in the ImKutie room, for 3 hours, then was in KuprictsGo for the full 23h24m 2231:< embracetehmartian> we will soon be the biggest chat 2231:< IceyMocha> we are the best chat of all time fuck all the other chats 2231:< cyranix> even if the 2 t11s merge, then they'd need ALL those lower chats to merge up to a t12 with them, just to qualify to merge into a t13 2231:< sigmaeni> zani1903 we damn well better! 2231:< Jayy-> yeah 2231:< zani1903> embracetehmartian You climb faster when you're in lower tiers, once you get to Tier 9-10ish it'll slow down drastically 2231:< chugga_fan> cyranix we need 3 more t14s atm mainly 2231:< crossower> anyone know how long this lasts anyway? 2231:< NaynHS> chugga_fan oh you mean in all your rooms total. yeah im hitting 2 days right about now 2231:< embracetehmartian> zani1903 ik m8 just exciting 2231:< jayman419> A bunch of people were involved day 1, and gave up. Hopefully they'll realize there's a point to it now, and come back this week. 2231:< MobiusCoffee> Actually I wasn't from PrictsGo I was in Kufili 2232:< chugga_fan> cronoburr until the eight 2232:< MobiusCoffee> no one remembers them 2232:< Verifitas> Remember kids, %chat is chat chat, where we chat about the chat because meta chat chatting about chat is chattastic. 2232:< NaynHS> loulan ITT: programmers who understand powers of 2, nonprogrammers who dont 2232:< cyranix> that means we're a minimum of 5-6 hours away from enough merges that they could make a tier 15, and that STILL wouldn't qualify for us 2232:< OrangeredStilton> I doubt anyone'll come back until and unless we get Robins per-subreddit 2232:< Gummy_Joe> we shall all merge and it will be tremendous 2232:< loulan> jayman419: lmao. There is a point to it, are you sure? 2232:< MobiusCoffee> metachat used to be + 2232:< jayman419> Someone's keeping score, at least. 2232:< Kuutsundereevee> http://puu.sh/o6j6l/f68acc617d.png what the fuck is this 2232:< Music_monkey> what happened to the attempt at pm-ing everyone yday ? 2232:< kevinstonge> somebody should do livestreams of all the robin chats 2232:< chugga_fan> Verifitas yo dawg i heard you like chatting, so we made a chat for chatting about chatting chating chat helpers 2232:< zani1903> loulan The point is epic luls and dank memes. Are we not all on reddit in search of epic luls and dank memes? 2233:< NaynHS> kevinstonge i thought the exact thing. with splitscreens 2233:< loulan> no, i'm on reddit to troll mostly 2233:< crossower> most are apparently 2233:< chugga_fan> loulan ooooo that's a sub? 2233:< Superboy309> loulan, you are my spirit animal 2233:< Curly-Mo> loulan has been in the past 3 rooms with me. 2233:< jayman419> Whatever your reasons, you're here. That's what matters. 2233:< Curly-Mo> loulan has voted GROW 2 times. STAY 1 times. 2233:< IceyMocha> yeah haha lets all go raid /r/christianity 2233:< cyranix> loulan: thats amazing. I got my name because I misspelled "god"... 2234:< IceyMocha> and blame ebaumsworld 2234:< cyranix> :P~ 2234:< jayman419> Your chance will come Thursday, when the strong debate about staying or riding it into hell becomes critical. 2234:< zani1903> How the fuck do you get cyranix from God? 2234:< Verifitas> ebaumsworld did 9/11 2234:< loulan> Curly-Mo: I'm trying to convince anyone i've always been a STAYer don't ruin it 2234:< chugga_fan> brb, low tier shitposting in /r/Christianity 2234:< Curly-Mo> sorry louls 2234:< Superboy309> If we ever merge, there is no god 2234:< chugga_fan> wait, anyone wanna give me something to shitpost? 2234:< loulan> YES ELECT ME 2234:< Curly-Mo> elect binic 2234:< Superboy309> Only the unholy can produce a T17 2234:< IceyMocha> who else here came from 4chan? 2234:< m1327> If we all voted stay, this would end in 1 minute, right? 2235:< chugga_fan> IceyMocha wait 4chan linked this? 2235:< Ross123123> yes 2235:< crossower> yes in theory 2235:< -randomity-> m1327 no it would end immediately wouldn't it? 2235:< Music_monkey> pipe down m1327 dont talk craazy 2235:< crossower> but you'll never convince 2200 people to change their votes 2235:< m1327> That does sound kind of appealing... 2235:< Ross123123> you don't have to crossower 2235:< loulan> especially since 2100 of them are afk 2235:< jayman419> Yes, if we were all on Stay the next time it popped up to count the vote the sub would be created. 2235:< peacecorn> YANINI FOREVER! 2235:< chugga_fan> m1327 almost everyone has a growbot up 2235:< Superboy309> A lot of the growers are afk/closed browsers 2235:< jayman419> Everyone would get a PM, and the room would remain open. 2235:< m1327> Yeah, I realize 2235:< Ross123123> you only need to convice like 700 to change to stay 2235:< IceyMocha> yeah we did the madden bots 2235:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> Wo oHoo! My other chat just merged 2235:< jayman419> But unable to grow. 2235:< crossower> you're right, only about a 1000 or so 2235:< Curly-Mo> we could stick it to those bots by voting stay 2235:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> We're tier 12 now 2235:< UDie2day> Only need 687 to convince 2235:< femdemgem> do you have a guilty pleasure music? send me 2236:< crossower> still, impossible 2236:< loulan> femdemgem: alizée — j'en ai marre 2236:< Superboy309> I've been a stayer since peaman 2236:< Curly-Mo> Superboy309 has been in the past 1 rooms with me. 2236:< Curly-Mo> Superboy309 has voted STAY 1 times. 2236:< jayman419> You might get the numbers you need, but I think a lot of people are waiting to see if there's a chance at another cascade. 2236:< Superboy309> lol 2236:< Curly-Mo> it checks out folks 2236:< touyajp> Tier 12 born. 2237:< -randomity-> 08/04 it ends crossover 2237:< touyajp> Welcome, CaLAsmTodr 2237:< -randomity-> wtf i sent that aaaaaaaaaaaages ago lol 2237:< crossower> CaLAsmTodr movin on up 2237:< -randomity-> My shit better not mess up o.O 2237:< touyajp> -randomity- yeah sometimes happens 2237:< 404NinjaNotFound> night everyone <3 2237:< PM_ME_UR_KNEES_PLS> CaLAsm 4 LIFE! 2237:< Superboy309> Sometimes there is rediculous delay 2237:< Ross123123> curly how did you get that 2237:< touyajp> -randomity- nah, fairly normal 2237:< Curly-Mo> night 404 2237:< -randomity-> Night 404! :) 2237:< Curly-Mo> Ross123123 has been in the past 2 rooms with me. 2238:< Curly-Mo> Ross123123 has voted STAY 2 times. 2238:< loulan> there is ridiculous delay because there are A SHITLOAD of messages, we don't see most of them 2238:< -randomity-> touyajp Good to know! I need to sleep pretty soon lol 2238:< Curly-Mo> well done ross 2238:< Ross123123> How do you get that info o.e 2238:< radioactivated> possibly a bot 2238:< TheDreadThief> anyone ever figure out if the name colors were actually random or not? 2238:< jayman419> I don't use channel filters, but I did mute the bots. I just use whichever channel tag I'm addressing. 2238:< Curly-Mo> I am not a bot, I AM A MAN! 2238:< ihunter32> 3 tier10s from a t15 :o 2238:< chugga_fan> Curly-Mo give me my stats? 2238:< loulan> Curly-Mo is half man, half bot, half pig 2238:< -randomity-> No. I don't think there has been a lot of effort gone into it? 2238:< radioactivated> the name colors were probably an experiment to see if people could arbitrarily stratify themselves based on name color 2238:< Curly-Mo> I already did you chugga 2238:< Ross123123> yeah but then we are only halfway there ihunter32 2239:< UDie2day> TheDreadThief they aren't random, firefox just fucks up the equation 2239:< chugga_fan> wait when? 2239:< radioactivated> just like the button 2239:< ihunter32> yeah... 2239:< Curly-Mo> chugga_fan has been in the past 1 rooms with me. 2239:< -randomity-> Someone said early on that from looking at code, they are randomly assigned colours 2239:< touyajp> yar, we will have a tier 15 in a few hours 2239:< jayman419> There's trivia, an RPG game they're trying to get going, another group is either creating or studying a new language, another group... 2239:< chugga_fan> ah, kk 2239:< Curly-Mo> chugga_fan has voted STAY 1 times. 2239:< NorseFenrir> Hit me, Curly-Mo 2239:< CryEagle> QUICK TEST: Name your color without hesitating 2239:< jayman419> is developing improved scripts and setting this up for a Japanese front end. 2239:< UDie2day> blue 2239:< chugga_fan> purple 2239:< NorseFenrir> Blue 2239:< CryEagle> yellow 2239:< TheDreadThief> alright cool, just wondering 2239:< velveteer> sokuku is love 2239:< Superboy309> red 2239:< Ross123123> green 2239:< ihunter32> yellow 2239:< radioactivated> ni bezonas esperantistan kanalon! 2239:< Curly-Mo> NorseFenrir has been in the past 1 rooms with me. 2239:< TheDreadThief> blue 2239:< cyranix> green 2239:< Superboy309> lol I think I am blue 2239:< zacketysack> blue 2239:< AtaraxicMegatron> red 2239:< Curly-Mo> NorseFenrir has voted GROW 1 times. 2239:< CryEagle> Superboy309 ur blu 2239:< Superboy309> shitS 2239:< IceyMocha> FUCK EVERY OTHER CHAT we are the greatest. 2239:< NorseFenrir> Welp, nice to meet you then, Curly-Mo 2239:< DunnoHowToMath> manfcake demands we grow 2239:< Superboy309> I forgot I wasn't on my alt ;-; 2239:< loulan> i'm blue, white and red 2239:< Curly-Mo> nice to meet you fenrir! 2240:< loulan> fuck yea 2240:< zani1903> in my tier 4 room on the first day i was the only green 2240:< ShanRoxAlot> 'murica 2240:< Curly-Mo> hopefully you will learn to stay soon enough 2240:< ihunter32> I'm kinda disappointed that no one made subreddit channel filters. 2240:< zani1903> i felt so special :< 2240:< loulan> no, 'rance 2240:< ihunter32> /r/whatever totally works as a filter. 2240:< jayman419> Though I think the .edia's took their language discussion to discord or something like it. 2240:< ShanRoxAlot> are we supposed to hate people with different colors like last year 2240:< Superboy309> Fuck all those purples 2240:< chugga_fan> loulan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX5ZRE26YWM 2240:< radioactivated> .edia is some kind of conlang based on the chat here 2240:< ShanRoxAlot> screw you blue 2240:< radioactivated> not even a conlang, more like an english cipher 2240:< Ross123123> green master race 2240:< UDie2day> What'd yo usay to me you yellow? 2241:< CryEagle> that's probably the goal of this experiment ihunter32, reddit chats 2241:< DunnoHowToMath> manfcake doesn't care what color you are, he loves you all equally 2241:< radioactivated> red is the royal color (not really) 2241:< Verifitas> Yo, I hear some yellow's talking shit. 2241:< ShanRoxAlot> Its in text i dont need to repeat myself 2241:< Ross123123> red is communism 2241:< IceyMocha> its way too easy being a green name. they have their own sub and everything 2241:< Superboy309> Purple can't make up it's mind, is it red, or is it blue? PRIMARY COLOR MASTER RACE. 2241:< cyranix> I'm green and I smoke the finest of the green so greens are great and too good for nazi language 2241:< jayman419> It's 4:19, got a minute? 2241:< Curly-Mo> Does anyone know what decided the colors? Is it a simple text hash mod 6? 2241:< ShanRoxAlot> seize the means of robin, reds 2241:< Curly-Mo> of our usernames 2241:< Verifitas> Purple doesn't even exist. There's no such thing as a purple wavelength. It's literally half-red and half-blue. 2241:< Ross123123> someone said its like base 32 2242:< touyajp> the fun thing is.. we can watch all these chats pop up on the leaderboard.. eventually they ALL will be here :) 2242:< Superboy309> I vote a split into two teams, Primary colors, and filthy plebians 2242:< cyranix> Ha he jaja he 2242:< UDie2day> https://redd.it/4cwsz7 2242:< UDie2day> Curly-Mo https://redd.it/4cwsz7 2242:< Verifitas> Superboy pigment or light primaries? 2242:< radioactivated> Superboy309 rgb or ryb? 2242:< Ross123123> this chat has been up for over an entire day 2242:< touyajp> also, why the hell is there no john madden on %chat? 2242:< -randomity-> RGBs! 2242:< touyajp> or did i just mute all of them? 2242:< -randomity-> WOOO! 2242:< cyranix> what about the cymk group? 2243:< ShanRoxAlot> nah definently ryb or cymk 2243:< DunnoHowToMath> to be honest, manfcake isn't that fond of Shades 2243:< radioactivated> we don't have most of cmyk 2243:< cyranix> are we talking about light or pigments here? 2243:< OrangeredStilton> What about people who don't see the colors at all 2243:< IceyMocha> Verifitas nope. fuck all those chats. we are the best 2243:< Superboy309> not even cyranix 2243:< jayman419> But I'm partially colorblind... I'd have no idea who's on which team. 2243:< ihunter32> we do have the same colors as last year. roygbv 2243:< Superboy309> RYB imo 2243:< ihunter32> and robin is grey 2243:< radioactivated> lol last year I was purple 2243:< Verifitas> Pigments aren't really colors. RGB are the only colors we see. 2243:< OrangeredStilton> (this is my window right now: http://i.imgur.com/UX2X73A.png) 2243:< Ross123123> there's no grey or white though 2243:< ihunter32> grey is robin 2243:< Glidermechanic> There is in our brains 2243:< Ross123123> what about white 2244:< IceyMocha> lmao jayman419 did you really just admit to having fucked up eyes 2244:< radioactivated> white is all the colorsa 2244:< ihunter32> idk. 2244:< radioactivated> grey is white but darker 2244:< Ross123123> i dont think thats how it works 2244:< Curly-Mo> alright, I'm out. been nice hanging with you all. Time to write this paper. 2244:< ShanRoxAlot> nothing is purely white or purely black. Its all shades of grey 2244:< jayman419> IceyMocha It's not like it's my deep shame or anything. I just have troubles with some colors. :( 2244:< -randomity-> Later Mo 2244:< IceyMocha> LOL 2245:< lordxeon> how's everyone this evening? 2245:< IceyMocha> which colors omg lol 2245:< Superboy309> jayman419 is correct, anything pure white or pure black will not be affected by changes in brightness 2245:< zacketysack> good lordxeon how are you? 2245:< humblesunshine> Hey, just got back home. 2245:< Lord_Dankster> guys give me some good chill music 2245:< UDie2day> aesthetically pleasing music? 2245:< zacketysack> Lord_Dankster there's a cytube 2245:< Ross123123> everyone vote stay pls 2245:< Lord_Dankster> exactly 2245:< Superboy309> What kind of music you like Lord_Dankster? 2245:< Roboteck> wariol qwertos on soundcloud 2246:< radioactivated> try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ 2246:< Lord_Dankster> almost everything superboy309 2246:< Glidermechanic> Inb4 a e s t h e t i c s 2246:< ShanRoxAlot> brightness is what changes the shade of grey tho. Thats how light works. A lack of light is a much darker shade. 2246:< radioactivated> (I'm so sorry) 2246:< NorseFenrir> Lord_Dankster Do you like depressing but chilled hip-hop? Check out Holes by Weerd Science. 2246:< Superboy309> Do you prefer instrumental or lyrical or a mix? 2246:< Sumwann> Anyone here remember Qalypso? They were here previously but they were kicked out for some reason. 2246:< chugga_fan> ShanRoxAlot out of the 50 shades? 2246:< UDie2day> https://youtu.be/hHVdcjfKO8Q 2246:< chugga_fan> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 2246:< beyrevra> are we the robin chat the was creating it's own language? 2246:< Ross123123> radiactivated i thought you linked to an imagine dragons song because you said im so sorry 2247:< beyrevra> I saw a link earlier to it but I seem to have lost it 2247:< chugga_fan> beyrevra language? 2247:< ShanRoxAlot> y limit urself to 50 shades 2247:< ihunter32> no, we aren't that chat. 2247:< OrangeredStilton> beyrevra: .edia was the channel making a language 2247:< Sir-Rhino> beyrevra let me check if i can find it for ya 2247:< chugga_fan> ShanRoxAlot thatsthejoke.jpg 2247:< Lord_Dankster> superboy309 instrumental might be, lyrical is not bad too and could be mix yeah, xd 2247:< beyrevra> did they give up on that idea? 2247:< OrangeredStilton> It's gone all quiet though, maybe they transcended 2247:< jayman419> beyrevra I think so. I saw them talking about it, and they set up a discord or something like it to go work on it. 2247:< Sir-Rhino> https://www.reddit.com/r/sabldiri 2247:< Verifitas> Why join in on making a language? If you seriously *want* to be a loser, just learn Klingon. 2247:< Lord_Dankster> ah rickastley ofcourse 2248:< Lord_Dankster> and where is darude sandstorm 2248:< beyrevra> thanks Sir-Rhino 2248:< jayman419> No I think they were working on spelling and stuff. 2248:< Superboy309> Lord_Renwod I've got a pretty chill spotify playlist with a mix if you want me to PM you, it's mostly video game music 2248:< NaynHS> Why not let people have fun however they want to? 2248:< ihunter32> their subreddit is pretty cool, though, they're always talking about grammar. 2248:< Sir-Rhino> Verifitas if you want to be a douche, keep skipping your social training classes 2248:< NaynHS> ^ 2248:< jayman419> They seemed to be setting up a calendar... like choosing words for day and stuff... before they moved. 2248:< ShanRoxAlot> are we supposed to have fun in here? 2248:< Verifitas> Sir-Rhino I love you too. <3 2248:< Sir-Rhino> beyrevra NP 2248:< ArcOfDream> Yo. 2248:< rian294> what's going on here? 2248:< touyajp> what was the link to the robin-grow fork? 2248:< ihunter32> no, not supposed to, just do what you want pretty much. 2248:< pedro_fartinez> i seem to have walked in on some rancor. 2249:< Superboy309> Meant to link Lord_Dankster I've got a pretty chill spotify playlist with a mix if you want me to PM you, it's mostly video game music 2249:< Sir-Rhino> Verifitas i know <3 2249:< Sir-Rhino> https://github.com/5a1t/robin-grow 2249:< Verifitas> Naw, just tense people who can't have a laugh at how hideously stupid making a language really is. 2249:< chugga_fan> holy shit i didn't know this was a thing Sir-Rhino thanks 2249:< Verifitas> :D 2249:< OrangeredStilton> Verifitas: Eh. It's been done before (see Quenya, Sindarin, Klingon) 2249:< touyajp> Sir-Rhino ty 2249:< NaynHS> Why don't you go and find the "loser" who made esperanto 2249:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp youre welcome 2249:< Lord_Dankster> yeah sure, pm please, i like vidya soundtracks superboy309 2250:< Verifitas> Exactly, OrangeredStilton. That's my point, if you wanna be a loser, Klingon is already there! 2250:< ihunter32> aside from the social stigma, it actually seems really cool from an academic perspective. 2250:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster Sent. 2250:< Sir-Rhino> anyways people, off to bed again. cyall tomorrow! (hopefully my alt will reach us then) 2250:< NaynHS> hopefully lol 2250:< OrangeredStilton> Verifitas: If you want to construct a grammar that's not Klingon-based, you need a new language 2250:< Verifitas> Somebody got butthurt because I called Klingon a loser language. :) 2250:< Ross123123> my alt died in its chat 2250:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton anyone speak jive? 2250:< loulan> grow/stay is boring, let's spice this up. what about we DDoS the machine that hosts it to crash it? 2250:< touyajp> okay nice 2250:< loulan> (the chan) 2250:< OrangeredStilton> "excuse me ma'am, I speak jive" 2250:< Sir-Rhino> loulan you are now on a list! 2250:< touyajp> i love the monospace font! 2250:< Ross123123> don't ddos the machine, ddos all of the growers 2251:< Sir-Rhino> sotricious nighty nite 2251:< roxm> are sane people using %chat now? 2251:< NaynHS> I've never made a language and never seen star trek in my life, but I think that language construction seems like a cool concept 2251:< OrangeredStilton> Ross123123: I'm disappointed that you're a stay'r 2251:< FlunkyMonkey123> are you guys using Parrot? 2251:< jayman419> Right now we're #1 on the leader board. Also longest lasting. Another merge and we become the largest. 2251:< NaynHS> And plus why judge how people want to spend their own time productively 2251:< loulan> no no, if we ddos this there will be 3000 people crying it will be a shitstorm 2251:< Ross123123> why orangeredstilton 2251:< OrangeredStilton> jayman419: Merge on Thursday, apparently 2251:< jayman419> If we choose to stay on Thursday, we will have all 4 categories. 2251:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0j2dVuhr6s 2251:< cornellier> %chat is where it's at 2251:< touyajp> Sir-Rhino what channels are you reading? 2251:< Verifitas> NaynHS Because I disagree that it's spending time "productively". 2251:< ArcOfDream> Using parrot here, why? 2251:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Yep yep. 2251:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp in here? 2251:< touyajp> yes 2251:< NaynHS> Because our sitting here in a chatroom is productive? 2251:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp just %chat 2252:< ihunter32> and what good will crashing the machine do? just annoy some IT guy? 2252:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmW-ScmGRMA 2252:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp why? 2252:< NaynHS> Productive to me is whatever you can look back at later and have something to show for it 2252:< Ross123123> this chat will defintely hit a majority in stay before it merges with anyone 2252:< touyajp> Sir-Rhino K, just keeping in the loop. not reading/typing much here. if i'm active usually leader board keeps me busy 2252:< loulan> ihunter32: annoy 3000+ redditors, it would be awesome 2252:< NaynHS> Doubt it ross, so many bots 2252:< Verifitas> NaynHS By that logic, murdering people and keeping the corpses around is productive. 2252:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp ah i see, nah %chat is the place to be atm 2252:< Ross123123> bots are slowly dropping out and stay is growing 2253:< chugga_fan> Ross123123 almost everyone has autogrow up 2253:< NaynHS> It is productive, if you're a murderer... 2253:< Verifitas> NaynHS I should point out, that's a destructive waste of time, like, say, making a language. 2253:< jayman419> We might end up staying before a merge, if it becomes obvious no one can reach us. 2253:< miker2049> this will grow 2253:< Ross123123> "almost everyone" looks at 1/3 of people who are staung 2253:< jayman419> Reaching that point before Thursday seems unlikely. But who knows. 2253:< radioactivated> stay's grown but it hasn't risen that far from yesterday 2253:< mrfrightful> just growing will crash it.. no need for a ddos 2253:< Unicormfarts> Woah, conversation has become manageable again! 2253:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit Reddit 2253:< radioactivated> and it's been under 900ish the whole time 2253:< cornellier> has anything moved in the chats below us in the last few hours? 2253:< Unicormfarts> We can't quit you, OrangeredStilton 2253:< ihunter32> doesn't mean conversation isn't starting to get a bit inflammatory. 2253:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton shit, i forget more quotes 2253:< loulan> Unicormfarts: because it's almost 1 AM in europe 2253:< Jayy-> "people who make languages are basically murderers" 2253:< NaynHS> So even if it's not productive to you, what's wrong with enjoying yourself 2253:< touyajp> Sir-Rhino I noticed. Also: http://imgur.com/OK1Xk5d 2253:< jayman419> Actually quite a bit, but essentially we're waiting on a 13 and a 15 to be born. 2253:< Unicormfarts> cornellier, yes there was a big merg a few minutes ago 2253:< IceyMocha> why are paramedics such assholes???? I just want to knock them out every time i see them 2254:< NaynHS> Maybe that's how they enjoy themselves, meanwhile we are sitting in a reddit chatroom 2254:< cornellier> nice thanks @Unicornfarts 2254:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPGb4STRfKw 2254:< NaynHS> who cares? 2254:< OrangeredStilton> I'm surprised this channel's so busy, actually. Should've splintered by now, surely 2254:< jayman419> Then Vianshe can set up and we can merge. It took almost a full day for KuPrlits to get a partner. I expect this will be a hot minute. 2254:< touyajp> i wonder why there is no madden spam here 2254:< kevinstonge> I think everyone still involved in this channel at this point is a pro 2254:< NaynHS> i muted all the maddens 2254:< OrangeredStilton> touyajp: Don't invite them in like that! 2254:< Music_monkey> come drop some music on the playlist please! - https://cytu.be/r/soKukunelits 2254:< cornellier> Good night Europeans, going to the gym... 2254:< jayman419> I think the folks who made it cut it off. 2254:< NaynHS> they were so annoying 2254:< Verifitas> NaynHS They might enjoy it, but the odd joke about it isn't going to be stopped because of that fact. Lighten up and laugh. 2255:< kevinstonge> they know they can close the window, they have scripts to filter the bullshit out 2255:< FlunkyMonkey123> wow, parrot is so good 2255:< Sir-Rhino> touyajp parrot :) 2255:< kevinstonge> they're in it for the long ride to making history 2255:< touyajp> hmm sometimes, the scrolling doesnt work with this mod 2255:< pedro_fartinez> touyajp i would imagine whoever programmed that spam hasn't been on their computer lately to filter channels 2255:< FlunkyMonkey123> /whois flunkmonkey123 2255:< touyajp> it doesnt scroll to the bottom 2255:< Unicormfarts> kevinstonge, I just filter out all the chat when I am AFK 2255:< touyajp> so chat doesn't seem to update 2255:< Sir-Rhino> nah but parrot and robin-grow filter really well, even considering that pedro_fartinez 2255:< pedro_fartinez> touyajp same thing happens with me too, especially when i change windows 2255:< NaynHS> lol... "was just a joke bro" 2255:< kevinstonge> touyajp same problem for me, I rolled back to the previous version 2255:< NaynHS> whatever, forget it 2255:< kevinstonge> the one with one filter only, no emotes, etc 2256:< touyajp> i assume the maintainer is in here? 2256:< NaynHS> touyajp, i found the link to my long room 2256:< Verifitas> NaynHS Well - it was. I mean, the line was literally "If you want to be a loser, there's already Klingon." 2256:< Sir-Rhino> some have that issue indeed, but most dont it seems 2256:< ihunter32> any games? CAH? pictionary? something? 2256:< Verifitas> NaynHS Not "omg those guys are fukkn losers" 2256:< IceyMocha> why are paramedics such assholes???? I just want to knock them out every time i see them 2256:< person7178> touyajp i think he may be in ^ 2256:< kevinstonge> touyajp this is the one I use: https://github.com/vartan/robin-grow 2256:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton no laugh at Biggus Dickus? 2256:< kevinstonge> you can have both installed and just toggle between them if you like 2256:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: They were doing quite enough giggling on the sidelines there, for the both of us 2256:< ihunter32> probably for the best to just drop the language topic :l 2256:< AstroMonkeyyy> hullo 2256:< NaynHS> touyajp: this chat ended at 1:58 am https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d52k6/elmykusiy/ 2256:< ArcOfDream> I've been wondering if there have been any other tools to make retro-style music with. 2256:< pedro_fartinez> even if scrolling is spotty this script has radically improved the robin experience 2257:< NaynHS> and merged into https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d55qn/sokuxcgtwe/ which ended at 5:00 pm 2257:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton hehehe 2257:< Broodoobob> touyajp all of the parrot people talk in ^ 2257:< touyajp> person7178 okay thx what is his reddit name? sth like tuvalo iirc? 2257:< Ross123123> OraneredStilton Is your alt in the tier 14? 2257:< ArcOfDream> I've tried Famitracker before, but tracker based editing is simply not my cup of tea. 2257:< OrangeredStilton> Ross123123: My alt gave up yesterday 2257:< touyajp> do they? heh 2257:< person7178> touyajp not sure, ive only seen the original dev 2257:< Verifitas> Honestly, a lot of you need to stop taking everything I say so seriously. 2257:< OrangeredStilton> Ross123123: It was only in play to try to get us to T16 2258:< Ross123123> OrangeredStilton My alt died in the T-13 merge because I was sleeping haha 2258:< Verifitas> But, the reactions are kind of funny, so... don't stop. 2258:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIaORknS1Dk 2258:< ArcOfDream> Now I'm using PXtone, but I miss the flexibility Famitracker had with it's instruments. 2258:< person7178> music share is still up here: https://cytu.be/r/PercentChat 2258:< Sir-Rhino> http://i.imgur.com/o8q5Ksc.png?1 2258:< pedro_fartinez> welp i assume the merge wont happen in the next 8 or so hours so im safe to go to bed 2259:< NaynHS> honestly, nobody appreciates the person who makes "jokes" that wouldnt have been funny anyway at others expense 2259:< Ross123123> you're definitely safe, we don't even have a tier 15 2259:< ArcOfDream> Best bet in this case would prolly be using FL Studio with NES VST, 2259:< NaynHS> but id rather just forget it, i need to go afk anyway 2259:< Music_monkey> ditto pedro_fartinez 2259:< NaynHS> peace 2259:< pedro_fartinez> see yall later. 2259:< OrangeredStilton> Forget about us?! 2259:< chugga_fan> the wolfram alpha bot broke lol 2259:< ArcOfDream> there's also musagi, i guess, but the UI is a bugger 2300:< ArcOfDream> What do you guys think? 2300:< Verifitas> The wolfram bot didn't break. 2300:< Verifitas> The fool who entered the query wrote "size" twice. Broke the query and basically asked for the size of england. 2300:< Lord_Dankster> Superboy309 that witcher ost is so sexy 2300:< Verifitas> It's a user fail, not a bot fail. 2300:< chugga_fan> Verifitas LOL, and the bot is still searching 2300:< chugga_fan> ? 2301:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster That and bastion are my top 2 2301:< Marmalade6> Do you guys think we'll merge again? 2301:< Riendew> probably not 2301:< Verifitas> Marmalade6 Let me shake my magic 8 ball. 2301:< chugga_fan> LOL 2301:< -randomity-> shake dem balls 2301:< Marmalade6> ok 2301:< Verifitas> Marmalade6 Try again later. 2301:< Riendew> anyone have good documentaries to recommend? 2302:< JarnabyBones> anyone have a link to the leaderboards for the rooms? 2302:< chugga_fan> Verifitas https://xkcd.com/1525/ 2302:< Marmalade6> How later? 2302:< Lord_Dankster> superboy309 fuck i should find some time to play that game 2302:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: You know, I was never a big fan of Python; too over the top 2302:< Verifitas> I don't know, I'm not a magic 8 ball reader. I'm just an amateur in the mystical arts. 2302:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton really? 2302:< kevinstonge> JarnabyBones https://m.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/?context=3 2302:< JarnabyBones> thanks kevinstonge 2302:< chugga_fan> you don't even really like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhRUe-gz690 ? 2302:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster Honestly, I think transistor was a better game than bastion, but the soundtrack on bastion is just amazing 2303:< Marmalade6> Fair enough. 2303:< rakki9999112> Good morning socuck :) 2303:< touyajp> ^ i know what causes the error 2303:< Marmalade6> Verifitas, 2303:< OrangeredStilton> chugga_fan: If it was half the length, maybe. Drags itself out some ;) 2304:< OrangeredStilton> Anyway, I've a podcast to go listen to 2304:< person7178> Riendew sins of my father? 2304:< chugga_fan> OrangeredStilton the scene on youtube it a bit long, but it's fucking awesome otherwise 2304:< Marmalade6> It's later Do you think we'll merge again? 2304:< chugga_fan> Marmalade6 https://xkcd.com/1525/ 2304:< chugga_fan> use that 2304:< loulan> Marmalade6: we'll merge in about one hour 2304:< -randomity-> not 2304:< Verifitas> Outlook good 2304:< loulan> shh 2304:< chugga_fan> loulan we've got a day to go 2305:< Marmalade6> I got a wheel chair emoji. 2305:< loulan> why do you guys ruin my trolling i hate you all 2305:< TheOddEyes> robin is full of spam now 2305:< Riendew> ill check it out person7178 i am kind of looking for a less intense one though 2305:< Verifitas> Marmalade6 The wheelchair is a sign of crippling misfortune. 2305:< chugga_fan> loulan what's this "trolling" you speak of? 2305:< -randomity-> I guess to double troll you 2305:< Lord_Dankster> Superboy309 and what about witcher? 2305:< Verifitas> Marmalade6 I think it means you might get crippled in the merge. 2305:< QuiteMopwater> ^ Hmm, since when does Amazon have a cart sidebar? 2306:< person7178> Riendew you laugh but its true? 2306:< person7178> Riendew its aabout trevor noah 2306:< Ar72> hey there 2306:< Superboy309> Oh Lord_Dankster, you were talking about witcher, the game is highly awarded, I played through it all, but it wasn't really my thing 2306:< Riendew> ill definitely check that one out, thank you person7178 2306:< internetisdoomed> guys we wont merge for a long time right? 2306:< Roboteck> the most awarded game ever 2306:< TheOddEyes> anyone know where i can pirate The iron giant signature edition? 2307:< Roboteck> yarrrrrr 2307:< Riendew> i just watched the barkley marathons doc and im looking to find interesting ones like that 2307:< -randomity-> LOL @ Robo 2307:< mootinator> Hey guys, do any of you have any crack cocaine? #notacop 2307:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster, I can definitely see the draw, and I had fun, but it wasn't my genre 2307:< Ar72> no merge anytime soon 2307:< QuiteMopwater> Test 2307:< -randomity-> Hahahahahaha 2307:< jayman419> Not likely today. 2307:< chugga_fan> LOL in the image linker bot thread there's a suggestion to make the slowpoke.jpg image respond a day late 2307:< -randomity-> Fuuck 2307:< Jeremymia> Oh my god it's still going 2307:< Jeremymia> praise the sun 2307:< rakki9999112> it came through in %chat, QuiteMopwater 2307:< elginkevin> I'm baaaaaack. 2307:< Marmalade6> Verifitas, oh no. 2307:< MindcrackOrBust> sorry mootinator i dont 2307:< TheOddEyes> so i guess no one has a torrent link 2307:< elginkevin> Damnit the STAYs are picking up votes. 2307:< -randomity-> Where are all you guys waking up? Oz? 2308:< elginkevin> GROW GROW GROW GROW 2308:< Roboteck> jeeeeeeeezus i love pringles cheese stix 2308:< kz-krunk> weve come to far to stay 2308:< rakki9999112> -randomity- yep 2308:< mootinator> How about any other controlled narcotics? 2308:< Jeremymia> Sometimes people do things during the day and then come back 2308:< touyajp> look at the leader board.. the cascade is slowly building :D 2308:< kz-krunk> hold out for GROW 2308:< Jeremymia> link please, touy? 2308:< rakki9999112> -randomity it is now 9 am AEST 2308:< touyajp> well for the tier 15 at least 2308:< MindcrackOrBust> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2308:< Ar72> anyone still have their OG partner? 2308:< Riendew> leaderboard link? 2308:< touyajp> Jeremymia eh? https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2308:< MindcrackOrBust> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2308:< stormagnet> I'm on three different alts right now in support of the cause 2309:< Lord_Dankster> Superboy309 well i love rpg, but this genre is very time consuming so im not sure if it will be good idea lol 2309:< mootinator> My OG left after 1 merge. 2309:**** stormagnet hi5s JarnabyBones 2309:< -randomity-> You guys are getting up while we're about to hit the pillow 2309:< rakki9999112> Why are people selecting stay? You idiots wanna come this far only to be NOT the biggest room there ever was? 2309:< TopicallyDifferent> Nope but I do remember you from SeExZa Ar72 2309:< touyajp> two Tier 11 will trigger it 2309:< Sumwann> Agreed, rakki 2309:< JarnabyBones> Wi-Five 2309:< Ar72> :) 2309:< Lord_Dankster> is seexza still alive 2309:< TopicallyDifferent> I'm also about to hit the pillow, will probably miss my alt's merge :( 2309:< Jeremymia> Oh man we're gunna merge sometime 2309:< Roboteck> just staying to be able to stay later.. 2309:< TopicallyDifferent> In our hearts 2309:< Lord_Dankster> :( 2310:< -randomity-> Where are you TopicallyDifferent ? UK? 2310:< rakki9999112> Roboteck wtf? 2310:< TopicallyDifferent> Italy, GMT+1 2310:< TheOddEyes> any bets on when we're going to merge? 2310:< Jeremymia> Seems like it'll be a while. Maybe 12 hours? 2310:< TopicallyDifferent> 01:10 AM 2310:< Roboteck> It helps to remind people 2310:< touyajp> thursday 2310:< kz-krunk> tomorrow around noon 2310:< Riendew> long ass time theoddeyes 2310:< touyajp> kz-krunk lol nowai 2310:< -randomity-> Damn.. Yer hangin' in late lol 2310:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster I don't know why but I prefer my fantasy RPGs as MMOs, I really loved FO4, but skyrim(unmodded) just didn't do it for me 2310:< rakki9999112> roboteck I like to be nice on robin but are you fucking retarded? 2310:< baseball44121> boop 2310:< Broodoobob> I say we merge 24 hours from now 2310:< touyajp> if we're fast, it'll be wednesday night 2311:< Andrew_Mendoza> LoDetiBabo has been born 2311:< zacketysack> TopicallyDifferent if you keep robin grow open in a browser window it will auto-grow for you right? 2311:< TopicallyDifferent> Yup 2311:< Andrew_Mendoza> 147 folks in it 2311:< touyajp> Broodoobob not sure where you come up with these numbers 2311:< Roboteck> No, i'm not. bad guess. If there was 0 stay , would you want to stay after the next merge ? 2311:< Broodoobob> completely out of my ass 2311:< TopicallyDifferent> But it'll be a pretty big merge (VianshieUb right now) 2311:< touyajp> Broodoobob tonight a tier 15 will be born 2311:< kz-krunk> im being unrealstically positive fro the greater good touyajip 2311:< Jeremymia> do you think on the last day it'll auto-stay? 2311:< TopicallyDifferent> and there's a non-zero chance of Reddit carshing 2311:< touyajp> then the whole thing starts to be repated to have a second tier 15 2311:< Broodoobob> and then we need another 15 2311:< Andrew_Mendoza> We're on our way to getting an 11 2311:< kz-krunk> ugh my typos 2312:< JClocale> what's up homies? 2312:< touyajp> Broodoobob another Tier 15 will take at least 14-36 more hours 2312:< Broodoobob> this room is only 24 hours old though and ate most of the high tiers in its formation 2312:< touyajp> 24-36* 2312:< kz-krunk> me and my alt are both in mergatory 2312:< rakki9999112> Don't select stay. We haven't come this far to be second best! 2312:< stormagnet> dig the deaderboard y'all 2312:< Broodoobob> if in the next few hours the 15 forms 2312:< Superboy309> I think we will merge in about 30 hours, maybe a bit less, this T15 took about 26 hours, I think the next one will take slightly 2312:< Ar72> whats with the subs like /r/rhino that are linked to this 2312:< stormagnet> one of my alts just bumped to 9 2312:< stormagnet> lower Tiers are growing fast 2312:< Superboy309> longer + the 2 merges to get to T17 2312:< wickedthiswaycums> we at them ALL.. Grow For Glory! 2312:< JClocale> as long as we can keep enough people active, we can vote to stay once it's completely clear no one else will be joining us 2312:< Roboteck> rakki9999112 i think we can keep our vote like this. 2313:< JClocale> so like, Thursday 2313:< kz-krunk> CONSUME ALL CHATS 2313:< touyajp> Broodoobob we will never merge into T17 within 24 hours. It's mathematically possible, sure. But it will not happen. 2313:< jayman419> https://www.reddit.com/r/mrbabalafe/comments/4d887t/group_of_3854/ Make sure your name's on the list. 2313:< -randomity-> It's defo a Thursday, if ever, kinda deal 2313:< touyajp> Yup, Thursday is my guess. Maybe Wednesday late 2313:< wickedthiswaycums> yaNiNi forever! 2313:< Superboy309> touyajp it is mathematically possible, at maximum efficiency, but thats just not feasible 2313:< jayman419> I'll try to have messages sent out before a merge or a discussion about a stay vote. 2313:< touyajp> -randomity- 90% convinced we will make it before event is over 2313:< TheOddEyes> So when chat room 4 and 3 merge, will they then merge with chat room 2? 2313:< -randomity-> touyajp I hope so! 2313:< person7178> music share here: https://cytu.be/r/PercentChat 2314:< jayman419> In KuPrlits we had someone use a script to send the message. With the dev chat here, I'm sure something can be worked out. 2314:< JClocale> TheOddEyes chats merge based on their tier 2314:< Broodoobob> I assume you saw that I'm not really sure why I ended up replying in ^ 2314:< Meggiekins> yanini! 2314:< JClocale> TheOddEyes we need another T16 to become T17 2314:< 3cardblindbot> Anyone who wants to can listen to a chat member's podcast and suggest music can come join us at http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2314:< stormagnet> guys check out the cascade lining up: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board 2314:< -randomity-> I'm bedding down guys! G'night from Éire :)) 2314:< stormagnet> there's about to be a domino up to 15 :D 2314:< touyajp> Superboy309 yup, if you assume 40 minutes for a tier to merge, you need 6 hours to get to tier 15 - but that implies enough new users 2314:< rakki9999112> stormmagnet it's gonna be magnificent 2315:< JClocale> To get another T16, two T15s have to merge, etc. 2315:< Lord_Dankster> Superboy309 i used to play WoW a lot, like years damn that was a reallife consumer lol, i havent even tried fo4 but not sure if my 2315:< rakki9999112> stormagnet sorry* 2315:< Lord_Dankster> laptop would run it 2315:< TopicallyDifferent> pretty sure the admins don't want you to mass PM lol 2315:< Superboy309> Lord_Dankster I only stopped playing wow in 2015, played since vanilla 2315:< 3cardblindbot> @person7178 I don't think we should split the people who would be listening to a music chat between two 2315:< person7178> 3cardblindbot yea 2316:< person7178> 3cardblindbot fuck it lets use yours 2316:< jayman419> I played a paladin on a PVP server in vanilla. After battlegrounds sucked the life out of it I moved to a care-bear server. 2316:< JClocale> stormagnet looks like we're a T11 short before the domino falls 2316:< jayman419> Then they changed paladins, made them not just viable but super-bad ass. I got bored and quit. 2316:< orkash> so whats the best version of robin grow out now 2316:< Lord_Dankster> Superboy309 i was quiting many times and playing in between so cant really say when i quit, last year i even started playing on this v 2316:< rakki9999112> Why are people selecting stay? Stop it 2316:< stormagnet> JClocale there's a lot of lower Tiers not on the board 2316:< Lord_Dankster> vanilla server called nostalrius, 6000 players online 2316:< Lulzorr> they're giving up because impatience 2316:< stormagnet> I'm in a 7 now 2316:< rakki9999112> We haven't come this far to be overshadowed by kufikumu 2317:< touyajp> http://imgur.com/OK1Xk5d am i wasting my time correctly? 2317:< JClocale> stormagnet that's true. Definitely tonight we'll see a T15. But to get another T16... 2317:< Broodoobob> touyajp as correctly as possible 2317:< touyajp> Broodoobob :D 2317:< rakki9999112> kufikumu was half the room we are, are you gonna let them overshadow us? 2317:< stormagnet> touya You're a hero :) 2317:< Lulzorr> Is there any math done on ETA to merge? 2317:< TopicallyDifferent> Urd 2317:< TopicallyDifferent> Yes 2317:< ihunter32> only better thing would be if you had various homework off to the side. 2317:< rakki9999112> Lulzorr it will likely be days 2318:< ihunter32> then that would be true time wasting. 2318:< JClocale> Lulzorr I haven't done the math, but I'd estimate Wednesday at the earliest 2318:< Superboy309> jayman419 yeah, I used to main pally, but I found love when DKs released and have mained DK since WotLK 2318:< Lulzorr> works for me i've been doing other shit this whole time 2318:< jayman419> At this point there's no math to be done... there's a 15 in process. We need another 15 to appear. 2318:< Lulzorr> gg 2318:< touyajp> Lulzorr not really. you have to estimate the influx of new users. you can only go by what we've seen so far 2318:< ihunter32> the last time a T15 was made was about 22 hours ago 2318:< rakki9999112> if you're a little bitch who can't handle waiting, vote abandon, not STAY 2318:< touyajp> by that base, i would assume thursday. 2318:< zzevannn> howdy everyone, first time actually back in here since yesterday afternoon. hope everyone's doing great today! 2318:< wickedthiswaycums> we will have another 15 soon, which means another 24 hrs until we get a second t15 to merge with us and thatll be about all the time w 2318:< Lord_Dankster> since cata everything went to shit 2318:< ihunter32> a new T15 is going to be made within about 2.5 hours 2318:< ihunter32> so it looks like one day per T15 2318:< JClocale> jayman419 it's taken about 2 days to form that T15 below us. With new users drying up, I'm just not sure another may be possible 2319:< kz-krunk> THE CHURCH OF HOTDOG BUTTPLUG SAMMICH EMBRACES ALL 2319:< jayman419> Maybe, but it's still possible. Once people hear what's happening, and once work slows down as the week goes on, we might see it yet. 2319:< ihunter32> so we will probably be merging tomorrow around 8PM-Midnight, EDT 2319:< Meggiekins> Where my yaNiNi at? 2319:< Superboy309> JClocale today is actually faster than yesterday, so we have a chance 2319:< JClocale> hopefully 2319:< rakki9999112> ihunter32 you are wrong. 2320:< touyajp> he is indeed 2320:< wickedthiswaycums> Grow For Glory! Im going down with the ship until reddit crashes or I get disconnected 2320:< ihunter32> but why 2320:< JClocale> I should start up an alt account and see how it progresses 2320:< Meggiekins> Hell yeah, wicked 2320:< kz-krunk> Im with wicked 2320:< rakki9999112> wickedthiswaycums give them an actual reasno to vote grow other than circlejerking, though 2320:< touyajp> i say thursday. if we are fast and more users join tomorrow and wednesday, we may merge on wednesday 2320:< rakki9999112> We are the second largest room ever to exist! 2320:< touyajp> but not before 2320:< Superboy309> rakki9999112 ihunter32's estimate is probably not far off, I think it will be a few hours after midnight EDT on thursday 2320:< rakki9999112> the best, in terms of chat evolution! 2320:< touyajp> source: maintaining leaderboard for 4 days now 2320:< wickedthiswaycums> rakki9999112 Because I want to see what happens :) 2320:< kz-krunk> vote grow to be apart of something #makeredditreatagain 2321:< mtriper> Are we there yet? 2321:< Superboy309> never mind 2321:< ihunter32> By looking at the longest lasting rooms on the leaderboard 2321:< JClocale> I think we've got 1 more merge, on Wednesday, then we ride it until the end, and maybe stay for posterity? 2321:< 3cardblindbot> Anyone who wants to can listen to and suggest communty-curated music can come join us at http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2321:< Superboy309> I was thinking 2 days from now was thursday 2321:< rakki9999112> The only thing we have to fear is stay itself! 2321:< ihunter32> the longest lasting rooms for each tier are the ones who used up most of the tiers below them to be created 2321:< touyajp> ihunter32 ikr, nobody seems to take those stats into account heh 2321:< wickedthiswaycums> we have zero risk of losing anything 2321:< JClocale> kz-krunk Make Robin Grow Again 2321:< zacketysack> ...words, idle words... 2322:< wickedthiswaycums> some people dont want to lose the chance at making a subreddit, we can do that right now with a mass invite 2322:< rakki9999112> wickedthiswaycums what are you on about 2322:< ihunter32> so from the point where those tiers are made to the point they end, that's a rough estimate at how long it takes to make that tier 2322:< wickedthiswaycums> Even if we go off the cliff we lose nothing 2322:< touyajp> wickedthiswaycums we can't 2322:< kz-krunk> YES JClocale 2016 2322:< jayman419> I'm not against staying at some point. I just think Thursday or even early Friday is the best time to consider it. 2322:< rakki9999112> wickedthiswaycums forget the subreddit! they get abandoned FAST 2322:< sugarplumcow> omg I thought I blocked katietheredhead 80 times already. 2322:< jayman419> If we break up now, there's still time for another group to get ahead of us. 2322:< ihunter32> KuPrlitsGo (Tier 15) lasted 23h24m. so about that long. 2323:< touyajp> indeed, in 4 weeks, nobody will care about this meaningless subreddit 2323:< kz-krunk> I've wasted too much time to give up now 2323:< wickedthiswaycums> touyajp we already have a list of every user in every group, easy enough to use that and make a subreddit 2323:< IceyMocha> MOSSACK FONSECCA KILL THE RICH 2323:< Roboteck> maybe people will post dang memes 2323:< JClocale> I've already gone and tattoo'd soKuku on my inner theigh 2323:< Superboy309> It is definitely possible to get it by early Wednesday, but a large amount of dedicated users are still gonna be stuck in the T15 2323:< wickedthiswaycums> I dont care about a sub, its not a reaqson to quit 2323:< touyajp> wickedthiswaycums yup. indeed 2323:< IceyMocha> KILL ALL THE RICH GREEDY FUCKS IN THIS WORLD 2323:< touyajp> T17 OR BUST! 2323:< kz-krunk> We can create the sub on our own 2323:< jayman419> There's already a ton of related subs: https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4d884p/tier_16_sokukunelits/ 2324:< mrfrightful> T20 .. show some ambition people! 2324:< JClocale> There are lots of lound mouths in the developing tiers below us trying to rally people to STAY after merging with us 2324:< rakki9999112> kz-krunk EXACTLY! vote to grow! 2324:< kz-krunk> why would that be a reason to stay? 2324:< Superboy309> mrfrightful impossible ;-; 2324:< rakki9999112> don't do it for me or anyone else but do it for yourself! 2324:< 3nvisi0n> JClocale there were people doing that in the upcoming rooms before this one 2324:< jayman419> The only difference is that 5 out of 3000 don't get randomly modded, and it doesn't say "created by: reddit" in tiny print in the side 2324:< IceyMocha> good i want this to end in a subreddit 2324:< rakki9999112> you didn't come this far to give up! and neither did we! 2324:< touyajp> also, in regards to solidarity: we can't let our brother down who are trying to merge as fast as possible to bring us to T17 2324:< rabbitsnake> MOSSACK FONSECCA, I hardly knew her! 2324:< itsnotlupus> what plugin/script/whatever are you people using to manage the chat? 2325:< IceyMocha> one where i am the admin and can ban some of u uptight shits 2325:< jayman419> Reddit Grow manages spam and votes. 2325:< kz-krunk> if one of us creates it it is created by reddit 2325:< touyajp> itsnotlupus robin-grow or it's fork 2325:< kz-krunk> we are redditwe are reddit 2325:< ihunter32> lol T20, it'd take 16 of these rooms to make one T20. 2325:< touyajp> its* 2325:< Ar72> im just glad that the 12 hours of the 15 i put into getting here was work time. I got £$ for it 2325:< jayman419> And mutes users with a click. 2325:< itsnotlupus> thanks touyajp 2325:< JClocale> if this ends in a stupid STAY sub and I get to be one of the random mods I'm going to rule with an iron fist 2325:< mrfrightful> yup .. ambition! 2325:< jayman419> It's better to look at the subreddit as a consolation prize. 2326:< Superboy309> mrfrightful that translates to 524288 individual rooms 2326:< rakki9999112> forget staying! I see you blokes switching off stay! Good on you! 2326:< JClocale> Utopia awaits us at T18! 2326:< mrfrightful> all we need is ofr each of us to build a small server farm and a bot army 2326:< kasukali> Is anyone else's chrome browser getting legitimately slowed down and laggy from Robin? 2326:< 3nvisi0n> well, I just changed my vote from Stay to Grow :$ 2326:< kz-krunk> yes kasukali 2326:< rakki9999112> that's 3 down! Can we get 5 un-stay votes? There's another! 2326:< jayman419> kasukali Do you use robin grow? If you open the settings you can limit how many lines of chat it stores. 2326:< ihunter32> yep, pretty sure robin is using 1.5 GB of ram 2326:< IceyMocha> JClocale you are nothing but an uptight twat 2326:< JClocale> kasukali are you using robin-grow? make sure it's cleaning the room periodically 2326:< kasukali> oi i'll try that thanks mate 2326:< Ar72> dont forget about /r/rhino 2326:< IceyMocha> world would be better off without ya 2326:< mrfrightful> 3nvisi0n good for you ... doesn;t it feel better not to be a quitter 2326:< kz-krunk> Iceymocha likes trump 2326:< rakki9999112> guys you need to refresh page every now and then 2327:< JClocale> IceyMocha I take that as a complement 2327:< wickedthiswaycums> there are currently approximatly 33 groups merging their way up, we can make it Grow For Glory!! 2327:< kasukali> yeah it's at 500, but idk if it actually prunes it if the tab isn't actively open on my browser 2327:< JClocale> it should 2327:< RicksterCraft> ChateauLafite1827 Pinger 2327:< person7178> kappa 2327:< Superboy309> it should kasukali 2327:< rakki9999112> Kappa indeed 2327:< JClocale> you can always just hit refresh. I promise you'll be o 2327:< ChateauLafite1827> RicksterCraft HI!!!!! 2327:< RicksterCraft> ChateauLafite1827 Heya :D 2327:< eizei> Can anyone see this? 2327:< elginkevin> work is dumb and I don't want to go anymore 2327:< elginkevin> howdy eizei 2327:< JClocale> eizei yes 2327:< _reckless_disregard_> I can see it 2327:< Lieto> eizei, I can 2328:< rakki9999112> one more un-stay and that will be 5! 2328:< jayman419> It does... it will limit your ability to scroll up so if you set it to like 50 you might miss something. Dropping it to 200 or so will 2328:< Superboy309> all of my chrome is only using 200 MB of ram and I have like 30 tabs open plus this robin tab which has been running for 3 days 2328:< rakki9999112> yes!! 2328:< Ar72> eizei yes 2328:< jayman419> lower your memory usage and still let you see a decent chunk if you need to look back. 2328:< rakki9999112> Grow is on the rise guys! 2328:< eizei> Ok it's fixed then, great. I just wanted to ask if it's ok to go offline till next vote. I jsut don't want to get kicked out for afk a 2328:< JClocale> Firefox right now made itself comfortable on my PC. 1.4GB 2328:< rakki9999112> switch your votes now and make something of this room! 2328:< elginkevin> switch to GROW! 2329:< rakki9999112> my propaganda is working kek 2329:< sodas> Oh, I should switch to grow 2329:< AlphaKiloDelta> ya! 2329:< rakki9999112> Switch! 2329:< wickedthiswaycums> Ride the flame of hell down with this boat, reach for the stars, Grow For Glory! 2329:< Superboy309> Switching to grow won't do anything 2329:< kz-krunk> We are reddit we are one...Vote grow 2329:< Ar72> grow for the win 2329:< Superboy309> I stand by my stay vote 2329:< JClocale> lol he did it 2329:< rakki9999112> do it for kukunelits! 2329:< pandandap> growers do it better 2329:< kz-krunk> Growers are bugger 2329:< rakki9999112> Superboy309 why? 2330:< wickedthiswaycums> The ladies love the growers! 2330:< amaklp> What is the ETA guys? 2330:< kz-krunk> damn it growers are bigger 2330:< Mainova> forever 2330:< rakki9999112> amaklp days 2330:< kz-krunk> i cant type 2330:< amaklp> 2? 3? 2330:< Superboy309> rakki9999112 because I have been a stayer since peaman, and will remain that way, for the rest of my days 2330:< rakki9999112> amaklp if you can't handle it abandon! 2330:< pandandap> yeah who knows if we're ever gonna merge?! 2330:< JClocale> the ETA about as long as it takes for your mother to cum 2330:< Ar72> merge time in maybe 24-48 hours 2330:< sodas> Considering she's dead... 2330:< rakki9999112> Superboy309 you're not worth the serverspace you're taking up in this room, filth 2330:< wickedthiswaycums> we will have a merge tomorrow 2330:< sodas> It's gonna be a while. 2330:< amaklp> marakiri thx 2331:< kz-krunk> rakki that was mean 2331:< eizei> I can go offline if I return before next vote and I won't be kicked right? 2331:< Superboy309> rakki9999112 blues shouldn't be fighting like this, we are on the same team. 2331:< kz-krunk> kill with kindness...AND HELLFIRE 2331:< JClocale> rakki9999112 we must embrace the STAYers, they may be misguided, but they are still among us 2331:< rakki9999112> Superboy309 colors have nothing to do with it 2331:< wickedthiswaycums> eizei correct 2331:< Superboy309> This isn't about stay, or grow, it is about the color in your heart 2331:< rakki9999112> perhaps, JClocale 2331:< elginkevin> we can tolerate without encouraging 2331:< Superboy309> Unless you abandon, then you are a cuck 2331:< JClocale> btw, has anyone figured out what the colors mean? are they just random? 2331:< 3cardblindbot> Hey everyone, come listen to and suggest community-curated music with us at http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2332:< kz-krunk> they are random as far as i can tell 2332:< Superboy309> JClocale based on your name 2332:< rakki9999112> Don't make this a RACEWAR Superboy309 2332:< eizei> wickedthiswaycums cheers 2332:< Ar72> is there an auto email-sms-iftt notification thing for merge 2332:< Superboy309> rakki9999112 I don't exclude people by color, if you want to be trans primary color, go right ahead, but if you insist on mixing. 2332:< JClocale> Ar72 I don't think so but that'd be smart 2333:< rakki9999112> fuck color 2333:< rakki9999112> color has nothing to do with it 2333:< Superboy309> I was born this stay 2333:< kz-krunk> what about tints..rakki. How do feel about those? 2333:< rakki9999112> Filth 2333:< JClocale> how is it based on name though? I was green before, now I'm gold 2333:< rakki9999112> not you, Kz-krunk 2333:< rakki9999112> what's a tint, kz-krunk? 2334:< sodas> More like TAINT 2334:< kz-krunk> i pefer the term grundle sodas 2334:< JClocale> ugh, I might have to go put on some pants 2334:< amaklp> What do you think of this? https://ifttt.com/android_messages 2334:< rakki9999112> calm down about color. Color has nothing to do with anything 2334:< JClocale> whose idea was this... 2334:< kz-krunk> nvm rakki i was trying to be funny 2334:< amaklp> We could make an IFTTT rule 2334:< Superboy309> Us blues should be sticking together rakki9999112, stay or grow, we are brethren. 2335:< rakki9999112> Fuck your colorised ideals Superboy309 2335:< NuOfBelthasar> So, uh, my alt is in a room called "meboobudit" - they wanna stay just to keep the name 2335:< rakki9999112> Color has nothing to do with it! A grow-vote from a blue is worth the same as a grow-vote from a red! 2335:< amaklp> or this https://ifttt.com/sms 2335:< kz-krunk> Grow or Grow not, there is no stay 2335:< Ar72> how to make a ifttt rule? 2335:< Ross123123> how can do my homework 2336:< amaklp> Someone will post in a blog or something 2336:< kz-krunk> what is the homework ROss 2336:< TheOddEyes> you guys still arguing about staying or growing? 2336:< Ross123123> who** 2336:< amaklp> when the merge happenens 2336:< NuOfBelthasar> Not seriously. We'll grow. 2336:< IceyMocha> i love it when the little girls ask what that feeling is cause thats when you know they are orgasming for the 1st time 2336:< Ar72> needs to be more than one person 2336:< sunrype1> grow forever 2336:< Ross123123> Volumes of areas rotated around axis 2336:< amaklp> and everyone should make a rule, to het notified by sms 2336:< Superboy309> rakki9999112, I didn't want to say this amongst the 3,015 others, but I am staying for information. 2336:< amaklp> when a post appears in a blog 2336:< Superboy309> I want inside information from the ones who stay 2336:< rakki9999112> Superboy309 information? what information could you possibly get? 2336:< Andrew_Mendoza> Everyone is chasing our room. How devistating would it be if we all suddenly stayed 2336:< kz-krunk> cant help you ross be out of math and science too long 2337:< Ross123123> I hate integrals ): 2337:< kevinstonge> not gonna happen Andrew_Mendoza - we were at 720 stay 24 HOURS ago! 2337:< Andrew_Mendoza> Oh I agree kevinstonge 2337:< Superboy309> We have no idea what the after math of all this will be, maybe there will be separate subs for the people that tended to other options 2337:< kevinstonge> and that was after 20 people were chanting STAY for three hours straight 2337:< TheOddEyes> Even if you convince most users to stay, the majority already voted grow and are AFK and their vote won't change 2337:< kz-krunk> they do suck ross 2337:< Superboy309> I have 2 alts, plus this account 2337:< Andrew_Mendoza> That is how Trump supporters convert you 2337:< Superboy309> one with abandon, one with stay, one with grow 2338:< amaklp> TLDR:Someone make a script that posts a new post in a blog when the merge happens,and evryne make an ifttt rule to get notified by sms 2338:< kevinstonge> Superboy309 are your alts pushing up the smaller chats for us? 2338:< amaklp> With this https://ifttt.com/sms 2338:< kz-krunk> sry amakip that was tldr 2338:< TheOddEyes> let's all group sext just to pss time 2338:< amaklp> What do you guys think? 2338:< Superboy309> kevin, I've got 4 alts pushing, including the one on grow, the only one not helping is my abandon one 2338:< kz-krunk> you start ODD EYES 2339:< kevinstonge> what abandon one? 2339:< kevinstonge> why abandon? 2339:< Superboy309> I want to see what happens 2339:< kevinstonge> you get the button again, end of story 2339:< stormagnet> TFW: you have so many alts running Robin that you have to search through a ton of windows to find out who just mentioned you 2339:< kz-krunk> ill be back l8r need to go get more beer 2339:< Ar72> so something that looks for soKukunel merge? 2339:< Superboy309> There was that one guy that got barred from joining robin because he abandoned too much 2339:< TheOddEyes> kz-krunk no please you start 2339:< MorallyDeplorable> Are you guys all using the IRC interface? 2340:< Superboy309> MorallyDeplorable what IRC interface? 2340:< kevinstonge> Superboy309 ... I don't know if I believe that story - is there a source? 2340:< stormagnet> MorallyDeplorable not right now, I'm on parrot 2340:< kevinstonge> I'm just using the simple one with one filter, colors, etc 2340:< amaklp> Someone make a script that posts a new post in a blog when the merge happens, and everyone make an IFTTT rule to get notified by sms 2340:< Superboy309> kevinstonge I don't know if I believe it either, so I'm testing it myself 2340:< amaklp> When a post appears in this blog, using this https://ifttt.com/sms 2340:< kevinstonge> Superboy309 but if they ban by IP then you're fucked 2340:< kz-krunk> *hugs aggressively* 2341:< MorallyDeplorable> Huh. I installed an IRC interface that has channel filtering, wasn't aware channel filtering wasn't unique to it. 2341:< Superboy309> kevinstonge it looked to be an account ban, and I can just switch modems if I get IP banned(I've got two ISPs) 2341:< kevinstonge> MorallyDeplorable does it have like tabs for different filters? 2342:< stormagnet> Superboy309 IRC Bridge git || https://github.com/Two9A/robin-irc 2342:< elginkevin> howdy other kevinstone 2342:< TheOddEyes> kz-krunk begins butt sex 2342:< Superboy309> stormagnet holy shit, thanks, switching over to weechat 2342:< elginkevin> I mean, howdy other kevinstonge 2343:< kevinstonge> elginkevin :) 2343:< OrangeredStilton> Someone's using the IRC bridge? 2343:< stormagnet> Superboy309 NP, thank OrangeredStilton :3 2343:< kevinstonge> kevinrulezdood is here too 2343:< andreaplanbee> hihi 2343:< Superboy309> OrangeredStilton I will be using it. 2343:< elginkevin> howdy other kevinrulezdood 2343:< 3cardblindbot> if anyone wants to listen and contribute to community-suggested radio stream, just go to http://cytu.be/r/3cbb_Robin_Stream 2344:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton I will pry use it in a bit 2344:< stormagnet> OrangeredStilton for ++alt boost action :D 2344:< 3cardblindbot> Currently playing Afrikaans rock! 2344:< Andrew_Mendoza> LoDetiBaboDa is merging 2344:< OrangeredStilton> I'd be surprised if it works for you guys 2345:< The_Turbinator> if the top 4 rooms joined RIGHT NOW, we would have 4,900 members; this game is DEAD. 2345:< XOrAcLeX> BUTTPLUG 2345:< Ar72> top 4 are not joining anytime soon 2345:< The_Turbinator> ANAL BEADS 2345:< jayman419> tomorrow's another day. And the game doesn't die until 4/8. 2345:< XOrAcLeX> SPANKTRAVISION 2346:< touyajp> _vvvv_ if you do ctrl+ to enhance zoom, i think that triggers scrollbug 2346:< touyajp> because it overlaps the line but your script doesnt think so 2346:< The_Turbinator> Just stating the obvious, as the hours go by, the player count will drop, and we will never acheive top status. 2346:< NuOfBelthasar> Was that meant for ^, touyajp? 2346:< jayman419> We already *have* top status. 2346:< jayman419> And there are people below us working very hard to join. 2346:< cyranix> yeah its sad, I keep checking the leader board to see if anyones getting close, but no matter how I do the math, it ends at a tier 15 2346:< kevinstonge> jayman419 we are technically #2 because there was a chat with 4,401 users previously that died 2346:< trigg> When was the last time there was a merge? 2346:< anyoldnames> i%chat s it possible de 2347:< jayman419> Kufi failed. 2347:< Ar72> top was 400+ 2347:< Ar72> 40000+ 2347:< anyoldnames> is it possible demand is slowing for Robin? 2347:< kevinstonge> we aim to destroy the previous record of 4,401 - once we have done that, we can all sleep happily 2347:< The_Turbinator> https://monstrouspeace.com/robintracker/ 2347:< IceyMocha> if homosexuality is legalised then we may aswell just legalize child sexing pedos too because they can't help what they are attracted 2347:< cyranix> What we need is a mass effort to front page some robin stuff. Get a flood of people to join 2347:< andreaplanbee> D: 2347:< jayman419> https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_board_official/ 2347:< rakki9999112> shut the fuck up iceymocha 2347:< Ar72> wtf icey 2348:< rakki9999112> he's just a troll 2348:< anyoldnames> You know it's very rare that you see something on the front page with over 4500 likes 2348:< The_Turbinator> WE GONNA MAKE IT, FAM! 2348:< IceyMocha> its true. pedos were born that way just like gays 2348:< cyranix> if we could get about 1000 more people to join (Assuming a few of them bring some alts as well), we could see another tier 16... 2348:< keithgabryelski> just finished a simulation... we could take 2048 people and create a room of tier 16 in 20 hours, 2348:< keithgabryelski> tier 18 would take 2 days with 2048 people 2348:< andreaplanbee> i dont know why i was surprised to see a troll i just got so used to all my previous mutes 2348:< Ar72> icey get a life 2348:< anyoldnames> in order to merge. We need a tier 16 like us. That may happen tomorrow, but only if demand to be apart of it continues. 2348:< keithgabryelski> with o alts 2348:< keithgabryelski> without using alts 2349:< cyranix> if we hit tier 18, we're godlike. We'd have enough support to elect a major city major or something 2349:< jayman419> The key right now, there is still time for others to join us. 2349:< cyranix> maybe not like a MAJOR city, but like, a small MAJOR town? 2349:< IceyMocha> it'll be funny when i start acting normal and talking to people normally and you end up with a disjointed chat experience XD 2349:< keithgabryelski> you dont need that many people 2349:< The_Turbinator> If we hit Tier 18, im buying an 18 year old wine and drinking in celebration. 2349:< Ar72> 4 days to go 2349:< JarnabyBones> there are more than enough people in here to get a callout post some frontpage attention 2349:< The_Turbinator> then imma fuck an 18 year old hooker 2349:< IceyMocha> so go ahead and mute me it will only hurt you XD 2349:< keithgabryelski> you can actually get a room to advance with only half the number of people that created it (+1) 2349:< anyoldnames> I am just wondering, what do we think the demand to be apart of it is though? 2349:< cyranix> The_Turbinator: I'll join you for that. 2350:< Ar72> 18 year old whiskey 2350:< anyoldnames> It takes a lot of work to get where we are 2350:< anyoldnames> and a really good spam script 2350:< cyranix> maybe not wine. I'll buy an 18month old bottle of goldschäger or something 2350:< keithgabryelski> basically you half+1 the room size each time (even though the room doubles) so... +1 2350:< anyoldnames> and patience, that doesn't hurt 2350:< JarnabyBones> you would pick up enough people to be worth it I think. Robin is pretty undiscovered still 2350:< jayman419> A lot of people played The Button, hoping to be the final one to press it. Hoping to get a "good" score. 2350:< The_Turbinator> If someone made a post, all 3,000 of us could upvote it to the front page - to get more newblood 2350:< andreaplanbee> mfw someone thinks anyone will notice them being muted here 2350:< JarnabyBones> so even if you don't get a merge, you can really raise the number of players pretty fast. 2350:< yaahoe> Good morning guys :D hows it going?? 2350:< jayman419> This time, we have the best score. Only we can throw that away. And we can have a lot of other people achieve the same thing. 2350:< zacketysack> IceyMocha muted :D 2350:< cyranix> maybe not an 18 year old bottle of wine. more like an 18 day old bottle of goldschlager or something 2350:< JarnabyBones> yeah, don't play to win, play for the next move. 2350:< Ar72> and now the button is f-all 2351:< anyoldnames> That's true The_Turbinator, we should consider how to use our power to ensure we have a merge partner 2351:< Ar72> just like this in 3 months 2351:< Ar72> but for now its good 2351:< anyoldnames> Today was a productive day and by the time its over, we may have a tier 15 just behind us 2351:< The_Turbinator> this is starting to look a whole lot like trying to find a new girlfriend to have sex with, so that we can grow a family 2351:< kevinstonge> According to the official stats, THIS room is the longest lasting robin room. We've been here for over 24 hours! 2351:< cyranix> good morning yaahoe? where it is morning right now? Hawaii(ish)? 2351:< anyoldnames> but it'll take another full day to make another tier 15 2352:< jayman419> It took the better part of two days to make soKuku. A day later, we have a 15 coming soon. 2352:< The_Turbinator> This being reddit; we gonna fail at that 2352:< cyranix> australia? 2352:< yaahoe> Singapore cyranix :) 2352:< Roboteck> jeeesus i love this robin feature 2352:< jayman419> Another day, another 15, and we'll be ready to take all 4 categories on the leaderboard. 2352:< keithgabryelski> The_Turbinator https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/458854_10150983479922359_2087387615_o.jpg 2352:< yaahoe> I wish Hawaii or Australia! I am originally from Aus 2352:< The_Turbinator> wheww, that is a nice collection you have there keithgabryelski 2352:< IceyMocha> oo im australian :) 2352:< cyranix> Nice :). <3 for singapore. 2353:< touyajp> CASCADE IS COMING SOONISHLY 2353:< yaahoe> IceyMocha Where abouts you from?? I live in NSW 2353:< touyajp> well cascade to tier 15 at least 2353:< IceyMocha> Queensland 2353:< IceyMocha> brisbane 2353:< anyoldnames> Posts rarely get +5000 upvotes. As a result I think its safe to assume rare are topics and things that +5000 people agree on 2353:< yaahoe> Cooool :) 2353:< jayman419> And if we hold that position for a bit, it'd be mathematically impossible for us to lose those top spots. 2353:< touyajp> jayman419 the button was boring :( 2353:< anyoldnames> This could point to the idea that not everyone on Reddit would put the effort into growing this 2353:< yaahoe> I haven't been to Queensland since 2014 2354:< jayman419> Boring, but oddly compelling. This time it's a little better. The chat is kind of cool. There's a fair bit going on. 2354:< anyoldnames> in fact, maybe not enough people as dedicated as the group in soKuku to make another Tier 16 2354:< mtriper> parrto autoscroll is really bad on this latest 2.22 2354:< IceyMocha> well its gone to absolute shit :) 2354:< cyranix> whats the most popular subreddit? r/pics? 2354:< touyajp> jayman419 i did as well, also followed the info a bit.. the more i learned the less point it had 2354:< Ar72> been to Singapore airport 10 times, never been to Singapore - always been in transit 2354:< touyajp> this is more like the opposite 2354:< yaahoe> Ah no! Whys that? 2354:< anyoldnames> r/all? 2354:< yaahoe> Well Ar72 I must say Changi has to be one of the BEST airports in the world so thats still great :D 2354:< stormagnet> yaahoe good morning 2354:< ihunter32> If we do make a subreddit at the end of this, we better upvote a post in it to the all time top of r/all 2355:< Ar72> free cinema 2355:< stormagnet> just fired up my 4th alt 2355:< yaahoe> hey stormagent :D 2355:< luvmygwgirls> is there a way to see a deeper list of rooms than this https://www.reddit.com/r/robintracking/comments/4czzo2/robin_chatter_leader_bo 2355:< cyranix> heh I dunno if r/all counts :P 2355:< yaahoe> hey luvmygwgirls :D 2355:< ihunter32> you get the point 2355:< touyajp> luvmygwgirls only if someone tracked it 2355:< luvmygwgirls> hey yaahoe 2355:< keithgabryelski> in any case.. with just 128 people we could get to tier 14 it 4 days (not saying we have the time, i'm just saying it takes far less) 2355:< luvmygwgirls> thanks 2355:< LeeBears> It would be hilarious if the person who runs r/subredditsimulator put all the bots from there in robin chat 2356:< fedorg> Pizza 2356:< anyoldnames> whoa thats a subreddit? 2356:< cyranix> LeeBears: that would be an awesome idea :P 2356:< touyajp> %cha 2356:< touyajp> ffs parrot is too buggy 2356:< touyajp> bag to robin-grow 2356:< XOrAcLeX> BUTTPLUG 2357:< stormagnet> also, conformed: chrome + google alts + reddit alts = much much multi Robin 2357:< IceyMocha> daesh% Welcome everyone to my new chat room :) all welcome 2357:< jayman419> luvmygwgirls You can check out /r/robintracking... people are posting with info about the chats they're in. 2357:< ihunter32> but if someone makes a subreddit simulator bot for robin, i really hope they toss it in a separate chat filter. 2357:< lost_penguin> Test 2357:< jayman419> It's not 100% complete, but it has more than the top few. 2357:< LeeBears> ihunter32 true 2357:< femdemgem> http://flockdraw.com/dbt33 2357:< IceyMocha> daesh% everyone who is in %chat is welcome to hop on over :D 2358:< jayman419> ihunter32 You can just mute it with Robin Grow. 2358:< ihunter32> i know. that's why I'm mentioning the chat filter. 2358:< The_Turbinator> https://www.reddit.com/r/joinrobin/comments/4d4hjz/guide_how_to_make_your_robin_experience_more/ 2359:< The_Turbinator> ah, you already know. k cool. 2359:< The_Turbinator> smooth sailing, sailor --- Log closed Tue Apr 05 00:00:06 2016